$2,00 A-YEAa~
ESDAY, JULY 5, l! 6:5.
- - -
g .. n~t!e1 a nd agreQa bl e neighborboo(h in 1i'RASS. - - Bol'al -SC)1lIle-. - - TBl1 ANGElL OF PEACE. aml illfloeentooial citizen of Richmond. lawn, fi rwhipb AI is I10 be Yllcaled on tbe and 8l!Z he, 'Wby! we'y-e been 6gbtiu ret a . a1, w 11ch I can I.t YOIl have We have 110 reference lo the JOetal Sl L waa the namDe of Ibe royal' BY JOliN \I. W~TTlal\. agin Ihe old flag I Lor bless me. hoW' Dr I'l'In,lIOr JOlllflOJr. al lb. pncil you name, .nd il i. reali, "hic:b ~oe. by lhaL Dame, unleu it be house of Scolland. lL originated in T .. I "I I' Hu~ tllen bo'rered U " dolI 6 I b b 0 wear, "~Rrll, 10 nloll."ing bOOle., • ' uolar to J\ t rt'aeure.t Illat gure. I RI len w nt lome 'snurt w ril.er call. 'the in- tbe fa ot &he family baving for many God'. U\ee~ell aut d g en l1 1 COlllel; I"rs or me and . Lben bUIl 'ioio a flood or , Ob, .Iill .10 I rumel11ber. Ion. . room a, willi a etoop and inclo'lId pialSa euppreui menle of our spiril • .' W e ' anI held IhEI office of Hi!{h No po"~r bat be 10 bani.b paln l tean. 'fhou,b mall)' )'8.,. h.ve lied. (\ oC Scolland. The family ill Or g.i '" III bac'" o"r lOll a"aill; Sed anllther (a man of slandin and ,Vb,," Autolnll·. rottling I... n were cr•• Ioed in front. overru~iLIa vinet iD lummer. lay our banda upon YOllr cheek and .nd ill lwo slorie. bigh. I can recom- ~~y. 'l'ba.' is wbat we lJIean by bran. hove deacendtid Irom Fleance. And yd In tender lon, Our dnr, formerly a bitler rebuel), 'LeL UII a~ Beneatb our "olladlni tread; mend it in ·every r.'peci. IIi,. 'fhe '10 err II buman. Lo baye bras8 ia oC Banquo, wlbo W61 murdered And He.Yellly Calber IOnd. bim bere. once Slop Lhi. effution of Blud I Tbe "Ob, Ibole Inueed w~N> jo)'oll' bOUrl, conveniences Rre BUCt.. III 10 .ldmit of ~~erican. 10 tbill counlry, hraell is beth. bUlof this there ie noL Old Flllg i. good enulf frn me, Sir ;' he Ji0l'e' •• tar " •• in tbe til, ; no orilicilm, and ( premia. you. and mdlgeDou., spontaneous, flpro u18 with. t evidenco. 'W alter, the Lord There'a quiet in tbat anrel•• glanc~; ad.ded, 'yoll Rir from the North •. Hue Tb. aQ!';ell .mito" upon UI Ihen.IIt"ke my replltalion on tbe e~ent. tbal oul plllllting, grows withoul culti",ting. of Scolland, aboul Lhe miul1le Tbpre·. rell in bit Itill counl.a.nce; you a doughnut 0' a pieca of cu.Wlrd TIo ..."orld .. al-f8U and I. ynu will fin4 iL quite 1o your likina,..L. Thi. il tbe Ilge of bra". LeL tbere urteentb cent'l uy; married Mar. He ..lock. no " .. er .. ilb iule cbeer. pie about )'OU . ' . • . . I • 1F N or wound. wi\b word. \.he 1l10"ru6r'. (Jar. ~ ·tl'be Aulumn I",... d, Ind Willt.r callie rllce " Ihe i811ue of lbi. union S", ill. and woe. be c.nnot c"re. 111)\11 biTI"rt'nl III noL OW, t. be ,ura, M ue . Ia air. and the mal' noticeable ar. ..... no, bUl I knew a man WIth ill de.lro)'."; b.eath; thing. go; b the neighborbeod il ODe lie e on exbibilion Will be brasl I Sup· berL Sleward or Stuart, w La al ' He kindl, tr.in. u. to e.. dure. from Vermont who had just orllaniled The fto"'~" C.ded. olle by on., of Ihe choice.t in tbe cit,. It ha, pOlO • Ilore. Whalever lhere il 00 Ihll throne ",ben he was fihy· a SllfL of reatauranL, wbere lIe cuuld Afld aep' tbe .Ieep of d".u. .. been occupied lhe pait year by a very Ibe couot.er, behind il Ibero il- brass. te old. He wal the 6rsl of lhe Angel or patience! IOnl to c'alm go aDd make a y",ry comlortabla break· But ~i" ch" ... rtb " •• pulip~ CaiT, rul tenant. to wbom no objeolilln Imagine a deliberale body. l\ bas . ~e St'tlW!,~~1 were prob- O~r fueri.b bro,.. "lib coolio, balm i flut on Ne,,' England rum and cbeele. An Edell to our ey. i ill entertaint:d lh.l I CAD lelnD, .,lt08p~ bra.•• '0. doc '"COu( II,' lo lpeak figu. .t. 11 II moll unfortuoate 'Or dyna8' To lar th •• torm. of bopeand f"ar. fIe borrowed tlft1 dent. of III', aod .011' b.arl. were .1".Y.8"_III«. lowe,..... t lie has cblldreo: rallvely. Lies. Jamea I WRS murdered; James And re~oncile life', .lIIil. and Ie.,; oekin 01' 10 Bend 'him WDl. Lloyd . ,,,. Tbe .. orlu _"~I.:-Y O. a",1 I 'So have I children,' I ,aid. nry BraSil may be eilher one of the 1"0 III ...,. killed h ' l he priest who ab- Th. tbrol>l of wo.nued pride 10 .Iill, riloo', ambrotype as soon al I go, decisiwely; 'fOlIl' of llJ emi And I iotend ,exell-Lhe mar.culine or Lbe feminine •• olv~d Ilim; J'II, I V depost'd; JRmeS And make our ow .. our Felber'l "III. bome, he "alked oft. '"':fi ......~ ue thnt ". are parled no". y ~I Cro\ll~lIy inulo.t h.a.1 tbat they ~hall occupy the IRme houle But it is a .curious circumstance t/lltl V dill broken · I. .I ,e d. While dlln - 0, Ihou who ruournelt on thy WRy. Sed anolher. '·rb~r.'s bl'n a trAmeli' ~ Th. h.p", lIIelllori•• or Ih .. p•• t. with me during the next twelve months even w Ilen It is feminine in SU, it is gero tly ill, ne ws IVRS broughl lo him Wilh longing. (or lbe clole of do" duout Union feelin here from lhR (ust. TIIII. -Gau..... make depart. Rt all hllurJs. So i( thllt is tbe ob · masculioe. only masculine. RDd thllL LhaL ill queen hadl gi'en birth to a li e walk. wilh tbee. tbat angel kinu, BUI we WIIS ke pt down by a rain of And ",ben ...... Inn, .hall meel apin. tion. I belie ve we can prop the .ub- continually. Brass, il is thoughl. dOl:8 daug~fn. Of Is it 80?" said he, reo And genU), wbi'per. , "U 6 r6ligneJ; terror. Have you 8 dogerretype of I'll r;ate wilbin lhine'.,., wh"re it is.' noL becomtl a woman. but wilhout it, tl"ctiqg on the aniance wl1ich hau Hea r up , bearon. the end .haU lell, WeDdell Phillips abollt your pllt.on? And dreMPI of tbo •• brighl boura ... beD 'Ah, yel.' said Iha agent b),Indly: 'it wllat would become uf a man? BraSH placei tbe Sluarl f"mily on Lhe Ihrone; The d•• r Lord ImJtlrelb alt Il1 il1l\"l welt." snd will IOU lend me four d.llafl for a ' fhe .. ortd Will You alld I. i.s enly an ohjeclion of pri'lciple, how . ill a lever lhal lifts things. a mOlive "Lhe (iod'il will he doni ! 11 camo - -~ . Illw dllyl, lill we atC) onr.e more a h~p- -- ....---- -eVtf. The o"ner i. opposed to renting power thai impdcl Ihings. a weapon wiLh lass Rnd it will go with a lall~.·' Artemua Ward in Richmond. py aod ilOited people l' OUR NBW HOUSB. his houies tn families wilh clllldren on that conquers thiugR. a hammer lhM hhl'y, the daughter born 10 the dying J~ff Davis is not poplar here . Sho prinCiple. The hUllse to which I refer drives lhing8. BTiISS is not to be indie- king, .... a. btllll,adt:d; I,er 60n Ja:lH'~ RICIIMOIW. V..... May 13 & 66. is regard9.1 as Ii SouLhern sympathiler, 'EuREU I I ha\'!! (ound il I' I cried. form~ the only excrpt :on 10 hie rule. I criminalely upbrnidl'd, for iL is a rowu a6c:endt!d lhe throne as James VI, and Aforc 1 commenls ll.i~ lell er from & yiL I'm told he was kind to hil pa..a I enwrod Ih e hou~ll. have no t10ulll I. ... could be induced to ill Lhp. l:1Ir\h. Many cOllld nOL geL on a~ler,ard, be":lI~e J.:~me~ 1 of Englllnd; the lato reud capitol. 1 uesire to cimply ril'lIls. She ran awoy from 'em many ''''"unLl whal Y' queril'u M". Dobb. make Ihll sawe exc('ptioll in your favor. wilhout it. hIS squ Henrv died lin 1118 earlv youth ' 81\y Ihlll 1 have seen a low andJkur. );.,lIrs ago. and hns DI:Ver bin back.'The house, my delu. The very air.' They have DOllling else Cor OArs, and his Ioj! Cluu:les was bthead;d; boU; rilus noaL in thl! pllpen from J\'lCcrlill T1,is was show in 'em a gooel deal of i!lOU80 we watll.' 'But if for me, why not for bis pres· tbelr boat would cuulinly drift down gran4,ons were dril"en intv exile-oDt: purson who singes hisself OJOIlZO Wllru, consideratioD when. we reneck whal hil 'Oh I lalVe you !' I'xclRimed my wire enllt:lll1nL l' I aftklld. litre am i( il Wl!le nClt propelled up by was formally depo~ ed ; and the Stuarl & iez he is my berruther. I did ollce conlluck haa been. Her cAptur in re .. ilh 1111 ihl e li s ilY of "Jl1J1ltlisis tl1"1 sur· 'OJ.. h", woulJ lor his present tenant, Iht!se O'lJ' S. Slich persons make up ill line arne LO an tOU wilh Queen Anne. hay a be rrutilcr oC thfiL name. bUll mole app'nel confuse8 me in reg.rd to ti elli lldy t'x plltillcd III!r '''J'precillti oll o( he tuld DIll; bUI Ihe genlleman rt'fu8ed braSil what they lack in brains. You Her Majesty ia de8cendud Crom lhe do IIOt rccugnize Ilim no". '1'0 me he his sex, & you aee I speRk of bim al B Llle hurrors of hou se· bunLin~ ill April. t() pay the increased recL,1 am inform . btliue - Wllhl tbey say because they bou .. of ESle and Gutlph. These is wus than li ed I I took him from her as frekent as otllerwise, & I i ue.. ·lam.o glad I It I·tliovcs my wind l:U, lind has (oulld IInolhel· hOllie,' have such a br8~sy WAy of sayin):! il. lauel! 'llVere uniled by marriage in Ibe collige bome 16 years RgO. and give he feels ao hisself. ~f IOClre allxicty Ihan yuu Lhink, J .. mtls. Some further cOllvenalion followed. HowoCten you buy beca\lse you attl Dinl century. CI~negunda married him II good situlllion n~ tht) Dearded RoberL Lee is regarded as a . noble 'Vlll:rt' is il l' [wa. Ihown a v lan of tue offered brow ·belllt'n by the brR88 of lhe lalell' Azo be leCOllrl lbrquis of Este. A WOllllln in my Abow. How did he ·re· feller. ·Here. in II Ie pnpl'r.' And I pulled house, Rnd ita varied excdlelJcies were man. How mnlly rise on the lWo a8 born of the ullion. wbo inher · pny me fol' lhi~ kindness? He bnsuly He was opposed to Ihe war a~ 'he the morning Jlllpt'f from my pocket. explained to me. (was lully convin . wings of brass and gas. How many' e Gllelpb property on tbe deatu und erlook (one dlly while in a Backy. fU81, and drawd his sword very re,)uo. wb!!re 1 h.t.lollrried it all dllY, and ced it WAS an eKcellent residtnce; Rnd are kepI to the ground for th~ wanL of' uncle, and Lhi:1 son bore the nalB e DIIlian mood on rum &; right in sigh I tRnt. In fact. wouldn't I avo drllwed 1Itrllck. it open, lriump",,"tly, witb ont after my we~ry experience in hOIl.e. these thing.. falher and mc,thet, being stylt:tI oC lbe lIujil:nce in the telll) to etand his aword at all. only he had a IlIrgo Iweep of my slrong, right hand. hun ling, I flllt quite a glow of satielAc , There are severAl ,otte or braAS.'.Guelph. The name of Guelph upon Lis . hed. wlll\l'eby IIC betrayed stock of miiilary clolheloll hllnd,whic" , Oh !-James I' lion at Lht. prospect of r&Iease on such Thore ill the mercnnlile brllss, by the rally consiJered tho proper sur · his &I'X on account o( his bools" his he didn't want tv waste. He said Ihe 'de8J1l1ir of conyeying in Jirillt a comparatively rt:8sunable lerms. } en- e~ernile of which you are madv 10 be· . 0C the royal fllmily, 1I1,though :\u· BeArd falling all hie face, thu~ rooinln colored man il right. and he will aC clear idta of Ihe uprt:uion my wile gaged Lhe houle at once. Ii,llve lhaL what YOII are buyiDg is the .', .. diO'er on" t.he iUbject. The my prolpecks in Ihat lown, Ik likewise onc. go te N ew York and open a BabpUL iolO the utter"nce of Lbole Lwo 'Have a lease prep.red to.day.' I"id beet you CAn buy. aod Lhat 'being's it·s or Ibe late Prince Consorl were incurrin the seris displeasure of the ball.. school for negro minstrel I. ' wurd... It wal the cry of a deceived [ 10 the _lent, 'and lo. morrow [ will you' wLo bllya. iL is beld utterly with · ded (rom a Einoo chid named Pres8, whicb said boluly l wns trilling And at I Am througb, I'll bid ' adoe And woundl:d Ipirit. AI ta. Dobb's f.. ce call and ~ign iL.' oUI worth by him wbo sell.. Then. ·'n. wbo ddied the power oC Wilh 'h~ ttelinB of a intelligenl pub- to you. jeDde reacler. merely remarltin looked almost ghalltly. It leeawd a8 MrtI. Dubb was 'Oyerjor ed when I by mercanlile brass you _re convinced magne. Latl~ r in the hiltory of lick. I know no 8ich man IlI1 Olon&o tbat 'be Star·Sp.ngled BaDner il ".tin if Ihe IIgbl WR. .truck Ol4t of it •• by told her all about il tb"t da, at din. lbaL Ihe elore is kepi exclusively for .ny. \bl' ne'f ormet found lure W"rd. 1 do not never wish bie n~me ronnd lco~e agin, ~nd \~a~ ~llere .d~q·1 Lh. crash of ... dd~n nero It wal plaiD 10 see' thaI we . bad the benefit of Ihe publio. and Dol aL all . . t.a nt frien~IK ill Frc.lcrick the brc,alhed ill my presents. I do ~ot re~ leeln lo be anythiol tbe , ~ tjlr ~'Lh rea ·bome fQr coming for the benefit 01 the leller; tbltt lo"n. ~ho tbe . (;,onstQnl, I\~_ Jo~lt~.. CO~lliZIl him. 1 perrec!1 . die ' tJi.'Uoclde•• of 'Lib fl ", . 'I • ,• ...JllliiIM.-l4tJjli .."!'... " I 18 ,oi e 111 MagllRnlmoul --- all an' rile old mlln Duds III sse , ne ' the high design cestora 1of Prince Albert. in 1\ slInny climb. I cum here a few .... of t'qua zing weallh, dislrilJUdngJ to '; I .. _ _ _ ... days aCLcl' the city cattcrpillertulaLed. Good l'rlaay, ",prtlltUa. leGt. the necelltiilies oC lhe poorly off. lind A Frollchmalll's StrateGY. . My IIl1lJurs set:mcd 6urprised &; 8S· -- , .~ building tbe commerce of thfl country. tOllisht at Lhis darin brllvery onto the Thill day 'IIR' tllken It I place among 'Well •. that·s a good joke l' ... id 1. Theo Ihere is a brass LiJllt has for its A young Parisian gentlemtn truel- parL of a man .1 my lime of life. bUI dAya tlllt will De\·cr. be forgotten whilo 'U pon my word, I never Ih,ought to I t. , being'8 end and -aim. personal Il2''''mn' . ' d b f '1 k d to qUII Ie admiration exalted crime virtueshall andLhrill cle, .~ 109 II' WI Ilti IInglon. chan.:e 10 a eeal· our ami y was never now leltalion of of atrocious 1\81>-1 I'll do so afwr I haYe eateD din · -Now, Lhen,' I\~ed.' ..exultant. dizem4:nL. It ill noL dulerred by any lid in the cars JI!!alr Iwo very lovely in danl[er's stormy hour. G d F II Ql!r .' ·Jtidicl4loual· .aid Mr't Dobb. My fAtlier wa~ a sutler in the Revo. the heart o( mankind . . 00 ri ay 1 did. The Agent said il in conventionalilY, and DoL abuhed ill young /Ildtes, who, in comp""y ,.ith 'Ritlieulollll ... Slllau t NlI'" bit of it any prest-oce. Its r"ce is alwa"s seen Ilelr I . , mllmmllS. were a IijO pursulllg ' I00 t'IOn W IIr. My fal IIcr onec Ila d a ration baa long observed 10 CQmmemo. ~ of beeD III.L crime of all crimell, the SuchJ\ Sireet. ·1 bulin. that bOUle to be a pril~. 1'1/ judiciAl murder of the SON ~ .. TII& •Is it 1'. IIaid 1. 'Well. t Imt'l pleas · on pulllic occasions. iia voice is always Iheir way to Washington . The elder inlervoo kwhh i!itlral La FayvLte. KO a, once "n.d lee it. 'l'here~J1 be a He as ed a Fayette to lend bim HIOHEaIr; . Ilnd lIacred religious ' lotroW' ant. : \\'8 Hblln'.t hll\'c far to move heard .~ publi.c meetings. It is tile ladies "t:re &0011 IO!lt 10 uerYlhinll but bundred AJ'lpliCAIlU for it.'1 live dollars. promisin to pRy him in thc a\Laches 10 tbe dllY. If My event Ihen, jlrob8.bly; for I live in Suchn ~poh.man ror ever) thing and every· thdr own interesling conveulition, Mrs. ·Dobb ,tnilt!d ·incfedulously. Persons of 'fhe young IKdillll. who were seated fill!; bill Lllfy 8"iJ he 'couldn't SOil it in could invllst IL wilh additional p~tbo. ~Lrt:el now-alld a d"lighl(ul Itreet it body thai need II bellows. 'And 10 cheap. 100 I' Haid L 'Fif· III I Wbat uid you ellY was Ihe Dum ' such brass ' as this itch ror notoriety, oppo.ile thb genl ilemall, cQmmencoo those lampl.' Lafy WR8 French, Rnd and horror. it would be Ibe unprovoked Icon dullard" Dlonlh. illd you eter and are never lIatislit'd without seeiug cliauiug in eo sprig:htly a manner that his knowledge oC our lang"idgo WJ\S a 8888ssin"lion of a ruler like .Abrah~m ber'l' Ilrae of auch a Ihing " everything they 'do abundanlly adver· MOII~itur. thiuking" thllL he mi~ht he little shaky. Lincoln •.whose I: hnracter bad won Ibe IThe number i J seventeen.' . OUL Mrs, Dubb ~"" by no mean8 fJ\ · Immf'jully on my 'I'iul here, I per· .. d b d' II ·Sevenlp.c,n I' I cried ill QIIlouisllmeol. tit!'etJ.nnd e,etytll~ng tliey lay print.ed very agreellbly e"tl~rtainetl, cf)n1luded .orably impressed wilh my ntlw err.ln · in tbe ne".paper*. 'fhey give alms. 1·0 did " I ceeded to the Spotnrood House. and, lo,e of the pl'trlollc t e ROO In10'} a 11110 LIe the world. TboUihtanis· astounded. e u e I· III f' air compllDions 'Yt!8~ sir.' Jlril8. She Argued the poio\ long I\nll or make apeechtll, or help the greaL belief that ue did nOI I'lnderstand Eng • . calliu 10 my 1188islana I young man h . 'Bel"eeo Bolivar ,treet .nd Gulliver t:ttrneslly wilh me, remindiug nlll LhaL enterprises. with an eye lIirlgle to the 1·II II. '''I uprenl e A ralrooloua· "Iereupon ,·11 e put on II bsLracLe d {ro.m our town "ho "riles" Illir run' language nell of anlaill act to 80 devilish. pall of ?' eheap Ihinge wcr~, invarillbly, dearell streel 'Yt!8, .ir.' aim 01 aeei&lg themselve. cbronicled in ,irs; aDd when Ihe cOlldut'.tor came nin haod. I pul my orlogtaph on lhe d 10 ' f I ·f II ml'dnoon u, . I 9' I bl" UTh b' . . d h u' b II ar neu. al ,var u as I Ie lIii end; and "t lut, io Lhe fervor 01 ' .. ell III e . lIe pu IC prlOt.. "at An .m Ilion round 10 demand tho lickettl, hll seem· reglst~r. an I\n 10 ~y am re a 10 a lun blld been luddenl blol'ed oul, lell discullion, I did R very ra,b Ihing. 'Yel. You know &bo bouse, per· tbere il to get into Lhe oe"'pare,. 1- ed to be 10 AbsorbEid wiLh his o"n re- ba ld headed man behmd tho couuter, I I I f All 'oOd men wben I agr!led with , Mrl. Dobb that if. on haps ?' . . WI.· th lome il amountl to • pas!iion. It fleclioDS Ih"1 iL \Vas not until lie had who Ie letlr I .nnouncemeot 0 8 'd 1S 'polled I wasu Mr. hSpotllwood , , ' I on tho t dreadful ••1 mad0 .ilililtK Lhe bC)!"e I h.d in wiew, il did ~1 Illould IblDk I ougbl to I' "as my rage. like. fire in otherl, consllming been severllilimea spoken to that lie IIlI , • POlSy, lOW eel Ii e tun . tbat our clemeot, genlle.bearled, 'aDd 1101 pruve eYery way dlilirabJe.1 would rr.ply in "by.terical tone; 'I've lind Ibeir self respect, tbeir coosci.:nce. nOliced the conduclor whom he adIII! called a cullud pelion. and said: 1 '. d a d 'd tid been vile r ...III". ber if' Iolf} ffum .11-lttrtber in it ror thtl pasl yur.' their rf'fined lenaibiliLiel, tbeir reli"ion. dressed in French and inquired wbal 'Show Ihe gen'lman b 10 Ibe' cowyard. I,nan, ~.mtn d rell lieD1Ie dillIIIe land . -• d O ' d ' · Y 11'10: an eorrow . I Irouble regarding a hO.8e. I would do Vel; I had renled my own bOUie, at tbe., who. charActer. £oVl:n pI'tlonll ha wanled. The 4)onductor elIJ.lained .an g lye blm urt num ar 1: The mucbaDic .nd tbe mercbant cea8ed Ille 1I0ulO-hllot'n, 'lb., ),ellr myl4llf. "ell wa • 01Iall g e , and 'leu'L GranL bllre!' (Iaul. 'Per· .. . . . . ,. . . lOllu,g and Lhe money·changer was 1a com fort.ble ad,ance on Iall year'l Are Dot free from it. Bra.. b .. de· b ., I 'I g nl • Ihe~, II' Cllo' 1 may I.Y b,idly tUM!. bi ..lerly reo rent. Itroyed excell~nt clergy:neD, a8 well a, lbe young man J:el urned to his reverie. hapll UlY8111 WOllldn l mmd turolD IU d" W i d -An curled I d . 80' . fi :' . I . , ' e. oman weI', aD ... . I pented of my proomi8e afle,,,ard. Tbe When I toIII }fr•. Dobb.b ollll~, lIe geDl e In Iweet women. metlmel, Fceh~g COD uenL thRt lhelr ma e WI~ I me, .,. • the a"Isllin, or knit hi. brow ·' nd wal froule w.all a w.rLhl",1 • .Wair. And lauabad till "he oried. .mbitioD il.' lile bOltom of it. and l!QOIpaDion _all unable 10 under&L.aod Do yuu know the Gloral T InqUired ·1 I 1'1 1' 00 tood It ill fbr ' a . h b t" I •h ' . ( h 'd 1 I ,. ... S L d al 00 • Ie na, I 'hen I had to ,,0 out 00 a houle·hunl . went roamlllg o,er t e OUle, el[' lome Imes avarlt.'e. n ell er calle II w lall ey Bal. tUI young Allaa reo Mr. 1'01WOO, fm Rilli iOlllooked up to God and . I e I lIeed n'bL 'rt!coullt my 10rio,,'Cul ex' Amining ita merild oritiMlly, .nd scrla · i, death to Allibat is beAutiful. cbaRte 6ufII",d lheir can venation wiLh iucrllal· 'WIlII, no, not nclly; but he'll reo 1 ·d • ''1'1 KL d .g I G d i8· our erience. 'fa tllo~ who know what . . . b ',b 'L . and no.ble. iD human cbaraoler. We ed vivacily. member me. HI8 brolbllr·in·law·s aunl 181f , • led or rel/ l nl . °v relenL 111111111, I e room"wl qUI. a Dew 10' , . ' b I I I f i l e ' re uge an Itreng I. aver p ogee.hunting ii, I could lell nOLhing tuellt. , , . WArn lhe clergy aDd \lIe 'adiel elpeei· ... fhllYOUog man II yery bandllome," nug It l~r rye mea 0 my unc.~ VI bel in trouble;" and" apirii. of lelfnew; uel to ~ho.e who d. n'o~, I h.vlI 'll is. good IIOU .. , SUllO, .L aoy ally .gaiDs~ brall.-Clicog. Joumal. SlId one. all ane Wlnilir. My Ilocle LeVI s rye Pit II . tl e people Nd a'n· ' H b 1T .. 'd b I . . h i ' contro Ie upon I ' . only lQ expre.. Lbe ki,,~ly hope Ib"t rate. Tb ..t we DOW. ••• • to II'• • ~at.e. Ii al l e ot ler, Wit a m~a was-" . ' Ilrcby, no convule.ion; bue a ealm, alern k lbe, never will. l Ilad doora banged .It i" J IImea. I am yer)' well sat· THE BaucK'1 B800ClII.-Among hllr .orl of afl'rtght. .. PoolI I pooh I fl8ld Spoby, don t dclerminalion that law and order io 1D11",.8 , by iraseible houll8ke.pere, isfied. To be Ilire. tbe , kitchen ' is rA' mOIL IRYorile trea8uru and raminilcen· "Why. be doeln't know A word of bother me,' Ilnd he 811U~d my !,mbrella should be observed, and jU8lice be fair' deelare41 dleir •• Ip." were bain, Lher 1m all. and Lhere i. more room up cell of Lbe pallt, Ibe Queen keepl tbe Engl:sb, ".6 can Illlk freely ." onto the tl~OI' .. ObsllrYm L~ blm not to I metP.d out. Mcn of all par~iel al. iae.A; 1 waa a.ked wbat my name stBin than Wtl rt'RUy ne~d; bUI I don't broocb whicb 000t! belonged tn "Kale If your motber should bear be so keedl8 With IhaL wcpln, I aCCO!ll- Y . II ~C II I'ke' Illd unity l • what- my busiDell wall: Itow m.· . Id b b . d tb b B Sc I d Th' you?" ' pllnied Ihe African I., my lod"ins, maSI' uDltvler.la / n I alld lo'arcel" ever be \ leVI we cou e eUer 8ulte . on c King Ro ert rllce of OL an. 18 . .: . M b I • I 'd o. . 8UO I al Ie n8.IO I ;/, children I hlld ; .kere I live'd ; in "bole.' relic. a memento . of ber .ncestor's "She 18 bUly 1flllb .her talk, bePldes, ' y errUller.. 6111 •• 1m you kri wn knit H logelher almolt a. one. I neye~ .Ilad 10 . maRt question" 'And' then. my dear i'ifeo' cried I. chequered career."a. presented 100 Jie, 1 11m free to e:ccrcise my own opinions, ""are that you've bm manc',PB.ted?- Political opponent8, recanling in elIect me iPlllbe lalli' nllm er 0' hOUri in " tone of exultation, ·think what an M..jesty durilJlt her yisit to the late aud I say,lbat lhill YOllng ' mlln b88 Do you know how glorus It IS to be stump lampoon and elilationeering tiberore liG~e 1 ."al e ....miDlld by a "fe· e~calle from the horror.8 of lile' first 01 Marquia of BreJldlllbane a~ 'r,mouth be!,uLiful eyes." free 1. '{'ell me, ~y dear berrulher, rade "rote olJ'logies eloquent and uniDlurance plly,iciao. One 11I1On even Mlly! No exorbitaot chargl11 lo drlly- Castle in IBti. by the bead of · tbe . "l'hn lIlIve n.o exprep6ion." Jous It not ~eem like Rome dr~amK. ~r e u;Ucd' lind honOl1l nefer lurpAsaed •• ked ,JDa to Itwd lJim five dllllan. but ml",-no broken mirrors alld sor"tched Clan MAcdougllll, Lh~ late Admiral . .. Yuu do n?l. IUllo" . . I . am a~tI' lie ~o .YOII reKitze Ihe g:reat ~~Cl In all 118 . w~re paid 10 the remAins lind memory lie had no hOll8e to ren L. A: t nigh L I furniture-no slct'pillg on the parlor. Sir John Mllcdougllll, K. C. B, ofDuh- .ba8 much .pm" lao~ IL II a pity be IIV1R Ilnd. huly mAgllltood . • of one ·w ho. ipruJ,lg from the common came bome wearied and worn. anu no floor-no going to Ihe restaurant ror ollie, wbo, al we learn {rOOl .doel DoL speak Ealghsb, he would chat He 88111 h. 'llVould tAke sarno glO • • d people proved himself tho equal of .n earer my object llian when I began . dinner en fa"iilre. ' We clln bo as hap' " The Counly .FRmililll," il deacemled witb u.... " I was ahowed to a cow ·yard /lnd IRI ' Ihe noblest and purest that e r. sa\ 1 'Tbis il unprofitablt' bus,inesl, Su~an. py Ilext 6reL of May III Ihe Ibepherds (rom So:nerled, 'i'hlne of Argyll and ., ."Would yo~ Dlarry a F~ench?"anY down Ilnder a one · mule cRrt. Thl! ho · U on an beredltary throne • ..id I, '1 sball pursue it no longer.' pf Arcadi". We'lI hue a . reglilar Lhe hies. and ' lineally re.~reae.U Iht' "Why n?~. If he look. like tlII8 o~e. tel W1l8; orful Ilrowded, lI~d I ":Il~ lorry p ~4A".".""'--: Bul wbaL will you. <lo, J.am08-Blay merry.m/lk.ing in tbe back·yard if il RDcient Lords of Lorn. '} he atory· of and was splrlled. well·!>orD, and 8mla- ~ hadn t gone to tho Llb~y 1 n,on' How TO PREURTE ICE.-I)oolor bere l' • don't I·ain.' its cllptut:.e from Bruce by Lh. Mllc ble? BUll can hardly keep from .rho I Ihould have alept cOOlfble enu, Seb I hal communiealed Ihe follow'No; we can'L It.y hero .t Ihe ad .. tlougtlll of his day il variou.ly told.- Illughing. See •. he doeso't mistrust If lhe b~d close h.adn t blJln pull~~ ofl . y ::ple mel!.od or preserving ',small ,anced ren,: I '.8S. LINcoLN.- I ' II a- been Rscer. Once-a· Week. what me thehitohed DIg"', a Y a MOOlln r~ quanllllea illS ., a f'Ice"w I'lICIII. 1Ie 1I.... pl.C·I· ~ A wa are laymg." . I d t '1 dUring UIl1 nnd mule to Ihe • .... • 'Then' what will you do" ' u d 'I 1'111 that l1 t8 _ _ _. _ _ _ I • new ILatlon. I le con uc or oame " 10 C • .• 'Itl s'u ccess Pu' Ibe 'Ice in a deep . . A-in for \.he Jicke!IS Our ,·ouog man. cattaDddruvnotr. I thus lost.my de,:,~ I . . . . . " "'Ib I te nd 'I'll 10 to Il house·a,enl. I ou;111 t alOe .ongoo au.lor~. Lincoln, the wife of the IIlle PrIl8ldt'n l , ~ lea'din, rellel.are oYflfI'l'he:m- . "':"" . d· . I .. d tl t feels a Jlllle IBn or Jug "over h WI a p a • a to bue thoughL of ~h"~ at 6 ral! '1 • nau'va of MonmoulblJhire. Htr in"• Ihe Pr.. iuent with IPI't1utionl rorhpar· En w.l~hlilh extr" "laboraLloo an In e egan' CoY(mn. all morninlC. my ,roa I • I 0' n a pillow Ilulfred • I .aldbUlky lhis pace t IIe vellill , . 1 oAlled on an I,en~ tlle nut dAY, 1 mailleo n.·me W'III Jenkinl. and her don_ About Ilxly ollhe IPP iClnl1 ave '~AII' ou wal"' my 1·lcket. Vary G'IDral Halleck olTe . rII me the hospi. witb. fe"lh.era. and cOYer .Lhe I?P "Ith aDd h.d IOmll eODY8,sation witlt him . I . f St eeC\lred Ihe de~ired tavor, bUlthe Prll8ideDI y.. ~ II f 11 b lh a prupoiel to lettlo "jIlt the erill~ler ulfeud- w'e ll le't me aee-- I beli~ve il i8 in my lalitiee of Ihe ciLy, givin me my cbolce 'lDOLb!~ pi 1 0 w care u YI'.1 ;e~I~~~. ·U you will tell •• about wh.t IUOl rat ler .... for IOmo lime luton 0 . P"ul's Ohurch, Newport. He mrarne ere 6,.t. port~.monnie. Oh, ras, herl! it is." or hOlpilals. . exclu"\lIlj( llo ex lerna air. I b , 1011 wilh ·to pIly for" boul•• Mr.-' a NiSI RU18bU. who WIIS in Ihe em via! , .... , The efl'eul w.IlIlartiing. ·K .le ncar. He has very kindly plslced M my d18' ll~el~t'II'kno"n bad l~:~o~I?:-pOrell:ray: 'Dobb il Illy nRme.' ():7'One of Ihe objectionl to e:&te.mplrf' Iy f.inted, bUI , iDon rccoyered onder poul a 8~1I11 pox amboo IIl1Ce. . anI ID eon8e,~uence r Sohwarz IItRtel 'Yr. Dobb, I han ne doubt I c"n of Sir '1'hom"l Bali,bury of Llan"ern. and the iuue of Lhe marriage WIS lwo preftchine', ur memoflzed .ermonl 18 thUH tbti pdlito apologiell of Lbe yotiog mnD. There IS raly a great 4ellol of Union ed from melllng. D. d ' III it JOu to • T.' daughters. Tbe r"mily afterwardl em· well put: .. ) hIVe spell perlonl carry JIll 'rhe" w~re well ..le"sed witb each 01. h, 8enliment in this CiLY. I see it on cv, tlIR.L he had .t~~8 ~regerveThalxJl'~~Un I named a .um • little in advance igralcd to America. and itappeare ~bA\ eveninjt aermonlbcut in}1 cpe" III Bllnday. J ~ K ' Ii d h d 01 Ice for "Igul uR}". e n what ~"h8\'e paid (or tlte pllli year for Mr. Lincoln 8tileoLed one of the dllUich· You could ste by Iheir abaenl mllnllf'r Ihat ehr. and din a.f~w wfe~hk~, ate F~~C~ t:r~ ';:;1, ~ Dliln to.dRy-1 am not 81 simple, .. nd wilhio lbe reach of Ofer! th. hotiae I nOW occupy; ·.Dd ~b..gt!ol BI'rml'og' r I I II ' trum" I l l W -AA 'IU hind au ..A the er goo I e young ' liIlt!lty to tell hIS . nllwe, b"ut hc II a 0 I'II b OU8t: h 0 Id . · pll r'.oer 'In I·he.t IeI'll t 0 he IIII lIe ._ 6n:at..., mrtn, an.! optllIOO ber wil l'O iDgnlllS to marryr bim repli~d : . b.m PosL . . on th c tr iL:ll,' r. 'lher~ i •• house in ope of the Dl9st )'0. 'CHI) O.t1l£Tr1ll.
"" 1 WORLD WAS-·YOt7 AIm
• •
mea .p .. fol low ~ l.igb~ 1"'Ugh~ .leamerl
CGa_itt .. ;OD Lhl: •• tate add Iwa tell ","I, one tlo lire Deeded ill W..btogton re,'ltn., ' . be P Cour~ .,f SangamoD c~un' eup I •• eel milk I llble rOllnlD~ each PITTSBURG TO PHILADELPIlIA. MTTl __ ~ _, ~ le D .iKale ,be li"erl. Tlu:'8 Bu.tel tbe report ot tl~a' eu.mmHte'l!, compr,. \1 , Dnid Da"1 01 Eloollllng· ,round IIIIC!'( cilloamun and a n.pll'!' , Ind Way,.,..ille~ JJ'arY't;; ('UrAnty, -OklO ; are J,lfl~lDed uf guuda or 1\11 80rlll. al· ing rEC.~D\ Le~l1mony as t~ . l'lf tre~I' ty 0 U or thl! United Siftle! . Cir· hall I lea~puollrull ~I ~I"ye.: . mil ~II From nil porliuns of Ihe W,,,,t. Nort.h ' _ '\ ou ,h many goud~ L"\' IJ b~eu lal}.eu men~ our prrsonerl recllue. a~ (Ie '0 ,' C f I' .e S )utharn DiBtrict Ihorobgldy, Ihen allr In .. pJ'" bu Wost ~nd ~ulh,W"I, ,hie hn. Illd \I, DNI!:!ID~Y , JULY 6, 1805' •I g , d " C I b I The Committee 'culL OU or .u , . ' oIL It- Dfn p of ,nolo. "1'8 or . f ' I Ihe .llort I T · WE th erc lind hav., bee n r ~ Il1ppe o,,"lIIg ,,"mls 0 t I~ rt: " s. I 1 'l'be valul! o( Ihl! eallue II of whell ... 11" .' n u l \" Ie II' cullllccttunr uWI l'1~ ler .l e~, or ~_..: ~ ~ A~~~ ~--~~ d 'm I . 11' Ihem say tlie 1I\'ldence clnrly Ihows I laL 1IrInOl1t; 11Il"Up nil.! • 1( 11 1 111 \Jrllil y, I Ie .' 0 I lilt! besL ruu te II) Pllllodf'lph14 , Net\' \ UI~ . Nia ltl YOLo It. __ • • • - - - - _ •• NO. t. 10 ,I ~ U. IY 11~1 ~ Illr til :oul11 offer I ", ' <> thou »nds (If our -brue 1101 · 875.000.. h 1 I r ' d ~ nt a ICIII OII!!r A,!'ll (IH ~ e li lli , Ihe Jl lp~); :~r : !Il<lstull . D.ltinwro lind 'VI hlnl:loll. The tJ i neill 'rbe. ploe an 8 0 e ~ . II v' dms to lh.' slIvtlge The f\'lends of I e 1\ e ~eel ill 811 rrell Billh e II H! 'I'~I~III., lh(Jrufll: II) Iruvel cr may wllh cOllfidellce rilly Ullon l'tI~il u (;oIUfl1 1'TN1'O'~ greM lIlliuct:m,t'nt8 nIt ~~t~:l>lge8 ~~ dl~~~ IC"'H a~Rsp!!i~it I; hich AClu.led Lho e "ill be girAti6ed to know lhatlill ~, I~le to'~elber , " I. ee D A\udJi lllC clu\111 tv~r II~ 8 \.1 re cOll lleclioll, high .pe~1i wl tla perie ul .. Ill . U labor Bnd cftpllal , an Wit a gr an III ern h riaoncrs 1\1. their W81 l ~ fL in a muoll' betler con ~lIun )lIrlle bowl or co lo~~er.J retlc~ a 1I Il , <I , I ~alety, "lid en,'Y IIllpllllllce lor cOlllfurt T Houroe o[ wulth. M tll~ are needt:d wbo spared UOL l e P b 'd ' I IlIlIn :nany persons were led to beheve. uvo r Ih e i n ~lll e, ( II &lloulu /l ral be ,"r."I1!; \ Ihlll f ilII be "rut.llrefl.. New' ',Id elea:anf r.t. :lu r lind mell to dir.:cl th em, Tb~ drtl ft RO' mercy ; lind who dOUj htd Yr ~I til! I It appealrs ~ow III,,' he hnd aom e BI!V' oul of " ul \\,ole ) , put in Ih ~ 1'01\UIIII(,: , ll aue ngcr_CMrd, fur duy Ind lIil'hl .~ ~v ice. (£J eoUe,., October to, .SAG.) Ni:.! hl imals are I:0ns, 811d l8bor II! pretl)' arson 10 d"sLruy h,un rt' II 0 e ellco. I th'e Ihousand dollllr8 aecumulaled, ".,Ilt'r up II,e clulh .lId lie It c lu~r y' hove r~ cl! ntly been .uded 10 the eq ui p, ,; " II.!" !'OR OOYS1UIOR, horou ., hly '" demorl\!rzell. · T le re "Iell wom eo and cblld ren: and ,.hod U · en hi I . eSled ill government Becu' Then hav,,'1'( ,..u~ n ~m,all plo w ~r AftU ~t! r "~ mellt of Iho !-'eulisylVlllnia Cemrol Rail. l ' ili Ci l lACOn DOLSON VOX, of Trumbull . oeedel iln iofusiun o f N orlbern enler- it.aled noL 10 reaort 10 mun ao . to ~ I,IC lEI In" . uite consislent wilh , Ihe ke lli e 10 whll'" " I~ 10 hI' ~ul letJ 10,l'r: r rUlld. , f mt D sll ill~d in wll llufn~lur' commil tlcL8 10 horrid, thaI LI nation s flll!!II, and tillS 15 q . f d from f ellt burll i\lj!' III 1~le bo\tl>ffi, Ii 11 it tl) cuv , AI Pill. burl!. Irltin =r rroftt the Weel rU II }'OR L1EUT, · OQY&R.NIlR, prrstlro I b rers Rnd 'II'ho compre . of die earlh stRlld "IlIrA8~ A. ltbey are and mi~;h\ have :ee~ III ;;re inne; Ihe ptl~t1 i ll g ", ilh hUl W ftl ~r, alld ke~p I~ J ired 10 Ih ~ ([dOli O" "UI, wllltr'e PUleo. ANDREW G, McBUnNEY, Warren. mg; ~te , I; o. 'of a 8yll.:.m 80 lI"C- Lold what bR8 been done, 'Ilie Prison lhe etalemerH ma ,<' Y r, P I h IIiII II !! l~rIl U I II'"8 Ihon,tl,lrt· e o r fO:" o,"~~; 1 1!4'r~ lire IrulI srerrt u Iu 'he. Train. 01 thl I IICCU.:nU 11- To 6f rVl', luke lhe 11 1I~UI\ Ig' .. \II ,e r u , I J> elll\e yl\,oll io {';('\llr al Jt~ilwov, wh hen t ie rtl MIOOS S ou's rt' ort of the Rich nd pri8' 'fISt Aul~lmn r"g ludlllg tie '1'he es9fl~y ,10 the S~ulb. f II plBnt. urge on~ qunrler aho" Iha\ R lion of lhlt Pl'esilieDl'S 8Rlary III ~he iliiO n eo l ~ IIJcr ; uill ie uml nil ' 11 1\ .1 Pln",tl l lt! n~ e I'ill ibllrg all d Ilrrive III Olher r oi FOR TItIASURKIt OF IITATIC, H.olltn g dI81r1 r. II Rr~ par III y I ons,. for I • fil s H lreuury 'rhis condilion of offlllrs. Ille Ji . h 011 "hi ch Ill8 IU bu . erVl' uv cr Itg fu l llt\v~ ; lJer allll SlD'NEY S, WARNElt, or Lorllio. pd 0 11 SIUHes, lind cullivaled by free II' frllcllon oY ltr one:ha f 0 a Ie eA e. . ' 'II'ill reliev e lhe ftppreh !!n it olld rever.e tll o ,'ululiJ er UII l u th e ]lAY J:; ~~'nES!!-lft!nYea Pi:l . burlI at Ifhe Ct Toa SUPR! W& l ~DGB:, . bor, but th e culti'lIl ioo is inl\d eqult le, enler!!d rtlli u\ted In dellt" ; lin m08' of o.r COUI !le, ,,0 noL familitlr wilh IDle; if nul imm euint ely u! rv ... fi, kee l) II I fl O A , III •• Iu I ill~ ut prillcipal . llItion. IH! red t JACOB BIUNKEIUIOOF, or RIch· tlte crop8 Ilfomistl to ' be 8011\11.were more Ihe re sulL 01 . h '1 I\nd frugl\ l h.. bils verp. u wilh Ih e pu"u lll\:.cluth , Ulld del j t\rr lYrS U'l .... u\. 7 bO A. M , 'I'). lltod...,..(Loog'l'eTm.) Tile (reedm en du not work wdl ye L. iohuman treatment lind neg CI Ihan r. ~njcodn 11181~lr· t!(lIm·l ly ,u ighlhl\\'; Ihe dirh ove r ill)1 wol er. ,,,n e !I,-I!> 1\ . III . [[lpl lef,,''' " t lua~ A, III., , ' 0 til I' B r II Ib n haH III\v e le~lte tlal 118 --I 1 1 . II JOHN WELSH or Athens '(To fill I. There IS tuo much tlcg l'l;(l!nce , n e 11811 1\811. ulll I~ ~ mor: b J~ b left in needy circum!lll\l~e8. Be ' l ,VIUT IS SH Elt" TU,,1_W OOlJ i8 "url 't I l.uc k 1I"~ tlll 12 b,0 1' , 1\\, 1 arna Nr~\ . V'acanc ' ) ' tica i"llIlld~ lh ere lire 12U,OOO ntl:lroe~, lhe neceseary num er 0 e s w~r8 .een I ' . . b r ev d t"'" I'Reh of I l. hed un' "xi~;"lcJ i,' y is Ihe re · l l.lIll', I'll., nll ilimorf' t 5.,tfl p, 1\1.. ,!W l' .. ho wo rk II lill ie aOll art! I~d iu part provili ed, and the nur~ell oftt'noccupled silies I " .... 11 IS e ~ ~, d'omely 11I'o' IOlns leL", I 'I ~ (' V 31'" '" ItJ d It)' i,uil ill" bllldl y,,,II. via AIIt'lIt owlI,nl 10 ~O P 1\1.,1.'1,11, .' 1 I ' I 1 II I is Runl~IO'" 80ns IS uall S ~ u I. E' )' "" J I I' t ~. r. r"f 1..1 New tr k .lOR ATT'()RIlIoY ORBERA L, b Lhe GU\'OI'OWflit. Lbem 10 lie ellC U8100 0 .4 I Ill . ', 0 ' . , h. \, <\'0 roo i.II"" . '\'I .P ._1 , . .... ,I.·rl1" pU' 10VI t! I~ li n III" ."j ' " ' ' hi ~ . Of \ WILLIAM H. WEST, Of LogRn. YThese iltllnd8 are parlly owned 81 Afler our men diell, til I. bodle. YIJ ... d Ic'l' , _-"Iknll ull lIy ti rl' , Hlllllh e " ul,,"h ul (' 0 111 ' I "I1: 1"I·i'~~I::'i'r·~~~: i;I ~~db:i: al6,60 SuLl FOR eCnooL COIII)l188101l1l:R, lhe NurLh, lind i, is lhought Lh'" were Irel led liS Ihe of There is !lolhing 10 our own mcr4!e i. uIH llill e,l. HI' A. II; ull rpl:u l. r 8IUlion s._ di 14 IJl1S' Sh e' mlln'l lIu ignDI6nl of Lhtm 10 col · Dy ~elld nnlmBl8. 1 hey W~rtl pi It up mind 11.1111 lilat Iht: !llle iumunled l' rtlll- WEI rhll ll\!tl, pul"A" "I:U II 'e 111 ' III OV'H a I t\ IIU'JlI"t III 11 45 " . !It., H .rrl~bllrjll 6 JOHN A. NORlUS, Of Harrison. ortd ollcupMion will \lot hold lhe gOY ' ill the dead · houle. aDd Ilum t)' e~ Rnd ', I L Ili d /IoL fll\or ind e~t1 '\.lIt lit: "Ullhc> u III .n ril ", .oll' II' 1I~ll "I r ('1\ 111 \ I' M u'rI"in".1 1' llI lude ll'l d" 01 , 11 2<1 III "I III ' II b I ' ,I b I k t b ,I ~ rala b"fore Iu ~ n 11.lIll e ry wu. It · luu. '" "' re 10 ,. 10 . " "y k ' }' I " I I 111 I ),OR BOAlID OJ' POnL1C WOltKS, ernm enl • liS Ihey WI u rec IIlmeu y clee B elli ent 'ou II' y l u er~ 'y dou"u lcd Ih• e wisdnlll I) r II\l' "11 . " flll, l Ih,' 1' , ~I . , lI\ld N ~ \Y Uf. via II,UI c 1 " " . Tb ,Ir )jeep I S 'II ,C~" 10\1 c ,,\oIv~ d (:lIfUO III C "c' 1,1 "fI po ~ ' lillie II J~MES :MOORE; Of Coshocton. Ih e r~1I1 JlI'ol' rieton. lhe tI' j;lOn ou tlley were pa III e? Inl . e t!lIort orgllnlzeoand cond uct etl Ly!\lr, .cnr l.u _!. uu e.. rb s il ,, "J I. ,.·"oI('f r u "u \l d: ul [) 1\, M, , Iilu 11.1 1' 1'1 rtlIJURU ~II!OI I~ RI F. 'tA IL - Le.Vfl lite SI. Jul in' s riv ur offers gl·I! .lL ~dvan. tors ~~nc t'1I11y mllnl f~sled nlmost ~o,l ld . ChH3e 10 wduCII C(}lIgre ~H Illld 1111\ Ex , the \'I lIlut'l bl'i ulS 1"'" VI"r, \\ ), 1I . r. ,,",1 uli, JI'OR I>'IiII:RK 011 6UP&EIUO: counT, 11\"e8 to emigrnnts nud 10 dill \lIv esl · IlI dltl t t'e noe Lo Ihe IIYes Rlld cOlldll\lln \ H ull ve 10 illl (, l' ft:rl: "ilh liIis s ul)jl' ct ul 'r II~"" Ih c pcnrl ,,, h. Ill " \In\\, olll ", ulll'. ""I"bu rl( "I I ~t) I III. I~TII '\l l! ~t lIe;rl. btl I'l't RODNEY FOOS, o( Clinl on Counly , m~nl of ClIl'llnl. 'f ll c Soutl\l~rn r~il . uf 111e pri! oners, I\no one uf the Dl"ny Itlr» "'" lind 10 UCSIOIV it u pOll th ll mill , '1I 11 w 1"111:11 "nil . .. ,I II'Y . ,, " I' ,, !l UlU \! ",;111 1"II Ilbl "j"~. , I rl .... :l~1 A ~1"1! " f fl bl~ 1 ·I~U ,~~~ ro ods musl be rnnnaged allo OWlltd by illUSlrRtions of th~ir IICII is sho"" by e., ,I'" r 8udt.l Illy \lbl1 rlll ud p~olliu ill I' n hlll""" " ">IliA C" call l>cnr 1111,1 '~II," ill . 1' . ~I , II nr~Io"flrl! . ,011 1\ " , __ I {lh e A .sase1DEI.... .'on \orl htrn IIltn ' Ihl' " an, .III a very d IS' Ihe f uII OVllnl{: ' 1 I .1· .."ne d IIy \ lHUU U t: ' I de llll ". ul ljA\I /\ . ..' De COOC;..-OD 0 I ICe "'lliles ' W hl! lI l hculrl lY. ,IV Q (11I,,""' 0nI I" ro"U I~rll!. c r II't ' , Triaill. ' J k ' " was 8 unul ni( f ' 1111 ICrI! IOfOfe a••uC e d~~ u,1 '" II 1 8 ( lIi ~ r ' l I"1II I,AU FI ""I ,\ I'•. ~ I ' lIr 8S- I ,('nv' etllr~ , lres~ed slatu-rolling I lOC:' aud tUI: ' 8 hy IlJe h.oHpIII\I . when OOll 0 ou; ~14!' we r~II ," cL how 81C!Hli ly Mr, Li llColll j ::luille p.>/J lde ~II ~ nfl"fl:llI~ \\' 1 1I')t Iurn l \ uurl! III 4 :! ;; I'. ~i " 8lul'l'''l~ (lilly ot !"I I, to III C are gu ne. gro 80ldl en. caplured .~L Ihe eJP OM.UII WII S ut,~" d Lo slinelioll IIl1d ~econ tl 11,,< Ihe II : UI\III, I> . II I. '~' _ tip,,1 SI"li 'JI'b . Arr lv l!$ fit ... trubd r, lu 'fhe IIsiassinaLi9n lrial. At WJ\sh · of the !lllne nCllr I elereb urg. ,Vlat ell'ur l lho WOIUS he lI .e u w " ~ ne v er h e SorT lil~G I R C ~ I r.- T"I,,) H Inrll'c (·or. I'. ~I . i\ lt"ulI lI U 35 P. M oO jhr riDbll,:': \I 3u "f th' LITIlltAR~OTl . HlAllding near by. A r",!Jel 8r~l\Oe, w rUl~ 'or spoke UpOIl it. IIs~um e d Ihe fe.' .,'up 01 C ~ I;' 11\1 ' 1\ IIluln~.l' • . I lie Hlllll e AM', n nlli", .. rc 7 /0 , ~I,. N.,\\! Yurk, " : mglo n are eloled. lind lbe commission I,ri-e . !It whom l h8pJlcoed 10 be look 109 III d ' " forc!! of rts'Ieeliu l JIIOl!!~ qllUIIlIly vI sour lIulk IIr hll ll "rlll"'e, IWI> III - I\ lle ll l"WII, 10 A 1>1, . I ,,1 1.llelpt" ..... 1 7,OJ is dt:liberating "i lb closed doon. liS hut 1\1 PETERSON'S MAOAZINK IS IIl'11'nys re- Ihe lime, lir~w up his mu&ket, took d e· Ig nll)' 1I~~ 'f ·L' . '.U'·I\'u WIIS IIle•• pol'"IIII~ "I IIlc e l"rJ ur lli't!1 IC rll'pill~ A, ~J., nlll N.'w \'urk ,t vio )'hiindoillhi •. . • d' tl r . d' d 1 " 11 ,I IIIIIOn. ror,l ever nn J:aC. ~ I I' .., ' ., I I muniCAted 10 tleterminstion will be com "hoSl .... P 'd : II I 'I r;: ' I f plMi! .. iLh mlcreSIIIl" reR IOg ·mA e , liberallt Aim aD lire, "I In l: Ie nc o I .1 ' I .1 . I d by illliu or l'u ll er (I I blllll' r i~ ont ,, " ·1 He u 0 1"0 _ iliUM . .,l e ~V"IJ.t vMU rllil I truUI! I un o;ue reSt en, Iroug . . .dl!pllr . , lmtnt . . is carefully pre· gro on the 8pOt. 0 n I.uCIDl!' · liS ked wIIy IIbolelLJ WII I Ollu Impol' \lne " \rllill IrUlI1 J> Ill'ullrl!" ,. I I' II IIlIU r~' ft II." , I • Ie ",e ere ary 0 ils.fashion , d ' >1 I s (' 10 COnll'" , "p oulIllI ll ul IUh l., ~ol l ) : ull' r IIII~ \l'C ,II IU· 1111. ill IlJ~ War ; IIlId Ihe result wi ll oot be lDad4!. . I .1 I l l ' he did it, be an~wered, 'To ltoe Ih 4! en ll " ',RII . Upllg It &tll ~ m n'd f 111 ~.' Itl cr, Ih "11 odd ;wu .-cll br·"I" 1I ('I!i: " Il'h d"delpltl ll , tilldlu New ¥ vrll.VIII Alll·l'· publi.c for a con81derable liDle, pared. anil us \O~se IU reclpU an d-II hltlck s- n of 11 b-h dr~: to, tl\L!llr Sld t, Ibi S mRY e ~a l , ~' r. (l he6e mny be ullli IlP,I). nlld It 1""" il"OIlIIl I \I"W", , ALI The' toslimony till il over fi.e thou. wOllh in IIny fawllv , more lhlln the 1'l b I 'd II got II ir.ly d"ys Llllcolo 61'Ii Ih e frl~nd~ of culvl ~,1 8u l u(, .. leru'lUI41I F bulfl'J III U 1,lIl u l")1 \\ BIH , y .. ",r I.,,'r.-L .\'ell PIIl.bura nl ill th ~ . 'flleml\gRzi~e ' c\!'250 1l yellr f IlerlfJf~sl8al ,ley" I~ e 'l' l e !rrll g e. l'rt.ililllll Johnson's ,i e \\ $, ol,onlc~ ~llu' ''l ' lIlollli\ltlerlllllllht!i''l\l tl 1', M,. 81t:PIJlII::UIlIY UI fH lll cipnl elul iu ... . !lr uug I .or 8 1001l0g · - J , 'II1U. " '1'1" " 1 l\ r "V~M"1 1\ t" ' UII " " I .,.. "'II A, M., II lin _.. d pagell of foolscap ·pllDer ~ • OUlside price 0 I , d. 1.."I' ' ' II • 8n"e , r I ca lled out UII d er Clfcum slllnccs mote " I ui"ll ice 11 11111' 11'"11111 (0 1\ 1lI1~" wt:ll l 1I die Ci:~urt.roooi the imprllllsion prevai ls C, J. Pete rson, Pll iia ~ p Ila, COOlll'!f,Clnl In )' . It IS ~ ml\tle~,o co~ - tii,'nlli callt. 11110 in r~ lal1 on 10 I\ppe lll ~ "r whe"t tI "ur: he,' l \11111 sli r Ih,' I" IX I''' ~ I ""rl(· 7 ,30 ,\. M" B.lll llllln' t J:U!O I' , ill ,hl! lball all· the prilonera on Irial will be grntul!ul un llllH, nolwllhslnn In~ . Ie Iequl\\IIy , ~ .. peclnL'It:, are mrllie doubly ,th orllogltl.v 1,,( 1,,111 all IIIlI If, 1I11~ 11,,1(0 ill 0 N~w Yurk .t ""I A 1I 1'"lu" II, :I..i!l ,r N. , ARTUU II'S Bowy. MAOAZIIiE is worthy grelll ' l'rovocali on to proc ure a uIlIl;lr' j r 'LI \I ol'e 110W rell li lind re lIIud.' rule OVP.ll Ihr('f) '1"lIrlIl I'O ul 0\1 hour. I' hiloll.' lpl,l "t 12 ,bO I' ~I, Bill' Ntlw \ ort. , Ih e I" leotenced to deabh ellcept O'I..aug hlill , I I Ii 'de Mr. Arthur enl COIII'Se, our aulh oril ies hay!! ert'l lIorcl .11' 1: li S I'~ Y'I I' I' f I - --- , vi o p. h d\l<1~:"I.iu, ul [) 4:l1', M . tht!l'c " 'III t.,'~Ul'Pfr. . h ' bl') d An a I'Ib'I, J\ Jl ace II every resl 'If 10 1~ '.eem8 .e e~II! ISle d • " . lreltle d LuI .elr prlSOllers Wit' II II " 01·l y .CC I ~ \l IIPll f I"' III·11. • IIII ' Ig 10 0 dI Ie ~t-xp~ ' fJ::r A tlr ullk (' 1\ ~oldil' r ill Ih ll "rrny · Urw ,Ju, t, tlJi1l1ltr', I I uli.( I aDd Mia, 'l'OWIl8eu are unllrrng III I d I ' II . flt'lIce ·tO liS ' U8 flOU I pre tce,oor.j fi· ' J' "be pri8~ner~ have ~liver 'h'ad" ,,?rd th eir elforls to rend er their w,)rk not I\nu generous y, "~ lav e IO ! ,re JrU,/.iIlr.tU/l Cit rOll idli . ~111~~~~i,,:; ~V;,I'!rll il::;~~i!:,II~"~I,C~:;'t"~:~II~~' I: ..I; ~ Duily, all oli••" train.•, SlJ'ndu'l' ,~tpt..1 annke n , '0 Ulem, only .during Ibe trllll, 1 t " b t SPIlCIS conducledI Ihl8 cOlIl~S, t .Acpordlllg !J '1'l du!1B Iur nUllllU 8,,~I lI lI by bUDI UI • I. CrAwlill"'" O\',H Iii III . ' 1(lIowill" '1'11 . -on y en t er "10111 g u bentfi cial • 118 to lue ru I118 0 f tlB mos.' CIVI IIZ \Var· . I • it I.. L,I' II r"il. 11 .. ,,1 It ck4' l!l !loud all.Y 01 II.. ' aud 1M coone clln only glJeae the fllte f At lhe Uuioo SIAle COII\'enllon aS I .e rn~II· , all'" f~lIril'l! il" ~ e\ll ily bil~, hp .. Curn , , plIg C! nre uo exoepLi oDllble, And no »m' fare. \ I· :SOlllldlill".. fARE Iu DII poillt. 1.lu 11bat aWalLa them 10 aept'rate cell. ,'. \l'e~k. A uellliem an whose YCrllcity w~ kel'l IJlIII E' ~Iil l. ",h ilo !lle r,' p lll ~ crn",."'" " ,I uf I"" J'I(' ' kel a.. 11 C"I' 1\)u,. I11 111 ' " 11 "11 ... 011)' olln'r ruUI\', Ln'.vl b d ' d I ~ , 1' 1y c"n regre l ils presence Am(lng Ihem, Blayery in Kentucky,. 4 c,,"nO I qllestiul1, III ·td Ihal Hen. ~ IICI'· in. iue . S/,EHPIXG C.A R.~ i.ng ~ ,,,IlhereS, ao ~ge, t~ey have cen ilB2,50ayear, '!', S, Arlhur Ik Co., " n\lIl\ t'~ lI\nrk "dinhis henrin g IlIlIt ' llo j rllrllnBP ' \V h (, III" R&:"n r" c. III P lor~I"""" Jill' to the,r own reRec uons. PIJ'I d I t ' The Louisville Jouruul 8ay, that Icu'PPt!rht"d hlld eve r IIpprull chl!J him hilll OU IIl(l !t uur. ~ 11,t'r - " .II.I:~ - 0 CII ' 0 " lIi"III trui". to l'hil.u'., New \: pcr~t ,(;'l'be al s;u~eot or Judge Binghllm j. I ~ e JlIIS. "lhe opponents or th e conptitutf611al Q- wiLh IPo lilicll1 OYl'\nurllS, 8nd he nddcli l"u-dllll l~'lllly 1!1I~1,.d ' ftl"'IB vI· · 1 he 1!\I~r,fl ull d 1I.'ill lllurl'. Llllla:uge clacl:lr.ed lliruu!:h II l)1 I, rr II I , d I' ' ,. ", 11.1 \... ... 'H ' l\ff' wit I 6 urpr.:1f", t '" r 18 pr h4UIl t'r t\ hili' lrull il':I' r~ .. d rrc~ . "preaenle d aa a Yt' r1 mailer I1 euorl. NEW MUSlo.-lfrvm the we 'J(lIow n 101:IIdml'II1 are eu;ora I:'II/:: I e .. Ij~. 1I11'L if Lb~y uld Ih~y w~u ":',conlen l bllir /,,"1 III'n r41 ",h itI', nn ll he lIill.11 Q I\!w Til e I'tlllll,ylvillis Rnilru •• Co. Willi' }1~' ba8 made maDifut the terrible ploL ,mu8ic estnblishment or Oliver Dilson I(I'O\!S Ill1li Ihe IflLor of l\'~ lIlUck III nol lll' !l'P'lIlt tlw ope.ratlon. Ihe 810 hnllr~ ol\A)r lell i"i h i~ slury . " nol u~lIuille riek lor ' l\ultgnll~'-; t ., . b d B their elr'Hls 10 !"'I' e Ih e illslituli ,lIl1d ry lhl~4 ,hll ill lO Lt! the Cvppt!l'b ea(1 ' J for W 11111 liwLt .. ,. ,.o f al.. " uIDa't,OO, arlOO, ro bery an '& Cu" 277 WIIshingtoo SI.. oHton , SI\)' 8 lli al " as lin. iIIu Btration ,Ita nominee. WI! Fegn ni AS am' c ('renk or 'J\~' -~'" ·wbol~.,le, 1l , ~ltru.clion o . r ion, o , c 'en.t peo· hue recei\'ed tbe rollowin.' piecee I • I Il I , , n .. ··l'~Q·Jll!>· l lt, , " "~ Ii . ' .. ~i sll~ trou s conse'lUPII""8 WII\8 e!, (IIn.CY, WtJ have 110 d.ou~t VI I~~ever" ~"'" ... " to' P. ,1.' 1 ;~ ~ Ilope" that alt \11 , , U8 e" which are pcculiarly autlpled mg 10 the wrlke of Ih ese Ilavery '!'gll'" IhaL i.f GI: I\, Sherml\n \I ' In 01110, on pri. oner. wbote I "il\ sh81l hne been 10 the lime8: 'l'he Sour Apple 'free, or lor~, lite opP'Jnenls of th fl comllilulion' tbe ti~ec"nd TU I:8l)RY of OClob!!r, he wi ll PUBLIC ·S...lt.E OF .. t.hlieb4ld . will be lI'timmarilY'· dellh Jeff. D av is ' Lnsl Dilch : LillIe Tad, a 31 IImllndll1t:nl in Ken lucky, we Ill\lU vot!! Iht! ~lIlire Ulliull ticket. W ~ kllUW !" i~.b; iL ~ot, where lie I~e nccep,.iLy of blllll\d; Gold~o Bells, a cBprice de .coo' upon 'he highest lIu l horily Iha\ in Olle hom un i PlI'~uehll ule le!!II imony thaI h,' v 1 d ' of Iht' counlie~ i~ the inl erior, IIOll1e fI!gAlrll ~ G,~ n. COIl" lIO' only a mos,t gill, Ilouschol<.l Guod:::, \\:..C, Ily this r .. llti! Ireigills or ail dear. 'H.oqger pro,i ing U"Io! cOUDtry wILh c!! rl; The D&wlling of Pllac~,. mArch, . Vleek. ago, wlllIII\ two dllya I\fltr II ),lD~ .0hJin, bUI n c1ear·hcnded, abl" ' li ulld CIIII bl"I'II.WII lI...1 tp 'anll fro lll !'I, i My Motlu'r's COLLage· Home ; 'l'ken hllrengue by a candidate ror lhe Leg · 111110. I will o/f.. r 'flll'lIhlic ve "elul', 01 1111 re~· 11"'~i'l a, New' Vurk, · fiodtull or O,,:lito .. r,', .,Qo\lrtaof JU8tiCII T ' :1 Turn Lhy Thoughts 10 Musil' Sorl, du' i81alure in opposition te the Amend · idellctl"lJlle milo' j'~"~l ul " ' ''yllt'I!vill,', UII tIl and IrulIIlIIIY '\Iuint 0ll,ll1 8 Jhil,oad. ul ; 'Jhe trace or She rOllin's march acr081 el; Malrimony, or Mr. and Mrs. Bro"o. ml:nl, ill which he took Lhe ~round ~r Tb" -"V.orld'. Culumbia corre§· 1111) Clurketivill,' It ,,,,d, Ohi" , Kt:lllllcky, IlHliallfl, 1111110111, W " \h81 in some way or olher ' Ia\'ery may POlldcllce or lhe il8t, sa)'s a deplora OU ' S"llIrUlI)', Jill )' !i, , lIll i., l:OIl" lI,lvw4 ur M,id-'lI urj , by rlilruad . I'oll4.b .(l.uolioa, i• • lIid 10 be ml\rked 't d'l d d . Copiee will be Bcn t posl'paid by Ih~ ue SA"'ed, a buudred and forly negroes llit Islate of 1I0'lIirs now ellis's .in ,Ihe The lolluwh .. , lisl 0' ~ 1 1J '·,k. F"~rnin!! n'c' . , .' .. '1'1 1'1\."p ell \l~y.VRIIIII. I ' C entre 1 R 41·Irllft. I ~ .• Y o bl I erato ral roa , 8 lin a at,anlDS' publil!bers, wllose catalo!,!uo 1\11 our ler, Ih eir llOme., It was the nalul81 tracl~ of Shermall's march. The de , Ute n R il~, 1I 0iltichui d Uuud s, ... 1"., t,,· wi l": .ont.y •. prelly "ell cleaned or ani. musical readers sbould 1Ipplr for, ' OrIO,," '~ "I III Pllldb,,,Cf• \\ it h .. elfect of his 8B8Umption. This is. by SlIU'GlIOn 0 f C0 Ium u'la a Ione Ie f'I "'l)0 .. 11- ~ 'J. heuu 01 I",r .,'., ~ Ir~.t. C·,,",, olle M .ale, forage and a surplu~ or pro'\8' no OIc"ns a 80litary cl\ee. Like CI\ U. eres of buildings in ruins; alld 111>0 11\'0·Y, c ll r·uIJ '''·lI cr. I cu lU _ I """,~ by hie",,!guuJd IIJf\Vurlled "oct'\\'~:sib litorl QCU II lllit ..be011'1". 1\Iu_ k • ' IOnl, Tbe white "lIeople io 1I111t Stale, NE" MU SIC. _ 'Ve have received SIlS 'ollow like elTuc's 1ft: 8R"81 iL is no figure of 6,pceu h 10 ally WI," I,I!!,;, I .. I> • . The ~hole " J ~ tll le,,,1 uf _I.ee ll." 1",1 ur ~hu" l~, '\" ' nlll'" ClI . CUIIILerl/llHl. Illinoil!, "'Iile adMitling tbat they are conquer- from lIoraoe Waters, No. 481 Broad. bor or Kentucky 11M become viliated. Ih'a l. the peo ple lue slanillg. 'I'h"r!' chickclI' IIlId tuelccy. . ~ il'p i, l\li."uuri, Ark~n"ad Rlllllte.1 II e neg r\lttJi ] lwu-hnr9C \\'ugu lI, J ui ce . prill ~·wng . I ",or tilless b '1 tl Ie nre disRgree ment s ~m~n(~ d· amos I • dforth.,reaenl, ,till l811intain and way. New·Yurk, lucfo\lowing pieceti so d ren d ~re ' .. I ' 2 I (;ll'Y~ I/l lIfl, III:)llolldUllkyltlldChi 'Ilese pestl'f~roua 611I' to'or8" 1l,I eir employers All the pOYI comlDllnd , Otl, ... t8 WllgUII I. rile, . , ~ _el" plllw .Iu, alldul ' 'N ui.e exprelsieo let their seceaaion be. of Music, by Mrs. E. A. ParkhursL, work of •_ ~ I III C 1)l1!!L!Y II~r ll ,'d~ "11111 IIll!nJII~r .. Iu II purla ,oll tie IIr .. • ___ IInlll, but o~ost 01 tl.le IJ)lIc k!l Altl III I se I II y ne !P, I 8 " I '!lU \Y r$I/l (1I Lnl;.c... ' · • t b i d 1_ ' f I " (fie"' ), t ~e l ~ illg l f' 1"lrlII'S<, !I l"lrrtl"' ~ ' 9 e lie.• y., aD cJ en Ier t aID lin ID eOIe a fe W.uo 'i one 0 our most pOPU ar com· JOlts (I0RI>01l B&NlIILTT'.OPINION 0)' 1'1'01'1., on "hilI t.,rms llrl!Y dl) nol know , I"rlle 1,luIV8, I ~ 1;l bll J(, .. i! <! "lIull'-rih ovu l Merchnllip II I1.d 811 ipr ll' tll.tnll'ill.a lor the Yankee. a.o d llIe toriell. Not. pOler8:-'F'uncfal MRrcu' to 'he mem o BEN Woo D.-If a copperbe 4 It·.lie Ben neil,her do Ih!!ir emp lo\'ers, thoug h PIOW8, 1 Ii II"I,! ' tI. 1 8 IC J , I pUl elll cUllill g- Ifhllspo llalioll Iu ' / 011 Ih'·ei r F(e1l'ht lidl "itb'latid~~g tbis, tBe plllnwr~ .say ory of Abtfthnm Lincoln, the , ~Brtyr Wood is to escllpe unw"ipl sf juslice, Irlue 18 an underSlandiitg Ihat Lbo)' hOl:, I wh!,,· III~ 'r' I\\· . J ar.ln .r.rlldlt>, tw o CUII\lI nIl V, ell' l l e., Wllh ~UJI I)n,:o ull , Ih ~!'I ' f thO " IIf t:~_ , ..... ' I. ' Ia . Presidenl; 'Oll' I . 1l'04 .,me ooe F!ower .. from l u e to hnl'e, bOl\rd and CIOll'u'lllg, ' Eel'l IlCd, I 8 IaliiI 0 1 I.u'le~, I U · 0 " fl i1 ur IJ III:k- "reedv lrunll il,01 Frelglil 10 linn (rom' nll1 e1 WI 'I'l'! 1ter Ourr "lAlIoUL. .. e III I'g l' .. liS we II 8Irr' I... e .111 a I Th ~ R"leR '"/ • 'd bl Lhe Itlliule book and open Alltbe J' •• Jls , , '.' -,,-;- - - I elS, I SII !!O r.WIII ('r pnll Oil.! 1..,,, 11'0 Oil!' I 'v Ib I I' ' ''I nry. ... IIlre Ie eOI)&' era e eo~lon from hi. Grllve.' Prioe, 30 ceol~ eAch ; His 011'coce .IS rau. k h rillS long Itl.le,1 " d !! I\IIC . /It S b!Irg l;rliH . Ioi ! O Il ~, Iul I II",~~V 811 .." O f\.' I,'~,. twu , poill! ill n.o I Ill'llraad , 011,'.,Ine .,iii . 'Ie elllle} ' v J~ TI Ie epl t, I 'illers Ce nlrol aU ' till\fl8 , .lill L_ loa\lered throughout tbe Slate, but The Maroh, wiLh vigncUo or tbe Pre8 ' lht'plllience or the people. .., I I vorft~ l tJ 1111 Dro' C Ilarge.. 'l'h~~ blood does nol st'e,m 10 be U.Iimilli~hl·ng l ll,·J 1",,·dIOIl)" " b, olh!!r ..... greatest pArt of'tbe nop' 11M beeD ideot , 60 cenll. MIli1ed rree, of co unllc~ s numbers ot" our bra\'e sol· the .. r •ruuk 01'.] ' oor \ Illst Accpunl8 the number of pel . cOll:-\ kI'nr ~ I(,vor,· ,8 1(J~e~, ) clor'h Ic~por , pr"9 I barrd 01 (.;u lI \ r""i tl~ . , I1ll l lro ye<l; . . die rs if' red apon 'lris band s, He stAl\ch F?I\' llu,fii:riJlg from il IImounl~ frolll "I ' O:::r Jltl . p"rticlllar In m,ftrk p:t" ... ,..........".. 'I'h U' . r V . d I d " I N il b' I I I ",\'i.CII· "50 I 'I d I I f I" C" ed p(,rk, \lII U VllfllfU8 UlliN IIrticlCb "VIA I",~ ~" "EwTR,IL R . R ," e nlO'll con veTil Ion 0 er" e esle "y I Ie or ,I, wlC I Ie las ~,v 0 o.J , . I III y. an I I~ uum If' r 0 100 nUlll eruus II, InChI iun_ ' " .... ~ ..., " Plonl nominated Hon ~ rllul Di ll in"hAm belrllyed, And by Ihe Sou'th, wh k h '.he Ileat/Ill to (lUOUI 9U . On lhe 23u of S~ le 10 COIII\II"IlI'4' 01 111 I,'r)u(' k. }>'ur I"rcl!!lt: CUllirocl8 or S illppin", Di, A oorre8pondent or the Boston TrAns· ' It pl188ed a rtSOiulion hl\s Ait!ed to j oto a corilio,-ancl< Mlly thl!rll were 4,430 JlaJil:nls ID Lilli " ft.; .1>. D WII LLA DER, 01 t . Iltip' etlllei tit a4 01\0 a re ee III yisi I to MI. for . or the WAr, Ills office IJIIS been Ihe hosf, ilale. 3\>4 nelV C!Dt8 \Vore admillec, july 3. I ' . . It . I YerDon, l\e saw relurniug uteno '0110 ra\'or of Mgro Negroes IIpprOpril\le resiing place IrAitorl.- 2SUI werll ItllL away cured, alld , 97 S. Ji7119 81.O /l, dien ro(used admiuallce to the 'placll hllvo never b.been dUllIed Ihe right orvoL · To il J ohn Mitclltl rlln when Richmond died. • ,I, , ' ' . ~ 11• ' • B r(l[/, n "~., C0., ( Ul , ~ w ""caule tbey, had nOI.enougb money 10 ing in lhlll olllle, anti Ihe people .llere lell, 1\5 Ibe serpen.I ,liolis fr om olle 'l!o!t C/Q( ' 1:"y <Ai .1. Co ,",n --The Notion, Ih~ New York week fI ' FrOID GO I. 8 0 £~ .. t!l , , •• C'i··9 .. u , ... io . pay tbe fe. demanded by the secession Are oot CODSC . iQul of nn\'J iO.J· ury re8uIL 10. IIBn'?ther,' t I b He 18 a Benedicl d J ,I Arnold I ,lY 'lWllich "ill ft"'pllar on 'he 6th inel .. I- "OW bein .. pai.1 1(l r ,VOOL, " III GOIIO",' , , . . . . V E S T 0 .. " K It . (rom II Itl exls . ..... I.. nce 0 f IlIlIt I. '·1ege. ·.iot,1 \\obo IOU hilS liS n,at. ravery, an 'II tolIun8 I' by Mr. JOSI'I,\a ll. 1Il' 0 " . . No di.t' og cr, IhiA year, ul " ' eecup"ot named Herberl. A colonel 109 PrJYI lh e gtllce hllng sCllr· blm. will be pub~i sh~t1 IIIis Faclory })ro.ers a~II' IF8rmers will flltld tlll~ ' MiU, , He lind J t'ff Davis ehpultl · be III ' Ri chards. w ho hAS been for lIomll ,"con di8ft l'l'oilllllll'1I1 b~ not tlllJi l1 g 0 ~ llIck 01 n\uU luJvlnta),!eoile ruule fllr Liv';! S Ine , . ~~ a re!;{imeDI lDulcted o.ne hUlld · ll8 10 tbe publi,her of lhe Independent. GOII.l, on 'liand tu t!x" hnnll tl 'ur 'Y .. " l. upa rious "01'118 , well 1V'I ~ rt't1 IlIId " IUP' .• ed d.ollar. fOf Ille pliv.ilege of .1I0w. ~ During Iho p~~ 1 week tl. irty' eC,u te d &ide by . side-Ihe nne All I'lhe P "urtly 00 ...1 "'V IIIle ' I",rn.~' \I.'M px u IIfl lI "r lJ 1'111,0 wilh ever J J.l illl lIonuuuctld tilal ' Amona Ihe reau , y CUIlVClIlCOCfI, I hllve ~I"" g Id. JJeltilllea'l fin miollte' "ie" of Ihe (our Naliooal Blinks !Jave beea estAb· re pte~('nlath'e of lhe coppHheada of lar contributor. lo tIle N . ,. .be <Itlr \V ou," I P ulld for" 01III d ,\V,I'II I II 10 'pflce ~ ,I on Ilt iil , hn .. aUlI ild cO ltneclioo" tltioll ,,·ill ,,!,'!III' .. \' ,lace, ' I II L II 'VI'· 'I' k for Hl\in .. il)ll only o.ldllll. .",d "very IlIIenliUII Is "Aid lu , ~"l'ir w. 1I'lt', lished, with a total capil"l of $ 10.628· th e Nonll , and 'he oLher 1\8 lhe repre. L t1 til e "'oulb. olOg e ow .. owe . IIll1er, ue er· r.-r \V " I ('r e ,I S sent8tive or Ihe Irlll · lors of ., B , . ~ . ~ " " ,flns nllu UII)l- G reost:' L' £ft 'm J.lapi,I,bur", w, hera, will be "'\lud 7 10. Tile whole number now in op,e . rlI8'n, Av,Ard Tnylor, Richa l u Omnt W&II •.ed .11\ UII)' qUUlllll. y, • lll, CllI'e .. lor leell illg oltel rr ll l \' I~n ' }'.I _ ~ "' . ] ",~erald. J' . '!vi)ry ,c, olI Ve r, The •• ~ of 6... teo' iractioOllI cur· ratioo is 1,334, The amotln' of Nil· " ., White ,. Thltodore Ttlton, William Lloyd {j 1~0 , nl\ RRBTT. n' rl",ice i. oltrred or the Pllil~Ilt:lp 110, . eocy Doteslia. been discontinued by ' 1: (J:::r The greal8(1cilll e\'ont of Lon. Gluritlon, and Gai\ Hl\milton. ~::-Vullp~, 61 11010·,2 .1111. 2·;1 N,'w Y'{rk Ifllli BKllihlore .ftl'nrlle' •. 'l'hil tional B~nk currency i88ued during Ihe tbe Secrelary of the Treasury, ",itl~" l J 'N E W M U 'S I C \ViII 'ohiO be HilmI! the short bat, qllick lt, , week wa ~ i2,267 ,1 20 , mnking Ibe pres . don recenlly Willi IIle mArrilige of " .iew to briDg iGto circ.l8Iion Ihe two dAugh ter of Ih e luding Rolhlchild,to-A slrllngt' Itory 11118 bee n eireulA' .. • 1111111 must direct' rultle rur Rlock 10 Np\¥ t eoL circullltion 8143,064.875. I:er cousin Ferdinand. 'I'here ' are lild for Bome lime b,ack, in E nv land, re ' FlJuerll~ I\ian!h lu Ihe l\foomllry of \"(OIk l via Alienlow/l J-l nd wilh 1";I'i! r and tllree Cell' .icldel "hich Ila" been loorded, i'urlber iss ues of Ibe Ibree, I.:U- In Ihe coune or Ihe neIl 8ix fourlecn Bllrons I\nd Barooesst!a io lhe ftpeotin~ lhe partie. concernt!d in the AbrfthulII ~IIICo l~,n IIIC !\turtyr Prt'si,JCIII , ChO Ili:e. ' lbllll Dill' IIlhN, . k I fnmily, and All were .,here, PicftdlJl ,ROlid Hill wurde,. I", is sRid dl.' MI'. ~y l\lrs. ~ ,~ , l Jlul\unu. Iio e p"pulnr ENO\;H LEWIS, , cenl .olell were forbidd eo by1l.n aCl wee ' s uear y all Ihs gsoeral bospitals was blocked wilh earriag llll , Ihe new p;. K,ent, ~bo falller or COnSl81rCe .K~nl" ::?j?,pvaer. Ii 1 h. HUllle ,J"\lr \1111 HIIVd; (loll'l Sureri III.I' 1111 !,II I , A hoonl. P.. , . . F8B1ed hy the last Coogreaa. ' will bave been brok eo up C I I r ", I' d . ' 11 111818 a lie COIllPI'I"IlI"", well \Vurlh)' HENltY W GWINNER , 011 vo cs· Ililial mllnsiun was A splendid eruIl!, W. IO eon esse ... t.le mu~ er' ll ~ ,RII I e- 'Ih e rl',,111 ot ion of il" wril~r . " V pry 8,,1, Gpo't TlrkH A"'~nl I' h'ilu ~,OOO COI'IE~ It H, Hom:!"' " . . . Ad,icea (roiQ Me:l ico, fayorable cerlt p"tienls are b~illg discharl:ed or Rnd lite !t:ading' nllmes io the' Ellglil h glllmAte son:o~ Ilia Illt.e.lfioy," HlghnsHs emn al1d imrrepsive 'ransft:rr l! d fI\8'., pt>8siule. '1'llere Peerage ,were r ..... r\ RE ' ISSU G en 'I' F re IUIIt A "e lON, - .. rssentl'd . D' Isrlleli the C Dllke of Kent; I f IInll· blsI ·doughter ' " Po J) WF.EKI. ' V. ' l'r 'lce .''>..u II t ~ II I IIt , kl the Republicans. hSfe blHtn receiv ed ue AbOUI 10,000 sick ill hospilal al drlllik a tO RS\ to the haVl)Y pair in ft onlilAnce. I \I~ re ort!. 18 I Ie lIlece 01 Ce lli "; wllh vlll"elte 01 Ihl' Preeid.llll. ;'IO I·tf, .. , _ II~ W I\.hington. The Lib~rll18 were preaenl. nut 8peech. 'l=be English J enllinae 8 Victo,ia, QUllen of Engh\Dd. r.f' nl ~, I\1l1il(,11 Irfle. ",,!tl i.il p.t , 1101{ . ....,..----- - - - , _ _ ._ havin~ diapoled of Ibe 1!!llding ioci , ACB W ATI!:RS" 4~) llfl)III:\\,IIY, N. y, NOT 1 C E . .Iteadily glliuing, iu numbers and, spir, ~ Th. Ileat of Vienna is nces. dent s of Ihe mftrrillge ftllrl bAil, Give It hAS hern proposed by 11. 0 fril'nd s " rAN '.' '1'0 I{ N O\V itl, whilo MBlliDlilian was losing in Ihe '1'1 Ie 1Il1.1,e u iJ;l. neel' hoe b e~ n dilly ftPlr IAml proportion. It" .. f'onlilieotly SIVtl, Ind the t1roughL iM 80 groftt and liberal glimpse. of Ihe Rothschild p\l. (I Col. A. W. U.oen, of Wilmin gt.on, A lillie 01 EVl'f ylllin g rclHt ill1,l' 10 Ihl' 1111 ' poi .. led Admlll\ft irator o( the E.lnl8 0" prolung~d tha~ the agriclIlturists fear ace. Among Ihe lavish rCAlures it... i8 Hlte cOlllmanding the 79Lh O. Y. -1:, to man syalem,lnftle 811..1 Il' lIIule ; 1111' cnll;'e~ Cn pl ji n J UM h'u/I 'S,nilh, lale of .W"rrell. 'e,lie.ed Ibe Empire w~uld brl'ak down Ihere Will he IItll e or no hllY. AL lut liMed Ihat the bllli8ltlr. of'lhe g;And nepreseu' lh ll cl)unli.~s nf CP nlon, Alld IrPRlme1i1 Ctf di "en8~B; the IIII1"i aL"e C')u llt", Ohill, decease d. All P'lr~,)n in, ~elore Ihe 1st of J~ouArl' flccounts hardly'lIny min 1;'l's faileD for sllIin.: ase are mllde of gold and pillti· Greene aDd F.yeue in the ntXL b1tale cuslom_ 01 the world; huw 10 marry well, .Le bl l'd LU tthe' estate Ire r('quet,,,d to male the I II~t se\'en wr e,k .. Spring lhere nutn. • ~''''~~~___ 8eoate. ""..1 • thollsOlld 11111111 8 ;Iev!?r publish('d bt'- ,\IImp-di. te p"),menl , slid ' th h8e Ii. VIOl:' Mu, Lineoln bas IIccepted, by ~Iad bte.n mine, Ihe hoI. wealh!:! r !Ill\, . ..~The (riend. of Lhe UDiled Stale, ore. reod Ih e . ev iHtJ d aod enl arged eflitiull "'~,ill\. a!!aill" \he n me wi'l ,re,lo1e.I\,\.(h(,II) •. kIter. the proposilion or 'he .,socia· IlIg 6et III at tile begioning of April. in Lyons, Fran~e hllve open~d 8ub. Z? A Richmond pllper sayl IbAI 01 "M,£\JltA~ .Conululfl St,II SE ." • curiuII~ Iluly lIulhenticaled, 10 tht\ .... ,dl'r. ill'''ed 4ur . . , , , ' • t1~e re he~ guerrills Mese b)' \rn8 been pll' book or cunUUij peop e, 8n~ n !!fI'ld bool! ul\uw'l1nce ' Il C. :1', (i; RANE tion for building " monumen I 10 b er A.dl1\i ~ i.I{.lItr 61 f' fl' . r f ,~cnVllon.hst !!or ~ the p~rp_ose of ra.i,· r4~l1ed, and i. 110" aL bia bume in Cbll"'" f'?r r.v!?ry Oll~, 400 poge8, ' 100 il luBIr U. l ..klld at Oak Ridge Comelty, near , e I l~n8 ,n , I\vor 0 women 8 109 money for tlie mnuufacture of a . \l uus, PrlcQ $ 1,50, Cnll lClI ld lubl e. Corwin, June 20. 18n,l), ' " ; iI clrculallng . . through Miu· bea utl' fUI AOII cos tl Y fl fig ' 0 f Ilonor to l()~te8\'llIe, Va, ' >e n' Ifee to nny .lldress, n,,(.kR mny be ~priaeiehl, Ill., and giYin,g her lind ~ uBrllg e ,are rece iving lhousllnds of be prosll ulecl to Lhi s counlry in memcr il\ II ' liad Illhe BOll kelurf'1!, or will ho sent b'y I, l ,. 'r.' I -; "er fami" ~bfj lise of lbe 10\ as a bu. n,ol>ol II , an : lgtnhlltu rclI; lIh ey Are to be preliented I or Presi denl Lincolo . . fhe IproDiitie an 9AYT'bhe ccroP8 .nll m . eil, !l1)81 paid, 011 rl'cPI[,t of [,d r,n: 8 , .,y.rupl ,iMJ place. III' u11 S 11 i\'8 bceD lid ' , h. 'I'!rAS neVllr ~ . \! oro CI UP f\. Jdrult f:" n Ft)U · 'fl'". M. no TI ' beat 0 I 1\ II C• nil I!' h S,rup~,I..,01"," Is " ' Ollt.x.. . CI:: IBJature . Xv al lwo. CODl8 eat. mo re rayol8bl~. :".. 6111 p ,,' v lIJ\llI.ruodN &Y. Now YUl k, by ,liS ' MEltltll"}, &. PRIN',l'.Z, t KDITOKS.
l!le~e d~a11l8
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Stock, Farmine: Utensils,
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~~'II~~;~;" 4AII.l'I!n~~·~; ~~~r~S:I:ri~t;ICy\ SP-R'I-N -G-V'ALLY'! FAC'rORY , ~'. Jr,.• ·I!h,il~~a..
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J k ac Son
p' ectOl'al
-AT ,,",I-
d tbe breese. . ther lall1. rQur run, yielded hally to. theit' ,llroOl'l:e.
, -,;oJ\WI. !lTATIOft (WA\,ftCSVII.LF.j, TRA.INI l:J,,&TW."D uuUNIJ.
I;:~~~ .. :: fl 26 A. , 6 ,291', nl.
N iglo l EXflreps, CillCil1l1lttl Ext1res", i\I~il ull.I I\cll';III " ~ulutn~lIe Accom " l'RAt~lI
\\' I>,TW.AElO UOU.r--D.
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ouL injury to life o r ,limb-if we excl'pl \ " limb or two uf tha beiluMIII silver-
-~.. LU-ttCu.
\PAI N'r
1 .\ \ '
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IIl11pl1!8 frun1ing the store. whoso ous' ~ -~----~-~" to 111 "I"\' tr,\n1luility WIIS 80wt:lYhtl~ rur- 1 On tho 13111 or Aprll, 18R5 , by Rev, G :
W, l\luon, at Iho ''',Idlmee of Ihll brid e's .. . ' dlllh~r,1'l1r, J . A . Crispill ~o 1\11" :;lillill '1 1_' Ii ' II" 1.1' I d'S.... \ All ('XIIDlIllIlIIOU dlscqvned the fllct ' ... II of W"yne,vdlt'. 16 vO le e WI . ue .pUu bl'lij Ie _I B, .. Lhnl the bllsl.: of the 1J011l 'us• alwos.t \ 0 n IIIII 41 II or J IInC, by J . W. K eys, J. '1 &IIIlUUI. ollN h 1I\\' I\r\II y III IIUVIUICC" . • - . p" Mr, Zebulon Daklll Lu 1I1rs. IIlury Ro· 'rho O/$/t Syst em wil l be rigill!y IId - \ ellllr(Jly decayed i md tled, lIS removnl sehbV'Iler. 1 m f I (II b led uut a d to . anJ 110 r"'Ipe r unlil lhu l hlld bar-II su/.:ges days Le..i '1't:IlMS CA S II.
I, ~rcd
Itil' II.
wb~re "tI lJu 'ill~S8d"lIlings, '1' nsi nt IIdY~rl isil\g IInJ Job mullPI ue pRill ror In Hd~III1C,'. __ ••__ _
~t Wlt~ ~ Iorlou
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lhu "dHrCI "CIOt'1I 1 III nnolhel' I'IIICO:, uuJ , I OU
: glor)'.thlll\ cnltl~ly
Wl'lit bill" ,' n to a h Igher I victory \'ouchsllfcs, 1 _ ___ . ___ _ , hll~ ) 1.. ldt'll to tllil e flllll tlt tl e lt'ul~nts , 1 CAIJITALLIIOld\ & Co .• lit the corller Fur these Ant! sim ilar nssocilltions iL is l
cOII~ll\ntl)' rt'Cl, iy ing "d(lili"n~','
~~~~~e\/ul ::
F lour 1)l bnrrt!l, (o' 1.)ur 1Y cWl.
Ih ll l! r:O Ji t'10 ll. J,.lIrd
and Ilh crllhly cnlluol cl" IIII , (r(ll\l Ihll no w fHII (: 1I .plre, In Lut ndJ 10, Iltc ~ lI ccess o f lit is h.,II S('" OWII silent yet tltr illing Itl n g un ge, th o ",hO"1:: bUSIll ess h as lII un, dU\II IreLI"J U nion rc lured iu morc th"n ils old t n ill tlotl l ilst yellr or two. glory, IU. be prolecttl d Illld pCr,)ctlll'\I!U
Dri ed Al'pl"d l :hickeliM 'V uU.-." n, 11,1 eufr.,e 1)! 1b ' New-Uroeu n A Sli[!nr N ,-V.Uil l\l uiftsses1jl UUIII ~Ii) !!" "l'lI.
It~ 1
____ ._ . __ ALI-I.M & RA:<IIlAI.L Ilrll lip 0 • _. _ , " __ In I It .. II' 8ul 'V y of Jr Y-l;:tluJs. IIlltl tll l, l, hll'lli)\' L:MEltTs .-:::o me long. nee ded l w,,1\ knuwn Clue tJ ll')' 1I1\\'1t)'8 IIlfwif"t : i/llj, r uye. 1m cnts bnve,recenlly b(!~n11millie b II "S .
C 0 A' L 1 . - 0 L . .\ PAIN'l'-nl~US\IE, •
I1-- --- ---- - --
IIrll SI.
p 'otcnt ItII cd- lClnes rI I Q TT () R S '.
DNerm inel1 to malnlain Ihe reputllti on / of his house 8 une or Ih e first IU. -'I Dudley nnt! 0lois ouistllnts wille1sp areMr. no
~ ,'.I-;rr!'e;l re;lw:mm fA t11m~
' I' ..J ,
i ' or moulci,,"1 to whi Dt- pllilld CII give Ite llllVU Ilr l'hv·icilin . ill cSPc ':llI ch lly the culled; anti """tever perta ins tt' 0 .Eutirc Satisfaction. C.II Dnu t:xam:nc elock alld price •• I F H" '. ' • };. DUDLEY. June 27,
,:d~!Sk 1J:j{dJ).l!..ntiCl.IVA ~o' re ~ re !Ill 1i\!J1 rr: [ii) ~1 ~ 1m lI" l.!!I 'm l!;. 1m 11
JJ .1:
A we ll-seleclcd 851!Orlm e nl
~ 31 2~ 1~AM ILY 00 , X
&P 1
0>\ ,J-l,J{;o,
'\3 '
Of) ~ "nC'
F tlWf1ly'
D I S 1 H A 1. E
who, ill is generony ackuolVl. his IInl'. , , euged tu be \\'ilhouL ', supllrior!
'WII1TEWA5H BRUSHES, llEADY·MADE CLOTH1NO l 'l'1 t I In large ql\/lnllly and elellan qualily aneI Ie 'est quo ,ly of "Iyle. or hOllle moke •• I IVOYII in aupply.
A18", 0
IG I· 0 I
G·ROCEllIE'' v;;:!
fi D"J'Alri' IPl!Jm lLII(o 9
-61: II AS-
T'."-A. ..,;
Ohio .
18 @ 20 )100 3:;
--- -- -- -~ -
~oud s upply of
eel· 1· C' S
th e nEsT \
I I till'o u" h nil CllDlil'g agoi. tu tlt e ti JlH~ '
The Cunlng Ueplutment
rrO lL ET . , ARTlCLES' I d under lhe 6upervision of lhaL excellenl
15 '76
Id 20
I 1'"I'drg~III luC8 ~' J U7."", iii bll~h"I,
P A IN T S, 0 I L S J
tl ' At th e old libC'l'Iy -p"le occul' i!!!1 n )I to tlttlil' slock. tll l::r" by kl:tl'illg it fu ll ni che in r('rollt'Clioll . llappy nre we lJf. th t: plc."lil ill g sl)'l~s. Tioe ('"ter. ! tl lllt Ih e uld Ihg WflS P(' lrui llC~ H). pro. IIlon' ,lI l e
!/iiI :l5 fJf>
m. \!1 m,Im IE m
Carrjulllj Comx it d Ever!! Week, \\'hl'1I1 1;) bu , hei,
Sty~eB t l\lEDICINE , Paris .a'nd New-Yotk and al lhe
We n t ) _.~ ._~,
. rHrllI
di'''l'~CU uf Iii, b,' yond UU l win, liu"r t )· , " · It,,n vict ory IIovcr6d r.ound ,II IIlId IIUW 1I11vurl\~es fur ~ ; dll .Llt l! OIove - Iuur Imllner. on flll'-8WRY bailie fi~ lu", , • "ble IInkl,,' . p,'rlllil.,i ng Ihcrl't'J . Ht'lI ll i M 1t~. IJ illit half \Jl"~~ Vlhen o ur. he- I
' &C.
V AR·:''HSH.
poslpone unll I , _> 5 ,.. , ! "Clerl he l-ou nla eo neArRl ____ _ ',,, \VOl Ii hllnd. ,Dut tltll wind ordered On Ihe 281h ullimo. npar \>Vovll rsvlll" , . dllug hter ul Jonllll Jonney,'Sr. ' I)' • IlIHI the tin e .look ing pOld ", llich has • , Ell., _ 111 1 thl'Be yellr s of "II I' borne upon It8 1- Mr, A , U. CllllwOI!I"c\cr Ioas , "in n"clt: tht: Iri colored embl em of our I " ' uyuc8\'lIlc J1lll1'li.cI 8.
In oney is pOIiJ, t:xccpt
-'NIEW lClIUI·: Sl ~~lE9 w.\ , .'
ES '-I LLE , Itli" " ind's ·upl.:lior rorea, cOlDing down ' "Ilh 1\ el'l\.h IKll in" ou Ib e ,idt.walk U- An Oper" HOllIN! ia in oOllne 01 11 .. 011 hana • Iplendld .QortmeDL or A L S2 (SUDS do KLEIN'S OLD 5U.1\'1).) , betwt:en' Mr.: store- and the COD Irllclion on Ille cor'!.t'r of Mnin nnd , C HEM I Dll0A \leLO'I'Il • . Beg h'~ve -'0 ill IIrm Ihp pllblir. Ihot lbey CAS IMERES, Ishade-lrees. Fortunately. al Ihe wint! I'~irst streets in Daytou •. which .i ' . c o· LEAD. Ioave 011 hund all(1 t:X(l"-GL lU keep VESTINGS, O~ 80 high. no persoll WI\S within iLS 1 ~lgDed lo be on c of tht: (illesL LUllJlngs VARN STIES, WIIS 'l'RIMYIN<1S, AS~lIrtmcl\t of A COlllpl I pel'i1ous rellch. and tha rllpid descent In lhe west-Ie'lond ollly, perhaps, to c .. whir.h he mlnul"e\uree Iccordina to I froOl ilS 10flY hi'~\H "1\8 e:xeellltld WiLh- I Pike's in CincinnAti. Dry l'4iJ~ed lho LATES1'
fi[) ,. .
'j uci liHuta l';xprt!n!l,
,r 0 N T IN U Ii II
.to.IULA E. ES,
rnA 0 TIC Il
::;l'lt; I':~ . ~TU"
McGU liFY' S & W IL80N'S SEmES, , &0 &0 &0
ttl h.: r", brnnche.\ ,NOlie bul not Iho to be exrell· ALLEN & ]{ANDALL, -:In liit.ll y", vnrioua JtETA •• ·.'EA •• EUS IN .", . A cOIII!,lete ~S8'!rIIIICnl of II T AT AL U I T£!l~I P, CASII,-Office at his residencE! ill thc; r 8e lec Lion - . will ue T ltil'u Avcllue, y " n . 11 11l ~ S \ ~ l ' lf the l:ulit's iIlLheil'pres,, " tvHrit!ly. Uu \· lIl\d J . Jann cy, E<q. Mr.ll,hatlpur. I, DRY (joons" . GAITEHS AND SHOES on Main SlreeL. . ., Physicians' Pr~. sC!l·ptl·ons I ' lilcrt:. YJI U ClllluuL filii lo rtccivl! chlts!'d Ih o 11 uru ptvpt-rty. nilU grf\~"u ' QU EENS 'V ARE, A, JONES, l\t D., lati. faCIIVIJ. Ith c lo ts down tu m c d II sldcwnlk wlllc.1i . •. For Ladies & Children. IIJl!IIHCIiL 10 , Oil
1£ 1\ 1
o! I!I D •
_ ___
,lid not before ('list.
611 \'e
II Al~ D 'VA HE, Carctull y and ]:-romptly Filh'd. l)rug.Slorc GROCERIES, .' pl" ,.; " .I - , ':
on Mi ami
'fill( GU) Ihll::o ETURb: - PORl ·Oniet: ' Ftrc<:L, line! OlhHn' i ~1l bli ghlened lh e M l'I'ri~L &; Prilllz, &c . • g o a~pl'cl o f thin gs ill IhAl vicin ilY · IJI'II.v dy Illon~, with a ste;.Jily inlLrell:!Mr, J OIf{I;(> y. ' \Vhos~ r~~ltleitee ndjoin s. i.ng bus ill t:tiS-t l,e in l! vitabl ", "(J~ 1I 1 1 of "nil not o nly 'lnv ly p"iulcd Ids bO\l~e pel·tievl~ral\c. nnt! enterpJ'ise. W hut i" 1in II \'e ry fnshi ou llhle colo;. Lut m et 1I\lt t Q Le fuulIJ Lh t rfl. pau Jil 0 lio not· llt u ~ide \\, lIl k arrtlng~ment. cbus ereaWIlIIL. Go nllu t!Jam Mooll. I'i "g 1\ d" sir.fl bl e wn,k ill n locality ~hat hllll , for years ue.oullht relil:C frum ill aba.ne 'lIt' origiD") cbaQs. ". Key. ill this 'l'hc~a ins tances' of tintcrprise reflect lIumbtr. l ~lely bought thl! , cred it on Uie owners, lin t! g r ~fl LI .v en· "rolw rly 1l.ljuinil'g Mr. J, ~1 , lIttdd''ll'l! 1hll llce the VIIIU 6 of prope rtl ; IIlI d it is :store , whicl ~ he hilS rt' -plli nll' c\ And lit· tv ue hOl,ed thaL olbers mny b o ~ Liruu , Icd. up ill n Cltt a~"1 b" c: 'Ul ing style, , lfllt.d to siUlilar I,{ro tts, uudl Waynes",hJlh"I' he hil S relnov"l' hiS ~ tlh'k 1111,1 ,·itld t1 hnll H entlllllly Lo unrivlllled in "II t he perqllisitl'8 b f a Dllol. I\ntl Shllt \ IIrlistlC cultiVAtion, us aLe tlla catly is in MKnuf"cloI'Y. Gi\e him a cull, alld b..... bCIIUIY of lOCAtion. ~rl\tifie J, fur h" ple(lgl:8 to t{ivt! IIlttiti• ~-'Itlclion. lleme mbt: r the nl! \\' huu~li. ST. J OIIN ' S DAY -On the 24th ult ., thiti .llty \'IllS duly o b~cr\"ed in Xl' nill, COrlll' r -
~ Mc~ 8rs. Rustbl! ll), & Nenl,
" . A,' II CS\' i li e, Oh io,
Pos ~r-OFFICE Iljvile nttention to th~ir SlOC\;
.....-L... ..
Ilio n:
••• •
():7- Mr. DUllley contillU(,1 to CIOIII\!
~ II (0 ri ~ Hos~ery,
~ 111N1 ~jiCl.~l~
Ladies', Gents', and CHILDREN'S SHOES,
', .1
ol~, ljlantl
.I(!~ I
~ ' ,," , .
(In \:n!.~L1
I" '. .,'
To this relture or
For (hs Toilet, Hllndkerehief'l I'\ceHlin(f Drawen, Word· rol>ea, etc .• elc. CII!I Inll examine our vllrietie1l' l
Etc,. Kl'c.
ROsEBERRY 4' NEAL. - - --- ------ - - -Fpecial ADDOUDcemeut.
bU Ri neUl.. We hllve
• E o' It H. T. ANTHO-NY & CO ,. Wllul.EIkt.~ARD
. . -,
,We I~all r.onslmntly keep A) II hllnd-II gen- Mantifacltd''''''· t(f' Plt()tofltiipl"ic oral I18~Orllnilllt o( Pal en I 1\1elli<;iII06, ,iatt) Al eo , JUSl rcce ivl,d ' ru m l' i tl.bu r,~, II , . lioi nnOAI?WJ"Y.)I . t goud nnd lIIel l'lIe leel;,d 10l ol In ajj\,li\lon to (lur main bo.I04!III of P!fDC .~ logrDpllill l\lale,ial. , we are HeadlJullfh'" , for 'lhe lolluwiog, viz:
' Ster,oscopes and Stereoscopic VieWs. 0 '( Lh'~ 6e we hov e on imntebeo o88od.
DRESS- 0,0 000' W-· hite G 00 ' d 9, ,
: ", ild ,you CAnnel lail ll> ue ft uiled both in melli, including Wor 'Scenc,"; . III\'d Forelgll Cities 'Illd Llln·ddcope •• ·, qnll 1111 III:d price. Oroup!!'. 'Btatuftry, ,,'('.j ~ tc, ' Also, R4!June ~3 ~ 1. . VOI'vM~ 8lereo8cqpe,,;' I{Jr public or prl,at~ p«hi~i;lon, , OUI' C •• alolue, wiJIII8(!leut 10 OilY addre.. VI rec', lpl (If / 81.m,, •.' " , " PtlOToGRJiPUro 'ALBlJJl• . ' .' Of a I!rl'Qt mony ltilldB ant! ilr l ~rge quon· We we rn 'the flt'sl to Intrllduce flIes'!i litiep, fu r sllte by , I " into thO 'Uni ico BI&ti:'~, and we monurad ~1i':RRITT Ii. PRI NTZ. _ _~---'--------- __. l - lure immenee tjllBntllies in g,eat vorie t" ; ~Anglnl:! price flio m '60 canle ' To .~U 't" l'uc h, Our A IbuIJI8 h8\'e tire f'eputllliOIl Dandeliol! Co{l-e." Rl' e CQ{ftl r j "n ine liio or bci llll ll(tpe.rior il\ beuuly jln4J.durabiH" ,Culree .u ..Il.::X lrarL "r Cu lrep, I O)~ ijHle 0)1 to -lillY 0ltlN8, 1'li01 .wi ll bo senl ." MJo;R1UTT &. PRI,NTZ. ~ ll0" 1i.- Rnn. 011 receipt o( ,g rille. , _ __ _ __ _ __ - - - -- - 1D'}'lue Albums 1IIncl.Cl , l~ Orfb,;..oJ ,
Union C-offee, Pea Coffee"
. ~8rd Photographs. ,
'/'hid wo know Lo be purl' . 8B Wit pro. OJ •• cured lha Cidet 'roUl telluble pers ons ill Out Ct\colr.ogue now embr.CeS o~er l lri vg II"a lIeiMhborhooo"olld permi(l c " ic to Thou_olld ditr"~'lII( ~tl bjo e !!,; lo .whic~ sd· turll (0 ollleftftt .. n ollr I)W" I'r~,I,lIi!\ esl tiilil llS .. te CI'IIIi I},u.. lly . !Jil in, mAlte , qf
' "
r.~. ~:
'I1:'N'.f(;t ~.\' ~ 'MD B "O-U,;:, ~ IJ ItA..T Sf
n\.~rtcl .l;lrlce
IIIOIlS'I' .i's .US& .
Picture , Window~Glasses, _ - Give ts J\. ' CALL,
\ for ulferu l ytars bC8towe4, ' J hope. by 1.1 » iJ --~ -.-- -~ Lt. Jolm W" C•• lleLI, l"te (if ·ro. OJ fri ends in wi 8hing I~e r a prosper- cluRe att e nlion ond Ift ir delllin/!. atil! tu ,lIe 79th, bill r~8 "lDd tbe wngon WK- o~a 'OJ age and a u fe reLlI,fI). , mo,h • ,eperun. £Otllii'luance of •It ... -~ ome. " _ _ _ - - - -.1. ' " ', •• ]. E. KEYS. ft). riil ,t\ tn . IIlg lit hi, old It9Inping ·groltnd. nnll (j::r}J r- RqHIl Holland blls _ Th ... ftt all pnid,' for "'ill &0.011 be iR pel'fc t.: t ofllt" 10 wei · o.er 'fur .I\~t r 08tins-p l ~ee of h'fI ' SOli, GreE'n Hille", Skin. end Shepp .P ella. 11 .(( lOme !Ji. DlllDt:ro us I'Mro n s. J. M. U ll,l htn ", in the M. E. Ce metery, July . ... 1\ l"~·n~ Nom~ mOD Ntn eil\ of lhe fines' OLD ' EWES 'M.aDB NEW • . . Mr. &OI"'~ hns re- l lalian ma rble-cO'l lillg, "19 nnd nforw-.1'1} " G. Sa.r"enl .. ".. I' amp Fr'",- t d'Ircct \ng Il OIY tn Bre~1 tU' ~Qtld. ([OlD lhe w.ar, nnd Qllr ci.li3l! ns . • t('~lurc s' j!'HL 'Qlld gh'c Ul" Bpert8C II' ~ .. lYlllo Il .t, nbouL ~ Il: ltulI (lr ed d~ lI n r 8 . 0.111 ~id or ilnelo' M rlie-dit·in0. Se r Ill y Irt! a:ailing llll~~scl,ul Gf hi s 8ervicl!~ _ _, - - - --'.-\ - /1111111. lree, Vi rrrl'lpl .01 10' conl -.' Ad· , iUlit 1Q'"'1~ f · . as palll"ter, by ,t llleh fle' i t! kep t con ()7" Go to E. Mt!eli s' (or thaL dcli')a- Ilre ~lt E. l\ ., FOOTE, .\1. 0 .• • LIlDlly il\.LLc bt'lIutilJing -IlIl I ry of th o 6\:aool.:.-icl1 cn" w, Z .GIII 113U I.:rouilwoy, 1'\ 'C
a .. d coinpetent jud!les give '\Iem tl~d
, We ~orti cullirly d~.8ire lhe' aUcnlioR of
Shawls ", ,.
"G E 'N ·U l N E , "
J~t~cnt ~t£~tdncs
varied 14uP1'ly of
whicb fllo~ is sufficienL gunrllnly for LJv'lIY,-~lr' :' lt~~e .. , hAil 1111d his T,in, COppCf,& shecl.>tiron '''artl ilDmaolllate 6\1 Ifor all who pl 'lel! lht!w· railroad oWl\ibu~ p"illte d 'l\lId bcn uli6t'd lor sn!e .ll the low 8t caBll .price.. All lelflu under hi. ani.tic skill. kinu a ol IlOtI' Otllll't l'uok as' gooa II • He lin, BI ~ II mAd a so mll adultions 'to his OU ", GO,OR.: WORK, Z7 The Rogers lIouBa h l\8 undel ' \ov e ry e tll!)1 1l oulfit,' w"ich will ' be g rat- " U ~~I 1S , j3llf lllinS' RI,)9JI 11 Ik~ " du"e on g()ns " change' Q( propri t:!tors. Mr. ifying to his num erous l1",ro05 whow shutt 110 Ic e uud III Ihe bl)~1 mbllll~r, luly 3-'lI Wt:l\Vor. the form er urbllne and gen , h" serres 80 rnithClllly, : -_ Llemnnly diapenl(!f of ho~ pitl\liti a B, ha ~ relired from the pONitilln 110 Kbly fill ed, J:;i1~ W u nrc pleHse.lto wlllcome bl\ck by llim du ing a (ew ycars p"st, Bnd 10 our miu s i. Dr. Wm. 1l ••..Aoderso n • 1 lUke Ih i8 mt'!.h od of Informing , )Jr. - - Hell!!r IUsumes its res pon si . whll returned un Thllrsday cVt-n-ng 1 m'~' "III hie noJ~ "nIl 1108 pllb,llc cenerIll ~ L, tro~1 a seHl;,"et!k~1 Htls )jerlan sob \ly, ,1o&t I hove remu .. ed plnee biliLil:l. )VII lru~t his elforLs lo wnintain Lhe re pului on or this ho\o l mflJ journ. Rl\d "ho nFpe Rrs 10 hll\l 6, 8vailt:d or .busillf'P8 10. Ihe stand formerly o(('opled , by M,s, Thoma s a F.,;e~· 8lore~ me~t will. all the 61lCCeSS he could do; - ltiDl S,..J f liber" lly of lit e ill~igonlLing 'Opposite the Rogen HOUle, ai~a of ti le , \V es tal'll prnll )1:9. LOllg lire. _ _-.+,__ • .•• wlte'!! 1 inlelld to ,keep ~n . hft~d a celler41 life 10 011 su ch ,m e n as he • ~s8 l\ rlmenl of \Vurlt, boLh of " ~ ReRd Mr, Cri spin" 'Alherlide .Nf .().ur cotrel!,nel.lellt, : Aha!!· M. In ~ 'I ,0 w-· N . " I InlDl. nntI do not forget to plltronize " HIT,,"1S, left New- Yo rk· on S,,'unlny, ~nd the be~t brlln,l ~ or Ilim, lIc i. Qtlllerving of 8UCCC8 ~. IIn(l the ht In s l,. in lha SICtllner 'liloornia, CITl;' J!A ..Vl[J:A. C7~tiR.E. ' lIo!,p8 eweryt hin" iu bi~ Iiue usulilly for Il , vi.iL to Fn~il ce . Si:ot1I\od' and Blld warrant. lu g iv,e eMi,dr.Ltioll. ·, 'ullod in a , 'ollllny ItOI·O. ElIghilld. We cOl'<!i,,)ly ,unite' wilh her Thankful for dltn'on libe"l p1I1rOIlIl,(e
f 11
' B , A' R G' A I N
Parlor and. -Cooking Stoves,
...... -.---
ever o~erer\ in 'thle market, may lie fnunel .1 our eoicabJ;.hm-elit. '.riley Ire ell
TI.,....'0-W ABIL A R 1 S 1) IN , . • -. '
!le urly oppoa;le Hay's 11011. '" ca lle pro'mptly re8ponded ta!J
A fiue lI8eorlment of
~~JLI. ,11in~l.o 1l:l) ,
lIIemuert:d Lhfl~ M~ Dodson eI\K\Dccr ~ 10 t~a time wh en 'he 11111111 be with us tbe clllllng dt!pulmell't. of this hp u,se, IIgni~1 p"f mllne l; tly. , lIt! is needt:d.
AmI a General A !:lsortmOlit of
1J\'eni n~
H ®
B18 . ,
. £hr' Ni&:ht
01 ell Idnda alway. OD hand.
' public at 'h" .old 1ll/lIId 011 Main .Mouday ()II 1\ furlough rrom to Hppkin, & O,ill}Ti.n,) \ 011 Slte;t. Wuuncs-" I I . Wht'e lill g. where thc 3 6t1, is nOR res t- A.Lllle I Ir.e, ays It (; 10.lce IIS- , t W IH:re IIe . i t ~Jr. Eul'i " ht lo()ks vi ll e. wUlfld i lll on,I , hl8 old cu~ tulller~ .u)(1 IJOr lruelit or (atihionnLla mllLt:rilOllI (or lug .m, u U gllo. .. . lhe r e, L 01 ·mankillu. 11)*l he boa a I:oud I ftdurn ing the gCl tdl!l'. it shpuld be ) e- I'Ild 11111 t , lind we look forwllrd el\2'e riy o~surll'lCllt of
ol d 'v alu ed (rl' c nd , Ll. G. W. EDrio.,II'. -re'nch e.d here Fl' RLOUG II ED ,-
Fllr Gl!ntl emen's nnd BOY8' weilr. AIH(I, " larl:(e sopl'ly 01 IVell-tit:1ecLetj
DGmES'EIC G 0 () D' ,-
1'<:11.0 1 'If CV} UIU4U ~ .
. Waynesvi1le &nd Vloinlty. Orncll 6n IJ.C cottier 'O f Muin nnt! ·l\1I.
We 1.1116 no ....ILltiou 1.,- ilaylnjt Ih., the
~')lillgtidd bran blind dis· ~!: '.•' S ',r 0 ~',',l~~}' SiD R Y _~G . ,00 D S! ddighlfu I mu~ic, anll th e """'"
oration was ddivercu Ly Un, C.
Hllwin1E h od foutleen y-cftra.' experiqnc. i,1 the pr8cl ice ,or l\Jedi ciae, oft'er8 hi' l'ro :eulu uo I Sen ic.etI to the cilizllJls
which tht'y O{f,H oj lhe by lhe ~n so ll s. \\'lto l' l! ld a cclt:bration the N"w Drull-Slorc, l'lll' e B tin", liS" in d ie Fllir ·Groumls o f thllt city. 'rhe _llotlhlenL o( ev erythin g' in thei r line. 1Wll)'nes,jll~ Lodge was r\'f~senl. lind ~OIy H'ES1: JfARKET PRICES. alld ollr readers will do well to givt! IUnd u II lin(l nppCllrllnce ia Ibe proce~' _ J_u_ _,,_._ _ _ _ _ _ _~-2-.If
beEI qllo I ity o f
a.d ·-.Caps ! -:---
:them scali, stock of .hoes fur llulie. nud eloild\'t,u ' is v luict! all.l co m · 'plele , embnic iu g all lhe lates t r.l,\'le~ of .he Beaso!" anti lhe 810re is 50 nicely arrRn!;cd. is ." pl.,as bre lO go Lhere"
Hoot ~fJ'~ rs"~ ' ~J!r .
A\ERnITT &. )' RINT:l'.. porlrllil! uf' ellii illlllt AIII~tic.il • ctc" -9iz: _---~-- - _ _ _ ubotft . • 100 Mlljor-OerTl'rals! . 'io~ Lieut·eotMi eh. \!6t1 ' lIri g:< Gene'tlll~1 · lhO ol her Ollieera, 915 Cu lonel. :.' ?fj Nayy' Ufficers/ the li'ill I o r pound,· of ' It IV.rrollled {,fjO :3la leemetil 13U DIvines, 'luI/ IllY, lur ~DI(> I) v 60 \lromllle"'t women, 12" :Autkor~.. . · l\I Enftl)I' &- rnrNT7.. l :.l~ SI"lIr. , , 40 1.rtilll' . '.
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_iDt:lO'dlng ,eproduttiolll,) of lhe most Cil.ebrol cd ElIl:r~villltll, l)uintin6t~,' Sitl,lJ1ft8, ptC. Catalogues unt 011 receipl olltainp.
n 10: ,' .A II ortler fQr, <)ri.e1')uze-n, ~7~1!6~~~ tro~ CO lologue '\vj;J~ be seul o~ ,' re cef" 01
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. I Pholol!o',p/lcrs pM , othp ta . o;'lerine !loy.l, c. o. \\jirJ' pI $.116, _ reiJlit II:') fhlr .ce.ul" .or,,\ he a ';i\oullt of 'lhe!r 'urge~; ' l I 1'119 priCeR Bnd 'luu\l11 gl. gur ~ oc'
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leal . ." ~ I.....ppla,; ........b .,. i. o lll, • , .... "'-:-b ..ae~poU' _1..al1 , ..keel-dow. i • .Iaeob· •.~rref •••pplica\ion •• Gel .h~' YOl& ell e.. " $2 Eall ON THE Ol'C~""R PL"". O.,.".I".D"rt.;~~~~-;;'OBIJ M,. pee... ~ "::.., i& doD" COIl. are . . .11l0III. . . . .1,hiD, ,. the IYOllr 0"0 ua~Ide~ ezertto~ l. ~r ~ .' _ The Eutlre Ntork or ,J s:. 11 "" 111M • ~oo -,.. toil of tbe we... 0,1& it. There il more d~JC ·1I1ID petI. ED" B RO THE R W Ilhuul '< 1\11 ' ..1 lu V.. hlw! Nol 10 b. peid ru, . . . .DOOlb r.aelia,.auer. I itt b JlM!obe' orcbard ur no m"Iter bow abject, c oupled I Oue Gold and Silver Watch .an· UIIIII )" to ~,)o"' wh. 1 yu...... to ree"I .. 1 If tlte ty pe ielo .lIMn the penp e " •• ,o,g l'had 'h" curios ity to w 'lll'~ l·odepend t nce. than in indolell' .&IiEI' TS FOil ufactoTJ, two immenlle. Jewelry ~l'l.",IoJ 1... 1 vf ,h lt d .. l All to b e .ok! .1 • d '1 .ummer, IOu • ~ u . 1 h' ~ t Su Pla 0". \! ullar .:"cb ! ~~flaUblli~h leleg rapb report • • peo- ellii aad e umioe ~or my ee~r. Sa, ,~. ('olll fo rt gliDed tllroug I t e gru 0 a ..EllroJ9tan afld EQ ltlr,. ..lIalIIifacfuTtr', E.tabli . hment. , o~e Gv~~. P ~ bOO :\lu lic.1 llIJ . e. ' :lUlu '1.;0 ..loeb P ,.II·~I " Nei a hbor. whalll Ille re 10 your e 011 fllY or. d l ON E "'IILLI ON ting Warehou.e, ne 0 e 161.1 "0. wlllll.od l• .IL c . li..61. 3<)11" 6011. p Ie .ay' bel a ~ . 1 h ~ L h Lb la .."e applea ? la po", over U and l'encil 'llaker, :l ., 'her 1._,,01. & ('o tle~ II r lla :iO" 611 If we oO/i' t bell\ the, ' ..y WII IllY II It a' ma ael euc_ .moo '1· h' . 5 f ' wraps 1 l 8 n f inrgdo llfef, ,. wOflh 01 64"1e gll id and Bi l. .11' • •' .:b .... ' i; lIi.h... 311 .. 1011 •• , or lupprelS t bem lor po· They are a th ird larg er l Ian ·Iny~ Inal:, MAPS·! WA , 0 ver.ware, s llli lall-ey e. rl ic le." im1'0 be cl b po i ed of ' wilh " lt p~tch - liOV " i,· • .".I . .....· ~O" 50 no eDternri , h 'l e t an d m'1 treea 00. II )1111 •• .)'rUI' "up' .,. 1'" ."I n .. :!lJ' " ~l litioal etreol. I II can g '" E ~ If (J If M..At' )Wri ed and AOIe "c ~n! WJ W1T UO UT REt. ARD TO COST. 1 0IlUIl , " j(vh h:u" Jri .. ltl u" CliP' 5 :', ~ O ;
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·W. ~I · di8 poee or en r, artlcte , _ f (01.11111 .. ,·u "". t~ ..u we af' . " ,bing bu~ a r.ulehud. "Th. l eoret is Dot ill tbe 1IOi1," 'Jobo OJ' T HE U,NI TED STA T ES, at . ' each , with out . Tbe Cl ood. are o{ f", h,o.. ,bl. tlyl". ~ ~d 111011 ' ~~\JII .. IrUII. car" "".1 c~k .. W.. k, •• ~( .... o..if lhtlm Ibe1.IY we are ao replied wi tb a l"iokle in bis eye. "h ilI SI Ie of Ne nda .nd . elle,rd tu velue. ur"lIoul wurk",a". b,p • • "d o~ "" ,, "c~t1 '" I btl. h l. 2&:: 50 l 'b. 'old 10s"11 If " e pllblis b oriainal mill- OD il . Do you . e,' tboee gruDter. S"horr~IIlonrif tohIe :"oWnIan"'. -Olllllllin a a cup1 in Ihe !IlIanner btlow ,"Ied. Ih,. n....... ., 10 r.li ... 110. prop" .. IO" !'O'" ~ "'. 600.0 dOlen .11.", lea_poont I," " 2O"tlb.: With " . • kb iii ta a e WI ~ • b. rral men t, o~r hi oll"t1 loy. • dl,'r"•.,, "~ "l v,1 I lullvO1>'" " I, I!' '' I ~' I''''JI'' &I .(orl.. 20 .. " () ~r ~bey Ilamll •• for not lCi"ng aeil:c ' tbere! My I'~r rlDgl '1 cben ce o( Col, Trumbull'. S ient ,. . of II e Dec· [WI" We ore cO,..' lnrly reeeiyi ng 1'1r II . hould be'prunlln.ll ily .181bd, . 1. 0. 2:~ 'O gull! h UlI lI llg ,. • • ~ w¥lche. bU 130 . O. r Ion I. f.0uod.-fl gh t ID liesl!. aud tbe a l8iI • I.relion 01 Indepe ndeoce, LII'.of BaUI.. ler. from / ou. r Agefll . throughout th e ~'·MI' tlley .r~ ,"vil ly ~( z;,uu 1"lIi",' 1(01,10"" ~n.II,d.t1 S.· •• 70'. 1'1.ye ( I be gao , 0 p~B ture Dly ord or Ihe Pr'tent W . r . P,opu I1111011 0 r tbe count.r)" 1I)'lnlll h SI IlU~ ,01'd.' W-' A. , hUUllI\K · t.:ll l~ Wlth. h a:1 AJIIoER.I CAN .AN VFAnliREt MlO.bu nl'" v.C ..... ,h·., walchel 3:.a " 70, " I f "e publiah . eleclion. folk .a,.' we n rUl t. 'II~II " lire 11&1 for Dot wriLing mo:e, aad gi". ch~rd teD ,ea,. ago . "Itb hog., lin Un iled 8tal e •• ill Counllu. y e l ~" wltile Ihe "rlicl.. obllu~e~ for olle ..""' .... . greAII, .overior 10 Ihe KooII. illl ' 2\111 d ,»",o~J ri atg o. , ~U :: 101. , U 11 I tb b fO DO' read iD aioce ab .t time I lIa" had no trollble BizI'. 4u.6 inche.. Mounled on roll· dollal' ellch. wrn bIl ek , and apollill • , ery rled IrOtll abrood alld hawked Muu ul n. Ih e 6VUO ;;01<1 .~, I . ",. ''''". cha,ua ~ bUo .,:",\lil Ing I e~ w a II a \ Witb .. or my fruil. Apples.l .. gener. er.. Seal on receipt of 81 ,60. short time! 'ru all who have had ell pe, ~~.~"~II •••r ~1. ..be . ,mpl" " oly 0" !UI' I ~U~V , ,, Id o' al ~. '~II ur~c~ I~I' : :: 1:': !l'hl e '( all,t o t ~ pa!". • eomplillleatar,. al tbing doe" f..11 from Ule Iree unle.. rienc'e in wearinll l uch Ifood a. we rel~r .. 1:1~1~~Ir:.~~,'I~; I~;'~ r~-;:'!~/~:'~~;:;),~~,u~~:,~ 'I ~~ )c"a:"~~~,~~ ~Ullr·;:u~~ cto, inl ~ " ~"" 1I0£ic'e 7e.!1::' oe:::re4 for MiDi fir· 'IOme\billg ia tbe malle r 'tIi.th tbe ...-:MAP OF T~E WORLD: to lh ,e nulb of the above .Iat ellleol . ~u more ~,." Ihe ,,"lI ro ':0.1 o f "'" '" olIlH' ar· wuo . uli l. orr .. "d 1I01t! lo ,vuch,," "" 100 ""d • I . Th. apple.worlll alld 'IIrcubu lay 'hear On Iller calor'. ProJecllon •• h? wmr Ille Our Goo.b are of Superior QnoJlt,. lieln olr. rMII by UI lu lb. pu blic. T o 'ucot" .le ~UUIl I·ora l., . ,!,er.ltl (I< uvol ~o . , .. 8~ ~IIIB ' lIa. I d A I d A tl,lf\llc Dllconriea I ! \ ;,VOU II'OAB IC. Jil t. I. , a . II l1 l lur 'fjri&,b U we do ••,.ll ba.d. -J ", are • eggl io the ~ruil. aad 'be app e., rop feeen' rct c In ;' ; I~ I IlIlerior Tra: """'r- We call p.rlic:ular .lI e ntion to Ih, I' . I. e. ONLY ONE DOLI, AIt onl;',e . lOr lIroV' .. " . earl~ Ihe pig. duoQr tbe apple •• alld The Porll . LIDI' 01 lYe, I I 'd """ h . . . . 6500 co ,. I, Ouu i .. ,0<1 ~ .. ,e .. IJ 110 . ~" u. 'fll'Y I,ee cI Y b011· ' , d I ie din" Town. Ind Po ... accur.te y "I cboia:1I Ind lich .lIurlme nt that we ~re ,,,II b" ch"rg'" lor HII) .. ,IIO·ln 0 11 u u' I,•• , ....1 4UV " ...•. .. Fu~ ..\ • ... . ,"v ...,· ...... ' ., n." h ' Ir w. i...d all articl. 'ha' pIe.... by ptember .,ery u.nloQo .~p 0 . d" The Map il eQrr"ed on Stee'!. oft'er IU Lhe p... blio, (or 1"' 0> Ja ilor.. culo ! Ihi•• u," lu ~ I,urd, . . ..... .... '.ID ' V"" 0.. 1,1 h ~ , 3000 gold 101> &I ve,1 w8,,·h· hy , 2 , ~u" B~ ' J'h 'be ladi... IOtD belOlDeJ·e aloa.. .one and 1 bau nO.thtn, bllt fa" frQlt h?:.nly• .mb-Ui.hfd lod mounted in the N"' lflicl e to b .. paid lor unl il yuu li re kll " " '> .. h,,1 h. ,> 10 ~ . ' ! 'rio" I" ¥" ,,,·,·,, r,l. 4uI'O ,vb a till ,·f" ,·,I> I,,, .. ·. It<l <o a· " 111' SIOU' I .... I 111.. 8 nez,." "" , I ""' l in Ih e III ~ lh oJ rec tS ud y h CCO III .tl t'O P Jl'u \u r r.. vo It h 8v \ ll Ui,'c ft l ~~ y~ · h ullo ns , " do .0'" e.t~r 'ft abeir witbee loll.. T uO crop 0 lII.ec_ ,.,or ... beal etv Ie . I lully , ·I I·sfied I S 10 Ihe value of Ibe arlie e fu r dU p lUIII~ 0 1 htrge _Lo c k' .1 0 I J t : ", t: I, ) II IUII -. • A ll~ If -0 .. "" u . 'u fh, &r . , 3, h Alld . 'bo raper i••o~ fit to hen in ~he bOllee. ,ear .. d~,uoll1d by ahe .pllP· r S il e, 36xU Inchel. Sout ror yuu lire 10 gel. .i"',I,,r prud ur l'o"" 13000ll uI<l ,Io ill, I> I", . I" "t il•• &c. ." ti 1 "e aur .d churcb tbe, .al il i. In tllrntng ·the orcbard anlo ~ pa,tQ e. . .r I Li st 01 Guods 10 be 8u ld al Two Dullars TilE I'I.AN IS S IMI'I.F.I 10uOil ."illllll"'" 1 0~ k"l. 2 ,III PQt in pigs- lIo, ' . D.d .pik e • • wltb IIOOUI8 Hi.torical and Miltlury ftlap OJ 1(1' each: ~ " Oll do. nlH~' C . ""ng 10 . U oa lI, for "liee~, 1 . h 1 Th e nRn) f! of flHr h Rftid e otfe- rlu.' for ItI. I 4" ~ " 1' iH!un .. u ld lU ll rh p u ' k ,. . cro1lJ-es. t " ,"1 2' . ' ri ~ Iul u If we do." tbey denounce us a. de· I lik e I~ fe.u ; yo'! mIg' aBe Ireea . M j 811bO 108500 (:,, 1<1 If u ,,',,' ~ WII " I" 1: .. 101 .0 ... ,. I\II"d II , .," :' : ~ I'UII pl. Ii ' g,, 1 , ri ug'" " .' 10 l Diamond pin8 'Iu" eeilflll •• d . I peratel, wiclu,d . I Willi. a, los.eota ID Lh a t cale.-Amerlcan I , lJi""ond rin&:8. 210 10 600 Id, P.a rt li, .. ". I·I"" 0" ,1 ~. "'. \) ,w,." ''<'' " .. :, "11111'1,... ,·" 1;0111 " "lI" . " .. I I ,..,...'1, Ji w.., r"'lII&i. ia the office aDd alLeod Agrtcullurl81. COllt ai lling, on alor. ge ecale. the fnllre. Goold ElIgl,sh Ipver wDlchOd laO lO 3UO wril"'" 0 11 . ,'11 ,,1 ,10,<1 ",,,,1,,,".1 ." 0 .~" I .. I. .. .. . 10 0' ,11 " 0'",,, .,,1 o" d .1:;' 0<'1 r' "g_ Z ~II . , 10 J ~ .,.. d t R b tli n 10 100 2 25 Y6 I o Pf~ ; lh t' J' (, "'I\ .. I II ~"' " iI . .. 11"-11 pl u.... ct .' " n JV lln u C.. hl ur lll il tlullulJ n d rill!;1 :! .10" 1'" All! 10 bIiIlO .... Ic.lk .a1 we.re too proud lerritor), embnep. 10 tie . ~ e o , Gold Ame ricall do. 10 ,Irs" er . ,,,1 ... 11 "'I\ ~'I; Iii.·.. "' "" 'ortl . , ,. " , 7 .. 011-. 1. 'a" ,, ' j ," <Io') - i.'1 8 to miD,I. whb onr 'ellow.. Wily Salt. Lake ta ao Salt. c.l ing the nlltl~ea lIud l:;kormI he • ol.'he Silve!r t~olll iMh do. 60 10 JOO ,·ei .~d, ... ,,1> Iw, Illy 10' . 1'1·,, 10. f" , r"III ,'1I I'V" ' ! 11 1111 ",,, Id 6 .. 1& 'nll" ' ' ' ' , W ar euclused In , nell Po c ket C 81e, tu •• Am e ri c nn cJo. !If> to 7 6 HJl,C 811U ." lh ef l; h Hr'; f<e , l, Ut: o f li lt, f'oll d !! u r ('.',,0. li tlOO ,H ' I " cI.L I 1111 It fI, p t:u rl, '-'!lbl Wb l lC we..Bo .oUI hle1 .., we lIe"r .. . h I whi ci, i• • dd ed, in nook lorm. D ekeleh of SilvF'f. p)ool ed lu!Jlp.warc 6010 J6U liriC"I... IHh ll "I " " .. I" ", "",I .111 10), ,II " fir-' , 11 ,,,1 " II, e" " 0'"'' 4 .. I J ,t en d lo .,.'ID.... . Mr , Greeley wriLea frOID I e cen re TWII Hundred lJultles. Suldien, Ma. ~o li dl ri ilv er tDble .,puous ti 10 15 11",,11 0 ,h " ""01 """ r, "I, " ""I ~ •.,. al ,", ... , \ 1011110 g,, " 1 p. II', . oJ ... r ,·.I<,". ioll .... AlII ! If ... do Dol pay al\ bill II promptly, of Mormolldom, 88 10 the call.e of tbe rin es 8I.d Civili on8 ~ hoilid hllV !) il. DII , !!ea SpUOn8 8 to 16 IVh. 1 h. " " " gel Ivr Oll~ 1/"II"r. II I,.. " "I. ".. h -1 ,10,1'- "'H ' I" ' '' '' ''. 4 '< IV /la.1 ulll lolk .ay w•. a,. Dot to be trulted. altne'8 or SaiL Lak e, thus : Senl on receipl or 60e. . 1)0. lork~ J8 10 3~ lh".·o ,·tI w,ll, III. lu",,,""! I, e .... " lu' wlt l'.! .I.h. "'O lle)' \11000 ~" Id "ell' "lid !l ",vu"leU , ~, 10 I'lurki . n iln g' to ( II rf'(~ lI ~ " ~ o n t.h f> f'tt rlllll' n ltJ UI~ t l ~ Ill) Ill, ra 11 W. do pay promptll' Ibo,. 'Iywe 1'hnl tbill lake ehoultl be aalt is no J' l lu~ d iee. pllcbc ra J510 60 •• eul'e III~ I' ''a''. II 01, . 0 1' ''0'1 " ..... " I.d . 10" d [) IIIIO 1:,, 1" I"' ''. Ulld t; ul<l .1I . "oi"" Alit I .tole' tbe money. nnomaly. All IIlTge bodie. of water Oil Xap of Ohio and VirginIa, , Plal,!d c,ord bus kels 1I0 \0 3U 10. u". uiled 10 lh e pur"h",,·r-o. "tI·, " ""1 ,1". U I I,o lde. . II> ,. 25 Th oy " .... , iOlo which etream s disehnrg.. ~bem· AcLnow led!!"d by thoBe inlere eted In 011 ~ coke 20 to hO ,cl u f 1' • • rI Eft n','v ,,~ "".,' n" cosl !,i" I" n y O Il"~ , 1I1~'1I 1. ,Ii,·' gill ",,,I j . I "" I.le. • .. ! .i AIIJ n { eelve-, wlll'le tlley I,ave severally 110 "'Io·eka all " ~L.n ·'8 10 be the bellt yel Duh. It .yrup cupe wllh Balvers 1010 26 "'." wllO 0.0,,101 "0\. '1' ) .. ,10 ,,,,, ,,,,,I h"d " " nn e . bOllO do. I""r un to ""d ball. 5 " .1U 'S'Il., neaaoD8t.r~U.ODaO'.".CUOD, • '" u u rI 101 1001 0 g h· "'h "''' IO ! - ,~ ,\ .. ~ I '''"· ''rl." y o lh'''''·I ''· l u AHH;\~l) A L.:& C O \V. II, .,.. outlel are or should be 1I111l. If one lished, It W~ileJ' or 80 vera 0 Ir,,'" Ill" .. ,,'" ""1,,"'11118111 u' Ihe cnlnl,,1" '.o ( • 1'1111 ' f hI' I ' Poek~t lorm. Sl'nt on rer.eiplof 61. II ~ubll'18 and cup. 6 to 3U "1",,1 I"kc .. hieh '''")' " 0 1".r.,ro,1. 0 , ,I'. I", MOII,,(.c 'u,on· A a:~ n", . ms Ho" much more WI mit:ht make () r such i. rea. IlaL IS an ano ., \D. .. CDslure, cfll.a,:lu8d bOllles 1610 '76 . "Y reM'''', ) 011 t hoo •., lu v~ n'u " 110 (II roto. r N o. 167 I:In,o.I"",)" N ew YUl'k, 1.' (1 ul "OE'"',,~a lOfTED ., cO"'fie urn.. ........ t9 '76 III~ II y"" rl\" 1,'1 Ih. ",, ".~ e, '.lr,, 1' wh, (r.II ,I .. . . 0{ 1;'00>'" our f.mill liCe. of 0, Qr frieodshhr 8. i. f deed , . Lake ULnh probably recelvel L k b as ... ,.... ""... ...... mAnn " u, ... ~ 1100' oil or Ihe .bon 1,,1 ADd e,e rl leerel lholighL 01 10'0 blos80mlld mucb ulinemaller u S a l t R e . l l t I L . dlie.·ellameledwlllchee.761 11 1bUond . p. .. d Il0 ......... .u.ulll v .....·.. u). .. urw.lt l)e .ulJ (vr 0,,,· Dullo r eud" 'fha, ·In.o·. deed. We ' ar. 110- apeaking .lle di.cbargell il through Ibe .Jordao For Ihe above and many other pOJlu Ir Golll c' 1IIIIelo 'I'119 e1181'118 1010 1bO CU lnl u;,: ue! . ... I (h b I Sal wurk" ~ Send lor II CalaloKue. with )J T III co n" q" ellce .·1 Ih e Kre.' ".I;'".. iun o( • merely or penollal caresle.. Theile and remRios bene f res ; W I I t V..J Lon" tilllliink chainll 16 to 60 "'''TCII J)"~"ART . F.N Ir_tl " in lI,e '''.IIu ia,·I''rill" ,Ii. 'ncl. 0 1 t:n~ . mlly 'or lDay DoL' be the bel' language Lake, buiog no issue, eafe by napo · Teo'~:e!~ ~~yen~~ lent 10 American Ad. Vel'l lind r.,11 ch"llId J5 10 60 ;lilt. ['..1. ", L..... J: ulll lounlill" ....... eb llio $ 2011 I~,,", IhrcouKh Il'tI .ur 11I,.i .. ~ "ul u'l'Jhj ",\,. ... .. al .. re endo"ld "1'1/1 rall·oD. I" probably lbe tallest bodl of verll ' "I' n" Arleney. 389 Brn.dw .... New L.die@'fleckch.inI1510600 aOIl ""I. ... 'en I~ ve r !;oltl hUIII 'g ca.e ,10 10 I H 11,1), o( cO "~ . .. • '"rw, .... ·"'111)' o. ., UII ' • or a lZ'ec'l·oa. a~ ..... .,. 4 01 1 S",j., ~ ()Id humillJ.: CH' tJ 30 to H.O J e. w.·Ir)' , o rl g; III" Uy IUI " IUI~ tt fur . 'h,' .~.IIJ:.IUI1 ,h. ,delicacy. a f...,idioUIIIOlI of pb,..i. "aler on earth. The ocean i. compar. Yurko 'Oul bllild br.celelll 15 to 4 200 I" .. ,.... 1: 0101 MI"I e"ull'cI~ oI h,,"I. 1'''. ''\1 0: 1, h•• b~. n ,pnl "II' '"r 1. 1., on ~hlA ,'0",,· calorblloiaalion, wbich .briDka .wa,. atinly rrllb: e.eo Ibe Medilerran .. an GAYLORD WATSON. Link ' 1~ 10 2~~ ill~ C " Oti 30 I', 110 'ry. "1111 "", .1 lie lold 01 ."Y . .. r"f,,·. . U"\I~r 'N ~ • h f ,I. 1,··..1 d I T- b • tb IC •• ..I, lam (SucctallOrtoPltelpa&Wat.on,) Plllill" l~lo "400,.a ""IIH.r .il.~ rh""li .. ~ eMl~ ~"'" 1I0 : IIo.·~tI cirCUII, ol,," " "' AHRANDA1.~: . & 1'0 .. (rillll' .rom too m.c 0 r ile, ,e:>e - an a AA'g orD .. no a • Jel & 'r.Jld " 10 10 18 ~OO d.. I. I.. er _il." r hu",;nl; ru ' " 3010 85 I . '· I''' I; ~' . l\~nl~ 10•• he r"n"'I,.1 ~. "ru l'.'" bu~ 1 oYOt'f.0irer.d. Bllt ther. are ' .. ord. told Ihal three ~.rrel. of thi. waler J6 Btlekman Street, New York. Chiiltl,'. pI. Ind rancy brlcclels JO 10 15 :lOOd. lllr h""I. ,·.r ,il •• r ol,~n, (.ce '; 0 1(1 ~o "' ... "fuelllr" .... I, ..., r~.o ." ,:,1 UII" U " ." ', 01 ' Id a barrel o( .alt·.Ilia, lee"', rlLh· 2 ~ 300 l'Atfl nt It! ••' r lI ilve r 0l,e n-ra r.e 2· In (\0 "-I(l r\pl-'o.rIlUnlllt'nl .' 0 br tll\· lu ~\.1 Kf c urUHl cr tu P"8B: .nd oLo aIld. II·l·l.ob.er,anc.1 .. , -alob .. • Yle .. . '8,,11" III' re alld aold brooches 1:110" I I , I 111"10 40 Ihee.'01"in,'"'''' .... 'ng "'1:" HI,o"o: lurt! fal linle "U...'iODI, "bich .peak 01 er .trong, , el . III llitenee .a Ine-I no Cnlral. emerald alld opll do. 20 10 31) ~ OV Swi.. . i"'. r o ( Ih" u ri""o o.lirlro "r~ 1'"1 10". whiGb mall. i, manirett. and there ODe who hAl Dot had it in .hi. eyel. hie • ~ • • Ps ur. arm leI. lor chiltlren 10 10 ~O .rEWELIlY DEPARTMEN r. i,,'" ." •• I" p'" iutli.rri",i"o,,·I., . A•• I",I "I' . . .. ot bot ill e.. ree., • . (amill 'b., mi"bt nol be mOIl,h, hi. no,lrill, caD re,li.lI. YOII B,II1llho,it, 01 Ihe 8eerela". of Ibl Mo" "lc. C'lflll, elu.l.r. onyx 300 diamood rin~. , .. " to 8120 >t' ''''n IIrd"",.I, . .... Iwke" "ul ",llhnul ~.. ~.rtl .1It1 I riob.r ill beut-"ealth for more 01 caD DO more .ink in illb"D in _ lind opul eartlrop. 15 to 40 30U j!ellu'lIilllllund ringe :,10 III IloU 1'·.'·,.:', 'r',';!,~~:. ""(: ,~·~'e' I' !'i~'I"~('lil ,:h;~'lifilo~:;~"'''I'~~ ,od , dl"lIIonu . ., ell' dropl 16 I0 100 3000 en,I d 'lomon d r I"1:8 · I0 0 (IL. .In Jour Trea.llry. ,he ull4l.rei rll ed ba. a..umed C I I'r alaelD. baok. ~II' a I IU I urnll 3 10 16 I will ,. ,. .. h,,1 )'~,. o u Ar C 101,., .. , ""d Ih "" it 11 .1 "'I,e' ,. ••• ml.te•• to 'Ippol' Ih.t r-Ja I wOald alllBee to .~"'ngle "OU lhe Gener,,1 Sub.crlpllon Allency lor the C.meo s'une ellnlrups 16 lO .,~ ,dOUU dillmund rinlls S 10 1:1 \ )'our "1'1'011 10 o~ u.1 110. dollar 8".1 I.k .. Ih~ arIUrI , , I, ., • 110 • J'PIIII' n .nd ell.m. i.'een clasp" l\ 10 Hi '5" d & r b h ' 3 0 t' I ,p n. I" b\ '" a tio • mal' 01 eOllne I,ne .aoh other ou make Jour way 10 from • hot. ..Ie or Unlled 8tll'" Treuur'l Nole., vUI) 101 enllm. 0 f aln8 lu " . '" It or :... . I'."" • . ,. J II" () ~ , girl, h , I . pu etlldll 6 to 16 :'000 gent~' gllld Yelt chain. 6 to 40 ; Golli .\\ 8leh. O,.",on R', ~ . or anl ..1 of and bee.... ,,!lu.'.. nlatiftl. 1.0YO mu.t rocky beach o,er Ii c aOI 0 'YO OllnlC bearln ••ereD Ind three.tenthl per ClIII. G~lid ,nd .ilver Ihimblu 6 10 ' JI> :;'000 .pai~~,vllhlee.,e button. . 3 10 10 ~ :",welry Oil, o~" I.. po~ A: t)".LLAll. " furl be c\lld••tiI. aad ... be incre ... d by b..alt Ih ..~ i. 'ryioi lo the (eea: bll~ a~ Hiuillture double lockelll III to 1I0 40.lJO pair ,old &. enam, .! ' . '3 t!( ;f-l~, '. ~ •• ...p •• judie• • oalhaM . . . wi,. rruig may • dep\b of a , .. rd or more yoU have. • :nterOit. knOWD .. the GCllrt lot,tbpiclt., Icrew pen· 6000 II!IB gents .Oltlllllidl a '0 .8 I" .11 lranSlloli{)D~ b,.he ~o..~lt. "UiPI aad.,. i"e band o( fine .~nd bottom...tid her. the ba,blng BEVER .TJllllTY LOAlf. "eils, ero.~el, elr. 12 to 60 8000 alune sef & signet rillfl' 3 10 J2 (or "'r~arrlinK Ih~ e ll r "' te. "Iyin#, poo,l~. .IU.....'. _lid ·I,",.· e. . aw'lndle ''anll i. de\lgMflil. LI.he8' jewelry. clmeo. 0plIl. 8000 HI, eel & sia. en~m , ring. J6 M.I 010 '"& III" I" " ,nj.l ti> O:OI nio 4Il l: h. ,wh.ell el'II . . . ohoioe' I,0." e.,. The "ater i. 0' a light greeD collr ' Tile.. Nlltel are 11I5Ued under dale or IDnJs, pCllrl, Cslifornia lila , 6000' Ilifee' f III IIeck (1IIInS" ,I ' .. t 0 bO ,I lIIu .... ~.(1 whell .th(" . C"rllro" ~'11 ,it "'" die oat, ~1 1l8aleet "'I I RO tor.el "~flO.'I f"H (; r , "r.rlt l ... w,l b" ,.,,,, for .t,~1ciw. iu~. 'Hed •• pl •• ~ ID poor lOil. wiDdle for len or tweo,y rod., tbeu "duel" June 16th, 1886, and Ire payabl9 thres lInollll, cur.l, I'merllld. jt'I, 400Q g~, 11I oVIII:band brueel!lt. 3 10 10 . " I "~ $t . th,r'\, rur $a, . illy.lhe (or t1"i on. earl aotl gro".lnal.. darkly. beautifully blue." No Iiall C"II Iplain, guld, lIud elu8111r, (III/ 6000 ""tJ and Jl1 t brftce lelil II III ):.1 , hunolrt·".1 (vr i 16. IIIIJ •• t '_ . ,Ilar. Irom Ihllilime, in currency. or Ire I) . 1" I "u 60 ., d . T"p Gao..a to Ollr AnglO.Bixon na· lin in iL, no Crog abidea ie it. rc" bird. '51, eN .. 0" OU golu In enlllO. brocelets 8 10 16 ', Wh hI'S ru cd i ~r~ p'r,Y.I~' tb.it eall. lang ••age and' are IYer .eeo dipoiDi into it. cun.erlible at the 0Plion oJ Ihe ~older Si l ver eXlenllion pen-holden 3000 gold ChlllP. loili eh.inH II," all . at I. e relS ay 0 I. ~o t ~ 'Slid Gold pell' 810 18 6000 pllir I,diee' IIleeve bulluus 3 lu l\ 1'1'he ~ tl n (1",1 ' .Paily <;vurier. M.rch 18, ft 0" 0 f espr,,"on. w h IC h • L" rJ . . one ' ... inlo :iOIDOO arlicl.,. ollold ,tn.. 4008. pair enllm. " 4 10 10 , ISG.,. &")'1 ' felll 10 plea"' IlII , I• lb. Ualia. 0'1 Freocb J[iu1nl GeDeral Grant: 11. S. "-to 8b Per Ceot. :pen.holderl, both ai/fer and 11000 lulilDire gol,l broCf'lets 3 1o HI .. ,\ hf' lI~ r . , I" " d, ",orl' yArl r.1 or (", Ioinnn. IIAd iIe-th" dread of · flatter l. alld 10 OOD' GOLD·DEARING BONDS I Igold, gold pencil .., chaine, 6000 coral, (lpnl & ~II', h,,'oeloc~ 3 10 J:.l 1hi . . . .... 1"".111 of j r ..,. lr), ," .."'01"8 fOllnd on lold Ililution.labyneli. On 1IIonday, 119 o'clock, Ihe General TI Irse bon. d Ife worth i urn ', rillgs. bells. buckle •• etc,. JO 10 20 5000 ('Ameo Dlld pearl rnrolrOI'"• S 10 !! Ih" c"',lin"'" Ih"" A".nolnle Ii. C... . ,... n w llill d t 11 rt._ d • prem ,I II I perIiee) I'1 ~ o.ge 0 t. au' IIn ·ao perlormed th. I:r".'eet military movemtn I "I'he 1I60, UOO arliclell are printed or 70UO i'1"6Ui •., J ('I, L~vlI ~ lid I nlf"ri"A" 1\1, •• r. . A,·rH ,,,I . I.. & ( '0 . oc.' npy , poo ho" 1~admired her the otb.r day," or Iii. nfe, He performed a .uco... ful thuil which Increa.e, Ihe' IClual profit on the wl·itlen on Ihe IlImp. number slips or pl · }'I urellli.111! J'~urtlrop8 3 to 10 1 hi!!" p". i.io" '" ,·,,,u,,,,·,,·i.1 "ird," n . ",." 0'" ~ ... lil,t J\" .. hllv e t'lt~ ,·otHluon Irlr. k .. ry .. f I"Hle .dllil .a,. ...... X. mevtlment on Ihe people of Chicleo.lnd ".30 loan, .n\lll. exemplion (rom SI"I!! ,er. 8nd euh eealerJ .eplf~I"I)' in 8111ail 10000 corol,opul & em, p.llrdrops 3 10 10 Tllt'ir .1"lr"'8"" n. AY hll ."'lllirill)· r....... ..,.,. Iho \, .. ADd "by ia ll1e world don" you vl.iled Union H.llin fJUif!1 Ind pellce, rl' ellvelopuj nnd when Uldcred, are · loken 1(J\l00 millintu1A 10ck"IIt "'0 IU holh ,,·10. 111.. ,,".rorln or th"ir 1:_"- ...., tell ber!" m.lnlnlf Ihere till 10 o'clock. There werlO lind municipal tUition adds Irom an" to out, without rl1(:lIrd 10 choice. tlnd 11'111 10 10000 Itlngic sr rin ll ·t!II. 8 to 2;' Ih~ n'.~"H o( di0I'0I.I, Lftlhea p. p .. ri~ II,.. i, "Ob, i~ would aeem tiko llatLery you pre.ent a Ilrge' Rumber beautilul three per cenl. more, Iccordin" to Ihe lhoe Iddrf81 orderf!d by ~nllil. No ruvo~il- luOOO plllin /lold rina.. "10 12.11 pft,l, ,, ( Ih" rlOlOnlry, are ri:Mlili"f!: ti.,"" L ".... ".ide," IPd the Gellerll WII inltllnll)' .ur181n IS .howII. Ou receipt of the NUIICII , 100UO setl ladies' J'tlwelry, go:d Will. pro,lit. 8. "~"ol ", a"tI .• ( any 01 Ollr ,f. i, IIO • d d b, t h e. ,ou Inleer It,. If Here a r.,e Je'led on other property Tbe Inler b 1 f Two no,u.te r j ,l ftJl irll '0 1I1t nrp.II' thf!m't:h' ~' in the • roun. , • ' .. yu>u can eee W 81 yo. II c . In 18\'1' 'If and J 'el <. 10 no r Now. wbat ill ftauery I Id . d D II P II • e"l .. r"riee. tI,cy ",ay do "0 ... ilh penMct co II 6FI ..Uery I. intinc"., pralle gi,e'b mo.t Iluqhlbl. tnC ent oeeurre • elll I. pay.ble In curr.ncy eemi •• nnuaU, '0 Ir"! urchller. ma, Ihlliobtain II 10000 do. cameo, pesrl elc. 6 '0 20 ". ncc," , Mr •• LI,ermore lIid to hIm, "General, ' , ' G,uld W.tch, Dilmond Rill!!, or otholr VIII. 10rlUO gill lind jet IIr"cell'l", ., tu 17 ,. . . from inlereBUJd mOli'e., 110'f tlla .ia· Iheee Illrll are dylnl to Itl •• you-but ther. by coupon. aUllched It) elch note, willct. ullble .,tltle ror Ihe ahon .mllll aum. 10UOO II".' 1, & J'et hal luppurlerB • B 10 )n GIFT i)18Tan",.no!<.-A , ..... o"".. rlun,I, II · d h • ull'e,ed (or obt.ininlt ".Ich ••. d'Mi,I.', dian,ol,d eero aUeraDOe 10 a I rten 0 w a' we don'l d.r. to du it. "Well" .lld th.ga. ma, b. cui oft' and lold to Iny baDk OJ In loll "Ioa.cllon. bJ mlil, we chaf!.!e rinn, ai ly......... .. "I .... by M" .. ,.. Arrftll.lal. deem 'good alid lovell ii'l lIim. lint Geeeral. 'I( the, wanl 19 kll., me wilY.. ~, len cen.. ror oorrelpoodrnce, pORIAKe 91('. SILl'EIl-PLATED \\' "REo .\ Co .• ,'1 No. 167 Bro",I"..,. The, 'hue a. U1 . ' ",.I"HQrriII B"cA" ,stWl. dOli'" Ihe}'1 No one h .. oft'ered to .Inee I uln,.er. . Send tfn cenl. Ind ~tlt a Cerlificlle _ .",nwn.1I .,ock of arlid... n,yinl ill nl...,. 'hllYe been hlr!!." Inetilitly aboul .. b,n· The Inlernt "moaat. Co _.I~ for one dol/If; 30 ror twu doll.,,; )0000 II I1 PIl .~ 10 '20 onol "ro oft" .... ftl on.. doll.r u~h, Th e .ti. ,e I d hi H '11 d 8000 Ifobllllll 3 10 10 n-ihulion 'A •• r,' f.irl y rlrn,,- voll ogree 10 lak. dred rlllri.,. pClllnce upon m. e II · On. ten' per d.y oil • 85000te. ' for fife ollf... 10000 pair harkin rin"l 1I lu 10 \ ...... Iitie.t.. o( • e.. rl,,;n "Iieie, "nrlo. cd in •• aolaaloaa ~'\J'. templed 10 retr •• I, bUlln •• In: h..... yed r rqOIr"" . --' I° cay yon • AGE N T S WAN TED !liNO Cllrd loaekell .. 410 16 "n •• Io,,_ ••.. nd,nil II r IIUII no tIIIIit6ed T . 0' eent. •. . . . to brllk IhrouKh Ihe ro.,. ,.flk., without .. ,I O U ". . ""II.r .. nlr wilh II ... riitle. Then, !or 'he fir.1 ttllle. he eon· T en .. II A n, I,enl .en d'Inll UI Fiye DolI.ra al 300j) 6r·)o tn 20 "' hi,h .. ill r.erl.inly be ...or.lb n.o·. Ih-" ,t".1 AI m ight ba up.cled, ,bOl' who -·ce.ll. . . . . 1&00 " 40 0 c.k.e bllskel. . I b I ~ arrogate '0 'b....It" the 'ill. II lOti.· le.eed hl ...elr nnqui.h"d, Ind cllml, ol~lIlime. Ihall receive by relur" mail, in 0 ell.lor,. will 011.. ,,10 \. '",""nl.onrl iliA' be .50 or "100. An 01 ".1. "-,lle .1_,- •• Ihe old l,·ane-ar. IWlitrd .I "e nent. N",er wal aueh • ~ I I . . . .' If '1000" dd' , ' I 7<' fi 'uOO ice pitcher. '0 to 20 1",,1 mnrll!. Ihi. o~ inulli" ... " oI"II.·,- IN . 'Y. d l O a , I Ion 10 t Ie if ceni ellea, one or onr 6uuu p.ir bUll!!r kni,ell S 10 8 Sundo, Tillie•• t ebrba'Y 19. 1865. , ...... d , '1 'fery bia&erl, oppoaed ~ Ihe ne" ord'J r mla 'U"lecl~ 1o .Ull \. 10 or ea. . n 'I II H II .. t500U" I lrllcle •• Iree 01 COIl. veIned al nol lees & I dl ·ag.. "'-litLeI-..I· Lllro froBl Clme Ih. maldenl b, .quadl In 6141, or lin· II lilt d II 6000 IIOUP, uytller IIrtl\'l I es 1I Iq 8 Arra"d.le & C ... hne l'l "~ bP.'" 01 tbl .... • ... au IAI v Nolea u'11 . d pie ' k IIIvea . ..• 10 6 \ .......0 ... II ' kno"'" In .... An rl ~.. h.. ,.'e of .. t m" '"' 1 ...' . b r"; Ihe, hi' 111m uD the forehe.d. pelted a Ihe dellomiollion• • 11111d lin h' ( eell 0 ere. . . a IImple 10 .how 100U eng'BYe ,b. ~arlor to"ar d d OIDIII" uU'''' WI' him 011 the nCi,e. Im.r.ked hllll 00 Ihe tel I' rieod.. A ddrlll 8\)00 dozen te "poonll, per dOl. 6 lu J6 h" "nor, .. a~ worlll, .o( flllhli" "o"~d~IIc,,. ~ollderable rehlc'-Dc.. Tb.y dq nol chee" ehin or neck. ,'here JUU.' be doa. wlUbe promptly r"rnilhed, upon recelpl REED & BROTHER. 6000 dozen t.bleluoonll 810!l4 N. Y. g.·ott .. h AllleroCHn Journal hlieve ill ~h. lOC.i ..1 heu~y ,hal .. hi'e en. ofkl.le.lylna round 10_ hIdden in of .ub.crlplion•••• d ,he not" rorw.,ded 6Goo dUllen de .."" forka '7 to 25 WP. hue in'".,clerl, til Ihe 0liir8 or. Arrll'" 101111 G•• work .. . ILboUI dll"rac•• Tbey Ihe Generll'. whial.erl. Durin .. b .. lerrl. Rox 6138. New York Cily. 6000 dozen lable. fork" 8 10 30 d.lP. & ( ;0.'. ACa .. 'l ' (or :~:.. pt)Pt"'" blHn.(. t.· • ".. It once. The Inlere.t 10 J61h July will .. I .i", J . wdl.... A I.'g" "'Orim,,,1 o( (". hinnl· will. howe'4!'. be O:bIiged &41 work far bl.ortlleal.lhe hfro of a hundred baule· ...... rooDl. No. 34 Liberl, Street. GOLD .. EMS AND PEl'ICl"~ 101 •. and ,·.. Iu .. br';j e"el,)' of lhe n"W"' II,,,It..Yn Io aore tbaG \hey lIa,. 40De••od before ".Id. blulhld till hi. be.came .11110.1 pur. b. p~id In .dvlnce. Thl. ie the . We _I . .. nQ!iced. IIII'(e. q.ll"nlily 0# . il ••,r "IMIO, .1.. .. b-.l h I Ih pl. A, I.. , Ihe lirll ".re plfll, Ippll" ONLY LOA- IN .. ARKET', . - , aBI> a"" _ ........ i. .. -. ' pr e,ery veriet,. rrom 3 10 .830. . ft",l IIn.ler, lon.1 Ihat th" whole of Ih~." n~wl1 .a,. - ••C ,sre r .aee. .y' • • • '" '.A o!fa " .... ~- __ " ""florl .. d Arlid .. "r.. 10 b. oIi'pn,." of on' wil t. .ooMe,,' ',he 'obar,. O( ... III l!aelr ."~obl. r••e,~ Illd h. eacaped. now oft'ered by 'he Gonrnment, .nd ,II ••i REM EMBER TilE PI,A N. n u .... Jlri"ripll!, gi.ing Kreol "dvanla " Ie beiofl",.,,....al\t .lDpiol.d a. pel' ... [ A~D Ele,ant lfoyeUr ja Watchea. In III eu!!a we chargll rl'r (IIrwnrdlng hll).·r. , .n,1 Rllo rdinln·llen.iV.<n'il>lo"... nl ~ln all of t e".IIIl LI'abl, in· confidently expected tblt lIa .uperlor ad· Ihe Certificslf', P08U/!.C, end doill" the nj{u"u. :We know \I,,,, h,rtu II\! lJ'!l e, h"lI ,tofb. 10. . -1'Lb .. II • What to Re.a. Tl:e caee8 of Ihi. w.tch IFr an entlrel~ .. , r I bl rf th hf" h ( ltillillg. ThOll who .tyle them .. vanlagea will make it the lIew invention, com~oeert 01 ,Ix dift'eren'1 bUllineBB the 6um 0' 'fwenty-fiVIl Cenl" ' 0 ) ' . . . , " , . . . .. nn ......at. y WOtt y 0 ladiea bere, a,. for lb. mo.' "art ,er" Are fOU d~ficlenl In III Ie 1 Reid the I I' d i d d which m~8t be encl~ ..~d ill Ihe orller .-'-: I·uhlir. confid )C~ - LN . Y. Albion . ' , I rd' J Great "o~.lar Loaa of lhe People. mell I com line ,rol e logetheran pll,,- Five Certificntcs will he slln! (or ~i II TI,e n'MI ..Iigihlll H,,,I proRI.tW, ';on "I")"'~~\ fr.. io espr6lllng IbelDBe JO •• a. ID' bltll Engli.h · poe I. , .ucb I I Gft, Ind i!lhed, producillg an cxact imiu~ion of 18 lor 2' IhirlJ lor I). sixly.liV e fo' 10' 'olle '~ .. I"IV" hr:Hrd of (or I.III.i... !~ '''~ .,,111 ~( ,~ .r· ""Ildy bi"., ill ,belr ,i"w.. Gold.mitlo, Fope Ind Thompaon. Cuwpftr LeSI Ihln 8~30.000,000 or Ibe Loan CIIralllold, cilled Arcallft, which will a l . ' , . , l,ti .. nl'·A(or Ih e (Or"AI (:,(. O,. lribhli/,,\ o( lor· Thl mea, 10 poblio. keep ,ery alld Coleridlle, Scult 'lid \Vordsworlh. ,,'aya k~ep Itl color. They are III bellyli. hundred lor Hi. rond.I .. " Co. ~ latly o( nllr arqll.,,,tano8 I1a' reu , , I h' Th Are 101, dtficient in Imngin.tion1 Re.d luthorized by Cone Ife nGoN on I~e ful1l8 so.id /lold. Il)d lire .ft'orded II on.e. A~EN"'~ A.ltE WANTED h .~ " '.~)' IlIec~ u(ul i. Ihi . .... y, 1I010nl)' in quae, al a gellera t 10,. e !ollng 111'1 Alt 'd dB filhll~ h~r 0"" "U-8A, hul . '1'0 I.. rt ...... j{ ft' ilol,,1 meD crow.d ,lie drinking and billard Ilun, ensl e .n 1I1h. market. Thi. amount, at the rale ! I e i&:h«h Ih., CUlt. Tt.e clI.e III beauti/ull, Throllghl'ut Ihl' cnun,\ ry to ODf'r,,'e rur lur... .I.. ,.1> ..." 10 wholll ,I,e >0.'''. Ih\(;"rlifi 'a..lf" Are you deficiellt in rnower o( reason' d,e llgne ' d WI'11" I and Ihl' eld ror IIlmo '"8. A I.rge comoells81iun ' hieh i', I. belOll . ' c.ne will be p"l·d ••( 1' w,IIII b "lr • ,. , " b I' our H.I ••"t.. lng .-.:i Iun",. .alo ""D~and ' pl•• 'he loarer generaUy. I b80r bel,I WI'11 a II Jt1e P JI' U' II p 10, ' 1 d 811 1'he'"'qUIIUQD ot~ bread ." ilI o.ballae all Relld Chillinilworih. Blcon .lId Locke , 'It '" iI h IItent n Irll V II d '\0 Selld for lerma. &c., ell,,!oHinli &I.mp. ~ ..." " "'PII COli 8Ion""e .h u' pn"lg~ d,- IN .rY. Sund.y Moreury, ""g. 14,101;4, • Are 'OU dl'fidenl in sen'ibllill~ Rnd lub&cribed for wil/Oi" aixly dIlY','when tlH! tl~e eUCI '1'Ile ,or the colebnted ,Gold ,bi'loOD. . Goelhe ftnd Uackenize. flllnuni Lev8re •."a"d tare reaH, hand.olne NEW BORN & CO., • " WaDY lamiliel who bave .eaOl, Are you cI!!ficient In judgment and 1r000d nOlea will undoul>lediy commlnd • pr•• Ind de.irabhl. lIliJ '0 exact . • n irililllti"n 76 Fulton ~Ireel. N, Y. N!.~~8~;i~tt ~~~ K~::;·',:7(,~·~,:.w~~::~ .aaa&e' l. ob'-io (lo"rnmena rationl sen.e in Ihe common Ift'aire or III. 1 Real miulIJ, II hIS uniformly been Ihe clle on 0,1 Kold .. '0 dery deteclion. 'The movo· Iwr.,,,~ .. n "!CAllI (or A.rAnd.le '" (:0., and "J daily. aod lIIaDY ...m.D who wield ",.nklin. I' I melll II manufaClured by Ihe well ·known DB., TALBOTT'S .".LLS r~'lIO . " brODl1;hl .onte twenty.rliole• ..,nl · •• are y dati-Ieot ' I n ol'tl I I. , C OlIn, I Ie .ub.oriptio., I<!. olher 101ne. C • er" cau'lic tooaUei ia .peflkiDg of til. III ou ~ ~ P I CI .nuw.. 0 ~;t. Jimer Walch "mpan, or Ellrope, C d r I' hI proze. for h.r .".n,:y. I0 Ih''A 0 iiitre {or .,,,o ... rJ.. d , R dM t . h Fed I' 0"'p08e 0 "I! Y concl!Glrat!!d ex· li" ... M.I withoul h"i'.lion • .;f., " " .. Ilat" tlo ,,1 Y"okeel yet do 1101 helita~ to ..ccepl eoWeblter. ee . e. on oeaquleu, t e era "' In order Ihat cilizens or eYery lown IIOdII lOr!! ,ullerbly l\Di.hed. hft, in,' enllravtd t rac I8 (rom rooll In d hII b8 or the h:ehest ~ocl, alld 811 o{ Ih e .,Iicl o_, "er}! whrlh . I,..,hl~ Ind Cllb. un. I' d '··d ~. . 'he public bouot,. C.... haYe com. b medicinll,alue, In'.lil·ble I'll Ihe tllre 01 .1(I ... ",oUIlI Are ,Ull deficlenl in p• .,loli.m! Read Ind .ecI'100 lJf III I counlr, ma, " e luor d• "a 'ell, I t Ine, ·,·Ih carv\! "old billuri lie., I dI"Jullmg Ih I ' o( . COil 10 Ihe reJip,enlo. and I OU'. lo li"'b, wbere those aubai.'iag aa 'be I"go a ur, W . noe. • I 41 nl· III dlaeBle. of Ihe Liver. or .nJ ...... rlln(fA. 0 I 'em A'I IIme~," : 'I, , I••LI n, tb e 1.0 an. tell· h N d ' ell d tl 'Ih1'''' .. r 1 \V e h.. ~ .een .ono.e "'rr. p .... \ly "I'"r.imen' 01 • crib ha" round lhelll.el". able inlflon." Dp.motlbrDU. all4 ,bl ·'Lif. uf W .. h. ed 1.11'1' publio c I Ie. ,or I~roye Jew e ac 011. WI IDe till I' IOu.• menl or Iho Dijleati"e Ore"n.. "" 1'ht'Ile. , •• U.OIl tb. 'are "ilh tOitly ,,'100 ... ad A II Ii I I tlODII Ben ... 8tat. Ban L•• 'lId Prl·.ale IIlIeletoo hand •• and ia warranled a good move.11 Impuriliea of Ihe nlood. In ar~ I Toil.l . alld. Tllftlpo, on •• Gnld W.I.'· h~,. f>A.li"o' re you R.eld • fllme-lleeper. n B II I h h hn. ." ..",,~n h' 1 . P e'dC.ntEd0 eon.cienclI' d unequlled in Ihe cure 01 DI.,rl,o)l Ja ~• I Ch , nono, o,n.. ...r. .. eo,. c .• '!' or ' l .. cr . . . . 0 r , h elf O"D pure a.log, I .om.ol ".1 enl war a' wOIIla, B.nke,. throughout the counlr, haYe The .. walnllea .r. o( three dift'"rent d' D i S I lB" un 'e .. ' bJ Arrlnd .. I" "Co. 10 thlt plare (or ,!"A Are,'au defi~lenlln piel,' Rei ~ the 10. tl II lb ' f L d' d I.CI', Yllpeps. n, ero U I. IIlou.ne ... rtnllor .a~h .-[An~ .. I,·c. R;'pon-r.' N. y .... Feb, • ay be Ib'1 eOIl.ider ,bl-.el'"'ea a. - ,h. • 11..• Bibl,. . " '.'b.crlptlona Iare .....III , Huntma 18 a(ll~" elOa or II lei, en I> ~ ~ doiD, ,heir .hare by p,.,idiDg .."ener.,I, ... • reed to J~el,. ""~ Cue.. A ell. of sil L lVer C omp Ilint, F evers, Heldlchp, Pilell, 15, 18115. ~ , "r. .. ......... 1'1: r1 ' • e..... rJ r...• . HI1,-vw-. "'••. "oltlt.. _ ... _ _ II 1I1f. Sub.crlberl w\1l aelect Ihelr o"a will be Itnt It,.. Mail or Expresl (or ,11I1). Heredil.,y . , II' hHumon.. Duee. • ror Idul, ~, . Af.ENT~.-We wnnt .~en" .n A .iolle one will b•• ent in • handlOml'! O!Ie PI In I e mormnr, children hair a It,n,,,"I. ~nd ,n nery lo ... n Rnd roonly in the •• , ():7 A Iinle r"l1ow not 1II0re than &,e 'renl., I. whoa .. bey bne conBdellel, M C f pili. From on. 10 Ihree pill, will cure r.ou",ry, and tho •• "eli" .. a•• '"' ... ill b. anow· lb ' be t I ale or 11l5, willWreldil, lell -A II I Dd"d ua. nlng ell 0 "eRr.' 0 age, bearing lome g' entl~maa 'Dd who 0111, are to be reannillible for fororocco Ihree Ilmla IL to. I ord'10"1 ..aaea, In d',rom one 10 Ihre .. bUll- "., 10 ".. nl., on e.~r, C!rlllln!e ordllr.. d I'1 ell.reb, retaraed .arlier IbaD '.'11.1, t h f b .-ne,r eOIl. e a're '0 e el ~' iI1 cure Iny r.urablll ea~e or nil' ~.lter Ih~'". pro.,ded I"",. r.IU'U.n ..... noO~DU I" one ..t .. " ~t a,'. table di.eulli.og tbe I.· h .t II r tl< t f b' I L I"eot. (or Ihia wllch in the Ulliled h w I d'In" p" •• 110 olher IlIdllc.. m. ..... 'wh,r'" ... n h.a loG d W.I a.L_.l 'I. I', dOllo alre.dl·· .. ona rl-e I pcr bOK. dnllar on r --. • ml Itn Ime. ••AIl h oa8l' man i. the no. t e u. "ary 0 " ' DO ea or w IC I tile, SI.t8l, and non. If'renuina whicb d'u 0 •Illn ••• ~ rI.rn,," on .ppliulinn, A,4nl. will (lOner I Sa tNo: be replied. ·il i. aU .aid. baR ,." blll~t work of God':' ••id be kll.w it rec.l" on!erl. not bear our Trlde mark, Add".. Trlde lupphell Of 8enl b), m.11. "'1111. (Dr Ii.ell CerUinat" ·.lid l rM.il 15 'tll.to·" li"Ie if HJ of whal wu .. idb.1 beeD wI.n', true; bi • •olber wa. beuer 'hao JAY (J 0 0 . E I GIRARD W. D.E VAUGH & CO., V. MOTT TAt-BOTT, 'M, D .. & (:0, 110 . ' . ellher in c.~b 'or ~'t",a AI/!!,O" ... \ I , dODi y.l.' ID}' !DaD tb.~ we! ~~er made. Subscription Annl . " .. a.".I~";I. I III porte". 16l101... ~,.,, 1 ''' r, IV" . " "' . I!~ Fultoo SII!!et, Ne .. Yorll. ARRAJlDALE. C!!." ~ ~ • 1-&1) Br\,adWa,YI, ~: ,~·r.: T
If we ha~ e in a 'ew jokeo people we ll a, youre .
51i ::
Border and Southern States
'J'b.,. ,
u.. .
U S 7 30 LOAN , . '"
0' IDO.'
&. COLLlft,
'l1III YBA...
t ~
AY, JULY 12,
- - -
oa_ oraver. ·1 had rOliolvcd lbll' I from the Rccurs(:d cup The ni.dll or " '1'1 d ----..h f Obi Noa:liDatjiaD b\\,oufd rou very angry, very intlignanl; *orrowau!l dto6olulion' Ila" . bee/I'" 10nIY II uow Slrllln. :- Ie aug lers (l 0 omlDatiOUIi .\ Oon.Orlll\.'. Kud. UI wll tl r I ... WNe- no loa!! I' In tl slrangll laod. . --_ _ of! HI lilVeel ace wat ()11 led up enough upon her. SLe would bll wo rso I d - . TI f d f ' I to mental ~i.,w-, such feelillgs melled ILRn Olllt! to take , llu ~ bAIl" wll o"U 111 Lllken l~t!. lr ~Iarps down rrom 10M ,r um s 0 unly~r~a. sulTr~ge yve ee'e il slMetl i.n tbo paperll, tbat aWIlY I nV I .' .1 d I u ~v • ftnd W II~hlO tIle chambe rs wl.lo IlQV" U Cv t.nu elDlrt\inic hpre.8~lon Gen. Gnlnl's right hllnd. -aa 80 bad I ,c 11K me sau nou !:80 Ille. ' opellin " IIl1 lII\VIlY. of lire Icd lOI"11 " ', b I R bl S C I " uu 1 0,1 li e r I I ' • bb J I :> r , u" ne w Tempi" more re s:.) lendI\IIL Y .I Ie IlpU ICUII .L1I18 on.Vtlltldll 'O f swollell by ,Lho tilDe lIe rcached ..... lo. , ,0 OWlllg II uti IHlU!llleu Lll c pitlnLO wL i ' h Ihe ' love·1 Olle. o f I h C Ii ... u .. thur"ll wi 1 "1 "~I, 11ll oltl. lO!:y .11 1111 " lhe 5UUl.!S , · H,O, . "VIl IlO ocelUlIoo, or I.,courage. that hI! hat! Lo tlo bls sbakinlo. 'wiLll t"- 'e Y, lCre saw., Il ry OIlCO lo ol'S uLh e r dll~~ "lid fullell. 0 ~ I " ., f 5 ." .;; a for ' timo m llue J'O j' O U ~ tit" Incu .1Il lUll ,'ecoru 0 Its no.'1 Oo. 'l'ue Itll. If litis r~port is true, we koo8 1'0 J.l I"r eu.1 t IIe ori" ll , II~ s ho' hlld dc. ne. , lO,.y . ,. IVe8, ' 'ilUl,' 1 o. k..v d 'm"J ~~ If, '1~lly " 1'·' sile .. WI 11 " W. kDO",'I lelll loon .or 0 LI d I • U u their Ood, All mllrkcu tlllJ I flUt S\.t UO. ' \VII ure nSbureu" . be Glln- bow his rtrrhL hnnd hl!cam.. ) disable"'. ,. u, h'lb II ' I' ,e y ell r past, :111 ns ler (]11"ul's 'IOl tc ll .mo lil e ,"11010 II'ULII ' '1' .' 1 " \ I.' .. ., ,AJ , u 'l'b ey"ro b , . , r.o "1;'" gn , n, no w S L I k f 0 • ur of thtl Inll sic lh llt sprllt'" into v,lIs.se u III evc.I'Y .sc 100 .UISlllCt. uf LIi!) and 1111 expJllnlllion of tIll) Clause will I" I'lru c , 'I "~ ' II " our. b 0) I,e., linc 'IU~ u" J 10UII U" 110 U .I,·RI· cull,· 0 '" f1'0 111 t LI~ Illne UI1 'I .., \\..,I bb"""I WV~ I Iwell (lI'c r tl tl ' ~ J" 5 , ,j ealh Ihu Louch of lhe fair or. ' ..,Late LI e IeeLlon ully, rO\'eu l another of his traits of charae1 o• r k" I.d our lip "lIh I Illll c\\uld d otcct 1\ tr~IUul o u S II l!b S thi.s qh esl iron . 11" 11 • . .. [I D 1 . v' luwu1' 1 II . 1 ....... ~ .u , 0llth uL bCl\ulilul ' ~b bllth moru. IC e moc. lllcy. lA~IOg- rnllg. eu lh em· t ~ r, whir-h will no t filii to gre~II~., i'm. )'1 " ••d ""th ou rlllf'''. ,' '"Id "I,",,"cd o"r 10 ~ .w lIe I ' J,. f,,·nll · II 0f'S . 1 klle\V 110\\' 'J . ".. ~ II~, l I ' Illu . nCI'll . r noti ce d Lefurei" \\". 15 1·', O U~I(.II· II 0" I'U ~u d al l ~ ('I'm!!d monu by the in. soIvos aga\U8~ 1.1 a.s It Ilp ulJ I Icans h live pre s t 1Ie public. Durin rr the Gener·'1~\lIII."boud IHUI b.eoo."" (fur uW". I. I ~n~' IUl g lll ,lIlO n, dor wus il 1'~ lIl1vU II 6(! USIIII' 0 sh e WIIS. 111, U·1 ·1 klIOI"• 1"J"t "I,,, I d' I' 0 ". u v II. '1'0 me it 1\' 39 li ko th o h oly III leu gruulI lor II. II. S ol'cr wL ellDing impl'vmplll receIIr' IIlnl.ll' e n e.S ~I - II Sfl II 'SI; - iu (btl ex · IpHl been afrAid of 01l'''11JI' ll g me P CI" ( 'cn, J. nco b D el 11ep ubl I' · lion nt th e ASlor ilouse, in tbis city, " rings of I! redeen\ed ' ~ oul. I\nd . Oll'. I Ie ;SUlIliIll:'. they . Irtllr hed our r hildi ~ h liLe. I'r ' 'SIOII 01 IeI' mu sic? II/Ips sll "~ II ,o' ua~ IILIII U ~ l' l·ou ·' u nll li' Il und. ~ w,t:d hea d find folded hand ~. 1.. CI\ II IlIlUU.1 I.1Ial \l ''Ul' Gu"ernol', IVIIS uri~i· 11\11. alhl utio UInn, wlill cl\mo 'in Lum {heir .oft h.od. IHII"" eti ou .. hAir, To me it Ree Dl e" as though at tim e.: s lrO llg elll1ugh to reSe llt !uch lib t: rty ~u lf up to Lh e su bl imo illllll' l l~ally II Llb l' rt)' party III lin , hut has nfter g ripp illg his 'halltl firmly, Icom: '('a.1"eeIHlr. thou:;-h1W ilh\u ou.· ~ ) 1'1, t,Ihke urgll ll In ullned nfld wel'.I. Ii. WII_ Oil 1.l er r':lrt, 1IIId IlC I'II IIP"~ ~' 11C ·lm·a,,'I·lleJ ~1 t urllcu.1 f ' 1, U" C~v II ndn 'lOll 1'"<! Ir1. "~111 b bl 'I' nltHlel'U . 1 "'celIO IlIog " .It \I'11 ' Il,g elbo" co .. UI') runllI 10 111' e.1'I0 l l If) l'\.t . ·pu And I... t iu i"'II'o" IlwreIII IICI' <'yeo l'I' 111 ' 0 I\'II ~ cnu III t L . I ' r)1 . i l ' ll ,LI , u wlli I ,in!:: of II. · dllll '",dllt:rs of Ih a t T nllo"LL 100 11 UpUll Il er COIII"fJ II"~ .' r y t! 1'vl' l>lUCU I" vrg "lll zalloll, IUfllt !1 plllil U Y III t.ho sockeL. Pel'~.""IO II V of IlO p e itl (· o IJ ~J.:o h ~lb l 10\\11. Ivy I IIe rivels. of l:lllbylulI, d.le uff.erin!.! ur her 1lII 'Id" '11,1 cO~'lderll' ,I,' . ~ "!oj hilt 11"1'8 '~'18 und. IS ,..'ll1''', 01,9 111 ~ IIL a[1 lIFuJ.l1H " .1 I. _f e/!,l1W'& ' 0 ~Q~ . ' t lj n,'bl Cl\uciu.t: ,.JUinlt:d O tl th \Vhll tt. . . ~ llu,VO eel"\. JIg IpO ~. Ie . (J n,o'I" 1"" l IU IH:: I'VICeS Were over. lind Ll w. II 01 ' n) l.c,.,u uIICIIl" "" cerllpl,ll'C U II· glll . O CIII f lIe o'II ~u ITruge, II (II Ct We 11 n, I IV I'0 'f '" Ih u WII1O':·O U. p, !I brl'!! _ "L e \V Q I II'S I" IIIDSe If., t\ PT, WIlr {1 u g itJ' , . 'TbtJ' n",,,\tcl\ UpU Il U ~ 1IJ\' e '. In-itht gum. , we Weil LUll l f,urn church, J sa w MRI'}"1t m"t th '~l.l ml g l, t ~1l,l\rn slIch lin oller. / El'umijllY we"ks hnd plI 'sed, nnotll. kn own to thc Oillu Conl'cllLion, lind, it sudd~n ly ,wi aled tho ruffianly btlDd 'fht1\ .1 u'I\\·",1 Iu g\ " I"II "I of (,Hill! 011 } 1: ldll~' ,Jac~ 8111111011 If!ft m e, lin,J c'r blind prcs 'culho kE:ys of til e orgaD, mny be IId (!etl fur the WIIIJfil o( on t: 01' .back. linulookillg fer an instant .Ieadifile'. Il w aR ),lIlu lind Willi, n~ IhOlll:{h S\Ou,.}It~ ftru:(1 wor k w e Ir·ut'llt·d n'om tiltH", ~Wad iI (; blldb"c'n siclL Whltleoulditb t:? un 1\.IUldll) CH:O!lIg] Cldled IHMltf}'S / for M,ur}' WII DOt in Ille c'·o,·r . .'-'11" IwoN~wl:orkll t! wspBpe r8,lba' Gen. I ' . s he 5ti lft' rinJT lIS 1 haJ ~lItrcrC!d? b "I'U I M I If U ~, ~ C • y 1010 liS owner's eye, conlented himA'ud hOllu r !IIoro tiUIII II Hlll e. I 0 '. v ,'Il!; p lic e. Itr)' I C " ~(: IIlIbW .... · knelt beluro the aIIAr-b" my siJ e01; UIlS IIceu fur mnuy years nn.d. ill seH wilh throwing it olf, and witll 'J'I And '0 Ih ey CllIli O I1I1lJ w t!n t It WR y 'll I lOught tl ll"iltHl IIpon Ol e fhnL SU llie e<lln) s umm oll S. SI III S IH I'I.~ d i d 0 r UR. bOlh t he n.ged J L IV ,~n Iln cl ~ l'gym a n o~w l t: wal·.OJ IHlrsollld anu polll,c '~1 Ulf' rely saying, ill an 'undertone, w-hich ~Vc .. id IJO( "Gu"! w e »n id I HJ ll'~l U) " ! b ~l u UJi !l' ill hllve he'n It'liing he r of my ~ he .~Il \~ ~n~ , .".nd J SHIV her 1'I ,,- lllllUnu sl,reLeI d 1118 hand sl WHb prllyer IltlU III'lt'Ud uf Chld·Ju8l1ce Chase. Audit Ins Dot heard even . by a member o( dl Slldvttn llllSc. 1 hlld enemi us ill Ihe tuo\e qUlckl) 10 WIII'd s hn 11 t'lIl't. Li,<:ss! lIg. Illlly furth er be added , to f lne benefiL bis sllIlr, 'Y ou illfe rllul ra sclil. I ough& ~Iut Oli O "reel 110y, WIo CIi ,]u.iel ,k,el l,ill " g l·-·l' IIl· lIIi, ·s 11'1 10 c n,ied me bo'Mllr},,' Sll iu T,. 61'cn hiog I'ery cRlm · Aliu lYe wenl out from lile church of Lhe 811rue new 8pllperl1, lhaL Ohio Re· 10 knOCk yon down!' He tben Tolells:Itt¥,hal (I\li ~ llh o ughl , r.1I11 "" 1 hllll i,d'lliletl BOUle welilib Iy, fut'I hlld 1\ :nlghty slr~ lIglh vi will luge lher- 111 ary IIl1d I - ouL inLo Ihe ~uLihclI lIs "00 uut se e" thll~ "splil" ed him, nod Lhe vitlain,' glBclto be let 1,,11. u~(ure "'y ~J "' , "lid 1 I,,,,,;il·d, l'IIUIIlICS who cnl'illu 1I1~ 1I0W . t(· sUJ ) porL IIlc, 'I Ilave 11 0 ..' come \ltlW 1'( I 1>H11 Ubl ,can ' Allot """Il', ",ill! "001' 10 ... 1". (.. puilrl i I e- blI linu.1 I lenn tv henrt, an ,1 In IIC mn k' R Ior wLiclllh tly 0 If 'III Ihis WilY , hurriedly slid through lhe lu,'u of !I1i1ry Urlllll·illll. to. di stre ss you. 1 hllvo CCllll e nij a hllnd lo hlll1<1, to lo~,., honol' lind ch!!r . so IIl'd~ lIlly pmy IIl1d so r:hellply Illbor, Lh~ cro wd . Tho fotbrn rn nce oC Gen. '1'\0.10::" S Ci1 rd c~, 1,y ;'ul"",1 uul AII Ol hcl' w,· " k p"s~,' d, and I becnme fl~l e llJ, an,ll. humLly n ~ l. thlll you will is h fOl'c\·c lm ul·e. but wil l procl'c d Lo fini sh tho g ooJ e l'1I1 Grl\n t, in ell'tluring lhis olitl'llg~ Who' w'"rk :1"'9 .tI es had b'~11 .huul. 01 0 I'l' ~ AJ nud luutsumc. M\' bu. inC:ls" .gl\' ~ /IIf! lIud! ence 101' a C' w IUlliul S.' ~\'ork Ihe), havo so long bcc lI engngcd his bllte menLioo of which would hat'e AI.. ! th .. e hll"), r o/; ,~6' , tbOID 1'.U ~I , \VIIS irk so me to lIle, lIlId DIy "buol.s Ilnu She WeilL Inl ~ Ih c parl ur, nil.! 1 Cui· A Sketch of HUGh Miller, In-lllIIl of slIving lhe counlry fl,' om .suhjl!cleu Ihe ag gl'o!lsor Lo have beeQ Hat! (noh:..t 10 11 (811) R dD)' the Loils of pru Illltvery ("nalics oC ov. lo ru In \lie.cc8, .is indi.cBlive of great 1" 'p""S IItrl)l'dell lliC uo rp..· pil!l. 111 fllct, hl\~rd her, cluslng lhu duo l' b(:hin<i mei I'I.rktd h.lf lh e' lock. niJolll Illy enl": 1 cou lJ II ul I''elld, £01' my winu WIIS IInLl ",II \I wc wel'e 1I1 011 C shu . set Ih., \Vllo in E.dinburg h, olt! enoug h \0 ery g rl1J c, lind uf 1'~lIdel'ill~ justice to mllgllllllltnily Md force oC chrrllc\or.A",llIlIgeti th .. reil "II grll)' , 110\'1' 1' r ll lli o !,nge bcfol't! Ole. ,Anotll · Il\mp UpOIl Ih e taLiI!:, nllu ulullulled me rCllltoOlbH 111111 , CHII tOl'get Ihe ligure 01' Lhall o}' 1l1 cl'l ~ of Sou ill e rll~rs wh o SIl. Wilkes' Spirit. "'llt~y" ' d Ivft IUb ,w rilll:II '" gre Al And !"' Ill a ll, ,· 1' Snubrllh III lilt.: cllulch, IlIlU 1 snIY 10 ~ SCllt. tb"L IllIlSbive·bulit m ilD, rouglily IIppn . ved 0.111' coull lry in Lbe hour o{ ils SOl'. -----~--And lIlu ch J ' OU I' theJ " ' C (ri c k,'" U ~ nil. M,,'ry I~g,dll. It seemed 11) me lhaL .'No,· said I, '1 wil! not ~ it oown YCl, r~lI&:d iugrflY 01' sonle dusly l' ed ,11sh ' cs t nceu. Barnum'B Advlco to Youn, Mell, , W.. II, ", i v(l th e.c liulu Y" u r!' thl ,i ,' 1I \\l1y brown . Ilkll ."11 ('x·st oncmason ..n ol l\ ' vcncrnl Cox is a young mlln of ft. 1 , he Il a~ p:'lcr tl"lI] betorc, /lOU II t!r tlyl'~ GIve mu Jour hnnd R. MIII·Y.' T llIU k, lU'uk IIlId It l " , the whiI L-I luol.cd liti ll,oUb.11 bhe hau bcclJ wellp · blcc hll nlcally ~ h c PUl f.. ,lh her Ilandf s balllt·d o.f IIIn1 8Ctf, 01' Ill e sad. I'es ulll'o bOUl 38 y ell r ~ ; of' gl'ell t Rbilit,oB IInti '] ' 110 best plan IInu the 0110 surest 01 tlfl up IIH' froll tn ge o f LlII"' ,rtl.'·, i,,,, . IIlId 1 LOo k 11" '1Il III Illy own . Ther", look of ItI S ~n lldy culo reu fa ct.'; the fen . lli oruugil ~ Ju CR lioll; !Jas sel'Vcd in Lb e su cr.css , I lhillt(, ie 10 II/we e\'ery loung And WHitt! ou r \"r i nk lu" AlilIl d "UlII'i"g the lucoccding' w(wk. I I'I! ' W IH n \\'(llIut'lin;; lou k ill Irf: .. fllCf" , nlld IlIr eEl of whieb scemed smaller thnn Ohi o b enule, wh cl'u 1. 0 \'fIIlI;f.'d liS a Il' II' mlllll, wh en he sllIrll in bllsiness, leletl~ They Ultlul J tbe: n ob lt! li \·il1g hend, cei l'eo! II I' isi~ In.m my olu coll~.;:e·chum 1 a sl ight flu ~ h IinJ cume 10 ber pilip lh ey \\' ~re lI um lhu quulltily olrt:ddis h I dEl' nUlong the I'ndi ca l~, nnt! hns served t.he tl'llde whi \: h best suils bis genius. Th', ,.rYe Ihe ue.1 1011,1, of II, " olell'1. IlIJil' Lh ll~ IUR llCcl Ilis grclIl roullu heau ? frum Ih o eomm encemenl of the pre SenL No", phl'cl101u~isls loU 115. Ilild intleed J u(:k S ianl on, who l,uu jus t o p"" c' l n chc t ks. .-'M llry,' J continueu, Fp Rking slowly 'l'!1 0ro . I~n ~ £\lc h a rr ~ \'lI ili() g impressiun w.nr, tirsL IlS Colonel, then a3 a 13riga. wo kn uw il oursl.llvcs, thn~ Lhel'e is as law olli eo in BcnYl'iUIl. AIlH s upp er'l hS wc Slit in Illy co;;y pnrl or s mokin g! nlld t!lftlY-lllld 1 l. nolV Ih at II nluis l. 01 retldls lln e~s , lind e ven of slony red. dll'I', nld IJOW >18 n Mujor.G cncrlll uf great n din'c ronce in lhe formalion of TUE '1'\\10 ANSWERS. ol!r cigar~, 1 s u g~e:i l e U lhat II buttle 0 11uro W/18 g lll .I'cl!ng ill ~Il)' ('YC8 - 'y ou Ui Bhll C5S, in his appearanc e , It.a~ Olle Vulullt.cel'~. His ~ e n' ice s in lhe IInuy the brain as in that of the face. Some 'No, Charles-il cnnuol boo As n , WIIIO \V ould uOL Le IILDISS. Jilek sl,ouk ' mllstllll SIHr lilt" '<J ne BIIU I' I., rJlllls tion . in ·lincLively. lhouglJt of his OWI1 'Old are well known. His wifl! is II daugh. boys 01'0 nulur.al mccl.anic8. while olb· frillild L ahall respect ... 1111 c!lleem you; his h"nd . All swer il ns you pll!ase. nllu ,I\ke my H.. d bll lld . Lolle.' Hi!! l.J ea d might have leI' of the Illto Presill e nt I"inncy, fOI·. ers UIlVO DO' Lb'9 ,sliIIULCSI idea of rnabUL 1 callnOL 1111 yOllr wiftl. Ha\'o com, ' No, ChRrl ey,' ho !lKio) 'wu'll leave aOI"WII USS lIl'H," ;o' lltal 1 only ask iL fot be!'n 11I1i.CIl li S 1\ modc l for Ihat of Gurlh werly of Oberlin Oollege, iD which chincry, and havll no tasto for il. It:Or PASllioll 011 Ulll, lIud do 110' pr08s me lhu win o for lh osc who neod il.' my goo&!. 'fell mc -tlo you love me? in Ivanhoe, 01' \I ith II lillie nhel'ation, blncks Ilnd wLilll8 are admitted on e- wy plll't, 1 ne\'er hnd the slightest cufurther.' 'YUII U ~t'd 10 drink ii, Jnck.' !'i v, 1I0-do oot lako your hllnds IIWP.Y for thai ('If Reb Re'Y""7 fOr whom 11150 qual terms. I'ios ity to know Ilnl'lhing Rliout meehllo" Mar! GrRnville stood before me BS 'Ye s. bUl il Illo'vt:r did me lilly good.' , yd. Answ er me if ~' ou can. F ea .. he would lHlVe been no inllpt model Cor _________ ics. I cOlild nol stale ,o·day •. the ,hll Lbus 8l' okt!, ",ilh her hun,ls clUMped 'And uo )'ou think it. . eye r did )OU I Il 1ll-0, (!!Ill' nOl; for I \\Oldll I':lti ,el' bl'e adlh of cJ.es~nnu personnlSltengLh. Newport, Rhode Island. priorip,le on which the sleam'engine ,lid her !Itlau bo.w-ed.i tremhllllg liko 111\ IIny hnl'llJ?' gu fun h into endless lIi;:hl lL1l1I do you As a stonemason, be used to lifL or roll wor4s for a hundred dollars, You maT "1,eD; and I funcit:d thllllh oro weI'" 'As Cor thllt1 will not BRy; hUl, my wrong. 'fdl mu, Mary, do yuu Ion weighls lwice as great liS 1111 ol'tlinAry Newport, situllled upon 'he Narr,,· Lake BII~I\' a t~y as I "Rs, a~d.~et him I lur. in her tlye8. Silo WI1 S n beAuli'ul ,boy , T willteH ),011 \fhM J clln ·s,,}'; it mo 'l' mall could muonge. lIe hlld n priJe glloseLL BIlY. is one of the finel' plaocs lo \V~tc l· ma. mg, an d afler8e'fenyea.ra girl, .. o ! hilt.! thought Ilt'r ns good IIttlCI' ,"ail Jo OJ e harm I 1 kn o w iL 'I conll ot speak (alsely.' she Ireln. in Lhis, Ilnd one of his habils, I lIolic. for SUOlDlcr lCSOrL ill Lbe world A he mIght be ab" to tlike apal't and put and pure liS she Wll8 bcaulirul; nl1r1, hll~ hllrmed olhers, Whll WI:I'O liS blin~ly whl'p .. red. 'Fur my o wn ptill CC t!d, was an inquisitivenoss A8 to the finc harbor, combined wilh ft delighlful togeth~r ~ .~atc.h. ~u' i& Would-.be lcoa" fur,lier thllll this, I had' bellevtd thal slrong ns I am . By 1.1'0 way, (Joadey'. l'erJ.llps I Ilive YOll 100 welL' . physiclll ' mellsu rements nnd cllpllbili. climale, thaws to its hOle ls the" elite &rary. to.hlS Jnc,ho~tJ(~p, .q~, ,,pblll ,,~~ Ihe lov!l~ Il)e. isn't MRry Grnnvillc' here ?' 'Lis'lun to lIle one momo ul,' J ad(fed. lics of tbose Wilh whom he CRUle in "nu fa shion of 'he Ullited Sf"les Ita all hIS !tfe. But I( he aelectt the YOC ... Shll WIU! al,l orjlhao, "Dd had beell 'Yes.' SlIiil 1. drllwin g ht\' neArer 10 In a; 'IInJ wh'!11 conUlct. Kurrouudings fire beautiful, IIn'd il' .Iion h? is fitted (or, it i.8a. p'leR~aro, and ' el'a:~g~d du.r.iDg the past yenr in te~ch · 'Do you know her l' 1 I."va told you wl."t J hnve to lell, . 'Whal is your heighL?' he woulu bCIIOho8 are only eqllalJed by Ibo.a of there lIi.oOI~tn'g ~ prcvent hl',ll from I turned nWlly my face, And prelend · you shnll be tht! jud~e: say, suddenly fHcing you, or, 'WhaL is LonJit Dr"nch Rud Cllpe MIlY. suceeedln~ I~ b1l810e.. 8Dd malung moill". 011\1 of ollr villtlge schools, Of her ear;lyli(e 1 knew nOlhing. IUf! that I he. d Ihllt I hellru somtlhing "t tbe. wi~ Sht! did nOL strive. 10 free her hano s ; Ihe girlh of · your chest'!' lookiug lit ~n years gone Pllst, belore this crucl Dey: It I. dlffi.cul~ Lo go aerOH &~8 Illd bo~n well educaled, And IIl1d mov· dow. . hut sho glll-etl up eRgerly iUlo my (lI\:e, you aidcwayn; and, if you were not wal" began, tbe ptople of tlla Soulh al. gram. Y?U Will filld from Lbe pulpit ~(l in good sociely; lind 1 h"d ruson 'l hllve seen her,' I replied, when I nnd her CJtl8 beamed whh " hopeful preparcd WllU 1111 eXRct "naIVer, he ways paid a summer visit to that city: 10. t!16 nnvil, "many p~ople who ha.,., to btlicve thllt, llI 's ome lime, her plI' hud composE'd DI)'~elr, S'Le play8 th a light. would seem surprised, lIe hud, in bu~ nllw things nreehlloged, Rod, io. mls ake~ theR' avocntlon. Oe~ thelD renls had be~1I wtJlllq,y; but h\!r falll or , ol'::an in lhe church.' ' ' You know John Stanton '?' I Sllid. pArliclllIIl', a malioious pleasure in in . 81<:ad:the peopl\! of the Norlh lire pa,y. ou tue Tight t~ack nnd Ihey .wllI IUChAd fllil~tI ill busillllU, alld it hlld bccil '/:lhe lind I wel'e ecbool:nates,' pur· 'Yes.' sh e replied. Y'! iglillg hill acquaintRnces by "Ro me ing pilgrimllgos 10 tbe MecCI~ pC til e cetd:., So~etJme. pereons Will !fet on ' lold 0 me ll'" ~ Lhll :!lId rt!vCl'.s"s killed \ SIIf·d Stunton; 'lind spenking of wille 'He wns my besl friend wl.ile we Sll'lllt:gtlIU to lry ou Ilis hat-il btJing Confco erRcy-Hichlllond. the ,llglll l!llck •. and ye,. no& lI~cceed. Iii •. . hatl 'known lhal . M:uy was brings her to my mind. Do you know wl'ro nt collrge, IInll our frieDd~l.ip I! II!! I \'cry l'I1rt:!y indt:uu tlmL Lhe h fll foullu Fort Adnms, nl the entrance of the bee,ll uso lhey ~re pl~cod In to~ clrcumpo?r-Ih:ll ~ he WIIS dt'pcndeut upon hc r 1I11)'1!ling of ,he r enrly lifc ?' nol growr. Ic>8. llll CRllIe 10 set! 1ll P., i 1\ 11l'1It1 oY(l r: wl~ich il ditl nol tlcecelld hnruoi' of NeWjlort. 1 iB built of Hhode . ~crlbed II, .~osltlonlo some Village or d~ll)' lubor for suppol'(-nnd Ihe '!'iolillng,lnnswl!red. IlII&!toldlhcstol'}' lIClhcll'ialsllndsuf· 110 Ih~ll o. e. l ~t l.h crc hnd be eD, he [sl,'Dd gl'lIlJile, fllld isayery slrong 10w:;\1.I.'~",t:~?y clI~notgc~ . [~~lp.11l1 thoughtlhll~lcol&lli olItl r her ft corn . 'I'uor t.lury I 1 OC\'el' think or he l' , rulin gH of Llne uf Ihe Bc hvollllfllcs of l ~ aiu. in Ids lluLivc 101\'11 oC CI'OI'llllrly, fOl'lific llliuu, Tlwl'u is Rllother forl- 01 lell nen les. J man In lI~cfl8e (~rtnble hoine, with tile IId"nntAges o( wilhuut rCt:lill b DIy re solut.ioll of 101111 hi s ti\rii " r days. 0, Mill,}" 1 lhink 1 Iwo heads decid r dly b i~g tr lhnn hi s- IIIl cllnl.wol'k-rcc<:ntly built on DUlch should .g et IIWII~OUI where he )'il1I DOt. I . IYcj\lth, blld. gi\' en i"crenso ~u IIb ~ &i1l ' lIce g row Sll'on gcr .nnd st""llb~r. I kn ow ycr)' wl·11 wll)' you refu sed Ill y I olle of whioh b1l! 0nged LO the 1008,l SLU' Island, in the crntre of Narrag!lll8cll be 110 cll· cumscflb~t! .• , my IlItpplii oss . llul ,hi :! Wlll'n WI! \l e ro Bchool ,cbtlJrtln tog-ctll · hllnfl. 'lIId IlJlalllll JClU nol. Il mlly l pl!l mall he Iliid I.n olV lI, nut all Hctual Dl'Y' so th1iL llie entrllnce. is Yt:ry well PRETTY WO)I l:lN.-A pl'ollyilomanig un~IPetted nnswer d'i shetl till my 1' 1', Iocr flHI ,,' r wa s Ihe \vcllllhi ciH IlllIlI Lc thllL OU\' ,,!llhs will be din"'I'~nl l idio l, lint! lh o otllcr to a pel'son vc r}' Plol ccted. on!! of Ihe 'inHtitutioll~' of the counbright hopes to ~he grollnu, in B ~ rI'Y"i Ill, nlld shtl lind hc\' brOlhcl' l lill'ClU g h life ; bUl you shllil III IUll~ l ! litlh, supe rior. S \1ch, or such·like, The people of Ihis cily are wcll post.. try-lin allgel in dry goods RDd glory. 'Do you WCIIII,' I criud vehemenlly, wero nm ,lIl!: Ihu hnpl-'i ell t hnppy. kn ow that he whomyoll hare lonu ' would b ~ his tHlk in n casunl meclin~ e,l in Iligh prices, alld IInvo no con · She mll~es sUlIslline, bJue s~y ~nuJlap'(hll 101A Ihua ,dismiss rot! 'I Am 1 I\lr . (l1'nnl'illa WAS in the hllbit 01 will 80 II\' I! thaL hc shllil not be unwor · 1 wilh him whllre ILe ta lk depelld ed 011 sciences aL 1111. Tuey go upon lh o pinoss "hel'ever sllo gocs. Hor paJh cluloff?' urin ld ilg willI'; l\IId the hllbit grew lip ' Ihy uf y our kindest relll emnl'llll ce. 1'1 hilll~I!!f. In nuyt1ling like mixed Of principle of 'When a 81rllnger comcs is uno of ' deliciou s ruses , perfumes nntI 'lC1nll~ be your w,if1!,' waw ll(;; r 1'41' on 111m until ho ftllL h e cuuld not live , kllu\\' lh,\l my leel hnve hilherto wan · Jillllcr ' llIblc sociely, which, Itow~v e r, IIIWlg, tl1.ke hiOJ in,' lind 1I'IIy do it In beauty, Sho is . n poem,' writt<;n i'n pi,. , " V t.. wi&ltU'.H- his LiI~lt1ldy. 11e WI\S .o f n'l!o' l tl ereu illto lite pllll! of ual\ ~l!I' . lIut , he a\'oid ed 118 lIluch liS he coulu, he an r:llLerpri tiiu~ mallll er. Visitors will Tare Cllds IInu choice calico, and good ' I 'TIIt!l1,' ~Ritll, \Vith mora wllrml!l cinl .Ji.~ flobi&iun, IlIId ill tim ~ il camc to Itcnc e forih 1 nm fre e from lh o t!1'1! .,d ' was nlllloH bluckishly si1(J nl. · L ,\( lics pl cR$e I'cmemLer l.t. e ' Spo ulillg.' ~ l'ur' priociph,s . Her wordll nOlll arouud the th~l~ I '!:hL hll~e b~ trn'yed III1U e r OLh · 1)lIlR8 lhllL h., \VIIS oflen grossly illto.xi· tilHll'e . Uoder lhc n('w li /; ht ll':ll hlls l woult! bl! dyillg lo hCIlI' . Hugh Mili cI' gulory,' and the 'Old Slone Mill.' as elll'like mu sio, birdll of plll'lldiHo. or uClrclImstallc\, s, 'I leAvo you to your' jCf\lud. Of cou['so. uud."r Buch oil'cum' dawned upun me, I hllldllt e win e' cup , tnlk, bUlllut II \YOI'U wO llid Ii., g UI out curiusities 10 be I·i siletl. Why Lhe Int · the chimo of Sabbntll bells. 'Vilhout !elf. Rod while 1 s.tl i.ve to Eh"k e oil' the SlllllCOS,Olle uf the two lhil\~H must Ie btl II f"lIl'ful cllj,my, lind 1 will shul\ ; of llugh .Miller. Till,) irnl'l'C ~3iulI IIllllk tel' should be cRlled a mm I 'klil)w 1101, her, Boc:iety would lose its Irucst Rttl'llClove lhat hilS boul)d me to you, 1 will ' hRppen. '1'h", 1111111 musl c.,[ofm, 01' he il liS 1 wuuld shun a shameful .life alld ' by his /jillg uln\' fi p()~ cl"t'Bu! 8 s. ('(r uplt'J ("r LI~ero i8 nOLhing in iLS Bppellraoce lO tions the church ils firmest rclinnce ooly I\qptl til" .cro )'OU 'lolld another IIIUbt .inl!, 111... G\'Il\lvillll did lIoL r\l· l a oluudod dealh·bed. F ur my own wiLli hi s unu sullily powcrful luuk or, inuicllle Lh~~ ~!IY.lhillg WIU eVIlI' Dl '~I~U' lind young men tb e very best oC COID~ Rio net'lou will /lonclulle b~fol'o, forlll. Ilnd crt' IIlliny ytlll'8 he died 11 1dllke willI u Lhis. so lh lll my ~ llinl.ed more ,bau 011 0 sucll occl\sion, has been fl\C1lII:C<.! wl~llln IlH wlIll s; bUL ll'lllhuon .curls nnt! comfortol'a. 11IlI' , i:Jlluunce \ll/lr,.'you ,viiI kee p -'lim!' drullkanl'd deaLh.' 1~II\' illg ~Iis (IItUily ill \ DlOlhl!r, .if she ellll look down from hen · d l!b cr~beLl tp OlC as linll! short of awe. C,\lIs II II m\ll, Rno I. do 1I0t, .WISU to and gt:nerosily res train L:le vicious • '.1:llflmIlS, the Yl'1I UpOIl hel' boy, CUll s\llIle III'PI'OV ' ilUl, 11I.l1uod, ev!!n where he was 0101'(' hAl' e a eontl'OVcr8Y wllh trndltlOIl. slreng th en 'tflc weak mi se Ihe lowly . l:a7.l.:l1l1olO my (lice Wllh Il pllin · povllrty IIl1d slIfl,·\'Iug. , rnghtcncd look, LUL 1 did nOL .tup 80n, who WI\ S f"ur years older lhun il1~ly upon ~he cuurso ht! baa chosen. al ease, Ihelc was alwll)'8 a s(, II Batiun The pll\ce is a splendid slimmer reo fl>lllll(:-1 shirl th o hOIl;1]('II, and stl'cnath: r ,h\'r .lI.pcllk fur itu. Wbil o ,she Marr, bl!cllme very dissipaled, IIlId, al AIIU now, 1I11II'y, if. I\l some futufe \ llmon g lh o ~e nbolllL him of nbnormal sor~, nod p.oI'SOI1S whoSII ~ockel sl have on the rllinL hellrt . Whereyer you find tbere. pille .rno Iremhliog,l hUll. lhe Ilge 01 eighleclI, WI\~ killt!d ill ;11 IIm~, yuu shvulll Cee llhaL you clIn tru sL impr.netrability. 'l'here was then, liS ~ sliver hUlIIg, m:'Iy bcre Liud a relreat the vi\'luo~s woman YOIl 1\1.0 liDd liro At I'tl I! I· fight iQ New York. Mrs, lhon· YOIIT hRppilltlss in m'y keeping, you hll has hillleu, no remarkable d eficien· In evtry way d eSll' lIble. si de Loquol8, clenD clothes, order, good and 'u(t I,ho ~oqse. • 1 remuked thot undu'r oth r ci'rcuDl' ville SUl'I'ivllti hllr sou but a few months wilt givu U11l some lokea Lher~of, /lUU 1 cy of discourso, In a tint! kind of - - -._--- . living. ,."'~Ifl hellrLs, music, IighL, "nd I I mighL hll\'~ r b~el' mO~ll cool -Ilbsvlulely dyiull.. Ihe doctor aDiu, of will come IIntinsk ngnin (or you,' hllnd; dusky whiep"';, aod with R qUllintkind · D CRADIL1TY OF 'l'IMBER.-The pllcR model illstitut io'U8 generally: She' is ~nllccleu in my sllee~h ; IInu wbfll 1\ broken b"lI rL. nntl shuuld iL be Ill)' blIlHS<:d Jol lo I'e· lilltl8S nlld rcspec lfullless of mlll1nt:r to 8U8lllillil~g tbe. Loudon Bridge IIBva ILe llower orhumanit.y, a vcry Vonull do y.oll 8~1lP9(4, .dtl r~a,<te.r, Lhcil lit. Poor Mary, thus lerl rllll.erJes~ and ccivll iL, 1 will ueyo'tl every energy of his co' ioculor, whoever he might hllp· been drllen tivo hun~hed years .. 10 ·in diviniLy, a.nd ber illftpirlllioD 'ill the lendlDg ClrcUlnsLllll ces were? I will mo,l.htl'les~, wilhul\~ bl'oLher or lIiller, wy beillg to milking you; lift! a joyous pen 10 Le, he woul,1 confide whatever 1845 lltey wero Cl'IllClllly l' xllllllaed breatL of H e,ven. tell you cllndidly '! , .'! 1 ilL lhe ngc of tilt een, was forc Ad to earn and peactlfulllno.' \VIIS in't!,.e~ting him al the momellt- /lntl fuund 10 Ilavo been decayed LUl I ~u II lillie heatc!i wil h wine. I thc brond which site eal, nndnobly 11118 1 let go her hAnds, nnd bowed my as Ihllt he buu JU SL received a letil'r ~Iightly; theel' piles nrc pl'iuciplllly of Th e open ing essay in the July .AI, ,,~~ dtfuDk jUiLI ~n(IUgh Lo wllrm my Hhfl done it. I.f you know btlr, Claal" h~Rd lO ,~ipe /lWIlY a leal'. llultllum· from so ,"nd·tio (perhAps luking it Ollt elm. Sa\' ory plflce in Lonuol1. is eilll. ltm/ic is devolcd tu 'Young Men in blo od,lInll giv() my blllin nn exl", im : lie, you lIllOI" on" of Lha noLlllsl WOlD ' t:d towards Ihll uour, reu lly intending lol Ids pnck ct), 01' n llil Ihc parcel h I' IIlcd on pill!s six IJundred and fifly Hi Mlory,' und Among lboso menLioned pulse; and Illy words were nOl claose ll ~n lhaL uv('r liv otl . DUI-- whal is t.o tl epa l t 1IIId g ivo I,cr time fo.r refleo· hnd in !tis hAnd 19I1S a Dutch tfllnRIII ' Furs olJ; th ey cunsisl of uak, 1:1111, a8 prominenL in Lhis cOllneclion are AII sbGuld hllvo choscn lh r' m !llId tht: Lhe mHller? Why, blcst! we, you luoI. li on, whun "he pronounced my nllmA. lion of his 'fuOLS I"ps of Ih " Orcntor.' lIenc la lind clICS(IIUI, lind nrc perfectly cihill ll.·s, Byron, Nno, Cllligula and t of the winE:! ' been "becnt. All I 1\8 pille liS II ghu~t.' .1 lookcu IInok. lind her haods \Verll whicL they hilt: bec n so 'g oot! as to sounJ. The Lridg-e built by t he EIlI' Lll! b ~s pi (H l'c. The fullowing' instaDcea 'Ike~ 10WIll'(J s my helme, 1 Boughl 10 1 ijtlug~h.: li wilh myslllf, lind told sll'elclll~ d out tuwRnls mo. '8t'lld him ('il' 8 rllthuf droll, sil', to @c .. peror '[',,)jflll over lhe DnlluLe, An·ord. IIl'e 1118U given: . my.ell thllt I had fortullRlely J(lck thllL I hlld 5wllliowed II 10101 ci·, ·.l'iuL lie\\',' 1Il'iJi ~J1('l'cJ. 'I wi\[ n~t yourself ill DUlc), ' ) 01' Ih.nt he hBdj.u~t II ~ tr iki n!: insLanCtl of the dUl'llbili(yof , 'cijlio WIlS lw unty,"ine wbt'n lu; ,y IIlc I1 we- relUln c( I (rom a geo I~t: ,cn I ~ xeul'8 I(J1I 'imber ill n wct sllIte. OIlU of LileEe ..."ai ll",", Loe II nLLle of ZOIlIl; Cha. rlea.1 loe ~ I10 SDare of a coquette. nud gRl'sDlok e. l,uoso Ilnu upc[,cd O."tl 01 liS k yuul' IIIl SWIH y.eL. h lllllght be the beller ellllb.l ed thu~ Ih e cas~ment.s, lind sleppet! ouL up un prove tn t!. Dilly gll'O me 10 kilO" 111111 Ilnd hlld Cound 60DleLIllng CUriOUS. piles WII S llllien 'lIp IInu fuunu Lo li e Tw elftll, nilleteen wil en ho galUeu ~ <l tea I . I 1I I I L II ' prLrifietl to lh(j depth of Ihrl'e qunrt c r~ bll lll(1 or 1\'111'1'0; Condo. tW!lnty·two 1 r Ign,. ~Iopped nL the it Ol.1' I, wh e ro lite blllculI)', wherll the fresh fill' part y 11\\' 0 yUill' "I'c • .n.H \\'1 • .- -- - dl 1111 inch, and tl. e H ML of tI ,u \VO t'U !Vh en he gaill ed the baLllc of Rucroi, ~.QQI\(f ". fti w 01 . my compauions. find restored ID C lO 11')' (orUi or belL 1 ~lopp " I.1 ~pellklllg, for Milry 6 lit'", d .0:7. There, is suid .to bo a II.c n III . 1I.I ....dd ,I I. II 1..1 hlld unJ<:I'''one 11 0 chnn>7e, IIl1h oll[!h il A, thirl)' six, ScipIO the youtlger WIlS r,v . ISpo&e of ba,C " tl"zen bOL41es AI a lilte huur Jac\; d<.!flllrLed for lhll bllu VC l! 1I 1"1 Ll.wed upun noy uUSulll,lIlIu Lllct.h eld, COlin., wblch d epuSlls .Rn 0 '" ,. of • Ine. , . hOll:l, rl llal whell 111(ld rulil·eU.IO Iny ijht lVII' wet'plllg III.e '.1 chliJ. I"l.(j.( eve ry lilly b~ll bundll)', 011 whlcli bfldLi~endrivellsixlocn hundrcuyonl's. til", cOllquel'cr of Cart!rl\go; aL thirLyI >.r I I' I .! ] • • Hix. Cur tes was the cnnrquoror of Mel:' • :"'W . IIOW. S 10 uttc, reu, ns ",110 ~crllp ul u u s ly omil; 1.1l'1' uSll al ~jru r.l. I' CI I ' D Ile, followinjt morniog I IIwoke chalUbcl'l paced to nuu fro unlil 10llg "I.11i «I beadacl,e, II11t1 wheu 1 cfllied 10 I)IISL mldlll ,rll L. 1 could IIU 100I"cl' WI S' wound my arms nboul he r. 0 Chllr[eR, ::ilie IS OWII 'd by a mlnl stCl', 1Villcll IS Zdr A g'cntlcn:1I11 while wnlki~g th e ico; ,Bt IlIl'ty, IlIr eruogoe ITn.s msater IIlInd tie 1 e\·c.nt, .o I.•the. pl:ccedill" cvon ' IIl1d c l' ~tu nu'" Ihe mOlivcs which h hud itc· I nel't'r J O Uu,~ I. d . yuur Irull. 1 I k' nolY . upl'0std lO account for Ihe phenomo· ~lr~ e L Ill. Des M o io t ~. lown, dUI'IDt II1 of L"O. O' France and Germllny; alB Ihll'ly . . . Ing 1 <> .1 G ., bl lLun(l~ r stOl m. the olh er E:vClling. "" !tvo had estnhlisbed lbe rllllh pow11'118 ".0 Iling buL. hAPIIY. 1 be· lunle:! t.lllry ill n.'J·tclill" my. hnnd . S.he }.·o u CIlIIllOl u e ce.l\· ~ me. . Ou css )'ou nOli. d . I d' '" .,. I I r ah I olle of his e"C8 complolely I d08 .lr ?), c er. Il.n D 13. Dlln. nlUIII, t Ie grellle~' o reuhztJ how much 1 hlltl loved kntlw Ibat 1 \Vas III tbe 0 Ilabl~ of U8111g' lor y our nou1'1e I esu IullUn, auu.' I ct mt J I II t Ify G ' . tI . I ,, ' l I' ~ G' IJ k • I • .1,,'''III·ng by litrhloing, wilhouL any Oller IPJury. miliary comm:lI1u.el·S, WIlS on y IIr y, , tJ-J en II era ."'C 500. 8 ua. u . I • " , 0 .d . TAnvilie. 'fllore -a" " . lin Rclll'ng Wine, nil on thlll e"enin"" wheD lalH ,It: [' )·u u to "e rp I . when, fit Cllnm, he denlt AI) 1\ ImClst aD1 • In t:ny hcarL ftlltl 1 fllirly wopt liS WIJ met shc mllSL lillve di scov\! l'cti lLal 1 callnol t.-lI 110\11 lon~ I stopped lhlll phlce, the ermltll lj(', IS \'cry mllc I Oul -':"'1'lle bl'olllcl' o( Beethuven sign- nibilatiog blow ' at the Republic or COhtetrlplaleu' ~y 10611. 1, was m)' 1 hud drunk enough to IIriug fI ftll~c c\·enillg . I CIIII ollly leU Ih R~ 1 \VII S 0, f repRi.r. In) 856, Teno essec pur· -.r; f tiF8~ love. "nd l'lS I'olluelloo IllId Ia n'" Hush to IU" c heek. I'H}' hHPPY, Rnd .lhnt my p\O~pect of chosed It for 648 000. bu. t Mrs. Jllck· cd hi8 nllmo 10 distingui,h I,imsell from Rome; auu Napoleon WAS only '",eo yIt led ~ l' • J I I d l' I J I ' hid IRndleBs brutber, "---von Bre. soven when, on tho plains oC haly, he b' . eyer fibre b, tny being • . Th e 'Oh, II']. God!' I ej'lculllled, a6 1 the coruing r OllI'S was IIright Alld g o· ~on hilS appen e to re81' ('Ill OlD80n IhOVeln, Innd owner." T~e 'immMlal i, ollt r1 cnerall udlinci uefclILlld, one afLer elultlullJir\ had become more .Icnr to RRnk inlu a chllir, 'I wonder not IhaL rlOUR. (0'.' II .I'~rmlillen t home Ih ere. ,ll~r "I" " I I f A 10 b '" U f II . I ~ bb I I {d G cUIIIl'o8crrl.ltortcdhy signing his, "Lud- l llnl'>lh~r. (he VctC1'II1l rua(6lU 5 0 lieiJjSl.anlcollldtell,lndlgrollned in ~ be(e al'cLllolru st herrululeJifeillmy Ontll o 0 OWIll ~ (.lIy-n ,- 8 At I. pl Cl\lI'1O WitS l'~tl'rC 10 ol'e illOI" \,i ." ... I1D ccl ho~' c ll,J.,minuWllel'." lIi ll.' She \tas yuCrllreo enoug h c:tl llllllld JlI'! II~ lIn\-lhu Of{;ltJI (;'I\:c Bluwnluw, u . . . . . . . .gluah wuel\ 1 L~ou~LJt ..lhI\L she "li B k\!C'l'il1g. •
Tht.eyua .. ,Ihn e)' art! (he er)IIu"e'uly ear f! Ih~r. w r ~ pr II Y II ""1:"; , ODC6 Their r.iry (1I1l1./ulh u8 ugh l uu,' eur., Our •• U II,eir "1.Il~ill'" ,.i,..... 1'I,or /hll ft! U·J uur cll llv IL"'J' '."Y. . ft ·Wed•••",t Ih .. lillie ('"IJ. ·toll,h..,. , J
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10 b. meD of ,igoroUI Oil prtlU D of lIarJ .E. .urr U. hi"' o,.lI.lIllrecJ u..lI' atrong re • .,I,el. lle uid: hl'J' I 'p:ge:·,,:d from twel,. to tirle • ill ••• • I I ) Ir,direcLed au ia· "aLlonl, oa W(\t' d .- rro.. clra willWIIt ile "fe here loltell""r to,oll!! •• U C lID1pIU. I 0 r LI'Ut Ile D'ltriot .- ." leI 'ell ,.ou. all a pulDt 011 !tabta', eorpu. to Gen. and A.mericaD ar\-
cloulI\\~~'I·MtI:;~;e ~~kp~~n! I '
ling of belli. A' 6r.' I 'bougbt. Lhal poorl, on hie erulohee. . lement' was lalileg ., , ~.......--.. ~~~~ tbe 'd nClurln~" 'd-d biB skyli,hl • ,,,I. II palraollc YO'" I, ____ ••• - - • - - - NO. So summary bUl characterillic mel hod o( all I. discourlled or the ;nllny Daval e .,j.,ctiDg a penerlMl lenaaL, aod as I 'II emOO he bad laktn pArI io lhnl hl!re, upon. litIS spoL. !n Hancock commllnding him 10 proc.i uce \15ll' 1 he. lenel Will budla was nOL much inleresled in lhis lillIe gb g M ' d I t War was ibis "ery hOlel, Rlld lllllnk almosL in Courl'lIt \0 o'clock lillS .• 01u01el, Oil pa. _ ereonal affair, I endea1'ored to resume I. 0 ~IICIlO ~n a e " tlie rOOll' Ihrough ",hiclt l '1'eached t 1.' Ihe blldy of Mrs. SurrAtt. whh ~"USI: p~r. an.d Lound. ln a n~~1 p.mp '.81 or!l' P . lOll" harly 1I1terelitlDg, blllcolIY, OrAII.t and I IAIO of ,Iebl ' lind de ltnlioll. The writ YlII8 wllh IItle. , (EleeU •• (}clobe .. J(), 18&:h) umeslhe rollowlng ",Il my Ileep. ThIS RgreeA~le efforL, I A nlilable evenL of lh~ dRY W.I 1 dOWIl our IlI1l1p" IIlId ~tudllHl th ~Am- Illell se~ v don .en . Hancock, at Ihe be Ihe !nllIAI vo: : J'OR OOVX:'UiOB. over, "all ludd enly erecl ioo -or Miss Emma Slebbins'lug pflign whillh our WRr. [Great M.,., pvlillln Iloll:!, Ilt 80'clock Ihis I - By I ACOB DOLSON COX, or 1:rumbull. volley arter volllaY or lhunderlng Ilflli. brOlize sllllue of Il orllce Mllnn on' 'Ilind .I II' \ morlling, by U . S , Marshall. l>ooding. Long f.. '.'0 IV • ,.v, 1111 111 uslrAllons by Foa r.fIUT •• OOVERNOIl, r lery. and a faint lerror crept OVl!r mil d 1 1 - f nL of the Capitol. to I.e "RI t!OWIl In up , He wllh Iho AL ' Jlliln Foster, and I h "l Ibat erhR)9 tbe rebel pc es A In to RII lInlini ~h d Job 1 hl\ll down l Illr!!, Ilorlle Gelll!Inl and Ihe Sl'cre lll ryor ALsololI • . I npu, 50 cents. SONO. ANDREW G. McBURNEY, Warren. al 1 oug I . PI. '11 rigbl of til e slatue of Wc bslu. E· when he called for me Ity 1"l egr aph 10 W Y At 10 '-\0 Ihe G- ne!'I,1 had not }·0IlAL .. S~A80N5-Dy Alfred '1'ennraon. Foa TA&UUIlX:1l0r nlTl, Sle~henl, as"~lod by ~118 guerrl ~ queoladdresiet were ddjveretl frCJb) i mce l hiln in Nashville. But ~ u w ere l ob:~:ed Ihe w~it. This fllct was mRdl! With i.llus"lIlion~ by D. Milcliae. 'l'~ SIDNEY B. WARNEtt, or Lorllio. f( r )lend8 had en.forclIJg tlte doc lhe slep8 of Ihe Sll\le 1I0use ,' by Gn. \ \lothered 80 IhRI "e \ known 10 the Court by her eounst' l. bul Crt!swlck., . Eyll!lgt:, C. A. URny. anu Itiue of lIecernlOn aL l'ort Wltrren, 8n.d Andrews, J. O. Philbrick, E q., d Illp here , MId III litI S holef . Lht! Judge 81\iC\ ho IlI,d 1I0L (oowl!r to 100hers. I nper. , .:l00 • . LT!,FOllSUPREWICJUDoa, ",ere now making!!n early call on th eir p 'u Hill or llArvaru U niver h". lollr llllkt! doHr Ihe II , I enforce LIII' wriL. los-B.Y Juhn (J . '.r JACOB BRINKERHOOF, or Rich. . . \b I IH b' re~1 ent I l lhe opt:rallons by melt n8 of \f •• lch \\ e III IrRLIlIns by ~!lrIl)US arllst~. lnper. land-:-(Long Term.) un,uB~lcIO~' nCI!; I ors at I. Ie ~' Al Mu sic HAil, Ibe ltev. Dr. n wert! 10 retic h 111 41 belHt of our enemy. r~IK"AII.\Tlo~S. Fon TilE K~KCUTION. .sOc. LYRICS OJ' LIFE - by Uober, JORN WELSH or h\\leO& (To fill I\lId dlverllDg tllem8t!l~e!l wllh a hllle ning delivered 1\ finish ed Anni"e r ry [Cheers.] lie went 10 Hicilmolld, .lInd Early 011 }o ... dny mornm!: gllllnl. lirownillg - Wilh illustrRLions. raV~cancy.)' arlillery praclice, ulln" our doors for Ortllion which WAS warmly applau td I 10 Allllnill . We vllried Ad 10 IHn ~ , \Vue pll\c\! tl Illl 1\ roUIHJ .'he '~rHI:IlRI per, .sUc. lIUMUROUS POEMs-By Oli· ta,,;et. by "ay of admoni!hing us of b I' . e gAlhved bul Lhe resull W IIS ju sIIiS we Inld " I(I(llInt! ij, 10 prev enL Ill e IlllrU!\IOn 01 Vl'r W.,ntltll Hvlme s. WiLh iIIlnlra70a 4TTORNitY OEIIKRAL. .' S \ llecLion Y li e Immellse concour s 'A1I1ft, I oIlL III Ihl" t. v,~ I,;,. )J"r.h . Ifill4 p(;rSO IH, 10 Ihe sc.. n\! of eX.,c ull 0n. nOIlC: l io n~ P"PH 5U CtOlI ltKLHHQU8 WILLIAM H. WEST. 01 Log"n. their prelence. :>on, t .le reco there; bUL on Ibe ArriVAl or r~1 \ Uen . Gnwl IIn,l I hild only ono ob. \ b<:ing Iltlmill",d t'xce jJtillg LhoHe pre - [' , . - II ilR ·iel He~cher SI "e ft"shed upon DlC Ihlll .UIIE wal lho nil' J:4' ArrRgul and Gl/nerl\l Anderson. thelf J'tCL Iu Our hCll rts IInti viou sly Wilh IIckels by t y l' II Pllper 50 c WOR .onOOL COWIIISIJOJo/IlR. ' . nata 1 d 8Y, 110 d . 116 I OIllIOOUI ' . dII lU 't U,"", II !lncu\: k . _ '1'1 Ie rl! I allons , Ier\18pClpulflr fI' IUIlB . • be \."ddel} !, lloo, onlhusiasm knew• (10 bound8, Bnd eheer , lire ~olle; we wero del~ r01II1~. ~ I~~' 0f M " r~. \ n "Olh poel" will. JOHN A. NORRIS, OC Harriaoo. 80unda wtre .ounda 01 JOY aflll gl"tl· u on cheer arose ~Jlontaneuus'y (roll1 : t'd &IIIes shuuld ~ur vlve 1111 . w"r WI h j::iufllltl . and lIMrol.l 'p~nt se'etMI 10 Ihe Seril!M. or Ihe COlltlIlUB!\on of rOB nOUD ow ~U~LlO WOllK8, nel8. A. 1 lietened to Ihe merry - p 9 The old heroes I honor, "11(1 1111\1 those who c~mll arter h01l1 S Willi Iht'1Il dUrin!: I he forllnoo~, lr hiell early Announc"mcllt Wtil be m"de. JAMES ?dOORE, OC Cosbocton_ . C h L. thousllnds of 10llil ue ' . I us, ill fuluro yeArs find cenlune s, shoul '\ I"lld Illt·y were ,,1.0 IItlt!l1ded by lll .. 11' A II d si"n or llli~ Hrie8 i8 Iv clllmeBefLheOldNOrih hurc gree 8IooditbrllYely,Rndne verllwchedun- l ne )t'rlllrn UJ.10lllhis generRtio n Kncl l sVililllllllHlvillerS,R:I wtre .. Iso l'ltyal~ S n ,18 I t'." f II I d'ln 0 . 1 Old So I '11 palriolic ser. _ d ,,~ pre ..· • , ,, "OIIUIII rom .e I'" g P • FOR Ol.1:1Ul OJ' 6tlPItEllF. uLI WI I a II d i" dcr Ihe hoi~ terCluS ovntloll. sn)' Wt w~rc crllv - , I"fle· ' OOURT, C I Ing tie d d' . I ? en A COW"r S . ~'ow. I\lId AIZClull. "Is ' III III sly I! III Cl1l1l' COII\,(~IIIt·n. RODNE ,0 IUloo oun y. en .. de, wbo reepon Il In .,un ,er n.. My lell er would indeed be Incom - wlt~tl$ Ihe IrUII , re you nOI pIOU. TIIK PRUOI'KKS AT TIlX GALLOWS. rul, IIn,1 inexl',·nsive. Iht! publi5hera Y FOOS f Cl _ _ __ _ _ _ lonel a loud • Good morning I my plcle if I fai led 10 chronicle Ihe WSHIII \ vU IHe JJO~ prout! or me, bUI you ~r" A f.-w IIlIIlUt"ij aftl'r JU v'clod;, lilt: ' hlll'O lixed I"" pri,·t! lit fifly (1'1I1S for OSlO POLITICS. thoul:hlllurned bAck 10 lhe lime "hell receplion giv en to our bold SU)jl'rs hY 'I I'I'OUd of lhetlr~sfuIL. [A ~101ceG-' _esl oUler IJli>oll d , or WIIS ('pt·llt·d, 1111.1 Ml's . lell ch ,, "IUllIe; uf,on rl"ceipt of "Ilich _ .. ' I I' I Wil IIro prou 0 }'ou lOI). t' nerll. I I ' I '11 b '1 I . I Oh' lib Id U I Brili.h 80ldlers b,younClal 10 110 lIg I I I ' d hler8 of Doslrll The\" j G \ SI d ' t:illrn\ll was 8UPI'II1 te, lOll 11:1' wily lll i ~um . Rlly YO 1I1ll\! "I e mill toe pOAl l~ 11 meet tlat 10 ou ne A · . (U f aod Ih e 116 IIlf illig " bl G,IlIILIII\\ i'1\t'rn l~flnnll. an ev· tIll! ~"It..,ws by two mililary utticers . tJ(lid ' The vulumllll will be uuifurm ill keD an aeliTe iDiliati,e in declaring her. anllquO pewl C Ie . otln er, I hRve nol (ol'guU~n Ihe promIse so Il u ) , try ot her palriol, Ihlllk s ~f but ont' \ l'exL fullo\\' t!d 1\ IZt'rOII Harr old RIIlI ' hiz" -lind 81) Ie . . . er~ Irl\81 IhAI thl8 . etrnrt' 5t!1f free to ael upon Ihe lenral COOl- laller Ullt (orlh the pnlnled . Hto !OS6 b mil d c lit II Ie b. rea k'Illb" \\111 of Ihl! wllr • \ lhlll g,-w e. JOII'I LOlher . I o\bout . PII),IIC. IIceum p:lHIl'J by' II gllllrd >llId The pl1"h~h pl~x iuues jusl 1I0W eJciling public grllnd old lea 'pRrLY an Bosto.n IIr or Rnd 50 fail hfully kcpl durill!:: Ihe lu.sl 10cIII dCl,"ls-we Llllllk ~f U II Y one I- ,II"1f \'t'sl,ccti\'1J mllli~tcrs III' 11'1l G , ,~ 10 pillcu Ihe be~1 )locI:! wilhill Ihe rlllch dilcuesion. It were beller, perhlps, has renderl:d immorlnl tLelr tiacred four years of our !II\lion's peril, to re- dt!l\; ,~~h~ ~u~lIel:!~C;re~~ ~:; JC:~;~:,:~ : l l'el. }o'IIJIIL ""illS WH~ VIClvi,l t·,1 .for of evt' ry hou sl-huld will met' witb . I names . I ' t , b tl v 8itl"e r~ pre-. II .~ Y. b' . ) : thcm on II , ~ "IIIlrol"m III lh (, IUlln"'IIl" Igfneml IIC(:(·DI"nCI'. that Ihe Cooycotlon had upre88ed lie }o'ou'rth of Jul is all c"eniful du in 011"11 true 10 L1~lr re Uln, u. 1\: to allu the k:xl'c ullv e-lhE' people bf!lng a ol'd c r. t.l rs . :::iurrnll, I'll' lie. II llrrold I TICKNOlt \~ FIELDS, leDI.oI lb.peoplealillJe more fully . y . IIscllin :Icr llolh e hellrt of ev ery bill e Jacket Ihc l Pa,llOf II_It! grl\ntl whol!' . We m lly 1111,1 Alzeroll.llt~ullie~rse lllru~led Will. ' 135 W!l~ hin'lon St .• Boston. OD 001l or 1""0 of Ihe qU81lioni, wbose BOilun. lL IS Ihen slle dre _ inslllllL he gmccs the Com Ili on. AhlS! IIbOlll Ihe roads. th e eXI'c u,i ull, IIlId thc oecu· - - -:. .IDClpleotmonmenl8arcfaallDcIIlllglhe" .. . .. Dllyest appllrel. nnd shows off hel mf\f I ' I " I d . 'I mild f\I)Olll mules lind horses; but III ' d ' I ' , 0 I . .• 'I' 1 0rLIelfpuvr It!nr,s, lie enr g" s '1 ' d d'll' I II . \ PI~ III ICIllll'III,11! 1'0.llIOII •. ~ II \'rll AlllttllnlllllllcoIIIDlencemenlo(lh, · "raen to Lhe be8t nuvflllinge . u I Olle LIllI" we 0 nOL I cr-llaL II. \I I I I L I I I mor. IpiriledjourDlIl1 loa heal of de- n Y l' d . II 1.1 EI1 ' lindlhegKyladsa1!6ckllJaR II 0y nrc counlly~hllllslli' viye I\lHlbe hOll{)l'cd arlellll, "'. 10 IRS cell rOmLll!e,IIll - Dt' nllisonU nlversily. forml'lly GrRIl' . cell!brale IllS ny unu1er IC 0 U n b . d II I II k·l • I ' 1Ill' I\ Ce .llent III cllllfge vI lhe prl .llnerS II" II I I·' W d I I 'bAte "ulcb does not lIeem 10 allow Ihe I raVI' , nn n llOug I ,ey 0111 e nruen 1001 onlY b"rf' . bill 1\11 over Ih e world. t J u t· II\!At ny R.I, 01'. VI e ",v ege, It· u on IIICY provo bUl illCllllstanl lovels . Wllc'lI our Ilra of lhi s chllr - ! all rtad Ilt c' ol'llltl',r 1 Ihe honolll .. )' tll'llree of LL D_ COli' eleU:ealof colored sllU'rago to drop io- ' on Boslon Comlllon. shlloowc( liS you kn Hili MOllumenl t" I l I" ,,'H ,,\"lfllllt·nl Il l rellf l y 1''' I I> I f I ~. . G I J I) C 't a ImosL IIIIl by B un '1'ho tilly clnsltd wilh II hrilliBnl diS - ncler .Iull · t Ill l us boLl. er our~" ves a I I I' I' l'''l'' "PUll !URJ"r ellI'I" . . ux, 00 leUTI y. • . . " ." , "I'PI'OYUI!:! II" ." nf('IICtS IIl1d on e r· I U ' d'" G I b r G And Dorchester Helg' IItS, nnl 1 surrOUIll'I I f Ii. k 'I Co n on .roL bouL Illd" Lhlngs. 1 hero are greRI I' 1 I f J I L' 1 1 ' 1 II: Illull call lualc lOr uvelovr. 'd Truly er popu1ar olin d I ate or JOV' . •L P /ly 0 ,t:WOI s on ,Ie ml '" \ I I l. • • A ' ~. IIlg I Ie pen" Iy u I ~ all 10 u~ IIlIICI I. . b od by Charleslon Cllmbndge IInu eX' , '6 I I t IOU" li S liurO'lU III ml!l'ICA. anu YOll l ' I I . I I ---.-- ~eraor. il known lind iDglon is All evenL ' n ';:IlI'Y gUlirl w nsth 8111110111" I II!u . } . • 10 be a praclioal .' which will illrU8C up In mosl mllgnl CQn~ oly. e, regfln· all d "1 anu.• Il II 0 f us are . CIInrgc d WI'11 I I \l1\1I~ Sllllvlllldin,' e "ountl~ 011whil Min Anr,1I Dickinson . WrlleS to I,. a r.dlcallhlOlLIng man, p.ose8sIOg 90lad ' I _. 'f L II less or expel,se, and wllnessed by lh~m. ulldld us see thM our cOlllmy b I .o Itl ' " II:! I' E,litur of'lllc 1'1",. York 1'rt{JIInt dtl· and brilliaolscbolarly oullure, and one inlo II" purtlSl p"lflOIlS ...' I 1\ II lhouBRuds of pt:I SOOll. 1 never aRW unchnnged as 10 boundllries.i'd.c len wllre orrol'l 011 IWU 1I"ill" imli"nHnlly and positivdY ' til. _ dl81111ctlonl .., . . - '" e I11~\,l' I I\~ b Iry L lI. _ 8 eli u 1\ aquMte. J., 0 wlto baa drawD Dloe he- suscepllLle " or Any 8uch emollon8. . nnythlllg Lo exceed Ibe- gorgt:ou8 ~PIlC on ~I\r slnl"m,-"I Ihllt ~t.e "'liS "llIoI~ •lI·lt fur 0 ur I ' ory In esl I coun. JlKLI,; IOUS ~En"ICK~. • . d I'b I 7 0 C Ioc k In II 111 mOrlllng, n con • l I lh t d 11 •• lIe pas t IS b en u l IfU I, /In(I . ·,he 811)1>1;' ,",,1 .f1)·illg nn Ihe COlllrAr·, A tweeD II rUlDoUI. ' our k P'cr IIfipS 8l'Y"rn I IIUIII I It 'lI p..r~OIlS lI"oL ,lit, 0 ' ' • • . con.or,.IIve . '. an a I • cerl of Olilional pjrs is nl wa )'8 givcn 011 ac e ey presen e • • hc r fllllll'c .IS III ' re 'IIlg. 1 I10 pI! is by Lh"\I~lIt, 1IIIIIly nnd Ir,,It II Deedle81 ' I b d As 1 croK8ed II,e Common 011 ml IInti prny 11111L thl' IHe~enL"f'lll'rall"n Wt'I'1I prc.cnL IHIXI"II~ .""ctH lors ul Ih" I I . I If ( eral.progrelllTC poh'lY. . . lhe CoroolOn by a nillmmot I nn, I I I II . '" I ' ,r V" • elll cnvllrlllg lO l'reprue IOr8l' "r 10 Irllmp lip I II obJection. o( a parly • r 1 wsy home at a Rte lour. I lorou~ I Y will IIl11illlllin Ih e pr~g~nt, IIlld 1 klluw l ovl, 11111 Ht!Dt', 0"1: 01 Il.e I'rh·til s nt · Il.e 1,llIce which 11111 bet:n bestQwlltl h that ha. been 'floundering like an un- ~Rde up or lhe beB\ per ormers L,0 tired OUI wiLh Lhe dlly" "x.:ilemt'III. " dillt Lhose who come ".fter us wiIllllllk" l llnlllllnl (111 Mrs. ~~ I'.fII'l. Tt·I't'lIl .. d "upon her by 1\ gt'llerou5 public. trimmed " e~ellor \be pa~I yur., and CI'Y IIlforda. Ie lhe CleD~re or the mu· man -ol.Wl\r', mAn reelod by, secking thRI pr~SCni1ll01'1l glOriOUS than II \lOW ,\ gllOrl vrnytr. to WIlICII PRyn!!, whu "It' ._ .- .... -.. - 1 . ab' . ·,.D- 'bl' . h be sio·sland a ftag·stlllf i. erecltd, \lUf· I t f II I • "I is. We IIl1vl! buI b"guo the work . I s~ .. ",d II<:XI Lv lIt'r. IluellLil"t'ly I iMIt·II" t!' N 0 'I' I I~ E . 138QW, r,IDg'f«wpU ICanl Wit • • .rounded by live others. 10 Lllo }leak. 0 f an OUL tl _ rODi Ie t'nc osure. . .., tllr, hAve Iran" II d from one parL 0 f l 1III '1'1 I~ mllll " ~ ltr ,. 110 I'HU." u",,11 II tl .lIl1lldl " '-' • '1 ' . . I.' h . l' three pOlllts to ' Ihe Il\rbo"rd, ' Juck I cuunll'y 10 lite olher I\Dd I know lhal e rin" lu l'.yne t'xprl:it~~d in Ih: 11111111' The u",lpr,i)!nPII hu be~n .Iu'r IrIn8'100 Ialt, add (beD wltb ,nubblog ' C d wlthpreelpllatmga\. ' .. ; "ulC are ruft up millona 811111gnl. rep- ~Ioult 1 d anoLlerS"lornear I '1 b . ' , . I " ... . ul Juge bll8,an ." y. ' A y, wtlRrl1almosL inA 81Rleflr "'1!tlerne8~ l ol lllellllle r."lsBIIlCt'rtlhl\ .. k~luG.,'.. IIIlIlllf d ,/\f"""I~Ir.tor u I I he OrF..~",I, d ,arly I dale .. ...... reunllog IS maoy nation.. Ibe Itars ar. bbipm"le.' be fllsp'ondcll. The yot. Not Olle Ilcre in tell ill Ohio. ROtI Harlcrufl I.ntl Iht: l,llict:I'X nntl to"hlicl" f:"l'uill S'"ill>'l 1'"!II , . .' , and IIlr·I-. oecupy \\1_ cllntre aod arll ' . ' 'I' ., I I d I fl ' r I , C'HIIII" ~I" " .. elSI". ,/\ p~r~'.n. nfurt'y. tbere II.. been DO hurried en. . rY.' . 1 u", of him. be 'lad, by solicilOUS noL one III lorly 10 tennessee. IS 1m w 10 III. c ,"r~e v 11m. lur 1,1"1f I,er· ' ,Ieblfd io lloe ~~t'l~ "re rf'l\Il.... .,tlll' m.... donement eitller o( negro lulfrage or JAIICd ,'o the tUlle of all Columbaa.- besging. obtained a 1101,,11 81001 from 1\ p"ovtd 118 Il oughL 10 he . . Whe.n WI! 8011101 kllldnt:~"; tlt"y 1~l\d Ihlt ull er"d IIII'Mlli.le p~ylllell'. 11111 Ih')IIIe haYllf1t The neat tbg of Ru, .. " bemg raIsed I 1.\ I h I I . I I' 'Ire /1 $ popllious A.8 EuroDtl, \I WIll btl .. n u"kllld wonl nl>' I!IVI'Il RIl Illlplt" .'N ' f'hill'" "f Ri "., Ihe nme will prp~pl>' Ih ..",' any " "en\. eman C I I e• AGY WIll 11m lImB.o , f I , Itli t I,vo k'or !l.~."lure. b-1I111""I""t I Iv COlli · ""ly .lllh~nUCIIICcl, -. .' . ' propose '. 'd Ie. b eme o£. • reconllruc. " directly after our own, iodicaled IhM L"'nll upon" our nellt lI b or' II IIlIe~. Iv Ihtl "".IPrllVfled lor 1101!. 'lhe ~peclfio g 1 of ,bele I' d b 1 had Just been oCCIJPyang, but had been You in Ohio hR,e Ihe mosl lovt:ly pl\SSIOllllll1 hl~ lIIidrorlune. Thu minie ol1uwullee. C. 'I' , CRANE. raYll IIlId Qtb~r mattere will lind ,their prop. prerereDoe ~a. Ibown to .Ier, 011 IICI~ prnl\iled upon 10 gi,e il up ror Jllck's cOllntry Lht lUll e,p~ shone. upon. Rlld 1.l! r 1~l en 1I111'1'cll 1\ b~ic:r prB)'t'r, l\8\;illg. _. Adlllilli6Ir.'ur. er level ia 'he course of lime. E'ery out of gratllude for Llle Important eli u.ccommodalioll. Wlwing it o,er Ilia t!~"rv relurned ~hlo soldlH, .1 hope, l ~ur layne the foq:pvelle~ K .of all ~Ii~ r:llnv III , JUlie !1O, 18n5. . I' " 1 III Ion Ille bAI 80 nobly taught UI by her I d I ' I d . b'd d f' ,,,II IlIke my IIdvlce ami go 10 IllS farm. I'IIIS lint.! a pn~sa~c UIII of LI.I~ wodd lD - - - -------~,aouum 10 po Ihea •economy" 100U- exu.mple, tbat a slllLe oC boudl\ge ' .IS 1101 , Ie 10 a ou . vOIce" I t lanCe 10 I\II(I f:UI' ' . ' . lIvIIlO .It IIItl besL I10 can. rM IIeI' to IIII.' J"y~ 0 I II "11""1\. ~ ' • -' . , er or la'er be supplied With Ita proper I I d" ' f I f "Illhe Boalon Poltce 10 Lllklllllm to hll thlln ,.nn,ler RWHY into new enterpris · TI,c lIlini.l~r whu Il.ttend,11 IIlfrold . ' tie k'natura I An d staggere d' 0 fl' rI own tit: I cs. For tifLy yellrs 10 come. Al leasl, 1 I\I~u retllruclll1t:lllks -fur' mte d • d dcon tll Ilion ttl 0 b " IRrgt' I .part It 0'r vesse, Ih ll kind I Irlllll· A~D The people are mo,io/( to Ibe quick. mil an ,a~ " . 10" so U G fig I. 0 pAlha, singing odd 8110lelleR of 0 rough lIev er wAnl Lo hellr A word abollL WIH m,,"1 of dll: pi isollH nnll olTl!rt:d /I ening Ilfe which inurn '0 great public liberty I. noL to a SIIA long. in America. H IInybotly. III 01' prlly el' lhllL God would f(·c,·ivc hi s soul. I!xigencie. wiLllout aDY demoralilalion le8LncL!ve senpe; a propOSIIIOO methles' The prolyne8B of lhis lelter ill CAUS. "brOll.d . upun our COIIL lalls W" \ I-hrrlJ ltI '\'I'M nll'!'clr, J 10 p. 'b' .'.1 \ ll"'t' "hieh Amcricl\ns are just bl'ginning 10 will be rendy for R Ii~ht. Bill 1 Rill The Pril'si who nllt:lld"d Alleroll'· , • , lelf d mIll'ullone. undentllnd. 'l'ruly we oro ri"hL ill ed by- IInJt:ielY to avoid aroy mlsaplJre- for peace nolV. '1'1 Ie A rmy 0 f'l' .Iln~s- 1\ I ,11 rellll'IIe, I l'illlf(S I ' ror d.c 1"II'OIl"r . ..o • elr "t}AUI 11 10 (S J I], Ii &; O· . '. " '''lor I r I I d hen sion as 10 iLs cbnrAcler; for liS Mr. see is now pellct!n\'ly We ' cr.-II,·rlll lIRrtcrllft and other ',lIieers (or uatuor 0 ()p 'rn, . G reat. eventl "I cODie an go like Ihe b . awing of. pendDlum; Lbey cannot long emg. gra e u . 10 011 Il) Il~ne an pro· Wt:ller. Sr .• cautiouijly.aold his dUliful silllply warn our friend, Ilot lo trelld killd Mttlliiolls. lIod then ill~vkcd lhe Allhc ol,l slDnd 011 MAin StrePI. W.,ne~. be Ilayed by temporary comproiniles. gres."ed RUSSIa. for coming 10 mercy of Ood upon Ihe prisllncr. ' "lie, wllulf! Inlurm hi.LI.lt old he~ cuplllmPII IIlfli I b b our b .res. son: 'No mlln ever lalked poetry 'oep I upon our COAlIAilll; Lhnt i811U. Ihe rell 01 mllllklnd, .. • 1011' 'fbere il ~ flxed aequeneeto nerye . cue, an, e evstlng UII a OYe ~r IIf1Sm. R beadlo on bOlin'.dBY or WArrell', .-.-- ---TilE EXECl'TION. ft"sorl'mClllot' ~e~I. inaBmuch al etery eYeD' hu.s its FollowlII~ close after Ih~ RU8ellm, we,re blRckill', or Howlantl'. oil, or 80me of PER 80 N A L. 'l:he contlt'lIl~ed Were Iht!n ff'qllirptl I aniecedto'i. Ihe EI1!;hih, FreDch, Irl.h lind G",rmlln them low It Is s i I tl t M T '1'1 l> 10 fISC from Fellis. whl'll the eh"irs 00 NoL (or Ibe ,ub of ditrerinl{. bUl colors. eRch heralded by Ihe nBtional Fmltlrnally Iour8, mlly illt: r:"~(l II'.: nUI~~'cr o~~le h~~I:n 1 "el~ rl't!D1oveti. I '~'h~re dw"rt: now all ,180.' varltd eupply or in ao doing ,ometlling ma, be addrod ai,. of Iheir respeclive·counlries. race by a small ilem, ere Ion • on t 10 . rops; Ilelr l>1n ~ we re fllell'n ' Till, copper & sheet-iron Ware , '1'h l T d . . lllu RAWDI.ER. g t·d b~hllld lh~m, I\ntl tht:lr 11'''9 bilDlI. l 10 tbe .lability of the gonrnment, il e ong 1111 Ilsry an Cn'IC proces· I);:)- The pellch crop ill Ille 8olllhl!rn IIge<J bOlh below nnrl AblH'e Ihi' kne~., lur 88 e al Ihn 10Wl'sl cpsh pricel. All Ibe highet' aim o( a br", •• nd pl\triot•• Ion whioll parRded Ibe principal Antioc.b College. and middl" 8eelioll8 of Ohio, Lida fnir "nd while CRp~ pillc ed OHT thl·ir hell,ls. kinus 01 ie people. The pllft Ohio il to lllke sheela, "as IlIrgely compost!d of re,,, be IlS largu Ihis lieRson AS was eTer AlzerClU. while being prl'pllfed for 0 U T - DOOR W 0 R. K, in mould ina nalioool chllracter (roDi the Iurned loldierl, an urgent invitation 'r~le following is Ihe new fAculty of known. the exeCUllon, t.ltcIRimeti: r(ll'lIllcmlln, IS " R " I • I . b d d l II M I Alltloch Oo\le"B Yellow Spri sO l" Ad' I D ':1 D n I rew II I k I Ib >lue I at . p. uling. I)onng. &c .• tllIn8 fJfI e emenl. aL band, musl oot be inferior taVlIlg ",en exLen ~ 0 .11 AII8C IU' '" ' .... n g , . \,Ullr mml aVlu . l' orter hM a \ : ; a ' e Cllrt, nne !::OOI ye, gen- Bhur\ Ilollce .nd ill Ihe bel\ UlallDer. I '0 fba' of an1 IlAte in th'e Datioo. The seLLllllen who had 8enod at 1111 in Ally :'~ elecled IlL a 111111 mOllllnlt of the bl'ellllppoill\('d 8upI)rinlendl:nl of lhe III'Dlt'II. now belore me.' Olle of Ihl' July s-~ inlrinlio m.. ,.t of the man aod th- branoh o( the late "ar, 10 J'oin io the' lruslees: AnllApolis l'>Ava\ ACI\,lem)'. clergyml:ll 8tAnoing III!Mr, ('xclaimeli: - - - - - - - - - -- ------'~ P 'd t D F d . k K f Mrs. Eslt!lIe AnnA L",,,,iw. Rn Aml'ri ' MRY we nil mel!! ill th!' olhu 'I'orlll.' mea,urel mUll bu 'he moillty that il to rllDks. They were afterwArdl regl\led '" rle.sl en , 1) rC' re erIc napp, 0 I f I '1 d A s lIoonas the 1I00RPS wlOre plllced 'd . .h b 'f I II . 'filS Ilnglon, - . can poe elS 0 nole, lAS SRI e for Ellr Jl,E'rAL DEA.LE.IS IN eel e UI8 Imporlaoce of action in lhe wlL " ounll u co allon on the JlIall 'Bdlows Profe8sor' of Moral "nd rope, whl'fe lhe will rtlmllill A yeRr, Around e nch lIt'ck-Mrs. Surrall's be · d FJeMO\ c:amplliit . "ProKrell il to. o( lbe Common. which wae gaily fu. Intellec lual .t'hiI060phy. R(Ov., Auslin puhliAh u. book In London, Bnll marry ing Iht! ).\8' one "djustl'rI-tl:e Aeclion DRY GOODS, n morrow." laid a celebraled critic in looneti wilh ,housandd or !lags. None Cr ..pig, ~D. D. f CI . ID " Counl. of , LheStAlldil pllttform on "dlid. R G I be!'n 'g 8udrlenly fell. thty llOd Ilad Ihe QUEKNSWAU& defiruog the idea; u. nry IIpL lind in. bUI returned soldiers were permilled , ro e880r 0 au:cI. . n. . N. - ener" Urant'. monthly pay, in- culprit. were hnogin.,: anuRl feel from That ' 1 8 in8ide tlio enclosure; lind no reslrllinl Shel.uon. D. D .• IRle llesldenL or WRco~ne tu dl!duc~od, is $\,061l 70. This I d M .... IlrucLive 8ugge51ion indeed. • • !.orVIlle College. ~ UI1l i8 exclusive of eommlitalion of III: groun. . reo ourrllll Rud Pay lit' IlAlln\V AUE, wbat we ,wan I JUIL now • being placed upon lhem, lheir unlicensP rol•J. H. \ VUlon, of Anlioub. also qU:llriers. &c, which omoulltB 10 neurl), RCl\ rct:ly moved A mu£cle. Tbe reallon why ConsenAliam And ed revl:lr)' beggArs descriplion. II W88 Prof(Jssor vf CI"ssiCi. Hij much mOI'II. Alzp.roll ullibilet!s('mo timitlitv. bllt GROCERIES; R d' r .J . d I I I f II I' l E I Y liluroid showed more tlHVOUS ~e;lsibila loa 11m are ever tlIYorce iB owing a camp ele I't IIIMsn 0 A Ihe old or · P rr o . . .f ouml\!IS, of Ne w York. 'l'hRlber". Ille pillnist, SAr" 1\ 1,,1(' Ily IIRn I I "/~ Ally or Ih" olhers. &le., 10 Ibe prodUClion of inharlllonic ideAS; gici of r.amp life, minu. L1,e dicllllorilli MroIIesso r I,0 'hysical ticitlllc"l Illlli lel!cr frUIll Europe, is lumin<1 vin,!'1'1 Ie. bO( I'les, after IllIn!!in~ ~ome lim e 0 'be one i. pre.cicnce and pr o~ouu 01 y inledl!rl:llce or siloul,d er. stl'lll)"td 'IInRPnlemll S. I "I'~.as.ff, lind is. 1,lanling. Ilrullill .,lr Rlld II fI"r II.e I WI\S I'l[linct, were - givpn on'r r r .F IC81 r N Y k P inslinctive , Ihe olher Jolly, Jack T IIr II Iso I00 k rl'SSO r'uf . .lIislory IU a, Rlld, 0 e'fll Ot, ro - Irtlllllng Iht vInes Lllbillcl.e. he inheriled from (or. L im . . is Dlorb-dl I y. co ld 'b ecilel. . Modcrn LlAnlo(ullh\;; flll\tcr.in-Inw. UI'III. co lns. @JHOU, J~ /llId c "ery and aeIC-aggrAndlzlng. bpasmodlo aO' lprowmenl p"rL an Iha servicell, and Ihe J.:!!9. ~~lIng bl'IIIg' lit hAIIU for Ihlll p"rpOSe , . . Ib I f 1 I d b I ' r ro.f E tIWRr d 0 rlon, Illle of Lhe N. L 'l'11IJ D13nll"Cr or ASII .. y's l'II"lIl or, J II" Ilrrllll"umer.IO f l ' Illv'lle Ilt-nll'OII I tl el-r SI c .. of t> v , ,,' ." or 11 0 elll'ClIlIOII ,0 I 0. , \, Ion IS e re,lu t 0 BUC I a compOlile .peec les, mll 0 y lib hones l811115, (rom cllaracler. rhe 6res of such a 80ul in Ihe hll@llIy.conslructed rostrulll, were Y. Slale Normnl Sc llllol, Milster io Ihe \ln~on .. nnl\(lUnces Llillt 'Ih o I'Rppy \\'ere perfect. Gen. IIl1nl'ock wns ~ D' . Prepamtnry Dcpllrlmellt. IHIllIIlIIII!1Il uf I III! wnr r"clIlls Arb pre't'."t Ihe prul;ee dinrrs. (i 0, an~ parly .11'111 burn OUL, Ilolhing furlh. flS rdrcs hill~ io lheir originalilY liS llt ey Isaacs !ll cllkell 10 AIIl&riCII.' We h:td II I~ sllid I.lIl1tl'lIyne mAd e A ~Iftle DRESS-GOODS, I ' er 18 wAlltlng bUI to amoluer '. ' d o"n wero SIlochlng I. ' • I ' profanity; fOI' lL will be grillifying 10 tl,o friends of no t rec k'Ulll! d on Ihis as ODe of Ihe lIlellt Ll" i niJ,:hl previous, in beh"lf e n of It III llelf in Iue cuaol of ilso"D creaaiOD. Jack U8C8 onLhs ns our cultivllled 01'/1. rduclliion to know Ihnt lhis College bl,;ssings of pence. ~Irl. SIIrl'RtI. pxltonl."rRling hf'f fn III W~AR, _ _ ~_.__ tors USIl toughs-Io supply the pillce of hilS beell endowed "ilh fI cII:Jillll of ClJlolI~llIlIlrine, flJilor or the New compli.cily, !lnd IhAt !lnotller pl'r<un The .hip Wm . Nelson, CAplain words; and 115 hi~ vocabulary of king's $100,UOO. Rnd lhllt it will be r~opened York Citizen, Rlld who i~ kllown II I! ,ub~cnl~ed 10 141\ nffililivil impl'"chi"l:! ([) 9Jll It (D Smith, from Anlwerp June 4, aotl for English is lalllenLlloly d~ ficiellt, iL is Lilt' com;lIg FIlI1 und er IJ,Ie mosl fll\'or- :~~il~s o·It .illey,: wa~ qlli1 c ~eriou~ly !he lesltmony of an iUlPOrllll1L witnl!~s Ne" York wilh pAllgenger~. 9\'88 burned "bi t! nuspices. IOJuI"d 011 1110 rnl\roafl aL B"llImore 01> agaillsI her. on Ihe baDka of Newroundlllnd on the ell~y ~o :mAgi~tl lhe reBull. especilllly Our I'tlurneJ Ille 41h insl. li e rdurned 10 New - - - . - - -- 1st ins • About 30 or Iter passengers W IlII In orme thAI Lhe spicy conui soldiers will heAr in York, but i~ notllble for business. I3r The m .. morAndum book of R l menta he ueed wt:re del'l Ilf II llIilld Ihllt liflctn o( Ib"ir number are G I G Ii Id I -I .IB~ehold(lr on 11.le M·IS-I···I·ppl·, II"metl And a General Assortment were picked up and laklln to St John. g I u yaccepl. ,.encrn nr e ,tI' II CtI"livering An • ~o n Nswfoundlaoa. Tile boata wiLb the able to Ihe reliDed palules for which he en litled 10 a free luilion ill Illis insli , orl11100 on Ille Fourth of July, AL Ra Cockerell. cbronlclp.s An inslruction i. · & _ cAt,ered. and bis cu.ltiVRt~d nudilory liou-Ilte di slinrlion 81"lIys It) be made vtnn~. WIlS overcome by Acoup d' ,oI,il. sued 10 I,i~ on'tleer one stas.'n. Ihnl crew. e., are mlBsiog, and it is IUp ' II f f I d groWIIll' sudd nl f ' t I d I the,pl!U11Rlion muftt proc\u"e ~o Dlucl, gue appilluse in proport' 'tl I IIvor 0 t Ie i ~nbled And indigenL 0 I' Y MIn, reI: t· , All( ,. SHO~S, p.oled lhaL 400 live, hue been 101t. . .. lon.o Ie would hllve fllllen LuL lhat he WIIS co.rn.5uoh A qUlIlltily of cotton, a cett .~ a.~ounl dlslnbllleu. Tho audience of .. . • • . . CAught by hi. fri~ nds neAr b . He "I\~ tlllO numb er of mules Rnd Ilegll, and \ ~lr Chinese emlgranls are ftGcking CllIZtnS oUlside llie rope were abo M'~ A pCl lt lOII18 clrculAllIlg through soon reslort!t1. howev er I\~tl Will ' ten n'e gro children. which they offer It Ihe r d ' Inll C8011\ to pre-e nl I) II, C liP t L I CI I I • III to !dllhl). I ' II , 1I g' I Y Ct lfie III ILis (10 Illom) 1I0HI ' A;i slnlul't.. ;n t~ ,. ".~ , t .. ' , x o· \ eV,e .ant Oil W cdueslilly, in his usuRI tlr GI~I;lha-;-b;~;udi~eoHrt!d DeR r LOWEST MARl{ET RICES.
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In the c ville, ill much l,l -excel mig'" uu"I.• Dlorninl "ill ""e,1 th" lOti \'cry f, Ihe ~o \lIlHinill ..s lie Sum tered I bd""1
u,nc( sick. he from I peopll home h"d II
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'DaDire,' in the of tlie \ .nen CUllnIY. .ember-hip, auributable to .he ab.ence 1 On Ihe 4th In'lant, at Leblnn ... by Rt'1-.
(un, .. ]U.ZIl". OLD aUK]),) R.. on hind •• pl••W ...., • • et of manr who were doing valiRot uuty ' " ', A. Brando", M,r. ~lImuel Alklnloll 10 ' i Dog leave 10 inform th., ,ublic th~\ Ibey \BllOADCL01'HS, ir!. tile .enice of their country, But M'8S M.,lha Williams. . A.LA.LA."~'~ " have on hllut.! and expect to keep CAS81YERES. 1126 A , N_ . . I At l\lorr w. Jlllle !17th. by J, C. D,nea, -:-1 ' . v~rn~ I nlg 6 .29 1'. III. on till It In qu es tion, quite a arge I J . p ,. Mr. llerrYlll ll n Bougn to 1\1,68 n .lA Comploto. Assorlment of T1UMMINGB. compnny of lad ies lind genLlemllu dis , ' che l I: Ruru~t.!. all 01 Iowa. ra,\I((1I WKBTWARD D UNI>. 1N~J]l T~ ~W~o" whlrh he manuleeturn aceordln; to charg tl the plt'IIsnnt dulie8 of the I ====~==""...--======~ 1.36 A'- If., , , tlte LATEST ~h;1 and Accot1l., 7 ,65 A. JI. N i ~hl Exprt'8e. hOllr, in a " ery crcditllb le millin er. $ • , W .<\ ,\. N E S. , . ILL E • 856 A, ftI. Styles t,;olcmhul Accom " Th e follo wing offic ers tdeeL wera re~-.......,..~,..;... 6,11 I', 31. Cincinnati Expre s ~, In-j It the spectiHly in li tl\ll ~ d' illiO lh e seve ral o f. At Pilot Gr ov.e , low", on , the 23 d ~ I PAINTS, OILS, - -0 , - ti fo tl ' "I . , " J Ullo,u r ·co lI ge. " ve p" eUrIlOI HI , D ~ IIJ O Ill I II / ;"OWEST .POSSIBLE PRICES. , S " lle rlll \V ft i t ~ . lur merly 01 lit is 1 I ei" h ~r: U Mr. Wm . Roge n will sell 80 c,e!! r Ie cnsuln o ~lm. D YE,Sl' U FFS , \V. P., J . , -, Collett , tV. A .• Ed· hoou. nge t.! ouuu t 40 ye8rs. ., J 'rI The Cutth\g Ue-PDrtment of .heep at th s Livuy S table. on T~ IL E T ARTICLES, 1 01:.1 Id under the superv ision of that fIltcellftnt urdl'Y Aft ern oon n(' xi. nt 1 o·clock . mUlld Rclllllick. It. S .. A. E. hl tlrri tt. \ Al har reslt.!t' nctl in Hnrvey~b\lrl!" 011 orllet, ' A. '1'. WRlkin son . F. S ,. J : \ 'I~e mor ll illLt 01 Ihe vt,h d"y or 51h ,"onth. . , ., " 18Gb , MAnTUA \V " WIl e 01 Aaron I.. AnT. DOD S O, N, 641" Mr. T. D. Y eomnns , form erly A. (.n~p ,", I ,. E. Dudl . y. C .• C, trum . u ~~d 06 yeo rp, nn edlee tn p!l me nlber P AIN'l'- BRU SllES. who, in hi. line. is generally IIcknowl. I ', place, now located in Oekaloosn. W oo ley. C ., W . N ewu l1 ld, A. C,' C · lof Min llli l\I "n ll!l ~ Meo tillgor Fr iend a. etlget.!to btl Wilhoul • lupp.rior! III W H . I S E B 0 S It WII S It er prt\lI lcl:e ror 1110 lI y y P ll r ~ to , "I, wal um ong li S la ~ t wt'e k. : ,~get s , . ' . . arg er, . " III've wlll~ re she hot.! th e pleo8 ure of hnv il.,g Wl:1lTEWA:SH BRUSHES, ltEADY -MADE CLOTHING · . -• R. ElI g ltl. tI e ro mpully of 1II 0llY II I thuse Gospe l In large qllllnlilY Ilnd ele~ant quallty,and The best quol ily of .,....,.. W e ar& inform ed Ihat lhe pelro- I An ea rnest 1'(J'ort seem ed 10 pervad e I "~esue n l!e r ~ trllve linr: in Iheir .I .or<l·s b P ~Ity Ifl . o( ho'ne IlIllk c. olways III supply. IJ-J • I dI , " , VI ct'. wh om It wa s C,' N h e rtl e ll ~ hllO wOII , Dt'lermineol 10 mainlain the reputation K (~ LA wel\ nell' CCill e rVIlie hRS rl'RC ."l ~he I'nllre me mlit' r Illp ~o hx ~I n~ prom- Ul' ? 11 ond IICCOlllnl £l U.t P. 10 Ihe to(,dt of h"r or his "ou ~ e 88 one of Ihe first cl~I8, Mr. cJkplllO( 175 feet, nnd Ihe liol'mg In cnti y IH· fore th e p ulihc 1L8 to Ilm "Q of , ubll itr . Au" 'hol/ gh I, er c{Jll fin er,'cnt 10 n Jt ' \ D"dley 8n" ltil Dnislanls will spare flO ' ~II brR\'elyon . O il hus 1111101" il' pil at IH OS pcli ty. Tile CRus e of'1'em- ' IlI'r room hlld bee ll fur fl cur two )' rn rs' I' ... pain" 10 g,ve ull.:ut:1 '. " . , 8nd her houdy tlc bil it y /l lId ~ lIfT(' r ilig !; rp8 t. t ~ nl io n of Ph v_ic inns i ~ ('s peci ully culled; ltPllcarUnce, but m smnll qllllnllll e ~ pCrllTlC e should lie th e CRuse or Ullin 60 : ye l . ht! \\' 11 9 " rtcil cI,cc rlul "",o ng- her b('H' ant.! whalever perlllill d 10 a Entire Satislaction. 1:1. ·Succelis \0 tl,c oil bu siness , IOIl~ li S intoxiontin g tJrillk mocks civil- , lo\' cd rr lu.t ivrM li nd Iri c lI,I. , unu "I Iil e Call ant.! exam ine Btock and prices. 88 " , ,, ' I I ' I ,. I " Q ' FlRS'l'-RATE -.- - - iZllli oll with its horrid trnd"gi es, "nd sun,e I,m e J ~ ' ~ II ,' " ler ,, 0' . "'.CI. Jlllle 27 . B , DUDLEY. . . l!e- lI llt- 0110 retlrllll! In IIf"r IIlonn prF; lHllliI - 1 U CllIlwalllltler & Co" on the cor- invlltlc B domesllc~ hlll'pm. e B \Vllh lIS de· ' l k . ull se lfi . h nllu u/Tcc:tiolln tc ill III' r t.!i ~ - I nff. Leing among those who nre irre - mo nic,,1 PI'l:ll.'lIc e. Mnv lit e stur of , po. ili on; 11, t: lII euno nl her di s puM. I weI''' I I 'rc8~iLle, lind who '/I t! ver tiro,' cOlltin, T t n:pt'rR;lcl: llever pale: while Lrave. Irec !YI Olltlll i h~rullY 1,Ii dtrilluied lly her tA'~• Also, II good Bupply o( , • . , , II C Vu cnt 'Oil" 10 I Ie II N' dy p,·{)f· - D01IIC!iiitIC 10 Ilold out lite most tempttng In - 1I trollg hllllCh IHe wtlllng Lo limIte han! 1th oll gh hN c lose \" U$ rt' nlllrk " lJ ly HC rt'III! '- A N DIs 10 cu&Lom~n. 'fhi. is DO IUUtl long for the co ming. wh e n not HI ","1 peace lu l, slii! her dec" bse I", s Il· ft 011 1 ' • ' . f 1 ' . I,d li ,," void in tII~/ly hourt.q. "R lp<s,·,1 lY , and II 1ft 1\ pnRllIve N ©1j!l &I£l Y lP'NIEHLIIID, /lct I lilt ht'lIrlh ~ IOll e s illdl remllin III lh e lI,nu to . ,'~ , It·' I I ' I I' . II L ,,' !,umbu 1 ». • • I . , J IUup e u o rt!: l e u(*U( \\' Il l! ' ( Ie In I~ nru'l - suen AS1. WRyue. vitle, OhiO'. they Rre do!og a aplclldlll bll slness , Itli of \I ,U hurrors 01 sLrong dnnk, ' f' Olll hOllcefo"h ; y ~ ", soilh Ihp l-5l' iri' , , TEA. ~lling good. M Ihe cheApt· s t posSiblt! ! Tilt> wllr fur the en6lnv~mc llt of mlln I lh ey re dl frUl1I the ir IIIUOI. alld Ih~i r WUlk . CO FFEE. B L' I d . , . " Ull holluw IIIt' III ," /lUI. trllly , let It lll' ev- \ r~tcl for clleh: ~dle8 W lU e811·,e . 10 I hilS but JII~t UII:U Away, ItlllVlIlg .tn Lhe \ ",YIVIot>re ,l e tll u r~J. "nut 01 mcril . bUI ull. b UGAlt. ('OIlTINUES THE fRACTICE OF tlbtain bllr~lIlDs, '1,t11 profiL ~)' gtvlng ' halltls of II "e, Vlctor~ , H ellv cn.'e 101m I\ C" nll of grace." " MOLA~SF.~. \ l:lPlUJ1~8 . 11"'tic gentleman n' Cllil. ulHta gIrt-liberty alltl ellURhly to the I ~- --Kl'U., ETC. - - ---.-.-. hllll1l1n rllc t~£ O may liB oth e r (onll ict ! " ' aYllcs villc IU:1I'li.ClS, I~ ita vnrious brllnches; n~I' to be e·x('ellc~ onywhere. None bUI Ihe 'l'1IIt"E,;OIlTi" ,NlliT;I, AliN·I\, Elt<ARV · - Rri se. hellrin'" upon ils frolllll .." O 1111 flllf II .. CIl "P u . 'I Currer/" I l.'t·cry \V f ch. i In lh~ CIICUWlIp~ct vIllt\.gtl uf 'Y II Jllt6 ' I I~gOlliIlIU tl) II ddl,t'liv o 60cilll syslem, I' I I , A cOlllpletc ass"rlmen\ 01 DE8T MATEnlAL US & D ,. villll" lite 1"1&,F'O~l'lh ~"wned IIn~, ,s eLl wl,i c!, permits !:>J licl' ncc. Jlnd I>y th e Wb CBI ·L btl , bcl. $1 ]0 T. RM S, CAm,-Office at his residence ' ~HOES 011TMain Slrc!'t. ' Jl1 much I,h~ _~~tl ~I onlinary wor~-dlly8 pasHivc mobility of 11Ie peoplo 1\ vice ~ ~~s ~p " ~~ I -excepllug, perhll-p ' , that lhe SUQ 's o l'epu g nlllH LO exi sl. Bllrlt-v 1,' 100 & migltl 1111"0 ' Lt,~u mOl'e fcr\'l' nt titan ,M 'IY Ih cSll '0 ,.11"'1'8' multiply, unlil ' Curn 1;4 5U J uIUIII.. 'rite heAt WIIS intcn,slI froRl tl;cir 11II1I 0 II'ed inl1uencc Ehnll knit II )' Flu llr ' ~ burrel. 7 50 ThA bet l quulity of Hnvi nlt hat.! fourteen yenr~' cxperienc, U 5 3 1~I'J ur 1)1 C\\'I , --b III Ihe prootice 01 Mel!icine.• olJ'llrs ltIa morning till nighl. Wlltnesvllle. a a cOl'{lolI of hope IItollnd · Llle ),outh of Blill er 1\) Il, ~U ID.QJ ~ 1Lr~ § IRtl{);rnl~ Pro:c66ionnl ~ervie~8 to \lui ci~i~efla of vill,,&o,' did not celbbrnlc. D'lrrin' 111M AQltll'icu, as II) 10ntlrc woman's hCllrt J,,,rtl lP lb 25 BOY~' Waynelville and. Vicinity. t1 I d d a \ E ~ ~ s 'bJ <Iu7,~II, 16 II L IJ ~, For Genllt'men'& Rnd BOl' S' W'enr. Alijo, t II., town. lip ~g WIIS 81l'tliC III , 1111, 110 longbr with LIIll dl'elld rear thnL in · 1' '' ' '' tOCR 1P bll sh!'!. 75 \ I I f IV '11 sclecled , O.'f'lel> on the corner of 1\10111 I'Ind Mi,'cry fa" " gUile were fireu, I'lHly In te mpe rRnce mil}' rob hl:' l' of her !::I<!at . Driel1 Appl es i~ III 10 @ 12 ~ u urge BUill' yo e ami 819, . nellrly opposilo Hay 6 Hall. Ihe ,D10rnill){-nOl oQlilling 10 ntltl dllil i esl joy lind her high esl hOl'eS'! C hicl; e fl~ r-) J,.z~", 3 00. [ij)1) rrnrrni ~ , ~,lNtil\\ \C?ili\1\l\i!\C?" Night calts 'promplly responded to. Il' I I d I CII 11', ·(. "[1 II, 3tl ~\!JJ~ i) IrJoIrut!!J ~ inHJJl!;.~. - - - ---<--uwm"'I' 10UIIIIII weru c: osc • - llbre Thc following 1I,'ctlrdillJ.: to c,ood nu, NI.'w,U rle"n8 tlllf!Br 1? tt, 18 @ 20 ---:--u, 110 parlic~llIr dAnI~ll.tCl\I,ioll. IIwrilY. is lhe rc ~ ult of inL(lJdcliling N .. 0 , l\IlIi." RC" 1P g ull ..." I 3.1 PEl~FUMERY, Sume of ou'r mercurml fl'lt·tlds ,ac'lt, drillk. in lhe Uniled Stllies in It'n UUI.'I Uil :P I!0llvn. 1 no We have no hesilalion In Baying thlt the lered \0 Llle '((lur q,uRrleu,' dividing yeMs : It C081 lhe nalion 1\V~lve inil. CALL AND SEE. 01 nil kint.!s always Oil hBn~. FINEST PERFUMERIBS bl!lwt't:n Cincinnati, Lebllnon Xenia Rlld hons of t1ollar •. It I~ ..s deslroyed tllft~e Ii. line 8ssortmenl of Ullywn ; IIDd all rtlturoed dLh~r utlel'ly i hlllllired thOIlS'tlll! hV!'R., lL hn~ H.,nl ever o/fare'l In this market, rna, be round. JUlie 23-11( II our edIHbl1ahmellt. 'l'be, ar. all u",rCOUlIi by Ihe wt:alher. or pl).ilivcly lone 1I111' tll'cd LitoUdllUd cltlhlren Lo .thl! LAl\1P~. · ' puor , h-)usc. and one hUlIlln d nntl fifly GENUINE, IIlck. , tll(IlI~lInd persons 10 the j'lils Imu p~ni' I' • LANTERNS, & 11 WIIS too hot to be c,lmfortAble of) Il:UI illril:8. , , .. , e-nd competent jutilles give Ihem the E. l~. rRINTZ , from bonl(~ and sed"le' nnd ,'en"rllble 11 hll8 mnde Ilt leRst one t1,ousAnd I toke ~hi8 melhod or i',lforllllnl,! A. 11:, MERHII r. CHIMNEYS" " , . .' I ., "'" lilt! IlIenUl1 nnd Ihe rubl lc I:tlnor- , .UGIIEST PRAISE. . , ' I "Iiy' Ihal I hllve removed my plACC peoplr: like oUl'8elf, who r"mallled at mlllllllcs.. ." lL hilS InsllI'nl ed to Ihe commiSSion " . Wa parlicularly' del!ire Ihe attention of I .. d 6 I d 1 .1 of busllless 10 Ihe SIOlld (orlllcrly oc('up,et.! home 101l.llIt III kt'el"Ilg tho pence, • f TOB~\CCOES, , . f' 0 onl1 t 10U~lIn VU Iun ret muruers. by l!lrs. Thombs 86 a l"oIlC)' Slore, R E TA 11, DE A LEKS IN THE LAD-IES h"d Ille I".d to eompllllll 0 . II hllM cllused I \YO tlJou slulll pef8on. to , -SU CH AS,Unlil 100 lalt. wo hlld venlurl'd to comrnit ~uieide. It hRI blllned, or OpPo81te the Rogers House, To Ihis realure ot our businet8. We havo illtlul~1I Lhe Ilolle thllt ;;ome vet1lilaliot1 ' olh "" wise deslroy.e d. properly to the fI' where I, inl ... n~ 10 keep (}II !lllnd 9 geller~1 ~, FINE CUJND PLUG, .A/,L THAT IS ' NEEDED might h"v~ btlen 8lford ed for Ih~ pl!O- mOllnl of to'll IlI""OIl~ of c10111l1'!;. ,[L uBaarlmelllol Wod'. boHI ~r CIGAltS AND I " , r I' F tI f J I hns m"de Iwo hundl'l'd thousancl Wid , III 'Y N C HEM I CAL S: SNUFF. For lhe Toilel, Hundkerchief" II tl • 1·"tllO I!lll 0.11 ~ liS yul' \' 0. ' U y. OIVS, :lutl onO million of orpball child Oil" II,e bn<1 br"nllU (If . u ~" .. HC0111illll Druwers. Ward· I 'wou Id bave b e-en IIppropnAt.e III COII- rell. CITY J11AXUFAG1 'URE, LEAD, BLACKING. robes,elc.,tIlc. .iderlllion of the close of thtl wnr and To Ihis rnuRl headtlp,lll,e ignorRnclJ. OIL, 13LACKING · BllU S I1ES. Co!1 an,1 exnmine our varieties. V ARNI SI1ES, Jh c" ET C. I. ROSEllERRY cf NEAL. the returb of mllny of thtl 80ldiel,boya, "icious h:lhil~ . nlld slIll'lJ ring s IhRI will nnt.! wnrrnnt Iu j!ive snli sr"cli oll. to WhOM lome dt-cided oyation would Ihrow thdl' dllik s hadow!! forwlIl'll for Thollklul ior Iile verv liherlll pnlrono,liC I __ :__ ------ -_. - - -y"lm to Cllme. thrPlllcning till: alnbilil), f(lf .~vcr31 yPurs besto[l'P,r. I , hupl'. by Dry Special Annouucemeut. ' hllYl been 'fiLting and calltld -for: but of our po:itit:ullllld religiouij inslilu ' eluse lI11elltion ftnd Inir deuling, slill 10 ~'l ~ the Fllheri 'o( Cllremonies 'faill:d to see Lion8. flIeril II genurou8 cOlltirlunnce 01 th" slim e. p AI~T V A [IN ISH. & C. ; ~ ,~ E. 4: H. T. ANT H 0 NY It CO., · , I ~ J. E, KEYS . , 11m ·thielamp: nnd hope i" t lel'e ol'e The pulpit. the press Rnd the r08· 'fhp. m"rkel nriCA nt nillilllP8 r~id ro, WllOLE8ALE A~D RETAIL deferred unlil'nother yellr: 111(!Ml.W-hi um <mght to garner up thc:ir Ilggre · Green Hidc s. Cult SkillS ono ShePp Pelos, :B ',u ~ IEI lE ~ • We shall con Atnnlly ~ oep nn hnn<lll gen- AlllntifactureTIl (If PlI,otograpMc .Mat.1ft UI be pe!'millild 10 buoy ourself gllll'd slrt!ngth for t~lP. frny, nud strip July 3.-1.Ir I E , J(, end os.orllllcnt of P"t cnl J\["dicinea, rials, 'I Al su. jllS! receive'lI! fronl 1I'ilb tbe fond expt'ctntion Ihll' then Ihis mouster eVil oC Its Ilowel'. I I I'lll~buc!!, 11 501 tin.oADWAY, 'N. T. S ASH AND PUT T Y , good IIlId well-scleclp. 010 luftieienl uDanimily o( fteling mlly cxJ;. In ad,lilion to <our main busincI! or PhoIflgro(lhil: Dloleriu.ld, we aro He~uquorlcrll itt to praduce something ,Ihlll sh .. 11 rt!F,RKWORU. On F ourlh·or-J uly 1'.'0111 •• 0 10 SO Cellts I '. .~ & "I J G CI ·k LI . I nUSShS, fur Ihe lollowing. VIZ: ' compenle for 10 I IIlese many annll'er- on.nllll{. lOr. 11111t!8 . nIt', a 118 11s now being pol,1 for WOOL. , ill GO ODS ., BUl'PORTERS, Sl.erf.O,colJe.' and StereO!copic View. IIIriei !lalled in ailt-nce, resldenco on - - Rlrt'ct, g"ve a pyro · ul Ihis 1"~cIIl/y, No ,llItI~er, It,,~ Yl'or, 01 / _ _ Give Us A CALlJ, technic exhihiliou for lhe benefit of lhe di l!"rl'oillllllenl by "101 lilldillg a Rtock 01 SIIOU LDE£',·BRACES : 01 lhese we hnve an Immense assortGOIJUd on I,snd 10 exrhonge lor \V",,!. \ Alld VOll cannot I,il 10 bo 8uited both in menl, incluulnll War Scene., Amer.i"an A LITl'L. Ellut L\TtoN.-On the trop- pllblic. whIch Will wilnessetl by I\n IIP Gruy onll W hilll Broot'hes rxchuIIgt'd ALL TIIB PoPUI.An "Iuulity ur:t.! price. nnt.! !-'orelgn CiLies and Landdcape •• ical "fLernoon' of tbe 'gliloriou8 fOUI'11t " precillli\'e Il8semblage. who were highly fur W~ol, )I',und fur pUll lid , with Ihe price . • June 23-1. Groupd. Sloloary, fllC., elc. , AIHo, : Re. volvinv SLereoRcopep, :lIr publiC or private an indiyidu,,1 havin(t Rn "bidllnee not g ratified throuoLrh Mr. Clarke's genllr· for ~I'inllinl! only ulltJeu. Wt.ul, Grfln~e nnt.! Soop-Gresse , ,, • , 1&lcdl·ClnCS 1' · • exhibltiun. Our Catalogu" will bll leot more ·... hAn a milll (rom town, whose osily. We believe Ihis 10 bave been \Vou',et.! in OilY qUllllllly. ' I 10 IIny ndl!res8 011 recelpl o( 8tomp. p "trioLi.m wil not in exceas of his Bac· tho only' a!fllil' of t1u~ kind tbaL evening. GEO , RARRETT, m'i1 1i\7~~W7JlWl ~ Irv;n~ PJlOl'OC.;RAf·IIIC ALD~MS. _ __ ._._ _ _ Sprinl:-VuliP}, I)lh lila , 2·\th. :l,11 If u.1~w w .:m. l.l.m.~1V l.l fW)9 Of a !lrpal m.ny kinds aPtI ill large 'quan· chanalian procli9itie ... beCAme weary of We were the liUl to introduee theaa tiliep, for 8ule by Iha r•• traint imposed upon hi. mUa'cles ()::7 In our IIlherlising columns will NEW MUS Ie. into the U nitell StllCS, and we tnanurl\1~IERRITT & PRINTZ. ture ir~lIlellSe qllantlliel in ereal variety, by a liberal u.e or t,Jle ardent, and be (ound tltl! Announcemenl of Messrs, to Funl'ml Murch 10 the l\1 .. mory 01 ~anglllg i.1 price from 6u cenlS to '-~O maoif•• ted hi, desire (or variety by Newborn & Co., o( Ni!w York. for lhe Abrahonl [)lu:"I,.,·' Ihl! !\II/rlyr I'resi,l~nt. eoeh, Our Albums ha"o the reputn,"ol1 HAIR-OILS, sDI".bing a re;' dishes ove~ hi.dl!cidvd , ."Ioo{ all immense slock or Jewdry. by Mrs, E A. PAlllillURST, 11,0 p"llulor Donll('lioll con~ ". Rye O'vfTcp. prlllle Rio or beillll superior in beauty and durability compl'ser. '1'1,8 ilulI,e J ullfllnl HI/V8:'Collee 011.1 i':xlr""l of CuH'ep, tor enle by 10 nny others. They will. btl sent, by 1, beLler hall's head. ['be repol'l of elc., on Lhe noyd plan of One D ollllr "TIJIM '8 a lint! COIllI" '.'liun, well wonh y MI'; !{Rll'T & PRINTZ, 1I! 8 ii, rRRF.. 011 reee'l,t o( price. tbecracki~gcrock"ryware80onbr(\ught lor each Rrticle. 'L' his i8 1\ new !irm, the rl'p"'"tiun ur II. wflt er ," Very sol , ~:::r Jo'ioc Alhums 1,."tlo to Ordcr.n ta Ibe rncue 1\ pone or indlgnlllll re- Il d II e f cl that il is nmbiLio1l8 to build enln '"111 impre•• iv e 1,000 CqPJE R n I " . . . I ARE ISSU/,:n WEEKLY. Price 3\J PURE elDEn VINEGAR tard Photographs, male •• head.d , by a gellt. whose ·6ghl. lip a good nnme, makes IL probable et!nl ~ ; with vi!!,nellc 01 Iile I'rcsiu,·tJl. !iO A well-selcc led ft SBortlllcnt of Ihe DEST 1'10; " \\'e know to be pur!'. OR we pro. .v Five ing welaht, i. a" I~"s~ '.enn 11011" that custome rs will btl Jilicrnlly dt!lIlt celltri, Mui le!! Ire(' . Publisil t' r, 1I01t cured the Ciuer Iruln rOliuble per.oll, ill Our CUlnlogue now ~mbrQces 0 I~r I d y Ihid ne i.. hborh ootl, olld perlllillcd il 10 Thoulalld ' cllfl'r ~ent 8UbJOCb'·,/ to wIlde I a -f eight,' w'~eli 't\,e b~lIlgerent was beulen with. II "ill c~st but t,vcnly,tive CiS. Act; W I\TER~, 'llIl uros,:wu , . N , Y' po • I "tHnS I' , 8ro clllliinullfy e' nil ma e. I0 . ' ", turn to vinel1nr 0" ,,"r OlVn prp"".p~. , I ('ortrbil! of emlnenl Americans, etc.oIv Z. .l\lERRIT'1' & PRI NT£., alld plllr~a aD~ .crll~~le~ ~,,'d elap?cd. 10 try tbe expcnment. any wily. Attention, Citizcm;' ot, Warrell -.,. "bout IIDt;1 he I)..d lo cry {or quarter. --~- ••,. (Joullty Uhio. - - --. - .- IOU 1l1njor-Genernls. JOO L'teut- C0 Ione IB" '1'1 I b tl th ~ The 11151 seSilon of Ihe No1I'mRI , ' , j:.!ulI Brill',·Uellellll.~, 150 olher Otlicer8, ~ Ie reau' may e lurnme up U8: <:: I I at Lcbllnon closed 011 tllulltl"y Lo st \Vllller. our L!'glslu'ure ponet! n "75 elliot/pIe, ' 75 N,avy Officors, A pllr·p~~ I y'e, \\ ~ W 6cIILte ..jn~ locks pf "-'~ ~oo 'k Tlt~ Normnllnstitule or law 10 Ict nclther Bur. p, 'Cow, , Hog or McGUFFY'S & WI LSON'S tlElUES, By the kill or poond, o( a warrnnled [;,,0 l:ll.(p smen. ., 1'30 O,vinl!I, bftir,.un·tfr~ ·,c;lItche8, and idi,'er~ dnm· fI .. st WI t . . . T I II Goose run at lurgo , Now the lIlIle ho s ". & & 'lUll III}' , lor dO I,' uy ,. !i0 vrlllllillent WOlDen, 125 AUlhor~, , . ' I ' Short SUStiion willopt:n ueslllY· HI Ic"mo when Ih e tiolt.!icr. urI' 01 home aj:.iu ~c., c., C. m:lllUTT & PR IN I Z, 1:.!5 SIR!;I', 40 "'rli.I". leed inger·n"ile. 111h inst. Tho p~o~tJ e ~t f"r lull lit · olld we wi . h th e luw r~fle.l p. d. for I\'e C,O Il_ __ _.-:.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3,000 Copies of Works or Art, , Serio",I" it i, to be hoped, now' thAt Icntlftllt:c. 8S we learn, IS very nlllter, \. sid~r the liI\\1 lyr81111icul nlll! oppressIve. I~ itll,lutllnj!' reproduclions of the mOSI celeIhe country i. beg'inning to move on in ing. '1'/lUCher8 who wish .\0 ~~l'nd 1\ nutl ;!link it. very hurd Ihlll while we W!!I!' t' brnled Engr.vin~~, Puintin~., S(9 ... e8, , faw "ceks 1'1"1I811011y and pro h l flbl),. owny fi~hlllll! (or n frre guvernllleni. () ole, Cnlnl " gu P8 selll on recllipt of Slomp. ItA 'even tenor', that grealer attention \Vould . clo "".1110 aueud the Norm~l , we hoti ."th tyrDnts in Ollio who ~~oulu An ortler for ()lIe J)uzen PiCIUrp.s . 'ron~ "ill be giYell t~ lhe 8ubjeci of tempel'- I rl I Sf r ! ,ry I.. oppre ss U8 or our wives allu ehl"lrell Carefully amI Prolllptly Fi\lC'd. liS I U e.- a. Idt UCblll1! us, wilh such unr,, ".onoule W':1 Y X R S V IL. L E, 0 II/ 0: o'"r CGlologuo will Ilc &elll on rece'pl Qt "Dee in our mida t , lind euch disgrllceful , Iowa. ARNOLD 1:Al'H. $1,60, Bnd selll by '"1111, flU: E. • Old .Drug-8lo1·C, PIHllogruploer. 81,,1 o.thers ?rtl~rlfllr leelle& dooe .. WilY wilh. . ~ Tlte ne w three cent pi eces Are W~yroe8ville, July II. 'fEJtlUS, CASU IN ADVANCE. I I:"OU5 C, U, D., will plolsc remll 21.1 po~ • • • composed of 75 per cenl. copper nnd ~ . - - - -- - - - I k lVR':~ne"villc, Ohio. $:2 .00. cent. of Ihe amount 01 Iheir oru~r, On o copy orie year, . , . 011 City, Pa" bRs now" popu. 25 per ce nt. nitkel, \,!hic I mR cs S\ Q::T' Tho pricr" alld 'lua!Jly of our good 1l.7 Z,. Fi t; e COl'i,'s onc Y,." r. Illtio n of ten thoUland h consisted ve ry hud II110y. It lakcB 25 '1 of Ih l! ' I PO ST· 0 F F" Ie 1:: CO" N E R, I. ca/l/lvl h ll Iu dlilldl y , Ib,UU. il clll'it, ~ VII \! YCtll', '['t not long "go of to si~rrle dilllpiJotCd : piece! 10 weigh II pOllnll, And 1II c y.~OSL Th i5 beel 01 ~II C;,:,~~~, ~Yi:t~ :,t;.'; " C June ~ :l- I . l ( IbanLv ' co I tile government just bllll' a cl:nL Rple\: c. by MERIU L 1 & { . " !'UI......ft" ... I&D 8uUIID.
Niilll Exprt'.. , Cnu:ianflll Exprell, M.iI anll .-\ccum .• ClllulDbulI Accom.,
J~1.18 A ••• '7.~& A. N.
D B.
.m eat I)
S ,I~ m~iCi 9pu~8' ~ \V~ th~t~
Goods, G roc e ric s
DR. S. J. WAY,
WhIte Goods,
D lB IT T I 9 T' R Y ,
Sh aw1s
I-Ionp Sli.irts,
For Ladies
A. JONES, M. ,D'
H A,., S
,1'[EN'S AND
Hats and Caps ! o::r Fruit-Jars
,f II
R E 1\1 0 V A L
lVIerI'ltt & Prl"ntz, DRUG
>tI' I'
and Mixed Paints,
, .
o · GLASS"
~M(£~W D
Union Coffee, Pea Coffee,
FAM ILY GHOCEIUES _! School-Books,
PhYSICIanS ., 'prescnp , Ions
Jackson's Pectoral Syrup,
Fl~Ull~-J AIlS
tulClllrS :
111' jttCltt
\!&U')C,tt, e.
n.. .•
M E DIe I N E Paris and New-York
.boG' credit~d
,ODe-1 f 10 un' . were to tlreM ..:. .'001'£, I.·, bim were Gill _.ahlla• •I, .Il of 2 Gm 1130 Croad.IY, ew \'ur" the r elt wero tbe prod u ouon of olber I .ndDeflel' IIwr,.lullera t an Imulf. ~ U t--1W A DCII l 1"~'" Said he, '1 do gfllir melUbllr ,, good I lory 1 bur but 1 ne,'I::\ \ C; E N t; V A 1· d'd' L y\bi- r' ' n I I m n I an _00 ,111 a; Ii o· OF TilE U 'l'fED STATES, h • rotA,l de.ln.' HI' Iluecdolel were . ie ldom tojt .(or lbe sake of Itllin", bUI bowing Ihe ~l nrw 1:)11111 01 e nda Blld , • . bacall" '\'bey liu.41 ill jusl where lbey TerrilOrv.ol " on~u I'~: COli t a,n InJ • cUlly . r • eame aod. '. Iled a liohl on the a rg u of Col. 'Irumbulla :SIgners .01 Ille Dec • . "II lar.tion of Inu ependeflrll. Lilt 01 D'iul es ...0\ e s e coulu. was IOf the Pre'sent Wor Pupulution or Ihe Slot Wl.", btU brimful of humour. and U n'' t e u St'16a " • 'II' "ounlies. .... wough he ""8 'fuick ~o IIpp!eciate. a ~i~., 44x45 inchCIi. Mounted on roll· lood- plUI.l nenr ."new of hi S milkIng ers. l:)~ 111 on receipt of ,I,bO. bw. ode, which WRI on Ihe ChristiflD lIame oC at,end to whom he. saidi MAP 01<' 'l'Ur.: WORLD, "chi'
r,y _ i~,
~hat DOlllln~
! t MAPS! 1'.
• . ruul' \0. PtlIUI,de,lpn,l" ....1) ..... un , BlltlmOlI aIld \Vtl.h,ID'ltOD~ rtid.1 All to 1M ... Id al IrllVeler P11, Itb cOllfidence tttQQ O,I<! U"II.r Illre eODllectioll, h ij!" ~peetl with perree.. bOO "a",r_l Bv.e 20 10 .t;1I .... eh I '''\0 ".1), loelh & c~ '"" la !I,III " ~u" ,.tetl' alll.l eye,'Y n~plilnc:e for comrolt .,11 '''-)lUII ... 1111" r~n be prof-u,../' · New ~I"I elef·nt It 'll " Wn palllellg e, Clarll. fur t1ty Illd' DIJhl lIen~ .. ' QU" II' I"" · ,rt hIVe rile. lilly b~ell auded 10 the e4lU~ril \I ,?"p' Ille nt 'Of Lhe Pellllsy Ivallia Cen.rul &till.. , , 311UO .. k ,lr'lIlk l"g " 'f,t!Q
luNW I..., uf
.t.'u,',", ..Uanrifacturm. LL N I
Hnv ill" for di.pOdftl OVN ON!-; 1\11 . 10 of "urtll 01 fjur g,.ld aud ail. ver-ware lIud r,,"cy .rll"le ..~ imnUrl ed'Dud AmeriCln, will " III of every art icle I
at \I - dilea, 1'IlllIu"t 1 rCllar lu "U lie. In Ihe lJliilHler lIeluw e ta led . ..-:5'> \V s iontly It 1t::sr !lre C.OIl lerl from e our Agllnls tll,ullg I10111 tir e counlry, aoyin, Ih~1 "ur jlo},us W ~An for yen~ • • while Ihe 'IIliclts obtll ill e tl fur on e dolllH euch .turn black, ond s puil ill a ver y !lhort To alll'lho hAve IlIIu expe·
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I a' UO"" .. , ' 1\ Iur' IT . k l"""all l" .IJ 1"•• nu., ,"0H :.!)I!U .. Iro,l, "ard OIiU ca u ,50 IIlp •• "J 8r ... r nli ·,:u I, t. ;)0 . .-'1 I Ih,. ""I1,,'d 10 . L',,, 1',!'IlIl,i .. lll .. .lro", .101 ... ill' vr ltill pOO'II. 1.0 .:, -, .1 01, I".rro uro' II,lolled loy • ,h.I.... ' " ' ''' , IIIOlltl guo II . I"ble.pu... " It lurkl 20 .. ,!Il IIMr. 1111 ",r I'rolllill<" Uy I loled, ,,1'0, :lbUO 2',UU lluiJ ll utl lllllf~II,I " . "w"Idlc.' lJU 1l,.1 IhIi e) .lIuuld II r. IIIvllly I.ui~.· j(old a",<.to n It hUIIIIII·: ·C ,. w.ld,d ai" iO AMI,::RICAN ]U .4.NUFACTU E, LUO 11"II,"g .<"" . .. l Ini ,y.lehel ~;':: 7Q • g re811.1 , up"rio r 10 Ihe 1> 0 1111 a int·c 2011 d ,.Hl v ilU "Ing aU " purled 11'0'" oloro_l.Il1l1o " all' keJ .Iwul IIS.II, j bOUO!!'u ll.l yr -I 'III,I .. 8
l... r"!I~"\ ~'vrk",ulI rd;~\ ... 1.. Gll o,l . ar" o(
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~ ' L I d . •"'" lac , . , • I d r l:hrMlJ t:I · t tI'Hr aol,L Tilt: SHUP'" d uty o n 1111- aO\lO r;'uld o v;d & Co ,,0 ~ ec'~ "" I all Mercalor ~ ProJecllol~, Ahl!WlI1g t l(' rience ill lVellrlllg s uch 1100 e. we re er 18 "lIrlt" );uool •. II l1d Ihe IlIgh ~r.llli ll'" on UvJIl , "0I10 J"I ","1 );',, 1.1 Imll"rluU . place I I hoI; bu& NOllb s re Ign was be. reuellt Arclic 01111 An!er".llc to the trulh o f lhe nbove s lolemenl ! ("II hll "l b '" I, ill . _re .. in l;o l'I ), .IInou II I I o"uU ,h"I <!"Io'. " "d gUllr.11'I111111 hire Abraham. He Ihe The Purle. LInes 01 Travel. Interiur TrB10 lII o,e Iho" tllllre ('001 of "' 8 '.' )' ul '!'" or· 7UUI' .uil lllll·r ullll 1;0IJ 1>1'0",'1\<> '. ' f Cb. \ Our Goods lire of Superlor Qnlllity. ,,,,I oll'.. eu loy UI to Ih. p,,""c. fo fuc' Ii UII 6 .;uov IIl "11" I. ,,,w ,u '" '" "1,,, 1 (t.... .ule .rae te r l'sLi c \ o[ American I.U u- \ d'lO g Towns IIl1d . P081d accuratelyS lla~••.ale u lilt', Jd , Ih \ n llud J. hJr
~OU . lI."
thollCh~ tha~
mOlM'tlU ill grote Rqueneas ex. duwn. Th e Mop 'H 011 . leel, \NT8grlDce • and tile ll.Ory oC Ih e• man hillhly Bnd mounted III the b I who "sa 50 LIlli t.ilaL he was 'Iald OUl' est s ty.e. . iD a 10pe.waIK, tbe 'aopraDo "oie" 80 S,ze. a6x«lnches. 8etlt for $3. . . I db" d b 111gb- Ihal I~ la to e Q Illle ,over y ].rulomal and Mj'litarIJ Map of lite a ladde.' and Ib e Dutchmnn 8 oxpre8.ioo of 'Iomebody tJlng hi a dog 100 Be ,'
II" 5'"
00- We
ronJ. At PllUburl!',lralnll fJ1!1II the We~t t .' dirfctll O' lhtl tJi,doll O(tpo:t,' where Pile en'rs IIIe tt6!l1lfe rred 10 the TraIna ot t .... • I!p" n'vlvenia' Ur.tlual BlIill wlI.I', .whien': 11 • • I . lenve l'h ~. btlr~ l)rtlrtlVe It u\.er pQ"lt8 ' All foll01\' 8 : 'f rir'l b II TlAy ~ x rJif;5l!- !.eaV6~ 1"1.' 1& 1If)f at .-; 60 A. M, sloppin)! at ~rln~I"~ W";~~Arr ives 01 AIIOonll· al .7.~O . . . ..,,( rune 8.45 A. III, f Dpllofollte 10 ~._· '~I Lock H n. 4111 l!l flU ".lII ,l l-iarrllburll1 1 . 1(1 P. III., llllitillluret Ii .-If> P . M .. New Yurk, Ilia All e tllOWII, ot 10110 P .M., t-I,tI· ~d~IIIIIi"t III b 4.J P. M., a~ld New YQrk. viu l'''ilod ~,lphi ll, nt 10.:37 P. M. . l\lAIL LI Nt:-L euvCd \'itt ti burg nt 6 .60 1\. l\\ , slUppin!! ul all regular ilta l iolJlI.Aiteulillt 11111.-1(') ,A. M., Hllrriijbllrd G 1'.1\1 ., urrrvill l:: 01 t'hllo ue lvhill 81 11.20 P. M ., allu' Nu w York, vio l'hiltldelphi,. ul5 fl.. M.
10 8
~ ..
call pwrticuh" Bllenlion 10 tile • ONLY ONE DOLLAU ullll"" "fir ,1 1'1) "" 4" 8 choice alld r ic h .8asorlmllnt .,: 11II81 we here . be ~tllnr;: t d fnr all}. arl"" 1C 011 our rIf,t tint I ijjU ,·,,,ltlU ,,1, nUll "pult il,.,Ullluud "d ","er"'" tj ·1 • wdl JU()I. C. tJ llll 110. 2.~1I " 1U olf~r 10 th e p.llIllC, for Iw O uU .ra e t" I . f ll". 'U'" I" " \,un·hll •• r ,n c,'.". UII ' I'WI v:l 1I1 :J U'UU g .. I,1 Iv ~ l e, l 1Y,,"· h . ~ ")' ~, ~ U" ~ Nu tlrlic~e 10 btl p"ld for nntil you .or e I k'~'"'' "I"" t", ·· to . [.; ,." I~'" I'I~" ":'""~~':. ·IUUII ",b 1111.1 I" " ,i i'l l"", , Iiu.. :J" 10 'ully s ati .fied ad lu Ihe vulue o f Ihe orU c!e 11111. Ih" ,""Ih od ,.., II Ii) Le eo '''" . U ~,I'U' ~ L OU .~lo ol.I"IIII·c ol• • \C ·UIIII·", , 'ul 1~"' III'IIl""'" uf IlIr!;" .lUck! 01 J wei,) ," ,,1 1 ' ,11 (1 •. &" .. :l , . 8 y~u are 10.) II . 1, ,,,"I""l'rO"UI'lIOII.. ~tlIJO Kllid Ih, ")hh'" P'·"I'1". &". 4" Ii LI:i t ul GOtlJ~ to be Ro lrl ot Two Dollar B 'fi lI I': PLAN JS SnIPJ,l':l I IUIiIIU ... ,,,,,,,,,,'0 I" , k". 2 !o il .. lU 11 d " t , t1 \ ' l' , each: 1111111 ,I .. 11111 · '" "I"'''''' III ., ~o a . ma 6 lit permanen 0 ~emen In liS C . ' 0 Illr e scnle th e enlire D d' $2,)0 10 $5\1.0 . Tll o 111111'" or ,.,''' I, . 'I ,.,. II! 011'... ,' f,JI' ."Ie-", :IUUU ~';Id " ;:' ,1",,, ~ ~'. '· ..0 ••••• d,· , ~.. IS I' l'fTSIlURU AND Eon: IIJ,,'L LejlYff ' mind, o nt ollll n g , n a . g ' . I l 'Amo n p"'S • 11,,, ,11 \I " "" "" 11.",1.. Uol.l O," I· BlIlld il .. ,,,·. · UIIU 1'11111' " ,0\, " ".. . I .' III P ill . Uu r:,: ut I ~U 1' . M. s t uppilli II I nell"ly _ _ •• t erri tor)' emb ru cp.d )lIllle fI III , o~ lJ iulno nti rlltll8 ~ IO 10 ;.1000 \ Itl . 1\11 1" !S I' U-" II" I Hll d FU II II ~ J k' lt cbellUJ I I . I · J)' . I ' ~ t &/. 0, j,. '/;'hI'U\I ' · I~ I I"' \ ~,tV O(nl1)!.' -t "II"otio" •• A,ri~~A. 1 Ah'Jonlit aL 7.20 ' lit. Country Postmaster'lI Report. CO l in!! th e DuU lea ou IS Irll" " ,e~ 0 ,e G.. lu ~~II11ll dh lever WlltC lOS I uD lo 3U ", .. ,11"11 " "'" "ILl ",," ,,",' 10"",1 '" ,.,,1,·,1 1:11 ' I IIIIIIIU , 1;; "Cl r;,'o' ~ oU .' Itl ' ~ Wer, e nclosed in" neol l' yc kt't COde; 10 OulJ Allwr ieu n do. I UO 10 :!:l :) l vr.lup"; ,h,. • ,·"It,lupes u,·., ,I 'CII pllln·o "' II ' lUIIIIII C .. lll u'·II,,,"i ."" " ' HI,i,,l,; " ~ !IO" I,) 1' . ~ I . , t-i urrr"lI"rll UI6 A. M .• Glltl Pbil .. "'I "' h f i r II • If' whic h i. a.ltI~J ill lI uok f"rll' . u .hp lch o r "tlvcr EIl~h s" uu. bO lu l uU d,.I".1' ,,,,J w, 11,,,1\,·<1 ; Ill ell o ..tI ... " fl" , 7 ~OU -d, l"tI " .. J-I\<I .. ) --,,·, de luh im , L (i. 40 A. 1\1. . 1"111 LAnEt.l'tllA ExrrtrBs-J.envel Pill,.. 0hr 0 ' III Of C uSdlo n : Two II II lid rr.d' lluttl1'8 . /:)lI lt1i e rs , )\lo' l " Alll e rll;ull do . :l() to 7;. \· .. ' ... ·1·1""\, ''' '," ' Y Ill" ce"I', [;,r ". 111;-" 1'"". \ . " ,1 gure". ,ln t (B IIltAlO m0l ",' V,I 'II, ,'SfhuIllJ h o~eit. ,' ..u.'~ I·lver.plat ed tl,hlo_wo re tiO 10 II)U "~. ,."..,,,·• "u',r. , c, ",, Irllc ' , o ll co ,~""l(,or,·u'·· ' OUUU .",_ bllrtr nt 4 .~b 1'. M., etol'"itl~ utlly 8t ' pr" l b I) 11 8 un tr ' r'l lles. ,.d \J < • IIIIL" IlIk," n\l 1\1 II II , .",1 5C11 t by II,,· fll" \ I d')" I ,I "I1I1,o."e"rI,o".1 r l\lll " • 4 .. l.;j i cipol titotiOll6. Arrivell al Lltrobllt 6 ,.10 lbe re Ig n 0 uc aOlln. e IUS U on rece ipt of 1)0c, Hol lJ stive r lolJlc·epuulIlI tl to 10 [' "' "'' 10 110 . who will .... " t 10000 .. ", ioll .e"" sppoinlee . and ",itbn1 a lillie UII' 00. t ea~puu lls 8 tu Hi " h" lIl1' "1111 t;"1 luI' 011., liuilnr. If h" .. ,,1.8.' h " I,,~,. ~ '''' I'c,,, d. 4" 10 P. M, AIwuno 9 .35 1'. ~I .. Hor,"buflr 11 30 leuled in bill mind res pec lin g the d u o Oil Map of Ohio and Virginia, Du. lork~ 18 10 3;1 1 "I " ,II! hn 10IUI"U II U, he CUll 10rwl\ "" Ih. '" '" 'C.> , 10000 );,, 111 1"'" III1t! •• ulol ll, u,"'I~d A. M.• ila\timllre 7 A . M,. Ne'y Y or k, "i. lie. oj . bis whicb involv e d PIl.lleu 15 10 5U ' ,,",·0..1o"1l 1,,,1.1.,·. n tI II 10 d U'c' I' U'" 0" I!j\, c., lI ficlilu 0".'11 Alle nw\\,lI, IU A ~1.. PIIII.r1elphiK" \'It 7.0() Ackllowl e,I"e d by those inlcre s led III Oil J>Jut ed "rll b"ske ts 2 010 ' "cC "I" ,I". 1'1'I2e If ,h. krlu·l.. IIw,,,d,d . h .. .J oUUO ~" I,' 1'. ,.... ".1 >'o ld ,·S,.IIliulI A. M,. Blld New Yurk,t yia Philsdelph.i., .boa~ 8 30 bUl ioe n yearly. Mr. J c n . , "'L d bib t t b ".. 311 he UIII UII ,,,1 I" Ih e I,unh,,,er-M" (UI' ""m"le,1I \ I II. " 15 ,. '_J< ,. 20 1 0 ,t\" I' I' .~t II '.• ,,,rup' .., ., IIt·. a II 1'''' ' I"" yuu,, ~ , t'OIl \) I.lh, """"I;i' ll on,1 j~1 bud l," " ftt 1:l 111. :Sleeping Coni rUIl Ihro\lllh 01, lina _ for luch was li ll DAme _ Ilal I ~Iuck. lrahc u. Oll u an S 10 e I Ie es ye pu ca"e 0'" ""u !J .. ~ ~ I thill Irolh Iroll) Piltllbur\: 10 lhltlmorll and re.d in the ins lruction s 56'nl him. IllllL P oc k e t Iorm . Se nt on ru e ipt of 81. sy rup Cli pS wilh solvers 1010 2[) "'U".who c.,,,ld ,,,ul wen, ,1",," n"d I""J "" Olle , 000 do . I""r lI., " u;"lu" lI . a ,. IU " w Olters u r so lv ers 1010 )00 to ;; I\ t: th t:UI to . -W.' will le ntl nnr o th tfl' tlrtu-' Id . • l'h iil,delphlll , uud IU New York.ylal .... I~"· lie must make a qUllrtu rly report 10 " d 6 3U iro lll th u o. ,,' c , lol"" t"' I:1I 1 of II... ,·"t .. lu!;". "t' ARRA/\ & CO . t')lVII. ~eadquarl.ra. ~o when ,b" time came AGE~'1'!i " 'A N'I'ED (!U e lll 011 CliPS to "Iual IJrI ,ce which lila), II" IlIer" I'''.cI . Or ,(, '" ' MOlllllucl urcn' A ~" n ", ' b d I' \C . I cos turs , cnt-l:lusd bollle8 15 to '76 lilly reIlO·'". yo u d,tlo." 10 .""Iu'e 110 fU' II ,. r No.1 07 8,ou lfwny. Nt,. \'o rk. FAST 1,IIIE-L8Ivtl pilubur, II 9.30 ltl "pora, e ,. prea 11m," t \U8: For the Bbove and many oth er populnr " colfee urn d 26 t e '7& ,h. 1I Y" u ca ll Id 11,t! "," Il e, ,I ru p wh. r. il i•. P. II., nop "illg ullly at prlllcipol .tall"" •• ' _ _ _ (ull.on co ill., work,. V-.I Se nd for tl Co talui ue , with Ladies' enameled wllt ch ell '76 t o 150 .ClId .I1'. " .... ' " 0 lII or6. <u!dully our w,lI Alln ollll.·" 11.,.1 . 11 of Ih e .bove li. t o( govds II .. auld rur One Ooll1lr ...ch. J\ rr ives at A 1100"a lit 11.39 A. II.. H.rrill· .. A' Ad Goltl chllielaintl chains ln con'~qu e nce l· t th e g r eAt " "fl"etio." of burg- 7.30 .... II., 8altilOnr~t l~.!10 r. )I•• 'uly lhe 9 1057 Term6 tu Alrenle. 10 to 160 nlll o~u. e . . .O e I rUt C III , . ~ 11I 1I1IU1tU lUfltl r' l I II,rt c t . 0 J " Back-ot'n prell'deo' · f the Orderl m9Y be se nt to mer,can N 'Lou" tilll~ \Ink chains 15 to 60 \,VATCIl D E I"ART iU ENT. I I . I I r. •. lI g " N .. w Yurk ,t VIII Allentown, ~ .•l) 1'. III, _ite amet lIIotel Deer lir Been required verl i.ing .... "ency, 389 Ilroadway . ew Ve8land foh chItina 16 10 60 :100 rule'n, !.<Ycr go ld IIu oling co.e t oll 10 .2UO IM"II, throll :;-I, Ihe IVaI' ''''VlIII> ,' ut ofl" Ih. l UI" Pl1iladelpl.i.t Ill.60 r . III, and N'e w YQ~'k ,¥ ' "1 lbe i.ltructionl of tbi. post Office York. L8die e' lIeck choins )5 to 60 ;\"0 "",." h(·01 I"ver gold hUIII'I;Cntu t7 5 ply u ( cu i"'". ft lor);"" 'I""""Y o ( V.lnuule vii Philude\ phia, al 6. 4~ P. II. ' I . k ) .h GAYLORD WATSON. Ov ul ba nt! bracelet8 Iii 10 40 ~oIl S ,,;.' ,~oloi hUIlLingcn;e aO lu IIJO J . w,·lry. ,)Fi~i l\.\l y inl" lIIleol fu, 1100 EII~lil" Break/asl, tDimltr, tSleJllltr, rle,Plorbt_ .. I D?" (8u cctl8or to Pllelpe & Wallon.) Link Iii lu 20 20018.11". gold 'llid ell.II",I. d hunl, ''' " ' ko-I , h'" 1"'<11 "' ''1 otl' I"r Ib l,' III ,hi . <0 1111 ' .. 0 t .... 11 Y y reporllo 11 •• 0 OW8: 6 B k 8 N Y k Plaitt" 12 Lo 26 "'K CII.e 3111" Mil "y . ,,",1 ",".1b. 10 101 . , ""Y .".· rili.·~ ! UlldtJr ~ DaiJ.y, all o,;.t,. trairu. SUfula", rzceptfll. Tb. bl"e.tin bat been goin on peert1 Ole man tre e l. ew or. Jet & g .,I.' " 10 to 18 dl l . I'·"I,II ,,..r . d ,'. r h,,"II1'i\' ca.e ;W 10 IJU Ii,,·," "i,rll'"''" '" ' . I< CO . ... d f b b b U U ·l uO til. ",er iltl ve r hu II I lUg' ( 'K!t: :;n to M:. II j ' lIl1 g Uf ";; e ll i s l or th e pn ne lp"1 .:nrOpA!8 U Tickelll tor dU Ie lO 811110n b, boal . or
Border and Southern States, ·
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Now 1 which the II! which i,leot. '''~ , !llll ilDporl uo(o rfl to :dlfj nltl! hi " celli lillIe. I tlll\\1 1\
., . mo.t a t e na ore al got C hild,'_ pI. and fancy bneelels 10 to 16 .' OOdola,,·h.cI I", .. . iI'. '·"I'"" ·(uee ~o til r,o ",.'" 11li'ClU' C' " IIuve r~ .... I...,tI UI'I)I ' 1\ ~' •• I r nli. Oont lick c t. go04 on eny of Il'll 11 ID cuttin dliD but "beat i, bardly Solitaire Slid gold brooehu 12 to 26 :.IOU 1;"1" "1 lever . ilve,· ope ll·/uce :n 'u 110 (; 11'1 .>\1'1 " 1" '" 111' "110 b•• Iimlcd 8,·,·o r,!.",;- I ~ Suund lillP.B. ,,',IRE to III 1I0inlil .•• ttl. Mleir" • •yerage crop the rollin lands is yel. > • • Cllul, emerald alltl opBI do. 20 to 30 ·wi"".i l,, r 18 10 40 arl i":". flrfl pilI u" Iny olher foute. )eri,b and wont iurn out more tbao len Byanlhorit)' 01 lhe Secretory or Ihe Patrs armlets for children 10 10 ~O JJJ':WEJ. RY DEI"AU'l'MEN1'. ,"111 o" v, 1" I"'a i"IIi-,·r;'"i""ld,l ...,,, lid "I', '"111 A R f!1' , S L E.h' P 1 _V G .r fineen booabill . '0 the. eker Ihe 1'reosury, Ihe ulldenilPlcd hp l! anumed 1\10501e. c'lrnl, cluHllr, onyx 300 d,iu moll tl ringa f4 () 10 $ 120 wh, " " ""''I.J, . ,., IIIk,·" !Ju l ... "",, 111 ,.~~al'll Iteahh of the commonet1 i. only tora. 11111 oplll ellrdrups 16 to 40 30U /l'ClltS' t1ion lU Ilti rinfls 2U lu l uU '." ,'1.. ,;,· • . nlld .." ,II" 1I,,, i' , Ihl) < .1",l\'illg' " " On night truih e lu Plrilbd'B, New York " tlftr If ond Ilullilnorc. Baggogo cbecked \bruulI" .ul meesill hll'in brokin oul abouL 2 llie Geller.1 Subscrlpllon A gency lor the Cllii fornia diomond eardrops 16 to 100 3UOO C III. ,I III "".Ild rill" ; a tu I I) I I':::' romil lodallalfmilel (rom here their is a 88 10 of Un II cd StlltP.B 'l'rets ury N otes . ComeoBloneeardrup. 15\0 40 JOOO J iolllo llur ill"s .. 3 til 1 l! 1 ''' '' r''I'I'OIlIO.~'''I'I", u''II''''''lfl t ''ke IIH' "r- olld Irolls il!rreu frt<e. t61 11'1 tb b' t f 1'Iuillalltlenum.a!eeveclus pB S to Ih.) I ;)llU ')o"o' '' &.cl\lI n ~ fobrl,nins 3lo 4U ,,,I, 0" ''' ' . 1'11"1",. ,, . ""'Y II ,u. vb l'"'''' 'ne l'c lIll ~)'l vn tlitl Ruilr03d wilL · • v ~ rllc i )?ower e su Jec 0d beBrin".. Beven snd three-tenths per cent. Do. s t u,l. .. I0 I 0 ~uou gCIII"' ""Itl v,'sl chuiu8 ' II \ AI " ,,. I1. I ""1111""I I".'''i::. or '"') . <1 u r IIOt U88ume wily rI~ 11 lor UI\~g8ge, 'elle!!jI!'" . P 00 b id .Q V b lu ,lO \ j .,," f u I" aw.bk entn .e I Il7llm I) olts Go l·'to OIl"u . ,·Iver tl, "'Ilb',C B .. 10 I .'' ~UOo ('fi ll ",,1.1 '" Klrcv e bllll OIlS 3 to I r (h. o; I), ".'.n' 1' . be ,J t lur \v.e.1I1I1l App"r .. l. GUU limil tbrir . rrll~ '~I " , _" IDlt b ' na dor 100 k an :Iltereat, known liS Ihe V ]0 Juwell')' 00 ' ' "" I"1u • _ '\000 pni r togo ld <'II. enllltl . · C 3 til lU SClltI :lS C'c ,\! O tOI' CCl til ic llte. ArulI gl bl'''Y lu VII I! h.:lll url'd duliof.' ,i,1I ,Y,." , d 11I1UIY .,..a, are em me. 0 10 no" 1\11' ,'I' ul'lrO double lu(·. k ot s 12 t 0 "U ,1f£1 tbeif "' ~.iOI.ror!li\~lIn 1 d "'. ,' I mi,8 . d n11aocy r bmith a SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. Gu l,l luulhpich, snew pen· GUUU .e l" ge lli S' /told s i uds 3 1u 1 ti , 1,.11 \I .II ,,,,,·li,,,,, h, lI111i l. lI' n . 1",11 r '''''~.' ue . All llugl!ngtl I.'xn·r di,,:: Ihol b muulI li ·'If,. 8 a. Or JR 1,,101 lIe ay e,ore ye8~erThese Notos aro ia. ued undeT dAt e of erie, cr08ses , elc. 12 10 uU 1:1000 dl l) I1 C ~M & sig n fJt rin :!" 3 lo 1 ~ rnr (",..",,,,,",;:- ," . e", ,!' ,:. ' n. 1'·,1 i ,,~ ,,,)-11.1)(' ill voloe , will btl ot Ihe r il! k Ivf' I'he owner."\) w.\B ~I day, ,ODe of ,holll' il l suppo.cd '0 be L adl es ' Je welry. comeo, opu l, 8 uOil "I. 8('t & H'!:,. e n·lm. rilllr s 4 \0 15 I ", "I dO;"1< "'" " ""',, ,, 2:" ,.",. ' ''' h .... I"..h ullied ' 'uko" 1I ," p8,cial ,j:uII\rO ·L• •. ' j ,¥, 1111 ~lIr a IefeU. monlh, it i. R poor 8craggy June 15th. 18 G5. llntl are payable lhree onyx, !' curl, Cu llfur nia Ji. (iOOO (nv'ic. · guld lI ec k d' U III~ f> b U "",-I " ... ,eI" .. " ",h oll ,h ,' ('.·r' ....·11,,, '8,,'''1 ' - .. tJ' t I If' d I I . .. ~ Ino,," cur"l t"'lnrold J'n l ' 000 I. ~ 1\f· ( ·I'n ili (:,II'lw wlllhe"' (tlll(I" · "' l . ·I"" FREIGHTS • VCJ.\J.J!I lIog RIIU llQO ".8 QU III JI8 "ya .years rom t,nltime. III currency. or Bre u, " , • • <, .. . \I oun, · bnlld hrnc c l'3 I' 3 10 IU . . . . . ..t." b i Ili . .. I' I plnln, "u ld,IIl1d clu"lcr, (ull " 000 II I' b • ''''('':· $~. I I'''lI lu,~;,,''" )·liI " 'ur~ lu;o ll'· al Clliho By thl e route ' .rti gh'l!t 01 ~II cI('~~rtll"'! l ~tI HIm'l a OUt ~ 1 uRVu tonte Pkort.t liS qdr convertible at th e option o( the hold er ~1"J les)" " Ii'" '"11 J~ I rnce le ls 8 tu 12 hUlld"',1 I~" $1;;. IhilIYi\ "11'6 rep.a 0 mrl IlC aOID au /.'01,1 nnd Ollum . brllc c le ls 8 to III lioll8 call be 'lJ r-w8rrled to Dnd ~ ro rn ~loI ll1. " to ' Sll~er exte n s ion pen -hul~e r8 12 to 60 !jOUO 3 What t.he Press Say of Us. 1 W,\, II delphia. New York, IJodllltl Qr .a~'liltlUr ,. l41bacrihe myself into , nnd nold pella 000 I~ohl chOIr In i n ch o ln ~ 8 10 3 1 IJt! ' bll - t ' l d th 11. S. 5-20 Sis I' e r C e n t . " 8 lo 18 1)0\)0 IP "ir Ind ies ' s leeve bulluns 3 to 8 Th e l. 'illI)· e"'· ( Ili d \ lln".1 (;'''" ..... I.rc,h 18 , tu (lnd Ir olO ""Y louillt 011 Iho) Rq i lro'n u~ 01 ' olte , 100rfl a"ecs "Y II J e k' 20000 .rtir.lus of I!old penR, JD ""A . '0 4008 pair ella m. II 4 to 10 ISIU .H'·I: Ohi\), K e l\luclly . Indianu. lilin Is:' ·W i. I home 80UU ' B lllilnrre go ld bro ee lel8 310 12 " ,\ 1"·\l,, .. . ,· I.·'I"I.II, .... en \08 GO. -D~ RIN(': D NOS pen.holue rs, bOlh Ai lve~ Ulltl Jc \n,;~" 0' f". hi nnn · t]1l1 Ab C01l8 · U. IUWd or 1I1.8souri, by uilro.d , Ui. J IIkir JIJl at _ _ _ .fulton co i,1111 Thrse bonde Bre wurlh a pre mium goltl. gold J11' 1I "i l~, challiS, 600U CI,ntl . opHI & 1'111. hronci, es 3 to 12 101" "" "~III1"" 1 (If .i" ... I0',1 ,,,,,,, .. 1 I", f" ",, <1 O il . 1 •• _ _ rill gs . licit ., Illlckl es, etc.. 10 to 20 bOOO ('lImeo anti Pl'lJ ri eurul'Ops 310 8 ,,,,, r " "" ,,~,, , l ilH II Ar' "I1"" '" "" (,,,. ''' ~ now rec' . Ilie I b 'l'ho 'Pen nFyl'vnnin Ce ntrlll Reilrund 01 .' 6.'1' OJ' THAT STUMP.-Among the which IlIcr e lldCS lloe nelunl profit Oil Ihe 'l'he 25 0.UOO blt:cles ore prilltcd or 7000 Musllir, J et, Lnvn all" • l1 .. i,,;:, . . 111 • •••• II, r,,, ,.IAle ,\! ('0 . o rl'l ,,')' R bridgj 0 written 0" 11,0 snm" , be I' r U IIIJ:h 110 )'1 11 11) 11 , n C' ( l ll l l ll , rl ' ,n l "t" 1.-", lI ~ ,'I"n "n· 80 roll hellt S.1 I'llIebllrl.l w l'I~' ~teti .. /er .... ' \ ',.. ., I ~ u • lum r 8 IpS 0 1'8· U ,,, 0 '11" h lI1H'\' l' 111(' , '(1 11111 11) 1\ tll d, .. ,,· a ( tr .•• l~.to. I A e s o terll W 10 clime up n '7-30 loa n, untll'ls exe lnpl'IOlt from Slnt" Flur "II' " e Enr 'rop.· 310 1 . by wl,ie" guudd C~ II Le lor wu rtled l ItIJ ,., Id troled reb I .• ., I t I' "d I I ...'" ('tn. ururops 3, 10 10 ' I' he,,' .. ( lul'o ll e aleamer Lady GR,! on 'l'uosd "y. wae per, IU'u eoc, ! eoleG sepB rlllply in s nlllil 1000"\. corti I,npll I "p., ' . Jllld t lIuHl t ~ IUH\ he IIn p lll" llh . rlll 't;,~n 01 uccl'ss ib :p. 1'1)rl 011 th9 011111. ~lu.;~ i\l,: ytl~, a man a little ove, S6ven and 1\ 1t,,11 IInu mUIIIClpO IlXIl Ion Ou S rom :> nol 10 e llv e u pe" ; nutl whell u,d t!rr d, are tak e n 10UOO 1II'"inlllrl1 lor.k e l8 41u 10 '," It. ,,- I" tl, ~ ,·h. ,".·t . r IIf Ih.·i r 11 1(1. 8,,,1 kin. , 'I'entll's"ee, Cumberlond. IlJirioi';:1It ~8 is. ' feel in height. He alarted vut wilh three pcr cellI. more. accordinv t o Ih e uut, withuut rcg llrtl to choke. "lid 8f' 1l1 10 IUOOO "'"1-"1: Bprilll: do. 8 LO 21> "", 11111111'''' ,, ( .li'I'M" I. LII(I",. , It·(·";" lIy. "' 'U " b th e OthJr 66 ordernd by t"II '11 No (',V " rll I OU I " II ' IIHU of Itlf~ J'OIl"" ·'· . • r.· ,""1, '",,,. I"" ,d. d ippi. l\ii '~t)tlri, Arhn. u nncllteil' R~Vllrs ; , filt~ r • II II P Hin " oltl IIII" S , \ e JIlISloun troope at t Il commence - rato le vi ed 011 other prop erly . The inl e r- i8m is ell'owM . 011 recc illl 01 Ih e Notic~, ~.. 410 12 """"I'".flI ' "' "i!'·I1" . ,,,,,I ,f ""' )' "'our I" " ul~dllt C It'vl'l ulld. SOlldu~lcy ,'"~ Chjf.lIllo own c b meot of tbe WAr., aDd atuck to \ h e m unt I bl' yo u CUll see whul you c lIn 1101'(' (fir 1'wo IUOUll se ls I"vip-s' je\\ c lry, gu: rl ,·.·. ",·r. ,' <flirt, II) illlo""'ol 111I,", •• I,·e. In III P \'IlIh &teolOerdlO DII para. 011 tllo Nllrth<1111 \I tOi" .. .t.v. d d'" e~ ! paya e In curr e ncy eemi.unnually, nnd je l - ' 6 to 20 .· "IHI"·''''. 'hey ",01' ,i" ao Wllh " errocl cO llfl- \'V l'S I ern Lakes . , . .. Ie "'~IS WAI ~a.. anI nev e r reo 001l8r s ! Purc ltsse ra llIuy Ihus obl.in a 10000 d ,t, 11 ('0 ," • • (cel\ a, M~rcllollia IlUd s hipperll II!l\lrll.liRI t"~ eeived 'scratch. coon after he WII¥ by coupons t1ltnchetllo.) each not", which Gold Walch. Diumond Rill"', or otill!r valo. comeo, penrl elc. 6 '0 20 or iu' d' b b 1 ' h .. 101100 gilt alld je l :Jrace lel~ 4 to Ii tr811sporllliion of Iheir Freit:111 Lo hill; mllitere toto t e rt e lien Ice t e rcg • . mny be cut olf nnd sold 10 OilY bank 0' uable article for Ihe IIhove 8mell 8um. 100010 crilt & J'el hal suppur'rers 2 10 (;I"T 1) ..Tn,m ITII1""-" rllre " pport ll oily i~ was' iment to which he belonged AppeAred " k In bll Iransaclions by meil, we ch.rITe .. 12 oil" " ·,, f"r "lIln,,,inJl; "' M,,·h.·,. """ill ' , ,r..",ono\ CompallV. c~n rely with cOl\fidence _ i~• . L _' I C I I d d d Dn e r . t f I'!' '"' " !!!', !llh-"' I\\ " " ', fl It ,. hy 1\1" ,. ..•. Arrnnd".t> s pee dy Irollsil. . ' . II ., ;' "ho' i _.pr.lle 0 one 00 rellS para e, an en cents or cror re s pomle nce, p08t~ge ell'. SILVER·PLATED WARE. ,\; Co .. I No. 1fl7 I1ro,,,10.,,, . '1'1,<\, hl\'~ all Tho RUles or ,Freight to und (ram 1111' I, l1li1 afi~ .... e Colonel, wbo prl'ded 111'mself on tbe The inlere.t lImounl.s to Senti tpn ceil18 0,"1 Olio ,,~t 1I• Certl'ficole- )00010 Cl1 p!!l "n l l1lf' Il " f' ~ to l k 0 r Jtllil. IJP,' ,'ur\l. l1g' In . \Ii 1UtL Ihe ·C iDe appearance and good lize of hi s OtlO cent per ti~y on a $60 noto. -12 (or one du llar; 30 for twu doll.rs; $2 10 $20 ","1 "r" oR,·,. oI "' " '''' ,Ioll a, rn "h Th e Ili a. point in Ih e Weill, by .the r~lI,¥,yl a~i", .1 meSl , 0 ..1\ hia eyee .Iong the line. wilh '7b for five dollot 8, 80 00 goblets 310 10 l ... hl1l1'~11 " ". ' 1' (11,,1.1' .1,·np- ,1ol1 " "" .,, 10 tA~" Cenlrol Ruilroad, are 01 all tlm(,11 .1 faIl~ hi 'rwo cents'. H "8100 u lOQuO pair 11 8 pkin rin"8 2 t u 10 It rf' rld H'ltlt· (I f n f ' N '1 A IU IIttwl e , (·ndo!l .. d i ll an v~ra~lo ~8 nre charged by othe r: Jh'tlrO"Ar.L '" a emile of .elf,"atiefsctioo until tlley . ., AGE N '1' S WAN TED. 2i,OO cord hu s k e ls u 410 16 ,.n •• lop', nlld Ar . Il f1 1 ro ' I";r",1 10 " A\" vn '" COlllp"lIle~. ,,',' .;~ reeted on the lowering form of Ih o 11\11 Tell .. If "8500 If 30UO cuk e b,,~kols "" lI nr ,,"I, .'1'011 .,e <h 'i. h" ·.ill, I.... A'lid ,'U' • h h " . I' Any egenl Bending us Fiv e Dollnrs nl [) til 20 "IIi , h "',11 "e,l ai ,," he '\I>rlh ," r. '1) Ih A" ",.; o:::r.Be pnrticular 10 m prk 11J'~~'If"' .,. .... lIeo..,rtan. w en e Ott liS brow s, 20 " " " 81000' one.'~mo. shall re ceive by re i urn mUll. in 4000 C\l ij tors with bouln 6 tll 20 . ,"",,"1 . 11,"1 'lilly b. $fiO or ~ ll1fl. All ,·",. 1. "VIA (>jN'. CEN TRAL R . R. lf ' aad called oul 6' ttlel io lhunller lones, $1 ...." ~ JIIIf)OOO ' au,li tlOIl lu II,e 75 cerli/iellte. un\! 01 ollr 20UO ic e pit c hcrB 10 10 20 Irll l III nde IllI! p( 11 ,I"llnr - [ N Y I" ur t'r el):'h: Cuntracls or Sl\ippUitl ~f• .i" "Get (llf tbl\t s tump . you imperlinent "" ' erticle R. Iree or eosl, vulued nol less (iOUO puir bllll e r 3 lu Tlille R, I''''''''''ry III lim;. • . rec l iun!, "pply 16) \l r tuldress ei~h.4rl ot, I ....., ecouudrel, or I'll order you 1I00l e r IHNoles of 011 Ih e de Qominoliona nomc,1 thun !i ll ae n tlolI"r~ , 8S b slInple to s how l>uOO dOUf', oYAter & ¥ revy ladles 210 8 Mr •• ,.. Arrllnd . l" &. (' u . II n"r lo",! "." " full ow ln g A ge nl d of thll ~¥tI~ P' II.Y. : "~I ,Of Ull •." 'l!he soldiers 100L e d at eacl, ' 11 b I r d lu hib Iri ellus. A J J re6s JOUO e llgruv cul)l e klllves ;J to 6 " o,.<u lIlIlI,. k"o,," I" '''. nnd w". helie "" 11, . ",1 0 e promp t y tlrni she uron rece inl 8 UOO J oze n Ie " POOll d, per tloz. [) lu 16 I11) n r '1 " "), w01'1 I'.V n ( ,,,, I) I... rO llfid epc c. S. B. A'n.qston. J r..... Pltilada, : ether, wondering whaL • Ibe '-Colonel Wt ,. 01 Bu bscriptl ons . and the nllies forlYorucd RE1~ O &.. nROTIIER, 6000 dezl'n \I,1I!98000118 81024 N. Y. S,'o,", h An, erlf' ''" Jvu~n',J J~. W. lhlJ Wll (~ CC?, eu~:~i T meant. FiDding t . '00 ullzen UCMe rt' forks . ' I ed. d' '1'1' 5 I J DOl( 1i 138 . N e w York Cil y. toL 7 to 26 \\'. " , ... ill ' pecIIl.I. AI Ih e nfti"n of A"ran . bbut' DO oned mov "IarKe J: Co.,. ClltegGo. ,I "I aU\ orlty U'eRle "III Isre! pec t III, 8 on ce . Ie t11le r e~ 1 to I I I uly w ill 6000 duze ll lab le forks 8 1o 30 ""I e &. Co: . Ag .. ",·y ( v r ~: ""'l"" " ~"'nll(A' III I L ~ V E S 'r" ~ .C I~, . . . [ rairly boiled with rage, Rnd advancin g be paiu in otlvunce. 'l'hid is ;Ioe Holo Broom, No. 34 Libertv S tr ee l . ""g J,"' ...II ..... I",·\t" "·'nr ,,".·nl o f (". hionnto tbe big loldiur. be ex c laimed, 'Wha' - --- - - _ _ _ _ GOLD l'ENS AND I'ENCILS hi,· a,, <1 ,.l u."1<· j,'w. " ·) 01 Ih ~ II C....t 1'''''' "' ... Drover" ~lId ForlT\e~~ ",,~II . fi\\d' CW, .• _ L1 d l t d' 4 . '1' 1 ONLY J,OAN IN I'I.\llKE'f, A or ever.l· voriety, Irom 3 10 4l!3U. lV e ,, 1' 0 IlOllred ,I Ill ' :;. qonlllll)' 0 1 , il v'1F pl nh" ,e .lCAN,\. 'VA'I'{; II . "" nnclllml .. , IA,HI,h.1 Ib" I\'h vl ~ or th e.e ne w~ y mOHI nllva tllU)!eoUS roule ror Live 810ck _ 10 ~e _ . are you 8 au Ing 001 .oldie' ,esI'ectlIlJly replied, 'on my now otTered by Ihe Guvc rnltlenl, nnd it is RE IUElIIDElt. 'rUE I'LAN. ''''pOI'l eol n!'tld ", .re In be .li' po•• ,1 of 011 n Capar.iUl\8 ysrd s. well w Wlereil "aM" '''''':'' ; reet, €elone);" The Colonel W88 comAn Elegant Novelty in Watches. nov'" I".i ll,·iplo. gi.iI,~ j;',P.llt R".Allt"~•• tn \ \ Iul b ,_ ' confide nllye x pecled lhnt ita superior au. 1111 all en~P8 we charge for fll,wnrdln g hll).'. , .,"1 ",1(" dill 2' .. I" ,,.,,· ~ 01111'1," lII ellt In plied wilh every conveDlencp have lieeQ l pete'1'" n 60 .. , and a8 be surveyed Tho eS8ea of this watch are on entirelv Ihe Cc rt,fir.ntl'. pos tage. end doillg the "1;'0111. . W . know Ih e hnll in '11l~.Iioll to I,,· up.med lin Ihis jilin and i~, ~on»ec"f,lq8 , thi' ,,,hi.tD of Itumllnity from vanlagee will maKe il Ihe lIew inve ntiulI, COm;108tl d of ei x difJ'erc,it bus.i ne S8. the lum of Twenly -6ve Cellls, ve r)·. re" poe l. hl e 811\'\ th nrn nc:hly woo·thy or M!,d every o~lenlion i8 paid 10 their w',fJi.: ' • n'm Harrts burg. where will be '(lundi . I head to fool i"a blank alnlllemf1 nt, be {;rent POPUlllf LORU of the 1" 1,1 0. Itlctnls cornhlneu,rolled logelh e r nnd plan- wilier. mu sl be enclosetl in the order.public cOIl6dencft.- LN . Y-Albioll. 00 mumllied an .pology for hie rudo re o tshed, prodUCing an exact imitotiOIl of 18 FiVI! Certificates will be sent (or il ' 11 The l110at eligible an, I J:lrolil.nhl e eml'l"ym enl evory. con~enle~r.e lor feedinll altd reatit'I;' lft mArkl .nd hAlleoed away. leuing hi ll L CNS Ihan $2 30,000: fo) O~ of the LOlln carat gold, e. yll e dI i\reons, which will al. lor 6; sixty-five for 10.' 'ontl '~e I",," he"Ihe rll O((~'081 (or In,lo Ih • • nlP. o( d llfir.t •• lor Gi lto. Di,.. I,ibulion o( rPrAr· ,0 r.hulf.e II offered of the Phil,delphi" 1 I ~I; ., Ihirtylor Nllw York lind Baltimore M,;keta. .' k meD con'uIae d "l~h laughler. 'Get off authorized by Congress Bre now on Ih e wnys eep 118 CO or. Th ey ole 61 beouli- 1IlIt,. re (or Iii, r.",lal r. & Co. A lad.r of ~lI r .r" ,.01l11"",·.III.. ,b.t .Lump" b e CAme- a. by ,wOfd "i,h lui as solid j!old, oad Arc "ffllrded 81 oneAGENTS AItE, 'VANTED h,,:" .~ry anr c... r,,1 on Ih .. ' •• " . nol onlv in will aleo ~e found Ille .horll!~t. q'uioke." ,. 'be Mi880llri rebell. aDd it wilt DO mBrket , This amuutll, st the roto 01 eil: ~llh th e ~ost. Tl.e C880 is b~8ull~ully filllllg he r own 1''' : .6, bill .1 '0 in <I"inll" ~oon and most .dlrect rOllte for Stock \o.New,.1 doubt live a8 Ion" R8 thb long Mia80u. which il is beinl: Bbsorbed, will 1\11 be dcs lg nc,1 With I'on e l Dod al,ield for name Throul(h out Ihe counlry to ooer ole for tllrn to Iho.e to whom .h~,ol" Ih, CHI,fic.les. \'vrk Lvia A lIenlu"'n I-.nd wlI.b 'It~·. f' • wl ' h I'n. nnl })us l P,n •. , ' 11 8. A large comoell8&lion WI' II be pa'l d, "". WIll he I.pn hvour _.r oerli . ;,,,, ':Oh.l11l1l - chDllgea than Iny Ilther. ....'.. . liaD.-Cairo D-ncrut. " the ull .. e ng'n ed in Send for terms. &c .• cn{'!osing slnmp_ ( Intloy I ~",pn L Aug " •~ eubhcribed for within eixty doy~, when lhe lhe,.~ euct 81yle of celebr.ted Gold , pn c on .... n he. H. th" .11164. pn~.r;.d ·-rN. Y. • Su Morcu,y, ENOeli I.ZWI9, " .• " I
::':II"~:.:"':~hll:l;'o~Je:;72',~, 't.:,
,:.::~",'i,·~':,1 7~ i'~ ~,';
81~ ,,"rloy
r •.
To. F........ ·II ao ..J:TBR.-Take a oCOOlmoo pickle bottle, wide moutbed. Gil it .hhi~ Ihree ieebea or the top ' witb .ater; Iheo la"e • oommoo FI~. ·enee oil cuk. removing the alra" co..ring,lod clean"iog tbe ftR.k thorou£bI)" pillare the ,neck of Ibe ftaek into tbe pickle bOltle RI. rar III it ",ilL go. .nd the- baromeler II complete. ]u ine weathe.,. die water will riee into lhe aeck o~ th .. "I,k nen higber ,\ttln tile mOIlLb of die piokle hOllie, and in "et and "ind;)' weather it "ill fall wit hiD .n inch o~ the moutb of lito flllsk.Berore • heu.y gale of "ind Ihe waJ.er r,al been lee n 10 lelt,e Ih e fl flsk 8110' gelber at le a8' ~gh t bou rs be for~ tit c gafe came to itllie lg ltt. Th e inv enti on wu made Ly 1\, Gor man And communi08 ted to a London j ourllal.
Gen'! Superl ntelldln\ ..... Itoon •• ,p•• , ' nolea will uUolll:.tediy ~olDmatld a pre- alld Hunlln~ Lev e rsar,d.o , IIlltl.re hOlldsume NEW 80RN & CO .• delllrllble e realiy I . The Bri(;. h Whia o( K,n .... to" (' W . a lIoe an Imilation 76 Fultun 8lreet. N . y, No. 2- 186' "0" f ~ . . " U\I, , h • HENRY W. '~E&. mlUm,18 as unilorml, ben Ibe use 011 01 Il old aa to defy delp.clion. The movo. . ", " , ne 0 Our lody ."bl("r,b~rs . hH.:llfi . n A~e nt for Arro",l"f . I< C I " Gen'l1'lcket A&,eni. bJla• .' . W' · e'l • b rOur; ht . ome Iwenly Irlidel lenl •• tlolin .. the lublcriplion. 10 other )oane, S menlJ te manur~ctured bl'I Ihe well. ktlown D.-• • TALBOTT'S P ILLS , equ I) • • on, > H. H. HOtJ~TO ~ " " I . Imer alch Cumpany of Europe. C:onlposed of hlj!hl u coneenlr~ted ex- I~r ..eo ror h. r ogency. 10 Ibil oRice (or inlp,cGen'l .freiaer Ajenl. Phil•• ; " ' 110", ."d w;thoul hrair.li on. we "An alllle Ih,t 111 order lhat cl Iizeol IIr nery low n all d .re IUl'erbly fini.hed, hAving enllraved pallell, IOIl ~Y corvc!u lJrld~es. alljn.tlng trlC:~8 .rrom roota Bud helbs of the I"!rhest •• eh and .11 o( th e Arti.I •• wrre .. nrth Ireh le and sectioD or Ibe countPJ may be alford· rllgul8t~r, with gold balan ce, .lId Ihe im- mediCinal value. Inlllllible in Ihe rure 01 tht "mOlin, or coal 10 the recip, cnh and aO llle . all diseolelof Ihp. Liver, or sny dcr'Il"p_ o( th. ", III I,rue.:· ' ed facililies lor t"kin\: Ihe Loon, the Na- pro~e d }!ewe II e d OCItOIl.' wllh lille dial .nd IF YOU W A.NT TO RNO-Rf .~8Ielon hUlts. alltl ill warrallletl I goud mcnt 0; the Dig~l tiye Org~ns . Th ey re- We hR ... 10M .om •• ~,,. P,.U, •• P r.i"'AII4 0 f mOlve II I ImpurilieB of th e Blood. Bnd ire T."I •• nr! T •• ' pn" n. Gold Wnt"h L 1. • A LillIe 01 Ii!verythl- ,,1111'"'' to' t 'h e" hu- '\ ti~n'l Buk., SIBle Bankl. 111&11 Privllle liMe-k ee pe r. nln kera. ~h ' th• ao.ntry ..,.aye . These wnlr.hes are of thrce di/fprent II~equa Ie d 'III t IIe cure 01 Dlsrrhren , Joun - C"". "", P ,no. 8,Hr. let. • . etc .• I.hieh . '-'. - I tfe.lle;:.• tIT .. . roug h 0"_ hov" "'b •'r' • n lBun sl'.-.em. male aad ceneralL:« eg.reetl. \.8.Jeceive 8ubscripiiollS S,zp.s, lhc s ltlallest bei rrg for L.dies Ind dlCI'. Dys pepsin. Scrolula, nlliousn ess by AhrAnC' I" & C~. to this pl.'n rn. nil e entl 'rl!ltment.f ~e~ tJ.. .. . .rd.1!1t" ue all RlIltling Cases. A caee ~f lix L iver Co mpl.in" Fevers, Headachl' Pile~ ' ~ ~ ;SB,,-IIC .- AngeJ. ca Report er, N. Y.• r eb CUSIODia of the world; ho~ to",'rrx WClIl., ' at pa, • . Sub8criberl willselecl thlli ' own WI". be Be Itt lIy 1II0il or Expreu (or "lt6. Heir edillar y HUlllors , Dose. for 'adult~' ~~G~~TS DDd .. ~boulNlnd thing. neyer oublilhed be"gellle, III whom tile, bne con ffrlc II ce, A Blngole Il ne w"l bo !e llt ill A I,olldso me pi in th p. m ortling, children hilI(; nnd ,WBl,'aA'd"b in u")1 ro· 'e re, read tile revised Ind «idUiO,. .nll who only are to be rc s pon sib l (or / nr, oroli cco Co s e fo r $25, will re n,:", selt pl. rom onp. Lo thre e pills will cure "011"''1: An I th . ~lIvn on ro " "ty '" tf" uf ''MEDICAL CO)IIIIOK. SEIII:a..~' • . I1Irio .... • n ~ or t li ce Illn es thell e n s l. \V e D;e 80le orrl i nory 1'06e~, ond fro m one 10 three bux- f'" TIl r~' "I ~ on "~:;,\I"'el':~ '6'~~' witt " ll Ot book lor curious peupl\, . 11111 a good bo9.~. . Ih e tltllv e ry 01 the note s lor IYI.Ulh th ey A,!:,rnls for Ihl8 wOleh in Ihe U nited cs will c ur e .r.urabl f! 01 11 0 nlolte r I Ih e," .. provid ed Ihell. ,·r.. 11 " ,,,,r. f? r every 400 i1>o ' iI r ecei vo o~ders I S ID le s, n uu 11 0 ne nrc /!fln u illo which do h~ \'v long sl.ondl ng. Price $ 1 pEr box . , "Ia" IIlllu rr "' r nl ' .. ~ ... t, ro n h. lio ns, Pr,oR 81.50. Co'n f l'l\tlt '"hIes . J & ..' c: .. () K I nol h ~B r om '!' rnue mnrk . Addr ess '1 r ....... .. e Bn pplll'lI or .e lil by ma il. - , Arnc~ nil ••pp"rllll~n . A/t PII I! "' ill co ll cr.l 21i senllreo to any all4lre81t, -Booke mn'] be11 . ~ u .E ftJ 'r ( ' lIl o; r elH II C e r l lhrJltp lln<l r f'01 i t 15 • I d h B ' G I R A R D \OV . l>EVAU'G fl & CO Yo u OTT A:,IJOTT, M. " . & Co 10 us. cllh .. in r .. h or p~3"" "' " cen I on . at I e ~Ok~lOI'eS, o~ ~illlJe I,n - by, . . . AllclII, J'ltiI mde lph io. l\l ul den L a n., n N .•. ,. " I 1 . l y. (j:.ll:' ul tull :ltteel, N.uw . " "'1'" I, ,"atl , P(lSss. I pald\ on rece ipLof !,rlce, .. ~ J I ·'.v ( '0. . Addre ,,~ . B. FOOTE M'D .
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Y JULY 19, 186d. /
t:~n CIII,"ol!lloti\"tI~-
Can't J)o WlthQQt a Paper. have '''rullk Ito-m frrqueOlly Allticltlm. litor.. 1 Sketcb of Cape May. Bow 1.0 Dresa for a :Photocrapb. Btranse Freak of a ChUeS. Whal! do Wilh<lul ..... p~r1 1\0, jL Ithe h~,ubt: and ~Q clo t: inlimllc), wilh he " eAt d IhaL Ilie t\\ O tilolbnl /Iltd I·•• mad illOi ".." •.,I·r""·1 I? J he eXHoliog letter alld pro- b~n killed III MU1'fl·e.:,boro. "'lIlally, pr M il)" ia, llito extreme s("Iulhl!m A hHly ~r gl'IIII"018 n hll\ing mnlle · Lasl Monday mornin!: George . \ 0. 10 .uh.cribe IorOlltll'lI go, leCII"g .1I.~mmanda vf Ihe Church were Ion Ihe 3d of July, ill the clharge upon III vf tll O: re,loublallle lilLIe ~"Ile of up he .. (Ir hi~ mind I~ be pho~ograph d, 1\ boy only even yealB 'old, r8lidi~Il~; NClrw"it ulltil 10-lIIl1rrow. Ito~1I r"h:;Ioully I ~eedcd .. though Ib~ ,&I- l lh O Ollion oeMrl! III Geu.v burg, he I w Jl' fht"y. lind nt"lIr wbt"T" Ihe WRI I·~ 118:url1l1)" consld.· .... HI tilt· firsl pli\Ce, PI~8 nnlville, lbiTIY mile s from gtbo Shou ld lo\·~n drowlt or hanK ,h. ltl.elY ., 11l1I~RnC8 WA i JU t III ~eg~II1I·. 1111> ... 1l8 woundlld IIlId IlIkell ~.risollt"r. and , lIlt, !l 1 ~RI D tl lllw"re Blly debouch how 10 btl dre ...ed ~o 118 to .. bo" uU· 10 cit)", lold Ilia pRreols, ir Lhey iuei led Qr ~lo\h rrOOhihc.f~r. stllge, ~o long Ih~ II b<.o nllnllll~ n, of tbe tlehlined liS II nU.·lle in II Pt"nnsylvllnill l IhE' Atlllnlic ocean. it i~ !"Illher a Ille bt' L IIlhllOlltgt:. 'rhis is by no ~1I 8"ndinghi m L08cllool, ~h"lbe\Vould I n~.ergelll\ bearor i l~llIhoho church, Ilt IIt SI furni shed, in l hOhPillil. Frvm G.eLlnburtr he WII8 , liy lillie Cil:Y, t' xlending IIlor.g Ihe mtlllil .stich 1111 un imporlant mlliler "". Ll.row himsilif on lho Hl\rlom railrolld gll)'ut. m~st .rt.ccon~p~ish .. 11 I~nd g ifL · IW llt 10 WeIll. B ui ldillgl!·HofJlil~I, l'rall l It. It ilK S a ~1"lldin:; pODulalion ruany migliL iOillgillo. Llit m e olfa n truck, which WIll nea r his falh er'sl"nLl I du 1t 0\ 1,.Le Ih" I'RI'H. . ' . cd rUUe, Iht! favoled f!lend of the (nO) , stl eeL Bl\hlmoJ·~ Rnd rt:mllined Li"l "bout six hundl" ,d, Rlld 1I0·t I lind f w word 01 advirtl touching drcsi.- IInu '·flcei vll suoh injurit:e 8S . would \\ hy , _he.·~' III)' 1Ir.'ghhor, <l 1~ John . IDU I . , il:y. Juhn \"i.il"il Ih theaLre 11.5 lhough OOIQber 1863 wl;ell selling' no hopll ~fll dill ccommodillion for IIR many Orlln~.6 olor, for certain oP lical rea- cvmpel Ih~m to keep bim· at home . • 'dlcl'h~")'8 I'Ch'·' Ihcl2~wl " Ilhe rilliltl lu,d nl:~t;'r forbidd en it. nnel II' xehnn,,'!: Ilu 'I~<~IIt:J I" ,. ,. " ' ·Imellt of I . Somll of the hOl el~ 1\1 · on l I t < ~ I · II 01 k Isl '1'1 I I I. "II "."'1( ne ..'. 10 I.. uu t I I · o · ~ U,e~ v " . ~ " . " I' 'I! 'grllp lICII y, I\C. ue lliy Iloug It nOlllng, o( the lhreat. He 'Jfl~ar 1'i~1' Ih . .. blu ..... ' ~ UI ~Ol :e r 18 UOL allown 10 hllVIl ob · cIIYalry al Flluqtli r. lIe rt'llI~ illt:d ill i wpo~i ng buil tlings. j 8otn!! of Ih c 18 whll!!; vlht::.r bh .,U,;~ or lvnell ~f cui· having order d !JIm lO IIchool forthwith, Wh/I" oluer yo,." ill ellIlUI. J ~e,lli tl: .I ndeeu, . she Lllcom~8 exce~ d, IhllL uvicll till J~nullr y I. 1865. whe III·" r alher picture~ q uo Ilud I'r Rre propor~lolllllly unrkcr or IlghL~r lind sUJlposed he had gOD8, unlil 111('1 t lJ il lllilld i. tillill., ,·wl"'r! I\II>.IY .1n.lIIII l\Ie Willi Boolh. Rnd ft:1I ~n . he bt"g/lll to tle8pltl~· of the cvnh~ o e rllcy, II lid letirin il", liS ~btsy C,0,'lLllln mo r8 .0..1' Ie II o( 111I:!' 1l'IUUPU jle had ~~\culed h~ Ple aro" ·jh. cal',e i. pl~il' 10 1,. lf all ~,·edl"l lils I lJ tlulJnc~ 10 1111 ~.xle~1 wlllc.h CKII1& '? AIIl.xlluurlll, . tiol Ll IllS IlOr"., m 1,,011. Tilt' colors . . I he progrt'sslI·e "cRle ~ r pliO · Wllt:n the 10 o'cloc' up mllil tr"ia' · H".lwayop\ el lbep.per. has b" oll h<:r rulU. Certlltn Il now IH l gll\.<: hid Dltm" a" PnYlle,look Lhe oalll ) lUI! )"1It1ler nRrrow. but 011111 togrllphlc ("olvr ClIrlJrucnc"s wllh lh o JlflS8CJ over it, severing nearly Iho . thlll J . W. Boulh btCII OI Il tI,t! rC1l1 uf III1('gi nDce 1\11 1\ ndug<:e flom Fttu. plt"asllnt. as th e cool bl·ce ze (r ool / 'ig"I" .t. TIll: old "r ~llIuds thus- wh ol;) of 'I is hRUd from tbe limb. Tile Will'e· n.i~hlJor !'tout hur•• tI th e ....... mall"'l" of the widowfld MIl')'~. bur. qllior, lind wellt to }j " ltilliore. ) Ihe OCt! 1I11 r""s tlt~m. As it is I"fl 10 whitt'. IlghL · bluc. \·iolt"!, pillk. mallV" , f'ng ill e(' r percoivillg him Ihen for Ihe "IIlI kno ... Ihe rllro·~"1 price, rell IIlId ~I:" conlroll('r of 1111. p~rI8inil~g H~, e III, found him elf withou t wo ,k eKe" illd i, ill,UlIl (~clenll. up his olVll ldnrk.blue, I" mon, Lluc.grl!l' ll. ItJlldll.!r. lir s t lime, slopped the Lraill, when thu And .,~••.,.• lllillli. hi. P, "nd Q8. Iu har,I . j 1111 '·!!bull of tllllL Intimacy I~ or m"111\8, I\IIU lie ing ulla~tluuinlt·d wi lh hou IIlcludrng (he w[llk . brown. .'tirl\lI. CC:rl se. mn f;c IIllI. yelluw . child mn olf, lind wns fOllnd, wit h his 6, tM~ing 1(00<1 8.'yir~; II d se lind p."C'''.f l no.w, P 11111 lO 1\ . . . IID.y .truua. loullo Illueh d,fliculty i ll ob · 1 Hn 811t·"'. ' 1 ~ ".1 runl, .l I . " .. e 1\. ppel\rs 10 grl!eu, UIII k ·brv\\ o. purl)lc. rnJ. limber, ~ hllll\;r l'tll\l\d bleediog um bl'lhintl 1118 I fJlJlnol kll II", I,riu o(cRlvt.. JI I b I J I S I 1. .1 f •. o.n urI"nll. UIN In lllillil'"0 \\Iork. Wldle l.l·ill" idl., rtL 1\ 1ue R ulH'r.lly 0 nplilion In thal re· , momn l!, vrnUlfC, ul·ad·blac k. CUIO . Im ck. silling 0111\ fl'ncll whislliog Yao. O( I'0ullry. cohU.IKp" , Of 10" ,' ,c f I U~ al", ' ,. '" '" hilll @o me IH,v el' v"r\' nonkIJIEu:iollhllslobe much cOlIsid,'r,,1I ill I(e e l)oodltl, Rnd preleo U·II· llg nOIIII. n" AII~ LHld ul Illerolmlld i C, I uf'.. 0 "PPOP. t"lIy. J1 u \"'~ 1\ well . to· 1b(lllrding 1",u 8e illlO which he hau b"t:n I apect J n lIe(uu.~ I luk" no ""per. tV "llnH, li\"llJ)( Kb Oll1 len milt·s fr om IldmillciJ ot Hllltilllore. olrllcoH occur · , lIlId corllcr "hining lik e pinll. othl'rH cO lln et: liull wilh dre ss. lJlll ll ue~ eRn IItIJ IlIlppellvu . Before he could be ll\. WRshingluli Ill! Illj(.lt.d 10 I l i~ bU ~ i · 1 red. ill w" ic h he bl'ca Ol<: lillgnf{ed. He / lhink ~ 111t1 grnss wHlk~ \V o lll~ b It sofl wenr mu ch li ghl~r color 11'"11 !Jruncll~s; k~n IloUle. George fllilll~tl from pain Though I h.v e .tuuirl .. hie h r.qu,!"" IId~ . R ~ ~llrUier lht: ,.ffico .of pO~ ~tnllsler was arrealed Rlld luktD lJe{ore th e Pro- ~CCt;b S l on. II lid .of co u!"se CulliY flle 11." ·01 Ihc 11I~ll'r IIlwnp prtsl: lI~ b ~~ ltr Ill " . >llId loss vI blood; but Whl'll reslored Much li",e .. ud III~"I . IIKbor, 01 Ill S vlllHg t: 1111(.\ !' Cp l In IIlIdlll on a vusl Mars hal, IIlId IInh-nd 1I0rah of In fr onl of Ih (-I I" hou~cs, It IIII S va~Wly lllr" ~ IU UfL!l, drl.!~sl!s. LUI Ilt·ILller look Knl! /I ~ lIrgeo n WIIR tiumruoncll, he re . Yell r.. " .p."" R liltl e 1"" 0 IlIrgt: coulltry s lo~·e . .Alr". S.urrell WIU 11'1: iludf'lphi. Whd e I",,,·i ng Ihll CiLY 1\1 1~ 11~t. "" 0: 11 in pn.ilive wliilt:. Yivle nt CVII ' fURt'd ,uOSLous linRlt,J y 10 lllk" any uowAI l\"oU""SloUIIUY lI ei-hho r. I1\ $ CIIII! f II\' I pe r III I liS b UAlnl! Sri. IliS ' I II! me t 4'uoIIi. 11 11 e lvld Ihe le lDpler 'T' IC c·" "11 I ry ArnUntI tie I CI· Y t ·IS 11\ . t rlls lS 01 co ' .1 b tl j.: unrucu .1 . ' " urI 10 lOU 1u II . t,I (' IIC IIHcnl. but told the meJiclI1 gllnThougll lio"o i pl «loUM . I CUll uoe Jib cJ I 11 d j f . . I " ¥U ll 0 tn . "lllg 1\ wil nllll rec kles~ Ilia tttle . WIIS p .. oolln,d fvoJ ""UIJIOu~y, I .11"f ai, Hn (l.:sLlLlIlc v lliciurcsq ll .. galUst. II plllllogiuphy. IIIUll elles pos· II~mnn tu cut A\\III)·. 'rho 8cllipel Wl\8 A longer IIl1d",,,hll·I,~ r, I I ·' I II Id I I. . I A"d lhul thk" Ih"e 10 ·'read Ihe ne w." ).0111 I.: t"lIlp oyc~ nt Ihe ti~e of Lis IIlId wilhout queslioning the purposc of 11 8111." It es ; vul lh en It "R8 oLliel I ~e~ .'L grllal "I\d\,lIl1lqg u O\·er Iheil· "uir, use d 00 Ihe OIall\:led limb, bUI Iho litll~ ' 1 .. 1111:. b t.Jtll\ IU 10 ·the consplI·,\CY for Bvo,l h. ., "(I\'e hl!ll Fl·1I up 10 11I ~ pU ' IJOse. 1\1Ir ~Cll o lis . It IlflS R'll" 'IIIIU rOHd~ . I ,·r 6Isl<· 18. 1. h~ I" Hly' ""oIJ~n Irt:S"tls f!'\low lIeyer wlllml)c rcd or cOlTlp lllin cd, ' 'J.h.,r~ (ure, 111 . .l,ek. the po per. t - - _e._ wh 10it hiS nJOlllll r I(VRS l"xllcUIEtd. En· Nexi morning- BooLh gave him 11101\, prell)' fllrm I,vust's, Rnd nt lll cO ltages . Il/S6 nil Illclr Il"I\n spl\ r~ut brillinnc)" l\uI/l IItl r,e lrc ml)I;-u uuring tho oper~ILgl"t.llll "'~5e IICl lVIl pursuils N .. ". ey t'nvugh .'0 buy,. Chllllgll of el('lhillg 811I"1"U II~ (I ,'<1 by ~y'· II · lIl1 .. J g'lI"dl'lls and I nnd IlI"e re pres enled hlll ck; whil st lht: "lilln. wldch must bl\vo bee n verv Mra . Surratt &hd Lew:ia Payne. t>UI r<tl t, "ho was Ilaturlllly a WOlllltn Qf IIlId ktlt'p him lor" w"t" k, nnd Ihl'lI g 'lll'n fil'lus . VOle pr II)' copst::s of l 'b, lllnie blue. ' lheDlt; of rllpluru 10 Ihe pllillful; ililiced, th e boy did not speak ~Irvng I\lind lind n~f\'es . "ppeRrs 10 proce~ do:d to wOlk on II .., mind of his fortst glAde lind bru s h. trord c h!lrtn· pOt; I. is IId st ry lu Ih c phologrnph lll"; IIl1 lil iL WR S over, wbe n ho re,ullrked DIOGKAPIIICAL 811 ,,"rOUES. Illtve gl·lId'ulllly CP"lrKcled B hll.hit of vic,i lli. del,ioting" 10 him lbtl ima~inetl Ing r~ II~I\I" (ur 'wlti ~ pe .. in~ lo\"crs .'- for iL is pUL clltirel)" out. Th e sim · ''''It !;r~Ht Iriumph. 'We ll, 1'10 ghld I Aft Ih !i 1\1 11 0 f D II I dt'oia ivil IIIH Chllra(:tt"rilltir. of or co m· wrongs of the :Su ulh lind tha ~ul h ofl CHpe Mlly I..t:ing fI killel 01 p~ nill,ulll . ple.L hlld mOML tU·~cliVtl WRy of rrmov did il; I can' l be ~e nl 10 ticho(ll f()r 1\ ,. 8~ye lie 1111011 wilh h!: r \i'·X. !::i he IIppe31"S to he.' opprt'8Fors, "lid wruu g ht hilll up t"t: sUH·bn'~ ;1l l"mpl'rs tlttl nir lit "II Inl,{ Ihe ydlvw cnlor frt/!11lhe hllir, i~ 10 wltile Hllyhow.' The child IIcled WiLh k~H o:,a ~~ '1u,• I1Ie 110!L Now ~,r • or pu lic IlIl erE'S1 I I I I · . I .{ . . .. . . 1 I· 1 f II I J I · I I· . . I J . ' "" ' 11 )t:tlt mllsc u lIIe not on y In per· to II. IHle 101 !'+' IIZ ICt! pns.ivn 10 1I\·en"", IIm e~. mll~llIg It ul' II:( II u Y coo an flO Wt l' r IL ll elH Y w 11i~; Il IS t lin \VOIII!llrlul coolness. sRying htl first puL I · I I I I. .. IV lie I 1111 ...,tn celll".·t: upon hUll 1\8 d ' b . d ., I I I . . ., I · ·1' ·· · bib I I I I· . I I " 1 I d· . .. t I ' . ~Olllln mllnut'r. Ulmlll ,811u I)fOIl" I· I Ie wrOItH s ot "IS counlry ond 'ot. p t'IHant 11\ ~UII , m C I". hell Il IS SII I(I · I"oug It to n OUI Ill' fallH' P ICJlogrll}' t. lid fI ~ II IIrO! 011 tiC IrR ck , bUI rCllocttll"· belt Ibnbg·d· "Pllfll o(llt!fcoln8'pl~I"II"Y outt'\"erydl!IAilof Ih e cOlispiracy ~ht Idlll~"'f rt g ht wilh Ids co·unll\·IlI:n lubtlfret'fl olllOlusquitocs,wlll chi s rul"e ic lilltll in nltllln,. The ~"UIU !"Ule inglh;'lw lll"nllcg rt'wup he wvuldnot I\' IIC ro e IIU coun ry 0 ~ III I'es' I· 1 I I . 1 d ·· J 'r N J f I· I . ' I · fl .•. d 11 S nppt'Bre as !flo II snE (o:lermlllCC liS whv u.pl~l'd IlIIu a5 1\ rtCI·t:Hnl. U<lolh or r ,·w .rsey se . "pp I\'S to comp ~XI'l n s. A be Rhl u 10 wrile well with the 1081 of ·1' I( 011., C lit' Y ulrt:CIt! 10 I' ra. ur · 1' · d 1 . d B 1 I· · . l' 'I 1 I (I' \J( 'COlil I . . . ·bl I . 1. • ~ It L . P i l i ")111: Rn ". I fllern"nt' A8 oot1.- 511" itS VIClill1 WitS ready 1\1111 Oil Ih" "PO 11 av. ((\0. IRS n mors!' 0 li S· I" ,'C" c (lUII~ 111\·1 I e III .t S I(>rt ul'· Lhal lilllh, he 8ubsiituleJ hia It!h . . ·Hia !" lUI ' cWI ' 1I~.~1 "8t'J~el ne:u. lmust Ill'l"colIll"olo\'el" hcr ' ne,·vIlB, Iit'r t'X· CVCUill " of Ih e 141huf A'pril lit ciuht loryt .. UU"~\(\lr. 'l'llOlIgh hhl! II !!\'(: I tlll\cc.is . 011 RC t:u unt.of il" ycllolVcol. pRr.,nL~are\Uuchdi8lre6d~U IItthooc. IInporl""t CIIIHllc""ra. ,a eV lt tl llCt I· If · .1 ,0 '" Ii I· I ( ., I . II _, . IIUS serve d 811·11 furI Iler l ....'Ofllllllr)' Ihe !Jour had . gun', l' llo"tlIlOr 01", l"<.'nu erUl "'tl~ t pll ill • U. Y Vi"IIIICt currellc~. ulld BpprullfnJ if he is Bent . bII fora ' LII~ eou.·1 . '.1· Be I· pO S S"8~10 I I 1l (Illu her t~ · 0 clock, he Ivld . 111m . . I III I II! wllr 0 IlItI " Pt·lld . . . · .... ~. 1< II co I·10n ·10 ·.. U lIy hH mnscu s lruck, pll\c~d III III ~ hlll'd8 lll" kllif". In Ihe aiR wllr for the Ulllv n. sl.II I sl,l' \\'''l'1I l. phulogruph(:u . 1 he pull box Lo ~ ch l)o llllTlLiu, Ibul he will uIJs·l roy 10· d If" Jfa. S utrau· Ullt I scrvo I· I11I"ICl\le l llIrollg I . . • • .. .1 r1\1"( ' I 1\8 IlO e C IlIrlicter. 1111.1 Ilt~ uuorU8 p"ckll '"<fO of hilS 111\(.1 her IllIpnltnnl cjlOchs 8 1Ie IIItK Ileell IlJllu" to /I I1\11 d ,vrw . I .11111 pr!'pllie us fur Ihl! lh e rl'\olvtr . . .. . . 111 16 · mu s t UII.! ca" 'II 1111(1. Ih e IISHSlflllce 01 him~elf. I Ii ,. I f · . I O~ClIpll"" .. IIcll Wt! II11Y6 vf hcr prr · me\!lcllle, anti told Ilim 10 d., I is dUly 09, Ih e rell" wnecl Ill'ndllek IIlJd . on art. h'l l: let me In!tude nnt: \Voru 01 'I'htl Loy's conduct is almost iOE'xpli. J "cl.~llIrad 0 L.Iltl118gloup ~:Inll Allalllic coa~t i·n hi~ gcn~rillntlvil·" seell , cllble, allU his furlitutie and determi"". III' • an ~ \lurl) now I!XCI more v.IIh", resL ~Oll'. .. Ihr forly··l\ve yellr8 . IIiIU 1101 1111·1\1" ., ., .him Il houe, ",·ilh din,c~iong I~ slIIIed 1I0wil Ih e . . . . .\1I111l. RS WU ,,"v/! . 111811 all)' of lh~ oOlldemned . 'I'hl;! "en · .efveu 10fc,ouIII","II.CI l\t~. l'U"ct. O!I Iler ro eul him I\t AIIIICOS\R bridgc. Pow!!11 0111 CII·uft , tlll O 1,1),,111 Mvon. a Snfl~r liS .~!Ie IS nlllOsl rr1"lill y\ Idf'"~ ~tf· u Iby Ifl~lil, lind tioll f'x troHlflliIl8l"Y for olle of hi. leotler rill I·ApU -I Ie f tl . ~f II 1 ~0 1l ° wr IICIIVC ul Spusllion IIIHI \\·t" lll 0 11 hltl wily IIntl "cco01pli~ht:d the mout I 0 f l'o ~ flwure. ~ l lIg ul8 )"t' uw I I" uast; I. I \t·re 0"·, \"011 y~llrs. We hove known II. gre"t mRoy • ~ g IN leo Ie I!XI:CUllOn 0 a I b· .1 I f II ' . 1 · · II I I· \ • 1· 1 I I I I'. romllll 81l11!c1 ·"t'il l eirll ' to ·Ihll IUltir. III tl S~, IIDu I III U ,rouuded, AlIIRzo deed aL l.Jr. ~t:wI"d'8, IIH is {nmiliar to ht:"rlt:lI~u from pro5t: cullng Ill S re · WOII t (C " p yV\lr OOIOP I:J( I O I~ C /Jllr '~nd III ~ peoV t: W 10 ( iu i"e lhe I·outille I\nd til wlilctl ·WIII!I ~ It •.~ I d . · IIIHIl '!g u/t, \'·1I8/ IlUL Ih e lelSL fllllc·d . - 'HO lY one. III hill dl'~pllrlllion li e nOI sell lch(- s. he r" l urlled. Sonle f'lUr!~lj n lice florn 11I1I . fr t:ckl,,!! wluht ll\klU~ contiIH·m~nt 01 8choo1, but we nevei" ' r rlt ~'lr'<;('IJ· 'PM . · lll~ rS· RII I,e, e 1)11 H.-r (lice \VIIS full. I\lId if \tee dull,rt"o)' onl\l siubbed Secrd~r .. s.,ward bUL in . \"t'lire laler. '\JI11I Cornelius Jacvb 8e,· ~· Olll" dellghlful rllmbl1:6 lit the Kensidl:;, before hl'[ud o{ ono "ho .preferrod to , V~ rl i"u ,C "' I , ~'wiW , ~ · I:f WI 0:)1:~ I lut II 1111 I IIlIghlofwltrlllLhlOlitllUl. . ... . . . S \\l<lUlltls"pOIIM • " D .l.I ' • I· d I.uy nlmf'1I1l8 I . I bl lie VI!II. . l pllrLWILI . I 1·lI~arm rll(lerl I bao ·.u b. he.Jev9urad "l"Iltr . UIf!I~ · fllcled~enou ...' A G . ·10 "'''y.el (,Ilch '·· ShIpper. clime III tilt: tl~Cllr tIEl Q)lt , . i u • ~~ 1l.• ,~.aH~~14I811. · \1011101 UIIYO .",-inn l. .... Lilt! '~o" DC a. :::i.t:.wlltil. J\'rull.l:rit1·K W _ uaDselL HI . : ' 'ilot.J fHt her (or il, . con~i~""er~1 8B~ l"ultl!(k't'Ah'll\ · d~'li:"rilfl~~ O!.tur;"no :rreltt: ::::.\"~id4Y(jJ'1dJI{"er.-. ' L _ _ • _ _ .~ . 0 _II; ~ -A .> "'t'il pr" lcne u volupW8l'Y. !Slll tilt: 1'. 1'(".(Jln501l. allt · CllnlO nt'flr kllhng It e 1:; •••... 0 , ..... ... _ ....... n". L II , . ' . . ., ~' . '1I~.s . Su'rr~i (.'lIlti ' M"ry Ji!~' Je",l'dns, ~rlly t1yt'8 were ("u lll IIlld 1i(~le!,9 Bud Frt:dt:l"ic\'; W. SewI\rtl. 'He !Jas' nQw Slill cnOlI! a Ihird IIdvl·n lull·r. Hamed more ouslrUCllOnlo lhc IIlllime rllY" of. "'~A ~I'PI i~ \!Ie; aptlllg of 182~, .~ud Iii ;,dueJ 10 th e IItll8cnliltity of ht'r lip . paid .lhe L<:rriblo: penHII}' of hili clime. Dnviu l'~ It-r~OIl ue Vries, wllO plllQtetl 1.I~e ~ UII 1.,hRn \Vh:'t:. ,1.11l1f 1\ Yllrl~ 01 About Pension" ~1I~H'lyKge . WI\!I ,dflslilled (')I: 1j, COli · "fwllullce. TII~y wllr' sddo ln IiL up '._ IIcvlollyntCHp lTl!nIEJpt't"onll)t:ellsl )tllllw 1Ic1,lllough !Jllhllps ~ot l el Y The following ilcm88houltl be pre· , we l.lll..!i.{ .11 p~rcQlw.. ·whv L)" .. Xcilt:Olallt or "Iell_ ure, Iholl"h (lC · General Grant's New Bouse. eOll8t of DelawRre, but l'l e ·, IlIdilln, ht-Co.til ,n!!, will bo more t' Hic:tClouS Rnd I . 10 wllom hnn8ion" r I' I I· · · II o . lut 11.·\· . consldl!rably ~h e Rp('r IIHln II .nUUl't of sen S IOWlllg f ·' " f ,~I 10 IC~'P.tl lIaameu.1 I III I·IILIl ".n d mil· U ' .IO'lI\ II Y I\ley t! I."mr d wllh fll·'·IOI18, ma de --1101 .·'~.',work . of tll·" n) . I',! ,~~ -J • . .' , may ed, be usg'rnnttd. Thoso enlilled. 'td, tii18¥K I . • II ~ II \I .ij .' B) r. 01' II lelll lity g late w"ichjodt'x~d llaB lieu.! Ttle mllnsion pr.esentC'u 10 LILt: Lieu. it!r, a ~ I(\"p~ ~, r"r~hI\8t'.d Cnpc Mil.'" ,k.. l} dor.-All the Ycur Round. pClIsiolls IIr!!' : ,,~, e~ "" I a t: t\JI hU!".' C" Ii p"PI~iono 01 Ii er ~oui. lellAIiL Ut'IIt"rlll, i·n Philar!dphill. ;:1 ~rom thtj. t".WuDL ~"Ier~ '" 1630, nnd I. JI,Wldid8, di811bllld .Iaince M..,eh~ olio St!minruy II~ Alt'xa\l<lria Th ll Fo" I . I II IWtlnt..\· · I \\'0 f~t:1 front, ont! hUlldrt'd Rn!i III 1641 It Wi\8 Il glllO hought lly som" The StuyvC!saut Pcar·Tree. I!lOI, iu Ihe milil~ry , or nll'l\l sllfYio8 . homeoflh""put'nt 'III'tI' "1'Hr' ,· 1 Ir,~~R~l°I'L·\Vo · lpre:~o~sSo Ie . Swct.li~hllg(' n ls. JnI654lhe".dvubt . ... . ': n, "'" I t , I III un l' ,.lur . InCO II .... ra. lir"11 live ("el deep, I\n ll four slmi"8 in IlighL. 1" S . d d I. -of th e Ullilcd ~LatlJS, while io Lbe liou J ilktns ""W'IWll 1i11ll· S Ant! 1\ h ld f fr t'l lll I I U I · I ' Tho frOlll i. vf sandHlone, and hl\s II IIhle 1 del" lu)"vesRIlL Mce ll I:" t ,e ThiA old. li\·illg monumel}t of Dutch of duL,' . ' Dclnware. l!xlinl'uishinJ¥ tl; c ~ nl>lll ' I L· 1 oj lhe ' b,·I'·· e/i.l ..... iO Jhe · NIIVY· vllru_III~ I 11\1 uim t'f"~IILgle( klld' I Ill. 1I~IIt·e man LJ " .. ~ L ~ 'l"nr.f>nt 0 a Ot a e runlln ' svstc n bld~ony IlIlIler Ihtl fil"Sl s to ...• winuow", .,,, col ulIllIl liml:s, ' ".~ ollce more vten In 2 ' VilloIVs of ofliceT~, 80ldier~ aha ' bri~'c ov~r ,,11i··11 "00'11 w~: '1~"II·lj l ':· '· :~g I · I . I J . , . 1 J ~ 1) lIrk vf Swcdi:;h )101\'1'1" Il'flL rl!l1llli nl!' 1. I I I I d d ; v U n . , -< ~ u uy W IIC I " U1l"1!r' lIllnU 9 commUIlICAI.vll In Ihe llotcriol' tl,\) nr"lIng ~ lUelils oum · I I . I I 1 f lu 1 b u~'o m. I I ~ 1I0W IWo 11111 re seAmcn who have died o( wounll' to" 10 It 'A T,t': . I IIlis · I d !llIe I bilJ~ e l.. '"il>! l\cll and IlI)IIVcnit"nce. Th~rt: 11 ioUU·· )~~'l.UO:II1 YI go t 1Il10 II ,(J11 Hl n'i, , ~, ,til. d, , n/,;I·t 01' oJ-rid ..'.-.. , Wl\S k ~p,I up b.. IWl"en 1',IC/111011 ' I I · 0 lIud tw ollly J\'enrs , illcl! I'eler Stlly ve · 1col·I.t:d or dl·.~U8(\ c:olllrlloled j .. lIer,I~" !renly one yeA rs IIgo Mllry E J ell · \V I · II J. I is It 8pacious IlIdl, II lid II hliliti some slllir tl 'e 1"111, 1,11'" was blat Ul\ y co tlllIZ · Slllit pilLIlLed tltis l .."e, which, Ilka thc l " ~ "bo\.o. ~ " ~in. ai.. nlllrrl· 'J> ·t .... Jvllli fJ Bu· r,.t' III~ II II gLI on. I Cl" lti~lIf' V Ill, IIppiap ~d by li . he,mt·n lI:tru cl" d 10 iL by iL~ f CI 0 k . . d I t I ,u II • " 10 IlIr'" t'ell 'I e c I I~ "gl!nL or ml:s· cllse R~c~ndin '- f,'um it 10 II,e · fourlh 1 f ' 1 I I . .. Ilm vus IIHltH ". , 18 IIIY"d,l ~ Wit I ~. Chiltlrch .tlnd er sixteeo yeRn 0 , ."r!D'er iliid ·ml\il.st'l\tion kt"t:pel ofhli'r ''' , . ,. I · I I· .. ., I slOr.\", li l-hled by II \\"inllvw un Ihe roof. IILul1< IlIlCe 0 Ut' I Ilill tip "rs. p,,"culinr hisloliclIl illl 'reGI. 1110 trtt: I:\<TC cilher or Ihe IIforesnid d'eccas. .'.>'11 11. " ~~IIi.1! 1 uy '" IIC I I p~ WitS uonll. n .. eM· · I II W'I" A citv S I '" , , <!'I'"•CIJu I} Iln4 I\tlit:hbor hood . JO,hll lalining lhe t'scRpe of Bvoth she np . Ther~ i~ IIlso II privllie sllIirclIse le 'It! · 1''' II)" IS. ."11\ h D't •J ' J WA~ plalll .. t! ill frunl o f (i vvernOr luy · c d pnrt! nls, i( tIl ere i9 no wido", sur""l ,nol . pooaaa. much or t,le (\l,vid f,eltl"s Iv hllv " IruslEltilo 'h ~1" own ent'r. in~ to tll o dill.illg . .. vum lind kilth e n.- of cllurcht:~ IIpd ht~I\!l s. n." 1ll0~~ th~."'!. yesnllt's .... ~ithnHJI>. ·\\"hich in Ih ob!' JII)·S ' viving. or from 'I~e dlile of Ihe widow's , 1~t!I~n'g of iJe"ot~Oir or df 1I1e ~\x llltt:d . IIl1d di,cl"t-tion, ~ lId 10 hllve Illt\Utl Blick of Ib tl c!tllmb"rs, 011 Ihe se(·ond lind )v~JII11~o s t obliIH."tl'. ~I'" city: .J h.e 1\Vas con sidurfld It mOd"l . . edtlic~ (or lis ' f" . mllrriage. . ()~ I,Q,teDI~; ~ ~~ro~lI of "is wife. ' He, ~1~lllrip fro\11 WI~ijhill!lIO~ loDr.1l.Iudd'ti allulhirtillool·~,.lIrtl bl\lh roOIDS, w.hicll good CIIIZE'IIS st·en: 1 ('~~l\ cd 10 rllllll. lt~ l cap~clty RS w(JlIlI~ fo .. Il8I1rcllll~clund , 4 . Sis Ie ... U'lJer. 8Ix le('n YOII,80r.AIl8 WAS ,.a 51!"J! .. , . 1\.~r1:.workingl (Arllll!r, . r~sitlcup" for Lllis ·)ur .use. · E\lt'I"Y· clll. lire ,·I"gRntly tit'I:d lip. 'fhe pKrlor. II~ 1llle~Klly 1<1 Ihe ~p~I.I.lunl 11 8 10 Ih e : I:t: slgns . LiI.tle dill the old Dutch bUI·· Jcp"udl'lIl. UIJO Il Sil l\! d ecell~cu bro.lher ,,110 II10u g lil more ot lhe pro~peCIII or I · ' d . II II d ' . I · .. IIbOUI sev~ntE!en by fOflY fellt, is 811 . lempo'HI "lInls of Ih ~1I gUO.IS. It I"" gomllslt.Jr Ihlnk Ihal Ih e lreo und er l wllolly vr In p"n for Ibpport ptov ld ed • fi~l\f~' tl~n~t ,tJle Jlr~sp(,~IS 01 lll: .~~9 · ~I"f tl L'~I cilre lin . t~q n es lls · p" .. bly furn~sht:d, '1I1E! Cllrp<118 heing 01 It Pre;.Lylcr'"1I cl,Ul"cl!, " hI~lh(lIli> 1 1 which lh !' )' w....e \Vonl 10 gallIC" Oll / Ihcre are n\lue of Lhll ltl~, th;ee cld'lcs : Ih. ·Crl~rc or 'o t ler' cooll·II" "1;1·8 W II~c I ~II .' . ~rl" IU fl 1J Slrnles t 10 m ch. II ROIIIRII CIlllllllic church lIud . S lIrnllH"r )llle1l10011 8 wVlIlJ (' ";.",. ~I) 1011" RbA~d me llliond~ " ; .. . ,.• .,. I i . \"elv"t, I he fllrnilure of '''IIIIIUI, And ullili . " ." ~ ·r cu 11ll! C IlIraC.ler 0 lie woman flnl B . . .1 : :1 '1'1 . ~'pi · 0 Ii III I · I I · 't . I " I "' . '. rd · .1 I II ~ hlld (aw aCCOQlvh1lLme~8, oor hau 8LiIl.. ful.!\itJr' robs her of "1111 & 'm"' I'lh · the ClIrll\inM vf Iha ric·h el l IIICIl. Th e fl flp.\"l ~ 1111(. I. . , II: • _I. P'I.' 8. IIIl cxi,lonou II! I lilt tVll I W >It l It 11l~ lJlv ..l,\<,Is a{ld ,rUenU8 q . eCeRp(I" 8U. I Ita IQRITi,d, ou· ida of ·, ' I · I "('. : I ~ J\ ) nillnU, !lilt! ,,11 Ih o IIrlit>ietS of furniturt.. IIQ.I lol)e oUld"ne,..,~ 1I11('U L bllddll1~lI l bt"O: Il fllvon,d. Thl: Ir.. a W/lS" Lfl'lls . l dicps lire remindl:d ll\at in ordH ~O r IOlte 1 · ~X'AO d .re·Rd·,"',o of t'o. wflll~ 1.1 1\,,80 !IR~~rlll 10 ~XL' \en U 10 1~1 ! '. r I chu rc h 'whi'ch ils 10 ,·clip C fllI· I"c n·bt . I'''IIll. hll\·ill" u" ell IlI"0u .. hl fr<.o m Hul· ' 1111 n 811id l"In sion commence when til .. · ,..r.; 11 • r "" . " .. ~ II ~ j O ler se ... ~ Jmllor y >1 U,lIc . C ler in Ihe ·room. lue ill lhe high~.. t 81y t! of I I' . I . I [.1 I ( b , " ' i 1 ~ . . . . .' •• .~. 88 ellres wll1ch hRYIl h"u ihe sallc · l ·1 • b ' I , :.a. '. d I mechAnicAl· IIrL. Va"t:8 of /10 IIntil1llt' I IUS ~O lll~ e lg I ~ 01 11'11 . 'll C S . RII( I lunJ hy IOV!! llItli SIUY\"l!SlInL. 'tlH 8t!L I 6~ I"\· lc(! Il.rmln Ales, the "ppltcrttlon mus, , . . gUll \\RS C) onll "ueSIIOII, lin I~r .• . I I l o b · lie ' " Iltr(' " I· . f . 1(" 47 I . . f I d· I II~D of I r crl • ' J Eihe'lll!iil\ r NlIlIg l I I L I 11 d paUel1l (lecorlll.e tJ,e ricldy.clIl"'Yt'd IlIHr- 11101"0 In CII" t'IJJp /I I II, co, . b l out hv 11m on hiS IHIn 111 '. L be lll'lcl e wllhln II },e'H 0 II Il 18e Il\rgei 1l", pla.y.I'~ ,uor·, d ...· . seldom ClmhruitJ \~. 1~l'Il, I C~~1I"8Ii IItr · e~ c~o y ~n bIt: mllnlle. lind Rn IlIt.g.tIIt elcock, s ur llumi.Jcr 01 bOlIl·dilig hou .cM Itlltl privHle I hll·5 borne "ruil on 'e v"ry !ucce.~iv<l I IIf I'hu illvlllhi (lr d"cell§6 of lhe officer, tred'~I1( tlu'n ..al\:~Wlt~UIIl ' 01\ I·he SYIi ~~"I~lLd Y .~~~~"t. I Itt II 1~lI"lIn ' mounleu by " tigure ""prt:80:1lIillg" till" C'II\"l.:"~1 oWlltd by wcnllhy fKlmlic~, : year. 1I1It! pr(OlDi~eB 10 be produclive in I Hujdicr o~ 8e~~;)Il' 118 " he case wlly , be' l ttD~la an,,\-b · .~Illuan"'" .:'~r clluro\1 PIyl O~I\I 10 ~u \ V lin'll!IIcHI", wile WII0 1II1~ ,eSOrL. o .~ ... -. v~( .. ",... . li ol1~."O.oWIIIt; ceHHII·,y tiC· hilltorilln, is in II,,~ celltt:r of it. 011 ,~IHJ lultrke il Lh eir summer r I . ITht! ~' lhat linc t1li~ seRsun. Thtl Ir~1J 8111nu~ 'I ]>0./(,00'1 • • ~ ] len.rol1s-LitlU ll) nHnL . Col''f: : 'hl\ tlw\d ~.Ikllolllt IIh1J .laLlt .ell, !lull; Ii , f 1.1 P. ·d llle C!!IJler · l:alrlt: is \L Q)ugtlilicenL copy h!:!Iel clll\l~es, Rccufl lng I,~ I Il:lr c a.s , ' on the, corner of Thirk~1Ilh sLr~ul fl llil flnel \Jffi':'. I· ~ of hijlher rttllk, $3U per ra.\her .c\lO~e,uch lopica. ·' Her Old~.L Iliur \;Co · 1lJ elll. . {tC the Bible. I\~~ lwen~y · (jv'l:. IWt:n l ~· , ~'\~ tH~ee.n , Tldrd .q l't'nUt!:~III\ i.'.~\lI"" , ul1de~1 b)"l1l1 l l11ol1 th; Mujor, $'15pp~ mO~lh: Cap. ' elilld W'tl Juhrl ~urrhtr: 6'n ' ~IHj e 1"!lId " ' . F~BT~ " OF L~~lt1. rA\'tI~:, . Past<iny on to 1110 d~llillg . room, nrt. Iioll.url p",r. wet·k. Wh,,~ \\ tl con sltl~1 \ Iron J1 lc~et ~ltllJIIg. 1he tIl"n~It, n be· l l:tin, ~~(j JlH mOlllh: 1l'1~8L Llelltenant, ' ~Ia. ,~l'enH tiJ[t:iI; ·"C W'IO~6 ' lielil , ~l! \~~,S ~~'Yne, ~r Jllrill'8", horn~on. cxpo'tled to yiew ,on lin exlun "ion·.lablu, · 11111\, lht"8el llo\ll s~,S ." re 11111.: r«;l~ Illgh~ fllre . wh~ch I~ ~ lllOt.l \\'IIS t!t'6erled hy Ihe $ 17 por monLh; Sec~md Lleutellanl.. 8Jl1 14e e:&sc;Iess ({let (i1le /lilliI'll Powell,lI'8 U" QOllfes!lt'1i tlla prdp'l!t '" ~ilver Lea .sct., ftlld !\ chilla dinn~r nn(1 monliis of Ihe. j~llI . IIIId Ih.e glelll ~x Hl"IlI .. h III 1177. A. purl \On of tlJIS IJHmlh : nJl l'lIhst.,d men ffi;D per, 1,~~."~~\\r: I,.om~I~II", ,(II~1 ~1~t;~II; " ,Ime ~o:·~ · ;1 ~~A·8 I.he ·p erao~ .wh~ · Al\ loa set. tOIl!: lher wilh pearl .handled pl.' I,8e it Inkes lo pur Ihl'm I!I ~rlll;'r for III.w<:lIing" rcronint·d undl " (,," Y(lIlrlJ 100nlh . . Qnly one £.011 pen&ior, \'IilL /bemot,h.fI~t;8Il~ . llil!; .'ii~h:.r , (W,·I·t lem.~~~d 10 liI~r~erl Mr. ~tJt~rd, - "nd, knh-e8 Rud 6ilvIlr forks •. , A .promi nE'1I1 Lhe tit:IIHQ.l l , ,,:e~cRnliol ~ollSlll~r th"til: ' K ln ~f!, on II~c.F~OI \,l·herll llO.W HIl\ntiR al\owe,110 II~e rell\tlve 01 Ihe deceased , Mrq. ligur.e 011 iL i8 allHg"tl ~ill'er calldolr ro chllrgcs c~horLt(~I\I. " . '. till' I,ou.c Rdjllllltng SL. Mnrk HcllUrch tivl(ll er, find In lbe oruel' o{ preced~n •• , ,J .Q bn'l. "~u,,isbmll'tl ..e-J,cee(h wllb 'perlltJ"ps till! exccpllon ~h.• t of "fIY' o( bi~',.cll mp"nio II io . • he S~rr it, . Ihu. · 1~Tinc iplll -accomptic~ of ll.tll Hower.stRut! combined. In II' P.e.rllllpS Ih~ . Qlosl fAsIII.onllble find yard on tht: lfes L. .. _----..._._~ I Clime lor which tl,ey lIa"8 '·bern . lien- Boot'U ! ' J1e forllls the second figurE' of tJining.rol1m is 11. Vtl.·y , beau:iflll 8ide' l'.J:hIIIl"Rl;n~ dnve by d."y IS alo~g Ih e 'r·. _.~ FASHION! FOil O!i:KTlEIoIIIN:-A LOtilenced. ··: Th-e lOotller bltd d~8&ined him lh'e' ~t! y d!rA~atic gr'oup of "1I4"~!liIl8 board 'fhe c liamb"rs on ~he I('concl belich, which "xl"nd~ 10 Oil" elrcul.,,!" DECI SlbN OJ' rUAnAC"CER is one or don (/I.hion JOOl·111I1 informs ue . ~hat (or IIJe'i:liu;~h" to_auia whose olqia · wh,? Ilr~ 10 ligu.re 60 I'lo,!inently "nd floor ~re furnish"d iu ·almost liS cOllly "trel~h r<lr IIbollt Ihr"e. ~"It:~. TIIJ~, Ihe m'osl import,,1I1 hlimAo qllnlitiel, IDllnly (1<81110115 lire IIndergoinlJ .mUII\len htr 1,e'lIrt' hRd once turned, nnd. b",c Iy ~" "'~ h\~lol")l vf ,Crime. tltll Ii sty Itl Re I he 1'"I"IOr8. V I!lva~ cnrpllll' IOu, ~s tht! I most flL ~OIlLc plOmellndll, philosuphiCRlIy eonsiti6!fed. l:iptlr.ultl. lioll . Pf'g' lap lrousers kro tle!1ltl rdly If,lle h tl reltl',ivoll II IIlriull)" ijg!,J;~, ll,icL\y .Lllt sqqan·/y b.ullL, II II le un ,11f! f1 uors . A ~plelJlIid J l' nny Lind Itnd IS at. ,,( ho urll, ~l(C~Il~· dllrlO~ th" livlI •. kllowlt'uj!t., IS Dol Ihe oltlef Cllt.i !,loing 0111; n.:lt .goi ng '"'u.' wider , at/d l ~'1II 1;'UIM1;''' '\D.llIllltl06 ••'(1 hi. Ij{ci '1u.a ~\Qlic,l , lid ind Ift·...;1 Cl lL t'lIip.r euicn 01 bp(ht el\<1 is ill e·1I II II I110 III , \Vi Ih bEllluti IJU~lIdny 111! lIt :r"l"owd"d .w Ith , fll~ II!U~lt. of mall" i L iH IIct iOIl . W 0 mil v • by 1\ IOor'r ll\'/{.lIlPp:r. but ccl\slng 10 he ~lld8 nCfft~in ly seem to haH' been fr <:!! COHPltllHmcf· w~."f!III1 ,lhe I.I~I~ long lind ful dl'l.s :d.l~ bnreall8l1n<i w"rdl'obe~ _ ~Ie gl?Ups. h~ I~ellch I ~ ~o\ereu \v1l,h 1",,(jne(J~('J'uC""}lIl, lell'rn to 1l,·illk mosl lit \1,,, fllshiolluble .lltilOI'~. Unm1!IIt10rt-i from ,l~b!) .¥i~s "iep g :ter'lltj pl·e · Dt:i:.lt:c~f.d~ I f\ Jow: f()rll he"J, .I,IL. up by Th c rec('p,iorl ' roolll, on Ihe 8t'con~I' f1bor brO!. 6111l ~lI n~, Willi ShIOI."g p~ublcK corr<'ctiy. 1111\1 tlilk II10H bCllulifullr; Ilbled 810 1111 bUldlghll; 11J~~d,lhIlY .pre LI), milld (()t the cOJHeqljllllioll' of ~"·Q. l,lrrgl~t, Klanllil "y~5, an4 W~I~' ge.n bllck. is III~o· richly furllitlht'd·. til llle ~plA .. klllll'{ on II.. . "mon~ whICh .mlll b~ but whd1 i~Cl)m fl8 10 Hclion. if \1'0 IIrl! prlt"ch Lhe ·1.lOr~t!y' cll~r"Q~er. ,LOQ~, ,'{'lte "il.Jj~8s l'WeIC~II~II;", who~e !lral(\;IIIUrU of a. de~porllt" Ol\st, .".e Ihird ~tory clrllmbet8, lh e · Hoors IIr .. Ivund the C"I"UIAI~!1 Cllpe May. dill wl"~k alit! uDdo:ciueci, wo IH6 of 1111 b". IIud SVICIUII tr"Ck · COIIIs"t~O,. ,,~~ , . ~;~;4, IOlimacy Wilh ·Ih, .·tllmily WI/o, (prmed R plclur~ \0 Jldml\"l\bhl ke tl l1lng covered ' wilh B\·t1~8(' 19 clI,·peling. anri OI~I~d . C"IlP8UJ" of n "t:r.Y fine polis h. IIIg~ !.hI! m08L w...: lcla.d. All mankiod Iho:ir dllY. IIntl gl:lI~It:r.nen Jr.~~(I ' Of ,I ~ . Ib D lill., of aoy oLller ",ll>lha\ "f ~u. SurraU. Ihe ftlrnilure I. of II superior kill/I. All l.he 5.~ltson !It:g dOCK/ OI COI1.IOli'!C: fl.~1 tll~ D.1 Sl! I"' 8 "" Ilk. ht:6cL wllh in . , Ad,' no longer prom ena.de IU .. I~oe!l a 5(1E'aks ever · reape.olfully of VR,.n.,.'~ true "lime, ae hilS been ~epn, pOI·lrons IOr" tile hOll se-Are fUlni~),E'd ill UflllJ RI"OUI. II)e ~rsL of ~IYi t\t IV Il~ I lilmili ~~.II IIlJ ~IIITuUntll.1I .,.ilh tlKllgf'l"R ; 11,)IIg:- PiccR""~Y' Hnd by .~he rAll,~ of .the M Rtl, all! it 'I , ft! ~ '. ' ) Ie in /lflIIS Powt<ll. was '" nstive o( A::4' dIll mORt' comp,IHe mAnnl-f, And till' Ii~.\j I 10 cars IlIl .81 1l hlll ,UlI Ii IPlvur In thl! IICu(<:.1 lUI/HI s RIO lhe 1I1,,"t cnn.! 'L"di c8 Mde. A. BpOrlldg<er. ,~n ID~~' I10r, l l 1 f I ' ''Pf\:lt , C . P ow·· ()tmlly . . of 'Ihe G r I In · II~ I ' th eir I"eclolls ~t'll In '_ , ur~n' a I)iie-t,e wd'ul n\ 1I110n btl m", lind lhe siln of Gl'or.~e t"nel'R' IOlIlIt , I·' (' re I" ".:.1IL . I. I I Laile ~tiv U 8 \If t1ltlJcllliie& lind ullugers. Th.c) lers sallOrl" I,prol' r . . ~ 10 . , he .. . ae1llog , . ' l &III of 'I. • mtn'.ler • • ·.1· . '8'1'OlIl 0 f t I·Ir. eu b slnnlill . I~'J'-( I·r ,I ~ f'\4"~ ClImll• v from 111",1 he qstlU ell. 'I l B"n.ll~t re81ulllg ilL L· · IVt! ,,"nll'y I l' . llell II I)· I. .' IIIH f ' _lIpl' l'/JUII'J III \VII ., 111:11 5 0 rB WlIl1l. lloo'e 1111 thin g~ , II I~I\ul!r WII Il lUlu" ell I·alfl \Y r·""I'·ls '" • w'LII oUllllde , , poc "\lr ' • I.· ' . . r . . I f ·.111 lle.l'1: I' II I~r \~1~ . II W I·lie II 10 ' I Ico fl ew lie . I rn. " II I v wllnly our c11 lit-·'f~~."Jng of' : I\U¥ ()(, tho Oil,er ac· Oak 'e StAllon, 011 the r,"I,ollt rom l lind OOR .,"1I.0Iy 1111 II en~ure . lhllt bult.llll!e~, d"llieioft In d I'lIe,·,O' I elM. lilt> . . forms of .... lIS~,t. The (,Ijolif." 8et!m8 10 hl\we J"~k8ollt i.1l0 10 ·1'KIIAhIl81It!e. He WitS Ihe c:on\"ng. fll'e IlllerlOI· co't of Iii.. - --.--.which. wllh , 1"'lIle , Ihey uv nOI tilld in )"uun!{ aflsl~CrI\18.0 t~l'In, A~.rpr fa,h~ '''he.lt"eliOl!n't and retired whell horn, ill 1845, Rlld ·WII' · cODscqlltmtl.y mnn sioo \VIIS alJoul'tifly IhousAnd dul Il:ff GltiJ,-EIlimlltoll SIIY8 one con be Lh ..'1nHI\'('!J. 'Giv e u ~ Ihe mlln " SII?1I1 iuns b,lllolI/(lOg IDOT~ lIrpperly 10 l~ In M~~lllLnd. Il<l.~,pitl\bla John Sur. bul IW,!!lIly, yeuR of ~ge ~I tile time vf IHn. : I .. duughlo:r, lIislt:r, fri en d, ~ithl)u.l ill~ · llie lTIul lilllll c. ' who will 8e",., ("l"wl~nl tntllv,IU.Ulll 1111111., lUll ~unJra.l~r, . u,.... tbe (ath,r. W~Ir. ftome,hinl( of f\ hie dt"All,. lie had 81~ 8tRters and two -~ -.- -~'tI"chmt!nt (ff onef tt · sJ1 11J\c1Iy or rnteg· nnd lAke the re~rulIsiLility: lIe In .. ' t:i atmtlng; &0 J' t.he tl!"P; 80 I. 1ho jva-l ~ob nd ecW ciltli l which !>,ol~lorR. the former , of whom WE'rl' TOOLS -Keep 1111 iDlplemenls under nly; but 'iL is 1\ dr~Ultllltl i lluorst!menl Sll\lItlj ,ht; id ol. tht! lord. Lhe killg j:~lI t etllr!, RDd the h~<: · haw. Young t"o"olo...... Ihe 1lM11.'e" ., IIther." eliille d lalely IItHI are sl ill ' suppo~~d to ho liv. COHr or in Iht' .hll(IE'. dllrin~ hoi. Wt'Ji or 1\ mllil 1-0 mRrry hin~. "IDOIIA( men. !fll. I" ~ n. wllll would "ily ele/lis b.. v6. idopleJ . . h 68 j ecu -. tnlJ" ihtimaeie& ' Ill.t , IItIl iog • .AI ~hll , breaking out (If Ihe \Vllr Ih er. '1'111' 811n wllrpll snd crHck~ Ih o: . , , .. _ commll ntl "mon~ III~ IcHoffS , mU~l. ~x. liltrirjel. lind '!!I . ~Ierraly III P, c~ 'U I d' C . S wooll · "olk·of ~crt h~ R, ftnlltllE'8, l"U1", . . c,.llht01 morl' II, ellergy of \vill, lhlln wcar lhem Ollt. . ollor~ly. J>f3~ lrap'.1 DIIlufRhin pleIl8Ant·", re~ 'he e~ iSle )IP~IIID t~nrl -II ("ompR · lind for .... , allll whun Ibey are CO\'~rt'11 -..- At Chllr!ellton there is said 10 1 B I ·U b I <s chewlDg Qf LooJb. ~orlbton:r. '. When Ire r ny, ·ln tile SecoDd FlondR lnf,llllry. fin, _-TY ill pUWt"I".o( ill lei ect. - urnap, I .ll're .WI . e . t: • • IIh d ' thb 111" lb11 and illY. t;,ommalllied by Colonel W!lrd, anll WAS ",ilh dew, ~· .~,hin FClIle I" 'U\~~ is 1,,°,° 1: W Il \lllglO whq w.aa 1\ , 11I\·e" b'Cfore I.he .' _ _ _ . . _._ picks III Pull Mltll Rller lunch. , I been ';'~Il il o' d' " I 1· 10'U88 0'''' o.rll~rMII •. , Riohmond. At Ricilmolld formed 01\ bngh.' "u.rf."ce 8 of \1·011 1u I:'VIlt'Ulllio ... Wh\l i"now • .urth. Oflllllld · , . ~ II . 1 I '":' u, .,~ ~I . ..j" . ~ ~ . "" .. .• 'I f G fih'4:1 aU of wllll:h II\Jllru I~em. ol(ll"e l'rllble pr.operty. hila his cHrriage "nd t:::7' An imperllOenL e ow WIS le9 0 0:7 Four bUild red girl's · dame ov~i OCcupied. • v"rv i pero('pllule !Ii .. rt!lflllleltt JOIl1~U u Ie army 0 en. , ' . I . ., 1 ·1 j. I I I rns R kn o w if YOIl eve r "lit down lo .tell WaIO ' · 1· ·~ oJ L L " .1 8enl 10 A 1) Hill's i Ih~n ordIlHlr}' use . A Lunltle rallllill .. hM,t·g." 'I" '.8 a e mns er Cli I I lately, un • ,. .·11 r . . ) II . li\.inJr Ly "rooming hi, formt.r 516\,1/8 wh.·fe ski m milk was 011 tIle lab e wit I· from CilllAda one dnr u.ervll .... .1n tne mllon,I:!'s ee " IInu "u Starralt. Vi.itora .whom b~r COl"ptt• . WiLh it he pRsseJ througb 'f1I". ls lJnsb' lI e WI 0 ~~p &lralg II<:n rnl (Jill · hvr ~~$. ., out bU:IJ.~ "ok,.tl '0,) }'OU tltke <:rCRIU l' WAl' I.l. r-.;uw E" ·... '''1I 1, f · . ~ \ r: ". -llQle~IlI.I. and her lontf' 'ute would Peoinsul.r CRID pRign and tbe baUltlH 01, Ct:6 or "ooJ,
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, ilolm li."l e d Th, geal ll'm iln j WAI aDd un - "II pera oas ba llid illil or Min ing, Il!ch nlc .",1 t.I~u. ls due l /l\UlI pllrl) 01 Oill o.:u lltell' w", lula l · illne • ul III llllu g" le!\, IIIl' · I!URI I lC mil .:mI II.: Wa lD •• Ti lle . ILld te: a I, p.~pol4! uf ~tlfe tfllg the Wc \), II lIi6 A f"cl ur(' in iral Dllp onl 11111 be. d fOr tl•• Allm Illr Lil!Ult'1I lit (iOY t: 1I10r. i IRle lh: e dhll -Th I bu dllc lar. dia .!lud 15 101, NUII •. I " lIlIl. "cll llon uf 1/1101 I.", Will \In ' st",:m~n l : ;;1 I . T.DIIeII. unl lt .. ll /llIloi MI',il ~ 1I1\111('Y, IInlU Uih un COUllt)·, i:nlllli WAI t. )lKl "EU NEI ID.' -'·, JIIJ ,Y 19, 186$ US or &a v~ VllrlU Ihe IlIl1i by 'i"" d 0.IIl(I up", 839 ol! ucc "A~ btllh . n (uun d II l,oa ..... LO !;In I IlGO, tit, _""IllAtio )OO. { ' '6 1 i r f~w.:' I .B, Anll b, .t. • al7 7' NO lll J131 • lle ean . IIW r, 10 Jl; ••• mbc ~I rtlbe Non ••• t', II. lill slor •• ilh borl ::--• c's · il in 1 Yo; -" ;,-.IIl'p1IHIIS. SI''' , nnll Jtll I Bbll, f117I,U 'l2,! Jili; l'" ilic llJl uing DunRllu on' t"rl ; 81,il Ht IlIId 0 ' .' _ 41I, !l 4't; in ltrg k O ugh o", t, lold Dl r ~ lltro ,.CA y ~I ' tiel lc ouri Wh t:IH, eivi l lIull , I r n lll ) J Il UI es Mc Hurl I . : , O,U' H 1~.I I~ U"'"11 , Fre nch,ant! Otl18 1'8 1 II u r i Au I ' r p UpOIl Ih e 10 ,III CI l' ''Ml l/1 ll'n ) 1' /lr5 (I 'l a ~ pe juaticl1 to )01 g " . brin ~u lind 'LY, :IIL C:UU~ c "J"rt Jlg tl ra, IOra .. ' l '~l\l e ,u pliil J ~ tllllI \~: : ll fjnh l 'l'he ..e iOllu 81"" , prvu uci. ul lite r· II lId Sllll t.,clllI U " mtl lO~ , CO;lll lY . ll~~r l>i ck & fI IlWI:r .. !J I ii Hron J,," y. UC' I -'l'h~ po., itioll 0 . I ,e of be. nce e prel ler IIl1t pl·opo g \OIlI' I vUlllt I ~' ( 11 11 pH8 U II~ \\ ho, le burll e (j~ N o _ ~ \I' .8 I \,1:81 Jl la ~ . II I til It Cf;iul II. N \V 1" \'1:11 Slal 4;ti ill 160U bor.. lhe ltnU ID C' co" t.ll"t! t: It III~ l ru I' I . u lls8 (\r olle r of t h~ IlJis Cil)': wlte lLI'lllH & \' an N IImc '.l 1rt'SC ~e l rOID I IIII'JI lilt.: cn ll l " HI C8 1,,1' J o n~r "i lld ll ll~ WII hil ls "u lIi ud by \\' hill!, ,' I dO li or 220 1 cr Ct UL 10 l hose 1:11 E ~ J d 'lIbru ck , hilS U ~C Il r lll 2 no rl!\IV der; N he tAle 1 Itell L" ' . the r :l3U I ove I LI_ II ~ lillg I e ' ) e60 o. • uni ce , I" " Ir"" COIIIlI)'b ' 'rdlr 8u rlllil, Wel O u tl. ll'u\,e u. I w ~ l vc }~lIlltrll nod MiJ cl h,; ill J. 'fhi . 1I" "t1y A10 II " biltilion n II rnm U I! r n.'8 1 ~C IIIIII ,! VIIY ~ /'ItU . ~ . doi"l"s , iWt: V,, '8 hilli Hld l t.i illi"L I llvuli cing I" " 111,, " of I the. 1.11i il c'o Ul'ol · u'J' L lY l n lldw Ct ·nlll r B~J OI pe ' . . . lllp 3U 'h: l Hl.~ lu r lt )'j I. rt8t:U MIII d c Urlw IIl1 ' Sl'll Ihty hud ullr'y fJtT I I r"t , lld. 13rl/ 12 , 2 . .wh ~ r" 0. lone )\ . III lit!. sn luoll \Y e r~ lConsLu lU "d 11 - V UII Pe dro CII IIIIII 111 0 , lit e fl chl' Al , ll uc , II UII 11:'11 '. ~~ e ln~ I'\II.C~M, lh"" I' IJ fi ~ ·eflc I' uu1y1 ru"n ll u~ ' u.1OIc IS II. I . 01 ii, Jt:Ct le or . nl(ls fn" cttel l r in Nu ent oll llm 11111 dln' rg .. r r, 1 1I)lt".~ " Il ~ ll ere we la Rve ~ n. I /l lid jo O ,,1111 11 III Its ,; rt:u t cuer gy \,) C Hu 11ae11 l' etl n '/ltio ll b ~. wlly , ocC III,." d Y n~8I- I 'L in 'u u l h Am ~ riclI , rccl!,.'dy Tell ' illlli l'a i cnp ,'.'1l ' Hoqu ell cI·rt to ln of hrt' lion ij ll illn lI he 1 "l !", oc' II,,· ed. D } e IU bUll 11 11: Iuclil ol hcrs WII S UCHl of Ibe t'x ltll sion o( II", ll onro Ic ll \' i ll~ II l\l rlUII H w hl l· h, t ho: i /! Ilub hely Il t: de· )un d WhllL IfliS nOillJ<e cl ill t1l1m ~ w ~ rtJ he r e ti icIIM Li m" ,, ,,xCC l1ti \~ h u l,".\· c !JI' I'II IV baym WM werll In lorc e III1U Lhu t:J 'Ll lI:b UIII U I £ 1 7 , . e"" ilY, ll lrio" til .. bl.ne 6lB of wh ich 1I' 0uid ici w o ulu lIul be lt'd v l d I! IIl nll ~/I~ i lH . on L ul i ' lc cbnn .. l Los~ I"Hl of is lhls rcti. uv h illl tl ~c ~IIJu "Il was. lin oM I . Nu C . . ' E. "d I M. ' 611.,y • 1 , I 1 ', 'ren I h ' O l I .. hou IU ch U\ , ~lc r 1111-:. -: ~ pon lin nin lhul l\cl lhll llllt IIItih un on whi 'I" ' >Iud 10' h" II hO UI one tell r"I'<." oI , lIuII lJ l",ItIlIl t! Ih en·u "" lt for ' lf. u. l8 101 i1SC o n. c. e'. \ ahuw r . " g - IIU . .lc , ll . r (lI. f . rtlc gl" " l d chnl" ~T, I Chl . , j TI rllm ovc. E \ (.l 0 0c!S 'Al' Imu II: I U n\MlI t 11 . "'UEVN10NS1 pe r ~ "1' l'v>lIl11n 10 ti ll' :; 1:11 1\ /IIl lhu/1 III S " 1'~ /1 Ct' y 5l r a l~ ",,' n e 11'\ ClrC \ tll/m could 1.1 " ob lll lDl:d by Irce l.nJt:n 10 " Ifuru him tI,,: t hort: I ~ .hll if J Vf t l' " boll ~ 1' III Ih e mu . ' - Mr. Cll ll e , li n A rl l~t .for . 11 111 lZc le vilill s nb IlIlU ~ Lou\ n nggr ei u l\1 1101 ~ .. rsoll " pe II IIIlh W . LlIt·i l· Q - -ung l.'~I\l ,. 1-1 s lIy S: k l y, ''' liS f,Hlntl ti l "II III ~lIS LJ,· d II it pillin collc ~u co urse - he hu su"n tl .l/1 !· tire tEle clio n Oclo be r 10, 18G3 . ) 1 Ill' tl ll llll'~ .. e r~ .LUppt:d il L Wc~ IIlilllUd 1I uII'I, W /lShlll g!? n, 0 11 Thll P loc llln lllli" n, tou, rullkt 8,nre ,te,1 " . m uc h v ~ll ntc d A nglo · I 9unl UU1 o S~ Ih 10 fru J As t:k~ \ be J coul l ll lh .N 1 \V/IS 1 1 ' ~ M l! 1 Ih idg 111011 E!r - -,.tll 'r)' . E leel 6t ill r~on n e lto lIl _J" J!: Fu III .. y IIRd r,, \lretl In wh IN u. 13 A lin, ~It1 J 147 Fren ch lr~aty vi CO I1l 1l1 ,, "'e, his' e mDl o}'er a8 nn ~ I dwa y, alun llt)' lDurn III g'. Ht' W ell T e nnes see, R~d es in Broa yon OO\' grlSO R, dUli on sl;o III ~I:~ s 1 · IIg ',hi'a d"l' I"Hul 10 slom rtW Inl~ IIccu rly e Rrl' rs s. prov dt lhe lIight pn: viuu mllhr '~ bu si. The mbu ll. 1I 136U, whic h rrl''' 'lrll uy c rnor Bro.wlll ow.. . ", \.8 \'11 8 Il c~ lroye d. J us ual he nlth of lh~ i r I pre n l i c~ lO lh e cl\b i illll. J AOO B DOL SON COX , of 'Tru l tlg \(\n, \, S twu rd ll nu n ~s ur ~~ u s Ih"L G n g~ mIllie A: III I\I!d Ful lon slrec cd 10 clfll m A8 /I plt l' li,,1 n(!I'R n C ~ 'lI'i ll4ry h s rc Scc tht: g tllnt ~ i usin ~s II It: _A of , " .lIh \ U; llese ' fl is JlII g" ", e re desl r~y odon 1l10 "l' o,cll l~ ,lIlll1~" 110 t~mp.,rJl)~ It is d ~ nl o ll s t fH UI ~ Lh ll L it Ih Lutl C. k, LIIII ~,IX \ wI.t. ch jdOC Ihitl whi o( hl~y tiJ;1t e ze R, H Illdl Cap LI :IINO fvr the e QOn FOR LIKUT.· ~:t wift will IC8~ ~8, In cotnmen~lng s t. l dul ll ' g Ih e tillY, as prolt:r. li l' e of Ih e hom e. i n ~ u "Y ' ~lg h,I, Oil J\lIn li nd It YO. on, FU:I Lltll ch,s e of , Ih ~ I,I\Y . ,1 hB 11111 lc I" ' qui III g h18 . ; t li rren y lim tl co". e Wll co. t: mHi will EY, II ,,01 mor e IUU of 6 URN ''I eu , li 10 McB in lIUlI l\ ~o III\Cnte II A . ) RE \ n. " "" ly sC l'\' cd him I'IIn~ · L I. a aLle "1'0 11 the I rvc hllll · I . " 1,' prllcli . • IIC~I S . l'l c, hel\; ,"~s \ r y of F rnnc e, IInu OI Ole clh'c I ' ,PI 'I . ...:. W IIYl ouvu I, opp o, \ W" t C",S t Xl' · ~ In llt i~ wily he IIcq uir~ d II g ood fu ll lip' Ih e frolll 0 1 1::)1. I Hul 8 ~hurc lh"l 110., ':"XI·CUIIV., IS'k W"IC lS FOR TRIA SURER OF STAT S, Mor ll t! le Lh .t...:C I lh~n ),i' C ose, ' I ' . purp c_ ir at .' lh I tht ' (or ill hut 11 ·p I' rrl\m ~u ti I, If IIC IUl' Lunr. lO.' !ln e, I " b to· " UIU, Ik t I I I Ie ttl USC I\cCUmp~ ies . CAl t tl U(; lItiOIl. Ilc H .rHd 00 SID NEY S, WA RNE lt, or LfJrllin, ' rill Tllri ff \YK5 fur Iltc UlilleU Sill lilt m. 1I ~ 0 UIII uU lWP. Il tJ sl lll bu. tcSU 10 tr'. 8 mal, I' glllS t·l. t: lll ' Ih caU UUL lht: " 10 . I iL ' N UIIiill " . pow o: r iij Illll!) n,,"i muu s , IIlId not , F ree .lr au., III liS ml.U .IOII O( 11111 1'1' 1'511 II r t: 1I1 i c c~ I II P . . s~ c"u 111 " n 8av ed. ite li ~, lei , Ji'HO 111111 1 11' 0 11 1 AIIII Ihe 111 ilS, S) hi" It o ll' c yer, '1. .1 I r , lind . l188u rn FOa SUPREME JUD GE, Of R ' h . llnth rll p) woultJ lJe bell er (Ic Crt ueu &illt: '., \tIlYlll\l" 111 , · \C W, ll g" or occu pa. l.lt:,,,.m ~ ~j(ln c WII8 81HI'd III th p. lIlu II UIU. , -M di,·d , thll ll 'e Il'l\ l ~ Ih e conOi,:t IJ, '" o sl JrO ~ dn ~ .u W w " }; pbtl iu ' . ll ch IC "illy sol!l sL on e, l~ IOO 1", " "hJ, ~ llIlwl\rt lIr~"s "f Uni C, wiLh l CII U of Iti s llln JAC OB BR1NK ERI UO ~lmCrCIII\ 8 11YS Ihal the }oro . I Wlher lU u n: IllS R R)' s leDl of f...~, t: for t:ig n IllI tl Jl g ·1l liIlY·IlIIl " . lIel' , 11"'111 lh/lL s hi ")', uil tl B UII" t S ,lIn J~. on e bln" ultll o w lite S li ll ~~m _ >Ink such mu III IlIn d-(L ong Te rm. ) un, ufls. It li oy~~ o( tho IS /lI e r c.llly Insl )' cllr W.IS IIIx t d on ""' fil1 l inuu slry III It OIl1 Il ill IJlIlI.'I.c world I nllllure lKSLes . lI e llelCCl cu Ih l' Illw liS i Pl lclo r Iud, ~ lIIpl " 'II. lIl~ edlItKI ~I:u I~re illcnm~ lor Jo.HN WE LSH , O( Al!J ell s, (To I H ri: ~ I.I:"L p" rtiilitlll will . folloW c.ol" , : , d~' l"y g VIII· olou e port ~ 01 die lli ll~ Ih i n [,I· I"rt e ope 11lle tllll sc6 n l l" mell usun o wllo r ili he r"ble 1 , runu >pK UUU lIud IPso BU, n, Samuel J "n !:til essio like tirt 1l o prof Vac ancy .) s lh SSt' hi . 111" rd, 10 dlll OIl 111 J <: of" ," ce n,hl ll/cs lind llo e m/llke l8 which lil cy gua E,, 'l " nuw 11 cili · wa s 1!1." \Y Vlk , i~ in tut "'-It.! cII nI $2 ,Uli U.UUU. r\\' Il ce, Co . lll, G e uLcll a~ IC ~em [,n hUI . w~ek ari wilL e I The lit nL . t: Ill w. o ngH eti ro had, M sl uHl e 1,, "· ti,.l Illsc . !Ilte exclu . iv e lrodlic (If : lt " . I. k. '( ( tl of lIro "nlo w . FOR AT'JORNKY O & ~ E IIA L, y runn lllg Lo th e l Z~ ll of D"yLUII, 01/10 . · rlvlI I II Ill P 11 t, SI"·O... milc h c h cl l gt:1I , d alll Ie "Olll g I M Y'lI 1".IO whi~h p 0 Slro e UII dl' , WI . of I • ,',,,,d 11' nse .0 " pin .t lo u expe pl'on oun cecl thnL Ihe nn. I WIII .H f rOIll a , lIr~e - . II 11m f ". nu l III J!H :J, 1IIII' i'Il ' bC1' 1I WIL LIA M H, WES'C, 01 Lng ' ' 111, fI'nd Ihe 1"131 It" s pro ,ed Ie Ih., IU is llI bor.ol th e Imrcl,n sill .." nllli uu, ing \ fuJl y p rl' p"re d, till'.0 iIlcJ3urII "Y WK " lid . luO , 10 IUln ou I ro II .. COHfed bu rsl· B,us~ "\Q C j~I"' 11I1 vi A rtillc i y o r IhllL 1 . l"ra Utc up In lhe pr odUC tI \!all, .',t I ' piril o( lht: bUil l i~ Cou n ' Ian I" Ihe tl"Ol US w" pon 8CIIOOL 00MMIS610 1"&R. \ ~ t.rv,"g lhe l\ur!;mCIl ul Ih e S rl:c" lltl~ bur "l 10. WII , llUt' ; n t l' Ih n lIIilL,.d 10 lit e bllr by II' e ~U pr e /III' o lhll occol,,1 000 1', n"lion. n. II,CCUl cllt'll ~." l~'n ~ ""II I .1! : lio ll. - - - -:._ --.- - - m enc e u llle prllctico Illi g uUI un nr JOn N' A.. N OIU U S, Df HArriso 011 II,I~ 1~ 1.' ~lIre Kid , Irom lh.~ e l, \V ul., s , nntl of Ohi o, nuJ com BIag lant lhe Eng near thlll it d, is lht: .. "h ~ . vf II CI · IllIr Why Ilc ' 5 " slI mo ~· C! l\r .. In. 1134 he Il c:\s· IJI her clol hlng Ity tllll J E" ~I~rn rdll or ~ a1s Ih~t ng .. r An 0:> FOR nOAI\D OJ' I'UDLIO WORK!, uuri fI 6 z..~ lOp ly ( 1~: e h ", ~ Pl'pp ~.'.I wilh d nll g. , IIt1, ~ l !;lIl ruum (Lho lo wluou . of 1:)cOt gllre llll whi ch ~ I,,: WilS smu oo . I'arl n cnil lp wlLh IllS prccPll III N",y \olk gol hlln~elf Into ~ Illtw y, who hnt! g 0 1l1l 10 JAM ES .MO ORE . 01 Co~ hoct . mlUI !lIr, vllnIR onJ Wes . \ II' tvrm "u II , " n.}'l , urer I''' r Pt:n CU A in . Ilflt: lhlln a 50011 E I/Ho in II A C L Db , , o· 0r Ltcl · tor, 1l~1l . Th , Curw q ·, ."1, I m~IICllnj . Iro uulo by IUllfll"ing 111'0 WiH ". ruol 10 lurn Oil Ihe \9l1lur, was Ihu ' ~ , nlltl liliv ing 11I: iLhu moro 1I ai, gini dcon I mRy Of' ,J1fo II , bIt IIT, lirlU . e OOU tlo ring " B.~B rof u.u 1 be by SUl/l upp tlr win · 1'0. CLl!~K Of odilOI' r.;,,111:9 CI' of lhem ' l b.cllm o 1\ Olem IV Il . ~ e 1111 I Wcs lt, rn Fill . Ltlil,(cd to tl ".ce nu from /III ~I IlIUJ' 01 ..' Ifc /I~.~' I , oun ty . leI' Iron nnd CORllhnn t:llit WKilt:d ' tinu eu ~o ulltil he r ille r.tI Mr. bllicon y [,elow . llu lI'11I"~l uc· ~ ' Lu ~u · I c Ulu llll'u rllry IIIIl "I:oou mlln y IIIi'll lb" prod to ':'U"'P !,( ROD NEY 1<0 08, of Ohn tooC or food ''pill Il' tlu ior by Sill , infer illS lv dow ' I 1 e ~ vasl lit J Wilh Lr"II. ",d , Rnd ssol . I di ~ .1. . I Thi I h 1 '. ind. -mllrJ\·II. \,f . ffi Cab by s ' e' g 1 I IIg 1('01 mOl lhtll ' l ~ -.. ' Uh l . O "mtJ cow s a Clln, I IOlf e I' thl' rior "'!!" e 1', 1: inre uvn U lly ul" . hAd 0 I1I; 0 lccl o.: "un 1- I . or retll rla •IhKI ing pOlrcr, "nJ equn . , hero Nlll r firm, lind Mr. Mcn urn !! )' cOllllnUeUlh e I W' UIIII . knul , lIl1 ' Gover nml 'lIl B. OlllI~ I p~ uuu lU '!be We lter n Stat es, w lie I WK!I '·uu "" d, I f so II Il'"IU Nun f \urce A "1'llI .1 rllSI . ! l"l'L . ono ' rlln! tlllll U ' <" 11 " uPlJo to, ~ 511 C I~ ll tllIlI I . I . IDlinu 0 1\ , . " " 1'1Ie /1l/\/lR"e r '" • I. ' 11 ' 0 I II( I pl'llctice 1I101le . in 1\ fe lV )' L'/IIS li e .IIC ' I .1 I r I '" . " O\' " I"IIIU " "l, lIum bH of hl8 acqu/l/llI"nC~1 1,h I ID~. ~ JU Iur ~"u. I3rll b y D r. W m"i lh e "l.g "~ ~ 1 fUl'mM or ItIdu ~ lry, S IOU I '"rs, IlIlfl ' ~ t:u II lanTe o"d ",UCrllllY C prllclIce. Illiu., I" I II "J .uUI 'hd . °1 l I Itlll1 1111111 IIIH ' qnll e 1\ r l . f , b . .1 ' e . UrPlB by bHr,,~y prom eeD ugh ellr qUI g II enu H aVln II\,IJIOUS. b '11 I~ 10 cr('c l tlile 111 ::)elllllll I nevc rlltc len Ii oltl lh c COl11l11 crC I: 0 I Ie . I fOlnnd tronlJllj nnd Lo tltte y reI l.:t· IV ~ u fIIIIO . g lint ,... r. 0 '''u , , lhl' I hlld at . S . bOI b , k lcnl pllSl ~ nrtO . .1 '" . ~111' Dep )' I gOin . 1 I ' 1811u8,mR C , our III1U for se,'" rlll meL " ' 11 I' "'go 10 lIlur ry. wllh "ul . ." S lales .III Iltlr · . Elde r or Lho Trea sury I·U nllcd , I ltell lS 0 urnl ll g III Il IUI I·r III ,,'''YH. I::)cUlIII , II so UpUI ' J coul lleell 01 .1d, 1/1 0~ t .III1JiorlHll1 :IIIJ IUIU,.IIII' bUSlliC Sti of I,COlIl,lIl1l1Ug" th"L " '1 I '1 our . rOI' 1rOllu SUPPOSP, (, 0 ! llou C'lly. wilh a pRmphlet J'u81 1 " WAS I I litur . A tloll lh"r r. tuil or SItYs "' •• b·IDr lI, " ' COU nC /lnu ry 011 , ~ clllne III ' O1l1 I)'. , benr 1 .... 1 llng 10 11l.l.U cloti . .'. "'s 1sh l bl'll . ... .b l3111 lie 't't f " u~h Lht: I .,. Lllr. eno desirllh ll . d " b icul ltK. f ' . ~f his I'IRS .boLherl! s Iflttl u · me· Ihe L" U"no \kes 10 c · ' tht pilly of "JI· /L ill Ptlll U lit thc 11 " .. n" 118 or our own "I~l earl og t e I 'gnl lclln . I e' ll Ulld 1ce gfntlt:Dllln jllSI 1!0~1l . fri~nu he idl'l , I 81uelol , lion es l'rov Wll~ qu Y -A rJ pltl1 ~\'t cum 011 · In ! d uuilt Hive II fuun ' 1 9 IS wlwlI "Im ply ~ the ~ork~ of IIrt B"V~ I ome ~bllnicolilbor, liL.lle .btsiJes.h o u~c llllllllh, 511)S IhHL Mrs . Jdr. D~\ SIIV SirOn!! com mo.n S"lI5e, .COOl. ! 1I10" II k e lle. Ore . clcll . lu Ihe 'Ho w tile .wel~ern ~Iatel clln. be~ wift! . s· l'S WIIS neco f 01l1l o , ly, h c ht:r trUl will blll\l·J . III Ih" l'u : I\uu~ . l ~XPt:rll' nr. e ~lI ." UIII, )~.l we I~g lind !!I'IIVU dll(gillg, Sho: llclI n, c. prac itUl -?nJo ng d"st ,-. the slro II0t ~n 11 --1 es IHc. IVllh Stat 'd 1 ''l(l blll( en~ \l1.e Im~ il JUS1 o, t~ellly . foo.r glg~' ID UIII')' lind 11C' jSIlY mu st L" dOll e on Lhe spO humllll IInlure. BB' II::)IHVP; .'da les , ! I.. ,kl Hou sc hilS "I e nl)' of ftltd happ y .,nn. "III bnef ly prlleenL III leAdmg Ch8t C()N\, E 'I S "TI"II,-~ i llce,e why Eng land l "nd kn.owl cdge of cl o wn Ih e I"w IInti lUrl' 8, t1 1 i1~lrtllll1g Wfl shlll glonI's bRU ' I:X OIl "h" rrn~ ch anc tl ~ol whi ;'s e , " ou drou 'l'~le I wflr I, •. 1I1 tabils 111\'5 ullr 1"'IVttr. III ~he l'tru I I. ' J I uN ' lit) I wer e R ml\"ll iti ~~ " ,.,il tic. , "hic b will be found in of lhp oce Rn, I\llti rure a Jury. h~ ' ' lIer lilll" sun Vcr S UIIU Ii dl,u l,ltl. . IPlIl. Ili ei UJ U III.w e 1t~IIl, W Ie . t: sly ObtRlDcd Ihe mllSIPfY g , mer ailIA .we 1\1lv hum t! go Iv l : frlall , 'tilet • · ·, " hi),, relll 10 I. ". d III "~tI.i~ . 1.1' d u1I51111:8S IS, Ih e (IIClS I I\"ur "'" pan oram 110 1I1\1 ~,tll uor ll:,""~hl d ineOl 1COOlmAn d 0I lie I~i ~ sit!e O ( ' "~llI~ Lu bo u hibiled 1~ 11"11 I'll L~ ~ lIjU) IIIl: J,il1l,~ Jf loy . in<:: ,ersM!III1 s i' CUII . drin ~Ull " .IIIr. rlf tem ent. , lin ID II~ perl ly' n lve~ ertll IlIk" ur~,e ' , gell III ~r been I\IIJ br.idgo lellr nOI I: nnu Il IIH.d ke l'il\~; 11, (,y hllll ,' J .11' J)"" s l ll4 ~ lhlll &he <:lI:p orle d no t1~W nllll" eon\'lllcllig pu ",ur. I ~' OlluOI\tl! ly, i~n~ie.; "~I ddic ' ~I o r e d 1 ill" ill 1111, hall 'W •. ·II ~d ~. but 'lit. , .ul'l , ding lIp~ bUil l hlll! dl~l!It of "ell founded trut hs. r 10 form ltho rt.".son w.hy Iha; SUl,Jlh cl1I Slfl.It:S I lh e to.nu·ol'cr~y Willi Sl'UU Prin ci Ililld r,lU ' ll Ihll uun .' WI~I ' '1111' ~mint:lJlIl' lind em. 11110 p"~D .d..ldr. IIIlI,ilet IIII~fhle Anlill S wan . l ol;" so ur IIpl'l~ lree le~6, The etl\tea t!Jllt ~re her ufle cls 'If IIIPU gi"ll drlft' e or rcb t: J1lon Mr. ttl c!Ju ruev is l\~" fOul The ill. . the l by 'h{'II 1111 rUin 'a ~8l.\\ e ml i ~ 11110 i8 Miu Irlj!l ' as weilL 11ot' : o( \. ery roHek hIe T d \u1'l1Iilll~ Ul"llt I ly II :Hlf mittie ~I"" . " ' the nuc ltus wherl'tn tbe re~iduum e_ca pe. She WIIS foun , 1" 1 expo rted nUlhing el se. pllH lkal a 11"l'rollV f " hlld Ihey ~', . lin U8C .etnl bltcn he from ,is, . self r' III Ilim inle .'&III " ng l ip'g III!rfl ~ Luri rIIi I ell g' I ' II by hie " th e .IIoWbl . agri cuh urai and manurac Inle R.. nlltlll \ W IIC I In."~p" lIt: 811l1r8 ... II ~wo(ll"n .. _T he two '011 - "r Ihe Ihc Sur rly Ihis IIppli o8 spccificllllY , lo .. r, .... I'r~Uft"'Y ~n ul'IlIn.nu.lic lel:l~IRlor III tie .Ical 0 . _~.. ' tl U nlOn, fi (;l1th oli c 111 0 P}I" nn ".R08111011 10 lhal of .- a "."; I i11 r.,,1U I~'v . -~,4.D 0'''1buil RH.? , ellt" ,,,,:," ''.C>h I, . ' I t "..e cI'lie f ran k 10 stud ~.""' _ n 'ft Ine ' "un ghl$ ,!. III D"" c"'I..urn~ 1~ ls .C," .'l,r r"'t _.I.:, · d r . " 'r.. , ,. 0 a ~ .... e •• W" . hill" 1"1."11, nlill ~nlillol . 1110 '·' S culLy 1\88/Stcd out of Iht In Ill'/lr U'IJ""~ dIffi 'rhe nce wII 81 •• Wllh l'lu advn ;;r ' old g ~org IIUa PH G l'lsln AIlII ilL llC SUfp BIU 'gll ocrl\ a he Colh . .. . no ."". g ... ~ v." .. ed Dum H; " I <> I" 1111 I". C""I thin g rxcl 'pl Ihe 1'1 kl " " I ' IIC. haYe been or Ihl! 10 his osli. se en, show . ' . . I' . " lalil ude and are IIccol'din Ih:lt pllrl )' ing , S h" 10SQ eV(iry ' " 0I~1l dl'VI) ' I F rr ,ll' h uy, "H~ '18 D ' " " lenu ; te II lIul wiLh u"1/ d )' , 1 \'oltt tint' . turn he IIru nnd llY . lo , 1 ion g . .,~ . ' . Hu LOll I slry ,.119 I '" , I ~I 1eff •• " WllrU I, nnu In her lrun k . l . COl Rnd mechAniC 1mllu gOll ill.: ...... rEtP er\";ll. " I'obelhul . , I b rt'll k'' lIlg out of lho nnn, lIh - ~nnufaclunl1gcllio · unll' 1 I,,, Mrs . H"II~I"s (wh o, ' III l! bill a 'II ' "IIIO ] /lC" '·e· I 1" U.UK "t' ll to, IY nllu 1tl'U n mat e u [0110".; 01110, Indl kS "" : , llbac . te" esti . grllC Iho u _ before I" UOU • ,IT ' u, n 1-: 11 :1, b~"lll il Sllom" '. ~ II' IJWII ~ K t:ntIlCMY, H' . Villi .,,120 D U' ' n Iscon ~ ,", . -: . ~ ' '.1 . ,' It Will b" h ·nll: mb, ·retl. IS III1L I" ',' d" " 0Utl• , . IS lirdl "utl! WIlS Cllst for M~rlln . ' , wl18 and n DOli ' llg, jU~L l~lhl t:rcl h"l , /lIIII , JI"n IIn'.' her O. esotR, Knn~al, Rnd lhe ter. greal I y 1\ utu 10 II u~rtng li.l e wa r.- \ BUr II~" 'minn on , tuok .who he ' r), h(O \I!Y mol eU(I WRS 6uCC ' IR 'n'i1. .. DIIV CII, . J,·ff of U dlln 1l Iow a, 'I," h~u~ ir .. or~J whosl 'l'1I \\'IIX rC~l . IS I.hl: m e e Ih peac llc of ', ' '. , And now Ihat .01 the DemocrR cHr rI"d oul, Lul JIJS la8l he RlI'~eL WR S\CRU6f:Lu btl wou,1 1I11t.! It,.b lltt M. " : " ' ri~ry orN~brask8, Hith erlo ,llea llYs ebb · title of (o01i 'rlliioll from Ihe ohle r ,Blum.p, fur eAche9Id nl A. dve' lJcn hc" S:~f! lot be cc 'HC ~ ~nl. ~·. e .. nillll --- .-- l".j·"I "' \ CI!lIdllllltesrorl'r hl ' f ils hI-ad ,!top pell 011'. II WR~ ,::;g II 1'. ~fcnurrlh rellc heu j" livin g in W" . ltiIlHII)1I I It' "s cul. ,u~l . oln, . j) agri . Linc in JI~" Mrs e ulhi p. lllllD aDd I ILe to, I.Am Abra esII e., l\ of Lhe gro" tho( thee 0 Ibe .x 1~8· . rO,uIIIIsusp.. nde dIO Tho IInlj.' r.iglled wieh ked , . 0 .. e ~c\\'n 1~le~ 'West irer of Ihe I".m tnl ed "(te n",, nl mOlhel', in 11.le ho ..", telt 10 Iler IIdlU 1JI~r~ ~ l i wllh Im. gren p 1\ w~lj Jum WIIS oil \ 10 ~nd, find o I!d er. lllra l produotion h"l been 10 mar OhI '~o"C 8 F.rm e~!I, . A s'~IlI ..' r WAil "ntl , IU IPlilioll 01 Ilie I~SSIPPI hll~8elln'ltbehoovC' Dul 'lS Illc sLorm 01 8~C C'l' p~~L II"r by lu:r IlIltJ IlIu8 lrto u. hu"b Ihll~ h" ,i. elll. l,!d jD that Ibey arc dilti ogu isbe d from lh~rJ-8tory Window . He '"~'6 to secn r" lh e grea tesl ~OU~J..'8. ~ 08. UlIII I ' r'"ICtrn, Iu ·tlll' Ilici mth .i ~IAI l1U r e : ,,,iuu unct .olh L"III Ihe ilL uuuS rd. WII~ )\nu regR ut he g r. LA I llie mUllur.Clure of y Jllm~s BurnM, ""t ry qui relt of tile li5te rhoo d by bein prul ils of in . ~IUIl b~~"11 10 lowe of Itt hlld In hu com plin '''G~ loose vUl ely hnd thtl Inrg est f~lIy altve to the cnu~e Rndns 1~lIIe re81s lu. PClln. , mem ber of the n~r. clIs ed a. agri cult ural Bla!e •. This Lnn pretE of A WI\S !a. ',g"" se dUl lry, 1118 COUIlII'Y, lind fO soon . . Regiml'111, nnd il is . ener.1 clu'ifi~tion aioe~ nOI of cour '. I.. t , " WII8 jllt'vit .. llfe, I Nt:w Lork 691h romnl1tic AlinchlDl'l1t hulw ecn Will' t: Ihe -Th g IhllL ,J~ :I» t~ . \ rllCL SIl'r ! tQ. mOO het ,ed The ('par tned IJ, is,,pr "h" alllry WH " ~~lId him - ' lellreu Ihllt, he pcri s i rht! BUlhor hll8 eVld enll y ullm lce. chel /,til en· IItla r 1I1~ y ld thei ... tmtl , o tllll lllnl ,I,,,. rmin J1~." IIllt \1., l dele II. ly n , Loh cy, 01.11i1 '~ I . m ,.: ing " teUla Llleir poli ind e pcnl l, 10" bolJ ! from nD upp er will. I ~. b~.1 ". ,ulp., " l· ecll .- Lllo whol e BCOpC or illdustrilllDsiH e c~u .e of his bo:ftr WIIS low erc{ by " Cllfll' ll 011 I .1 llie 8 I1LI ~Cl uf C,U,lI s llo"r a hl" ~u"s" i,) .-' 01111' wh~ lit a 111)11 IrQID y IllIe part 1118 11.1ll III 10 , tigll l lh"" .clf lI"y . "IIti terpriAe, or.!o recl ose thei r ~Tos p ly lIoIIC , IIC leu IIIIldl'r lm ,,11111 Idllllnee b I Ii'"lIe~, b1I~:';.y •' . (,'ji ll '" to ellce in Illc WCNI com prt'h O II, At dll"J 10 Ihi s " IIIIS dow • on II ' 10 118 IInu rrom The mOllth s IlgO. 11 Itu Ilrel lry ill'. coun dliC { ' . . "':1') w , I Wus ur,o f 1111 litr!!( ' 'r ; If tbe de.ignll~ioll wero used only I (lrdl lIeck iur IllS .. 111 .., I. .•. . WOrlly 0 cun side r. ~,', Mr, fnem l to the 11I11l Pres · Ito I lell II y, IIlIu JL IS I 8e /l I \VIIS IIl so gOI uul, Iltou " h u"I"'~~11 IUY»"'Y HilI "" r Lnn 11 dey oteil r pro. Cr 'I' Hllv ing eecl\r8 d ~he .,-"rwi d•• 0::7 ·f . l · · faslt I' CI D hc I I f II , ,UIHI I' ),,,,, II . u' s. .1 vllni 'In deac riba the earl iest ph" ,e of Ihei .he I sure on l ' /lOIY .1 ll Anu U 11 8 ""( IIIIl mea wurll/JIaft' j hl ~ll ~f IIvltilil y lillti 1\1 Ie. 01/11\1 est U~81111y 0 'lutl dew 0 foug ht IIgllillS~ Ihe .. uu~h t't:1I11U" \ ·I be cor . I lIJ lhlll ELL IS"" KU lr ft .uJlc rior hu ounc en IInll chns ing Wl\8 hRv l~y s r Rnd plire ul'll , l't -OU B'lrl l'"pe ionl Mc u ~ 1ule " d"cL Mr, ;"li" 111 I BU I, in Ihis cO""; hold intr Ihll 1:J11l '" whose "lIs lIle89 to Miss mPllliull I',, ' III~ n.m e BUI· he l'cCI1 iv .. d. The tllilks oil rllnk a· I ,e.BII alurs o~ tm~" e leI h,i,. lonJ .lllp is 10 b" Il.mrried uy the Ulliun plirLy of Wlll Tcu llnd cartl lltlilly tbai ' •• Ii~{.c' imokon r .. &lU b It Ihei reet eno ugb ; 10 indicl\le Ihei r re e;!!l ns we , 8"lIi nlor IIWI! be IIllig Wllh will alltl l1 a milld le l' . eno ugh ; 81r ths Iho nl thlll distr icl wha l'~c ll, II dllu~I"t' r of Agt:ntlell I. I ' r"pr Wllr to h s, . Edit tie n. ing coun ~ive ~~r 1'!IIv ~e , y 11 1 11' 8wa Jing lIIon g olhe r It"te e, it is prop er s liu'n it buil l,.! grOl e r til't,lsv e nor l' Ihe. Wille. HooII Ihu lI/1ouglt; p~'ri~1 pow e r RHk s 10 flle ll r II.Rll l of ru .. lullI: r"sIIIIII" III Upp JOl iN w, C(jL~t:t't. \le or 01110, anti so CI~ll u.ed incI 8'iv ,ly. i~ is IIciiu.r ate ," " I , IlIRibS and beyo lld. In lhe ~enl lng lh"l r OCCUllllIIIB 10 rO'IS\ rtilh lJt.id"I~" 911'1 ·c l. 'f'he . QII~CII Id 61\itl 10 hnve t.illt MOU ' rd ky Huc reco Ll,e hili io WIIS 8 lly Ol), . lire6 J Sr"ct mlll lIud 611I1 W\S al . ul, ) . hll' \l.ed exch lli\'e ly, iL II I " - - _. _ _ ecle u. Ihal boil. B"rn um, who men lal . ill hl"inACing 'j b 1I,e lerm ror ,wllicl,. he WK8 dl I hi s ngt'fll rCII.' ~Cfl I\rgely l'l slru - - -- - - _ _ ...1L.11....~""--' O , d IUlYe lO h?tl will rAp rl lelcg nuo , d ! pori I Luri moll IIn~ e com l, hRv ' !y I y l,bou . ch 'l'ltll IB63 Ohio ~llIl In us. f from lhe Deo eCIC , 10 ,,1 ~al olls 1 .~ , erro re per~ , It! Will aD grea l y IV opo on balu rd"y EDUCATION -Al II ' y, an".• t Iley gnit ioll alt.ly or II con · ,Iy 10 81\11 ~ur. EUl ' e man orac' tur'IDle .ID d us,r ~l rtCe lH 11 hnllJ gum e roy"1 ncu aom I t:um . rllli.liJd cons~nl, wllho~tI lhe form mus lila flew they n n lor wlu; V les ors loSll , mill CUr ure were &t:l, s, Rnt.! who bOlh acsslons or Ihe liS il i~ cOl)'lp!eL"u. , ~lg . soon DU~I Ali . L";" elli. 1I0D t;<.& illlm · ~el1. £, .. I hav e lom e com mer cial rela lioo led OP"I V,· . Ulli r" o 10 .... Ih :;ns o( A'J' in t HlirlJum desi l As. , , mtD I in thu milili<ry 8~ r\'ice ,......... I ~ ' ,. "~ ~ Ill ;. . -1 , per· 100JJrotll ni IInJ lUlcrc~ting O." II"rll of. di8' givc rnof ly IInu abe') ' are c:apabJe of grel lt enll lrge ove orab lily, ex-O hon lo.cll rls, Lo e d b",," Ilftr som .. G 10 hn\"C y H ~ I,nm Ihis nlel r; ~ ...' SIllIes, lll1ti 'rl 18 Va IUI bl e ' o~~·., III el.m . ., ( 19' ,. lite Wnl l'r ~rdllY I' ' 'Il t to sl'lIIbly of lBG3 ill botb r •• peet e, 's forulfll/cCS, UIIIII lloe ne w lUus lij- I til. lll e ss~e, wrll el 10 I IIII :''J t'1I1'p lUI' Dul N'Or'I,, ··8I, chl\r~ed Ih"l'crIOIU. Iline Ihe li"h tol hiD .kelC h wns n wllli ess of ench B OtiR 'B"le ne Eft~il " in l lhe ~lIl. Lcel , y '1 I 'lied toda I • I 111\8 I d~, ~IIrOIlI"I, IIPRr .1 ' nnd repl lrde d bui,lt. H" Comm eacm g Wil l I Ie yeAr I 60, 'rr.el,.":;I~ lh uf th~ A. I~llll from }.IRClCll ~lIr 'ndF lens" iout chll r".. c, Ih e MiRmi Uni . proct:~ulng~, all! mRrk ed :r'' Vol rv Wili '/Ir , pora ll liter lem " ~wee •• Iltt: l> I for 1111 I IInlll c. ~. J864 , '~l\lllIg tn..Jun lon, liS llte~ Irlln ,Ie 1111 · g WI'tlI tb e Yl!ar .8 . M, ~OB£RT_Ui ' uRe, iuue d R cRrd lll~hl", M~xl co U Ullivcrsiay LIot· CYCII15 or lite ~C6S an d eIGian . , ~r1y tel e pr"p n ltH" mnchl' lIl" IIIC ~1I1~ l:( vvr~ily III Ox(ol'd, Iii " Ol,i o leat! mony clldt:my or "Ju~ic. lie . praV givln al rul t IU ..c~ dlAC r, B ~ trulh ' orde uVt: , L~al In 0 IIppr . can data k' Ifilld tl J, the I : ' 0 " I . nl, d plrel " . ol 1 b I r arra nge sciio 11 ia II . tricl i' , li lic IHlb uu< Ilu ~ 109 e 'l'l;e 1RII fnny 10lh lII11 'ac. nornlllg, !,lrollntl I Illur McBurn ~y erly , nt Alh ens, In II 9"tt fl 1I0t. thaI :Scll o . lie ptOp a , Ull Ihvi.Il8 . u!le, ah,'1e, lilli" a\1 tllu~ 10 UIIC III , ' tbe,rellllh in pop ulM ioo anti prop him 1 t ' '"" Wil l!lfl Il 6I'1O,I)Rlhy IIt l lH'lllun withill 1111l SIIlIII, al\"I'" el'J'l'y lI ,pe rooms plllchI ~I'til/l)II Ie .I1\U I law .1t.q'l"lil r., ~hom for lhllir ullivlIl'sl 1I'III eo I lculA lun, , pllrt LhllL OCII . 'Y ' evel III d r.·io/rj~ ' t an'd pllrl J.'8 um an~ • e : we w', . b AlDoun an prop orll un, Ilua DlU. d I~ . belu Ihe r of lind ' r.ellu 10MS Ulld olis thl~ iluli r len e o· kild wer ill"L · 10un o · 8111 'WIt lltnl II oes not i"'e.~I·1I1 hi~1I thee e priv ileg es of Ihos ~.i:ce ~g. On all lhll gl'e.Mt qn eslions Lhllt pr v"tll w~'11 111 0 A .1' ' : ,:y lcly .. 1I1 cdiK lid imm dt'fU L IIIP The agg rega te pop ulal ion or I b '~ II. Ill! . .Ihtr cfor e 1111' il' the lime 1 .voic e ing hi~ inltllltion lo efl'c q 80 schools for a p!!riotl equill 10 Irou g.'l e ol'e tho S~ nRte, lois Bille o( n mUReuo:, which will he IlD orna men l 1,0m hulJlul>! offic .cnn J;\Ja to for Go\'· wOler i8' Filuoted clo~e 10 tI/'" lIilcheli. II 1860 , wal 10,4 45,5 • a the elev enS lal., 1 In. of I~clf O!I lil,!I n ev~~ 1rttl, lnliu oce. w~~e nou ll16 tollli popu lin bon or Lo Llle prio r 10 1I~.d IllS vote Oll 'lhe Lol lre . . . riei yof ·"ruIt' -~3t per cenl Acc om · (J 1'11 866 . WII8 wiJe , 10 the nll.'t.ropoliK 8nd they hllve sptn l in Ihe ~ervice ·" 8m III,1 .e"B' t<llt 'l. per.O ~e~n ' p.lI~r ror,e Rnd 'of HI8 l . 11, . reRI II·\Ic} E (/,,": ir lry \e' 'fhe coun ;ood liol\ or IllS on. tlup is uo. the Uni ltry. HIl 811YS he ollD Confj,ucr,lIl.e .1101 .Ihl' I,! rOil nil lIl III the IIge of twcl ity·e coul JIj II . arriv ill ' r WII' f'If WAS Lhci ,-. •• } cl\rd , ' lIe 6. pen, .lhld I6,~ rt~g. pr<l ' 109 '4,b ) un.lI The 1':"1 Al . "ud I''''pbo.... antI ~."Jl, d"III"~ the orig inlll 001 • prop e,.,y' ".". valu ed '. ' lwc nly doll "ra, Indo rsed on Ih t I , Alit! ever neArly ever Ylhi ng illll for .... " .' I "tAl lh 81: I'_ , mon 18. I~l "8l 1l' s III! bill bo dust nou s, IIlwlly~ m III. seaL b .. .lml'1"lall, to L" JlIIIU wbell rUIII ",cu m rAnC I. s six b mer in 737,,,"""31.B7 per c"n t.or lhe LOIl1 Slon ion of lel~l I" .' c hne Stllt cl I tlI/c the I' A of ()::7' eSls her PIII ICO arB, IPP y !O ,' . Y ruKX flCIi ~'ur 'uri lhe Intcl I. The ~' . ch(1I1 .or I I ' , ' WIIL I : A'I ' ' Rlch of ~be ~ali~n, 8\~v.e8 e;rcludtH di~P II lit TE: II It. 6 SW~ ' .1 II P IOW. '0 J .,11' IIck·I to Soon his I', ce oge-n ope rtt:ll EUl I~C'" exp" ant! U . llClI llore IS prnC ., • , t.i2,· llwecll Ioilil w'·111 lollow SOOII uue . . ' '.Indomilllbitl in · r. ope n"XL "'lllur·I.,,, 1111.1 hi JII 18 Ihe cd I I II b'II'lIy, IliS Q"8b ,.all le o( lbl'i r r"rma w.-s 82.,4 u" U ..., W'!Ylle~Y"'\I~' -T h e \it~rnry pub lic- In rRCt. " ltcli und er Lhe au-p l'ces 01 led ~ • l'gn lLlis . cSII , ue y l I ollll. t . til., of. . d o~n~ on. u pcrp i 10 II d ly -.,. flee '1 360 ,621 .,-3 .7.0 6I per l{ . ' were .1 . 01 C, 'te; M - ' .j"';, ....... perSeVtl'H!lC lllllery lht' Bililimure /Iud III roa , W 10 IISlr) nn :J e!lll re ,rIcllulIS.I.)j ",u rld -" ill bl! pllin 1II farm lug Imp !llnelllS Illluq ml\c /lU beir'g pt.lccd on his by I N t:~go , 1 ' P I u\VI 3 "ckn LhAI U!r. says 635 \V 8toaU 'hey bad OliO '47b , '" . ~r 'he ew York ller ald10 [,e ob- 1"11'11 IIRI Ir Et!wIord LVllon Hulwl'r: Ih nlOSI ImportllnL commillee>!. Du --...:......;., nn4c,r~3·0511. 1· recl'lIlly bUl\~II L Ihrc o scr~ ,, w ;"38;'-,4u;, .C and of liTe a~cl... .., l'lisl, p~et Rnd ~IHlt.S' IIccun.l in l: 10 Lhe bes t datae Ihllt n()v er 8 .. '}o' ollre lriou l\l ... illus llori elle r ilL A rece nl .1110~ 01' I'Illg Ihe Seni prop I!I" his I'" oue of of y.' l.o aud £ IVI.lo e f\,L lh stat 'E 10 al ,E'B safll _ is B le. • /I \Vho D. cll, Lhe IlIio or y utllf , allil l'lIc n , u mt: mbt:r 01 the Per eonL ' , . Yor k, anu hu ~~s il dlAllngulsltl' ~outh ill ;~:c~dh;~ ~~co~e bltleIt:rl ~oc II .. ·' . four DlIl!ioIJ8 of bll\cks in Ihe erly Oov ernm cnt vcse pls in New i ely C"cn 'of lid prop an c in I mod 011 lind "11 "lid . ioo, , . eo t ulal 'Vldlle'Alb In(I1r"n hii ·pnarou'''' . ~b 1llJit pop in COll . w' y Thu no elnr I ' Judl lue 11 l' ir .' iolls orut mill frl' in e e ' m/ll pUI LI~rt r be , llllU · hl6 mos ltDnlly on t: 1f1 ~ gon. , pl'oct'cd. IBGU, 1101 oyo Blood 1\85000 as lhty r,OIn tllu~. Il\at Ire keel'" ('Pllt .. . lloe p'o" ouolic,an\! i ~ Dllruule recoru .i1I il~ aCIS KIIU 'tal i. 10 1.)/lrI~ a er fll lIIol und 1\:1 'flli! conn ecte d with hus blln dry ,lhy lid" eil, . ' lille. unls unsc in "ceo live t:J II) 1\11 I\ j.l1"c m e '8lOM Fro be . lorge IIIlir ' ", " of 000. Ihlly will . . ' I I ' . "'g-~ f .!. l · wiLhin a Iritle, ower or und er, of nu W!* lint: tom f unfo L PLO "B E lind lhi. Ihe first DA K Shb uld tl /ltl Ibe first , or RlDoorr . e s~lonfl .c are 0(. Ihc wOlld's rnllS I , T.'i I .. , rlun l\le RC ' y I~ On IIC 101)1'.011 81,1, I I I. " ~ I' . . e lor IIny un,o ' 'bir d of Lhe UnioJ1 in each ilem iuru l)' 'J'helt! i" ro 'lccs nale Iher e, ' c. . sow Y "UL b~ell Ille ling '1 lOg of Oil Am eliclIn Com . reslt pfltiS by lule 1,. S ed e "~t1S rllCIl Ih ~ "" L own e "'; : lilt-il ers priv , de all eam ' Il sl , . o l . u CHt~l ~ the agri cult g in olld,do.u~l? I!HI 8lng i Ille hInd IhaL to lhem llllS Aga in in eoumerllLina Sf .. ;~l\J Cox. dlHing IhH lerm for Irum ble, The et.iilor of II,e NIHV Numt :lllln g .'nex prlls sibl y ."dd ellin 1111' ,0 . L , p ' .Guv ; of L,; VE (J SH I It IItlJ~ lod. of lruu reJ prod t , IIe lays : pRlly. , a 8~th ~n RnnoUUcem ont, ""Iucil he ""ill be triulllpllllllily I.I"c QO. ..- -'cAl am' "Il S 1Jla ck Repub!i cun, ]lIms~lr Ihe LI> OI'l" Iht Pluf Chll 1 jusl . ive . be cul reSS ld ngri Imp ho wou Il!r IIiI.G uy Rlli U He wHI f~u s lilu on ill ' A. U, Mc3uI'O 01 "Ide 01 .sleel. . Of the total vlllue of ir-n colo red Dllln, 8""S thaL , hll .' lie who ror 11 1' I ':I ""l Z3r It hilS been asc crLHiu"d unl ~nd d..."-I '.lId ,~"ftr" ..,\rO>I , tl,e. r ~ ities of IIl1lhortimed rpp"~r Plu" man 10 /luly till Ihtl "Xlic utiv e chn I I') 01 I ' '11 IImo e 'url\ l prod ucts of the yeM 13G5 Lh iz"d . II •. lfT ,,! ' l d le/:k 01 chllr ,lgp.d Lhtl E hfts ...,lll ( 8 lm Ihat y yeHr I n Illl'u: klod t qllir lY" Mil illen :h Rlwl per d cunt whi-: 118 , houl s lhis ly 6tiO 1\1 1 I on 11. 605, o er WOt 15~, .UllIll . . eti tmy of thl! r,egrllll, find that ;.1\1' UCI' b"lIulif I . ' n ' Stal es prod uct d 1!1, ~"'lll ("" of'a Bull Uur.e-.I~ctj.If " r ~ e 00 hilig ulficu U Smh II" 000 S"CO O:::T "30 I the hi~ lOlA lI'" ill Judi he l ' hoos c of till: 0111, In k cilcu · ., "" IlIlh lll ~f I 1'4r !Jlt1 u ClenllllllS, .I~ .I~ut . . was equa l to 39.7 per cent u , U 0 "~I\lion:tl BanII,H ~ , unlt5~ 0 ill etllu prumpLly. t loli' e o( COllOlI, rico , IHlion" is near WIll ~lllll1l1ldy b"coln e ulill ClfrorD ly rCAcht:tI. 111111 1" of the Union, excl usiv A.gP., (rom A.lllh e JOYs 01 Ruciltl ,."1 old .' lit" " ly on. lrate IlIlli or I "'I'> . ~.I d p~r.IlJllled 10 li\'II' canl' u dCIIII:d Ihe lo.in !( COII~ .. r811 n he uut com p"rn lil'.I )' fe ~ e~ T-ca e ourb ---Iltc'r • " . lll:'rc I ilal" nuJ s US ion ,'hu M grat e. IImi W aSle .. .... IN E ~ . • e gar au mo ~l1cnll WhIles. lie 'IuYI ~c, ,I\lId ?O of frt~nu •• lind com pl'lI t'tllo ' ,. . M Z;JT' GUCl"l'ittllR still SlV/lrm Around pear8 tit' ..ilh 1\ c'RpitllJ of I'enl Ih~n 'liliollll.1 ill SlilUliolls Hilder 1IIIt Syst elH lioll. 'fI · colonlZU ·Mufclt to . Ihe. IllS UIlY' III ~olil' IC bl·IJliRnl. I II Furoernl . ~]l\IIlIUO"I\ S , Aud r ~ uelR fl'ulD our sout h Ul,e. .. ROHil,'" "".fsona prop erly s ome lhin g 1<:88 J. I ' ' ·I\br '''.am Linr.ul"I:\ thu Mllrl . ollU d. The e nlire numuc:r wlil :·rn SillI es con tinue 10 arriv e ill Mexico I"lm lIulh · 'Pl'I (or or or hed reac lIulh ' o they ltiom ., I".m ccnl , 11lIg ~ , 'I~ RSl' ng knU ', lhut y-I" o per lolni J'AR lil! , I,GO 0(\ Ihe b h il: ok reac .. Irt: r ~1f8 llLly I ~ '1 hal "' us n. 'I"ec v of the ('arming prodUCI. prob of SOClely, tho Im/ll.d~ol or 'I by p"Bsr. Th~ HUI1I~ If per e'tnt ~, COIII I'lliC!l1, I-li te pot III argo I1UUI C/"S. tive of ·bol h .cDm gina prop er of the Uni on, ~O::I" 01 • ~Iore III R"ckY"I imA -- - ._- _.- __ AnJ c ltotl rom the i Iitc loie is a till\l 9:'!!1I' 811iun, lioon. It "IIlere" al r; . ~ :ln illui~lIti o n A . It~ me II IIt'cr~I,ius"xi enRrilln 1" 'll p.llper A!,noUnceR I' lI '.dny ?IIN ' l!on beco omiL .. ~ Orl' As h ' s"«e lAte er un A wril IiI ZdJ llhe .lly 'jls ~r,iler :;,.. I Ihll g .clll h rve eRsin of Incr \ 0 obse '/1" 6", Whic . ('~'.'I III. Ilyld wil ~clrRwin~ ! fl'c re pill.nltll~ 'ofl s tl l. . riage of .Mr, A:il(1retv Leg g 10 101 Ie.". II l>ltrllillg, wiihuul ·Ie.v-Idtll f 118 a snu uhilig. ?ORt ,""I" :· " I,O()'O" tll~ slvo d ~rc. saile i'ri\ IS ted in lhe clltRlogue of pror lucl "nil nll1C ste eUlII : "1: CCAn l O , IlIm~ ~' h icll~ r ." · "Il'~~ , hf~e cn om Ihe cun\' I'1~e of n i g . Til ey wrtl ncve r fr "In elf II hi'm lind III EKL Y. " "P' A b WE Ie. PQS~ ?I~ ilS li}'J) nutl u( ! HlSU ter, imPOl'lBOL ilem of Sorg um, IlIst, lIIork ~ I ng ~IIJ ul er VI Sible ;)I" i :".n: lin r 'i\R wlfh ~ it:IlCI'lI!OI Ih,' Pr,l'ilt~ll~'l_ , 101lJ 1\ c 'V '101 k uU Satu rUlly I '. ' .. Iseu kllig rcfull'e from tho uplln t he IlIr~ Py '1 '188IiO/ I ek i.; I~I·It. Cell I ~,15'~ i ~ s~, Llti t);e bad reoeived UlfD Si ve sail .n", to J ' . std i . "ull I ad Ill P CUrtOIl ~ 0 d 1,' <1 1"l ym)!;, In a l ·(lI1 II· ~ ""I .,. [\1 1,>1., \1 n :~, I'"b llill u., !11 III , I wellly · (UUI' orc Ie III 0 " I r.'! , lie IL IO l Tl!], nuLl llR r dly 1\ ovllou · !i~ 'IJ ill. ' to Ite I.ho 07 14 Dua ,ly all o( tbe cle veo ~~ 111\ all( r lO , wte k. , ' . lin ' , Ii t! uJriJ call At..:H W TER::i, 'l$ l ",1J Nia ti-' . 1t((I. , R C! prlu bI C II~ llbl'y ClIH'11J llJ ~ IJI, ~C,' IJ III Ih t. t'v ulh 1I~lIta III!lIWlUy .-.t llliulI1/ J~la
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fr ow tLi icin y lJI'I\'e I ul!l! n d oing ll o lJl ~ ollty. aDd &h" ir " .. 1'(JUnt u h_lc will be conli nl Rlld t;incerl' -r 0 111\', \\ "o&e It' rm o f Rt:rvict' e Xjlit l'lI belu IC' lit . Illu slt' rill " o ut, h a ve bee n uL
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New~Y WAl; N E o , ' lLLE . 0 ~~ 1) 1: "lIu n, .(), M lli.~ e" hom l! su m .. lime :-tbei r n.ll mcs IHC as 8 ti5 A. N. and al the O UI,I t.J it ·Ii gulivlI , ' OILS , TS, PAIN fl, I I J', M' _ fulluws , &S nl:lI l' 1\8 "' Il Rr~ i,"I.ar mcJ,: I 0 1 = -'= LOWEST POSSIBL'£ PRICE S. - ====----.......,=-~~ I!lh l .,., 111:11I'Y W ard, J II u n JIIII"p~, . -. ) _ , TUFF DY.E·S 'J\~l)Ctti5(nlCl\t5: U. Roborls , Sabin I 1' h eultln g U OJlArlme llt TO I LET A RTI CLES, (JT 1h'ndl ,,' s lind Mu nroe's te n ce nt l Rrt wrigl lL, J oh n A, = 1. unde r Ihe supervisio n or tl,.t excel len' --- - - ----'-, West. l,meO, ili . , NUl cIleLles (o r 61\10 nt Ih . _ __ _ __ urllril , -OFs or our reo ~. S T - T . 0 0 . 0 SON , \ ~nc I" Mr. 1IIKSO II, P nstoT or tho 'rIlE7\lTll.-TI ~lme rtiliil us II!C L ml:n l'('gi lhis f o s4Iltlil'rs ll"J lur w ll o, in h ie li ll t'. i@generallyeck ociwf~J. E. ChUrI' h, has re lu l'not.! 10 hi$ P AI NT- BRU U E , E' _ to be w ilhom a sup n,,'or '. eJged ES, RUSH B . ~ • J" .I.\, W lilTEW ASll chRI'g", "her J\ (t; W wUl: ks' visil. ilL f0\1u\I'8 : ' ·b ' G· J .I HE AD Y-MAD E CLOTH ING C 'q ,l. '1' . E. ~mlll ... s e .I u 8 Louisyi llo. In lorge qJl ~ n tlly ~ nd eleg ... nl quality ancl 01 y quola ~eel he T W lI a mih on J olt n U Cle me lltS --~ , J ohn B ur ris 81y ll'.01 horne mak e, "1 IVo,s in 8upmy. j;lr Miu , Lue A. H enl ey relurn ed J ohn W 'oll l"lt ) Crispi.n d: J/opkill8 D r lPt lll i ne tl to mDlllln in Ihe reputlltl en to , . • cellsor (S ey endl Ll tu ill Wdl Q Uooper m ~ i . • to 'lui's nlnee Oil 'l' hurlld"y Cro m Wash - , \vill rn CIOIH ( his house os one o r Ihe firsl Clllll, Mr. • ., u. cotl pill Lip U n e All IJ" dl,K W I . 1 I ,. Al Ih e o ld s lU ll d u ll :\fftin S tree l. W oyneshi s 0I8ia,all le will 'per811 0 h Li ncul n ' F or III r<l lri ll ol Jl ll rposeil, 10 wh ic h 'h e 01· ,D UlJley and illg \!'n, where S II) IRS uee n pa6i1n g l Ilt LI"III II O W Chllse J osep r8 11 ,, 0 CIIHum~ d ve ol gi l8 10 h oll pui 'urm ·i,, d; l.l alle c wuu , inlly rc ville p es is IIS !llcl{"y llell hv.iciH r P Hu IJf M iun I tClll A-sfl Ch.I\,t.l ln JII ~ I ei!!ir l mon ths. Ih e rl's t 01 mllll ki ".I , Il,ot hc !. US 0 I:0u <l I . III J'~ f Dod wbotcvc r pcrln ind to II ~ - lltl'rC SatJ·s tactl'on ~ Kin E S olllll Th er 11 l1 :lI Ch Aron A .. 0 nl - - c lll "~Burl 1 ~1 J ' II \" f I oIVa, ZebullJ lI Ull kin l' I! rre r ·· 'V I 1.lm C.lI ~nJ exa mine Btock end p.ricef, F l R S T - nAT E '/::iT Mr, WIIrn e r 1\.10 5ey , 0 i glon Mllllill '1' wis .. L . B. DUDLEV. ; " n. ll ~v e Jun e 27. IIccomp,,"icd by Mrs. K ing d on , of Ihi s EU ;;I'n f 'I d,;u }{I on ' id ll p M t rll r Me I~ .,!! hllt\ C InsL on ',' • I 1IIIcre for No w Jdsc '1 8I so ,Bl"nrI Cd sup ,Y 0 ; ' J o llnW F" rll , h ,II U<'or gc W R.,Mc l"II . ,. 1 .. J . p"ca, c r & , sitCI' l-IrOIl \\1111'0 I COPIH' 1111, k llic It<:Lll 'llunu Etl (Jil)bs r: h l' ..... , J Wednosdny enilllll g, on 1\ VI.. I. AI.", 0 c uud suppl y of ~ t -• ( •, .00 S , I l(. iCI • Billi e I,'WP.I rn~h prices . All Df))' son l l ur sale VAL~~lI T h(J m ns w\ I ve"... '\: Tn r y ' - ul ki " ,). · fllb lll >o lI S C C 0 l" IT '~e r~g .. e t to Il! nl'lI 111I\l Mr' l hl i l "~11 Thvmp son \v iI"~ 11l - A II DR W 0 RK I' Cr ru ~ !Ii W IInl Saliluel h .ulb, of LI1l8 plnc e, WRS last I Mart in T all "ey 0 UT -000, _ _ _ " " 1\11 as S il Ulin g , R no lin !! . &r: .• d o ne on " cell It'iz-ed wi lh 1\ str ok e o f apopl exy, l il t " r y 13 Willi nnls -S UCH AS__ . _ _ _ _ . Wayne .ville, Ohio. . nl'r o" m L ue. e Ih ill und " h ort 1I0 li ce l. 1;I'EA, wbi~h prosll"l\ teu him st!verely , Th; s 2 3ly Ju of ne o On N. A ~lDDJo.N TIIA N, ITIO CO F'F KE , is the 8.1l~onu at IR q" h tl 111\1 hilt.!, y - --IL e ht'lI ltd mornin gs of Fourth. of.J.ul , _ :::lU GA R, ronl ly 'gn y 'a I nP all r O Nl' INli ES Til E PRA C TICE or k. wee oice eh II MOLA"SE3, , nrMr . hnve m h! ml~ rs, WIIII..' l l"a I::l l'I C\;;:j, "\ 'iQI V Jllpply offllDl ilygroce ries .nt his storu l\ yo U l h U C ~t; \" 00 S, 11 Q All Ja A" IN E:rtS :\l, ETC. 1l1~ L 1:'1'(;., JlE'I'A i ound' nr re we ,o wI ho~c t y b l/ .l·e (lIId our Ct'r",in nt!i"hh orll be"11 "0 Corwin I 1 1"II r iuIls broll ches ; not to be exrell# it" In <. ,., , W ~ l i ll ~ UpOll a 0 111 ,DRY GOO DS, t!tl nllvwh c,c. None bUI tho mny 1I11V1\)'ft drpe uJ upoo lJ ~ in ~ pol itely : 011 ~J II i" 1i 1l· t:~ L . L O , ,T • r , he was p"fllall y IvIlle!. , or se nt e ndl a8sort'm oh.rchlt o 1of cOlllplet hiol . A \)811111 . givu y o Lh' r M~ 'rE JllAL laene\,e "' D J,; S 'r 'llPOll WMiu:u QU £1.. 1'\ S \\ AR E, o f to onc o f OUI' s.ton ·s . ll e tlis jJl.. . ill" at hid reside,,'. ,.. Oftice CUII.o Tlmnl", a ellli. - - . 1-IJ lJAlI D\VA RE u n 1\I.ill ~:lLreul. WIIS drc8s~d ill s\ )' I~~ alltllll s ~lIk 6,UP, --'--... ~' , ' plloll ~e )i ul\(WflS , e kti nec to UuulS om -~ & a::l" See RUverll~e Dle Dt of Hou ~e (fr 1 GUOCER1ES, s of mjtlni ~ "1 RlluLo lrOl'so le, A &101111 Cnwily .ill IIbl e. Anu tho se Itlck SIWI'!! t.i IIr ound hi, c lc, HuvillU hod fllu'rl eclI' yenre' eXJlerjellct 1'11" ~e"t quelil y of lIeed of A comforillbltl l"t' sit.! onee in " I tlllrkllo~s th 'll cIU c ., & ~ dolli A et! bnm s h'lve Il\i~hl nd. be i ;' 1!le yroclic.e ~I Medlcine,. offm hi' lI~eirllblo neighbo rhood. will do well to gRol IDO'n)?lP~ !~1[D ~:81t.,Ql ~~ .. !~t(Qlo {{RL:L N:m,§, 1( IIUO I rb e I ro, esstunol l:l c rvacce tn the cl(lzens of I 6up II Of A po ll o , for th t! y W\'I' (live this proptJrt y lh"ir IItlention, > ' l or cllv to 118 0 8 11', 0 S Wayn esville and VIcinI ty, WII l I,at 's o AIHIl, llcr ar, our we . S' 1 BU . ._-.-, , , ' , Fur (; c llll tl me n' s ontl , Invi Le al\ t'lIli oll. to III p-i r St ud; of l Sl'jlply u r w e ll-sel e cL€ J ew' vi I"r"e full u R wilh ers cnf\d nl prc fair Ihe A8s.as the of al Tri JUST Ol' T. -. 'rhe. OFFICii on Ihe corner or J\loil/ lind Mi~ 'Il~ ~S DOM . ' ll CU I'd II Dllli 616 ,. 1~9ur1.Y' oppo s ile !-Iny 's Hull. IIn y ,u II lO\V a~d · . ' 11M' a.nct GOII.S Pll'lIlOl'lI for Illtl.. MunJer or I I-Ie n<! vel' JI'~nl.nt or , , · lUJU Ccr Night caJla promptly responded lb. \ wurkanu lt)', I'O~ C I1 gl' 8 1,1 of cnccs I ~IM'I~enL Llnooln , c\1 mpl eto 111111 UI,II- S('qu DS GOO R Ir:~ IT 0 ~:m ' I. !i\Mifl 'W~ I ~®1l' ~ I e dll"' IIYbn~,.. e l )', \Vj,i. e the)1a8~C r ,; uy \ ESS . Q f a II tw POrlrtut8 d,COOIRI.. ' p' ' .1 --- .--b1;I~g~ DInI; l!;)\W\W II ~ IN~\!!J ~:ru ..... (!;~I1 · . , -, fUI ! las .. But on. Iy Ig IIJllIlIlI II PrnlcII" II ChlII'IICICrS, for Hille nt 'he louJ.t! I We Ilavo no hesitallo n 10 88X iD i that the I\S R (nir IlId}' I M]~ N , .Miami (jl/zelle Office. P,ice 5U cenls· 11I1I lh lll IOlInly bt!lI\lly; kiJlJe olwaya on hondo' > oil ' 01 ® h"! ' (Q ~ FINE ST PERF U 'lIER 1E8 pa sse J, an IIl1kind wiud I\l Ih e SUIII C , . L l. AND SEE. - -- . ... . A G ' 1 inst ll nlltl c we",ry hllilfn~ m Ih e (.to ll ever offerell in. this markel. may be round ;TMr, J08eph W. UAlns s, lit the A fille h8!Orlmont of 1 · r pe , •. ~ II nnd ~d, o h u al our Cdlublis bmellt , '('hey are 'II LAl\l PF, old sl"nd on ~"in st~Ct1~, oOIlLi~lues ~u Il th' lO a ll 's hallli>olll JUlie !J3-It ' Ihe 'lIl ll l'I'cl 10 l\vol' e ~nu Q E N U ' I N E, turn oUI Il,lucl.ef, 11IIInese , . c . , In the ll 1110 Iwr ubulic LAN TEl{N S, & • _ _ _ of mcllt A!SsorL 'al Gencl a And Lolhlllcd ta l \,.recipi lI.uKI vllriely, ,~d of ,urs trl1;e 1II1I1 <: l'i,,1 1fllgi liv\! w'g. nlm os l iclc, h CI-lI lI"' lNEY S ~ 011\1 ' conlpet~nt juJllee give thelll the 1'(J, Lho IroIU rio I c.r.s /lilt! pEI·.lI_t-·nrlttl~.Nz'J":'.,· \ and mB."UftlClu.re., A. E. MKIUlI·f T. 1 • Ihe C i() ~IJI"8e II one 1 l- cIIUn, WI ,hi s tJtI RC!l oC mlno 101' • hose wiln t S IIe 10 II liS (.l I . Wo pnrlicul nrly desire the allcDlloB<of lO .1 \...J here, HUll,' uL leltsL_ . I receive ' i s Such ~ IIJdell IIl1d rcmark llul e tran 'I' H E LAD I E S aDd should by all mean" gIve Mr. H. 1\ -S UC II 'AsRETAIL DEA LIi:llS IN 01 II,e offer i>y th ich .wh :' LIII: io youth of bloom till!' II 1 tr~' tion~ , ... ' ' e~'I.. rl~ , FiN E- cU'r ' To tUis realllr!! 01 our bUlinen. We hove LOWE S T MARJ {E'i ' PRICE S. 1" ~ 'sere Mlltl p :llow Ita l' of pll9l me ridinn, Irvin A. . J. PLUG AND LAROE CURRAI' ITS .-lIh. , ~ .l 2.lr A' ). L.. 1'Ij AT '1 S .N E.E J)~Jj , AND I\I"e rAre ly wit- I -lu ly 4. UI.l ' .. Cl ", . ..,. • (,A pl'e&.I:DltH.I ua 50,"1! tine C'4err.y I\urrfl.llts nrtJ II cll COllllu u n, nn d ' ',1 (I I I • 1 I. . ::;~'lUFF VU 1-: 1\1' ey e 0 LIe pUu IC'I For I he 'roilet, H nndkprc bie f ., " CHE MIC ALS : Jut we'ck, limon" which IWAS one hAV- ne8St u u)' t I~ . See tHing Drawers , Wltrl!. '1\11" , " a .LACr'- INO, " .- - ----. -- ------ .• LE AD ing .a cirouOJ.fe fllnce of two antI six . .&.'l.&. . robes, alO .• fur.. " ,. , n rill.ACK IKG BHU:5UES, . &'¥J- From Ih e (' Xlreme hent of Lt'll i OIL, I (i;all anll en-mine 'ollr varieLle8', -, - ETo .. Eni. "i"lILhll illchel, menn, .antl two anJ 1I11\, !; "go , th e almo ~ l'lr e rtl hns chnn ged I . ' , ., V ARNI SlIES n" I inrormi Qf o llo<l l nll' ip c'"lh Ink J I ' ' J ROSEB ERltv <t NEAL, ' . , ' . .. , 1. 1 n;.,· 0111 lt i{'/l tI~ antllb e pullli r ·.." cl/ e,.': th,.ell··eighth, incllofl illteral- "(\ecide dlyd 1\ 1mus - - 'L to l l ~ u p \, \J~llu 1'.l l rellle , 1111 101" ' , --, " . I IIIrgeet speCim en we ever BIIW, an sevei'lll dill' S 11 10 wcall.e r hilS \) (' (' 11 , I,e " lly , Ih " l r 'lrnve re moYt'd my 1'~~. Fe Dccrueat. . LXC Annou ~ pecial ~ " r rlJ ucru. i'1\!u.' I " ~J~ we doubl if it CIlIt ·, bo bOAleo. It is O1ore like thRt of wIlIl-a ounc e\! IIlt - of uU6 1I1 C~S 10 I Ie sInn" form Sl ~r. I I , ore, • , : E. & H. T. ANT, l[UN'y & oo.~ by Mr l! .1'hoirla s' irs a' l~onC)" ('> I 11'\ . P'-l\IN'I ' V ABN ISH, &C. ;\:\ . '. ' certainl~ DOneCeS$Rry rO'r t urrante to lumn Lhnn 1111'' '1.(1 . July, so LhAL fires are \ ~ ~ .•_ " .. ... , 4 \ f"" ' , , . :WJl!lLE ~,1C,t: ,,:n.p llET~IL . Opt> SI t e the Roger s 1I'ouse , IImong Ih o crenlur e comfor ts in the .,. grow lal'gcr ,llItll tllis . "en I I .Ii I I ' II 1 ' ~' Of Photogra'Pkic '.Mat... " ;1 jJ ' ~ . ~ I!lI .. ,-, " 10 kr e p Oil !t nltd II. ~c tler~l I \Y e SIll r onsloul y ler p o n lnn.t n b - .Mu.nu/ll.ctllrcr8 whim!" I Illiend • gs. ' of early morllin oC o!" t I/ Wur~ uf ell1 •• uSdurim ' . i ' rial,,' .( .. " '. \ ;.,,': _ _ __ _" ' fir M'r·.·A. P. DAn('~rlJlerly crill IIs_onme nl 01 PUI r- lIt l'f1"~l~;X~r~1 !' N \\I ' ~ Y 1'1 : I ES. LI'l'ES ARY NOTIC 5()'~ ' BROAtlW (,1" N. t" , . ~.~""cIHIR~~~I'. lll's 6 (~4 up II . room in goud nt;d well .sel ,·ell' tl 101 01 the bcst brllnJtI o r and l L. dur mlih bualnel loUlho. - , dllit\on .• In .. where, , .. ~e oepot buildinl{ Ilt Corwin S B , AND l' U TTY, SA (JRE, 01 U}~1 . Y l . .AfA Ol1'Y . n is st Aug~ t')grtll,hi" Maleria l. , we ,oJl' Headq.u a'.,hlrtt 'fll~ LADY' S FRIE"D for in Irolmeetiob 'Vitli MI'. Ch"s , Wcoll ey, r. tT I. .. l pS, !lmoog , TRU$S in conlllin , r ion. numbe fur 111.0 lollu\Yi" U, yi~; good .. I;'".,. , ilO!-I... s vori . . : un,1 walroul lu g ive Inll ij;fl,tI trim'~lillg)' 0 .. .. . . . ( "ho.,. t1oe,1 ".I~e ., . . I I·t "C ' rS " CUl" .. r..l·V " I . ~ kl '1'1 , b) stolY A , es ERS, View,; ,IlUl r~ PPORT lve ftreo~ic ·bU \lllllICl 1I1J(I'8 el Stel·f,os<'.Cpes lull II lor \·lI e very I lo ra I'nCfonn,!l"p hial"8"l( ·rel\ ·l.y to execule . 1II'oe J'obe of oth ~ ,. . . SnOU LD'Ef,. nltACE S: , by u " e 'aM.ort; Of Iheso we li nve ' 811 ' im";'e~e IL It!gl.'nJ of tLe IWl!lflU ! fur ....veru l y" urs' >b~ 8I u w c d, " hil I''' " . .ill., . .".. , e.arriag e ·llnd b\lggy phiLi fing 'in Ille la - Mrs, Rnehll: , f ,I,," li n'g; 81ill to I COllnot lojl to be s\lited both in ment, l'nclutllh n Wnr See-li es, ' Arn,,'rtrutlf And .ou e nll PIlt;on OJHJ.'Oi elu. : son D~lIi Mrs. by stot'il.:~ , and , c~lltury II I . ' 11'1 " 0(' ' I ..€ itiell ' alld ' LunLl~e~tl., ' 80m. ' 1. It g r ll ~ r o u s COli ;lIlInnc" n " . telt 11"1«1:" 'W4 ":'1IV~ 16".n ~I\mt pr,ice. I" Ul:~ 'IuultlY • , a & III en Furrlgn ~ I nnll D r n A,L L T..•IIE l'OFUI,Acr~ . .. 1' 1 I l .1 1. "'..,, . KL~yS. , , Ollcun Also, lte~ , '" Grolll'd, StllIUIJ,~y, elC., eLe. ln's ·work, hn'd oali slIfely 1"1l- lUlu otlt! r lIu 0 WI".'ICI"S. ,ntledll .. 23-1. JUliO _ "1 _ . for D p"i(l ' es lim or privale nil 'nt public lr. pricll t Rcopep.;( c!'i"nrlte 'i'h :-ilcr.J!U (\' \ 1 yulyill -~-~ ------' P6~ersoll, ~hiIIllJ o lphiR. commend him 10 our ·rca'dc'n . Ollll ' SkiIl I IIllI IS hefp>Pe lts, ~h ; 1 .111 .1 ,\ cr l! lIl.,
, ,• • &.c.. .... h il:4. h~ .ulll.e\.ref accnrdJD .
I I' M" . and I Dry
.t t ell' •
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,. d Pamts ,
W!N f)C) W --GL
Picttlre & Window-Glasses,
,' , .• " '." .=.: ._'__ •
Grel' (l- HldJ!II,
Mall. DELLA Z. SUN-CE R has become Edi'lor 01 . the Sl\lu,rdllY ~vcnil1g Post.
Jnly 3,-I . LI
1.1l , x.
---'""'" Pat cllt 'McdlClneS - _._--' .. ' ~ ' ')Ull' ~J ' AI)\ 1~'1
I . . '• • , , ' I j: 1?"1 U by \'lj~ , ~·o~ ~t. Gilead 'Om, or. autho r i.s I.S,nlm ei, .'.hal lbe Mrs. . I' "'0 C' t · GO '''. ' 11' i~ hav · '.'. .which ve1 llo S '. Wiro Losl lbe (!II • 10 .. r.I . ,., .aa celebra ltiu lherl! tD good , .ona . . " S:t!' j ' e1W r 'B11l U" yl" " F' nl • Eve. I sle,. ~I' Is no, b el ~g.' pnIJ ro r WOOL , . in lP;QoDs, 'l: !i e P~lt .II~ f · , ~Q~, ~ ,e, T: ,: ing 1\11 e .tlensi n B~le, CII15psI,>, ,Is luf Itli p J"uCIOf>" No dUlIg~ r, Ihl~, ye r, 01 Ihe of 1-",0 .~.J(\lI\~~ lhe I~lIPt"":log, .Ihe Lp_bt VU~Jlgo ~ • r p~ I~(JI fi'll.llllg . s ~~c k . ul e reolJnlly be ' l tl1g"r f'Oill\ I'I ~e ll't uI,y"':I:"'"III hi.lIye l ,o ~ forme~ ' \\nYDe8VLlle ' J<I~r· · Ihe lille ,of 1\ !lIl W I'om~nc ~ e lur \Y"'1< !'G LI .JU8 a n I, a ni! t . ,.. ,
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Our C ~tftlol(lle . \ViH~'fln' ;'n ~e cej'p,1 DC srDin)). , . MJ"(t8S ,!Y O . 10 .11. . . n u lIIC u O(;ItAP l'llO',L' I ' 8UJ illl ;gO'l4 ' Of" greot ' III"")" 't\M-.~ e introdoo tl7 lirlt ahe r" we We IIl ie., for 80Jt>~lbIY.~D "D1 .'l "r ,'. 0ru NT'; . inlO th e UnilCtl SI~I£P",.ard we monu(nc"~ "" I' ".w....
~"hibi :I. l' n.
I\\r c. illllll endc
r~~.'."nl! lie.
Qreu .l . vD~i!l\.v,
i,I" p,lr-e 1"rom 00 cen18 16 'pO' a ' Coffee, ,. ",n',..oo~'Our' -:Ukiihn"-'Cotfeel 'Pe' Albltm9 hBi· lt "tha repu~nti\)rio' l'UCt.: '.:..I .
H A lR.-O I LS, ". .
Riu u/ bel .. at '.u~ crijjr in 'll<eoUCy dnfllldtWsliillty- ' lunllY oil le rs, . 'I'hfly-wi'IL l bo' lea' ' b y , UolJ"eeu I/4Idxlr l l'luIClJ lfep, i.\lJ·;IUUTT & 1'1UN·(~" . Ir.uit,fRR};.OIl reccil/l ,OJ price.
n'nn.ieliul/' Coffel', Rr e C'utTh p,
'8:{!·AP!s', &G.
rfllll e
lurll.I ~ . b¥
. , " (;rnyun J Wltile U.. ulI"lJ e·s px e llllllCl c .1 FA-I~I£~" gUllll llh"l o, 1. It 18 t'xclling lIod 'd {I.I •I 0 d ' !LJj. ... W ui>1,!p"tl ,IJ f(orp uu /IJ,"' itl Ih b I';; ce . ror ' f\ds ! fI. wllu one - - - - - -- o nllllllny st, illtcre I11N · ilI._o.o , er, Of - - - - - - - -" e J .b.eCI~~I\I~oJn W l,n ep~n tnte' full " I . . , [J' 1'·h IUAlb.II . udtlcu... IY II GAtf /lIJ '~i" l l lli E \"INE fur R CIDE E ' , .' 'FUM " ' w•• .te..d . Y ....K ... '- ' • ~Ii:IU1.. r, who LIIIl ~r8t v::r ,Wl1U.', ~,cl!~~e ~"d $.un.p.qr~a8e tarAI "I'hotograpbi. ,. , chll~lI: r8 "III u ~8lte .to pUrHU~ al~()oallL •.,'d"" I.,,,, . r"mllfY 8, itt whioh Ill: 'A' well -sclceted n.'S, So'rllMlI l o,f the Jl£Sl UII)' quuIPiIY · . . , pure, liS we ' proill be I! (0 II~~ ~ ," W' ", U "' weo'II"(, ) f\, 1'''i~ $2,50 I~ ln!!llenO'WE'm./)ra oe.ove.r"'i¥CI'·· 'clo~e. \L8 Ollrf ,to ' &tory Ihjl l I ' hollvreL }lA R~ RET1' , . 11 ~II'd-"H~ r~h hlluSIJU '.hj"ht,. • v .. .. , . , , I (j, '"'0 ,I' ,' , ' curr·.,I,,,,. ~:. iitk. ~ Ir u m rcllub e .por~I'II.~ HI · '1-'1"'11 . 1111" . ... ..,.:,y\ . ( ' d tore"d ·"q uocume nt, (1r $',25 fo r ~ ixm o nth s . D eacoo & ' I'!eee ' lnbelOglH 'f liltll' , elll .object., . 10 wllI ~h at!., 'II 2 to I' I' ll tl h pNnllll~ VilA' nlill In S 117i; ' lI~i llhbor" " "ll . , . 1 ., .. ' d I. f . ,'-' ,It I I l ~ J.tl CO/1l lltlMlll'y beiny m1ltfe, C)r' en nfe U n8 ,::i( ~r ,Iii , ~ p ~ ll n ~ alII,1':'(I;. l'JPi: IlRte \:l g III/1"0I118 " ~l-aI"6 Pi-HOrSOn, l'ltilad e lphilt. IU'IT 10 vi_go r 1111 o llr ow /I I'r , ... , '1 ' : .' . " . . l AmenC .M,ele:. , v'iz' elllinall lrl.fit!tol . _ Vor _ .6. VIUNT: &. ~ITT now re ru.J-:U.l we ago, .\I~~.l v~iW~ivl .8 n('. ~ II".!! Il C 'Val;I' QL. . U$ C~Lij:<; y~~ :\ttC~l I ' ' 1" 1 Hos. ill li~I"ld puu 1 , "ho~l. , . tnero s, I. 1'00 L'\eu t"" 'fill.. WII ,. WORLD ---If- - . ' I()r :tlu! nr,sL'I ~ II~t'h l1 ll,1 lo.r y of our S, ' ·'J O ol/e '" - 00 00 C , loO t! MIJjor-G ' ~o: Oh . i)'·, II :ou t ~, 8 f o one is I, . F'CJ"IIIIII &. " 'J~ rrjoicco ton by Bri ,rllam :J".,llrij!.- lJ c llcro;8, · aDO olher Oflice. ,o! I ' , . ~ J ., 'I\ll?n, ·i"cJ'hl}~ . ..: ' .• ~lf . ~ . .... ~L , • ,76 Noovy Omeara , lf, e IIJll C" a 27 , ' dial the Stllrs-anil Si rlpes wl,ich 'CIlID ' Lhe btbL Ii lc0 r Jl ry ~h ee ls WIJ r eceh·e . It s ..... st. w.l\ler, our ,I'llr..lt l"re I'n S8 e~· • & W.\LSON'$ SERIE S, 1;1 ·13U OIVIlies" 'I -pea bO O SI •.!Jl>emlllt., ·' II. " Iv lct lI elll,er H,,,"o, Go\V,. Hog ur i ~fc(fUF1" "s . I By Ihe ~ i Ll or puuHd, III B I\lDriIUll ed (;0 • -\. !.tl S 1 o . 11 our IlBtlona ('III ,,01, now ·w.. va lim . he I N"w . Iurgd Itt rUIl e Uvc.ll nUIll' I,romi.,e nl women , 125, A.lllho,,,,.·· olle ill 'P1.'; I'II PRI • ,e~/~llIl .. o'{ Il. ~(~ 1.1l~, b 1\\' , ~nd . l~C Itrlic:l!~ 11\'0 1111 C tllll pltll "d !Jy d"I,' lor '11,.111)", &-e, &e., &c., " oW Arti ••• ,.· . 01 n .lll>" .w!i elll"e ,.;ulUl c rd are HI IIolllo .al!ulu j 12/j-M1" ~~; Mr.RllfiTT & . And noW' ,ollr blln- bCI', ,\ITIli its .C91111iLuIOr~ are sume ", IIIIIt! or [he fr~e! " I cUllwe fut d, /! ftl pc e 01 /lJfr~ r luw u Works tll 01 ,yl.h e , 0u1""'e8 \I\J " 3,001)' " ,' wriLcrs cal ' . ." ...,., nf ll 'BtI'II'II11 cltlkl' GlorY' ' eould nol uur most popllIllr pcl"iooi 'Ih o IIIW "I)·I·lJ lllli e. 1 a ,,,1 .OPP'P8il .,C . e- moSi c('l('.1 th ,iuer of . s" cliun repT!II!u ! . indll.Ii"1 1$300 11!.·<r it. ,vOl; r" e ~ wll ;tl" ~ r' faitill tom.mf\ lj,dilig re ~ p\!.ct ~, p . " l rt' w~ we " Spll~les, wlllJu ll ill~in.g' » hurtl1tll \li(~~~( vl'ry II. E'III'rll II.,k I d e ·d, lid ltrul " . t. , h ' ~, IInnllm_ ,_ L I tamp t ........ .avell;· )1\' : )1" nllud ed bri ~ lly " to -, ~cr_ III",elll , ; 0 . " wny tl l!JolllIg lur n Iree 'gUV., I' ue R SO" 011 rl'c e l)1 0 • - , . ug CHln, , I'lc.. 10 \Vould "nyht ' /lo Qur w d ~ iu Ull on8lrllt b ) . whQ . u.:h .I<·rAtltS ill ,. hlld lIe · len pIlI> w • . from n(' lite PiClure '" '. etl oLKS, lz l' ( 1)' O e tl " UIJN I O'o \ OUR ., . 0 [II 0 " .(tIl ortter (or I tu "I' I..,cbaJ U It" ~ vllr 1I' lvr e 011 J C. II I rom Caf(~I t}lly am] Prom ptly I' Liw(. i ' L 'L'E 1_ , , -1' pili'J ccomlllY .. I • S '>J 1 . ·'r . 9" Rrm,. ...... lrt 1- , SI) "ue will 'ue . elll nn riecelP. t ot. . . ' \.J.ur Cl\t~l n,. "'1'\'. ree, " Iry Y L 10u E WII .Y Y Ii, ,,7 W ~.l~. o Fi & r , u l) J u bl ll . ll IIl/rt!HeO , d li S • I.e tp. tilOSIl wit-I) had by t1u~Lr Lllil ,l\l1o (101) qf . 'rid' I b WIth , .' C ,. I ~'t lt e h llltl Ug . 'I. I ~n ,sO', Illd AC'l'i1 by mnll, PM:" . I ' . . J\R N OLO ~"PH. . '.1 d D r 11 g' - S I 0 ,. C , () I j ' Ph nll)"trfU'nlh!rij \tntl ollo eu drtll'rl~: 1 . r . yenn, e~- cxc. CpllOll, I.'I! c s t 11\ tu l'! cuuntry .or lUII' d. TI<:niu.S ,. £ ,\ PS JI IN A.DV,~IIi.c;E'. .!! 00. dut:illg 'Lht" na8L roo " r;i. . . t , " . . r Wa.yr.8l!vill e, Ju ly II. . 111 11 :-'''. ph.. , hi Inl t n! ompl oy<>d - on II s l ' II f)Orl S C: a, D .,' 'vlll ' ~ t, ~11 ~C. .re " I a ~ eli .. the ,fllel" ~hat 'Wl" no .. IIre l chLltll'e n. 'ille I / .. 0 0 .t I Ill" ... free' I"" 'R'"" tl I..' n, .lITU .CuM nlld th e Rbili IY wit h whi c h il is I·...--or- . ,VIt\' lIe s vill c. 01110.R"', L' 1.1. "cuI . ,,( Iloe ' nrAolI/l\ 0 I lIr orl er. . 81On. reel Cl Il~(res :;;.... O'nc cop~ o,ne~'cIH, I r <> ' ' " 'O' . 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C £ N _ 11. II.. P 01<' THE STA'rES, ' H av i ng rO;-dl 8pO DI (lVl' r l'II LI.ION I . IIle 01 Nentla Illd I dullbr" WOrl" 0 1 lill l! Il" hl u,.tl I
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hllo:hlye~ ~ ~Ize,
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' Tw" H ll luJr ed Ulllt les. Su liJ ler., < II 1I 1I . 'UIl Il Il . , 1\11 "'", ", 18:" h tl dee i8 1O ' hi s brolh e r, rlll e8 UI,d C IV III" " S h av e It, p, , II l1rr l.lJ,II I! 1 :.15 1\, l\l I II I•• 'f ) ing, t It 0 lef ,P d f l S e n l 011 rl'ce lpl of [IO C, 1 10 It. J, ... b " d I I I6 A 1\1 Aodthe lO " .. o C a OClij ly Il m ae up 0 u. e l:" I1 ' t.' -L,'nves P ltts b ' d , h io ke rs a o d mi sl'Cll bl e work · , . ' " Am e rt c. II do, lu b .. " d " I'It ' " "" ,, " , " '" lo r II,. , ""l. lo r ' .• " " , , ,I.)" " ,,,. n, I.. ur l, ""ul I .,. LAD EI rH I .. , I ' I IJ ' It bor Ih ll l 011 Map of Ohio an d Vlrglnl&, i S IIYe r , p'" I{'d 11I 'I lp. 'liue 6 0 l u I bu 1I 11I "" " I"II I. P" It " ,... olll "" " " ls' " I I'}' lh c ll''' II "d " ,h " , lo" " I, bt "."1' ., I , A .k I J l7pd hyth os e ln te re .. en. · Now It 18 ODY YI IHlll c , opuulI. ". " d l" Ihe • U"" III , " wlo u .. 01 1 ..'. III " " ..' 100011 ,;" 1"", ,, .,.11 , ,, ,,, ,, ,, '0 ,, Cl plJ l dlllll"" • . A rrl . edb l 10 . h o ug h t OAn be made b eah Iy. a n u on ) C lI ow e .. b ' lU 11; "" h' h. , 8"1;" 11" ,0" " 1I " II. r II h" ""I. ... 10 ,.. . ,. ,. " ,," 1" 1" ,Ii.. 4 ' , ill A lt 9 35 I' AI Hu r r l. bu rll 30 I b Ihoug ht Iha t la bor c a n btl ma d e : Sluck. a ll d L a ll dg Iv be t he lJ e .lye l pu ' / D" 11l " " POu lid 18 I" 3,i "I " ' Ih h"'" I1" " . , Ivr w. .. 1 ',I.. """.") IUOUIl 1;,, 1.1 ," ' II' l\u l<l '''v ".. ,«I " , I' I , U. "I1","r.' 7 A.' N ,. w V"rk, vi. f . J Id tJ e h I ll ed. I D o 11,,1.. ..' o. d,,,,, I" .I " , , 11 '''1. " " Ill e • • • ,d"." . u .. ,,, ' " ,, 1.1, r. '0 A M, • 70 ' II ApPy ; a nd l he pro feSS Ion s I .J .Pucke t fo rm , S (, 1I 1 0 11 rece ip t of P lll l r tl I I) 10 flU , .. UI< ,''' ZI l i lli e "1"oI e "" ., .1 •.1 . ho'rl :.uoo ::;.. Id p. " ' a ll d 1;0 1.1 " ' ' '''1.. '' . , 11, 10 A DI. 1'11I1.,lel "III ".1 ;) libera' a nd lh ere s ho ul d lJe less p r ll tl P hll l' d llM.! bu. llr l8 20 10 3u h. " " " " 1<11 , ,, " " 1"/" h....- • • lu. " "111 ,, '. , 11 \ I, ,, '., . .. A, AI. Dll d N.' IV \ urk .t VI II Ph i lude l)llll . , Ie ltio 'p eeuliAri tyof e m p loy m elil. Bnd cok e :lO t o flO , " ' ,, 1 r l ,,,II .Il, , ,, ,,, " ." I U•• '00 1,,11 .. ... ll " I' ,, , kl, . 1I11 !lftJ. ::)le .. r UIl Ihrou g h 0 11 ' Ilen;,e of a chiHe me n h . B)' ru n rill'S w ilh Bl1lv e rs I II 10 25 '" 11 11 ",r,u \'o ul ll "" . ". " r Ih . ". " ,,,I h,," "" LOUO do h,II r 1/ "" ,,,,,I 1> ,, 11. " Uul l1 ' ru m I" 1I ''' "lIlorp IO lld more to ,'It ... e F i b d II e po pul Ar r'" to " " \ t.' 1111 " 111 t u '- "'to ", ti l ,. ... " d "11\' o t1l .. , !l lll ' AI I HAf\ IJ \1 r C.O Y II " II , - RUlJk,lI. or lie n live a ll mftn y 0 , r wll ile rd or 6ulver& 10 10 IUOI , r"7,, II", eU" '" ;,. I'"r' " ,. " , " . " ,; U, " , 1' lI lludel p lll ll . u, ' d 10 N ew ur , VI II n ()::j- He ntJ (o r u Wil l. /! ullll' l tl 8nd COi'S I) Iv 30 ' II" '" ' '' " . IV' ,,. h " ''') li e ,,, .,. ,, .,1 0, d , I" , 1\ 11I ,,,.. ,." ,ur. , ,' A M' " " , l'" '' 11. - - - -':',- - - W II' T e r m b 10 A :,:e Il1 8. , c. >l u'K, bOil led I [) 10 7[) \ "" } '.U """ )"" d, uo • • I" ,'."Iu l. " " ["" 110" N u 16 7 B run" wII Y, J\ .., FAST J. III E- LP oVE' B " I 9.lD v I IBm bosc nl1 0 A mpr lcH I1 I\II· " :!5 t t> 7;. l l h. " "" '" "'d,,,. ... ,, " c r cI,"p ... IAII""""••, I"oI'"lI llr lh. "" uve ,,. t o r gOUda , M ,. " : lI pi l1:! t,"ly " t 8 tHti ul1 » lJ ASlor ie eil ly · 6 e y e ,,'e old, wOllit ve r ll s lll ll Age n cy . 3tj9 Ur o ll,l" b) , N e w I I ."I, t'" PlI lI l11 e lcd 7 5 I. 10 0 ,,,,,1.,,.,,,1 ," V 'IOU' . LU' lull) 0111 w,III, •• vl.l ,,,1 0, .. lI ul l", "\I h , ,\rIlY flK III I\ l\ uII IIII III !.l 3iJ A !If , Uu rt ...... " million s ; a r o ond·fa oe d, pl e Rs llnl, Yu r k, ' G u ld l·h nl. , llI l lI e clIIIII, S 10 10 • l u ", ,, ,, ,,,,",c, , . 110 " I! I! " I .. ,,,, nr j lburA. 7 30 A ill U.lt llnllrt't I;! 20 l' III ., . uiet ' m Rnll e rf d ge nLle m ll o; 0 "' n 8 t w o OAY L O R D W I\ 'I·SO N , I " II'" li ll" I, " k C h UIIIB I [) to 6 0 \\' '\'1'('11 1r,1l1. " . ,I" " ","lI lnl ll" ' '' " 01 .·1,,' 1' " ' N I'\\' Yur k t YI:I A IIt.>I,l uW II, 11 .45 1', III •• .. d d 'll''e Iti n ga, I -'- • l ' t " .. G 2 In lh l l ip \ I Nuw \ ur k ,I thoua"n "nuls , " I VfS lll lllll ohchnllos l a lo ,tJ .. :r"," ,,,.,l ilt, " \\l'''IU II{' IUI\' lIt V' I ut "11,11\lIlt· . , .. ,I. I' I I'llIln lh"pl olht I ,501' Jaodlo rd. A.T.81Il WRrliSSl lt ly; tllll , 16 ""CO" Nc ,,, Y urk, '"' c k c hu,,11I I b 10 6 U "' e, I' " '''g' "'. : 10 v" ,,, ,, II ) 'nl "" " ,,1 ." . Ih e I ". II''' j VID l'l lI llI tlt': ''hl ll2 , 111 5421', AI. ' .• I I ' 11 u .. " 0 < •• 15 iO 40 411 ,' ~." ," ",, 101 II u",,"~ • • •• au '0 II u , ~ " I II , t ~'- . n e rvou., dlg nitieu; wortl 'IIrty ml . 10vll l lIu nt! ur ucelt: ls t UO ... d, u ' " lei 11."1 . ,,",,,.1, <1 It""" i """ k'l , '"'' '11' '' '. ", " l"r.lI, "' , OI' ', " ';: j OUJ'Jlrr. .t r. Dm1 .. d .J d I'b l ' f bb V L I. U t u 20 g ">0 t l \J IIlId 11111',, 1 h, ," " Id It l h il l _ 1-11 pi li r r/ U li t r ao I e,ra ID casea 0 nle, 0 , III.. " " : I ,.. . .> I, . SII , ' , ,.1 II '" • 0 , " llIl A i\ l! \ LI .... t 0 11 D tl ll y . Ill/ QI iltr Ira m.Y, .slln 1' lI eJ;Cl!p it' • bie h I p,neal'o his ," m lla l Il ea 1"0 11 1 " I :.! til 2 5 1' .11 II I I. , e l . d. H ' '' 'e .1'1 I" UO I"" I'"'" , , I' • '"'' l1 •. Comm eDce " r . " .J • .c1. ' & I' , Id " 10 to 18 lUll d .. 1 , .. a" e JII 10 ek, III I IP V. It " 10 1 li t' ', H I II, ' " H -:1 ' rI CJ.\C I 8 l or oH l tt 10 B Ul!l h 1l1 by u U . ' or o d o re Vand e rbilti l wlllle·h"ired , • • c .. ' I " I IJ ' O' ''''''''' '"clll rcr< "'V ,' ... " I"" ' " U k J "I" 0 ' 110 " • I C lli l tl. 't4 pI. "ltd (n n r y brac e le ls 10 to 1.; ,un I tt.uh~d .' \ 1' '' 1 \ t' r o l"U ut.: e ~ t ll ~ l _III A 1It '\ "":1I1t1l1 to h, .1 1\I Ll cd "(,:LV l d lll t v r li li . oll t lit pI8 gun un I.~ u red ,cilieeked, aeventy , worth lorty mill · 'I'11J'rd lO.!"'rl es O0)3t} 000000 I ' I ., I·' b Ie 12 10 '" U 2 , 10 60 , ( " , So ulld } ',llt E lu .1I " u llli d . .. Iulv o '" f I k f t O ' i "' . , 1 ~1 ' l l(\ lr e UIlU go u rU OC l a :"' OU S \\I : I ! l h .. , I M IO l u Ih ., '0 ' IV III~ rt'J.:. ll nlull" , • ione, ..,rly el ll lil t loree, t'tpe a li S I' llr u l e lh t'f nlll op a l Il o , 2 01 0 311 C , rllll' " I • • vi .h . ... , " ,'" n,'" , . ,,, A 1'''' us Oil)' Olh.., rulll P, bo.t, e o n trois lwo r"at I railroad co mpa. ti, e SnrrCtllry ' I I f I 'd e ll 1010 5tO JI E \\' E I. R Y DEPA B"I'ltIl;; N1'. ,"I" .. " ., I ,,,". i" oI ,·, r""""." '" ' ." ,.,' " I', ,,,,,I S f . ".' Z;> ) ' 1 .' - G C ,f R ,'" By nul ii o nly , 0 air' urO! S ur ., ,, I .. I,,,,,,rd,, .,d, '" • •u h ll UII I "" " ,, ", .. c.,,1 .L'.I.!I _, liu, Ilod g het tisI mon ey ve r y .. I I Mos .lc.· . c,,,ul, e li " " ' r , olly x _ 300 di orn o "d r in g s 10 8 120 I", 1" " ' ., 1.",1 ,. " I h.1 111 . ,1, I'"" ,I,,, w,,, c II ,' A a""., Tr~nsury, Ihe UII A , . i"lIN' or IIi H QHS U:ll e u )6. 40 .. 0 ' I ' 1' 1 ' I d ' N II \v '•''or "'' emo nl, tw e nty .. n liliopui ea rdrupi ., tll 11>0''' ' CrI'' '''' Oll' e"' ," "r ' Ii"' "" III " " ' , .' " ,, n 111.g 'll flll ll ' 10 lit. H, }a:vi. hly. milliool, fin e,o Im"II, fiflY, very Ih e 0 1'IIer4 1 HubBc rlplluII Ag c l1 LY lur Ihe Cu li [o rrllll llllllno nd cH d ro Ds 16 1u 100' 3 l)00 ( '/I I d " lUl lJ " J r lll 1:9 3 10 I.'i l "d' .e . .. I.. , ) o u ''' . I.. I,H. . . .. ,,,I II" .. ,' .. ... IIl1d U.. lIlIIO llrl', n lll(l!ng u c h ec ked litro ulll, G.er,m.o, G e r"ll Opdy"tI, five m tll , , \; .. m eo 810 ll e J [) to 40 , .lOUO J II, ,", ,,"I rl ll l!S 3 I" 1:4 , ' ''"r " " I " " I" _. ,,, I "" 01"11,,, " ,,,I Ih , .. , . II t1ll ,I o ClQH1W tl lO 16 [,Ut)1I ..ITo' ll &. e ll II III lob d .ai ns 3 Iu 40 1(' ' " Uld I. ,, 'W,,""" II 1'fl"," Til l) P c "" ".ly,, "I ,,, R8UIII .. u,1 Co , will ion., 6(11. but looka young e r, ftn "!!Tee · so le of LJnlte d S UIt' s 1 reU ri ury N ut !!H, PI .. in e nd e num. ",,,h,,,, ,,, ,, ",•• /.,'"' ''';.t 11 '"01., 1\ "1" ' 1 ",,,,, . , "II ( able g e nlleman. J a m el GonIon De n · be urinjt 8eve ll 811t! lh rce· IClllh s pe r e f' wl . , DII , [) to 16 IC" "I , ' go l,1 I ""01> 8 Ii,u J. " . I, 0 " " ' ;, " , 1 vr CI\ I. 1\"" 11 01 U.S UIII I' MII V ri d I lor u:,(,g alle , ' , I Go ld 01111 s d ve r Ihimbles 5 I" I:' I'" " u'JI .1 "I reY .· bull l' " S 3 I" 10 ) I ,u r \\ .'.1I 11 1l A" I'lI ff' l, oll d 1111111 Ilw. t rtlDe l t , 8re' millions, eev e nly · tltrtlll YCAr s ' IH e res t. La 10 Itt II. 88 the • M ln i uIU l e d.,ubl e ludte l8 lO :10 ,lOuO PH" e llllm . " 3 to IU' 51,' 1111 21i C(' nts rOl ( 'e ll l l .f'nlP, . "OlldIIJlIOly 10 u ll e IIl llld ,l'U dollo ,. if! AI>in mllnner, brond a cc e nt. SEVEN.THIRTY LOAN. \ 0 01.1 lUl,tlqll c ks , pe n. I lJuu tJ .t' l. gP II I. ' j!'u ld 51"d8 3 10 ti I 1 .11 , r" "''''''' '' ''", I" " ''' 11. II • • ,,,.11 All Ill ul UIII "\1 " • • qil poor. e ll s e ll' 12 10 5U il Oil O SIOll e . PI &' SII! II El t rill !. 311) 12 '''r l", ,,,, .. (. , "11, 01 . , I' '' ''''!: 1",' lnc' "' 1' " lu e lI lIl ut.' ul ri . k ullh •. under .1.l e of 01'.1 , 801J0 HI " 'I '& &II( ,e ll ' m rl ug 9 4 ' o 1" 1. ".1 ,1" ,,.,, 11 ,; '""",,0, ! " , , " I ' '' ,', .. h , 1 "A Q".tKita~8" CON BOLES .Bo nES - On ' u I1r0 rill U d'III' " 11)1 tl n l4 II ..,,, "11'( 1"... ... 1 "" I, I'. ll•" ll11 ,,,"1,, r. t, l,,id Jun e 151h, 1865 . Dno Ir e puyuble three OD) x, II (, Rrl, C tiOO O IRtl l ~" IllJ ld n p rk ", ,," li d [) 10 llO ' II., ' .,,, ,,' $.. 1114.' 01 " II I I FREIGH -&' fl ll~ · I"'1t " Mr •. Hues led, a pre ach· ••1 u, ur e IIlVll d, c ur ul. ~ m !' ru l" . j ~ I , 4000 I !ol d ovftl bO il.! Irrnrpl'? IB 310 I U I, . " 111_ $2, .1," 1. lor~ .\ . ,,,) . 1111' ( .. , ~ I" , ." .. , I:::;. e r or Ill e ~cidy of Friend s , wbo re. y .. nralrolll lholll !flC. 111 Cllrrrll cy . pl.l. g ult!, Alld CIUSltlr, (.11 \ tiUlJO g' oI .1 II nu Je l br llce lfl l8 8 10 1:1 1'111111 '''.'' III ' $ Ia ! l ides in Malion eounty, InJiRnll. vi ' II ' co nver tlbl t! a t th \' opllo n of Ille hold e r 51; les ) 12 10 au [)OOU gill" ~ II" e li nUl . "ruc e le ta 8 to I f) Wh t h F S f U , Uy II " S r unl " Ir,.f lj!hl s 0 1 .11 d~~cril!'" 1 eu Ibll Ohle Pellile ntlary, and, by per. 8ilyPr e Xl e n Ai on pe n- holders 30UO !!o ltl c111I1 P lu.1I c hlt ill ' 8 Iu 311 a t e ress 8y 0 S, I IIIIII ~ ClI li lie 10 rll'lI r.Je" 10 Ullt! IrIJII~ , '101/1 ., 1 mi .. ion or Ihe Waruun, preac ~e d to imo C "lid [!ol.! p e ll s 810 J8 bOUO 1111" ladl1'8 ' s leeY il bullolls 310 8 1'l he L " 'II} IIi1' ( I ,,'" 1'" ,1. ('" un<r. M••r. l, IS ' l dt' I,,!II II , Ne w Y"rk, Dl)g lulI or Bn.llrn urt', U . 8 . 1)-20 Sh h r c nl. :10000 Irlll' leH 0' (!old pe n R. 4008 pll i r P IIIII11" 41 0 10 I tin:• •up I I" "1 111 IH'III ""Y 1,,,111 1 vn Ih e R dl lr w uLil .. tJ. the inmale s. At Ihe conclU"IOn of tho: . .~yicIII, aile CAlled upon many of Ih e GOLD-o t AIUNG !lpu.ho ltle r8, bOlh $ilv e' a nd 8u oO bro crie-t s 3 10 12 " A h' Il.' r ..,I" .,,, , ....,, , .. ,,, ,, ,( h. "" n 0 11111, K t: h l ll l l(l" 11!tIlIl IH, T ton,ict8 in th fJ ir cell8, be Rou~ht th e m go l~, g old peb ll• cll" ChOlll S, 12 1' '', "- . .. or""~,,, "'(,S8 bl' llds are worlh a pr e mium I 0 20 60 00 c o rll l, "pili & (1 m hr, o e hes 3 10 I II,,( .1 " ",. i\ 1" I" I" ' II'<" ( !". [".",,''"011 I ru u. II , l v \\' o1 of M""~L'lIrt, 1Ir)' IIlI"' ulUI!. UIIt "1' g8. 1I1' 1I 8, m' d e_, e tc, I (0 60 00 r 8 m ~0 "lid pe url ebrllro J> ~ 3 10 8 I ,,· ,-,,,.1, ", ,, III " r .. " •.• , :' .. , , r "l' , , , ... to reform'. and contlole d widl them up' which Ilicre allee Iheacillal profit on Iii II The ~OOOOli urt lcle~ lire IlrIllled ,ur I 700(J 1\1 11.111 0 J PI L . vaa nd "/1, ,,,,1' ~I , .. ,. "" " ",',,,, " ( 0 " " " ' ,. , • .,.Io d l' r ll n- y!rlOnfr, 4,c lllrIlIR ndrun t& n llo OD 'be clrcumall8uclll ~hat p lilce d Ihe m writt on o n th e SBm p numh er Rllpa o( pn F ' lll U 'I'', li n I rOI'R 10 ' .," lltt:;hb I h, -,"I II II lu I O f 111 11 1 r f l ull III t f' ~ a .. 11 11011 til , " rI c nl 3 '0 ,.I " ,,, .,," " " " ' ''''' "" ~ '" ~ , ." ,d . _ i'tJ r v 1tll ~c I8 li t J)llr ~l"ln'.. witho'1 tt1I4l....~'\ in ,durAnce vile. ,Am\lng olhe rs who 7.30100" , alltl 118 e xempli o n from S I~II' per . 1I11t1 en t h s eD ti" pnr.,,·l y III 8nl . " : 10000 cur ul," p" I &. P ili, ". r"rops 3 10 10 I I'Iwor " ." " '") ", "''I'''' " " r . )i , """ " lIy w illci . CUll lie I" rwurt (',' ,l tl II I)\ I ctllime'd ber attenllon '11'1\8 Bow leR, ' Ih tl IIlId mUlli c lpal tax a lion adds Iro m ~ II" 10 ell ve lol,ePj ontl-wh e n o,d c rcd, lire t o kell l lUOO() 1I11111 "111f f! I'H:~.III 4 1f) 10 h''''' "" " II .. . 1" " ,,' I.r ,,( ,I .. ,. ~ , ><,, ', nll .l UC ~~d. ,h'll p" rl 1I nlh o 01.10, 1\1u. klll IlUI ' 1I r 1°11 Indiana conspiralor. "ho r4lceiv ed th e I • I II 1, ,y illl ll ilt rP ~fl lI"II" c h o i" e 1111t1 8~ 1I1 10 100U("I 111"1' "' ti l'rt,,!: ,n. I 8 10 2 "< , h~ ,... ,,,,., .. 1 ' ''"1'1'' '' '' 1 .. 01 ,, ~ e<I " ,,, n,, t r a c dI I '" I 'l'e llll~," .'e, ClIlI, b~rlul1d, Ill i nuli!, 1\fl ~@III. I rollowing b" t of. (loiliolation: 'Fritllld l/ree II e cell , 1110 e , e (Jr nr 0 Ie Ih e D.ltl rl' ij& oru e " .tI by lI1"d, N o [" v" r i,. 11IUU/J "I all l I(o ld 4 10 12 " II I"" I- .. ( II .. , ", ,,,,, " , "10 " ,., "" '1' ,,, ,,,. d ll' pl. l\1,. t ullrI lI a d af1d It .. ... ';. . I I 'd -u' '' ,· I" " li l' '" "gl. nl ' , " nol If lI n' nl ( ," II I1L1111 n ... ' C:'III:II " '" Bowlul, l'u known of llay comluci ra'o levi ed o n olh e r IITOpul y , The :'l1 e r- ! ,e m 18 s hll W". ()n re Cl' l pI o f Ih e N Ullce , IUO .. UlJse fl'l udI IJti'Jc \\t>rYJCo . .. d' '' II'' I I) I ll h' l ti l d"JII I" , I \ r<l III th. t . Pi N ! ... . Il ll, and' 1 am gl.d '0 lee LhIlU , lIere , e8 t Ie pay a bl e ill curr e ll cy 8emi-annually, you CIWI sce whll l YO II CO li h ll ll' (')f TW (I olld Je l [) 10 20 ""'ft'I" >t' , th~y I" ftl du ou " lI h I>O>rI'e cl c Oll fi - l'I Jlh . t "'''I ~r8.tU 1111 porI" 011 the urAI.'~'1 • 0 ,, 11 . , .' PIlr<,lo llMe r@ II1 Hy 1I.lls u blOlu ft 1000lU 110, Cllm l' o . pe nd elc , [) ' 0 20 e: " W ('S INII I.:"k ed , Our ,,~ •• fuhlr R ple.ced thOle here to nn· "III to 11 M I! " ,hIlIl1 8 and s hip"erll e lltrllll in !:, llrfll' I_~ for Lhy ,ioB. and 1 hope they "ill by coujlo ns a.tnch e d II) e 6th 1I0l .., whiel, u old W a lc h. Di a mo nd RItI V, ur uther ¥nl. I I r I I II BUnl. 1115T UTIION._A " rllorl y I~ IroIl8pO,l II O\' u , liI ILl J kt!ep Lh'. Jlere {or the terOl or lhy nat· li e cuI off Dnd aoltl 10 OilY 01 un II J e .,t C 9 or lie a Illve " Inn 10000 "IPIt & j e l hoI BUpp0rlerB 2 to J2 " OGlt'T " , e,1 I,,. "IoIIIII .nll.i,,1:' " . ' rh rRre ... . hH I" ", eIll,!"l ,. ",,,,,<I ll"F ' I.t l o t. . .. l c r. III 1111 tr AlI 8ACl il' ua lIy WI! chnlge oil lf ll,.e, ' ''', h v M " or' Ar" , .. I. I.. l: u""'V"I>Y, Eon fijly with 011 "" urM r{~.'-O'I ~ Jouraal. 11'11 ce nlll (II r cor rell l' ol1" rll c,' , r> o~ l~r.re etr, SIlIVER-I'LATED WilliE. I&C,,', 1 1'00 , IGr B,,, "" ... ,,) , '1111) h.. , . 6" ~ ~f' ~ t1y Irun gll . . ".1:' • ' !: Q .... . Th e inl ,","l ~mount. to 8 " nlll t n C!' III . Oil.! Utl i a l'I'r liti cu l e " " "" II ' " . ,,,,'k o( ,,,, .. I". , • 'r'" g '" v.. I.. .. , Th e R il l"" or Frelg llt 10 and -from 811y' TCR1VlPI. There ill DO kind which $ 2 10 ~20 n,,,1 .. .. ,,11, .. ,1 . 1 n,w ,1"II "r.n h Thl! POIlII ill Ih e \Veet, lIy Ih e Pelln'YI"U ~. - 12 lo r Oll e dull "r; 30 for IWo dull dr . , looon CliP" Olle cent per tloy on II 8flO note . 7" Kiv, 1 beuer ."ti, fllclion on lhe whole Ii d II ~UU O g"l\ie ts k ' , l ' o 10 1Inl ' '''''"' I' ' ''} (nil " "' ,,, - , nUIII!'''' . " ",~ p IR lIellt, II " 8 100 " T .. , o "l or ve 0 0' 8 fi I " nrf' 01 011 1111111/1 IIll " ., I O{)UUplllfHHr In rings 2t u 10 II lt rl l llR t en t Hrtll Jt lll Jlr tl 1 ", (11 1' 0-'" IH An (; e nl;u IIIIIn Lh., purple top II trAp)e af. It il th e 1 AGE N '1' S WAN TED . 211 00 cllrtl' hu . ke l8 4 10 /I) " ... I" p'· ' AP r! . ' P II nl " 'I" or",1 ' n 1'"' \ n .. , v(l ru ;)1 0 bS ore clrllrglid lIy olher Ra 11",11 'J'e n turoip for Ihe millton, both for the 11\ $[) OO
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We. r or marke t, and (or fe~d . Swe d · II 20 8 WOO" itlh .\'*l'Dipl (Ru t abAgIlI ) Nlwed durin g II 8[)000 •• Ibi, LmooL", 'make elcelieM table Vtg ij t.bles, be Iter lh.n if 80WO e Arlier, b ll' NOlI'S of all the nam e t! •••• 0 leDderer. Sow in drillll, and .1 give lome cultiYlltion, Sow bioadcas l will be I'romptly (urhl s he u Ul' u R rece lpl op'l)' .mong other crop~ in ope n ~or ' 01 tl Ub8cri,llltlI1 S, on.! th e 1I0lf'S 'urwar~ed n ,en. or by ' piacel, .nd where you cao· Bt once, The inlcrt~1 to ~ [) Ih July Will Dill. " • • lhe seed,drill well. be p8id i u 8~'nn ce . Thld is : llt
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,\ ",,,,, /•. 1., & (' " h ", 10llg I,., ,, rl'CllUII S, "l'I,ly 10 or 8,Idreu (,Ilho r 01 IlIaoI 10liU r ug 'lIv e d )lll! kltlves ;} It) 6 " ft r .. " •• II , k.. n .. " fo n o, nnd IV " 1", I'e'" II .. "" 0 lullo\\ ill g, Ag e nl d of '110 C ompIIII>': , [I, , II , ( II fi I 8 uO II) ,t. ze n Ie doz, 6 'u 16 ' ft •• • ' . "'" " ?" '} " 1''' ' '' rolll " " " CO, [i, B. King&wll. J" lJl,ilf,rdlf.' '. J v (~, I; "Q, II _ ' •''' , ', " REgn & BROTHER. 6uOIO UII Z" II III bl\,d .,OOllti 8 lu 24. N Y ~I o,".h A"'~·'c" n), "r",, 1 ~ ,'J' , lJ""U'71 ( ' ''1 J\ O61 38 N Y k /, IiGU O d" zPII dl'MP ri In,kR 710:l.'i \\" h n.. i"' p, e l(ll , ot Ihe " Iii," d Anon '/ar!te CO" Cfllmao. .. X , e w o r ,; ,,)', 60UIlI <l uzc n 1IIIlI e lorks S 10 30 .I .. le & ( ,,', ,\~ .. " I (II r I ""' P' "" " .. .... '"" n , , " 1 ,1 ~llesroom, N o. 3~ Lib erly Stre N , ""K J , w. II., . , • I". " . .. 0·","'" '" 01 1.. , 1,," ,, ", L I V E S T 0 C I~ --------~... 'G OJ.I) "ENS AND PENC il,S 1,1• • •,,1 •• I" "b l. J~W' '"' 0 1 Ih " 'I. ". " "li lt" '" ,' ONLY LOAN IN MAnKET. W tl uh!!ll IHlIlf tl d u l ;t r g pc.lutnill y 0 ' , it\' " r " ItHe. CUI.\O.8,- Where lite ground is Of evr ry vo r ie ly, (rom 3 10 $ 30. ARetiNA WATt:II, Urove r~ anti Fijrm,l'rs wil'i fillll , tlliS ~. Itlld ",,, If ' " I h u d IPltl ,h f! whil lr. f tf 11 1f''' ~ Iw wl v riclt. DIce b e ld. lOay be rai8ed b -elorEJ now utTe red by ti,e Governm e nl, and it i. 1I111M\ n.lv.1I18 )! ('OIi. ruul e (or Live Sl oe IlI l P O l l f d "Itl l' " '' Rrc l o h u d t ~ l, o.t d o f 0 11 It nm'IE ~'UEU TilE PLAN. wioler, (ro~· plaoll let Ilny time in Ju An Elegant Novelty in Watchea. 111 All ~"RP. we cllorge fur (orwArtling " O ~' I tH II U"I VI~, g Lt' I H~ J.( r ~ n' IHlv Hlh'g fS .10 (; UI'"('IIIII8 y BI dB, well wat ered 1 8;;1I'1_u .. ) confidenlly expecl ed Ilut ill s uperior ud 1I11} "' , Jl , a lld •• tlultlln ll ' Xl r. II .. , \f' e ll'ldo ' lIIf'ut t, )" if Ilhe:y are kept well hoed, pll e tl w"h e very co 11 VelllClIl\l', jl.V " ~'f The ease d o( thi s wftlela Ire on cntl r.el v Ihe Ce rti fillll lfl, 11U. I ~lfe , and iloilO&! Ih e " 1-; .. 0 .... . \V ~ kn o w th e htlll III '1ue - " n n to hr vantages will make it Ihe IIprll l1dllU Ihia l'n " Dlld il" COIIPl\CIIVII\lI \ t! r\ " " I'f' d nb lc , Iud t h () rfl ll !! "I~ WOJllq of th o ~ 1I111 or 'l'W t' lIly fiY II Ce lll ~. busl ,"es8. II I1 W ,"v ~ lItiun , comjJOo l'1l o( ..1% rlilfe relil "lui i' VHy 1I!\<l lIli o n Id p,dd tr'ei t w'. It,~, I EURs,-Fieta beAns mAy lie plante d Greltt Populltr LORn ot the I"cople. l1l e luld cOIIII,," e d,rull c ~ log elh e r Dnd pl nn. wll ic h 111 11"1 be e n c luh' d In Ill e "rd~ r pullh c c Ollhd e ncn. - LN \'. Al h ton. IP lit (o r $1. II . . lale as the midllle of lhi, . lhonlh, Th H " In, t ,. Ii:.: Ih lA nntl prnli t-n hlc • 'H p l.1\ fI1 t" n' .'rl·m H a rris burg. wher e ",UI ' II. "' II ~' 1 . I. e ~, prUllucill" '11\ "XIltt ImllollUn 01 18 Fiv e Cl' t"Ii ~& l c. \l'i ll Le~ff thnn ~3U,000 .OOO of Ihe 1.0BII f' vc ,y cUlivellie pl'lIl ,lor leedill/! .ll IIU r4ll11 • curul ,\!" ltI, c .l l~ d Arcnno, whi c h "11101 . lor II ; thirty f or 6 j ,ixII'- liv e lor JU. olle " r. fll t\ p. h t- Hl v " . fnr h, rr. cOl I" I" ... " Ie of r"rwh.ro early pOlaloel bave beeD dug, IlI lr MI "" f.q· t h u ( ;'(,111 ( ;11 1 f) , .. f1ihullllll 0 1 "\r II I' hll i" e III oltprf' d o( Ih e "IIIIBdcll'l \I" I ),lIl1dre ll (ur I ll , (;o~grelS I re !lOW 011 tile alithori:IU' d t.y w nys kee l' 11 8 colur, Thl'y ure u< be auti , '" _lIaro oorn blS faile d , I " "rl lI l. & CQ A bd \ of "l1r Jl f rr u vprrt"IIH'. h lt ,ll N.'IV York and Ilullimor e l\J urkel •• A(;f; "'TS A R E WANT E D , .... . 11 \I f' r) I Uf' c f' JI!II rul In I ltl 1t " UY. 111 11 0 111) " ' market. Thia amou!lt, ot Iho r .. le al ["I 8S SO IIO g u ld , nnd .. re ulli.rded 01 Oll~. Will .ls tJ be rO lilldl lhe ' 8 1Il)rt ~.t{ qillclt'i'.h, e l~hth Ih l! CUS I. Tl. e co se 18 IJ ell ulllu"y h l lt l l ~ h t 1 11\' /I flU tw, hUI RI.. n In el /l lIl !! f1 ~ f) od -The BOllol\ !tOOl bl.cke, II • 'fcenl wl.ieh II I. be lna 8b. orll ~ ,I, Win all be .le 8lg ned 111111 P onel "lid s lll ~ ILi (lIr IIAm e , Throl1 g lw I11 Ih r counlry 10 oONnl e ro r IlI f ll H, "l OAf' t o W IIOIII Jl ll fJ ~ol d tJ e C .. r l , fid' h l • • ulI,1 muU dire cJ rOlll e for liIlIlCk to N. meetinr, r•• ulved reduce PflCf'S to ~ uit Yt"k t "11I All e nlu.wn}-and wUli ' ...' ek< ' wl: h I'II!el1l 1'uo" PII', ulIll e ~gr8vpd 111 li S A t.rgt' ~O ",Ot' IJ 88 tl u n w ill bl' pUld, 11 /1 n ,II he U~ t n L,r ' J III ",h . r tl" '1 1( I nl ulIlIl lI _ Ihe limn, Iud now " shine 'em 11 p" (or liv(' , oulJbcflbcd (ur wllhi .. s ix ty day'. whe. t" e l il e eXllcl ulyle u( thc cl' l ~ br Il ~ d G ul" S E'nd lur ler lll s, &"' . e llr 'oa lot! Sl ump , (1 f'1I 1 1 ~ 1II " " C'U I ul. o I,. " IU· " 1; ItJ.;",d ,- r N. V ChUII,,1!1I Ihlln' lIlI,y \lllter, : I, " :-, ullda) M~ r f· Uf .' , Aug . ' -' , l UI "' , in1\ea.4 Q( tell cenl .... he rt~IOlore . , ENO,; U LEWIS. ' I II I nOlel Will ul1double~IY co mlllontl a prt'. !JUIII"11l L eVf ra, lind ure reully h ll lllleo l11 e N EW flORN &. C Il " ulld ,l h Ir D"'e . IIl1d 10 " "" c l all 11111111 11,, " 'fil e n lll ll ll \>V tll g o f K III £" COU. C' , W . , " RllI _ Gell' S"P" jllt t' noienl, AlluUIIII. 75 .' ult un Stree l, N, y, -80_ urtff of New York Ire p .( k~d mlurn. D8 " • • •1I ~IUflilly bee l! Ille c IBe 011 .d go lll u. III tl e ly 11 " Ip. cll u n :'\11 1 Ztl, 1St) I, , 10 111' I, r 0 111 ' " fl y S tlh~H r lh '-r .. The "' Ol' e ~ENRY W I GW,INNER.. .. hAl ,.0,\1 ., the rate 01 :'40000 to th e c l08iltg I he 8ublc rl pII OII ! 10 o th"r loon • ,,,, It li t. All 1'\ ";( 1)" lo r A rrA llC l l d e N. ( ' 0 .. nll el lJ\ Gpl\\1 Tlc kH ;\g flll,i, Ph.i1,q. : Innl IS III HIIII' R('lurll41 b) lli t' w e ll · kn ow li IDIC , T.lLBGT'I"S PILL" r f>fl,wJl t hlOU lt tl l I!o Ol1l ft .'."111 , II rf w l .!t lien ' AI!' • quare mile , 'fhe new city dn ecl o ry jllll II, fl. 11 0 U~TON, I III ord e r thHI clli ze ns o( ev~ry 111111 11 SI. Jl'll e r Wft[ch C urnp ul) Y of C Ol1'1 lO'C ti 0 1 III j.! hIV CO n cp nlr .. / .. " f' X• III IU ',. fo r It .. , 1t!" I" , , t u 1111 1 u tt H e Jo , lu ep e c . 1.lued C'ontl"" 13 ~92 more name.lhslI "a IIl1d " r" ",I"c r uly lilll. hed, '", v lnll e nl!rll H IJ Ge'll'1 Freig!:, Agent, Phil • • I I " Oil, n nd w i th o ul h; " Itn llfl ll , \\ t t' .. .,. __ rntr. Ihu t pre decesBor of I.. t ),elf, II I d L tl Ifn e lEI Irom ,ools olld h \l ,b. v( Ih 9 II' /! hI.'SI t'l1t; h Hncl Mll o( t tl .... fut, cJtlS W t' l fJ \Y II T1h t Tl.. hl., 1I1l~ se CIlOII .. r Ihe coulllry moy be olfo rd. I · tr. 1' 8 e l " , UII C ~ C'"V t.' rI g~s, O.ljllOIIIlI( m pdl!:lnu I v nlue , 1I11 " "lblc In Ille rllre 0 1 It lf It lll O t!ll1 o( l oll t o, lbe: '~r. I PIt~ 1I1 5 , Uli tl .u'" '' ----------------~~-'--'- -:. ~., ' Pj~lIlal u r, w ilh gold bd lll ll ce . ""lllh e 1111 . -The officii) 1111 u. cO l li a ltlu in 6 . n. ed faclltlles (or loIkln g Ihe Lonn, Ih e Nil ' ,,,ovt'~ Je we ll ed HCllOn, Wllh IIII ~ ./111111 1111 .. II dl "e u8P8 or 1I1f' L I Y~ r, or nlly dI'rDn~p_ Ilf 1h p. 11I tU X {HU tI !' : ' 8ral GUilt'. e."lplllfl'll. eomm.ncil'lr wilh IF YOU WA.NTTo' KN"o,,;,"" l ionl l BlfI~ S , Si a le D8l1k s , "lid Privale " k a ,Cl ' nll IIGl1u·' S , aud 16 wu r rn lll ~ d "guud Ill e nt 0 ' t he D'j{". "ve Or/!"" 8. Tllt'v r". . , ..,. .,. ,.~ I \\ e hit "" jIIrP Ii POOle "'~ tv pr,. tt, - llpr.lIl " n fl of 'he cro.. in, 01 Ih e kap ldan, in r.hy 1864, li lll f' .k ~I! I' U ' III live nil 11111'11'11 1('8 o ( llip I1l 0nd, HII"I ttre THl d ~ DlI<l l tJt vpno .. " . G ,)itl \V ' I~' I\ HI. I.lull ('" 1\ L illie 01 Everylhi'lg rC).lil1g, lo Iltl' I~ .nd eud ing wilh Ihe linn.L 6 .. rrender of Banke rs lhroughout Ihe country hev p. Th e.e \\, 111. hes s ro o ( Ihr pe ~ i lli'r~1I 1 UI1('(1" 8 Ied III th e c ure 0 1 O' KrrlltllA, JUIIII - C li ntll ", Pi n" B r M'p l, h. e rr .. "ill ' h hnvfl tWill mlln ey s tem, male IUIiI (~~a le ~ Ibr CII.II!Y!' Lee 'l Irmy, Coot up nelrly ninety thou I; en e roll, agreed 10 r eCel YII 6ub ec r ipl io n8 " 'z,,~ , I I.e 6mu II h i be ill j! !or Lutll eH, Illd .hef', L D Y8 PP[lS," . S Crn'u ll1 , DIIIOIIUIP 8" - e n l U, A frl\lInft l ~ ~v. ell t n th .. p t ~ I ' fI (('It nuf' lIud IlP81111Pul f>f d ft<en.oIs ; Iloe 'Itlnrri~," .and, " II "r p. , h -[ An~." t . R e l' 0 .. . r. N , y,. F. b ure a ll Hllllli llg' !\ r. 8e o r elK t;oll. p lni lll. " me rs , II &u 4 nc ll f' l'II e~ "I:;, f liA loms o' Ih e world i hnw 10 1lI~ r;rx ~ en IBn.; al pa r. S ubs cribers \\iiI! se lecl Ih e lr til' II " III be gflO l lIy l\J ~, ' ur ~;X rlre"8 (or ' ,25, H ~ r ed " .,y Hum o rs . D. ,sf' , (n r 'Adul, / nndll Ihl'"S II Ud II~ i n1?8 rip'v "'r ,ptlb'li~ h('J tle!. , Th d t h C e corre~ pon p. nlo I e ItIC~I!0 " , childre n hall a' A('; ENTS ••• · Wt· 'V ''''. n ltf' ntt 111 "" •., r . .. · R e- " g elll ' , III w h \lln II.e y have cOIl61I e n cp.. A s' "g Ie o ne 1\ I1I b~ &ell l III a 1' :o nd sonlP Ull e pili in II... mom ;n" orl! . r f' nd Ihe rev .. .. t1l1l1d tnlll rged e.lil l o I'W ,! ItU r tll, Itl lllill ,.Yf-t\ t"W I! h ,t d rn llllt\ In t tl .. publican wrile. : Mr ll, Lil'coln hu nolifi e d d' b "I <) rlJcco C use (" r $25 , 11'111 , e,,,;IIy sell JIll I, "'rom U h f! In IlIrf e pill s IV III c ure ilnW~ ,. (IlII · U ·y. Anet th (\~ fI Af tlnlt" h l l!l lH Ii " III he " 'Lc)\\' - 0 1 "t\IE1>' CAL C O&'Muli SEIISE ," • Ihe Monumelll ABBociallon It Sprinllfield, 811 who only are to e r('s pollal bl e I~r (" r l"ree 1IIlI PH Ih~' r r " ' 1 'V e Hr~ s o le o rd li lory "HS"9. 8 1111 (r n.1I o ne 10 Ihr l'l' bll"_ e tl IU (' ... h na CH r) ( f' ril li , AI" (Jl d fl l r.d ~k I,,, cu r 19uI pe .. "le . e~ ~ !fOod booloJ tb.I tlnle. a lhe monoment be .reel('11 ove r I lh e del i",ery uf tile !lotu (or wt,leh Ill e v I " gP Yl s lor Ihi8 W" h h 111 th e LJllil pd I'S .. III ctI, e li ll y rnruul " of.o .. vil e r lh lUlI, pl n" I('eci .hf' tf r f' llu tl lt llre AIII UUll b ( IJ 0 1'" Ill r rvery onf'. ''lot) p8gl!~. U)O li lloe'Joe II -r ' - d be nlv . S Int e8 . 11111 I no ne "'e " pn1l11l8 w l"ell do ho w I" " .." 'I/Wdll l'" Price .. "' I p "" b"x . (tn lh" , .. lao o th e r I nciul f ill( n f" " hll h (" AU hf'! ~ hhll."and'. UI h I re m 11118 an d b dt.,.. ' or ..~ e r. . .. li u ll a, Pr i ~ .. 81 ,1\0, COnll'nll1 t>lbl"'l ,. . I ,I I receive b , ~ 'I·'B ..... "llp " I.1 t L • rI :un ~rl 011 .p, l tH"Atj o n A ~ (> II' " '' 111 r n llt' (,1 is. en er 0 I • ot w.. ereon ,t a hll aIB!!u,e Ie , 110 1 eor IIl1 r [' rs ll e m nr k, Adoress u < ... ~eu or He ll ",y mal, BO\J. k,. ,~a.J , ~8t ' e lll " fOrt:8C U C; t r 1,hfD l A. Ull e! r" w l t 1'; te nI a "e nl 'rfle 10 any atl.".., , wlll.rc, pl. propoultionrorlhe remuval l JAl C OOKE, GIRARD W. DJo: V AOGlI &. CO , ' V, ftfoTT T A!,noTT. M, n , &' c o . 1, 0,1 at Ihe Boo kstore s, or w,illll4! \s ell' b~j to u ! \ e ltll c r In f n5h o r 110 1t"1; 0 ~ f U II1 P~ . lltn u llhe remlilll III \V .. llon , I S ubscnpttull Agont, I'h lladc lphll , I",!'one r. , M SIJI" : I " 62 .' UllUtl SUet'l , New Y o rk mail , onil paid, on rpce i!'t of j.rice. _ ; ARR i\NDAI.E & (' 0, . Addre es I"OOTE, \\, : 0 :. ... :. - , , \l 11 30 DronJ . " ,\: ~" "'- + '
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old painL W II&. a. 'j'be Hog rot (jet' brother to come home: tl tl141ir lof Ibe uuor. the .. plloic Bwo.oR lh .. ' beulDe in a eontTOYen:r with hI't IWIIIl~hel'ed Of tbe_MOW- 1 Me'llnlirue Iht! fire burned UIII lind , II:"hll' l4,,' lie hlld IlO Vtl, Y bl:l\ ts t/pca.m pObltl.veJ~· fearful. Tbl!Y no "nacood" and joined Ihe melee ill II Ing undOIll', Rud 1:w.~1J weo& to I"wn the te:1I grew told: ' l\nd Ih!h Clime im· llurJl'!sl: lIul' ,41ny ympliLhy 1,0 "Jlrnng ngaln.L Ibelt . lion .b01'8 alld ~bll ct'lILt:r or tbe blazir.g apartment. -~nd ~ougbL 1\ new. drefta, allil bonoeL p'llience, Ilnd then llefulAllce. so thai 1118 hll'-I',,"o\'ly. hllH·teartulruuod, 8L1'ove to nmd thew wllh 1I!IlIr teeth, III At this moment Lhtl 8001' under. 'X CHpilRI reI ow,' everybody I/\iil 100. If she chose; II,nd Zl:b Rllid. 'HOW ! Rulh aiel lit laat 'Come f/tlher Wlhis ~~ck I~O Lhe haLtu's Willduw, Ilh.e slime lim~ secdi!lg 10l'LLJ slIVllge anu mineu by flame, gave way wi~b an aw\fli~u ~p .. akiog o( Zcb, [or 110 olle ever .prellY lOll will Iuok when YOII ,vfla r will ent WilhoUI I;im, ana/fel him fome ",d 1'1) LIII., (ronL corner of ~hc I fllghlt'lIed orles willcu we rll IIlmosL hu- lui cfl'sh, and lue Iivin.:, BtrllggliDIl clll!~ll bUll ~tlb ulo~-DotJeYtm bro· lhe~! y~u will bllnshl\Ule~ 10 go with I wh4'n he gets ready.' blu hed the Ili~s from lhq'ljrt>u mUll in til II' ngony. Alltl n~th, wLJen bowlillg, wri~hing mllS8 WIIS l.~uncbed Ihu~' l!lId Illslllrll: If you had cRlled him Plt! III my lhrejl~bll l'e eol\.t n~u olt! Iwl : Bill Zt: b CflUle prelly 'soon, Wilb hi olu hat, Th~ SUII 1l11S Ihe Hames l)Urat Ihrough the lop of lhe inlo n gulr of red Rnd yellow fire, .end~~buIIlD, be woulu IIIH'e I""ghed" iD' lam rather behlnu Lhe fashion,. IIlO't 1. 1bu~ with II brain full o ( pleASOl1l il1~ wht' l" Rulh r'!Lurucd. h~r door Hnd eomroenclltJ to lick Ibtl tOPI! of il1g IlJl a whirlwind o( smoke, IIparkl ~'our face. Poor ft"lo lY I 1 clln Bell Hu~hy l' lJ" lau ghed gaily nil th e th ougl.f~, wldch hone out of hlfl'manly II f IiL IIII packllges alld PilI" llttl clIg 's. Ihulumult rencheu it b ight Hnu oinder8 10 Ihe heaveD8. hi m ill W, in 'anc)" jllsL liS r used te> wl." le., and Itulh ItlUg hl!d loo-nevllr l COUlil nsnce. 'Wtll, RUlhy, }i 11m sor · litH rllC'~ bellmi ng wilh joy. - Ydls •• oars, howls '\n~ scrl:ams wtnl The IIISL objeCll nw was lhe polar lue'llim IIbOUL lhe olu {lI nn · house wlreu IIlkl."g h.ow UIlInY lIew h."t Hile had Iy 1111H1e kl'pt ),ou IVIOilihg.' .lie sairl, cnt I,omtl logeth " r. "0<.\ when 01> flom l\H., dooru ¥d brules, which were ben, upon n white .hol square of sheel.~5 !tul lI ~ to schoul - alwnys busy. hlld SUletl Zeu lluu ut;lce IlldullCt!d in aM hu drt:w waler {ur his oxen at lhi: 10 ~~wn ill the Ii~Lle WII~UU h ll llrU for llul l,hs\l\ nco or lialf n rlIil" . iron, with nil the hair burned from hil tlnd 'alwan chetlrCu l, doillg 1I010e good s uch /\ luxlIry. well. WIIS lap~ siuiog b"sju& 11 ' I'. Wilh 11 simultllneO\ls bound, ih e lion hide. lind l\ laudiD~ 8tl\~k .aDd Ililr. ADd lhj~g ~r 9~ler,.lIuti llll#~hiug !tod "' Iual' .t'lte grn a was whil\lning in lite hazy 'r om 8~Try, too.' ellC an~wl'!t'd .' in a ay.. "" \8 b\JSY Qlle, bUl an~ hiS olalo .prllog against their bnr8, 'llpidly bali ing brown~ IlIIg. IIB liB ¢iU~. ~b' Wit' de.cri he J II..Yol 01. OCl?be .. ; I.he vrchnn.ls werll , cnl~, \1ecld~u too ~ , thnt Inulcllted 1\ ne\\' ,, 1"; le apron Will wblqu ""nvel way hnd CIlIijt ~own with Ht:'fore tbe wbltle went do'fro with iwall 1 r\llOomb"r l\Jm, when he WII8 bn"I.l t wllh liP" ('I.llt, lind lh.';! t;orn Willi I fl'lg'l<I Wllfl of (ee llO S'. pllik rlbuoll knoLlllu up, nnJ I" Wellt CIII,h, Iclllllsing 1110 bells Is. tbt! res I, a stream of spermaceti r'\O hap~ .illetm, and ( qllilO A liLlltl rIIs Lhn~ 1\1It! dry: IL WII S the IIUIU",II ·Com e. RU lby, don't be' vexed\' ~Rid . glil;l.etlDlg whcl'~ BUlh hlidlulig i winch for II mOlllenl , apparently nmllz , (rom llis cal'coss dO \TD the lIid!'lI of the II. He was ntH hRnd ~o me. bUI 11 0 1.linL OIlIlle Ztb. ~wenly ),eIIl'S !>I~. )Ii Zeb , Illughing urter 1he' old fA.llion. dl;.~lf , Io,sel: It. • Willi. Ztlb.' , li ll'" cd nt Ihe ir ~ 1Ir1d l' lI IIbp"I}" s iood in !Il l' bUilding, tll.klOj.[ tire and maltiog imlhoughL wh"thtlr he WI:Te or not. ~IP WII8 u nrk~lJlng a Imlll from Its boy, l 'bUL ~t my ' supper. while I lurn lh e 68ld, 1.5\1 s shll IUI:ned 1I0wn Lile la ll e l ullddl e uf th e 11001' 11I . I,i ng til eir sides pru",jI'u canules Qn I.l colos8&1 scale; 1, l:f.loJ JruI\l()rl;ld ,/\I,d g~"ial "'li8 lb. Ish g-Iu w , und l1t~I'" Ilnd then B6bl"r('r ' o~n illto'lhe mead o w - (y ou do n'l 10 go, 0 Mol1y l:l laklj's. 'I 11·.IIn : yo u lo Illlh lli t'i r tni ls and rORring duldull), A lIun,b"r o ( lho birds which were I tl 11'". , 1011 of his couIILuu"l1ce, 1Iu !D u.ods CIUt.'.J'~O I'IID LIIIII.I hI! hncl' kn ow n kllow I10w . tir ed nn ll hllll grY '1 11"').1..- make ,. Ilfl ....~tllr·!JtJt 10 ' lIi~lll-8u~:Il~ 1 Almos laL lhe UOle ll1~mCnL lhe up, cage d ill ihellppllrpa lt or.tlrebullding .20 1\ II Ll lu bulilw t he oruluary heill hL, bctore . .Aoruss 1\ d .,'Y rrd~e or s iu bble 11111'1'1 I will tell yo u whllt deLu-i ned Ol e! , ill Ilql lies II U ho lOV, YOIl Know ; r IL ~ ' P" I IHI ll 01 lhe lhree S1Ort~d eAge. COli· I\'elf: suL Cree by some cllllTltRbly inclinlu , •. sluul radlltr (hnll ~raot·Jul. ye t be IlInd, oHl g lo wll Wllh ~1I "rs . he hnd : , 'You nE'ed n't trodble yourself to do tllue..4 laktl up .my llIylllC:l,.' .A ll lilly l>tllu.,d ~Y Ihe f1Hlll es , fel l 1'0 1wultl, Id. ~ d perso n ilL Ihe fir8t Illllrip or tire. At IIIWllY' per(~otlr ' lill if-I'oa'essed, uee ll pIUWIII~ "II ~be WIIl!1y lilly; ,tbll l~IAl.' ~he ~n~werr d, tO~Sll1g he!' Irenu, I ho 1111 bdl< ll \b lld'i ng bit e would .s".> 1. ~llIg the IOd 8 drop 10 Ihe t\oor, Rnd 1II, lHvul5 thy fil: w out. 'flltae WIIO ~I) .. "vllr IIwkward. Ji is hllir hun ., l ox'i ll . b"n ~ lli !>lr hClluslow 10 lll., gf.\lund l ' ll'e 'l!( no IllIl'orlllllce to mi'." sonlll~ illg !l UOU~ LIS gOlng~ wll41 11I:I- I II1 H[lY ut llt-r ulllmHls wue lUUs ti~~rrl't!. mnny vnl uable lropic al bi rds- parrotl f curls uf soil brown IIlon~ alo~ ~I! Ih u tlll ~ t (.Iew in tllt:ir fll oe<l, olld Zul) p ull ed flis h'nt ' o fcr h i~ t'J'es, lind l1i ~,clo ~ol\le [tl~: t e l, lJCillllPS, \\,11<:11 h" . J lISl lit Ih i& ~illl u Ih e JOUI rell tlo .. o, of .111 bizes anu mltn'ifold COIOIIl, pnrrofU It' heHtI. and a pllir of !.llz!: 1 Zeb tuok oil 111 8 lu rn · bl'Jlnml:u sLl'Ilw walked soherly I\WRY wilh hi s. OXl'n. s hullI t ~ 1I bllr , !le. I·0.u1u IIUI . y.o; UUl l Ulid l.hc ~"Il1 t;a lIod smok!' rolltu in .Iik e quels. oockntoo8, mocking birdJ, Hum. twillk1t:d with lolll " hl c r bt·\l en lh. lUll IIUW 111101 11"' n, IlIJd sbuok OUL Ill S I qll lt e forg ul ting Ihfll he WitS eilh l: r tiled now.. ~ . puur Sfl ll.h(IIC~I U Il of ~lvlIIg un.}' .11 "h,l'lwl nd frow the ll adt.!ll n river I"III ~ Llrds, elO •• a8 welll\s lIome vul. tteliS f,It" WI\. full. willi ~he fms " glow CUll ", bC!I\'Y WILli 8;I'eIlL, and. (eJi u,,· . ?r IlUn g-ry. If RuLh (el~ IIny mi~gil" 1'J:ple 1011 I~ Ill S djljllJllJuilllll;l ll oL wa" .coer tu s. lUrt' S Il nd IInglee, "n'd one condor:ri 1' - • I htilith b"c/l kin ~ through tire t,UI . for hllltl till, ,tl·IIOl. n8 th.ollgh · .tl."nklng of 1~lI g~. pmle hpl Iht'ln .down: IIn(1. to d .c u ie hlln~ ~ud makin g plUlUrCij ill dl Q A horriLle ho,,1 in lhe rig ht ' band <..irl!"~ I'ltC ll em\l n~ existed " among tho I •, Ill 1'118 a f"fwur' l! uoy. IIOtl used 10 ,,It./other thmg ~.I IHIll 1"8 plolVlng. Due JtI .J ll'fy h (>t~l'If, slle SA id , hl'df I\ l o uc~. Rlr, qf , gl\)'''IIt:~ III I~ 1".:10 he co ulu III\Va CO ) Ill' I 01 Ihe room, /I ytll l 01 iUUtl6CI'lb . s waymg crowds In the streets bolow 1111 • • I all # UI'I\ Rnd . IIIUu wOlk; but nOI"illl'· ti ldll of lli e li e ld \Y II~ uord e r"u hy n l 'W ell, 1 u on' l cllre I li e IlIlcl no bU >I ' no pllrt h" Sd lo lY ulk "uuln Ill " t1u\V . nul" "gUllY, IHid II Clu , hiog. gr"linl!! th e.,' louk willg. 'Th ete were confined .,i_ tl~i • • hit band s Ant) fee t w.. re Inne lenu\ lI~ 'from th e main ran tl to nil ness to ~ I "y nWlly lil1 miclllight.' Nev· er -pot. H e luuugh\ Lllld, a nd wroughl so unu IIIdICIIII'U thai llou tiger !Iud ill Ih t;! tiB lIl tl l uu m a few lerpent~, which r,lla OIoulded lind belll1it(ul. 10hsr.u.rc Ilt',ig.hburh ll ud. ,Jt \Va~ quil ~': ~ ~lh e l ess, !l h ~ IlIrlln~e" t l: e ~ u r'p~r !IS liS he l" U U~t.I, \lIlU llie .llltl!) box \1 11S bl' nr 'f ere Hirred IIp to Ih c high esl 1I 1~0 oblnined lhe ir libt- t'ly, and 'sodDar_ Ili~, all ol\·rly Ilg'e he ... nll fund of till du >k) wb ~ 1 e tbtl I~n e 6 tll.lt~ 111 10 1111, 11110011 u~ mlg-ht.b .. , but Z~b J IU not !loon ,coruplclI,d-'l\!lICIH!d lOu nd a L the ~J ilch of CJ.:cllf ml:r... Then tll ere cnm e Itl l' Lit" 11. llIg lind devouring Hllmell h'e • •' oh l!x"I'cis08, Ilnd wllile sU1l1l child I \Vood~ •. wl lt n 1\ I ~ dy cn~e I" dl~~ li C hC'~ c~m(j-hls 'Rp(le llttl hnd qUlle deserted ' lup, a8 lJltd b('e ll d"8 11 1:1I. lL 11'118 1I0l "gl·t:II L CntF' as o. Ihe g iving WRy or gnll 10 l'nwrap lh e 41 nlire buildiu!C. " alld . 1..lve unlVed lh e sO I'c'rest col u Ion a gil}' bl llck IlIIr~£ti (tlld sel'lng Zd> him. Aorusil lh e ml'll£l ow. nenr Wht'TC lurk ~v llt,n Il le w.ulk wn s done, nnd dll' bill S o ( litt' ir cage. '1'100 Ilum es ~pl " ll d ld II lldemblc lB~lic sighL Willi preIt'll ' tIle for~iluu " or (l soldi er. MIlliS lilt h~8 plowlIlg. ti g hle ne,d hl:r rt'ill, Rlltl' l lh!! oXt- n w ,,~e f,,;-ding, he 1'1)' lin the Zl· 1J ht; ld II tip HJUlIIJII g ly ,,1."11 he lin d ,tllI l " lII ui;e m um~ lIl llldy I'oll l!d Ul\ck. sl!nlt!d 10 Lho wonu l:rlng Ilnd up ' gJlziug 111.310 IImll 1 "av e leell hUll qho ppillg "'.<IOU Nnlllllf\' (or 111m (0 I\I'PI:oao":c g;\1"e g rR slI, Ih o moonli ¥ ltt, Il eckt d by tlt t! lilll!d It wip fruslll ~II I ~ LJ , lIud Hrrlll/glld IInti for 1\ few second s lhtl inlelior oJ throllg8. Bursling throu"h lhe centwjJ , willle(. wilhoUL COA Lor III,l. 1\1111 galtHfilton ot tile eve~l ," g . In . 1\ sweet. ! "PPle. bOugh8. falllnt; ove r ond IlIouod I'he Il}n g mynlc vint's 10 urop grac" lbl · lLe roo m wn~ vi8i hl ~ ill Ih e lulid Iighl rul CHSl'm(' nt, with Blipping wing oI\nll'" ri ..... " ng kll ee dee p in th e now; hi t! guod·loullIol'lid tonll : She. \V IIS nOl blln. Iy Ihl ou!;h lloe n O lcIt6~ . Il e pillced il of Llt l! Ji ll mes, wilicit l'I: I'UII I"d lite ti~cl' Ins iling cuils, " p pcll rell 8 11 engle aod" ror•• . lotlsi llg in the n' O tth Willd, Anti hi s t.I1 tls61)d III th~ co.~tullle whi ch IlLSlt t.' A clny ;,r tw o. qf . ul\lln ppy resorv p in Ih ll '1'I11dOIV 0 1 l{, uth' :; room, lind. &l ndlh c liun luc"~ d logt:t bt:r iu oiosil tler r e nt wl efl thad in fli g ht, Fora mo~ III., ·k~ ruduy as the nir Rnd ('x" l'ci ae II ~ WIIUIIYS tllln~ Indl bpeo 8pb le for .rl' Wl' lll by. Zt'b l ~mU lnlllg. lilll u .. hOUI lIl l' die ll\~t. Il CCUlllld l., I,, ·d, Il.ere cftllJe II COllibal. meut Ih ey IIUlig pois!:d in mid · nir. pre- -; rk .t J mllkt! Ihem. He was 1lt'I'er too I dili g . UUL wOl'e Ill stellu a 81 1'R~' hnl Wllh h o u ~e , and ~ 11) 11I g' "Itl" ~ IIt· II lie II'I\~ Il'ld ing of I ~S ll tlsS O IiSIl LhllL ~e could nOI The bllse or th e lOll s of 111() ~l'rp('nt8' "t' lllIlIg II novtl and terriblt! cOllllicI.y tu IiC" we IU 1 PI181i~d . or I.. wl.i s-I rud IIbbons Bud . 1\ drliss 01 s ky blu e Ih e l'e, bUl pluwlng enr ly lind lale . gril~ . blluitSh, Ir )' R~ ),e ",uul,\. Th l' full ' cnge hlld 111 '0 c'I'umbl pd , IlIiU th o IlIrg. It II ". Ih e .E,,,th Iln:\ Air (Of their rer. II g~ ~ '~ood mUltllOlf' 11'1 wcr~nearl .!.tlu sh ll-not tllllilng low, bUl 80 ~ho l'l vt·d I l1l h ~ I' Ilt a nl't- x" d. W), ,, II I' tlt-po kl' moolt Wlt~ rl: dd er. lng Iill10ng Ille .cluur/s , le sl bOAcu " ~ tricl or- /lt. o ut 20 ft'c I l(1 ng s pl'c live fl!pl'eRlIntalive9) I\L wnT :(or ,wJ. u g It to hen r il 111101 hl\J o(le n n IhaL hCf ftlul puup"d now lind lhell 'fro lll 10 HUlh, il was wllh \lord 1I11t! .ill n nnu the yclluw I",nus l'It1uing down l"nd 118 lh ick II ~ 1\ mRlI 'ij bud y-wlls III , 01118lllry. The bltse and lhe Ibrty, the ur 11""S"HH woru or ~'ffQ bcsidtJ. Alld J benllll ~h It. I:::ihe SilL her hor.e grace , mlln ll e l 81 11 dlOll>I y IdnJ. lint! II lilt Ill:r wllh te\'t: IY wlnu, lIS, (olding IllS Itlm S, 30 t: ugagl:d ill li t: ltdly Btl ug,;lfl WILl, l!tll g rol'e ler anu the SORrel', were engllg.,d II ... vllr furglll to luok for him ; children fully. I!IIU be .. cheek8 were, d"l'pl): dull er ~!'lI se ~ l l e Il id 11 0.l see 1111,1 h e lie wII1:J;e::u ul' li nd t)p \vn llllHlng lh" bOllns . ill d elltll .v LJaul e. AL lengLh the Ilat Iv\Y mon,. fond o( I\tlt' ntiun il th\lll i~ opi \ lIu liltud, pt: rhllp8 f!'Om lhe rroxlAilty ot IVilS ohnn g l·d , hUI II cll,is li nd bt'p n !lowers 110111 lot· hu d jllol1lt'uln May. The po lll!' br nr lind sh llnk to tl. e 11I'nd of lilt, sl:lpel1l1!Rnk, his writhiog imllgined, Rnd I pllrhl\ps I jlll thl: , d.I U {Ilrm" r, pl· rhllps IIlt.rely Irom exer· It ,IIclled ilL Ii: uglh in . tLe youog OltiD ' 6 ( CV~C Il:IJ~W N.£Xl· Wh t; K) coo lebt CO I'nEr. wllh hAlf his fur bUlh t SIIIUOU S form grew 81ill. ond, walledt ne ss in even an 11I1I1 SII :11 Ut!gree. ci se.; I\ud htll' IJlack hlllr hUll g In curl~ Id t1,lI tlu I1l1ltHtl, . _ _ .... flOIll I. is ~n o w) CUllt. lind lillll'e 81ll upw"rd by lilt! ' ohee r~ o( the gllliog Iy ! he 'WitS ,chnp" itl '"ll , rL •'hu~ , I o ~ II"1 he on ' The ' D estruct i on 0 f B arnum ' s Museum. wo ndtllinlJjy . with' IIClream of ork . ... r ,. r shuUtJ~II!, " I. I. I II'li nd I I hel' 'black op·. " . lhe, «venlng o( 60 mnny b",<rbt <>, ., IIhZIII" ., upon the\'SCone be· Dllliutude. thll el"le b lilli, ,bul nol AlwII)'8 ; SO Oll:liIJp!s 1 Rpwr .. llu "I~u ,uenll U lop pln es~.. bo, l tlclplI.IIC1I1S wlis . ll enr at hRnd. '1 lIt< , __ f.. ~ c I. lin, ACCUSlO{lIt:d, as he lilld lrillDl P~, nnd btll rlng 'hi8 prey in his '1lee 'him" IrM"" th e PX9n 'towRld 11t11OlrU ,lhM. sileJ" IIlAd~ 11/1 prllLty " llIlIs h I mi'llllill/,! was Lrt .... ill.. !lIIU Z " b roM. eltl ' '1'1 lere nel'er ' o . I WEI8 a I'Ire. perl Inp~, even pet' II , II} ul· "l1' wi,h " onl J.. tflt! WlIlrU B IIlld , ilun Illlonw, sOlued ~ow«r(} t he IUD. I, wil l woud s, ~e l\tl\ d on Lh e c r't ·jllt!. hi 8 , 11I g lO l ' li "~'II ,fllct~re a" co ne . euull I), •. 6nll WII~ busy Willi. prey llrll.lIlinw (01 in New iVYl'k CilY, aUI!Oti t: d Wllh 811 Lhe senl il\ tie c' Id Iilue \Vnters or Ih e: t:icva ml monkey. eRcllped from~ .l1e)' . ~ PI l dog, Witt til'r. illing LtlS him : ' IlIlil~ IIIt! . Certainly Zeb llJllught so, I\S l\ lillie P"(')J" CL hll had III 1 ~1t!.mlllll,wht:n mallY 811'IIIrge im'lIl l' nta Rnd m01l1 pellu, Arclic t<'giollll, he Wilt! evl/It'h lly ~ Oll' bUltling building 10 IIII! ' neigllboring r.. wuult! nOI s~e me. lind slrfti~htw"J I kllnlll l] ngl} lObl Lh c, tellce he cun, s~eJ l ltulh. C'!01t: I.I U l , IJ.LrJ ~S~II;t ll\g IUBI to~ linr .cenll".L~ Ih e IIILe flll e 11».t deslro v SllltlIll hly alltrrnl!u II ~ the t'ltcessively loola lind s tre t lS, lind coosiden,ble er. 11&11dl stllnC., bHore me l seemuu 10 , 111 1: g l,)ssy " "ek. of Llle burB~, ChlJ.~PIIl Ir ~Ifl II bag o( pol lllO"S In 10 I he ~'agoD;,,' ~ d I:lar"um's <..ireal AlUoriohll M u$!'u,itl . 11111 it.! ~n QI', "h'ich Wit S lilnzlllg through CilCIDI.'1I1 \\' 08 cllused by lbe atlempt~ .""'11''' ", an~ Ih" wintel winll. lQ hav e . lho blt{\ndpllwlngL hed~6tlmp.llt! nlly , luquir".li I , wl .., II," r htl weftl gOlll g 1 0 I TIIIBills~Ilutionwasllsll1bhslleuiIlIO l li.l. ~II I! ruo nl. . .Under lit e CIrC U~IISln IlCl:e IOS6CUfll them. . • lItU", IIcr edge. SUUlt:time. he was lInd liS hll tiluod thell) H ml!/,hL . hllv t: lOW." Lhlll d"y: bhe would lIke III go. Alld fr um Lhllt lillie UlIlti the IIIl1a bl bt:; found ,It IIl1 pO.Slb\u 10 llllill IL cuolly. Ono of these, it i8 SAid, made lud- ' , fhe. monh)'!j "' ~ re .polchtl.d nround tlen Imll Y into Ih e edi torial room I of the bllr'h . fe~,li" g .Ilte horslls and bC~lI ,11f,Jl lced l.ua,L. b~ r.eDl~v,t'd hl~ hill . s he Blt ld, If h.e cou lu mll l,c 10llln (UI 'L I.., 11iLt: disll ~ l ll r, Ih e ql ll nR 'el's lind lo v lllc; 1!lld 1 re,lllelllber .~illg hil" onCI: I ~nd :;u .... Ued th,e brim III hili ball'! liS 10 It ~ r. '11\/U . ulVllcd IU .Mo liy Ulakb',, 1r.u oJ Lb(LCWltlW~'~Lul .lIlLlI. tb e \'IIl.dOW8 • . ~ti hl\·(' rlng ","h dren d Ihe N. Y. llerulci office much to' the '" ~ Uid~\l1I1 hill. U,igpCDxlllg bll.rlJl\ls ul.· concenl how hllGl~' It was lorn ., 11 ,wa~ lo m?t1ow nlghJ.,'. she. contmued. , 'I\ud coll"cl~tl wlLllin il s walts 'almos t every /I!lU IlflH~d to JUUlJl OUI: '1'he 'Ollk.oR surp rise of Lhe staid dignitllries theref j p~. s tIl Ihtl shee p) h" 8"W mtj , howt'ver. ob't;!l'vll ble to,It Lh~V. h4! Lulkou n" 8110 lh :\~ I~ III., 1't:~t!0I1, I, w~~h to go I~ Iu ,," Hllng illJ lmnltlll lld 'l'snllll.He ~irllt lV.ould Wt:ltl wnlllln~ llbo\l.t. cllppl'!d .nlld blIs · of. I . . . ,. .lla·. 1 " 6 lie WtlS I!,WIIY, anll wllv,e u "bull " JOllJ tune Illltl. ,wl.'b .dolVllca8t eye8-' IhIS, u\OllJlDg .. I .:She ulil noL a$k Zilb If I\Urllcl aUtlnllOlIlIS 1\ curiosily. HI!It: tel'cd by hl:I\L, dllrll~g OUI 11.,elr fOlk ed The surviving. SCI'p~l)ta, released II ur. '. vi Ibe gr~io ollLI iu . frieouly recog I . vcr~· unlike Illd tlslI,,1 IUliliocr. AfLtlr ir" nlbo 1\'''1'11 IlIvllcd . she nCY"I·tLouglil : \II I'tl tlll'phllnis Ilions II ' (' I'S whlll 8 longues IIIIU tXpres511Jg tirt'11' TIIge and (,0m lh "il' cages by lJle fire, crawling • It~ _ VIM ~ , 00 . . hrief delay. alld " Iwle re!llr"iut:d of " 10 P08Slbllily . Ise:18. kIV"Ilts',' 1II0llk:ys ,gin j'uel, rt:cp: Cenr ill tit(> most bibllnllt of hi sses . to lh o blllcouy of Iho MU8eum, couled tilvorybody in 1'.le nei~hborhood knl'w cOI}VerSntlon" 1,1e. young WI)D1oD r.odll l~ W~8 "fll!r /l OOU b~rore Ih~~. r.eR~h. rcs~nl"li\'e~ p' oEPlrly t:yery bells l , bird ' The "Happy Family" '~'ere c xperi. mucir eJ:cil"Ulent by tumbling promi.rllll,tl ,h~IJ &..,,~~ i ",o~~ to IIny ~)ICIl ; fUIII' IIi d. pulling h e r h9r ~o a.~ onc~, Into I'd ,till: c~ty. nn~ 17.u.vlUg IlIlk fllS lbr Al ~ o r ti h 011 "" I'lh 1~IIVlllg lilly oill im s .to I!IICIII!l all IIUIOllllt of ~"Atlillde ~' liich cuous l)' among Ihtl peo'pl~ collectCld,~e i' n1met hun, fll'r ~c n And wum ll ll, . A cllilter , " th." hou s" o f ." ' ,-; 0\" . 111, I? llie s uvu,hs' l nowlluIV. all CO 'ItiI~lItlt! III unce ' by Lht' ,vII S "vldclIl~y II4U cordlltl for PhtiOIlO' / IOW. A Illrgu blllck bellr also c8cRped, ~' I lIutl gi~I • • ,wetA! "Iiko ("ntl l of hls l Fur five minnte8 Of more Zeb linge r WI!h i l 1"~rn, l~c, ur .meI:' Llnl{, Ii.er IlL ,flll s udd ~ lIl;e >s Of. llhl' 1I ,, 00I'S 10 II hortibl e vlll cnll· lljuYlUt llL. A long longue of ont! after n se ries o( mlllleuver. nillde ft"y> I ed I\l lt!!"' sbu le ft. lllm -nOL 100kIll W".f. , "Pll.? lnt ~ d. hOllr, h ~ t!ro \· tl, ~w.'.1V III suard l .lelllh. LOIJ 8tnedi frum tht:ir conlilll)' t1I1IUIl hn~ clt' VL under lhll .cage, com ., his way IIiLo Wall Stf'Cllt, where he pronallllu; Ihere WR,~ OCI d! ittf U11, lltl1 .. t 81H· rRI\I :. he never IYRlked .1l1ron J i~ t tll' her" f,or seem III/{ ' 1.0 ' s ee Rnylillng:; ?,f II ,~llIlil'.l .fo ~ 'llS . Oltt~, ~nu lJ ot."loes. Ull!nl, llladd1lJIt,d by tilE! (rom which pl ~ ~ e ly 6111gl:l,",g I;I·U .Y. IIII1r from ti le JlIctlclll grellt ae ilsruion, aod for lhe nJ,;. ' UI ~ 8.eP r.0r J llflp'ud at the PFoud eNL 118 Ius Idl¥ c.ut letl~ r8 In the (un cll· .... " 1 he. !:} I OCC I S. ~ II It ~ hom he WII S III , Lilil I hl'y could not t:! 'CIlPO, Ille wild bf'II~ I ~. Ollt 8 l.Io,)y •. 1 h.o 1.. IICllOUS Ad~ ,'r Wlis I lime rult:u Ihe OlOI keto 1\1lI1· • wltli lI''n'it'llg1V I b: I·t art. Of d'oobled Wilit hi" k-mle. JJlrl'CllY I how e ve r, ht hllb n of d ~n ltllg .1~l'le IIl1 suJlf1IIt:II; ~I. .. Llut! 10 lh"., I1I1LUI'(', lill'd "gll me." Ilild ~ Iowly burning In two, alld bu sdy en ol '1'1 II . .. f "Wax Figore " a r.LI.'.: " ll,ecor4ill~ rec"pLion ,. tb ~ "w"iled ' look lip "i:lIIMt from Lh" ~rolln .l. upon few O.fft:IM he 1 ,,~c II'e d we l'l: grl'1I1ly lit , slru.",ll:d for th e ruHs tUY 10 Lltt: la sl. gaM"d III iOlp'''gnllling hi S ngo llizcu l w . le·tlco btC londo b ken to p'le "es 1 f II I ... • . , LI I ' I 1. I .• ' I ' k ' f I ' li S X • I • I ~'" ' I I ' ' 1 " e le ('I ler urn e or ro '" w ler~ .v .be ml" H go'. fiuL hi ~ .IV II~ I It Illu a en . np IIceu liS III l! lei . ' . I! p.e~ ~I IOn s, 111111 10~1~ IY Ule 1'11" l.., ... ilic eCl'llll 18 thus ddcrrb u by 1!)"l eUl IVlt I liS ~Ivn VIlllom . .h l' JOY" in Ihe hUI'ried etfort to I'lvilifiem. tt lr d~DOII I ,t I W rid Wll9 greAter III hld 'Pl'ch t , urew a ~ ll.rh , nnt.! bp""n spenl III UIII'I1l1{ rl om Sln' ll t lO BU n t, Lilil repOll1:f of th e Nt. w YOlk flhbfme lui fill huuloSL hl8 I lI iI by 1\ {1l1I1IIg' har I '1'1 f h }<' & W '• Wi~ J lis g~ddti'e8 ~v·"I· .. uuteu: he did : lO .un}~lie his llllUII J fiul be fore hlll~IIti· bl'f: l)e.I ~~ . was I\ble to di~ po~ ~ o( Ill S who. 110m tha "' iudo\'( of 1\ bu!ldin~ 01 iron, and Iht: b~:" ilic rnbbll •. perfor. Ie re.5.~:ue ~ I e a oman II I ll., roc.o.sP) ze Lhe weakness LI,Rt is in qUite (riled the wellry oxen he looked produc.e Ilt RO~ rel\son.a ble ~ IIC (l. Jle opposi\u. vleweulllle litr ugg le Uetwilen ~e:/\ by R red hotnnll, IOl)ked as If nolh. thus . ~es<:lIbcd. "., "4 Il !., Ity, rl~'r the wellkllllSII th.H WR8 liP : the blt~e. dr~8s nnd ~ed riblJone I:nd fu~nd no lime' to ~11I!eno LIII~tl I" hie IIlh.l !lllm!!: iug. IVo~lu blll~I~I'lj gl'alti{ul Llinn II good .M I B~I ~nnfl Sw~nn wal I?n!y' .rescued, ~ 1I1' ,,,,a 111,1. toa 'iate. WbeltJl~ ~vtlre p_~ vlHILle 111 Ihe dlSlRnce: Ii" leed Ill s. horses-lind Ihu 11I'"lls, o( th e Pro:t!cling myself f,em lhe inten se 110>lIer "I ~um!l E 6l\UllIIlIlllC flllm ·yarU' 1Wltlr the Ulmu st dIfficulty •. \ l'bere wal iii Ie boy. he !raid oflelr, 'r will nev-e r l lt ~s ilnll:lI •. IInJ a(le.r R. momerll 're sumed ttred IInlmlll~ drooped tlllclly. 11& 11.0 heaL ns well 1\8 1 ,could by tllking tit .. :J'II~ IlI cmuers 01 I/l ll d~lccIILll'd C.OIIVO' \.1I0L a door \1.1·oo~h whic\i ber bulky Sick, 111111 f1ev~r. d iu - ,l .will go O\lt 1 1118 plOWing,. whl,thug. B merry tlJ~e. tllrn ell thl:m lowltrtl the .pl .. ce whl: ~e lie IIIIIUI CS8 from th€! beu and erl!cling it ClIllOn IVt're 1I1.llluold lo(; I~W!l I~~r 10 Il~e !fRllIe. could OUtlUQ II pa8sllge: I~ W31 , "III Ihe Woods anti 8in~.' Alld lhill hut 80 pl"lnll"ely Rnd ,WILb lIuclt VIWI'" 11'118 to mel!t RUlh. 1\" bulwA. k lrelortl Ihll wlhdulV. Wilh /,follom of lhelr CllgO, lI' IIICh 'mdtl~n,y llkllWIS" fl'af4l4 lba~ lhe stair. would. lV" i ~pirit lill h~grl'\w illL? ~iahl;roo~. . Lions a8 ml\de il 8Ad IIIWO&lIO II diFge Th .. S)IO,~V al \he windQIV o( n Iloiter only t:IHough 'filion re S8 r1'etl on Ihe lUp 1(1I\'e ,wa.y, prccipitllLing th em . Qut of ! bl ellk ~own, evOJj i.f .• he .h~~I~ reach b had I\n ooly 8i~ler-ltulh. or 'l'he ' p I.'tty gi tl jtJ 8~ riding 0111 or I\llrllCle~ 111m; .(Ie . h"u lIt:ve:r ItIlU IJ. (III I I\ S II 101l I, .oUL. Illllltiously o bsuvt:d tbe View mlo .Lue UC:l JlJlhlrl bl! l~w. ",llIch hy .• III~ m. lIer bes l (llcod. the IlYIng 8.k~I. , Df ) Ihy, .,Pr". 4L Illw_Y",., erlll~d ~_ I.t?r Rod : sighl is Molly Hlnke. R young person hnt~. Illi d' c llt:Y!;III/: Ill S I ~ "I',' c1o~e 10 tit", IIniD1als in lhe ol'lPo!!ile room . lmme , lhl~ t,l~e were III a blulug ltke lue fn · do)), 5100d by her ns long ~s be ~Ilred~ IbM two chllllrc~ . live~ in ~he old flll;m .• who Jiye.'·A mile or 80 be .v olld th e ~ id t: lVl\lk. I,e ,Io" kct.l lit Liltl lempting i dillie ly opposit e Lhe 'wlIldow lili ou g h blt' ol 1vp,hc.l . but then dcsc.rted I~ er, wblle, ~" ~he 1:1 ~ • If r" ll Ilf. _, qne rulq'\tI~ \ woodlJ llYlI 1It/lnu /\g'Ilillst the Ii"ld III dl ~ p"lY, I\IIU hlld !llc ntll ily st' llIc l 'd 01 ~ i whlt·l, 1 guzoJ. Wlili l\ IHrge CII~" CUll Mellllwhlie Ih e lion lind lhe tiger h .. Rt grew In IIH onslLy. tho penplrl\lIon I" oj mall. w 10 Ilud IO!lg for which the you Lh IS lH' work.· Z t! ti and wblch hu lholl.gl.IL wou~t1 ple."se. hup-:-: l Ulllin g " ,Iioll .anu hon t'6s. tro till: rt :: ht were conttnuiug Lheil' cout est now with loll ed fl VUl ht:r fllce III httle ~roo\l.8'11Dd he WAS '!.ver yUI/.I~)i . .H o dill 1I 0 t MOlly oncll 8100d log~ lh llr at sp ellin!: a~ l,h r-, 511 111 e 'IIm ~, p,ull"~ hl~ hllll~ ll' l ll11nt' WII' the ~hrtle-.sloried cII~re , <lon. lJl e IJ.dvalllllgt.: 9 Oil olle Hide. now on tho IIvul els. which pRtlereu mUNlclllly upups mean to be , a h ",r~ m""II·r. sc hool\ 1I1~ Zub 61)elltltl ,{o-l her .. II - tir e hi S 1)U ~h t 10 IISCIl I.~ 'I) wh etlw.r Itt' \111111111:\ mOIlk.I1}'S RL the LOp, two klllt. ulltH. nnu th" uua WIlN s low ly, lig hll:~' 011 Ih e Rool'. At length, as ,R lnlt rerlllllle~s Ir ''!IUO&1} - cs. 'Use hurd w'Ol'ds, ,'in whi pillil! : Rtld ' Oil '11 cou\d Ilt!o\d on~ .~o lJ}W,-wht!1I h!~ . IH · garoos ill wle sec~lDu story. snd a 'http, tJlg h \8 falill coils rOll'II1 Ihe pUllling f ort: Ihe e mplo,f llp:s of tl!tt pillce probreed II hwtlll In R IOIln. allJ Mr I Ii roe , whilll }lioking b e rries',..they 01,,\0- lentlOI) WIIS Ilrre51~J by f ,lC ~.udd t'1\ ttl' ,I.py (uollly" of I'al~, CRLs, atlul:rI, 'rll b. budy of lit o Jj ulles~, wl.iell, IIOIVe\'t!r, curl'J a lofly dHrrlok, w~J1cb (of'unllte. 18~pp:Q'!I. , btlCIl'ile, I'9li's!.l?m,\I d eed Co moetl" Rnd it so bnppeh ed thn'" pc. rll~ce or Itl ~ ,81!!.11;1' • . ' \\ hy, z~ I' ["'he, flC., 'in - Ihe IVlVer comp"fltm€,ut. oIL Hnd stl'llggled, l"elll'llli'"", Ihe s trip . Iy hap\)~~d to btl, 8landlOg Dear. aDd IIl.tlc And .hLlI t) to the much, to til e I Ze b wt!nL I, ome with lin empty bl\skel. ahe f~lld pe llls" J;' . :/lle ; yn,U cbllfmed '1'0 lhe -icft or ,Lht! lion's calle Will till' ",<1 f kln of lUI QllVt..,sl\l y tenibly, 'l' he elcc~tjd It alongslLle the Museum, A IllS uIII f~~ }I~.~ 8 tb~t " t IIISI while Molly'S was Ireltped full. The Wil.II .1I h.'lu el"s slo.'e? .1, !»' nill:d 11)11.\. tIlnk c~nlninillg tile LWO VR~t·lIl1jlC,t~on. 1I00l' rWUII ah ll'Huy cl'im~oDlld w,ilh Ih"lr porll un (~~ lh c Willi. W~\S ,hila broke" off III regllftl' 0 11m cou ld cause ' o f. ~htil' B~lling each otlier tod ..y w~l led ttll I ~\' '''1, LlI l: d t\J, d~ ath, , IIO ct, {lnd, IIIIIJ, tlll'llt",r Iu tile IIlII." pn,'lulfly bluud, wllll~ Ihu. cupllni~lgling lIi';Sts. all elicit ti ld e Of. lh(, wl,lIt10W, Ihe Blrong I be eflu"lIeJi. · Someri~tr Z~ ')111 thaL Molly is ~roil1~ to mRke an ap' th"rI set OUL ~o search at. J OlJ.' ~eb hiddell' f,om sigh'l W"S tile grand 1.lIn" !Iowl s . yells !lUU rOl,rs ~lllt:llY 8UI'P" 'S ' LllCkle wue got III ft'Rdlne8!, tbe fal wU Id 'eolri e"i I aL niltht, ~e'llry Ml u, rpl'e -culLing in 1/\ [J~ghl or .lwo. Anu has · IHug hl!d. II'Dd n;lllwered. lllllL if s hll COlI.lllluing l,f,e !!il:~~ w.llh e whllle .. whioh el lllll (' Iforts ' '; 't desci ipti on. · man WAS mlldll Cns' to · olle end, A~ Ille Ilin d ~ay·. wOlk, Illl~,. ~or hi~ given lhtl I!Ilrl1tlSl in\'itlllion to Zeb. A s IUllk"d "t his olu h"l .8ho ,wuulu lIe e hR8 Crt'II~~di5u Ch 1;1 fUlor6 III onr aigltf . At 1his momellt Iii" Il 'uncs roll ed II ~WUIlI!f. ~ve r Ilia h~~d8 Q( till! pe~~ll!i 10 cumlol t. alld fll,rhsllS lq, lie he cllrveu thll leUel's in Ihe fence ht- why he waa ell/llliJ UU, !lIIIJ lI,o;sur .. J hllr selling DlItI ~~ (or Ihe V"st fe w. w,e ~k6. glll n inlo thll 1'0om,'~nU Ih Em flgnin r" Iht: ti ll.ct't. wllh e.'ghleeu IDIIO g " II Qg II little prar'e. tell (J~.el' \v !tat I wal debating"w,hother he would g~ or o f his regret ~haL bit6 Wild 1I11l1metl, ' Upon tile li04'.r Wile ca!!ed the bOl con . t1r"d, The wlilli e ond IIl1igll tors w ~ rl' Ih t! olhcr l'xtlem lLy of Ih.1! d hotl. and Plitt ,1\ done ; how he hlld ("lieu ' and Inol ; lind A~ he uny o ketl lhe oJ(eli, h..... boul him . IJlliclOIS, allllcondl\s lind ·rflLtlesnnk~8. by Ibis Illne slIll'lITlng drelld'ul torlU c nl ~. lu ~ .. red down .'J om th e lblr ASlory! aIII ~o lirewood the mOSI stuhb ur n wa~ sIId l'" to Ilims!!lf '1 will go homt' It \l'n.!! not fellr for his IlllCflly thllt .in- 'whus e "endk wou ,ld now fwlI Il lIln ri S!' !'lte Willer III willclt lltey "valli Wh,S 1111<1 l: UtllU~lasIiC »pplll\l se . . Carn8!e "' Il~ : ~e fur~IiRI il "n1iIlJt\ 'be', hrut I/lnll /,o;r rom' lired' ~ncr I CAn't' gl; ' ld dllct'u III!r luok fllr him, hut " ..ed or men llclllgly t hroul; h ltu, lOp of the 4'age. IlI l! r."llr boding , The Hllii:,." ulij das h· of extrolUlIIl\ry CAJll\lo~IY Wi"a m r:8J~: II '" mor ~ roun t I n Ile .l lll" .• eJ the , Rr~le ,, ' · cllltlng, . ' .111m) luont'y . '1'1,,~y tlutlI 'llv e rtt' d ' I,18 ' r~oe I 'n ' tlI e~ xlrcrnerr';;<lI ~lII'Il 8 llecng6 I I II b ou I elllItl aV Vllll g I OeS nes6, Alld ' . entell!l" 1118' IIBJ'oun ....III IIllInyl1\le, .1'1l' clI CIIc rcey .0 Ill I, ,' ,\ ,lind _0 . •hlld unyulteu thecolt~'" 0111 c101he8 itn " h ~\l.' Still he hr~ita from !lhe window, and 1\ disAppoirlll·d lirl:l~ .h u,t II'um my vi ew al first, con ' cape, IInu al,utlillg' Iheir grcat j ;''' H ill ily WIlS UIIVen n~llIy 10 a 10 1:. Lhe, ~unh~ht ~nll qllite gone.- ted an as he dill «0 ' S8W tlte Llue 't' Xrm!&SiOIl pllssed IICIO~8 it, ae lie lilT' , .. iilln", Ihll,.Hc ugn.lligcr Rnd the PollIl tUIOCl uUS LUllur e ; UUL lbu pour whale. • .. ~ "1 Rt! 'er 't' •• -I ~.. • r . . I. IC d IVlllI great II ICI' I ~ IJursl· ".111\..,6 ,fJOJC!."'" by one.word ure8S ~l1d ret! ribbons ill the distllnce ; ~1V!'red. 'Hllw muoh do you wallt, benr, whose Ic rrtfieu growls COli I"u bI> n I",ost "UI I' How M,N E'! ARE SKOURED -The UI"lioll. , V htl ~lId felled R th l'n clime th e' thonght thllt hq mig hl fiulhy ']' ' dl ~lInclly l' IIIIl'u hum bdllnu lite pllrli ' ing rl'O lll I'I ~ lrluLtJulY bille R, ctluld 011' II I', l})"re VlU acolher knolty ,plow nn hour or 1\\00 more, land so gain 'Oh,l rlon', know,' sho slIid CRte· ti on. Iy I!!eoly 6111111 IILOUI. Lho llg h Ll oWIIl t! m ~l h o d of ti"c urln~ "mine i. · by the bf~coulu he I u\ 41\ve got Lime 10 ~n to IOlVn with some oalllor po Il'ss ly, 'nil )'I!ll"\'-U gOl.'. .: Till' cnnBHgrRlioll "'liS. RR yel,. ~on· "ltc0H in, ly, Ilnd Ilve lY IlOIV nlld Ih~1I IlI!luwing lIoL>: l,'In:!t, lbe perlon BUP~ '.:...~ p.), il'" 116 IIII S di scovereu ~ ledge. Ii loo? if he hnd plowl:d t~toe. !lncl bti"" h0101I 8uI: h Ilrtiel \l~ IIh He IUIIH,d a"RI', as If ·to IlIke up thl' lin " d III .1.1: IIppt-r' part of lhe ltutldlllg' . ~e lltlillg up gn'nl fuul ,l"iIl 8 or 'P ' ll» J'" tll~n ~nntner would hnl'e d')lI e. Ihe fr~lic RI,pmed to demAnd . Alltl nl r" ills-perhaps ';Vl'n Ids dull Sll1 lt'f. ']'Io". luwt:r w""I1. hOIVevu. "'He b.. · AL lellgl h CI lid, w ~ lIl lile 1:( 11108 ~ldr8 wrll~~ .. lIo lic e. selling forlh the (IlCt · " .. I t~Ulld ~Ilve p't~wed on yet ror R~. Lhi § lliought lie rl:suRII-d hi8 WOI k. co uld she huve ~een it. ~vo .. ld I an ~,omjng "'pl(lly he "~J<d, IInJ HI1 tli ... all' uf Ihe gn"'l caSeS. "lid wh"l u sn.1 Itlll ttllli PHSOJIS whose nllmes nre siglle,t I~I di . !lere w.lle light tnllllg h.' .'thl s, It nut ull.fr~qut!I\.lly hllpl'l'n ~ I\I/\t . II bel'1I "bl e lo ft'ad sOUle dllng ~f whnl Im"l~ IJ~~ "DI to ,mll nll esL much lllleR SI· gn~ol'd rull "lI out Oil lli o Iloor, Wllh LIi.., .ltI Lhtl n Olice cl"im " cerlbin numlrer of '.O ural,llOl!, ? UL~l· b kt pt fJlR pa young milt) ,i~ BuL r"gRlrieli ~y, IllS 51~ ' WII ~ ilL the mom ent IVnt.lIJn on II. I ~ cllun ' ntJ@s . lhe wlute or '!lI ,ver foX nn up lu>lIin g IIlId 8It'lIlIIlII); WIII ~ r. ~rJIt (e~ l 011 tlt e I" Llgl'. designAting it by ~~ 1~ ~J I •. \8:"j.1 Len\Je'<1 lite fl\l'IJlJ lll r~ liS he is by oll,,:r wom!!n; eueli lenan co-It nd "' "Chl~lg b :I,ck~',illtl .. 1I11 dllli duwn IlI s, cllg.e, lI' hllllllg .'~ ILt:ou s ly wbalo di (· " I'flllir e ""III' , ha l' IIIt: CI' '' "orne Illimll, and wilhin 10 d"Yll lllere. Y': l\r-:-glvln~ 1111 :IIe IJl OtitM WII9 lh e case WI Lh Ze-!J; nlld 011 lili S ei ~h" 1Il 0n.' y ll>! 1.11.1, lind Chllll""~ 1111 0 ,,"d' ~ lIde llvllrlllg t~o esc"pl:. j he ho,, ~ plt'l ly ", (· It u" cd up b e fon' . A f"", .. fl e r gelS ~he 1I 1/ 1icIl recorded .by L~le I;CcrlleriincOI:IC ollt ' mnn" R hn od peci"loccn~i vl1l1l.1Wnel'el'\llIeC!lhollglol Lho 1\'''''011. LJl.' g II [I 10 lub Ihl: mud (I tl nl h l 'Opae~d hurriedly ulI IInu t!own, l:!,ellLg'''I,, "nd 1\ I·Ullvul . il l: 1I .,p III Re" ol Up r of Claims of Lite AUOID!.C DISu'1I1f' ' tepi ng hOl~lilig fur. lr imllll lf, . I" wit elliel her b;'o'~llC r l\j~u 'ul!c n in l' lI l'tl big troe"' St! IS wllh a wi sp of 6 Ir~\'V.- 1Il".. nlllg moat dillmllily. f\llU all Ihe LwO ul III ~ IIl1g hty fluk es wcre It!lI (e X LI iet. A ct:rlllill nll'ount Qf wor" ~U8~_ ~oloJ be dune t'IICIt monlll 10 hqld the, cllliOl • . 1 1~:8Wll~ 08 gc..o.J AS mosL I !l! rso-~ ~ . t.o Lhl: lJnrL)' or ' lIot, 1i0 cn~!lg"u \VII> Awny. \V~lIl Hulll-hl: .. . ~houg"L' lull .of oLhn U~fl)! la ~IIfII(I!SLt:d S ilOrlH~' III1 11ooi. pili llg 8pll8 11 lB:' Ii. "lid ill ud:oulL of this lite Tight to 'be lhoug htfulof he r brotll ll r'8 he II'llh h"r own pInos anu pleas ure . n~w ItlJllOn s Rnd blllrtmg .SI,Ot8,. "ud nl<88 fil e cae rpt'llls 81uck thelf head s UIIC I}{ lir e (\lIi~ntors "as killed III !1!"1 ~c pli~n h!!r ow';; 't:b wa,lt II chanced lhis ev ~ n';ng, liS ~t1c h lhings more than all, oj Ih e ~oltJ 'rillgtIrIlLwll" up RUO\'U Ihe sill of Ihe Window nnd 010" lIulll~dllll "l y by (u.lhng lIero,~~ I.. CllO.IU bCCOlll ltS fUJ fciler! anu ill 8ubj'lct. ,"'OJI 10 to ' L :.... 0 - ' ..... wep ' . e v t' u r VlIIIII .. d I &"Ions. 111 ",rl frll"IU~1l1 is, w-nromor'<)w s'xtl \'ii ll chltnl'es.'mdimes Ih a I MuPIH' r l\f" lu ~pnr kre ollllellill ger L'I len ('!I II b out'III slrltnge Cl'nOI' . " ' .of ~1t1\1lt'lell ","h' s< . 10 I(l c" d on by Olher pCI:sons. b(tl Was .ACCUIiLolllt: d . '." ' 111' 11 tl Ie, Ii Ie ' 1Illu. 1 ell"",n liS . sl,,• 'lil : wlilcll t ul Op .. 11 Ill S 8tomllch lind leI OUI I he ptim '" y so urce or lilIes to mlhee, , ,' to 'Sill', lind hllr,, !'e pllfplt fe d Hn hour .. lIth'... r 11111D u s u 6 1 ~ Illg. , . " '1 appolnled time Zeb would hllullh e IIlId , 1I1111l II WII S 1,00 IRt e ror her to While IheR!) lilll\! IJUI'cll06CII ' we l.el 'w:!), OOWD In lhe Ihird 1I 00r. nnd .hc i lll l! gr .. "lt!1 .r:lI~ .M It: ~ enllRlis 111 ~ holll in Ne\lllda and C"Jjforoia, aoJ. 10 :, f ... 1 IVllbon to lht! cl'et ~, IIl1d wa sh Iltll ..:t , Hllth slOud at Ib e wind(lw, IVO\ (' lI· h ing lIIade , bhl" uonU:>I slampt:d· IIJ elr IUI'ld gltllc blllSl 1IIIIougillue 11111l80ms !llghl 'J~ d.,). lue ICWlllnWg alll~lItol la l H ~ I h ow, ID all miDing' COIlBtriee. l
~ .r ~JolbE CARl'.
corJl;I 1Y~'
Jil l
Wlls l
a, ••• y Il l , . 0" i
1i.' r...ilttta:....~I~t:;;;tn.lr.J~
lime, indeed. rOf' tbe p.rt! h.. dered bI'IA'. able .ad patrUJlIG . - Vi • Lo..1 E. . ickroJ:. 'M GI ~lu.I ''''. ItO er,' •• El lULl"'" .18', d 'tHlf roreYe rmore The Ollml! of cier, it mal t Le tllat • • • . d b II lUI, i " h" ul to bt-come editor 0 Lite properly . .. . bJftl.O ' lIZ . !HIef ht 'Act n. _ -...,......__......~c'-'.---....,..,.., :::-~--· . e I • . \ d 11 • t.I e .a Ihe IdrIL conuye y r. H W t!l'kly, a liler. r,! pAper • • , 1'0t.. I, _ •• __ • _ •• __ - • Dem" eracy is a n oc1Irett" ._witla coefid.. Pc.· ollle AD . voyernm •• ' we .Jllt 1 OW Cooke , Ilil remllrlrable ,.mrhM. A ., ::mn M !/J ' Y'lllo, O. provulll inlerllil , e enue te IIIPJIG" 'he d b, or C Illude The I \ d .. . . ~ Iluv il illmeu, ",tl ,o_pa" i.-e..., /til ' . __ 4 - " erable liieloricalllnd trlld,tional plility. 111m R .Rr~"' . t' ('1 ~ • blu eing impliu. ~omelllllg . beal~w. d t puhlic tJet.t.' approved Jill, I, 18fi:l .... l1 STATE TICKKT, IU 191111 RI wi lh all tbllL il ,ile and cor' IIlJureVIIIII? n 0.0... . . \ opoa-ull by' .. penor ro.w er-alll't, a - An auemp' was recea l ma e 0 1111' Ac.&1 Im'lId.tory Iherele, aule -.4 An .nClent Writer, who e Jen~ge I rewArd. ,meaP8 of hRpplAC'1 due rve~ II".M ~"er' 'J'oOlilbe III lli. Ttllid"ncf' 'like ll by Ihe "li ver. I A., iallnl.ohtol""1 r up llng . ill eYl:n 1I0W d~Ad 10 Ihe comlllon 8"I~ l or unilelll~r'ICd. his llal;ol\,,1 respoDIII. fo GeOl'~I'" He . ..caeed, And bat ool of •• i.J CounlY , in •• Id Cull~liuD Dil_ '1'he leaQ!lin~8 of ~he D cmocrlllic of mwn, once wrole thul!. worda, • U " I uili LY_lIra lirJnl\l lIle wl\fdllhip-th1 mO- Bioce hen heard from. Lrir l, ", ill remmio (~lecU." October 10, 1 8G.l . ) I solll° l·en ,for the ex.min•• :;....-par Ly for sevl: fl&l yelln plIsl hn e be en a plt:" . urll 10 "lind upoo the ahon, bi!iz ll lio n of I1 11Lio",,1 la bor. 1n f"cl -'file infallL aon or lh e. Prince o f tion ul 011 prr In ll·rei le.1I fur Ihe ·P. . a vene to that whiell il alld to ..ee . hi pa tOt(!!ed up(\n Ihe oi.f R; ou r Alld Suen· T ll irtiea WIiIt'S ill 10 be chrislonll,1 A lberL Chr ia· te n days Irom the 241h I l lb. or. '" ' 1'OB OOV&RItIOR. ' n .Llle ,.a rl,· er day' of l' la Argl\lI iZlIlion. a pleasure 10 in Ih l: wtfld .. w " l lIrll . 1111 Mr . W il ke on 8 0 ft:l icilously Emdnut! \. will btl kn tl " il \1(., - ce IIf Ihe Dll lrict Aseel!80rin . l id •• J A.QOB DOLSO N COX, of Trumbull. 0& LtJ: UT OOVRRN lR ~"c I ,. L. ,I b I tl h d l m I¥. between I~'I! houra nf 9 A. 1'11. lRiI a J' ." .1 d" c u t .... II I1U to aee " 1I11 e. an I e'''. ' !, xp r(>s@IBs il , a·(i rstmo r tgage u pon: l )61Ier t heMmuof Prillce Co r isli» n. . I .AN DREW O. MoBU RNEY , WArren. T hen i, " a8 more c IRale, an , more Ig· vt," lurea ,hereoC, below ; <but 11 0 pleAS- \ Ulliled :SIR tu of Aill cric p ,' We mI g ht I'. l\1. And illlmcdio le ly nll er Ihe exPI". "'OR T R,._q .. . . URKK n F .T ' T", nified in ils lone lIod lemp er.d but to t.llrt! siandinlo' "PO ll " IlI'v e !JlUDlblell ',Ion!! wi lhouL illcurring J ohn B. Gough', Raid len, Iet Ull my Y8, office tn · \ il ;illoaI.e"" lilt t1 f!O \\'' ure is compull ble mI I .1 d B- I M p rLI who lUI in lives come in of liu 61hn 'dof ey Ihofe A !,~u~t \ S l DNEY S, WARN'E I~, or Lorain. IL is (ull o( corruplion and ea me ns lhe \·anI Age ·gruu d 0 tld·u,t~ , IID~' t~ Iht'1l6 0blig aL ioI1 M; hu l , i~ tl~ eir stl:l\ · , 9'lYO~~0Il' ( , '\ 58 . •ll rn I~l'r mi ce of th e lIoJ n. l will h~lIr o .)t\ ~elermill e &I I apPftIt bour s. &"e Ib e errors , li n . wll n eFln ~~ , n<, ' we houl d II/ly e h"d ob.I'g KlIoIi S ~oun~ " . ,,,org • e. rel" t:ve 10 errOll eHt,8 or PlIcl' •• ive nlul. FOB 8UPIIENKJ UDOX. B 11 Illie I\rlv I\uume l\ nllsl8.:\ndlempu l8,III the lvAle be " . Il lers ill nt:tl bv the officers $ 10, 165. J A.CO·1r1 B H.lNKER.HOOfi', or Ricuy II mean~ e .1 p . l:)uroe~\ling or \lIi, rouSl be fulL by Mr . , D I\\'i~. W~ h" J DO nnLi on"1 del.t in -'I'h e only fl' riIR Ie pl'es ent nt lhe Ih e ~bld A 8di~L "" J A.81'880 rS, All ""peal, . land-,(Loqg Term.) new name. Let 1\ be synonom outj \Jlly COOkll , lIa 'he ~ee8 '\16 CO", i;IJ ts th e IItlm in L trnlion of J »ckson . And !hRt .-uc ulio n or P ayn e nnd othc rs , w»8 1(, th e ~ ~i'e88Ur"8 ofure' "ld mU81 b~ m' dll 'liN WEL!;H .Of A I (T 611 \" itb illI own true record of dt-ed" Illld tlxcillld by the publ icRlioll nOIY h (('I re grt'l\l m .w sh.,d teRrs of j oy whcn th e Mis.. M"jor W .. lhr. 8U'l,:,,01l . , Vhen in wrli inl! . $lId !'Ill'cify th e p,'r(ic\ll" JO V , I ) lens, 0 Lhe act of him who o onDlld Ihe ,ki rl Il the world, prep"l W \;41' II\~l doll lftf WRS pllid . Yd ,AloL Rlany SIIA 1 (1 Ih e .Dl' ll lte nl,lllry , Slltl rode utl r C OIl. e,1 mlllle r ur Ih lnl!' H'~p"cl l"g wll lclr Beancy . ed by Samu,,1 F' " , 1 .1 I. k d I t II . and Ihe cl o"k to'cov er the coat 900llhe Ison, ~UI beRrlng Ihe g~eat Inlll' r 8 "w nLh 8 p"U tl d b~rore commer~o-creu . horse 1111 a mlin Uoell·. 011 81 '1' t'1i 18 LII e lt , 1111 ~ ,,(! ,~ ~,o,,'.,-,... 70R ATTORN&Y ORNEllAL, " ' " fu i , ,,ocllon. It .. not olte n Ih e I of il_W ellllh - IlAIIOnnl pl08penlY, were I ' ul ill f'qll l!lil, \'r err., r I:U"'l'l nill ed 01. wtLLlAM H_. wEsT, 'Of Logao. bootR willIe m"kl,"" Ilia way AS g ' , m"n 10 be the IintLO stand up aDd de- all wre,ekt,,1 in I" ,lUoat rrigbl rllifinan. JUliN C. DU NLEVV, AdecI8or , Lire and a from the hands oJ I' clll re a Lruth; .oor is It givell to . th e tift l r",vulsion the naLion l1Vt'r 6aw. mnle child bo rn in 1\"shvi\I .. , tlit·,1 in Le\.tullon, Jlth' 1866 . - -- F.OR . CIfOOL 00M'IU8SIONER. j'utice. mul111ude to be "ble ,to. a~e trulh ~hen F' .. o~n Lhill day forth no. Cupperhead thRl ~ii, on Ih e 9Lh, Rj(ed 34. lie wu --'i:..· ~- (.'·OVC!it14~CII .,Inno FUI'I" JOHN. A. NORRIS, Of Harrison, il eomel to. lhem. '1 hl8 I.a beaultfully or WOlrldly . W, semen will eVtl r ,lllre to thl: e.g hth ~ll\ld of Cui, J»"!e. B,nbort· 'Still rcluind it " pro, (·"tlr l,ce IIlId IZr eKt pup. FO~ ,110.&.110 ov punLie WOII KS, FUR T lU: GAZt;·rn;. illuslrllled In ou.r reeent blslory, Wilen sland ~IP and d t'oounce this deM a8 110 son, lhe plolleu of Ihe Cumberland ulnrily, un.J al h' f 1IIIIII' rl[ ol lll1 gr • .Jll dl lllI. J AMES MOORE, Ot C08hoctoD. Our Own Resource.. Mr. Sumner len yeart ago, Itllat \ evil, pr'lpose iu r epudiRLion. And fur n p,' nllli "I flli,ty . _. fret'dom 11'1\8 nR\lonal lind IllIycryraec· yd Ihl'e~ munLha "go" great prlrl! \yas -ll-ubert Dille Ow('n is to hAve two now prunuunce d lI y Ihe m1l8i c81 world Iu , l"? B 'OJ' I UPaEY,K COURT, W. lire too apt LI) rl'll reL belOg thrown tion"I, III/the worM bUl re Rdy to make Ibill iss ue; lind yurb for .. riling his life of be IlIId t' Vtl ll \I,u'quult'd in • o( ChDwn County . enlinly on our o"n relourcea, forget · Illughed; R q bNEY l' sat upon alhrone, JL ... ou Id hue hl' en made with Lillcoln, and' :Iill Jll\y him vulll!ntJ ."tI. purll' Il r tul)t', 01111. ... "dencell of po"er and de · .. C k I. I' d I Il!lily ft lid Chf Upl"' ~8. Our lI ew lie. I,. 8 ~~.'" "Ing Ib" ot povert'. and pri"ation arc RnI .. gone " h Id b L._ dTl:ct. Btr. 0 0 C, uy 118 ec "'''110.11 <i' "'3 ,UOO whE!n he bll!!ins Jaiil work, a1ld Fr ell "h .~ II. " ". 111"1' "" d",I '1r U-1l frUwo • J d I e I III ~ , I . mOL IIl'r' 10 genIUS, . • , nd 11Iat 't tlat Hlet scept wh en he end" il. , 'nur&lng , ..vvrOBEB~LECTION . I CArt' H II II WIre 6 ou AI De ""rne u las or a Ilr uth • Rmi Mr • Wilkeson • by hl8 I "15,OUO '" uver·s\rllll!r 8" ' 11 11 01:1", ,,. rO!l4l 04 , . ,_ I. I ' d I 10 UII er I, len r. 0 g tll'08illio'.l of iI, hAvtl Ihrown theae po B" I 8 f S t,irono, \V il lin! s"'''''1 c:llt'uper hy (rlt", AABOIf ,will be a candidate II eV llr hellt r to "pell upon 8ntioipaled unive",,1 suffrage b.y dc - iLlciAn l UpOIl the dtlfensi,e.; llOd bl:oce enJllmlO. lI,le 0 IAtt' $ 100 to th .. 11 lhe 8"me &lyle Dnd 611. 'or l ulirml' IY .• Director.lubjee\ to the than others. ' Oll en the m08t brlllllmL clliring in (avor of populllrlloverelgnlY. \ wt li very ('upperhellil r"ving "nIl ?f III" .Collh:t1e rllcy. 111\11 IIrrl,!:d. 51\lcly i. h arf' 8uld ,by II ,IYolhpr I\r. l·cln "8 m.kp/I of " he CooYen powen of the mind Tt mf\in hidden he. \! men did not see lru:" was titlclRtrin fi lhat our debt is so @t'cure lJy "f Wllh tl.le in I.he counory. 111111 aU I'" WInL tiop. ",' I ClIuse the prllbwHyof lite Ie stlelVn illg thro~gb ~he hps o~ the P?"ItCllliI, Rnd honest Ihl\L we allould show our IntelltlOn of oltlklllt( bIll f\Alura bUUltl III III ~'lUd Jlin" •• ~ ore i"~'ll'1I iu . entl tur our J!I ,_ . I fI b lit t1 l . .1 f lind maltlog Illle\( manlfellL aGlld mllny alld honeely by pRying iL (Iff De"cripl i,e C" .. I"IlDP., which conlilina 1-, » .' W,u.:u , ,i1lbqllcAndidatll(or wILl u e . leBorm·WlDuO fal5esurrollndings. 'rrulh 'is not al . We IhllDk gt:ntlemell .... phUIOIl·rDpl,1 uf .. \1 u"r dilt'.. ,\tIU ",!et, tbe. l;egj ct to '.he decllion advefilly 8weep the sky. scat· .w ays Itgrttable to who bAve.loon.d 'for luning t1riv e n repudilllion for cyer AND 'rHE UN CANADA wilh witholll Nu UII. IIhoul,lll,ur. Till>QUltEN" UNITED STAT lo:s .-The fu'low. logelht'r c llu . 1! n piR"U ar.cl"te Ihie, C all· . . 1 f I L r 'I \"''11/' . l\Iedltl e. ftlmllsl whhllDI lIumb." pure gold sl"n ell out wllh a spl!!ndor umphs. We mIght !IS WI ' II • C,I II IIIe \ Wbl'le'leJ' el~e mAy be ocb»l ed, lh e III~ IS t III l~XL u Ilat P'" 0 • Ie h:'v e ""I'll nwanletl 10 Ihe Orl,yelt."" PI. 1. O'NRAL will be a canditlate Ibnt dllzzles whilll il instructs Ihe world. deKJ from lhe grave a 'ld ""I tll em olle "hing b ' )'0 nd debl\te is Ihe illlegl'i · QUt l:n's,spl:ech Rt the prorugntilln or nno, ftlllllll Ihe CI!'IoI.. brlllPd Fali, M Ior.Repre.enlrlli¥e, 01 AIICIlI" . ' b tlC"WIH I. d ov, r tue I. nRmes II pe .. k 10 us.r as 10 altemnt 'y"'I l'hroc monlill l'1H!illmel1'l . r ,.. U' CeubjecLt'to lhe Jevi . ' t" .the re, ·eltllb· , v I' tile n"II'onul ,1 b! f " d which .1 tl rel"le>! U ' dIUS Ihtl , .!l1l'airs Iholl4h put ·in ' C II'I1I'oIl\nn wil II otht,. IIO~ 0 ,:,,41 ilion ooven Ion. .. Itshmenl 0 SIRHI)' III "mertcn. 01 ago thiM could IIOt hn\"c bepn Wrlllcn. 0 vlln ', a AIlU Ie nil e ~RI1I8. froOl .It pUI .. tlr Ihe U. S .. \I took III' , '\1 ~ of our gruatest, 1I0hleilt men, we find 8erfdom in Russill or the reign or Louis I __ . -- lI er mnjc81y n·joicea dlRl the ei"il I,ighe~ t IIWllrol . fE'I"hli ohP,I 18M.) 001, p, C. MAXWELL will be a clln- Ihe mnjtlril y were not '.nut'8ed in the XlV. in t'l »nce, ,r the CI)l'II li" "S in 'rhe Closing Scene in tbe Barris wrn ill ISurl h AmerieR lias end~II, - IIII(! G l{l IV F:STEEN CO. didaLe lor Connly Auditor, subject to Illp of wealLh: lJut nt!Vllnced upward' !1ElIgl fl !'d . And in th eir dllY. kll · . ahu evils by I'h .. L !i ·Y) '49\) Uruutlw"y, New Yo, k. ,lIe decision of 'he Union Oouvention . firsl; IIttp bv step, and I:r" long, Issuee were. liVIng elemenLs of 80 · The correspondenl of the Ne w Y"l'k lun g contllci mlly btl I'ep>\il't:(l, Rn,1 thul . ,'1 , . b . 1. I .1 CWlY, • • (I . I . I prusperJly mAy be rl:sloftHl1O Iha 1:5 1 111~ S J • . " . M..II.,ior W . . W. WILSON will he. Acnn . 10arJIIg It ove • ev ery' . Ou~tRC e, mOVEU \l' llen the -n"-'r waA 'In '111 tleepeQL [Jeruld III ~re'\k1llg 0 11t~ mll ee 10 lie \V IIlr.' II IIllve auIt·· ere d 'III IIIe CUlIlll st. dilll\te for the office of Probatll Judge, ?nwrtrd to Q lll~b POlltlon - 10 n . lllcl~e glnom: "nJ WI! we~e in thll hi g h Il~on·y Court .otlll\ dUrlllg Ihl! lasl ur~um ~ nt l Hcr M"jt's ty reg.rt.:ls. lhut lli e con(~r ' ' J In\c(' tlai~ mN~I"d of in(rorminr 10 the decision of the U Ilion In the temple of Fame-nnd look lhelr 'l or nallonal ", (fort, It btc"me Y of .MI'. CII HI nglon, tbe Prosccullng rnll"S ».ntl comm 1I1I .,caIWnl! btll \Y .. ,l1nl1-' nlil II ielld" und I h!'pu\.tllr. Cooy"nLioll. . places wilh the prou,l , conscioUIl Jigni- 10111110 our people t:o accepl l.he rAlIh of ALL.ul'lley,8I1YS: . M. j f""y ·B }ljorth Amp.ricIIII provinces 011. lilly, Ihpt I Ion\'6 rellluvt'u 10' -1,1-':8 .... . Q' • Iy oC those who had ollly reCl:iveulltcir the governmenl Aa the security for the ':I be whole thing WIlS bt'llutiful!y lh" of Lhe union 01 prov - 01 '" lhe dlond fOrlnurly "AMI8,,,COft 11'111 be a oandldllie (or . p"ymtn' of large ,um8 of mon!!y .U '1'1 ' h \I d I inc!:. ill "eOllffl derlllion hAve nOI yel by Mrd. I,hulIIPH 8ft" FHllc)' SlOrt!, '1' he VI!ople ~l\vt! Ihi8 money. lind il be· ma:"Rgll! I Ie J"l'y W en ~ ~we I ~ ' It,t! 10 I' ~Rli"(lIclory ref ull 8uch.. 0 1 h R B the oiIice of PrDbate JUllge, subject 10 birthright. deci.ioll. O{ the Union Nor 8fC \bere wanlillg "t CRme IlIlIir 'nalion,,1 dt-bt.' III Olhu l FlJlllre . IIlI slrenglh ppOI te t e ogera quae, lal 0 ( (lurnng union woultlntl'ord , ., '. lhe pre seot d"y, 10 ellcite Ihe ellt'r o ie8 wonlA. Ihe goyernmel)t nccl'p, eti Ihe \ clt~llIr In1ldllcltlr le~ ~b; lk 0 V ''''b ., to thosu "'rovinee- Rn,l ..,ive facililieR where I 101 ton 01 III kpCfI nn han.J , Ie An . G . ' 11 b d' d t t " 10 nllllon . ,a con6dl:,nct', U l' xpresR.e .1 ev., tOIll muu " IlilU 1'0 ell. outel:lI r ., .. f \V ~ II I r • '!".t " 000." WI e A c"n t "e. or \)f lbe IItruggling, lind Den'e wi'll luL Ibt-or of the case wal thus lor m"oy illtllrll,,1 impro"'U1tmt8, HH ur, u!, 0 tb.,otlloe of COlillty Recorder, luhj(l(lt . , t:ry "'''''y, lind Illued '11. ubhg,,"on8, S. YI d' . I d MR'IlSty hall r .. ceived '''rallf}' ill'' 1ft 'Y (t ' " 1'1 to. lbe or. the Union Couven.\ As lhi. 'nlllionlli debt' wa9 1\1" DlosL rully thl! ..' .d4lQilion . ' batt I!! heoollllllly . I With eury 1 , I' Itost Iy IL eIl'y I And Lbe eth,cLy lin WI\I rltnCIl of lhe loyal~y .. of ht!r '" No' 1'11" Oil" Ihe beat brnn,l" ul '100 '.. There 18 one~ eft (ather potl:Jll elemenl I au I A ' CITl' MA_':U,'}·"C7 ·u.n,p, • t'1II "t lie IIge . . ' or wa" tho&e who. were C?~8I:CU vl •.lbltl. ~vt! merltlln 8U b'jeclll . LI fi. llJ ;; .~1 .,. --:'" ,_ .. ,. . • or fOllr year., IIpprellllced tt) a 'r"de 10 lI~mll "1'!l\Jna~ UI. "n4lal\ who "JmP8' 1 f' I k I II ' . HEr ~JIIJ' 1!8IY 1'l'J'oiceII at tile eonlinu . I P. F. S ULLIVAIf 19111 beRt> a c8ntltdate b ' I .' .1 . L) I' thilt'd with tbem, took ('ycry meRoa to t W8S now oor 0 c oc ,nm Ie . jtl .. . ' . IIml worrollt fl, (live Plli8rat Ion. J b m- ~r C d b At ten, ut Will In omllR .. e perene· . . . . ry were p.. rmiltcd 10 rl'lir~ -to cunslo\"r ed tl'llOqUlllly Rnd '!lCrc MIn" pro-pHiI\' . • '\ • nOllonrtY,'1h,,: UI n 0 _ rllnce which credit UPO d" . of dominillns ; 11:,1 illr the vrrv lib!'r •.1 ,,[11'0"1,(' ' , ' .':\'r .\\' . OVerCOmtl8 ntry ascu. l lLe n e,ery po I? Ille""I"leh It .WA' Lhtir yerJict • A . f"w ubsLruclionl . tl herI lndillll I I \. I Ishe r"rThanklul Hvernl ypun hllJ>f' , hI notion ' ' menl arqulrt!d knowledge unllideo by t d '11 ' to ,I L Ip ·y td lheir passlng OUL, and Il WI" sev- ."t lie arge 8UpP y '" lie I llo~e ler- clo. e ""Pillioll "lid inir flnling, 81ill ',,1 , ' " ! ' ' , . . . mell "er~ oun WI mg . argue III ' . f I I I' r riloriel" ill .. !forti of Ihe rllW mlllHil\\ . . lIluril • gPlleroui coullOlUHnCII n.r ,It" . _ tellnl,eu; and, wllhout lIch lind Influ- theae obh"Rtionll were ulIJue' and un . 1:111 DlmUles plllll ollr ... lea L18 1\8\ 0 -viiID A-LEN will be a cand'I"ate for ' • •. . I . d I ' tbem dlsRppur.d. At ten minuleA of mllnurll'CIUrm!! InduRtry. logelhtlr 1. E, KEYS, '" U entlal rnt'nde, rose \0 8 proud po!nllqn, n"lural-that Lley Opprt"til: I ~e poo~, I I .d '.. with Ihe lermill"'iofl of Ihe eivil WI" . t1le , .eOicII or ProaellUting Attorlley. _. J till \ I' 1 m ' I and were a frJ\ud ul,oll ml'nklOd, 10 past ,our Ill:y cummtnco relUrn1l11; ' " . Th .. market IlrlcI! ftt III timfl j ,,"i,\ rl>! f ' _ • • ~. _ _ ._ and now 8 tie Ilg leat 0 ce 1D LIe . .~ They Rnswcred to tht-it nAme8 wertJ In 1111, Uilli ed ::SLRles o( Nurlll Amerl'la, firl!l'n Hiol,."" Calf Skin. ID. BhtP!) Vel... 0:
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~.. ..,I. " ifL of " rree and In~e ... entleIlL peo,ple. ~~l,'~'kthnt tllle y Cu?uld If'~vl~r be pA·. : - f\"k~d 'lihl!th~r lhey found Ihe p,'i811ner will prl!\'enl Ih" r~CIII·.·t'ncu nf Ihe diR · J Illy 3.-l.lf I . £ . It• t .. ueO_PlU't'l' , ~ryContlnue,,: ' !) r ~ or noC~ ~ull~y, . . I , . Tllllre Wllllllnolher-GenerRl Milch . .0ne ·nowtltJeceLoll"oppOlllon. . b .1 b 1.1 guilty lind Mr. 8onYtn· Ircu w I'll lie long preY"'' Id e Rmong IIC ' . ' Ct,t .oJ. • ' • • r' , . ., IIr I:nemltlll ~ ~o" e · up our en· I r ' d' IIlltnufRcturl'n Ollil-lion of 1I0Dle 01 ID Its Iscne 0 ell-'wllo8e brsillaltt explotls 10 norlh- ler ll fl8t8 to mhcule IIlId Icorn, Rnd I: lr, I Ie 8al . g p I. n ' I Th e.I...... 01110 I",.a e,",al. I' II' t.a LI' . . . . r . I I' I L '1" " I h u norlhero COUlIlJbl!. RE'l',\IL DEiL81lS l'f , ondoll Imea "NOT OUIlTY. IIIe ~II lOS ."coo , all~1I 111 1\ ring em AlabnmA and MISIIIS8IPP" more gr~f\~Journa ~ Ike lie ~ The 81:n Il'nced (·on~~ir"to". .oft!»udcement: than lhree yean ago, won llie gra~eful gruely a.rgul'd th!l' of. 11\1 II~e luol8 . Up on cl,airll, tl1bl!!, s~u window sills DRY .GOODS, "Uoon ' llle com in.. eventa or ti,e t ' b t f . . \ ' II ' lhen cur'm~ AmeFlcn wltl .. their fully. lI~mp~d Ihe crowd. uLteJ'lDg ch!'t'r afler Mudd. Arnold, O'Laughlin IIlId Spllng, r. . .. nut' 0 every pRlrlulic Il:ar.. III I I I d f I I I J' . I ' I dk ler, aHit'ed Rl Fortrn8 MOllroe aL (our year, rnl :lhe 110pill of tile veople and . , nono were Krel\tl'r t IRn t Ie Itlll 0 our C I~t:r. I III a4 lell w~'I'lPg llelr Isn er· QUEKNSW Government, We are in the midal of own words were, 'A poor boy, work'· linHncilll syslenl, Mr. l:)ecretRry Chnse. chiefs, Ihe men their hau, The Mar- o'clock on 'he 18 inal .• on Ihll eteRml'r of ,M'line. 'fh'!y were in chRrge SI'Iltl a bloo~, ~nd pr~lracled civil WRr. Ita ing my wily WiLh my own hRnJs, at Our obliglliioni were Irl'llled rudely, sh,,1 'Iood moyiog his mouth-a ridie HA·RDWA~t. . du t,l ,tjqp a,l,ld.clole depen,l UpOII" wi~er, ~he age of Iwelve lurned out 10 t" ke Men t!id ~ot wanllhe .r.ole . or. hn~tl of llllnul bUL piteous sigh.l. He Wild ni· oC Hrevel BrigRdiel' Gell!:I',,1 Dodd, 1\1It1 truer, "nd ,more pl\lriolic policy d'lln cltre of myadf AS I besl could, nnd b~. t.hl: fool . rullien ReYlIbhu. Our ftlP-Dds dlO:lllly tifl}'lDg stllnethlng Ilrob»b\y .11' wore irons 00 thlli, allld "8. When lirsl GROCElllE~ we have lIetoduriDg the prc8enL admin. . . b 'b L f d II tinR\~y came 10 behtl"lllhaL 111I.'le duubll bout ordllr; bUl lhose ileA reaL 10 hun plRced on bUHl'd at Washington lhey j Ilr81io~ ." 1 • f:(lIInlllg Y,cnrnlDg II our 0 Ilra ~ 80 contitanlly expreased 11I\d pome , im. c!on11l1l01 hear Ilim. Evory chet-r giv - Also bad cn manRc!e~. Thesll 1"lIt, 'feL & monlh, 1 worked nly wnv oOWllrtl unlll portance and in81l'lId of Blanding up E'n inside \vR8 echOl·,1 by Ihtl thon .. tt" were rt:monJ »fler Ihe ' alpAmer ow 8 rRl)ge In U! . Irealene( ' .' . . ' . " . . . . . . • ,. II .1 of I11"" . tlI t II d GII . II Ihll gi01lOU8 Governmentoflhe Ulilt ed mnnfully lind ~Ilylng . 'llllq nOle ofClb· ouI8Idt'. M, ss HI\rrt8 ffllllled. She IIl C, her w hRrr At W IIshinl(ton. On thl: ~vetnmenl . . •.8lgnet • I by IIIII U 111' It' d S \.lites IWf\8 t .. kt'n Ollt 01 till> room by Mr. trip down MuJd lind Spllllgler were 1lopel ' \ Ie. peop ' 0 . aD . SLates gll¥e me a chance al Wes t Point:" '1t~1It101l Invite BUrnllon to lh.lt Bluct .of 'Ho~ld recel.v" .aLLnntloD from llll. qUtlr · lIe was lh e rOllnder of the CiDcinnaLi ot. AmeneR. reprl!8c1l18 every 810nIl-61111 \Brlltll"y. The JUIlge lefL the bel)ch. very chterful, and employed Iheir Ii mil ter. , , WI'3' I' generally underaloo(l Ob d ( ,d ' d 811r.k, every f"rm and workshop. I:very 11nd Ihe crowd hUSII"d cHch otlier ollL in plRying bRckgllmmnn. O'Lllughlili ' ' hewe It,alo or t b II peoplll lind Ihe . serVlllory A lerwar occuple ral'1roR d tin d cllnll. I eVt'ry t I'ling we 'I)( II,e room lO mlllglil . . Ih e hunu· lind Amolli. on the olher hAnd. 8t-tl1DU,1 l.a., . ... lin, wilh I . , permanency ()f the Go,crnmenL is mal . a IlIgh pOM.1l10n, ID the Dudley Obse~v. hllVe o~ weAllh or cOllvertibl~ illlO It'tiP out~ide who were Rw"iting 10 sl.'e much d.,prt!8@e(l in spirils, alld wt:r~ lUt:lllncholy snd resen.,d. , DRESS·GOOD&j teror no conce 'LI' I I f I ' alory. H,s mm" held c(\nvt!rse ' WIth WilD"" In Iheae bro"d Slllle8, lht!y Ihe herome PRRS OUl which tiftft'n min · 1 I rnI 0 III so 100 0 po. Ihe Stllf~, . wRnderlDg ' ,' . 00 lhll . arm 'J'h"ir deali)}l\lion is 8uppos"d to \,e .. ' ' , WI a\nong wnrld s PIt!I\ d t! d r or·II, anu· enlreRle d II I'" 'Il ulta RfIcr she did 1t'lInlllg Dry 'l'ortugR8. A charming I,iaCI: the ltilli. . lat" 108' of WAr lighted lJy luna nol 18SS brilliant lhRII shoul,d 11.0\ be dishonorell. 'OeD!le ' (\1 Mr, Bradley.' Anolher of '11'0 are In lb.e IDldlt of I fhe d,ltem. B I mlln, said lhe (tTl'al Nllpolt:on, al he chet''' went lip. She elltered" w"it. \hu\, fur LI,estl .i\llIina. pered raney of lbe wi.e adilor lDusL our owr., lit Ie turned (rom an ern· siood on. the d!:ck of " .nlan .or.w"r in ing cRrrillge, the 'Mieaes D"vlin folluw. <ll>. ~ 11 ® 11 U- The ele,ct.ionll in Vil'gini" , .. !Tord llllve been conjuring up moel terrible ploymen' IlO congeniltl. Rl,d re~ponding the A1edllerrlll~ellu, .Iooklllg al the ~ Io' ing, "lid 06 thl:1 wenl. The JlIdt: e Ibo'ugll18 1. d P h i ' 10 lhe call of hi' eoulltry, btcame n fle8 of RD 111111,,0 IIIKht, lind li'leillog himt .. lf togelbllr with I,ia wire w"i~etl Iillitl encourlll:eml!~I' to hllVtl for an • n,.ee er "pa 118 eon· leAder of our Balllln' eolllierl who bllt. 10 a .no. I. , 0 f "lie . roeu 11' h 0 WUII. I rov, 00 lhe oppol!lIe ' . corner or the Iltrl!el ' . ,1b: . 10 early leLLlem.,nL of Ihe dimcuhie~ .CleDce amole Im, ·andlo! bebold, be· lIed 10 Dobl btl .I . I 1 ling thlll there wal no Uod, 'GenLltl· .ell her pASS. 'fhlll ended Ihe Harril whicb the luppre8.ion of "rmt:d rebel· And a General Assortment fore hil clouded .i.ion t.here Rrole Lhe b Y,A;O rlUm.p 1101 'J or men. Ih81\8 ia no 00.1, you lay! Then 'l,ial,~bll mo~1 l'xciting tba, hili laken lion bl\8 left 10 be concililllHJ. When· wbo made.1I lbi." 'l'here Will B~' pl"ce before" ciyiltribuflRI in WllIh I:ver and w hl'reyt'r all opportunilY ofr.pehtral 6:lIrll of a blood)' war, nnd ila L e prelef\'ll\\On 0 lbe UDlon., Ladi~s', , We should beYer reare' btllng CUi le~ce. '1'0 ,hoRe who Ipo~e of repudl' illgton since the' ct'lebrRled CARe so or. Cere, tbe citiaens or I bill 81"IU mallirllSl aLLe,aanl train of evi\s. We wondn what manner or Iic upon our owo relouret'. The blasl aLIOO , we IhOliid hue ,slud, 'Oen.tle. te~ RlIl\de~ tfl in fll~or or and Rgarn,' a diftJlosilion to r,lain or plRce 'in pow. itl po Y thaL ~caUer8 'all our dependeocies may men. Copperbe"ds and Worldly.Wltle. MISII Harnl-the S,cklell can tl Slot er Lbo~e who "re moaL obnoxioul for Ie "man "ou adopt to clote tile. I d . ' m~n, )'ou ~pellk of repudiallon. Look • thllir complicity in the 'ebl'lIion. lind which Ihf'y offer. It the 6ctitioul WRr of "bid, he wrilee, Ind III lIe en ,prove a U~d .• ~nd, rousmg Rt Lhia Nlllioll, look l\I lJ'l)RdwllY, 'he U- ~t Ihe copperhead celebration lealt di~posed to aid honll8dy in lbe LOWEST MARKET .rRICE~, pr()vide ror a peace, We auspecL it our sluwbe."ng encf~.ell 10 bOltle auc · 1(0\11 mountAins, C"lifornil\, Can"dl\ at 'lie cave•• G.. n. U. W. Mor!!tln wlla rUlorRtiQn of lhe Ullion Ilnd 101"l1y tu wOllltl be a ftRtlel'lng I • tl c~lsfully wllh Ihe grl:n ph"nlom, Life yeHrnillg for 118, our rllilrond8, rivtrs IIppuint!!d 10 nAd the DeclllrR!ion or In· Ihe Constitution. l Ju , , 4. com ChicR men. on .e I ll8 ' beUer, ff\r beller. 10 r IJly 011 our 1111 .d U1UI.fI Ia! C I ' } )enn~~' lvA11I", , the d.,pelldt:race. HIl precttlt,l it by " party that originale 11be 0 fail. HCRgO, 4 g own energi4!~ ,hlln lod~pend 01\ Oilier' WIUln l!'I·1 FIver, anu OVH Ih"m lbe spellch. which he has wriLlen out, Rnd kfr We hllye aenn i, IIlllted on good ure 10 secure" ce'latinn of hostililie.. I \ ' rr' I b I ' I ' Am erican soldier widl his mu.ket. publishtld in Iii., Banner of the 151h aUlhority lhat lbe 0""1l' 8elll of the If Ihe afore8aid editor could write bUL - t len, w .en I 1'.' list 1111 e I~ foug It, Wil en Error is ovu Ihe IVOrlJ, Truth Inst. The GenerRIlril:8 10 uemollstrllle United SlAle., a4iopled by COnl!rell8 in AND half 110 wet! as he can IlImpoon his de. we may. len\·~ Ib~ ~ol'lJ Ihe bellH for is .Rur~ to BI'4ll\k. And P,ovid.nce. ill that '1111 m('n' DleMlIlI no body but June, 1712, Willi IIctuBIl~ dui,ned by a LI1I8 11m!! of genernl error, hus clIJIed wiliteB; lh"l 'mAnkind' meRnl Euro 1IIII:nled Ilri<4tocrat (If lhe coulliry willi luded luders, I,. would bll A rery OUI' haVing hvt:d In It, much improwed . f f ANNA RAnIONIl. upon n mIll lO slflhcl up rlllt! spe"k the I pellll, that., 'people' mellns while r eo - which we th"n aL wllr. The dnice "III ' 'r . I DepeclI~)(' O 0 ono 0 Jersey City July 14 trulh . The Aml'l'iclln puollie IIrl! pier III »hnrt, thllt Ihe Dl'clllfRli(ln sugge~t('d to John Adllm", Lhen ill Lon. ~ • . _ ._ __ _ _ _ __ mllilr em 0 CrA II. , _. ' 1' WIt ' 1I J fly Cooke, In hi s d&pArl- ill~l e RtI of being Il brOAd. g~nt:l'al plat-' don, by ~r John }<'reRlwilch, a b"ron 01 110 a "nRLlca ( StlcC'tllor 10 Hopkin. Cri8piA,i CJ::r ]n Lhe I~lltling jvurllll11 of lil t' tnt'nl h~ Ilfl q be en ns u~e (ul 10 lhe I for~ of fUlldalllellt,RI trulll8. WIl~ !lim· "f Ih", Wt'st of England. a WAfllI fri t' "d . ~Il tlll:l.r 110 hlgh!'r ground for Ihesc ,\t lhe 01.)81nn.J {til 3ftln 511,.el; Vi II I f '.1 . . 1'0UlIlr) RS Omnl 01) Ihe IUII ,I. or F .. r· ply Inl~nded to de fine Ih e l'ighL8 of lhe uf AmericR, anJ nn accomplillhl:d KnliYllillted Journals to occupy, other 11'lIn easle n c' t' I f rIle s, Je aw 0 t'plucmlcs I ~ ra ilL on II H . d. I. I. vitle, woult!. inlnrm his ol,d tlat 0 continually \iein g IIOU C'lOlin \ b . . 1 b i d' d g Ie sea . e Cllrrlf 11110 li S Wille mt'n of Ihe United StRteti And q un riRn_._ _ __ _...:.-_ L g tlllg C.8 .01'»lC y . Ihl! rPAt of mllllki"d, tl'll ho ball • IIIIU l".k thl: very 111111 g"l'e Grant Ihi s i8 D4' mocrflcy in Knox cou'nty in about tbe tle'!p damnation inlo 'which 1I~80ftment of . probl\bllllles of ARIAlIC chulera DlAklng ~ u.;rc8s-colicenlrllllon. , sptt m. di sci· 1865 -Mt. Vernon Bonner tIe J>'Irty hIII een lunk by lhen O\fn . ' I' WI I . The monumenl to W»lIRce, 1\1 I b iniquiL d t 41 '1 d d' I Its Rl'penrllllce III 111 o UUlled l::illlle ~ pine, powrr, ICIIII IsourCl"S of reY· Yes. il is Ihe eame truculent D\.'moc- Slirling. on lhe Scoltish fronlipr 01 IS oy· neXI yenr, a8 all epid~U1ic is surrgesl. t' noe. IYtre dry, ",l ltn we were (»mish- rll v II -- t' . II III d ea d ene d Eng 'anJ, which hnll bE'",n built in tilt' all)'? yan I eu. I y cncourage ed.' ., IlIg lor tho \\·A."1 o. r monty, . wllt'n il c. II E:u,p 109 L0 revive ,lao, I varied ,urply .t d I bl I UpRI form of "tower 10 Ihe hightof 155 ~h il undenlOod that Ihe notoriol1s ~:t~)~p:I~~slt~,~e:"11m e t IIl~te ~o~ld ~. -O - - - -- --k"- -- · f feet. is now 8tR'Ilding unfini~hed for lilt' Tin, copper &. sheeL-iron MOlby inteods to run 1'8 a CAndidatE' z:tr 111 rs. Swi sB.'lelm Wl'il~8 rrom cllildH Ilnu 1311,.1ng: :~dl L18•. F 'r~ve rnm(onL ~u d POP8cSi,0n 0 "ant nr fundI! to compll.'le it. 'rhl: lor lale It .t he 10WP~1 ueh pri(e •. for '00ngre .. in hi. distriot Wa~hillgton IIlatl! pan I f d' I'k . pe e uur or 8 eilier on ('II fly. very · mate.rials and w('rkin rr ~ppf\ratu8 upon kinds ot W , ' wns orme III p"r er • I ' e some 6f) UUY Sultan of Tur- lhing Lhere i, t>eing p"cked for removl~l. I d .. d "Ie eoondl.o. bell(f tell or lhe IJ una 10 shoot J ohnson, RI ) kltY-I his mIn SIrucK the rork, IInu, The Govel'nmenl il 10 pay a eerlain are to be 80ld pRy lhe OUT-DOOR WORK, .e¥! elnga,ca~ I~ale urCongreSS IGellySburg,on lhe 4:h o(July. A , II.e W"lersgu shed forlh, lind "l\tbe: lrenlto)'h.Fordlill.lhe6F810CF"bru- . go Tbe proslJt'CL8 I~r ~1I1~ .anll corn Aur.h 18 Sp IJling, Roofin!!. &n., ,h,ne ~II lb~ ~foreaald dl 5trlct, Ccnainly he negro womnn found iL ,"ut and told the \ l"~~S b~cRme rt!.fre.shed an~ ghddened . \ Rry, and if by thAt 11.m~ Con~rr8s hl\8 1,0 Lmn C(\lJnl y, IOWA. II lij SRld, were I ,hurt Flolice and il\ Ihe bC5\ n,allner. IS t:hglble, i\' hy DoL? IauLb IiI ' L L't [he. period of hl~ ,,),ork IS almost all I nOL made an RPllfoprtllLlOn rllr I he purnever beller lbAn they lire a\ rre6eDt. July 3- 2 . u llle a uu I . tin cnu. In R few J fly a the la~l of Ihl~ . cua8u, it will be returned lo Ilim, _
Gents', and '
fa- I
.J A., C R 1S P I, «
Parlor and Cooking
1114 thi
ml tli Iii
OU ill IRI rn II
•Ii II
. 41
• • • ".l1t,D
il!bt Ex,.. It t;illcitlnaH l~JlP,e I, " , aI.i) MIll Ael'u",.. t· UululllhUS Aceom.,
'7.Ofl A, M. 11 211 A, N.
'I bUL Lhen 'enougb
i, !'nough,'
i. 1 .
lind iL
BASKET P I C'-_ N I C Dol pleasanL Lo hu overflowed wi lli wet .,
629 P.N . .
ope lion nlllllrtl, nd we 0 to t1udarmna opimoo, tllll' the rain i. I Itood (or corn. pot.loe • 111111 11 Iba' .~.AD W7 Jr..
& CO
n •• hand a aplen"•••""&meDlof Iha, lliey nnOAUCI.OTlIS. ',ave On he"d Ind nprc\ to keep CA ' I MEttER.
lp..,e 10 in'nrm Ih ..
- --
AC A ".ortmcllt of ompIetc
V"'''''fl'''OS .,... ., .
every ahern le dRY, or orleDer, as we I ~.:n:.u.~~ ~ \!a1i1t~ I b ~ :l ~g9 . D B. U G S . &c .. ..,l,irh he maou'ae\Ufet .et"rdl~ to A , ~I. IAVtl eeo Jor tbe la~ t week or two; 110 , l h e.LA1'E8T • 8 55 A. rt/. On Saturday, July 29, 1865. lblll tht;re i~ 110 confidence to be phlred WAY N E 8" ILL E • , ! Paris.and New-York St:vlea 1 ' It. II 1'••1. in tbe s tlluilily of n rl:'s l'eclflblc sun~ I '~ _ S 'fh e ci!'izl' ns of W lIynesville nnel Vi_ j s hin e wh en ' i~ d nes cume. Such" via. --0--PA I N T SI 0 I L SJ lind Dlthe .rr:T 'l'll ' CIOOllh ,b YS" last cin il y wi ll hnve n pic . nic nnd r cct! ptl on ilUlioo of rain ia ecrlf\inly lIliu eufll lit 1DYE.STUFFS, '1 LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIC1!:8 • • nI l:! IL rrom , <l UlI1uU" . , 1,1'1 111:\' 611 ules 88 AS a u t"'t' , cU 01m e neint; lit 10 o' olucll A , ' lh is SC IIFl'n; bu t. I here is no o!'e t! 10 1G B 'I'OILET ARTICLES, 1';'(' rultiu g II I1 PRrtme,,( UII'" . , . I . of lhlll'xcellp.nl } Ilull! rcd luwn . M., fl l whi. ch ,iii ~\.lhllt~ rs l\IId r.O h.hcrs· 1IKI"O\\ 1; A u "g ust WI 1I foon be 11(.' r With I~ IIndor the supelvision. "
'. '
Jlhjl PilI! Accorn., ' N il!lil E.lCprl'~lI. 4·.,ICIJlhulI Ar. co m., Cincinnati Expre~...
1.35 7.01i
A. J I.
:1'1- 1---' (--'-
( I fAnlilic 8 fl r'3 COl uiull y il\vil 6d lo btl pres - I " ur li ery s kies flnc dry, scorchi-Ill t ORU li, II
. \ I . '11 be lurn ('d .In the Cli st ( l llllri ur y w et'' 11llng I 0. I(' nl . . , w le ll comp I nlOl.w1 th ~ currtw~ un "n:llco y,,'H, WI JI~gl ll l ' . . . " "" CI I S I A s nl'lI d\' nil t he boy s (rom Ihe l OP'po n e lli rucllO n • .. \\, liS lh ero ever "'
; o::r
.-.: lure _ . _1 0 11
~. I
,n orll
I g~
e ~lllcl"lid Band lind stuck In Iti s II 1Ild~'. Ul ll kin,," '1'1 . l~ I R . d ~ _ _ '!___ _ _ lo [ t IIe II 1'1.Y· 'nun I nglru e nt. Iln il1 c i ~iun . " 'u I"\\' u,, bell uti ful poe m uy CHAPLAIN COLLIER \ _ _ _ _ ••• _ --
11<1 1lle.
D n''\. Y GOO D~ I
a ~ liorL Lilllil.
_ _ ._._ _
___ ,
L'I ' '''
c.1 ~.
l·~ lIo w · CIl I1.Cns.
I 1·
. ----... ................. "'- ........ -- ..... "......"" ...................... ---."
11~ Le l>nn~n. ·- ..........
~ 'nd
--.-.- - - -
MnU I! L
Mr. Rteve
Careful/v Comded
ut'ing flOlfl here al ' H o llllnd ~lIy s he is uclermineo to IIUp ' $I,~O per bu_hel. And 1'01l1l:ing.t'!If!\ Ill l POrL vnd e ncoumge the local pre ' ~. 15 cellts per UUi'.l'U. .lill'ckbll rric8111·e full .,· '''ppreeIiHing iL~ val ue· ns !lllltid 10 · . <j\lhtl plemifll l llnd of &cooo qUl\lit", III 111\; I'r'lgre tis U f II l>u Slll.ll'~ commuOlIY; Ii ,is D1l1l'ket. lhey bring (rom 'Wc 'to 50 IInflll s II suusl,mlill l I:vidclIl'o of his in· ceulS pe r glllllln. IlIId 8,, 11 rl:lluily. Ll're st in . lhis II1l1lll:l· • . h e .slI,bscril>eu [01' \' , f I hI G 'vV e _ _ _ •• ( fj!.l( copu.'s a I ' I! wm l a:teLte. JU~ T Ol'T.-The Trllll of the A~slls, h npe lh e re li re oll i cl'~. who hll~e Iricllu s l "im I\lHI CotJ~pilniors fnr d, e Murder of ilL II dis lllllC,l Lo wlitlm they mlgbllicllfl
tiT Polnl oe s
1P bURhe·I,
WI'(,lIt Ry e 'f
V dU1,rn,
I"rge '"111
Ctll' ~tlllitly
6?r Wl'
1\1'11 p le!lsel! 10 ·Jellrn tlonl sub. criplione t:lC. UpOIl up Ihe pp"eh crop Iii vtory promIsing in ut'>ce'ull"d upon lhe Ihi s sl!ctioil. I\nlla large yield is fllltici · L11~ olt! lillie. 1\1111 you 8111111 . . ., Filled. It i~ e~LimRttld that 1\h. I-hm- t' d IU our aU~dlons liS IOllg ' I d 1 rna II "ore 1"1' 'lvil produ ce IIbou~ f(\\Jr
like mllnllll of 151'a<"l in be ehcrisl .·
1]l®©i~ ~\I~lID ~):] ['[E~~ \ CALL A . ND SEE. JII" e ~:I-ll f ,
~ gallon o f wine 10 each plunl" ACCIDE!iT -011 MonJIlY of Il\st week I,lte tinL H'll~on; !II1U 1\ IlIrgCl" )i"ld, )1r. S" lomon . O~uso \VaR e ngflged in Wilh lW11crop8, l>.e~iJIl a con&idHllble
rllI~ 'Jz
\,"" ..
I We
cv~r o{feret\ in Ihia mark et. msy be (nund
P .t
' I d..
~- Give Cs A CALli, connol
Inil 10 he suited bOlh in
• '1'lohIY ua:d price. Jun e 23-1.; .
, u:::r
of All en &: Rlllltlnll's Siore Ihis c.von I'Ily to II 1. ing (W d 1 ) t (, 11 1'. n~ ck tI IlCSf "j" • 0 per cc. nrrange · \ . lJlenls (or the R l c l' pti on. 10 which ti le OCCI\ &IOn , 'II'
furnl,hcd IC C
cre ~rn
., •
O-::,r Thl:1'1:! ill 10 ul! It PIC' IIIC C .1Itens, one 111,,11111. lire urQ'c ~ ll tly .inl' l leu. C~lUC H~IY~Y. I Cul d · :3pl i l1~ Uro\'c on Olllll1J fl}
or t Ie I:
I . '
Spri n",Vllllp, /]111
nt 1
1~'II · '2 . 1 ~II, .
2.:1 '
JackEon!s Pectoral Syrup,. I) 0
Ol' x t. by
T I\l5 lie
SleTfOscopic· lriew.~.
Sterroscol'es lind 01 thcsc we hnv e
C 0 I~ N E It . ,
melli, including Wllr 8ccnep, AlDeri"BI\ II ntl Fu :-llutlinry. reig n Cilies GrOllpd. (11('., Ulld ele, L.nd.cupe,. AI~u, Re-
!ur public!lr privale Uur \\iill he ,eut lu allY Ilddre88 un rectlipt or stbmll· PlIOl'OGH \l'llIe ALUUJl1S • I , • We \Vero Ihe. fir st tu intruduce Ih~ee inLO the UniLell Sl~le~, ond we tnannlllC-
v" lvilll!
p.~ I"b.i:iulI.
"He immense flusnLltlllB in greftl VUriAIV. 50 cenls 10 $flO lilloi'D
the rel)utllliun
01 lIein/l8uperior in Lcauly snddurubilllV 10 "ny othurs, They 'Will btl selll "Y n~oi l , fK/lF.. on receipt 01 price. U .:'iI1C A .b ulDS 11JRdc to Order •..l]J L' d Ph 0 t ographS. "ar
- - ---- -- -- . .. boul.
, -.,
I W.rl } .\ E sr
rur Ihe ro!lowinl(. VIZ :
, .'OU I :.1011 By the kilt or ,lUulid, uf a ",arrnnled l ;l76 ualil ' lur .ulp ~v flbG SI.leemen, q ). )I~It111TT & PRI:'-JTZ. 00 I'rolnlllellt women, l:olf> SI~J!;C,
L' ] .' {
In atl,nllon to cur main Lusines8 0' Pho1"tJ r 8 1Ihi ~ l\1uleriuld , we ore llc~dqllllrltlr"
'1"" Jl:tIS 1>'
11.1..\ .
L L.E'
125 AUlhur.,
-10 \rti ..t8, 3,000 Copies I)f W Or l(8 ur A rt,
~nr~I[I~~inf:f~;~:~i';:;~1;0·1I1)~~~i~::;.:nO;:0~~e':.-t I
C8tullllrU e~
8ell l un receipt 01 Hlblnp.
011 I 0 .' I 1\ 11 order for On.e n.vzen Pic lured . IrullI. •o"rColrtlllgue wdlbl~~e l1t oll recclptol
(,A~ AU\' ~;\I(;E
one y ear, /·'1" " c "rl',,~ "n ,' l "" II' . T ' li'. w , '\, i r ..s. "n'.' . ye ll'r,,
O ne copy
tt c.
\~1: }(Ht .
1\raJ"r-~.ener~18, 1~0 Lleut-.col'~I~eIB' ":I~.. Gell~ru,~, loU ulII.:r ()lfice,~, Culunel~. 75 NovyOftlcers,
.M A eKE R E L
(\~lrl"· ·
allll l'rornptly I ,'di<1d, '
Hyrll"~. f, ,, <" Ie I J L'. .\ JElU"TT"'" 1'lt J.'ITZ. 11I' ~ :H-- I · l t
(I I pll ( ',,"!!I,
- ---
\\'nyneRdtle, Ohio.
~ ,[. - 0
N. Y.
(e .i.b." fI"rtiOlla in Ollr Gntologuo now el1)hr~ce! over l"ive Iide ncij?hhorhou , 01111 perlllilled il 10 Thuueand diB.':l'nl Bubjec", 10 which ad • LUrn lO vineg nr "" ""r own prl'lIl i!lPP. olili\ne tire COlllillunlly hein., mlele. ot l\l"'RRl'f'l' .f .. elc., viz: JJ -v.· "'IJIN'I"~. '" -'. purtrails of emillent A:mericailli,
Dr 11 g - S I () r
01 rl
Union Coffee, Pea Coffee, t'acli ~nnginl! i.\ priec from . Our Albuma
__ .., •• . PhYSICIanS PrescnptLODS
! cureu Lhe Ciut'r IrUIII d
FAMILY \: S ]:a FACTORY ohoo.-
Lhis opportunilY. anJ."ive the brnvesl\ picniC nenr Ihe FI[I}" Spllngs on Snlur· Gray uno \,\' hite IIro li ches ~xdlll,, ~pd demo elution Ihnt Ion'" be Ie . ,18)' lasl. The tiny wns fin e. alld not rttr W.'Jol .• r<or I'III1Ud, wilh iI,e pric t' III IJ' , 0 . Lao intc:>n~e for 11111 dRn l e to go broVl'ly I fur s p l nlll llil u ll ly IIddf,d. . em e~ed In L1H! hISlOJ:), or u\lr vllIllge . d I 11" ., If . ( W l' J I, Gn'n se Rntl S08 r- Gr o!8se Cn "eft d Iy _'1'1 ' . lII . frun LIon, lilv.o R'\RltETT I _ . lereWI'11 bell. met-llng' . lin II Ie 1\ Illr passcu 0 snLls aclo- \ w.I" ~l·d illlll'.Y'Iuhn Gi?
~""l-tUl'l'.J AIlS
SO tlpg
E. & H , T. ANTHONY &.
Pittsburg. ~
p'lcture & W·lD dOW-Glasses . ,
co·operf\lion oC o'u r citizens. L,tll tiacrll Spring f\nd Fall lire the FCIlSOIIS for I lion will be liivclI. (1rROCE"RIE~ be a ' IIonnimoU8 rEillpOoRe. every lrl\nsplllnLing , lulu the expc.nse would JOliN W. CO I. I. E'M'. 1 V . ' i h (Ii' . I I' J I 18 ODe go ' In 0 , t f a ,~Ir Will All cnl1u61· not I>e .. urcnt III pursons huvillg t> .. rounel 11 v ' il81n '~~)f\.h, or tbe pal~iolic occl\sion, to "p"rt'. ,to give Ihc "iue · pllll1L II trilll' l ~LLEY 00 S, It will be our III SL cllf\oct'. prubllbly. to "tleasL, III1J en ' j, fy Ihl<m~,'ll'es. ~. IIlRnifesL onr IlpprC!cialioll. in a ge nerA1 FI'oln 60 10 80 Cell's rJeGUFFY'S & W lL~OJi"S SEH.IES , tci"" 'fhe yOUI1 'l' p (' oplo of Hl\rv oys ' I !' 'I r WOOL' G • lIl1\nner. lof Ihel . \'1I101'OU8 deells lhey ... . . I s now ICing PUI, or I' . In oons ,! &c., &0" &0. IIf\ve done lind the "ul>l ime viClory Ilt t'y burg, togt:lht:r Wllh some froll1 thiS . 0111118 Fn Ciolf)·. N" dilllgl'~, lol l. yeur. ul hue obtB 'Inud.' tll"II lut us nOI.brnc(', nl!ighuorhoou, elljoY('11 lhcms~lvcs 'Ilt 1\ . ,1i ' ''rl' OIIlIIIlf'll t \ly nol !il\d>fllllI,::o('k • ~ _.. . . .. ' IGoilti S on IlIInt! tl) pXI' hilfll:C lur '. ' )01.
-_ .. - - - -Spedal AODouiulemeot.
goud IIlItl weil.ecll:cl,·d 10< 01
}'ur the Toilrl, HftIldkerchle(p, Scenlillg ,Drawers . Ward. roiles, etc .• Ale. , Co!1 nnr! exomino our varietIes. RO::iEIJERRY 4' NEAL.
- --
ro~.lf'lllC(f~ ",.,U"
Al bU, jll~l re~t'iv~d
'[P [E rra" ,U M.IE !Fl
'Ve shn ll ('onsl"ntly lfeep Otl hnnfl a gel\· Man",!uclurers of PholograplLic ernl IIs.(ort1l1f1nl 01 pUl('nt 1\Ie.licince .
.ALL TH e Pll PC 1,AI\.
Krc ..
IlJ'-' ,,'ltrollt
bU8inel8~ We hove
To Ih is fealure of our
.Iowing R land o( hRY. li e elippttl Anti inCl'llnSe of "llInls, Illlly btl . expecltld Ii ell~ lY , C lClneS I . filII frolll . llte w"go'n,' .Irikiilg his heRd Lite St' contl yOl\r. ..' 1'h6 IIndersigned wi ehe! 10 rnll :he ftl· 1 IIgl\inl\t " laelU'" 'bellm. We nre happy It is clnilDl'd Lhltt from ono acte oc,IPI)tlU II u/ bUOIIH8 and all ~hom H IMy 1f~.I1~1T\w @~:1KI\{) rn'JI'~"' J co"c~rJl. 10 Ih e Inel lliut he 1& elli~lCeJ III It' i.\iru~ Wl..ll: Jl!>. \ or 0 {!rent IlIl1l1y killds 0\1.1 III brgll q"on· to ILBt\llbM the injuries MI'. G"use. !'C- ground I\lId 2 5 0 0 plants, 1\ pI·tlfiL of Ihe OIullul ac\ure o r 1Ilia p, i'or Sbll' by . .. b I' d I r ~ RDII'r & PRIN'r'-' co n Cf"e. tI. ~hOUl,h cRu~ing Ala.ITOSL totRI ovar ~9,OOO mlly e. rea llI:e • c (:'ar 0 ~'j 1\11-: ",' , ~. ' 1/ bodily prostraLion (or 6eveml day l,wi ll nil exuensc8. If Lhls be the cue-and 1I0t probably leave allY conLiuued bad we ql:ole our tigures (fllln whilt are is prllPored to do 10 till' H A I R-O II S I . • • _ _ _ _ _ b~~ 1 ~ IV 'f', Bllll 011 lite jl lllJrle ttl · C l1' [, . ,iiieot II, SAId •to he l\cLUf\1 I'xpenmentll - It woulll noliet'. UllYllill1!''' ill h iS lill I', frolJl a Wlleel- IFAliCY OftlHlelioli Colle,', R)'e Uller. prlllle .10 &~ .1 r I ' Cutrell dUel 1~)( lrn'" .. r Culfer, lur 8n'p by C61.ta1D Iy I>e 10 l~le. Ruv8~lag~ 0 ,lle l barrow tu die bllesl bUI[:':Y, I· · · · ,.:.. " . ~H:lt1UTT & PRINT£', Iar; The IIDnOllncement for ~ 'lVel · pt'ople Lo ellgfl~c IL ILs eultlvullOn. fhe 0::7 II11v i n2 aecured .I he HPrviclt. of 1\1'. ,ome.iulll1e~ 10 the 101dic:>r8 next SRtU r- wine is recomml:.lld",d by physicilllls ' ELLISUN KE1IIP, .. 1l0 perlOf wurkman, ,II.. --PU HE CIDER \' IN EG A H. d,y, will. we, 1Iru st , meet Lhe helltl\" . . \ meuliun III Ilitl 11111116 ill IhlslltaleonDeetiuII J for me(hCIl1RI pllrpo~es. will be wl1icilllll lIuurulity !Ulis/lc' A well-eelce.ted u80rlmollt of the IlEST This we know 10 be pur e, 88 we Pfl)'
We pOrlicularly de.ire Ihe attonlion of
IIIGIII::"!'" ;'R ,USE.
Sl'i UfF.
~U 'l'[,ORTFP S
Wuyn~.,v i l;e·,
ftlld eOllIpetclII judlrcS give lhem Iho
-S tiC f( A S-
Thev .re 1111
DI CIN E S ! I l"lNE
),nve no liesil8tioll :n soyiJlg Ihll the ,
, \ ',
.... DLACKING. OIL '1""(' Bl'U ' lll.'S , l H . A C h . 1.~;J'. , ti ['~ ,
In J. D. :SWETF:.
Of' n CR Oil
11\ our .e dtbblishmenl.
p8rtic\l18r~, .pt,lv
' '\
A. JON ES, M. D.,
Dry and riUxed Paints,
A!'TEX'1ftl, ft: H V " I ;
hid residence
Hov i nu h~d f.ourlcpn yenrs' exper ience i.1 Ille Vrll t; l ic e 01 l\IeJic,il'tl, otf~r8 hi' Pr,,:ess iullu I ~ e rvicca ll) thtl cilizens 01
01 nil kiud H ulwny s e n hunt!. A line USKorllll cnt uf
of over
1' F. RM~,
, . . . . bl/ill, in pl(''''SIII JtI"' l.h~ contlnut·d wet wealher of, ~~II"I1, If ,,\IlhllL 18 (:lal~10d (o~ IL e I loc"~lolI, wilh IlIr.e rUIlIll~, purr". tiurnml' r I "f) m "IT ro Tl:'T 111" ~ .' lhe I""t , wet'k Or two hilS ~f!('nor.cri· Iru e -or even the hl\lf-I' deslllled 10 I kilrhell UIi~ r ell .. r Leluw, oll,llw" r""II1 i! .0 ..w. IU ,;u w.l /.Ill ,;u OUI dt;Ct-imont 'lO the fll rmerR ill SE'flur · br come 1\ sOlnce of g .. tllL profi~ lO tho~e II' ti l!' ~I'('"ntl .I,,,·y · A we!1 (,r ex ce ll enl \ • ' , . . . ' .. ' WillI" iR ~illlilletl c l o~e 10 II", Idlchell . inl{ tht!ir 11ft)' Rnd wheltt. M;",h tlf th e who (·ngllge 111 liS C:UI ' IVllltun. On Ih(' 1.',1 ore" Yllri"ly ur Ifuit IrHS, Illlter hI\! b,.cl; IDe' ~~ lhol'OlIghly A~IU' Th e plllllL was fir.lit growtl by a 11 .... ntl .",p j!rullnd lif o,r, uuo'd qlln:il>, I." r !lnr- I SA S HAN n PUT If Y , .1 d(' n II'" ,'UrpUBI" 11 t' pr< I'erl v 19 II 't Ult:<\ ,lhllt th e gr.nin hua commencec\lo Mylltl, in England, anti .. I1"'~rll"',*'. . •. I ' . l I' ,t.HU. S::-ES. ~ . ' . . illtJ'ot!lIctu' into I Irum 11"·
_ __ • _ _- - -
CAslI,-Office at AND SHOES on Muiu Slre!>t.
,1 b I I '1'1" L n'''J \\' [. M s ii' 1I1~" 1111 lile E;j~1 siJ!' 01 N"rlh SI, II10IlS!ln" Il~ Ie s. ," lIS 19. per lApS, 1111C j) rAl'T INE · L~NT. ' CSSI' ' \ LJC' I\\C e n Thinl ~I\d Fumth e\rl'l.'19 -Iht! tLe finellt orchnr-J in lloe neighborhood. Pllrshnll & Klein ure ageul8 in lhis pro'l' i~rty or1\Jn~.lIi. RUUERT8-ia ofl'cretl _ ' _. .; :. ••._ _ _ vi cini lY for Ihe sale of the
I"ur :I,rl!.f'f ' July IS.
A'l' PRIVA'I'I~ S.\LE· 11 ' Tile valu able Hoo ' e nil" LoI, ~ ilu-
We Irllst thi 8 ,late of wealber lhl8 CO llillty .. uIIllL t'lghl yelt's Klll Cl' . \ 'Will not rrm1\ih nly luna . It is vprv prolifi c. yicldillg 1111 IIler"g e
' L.Al\lP~,
...A-- : - - -
Wine·Plllllt' j ijIPrIVllle~1I1l'. . . . b 'l'1,P H OIl~c ill well
(n its various bronches ; not to be eXl'eli. tld anywhere: Non\) but tho
.. .
DH" S. J, WAY)
ID.0)..Q.l1P~ !1MIQ) ~ :&\Q)!~ MEi\'S AN[)BOYI5' ·IIATS" I Ullr ut', lIllemPlI's And Bill'S' we"r. AIIKl, Waynesville and Vlcinlty. I a I"r,;o SI'PPYI u I' \V ~ II -aeIt·, ec Ihe corner o( Main !lnd MI. READY-~l ADE CLOTHING! H t , \ 6nd 81 . , nellrly oppotille Hay 's Hall. I a s and Caps , Cr':r Night coli s prolllPtly reaponded 10.
Hft'US1E T I '. u \:",; \ &: to ' -
. ItS Wt< 1m:!.
Wftl'oe.vIIlIJ, Ohio.
0 VEL - P L 0 W- S,
l':J(Q:rAJ1V IP'DlElILlI(D,
'J'hp. heM <llIu.ill' or
10 (i/J I:!,
-A N D-
For Ladies & Children,
S , - --
A r.olnrl o1c ft88 urlnt ent
Cotwin ~hb~l·h-Soh (.O ,,1 wi ll a lld J"b p" lrollll go 1$ Ilberlll, Hnu our llAIt-!i01l ,'HE PLOl"S, ----- a .,CIII ,.brAt iol\ on Slilu rdllY n!l,ext h fl l' ~s 101' Ihe fllIUIl! Rrl! I>UO}lIl1t lint! ,otld doulile lI llI! Rin g le A. It. ~tERRITT. 1-: , R. wt'ck-prou"bly ill Chllpmlln's Orovl', hClilthy. Like Ojl'I.(!IlS" Smi\;e, 'fe lIre i SH I .• • Rhove Co'nvin. 'fhe W school \'X I ('I\{li ng our plale for more; . . , ' " "'"fIe 01 sU'cl. He "'Ill A I ~n 1\\" nU/RClur e h l\S bo(>n iov';itell to pHrticil'lIte, And II I, ll L hUlIllln 10 be 61111>ii "c1; tht:n~' 1 und repair Plu" ~ ""rpR. nlld dr c68 blld 1t':11 will dOllbtle!8 RVAil il st'lf 'of .he co\\r. ("ru, fienr people, wllile Wt3 chllllengtt per D'II ~ihJso( Bdg~tI '1'0"1~. . I! lt1'A1L DR:Al.ERS IN teoue ilivi lll liun. iI, e world 10 t: q ual u s ill grQlilude lor [tr~fllllhlllg "U U llur.e·BhlJllli! ""!'nd · -, . . . . CUlu IlI'"u\lllI v. 14-6111 I) ~I 'E , __ • blllllll fnvors, we IIIVlle JOU to mill 10 r , \ IJ I JI .
rs::r Tlt e
" ill
I guod.ul:\V ~ pnpc I 6 );-OUI' lldHrLI~ing , \lUUlic,I/)" l ll e k""p@ ""lIdllllltlY lJ nllUlI'!, '
sloek and prices.
c ric
0 C
Sherman r,ta-rching Along
~ X8nli l1e
Cnll.,a nel
fuULA'SSE 3. til'lCI::S. .KrtJ., ETC .
, ____ _ _ .
Jun e 27.
::s UO Art,
:\~1.J ern £ic1llcnf5: "
A lsI', B guud supply
J"~.Hllrc Sa! i:::lnction.
I"'I"III ~H ll' 11,,"" 11 1. IJrip,l ApfJ IC. V lb
pcn ui ll d W II
-S I:C II A!!-
55 40 · I 00 1)0 ' 7 IiO 3 5u 3U 2U
Fltl ur f' bnr.el, 1,' )uur 1r' cWI , n ' II, ' r 1\' u, L ll r'; lP tI, I:!!!! "
$1 35 @J I 40
h nl cl'~r
- -- - - - -
~ nllrlf' y 1ll
Prcsilltnt Lincoln, cn~nll' t' t e nnd UIIJ\ ' lht! bOln(j tl ~ WS Uct;c !JtnLly. C l li(' lt e fHi lV t.l~)ZIJII, 3 UO hti~gt'd, eO!lll1illi\l~ 1'or[\I\il8 ')( nit Ihe III ~his cOllnl!ction it Il;llly not La in· j e .. jl'e (' V 11, 31> Princip"IChal'llclers, [01' tlulu. at tlle l "ppn'pl'lI'l e to s llli e 1I.lI,\~ l.h c hl. il\mi l N N~.. IVO..Url\Iuiu.lC" , eulI" S"illl!nrgllllOIl, i1 1t) IIl @:.35 ~U JfUlllli 1· u II.zelt" • Office. l'I'I'ce ~"0 ce llls' I Ouzc tt e, lh uu:!h ~ olJiy 111 lis set:ond l) " " I ( •.II ''Ii I i!" II l'1I. I UO - - _ -l. __ _ munth, is nlrelldy n t.irm 1I0tl pllying in- : ---~- -------Jar ·As will be Sten I>y Iii" ca .. d. our \ stitUlioll. Thallks to II gen e .. olls nnf l \ ~(,I\ial o e iglibfJf, 01' . WilY. is cflluing I libt,,,.t Il euned CllmIll U lliLY-IIS wdl as tu the. l'ul>lic W lllll~ lVi . h Ulltlidu"J at· fI "' I! "tltll}, one-we hllve" u e llt'1' s ub· I' - >t-., Iplli ion, Hie dl:1I1111 producliolls 11ft· SCl il'li ulI -lis t thull we c:>ver 1!11j " y,!t! in IIcknowle;lgcd to be fir st CIH~~, lind I the p" lllli c SL d ll),s of our COnll\' CliulI ! cr~o.nslVliopl\lr\Jl\izo Ilimwdlllclc r , lVi ,l htlieVI81Iol-(now r cs lillgin Ihe D. B. EBERLEY, Iq;rt:L hll\ini done 'llo. l 'lnn", ~i1l'nccti' or Ibe P"rlldi,e of 1111 1 \Vlrlll> ~ to IfI rnrm hi s p"lrtJlIS UII,I llo p
und \\
IIghin I\m ong u~,
I . L I (J U 0 R ~., S I~Iyl<'~'i."t' ru';ne" rnrl' 0~~'"
'T S
I Df~}116'Stl(·'
who, ill h is line, i8 gllnerally aellnowl· I, II ut!- \v ilh ou l 8 HUpp.flor " . WHITEWASHBRU SHE~' ' l eo"eu e
. . I ' . 'WT L " 1 Ft RS 1'-RA1' I.~
III Inrae q' lftnll' ly and' 'e I':/IQnt qU ' lily 'n.J 1 n 'I of homo mftl. o. nllYlIys in 8upV y . D I') , . 10 mairlloill 1119 repUllllioR F ur m(',l i.. ill,,1 10 w hic h th e nt. or ' IIS lI ouse 11 8 " ne or til e I\Ir. 1)I ~d l ey IItld hi s o~8 i 9unts will c ia"" s pare no l' l e fll iU II "I P ItI'""' '''IIM i f'~ II('ciij lly en ll (!J ; P UIII S 10 g i ve
lof Ihe I~, ' ·XI'I'CI" d. n(~rHOn 9 \\' lll l ,..
.A INC .
O:::r Bl'llillfj'll ll lld 1I1uIII'oe' s tt' D cent
Th e he6 1 qunl ity o r
'8enrlll !JI"\UUl' I'S of llIlI 18Ulh H,eg't' j" lu .... out wllh well· I on Lhe mornin g Ihe vi siled Wlly"es villt3 IJdclly on MOllu>lY . tilled I>IIHkelft. IIlL U' give lhe reo I!JLh .• Mi st! Mary L. Koev e r, In the ' U U"I",e n 110111'1y we IclJme uome . . lU :h y e Rr of =-=~ In:r lige. 'l'he y . hllve r 6tulu etllo Columbus lO be tlline ~ p~itl oli'. Rflf!r which we ID"Y Hpect W(I!llIesville, July 2 5. ''',,)'oetiville M .... kels. Lht:~
u~cp I
IN UI'l:IIt1Ues for SAle lit Ihi s uffice. Hil l Ohi o, hus betl1 iUl'iLI:d. And : mC II t I) s.
0 :.... , II PAINT . - BR.USHF'..
• ' lll u s. 1.1i n CIII'd~ lII)H. t'nliJlt-d 'Olll' He · 11·'111 be l"I lu rning I} u "ut:~,' which WIll npp euI'ill j COL 0 N E L
leo A L
-O F-'
IIturGIlY UeXI. .I n., .'g h urlll ood • ",h o 1: 1I " e'bee u . in our I\LIl0 rLlllcli ut e nt l' d? \ . Il nll " nr rny, l il llt hUl' e BUn',I\'l:d lhel -.- --1----:- ~Ir . · U. I) . l Hl betls !lnd Mr. A . 11 ) .1 b i d J:;ir AluE' rl H alOes re ce ived fl Rp I' e l O I l a n~\ a lll rrlt'u d y. t \lIt ay. . . III' y las' '1, ues dfl \' fro m ti le cut of II I . , , . 1\1' '' '', 11'1 CndH, 1I[1,· j· IIII \, lIlg 111111 1< gotl d f " r VI C() I . . , IV " CX!lCCL 10 .1,I\·tJ II g uo LII IJ C. . , • d rro m 1118 . ill d IU I. l 1\t'llltlc ky B a Llt'r)" art; Ollell I scylhe. which ~ lol'l'e ba ck JU'. J',.
" .
::: ~,O() . '1 7 0'
" . t,l"uu.
.'/li ' ,RU. 0'''.1 8e ll[ by ,""II, 1'REf: : '
PI1I1 IO!!rllpher~ ,,".t uthers ortivrinlr ,goous C. '0. D.., will plco80 r('mil:J5 per' cenl. III llio oiUoun: 01 thein,'rtl .. r, lr:~':', - 'rl", ~rl· ,·.e-,· OIl " 'lUll Illy ", u"r 11"",1"
- l fmillu " 0 ;11.010 1) U. ,: ulIlllI
A.~ • Whe ... ,II. ro ..11 h.he•• hl:......d Ihl f.... W -te . ,Iraul . . ....... 1C'.Il~red 10011.; • Bal noDi Dr bn..,. U • • 011... .
Tbe . h. rp Ihor •• I'Tick ••• ODd oar If ~d r (""l Are COl end bl••tlluil'. and l b. i.rub. r"pte l Their p,I,/u l eOOlfJ l. tnl.-oh, ' .... 1 ,.~",ce l W bo~ ...niog h rine' UI h<>f'li'e !
Pro'" -IU pOrlrunl ot lb_ W ...,. ort. O•~·E 'J) OLLAR EACH I . I r. W.lt Ind afuulh·Weat. 'illlllni I .. d I~ W I;holll ",:" "1111 \'~Iu. ! '011.. b va", ur . nnecliu u. furul e ither lbe .horte'" or
- -C E
IT 8
n A
U!\ I TE D
... , 1'0 P . d I hi N "" Id . 1" 1h e bft wUl e III IlIla f p I. ew A UI_, BOl tol ' 8.\lllIIu.... IILlf W ...llln«laft. 'Ph. r.'" I . I fiLl I . In fino In ,l ' O <!Mc h trlVeler 11111 w ith COli lIoe e. r . , upon ~~I~ (~I~u~:\~1 I.J~J~.t. "" Ii,,, ... ~2u\l " bOO I gu re 1I01l1l1!C lio u . hil/h "peell with p"rfflct ~IIO Ih ' r ' ''''1'''1. to:. l' UriL ri uru. ~tI .: ~\1 s~ll'ty. alld e't!l'Y Ilpplllluce lot comror' 11 0 •• d'.UII!; cJi.hll ~Q" 1~\1 Ihll l ,,,I ll be pro llur f ll. N e w 1 .. 11 t le l ane Tu b e d b Po c d of ",lib JUSPIlI.c h 6011" i~,,-,,\I~..·ra " I ~~.. b~ pCltiijll l'ge r c nrd l fu r dKY alld "'!!ht .ervi~e( WJ1'UOlJ'r R E C: A RD TO C O:S1' . d;::,It,,,: ,," -0 ha VIl rpcell lly b,'e ll udd e d tco I Ci i t , --buDU " ... Iurs 15 " 60 lI)en t of Ihe lle ull dy Ivan l II e n . ro al I ron d. Th_ (lJ.>Qd, ure of f.~llIu"hbl" Ill~, ~I~d 1110 I 2500 .. II'UI I. I' or(\ • .,tI coke .il·. 1 II I worklll '''1 h·p, b",1 .~o ,"~"b c.·tJ ,., h.. kd. 0 " fiu A I P itl~b u rl! tr a in s from Ihe We. I rurY Ih,· II.III,~r 10 r.h . , ,, Ih" propr'l'lor ltD'" p",. bClOO tlozPIr.,ill'l!r lell 1'1100 ( , ~,OO '.: ~~ d Ol dire .t 10 1II'l UI:iO Ii O r. pot. w he re P UKe ,," "a,,·••• II ... II. un ",io ll"d by • ,1"1"" ""I; d ,I 1\11/' 0 gOI .. 1. l"hr •• pooll . ,'L 0.. . . " f d Ih 'I' ' 118 0 1 the wnr. II sho ll 111 he prOluincutl, aCuh:c.i , ut,o. :l I Q uv ld IUlIIUII'" fM it W l1 ll ' h ~ bO H 15U ~ (1 r 8 'H e t ran s e rr" to e . ra f • lil. 1 Ih~l 8r "'Q.li~· o( 2bOl/i.d'~ . gu l""II"'I' "~III< I.d _ .. P Cll ney lvali in CI' "lra l. R Olllv a v, wl~lcb llI CA"""IAN l .' I?ACT lJRE, II",,\tll); e'''c w"h h ·. ~~ .. 770 lellve P illdbllrg olld un ve at ollter POlllt .. A l"IIO: " I" . . AI 51 '0 "uO I"'''-'''''fi " to·. r IV . leh . s .~. II f II . I . 0 u .lU I , IUU itS 0 OW8. .,. ."Illyer.!ur. grt'811) ,"pe rinr 10 I" " " OUt • '11" 1 ~ov d'" " '4" n il!;> I ' I" "11 n JlY EX I'RllaS- L e nv fl8 Pill e burg It ~."
u'" 1.<1 , ....-k ow wl,. l ' uD b'· .... III rer ~1
A OEN1S Fa a
P -
SI'I~ndIJ l.h~
European .anti Kad'r. Jlamif'acturer"
howing t he !l 8W Slat e 01 N en lla a n ~ 'I·e.rritory u l iliuIIIRIlII. cc"' t ul " lhg" cU!') l\'" ;, ••• be. n " o" nd.d hy Ihe bu nlen' "art; of <A,1. T r um boll '! ::ligll rors 01 t he U tot:· O d r ~J "" . re . err It e",.". and our !te.,I. fa retitln 01 I lIdl'pe nti II!'I', L I. t ul B"Llles S~.reb (or Iby conlln~; "Ii.n Ihe ,!,hl deparH of Ih Pre!l~nl W Kr , I'up uillt io u ul Ihe • . ~ ~i! n in~, ~ riilg ua It OOI I. U lI lled S IDle • ill Cou II I,es. ::lizp 44x40 il,cltn . - MOIl' Ited o n roll The dlrkn ... galbe.... Througb Ihl gloon, O Q er8. ~e D t 011 recilipt of 1,60. • Iar
H a vi n ... for d isponl ove r ONE MILLI O N or d~\lu r 8 wunh 01 fine 11,,111 Illlt! silvt'~-w.re. a ll d I. lluy . r liole~, i m" J rled nnd A mericR n , \V III d ll> puee IIf e \ ery. a rllcltl. lit l!j:!l t'!kh, w lthu ut rellord 11I · \' ft III • In t he IlHlIlDC r up lLl IY etuted .
or-.'YllJ,,'IPII'! U n" 0 a r
3~1~11: :: iu~:i~I~'~'
~,l lto b
W \ Ve li re co n! t an l ly rrce ivin g 1111 Ri ••• topl". ua. We haY. w~ n d~,td f.rren frulD o \,r gu n l B V>r""ghoUI l he MAP OF 'I'HE WO RL D.' t!oUntry. 8l1yin/r tl ,,,t flu r llovda \Yun lur \ ·hho •• lb,. lilll il we I<no .. OOl wh .'re II. are . On lIl vre.lo,·» P,ojecl io n , tillu\\' lng Iht' Y""I:S, Wlllill II,." nrLt cll!d o"'tnllle'~ lu r o n e A I ~en;0tr. bring UI hoUl •• r pce l,l Arctic nllll t\1I:Ort'UC DISCUV ·I\::,.. dulln r pncll.lIIr n hlnck. lind ~1,,,tllI' 0 \'cry Thl doud. ar. ro.n~ u •• and Ibe slIow-dr,(la 1 ' he i'orI4. L.lLleS of '-l: ru ve l, Iliteriur 'lIu+ 6ltotlli m e! T u 1111 w ho !t ll ve hnl l t! l( pe. tur l e d {1101 U IllJr uluj billt 11U ~'k ....1. Itbuu t 11 3 t L. 5 U1MJ go ld ", ~t hU t! 11(' (' '( f hlln9 . H 4 I hlC~e1' ; , •. dill-I! 'I'uwos und I''''dl~ uccur~ tply 1 ~ld.\ r leIlCI1 i ll wentl " !! " uch \loud". we ,erN 116 I· h." .. I cY. r .ulti. 'I'h. "" pit, Iluly 0" !"'- :\1 '\111 ~,, '01 0.11 1 tJ""d brllr ulH. • 6 " III • rl!lei ~"".I. u"d ,h~ III " It 1,,'0111 111'" 0 " (;ult l l .'lOIIII J rI " ,,,I I>v lll Im ,e'" IS o Ih ou, dear Sheplo.rd ! lenn: ua not to .ick,," down. The \l1ap id eugraved U ll ~Ieel, to ~Ioa trulh 0 1 .be bbuY\! s lllle llltnt ! l,:'11 ;t)l'ell~ U b ill . Mrt' PII.\~tJll l ;n ;!o ld ). H111 0fln . [,HUt) ,' lIhlt'l,tin u "lid K llttt ," c hulllS : : : i~ I .. , be WIlt. nll;bt, ou,,*ruy foohup,qu, cklu" hillhl y ellllil'"idh~d, Ull t! llI11ull t ed III l h e Ou r G ood s lIrc o f Sul,e rior Qnal i l y. l u Hl VI t' IIiMII Iht~ ,.,. . , rt ' 0" 0 ' m ill.')' yl II", lt f ' j iHUIJ ~vll1 h ll l' tllltl );u ltJ 1J111Pllhll~ .J" H bedl stV Ie. I lcJ.-", o H¢ rt" tlh, UoI I O I IIl: puL IIl' , r ofll~dlhll t: ,(1 lit! I f lf,.. I. tll lf' lul dl\:op., ~o . AI "vauing., brinK ua boone. \1 I JUou III V "'W IJl: l la\' ll tllH.l ~ I u r - Fnuer', Magnl ine. S ize , 36x44 in clt e8 . ~cn\ for $3. O:7" \ Veco ll pnrt icul . r nll c n t io nl o l h (' ''''·''· UNLYON E DO L L A U I . 1I 11 " ~ ~M rdrlll" 4 '.: 8 c h'dce a"d rld l n~SIH I IlI I· " t ' '' at lY e hA rO I' d ,,500 eMil I vl'"1 " ud """'rllld d o 4 ti n Tr,·lorical and Mtlilu~' .I1111 of tlt6 oO 'l' r l u Ill e p ~ b l l c, lo r I wo) dullu re coc h ... ,11 he chllrl:'cI for UII)' .rl"Je 0 .. our. I~I, r~ .1 41111., Culd,;,·"," tI,u " "",.! I"'" 2 ~O .. Itl Will' of \he !lose •. U l.c 'J r 'J llll~l!ulUtnt: pun' /III , t r II ced n u l 1I'n~u.~ 11 II HO()O . , ,'dtoh&. ' I .. , \\ .~t,li .. ke) "'2;;l) · ' ~ Nu url ic le tu un p ni,l lo r lIlt li l yo u ore k" u wa wl,. 1 II r. .. I., got! '1' 1110 1. ." n!lMei '",uo ~'J" 1 ; ," 1'0 11 . 1,,".. :1" 1U Greenfie ld, QI ,l·O. glor lc's in a sens a I II I fl d lu Ihe vo lu<l 0 1 Ih e arr icle wllh "", "h ud u"cu"'''J >.. F."pullll i 51 UU 51'" , ullIO"C . bll ll " "' . . I U y.u I. 'urd " I''''''' o:' ufl.If:;" , IOlk. vi "\V" ' ) "lit .II"I •• NI. R" S tio n. 'fbe ladi e,s ' of lI ,e tOWD. on Ib e Co nt oilli ng , on 8 I ,,~ge s cnle. til e en u re I YUI ' are l u g e l. , " ", dar I'r .. <l u" " """ ~ OOti ~ul" 1I.,,,,bh s, 1" " c ol •• &c . ; ' '.: ti l o11~' in8~: . m llde a d esce nt on Lhe wbis . l e r r it ory e rnlJr ocp. d III th e R ebe ll io ll, 10- \ L i.t ot Guuds to "e Ho ld al llV o Do l lors Til E } > LA N I S S Ufi' I. E I I""UII I.. "" I.. rk . " 2.,0 . 111 I k . I I .1 d )' I e d I 11 Illee o lld Sk i rllll~hp8 0 1 the e uc h : IIIUII II .. '" ..'". ; .. ""g IU ' ~ u Y S lOpS 10 lle p actt RUu emo IS ' ' utlll !: t le l\ ... . ' _ 0 'rht. IHame or . u,-It arricl " olTtrt,-' (o r sa l~-8A ~ -llllU , "Id "~' tIIJH.1.1' r I O.lU'., t.! t l" . :! .. ti the sloc k on hand. For lhi s r a id ill W a r. e ll clused In A II CB t P uc ke . \ "se l ( O '"U10 Ild pill S $21>01 0 $500 [(; ,,111 II """".,. 11' •• 11 11, t."ld 0 , 11 1. 11" .. " L111lee • . " ""U I~ I..", ~ .. I.• 1'11111; ~ .' IU times of peace lhe whisky d e al e r s were w hic h 1ft od ued, in Bouk fu rr~ , O.B " IC ' a I lJ lu lI~o" d rlll ~8 :ol JO 10 ~UU , 1,.1. 1'.111'1 11 "", 1'1''' ' "lid (.:111'.1)",1'" .h . " I" II., . 11 .... 01 ~v ld r"' ~. . ~ .. II d Ii d r 'e T wo Hundre d Bulli es ~ultller6, lUa ' \ G"ld FII~I Il;h ' ove rwot chod 1.'>01 0 3U2 I ,..-,II,,, u, ",, , ,, rtl ",,,f Hnc/u.ed ,,, nse,, lert e ll ' "',1 II ., ........ , ",,,I "e "fl"'·g. 2 :,0" IV Iln as l" mo e o , G IJ ": II.er,clI l·,tlV. IU U IO II"" 1'1" "t'<1 " ' II 11I11 "Il(,.'.. I,' or","t1"."", nd ' ;" l>8 drelllDgtltelrlHong at ley . now comS I nr ece ll'l ofb Uc . I ,v ~., 1 ' 1 U uO IO ()UO III , h .... , ... " ' .. . II""' ..d; ll". o l,,. IIo rt'.r' .rc. 7oUII -cl; 1111111, ' Je " c,,) - ,. I nee uiL aUllin" th e rnidin'" party ' cn D I :Sl lv~ r f, \I :: ,., o . " .. " "I ... II I, lw. ", V It. e u ·" I. ' '' r '·... 111''' pnSlI II . b " 15' It
Border and Southern Stat es,I
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. ., ,I· N e w York,
IJI lode lph lll nt 10.~7 P 1\1 • \I Lt Pl b ,,'660 J\\ AIL L, Nf- pnV Pd I l ~ ur g . . A. [\1 , SH,pp ' "/! 01 1111 r l' l: "I II r ' /\lI ou ll ll t ,, 1 11 45 A . 1\I ., HorrinUllr j! P . 1\1 ; orrov;'/g al 1'IIIIotlc l"hi ll . nl I I .~I/ P in III1U N il II' Yur k , v i.. Pllllulhl ll,llIlI. .
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PIT TSBU RG AIIID ERI E MAIL _ L e ftVP8 I 2 U P [\1. s tu ll l'''' g nt n cn~lv Alrlve s lll . AlLuo llut 8l7.2U 1'1> IIID IIn;ri . liurj{1 2 6A . AI.,ulldl'bil • • . .• 6 O A ~I ue I[1 Itl II II t " •
I }J 1I1 . hur u ut li s' III~ ' .
0 0 IlCn tl on1\l I f'UILAD F L.P IU A g XPRr.ss-Lenvea P lttsf, OO ;d" I' " ' 1' """. ' . ' " .. 15 I. ... . 1 "; .. [. " 8l0ppill" ulily ot [I,iI,• nt'c. I"" 01 , ~ . " 0'''' u ......... u , .. llr. IIUy"."nUa CItlZllna 0 . I Ie towu u a I ",,"110 'Ihe ,f.n •. tOOOO 1;,,10 1 I"''''. , i" '''' .. Ic" . io" c lpul dl nll .>',.. A rri ves ul 6 lP ml!etlng on tbe eVl'nlDg of th e. 1311 1, 8 to I... r " ,,' lum .I,·1i II .. ) 00 . h;,: " ...... 4 " · 10 : P Ill , Alt oo llu ' 9 35 P. Ill .. l-hrTlti burll Ilndrll80lvedto8tandbylhe ladlesalld 18 to "\l IJ '·lh".; , od, recl lO " 'u " Ih e I' I.rlili,,, l v "".1, 11 0 l{ 6" 10 ' A.N . Ua ltllllvre 7A. nt .. N e w York, VI .. like true geotlemen sec litem Lbrough 15 10 Uti •• , . 11 ,. ' he IJl IZC., \ 1 til e 1'l'IlIl c tl l'll ! " ,,'d 'I:: ': ' \I li d 1>01" tl l c">11'" Il e l:t,,\\.", 10 /I Pit "t 7.06 lhe Lrouble. lL is reporled lhl\t aboul 20 to 3U I I" . u" .. "".f " ~ IhP l'hro·II ".er-ns 1>1 • " ,,,,pie. " 1", lde," 15 •. 25 ' A. ~I. allu New Yurk ,t via Philad e lphl_, It " , 20 to fi b t 11' '''''''1 J..llldIOpSl lIul13 , r U i§ '1 )/ U\III1)U UII ).!, . ' 'k ) '-" ~,!j '.. rl I l IWo bundred wilne8soa have b lle n' Rub · AGI~N'I'S \" ANTED •• cu e .. I I III I 2U \ ~,",,,~wlltJ ('o " ltl "nt 'Yoll r II"·,,, ." ,,1 h~tI " ,' 011 1 I ~ono In" ... ~ 1:' ' ' "rlllllb~; ". ~ •. 10 nt I!l M. :sll'e plll~ ",nrd rUIl I '!OUK I P ~Daed in tho 'fhe besL lega l I I " syr uJ' ,. lIp a wll I 8a vers 0 I I~ j;'" 110. ", \I,' - W .. ... ,LI , ,, .. d ""lo ll" , ,,,I II lu ' 5000 duoIt,,,r '"'' " '" ' " '. . (: thl" !ruin lrolll P i ll a bllrg 10 Uolllniore I l '11 I • db II e IlId i' 8 F or Ihe nbll ve alld ~ony oth r r pnpn nr W", te , g ur Hu lv e ra IU lu. UO \ (r.. ", lilt, .'''1'"'' · po rt " .. " I "f II ,'; IIi IOIIlj; II U 01 AI: RAN IJ ALI·. &. .0 . I l'ltilad e ljl hlu ulIIIlo New Yllrk,vlu Alh:n,. 'a I!n WI . emp oy l1. y I \J work •. Se lld (or u Calol u"u e . wllh 1 " /!,u lil l' IS ond ClIp8 6 J j u 85 . '1 ",01 II' ,. . .. II ieh ""\)' I... I"" f. ". d O • .c. ",. Mnll" rne"\"'r, ' I I' WII ' _ • and'ftrt:indIS to be ral8e dto • 'I .. 15 to 7 [' ""," 0"" " . ,\" " ,1100'0 10 v. "'''I C 110 fll rlh.< l· . .Nc w\' u l k. Pltl ebllre 119.30 tbe caso · &horoughl),. and 88 It WI OI oy Be I1t 10 Ampri cn n /\ d., co lf.. c 1"11" I II 70 ' lit. " )'1111 I." " .. I I" " d . "I' \\ h. (r"11 ,I " . A • II I II of II," n " o ' e " , I of goutl . I ' . ; Iy at nrillcinnl stntiIJIII. • t tb • I r tl Co I . A 389 n I New ' I 7' 1;' ° 1"111 1 _".1111 " 0 1\I .. 'e tx a""" • • u, . u y o ur ... ,\1 ..boou,,, " I.' .. P. ~I . • ¥ u pping u I .. ,. c o me ufe ur o n'l\'oy , 1 L nd ,ps t' lIulll e led wnl.· ICS e . ulol fIJ ' 0 ,," 0 .. 11", ,.,,, 10, J\ rrl y eon At n ,n A M Hllrri". • a C • nex. erm . , 0. .16 . m- Ve r1t 8111!.: g Cll CY· 1(), ~ I I~5 0 C !l lIl I lI~ " IU l • • ~ AIIOOII". . ."t . ,w . ,-"tI • •• mon P ellS ourt. an Interesting lime Yurko , , G uld c hni r lulll e Cll bll. lj () 10 . , , T ' II ()F.I'AIt'I'I1IENT. I" "(1R! t 'luellc,' ,,' th . gre. t ".gnn t"", nf 7 .30 A. M., 12.20 l' . III. , msy be looked ror . A corra~pond 'tnl Gr\ YLO RO WA rSON. L u ug till P. I,"k Chllltld I ii to 6 U, " ,\ C . Ir., d< ' " II, " , """u lo<'lu r ll'~ d' , !r ll' " ul b"g . NO'w Yurk t VIR Allenlown. ~ . 46 PM •• lhe Oibcinnati Commerai al dll1lOmi (SucceBsor to Pltel pH & W ntl on,) \I eSI Ulld fo" Chlllllg J (j 10 ti() .;00 1'lI lr III I.. H ' go ld I' "n l "'~ I II '" €i>1I 10 ~20" 111".1. l it lo ,, ~ h Ih e lV II ' h.IVI"):" I III Il il Ii .. - u p 1'1 ' 1 I ' I I lo t 12 f>U r III allli New Yurk ,t . •• . , 1 Ltldlt:'t:" ne c.:k cllOl .. e 15 to tiO .\tI1 li t "S H tit oj I, H ' r ~o l d l,UII1 '", Cil SC ·10 Iv 17:" ply ut ru ll u n. " ' urge qu I l1 l11y 0 ' V'~lu l\ hll ,I I'!' (: P II, ' . ' , Datll8 the Lwo parties. red and . w hi te j 6 D"ck mat i 8, re e l, New Yurko . 16 10 40 ... I", ,, ,,,,!; c II'e au 10 Iuo . t. ,., "" ',; 1" . 11 > 'nl "!" le,1 (" I' . Ih • .1,,,)( luh Vln j h Ilud e, ,,1I 111. 01 6 4 2 J. III. , 1I08ee,' and propheCies an IIlIlmatlld UvallJoud lir~ce le l8 , 11111 ,.d .. , gu ltl "",I e " u,"cle" 11U1I1! """ h i, It A, I" "II , " 11 1 Ol! 1.11' s" l. "' \1' 1< . .. u,, · . /lr eak!asl. tSIJ~r. Dmner II ~tem or warfare a8 the raid e rs I\re a ~ Link" 1210 20 1 '''~ 1'.,-0 3u l" KII I "y . ",,, I ,,,uslll "'v ld III "")' .~,· "n, t· .. U".'''.r , . S · did Y .' . 1'lulI'" 12 to 2 5 1 1,,11,' ''1 I.. ver " Ivo" h'IIIli"g ra se :ltJ 10 vu Ili tS t' ,I RI< A 1\ \) .\1.1". & (0 .. D illfy, IIU o/lI t r "QIII.4, lin 0'1' f xcep t . mos t de.l peoplc \ IInl • , J e l& '.lId" 10 to 18 ilili O lor Ih. 1" "' "" '01 I·•••" l l"''' '' Tichel s lor 01110 10 BII5101\ by boat or propose to hetlle now and forover 1 • . d b I 1010 15 .. p'" lace :'llIo 1>11 ,.".."oII1CI .. , ",.• , hllv e " .v .,·cll " I' UII ... I A I nonlllck c I8 or.U on an'v of lhit whelbllr wbieky .11,,11 be lIold with im l')"d 8 .' • ""(1 000 000 ' I Cllllu .. Ii pI. All 0 foncy rnce P.1S .1110 I' 01,,11 1 "·ver " h'cl O~CII lucu 2, 10 Gil ' C;,fl A1'1,n .. """I,.." I I be III fille d '" c" " iI ",; I" ~ I . d ' . .t' .g II .... I w . . . • 111 ClleS .,-... I , . S ,·lllulre olld 11 ld bruoche8 )210 2 5 :IOu S.\I.6 _d ver JR 10 If,. ,nll lJ lVIIIg r~l,:"I" I' O'" .,,,UII 111101.. ARK 10 II POlnl1l 1\ u pUlllt)' IQ tbelf millet. ' . \ ellr81, Olllerilid UII'U opol do. 2U to 311 JEWEl ICY DEI'AR'I'I1IEN'I'. C.rlll;"" ,,'; 0 1 I!,,, .''''''' u, ,,,I :,:,·. fin, P'1I1 UI UII)' raUlI.'. ---..--By 01111 orlly 01 II,e S err c rury of Ihl' Pair. nrrni e ls lur chihlr e ll IU 10 ~O I ~. J I " "".1" 1"" 11,,1'>""""1"" ",.' . ..·. 1,,01 111'. IIlId S 1. E E PlY G CA R S d 'd . d I ' I ' l\los ulc c.ltul cluH," ouyx 300 lIoUIlI""d rin ga I$-!U 10 $1 2 0 wh. " o rd . ,.·d. " rc l. h" 0 111 ,dlh" ul _ nJEPTIi OJ' TilE SXA -Deep len Boun • Tre8Bury, tha un IliA 88S0mp( I I ' I ' ., ' 15 10 40 3uo !!i> nt s ' dinnr u lIII rin!!s 2 U IU 1110 10' h,, "·.·. " " d -.·,,1 ") " ,,, d. Ih,, - .10"" "" On . I . PI ' 1 d' New York ing. Lave a~ IRSt bucollle 60me thlllg , i UII' u p~ ~llrurO"8 .. _ . ,",'n.,l,. ",. 011 rece 'pl 01 Ih e r< r ll/i , III~' . .'0" flIlllt trallls to II u a, '11' e r~lilll·le. The result it tblll tho the Geller"l Subscrlpllon Agen cy lor the , Cuil lllrniu dl"1Il0lltl eurdrups I f> to IUU 3UUO 1;,,1 . dllllllUnd rlng8 3 10 15 ",II "I' wh nl 1 0 " lire 10 I." , ,.• ",,01 Ihr .. ,' If II I olld B"llIlIlure. nllggogtl uhecklld lhrough J" '" U T N I I Chlllt!U 61 0118 eordrup. ) 5 to 40 30 uO IIoUIIIIIIIII rillg 8 3tu II! ' 011"01'11"" 10-,. ,,<1 tI,. .. IIrucellD 10 far 88 y('t explored, ia nOl s qle of United Stutl'e r c oeur}' U Cd' I I'I"ln urrd enullI. s! eeve cillsps l'\ III 16 , flUUu gU1I1 & CI.OIll . fob fhnine a to 4U I II Ie '" 11" 1. l' uII' """ " hllli9 II 'rhe l'elln"} Iv. Ilia RlIilrooJ Co. w,lI hair eo tleep _al it wall rormerly sup' beBrin2 seven Ollt! three-lelllh8 pe r Uu s tnds /) lu 15 g:l' "1. ' gold vl's ll'l,uius 51u 40 U .. loI Wllld, . D, " ",u ,,01 H",,, . Il r nil.' . d vi nol h88 Ullle Mny fisk fur Jll1g gage. fllCl'pt pOled to be. The grellle.8l known · lIteredt. kllOlNn 01 the \ and s ilver Iltimb:es 510 Ito P'"1f gul,f b"tton. 3 to 10 J owel:)' 0" o u,· Ii. l (ur .. lor W l! llri llg Apllnrt'l •• lId Illnit lheir rl!d e plh in Lrle North AtlrUllic is Ilbout Mlllluiure uuuble luck c ls 1210 2U 40 (JO r'"ir gv ltf & elllllll . " a to IU Scnt! 26 ('ellt8 O. ( .elll ICfltC. . pon s iulilly lu Dlte h :lIId,('d ,Iullore III vul26.000 feet, 01' l)e..,ly live mi lee-not SEVEN ·THIRTY LOAN. G 0 1,1 lUI,t h pi c ks , l\I'rl: W pCII16UUO or iS ge lli S' j!old 51111JS 3 10 8 I I "" Ira " ,,,·Ii on. I,,· I!,,, ,I , "' Po . h.,11 dlllt:::, ut! . A II IInggllge I'x,!eetling thot .m"Dlit mUAh lea. than &'Ie loftiesL mountnln s .Nutes mre Is.u . d · 'unte 0 r I L eli e ll'. 1210 50 8u uu Sl ll ll \) s el & s ig ne t rinltll 3 Lo 12 fur (u ro""'Li "'K " t '('hp.e ed un et I . " C'08~Uft' I ' I t Ih I e Corl,lI.25"I ~. 1' " ) "':::I I"J-tllge I I 1' 111 VI"U t!, Will ue at Ihe ' ridk ul tlll1 owuer. O n -tll~ .. Iolie. ' It is 8Up ' p. oAcd, however. 0' ICd Je wc ry_ Cillil e o, 01'" , \ 80U() fll. SI·t & CO"III . rings 410 I ii .•"d li ll ll' g " V "'",,11" '. ,"r ~'" '·!lI·'. 1\ III" , tJlIl ~dd luke ll by 0 specllil cunlrllCI. o to "'e .nuoll '. a I e o 1 on)' x , p('llrl, Cuitl uruia dill ' bO ",,,,I J, . e ll'C" 1" ... deepAt t"un tlll' betwu"n JlIne 15th. 1865. allu.' nro p"yn bl e tlr tiOUO I IId, C. ' J.rV I·'u nec k l' IIUIIII! " 10 r 11 . "h"" II" III (II ,,1".11 f "' I I L~ 3111"1 and • Un 0 4000 ~~U I , I OVIII· b IIIIlI I>rllc e I~IS 8 to 10 "" tu r.lo ~h. c " \1, ,," 1... ,,, '~'. "I ' '' .,. • ~ v FREIGHTS • LI.01 n,b Lhu Grand BaDk • •bf Yllaralrom lholumo, ill currency, or ar e I moltti, curol, flll t' .U Id, J ~ I, !I::! , Ihllll lor ~b, " " y-6 •• f.... . ~ IV; u,,, Na-rOUU ·'I· ..od. piOIl', guld, Dud cIUdlt!r. (ull (}L)OO ~: .. IJ .nd j e t brucelota 8 to 12 hu"drui 10 ' $ l 5. "'.. II convertible at Ihe OPIIOIl of ,the holde r s ly lop) 12 to 5u 5 uUO g ultl III1lI ellnlll. br,uceleta 8 lo It) 8y th is roule 'Ir('ighl~ 01 011 dtt!ctip. '---'--....... 8ilvl'r pXlension pen-holders 3'ouu Ilultl c hllitl. 81u 31t ' Wha.t the Say of Us. CHII be IlIrwllrtle d 101111\1 from &:ir G e ner,,1 Carl Schurz, bllViOg \ itllO lJ. H. fj-20 Sh I'cr Cellt. olld g old pello 8 to 18 oUUU po,r lotfie$'sleeve bllttons 310 8 1 ' l he L.'II) Cll e ( flHI ) nod) CU llller,i\llIrc h1 8. de lpl';lI. N e w Yurko BUdLull ur Bullimurt•• r e Higned bi8 commis~ion, has btlen 8ent :.lUIIOO arlleltl s 01 J!old prna, , 400t! ,pair (, lIoim. " 410 lO i 1Rr. :, ,.') 9 ' \I, lind Irum uny I,ullit 0\1 the RudroMdd 01 Ly the Prellident to tho GOt.D·UEAlliNG DONUS PI·II.ltolders, liOllt 811d 8 uOO Elvlilnire gold 310 I !.I " .\ h. lte r .. tl,.'. d. ",ore VAr;' 11 or (". t,ill ".' 011111, KeJllllcil)· . lutliuno, lI"noI8, Wi N1;;014111 on. tour of ob8erntion as 10 Thcsll bllnd8 are worth 0 J1remiulll ' gold, gold r l' II I'iI P, ChOlllS, GUuu I: orlll, "pili & 1'111 . "ruoches 3 to 12 1,1. lI..orl", . ,,1 of j e welr.\' """"011>6 f.","tI 0 " 1:0"0 ' 11. 10Wd IIr MisliOUri, by riliruad dlLhe wOIkl!lg of emllllcipalioD, the loy. r iflll ' , bl·II ~ . iJuckled. e LC. 1010 20 li llOO ,rllrpeo ulld pe. ,r! cururol'l> 310 8 ,II" CU III",. "I,II.,,, An ""d" I".v. (' II . ,e ,,"\1 ree' . alLy or the "hiles, tbe conditioD 01 Iho I wltlch . ItlcrCUtles Ille nelunl profil on lite • Tlte 250.u90 urt :cles ore printed ur 7UOO Musil iI', J Ul . Lnv" And •• II;''-;'' g 1\1.·..... AI'rIl ,"I . I~ &. Cu 'JI" ' '' p~ 0 The Pennsylvonia .C>enlrol Railmod al. . I ' E~lIr, Irop s 3 t0 10 hll:: "'''''''''r"; I I''kI". r.10" ,,, . ,, e' _" so fullhHIS Hl Plllsbnr.. wit II t<leolller8. black., and the fil;Qe •• oC Lhe leyer.. 1 7 · 30 lOin, Olld ite exemplion from SI ~11I wrlnell 011 ~ I,e 80"," IIU'", ber SipS 0 f pa· .r"" IurCIIIIIIC I,n h1,11''''' "h ..'1011 ,' ~ Ili""p ,'"111''' '' "I''' 1 ..""f 1,."l State8 for immediRte reltorl\tioo. per. n"d eHh ~ enl~t! .e parlll r: ly il) 61"811 10000 co rul,"pRI & am. eurdrops 3 to 10 1 hllr . 'n'llII" nt o ",.) be 'III 1'1 11·,1 I. re l... 11 "I"'" uy which /!OUUd call ' bt! lurwlI~"ed I~ .IlY .nd munir.ipallnxntion odds Irom J lhl to Qllvelupe@ i nnlllYh,e 1l \I,L1erl'd, nre tak e n IUUOO, lII i llllllur" luck e l" 4 10 10 I)o lh " , I... lit. "', •• nc lor of Ih. " ~ pod . "tid uc~ess ib'fl "urI on Iho Qltlu, MUdkillgUIII_ lhree per cenl. more, occorJinll to Ih e oul, IYllhulltrC'!!Urtllo choj,·e . IInll B" 1I1 lu IUOUO lIl"pic e prllll: dll. 8 to 2b Ih.· ",,,,,,,,r ,I r <1 .. "".,,1. t" ,I, 8 • " .. , ., hdty. '" T"nn c'I" ce. C U\llb~rl.nLl, ll!inlJi8.' MI ~.i __ ~ Fred. Kleever. a blackberry lite ndd,p ss urd e r nd by \rIoti. Nu f"v"~I1- \tIUUOI plni" gold rill!!s 410 12 .. 11 P"' " of ,h. 1'111", In , "". " ,, 1" " '1> I, " ,," . oil'pl . l\li •• uurt, Arknll" u IIl1d R ed Riv\!ro; mtlchant, Ii few days .~o, ,,~ • poinL rate I eY\e l 'liller- iSIII id ShOWN. On recl· illl to f i N UI!C~. ' ' Je\le I ry, go,u ' .'1 "'0 III t Ill ufi hgf'nt l' ~ nlld ,r fl!l.f ve o f, nUl' d S ulluus .' ~_yan d CI I.III "I(u . d UII 01 IIcr prop e rty. ' fIe lie I UU OQl s cts l .. ti,es ,.011"" ,I,,,l"i' Ite" 10 ,"I f1I'\' S! Ihl."".I '" (.Ill111e nnd III CI l'WI' Iun. .ix milee (rom ,Le Ohio river. oppotiite e~ l is plyuble in curre llcy sel11i- onnUlllly, yo" CUll ece whul you C911 It 0\' I' for ~ IV" Hlld Jel 5 to 20 t' III'"'I"''' • • Ih e) 1118) do &0 \I'llh pI "f. CI co ufi - wil\] e tcolIlPrlllu 011 POrlll U\l Ihe NUflbMlldison, Ind., WIIS aceo.ted by 1\ mRn " .. lIarR! Purchas ers !lilly Ihus obllllll s 10000 do. \;um('o, penrl ctc. 5'0 20 d C lle~." \Yesl~rll Lall t!8 . . '1 lO "to 17 Me rellullis 811d ehipJlera fnlru.'in~ the. on borleback. who presented a pistol, by co ni II 8 o,luch e d tu c bch IlIIt,., which Gold Watch. 1)Illlll0nd Rill!!, IIr oth " r vul. IUOUCI !{ill olld j e t orncele\p, I 10UO(1 III II & . IluL suppurlers 2 10 12 oBGH'T r)nTRI IJVTrol'.tnr. orpo"lnn,ly i· Irallsport810n i ' J' rell/ul . I. Lo 1I'II. and m"de him siand aDd deliv e r his IIIAY be cUl off olld 80ld to any bank 01 uo bl e ortic Ie ' for).tle a h ove timo II 8um. . J~t • ••• d f0r nhlA"""/( """A.1.. . . "h.,,, •••1",,,,nn,1 0f l Ilelr money. fotl1~ one Wollb s. Th'!! ro'bber lWllk e r. In ull trnliS OClioliS by mOil, we c horl! e rll' ,," • • ,Iv,"w" , • • " Ie., bj' 1\J~" r'. AI' r"",h,l . CUllll'unV, con rc ly Wilh Ilu~lfillellce Ub U. tpn cent8 fur cOHespond~llce " pos hlrj1 e L t. SII.' En·I'LA TED WAllE. & Co .• ' I No . 1117 UrO"""·ol. ' I h, Y h!t" ~ nil l!J1t'e tlv truntilt. l\teD ~enoun'tld qia viclim as . a 'd-d The intcre.t 'mdu~t& to Selld t e n c e nt s UIIU I!"t u Ce rtifieul e - looon c"p~ 82 10 $ 20 1'" 'III en''' , 10' ~ ul II rill I, . : "n .. "'g ill .. 111 1' . 'I;h~ R lI'tes .of Frelg-ht I() lind fron. rebel,' aud made off. '-12 lur one dull uri 30 (or lwo do\1"ro; 8 U) 0 III ' .1101 Are olle " " 01 " "" 'II QII .... ,"·h. Th e lit . poinl ill Ihe Wcst. by the Pellnlylvania "I) Olle cenL per tluy 011 a S5P. note. 7b f Ii .' II U l 11 els 3 10 IU Iflhll" " n,~ v~ ,)" fll,r1) ,I, "" - 1nil n!!r •• '0 I . k. R r ' 1 ur ve uO U18. IUU"(I I" rings 0 10 IU n tfrll lkul (1n fn( 'f JIAillnrll d ",cnriu"f'CI'Il . " lllr"l 01Ir08 "U, orA~.. aL '.ll lllnA. v pUlrn"ptin .. Oti "V ~... '-ao &1 10_ r If '1'9\' 0 ceull .. . , . WiLbin A tlolle'lI tbrow of blew8LOU " .A: G E NT S WAN TED. 2l1lJO curJ l.u ~ k eI8 410 16 ,' "v.l ope . ",," Ar e " 0 1 "'1""'" In I'"), l' O'" vorll;'lc as ore churg,>d by ""lIer RallrtJICS arL', new marble bOUIA on FlfLh Avo'l'lln 8500 II 30 ~ 1I cllkc bllgkl'18 6 I" 20 rI .. ll " r ""I .,,) 0" nr c ' '''i.fi,,1 w.ll, 'he IIrik l.·. COlllpPllic~. " " Any AgPli1 et:nding li S Fiy r. Dolin,. 81 nue i. " dwelling rerolly boliev,d to be ·1000 ell_tors Willi bOIlI,,~ 5 to 2 U "I""h .. IIf " '·I" " ,I. hI' <VfI 'll, "" ••. Ih." 11".1 00- ijll particulor to mArk PIl1kllll". 20 $1000 " OIi P. 11111<' . 8hJl II re.:elv a by return mu il, ill llliunted. I, is Iln imposing lind e le 2 ( . . ",,,,,nl. au,1 "' '' Y h. $ 50 or 000. An " ,",.1. "VIA PI:.~N A CEI'lTR,IL R. R." 00 I Ir.e pitchers JU 10 2U I ~"I 1110"1' Ihl. "I II"·,,I''' en ", ,, IIIIr,fN. Y. .. ' audition 1\1 Ille 70 ccr\llic~I "", Olltl ul 0111' $1 $ooOu •• gant building. It has been occupied 3 to 8 S"",, "y T"" • • • r t hnlllf) 19 l Sfl5. F'ur I"reight ' Culllr~cI8 or Shipping 'Di. II r licl e R, tree o( cus i. volu pti al 1101 le8 ~ UUUU ~lIir ""lIpr knil' e~ nlld Rb tmdohe d by three funtilies wilh . NOles of all Ille uCQominotioll8 nam ed thAII till eell duli", " , os k su"'ple to s huw liuu() "u u." " rA ler &. ~ravy lodles 2 10 8 ~!I'"'' Arr",,,I . I. & e n h"I'~ lo ng her" reClltms. "I.ply 10 or aduress ('!tho. 01 Ibe • in a few montba. It ia \lOW OD til\! IUUln Pltg'"ved pie kllives J to 6 IlI'r' nlllllly Lno\vII 10 u• • a,,,1 W " h. I"",e lll .. ", '0 lullowing At.:ente 01 Ihs CUlllpI1I1Y: " tu hi'; (rlelltl~. A ddrro8 will be promptly (urhis hed upon recei", warket. S . B. A'ngaton. Jr ,. Pltilada. 8 UUO d, .ze n Ie ~ poo"s. per doz. b!u Iii · h . . ... ,) "A) 1I'0,lhy of 1',,"111. confidell ce. 6UU O duz ~ 1I I ,,1t1~ s \)00n8 8 24 N. Y. ~c olli.h A.... "c"n J ... ur",,1 RE~;D & DROTHER. ------~,~ ~ 0 1 aubscriplio>ns. BIIU the 1I0tes (orwMrded 7 to 2" B. &: ti\;U\JIlluz"11 u" ...n •... • ...n rl IUlk-a W e tll~'i e in~p f Ch~ (I ! nt the om" f! rf Arrnn ~ 0" W. k BI'CJwn .P. C CJ'Co .• <.'tn·ti. nux 5138, New Yurk City. 1'lle Columbu6 (Ga .• ) rllrollir.le ot once. Tile ililcretll 10 151h July will 6UU(f d02.en tuble lorks 8 to ao ,1"le &. Co .• Ag" '" I' (or l:u", I''''' '' 1\1.lIn fo ,·III . ,ar e a: 0., (tlcgao. etltli!1 thlll Gen. Wa~hbutn\j L"s lIecll Haleeroom. No. 54 Libertv Slrel't . I l n~ Jt" .11. '''. n I"'g" H-fln rimt'nl IJ r r)t . hiuIIA L I V E' .8a ,., 0 C . , • bs paid in aUvullce. 1'hld ia :IIe (l~OLD I'ENS AND PENCII.s hI.. a .. d ".IUllbl.. J f w .. lry 01 Ihe n. wl"II'",,>.,II. put in command yf forty·tive Ibe \V e HI"I, 11ll111' f: d u l u rg"'lluHtltlt~, 01 !ollvt·r p late . Of every vllri('ly, (rom 3 lo $3U. ONLY LO"'N IN JtIARl(.ET, lower couoties or Ge,o rgia. H'6 di8' J)rov !'rs .,.d Formers will find Rlitl tlll th' " l"nd 'hUl lilt wh u lf' o f th ... . n 11('wh ARCANA '1'('". trict e Xlend. entirllly at~ ro" ~b" Slatt•. \lOW olfered by the Gov e rnmenl, and It I. REM ElllDEIt 'rilE PI,AN. 1111110 11 /' " H'lu lei IIr t! t o h e d, Il I'"" .,tI of on ft mIJ"1 OtlVMIIIIl)!I'OIIB route for Lille ~Iud " . 1 pllll r ipl e , ~1\! lng' ", rcRI "d\""ln p:(1 l o C"Vltl1 ilJ1I8 YOI'''8, weH walered Blld' JUII'" ,..11 Harrison8 are Lo b. posLt:d ill all the An Elegant Novelty in W'itcnea. In all On"PB lYe chnrge (or f"rwurding 1I0y,, IIU) p r~ , Allci Hflo rdlut! t' At f' n " ,Ve e lilplu\ 1U t: lIl t 'l cOllfidentlyexpecled that ils superior i"l· prlDcipll1 towne. . the C e ,ltlil'nll', lloMII~e. bnd duilll! Ihe " g tmt Ji. . \V e kno w Ih e hrm 111 q tl Cl§ CI f) 1\ 10 he 111t~d wilh cv.ery !c:onvellleIlI1Pj Ilave b.l1l1a } The CIIle .. of lhi~watch are on entirely vonloges will multe il the busin p 98, the 6\lIn of Twenty - live Cenls, y. ry r.o ppel.hle ,,," I II"' rlllIl: hly WDllhj of "prll ~ d on t!1I, "nn Illl~ ild eu IIlechunll, . ) Itew \\IVtlllIlUn, cOIlli'0."11 of 8ix difl'e ren'l .lId i'YI'ry I1de~ lioD is paid '0 IIt~ir WB',le, An oil refinery. to be tile IlIrge8~ ill Grent Popular 1.08n of the Peonle. \ melnlll cUlllllln e u,rull e u l o g e lh ~ r lind plnn. whu'lI IIlUdt be etlcloSt' d in lhe urtl~r public ~Qllltd " "te.-L .N . \'. Alhi" ". ("" '111 Hil rrieullrg, wlt e-re will ire li . un" ' ~ }'Iv e C ~ rtllicale. \\,111 be sr.nt for iI, II Th~ 111 0. 1 e ll!"hl . "n,1 I"ofilllhl. e"'I'I ~ I· ... e nl tho world. is bein" ut'cled in PllIladlll. . Isll ed. IIrIJducllrlJ I\JltI'X8Cl imllulioll 01 18 lur 2; thirty l or 5j s ixty-five lor lUi olle w,\ hA\'f! hf- at.l of ror Inrll e,t l ilt Cl t p. ,lId e o'{ r f r - ev e ry clIllvebielll' e lor leedilljl alld re8tll,, 1 " I Lell81hon $230,000 ,000 of th~ Looll CllrAt !loltl. cllll pd ArellnA, which .. III u I: phia, 011 lhe banks or lhe Sehuylkill, lIiir- ate. fo r tl1f~ (-;, .. at U.tt Dl lt ilibull() n 01 At. " dlllit-e II utffred the Philudelphl,,'! ." hUlltlrel1 (or Iii. , near PoiDl Breeze. 'I'he works will be aUlhom:ed by Congress ftre now 011 lite woy 8 ke e p IL~ ·col... They nre a, be uuti I ", mioti c &. (; 0 . A hll lJ u( tl nr IH ( Jllrtllltllll (: t' hn " New York 811d Bullimore l\Iurkel •. 'I'lii. - , Ata::"rs AilE WAN1'ED , . lui os 8o ritll!0ld, ul,d nre uff"rtletl 01 UII('. hfie n Vf' rv ! lI r r fl'II.c rul 1n till S '"oJ t ,, (, I 0 11')' 'II bUI:t I,rincipnl!y or stone, blick lind i. will 01.0 be found the sllOrtt:dl, qllll:.lte.l markel. ') 1119 orhOUllt, aL Ihe rale 81 e i::hlh III ~ 1:081. '1'1,0 cIIse I~ " t! lIl1llll1l ly 'I'hro\lgll(lut thl' country Lo ODPruie for tlll,,,A. h.-' I" H'" pU -.lle , hut ftl <l f) III tlorn2' A 1:'ood ft 11,1 most direct rUlltli for Btnclt ' t ~ ron. There will he " &Iorngl' room (or III II to th rl ~tl 10 wl, o lll ! he "o l,1 f~f C£tllfi/'a f(;fI wltiull iL is be ing abtiorbet!. will 8 .11 be d<:~ ign('d ""h Panel bnd s hi e ld lv, IIl1nt l' , liS. A lurge oomUC'IISlIlIon \\ III be J1uid. 5(),OOO barrel. o( refined 011. RA Will he 1I.'(n Ii \' our ArI\T~ ItUI ' tlg t.ohltuus....:... Yl'rk LVlo Allenllluln~-allil wllh ., lfl4el> wl wi.h P " !elll l)u81o I~III, nlld e llgrllv lld II, Send lur ter," •• &c . ~lIr!od ill~ gl omp. , .. , I (; (: IIIIt! lIIt' ll CHI1 .. j "O h(' ,hu ' f " h llg"tI .- j .N, Y. Chllll:,:tld thull BlIy utl.er. ~\lbbcribed fur witlli,.. sixly tlIlY_, when the ule eXllcl 8 1yll' of th e cel e lH 31ptf G ... ld Sundo) M. tru,). l\ul;.14 , 13t:4. ENOI~ H LE""~rS, ' •. ';J NEWnORN & Tlte Dayton Journal says tbRt 1I0\es Will unduub~edly commond II pre. Hunllll !: L " Hrs, nnd ~re re lljly h.lIld s l)m e Gen'l Superintplldelli. AlloOIiI. PII. ·i . Th. Ilrili. h Wid A' of Ki",,; . fon. C. 'W • •• ". 75 Fultun l:)lrcel. N . Y. und Je ~ trubl e •• nd 80 f'XIICt 011 illliIUII"" the farmers in thaL vicinily variously - -- _ . - - -.- - - --_._ - i\nv ~6, 1864, "One of uur l a dy I lIbsrr ..h"r~ ,HENRY W. ~ GW'INNER. ··' eslimate Ibe yield o( oals, II.is 6ellSOll. mlum, 88 hos \llIilorlllly been Ihe cose 011 "I g uld ,i. 10 d ~ fy " ~ I ~ I· tiun . Th e Irt ovr' tll" ' a ' ue 1\ 11 Ag-(' tlt fo r Arrnmhd e & C o .. 8"d h.l Gen'j '/'ICkH Agl'nl, P.lliI.., ~ . closing Ihe sUbs crlptiuns 10 other IOUll 8 me l.I" n'DnUl/IClu red b) Ih p. we ll kllUWII 011. TALBO""."S PILLS lit (rom fiftj. to si~ly bushels to Lb" 1.· '11)f 8 ~ hro ll ~ hl 8 0m e tw e nly ,.rlU ItHiI & ~ H. H. HOtJ~'I'()N ::>\. JOI" e r Wllt"', C"rnpbny of Europe. pine ;, Iv r h f' r " S'e uni • t o lh 18 otlke (0 ,. )n ' pAr IIcre. 'l'his Lhey tlc~m lbe u\'el'al:e. III order tlo.t c;lizens 01 ev~ry lown 1I11111· r.: ,uJle rbly ~n i .h e d, h"vin ;: en ll rUI' ~ d CllOl(lo~ed of Idpilly rOlltl'nlr"' Ctl f'lf - IItJ II , R fld Wilt- o ut II; Iti1Hllon. WI' "R ll , tnl e Ih A1 Gen'f Freighl A~elii. ~biJa. " I·t(. Ireels f,ulII rOllla nud h~lb. u( tlo " 10 ~ he ~ 1 t' ltd. Jlllt! fl ll of tiH' Illt lc l ~& " " rfl w h rth 1reh lt> • " ' f f ·1 Dlld seClIOO lIf th. ·c ounlry may be oITo rd. pollel s . IUII ~Y carv~d 1'"U:: ~8 , oIIJIt:! IIU!! I II .. ItlUou nl IJr 10s1 to lh e r .... t. lp, t: l1 ls , uuJ " "U, -In thi~ countr,. U official tobles RhoII" r ugliialur, Wllh I:'olu balance , ftlld I" r. im- IIIrtli c lI,nl vnlue. illlAllible in Ihe rltrc 01 .d tht! 1I! lUX LlUI " "," • th~re nre Ihree millioll UOj!8 kepi, al an l' d lacllilies lor lolklllg Ihe Lubn. Ihe Nil - prov ed J,, \\cll ellucI IUII, Will. I dl u l 1111" ~II dis e uses u( Ihl' J.iVH. or ony dNBIlj!P_ 1'1 t onnu ' i .. xpcnae of ten !loll., s each , 1II0kiuI( tiunal Db R1111, Stule Dunks. IIlId Privlll e . ke le l"" IHlntls . GIIU is lI'orrDlltcd n goud 'l1en ll u! Ihe Dil! es llvc Or!!"II. 1'11~v r ~ \Vp, IUI1C Re fill £l om e vpr f prptf, "1'1 ~ ('ill1 f" fI . (J t movil eli Iloplirili ps o( Ihp Bluod. an.-I ort T hill., ft Qd T,.n .. prw" •• (; n ld W Ulf "f , Lnd u-" " A L,llie 01 Everytltillg relftlitlg 10 Iht" 'hQoo ' Ih irly nllilion dllll.n. 'J'he8e dO"8 ore re. un"'- It ce,, e r. porled 08 de8:royillg one end a h8il milliol' Bunkers lilroughoul Ihe counlry huve 'l'he se wlll r heB nre of Ihree ,liIf"renl unl'qunle tl III Ih e cure 01 D,.rrl'UlD, J'UII- C h1Hnfli , PIli !! , Or,lf",lc h.t tr' .• wh .. II hu, e IH"11 mun s ystet\l. rnllie and leruo Ie. Lhp Cluse" I i ·fHl I ur A, rlludll c &. C'L II) ."18 P"'f' f1 rlJ l nl/" dollar8' wonh o( sheep anuunlly. gCllerPlly agreed to recelvc eub scripliun. S' Z"', Ih e s lll ll ll ~ SI bt'illtr lur Llldlc~ and ,l, cl', D)SPPP" '" S e rullll", nt/tuu s nes _. ,1'0 11 ..· '·. ch'-['\"gci,eu It. purl ..·, i'i . Y., FoI, "lid trp.8lment "r di8f8StlS; II.e marriaQo . C.'I~ IOIl1. 01 Ihe world; how to rnarry .. +11, . ' I '"'' ulllillllllng ' CllieF. A C~ 8e ~(Ri~ LIV e r (; u mpl .. il". Fever • • Heod"clt~, Plle p, 15 . ISB" . ot plr. Subs cribers will 8elecllheir own Dllse. fur -dull!li ,d B Iho\lsontllllllll?sn e ve r publll ht'd ~e. , •• Will be Renl by Mud or EXltre ps lur '$12 5. Herl'd ... ry HUlllurR. -Tlte State, which .eltct Gover:lOr~ A(oJo:NTS •••• W,. ·."I .:::r nl5 in "I" r): ro· .. re. , .. nd Ihe reVi dl!d Iml elllllrlled ~dili0lf! . d Ihia lall .re lowe, Muilil', M0 8.achu sIl IL. _geIl18. ill whom II, cl hov e co ntitl ollcc. A s llIgle nne \\' 111 ~p ~e llt ill • " a nd80m ~ one 1~ 11I In I;'" muru ing. clllidre n hllil u' !!HIIIUI , IIllf l lll t" Vt- I T tn ~fl 'lO ti ('IIII II '\, III 11r .. IJr "l\IEU ' CAL CCHt,ttfoft SEft~E," ~i curtu,tlk " Vermont. Mlnr. eloll, New Jeraev, Ohio, aud who oilly are to be r~ d PonBlbi e In, MVllJ CCO CUde fur $25, Will rco,ltly 8eli pill. F" o ln ou e to three pill s will cure r,(lIIl l lq. Dud Ih o ~JO it l t i ll:: AS siwh "dllie nllfl\\. _ WI8contiin Ind Vlrllillia. fo r lI,rec IIIII ~S thl'lr rll~ 1. We orp sol e ordl,lo ry I'o ses, Dfl U frolll one 10 Iltr el' 1i"1i- II 1111',,,t .,, ,, ~ I"y (;"IIIi, " lo o rd~ rt d h. book lur curioU8pl:!uple. alii! n !rood . booie Ihe Jelivery of tire nole8 lor wldch Ill cy " gp nl 8 lor lIlis Watch in th e Uniled III \\ III cure lilly c urub le clI'e o f 110 mutter Ih e",. prtJ I l(lcd 11"' ir rfl"'\1"",' • • "".",,1. 10 aile f.'r p.very OllP. 49U page~. 100 illu8! ra, I , Pr,CA 81 ,/)0. Conl~otl Iltble.. Slates. lllld nOlle bre g-enuine which do ho w Ill,,!! sl !I ," I'ng. I' rt ce $1 per bux ,1.. 11 ",. " II" o, llllou i "dur'I""" ~ wh,,'" r." he ti u liS. R Dt~. mice, c.ler;>illsrR. ('I~.j ~r'" s.ld III receive orders. ,1 ' lrllt'f l UII aat ' AII " " A~, il lS " III, .. II",", 25 s enl free to an" ,t.ldre8'. -Bouk,. ~aj' be T'IlII !' s upplie u ur .e t:1 by mild . Addre 8s not be.r ollr Trude mnrk. dpc~mp epeedily (rom any 1,Iace .sprinkled .JAY COOf(E, · , ,,1' fll ' ,,,.,, C " "fi •• t•. "".I """, ;1 1:, co", . I ""11 at Ihe Bo";kMtore8 or wiU ue 111.'''& 111 \' . MOTT TA !o B" T'r, 1\1. }) . &. Co , to u t i eith er III "H.:9h t) r po:'tJlf\' ~ I I Olllp. 1 '1 'd ." . GIRAltD W . DEVAUGII & CO . , I Yo iLh benzino lod •. ... . 1 IDAI • O"At pUI ,011 rpCPIIlI <If price. Sub. criptiull ' \g e llt, I'luiadell'lt io. (i~ FultlJlIl::ilr~e l , Nllw Yurk o IlIIpurter. , Ii> iUUldclI L all I' , N. Y. Annt\NI>Al.F: iii CO" , A.IJrl'ti8 J.~ n. FOU1'F.. l\J . I> , 1· 1y . lin nrtllll!\\,uf, N. "\' . ; :.1 tilll 113U Brwwoy , No\\' 'l.'ulk .
Map of Ohio and Virgima, I 'u!l lr-w nro '" A cknowl e tlgp d by th os' ;lIl e rel led itl D il l Sol lu . li ve r alld Landd to be Ihe lie s t y e t pub - ' 0 .. . le BHJl ovlld I l ed l J)u . lurk " 19 form . S.c nl a n r ece i pl of 6 1. ; 1'I . l eU _. \ IJI Ole d rAni bu s kelS
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olf lhe hel\d of tbie "Lady Anne"!' '1 hope be will,' said Mr. Ron BOnheur. The ~n.oD 7beater. But olle bOllle old no'• ·ulliee, Dor ' b u.t I uon't khow. u He III IIwoo d II' ' I . nuwdtng .• f II! mou ,An u 1D~ I Ie wet1u ~ rom two, nor thl'ee; Ibe Ilpitits of Lbe com. good bo}' - L wi sh I bad noL bee n Rmo II Ii 11 I •. 'II P . .1 ' * " . pliny ro se bigh~r and Ligher: lilroog tlO hllrd wilh him .' I ng lC 0 S. 0 11\ ntv!' /, unen 10 :HIS co rresponul!DI of Ibe l'HIlt , Th a r alt, ~\e- Ci~y "etter in tbe Br OARKI K Kl!ER. ork T ribune gil'eH us infoIIll&lionora New \. .ork rrtbnn- ."y • •.. . llodslrollo"@rdrlnks were c" ll nel'OI" - - " - knownlo'SLIIDdl\ ITeat' sinct) d ie nigla l r: I -. n ~ tllnt . ' lIe b 'fh t' silence lhllt foll owed Was b i Ie t ~ ml'le(1 Ili' S rr1enu ··' 10 ~11l·11 . nlce ('Ill ' . ap pears ~ th e wO,ou .chorre r proles li og I Il /l C t UI E uge nic, ""'bo 1 vI.lilled tbe thellt", "'1,I'llh ','a o-ne" The lotilt an,1 " 8ori'011l 6 'Il/arcbn u y Il rllp 011 L he door. ' Ubttle io, to b Ib e . . I b " ball lire tholr fC<\t 110 111 0 1'0 could slllnd 1\ LrttM 8S well liS another . , - . ~ rll lgn lD g powe r W 11m h er y BTI~l\m, And will co" st when com1£II US b an cl'I ~ llW IIY j rom Ilome. T he E m· ple led , .. 250, 000. 11 i8 of brl'ck "ndThe lerrible 91 ri f6 of baul.. , ' I\ n.d t:.spe.ciI,dl.I' u ('''ing tbe- liquor ' .UpOII' m 1. Rnd s, Rnd Lhe cousi n men Mrs. A.a ron Burr. b subu rb. en / p l"CS8 C IOlJelI Lcr ' r "g~Q\ly by a g raot! (u, I lou g.I' aLone., to be ~cov e r~d with al ucco. n , Mbnger's""J pain D're o'''r. hI,! c.•.1tHu.1 Z~ b, toppi hg If ell,, 11 pr.-U·el' 'liJ S LJiving in tlte ci tllT J -' "'I' I Ii tlIe secon d WIle " 0 'r t II' g" I'ac'10 US nco' f . ' " I I t WI II 8~ I\ L on.e lilflUS'allll - -"i'g hlllU' n·ired ' I>r ad p e~ii . hI u m p and I>,i.olt , wllb, ' D RI'II' Ih e e.rr pen ae , 01•,1 ' t:vllel" u'flC W IIS al hi s house, noU ver)' ! 119 a y , U IlIno.va u ng Ju stIce , tlut U I', and, I }lh ysic i'a ns IlIld pronoun c d h • ,I nce DIU S." !Jo. I. .' " Imp er feot pe rso.ll's, and III lhe IlIrt eSI build 'lug u of Dirk dang"" 011 ...ft .. nd I ho ' lI , urink, nnd .forge t YOUI' 80rro~a' . nO I ~ - 1I1'(1ll ]'~ u rr, d'leu,I li t t 1III raSIUl' La pl\sst! u. 1 'uy III LIliS " CMe mall · pox of th e \V I' II . I 1 r 'c u of til k' C" I k 1 *11 ~b lll " lo our he ro .. II ru '«nd,," , Moll y inlo the barg llin.' Ze b d eeliDed 1J/llIll'e. on liS 1l1lgLV II CIIj.llS. on ll nt ny ·the ~ or c ", ~e ' s ntJ w ~. · ,ol ng t ,I.C .In( ~e t 01 Ne w ol' k. ex ept lhA They are ~olU i ng home O'Il~ U U o r u! aL tirsl, reply ing thllt he did not ell re Wi th Ille s\1 ~p(> n ~e , some I .')~h in s ~. OUI' lIIov~li sl~ hllve r.h o~en d\l \\'n as ra r as FOll lllinllblcli ll to me<:t ~lllC lll na l1 ?nd ~bicAgO opera. buuses. 1\!1).thfng ubout Molly : bu.' I't ~ oold to IV CIIV nboul ililci dcll ls in ht! r C I\ ('C CI' Lhe re lurn iug Empero l' un Ini t Salur · 1 I.Ie procelllum IS 6<., feet deep. In tIle Wt' lI 'give the lll a joyful w c l co lll ~ . . !! k''1I\ d 0 f roo d lIy .. s I1tl S I'Illpe u.• v Au sluewnys '. 1 " to hn d 0.... alilere d IIbout Lhu hea l'l s of IIOt d o; he \VI\S ask'ed if he• feured so mue I1 0 r IIll\l nlll'IIC IIV RUtl in · Dlltl ~ l u of lll? PQfqu elte is an armed , A'lJ J,IlU,1 'lUJ Ii 1'" ~ ct:,)I'd v e~ th e pI'oud y, IInu 11Iid eo soon " Ul" lind s iSler; but whe n this inl PII lge 1'IIl lI'ne o ,:te nom;nMe tl .. "l<.> rv . 10.uDllcd co~ nilO , d lll'inf!,' Lh.e hours of waitin g, I'~cklllg ch~ ir , whicb BrighRm aome· "T~ hie .. t~ul' n ' h lrui ng h cl'oe.J ~n f.\c.t, thnt I;C rl~I~P5 Ihtl .Ul IIJOrity of If lhe h~u~e uf Rv.. ~ 13onh eur, Iqui, ~1n.'e8 OCC,UPIP.S , Ih ougu Ids u8ual place rund ered hi s milo hood to he l' {<Apriee. ~~~.I;I:'ti~lO re thll llthe old hn rd ncS8 ~ 1It11111 •• hu ll b., Ihei r "ewo'rel , At las t he yl· el.' ..... to lile cur'l ell ' so mcn .; nn!S rClIl WIt I c0l1 5luel' lI bl", s ur- t l.e n 1\11 t lel'e dId J.>!!rBona lly de(:ol'lI tu IS In onc' o{ the .wo pl'inte tJoX"'B. ,nbs !J'o li~~ In In ti ho ll o wed . un! hine u", u ,. • 'If he had stn id I\t h ome and min I1. 1'.I ~ tl. le~lln o ul lcr lll en t o f. I110' 1' d CAl. I,.nnu.1l Wi llI II.Ie C I'U. ij 0 f .t he Lelr iOIl sccnerY- All pltinte" here-I's .",I!xcell· .., I I t i d <t)( " elite whic h (Iu~. ir· u r l1U h $ve \\Ion , Ii y lieII ng R list1 11m, nn , swb~n rin" g hi s busin ess,' ~fl id Ih. e rll. th er, ' he I Il II ~ t II", fiIrs t reJrnbl e e l' ld t' IICe u[ 11 onol tlI ut 1Ir11.I, ~O e lUlll t: tllly nl.. VI'U .e nt, Al\d tbq, pailliing, U giltiiug aud Ollrv1\ rong g r 1110 I fl' It-Ce ll eel -And !rve whic H i. Ihein rur~Yc .· .e 1\ I, ,ran (0 more rR II U)' 11111'0 bee n ".·e ll ; liS II IS, lI e mu st gt' l ll ,at FUeil a I,l'r>l' " II/Id in I' alii)' " '·I·St. , d t .t! l' villg lliat uis ti ll cl ill n tlllin (" UI" for Ihe d c"d. 11 \\ob\y (\O tt u. tI b t l I Iu I ,A v IlI g about Ihe cUl'llliu, tho bOl:es, lind IItlln mi g- ht Mft! ly be tlll, en bv Lhc mo~ t I t Wil U H' fn eJ. \V illi lli u lIi ' lury of Ann ,n Bu l'!' tiflhs of the r!l ulu pa inl ing folks wli v il lt! fronls of Ihe gllll ~ ri es, are f' quillile. hnbi t ul\lli pp lc: r, But it iH n:lt n "ce~5 11' II ong Ie es )(j clI n. ·th01 \t lml, I" Ihe (ull b" lLll li oll, I II t 1 \' I d :< ".rlll tlii ltg to br iug him in lo ti t! J UUI' I'CII JI'rR 111'(' g" IIt!1 nlly f,uniliur, po I,IIIVO IJ "~ ~I bl".,,, u wilh It sin t't) th e ur· Walll of (f S S i& Ih e most soriou " dra'''' ·Y . HI In ger. on t IAt rClluful nig ht. n ~l .!!hLo l'h oou .' .1 £I .' rom a suv eri " u bllck " kel'OSe eo (;~ Iu'lolu, "" d J'b lt k , a lit I fi le, . . \\' <J S IIII II on I\' l'c f ~ r 10 l IIII t 1>£ \'l or It is I(;I'l' W liS In Slll u tc u. lle I'S use-I "s I" e bes Ls ubA Z b I 'Djvi l io n. fi n O corps; b l U..! I'tlU u(lr o n, 4tJ It was Q n ighLth nt ' 1) Ar I 't 1 I" l'r I " , 0 Uo U .I I/I IS,. f<.II'I poor u r . e me, . cnn go 0 ere 11 m, I Ie Wll h \V Jlch is int" I'II' OI'I, n Ih e his ' l l'eJ,;'cnL Wom'tl1 to 1\ eu vI:: ri g n r ei gning 8li tute. 'l 'ho wardrube-madtl up here . th u~ ,r " 'l c h t! d u' t: r I II UI1) ' It lull o . Ol;j IIIn la IUjI'"r /lny ell( mg. s al~ J,iutll, .rol l.lI1g lip II.er ~.l c(J v e •• to c,\(,· lur).· uf th e III le, J\LII.' "m lJ Jurn.l' l Du.rr. 1I.'um:lll :t.I'l I ~ t , tl.l(J I'C 11.'1\5 all tl min cnt from IIll\te rllll s }lurcbIl OOtll'n N-w York 'fl •• )· CUlll e. will, (h eir IUlIg lillc' b ro k e n, I.e SUII wn. s. struggling up, and lil e IImlllC ,I.. u ~e ~ca.1 u f VIlCClD lI li un. _ 1l IV .IS I ti he II'IIS fI ~ l'W .1 ~ 1l ;.:la n ll ).!1I1, WII\' Il lnesS ~ I g l'llce JU Ihtl JUSL rucvgllitiun lind l'hill\o ~ lpbia - is ~ very IlIr'e Rnd " wtJ re I'l MlIlg oul of' lhe groulld too uud III Z" b to IICI tlO. 1 hopo wheo 111111 11 1' chnr nt:l el'l <I IC enl' r" v ur inl':li>i . ul 111(" II. 01 "'Sill' 8 (o rlll he. crt . mIst!! j'leh alit! vl\I'ieo enou I I' g. I' ·:And I~ o u . .. ,.. I. o( /,,11 . 11 I, . roft, lIk e hOL 8tcllOO, wilen Ihe Woo(j .clloT'por 0,,: ' ' stilutioll of t Ie order by ill the s lRndRnl and m'gI"or I dor nn'lt rl\nlr ~ I I,)" g (' ls. ~.. IJ III IIJ 'II II ~ IIllve I'I1m s!: If' . 1tllllS of IIla t locld ity . Ell".t'l )· in lirt' s h,~ I ..,IIIC" t IIe llI '" 'I,, '.o,"lol!rll vuliay. nrc 1.11.. "gl\in hi s carL . H e IS y t: r~ g oo d , 1\ II al o llc e ~ " 81111 I I flIl\l'I'~1! . I .c.,.: > II· pltcn J UIIH·I, u Fr,' ncltm an , I1 1~ \ rontr f Idr(! w up d ' before th e old Ie 'hr 1 ," "~ p" I."l) n : till S is lh a fl l'~ t, suI II th e sIILJIl'! of HRml el to Iherllm", jilllLeril1 .lIrm · lOu se; lin Ilrou slng Ilia compllll ' th e (R,lhe r. h he bruko OUI 111 th u 1who In unit) LJCCIl Oi c ono of 11)(, • 1I1t·r· 1Iu stllnco In "llIch It hR S bec n conft' r rll d drllp"rv 0 1 Ihb balltlt girl. 'I'll '" • g. ADd thou sand a I\re i"... ly ly in g IOU froll) Lhe alrlllV ill which lie lay in fllco ? I l J> II.nees. . ' I' t " o and Ille rr Rnlly (urll v green ." 1 C.Illll 0 . '" ~' I' II'. ,J . ork . II c , un 1\ WUllllln " III L.II C .C'1 IVI .01'1 Icr. HHC roo m,. Jllro 'lsIIC " , . .. 'tn tbe l uluuu, h"," e.lm,ul: h I res l,' 1\ . feve sl eep, SIO I l' Ug1l g" t1 HI Ih e S ,II\ . IIIn .tI . t II\, r~ n II" ~~IC VIVIlII ( ~l e r~ , o r. nubl y contllins une of Cbickbe rin~'8 grand pi· u rJ be.edl o{ O\lr OWlt s lill Kra v cJ~ nJ . 111m Lurt:thd eHlld g ro mllddened und, balnncin rr IIssisttd him on . So " ,11 I0 C.OU . . rod e b,fie k ag fllll , Iltl I c \\R 8 ~ XIU n ' II' I:)' I , ",eu ,ovl!" tllS ., II [" 'ens! ; hi~ fe e t RS (l na mil;ltt 1\ lillIe ~hild, Rnd pl ~ ~lleO b~ 1, .15 JOllr~ e ). . I DOllll ngo c" ll .·c l radc .. a n,l hl" lO ~l g h nOI dl ~ ~ln g lll.li ll J . ::' 1. I(; r of ClIlI1~ty 10 Ih.o fUl 0P; find \hslead of the usull i ding! 'Thc,)'I' \lU;"r"d IOI.g l ~ rpul; I' t"~ ' dOI· klt .", . s tt!lIdying I.lm 11$ he tried 10 walk-for 1 '19 0 or t.hl.l'& dN) S ~e nt by wlthout l ":~ S llc (;c~~ flll a~ I,,: wI , hed, rdll cd to nll"lar~ 1.' U51I1tlll., or cxceptlOnal eltH ' Imlld lie liS, i~ a ot!n!. Riry, Bud IlIPpl(l I\n! furlhel tltllllg s of Z"b.. Hlld Ihen 1I , 1' IIlII CC fl ft t! r Ih e d own fal l of N ll pukon, :I~' ~L oruela l J"lll l;\ lu hilS wurn thll cross. llres~ing roolD. . Aoli ,dil:.d ue. lh e Jlloluing doll''' ' all th~ whole, the theater Is the he slflg!:(c red f,, ~bly one wily Rl1d lhu neIghbor chancl'd lO. ht:.II!' III tuwn tllllt Wl lh II fortu ne, an<1 li\'" d in !!1'l'1l1 Il 'IM prese nt cn:nli oll of M·ll". Don· ~.~ ~el'.L.. lh"L Ihey co~td IIUI l\'il".'1 oth er, lelhn g Ille chopper hI! didn'L cnl'l! ~I e "'ll S "ery budi 8: 111 It was nOI d l' fill ' l s l' lell t~ o l' fur II pn illu of Y(·(.II'S, hi s II C' beul' 1\8 Cbc I'llli,, 1' o( Ihe Lcgion of greatest m~cbl\nic!ll triumph of S;llt ,Th.o dsr, ~ h"l , it: ioy C8111" 011. 1\ daUin \Vhu SIHV hilll, thA' Lo wn8 jusl 1!lIly known Lliat IllS :a60 was dnnger . cump" . h"d lind I, anti w wo Anw l'i c:ln II 'I\lV1' , IIIIs bf.t! u IICCt'plc,1 wilh uuiv er· Lake. In view o{ its ' loClUioll 1 S!OU ld ho.,I, I, fi eld. alld I'r;,/on, !IS goutll\8 IIny mlln, Rud Ihllt Moll1 ou~. ,. lI'.il e bein g recdl' eu el' erywh ere in Ih e ~ 1l1 uPI.t1 >.1 u.sc by Ihe Fre nch prtJ5s and milcs fl'om the sl.clImboRt IIrlrI tilD 'railThOle heroel Ihei.. Iii' ~ tuid d own, Very bfl(.11 BRld Mr •. Sands •. "hen klni.l e ~ L OI ll nnl'r. JlclIplt:. rondo it is wOlldc rful.-During\lie Re1l8' Blake WI\S lhe prdti t~ t girl in the "Wifb l'alielll oll(L b~I\Y" HOUt. I t"'Ki n ~ w~rlll, . ~nd he would figh~ anybody ~e Jlcard tl1l 5 ne ws-'everybody IS fE'I'Y In lime tlt ele C'Am e ilI-ltl ck, unu ill . , ... on lil p performers pllt), lwic(J ~ \\teell, ·• ·.. r·'11C day. IhAt poaeo Ihou tLl erowII; IT I~ bill SI~ n~~. I' . I' 11'1 10 has th e slnflll pox: Itkll enou .; 1t 1 1 !l~B 11 e re lllrll cd lu AnH' ri ctl wi tll bIll ' PI C :\!cs. -Yl:'S, ~ir, IHlppy seqson- Uul'iog Lhe duy Ih ey lito engl\ged itt ThllJ' hoor Ol lh" 1 0111;1 of IrlUII/ph , ' um e , . • ~ , .. SHI .IIS compl\\llon, IIC ' 1l be mlll k"d fur hfe.' HUL Ilt o u~11 1,"1\ fOl'lune. lIi s Wile hlld ('I ccl' oed ~Il u lId Vc llt uf merry pic.. ui es-dt! light· llll:! ir rl:!gulllr pursuil8 I1S cl urk s , me .lI tlt..e vic,,,r.' Imin , ues bv, hl\IV~ mo;" pluck, O.Ull L talk so hke II I he was. 1I1l!!n b), , he lil'lIber at-ilL II lilt' S , I " im. buwenr, IIIlU he fount! uu ~ i n es s .ul 6uc lnilabllly l'.lo:C UrRIOns, where thc ch:lII.ics , t:tc ., IInu l'ebcal'M\: olily in th" !Where low, i" lll., loulh"," _"li en. ", fou hl R urm II1'0 ulld 111m : SI'n"0 !!I' nn!' lI't'nl r t.1·"t·Z'·S ,I·lll ·ILluL .d .Slug ' b r. , hirn s v~lt' to "' ISI'tlll' S Ull . 1 " 11 '" 1I s ~ u lIl'I'lln ge d t Ililt \.ul! wus sOli n Oll ~lI rL z ~. "")' r u ~ ,. ~ II .'e 0l' lurl'llu s tl VelHng. I • , 11I)( · pB Ur in , J1()rlb ~ rn grll'·•• , lilt)' lie . '\" C Ollll."111 , e Ike mc- be II mAli I I hnppy SOli. }t or tlll'tHl (J,Iy s nUL"iu ," t l,t' 1'0 .. 01 10 Pl'OS IIt,ri t" . s Ull ~ IJlII.U , th e fl'H~rllnc c or IIbuundill g ,----~ 'werp f<lr Ih •• c (ul1 ,,;, I" 'roe o, J •II d II' {I II• ~u •(; h l' nco UrAt~c e nl' IIc I rUI II Il:!. r was ' IICllIC. .I I'' Ill II SRlu ' .1 " In 1032 , II WII S IhrolVlI fn' l1l II CRr· "cgCL<l lI UII, t IIII gu s Ilil;g, tiparklin g t 'm > 8 IIe 1 A SECRKT I{KI'T.-A French acLrees, ll.a n, 'wilh a ho pei ... g"i bfblO1II:I.lt th ek hou '" U'~ "I J'·'. ' fl"v IU 'l ll' Wl\ tll l' uf Ihe rod , uuun,1 itill s ,r,tllin,y I. , DElIll' ( I .se II, S II,OI. °" ht he Illust ue uellcr, el' I:: I" t·.\, I' ia,,"e Hnu died in. a f"~" ... I'U IV Ilose yout I1111\ d beMily !lppcared ill ' I I d hIll fn d l:I nd f liS Anolh er, bJ1l1 hl,g"ei' HO~I ~:'CO ~IlNO III 11111' ,fln e t ulm 0818 e llS eu · would Il enr; lind tlio ra 1\)(: r sfli el I.e· j Uri es lece i\' cd . musi cal clld ~ nc l! oVtJr tli e 1ll09S· L:Ol' er· l! xhllu ~ lible- on ~he bOlll'da- llCV el' , SIl~1 ' I\h'e u ~ il leSt ,·.lId Il'Ilt~~ e ulone, ~ , . • g uessed so too, or Ih ey would certaiDly In ~U llle mAll ne l' pl'rl nining to th o ~J d"cl lv ili t·i or thu rc~ '~ sses of Iho would tell h ur oge. Of coursc, thu y 0111 .~aill.:.iI "nd keel (:Il .OI·tOW, ~ t! bul~n .alld!, sllld LIS fR.lh.er, gc t SO I1l~ n,,11' 5 (rum Ilim. ~ dll (' nH' nt of her e-ta tc ~1".J"m (; ,!ulllc i wild I'vlllllnlic 1I' 0udlllllu. Ob itlly thy more sit e wouldn'l tell it, thomore cllr'''It lili. wearyin g l'"i l1; me' ellng hIm lit tht: . JOOI' ' I I\nll_ 0" ,IVIII '"" '1'1 Ie d fly was one or thOP (J ueltclt>u . . sl), went for nUI' .lce to tli e nOlt. d l;n'l yc:r b r':f " 1111 I eSB Illll'ry. snille II nn IIvur (01' iou~ peoille were to know it, A wom ' '1\lId' Ihen, 0 Llh'Y'i est a letl .i,,!; I tl. 'Ie ~ e \'ere r.tt l'X P I' O S ~ I On Ito . R IIl\lUtlllly ~ e ll1H . I ones ,w,IIIch " . . .)' II PIeAsnn L rnmu1.1 e IIUllle llmi'8 "IIUl,I UIi A 1\1'011 J3 1l1'1'.- .An nCt'lUllllltnnc o or l'u"I' . - en II'),n, t 0 tIll" "k P II Sl •. 'Our ytiurlling ,.ill not be v. i,,! S 'Vflrtl coun pnlltlce ' llru VOll 1I0L nshll' I .1 I '" " I '1 'Ill III fore L 1. 1 un ()l1li ti 6 (& lIeeru Ie .ep' . I' I . dt I "." . t ie I\UtUUlll; Anu l Ie fnill"" IIDU dliugh · CVUI'S". comm.·nc t:d. A Lh ou" h fvr POI" ." S g Hue , Acceptlng t iC looest I"ot, • .' lJ to I , lIle 08 10W}' ' slrong, could not rcaltlc . A ... ' , all d nnu f Ric. tomeI:, .1 IIVlsh I ler • wc II e:1'1t I lIIont IIS t IIl:y SIIW eli cit "otlier bUl a Il"'ll llyof' ll Ie u III ""y .lllg . H II IVur Uy l1'ood luck.-as lhe muhitudo \. d" our ,Uu, ,,h~l, P ~f . elurf\ing h.m,) • • , I' IIU ;111 \li e 't: Or!! ~H IV t III! ul\\' 1 I Z' b o · I C I 13 . , nu nl lty Il\l\k .. J k I II" , I'tur thou~11l-9he <;' I I " 'L • k J ' , .tlat.C \\' f18 )'Ing. n the S. o. urr III tlll ~ tlUH', \vII S . r u lie It ' U uOY" WlIB summoned aB" wit" !lip OI! .. ~rL!tel, )Vill .l· o~ ll t; " t PI; ' t'I~a~L t~.~fEl nor ~p"n , to you,' lo c ' Ruth wt'nt rs of llgc:, bUI III Irutb . ~e IHtl .~!lr 10? llIuch occul:ied nes~ on a ' lrial. T·ile gOs&ipa rubblld . ::j ,n oondh IIpurl\, "jl ! tll;h ee ll.t.I~ tI! \ " . you elll1" 'b&hll"e,."o~~· drilll{ and mH lJl. ,II.Wa.s~)llg tit . ,~.1111I.g tl.l~ d~lI!lr. to .thea baD~ s, ""U ,e~uek.'\ld. : Al1l 1'0 etll:l . TL""k GuLl, they nre'cominll' howe! ' , Eo', Iboee ·"b-o aNI luken "ron. UI , Rell beLte~. b nuWl 81pOtl Ill, spoaklug mllny new Ihings to be een, anrl DlRny S ill g'tl CS with w<.l lll cn,lInd :'"Ihclclllly uppreclllle by nC luIII expcl" ".h"l1 know IL UOIV Sbe fIIus~ lell, Ol' Oa!' UI\llt'l.d WIl.. ' \AI uo( fall; n O \~\YIM , . I1L IOO.KII1~.,hIl1'~,oote mp.t intt'l cstill" mRttt'I'SlIlLe llllklld"botll ' his ~n :,; "g illg manu r. He f,cc~ ' l c d Il'lIcetl!lllllany SW ~ I" 5 of lbo gl'ol' t: gotoprisot\t'orcolllelUptofcourt.She And .. , <IDrl'l , ill /'0)', o r . orro ... J '~I ( . 1Il1I g nllllon ,1 wlll ldt! .r.~ b sllIggel'l'd so' ht!r tll oou"hLS we rc (lull e dr~ "lIl1 w IlY' M"J al);1.l JUlllcl' ~; fir sl inyilalion to 'tiill' I\lId h ~lIth . .Mollllnl~8 we Il ear th e IYOn'L go to prison ; she will, thereforel ' , , 'rllI,t the lord will keep UI uU. n'''"l1 o 'If nolV IlIld Ill e n IId,1l11 d 011 Ilon ('I llI ' g hE!r LO Iho tabie w'rl'Y "UI ·" I l ' nn wllh downcllst . . If lo rnlleI' Irr ul I l('l'; or, C , C e of C III II I rOil, boUlluIlIg tell.' The court waS crowded with .. st. II II:'I 'wa ! ' l' \rl I ~ Slr'iWS out of hi S hllll' th ey rl'llll'n t: d to him, il was les s k il l" slIiJ : '1 g i"e Y" 11 my hand, }'ladnllle , MOUlid thruu gh the. woo(ls, with gor· open'oHred listelll'rs. In .FrtlllCb oour1.9 ey e N,u"!lT Ho' It, J.I,. 21, 1 86 ~. ~ 1 r ",1\(.l rom o. hiS coat. He L~ard ho:r , rully IhAn :hey bau done befol'c. II III)' h('lI rL li lls IOllg li n 'lI YOllrs.' This \;u"ds ~lId wrcllths frum Ollt thu 1 wood8. of jus tice, th~ wiLnee8 does DOl siand.ill 11I1I\lh . h Im t· uL l:" I lim . e, "'''s CUIISI'J el't!d II co mpll' .' \\ h II t 13 moro. Iol'eIy to •uCI10 1.u LIIan nil' a box Lo 1: ive Ilviti~nce, uuL aits 00 " o de I tllSlv I ely 'II SI\W lltr lUi'll .!lwn)"' I \V IIS 1l 1~ 1'lfllll wheu bliP beluul luI' fa f' . , --:::=:..,. 1111 d W len 11 0 (:1\ ; d ~Ier, she did ~ol ,IUc! dlvll,,1! L~II\llOe \V IIR lI ot Ton" . lllen. l. Oli O ur Ihe C,) lunrl 's pre ll v ture !lnuy edlll her Ill'W gl'eNI ahady slool in the mio1dlo or the floor or ibe come-pe r tnll ~ shu 'dId 1I. 0t I.u.. IIIID . I· 61111' aft"I'0 s lllr CHIll O Olll, li S , ~10 .. ..1\, tl. peec l ICS, b 'm e d 10 Ilave bl' cn . 11111111 . dl:I 0 f court, .III frollt or the l'rel:lllltlll'~ desk tl~ ht, ~e(' l .C, 'III Ie r5pel'scu.1 WI' Il1 \llynll enr BY' .... 10& OARY. "Ir: \ lII omrllL 1\1\ Ihe IInbeelllty of ! wlllking, sht: r!!counteo all thnt she had IU Cllrnes t, for lI'ilh Ih ll t d t' cl nrnli OIl hud s nnt! blo.ssolll s. 'fhe most neglc~ . and wilh no b'Hrier or seplltllLioll be~ -; lilt ~l~ness Wf\~ gone-he kllt!w whllt eet:' n nnd hellrd thaL IIrternoon: how llilllllll t: uce ll l,i6 C.Ol.ll'Lbltip. lIe pre sseJ l, J of uur Wild f1.oIl'Cl'S of tho ullcul" IW llen it I\Dd hiw51llf, 'fho lady 1\'1\$ ~e 11l(.. one, 1111 f(llt R 8elf, ~01,d l:i,wna. such AU one hlld made IIt~ r n lH'W dre ss, his S~il, '11It! uftt' l lIlIe 01' twu pl'Ompl va.lc~ fi~IJs, RI'U IlIdo ~ t1 blJ a.ultlOllS lind ushered in, l'l\iscd Iter right hand 10 ,, I t, 11. I , lIun blllcrer th!!.n a tho.ltslln~ curses. Hud whethe r It were probable tllaL ~ uch l'e fu s lIl ~ \'ectivcd 1111 ' ulHl !!cltl etl no.' IlIlu,llaLJle. lIlC C~ 811~11 eallllnl:lIlenl,fur' ·hcavolI, touk Lhe oMh lo speak 1116 " '" ,;" . ...... I, . 'f.l\e -rnin Cllmo OD. I\~nil\ I\flt:r 11'1 Rnotb e r wt:re to ue n:'tlrricd, n~ report . ' 1l~ It:ft h(' 1' wilh .Ih e j oculnl' l'elllf~rk, ijovlh- Ibe bare c:\itll1 g uut uf lUI Uti · lrulb then sentcd hUfself on the wit .. fAh, Zeb: i. thl\t y()u?' said a good . l10ur or two, Rnd conLmu (':d th~ot1gholll ~d; I\nd so, Illusing, ~hc rellched the lhllt on hiS next l'ISlt IIIl woult! Imng salisfl\clory elli s tllllce. uevott!dlO lin en· nilS! ~tool. 'Your nllme" aRked the . ~altpr~~ 1 ,oi9tl, 'n ~.fIlWilil\l' lOlle; /lnda ,Ilie dtl~, lind Z~ I~, Ctcepln~ , 11110 th e I hill t1l'ftt oyedool,ct! lh e hOUle ~ l e nd.- out u clcrgYllllln, !lUll oneil wuro de ' ~ lllvcllle r.t ne ver orrlainlld by IIRtu.re '6 . 1''fl'sIJ~.nt. • Angohque. Toujounn~u' ~Y.IW". IZ\~Il,~ sJ~i ~ in~l in Il rllltling cal't~ blll'll, 1.ls~~nIlJ to I(S fnllrng on tIle .roo(., All Wll~ dal'~: >inyolun tarily .. he quick" uHlud I,c\' IHlud. . . uwn I,,\\·s. How t~ flt:n baf t: the brlgh rie.' • Your 8\;",' You wi~h~ hl\l'l.I urew up otlltfre Ihll glttt:, !llld lul fow ed I! df I'millng tha~ s~me Uread Ilcc~de\l.t. l ene d Irer stel>, 11110 ill R moment I'~cog ' On th e day lI \,pl)ll1t~tl, Ite mlld e 1,1 6 k.t IlghlS thAt gcnltlo e ver kn.t boen beArd 1\ pin drop, or Lbe hair grow on II 'IIRttfl HIlII Ivlth an outh ' lind I\n ill' 1I'0ul.d, C? !IIl' ~polI.ll t m, whe.reby ~ re' nized her {'Mher walking hnc\iward ~ntl R\'I'ClIl'Illl CC.II CCLl lllpIlIIICd by th o Rev. 5u:.ld"llly A?I\Lch cJ by dCl\lh, 10 Ih e the bytitllllliers' heillis , EYel'Y eye WIIS qllir, 'Ji*'It,d,z b'l being llU 'hOOltl, .'wh"lI CO!~Clh"llon 1~ ILh IllS fllth!!r Rnd 51~ter lI fl,rwll\'d in . llle I'oa<l ucforo her. Ili~. V ·\,. UOgIII'l, wh "" /I .bllif II. century be · ~ pnllg' or hfe, by IlCllVO !D elltlll powers boot 011 the Illdy. Slle \Vue drivcn iu' Lhere .". 'lIuob..an -almighly nLlnltHiulI !Dlght bll bro .u ght "boul. l3ut h pur {I'I'IU seE-met! more tllnn usually belll~ lUlU, haLl WIII'I'I " t! hllll \U hi; firsllov", "ll e '(! uitlg tltt·il' 1·llysi clIl sll'ellgth? to 1\ corner Ilt 11I8~ I ,.bro'!cl.f " l\ 1( ' • ~ , nfwr hOllr w/:,UI by, nlld tile dl,lll nnd I /lnd his hnllds were c l'ul:I>ell!Jehiml. him the tnolh tl r ul his Th euo os ill. It~8l is as es~elllj"J !18 . food, (or a Fooliah ,Padsian puLlic Lo thiuk ~o I The ludy still Illfu sl't1-WllS IJl.uch cllHllge o~ Iho ov cr· flt(lgUing monotony Angeli'lue simply rOBe (row . bu 8~811 " III Z ~ film, jnQ91!l1l.lly ' ro\'wl\rd. I'e ' drcnry bO~tl'lIg of th~ mill .' wns all !lccoiiling to hi8 II~ bii.' · in ·tilll~s ~1\r"WR tillltlllS {riimd 'VIIS inl'e llsiblo ho henl'd; 110 gltllm of sunshille br~I,e Irouble-lInd hia grny hnil' was uncov. erubal'l'a"t;e d- liIL It!nglh cODseullld. of h,uot' IS most Iwcee8fll'Y tu .lhe. recu· walked ~tl'aillb~ up 10 the Ptesident's '0 idll't ~I' a~ttacti"o ·eo'll. \fellns him- lho yloom that Wl,\8 aboulllllll; 110 vOIc e (!\'~tl, And bloll'n nboul in the wlnd. Ht! urcb. ~J h l! l'>I! If.. c"lltJ tOl.:elhl!t' LiI" perlltl"ll of uur t!XIIRustl·,.1 vltnllty 10 deok, lind IvlliHpel'fJd Iht! secret in "his "Iii ,' I t t l ; ' . I , ' I but Iho 8till. repl'ovlllg one or COil' WI\S waiLin g f,,1' lull', tihu Kn e w,nlld whl' (,ij,lht B~rVlllll~ of lhe Ilou~"holti, !lnt! IJI UII for . yet gI'C;\I~1' t:Xertlon s ~hal 0011)' ,I e~r • .He nadd\ld, made t\.l~ entry in ..... , .Q~ 1II~llId' -'.P. were' lito Y-QUllg I ~CiC:ICl" (nIll his ~I~le llill!l': so the dll)' he wa~ Wllilil.lg sho f~IL. 'Oh, fa ltll:! r;' Iii", tllt ll'llOrulUtII'y DHHlillge was COil' bc ll·qulleLl of us In Ihe IJ'ylllg 11110 htll pnYlllo \Jole8, Rnd amlhngly confD ,I ~g~l.ng bOI.\.trw , 'I hopc (nd ed, nlld .the n!gh~ f(:11. At 11181, wOln she Sflld, seeIng he dId not sjJl:IIIl, 'have ."I,I~mflled , . . l~Il<':\J rll\il1 \' icissitu~l oR ill the battlca of linued ~bc re~L of hi3 inlj)rrogiltLOry a.8 , ~" l'~'! ,un~, ' ~I:,k I .. " ",~ 1Il,"!~ed. G", . d:)wlI physically, II!"I exhll.tlstt:'d tn,en. you ht::trtl from Zub ?' . 1 h\! cOIIJ1I~ hlvt:d 1 111 ~p tly . (o r . ~m e hrll -p()IJ!Jhkceps16 Press. soon 118 she had l'e8umlld her phlce on ~IOU~ me '. JUu dOll I t']{Pl!ct f\' woud. II\IIy, he S!~I'I, w~lklng 1l011lJl thu bre,,1i '1 wish I h!lt! gono to"tle him, Ituth,' 1I00e , .1I1I's.' Bun" . fvlluwlIlg ItnphClle ly - - - -.. lh,! 8c\lotte. 'l'htl public retired c:hoppt'r hke me co\.&llI getl 'illt\) 8u'oh !l or ,I I\Y' 1 ht: nlln hll.1 c(' I\~ed,lIlld the: he Rn swl:l't:d, -cul'erin" his fllce with II is tile UI"'CI IOIl8 oj her hu , bllllll, UurJ' AUI' Al>1:AnEot!' XKARa .-YOU are get · with feelings of mingle,' disgus& " aotl ,.llIct: H8 Moll 'Dlnil'll.t s houst: l' Anti win" W:1~ whistling oliillily from th o hllnds. " WIIS U"fUl'lllllllto in hi~ 'l'", XII8 Bcht:UI (' , ting illto )'ellr~. Y ~ 6, but LII" ytJal'slIre admirlltion. 'fhe Lril\l had IOMt 1111 fur· "lh,,.II,, Kbad , Rl!tllin., 8H,ill~ 'ZtJb, my north, Jle 1't'lDe lllut'red wllllt lii~ (.ath ll l· • [s he (l end?' silO A ~ k '!d in R In\\' lu~ t IllUlI !!y. used t),IIL which was only gOLling iuto yuu, thEl ripll, rich yean, tht!r intorust; and the l>\'e~luent "liS 'Id,,~~ billY tll~"' . V'IlI'), Wl'rd.I'I.~ you lire I' IllId HRid 10. hi~', nnd the.eoll~e l\1p~utlu ~ Lone-for Lilt! Awful r~IlI' Ilt.pt her beart 11I~ wif.. 's, I\nu i'll rt ply 10 Ollll of hili' the g l: lIial, n",lluw y(;lIr~, tIle !t.iMIY, Ill ' knowl\ to be a IUlln of hOllor lIud gill· , I" t ,A1\,-l\ III\})le cllrt W.IIH., 1'8 ht! sRiU. IlIug" or hIM til~tlJ r ran!t In IllS curs. ~Iill. Inll'lIl'l l! R, g:;v", 1111 Impu,lcnt III1 SWCI' tu ~cious ye l\rs. One uy olle the cruelLies ltlllLry, who lVould nel' 61' leL 1\ prcily ~ ~~()'icllopp"r-I\ ?lOS ~~lIial Rlld I'h~y IHIlI louk ed kindly 011 him, Ill S '1 don't kllo w,' he Rn8w(>reo Ir~D1b. ~h" .. 1l~cL thliL t~"e . I.tblir WI\~ \lU\le 01 uf yo ulh Rre f"Hill/,( ofl' flom yuu, th " woman's cat '!S~llr)t' from his Prtl~IJon· Ru\; 'fJ!~ f~J1o\'v, no WILhMt lidlllg some- \t,wn wOlild hlll'e bt'cll me\t"J; h" ling , .' Lul l'm Ilrl'<lio we sh all 1I1H er SOil her bllslllt ~lI. II,l s bruught or, I1l!uol· vll ni l},. the egolism, thll isulation, tl, e tjill baH ·-.A1I !lto Yellr H.ountl, . ....... ; , butretling'l ~l'tdvel'sO' fortune-for 1,,, would 1IIlV(' IISketl· th eir rurgivcne~~. him nli\'e. lie 1'.118 nul spllk~1l Mino(' ness, Ihllt, I\fl Or II pnrtinl r(:collcililltiull belVittit:Hn ell l , the lI:Jcertllinlies. NOIlI' b.eQt~a" Itloll8- od lt ltt: . world aL It al~d ~erhAp~ wohld ~Iever lIguin IUlI'e lust night III mio1nig ht-lllrnll ll Sllid 1)(> rl'6l~IIl:J in tinnl s4<J>al'lltion . el'lIlIJ \lellrel' yuu uro appronching LADiES, PASTE Tllis ON touii Mlil· , " ..,U: ~'trl1J ..ge'·I IlII.!! 11I~d fllc~(l SCU\'lj Ylel( cd Lo I~mptt\tl?n - mllde even should nol gd wt· ll, nnlllha\ he ~ houltJ !l; n . BUI'r ,lto lluL !leU her. husLlIlld yourstlf. '1'0\.1 Are cOll soli<.llltillg your ROlLs.~'ll)apn·ot (orget poinlillg out tei " t.II,d~lu~ger"lt~g}} I~~ all tI!,Il,tlme. ,. ~Lrollile r by 111!1l\,III1.~I"t'l~ . wellklll'~s.- like to sell nle lind YOll, Ituthy; yeL h",' ~Ul'lllg tl.lo. lllsLtwOYClll's of 1116 tilrltllgc Ivrees. ~ou III~C uecomlilg .ma6 ttll' . ol you, my dnr child,' sniti Lord Uolling. ,., 10m~, c~~,e, ZeD, ~I\J 8111d, seeing ~ut ,Lh~~ hnd 1I1~ 1 ?J~n~ Willi no IlIndly 10101 th('1ll noL to 6(!nJ fur Ull. IIKylll g 11ft', bliL It IK .'uo shu t:ll en,;ltcd llO 1.11 lhe 5\1UI\IIUIl. Ev ery wrong 1010 whIch woud to hisduughte r , 'lhe grcl't advlIlIltl~ ~opI~l(m~cl ,' of the 't IUl'ljt'fIUIIlt:r IId.monlllolls , And · lld Ill\d. 100 mucll 'ye couh.l du no good, Itnd Ihllt .Olll' wtlllolV8.l'd UIUlI, nud ~bed tellrs uL hIt! )'ou hnvo wRude l'otl h,lS bro~ghL you, tuge tbaLwill result rrom II temperate ~ ~1IJbo;mCQ~.;'JI) .o~n.O!11 Rod ;al\ow 1Ut! pr.llio ~~ eeck an 0f:P?J'tunllY for hum ltveR must noL be cnJllngHed fur hIm ,' death, lIy thtJ knowledgo of thl\t rllllilllke, 80 t:onclucl ond slfcelnt:ss 'O'f monn'e r 10 all kl glye you "n alrm!!, by lhll ..tjgllt oj hhng hlmo<elr j ao glVll1g one sorrowful 'Oh, poor 7.ob I' subbl·d OUI iiI(' girl, MII"Y of OUI' aUlhors blt.e pret end much cluser th!! trulh. YUIJ no loDger persons, on 811 ant! every O'ccailllln • . the mooD. h,-wiLh you! I C81l Ii!:!ht luok to LII," (lId Inll~.house, he . I'ul\e.d 'l et us go flUd seo him. Call't we go ed. LO L~Jl U5 IULLCh uf iJllf laler liflJ',bul til'll'" Jour. bow nL liD nd"cnlun:, but Nel'er forget, Lhen, that yuu "re II lien· clo •• ••he, bJue." dewilll Lhiu ewer goL Lhe tor.n h~1 O\'t' I' bl~ eytl~, thUSL' ~II > to . night?' tlil~ Cllnnot b~ ~akell as Huth. 10 Ifl)' ti~ll~o.l.sIrHI({hl aL Lh" mllrk, YuUI' I'O~ · dewoman, and your worJI IIml acticinit 1, .uol!t.A l • C!.Itl\p.,-! 1,'1 .' ,. hands 111 hiS p"ckct", snd II: 1\ few mID 'D ear chil.l, he does not know IIny· yelln Itfl«\' hIll ;first mnrrrlliot e / she ue· . Ibtlilles con,-cntrIlIC, ."nd J'our plllh IS Rhould make you gentle. I nel'er heart!. , " IW'~m "p~,. 1 I, i,mbj~e lt!h.e spirit of ~tes Ihe !tills of home \Vt;;re losl to him body lo·d"y,' IIDSII't'l'cd the ffllher, 'nnu ?l~IfiO Ihe 8~COllfd "',i~e dof A, "I'o,n Udurr . cI CJar()d. On lilt: rUIns of shllllllred YOllr mOllu:r-ticill', good mOLher- RAJ; t. , W 'om."er we .n88ocia\e 'rOlh, Ilnd Zllb ,ort:ver. IIIIM not spuhn bincc 611Uri81.:. Poor lul'ly years RIel' 11:1 (Jilt I, 8 Ie IC S, plllnN you IlOd yuur I'!lntage groun.d . R hllrd ot h8!ty thing to anybody in hor 'fjv"lll~s_.~t " hac t "lliali hj:! Zcb .whistler. R'S lie ",ent, n?t fot Zeb 1 iL is.all our faulL.' HUJ ll", ~imple all~lounccllle lll uy (e.le · Your broken hopea,youl' lliWlll'led pur· life. Endeavor to imilate htlr. J AOI "I .~~ta 'P~DLt1 ifd ~'ddJ Ined 'ill the wi-Ill IYAUL of thought, Lut to drown II, lind So,lAlIilng I\nlt weerlng togclltel', g rllph t.l'lllgl! Ilil Illllltllho romnntlc III' poses,. your dcfcltll'o ?spirlitioDs uecom c quick aNd hallY in my '"mper; but, '.,ICI"oriaa[,whitlli c.\.., oltoPller ~\,«:I''y'' ~ow ; e )Valked fll8 l'.' in a I'ailll.effor~ 1,0 !l'''1 they t:nlel'ed Ille old. house. IIow lone · "id !!IlL5 of hll,I' Clll·ct.'r.- Vit,O Billte R staU .of 8tre."glh wlIh . you 10 mounl my darling, it is J1 ljIis{ortune. wbich. ": . " ,• ., Nt"I .. . /J n IlWIIV from hllrlself. 1 hll 'un W/lb some" wat 1 the \\lIDO had never been JQUT7lal, .to subhme htJlghL8. With 8!:lf possess· nOI bavin J bet!n sufficiently reslrolned _ .... I'" ' . ! " . .'. I II" I J I ' , r' d l " ) 0 ,I, ~, 'l,~ey .~r :<j1 .F~~( ~};{, . ~n!l, . ~!,lked 8e,reely \'i~'t!Jl, wI/eo lie I."U~ · ,ll~se I <0 moul'nf\.&~ be~ore. H.uL~1 rc:ml' mber~(1 , - - _ ... _, IOU aOlI Stl If ,coll'lmaD d re·turll LIlEi ~088 ' in n1r 'y~lIth, bRR ,1.(il'!o me cD~re Irou· • ~I!~'lfia " ~D~I &OOlJ ,fUIWhlli.t t1uilr'Ut!S- In tllt, .t;o,r.Q('b~ or the CIlY, (r~e.lldle~~ wh erishe and Z"b had h. tJ:ll ed I~ It In OII'. tEs.-'Ihe !lip.ius it is now ~·~slUn. IInu cOllllIHlnu . of 11\1 ~hlng~, ble co 80bdue thIS Itnretuo.rty lhali ~nai.Ufn,' {flll llll'lI rdmH oY 'ilJ(e ' ClbvtJ).• pnrl .pellllllesl!. I neednol de~cl'Ibe 11I~ ~he QutuD\P8 .LhHL wel'o goue, bUIlt "'''~ thoughlUY the leHrllctl, did 1101 origin · lhe \ltlo uec~ uf Clt:lillon, Cor fUll ed, 1_ Rn]llring ever.u.nderLook. ' wlr'eh Llhft. ' nlght a po ' erruitl to fintl em~loyme nt: of cour~!' not dlirgo,like, A8 now. 'fht Ol'ifLill;: 01 Iltt: iu Egypl, . dloogh die OIIme iii cer· r~cluim()o. .Ellrth alld Bky pour ouf c!'\Jlo.CIkl... frn!,."ln llt'cRI .peech WAS to be ~".dB" It waR he unlllJr~hlod no~lilllg but the wllI'k 10 :he yellow leR"~8 ill ti,e LDOOllhb'\'1 IHillly II COrTlljJ.tion of .Egyptian, In their l'll'gest IOI'e. Alllhc p'ns l crowd b fCj""An English correspondent in ti'd. ~te and rllintag . Wht'D th~ meeling wllich IIIl bad Li't!I.' IlSl'tl, and .llis ruslic set!med to hllve II \orro"Jral signiticlIlll'lJ: -fRot, Iho gipsiefl 81'0 c"II ed uy 1\ diller · down 10 IMy il8 lreaSures aL your fetll. sOUlh 8uppdtLed bil,Dselfduring th~ ,,"r " . ~~k .!I!P,.,Alld ~ purlion .u( 111 0 118sem . mRlmer", lind IlnXIOU8 ert'dl~h.Ly Wlld(· ano, yCl\l's Ilflt:r, Huth could not . ep \l ilt IlRlO e in e VI:ry cUllntry in ~ul'v pe : -6'ait llullliliofl, hy giving I"H80D8 in drawing, for ellch ~~~e. fdjq~rpe~\ , 0 the ~11\;'fOllm, to him li"ulll to COOHt""~ impoSltlOlIs. Ihe rn fH11 wiLhouL recalling EOl1H:thing in Flllnee, l.Ioitl'\lliAns; in 1181y, Wal· of t.hi<: h he received a pi't:ce6f titlcod ~,,~,.<ro,r ,"~ !.lIin \? blllCk, ~~Ia .10 talk, o~ the fet:liug t!raL came upon h~\' thlll IHchilll18, &0. A tiel'llllln buthor, who TUE TRl' P. LADY in th () Ilig host' seDllc I\iidn pibt of beans, I' et/ 'if !itt "lclterillmt and' prf'JiHltce. ttL nIght. ha6 devowd m~lny yellrs to Ihe illve~ti. of the word, is lIot a ml're butterfty (,'If . • . . . .., h l1o wt;II, - boYII. 'Hid oUl" Jl'hv, who 'Well, RutllY. 1 wonder ir hllf,., .I t is t\ Rince thl'J /l fll 10' glltiun 0' lliE! Is ubj ecI, eom1'"rinjf I.ho 'A shion, but i, ono Iyho i. /lble 10 gl'lIce 0::7 The IAdles::;;lley Are opposeJ til 1 .'..oteri Lo Lile;'(liuA(!sl nilc;h o{ his .found a, beLl c" pluce ?' !!Iio Mr.,' .... ,lIIlI. f.allle.; Rnl! ,d/ltlg hle r, lan"ull !:lh oI' may •. .. ... 0 bri-e IIno cuat.(lws of the .glpllltS I !'lIIth I' r parlor ' I IInJ kilchell. d I det - to 'stol'pin" the mrlles1 on Ihe SR bb at II, ..~.~ h ~9r ~1tll !! '.JP,?,1jti):i!lIl r~ apt.e ch, j,lne t!V~lIit}" l!b~ut. a fonni g ht J1f~er th t ' 0 ~ Ie \vIDU. Hnd 10 tlla re pl'onchtJe with Lh ose. of ,othor rllcea, aml'ea II 1& It In tIe g rRces an I.CI101IlP Hllmt'n 8 . r' . . .. WhIch _chan'll' Lo 'ml' e t IllS Idens ex. nlHD hall gune lU seuk hIS (ar ,I" elr os .th ol· l'emf' n,IbfH·f.H1 Ihe conclU SIOn I.hat they I\re o( .fasl. uf d egRnl Iile, she is nevel' tn. lha unless Lho1 J ,11 - ' II ' co .• • I II l)' ,. 1\( "ll LI h ' 1 d' " 'I'I ' I I nil • 10 be 6e~n f'nuRged in Ihe pursuit! ar .. Slopped nl llll! rrgh~ pilico. ~ ~1' ,'~/~:l: " iI l l! liJLJtI.prqp of some. tune. : I. h ~~r Il\i~S. , WOr" R. II' ~ U :{ru uC IIVlOr . II H' <'rlgl": . 1l>lr fluguA ge, C IR.rl ·- IEll' . " . J "o"i(~d~ gl,~ IIQ,qd . 'an.J , \Iesidt:~, '1; dOD.\ . know ' she ,.nawel'9'Il,laying II I~ a lun,g ll~.(j sfilcu HUlh t6o ft' froUl ter Jlrld h~b118, he shows, :uc uom 8La' of II,Ju stry. She ~ay cultivlIt e vellu , - - -· ,7.·--;.' ,. : tl " '/ . ',nl IW.." l'9IJ, t.ojjllll 'P ill toe Lite ... foJ' i't . ",as cqld \lulc hed fluwerpot Zllb'hM! 'thad" kt' llbly . . .. ' Ily o i personn) BppCi\rllnCtl, bUl is >till . e, IIf .. '~:'I ... " , I L" fl ' f I mort' Rllldous 10 put on Ihu benuly of IIn endo'w your e\lemy 1ttll.h con6t1t!ncll, e M."" 1,, ~,, ~lul! l (\PIi~.'c..t,!,~~I'8,., ller~l-'. t'ooul411 for fire n.ow; .'1. $1on',lltll(:)'w-. 1 l .l(; g l'l.'t:n (>s ~~. u . 1.· e~ le6,· t vI,I.l e.s u Ilt' I " --"~... --:-f u ha lu! ",)11 1I1ydlt" IIIIJ, ... Ihl! dl 91'.6'( IllS g l:nl;C"1 .J l) obl('81 '111.,· <:sllon·\ In. lh e world is gooon<9&11 e COlli/a!;" At U,an hehOlding CI I b " 'I , " ,. ?' lIr.tiuU, ' ll1Jd tbf1 /i utJlilUity of 1\ lI oble II We Qe~ Il\k Ihat· ill gl'ent er OU1' OIVItiee ]\j. r.oe" ou\ him. 'W',k~ tJf~~oU' .\nlllfik.l; 1 L)(Ii~ ca.re t.{i WWlielf,l' l.I · "ur[-\lq~ lL 'll' AIlJ once 0(" twich ill evc ly' )' £lil l' (lie '" itA: l,; u-:- il CIIIlIo uO I I It . _ b · I
Iv Betur.lag Beroes.
O ft
"rom"" "
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t'mb~ 10"tl~hsl',
,, ~. e~Al~I"1f4l!l. ~~11bI41~"',Il.boLLIt:,~b ~iIC'I " O' ~ontl.er. "'~I~Ii~
10Ilg . ~irue ~el\I, t!r, own, llelHL~,
a~llnm- ~~pecH,lIy
~ .'fo sl~ow yO~,r.s~lr Ir~e891u ~
,~day, lie' tow cret.ry. The Prel>id nt and .lolln lon, Dragg aDd IGntimellts peo., Chule. E. err."• •'b.rollo.· W Il •• , the .Iae_bl y to order, lIllying that A. lIoud IUld 1'1l:bt'r1.0j' of ,be .Ian are bllt t nd pointed lotionl. We abbor 10 WEIllU:MO-" ' , AtJcarST' I, 1116.. E M E woul'" dclintr Ihe And en uno,; lar e. I bl ' , it i. now their hope, to iDU • . (J..-d ..d is .&l1D)' r.. .. wll(1n Lbat getfLle -\"Dd lifhtill!l in..,e bind Lhem OD again , .itb . Air. d/Ad, .. t a"!epond:; lealL Ontl of nOIll,",r'l _ .. _ - : -- - _. _ ... NO.6. man adVAnced .nd sa id: .. \\iLlI (rieml!! at nglh "t shall rivet Ihem :;;!t aDl, cfb : Soldier,' lloD'elDpl foro 0 0 the' _______ -AIr. and : kindred. Glorious viclory I o ur . ware of b.d . the' lbe of DO beUIlr w" y 10 do lhill tbe have ,,!d ured lDuob .. -In contt'qllclIce oC Ibe 8carclty of\cOllntr'y's anu lasLinlf grA:!IUt\t, hM,"o lhJlog. lOr do Wllli'f them I by IIffirllliug LhaL the Armer'Ii' d 100 mudl to rel_'" bOllle . IlImbI'T 10 lll1i neighborhood. you . Bre IIbiJe wiLh ybu '- iwmorLal hOllors be wo;d bnrga1D or yo ur I e, lin ~ &n StMdier h"i perforMel1 service. I\D ~.sn .:e6h~e lrailor~ ' lUul 00 llii. wiLhoUl Bellt!! on thl! presl:nL oocaslon ; l ' .I . ) '0 10 bel,ray your CHun try. . IClIn .. ' I ' r ,rnllk' 10 c rl~ge . I, b I lIod knowing your mliH b this is the brig hter siue 01 Lhe r. Co\.lier rderreu in \'ery wb ioh eotltle .Llm tOf 'tIt 1,$.8 OOCIISlO n glye my "lIlIeel t .. r uncomfortable, I tillllll con l'qllcnLiy be rntuer Irillng ulilr piclure [ ItIlV!f to prll' ter S 10 GllnerOll1 Cox, the of . lhO wb::h will pllfed .re' vcr;y briof In my rernnrk s lo -day, 8~nL Th ."... ill A ullrk sille, dark as for ,h e no)(l 'o \'ernor, common II ac l\leve d . . I nnu !tp'Ien· A cerLf\\O C . • .. ·.tol: ., regret lo some exlent, hRving been II d"8 itself ' how D.l ll ny \YI"ut Olll hint as 1-1 IIwble tlolilillr find tTllt pal r&ot . f\ul, c.o wp"rc Itlle86 oldi r who hllv\! lO'sa, . SIt t . , a ,0 , chosen a' 'Ihe org nn to bid our t;,,!Ji .. rs be'fbr e u; Hu shed wilh 1I<'lIll h, nnJ 'flleo to lh " soldiers who we l:e llor Lh.e vlcwne8f of dob!, craoce. of ? pl.lllon- ·dlm.lbeG welc ome homo on the Joy ful dtll. rm illllli on written ill cl'('ry fell lure. 1'1' enL. hI! tbem relurn to of lilly 1111110" on the lice l::have I)f tho, m"JonlY 10. •110" t e occllsion; lI oL beMll se 1 woulJ noL cx - who are nOI here to .Jay . We 1111\' 0 a ho!ilCs an,J !how lhemst'h s by lh elr '~'''tl pllsl four yl'nrs 0 w071':t ' thf\~ 10 exe rclKe I.oti ~IIJoy coalrluJ OpIDI~bl. tend the OlosL hcarty wll lcorue to 10lw list of th ei r n'lme s·. WhHe Brt! elltDest , ucp llrtmenL, to be p!lllnly pi ove n to d' . 'I 1 I s They t;pe,,\i 1110 sbow tbe I beroic men who (or yellrs "IH'e bel'1I I " ? All" ! 'c .. llo " 11S\\. ers whore' 'e 'cry 'illch \li en' alld IhllL Ih ey h lld Amenca Ciln produco sol 1t! l ij. 0 III d ls llOlllliou 01 ,tis leade'" oJ "liM .. . . . 1l ley. I~ ~ " . ' . I I I ·1 I e 11M oll llrh 11·On P' rt .. eogng cd in oll e of t~\O mosl gJganllc \<.:ome (.,II in lh e,biller blrlfe. 80010 fell , COllie fonh frolll Ih e Ii~ry trial purgel >1150 prov en I I/II, W ".e S I . IriVlIU~ popl1ll1rly know.n as 1 e 01 a J' . A SCENB OF .REJOICING 1 ' civil \11111'8 ou ret:oru; ooL 10 viC lims tu Ih o ill cidun t 10 cnl1lp Ill) mlld 'l! bulLer orulh.'1'5, ueLLa !l Uij ' III !!, fur OlllD mllllJ, hll8 thu I G" D' I'1'III: righ t to tlllllk And epe,,' Mt.IU IImlluin . but 10 perp lu lllll th" .• . Id · '. ' 1·l le-uLh crs (1I11ti hUll h lls 1I111d beller I Ho tx· for Ihe rlllll; s, !lnu 1111, 01 , 10it:rllLed lind DO mlln ebould be "" ' ,nm en, I'" leIS . l ure) have I,. fl tt'' ~h~IU IIlwlly~ lu dt tlll J bY II III ,·ra. I lI11q. fJ Ilin I.ull ~ lh ~J'-O!\lIllolexec uLe. I Cor An I t eapre."oll " 0 of JJ Dnce IIIllI goou.• I .uvel es ' , RI\USO L\ bl \cke ~t pllrl of th e )llc I \ 10 Bccoullt lonu tf\bil . boU Bnti pUl ill mOlioQ hy Ullr dl,". • .\ II . llInd ~ of tl ,,, fo(,s of Ollr Ilellr old f1llg lh .. L lhey haJ so 101l~ ITo lI.nl ch\l;s. lhen, .wh o gO g llll""1 Y Opi lilOIl couoerniDg thll illlt.lel thllt The Bra.ve. Who Come No More . ' l' lllh ers of lhe ltuvolulion III SU grcRI , I<u ;:.Y .'\~)' e died Ihat most hurrilJl e ' cheri shed Illd rllll~hl fUI' ; IH:ver to leL ' Yllcld" d Ihe La)"onet III Ihe .ul'IIJly COII~ cuWll up Cor "t\jllftlmenl, but cerlninly nn exp~ns~ of bloou. Rnd I rea.sllr~: IInJ . ~~u~1I dll'.ths. stllrv ll tion , I.ll d Ihll l in IrllilurS i,u ~ ull it. or do II l1 ylhing Ih."~ II1IOL 6huulu ~~ giv e n y~u~· lllght:s~ 01~~1I 110 one h f\l\ 8 ri g htlO uUer tre"800llblt1 e \ sunlilD cnt5 for 1\ m"I\'a "l1.,,,fane I", ..f GALA-DAY FOR SOL DIh'J{S, hllru.hll'~ In Ihosc Ilm t: R WhlUh Ilid eed tho nlld sl ot plentj \Y ors" 1111'" Iltnl, cOllld t"lrlll . h IL~ f"lr nam() ur ~II\1y I~~ lui prl\l~c. 1 htl hlllJ sh.11' 8 lh .. y II 'tri.. d Lho sou ls nnd lit e bodi t tl of mCII . ' I' r it(' lv WOr$'; if' Ih,) rtp ll il whi ch bri " IlL hues- llot con ten li ng ll IC msc lv es burn e, 11111 tllCOunlKrs IU wl1lch. 1~ll'Y IIis O'I'·e rl;I\)(, 1I1 is Jlllfnmouot to .11 SOLDIERS' FAMILIb'S, Nul u 'CIlUijij 1 do n,l l [uti gTllt ~ ful I~ HIe 10'US UC Iru e (1I11d il hilS IIt'j S" /II ' I "illl \.lIl1i l'" " Jlill"u 1\ viclory over I' ll_ I ha \·1l be.... sO suoot:.s flll, Ihll pnlnollsl~l ol hur ob li 'flll ion8 . Witholll D.. tfoDa~ f' C,l 1 l 1 ' .. '" . . .1 I .1 I IJ k Lit Ir " " lllM yOll hnye ~IJlln g hL llI e \I' ~r l IlY 0 bl'lll cc of II ull,) LIIIIl pou",",,, ~J,.I S~ l,u lllOu~ ,Im illlr", bUIlll Icl LII(' lr ".? ICeS , lhcy hllve ul PP lIy tlu , 6 \OU .0:" tI l It: I lI lh:gil~lIce. Ihto fonc:io.n~ of goyer~~enL .AXD CIVlLlAXS! B1ND OF BRiVE 36th. the prou,J 10 wlwh YO Il wa s nllx,.d w' lb th e C(li'll lIl e:\1 ull ",h ICh , he crer " eard coniendlllg fur Ih e lI ::; ht. first BruOHt:: Iho UCIUllS o[ I \ wl,ulJ bccomtl illflpttratt ve." nfl. t"ble&. 1", hll vo called m.e IhlS ,llIy, .10 t'XI' ...· HS the t111'y 1\"le rei\' 011 \ hlJ flihlu cru clly, ·: ~ Yl\lfl"lh.i~l n~ with lI ulhln:,: 111111 cOlll d • WIlT I nlllli lY. T hul! w., ,hool<1 ha.8 ~18t!C"" fc" lin gs uf lhl s comm ~lIlly fur tI\{' ro·· ()II,II!11:1"'''liJIWII~ rhit'ul .. y! c.)\lld plln · l ~ til'l'l" lhe \Jower of th o !::o ve rnmcIIL' i 'fu you. my comrll(le s , whll h ftve eO I ~IOII S aile! f.. trici(ll\l,trifell , And u\tunaLe8pecche8 by A. E. Merrill, E~q , (: hnp· lurn of tll tl lIobl a, lH' roll: mell who hflve i5!Jmcl\t b .. sc v .rc "I\ough fj l ,h c till · "lliJ il\;; fllllhflllly hy Ihe IlI w ~ . fur ~ h ey , nobly 6 U~I"lIlcd l\ttl ' htH'~ IIIIJ lJufll l< lI l lJ ...cI·8Kioll. A mlll\ ' S cooJucL, If 1& ~1()oJ &0 I,'n~ us 11 wall uf Ildnm lllll .hrt, ! tI, uri an ,l pCIl'cl rlllors ut' ~lIc!t UIl\rrd 1 11Tl~ Ili ll :,:l'c HL mllral pow er th lll h(IIJs II !If lil " ti llY,' 1 clln onl y SHy. ,tI~III, R~ , be 111111, IlIU~t IIl1s wer 10 Ihe l"w , anll htln Collier nf the 3Ulb, Itlujor tw('en us 1I1lt.! 0111' Wily III1U UCl llllU llI~d . ' es ? 1l11 li .. n Log clhL'I, IIn J c" menl S th e b"nd IpHI h/l ve s how n yu ur IU\'1l 101 yuill II I .1 1 Aml' (lIlbll! (o r i.la viol,lion. The Willloll o,(,.,he10Ib, lind Il ev. . I I 1'1 I ' b I' uli c I. Ii I ' . I r IcC ' O ~I) )U II l 'I . T. 1(. 1)IlVIH, of Mlln"flcili. foc.. ICIIJn TI ... rpi " rpLnllo lh (> r ~lllr(lf() u r li c III L: Il; 1I1l . 11lI>SIII, 11I ~ .i' /I . c pu 'CUU I' l'yuy g,llUI;C In 1\' I . ' . · l llIlV ofrc<.'iprocilyreqll ire~ .,ur "eg" 1 'rn".t -ItMI)oD8c~ by ('''I.h.in !iI/lI\lh, No l bccou se lho pt'(l pl c ~f th e com' IUrl', II1t! IIlJl cruu<. /Ill" hll ll\ Ih e » 11 . 111 11 1,11,, 11 !dlln o: a~ II gllld llll! · ~ I IIr IUIII ,Sh "" IL Ullin" lJy )·lcl.Ilng 10 hel 11I~~ . illlce to Uov"rnmIt IlL. Rlld In re'llrn Wtl Lioul. i"bn W. Colll!U, ,,"11 8u'"l;'L munll y un lI~l full y "1')l It:ClIIlt lh o lUI ' clI~lir powe rs IIf .ll d I'l is lralll 13llr~l',s. 1 bear ull,llolll lu lit" upp re .se d of 1111 Lit " t tihO'" \II Ilt u wt)r lJ, Ih"l AI~":I'It:Jl II r e('~i v e 1"'olt'c'liun in the t'IIJO}· mI.'-Dt 0' IIl errln, of POI'lllIll Lhcy I'ilv !! Ic"dl'lell l wo uld Kd II IUI·lh ill I'r"I " r Itg l.! I II ' r"1. iliel" Il l" .. Iso Amt.!I.'CIIII CI III1.J le \'ery Con8dlU lionf\I immunny . the 'TUth. lhe cou nl ry In ~Illl 111ll., {,f " ~ I g l,I'IIlt-S ~ Bll t, lIS It is, I will oll ly " Jv lLlto iL.. ~Iu',io Ly L!lo 13illlU followe u th e !l0"d Aru""CIIIl CIII Z~lJs; tl . ~ t III Lhl~ 01 Ollt! Ihing more I wi.h to .pellk, 'r"ME TO I bill blDll'l y urc.nus\ f( ;n> cuelllll'" Ill ".\' lill tl l1.l vaca ll cy Cllllpill ill' s illlprcssi lll "[lecc h, when IIl1lJ .uf Ito .. rly, wu Ullye \\IIIIL Lruly !l lld thlll is, Ih .. l iL is LIa", ul ler IlIalllhly 10 til) lh e ti ll ?~ot I lU I : s ui lS llis ludi crlI UR IlIlICy, 1'1111 Il wtl l l M . W W W of the 79 1h \C'lll slItuLeti II SIUIl' , ot'lIrl y 1& IIIIlf million lolJiere.bould tH, A JI jllSLICIl It s illl porlll ilce dcmall.' .8. lI uL bll Ove l WI " u"h L. I "jI.ll' M. . ILSIlN ' . ".-nIC II's hig\! milllll!J {1I "n. ' di llehlll ,~U lhe "(,T, ice .itlloul produ'1'0 yo u, f,, \low I' Ou r slI id we mll.t " li ve : Oh, u, nnJ mrlli e so me. IIn!,P! A mericall. - At]voclll!!a lint! IUHrs of cing II commotion, if nol .. According to announcemont, Satur· II pnrL of I!IU, (Jl e,11 Alm 0 III e 1I1 E' 1I ; II roau rl WIIS 111111 to Ihe uld ra~II ' pro lllp LII rtmilrks, ('XCu ' lll g hlm.tlf • b t \lOwcrful in Utl lenc u. luLi oil. ~~ lin" person" enlertamed Y tI ..y of last we t k wIn the day 00 which \f.d SLllle~ DuW lurn • "lit'" . g nn III Ill y, tl I'J \ fr ulII II Mpecch. I\S Ili. S "\lp Cl\Tlln CIl \VII S \ p~ace, II J " I I l .e nam . ' e I 'I" nc' I WII }' 01.r:l.lsllI '\r b r· the 811111d ICllr e on fIli I! 811bjtoCl Ilud lh('re " .. re· 'he returnto eo ldiers receiv eu n gran d of our grel\ l co unlry, lint our countly s \ I r f I I ' . 0 re" rel l'llI 1\ ~(:ncc 10m I somu reason. (or it,' Wil . b llOle I , If 'IL wl. l. I rll l; .,rlllVll II IIt:ro ruse a CI.y . lik e. UIl~X lectcd, Rnd hl' hall oel' '' IIIlIlCCUR0 . .' . w ,10' . . I .. 1 , public reception aL Ihe II"n ds or Oil r grelllcr liod , _ blu ) 0 1111 1t:llr . ~ Ih al flf th e Iwe lve wurt;II,1 ' I ~ It I ? I p. f I I , dllllll g CJlplll1ll Smllh 8 I ~"punse 10 \ .. ( I I m"hl1iAI Amllri· m 10 YOllr li olll(:g your (111Udle8 lind I " specl:h li s t I ' . . k " eW nOlO" \I' ' Is ,t 1 1' "nd li n 1I\' IILIIlClw Uf mC1I 1Lomct.! 10 Dl llk lll" .cs or l)U . I . ' Lhis tOIl IlI, allli our .1III\I\lIIty If) obllllll Iclln ~oltli ... r)· i8 mlille. But I alii hallJlY grateful citizens. Although bat A short co () . 10 .ay IhnL good Boldi.... will <'n lalut )'o~,~ fr;c.o d~: , f . tr thOll,h rll id vd illto Cn ll l. ll ll , s nch a~ hoped lll l ,hrce YIl 'U S, l·XC'.l!'1 lu I".s me n III I II: \ it for our relulcrs fr om IIn y ol her source 1 lime waa allowed for preparaLion - the III ."slo l) 0 0rlll coun y. g sec IIur ('ollil iry 1lI "ughtto rll lll , Iher~ ' ti " ld lind ca ll1p . linu wlllltj lh ey weTl~ . f I II ' 1'1" spili L 0 I ·ilizeo~ A" aolair" we wer" first nolice hl\ving been giv en on Ihe prescntln or HOlli e clllul OS Cll mil iull 10 \ I 1 I I I \ . , . f ' - bul we 11 1 0 In ormel \II, ~ ~ Ol c . '. . 11 .0 I I I s e ll) I'l ncc l ll' m't' ,·os IIIH CI t Ie I'r ot(·c bl:lvdy 'marchI ng Il long III lh e Iced II I t I proud o( our position. AI cil/.en. "e Wedllesdny previolls - the arrange- II nall ullS, ne ve rt Ie (' S8 18$ UW ill" III' 'IS of 111 o "it'Bl llaw of Ihe Dllt . ,, ' \VJ\s lhrliling lind palriollC, 118 1\I1 ~ I I ' J ' wilf roufi \ I ~ h0 L'un b lin d cI11 1111 '''' t Iill GllRII I·lali S1"I' · () f I "I1RII!wt ::i ham ll n. 1 Ill' .r.lll "lOr hilS II ·e gII IIII m"n18 were woll conceiv ed and IIdmi - PoinLe l)cc uli .nr lo herself.. , . pro· Il nvil b"c n 1I1111CIIHIleu. 1 f row" I 1 t I lire VI · f · of our r I cOUlllry, I'u Ot her lIatlO ns hllVe IhClr klll~9, em- Ih c mantle of lhl) ''lII('en of Ihe I ~lo~" Hn h lUl se lf II I1Ue 80ldlcr, nnd IS n fll ' . , ' IgUll1I It 10m liS l~oQr. . ,k f p ' lthly eXllctiLed- llu.oks to tllc ellergy perors, or p01Cn ll\tes of 8u l11" klDd; bUl (I I .. I no dou bt lu ll"lSI! t hilt neve r vori Ie witli men, liS hc fu ll y ucserv cs U,lpllllD. . I 6h811 .c1oSI! PI). d 8u!tory fefDft of Lbo IIIdie8 nnu g~nllcm c n compri sing in our couulry the ptOl, l, Drt: IIt" ~I) V 'I I ~ y , II' . I I I Our Returned Sol lh erB - Welc ome I by tha llkmg our kmd frllllld l\, tl~ I,,~ , • "ilW hl·r nor COli ' nOI.) So I l< 110 111 1 . . e8 J1"cl.li l Iy. ,ar r I ' m'uu'fIll" I ..IlIn,.. [ I J. " D . (II \1\ ' t 0 I. II . tllTice wclcoml! hOllle I l\" lIy }. ollr I'1-." tht:~ 1IIlIr ,I", Bcveral com miL tees, who, Logeth cr e rei"n~~ wc plly hOI1l Il "o 10 no 1Il1"" o '" II" 0 tl to ul·a uLcous "rs IlV I ~ ,. on 'I' \" '1 I 1 'd d I r .1 t lIc e lu 11(' 11I\.: r 1 ' ·1 I' I( ' ·d" D ' Whell 11 IIJor.lson In( cone u e . lit: lOll" IInu hl\!'p)'. IIOd 10 11 \ · }OU, 1011 I)f r .. gllr Bnu lIppro\' " 0 ollr cO.Duue, wilb Iho publio at largo, entered into slIpclior, we uw e. IIlhwi" '" ht r 'Utll U II en 1111 ' Iwn _ I' r. IIVI G; . . 0 . • . • 1 •I' I 811ve lhe sovo relg n 'ltul cr of til e UIII I . • I. I ' d I . I. , & Chllplllllll Colh!!r proposed three cheers lIy Y"lIrs rn Illtl IUIlHtl , In Tl' ~I' rIJl)g 10 IIl1d for 11111 " ,,1)111"1111111 II( hl!!y ,avo 'he work wilb nn enlhu8ia~m wOTlhy • uu l lt WI18 lOU suurL lu II C II ;; uOI"~ . I ,. 'II ,It "j)U ·b I I nd 10' Ihll verst' . fo r ll~ncrl\ls Grilli I , SlIcrll1nn lind Sh!!r' SC" Ut:8 III enl y me.mlJry. ell. I .'. . contTl ulci lo lIe c"u se, 1\ ~f (.Ill! CRUSO. lL is known lo )'011 lhnl Ih e grcBle r ~hOl!s. '1 I I C '\ . ot diu II \food nnti e1lecLu,,1 "ulk 10 &IIYIIII!: love lhn hAve born~ for Ihe du,. 01,1 . . , Su the mnntl e o( 11"M ' lovely Qlleen' I( 1111 - -1 Irell C letorll or • It> regIme s " , -, I I ' hi' d ' 1 II fl. .. _ 1 •••vour cuuntry. } shill "yer c lertll. t.n" a), 'i'ho naatl of lhe 36th Obio Regiment lut of Ihe terrllory onw bl·lon. 'flng to " will be l.. o ~ bort to lida the fo 0 t ,I" LI I { t M l l)f WIlson Ilrcc I P lhe Uniled S tni es, aL one Urn I' Wll~ Cllilada Rtliders, ~ I . , C lellra 0 .. L' J \ W C II · lL pul io a for. 88 one ,,' 'be prondeal 0 . oar "ea . Ilrrived .n Ibe 8 o'clock t,ain from Co ' Llie nroperly of lhe Brilish , f 1.' I. I} And three 16U~. OlD . U e . lumbu., wbich ciLy it bad re"ched lhe claiol6u I·C I " I d ' . You Will probRbly ere tllem D"C. r ' .. .. bl361hL . 1'lmd, l O W cibltl lind t:loquent r"'8p008e 10 Ihld Tl.e Se ere lar1 r..d t I18 nam.. Pf l h crown,lIo Lie .0 Ollie 8 In , In pro · tJ R li most loutl lv of the eheen or lIS n 0 aAI er, BOROE . \ Id I '1I I d C cI"y p.re,viou, from Wheeling, 8hd was cesa of lime 80 grow n ill populnli on, ill 1&1Il 0 1l\: us 011 II/! . . L' II f h· I . d d senliment. 8"ying• Cnll" n herolll! who cou n~ .llare WI • ~ . . . I{renill ess of th e U II1l 0 d SI:Les, allu ~,BlIIUIiT-1I 0 W Ie I "ere rt:~I'OO e · . . I I ' 'd ' 1 IDeL at the .de pot by Mr. Rogen' omni - wIIlIlth aud IU Imporlllllce- Ill ~pIlU of I Pu t d o w II tl 1e Re l)'.II ·lo ~' .111 1to Will' . I 4! lll I\Ut'!lllR ' I'Ie f\ruor. .1 Lodie. Gentlemen alld F rflow Cifi . li S In ,hiS g /If reunIon, amI"''''' cnco ' .. I C l OW we J , . ' .u 'UI. UPOD cDteriog lbo villRge, the Ihe mlllly ncLII 0 f LI e lU ')\ I~. r ~lIlllry Khort didu ' l we \Jilllh!! \:lellr? Bul I ' '1'1 I' '1' K lJ ' f'l fi II zmr: - I du IlI,L claim 10 Lt:" puulic which inll clIled In IIlronger .1IUli 7"e· or. I\IIA pm" Riliu I wV\lld be bri.ef, anti lh ll llklll . I\ 10 ' ",,-. . "'\I~ e ', spcaker, All d ·I' L d·d 1.1.. L dIlep Ite}-1IIg' Baod slruek up Lhe fnvorile old song, lo for osLall I 'I .. IISI . r elard f 0 tl,,:lrt 13: I , 0. "lIns I I, wanl u f yropl'f' Ih"n words coaou vO, Lull . . .u 'd g ron "t- you fill' Ih e Illlenlion yo u hav e giv"11 IV'I~ n~ "~. lnlio lice ,W 10,.111 l Ie. coursll "dIJII IInu h,ck of.I'I·"Clice dUring lh~ of the henrers. 1\ i -nome, Sweel llome \' whicb Ihey g.rI!8s- t :alile lI~IIl~Slr, . 0 thoughl to rlllSe a .r~ven.ull. for lh o Ill" des illtury remflr\; ~ 1 oncu mo re bid of MUlme lI:nely lind Plllnolio ~c ollmellts, 1I1t~1 Ihreb years woulu IIlm,)sl wholly II I" •• \ cf pcrformetl in I&dmirable style, I\nd wjlb IIID 1urllose of aL Illllst dllDlIlIShlllg her J ' . \ .1 I' . 1.·1· I t r.. k [k· AI lumlln 1110gB fome to an en r I. I I d . you II warm and l tru st " I H~ llD " weI rcg r,elleu li S InHUI 11'1 10 Illve BeTVet dl~ qullilly lIlll for Ihe Ill> 0 10" lUg I IIcDdn IWld t.,rlliog e.fJ:eet. Th is WIl8 1 " I wt:ro IOIlV:, I:n. IU cumll lo lho I ellUtJllr mcll t8 o f in Ihe lido or camp; th c (acl boing 1'"11 II dcsll rvillg to lilt: lOllst jllHl "IHI lhiR ocoasion catpe to., h"PI'Y c appropriale .nd in good !.nsle. Several to e ~"Y t ~c cnormous ~x(l e n, es 0 t e . ' I nJlIII ill your " ~ lIrillg, . BuL ) OU hllVII f\hOUL 4 o'clut". The actl.e antl t'rnof her ~uver llm~nt. At ~ho conclu sion of Mr. Merrill's he hlld sell il hurd service lit home-an t I I· I · . .. ' , ' _ J • \. II ClLher ain wer" played undcr the urn · adminlstrntiOIl A " lti1l81 thi s lhe Cololli es te moll slrafrorn whioh lh" .. e wns no rtoleastl _ in 1I0L co me It llfreflo 181rn to IIIPU Og,Il'8. Rr alent COIllDlllleee, Ihe cillaeni glllne~. l' l II b!! iI" 0 my cumwi to ll W 10 o '1'1 .. d I I ' rcml\r\; s, Ih ll Unll (1 plllyetl R piliriolic .' lid' d tl I t' t' bra"eou8 shaue·trees of tlie Rogen l trd. ICY petilioll c LIe I Hone 0 1 Air, wh en CII APL U N UOLLlim of th c fighLin .. th e copperht: lIlI s in hi s coogrc · I 1 t I rlf It Ih.llks IInl 80 I"ra eeer·ve Ie •• 109 KrA I' lleuae, after which, about 9* o'clvck, Orent BriliAII; III CY pOliti oned tbe min . . Q l' I I d I J u p,rlleoln, 'e 11·'fio uur Itld' l' t lulle of ellch olhn ror tl16 uneq ui.ocllJ Lack of g "llon, 11' IIC I Ie IIverre , III prove a or I III mllgnt cent All ~pon IIIICOUII . ,. . . commenced II general It"mpedo o[ lhe i ~lr lIod lh c ICliliollCd LIII' 1)1f4)111.. of :3Glh Ohio, was inlroduced, '1.1 . I difficult tl\~k. While eXlenuir", our ex ' rtoce pJion ,his df\y provitl" u lor lind l!x · Rucce.lof lhe IIfTAlr; ADd ,n '" ,OUr ·rdI , B .' . 'I I. II JI()PUIRC~ towards Utlojllmin Brown.', Grllul II .UIU, ID 10 1\108 " oqll cn 8pnee willlllluw us .\0 givo bul a brit:! .. d d A I ( . d lb' d • tI t I jo in ·n h\idef. skcLch or the Chl\phliu's clotlllenL nd. ocnltion upon 80 vii" II 6"t of prt:t end t: ti It:n t: ~o us. lIt ,IllY "'~II H, 0 rmg venl tlslte III II Y IIY II Oroye, about a mile norlh·weaL of Lbe terme thc grel\t mell of· di U reIvululion propl!rly b\'rnre \ OU, lilt \Uti ,I ' , II bl' ..r ipe II~ or iD . I. Ihe SUbl~CI Rlnsler 0 f• to d (:818t, BS I Ie l illi g dress. lIe saidChrislians Wtl lru~I th .. H.everl'lIu gtlu• . . ., I WIHu "nJo) III eRSlng. '" a .." ,i11l&ge. · It bt:.re tho r.eremollies of t}Jc werll was oonlrary Lo Lho lelll.r f\lId s pirit 01 ~ 'L . L I If f IIIke 1\ rClruRl'cCll\'to VieW 0 .I.'~ pilSl lhe untlividtod nnd rfoalltrOlia ~o~oirY ' I I f E r I L·u t ll t: 1l1l1l11 s III ors In c III 0 country four ),I.'"rs. III 1860 dill nmulLlouS pol. .. " 'I . r occ",lioo wer9 to be cooduoted. tie g rcllt c Jl~r~e l; 0 '~!! I~ I I tl lty, 0 I Am glAd to mee t you on lhis OCCII. wili bll liku ' brelld casL upon Ihe WII' ilicilln s Qf Lhe ~olllli' cono" ivcd Ihlll to which is Iht:ir buuntiful iolieril"ooell l' Here. a BIage Ilad becn oonstructed tux IUly p'lrt 0 lei' ~ 11 ~'lCI8 IV J10 were Sillil. nnd ,lo than k YOIl. in Ihe nllme· of , J I U· f' S . d -, . >'''. ~slroy I Ie ilion 0 tit lllte6, 1111 10 ftDder lhe genilll IIheher of eo me lofty nol repre sctltcd ill htlr 1'11I'lillwenll1l'Y Il ,e -Ohio boy s,' fur lhe hnl'PY scene leI'S. bRlls, ll\lll greels Ihern. '1'11i ~ day hilS ueen N ex lon lhe programme came the cslllbli~I.1 A 8tpa rnle rHltioRIIJily would Om!) S".\ n: F AIK ~OR I bIll w..,he .eeell.lrees, 8uffioiently IlHge to Rccom[JUl lli e MOlh er Country WAS inexo · looked forwa ru lo fnr yenl'd,lhe th ought s III: FIIE~I:Ul"NTS , p(O~ul~"'1:c . Ihemse lves IIII~ st:r\'e ror bixI~t:nl1l AllnuAI ,Fuir 0" I h~ Ohio mqdRte the Preaident IIntl Socl'elary, mul e WII~ tl CII( to their ent .. entics · s he .. f It hllve ch eerl! ,1 th ~ 1lI OIl wh " n Iii ;;· wh ich wp,ro 1!11r'!lu.I in. templin g ArrllY Ih t'lr Indl\'ldualllnd collt!cll\·e. aggn"" SllIte BOllrti "f Agricultu.r~1 ~i~ ~ II~hl 'he Ornt&u o( ,lie dllY, and tho Band. du ll. r:nin~d III (Infore hel' edicL by' tho nil'il ecl nml we nn· wilh Ion!! mnrchc' 1!lis i,ll!lII P"t:Y!"!!lIt ill Rle warl'. Grove o.e _iii .0.... 01 r J ~ upon tllble s forming n ~q\lll rll, 111'01111 d t1IZI.' Dlenl. tl I Wilh I 11. 010111:: . II! l'al (lrs , .IL ~null )CC llme III , thll Sll\16 110 ..~e, in CoJue.blflt,) 'eo.The decoralions of lhe 8tan,1 were pow er of nrm s; IJO n\lerll illivIl \VIIS lefl IInti priv II Lion s. NolV wo hllv e eU llIc 10 under lhe charge of tIle Mis.es Rachel lh c Culonh'6 Lu~ 10 8ullruil to ~h~ 'arui. Ih " r"n liz llt ioll uf thc f,,"d hopes 80 wh ich Iho COllcour!o wert' r<quesl L: 11 Lo lust: d 101 0 tlill Dllnd s "I tho (h·ludl·U lllnN me llting on TuesdllY, I Stp,e.beT' ·tlle Car,twtigbl, It. Proctor, )lary Koys, IrI\m~ nt o( th c ~\Voru,' 10ll g ch ... ri~ lled , of mee tin g 001' lov ell gllIllIH; while lh..y WCI·O WllilCU upon (JII1S~e 8, fllIU in JrI61. wilh I"~ir r .. ' • I , . I' , I SU8 Wright, Anllio Snowuen, E~~hot Thl! COII~Clluellce WilS til e tollli F('P'" on cs. 'l' hey"lIullile wiLh me ill g ivin g by ladies widlin thu arena. IIIl1tured alld Hery 1H't: .iCul prt'pllrlllil>lI l 'll h, allu clGltng nn FrtditJ , .~I(.~~.~._ . .,'" }J('rriLt, Lu Bahhis, IIl1d Mrs. Dnd son; rntioll 01 Ih e l'()lulli c~ from tI ,c Mol hel' til/lid,s to t ho ("i r Illdit,.~ of WII)'Il" ~' '1'0 "t\ cml'l 1111 ndHlulIle d l!scriplio ll pruvi(ttd for-wilh ISllIvcry 1111 111"ir September 161h, 1666., . I.. . . . . CO\llIlry, in nccuJ'(lllll CC wi Lh II re~olu· \'illt! , wh ose (1I1 SL favor s we llf\\" c fill curnel' slollu- lht'Y "lIIlI ch.·" of[ 10 ti e· IInu c~nslsted o( lh.reo ,".8e."pllOns I~ l" 11 011 ol\'el'« 1 ill Ihe Con~rcss of III .. slllir'lil- lllld to 1111 whl) In.tl llY g ree L lIS of Ih e IIll1 0lln l lind vlltie ty o f edib lcB ~lroy ti le Ut'IJuhlic uy lorce of 1-1101 8 . ••• ., .1' "4 overgree n III arllsllC 8lyle. \'IZ : United hy th llt Hlrrn 1I:\,ubl i. " ilh til eir prtSC llc l! IIIllI Ilill ,1 uthrin gs )In;vlucd lJy lh e hUI' rall'eoplc, \Vou lJ AL thi s jllnclure , tlllll mllrtyr, -Chief, Jualic8 CIIIIIIe lIl!ade·· ••,."r· 'W&LCOllK II 01011" , 'IN hl EMOIU' (JIo' O U \t I' C',1Il ~nd JlII:,r~lll. 1tiohll ... llI l!. I~I'Y ~ ..ce of 'l''' e~e 'Ire inti .. c(1 hnppy cirCIIIIl SIIlIl' be Olll of Ill e 'IUl' s:iun . Th e colilltiolliH \ AU~'\IIAM LI~C~I.N, hllVillg \)C"I~ sw~ro n~IIL sp"toch ill favor of exl~ndillg 1111' ltu.ollg" ANU LUIKNTKD DE'\).' nlHI \ 1r~IIIH - 1 "I\~ Ih e.e CUlllll lf,S llll!, IIIHI CPo8 \lll<l cr w\l ic h WI' 111,," 0 11\\11 . l 11111 ~cln(~ ..."ly oVnc'llit,tI 10 Il1wll bell n Ihe I~ '.III()I CIl lll~ h\~ " , ~lId 10 pI OSt rve.lIl- rlghlof lIufTrAge to colored QleD,' al " '1I0NOR O U llllll.\VK~ !' '1'0 lhll ri"hL uf rlghl O U ~ hL 10 be. fret> j Ihlll II ..~)' 1'1"011(1 10 bring hOlne to YO II Ib oac wh ll f . I · ·vlOl .. lll lhu COllstllllllU1I of Ihe Unrted \U eli • 01 tl e AI . ' f D i' utII. o nrc ubwlv .. d frum nil nlll'r,: iIlIlCIl to Ih e " uve fought so blll\" e l~', and 10 t~1I y,.u I.nOS~ rolll" ,e,, "l ~ver pr epllr,·(1 III .' li S tilnt clI, bClo", slItid'it:d IhllL Ihl! Soulh e ng I UDlOl 0 ~ ID9 or Ihe &penkerll' posiLion hung a por- CI'OWII 01 Urelll Uritllin, ' &c. thllt t",.y hAv e lIollly stood II} Ihal dCllr ~~'CUOII . 1\ COlIslsled of e very VIITlIILy IIllellded 10 If\ku Lbe lif.. oC Ihe IlIlLioll, Cullege, Al the rt!cllnt~ommen.,.. . n' trait of G&OIlOK WA8UUIGTON, 10 Ihe A lld in hi se lo'1I1 enl spl:cc h ill,l~ fE'nco old f111~, lind He n it wav e QV I'r m ll lly 1\ uf \·illlld &ill Ihe clllinnry lillowlcJe:e or 188 11"U 1\ 1:1111 for 75UUO Sollll of lhe exerciBea, He laid be Wat ,,"nl: ltft, II pOltrait of AUI\AR.\)( LrNCotN, o( Ihe resolulioll, he H'RVC ulllll'flnce 1,0 cunquered foe. 1 hllv o (W OWII !llld ulllr Wllyne .'l'tlwns t.ip laJie s ; anu all Norlh 10 d",f"ud lh e flng of our coun · brethren', lild could ' &1I11t 'of ...'itt'f8 llle il\ulIlriou 8 Martyr.Preshl ent, while Ihose ~emorllble 111\11 .cloq\len~ wcnl s : h"vtl I"v cd th eso bran' boy s . 111,,1 L whu nro fumiliur wilh Iht:ir pruverbi,,1 lIy for 1IIIIt"lm,of llm:c llIol:th~. Thc which he might 'leaiL.'·" 10 ' & . lalo' I Fl fen f l 1 'Lellhl d h ap py Ully g"'1! l.!lrth 10 Amfl · IO lh 'lirhum 081llld liros illes, . . . ' . cll11 WI\S prompt.y fill p-(\. 1 hllv " erll . ' . ue tie Ilg 0 ompsDy 0 tIe 79ll, rienn illd e pend ence; luI hil I' I\ri se in Ih" f~c hll l-l thul Lhey hnv c dUll e credil to prolicltlncy III Iliiti re~llrd, can till lip !l.ked \0 serve thrttl mouLha. "AI the more P",~JICl.Y. .A- ,It <\4'. W?I'f drooped grBct:fully nOllr by-silenlly mRj esty of her strenglh. not to rl evl1s. II ... ir t) tllLr, IIlId hOll or Lu Ilwir fI. i~ I1t1 S , 0111' IlIck oC descripli on, for th eir iwu - cl'piTllliull of Ihllt lillie, mllily hllJ f"l1· I.., dioa'l s·PpQle tbere,';w... .., ·~ieJ le\lio~ its slories of marohes UIIUiIlCh - tille nnd to conquer, hilL to eslllhli sh YeS , 0111' h""rls lire lill e,1 wilh joy gillll lil'lIs will lI oL Iliad lh~ 1ll to (;XCtOS8. ell by UiStllSe lind Illlhe hllnda of Ihe lalling notel.' . ,. I "'Il~' ,,~ jogly perfolmed, anll bl\llles brllH.ly lh e rt'l gll o[ pClIce !Ind . good gO l'er,,' III1U y ll ~ 'li S ting~u Wilh ~lldlJlJs~, I Afte r 110 inl erilli ss ion, durinu which "lIeUlY; IIIIl r"mllilldl'r t:i r1l~ r re ~IlIiSIt''' I . , •.•• lit "l!: won. Nor was Flura chllry of ht: r fa . IlH:?L.' , . IHlVe lH,> l broll g hL bilc\( 11 11 wh l) went 'he Ullnd .",aill · ""',,ltJ Ihe "ir "~ ib r!lde UI" re lurn ed 10. lheir h.uille~. The rt<· - h·tl lAid lllere' are ,..no•• , ""hI). vors .. There was an exquisile l'yrnmid . t5ilon II fler rollolled thllt m(1~1 chel · lorlh witll .tl C, 1111.1 Ih ero II ro ''''Illy ~all .I ltd I ' b~I"o" nOlL"lllg cru,I\(~ t1, Rnolhllr c:dl live "llhe Fifth Ave'-II" Hote1 l~h6d o { 1111 SlllI" pApers, lh c \') oc lllla · h"orls. whoslI grtlll ll M IlscI.nd I ~ th " Wi l l mu,ol IUUS SO IlI1 S, lll: S(:c r~ llIry .... II~ mad ll Lo IlIk ~ Iheir rillces, lIud b"l t ,:. '. ., .. ,. - .~ 01 allDull1 and p«rllnnilll oesto W· li on 0,1 111111 puhs('(I'.lcli tly '\l nL\ of tho \Vid ol. lind Ih o " rucl.'cdc d to II slalld, fr oll1 which li t> /I ti llllr\ liDle e:x pi... "d !Jufurc thtl me-n h . Fr .a od .'" cd by Mrs. Staoy P. Kindle, lind une Ih e 01 llie lIn ll .. d And Ila I Lhink of tlt e mAil )' "·!to hllVO rClld tll o fulluwillg Itesu iutiulill "ut! IVl'rc in Ihe leuled field , Yd thello opera'. lfdlclJ'l't or Iwo oilIer VBses of redolenl which hl " d 1\1111 , "Ilured, fly, lIud slllrl"t!J I,) donlh, Illy were in sufficient 10 lleRt tlte rebel cowe h..... I.,:t.Jt'P IS. 1"'lI l"l is ~ lId. ' I. CHI, 'hlng, . I}0Q981! ' IJ ueo...led' " !ibM, o r cow b·Inc d Crllgrllnce8. nIsh.:(1.. I118 a IIl1lwn I 'Inevcr berme Illd f .R1l~Qll'ed 'I'hllt Ih e (llilure of Iri8 Ilor d"8 WI10, IIIIVlIIg sllllwd , or .. U,/ ' lih " e · f.... O UII ~ I, more llllO .Irlle f!ullrtera 0 II We h"l'e see n hllnls "il>~ , W IJ hRVIl ",ickell re b"' lIi oll will mak .. lit e cl"Uwn su I .. IlS() 1Y',' III 0 (rIe rlltuH I. I . , I\' ~d Id til... ' ,J_~ • . I.u till 1 scarcllY . 0 f 'tim ber !lntl celllllry, wing lllll\ surrtn(Icr. every maD lIa.,. ... rig . If IIII~ O beeli in I'ri~ons, lind h"YI! 'see n th e CIIIIn 11362 II J f I ~ ,j wanL o[ Lime, ~llore " ere no HeaLs Ilro. ITh e rei" n of pance ao,1 NOOtl "01'. I · hcad s uf tt.e olJ worlll tremble. 11 9 il I ~rllno ~('r e vy Irooj. .8 wlla !ig.S& feoL'lrom· 11\. income,' anA by lho .I J f h • " " " e U"R prAcliced UI10il thoso who honored , tl t . bl I. mill e. hen II WIIS thllL nlIIIIY ~f Ibe 8u .. ,. t. • "." ~ 1111 VII t: or. 18 &utlillllce; so Lt.a~ Ihose ornmllli l eell med 10 h~ve bell n tully lh oi r coulllry 's l' AIISe , 1I11t.! dilJlI ral her proves III ml\~IIS n 0 logoVtlrll IIID' \lold ' I . · 1 ·ppa.II}0D, '~Iat eacb ' Qlte.o( ,"e~pe" 11 b wbo did oot come in Iheir own vehi . IIlId estfl!Jll she,l; Lut, lik e tillul prov e IrRittlloU 8 10 11,0 dear nIt! @df, IIlId Ihltl CIVil :lIId rlj llgl01l 6 hherty . 10 ale p.resl:nt \HlTII I d d 'w h l '-( ,I Hood Lllcif"r, th ere were some sl,i riLs I A \'lid I prt: YllI(throll o" b"ullh e world , ',..IO."lmls810.nt'd ~y l OU to. go !G.llll to ,8· on. e ae t e , IeD~ ' _ 11.'_" 4 eleB, blld 10 8tllnd Oil Iheir own res polI ' Iwho 1V0uid II t ilh!:r ut: h"IIP y Lh ellls .. lv c~ l ilt( . nd now, 1I""r lh es\) J'rivl\liORR II I f II AyellWle "' t • I 'bl' II. I'It:fI. RNolvcrl, ThaI Lh e cntllll·III1C",,,ftn (1 Sial " Isl InS lp l ese.,vlll.g. roe. 'I " I.. ·.I!I li re pl"l. 1\11.tI pc nce hilS h"e ll g llill ~ d by I I 1\1 I Ullt yoI . It • -.-. "'I' 1I 0 \' pl'nnil olherl to he hA ppy IIbout I dd I . f tI U · I r I I · U. , 0 11111111 ,UII I II! 10nl)r Alii \"11\' , til l Nol only from Waynesville lind iLs lhem IIUU who ill LllI,ir mild foil" "c I Ie sil l.' In ~ uf so mu ell pi cc i'IUs I'l nyc.~}'lo II~ II IOnI so I IPlr IIIS(III~gl,· t di cnl e the authority of Ill e O.)v('Tnrnelll. -Durin!? the )at.e \Ii~AttiGal ; ..iaon, , }' U • hl .. lld, 'li s hll rd, lind fills li S with billa Ie nll ~ or: rIl Ie ~ .. 11111 0 1\ I Hll 11M It ca W . . " "icinily. bUl from 1111 qUllrlers of Ule I~~nlinp" 10 dlJ81roy (118 Lla·y l"rllls~ lvcs inJi!;(III1 Lion, to re lurn 10 tile lI 0 rl" , olld Lhnt oll e nf · th e/D is equal to live norLh ~,~" c()mmon WillI lho~c WllU llfc - III Cillcinn"ti, lire "~eiD~' IO"lls. hip IIlId eouoty, flooked tile peo' 811111) ' th l3 t: vtl r IIIl".r wor J SO f sympathy f,... th osIl fuul ,lf IlC r~, IS lr.a , sr.. ce who 5\j.(,'1:l'clltd 118," J P·kt: "8 0 rera. ' 11oUle . ]... Eo • I e ,lIlId I · Ihoso I .1 I. &0'1 luteJ 011 ta rLIi by man. . . " 11Ive .1! orrOU6 y COll llurnmRl!: u lue WOI . ' r "'lT .T r"'r. po, B t II I I 1 1~ "l tOI·~ who broug ht so /\luch dCHola· R~svlved, 1hili ollr brl\ve bors have required at our hllllU8. ArMed ,,,bl'l· 16)J9.000, aud at W~tl Tb~er' 10' I unll one of thtl IMgo8L crowds CV, cr gathered&ogelhcr io thill neighbor- d u l~u ~l'~e e( . ly t(l e IIckn owl- !l Ull un lh .. counlry . 1 rCIl "ll t thflt even (!oov illc~d Iha world thllL coLLon i& not lioll IIIIS ht!c n driven bllek 10 il8 nIItiv" I &50.341. '.l'b6 time includedl1 r.· 'ro"" _ bl d " I e gil d ell l 0 110 o.. lIon now grow n now so me rOijl) ess ~pi rilij woul d ng" ·Ill I{in g I II .• t I ,.. .• , ' , PHlllO rtioll8) to eOullt erllct .. . . . . I~ .' snu· O( ay we. r!'~OI.c~ m nn ."nul· July, 18G4, to !.lay' :30 , , Ise.. · I..,·.... 1•00(I., ... IIICaSBem e to Ulllt!! In lIe to I! ilflllltic 0 ~o w se"Gs of di.A slJ II Sillll , nlld U\· a.."itll' R ~ l d Th t hi tl b t IIV 100 n I d ble U _t I I I J ,. e·o ve '. II WIt' Ie I1\ve ~ . ' , " ~,t an 1ft 1.181 . 111011 <Jot '.' , • • • .,!"'U!I.I... J.. ~ . , ... patnollC eslivitilla. It is statt u Ilml Ih eir wicked deBigll!, II lId to pcP,etulll e no f068 Lban IhirlytlJree .r ogimenl& were IhRt 'reign of pellce an,1 goot! ~!lverll' ;llt:I~ ;': ~ I: ~ ~::~~I:I~':V ~~ru~:fl~,~q s. IIn·rag" d lers .lIllhu lidd have, for.ce o( nl'ms. St .. tes. lI!e old Governm.cnl IS re~og. -ThegJo.nd herelotOfeiM._Vttrd d .. , . . menl' so w,'11 "A tllhli .hed ~ g FT · . . slI Rllllned Rnd re ,o slllbltAheil lhe best ulzed. And ,ls power mllde lIIalllfesl B'UD'UD'. )(u.., .. m .n~ 'lhll'ltu.rI~' die· rep~escnLe • WhiCh, wlLh Lhe C'VlI IIl1d t"MS. IIIHI ~i~ht no~1 hll ? 0111' ,I · he lilli e .(m Illy JudC; ll1 enl ) hns not j.( u, ernmeDt on ellllh, it i~ the duly of throllghoullhe wh()~ a.ad. l l' e pe"t l lrict~ h... beell" lIfell_a 'Ii · JAmera. ulilltllry ml\8l, IlIl&dto 1\ s pec ta . ' )'our' I'U IllY e YIIl,. n(ud ev m.. for llg lllllill g' IIII S 'l" c8 Ii on. 'fhe Ihe citizens 10 pArretulllu the 811me by i', l'li& is "glorioll8 rllty . ) 8ugur from GOldOfl B...l'let' P'l'h", le nl·t· r- ,' ·rebAllft I b ', where IJCdUI YI , tLe t/lsk. . '" U1 9 aCCUWl' IS III J l'1Iltil . . . I. 'I , 0, II v ,. . lue •. VIlIna . ( IC 11\ 11I Sors .Wof' IIh.onSOlltl . I, III·J .1".·I I.uy Nort I1' 1plrese rvm2 unsulijed lue purtly of Ihe Wulll I lave seen "n-d hOl\td Loday, tllll IUDollnts to '4sO' ~-'ihlcll ·~""u~ rovc ) p.l IIIZ . 18 1 are SlllVIOg to Ihrow ,.!J;llIlot .box: you rully i-lify our effortS in d.fea.liog lectin. '~50,IOOO. I I . '·01 , .'
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HqQlre., Inr.. It lauch 0( Ibe tj.e 10' • couliderable pt'riod in the fUlur. j bill I do "nl propole 10 lurrende , c:ililenlbip in Ohio , but Ihlll relunl ao ao" o II lhe en !!ag l' m IIle dl"msndillg ab.ence ere
I"" ile atte nt io n t o lue ir Stock
1.35 A. 111. 7.06 A . ~I . 8 56 A. III . b, 1l P. III.
' L elballon, July
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~'J't. e followin g nrc th e offi cera 10
by P O
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Jl'3' ID VJl It ® N
'H osiery,
LItU of L e ....... R emn in ing ill the
Tile CutUu5 Uepftrtmcat I.. under tli O lIupen ll1ion of lhllt' el cellfln(
~dml id'!'!.
A. INS , L
fu r r iu l.
'VnYUC8 vIlIC lU:ukets .
n I1 8 kel-~le.elillg \\'i \I be
G rou!ld. Ul L c bllllOll, e ll . lid S;iG ~n!lh UI ' Ihl8 n,onlh. CUIII' ," ~ . I: un Ihe, Sut~rdJ'Y previoUlI, Al tell Rev . T. &10 W hinllY Ind o,bere ~ ', 'X pected 10 nddresl 11r~ ' ~ellD," . A UII . Ie ["lIir
rnl IIlvi tull&i ,,, ex tendc'd.
l' / -~,--..
~.! 9. AT 'flU COLD Sl'RING , ~ro iufur.tnuu, pluiseu (III \'cr.y a~rco
'l'nE PIO
IU!'Kt; ly alt~ nucu, as
pLion IIdj uu rued 111 trole' -fur mallY r~p.ir frOID Illunfo !O lhe 8~cne oC " * ~ • •,
iI i l
36111 R EalM E ~T ...... We filld ,,the lng sketoh ol ' thill regiment in the
CrrufuUq OOl'n:ck(1 E ver!J W eek.
Out8 '{I
Burl('y C t)rn
Dt)lnc ~ t ic
G uods,
I Q, U 0 R S,
Elltiro Satis taction.
.11,1 ; ,'. 0 euud s UPlily of
1)R ESS - G'OO1)8,
Fluur 1)l bnrr e l, . Flour 'W c wt, 1I.llle r ~ lb ~.lIrd 1P 1b ~;llI;~ ~ OU7.P II, l'olnlUCB 1Y bn ~ hnl, J)ri etl A prI eR V lh Ch ic kells ~ dulle ll, C " lr" c . ~ lb 'N e w . Oll e oliR Sligar
bO 8 liO
400 25 20 Hi 1,20 10 @ 12 ~ 300
N .. U: l.IJ.ulftSse~ 1)' gUllun, Uu~1 Oil It'U IIlYlI,
I Inlte
38 17 , 22 I 35 J 00
In its \'n ri o u ~ branches ; nolto be exrel/· ed onvwher o. None but the
0 HI G T ~ !
A. JONE'S, M. D"
Hats and Caps '.
1VIerrl·tt" P rln . t Z, ge lleroll s coilliilllftllceni 111,- SlIl11e. 1. E. I{EYS.
FINEST PER r U • E B. riJ 8> eyer ojferetl in Ihis markell may be [outld V our edtublishmeut. They ato III
GENUINE; lind competent jUIIII:ea givo Lhctl'l' IhO'
--=....!i'~-- HIGllt..sT· PRAISE.
The mnrket pricil nt 011 limes pni,1 fur Grtt'n Hid e\l , Clilf Sklne ond Sheep Pell s . J Illy a.-I .tf I. E . K.
E. R. I'I1ISTZ .
A Ai,e oeeortmcll\ 01
On'y MA .VUFA O'l'URE,
(I n l et: on Ihe corner of Mlill llIld !'Iii· ami 81 8 . , ncnrly 0ppollte HlY'. HIIII. (J::T Night calld promptly responded to.
We I,avo no hesitation in .. ~Inll Ihat \bo'
JUli e 23-ltr
Wayneaville and VicinIty,
------- ---------
- - - : - -01 011 lti ndtr olwnys
HUl'illU h.d fourteen yenr.' experience' i:l I he prtlcl ice 01 Medici ne, offers riill' I'ro:eulono II:)t!rvicol to the citizens o!
!"ur Gl: llllrm f' II 's Ant! BOYR' WI"If , A 1110, 10 IlIrl::c M Uj' l'Iy 01 lY e ll·.elected
on Main Sireet,
MATKllt :A< L
'I' E R~I ". C ASIl.-Oflice lit hl~ rellit1ep~
For Ladies & Children,
q~ [N1.\~ . ~~ _C rr: ~ Q 1N\I~!1J . ~lU lr.®
1~1i' Ii'i";i"'(~ ~\W1!JJ II ~
lU ¥ OWN olld the best bfllnu H of
tII u rit II
Opposite the RogC;lls HOUle,
1111,1 n' onont lu )!ive slltis fu t li on. I'hnnldlJl io r Ihe v e r y liDerulpnlronnge rOlf fev e rn l y ~ nr 8 bt! BlolVru, I hu pe , by c luse IIlIerilion olld lAir tl f' lI lillg', 81ill 10
1:)1'H': (!;S,
Tho uC't l I,,".l ily o r
'C L
WRyuervlll c , Ob'ol
DR. S. J, WAY,
MOLA <;:SE~,
c OIiTllIlJ E S '1' 111:: rnA cT l t E or
A cOlIIl' le tc . ,,~urlm c nt of
II ,i~ lIl e ll ,ou o f i" ror an illg
Nt)lJll Amy IftflSlt,lIm,
TEA. COFF EF-. b UGA n ,
()hlll i,," J~ nno Ihe pnb lir. r; e lll"" READY·fi'IADE
'w h e re I inl ent! t il hc ep 011 lInlid Uijsu rtlll elll or \ Vu r k. bu!h o!
- -- - --_ ... - JOEL EVANS, SURVEYOH, ~O~VEYANCERf 1.
0 V A .L
Ca 11 anu exum ine alock Ind pricclJ. J un e 27 . ~. DUDl.EV.
-SuC lI AS-
ul ly. Ihll t I !o live re rn ovl·d III)' pln ce o f UU'Si lll' "'' III Ihe 6ID" ,1 for merly IlC CU i, ic d b}' Mr/i. Th ullla B liS II F sncy S IQrU,
61 40 ~ 1 50
Ii ~
F I H S '1' - n A '1' E
t I)
i\q~,o r
III IUlle qlJa n tity and e lolll nl 'Iual!ly ADd 8ty l(' , or horne tnaltc , .I woys in aupply. D e le rm ine,l 10 nlDinllli" IhQ repuillti ol\ of his house 08 on e of th e firdt cI~ B8 , &Ir. F or medici ""1 p url' 0se~, to whi oh t"e nt· Oud'ey and "Ill on /s tall!e will lipAre 11(7 tf lll io ll of l'h v.icin ns i ~ r SlJcc ill l ly c nll cJ j pains 10 give ond wll ulcver ptl rla illd I II n
;s~~l~~lt;~d Cooking Stoves, White Goods,
w ho I" hil lin e. is generally I ckoow! .. to be w ilhoUI a 8upr.rior !
The bCSI qu a lit y of
He ni, '!:, 011 l\1 ui n ti tr!;' c\. A co p· A. E. i'I1 Ii Ii RI T'f, P . 1\1, !rum 11IIolher pHI o( tll P. coun· II'ho 11Ud. illl'ult ed " Ulliou S uhJicr 0 1 C Ll £j • nlso , 0 vori c L! "ur pl), o f . pIllet'll fUlillti it c Ollv u ui c llt to com e to ,..,..., ..,.-... -..._ ............... . . ,. ____ .--.....I-....,-...~...... Till , ('ol'lwr & s heel -irolt ' V(tl'(' II 011 lillilu lI Y. wh e lllh e sold ie r. : II lll k· AI IU o'c loc k, P. 1\1., nn S e ron'c1 d oy. Ihe ~l p ri ~rtll"iIY ll ud ' coane to av e llg e Ih e 3h t nl l. . ' ol hi s resi dpn eo In tl >is place, lo r slI!e at th e I(l w ~~t c osll r riCt?B. All k inds 01 , II. ~'ol ~d nCliunlin !!1y., unlil .lh o I'.op- N olhll" JUll ed . 1I j!,·d ubuut 6 0 ye.ora. ry il,t\ iv111'ull l wil s·l,lltl'llll.l,beuI Oil ih ; lur. Al 10 o' clul'k 1'. :II ., 011 lITullfl»y Ih ,' OUT - DOOR WORK, , 3 1 ~ 1 til' .• ill lil iR pln ce ,l\lrd. Juli .. K i'luu r ll, • r t! tr e~~_ .... _ ___ "I! "ll u ~ u lI I 4b y et\r~ . ~lIc. h A. :-;r lJl i li g. R oofi ll l,!. &c. .. uune on 011 ~' ridny, llI " 281 h ull., ch ild' u ! J ullll shur t lJulil' c OllJ i ll IIIl: U~ 6 llH a llll cr . iller n illd lctm e n\.s Wf're found UI ~ece lJI Sellill!! oi lll o O rllllli JUly aI , ,.; . '/'JI), I"r, 1I ,ell 10 1II 0 1lIh ~ . . Jll ly 3- 2 bnlloll ei " I,1 fur Dti8B ult Dnd bll llery .s i.'t Oil I h~ rum e duy, Infn nt clrild of J olIlI li~1I' _ __ sr llil;g CUIllrIl'r y.'o luw, I1ltd (tui: 'e y . :r.&. •
lt7ijS 'f 0 V n S PRINTS, DRUG - STORE·
.T. j-\.
'Ind at the
I C I N E , Paris and NeW-York Styles \
f\ "
Ladies', Gents', and
(tls li ~iLies.
P ust O tli r.e nt W oy np.d ville, (;OUllly or AmI a G ene ral As. orlmont Milcuell, ", I nd iaOR, hut W ed Des· WO r rl' II, S t nte of O hio , on Ih e 318 t day . evenillg , re po rlB the II ppearfince of of J uly , 1865 , v lli e h. if n ol la kt' n o ul be· in LI ltl N Ol·th e m pl\r t of Ihlll "tnlc, furl' th o l ol lh y o f Sep le mber n ex l , will jo(rellily im fb rior \0 com in thi s bl'de lltlo lhcGe ll crull' os t O ffi ce os d e nd ' CHILDREN'S . 'l'he Il\l(l planting. rollowctl by letle re. wh ich th ey On'Crl nl Ih e Jenninll S Willl~n\ li uu uu. \V ot 81: n80n wllich p re· A 11111 011 J o hn LOWEST JlJARA"E'l' PRICES. Milreh R ll ch ~ I J lIl!\I ~ I\I. Adnli ne prope r " UOIlLi on. ill the cause IIA pllonl nlllry l\1rs 1II oo r e J a il n Ii E. 'I 2 . lr J uly 4. P ull in & H lI lII lI l O\1 W Br nlle ll P e l it' Sid ll ev Cuu llc r Dc lin nl iSB I' Dull A Ll \'ll:.-NIILhIl D K inmRn. Cu .. r J Ulll e" 1\ Ph e lp" E \V I' il!ell ll H" "," e l h 'l:; ut:\l 11 in Ih e nrmy some lim e . Uouj(hl'rry J'; U F'uw l ~ r 1>: 11 , 111 0 [\I rs Nyo ll J uh ll ~s lJ ~~ AND " hn w as repurte d to It a ve d ied in t' ,, \\' le r I"r ll llil U SI IIIII I' C W York IIbou l a yen r ~ inc c , Rrriv ed t ; iLl,u lI s J ,'Rf' l' h C SII II II k D uvid S i nO;" .! 1\I nry Jll iss 'un TUe"URY 11l 0p .i ll g llls t- not ill (; rq!ul Y J ;\1 H "V II l'R M,I rth " l\l iesS h iclJ J a mes jpl rlt " lvnl) , but in ~lr e rlln! ge nuine !I (Jve r A H (ul:u lt l) Th oln ns C A ~Jr ( SlIfc('ssur i o /lopkills d'; O,·i'<l';n.) \Vu ll ... r AI ,II11 11\1 (1 bl oo d - lo u !; ~ng nun e the 1111 11 1('1' C l\1 r JJII C6 I\I nry F "V i llillm s~ 1I SII rll l, B Al Ille old AlII li d 011 :IT .i n S lree \, \V I' YII .... • Cor his I'OSUI rec tion. T o G OI onv of th e II bu vo liY I Ih o pe r. ' vil le, wOli ld in lnrm' h l8 .. IJ emlO m(' rs 1111 ,1 li lllr ~ k i rn ; 1 8 h (,ume (lIT on S il l · SOli c l"luiri " :: w i ll please Bny Iho y ore I lil e res t u l 01 0111.1 "11 , Il ,ut h e \10 8 0 euu u
, lUlU ~r,
iOlle r, IIltl lrlli rm "ry D il eClor,
· E. Priil! Z, wllo re Bf'hed )Jere
:D B. U G/B,
600 D 8~
f'l U le!l a l th e com illg O ctobe r e l"o lioll : Prouolo J odge, 10 fill Iho IJnexpired le r nl 1. Do.n was pre vented fl'om of J udge 1. C. D Ullle vy realll l",d i 811i d pt6sCIIL fit the H.eunion on Snt· lerm beillg on e ye ori AuJ ilor ; R eco rd e r i P ruse cIJII" j!' All u rll oy ; C OllD I Y
A Completo A orlmcnt of
pe N_ed ; l Oll will be at hom e .. mueh in th e ruo ~ n l illJe 118 th e, w Ill all ll w.
H,. oa hl"d I .;lIn11M1 UIOr&m"~ Beg Illive fo inlorm the public Ihlt tbe, BROADCLOTHS. CASSUIERES. hno OD .nd expect keep
We . parliculllrly desire lhe
lIuentio~' ot
1'0 tlli'8 re·.tute of 001 basmen: WII' h',vo FINE CU1' ORUG~, . AND PLUG, ill Slate Jour",l: . OC'I.'OBEK ELECTION . ALL I'll A T 18 .N E R DEb Clfi ARS AND The 361h is 1\ p;ea,~,~ composed SNUFF. CHEMICALS: For ths Toilet, I-iortdkerchiefp; ,,~n,ulliAl.HolI of lbe 341h and 361h regi. AAUON ST'&l'IIE~1l UII 1\ caudidAte fteemi'r'I, Drowefs, Ward. IA"lnd tire reoortl 01 I,h" gllllanl depd ~ for Ilitirmuy l),rt'oto r,' 8ubj<'c& to th e I3LACKIN.G, LEAD, tote" efe.,. BLACKIN 0 ·BRUSHES, eRelt would fill 1\ Y~1uml'. Rnilletl · ill dl'cisiuD of LIlli ~omilll\lillg CODve n TlIIlln COL lE ~TlUl'I DI S·T. SIIIle of Ohio OIL, toll IIflll enmlno 011' vnrleliel. ETC .. E-rc. VARNISHES , 't llUnlies ' p( Ath e~e. Allell, Drown, liun. Go mpr idi ng in jlArt Ihe tOllllly of' \Vurre ll. ROSEB-ERR Y NEAll. r. "urll. C i'o rmolll, DUlke.G..• llill,'Htltll ll, OTI C I'; i •. horcby lt in' Il,lhnl 1~1e ligl . --~- ------ ----: T. y, \VALg~ will b'l n cnnllitlat e (or of vullllllJll lIB • nd e nlllllc rulioll s 01 lion, J uc keou. Meigp. W.shiniton Ihe Lf' gi ~ ll\tu\'e, suuj ecL to tllu d ecision prop·crly. ~lIhjP' CI 10 tAX under the 'Act II) ~.,edli' A"~&IIe'meM. Warreu tl ey' were mUllered julo of Lit e ~NoDlinl\t'illg Couv'entioR. proviJ e inleruol reVCII\.I O to s lIl'llUrt th (! : E , " K, T. A:B ;r 1i OIl 'f " CO., rvi ce ·ill l l'\, U#~d\. il1GI. iI~tl 3.41h' II _ l!0vc .. IlIll e l\l IIlId 10 puy illl('r csi (III Ih e PAIN'r VAU~~ISH." &C. W"UI, E8ALE "liD RETAIL P [)t!lIl1ison and lhe aGlh al Mllrrie'J. K RLLr O'NEAL will be 'l\ cnnui.)alfl I",lllic IIdt,' l'l'pruv c d July I. 18 n2. olld 'n m ~I!J ,.r ~ TI11 't,1 ro 0 w ..w. QJ .I.>U <.III QJ We sholl (',onslontly ie ee I" on hnn.I n gen· Manufacturer, of Plwtograpllie Jla't'I' ' ., t . Ihe Art B olll (' ,"JIII () ry Ih ere to, (llodo IIl1d he89 rpj{lme.n18 · bulh entercu t 10 for n,e pr" ijenl~tive, subJ'ecL lo tllu Jecl JIII;e ~1 by Ih e ~(l v c rul A ss is lUI.t " 8~ OS~ (lrll erol Bs_ortm ent 01 pOleut JUediclllee . rial" ftt 'tllo IIdllle ti n .. ; nl1d"Thrnearly f(lur lIiu"( of th~ Uuiun Couv e llLioli. of s uit! Cuunly , ill 80ld Dulll'ction Di s· GLAR!~~~';;'80~,..tr,.,rr-recciy .. d Irulll 1)1-I~- n gout! nlld wcll'8ch:cll'd lolol 60t BII.Oj,DWAY. w, Y.. hnve bur6~ 'tho unl'nl 1ll811Y I -trin, " ill rClllntll Dile n rur :he examinp· luughl b'llllu Aide by Ilide. F 'irllt In Cu\. O. C. M .u :; wJo:LL will /;Ie ~ cl\n ~ l io J»ul :dlpl' r~u Il 8 "" .. rPIlI l'd fur the8J1acc In ed,lilion to our m~in busine .. or pliO' SASH AND PUlTY, PBII;rll Virginia under Gen. J . I). Gox j ditlllte lUI' COlll1Ly I\utiitor . Rubjt.'(l l to of 1,, " J "y s Irolll lllll 2·11h ill 81., ut the of t',grml'hic Matednl., we 11'0 Headllulrt"rif r . thu dl:cibiun of the Uniun Con\'elllioll' lice of Ih e D' Slrict A .I!'<! Msor in snit! COUll· 'l'IW8SES. for the lolluwilllt, ,ira : I,ell il1lhe aflllY uf the 1'01011180 j aile IY. I>elW('c n d,e hOllrs tl f 0 A . J\1. allu 3 SUl'Pfl lnERS, \Jt Ster~oscopes end Slfreosropic View!.' ~nl. h,1-\1Ie '.r'nlY of ll\18 CUlhberlantl,ofu.I -~ 1\1. A Ill! ittunothut o ly nIter Ilia fXVlroill, )n Villi'."a,lhey ha\' ~ (I~)'ticipilled Mlljor W . W. WILSOII will b e Il Clln . ~ ,\ ullh e Roid le n !II,V S, lo . \\il : un th e 8HOULDEF.~ nRACES: 01 lhese we hnve nn immenee D880rtditllll\t (or the ofllce or PI'Ob fllu Judgc, ~11i ti ll " rtf AIl.."ll~l, nl iny offico in L.. bll . Anu VOII cllnno\ In\l to be l ui ted both ill meDI, illcluolIIg War Scenee, Ameri .... n· lIearly every 8111llluinllfy cugagelllenl IIUllJCCl . I'" , (I · , . 'llluJiIY al:d price. ALL TilE, puru LA n , 10 ~ Ie ""CI810D 0 110 U U10n II'JlI . I 'R i l l hellr nnd rl el ~ rlllillp. nil oPI,p"l . IInu Forell(!J' e ltics Olld- "lInddcape,. Iho. , llIu le8~ tlllI '~ lhi'rty ; " ix hun, () \)\IvtJlltiulI. r f' llIt :vc 10 IJ rro ll(,OlJ S or 1,;tIcl'. sive vltlu. · June 23- 1. Groups. Slft'io\JT~, elc.,· etc',' . /tldO, : Re . lIIeulI,. YGrious i IC hllve · Gelungtld __ . linn s ur c lILllll e r ll liulI s mIOtic nlld IlIkeu Ly vulvin l' ::;lerenllcope,,' :or publIC or prlvale the e' r i'iil,lel,'t P. E'uur C ~ I,,"el8JAMES S COTT will bl! R cKnuidllla rol' lilt: ~lIit! J\.8tii ~tllnt A ~se~8 ora, All uI'Pp. nl. I'lihilIi: ion. eur G~ .. loll&re wi!'\' "" sent • .J I .Ii • L> I r d I. ., 10 lilly odo1r088 UI' receipt of I(.nt'p~ · Juned, 'fulrDI,d IIlJd ~ll.\Y-lIuvc 'th e ollice of l-'I'obl\to Jlldgu, subj ect 10 Iv I ,e A soessu r 11 8 n (l reS III mll st ue mftu e en'Idilei.! ;iri ot ti(,tI, a~d " ltiroe command . Lha d"cisiull or tllll \Juion COIl\' Cl1lioll. in wril illl! , u nd ~ r" c ily fh e pnrli,'ul nr Of a grr ol 1IIIIIIy k illlid ,,1,,1 ill largo quon . l'IJOl'OGIlAPIJIC ALBUMS• •, ..-t .. J ' • 1" 4 l~UU :C, mot~ e r or t h i ll ~. r et: pp.c t ' lI ~ w i d el l ulicp, lor s ui I' hy We "'ere the firel to Intfoduce I"eso U~CF(8 h!l \!,e r,i~ eri lu Ihe rqn~ O~ Gt"I' II uI1I,e81 is 111ke lt . 1111 01 s la le th e I!ruulld · . ., , A. B. GOOCR will he n CRndid"le fo), IIuf ill l'q'lfIl il y <'f (' r roor "J) mp I"illed 0 r• .."ll'~R . R \,l" r Sr, rRI NTZ. into the.. United State.,' and' wo IIIllnl~fIlCII : Mojor.Gonerll) Cf;oo.k, Brii0tlier. 'liN (., . D U" .. tis,cssa r. - , - - --" - - - - lure irnmellde qU.Illllits ill 8,e.t Vlr,r,lIY,; Pi_", lind Bn'vet BriI:Hdier.Gen. Ille" ofIie~v 01 Coullty ltecord e r, Im"J'ecl .. U " 11'VV , ., ,a CU ll 11I{l i,1 I'r it.t) fr()~ 60' eelit'll' (O"bO ' 1D.lvsl. I. I;. I:, II} the ullcision of tho \JniOIl ()01lv on· U ' UUII IIII , JHII' IMI" , Illliii. , . ' . . . . Ou r, Ii Ibum\! ho l'e the : reJ'~ta."ol1 HA~R. ·· O~ ILS, rooter dt the fit'1d:" lille; ! cbmlm~. - lion, , f)unlh-liull Co li !!,'. R)' c C"l1 cl', prilile /t1O 01 beillil "uporiar' ill Ileotl\y anil dnrabllity' ' .L' lhe\ li~lIo 'ql ' rl1\i.l:·r oI\I,wu ~ &~ GJ utfee olld EXlr""1 IIf C" t1iH', lor slIl e by 10 OilY ulhers. ·th.~Y \\1111 bo 8cnt by' . 'I ,' J \< , , ,. I " " 1>. F S U LLIVA-N will be n enntlid nlc .. . r ·h 1I1EItRI'l'T & I'RINT;/'. . moil,' fIlRF.. 011 receipt 01 ptfle. ~ EBERLEY, all~~ Ch~m ~!I!6 ~d ~lh tf-n,evel fo r Ih., oflicu 01 LJountr l{,pc onlcl', Rill> · D,. rr Finc Albnms ~ndc to Order:n iin~ H: 'F ? t>lIy'lI ~COI\l llIl lIdill~ ~to~. JUCl 10 lh ~ ucci siun (If th o IJ ni on Cuh · \V ,s ll cfl to i"I" "1I loi s !,Ulrvll l! 1111,1 III" I'UH:£ UIDEU \' INEGAH.· Photographs, " : i' LlfU!l. · Clll~ ·' wll ~Pi\ii\ 1:1, WI'I ~,,", VOlition . ' Ilu vl ie , Ihlll lill kl" ' I'" '·v .. ~ llllllly UII ),·ond( ThiH we kllollr to b"c J"Drl" . n ~ we pro·' A we ll-8elcclCd IIIB8orlrT1enl of the m;ST llo~IIY, O. "";r,''B:'j. R iclw r, hlll l' l",; -' i. r!: o "lid 6 111" II 18' CUTeII the Cider I~olll reliable pers ona ill Ollr C'Mt'Alraguo IW\V embracel cWer' 'ive' , lriUb'i d, C'1 ~b le villo; 'A. . DAno ALI>F.N. will'be 1\ c anll'htnlc ror It,Ul.-SIU.nE PLO\\'S, lloi d Ile ilI"uo rh oo ll , ullri permhl Pfl il to Thuu"olld,liHc ;cntllubjecl" to whIch adII N ..' .....h n J .' 1t: Holcomb, Nl!w Ihe office of l',, ~s c culing A lIorney. ' , IIlrll 10 villl' fYor 'ml and duuule IIl1d s illg lo ow n rt P ,~ I""~. ,liti l nl are conliflu.lI;, b~ ln" nllde, .of G} Gomer, : I.e roy , .. , , ' i& "1\11':J.tltlTT & I'nlN"I';/" 1'000trliU uf emi"ent A·merlclne"ctc,,..vlz: L ·ItIUII"I!U1u e ry, Uerllu _ & ===z - - - - -- - ubUlif , . " . L' "., I ,T. M . 'l'urLOT V I 00 lIlajor. Gelltr81~ , .00 . ie,O l.',ol,lfle " 1Il ..1~ "r !' IAc l. H e wilr nr. o mnnlllnrln rc n , :JO" IIrij!.·(; Cllorlllll, lbO 01 liter , o tti:cer8,' ' ~t'_i'n...L'I':'J: 1ll. "o~in. , J. N. An. ....'1' PRIV,\'I'E S"L& 11 11,1 r~ p"i r Pl u " . I""f 6• II l1 d t!rI:1f8 Illltll~:n b 75 Navy omcers, ~rr~ J D 1\1 ' I II J . M' pPf oil kill1!:; ur f1: J".... J 'l'u"ld . . hl uGUFl"l: 'S & Wlr-,SON' S SERlE'S, By th e !t ill ur puulld, of II wurrBllted :J 7C> t ;Q I"n~I' , ~b" 1::)181081110",' 1'30' DIvines, J"~I~~iilldduI~. A .",'i,~ew·ufl~.sR.~ L.urN°)~~,· Ti,e vulu chl e lI uu,.. o lint! 1.01 . ~illlo:::T' t;lIIillo ill lt uull T1 urJ<c ·dholn g I, ttl' ,"l · 'f141olily,lor ti nl r hv , f,U IllurniIII! rlt WQlm)n, ' 120 Aut.hor", i\ ' I~II" ' I Slu '.' t! a I N url ,I"" I "'I I'.,-,r lU &0., &c., &0 . ',)If. ''' ~ .~ tonlf!y, a"d H. C. Cllc rrilll(lUn I " led "" IIIe (' d 10 prl)II'p tl y. ;lllWKIT'I' & PRrN'I'Z . I;! :) 'SIH " I',' 40 "'rUel8, • ~"lil'tlellteiIAIH 8.-A: . 't~e lllple " J. K . U" ,W 'J ~ II 'I'loi,,1 'Hili f"llI rl h Slrl'c\ " III I'I ~-P-~R-IN ' iI,OOO Coplil!! of Works of Ar',' Akb~\V, M, (;! UII\v ~iIl8 , Gl!or~1l 'K.r\!J.,. - prop Crly 01 l\I l\~ . M. Il vD&nTS- is ul e rc I ,u • J:. . li'l' ;I.. :ludinl! , re produ otiol18 ,o f the "'0'11 eple l Oh.nRI'. II, .F :'!:!. W 'IIIIII, co.: VV'. JIlin (lY, 1.:. al lUI v 0 Ie K,dl'. I ' "IUII GO '0 ftI~ ( ;c '.'1i n~' unlcd l!:lIgraviIIIZP ,' P'oillt'iilg., R,,\-Iueo , L '.(~ "',. b J ..., U I ., II .~. I~ All. 'j'l, o ~J u lI ge is we ll huill,. ill n pll' fliD l\l Pre~criptioDS I< . t! '''11\ . I fo r ' "Y (~() L I .I II ("11,, 1ll~. • , . ,.m, e;l . '" n ,. ",mil I, unu l oc u ~ io nt wi lh thr t'e r t)fl II H~ lpurt: h, t"III1'nt' r f:;; fl OW h t\ I0 rIc . CMtl1IUllue 8 8enl 0'1\' r~c~ irt 0', 8t~llIp . , t J I ,I l itis F llc lory. Nu dUll g r. Ih i. Yf'''', II I I ~ II of(le ~ lur Ol. e t>'" zon Plcll'lrPI·. I,om' Kecbnd Li·clllell pnls- L. II II ,vII , 11. kil c he ll II HU ce ll u r lJe uw, 1111 W(I r'l,ulllI ; 'l'I""P I)" '"t'"C''' t hy n llt fi ll ol i fl "tr n Rlol·k ul Care fII fl· Y nllll1 () rOlllp 1.Iy 1'" 1lie'(. W .l7 Y Jr E SP J t L E , O}/ 1 0 : U',r C oinlngllo will' be ~elll on reCI!lllI of lIr~ ~';I!. A',rOll ... "'orh 1y , ." c, ",,'1,;,1 , kurll nl nll, in III \! sp ellllll . Iury . It< we1 ll flf k' (' IXCI' CII I ,(; " "ds un I I~ I"J t\) .,,,1'1111 11 :':" lu r \V ",, 1. ~r,l'm, 8"d'lJe~1 b! rOlIlI .· r!l ~ R. . Mn'lhw!Ji,..'''''r ....... l'\ ·III", H.'I. Ni· IV ule r ill' s illi'u\e-d cl ""e totl l! f Itlele . ' Uroll r Iles. ('xc I,o " ~. (" .I .. ~ IA Il U .. L . ' t llIrers (";-rJlY li nd W Ilite l'h"lo~'Bjlhe"'8 dtld Other's ord'rlll !! 01 (I D l' 11 o". - I o' r (', , .t t l. H , .,SI"" ell'' •. .1'1 " ' , 'r. [\1"II " r. UII 1"0 II I ur-c n ,vun " ly u " 11 1 • I \1 I u. U " " 'd" fur \V"ol. P"""" rur POUIII ,WI 1' 1 Ie p rl~ C tr ,)(,J !I' C. O. D., wIII ' pl ! B8c rellltl:» per '" rl,,,d '-'l/llf- . .. Q -. rgl. 1\)"J'"r ""ll Ih e gr uulOu iti \.If'I' !I o u q UII . l l y ',O r !I'" . NUIl!~ om I'n' 'I:'· on , ..., .... ! ." lur " I,ill lt i ll )! 11 11 IY '" IJ C II'. re ll i . nl Ihe 011l0llnt 01 their order . $if.oo. 01H' copy 011 0 year . It . e'l l . ;\,Ir.n ; Qll ortl'rm ps ru r S ''11:' . t\')IIillf.( IIU,\I<J81'8. ho prvpc lly IS 11:1' o-::r ' VI."I, I; ".. ". c 011(1 S'JOI', Grull s(' (J::r Tile prices Iud qUIIlIJ.or our aoodl ' 8 .7 5. , FJ \'e cupieb UII O ye"r, COB.N EII , AI ' 11. Ecr r,Je r.·, C'·I ~ I'II . " ';'Ir" up;r. " r. 'W. w . \ Ir(ll ,1 ill '·,IIIIbrllll c.... . . I ' U S '1' . 0 Ii' F 1 C E ~ ~,.u J ~ I I WfHI 'xd in li ll y q"lu n' "~' . cunuoi Jail 10 Illlisly , . '" t . I b,OO , l ~ r.w~l.~a' 9' H IJ"'P Tcn (oples o n e ye ar. ihll lSlfllvilrl ' :-ico" ; .for :ullhN purt il' U, IIf r; n ~\~t";' E ' (;1::0 . nA 'R fn : 'pl' .J u l1 ~ :! 3· - H f '~J.~~I)CITP."'J~I\ 'fCi" aiy eo'rgc B lJ ri il ht' an,1 1 " . \VH ' " \'Sv, i ;~ ril1 :O: Vull.' I . ·"l h)lllJ .J llh . .:.1 11 " ,ID CIIII ~ » ' " ' Ju ly I~
'u, S, Internal Revenue Tax,
Dry and Miled Paints,
l}atcnt »lrhidncs
Picture & Wm ' ow- asses.
e&r mve
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Patent Ilcdicincs
Unio,n Coffee, Pea Coffee,
Sherman Marching-A la, ng'- '
S II () 'V E L-Il
0 "VS ,
G - VA-'L'Li y- -FA - CTORY
FAMILY GROCEHIES !' School-Books, .
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li_.r OIIio, al . t U ... in lbOlll o.r II. ...... TH. 0 'ruDOLLAR DIe_ElI urE..4. AT I 0 .1'·" •• low •• &0 . , aD d I!,I1Ye 80meUmet - BR.OTH-E ft -,- -.tlre "locle of b . Jinoi 1• \ Ledtb"quetlliono{our f Rrmen; b u.' IIII'ADS R.E IJIt n.. Ol'\lb I"', ~ I, .... OS., G Id d S'l W t.ah J[an Witho u\,rJt1'ttl.u\r"lu~! h I \' .... I ot a, could oolJ gMt 1\le AnnVllr -e IbaL II One 0 an 1 ver a.. ulllil ) 0 1.1 1"",1'1 '" . , ylIlI ., .. U r ... · ~1 • ~ .& G£IIT FOR J 1 I I II W Co uld Dol be ilOile. "ithOUl a C E .- (J"" lU A I. ufactory. two immeule ewe ry ' I'I ndld LIII IIf A,li I~! , I ,10 "toO .1 Id European aild Eu¥tITPi JIal1.u!ucJurer.. EstabliBhments one Silver.Pla. \ 0.1 0,,1/., ••M ·h . . ry reMon wl'!l it (lOU nol. OF TllE UNITED ST.A TES, h' G ld l' 600 :\\deir.1 8u~ .~e 'n .1 0 eoe l, We lUe graLilied to learn lltal this . Hav ing ror thapo~al ove r ON I!: MIl.LlON I tlng Ware ou"e, one 0 en 1~1I:1 Wllh \'cll,o\Ocft "".,,. :.IOt) •• ~uo iDlporlant questiou i8 DOW in proceBl of howing the new State of Ne vada 811.1 uf dullurs worlh 01 lill(. g"hJ (1 110.1 lliland Pencil Maker, ,I;' 1•• IIU lO& I'olr<u~rll ~f~'" lolulion. T ' , MI. L Ul 0 C Iy " r •I . 'hhfi"K III h Oi JU •• 100 rrttorv 0 un nil • call bIn g "I ver-IYure . 011 (lIICY arlle ~fo, IID'1'u be di ,110"c:<1 uf wltb "ispIltc h ,eu 1"1 hen :!O.. ~() Harv,e y H,. Hankio" Olle of lhe en· of C ol. T ru(l'Ibull 's Sigl1l!ra ot Ihe lJ~c· purted ulld A IIl oriean, will . ' rUII \, U'" with ,. Ivrr W " 60 le l'11"iQg fllrm. orll, of wl lO m Ih~re tl'.O Inro~ioll'" I I1~e llllll.1el)\"·. L is t ul n . lIl llil di pl,~e of ev ery a rl ide WITJlO T ltJ.;(lAltDTO OsT. .. ,,'uuldl {{ t.!rollk lllll"uI' 5" ~ll r . W I I h LI s or Ihe Prese nl Wllr, PUllulllliulI ul Ihe 01 $\lllhCh, wHh"ul 'f,·u,t. H lorr.OI·' nil" cu'· 15" !Itt 180n 0\1 11 ." n, n (.' ''01 I AI'il II r t'" IlIoneu1.1e t)I. mAny, \D I n~I Ip. i III pro Ullil~d ~(ote8. in C'ounties. . 'tl~art1 IU voloe, ,. u " .~ c:oun~y. one yellr IIg~ lie spr n~, -r I:lizp 4.lx45 illcl,eH. ~oulll od on roli' in Il, e 1l1 .. lllle r beluw 8luled. , ..... II~" I lI ork u ,,,!, 1t,I'. "UllrOIt ra .,,' bn.k .. 1 ]9. ,. W ' , 1111 ,,,.011 r (u ,d,u, .· II, ,, I' l'rH'lu,. II UIII "111' ullOO ,101 n .ill'er tea 1'00 "'.. 2() dOl curf!d ' a sm ti H qUllnllly of A varlely 0 Ip ri ng o\leaL from the norl~lcrn part of er8. I:lent OJI rece'pt of 81 ~50. C? 'Ve li re con sla ntly receiving 101 .. I,U I'" -,,, L,,: ol" · , •• iu,,.tl lty .. ,I,.lrul ""K <'iv,1 I 0' 0 gu< ,I. 1.Ii,t.'IM)'" &. fo, h 20" 40 ' •• 'lIte, col', ed 'CI ,'ln/\ 'l'e" ""I,cat,' - f A"cl'l t s II h t th.' · wur. It . I, ou lJ hit I'run lll',,"II), .Iul~tl, al 0 ~ 11·0 ~vl" htl"lt "~ I·... e ", .. 11'111" 50" 1~0 MAP OF THE \VOltL D. lera rom ou r ... .,oug uu I' llil' 'h oJ) or. "'V ,t., " I' ~ aOIl IH,h." II 10111'1<1 "n"'" let.! ti,l whi ~ h.ilW/\ 68/\i d, " ould do wt:1! in • , . . h \ CUuntrY ,8UYilll: lh.lllurIl0I'tls WEA l: t or i • . . . • .. hu"t;" :;r ,u6w~ trl,.' 7U' Oh io. In April of Ihal Yl'ar he sowed 011 Mercal~r. r rUJecI,oll, 81wwlllg .1 e ye6:a. wh ilc Ih l! ~rlicle8 OUI "OIIUII fur olle A)JERI CAN :U t\N )',l e T' nE, bllIl hU"''' ... ·'·"·,, .. her ,,·.Ich'es :!-., ,. 70 ... " If d rcee llt Art:II C Dlld AI~:ar ... tlc DI.c.ove.r~t!II. d"llur euch, tu,n "luck. ullll "puil in 8 vc r!' :01,,111, ... {II ' . gr"'lly 'UI' roor 10 till' g,.,,,I. ;'11' ~Oll ,111.,,,1,,,,, 1I1t'~' • ~8 •. HIli II bu shel an .. U lill Oil Db acre -nn a Th e !''1 rI8 • I.lne~ of I rave', I ut en or 1 rll- ~h\Jrt tillle ~ TU!i1l wbo hllVe hid ~x pe .• ",rlo" til"" ulJruhd n"d hll •• ~ed n"vut ". Ih bll•.!O 11"'1" vu t OIlU n." r"H,na 4 " 1t~ qu.rter of ground. from whioh he bllr· d,ng TU,'~ns BIllI . P us ts aecllrut" ly InHI riOIlC""I weu riu!! auch goudB. we rel"'r ne ~h •• " • • tHlr ,1I1t1 '11,.'. ""plu J" 'y ull :",. :WUUl;"I,1 ,,\ ,,1 ",."J.ltrur.·I. ,. 4" 111 IIIIfl"'l ~"nd •. II ,uJ Ih~ 1,,[:,1, pr."" u,,, 0 " (rul.l I:'O "oJ'·' 10,,,1 ~,.I,I h,u,d .l>! 6 '. : ~tI vllll ted lwemy.ei g ht bushels of good duwn, Ih e Map Id eugr"ved 011 Steel, to th e trUll, of th e above stalement! 100\lnll. clean wheat. w lIich was a go ol! hillhly embellish~d. cnd mllunted thc ~::I:,,~~':: ·f~~. ~",I,I.:. ':'I:" t;.')~'~'~: " ('II7::.:~I ):""~",,,.~".,:."~ I~~~~ c~;~::~'::.";:"I:;·~u1,~t~'~~':'I~~~· l " Jield fo)r ~he season and quality 01 llo e UCK I .tv le . Ollr (;uod 8 nrc of SUl'crior Qnnltt y, ,,,,1, , " ,1 ... <1 ") u. 10 ' ho l·uIJIi& . ·(·u r•• oIi lUlC I :'01111 ,.,,, " I. """,,,rd ," 01',, 1 ~J.,. 4 " 8 II Size , :J6.H-I Inches. ::;Ilnt for $3. . I til e ,. 01,. ...lUu II IU,"" ';"" I.. ,' a ""t! H il i' . f' \ Sroun. o::r 'V e CR.ll pa rll.c ulu r nUcnt'OIl to 11 (' \ ONLY ON!:: I)OLI ,,\.U ,·II",'U ",,, ..1,.0,,. 4 ,. 8 U A porLlon 0 It W lcn groun , mild" flour ellual in qUlllily. nnu up' Ili&Loricul (lied Mtlitury ftlf,p of the rl'lli ce 811d rll 10 u~~urtn)( lit :I,,'t ~ e Iollte ' w;lIl .. r l,.• r",.·t1 I.. , III" hrlll Ie 1111 \.,.. li.l . nll,l , 11;,110 , .c ,r .. I, "l,lt l Iltld ",,,u,,loI do 4' Il pearaDc. 1& tbll\ mod e or hl elh lleran c"!1 "lftlr to th e P" bile. lor IIY" tlo I 'ora c u"I! ! . tI", .• ,,' II" 1'''10' '' ''' ,. ,to e:l. ''',' 1"" UtI ,tI I... 401111 ~ ~' ''''"'''' ..1 ,."."",,"1 I:'''', ~ ':11 '. : III uO wheat. /\nd tue brend made from It N Q Ilcl c lu Vf> " I ,')( 1I111t1 a u uro l kl"'''' .\ 1.111 h. " IOJ ~. " l it,. I'~"" ,,,,,,,,1 •. ," I:,I.II"" i.:. \ ~' IWU I'h.k ' }' · ·"~1 ,. I~ " ,. b II "',' I. ( l "r . . p, I Y . J """ II, " "" ,1. .. .1 I. ,·.,•• ,11 Ill' ",,," 'u '"'" .. 1", 101'" lull ,,,,,I ' ~. , "1"""''' . 1"l e" "A8 IRlu 10 e ellc e ent. ov mucu or i lully "u t ibh,·t1 u8 IU Ibe vol ul! of Ihe urllC C ,," tI'.,.".... t: vi I., ,<;c ;I O<~' vi J u" "(') "lid ' "', 110,.1. ",I""lt e . I cc.~·h llll """ tile tlrsl "xperilDenl. Co nto ;uing. on a lar ge sCllle, Il,e Clot l(f' \ ,. 11 h ; " III !:,. !. ' , .. "tI .•, ,11 .",.., ud_. ~, ~., 8 AI II of Mllrcll or the presenl ICr'ltur} elll1Ihncp.d illd II.Sek . l{ d, l'I I,,· ' 1.1,1 vi Iu 'v .._" Jo lu t.u .• " J ol '1 '\\ V l) ..v ':." 1lIJ1I1(" ltI Ihl"'ld •.•. .,. " r,I •. ,,"c. 2 ~,"".O 4" H t I I ItIJ II , I u. 'f111 : I· I,.\ " . SSIi1Il·J,f:! 1IIt'"I),,,"" .. ,",,Io.,cI.... 0,1 ll,e 2 .. yell r , Mr. Hankin8 Rowed seven acres ~~III1!! Ih e iI~l .e8 Oil ~rll~" '~~ 01 t ,e ' . eUc\I; '11,,' '''''''. 01 • .• , " u , ,,>'i,. 00"".,' ror •• I" -H' 10111111 .I" "'"~" .p .....J III •• _~ l of Italk a rol1nd plo" edJ' u8tIlSlUou (1h or.ellc"se Inn nCII L uc e: . 1I 0r: ; Dinmolltl pi ns 2~V l oS:JOU (. "' ,I II ." ,'" "' \\III,h.(.,,l d Ol ul . Il.IIt1 I:r .. '" .HIIIII ~u ld"", IIoI " .~ ,.C10.· ••• t1I ,·.:r" . wn. to.. , . ". T wll',d, H ',H Qdd p.d. in D"u ll IUfln . a s kelch 0' Itt be l eeded wllh oal s. ,, 11119 I J n t i s Id JU 11 1. 10 011" rlll " S :! 10 IU 5U\) ' 01 1'.lI ot I:"~ II·' I" " 11,,,1 E,,, · D,wl'" & ... . " \ .•1111111' I'''" ~'' I.. "lO p .I . • 10 "eek ho i, hurvelting lue erot. It I . \.V ~:';\re I' 01 IP8 loJ I "e ,clrs , o· tJuld 1': u "lt.l~ !8I'c r IVnld' OM 1;,0 t" 3UJ ". rI It, " " " .. n .rd .,,, 01 Cit . 1",,·tI '"'' ,c.oI.·" "" · 1~., '"I . It" ." ~u ld r" '~. . 4 " II ~ • rill es Ol. u vlVllR ll d ~ , Uti 1U \' 1. • I"!I • :!llJ \ l I IIP' I Iii,· ... " III\tl u pt·~ Ul t Ihl l l I'hll,d 111 " I IHIlIlO "IOII~ ".' t II ll d !t 1 ~ n .. ll·III ~'l 2 .HI ·~ lU sLRnds ."ell on Il..e grll unu, 18 rcnsL I:lc nl 011 receIpt or [J Ue. G."ld AI~' Il ()CIlII do. l OO tu bUtJ .o r."'" .•,,<1 w," '''''t·d . II" II U$ UtI ortl ., " ,', . [ " 111111 11 ' .I"b'.'''~ d"""" ,"1 ""I\S 2"0 .. h) Itigb, 80d entirely free from rus t. smul Sliver }i,n:rllah duo {;O , ,' 11" .1, O\',,1t I"''''Y I"·,, ,',·,, 1. for ,'.'u,,, 1"" I· LOU ,. 1. 1",1 ,. , J' ''c1,} Jd " III t 1"0 u or IIny olher 'IIislble d~fccL ; IIlId Ih u Oil Map of 0 hio and VirginIa, . A ",{'rl e'"1 J tJ. :.,,, U ' ' ', .. " ,' .",J v,It., _I,.• ');' t . t" to· ()( 'h" "."1".,, . ,. .",,1 ~" ltI ~ .. I ~ . k I 1 ::;oIvrr. plul ct1 I,, ~I I'-\V nrll (i0 Iu ' v ', 'i".' . ... I.k." ."II""lv"" I1,,1 ,,,It' loy lit e IIr·' !i(,\ll(l· .. • II .. . "' "'' O . pell rl . 0 1',,1 !,Tl\tt\. loo s P u~p B.nd . nrge. M' ~ H. Ad nuw led)(r~ hy th UR e III IC re ti lt' d III Ot! :Sulld .ilv ~r Illule '_\luull:l Ii III If> ".,.t! '0 lit.· """" ',,. I , \\ t," \\ III ,..,. 111 '''H < I 11 ,,,1 .. ,h.· , .1{lI'" ·1 .. I., d 1.. J b I ,. 1'" . l o,, "DU U " ~ .. LO I.) ' " I"" I... ,,,It A·II" ,· OIlC Ll vllt.r I, I,,· ' . pl. ,It \(10110 gul" 1" "" .. l, e" , x, •• ",u" II eatltl6ed lhl\L It WIll Yield f.rom !itu 10 , k all 8 tu e I Ie ben yet jluu- l', u. lulk '"r u I,,, I.I",.111111 I' U"'" I 4 . 10 30 bush'ell' per acn,.-lYil71l1l1gtV'1 Re. :Stuc d" Ull 18.., 10 3'1;" I ~".'I t"'1,)11.,,,·. I,.,''' " 1,,," ",,,, II", """"''\
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Hllllll) f,:" ld I" II,. !tI l t! Hu ltl 1II0 1l111 u ll It .. ld. .. uU~O 10:.0 1.1 p. Il lI IlIH.! t,to \,l t''l l cIUt l iJ ll
n" 10
From .11 portion. of ,be t, " h ,'" W.etlndDuUI. el,. ' . ' II III ...... r.lIl1n~etion. furrn eil er I • ,hert-I he beel rou'" lu P hili dt' Ipt.. I • Ne.."" Dustol', Ulllimor. Ind Wllhlnlton.
IruYeler m.y with cOlIlMeace relr sI. re coun"cllon, hillh .peed wilb utt'ly, Ind evol'y "ppliallce lor Ihot I"UI1 be procortrl. New .nd f d d' Jl8811enger c.rs, ur ay an Dlg1lt ),,,.,.e fl1C1llllly bl'en .aded 10 lh, me nt of the PelllldylvQoi. Central' ... roo(J'. ~I rtIH~b\Jr.f,I'ains (rom Ihe V, D direci to Ihe ,';011 e pot. w~ere gl'rs nro trunHfll tr~oJ 10 th:,. rainl P e nll ~y lvnn i'lt Cf!IIUal n.allwa)',.
d II
l\!nvePittsbl~rglrlld.rrlvelltotber "8 followlI :
., -
ittaburll" 60 A.1I1 " 8101Ipi~11! 81 prytlei"ll II.' Arr ives ul All ou uh"' .t "', :'0 A. rone M!> A. lIT .,.[ n~!.!..e(o~lte )9 n A. Lo ck H , vc ll .~ b~ r. 1\1 ,.]! H I. J() P. Ill .• Oll.lilll'!ret &.4ft ft., JIlI: ., YlIrk . viu AIlI·1I1 0WII.1I1 10 ~O P.M, adeh"li"t lit 1).46 P. 1\1 •• and New v III PI! i IH,Jell'li Ill . III 10.2'1 I' . 1\1. M A'L L'N f.-I.('"ved Pitl ~ bur" .. A. 1\1 , SIUpplllJ! 01 "II rl'guler All Ollllllt ilL I 1015 A. l\1.. ~hrr i8 I' . "' , orrlVIII"'" ut P IIII.d.lIl1hlu I It r V. M •• olld NdW Yurk, VIa Phil, ol o A . l\f. I' ITTsnURO AND E HIE" AlL1"'I ~ lJuf:: ul ~ :A U l' III. .lUpl>'lIlI al ull"futhllH'. A.rlvt"" at Ahuouul P. 1\1 • Ihrri ~ hur ..., \.25 A . lit, nut! dPoIlJltin ~ I 6 40 A . ,lU 1".,1 LA· ·L,'III· i!:XI'Rf.8s-Le ft ·'el U~" u' burl! ul .j ,:lf> I'. ~, , ~tul)PIIlIt ullly II cil) '" HllIlloll8. Arrived HI LOI,ube! P nl , Alwulln \I a:> P.III .. Hur'i~bur.• A. ftJ., Uullilllllre 7 A . ftl,. Nll w Y A 1II!IItu\\ ft, 10 A 31 •• Ij".l.dt!lplu ", . lIt .• uldN,·\V Yurk,t · via l'hi l'lAl' E Xl'IIE!!l-
cllke .. 2Utu i\ij : "I UI!·'I\'II :," t1'(lI"'''H II; .. n ''III''I'''')O '"'~ i".ld.,. 1;'· · Z.)o 6yrll pcupsw ith sulvers Jnto qo Ll I :II,WIIIjIU ld dIlU l \ \ I'l, rlh l ' IlI ,,"tlh ',d ll fl Ollt' IIIlt' Ollldll" ' J.!~t.,.tIJ .. tbt1t~ kk . fI .. !.i nll:~M. :.il epplll,zC .. r8 rUIi l For Ihe "buve alld many o llo~r ponnlnr \... , .... IU 10 I~,U lu 1;. ,,·I 1111" " ' ''!- IH wtlt '""""") " ,I,," I,,·lt el. ;uuu uv. I..... b... ~u ll, llx. >I. :. . I~ I " trU ~1I Ir"", .-,Ultulrrg no:... U 'd 1 ' . ~ ' S or slll ve's V' 11141 DO Ilim q uelts the plea8ure of CRplllin Drown's II Send for u Cu tu lu"uc, Willi 'ru ' I,1'''' . " " "0 rio P"I,," ,... I " f ,I'e "" Inl"~" " 01 "'HH ,\l'nJ ,'t.~: .\- CO. lIompanY ,alA 8mR.II nllrl" ~ J on F II IIY work ~. f'r'".V-J .. Ilou le ,. olld Cll p8 ti tLl .. 3.) l "1",.1 " will' " " HOI ,,, l"elerr",I. Or " . I", Ptllill d elptilll.llI:tIo tu N ew Y urlt,Y" next. No. 21 Sprl~J(ln8 Place, Mou- 'I'erm &to A~enl 8. CUb l urt:t, "Ill-L:lns~ l>ollies l fJ to 7 :1 nil) 1",1'1111 . )lId ,hoo~c fu "(" III'lrt " " flJ l d. tl1 I\.ltlll t,hu.!fllrlra' r\ ~I'Ul", LI) \V II. day.' Order! muy ut' sPn l 10 i\mpricoll At!· ., cotJ.. c II rll " 2b ttl 70 ,11"" YOII '''" Itl , it6 111 ,.11.· , 01, "1' "".rfl " ", No. 11\7 B'vu<l .. "y. N.w York . FAST f.llNll-Lenves PillHburlr 'f1111: ANSWER.-Cllpl.DrolVn presenls verll 8111g Agell cy, 38tJ 8ruo,lwoy, New L,Ji(,d' cllom ele" wnlchrl! '15 t, 150 ; · "" .,,, ,, d tl O MtOltl, Jo;,,,,,,",c ,,,,,jully our """fl"tI'·. ".. 1 ",r.ol Il,e "It.. ,·. 1"1 01 goud. 1' . M.• wtollllilljl ullly III pnllCl\lll1 I' I I U J t n k in S, An d YLlrk • · " It.h t.'lu:... . ... ~ w,I I I,·,."I .. I" '· O,, ..0 IJul' .." ..,•• ··I J. . C Ud omp Imell S 0 I)" ·S. G uld chnl<,llIlllr chu,,'~ 111 tu ! ;)v , ,\rrlV eM "I Allullllh .1 2 .3\l A . II&. Jregrele thllt Lhir~een of the privRte s GAYLORD WATSON, 1." II g t;1I~ hllk chuillotl ) fJ to bO "A'['C'II l)1·: I'''ItT.lI1~l'iT, I", """ 'I"" "C" ,·t 110 0 ~ "' " I ~ I Hl( III1'itJ", nf IlItr~"'1.:r:o a. 31. Ihllilllllrt't 1:l.:1O P• • . db l b ' (S I'L I & W ) \' d r t. I 1 ~ " 11 \ "II ' 'II' Ir.ul. · III I I" IIdlll Uln e l un ll ': d l- 'I I1 ' I" u l l'., , ~. \ N "k t ' All euluwlI ........ U "WI II be d e.llme y IR IIII'COrpUtl.fllS, \lCCf880rto He JlH olEon. es lllli O .. CII'" ,d ,,10 u '" al< lI' "1'I'J!,'1I 1 "'"lttl~ '""'~:") l u~20' III ,,,' 11" " ,,~ lt llll ' ''''' 1 t1t1 i tl ~ ,"I .. n 110.",1' I'W .ur . VIII ~, And two Sergants lire 00 lite siok Ii ~t; 16 De!.'IIIlIlln l:ilreel, N elV Yurk. LIlt1 iep ' Il~ek ehuins 15 III fi U ;llU t1~ I1\' 1t. ,1 1.It'r ~ol d hU II I·~ C:'.o ~" ' O I; ', 1' 1) ~o\ ,ull' ,II . II I... ~.· q,," ~'''' .!f V. I".hl. l'hilnll ~ II'I'"'i 12.00 I' M. ftllll Now U I b I ,. It ) r. . 11\ I" ! ~\\,I- !li;.:u l d hU ll \III I' t' U ~tI .iU tlJ I L\ I '· II 'f I ,. I I 1>1 I d . I 64" "he f~lt!> Cnpt ~ro"l'n'. 'colI'l)lllny ' VU all' uruce e l i ; ) ' O .. v I ~IIO intli .. ' go hi lind "~'IO"d c d 1t1l,,1 . . , w'·"}. ""C II '" .. ,n","'.' III' 1 11' ,'.11" I " ' IIIU 0" " U I'·V IIU. ul lot r. ~J. will bllve mllcu pl oasure in wni:illg on L i n~ 1:J Iu 20 '''::: til'" :till" ~I~ ..... ,Il.. '. ",., I",,, , ,,,,, ,. ,1 '"r , "1.,11 II" •• '""" . " JlrenAjiut, tUi1l7,er lly 11 11 .1 1III I00t h .· -viti III IHI\ " H I rllll' t I lI n dt·, •' )frs. In''dne on Yrid"Ay eyening. I' lu,,, l:l IU :)!i 11111 I' ," '11 1 I. \I' r -till I' 1 1I"' lin~ 1' • •• :IU to lI~ I ,It . '" "" ,"11, 1"" .. '. ,II{ ((A J\ IJA 1./.: '" I o . 'V DUlly. tI/./ ollar In"n! . ~lJllJfI"" • \ • "". _ • J e l & go.l lJ U IU III 16 lu o tl ,· t. l t'\t~ 1 ~lIn~ 1 hU ldlll;,{ !,,;it' :.sll to ',~J "11 1·111111 :':- II~ II'" ,. Ib 10 1' th e 1"'1 11 1 'I ud 1-: 111 ( 11" 1111 1 ' l'I"kels lor -.I ~. 10 l1" .'l'll b __ ~"',_ ' . I 'd pi nuu.' rat""Y b race I(ns IU 10 I';) t IlJ I , .. l U I 'IWI It':' \ "r ~1 I\ ' I t ' ' 0l 'fl ... f u c. ':.! U I f) v .... r ___ '1'1 . d 8 ' t!- )q Chi" , 1IIIIIIIHh'l·l tll ,..... 1111\" "!<II I' vt'd 11 1''' 11 H ~ " ' Itl i "1 ' III' crlCs - ,, .w,. '.)(I()(I0()OO I, ., ·, .:. "\I'~"I " " 'I ... . .. ' I· "'''I'" .. ·'u~e 2; ' 0 ij·)· ( ~. " ,\ '.' .. " I" ..'''''·'' ' '"I/O ,''II'lc,I ••,'·UI'I" ,' tl. f'"i, nUlltll c kctlt "u"d 1111 bll.W OLORlW II:RDI~T,1010. (IIw,ng , . H.,I,tlllre olld golt! bruorltc8 l :l to u., u.)S""." I .~, 18 10 1 Q " TI V AC Ie th verdict ora n(og ro jul'Y. ''Wr, dll I (:orlli . c llle rlll ... blld IIp,,1 do. :i!ll 10 :l') J 1'. \\' J". I.ltl" U II .. r""\" ",,,:,: r.·~ ,tI,,"n". . S " ulld 1111" _. !"AUF. Iu nil poilll. . d be' k ,. .y nllthorl' I" of lie S ' rre lo f tl , I'I' I','('T,·II·"·r L, " HI ' ,de'" 01 I I,,,, ¥"' I I~j U.'" NI U,· I. ",. .-rp I' UI U8 UI'" ull,"r rUUI" • D , • ( ry 0 lP 11'0". IIrmletl! lur ChIIJr,, " lU to 50 I 3'00 J,lIlll UII,1 ro'I" " • •• "... -/.,.,.10 •"' 1"0 ",10 .... v.I " ".• " "' ,.vr""".IoI.,,, .. "I/o tI "I'. ",,,I , • • • ·n der8lg)le ' I bbd mg(aI oroner II -1ury I. to "1 I I .,ton&le yo till negru l:iomuo. Treasu,y, tho IInder.lgllcd IIItH c8Sumet1 "o~aIC"·')f", e ll .... r, ullyx - .. v",,, "I"" vrtl,,, oI."r~',,k,,, " " , "Iolt .. ", •• ~ ....1 SLJ!,·EP1.'liG IIO\Y dead lind gone uab been silt/n' on . . \ UII,I up\oI eU rdr lll'8 l fo to -10 I 3uo ur 111 :1 ' ,IoIlIllUI,,1 rlltgs ~o tll 11.00 10.10 ...... '. lI11d ,,·,, 1 h) "."il. ,It,,· "'''\~'tI. "" 'd f ' d d 'd d . I Ih o Gcncr.1 S"bScrlpl,on Age ncy for IIoC \ CuliI Url\lll dilllllulld en.drups If) 10 100 I 3uoll 1:.,1. tlltIiIl OI,,1 rollg~ 3 tu 1:J I", .. ,,,,,,,, UII r. ,,' 'I'' .. I (I ... "r'''i,''' ''' • .' ''" 011 lligl,IIruin8 to Philnd' •• New d be sat d ~,,!egro /\ hore~al b' • I 011 e DI gd II SII Ip. or United Stotps Treosury N utcfi , r;II"'Ctl "I OIlC ear~r""8 15 to 40 JIIO U J 111111"11,I rtll~~ 3 l.... ).;1 " , II' 0.' 1IV I'H' ) 011 ,,, . I" 1,• • • • ""d II .... i'" "' \ ulld ""ltit"" ..·. 1I1l"lXugll Cllllckiltl I " El , our-~ecnt 0 jl\DEl, .eo~e to of . I'ltllfi "".1 enon,. sleeve 1:I IISjlll 1\ to Iti \!100U g",,1 & CIlII",. [I,b r\, "i ns 3 to 4U II1 ,r " 1. "", lu " ' II" II ..· .1 .. 11 •• , .... 1,. 1.. Ih ...... .. lItollrllll~ll!rr .. tI fre':. • by {lilling from de bridge ob6r de rib · be""nn,. Boven anti three-tenths per cellI. Du. stnols 6 to ) ku ..000" ,,,,1,1 ve.1 cltnills ~ Iu. ." 0 1: "",,1 1".1n •W",,·h. .... " 1'.11 .· 1"".... ' FIIII " CII ••)'\'81111 ' .Rlltlrold . . ·tlt~ . .' . " n...... ,,~.. n'''"J ,,,~ . ,,, .. r...... "oI)'hi,,,,,. ul uf CD, lIer, wbere we be was 8ubst'queutly :l!lcre.t. knOWD n8 Ihe Golt! allli stiver Ihimbles 6 to 11' 14000 purr g,oI,1 Kleevc buttuns 3 to 10 Jcw ul,) 0" uu, I,al (ur a 't. Ilu p.D.II " . ' IIul .d8ur~ ony fl~14 l'I r llul:~III1.' lad afLerwllrd., wb"r, we sup' l.Ili,llulure tluuble '''ck els 12 to -~!O , tiOOU 4.0uO p"ir guld t'Il. ~I"'nl.·· a 10 10 Iur \V1l.n,," ,.,,' 1. ,h"1 L_ SEVEN' THIRTY LOAN Send 2» (" CIlI~ tor Ceilifiellte. .. A,'P., .. I•• "".1,' . ,Ole, DC! wal CroilHl 10 def.' . Gul<l' tu •• lhpick s , Itnew pcn~ rtd 1o:1! lll ij' j!'ulll flllld, 3 10 8 PI'UlldIUil"y tu "lie /luadr,,111 tI"lI.ra in 't H)11l) ~ t"" - _e L & · 'I "",·t "11-1 3 t 12 ,., uH 1I'1l1 HtU""If HPIi. " " h--~'fl. " I'i !' I".II 1·I,n"!!'" II II These Notes nrc is.lled ullonr 12 lo !>U \ ~ UUU RI ~ 1 & • t,) ~ ""nle of CI Iij, croso e-s, elf'. ." I I"f r"r \\flltltn~ It. u . ( ~ '· lll l l l ltll. pl.' 1" 1< lI u~ I Ik:' - ' Ull . A U''''H"'e l!.lceeLiin"11Mt1 MODJ:i.-Si'II:ECH~~ro Ihe summer of J I~II 1865 .1 bl I Lo,ltc~' Jewclry. CQI11CO. oJl.I. (jOUU I:"" .' J:.cn'Ill.l'Ings 410 b .",,1 t1nll~.k I. . , ,,,, ,,. :!.; , .,, 1, """,. wh,dl III vlllu e . wllllt.e al lloe ridk uf Dloe '1 GeD o( .p.8 A ' com- une " 1, • onu are pUyll e tlrce OI1)·X. pcurl, (-:olllur"I'o ,],·U Ml 11111'" " It' 1 111 rH H I I U' I11' 11 l II I' ,. f ' tl lJi11111 (1 '18 ·""t \l'I ,I ~1IiI' ""·~ '·k"I,I~ Aontr.ct. L -wall IU 4UUU nUI~e'l!olu II I lIe .' el! I t'lIU'"8 f) lu III '" ~ .~-1I1.1 ~r~ '" J863.1J ~ 1u., lr C0 Ium bus ,/ .• somo o{ his yp.ar.!ro Ilft't' . mund. corul, pnlnrnl·'. J"I, 1:'" 0.111 · )llIlu trllc e l<:lts 3tu lU I",·. ~, 'e( .'l)hl " " ",,,lIh~"· '"I "·"' 1 .1"" -mwu ... at . • m lu' Ime. III currency, ur ore ' U ~ fi . .. . ' • pluill. guld, olld elusl er, ( ull IUOO gul.1 811,1 jet urllce le la 8 tu 12 ' II I,, ~ ij;! . ,hl1' \ 1.. ,' i~. " ",\ '/o 'u 'v, ~H' 011" FREIGHTS. friends presented him "ith 1\ horse. e(lnver,liblo ot Ihe opl,on of Ihe holder slyles) 12 to :>0 501111 guld Hml ellnm . lIFuce lM8 II to II) I","dmtl I"" :t ID. . - • 'ihe Rbl,e lIu g!lrian Wal highly elllted, inlo 8irver extenllion pen.looldcrs 3\)00 colol elllIlHlu," Ch.IIUM 8 10 li, What the Pres8 Sa1 of U", By II.is .U"tll Irei"hl~ of a/l and rllpliet! LQ tit" presl;lnlation speech u. s. ~.20 8i, s , " COllI. elld gold pell~ .J! to )8 5uOU I,,"r I.. J,,,s' s lecYIl bllLLoll8 a lu 8 liu"" COli b" I"rwllrtlp.d 10 lint! •• rollo"" : ' ilOOllll urtll' Ie8 of uolt! pen o, -lOUtl I'"ir 1l1I'1II. •• 410 10 'rbe l."I"jl'll. ( l "'l 1 1),,,1.1 (,;,'U'·I.'. ~llIrt:h 18. 1dell,hiu. N,,\v Y'Jrk. Du.. lull ur • Fell' Sol~ltirl aqd SltenLle~llne : 1 GOLD·OEA RIN(; UUN us !'('II. holders. both &lIver ""d t:lOOU sullillore guld brAce 11'18 a 10 Ii! Il~n!) . ' "} " III lind Irun, 1111)' J'oJillt on Ihe Rill Thanh ).ou for this bos's I De hos8. TI b d go',I. g"ld npllci i., chnllls, tiOOu cUrld, Ilpnl & (1111. "rullc hes:J to 1:J " .\ ".IIer " I. r l •.'d. 1II0r< vnr;et! or (•• hi"" • . Qloi'l. KClIlllck). l"dlMna, Illinul" It~S C 011 S Dro 1V0rl' .B premium ,. bllUO I I I f I .l1entleman., is de Doblalt animnl o( rings, uolts, uuclde ., etc.. 10 to 20 rAlI,pu ""tl p~orl cu't1rop~ 3 to Il ' e " .. ur."",·" .. J"w , "1' , ' ' "." .. , he f",,,tli Oil COIIIIIIl. IU"d •• JIt'dduuri, . hy r.iliuM \Y1,t'cl, j, crco II I f' I I "OUU .,( 'L Iht' Cll ullllf'h i 1" nn Ar tU ",! 11 (\ &, r l,. Rl e no \\ ., ... . '1Ian . . . S J"ou [or tbls 1~1 I f)t"I "I Ug-, 1\1··u r j. Arr"nc1"l e ~ Co. (le"ul" 11 r~e, : p . ' -ank'lnd I Aso.'In. 1 I tiCS 18 nclUIl pro It 011 t Ie "he 260.000 Hrlic les ftf(J prl',tt'd or' ,~ tl61l lr, . 1" " "vo all" " Ine b08111' 7·301'0"1, Illd its ellemplion from St~l~ wrlllen 011 the 601llP. tllllnu ~r slt ps uf ]JR' • un'1l1l1l0 ",nrolrupij 3 10 10 11I1(1t I' .. ,i lin" ", ,.""",,, 1'1; .01 .ill I.. ", ",." .". I Ito t'1~1l~)lvnIlIO ~enlNlI HrIoi per,llIl" ellch' ~eQletl etlp'orftlp.ly in 6111811 10000 cu r nl,n pni & "lit. ,jU r.1ropH 310 10 ''''0 "h .. " lite ' O"""n" 'l' " k .. 1 ~ (' .. II I,· _ @o runlll'Cl li al )"i\libllrg. ' wlth • ~~ b' I. '; l b " ' d' end mUlli ~ ipollaXBlioll ndds loom :J llo! to envelupes' "nt! when Uldu ..'" ure tall e ,l lOUOU 1Il11Il" IIl",luI!k ij l& 4 1o lU 'i'1I,',r "." " "ell l'''"'' he II""I"·,,tl .,\i . d "I"'" by which good~ CUll ' bl!lnrwDnted v-J . A en.~tc.e~ lUll anll rosl ""I Iv'tl t .' I I d 11"0IlU V i l l i ' ' ' ' ' ' " ItrllI" ' tin 8 to " '.... I tI, , ,. 'II " ,• •' I' . ..... ," •. " IIt ~ tr ~o .. ,I. n.,,1 "IlC~Y·I· U .". I,"r, Ille O",·u, "'u·k " tllree t I ~ _ 1_,,11 _ R n~e ,' Il IllU"t·"lerl ' . · o,'.' I,u s p r celt . morc. Dccoruin'" • ~o Il,e I • J I ,uu " ' go'''" U t: lUll e ,. n sellt 10 luOUu pi •I Id _ . ",u l ~~ ,It t ' III U ,lllt' r 01 { ' l.plJ~:\, t r Rd ., ~ I "I' ... i wily III 'I· y~ •. &. I . h f l ' d . I Ie Q • rE' SS orJen',1 by '1111111 . Nt) h,v,,,il- I a II I!U r,"us 410 - ,II p .. (' "I ,h., <.It,",,\. nro ,.•,,, 1>t il " 10,, :..1. . "" .Ile.8.(·~., "'"II',"yrlolld. Ihnul8. to., ~ C!' II,t uf IlleN "t,cu, ~ j IUUUO aeI S ltllll".S·J·cll",ry,no .. b ... , 111 11 1', ,,111 (.I i l II II' pI ,,1M ~u ItIII!Otm~ll e eparlUre roOl hiS 'bed r, ute c.vle ollotherIHoperty·. Tit ci lll cr- Isml·s-hOIV-. ()nrO ·,·,U . " n;fl 1I~1111 • • IIlId " .111' III o.r ~ "'I dfitlUrI, A r k, "n~Uht flnu"R' an d b\7l1r d of bie uIl8rly btdo v..,11 : • M}' C8 t l 1 . le·III cu rre ncy semi-.nlluI,II)'. Yo " cOllsce \1'11111'011 I all uJ " ot " I ••.• I ".' 10 11.,,,,·,, Ih"1t ••. II~. II> tb.' IIII ..., nt "1 ' I""U, .. ,J . Dlld ' "p.you CUll 1111\,(" f()r TIV.. u to2 0 " "1"'< v ,'vr ~llIldu."iy Kari" i& alruyed or 8Lolen. \Vho e,ul Dull"rll! I'urehuse rs DIUY lI'lis obtu'll a 1000ll ,10. cum~(,l. peurl clc, 5'u 90' IIlerprole. IheJ U'KY llU"D With p,ufcci co,,6- ,'/1110 8tp.III1~'~ 1111 porIa lIillb" JeLu'rDa ,hel')"ill gel hili bead broko , As uy COllilOll:t, olluchet1 til e .. ch 1I0tt', \Vhich Golt1 Walch. OiUIllOlloi Rillp'. or other vul- 101100 gilt ,",,1 jet orncele lB. 4 to J1 ,1 ,·IIt'e;· W tstern IL.keil.' Jo.r Ir~llin.B' lJ!er IInybQdy cBndo ,lo who mAy be cuI olf QII~ sQltI 10 lilly uUllk 01 uuble prUcie ror Ihe ahove .Hllnll stirn. 16000 gilt & Jel h"t suppurters 2 10 12 ClF'r I.lI~TnlllyTIO....-A la,o "N,o"!nni!y i. Me,challid \llltl 8hiPJlllrs enln"II ,1''6es til; ror, lis I neyer pRy my own I . . IInr. In 1I'lllfllllsnctiOIlI b- lI1 .. il, we t!Jw,!!e "11 VEl .. O',".u I" , .. htn",,";! ",,,II h. p. ,I""". , ,liM"It.",1 Irunspo,tltlioll of I'leir Prei .. hl ..1_ "u < 1 0 '; • " t·I'LATED \VI\HE. , • _bl", it itT no& likely IhRL I will IKy T Ie", cents ror ,;urrcepulldrllcr. pusl"gc ptr. '·II'!!" • • , " ·'1I'1" e. e'"· . hI ~1t· "r·. ,\rrll llll.. I,· CUlllJlonv. Cllll rilly with cUlllitlellt:e \A!'lIke .M uil/llt tlllllkiDD' BbouL oLhcr he inlerest ~mounlb to Send lell cents lin" gel a Ccrtlticule _ JOOOO ClIP!! $" $"(; & Co. , .,[ 1"0. 161 Bro.,I",,}. '111I'y h.,·r .. " 6p,'.1I1y trulIKII. · D ~ l!d , I II 00 I .. to .. 1 111"1~IHU ' '''0, k ut hrtll't". flln Il1 g II' ""IUti r.·1 D D • teople'.. One cenl per duy on a 860 note. - ' ur onc '" ur, 30 ror two t1olldrH; t:l0 11 0 1> els a 10 10 ".lIll1re olr"II',I", O"P " ... 11", ••,,,:,, Th ~ III. ' Ie Rllle8 or rrelglttlo and -.______ T 70 for live dl)lIul8. . 100UO pllir u. pki l\ riJ)gs 2 lu 10 'rtlo""nn ".er} r.'rI~ tlrll . _ ' '' .... :!r~.· tD Ift'~ ullll ill the ~Ve.l, lIy 1\' 0 ceuls" II .. "'IOu .,:'11 "0 U" A 'Ii' A 0 E N T S WAN '.f E D v cur d IIUS k als 4 lu I I) n ,. , r 'I, «'n le 0 f n ,·.,r'nlll •• , .. I<, ."d .. ·,,111I 1111 ",e lllrUtI R 81 Irtl 8tl, are lit 1111 penol) at Keswitk. wnnling TCII II II "'bOO , " aouo oAke uR .. kelH (j til llO ",11' , lUI'" n"d nro ""t 1.·,,,III.d I" pRy ,<11" vu i~ ole os ure ohltrg.'d other to di&po86 of lome btes, to aUrliel pur. Ally IIgenllle ndlng 118 F,ve D611"r" 01 01000 cu"tors wlIh bOil Irs 6 ') d" lI"r nnl .. , .1 011 ore .,,'i·'i"II'~i'h Ih" nr' .. I- Cum .... aWed. . d~r•• piinltld the (ollo",in"., pillcllrd'. 20 II . .. " .. $1000" tu 2!i _0 ' IInlll""1, ",It" It ..., 11 ".rlul"I~· hn "'M,h ,,,n",, t"HII tlt" j r BIl ' p.,tieular to nlnrk 1111 0 11100, shull rCI'flil'e uy re lurn 1111111,n ill I)~OOU ice pltt:i,cre JO 10 .",,1 .',,",IJ•. ~~I) 0" f,lQO. All ,.... 1. O::Jt .. EXlensi,e lillie of.live 1I0ck. compria . $1 ...... $5000 " O~ol'llllll III Ih c 75 cerllfic.,,,~, "lie of lI11r UOUO pair b"ttt'r k,llvee 3 III 2 1' .. 1 "' 0.1. 11" 8 "I ill," . III, :': " " .• Ilnr - r1\ \' " VIA P",," A CENTRAL R . .It.'. ing nOlle .. th.n one hunured Illlli forN IIrltcleo, Iree 01 COHt. volll e,1 nt 1101 less ! IiUUll tlO IIP . "Yriter & uruvy ladles 210 II" Su,,, 'n y'l "" cs. I'cltrnft') IV IAB5. • . . 1·'"r frlll,,11l C,,"lrnct8 or ShinPIIll~ •.y Il0Uian I d "'It b nil unlimited otes or all Ihe UOQOll1illUlluna nomcu t IIU" fi Itpetlloll.,,,, I I \IO U " .. ...• 1len, liS b sumple to sholV eng'lIved pic " 11111 vee J In 9 ~I .. "o AI·,"lId.l ~ & rll hl,,"p IDOg h,w " rcc ' i""8, "Ilply 10 or i,ldrp88 ·l'ilh"r'. • ri~ht of pRSLul'aj&e.' 'fhe . illgclliC,lu S willl\e prumptly furni s hed UpOII receipt lu hlb (rtenJd. A dt1rrt!s 8tJUU d. ,zl'll Ie .povn~, per duz. .~!0]6 1"'I',ulI"lIy kllnwlI 10 uO.II I1<1 IV ~ " .. " ". 11 ...",1 0 lullowlng Agellt" 01 1110 Compft'IIY : tllek lueceaded to admir"lioll for 111's f b R oOUO OUZ"" IIII,I'?"u UU'HI 8 Iu c) ,. '~ C'} 1111.1 wl)III,,1 rtf 1',,1,1,.. ',olll;d~lIce. ' , a 9Ck bro.gbL hlgb prices.' u 8U licripllolls. otl,l the !lutrs forworoed r~ED & IJROTH ER, I~LUO dozell deOoert tU'~8 7 lu; 5 N. '. ~I·oll ..h AIll f;"C III1 Jour,,"1 RS , BW' l{i'1l!/s/un. Jr., PM/oda, l ut onco. The illteretltto )51h July WI ll nux 5138. New Yurk C,ty. oUUU duzc nluule (ork. 8 tu 30 W e It Il V.. i"'p.rl . II .II' Itt n uni,'" rr Ar'on. . • BrtJu'l d: Co., Cln'll. , f'1 I d ill .. & c.;o·· A~,,,q rO t ~:"rn" t'"' M"nllr".·tll ' O/arke &: .100., Ohicnao; ue pOld ill It.I,uace_ 'l'hi. ia :Ioe • n r ~ room. N n. 31 L lbrrlV Strr~ t. ~OLl) I'I~ NS AND l'r:NCII.S II "!! Jrw . IIH •• 1I 1.,11:'' ","",i"..-1I1 01 fl'al"o"" I ;J ",Be an editor: let tile devil be ... LO \N t ~ A ----Of ('\'t' r." Vllrtr ly, from 3 to "30. hie nnt! ,nIIlRht" jP .. " h)' 01 tI,,· " """ ,,1 "",t'·r". L I V E S 'r 0 C K • .. , N "I rU{ET, "" WI1 .1." no",'."" 1"" If"'I"""I,,} ,, ) •• Iv.r I'lnl e ' , ONt wailing (or copy; sit dowD 10 wrile an AIICANA <.'''A'I'(' II. 1\1':i'lI',~IUEIl TIl~ l'I.AN. OI,"I""II"'III".llhot th~ wh ul.. I.r Ihr •• nowl; nruve~. and F.rmers will ~nd Arlie Ie. and ge\ a few sentence. done; IIllpn"IPd Hrllf Ie. A"O to I. e tI'''!"I'',-1I of tln~, IIIOIU a~"Anl.J.!po", route (or Live now ulfere.J by the Guvernmenl. 11110.1 it i. '~e~ I" I\U IIcquainla~co drop in. alld ·Au Elegant Novelty in Watclles. III all cnRPS we charge fM rurwnrtling no,·.·1 I'II11rl "te . ~ .. '''g ~'~ftl '101'.1110/1'''' Cup.ritiui! yart18. well wllerl!d .. nil' "eglO to lel1 you ,I.orrus and ·goaeip of confidenlly expecled that illl superior ad . \ . IIl e . Cl!rtlfk8lP, pos t"!!!!, bl,d Iloill!! ti,e b,,} .... ,",,1 "Oo,",n!!' HI." " ••• 11'1'1",".. 111 I~ Vht'd willa eVillY CUDwe .. ll!lW'p !ill" 11:,e ca~Cd of Illl~ wnleh ure ~n ellttrel. bUSIIIC S8. the sum uf Twenly-five Cellls. n~r','I' . w. klll1W Ihe llro" In '1" .0"011 10 IJ. d • the lown ; and let him sit, IlIId sil And .v8nla~e 8 WIll make il lhe lIew IIIVIlIIIU.", curn;IU.~tl of SIX d,ff" rell't ! wlll cit nlll ~ 1 be e,":loec u In Ihe urd"r.- V~I) r,·op".r,ubl •. ,")(1 Ih nruu:rltly "O""\' ul up""e un Ihi. Jinn 'lId it. , \tOil ai~. 'rhBL is Ihe guiclieal way ,,~ CIIIl I I I F ' JI"hlor. cOIIII" . II c··- l N. V. Alul"". ,"t! I've,,! alll/otiOD ill paid 10.1 Grellt l'upulllr Luon of llac People. OleIn scum ,,"e l,roll ed togelh cralltl plan- 'Ive Cc ni/iculeti willloc 6P..11 (or $1. II ):·fl·m H4rri.Iwr". wh." .. VI ~llIk of Id go raVing di~LracLed mad. Idlted. protluclI'li lIlIlI,.,,,ct Ililltuliull ul 18 I()r 2; thorty I nr 5; aixty-li\'e fur JOj UII~ Tit,· "' 0 I .h~ ibl" n".1 "It.tillll,l. ~ IIIr'·>l IIIe lll vc ,. . . • Le~, thlln 8230,000000 of Ihl'! . Looll Cartll gult1 . ~,'lIed Arculln, Whtell .. ill al. hundrc,l fllr If). " . IIIII'.ltellld "I (ur 1".1, •• "'1'" ."1,, ,;( 'n- l· r.1 eUlne\,fonl' e 'tt' leec+illll ill I,r. ,·" , . r"r ,h ., (;rrHI (;,11 D"',,I.u\lolI A. "d'Uir.A II oH .. r'e d of tl.e Ph U-AnllgriculturnlsooielY offered a uUlhorlzctl by Congresa oro nolV 011 ti,e wny s keep Its c"lor. 1'I,,,y lire ft, I,ellut', n. A.· •.·:\Ts AltE '" ..\NTE'-.IJ ,nl"I"I. to. CU. A I.'.1I " f ,.,.. ""I'''tlnl."re h". r New ... v ur k Ballimure Markelt, I JI 0 tl I... ., If' " '" "' ~~mil'm Cpr lit. hesL e881\y 011 irri~I\ ' markllt, 'j·It,s amouut, ot Ihc role I S SO.I 1(0 , Rau "'0 u .. rt1ed lit one~ •• " \t'I') ' ". c"u flll '" ,hi . 'VII)" nOI onl · ill ' I b " at l e ighth 110" CIlS!. '1'1." cnde i. I>o!l!ulllnil Throughollt Ihr cnlllllry 1(1 oOI'(,,'e for ',", ,,~ heI'Io"'" 1''' ' ''' . 1'"1 """ i" ,IIo;,,!!," ~nn" IvlI ol~o 8 (oulld 11,8 .hurle_t, tlon. By mis~akc ;t IYI\S printpll in illl wt.ich ill. loei_1t oUlorbel~ wtll all be d~8lglleJ 11\ ilh I'an e l undsh leld for Il " m: ".e . A I.rgoe CO Il~OPlisullon Witl be pIIIJ , "'" I .. IIt",~ In 111," 111 ,It. ,,,Id I" r crllRr;".o .,,,lmuBl dIrect runte for Slnck 10 tioo. wberlltlpon an ·bonelt' farmer scnl b lb d ( w,;), PII !e nt Push I',n snd cllgrav d • :Senu fur Itllll ", &c .. Cllc!os ln\! sl ump. "~ I\',II " .... ' " I,. Oil' .tlv,' t" " ./( ,· " I"nllll.:": V,·rk LVII AIII'"i"wn]-1I1111 WI!IJ, bit wife. dU bcr e or IVllhi" sixly duy', whellthe the ellaci 'lyle of th~ eel~br.ted ';vU . 'inII NF.;."V UORN & '·U., ~ .PIlII."' . n CO" ,,1,0A h.,It,,· ~. "u",I.,I\" I" I . "~u·..,,·tl.- IN . V . chnll~Il' IbDU I")' olher, '. nole. Will undoubtediy comm611d a pre. 11"1111111( Levpr8. and "'e reltlly I'DmleulO(' v J , -r"ur" uu:;. '. B!i·I. ENO\~H LE\\·I~" • .,n.y Anoihill\tjng the desirell you bllt1 "e "Ie .• 75 F'ulton Streel, N. Y. TI I) h \V I'! 'I S n annihilate the miDd. Every man with· ",illtll, as hns unitormly been tht! CDBe 0 I "Id"truu •.• "I,'U 81° eXllet III 1Illlia IltllI i\', •• '~o ;'~~'I '"ol"g of(K,ng ' f ". C. VI' .• '.P. ~ell "p~r II 0 ao o. 10 ue y I el~c tlun. 1'lIe move . - __ __ ." '. "Po 0 ollr I.tly , "h" ' ri"~," HENR Y eut pl\8810n bna whltin him no princi · clus lIlg the 8ubscn!lllon8 \0 other 10811110 n.'OI:I~8 manU)Acluretl I>y Ih(l \Vell.I.III1'"'11 Oil 'l'A ',,,"',,"c "" Ag~ 1I1 fot Arr~"tI .. l~ &. Cn .. ""d h, Gen'l T,rket t:ll J \V I C ., . 'JBO',"I''S I'IL'JS r"III ... t "runeltl 'o'"e twe"ly .rllr.l~ • •elll •• H H "J h ,Ie of Mllon nor mOlive to lIe$. In order Ihol cillz"ns 01 eVAry 10lVIl 811u:1 HO ""er F.llr'Jpe. roo. lImpOSNI 0 I J""' I"V cnnCl'nlrHlell px IlttLeo (01'I I..' r ng" n~'. to II, •• ftll·.,·. ~ fo, ·""".r• •Ie IOu~ • ,uI,eru,.nltc Y fi,III • I'-''"pa'IY . ur cngrllve,l < G en '1• ,o;rerg lOt . Ie 0.1 • IVI Vlllll ~ . '"U". 'nl w,II,out I..J o,'all"". ..lYe "'" 0111'. Ih,,' It A"e.llt" ~Our great di(\'usion of knowl· , ond section or tlte counlry IIlbY be afforo. pallels. lUIl':Y cnrVt!J torodl(es, odjUtl llll1( IrUCl" .rrum rouls lI"tI hurb. or lit e 10 Uh .. dl 111101 "lIul tho "'t ,l'Ie. '.,·' e ... ""b •• ~I ". }·lr. edge It"s Ilot gIve n U9 corresp()ndillg etl faciilLies lor ldkllig Ihl! Lonn Ihe N r(,/.:1I16 tor, with golt1 uulance. n,"llloe 1111 . IIll'Jlcl",,1 vnlne. Inl"lI,ule in tI,e rUl'e~ II( '''!lOUllt of '0-' til Ih e rC~' I" cllt'.lInd 10111 . 1111l81cry. Our kuives aro shalp"r liul , u- provel I Jewelled "CIIOI', with linc d,ul Ullt! nil t1l sell s rs 0 ' Ih,' Liv pr. or any dr ..r.ngp _ " f thelll I ll. IIUlO' :' U' YOtJ W A~T TO ' ""0 ~nly wbiule . llOnal BUllks. SIHte Blinks. "lid IJ"v.te ".kelc IIl II ,,"11~8"8I1d I~ lVurrpllled (I ".oud Illc nt 01 the Dij!I'. 'lve Or(,(I'"9, 'l'I!~ rrA Little of Ever,lliin, rCl"li,'g 10 Ill' tllli e keeper • move oil 'mnllrilic. or tl,n nloo[l. 8" I 'a rc . ,. .' 6TColIsider Low few things are Ball k ers Ihroughout lI,c country ltavA . 1'loese IIIIIn ayfttem, mllle' l nd fl'lDale. Iltt; wulr.iw. aro of lhree dilfj'ren t un equaled In Ihe cure 01 D,orrll\l!n. J""I1wort by of Rllger, and thou wilt wond er generallyegreed to receive sobscrlptlons s,zA8,IIoe smnlleslucilljl lur L8dic~ Olltl dlC!', DJ sl'Ppsin, S crc'!lIlo. il lIIl)usne ss ""iI trl'ulmelll (,f i1iae ..tl8; d,e cusloms of I he world· how lu &hal .ny but fools 8h~uld bo in wralh, at par. Subscribers willselecl lheir own ai, liuutlng CU6eF. A c,so ~r si~ l.,v e r COlllpllll"'. F'tlvers;lleudtlchl', Pile" n"a II IlluutlOnd ' lhin,; ntl1(er w,lI be ee llt by Muil or F.x~re"8 (or 1$ 12.~. Here~ltb.ry liu'liurs . D IOse . fur udnll . : orf.. reft~ the reviHllcJ .,ill eularll;d 0::,- If YOIl ever promise At III, 11th "gellu. ill whom tl,c, havo co nfiden ce. A Blllgie o.ne Will b~ ~ellt in " 1,.II(/SOlllf IIlIe pol~ "' II", muruing. chlldrell hnll u ,)f '<MEIl ICAL COIIUIO)f SEItS •• " • ear•• al leall, tllllt IL lbe lO no one lUllt ond who only are to ue respolIslble f~r Morueco ense for ~25, will rc.';IIy s(''' pd': hUIll oue III tlorec pi li d will ClIfll hflok tor curlou8 pel,ple anti. " (ur Ihree IltlI ~~ tlopir CII_I. "Ve 8;1! !tole ordl~8ry C:U9.C.4DlltLfrOlil-OJl.e l.ILl.luec uux• .II! ~utr~r by Irusting ~o you. '?r fJvery Oll~. 40() p~ge.. lQQ lite delivery of the /loll'S for wt.lch they H.!(Prlts lor 11118 walch in the UnlleJ ('8 ",til cure IIny curable c o ~e rtf 110 IIl ulle r IIUIIS. Prl~. 81.50. ConlcDI¥ Slate •• lIntl 1:':" 9 n'e j!pnU'lie II'IIIch ,10 huw IOllg stlillding, Price 16;1 per box I::lr Tbo Sec,.'ary of the 'l'realnry Iial rcccivu orders. se l~t free Lo allY 1~~re.l . Booh m"!. 'I·,nel(· 8upl'licu or sen l by mati, . not bear uur I rOIJe IIlllrk . Addro88 ordertld th/\I uo more of Iho Dve' cellI J ,\ , . (; 0 0 K F. • hH~ .t. 4,e nouk.l!!re8, or .... ill ~", IOpl GIRARD W. DEVAUGII & CO V. MOTT T,,:'SOTT. \\I. D. &. Cn l'ollLage .tllmp CUUllUCY 6hall ttl issued . . nlo,ll. Dl)sl pllid. NI rrC('il't df price, .. t:iuu6cnpLloll "j;eut, Plulldell,llI o. IlIlr Oflcr~, l.5lU~ldcll L61le . N y . .. 62 Fulton titreet. New l{u'rk . Alldrt'81J ' F. . B. FOOTF:. M. I · I v' I ·GI) ~ tim 1130 Droaduy ; Nc,," "'N' 11'IVIT.lTION-'),lr8. J enki nsre-
, r
U S 7 30 L OA N '
, . . .
AUGGST 9, 1865
to tnll,' -lle' SAid, lhrobbed I Laking "1 her I' handI which o ut 1\ limb l' IUIked ODe of ' Iheao ~.....+-,...uLU, Mimer wal,cll.ed tltn finure with lt1&aln ... in tho Dark. - --mvo unum y to liS pa 01, DOW comforters, whoso motiYe in making 1\ -a ' .. Booth eel the Lord's Prayer, ' II Id Y k I ., 008 "btl eoufd not t.!uGoe,· with a • ' un IIlhurll y cu . ' ou nolY lOW len- hurri ed vilit was 10 8e~ bow Mrs, 14i lrf/onor thy Calher and Ihy ","the., thllt thy dtldy .. holY dellply I lovl' you Rnd our nero bore lhe ne"8 or tbe bailIe of 011al o d c:he~k s he III\8tily IIltlpp,!!d oul On.e or the preltlest flnd plell9anteill ~uniu. Brutus Bootn (tho lather of 1. . b H' the IlI:\Zla 10' tl1etH Ihtl intruder. morolllgs or May, DCAr Ihe close of Wllkes ,Boo\h) and Ije.er~1 friend- had d.) li limy I,,, IU"II" 11\ Llle II"d wbl ~ h thti LUI',I lw .• . I' tl o utH\r It d0 ones; ,. IS . yol,lr IHuincs9 here?' sbe LIlat d e I'IghLful . month J ~ in Ih) U".J giveth tllO ~.- I!:X.U1Jl·~. ~ dill"., 1:1 .] I dul, DJ.arteLta. my tRfI(mga: uat of blllmJ airs be... ~ .Illvited to di~e .wltt1 on old mBn coun ry noe 8 nle. RD you would not 'Doll" you think I wouid nUrBe him a.nd fra "rllnt Ilowers, Lhe tmin for D"ltIItlOr&. of dl811ngolianed kIndness! J" o"tler ,?rove A (etl't " ,,,.uLl, have Ihe finger of Wtltll scoru deflC pOlllted Ilt and ' . L oUlsyill1l . <> urbanity ' ty. 'rlIII IIOlot lhoUllh d ill-I . Ami IIIU;lO 'w cI end rar" you r husband if ho to her quie l care rel)ly.(or hi .. kindly'.' wall tl\N .v I) you ask lhfll. questioD, MarietlA?' WIlS /t'eighted witb an -unus· · . an d pie '/' he said. ltmderly' tHking her hand. '01' u.al number or el(',Yl\n& " .omon andl!ay, appruYlli1l 01 thoo ter-going, had heard 90 1. ri.illl!" lI"Om b'-IIeblh tho' . hl1J e, cry. ' Oh, of course, bu~ it is Euch Ablero- I btl I . I 15 much of 1I00th'a. remorkablo UfIOn tbo ambient .ir. 'No, ' d oubly no I go ""here honor i5h; or s uppose he killtH..l1' contin- Ib 1\ UII~rn pfl!lon 80 c hangt'd me. IIlce y ·dressed mell. As usual., pO,were Ihllt curioall1to Bee the mall, in .• lUlu. 1 1lar d tiS I' l wi II b I t..,my wife dOtlB laot knmt me?' 1\.0100 0"St the lauer, was A I.uge propor- thl d I115tance, overcllmo h id prrjudice. AI. 1 '0 ltulnoHie Iho." t&lurned (1'0111 "8r 0 10 plut, ued tho t.o rroentor, probi n .. 8~ill deeper. IeRus, ,J,'II bellI' iL/ ' 'Wo will not hLlI! of 8u~1t a thil.., _ . .l'CVCI' , Ihym n·nd! Ihough to me tlon e[ Uncle Slim's pets wilh shoulder· ter Ihe dinner I"~ S over, some one requcs-a T~ .. heroul of Iho day, ' ""I k I II ' ' I 'r v n ' t.o 1It'1l as one I'isen from Lh ~ deat.! .- slraps. 'fuere 'was no 10llger ~O L' ap - led Booth, O~ II partiCular (avor, and Ull A 1I1\ll tiluu tJ frolll ,,&ar HhLl (.. , / .L IIIU .~ .my oya l~L,q WII o. .l our ,N othing can be had unless "e pay for":5e t IIe wtleds I wl~ar to your memo. prehe nsiun or ,Tuenillu8 or other,' mR' \V hich 011 present \Yould appreciate, taw Huvo mel in fiU8 lirray. rca tI y S(IIICt\on U d '11 l .romovcs I' a lellvy bur- I ~; and wherei n do I diller from . o~ber'~ nil d for n year 1 have Wipt at wllAI rau.!ers on tboQ road, auG niter ettilw ren"., t I10 L or d'B Prayer. CD , lin I WIk buU 0 til to li~btc n who hnve 10 8Ulrc r 11Ie soma Ilulfuiah I ed ' rair . 1y un d er 'Way , t 110 paBsengel'S," Booth rose Blowly aud reyereutly from II cftr )''' th tl urutor tli,couno f ISUIan ,. .. 1I1IlIly 11 eM ' our 0 uu~cllce.' I\lId biltel'Dess Y' .- \ .,.,. .IiJI......~~~~.~.~~~~!t.I~P.~".I"~--~ bia c!loir. It W,na wond~rful.\o walch thO 01 "II Ihey have ondurod'Ah! tll1H will bo barnm comfort 10 'iL it! marv ellou s to roe how un impas. • p PI , Il onvulB(\d lil8 coun · 'l'heir mauly uec,b, 'h eir m ora l foret! d ' b e tl Ie emutluliS ' teuITly lIllce. Antllri8 me, Rllymout.!; it mio" ht sI\li'l fy 010, 8iollet.! BOmtl disp08itionl! are . I 11,,11 A"LI what halh heen .cc ur"d '! 6Bcrl of thaL mil k"'ln t:' tllne P" Sl'I 0n' Io\casantly . It lill uplvllrd, ,"nre eyes ,unl 'wI'turned th lonrstremb /l. Swere lah ang~ l - buL lam unl\'• 1.1 WOID- fllwnys bolieH:d' J,·ou to bo a very hllr' II w I ' 1 W Ililt rnvages star was not Iong ere.nll. wh or were so dis , ye lto he l,uJ Ilot sna " .. , 510 notictll kon-tlle s'llcnc ' coll l" Think yr' Ih.1 .AI'f lo llliu,boy 1111 , a wc" Ion!!, " po i llll\I, ulltil uat lo ~tU 1 dk woman, . r lin d IlDus\ si~ al moulou s couple, but 1 sur-poee /" - IIb- vn nn J l' Xp08 u re hilt.! wroug hL un pose d \\' ~ \'c enJV)' lIIg.' th emse h'os in Ille lell. It ·became Cu.IILhi • •I l'O lIg wil l r •• lflli,I, ~ ~UOJc lome LO ., rtlllm III everis1.t anxiety aboul ~cllce IIllel's Llw SUlle of things.' til "lid · ren Lures Rnu.1 110 b lu form som, e ,"IIY· 0 n Ullo 01 t Iie se nts In th il l' I10J spe II w08, broken , 88 H byon elecrrio T n uti, to tl4~ llr, anll to e uj oy I m Ollu" l'1 ' '1 I IIt~r. Nor \vllij he I tI~8 I~( I,I CS CRr was II mnl'l'icLlllldy with II , 8I O,r. k . !'s a rIch toned voice , from tilO Tho chee ks of Mllriettll Hu s hed And of my Iovcu one, or pietul'\! Boelle8 which Wilh Ih ~t "KY, f""Li ... Ir<l;,tl lOlly .•IIlb'VO .no reality savo ill my own fll, dou , 8'ntl laer trl'muling lips 'fIIt!re for.- R I'IUle lor r II' IIIl II cxp IanAtiOU8 lII tIed lIug IHer ; oppo~l. l e faci n., tbolll IWhlle lip,S, sy II 0 bl C d, (o.rt II, '0 IIr F Ather III yondtlf rottng-c, we ak UII J lu w, J cOOlprulI·~ ~ o~u· 1 u· ~- slle JlstQ v llUd v to h enr 101' eome ono unknown was another " cllilu, a son, and A color- ' vi10 or t. 111 IJ coven, WillI a pOlhus Dllti crld,' 10 IIIIS i IItllll uu r""I.' 'I'l'''y fur me, Mllrielln, and tellch rud e speec h,· still Ilor stol l'd b" Ilulit wns b. ee n ,0 r II owe d 10 t I10 grave \"ulhhl by diru Uilll:U'.l. v n Rnd Cu.' ' IIII IY ' - 1\'0 b t! Iiove LItey are 1.111 180 lenl . illtyJ thot. Ih rl' llcd 01\ heor t8.- 1-1e r.H~8 '''.v \\' hu .c wokill n 1II011l ~ nt8 kuu\¥ Clur liLtle chil dnm tu UO the Stlllle , and wltolly in$e nsibltl to .tile p"in s ho illtl it:Lroed ill lti R sleatl, whom Ito nfler. 'Indi es ,' now-with Lh e bllb till~8hctl I the ellence continued. Nut II Nu iutt!rYfll of t:Kau . we know lit e), will bti IWllrd,' rep li eu el l, at' Ih o Cfluse of Luc tmotion u~llo d 'ISCOI'C l eu.• WIIS wiLlOut 1 '1'1 IC . Y, WAS II VOice was heard, or II Dud musc le movod ill kin, and . mot Ile r 0 r lh,eee chlld.rcn hid rU IH olld ob··orbed 'lgIICfl,U ll tl'l I'rolll R.lymoIH.I t; lll'l1 cllt ly, for he WIIS n o~ hlld cal led fortll. ollcnVl I ' se lan e filled 110 unltoll .bcnULlf II mntron, wllh l splll'khng eye8. u a remote corner or the room ~ 1\ subduct! 1\ Ih, ld im'-lJuy tlll,e " (,lIlt:h Iltlenli:f.; o~, u uf tit us; wh .. enl creu Llttl rli llks o( 'if you have nn yLhing to lell me grll\·e. He he ld similar rank in ~n ex uber.a l1L health.and vivacious 8pi r- so b IVDII henrJ , nnd tho old man,thelr liou Tll o u ~' h Ol li e". oft 111' 0 116~ Hr , hl ~ cl, ulIlry s ddt ll.d,er~ fro~ a lov e of aboUI my ilusUlmoJ, be so good as 10 regiment liS Cllplain Ha)' lIlond Ils. Behind her. 811 La )'O UI1" Lieuten- steppe.·d lonvnrd wilh Btreo ming' eyes nn t! 0"·,, Ihlll prosh' l" f"rIIl h u blind" I r. antI Ila vl. llg' tho same illili ll ls, II anl d re~se d to k Ill, anti" seeking a vic- tOll er l\l~ ' ',~ft'."e, an se.lzed Doolh by Iho aLivenluru, or a spit'll ()( eXcl lllmu nL' he l\J t me kn ow th o Wlll'st a'• once', till' ~. d With luuh 111111 wur,), of ctJ~"r. Illd. illluibet.! st:-ntimeOls o r hurror suspe nse is inlolemblc,' Mrs. Milner Rrose, wla ich led to II funel'lIl lim. li e sc raped up tin acquAiutance ~l6l1d. SIr, H.~ ld ho, III broken .accents, A willllw"d MOlh er! "It . he )lrarod IIgRlll sl th o lIu lhors of Ih is unrighteo us snid, lit Icngth, in a (pli at but eRr nesL Rntl fl yeur of bitter gril,f. HUl with tho molher by' attenti lJn 10 th e yO.u hav e aflo rdeJ mo Q , plcos~r(l for FUI' lfilit l ()y~tI Of)(! ' 1 rt: tul'u; Ir\JIIMon, lind lel t tho ~ork on hfl llJ was Yllieli, allllli\U n~ to IUlpaLi.U1ce by th e ' 11 Milne... d.it.! not I,:rudge his children . h was 1I0t b ng before he wInch my w"ole fulure hie Will leel 1"",1 Ih oll g h.o 1011)1,' I,u WK' ""llIyc,i. of , I urn 8n10old eve ry[ I ' tio lclIln and, ' Itwfullm I dpo rl. Not IIaRt mllllner of Lho other. companI on III nrms Lh ese posth- \vIlS eSR RY"lg to mako himself vc ry graleful. clay (rum IJOyhoud lire mllll pr es'e ntandlimo "Th u lump hdd o ut tv burn." 11 11 stro ng SplrlL qURi e , nar for n mo· 'Oil I I've nOlhin g to EAY , OXl'flpt u honors ; hnppy ill tho re union agl'Of!lI ble to hoI', .and by th o lim p th e thuught Ih&t [ hod rcpcated Ih e Lur'tI' .. IIIe llt 811bdutld hi ~ manly cour age; h i~ wlr at YOIl already I.n o", II1IIt O\,ADt' his fllmily. h e woul J 1I0 t hll l'e rc- S UIl beglln to tl bc hllO, ono would hnve l'royer, hut I hovo never heard it belore "lid no '. ho yield,. hi ~ pltH'() to ~""'.: , like obscqui es to I1 ny of I. is com - th ought tltey wc ra old fUlllilinr frie llu s. -- lI e Y'~ r.' I You nrc ril:hl' ellid Beal h. 'Thnt towly-co llrh Ilt'.itl,,; Iih I'OW II , tU lud \VIIS dt: lcrm in cd to bre¥e tlltl hilS hl.ld f\ lilli'll bUlllu IIlUd)" nnd il ochRd lh ey hrought Rbout lik e hnp - The Lit: utCllflut [,It th llt he hAd matle I T u rcat! thn: prayer 8$ it ~h, \lld bo rent! Ali •• t n)ll~ yt"ly Ug tlrnhl uru 'rouod IIt: U IVO'~t, uln nil illJ"linllule seoslltion til l. c ur re t.! to Ole th aL iL WII~ fricotlly to ~LI hI '; IIcn rL, tuo 8flcrot.! Lo allalYlle, RS prepnre yo u, lesL nlll' bat.! nel'!e COIllO.' II !, an impression-hi s CIIlLIOII m!llIifc81ed hOd ca used me tho sever est siudy nn,] 1,, \\ lIu O Ii CC J" ~ :sh; p e did bllidu. 'W ell,' repl ied ~Iari~llll, willi 1\ lI i.,j1 Rnotller fOIlIl'let!nth oC April has iL Thu Illuy drcflmiull of np wrong, ~o: l or . ll~l:ty yedrs, ond I ~m fur rrunl ~o· he g-azd VI, un", I() him ' R. uell)'tl r 61l 1f.' t h,· ' rn\~dl fill'. hr - hts h,·pd!l (hem no t t T u essllY .'UI I! lllbumte ekuLch uf Mr. of n: li e f, 'llt opo ull may lurn ouL b~I dllw n.. 11 on tb o blac keneu r uins ~ \I ~peu l inrr no evil, wlla nppnrentl 111 1: 88tldh"o.l 01 my renderi ng thal WUIlTIlt! lIIu l\ i. · KClU ll tl~ iLl Viti" , lind ~lrs, MtllII::r's jJIJr8olmel, wuuld bo 1"1' Lhlln )'O U r"III·. Gu t thu sc aruv 'I'uub . 'l',I I' g 1uriou s emb lelll PI('ase d . WIll "! 1 Ilur CI~SUII I acqllllll1tan . Y Jerlul Ilurdly olle parBOil in • m,e w lertl tie cc. ten Ih 1>r"~ucIIOIl. oUdUI".! comprehends holY rullch 'f .. I"r" hilll (rIJ.I, Ih o ha llulY"j .,,0\ {l l! u,t:Ic ~s as fUlil e. Tltey 111''' ,11\1 fancy l~uli.llle s, 1I11t.! onu hfHuly kllowtj WltHt r Ly was nlgllin unfolu cd to /I By "n(\ by th o trulO, Ilpp.r ol\u h,~,. d the buuu t" tellllerne8~, end nrolldellr call bu " f h ~.·t) , un hoa' beu (If palll, I'. 11.: 1I IIIIU·' WII f Ie d LIe I POIS{JII . I'M u Ib .. ! rnall olld ill .jJlI ' 1'1 rnllij, ., 1but I rCI. I'11 1.llIlIllIn bCIII"<> S e n- 10 tblllk CXCli rllt thut wo have II gooJ 0 f lunn "~.' . roug II SIII It. II 10 ga " conLl6na ~ d illto a spoco so n. A d ny, II li S ! thflL I'U50d lip a n 011 , ( "sUre wurdd 90 .impie. I,rbc Pray er itself 611ffi · i L Iculennni Icaned ovo r lind J uOIVCu IV I I ol'll nflry attributes, wllu God ovor us 1111 .' 'n",t l\Ioll, ~ r l i~ •. - lI ollor tll hilll WI,o' " duly i. hi. ;U) ; plli)' ",1 t~l tl il' piln lIl1 Lh e 8~age of liftl , \'Vi Lh 1\ hORvy " ~nrl anll sat.! eounleIllphallt nati on, II nu Su t Up OIl 1\ whl>peret! som eth ing in Ih e IRdy's ear. clclltly illu ptrnlcs the truth 01 tho Blulo, Mil)' Ib~ ligl'I III Trulh lIe'·c. grow ui," Ilntl m'!l'tL no (AIICY eolllrtllg by th e nlll\(;O, Mrs. Milli eI' wanL on braiLlin ... a illg people, weep ing in ~Ioo lll II WIIS notice d th llt s ho IIPPCR I'CU as hllll, H\'omps Ullon it the 11001 of Dlvinily.' til Ih u hoo rl uf Ihal .u ldi~r , uu)· ! hllnd.u~ rumllnc~. Happily, sl.lCci ncl J res~ r~ 1' ~lIJr. buy, afLer lbe deJ1 '\rl~re a noble -helll'te d ru le I', stricken by tllll nde rslruck, hnLl her CyOB immcdi· :Su great 1"88 thll eff~c~ IlrouurerJ. Ihllt e.Vl'nl !! \II th e r> "s t four ~e Rrs ~llIve re- o( her I rl'lllltlll~ "'lIC~t. ~1 shull HIIOIY n.wn,seln uf 1111 murderers-the sec reL awly Ilamed with inui~nution. A mo - COIlVCrltll tll'lI WIlS 8U6tbl\ICd but 0 shUl l 7 I' Ll ¥u .. 2ith, lti65 . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ II~velltho f,,~rlcator· of ~Igh~ irleratnl'e tho worsl 800n enou/?h.' she thought. . Mlly Ihe Stllrs and St)'i(Jt>~ ~"l\t more lind a smile lig ht ed up her ~11~~r~:~ B~:~~~odd ::~~I::~:!O~::~,:~'la nl~nll~L THE FOURTEENTII OF APILIIJ. flum t ho, Llisk or cudgtlllllg Id el~l heroes ' And I IIIl1 sl no ~ bltght Iho htll'l-'illtis8 OOf\\ ove r llD unuivided Co ulllry , ~ealures. WhRI chlll1ges I "';I' I.lnt smile; huur, the corn 'nny br~ke :p ':Id re::re~rt~ UUlOr IH 8 bl'ltln; If Itu UUL studiOS pI\SS- uf my dutH li~tle oll es by bu('[ow ing vel' "'gl\ln, feL us Iru~t, 8111111 1110 It WlIS nol plClIsllnt, It wns 8JnIMter. It their se vcrnl ~01ll08 wiLh Bod IInti (uil IlIg ~Vt!lItB, lIlclu tlnl~ crowd Rcro ss tlt e griof.' of di 6corll mal' th o harmony of I wns unprecciv ed Ly the Lieutenant. beurls; . D'V MUS. !of. RITOIltIC. 1'111110 ot' hi s vi sion, lind 'Irulh is ofte n Theo particulllrs ·came of the uloody urioua }{t·p ublic.- Wide World. l::i he made him a reply, wh ic h rcjoiced - ' ••- - Th e r<."Tcrbcmtiolls from Lho' Cann OIl stl'l\lIgs r Lhan tictiuu.' ti gh t at Vhallunougll, linJ lhrough Lhe him nppal't:ntly vp. ry much. Fur the .., tnttll' I·' ' d awny. on lh, four . '1'1 lilt tiOCI" ' I orgl\nlZf\l\on . . I I younO' B • ad mg ' IOff a L awyer. Perhape there nner WAS n Illu d te WI\I SOOIl Iong WlltC Iles 0 f t II", n IKit. Lie und~rslllndin g properly o( tbill nanao r "lI ~a61,. bilL no\ so tlte whioh' sent forth thtl men of wi f.. prayetlthilL she migh~ he" ti ve-this Over true tRle-we muet ll!lI when lbe neElll1I of tIle leeeth ~tlw,~~~~~~~J:~;::;~~:rvud and eqllippe.d to re- of Lho .!V i "<""",".,,,..... mR- the reoJc rs what was • the fliltittftiona, of~rheir passed lind 'nn'kW1",",,'" .......~~~,'~~!l\J!,»rl~!~IU ......!9~~ie • . wh~t ftl~~I~~!~.~~J~~~~¥J~ Ildow o\'l:r th o length lind ClIII III ry , and lit o events whioh clusely ,L he k.ilI et! or woundtld, sho felt a'8 runt,' mean of our I"n.... lJib' \ n electric roll ~,w ed '11'1l pllge ~ in the history uf till! 10tt:IJrKen ce of a r:? prJllV O tul\y be sup- ship Ch~l1ellge, em t1.ttl stand, and d - into th e tunnel I' Replied the lAdy, • not proyldetl for -by the' fra mers of tho 8plltk, the ~ ar or urJIlRll c.e {tom that O'"II"d B~at"8. AUllcheu to the IIrmy P~iO~ to filII on tllo ear of lI.. condollluetl ~urell .111111 so fU.r abo ut RII hour, that I\l will to onrk; who will S60 it '1' }r'edenl cODstitution, hellco Lhe que:;1Itt,"girt.rur~rt:8~ Rwuke die mell of IIII' ulllltl r Ihtl rellowned Geant, R llJlllolld cm:p III Ill. At le llglh the truth clim e Illst D.lck gOL hIS saiL WilLer up, IInti lnla llart!.J's bowels- iuto the lunnel lion, what righ\8 'un,Jer 'he ~overllnlcn' North t" lire cll,iUl8 of country lint! Milntr sl.lIlrcd ill his 6rH victory at through a chllll l1u l Lhtl Anxious drttflroer hllul" d by Lhe winll 10 Inill g ti!o · ket!n I rnn the CIlT S, Lady and colore ' lUauy IIIh o h ~d cn te rlllifl tl~1 All Furt Douald ~on. thl'ou"h Shiloh, Co \'- had 1I"I't:r picLured, _,uld ~!!!I I'oyultii oll UOIILolI la IYy ol' un,der 111 8 bl\ltefles. ·'Iuicltly clrllnged 8ellts. Glly Lieutell- relllain to the conquered rebtlle? 'and Idel\ of billlrlhg,lums, cRmtl fortil tu ro- iudl, YUill (U\tl Vicksburgj bUI a~ ChilL, of foeling se.emed to burtl into her very ,At. lhe be,g tnntng--of ~IIS lustlmon ey tlllt threw hi s IltlllS around tho IlIdy's what pellalties Illtach to \hait «cta of L)llltizu ''1wpr~ll. cOll8ecrAled by ll lll LIIUU')g", AS htl, now II c"?lain,lldvan- soul. He hac! dieu, the leucr 8aid, un - Dlok hilt! 81\ Id LIHlt the mg ht was 'd"r1t wnist, raiRcd her from her soat Blld iDiUbol d~rlntl (1O Rnd robellion ,' How or pllltiotic IIlrt8. ce o! fH the lrclld ()f compl\ny, he uel' lhe opcl'I\ tiniJ knife, and his budy a8 dev ii, IInel liko 8ll ven (U Ht IIl1d furious impriutod her fflr ill it practicllule or expedient unuer A~0 1l.181 Lh q:so jw'ko first .re,l!pondo,1 IV"" 0101'111 d·ow n. Why Illtempt t,) de . cuulu be Bc nt home if she wi.;huLi il.- blliltl, . lips . In II fc w minute8 the trllln ncnr- tbe chcumslance8 to enforce th060 peu10 tho 0/; 01 'to arllls,' \VIIS R :iymond piCL 1\ bflule fi e ld aftel' the tighL is ovel"! T~lese lIel'e nwful mome nts Lo the poor Suddenly M... Choate asked hIm: cd Lhe Ollt! oflhe tunn el lind glid('d out Milne." a genlle mnn by oduotltien l1r1tl tltu hurry all ,1 confusion, lho sbriti ks or WIdow -filll'y mOlllont~, when lheru : Willi thel;u a III:IUOI1 tbaL nigut '/' into the bl·ont.! t!'Lylight-w hite lady IIltieti '1 W hat provision shall bo roBUt) lillbits, wl\llse ambitiun hnd hither to Lhe wouud~d, the gltllBtly wuunds, aru \VIIS lleidllH' weeping 1I0r wailillg j he l' Ye s, SII'. looked Ilmllzed, colored lady b&~hful, for that cllles of pl)l'ull\lion made heu tlot ROflred 'bflyond th e ee nEible ·'wnn . SClllHld 10 plerco Iltt:l heart and pAl'lIlyze grtef IYUS too dtlup Cur' teus, aud t.!eso· ' AIt , yes I A :m oonblu ~hing ; gay Lioutenant befogged. by the urbitrament' of war? How 8hllil lI~elllellt or hi, tluWn"lOwn . bueiness' thtl Klrung c ~L nenes ; Ih en why revd Into ~nd .berelll'tl,I, sorrow 1I0W tlotercd : y~~, 1\ full W~OOI,I.' , 'Jane,' said the "hile lady, 'whl\l tbey bo Dlude a selr-rcliant, and a BQlf. but he coulll not rosL now "i~hou' do~ ill recapilulatiun. when horror-strickell hUllvlly IIlto 1\ Itu~~raled hM rt. ))Id you Sl'C IlL? haye you bee n doinfr" ItcB}Jond ed 001 - 8ustainlog elllmont. How aro the in8oPte Lh \p'g to /lilY Lhtl deut ho Celt dpcotalurs 1111\'0 80 well done Lheir P'II'L 'My huebanu -lQas rich, end I • 11 mite.' orl:d laciy: • Nufhiflg.' 'Yes you Irt! oweLi to hit! in sulted eo'untry_ and givtlll us the privile..... e of relldinlT hnve U10, Illly lit my oomm,,"d,' ehe S a it! ' llHIIl how UO you know thero W"8 II hnv e ' Silid tha white lad" not in fln surgellt t::!taftl8 10 be brougb\ into 'prop· ~ I\wnkt-lIl1lg ' .• of horoic mllll without tht: ... 10 rll I IIlIon s IV I10 Pl'otl'" ,'eLi th t:ir advice. moon.?' . • ' prtng WIIS nnillre from th tl dlltlus . undertone, but in n VGico -that aUrllet· er practical I'elations' to the geDcral S the lelhllt3J of \\linter-bud "nd bios ' pllin of witnlls~ing the IlRrk sid!! or tue '1 will hllv e hilll hcw, IIl1d bUI'y ltinl '. Nau(ICal nlmn'B~e snld 80, and 1'11 1"d the atllmtion of 1111 in tho car. ' See governmenl? TU08C IIro iSlucs 10 be &om were int! lnollv6 willt nflw life, And picture. . .' wbel'c 1 CIIII olle Jlly lie lit lila .ide.' behe ve, tl.flt eouu,er Illiny lawy or III IIIlS \ lt OW your collRr is rumpl ed, aud YOUI' decided; we oannot avoid them it wo Wllel~ OnJltlli~ Mi.Wer Ilwoke Crom .No oppositio? WQij offered to ber worM. ,. , bonnet mashed.' JAne, poor col ored birde lwillllr!ld in I\(Iisy debate g Vjjr lJro~pcuLlve arclllteuturAI d('sig llii. 'l'hp uncollselouRlllISl, cau se d by 10118 of Wll[U;\9. A ~ofti.n WR.S fOI:wRI'ued for t.he • \VIIIIL \V~S ~I:,e Jlrlnclpal luminary befl uty_ hung be r helld II moment, Iho should try. lt is cartllinly not imp~liti'c 10 agilll\6 hit. • a8 IItill.crlilly lifter the d oparlurtJ blo?~, ~he s\'~4"8 of tho II vll uing were COI'l)S? ,. 'l\lllll~ ~uu lim p It . clime bllck lhat vlght, sIr. 'obsen t: t.! of all ubservers ' lind thell I\IIU htl oould, be lli' Lhe di s1\ I"gl d s lll cper III til e 8101iu' Uilllli\clu IIlm(> on board tbe Chal· turll ed Ihound 10 Lieutenanl i88ues fraught with IIUC\} ' in6uit.e imof III t1l\y .god, anti R"ym.o nd hllil tile rdl (!ction of Il Jfre, which gl'eEl tant l'IlIII' of CIlIlIIOII, lh tl crllsh of IOIlS - Ity of dlJl\( lt. A hallu,so \lle fUll crll1 WM lellgt:.' and replied, • this man bu,med anu porlance as theso j Ullt mcntiontld, fur t.ue blinds \18 ho linge rl'J ' ll'y I\nd the Critlll o( mon, HtllilroVll Illlld." I\l1d Lh o UlOurnlJrs woro f1Ulller· ' Ah-you Hro g ro wing sharp, Mr' i kissod lIle in tho tuonoll hilll Lheie- Ulagni\ude' murk all epocb pecllin the cotLllge ga·l'IlclI . e re he muslured to ri~e , th~1I lult tJl'tld fu ubly fl)flYnl'u, UU<l; but frum tlte I~ngth of lime,lI one. Barton.' laud lon!r was tho lr.uorh tha\ ro1- liarty dneloped in nur history .- LouchColtl'llge to diKturb thtl 0111111 that anu (dl Illiliting on .Iiro ground 1101 CVtm IIt c wifc 10 lank . ' \VhIlL blAz ell Lflve JOIl been gr/n' l luw !!tl lImulIg the 1'hc cllt lisllCll re~rel\L. AL his fCtlt Lrembled cuv t) l'lId Wllh uellu 1,IId dYlIIg ; 0110 of 011 Ih e IVI' 'ek IYIr~ch n ellds clo~ely on dlllg IlIIl tllll\ hou r [ur- I(/ w llku llltl \ W.lti LC lady enj oyetl th e joke amAzingly. i ng as t hey do lhe fUlldamenlnl forlil"t ',0 J c wy moonli~ht. fragile enoll _ 1lI11~ly Boh le milo who left h"l'PY "oUll:e I IIIi Ill:el~ o( du so ludoll_ So thllY plli J dull?' Li ll ulcn!lnt lookt:d like" sbeep Btefllillg ces ill our jurisprudenco lind eolargibg drops ' .and g"~J1y crOIlUB, j,hey hAd 'u fill UllkllOlY1I grRI·cs . 1I1 ~ nt-xl ex - lit e la.1 II OIII'I'~ to tir e brllv l! ue'ltl, by : Do civil, ti il·, . And 11,11 me \Vh al dog-lelL the car lIud VlflIl 8CI)nnO m01'1I tho !iCOpl! or ti tlltcllmallsbip in lu e gen)llrilltl!d together, whils t buildinl7 bright p"riunct", wh en hc \'alli ed a lilll,', W'I:; th t! pallol'lwd Lte"r,.·u, tlte plul ,lI e,l 11')\" .llltllUd o '~Ild IOllgllllt.!u you cro~~ed Lbu during the tl'ip . eruli~IILiull of }J1'inoiple'B bearing a (jIgI r I r .. I I I I I f1 I I 'cll\1al o r:1I1 l ' --.--~.- - ilQ.'ICIl)C8 or L10 ultl.ro_ Whure fi'IIt amid n l!rollp 01 ~\:lHd, LfIe t:1I1'1~ ' , N omB d e PI umo. .. ,· to Ih~1 hlm sc f vI,l1o" J I I clJ · 1'1,. t Itl 8P IIC,IUU. S VIIU I S ' . 'Ito, )'uu're JokinlT. niticaD<JY sccoilu to \lone in, tho LegiBo lIptul'oed 16cc ~, ht~ Itlllld Su[)prrlell h}' "II 60lellllltl" 6,f wit lch oalh:d <> I 18 l) tbe'kntlxt alll\ IVO l'Sal'y,.tI1l Ir I I UIWr!I I ' No, ~ ir! 111 ~1I ill uILrnclit, nnil 1 ilelalive Ilud Execu~iVtl cllpacitics of gov · For thOBC who nrc int eresL eJ ill Iit erWIlS s IIII Jl.oJy,. to . bU one ~01'l01Y among his Illr thc se ..IHu'a, iun nu 1 OVel'COlll, '1 .• of. th<?Ru who w~ l'C orL I a b lOW.') I t I .1 I I'nu , sire JUu to !1n8Wtlr mil .' nry lluttl?fB we give the lolluwill~ list of el'llwcn\. FurtUtlfltely our govern• I shlln't.' II 1& .6y~8 litiS.! cIIVII1 611,,4, • • n'd hid IMM Y l'cmllVuu for Interment; but, t.u llIel'OliS 1'(: U IV.CS WI" , atteuulll. "IIY ' leud illlC IVri:crs, II'lIh Iheir uft8ulllcd ti igne mt:o, hilS great expBlIsive power. nud 'lotli~"I~IIr1 slightly waned ., ' Ihe hOllol' of the r l! bd surgeon Ile Il mUlld to 1.IH.l ,plucc of 8110! nt, \lndlliturb tures : Wllhlll Slit n young 'wife, by An elo. Ih wlr en be obsl!rved "ilflls uf lifo. I:.'d "atllon~g. But to Ibern no change I A h-you refu80, do you T' Ilge. G,lil HRmilto\l-ltlls9 Aldgnil E . DO Lht/re 18 comparlllivcly 'but littlo danger I .. d I I II 'Ye8-1 cal1'L.' . 1o'lu'0Ilce }'ercy- Mrs . Eliz:ubuln Aker s, LO be appreh eudud in Lhe settlcm~\I~ .o [ gRnl J 8pr~I\<l.lllnb(1llrd. wai~in'g tho un he blldl:tllymontl tenderly Dursed lllllil l·mpun c',' II}~( II 8(;On ft!.I~ a8 bdllre, 'Indeed I You nre elder mll te of a TilllQlhy 'l'ltCOOIU, Ur. J . U. lIulltllltl; Ur"onl~d dell\y liur puuc(ual hllsband, he "as 1I1.l'Ung ellough Lo endure "hat eXclfpt 11\8 \vlfe, wllo~e gllef pr08 1rated . and h8tJellsly pas'illg,her Dliedle thro\lgh '''"l more diela"teful etill-a prison ;j htH suul.anu led her Lo that ."I\rclaillg c1ipp or ship, nnlll UIIl.blll lo II.U8Wer ISO phelle C. Kl'rr, R "UC f\ Newell; Mrs. Pur- all Lhe quo8tions ·that have epr~ng up tingtoll. P. U. t:l11l1t_btl r: ArtoinuB Wurd, dlHing the fOllr yelu8 of war. II piece or embroieJory, wbilst her enn 'rile m~ny nnxious m'onlhs, lill they eXllmitlllLi.o1l ilHo the rece8ses 'of hel' silDI)lo II qU~8tion. were lIervOll~ly '8en8hi"e to every 8ollnu, grew into years, Lhe young' wife watch. be ArL, "',Irlch .ulLlUll\lcly r~8~lted ~n p'\' ' Yes, it is Ilu! simplest qU<!stioD I Charlos }'. Bru\\,lle; Duesticks P. B., 'Why, H.llymond .l.ho" lilt e you I\re,' tid and waitod for he'r III~ro, clln only tlent 1'1I61glllitlun to Ihe l)lvlnll \Vtll. ever hHtI ask etl mil . Why, 1 thou~ht Murl imer Thn"'ll"u n; Ie N. l' epper,] UIll OS _ The theatrical werdrobe of . J. ahe cried engerlY I a8 be enlered the be rc"lizeli by Lllose 'who have bee 11 BUI Soutlu:rn prisons sometimes gn\'e every Ivai of a lawyer klle w ,here ,!IU'L M. MOrriS; i\h ce S lvpor, Ed'l" C. G, Leland; JOlh Udlinj.(s, Henry W. 1:l1r(\\V ~ Wrlkea Buoth, \be Rsssssin, which Willi I 1 I L . S LI I d it I d 11 d d no Illtitude on lbe eqllaLor.' omel imes u.p Ie (e'l . yenr III rO .1! roun Tha" shot floQlred H,ufus Choato . lIar or. ' lloUg I~ ' you would Dever 8imilnrly CII·culUstfineed. ]ooml l'ipc8,l:Jlllpholl .\huellj N eJ l3ullt- IJlcked up Irom Ibe wreck of " 8ch00I1comll ,. hel IIllllrt leaved. to hallr of his sa[ely, SlUce tire b;ady.of L,tily Inond Mtiller WA! lin, E, :C . C. JlItltio n; E..trnlllld J" i k ~ , J . er Mario VioLoria, LI'8 be 1111 &oli.l by PAT AKD 1,!tIl.PJO. - A frolliokihg Iii· R. Gilmore; CtlUlltry ParBUI', A. ft . H, :B~sine~a ~et"i!l"~. me.' ,he Raid, im- or Ilope would sink u low ,.,\Ien neW H 1~ltll\WflY m'llre ell, of the ' Del\d.uuetion ill CUlIudtl. 'l'bough 011,1.\ vi prll\tJng hIli IIl1u/,1 killS o( welcolDII 01) oamu of a lIovere baLlle. aDd Llul IlS~ of l· lowen IIAd bloomnd ovor Lhe sacretl berilln of the liglht division in tho Pell' lloyd; Mary (;llIvers, Mrs , C. M. Kirkl.nd ; lire RrCi cla8 wcro dnmll~"d, L'y sul& cat ualLies W"H long dcl"yed. HUL dllt! Jus~.' wl\l~rlld by tcnr,lI of love. lind in8ula, 'W"" 'ru ~lging Rl01l1,; tho ro"d '; ur.rer Bell, Vhnrlotle fi ro llt/', VrlllIllc WlltOr, Ih ey I'ca!izqu l.igli Illicos. A lIer ch~.Il.ka~ ~ch u ullnaM e r. Ch08. 1)1. VickiI1S""; Owen 'Hbw -etiAngoly YOII apoAk; bu'lJ I do did no~ hi\ (\\>WII to hopoles8 despllir; M/II'lettll, III t.!eep mourning weotls. hUrD - with a pig lit:d to a blring behind him, Meretl ilh, Bulwer, Jr ,; Ullr.. y Curnwoll, drellsi ng caso IIcarly if) J~iuce81 broll~~I' . 1I0t wonder, thl! appalling neW8 from her mind luld bill' she had a high dUly b:y }Jursued tll o J1!l lh oC duty she hat.! w hen\ 118 bRd luck wOllld htl va it, he Will. Proctor, AlItl. or uf 'J uhn Hllilifux , tifLt:en dullars, ~ntl 8(JOlltlJ. costumes was overtRken boy G"n , Conford, ChRrle8ton mnkee us alliremble. UUL 10 perform LO hel' childron whioh no Ulla lIlarked OUL for ,herse lf. nJ iu i\Iu iu\'k: Ik ll j)1urvul, lY"ro klloGkcd dulVU at twoutl'·\iVI.l uv1'I'lall 8RIUliou, li S lORy be supposod, Gelltlernull,' do you 'hink ':le ' Soutb wilhtkre de · could share wilh her, aud with a d.liIt )VIlS fl bl'ilo(hl, plCPSIUlt morning. Dundlrl G, 1I1il chul'; Jr llni e Juur, ~Ii •. 1111'S eacL. liberately to go to wl\r l' which formud a portion or hoI' Dolc V winler hilt! PM~ed, bUI sllriol:: Wl\~ nOl Ih e nHJllt nurdial, 'WLerl! J enni e Crol\'; ,"'nnIlY Fern. Wilo 01 JUIII C$ r .'e i 'Dare, do YOIl 6AY, Muriet,IA? Tho nature, shu (ol'bore rrolll whi spe l'ing ltat.!lIot Yl· t fully come , unly 1\ cheu rfu l did you stl'1l 1 til M "If:: , you ~Iunderillg v , PUr\ o", (Iho Il :Hlurioll) nll ~ .iKle r 01 _ .'\ Mr . TAlbo t ill produtdng 1\ sen · deed is Illr1:Rily done whicldr,augurn Les tue vllriuud ftlul in g:! IUI\L agitaleu her, IHlll'tholling o( duys, VI hon Mrll. Mdl"'" 1'1I8c .. 1 ?' . Whal :pig . (iulIorR!.' exo lRim , N.I'. Wi lliH; I'l'Irnl"ulII V. NIIsIJ)'. I). R. 8Rl ion in Vil'girlill City. by 8 !t uo till ~ lip ' ,OIl Paddy, lurtling roul\,l wilh Ihe most Loclte; II"" urd (;I Y UUIl, MidH L IIU rl1 C. that moat horriblll of nil Will'S, a civil inLo cVl:lry eur, 111111 by Kcc lu siuf\ soug ht nUII.ceu a Illoll nly cll1l1 man enLel' lilt· Itedd~ n; J)lil e~ U'ltll ey, Churlcs (; . lIul , vies ulI lito loend 01' OApt. O!arks oll 19 a r"- w~lieh, l bflrore it ccases, will stijin to shield hCI'stllf frollluugenilli 04tHlr, gaLe of hcr lil \le oOlllllin. aht! wu~ innllCe nL eurplri sc. 'Why Ihllt pig villo.-l l·:xchnngc I'uper. with Q Vill~ul, III ~ dialauGII of Il1trt! Lhllt YOIl hll'~ behind you, you vii our negleoted lields with ~he bloud of Vllti on. StlaLllU ill her ple8sant pulor"opening lain' 'Well , IlIlen. J protest; Oener • kintlru<1 and reod 88under tho lie tioe of 'Wbal A strango 1V0man Mrs. Milner on the piflz7.iI 'Tith Frcnch cn 6C lnenls; -Alrred T cnn yson, (It o poct Inure- {eu ~, ......-.-famil), ."ij'!!ction, created by the liod or is,' 8ait.! hil r many friends who 80ught the childrll n were A\ ecllClol, hcr only ai,' exclaimed 1'110,1,-, n tltltin ~ I\blhh ed. 1110 of 1!:lIghnd, is fllil ing r" . I. lIa WI\S Rnd turning roun ll his four (ooted ~de n"ral N. P. Danks was faecnLly Uillurli himself.' lO up!lre~s her wi~b SplDl'Alhy. Jomestie in lhe hllloment, And she SIArL ju s I recll vcri nll froOl a M~ ' tl I'O nttack of companion, al . if he IUlII never \jeen IIdmilltlll to pructice I\S R lawye r ill t!le 110 IP.oko e~rne81Iy, and his" '9'~ice ,'l've soe ll many s trl\nge women ~n ed 8uddenly buel& a. s he Doti ced him , ilim before, 'it i. 8cAndAlolls to thin!.: in Lhrvat Ji ~ct.lsc~ wh en wlliking laltl OlltJ "as hollow arid dry, my dal " 're-echoed Anolher, wIse III afler gazing \l ildly round, approllcll I! ve"illg in !tis }sIc of. '~iL.:ltt g Rrtlcll,h e United SIIltes Dislriol Court or LOUIS'R~r.mond, your ~I\nner sll\rlles me, hllr supposed e xperience of hnOlan nn· lht! porch in8tead of going on to 1.11t' what A wioked "orld we live. and how touk co ld; fllld II OW , It I ~ !ftAtt-d , symp- iRnlL, to Now Qrle lllJlf. , for I 8ee we Are on the eve of a great lure; 'but 'Bhe beats thOOl all, 1 dc- dou r. Yet it slruck ber from Lhe firSI reRdy folks Me to tllku aw".J An hone et 10 111 . "f cunsnmplion Ilrll (! yicJ cnt. [li s boy 'll character. Borne black guard - Jam ol !'arton aoll his wHo.' F:tb n1 fralricidal alrife, -Which must bdn~ grief clare, if 1 dOll ' L believfl lbe way " !lito hasty glanco thflt sho had 80cn him be, wanting to ge~ mu into troublt!, hB8 friend~ nro goil}" to rClD ovu him Lo Llt u ~u mant hellrtllll.' . ~ hune ,")cit:LY is allll shnm( to Hppeftr rortl. IInr..l th~t ilis f~OOlllld, liguro Wllrt! ~o utlr or Frnnec, III once , at! Lhu o.Idy ['''I'll, IIro sptl.ntling the summar .. ,illt! t hllt ooet,p to lI1y cllftuch bo.!.' (}htloce of !u v ing hia life. Ill'llulcboro, Vermont . . :1'lti& day h,,~ witnes8eil A greal IIP- odd.' . . l:onntJctet.i with lowe ngrecaule :tSIO, 'flit: Ucue ••1 sDli\t,d' aDd I'odfl 00. 11~lng o( indignADt mn'l. Now li s len 'SuI'poSC he s hould come homo with · cill~iou. TBIJ SOLDIER
ki .se~ ~Ii
-_ _.--....
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in chllrl'h IIIlIt Sund~y 'the W'l'n
, ,
n ODe 01 cte tary ~ .rd. accompanied by lhe mo , le.rlul lllll "di.. ha,., tve, I . D••• n. • I. 8, COLU1' r . ~~ I. ~'r :~d :~w a 0~::1 paper de- d1;';Ibe rl 0 1 his family . lefL lalL \1eek'Tet"o'bded • noOD N.titrdu,' H,I'"I". r.... il uS " , " ' " ' uti I , ., " __ .- J Il .... Y i 11 e, 0 h i 0: of ila iIIu ~lri ou . nt ig hbor, IlIIS (o r C"pe .URY· n .i lll; le nl all obRlI1 thin" y ... r. of'R'" .... rore him, , llbou " h in lome instllncn 1.. ar, it h .. .,lJt ctu" )' I kuperco e F j , Ill\tue (,f Mllnn, lhlll i n ht!r I TI Kmp ress E ug en ic hili jlll!l "vi ti !! illt h '~ 111110". Jui", irwin. livill: " d •. . d"dle lind od, cr ".r I e terma. lin , ., "If f Ie . f [) , '11 IrOID plow in bit compari sons lire fault,., an tulll I I" .l· te d ossn ion of al i thl! II tl ~ mpts to Ullllgfll A til e 1,1 nt'n 0 " iv,' n I 000 WW llrd th .. I' rectl iln v "tll'M r arrl oll n, eft"' '' I I::~ . . b Iv uS un ulspu p d b i I d pe r)' the reiull · " - . I ' N - York I " p~.clllI(! " bUIll Ihe 10118(>, "lilli e II lrl" wlli ~ bb e nccep lsas trutb,lsat eatll ' a ellues o f s pe<!ch. l u; alh'en1ber llds ~!iJO _er ngllr. W ~ I ra I' }"' I 'c r F rt!lI ch o r phll u ll. yulU n 1: 1' • 'f ' ,\lnpt> r'M lory . withl" w, ~pit upon Ipence, hUI lhe 6~U ('lt p cr~e' nc:" 0 (,bpse tng IIlIp re5 lOll ' IS of Il e m or n III I I' ro m 0 I ,. uI mere- hypoth esi , . , d tr O'll' sered sewed. on to - Bishop Ly " ch , of o u ~ I "~o 111" , him, Tllia e;( I'; II'U t, i" 81'rer, an 10 J ~. But who eha ll say ", hilt will be the ubjecled 10 itl tr rep ressl ul., pr8.len_ce, 111'1:(, booted 8n '1 I L ' _ hnll Applied for 1\ puru on, H d h UI)' III n.lIll'll· L11 hi~ Ibth er at the ullrll, \~h ell.er . d tI f i: Any th ing bUI peu 'e,hke . Jl4al tl(1l1 k t.he !, Ollt of a ql r ~l, h ' \I' ,Lo sillIJU lho tlllSl of th e Lynch, (If 1I0t he . CU llll tl! lI ~ l1 cr,1 8111\ h acl'o ns,_ besl poltoy 10 purFue tOWIU Ie un or· ( . w tin yes months " illl One of Ihe Morrl8 Bro L ere, negro wI llig lIun! worda tollo wt'u. wh en the II tPp ' mlllh. tuna te Colored Americlln s ? ' 'l ho can 01 , pa~tiln!;fnat; l e ,;'anl ;O/\rll d ill '~ - )'our lm i1l8l1 el, haR purc h" I'd " lot of ~lInd , law . " b • e r J Ol1 \1 Irw in. nn .. "l Or It e r Ito",e l!v lvn widl io leHeel s(\. keen all Ihe di f. t liS n and d Ay fro m e we ry con. ;, tlhe ulh end , flll d we a re promised I _ W m. Gilm re II1I IllS I n" w pu V' I,,'''.e Lurl' , wit h" Cllrvll1g. kn lf e, anti. t hal a tlt nd th e prope r 601u · e ll~~~II~g ~oo k /I ud c~roer. 'l'hll re is IHI 1'1 d"li g ittful h ll itl the nlre, afLe r t he pll t- li 'h ing 1\ Hll itl Jl" I'~r tiL Oul~l!ll lJ u.~ , S. ," rllfhed lown\! y lv1'811\'1" , \oho .•lre \v .n pitt. li t'S, . ? CI: I\ • d 1\ I~clur& to a void t.uo uf Ni blo's c1ll\rming re80rl, bul GO V' " ,UI Pic ke ll " t6 III 1 U1k nll t! , :s. 1,,1. T he rpllt r r, J ~1111 tr wln, II~'Z ~. & of th:s kn ollY ques li on . . fur ev· ~s~R p e ., 1 o u. n\t~.11 lind lhe pll lrio Lical . afle r fI s mulle r moo !!!. W e hny-e long C. Wil h hi~ jl rdly yO U\l !{ wi fe , / 11111.;h('\. an,! ~I rllpetl III lJclwet' I\ IS \~Ire ery sche me prese nls 8u me ma nt fcs t ob· It In prl vlIle clrc e , d d II" ir of th is kin o "hcrtl \ W II n J Hun r\'IJp llily lu prli loct lolh, Lplng , , Iy inclined O f III or ig nores yo ur lel:hul:s I~ce e a CI\zy 1\ II , • ted to - P re5i t! ~ nl John sun's br? lhl' r, . ' ""\'rrb;'o l for h i~ p~aceuu l c II: >PO,il ill ll. _ eCllon,.and ,~ 11 are att.lmo ed ~ "h Ill ore li nd ~ro"'8 elo(juen.t o.n ~econ tructton, fi r8t.c l~ss. orllma _co uld b~ .plrcs~nanllrrer 1'. J ohn so ll , i~ .m ro ute fo r hiS hOIll" 11\ 'I' he an n t hun Ilrell 01 the fn tho ~ , the b,11 or ledl ID nblI IlY· A s /llm os l e very olle If I OU tr), to aVOid It III Lhe p raycr OI rp r~c lalive a~d I6nces. 1 ~:r a l i be~ 1I1 Texils. H e embtlr kcJ on Ihe sll! aDl Cr Cili eri ng Ihe 10rl'hpIIII , lin.! ';HUBII1/: ~ n81o.r has read Ihe let ter of Mr. COlt, we meeting, by all end iul:{ chu rch , Ihll iollg' II lIus al rong IIlduce meuLs d b ' I Ue n t:idclUley aL Cllrio " U tilt: 3Jth ul ~. , 1I.' nlh . llu llll'lI li reu "I Mrs , h"·III. I~, lVill' repl oduce olily a s mull portion o f ' rob~d millisle r SlllutclI yo ur eatS wilh p l\tron ll~e, Rnd 1 h l\ v.e n~ o ~ '. t ;~: I I I b offi cially announ ce d b llil ent e ring Ihe r;l/ht II rllttal S~I'Cll t" (E'ec:ti oD Octf)b 6 ~ 10, . 86... . ) . .' , b Irecolluruct ion. If you pwmcDrWe th c 'l l htl ge nero us O~01munll y .y W II C I - I IRS een UU ,I Ih en " "Ii ei,,!! 111111 hi . loel ~ hol lOll "ltl II. Speakin g wltb rdef eDce to l e fll sbionnble ~horou gb fllres. rcconatru c. IS ~ urrounrle d ,Y IIlIHVRru Ulln a ll he de- Ihat Mr. Ho rAce Greeley bns C tl'8Ne~ p.' rlurlil ed It" HII .~;o n or InSlft!,1 Ilflll, • .FOR OOVER!>OR , colouiutiono{ the Colored race, bOl ' . I tI f e v 'ryloogue lind !;CP ' es conLrol, orlH UO 10 cunduc L, lho seized ll ~n lt"8 n dc " 1 I,.. rtliroll , r' nm ... OLSON COX, o( Trumbull. . ~Ion IS I ,e leme 0 • C c:h... reo ],J u;u nooo. I DI.S RUlIll.KR York'1'ribuull. It i" eM .it! Lll o f"oLd w,II IIU "" r. ft nd will. n "I ub beaL he r he ltn. -rheD JACOB 1\1\)' s. \ n come. 10 y ou~ e~~ e _ . , _~ . _ . ___ be officillily 1II\1I 0llhCtlO In a fl! w d llYs. ' ''''' ''''' rer Ihlll' 11,,01. bil l ,,' O ~ IrrclI,,:d \'1 yoa UlIUT" OOVZltllOB, The uetni\s of any 'Y8IttD sep'" ee\loed bbY lhI!El:!i»IDgA'OIcelo s .A pl~~ _ 1 TU E CIWI'S I N 'l'Kx As .-Th e plant ers '1'1 . J f t'i ll hl sOlls nnd 1I " 1l1l 110U·- l Ci1,elnll uliT"" '·H. ra lion could only b~ d ll termllleu by ISY nelvs "y, ven up-us u. I . 1 I lltLe devDtel1 tu - • Ie ul1~l e It~es 1.1, ° . _ . _. ••• - ANDREW G. McBURNEY, Warre n. f I I d d ide comp·t1 150n of so as he loungel! II I I " Ike r B or the \In those porll ons 0 11e 8 I d d ll u " l1tllrs 01 th l! I" Le I cIe r <:> ' U,S , 01 Il cc i l'e for t hn (j u ... of I'el'''' & Aline. c~r<: u SSli y !l n Ill rww cn r tI;,.t \" i Lh . ' lt~ vc l e tw irl, nl:{ his CHillty CRDe l ot l"gric ult ure hlld . ~I ior 10 1 H\ s urrell e r Nor~ h While- II/til, P .... rll,u.; h bllU n A ~ (lO Il l\tiI'h. S" I,I . 9, 181;4. YOR TREASU RER OF STATK, Vlt!W9, up p05e , I , " '1 I b If''ctiol1 f Ih It ·b·1 ,U DlI CS pluntl'u \'e ry ex1 fl ' ( II " . lb eokin,uJlh e orglill izll lion of li lly cOAxi nl-: 1m OIl' m u s lACI ~ ya T - II U CC ' I luels r"'''-~. ,, ~l.lIn Ctl . V lIg ~\' Ily U_, , n R. r.. \V H "nAI'K - ~ i r : )"u r 11t''''I ' SIDNEY S. W ARNE Lt, or Loratn. Sout te' you tgAk! conlig uous Le rri to ry in /llle Cll/ eSSell, s um lJl OIl S llIIIOH11I01i e' , I.,·ublv cly of colton I\ntl Oft le r prOd' :1 I'; ! \\'hvl & fa mil), lilo.., thid Ill" ve ry rnr ll . 11'1I r1 li"r ""d l' i1 t,. .1' 11 he tter be re ,100 11 Hn. a , d I t Ii n' If J tl uti unl IImount 0 ril lII UI I ~ k 'r'l FOR 8UPR EWil J UDGE. bOUlh Vllro 'illll, Ueoq;I II, AlllbOIUJI, fino I" oug h to rllw DUt '\\" C C() II S WUC . _ 11 11 Ie , iae "I' II IlIlg l; I - The s lon- Il tllt ( ;cn Rllherl L •.c i ~ ' " II"' r II I P l ltr i ~lr~ I I~" " I , I .'rp. ' ',Y .'. NKERJIO OF Of R h FI ' d d I I . Lhe 100 ve r ' YUIl 1t'IIVI) ti,e Lu . y L h r" " ~ for a nOl1 n Ilh c Sflls on l,(i' es prolD . . . . I I ' 1". 1 llo e llI ed"'l u" I" r tI,,· pl'" pl" , pr . "h ft ,_ JA COB BtU , IC • '_ on II, lin t .c r~ . ur:: cI: S !lnd wiLh I Ii .(,1 walk RII\OIl /£ Lho Gowe n of th o: crop. whic h oli n o nly be e llt'ctl!(1 by ~h l! \ II I NIII~'"" I ~ pro b,, ~l y bll~ "1 UP" " t 11- Iy .,,1011i",1 I" r Ilt., I' '' ~'' II I r"V"r D Uel "!!"0, Jand-(Long T~ rm . ) t: lgn ty of ,tl.l~ O lllt~d SR . , r alld l'~bl i c C. :ard clI , wi l h YD ur aoorab I! Ar 1 1I1l "'- Lt l~ t! cond ,Llon of Ihe I .. borlng pr"H! nCll I h~ ru II I lI \1ol he r (I " " "r ,d ."1 ~",t 11 1l' p('u "l u I1~C Ih l' lI1" n g~lt cr8 1 111"d. J OHN WELSK, O f A the ns, (To fi ll 1111 th e fllcilltl es wlll cll tho pOWI' . tJ .1I I . - " 'onfi lill!;l)' on yo ur IIrm , jt upUl ll liuu . \ Ihe SII I\ I 111111\1'. '1'1 ,e IAt l: l~b l' l cill c i Ir i,,,'_ . " "ln o, c Vacancy, ) wealth of Ih e GLl H "IOlrn~ cndn . glvde , al l 1I .,C I, k \" II u), 1 oki ll,, 1 MUll" u f th t' phm te n unA ble tor-on· is in Vtr!,li ni .. , li t 80 nl l! qllilt l et\"l!at up ' '1'" hr<:l1 ~ ,," IIll"'·.k II F Ih .· !t ~"P, t"k e l l , , Ihc fre odlllon III II ('pen - s 10 WI I cc r .Hl1 y S 'oc U O J ' I . I ( I III II' ,. we orgAn ize . , .' I '" ,'(.s 'IInd li~ UII - Irol their e ma ncipAteu SIIlV CS , ",V I: Lho cOlL IIUy. ' " la lt ()' P""U 'U " I II' "" " ,II 1,l\' r f' VfIT rt FOR ATTORNE Y GENE RAL, oucy of lho UII1(1 I1 1I 11110g us to th e IIn X I () ~ S ) 10 ) our e) .. ~ " . .I, . r f. I ' l"ILa tion ~ . . . ' h"" r ""J Ih ell cI,',,,' "!' Ih e . I" much all.t WI LLI AM H . WES'!" or Lognn, wes tern te tri lo ries Gire lhem schools" cun sI: lousl y rCCDn stlu ctlO U. E ve In) UIIV"II Ihom ot 1 0~1 I lelr V I I -A papc I III B lllo mln ~ l o n , 111 ' no';;, l v ~l d wcll wilh yo"r P,II~ " 1111 inll.rn! IIIW 8 raci li tK ting ;I.e acq uire ml'n.L or uSUlllly ~e r clle Ili nd iutl y has _ tll~,~:I IJP ; lInti J ~ I'I'IIJ for t~lc i r I"bo r IUPOl~ ti ll! inru rul> it. 1'l' ," I" rs LI, ... L filL' CI1"rk s ,;~~" Il,e c'''"I' I"illt wi ll bp ;c lllovrd A n ~ a von SO/JOOL COMlI18S10NER, homesteads to b6 ptlid ror by the ir own the cr y, for Il \v 'u only Illst IIIgh\. lhn t . lI."g ..OlJ8 SII e x !e n . t ~· ' l y b ron g ,t In '11 ~~ H.u ubin K u \\' ill'; III Lhu hi g h I'rictl u l h · pe~tlIn ll " " tl-" re d lecle.L , JOlIN A. NORRIS, Of Hnrrison . All whu Iry IhIA. I run1.""' 11 t hl!(II IP ·nl" InLor lullnnd e~clu siv o poli tiC,') pr iv- un rt:t urn in g fl" m doi l'!; duLy on II I b illIe h om. LOllI sll\nl\ nlld the oller ce u ~e . hll ~ cllts~ .J his :3 ":""", " 11.\ /lC' lutl' , 81l 1l1hHIl ~lll t I!S, 10 whom the y pAy I c~ pl t!" ll,,: C il il ut Lh ~ Atnc HIi ~ ""rch plri ll)! h ) II nlly pk inn , Wi ll ho Rllv eu til ,1"', '1 e~ Aided aL lh~ s tur L shoulo iL committee, I aWllkl' ned her ilL FOR BOAItD 01' PUlll.lO WORKS. , ~:;m ;lCceSf. a r by wise ti~ lu cliun from ho ur by indl"ect unl ' elfort s 10 6 d .t.hl' tlil.HILlil y w~ges. _ T he poor. Ir" ed mC II . \ UI OccllLu r. 1111 l h eir 1""Lvr. ChMluti c.;st " "J ~ ulferill g . Yunrs I rl1 l ~: JAMES MOORE, Coshocton. Y t ht: large s t bm inH 1111 .1 most p hilan ' hy hole, wldc h mysler ious ly kcp~ shp ' thus dnve n aw a y, sl llrt fo r Ihe lI ell l e8~ pn: "ches !II . lir ~ L 8l!rmOn lo IlIll II U W. , " A . II . J AIT i'vR CLlIRK 0,. SUPREME COURT, t!.tropic heRr ts 80100 r> Rnti SlllVll t y men, pill g from my g rn s p, :tnd I\S s h me l Ul lh t .... y III)s l, w h ~ re such III tb e OOY hi S IN P' k r I' . " , ~ BO D NEY F'OOS, of Clinton Coun ty. to ,ive tI, crn a ju di~iJ\ty or exccu tiw e OIl! I\t l he o oor, fro m be t wil lhe l"rnllll' lI t r....(llir llu re g ive n Il mJlloy mell t. I' . Ilmllt'_,. I. ''' ' ' ' . I :.. PKnl~~SS ION"L ".lICDN. \V hfc h would COlll OlllnJ tiu' ir cO ll fid ence rrllis of Ii er cru ul pld night -Cli p. c tl m" anti the olli ., I's IHO com pell," 1 LO \"I·tU I'l' OPI-rtl 11 "",,', CIRClllnll ll , hll ~ !~I~ C hi I _____ _ in Lhe fi rs t essllys or poliLic!l l .. xi ~ le nce . . fun l. t\ d rcRmily L1 ller"cI nuist!, hieh i'l nl l oblll!u w\\ rk and ~ u b s lSll! nce for I cd tit " prup"1 ty lit Lhe ,t 'linwr (t ' ~ It I ,~ 0 Gea, Co.', P o. 1tfon. There nee d be \l0 coercive collection of 1ominiously ~o u lldeil li k c rcculI sLr cliull . · lhCl\1 se!vcs .-l'MI. I ,lquire, . \ 1I~p n u e 111111 'J'~ ", lIt) .t llln i Nl r,·.·t, cW . " • ~ . lhe colored rRce iu lhe desi" nllt cu re o LIl~ t moulh lh ~ long .hllircd frAl crni I) ork . 11 1111 (1 ,·';I. t ; IIS c r .. c·"lg11 1\ " I,,·r .. YUstl'C~ of IT i. 0_ a' Ril sing ular that Gen. . . lire the re °no w, a ll d ty IIt'll Itl pic-nil' - - III rL' rAmln • In ' l o n f00 int .l" ".. , 1,.II USt: ~ glon , tli e mnj-uI'Ily ~ ,8m ",rov~ , z.:c- ..I he n ' .IS II I'r lljcc . of ~ IJIlC I U U ~ IIml tlc"... "1I1 prul'0r , ~ Cox should tllke exceplion in hie reply llie rewn rd of po liti clI l power would II ,,1 .ltH! re ndered mc;nol"ll bl" 10 I\J~ /I n- fl"flrR FlIll s to m al' ll Il lI ew comlllunicn. U O I\ ~. AN I» NOTA fl Y 1' l r,U,l e . to • lette r 110m a C"mmi ~ Le e a t Ober, draw thilher the remll ind er qui lll . II S nnls 0.( ubolitiollism, Il (,, \\. yafi rs , IDCO . li~ 1\ bet wee n th e '~.~ .. ri cll n HnJ -A g n5 I[nnJ.!; cmrp"pO\ld t.'1I 1 tlilys LirP IIKed ('()//I·fYflll re r. f,'/,,;fII -" ge "' , lin, a,kin g him to de60e hia position rA pidly as lh eir place coulu be au pph ed by bein g lite scc nt il of th e burll I\/:: of dilill si,le of Ih e NlIlg rll ri ver , til tl. e LI, "1 M I~' I3l'addon. t h" nuv.·htil; hilS Illul A'lnI/ I i" re/ i'''''11 F I RE flll d L I},,; i 7l'''''fl II C8 C'01ll1lf", i ,.s. elearly and uoeqll ivocally upon ques by whi te immig rRtioll in to other :-)IRte~. th e ' CG\',c nn nl wilh h ell ,' btl_" l! r 11 0WI1 \SIiIlPI! of a " 1l ~J>en siv n hridgt: for cllr I her dU OIeti tic tl llrk RI' UI. ::;Ii ~ 18 nol lionl whic h Ibe Convenlion tua t Domi . The fulles l opportunity lo d uvci(1 p th e IIS llIl! Cl'l nbll t ulioll of thc Ul1Ile d lat~ s , ri ll""'s IIIltl fOOL pl\~~ e\lge rs , The COIII "I' Li " wi l~ of M"xw.·II, lit e pu"Ii ' lur , HL Offic c I1t Ih .. 014. !'iIA",t . "I"ill !lilrl'''', \V A t AES I'Il, I, E, (JIll 0, nal ed him had thoughl to he prcma. highest ci~ il i;!''lLi~n Ihey a rt' cllp "b 'e of, by ,l,hl!se ~ fll riu lic An~~ri Cl\ll.s " " n\l\II. PII I~y o wnin J.!; Ih e bridge .I'~' O m il.:s ~e . W! IOS~ lltb l". ti ll c ,iL~, w hi ll! M "x\Y~~I' " wlluld their be giv en. Colort:o men of In l ,·xns IS now ~aklllg I ~ I ~ t n I fUI \ ll' W hlld Lht' (' l(f: lu 51" e pn Yllt'gc to lJuil d ) wlf" J" cu "lin ~ J '" II m".J -h ... u ~~. lh e lure, when il is consi,lered that it was tale~IL and .inldligen ce wo uld nOI lht< 11 trt! I\~OIl , IIi s ol\ cnclJ .beln g tt,t : o.ne_nl Ih l! F ~lIs fo r ti ft ec n y~.I\r~. Th lll l'lIir liv", lit WlU tl sUr. .('J:::r r; .. ltprliort s "". dl', ~ hil pr"" peds . ~. endo rae d by a comlBitt ee of bUl tw o, mHke a HI slruggle for the emp l) Ilen rlu g ll ow n Ih e Amc l lclI 11 t1 ) Il miL hn s l·xlll red. Rnd HI1 CX I ,tlll ~ flCt l I' I' II t I I ,l ll\r of m ll" ·.1 ,, ' rw ro' ll t rnt .. ~ , . lb ' f II 1'1 '11" I .... · -to . I' I Il U 111 0 , U" yn un gt!!II ( "1 ;" I ' . , 1\ IpS In a c. llll'aC",,115 IC uf Ih t! SUite L"" lslliturc RUI HlrlZt:8 I ' u 'I J' 'I' JJ II I" 11·11111 /':- I'PI'1U1 p,,j ,,,. Inkf' 1l ill Jlrl' p.rinj! 1'" acling witbout the authorily of any or. nll lll e or belllg IlIw yc rs wlt lo ul ri C S , W erlllc . ho u: lI'noe, bU L wou III ~ p ee " h exhortc d I'11.. d «' \'otc d fl "ll oth.-r cum plll1 \"' "I h.. \ .' r, - I. .>lHIl II Itl. I I ! . " ' \\ ' \ . or merchlln Ls w\t 0 WHS' for lllilll' of II . ' I ' 1" l' I I CI p~ :~ " ,. d proe'" lttll b,ll'k Pu y, n" ltlll .... . gJlniaation, ladeed. iL would be diffiha ve wh nL 1\ lend ing jo urtl ll i nL lh ~ lo r~ llc \V cd d Turls ill ~ ec Jl in ~ .11 tJ lite CIlIlf\diH Il or"nn llc" de p~r tml' n L 'hll sl 'i " ' I W A~ tlHI" ;IS )'I"'j;""'" 10 ' al l ''"r "' I '. tl lI .IP,·uti ;"" . of ueceuseu ::lIlItJlI" S. Clt ",Cull for allY one 10 give Buch anQIDa- El\st h l\8 freqll{'nlly d ~ mt\nd e d for thom. di, cortl s I1I1lI fnnnliei stD s. o( IY lii II th,· ~ II t h.' p ril'ih'go or In mlin f' it o n "L" ~ Ilin ::-' tltllr ~ , tlY I! Y " ILli g L1,rll w.n rUIn H~ II geK ' ~ n llnll ll h h· . t'Ii' tl'~C" I " ,, d' ill n ~ i ,ltl . Th e bri ll).!0 t! will be 10' \ Ilo r<o L·t· lOU8 acliotl a cons lruclion suiifcie llily Lhe o p~ ortullit y, liS well as I he ri. gh t. four y ears of b Ioo di S ICd I II\" C . . u \l t ilL It: .." '"e IS t'l1l1' I"lU, " UlI_ I e ·. ," I F Ire ' nStlrUII"e r " ".hA. I' ~~ 8 1' ~~.II' ,\ lUI Clltl'tI J'Uti t b .. IIJ w Iho F" ll s. Th ere i ~ for .h." rI Tl',c": "', rY ·B r io t: . 01 ,1 "~I ,,~.e.. . l t\ " ' It] pr"cll rf'd It" fU Yorub le l "' IIl ~. liber. l ,to lIus"er t be end for which il 10 IlIke rR uk l\ccol'ding 10 their r C1l 1 Sli d rc .- ults. l'hilli ps is much h I J b'r · . I ' II uti k . nl n btl' In I. r. ,, r\lu m 8 CII~U .- w.loR "FGn ENOIl - 46 yeera r~.hl ulU'" In il;' "as l'ptJoi6caUy inl8ndeu. c 11,lrrlllcler ~ n a Idl~YIi' ,1' . I ec ce l1lr~cl coml~ l, I' \O, IIIC t oom rl! RSon to h .. h" ve Ilh l\~ Ihe '11" 01 Will fortun es .:um l! not sI " .,ly.' CO.ll1lt UII,ly. 'f.3m l '1. . b I laL lll:re nre II C l tle8 \Q Lie re - goes Wit lout lie 8 III I el -JJMI "oon lJe comme nce( . .. ; · w I Q a !or~.~ 1"1&8, • too~ ' , fI ~• • ""I!llion 01 Il UCll Ii plan, 1 , 111111 ttl th l: Lnh:ly be has preachtl d 8~ cel8iou, co- '1':11' cOLltlge w hi dl M r. SI' wRrd , al K "011111 perhap., h ,e been 6n~ to " dmi t, but Lhert: A'-" t1illicul ~ies Ilr CiOll, pllllce, uncolltlitionul pardon for Z-? A curious incide nt in Pnri . S,.crct~rv " f Sl lIIr, orc lIl'i "K nL Clli'e belter. the Union COllveDlion had ex· in 1111 pill us. I~ is nalu"~I . ~ o men lu lhe ra bd l" l\.tl l'_rs . uui \' e "~ h ; I.legro Ruf- hi g h life,' ell P ~ he Eptlll'le , '. is nbouL L." ~J J\)", i$ -' JIl l'. of Iht! I'Hllti "nllll 's L " II tho I pressed the leOle o( Lbe people more str,uggle to II VOI d r espon s lbll~ty , nnd 10 (ruge, rep udl allon of our \l allolllli debt , Iwcomu th e FuhjeC I o r '.1 SUit f', r Ih · . 1, h\r.,I- c.·zil )' Ijlt~. 1 li p. ~1id ill lol l n' . , ., ' fully upon Ibeau i88uCl,· which. contr a. tlrlh u,p~ n Ih e currc nt , lru~ \ln g 1? ltlte ; "," c , &.c_ ~o rll pl uly dOllS lit! ch"" I!~ ~' ,lJ ~'I' e befl/re th e ~ I.rsl C hRmb er o r Lhl1\" I'''I: I ~ C I 'II1 I. irt ~h l .. fur ' he i,,,r ,did dIH le, · -A ~ D-'I' " I bUl tlrtfllllg hlso Icad s 10 dlffi c lIltle~ , 11 5 Ihal I\l S bllllded rollowen fire seldo m I rtbll l1 ll l of Ih e St-Ine . A y O ll n~ hu ' llra n 111111 111 9 r" m ilv. It I ~ cu"nec I"d 1\T -n ffl II ~r) ' ,\7 ~ a)'rr ]" :r , rt 1 . ry t0 Ih' e II len prev I. d II' fIe d'IIItO 1\ wllr II' IIIC . II IIll S Rbl e to Ie 11 "'1 ' I ., fi t' . f I f l \\' ·ll h l " '" g r,•• 1\ ,, -11 ,1111,1, ,111 l'Il'Y n'lIc h ".\3 \lI a Au.> l.L ~ IIJ J.l.:J '-l' 9 '. I , lu 111/1 op'lllon '. Inve wo WuO l i t: l SI, U 0 t ie qllc s lOll bli nd Ldll nglll g to o ne 0 t Itl g rl'lIt 11 m e~~ay~d Gen. COX ,IOIO an explanation or cO."t. hl\lf a million of livts lind unLold lh!'y Ilre on. Th e /l'nr I,e h ilS dt ~.l lI re:l il ies or Io'rtl lI Ce, i,n ortler LO run ct·.. 1 h i" I" f ilM cOJII lllot! ivus llHrl u r~ , Jiilill g Illid 1. _ _ _W"l'IIC~:~II.':.'- ~~.~_ I/O hl6 Vle"l oODCerntng Ibem. Some of ml ilioos o r money , s houl..! no t net:o 10 11 g rolll 6uccess, Illid H com l" c~e fll tlure . ni ~ IJ Lly nbRe nce Irv lO home , form·d II I" I", II-rollrn, M Lite loyal jou'lld t 'houg b ~ tb tllL Ille be told ; Rnd J agree wi th you tlll\l. I'resitlcI11 Lin cfi\ u, he cle llolili cu d 85 Il Id~ !t of pll\cin~ in h is bed II lig ure willi I '1' 1 1'1'1 I I I ' P I l~ 00, ' " or Colored S ulf 'a e uld 001 tlri flio g will prObably dec ide lhi s nltll - t), r" nll ical usutpe r whil l! he 1i~ l' d , IIlId Il \V nx hplid ma,ltl 10 repc mhl hilll. l' 10 '1 ,"1 \1 Jo> 1111 rl '> ~ ~ ny8. t Inl " . U I If ' . qU "611'on " I g "0 . sl ~ hc 1.U 1lI ~ k nice ' . OIV t 110W mourns hllll . ' . succeede d fo,' I( tIm " e b'lI (, I'11. Unlll L' 8 .,. g' ho .. ~c , will ell lo rn."d r ltllt'. rl.,ll f. , le r Rgaln nn d IOV ns n, IIl1 tlOnl\ I IOS8. Th e 1Ht,. ficr ' _ "V'II " I I>( Ol/rlepn ""elt'd , p ~ an adllufJ8able one during tblt cl\m · · d . .- b ' I . I . , ' Iii . hcut! ' I" on"rs .I urin,' hi . long YI.i,'e 1.1 thl! pr."" ,:,, Ht l\l~ .IIl· I I ''''. 1I0"n I" . • • il S tJ H tru c t lO~ . w" iI ~ y ca ving li e Ow ing to the depnr l ore o( our p"t · lI li e D1 ~ hllh e \rilly v ell tl l1l l1g 10 entl'r l .- J' . ' , . . .. , .. . . " Pru !l'66iull ul ::l~rvice~ to t h,,";l i3, "II$ ol, pAlgD, but "e could not see how IL 'II'aa lub or of Ihp So ut h III Lhe hnnds or II riciull II c i ~ hLors fo r' l\ summe r tour htr hM btlllll' s ruo m nll il npprllllc h.. ".t . ~ tt I "~)\~ r!;, I ~ II ' : 1''' III~ l pUL \D ~u' l , tD be av oided. Indeed, the exclu8ion deg rllde J CIlSto, it entRiis UpOIl th t: ' 11100111' lh t fRsh ionllblc wRt t'li ng pi llces, t he b ~d, discovered t he tric k. li ell ce SII I(l n li t 1'1\lrll1fJ1I1I L L ~ I k. h .I~ qllitu WayneSV i lle and V l clDlty. " ' J ICIf~ ' , I sepn rnliolL . A curu nlOdioll ". Jllld "Iv li. h ' " fl 'lll , ano . I e I"' (' Ct a 0 f the UIJpH of ureat iuues of nlltiooal imporl8nce coull tl"}' l Iie wo rst mMc rI" tell ~hurr,h es preS QUI " vI' ry Lhe s uiL ror R JU . ( I }" FIC I' 0 11 Ihe ,:or' nl'f "I m•.; u 1l 1"I (\J ~ " . I I I L I . , cust U~H I' I\' '30UO l L i~ be R ur is nol ol\ly impor l' U t th ' 1m a li very , nlll prcv(; utli 1 11\ 10moge ncl- forlo/"1\ nud J eSO'lllO a ppoa rll ilce every ~ --- .--. " • ._ ' Ami N18, lIeJl dv "p p O~ ; l ll ". y·Bnil. I I. e lf II .n. ty of ins liLu tions anti mll nncrs, Nllr Lh SlI bbllth, fl lld as the gOlld chrisli ans Z3r A mn g nificl' nt bllid cn;,rlo "'n~ rll ll1ld~t1lJ y '~" III cl~s ure . 111101 prohahl y fI-r Nill hl i:ull ~ pro'"p lt , re~ pul1 cll).i 10_ I IC, U d. qnment on kLhe g round" of premalufl Ly IInll 1 ". " {1" Y8 .-Ince n ~u r Ro 1\ Ice od f I\dllll~ I' .SOUI\I . , which I hllY" 8H .itll btlie ve II~ \'e fOU'I! I a III rge r Ii c I J 'lor IIIe CA llt ul'eo n f"'. b tilOIl \"Will be chug",I. ; II. " - ~ Imp lei "e~ nesll lind IDdecl~len, "ben to bo th ~ only sure fouudlltlon Qf per ' disp lny of lh elr fin ~ ry, tile fortuna le ches te r, dur ill l: Il "i ol~ nt st orm 01 rlli n pr uc"e s 10 e II pp ,ed lo 11 patriotIC or delay reeulu only in (urtber eomplica' mnnent peRce. minisle rs ha ve reduced Lh e st'fvices 10 Ilutl wind . 'fhe b ird boldly dlls hed humllnHa rlllll. p urp os e. • ., • I ' illn and probllble dll(eRl . G ranling The A nglo·A mericRn lind Africo' ol1e Sermon 1\ w t:~ k . Th e SlI bbf\ tl, ror ,,"rd ns thestorm arosc,nnontl.f mp' -JuLl gIlNye,ofM llrieUn, Ohio.one r. O!> T I IIUES T HE PJlA I· T ' C E ·O,. \\lJ ...." m m e ven lliat il Bff"c tQ not Iho individual Ame rican rllces uow s l llnd rnce to fl\c e 8: hool9, like tho Th eatres, Il1so, III It·d to fll ce it. H e 'I9ns oV l' rpowere,1 of lh" o l tll!~ t I"w yr rs. of th e S lute, died JfI1I ~ . D malter, 'm Ibe eleclion or S~Rte officerP i upon lhe So uLhcrn soil in irreconci lll· wnys close du rio!!- t ho heMe d te rm, (nr IIn ,1 clHri .. d do wn , h eels oyer he Rd, to il Lhi R residl' nre in tha t ci ty on lilt: L ble hos lilily. The fll w colored mon wll nL of patronagc, 1\8 none bllt vulgllr th e gro nnd . A mnn wh o 8KW him f.dl. mornin g of Ihe ~7 l h lilt. He WRS born In ita vorlous brnli che. ; no'l to be'ene llI. oLher Ilue~~on' of thrilliui inlere,c.. wh om we I",,'c BlllongRt U5, mRy be reo peop le nu cnd any ~ u c li Jl I"ccR nt Ihi s scized n pole, rAn 10 the SpOl. nntl la id in D" comb er, 179!l , in o ne of Ll\ e old Iltl Bnv where . .None but thll with a a,!bllet1 lh~L 110 power CRO g urdl! d 118 Ih o wtli(s li nd s trays of Lh e sen~u " or lhe yenr. ]n cO Il~e quence of il o,'cr lh e cJl g ll!' ~ n('ck in such a wil y olllPIISlS o r lh e o ld Ma rie tl n Fort. H e D E ST MAT E RIAL USE D . ebaill, and with. Ubiquity that hnR i: roRl body whi .,h i8 II nati Jn in IlUnt - th e~c soc illl res tri ction s. we of the more AS to hold him ulltil lie was eeC l1r t! ti , I\ Il ~r1l':t r d occllpi ed ns \\ FI'!Ji d ~ llc ll th .. the I(ralld circuil o( tbe "hoi., conti. bers , IIUJ iu its isolRtion by melltlll and retiring strAtn, who ClllI lIoL rU81icale 'l'IJIl pris.oner mef\ surcs si x fed frum ori"in al' S '()ckIl Ot "'Drl' IIIld W IIS II I T P. R~I~,. CMII.- Office Il hi" I'-'Ride n.1f . II I cIlarnctll rl.&II.CS, I liS " n8 n Ul1l l out of town, nre proscn'beJ fr oDI lh e lill 10 lip . 0 rwIOgS,6 ' ' n Ii ne 6(1tC .I' Iii "0 tim e of hi S dCll lh lI "u ' il ~Jo,III ~tr v~ l 1-1, D(' n&lor Lbeil op I' I I ' I' II), SIC 11 d IS d ti cvcn IJ' -lw o O_~_",!",!!!,",~ ' _'~!,-,!""!~,!,,,,!!!,,!!!_ _,!,,",~ 1 ill I I I I . I tl 0 I I f d . f b - b .J '" rr tI f II " era lOll, conltant ' ., 11K ":C must l '"1 IV III lum , 1111 . " ." "~ U tl I' aces 0 e volloll Rnd Rmu ~e- men 0 1\ no ''" Ir... Jl'IH" Rllt! SI' I I' ll 1I1 0nth s. o III 0 o"lOg IUter.'oga tlvea. How IJlll lcl"lng with the cll~es of lh e dltb - me nl- ll oston II OL Il lI vi',g ~ uffi c i " ntly _ _ _ __ ~ " , 2\ ~\Jcrti IIIRnds Ihe Progressive Party on lhJ cU' ly will IIn rl lh e doom which ti ll nt! ynn ced in ci\ilizrl lion to be Rble to O:'T.\ d i ~p nt ch from QIIC('nNtpw n, - I he Fu"tress Munroe com'll l o'I' I l i~ ' Y vi RI iuuea no" pllllding I' 'What are I ds to~y ll'nchce UI will follow a wrong supporl II S und HY circ us, RS ollr mo re pe r . team , hi p CilY of Bus lon, dated "'!lI.t of Lh t! 1 " c..' I:sb~rg ~11'Il< x 511~' S tlll\L Ul e view. or it. candidate. ? spi til.cd solu tion. prog re~si v tl neig hbor of the Empire Jul y '.i.7, S~ Ht cs Ihnt Ihe Rlenm ship J ell, fDIlv; s ~.od ~ . u. .c lny n~c lll~ lIlly .LJ t~ d d . , ~ -- S tM\! docs (IreJ\l E lls:nn w'ls.on Ih M mnrni n" :JOO IU "I \J r I 10 It st tllnc ~ llt Cc con hn em ent, ~l eO\lO an . advauoingi? or, are th oy ~ Govern ur Pie rp ont seems detH Th e li~il t - fiof:e red gl'ntry are III so mil es o ul nl se ll, pl\ying oul the ~abl tl ", fe w e l'(, lIings ago. Oil III " rnmp "r l801 'rot ' ~r,(g\lllt ~ , a.t·l.o·l~. c.onaervahve, weak aDd hllltlng Y Oft. _ d ' I' J1j - I ' I havin o'" L11"ir 6CIlson, and nrc tea pin!! ~ uccess fuJ.ly, 'I'll" s ignols we re IIOOU }o o rttt!lI s Munro., . lL h!\s bl"C1l cu s.h 'm . 4n ~ , I th, ( min e In 11 8 o · CIlI oOllce 10 tIe poo ' ~ '" I I tid l I fl' . Imu 0 alo 0 • p.rly bas been li.reJ ; Inr ge and ptofil nbl e h a r V('~l s "y ' IIIM - lint! t he 1\'Clllh l' r fin e . A privll le note lI ,.y 0 Ilive Il' m. p r ~m ~ n " Il II I I 4:r. " Il. power de.troyed. and its ioOut Dcc pie aod co unly offi pe r5 of Virgillia, til Kt kin g hll y while th e s.un phines.' Some from Cyru s W. F'itl,l 8n)' s : • We \' It t: IIL ho ~rh, L,uI 1111' 11111"' , ,by !'ome . " tIOl t fo r "ant or li I d iii' Lhe y I bal) pay proper r ~ " pec t . lo Ih e of llie m kepi \loiSess lon or 1\ IlIrgo ~tou c pec l to reRch IJtRr l 's Ct'n tc nt, Ne w. lor, lhlly wue oul n~ lh e ~llJn .. time. I 11 to. • me'iWith _a n tbe e olent ao' . I f I " 11 I' front ' I n li le nlos t IIri stocratl'c po · rll-on of f d b Mr. ClllY extendtd hi R hand, ~ 'Iyiol! It e \V J " l~ II S LIE I ·Ion . I 0 Ilccor d aUlle ne Rre.t organiC a we 0 t Ie "tale. e I !rects . oUlllllan ,a out the 5Lh or August. . d tl. 11 b II ;,' /1 I t1.~ r , , " III ." II' It ' I ' , f I th o city for SI! \" erlll d /lys' Rnd IIfler ", 08 UI>\(: l)f Y W"U' e II "WI' " tt:> app ronch to tue fundRmenlal prinoiples IClr a enll,oll ~o lie ~lrOYISIOI1 . 0 t Ie hold ing' rog ue i ~h cllrniv .. l ~ lI od mit! , s hllN e hand s, if nol Convc rqll . 'l'11\' r~ JlII8 011 I, s nli a sple ndid a,ijlllllll uUl 11\ ' II d ' I' I I P Stale ConslllutlOn which dllcllu'l:s lhal . . . - . ()::"'rThp. Briti. h Blenm ship Glos !!'O\" , ot b . I.' t' . b II ill I ' Il1 " h' ,Olrces , bcs ld e8 " " ' 1I1 fT 8n oeC R' u.f rl g I 110 JU8 Ice, et I I e rOj(rea. " clll g no oUJec IO. II ~ y '" v cers, t I ~)' BHOAD CLO'I' [l b " 1 1 0 pc s I II I I II IIi I "' 0 t> th e Inmon line , which lell New York rur I I' I I f 0, swe pRrty be the 6rm and conaisteul r on ,8 18 vo e or 10 ( 0 ce ',V 10 sionnl dilln er. 10 their Icss fortUl\l\le C.l.' p se!: ,If\O( S will en-or, bill 1101 II CA S:S H.J<It.:HE8. Ildvoca te 01 the natiou'e prosperiLy , IIa 8 IIII IJ \) ffiICJI UII J cr luI. c 80 -CII II t!lI" OJon ' pll I8 , Loo 1..- LII Clr d ~partnrt! , II C .·COfnpAlirt d Li . erpuu1 on 1100 morning of Sundoy. July \\ 0 rd was ulLe rl! d. V.EtiTlN GS, ' 30th, W1I8 bllrtled al 8eo 0\1 th e ' 3 1 ~ t, ill IIlld decide by a 10flY yel a 'II'Ise 8piJit fede rato Gove rnm e nl, or nlly rebelli ous IIy I nrge IIe I~gal~ o n s 0 f SlIv!"r. pI>l te. - 'fII e tlDty or [I Inci ng 1118 m nDJ\ c1e ~ Till MM I}\ 08; tu,lt .the Le ialativ dE " , S Lat e Govornrnent, or beeu nl(' mber ' of broadt:lulh , anti till\i dt~5ses. ~llIch IUld luti tuue 40 ~eg. 46 Inln . north, 101lIl il""" upou r.1r~ . S ur rlll l, (· ~ t; '>rli" g he r to Ihl' &r .. whlrh 'he mlla dlocl Uru t C'.I,rdl" g to .ICcutlve po~ I e . b f become so en'!Dw reO WIth Ihelf chtlrm - 68 d!'g, 93 min. wcSI. 'rit e I'R. sell gl·r. gll ll ow8, Iln.! s upport ing h ~ 1 un lil tIll' Ih e J"A'I't:tfJ' •. l '. ' I g e Iln UI of government slll.1I admiuisler laws I IS 0ll grl's8, 01. n mem cr. 0 Any. 01 ino., suci e ~y . thAL th llY D _o. ili ~" l y rdu.ud uud crel\ \V ere all eov ed, e nt.! retu rllDlt 10 ( 11 .1 I I J I St t L i b II ., , Irnp" ,u l'VO VI'I upon "i (' Ull nll"1 Co l. 1~ '~. . framed (or the well being of 8 people ti e , t8l~ G eg is IlturC8 In 1"1: ~ 1011 t ~ b r lefL b~ hiud. lL is SA id lh e ori· N, Y, 011 SunJay by Ihe 8le nm. hip };rin. ~ . H. H. Mc V~J1, of Le wi sbu:g. whose chief IOllrce of happiD e91 il to ag"lIIs e ove rnment. g ll1l1 .0CCUPllll tS _W('fl! milch g ,·;"y etl ou ,. \\ he n pl "~ lng t he Irons up,'n htr wn sts Dlid ftt II.e be found in der~'iog Ihe greillest 'fo lilia list of d ia qual i6 ed person s I tJl~nlng of thi S un~l se 1lI1Rchment, CJ:rA yuun g ge ntlemRn in Ne w s ho told him ho WIIS no &:1' l1tJe m~ n or , amount of good from !' - bl ' Ihe elti lin g county orgllni zlILions IIro ",11 ,th u t:1" pt me IlL "llI cI, fo ll owed, Ih ey \' ork. t1e&criblltl AS ' Ihe SDn of R he wo uld no l do &0. Col 011l:l Mc VlI1I LOWEST POSSIBL E ;PRIC.iIt~ a "'pu Icnn , IIl \"lng conceived au affectlOIl [or Lbe 1_ L' u I ffi ' I , II I (orm or Go vern me nt . !:ltcl' pltl d for th e p\trpo~e of gelling tho l\nicl c8 Ih"msclvl!s. ,,\lown r t! ern 0 CHI': hav ing IH'e n , to I ,I er it WI\S hi s unpl (>A~ lInt duty,' ill The Coitil., lhl ll~r'tm c n' . 'J'hu 8 it will be soe n lhnl Wl\lll '11e new mac hi nery in work il)g onlt· r. G!: ne r81 G ral1 ~ mnde Rn unelt pected ca lled II goose by IllS swee t -he,nl. , nbedulOce 10 o nh' r~,RI10 nol m r choicp. I. Iinde r 1M allpcrvidil>tl o.f . ha\ (,1~~lI pl1 ~ , '1'1 IIWII lIl)wetl 1\ IlIrge do~e of laudl1l1ulI\. II l' r pArtil1 ~ ~ tllut e to him "'1\$ ; Y ou IIr~ lIrtJij t. Uoion Convention omilled II> do. h08 IU S no pcno ll disfluali6 ed by la w I\Jvlln~o up~~ our clly ~;t wel:k, bUL Th " dOClor who "ppl;!:d Ih e Rt()(llach. a 6colliidrell' w~ieh wl' re II bout th e l b"en at 1&111 for ced upon iLl cnndid81e, CIIU hold oOico untler tbe Constilulion. ~~I~w.;~ l~lAn :ng t '~ tilU ennc8S of lilt pump WI\ S roulldly aLused for hi~ p<1i118 last lIudibl e wa rd s sh e ut te red. T _ T. DOD SON' , 1'ltlll hi. vie w. on N"gro Sulfrag.e will even thoug h he be elec ted. T his is \" Ie wIIs me . IdY OHl" pO Werll1 ~ by lhe fool is h f\tHow whom Jle resloreo who , .11 hie Ii. e~ i8 gr norally uku lJwlII um Ic rs, nn d Cl\ rrlc trlllto phll ntl)' t I" ., II It II ' I . • . I ' d . !J ot meet wllh the eoocurnmoe or all nH IL, jusl lin proper. LeI It be du ly throug h OUI' stru,.ts, 1\ close but w'III ' 0 lie. e uge , ,, 'if WI 10111 • 8~I\ "Or ! ". , Ing -._ ~ The gold co inR~e III Ill e U nitt'd R DY.... I Il is friend. throughoul Ibe State, must CnrOrOlJtI . The il iRfrallcbise menl 01 pri 8ont' r. Jlt: WII S kopl on ex hibit ion U" l' il1ll' is "n olJ IIOI'0Ij 8t wl, o ta ke s SIRtes Mint, Philnd.,.lphi", fllr Ihc .E A •...AD£- CL?l' ~.lNlI~} 'n be admitted, bllt tbe frankne81 and Ihe eve ry rc Lel is a neceasary ond on qunl- (u r Be veral dill' S a t .FIlne uilllRll aDd pleRs ure in prinling h is lilies upon our monlh oC July, WAH 6 10B 68333, ne l\r , \11 largo ~1 1.n"I1 Itnd elc)!p lIl. qu:,Ply . ""'~ a bility which ebaraClerizes his' letter is i6 ed dU ly of tbe Gover-ollenl • .J( they other ploc!:il, ".ud the mor bid _curiosi LY coun Le Dance8, He wri !el the first Iy fill of which wal in doubl t: fl ug lea, 81ylo, 01 ~ OM\e "'n\.e, .. I~ ftY 8 I ~ 1"'I'"ly .. " truly praise worlby W d t . I d01l'1 liko ii, leI lh em go elsew here. (I f IIIHO . Wo18 ll1p pe rs " ns plll'lIRlly sllli· ch Rp le r wilh a s wnn 's down, alld cn ' lind the silv er coinAge . Illr the 8Il me D!ter~nl\le.1 rpalnt . 18 t ¥ , ' r"ll" IOII \,e o e 0 no wla 1 r - LA rge numbe ... of Ihl1 hanllshl\- g.rlll'us Ihe Illst with a slt,o l. pt'n, ti~- WM 8 10 241 ' I-Ihl! round I or 1\18 hDuse as ,vltl uf Ihe l'irll l CM al', Mr' ~~en u~cJeretood .a ll ac~epL;n({ ~11 I~IlI . .-.-- : ken a t 111 0 l(~11 ,:,c re comp~llod 10 rll' - - - ••• _ __ __ tholl/lllnds of Ih e ~moun"beiltl: iD bl\lI . ' Dudley alld his u lIwllnll wi,ll ~p. re \~ . Cox ~IIUI la l~ ; llelther do we 191611 O~r 1 IJe Spa lli sll (iovo rDm lln t 11 88 .lI re Will. tli olr Holll llg pa lms unrcliev~d, ~lu conse quence of.\le emOOraS8 - . dulhus, ,b, res l iQ bap pUilld to give . , ' . 10 be auoetal.d "rUI 111111 cl "slI wh" noLili .d th e 1'u llo of its rccflgnilion of I." CO I~S~ tjU\l llce IJi t~IO Ilrm the shR. lId situlliion 'of Ihe S pllllili h 1i111l1lCt'8, ;... • .Entire Satistaclion. cll n clln Ilild DO good in whal Le Lu s I thu J\i ulloom !til ).'. ke l ,g-I.vlO~ out u I)d~r 11,0 lem ble or-dellt ' uJlw nrd of fort y 1~ 10!l ru ph ic . oOlcl!8 p.re . . ()::T Lo , u ia most in tellig ible whe D il Cbl! .1111 exom ine slo~" aud prit:e ... I to be BUl' pl oaset.l in ~p l\iu . ' IS ul\l\bl" to CXPH:SS itse lf iu war ds. J\l UC 117 . E . IH] IIL E\: . . • to wb lcu It lVa s su bjcc ted .
toget".r UI01IDcl.. Irratiolllll t EDITOILI . be deDied, that lie bu pnl- WhaL a borrill "ord, . . {1Il,IO L subject be I use by lh_ tt rnllnntwn 0 t Ie I ed ·we 11I y aD'},' I Ly 'Ioroug • • l" tn" r" II d d ke
~ .~ala.
- -_ . -
the Peace,
Ytltlll- I
f. j'
I -
. no..
T RY ,
sCIlle-nts: E:1 'f 0 N DUD L'
Main Str.,et
paria , and,Ne.w·y orA! . tJ'Ies, ",
L It
will I.e VOIH (ur ._ , IIIt'hlber uf Ibe ,Lt'j!',lsln lure: l'roblte , 1Judlte one fenr. or Ihl' unexpired tl'rna ' -- J I8ke 0 (J • (' . 0 unl~vy; P'I/sccllling AlornllY; Ii II I 'li li.oj III I'tl. 01 II0<1 or ',Iinro rmlng ~ my II t Ilfl\:i 0.11 .P pliU , •• \;('lhUAudllor: R er.on!er; (,uunIY Olllnll80 .11 .. , IhDl I haye r~movl'd lI,y 1,Iftc iOIl!!r; [I;firm Dry D ireclur. 01 busilU'R 10 lloe slann lornwrly nc('u jlied T he Ullio n vo'ers 01 \\T llrre n cOllnly by lIlrs. T boma .a8 a }'olley ::ilur •
"7TTLK M '..T A,'II R n""LHO " IlJ ~, cuaWIIIITATION (WA\·NF.
~ J~.L :: =: '
. -jr
1f.. ¥ ¥ I
I ". . I
di,lliI., fur II."
, '
l'l' vba lt: J Ud ¥l" UIlIOII
~ lI bj~cI III LIIIl UI' CI~IUI1 ul tla o
il il is
d~6Irr,I, ~lId
il shuuld
"I'pc "r l u
will be "canJitlllle fo l' II,c ollieu of 1'l'oblLlO Judg u. ~lIbjtlCl 10 Ihu uvcitiiou of Lho Ul1iulI Con\'unlioll .
111~rn lI t'c"8~ury.
11 cnndid~l e fol' lil t' ,,!tiet> u f CoUII I)' H"rUl'd," I', ~ lIhj""l I.. Ih" d eci , ioll of LIa" UliiOIl CUIl\·UIl . ! IIUIi.
i:lllll:l.nL:~::~:~~;~n. 1.. A . (;,,111. '.
will be 1\ cnndidAI\; fill' alI t' "Iliell 01 lJvUIIL\' g ,· eunlt:r. Hub · j,'C\ 10 llall UtlCi SiulI uf lla " U II iun UOIl. v, I1Li\lll. Sl'LI.IVAN
I ,
1) I C I N E
sl., In41KMllon, J.utllee, Dlzzlatell, , IIcprM\!lIOIl of ~plrIl8, LaDI:UOr, DII' all 1 df, ... nl:'rm e nl~ or lite dlgcsllfe naaCCloa~ , For IIebl1llauo. /'ori<Ons Iltf), aro parlle. ularl)' rerommrndNl, KlvlnK all .ppetlle and Sll'i'n~lb 10 Ihe II'bolo bumn Ita.e. Tlttllr Blllrl'S .ro ~t lellrlaCIIlly propareel. nnd lire ma.c or /I Paro CO.~ •
The hl'S I Qllltll1y o(
I Q. U 0 It
A R GAl N s, IL
STORE , DRUG G 00 d S I A18", ~ood ~l1pp ly o f " G I_ 0 eel- I" C S , I _
DRESS-GOODS, Whet G '00 d S, 1 e I
i;Jt.; (jA It. 1.l0LA~SE:-;.
bl' ItJES,
ETU . • ETC.
--- :- - -
A cUII ' l'l etc nM"vr l ll1cnl 01
Hoop Sl{irts,
MEN'S AND BOYS' II AT ~ I IDC~)Ji~ !NW ~ ;arO!El~
!IH~;;":~~"~=;dS ! \ I
DOlYlEST!!! G() 0 D! ,
Ladies Gents', and CHILDREN'S SHOES, iUH
On Ihe 261h niL, nl l\Iaine\ ill e. I,v Il.rv. I.. CI.,~. Chnr les 1\1. 'l'Ultd 10 iUi.1 I\J "ll' I'EAI:n &9 -llesers. Hllmmell &. J ocob. I!ie E. 11 ,'1\'0.
The IlIId f'rsll!' ltt' rl wi" h!'" III "nll
01. 1
come s 10
'mtat IJ
("Ioso .
Ilf:C EP1'IOIl D/SIIEs.--l\1r, A. E. Merrilt Idlo ..s Ud lu lillie thai U '"ll11ber uf dishes ell dl llao rocenlsuhlicrd' recl'p livn. hllVl' II leil ut hi s rolHitlll "cc, wllt'rc he d ~. ' Cd th e r.J"llcclivoOll'lIcrsliaereuf 10 cull 01 claim th"m.
\0\' m, R ogcr. luu n brillg a mttgllificolIl new ol1ln ihlJme frvlII Ibe IIll1uufoflurNs', which , I Hurpll88 ill structure Gild elegullCP nlly hlg ,u: Ihe kinrl eyer br ... u~l1t to this 11'11 . Mr . Il. evidcllily Illeons bUHine~s ():T Mr. Amus Co"k will
"""!! n publi c
ul' 8lvck. huuHchold jluods, &c .• nl lais two-ond · o·hlll( lIIil .... North 0 1 "urg, UII Lhe New B"llitnore routl , Ihe 18th ill81., bel:il1llint: ol Y o'cluck .
CQ-The lUiddletowllJvllrllol RaYS Iht, NstioDal Bank r; ompony o( Ihnl CII· ing towlI hAil received the promisu I choncr, and the bonk I'dll aoo ll be in . Mr. Joycpil SUlphen h~. been !'rAS idellt, Callll lItr. L. D. DOly >hicr. frlentl, G('orge W . Ebrighl , er of Ihe 36l h Brass Bftnd, ia nuw 'tlltl~ ('um service, IIlId has been pOSE· a d.y or two in this 1,llIcf'. lie II.'I I on 'fue8doy. for n visit IUllonl: .ome in the Norrhelll ,Blf. o( tl,o Stnl!". Of)' \0 8elli ing in bUdintls8.
We !eam IhRt lire pellch.orc1aurd "U! ()ill friel)d lint! 8ulJ8criber; Mr. fI _ IIc Du nnl,'. 01 ForI Allciellt. is well, tVitll Ihe niuMI INSClOtI" ir«il. whiel. hi1ll bll "y 11111 kin g It1liplllrll~8 . !Il'ly 8hadvw nucr ~r" w lc ~~ , n Uf hl 8
~ ilhcr .
~~~~;~e ~~d CARRIAGES,
'1'0 B~\ ceo ES,
:n 'U mrm IE m
In CIII ;tJ lI III .11I.d lIu\ll\! ill Ihi K cOllne.elill" \~. ill be "ui1IC' I!'1I 1 gllllrBlIty Ihul sU ll8fllcliUlIlI'l1i be I/ ivel/. JUliN \\'. COl. LETT. Ju 1v 18 .
Ull" duuble ulld 8illgle
SHOV EL-PLOWS, morl e .. 1 81~c l. He willllido Ill.nuf.cl ille Hltt.! repair PIU\\' ~ IaIl"'8, 11 11,1 uredd I111t1 lellt 1"1r all kinds of Edged '1'oola . . o:::rl::)llIilhillg 01101 Hurtle'dhollll!' At:l'nd· cd lu prvmptly. 1-1-(;111
HOV~ ~
" ' uyu(!sv ille lUuI·kels.
_,I Carrfullv Co,ndt o. Etlry W hCR t 1ll bll "he I,
W eeTr ,
$1 4U @ J 50
Hye 'i ~ 65 4U Ollie W ) (JO Bllrley 111 bO Corn iP 8 nO Flour 1P bnrrel, 4 UU FItJUr 1jl elVl , ~5 (l ll il er t~ Ib 20 Lltrd W 1b 15 ~~~8 7uJ d01.r n. , 1,20 put8toes 1P busl ;t:~, JO (19 I:J ~ llried hpp led 1P Ib 3 Uti C hifk c l1s ~) dVZllll , tJ u If<'c ill II> !7 (';. :l:l N ~ w . Oracall " i:tIl:.tO ' ~I 11'. I ;It> N .· I'. "1" in"Re" ), 1:" ll ulI, I tlfI (1 ,; ,,1 ( ' II 't ' ~l,lk' ",
\-V,"heR IOJ io (o' lI1 hi e Ilnlrull s unrl Ihe puu!ac, Ihot he k l'f' p~ fUIISldlllly 011 hUlltI. ' lurge 1I1It! 811 .. 11
B,l Il-SII ....lE PLO"'-S,
"'I' pnlV.lTE SolLE·
rlollle<llle IIQIIOP1l ••ro mln.flIrl.rod nil 418Ulle4 II), tile IIIlllle eareflll .n••clleate PPClft8ll, aud kept conslanU)' 011 \taaG fOr .ale. wl10lCllale ar In aay dellirerl qu.ntlIf. Stm C:"tawba Wlnc, warr.nled ,uro,)
~ [E 1m
:FA!'iCY 80AP'S,
A well·selo'c.ted 88sor l ment o ( Ihe
lIE ~T
Sold by Merritt & Print~ W AYNESVII U:.
7 Iy
Union Coff'ee, Pea Coffee,
procUroG 1'l'01ll Ibe 8I1rroulI"lIg ,.Iat· f"relM. sotel by I\le box. ,alloll, 01' usll, II Ibo lowest .arkel prItt, IIobaek'l sweet Arblag. WIDe Is llIe .... llIcell.! IIrll~le .r ibe kill. til be fOUD' III lire " 'Mltn eoolllry, abd I.e Port Wille lie ol\'en lor .. I~ bu DO lOjual. t1mt'oCl.DrlIllDDufllelol')' Not!, It, es,lIO ••11 II~ \tall! Tblrd 81roeel. t:IDeIIlDItI, 0,
Of 0 /ir('ot nanll Y ~illde ODd ill I~rge quan· lIlieY fur 6ul1.' hy ?llImttl'{"r & PRINTZ. ,
Ull~ [E !Fl Y. D
i% ~lmtJ.rc'Jr~9
BraD dr. BOllrbon .1Ie1l1te Wille- ,
• kr. UOIlAnd $ln, Aroll.lle lldale.a. ~ . r~bnall\l8. CbOrry Bounce•• nll atl ollter I
~ou CAnnot Illiliu bc s uil ed bOlh III . rl'lUlllY ar:tI pric~. JUIIC 23- 1.
TilE Yvl' ULAR
Patent Jledicines
rlouble ooppcr 811118, or" pe<:ull.r model, , .. lib 1fhlt,b be prolullIlII the tat... b. Brllnd)·. In 113 g,Cillnt 11\11'11,. ttlaln ln, all UlOt\Il medlt.al qtl.lIl1es ro. wblda 1& 1880 mucb valued and retG • • eb.~ b)' plty_ldan", I'Cileli. Cberty, SWe4lsll, l1li11 ,
And AI.L
Sherman Marchin!; Along I D. B.
ill 'lft\1\ ~ll·l~ ·· ~t ~ flJlCUtCS
Picture &
, o::r
On till' (;Ih il1 ~ lnlll , III Ihl' ;e~irl eo('e of (s rll e l I\rOl\\'I1. ill Ihi. ~Iuce. Sumufll Koill. oj,!cd .. bUIll 64 ), pa rs .. Thc d"c.,,,~,'d W08 a notive tlf Mary. Innd, ulld ·cnrne 10 'hi s plac~ abo,'t Ihe yeor 183fl, whpre he hilS .i.rca rp . ide rl. 0,,01 where, hy hi s IIIJu s try, qui et rlid ll08i . lion and inll'l!rity, he gnillcd Ihe confi· de ll ce and r('s Ilel\1 of 1111 whu bccuUI£' or:· Ijuuinll'd with hil1l. Aboul IIH ~l' J'~"'811/l0, hI) hnd 8n al · 101·k of Vorllly"is, sillce wldch his hl'lIlth I..," grlltlllnily t1" e lill ~d i hUI in lais nfilic· liun nnd lr,sl ililless. it is 0 con8ulnlj,," In IIIIOW Ihnl his he me wos wilh kind ond "ympolhiz i ng frielld •• where his \yJlllt14 IIlId carl's were promplly ol1e nd ed I", 10 sllIouth hi J pathwoy lo Ihe tOllib. K'. Augn!! 8, 1861> .
Ibe .. ollarl oondlllOD or the publ1t. IJ. W, 8obK" Itas ron81rutlllCl ...,,11 . . . 008Ur
We Hhnll con s lonll v kcop on hnnd a !!('('. 0 ,.1 08"UIlIllt'1I1 01 ·PItIClIll\1edicillc8. A lov, jost rpceiv,'d (rulll l·lll.bur~ , II ~uvt.! IOlIti IVcli· se ltlc\l·d lot 01
On the /'ilh illSI.. nf 8('ftrlpl fevpr, 'Viii . ~'IHI i. pr~l)nred III (/ " 111 Ih p. iam, HU ll ul AI(' xllnut'r Willill1ll 9, DC ed m.---:...~bl'8f t'l"I I', And.,It lh e p la l.) r' e~' 7 y .. ttr., lI,lIic, • ""ylillng- ill hi ~ lilO f', (rvm 0 wiI ec l- ; SA S BAN D PUT On Ih t: "l.It, ill \Vll y nesvi ll", Alre. lU " r} lJllrru\V tu III~ fill es l bug:;y. THt; 8::sES Mlllllr, wi, 'ow .. I J .. cuiJ MIIIII,'. t1ec cl,.eJ H " ~iI12 sec ured II, e SP fvicp. 8 01 1\1-. : bUi)PORTEn.s -ng('d "bout 8 1 l'c .r~. FJI.t.IS ON I\. E ~II·, "8upHriOr wurkoul1l, I ti t) \ •
fb... .(
Dry and Mixed Paints,
Iplltiull u( FurlllHH ",,,11111 wholll it nt'~ y !1)AINT • lelMllin!:, I,ellchl's lit pel bu,~.t~le~I~'::=.L:~=~=-;;;~==~~=====~ ""lice"'. III II ... Illct lllUl he is elllP~ellln r shiprucn' " 10 Ihe .'no! nro nlrendl" 9 . ru.ive. a 11\1 will bo HIli lurgcr before I :B
SlroaKe•• aa. npon trill ... 111 be lIIort emelellt. Iban all o"e" I '~eJ aro • IlRrteab'~ to lite WIt, 111"10"118, la ell'td. IIIlde or gooct /lillIe,"'!!, lall .. .mtle II,.c 1111 . , CIIlt9lDen ,IINII_ Lbe I!eeODeI " .. e "lib eq••' ulla1llct1llll, Lei ner)'l)od, Ir), tbelll •• nd titer ..III lie \'1'1111,. coDvlDc:ed or Ibo lrlll. or tbulIo,e.
WlbMlrowol'!l or Ille Weat !tave llta- , corel'lld Ibat .ncr tbe tala"",,,,,,PCI 11M I Jlcldrd Ibe delteloD8 alne 80 I1lgblnrlHtl, ao D1t'eedlllgly Hne'ftalorttl btmhtl,'. \lOS· _Ing r .. re mNlI~lonl prUp(lrlIM. rliD be catr.rlfl4l b,' mrcnll dl.lIltalion. Bclnl{ erer faKer IB adYrlnte aOJ '11' wvery lblll ItDll~ to aD Impronlneal or
II El.)I CIN E S fl~ E I
-lLAl\I p~,
Merritt & Printz,
® .lfi
For Ladies & Children,
"orlh. by .nd 'I'ltb Ibtl fODMlll or lbe blgbMI go\,ern..enl ,ulllOrlt,. In JOlat ur 8lrcDgll!' I .. Ill IU.I'IIDICO .J' BIl· len to tonl.11I /I 1I1'II8r proportlo. or real medlclul IIIIN>dlenl8 ~lrlut8 IbaD any ollte. Slom.tlt BIIltln la lIIe markrl; .nd by romparlllOa ... lIb olbe" \ It will be !roeD .t once. tbat nle, IJ'O
LllltL tilu III 'relll1nts o f GOODS, Ihl . pille" iU I('IHJ 10 burll CUll I dUlin g I (~U.EENSWAnE, DA\'lD AI.LEN will hI' 1\ OAlillillRlc [01 lit" /t1'1 'Oltc ltill ~ \I iUl e r . Of C(J UI ~Il . RS I lil" Qttill" 01 Prllseeuling AI IOrtll'Y· II malH: 1' uf Cir <: III'"Cti ~ llt ~l'u r: a ll bl' no JlAanWAUE, ullc c l'llIinly in lir e t'xl'cd lellcy of Ih t: Thp. bCf. 1 qlllll ily of •• OS'I' !---$ .).OO . lte\\·UI·I' will lie I c llllll ..;e. In 1\ vpry s hari lim e , ir lh,'re GHOUERI.ES. 101';,1 lur II.e r~r u.vrry of II Sleey£,-lIullun be nv " 1tIlici" I1L reJ ucaiun in Ih ll cu , t of I - L. A ~ U . lu W . R H. ell~rllv.', llI p OIl il- W\loJ (UI' Ili ci. lh \J cOfls lIml'li l' " of cOl1L1 &' .: , Fur (j"lIll e mpn'. IIIItI BII\·.· wP ll r. AI~'l, will illcrt: "~ t' very mlllt:rilllly, not l)nl" h, ol "run lI, e rvat! b t) I \\',·,' 11 \-'V UYIIC"V i Ill' fot l1lt' c la a lli clLl purposes, bUl Iti S() fu r ,"t1 V' rluill HlIl'i's . nn 11,(, 7ail ill "1. L"gl winl c r. ' wood ~lIld tiulllc 81 ie lI>t"H CADWALLADE R &. · RANE. fur $5 ufld ~li, IIlId one o( ,our ciliz~lls I nvile ~ilf nlion tu Lhp;r Stvd; or ~]) lllE~ " I·aid • ~' t'n liS much $7 ; h Hillg KI1 exec8e ---:~ ALI'lIfon BUlIftBTT COMllI<i !- EverY . luv. ul $q~5U . $3.50 I\od 64,60 per cord ,r f'r of the lll'lIlIl ilullllldllie IJurrwrou8, will mort! Ihl\ lI il ~o lu 'for ill Lhe fAil of 'GI. Lo ,!I!lilll,lea to knuw Ih.1 the illimilfthll. 1Tilt! nd"lLnce in Lhu i lem 01 coal i. DRESS-GOODS, 01 all Ilinds nlwuy6 un !allnd . All. Illlrllt'lt wil( !live ulle 01 Ili ~ l'ltl er· l llu ! ItL .. lIlu bccllml"lI'eu wilh allC salll t' A SEE. 1ltllllllell lS nt IIlly'dllllll. Oil "ridRY IlI'C, I ralliu liS wilh wou d, I\llhou g h aL die· A fille ltSeurtmell1 01 ,' 1' " II al, 'I', w(,l'k. fer e nl li01e:; it. It ... ~ l'ornmHud etl I' XOI bi (. I ii ,., l , f JIIII~ 23-l\f . ::iIIlCIl Mr. [Il1ruell'. InShvi Ait ltflJ'. he IlIlIt I'II C~S., IJUt H . "'1\ 8 ur tVallL u [) ~ II lrltn ' fHJrIIl1101l, 1\ Ihlll " Ihlll I'IHc ly OC !aIt M pcrturlll{'tI HlIllJlIll 11,(' III t1lrilpuiJ lllll oi. I 01' "'. II ' I LANTEHNS, & eLII'M 01\ lie 110 l'lver, ' Ul \\,11 I , 'I I n I Wlllllillit 1111 qllnlalilltl ellculuitlllld IrUll1 Ih e ' E . R. J'H Il'T Z A . K. MERkITT. ' , I ""uP"1' OI .. n>ll::e llll!lt., • III .urr y Cl\ 8· (;HIMNEYS, New \'"rk Il r t'H 3 . lur Ihc AIIIl:ulur YCrt!tllll· IV")' S be uill dl! ~q ual to til e UCmlll1U for hy til lIi~ gClliu .. , hi~ r"plll 1TnIIP~OI mllll un. 1il. Anu a General A s:,;urlmcllt uf bud IlI e~ like delill ... ntip lI ~ ot c lluru c:e r, Bud ! ~ l , 1.. 8 "X'j1lisile e lu r.u liun . \V " 'flC hOPI'Y I In: l ' AIL DKALf: I{S IN In\ltric~. -SUCII A51 10 well:v me Ihlf Io:CIIII~IIIUII lae,.~ ogllill. u ' G~, CUT 111<1 pretlici lor 10 im 'I cruwd"t! !aIlU SIl. 011 ,lal' 3U,h 1111 " In I... blllll)n, lJy R ev. At\D PLUG. Tlckels. :lac; :cllildrCII, l!bc. which Ih('y offer BI Illc K K , Hqlllt'r. Mr. DOlliel F . SI. J ,oIlIl I') . .. . "ClIiAHS AND 1\'1",,. I\""ry E ,. daul,ihl cr 01 L eVI Huthu. LOWJ...·Sl'MARXET f'RlOES. EM ICALS: bN li Flo' . r.IIAIIGE .--Thrre i8 0 rleHl'lfe in Iii I' R. wa y, E.q .• all ul !lIId COUllly. JUly -1. 2.lf I LEA.D. It. 'i'11IItl udale ".i·" "Pt'k . 'I'lt .. 8Ulltllly' DLACl\ING. 011 1I1 ~ I~t ill"1 , bj R cl'. E. K. Sqllier, - - - - ----- - I OlL, llLACKING lJRUSIIES, illg Iruill \y~t! t d U~8 lI ut 81111' nl Cur' nlr . \VIII' l'r I!. K in!!. u( Cill,:illllllii. to V ARNl :3IlES , ~ 'l'C .. .E'I'(;, " \IW, which is incullv enio liliur trUY· Mid8 K ',le Culfllllln. o,f lril"r L~ bua '; II . J'
comrort; Inl1CoPallngllte "tall a .. 4ebllltall'd. driving ....llDel.Drbolr•••iI. 101\ a IIIIl or misery one or .. alloret enjoyment. Tb~RtI Hillen b.re bcon I.. Ir04lured, aDd aN> belalf D~, 110& 0111, In the hospltnls, bUI amoDK tbe .ol.le.... DS an appell7.u. lonk'. IIDd regulalo. ol , tbe 8J81em Ihroughoul lite Arm, or tile
Im'l'AIl. UKo\LEItS IN
Dallon or /tooll<. rlnlA, nerbs, Barb. I lind Hreds. which ba,'e ~D !bUIIG .011 , elTerlual by Iona- medical esperlenre. 10 POMleM Ihe rtQulNlle ToniC propertIes III .elle,·ln" and tllrlD& Ibe .1Io.e ro •• plalnls. Tbl'llt Bilitn III't1 tbe IIOOr mIlD', !'rlmd. SIIvln/( bllll lIIany lIoolor', btlt., as Wtll 118 Ibe rldl .. aD's solace IDIl
1.' I I>, S r1' _1)\ A '1' J'~•
D alllC~,t"Ie
Fllr nl (',lirillh l purpose .. , III wlal"h Ih e'l'~' ~ '; 1.tt! llIiUn IIf I'h\,.icilt l1s iM pSJlPcinlly eu.u IIl1d II'hol evp r pe rlnlll. hI a
Ihe COUnll')', tlpechlll, In IUle. b1ltou! e11~lrlrll\ or Ibe Walt aDII 1luUIII,"I!!I. wbere Ihfr bare betD IDt*"llrel, 111ft)' arc rcrommrnde4 by Ibe Pb]'lldaa. l1li btaollclal Ir lallen In proPCI' qlltlllltlft 10 ~r'aDte wllb lite "rtt'IIOIlS, as a prennllvtl Aod rare !br Fewer an. AKue, \ Llnr Compl.lnl. B11lobS Fever, D1spep.
C; 00 D, S ! I I'Al~T-l3r{,usllE
W . H. H.rt.
~:n- W"
P R I :N T S
A. B. (~OO C It wi'" he
IParlor and Cooking Stoves, ,
anel .1'tI aD I'meltDI DlIrl .~Ie "tIa. ,Isiur or .Ibe ~J&t~.. In .11 IMillltnu or \ .. ,
l)lO f
A. C R 1 S PIN, " ..
eIH O. ~ V8rlotU supply of (; ,'orl!f R,' Sngl'. ~ Ct' n lrll I 'I'ill (; OI'I'l'l' & SilCCL-iI'OIl 'Va re JIlUl e~ ::;"<>11, , , n CUIII. A ,li. M"uurney . lur sule at llae low p~1 h p,ircB. All n , EVIIII" . ') k inds 0cns 1 EII11110r ll11ily. I'mv Luk!!lI d. OUT-DOOR WORK, J , d,1I Un" e . . ucla 8S Sp ulin j!, Ruutill g , &r: . • dUII~ on J .. hll It . flilcsmllna. I Advl 8n r s hull IlOliee ul ld in Ille btl~l 1I\"l1l1er. J ulill Mvrrow, 1 Curn Jllly 3-2 \ Vllliul ll Mioner. I .
P. F
~ o rlm
pl'er. i ll cl~.
Jl unliII 0 1l- lI up IIi 1l 8ville , Moinevillp. , •• . I (VI Ht'fJr,,"t:I1I11livt:, Ku bj CL 10 Lhe th:ci · oll d I, oJS lor .. C " :SSIIIII" . .. iull of II .., Ulliull CU IlHIlLio ll. Ulllu n - Dr.- rll,'lrl. White Ouk School) - I (l olI"c Ulld {L .'n Julph S chull i H u" tic. CuI. O . C. l.JAxw ~; LI. will b o. " ~11II · 1 )) ,',' rfi"ld-M "ijOIl nllU 'l'w c lIIY Mile (Su ccesso r 10 ""1'1.1//8 cf: C1'I sllln, ) "illltt" lor Couilly ,\ IIdll ul'. s uhl ~d t(1 SIU d At Ih e ol d ri lalld 0 11 JJ ni n S lrOe l. \'Voyned. th ", Ucci. iul1 uf IU t! Ulliuu COIHUlllju u · 1 Frll ilkl in- F rlli dd in; Blue Bull 811d ' vi ll e , IVOUItJ inh" .'n hi . old ell .IO Ul e, . nlltl C /lr 1I,..·1tJ ...t4 l Ul!u ' U .' l UI'80rl 'iIe r£'SfllIf 01Ul mUllkllld. IIJut hc Lau e /I I!ood or MIIJor W. \\ 1t.'IIN "III u e " cn n Th e L'1J1Il 1llltt cc will c"lnbll,;h (l lh er "
• Ietc A A C omp
- - ,.... . lUll lUi DlSb III ltd. 10," l1li1 1JIeJ' .rt an bonNl, ftllable. I'fllldial IIIUI,
I Deg leu vc IU in!orlll Ihe pulJlic Ihnt Ihey I . 1I0ve on hund Gnd eX I,.cc t 10 keep
,NlE~," I ~~!::,~!:~lE9 i \Sl~~~~~,~ !
---0- -
It E.A
D B'U G S,
S'l' 0 V E..Q
O'N-- ' 11 •. 1' 1 I · J . I \KLLI' KAL WI vC" co n, lilt fl .
IHOSEBEHUY & NEAL. Robacb are Betterl
will-1!!.ee: HI Ihe '1)laees hcrel;fore Opposite the Rogers Bouie. IIf. II all rl Accum., 1 J 26 A. N. bellYeeh the hUllrs 01 ono on ftix ' o'c oc 'w here I inlend '10 keep on hond a geneul Culumhus A"colII.. 6 .28 P. At. P. M., on 'lllU,doy, AUItIlSI ~Rlh. I 6~. U8sorunenl uf ' Yurk, both of . .TRAINlI WE TW ARD DOUI\D.fllld ('Icr l Irurn th o,e preSCIlI Ihree judin. lU Y OWN 1I1ft;1 Dnd Aceom.. 1.30 A . ftl. ivn~ 10l' n 10 nCI liS judge!!; ' lind one a' l lInd Ih e bl\s l brnnrl ~ o f Ni:.:hl E"pre~8 , 5 .52 A. nt. ulerk. CiT]' M LLV U}'A CTlIHE, 'olumlaud Aceom ., 851) A. nt. '1'111, Committec hov e ellto bll ehed tlr c d '" P " illeililioti \o;xprc d • ·I,:!(j r. AI. un wurront 10 I!lve lUlIsfuc.lto n. v fu ilul illl! Il' CillCIs, viz: ... a . " Thnnk (u l fo r Ihe Vl'rv liller.1 polmn8,!!'e . OC'J.'OBEIl ELEC')·ION. l urllecrepck- L eblilloll. for ~evPrul vpors be~IO\l'l'd, r lo upe, by Clf'nrcrp~k- Sllr i ugbo ro , l't hlae vill e , clo.e "Itc lI lio ll nllli Inir 'dpldin(! , still 11/ ' AiKON STt,;PIJE!(~ .. ill bu 0 c1\ndidfll e nnu R t!d Llun, _ merit n ceuerooecolitinunllCfI.oI Ih"~ntne' I G (o r IIIIilUI 11Y lJ ....;'clur. ~ubj .. c~ to lhe WIlYlle - Woyn t'svi ll e. RaYilvilitl. New , . I. . E•. I(E~ S. ur c i ~iuD of l!It' .Nulllluallllg CODvcn Baltlmure olHl lUI. H o lly. r hl' m:, r!,ct pnel', nl "1III1n,~s p.l~ (0' H l. II e np f'c k • \"' 1' C'i,('('n i1l dt's. e~1I !::lkllld orllJ ShN' P I .. I, • . ~OD, u " <iri leu'vey.ull'~. • , III" J lily 3. -I.lf I. E. K. lIftli l Ulld Oneol'~ Schuu l lI oll 8e . '1'. M: 'A' ALKs wi~1 b, "ol\nJidnlo .(or I' \ V" . hill!!I,JII' F'v'l Allcie'JI.Van Durn 's, .,'i~ Ih e Lt·glslltlurc,. stllJJ,ecL to l.lac J !!C181011 ' l''' II(l' aile ~c h o,)l lI uu"c 1I11f1 Orego n. ~ ~ 0 ; of Lh~ NOLUIIIIlIIIIH lJuuvcutlUD, ::;.lelll- J\Il1rrlj w Slid }(.unch p. ler . ~ AND
Duntl plion Coffe,·, R ye Cllffer, "rlln8 Riu We I, RVO no h£'8ilollon in "Yltl'g ff,,'1 !flit Coll'ee !llld EX"""1 .. f Cutt'er, IlIr 8" 1,, by ltH:llH.ll'T & PItINII·Z.
PORE elDEH v INEGAIl. This wo know 10 be purt', 08 we pr,,· (:url'd th e Ci der (film rc liut. le pPldOna i" Ihl~ ne illhllUrllOOIi. and pernaill e o II 10 lur .. to vinefllr 011 o ur own p.rf',"ig t .~.
, ---- - - - - -
r vcr .. ff,'reo in lI,; s Il'IntkcI, moy fie' (ound 01 our c.;lubl: s hrnenl . They liTO 011
GENurNE, ' mnd compcl e'lll Judt:ee glvo them Ihe
Wd rorliculurly desiro tho 111Ienli(1II The vulonble Huuse nllu L OI, 811u. MdJL' FFY'S & WILSON'S SERIES. By Ihe kill or p~'IH1t1, uf 0 \\'Il rrnlli ed 'r 11 E LADiES . 'le J, ~ n the EllS} did e 01 Null~1 S1., &0., &0 . , <te. qll.lily.lur •• 1" bv UelWe,' 1I ll'Il,1 .nJ F "urlh streets - Ihe To Ihia (e'mlure of our bu . ine~B' We hevO' JI ERH.(T'f & PRI N'I'7.. prul,crly o( 1\I1:~. 1\1. RUDEIITd-ili o lr~ri!d ul privole RB le. . ALL T II A l' 18· J.V E B IJ ,b' The U uu s/! ill we ll lluiit, in a plelllBl'1 F "r Ihc 'T o il ~ l i n "n,lkp.rc!';cr., locl,tioo. with l~I'te rOUIII8, pnrctl, I!UIIII'ner :0;,,0 11 tIll II' D,,,,," crs, ,.v.rd. kildlel1 ulld cl.'fillr bellllV. ulld IIV" " ''' \li S ill lh~ ~eco nd 6lury. A we /l or c lI:.:dlc.ll rubes, ct~ ' 1 ~'r.. Carr.h.!I'y and Promptly Fillnl. W.fl Y X H S J.' 1 L li.E· , 0 III 0 ; ell: 1 011 ,1 ('xllmille 1l ~1I Yllriptlel. wol or is s iluul ed c lo ~e I" tlw kilchell. On Ih o L Ol o,e " V"r tflly of IruiL I (ees. itO EDB'RRY <t NUt. /. () I tl D l' '1.( g S lor e , 'fER ,"S, IN ' A .nd !lIt' gruull.1 IS "r goud Ijlln:ily ilJr gor· J l' n ill ll l'tlr P()8es. TH e p1'tlp c Tly is , free 11) n,' " c'~v il\c, Oh io. ,':"2 ,(Ill. fro m I tt4 ' rtlllt,rll u(".C'", . O no c 'I'Y on" )" t.! >lr, '=' I' ul ~url" cr IHltl icul :" s , af' p!\' I,) :1 1' 0 ~ '(' . 0 I" Ii' 1 (; t: C; 0 1\ ~ E Fire copie s une yl'llr. l ; ,7b. J P . :-;W I ':T(~, Te o coJli ~· ~ ull e ~ ear! I b.P" . .I u ly I" . .' \YH YII CS\'I l ie . • .IUIJ C :!~-I ' I (
Physicians' Prescriptions
It .:
I'l'oID tile Army.
Anecdote of Genlral QrlUIpr.
and Silver Watches, Watches, Chains. Diamon Rings, &c" &c.-
I 22 -
Thp,t' I .. no one-;;:-;e /on,1 o( uly jeke E. " H. T. A IrT BOB Y CO., DEOATUR, AI,A" Ju 1 . IlInn l:enf'.nl (Ir8"6!Pf. ",hl~h by Ihe WD), IIJlOI.t;.AI f. ARIl JlETAIL I rr,IlM _ EDlTORS GU&TTJ: - t:)oOIO ckl cr 18 In' onabl!! on I'vldcllCC uf a kit d geiliul ~ 'I ,{ I ll- ara Ilj 1'!tut(l!}rn"lt1c MuleJ'~·91T:.Els V I P IT'1'SBURG 1'0 PIIlLADELpHL' . • d d 1 bas faTorel1 Olll wIth a copy henn Well willie "hno~la slronger al j, am!tuc ,. I £' Ollt' ,1 I11lton nollur~" o l l l , l IQ IVI l1a b t 1I L I "Vesl J'OI111 Clldet r.ral\~pr 1YB8 ulle lloy r ia 9 , ON 'J'llE O~E POLLAU PI •.lN. ." 111 "1.1 .." ,,, III \1 r--of Lhe iJaUlh, /lnd I see Y I Iii called upClllln I closs In .ke,ldl ~1)OIl Ihu 501 Il" AnWAY , N Y. ---r OJE J)ULLAR E.JC1J! t~rom nl. p(\\llon~ol Iho We~t, North. "\-Va neavillc Is wolrlng up somewhAt, Ib1>cl,Qunru 8 ID nl' Or New \ vrk tilule H ,e 'J'b e E ntire !!to('l. of , .,l ", U. 1'",,1 fu. "Vest nnu Suulh W e~t, ~h 18 hne ami It. y spflll of three )"ears, odlllnccu 10 Ille blackho"ro nl1d drt'1V 10' L In addilion to our 015111 bU8 lneScJiI of Pho- Oncl Gold and Sllver Watch Man- \\ ,11 ..,'.,;\ lit lu ro .. rH ' culinecliOIl! forlll Ilhet Ih6 f hurleH! or a rter _ C v l rrahly corrccl ~uu\ld1trl' hnllll. rJlu.lJtaLl 011 1 \lJgr"'j1~ul:-lllulerlold IYO oro t f 08 qUllrlo n J 1 s t""oJ d ' 1 1 I 01 \rlli It--;' \II tu l>, .01J ul Ihe be~t roule to Phllndclphll\ New YOlk, and Ihoso ficores of p l\tno ts Ivllo lIa I< II.n [.)urso of tl,c PfillCl lllll nverd. fllIl- lu r Ille follOWing. VIZ ufactolY, two immense ewe ry I'~" I u,~ )),,111•• I H, h' I Busto!>1 Uoltllno r 6 and \VOll r,rngIDIi. Thu ~ d ":stabhshments, OU B Sllv e t-Pla· I h Mellce rei b ee n 6glHlog thl! ball Ies oC lh e lr cuun I \\ aye, canol", &, , lIIade u prell,. goo SIr. 1er/l cO'lPS alld ..... lereo.cofllC VI ews. .0; G ld P 50,!! ~Iu ." nl Bo"" ' ' II 10 I 0 chel, tr uve or lIIay "II COli Y UpOl! r I I d d d u e III UI" ~orller ~ hUI"llig Ih e 1... rI b ug WaIehouse , one 0 en 1',,) I.. \\I.h I., II . \I. " .... ' .. 18 !).III' 1111 SIIfO COII U('oIiO Il, h l~h Apoed wilh r~rlec\ IrY, Iltwc-.ave a e W-Sloolle lClr l ~nl~:II~:1 NolV \.o) rk C'IIY, \\Ilh 6Ulo \lc r Of llocselVehnvenll,lnllltcn e os·urt and Pencll Maker. ~\ll ",v,1 ""Uljll:.."i1e1l urtl ~ O' ~Il snlt'ty, 811llevo.y II llpho nc~ lorcoQlf"rt ."onts, huog up th ol r arOl or, notl ra e 8 fDr AlbllUY OIiU OIlier secuu,1 rol" IO CIII, Il1cltlulng \ Vur t)C UII UIl, Amerl co n It II ,1",(1' ,It,I". II,', .. l ~il" lllUl Clin be II fll Illl rt' ,I New D'lId ele"."t a ld ~ el I U }' urelgn 'llIoJS II lid LI\IILI~C8PO" • t:',lIl ll.I ··' If)'UI',UI""llh."I. " '"".... I ,. sq lOr lIumetllllelrplaces , liS 00 Al R 1 J., b o 1I1 ' I,o ~c d "I "I flf III <r " !~ II' ..,u )lnd~(' I. gNcllr, for u lIyoll tl illgllllervlce, r Id ,n~ lu e lo\Vn~ tiUIOIIIIVUP III tho woo A, neDr l nll I ndlhe work Llm " 1i J'ltey Bit Ih e6hurt'~cr 1•• I,eO .lIBrItJ, he HkcIChc tl GrOllI'd 8tuiUllry, '11c, OIObl so , vu ~e "1'11l01JT JtJo: t.AltU·10 (;o:sr. '''IH'' l!\I"I'IS'~lt.I " ~ , ,,", ul " '." U huvorpcclltly lie('lIntlLleo ttl the eq uip. pow 1\ • • 111 IIlltne liSe cllY 1::very 011 0 IVns 11n1118Ud vo lvlIIl! ~lcre"RctJfJ~ ", 'ur)lll Ie or prl _ ',IIUII • I II,,,,.. 15' 5U meiliol Ih o l'euli sylvlIlIll1 Cenan'l Jt,QI~ tb e r64UTJlell soldiers, townrd s whom n ~llhe suppnsed ulllnder , 8nd filia l I), Iho Ic:dllbt.lUjl Our CUlUlugllu wdl be SCII ' I h" (, ,,,,.I, ",u .. f 1" .III.ll nhl, <"I" " ,,1"'0., \2J\'O • "",I I II III "",I <. ko , ruutl. ," I II> II I I\ "'~ ",,,,,1" 1" "".I "'e . ,,' fi lII' II " IJ ,.L,.. ~O.. ;~j t\". fL l Pllt~I.IIIrl{. Irol1l s from the Wei' ruu L f I cople have cxt~ ntl e tl t}, c.r Profcu() r uskl' u whu l place II WIIS tlllCIiU 10 rlily ndtlre86 on rec elp l of SIUIll P gra e u P _.~I .' I 1010.. llAI'J1H'; <\1 UlJ~(S '"I1I1I1. r 10) "I .... lhe I "'1'" tl0" II " ,,, 1111 .tllIll oI" .. n ,, " "'I'II·I,n on. III dlrccllo Ihtl U IIOII l)c lIuL. whlJ.lo POBNC q. 11.10" eYOlpalLII:s auwhom Ib eyn ow w",, - / eu lo rcprcell I'SJ '1' ,. "1""'''' II . u ...,,,u,,,,,1 I,) u .II .1,,,,I ,,,';- ,,"1 I tI\lU ~ "'" 1.1J 1. _I'"'" ...~ l u 'I..2tJ IU r _' h y ou "g (,r.III!Cr r('[,flc, '! II . 81r d' \\ 1 ' IIC'O the tirst to IIllr"tlnco lhese 1,," , II . 1"",(.1 LJ. I'IV"'"'tllll) bl"t, Il. ul.o J I II ,Id 10 II II ' '''!; ,,,c" ,., I,,' U I.,U I!l'rs IIro lrull 8 l err~o 10 th o '('rIlIlIB 01 thl tome IlO mu Wi t g reaL reJolclIlg' • \~f' OII" I:lOdUd lIuwd (o r I HU/u,re Hl lo I~IO UlIlICtI t:!lutc ", olld" m uullillc \ 'IoUlllo~) "'n ''''',,'' uf .!Jlloi".II " I!ultl ""d ,"".,,1,.1 7U Pellll"ylvnlila (;I' lltr ul Rlllhvnv, whl~h 'J'rue enough, tll o Wllr .~ over. nIHj lite I ro)e6~orl ' I J 110 . cl l(,I. r t u re IIl1l1l clioe f\U811 111"d III greu t VUll elV J\ lUl.ltl(';AN llIAN U I·,\(.;'1 U UE, II"II""' ~ " ,''' I" c:" ILh •• ~~: ,II 1,lIve Plllsburg uutl urrlye at othe r pOllitt ' l tld 11UlCl fnr, f'P I e , ~ ., t I Ilb J ,lIll I Ullllll n f llde!' 1 "a f II I s a lc mlloyofth e ballJosearte d le roeII I I " os Lv lll " llleblrlllplnceuICudcl (JrulI - I;u lI glll gl,1 pArt~O lrum o,u cf lll S t o,,,o "."llh."f" " " rt"lh ' ''I" "orl ... I'n, .. I.", tll ,,,,,,, .. "'I ,,n~' roll' I,~' I\~ (lA OO\\'8 I. 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I III rUllc <l ,,\el'r11(lr 1 J 01 1 '' J aTcyullD Iboservloe, (or rlJ tJllcAlbnlll <J'''IlcloOrde r. \1 1.".1... ",,) "" o ll' " IU I I, ,,,"11' ,, 1 .11.".... '':.(1 f t! 1..'lk H"vC II 1:1;,U' ,rurrl",LJ!I,.'"t wao b • 'h u Olttu . J '\111 ,,, ," " J' 1 I",,, " .. " I I • \ I 10 l' nt, l3u tllllun ~ r.. I' P 1\1 , ''1ew y.ar , thal80meLIlIngmlghl break loose 11 - - (·31.d l'botogral)hs ON!.' l)NI: UOr.LAIl 1 ,1I1i '" . . . d, 1'< 11 'iurll,VIII AII.III " .... n. 1I 1] O:AOV M, ..',t! d nOI re re t bav.ug lIee n a solJler, A TII'IF. :::irIlRY - 'I (CIOlli m I cl l ~ Iltnl , ,,, II I,, , I~,' ~ I I , ' "' .11,1. , vU' hOi nil I ,I I) I 11 ,,, 1 ., " I ," I" '" rll'!" ? \J t:~ uticlp '"o t III b <.)'J I'M •• lIn J !"le w YOIIt. o g r J Jl IIS" UlIl},HlIlIlI ""~O rullvllir u Lruve OllrCllllI")IPIO Il LHVr lll brucc~nverl,~ e " I' "'''''' l" l, It ••,. ,,, • .1, ,I I " \U "11' 1 ~ IIII'l' I I ",",.I'"""II"I. -, VIII P lltllI .I"ll' h lll,uL IU.n l' !\I bUlloIUlnkLbatlt1m yetone,nhOI 8 1°!;U 11 I(' r 0 n)1I tC";I""" ~II d ' 1 llJlI 'lllllldlll O IlI .lIl'J ~ .I', I"Wlllchlll I " .d,.II" .. luJ;d ' 11.,,,1,,,,,, ,I lII)O" loll' X \1.II,I II,II,,)·J i) IKO l\l .n'I'u LI NI-· l.~n I Cd l).ll .b urg n11l6"v o J 1 I I I hilt I II h i ! \, .. t 111 II II .. I r _!O ~ mo but lrttleplc a~urcor snlls ra r.; IJO n 'NI'" ( lIpIUI II d, YUll rca lly meoll tillllll" lIrLl I Ull ll ll llllll y bCllli.: IIIPJ O. u I ,Ii""" ".11I dr ~" ' \ II e"" "' J ' II'u 'I UII . 1.1" ,1' ;I.,\< 1,,, IlUllS A l\I ,oIUIIII III!.!U I ti ll n' uu l ,. sLu L llO/lI_ I t i l A t I I til'- , , i ll 11 I II l ~ l u d!t V i ~ \\l 1 \ IlIll \ oJ ~ l ' " ... Of oourec I shall blJ cnlJ' lim o. antl l l ') t e lllllelh"I) "UC"I1\1.lk\lI'IV~~all l'urlrlllt~1J e llllll CIl IIlcrlcllI."CC,\I ~ ! I''' ''' ' I'''I~''I'' "'' •• , , 1 . , : 1 ~ \ AII","utUIII I;) A nl lIurrl " IIrl!l G Oll'MIII UUl!t1\I1I",Ull cu,1 uu ,IIl 'I,ll .1.111,," 11' 1',,"1' l"<. I h 1' 111 IHrI\II "' "H 1'11I1 ,u, 11'1\1 11 10111 9 11 whcn Uuc leSa muells lcntlytoulape n se l " ,v 'wqs lh o ,rol" l)\ HI) I}, ' IlT 0 11I1)'1'J'JflJC ll rrnl. , luu Ll ruICol,"~I. 1 '1111 1'1A :'O Is sllll'I ' l I'I""~ " ,.",,1 I.. .. ~," It) '1 ', I," t1N~\I \ ur k, \Itt 1' IIIIu>lIIII) III' I C. , I I (, I ' I ll U Ilet 0 "II I(C fo 1 l ( 1. lttll J II ,h'I1111 1,I 11 , 1 1 'It - It ... I II'UII", "'" "1' " III~ - 'I~ .' , \V1~bmyBervlce8. 1 \V1 II very WI I!log) ~u\) 11 6 .cll t: r u~, I II I Q III I I . .~ t tu""I ~ It I ut r;/\ I\1 I Buchunlill s Cl llrr' 1111 " ./ h 'rl n AII"~cJIJII 1' 7) l ulllll ol. , 7JNnvy Om""r., I I I d ll ulIl,, ~ \1 h i. 1.ld lll .I I ."III,Il. \ UI I "I I I ~ I It) 1 I' INn r.R II ~llll - L~ny. trJ t 6 expenmen. 0 IYlIIg upo l!1 J u " - - ---.... ..--;) v.• U '-'In ll b 111 ".... 1' I 13() lllVilt es ' I , I . III I " ". I "'! u "II I "I 1), 'I" t & . . ;,1 till 1'1 ll"'i'i t. -I 1'1' ,~~ I 1\ \I " " II I I \ C I It " l' l lb-bur I ti l I 2Ll P At st. P~)III:t 111 1I1) Hlly ownre80urccs lnlhern~nntmle, ~'I'I.e"'rrlll"cl e ltl NVWB 8n"" 1f,lIt ·' ()llrOtllIIlClIl\\OIIlCII,I.l)l\ull,ur"1 \"'''' I ' " ,,1'1'" " I' "I" '1"'" 1\,\,11 ' I .~_ 'I"".! .II III I I ~ A I \1"'1 11 \ "t7'1} V-J ~I e 'l J v ,d I ' 1 1 (II \' p"'(~" 11 '11 111' II I I ~u "I "8110 11 " 1 11~f."~ II II ~ .. tr~lOWllketheLe9 IofJ .. l\llwe8, ontlJ". huut:!hnll ko f Ilnrll ~o IItIIY. ~rO\.;;1t1 I..!,::i lll_ ', \O'\rtIS I" , 1 " "., ,,, 1 ,,11. \ 1 .1""", "" 0,01",." 1U""' l"I I ' 11",(,' I '" n" _ J U 1'i\1 Il ufrl >U UI !! I :a5A M,UII~l'/lIlu ); 1 ~ MO_IlYClyneeessl1 ly \e l!!hlyaeVClIllfllihC:lso(unI8lU lhtlt cily 3.U()UC:oplCsof WUI~ .ul Art. \ ,,,I IIIII1""' V II , u .. " I. I ,,,,IU,,, " " • • \ 7. t!O", •• 1" . J.II., ) 1'\ 5 15 tI . I"III' Ih ·W,\ M eopcoo IlSPOS81 wh lthhe huJJuS llhru s!,w,)out ,t1 llllcpro 1I,luu"",rc proJ llc Ii Utl " o r Ihellloslcril- " ,,,,,lv'I ,, d,,, , o· · "'"~ ul lh, ,,,.d... , ., ""I~ .. I" I I I'II ILIIl~II\) I\ L ~ IItI,~- Le tlve ~ Plli. lrcclll1\lOn when the thellnomttcr In IlIt; I l U I o,lou c r eu f aruu n~ I ;:. l' ulnt1U!!", !'~tl'l\lC~J '" iI "'" . " I , .. "I" " ."1 IJy Il>u I,, ·, 1 l>~"lf •• 1I11 1, I.1~ h •I ". ( O'illi , IHI\. , JII' I o brlJl t.: O .l!4l1gIUV\II~tl , ~lI l l th,Ilk(O !f t n i l , ubi tVlU IUt- Hl UII ' I lJ lJll r.:u l l J J I JH,"" l Uf t l' llrj!uIIY lit urI! I tilolltes 10 5 of b ~. IHe Cnllll ug ueo s,, "1 UII rc.c .pl 01 Ht"tIIl' yh"ll .. " , n • I , U 'e IJ , II" II I " 1 It" .. \ IOUU\1 ~ I I I '" • Iv , "I"" IU" c'lllllo IUII,' IIO \IIIV ll. III "uI, ubo )I, Iv 'lhouUlyoCR6oltllcr now 18 com -The fUI1 Bl nl of lILltllln10 Jum e l, Allurtierf ur Oll e Duze n Pl c lures II UIII ,d .. th l", /I ,,,,,. 1" ,.111,1\ " •.1\1 . "",,,) "It, " "" I""d, I 10 I M, I\llU"".'):l~1 nl lI11 r r ls bur¥2 _ I I' ULI. " ulnloltl.e''' 111 be.c lll on re"Clp\ ul III I, l l _ I Jdllt t 1\ :1 H' cl lt H lll h II l u lll d \ !I'ilUO ,., lld llll .. lll dgU ldIlJ U lt I Ullin r,' 7 1 '1 N.]", Y"rk llrlltll'cly nOlhmg, but 01 laLo we hllvo Willow o( AMon Bun, t"o , I'"ce III 0"" II'" '0 . II ~ ,., "" .1; I '" \I ,I., n,ltel, '" \I I," ,It ," I II. r. II' AM," I l' ' " bl tlUI8R Ncw'l.olk ontlJ(' )(lLh ll .~t,l l om hBI \ $ I.t){) ,1I1l Ht llluy mll , TllIIF I 110 '"" '"I<1 I I,II"' I,,,"h,,,(. - ,,1 , ,,,,,I., . IIIIU,III' .,,,In" . 1 ~I.II·I IO Allllllt",," , IOA M 1'lIllu,I .. II,III,,· .. 170~ ,. d P been malcuJUg consl erR e , fin I \" I 11 It" l'h ulu"rllpltCfij III tI 01 . e r~ OJl r rl))l! • 1\,,,,,,,,, 1" '1" ,,,I H" ," II "," • " "'" 101 I J~' ,I III tlllIl Nt' " \ .. rk VIU l' ''tlodell'llI. • ,, ' I , e nds.I/lle res t< cnce M ·.I\ S 11II1'tOil rCI\Lhclp 10 PRSS dull lImtt Fri n tl elg Itl . g')Uus C -0 D ,\V, II PI CDHC rcnllt ...:;peT ",I\\I.",,, ,,ld, vl'Y<IIIT I\ 'CIlI'\I.,II1I,dllUJ '"~ I II\I Old", 1I11l M :;kep",,.:t lH d rlill llfoUghoil g rhe se r Vices wu e p rll ormc In Ie ce lli "I Ih ~ hlROlInt vi Ihelr orJer. I , ~ '" ,I .... I, - '" \\ ,II" li d , ,) , II " ,"I" I, 10U"U du II 10 Ihl o tr ""1 Ir"lu l'lll .b llrg I.. lIullllllure ~ Th o pnce . IIl1d 'Ill ll illy til our good. Ir " Ih " ." " , <1. I" """ "I "I 1\, , "I M il O "I AkK \j\I!\1 I ,,,- ro ' l'h ll .lllell'hlll , III dIu N~IV Yurlt,VllI A'lwlI a 1hoUlo tlrc DOt 80 mllltlful of us oow. hl'l~eopal C huler. of tlt o llltercesslon, ati'beYUEoILlo>be, asollr l'ostmlll6tor landthercIOI\IllSIV CrO ltllert<Ju tn 111111- CIIII "UII"tltU ~lIt1, ly 1 '1,.tI" " "wlld'I ,,,,,) II'I"I·I, ,,,1 U" I I, r ~lfII" ""' r. .. r. ,\ ~ "I, II"II\) II) I ,~ II \ II \ 0 0 ,... \, I II rt No N t "N \ v I h. can welllesliry. Iy CC Ille!CIY II"" y ' I ' ." I lll, ""11,, ,1,, 1' " I" , • •, ,. r.1 ST II NI A I ~S I 'IIl ,Lllr!! 81 9 30 II l _ 3 AIC{;,\N\ 'V,\'I't.:II. • "'1" I "u ",u' U I " .. """ . " .. Iul\) " ," I g"III. p M. ~ l ll' I,,".!,"ly III f'r1 l1 c.p,,1 s tUllu". 1(0 I"'ll:\ • l '1\"" I /\rrlV ~R III iI,IIUUII. III ~ JIl AM , ~ltirrl/ I rCCClye nu occa810... a 100 or ~o now IInu then, lind IVai recenlly favol· ..A~ UC l ~CnlcntS: All Elega.n t Novelty In Watches " \ I (n UF.I' A ItT:'U :0; I'. ".','" '" l I 110 "r I hllfll fO ., <If) A If! ( 1311111111.,n t 1:l:lO I If .1 'I co all g epistle frow - --- - __ I '> ""I, '" II I .. "I "' UrI" , ,t""" Ne" \ull\ t VIti AIIt'lIluLVII ~411 1M ~1t" IWI.tAyery J) 0 n 'I'l ecns('"nf ll'I &"" I C hur~nnt'lI t "e\ ~lIn l " "II '"\"hQ dl"'I ' "I-'"" .." ll ,,~_II' 1.. ,1 .1.. ~" l lo" " h ' I, ,,, .. ~, ul II ""'1 , ,r ' 'Mi8~'l'abILha Chllllerbox,' who ex HOR.ACE WATERSI I ( c!f! 1', "' 1. ·,1"011,, );" I .I I"",' !;,,'~ 10 ' (1 t, 1\1) ,I, ,,.,, I.r ' '1" ,II'} " lld " 'II ' I I"l lu>lc l ll " I I ~')UI of uIIIINt:wVUlk A
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SU IIJ gul.1 ",.I IIr ll "I .. rde~ nl "Ill I 1111" I I " . ,~.". I' , '" I I I r n tl 1\,11,1 lI~k' l ~ "'U' ,I " " ""I 01 Ul S .. ElttlltONS.v~EI~rr I I USI ['I e CII -\! I~ •..• 1\ " .1 'I D S. S IAN O )\1' 'I 1\ ., ,R'AI. II ,. JS \ .1' I .t I.IIC <MlIIUlilu II Y\ 1)" ~, ..<. . " .. , ~ u lllld 1111 1 ,\1, .,10 ,It pulil id •• my ,ye 'J) 1S8 otsey tepan.. II Ef1 1 t:snc Ullu I hill !'I " I·' Iur~ 'IlIl, \ kno,vleu .,. II , I' US I C Ull\. S '1\1 M \ J eS II;'le.I ".1.I I' III1 CI "" d SIIiCu JJ\\lllt\ UII'\rtllYll!'i1 ~ ,,"1, 1. I ." " 'n' "I ' ",h " I lt l UB!ltI ) ul l" rrulIl. hll~hH' wntes all about a great feast. 01 1\ u S'C~ n 8lrurncnl~ ulHI IISIC cr- w"h I'II' elll l'u~ t. I'll', alld Il Pgrnv od III I 1 • , '" I I". ""h·, """I" •• 10 d " I ""I I I Chll'U"SC , IIt~h9 low es t "~IC ", whul . .. t1I ~ II, eeKI"t 81}le of Ih e ccll"IJr~IE'J ("It.! :ltJ()JI"IIIII "'lrt n :,:~ 0;1\'10:5>1' 0 , 1, , I "1 ,,,e,.l.e, " '" ~ 111110 " I ,. ~ •• II ~/.J,l;IJI"Y(j "twhlchaII Lbo 'SlOg 0 la\ les' assem nntlrelllil Secolldlll\lul 1101l1l.,I IIU Md 1Il\III1I1'LC Vtr~ , llll\.l"r() r e d l yhll,,\j,u tl\ e 3UUl!'"I~·J I.n'I) I,JrtngB :.!LJlu I I'~) I I" " I. I I, ,,,,, I .hu .1 , •• ", " " I 1 iliad, bu~ ehe did no~ 50 much &!I ex loJeons ot grea L borgulns. Prlcc" tiO, d.t g bl d I I :\-01) 0 I " d. II "",," 1 rlllgs 31U 15 I" ""." () re."'" r " "' "' II ., , " 011 I\l Ulltl lll n. 10 I'hd"o'u, New te\ld an 11l"t.atlon. 1 am glad she dltl 75, lu O, 20U UJ"" 1\l1l0 .I II,mlll,1 :l tu \' 1; :, , :,": B.oIlIII' "'' tI B"t!:,\":i" II b 7 oclB~e InllO S lor 26U 1111 upwuru s I menll S lIIunul" c lUl eoi U} Ihe well "nowil ') UOII gu .u & onUIII Cu lt, Itnllls 310 lU I , I." , I P"n h. " , .... ,' .I.,H - hI"" •• "". Ir ulI"lcrn Ir e not, bpW,ever. (01 ~~ woultl ha.ve een all08 ano Melotl f!on~ 10 11<1, and ren~ 1I\101V- St Jllue r Wnlch Ct.llllpuny or Europe, .!UOO gcnt. ilul ult , I ,1t1l.1I8 51u 40 ( ,/,1 I \~ III. h U",""" ,I f{ ,,,1'" "' ""Y ..,1 ,I 1 he " e l\l,.) IV Ulllli I{"IIrulI.1 ell tii'coDveDlent (or me &0 attend. besides ed If purch.sec!. l\loDlhly paymentB re- lind nr" 8111,crbly hnl ~ heJ, hBYlIlglHIgravl'd 400U pllir gu l,l s lt l've butlollS 310 10 I. .. elty 0 11 uur lilt I,. 0" Ih,I' III IIul ""SIHII C NIIY rl ri lt lor Ulllh!ft(lll. lI'c¥lficlng the8e t11ce wat<lr melons lind celvctl for the 8Rme !l ,llieis IU li cy corv .... 1 brill ,~S, oIIJII. IIII~ -lUl!/) pnlr gulll t'Il. I'lInm" 3 10 10 Senll \!I} ((>nt~ r"r ( e ltlflcltU'. lur W ell" " g A p,lur,·I. bl,d 11I1I1l Ih" lr Tho Hurnco WlllerB' FlOnos anJ Malolot r l'llh ""Id blllllllC; aw' Ih e 1111 lJUIJO rie l" ge llis' Iluld ol"de 310 8 "I'O '"UI' II"y I,· Ullt hllllllrt' d .Iuli.r>l III s , wlJlcQ I thJIlI-It. R.!! _I'e_ does nol d eonij nre 08 lll1 ~ e Ollu.• IIIIru II IU IlIslrullle lil s fproHo! f~1I " " " , u 'I n\l ,,",1<,11 I' D '"I" "," " I, oil . I, ,, ~, ., J~" c lle.1 tl CIIO I, Willi lino dlul "III) ISUU U s tulle ~C l & SI,;"ct rllllli 31u J1 I II P I", .,,, .. I"'~ Ih" (. r"" ' I, In' , 'i< I' "n.' I/ U All II "l!(tf"Ku ~x>cc uu'lIg t IIOL UII ,eacIIO IIJDyyot. ·AuntAblgall'18veryeol\· n:nrllmllde Warrallt ed lor live yenr· .kelell)lIhlud9,alldl~ wurrunled' nguoo! IOUOI )KI odl<i:-.Il! CIl'IlI rl lt ga l"> I ) ,"101 011'0 11, I,"'"" , ~J " . , • ., 1 ,,10 ,, 10 ItIVUI"t.\.lIlllllIJ l~tt""rI. kulll" vII' eit.for,ll1~&.4~ahield her ownla ults...be I rlCI'S Llfoully . edtlccd for cB sh. lilli e keep er \ tiOOO IntlI C" guld n ec k I hUlliri :; 10 bU "" I I ", ,I ., I "I, , ". ( ,I , ,' , :I" ,l IIlIle os lu l, ,, " lIy n ~1·cc"..1 6ul+truUt. .I. TR8'l·IIltONI\IoS. These will/hcs ore 01 Ihrce c1lff,rclll I!\OO!!" I,I OVill h . "d brlt c l<19 .~ 10 10 lu, f ", (,,"111 ." . ,, 01 11, • "" $1, 1, FREIGl.1;-'S. tellS me how lbe rest ml8beh&fO n.L T ho H ornce.\·V Di e rs' I' lonoH orll I!nown S'ZP.B t}, ., s lII ulle>1 ue ill" 10' Lnol !" I\ " uuu gu IJ 1111, I J" I IJr ,ec I018 ..... "I ,I,,-..a 11''1fl\ I .. kJ ""1 I,,,, I.. , ~ I' , I IIII~ ~ lu I I I f I ., 10 , I:'" t r 0 .1 .1 OI'N J' C"'( ) I :j j CI~ro h -11 Ieepmg, Bt nrtng aroun d 1\ t 1\8 DUlong Iho ~cry 1t081 - N Y L~VOII!; 1l ur t 011 1I1111t1n g (.eee A c~~c ul SIX <1O U g" lu 1\I'u Cllltlll brill d e ls /) 10 111 every I(~W comcr, llllklng, elc.- alltl liat wtllilc sellt by Milil Of Express ror $I.lJ :lUUU 1:"ld Chlllclll,n chuln~ Il 10 illi What the Fross Say of Us ,,'a nt a 80mebody to tllke cbarge of \Ve can epeok of Ihr nlcrtle uf Ib e A Blllgio ulle wil l bp ~e ulllIlI hOliu Bume IbU UU I' '" IlIul('s s leeve billions :110 l Horllen Wl\Jera' l'IUII U8 Ir um ncnonal ~1 "r[)ecO Cuse fur $25 Will rElo,:lly ~ell -LUU~ P 'If cll 'l)lI .. 11u lbem-(l wonder If 8be menn8 Ole~) lu,owlll tla c. "" being I)f 11.0 very ucsl fur It.rce l"Ilf'~ Ihelf "'BI. We o. e sale IlUUU SUlllllire go"l brace lels ~ 10 -Tban, 08 an evidence of her slIl*ell- qllnhty.-l:hrls llIlI.ln'e lhg encer. \ng pllt8 lor tillS wUI,h 1)1 lho Unft etl bOOU CUIIII, "pul & (' 1" },ronch l'S 3 tu I The Horoco Wale rs' I'lallu9 flro l.IIIiI. tilllles,II I1t1 Il\lllll lire g t' lIUlno w"ldl .1" I;)UUO cOlOel) nliU peurl ~lI'tlrol'~ 310 U, "l\e dropped a huge lear In her lit or lhe be st nlld rno s llh .. ruu~I"y sCll~olled 1101 he nr uur Trade llI11rh "tltlrc s~ 1 7UUU i\l "6 1l1', J c l L uvn . ",1 \or, ltlooketl eo durk, I CanOltld 1\ ml\t~nul -;- ~dloculo&j " u r lllll UIRtdtDW llLVr. Ul,t(&lU, 1' lu rellllllclnrJrup~ 310 eOll1e {rI:lIn tho 10k bot~lil. Lut I Illuc Walera ll.no~ &lIti l\lulodeo n8 ehnl10000 (or.l,np"l& ( '\I (, lIrdlop s:\ III lrllg-B compOfl,lOIl Wllh tl.ll fili CS I 1II11 ,le 1IIIjIOflcr., 15 l\ln\lJell Lone. N Y luu lIO 11111111111111' 10,1, " 1.. -t I.) 110 rell.on to doub\ ber word; find then Rllyllh c re III 110 I counlry - H vOl" J our I UU\J \I 1lI1I!!\( al'rII'l,! till /) IU \he Clrcumstn'nce is CllIroborated by nnl w uuo 1,10 111 guld rllI!!S 410 "Mrs, Juneberry.' 80 I expect, uark liS HorDee \Volers' 1'13110 }'ortcs oro 01 lllUUO SC I. Ildl"s' JIl \\elry, go U <: ENS \J S In A P Olltl Je l /) In f'lll , rich ouJ CO"II 1011 0 Dntl powerlul it'll. It i. Il real bonu.fide t(jllr. MISS N Y ~lua lCIlI H Evl ew. \ IOOOU du ClI lII eo, penrl ole 0 '0 lbtrrol\--seads.e a letlerof eon 0ur lrtellds wllllin!l ot 1Ilr Wllers' OF 'llIE UNILED S'lA'IE::3, \ 1()HOOgillOlldJC l llfO(el"I~' Itu )2 8~Il\tion, Rnd 8ubscrlbes h c rself 'YOUI slore lhe very be Rt II S90 rtll,ent of l\1USIC ~I tl ~ tiN d ([OUOO gill & JCt hot 8UppUriers 2 to 1I 11J o( l'lHllua to be rcullu III the UIlI!eU ,IOW llI g Ie new In B 0 evo 1\ nnl c~nctlttldFlIend'-very h~ly PO, too, t;IPte8-(,rollolll' 8 l\llIlln~lIIe lernlOryol i\10r,10Iln elolitulnlDgncol'} Sll,\f:Jt-l'LA·lJ.J) "Altl:;. ,,,~ •• , 'I"''' . ' 'Ie loy ~I.,' r' A"'\lI"I, l:1II1l\IIIII\,CUIl re ly 1~lIhcvl1hullll ~C UII r b k-ltoo I ~ld lito U\lrll~~ \VlIlors' I'lull08 Aro 01 BU. ul Cu i Trumbull S ::;I g nr ra 01 Iho Dn · ~ r . I N II i 1\ " " '''') II" Y I, n, " .. 'I" ('tl v Ir lll Mlt. or 10 II 8I1Y,,;-1'" g t an-o 'r tooo I I t f I -N Y Inrullon 01 llld t) ~tlI\UOIII~, L16\ ul Unlil en IUOOO ClipS $I.! 10 $20 \ ' """'" •• " ~ " I "10\ " '" '" II .. . .. 1.. I I'he H.'It.lS \If l'relohl to 111111 from sb lEI lire amartoat of lho f"mlly: and prior on. t) egllll 11118 I • uf Ihe l'rt'sent \Vllr I'UPUllllOI1 of l'te tluUU gohlels 310 10 ,,1111 n'c .. 110" d "I Ollf, <1,, 1\ H , ,I. fI" oil. " ChnRtlnllt.:n!flllrer ( , k ' Ol t''''1 " ,. ",)f,, "I, I"" '''","''' I,''~ ' Jl"llItli ll h e \'v C81, LJy I"e Pellllay t l ' 1 r t Rd "rass S I I I UIIIII'd :::ilille. III ~U IIII ~8 liJOlIO PUIr 11111' k III rlllgs ~ lu I r I ( I It I " \ uJluer, III. ler Olunelsm (l ,u C.CIU UU ( pncrs olln slrume nl8 nnd . ' :! l!U III >1",1,11 ,I" " C< 'I ~ "' .'I'" ... I "I Ii," ,, " , elllrU UlluUu,UH Ht II II I II II t'll ( rl~g8, &0. sellled..-yery plimfulllllcl Culul";.:uea of ~hect llfus" ROtl "fly Mus t:!,zp, -1-1)(015 IIIcheH l\1ounled 011 roll II CUrl U6 el8 4 to 1(, , '" 1" 1' II l1d '''. "" I " 1'" , .. 1 I, I"') )' "' vIJrl1tl lc US ure clwfg.'d uy olher Ru IC ptll>h ~ h {ltll ilihe U H m.llftl fre e cr. ::lenl Ull rec e ipt uf $ 1,00. :3UlJU cuke bll s kels 5 tlI20 I II" ""I, ,, ) '" ." • •11' " " "II II" .or', I. I CU lt 1'"II.e ~ It,,enoe to me' pIty there wllre noL sev· ' -LOll U cu - tor s IVllh boul ~8 5 to:W \1 til' 10 ~,I) "' 'l " IIIl y hI! """I>" " Ih ,, » Ih .. lSheelllluB.c,n hllle8ullc~,~ ~cntBpcr MAP 01' '1118 W01{LD, 2uOIJ ICC I"lchers 10102~ "'1<11,,, 1 'H,I ""'.II" ;. ,11 ,,, 'lOll A" , .. el l 0-.:r 1l1l pnrllrlllllr In I1Inrk P"C e RI mOle of Lhe family , ,, pe t Gu~ u l'''lr l",lI n knives :l 10 :au lelll" I, II . , I, "." ~ d 11 11 " ...., Y I"VI " l'~NN'A CEN1RAL It It" 1n conoluslon, nllow me to say thRI S"ubllih S. hou l, nno c.lhrr n voks, puu On Mercotor'd ProJ ectloll. 81101l1l11l II . ~ 5uOO .U tll', "YHllr & [(rnv} Iblll rs.! lu ii~ -- "" I, Y I " U' 1.1,,, '" I I I ~I\ Jl'ur t'rI"l-:h, I, u lllrill Is \lr I:)IIIJlI'III[l lfeel under many oLligalton8 to tbes e Iished by Burnco \tVolers . r . f ul Arcll c ".,,1 Allllf\ lie DI SCOV(rI' d IU lll1 rllw ov e,1 P'c kilives M, ... . ,\".,(\,1 , k ( " It .'r In'g 1,," rCt;I IUII @, "l'ply IU ur H,ltlre.6.l llh~r 01 Sublmlh!!iI'hooIU"JI, No I. rh e l' , rl s Lllleeul Irllvel,lnterlOr'!'r" 8ll0Uu ' ~llIl I I) ~nlluIl8, nerdl'z 1""Ul\l,II)k ,, oIYHI,"' ""I " l,hp, • •Io,,,I , IVIlUI\IIIb:A "ClIldU I ''' UC ''lI'1'''") 'cldorly IrI<hoa.' anti I hopll they will dlllg '1'U\lIIS "lid l'\l ~IH ""urol< Iy In lU ,. ,. I, • \11\ "'" 11 0111, "I I tI,l , 'UII'ILI,,"e. Sllbha'b !!!cho()lllcll, No 2, 1 bOULJ Joz, n I"bl, "1,UUII 8 N \ --IIH" . h A", , .. ) ". " .1 S l\m()~I{)n. Jr. l'ltdutI .. " tl I k ,.. I JO\\ II he )\1111" . clIgrllHu 0\1 ~I ~I' I, ... ., coottnuu legool Wor .uey lave so (lIolnlliallt, l" g hlyelllb~IIJ.II " (I, und 1\1 \llIl ed IlItl,e ""UUu ozelltlcB", rllurks 71 02fJ 11 IV B,t-IIn.!: Co, (lIIe~. nolll, beg uD, {or Itow. more thall eVCI, '1'hc VAnde.1I !Jedl8lylol (;OOU duzcll libio lorks 810 3U (/lurkc <t Co, U/II C!}(((). ,I B sol/tIer's lire tcdlOUS Rud Irksome. P II J I)" B t:!IZC, :lU~44 IlIch('s Helll rur $ 3 ... ULD l'J::NS ,\.NI) l~I.NCILS I... I V I; 'I' 0
1.1US1C'L ES I'j\}>LISII EN1'
II~!\ I b() ,/o~.
$22~ Np.w l ~,:1 go~;I~: 1~ 't.!:I;y ~~I :~II I ~I~1 tl\I'1'I:;"II:~:I~"
' ~ I ;" ~~''':I~,IIl"I ;~'~IlI'~~u
l'I;',,\\~~',,','I \ "IIl\
ehc ~k.t1
'fluly, I
U A.
r uprr COHr-, rrr tI"Z n o nrd , C lulh E".hfl.", ol Gilt. $120
$~ ,(jO
})J.8tortwl Q"ftd Mllttury Ala1) of the
Border and Southern States,
Of I'V~ f\ \lIrteIY, from 3 to $3ll It! illl.lllJl'lt rut-: 1'I,A:'I/.
( CQ: A WrIter of II l ' orts leller to IllI a BELLS, N 08 1 and 2 1D I Volume. lit 811 OU " '1I we chnrge lor f"rwllrdlng coonlr), f OY' t!tat lhe olher tloy ho mol III $6,6U per dozeu C loth Embos!!etl Ihe Cc, lIhcull', P""II' t:e, und dUI",! tlt ~ lho .\roetl uf Plltl •• Websler. formerly Gill. $7 2U pr r duz e n Contnhtlllg, on ft lorge gcnle, the elltlre lJlJ.III CS8. thc bUill u r J\ICIII) hytl I C III~, tcrrllOI' clllbrucp.u III Ih e [tou" IIIU", lu ·' III Ih e ufll~ rVlJrsller un l.e '11It: l:JlJtI!SII,\N ~1F.r.001ST, J II IIII I1'"t1sl I,e e ll c I08eu I VlralO R O"P" I.all oc k ,U fililt' ull l1 lt lhe 1I1111lell Utlt! tikIrIllIK"US "f lI.e L' ., , mUll 11 IS leel " Ii no IY e uuCOle', A n~w R CI Ilul II ) 1111\ ntl~ ['\Inc llook o; "Iy e ,-,l" IIheulU. Will be 61' IIt lor $ I, II I00 k W IIr, clI.du ~cll In • Ileal l'ucket (, u.c ; lU • b10 I\Italy 011 t I10 gruun II , I1\8 eua \ ,," K Price $3 l' ~ r l'VZ lIulIrJ $360 Io,r~, tllirly l or 6, dl ... ty·lIyo /u' IIJ, ulle crenoll, onu thruudilltr e, IltlJ Without \til wilich I ~ Btltl ~ u, '" Buuk ("rill. u Sk"l t; h uf hUllure d lur I~ 11111 , ho wuspolhd nlltlvl trl'mbhnl,! hontl R, Manufaotory and Wa.rerooms, Twn IIl1l1drAU Baili es ::luldlcr., ~Ia AGI:;i\'1'>!I AIm" ANTI D BIIO IIsked 1110 lor II lew aO U8 10 b\ly h im 481, Broadway, New YQrk. flIIC8 o'll CIVIIIIlIl B ~ho lil" hllvu II. ('hrollgh (,tlt the c'\lInlry 10 001'1010 for 1I0il l a glsal of ollsllIlhe I\e took. oellli Sent UII receipt u( /jUc U8 . A lurge CUInIlCII "UIIOIl Will be PUIU IlIon'. portllln,nnd hobltl c· tI uwuy Willi Ih e T.,c (,Ilovc!cIlccn )'U.. IU 1"0. te t;elld lor ICfmB , & c • ~ II\ 'U.l llt.: . 1111111' remark, Ihnt he \VH8 prc lly • hJ\Y dowu ' ~1I1i retnlllS 1"0' e,I<'lIce 1I11t1l:real pup I slt.1I1101 800n Ivrllet 1118 hag&:ortl Inc ll ulunly, ond nfter undorgo\)l!! groJllul lin Ackllo\\ I c ,l l-: ~tI hy IIIlIs c IIl1eresleu lit Od N~WI30R:-l & CO, TIIiI mon'~ IYlla oler! 01 paralys.s III th e I'rov~mcilld for n pemltl "I lilifly yeurs, I. :::ilucks allu LUlltl4 10 be the Itedl yel pult 7:> Fulton ::ilrcel, NY. ~ huflly H ospllal, hllVlll1l' bl'oll tlmllo by now prolloullcctl by Ih e mll dlc. 1 1Y0rid 10 IIMhell her COtlUI anu vuvcrl110 VICI\l1l8 cuurSC6 hc ulI~urJln s8e d nll,1 eVl'1I uncf]lIalcu III l'uckct Iurm Srnt un r cccqlt or .S I ••• flcI.IIC H8, yoillme Blld plIrliV of lont' , tlura D'~ '1',U.llO'I'I"S I"U.I,!; Our !l ew 8cnle ,\c. I~N"'!!i \V Af'li'('I:D ():7"SecretftfY S' nnlOIl r. nd I/o,n cl' 1IIIIly or,d cheul'lIL'@B CO'IlPOHCtl 01 hi ghly CO))CCnlr~tet.l ('xCr celc} oro prunounced uylhu Now y",1t l" t: nch aCll o n, hllrp peelul, tr ull frulII ~. I~"r I he "bove olld nIallY olher puplll"r /rocls (rum rools UIIU h. Ills uf Ih e It ghc.I uVll f .. s trun g L.)lI!H~ f)( \ ' t 1\ OC l u\C, r US I'WO lJU llIllfpondcnt Ihe mUBt I n c~a.n nlly hnrtl :v,v,k_ He llu fur u C~ I"luuu ~ , W IIh lIIedl clnnl vnlul', 1II1.lhble II) Ih e (Ul e 01 \\'urkllll: m ~ 1I III lite cuu 11'1 l\Ir lore""'} 1' 111'''8 \\\' nfO dclllllg ell' urcr by Irfl ill 1 crm a 110 Age lil s. ull dl o~us~~ 1)1 II", Ll v"r , or nlly Ll l'ron 'P_ lIever ollte-s lhe "rlbun e "ffi~e uII\l1 CVC II :!Ii I OU 10 $ :lOU th n II th e .. 0 me ~ ly Ie n nt! ti,,Urderp moy be Bcnt 10 Amerlcall I\d lIIelll 0 1 Ihc Olgl·S I.v o Or/! 'II ~ 'l'hp.V ~e I.h urc suld lJy lilly ull" r Il,s l c l".8 lIlukrrs ~tlg. \Vh"11 ho 1I0tulily reVI SC8 what ho ~ Dl d era OIiU 11\1111 \lUfil ve rll . 1I11l Agell cy. 38D Uroad\Voy , Nc \\ movo nIl I III pttrll It'" of Ihl' 1-1 101);\, ftlld IIr" \JOOII wrlllOIl auJ 1'"1 III ') po for Iho SII( In Iho country nn ~«(I"oI .. d hI th e curc II I DHlrrhlllo, J 81111' IIr ~lJotl 111 11 11118 oro ".Y.led I" "c lI.ll ur ollr \ vrk cecdlug tiny's 18W UC of Ihotlourlln', uut "l .h cl', I>YR Jl~P ! '"' I:!crnl nlll , 1l"1U1I ~lIe~8 GAYLORD WArS ON, prepares fll IIlght moro • cUPY , lu, Ih o "" Do., .lpIIV\l Cll tl1l0IlIIl', "h Ic h COlli All •• I.lv.r CUtllpl""I I, l'cvero, H ead .chr pd.,s , cr soor Lo "w e lp_ & 'VIlI .O II ) Ite r t" ••1 any lWo wrllers oUlvloyeu Ih~ro ,,!t OI<)lI u IJ he o f "II Ullr d,f1 erclIl ~ t) Ie. (Suc HcreLlllory HUfilurs UIIS!', ror 'udnl IF' N logo l her \I Ill< p rt e~.. fJ 'fi le s houltl pur III Hi ll~ckmnll ::;Irecl, Ne w Yurl' chtt.e 0 plllOO wtlltoUI seelllg I"is ( il ill' OIlC pili III 1IIIlIllOrllln~, ch lillrc n 111111 ; l o.: u ~ ~l c uul s AII"u"'t III1I1"ut lIun'U'1 - - - --- - - - - - - - pill .t'rom 0"1' 10 t1l1 ce plllR Will cllre fj::T A lIos8engcr hllV llig hlrctln unO ll1l hu ve IW~II IlIl" nlc t! II) lI. e l, r ,""I CC' III', OLU E1'I::S 1'I ,lVI:: NI:'V, ortll nary lu ses,ftn ,1 rrll lll one 10 Ihr ~ t' I/I,x. I.~ e Bcro68 n r1l ther br~l1gh slrellu '"IU allu ti t Ih e C~I"brl1lp,1 W orlJ's l'alr, A l'ulIII)hlcl Iltre( till" !t OI\ 10 s [lc ed d~ rs 'I III curt) anv cllfob l., CII"(' 01 110 lI\ ultrr liS IIIII.\) boatmon Il lilly 0 Y was ~vOl II,u'H.1t pil l III CUII'I/clll '"11 1\lIit Olhl'f~ I " . IOr O.I' tlltulldlJlle 1J~'I~'tI(el.cl (!~ Willt h1J W Itl n!! SlUlld ll 'l;~ P'lca $ 1 per bo.~ O ~ I Icra f. II f U '"'0 , , "' ll nr 'a" I l' I ' •. I 0 111 n pu rt s u lhe II took lite .Iul nltl 01 - ooc tor '"f1( lII e t/" I'Ill e SCll t uy ('rnM supplieu or se lll I,y moll " A me ur')I II ~r f I4 UJ I I"gll I ol ll\\UIII I I'.. 11' II1 " hI', I 181, J .1 d" I• • toI k', " "111 Ilel vII rett 1111 til )0 ce nl " 1I t1 V l\1.,1T 'I' A la,TI, M & ('11 , ,,' ... Wll e ,Cle Q~ t \\ec uu t llUy vu n ( Ho\ ~ 'I I I N ~ , • lI im nglll!! Iho ncxI cloy , , ~;:; . " « ) dlld8 I: II 1'0 ', If: \[ n ti;) l ullo n :-:i ll ~cl , Ne w ¥ orl, . ' :1 ) J I ~ lJroud" til , Nell \ olk !:! /)111 1 l :l(l Bru,lthl av , ell \ or]1 I I I V
Ihu VN~ ftlltl J~lIrllH!rS lVII, fill,] 111\1"1 uilvanln;J I'OIiH rtlute for I.ve
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A Lillie of F:verythlllg roln\l/lg 10 Ih, IIllln 8 y n ~c m, mille II nLl IPl1Illlc( Ihe "lid Irr.alm (' nt I.r dI HC IIS,lB, I,r. CII Rlntll8 ot Ihe \I orld, IIt,IV tu nih Dntl 1\ IhouSOlld IhlJlgA never pubil ore, fllDrl th e revl Hll d Inti enhtrl,!t'11 uf "MEl/le Al. ClilIIDION SEII SI ," B book lor curiOUS peuplu, 0111.1 n for ~verY 'nIlP 40U pa gos . 100 d ,ll u " I hw O'''ll IUcilil .. 1111 III ~ whll h rlill" lI'1l8 Pru;n $1 50 C4~ n\\Cn ,I nrn." " " "1 1' ''' ,II " Aj!; ' "'E"'lI It" I 2 , ~I' nt Ire r. III ~Il " otlLlf oJlII Ilook.. " n 10'" ' ''fI, C. " "" II I, lIn I .. ,,,,t I'l "n ),nJ ot II IC S/. I(SIOrCS, 1\1' \\,111 Ue I J II ! , fll lu. r Ifl • 1.1, f' 1'0' 11.,... t:> IAIIII I IIIAII,II"Sl " aIU,UII ri'l·lllllL..r I'r' t' Aim \N/li\II' ,'Ii (0 , I\.\tlr css I: II ,1"(JO'l'[i:, BI 107 IJrol\d\\oy, N. \' :l t; ru 1I ,I.j.I UroaU"'IIY, NU)I
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SWETE .--lo -
&, CoLLR'rT, EDITOlt
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W AYNES' lLLE, W Alln~N COUN'l'V ,
HO: "l!.~N~SDA Y, A Gt.: ST 1=6,-= 1 =6~ J .~_ __ _
$2,00 A-Y£A lt•
- -- - - - - -- - -- ----- ~---- 10 re t b<: ne~dl Ihe ~I'odd of wnlj,rs u o - I being tlnctetl 1\ mo nUUllmL to Wallace. The Wbite Rouse. llathiug at LonS Branch, L1.nCOlll'S T o mb DY )1 ft •• AKER8. w,l Ihe 8\!1I j!11I1l u p HS tlead . lleSlnsen· 1Whl\l the design illlnlcDded 10 I ellrt!Ibl~ to ILII l u r m ulls or l ife, Captlu o se n L, 1 havl! II Ycr I~arned; uut tu ml ' le llilW IlHlyof llJe WLl te Uou e B~lhilllf, r CUUT~I', 18 the I'rp, '1 1111 0 h RllI~e has become hl6tol'1 caI. Qlld 0 1, willow, why fo reve r wecl'l C I III!,; l ead LlI" IU llerll1 StH vice. It ud. IIt l ollnd'. th e smull, ~qUIlI-e 101V~1 could b~ ' Iy qU ietly IlIken po ~e~ lOll ot Ih\ll~ uUlle DI L Ollg Ur9nch, At ull hour6 lbe ,IUlh IhDI lealle 'rolll our bU6y Slreel. Ae ollO whulU ourll su n e hd le89 wr o ng~ CC I IIlIn I\Ord s,Lhcp0rl opo ncu-aplllll" ' t'ILhcr 011 18~en for II IIghlhou- a.orlh Uliller~. liud, IlsIIo"IC hl\sb "~lIno l ol lh eJuy," 1I 1l ill nil ourtd ()I lI' e~ lh"r, 10 II". qlllel Willes among lhe homed of W llftl llldde n woe CD n lie 80 dee p 1 WlI81lh e ll-a helH'y tip lush. IIUti o ur 181 t:l!ple of 1\ d"funo L ChU ICh, wlllcJ Ilw lUll yCI IIlItI wdlllOl be ulIlIl CVII . e llterr"""'g' ~l'er llllen S 01 bo'h ICXQS \ 10 Iho .l !lllrlell. 18 every .lay trod bv IhoBe Wh at ulCer r 1e f CIIII 1061 80 lonil' IItll l! \Vur ld m oved o n' ks If ~o l btng baJ 10Cltllou-Abbe y 'ral~-\Vouill scem 10 ~rll 1111!t: I~ 1:1 V " ce mber t he ubhc I \I Ill! II,e fillny ,,01 ".1m 8 "18 al Ih o cle.,p III \\ hoJ hove OOll1e pit!!" C" Irom RleT to yiti lt IHDPI)' . B e hllld IIIIS ~pOL IS ' Ilualeu R ,Ire I f I I I • I Pr lIulft lory lx,HClseF l it Irl1l1t of all Ih e ,' 110 " . Ilflllt' willch 1101.1. the d)lst ur Ihe la . The Sp"ng mak ss hille . 1'0 11 11 ste p elute. oco u rt'e ll . I MO l 111 1 \'Ill I le T sty 8 up - IIOI~18 mny be see ll n "IImb"r III 1"'c lIl,u. - ",elllcU (' IIIe! 'I'he selltry . , l he !late OIIp t IIl n rR ·lg IS It m ost cRre ( u I n R~i· ct'lc br all, ti \VRLe llng 1111tc. B l ltla." 01 pCA III e anu we tI 01 t l I Yuu r Ille a llrl ben uly to re new ; I d I I r .. I 0 11 ~" "~ '\J IlIRII) IIIIl klllg urll cl l'6 of \\ corl n!! DI'rur ~ 1 hon g. 8rt.'S IIIH Il Y feces nulY enterlllg Ihe c-me· She eHII u1I1 ~ Ihe r08es WUII. gil UI lUI gt' ll t e m an y cu mm an dt! 1 .A 11 all , \ho u!;h 1Y1tt:1 t lIs II III rlClluu I ~ cllti ' ill S ur muc h gO!5IP bhe I,,' ed IlIg 10 .lrv. R ~ d t. 11It', creell , a II .hatl~#, lery \I ""' h oro 1I 0t tomiliu r o n o ur 6 t reel~, Alit! 6:ly eli Iter li rll l s wee l ca re to' y ou lI0tillllg co u ld lCJunl LIS u rlifllli~y lind- 1 WRS a l ' lI loos 10 d, .clIvl' r nOL upu IU escullO thes tl 111II1 gS , how I Ihl" grauu~ cove reu w llh lhem laulld Ilk" :::Icrnllgen p"551 ng th rough our tt y d... nlJfi kllid d l' vo l 11lIt!lIt 10 Illi uo de r 1119 r.IIIII Ke 0" n o spHI III Perth, ll, e ~CP Il O of eV.., ... Lht! pO~llIo n I~ lou VIIIIDIII"IIl mu". ' N I' olchworlt ,\1\111 1lI ..le 0 11 fUTilel 10 'lil l O" k R ldgl', II lIel l. fluwe r T he lYelClime r ~d- "re ft B t (o lds hi ' w Ing l1 e lold u" we shv u ld IiI:O T on y hg lft , o ne: of II Wlille l SOU I'S nO l o ls; hlll .. / fu r .. tuSICII M,s J UhU RU Il , w he ll Ihe ,il t:! ,,1 . 11 ut J u''' vl l's ~u. l uf 'III"" Y c"lnr.' • ' '' 01 plucke.l Ihe re H• .,,,,r I""served as '1'1' pout lor yo u 1118 rrl'she n 8tr ll'n; lit " liuL 1" lI d,?" lLIl IlIl I III -1I'~ s l COIl!!1 01 II t: IV Cily hitS 111 1.(:0 811lCIl t ho-v d"y,,_, Pcp ' 'WA GOV " ......,. ..f .1............_ . 'fill bll'K J, Ii e, "lid t 1111\ . " a""~el\\ " '1;". l o mb In \9 h ll:1I t e Pre. · 1'0 \' 0 11 Ih e ea r lil'I<1 blu e -IJ I " '~ sing, lr"laud , UII l llu l s l.ilty, Jul y J3Lh . fH 7 11 110 ftw of l ho ,,1 ,1 ve .. Llg"ts 11Ie »lIo \\ e d \ boCu • w ar, n, ver ollme 10 N IIs h - l ret' .... I'VIlr,y lh\1I po ~ow... ,*c.c: I~ Ideot '. romalila, wtelb~r liII itb ~, 'I'd I ull )l our lighl 8ll' IIU Ihril l a6:B"I . I' M A I Ihll l h uur pl~c l .\:ly, fllc~s Oil I to e XI . L. ll e lt. \\ 6 Chllll " ",tI CIH", ,,1,,1 vIII I "II dUlln,;h t! r lcu ' & l\ lId ' ~ Il' rln Irelgll l .. r tllI!III, I". /lull! 6"". Ho! plllce.J. is kl' pl ca rpeled' I .. I. I "I I I II , 'h ",," I" "g IS Pltr .\UI1(, Dlo lle I,,' rr , b". \\,,11 Ir esh li'J lV e rs. tillli lI uuu l und up un T he ~ p ft rr o w tr ill. 1118 we,lrli ll ){ so ng l !.rulIOT h 1\ 1\1101111 , ,,I V", ull1 (I I''' IC'I ' lil Whl I UhI ,· IIIL Ihc l lo. 11 1t: J reI h lld ll .:t:"n!; l l'<: n · l u tJ,"III1I hU lll l:d 0 11 '~ C"I I l ie ~ I IIII Cullll ' I I IIIII!,! IU~ fl lI! 1I1(' lH' U l:'l IUIl rur fJ p ll rt} , \\ III II I Iu' (P il'l IP", hd I II~y I'H ! I II view. pro gar A nJ IIIISlt Ida 11'1I.l('r \t rood 10 yu u ' I IW ll u lII e, Jln ItI\Vyt: ) IlS gllZII I!; Cllh I\ R l euc(l lIlI l l y ,IOAb~nl"l'lI 'f IJI/ , IIY 1\11 u " t' ~III' 1 e , )1ldt l llll); It, Il" II I r. lly blltrl o II"tlI lilt' hUlei OuuUI 11 I.lld.lllldcl udltlrsul buus Dlld blosSOIO M• •' ., r !\ oWNI II g v," e • • Ih e 1I111llmpr long , c IlI lClIlIYU I1 t hu vi " nd s, descend ed lo l e loci< 011 1111 III! I ~ lIl e IHIS Lilt! hll (,~ 1 I 'lllle 'H llu 't CI.'''l tJ lltU tll U g"ldlt 8 01 '\ M .ll lllillt llC,,'d:! I"IIJ ~LJcuc h H ero 1\,· r lre. h nndfr ull rulll. sll tl, ull he very Willi clasp UIIU luse ) II l1 r uoau! )' woo L~ n Will. II Chllll;{t!t! l'Kp r!!S lon, wllll bt : 1III\'c S~I II fo r ),C III • • Ii lll' , w ull UtH:l u p II I" pllnl N vlhl of Ihe I I' '1IIt' IIL'b Ill us ~ wllO nre s lllhcII'nl ly ve niureso lll e IL' (H , Ih (O f Ih~ sep.d chre 18 r~lIdrrl' d rCllo. TI,p B.lu' :,· II f! drup es your Iomb Hwltll 11':1. 1, I ho tnqu llY \HJlII l o un o , ' 11 111 1l ) OU e ll 1111 IUI , t1 :! , Nu" " • • l t\ C uf JIIIC) /ll cll l IlIm l • 1 b .' II~\t, ItVlU In l'in.llltiled u ,' Ill e r 11,,1 \\ O't' r, 811"0 tlI C IlII ~ " Cri III lhe 11111 ",," !I lIT 1.', L""ldllg' IlI tO the IUlllb, 'j' l11 111 W l\~ t he lig hl II l1 d ve lY 1111 1 kt: " I. "l .. SI k im u l " Ihcl'. I I gar Hle llts " " ,I elll .. r lill I &ur r d Th o r .. 11I LJ~uld 8 lI i'lII ollds In YOllr hair . ~ ~ I! II II lu I1111d .,' , 0111 > ~ f' " J(l c" . ,. UII tl , l r,'U 11 11 ", UUIl""" I lli e v l~ II"r CIIII Isccrn lI ul Iling u B'I)lldl Ve 'J'h p UTI' PZIJ IlIlIk,, ~ Iuve tv YUU ot nluhl; T II ~ h u r'" , S IJU c i. H I<' P,II IiC I II llhfl~on fl UIU all rte cr llltl a I. '1\. SII) Ill e UIIII II "g C,HllImo 11' llIly II - I' lllc.k,, " "I Ih o 11111111' vn u lL'y dDy lcS8 Inollllll t{ fr om o u l Ih (l oce n n, II l1d gl'lII I l.ens ts \' 01 81111 yuu druop. ond ellll ues ;JK lr. c ln g o ve r lh e ~t'll WI ll i a IIIII CIY o"l o w. ul ll il'. 11 ,1'11' l'o nd~lolI s il ll rne , . 1\(_11 n I .. Vl' l y lIlu'c h hl;o Ihe 1,1\ 0 Al l. Cllllfllliu ~;"111), \lUli lu uo all utJs,Ii Il I I' ~b ' gl"O Ill - UII ' ell ll urrnl IIImsc ll C6z IlI g IIltO I I I Ll "I tl f .lIflllly 110(' Ulliv 11111 11 n WUlllnll r.. ulh' I' '''"'' f10r nl CHV .. , \V IllOse It'llon' . are Ille v "l' . C "l lIg 110 1I11~ o r Ci ll IutJ I(8 IIJ J dn cl vftutnlle', ' , I I 'J' he t ns l B ' lI t 10 u sI Il \V~s It SII m ps l' of I',lrlld I6e , IIneti \1 11 11 5011" loud . 1111(1 IbclI COI1I C'IIL- 1 r to ll B ~ n ~n lh your bou l! h. , at IH II of dew . l S w ,le ll III o lJ e 0 1 1 gru c 1' ::; bill SUlUl n(,r IIl/ n,p Itt , lIy luve rs ' lips Id 8uIIIy l ul d -lI l e n t lO I UII !; h. ru gge d ~ h O I (" IIl n ng cd "XP II" SIU U li S Ihl \ 1, 1" d d l l'"U1t1) Ille gRy ~(\(' l e Ly, UUI tilld l l1~ pl'ac." 11,,",c pI'"I.h yel lu l\ gur u" III ~ "be slandti I \\ Ilic h ,. Ih u Uis plal'ctl In r ell de rlng tht: 'I': I ~ tul.. Ih ' l Bit the a ge& Ih rOllgh • w III ~ h We 0 VllIl lI lI l'd Iu COlls l ull " Ig ill . III 11,,1" Ul fulO Ilell I Y Cll ll b, ull l wu LI O.Ld I Hlid " II III I II I hu Cit 1111 IIl1d UlI ul!ll ll ' :. 10 II .. r,,"~ 11 11 II, e • hUfl', lell l lll g III VI' II Iure V"lI ll 1I'lracl lve. IS mos t comm ell rlo bl e, HUd Il l! pl lite \Yu rI" Irolll \:rv wlII g ulil N,XL llI o l lll llci ,Lltc III HI {JliJ PCI WIIS \\ ht tls . d IIl CIi UI ~ l lOlV ·go l n g- , ~Ulclll ll " Y Il 1.,,"lI l e of I lie do m lS Ii C h te o( In l', th c" ule r But. III lIl, r oppeura ncfllllld ,, " l lJ roll hl BUlh l! rcoul lcc II II II80( :V' A "~ fl (J l lt l ' , Ih hL CUI IO US l uck \Vlll c h I l1I e II , "I mus l as s IlL. IHlIl l/. I II/! Ih o Slttt ls I I~r I II fll llll l) cll cl e 1I1, s ' P "Il~ r ~ .. u, 1UU II UI l e ry ~ lIr,)c tl vB, 1I It,y CC rl lIl ll ly fi ll.l cry plll!ro lll whn h08 IIIIZC tlll po lI Ih e <lenll. AUI st ili, Ihou!!'h April's huu ~ unll/ld , I I ' t ~ III U't ll IV III" 1 DI ~ n y IIlJil!1I fl u Ul l mndo Il s ceno IU l c ly If ~I C I 1I1 e. IVIlIl lhll r . ldIl IL 'ri d llllg hltl, l lc l! wlf" of I gre ut .u llrc" uf I' II J" y~II C lI l , II S,S Il I Il" III I1!!, A bou k I' MS bee n ope l1 pd. ~ pU II wltl vb' Or ~ u ' ''tI ''l r se l ~ Ih e e ll rlh .I Ollf, 111 11 .1 , III blllll'tl ll VII> I CO ll I'. n ud m lcll b 1" 1 OU I' O\YII cu unLly , W :Scll IlIO , fl lo lll TijllllP, so e, JUdg-el c lI Ch olh er 1\ lIh IIle prlly. Ih el r Illl! rq e \' ery VI " I ~ r C" 1I r pgls ler h,s nnme, and Or 10 1111111111 JI"lIIk ~ yo ur rube ~ IVI\"~ g old, lieu u li ly liy ~"" fU ltl, 1\ I" e h II I C(, l lfl lll A b IUllll 1I 18 1\ 1 ~ l gl! Clly. Lutll 01 'O il , wli l, II IS SH I". du t h" Ilunoh IlI lI g ll lel UII.' RU llll ds (! \ ' UII Ille IIlIlS'C 01 Ih e ul'l'e ll t! such le"' ft rk a n S Ih o sCO lle mo y Ye ll SIY!y Qlld ~iglt III g racil ful gflel. , ~ , " ~u n s Ir. q ,le lll IL L nnu UI CII n3al l'T g l t' )' g l ,III1Le. nllu lit " hl 8l Hlg h l rllll lllJ \\ hilt! ll ulI ' c :::lh e Sllt' ms II 1.1I1y lllllu\Vd ::5u l.. e II I IlI u.e al prese nl til.'h e ' " I,!~c.l Iu III. 1II111f1 S 'llce Ih e 141h of I I • • II f Urllll' h or c l'~erl l clI l SII lin III ers, Ild h- 1\I IIl' 11151, .0 111 0 2uOO IIRllIes of v l~ lI~r8 AI,Jllrn "" ru rpv .. r. ullcnn 8uI I'cI , 0111 (1/ , .. I 11t 1" I, 1111 11 1 " t! f" ulld OUI ' I l·tllll U ~ lI olIg l y uf PIII&b ll lg' , Ulll Ihe 1I 11 ) eal'lI' t! () "!'PUlIlll g 10 II U' WU llie n lVe ""\lll t CII II ti lCIII , uul 118 YO II 1,,, \ 6 bt'ell rej!16 INP,I. r cpreAPlllol lves o f A"d kt'P I' fum 8tJC'll l,fullhlHI Ircc f ,,,1\ , , II , II .. IIIII C," \, IIUII II d III Cl (J I~ d e. D ~e . 1\ ILh a su "pen lI OII lllllJge 0 1 pr ll , ' c III l haL IllglI IIlill U"lie u ll op hu " l ' l'e O ll C 01 III PII" II crcll iu ru w ll IJ I ~ a li I! ul < va)' ::;'"10 1'1 I hc U 11101 11, nnll 01 30 Ih e N) h.. " " III ullih e wurld I'U II l"oItl uf II h o, e I,,"' u t) p U~19 >I,, " ,,"r1 SCUI C), · HI I) Itk .., IUys. clI <np" lc tl to ' Int till I RpUtS Ill e ' ''"l! s t. 0 11 ''''' ' ' ' SU lI lll ulllI" d Od she Cnllll<!IIR \ Yo W Ollk! odd tll MI 1111 8 Is 1I 0t A lilH,S ler Ilroce Ihnll COII ~ I"III)I IfI ' lI 11III I; c Ih .. 11 blltg. A lli S fOI ItS ro III A m ull ca , II I1 U u l CU UI S" li lt! d el u .. un 'P It e~vy ul ncl, d IlIP(,IIC~ IIlI d Gym l ur eud ls t he IV '" ~' , II. I! oCC II C c.1I11101 U ~ be l II lI ly lu he 111 0 r~8 11 I1 g -p l uc(' o r Ih e Pr p ~l -Atltl11 l,c !lIolI /ltty . 1I11111Lltl . t-C tlIlJl ) I 11 11 e lll' lUUS fto g l iS oll ly 111 01111. "11,,) '1 110 blree ls lil t! h " l ~ f m ll ll llllll~ III I C III: hc. 1I l "mo v _ , I i> r~ pl(l!.!'t' , sru Ih lll II I lh " lI urdd of 'A ~ "III , Ull llh ,,: Ih t'fc I. to b n Jil learoc led ~ l l r u u Je t.! II .. ", u uh OlJ(} 01 Ihe 111 " " 11 ' , \\I Ue - III e "1.1. \\ .. II"!,! I 11111", Ih t: e l nll t l etl III Ji lt! LXeCIII II C !!IIl II 'IU II - li S I\I IU. ullll llc r N I ~ hl '8 D ruulII ': In I"" 114"1111" )." h leh . hll il MI.IIII Ihrollg h I1!(C~ 10 c"m A T he " . II(It "rOllllt! IIlImeI I, (1lel, ,1I u.1olC litIl e ll l. - I t '"'' 11 "" ""''''Ilt n u Bti nll' l.. ",Io. ,k 11 SIIO\\ Cl ij f l OW II IIUI\\) " ' ~ n l tell I ll, "" 1 ,1 ,1,11. CI'IIiC I Idd ll " I tl 'C)' , II 1" 11, '") IHII ' • • llIl lI CUI I I I I "" b I ,. .t..'raus- 11 ..II , I I .1. ,,,I I''''' '0 "''''''' "1111 . ., 11I,I I'Y 1I 11, c reilr 'Or 11 0 tom ) lA S ut'e t I1ntICl " "OrreSpODuent'fI . I I (! ~. II I! P 8 I1 tr", f11 1111 0 OI lIk .. f\ tlOIll e r ~ I .l" lI tl lIMke II UI"'uw u ,, 11 Till, g l ll ll itc,. ,li lt I, ' ").! I11 I1'- 10 WI, 11 11 "1'1" ,IIl II ,III OIl LI" " "11":0""""" 'll I. I 1 J ' I L 0 J I I I " I I II II III ... I li de ltn g l . \\' t:lli lit li t t h. " (J UIIU, ~cl('c l c J 11 M ti le s lle o r th e 1 rps ill ent 8 I U ' II ~ ut UI\' , lV I, 1I111"e~;c U) lI e h0 \\ CI CI. UCR IS II I' t l) 1 1 1 ~ h jlo lt, h,Hlld Ill " ') l ,c ,l~ l v"h.; IC•• lOrtl lll lll," ""d ' ell"" 1... . I" OI'''".I)l v,''lh.II . l'bcle. n1<lIll1nl . ,,1 'J'h roello rl8 1lp oll Ihl s ueauAOIi.RD h: I\ N SCOTI. At'U , t ,m SI'II Ce u f g"(l11l."). 1111,1 tl .., Sl'ndJI C IL l.a .. btCOIlIU all tll~. )1 I IP Il I IIl~ 1I. "' l lt-- ,le I. II , I,, " ds SlJ l ely IlIlI cc ll or, l u i , I ll e lea 11",,1 •• 0111; ' t ,fUI Rl'll l woe oe leo lct! by Ihe Munum erlt' July HI, Hl65 f flSJ.lcC I o C II (l IIl "tl I d lll!l', jH. 1I!!.LI!' tI 'I g l l: ), w hich I ~ PL' Oltl llr to Abc lU Cl 11 , hy t: II ,I) -nud l' llg " liS J e l IJecll l 11Il! Ihe rx lll\t ll lt) n of rem ll ll nc null- Ad 'CC IIIII " " , nod h e ~~ II hu e bec n decHled .. y, Ih e beuch I", "li ed w llh bP ~C Lo llJr~, lu b llild I hl) s hari. I he tJ eu uly Dn.l RJI ' D ELIl. GA1.lI:tT H: ;-W h un unlllo," k ~ 1111 cit·,,, ld Ille rll ' I '. ud g ' , 11 11 Il e lll tl ) nlld 11 1'", 1. f' v lll I' '~ I I I ~'I , l, f .. (\ 11 '" U O~I , II ' , .. ,L 11 11 0 t'l , . ,U ...... I. 01 UlISIS I) ill /-{ in.,l t1ll'rr •• - h ll Jl I, llI i!\('Y SIU hl!, WII " ~ 1I1 1111 \\ IIIJUll~ I IIl ~ nlll l p ulp ose < ,es pu c l lIlll' 10 mb slOll eS l' 'II" ) , u ld l(' IS And Ubl LJUl llI lI S I' 110 g~ "lIl lue l'J "l lh c er" " c hp ll rLl ly , 811 U rrfJl' "lutl' III,qs Il f thl8 Silt! or 6 BIi Ch 08 • N 'V kif II 10 11 1:1· A t lli l I II lIc k 1\ e III1 CI IUI cd AS tt." II tll' ' I I I ~ ILl! 1 I he (. qa b lt,h ml li t o f l\J I' 1<'1 '1 li llI , "" " li ve .I " m llo"eu tllU (III -. .,8 Ih e \I U Vl'. Oil-II uVN SU llie ul h ... "W III ' - IYv \I 'd r cco lllm end IL LIl tll o III IlitiS of ull. t! r HL • II· I ul ,1111 , I um ItHn I _I I }-IIIICIII wlllcrs 011 W" Ie" th t ) fl UIII. SOl lI ed Ul l nol "I' I \ e , H " " I h ~ , U 1 111 11 ded In ll ll· 51 I. IIl1 d fo unll IL ~ Xl l' l\ II' '', C lln " I ~ 1 Ill/-: lid fill 1111 U III VI: r)' III uc h, '[' I I' ,, "P "R II l1lc lt H II x 1I111"ly Iur Ihe rl'lI pr ell 111I b:, A New Sugar Cane , . I Ii l II le l, tl l' I', l"' rtl III III) II Rl,le ll d lU spec l- o f It 1011 " l OW of \Y o lk , h ll ll' I" e wi ll" " "f II 110 \\1 II ci t l":I } Tllm, D ici. uu l J/II'r Q i. hlli e II nll y II" " 1!{' r. A lilli' b UpUII Y II genlll b y, I .. 1001l1l 'M I' !! I d I I 1 <" I I (' I UII IIV8 lII ur k Ih e 11" pi ll< 11//1(1, UP) 01101 'olrn" " III III IlIl s",ry IInll " " I'lllhos!! mIll U 1110 1 . 111 11 11 111 HI': ",leeLlIr ll , 1\ Ili C \\llI c h IS nllll l! c1 by th e 81 e nm Ir o nl "") lu . 11 0)1 IlIlv I I" IlU lI so IVlI II T he D ep Rrlm e nt oC A g riculture i. • "" ~ rv I. I U I b 11 I I "" L tI I I I ll lill h II IS 111 011 0( rel' l I" pll .~ nll d . llU ul d ulI llt:I!:O who Rre s illlple " lI o u" II 10 t III' Ie e ~II Il1, II I I . tIl'U1 11I ~ II :; 'III ~ fVI Ih ~ II cIII ~~ l Itltl e l'n g lll o I CI'I r S II W . A " "" , ' III I ll s IIpOI/ I IIl Il h ""l • • " II "lel,lc ,, 1 til ( " " II C~ n( ti l , Ill pro IIrc Iu" JII" III rec e lpl, h om Jlp"lI. of 1\ !lAm Uilit. IU R ytlS:llllto "xplurll tl~tl illig- lily 'LI ,u !:.:m pc l UI 0 1 C hlll .I . ' III1 U I,UW OW I1 ' nll m hH v f I\l e n IlI I! t lllpl o) t: u, Rll d s ho h" s lu pped 11 n m il t'! \ill S ll u L 1I1" 'j of l hn ulh rr s, x lo t r" ou)' 10 pIc o f SlI erlll cllr.e . Cor pi Opll gR LIOII lint! "" '1) tl tC l n (,\ to I ~ O\t' hI S bllt .. ok li lt> ijl " lllI nb fur li lA pr e~'r v . llUn 01 IC SllI'g IL 111 I IllS cllmllte, It IS cUl 10 ' t!c"P' III comm c,lI wnh oth"rs , l1Ul11 ' {' IIIt)1 Ih n BIII I, h gU \ (' 111111' I1t, liS Ih ~ 1l bl u cl. s o f grnlllie In e l er~ s l R~l!o f P' O Ib o O u r kilid rll ~ II U~ I C(' ;s , CI OIlI til e 1 0 tl ~ h !. Iuc ks Ju s t 0111 II I 1'" 1,1. boots ue fOlB el."terln g Ih e Ih,,"o Ll ,e y ud"r(' . I" CU li o U lill y ~I"rnl 'I'h ,' 10 S~ CII ' J11 8 of I!tH'e JOlOL8, olle of will cll l' fllll,tlll lllp /lCI USS tllll A Ll.cIILt u ., ~ /I . Ie ll 111 11 11 I. "~!ld I" eft! "1 ,,aaul"B 'Hil. IInu lili u Lll uw fuul111 hlll ll II UI 11 11111.,.1 I.. r rel . -~h o WII S l he <i" Il Il ) , t o o lh e l s 111 1\ hi g h Sl,lIc ul 1<: 81 leu . ll t tl lIl I'I ,," ldc UI oC lb" U nl "I , " "ll Y II I l he "" " " I11 !! r. '" h'st 01" Khun I ~ \ll nlll " 11 In II 11111. lh". p;rllwlII g f,om til) sdl I X\re,IIl, Jy ml Blltk t: 1l m ell llt LIl Lc tlt e M II IIII . RI s . li nd 1 '111111, po li s h , Rl e Bee n IIrOllllU _ tdl Ie ", Ill e IHhll 1 ~l lo ul tl Lc Ins LI UCI ,11_I II lI te (ru ill . hure, un ,l II IS ""IIII SlUg to III yen lIl ' Ie Rd of .ct!i1 h was Corwllr. ·1 Ii II t f I I Ihl' y o ught I" fll' rpul \l llill Ih e Il l1 ru e Oll t Fo r tl,; ~ north c lll Illtilllclt! Ihl' Ile lll ~ d the l glVu I" m Ih, ~I' II cel:" II ) 11011" lu Ih e cOIIJ,' <l ul "8 ur Ih e 11\ . 1111111 - u ~ d U} '1'1 1010115 1I 0gg , E ' q. all officel' I I IJ , II Y NL '1 ~ IW II~ f U I U 1\' " Y r ' I f' I ) I rs "R IU , I" c h i. U"II n Oli d \1 1m h .'\ III e I.. II ~ I J U II cJ ~I ~J. ' 10 "'Hz" u .. on Lh~" ros p" CL to 111 (' 11 defulIC I Inl llJ NUl IS m llr ve l" u s , 70 delT l' e~ In th ll bllnd l· ' liti S. ul ,, ' Ull I" , f ll l lll ll OO, (j ill < I o f till S G o~ernm c nt /II Y olw h ll mn, "h() J ' ... r' f II <) tl' llIy t1 Ie [J ug u" , II 11I O, I e l 0 C Ih (j .)fI1I 0 11 )' bUl 'It II 0 cl o ud - I)f 1I1111' h' ICO II, >POIII.< I I" 8 tI r1<\1 see n Iuu g I ". -I ~ I'"JiC l llf e. • I Olll " I e r, li re " l " I'I' ~ " hy 'IIIIUI11 " t"r slolod III 96 III II,u . ll lltl III 1IIe ~ v ~ I I It.l I I • ' I I , p I'''''} r~ llI rll ll lL: I " PI'''''' IV f l, E' II Ie" II " d .. t m s 11 wor th }' of IIIAIIII Lid s cllmllte. UIIU 1\ r.1,,,"J11!1!1I sky waR r .. Occ lt'11 6y Q NC 10C' . ~nu t; ne o f lh e Ui> L I h l tt.l Ihl' re Ill e mall) -O bSC UI CS l h" SUII , 0111 ' '''" ',j, ,111111 ~II" 1 1Il ~ "bUil L IlIlhll b ll nu 11o t' 1i o" ll lI l ~ u\'XC~,III1U III ~ le w II lu me nt: II c s uy s it IS (' Xlc II slyely glOWII there. Ihd 11111)1'" hlty A t 2 u'cll~ k IXllclIy. I tl~ el< . r8 I1dlll' t l'd 10 ~ ' l l1 nl. I 1l ,rJII..:h l Il e ls Ihe c hlln g l' HL OIlCl' , nlld It " Im- ~('1Il 1l !::lIol H.UU III IIlIh C " lpc l' ~III I, B Ii ' t llle ll: " ll[ nil FIt IlIIB. 1111,,11 11 Ullt! wul ur ,' spe clllil y 1111 Ihe hllllld of KIII ' IU, IIQd 111 0 o"' "",,IIIP Jj, btl7l1a, a till e IIt'W v c~ . th c 1111111 ul "h o m I a ,k ~ J h ~ r " '1II11·. ptls ollo lo lO Vl:' llIlIl e 011 II gl lI c l.. l hln g Ih , II h ll IHI • • CI " CHi llI:( w lllp " Wi l li t ll c lI lul !d - Lt;or, N -Y li erll id 111I1I1.s II will sueoud !t c l e wl.crl!ve l InVII I, Iu ... cu 110m h UI m o ollli ll s 1\t ' 1'1 t: r 1~ :18 J'f' rl'c ~III ""g II pun. II'h t' lI ." 1.1 I All e l Lh e UII hil S sd , \\ 1' hH\ O by n u h"l~ (\ 11 IIl1d 1" /,p "II!: Il ,e fUIIII IIII " Iv _ _ _ • _ _ __ _ d lllll COl n comes to IDlIlltrlty IlIB be~,\lltl s Lc h eerl\bouL Ch~l~t O",," (I\l1II 'l l1c Hug . ulI lJ lll vu k ~ dlnlalh " R lo l l d nl e RIl S d une d Hylt g ilt. II hll ve l ' sl" lf II w as .slIlt, 1 ~n ll l~"Io! I I1Y 01 ou-l-y l U EADINIl. R~ n (ltl1 g s h ouldb c l\r o ld he vll" IIIIIL th e p ecullllllty of ill prop' Ili ullU " 011 Lhe wlll,rl; IYhlch lU 'j ~ a r" cll IIl1d dl. cove rt ll It IVIIS m " I " ly III ~ "II 10 P M, II lid , s ur e UII Ct', I hal t! no l I t lll Clld 1- ( VI', -' , J Heruld, e d IllulI IL IlIte ll r. l eS \Yl Lh Jicu cS81UY ' 0 " !! nIIOI1. should It proYI- 0lhetwIs3 s uo· I, Krl) r"sp ulI'll (IOIll till, • .., dCl' lI l11I1 /o: (;ll lllU proulIlI Cll1 IUtl, , It g lls SIII CO 1 CHm!! tu thl ti II~ pt' l bOlllllll - - - - .. _ _ _ _ PObC, us II dOt.! H I~ hcn plll.ueU al tI 1l<ltl cc~s ful. would gll'l! It lin IiJlp Orllllll Hi!HU I 1I111l'lIrctl fe w 't'Dlllllt ~d lIlI blll1ld At Llt:~u c k 1 Luok C III S for (,]I\ s . reg l"n, P eople wl\lk Ih e s tl e "ls II lI tl1 fhat bnc F r ecedEHlt, lllJ ul uf IIlghl It IhclI ltllS a PCII1It.: VI\III1I/{tl over . o '!::hurn, pleV(!IIIII1 ~ hylu re lUl'1I III tltll plillce bOllI, which PI II - g o ~. And PII MS" <i l lll llll ,,( h lit e silm o s tyl t thi S hour, hUI I CIIIIIlO' 5 11) nill eh fOI 110 11 . IIdlU t llCC u l'0 n lite Ilellllli firbL. hlld,ZlIIg wilh lIIill clH, lind cOlI se'lu<l1t A Illfg u POrtlOU of it cedeu Ii,I: lJ,berniu, lo IlIkll 11"011 Lhe 0 1 c,lunlry O h..g ow IS 1\ mHlluCllC t,ll r ' th e ir IIll1crr t y ill Ih e 1II 01ll tli gS ) II IISI· 'j hO-1! whu COli lt IJd fOI unqUllldi e u III.n II pO Il Ihe "fJlII 1H, Ih~1I upon Ih o Il elellOlllllOn w, l1 IIldhl' rs 01 C llplalll Cmi ... . who In I '11 ),( lU\\II, chldly s hI J.l· bulluJn~. Ilnd hll~ 'IL m y u s u,, 1 hour , IIlId lin d ollly II e llll) I IIIII C) tud IVI "I I , ,.. " 10 11 111 " Ilic li 'oulI l rnlll'll t"e lf '1'1." 1\ lIo wl eJge gUlllc d III " lId J, 511 O) I: tl III I he Io n!; vuy 111:(0, bill I'ltl ~Jlloo", drRllk guul1 GP ... ~tlIO 1:lm dilly DIIII OtV SIIIll'IS. IIiIl "ouse~ RII mtlk g ill or p ohce lll 'II1 I h IUI" : , tl1I I1I U 11 11 , 11,,;;' .lll I C" II' I' Jlll lo l . 0 1 0 111 11"1 \\/11' IS fOI II ... Illlis t p.iTt bUL {JI t1 11C11lg " o f It IS so ulld. allu "IIeady (,1111 lit" ~ltl)J, Al la81 III.., ItIUrOII"IU~ 1 builL of lbllL dull g l cy tOile, "hlOll A g lllll ,o n 18 c~lI1 bh ""e ti in the c 'l) e l\ 11 Ill " , Iwt 0111 1 "i' l lid lu t hll 0 i' ''" - IlIlIu vlllu e , fO I ill S glll ll Cd til Lit e ( X ' I"oullng, to enl1blc the de partmenL,,, hw ell,ullldlUlCt:d tlllllime 10 pRrL. I\od g ' ~us lh~In Jl J"lllIkert'pect. Th ll dre ~s ror ,IJI l{ hlnnu sold le l s 1\ hose l eg llll 11 1;. 11" 11 II I C; ul ol'" ,.. '" 1'.b UII I\h) Irl'''$1J 1I 1" II~e 01 III l' lIt •.! \1 0 01, !llI d hO lll l! UIIl CS ) ear or two II e nc!!. tl) tnllk e II ul ktklbu Ihe IJlst hllk 10 hlOu "'liS s{'\'e llld by lhll l uC Ullin)' 0 1 lh t! tClll ll luil SlIlplI . Cd 1111 'li e In Indlll, he l c th ey tlllill ne w Ic _h",,'d I, u, I" 1'11 111''' ' d. L'UL R I ~o l es Olt t V' II ot Illc 11 ., 11. Th o celt'bllliud II UII uf Il, - .\'(J /IQlHtl I ntlillig f1lcer, IllculL l r~lIsr(ir of the CllllVlvea to I h~lr A ml:II UIIII-1I \' 1'1 y SC Ulll)" grll} s kll I, II ' 11I1l s , to b e 1t' llIly 10 se nd 0 11 L, II' hi n 10 Ce 1111 111 "I . I" IIC p l l Cl d I.: nl ~. W hI I e \\ tl holll P iliclul e Y' t h e g il lit Mil l YIltll d II,'al, which tlllll1led upolllll\! 81v~lI- 811011 g QWII fll ~tl.: lt t' tI I ll untl Lhe WIIIS I e" ~eascs pt: cuhlll 10 ll l(\ t' lts t, dtm ll ll J II Ih e ( ll " lJ lle rt: d 111 11 c"tI r Ollfl ld ," c l llhiUl, fel l II s nc lltieo to l!l lc reuuln g Mlserlesof a RichMan. M.. te cil eellllg. IIIH) we s lIe dIll liltltl Illth 1111 "J" OIl, lIJ.d IIlarg H IV III It! rllght lI e ll' sup ply 'l r m c n, Th o dl css IS pi C 111 " .1 '" 111 " x~ c U l tlll.) lh " c""I}llt' rul ~ - , L o 1 ~lId II l,ln j OU oll g hl 10 bu In be u AI <! xlllldcr 1'. S lu"'"rt cleltrs ono 1 ~1'.III1U lll g rotpidly leuadillg, \Yhll ~ L ' ClOp CI OIIIIIII I:\ "II • IVhl l.., IIII! fl"I'L III I;J IOlt . llu o, A litl t lll: IO II PIIII " , fIJ I I s h uuld I lhl " " 11 1011 IlI g UIII ~ I II -lh " VICII Ul SI I. IIIII,Il IC l :1 g l "''' 1 c\d , UpUII )uu t81.l 11 LJ IOU Ml lld t/ o llllr8 pll r ouy, S a bbntliH oxW~ IJl UC t "U · ~ IIW~,_ I. O\' ~r LII u~ bllr. ,11. _ 1 r" l,Il 'lent.ly II O Ih e blll: f EI.llt o f lllll ,1I\, IIlIcl I I.,I VU ,'/Wll YS I ~ Ullllllle d III l is tOI Y W"~ , II - IVI Lll OllL 1111 cqul vlllt!lIl IL U 10 III!lIl .1 ~\lr"u " IIlIK ~ ~v un..~ • ~ d III1 CIIlJ ,f A " we p~SSt' ,llIl o l1 g 11ll,,!!I co - t' c~ Jite u, 1111 Lit " ) elll rouou, eilllrgc OUI pliol. RIIII plllll/:lll l1uldl) IIILo II ull '11' gll ll !!5.0 II O/ll (j h 1V011t11lt; hk l! nlldll)' d v llll"lIru s to nllCI 111 11 " ll'e ll Ili g Ih ", cl u wn 0 1 1lI 111 1) d u llI, IIlul lh c lI l )u ur (! ) cs. ) uur b l ll ill. ) 0 111 lIe IVOU " VtilHl urbllL pl cnlls guilLy Lo double Lbtl~ tht! JIlin Rnd f('g, wlllr.h nCCOnlpllllh' U l ll e~l .. e ~ IlIlhe fielus-ouL III Lho JIlin , IlI gS , IIIU SL bll fllr C, o m \\lIlm. IJllt l lMe ll tJu ll c l . l!ulu L'HU ullLnd ed II IIU 8} Sle lll, ) OUI 1111 ~ I I ~C I, A pUl son Ill ell sum, willi e Wm. B, A8tOl' t a les bis 11 < (ftllloflllly 1111 Ihe IIItJrt Montiay wt(,k. willeh L~I~eHr. seems to WCI 110 0110 th tso men d o 1I0t seem scn ~ lbl c or nil ) dl -glflt cd , 1,, 111' IlIdnl~ lIt mil) I." fOllu uf ItIlUIII ~ IIIcom e .. 1 foUl thOUSAnd Llnee hubdteti g llll' p.t: 111111 \\Itl u f lho SUll 111 ,,11-' h ~ llll 1"1) IIlIlwllv luns SIIHlOlh c l In'coDlCnl eIl Ct'. IIlI tl . trlll I\I" ng t h., '11 " Ilu Lh 1> , lh ll l ~ lI lce th e 6 1 ~l er' IJlh 11" lU ll ) l" l e 10 I c ~d III /L HCUllllHHlI ~1I11 lllllly duH lI1I per dll~m, BleelJlDg \ lillie. IIlItI th e onplllin stce'l't'd--b,.J.!!!!UI OI1I :11 . nlld II. e n clo sed rtg ldly Will I F Ll e cl ~- pIl Jll c ull\tly Ih e d li cP l s - I\ll h Ct ll l UII II III II.. - t " II tl ill ICIO luII UII .. I) fJ" . 1I1I 1l Itl i lle f" lIs 1" I ~e p, ev l'ry tilly Of WilkIng. tbe 11l\[I:1 glw\lernllll 6UI,I8 It-doning. (or lhe .Ilip "n~ fle w. fl' l::I.S Illid .lIluullklll: IIIS. IIVel wUl c h ,In Insule nl. III z)' /!I\II. tIS II the pll t.h l' " li ll !:! gl , ~ 1I 1,IL iI ,.v ", co ",u l.,t1 C hl lst v i ~ I c ly IlIg lll 01 "1. llfu 1t WII¥ u e IllI" ~ ,, d ullal bill dlOpplll g inlo his hat Itel' 11'110 fI[lme dre W Ihecompasstl ~ 110 "I\I~ CIII1 S IIII)' \JUl I d o nElL .. d. " lIS Illd e bte d 10 lh e m, lIl . t ... nd 0 1 " e "'~ c ll dU Ul llf"l /;" " 1 W I ull ' ''Ol III li .. h,, 11 lUu lIIuci,' IO SAY lhll L Ill S roo m r cse m e VtllY mlnUltl of thetwenty.foul hours, yrtlIIl IULI \: IIPOIIIIS, 1 1I1I1 ". tll o nll " I1 ~'l1I e IlLOf I Cc," . ,IIt ,, ) IIIHI"lh 'IL ti le ll ull" , u -c! C"S lire I' " I .'lt i l/ lil /,li llllllil I n ,ull clpull lI lI - " II'~ IIIu IIIIlIUU S e,I~I!U th e gud of ll tl Cll ll ll u ts lluownLO tnlk With IllS it ,tl- lIItld 1111 awful itillB to leo nOlh- cun > I~ L o f UIU ult ilL OH rlllll!CS, ('lIuh lu II l un g 0 111 of 11111 Ill borlllg m ail' S S IV !.'rll 1'111 pr vt! I"," u l 11 111 11 , Ill e III, tl lc li ll ul ) , Ie l'p , bU l It e rUII1l ~ll e~ proof IU hI S ph) Sle l"l1 IVHIJuUL hnvlIlg a little rnole IIg RIUUIIII. rllr 1\11 Lhe eye could IlllI gtl, : CUlltlllil .. Ig ht p., I"U II S, tl lltl llll~ aL till 1 In 'n d" Ille Illlll _h 11 .\1 011 helli s Ll II' IIg l' l' 0 1 I, ll I,!" 11 ".' -Li.e s., lire willl L I t: lC l'~ II e''Ctl , llilit Ih e lu"v cs or a bO vh WIJ II IL Ii, If III1L hCI1ILh. he CIIIIIIOI un 11\ lUIUlil gl'~en ijl!l\ 9.0 1\ uli \l 1· ,,1 0, /lIlU IV bt 1\ OIlC" LI IU duul IH clo~c d , Imp uslt ll ' ll oT a b(lI nulll ij " I "ll I1 UII - I," l uI IIlu IIUIII SI ~ COll t, lI ut d fur. I' 0 1 I III" ,LS hUI U 011 o UIIIL" 1\8 IIIt1 1" ,1\ CR 01 LI lli ue II hi IIIlnu rvl leo 0I1IIUII:8 WItU sky o\,erhllau. ~lltl' ship PIUtlg\ll g' \ tll"'IIl: ~ 11" po,sILI" nll, l lI ~ OC ,C,UlUQlJUIlI , t.. I). 'nay "l'p elr to CIJ Il RItI " I II II n " t: 1I- l' /l tlHll o unl r ".I> OIl " Iulle lh usc wh " Ih ... pop !') , 11 ,1: ~) III bul o f thul gud - vlIl f",d lll g' 11. 0 ullIJ e ll Ilicrt ll sm g in , WILh nutll\ul:l be hv"eo ~o l11HUY CUll ~u t IlI g W II h t hu'" 1\ 11 lOl u " . 11111 01 ,1111 CC .. /Il Y t: I II, (llId V" ) I. " I h" III x 11 ' \ H ' I It I: III II,,, hc 1.1 01 l'lI I LI\J ~ c ,"I"lll. Lhose I I" d , '! I, \'" 1. 11 I e 11110111 n Lh osll IV Iw I ct:· III , po (' !; c l , nll u Ittl CAII1l 0 l w/llk Brollll,Illig humllll b"lIIl!s .. nd eUHDILy savil !I1"IItJll S. II lI d Iho.c ul o li g lh tl rOlld. IIl tl /I nl'lllli o f COUl be , Wllhullt g lunl \) I1I1 :':: , \\10 rOIled III dU lIg 'lHI~ III n s "c l " ll lI" .. ly IlI k .. 1I boo!, lo I.e d I' , LluUI WIl ), Il u ll cH I th e I~ tJillh e r roilY b e. Thl! ~""11 tiCrlll\rn of I Itl! \ u f Ib .. 111 (; 1 II II Ii III g I,,} s wn l! . uut III OIlIlJ 'HIt: tl ~cll LJn S COl m~m bc I s of [' Ittl l- ' <': 1111><: , II li ~ I ~ Il' g II I d « I I\ ~ m f' rt ) I", " lid , H I Y n Ig I, I liS . /\ ~ I 01 hil i r, In I' u II Oil WI llO lIt nlee llll ~ II bh u \le r of mon e y, pl .. nk. II"UII \V11I ~ tle marllt the 81:118111.IOn mor t! ~ lI u ll 6111 ll.. 11 I ~ U IlIlIcy lillie g liid en, alll e lll rIle g Uln g o n IIll ll l't l 111 (, CO un l 'h ~1I \I ~I OllvIl S .lI lt ' g u lI l, l. II r~ IU~") " I~ tp \\ 1 iI ' I II !le lt!, w o IlIIvo Sl t ll All' ve l ) IlIrll CIl. II SIRlt B 1m" III lLe htlllllg, blown l-volY fvw millutl'lI.lcs t ric h III !! I " I,I' 11\ll d) ut g il) Ilo wtl; IIl1d ll). blllll ~ lho mec III IHIC l ~ n o t l\ i1 olV cJ 1" ,I IIUcU U ~ 1II 11 l U ~ l c r o / 111 " ,\1 1010 fllllJlI,v . t'IIc1 1 lYiLlt n li ook III I"cc III I III' m U6 1 illso le nl 1l1I1I1I1 c r. ~ e s huuld cllher clluse d e811'ucliun lo 10 COCOIIIRl{e I' l1Iul ll I111 11. Ihll "lIlIuad 1\ lulCC In th e c hul ce o r I" . lu le l s, ,llId T he Civil IV/II ur ti l" CII I" "8. HI Rf' uln IIIIIIJ, 10 \lld CIo ~Jl~ ), ."c lll e d 10 lie LulY BII I, I. , fll" g th e ll 1II\Idll1 tiS \\LI" s h elld, h t r~ 01 he ocstloyed ourSdt·1l8. COIllPIlIl) Slw:tI'd s 1\ Pl l' IUIIIII'l LO Ih" ~ I II- IU o POII CI 19 , esl ed III Ih e lllil.f! 1 cl ll ' . , 11 11.1 L111' 1\11 /:: Ut lllcS , 111 l' O tllJ ~ 1l1. .' lIti III~ III d U\ OIl UII, I XCC pL Oll ll Lrll!.u', IUI\,l eo. hllllllCIC I8 bl'lH 111m W\llt COU· Olltim Ollllllg el e ry l,n U was oAlled n un IlIlI blt: 1 \Vho ~~ Illde d UI,Ualii IS II I~ ~1' I' r)LlllII g 11110 !-M.ec u (l lf 1 0 1~ IHli') 1 01" ~ 1 8 111111 ,, 1 Ili g UIrCC ll o n~ fUI ti lC l eS ' ) Ull lIgg ld, ,,11 0 Il l cL ly slin g 1'011 ' , tll' I'"Ly lll ~ nn" Ro ull tl 6S corpOladt: cklo louk at Icebclg8. Thp y hIlIlO S~)Ill" d l. Imu s L blly li e cantllll qlli t tiy , ~1I11.tI,"ll' nr"'.J \l l)f I h~ U~ I IU IHIIOlloll(J d tJ " ., \l I: r. 01 011 ' 0 1'. 10 1 \\ e "" "II" ,,,I ,II" ",,1 ,," .1 ""' OlI " J!;' LIU US UU'lIl'lllU 1I IIllhy lUCI O at IllS ~Ie Ih" frr~1 I haJ ever 8t:On. IIlId I 111' 111 Stllltl ll llO In ~h.B \',Llle Ly a nd heHUI} 0I0CfllCY \I Ilic h hil S Ih e f,.IIChl . f . 11 11' JIt, II LIC lI l CUII UIII On ". IH" c pl . oli es Wllh W e h" 11 11 "oJ .I ".' "10'" hou,e hI ho",e duO! SiC !" IlIIU c un lt' wptU008 bill Ulck· 8 much lmpleaaeu with ILe mRJ t: s ilC of h ur il ", r,l. nOI III II~u Il IZ u 'imi f1 tl YOI ,I~se t( ' elli S tlI!1I1 so fil l ItS 10 gl\ U At , oul IIIIl Jl~ I(j u f III _IOilc pl ug / es 8 'r il e In oult! to Ploti l 11 0 m ICfl"ln !!, It 1 ~ l ll a p l" "111 ill S h01l 6() With gleenbncks, ur of thutl OCeIiIlIJI\VIlII~I S . of . lt c t~Llllwberlles rl.l:lh~' CIOU ti ftulI tC II .L tW Il IlII 1I, 0Ie \'o'es lo lh e hhl' l a l'cll HrtJ PIO' .lI ud Ih l: 1 1" " 111 " of s uc h l" h IIl JlH "t:u Il S llI c""v ."" 111111 l" us e On c lUlo'hllll 'luilewhntllieiollo whRS ngwllelltlyono\'t'rl\teunIRtlwlIl l' ri I ~ Ju o tlll ~ .1>011 h~ l e , "lid /UI mUll) "Ill " Illl'ltll llllll t' llt. Itllll 111 ~(\OI C F:,,~ l lJ ag nlltlllll) li nd iJluglOlI 1 ulld e ll ll lllll g" \lltu 11II\oe r ~ lI lllll e 8111110 IJUuk> 1"o d Ull tl lUolll e rlLlhl ~ Ir~ulment. Bnd the M,"" ice itt 10 Lhe A ,l"ulit: thiS y~clIBl h ll ~c nuL 6e,II s uch flull. IlI lg l' It . h CII WS . Lh u I" pul ,l cc ha ve s hu we 11"1\,, ""Ier alld ll to wli t: \t' bec 11 C;OIl SIU pe l 'O Il ' of ,q llll i ~lI fl,It' "Y m l) l elld " "e !J llly ch ll rge I h f\~ C l\tI be blough~ IS thllD has builD koow n for Yl:llrS , liS Pltfbcull • egg- . IInu ~f 1\ IICII fn SLt! , I hl· lI· Nt:II' t! 01 pll I' " t'g~~ W Illd, .. I.I , b) ... It d Lu be Wall) I. 10 Ihc CIIII , ,, uf m ll ll "1111", IJuok, II/, d ) I LIt <;\: I I 0 fl "III II \ e l) 1IIII l 11 0 IV li S Il Ilell m till ' S HllD. I1I1U. one 1I1ght we were 10 ~nvtloped Gla ~.g olV Wild III lire IIl1 d s! o1 1r. e l nn- C1IU - lll g cIJ ll s ld cl"b lc II Huhlt! III 'h " WH ) kill d Idillc l .. n l llllj" ". -1 01l3 By t}i ~ I ,," ng l llg Ih t IC fUl e. IIII1SL bl!lfe r: I maSSl'8 arounu us A8 lllgh 118 th e lIuIll Jllbll" c. 'LIlli fltlr ·-tlle IlO1Id.y fOI " C lI ulS '1110 old fl 'gIL)" who lI u uld 111 11 1/ his lOI} Ih ~ l c IS no p ar .. llt I tUI Jllllr Vie W" III tI, ~ t! III1lIllI' II't 01 IIIII Ug llt, tha' I IICII IIIc' \V I" I. II T\I SS II'W - Luu 'cs s ll uuld 8pe I8. LIIAL Ihe 81eam hilt.! to bo 1"luff I IIII IlIl: OIIMIIIO ti , \1' I10 CI OWtI ClI e ' tJ ry I1. - 14 "1111 I tI o lVlI I'I ~ 11111", \lI luI. III W. fill I d II'II " 1 1 " '~lIy III OUI l ~ u e ll lO " Thl! I ' I ellc ll 1. ,1 ga lll" " 'I' 110 til d The.. tl' /f mos.! eXlfl\olcllnRIY 8lgh, til! 8lenOll!I 011 th e rll e l, 01 S \I/llIll ~ d tJ lIlv rur s lul' e9. Ii lJd 1\ ' 1"111 o f COlI sl l' , "" Id_ o f HII n"l ll," N. 1I11t! uf tl .. If Jo IUlie ::t llt: ' h \\ JI ll II IU .u h " I I.} Ih l O.l lel, L1lt .v lu k~ 1I1~ 81nd ly obBo rlv o I wet my eyeR "lid one I Rill 1I10llg lh~ SlI eO ls , DllIlIy III 11 s t,ll nill ch Itllivn " l 11 1111 IIU lll e li CII I U\I,,' U III BI II '" 11 l ", n. I IC 11111 1 fu lO Ig n UIt),) . , IJI I)' Ul \,'1111 dll: tluth ~ UP UII wil lc h the ) " g let: ';,, 011,, 1111111 . hould uc 11I1!;rkll~" I Ie Ib~ ,r810ly Ot' tlver ~oen wll. a'combllL oOllhllUeti ti,,, l .. cL Ihat In GIIISgII\Y, willch llIu s t. 8uun c r 0 1 ),llel. CUIOIIU"lu 1,,,"c ll " .! III VII III 101 ' I ) \\I ek "d UI su III II l e /II Ul e tilOl l1' II xed II I Ll lc nil lid s 0 1 dy III IlI tc ll JS 10 kl"I!' III tl ler IJlg , I d I 1 I r I lJ . I. I ., III IJl Il III ) U I" 0111 1 t IIIW ler g ellL y to R whllie I\ntl Ila enemy the morll Iquor I. COll SUlDtl t IRn III RII )' III 1\ 1101 {J lI g I Ie 011\1 • ~ c u -"u C 1\ lV II I, UI 0 11 " ' U OlllCII) ellc lI, V Ihll ti ulltl g lll [.i Ile ll 111111... ' I r I" I ilL .1 Illltl 811 1u-, much 'I' h(, 111111 nn d CI1I1II e mn ll llOD ' f " , 1I1 \l IlJ /I~II' II - l It I.e I I} HIIU p rug l t" ~ 1 ( 111 I) K' s )V II I , t IIlIlu ovel le i rtg ra~h~r. '1'",o.,f Ibllse crelltules\• oll e OL Iler lown III S COl 1allu. 0 lc I' ll CUll lnc " . W ll it ene h Ul" t r III CUIIV t l . .. . ' .1 II d l. I \V UI Ii , l Ilc il I"e Illl ~' ,11 < , l l olIl " ~ r I uingo 1 qulIlI)' I Of LIC""'v I fi l Iler Slue wereattnokiogllwbale ' Ioltle lll e b l'V lt l ,lgc , m eu.11C>! I I'''CII I 11\ (I Insgo w, nn UiC II D I I " "~ II ' ~ \lu, I. (If 11 11 II ll1 hlll ti US clIsle, I"luIIU J.lIJ I1IIl' I ll ilI fy uwn RCI088 I uer L IIU tiOlnt"IlL~ e reLltey IhMOUr8l e l\m' Whi Sk) , 1 WI\ S Lo ld Ihlltm n ll)'uf l l , t>~ Llillc u"rll. fOI Ihe mUlu d t.f lilt! WlI " l d n ll'l.( lng u 1,1.01,. J'OU UI HIW I1 n (ll~ f II '''"lIll d IIILu " lO l t \l gu l l' U ~ ~ Xl l e l ~ ' , budl. UII I ~ I It r ,· t arm;IPrlls81118lr 0 ,8 CI ' Id I _ I I I b I , eI I I ) OI UI U U ~ I' 1lI III I lIII slime 8 Ie WI Ilrow Ilau pro1imJlV to the babLlfl fieltl mt:n wou gu JIll uuwn Itke Wllltl r. IlilU mOl Il!r III IIW YR . o w p UloOlIlIIg A~ 11.11 clim e uf II .. " cOII ' p" 'l lo rs 111 10 " lid I" ti l" C" II ,, ",, " ul I It II " I,lI l1l"", I l. 'k I III tl 1 . '£1 I IIllS li' llie to 11LlraC I lJ ' ()Ct! 8 ~ , I1/1. CIIU _Cd IIllc ll 5U tUtCII ~ 1II " nl I lell de l. hilS 110 "I <ce d e ll t I" " llmll ll llli Ili u II " " uf liU II I' " Iu e k ul! l ~ ' UI O I" I helll u ~c no 1. u 110 1 dlSlUIU Lhem TIle pOOl' lfhal l! Itl, CIlY " "I! ( U b • RUII you WII I IR ve ~ ti ,ed, v'"nly hopiD'; to "hide his fues ¥Itllngel~. e xcept LlIe old ClIlht:dltd, lie hll~ letlll mosL VICI U\lS life fOI DlIlII ) 1l .. 1 ~, "i. c lhlr flO I It b lII " g llllu dc o r li s u Vt:: I, " b) CU II H I' II I); CO II CC II III' g ll, t 111"'1 10 0 utlU clilia III e dOl71ar l I " .1 ~ t'" ),, " rs. ll r. d 1li S mauv e seemc u. .1 b y l itI 11 1111I ' II Il,) , tit: I aU l IlOIIIV 01 IIi.I OrlC nn boo ks II I I II IO ' U tllI,l ,,1\,. IpS 10 as Ollel\ RS he .Calq8 ' up t,() hre tlille • lUI tI seYl!r " I bIOIlZ" 8LrtlueN f ul lilt· ) 0 11 ' " lu . "I I 1 pr~8 8 ) ollr d D 'lelB, k1111 oIlln 'se ey Blluck him 0.1 Lh~ back wilh the i; !:Iui$heli p~raou8 I\L vorlOU8 poml8, li o n" <I lli g hllll sel f o r hiS wlfc'. Lo mllrrJ II I dug~~ , preCl!tieDt8, IIl1d nXIUW 8 .1~ al Hrll ol ue l 11 111111111 " I,,, u bdl c r "I'POIIU l it! thm g I ~ I unll. O\L rnll ';..R ~o~t 1811s (~t leReL twelve 'tlet Ion") gr"ltt \\'olkll of art; in fll\lt, lin tq'J es n c h Illd y 11 u will he lXt'C U~!'tI Will, ,o"" ,ht' l OUI of pllloJ(}, ,"(J~S fIJI tlU'C TlIlII II II , )011 \\ 111 UtJ Ih " Olll!r II. '1;.'5 I yo u WCfO rolllg 0.. B~I I~ .r,',. , fQ V fib d C t co . ,. I ( I I I (' ll llllll ... ,"II -crIlC e l s nOI POUIIC!! own up I the OCl'III around tbem waa laslwtl \rlan 6LlltUe 0 oee ll Iclorill. I Lhuug hI u,ut III , UL 1\ U ~lIl'pose un ' lin e" 'I itel ~ IS ou e rlg u L wily 10 (I S P O~C 0 li · 1I t I " I, c 10 ul UI " , ,ro l rc" , I .. 1 h lI'I"r· ' hll WII II 00 Mn IOllocellt , Kc UL, wh o IS II ke WISI! se nlcllcIld tu I I. c Iil tlS~ ulle qulli e d crlo.llu nls . Ld JU811 C u f 1\ hil L) u U re lld , I " : " I xptrl c nr,\: J~~ : but "' ~nll fold th e dam ellu lO Coam; nor would Lhey dO~le \ until 1\ comple lu cnrlClilure. poor wh!tJe WII8 warHeu to dllllih. N ~ xt dllY, I pr.ocee~eu bf ralh oad g IlJlU\\ S , ~\.'II UlllruP" SO Il t: tI fOI I~(e I\ S Illil e 11 8 Jllope r cour~e. L e llht lD I.. e \\1 11 h elp loglllll tl ) OU Iig~ III ~ 1 Ibtl Il l ' o ur' nrlll: wrlholll Im88blng her AIIOlhcrt.!ny ~ wl! ' ball tIlD interrnenL by wIIJ u(l:l l lllllg.wblcll81Il~ld~Cl u wn IU RlIllI', Ih cp I C IUg" II~lf,OCt!l"Clowll lll~ d./Illd 011 COII'lc llO n , duly pu ouh" tI, Iurs " lid C\t1 1" lIlid ,c les u f Ihe wOlk, ~lll"dlll' coiltlr tJr S otllOg her curle, tbftl VaH cem('t~ ry; 1he lIell. It. iii 1\ III ~, BS (If YOle. OHIf the allJllc" nL val- '~III be exerc""d III IIUf cllse. l II R Ihe ' IRlUleS of lh £> IIIIIIUU dll~cl, - , u r " " I\lile .l UII 10 "l' p r ~c lt'te li S \:xe d \ "1111 b ' ~, 8W llCt Itlti fur e·on her mouLlt. n lillng 10 Silt! uealh allY ",h " rl:, l" y-lLs d llY of UdllfQIDe5. 118 R sllfe O f th e pRltl y I..I ~IIr;" ~flliUtjS I' r(> cLcu Wh y s hould Jclf.,rsoll D a VIS or Rlly of l ltl lClCd, _ _ _ __ • _ _ _ rC! vt:i;n Iu e bI18~rulne &8 or your 8lLuaespl!cilill y 1_0 ou board a shl • wher r~~ IJellca for th e' monlll'~Il.' an\! all 11 III 1Il/llly Cities , o f \ IClO rt ll and Prlllc(I II IS Ilt e r s be pJ)rdon ~ d wlt en no f\ SijIl S- , • brOlh t' l' o f Charl ... s DICll ell 8 t lOll, wllhouL .WIICklUg yqui hp8 UpOD ' P IIlUIIlIUUO III cOtl-ped up in n hmited @lgIIIII.tu we r, long IlIll cC! pR8sed alVRY A lb e rt , 1 IIIIY Il nUl sp aclJ to ~V~II". CX- Sill , n burg lar, or a h OI ~ t:Lllld IS puu- / U A CI , I I tL " 'I 111 • L S Y II w'JlIlo OVt:1 II glllS8 of Illgllr .aoti wl ' l t H t.! '8 1\ t've On 011 e le VRlioll rt orOlls by th e ~ II1U O U' Ct' pL 10 sa) Ib e ) IIrt lll'!: IIU au d In s lg lll f- Jecl ed to Lh e ri g ors o[ t l, e luw ~ - Cla- Hl- Ililn g II I II C lI g~. r" H( li ce ~ II I t: D I ~ II \I TUB
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"II.hlo ""d "P ,,,, to ,im". ",. I _",,,,i. C,,,, .,'" I.. , b.d ,h. "p~OL I • ___ • _______ ' ~ ~h\lulu b~ It' '51~\lInli\'('s " I", '0"",('·111111 is well kn own a d a JOUrll R\ - \ ulnlion of 1Illin(,:L worth c n-rnl mi II'111115, 0 . ..r_ -,-.-,-. . ."'-,-,.-.,. . .,.-~. . . . . ~~~• NO. 8 .''1tio nul'no lY .10u grC:liI doy rte '(Igil ll liug Ibe : tll"r~ . • , PI' III mIn : IlI'e 10), 111 , i£ 1 111cl;, or tho l Ih ere s hou lJ isl ~l~'J, lite r ary m"n, nnd 110 one cRn I r eported for 11164 tln inc ome of 2{),- \ I I I u beco m e ncquui ll tt,d Wil .1 IllS pre sent • . ' t.Il1ElCliolls mndf', lind prolleods reo. W e Bd \'ocRle Lt..C. Jl. Oli liclIl , l!qn1l1 il~ ~r ' l.u no " ' I,)'l'sentilliun lit 1111, lhR II hu \\' I ' 747 , IIIle"e fr ee Ant InSist I IIIL lIe Prll·I. o f mc Ih ne ; b!lll01 6holl ld dcptn o 011- 1"i lJ.C I'. I. ouse of congrc~~ h umilie d ll' .! l'ublieal ion wilhout bt:in g e nrIs te d 'III I -Mi~s . 1n;oA; ne . .W I\I IS, " ehlc sl llIil~"tI u~ Cllrr~II ,l tnte ... . I II., I\lId dl~ .. rllc(;d Iov II IC IlI'CSC Il C" An P' _ . , r.. .. D ' 'II,' < 9 Ilcr y " Ir' 11·'1. dRll tflil\'\' of . 1. Willis, was rell~nLly , .l!:d"~"IUI pll llld IIlken In l'repulnll I'a. llt'l ' 1 e r nllu I II ,'r qu a II Ino_I .tlo l. .. I . . . .' I " "" ",l , or. ' _ . , ' m 'I I'II' O,1 10 DI·. ,V m ." " '" °I Ne"ly pt.' ~5 ·1I1It! prOcurJ.II" b nr k Pri" I ulInllbd, . , . I III ICII jiOll' el' II I Inllllll'e, fII' '110bC kl ' 1 '" l ,):iOll I&ud bho ul!! bo UI!I' th ll ne comp , .• u f opes .1 \V ec 1,;1~ , ""'4 .'-''0 : ~.... m. . lh,'rol'd . . ulIlll' eqsiond of dect'8eed Soldiers. Char .. som , ;. . re., ,'d IS Il lII l Ihl'y h ll ve Itl eu to u c- I Cllg~csu" ,'. I1, C u IumuU 8, 0' bl e. II1811nl1lle Polieles i6Stle~ I MIIJ or GcnCl'!l1 GCl\Tg e, ., ,M ell tl e. gC dLile • I-u · rOht:nt! OlinJ<'ire Iform Ihro u" hllUL Jl I\: Ulli lCd S nIL'S. 1111; siroy Iho I il ion? W ....
• T ,u, ..
Y, A g
'"g, "p,.,.."..-+o" ,·"W'
'" ""
q"". """Id;' ,," 10, i,' ,,;,,1, b, ,,,,, II"" "'Y'
\V I '
uni for mi lY should ue eS lnull s.,t.! by II COll i )1rovi sill ll, a ud Ih e qU BliliclI' I
(J .
OllR Y OUIW FOLKS. _ Ml: ssrs. Tick- hilS IIIk e li up III , 81101111<: 1' reSld CIICl! Mill nDd "M fuvurollie \lIr,ms . .. d AltlJiJgl', form c rno r & Ficld s . U0510n, 11111'0 l)l'g un Ihe 011 Lile P llullsylvl\n\ R EI'E REN C£-45 yellrB reshlell(:c In \lIi8 mlln nlllu A tioll il sclf shou lo he RI1 I\ bil ily Oil II ,e iy o f hl d \ll ily county, 'fellnes." " 1 . I 11111.;1111'01\(1. con' lI ll1l1iIY· 'loam I d \ ' . . . l'ulo lilclIlI on 01 n nclI' JIIHIlI e mngAzme I pllrt of 1\le vol c r to )' e1\ I con ' 11I'Uwil li II gan g o r IHt: cu me n W<?PI Ill . . I ' 11 " I I I -13i ho p C .. len so hll8 commt'ncl!d nn .I ' . ' . . Wllb Ihl S IIll', 1111 I u slr"lt; u monL I y . G d ' I 'I l. \ Ii 011 of hl8 co unll'Y, unt! \1l1m e . tll rch or 1\ mllll " II UlIls L VI hom ht'y . J "'I' . flollulI IIg l ln st Mr. III onc 11111 l' r. , J tI . I Y U\lOU \Ii,. oalh 01 W'e insisl \ l\l\u ioUm " &l"o B".ds'" b:i iug for boys :I,r. , gl'J) 8 , ,elull etl h ·L •• rLo\\ liS Lru.ICC8 of Ille Cvlollilllf J . 1 1_ fl ' fl' I' "I I I "I ' . . ' U\ltl gl.! , v,.. 1 Hml lOll, IIIl ucy 'H" Bishopric's PUlld for Inc V",)'nwIIL 0 ' (Election eewber 10, ISG&, ) thaL In lIe a, ]lIsl I \IS au rRge "01 II 1:Hr n, on 011.I . III ' ' .' I hl~ .. sflL.ry, lind 'th e Allorllty GClleru I \ -A 11 0 POR OOY&Rl'OR . , , ' co m . "l he s tnll. u( cOlllnbutul'~ II1c\uues me r.t 0' ) 'T b II 'IUt'stI OIl, till " , or cq ulva klll p ro· C,!II I1'111 Hnd l'olld , li e hllll In [ '1 r ' I hilS retnin,,11 for Ihe '1l\'T 'I'w:r J\ !P1r , ,0 ru m U . ' ., ' J I f I I m nn y o •• 0 most P(lPU '" wnlel S II . Jl, .:I>U .t'.lo • ' l' isiuD . . . , ' \V ""'Lei VI II e, 01 tlu ' . f cox DOLSON LIEUT. -OO Y&IINOR I mllklll,Ig dIlItd I llgc I ll ce, RII " 11 01tcu 'I IIIC " roa d.I lla ' eI whul e pllrlyI ' Illt' r U 1\\'1I S ,JUV CIlIIl! wOlk s .111 Amc nc I' find 111 Enl,t - \\ t! millie uo 10 l\ c1ellr l. we lACOn FOR , or, tiC s lllllu lll' Ill' t Ie eIlJO) /II e ll 0 J'l d lllg 1 1< 11' IO rH:S U\'c r II Ill. " . I, 1 . r M cXICIUI ' 11' '. ' -------- - ANDREW G 1!cBURNgy WArren . . ' . hntll . c."V tlltll MII)'lle R Clo, Mr. IIIIU Bpple lCII BlUlIO 1\ IlI 18, I I'S . , , th e [ll'l 1'1 Iq;e uf 1' 0llo g, sh ould Lc IId op· uf til e ),orsl: s ' hl)d, we la l' lI II,u " dy J" • dlluutlYhtl ll e " lIl\yuu,ly tlu08. UuIIlP IH, ! man. A id I '.1 llt:cclll'r . FOR TREASU " n OF BTA1'E, tetl. ul tI ,c IIIUI'lI crel luge, II IIII ~, rs. Ag1l8s1Z, Mrs. llnrnct . . ctl \\'Ith Ihem llall B"lIIul\l11\ I '1' 1It'orem Hovin" hod fUI,rlePIl yenrs' l'XVericllte R Eit, Of L, ,,i.. Bl DNE Y S. 'W AliN <10, ",IT" g" q I", '" ,I, · I"''' " ",', d , ";" " " ;""i, ,r' LO W<. C" " :' '" L•• ", Ed - ""d '1', VV",'" P",HI "" I" ,;u ,I ",di,; ", . "IT,,, I,,, 8UPRE"S J"D UE, cid , u ill one of 11\' 0 "' 11 ) 8 'fh e fir sl 1" 1 d t' t U ' J ' I1IUII1lI ]'JUl'rts. Edmund KlI'li e , 'Aunt I"res lill " 11Ild I,al'c lh u fUrlh c r llJ.van- l'r,,: .. sfiiO Il UI H,' rvice, I" tile rillzl'na til ~ .. ~ . un y, lin , Ill l'r 111.r \V O o'u /lIen,l\ " I' . , ' .. , I ,"" . . ACOB BRlNKBIUlOOl", Of Ricl!. is Ihlll 1111' qlllllili e'l ti ull lor vut r r s nlUSI . I . 0 " I· Hnny. i\lr. MI'. \\ hi LlIer Illg e vI the tilllUU from tilly I Wayn esvil le and Vicintty , , 11i.IOUt lIn t , cHnl), y unrs •• LI tI . land-(Long Term.) 1"e mlliIlIlS il is, IIl1tl i, such qll :d.lIcll · \\' Iwrn IIll hilt! so me privlllu 1o" , lIl1til Pro rcs:;or ll .. lu "y. . ', , . 0111100 CUrllt'r OIf n il" J JOHN WELSH, Of At\; ens , IiIl i li Cll1118cnch may Irlllll limo 111 1 I d I ' ll .' I I 0 , LII!, utoI'RIO-o UI):ou n" ll olks; iliad · _lhrl\lImhrlsre sumedlll·r'n ve III oll.i .' . IIt?Ilrlvl1J!poslle lhy a Huli . >ll' uI1t1110S0. c.. ur.. .. , 0 . ' I ',V ,, ' IL,, " II tI II IIII YS : tr::r Sil:hl " s lotnn Vacancy. , time, Hdupl; nnd the se cond, Ih e es- I I'" I b f J IIW Il to \\'Ioom. III'1Icl cs are lurni s h ed I Ie 1,"l1t.CIICU cgl- ." "" lis proll'lllly 10. " , . " I rUlices Ib t:: I.e It ove nl'e I.Ot 11 rHo I l ' 11 '" dll d I f A L he lI . k.·" Ih u II ,I\' ICO 01 I.. " rnt' nd- Il H III J ) , .. .nme llu' . . ,"",,10 lI r , OUI lor 0 ' I ve n Iconll1ll1ll1 II fIH UIII '\T Eon ATTORNltl OIlNltRAL , IlIbh sllmenL by .con stllultOlllll .III lhllt pull o f Ihu COllnll'Y. J\ I ' , g 'In ' hi, S • ' Lr WILLIAM U. WEST, Of Loglln . ment uf HU Ul e u1IIfonn b nll~o I r sume ll'.Iry I lD~n, 1110 I I.lt H' I.lures In I, ,>l In- L :lntl;' rAeli Grt'I:n wilod \V II"ouI. tll·II ",I 0111"1" .\, v" , . ' llunhlicallon. . . .0 . " . u. AlnOIl 0 ' " htl ; , .J . 'OR sonooL OOMMI8SIONKR 'n, .. d <! 010CIIlllcp"l'ly, lind pflrll cu- I It"'II' I . H N' I \ vf Ll ltle P IIgnm; MI. s lltJl'Hc e UI'I·"l uv. whu Iq,h,',!. • luk e 'rUE I'JtACTICE III mcr !l lry conn y, IfI\' I' I , - I'f I' I . JOHN A. NOB.RIS, 01 H arri so ll . IIRrly UIIII porli on of il lIlOs l wcud eo 10 . ll I",en Dllllln!,! I. .t' I nn u , Mil S , \ V I,i' ll e y . Illld OIli er e min ell L flU- It '' \'· I: r"b. 'l:l L III Wlllllill" VUlIr I elo I:!lH)' g v( lUI 10 1111 01 IIg1(!J Ji(( m I nl. u ~ .111 '1 I> aulSOIl '0 Ii ;1111' 1' . iCC 1& i:J sllll' cry oppose IIlId d en ounce I\IlY nou I . . . . ' Illors. E verv lIumh"r b('n u li,(lI lly il · e I I .. .g " " t FOB DOAI\D OF l'ulJLIO WORKS, " ' robbIng lind someLLmes kil l,' . ly yeal s . nnd !.lIvn L hllJ II .; LnIlCt· Itt it" v" riou' br"Il('hpa ' 1111110 be Ing CI IZCII S. Ie W III C ctJlInl ry ) lilg . yc. ,'I UIIV\\' ICt . ~ • J IAMES MOORE, Of C08hoclon . evcry prOpoij lLltlll to nmend lht COli '" ' 1' '1'1 I I I ' \ lu sl l'1l lr ti WIth (' ngr ll \'ln gs by 1)111'11"1' l ' ' I I 0 N" II" I)'." 11 u ... '" • , le .uO Ie 'Ul ~1Il1'1 1I. J 1' " ~O ll 0 I II 1(' I U&s'r M ATl!:ltIAL \/:l£U, OL"RK S"UPREME COURT, sliLulion lind pl'ovi,lo nn IAllifol'111 qunli· I b I! I IH ell I I" h ' l d 01 110 ' lin d li 1 e IIlId other firsL' flllll ',1'c l'I113, $'l I - J OSt'l'I I"
I) \\t! ~il\llce.'1~\1 \'I~ ",11Il~
.h~rifr s~e,
~ ~lIkil~IOIV'U,
. . al.~
n~III1 mlllic~,
Iy~. ~hlJ
"nice hoi FO Y FOOS, of Clintoll COUllt).. fiC lltivll '1of VOlers . , fOI feoeral t '· Ihlltlh c pO-Will' S 11111 dere. Ih ey RODNE resL in the btntus exclil sivcly , lind 111111 Ihe UIIILclt Sialell sllllll not ' uI,u l: l,tllke OC'l'OBEB ELE«..:TION. 'L 1 . ' I
I ~\;~
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~lIlilh " c"piell $5;.(he . uo. S3. "1I1 1, rnl On jilt· ," ' . ' or ",,, ,,Y IIO . ' Il' ~llor Ihlee ,\\ l' ldt.! e, 135 "' l\8blll"tOIl St., out IIrlick Ibtl 1.1C'HlII ' CII fllntl's !
. C CIlIlll11' ' IrO il J S "IS IIIres ll'1 I II'" ), ear ; I.uy ll liS ' b o d 1'I" 1 'lIllI pruper I' 'III J 1111 ,1111 l ,. Ihnt lire HIllJos> Ilt their Ul CI' c.\'. \ I
M' . .
II, pi
r".~ ptlndcd D1 ~ J WA' ~ ru~TIN \lE~ I D N I TRY, .
ClimmlD~ ,
mlt;llcr}~ l A. JON ~" M JJ., I~ . ;,, ' ,,, "" P~""';'" I (hfIC~
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C '011' . I Ice 8 " III !:\fre"' . \' NOllllal uJl , d t llllUII ClIlg 1'1;:1111111 J UUII !! .- - - - -............ ....- - - II' \; '" .I' III L.ll I I , lin d III li S w,lI ·S . Ict,,1 1 '""" "U .. t:CltlC IU,f.llllewllq':'"IIZlIli oli of LI,t:LI'I' O,LY , " . . . .. .. '\' ;"
e' HnP & '
111 Il li .
Mags. Good and Bad Calico'
~OI l1h
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r. tI~S \l.I~ \----:.=-----,--U D L I~' Y I~' L 'I' 0 N ]) ~t,"d"1\11111 (\~l' l ~'\l\t tl
10 pl'csc n ..e bbnllnoL in I Ie COIl~II W 10 - - - .,N" - -w o r who vole I UIlOIl in • sovel" o ri-c II li S Tillles Bays :- ! I "'lIlnls .. I r" po.es ,Ill " .. AARON 8'l'XPIIENIl will be B cl\ndiuat, shall A dl'lli e r iu mtllllic illlhl\L cit, The co ot of B )'I.l rd or II g lal'" bd "b·P,.,". hl11ls1,II "uLl Un;S ' fur lntirmuy Direc tor, Bubjl'CL to the states.' I r '0 bl . ' h"l1l With lilly n l"'I"III' nt \ .CJ £J I decision o( the Nominating COQV~ n . • . I ccenlly 8l! lIt bl! vt'11I1 01 Ih ' urliclc s to ma I~ I' 0 C OIJ~I \,1'11 e ImpUl'tllllce lo . , . " , ' '. Now, th e cllndlll observer til . I (he t:OIl" UIII H \\'100 st udi es '011011 "\" wbo \\' 111 Illt' d h,lm III VII lI lICd Bl l1tl., tion. . B illon ltou"", WIl(: lfl lh(, \' IUI'II'CII 011 \ ' c . - ' ,. , , "\"( n-xw once prCCClve Ih lLt, Ullder the prese nt , . n , '. • J th el e 1I1't: Ihoso IVhu, : - I' IIZ UlI'e nc ll ,dl" ck , Ih , \,Ot'I, IS ) \ ( ' .u, T. Y. WALES will b'i f\ cllnditlAto for '" I, •• "d ,'" ",I, "h;,h ;, i". ;,,,d ",.. , S' ",I." ,.""", , . """'''''' '.' g'''''' -, '" ."" ",,' '" P"'"'' d, ,'" W '" , ' " " . " ,," ,I" "I ) ,," "r h .. 1 ' . dl b II 'd , \ Dll.nufth lll lJ lucc. ue IIg '" I" Ibe Legislalure, 8U!JjtJct t.o tho d ecision on so c erm lnc y y III t' rno,'tll.le ' , ' . . 1t II • " a. n ree of the NominBling UODvcntitlD. , . ' tit . '. , . " 10,,, it woo. r",,,d ,h. 10,,,',· ", ,,., "" """I, " low" p,;", ;, .. ," .'," M , . ,,'" '" " " " ""Y " ,,' • J. KXLLV 0 N EAL Will be n CAndId a te P"IIY, In Iho pOll cr 01 LOUIS ' \ f I d f II'f . btl ch"III) The ur hUll drt·t1 Julllll's /I )"111' II'lI lch \IT A{I\: 1/ S "-'I L I .', OlllO ,_, I"ue 0 ffi'ce 0 ( I' rosecuttnJ( . A tLulncy. 11\1111, ' S OUllI C'UIO ' I'11111 Ilnu.• 'I' , " . . III u a mUll III UIII or,11 uf . 't'l , I" I I ' I I' ay l' I.SISSljlPI .1 . I rc s s,' , II 1I . " IS II d l' l1llllld uI.OII Ihe 11l:1I1UfflC \\I alII 1111 U, ' I. \ 8t:1\'Ire . , " " " rw,' I"" I" " .d ,ood, . ""d h,. " ', I"'"'''' d ' I'''.'''''''' '" 0' 0 . .., • g "''' '" "". Cilp tllill \'1 the U IlI lt·d . Sl'IIcS • l " " . '''' . " 1'1''''' II """ I""", .,Ioo',d ...
cl,flill ~
cfllic~ i~ ~
~ UI 1I111~lIll1l1l1tt:ly,
"."1",, Onoppnltlg oll"()ICl'l\cthcm~I I \t:6 I1l\Olhtldealh"l
tilallll~ "m, ,. "'.,' ,,, ...
.~dlldle I~~ COr'\~'Y I\\JUd~~OI" sublcc~.
~OI" S
HI111'C\!S~llrll)' 1I.1~
I 11'·1
J UhIlJ"CoUA~IUI"Whl'llllelil"u, \
I\ ~tvr II1CIl·II~~, · d ~lxle~t1
'h' , " "I' I" " "" I, ,10" ." "" , r I". ,.'" d, .. ' '' , . ", " """ I"" " hiY .1I '" I", B'lOA U CLO '[ II B t o lule, I'll Ll le of 'J' I. A " u. 81PIlIn CI' ill II. "lIIdicular POSi IlOIl. bU I 10,,"" IS, illl""lu ccs ill io ti le W II!l'S 1,,1<1 "!.! ". r.i1.Hallec!. 1'" ,i ,I,·s 111 Oull' , I I 01 J , l', Otlll!'C' I'Icut , lU ll1 Pfi\ ti I IItl lll ullOI' V~::H'INGS toe eOIBlon 0 luo 1lI 0 1I COnVtllltlOl1. U IC Ig . J, I!~ I\L Ihc corl\!' IUlll. I' 'sled g-P(l(1 ib IV I,,,n lllllt'llCll ble. ceH'tln ' pr~\iarRllUlIs"I , . • , 0 ecL hlX n r g locs 10 t ie Ht!IHIlC '"11 I \ I 1 I 0 ,. I . , I 'I " l" II " ' I M"J'" W. W. W,,"'N will b. " ". thr~o 'Ilm cs lhlli. numb cI. . I" "d ,I "';" • 01",,; .;" • 1,;,10 ,," roo,,· , '" '" "'" "," , ,10' G ' m . ... ,M "I " ", ,"" . ' 1' """, I . ..... " ".""" '" P"" 10 Ih e h OllSlI l g P pluJU<:IS hc u thUB ctl,lt:d UjiOlllO ~lIP ' SI!S' IU Il of 1I11111~ f'\I'uill'; P, IIl1d lou\;~~, " . ·I ' h ' f ''J''' , 'I ,MMIN .
u' ,. . C.
..". m
b• . " "._ ",d ,'" "r.". ...dn LI"
Ilidale for the office of ProbaleJudge, o f l/' l'reSl'll lllli HS.' Convention. lubjeo' the decision o( tb e
U uion
~leoffioeofProbAteJuJge,subject ... do,i.... ,I 'h' U"I", JAMB8
SCOTT will be a
d""""",i, T h. "Om h,d
Thcre IS nOlhi ng l \VII S u lI).ll... asHllIly dIS lortl! t.! . lt I. MI
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a lltl
r II'KIl~l'orISl1lJlI ' / Th is s ple lll of 't1J'('s~ing IInlllinis h- -The New Erll 'id lit t.: 1\.I,lIIe >om" ,lI"" '" P';" I, "",I ;1;" ""I" .;" g,' " ;, ;, " ,"" . ;, p,,,,,;,,d "' "" I"' wI'c'I'''.' '" 10,· .. ,,' ,.·d ;" N, . Y
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Blttl utlhe
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1' , Cl. I\IIIl . . lw sL calicues 1.11''' dl:csscd wid. / lll U\'" IIIt: llt wll ;ell led \he f \ .).) '( . It' --1'I '1' I & I . . , . It: II IIIG e illtrhneill A. B. Goocu" willbellcalldidlllefol' dCl'lhedclTlocrRLlcpuhcy !" II'II., lC 10\0 III S II\ II l , lvu r,' c. , uml '1""1111'111' of 1.II ,hup T"" 1; IIlHlc llh ctiUIl""v isiulloflhQ\l'x cr County R ecorde r, b\e, Bnd fully flS p, obllbl c, Ihllllil e Iw o 1J ,IIOl1 HU II g(' , 10 wliulll d ,,, clI se 11' 11 ' .' wllh on e or Olhel' uf plpL·" I>"" .. , ! hrll"I, tile office '? II" d... ,,,,, ,f ,", U ,i", """ "". I",""" ,, " ". ' ''" w;II " "";,, " .ood. "'1,"" ,,1. hood "",',·,1 ,10" ,", no "r, "r "",lop" " : ' .":"" ." to h. .., Y D'. 10"1' C",,·. It,:,·: U,., . T. TOO 0 S. 0 N , llon. I b r l . . II ,e ICfJlllins lo UIIl lC 'l'l ilker At N' IV \ III e VIII" 10 Ih e InCXpl!ll ellccoJ eye . Whell find C""\1,,I ,I. til 111 1l .. p,,1 • ., I " II" III', Id ~I'llerb I',y a t k" •• y num CI' 0 Iwltro mcm uCI'8 liS II 0 ' c I I IV' ' s lie II 1\ d'le sse d rI' III'IC ' co:n e~ I CI HlI'~ II IIl1u,. It I' U Iho,,' ul. 111 '111 ) Icali' wl.u " 1'1 II" \Vould be if qllllliliclllion o r \ '0101'8 I . who lIad COlll flll ll etl bO grnve II 10 bll. Wilshed, llie 'eXll'a lin'i",h,' i ing- Itlilii s lI: rs in lil l! nUll t.!e · eugl' u III wilhuul 8 dllp llriur !: WIiS mad e ulllfll l'm and UpOIl S O DIC ott. l illi ' Ilkc _ ._ _ _. _ _ , _ __ I\S IL. IS callcd, nOlllinillions. HI!:AU \,.'-1;\ UE CLO'l!llH,(} F. SULLIVAN will be n cantlidlllc ur !JlIsia thlln Illt1'C CO! I)!'. , ()':'r Th e s leRID er DOI'e,t'Hl'lfIill K S. It' II,\' llig" 8t, fL, 1111.1 loose ly WOI' e ll III larj,(c fjllllllilly .. lid II 1f'j!1I II I quulily ~or ~h" office 01 County H'('ool'ltOI', BUU' '1'1.0 id eA LhflL ir ne" ru cs be "110 e " I [lull ' r 1.lt \ r k 'b S d f IllI e 111 Ihe hllnt!. wJ.ll e Ihe WIll..r III Remarkable Maniage. d,yl£', ul hu'"O IlIuJ.,e, 1111 lIyS, jll HIIl'plr, ]ecL 10 lue decision. of Ihe Union Con· t 'I.tl I ' 11 I o so I I( Co IS Yd' ' - I' \ j) Plt.'rtllllle·1 I" muinluin 1110 rl'l'ulJI\JI .. IV u ! C. ,I.. IC ~ t1rg, 011 " "l UI (I Y ~'41' wi ie l 1 iL IIf1S b · 1\ Imost , l'ention. DAVIn ALLEN will ue B CIIII"I'llllte for 0I \0 ll CY WI , IV lel'tJver River, hal' llol Ck .""HUgJ. lUI' bdl- Rlicldnl1'" ,'Rtrr Il}Iltl'l morl1l1lg • C rlll huuse UN lI .. tJ or Ille jj""l' cill" , , U II I ' lla ey 1I<I.\' c L.J. c i . llIg a largo qUIIll .. !urllll.d III III IlJI n ' . "" V13, L 'l{ ,l, 1 .. I abtlofficeofP\,oseautiugAllorney. , LI611UOI . eI'lCIl IIlIdll numul'I' lh.,lln "I ,r" '11),1111111"') wills""e I. . &lrong LI.UUI 16alldCIl!CL \ IILYOfMtiortedfrt lgIIL . c, L'mnk I ,·s.' Oil Ihe dolilltnllY, I I" 'I J\ged. "I. " ltIV five I'en J\ju AI ' ' • , ••• lIol)orsons 011\ negroes to ollice •to hAve of for ditTer(... lll IIt'V" SCIII' t:e y lilly • power,' Rltd . .' " )'t"lIr '1'1111 .- jl OIIl. IuJ" I:Ive . S· ' r ' 1 I'oi"ts . SJ. " COllln II ult! I f ' III( '0 rny. .IIIMI' It:\' ~C \· t n.y·lillil 'TulI: SENATORIAL CONVENTION, which Rny ,orce lllus ll'tS I 011 the 'furlher it! tJ ll ha ll f\ IIHge ij U'lI of 1Il01l !;V- uboard , 0 " SOli . kl'' 1In" "l',Ptllr tielub wlJrse or J. al''')· r si lIell · t !I 0' f tl li':S !.utIFC ntlstnctlfm. In th o1111)' wll,1I .. CLl"I·I" IIrt: 1.0111 u . ab goou t"O , •. al Middlelown. ell SaturUQ\'J Inst, llltL pOlsen pe rsollll\ 111Lt:lligcDce wd! us \\'hnl \Vn. in 1IIIIHIs of th " ]11 OI·lu ur t II' IV IIII \' ('xlcnl e ll)'_ T il t'\'- hllu IIIl1de Ilue 1111(1 t1"il o Cnilltnd Illld prices. . . ' ~ v !\SCCI .lIln . I tlie t!th inel., lo nominllle B cnnditlllLe lind POhliClI1 8Rgaclly, equRI to Ih e pnsse ngcl's fo r Ir nui ll g purpose!!. II plaill picct: o f clI /ieo is '6r.ish (·d ' W enlle for 'beginning lif",' JUlie 27. .N. for Slate Senat(.)r from this Dislricl (in- whit", ; ,,"nd if thi s Whil e 11.0 D ove WIlS nL Te hut.1 IIhe II'IIS \ har e Ollt 10 rub but II slIl Hl1 POI'IIO'n bt), R house lind Iurni lo hing il II' .!luling Warren and BUller counlies), the obJectloll to the adm.l sslon 01 the I UOl\J'(l eo II bAnd 01 "I'meo d eS l'tl l l,' ' I llII ll place to bo L,III" lIol.'lAt e the 1'. A LU' ' 1 les I ted hllal"ly r . belll' cell j Sll~>Dill occurred II ' 1I1arnngu ' tlr. e l'l' I mo· ' resulteu in lhe of N. C. Me- negroes to the right of volinI,\' fld ls 11\ oocs who tiled upon Ib o olf1 k' ll l r"" ite lin ger fllH Il lHnb of t! 1I'1l,' I I".' ",,,,,,,,,,.' ' 'I"" "II'J.>OHIIP ,,,,om lOllI', \ ';\'1 ,),.£: io ;.. fly , hl,IIU "",,; ) •.,," 'rhe rIUV.l'.rE valuable HOUlSe·tt ..IlIhl J"on, I
ont.! un . I ITlHIIIS.
1... "d
In' II"
l, 1I1H~CIlY "
lD~t F
tLI~Y .mal~
~electioll .
Arllc~ns 6~\lIllcreprcscnlRuI'u~,
~zoo pR~s"llg"n
~t' lI
""k" "" . ,,,, ..,,,.
h i~
DlIlllt.' YlllltlloiIlUil~idlllllt.
exalll:lI~eleck i>UDL~. 1IOUS'~'--ND
'''''. " ,
~1 '
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1 1'I'u~I't:C, IU' d,~ I,rtlp~l~l';\ u, :1 ,!" ~lIll\h"""""~ l'.lfI~c lil~l! J::pi~~u!J"1 tlisappelll'~, tc~
I\'~ I '
~o . cOllct! d~d, I
~ll 1111~\lII)~d.lt~ Ct: pll~C
,,,d,, '"d
h()I1I~, 'I\~ u"t\'tJ~ 1I ~xilllc:le"Hl1lJIH! S~e lte~WI~t:' yCOII ' f1 ~ iL.lVel e nLI'II\1fe llts Ollnbl!hll!!al\tlcOllill~ w ~dding ~hre'\l1
ARLAND, Esq " or Unmlllon. '1'1' I . f ' lU g Ih e male, lind II'Olllltilll!l C;oP llllll j Mnncheslcr ili on 611y Wit I. e' of II 10 II ell' lI e W sUlflll10ntd l iP · I·1 t' E 'd N· I: 0 .. _ . E f II ., 10 g oomy l.JlctUI'C 0 s it U J • u Ie 11'1, I' I ,I I I Cu on lie IIBt II e 01 uri" , onD OJIIITli, sq., 0 .IIWilton, WRS , . I . I uU I se lo u, I),. ],jl. Bfl S)(CI, Ihe clelli, CO IIIIlIUll os t quailly, III'" dl css' IVdl be ! I. " IInu lIter8 ht:cfl lll e uuo, 'fol' 'I'ilirtl anLi F.ilwh 8trrell 'l'hclillaills Sllcl.. shlill Ihllt the b·', ltl! r ot rur IV 01' ''C' . prl>llcl'ly pr MU!I.In. RuBEBTa-ili tl Ie olbe relln d '.lullle. '1'1 16 S e.llaLO\,SIIIP ' \'tlllg III I It! 10US('' lind : SIJlllk'ng waslIsowounll,·d. I 1 ' '1'1 ' 1 • being cooced ... d 1lo Butler \111) comiu" 111 thll hnl1 of wlllC\i l cllll lc bUl\l lubbin " lill! ' 111111""o1s 111'C It-ft liS fnr IIp a rt M Ih use lclud,.d Illnl Ih,·), bllt.! no 11mo tn wllste al,.rivuICMleo. ' term nocandidlltE'from ' , .e Ih e dcm Ol: ISlIS hol d up to tCll lfy Lh e ' t: I ' II' II ' ' I 110 J pII ; s.rngHs'J / p),t cc,/.(l in .,nfr. lOllI', '1'lt (\ ll\lsel8WI'Il buill,llIlI , , I\lrcn \Vtl S In I • lll1 11 1'111111) IIIl $ 30 '1 '1 " '" " " n Q nceordln I . I 'Ot'II" ' 11 I 'I fi " ' \, hoi limid nud Ih c ncrvuu s is II IV I ' 0 • , 0 ," I .C II II w e dlllIY 01\\ II Bill"le W"uL Slrlll!; Ilw nv to . IUII, WI I IIfI-e ruOln8, iJ g y .1e t.u; uutt Vl'l;lIlesfor'WltrrCII . ' . IS e lH \ I:l IUOO II'Oln lb e uf Iho lIollt '!' I e /1 ud"ull 'I' I, ' ' 11' bo f ." hOUst'\.:.ll'·pin • • ki\t' he'\h,ul ce llurbillowand f II . • \ • aSUlll cr, II WI " OUllu to c\ "d""" '1'. "" . shown ' 10thllJlf• I" 0 " II" ..... I, '" "' " ' 1""'" " " "", w;II '""" h,,;ok.. .i,h" "" I,pi,« " ",d If AI '. E, I",0 .111.., ,,10 i. hi, ., i. " 'Y ' ". . "I , A.' ,II "r . of mll sc I re. lninsR " . I v,l 11C '11 uh! It tnrd .. 'Y of Iruil I .reek Towns bip btling-- lllrg-errellresf uL. . whal'1'1hilS0uce ll possibl.c rOI ti;; h l) l OUt. . ' \ th c COl IIII'IUY .h u ("Iico is 1\ ' g' ond Yl:nr, Ilm"UItI w,,)!,r' "I' SILIUUlctl thp.
~\, .
w." "" , , '" ""
lid thaD allY OIlIer. We gil'e Ille
~ I'
sl~ "hn "
elite. }
'OI~;l \lifLh
\~Cal' C C
LJ ""VOI LS 1 ,,y all)' &uch 1t. t;SSi llg will cnm u u III powel'. vllrllll,t llc PILSI I:ru\llltl 18 or tl ,. ,I ,h. d"'g"'" w;,,, I.. , ,,, "C"; "" "" I"',,,"W 'f ,,,,. I I ",",,,, mo",;" g. '" ;"," "" ,r ;, "" ,.,",;"" " . ,10, ,'""d. '''', ".' I"" "'"vp, d 0'" I", "d "d d,'" ,,,, p... ,oo". JOnllB'r M .K· . E B'1 D grolJs ill "i,l\tt: .. \\O\\6e of llongres. , \ Old' Aunl L'l H.ose,' as s i,l! was fnUl il "P!,!!JtI' ' clu"" ly \\U"'Vell' tog.l lltr · II C.OltiS hUlldred .. 1111 'rlllll IlirulllbrRIICI'. " en, II y u,' woc:d, spill Illy. . rlllhel',' ' \ lilt I ' ' mlltl" 4 , 84Ucl .. puOlll t· · 1 ,1IIu,I 1" or ' I 'd W II • l'LeC I\V, -S mmor . . , . R',Il courls lhe f"vor 1I1l11 Ihe' Lli!", _ "IIU j Y ca II e d , d'leU 11IIho Poor A sylulIIl, l "'lII g Ie tl .. · d •I rall'll oul Will .UIl .er pUrilclIlnre, apply tn "I e 8. nry helwood, 1'.11 Ktrk, \ . ' , g IIC II I' Vinct'lIn es LI I' , I Ulll'"1 Lhnll 9 1111\> wh ell pull ct! 3JOO cooper s l'l\'ell. N,II' is J. D . 8WETE }'["hl,n W ,;ghl. it. H. Cm;"gh"" "'" " . ,'" wi"" m,." who "" ,Io", "I" , I · ' " .. ".. . ',, • "" 1",,' " " " , ... ",,1 ' ''',. or ",,10 "".,.",,; I",,,, "' ",10 ,,;, ;" r";0' ;" • ;,," "'; ,;, y J "" \8. W'f R. S. Lockwood, Huston Gco', rcsenLln g . The I I OIn n b IlI' C .UI Hln es tal e 01 oo ,lu , I presellt 1\ fllllry while !C I't:tlly. live Fill'S nhl, sl.e "Iil l R Sage W W "'I'IB ... '1' 'I \" '11 sc nM ors un,d r.pl'C SOlllllil'es uf Loui s- ' lion Sl roilici of • I'OU:IC \ lllr) whorc piece w,1I be 6rw lI!<d cll1 Slil' IICIII'e l\Ild ","Ik .A.ltCA..N...r.. WA'I'«":II, . , . . . . . on,':' • • ! t . ; V I ' • C ' ") . C I I ' 1\ rl tl '1 ' An Elegant Novelt . ur iama , Geo . W . H UII' In " L k' inIlR, So ll ll.Carolill ll nnJ1Ji ss isGipli 'lre rn)O II, 111 10111: tou ch. I.'!! \Vo .O\' lI'l'I'lI1l e9 1110Ileda y,wilh , . ell}' U ' IOB . I, l I' "'I I d "" HIlt: fHtlgll u II I' · I .I I I' 'l'I'e CIl sed of tll' &'v I Y1D" I II ,0 sill 'I).L laLr ' S I t ! 'inl'IHllion, Com;lo&l'lI I . C I' 01 uresix un nd , tile I'l PI CSl' _ _ ~ __ ~___ " llIuli\, ep 1I0L 01 Il II' I"IIlt' , b'l .' 1"..., II! .'\V ,IISBpure laSl' 01 Mr . bll'()lh t.r I I!' J (' S 011 hursl! otl ck with "ew 10
t-lIJocru ll C
p Ili
n~lllo conslil ll~llcies.
(\:rIllll!.~llI cr UIH-rp~l'countJ,Vir"in
lI~g\'o popula lioll .
~Iccis l\i~
n~ulltler IIV~(
I~ ill
'I',!:"P' ';,.'" '"'
I~, hi~
~R1t ,g ,~~r gl ~lce , 7'~ . ~~o/~ n~"~()s, NO'I'IC~S-.---
T iae 1"g i, la , l ) I,III CI, IIs,crun, ns 1\'lJ 11'11 111 fl lVIII I , - .1\ pnper 8R)5: MAry E. uut.! ellNe '1'1· "'I' luid CUIII 1,1 lIeti ,rolled lOlled'l'fll se n!l lurs is IIptlr - I, ti~l,e url rrll it "'KS 1I :-:)vulh IYomnn , -.YtilJia "' tll '!}'"I , "ilL 1. I,ed. I b " lalI ud l of Hldl! uefllin ..." dill e :::iu Il'hOll'l\sbru lIt Aml'l'ieHII I I" . l prudullillllllll ILl !I .IA ' OI lion, and inolUDernble iJ>.6W1 nce s hilI'!: Li.o neo u po n II. c lIIiX(' Li II lid li S lli e . ' 'li e 11 Ill, 173-1, fur Ib e SUIII of t;:71! \\'111 '11 II ' I '!u g I, 0 lIe " "lt eo ::itntes \ _ ' . clIrll AO , cw • rOlllln, !<"I.\ich . .' f' l!' ILi. S he ke pt II ------ - wuyskeepilaculur. Tht!yoreul l III VII " 111111 cllrn'nc , \teeD recorded wlll'l'e human life ha s u tri C )1t' ol'l c 1\1" bbt:!l. 11 " ,1 I' ). IIn·l urtlll g hL \ iJ I'l:uel s UIIO pl·rsons en ., llgl.d ill bluet! 'I.!' !!i1·ECtAL 1,,1 os solid &told', "\ld nre .rrortl('u ... d b I 1""I.latul't' l·up l·"Sf I' II . , , u. 1 Ill ctll ll l'S t o 11 0 ' I I " "'I 0 ' , el' ul •• I.11 (l a\ Tl.6'u'c8de .Id I ' I .1 1C E 1\t,jlill " cLiIUwilh l ltiahieid y lie noule IIl1imlll. '0 II Illg Ie m"JI' l'lty 01 ' .\"crlllul'" .'- I ' I ,' OI'lI I\ I:.I,,)'n 111111111I 1:\ .I o.e W itS n.lolL ollly II u.Punpl ..een' 11pre8ene , ,.. , .. I . I I b' .. ' Ie 1111 erslgll~d hos UC!'I d I . wi'!h Pnlimt Pu~h pi". aud Of t 10 pl'OJl e, rcp rest' lIl s 11111.' '' 1'0 cun s lilll J' ,-, IC SOOIl be · s l')' 0 lie m OS I u""gt:l'IIUS I)·I' C bUI TI d' • n I uatra.tion of Ihi s oc curou 1\ A dllYS ago nellr Newporl count). cnc), _ '1 li e fl'prc.eIIIIlLi\' p, ill COIl"l'e'B lie plOpe l'l), uf Pl e ne ( 'ol'lJoyer ' Ie lOS t:tn In of o no I ell AtllIlinislrulor III II" (0; I 1I yrnS,,;>olnt. the exuct Illyla 01 thl! , . ' ' I' l ' '" E"(I Id ' I· I ' IlIltl AIIOII1(;I' II)) hu life SI \ I 1I . 'glille u '11\1101. I A.par Lyto flfldiI:9 Wt!' ' . IItJl II\. esr)SllllI o slll ll·s 1,)'0 rt' IH't'S>• lI t \ 1 1 1 , JII' f(' mlllll "l,I lll. l lnl rll mi ly UI:"I IJ le III U ' I't'pUIIlIIOIl , lit IllS OliI II, t! e- It! J enneylvallla. . ' or II. , ' Cl'" dl (·t:h"'d J I bl · ' l 1 gillberlllg w\;ortlelll!ni4<8_ One of the lIl'gl'O r.o n"Lilucllcies, .11 '111" II '.I,Y b It d J I I·g" "· 1 - 12, US. G. U I gold P'dlrG. Ullu tielecli(.)n 80 f'XOcl 1111The illl t. . <> I\' I · n lunll I, b .\111 .. 5 :'ulllllltd f " I'S II Slllll' ' ) \l U. g lUi \Yvll , S Ill! ugusl ul DB hIe,daly . , ' . ~ , len SI IeI H.lme .' . I ' e IldBO' Itcclpc f II ( ' .. 11101.1 is mllnUfllC[Ured by Iht'! well, It les had 1\ C 1Iid wlLh he r which shu I'lice lie Ih e ol'grll,ll, d tllllI/; Ill"" rtt' . \VIIS ilL Ihu wlcld!;!ll 1\ wUlllle rful p OIYu l' OV ·1' 'I' .. 1lIealet.! d on a fllit Bton e nellr "I. e re s hu rCl'r" scnll t III Lo lot', Ihen Iho l't,pl' C- lIrne 0 Icr u calJ:, III h(!1' 1ll5 th ule young men . or Ie of I'e"er & Agl1lJ. SI. Jimer \Vu,t dl C.,mpuntY of
O"'l'ne aagAciLy of the cRnine "pee ' buL 0111 i08 hilS often bt:I:n a 8UUJ' t'. CL of l<dl1ll' I'II - tllre llllil
hl\ si~,
r~sort llJ)'
\~ .
, ~~
I I~ n~I'l' u I
was picking berries.
dog, p bi,bh,,'
Shortly afler
"".,m"".;.d 110" pool
s~lItALiHS el S uulh Clll'uli l1a repI'C~l!l1l
w orn~lI.
y. :~Indetl d'~'"d''' """' ;"""Y, ""u ,1",1 ,J 'H'~' ~,: ~,~.:,~~ ,,~;",~ ::::':,:, :,::v~:,: II
~ \(.IJd \ NO """ , ~ort OIl~ \ iolb,llItooIWul'rcnCuflllly
) 865.-'~.
O\IlI J ~ ~gl'ee l'ulitic~1
'Vil 'l'i ~"
r(, pl'l's~IIIRtives d~1ll0 '1'1L' .
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I ur~' C l~G~/(, Mlrh.,~~epl. 9, 18n4'. ulltll'rll.lI\ler,bly fi i~he~,. h~)dAg o\,!"{;;.~ ~::~,::;~;:':;'''::'::;:~',~ !.",~'p~,,',' ,""'';';,.;,~ d i' ",:'.:~~;; ~:; I..~:','~"~ '~,:~ :';,:':i".:," ~ir. ;:r:';",::::,";", - -.
.etupaloud barlung'Houndthec1.ild , cOn.glltul' ncy \\ oldd eXI.! )'ci I' ' 1'1.' ·ullu lll ,C llilll of "flry 'I 1 1 ' ) \.I'IlS Iil cu tilt'rd ur in ""hidl In 1fliTIS " ." 1ou k Slru"!!' l"ulile tJSI rru I etllclJlPs u' . lcoultlkrer. "'11 <yare , and smolling at tbe udge of the slone llaroug h thcll' black rCI"'csv nlHtiv es Ihc Hll noun ced , 11 111 lollowint' illlt! ' . ' L!ruul1ll In luv" r of nr l:ro blllf,'npe .lId ) 1 ol l ie me ' . d " I , 0 I ()~I III" II'l1r ll ed hi . C II I b " , I Y /I .pI~d tor-ICIIlO Ih a lor cu-ethe rI,cupll' I ' peculiar. e child wae laken aWAY IIDt! th Iff ' of flowel' UIIOI ' 1dear will) WIlSI 01'1.'1 hCllld: I l, cUI' I'er I 't! uu". rYU1(;PII"rbl PII 0 !'hua worebt'el of liH' I !JUI II Ie peup" I' utie lheUl . 0 rlvcr n geuerul Dlld n,glll' mt'd. . Th .tone turned over, Wbl!D n lage "atd" LI e n 1m' o f Ihe COUIl II')' Iba l I he )' U.' 0 ' vu Ivcr ' r 1 uu p t:l\se end llI e. you r I'I! . Sel' , rclRry of 1\1 nl . I bP · l icilll'. " f G ' ' II ' ') HII3 Icrrll lJry. 'T' ue 'Dake was lound under it, Tho d il..l' I now thro.u g h Ih eir wui w l'l' I)l'esc ll ' : I I' . . ellr eOlge II I lI ut ve Irlle , u bfpuk 1m oltnde 01 ' l he 1\1 lake ' I,J- 0 118 J.lIO IIJISt: 10 -lIlgilt ' 'WI ' '<, n 1:l lllesJll.lo tilul r I III ., n ' A ac ed' the 8"a L'e , " _ bl' tten I \VIC' ' I, tll'PS ' l' " ' I" I\I ' i I Ie tl.e Ollu L ' urllier overy' Ill Ii S orry 1" \'e Ju s t I}. . "....... IlidgrPIl mar- d lour , nil I Ilell CUIe l\llse d d ' d II I t '1'1 nlld I no ' lu or" . /. ' II A. !I'n tJ.'.,1\1\' I R Near ' nlllllrb YI k I D Sl0111Qch d tt "kIe .8 ort y after . Nt Ie IV Illc o f Ih e n _ revolt'"r 10 MRry AR hl15 {uuIII' - rllct, 1111 1 t' W or, Mrs GulI- bon- c ld well wilh your and I 11"" roc til I .I' ( , a 'tlru. t ""ghler 01 thclal e Ru IV d I . , II ,ree .5 a Ie soulh hav c,_ without ex_ ! leIi U Will ev er so mllch more mont'I' 01 Ollio. ,nJUP IlIloll ny" I 19 compillilllwill be rrlll,oved tlnd 1\ g'epll\JII , prol't d Iril itors 10 Ih i Ih ull Alfll' d; !Jul , de llr I CRn lend 'oil _- _ rure effpcted . IIY , anu Ih e ..t! I' COU!I - lIly . iY\l ry.. hnnJ It'd btilc; IO, ' with o:7:" I'h e hl'lIll h of S eer lury ' Se ward ,lI •.'s. UI:81.lIIellt ber'lff!. op .. t; Ie IMII.y urge ' Jllcaoul'v ' n Ol' hI d S IlI1 wli Q'ur ,) VI " K"C M ' . I t.J JUgI whotry lv 8 OhY 81Clon, will \)1l.8Q\led 1I!llch '. Y :,,: y, IS r0l'- co;t Eufferi u::. YOllr~ Iruly. ~,. _ . • . _ . ' : idly i lllprl)~ial1. , A. n. T AfT
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proved·;;'wel'edacli(lli,will.llne ..... f bkelelon hilllde'"lIlIa i.I Iwllrrllfl1ed lime keeper ' . 'I'heee -. watchel I f . of ·tbree ," BizlI!!, the 11m"... . ' lesl b"'·.II'" lor ,.. .. C\lIIeP, I'., !t\ Will b Ilullting t b M'I ' e aPt) y u\IJI\or'''I J!.X"rel' A Bingle one \ViII t ..ill 8 liD Muroccd CosB (or ",viiI reul:il, I . ' •• , fur t Irce pml\8 lilel. r 4lsl;- ., vy e bif ogP llli . ,lor illis wall'h lit the SIBles, nlld.'·" ne e" genuill. 1I0t bes 'our Trude mork. · Adure81 GIRARD W. D'E YAUGH '& IUlllort~r~" JIi Maldell LOII!:'~ " '{
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F ... PXA ax& Foal' A ~J&!i1'. a:::i'"' A liule akirlDbh look pillce J. ilEAL. DIL. I • .A. aOIDKRRY. -:-Our exeellet t frillnd, Mnar. Me- terda>, betweelLll 10DIe. la", pl1giii tic Car fjull" r~.r_·._d Euer!l Wtek. D"onald & Pat6ball, sent UI I•• t w"ek, repre.eDt.ti.e 01 lhe Anglo· American 40 @ 175 from Iheir ~rchard aL .F ort Anci'unt, " rllce aDd " rrt:6 American citizt:n or Whea.t 11 bu!'hel, 66 bllket of Ihe 6ne.. penches we ev er ELliiop'iall eZlnction. The form er gave R 'e ~ " • . -.AT THE35 ODIS 11 · 10 LItTLE JLI.AMI BAILR O.A.D. .aw. TI ley were tlle 'Old M ixoDs'- temporary win1:8 10 a rock, which flew Jl urh'v lJ " I OU 60 Inrge lind fHir, lind luscious to Ihe t88:e. 1LO Ihe Animal development of 'de gemlI rn 'p .. , , coRWl" '1'AT10JI (wArBEIVILLEj. 9UO Incloeed iD lhe ba ske\ WAS, a club ,~f mAn's' bell~ Rllointing his curls wilb F luur ~) bnrr/ill, 4 bU ,.a.u • • • AITWAIID BOUND. FI'Jur ljI ew l I ( SAND8 ., KL EIN' S OLD STAND,) IU b scribers and a promise of more , 'the clar et,' which so alarmed him that .o lll ir r 111 tb 20 Ni"ht !:l'prefl. J2. J8 A. II. 25 Deg leave III info rm the public \bftt they om friend McDooald, giving cI'idencl be ft ed the fi eld -in dismay . BOllH)er-..j--..4...IUO--jU-1lI- (';IIICi1l1l1l\1 EJ[pre..~ '7.M r. 111.111 , IJ llve on hllnd ond expect to kee'p Moil and Accum., 11 .26 A. II. tl&Il\ he had a JUS\ consid6r"Li911 f' r the Form ers ill Uie trAgedy sh ould ha e El!~s t dozpn , 90 PUI 'ILOe8 1JoI bushel" Cuiumbul Accom., 6.28 P. II. GIIZlllle's linllnces, as well a8 an ildmi- been escorted 101\ lock· up. ond there Dr ip d A ppll!S "\? \b A Complete A ortment of 10 (iD 12! TIlAIHIt wBU'WAaD BouNn. 300 rllble appreciation oC our tAste for the diettd on milii food cBlcul atcc.l to sub Cllic kellS iJI t!02.C II , 11.30 A.lII r M.a and Accum.. Cutl;·c V ILns SU1!Olr )1 Ih ' 17 Ii! 38 , 6.611 A. N.- 'delicllcios of the 8enson.' We are glad d.ue such belli ge renl propenllilitie8. 22 New. (Jrlea Night Eaprell, I 35 ' WAYNES\' I~LE. 8M A .... to kbow that our friends ' orchard is in -.N .· 0 . I.\l ul ft sses iP ga l lUll , (.;olllmhul Aceom ., 1 00 4,26 F. II. ~ A disgraceful row occurred on Ou,d Oil 1Il l!o llu n" (.;i ncillllali Exprellf, 8uch 1\ prosperous coodition, lind Lhey PAINTS,OlLS, - - 0- • D" n ... ' alop. h8\'e our hearti«::8t wislafls Cor Ih.ir con- \Vt!dnesday e vening, RlDon g sOlll e boys, - - - - - - - a t the postuffice COll1 er, wh ele sl oll 8 'A~llcrth;clncllt9. pL . lioued success. D Y E·ST U FFS, LO~T :-;'13.00 Rewo.·. will lie w61;e hurled lind onlb s and curses mad e 'G B. EAT -----.~- --TOILET ARTICLES, floit! ror t~8 rer-overy of a . S'leeve-DUllon 0:7 Perhaps there is not 11 more th.e night Rir h e fl~' Y' W e hOj.le Ihe re l -L.A. C. • W.R.H. engraved upon ilpellcenlJly ·dlsp08t'd pereoo in the neigh - Will SOOIl he II qUi e tu s )Jut to those un . , IL,. - UF~. ' losl urou Ihe road bet \YeP-II Woy nesv ille wonted di ,; lurhllnce8 j bUL II plH ce 0 ( \ AN U uorhood LllllO Doc. Ne lson ; lind if Dlld Cop t ai n Hoel'., 011 Ihe 71h ins!. TIN-"WW' ABE. PA.INT- BRUSHES. u eatto d with tbe cOllsiderlltion Lis Rge rel i r~me OI bbould be erected for ~I\U CADWALLADER & CRANE . and illlil'milies entitltl b,im 10, de spite bcndhor s u e ll offend e rs, if th e IOCKI IJ ' ]1'>1 Q I'> WHlTEWASH BRUSHES, L\ ~ , CIIRONOWOY. - Isaac LaI'lAnCO w;)] hi li pecu lilU'i lies, we bdillve he would IIIW ill oot sufficie nt terror in th~ir ey es . The beel quality of I (Successor to /J(~pkills ,(. Cris/lin,) dc\iv tof two ahorL IC:lLUrea on . Cbronolo- nev!:l' harbor R LboughL of hlll'm flg<Lins t Z6 A p:cnic is Rnn ounc ed ..10 lakf' I At Ih ~ ul d MIII IIJ 011 :Hni n S I'e"t, \V oyncs- ! ]:> 0 gy, nt the U Ilion S.:11001-Hou8e, in lbie all:)' thi ng. But il is a s hame that pa· I::; , ' .. , pillce, Rt elu1y cAndie-light, on the nHlt~ will purnlil their chil dren to IIU- pi li ce in Pidgeo u' s GI'O\'I', nellr FI'I,e · vi ll e, \\' (l uld III I,H"1 ,hiw oi d ell. tolll ,". IIlI d .J . For mt'ui cillnl pllrposes, to whi ch tlte Iltlite rtl" t ul m UIII, ; lIr1 " tl, ut Ir e bas II cood t: v ~ni ng pC Ihe J7tb iDSt. Tbelle lec- noy Bnd IIggrll,:l\te him on tbe 81r ~ ct fl urt , 011 SlIlurdllY nex t. An indil'idllal I UBSQrtmellL of tenlion of Phy sici ans is especially clllled; IN LlIl'es will enlloble anyone to ttlll. in a by clllling hi m ill names lind mocking fr olb Fre eport ~ Il gllg c d th e in\'iII\Li lJ n ~ ond wh atever perlains to a /I~W 8tyle. 011 what dlly of tbe week his crippled wlllk , Nor i:s lbis confineu fr ow thi s uffi ce-prulII; so d to call for FlRST-nATE al so. 11 varil' d supply of IIIIJ eveM h"s taken or will tllke place, to tbtl boys IIlune ; me n ,,1.0 ' lire lit th elll fit a ce rlf\ ;u hour on II I011day of when the date ill eiVfn. He will insure lellst uld ;no ll /ih to be bellel' 1..11'(011, ill - las t woek, at whic h tim e th t y \V t rll Till , ('op l'( 'r & ~lI eu l-irull \Val'e tiatisfacticn. Wh.,~e. 6~rict atlenlion is cile tllu uO}"ij 10 " I'en funllcr t'xtreme~ rcully fol' him; bUl \a t; failed Lo mlLke for sa le nt th e low rs t cO bh pri ces . AII kill,jg ul Also, 0 I:ooil SUPPlY. of gil'eo. f.r lc«!i Willi prmtcd 9uleli-gt'1l by Illt·ir (I\I' U (' xlln,!,le, until it ie now bis, appelll'Unc c. lIe hilS shown him se lf \ 0 U TOO C R W 0 R K ." ;::, "emen, 000; I.dies , !6c. bCllree l), saf" fur th c POOl' old man to ueil lwr a ma n of hi s word nor a ge ntlemnt.. lie owes UII four dolla rs. >' , ' C 1- 1 CIS, • "ppOHr on IIl e II tn'c Ls. Y t"sll:l'dl1Y morn· RUCIt fiR Sp ulirtA'. Roo fin g. &c ., uun e un _ _ _• __e __ sh .. n lI utice al:d ill tlt e blle t 1II~llner . - SUC ll A8int{. tw o IR lge boys 116sII ul tlld the Doc., &4]' Rev. Wm. RU l l e d g ~ , form erly Ju ly 3 - 2 who cuuld lIut tldend himsc,Jf, when, TEA, In ,itlw oL.tha filet tlaAt dronk en ness bll p!,j ly , th t'y Ulll· xl'~ct ,, "ly fdt tb eir Pllstor 01 the M. E. Church in lid s COFFEE, 6ud iLl intvn"llble altendllot, rIlwdyi.w, c h c~k& lilJ~lt' Ly tbe well·(imlld inter · place, Ilssisled in its cv ellin g ~ crvi c tlB REMO~VAL S UGAR, au llis t Sa ubath. III r, Rutl edge i~ II OW MOLASSES, !lui greal I)' on the incr!!II.e in our \. iI· fcrence of II mlln who sH'p pcd furwlu~ I tolt e tJ.:-IlINh n!l of inform ing SPWES, Inlltl; And Le lie ving die lim!! IaI\8 come IIl1d " uliS lilutc'd him self th e Doclor's ~ t a ti oll e d nea. t.Jilford , Clcl'lU o o~ (lo. lilt! lIie ll ~'1 uno Ih e pub lic ccnc' - I - - ---.. .. E'l'C. , ETC. li ll y, Il lUL I Iliw e rClll uvetl my plnee when some ' melln. ~houltl bll IId(.op~d cli llml,ion , Hi. l']( lIm pll: should lellc h Jar Mr. R,:t:vc Holl llnd has fllvored of b" ' IIICRg tn llie sn ond form erly ucrui,ied \ (or IIrrt6ting it(, progtc~8 , lind for ~h e utllt'l'li Il:s801l, illld illflu cllce them 10 aro\\'u J.y him- hy nlr~ . '1'h O Ill8 S oS a Func) Siure, laW , A complete assurlment of ' '1'lly. us , llru01olioo ' 01 tlie ttmptorHllce , rerorm, tl'e l\L I\ge IlIlu,. DII.~ fort ulle '\-I'I I I CI\,l se l' . • . ." """A"'R H ouse, tbe u ndcrsigned re~p". 1 ru I\y a,,}, th e IIiC people 10 meet ill ""y'8 BIlII, on MllnLl\'B (\14 VKGli1·ADLIU. The Ohio 1111' tltlyeveuill ~. tlill !hL illslllnl. ' (or tla e Sla ll: Juulllal altp. Ill e hig h figuni~ &. JIUI pOlle of t"king the walter into seri- thllt ;ul", for nwnt shu uld illtl lice gene ThA beEt quality or OUII con~ide'l\lion. rill IIbstinenctJ Oil Ihe p"rl (of our ci Li' , Let lheH' be a large, " full aLLen"d · ' IHlb, all a menns of ' Lrill ging down BUlle. prices. We IHe ill the midlSl of ' tb4" I~ 1~ r It i. ftn impe'; ti"e duty, lhat we, a8 at-aeon when 1111 t":xces~ of flllimil l food II Ilirge supply or well-selected christi"n', 88 patriota, a 8 pllilnnthro. is mOllt pernicious. Duriog such weath"" 'I' ll E ViSLS, and, as citizen8, owe to our coun- er 8S w e now lll\ve, but lillie, if IIny, ~ry, to postetity, 10 eAch utber, allli to meal io II (l uirti d, ev en by pel"Soil s cn· -----:. \.loll, tlul' "we acL in t"ili O1Il1l!!1', lind ga~et1 ill hnrd mllnu!.) laLor, IIml therl'" acl promptly. Let L:lere he a large IHI: I·cry . few fllmi lies who wo uld UOL in of nil kinds olways on hnnd . tUID OUl, 'lIod a full nnd frte ('zprellion e v"I'Y rc~p~ct b e belle l' off by curlailAND SEE. of upini01; ou tli!! lubjt:CI, that we may ing rbeir cons umption of mCllt to th e A fine 86eortmon' of Il() IIblll to d&l"ise lIome mellDR at le lls t cJ,L~n t of full y one · halr. Live 0 11 Hg~ LAMP~, to lesse u' lIlt1 e, il ll ariijing rrom th1i a& t.. bln until ufler the wllrm w etL th ~I' b l'ct unm :ligat.cd 'C ul'se of- intl·mperllncll. passed, Imd the efh:ct will be n !Dllte li u LANTEUNS, & Our counLry haa b e~ n IIAved from a_ ing of mollt·y, less lilibililY 10 fa'l E. It. PlltNTZ , CfIIMNEYS.. r~btlliun; eb .. 11 we now givu it up to a IIi ~e!. s('B, lind I't!'h ups a con~idl!r8L "'01'66 , a wore in. idiuu8 and slIbtle eo- decrease io bU lc he u' VI'ices. emy? (Md forbid. ..... -SUCII A8'AIL DEALERS IN J M H"ddtO J Neal PLUMs.-Mr. John Hawke pl'ese t; W It"gers '!'bom", ArOlltt, FINE CUT us, Illst wllt:k, some 6ne specimens J ~I FulLon Elton Dudltly AND PLUG, J 0 W.i lkinl E S 8heial~er pru·ne plums - the .ari:est /lnd CIGARS ANO Will H AuderlOa C W Klllly ~, SNUF F. pelfec\ we have seen for vears. Mr. EMICALS: S","uel ~idtl' A D Robert. iuforms us that he has , been success BLACKING, Juel E'·IIQ. JODIUl Jllnney BLACKING·BRUSHES, in keeping ~be, curculio from his pill OIL, 'i' L Aile", Sa.mue! McCune VARN I SHES, ETO.. SorCI 'f 1."0 Ir8 e~ 'for the lMlt wo years, by cOI'or J ttotndall 'l'homu Psacock ·I.flll P U Anderion L"vi Oll·,k the ground IIboul 111"01 wilh gl'l\\'t! '-': , 1111 :..'0.11'1 J A Crispin ballc 01"01!!0'1 This i& a biL of vlIluubl tl iuCol' ::::.11(1 J C Hop,k in. E R Print .. those who bAV6 bet'n uunble to V AHNISH 1 &V. ~ W Olutwrigh" D Wliilrton Alfred Jon.... J .Wil~i)D Edlfards crolls of plums ilJ con sequenc,," of :-- 1, 1111 We shnll Constantly keep otL' hand ligen, trout.Iesume insects. 'J] ~ lEI lID ~ Aq~i1'4 o AleCuIDR,' S ~ Eberly~ . ,I t eral as_ortmenlof PaICnl Medicines . ~ ti U~U"" Kii S Andenoo I A\so , just received Iroln l'imbu r!(, a F Wuliamt on J W Muon ! t. llfl ~ AU. Burnett gave goud and well-aelected 10L of (lh". Stroud Oeo M,Z"II : ', 1/11 inimitAble entertainments Q il 1I AND PUTTY, 1 U Harri. J W Collllu el'e ning, 10 1\ IlIl'ge lIuriienl'e in G J Wlright' C F Chllpman i, HlIll. }<'or two hours, hI' kept N",lllm Junea WID S Bowker 11'POltTEltS, ~' Ghe' llt 1. ()1L11, J W Ihinel J C Ril1~" ing I\uditors convul&e d wilL . C l' O"dwRlIad~, W R Hoel SllO U LD)~l'.·nRACES: or enehllined in silent lid And vou clilln ol \8illO be suited both in A~lIht<1 Cuandlu Juhn H" wke in a constant stale of WODder tlUulilY or.d price. • ALL Til t; l'u PUL,\R J H Bunhart S J Way 231. June rApid trAnsiliona from th e sub I b: K"ya J ~andll tl&tl ridiculoull. Burnen is a A E Mtlrritt J,U8 G Kt! ys ~ W Keys Abbot (lsrder wiLh the r eople, al\d nt' ver pe l' empty bellchell in W lIync&Vtfk . or 0 grea t ",RlIy kinds 811\1 in large quanli1tu WANTKD.-Weare req uesled tities ('ur su le by , l\J~R FMT'r & PRJNTZ; to stale ' t1I1~' o'n Salu t dllY of tilia week SALE o ~' rRCl'EUTY.-M,.s. M Rn effort will be Wilde to improve the ney baa sold her h O Il ~~ ulld lot -, Rppearance of tbe M: E Cemetery, by Isncet, to Solomoll Glluse, Price, $ t,OnIlii t li oll Colfe,', Rye Coffee, prun e Rio removing the weeds and ICI ubby bush- 600. ' CIJ U'ee ant! J<:,I(lrnr,t or Cutlee, lor 8111e by whi~b, hate been accumulating fOF Mr. Wm . B. MdJ lellllncl IIns ~old th e i)J1.;RJ{I1'T & PRINTZ. 80llle lilDO PAlt, to tbe greal d'etrim~ n~ bl'ick dw elling Ilud st,lre occupi~d· by tlr lDany or the lomb st.ones. All p er~ Mr. llRdtlen, to MI'. SalUuel B.(\gel'~.HE elDEn v INEG:Alt A we ll-se loc led II SS(lrilnelit of the nE ST Tltis we know La be rur e, 118 we pr?Ion. wbo.reel "n inteH.t in ket'ping UJl Price, $300l~. . ~ ""'vi I12 Sf'cured ti lt' "Nvice s of M '. cu ret! th e Cider from rclwble per eDna 10 the appearance at: this liule 'eilY ef the Mayor Dudley , has purchased Mr. ELLISUN Klnll' ., Nup",ior lVlJrklllll.n, Ih e Ihis neighborhood, lind permitted it to -dead,' are •• roe'tfy invited to me!!t at SII01Uei Roge r6' alOl·e.building 011 Muiu ............ ~~-' . . ~-;'......,......,. ,.... .... -- lIl ~ nt i,," II I h i; nllme ill tltis cO lln ecliu turn to viliCU nr jill ollr own premises . . f ll .r " . " will h., slI(ri ei,· "t t,:llnr unlY tllot S OIl~ aeMERRITT & PRIN'rZ. nLU ceIlMLer.1 ,a' .. ' early lin 110ur AS 8treet, for wIllch he PAYS S J 200 . On th e 3 .IIIl ~ t. , III F rnllk hn , by II. \ ' lion will be I/iven. II. W. Tllylur, ~lr . Z. U. BVUlid UIIJ M 'I . ~ JIOIJ:" \\'. COLLETT. flo •• able 00 Sllt",~y. 'bringing with. -I J 8 \Ii!!m nec~~ary t~11 ," .r "JI. work.· Jar At 1\ meelillg ' of the ~lIrren- .lI ,HY 1.I~11 L, bo".. , On 'l'har. Jny evnning, Aug, 3.1 , at IIIC ~~_ .__ __ 'l'hie cemettlry i. buuti(ulTy rOS1sted, county 'fellc)lerll' Associutioll, Ilcld aL hh;OUFFY' S .\: WI.LSON· S SEHIES' I fly tile kilt or 01 a warranted. re ri:tlence ul II.e url de's tutliN III Leu"· 'Ill! hi "Dd with 101D1! pain., CAre and l'X'pen8e, FrAnKlin on ~lItunlKy, Ihe Pi th in stant, ., on, by R" v. L. Clurk, BenJ amill Mu ll und &c &c. &c. qunlily, lor 111 1" by l' .,' , MEIU{'(TT & PRINTZ. might lie ••de" Ih reating; plRc6 for iL WIlS n:solv t d tllllt the .lleXL c~II ,' e n Cu d. nrilleiJllt huwttj, D. B . EsERLEY, the depaitea, iDalead, of rllnniliS lO A 'tiOIl shoulU UP Iwld aL Wuynes vill c, 01.1 1) £j • \ \V •• heR Iv inform ill S p"lr<lnS 1111,1 lit e wilderne88 tbrouih negillet. h ia to the U'cond SlIturday in S~ p\elllllt'I'. _~.~_~~~~ ~ ~~~ , .... ~~ ~.'"- puul!c.ll l,,1 lie k e t'I'~ fllll olu"lly on hSlld .. be hoped .t bl' lll~ Ipol will Ltl thorough · 'Ful"Lher nOlice and p!Hticulun will bll Oil Ih e 161i1 o( AlIglltti, in this plDcr, lu rge nlld 610.1 1 1),\ U-S!:IARE PLOWS, Iy rend,aled. and fluwe,. alld shrub· giV«::D hCI'I:llhcr. Ca I'dully antI Pwmptly Filicd .. w..q Y lV E S V ILL E, 0 HI 0 .. ' dllll l! lil er (.of D u\'iJ E~ c rly . UIIO dUliu le UII O . ill gl e . 111 lili s Ill~"e, 8U(ldeld\·. on TU PHI" .\' bel Y p\Iln\4,d, ."d wnlke D4!atly. Illid ~ 'rIle CI' I'zens of Morrow ga Vl' morni"!!,,, A,I) II " , child of Nil th ull ~ IIt IUIc· u-4o I ' 0 l tL Drug-StOJ'c, TEItlUS, CAS}llN ADT ANC~. SHO 'V J~ L-PLOWS, ollt, whioh w'Qu.id ,rend&l" it la p,l lce 01 111I~if r&lul'tled loldiers a grllnd recep - IOIl ~ . , Vllylie8v it'le, Ohio. plll ..an, re8o,,~, .. 'it illre"d)' ill oc~ . en · tion on Thul"bdll\' lasl, iu 'l'h omp so u' s· , Ne or RlHv«'y silol'g-, on Solrbn' " morn· mode of stee l. , He wi ll aldo IIInnu(n CllIre $~.OO. Oll e copy one y ear, .lId r"l'nir Plo\\"Rllurrs, ~Ild dr eds and tem· 8,75.· IihriDin,K ~ulDbeth!.. , 8a~ red ,01emories. £,_ ' tl;L lace. Cob. 'Wnrd i,'/!. Ju ly 30. of bra in l«'vI' r, Mn ry D r llver per nil Id uds of E.tllet! Tuols. . Fil'e copies one year, ' PO S T - 0 F F 1 C Eo GO R N E It . UlI ove, near I P , JlJlle~. oll ly dAughter uf l:t,,, v. NormAn nlld I b.ro. Tc'n copies one yeaL', OO-~lIIilhi'\{l onll lIorde.sho'llf nllend. , JUlie !l J- l .\( .. . . Re • • J. W . cHtonley., 0' Mo.nl lirad DOA O, I\nd Hon. A., H . .M c Burney J tlsep1.i 1I1l 0 ; J t:n r ~, o::etl fou r, montha l'd l u prulIlptly . .1- 610 , I £1'1 • .1 . ' .... b' f 11 '" ndfty wel'1l announced as oralel"e of Lbo dAy. and twenIY-f ,X d"l p,
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Parlor and Cook.ng Stoves,
Df .rnC.stl·c GOOdlOl,
G roc
WIlite Goods, IS1 Is
, ""Y
For Ladies
J~or~~o~~~' S~~~YS~~~.i~180'
1::: (; l"US
lE CLOTmNG! Hats and Caps :--~OOTJ ~[l!J ~lE~a Fruit-Jars
ct & Printz,
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1"0 B.Ll ceo~,
Ild Mixed Paints,
; I ~atent ' ~cbidnes ••
•• {j
Picture 8t Window-·Glasses.
ellt l'Icdicincs
lfl{Ull'·J ARS
Union Coffee, Pea Coffee,
'i'AMILY Gl{OCERIE5! I School-BOOkS, .
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... a ne en on IoUO
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arc ng Along',
Physici.ans' Prescriptions
1\1 A eKE R E L, pounll~
~lhnni ~a2dtt.
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D/UI on N e glo Suffra ge.
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J . D.
IIVi.!AUc.;U~T ~.
~:--:::-:. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~!'!!"'!""'_ WEDNESDAY,
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fc re Lary (J f. W ll r., "'.' OOJlY llle follo w· 109 , hiS \,l l'W6 on ,lh e. qu's ,
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I' (' 1l~rC!6flng
FroID an (.'1.111011111111 II rece ll t nurouer ,. I' Rbi' c.l ·led U I el A ' C(lLI.l'I'r. ED ITOII$. 0 f lb tl IICRgO epu .1, Y 0 h' . I Illirl 8 A. Villi , y , Isla nt
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- -- - - - [. -H<l I' I If W ,I 'l' !J0pu IHl i n u., tilt' gTl'Ulld tbllt thl)' T ilE 01110 UlIl'.4L edited by _Prenlice is wel\lthy fit ' '''ell aR , ' I'\' ' , hllil IS OOl' or ..; I.'lie r('porls 510,165 all hrs in' 0 . ' A""eaCA.. 111\\'a b.. I111 ""1'1h'" IIu,lIl to II I Uniun . \ \ ' nl I] ' C"""I:u'tE . t IIe mOil t wiltv. • 'D . . ven' . como "ear. , "0, .is" A D NO'!'AR Y PUBLIC • K \I' 'If lhe con li lUenCI' ncu ro, I\\lJ I IIIU ll bl- pape rs 111 . \ IIe lllie. It c {II' \ •1 0Lt.S ie sIIid Ie llRve relllize d Ib e n<>g ro is/ lo}'al, KnJ Iht' enl ire w!J ill lI mDS pn!btlJt Lh e s. tnle .lInll. (\ large fortune during tLu rcbdlion L irm.ed COllutyance,.. Claim .Agellt .. " u < U .. lle WS rllilhfully , I\IlU liS I:dltorlll . lire 1\ ' fro m tobacco \ and Aqent or re IQ If' and pop "l -t'lon trell (11111" 1° I.,. d " I&loy nl, I I l ji /. bl Ji'IRE • wuul d il nOI UO t ba t IV n)' n :lia bl o IIlId lip Ih e to Mr. \ _Lt!wi¥ Cas!!, who lias hnd Ihe rep' I L1P'l!) llll"raile, Compunielf
in{illilrl~ bCll~I'
~ulS -Jolll~
f the
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,"W" ... "
: : : _ NO. ;, 1" ' " ,ow 10 ... "," d""." '. ""."•• Ib, ' .1". " . 1.." hi b, " I"'''''' ""i•." U"W " "II i, " , II i ,,"'- "",.i," of b,i" ."'.•" '" '" iIIi ...... ?Id """', Mol ••"':' ....._ _ public mlnll . Hrc lo)'a l, if bl llc \; , o r lhll t lhe\' Hhou ltl iSI II I1 J lite rll r)',m llll • nn. t1 110. ODe cl\n ' l'eporte d for 111641111 IIICO[)le of 20, . \ OHIO. I bt) nu Rt II . 1 1811 1111 .' I t (I wllh hiS prescllt 747 d d = I nil We IHh'ocllle lhl! poli licR I eqMlit.y of . II l I T , e frct rn ell ; ,Ind insi t 11111' IIII! pril i. Jc CO Ol ncq ull lIl ,. • . . ' ()::)"' Cull('Cliolls t. nil Ie.. I . I ,I l·il]1el' \. o u>e of cang 'r e.s I,um ilia l"tl l,ub lic 81io n wilh out bein g o nlisled in - Miss Im (lge ne \Vllhs, eltl osl Ill ill"11 ur curN'llt ute". I '11 by II le presellc l' nn d 1"£ill' or. Daih' , . 9 I'e r y IIr ; t ri- d ll uV;hll'J' of N . P. \\"I11' was rccen.'I Y I .. ken .In prl!purinl! I'a· I<!ge llf tb o b"l lot hi ulli u • cpt llu II nn ll Iti g " " r ./l IiU Lt ll cr qU."l1lticlIliO.1l lilicfll JlO IH I' of II'h o,c deepe' l. • ' T I\1I\\'Ii d 10 DI', WID. l':ddy. of New Pl':S ulnl proCllrlll1r bArk P th a n com pl ' Jo:lon . )l IlO .ho ullO be UI: I' f 'I J wee l, I: . S4.50: wcd d y, $2 . Wm . ''-' eMuru . 1'\lIIJ l'clIsiuod ur dec('IIsed Soldiers. Char_ r<'g n-t is IIt /l L lit ,·), h/ll'!! II I l'U Lo lI II C I . L O U bl O. 11\811hnne PO!'icles i6suo~ I forDl Ihro u,,j, :> oul Ihe Vlli l d 'fb i. slroy Ih e C"ion ? Coggcs III , U lllllUlld, . I, - MIIJOI' ' GeneI'll I i'oellrge.... " . Mell Jo gr riLile tliU Fife uDifurmi ly . ho uld Le by II CUll O UII You!<G FOI.l\ s. _ I'S. Tick· 11.\;011 lip hi s Blimmer 1l\1I1r lIud "" ruyurable eLilll\ ionll l j' l ovi si" II, a mi II, e qU lll ilic/I . , acr A mallll Hmt: d AIJ ridgt·, form ei" . '- L" 'IJ U I I ' I. . 'lin Ilia Jl'lIkinlOlnl, UII the NVllh l' eullsyll' "I1' RE H Il ENCE-45 yeurs resirlelll:c in Ihi' ' II,t; 'J' I b I . fl' 0 r " Cl',"' II ,I1Y cou nt)'. '1' 11 01 ,,: 1'1< 8, os on, IRI' O u.g . 1"1 d I C(lIl1l11l1l1iIY· " . If BIIOU1U. LC nil lI 1'1 . , IU \.III 1'011 . ' · 3", '1' tlon IISC 1 d ul\ II" )' a ll . . . pul,Ii.,clll 'lO n 01 1\ n~\\' . JIII'(, lIllo mngRzme - - - - - - -- - - - - -' 1,1 , pUrl or \lle \,oltr lO 1'1: 11 \ Ie stc . wllh II gall g ul titce ll weill Ill . . ' '11 .• II I _llishop Col e nso hn s comm (' nccli Rll \:l ' " " . \ . . wllh l!'l, s IIIk, nil I Il s lJ'att: u m01l1 I 1 ' , . ' .1 I 'I I ' " .£I .",... f . ' ._. . . for \) O ) ' S ",,, I g _ irl S , cdilcu J . 1. .. lro"" ""'"'' .. l. '''' " " ... M. ,.' . riC I . I ;./ ~YOR ~ION VEY ~. lt1'~ . _ "I .. f , I"., .hy " b tElec\iou ee\Ober \ " ' " .hi ....... " .... ' .I,d ",ro, , .. . g'<' , l .,,,11 ]I l1 mJllolI. . u ...... , .plI)'ll"'"L " " m'"ul lU... --:-- 10, 186&, ) I I' f "II•• """,. fl" \\ " n' ' I ,." ."'.,. I >t. UJ, ."'< .. u\lcl HnO Lucy Lllr- I, Uis,"npl'ic's Flllld Cor ti,e ' , that 10 0 I li' S 8U 11 01 "' o n I '" . I CO lli. " 1. hI) sllIll. u( . .Il\clulles ' ij:\\.lry, IIlId 'th e A 1I0rllt'y ('. " lIem I '\ ),OR OOVERI'OR, .11e .al " '"!'" A N 0 • 'luIs III I " lb' t . · ·u r II '" ,1 '1' , 1i\" :Q7 11 1\ m lIfI'I , II 'IR, ur ... me t'qlll\' ah'lIl PIU' CI' II Iral It a !l rollJ , lie s hO I hllll de 1ACO n DOLSO N COX. of T,"m'" II. .. ll un . . . ""'" ' " II.. m 0", I'0p.'" • .""... 1 ..0 " " " "'''' ... '" 0 , " . . . . "' " " , , " , , II " ." '"' YOR LIEUT.' OOVElIliOR, - \\' c mlll, e 110 10 1\ clellr l. \\uw'u!lVIIIC, 0 I ' VI SIOn maklllg Ili le lllgl·ncu , II. II J II vl cui·f tllc rUll u, ti,e v. hll lt: pll rly "fl c r III ds jllv cll. ile wod; s in AIIWI'iCII IInll ill En " ' or tile slllndliid t h" (I rid ill g II l1 ir ho rses (.il' e r Ilill', !d il l I. , " ' . ' . , --ANDREW G, MdWRNEY, Warren. ' . ' . I I ; L .1 , hnu. l{c iJ , Mr. IInu al'I)I'clll'li SIUll uf \ tilt: prl\'dq ;" uf \' Ollllg , S lU ll U " IWOP' uf th e hu rses ' hod,· \V e i O (' 11 Ihtl "II)' 'I A . " II . U l. d\luut whelher lilt) budy Culllpnr ' • '1" • ., FOR T1\£ ASllllL:1l O F STA TE, lelI . v f I IIe mul'l Ie re' I 111:111. A I,'u'luge and , . . ' , cd wllh \ thu IlIl. IJ IU·11I Hllvinu IHiu futlrlCpn ye.rs' ('xpericlI!6 ',1 II rs. g as>lz, LUI' S, Jlrt'Il!t eccurl' . I . ' I 'I' SIDNEY 8. WA ItNKIt. Of lA"i". .,' h•• q", "ioo h,,' '" h. do- I"""• . w k d "Ii i" ,," """iM , f '''' " '' ' •. n", Loo". E,I. ".. d ']'''PP'' ' p"'''y ".. I,,,i.' ""d i" . i, .1" P"'" i.·, "I 1', th e rilizl' off'" I", cill \ d in onc li f IW O I llIulIll Murn s. h d lllUIlU I Irke. 'Aull t ',·!'est ill ". tlltJ ha ve thu further Ilt!VlIn' I !i'r o: .. ssiunnl ntiUI L' urd ),. lind, ml, ct.in g tw o o~u meo,ng".1 'ICll- I'S dlill Ihl' II1Itllilit;'ltiulI luI' vlI lcrs nlusl . , Flllln)"; i\lr. LOll!! fc lIu II' , hI ... Whi lIid , ' III!! e IJf 0 relli/linill"," the SllIlIll frum UIIY ! Waynesvl'lle and Vicinity . FOR aUPI\KM& JUDOK, ' . . , ' . "bolll elxly IInll bCHnly ),cllrs RIII\\I ,. \ ,. ~ 9 R , • , II Il'lll he \ftl some pl'IVllte rna Ice, ,e . . nt'FICF: 011 Iile cur liN" Il ,,"•• \11111111 1 n:... remain Il S Il 18 s uch qu all hc'l ' I I I . 1. I HUU l:' .. Me con tll dill" JACOB BRINKEltlJOOF, or fill \ li (11l liB cnch sllltl' llI ay (rolll tlmo to ' I t ,I I ' ll ,. II I O. 10 -oU I Youn g Folks ;' in ad-UllrnullI 111 u/lli • U('IIr1.V oppusile II Y's Hull . Jaud-( Long Term.) l' U" 11'01 n so. t ,,\'lH I" ' L l' gl' "I.11 II II' !! . . l I \l ri Ry ij tilllC, Rdupt; I1nJ stCond. Ihe CS' IIS.. 10 e.HnLl I" . UI I f - di li'J n 10 II hom. nrticl es nrc iurnished ' lIe ,...JIIIII'CIiCul (.:)- Nit,( ltl " \llis prolllpily rl'.dPul'ldcd 1o, JOHN WELSH, Of Atheo s, (To I , CIIC > Ih t! III lIuove 111 U 1,0 1111 rl> . he II b k .. d 11\ " 11,1YICe ul hl ~ fl'l"I1 ''" '~N I" Vaoancy.) 0 IIIII c otln l r1 . A by LII\I I llIuli . l,mcIIL uy con sli lllii o liul nm ellll· 'lU t l.." HI tl Ii'-I pnh' f 1\. ::i lo Jdllrtl, 1IUI!lor of 'AIlvclI ' colIl .nuill g ill OU -llltl 'S "fit I' hi, mil" " EOR ATTORNItT OKNJ<:RAL, ' l!lIt or uniform 'lulllilicali ull . \b I r tl ' I I Itlre S in F "ir:v Ll\nd;' GrIICtl IVIIS LlI I'll eJ , AmulI!! OI\,.' IS 11\; . m '1' 1,. ' ll crIl oCIHlicpul'I)'. lind pa rllcu1II II'L. 01 SIJme. 'I'II't)' N ' nll' n, ~ 10 IlIV l' uf Lillie Pilgrim; hli. s Cummin ", lIl1l11C<l lj,,·"'·", who~ \1'1"1\" 1. ''\'"l;e TUE P IIA CTICE or WILLIAM H. WEST, Of Log/lD . l I,1111'11' lhat porlionor it mosl 11'(:otl eu 10 I I.l·l\, I II Ilnl S III " C ( airy COli Ill)', hlll'l' J k" J' 'I U. \VI ,i' II CY, IIlIll OI IIC l' emin!l u, ,III· 1\ '0 \,UIII liftl ell"), ; gu \n \{!J y,r,t FOR 60nooL 00MMI8510NI>R I ltHIl m il Inl! I nl S 11\ II II ISLlIl lIf1d l' b . f Ii" IJ) n JII JOHNFOR A.00101\0 NORRIS, Of lIarri.;on. . __ hh''n,. " '\< I somtol.lOlf ... _ .... 'Ull y I il· Iy\'Cyt:'"1'('S'11 IIl1d IllIvn l IIIIU ~I.III1CI· OF PUIILIO WORKS, shiv ery, oP l, ose IIlIll Ilenoullcc u n " 0 ", ,1 . ' 1.b ',1 ,' . ' 11,,' rs. . .. 1El'<'ry IIllInbl' \' is b(,:1 Uliill IVfillllllg lu.gu I> oIlI j1\ ", tllll" l I" it. vOI . ' riulI' lJrllllclIP" Illlt 10 be exrel'· ,
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It:ntlll by prucurtng
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Culllfntll'xum:n& and prices, JUlie 27. 11. DUDLC'i', . -- - .
ho usu nll(1 ('urni . It iu g i I
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At II", hou r' l m""",," .• I.."l'pIJilll('11 '"d, .",,1 """om
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",,,i " .1 -" ", i ,. "'" I"".. ." .. :",,,1 ' Mr. 1'1"!I h , IInu IhHe lJ ~c/l;lI e vile ' fllr
LOT m.11 OUS~: E'AND H .'~I£ " ..... .... •. tI The' ..... valU""TE bl
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''",," " .'''pi,,: •. ,,,",1. io I';, ·,i.I." I '1 I II '\ "", of 11\Y"". ~c I ""i .. .. • ...",,1 ... r" I ...; """. \l' I I I 0
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I II" I n ..0" " ..... .. ," ,I,,, lhe L"'ll .. "urJ"ly uf Iruil u . lt>gruulluls"rg udqlln:IIY IUI . . " 1I UIII POWl·I·. Llltrlllg tl ill p.IISI . lIu,III ,I ht In st. ' 1Oll l of II 01\ l'lILblDg it; the Ih ..elld. I.e IllS C onl' tlI'lIlIl/.! purposes. The pr(lpen, " , L·. ',"",' '" . ,,, "'" f' ,".1 "pp"" d ", IY .. 0' ,.. d. 0.'1 wocd. ' 1·1" .. , I, .. ""I ,,, '" ... , " ... " .. ee. clll\ed, !lied 1\\ Ih .. Poor A syllllll, 1" lI g le tllll'all dm",n ouL will 1'I,;"e r \ t"3 .'."0·omll(ltl 4.340 IInJ 'I I"ur !urtlter purticlilors 8{lpl, to \ ' Inc<:nne', L,.III''',II'. I blll SI tlt a ll s lI ap wh ell Il,tll ed n<ulld"r , IIHI ..J coupe! s\lII"l:ll . Nul' IS J. D. 8W1.'l'E, I li S f III " I\"U / 111 ,"111 IIctll ily iI J \I IY I 8. Wllynrdv ll,t n v i':lhc W <' h )"111 I IIIe 8"1'111 1111:11 Cll dij o f s lIch lhll·llIl .' 1 hnd t ' I1111 CI I I L • a\'C "1'"11 Ih e of Sul'I' I ,,1I1 P'CS(,lItll nlll)'y whllo : liv e Y<: IIIS olt!. s ht: i •• 11l: '
"'VUll~ ,
_ __ (}.:J' 01l'\' I li eS. ")
I' e~pl'cls Ih~ d~~-
Il r" bOllt sid e lil . of Lhi~ ....11I,\'p), , 0,").c'HII'I" "h,""''''' Y-h"" )"" '1'1..
Ll8D8nyoll;er. Wcgiv c lli u DlWll ' .' ' . Ie l .ru oCI'Il II C pall! no Willi hOll or ng rlln s( (li e p't:St' nclJ uf It e ' I 01d Ibe I de\egl\tes: J .... or .. .K E n . , 0 ".,,', , ;.,,,' ",.... .1 00.. ' " ' ' •• "Id ' vill W\1118 •11 c r I\Y it COUI18 th e flL vlI r IIIIU ilHly , en y lelWUOu, .1 r, \ . f I I' . <' I ncu r Ulllllllghnm }J a bl on W ' ht SI I' II . C ' lilLy 0 . I Ie IV ,lie mt:1I who S it III U'Ie 11' ' 1" \ IJ R. S, Lockwood, 1IIIstOD Geo'. l'csc nLIIIg con Sl iltll· II Ci cs. 'fhc , oln
ut Ihe
"; ~'".,g " "" ", D. "J" """ EY- 0"",,, ""I I,i, , .. i..... " • ill 'p.:. I'ly".:'" Iiv ll )t'lH:'.11I ~jn AII- , il uIU.IV!:,v e
,I<, .
mmo~ IFI~IY'K' 'k~-
,,,,,W'o.ork UII.!
);'IlR tl' rdll}' morllill o'" I:"-v . PC P,li " ," I,·d ....
6~ 1I1l
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'''''k 1',...hip b.i"It I"",, '" I"" " " ,_ ""d f... ,i, I" J I0'" . . I'CIIISW ",,''1'1h,,,ub.·, ,, po"i",c fj
"~' (I
.II own.
H""" no".
W""". "n , '1' I
LA'I'I~S' I'
i'" ,.i "i"", '" ,,,, "0' ..i. ,ol",1 .1, """""",i"",. • Remarkable Marriage .
lerm, no cllndiJall' fr om Warren wns i71 limill Bud di e II crvu
\ '''''''·~ ~'I.''''J
b.r l~
c~t, ' e
'0" .,," ,'.'"
c1l1l'bolll'd ~. hl~
No~v ~ell'nly
.n ".. ""',,
i.... ""'" " ..., "'""" "" i.·.. "f L"i.- · "'0". "" [, '"."",, I", of • I'",,, , "" .I"r, ,.i,,, w,II b, "d' ",,,,i., 1 '"''' ' '1" ,i,o,"", - f" 'q "'" Ir w",, · 1 ' ..... W AT aml Geo W 1"1 I n L \" \ lI\lll1, SOlllhCllI'Ohll an IlJMI SS IS"' I'II 'I ',r" CII1)O Il,)lnlu lp"pPUlc ullntl \ ' ,r ' 1I1 ', ' 0 the tOllc h, \ 1I1t!IWOOl'thI'N'\YIlleS lliull t'dil)' l1'ilh l AnElegant NoveltY1D • . c un , ~ CI ry u" IllS I" ' , " . , .' '" I III (' I ' 1 . f . _. _. _ __ ".. ..."," " '"II I'" " •.,'i _ A B " "" " .,.",. "id,, ,,, " ,,".'." . ,,, ".TI "",. mh 'of",I, , ... , . . " " n .P""""'" .. i... . .,," "f" .. .. I.,i". "r ,;""i, " .."h , "'".... d 01.AI.... " ",'. .' ' ,,,J,, ""''' h""k"wi,I",,,i,,,, w '.m""'" ,,," ",. ",m,o",.1 " . _ , "" ..g...., or ,I" '" '''''' ,,,,, . .• " of' ''' ... '"'''' I", ".. J I" "." .1" ' .. . . • '" ." I,.:." " . m . .. ""~" "'P" ..P.' ""'l' E. ", .." . ""' "... Th" .. ~, 1.1 ' ' I ""lIrlll '" I. '"'' I" "..I, "''''''' ..... ,.. ' "d re' h" of'" "'''' • "bi'" of ."Im i" . " " " ,. ". ,I"., " " .. " .,". , i, 1'" "'" _ ,,,, ,'" .W .,I b," "f , ,, I, .,.," ,,, ., " "" ",,,,, '"'' .• ''''' ," A ru··,."''' ,, .,m " •. 1 - .Yo,,;" 1:",,,, '9'" .";~:.'" wl"d. p""",,i '" ... en,,' ;mi. "i'"
B. S..,. W. W. WiI"o. E. T. " .' Will
Ihc~l: ttl:."
~f I:~:::ln\l'nn"lhrlo,ugh~I'o I'l,bel~ ." Ol l ' II~SI""" l rulllllltg. ~ ~tn I ~S 'I ' ~Iy
Slnl~~ I I' ''~I
lion, lod inDlUDerable i;.st.nnces hKI'I: II l'ioned I llh l i lH. :-,:q!l! : . . upon I 'Ill e mix r J hli . i" II lid li S 111 VII' ('IIII 'I .etlr " fur Ih eJ RUII. I C II u. ..., 10 '\;I.lec pl1.· IIlIilend'slIrt lUI' \. • ..een recorded wltl're hUDlRn life II li S 11I1nJil rJ ty IJ IJI'u \, lc II IIl blll l' I. , 11". 1 , !lll e} . lin ' H" " g I.L \' 1 ""U p.... so llsell " llgl, d · 1.1 I' I l!Il'ECIJlL NO'I·ICI;!!!. I.. . . I , ' .1 . . ' , . " I 'ii I \ In t.: t:III\( 'S 10 tI . ' I . 0 ' III u IJ C , 'I, " .. een. preserved by the 110010 IIlIlm ld. : LI' g" BtU'"I II, c m"J"rlly ul " " ,, "'I,c 'e I N 0 . J I 01 1 b ll o W/I.1S nl)t \l illy Il l I e I,' I . I 110 0 " mos l ullllgHOU " , D I uetraLloD of thi s occurcd n Ct: w I' I" pfOp''C, n'p!'eSl'l\ls a li e".... 1' '' CUllslilU - C 1I1ll! II ' ..... UUfII I" II tl'l' ll a l J(j . ' I')' ij I}"IIC' Ulll I 1'1 Ie 1111'Itl ' S'lPIl' " U 11'0 6 II cp lIJ:Jd .I ' A111 1\ ago nenr Newporl • l' t:rry COU\ll)' " l'II CY. 1 he ill II !,!Opcn)' U I,' ne ( 'orlloYl;r. • Ie illS In consl,lrRCIt:S of (/no e .1 Adlll illis irul r I I F' II Y ftl';>Olllt· f I " l:: (I U . I' I lind nnolher ftll IItr lif 81 I I ' I? U " I II' ur S'lIIlIel d ellnaylvauiR. s , A party vf Ilidies WUI'C' 5111 1,.. "I ,.u l'\'I' I'l' ;;'_lIt l I' I .1\11 " , f e. " II, 1118 ulIg 1 , ull> 'u , lUI 1)1 \V UI'It' 1I CUl llly ' d~. ' - ' ()I ,,". _ ' lu lll I lr SI; SllllH) . J ', J'\'lIllltll l'l III' 11111 fllmi ly UI:. ' IJJ IC III U l' l'p Ulllllon Y J. . rg6thettngwhorllebollill8, Olle of t.he \ lJl,gru 1\ :SIIlIP l " usnsIV u II a. a \. , J ,.nc.l\eI JUS. G, ,. . , L l:ulI>Lll uCIi Cics. .11 Ih e ' 111'1 "''1'. "1111'1 ·II 1,11111 I , b .\la .. s .aUIII IIIl'U . u K WOIllt'Il . tillt: "U" 81 12, . • . I ' , r 1 . . ~ 1:1 ulo60' I !teel c fl ' - -- -- a le8 had a c1l1ld With htr wh ic " luce e Ih .. t1l':':"I.I t: tl 1I' 1I1t; 111I!"l llIell 1\;\1 S Cret'. blt p. WIlS III 1110 II wunllcrful PO\V'r oy , .•" _ - __. _ __ __ ' 1 d 1lieated on a sLOlle I.car "hero sit " IL lu tu lo", Ihen Ihe .... Jl .. l,_ l tllllc u 'cr ut: /l lh , III her lOG ," \,O!lr, l lule yuung mCII. p nr l.ellll'l' of A,,;u\l.
l~pl eSIIlI\,lI g
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l ~ II IIUI )
H"Jrc~elilllli\'~. cUI1"rt'>,~ '
,",g~\" I ' ~bA~ v,
1 86~).-4.
l!uIJ, Arc .. ,,", wbich WhyS keep its cuillr. They ore II' 1111 oS8olil1Ilold,olJ(llIre uff.. rded ' I I I TI ell! ,1.llttwith CVBI.P"iIPI.a'ulldshl"ftld CRde ia wi;h" PUliwl' ]>u~h Pil', nlld e~1I the ('xuct slyle 1.11 the celebr •.. "1 Hunllllil DIIlI ure rellily II lid Je.lrlLlJlr,ulldauPliocl 1111 illi ' ul gold OR to dely <Ie h!l Ii '1'1 e '!" e hL .i8 IDQIIIIlllclurcti by the well · ,: on. I St. Juner \VII.t,:" (;umpulIY uf
81t~ ,rcl'r~scl1t I~ ~C,I \I C wl~ldcd I"~ver& ... pi,ki., b,ni... ".".Iy .f... • " .. ",0;" of """h C",,1i '" , I"" "" •" . -- - II",,,,. 'Ii S'I"· 9, ,'"<. •. d ",,",.. bI, _,i.h,d •.I",i'" do., ,hi,b ..., ~'o"" .. i.d .1" p... ~ d'~' .,,,' " , " i<n' ''' ""d •h", ".-I."t'i..':;:~ ~,':::~.:~;",~:, ::':,:: :,:: '~,':. I 'hn:.~ . : : ~,: : ~~: : :·.;":.::i·:~~"~ ;;.:'l~~ ,',' V.,,~:;.r;,~ P~':":'~~';; ,,;; h'~:~'~, , ~ '~:~ :':;~~~~;: ~1r,. ~::':;'~,,:::::,'~ "" I~'n '(}lherllle,uICIIII'~lcullldkrer IIrrt~ tl\l~
d •••.
y. y. lel up aloud barklngRroundlhccill ld ' !;IIlJ 'I II ' ) II'IIS Ihcull,,' t OUk s lrtJlIg , '1I '1'1y u'e. , I '" Cll cOII.lltllt'ncy u " uld .. x ' rei I ' " , rn lt llllllhc tll 'a! of "lIry , "rdal' in ..... I, id. I ." ,'f and ' cwllr rulilll'li nJ III IIIVe'r I flf Itt'''I'U o" II',"l'e III I U ' )1 Y81,ul"PIt'd l ie lII eulc .. pl'c lIllnr'r 6melhll$ at th c 1I!1g-e of Ibe SIOIlI' . III UU g uh Lholr black rOl'l'eS l' lI laliv cs Iii l · 1illIlIU lllIl'od. . tl,c Cull owill"00 il J (t! l.l'~lIl1" j i' lu r. lne tl e Ilir tile flIeu (pl' . . _ up 0 11 1 COIIV I enllli I '''1 \VII S Ol'e l hCllld'. ,It v ,l I' li." e. clIl'lwrlt eull. tl e 0 "\'Cr III1U "gill'' he child W8S tnk-en aWRY I.ull tl I C ' !lm" of IlOlil ic'41 I' Cull"'I'l"rylll(;r ,ll III Ibe wu ro or Ih(' 1.111 t II Ie peuu I"tJ Ude clI'e I I u vu 1 ft'lIr Geor'e '1 1 { ,. I r . I unlllllll te rrllllry 'I' bJ k ' " aLone turned over, wheo 1\ lage rattll' lite "fr'lirs of Ihe counl)')' Ibat th e)' ,1 I ' cillr. I ) uu plclIse lellJ!lIe IIUU I' re o ""illl t U t;e";"lnry '0' ']\. l" t: rll hll8 np . icillf'. . I III U6 U gt'lJerul tUrd· 0 Ina ""81 ollnd und er il. Tho Uti " now lirulI g l lh eir wbi t!! 1't'11I'(! SCnlfl- ' 1 l' . . . . 10· 1I1..,lil' III '\V I"'" 1111" , ' I')n Dnnltnrk lok e t' . U "e I ul: E IIIulr0le9p 'I C I Ili r I,he ,,!File l k ed the a tIlc f sna"...,_, waov b'lt'eD t WICl ' " tll' rs nuLi 110 more. run I l' 11\ ~1I 01'"1 I "I , ' ,' IY, 11\ ' I\-".- R •' 'IIIIlrn . I D ":""re ll WAS mnr- Ilour IIUIII,U UI t Ie llulld Purifier every all , . ~ eft l ' ' tI d d' d b 1 . '1'1 I' I ' J I' Just It"1I1 Ill\.' rI I N Y k" ,011 I leu c e l\IIS<? lite 81um ucl d t • kIe INI ort y after. Ie IV f1 lins (uunt! • "IV or. rrel'lItly. III G tl d- boweld well wilh )'UUI PIli , Rlld I 'th 'PI'l's<! lIlntivcs of ,tlle 0 - rHuln·r 10 H gr.oc.s at Ihe1Csouth I,ave, ex- ! !Jellu with c" cr so milch mOl'tl 01 IIle IUle RUn)uI' 1 VIII ton the compillint will be "Opllllll , prol'e d 10 II '. tit a n AI.flrd; LUI, ue ilr I Clln Ihnd yo'I p.. rm nllent rure etfl'Cled. . ury · I All \Ii'1IU t 11.18. r I r"u.llte II I berlll!! np. Nothing delill ite ltas .yet beell 11)' , " 1011 1 COlllI- m)' Iv lil c llO, Wilh milch ; I1-r. T he hl'lIl1h uf Secrl' lu rv S'ew ard pH I y Ul gC' ? 'HI 8("', \\'hlJ UI CO »C ;\: I}' iJ rll . I '. lit; tu 8 D Will bllsaved lD"ch heart! from the Alll\lllic cntJJ~. . IJly . IIl1pr"Y la:: . , p CO'.,' ,: u{f!'rlng . YUllrs trllly , _ A. n. TAfT
l,o\\, ~I'
In.itur'~ 1~d tlt~ t1~UIOI'I' lIl ir
~1Rry. Il~ ~hu
1,1t!i1~UI (;.' IAndl~d
~ c'll~ mon('~ u~rOI:i~~ghtcr
~I ' ~ 1~ld
pi .. I
lie 1111
\& ,.,..
'l' u"I,,·c'lI~ .. f II,~ 1"'''l'us d I' '1"'1 be ·I'" Ill'll . ', ,I,,' """',, .. , .i"I".1' (;0'.·. \(". 0 ., . \ T Ch ul'~l1. ll, .IIhu'" I "al~ whu, : ~llIlIh alldIIIIU U.•hl' llticl ... t ut' Ih" l-:l'i'''''I'"1
woaD SMITLJ, Esq " of I1I1D1i:ton, \VIIS \ 1111 . TII.e ?iclul" I gltJOmy tl I I the otber cRntlidllle. The Se natorsllill , g n Ie c 10'
b,i,...."d,d ..
tbo deleclioll of N. C. Me. \ "egroes 10 the rlg,hl
poi -I 108
. us It: II,
-:.==-- --
d y ill DI' PIl'IIIUl'r. ill tLI: iIl IC IU"
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" •"".". "'"' .... :. ':. f'" i•••• " i' j LO W EST PO SSillL-8' fBI · . • lIVl' IIl l',,"" II t, wh ":ah led•. ,.,.,, 10 . t l .~ f., OI " lI~ I 'I'll!! ( ' utl I Il S II CIllutmentCBB, "" .. < I .""
'h' ,,,,,, .i.. , "",. ''', nopursons but lIegrucs
).1"" "bi,"i,'
. . . . .--.. .-----
,'fnl: SBNATORIAL CON\."'N'rloN, "'Y f"eo Milldletown. cn SatunJa)' last, IthllL tlHl Y pOlsess pen( UIC f!nJI inat .• tg nominllte Il CllnlliUIILe \ and polilicnl for Stale Senato. from thi s Disll'i c l (in. whil... mUll; Rnll if til
." ..... "",,",.d .,.,,, " .. ",i ..
A '1'
' lin!
II Ii: 8
:'~Ill h~"I'IY,for.llI.
to ,'ot.tl they will, Wltcl"
hi~ w<ll'k~.
~l l' .
D.lVID ALl.KN will be n clIlIllidlllo lor .... ,f P,.......... AuO"'",.
Ih e "
~ltr(~a\\t [aiInr~
F. SOL" ..;;-;,i I b, , ",,,,,,, • .,Id b, • q "" Ii Ii" fo ••." ,m" of U.... " b- "'" ""d, ""if...... ,," • l'" .. Ibo d"i... ,r .h, U"ioo U,,'- "b ..i• •1", ... ,,' ,,,I,, ,.eDllOn. 'I'l, itl cl\ thllt if neg'
U ,ioo U... "" _, h.. " ... of,,,". ,, .. "ill
( ,.• .
g II)! 11 1111 1 <l UII 1:;; .. - - -.....-~!'!"' Smi th i. III Lhc III'1111 1 "'" :\UC,·tt' f.1Cll1Cl\t"", '7!9 1lt: 1't'1I ... ·lll1izlIli uli uf LalLI' \' U ,I,V I ~U" ... s . }I~ I r"p"'!!8 III di 'c ll~~ \.i,e ~ c i"s uu'b b.'1 "",'11 IIiIllM·lf lIud Ill'ig " 11' I ,"'illl lilly bdlig l' I,.' n ' g"III I"III"n I1 :J , wili m ~~1 him al C,'UIICI: Biulr~ . \ Fi lz GI~~II C lIJ\lI.- ck, 1\,,. 1"", 1. i ~ ' in Ih u Sl' ~" ' lIly lhird ) l'a r of III' : . J ulin J ll cub ASlur. wll .: 11 III: di l·u. I '!IUII" Hlllil: r. k 1111 II lIlI uilY of lil'e .&v.a.aln IId .. ~d Uulia l's . 1I )"'11'. \l'lt l ch \ \vAt~I~S"ILI,£' II ll lllI U. l\ , tvr IIICrl'J\s.," l'l ~IX I~'''I\ ' IlIISlIltd tl' JI.l>trs II ~ e lII' , su' 11 1I 'UI ' P"~tl \ 11 "5 o n hnml n 81)lendld '~dOrlm():t1 II, Mr. H. IS Oll llll llrlld, ly 1It1 III III . BIlVA DCLOl'lIS I JIg"~. Mr. lLtl l ·c!, r,·,i.I,·s III Guli · CA::l .... I~lli:im~ 'J . l; ulI lIl'Clic llt. IUl,1 Pll} s \11 0 lII~ln'"V b:'-"['lN' GS s .qlltll'lcdy \' !Si l ~ , 11 ". i:l " ill ill \,., s · ' 'l'lllMM 1l'\G::l. ,.. s ' I~ •. \'" IIC'. lie tn :IUU'ClClu " 'f . . C .. ' DCC11 f"tt11t S' ILl II uf 1111 hi . f:1I' III II ': . , IIlId luuk Ie )'1'''1 8 . 1liliC ' .. - 1 h" N t IV i'.m IS II"IIIU IIf n p ' lI.T... 17. " I'''P'' ... b, .,,,,,,-d i" , •• ,,, ' aflB an
\1)' nUlIlucl' of 1Il'g-ro
""" ..'j1,,,.i ".J '",i, N .. ".I,,,iI "". ",.""" d. i"h. C"" C ,," ,.". ' .1" . "f I.l' V• .. " ,., ' UII.,''''"'. ~l, .ill ~rc~ t . -(),."" hi . ...l·r,
.. 'ho d..
~ ro~Mr'r:(T ~'"
,,,I .." '" I"". N ,,'" ,.:. ,II.
os,'pll SlII iill, Jr "
A.lRON &rEl'IlENII will be B cllndidalc l,o prosc n 'e 111 I Ie CO\1ijlll fbr lotirmuy Dir~ctor, 8ubj t'CI LO Lhe shall or who sb llll no, vote deci8ion of the Nomioatillg Conv<!11 oi~n slates' tiOD. Now, th e ca udi.l ~b s ert T. M, WALES will blll\ cllndidl\\a (or oll ce preceh'e LhaL. ulld \! 1' ' lbe Legisllllul'e, 8UUj6ct to the uecisioll rul e, nnd Ih (J rule wbich is of the NomiDMing Uouve nLi 'H~. 01\ so ueterminc uly uy tli l) J. KELLY O'N EAL will be 1\ cllnditlale 1'111I)" Ihllt i, is in til o pu-w tor l!Je offico of l'rosccutin/ot AILurney. illnll , South Carl)lillll lind ~ , any lim e 10 mllktl Ih ~ rlllg Col. O. C. MAXW E LL wi\! be 1\ elln' IIDll \herC£o\'o. IIllocr til", didate lor COI\~ly J\udiLOI'. 8uuicct to ru le, in lite WUlds of \be deoision of Ilae U ni ull COli v 1I11 tioll . • ul ecL bix Ill'g lues 10 Ih e thr t c' limc s Ihnt. numb er I • Major W. W. WILSON will be n llnn · of " 'l'rcs(,lIlftliH6 .' Th o lIidaLe for t.be office of Probfllu Judge, in Ihe c Oll s titlllioll of "tll c lubject 10 the d~ci~ioD of the U Ilion .h .. "d,d .. " ."." fn Convention. J,UI&8 SCOTT will ho 1\ cnodi lfA-l<t fo r to lh" senllie ur to th e he .of P"b.1o J ,dg" .. bi " '0 . " ""'i .., ; ,II " .." i. nq. __ o 'lon ' r tOe of the Union Con''''lll I" U . ' be qUII lti n \0 other rCB' A. B. Goocn•.will be II clI\lditlllte ror del' Ihe pulicy ttle office of COUDty Ul!cord ol', suhj ect ble, lint! lully ns plounul
"w om~ ~cl8lOn
DU. 8. J, WAY, r ,,~TI~YES li . I ')II~. N 1ST RY
..., , vo'.'
rcst ill the stnt.es I:xc\usively , tho Ullltett SIMCS shl\lI noL
:;~rvice.",,,,i,, •.
il,I,~ .I ,
-;. ,. .,,",.vi .. , bv
----.-~ A JO:l\.T II'S ~, M D'
11 1l~ re~llmed III~ rl,,~e
BO DNEY F<lOS, of eli",o' 0",". d".. fi<"i". '1'h., of ,.'''.' '''·'' i"i .,f....1"f,•• h. •• OC'I'OBEB ELE4.;TION.
sun )E
prdt! n~o ~.hxICIiJlJuc~.Ullll l ' ~,-II'(J
d,~ ~Ir s.
sl illllion nnd provide
"" Y I" 'p",i.i" " 10 ,m".d
J'AMES MOORE. Of Cooh 0""' .
"0" "'" '"'' .,. .
~. Ill\lnli~~,
'rOEL 'rIV,AJflS
m." •"",. • '''''''
lI~ar ~( Oll
m~1I ~
Ih" tl~ th~
)~l!II'I' I:iul p"hl~
eel/lL li s~u
t!'TArrE T
I rltilor~.
duy~ vl~i
;cllluve~ nft:::
le pruved. .... "·welletilietioll.wlillll· l ..lime ke!elllll hlllldl,lIlId i. wurTllillCd • keene These of three •.,wlIl, r. o ltn , ' '8IZi>@, I IIe IIllIwilesl . . beill(l fur Qre, ojl ,HulJtfllg 'JI b b MClIse,. .., A CUll WI y lIil or 101 A slIIglo . e SPlit one will lJe ,,.elll III hn I\lurot!co Cose fur 825, will reuI:ily Iur tl,ree imes lllei, tllll : u,P ngl' nll lor th i. wltl'h Itl Ihe Slotee", ftritl ·n'one IIr, genuine III.I.t bear' ollr Trutle mork. Address 61 R!\RO, W. DEVAUGH &. IInllol'lcrp, 15 MUldell LBUP, N, Y
IIr 11\1 w fo
01 I) o
FIl'. P I:.& CUBS ..110M .FORT AJll:U1iT. -Our ucelleJ.t frie nd, Me.l n . Mcc;:: RAJLROAD TUlE-TA.llte. 1>00111<;1 ~ Pa~ hllll, ,e nL U8 lil t w"ek. f~om th eir clITcharll a t ForL Aneillnt, a buk e l of the tinell peaches we ,e ver law. Tiley w(' re the ' Old Mixon l ' coawlw IT'&T10,ll (w.&r.EIVILLE). lorge Rnd f'Iir, an c luscio ull to tll(l taste. ..... r ••• .lITW.&ICD BOUND. I ocI1)8e d in tbe ba 6ke L w as a club or ' .. b . J~.18 A.II. !lu 8c n bor a and a promise of more, Nillhl Ex"re.., Cinclllll"" Ellpr..., 'Ut A-.,.,.... . r--f.from fritmd McDonald, giv ing ovidenCil M~iI ,,1111 Accum" 11 .lI6 .& . N . thl&t I!II hnd a jus l con sideralion for the Cuiumbul Ac:eom., 6 28 r If . " Glllell.II'8 finaD ces, B8 well 1\8 an ndmiTII.&11fll WKITW.lBD BOUND, rable appreciation of our tRsle for the Mia end Aecom.. 1.30.&.111_ d I" I ' '" , d E " ·I N I: It .pre.II, v .v" ".. .&. N . ... ' e IcaClos oC lie seRBon. "e a re g a Coillmhu. Aceom., 8 M ' A . II. 10 know that our f.. it' nc.!8' orch ard is in Cincilillati Ellpre_, 4,26 P. 1If. lueb R prosperous conditioll, a nd lh ey • 0" n ... t I lop. hBY e our heartiut wial)(,s for tll , if con- 2!!5l&!!! liniled sucoesl. LOST ~'3.00 RewoI'd will be ---.~--. paid for tt.e rer-overy or a Sleeve·Bullon 00P erhaps lJumi' i8 not 11 more -L.A, C,. W.R .H , engraved upon \tpeR ceat.ly ·dI8pos eu pereon in the lI t'ig h10SI UI'OIi Ihe road bet\Y~AII Waynesville borh ood Ihlln D oc. Ne lson; Rnd if ano Coplain Hoel'., 011 Ihe 71h Illst. UeIllt:u wilh til e consid erll lion hi.. Age CADWALLADER &. (;RANE. nnd illfirmities ~ nl it l e hiw to, despite CIlRONOLUOY. - laaae LaI'lRnCO will bili pec:ulial'ilil!8, 11'0 believ e he would ueliVtr two , hott lo:~lure. on , Chronolo- neve r' harbor A thoughL or hll rm ng!l ins t KY , lit the Union &:1.Io01-Hou5e, in thi8 anylhing. ilut il is a shame th a ~ pa· pillce, al eRdy cRndle.light, 00 the rllll tll \ViII pcrmiL tu ~ ir children to lin. \! \'c nillg pC Ihe 171h iost. Tbeae Io:c· noy and aggra vale him on the str ee t tun8 will t'IIRule anyone to tell, io Il by clilling him ill IIIlDl ea uud w ockiu l{ 1I1'W Ilyle, 011 wbat dlly of the week I,ia crippled \Yllik . Nor is this cOlr ullI:d lilly eVClLL bll8 taken or will take place, to thll oo,'s IIlune ; men \\ ho are at when the dale ill ~i\"fn. He will insure It'll st /Jld ; 1\01l1:; 1e t o be be ller Lred, illHatisfllclicn "llllre strict attellliun is ci lt: th \! boy s to ,, \'e ll furth er t'x tr"mes gi\·eo. Price. w.itll prinled ,ules-gell by tllt·ir 0\1'11 (' xIIUlI'I Il , un Iii it ie nl)w Llemen, DOc; IlIdl68, i5c. bcnr cely safe CUI' tl)l, poo r old mnll 10 IIppellr on Ih o ~ tl't'e t 8 . Y "s tcrd Il Y morn. ing, tw o Inrge boys 115S IIUlt"U th o Doc. , who c ould nvt tlde nd lrimsltlf, wh en, In ,jllw oL.the fllOl tltRl drunlit'nnese hap!Jily . tlH' y un(' xIJ~c t ," lly f~ 1L .th eir I\lId ita iD4:vrr:.ble altt-ndADI, rflwdyi~nl, chl!t: ks till g l~ uy I. ' d iJller · Ihe we.' 1' lIme lire greaily on the increllfe in our vii · ft<r e nCtl of n mlln wllo sH'pped fvrwllr.i/ IlIgll; Rlld IIelie.~ing Ihe timll hR8 come IInti ;-;ullslilut~d him . elf lh e Duelor' s when lome meAOI ttllOuld bl! adopwd chnml,iQn. Hi. l'xllmpltl should teach for IIrrll8ting iti. prngrC: ~8, alld for U,e uLI,t"l'II /I lllllson, •IIlId i uti ueut:e th em to Ilromotion of the tl!ntpt-rMllce rerorm, treal ~ge lIud Uli ~ forluu e \1 ilh ci\·il il y . tbe undereigned rellpt' Ifully a~h tl)e people 10 meel in Hlly" 111111, on Mon LI\'II: (\ 1'1 V Xli ll:TAnLx,. - The Ohio d"y .:veninl(, tltll 2 hl illstftllt. for tl", Slttltl J " u'"1I1 B Ky ~ , Iho lei g b figur e'l! Jlulpo-e of hking lbe matter intt) seri- tlrat ; ul .. for Ol l' lIt shuuld iu d uce gcue-
- -
-- ---.---
VIlli con~idernlioo.
, Le' L1,enl be a large, a full aLlend alllle. n i. "n impe';ti,e duty, that we, 88 chri~'iall", as pal riot., 118 philanthtopiSh, IlOt.! a, citizeos, olVe to OUI' coun lrY, to posterity, 10 eRcb other, and Lo tiod, UUlt ' "e acL in lbi. Wlllter, lind lIel promptly. Lilt L:lcre he a hug.: "" lUI n OUI, ond a full lind free l'xpre6llion vf "pinion 00 thll 8uujecI, tluIL we may 11o IIbl" to del'iBe .ome mellQ!I al lent to lutit'u thll evil. arising from thll 118 yet unlll;tigllkll cunc-of inh·lIlperllnce. Our coulltr y hal been lIaved froOl hbtllioD; IIbllll we D0" give iL UJ' to II I\'orse. a more in.idiuu8 lind subtle en· l'my? Out! Corbitl. J M n"dd.:o J Ntl~1 ti W n,')gers '1'bumal Arnt!tt J ~I l"ulton Elton DudillY J D W.ilkinl E S Shtl~IIILer Wm H AlilieflOD C W Kdly 81\1IIu,,1 tlidel A D RoberLI JIlOIAS JlIl1l1ey Juel E\'Rnl '1' L Alleo &mucl McCune J It'IlIdali 'i'hom"oS P!!lcock P U Antleraon L"wi Oo,k J A Crispill h,,"c Cll!DlIIOI. J 0 Hopkinl E R Print .. ~ W Oart.rilCh& D Wil,mon AU..eJ Junl'l J . Wil~oD Eu\nrds Alllliia C McOullla,s=H i!!bl!rly :s ti U,uUIII Kli S AnderlOo F WllliallilloD J W Ahsoh Ch"l Slroud Geo AI Zeta I II Harri, J W Coilli Ll OJ \¥rigM 0 It' CIIIIPOOIlD N"tllRnJllnel Wm8BowJr.er J C Rid~1I J W thinel . C T C"dwlI'hu)el W R Hoel A~ahd ClIllnc.!ler Juho H',wke . J H B'lrnhart 8 J Wily I It; Kp.ys J tl~lIua A E M"rritL Jos G Kllrt J W KeYII Abbo~ Carder '
.. .. I Ilbs tinellcU 011 tile pllrt of uur citi· ' e n;" a~ a menus oC bring ing down prices. Wo are ill Ihe Dlid ~ l of ;lh (, 8t-ason w hen nil .. xc es~ of IIl1imnl Cood is mOllt PCI nicioufi, During suclc weatlcer B8 we 1I0W hllvc, but lillIe, if filly, m~lIt i~ 1'1 quiretl , ev en lJy pe rsons cn. gat:cd ill liard II1HIIUlIl labor, lind tic e l'e III'''' "~ry few fnmili es whu would noL in IlVcl'y rc~ p(' ct bo bt!ller olf by curt a ilillg IIH:ir COIIsulrlp tioll of nll:lIt to tiel' eXLent of fully one · lllllf. · Livtl 011 Yt'ge. l"bll'lI ulltilllCle r tlce wllrm wealh er has J.lRssed, lind Ih e efl'cct will be n mnlelinl s#ing of mon!')" less li llbililY 10 fatal t!i ~e I1 8es, lind III:Jh81'8 n cop siuerablc: decl'cat;e ill uutcherB' IJ1'ic(ls.
-- -
p " A J it(le 6kirmi&h look pillce ye ••
Darke... terda)' bet weeD a IOml:lrbM pug ilistic C(JTtjulfll Corr eclLd E ver!! W eek. repre6e ntuiYe, 01 the Anglo-American r!lCIl Rnd a frte A mencll u citizUD or W he u :r bu he l, 40 @ 1 71S f Ethiopia n ex tnct ion . T he' forlller ga ve R ye 1P " 51S ' 0 0 s 19 " 35 / temporary wings 10 a roc k, wb ich fle w Bo rl,'v'J .. 1 00 Lo Ibe a nim al developmen t of 'o e gem- ; Cv'n 'P '.' flO wlln's' head, allointing his curls with F'luur 111 bB rr el, 49~Oo I,)ur 1)J cw t , " ' lhe clareL,' which so alarmed him tbaL' B'llIl' r l ' Ib :10 he fl ed t~le 6d d aiD dismay. BOlh pe r-t----:;~~~~=::_-------~2~6f___~;A±l~~~6:I~bI:»~UU fo rm ers ill Lhe trage dy should hn ve EI!!!s f dO!r."n , 912 0 PUl'i1oea W bIJshel, bee n escorted 10 1\ loek· up. Bnd the re Dr ied Apnr lea "'} Ib 10 @ HIL l 2" d ie led o n mild food calcula ted I s ub GI, i kens V uvzo", 3 00 d I b II (;"tr ·o ";.} It. 38 ue suc 1 e ige ren l propenllili lics. ) 7 t', !l'l N ew.' (Jrl"leulI~ SUeor i? II, __ .- . N .. t) . l\] oiuses ~ . g:allv lI , 1 33 WA," N E S "I~L E . ~ A di sg raceCul row occurred 011 Ov,d Oil f l! allulI , 1 00 Wednesday even illg . nmoligsOIll c boys, "'-=~==;"",========~ - - 0- at ti le postofilce corner, whele s lolles 'J\ ~lJcrli~cmcnt5. were 'bu..t ed lind onlh s li nd curses ml\d e G REA T Rir hea vy. We hOil e th ere will soo n he n q ui e ~u s put La lleose un If_, , - OFwonteu disl ul" hnn ces ; but a pl uce Of l AN I) re lirement &hould be erected fo r It.,, TIN-WARE. bcn" fiL of such o\T" ndo rs , i£ lhe 10c,,1 Ill w is not 'sufiicient terror in tle eir eyes. ~ . . . ' , (Succes8or ( 0 l/opliiJls ,(- Ori8jJilt. j ItT A P:C I1IC IS Rnn oun ced 10 t;e1ie , At Ihr old ~ ' nl".1 011 .\I!.i ll S I ~ePI, \V'YIlt's- ' pl ucu in PiJ ueo n' s Grov" , nea r F ... ,e· ville, wuu ld ,,01,,"11 III" oi ll cU~ l ome ' ij " li d " por t, on S l\ tul'llHY nex t. An indil'idll:e1 the reOl vf nillll l, ill rl , Il, ut he bus u Ill)ud uHSurlmeli t uf froih l"reeporL t l1 gHgcd Il le in\' illl tiuns " IN frow Ih is uffi ce- prl) mi sed 10 cu ll for tle em nl a cer tllill Ii our on M uod RY of ' o l~o , 0 voric d supply of lu st \\' c~ k , a l which timo tle ey were Till, ("up pC'l" I.~ sh eot-irun ,Vuro relldy fOI' him; but le t. fllil ed 10 Dl ake for sn .u I at 11I 0 I OWl's t co. I ' ces. A II I pri kil 'ol~ 01 his uppeHrll nce. lIe Il fls sle own' leicu sc lf I D ~ Hncstic lIuil icc r II m an of his word 1I0r 1\ ge ntl e. ' 0 U T - 00 O'R W 0 R K, mll u. lIe I)w es u~ four J oll urs .
the-~ig ht
S 'l' 0 V E
- :'l ";
0 'J
( SANDI .. K~Bn'l'S OLD STAND, ) . n e leave 10 inl\lrm the publ ic lbftt tbey "ave on IU11Id and ex~ect 10 keep
A Complete A orlmcnt of
;D B. U G S,
Th c beet qunlity or
S'IL I Q. U 0 R S, Fo r medici nal purposes, 10 wh ich th o ottentioo vI Ph ysicia ll s is es pec ially called; Dnd whalever pertaius 10 I
Cookmg Stoves,
. hllrl "ulice a,:d ill Ihe busllll il nn er. z;jT' R ev. Wm. RU lledge, form erly J uly 3-2 Pfistor 01 the M. Eo C Ie urch in Lids place, lI,sisled in its ,, \'c oin !: til: l'viutls 0 11 lilst S ubbal li. Mr. RU Lledge i ~ lIOW ~tl&tioued near ]lJilronl. ClcmUOUL Co. J IlI ke IIli s 1Il'1'l11o,j of informin g _ _ ____. ••_ _ _ Illy .. 101 II iPll u" uno tI ,e pUU r; ('gu ll u, " ny, 111U 1 I "nv e re llitlye o '"Y pill ce ~ Mr. Rtl ~v e Hollanu has fllVored of uu , jll ess tn I I,e stlll id rorme r I Y vcru i'l. ed U8 with som e punohcs groll'lI Ily him· b,' ~Jr~. Tlc olllo s as 0, F oucy Slurll , se lf, \\ !lich mellJ; uro I l: rr nnd n-lIl1l f Oppo site the :aoge'rs House, iucheF , lind 31e Lt Oll' li ng III nppc ll r u ll ~ e \\liter" I inl(, lId 10 kpep 0 11 hnncl a gene ... 1 lind of d ~ hcio1l 8 11 1\ \' 01', U .~cI"l IIl C IlI of \V vrk, bu !11 or
o:? Quarterly Meeting wus lit' ld' III tho Friellds ' Church es in tltis 1,lac'e, on ~'riday, SaturdAY lind Sunduy Itls l, nn d was, as \l sunl, well 1I1l1l11ded.
For Ladies &. Children.
D~ ,\.LEItS
ThR bev! qualily of
IDOij)ir~ J,.lWf!Q) ~JB((Qlm1~
ME N!S AND BOYSI II A'T S, For Genllemen's nnd flov s '
\\1m. Alao, a lurge sUilply of well-se lected
READY·MADE CLOTHING! Hats and Caps ~(Q)tl)1~ ~~ill) ~OO m\E~g ---' :--Fruit-Jars
croV8 of plums it. consequence of LUllS!! onooflhe Ol08lwid e· n~H\; e j o urllllls NI:IV J (:rscy. SUCCI!SS to him. trQublesomc iusecLB.
(\ c.,
eo 0 D g ,
. H oSlery,
Jr:;iT A porm by Miss Cllnie My el'
Fridny will ~race our columns nexI week.
'TO B-1-\. ceo ES,· -suell AS-
Dry and Mixed Paints,
r , .
([) VJl :rr ([) N ffi
OR E S S -G 00 OS I
PltII'TZ ,
Invile oltl'nli vn 10 lheir Slllck of
E . Jt .
i PAl~'!'
VAHNISH, &C.; ~a
_ ~ ____~) 11') '[J ~ mr 1111 ~ .u ~ Q, UlJ. WI Q)
And a G e nel'al A ~SOI'lm cllt of
Merritt & Printz,
~ --
A lin e OB80rt men I of
JUlie 23- 1tf
A. K.
. -.TP ViI
0/ nil kinds nlwoys on hond.
A complele usvrlment of
1l1': TAIL
- - -:- - -
1. E. KEYS. cleol el'l\ hll8 bet:1I IHc\'ai ling to II lar g ... T l,e mnrlw t pri rp 01 ni l I iIII 1' 8 1' ,.; ,1 fu, exteliL in lh ut \'iciniLy , and Ih nt 1\ num· GrN' 11 H illfo s. Cull ::'1I1i 1l ~ nnd :Sh ce p P ull s. bl'" of farmtt9 ha\'e lost nlmo~ t th., i.. Jul}3.-1.1r I. E . K. enlil e stock of hog s Lh e rt by.
Wbite Goods,
olll .. .. ~lItP I I ' io " lind I ll i r thr H ug , 8 li1~ to m u rit u gl' lI er UUri cu ut ;i lU rt l\ C P 01 th.., f'r"n ~ .
sn y s tll 9 \c og
(lood IUl'PI: of
\V.e give B \'l"ry illl e l'll s lin~ ror · u::d Ih e bl' ol lIrn nds oi I'l' ~ pond l: nc ll' Crom S CI}lhtllcl 011 our fir st CnT N .A X UFA 0 1'lJ1lH, puge. Mr s. Ri lc ici " .J,l lld daught" r un ,1 \1' 0""111 III gi vc snli sfu ! t ion. renc1lt:u GIIl&gl)w afte .. 11 fin e slIil of 12 'I" 1i" " kf UI ior lite very liberal pnlronoll"e duys. r"r ,", , 'P I''' I \ NIl' S be'8101Y1'l1, [ hure, by - ---. ~.- - - -
00- Th e L"hl\II On S tll r
Much us Sp lI' i ll ~, Roofing. &c o, du ne un
- AT rnt-
---,- -~ -- -
- --
inimilAble entcrlainnwntR
A . CIt 1 S PIN ,
IParlor and
00- Our fri end T. J. Bro\~I\, uf Cli o, has placed us uud"r ' oblig Ations for a lot of lusciolls peRch es, for which tile PLUlds.-Mr_ John Hawke presented GRzelle returns its tlcllllks. us, IIIIL w,,~k, 80me fine specimens of ...... prulle plums - thu Jar~e6L Bnd most 00- Joseph F'lffla8 will h,!,ve a puu · pel CecL we have seen for years. Mr. H. li~ sllie III his resid ence, tw o and a-Il rllf informs us thAt he blls . been success fu 1 miles north of l-I fl revy suurg, on C're ~ in kl!t"l'ing the curculio from his pilllr.· sar's Creek, on TuesdRY nt'X ~, tht: 22J . t"6e~ Cor the last two ),ellrs, by cO\'ering t:iT FrAnk W. Poti e r, E'·q., n (orm l' r l thl! ~ruund IIbout IlleDI wilh gl'llnl.Tbi, is 1\ bit of vulullblil infol wlltion to cOrl"adponde nt oC l\tis omce, is now one those who bnvil bt·t-n unable to rAi se of thll ~ ditors or lh e Trenl on Monit ur,
U- AIr. Burllett gave ODe of his
Ladies', Gents', and Cn.ILDR S S B 0 E S,
tent Il£bidnes•
We 8holl constantly keep on' hllnel II gen· oral 6800rlment or Palent Medicines. Alau, jus I received frorn PHtsbur!!. Il
gaud 11111.1 well-8cleclfld lot of
SASH AND PUTTY, enning, 10 R IArgt' BllclienC'c in H oy'8 I:3r Acconllog 10 the militill law' l HAil. For two hours, h., kepl his will· all IUlll e persolls b e twe~n t'igIILet·" nlld TH U SSES, ing RuditOI'S cOllvulsed with Illu/-:hlft, furty five, lll'e enrollo·d nlld I'rqllirrd III El~l' SU1'PO RTEltS, pay foul' dullllrB into lieu C"UIIIY 'J'rl!lI or \1I1Chllined in silellL admiralion, lind b f I 5 I I' <' S llO ULDEr.-BlU CE S: s ury on 01' c or" I Ie 1 t 10 m' pll'IlI ' whi ch th py ofi'er 01 Ille AIIU vou COlln ot 18ilto be euited both in "' I c P'I" ' 11 9 III'" L1IO wil l) 'Ill B constallt slale of wonder I\t leis b ~I'. •. .H l U t' v ~ tI L 0 Wl~' S T MARJ1E1' RICRS. AL I. Til l'; l'uPU LAR . 'IuulilY nr.d price. June 23-1rApid trAMitiona rrom tbo Bul.lllme to bdl)ng 10 tllo 0 r-; . G • th ose who hlln the ridiculous. BurnelL is a fll\' orite s"n ed on" l " ur in the IIrmy 01' 1I11V)' , ~,!_.-l ..___, .__,_____,___ ~~ I "orlte)l t It}'I'C .11-CI-IICS _ ___________ _ ___ IIlId IhoBl' wh o h>lve fil ed wilh th o Co. • • U wilb I.he peollle, IIl1d nl'ver pE'rforDls to d' b' I' fro l~l)UIT erupty in Wftync8Vifil'. E. :;'. I A . ; .. or D ' .. mOil" kin: quan-- - -- . 'Ticilellur, 'of L~ bllilol l . - Slur. " J )fay> W~NTJtD.-We are requealeu Th e III1J rrsi" "ed wi shes tu cnlllh c DI lilie8 for sule lIy to slRle tllal 00 Salufday of tl,is w\1ek SALI! Of' PaCPERTJ.-Mrs. MRry Kil . .' . . I [PlIliu " of fnr71lprs ond oil whom il m ~ y I Iii) ~ ~ It' L~ rIMI Ir": iril ~'I 11 ' fIIl':R~l"r & PRINTZ; Bn effort will bemailetoimprovelheneYhaesoldht.rh ou~ellllulutonN ortle~JleeL r ~lIn oIlU." ~I•.11 School will / rune" r", to Ih e luc t lllUl he is e llg~:!c d In i If"" I!:. IIU If ~ II'UiI l!:'. ~ 11 li ers MI) IIdllY, 4 e, •embrllCIU Ie CUlpaI!v lit e Rl uIIUr. Clli ro or I U "p(leRranee r t be M. E Cerne tery, u streeL, 10 Su1omoll G!luse. I" rice, y" t , . Opt' tC Hclc is naw::S"pL, cOIll!Jld H' A • R -01 LSI
~1~di~~~I~I:~r~,l~~~:I~. )~f liu:~~~nl?
remQviog Ihe weeds Ind ,clubby bL\811- 500, es whicb h..e beeD aCCL\mUIIiLing fOF Mr. Wm. B. McClellund IlRS ~oltl the 800le limo pal', to tbe Breat ueLlim~DL . blick dWl<lIing" !llld stlll'C occu-pied' by f)f m!,ny Or tbe tomb sLon... All per- Mr. Lhddeil, 10 Mr. Samud R(\gel's. lon, wbo.c.el An inte,esL in ket'ping UJl Price, $3000-. . the appearance oC this lilLie ·cit}! .r Ihe '-'lIyor DudTe" . has purchased Mr. -
dead,' are earoeldy illvited Lo meet aL Samutll Roger:l' Itore.building 011 !.hin tllll ce-.t.e,v S I ~OO . I' wh ich he pa"s J , at all early lin hour II. street, ror "o·'·lble OD C'-t··:,-"-y, brl'ngl'orr -'ltI~ ,. a .,.. II .... .. " . W •blllO nece ..ary ~ool. ,wr til" work.· U'" At ~ nleeling ' of Lle e • urren'fbil cellielery i. beauliCurl'y legated, coullty 'l'eacJleu' Ass ociation, Iioid a~ I RDd with ,omll paiD ... CIIrll ADd t'xpt:n8e, Franklin on f:illtul'IlHY, t Iie I "~I II 'Ill S t 11II,
Picture 8c. Window-'Glasses,
JlTT'VH'TIO'":1 ,t \ a (' ~(
Wlr~nm I]Cil.l'iA(jJJJr~'j
~\HI illl~rge
m'on Coffiee, Pea Coffee,
C. W . K imb"."I, S IlI,ui"I~_nd"nt; M!s. l , • ,~ Dnnd clion Coffe .., Rye Cvffel', "mne Rio It IJ J II M s t.J C Iscn L .t 'nff' 'U tCll l" & ~ Cufrec Gno 1'; xlr4l'1 of CvtJ"oe, lor 8ule by ,. e C~1\ . IO lll pso n. . 15 . , . ~ nlld i. prepor e,l tu .d o III tir e i JiL!.l! lJlZ uu ..:l i\lERRJl"r & PRINTZ. dell, MI SS L Juhn s, t.JI SS A. O . I! ow ~" P. I ~ tvl ~, ",,,1 011 lir e "hvr' esl , ell, t.li ti . 1..: J1~w l horn u , . MI SS A. eran· lI uI IC, . • "ylllln g ill t. lri lill p, from 0 wh ee l- j l'UHE CIDEn VINEGAR dllil alltl MI 8h 1(. ,I e t)a\,18 .- Star. uurruw lu II,e lill es l lJ ug:.: y. I I . r ]\I ' A well.se lecl ed uBs" rlcn t' crt or Ihe n EST Thi s \Ve know to be ~ure, os we pr~· O;::r H:OY III:l S" C:ll re, I ,e sp rvlcea 0 ., "ured Lhe Cider Irom roll able persona In ,lI F:LLI SlJN ){ l ~11' A il llpcrior wurllmun, ,I,,) ;hi. nei j!hborhood , alld permilled it to ~~ ~_~~~ ~ m~ llli ,, " II I Ir I: IIUlll e ill tili A cOlln e.c tioll l turn tu vlI'~I! " r 'J'" our own preml!les. \ViII be surii"it'crl gU li runty Ihat sOll slac:On the 3.1 in ~ I . , in F l' nlcldin. lo y 1I,·v. MERRITT & PRINTZ. , '" U• -",VU L' J ~I' II. \\' . ']'"y lur , ,,)r. £0 • li d UII , ' ,.t' liun well be I/I\'en. JOJJS \\' , COLLETT . .lIMY Il d l L" ~o ''' . ' J On 'l'1"Ir~Jny cvnn ing, Aug. 3.1, al lic e \ ulv 18. . h1 cUC FFY'S'\: WlL SO N'S SEHlES, ! l3y the kitl or pou\rdl, or 1\ warranted. res: II ride'd lull,,'r t'"hiD :, un,dence by Rfviv. the L. (;Idrk , BCllj "lII ill III~JII.Le : I II II J &u., &c. q. uulit'·, lor IIDlp uy &c: Cu,hnrilll! IJ ll lh "V: DY . .- , ., J llERltlTT &. PRINTZ.
=:=--=_ 'I"""ltrtcu. :\.
lrIight be m"de" 0, resting-pi Ret! for iL WIIS r':50/\'(' 0 .tbftllhe neXL c.o n~enthe deputed, iOllead· of rllnnil,g to R lioo sllOulu bp held aL Wnyn es \,I1I .. , 011 wildern... · tbrouah neal.. ct. II il to the ucoJld Sllturc.hly in S~ pt"rlll ... r.C tl 1) .9 • • 1.1l thorough · 'Further Dotice Rnd particulufS WI'11 bu ._ ~.~~""~ -~ . be hoped Iba~ t!l.,• IpOt will I · 011 Ihe 161h uf A IIg IJ!i1 , III llc is p ocr , Iy reno,,,ted, "nd 60Wdl alld shrub· gi~en htlfO:llftc:r. !l,,"!! "l l'r ul V udJ Eb~r ly. bUly pIIlO\4,d, and WAlke neatly. Illid ---~-In IId 8 1,lu ~I' , eud dell ll", on T IIPFllny OUl, wbich wOII'ld . rendel' iL a pi Ice 01 0::7' Tho ci tize ns of Morro w gal'" mur nilll!" A"lII n, chil d of NII II/Ull Dlc oltJ lc p Il!aaariL .1801'~. "I 'it "Iread)' ill .o ce en th. eir flllUllled loldiers a grRnd rer-ep- \' Ivn, . lion on 'l'hurbdl'" lall, in Thomp so n' s·. Nenr H.~ rv('ysil o l'g, 011 .Snbb,, : I~ mor n· I' I C I Ward ill g Jil ly 30 . of bra in rr v"r,lH ',ry DC' IIver IIbtiniog oDmberldl ,flered mllmori es. Grove, D~nr I lilt p lice. 0 s. J OII'e •. Dil ly ,I "ul! hter of ' Rl~ v . Nllrlll ft n " "U ... n.e •. J. W. -H('nley, 06 )hllllt nnd Donn, Rnc.! lIon. /I. . n. McB urney J IIEt' pl, III C 1): J Oll r!', 0lle,1 lour months "",1 ad b' C II 11., Ddny wnre nnnouDced os orators of the day, and 1I·~n ty-. l x dll)"p • • e • &"'0 ua a (Ie el\ cn JUO '1 '" , . '
'PS ,lJr.
FA l\ll LY GltOCERIE5 ! SChOol-BOOks" II 1\1 A eKE R'E L ,
S·herillan M. arc!5 Along-, " D. B. E B E R LEY I
Wl ol, eR 10 in fo rm 1'; 8 p''' lr" ns u'HI th e nuulic, kee pe C"Ull dtll lllly Oil hDlld,. IlIr"o Dll11c,,1 d SlIlIre ulI • BA ll-sn..\,RE PLO\VS, Ullol Jvuble ull d s ill:,:lo _
S H O 'V J~ L _P LOW S,
m ~d e
Physici,ans' Prescriptions
Ca rdully and P r omptly li' ilicd. W.Il YNESVl'LLE, OHIO:
() l tl
uf 81eel. lie will al ao lIl. nu f.c lu re W",' nelivil'l c, Ohio. , One copy one ye ar. end rppni r I)lu",,,lrnrre, ond dress olltllom· . , per 1111 lI ill .Js of ·EJge d T uols·. . P O T· 0 l<~ F 1 C E· CO It N E It . F i.. e copies one year, (t7-~mil hi lc.g ,onu J1 orde.aholllf ~t e nd' l J Ulie :13--1.11 . \ 'I' l' n copics one year, ed lu l,ru llI ptly . I 6111 I
$2,00. 8.75.· Ib,oo.
~~~~~--=-~~-T~II~E~~~I~I~A~_~~I~I-1~A~Z~~:E~l~'r~rE --------
l ~lJ'Oll 1'.\N'l' "NI\()l'~{,I , 1I,~'l' I
IWatches, Chains,
, 11
MAGNIFICENT , SALE - Gold and 043ilvcr Watches l
'3~ u cr tiscmc nt 9 .
Jay Cooke. UtO Sub!lcrip ticm A gen t
• (.OnE,,'I'.\L
Diamond Rings, &c, &c,
l 8 6 5 .
I)EN~S\·LV.\NIl , (}E~TBjL R, R. ]) .J lt I e ~n'nck "1louttr
lIIr Jay COolke:-::; enlerp ri8ln l! anti :::.=.- - - - - - FJ\O• • !u ecese rlll Ph llldelp'lIo udnkt'r. h.e all'"ls ~ pedal All11 0 UlI Ce mC! llt PlTT DURO PIULADEbPllIA. b ee n o n e oi th moSI efficlel. t lIe/?ollll'lun 0 On e M .lll o n U o llur' V\J1th. ~ ]' J 01 pub ltc secu ritieS F uur ) eor. bl!0 when E. & R T. A NT H 0 N Y & C , u hi- U IfO~b U u) A r UN 'J Ui' lI~1 I)tli LA Il l'LAN. J)OLLilll h 'A GI/! F ru m nil pOll IUJ1 I Of t~. W~.t, Norlh· P e nn~y lvali l . S ..~e IiIOCkl II ere duw n 10 \ II'lIut.E ,\I.r. ABO lltTAII O- n •. I ror W t8 1 IIl1 d ~v \l l h \Ve~ t, ~hl8 h ll e ...IId lis 85 he w vr ketl a nd brOl.lGhl Ihe m Ul' ttl per, /. M rhe 1:1\111 U I ,I( uf , I I \ I".' i\ . I I" pull I I h and ul tll81 rd le he ob l alpcu!.Iw!e QlIllion lJlultlifud/(r~r3 oj PI/OI(l!/ lo!, IIC aie \ \ JlIIfHtllt'J.!,II\ ' , t \ "I\' t ('; lI un Ccl lU ' l un .. e ll l o r l ile f orJ er l o r ,,01111 IUU l.W\I "1,,, 1 ) VUllr ~~" • ,h e L,ti l wul e I I! I'hllud (' lpI1l9. N e .~ YOlk One Gold and SllvCl Watch !fan. do lla rs 10' tIl e S !o le . for r UI III!:: ond rqulll "oI/S, ufllctl)ty. t wo Immense J ewelry Iltlool L,. I "r \'". I.' "II .") I) doltl 01 1IvS t "" Dulli mvre 1I11t!' W uRhlngtpu '1 '116 plll g h.r Iro" p. W ile n II le ::;ccrr lury o J I Illt AU"Al l\ Y 0 1 Ihe Treasury Itove \'nrl'JlIS ~lIl1kprd I u Oullo, 1.,,, II j I 1\ IrIl l el' r III OY IV llh eVll fitJ ) loh r e lv ' ~~' il EstRbllshmults, one Sl lv e r·Pla· "' U , l I "'11(' I l' ·d It l i~l ( I II od.lll io n lu cu r III Utll b ·~ lIle.· o f Pit t loroueho ut tht co uol r ) ('onIlTll8~ IO Il8 10 nou , .~.... I II" ,.. " ., 10' ~u ' " ru ,ull ll cc ll UIl, Io lj! h ""ee 11 <: 0 tlOg W a) ehousc . one Go ld Pe n II PgOI1 Dt e 1118 fi .. l lun ll8. Ur <":001"0 \I U Itl!:rul,lllr 1\t JI",1 " . I\u ure lI c 'l J'IUMl cr, I' I ll" "lIiI I .. II, ,t:' • ",, "n~ :t. · '.11' . V \ allll' l Y B' It! ev",) IIJlpllftlllle 10r' ou",rVf! Bnd Pen CIl 'ake r . '. 0 Ih~t ' ... Irq ll,ll. "- I U t:l. 1 . . 1 1\1 d I uh' av! 'IIIlIO II!! l t he m OS I fucc~~.llIl li e ru r II,e lu llu\\IU.{ I Z i," J,.fI" d l·h,. 10 .. 1111l Ihlll run ue 4HU . urf u ." lw.n 11 e l!:~ 1K J" In .10-1' "'' ,I ,I \I IIh 1J1 -[lR l etj · \YR, -R(Y\) I ~\,' ~ IIl l used n po rtion ul 10180 1111 treal rllcr JO II , . U 1" ,710". .11 • h~ p /l ~~IlI'ger c,nts, l ur oJuy 11114 1l1Kh).. ,t'lV4tl!. SI/:.rrOSfOl'l' Gltd. /crro<c'II"c 1 1( 'c~ \\ IJ 'HH J JI I I. '\ II J) 1 U tV 'r. gy Inlo hi S sub . ge n I8. Dnd 8~elll e .1 III beol 'JIlt) ') 'UI • "I'" ,,1\11 ,,,I> .,.11 - I) hnv e r" c~ lIll y U,f ll nut! d \0 f tile equ ip. {)I I I (' c \\ C IUI\ ~ I II IlIl fJJ t' II ' l h .. ... u r1 \~ - }?"y\\, \ ~ nnd e rl 18 nd how 10 Jlr~oell 1 llou cl. ,,,,, "I 11111 .. /:,, 1>1 1 .': .1.1101 "~<U !',~ .0 mClllV / lli e j'e toll cy lvt:III II Ce".rplll,ul. th e G "ve rllrn eu l III Ihe people \ VIo( II UI(luf , 1I1t l u lJillg \ V u r::) ( tll l't" J\ultrllulJ )Ilh f • lun !1 III1J I ur I l~ tI (illl. :of nllu L ,",J,,(UI" i. t lte 5 20 IUDII \I US Ulil hO ri zeol. t \\o s b~Ivrp ,,0 I 1\.1 1' I ll~ ltur l! .lrU l n8 frum ITle W e , nil I lJ r u llp" ~( lllul"\, tl( , t-( C A I .. ) H I th e pub ltc mO llY mllnlhs wlt hUlI 1 a tt ra ct llll tI", Iil re d l u II". U. HIli Dl'pol where l"u' riiie ". \~ -~\ 1..1~';:; In- AOY 8111'"II UII . a nd Ihe tllln i 8ul." III l uJ\ I U' S h.; (r l'olfl JlI '-'J "r ,Hlula; , r pr \ 1\( \\ II \ ~ , r . II r u lrulIIl'l. rr, tl 10 Ihll Ttalns 01 1ho 1":' () I t f IJ lu hJ,..u ," \\ jllJ -j bt. lIt j ' It (/ 10 ,\0 I til '''li l ll'' 111 Ih~I,tloIll Gu ~ e rllm e l, 1 "erc 011 1) . buul (IU 'ol e • 1I f~'lIlJl l ul l l'l lIlhyl'Ytt niu C e llirul RUlllvuV, I w,llI ch' A l J J::1l1< \ :'1 'I \ ~ I I \ I I I RI: .: 111 It,; 111 UI I ... lit' l l l ~t IHJ I, I\ c II I l U I Il I II I OI1 ~ T he wa r C'I,,· u.tI~ 1\ ere sn ,." IU all) ud.l rc •• u Jl r " '1' 1 "I . ,,, 1111' 111 le hl e PIII . unrg uud ur PIV C ut 0ltrr JlOlII IH t h i l unnk's Qll d" IJllnkvro II ert! .,0 ''''''': l r li lt 1'11 01 01 , 1' \ !'IIH \II!I ", , iU li S 1011 0\\ R ,.bl e to ~ U I' I)1 7 1II 0 ll VY III .1l"'C' ~1 I ' II \'Q ,-\\.\\\.\'\\ \\, \\ C \\ lHO lloe I t .t I " "Ir d It C I Itl'"" I ~\; II " E XI·Il F.SS- L " "VC8 PI .I sllnr~ ·nt !I.! IImourr.p; nnd ll'8 Sec re l 'lf) ul ' hu I r~' s J till 11\: \ll' dlLl II I.:~ o ( U ~ 0 0 1\ 1\1 SIUPI"II:! hi Il hnc p,,' 1' IIIIIuI/Io u ry Wu 8 c"lIll'c ll c d tv UUO pl -Olhe 1" 11 11 I H 6 ,. \II \ /\n IVf. 1:1 11.11" .,11 1. Ul 7:;0 A IlJ, T) "r pMIt" g d lfecll y tu th e prlJll le t u 6"1'1' 1\ " .Il "HI ! 8 45 II 1\1 , t II p lle ',,"I t' 10 3J I\. 1\1 t l,o rn e oll ~ 'o r &1181111111 111: Iile U llvcrll ll ll ll i I 10 \ L u t I. lI n l t' '' I ~ fl O l' J}j.1 lIurrlsuurpf p opu lar 10811 8 h . d n ot L~ o ll iroetl, 011 111 'Ir 1 b I \II l' ~1 , II tl 11l1llor .. t f' lol O P l\1. New ItlllUre W86 n ot gencr.l,y Ullil CfbI U" J 1 " l' I ' 8 Y ll ik VI" II lit tol .. WII , II l l 0:l0 P \\J, 1'1, 11 I'a: 18 ol ", oy" 6e n., II H. "".1 ~upll nll. I -. h l"uel,lhlOt 1 HI b 45 I' 1\1 •• Olltl Ntlw York , Jurrre .nd s mall. \l e rc 11 01 "" I) l u Lv It It! I I 1 ylU PIlIi.lll el l'hl ;' lit 10 \)1 !> 1\1 t hui th e re \1 os a [) 20 IUJIl IJIl II, e lIlor~ CI, J . .J J ltl C A l huH'''' "!ttl l~ I MAIL LI ~c;- L 01 " $ l' H' ~burg n,f 6 bo ' h I'" we re 10 be COll vl ll ceu IIJII I It II ItH 1111' III I ,, 11 - I" 11 I I , Ir JIll I'l upr lctur , I 1\ ~ I , ~1 " PJ11 11l! 1.1 HI I ...· g ul"r sill loilsiws t 0 . well 11 8 Ihe lIIus l pol r", II C II lvc.1 tt \ :, \ I I l l, l lll~ 1111/1 In ,X I Ii i I 1\ IlotJllll t ,,\ I I 4:1 A. BI., Harrlsuu~j!'t, Ii lOelll I\1r Co" k e'. hli< lt , I "rl,c ler j ¥ud I 8 \. ~ I.'. \\. \.\ • ~\\.() \\,,,\\. \ \.\\ ':'t I' ~ I Iorr lllll ll ,,1 l 'htl"le lllh"I (, l H 2"U I reY lO\l S BUcce.& " ,d ut ~ d lit e ~ ~ r c ury 10 .11 I. " ppo III ""Il (, c ue rul ~lI \)~efl p ll\l 1l I\ I:'JlII I' ft l'. ""d No l' Y urko VIU Phlru.ltllphl f, II, U 'rite preas and tho telr!;ru" h II "rc 1III,neo . 1 r) A nl H lo ,ely put III 1Il0\1o n A I. rgo BUill It II " l'I I J ~IIU U (. AliO l::Rlj; MAIL-LP.vr s III ub, p I til' clil In odv ertl s ln g, 0 nt.! Ih c 1! 1. lflb ll ,,"1 II l'l "ollll' ~ ul 1 .!u l' 1 :\1 . I UI'PIIII' III 1111 1111" IIIU \I 'j)l l, ~ ", r ,I,. \\I ' ''! 1 I I'C t t t 1\ .. 1111 '" ., d u plln hU I\ tl OJ1l III of a gre nl mUIlY flr culor B IIl1d IJall t! ~ 'I I" • I " ''" II I' AII IV ' " III A II"Vllllt ul 7 ~~ II & c Ih e clIIPI Oylll CIlI of Irt. v<I,' I" .1111 III _ , i 111 i ... (t I ll l I "', " I I' " , II" m'''"r!! I 2'5 I\. III :' A,III Plrilu. \. \ \' tW\ " 0) \.\\. ~ ~' O\\\\.\.\''.\, .riO) I./ V] 11I t.:1 ... , t!s l nL 118 1t11l1: eub ogi· tl eleS II.rult!! " ,, "1 Il,e (I "" ,11. (j 4U c\ 1\1 :1 >0 ~II U ~ IJ J{ P, I I , ,, I, tn l\, I Ihe I) IUlOIS IRIC:I "ltU h aI W" ) d ble tl ~ l r 1I II I Alllll h il EX IHl oS- L c lIVC i 1)' 11 ~ o I' I II I lill \\u II1 C II, .I C()oke's pollt Y lU huv e our lu8 11S I " " II nI W\.I.'_l'\' \'~,\ ) \ 3 ~\\..:\ ,"\,\\\':'0 hlll:1 u I -1 :I:> 1 M, ~ 1 " 1'1'1111l"llly ul !In I I , horn e . alld he hO R lI eve ' 80lte lI ed . ub" r I' L.!) ' II ... , • til .! "". 11 01110. i\lrt~ ,," IU L.t,,,,UEo4 J5' IU " I LU , "I" t 0 oJ/ tl o ns ub run.l. be lle ,," /! Ihul o ur LII II P " I I , I IU ., A l <lu ll u !l :J J .l' M . IIl1rrl ~ hurll 2 ~U pIe al,ould hn\O Ihe lIoIYIIII'" I,(0 fIr lIoe" 111 1111 1 II.! re r" ,, ' U(IIIIII" III USI A l l ~I • II ""I1I11r " 7 11 M. N .. w YOI k. via 111 teres I The res ull of I\Ir Cu ul,e d eO ... Is bru l," .I;; II/.(II ~ I II I!-. I' UI II III' .!", :'Itut ll e., I 10 lit II ". IU A M P II II ~ oI~ III". ~I 7 O~ j(>(lhe5209 18"ell Itnull/l V ll d, r h id PiC ' u l ulvg U t~bc lt l'" retl ll'l 01 ril u," p 1 M . III ,d N~ II Y ur~ 1 VIii "ll1hlllelphl J ub oul l"uu hI HlG:J UII U All Ol tl CI Iv r (Jo e J) ,Z 11 1' II1 \1 rPR Irvt lt l it ... II. -. II r ,1 ' 1 III" , I t,1 ,, , • t d. 'e VI Di:e nry, tI II I111 g ." I I I I I ( I " u \ ., I ' t ::110 1' I'J II .l 4)hlol rUIl Ib ruug" ti ll Bltl Jou " 2 186-1 IIIe IUUl1 IIU ~ to lu fI 'li ( . I,oI" b: uc ,\Iii lJ e H I'I 1) 11 II ct llll u 'l 'i • POI' w,t I, ' ., • I'" '' t ' , , CIO 'IT=" II , ......~ I~ I II In},,, PI 11 Ioo.OUnr 111 u IUII UfP I'lltl ... , J \ ' I II . j I t'- I l i l l l \Ut,J. ILI) - e l l ) \ 1 1 I I I I fll l lt ! ""'\') '"' ; J. I up lo $ b l :t,780,1l1lO . ~ I I:.iU II IIt/ .(, lIt ' Y mil • I RFI ' tI" .. y .. ~ .. I l I il u .. t . . I ' I .. I. , " I ' 1' lItll'I" 'I"IIU UI" lu N"II ) urK,VltI AII""
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I,.~ I JI II ~ I ll i l I l \.rut C'll!'hl~ 11I 11 1.u lI " IINC SJ IJ 0" Jll ly " li d re lh ll ::3 <'CII II" 11 ,",0 1'1 111 .8 !lil t! 111,· I ~lJOU Ullllll Ulld fllI ~~ ~ IIf' I..l <:Ifll h 1864 th llFirSIS e rte S ul 7 · 308 lIa. I " ltU ll 8 11\ I;' 01 Ilhr{!,, "" 1'r " . ". UO, !J 0 (11) g lJlti & e ll " III I" b ,'. III " ~ :J II) 4U ., He 'r. " Ih' ~ lI gh ti,e Ha tn e (hul\n ~ 1 uut. 11\, 1\'1 [', IOU, u ;., I ~ u I,, ') .!llU tI ' ,U ~2~.J N ." Ill llO g"III "' go ll iu \ I ,I 110 .11 1. '. I" 41.1 ~o ht, 186b, a \Itllod vi s.,,· lIIunth8. 7 ce lli " 1' ,.l1 t " or .l5 U .ltltl u)1 vtlr ud P I- ~ UUO I' Itr f' ul .1 " I, r Ic Lull t li d J I" I II th es l e8an lll' "yme Il1 8 1 0.u"l . e ~ e nlll'hlll' O li OS v"J Dhl vtl lU II R 1)1 , ', " "I rt JI .. I ,,,, ~ Ul \ll' t tr gvl d &l ll (l lll ~ :ltu lu " l edt;olll} ol! olll onchulldr eoJ Ulld l lV un' Y l cd lf I'llIe h,,".1 ~t . ' II , 'y 1' "} Ul l ll li re ( UU O .~I,,,. " I' · Lold .l ltis 31u ii IIN0TRER \I t- • lit t ;,lU tlU ;1., . C _01 lSi - '.,, ' Il t rll l\!i 31u IJ \ I '" 1I\ llI b "I, Y J111\Io08 ThiS rnll! of s ub. rropl1 u ll l\ul , elY '" I"r 111I1.tl llt r bell1r; SUfficlcnt I 0ll1e~ tt" cPllullf'\\lInI 8 . 'Ih ~ lI "rl cc \ V"l l r, ' f ll\ lIt1 s , " d Ill .I,· OUU O . I H t& .,~ e n I I rill!;' 1 10 I , II was detl!ruuneUlv re luru (ruUl , lt e " CO il ol ~t II . !!.ro U M fi ne HIIJ tlllr ,/,1 " III _t", 'It 1 1- "UOO I tlU I ~. I: ul" II ~'" ,1 11111. r Iu QII u1 0()( JIrIr CutJl,c. ull ue r I\ho so m n'f( f 11 K lilt 11 11101, \\ tI"UlllfU Itlr "V I! l eul' IUUll.! ,101 II vlIl l"" 1t1 I" I) . I. 3 II) IU III ont th e 1A 1 ~& begU'l to show t\,e Hlcr euse .:r ~u ll y l,u ,lt<tl I", ~uo l. I t UU O g 0101 ,"ltl l ~ 1 urll" ellis 0 II) I.l w IlI IIII tlo " fir st w ee ll ,nlHlll' Il.'lf15111nn tNII 'II ~ 'll nlu 'l/' l \ .. ~. UUU ~l!l oI IIIIlI " '111111 LI 0" le lg tS Iu 11 II w~eke I\.vemrod t"" III1I1I UIl" 0 dtly Our Th e I1ul acc \\'J\l c r ~ 1"'" ",IIro 11110 VIt JiJUu ~ Itl t Iollt. III II , 1111111" e III ... 11 l it IIl I! the fir et l hlr ty lIny a Ih ~y r O llch ~ u v ile 118 ~1 " 1l 1I ' II IU v, ry Le.1 _ N \ t:; yu . g~ . 1 iJUuu 1"11 It ~II • • lLc , " 11111 l Ull s 3 I 8 \\" 1 II I 1 111 1111 1 11101 ured mtllt un -o ll ov c rll "o uf IIb tlllt 1 11, 1 D )I.I~ P , I( ~ IIJIII " 41 u IU \" \)\ \"- \ ,\(11 \\ ~ juu~ nl1 \1 10lOR lor ('lI eh lVurlt lll~' ,hy ' I he \\ (' cll n ~ p,, " k o r Ilt r IIIN IIS lI f II" tiuulJ 8ul,IIl " g" 1I11 .1t ItI" I I) 12 <\'l,. \ ~i'. Wh a t t he fir.t soreB w ndl!xho u8le t! 011 ", 100 30110 vi H o. ne o \ V ao ld 1> ", II u8 II u III ue180 1l1l' ~~ 'J U rl' r" IIp " I &/ ," ~r." d (" II , I.J \ 1. ~) \ . "~ Ql) \ ti l l ( i II c I :lila ~ h wl.!'n th e .u lu of S e l' olld l::; 1 fi N kl V\I IOIIj! r I\ ~ I,r ll ll' ii i lit \C ' y Ues l OJ JUO ' " 111'" ",,,1 I" ,r l , "" IIU, • > lu 81 II I o[ tlo r;o "Ulldr~ol 1011I,U1I8 "U S Ir g un 'l it 1\ 1 ~ - l lo , Iu 1I I '~' PI I I ~~ lI c. r 7UUIl M"o ll ". l e i, L.l a til " I '1'1118 BerlCB lVu~ ftll Bo ld 0 11 th e 131 h III II. e li u," e" \ VIII" , ' r ' lll t/~ IIr Po hll d. 1 I I rP IIIII" I "IJ, .I''' ~ If) 10 l'rl uy.deu ll c lllI gS U.ltl uy s nllt.! " 01 1111 11)", 110 o f tlt o !" . l"It.III. uo lll, u, ,, ~ Io l y Se ll . Oll od 100U U'll ,l, 1" '&1 11 " "ur 0l', :J l u 10 I UUltO III lit I 1,,11 lv' 1.0 10 I I" JO I Ih e wg lld~rru lly s hu r t BI,n e\) of llo " l y. ~H mll l ~ IIUI - A" 'IJ' I\ IC & I llurnlli wurklllndo)R-mal.tlllfllllllye ru gc u l e ,\.:11I \Vul cr,,· I'lu lI. M dllli nt . lude 'n s 11 , 1 IUI IO lO lI" " "Pt ll l!! " " /l 10 J j ondoll:thtrdmllllOndpe rtluy. 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' rlS Sl r ' l 1t·I'I.A liD" \1:1" ",II .11 1I/Ie sol os of GUVCllllnCll1 108 11 8 Ullll e r I.l uro Ih e Vtl) I.. at 1I •• ., rlll ~ III u l nlll "" " I 1\lr C'luke's munQ (!e rn e lll a s (; c nC" I ",I " f I' ll 11 " I ) I" 1, lIlId III II ,c U IIII, ,1 10UU 1 ClipS :i!< J I" $!:! O Subscrtp\lou A ge nt, hu ve bee n uboU l l ::; III II __ (. , III . II ~ l\11I \! Z II r Hll UU l! IJUt",S 0 IU thu s I he 1I (.r II I' \\ III. , . 1' 10 '" R III C r I "" I llU UU)J ' " 11 111'1. 111 rlll ns .! lu II) 620 U.u~d. $ 5 '1 (1 00 O(lil prlllr lUll " ,.,111 ,It",," l (I.II . h - r. y 21lJO ,u l ol 10 , I, cl. C ,I u II 730 NOles '1 GO.UIJU lluO (l'rI " 'I " " EI f)"I' cr " JU JU CIII c l)l' bl". " 'I I ' ~ U - - - - -- fJ to'. . U I L' ..:J l III.! J 1\ ItJ U I p I l et so.' I n s 1 tUUlf' ll ttl OUt I I IU!l 1J c U' I ~ r " '"I lo bOll l19 $ 1 274 .000.UUII I( "t.I".!\I ~~ ur ~, I tI' l M\I " ' ~ hlt l Mil O .! \JIIU ICt ptl 1 ( ., JO 10 2 '. '0 Bny nOlh," go rbl senr1tll llnd e r1'~II'!! 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'j Iu au Wt S c l" dl) fr o m Mr Cu, ol," Cll ff:': "II C ti l • ( 1I'I' I:'i s \ :'iU "I'd II ~ r er. IIJ IJ Il ,s efl o rl R ' r rl lll"" IlUl ( III tI. '- I ( hOI.II la , tll _ tl 1'1 Pn I Iflt I). Ir ulII 1 IU :;)ll - \ UII CCOB IlI g olldlllH'\I .UU III •• 'III I 1I1U ('li e . I 'il t U I.ldul! In 111 ' l UI t t Illl ('I \ N ,p e ~ IHlv e eerrlllllly bee ll I"x . J It . I II J " I " III lIIu eh 06lho~c of "/IV clI ll lnlUlidc r III III p l /' I I 1 1 , :.11 til ", \\ ~ , IIIIf';" f I 1o " \lIr il , ng .t I I I "p r r q ( t , .~ 3 pr ' , z BeJ ar I '1\ ... ", J" "., pu~ " 'l·. UI, J ol UllllI 11. t' 1 IiI; II" a ni" IN II I \r,, "" I.. nOI .• ~ ' II ," n Il 2 '11l\"1 I\!o' \iU , C • III LII.h I ~ H . I L; Il L ~ I ..!U \ uII. llle •• I It! > lIlII o r 'j\v(' nl I /' VO Ce lli ' I,e tH & )(le n l\ ) Y rl Rts \ ~ \. u uV \\~ yl,, 1 I f" r 'I I " 1 lI etH n t ulIkp nntl H ( l~ulll r' l IClt- B E LL S , NOB 1 a n 12 lU I Volum e . " III • II ltI _ II I CII C t)~ " III lil e
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U ; L d " f I ,_ 10 " I UII L l II Ir II <oJ t X ' ; he G I 0 \ I "It C II I ' i.l no ( tH Ic' I \V c /, . Ye 11 0 101'011 h " 10 Ii oil .n I In' 1', til I I", I til.,! I • • /I I , . I 101 I" .. I " • ~ .. ot! IIIu.r d !reel rll nle rot Bt"clr lil New lha IlIleueudlyslrll!l'.lcII1Ano e rt c u-lI o \\ IritI s rU lllr uu ls u. J " .I, ,,f 110 I' CI.. -ll :-i II. 1 rd,,,, s lI" l' r",ti,,, c""II C ''',"lr II ' FINEST PERF ~ , ~ .:. ;, , "" " .. 1" , ,I. , I I II ,I .rtl (,. " ' •• \. "r\('lV IO I\.lIe moIoVI ll .... luu] Wllhl' h',.t>r hhV p tlycI08 Cd-ulldl\hlCh re lote S l tI 111 " l lII r ti lcllI .I VIIIII Il . III " 'tlJI , III II p- t ll lt· ,, 11I 11I rll) 111101 IIll l r 1III lI, I - I I. '_, !.. r'l " I I U M ERIES1 , ,I'UIIlII:d thun a""f oll,er. ~ j I ~ , I,06Cllu rn e 11 .11 IUlIg I\litI ISt' , s ('~(J ' Ih p. I , I . r., rnlly,II.IIII, r 1'" 1l 1I 1 III, IIIrll I' trl l I I I I I l I U lilt re lo clilu n-vi o.t neW nl.: r C II In EIIoIO l :11 f''~'J , '. 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" I IL II 10 IIc l',1I1 Il lI rl' 1'(' oI tll I" " Ir ll • 1I11t! COII'r CI!'1I1 lllll,:rs g llc ti,PIII lit e ' O e o' l l't'eio!i ·.("eu.,' ""lltlM But 1., 8 suu l I. III hre h.,,!! nil ' H t' l r J I ,, ) JI ll II r, j) t lor 111 11 t I.' le r "' ttlltg II I " S II " I .. . ' 1"1 (cb er. ,ond' rt< 6 o l ·~rtl v u) \ \, <11. g, ,, '"' 1'111111 111 "' lt rl •• ' CII Itlll It , ll ' 1 111 II IIS 1\ ,' tll : ·. \ ' ,e ll,v,: I •• rts/\\ tlUd HiGH.;,'.' r."t\~ "i "; ' I tf. 0/"" I I , '1' 1I1·.t " e oo" lI. I he lIe uu III ()" fu rd - ( I"" 01,1 •• pol l I l llllI U I " I, I 111 110 \1111 t tl. IUU ~ I I ' ," ~ " ' 1" \ It II Ii • C , . ', t I ) - touul III 8 1111 ~111"" I "' Ulllor} , lIoeh 1I 1I .l lr tJ lt t, lie lu I I"l ' I t ~ I I ~ I lu .~ ... J \\'C pllilit •• lllrly ,Io- " e II Ie nll e r.1tUI1 I F T-UU W"N.~'''''O K.~'~IW Illu.t erie." / "'0m" I I I t 1:1 11 ti t.l '" l UI :-'! l lt '" J II ..., I L I n I ~ :; \\ 11 1 c llr ~ 'IIIV ' rllr u b t: ( l .. r )/11 II I I I ' " .. t jh ll lJ),l\u" ''',l t lll-_tI I\" ~'1 .. t · cc l'l n e r ur 0 IIler, I be Ite\e t Ilut IIJ LJ UU I (uh tre I BJn DIarchlll)! on \ I "IV lUI" Sl u"" ' It' 1"' C. i".l •. r II / I "r' 11" I, , ' "llr} ,lilt" '"," 11 11 1111\ '" I II L LADlE S t\ Little of Evef,lllI. re l.liD .- tQ III" "u o e '" " r' v ~ •• " VI III ' IIIL \I \ I" >rlld I I IOUI\ Byslem, 1II,.le .n.1 l('ftlaJe' the r.DUH~ -.- l , ,"\ , ''' l'p l l(',1 or 0< 1 t ill' 1111 11 < ' 1", 1 I II • I II,, " (e llurp ,,/ uur UU - IIi CIS \V "I' "I' C d ' ., >1( 1'" r ' • I:;irluler.se IIIl er ~ sl P ICI l\ ll s III 111 V I I. 'rt to \I II,Ii . 0, IIo II I' t , ti ll tr "Dlme nl (If uili D8dl; II,e IIIl1hlo~e d d I J r ,s i Mu l r I ,1,D J il. ~ I D & I II ,. luI Uff " " I. ul " II t II' II II re lll " I [J L 'j' IJ A l' J S .~ 1. L' ]) "' D Cu.l 0mB il l Ih e '\\orlll, how lu Iitllrt)'J ell, la n a . pen IDg t 1(, eC lhlOIi 0 tlO ,-,II I 62 l ullo ll tillC, l, N", \ ,'r l, I ~ 11~" r III li t "P. N \ ,I " . . ~ " h.r. .& .• I preme COU l t of thllt ~t at e o n lit e 1 \ 1 1\ P ""11< .1",,1 pllr l' " A( J' N " "u II t ,ltlllll lld ,rlln(J1I n eVcrJPubU!IIIed ue' --r.() r hU ' t 1111 cup III IU 1\l IItO Il I "<'CII'" IllIs ( I ul 1110 I Ui lp i 1I 1I 1I~I(I r, lo, e l.. 1 S .... \\ e 1\ ",I nl!'""I S 'n , • • 'V 'fl· ore, rpnd IIl e r~vl8'itl. Plld e'llsried e,liltull ILy 0 L b ad IUIl"lJzrnJ,f the I S~Uln g (.! H 1::\' I S IU \ IH' 1\ 3"" • I, lui 01" 1\ 1 1I 1"~1 " "'~IIU I II IIt I',. ';' 1 ~~e 1\ 11I1i! < r., \ V II rt.! . r ........ 1. ""ut'l H . ,\ I" " " • II Ll • 0 '" I, III I"~ or ";\h:u CAL C J .IM O ~St s£ It ..:',, ;lv u8 o T co uu Ly ODds fOI b UUIILl CS, At l e ll ~ 1 • 1 1 .1" I. lIe """ """ nltl.1 l u IIIJ.: l I I \ e~le dl• j ) J l oh ~d " I""' I P" "I"",'t \ Oil. on " O"M n' I'"K ns · ".It ,,,11 he bU"" 1 I • I , ., j e( UCJUU 8 \ t'!r l ( I " I HIII.. "I v~' tor tiu ri uUi p llvple anclflt l ...-u'd(lbuoK , A I teom ' II lonsare lUlolved lLl S lUo stly alll Jl' Ctulr ec lI lII! 111'1 I"' , e J.h III, U "" ,( t !',ef:d hrt " u \V o r l l L' Cu:lo.l\ .l eX<l ll lll reU IIf Vllfl Pt lP9 Ii,p"t III O<n.lctl lll. ,, 'r, " ,', "W Ii IO ollC rC! ' l ' .. -. I I d I I J I ' hlOrE! ., "I tl "lid " II ~ ' /' I '. I I I • " . " r. • I' " .. . lIr .11" " un \]l IlI lIIl" lor ('very qlll'.l .OQ ~"II!~. lPO 1III.\IIr,,· In tl O Ian 8 0 ~peo u a tO l 8 1I 1';"!; ' (l1I 1 "" 1 t l .. '11t'. Ut,(" 11 , 1"0)111(1 pUI 111 C' ''IIJCl1l1[)n WII" 1I11 1p. r~ l l ' n.O S EDEltRY~' NE'\L. • " lInr .1100 " " . IIO,luc' I" <I,l a whlthrnlll.. Il u lI 8. Prl8 $-1..60 COUICeIJ" .nbl~. CollfSn. Biddie Bod Blckntll C l1 c uL I u uu e lur (., lI e~11 1I1 l lli bv Iru lll ni l n lrl s of llui ::l 11 1 ~ II -_ rJ,"" Nl otl "1/1'1" "11 011 Ag~ lIl ~ \\.II. n llo " 2 ~ -e nllree I,} anv add ~8~ ' Btiulis q 10, J Udgt8, 11 I VO (;1anted IIIJu ll~llon . II.' I;"~" rel'. 1I1 rtf "p I 'I'~ 10 ' , II I Ad IlI llllc", nil ur d 1> 1 ' h ll~llI:tl 1 83~uJ ,e ck~on's 1'" t. fO' l"nr ll ~ II'fit al e .lIltl r' ''111 I J Ct II ' L I,uu 01 ~lle B\)oIIIlO-el, or Will be aent "1 tub ~ Ire.. I : fI UU I f:: 1J I) I CIU)\I r EI'; , Iii ~ • O 'H , OIII""'''' Io'"I''')\Mg~,Io''' ' I'' \ g~lu~ t e li n' s .) (j I i ,1t! /, ,I • I ., \ , \, \ u~ 11 r) \ I IJ\l ll 'I"S .~~, () 'I hi" be-t 01 nil 1."1111 11 ::lyr"Ill!, lur suit! An.nANDA I.E"" (0 mull, 0"11 1 p~ld"on recel,,~ of rrl~lt} IV Ul \\ 01'. " e ll L ril I by l\1J::RRI'1"I' & I'HI lJ Z .. A.hlr"tilt 1'.. II T~ . "J. 1) , I ' I hI 101 BIVudl\ Ill, N. '... .: Gill J1 ~U llrtiad N" 1 ['fow YUlk ,
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1' 1\1111 1") IVHIIII1 Hudruutl; l:o 1\111 I lt vl u,.U IlIt • ,~ rI. 1< IIIr BUill '1;e, (''' ~ . 1'1 u r \ \ l , r ll l ~ \ p p l1r t I i"lItl iJ ulll 111 ..1r' tt I plII.olIll II I I., v' I, Ito II ,I" U "IJIIr) r~ III ' " I' '" 1\. " lI ul! ll ".!1l " XI!<!lJIII t: rl,ut '1~1 11111 1111 \ ,,, " I ILl.; n l Iht1 rlt '~ ul 'ht u"" cr. \.
1" ,;l t \1t1I ' I' to llh ll ll ol' u/ N~w \u Il n lit H II U I. nJ ggl glJ dlt.~ d\t!J IJ,ruLJ 6 '1
by bU.li 1 OJr
::; II lId 1111' ,
LI NE - L ·n vrs 1'11J..I.Vrll at 930 I ,'1 • • It P I' " I~ , loI y 1.1 pr lltCII"oI s llll'" " . t:I ) \ r rt Y. H ." 1\ \10(11'" III 2 jlJ A III. H"rr,. h llr ... " 7 3U AM. h 111I1.Ilrf t 1\3 20,, !p lI , N \I \"rl' t VI" A lit'''''''''', !I 4.1 1 til, 11' 11 1 01, '1" 01 t IJ fl Q 1 . ~1 •• ~ "d Nuw YUlk.t \ \10 1' '' '' .111" I' hl l\. III Ii 4J I nl lh 1ll1m", III I . JlIl1tlJl~l: t~)Ip)'ler U .' • • • d , 0 ., DIII I!J :rII " /,,,, i , u '''. ~"'I U'I' t<r:tYl/", d
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Pectoral Sll rup
~ETE &, ·COLl.F.T1', EDITORS. ron T8E>
i r ' ..,.......,"'" WAYNESVILLE, W AHREN cotfN'l WEUNESDAY, AtJ'GUS1 23, 1865. ' . . ,
$2,00 A-YEAR.
th&L.there. i. or li(e, must be cold ·liear. eo aod "aah rooto, where ~d, tbe impe~sollatioo or .. verilY, and naturlll motioo lind leeminlf feet.. io fine bOOla, FUmy rem Mia. ()!ReWy. "~A"018 cotJ.nm DIED, "UR RAR. e:acto ess j ), ,UI Ibere are ,reaslln. LblJlltI wOlDeo not leas gamy floor cooatandy, sud Lae no 10 1788, II floW monllla before the 'I'he Nllw.l'orff Clorre.pondent of III • y,r'.URGH, WARREN COUIITr. URlO, hE- g ~ ams 0 c Ig1l; aDd ple"",n& 8(180ee beollilse they are women, cnme mo. to lee 01' to be leen, He is 6r8t leulemtnt oi Cincinnati. 8even 1 dEMUR 11ITrt, 186~: ..iGEI> FOUIl YUIlS and inc:idenll ~haL make lire in the Plln· !Deote of relit and glimpse. of sun ebine, born BoullfierDer, B Kentucky IlIludred and rorl, acre. of laud were 'renton Monitor write. aa folio,,! 01 I£VIIII .OIlT~ ..... ~x+£Ii" DAVS. . iteutiary ~ore a wooder and wore a 10 the bellol1t.ifalyBrd Lhllt i8 pleasllol , wba 'Pilot a part of ~)" time buught lor five hundred dollars. 'fbe t "o metropolitan oIlJle&r~i8.:' mystery for . aoy" o""'e. .. d unng . Lbe war, t I Ilellrt a ( lie I Clly, ' Fllnny Fern 1'8 auytll'l ng 'In appear. . ' dtuau Ibe carele.. obleryer tlver enou"h .. a. d w"o ract'IS now lie anu. ~ fn memoryi our blue·eved buy IlDa"lII11 . ... rAtracl'ng of .Ie pa, .. new .tllr', .i he re bel arulY . "ppral6e ' d at maoy WI'11'Ions. A a II' paIS: Anftc bu'• tIle 8"eet '.et n I 1Ie b81 c I10lell 0" d f n ~ • slIrgeon ip t ~ .. Llye. eurmure. Our dearest joy ue .. y 0 the week past, it "'as and we pa88 old' 'O'ucle Abe' al Ibe you arll told lhR' hit! namtl i, ed from hand to hand, colos8al fortunel ~or a nom?e pl ..me. Sh.e was .el\let! Cealed when hI) died, We saw him go our Cortune, wilh CbAplain Byen, to gRle or door, and ~rtl in the main pri8' "nd tlla' he ,rail IIrrested al a "' ere reahzed from il' bUI ita origilla' 10 her Cafl'l8~e, as tbe WIfe of Mr . ParIluwlI thto d.rk val" - sl1, who e.o know bave a look io the- Ohio PeniL4!nliary . on. Everyone lhat has yisiled lbu Itttdehl"nd wby be i. here . purchaser. liIlIII one' of lhe largest ton, with all tbe illlporlanoll or «que~ft" '1'bo deplh of mortll woe Iud pllln Ollr "iait wda. ~fb Ibe. I~cdky kind, and place for llie last tourte'en years, baa very indigl~ai1t .t being foro~d wes tern IIIDd.owner,. at I. ill death did a neg~o 10 hwer~ 00 the bOll, alld t"O' ' g'-l"'(f lIa.to...· b lilt. eooc Iuded 10 lub. nOL IeAve properly eno ug II to secure P'lillcing stee-'s In• (ront Tiler Tba' IIowod( our hea rll while we, 'n Vlin, cOlDmeoce WIL all lOCI enL that "al a,oen tbl', lame' Ullcle A.... U1:I .......... Ilrl U .' ' • e w~s II pl·opitioua. A8 we approached tbe m gO'Od humor a~ ttl effeota upon hi, wtl.'a4:e'CI~111'. agRinlL WIlOl hi' 6u."iving 80n . Until haug hty, lordly al~1 lln~d WIth a 11111& 'fried, In ,JIo.e fearful hour., 10 live (rou~ eotrAnco, a young MAO .Itopped peraoo, ever lilling al tbi. aame gat!!, Lbtl Iseenea of lh. ahopl, 186!t. ~bRI soo resided io CincinDl\ti. a lIadn ulI, jlerhaps, 10 lBe ezpression o( Our preciuuI trelliure from Ibe erave , frOID Ihe hllil io 801,lier dree8, clAan ready to take Ibe- lie'llete. · ota of men lI40em all penlionet apon Ibe boullly or relative •. her cou~t.. naoce.; thera 11' as rellolulioll '.l'he Hall,. de.erted now, lave by the mOlioos of \be m,,- A.I, in ~e aUhlmn of lire, lIe walked and Brmlle"o!-lt would b",dly be well ell8Ved Ilod will! a twinkle ia bis ele. '1'1. laard tllal he ... n come no more lie w,,' .. prisioner just refused and attendAot., and the eella are eilenl. ....,. ~_ 'va I~e lhllL ~uly city, i~ mil" IOJltep on 14118 Fanny', Looll more thtlb 'l'cI ua pall '.hi' earthly Ihore ; WIUI biding rarewell to the olllons oC Hete YOII meet Mr. DeaD, tb. Deputy all i, qufiet , 8y. moyemen' hne ge oe_', 0iMe I \I I Uf t ke reSince.& IIUye 1M, our 10\'el, on~, the ilJllitutioD'. 'I'he kindly advice, well Wardeo, who bae been C10DDected with canllot ullderstand loa OIlier IImong all ill brOAd Bcre, of whicb his. . 'TIs h"d to '"y GlJd·. Will be dDlle. received, th A 'God bI en you' of tbe tbe inijtitution sinoe 1838, and under · Ho~piLI'I, and are .arprised falh"r ~a8 lole pl'oprietor, he diu 1101 ~a a large, stouL Woman-not ibe beair' 'J'I.olllb Ih.,e are juy .. ,hal biod u. hpr., Ohoplain.ltad tb ".kindl, fllrewell a new· Blanda the ch"ract.er of eacb inmate, complell!Dt:8I and pl_olnen, own laod tlnoug b Cor his laat re8ling. Ideal lutie o~eAture-lbe pet a~d p~ido FUlld li ea. lhol make our life 8tHI dear, er, opened 10 u. a ntlw Culure in prisoD ~nd fiod tb", he pro yes a valuable allz diffe rent I,r om "bat...".ou had plaoe . , of 80me (Amlly, '" we ml~ ht Imllgmet Yet Iholll!hte 01 him 8h,1I ever be 1,'be room, io the fo)rm oC Many high Artificilll mounds, circular from Iler Ral~ Hall. She h.. A fir,8 life, Ilnd we commtSnclld learning tbe 1I~lIuy to Ibe part1, Hef6 ia where 11151 Sad with thle .n~uI8bed memory. leasoll Ihat hearl had 80melhing to do winter one of tbe gaard8 wa. killed by with itl rowl or greeo" col. 1I.lld ellipticlll, atood he re when Ihe cily head DC. wnvlDg. hAir, a fa Slerling'~ wilh IransRclioN he re a8' elsewhere. th'! negro Drew; here is the clIlI wbetll nUlly arranged e&el, aDd ac . wal f9l1nded. I n after yean, as they Ambroilla I\dVerUaelDenlll; a dor~ e~· e. o p.renl a, mourning for your Ion, Jimmy WIlS scnt up ror d esd'lion,had Jobu Morgan e.caped, and here Dear furniture, hll' a cOIY aiei. were levolled, one by Olll!. Ihey re\'eal. Ilnd full, He8b, fllce.. I shOUld dl8hke' The Deauli(ul lin 41 l ifted oirt', reAlly cheerCul. Compar- ed relics of that ancient lind eomparll' 10 be oer 80n·1O law :, perhaps Doestioktt been releaaed under lhe late order Iro w it, oroucb~d in the (arthest corner, etill When cl",e" III dell&h hla brlellt blue lIye, lhe StlCrelary of WAr, and lefl Wilh clad io clliS-anl dresl, surly, "nrea.on. ed lh lhe room t hat yOU have ,UII lively ci\'ililed race. which oceupied 'CUlS up' .? thai he It a match for Flln" And d~llth h.J clnlmetllhe merry boy, the Bu re ty thllt he would Denr enler able. and noL indined 10 apeak il the I,,(t, Ihis i. Il "heery bird cRge kind of Ihis region before Ihe Indilln, and wa s ny I 'Go ~t,' I am told, is tbe moUo' such B plnee RgRin, Inside oable in- ootorious Chicllgo ooo.piraLor, Sl, Le. 110 ,lIlJAir, and looking aL t he iron net . probllLly ideuliclIl wilh Ibe Aztec8 of OB t~ fOlDlly coat of arma. We wepl III bintr jtrlt'l with yOIl, lroduclions to Iho prison uffic ial •• 00111' ger Greofe!. ,His sentence i, DO\ pro · wO.r k o{ Ibe windofl'~, you look to bove Mex ico. Priv"te ~i1e. O'!Willy. somelime. rur we hlld loved blm dearly too, mllllcillg with Mr. Prenliss, Ibe War· mulialed and he refoae. to be shllved, \he Bcene completed by seeing tbtl Upon the Ihe oC one ot Illese mounds known by bl8 Iruo name, Col. Charlea' And .till I,ll 10fm .hull ue nured he dell, who sl"rLed UI ori our journlly Rnd has OOL yet donoed lbe 'stripe,.' liule birds hop and HUller RrOUlld.- ~ 8 Pike'8 Opera J lou8e, a gorgeoiJl ed · O. H Hlpine, your correspondent me' In uti Iud Inhhful memorr. lhroug h Ihe iOlHr:(ftfo n over which bll He" iahes ror a book 01 amuting char· 811\ aick men daNiIl our atleolion in . lfice, ert'cleu nL an e:rpetllre of hlllf" not 10llg lioce. There is noth iWg re o vres ld e~, with pleasant rcifel'ences, thlll acL4!r to whtre "way ' bo time, which i8 If.llad, and olhe r Icenes preleut Ibem . million of dollarl, by a CiucinnaL~ dis· mRrkl\ble or 9Itiking IIIhoUL h';8 100ke-:. o IIlI U8 e ver, \Vhlle we live, glu'e our aeveru notiool .of priloo life furni. h.d him, .elv"'. Iille .. , who, firt een yeRts before, oould he would not alt,acl AUention in a' lie .. fthrul he re. Ind Itriva Po ~ve Rnothllr JownWllrd dRsh! Under prop ' If Grenfer ill a noled chnracter, 10 in The IlrAy·haired, bene,olelTt.looliing nol ob~ain credit for kill IiIM dray-load crowd unlllss he \lI'!derlook ~o "alk .Our he.~I' 10 God, Ihnl, when we die, or guid1lnce, the in8p':ction of Ibill hall hill way is Paddy Devinney, who meels man di_p eMinK meuictne. witb so pro. of wbI8Ity.bllr~e I8 . h i8 one o( tbo ~Olrl Sides of Ihe "tree l Itt tIle _amo tV Il fIIn" be r,_IIpd '10 jovs on hillb ; regiment of crimin.I~11I commenced, lhll you in Ihe Iiall. Paddy il a regular fellional an air, illl ~pite of hil stripell, Ii.llesl lhelllre8 10 lhe world; but 111e tIm?' He look. and nppea/8 like an And there our loved on~. we Ih ...11 me et, felUalll de pilrlmtlnL (loming tint ill or· bleared eyed ap'Ilcimen of the unforlun· ba8 a am lie lhll' t'"lIlIyOU his time i. aile has more inte rell' ~ltl'l the build , ordlD&ry, wen-formed, healthy mAO' 01 And Ihl8 .h.1I be our ¥olace 8wCllt- , dcr. RIo Irishman and h88 been 8ick. He cut. He \1/'" onee 1\ weillthy ing. What volullles or unwritten hi. · about thirty·!ivtl- red cheeks, Iigh~ " 'hougl, tlre1 CI" c:ome.lo UI no, morr, Out of the ,building inlo Ihe aunshine is • belther' now. a&d this i. his Ilia· , worlh lome forty thoud' tory hR. lha' SpOI 'witnessrd, Wllfc" h:,ir a~d eye~.. He is e~itor of Ibe\Vc'll go to lhem 011 IhRI bri: ht ~ h o l e , and a pl1l8SRilt IiUle ,Iud. n wllik along to.ry.: S~me monlhs 'iJlo P~ddl, ill dollars, becRme engAged in p8SS- ~ upports a ll'mple of art Rnd (Rsblon N ~ I\"): ork Cit IZen, and, 111 comp!\~t the p8red palbw8Y, bortlt:red ' ",iLh CIUUlnnati. w"s found wi~h ,tolen Ifod' counterfeit money, and was lenl up (01' thl! men and women of l.o. day . • h ~lIh Ihe AII1I8, devotes. mos' of IllS CARKIII: MY&R. _____• .._e.. _ _ - - five yeBr~. Hl\s been rtAlly a gooif WIIS .onee a post from wlllch Indian time 111111 tlll enlB 10 uposlIIg th~ scoungrel!n, arid, yoo are befortl A 81ern look· in ~is p0l8es8ion, and as a consequenoe, illg iron ·/'aced door. No latoh·.tfmg e.mlgral"d to Columbus against hils will. lI$ao,oaa Lhe cOlilfidellce o( all, Rod 6e llllll els ov e rlook lid lhe 'dill k Rnd dr t l. who havll coutrol of the clLy gov ~ .. out here. no Iixtul'e thM, U)'II open ~Ilddy waa u.nwell aod Wll8 pll\Ced on dilr\ng. his It"y Ihll8 !pade hims~1f R ?Ioody. ground' beyond Ihe I'ivet, ,,"d, 11I'nmtnt. 'l'ha~ he i~ R promia,nll poet, 'rho Ohi'o Pelii~enli ary is " suhject And walk iu, bu\ impenetl1lble an ~ hg.ht ddty ID Ihe hall. F'r~quently lOod Il h YbiciAD. He wa. olfl'red pn r- 111 elU'her. IIg~II, ~n IIIlRr whe re priests ~ v~ n the Rs~ald Rdml\8, eo we suppose oUl 01_'!\'bieb m"y be wuyen Ihe m Dst frowning a. lile WAII8 them. elv ,s, tLe ijlllrked "od wenl inlo bil cell Yery of· dOli, but preferred to '8llly his lime OUI of a S" wl ·hllrbaric l'RCe perforwlld mys· 1118 so. HI8 UellyAburg Potm wal I:xcitini aen~alioll narmtive, but how barrlllr is in eyery sen.e • prieoll door, len with lhe avowed purp08e of having if h could be of aDY ."nice. He ie lic rites to propitiate heillhen go!lal ",fOod, and mlllly of hie Ihorler poome Villcinn8ti WRS .built by a womnn.- hnve II freshnesli a~d vigor about Lhelll' IIod whero to commence Ihe IItory, ia 1\ And WiLh it.e "fPllllr.llce cOlne gloomy " I'ray e r. '1'hele prayer8 becom ing hllppy hllre lind 'ill a little d oubtful R" III question not ea~ily decid ed. 'l'hilstout impressionll u what it ahuls from more fr eq uent 11\:\1) waaallowed, Paddr ho ... th e world will rl.'cCive him, N OI fla found er Will neither" carpenter nor Ihat mRk~ Ihem qUlle readable. 1II0lltl bllildilli upon the blinks or lhe pleasAnlnea~ ~~u Rre llbout to 1t'I\,ve. WR8 }uekred up for neglect of dULY. ao;1 UiAny plltie n~d AI'U in the ho~p illll, but 8 spec ulAtor, Lnt in the legi timale felD ' ticioto, 110 CII"IIl ·Hke ill il 8 "ppeli rAnce' l OUIl o( t~e IQ\~laLcd touches !omelhl~lg lifter a te nn o( lome boar., on bt!ing 80me of Ihese IIrll BtrQuge charActel'~ . i"i"u pursuit 01 wirrnill~ h onrt8. Sev· Got Sbot, with ill senlinels upon il a o uLl'f we!!.,' tblll 'yOQ . IRllIgl~e a aecl"e.t 'prlUg, 1\ III· rllH!ased and asked il he hlld Iini8bed Here is Cord",. Ihe murderer of Drt:is- 1!0ly yean ago, ColumbiA, Norlll Bend 111"1 buen for L,}IiI'IY yurt milking a hi. · llc lu;1l ~1n~le~ luslde, wl~b all • Open his prA'yer . replfed :-··Damn my 80ul bach, of Fllil'Deld COUllty, d~clllring ~ al\ 'splendid ~i,l\e8 on pllpel' - Wllrl' ·BiII. don't you know ~IId don't ar~ lory for itM.df-~"J , rom anlic RUi! my . '· Se~alDe klllu o~ a mOllon the door if 1 II live h"d Lime fot a good prayer w,ith evil eye Rlld. comprllssed \ip~, hid r1~III~, ellch aaplflojf to be .tlle mblrop ' low ~ou to buy 8hot" 8ald a . yoon:g. ter.i~u'j 1D .01 ilt (e"lur••, ,aDd IiWIII.ll~ ~ack andln~(e~ of tbe seowr· !linc~ I ha ve been here.', P"ddy i8 im · inl\9cencu . aOlI he re walks a curiosity ohs of the W t!d l. ColuOlbla wl\a lar urchm to "hrolher Bome,whlll bll .ent.. 8IrRn~ 10 Lilli OilIer world MI All. Lit. lhg Jlillor you UJ1~CLe~ t~ lee, a lady, proYlng Rnd we lef' him 8eRted on " ill'~ 811 pe' or an Arkanl"s bush- . NOl'tl~ B~ud '!I0SL rRyorahl>: locl\' or ~ho wal mIlking a purc1\ase of IhaL tie children, lwvnty years ..",0, 8Rat!tl the lIJ"troll of thl! In stitUtion, welcoUles coni box, a pict ure iu himself for A com· whAcker, 8 poor. licldy, Utrl'dUUllled ' nnd ClIIcmhall IIIRSI I)romlslllg o( "'II&"l e, . . .' wQlldt1riagly, a. they gllZlI tG' lllly upon y.OU HI p~(llIanntly as would a lady ?~L' ic AIllanRe. A short walk bri,lIgs us boy, who you w()uld lay had nOL pow- RII. : t ou JesC m,lO~ t01l't o\\ln bl1~tnll'I\:, Ihe fr" wlliQI( 'VIlIIM thaI loolteu forbid· l" d e rec~lvtl yo~ In her parlor. 1 he throullh Lhe din;ug 111111 and bilkery er of mind or bod, te do IIny thing; . Bul II~ .~rm1 officer lent out !o ellab. mlll.er Uob. I I!Je. t buy ~hat I plea.~. illgly duw4 apon them, lind pioturlld 10 glooDlY Impre88lons IUO gone lor a IDa ' ioto the kitcbun. Here is life again but IiLiIl he handLt.:la rijJe. Ht: Il\u"h 8 hsb 1\ mlhLluy po@l (or prole.:tmg (ron· LlLde boy, 8hgh.l,. sl:Itated', '1 m' Ihem.tlvel m1111erioull f8rrcyin~ s oC the mtlnt, "nd III lhe JlleASant .room }:ou and mt;D Rtl! aCling tieemin"ly withont now IIDd lAyS • not a bushwhRcker ~ier sUltl~rs against Indiana, was 611arch , I:oiog to lell Dati;' r"eIf OtK of Ihe.ceneR within alii I t'iilkcd luw of Ihe forgE't the plAce unlll tbe guuJe move. relltraiuL, Dinner il over, but sup.pet · ' "lie • COl II ~ile. Fascinllted by the charm s ,'<>re; rtme do,"n etl·eft d'IId', !louncel Itr.nit&.and ~ickl!d m ell lhat ollly seu you onwllfd and .•pWllrd 10 'pull tbe to come, alld Illlthe YArioul dUli,,8 per- w{'ek IIg0, Cllpl. tny k·eyed beauty-"ife of on~ of inl? the ·roolD. wllere the- .0M IQIIB ill lhe "orld Ihrough iron blltrutl wind ilwl. mo ml'nlary .emollon. o( pleasor.. , b, taining 10 its prepliralion arll being per. broken. hesrt. An Iionest lind genllT' ~he Nol'lh B~ nd selll .. ra-Ihllt rOC8110n qUietly peru s lII~. 1~l e monllng pape... " For yeAr.' upon yea,. a Ilrellm of vi.i · plllclIIg yO? In the IDIOlt of a busy ~nd forllled. In every group lbere .a re per· 008 DUO Imd II lUrave .oldier weKken . Impre88l!d him favorRhly, lind he m adll 'Jhd, dad! 13111 ~ went "nd gOL sllot . 'Go.od lJeavens I' cI:iel Ihl! 01«1 ~ao'. • Ior. h... pouf(·d io al the front gate.old mos l pecuhllr scene in the worrl.lng son. that you nOlice, bllcaule thl"re iN ed by dilease 8.nll lalferini from II i~ ~i8 heatlquarle~8. '~'lIe hU8bllOd. dis· lind yuung, to f01l1 oppl'eesed on enler' j rwm" ~omt:n of every ,t ype, twe nLy lomething strikiDg abouL Iheir HppeAr' wound in the hend, brooding ov"r tile fikrng llle. o~cer ~ pOlhted altenlloft!. droppln~ the pltp"r In con~ternaLlo~. Ing,l,o view ",ilh drllRllllike indilltillo~n6 ds l or thirty III Dum~er, cl~d In a c~stume ance, and here is 1\ mlln (or you to look stAin upon his nllme grieVing ror his came 10 CiOCIIIIIKtl and settled - thll8. aftO boillog, Cor lhe door. Where I~ lhll working numb",. io thlll strange that, murke Ibe ..m~ wHholJt belllg re' III "itbout prejudice and witholll toAdy · wifll lind liLllu on811 ' strllggling Cor R he suppo@ed, remoying hie wire f..oOl hll?\ ~ dreu . lo bu b6wildl!reu by rOllring ' pul . tW6 Rre worklllg Rt table. or illID. An' old mlln, well furmed, with II lin!libood, he diod gUilly of indil.cre. temptalion. BUI, a& MR .. k Antllony •Down 10 Tbompson'l hCore,' re·' mllchi;lery, ••dden turn. Rnd peculiar I beoches. bl'ing ing into IIhapa lhe cane head thllt w(luld not be OUl or place lion rather than crime. Had ~ Jiv ed Ihrew the worlu Away (or CleopAtra's spouded Dob. Mil"". and 10 brlllllhe free "lid WRlk bottumed (; 11111:. You hear no 80uud where brRin work ill requ ired. witb the unlil to day he would hue been fl'ee, lips, t~~8 humble 80n o( MAl'S counted , In his exc ilem~n~ ~hfl.old· llIIao, (01'-' rHpiJ:y a"lty when the enttllDce W"It I but the ' click, click • oC ~he haoll work dignily oC a judge and lhe ul1coooel'''' Rnel thi ll bUL makes the Cllle more ud lile military IIdnnlAgn of North Bend geLs to ..emove IllS reading 8pOC~, An(~ I~M\Jllell "glllo.-Scarcllly hili IlItlre ' ~nd Lhe . whole acne r"mlnda one oC tnll IIduelS of B Moldiel, /lit" opon a nail . 1I0l1 Ihe hellrl 8W'ell~ with indignatiol; liS nothingcompflrtd Wilh Ilia charMe.r'a in' soi.llg down lhe front Slept misj,udgert· bMlln a "8, y ror Ihree yeRre, al tfH' tfRilll 'l lilCures IU a pnl)J>t!', 8how, or lho ch~r. keg peeliDg ))O"'t08a. Look at lbe mlln a\ thCl wrongs dcm6 the mlln. elee .. He prumptly followed t~ Oro· lhe dIstance to Ihe p"Yemeo,t , atepa off. (rom Cilloinlloti nu,ed tbe C"pit,,1 "cte re 01 a par~LomllDe. A ,:,om~~ 'mh well, for he ill a uULed cbaraeter-a fr. w He W81 hCCUlitild of u8fng money be. el!ln~tJ. aDd erecled. Fo~t ~a8J..I" glon foo 80011, and eO,mel !lprawh~g on a/l' CiLy, but whlll there b.as beeR a rush or l lbe,.Loolh~(lbe In answ~r to IDquJrle, .as yeare ' Rgo a weRlthy phyeiciltn in Ind. IOllglng to hi. mien, And "RS, witlt lilly ,w l~11I1\ tbe pres.e.n l city hmlt.l. Prox· (oon. He hastl!}' gAlhorl !',I0t'8etf U1 1 pAaeengerl to the cllr windows to hue ~ ~hllL a the matter, nates lIer tlld io good sl.ftodiDg, WitS tbe proprietor of· lIlol'piid 10 be impri solled unl il Lhe Imlly 10 " fllllllRr, JlOIL sellled th e and alal'tl for the 810re. lhe pave · que&L!on, R8 ,it hAS "II 8imillir on~8 . in ~e nt appears 10 be obout, the. 14!~ el or a view of Ibtl Ohio P'!I1ilen~IRry. All oonclse ly. and then propounds, • Ho" a Doted wAI~'ing plaee, lind in lll~er money ~R~ reC.. nded, lie bl\s pllid I wiehlld to leo the !rioon thllt .,,,hn ~e G~v. Broug" to·day!' This .tra.ojCe rears was one of lbe foreOl08\ of tIle debt by giving hi8 life. llle . '~rs!ory o( the ~e81. ~o", ClIle,"· hl5 knce8, con 8e qu~ully, 10 ,IllS vlolen:'.rhe library of Ihe Pcn:tentiary nRlI,,8 lh" Icllrgl ell tbl.nl~nd el~y .up~nfi the ccdeavolnd.to kue P It un4Ierdh~m. he fCu~ Morglln bllll .,)evaLe to ~llce in ro· · InquirY, we found, prc.mpled by lelti,h· ["diana conspirlltors. In IIhor.t. the -'\oeI:I lind hi.lory by elcrpiilff1rom it, IRJilI. III the "omao wAuteLl Ih~ Got'· ml\n on Ihe Dllil.keg peeling pOlatoes, com .. .n.~xt in ol'der, "lid hl!re. lUI Ii C?nllOent; 0 um 1/4 la I\n IIIslgnl oHnt a ve ry u . lcrous 6 gure,lIn I nnl'l rom allii 110W in IfIRny a Southern home, fl\r ernor 10 gel ",el~ lh~t Ihe mIght be i8 tbe ceillbraletl Dr. Bowlo8. brsrilln, i. "ntIther 'loLubll!, tIle no lor · villaie, and Nortb Beud all excllllen\ Ihe IIIIIonl8hed byslandert such a .rollr 610wn in Dixitl wil t' ttl Northel'D book. pardolllld. Her IlIqulry "nswerud ehe II. '''''8 not con8idered able for 1I11rd iou~ Jim Summel's ",ho lORny years fMOI. Oil never WBI beslowed upo .. 1\ elOg!e III") nOl IW and be appreciated Ibe s Qr,lIides aiMi'II in-lo an 1l1l10001ltOIl, and labor, 80 WI\S placed on lig .... du~y. in IIgo WIiS senle nceu '~o be hun!: for poi s. In archileclure, Ci ncinnAti i8 luperi. individuIlI beCore. '~y~ Ihere, DIU '' 'h.ff yong IlW\Jy un'l reader dwell8"Ioog tlH~ 8l1uming ,ouod , ~C . b~sy bRnds is the kitchen to wash didh'ra. He is olliog his (other"11 falDily Jim WAS al · or to its western riv"ls. and rapidly up," where tire you' gOlng-wllat lraln' a •• on the prieofr leaoe oC a mOlt won · IIW tbat. you hcal': I1,,~ IS brokt:o t>y Ilwployed buL H part of hill time, and WII}'S 0 lively fellow, Rmi when the gal , gllilling, upon the mos'. beauliful lea- ~o yo~ want 10 cHIch?' cried .ono,Iletful lal4! oC whioh John Morgan is eomethlng very. hke a bAby laugh, a~d rel\d s milch during hi, leilnre, Ll!lIv. lows wa!! erellerti io Lhe jl\i\ y8rd prl') ' llollrd C1l168. Some of It I squllr~1 Rre WhAt It 10U lllk~ LO BtOP and gIve UII tile bero. ana dreRmll :> r wbl\t II terri · yo~ turn HurJll'18ed to see wreathe.d 111 ing Dr. BowIe. Il8 presiding genius of posed to 811011 I.hem bow tbe ~M1g ullrll~I!! lcd in ~meri~l\ . A fety pul>lie II jil!?' inquirel an?tIH:r. '~ht're'd 'Ie BAstile kind or an affllir lbe Ohio dmll~s a btlbJ facu And . 6P'~ a ~atr 01 tho kitcben whh Lhoughl. Lhllt keep ouSlll 10 be dOm! bt1ifdlOgs are I'mposillg; bilL 1111 but yuu IC8rn ,thai Ilep 't ask'R third, Iln-t }'tlllileoliary Dl"lt be. And wilhin the ,bllb)' l.uWlU. maoeu.\\ ertn 6t ID vato, en· yoo busy, YOII wake to fln'd you,self ill Jim rsll,' good. librari'6n, and ai\lloogh . have 1lee n ere<:l ed I'ly private thu 8 he is oSlaile~ on e\'ery lide. !lut ll1lt few wsek. in mlllly .h'Jm~ •. in Yan' deaNr 10 c"lch a baby foot, face, foo, lbe illune depe.llMtM..-Here,• •'F, 8eIMenced for life is cbenfuland "opes enterprise. he hetldlO nol Ihe Jl"p.rs .and Icolfl ?f. anY' "eo tRnd.a well '" III DIXIe, hue aod blloda blll?ng 10 a, really pr?lly" rooey eoulo,ure.. are thOle duubly for p>&rdon, . He 'O'an b~ trusted in m081 The CincinnaliRn i8 ~:rpl\nllife . N ~r· fine; he car~8 for .no\hmg bu~ \~llham . ,here !>aan atrange D1eelillgl and tellr· he.arty cl!uekhn~, ~r,!wlDj( b~bby In a unlortunatlt ; .1Hl YOI) are taught 1lOw ,biD"., and h"a a" ubjectiuo Lo ruoning ~o" quarlers lonu re 111m. He CAn, h.,e AL length IllS ledlO?s. mllrCh 18 \jrough~ fill welcomiflga of long ·ab.tlnt on ea who etl&, fled. "hl~h &lr. aa el<l'erl1 h~y much a kind word can do Lowarlte ~on. RW,IY, deelaring th"t be i8 iODOtent alll.l ~n R cOllltge, bitt ~11l DI,Ult d~ bURII~es8 10 ~ cto~e' .by IItr1flni:' at .lhe. 8to~O Irllve Iun" t"lea to tel I of prilon liCe thllt ~bo.l'. eyel remlllO fixed on the clllld trollin... A pale, blu6.eYtld maD talke th8~ 811 will CO(D8 out righl. · !n A'palAce, An IIIft:r to r. brl.'~k hud"d . ""lCr~ ~l!I'J M1sd~r!IUhedll':1K . tl\kll~g ,I! . f 1 ""1~ • • ~I .. ~i..... ID 110. _.r .., of off~n.e 10 'pl!e 0 f II II YOII, say to . allr~c.• Ile r CHlmy.. or something thal you cllnoot -From tile l'l bl'ary we "" An .." ., - to tbe 8c11001 109 IS the ~pcclrt' 0 dIII. I. e. a,n . R easy. b b dl lIe t ill .... po.lOg Lo III 11m Ii 0"" -,glllnir miliary law In lhe bordlT attention. A baby III Il peOlt.l"nuary 1 uudentand. A peculi"r lookiu indi ' room where are pupils Irom abeoodllr· freeatone. bluck 111. un ylDg IImbltlon. .8 a , y IUT .. f~ •. CI ~.gn m ra • , a .., thlea. I Of " .le I eom ' · -The j'uld · II.t Dtlllgeo1t and ".~ E.- IIcll\ly. '011, ·L.d WllhRm, "I \IBm ! wbertr .. '" IIltt a lhoug IIt. ~u d IlOW o ut Uf pace yidu,,1 i. oalouhlling. how sooo hi, lime "WlItS.p to IIlose we II posle d In l' i l i ... Ad I b I . I I ' r r.1I?f. "til ),on' wotlnm> ' F ur II 11 rty yellra t h0 P1'1Iltonli"ry '1t tDS C\'ery crowlIlg "ug - a w I'" will be ouL. A goud huwtlrett, wull. ~on ranc le8. , n III .llla 9~ene 0 pu· on '\VhAI'S the mllller, r>lld ; ,'e goill~. 1188 bet n making history, aud ror four IIb~1I b~ tho Cut~l:e hfe-Mhllllthe m?~h. formtd dark mulatto rile8 a. you lip ' p.... gllthered wI~I~ Ihelr pAtltl~t tellch · Ln;cou: MEM ORIAL -The journ .. ys c raz T' enlRiDls Bill, rllising on hi s 1elll,~ 1111'1 been .picing iL witb romAnce ; IIr 8 crime be Visited on the olll ld 11 he proach, IlIld you IhinK • whAt a g ood- II[S·. cloled our VI... , "nd uuulde cl\OIe of iV tmlhllm Lin<roln from S,lfi n"lillid II> Y d ' I Ii of Mtoni8h •. 0 Ib III .I,n, t IIe I\nnll. I 0 r t I16 war. a"..... 010111 b~~n of til 1\ pure U "rae~e Ow anl' eRIIldlllmg "11' 00 • . I !r, wI 10 IIa8 . ~~ I an I'nmllt~ will' " lOU are lold 1111 brl'g"'t ,. a· ollll'ght "lid ~ .. " but ' 1861 ,All d from W... 118 II' emt!m be v dI . e 111I'ur~11 • ~ 'ell··w,' •. v • I 10 \I ..T a s IIInglon. lit .lE' A ,' ~ the' I"I!!. of the Great lWbellion,' pr.'son "bout 61J1. O\~tl~, C rge WH," is the IBurderer Drtlw. Apart from 1\11 Ihey co.ull! 1I0~ .lnh fl'Otll mlllRory tIe inglon 10 Springfield, 1B6&. By Wil . 'Wiry, :Bov SHid you'd got ,IIIU I~' ".hall play • con.~'ieioul pltrt "nd AC· Crime, ~omlDl'nced .hfe all \\'e II , bUI III otl!tlr8, annoyed by no confusion, wilh 8c"nu ~ust wl l neuetl, nor from ~h.e liHm 'f. C.l!{l{c. hall. Publi.hed by ' s o) I did , I, Kot half A pound of die 'tuire a .-ame and a lIame oommen~ur ' ~o eod n, lIerhll pl, III p.rI8u.n-lhe bab~, alllha' <:" ... be dollt' for thlli .. oORl(ort, hell,t 118 lorrow aod aadocII.- Ohw Coggshllll & Co., &llulJIlJus O. 'l'his beet ddelt Rhd itt' lhe 8tore.' , alt with tbe grelltnerte of ~k. SL81e IIII1~OUCI, comm,ellces hfe III. the pclll' ' these poor felfo",. re.t, and "e Srat, JUur7U1l. M't'Jllorruh preplll'ed by Mr.Hoggesllsll, 'l'he old'm<&n left Rmid noiee "nCfbgh' ",hope criminal. artl con611f:d witllill it. t~ullIH'Y, bilL 101, 10 Ilnd u~"'here? ,hopt>, in ptBce. • • u_--contains" hiogrl\phicAI Fl!etch of Mr . to drown a Ihunder.clap. Ae mi"ht> . Anolher HRn.fe.,. MId yotl , .. mIhe A I.AltO& b 'c oMc,-We see it etaled .J!, incoln, 1\ compl et~ lIiMtor1 of lhe 1'1'0 be supposed', nob gollhe 'Iowin',' Rnd· wans, People,perhap.,b .. e nOlthough l liRrtlwlllI, ba-b1 WILli. ynlH' .males, .nnd el 1I1il in Ibllir vi.ill to .alidfy clM'io~i lurn we .to 1I00t,he,r Icene. Were I&- a room whel e are hpt, dllring Ihe dRY, tbal John PUltJUt:, of IndilloAfIOli8, re o jourlle}l-o/ftci'lll in v ilHIi(ln~ , proces8' Bitl "illt/t, ~y, thaL tbtl accl\"ionlllly pa1 til' .he ~OmR\) 111 tbe ,'AII 8tages of conlUlmp ' thOle miliLll'Y prillonel'll noL IIllnLenced pO"I. an incoDle Cor IRal Yellr one hun· iOOl , speeches, &c.- also, Mr. Lih, _ ___ IUllirulion, but l1iLh ua tllt;sll Ihoughts lI~n.,. sl_I, d,),It'g. Fo~r unCor~unHLIl, to lAbor, IUld alhers ,,,ho' ,,re oo..bltl to (Ifed unu _.nrent.1 IOOlllllOd d olhl rl coln's Iwo iMII!fllrals. lind I\n accounl LeT ~ll\t!Bburg, New 1'0rll~ AC!oord~ WUII Core.oll, ami 10 UII eVllry iHci :'fltll "? frilln.! ,,: or r~I"'I\<C8 ?1H8Ide,lIhe work ftom t~nlpol'lIry ilh'en, Nren Ilre 'flli. i, Inid 10 be lhe IlIrgtlli income ill o( tb e aUl\uil1l&libn lind Ihe IInest of ing to lire ct' ns u. recen,ly loken, con" _ t of ptlllhentiary /ire, every acpne .1.1.0 die 10 tllli prlijon •. ( .almly s hl' :Iolli&g IlbOlll, r"allin~, W'rillng, wl\lkin.: Lhllt oity. Mr'. Purdue WII" fmomerly IIIt1 Ildsanin... 'l'IJIl compil'ltion ,has tRill" some curious speelll1l!na oC hl1 ' of dRre·deyil recllJel8neh Rlld e\'ery ~81k6 of delllh ftJld or IIDI thl\L hllve Ihe fIlIor, &(l., while in one' corrttlr. il 8 A Cilikll of Ihil eounly, and u~ed to b('en earC!fully mKd" from originHllour· Ullinily. Among IhelIl" ilr II French !ndiYitluAI who hll. Il hillory were ob· been ~onIiJ. She wa.· 01 a· respt'ct · bRrbllr Ihop , M ,lOY oC Ihese mlln lire bUllh IIchool, iu I"lain 'l10w Il8I1ip ,- lor ce s, Alitl th .. book IlIls A perDlI!lIllllt his· cII'I'alier. lOG venrlold,. with " ",if" Jeet. oC interest. Fetling Ib~ it wal .. ble f~.))' ill. Ne w ¥o~k. wen~ down Igood looltillg fl!11 0 W",' ARd aa·.:,one 1",11, len dlOlfure II month I Whlln he Ii ret loric vl\lUb. 1"1", entire procI'edtl' of 95. with whom Ite ifn II' tleen mBTTied' lIalllral ~b. we s hould vidit tlTe Plloi· IlI1 lhe lfrad"llOlI~ of crllne, bl:clUUII II IlIwy er· hke UlAn AJlpronehe~ Ille ChAp ' went into Ihe tOW'l\ship. he - . eonMid· Ihe book. after ~ar in !!, expenses of pub· is yeard, And · II all had 15 children: A lenliary_",as nlW.lU'III , th8t' ,,~ ehould ).IInl C"OItI, Rod lived for Ulany year~ Illin 10 Ilsk about" uo" k, you tHIII'L lJ Ilck e r~ tJ 110 roor 11 1111 it "A' rlllll"ed Re migfl l lie1t.l;on !llld·IAle. go ' into Ifill IttIllUI'Y win, "g' y eRr's or rrge, . in lhllt lo,,..n, hAl "." qllellioll!--""8 U8Lurai thllL we with ~ negro' Ilt Clevtllllfld, alld, chug . IIntJ lak." " lieo,lncl look- Ilt lht! con sp irll ' beocomll I) cl: r g~ tlle ref'Jn. , aod W.1\8 ~f Ih.e Oh io MOOtl1TlllDlAI' Funtl, .VI hich been aile )lIt! lIr A Inolhtlr. 'l'hrlle moth. ebollid I",,,rn !a'tllCh II,," Wt'lghlld heAv) cd WII:.b grand I4trceny, WR8 selltllftct:d lOr, Alill igaJ)'. Htl u!I:m. II' lensibl .. ~ wR"fledlout ("'·II.t, uSntJcr I"'Ne PI'OI Vl~' Id b':l ng Cbllecled for (Ihe ':"'reCJLh~~ 1°1 Il rs ha"", hnd' 1~' chilUnlf1 ' ell<:h, ~wo 011111.: hen~ IhRt sllM'ltJd in the Jor a long ttr .. here. In he r owo words, kind of It 1t'lIow, and lllkes Ihing. cool· 1000 a aw 9: Illd tlllll. ow le II ~ uilable monllmf'nls 0 wr. 10 1I0 0 I II d }-8-- Ach nnd one bllil bad !I! 2 'Yet, and tb~t sent a 9lloodering thrill' 'l'hauk God, ehe will loon be free.' , Iy, Is a dlitldl! Aged~mA~ 11'011 forllled the richell~ m.n iD l'ndIRnllpoHi,-C~· IIndl tl11l Ofdo lJOljJilJr~ rHllon in bRfl.le,in IRill a c , . • Ihrollgh every nl"rve. h. il _ I not 1\11 Iii the8e cl:lle. _ , of Ihem exlllb · ,and hK' a bllllln~ 8. · hke afro Itnwu. &~an\ 0 ,' . f!llpitol square, CQlumbulI'. -[Cil111inoBli' . 1 --' h' d 1'lIa UltDdy of III .. ctowd ~ the a,i~to ' ---4. _ _ , ' Commercilll. (J:::r W lat' ll t e uie 0 slg . Ing !,11 dark, a. our re.dll~' ,h.U le Rrth <nt, iling evidellclIlI of ft:mi'uitut ta,I.I:, Ihe8e (1' 0". rrowu - womell ' "' - Illep nnrl tlll'ok 1l11"u,· 'p e , Ilops crnt oC tll -~ 'Inl tl"• ult'OII • }~tb.eoft "II"U I'. 111' JlfleS upon ' • , ,s= wee.Iivi"g' l\l we ,.: tlle'Ir I' mprell'I at1I fr om .lle ~ , a , n ~ r .. IIi':rT n.. u .... ,.. ll O......·I.a t-oce ~ 0 ,., ROllt •.(Iowo h the Itrt!ll~· _· iu' '. I . f II I I Ii I I( I I d ;n~" ltiRt:8. \\ hilL woald bellUI\: be \yituout NEW DUII/IT1Ut.!. - 14ascullne, mill-' or ~,Q\1l ~ "hy rua .. " t e voyage ..... .II ~utatde anll the p-"klmimlC "c:Uon prRy. ·n epllc .o a .LlOY are" oomy, R lno 0" ·mg . c e~ n 1.18\'0.' ne J so.p ? ', ,J iOlllli re; feminine, milJion .fieirel3. life a wai/i/lg "oyAge 1 "'Ithio, people aet.m. think ti181 all aud you turD Wllb r olle f 10 Ille )" wll· cJ,rel8f:d mno , who wllh 1111 nnped CIII' w
.,·lto" ....
"'OJ .
° ....
"7. (' .
1\1 -::::::=::.~ --:-Vd' tunl ll, I" II, .. m cli ng ", al ~IJ~ held fo r lbe ur ~e of conlwe rlo" the ma" er. b ut n:O info rrD lllioD uRvi ll1( D. SWEn: .. J. D. COLLETr . EDITOKS' I 1 .1 I t' tak n • yet rt'ac leu u. .. tlO ac Io n 1: , \\'ill noL ,ec ulate furl her upon it. 'fhe Wa~n88v ill e l Oh i 0 : , co, I r l i o n ITle {I'll' ""fIr comments ns 10 0"8 W E D NESD Y, A (a: '1' 23, 1 86 :i, . .Lbe ulldul'lnkill T; I ilblhtyor . k ' conllrcljon
..tllinmi (!;n,cltr.
J .
luda~~! ~r81O 'Z'J
• • . n 1I11llar Ihe fI~11l1 IU'~II I ' UI1'i nnlorll\l C nvelltlon a.' 1,1,,1. b • In da.:k. n8 fUI'dtl" •. pa ll the glasl to UU oelgll bo r "R lIr .. nlz lit 'R .. II 1 . ' 11 ' Ih e Rppoillllne ll L Clf the on . Nil I 0 11 Ro d Ihe terrible curae WI ~ollre Wri ll ht, of W"rro n C ., PresiJ~n t; Ihe amilten oDes from pUfllhse, \ " U AI Inn of Bllile r lind J oh n • . . I Ill . r. 5 , , d Sntlp in IW:lin thl! l or ntpll lloU. li e Hunl. of , "rr.' I1. Vice Presidell 18. Ilfl lind b. er u~inkin"', 1)1Mg: ou& jll&O Iha WID . Pflt" autl O~ orie R .. • ge •. ~e~t .'1
-- .-
___v=o=~ ~.~J,~-~-~-~-~-~.~-~-~-----~-___N_O_.~~ \ lllf~~ ~o~~~~ ~D1:;qU;;f":~ SC~~~O ~~~ ' lig ht of ~AY 'the Qsm u~g~ing
~,I h. C~~~ I~;~." ~"
- Tllc .,s r
~2Q. 7:l-l.
Eowln ~orreel
of .
J. ' V. KEY ,
. 1111
Ni~r.r" lI~, .JUstlce O~ th~ Peace,
olomlo Je we ll· !s.1 F .. lIil culOlliza lloll .chelll e UII hla ANU N 01AltY I VOLle. Wll I a . "1 . hll nds. • . LlrflUed CUIl/l~ya"~t!r. " aun Ag,'II. - Pr Ie:R~nr A~.ulz WI8 . t 1~81 II'.. olld A .Qtllt j c1r re/lflble FfRE. alld .H I J . 0 lec turi ug UII g~ulo.L ~'Fl!.' £fJ',wraIlC' (..'ompUll~'•• C(l 1I1I 11 ot ~ Ullelr 10-' ~ , Ol'fl\;e nl I he Old IStfl ud, JUAhl Street,
Y_ 'I
l~r:,1 ~~~:;. ~~J'~~~:~I~~ !tl;:UlMrl~~1Il ~~ I ld;:!~~~~f~~~I ~r~~ ~;~'~~~:~~:, ~~h::~
WA ¥tV Hit). cons trucliuD of II r nl r,?" ~t"C~' iD Ihe ho mea of lue 'II0 , I If 00l W,n re n aou nl}' be a llth orilcd to h I! will proclice loW . I ():j- ,dl tC , i 118 'l-"dP1 ' " pro ceed. re. \ put Lebt\l1on in cOllneCII?~ Wit \ ~~CII~~ com mun ilie& whoh:iOw e )aw. , "od'Dlor' ~L n11c number uf volet 1.0 which th u -Noj or Gen. 1I,'o k(' r hoe . trcp ntly bee .. lII illt'd 01 cll~r III r te ' . . I II liLt lind othe r p11l1l68. g l\ e /l~: ~~ erenl al ord inllocel; JeL Ihe pulpit, the prel~o\ln 'IY wns t'ntitlt'tI . maue Mujllr gl'noral il1lhe regula r ar my, J-.:ope ciul pll lll~ tll h 't III preparlD/I 1'." ' tlto 1011'11 , enhanCO rL ellhe,orVlIgUrlli n flUd dll.1 lhe forum Ihun de r il) uDmi '11l ble 1 ! Th ll lll ,io u f repr'.l,ent!lli,:m tixeJ by dO ling Ir01ll Antieta m. Pt':ls I~ "t.! IProcurr".I,ie 'cbllllre.1 .r'~I~~ell)r. ~~Iblel' les l ale open" m il • n U l C . C I C '11 ' \ ~ , \V 80I1b h '" lv e" a' I):; U .. C U u ~v ... ,. I.' . ,. . f!l lm I'HOducts al bette r prices Ihall 101lU th e Ut'I:P dUOl Dnlio!l of -,his ,relll l lh u BII! t:r oun ly l' Ulrl\ umlll i c O -lIl njor G ~ n e rll l C, • •c. 1 nrd"..1 cyS " ' N rCIl 8011 11\1 le. . l1l1l1l-"W I' Ie c oo. n luU . a .' . dll CRlu Ihe yOUl h of o ur ltd I 0 I I,as Qm, Il o lt'ga le fo l' ove ry fi lly vo te \\,rl lI on II III IIl'r uec1 ' have he relofore ru led, and brlOg . Lile ~nJ f' ,re I nsunllce P ·J \. .I O.lel Ineed lurg e IIcces!ioll 10 our popuia lio n, but ol D, C le I Ili m pu L QD the rQ ( 0,,; 1 r"r Ul'vu;;h. The tilune ruls gl\ \'s I', r the GU I'c rnors hip 0 1 I@COIlSIII . II IIU procllretll'tI luYorab le terlll j . 8D un ited d rort, Rn d Ihe I'rp~ nditurtl J leOlperaDce; II ' d ' 0 to W ll rr f,; 11 ~ c' vc I11y·tlt r~0 llt.l..gR,tcS. ur _Gc ll crul BUl lr r h n@wriltc'I, P II I~ will \ REHnENcE-46 yeura {esl,lelll'll iCllhis. of R 8UIll of money &0 illconsid erll " lo mn nh ood Dn su /(1 by I?lem ; er ce, s~ \· " nly · thrIlC \' oleS III Ih lJ Co uvell- 8('01l1'rill l 0 I,n flll,h l!!., cle lt' II ,lillj! hlO)tiC II "o ll' ''lu ll ily . " .3m com p~re tl wil h l it e ntll'fl n !Ag OS suro. !O Cr ush Ihis ele mcQ I of ~oclet.Y ~J' ..er~ l ion ., rro m I ho b ll nck of CI' " I,IRi n lI uU8\) 11 . res ulr, A8 10 be un"orth~ of men ti on a llu vigo rous ml!~.urel 10 Ihe rag 'lt d l 0 1 the J4 ti " l ('gale~ Cro m Wnne n -Gu lI sclltl lk i. "iv ill l! rO llCI'r l8 ill S an 118 li n obj el·l ion. BUI it IS ull er (oily rcct ion, lind soon the p a le hone IlU co unt y 111I:re '''I~re preBe~,t M "~.6r8 . Fr all Ciri CIII ",hNO ~hO C ul ifllr.nions w i KI~ j ION't; II YAN. "I~B , (Ele.cUuu Oelober JO, ,saa.) to SUPI'0 I' Ilt nt B ll y cum pliny will bu ild . . • . G~OI''''' \Y. HUllt, J OIIIIS I . Mch.")', he wOlllu Il ut "pe nd 60 I1ln ~ h tl/~e III "rt \ ,\J 'Joll \J& I It rOllu I~ Le lJllnon . im ply for Ih e . nc o his ,. iUor ~11l waH ID '~rn for tholUl wbo G:~pl"g~ 1'1.. Slig O, 'rV: W . W ilso u, It. H. l illg off his gloYlls olld ullIIUd ll!:l f1g belorll - A N Dlion OO \·ER ~O Il. cOIOUloda lion of ill cil iz e n~ li nd wllh . Rre loltel'lo g OD Lho brtnk oC the I)urn· CUD I1 1u "h" m. n. ~. Lockw ood, MlliJlolI Ihe uUllie nce. ~«D'1PAlb.rW JA COB DO LSO N COX , of (frumbull . out Ih eir co·operAlion , And i\ is eq ual. inga. See 10 it, mOl hers , lhllt ' our Wri ' rh tu nd l!; li Ki rk, _ Vir-lor H[)~o ig li t Rre ~efl l . fin i. hinll Tilll follo wing cili zens of in I\v O \'OIU IlIPS, elll ' lled .. LeaI I. - _ - - --WnY'le, IY f00\ .I II I0 supp oeo Ih ·\'t.wo FOR Ll EUT.·OOVIIRlIOB, . m y I'est \ bo ys do DoL ge t in10 bad compl\ny. 'Ig· b W A.rrell CO'1 D rl"vel v - - - viII.", V.biQ. . \\ . nclivlI now "' 1\1110 " ~ more • • wlto wt'rc prese Dt, wero y Virtu e. 0 Trn ai lleurs de I .. M .. r. 1 I 1ft ~ . IU .. II 0 lD ule A N DRE W G, MoBURNEY, .Wamn. qr 'bi rluDilY' io Ibe °fulure._ !tla nce i. DO less the price of nob la r· th e lII uthu ri ty \·u.sled in lilo tldogll tlon, Ii ... manu", ut Ih e con~t !,opuln.l lO n ul ] e r· , ,", avorll e ° Ppo I ' '. I . ( I' be r .1 I -J I .1 I 1' 1 I lsi The ell ancea are b ell er now Ih~n a l Rcl e r I Ino 1118 ! Ie prIce Q I . appoin ted Iv IIct ,u u ~ ~gll t e8: 0 III fil' y , G u c rn~e y enu Ihe 0\ Icr v lunnc H oyin(l huu ('U Orlel' ll )' ollrs' rXI)eri elle. FOR TaIA.S BElt; (II' ' T"'., IIny lime hilli ll rto . or thAIl tltey w,ll ~o Amitl 1111 Ihi s ch llos .nnt! d nrl,!leb IS H Ull l , Dr. n lll\~ r, M, 11 . hlcKlIY . J . antis. i., til e pru ~ lil' e 01 MeJi ci ne. 00'" r8 Itl. - ~iDNE Y S. Wh RNER,' OILorllill. " he N" w Yor k Uu nlrll l . I" Ihero n . to delh'c r us (row {Inu.1er LIIII 11 . C'IOUI It: r . J 0 I\ 1C l~.\.. L ' ()'III Pro ·...<•SR·• IUII UI "..~'(' rlll' ce, II' Ille ('!lIz I'II! 01 horellfter, .1 \ . DUIII I' vy , -Wm . G rl mep, better k nown 88 FOR SV I'IIBK& JU D GE , R' I About to CC II Slruct a n ir Hll' pond cllt hn ll curse 0 lIiola led 10ciKI lind .aoral CU1l 1~ t' , C , P. Gmy, Oeo. W, F OSle r, J . GrimP'8 ,'. qll'lint d. tk l!y ,once 11 ~ 18v r,we ll Waynes ville and VIcintty . JACOB BnI NK EHH OOF, Of IC I· \ III Ci ncin rJIHi 1\1 \(1 10 IhM (' ntl bo a d' Murr uw. k nolV lI ill New HavllB IIlId lu liI'''I~~ ud8 Illnd - (Lotig Ter m.) bou " llt Iho l~nn o illt ClII cioo n.ti Illld sc· lllw? Aru chnrActer lin mpll~ tlon T ile Connlltic n hn\'iog IIdjollrn ed of Yul~ Collel(e gr.uulll e~ ,~i e'l ill Ihlll oll V O rF I ' r; Oil lloe cU ln!'r II~ l\lain mIt! iiiHull. JOHN WELSH, or Alhens. (To fill [CUI':u the Ii,dlt to bui lo II rOlld from ,,"orlb' nOlhing ouly to bel hilled RIII\ for diIH'l·r. ' re 'lI sse mbl oJU ilL h,d f pll 91 v o otertluy ,ltl ull IIUIiUIII'ell "l!e-pro\llluly OUli 819 , lI e" rl,V npp US; IC Cr:T Nill il l co ll 3 prOillpll'y responded 10. VlICa,)o), . ) IDIlY lon ov c~ th e ' shorl IiDC ", wh,ch wasted away? Hns ·sQci~ty 1\ 11 clllim. ulle 'D' cluc k . wh ~ n N. C. bo1 cFAI\L"'~ D 90 ye unl. EOR ATTORNBY OElCJ.: RAL, will p"S9 Il li'lIr, but nol throu ~h L ubn. nus fOf the ex erc ise of probity E~lJ '. II I1U Cll pl. ItAN<FORO b MITII wer t! _ ',\' il lin m Cull en n.rYIlIII ho s (lurchlls. ~. -UTU "LIAM H. WEST, Of Lllgan. \ 0011 wilh out RII tlrorl on ollr pl\ rl.upo I d I " tI l ~ put in Il ll milll" il)Il , Th e yole wns lilke n, ~d Ih e h' 10to. I'· ud in his " " live to)\V 1I ul ' f', To ;ner tlhis mOI'eme nL th e Lillie Mi · he ne vo tlnee an a c In allllll cun IIC .md I c> ttl te d ns rull o w ~ : C llCIIIU ill /! I.. n , HUIII,, ~ h ire cuulIly, . 11111 • ., FOil SCll aoL .00" "" S~loNJt:n ' IInti wi lllt il ve 10 shortell its lille , wllich Th ese Rrc qllest idll5 IhM fi r e pres~ing 13 11 ' l~ r county, McFARLAND 40 i OIlU is re li n in:.: il lor (I &UCllfll cr ronIJ r ,,,;tl . f' 0 NT III II Jo:~ l' H J:: PR ACT I C £ 0.1 'JOH N A . NO-URIS, Of HRl'ti son, It cnn do by Tu nninii iLs Irllck Ihr ough l ieR ,. rull y UP OIl ' !ltis ng t·; lh e nnSWf l SNI TII \tJ . • H e hn~ beell t! Jle ntlilli: G p Url 01 Ih ll , ¥UIl1' l'on DOAIIO 017 PUDLI O WORKS, Le bllllon . BuL IY C IDU~ t ~ how n dl ~ po will (·ilh e r find u s tldftin,:t to lhe huen W al' l r n coullty. MuFARL.tNO 46; !IIIH Ih ere. In 'It- \'I't i" II~ bru nohe. I n"l 10 he eXtall . .' .. d tIl' or we sholl 1J0 ~ 06 -'I'llrra is 110 Irulh in tli e r um or lhal • v JAM ES MOOU.E, 01 Cos hoplon. sllIon 10 0 t;o mt I ng of seculiLY nnd Oluer, or into Iha VOl" ", )II TK " . F n J UI I" MI' l c~I t' 1 has bei' ll qUI.ul\y n'I CII!e.J . t' U u"I' wl lO l e. NUlle nUL Ihll left oUl in Ihc !:I,)\(\. A r)l ill'ollli com , . . . I · 'J' QI .. llur Me AIiLA NO,07. LI II.: FOR CLERK OF SV PR t; . ' E CO URTI .. 44 . Il\l~ hu s "... " CIt' 10 Coll II A S T Al ... 'I' 1i: H I A L U &:l B D • . .1"." I1 ror, MIIIl, I rurulII . I £ .e .11 WP pnny will nOl g o 10 muc iI t rou lJl Il 10 lex 01 . disS lpnllon I\IIU WIt 10llL a Vl'ece' RODNEY FOOS, or Clinton Counly. geL to A dend 10\\,11 wldeh cnnllOL be de llI, Who hilS !lot been ~hocked will ('1\1 AIlL A~ ll' S Ill I1J'o ril y , 43 . rP dlS 91 tbe lurl , 0110 In a 11 '1 I "dl rp. . • ·u d 'f d 1 l,r eslIl1I <' ,!U hllve nil)' c o nHllllni ~ nl l ,," with T ER nlS" C~~ H .- Olti~e Dt hi ll resl ene, - - - --- -- ._c v~ n g nhlHl iz ~ d iOlo 1if~ , 1111 I we e· the c0ll1mi5~ioD ul Ibo counlle ss cl'imcs U po n uli '"1 lJy John HUDllla DOlO' Ihal PresillcnL 011 Ihe 8ubJ': CI 01 I' " tllu II . I on (\l UIII ::iIrCti l. , 1-IJ OCTOBEn'l:r.;ECTION, cline propo silion s 119 I~vo rablo n9 we wilhin Ihe )1\ 68 o'r a f~ w 1ll011lb ~ 1_ illllti QII Wi . IIdl! UMlliw? us. I 4 CliO OUtllicl 1 Ih e conclU SIOn m ay bo tlull , . . . b I ~\lr hl CF,ww,A1iD Ih en, In re~pons e LO .;. Here i~ 8 Ill'W 'lue~ li o ll uOIlt' f li P. ,..,.:,\' AARON STEl'Hlt:~~ will be II 'cllnuiual c , Lcbnlloll is d efunc t, . 1 he wor._t, pllss,ons or m~n SOC ID to .~ I lh~ c~lI of Ih o (]onvcutiou, touk Ih e H8r ~18 cu sP. .l\1r . UrGdl ey '~'Si P. d 1\I 7~~ ~u:UCt'tt5Cl1lC 1\ 5. ,. I I d A ·I ·' ' , tl unre trnlno ll,' tIle n\llhotlty oC law 18 s lonJ /l nu Ill. (l. ll II mAot bvce ll" lll Hnrri ~ . orco rdl"!! IU reporl .nn 110 YOI " 1·.--_-_ - _ =-=-.-::.--- -~ D fol' Inlll'm ~ry iJ'cc!ol', SU 'J ~ ct to ll c Oll e W I' mo rl'. rill ron u WI D 'b n ,,0 r a , Wulllnll \\,8 ij IlI k"1I UIII ul th e CUlln ru,"" , ., y ~pcision of t!1Il NOOlin",tillll' COUII~U . I llte ull sin es8 "lid lift! it will ~urely pet I\! de fiRuce; lJUbli c mOl'lds Ilr~ . e- sp~ec h, which wt: rl'g l'tt we artl un a bl e I"inli,, /!. Th e qlles 'i ull now h "'!"P!l,,·r. ! tiOIl. Iloring to lb e lown, will Jo 'as much I? in g (;O l'l'ou;:~,nlla Ihfj sallclity ot' ll~(lDlin 110 r e~ort . • :l'h~nkiD g Ihtl Coor enl ion a lter lhi~ d!'mon"lruli ulI of nll l" : IIIIII. r., (orJn Ihe m oml~ lIud correct the e \'11 \' r . I clt! el' /!aph' Let it btl rl' ID em · fpr~ls nomlll ri l(lll , h ~ P" oc~ ~ J llu , lo II.H' Mi @" H . willbi'j" 6Iifi t'uiIl Slloulilig Mr . ~'l ~ u ~v I. ' 'l . "l~ lIS POSlIlOl1 .• . rt'g llT d lo tl Ie, 1' 0 I r· L iJrud ley If I "'t' T ..... , ALE' W111 1.u 'l ll enn u'II I 111 0 rvr \II'ulls nll lI 'Inle mpe rance \l OW •,I nl Inll p'I'"J I a ' s I - • . . • . lill IU I" rei" uev. 1O murry I'1'''. . ~, . •. 1,u4-, \b ~ Ltg islnllll't' . @ uLj ~ ct 1.0 tllo .d cci~i oll lou prcv all'lIt. US all tile t c mpcrlLllcc bered thllt ellch o."e of U~ 18 1II1hvlda· iC1\1 qu e~liou 8 of Ihll tillY • . w.itr g-rl:tli -Tl ll're i. II Flu ry "arreot I lonl "PY C'I or tho Nominll!ill or l:ollv e~ tioll . meeli llgs Ih!lt mRy lJe Ill:ltl, lind Inw lilly IlIId eoll~clI"tllr IIccountll'.le 10 l'l t! nr' n e~ ~ , c llnJur lillJ ubility. C"I't. c ili~l' lI" uf (hlellll,lII .. have (llIr cha~ pd " Imt! orut: r l!ocilHie8 Ih IH mn}' be formed 80cie ty aDd 10 . God for our pr(lp'~1' meR~ R"' ~'FUI~O ::;'~tln', Ihe defeated MDdi · ~"II' llIlid rl'ftide llce,-thlll !.•, ~plellditl Iur .. ,)t. KxLLY O'NEAL will be R onnuhll1te · whit\) ll,c to wn I'eml\ill s ill hllcne ss. tiuro of illtluenco, CltIZEN'1 dllile. QI' lIl g cll l!ll ? Ollt • .rl!apolld"d hll~ (.IQI~lI d .-C"IIlI'I "o! ly lurlli . hod it DIIJ \V Af l\ S l" III I, E, OH 18. I\,!r Ibt! office or l'roHecutin/t A!turn.,y. - - -. - -- - - - - . , . I pilI I'II:dgi'w )"il liupport lu Ihe 1I0UII pre . t'lIl eu il lv Gel1erfll '_rollli. It :H 11 1"" Temperance Meatin!;. LI~-:;--~S nl!e : lind 10 th e wholll Ulli(lll tick et, IIl1dS _hid 11101 Ih e. sidcwu\.k wldc l, (i1'll crul Hns on 1.0n,; 0 e Jl1en~lt.! .,.ortm~nt of, Col. 0. ' C. MA XWELL will Le l\ cnn· . . I. • __ . ! G,WIlQ& It 8,,0 & in IlIlSW\'f III Ihe call (;rlllll wn s j!"I."1I III \Iud.: ,', h'·.n I. e I:u t to ,JjHOAJ) C LO T IIS, aiul\te tvr COlinlY Auditor. suuj eel tv On lhe e\'clIlIlg of Ihe 21 s1 In SL., II GuOIlJ's LADl"ij BOOK fol' Se l't~ mbcT of Illl:' Collvell~ivn, pledgt:ti ull! Wnr"~1l be ill" y ur ul Gu le l!u,,~ U" IV hll, . I I~.I. \]AS;, lm:JtE;s . . tlie d.eci~ion of Ih e Uuion COlll tJ lI lion . T ll mp l~ rllncl' Mcelillg \VI\~ Leing beld . . I . f 11 f tl fOl' lh e candidate 1I0Uliu .. letl lJy II sw e~ p ' -The wire ot P('yloll L"ng'ev, or Ful . VK:S'rlNGS ill HII '11 Halt ror Ihe plupose of con · 18 1\8 IHtraclty" aa UH\, • .'rI~ U (I ' . Ill ' in g l1I11j ," 1\'. Afl()r TOln!llks by Maj vl" lilli, Mu ., UI~huIlUrl' d him. H" lalk ed (h t: \ 'Thl~lMlNaS, MlIhr W. W. WIL~ON will be aCRn · . .Y ' .1 r \ lilIes I fll8hions nnd C"pIlVIIIlll~ 1l'0I'1 e~ . J MILLIKtN urawor UpOIl tht: mt!rnLcrs ul Illlill er UVl'r wilh her. ,. hell she ".gr ell d . . 1' 1 I ' .1 ' '1 t 1 ffi t I> to ba" t J IIdge, ' IIdlll'ln" wllys I\nu mrallns or LIe IUP ' . . . .. I . dI '" . r ' I ' kill her 'f he woulll III""It'1I ""c .. W IIr I '0 malt" 1Ie'. ure.. Dccu'UlIlg 10 I1tc RIll .or tie 0 ce 0 . I 1 .1 .. With tho IndIes ILlS IIIdl S11t llSnh C, nil tht: (]onv ~ nli.:m Ihe lleco$Slly 0 Blip lo .f- I 11111 .1 1" U, ri Ih e LATf::l'J' IUbjllCllotho decision of the Ulioll prassionof the slIee 'o IIruonl SpIl'IlB. G u ·' ~'· kllo w s h ow l ,) l eP I.i t " 'l Mill ion I i;o l'l in" t\ ;r U ni onpllpeu,)f lhll Di . llld. rl' mm ~1 8~ i du .. . IIhI1!8IrnIClf" I"I" L' II1~:;ey' .IISt 'r C . . d I d J u " U J , ' - • , " • bl e brrn"'~lUe"l W 8 CMr eu UI . ~ .. ~nvunllOlJ. an to ella .IS lor (' r RII eeCIlC) III llllrl .. uJ 1\1111 olhe r popuill" wrilel.&t ap ' I' iL \VilS VIJ II:tf " "'l Ih~ proctl~ull1g !l Ull ~h(jolinl! hill wi'~'lhr" u!!h Ih " lI enrl willie , . , .• , -lite communllYi Bnd dUly 'IS wll ll liS . I' • l "3 L l' "hl " hl' U In tlo e D lliun papHs of II e \ 8h~ loy ill bed Ihpll pl""l o!! lI"n~oll b ~' 1 Dud at Ihe ,. . . 11110 Ilr- r ,e'\l' III I 'Ill nUIII >O J. 1$ B ' ·elir. . r) " I ' C' . . , "• ...ldE·QSOOTT wl'll UI.e ned,' un I W curiosity Invlletl DI e lu IlIL,·IId. , . . J i ' ' . I'I C ~ . OIl" I "" mo ..,IOIl lie 'OIHe nllon 6iur h~r, uluwed uUIIIl~ UWII tmlill e. ' L~io ofticp of Probate JUI'ge, 6l1bJ·.~ 6 L 10 . . f d d I' l I b d A. (Jode \' , PhlJ"uclplllll. ·IIIJ·uUI·nc ·1 -SlUT . ilL ' I ., I II I LOWEST POSSIBL'B PRICES .. Wllh pro oun t: I" 0 61Jn~ J I' , U. . -The Ci ll1.l?n . ~Yl! : ,....1 I' "" 'Y ' , ' ~ I ' tlle-d~ei l;ion of llio Ullioo COII\'tulion, .. It lI1e peopltll1uxiously lookillg upon t!l(' 'I' L ' F C I I' t1 I A l - r~ ··S 7'-- d .~ rl'bpl uu!hur"~ d , i~ ~ ~c;rng~v . l! " uby \I""'~ I The ( 'ntll"'g lIepartmeut UIt: Any 8 ' IllEND,-' II C ling Ie I U· "lI e r rnlll III'14tngll' . ei Crl S WOIIIG,I , wlio 101llhl bp YUlIIII!I'r .llflU WII"~1 I I. irn del th e 8upc,vislull of II.al I'xcellftnt A. O. Goo.will be Il cAndidRle fOI' troulJ It: d \Vl\lel'S,. A s t I' 0 sll:l.n, 0Id BUl le d'ly' is the hlllding sleel ~o~rnylng I lh e IlIleSI slylt: of 'v ehicle io ,'ngll e virlull I~ 01 tlte surt't/-e ocrib.,cI ill Ih e- III'It- 1 . I' . I. nrll r o t. tlle offiCI! or Co unty R l'corue r, ~ uJ,j e Ct Cromwell uld Ihe IWIleI'tO palllt 11111 uf tl,e tlcpltmbcr number of t1,~ ("' l lhert: RS II broll d·b llck !:d landau of greeD I!nr.' upt:ru. ~h " ,oraa wi ' lilll! 10 mnrry T TOO 0 80 N , 10 the deci8ion of the Union Cooll tl n· "S I',e WIIS eHIl 10 loA. IJI'UI\L warlll up· . , her 101lur ill \Vu . hilllllull city, "lid bll. til. 1 . ' • tiotll. " , .. lIodle periodiulIl, alld 1\ "ory pretty PIC ' ! reps, wilh ".,·t:1Iow rrame·"ork. ·On " I I li e 1 II I. ' ..I . I L iii d ~d ut lIIu'e IIUII Icr clqu l! \rl ed. r l whu, il,l d~ lilll' , it< 1ll'lIer" Y MC"II"...." 011 Ill S face , e0 mny I Ie orr liD Lure il i~. 'floe fllsbion pllllo is a s ' hi!:h sellt behind sil8 a pRge in dl\rk t)Uvk i, IlIur" \\'0 II lUll Ihllll \I' ll II le,l. Wil" eUl:pd III b~ wilhuut • 8u,I,p.rior! . .p, F. SOhtr,\,AN will be n ennJtJ,lllo hligltling ~\' il of i.te-mlll:rance rdi;:ct hllnd some as- usURI, nnll Ihe sporting Ii \'ery, with blnck hill nr;d band, ?ill ' her clus !), Ihe ,nce or reu.!! heroj,!t'F. HEA 0 r.AI A D E 'CLO'l'UIN G ror Ihl! office of -County R~'corde" Bub· -A Lo ndulllellPr 10 'I~e nllsill" COI~I' III lorlle qllflu:ny I",d cl('j! ulIl .qulllily "n<ll jllct 'to tho uecision ()f &1\0 \Juion Con· its true cll1Imc!cr ror Ihll in~lructioD 01 Url'S9 in it BomeliJing a lillIe peculiar. 1:(1'0 lJoys hdng IIt . R r1i ~coun~, Ihe mnn lhoo. M ~ n lOlly I'CII IQ<lI I\S I'A1IIch Th" CII ~ler fllshio& eugmvings ara nu · ~qU II W8 It/lve lellsed I,heir m"le olf~p. r in g """Iw cullh ~ "ys : 31r. \\. D. f1 u\\, Cl1 d. dlyll' . ul hUI"" Itluh e, nlw "ys In tiupply. "l·ntion. .. o 8 I e " IUI ' II of 111 I'ncrco au " of drullk . mel'OUR and in atyle-, an d tIll I I'Il ernn' fo,' til" "1!-1W1()n, Rnel rio equip"g" , UisIcon I I l l ' u SI"l Dalurll.I·IICII I" '11111'/1111"11 ~'I'e 'rUllulnti ..• u I eij CUIi"'Bul ~I.' Ve llll·o. LI I " th.·c re ' ~ < r J ~ YP', UIlI, ,,"\· t:S 1111 "'"turu.~, ,', e 10:, I ell 101 his house u~ ""1l uf Ih e ' r. 1 cln A~, Ml. DA\'IO AJ.LKN will Le R elluJ'ill'll!e ror enn esa among Ihe luwef c"l~se'l lh e contents goou. $S!.liO n yelil'; S! co pi os sill~re(1 uu juit willlll15r Il 'Jillie Indi lw 1' lll t llulll t ,1 uy A.~thoIlY 1 rCnllpl' ! I hom· Dutll r y UIII.I Ilis II .ti iSI81.t1l will sJlure II I ~ht.: office of 1>/'08CCU linl:; AllOrucy. t ull 1'- 8!1'11 cv'II~II' tIl l ' f I' n 1011g ' s of mnklll" . l'u II' r (1I}' . ' ~ Iu /:I\'e .1 r In'.. .. II $ 4. To those desirvu up bo\',' 1"1 10 bobs UII lind dowo ill II st)'le HII"ltev, ~ . lor 'Ih \ e nrll S ) . nllel ' I i> 1I111 II 0 J" IIlh"'8. \Vhul a I'"Y tillll nil ollr .. \tic", ~ ~ . .. .. . . ILl J. H. ( 'OULTKIt will be " cl\lIdidnle 111111: It Ins tltn prtl'nllllg Rmong u ClllUS, ~pecime n numbers \\ill be 81:111 h ighly edilyillg to the spectlltor, bu, ill lorei"" lunds BIou" i" 1I0t coulfnlllllJ III" l!:ntlrb Satisfaction. for n~pre HUI1IU!it' e. c!nSijee .1\1\(1. condidons. if yuu \\'oultl for '15 cl9, W heeFeI' ,',' Wilson's ceill ' ! prou uCli\'e (If n dl'gl'ee ohol't UI'C Whicll re~p ucl ~of lill'rll!Y IIUO educnled meo. Cull olld t'XlIIl:ne 8luck 8114 priclO!. l cleave It to thu C0fe, . Ie",\". /I"ny ~h t: brRtc (1! St: wing MIlOI,ino9 tHe eeot.- a8 1o nly liD IndlRD io miniRtlJl:e coulu bell" . -Gener.1 G rilrlle H. Thomn s hOI bl'f'1I Juu e 27. .t!:. DUDLEY. 'V. H. W XlLS wi:! be II cllnllidale for gorgeou s mn ~k IhntlllUCS lIs 108tlllng rcmiums. Acldr'6s9 Doncon & P elel'" _ _ -'--_ _~ _ _ _ 0l'poinlolll\looj'Jr G pllerul ill the fE'l!ulur R<'pl'eSllnltUivo. derurlJl il y iu th e lligltc r circl cs of so · ~ n PI il ,uell hiR Tho 61 zelle nno I P ' 1'h l' Herlll d's:r" ris c Ol'/'lO~pond · ~"n~... ill I'filll r:~ ':' Frll11l0lf I ~o~ i~lIedGG P II ---iiiHjSI~,' . . I. u ' II '11 I * U . I I .. . . . ern,l :scliU elu uec~lIIee S 'i'1f,{HUl e r elter , " • ,. ' . cldy , I 11 0 . h II nOI II Ihen t Il Fl'le nu both one year fur $4. .\ ~ nce cUlltllln ~ 1m porllln L sl " t~m ('n Is Ie · u I. III I'llee ul Sh.< r~':uI', I'rulllol r d. Gen. A. a: pal v A 'I E 8 ~ L E , . F. S. VAN HAIILlNOJo'N will be 1\ cnn· __ _ _ __ ._ ___ 8p ~ c tin~ polili cllIlIf!'"ira in bp'lill. The enll 1I0lVuld IIIk r s Thuillus' 1'1111:8 li S Brl.;. i @ Tile volll nbl e lIulI' o unu t.ol ,.811U did'lI e for Ihe office of Prosllcutin!:: AI. 1V0ik til , olul'luIllion go on. Le I the ----------tntor ~ y. . ~I'nrklin g willes be bHnish~d f/'onl Ih~ ():"rOnc of tlte governmcnt farma. for i (~u .. (:n alill I;cr l'lim e 1Jini~lf"r orA not ulUcrlieJlcrnI. GplJ~rul Terry becolll~'Iled nil tillt-£ m!l ~iue o~ Nurlh 81, . . . . . . ""\:lIuler GI'lIcrul In "hc e ul Meu" .. , ' ",: "vllen Tld .. 1 311d f'I IIIr:h strt'cts _ Ih. J . W. RICE will be It cl\ndidnte for I'l l'Sl' nCO 01 lhose who. In ~ plle 01 d,e ~ fIII'IIIYlflrn! 01 Jrt'eomen I" 10rnlecJ 011 lO t nil o n ~o ou 1('1m ~ . A ~'t"OIl<' I' P I'I1U' IllI UIII Uft.c\ Ge ll!' rlll JOIIiI A Ruwlins is f "1 '. It I fl' red ' . , . . , ' . . . " . ' . . , . , . prJ ' peny 0 "It!!. U . unERT8-- e u e tl.~ office of I Illhm 1\ I')' Direclor. till:!r bellel' prof~s610ns, coqllelle wl lh Ihe 1.1IIx,1.' III r,vp.r, III !I"'rylul1~ . fill . \rOIlIl fl:t:lmg ('Xl s ts nm o n ~ tIl e officers 'lpnOII1I1'd nr 'g'lIul cr (lclIrr,,1 "Hd Chl ~ J ul al rr ivul e ABle-. e of ~J.e allc ; floDl ,l arm cmbracp.s ~uoill thirty tl\tlusurlli l fi r II IC . ) ' . IIl1d Q rel'oluliun mll y L(' s~,,'r 01 Ih e LI ~ ulellBIlI G ~ "crlll:' U II"" " II ' ' 'f/l e HOII~e is 11' 1' 11 bllill, d n II "len••,,1 H ENRY Sfl Enwooo \ViII be 1\ cllndi · Iht: "ices 011 14 Vil'llI(; • .0 ' JIIII'to Ihe A..."I,·it 01 Ihe Unll"d b l"I'l·N.. 10 ell t'"",, \\.'111I II I' r ~ r .•. ~ pIt rei ',au . 00111.nl·r, L1, e you,,17 man wllh R 'auCOllc hOll ors uerc~,• I.ulll buuUI IIV t lllY ' lwO IlUll'J reiII . I . .•1.' .. t u UfflD, dRte for tho ollicc ur Cuun ty C~llImis . 0 " • • I " I cu n>I, el c' ,I S IInnllU t U . kil ehe H und ('ellur beluw. !tlltl Lwtl fIoO!!," rrt' sh 111'0 11 hi s hr ow' fl'om tllc "oung uerea ore DO\\ unuer eu IlvulloU. lIl ilC I 01 .. -. -.. -A corr~s p u l,ueol wrilea: \Ve rur!)ly . I f II I l:!iODer. ' J . , • . II ' lit e lIl!ClIud "Iurv. A WI'! u t'XCl' CII lOuiden wlo o n' n-Is Illld (It·lig h ts ill Ihe IIle 101ld b~111" ~1l11 cuvereu wllh Iln!t.er· 1 rJ::J Til e t·lrec ls uf an ell rdl'l"nke m~el Ih e ""HII' 19 1 (I'Plle rul C" ~I ill wul er ia lI i'U "leU ~Ius e to lit" lii'cht:l!. F ,I I t d ' J (' 'uea .re I ' . Ih e (llIp r rll ; IlIrI hc • • 'liI live.: III tlt e L . f . Railroad Meeting. u('sse, si oll of R ' hw c of n fill Hili film .~ I lUll r< II b: 1 P.lllp U) ' 1IV e l'" fl it nn Il le mOrillng of d,e 11111 . 0 I ' II f /..l 'd 011 t ho III ur ~ " VUrl('ly 0 IrUI\ Irre' , r ' , ~ d here, prillcipally III rlli&illK cor II ulld . . . , . . rip 1I l,:.C 0 e l~ I y. "III' yr nrs . . e r~ 8 1 es· unU dl" ~rountl Is of I!Uuu qll n!ity lor gn" 11' I I I' I I uf n IlIInukl'l'cioief' nlld ' s lo ll wl rich liS ut Mt'lIlp!'I" L .. Gnlll ge , H .. lly Sprlltg ' , Oh J et1E'ro!on tllr,, "I. De'rulI, II. n 11111111. d ' n 8 '1'1 . . 1t t It I ~rto 110 pliOU III\, topogrnp tiCR ' tobacco, fille crops 01 \\'hilll~ uro I'rollu\:ed. () f '" d G I AI.1 I ' 8Ullle '.. ou~rll buill dwellill" \Y~iI~ hi s ul. pur,~, ea. '8 pruperl)' II f .. f L I I II mor'll' ntt clolld ' -111'cll 1111 III~ b(' IICl . , . X Olu UO renRt l\. 1\ c O'I ' l iS . 0' . from 1lll'Umurftncp, 1'0. 11100 0 ~ unl10n hns isu Ilt~d il ", " v Irom wlnch .fter p'YIIIl: all exp~UBe ., n k I dO~1 8ull oec-ullle _ Ihe olu I. mll v h"me· l' • '11 . I I ' I· 'or .(lr Ifr 1,,,rll <:11J IIrft, \. to · 6111U01l5 · . .In · cll,ls iJcruble income to Ih8 gov~fI!lllenl i~ . Ihe fJl um IIny dirC?ct line o{ rllilroRd co m· conceR I /Is lin d cOlTupung , shoc ' WI\S 81: Vc re enou" ,., I to CRU S ~., . Ieou Iwo square! d'Isl8l1t. 'J' huugh. II Ill If'. D 0(1(1 ~WETE
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rt> nlizcd. The rre edmen are " ollerully peopl!! to rUII out (lr l!toir houses. ell willi II~CJ l~cblen"'8. lind f.url,;el :ulll eos Jllly 18. ' .. Weynl<llwii-e . . . " __ __ _ _ U~llIrolly Illclden' lu IllS ll ull'llIr l!llul nilP. I• vcrI' III~uBlrlo'la, ulld nppeur 10 becu~l(eu· Z? Co\. A . W. Dolin, of lhe 79th he Uluiu!lIill MbCllur "e ~I"1 I,nd u morcuc · A-1iC';\.,. .. ''''''I'CII'. tl! U Qud hOPeY, The fl elu It.llde re~ivo livt> spirit llooll could rpu.ulI.Lly be s up· An Elegan't Nove' li,1' W ·. atch.•e'•. .1 be Iollil tu III"! lime ol . lI lr. n 1011 dullur. III1'Olllh. wbile tbe 'old ontl OhiO, has ~e c~h' ed lhe \lominalion fur pU8Cu·tU J r I Sen RIOI' in his Dis trict. 'l'his is a good 'ne elllle . of Iloi~ wu(ch nl! on PlIt inJ! in 111 0 ::l lal e " njoys lhe fac ilt l ie~ o( 1\ tlII'L laugh bih ul'Y ril'\lll:s 10 Ihe UI\II- diSllbl"d ara wClt I lI k ~ n care of, RIIU -The He.-old aivrs Ilci~ l'l!reioll of III" Ile w invenli un, t "IIl;)u '~ " o! !ix dilfertll\ 1'1 clls lom 0. I )Jill' 8clooul~ Ilr\l t'ilobii sheu lor tI,o clll' lu'ren. more nn. the Pll:·t of the union m". 11 IIf rUlllur cu .' rOI'OnCI II. I'1011 I.ue lweell A IIllifli I . I ",,·Iul. cUlflltill cti,ru llcd togelht'r ond,P I~n" dll'tlCI linc of I:ftillyny, IInJ il is 10 bl: gt: ruu ~ I.vu,''f " ~ I'1I01l 1IU~. Gree n... F".retle Rnd Clinlon cuulI'li., s. I'urler .lUd G 11 lJ Il er . , 'J'I Ip IU" I I, I,," I. prUuUCIl .1 ' ,!! u/l rXllclll1'l . II: llUn . Uf 18 r eo (t re ll~d LhllL Lebnuun sh ottl" hRV " IIlg Iltt: Iip8 10' lhe Wlnll th"t 18 reu. . C' ,, crul • \ • ()::7""J'IIt' ,\gri culturu l Exhiui!ilJII of )lt e bill on ce dllrllll! Gl'''et dl llull er'o Sl lIr In ell rill po ill. c.lI .. d Arc""p, whi'r.h ...·iII.l· lI'HI l)I'o \'ed lhll (' xceptioll. Withi,: 11 (hinking 10 Ih~ helllth (jf Il im wh o Cli,,!ulI OO"IIIY ::iOeiCIY. will lok e ploc e ()::J- E Xl ellii\'e prepnrnlion s IIrt' being \\'Otlhlll<:I,,'" II"d cut eut " Iliit H IIlre "I . I .lII)' ~ k~ ep il s ctdur. TI,(,y lire 111 beuuti. Jl:llrs 110 allempt was m!.W 1t lu ". tuL- hCl' J s nuL tlllll It "IIIIj!lJ th Itk e lin llddlJl', Ihis ypur, on lile bralllllni Gr :o " "I1& ne ur mllde fur Ihe grclll ll one Fuir to b" U"II"r WU ~ III U ruul1l ullio e N.I·)' IJ ,' P"'" Itli li S ~ ooiu /!Illd, IIl,dure ufti'rdeJ at oUf' I 0 I IJ ' D I 0 mellt ~ 1!!"'''1.t Wille p ;··rl'r~. wilell Purt .. r .. i.. lllh Ih" <:U 8 " 'l'l.e elISe is beoulilul ly 11'011 a ' B IIUI' L~I' ll u ' 10 CiIIC'I'III " II' , 1"III'cll Iwd lt ilel h , 1,1( 0 1\ s~"pl: nl. Why 111' ~ \V I ' • I v , •• I 111 Ingl!JII , 0 11 I ,e 2 '. io 2h! Mu,1 22d lloy s It: III I\JlolI e llr y ill cloucr. It is ulou (' nl ered wi'.!l o"l UI fi r. t IJ h. prI'ill" III ~ u;" i""rd \\ illt }lIInl'l ulltlshielll lor IJlmr, would have ellHbll:d VUI' COUDty 6('1It to I""rll "0 IIIRny lilltly·1l ,vol Cld lJcvcrng ul ::ic rl ~mbc r. It is r xper,lcd thnl thl' prlJdicLeJ thnt Ih e result will lJe a dt'ci. IHI' ~ e n"e III llo tl lunner . Bul lc' r '::'i serJ I \\'i ; l~ Pu! e llt 1'-u~h Virl,. 'uue! e llg,BVpd in IHtkullile willr olher IOWII8 011' lite pro· e~? Ihey urt: 1'01' Ihe rich 111111 Ihe rK~\' r xhilo ll i, '11 will be Ihe 1illl'BI e v ~ r \\'illl(, 88. dtd 8I1CCC 5S . We hupe it may. Ill ri hl'lIll Iu leHtIl whu . hnu (' Illerl'ol Ihe : lh e "/ule! ~Iyle 01 lhl! col~ ur~lt'd Guld pObed ~oute , lJut iL re5u l(cd ill n com. iun ...lJl". 'l'h u re sult is dllll Ilwy crCRl e ed, buill ill the quonlili~s ftlltl q.u nlily 01 r"ulll, \Vh~1I ellch eflClJUIlI,ned Ihe UII IN '>!lluilllllll LCY t' rs, IIml Mil re"lIy IIOuddO,"r . ' g rn Ll r~ I.n ic !e. cJi8J'I II .;~e·l. ·I 'Ill Illc l,uII,btrs OPPOSEIl '}'1l O ATII R.- A ('orrrcl'u ll , l e~~ 'II ' jI ",ZP. . d N" nil ullnnlllill I "J'pctIlC, so mel Iilli u. UII u c I lIhN I' I Lluncll cd, "esilll lOcl Il l" nllll JC. lruL1ll'. ,,"J SU PXIICI all ' iuiiIUli,'" J,k lc fnilu re . wrilillt; f,olfl R IC hrlllluu. re lull'a 1111 ju ri . ~ ere I Ie 8 II! .'I Pot recul:"iliol'. BIII I!: r .. 1 I(uld CIS to tll'l)' '111<I<:: dlt'li. '''h ~. move· But L~ lJl\n oll tl oes na t m~ lIn· to UO t ~ rr i bl~ tR61. ughl for,-slr uug drinli.- iHc spnl. dell I '.11 holl ows : -r"lkiftlr 1.11 uOlh s re. 11I1I. III·J I" . \.t"' "I1·,. allil pll~sl' d oUI.le nv · mCI.1 is mOllulltClUre-d hr the wl'lI.kno\V1l llous culd s hu lIIJ e r~ ,1. for .,ur ciliz'!ns nnd 800n. in mMny inillnncC:l s, p C:l r~oll s ()::7"V ery .e vere roin el orms hsve rl?' lIIiNd8 me ~I " lo elll jJ ke which my prn l"ll' P ".n.e r.' u Irull "ucI hiE. Tllis \\'U 6 I Ill' SI. Jillier 'VU!tit C""ipuny of MII4'ope, },a\e R!l'"ln . t il k~II up Ihe ".-okcn L1'f""u.1 o f b0111 g.~ "~· .. s "" I. "come. ,,,.II,·rll >"I'erbly lil\l.II~.J, hd... lnll enllrhed - conti" 'med 1'll" I'uJI'_ C~ 1I1 Iy occurred throughoul \Vi. rIl1l8i ll nll~ r lUIII "t rCR III! rerunllll". .. A l110dP Sl Y"UIII! recull clho!lOll . . I! " .1. 0 11 "PIII),i nll' lur rull ll ll S Iv oll e ul Illlr -llidlard lfilurl!lh. th e Al1lrr lcQIl 011 , 1'"l le t ~ . 1t"1 ~ Y cnr'kltl Itri 1(,11, ectJlV'Jn~ of the ir ItOJlIlS, Ril l! nre soliciLinii ti,e illeR. • MiIlIl 1l8') : Il,' bG\lly dUflIlIlJihl: !~Ie c'''p~ in ~ e l lc f n g~ ft l ', u Il' w utl ys o:;'u, WDS n5ketl 1""r,dieJ .ill . th e cil)' n~ Plur" "I'(\ Ulf. Illp I I P I!II : nl~r'_ WIIIt lIol~ bulIlllce, .11110 1.lle 1111" L. hJ. It. comp1\lIy 10 '-UII thoir new No "'o," lci' Ih ~ n. IllIlt mOI/'l~poh~'m mUIIY se CIlOIl8. A SHere ha ll storm look II shp. hnll e ~ ~ , lu~ c ll Ih p ull lh, • No ill , IlIh or July. AL lite lillie .. I his dellil •.,roved .l""'81101\ ocllllU~ wllh 1,Iae tll.I.IIlJ 1': lIc lhruugh Iheir town, n, il is thouglll ""IlH. parlies, cole ri.-. /lUll RI ~ Bocilll plpl'-8 ill Ihe lurm er Stule 011 the 7111 inol •• ,I erd, ,.je ,' "ns IIPr INr :tleJ . eply, I, I',!'v.er lie hnd jU"1 CUIflI"elPU Iho li8111 F"r 0; h.h elc lPII Ilal"18 .. ul~U ill w"r~lIl"rJ ,I,ouil I ' I Id ' ·, r I' . ~ xlendlll" IhrollC/h uul Suuk C vI .1 S"'(H e III 011 my I.fe . I JlIII vuu Inll SI hl ~ "!!l' . Th o thprurv "' ork , hI' !c.nves l !\llIP.af.l per. , I ' roa J WI'11 Ilava to eonlracl .li S ~atlel'lllg8 tllh I;'OU Illull ge LIII Ylce ltl'l l d.. dl " , 1 rll ' uru . Ihk ~ lI.e r l ,"rnllt! ' CJ 'I lIgPfll,ue "1 llll ' d' h ,nlllre: ' '1'1 le.III' 'V · e ..,al'eI ~I ' lire 1I111t'rt'e dift1'.rPIlId " . U"I"IIIY /;' IIu d"i ~ 3 'j'hpsewlllr.heft 4· )!.,Dllth. SIII.,ly il ia 10 the InteresL of 80 petlfd lind cllreaecd. Here its ch id C I It'~ all OW~I COUUllt!8, WI 1"'1: I/IU lor I c all1lU' UiV R you II,e rullons.' I No, .~' trollS Illti'ln frum Ihe Fren ch ~ I 0 I: " iZ" " , tl .r 6illllll e~ 1 " pin!! IlIr t"dlce; Ol! .. ur neigllbora 1.0 give ilie mailer Iheir "1l1'l.r.lioIl8 m~et Ihtl eye; hHe Ihll hllb- d~dtfl'YIIIIJ InrJ;:e lIelds of wileD\. It i8 illd eed, I CU/I 'I,l:Iir,' slIirl the lI.i rl; ·l1lill\t. munt'. nbstrnel 01 llClllhlllll l" 1'III-' lIr 1 \" ur.e 1111 1~11l1lillg CIIU ~_ ~ co.e dt :'~ . (ormou, .' IIIe powl:r 0 fw l II!; ' II wree· C811mftted IhBltwo lorml lire cUffln-lelely ,er ~IIVHy' Iuuuht 11\40' II Iiidloty "f • II 'I nk s' \\A,II' be I8,"1 llJuil or' EX"Hell8 91. 6• I,ellr •o\! oo·opera l'Ion. n'Y Ii II menne Olli ' It 18 r "1'1 . Idl mc. ' II l'ver lu all'Odt.' .LI!"isloliull. L ' . .. by. til L i bfor""dilUn'P. • . . . , . destoved . Ie IIg ~ ltt fill Y per ... ~ l l' d, alld I he "'Ill. I·IespCJt l6 m III Acner"'II, ,,,,d 'J'hrorv un ' @lIIge une W "C' tent b I ... leud 10 IUIl1)OIDP~I~ every 6uus lllflLIIlI tltlB wllh ~he Hlruug IIItel,leCl, ue lltrl1n~ ~ de n 8S pe rliu-n ci~u~~d-I>U til at:. Morn) ... .1-8.14 i 1'111.(01)' of Pulil irs, 18li9; ~I-orucco ~o8e lor ~i6 •. will J'eIItl"ly; ~t~ "ncoul'agemeut w-JlI~m )'0111' P04VCI', for renSOI!, bhgllLS Ihe atrt'ollons Hfl U I U llu ~'1 0 CJ:::r 1\1l Exc.. ll ent c uro fur tlill rrl 11 Il'mp lS nuu pr rSlIlIRlO II, " : ' I~I, IwerCU III !l III H"d II 1115111ry 01 the Ullil r d Mtlll p.p; 184~ lur I!.ree 1l1I1.e1t. ~helr CII81 ,. W,r!H1! ~oltll U ' . t . 1 d ' l\ L d II Y ,. 'd d .. ell I II•KI loy Ihe ~r o ll" ' u l r OllflllJt bet\vl'l'n lIe- -56 i JII six octa\' U vU:llmlO e ' 1' brn ill' ft g l'lIlf1 lor Ihll weLrh. '/I the 1jT1I.1.lf lC IJUpl! UI given 0 trR 8 ":' more 0 t 8. ,. I' A, III~ con l.ere 1111 nc ' l l~ SIl "~ 'IO be lhe foll owing IHIn}' I'toipu:' r eso "y und !Ic r hi gh sells e III IIlflrnJ duty . die period brl il'ee n the e Q rh~Ptn~"Jt)~Ii~ SWlve, '1I1U 1I .. ~e a.rll j[elluille which IIIJ' tita n n·v"y fo r 1.1\ Ihe ex peud,lul CII of COlU-l,lt shD,e nt to drink, Lu t nol 10 g et I Equ~ 1 paTls ur cnp~ iC llw, c8mpho~ IWId ~I'19 bt611111l ,;rwd Olll . \\ hh ,luwncil H lid •• , ~et\lem e llt "lid Ih'! sP~II I1'll erm IIf Pr nul bear our 'rude ,,\n~k. Addro."" lUon 'y li nd InLul' , l' I Jrullk . 1 /', 1I 1It! bll'ikt , w!.i Ie it .is , 0i,i II Ill. . I \\ ell •. ~lr '. IJ y"u ~Yllf millIe lIIe ~o lIuch deul M\llIrUe ', nclnoin i81r8 ~lolI. 1'h\! I t it' l G IILAJJD \\' .. DEY. i\ va I~ &: (i'O'1 (' , 11 hurrll. 1I 11'k( ll \hJll lj, ll-II !I,e Yjlllk,'" ! , Im), I. iIl.I·, !III:A :Jt.h'~ !l ri ll;:i !Ht~ I\' urli. illl.pIII'l Crr , \I~ ~l'lId(l 1l J..~ IIl< .. \: .
IDUOiCII'ion, Ihe,''''')' " Aprl·,·,·,," ,·(S .... 0. tlu euco8, A""d beRllly IIAd \Y~allh . ~U u~ .. ~ Vleol tha 8uLlerior relatiulls ill com, i'asllion nnd IllarDin~ Ille scrpcnL lurk s. meTee w"~ the g~8\ oen\r"" '01 \r"de . ~iltl.ed wiLl! colors Ihllt IlIlAh ho.m dill Almost evel·)·· tOWII of III; " im IlQ lt,,"ce mllnd s nllll brilli lllllS; CIII't: s8ed by lips
I ... rn "1: C 01 e ft bl III
'ri AI
CI til pi II
--- --------
--. - -
~I)e r:::::
. _
conWl" ITA'TIO" (w.& "R£8VILLl). • TaA1~$ BU"WAKD DOllND.
'&hIL.nd ACWIn., Cuiumbull MCOID,. ,
1~::::: ::" 11 .26 A.. 6 , ~8
'&h:l ond Accllm.,
1'. M.
1.30 A.
Ni~ht £"p,OB8,
Culumhu8 ACllom " . Ii' Cillc IIIl10ll "'''Jlre8P. .. Dtl nut Ilop.
A, M .A, ~I .
8,61) "6 4,.. P. M.
::;SOO , ___ , ____ ____ _ .• _
....... "'r, LaV'1 -=!l' "
Hnrtlock Iial erent' ed ~
" blllolis'milb-8hop on Norlh .treel;
Iiide. between W aler all d M lUll It.reall, where he will reaurue bueioell. -
---- I
TIl& I4w'4lIID'OaoBa Ma III f'OR TIll; OUI:I''fI:, ~, In'AL. DR. I. A. ROUO&nnr. Bay's "RII. 011 Moo day neai.,. waa Warne . Ocnan,ty "-.c:Ia~ I8ftltD\e. A rull "Iort ment 0 Iht' Rlcllmond aod IIIrgflll. aLl.eoded. ! _ temporary OrgAO· ~ . ~h. RI10lolld Plo,..... (or .all' b)' iUlioo Will effected. by CIllling DOD. S. ACllor~1 to .ppolol~eDt. the regoALLEN & RANDA'LL. I S 11 . I I ' d lar meellng of tile IOIUlIlte WII, held Aug. 23. -210 \ . a,oea LO lIe C lIur. an appolotlog. F kI' d I 'f L Al le E S ID raD 1000 Satur ay. the 15lb &I I. NOT ICE ~' -AT '~BE• . ~' . q.. eC'rel~ry. But (e" teacbel'll of the county werv io f ,1.... A commtLtee 1'1'88 IIppolDted to pre, . ' The IIn,lerslgned hnB'been duly IIp~olnt· I lMr~W ffi'~rllI~ - ~i'O'· rillle I' b b' d h al,telldaoce, vet the proce~dmgs weTe 0 erl Admlllia\fllOr of Ih.' E81l1te of .mllel \I~&~ \!!J\I'Il\Y!J ~ ~\I'Ill5. n pare reso uhOll!l to IS su mille to t e ' • b (~O III' fl. de- ' I · II . D / . i' tl\l.erest aDd importance. Rev W. W. Kol .lllte 01 \Vurrell JQlln ly, \ ( ' . ) meeting. uflng Ihe "b.llnee of the G I 1\ d l 'd TI CUI d. JIUS. G. KEY • SUDS & KLEIN S OLD STAND, comruiltee. elJortlpeecilel were made ~ ruery ~a~ ca e .0 presl ~. hI, AI'~Bt Ill, 1865.-+_ ~ Beg 10ft.e.lo inforlll the publIc thllt Ihey by-Rev. J, W. Mason and Esq. J. W. mlnulila 0 t e previoul m6l.~IIP~ ,VI er~ ~ have on hutull1,,1 expect to keep K l' f I I rend ll11d IIppfoved. On motion. It wa. .ll~ 1 e\' • upoo tie stfbJect 0 tie OUL awry d . d h h b' Id be , . A Compl to Assortment of 110 ~Bmpllllt of Illte in our villAge. etedt~lDle t lit ~ e ess "drs I 8 °bu 1 . BE'rA1J. DEA,LERS IN lML~lN ~1Jl~ A bl d I' f I'ell ID lie morDlDg I 110 t ~t L e· eil' , , A ~ 09 1 u , dPbrellml e AD ,relU utb,ons ,:ele ~ - tur~8 1,11 881igoed to Lhe aCt"oooo ·ses. {I.DRY GOuDS, \ ' ,ere 'j I Ie comallttee ; ut, .or tole. ' . W A ~. N E s \' II. I. E, f ,. Sicn . I Prof. WlllklDS. wllo W" to b-ave QUE1"NSWAR L' WUlll 0 A permanenL organIZAtiOn, they d I Ch r ~ D, were luid 011 the laLle. alld the same IIC'ca au t.:~S88! o,~ t I.e' ftrAcler' 0 I IJARDI WA' [-'E, P A I N T S J 0 I LS, ' • I I o UO ly ....IamlOlllI0118. waa not present' l :l .~ committee, 1'1'11 I power Lo eo Arge. were M ' K t D ' d ' .~ . I DYE-STUFF.:::; . Isa II e Ilvla reft IIU an..,relltmg \ r. R CERtES coutlnued •. to ~erfell' B ph\o of pel mR· anu 'proctical e881\y op 'PrimR"Y EduCR' dO' ~ ' /' TOILET AR •.'tCLE ... , neM orgol,lzollOIl, nnd I'eport at a Cu - , • A . d \. " f II d ' ' . . . - tlon. n 8111mlltc UI8CU~Slon 0 owe & c \ 1 b' C I I 1 "-OFt ure m e e l i n g . , " . , upon, Ie 8t1 ~eCt 0 'III eu"y, I\tlaf Y I h~ m ee llng lhen lluJourned. to meeL II t" , 1 ' '1'1 ' "l{ ~~m~nl11\"rl1\1~ ~ I ' . II preseot pSI' IC,Ipstlng Il ere m. liS ~ i1'!I~1lOtl V L)':l:l~LDl'j ~09 S i p AIN ·t BRUS\lFS 011 MondRY evcnlur.{, Ih e 281h JIlstfint. wile;> IellsanL Iy aD d pro IiIta bly conLIUUllu . .' \ "• •• " lnvhe .ll~nt\on l u \\, .. ir Sll'ck of I\t 7~ 0 c\o.,k, when ev e l'y llOdv is illyiI b t 1. WHITEWASH BRUSHES. untl ooon, w en a receslI Wftl a .. en , ted tu attend. LeI fill lir e poopla como. unli'11 laIf 'pas t o n re.·ahel" ' .. -' bl'mg i I , Th e b e.' qua I'lty or ODe, . , VJ' .c: . "
~ --
--- -
- . .-
- - --
I. b e ' I3T 'flIe turopille eL'I'eto orwm
and W"yne."I'lle. \"III'oll \VRS newly n , .1 ' . . 1laa receolI''j reo III I I1,11 ~pr"'", grlldeu
c~' ... ed 1\ coaling uf grnve~.
S u sie A, HutcJ,jnBon willl~olure on SpiritllAlism _ftl llny's 1/1111. Wllynes ville. 011 Thursday Rnd jl ri t\IlY (:\'fllings of tlds week; ilL 7 ~ 0\:1001.. '1' he publio Rre illviteJ.
LF.CI'VREI , -Mr~.
¥ .If
S-I ! \
lerpr, illin,. " Elliinpi",n desc c n,<l,lId from !J'ect b efore tIl e mee ting Ilt the time ,of X J OlllA \ III Ih e , , lif , ~, 011 1 hunduy Rdjournment. . Re,~.~. E. SDolV¥~n I IRSl., RIIlI, hnstl ly Bh'~~tn~ the dust _of 1 tuen d .eli v(ll'ed a lect'ul'e. whi.c h \VAS ,ad ~ WII) lIesvllle froltl bit> fet!l. he betook mirllLle Anti to tbl purpose, 'fhe po ole himst- If up Ihe lurnpill e unlil ho renc h'. (;ollijiocl'ed were ' J Tue Chllrllcler 'f
'Ne~e8~Ary QUIlI~U . By
- - -- - - - -t>r1 Ih e rlll'm uf Mr. 1. H: Hnrris, Iyillg II 2, The And I3T wel'e lltVorccJ. on SlItul'dny IIhou,t OI.C nno. 1\ II.R lf IIllle, 8 CI'om lown. CIIII01l8;, 3. 'fhe Field oC Lllbor, I " I R 6e r~II" d Il f ram some f' nig IIt. Will IIlr 11 1\ I lIug At t I118 p~lnt. he enler~,d. ~ h e \'ote" the CSyoy of MillS Da\' is arid the
/lsloIII~h,"g IlIolu~E:
C0 A L
D WI 3TIC GO {} Dg I STL- "Lt:~o'E',p D A n at ~bll' hour. a few miuulea we.re 'P~Dt l 0 RES S-GOO OS li B A R ~ rso n e - \ in lire rurtller con ~ ider"'ion of the su~0
no"s' WEA R I J.
A I' N
s ,I." I Q, U 0 R. · S, ,
PJl 1I ® h'1 ~ ~
H· oSlery, ,
LaleS, d Gent s, a nd I ID DIneS t·Ie Mr. Sno!,dell were reqlle&lcd CHI L DR EN'S S HOE S
For medicinRI purpoae8, to wlrieh the at· ' lellliull of Pllyaic(ol1s iSl's pecio lly culled; ond whalever pertoilld to Q I F LR ST· R A'r E
a GOlleral Assortment of:
Goods I
Also. D ..<rood 8upnly of r
e .- i c
lind unknown ' Indies. For the pl.-adure bllrny lll'd. 11I1l1 wllh most qf 1- 0 C S "!lorded' us. lhll iucogllitn Clhoriat ors eooln~ss. drove lhl!r(!frOlll cwo COILS. ulI- for pu!>licAtion. A \'ote of ~ltanks- wa.' , will !llulUi~ Ilccep:t our grnlitudo. perct: I\'p, rl by allY ont! 011 tho fllrm.- l~ndt!red Co Lila citi;~08 or Franklin for which they otTer 01 the \ -SUCII ASW ~t ll th ese tilll< yuulIg IIlIimnls he pur. 1 Lh!:ir lio8pitality ml\~iCe6ted 00 14e oeiLOWEST MAlll1b'T RIC~'S . TEA. ~ '{'he Xl'nill TOI'c/"Liflftt SRyS the sued hit!, wily to th t! residt'llce of Mr. l cnRlbn. ; , ' , J I ' . . 1-",OltbOC'k • W IIUO ' I. b ' d " ' . , II Y 4. 2.1( cO\..Irlld ei lilellB (Ircl' lIe counly PI'O ' J es~~ ue 0 tlt'~~ a R ll por\ or, ExeOUll\'e Committee. , ::lUGA lt. p"se to e~lebr"te tht! "'I"i\'fl'8l\ry (If hal te r from tllllL geull~mRn, whom he Tlre' ne~1 metllillg to be helellli WftYDes !R MOL~)~~~. ('resident Jjihcol,,'s' EUlfll'cipRtioll Proc · fonn ed Lhlll o~\e of. Ihe colt 8 WAS Ihl! "i\)e, on SAturdlty. SI'pl(>mber 9. Rt JO i ETC •• ETC. hUll III iuu. ill XlJlli", 011 Fddl\)'. t ,ltll 22d pl o p,'rlY of lind 'dt! o'c: lock A M " in Ihe Uui911 .Sehool buEhI.,) ) tnke method of i',lfor",in!! uf S 'pltmb ·r. '!'lIe re will be t\ p~akinlr. ht!lolIg~d 10 hI1l6\>(J . Mr. Hartsock Si ng. ESMIIY by PI'Or. J, 'Fill~h~lI~ I '~nIY "hllll(,I1~S nlld the publiC I: cllcr - I suspicioll!! w el'~ U;cil"J IIl1d he IIUg""F~" 1> "" d . , • ally, IhuL I h".e removed Illy pIACt! I A cOlllplele nnonment of musio'. {ne ' d"\I\~r, and V~riou8 otlllil' • ,JeeL • .,!:st ,,\lclho of tellclllnj;! R"adlllg, or bu si "eMs 10 Ihe stnnd formerly ocrui'ied I aLlrllCliuns._ h)' Mr s, TholllBS 118 II FaIlC}' t::ltore, lid thRt tile c()lt ~ re&l!wbled Ihose willch E~s~y by Prof. WR~kin8;sulij~ct, .. f -he kn e w b~longt<d 10 MeurI, Hllrri. & ( E I . I;:: . W TI ' RCIIl/' 0 ('OI.l IIty .xoltlinl\Iion,s . R.,.,e,PQ,rL Opposite the B:ogers House" ill) Op I ~I I , VDLI~ ","LK' !'tlfS £Ji:K;lomn8 , Moor\! ; bU,t the colo .. "d indivitlultl Wl\8 " " , \ Ladies Suulh"rn 1\1 I o·clock. and E. H"mmell on , Sch 01 Government, by 1tlllfl! L . where I inlend 10 keep on hond 8 geller~1 f poahiyc Ihl\~ his ·f.. wdcr' flnU • hisself' J I Ad I b n . L CI f k IS. Minll.,'" t'1f"C(8) Ilt 2 o'dock. · 011 U 1 reues y ~""v • . " ~r Ililaoriment of 'Vur~. bo!k of "hl1 becl quolity of M , ( were propri~tu.'s the creRlun'g. And d l' ( 'V P H f d I ... at ~'urdft'y; \"jillillm J"ou\:y, II' the, 'relli- with thill a,s.lIrflnce. led them tu MounL anJ '1'1. ro. . • I'• RT.' orr • I' ! I '1 '1. 0 W , "'I ~lR1 • d I b b I I 1i'H\\ ,1\\7ll~ /J.. iNfi1l\ I ,fil,I~ cJenec. .o . r , NewellHrown.lit 10 o'clock ~.. , Ie proeecclngs 0 tll8 mee\lng lI,n lie CH rnlhBO ANDB' OY~' W~WJ1.l~ JOO.L\~~ OW lJ~lIy. to I'e (ul'nl'ulled ,tll~~ ''',,''_ C1Tr MA_VUFACTURE. ,I 11 i ~ " ] ' we.r. AI dO,. 00 FrillR)' ; 'IN t'11. C, C"rn~l1. to ,lIay; J ""her~ he offered them ror slIle wp.re' (11'd",'ed ~ m ,. . Fur Genllemelr's on d Joys l ; ra(J1 L , K l'lsey, '011 l'huudBY. tit 10. ~o IIcob PrRme~ (or $1.50,. ~ut Ihe mi GuzeUe IIllti " "es/el'll SeelY' for publ'. 't/I,1 Wllrroll t II, I!iv~ Fali5rul'li oll , : U large 6upply of well"selecled ' cullutl gem milo 111111 tl,IS lime Jumped \ cnliun. &"erl\l persons were ~hen ell·fI. " uldul ior Iil e verv lih erlll ""trolloge I I3r AUen & Il.'lndall IIIl,e oblained into It bad bUJ[, 88 Mr. Pra'oler rt<cog· ruU"d ftS m embers of the Instilute; ~f. for 'Hpr~1 )' I'IIr8 besluwed. I hup e, by , I \ . 11 I I 0 d' I' r d ' clpse nllelllioll "nd tn,ir dpuling, Btill lU l [i))lf\'\lf\'\i(~ ~lMm ~~rure~~ a new burglllr fllld fire-proof Safe.lor IlIle I If' louell. 1111 rea I y 11\ orru~ ler which, lh~ Institute "djournerl. merit n gellerou8 ~ulltHlunnCA ollhr HII,ne' II9®® ~ 1N1ru.!JJ ~inlWlr..~1I - - - ;- - Ih~ir ~sllIbIi8hmcnL. at a cost of 8400. Sa~bo 111"t lie woul~ tllh. tl~eDl and W. W. C~UlRRl·. Pre•. pro I. E. J(~YS. b i. ' undoubtedh' 1\ .o/e illVl'stlDent; Lllel!' 1t!lIdel' Illso. nllltily IlInllllg Lhat O. ,\'. HATtYItY. S,t'y. TtlI'! mnrllct Ilricll rut nillimll8 p"i,1 fur I I I • " , Idle\' hlld bel'li stolen . SIIIII mallifes tetl Grel' 1I liilil' s, Cull Skins ond Sh eP p Pl'hs, 01 11\1 kiuds ul\\'oy8 011 hondo 1111( tIll t","L "41 ,vls h I. thllt 11 mRy I I • • . . - Arn('ricoll Dclorll Dre 'ill the ~.ne July 3,-l.lf I. E, K. A LL AND SEE. A lille uuurtmellt 81 1\1"". 1t\'8 b. wlltl tilled wilh S' ecr~LU I'J' .is displl'Rs ure ilL ellis u. nexp,,'clcd re , ' ul,ruud \J'oJ J ~ n , JeO'ersun i. 10 lIurrefd John "E. I,;hll8,,'. picture. lind olhu cumfol'lllble vllne vC (u/,\Un6. by U~tng hts t"' 6th Oweull II the A.lelphi. in Luudon. lIud J.u_l.e, 3-llf jiIlIlIlCilllllrliolt!lI, (or lViloKe 11I1~ . keep- lin unwooted IDlln .. cr, IIntlslru~:::ling wili npllel&r In II 1I0ucicoulled version ot v I LI t f I ' 'Rip VBII Wlllkl ... : D LANTERNS, & iu!,: it is dt. 'igllljrl. . "I"men y 0 escllpe I'om 118 cnplOI'! . lJe IVRl> soon ~f'cun ' o. hUI\'c I' t'r, Rno -)\tr, Greeley is 110: ullly 10 r"moln on I A. E. M HIlITf. E, /l" PIUNTZ' CHI~1NEYS. , 0:7 T ,h e lh.v Ion .IulI,.",,1 8S~' 1I tllftt lJl'OlIghl to Wllyn esdll". whtre a pre- tit" 'I'"l;:1IIf'. but ,Ito stockholders buve voted to rllititl hid 'tlb lar'j IrulII 85.00 Lu 011 l.'U~eUBy e\'cni"g or lut \Ve~k'. Pt!~u liolill6ry l' ltlltuillftliun . "AS hc:ld L"rore ,7,000. \ 1 - -- - - - "----- . ' ( Successor to H()pkins <£: Cl·iapin. j , . ~chw~rz. o( \Q\!'r rnilotown, 80 illjured E-qllire K~ys. -SVCH A S~ ...... It'urd'l!I 'J'hen1~r ill beIng COII"tlrled in- I ' , e RETAIL DJ!:AI.K/l,~ IN , In the courqe of the e:uIllillatioD.. his lVifll by hel\lin" her with" club. to II retll'plucle lor lhe Ifilltlve. bl the I,te At 11m old 810lld 011 ll,nll Sirent. Wnynl' -I I I ville. would illhlr.rn his oid e~lumm "1ll1 l~ b At]4' ! FIN E CUT IllIIt she died. 'nCter lerrible sulfering. Sambo stilted thftt he hl\d been hirtd rebtll culIl'ederoc)'. .=tL ~ Ihe rl'llol mlllllillul, tllot hc~us II gOlld l ,~ 'I AND PLUG, by 'two gemmell' in Xeuill. to 810al the on W"dll~ijcl,,)'. Sehwllr, fled Lo the CIOARS AND wood •• bllt dIll meu of tile \'it:i'lIi l ), hors.,. oml briog th~m to the junction SNUFF, Cooking Stoves, . C HEM I CAL. S I turned out til f/l(U". And after an t;X ' of th e rllilrol\d and the lurnpike aL XII' """,~~~ r_ ' ' ILEAD, I BLACKING. citing ti~,,~ch. tillccet:ded in fiuding lrim . nill. wher" h. "liS to hnve been mel '" Lebanon, on the' 17th ill~tD"'. 111 the Illao. a vnrll~tI slJl'JI~y of ' OIL, llLACKINO-DR1j~IlES. •mll IIfLU Il 'it.ugglt'. ill which he WI\S And pllid $100 for Iris troulJle • hOIl.e 01 ".',e "riM. E.. K, 8q,,,!er, Till, copper ShCtl HrOn Ware I V AH.NI SlIEs. 1 ' ETc,. E'cc. When Asked tll~ flumes of Ihe men 1\Ir. Jub R gers til l\Ild~ R ebecca E. 1 OL- I !lnle at the l'oW1'81 c8sh prices, A II kll')ckl·d down. clI(ltul'ed lrim, Great 'ur whose 1001 he pro(~6sed \0 b e. Ihe dflr- leu. daughter 01 hOle_.I:; . 'rollen, E.q. ki"ds ot and MIXed excitclUent ~~isl. ill Ihe \' icinity.
I"~ ·(II~,der.'
od~r I
DRESS-.GOODS, E M 0 V A L . White Goods I. ___ ' ~I,j~ I Sllawls, I
Sk· r-tc:.
F or
d C t ats an aps
J. s rr
Fruit.- ars
i LAMP~,
0A""V .E S i __ ., \
-- I
J. A. C R 1 S PIN, :Merritt &. Printz, i I
., ! PaInts,
ol~ ~~.r. Aile;,
; rrigh'l. one
I ~l l
0 U TOO 0 R. W 0 R. K
ofd~h~ :~s ~1~:b~:li~i,~:tW;;;~I;~l:tnon:/.,~~~~~ ~A~ FY' ~ _Q_t_I)~;. __ ~_:, l::::~":",~:'·:';~'f,: ~::~:;; ~:;;,~:.":" PAINT I
1I11t!,h CI .I.~tnlt o. r ,~lhrre~MlY. dIe II~ r~s'ul;'nce 11\..., 1111011, on on n\·. th e 14Lh inRI .. 1\~l!d l'ighty-se\'en ycs'rs ~ cJ ' I I Hid b d nn 1'1!?IL ' ruouIIS. e 18 eengrll f l ' "1' U Il II y f1\1 IIIg or Bome monL IS, growlIlg ,.' II I. ' I I 0 Ii II ,,"IUUII Y W"lIliereRCIIRY.lln DR Y tiil!d or infirmity afld olel ftge. Mr WrighL mo.ed. to L.:bllnoo III 1810. WIIS hill!: engRgtld IlS a surv e yor. st'n'cd
wonderrully knowing roll or
oth~r claimed the ~quRII uri A IICIt'Ilt. ,on SUlluny 1II',rlllllg' l J I 3 2 AUjiUht lilh, 18Gb, ~lory \V,rlght. S(iC""t1 Y , -=-------:- soubl'ique,1 of 'l\~I' Junes!' tl~ughter 01 W. H. UIIIJ Ameli~ p, Hllrt. 1 1T' T' EH ~
()'68 I) lind ti,e
TO 13.L\.ceo ES,
~Y R~\',
kie. willI
&. Children
t t
~l ~..
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~ r l(lIIe •
V AIlNISH. &V. 'I til :B m'J] ~ IBl ll: ~ • \ We sholl c,onslohlly ....
kepI' oM htlnll Il ge,,ernl ne.ortlllBnt 01 Polenl Medicines. AIHo. juSI receivrd Irol1l PlmburjC, a \ gouLl oud \~ell-8el "tIPd lot 01
W INDO "" - GLASS, '
IJ unuaulli As to the compl e XIOn of 1118 emploJ0" Thursdav, All"'. 17. inllut cbild 01 ' ' .., ' " " • '"' SASH AND PUTTY ere. Ih~ court was Informed wllh a per- ""bel ~dttetUlw.ile. I , • , , ,. , r d' ., 'I II h I I Pl'cture d. OW- aSSes. cepllble exhibItIOn of aory, tbRL On TlrursdtU' 17th inst8"1 in this-placl" • he un l'rBlgneu \VIS les 10 co I e 0 1- TRUSSES I w. U& child 01 J.lTle~t:rillf,· ' , IPlitiunol Fnrmersnlld,,1i \\'holl\itm '~)' , ')~" ' 'D"y'B cullllJ gemmen.' =!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ r.I)lIc"rll. to tire tbcl Iilnt he hi ellg~u\!d 111 1 S\ll [ORIERS. Give lilt A Anti in r!'gRrd lU the proressioos of \\' n)'uesvUle MMf'kelll. the mOllufliClure of SHOULDE~~-nn,ACES : 1\, I ' Mess rs, Smith & Jon .. s-otherwiee. the and AmJ you COllnot lail to be suite" bot I III (9) b I' I Cor, rutl" Corree" " r.o"'r" Wce L • ' A L L THE l'ul'liLAR 'luulilY or.tl price. . , In II II}' J't'srl •• Co un tyA d . me fill S y W lIell l \e\J 'J ~ • I.a £Ju. " .. o u 'liar, IlII d 1\ I IClrllll1l8.te t> ~ ' nnd is prt'!pared to do ,n the '. • June 23-1. one timf! II.dO. in "u,litiulI. tI", olHc~ of procun,d cOI·n ' mclIl. bRcon. "nd other Wheul ill bUlh,l, ' '140 @ • 75 Z:Z;&b"~I Slyl,', 8nd olllhe.hurle., \ Cou'nty Uecol'der. He is 8pollllll of R~ neetls fol' thon), suslt:llltnc." Sam \'ouchllye 1 1 " , 70 lIuIQC,· . ""ytlll"~ ill liIislille, from a Wheel- I' sRfed conli'tleDliRlly thd ' Outll ~ . 30 borrow I,) Ihe fwesl bug!:)'. . J \ ~ _\J " one IV IIO,commRD d(>d Ihe ' respect th., Bu.ley ~o " II ' \f.I " f ii':l7~ mt"1V I,ltID ill. {f'1},'/l\13 communIty ,In which he lived. Ili~ 'A.ii.a (e.' Smilh sleRle,' Rnd 'Mr. Jones Curn fI'1I" .. . .' 1 ~~ ():O" Hn~in:: sl)Cl1retl ,Ihe sprv~c.a of r.~ " II:' u.Ll.':lts:Il Wl~ U. !.ro..at..1!J IJr llil)9 Of a gtl.'ftt mnlly \(inds ont! in hrge qllon· r -why, ~Ie s:l'ul- tuo.' • I' b I EI,LISuN K eIllP, ~ superior wur mall, I Ie . fI~ litie p fur suII' by U"~tl\l. VII W~dnud ..y, wal Jltt~nd~d 'Iuur 1Jl orre, 900 m~ nliull "I III,~ nnme ill thiR cUIITle,clio" rill fe fQ ll!J IWi1 Ii: Iii) I ' jn;RllITT 41. !tRI NTZI. by the MIIBonic ord~r in full numller8 , For Ihe unltlwful ellterpri&8 di~pIRy' FI'Jur 't clbwI • 4 ~~ will be HUrliclCllt ~unr8nly thol !81l8rac' II"' I£, IN II" l& \I'll Ib I Ib I I '11 I. I JI'lIler t ... " lion will btl given, • 4P. alii.: yll al'gl!coJlcou16t:ofcitiz~nl, I'l yllelleg ro. I\: WI uesenllotle Lurd ~l1b lib JOIINW.COJ,J.F.TT , HAIR-OILS. UmonCoffee,Pea ollee" _ _ _ _ •._ _ _ _ Penitentinry. proviJ "u hc Cllllnol be t;J!I::~ V. duY-PII, 111 J 1 ~ C '" R }Jul"h,~d ~ buohel, IJO u \'. lB. . " Dallll"lioll CulI·el'. Ry e "uet'. prune 10
-- '
W,t\ d
Patent ltledlclnes )- --
l'lJUll'" JARS
A ntl'" c~rpeL would Rdll mAte-
'tillll y 10 the d~cel1t Rppenrlillce of th~ M. E, Church. Rnd IV~ respectfully sub Illit to tIle Illdi~1 (who CIIII ,,1\\,R)'8 Ill'oumpliab w h.tever Lhey undertllkl!). tlmL lht'y de\'is~ way. Bud lI\eRIIS lu pill II handaolDu fAbric on the rU8Ie~. in 1·lace of the 0'n 8 now , ill use, which '/Ioltld have bellR superRunualed long 11&0.
::~i~~c~0Il7ob~~I~~:~:ruo~~!lr::'·w;~;~ ~~/i:~~, ~I'V6tl!e~~ lIoL "dvi61ed; nor were in realily
pliv~' J
we Ct'I' IAi" th,ey to the thert.
1Y lb
N~w.Ur'~HIIS Sugor V 1b , J g,"lo".
N .. U. I\lUIAti6t!Ol . OUIII Uil
@ ~I~~ SherIDan as
17 @ 22 1 3b 100
Marchfng- Along' I IFANCY
Willies to Inrurm his patruns 01111 Ihe nublre, Ihnl lie keep. 1'01l810"lly on haud, lorlle ond filllOIl DAR-SII.- 'RE rLO\vs,
.- .---
& ' SOAPB, rG. iCUll'ce <11111 E.~~rl~I~I~:'~~I~lft'l'~~~:~!~,bY
'D. B. E B E R LEY I
D 1_
g I CIDER \' l~ :1GAL
Icllr~d This we l(!IoW 10 be pure. 08 we pro· Ihe Cidrr Irom relioble Jlo!rsona in FAMILY GHOCEHIE5! ,' IIIrlt Ihis ueil!h"orllooll. and permill~d it lu vllteg",,,11 ollr own IHPrnl!les. I ___ .!~ lmRlTl' &. I'RIN'l' b, School-Books, A well-selecled oSiurtmell1 of lire lIEST ,
10 WAlfTI A WIFE,-We ~llOlIld like to =========--=--=~===!WEC." .... NOT.CE!!i. tlte nGllle of 'che lUling IIIlu .. f Ihis neighborhood who ,,1l,erti8eIJ ill one ul ltecfpc for .h~ Cure of Fever & :Ague, gild ~o\lble aud Finglc IheeitYllol'ereurulluWdlllhiladdress l 8 '''tOOti , ""1 B t 9 IBG'... SH,OVEL.PLOWS, • .,.11.' It, op.. were kllo,,"u we al'preill'nd Ihpre wfluld I " . Y "I d made ul Hlrel. He will ,,180 Ill~nul,clur, e ~lcGm'FY'S & WILSON'S SEHIES. ! ,.." r ' I ' I' d ' I Da. C. \V . RUBAcK - elr. uur v uU , By I he kill or poe"cl i 01 II worranled, lIot. b ~ muc II <I IwCII 'Y In I.WIDg 118 e81re I l'u"",,r olld Pilla .,,11 beller Jle.e Iholl OilY ""II rpp"ir PIUIl'"!.Hf'f'S, .'~"d tires. a land lem· . &c., &c., &c. 1 'Ioullly, lor dolp hv IIllllfied : uti.er ureuilll/lf'S J coultl kecp. Tht'y Ire I'er all kil~dll , or EJlltid 1 uIIII. , MBRltlT'r & PRINTZ " peculiar.\lend· d~8111llhlng I hr tl .nd Hor.e'lho'"(r14-6m __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ I am 18' yellrs 0 II' . Ila,e. goo d lie t 0 I J' u~l Ihe medici·". lur the peuI,I..' teeth, Dnd believe in Alldy Jull"l"n, the Iy IIdllplrd lur lilt: cme ul I.. ycr 0110 ~gl"·. ' e 0 I' \Imp y. __ , stnr-spangled balll/erulIIl Ihe 41h o( July , bul llie: pe loplll u~e ",~'" o. u "eu~r~J 0 .... 0 EY;;:S If,lbf~ ~F.w. Ph' Sl•..: ......., Prescriptions.' I~tl~' I hll\'e luken lip n Siotu luI. cleared up ICIIII'. , , d'I " a o u g ~"2t t~ . I' I d d d f '" I '}'o br'luk lUI altn,' k of the AlJue tnke A Parnphle' ulrr>clIlIg how '" epee I ~ I ~.~ Ioeeu acrell flat )' ear ,un '~ee e e .. 0 • ' . , I " 1' . II down . lUv buck",he.t lookll firdl rltle. n luhlelllJllulI!ul ur the lJIuo. Purtlier eVl'r}' fP8to~e 81~hL811t1 g'.'"e lip .• ~ecluc I'~.IVI, I· Carefullv and Promptly Fit ~. I , ', , WilY .N B S J' 1 L L .E ., 0 H 1 O. 8nd the oal •• 81111 pot.loe. 8!e lIully. I Ilour. Olltl Ihell ,cle""att lhe alolll~ch .ntl OUI 'lid 01 ~uelor ~lt medll'lne. ~enl by have got lIine Ibeel'. D two yelr old bu r llOwel. well "'III~ y.,a~ PIlI_, 'lId 11\ thrf'e lIIoil. free, on rec81~ l~d~'r'~II~j DAd . 0 I (L D 1'-U " . S t ·O ', . C . lind twn /jPI(erll beaidn a huuae .1U1 barn. duy. Ihe cumpl .. IIII WIll be relnond .nd ' \ dre'" E.. d N" y" k 0 ' 1 TEJC~1S1 f.:ASli IN A DV ANCE. " . , Ritcte-If 26m 11aO I:roo Wfty. ew ur, " . WII),nesvllle, Ohio. ~ I wont 10 buy loreed .ud buner. lloop•• lrtti pe r m a llt'1I1 cure e !t~,oo. und w'hHlall. for 10llle purson ve Ih8 fe, All Ilhu try 11118 trt,OI Illt>nt berore Drl ' l Ode eopy OM yell". 8,7 5. ma!e penuuiull durina my li/o. ThuI'II ,1 plyillg t.... P'lysiclllll. ",ill ....... ed milch , ~O . 8~n S ~c or , POT - 0 Ii' F 1 C E CO H ~ E R " Five cupi <ts onu YOIII'. 'b.Uf), whda the wllLLer with IIIr. IJut J !lulI't CU81 olld Eutrcrllllf· Yvllfslruly. . ridS best 01 nil (,o"~,, S},"I'S, l(lr ~lI /e l • T.:u copies on' YCIIJ:, r.r.vw !wi ... \1/ Il()it.' I 1·4 !\.. U, T ArT • by ,m ::UR: I'l''l' & J'f{IJ<;T" , JUli O ::!:J-J,t
A Kreal d9AI Pl"Y be inferred or the cbar,IIeler of a eomIllU,II;}~" by Ihe. 001'0her 10 which h. pl"clIs of wuuhip ar~ lupported "lid kl·pt io order; IUld. to ....)' ootbiug ,or ,'" prille e\'l:ly olle .buuld fetll in their ,"mple of wonhip, We lire aU ' aWIlre th.~ ' there is mOot}' and liberality 6l1fticlt:UL in the neigh . horboad to keep a ohu~h in becowing Itl·le. It only rtquiret rt.'; united . 1:(. "r~ or • few to let Ille blill in III{'tion . ~u le~ iL be Itarted ',
",,'d' l
J k
P t al S ·
yrup. ,
1ll1" · t''' .'),lRlllt , .........-
l\f I
~ -i" PENN l'''~!NIl t:1~T.ltl.1. £.: WatcheS ChaiDa, Diamond
IMAGNIFICENT- 'SllE Til GIBE: DawsoD '. Ale. acks =-=-=-=----==-==-=-=---~ - Gold and Silver ~gatchel' II 'D~b --===-au 'Wi{I, )o.i vlllbo agtRuorn!~.IInt.
Q8 are Better.
• I
J.I'U_ &I..... J -0:_
l'ollble Track Bouk '
.nwgs, ·w.C., ..~
fpl!efai AnnouDceme NTTBQRGTOFH~AD~~ II$ked R '~illht'r 6eedYls h· Q you olleM iI;IQ.lJ"lI~r8tW6VUi;· D1R~ ROB A(lK 'S , ~(D, Y, lElL;!' Jr)EW CO" It ONY AlI'I:H T AT liJ. ' . 0 " . E U\SI',IIiED ~ul old ·'1'011£ an "'lib .1''''~S looking individu lIl, A From IlI\ ' porLlo". o( II~ 'V ¥1, . North. ON 1'••£ ONE ~OJ.t,~D PL~N, OSE ]) OLLA1,l EA 011) ... ,IIU:S ;\lu.D ... ~ well·urll 6l1ecf coaL lind II /p0el .toO sillilY and ~\lul It· Well, \h I~ lille . ud It. We81 II.ETAfL uLESAt.E • • (or .J' ' . Wil"I'uII~il:uld I" "ulll~! l" o, I" he flAi" h.L. Bitt... are .tJ ....... . tile ft_ lioll. 'rurlll 'ehHe Ihe .h'on'MI or 1l01lllec o~ 81~k Entire The teOll\llJou ""U" ",hat'ru u .r. ~11 r .. :",.,! all tun WIll IlIaC •• It WII~ produce d by (lie bAt·len uer. ManllJuc-t er, (if P1LoJOflroplt/c t«lel . . . . rolllCt to Philldel phl •• NUl Ylllkt ll!dlie but Ihe Itl.n, One Gold and IHver Watoh , iu /s, All 'Iu b ~1I1" a l I Spl~"dil\ LiMI of Adidr.! osellmin g o~er ti" edl.'" of ,tl~o IUOlllIL'f : B.ltlmo re end W ........ ""'. - lIlb.·, IIIe "ilia tIllS fttlll it lie", ..... IMIHIIeJ' BOIIU". y J."elr l' immen two ry, • ufacto h! 1 Ehe - -0"o Dollat an ..... rei...... _~.... .... -ThRnk yeo' SlIid Ihc reO\.pum\~ ~a he In.~ ,lIh Eatabl ilhmen b, ODe SUyer -Ita, ~/ 601> .iIOAlP'I'P'AY, N. r. '(()t.lto h unveler " ~ HAVing Ii/\lahed I 600 . tU licel Bo"e~ ~. plAced il 10 /lilt lip.. ~Ie II ' re cOlluelll loll, hip" ,peed ~hh ... Pell Gold 011.. ~QO oule, :lI'JU" Wareh ~'. ll i ' .. c 6i. l bell_ PlIo' lth of ... .. do ne O 1G buel Olaill of all cur 10 Mdl l In adtlilion . ,~I"'ott lor o "I'pll.uo 60 if ey ~O" 11I1d' urn. ,s . co/l· '1IIflty. & it III a stulla" . bu Imltcke d his lips 1'lgr8 "O&I,ol. r . 1 "_, ,0 . il ... • r tr lire II)'Ilt •• I • •11 so •' 1,00 1.hle ,Moteri. I" we ere Headqu arll!n . " 'This ie ver" fine ole, very. , an Pencil llJaker , . sRid • . thaI r-l\1l be prucutf d . ~elV Illd elelUDr I I II . II 0 " cb.ti"g "i.hro , ~ " 'Id ~ it l' . UlJlpal .1f ,or I Ie 0 uWIIIII. v'z : wit' of d dI8J10~e ~~.. 50< , ".lJKel1ger qUI, fur day Il\d DI,ht lervlee, be 'I'u is "e e" ""ril i,'" " ~oo WI,o • lRS. BIT'rJ 8 ACK' '~OB WJ'Ct.K fll'J' JlE(:An D 1'" (;'~"T. · 0(1 •• 'rrul' ,."". ,.ilh '."·'t1IlIo" 1lO Eter,osropes and .SUrtou:()pic VIm". hllVO rl'ce llLly jt!'ell added 10 Jllo • ~ '11 is DBw,oo 'e Ide.' 311110" 11.'~"lcl.1Il dr,,,~i,,~ ' UI" b ,. i.O . tlllGaI.,. ~11J til tile 111110. ate d I iyeu8 ~ 50 , iii" me III 01 Ihe Plllllllyl vailili CeDtr.1I1 Rill. ' 'Ah I D II'SOn'd t:U' 'Vull1; 088"rl6UOO" ,·."uro 01 IIo e8!" we hne BII 100IJIe nee • t\ltl'klla .f &lIe . . . ~. a.....Wtll. '. . 0~1 ,.~!' "al>le.ty f",llIo or D!e Good. . Th 1 1 Alllerir..1 ClOke ,' I"d l:konep c~rd r 2~1l1l OJ "'u,l. I rood . meul, illc lu.J1II 1l War ' . " .... _ I.......n boell I.lntllre l. tiles .!'lol.lu!; g I1\8. OIL. " 0" 60 •• nd .re "~rijjc$l '" 1m k pe •• n .o dlelll wod"u,." ,b1"Ihe AI l'ill~Lurlt.lraill s froOl ttle Weet rUn" IL lip (0 and }'ore ilfll Cities .lId L."d_cn 10 20 'd01 I' r0l' rldor. Irom C'U· it) IIIa",If:r '0 r.. roe,. n lih.=r ~e~'PoolI' ... It 'V8I dorre; and ho'tlrng ,I ,Iole R 6000 A IS a PhJ!llela Ifle bf · _.G~ .. ,,_ are llrt' il It clv.1 to. 0 tr."'inl; tli • to ht! U .. lnll Dilpot. ~lIe're PUlell • by d I.... d dired · I ol'f."'i",,w .":. i\O " hurr.""' l e' rorlll20 IdO,. I'0o,~," ... elc.. l»b' il. ~1I0 , O g.t1 Groull1l StA tuory., e.lo.. .' IIO~ lel.11t '.Iea I. JI"Of6r •••• lItlet d. allo. the IIJ IL Ra oUA,ng ur UK I I' lly "rolni."n b. bould It wa,. troll rllrr~o 10 I~ '1,_hl.llM ti" bO ~ Il~e 5<1" prrvoIs IIpr• r OJ Ire WMlrheo pub :or "HIO l 2~\'O !;vlll hu" li"g volvilll! Stere"ACoppP, I. _""11 1 willi , tile ..... llIn.... ,tI connoiij eur said: • . wb,ic~ CIl IIU. I. , " ,viII be aeut ' bo.1 ,II .,. urti 1110111 ... of lvUI\i~ , .. Pelll1l'l' C.~alo~u ,II,RI.t.ll OU! . .,," op. Rold i.,' exJubl:i ' lad ~6U~ !-elel\r A,It" superb is aDII it 1i.l'ner word. mv care a.1 • 'POll AltJElu CAN lJ~N~f A«UR B.'. . g ol.d brrive at oi1ier polbl" l'itUbllf 70 .I.mp. len\'e ,()( 3\ pl r~Cel 'l un •• ",al~h IIl1dre "u.e a", 10 hUlIlll'" Inore BOWC DLapepo "ltVI! 1'8 MIlt.!lIira: 1 muol LI,•• 1l••,laI.l. llUoilll' ever. 'iu 'lm ; I 1100 hUlllilw' CHIO .lIrer wUleh n ~.,..•. JUh .,,<{ Ih er.fore grea,'y . uperlOr 10 IlIegood ' Me fo ll ow. : \' . ~ l'UOTO GIlAI'H IC 'ALBVM S. 60 1,(lrleLl frolU "br".d un" h,n,k.d ~h/lul at Ih. f II I ' Give DI e 8 mug of 0iI.· b f 20u lli."'o~" rillg~ f(~ t • . lt Pill,b\.lr Leave, IIF.xPIIU ,I • nAY I",. on duly .. • '" 1"'1,1 o Q • " \111 · &0110 guld r" ,1 u"d "er. "',"i". We wer~ lhe fir81 to iltlrodue e Ihese cheapd' .' " 101.1 .' eThhil;;h The mug ",a {urD)~h".... Q~ \J bre 60 A . ~J ,81uPI,i ll j! ot prillcip~1 aI8110118 . . 1'~t:U\lu,,' on, Qbld , ]I,()IBAOK'S BITTERS. , ' .. d anti we lIIalllll"e . ~or .. tI #;OOtil: ."lI lh ;JOIIO II"' I.J 0\'&1 ba"d bra,IlII-I. R,uj,an, pUlling it lei hil lips. the imllibtr Bnitl, inlo lito Ull ilea SIUt~P, 0" 1& &0101). t, '" lel. hroct ...,J!"y.b\ • Ar r ived 01 AI,noll "· al '1:'0 A . M'. ," . gol,1 bIll, );:l1J11l1 f"relil" 511:'() (1111 l, vtHitllV Dlulllt:ll\ orea\ ill kIe, •• iea laa tlt •• quan e 'fel •• • I' .. W tJO lbi. WaI~' nll •• f.Q11'I5 r mallY 01 Ihe lir 'W I ose Ale did ,·ou . .1 10 lUor. il,on Ihe boon 'hAlellll". ""d gunrd chMI,," ' r." ~ .. . . . " . rone 8.~ I'" IIf .• rB~ilel"III' e 103'9 A. Immjllli ture racilltat. ' '1'0 I br"" ,,h~. -l" HI 60 Ce l)\1 to lbO lideo oll'•• ed by . " . 10 Ibe public. un" .ulil~ir. ..... ....... 8JlrllII. Lock l:Invon 11I60 I'. l\~.J lJar.rilbUl'@;f .. DetflMI 'Daw son 's,' repeRle d the bar.teud /lt. ;Htlll,ntt \., 1"'11'. lro,m . ... 8 -l ,. \on Ille ."Ie. boull clI,·.I . elUeral" /Ir. 01',, 1 tlu. tll1o... ... lye ljfm __ r t'xbt\uel ,ed. anll allo encll. Our Album. h ."e the rt'llUtft~ I' '''.lIo 1 1(1 1'. ~1., B~lliruur l'~ 6.41'> P. M .• N ow _ _ \ Tw. K ONLY O~E DQLLA . in be uuty and durub,Il jot. lava """ H OI' '\")lnic. ~uo" PIrtle· are t~f I' '!4l"l"fH . .. rl\, vi. ~lIp lll nw lI •• t' 10 110 P.M., pf,II·· t _IJI~ ' ,,\ vocnblll llr of praise and IL ouly 01 bfl", Buperlor h be cb.rK~tI for ao)' arlicle Oil 0111' 1l.1., lid 110 . ~ '.: ~ I ;;'.I" . u"OJ e,")·rn""Ii ... eo,·,, ·,o'lr"tI,lrtl°~"I ci.'tite geotle. 10 'OJ OIlier.. They will be eent by will I I~~e. ~~~ ~":~~ ltlhi "t Itl b .4r> ('.1\1., '1lld NeW lk'or-k;1 nde It . dr ' ;1\ ~~,!. u _ ~ be unlll "I' ' J <" 1 . ' e.<I II Y r . p,!rr.hR." . . hl8 . . UIII , __ 'hil .. _ .. ~ ...... _ eI pt of pr ice. Tlllll"u .ceQ"" d me it • FRRIl. Oil rec 1 . 1 know. ... hal ·b" .. toll" l .11) e RJ,>prde 60" or 2 Pililadei llh i ... III 10 la'l l' . M. . no "I viu remaloe KIIIOlltl U • f.Jrnla ~OOOO~Clllo . ~ llao 'y I\S~OU ~rtIeIe Jill"" Il~ MIe.U~I mAo 'toI81.R sheWlp e 'vilb !he ,!,ethod recenlly bceo",e 00 popalar & " e" wnlc h.ko) . 2 ;'0 " R loh aJ ~uld v Ord'er.. ~ LIN~-Lr8vn 1'\1 .burlf ftt 6. flU to M<\IL' lU_1c: Alb..,. :l[f'l'lue W1!1H I_aId" the doorfor tJ .. po."'~ of I~ r,. t lot·k. 01 J c ... elr~· ,.lId 111._1." " 11)00 lob al\,1 ,.., t rihhu,,·d idel . :I" 10 rare b or. t _/lte Pb tie d ail , pp h l f! ilL lol l rl'gu,l.r 8tnllon ll.,,~u D M' . P1 A k I 9 • . I • . ilu ill" Ilro'ducljonl. I 0 ograp 8. tar S . U1/' •• 1•• ol il.irc . I ,,~,· ~ ·1",,,,,,, •. now aw· ,. • , Dawsoo I 8 e. 19 It • I AllolJlI~t nl J 146 A, ~f.. HarrlBl lllr,t "LAN' IS 81lt1PJ .er TilE 8 " :~ &'c lId. .l lIX'l'TElllJ• , :HI"O ....,leI I,;i lll bl••• I,.IIr.il •• 4tfl. ~.. II shllll ~tC Ilim loon, \ "'0' FOO very well. I HI l'''Ilo!1e!p''i~ I'l J 12..~ ing v It am' ' t 1'.111, I"ive VA over .... Plllbrnce& now -a. logue 250 " I'D' Tbe no ",e' of ~.r I .rucie" e re,' lOUOIJ," ill'IIlu r ' I"ckvla I ' h ud t III1""lIo a.nll will Bellie with b im for the . two "1 Our Cata d ·"Il' I I ,.' I .au••• ,_* ....... ___II, U..... 1'. M., . ulld~~\V Yllrk. via .'1 lI,d,e I1'111" 0 10 110111111[1 Wolet.. Gold Ov.I·U. nu Uno\> .'-' IQUaDII u' ,' ;e I IuuJCC _,OW lie . ' Goltl " .~ .. ........... .. I. &e " s.,ring '1I\o"i" tear.Dr_p do. 000 anti . pln I " !IISSeI Rnd K mu g of hi s in eomp,,, able dili(/, _ Ure"l. l'.~rl A . M. lei. 016 of e 1II0de. -t' ' " ........ I • .,e cUIII IIIUllly being __ '!"'U _ _ .... __ . t \' ' ti l ell Ii "',11111 (} t> ... ~ •. ro"'l~ . <I,:. 42 .," 10tj I\l'lIilu" 10411o!' on. cnr 'a'/ I '''I 101"".1 III api'''M d' MOU .,l P or,rail' u f em I111.'11 Ahler'lcall./.tc •• VIz: wrlllen 11I P,TTSDV RG' AIm Ellre &f.4f'r. - LellV" .. " --"-ce. --"1-' ., urll"I' . k ul . ~I"p" 00 ..... e--~ £OtJO br ~w W• ,~,';; Ih ......... ""':"" __ In . n,·~ ~II . e I01'''; t b e •• 'I\ye Iope. are 4-" It Pi ll . bur" ul I :.to I' .AI , 111" 1'1> ' "" lit lI earl,' . ' .boul uts I. , ~OOO 0III"1... ,lllOlo l. flO"" - - ; - - .... • ...1etI1"~ re&)lllslte , r ••II'lcptvper ? r,O .• to ' ~ "J e r i~ r I\" 1 00 ."d .w,,11 ",i,.~ ; Ih. " ~.furu"I't::lu ... '" MIl ol,lIIels oIr~wJ!I' o,)" .(\,Iri v.c . " I AII'!Olll\l .11 .0 LiE'ut.G 100 ,,1I.'ori enE'rRle, .. no~t. rp :;'~O l'lh)'or,G -100 rol'gs 1 . II~-~II . ' ' q!:l1" ' ''''' ' .lh·ti ' PJ:.ami ''' ' ' lw~n'y Oil • I. With .Q""vnro . • ' cts've cl, 'III'-W. P', 4"" 0 ..,... ( a a va· rellefl., ••• e.rl. . IU'e'." . 1' / rlllt!." • u ,,"t1 Ih. m,d. or cer. ... . of . ,1i 0" ., I,hlrll,1\ hM'd, ell fr i . Lllr~ Un! A. IIf., at,tI ~b I ... .. 1·Ju 8 lJ)IjOOt:. : "Ih nl "lid . P .... .pc e-r-u'I Ollicen~ r he ol ·BUlaI 150 !, ..... '1111 . I I I'I.f . )' .... I I'J ;- 1" 7 "0 .• ...... ...U1.. r. 4s tho furz'o wbic.h covers the pea'lli is 20u IIri g.• GellerD:t 0111 - •• - ..... ._p·o, . -~ N 6,., I~" ' at ."".~) 6 ,40·'A . 1\1 Hml ,II lohlo qIlUOIII , dc 01 q~~" ' i. 7 e, l CK rs: llfi d I 5 ,I" ~crl. 1'rI....... .. nv and "01,1 ' 11 II IOll e p. b '.'I u the. with it 011. 276 G - . . , . "'- ;--1_,.. .1• ...... ..... .~ 3" CII'ou8bl e icJ,.··'ryin -b"" 0 1 OlU" ~ S \0 r. W 0 "" 1"111LJllJf.t.I'III A. EXPIII:.I -Le.D,· IP.i ll".,. 10 "'HI 10 , - t"••l""". u ~.. ........ til NlVlnee, Y. "'I 1 ~~ u n 1' 0111 . •• . ,,1 1 0~,\1 . il .I· h. ea " If 560 d t olI.r. "·"'"0. /J •. I ,I . Oll~ 1_ •• for ' vo 6000 d 11 wh. 1 h. "8 .. r I r w ~10 k AI,Illor' all W.,. . ' I' I ~ /\ e , · .o burg HI rl .2~ I'. ~I • "IOl'l'hll l jlllly a ~. I"il'" I I .. .. " IIIIt.! al pee 109 L.•lem or l'J'rng .. h . CUD lorword .the 1110".' wumen ' "''' wilh '»e lonum' I"a ell ' .:, . r t lI" I . . mlllell • • ' e.,.·IOII , a" 018fO"lli /) SIft :onll"o,:e"",.' ·. ·.',·ul.".·r· 100UO cau.el ~(tl.I8 II')"~. Arriv"d At L , tr obol61. l ll -10 .lIu 'D8. ciplll,,'o """'ce BITr .wy I !'.v CK'S -~B. f . " 'Hl . . .... .. • ..... Oil Ih .. ""ruikat .a;_ 10 dlrec uon. . "r.o,',lIl1g ' r Arl, ,. , \.V uW8r"~ tI .h(ftJ 1\ , ,icle ar II,. If of1t li t!f PrlZ8. llU 9831'.r ar .• HtI,",bl irjl 11311 ·, ,II" (1fIrl 10 Altoll ,"~ .. c 4 III, •• " and lM!al sl, I"·,,clt. 0 H .. Lhe s"eetne r ~II" " .. ... I" llIu.ch of h" 3,00i Coplcs b b ' . . •• ",,,Ie. u f~.'· er-H. l •• !'ureh Ihe II! u,,~uilctl rll 7 .... N•• .N.,IY York. vii be l ",ollll,etl ld Ko cell" U"II;,I", t , . ,,1111 ~I mos " A. "" Ihe of gol" e n 10000 ! re r"ductio _IIlIrtII RTI,ora 'DI,tlle wnlllllH lie YO UO)! (or~. n ~"\n. wblcu wll! 0 "Me ot 1. 0 ino:lodinl a" 10 ' PUI·lllln ". Sta tue- ••• 1 01 P""rl ~." rdrul" R lltllIr~II . I I'''' In aHO' hol,l... lll"' ·," 10 A III •• "'1111,,\ elphj,,',. t 7.1)5.... le l .A et.I', "lIJ.la '.rl'I.'a IttIltlteC " 01 h.U Ih ese o I,JP.CUIItl. 8 IIIlLI gl\'e U8. tho drted br-ted Enllrr.v ·lll fl.. " Qlld ll o . .i " . l ~s '''"'' who clI llld UOI w~"'·lbe" 5000',rolu pc" .. nd go ld . ." , • •• I••• nil of 8111erJ .Ie of •• aIlIlJ~ A. ~I., Alld N,', \lork,t ¥Ill Phil.del phi , 16 , . 25 . fruil II rood If pcell!d Kud III fac l Ieve~ I\'i ..., 1100 ... lo !- "'. wi ll . "tI 1111)' olh.,· .rli<l" hohl... . ~IC. (, etll <u:ue8 B'I)I e·, . rep).'l't o i lla .h p. 10 ' ' . ' he ".lkl"I(II" 01 of .g ,,1 d.p"rlll,,, 'he " · l Ihe .. III Ifl 1\1. I:Jlepl'illll ClI'r. tUri" illt \,.'1 1,1/ I rulOl .; f ' r,. Irom b".kl P,CIUr,," .lIdjpl ll ilt Duze .hlllie'·lI 0110 4'();10 nJol.ea l. ~_IIUen Jraye:~. lao »e ble r. II a delldel·RIUID. Lhe supp ylllg All urder lur "",,'orrro'i. Or if. lv' ~ , I. ""'Y which fIl'ice ''Iual 10 01 •. ~ receipt I h i~ rruin IrulII Pi Illi/lur, ,I.. lJ. h ltllllre Rnd. 011 b.,II. oellt nllU be .. "" will ll I,,"r bOOO tlo. ......... ."t are :'\leI.,IM I. . . OIl" of wbich would be " e ry "cetptll~le to i)lJr COlftlugu . OilY r~"o·JII. ),ou ~hoo tl 10 ".uture " '1 f~rthe. 'ARnAN D"L~: & •CO l'hilllde lphlu. utltll o ~IIW Yurko V,II AtllllI.· Wln. .... tII ... this "' I 8~ alld ~efi t by mol t I'R"I>. "",alii lalll drying ..... of . IIlIlle 1.8bil o th I" in re f'!\.,,11 'rho dretp or Y,IUI' cnll lbl lhtl~II. \l er ,. d I"••,hell I,ll wllo a I'd' I ''' lI'e ll '',. I ' l\ln"lIlnclur01r' A .. '1'1' ~:l.lI,ill . u l·.rully our '·1 " ( itl " ,Otl ' I,."d 110 Ul or~. l'"wn. er lI \. k ~' . . . . . . . . . .j to.Ie,AII . '1lI...lo• .. '. 10 10grnp Il'rs . nil I ullers o. r 2~ .. faTS roo, I)'.y • .,cW D.3U ul" , most l':I;oe II ?, n~ ru ,or Illu e ule. .1 ' II . ,,0 .F AS" r.IIIE.... L"~v" P\lhbu rl ds C. OD '110 or J , JPII o"",e! lire C.I"l poul • . "pl!r lUo ' . ,I1I_ rcmlt .I1 I . h eose. P WI .• . «uo It fouou [ hAS ft writer io,,". IA\dy fthmtl Or 11.le tlll , J ,r" ... pflllcip II. 1". olllYI goou. "of TMEN' li. .I t~.",'illr: • • . ob'l\'" f ", I n'ErAn t'. 'he II of 11 • . 'VATC I, II,e U'.IWUIII 0 I,,, .. IIr e r. An llOUllrc Lhlll . "", 111,0, 001,1 ,or 0 .. ,. l) ollM r clIch. out IIoll cODlmunicalt!1l it to Lim.llnd he celli." "Of de DITT E'D.' 6 .C.'S :\rrivflB ,,~ AIII'UII" "! 2 .30 ". N.• Ildrd •• ""'- Tioe priCeR and quulily' 01 'uur .. • 300 P.lolIl Lner goltlllulI'illg- c••• t 0 tb ,,20u , ;!I~ ' AD. A . A V-J a e 176 " of bllrG'" 7 .30 A. ftl.. n.'Ilnlll ret 12.20 1'. III .. 10ler80l '<1' II 10 .'ogll"'i" MKkll CUO r;1'~.1 hUIII'" Ibe ,·f e ".er~oltl I hed n'ftlU,,"e ... O (.' will he ra d escribe iL. ill 30(Jdel 1. , / , > ' " Bnllsly. .,. , '.:. . 3010, ,tvo I t : d usIIe. ·by boiling . COllnut 101110 4011 S",i"'Gu ltll,unuu g COl. Irode 'Yo 110 .. '" n'!UrnCI" ri ...~· "i'I~i ~ ' 01 1';"0" N"", Yurk ,t VIR Allelllu w .. , :. .•~ l!.' ." , Ifl"". " .111 wll .. ,ate tllllIe.' or IIIe /ltronl' yo 0 woo 200 I.die.' gold ond ~n.IlI.led Ilullt. J S R. ATE W Ikllt!, Ih .ough Iho W81' hll" illg "111 orr )I,l 0"1' l'hll"II.,1111,i .. 12 .60 p . ' •• lId Nl!w Yurk ,t ACE R. 0 ,...... H OtHf; afler IH,Udtl ItRod .il eet·P,eH .. IllI ttiog Ie 30 In 80 theml hi l'awr+-" '. in~ en e l'ty u1 foltUIl •• I.'rl;''' qlhn,i'y of V~.I IIII,'~I ·I viu If''lllId .. lploiu, ,.al 6 411 , lies s II' II,. ' 111 tile r ~ ut1ti IIUII'III le'otly; c wlU ,I. 8uffi' ' .r Ilre,..ut hAling boill 400 p.\tll" lewer . il.e.r l,u Ulilll; ca •• SO I~ " UO ... rigi,\. II), III "·,"I.,,1 ("r 'h ~ •. II!; " ! J.,w.II'~· GREAT .. the off p.ur wIlen . I\lllo 8~ _"' I~ to tile "-U'om 400 u"1. I... er .i l.... ,: hu"li"g ,.,,,. .' Illlfr~'." h"t h... " •• '\1 uff lot a.l~ ill 'I,j ,'~oull ' . tp'.fltr. i 1~p"" ~ , " ,.~I~, ·)lrf!llla~l . .... Ill " ClOII;IaIIl 4'T' ·&1 "' " t, ~OO' '~jIO . .foco ,." ul r •• l • li ..... r e"~r l · n"' u i , aOIl tJ.I~r-hetl try. ""II,wuo' Ilc ov id '. 1, 0",. .. qiI1l' ~! & y,,~I., liD i ll a •• "I,I.ts '.pellca ' •• ~"Iel lreal 'r;GiFlt> .~"1ufIl"t ,t~plr : . IJI" -n~M i lye, Then put tlfo pnch~1I \) be drietl 2 all cO l.l~ -,r/?ai/'I UA o".","ace ily"r . i\RH"l\ , ,·or I. ~"1 300 l"oI ' II .. ~,. l'i rcII ,".lai,,·, lI\te~ I. . .., '1l1li 11I, lIt"e,. . 1S' lb ~b io thi •• Wllrm, but not 40t enough to 30v S.. i... ilve, otr IUti·" 1'0" '''e \,ri "IcIP• •. \tiqrllflftJ\, \ • '\'I 9ke!8 I~r BuIll .'.?r 8"6'~n / by . ~ '\~~ or .hiull'~' I No. "8 1 Droadw ay, New \ ·ork. . f8 . WUllalll,e ........... ... , · .•••• ,... _"et -T. I' D ......A--111 "1 11 .. ~r! III JElVEL JtV -, - - _ . • III IH II. ¥p tu r t;I'.I! , u~Vt· rt' ifO \' f" P. IAN 08. 1\I E'.IIDEO"', CADI:tF.T 0 a IJA IIS. !nlt. Olfllt tick ' III iohd u n .IIY 10 f 'II:II £ • •1'111 .. in 1\ '1 and rub lhem Clook Iheapn' any. t; rtI ..(JlIII,'·I, ollrl,.,Il' lo r.. ·11i1'1.led· . 1' 'oi-t!i"k, I' · i:lliulld t111 II. It'ARB HJ ' ull !KIll{ II ' , .. I"w 1; 0 '1 120 -Le them ~u' .. .. ~ 'Y' l"eJ..,. •. :16 lie '!fill V • IIod w l,s ll !t. 0 " Id'. L lel~ 40 ' I I 11.__~ ringa , .1 8,0 Oao~!I. Dlld Ml/ ki"d" 300 diamond ' ro,; "I.\'O"" 1 t1icm io clear:~ old- wiii"e r :-'l'hil pto SI1J:RT' r.~U\,C , ~ I' :W 10 IlrO , 'BOD" n]['s DITTEftS. 1 II.~t loll",".l,,1 er'i' .... ' •• uf th o ''''''OUO .,·.lr:.o ate j'lUI 01 4111)',,1/ ' "" 'r r~\~ . aou (leuls'd iamond rin... '1IIst'IIIIIO ("1I 811d I\IU 9IC ' M~r~ ' 1 If.. t11I MU8~lIal A .. I" Av ,7 A , ul" ",I b I I"t1 l ,~, I . to I.v I 3 ri,"i>\",. .. . udi • • rin"B I II ""tlL,w l . diamond I, i"I elli. .,. 3000 0 yo Hlt'S8 IV ~, eot,re r"'e ,urIs e "we.1 C'.Ao'R-fJ Ilh a Ie . II 'llIke 13.0. , CI'88 will C lonul8e , ~ LEE, p ' I,Ia, " III·· . • \111. d , . , . .• •' • ·,·d, IIr. ~ukc" ,)1,1 ",hh .. ,,1 I''' lfarol , \Vh . .. I')3 to 'v ""' -... s .,1'OIIpr II" 011 ... tl· ~ooo u,' "nlOlld rill" \0111,( 10 •• ',10" aOLlll'B"e Ih f l1'J as sle ok AIld .. moo lh n. 011 ..., retlll'1 , S ~cO Uu.,bI'"'' J p''.1I0S '"Hil. ' b) .. he,,' HI .; >,/\,;1'" ,/I 11ft 'lulf P .o&Ienl n • ....., elldeal, (Ilia• '\.1 •. t 11' .I . Irlllll~ •10 I Phi nd·., ~ew \'Ol~ ri eeA. 60, 600" gUlll &. onRm. fob rhaiDs 3 to' 40 1';"1'1 orllllit... . f•• orlli ...... , I~re!:~ll\' oj' "" I'Or'!fl·~ I~. } .u On ., ~ .. ~ tUle, " !'flIntl .,I. .,cllrtn ea, WI~ I no IIng ...11 '" 8mO\!, . lout.ll nt "' great 1\ 10 .0 uld VPSI i'hni n! .. " gOllll.'ll It ~II 'h -l000 10,1 ,, ~w N I'. U o~gn'ge chel'ked 11&'0 rh $226. lin' Iv .1It1 IIotp. II yo" ~90 hn' H." ... IMi, , .. , ll lbO ,\,i J!,I~, \00, all • 7b, I 10 ~kill'On bem.,> T"I~ CU\· 011 11\\1 (101" s leeve b~It"IIS 3' to .W" pnir llll~ .. 4000 In~ Iti. .",1 : • • II.r 1., 1 .h., upwllrtl frell. , n"d ulld d, ly !l60 rr Q Illr ~: "I'~"II, '" 0 \ Pi1l1\1I8 '"1t1,\r"" uClliVB 7 ............. "j\\' ~'r'.~ . ~r ~ . '\trla,1Io al USUIt. Peachca drietl in lhis 3. to . 10 '''"1 thu' "h l'l'" • IIold &. e llnm·. " '~Ij.~'~h .. ~. "'~ "r ~~,. CUltO\l61'11 ,........ 111.1 lIb lodeuIIs 1\1 I~', I lid' ,'111 Rl'bw, 40110 nRir irtlcle lb.' :l'Jr1l P~II " 8ylY.U,lIi8 . ltllll~uod C ~. 1I·1lI /.1 :1' 1 ,fdy' I"r' . 11' Hi" D'H"'''''' to I.h. will bl! fouod'to 'bo ver~ II wee\. "'Id .1I0B ·"I \' •. .,lrl (, .bll. 1IIIIi.tMtI t \I d 1\1 I t •• _ •• uiH .ltll .... U.f 8 3 10 I /lot ~AMII III P UIY " " k lu t lJoglI"ll e. PJlt pi ' 0 " t:. t) 'IJ.I,.IIl. J " IV Ir)' on U\lr '1 onl • y p~y mell's re- 6uOO se18 ·gents· jl'old SIIld& loee. . l~ t , or I ". ~ rill'" ll&\'e till tll ~~Olll'K.U 1M IIOt lo. ing (> • purc SOOO 8tolle le I &. . i""lli 1.eltfer.fIlo4,IP)' tlrell.IIJ IiI.llc,,,m \!l 'W .. ..,iug. A f'P.",·I. ."d ilnlt' hf'lr ' ,~J 'ur ;> to . some. . e . ti, . lor coived I' t el,,l'tI Alld f.'e nt'! ~,. Cel('jJ7':t~Ifl. 'J'he Hor nce \OVulers' F'RIIUS S. nel betrlltbo r ..e.kn. \ l.rettofl lilly b Y II Ie u s u/\ 1 procoss 0 pell rngfaIlJoon Ul "tQ gl ily. II, llllt!.l"I,"ht'~ """_'" III ,~i rill . pulI¥ibil. ' !:.eIlOIll si &. l ep RI. s ot8 UI fillA Dlld .llIr"hle in. lrumenlS Soon .\' l'Il.illl 6 Iu bO t .• KII Ir.AII'Uc,j"". he 1I",il. ,"l'" .1i,, 11 d ,H'·Hr . IIC . AlIl.IlIglI ~1ol1l t' x~~'di'l~ thol ~ 1II"uul "I tlae ."peles t p"rl of· fruit is g e nu dt"OI' GOOo ladies' Iloltl ueck ~ . I oJ W t d · b " Id 4000 ' ~ Q ' LIAUODa 01 II, . ri ~ 1i 1;'1 11,' tJ"' li~t, (u .... " ... li,ig I ,e C,·,·,ili ,·" I,. 1'" ) i"l{ 1'0· 10 , I QI::)tt,t le ._I''''' I Ing. tl Illve "S .re bladE'. W hrrlllll eu lor fivu ycur~. .&11 ' O\lMI· nilb b"ucel'll l a to n II y tllit h . ... hllll. III v ll loiu. \\ ill Ihj 1les, PriCCR j,!.e01J,r .edu ced for cnsfi .. 61100 gu IJ ... d (l..i.~ , ~" 11" .. "'·... ,.j.!l.;. c...lI ~ Jt\.~,· I •I . . d I;J 8 10 ,fi. ·,,, .· ;e •.,. 1 "iris •• ' 1IIt'ell UY'1l 'I I,ecial cuntr.F I. · rl ', r II,,· " wi,. d 8HU 101 r"c e lell 'f' go eallo pR81ry mR e Will 8UC \ peHc .""" I". 1 u; 11I .~ la.e IlJewlitl n~WI.e'roW'_at I II . k f iii 6000 gold nlld cnum. brucelSl I 8 to TESTJ IUO II I i\ I.S. lor. Iii,' Cpr ...1 .•Io• ..,ill h .. 'o/lI' lur (il ....'. rOID cl~fI~nc.e.clln FpOIl .n"' ·".t .f'lertlJetlat.1!"~,ell. !WI 810 .SII 3000 gllill cI,nl~llIill clo. ill R • FREJGH,'TS. .known nrc OO }'iIlIl rs· le V. \ Hornce The "I' l u~ ~:.!. ;h or 'v Ivt b5,."Xlj 'I;,~ fur ~ \ " ;, 0'" n..' .... eslllllll.h .. lll., e4ellelo L oui8ville Journal . . Jlel.t4'b ··'S '0 '3 bllllons $15 . . ,;" os OIllOllg Ihe ve ry bos l.- N. Y . EYBlIgc. bOUO pllir l.die8· 8leev~ 1 .. h"."lr l'll'.",,,,, - - --avorellll . -,IJIII'eD r o ul ~ Ir(' i~ hl ~ 01 011 de.cJ", is eUteCllI Ih .. Lly 10 .. 10 ,I 4008 pHir enalll. What the Press Say of U•• a,e. . W ~ioperlle 1 .. lel U"The RCcumu lation of wealth is liat. lurw OIr''''d lu 1',,1 rru m I' I III ~. ... be rare en!, ~ \' Mulft, \i 12 '0 1 ol ~ scflet. .... " t . ' W e can apeak nf fll~ meril8 or II,e . 8000 ! olhn're ..... '~·II1.II'.' " . . II" -.... ; . Y i , I ~, UOltun or Il IITlllilr', ·N~1V 1b1lowcd by ~n tnCN8I8e of cllre . anl\ by 12 ": I'''.i to a"I 3 hr"ochea fm. & ..... .. ...... Ilerlonll 6000 corti I, 0p.1 , .. \V..: ef8' Plollo. " rrum Th. l.ufoJ·CII" (1",1 ~ p a,i)) .C,.u.,·i ~..~ I.rcl, IJI . '" 'nuu Irull! "111 ' Iu,iut oll ·lb. R·.llr""d . uI ,. Hur'Cil I 1.1 ' let.,.' e,er eqI' to Mln'eIl UJ Ill1._ • 8 -" d • .lId pc-ul ur'droI'S 310 MJ I: h;\.. m An Apnll'_ ,or mottl." •. e w 10 8~e .. 8 k Ioo.",e III ooinlt 1)f Ihe nry bel t 6000 romeo Ie, \'1IIter)' ilia, I " I.r, J d, L 10 U '.)lNu .al of l\' 7000 J"UII K e lllll ckr .. I, \11-"/1" Il ti ,ul8, .Wi,. " ' I IIl e II 'Il!etlcer. .VII.A'.. or muoh . !JUII II 1)'.- CI IfI' d I 8111 " A hcller . ,·I,,·I.d. lll ore ,·uri,·,1 or (. ' I,iOl"Io. <,)bi)" fn .. ollreli will' fIVer I 10 to'" . b. io Iwant 0 I I 3 a lu w,. ur ~I' dijourl. lIl' railro"d ~ i. II, Endrop eUIIlle Flureilli ' r. bui aro 'JI Plllnol e' 10"",1 hI' The Hornce ' WlIll'r hIe n...,r,,,wl,l nr jll",. lrr ,."""", ~.. lfiUO ,: Wlllilo . It il bas t with bll1l 10 w 10m 01 1118 ntiOlnll ct 8 r. DO 1 IIABAnl' 10 to a , eurdrop m. e & al II'''' .. coul,"p ,,, '". , 10000 d lr uughly eeneolle Ih. co ," ill"" llh" ,, Ar·" "oI. I".I< Rill)" ~R ~II IW ~ 10 Rlilrupt! .1· • 410 Cellare} I;iven that which i • • uliieien t. though or Ihe best and' IIIultlhl Ot\'ul'r ill 1 . ... (!o III lv &, e locke Pl'III1.; e Arr"tlf1ltl The mln~ur jllr. ..... M '0000 rj\1fP. ... 1.ft" . -Advoc lIlo & ;lIl",n"l. . .,· W ' lllo.o·fll l·p.·IiII" every ,uperOu ily be witbbtlh l. ..... .l4I,· mRlllriel ,·i,.", •• ", """ rll ~o r"I1"~'''6"t "'Ir. b"r~ ~'illl "'~,lIn'wll, ...- ....Ia--•• ..J ~ ' 8 to .n .I & Ie Iolirons I" !L" I'",.ilioll '" CO""II1',, ·i.1 •• " . . w W ,'er~ • ... InNp C ' prinr do. •• ~ I!\· 10 000 ... ...~ . "'''' .:. . .. an "I ,,. "( rrAnOl r) lro"k" '' . If..·ly "h " ,· ~ ,h. ro ,""''I " ne·.· BoIIadI ... tIII.ifr.i leillDp ••• IIIMJr 12 410 by which (,!oud~ c~" bll lurwurde il ' (0) ID! tltlUS " w T hl·ir .'ntollle'I lI III") be illll'llI' i1I , rrl,.,J "I"" 1(,lIl1 e caOlI"ri "un wilh the fin ed l !IIsde luOOO pluin gold ---- - - . iI•• _Ie m,1jII' 11&11", ef. f8C\ulla, . . .tl. 1:0:tI Rt:CPbib,p' pur, lill til. ' 011' ... MtI.khlg Y, jll\\'~lry, .llldilj8~ lel8 100UO a." Joure ry .-:-Hom hfl lh II ' 10 Ih,· .....II·.rl.,r "r II,.ir ~",,". ,,1111 ,,1lIeII Ie .... illll8 IIIe Ilata".. (O" T1le chief IIrt Or lellrnHi{: is to IInyw here ·In the COUll' 5 to . 2£ Jol Inti y. II . '1'ulIlI"B~eeJ CUII,.,bl:'rlllnd L I lli nuill. Jll i~.. 'h~ "'A,"I", uf ,li."..... 1. !.", hr' "Ik..i. ll1"llUi .....'.1. I"I~ ,urlll. relal.I., attcmpt but lillIe at II limtl. 'lhe "il· nnl. 5'0 20 dil'p i, J)li .~o uri, ArkOlIl • •• und ~ed R, fvhi do. enml''' , penrl elc. 1000U 11 11 1>"'l t of the couuln' , Hr n rf' .. 1 Z Ill' 01 are ortes F i8110 P ~ ' Waler, Horace mllde Ii i· _. nullU. ,., .,,1lIeII1& 41nt excursio ns of the mind lire ...... _aU ... 17 ..Ollie ~Hu ' ~RI 111;1;111' , allli If Rily f,. o u r ( .. ., ttl I UII d el'p n tOile, aOiI power Iu I. - 10l)uo g II I nil d J ~ l ~rncell'l~. . " nd III CI"v;'llI lId ,' ~""llu . kY tllld C I,i r.A~" ~""r" . III, II in .~. I f .... " Ih. .. " •YriC, r. ·",ler' 01 .. IN! to IIller,· "J repe aled', N fr equulltl "or' I fil'~' I' I 's "U.J.. -U14 It eo • • ,,1IIIIeC ••• _ • •e.,.eI ... 'I . I R v IelV. I~ 10 2 er.· ~ lIupporr wj lh dll'Ulller~ II) itll pOrl" till Ihe N<,,~h· bIll jet " & Kill 10000 ... li • cU ll • . p us ,c o ~ e, they Ill." 0 010 with pei1\~a!t ' f f b . 'ED " ' AIlE. c)lNIrrs 8._ ...' PIl ' .·"lflrpri. ,I ; ruell _nLA'1 · a 8ILVEl.yllCla • \Vllers' Mr. 8t W f l l e rn L" ked, tllld I will ce;' a.-a del end. Iri Our • • ., 0d 8ClcncoI rnrc . .. I Hl rul)s. 0 IIty t' . 1\ I:I(lS lIIlIsic '"lrll!tir ,Q ,I,~' \.lId sloipJleu M"rc:hMIIiH f orme d by .ue (lon lOue IICctrmu 8 Ion s lore Ihe VIlr, beal n.90rtm ent of H · . . . . f I 82 10820 GIrT L) ' STIlII· U TTO!(. -)I rAre ornor'o" i' y i · tHe r r r"'lIlIl til I II "nd of Pi. nOB 10 be found III lhe United 10000 Clip. &, LlQUOIIS. of single proposi tion.. oft"red ,ro r ohloil,i"g .... ich~., """i" •• 'diolllon,1 I r." 81IOrlal un of ",j ~1 cunfillel lce 011111 310 JO \ BOBACK'8 8000 Rllble .., CIl" wly ml'onv. SlItI'P.- Grehnll l'. &hllnzillt". Cu . Arr""rlkl •. , Me .. by .• !!Ie .• \l'.r' ~ ... 'I.'. •• WII re ronp •••• "IrMa, 10 B,...,.. 210 (JOllie ing. • Iru1l811. 'I'h" iluran W.te,.' l' ilOIIU. are 01 Ill, 10000 puir IINpkin r & CO" " I No. 167 8ro.,Iwoy, Thy " .~~ .,. " I,,·e-tJ V 4 to 16 It" Boll... GI.. Aniiauo IICIII~A. AUNT Is·ADEL . ~ ·Reatril t. wilT you & " (1)1 Or' Freight 10 IInU rrum 'all~ •• '" ing in •• Iu~ . ."d elt!gftnl fiuish.- N. Y. 211VO cord bo s kels ·,i,·I,·.: ... lunA uf "lid perillr 'ft ""IIIf1n ,. ,It. P't,11I1 III llie "\fcIl , •.uy - the' P.8I1n~ylv..ir 6 10 20 hove .0·ffiO brll .. d and bUller 1Idi...... IlIlerrJ ' ... ce, a •••11 3000 coke bA ekels .11.1 .re ofte,.d ~ t o,,~ (l oll., uCh. 'rho Ink, Ct.ri.li.n Euquire r. "/frfto '0 on ''''ne-'' •• a f.irl, et.~ OVer), ' 20 •••• ia to 6 are Irihution "'.Orl. lIIIle . bottlea . . with _lore CO 'No I' Dr~ Itt .. /I t i!Dp. . . "' ScI,edul e ur priCP8 of In slrumell i. 811d 4000 )0 '0 2fl • '·I·r, ifir.n lo of " o"' lain .rticl,·. (j"rI" •• " i". " ~t! lIt •• 1 Ru i,l~o.~, IIetIDet 117 lire _e Cllret.! ••••ellllll. tbe way to CHth lua ue. or Nt.eel Mu.le and o"Y IIlue- 2000 ice pitchers by O,bff J}allrt116 A.UNT hADEL .- ' l s ' lOi r~'ll';r." . In I'n)' .~ nn' V~~I\ iJI~ liB bre c:""rg~d .ro aod 1\1, ·Iolle, .. " . 110 Itep& 310 r 6000 pair bUlter knlvell ahlwo r? No wAa' , • . orl ... I<·. C o", gh llied. 'he wllh ic Iltlblld"~d in Ihe U . S., moiled Iree. ."fb.d ' uo O~ J ft" u~'J I!or. t1t) . ...... ilrs\M' uJ .. .Ie, wNkuII ., lIr"'J ladlcs !flo Stl (}:j"' Uti pllrlltlll ar . to merk' .be, \Vor,h "'''"0 IIHI" 111111 B&URIX .-·No bread and butter I' S heel Mus ic. II lillie s~iled.1 cenld per 6000 10Up. oy,ner &. c.rl.,,,ly ,.,11 'h l" 'v .. ~ . t .. to 9 Ilalaw.. WI. . " ......&eII ,are, JUUf)llnt. Rn~ 1 IU Jly btJ ,.,,0 01" ~' lOO. ,\ri ....:ttl · , I 10011 engrave d pie klliv8e \ IJ'. . . dheel. VIA P ~N. N'& CUTR11J. R . R. ----. ~ ,.,,1 "'0, 1" Ih i. o( in.'·"i"lI: 1\ tI"lIor _'~'1 Y lIooh, pub. SOOO dozon Ie ' pUUIIS, pe r tloz. 6 lu Ib othE'r Bnd Culltrur .I. or Shippin i IJI. h. School. lj! h'rl! SulJbolh lI'ur . . " . 1'!!"~ 1'9 bruary " r •. ·;,ne .. • y . RUlul 1024 8 IIOO"1 B O:7"For a granll Dlluto in ruinll we Ii.h ed by HUrI,ee W Gle(6. 6000 duzen IlIbI4 tJ"' alldt....". ~ltltf!r 01' I\l c.... o A; ro"rI . l. & Go. h.,' @ ID n "H" reCIiIIl.". "II,lly lu. 7 Lo 2b mlly 1..l.ve a mourllf ullt'l IlillSnd8 r reVl' r · Sub.I~S.'hool~ Bell, No. I, tlllOO duzen denni lurk. Ihe Cuui,afl Y : ,ur Allenl. li ItllluwU II, IIt.lie.·. .. ,1", . nd . 1 lI .. II'. In _ . liteknown I'~ ..on. lly ....ftlI no.. !tI lu 30 For Ii nal ure which we Ih o ught l uee , 6000 duzen lub le lorktl J -' P"HI'l Q da. " "" Subb" lb ScJtoo l Bell, No. !I, B ' :8 ,,,:... u" ,·ouR ... of I",hli" hi, nr'l ...., "IVurll, • .o.,"glloll, . ~~ ~.~: ':.::.=~ ~=~ grlltld • .bUL whioh pro veil to be petty. N. Y. CO Il II A,,,crlc,,,, J uumll l' GOLD Pl'.:NS ."ND l'ENCIL 8 Ullrp. ..... (;110 C!,,,,'lL d: 11. . W. B"lJwn I"", ~ .I~ .. tile sa... elClelltll$ wo have ollly couteDl pt. or every vlirlely, rrom 3 tu e30. '1'he Dllldel A. W e Iwve in·vpcle "\., RI .h e offi,' Po t f Arrlln ., ••• Iii ..e til (J/licQGp te t. CO., d: .... Ute ar (Jlarke .rtlde PI,AN. 'l'IIE REMEJ lJDEll. ~lnll"r.",u , •• ,IRI" &. Co. 0 AgellO:\, fur (.:"rnll~"n ·nf W..... ~tf', ... late Pe" WI.e lie (... hin.." for furward ing chorge we III. Ikrc"n,- UMOri lllf'n-l rll cuel E B : 0 all ew.·Ilt! I J a III I' I'in'g C::k. ~'I'O ' dy . E . . 80mebo 1 .,LIV lhllt ...... ,." IT The pllpera It"lo h l ~ a"d "·.IIIlIlolPoj" ","'r) 01 I" .. "ew ..I"",, . r". .. ..... ... 0 PapE'r ~tWe!9'. 88 ptr d"z. ; n""d. Iho Certilica t,., pusllge. and tloillif Ihp litis beon chippio . pi,!ce. off the mOllu ...... ~ We AI.o no'i"ed • l.rg"l')II" h"tiry 01 .I lv,'" 1,1.le. ,IS .... M ., • iIMt .... ....... ·1' Cenl8, -fiye 'rwellty ,20. uf I IV 01. M Ibb/lfl n.wl) businesi . the sum Willi' Qf it? 8:i,60 i Glolh E'Aboae ed Gilt.t4 . n, I "" tI ~ ,·.t.II' I II••, I,. ria laM ftl..........ee.... uu. 0. m l1nt bud of Bl1l\j.li , ! OUI, lur LivjI · I IIIU~ t b e ellCIOll!d itl Ihe or,&ler ..2. ~ 1. Volum e. w Il,Ie. ''''portell hrl ... l.. Are 10 loll ,li, .. ,,,.,1 of (I II II ",,' • .1 udvullu): t'un" I I II. for ."U\ lltlatroy itlg " bllllion~u,~ of ,cour • ., he ,BKLl- i. 1101. 11..4 Ito wilt ll'e juul jl .. da. we!1 wuered "IUld rve CllrtlficO lJllpor F 10 ~r. .",..'''I'' l f(rn ,!,iYilllt' . pri"ri,ilp. ,OYdl ell .. Elllbu8B NEAL, & 86,611 per duZI'V' Cloth cOllvell letlcfJ h.ve IIfrft a grellb help LO Ihe pllgrtm' /t fJ,(lgre. .. lor 1I; lhirty lor 6; silcty-ftv . (O! JU,' olle ROSEB ERRY '" Iotry~n. n'II.1 ,,/lo rdlOIl: tlIlell"y~ ""'l'Iu., lu",,1 I.. ,lllr .. tI wilh e~el) linll .,111 il. CUIIU,cl;u." Gill. t",l0 per duzen. bUlldrel1 fur 11'1. 1110 !)r,,, 'A '1" .. 11 011 10 b. '''I't''lIeti UIIl Ihid .. lno ...... ~ . .. W "I:)""'.' Z. PRINT & ~ I. · T'l' ' MEIUU :d ' " Ihorroul\'hty " ollhr of • I le .1 'IN A.iNB' VIILB. .ery. rc.p~cI.b TUB CIlRI8 TIAN M'EI.O DI8T. 7. 1Y III ~vf!r'l ott~"lloQ 11\ pa • . to 'h~I~ ,.· ItJr ·']two And two lire rOllr.' Are M ARE' WA.\'fT ED Al biull V AGE:\T Ll\' cc ll IlCotio eO \1\1'· ;,ubloc be " n'lIl U.rri il ba'g, tW II,. Will ... . A 'UlW R evivol Hymn and Tunc n"ok. Through oul Ih~ country to ope rAle 'or tiley. ? ~hal Ihow. how muoh you " lll·e lor teed"", Alld r~1I111 Th. ",o. t e1i!;'ihl6 Rn rlprofi' nhl .. "'II P" l)' '''~1l1 e10Cry cU"'.IIle l' law" young lalli t-h ' Price"" per doz. Board 83,60 . lioo" IIl10ut it. i, II," •• 1" n( ~ ... "d",iC'.e ie oltl'rerl gf tl.e .Phil,de UI. A lurgl!l ro m!,ellSHliun IViil be poid. WO I,.,·e I,,·.r" of fOJr I.,i,.. ~ oom., 4 Warer and .ctory Send fur lerms, &.c .• eurlosi nll Blnmp. echool OUl walking the OILer dRY. TLey Manufa •• fir.at e" fnr tlut (hell Hilt Di "',ihulioll f A r· N l! w York ,"dllttll illlure M.rkel •• . , NEWBO RN & CO 481, Broadw ay/ li ew York. Iii .1. h .. - r Illot Il,"'l- ,·. ,ulul. &. Co ' A .IUII\, of 00".'" , ,'h~•• n I IJ II "'~ IIUp 'II I were 'Iwo lind two,' IIud I ClLJllnletl We Ilave no hesitatio u In aa}·in .. 'll..t •.,Y b flll 'n Ihi. '• .,'. no.()"I~ ill 'VI • 010- ~ IJUllu' \ 8'11 uri".,. I N "I h.~ " •• ,y .,,~ <: 7 oJ" Fult u 'I '" • lhem. They \'Iere CaDt,. I . ree. \<l 8~!lk Jor WI.', ",.eel ll 111II1/mll !,,,!iu II l!' il j .. " III III'n Ioul . • Oil . ..·"LOO T..•• .. PILLS 8e 1"" 011'0 r ~ h Jl E 8 T PER F U)( E R I E $ ('111"1( I F bVI~ ~1I.n\ulflllll-alld wll" ~o .. h VI'rk .'. ce;;-P ~At • • ,~eCer"R $IIove ·Ile ''.,old . ' -;om n e x. wh e III ed' Itelwe rnl Ihole 0 rence 111' 1 ' conc!'nl diffe the hillhly ia 01 0::7" Whnl CU" '1'08ed lu"",. - chall"e" lhlt".'D.'Y· " ,,' foe r.0\ til b f I InUI,d ,~ ,olll be .eon "1 out' atl ... ·rk.i"K o:o_( r NY· tI,e Drllm"t ic Collt'ge Fair find o tker .. "co nnd.grea l pop. ever Il lTered in thl. merkel. Inn}' ~~ C. II "!!o,, be ,I,,,. "'gug-d ,, ,,,, (,e"11, v "" 00 lIe h'j!hcijt Still relaills i'A I'rc',ed ~II rooll rulll Irar.te 1m.. rradtltl! EN·O ~ H BR'WIS . ioe '. . Mereury . "I/g. 141, IIJ64. U"dRy ~ f"ira? 10 Ihe lalter you find Ihe Ila1l 8 metlicin al V8lue , illl Allibl c in Ihe rllre 01 ulurlly. Illd after IInderllu nil aro '~'hev hmellt. CdldbliB uur ~l i.. YII.,e. Ihirly ,II period for. i'lIl. prOVelll . Il~ndon'. A holon.·•.i •• derallgp. ltupp~wl ftny or S.en'l Livt'r. you th~ 01 former all dilene, in tho Cair. "herns io the 'T" n " I W•. GW'N W"''''bV G E N U .• l n.'·' . 'fg810". <:'", '1 by Ihe mllll'cal WO' r' ld 10 " 'W.,hi~ orJ(i I "e n. 6·1. . .. ..,--.' ~ They re- lIuW prollou" cet! i r" rilJ. ouhll' Indy Our lOf mell'" IIf the Digelliv ef Orll""S. Qne N find Ihe filii in tLe Ilall •• ) "0'.21), , ~ I "I ond III .. u AIlt'nl ;· I'ltil •• I>l une!tu,le Ticket 'l even Geli olld a8led . ulU'urp bJ 1 be ... e .• ar" €o & Gnd , ", 0 rI"R.d. A' ,e I (ur C8 Agenl BII . " . '1~I'UhI\I a,· !,"""' I'ON move H • H • 'H"'''' . I ' d •' ",ul:i I ~ 'Ttl1\ me wh e re is fllncy bred " lIlIellualed '" t Il cure 01 D,.rrhm l, JIIIII- richne •• , ,oh".... alld putllv of tOil.~,,,~'Ilr.. !Te. .."ivo them lhe an coo'pele lll JUI .. r.'1" ••1 I,roUj4.1 'Oll! ft ' .. on I, .r,,": I~ """1 A. Ie, • le, Phi • Ic. ' Hw AlI eO 0., CiJOIIIJ i'rel,bt Ellney Lrelld is in the refrelhm ent room til ~e. D.Yl p.p ~ In. S cru III IN. n, I101lI ne u .. bil.ity ,"d cheapll!' 8.. "..... e. for h~r 'I\'~"':." . In Ih i. om,·. for In.p"Irull fr<lm o!, • pedal, "n.r~ i IH utili., "'AI "lIle Prench •• ro" Pilp. we , . ,io" eldocl,l' if iL ie not 61\ gone ~ h.·.il" H ,hOlul •• , Fovers. "on, nnrl L,v c r C .. mp luIIII, 1"GH~1r' PR"IS E. I " " . •, ! lllr bnel.B~ .en. a~I.ve •. "'"wo -~ W.re wlI,II. Ir~h "· . Rell ond all or Ih e arti""'ltr.ui. ~ Here~ " A.rY Humora : lJu8~. for IIdu11 8,• uver'8lru \"' Util ~ ,e nl.. til!" 01'''''' .. llo.lh rO' of ,,1 OU RIII 'h, piMI'OI we Ar Iftll·",,,. e II~nper' I'J frnDI. or n attenlio Ihe U- Whnt conund rum. Are al"Ays olle P' II III Ih l' III ur llll1g. c hildren ' IlItll deeire rly K~O" TO particmn '•• IF "0'&1 ~ "'~T .. ~ ~ · I . ", Ilx tin'e.... 'IJ Ih. of I . 11" ' foulld never aro ,haL Tuo~~ fin.. Ind "yle al borne!' "'11' '1'1: ~ I ' rom 01111 to Ilree 1" 8 W, I cure eloo lu elloo lh.n Ihe 1ft 11M PI: We hon .. pn '0", ,, ,·p. rl· fl .... '" l"ftriiHe'" 01 ~ , . ,'. "It ( olrt. '1' H E P, it DIE S 0 80111 by a.v olh"r lirs t.ell'" lauktra I'" 9 01<1 Wul'ih.. I 11..,1,,,,' '.'~ ' ~'. 1I~. ef :1v~rJl lllnl re atl ~' t'l\f' T""'I''lO ,,~ T"h!!"a lIrdll~~? "ues, and fr~;n OIlP 10 r'hr ee bux- iK hIhare _Win w.nt wl,id, ~."'.. I)~"n ImIlR' IIY~m 1001, . tid 'tlmli Ie; e'r~ ... I~ Br.~. . }>Inl , s h"'n ~ , 'fashioo able ee WI eure uny .cura Il cn~l' 0 II U mOllor iu e .cll nllirY. Dt'nlefll llltf. have We !. btl«inetl ~ ~ Wo oflen' Irellt of 'l'ellure tKl l""atme lll of dl~eewJ . , wll. ' I pe r box . of Iloud pi nn1l8 ore inviled to send lor OUI' To IIH_ EE D "',D ,M" by- Anamlnl tl I'« Co. 10 , hiel jillorp, r(,r',,,,\m .III·IIRgell,.· but oever of flll hionable h?W I(lUi IlhlldlUg . Pr,ce II~ I..Qm. It! t~e, ~or. ld j : Iw,w De~crlpt ive C~ '"IOIIUP, wliicll eOlllain 8 A LL l' HAT IS 'N :~ b. ... · , y_, • .' N-. . mill by Report.r _ sent or gcllt. pplletl su eh.-[An . • 8r8~a rade a 1 o.tll 1'5 £I dll,~IJB. ' d, I" I I10ltlla r tI. II!"11!' I differen t sIJ".el , our "'I~ of phe n~ver nUUII'''''''' Ilholugra .. , Co & .. D 111. T, ~II , TALBOT MOTT ' V. . F or Ih e 'J'oil~I •. lhnllker chier., ' ., v N ,iI.lld eli Jlur.. ., " I, 8hould L' I the one 6" read No or,.. pricel. 0 !U with ~"ry,.., ~ en in lher nl loge policem ngr. W "' whnl T8._ AGI!tf ~ TIle rell.on why . ... u ton ",L1eel, ew. ork. . W.rd. . Drawers i Scenlhl ""_"'L ·~ c hoije D piano wilholtt lI('eiu'"" IIJ.i. ' ~'la. ICllu~"I •• ,111 in h~r).. tt,'wn ."ntl l'U""11' ' n lit Qf "MEUIOn·'L CO_UB I- Iv . I b llenr rUIl oyer illlhtlt llley are nevI' ill ' cn un'" " ft ltd IIr, nte "(' \lilt .",ucb .. ill 'u~ ~lInw, • .b,u·k lor ~urln'u . n... 10g il p , IIl ed • Is. n I111011 Wl'hnut ro ps, e c .• IIIr.. . t/ n'umbf'r, 10 I ",d ~,.. ~ '" d " . I ~. F.\"' .. ... -", u,'I all" eMmlne our ,anI! - _& tll~ way. c It on el' ~rv C" /I r orr 81'., D' f OLD EY"'" II' I e II~p.n ~wer d ed to tlte (i;.""VPlle en 1'1 . ' '0" "~ L_ h '" " .1 '·.o "' ~ I Iftv : 41 1' \1\1e~r o nf' , .. " ., A P • t:o p • .upo n 11'l1l1. proy,u,,,11 .ir rr",i",,,,,·,;' 1110 a "'" I"""one ' .t. NE ... L. At tl,e Cel ....-.ted World' JI'iir Bnd ERIt'Y on.o, . _ . n ny not a birll wllo el •• IlOSEB BJlt't'dll~ I" Jlticl\ how 1 "lg '''.~ . 'lit,' dlrtcl h. .n.,phlot whld""R . '"1',,1 ~~ . doll,,~ . flo oll,e; indbc, J .!, ..' ~ h d othe,,; • Iree tOIDtno. .dill.... • IIe WIR~ bl) A,ill 100ccul " J 1\ fellLh e r rp~LO~: a;I:.,t nn IIh'e lip ~~ectecle., wilh - thoullh put in COlllpl'lirian II lIb W tl,,' <:I.",,~ O" ·.PI,llo.... i ...... Agflnl.' win .."",,10121' iIfInt I bell? 'B ' ' I I' 1I,1!la'll ee"I f!J. U e " 1'" of partB all from / by nc... " H liflco'- ', n I (or "eII' \lllctu!. ~ r modlclne. ~enl ou . ~I ~ '!"di,"\JI'flII.l"r , W'l,1 ble · "' ~· """·' tile,. r .~.;~;~ .. • or~~I h •• ":. .. herl 1 i"lIl,ell ' . Ad, reill. 10 or SOul .. . lIIuII. Iroc ' Oil • rreelnl rrlIS3a. ] : n.81 '~'!l1 lUll ' 8n TPc,. lit n nt' ce· , . . W ARNINO TO L AuU;'.- '!'allie begfns rOU'I'I-' . j 11 • tl fI·,ell l.ward. [ 'I.bli~h ". .J ,t til . " <.. · dre,. • ( -, . - , roo·•. "'11 ' I. A'"u rplI~1' G l'OVES 1'EEN C() ARRAN D:AIIIJ: .. .co.. rr. " .... ., I' r... lor 8" Ie ~ . i:lY'"PS. •. °"11" (' all 6 i( uC I~ .. lr .' , ' d ' .j"""U whh T ) 1'1ltN"l'~. &. lTT rw \'Ilrl( •~» Nee. AlEatt .,. UWftV, I'l;b 8r..,.lIw 1l y D : 1!3U mall .orf" III o c,,· ;t 6uI :.c IUD wuy, v~ • 18' Dru .....,., N. \ ' . • • • 1 6( ,
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Bo. They Did It.
Deaths of Iluglieb
Joe R ogen, cripple.d and faligued , re/lobeti Philade lphia a rter hid disc hllrge S,iu he. 'Aiy dorllng idol " from the army, A. he WInS hobblio~ Aotl then It~ idled, oud tben .he idll!4.. IIlo og he lIIel lin old Iicqul\il ltllpce, who 'Yuu are -erelllon'8 belle,' grel/tcd him warmly ,and frum whom he AJIllllhll bel/owell Inti he bellowe d. wi~hed to g,do news of hi s wife, u s he WRS rllther 1\ little put oul 00 Rccounl 'On my aoul there's l uch /I weight, or her OvL coming La th e depot to meet And Ii., waited Dud then . I'e wOlled. hili d -Your hon~ ( 18k, eo bold I'v e /:rowll,' i. kien !Ionsw ered him-' Oh , yo ul' Alul he Q:roolleu IA lld then .he gro uullu. wire's KII ril!hl ~ -J' u ~ t ns 'lU ldi lJ l" 0 ~ >luiv"~ Qo ohonld be l' nnd wln kill .." li nd srni ll· ,. o" ' 'Anrl you eholl It.VIl your prlvnle gig,' lie hll!lily snid good mOl'lrin~ nnd good· Aud ,Ito &ciRled, Dnd Ih llll he r:ig"led. luck,8u d wllnt ofl'; but Arr ~r hu hlld ~on e lW O or IlarelJ II1tlp8, he Lurued d .hl ahe, 'Mj de~reel Luke ' Alld he louked, 8ud II,eu IIhe looked, round 811ll BIIid : • When ' you sell your wi re,. givil my ·t 'll have Ihee if Ihou wil!.' respt'cLs 10 her yuung gR llnllL.' And be willed", II.nd lhell !i lle willed. , Yuung y" lhlOt 1'"Uue ech oed . 'Wh nl !l • lhll duce dOes LIHl fe llow ruelln'l HU'K fl WUlle Lincoln , bI IlUl~i,l foo l. A~ if Illy S"mh cuuld A. chird name Lhllt will eyer be sweet. 1111\'0 nny,lhin g to do with glllla while :y lil)i.:cd wilh lhll undyin g mewor) ' (J{ he r !tIlRVtl ll d \Oas fi g liling for Ilnls is cu un uur ml&rtyrtd Prt>Eidt:ul. Fo r, tOgIlLh<: I' lI·y. Bnh! }'\'e h ~ert! t<lories Rbo Ul ,hey weut Oul in li!H, from lh .. ir \juiut, wJdiu\'S ' wj\' IlS while Ihl'ir h~ s bRn d8 1)I,,,oe(1I'1 bom", in Iltin oid to Lhe lofty W Cl'\~ IIway. I ronal look IlIto tltl~. ~he i."U8 Gl tile. ,prodidl/utilll mAn si oo, IIlIti ~o"ld 001 have- l bclteve ~o::ether Ihe'y cnul e blick, wilL, 6i lt:lll ) e " I",u ~-a.\l frOID the Ilonse l'ln getllll" o:!o of 11111 1 lip-' an' ,1 folded 111IUde, sleepin g pellue. ' luul. lully ill d e .~ Lh; the mi sslo n ui encb KO. Joe. hohhled " Iur.g rAth er slowly af· corupliahed, lhl! work of life KII . dOliI'. tt!!' t1'I ~. iI ,' IVII~ I:ot sn ellg er ttl rCRch Tho lillie boy lind ~bo grt'AL 8lflt~sUlKn1 hUlll e, Wh "ftJ lit! Illl~hl . learn so rn elhlll!,: 'l'herll ill sOlOelhing ~\e /lutiful in Lh e Ihal wa s 11M pl~ lI sa nl ; III fllCt, hll Stell! ' Ihough~ uf thE:! 8wt:eL mi s,;ion Willie '~. I·d 10 lilliu Ihe 1 '1ll~t'~1 rO.I\(~ anu Lh.e dealh m"y have flecompli " h~.:!; ho w ~lo lV" sL melhod of RrI'lVIIIg' nL hi. {"r.rellc lrillg in ils ill811~ llce , who ~1I11 hUll ~e . . 4,,1I! Hili life of joy lAnd g l"ulltls f,. A .. d II ~o hOP.p ,·n ed lhAL he QJ4't II .cl uJ uu~ in troublu us ' timc. and s th t' Ilc'<l 1)1lit· I' flCq UlIllILlIl\ CNl, who, to s ho .... ~IIII.IIQ W of a 1l1't".L sorrolY ~R9 lidded lilt·ir j uy . rl ~ IIll·e ti n;,: him, lV o.uld hllv e . 1 ' 1 I , ~ I '11~ 1""lu' 1I\' llh t1 1t' m III s nntlr y III I IIIL lenrL II Ir,,'"I y b urncllt!t WII I I \I ' I I ,, 111 }.I wri!l'ltL of 1\ Plll'i1t'll IIlIli" "'9 C'HO. it drill\;R. >9 'bl"c h ~e .. m,j(l 10 d .. prC~6 ~ uc •" seelUli 10 mil Ihftl ft' lIi~ spi rit w" nlllp- _pi l its wlli lil. Iht·), con.fu se d I\I ~ IJ:"I" wllrd, Lhll door of heaY ell ' wn R left RjU 'lIlll m~d~ 1119 progn!Q S hOlO ewa ld stilI '0 the spirilul ll eYll ur AbrnhRRl Lin. , Io wl'!' . t:uln, lIud thaI ofIi II , IImiu blR weflr;nt'SP It l\'IIR a lKl e h.Olll' ~.~(orl' lid ~rri.veJ IIlId ~oil, he CIIII",ht gltnlpse 8 of thp lit Ih.e hou, e h.: I"'c d Ill. anti. he'lllll ln g' . ,lory 10 1)11 re" ellilld; alld ab ove Lhe li nd It !li lly b.1 conf"ss eJ , cunfusc J I.J) fllr lind IUlUult of tl llrlh'., di .cordllnL jeal ou_ly IIll tl lI"u l bon, he til o ug ht h" p!l88ionll, Cllllle oft~n, 10 800 :he hi. wuuld CI'O -6 th o Iln:e l anel take II Bur · Irouble d 8JliriL, K ~oulIIl of dill h,,"velll y v"y u f Lhe pr .. lIl1se ~crurtj be \' e llt llr~,1 IIIHm oDY. i<l) ,whiol WKS min g led th" lu tl nnu Un ClO hl\UBelt alit! I~i ... n the \'oiee of bis dl'pal' led child. And IhKI lI'ur , t. lIoule II"!"'L, "lwlI l's l.ulld ~ r !llld g•. ner . TI ,~ rc WI\· "brilli: lnt li " hL in Ih e uU", gre w Wll re Kilt! RllI l'O Buftened >lIlJ " pnr lnl"lIl .. f lI'e >l'c oIII I ~ I~IY Ihlll II ~ "ub,lu"cJ, untl .... Il,i s ~il e nl, un ~e l' lI ill ' ~". · w \la' II lII·d 1'(11) 111, KI III, horror of
A Cadet'.
and Queens.
AUG UST 30, 1865.
_ _ _
The-Po pulatto u of N-ew-T o-rk,
A·YEA n.
aDlOng the .Jewa.
'.. "ttI'I II'am II Ie Co nq uaror d'Ie d from 'rb e s py 1)'9tc IIII t5 . IIIe most 0 h'JecITI Ie N e w Y orK Times joln ~ in the The H ebrew. hlld no neculi oner.t! nol·mou ·, fU nI, fr " v m d r 'Ink , a 0 d ( rom tl It! bl I! I ' "a.ure o.' t IIe CRuet .1 5\)IOU. I I oenolu conlrov ers), 1I1111 II It! "V • orld and W:le n Il man WI\S guHly of howic ide violeDce of his passion s. "n (l'llle.1 go into. lowo . th t!y Mil l the 'l'ri bun~ have bt! en illdul gill~ ill, f\6 Ihe executi oD devol'l: d on ~be II t xt of Will illm Rufu. didd the deat h of the b.y secrct pulice lo se e thuIIL .. y ft.·gnrds Ih e POPUllili ou of N llw York. kin, by lhe rig ht of blood revenu e', iu poor 811\ g' II II III L IHI uun ,. teu, ·I d 1'10 k ur 8tO{J ke . . I CII ,Y,' Illld .8ay " : . . olh er Cllse s, c rinlin .~lol "'ere B~ll"~ d by H elII)' tl Ie F" Ir~ ' t d Ie. ' I a r g Iu tl OD.V, L y.,,.r lWO () f IIH1m IIII d a prize 1 here U fl gH'uL lurm ol l 10 Ih e col· th t' p~ opl e , t ho wlln H ell "y Ih e ~e cOl1d di J,l .:! ul 1\ tll'o ken essos Be lLing ~he 00 Ib'" ev e of the annual 'hop.' UIIlIiS of som", of our contl'm p o l'lIri ~ ~ I eXflmpl1l ; nod ",L cu the Idog or chief blollrl, occa siunaL! by 11,6 b"u CUIll!UCt hKrd IhK!. R Ulilli ed ucRted 1m' "bollt Ibe ~tlll e census , now n,·" rly fin ' l ll l'dt'r~ d a person LO be put ~o dtlluh, vf his chH(\r~ n, hle r mu sl be puni ~ h .. d by I , i~ "du· b ht" I, I Itt: point of qUlIl'rcl be ing Ihll. tllli oOioe "liS p~ rfo rmed by Ihe p"rson R ieillud Coollr dl> Lion died like th" rs fur figh~i n g _ We call the "lIe n ' I ('nunieruLi,lu in this ciLy .. 1L IIJlpellrs l lo wh um Ih e cvmmllnd WII~ "iven, lind Illl 'lln " I fl'OIII \,' III' cl • II 'lij IIt) a I'l Wn"7 nllwb II , ,0 f ... .....eurll. I,-0 ' b urn, EI'Ilot n. nd I IIlilt Ihe eUIll lotlli. Kl'e l i k~ ly to di ~ IIP ' l lhi ''y 1I0· 1I"'u" s WflS ... u "~ nt' rllily B persoll .. .•. fI'UIII hO 111'0 Iler. w hoae conI. .fact.. 110 II-'I poinL Ih086 slm gulDe p~oplll who ex· siderMio .. in lifu bortl Juhn dieJ. nobody k ncw It uw , bUl iL some ?roporl ioll nl~o d .l.p : pl,,)· I ~ <:111d \I Y r\<.lo pu~ ", .. \·i. to ab"m e 101\11\\ is s"id of chllgrill. whi ch, We e U rpU8~, of "he p t on \ be \'" , 'l:)alla fig over . W\IICl,t hl\ "nu lll~allt,"g" London 10 all even .con· Solomo n gflve ' I"e commib~iOQ to kill ilili/lolh er Ie I'm ror fl du s ~ of h"ll ebortl. ,q.UIln- " or lose 111 8 pOllket les l WllhlD Ihe next decade. We 8hllll JOllb, ahe commll nder-ill ·chid, to 13enHe oi'Y Il,u Thinl is said to b .. vo 'died He mil}' not put,lis b nnylhin g I, be quito snli, lied if the re8ul l sho,, " nj l\ h. R person of 80 mucb distincl ion Il nll\ urKI dllllih . vel' in retel' I'nc~ 10 the NavlIl B.re lOstetld of lhirly per oe nt. inc I'lltl81l ' /I S 10 be himself immedilllely pro01oted EJw(ll'l i Ihe li'irsL is li ke wise slIid to em y , ri nd Iltus 1m hlerllry hOpl!6 ' ~ln Ce tl,e last c~nsus. Of cour~e, ll,e !to th e cu m ma nd ·which the dCAlh of hRVO di ell uf II 'll lttund sick li es.' - A Illli~Lt'ti i. Ih e loud ; alHtilol' sliould i illcrease hilS btll'n, ill fllCt, Rbout in ' J oulo le/l \' RCRnt. sic kness which it wou ld puzzle 1111 Ib~ In fact, lhe office, I!" .blll ne\'er sin g . J-Itl i ~ rc fuseJ Il'll'1Il1 mlio willi Ih e pre vious five yeRrP , 1e v! n Of. n r<'gu lar exec ution er , is, in ('.o ll ~gll of physiei lln. \ 0 dt'lIolllinAl e. I$SIOII 10 tI!:lld, carry .or I'ecel\'tl II ~.UI lhu peop le nre uo longe r ), ~sl llcnl~' 1 mosl orl l' n'lll courls, ODe of honor li nd EJwa rd lht! ~ c c o lld WII S ruO ' L bar loa· 0) Ill! ; Rnd last of nil forb HtJ'! n to milT' ! I, e WIIIII a t hOll 5es, and es pcwdly lh t; 'j llIlIlIIICl ion . Thu s, when lhe re WIl8 nl) rou sly Hnd illdl'c .. otl.v llIurd ., rcd by ry This C8pS tbe " limax 1 01 cade L mi s· r llormoll ~ chRrges fur r~OI IIRve drll'c n r ~g ll l l\r ~ xe cu~i o nel', il. enmc to b.. coo· rllfTiRn8 e m!lluy ~ d by his u wn muthel' er , nnd dl<IS 11 preulIu w up ou bubbm g l us 10lth ro t/) Ih e oounlry . \Ve SWRrm s lJned II pOSI o[ hunor 10 put a disl illlind hH pHrll tn OU I'. ~r.untl. I hll\'(o a 6~o r)' apropos 10 U\' ~r tlorlH, olli eI' counlie s of our Sl a Le ; gui.hl·J person to denLh ; Rnd on ~he EJ wllrd Ihe T hil'{l died of thllRgO, It : \VC milk" up wholll \' illages lind cil io! ulh el' halld , Lhe' dcllth not! HichKrd th t: Sl:contl of 8t ArVKlio ll, . Borne li me hnck, bef~lre il ~elr was hunthe ncat.l cmy i in !:'.cw Jeroey, and evcn inv ade CO D' omb le in proport ion to Ihe rnl!k o.f Ihe Lll e "e ry re vt:rtoe ul" Gt:orge Ihe Fuul'th . l e"oved fr om Anllll pll ll ~ , A yOUII;': mull 1II·..[I" Ut. J cr~ou by wh um thb -b low >u s IDftlCtcd_ n "III'Y Ihe · }t'ou l'lh is sli id tu 1"1\',, rl'Ot~ one uf th e Ilfd ~nl ~ou",e l n :::illI tes I Thero ore hourly Rn d half Iloury ' It was Lh o groalcs di<:d of 'fits CIIU'C J by unel1~ in e . s ,' !lntl f~jlln love wll h " waldell L dl,lJUnor to pcrisll uf tIle It)wn , 1In.lns on [I dozAn l'I\ill"oR(h' Ihe re a re I hv I ho hllnd s of 1\ wom~n ii i ' a 6IA,'e. un eflsines s ill p"la!:"1 in tli()s~ times ~Ie la nd opport un il.Y ~o mee t It er fre ' I"6core of lau~se r~ilw8y~ pier~ing . tho \\'., ~t'P this f~cling di sl inc.tly WKS a vtlry <!oOtrJInn compill int. in lhe qllenlly, Rlld cOlllnls llng Ille hOll ey Ilild ISltbu ,b tli1 r. glOn s III every d ll'cCLln n .; n" rmllve WhHtl Ih e tw o prlllccs mucb Henry Ih e FifLh ill 8K idlO Iollv.e di ed ltLltl"r of 1I1(' ~e ~ l lJ l c n illl e n ' il' ws wilh IIl l' H! nre Ii I,undl ed stenm crN tlofll prefer lu di u by GiJeoo'M ow n hllnd 'of II plli nlul "ill IClioll. preUlalur uly.'- Ihe I~Krd.tllck of hi~ harl'K ck-life , hc: do mR~tl reg ulllr Iri.f'~ IU 1.ldj rlce nL puin t~ , 11o ~ 1l hy IhllL of II youlh W~IO laad obThi s id II CUUlltl'y phrll." I'u r gelliug liJ le rulIu" d LIl I'UP, embrac e, and bc com~ ue. ld es liO(' ll ly·(jv" fl' rrl es Ib at m erely 1Il Ill l!J no pt'rsol1[11 dl!oltnCt lOD. A s to uf 1\ kill~. B,' leJict. \ crus~ Ih e .. ivus. Nuw I~ ~s thfln Ollll th u It ero c u m m~ssioning H I· nr y Ihe Qi xlh di ed in priso .. , by . "h c y oun ~ I~ d y, f'q bl 8 80n to per· u ll lly "rJ ~nl, hUIIJrt'd !llld fifly IhoURilIlt.l busin ess form Illi. ollice. iL WIlS, pt!rhHp~, plt/'lIy mean' knO\\'lIl1l ,·,1 only to his j nilur. IV I nOL k·tlt ; u u ~ bhe cbal'ged I, illl w c: n lIud worb ing meu lind WOlUell to honor him wilh Ihe di tinclion of IlnJ klJowlI 111)W ullly tu lI eflv ,· II. thus: come to and I CR VB OUI' cily on eVl' ry SIl l)flv inl,t sillin Iw o ('bief EJ\\,KI'J II ," F,ILI, \\'a~ bll'Knidc d ill "nf'Dlics nf larl\(·I, 'I Y Il II mu ~ 1 nOI l ell pApn " he is e. CiliaI' dll\ ,. lin d dH:se peop le I'flp resp. nl 'I S w e lla~ beclltls~ tl lc blood -r .. vell<'e Ih ll lu\\ e l' bl' Lis unci .. , It,cll,ud J lit " gr al ~Iidil c .. luI' I"w /llid duly. Ilnd in Ih p. ir llulI 'l'es itl ~ lll bill rt'lIl1y New IIIH JU iL nc c~ ssllry th at Ih e execillion " uf 'l'h ird . • kll Ow, Ih"~ y uu ltav Cl no I'ig llt. loclflg' II Yutlr. flllll ilids , n popullll ion of a Ihird th o~c wl,o hnd ~Inin his OW II brelhre n, B.1.c ulll'd lhe Tldrd W R~ ki lktl ill bllt CAdel. t<l L,d,c' lIlly olh e r 1t' "pll lltliLilll}" l uf a mill ion , A , l; for our incrclI81' , in· . 1,,1 11 111 cil her be perfurmed by himself, tIc. Wh n YIl U gt' l )'1111 1' comllli, s iutt, \\'I ,ic lI \t! ".. d? Why, wc r'IJillte fl'IIOI Sl\nd y vi uy II nI ~ mbe r uf lti s cw'l} fam ily. It l1 ~ lIry th e SeI' cnlh wfl stet! RS n mist-r is 1111 yuu 1II'\'c IU df'JlI' lid UJ.lOIl. We will 1I 00 li to Wc:; t Pu il1 l, (" om '1'1'I:111 0n 1(, SC I' II IS nry ou g ht III do, IIlId I~ c \ll§ th " Eib! hLl,: li,·t! I P"I'UCt! lli e fllct. uu~ unl prohllb le, fr om all thll~ l1n Wll FhuI 11 ~I'W I-l"VCII, from I'<l rl JHvi~ tu Plllch · Irn~l ~\lire,I, thnt 01'~b, .l1nd Z~ e b hnd u~ clI l'hullcll'~, .... I'll e Edwclru lhe ~lx L1 1 1 UJ e tl wh t:1I we. ' ·IIL1 , III1J illh " .8 SIX ~\lOIlL"~ I'~ lIc . . And wheu 1\ c<lmplol e enun1\' ~1 1l 1ll the breLhren of G ld" ?n,llfl er Ihey :laed of II d .. clille . WIll SCI! you wllh II COIllUllS ~ I O II III yuu r IlIlIutt IS IH lt Ul: ov er [I Clrclt! or SIlHnty 11ad Ink eu them capltVll, III thll 8hme Q 'It't'n M~I'Y is Mi ll to hllve . died nf l.IHlOd, 11:.' re I"H'd bc 1I1I kil l' of tll:l ect·1 mil l' S t1iallIeIH: we ~ hu ll k no w w he re wily Iha l Ih oy wcre lh emselves aiIUD. 'Il br~~ " o heHrl,'. Wh"I'IlRS 8h~ dll:ll of a I"n .. B~ ~ld {· s H~ you rull s t lIIan ~' cl ll n 'l lhc 1'~ 1I ! ly \· :~>I.II, c reRSt: of our peop le I. ~ url~ ", Ir om Cllltng 10 0 mud.. 0 1 bl ,lel; ! t1c5lJ n t'I)' , .su Witl 1, a lld \\'tl WI\. ~--kel'P I bl·8toW tJ. To Young Women . 1'\I,},lin ~s . \ Ihe sl' cr~L i~1 comm un: . . 1 - - -· - - -- OI J Q iH'en B~ss i ~ , ,, id 10 111\ \'6 d icil I Ih,S ~I"' U Il IrtlVl·\Jng ~hlJ. O.!,"1 \ N E W IDE A IN DUES Sl~O HIE HATR. Trust not 10 UIICtrlllio riches, bu' Of IIl c i llll clw ly, froll1 hK\'ill~ "1IC liliced . PI' ~c:r ':"I\~ \~mJllJrll r.ily ill \ U W~I, IH~II I A. ~lls Bipy It·mllie l:'llriS cOl'I'e ~ poI\Jt!- nL prsparc yoursel f for nny e merg~lIcy In b:~sex .11 hi'; "Ileml es-her vl\l(J chllrtil dl ssL'ooult:r~ 1\tJIIL belOi e LIIl' tells huw hll!lCb Kchll:" fi [ur lh e!\' tl'esses Ii fl!. Lel\rn LO work and be no\ de pen·
.4 .........
~~~~::~~ :~II~cl~IC~e~'~I\~fl~II~:lile~~~I'~u:u1b011'ili~I~,~"~"~J~\~V~,,~p~t,~~~O~d~It~U~r~ro~I~'~~!~1~l~J'~'~'I~\V~t1~IO~S~I~I:~ld~O~w~o~f~a~m~R:'~I~~~~~~~~~~ o' pnlY lj d UII
, lor Ih
of Ih e di'cc tll of !\ nl1D1 ~ lc.s >'iee. S tC It' \, (she SIlYS), 118 1 coultl nOL tllik. I 001,. >toelling s. Above The w • CII" I F' aymptlLhil11 g lilhing . '1steem too d !lven 10lvurd .. II. I ll,ltorst he th oug hl he IllId learn ' ,,1 t 'flu: pr cncbe r J; I~C \V nothing · o f thi s. "d auoIIl, und ono IlIId furies! hi" tIling whicli llD1uscd lig hlly those hOllorable youllg men w.ho \fifll WI!. 111 1 C" I'" I,ill lIIurderou!. Imemiea. J Rltl It: fl rio I euus hOIV"VCI' , bUJ curi uu"l)' let th e m Oll .1: DI U \\'1\8 til e hurpri . ing Cllllllgll wh i.. h . u. I,,1O tlo emselv lls and their lIged p[lrWillitl, H.toug h IIbsll lll, "". eYe r pl'lI r" be! c ,·., 11 wl,,'u s lo t! s h,," 1.1 h'lYe \HI dellLh un lite 6~1l u d dd I . U\II of th \) Im p,>u Lllu t 110 old rro fll6~v r, I, ns lak eo CUlllt'd 1\ iIU>UHnt\ IU ht!r "rillS, s h~ was . Charles plac t.: in the l&PPt!8 1'11I1CC ul tlOL8 by th e wOI'k of their o"n bllnde. l be "·con 1'(:01 with his t'Mh" r, lor he dllitl " ;lO n Ii! su C Il y, IL I who d i, likt:d ctlJt.:l~. lec aubC Ih ey be · , ome of L\o(J fR SliioDllblll Udles. Tile while yuu c[lress Bntl receive IS 6RIII. of Hpopl ex), . . iDtO your '1II1l OOClliioll to BIl ufficer in lh !! lIrmy. rcc, . i vill ~ Lhe vi ~ itol uf II 11I\I'IIIlll'Ur ! \ dc:'lC'cd ill bljlltlUI' 1\ CCrLllill pr"lt)' dllu~h- hl'lll ,t: lIe~ arc turned J Ill! siUlI. d owll cn lite ~lullo 8le p:; , . WilliaUl llie Third died to bl ontles - 1\1 compan y those lulll, lazy popiuja ys,wuo ·\) o you ever lind )'ourdilif lal!.;ill !::, wilh of c(, n ~ nmp t"I""'lh l\l he hilJ, Ilbccrill int:t.! lh ~ f"ct, 1"llij l Iheir lock8 lire Lurned from cloHk D e vll rjif~ a ougor to help tlatm nntl it ell n 'SCIIIC" b~ calle d fuoli sh Ihlll Ilvt! hll bits (If t~lt: body, ulld I,VUl Iii " I wilh olll IIM"" rLH ining- Lut onc of 1111' lu };~ til " dllllll? Sinc e Willi e died. I calch I ,t. It i6- Bllid rIIii\- bl'olVn hiliI', liS 10n!5 119 the y CAn kee p bo,ly IIIllIs~ lvllli It .. erie ll Iilw 'll child. StUnlUl lllg of IllS bor se , ~o ul 0lj'h,·1( IRlkillg lu lli al iJ--;;JIY <Iny I" , I lInUl es lind h e cUUrl_Ol.II·tlll lc<1 Ihtl ~u· "{erped ill champagne, lVill b<:cOUl tl of logo lhllr anJ J.(cl flinds slIfficien L to live ~ u ldil'I~, huw p. ,'I'r; d o not t ~ \; e kind QUl'~n Anne died fr om Iter. allllel' - 1dl: t :m:n ed iRlll ly . dlllll!::h he we re wilh ISle .' AI. 1 wh o I)' It> tb e lll <lli Ihll l gu ld(·n hu e lu ved and p,lilll ell by ill ("s hiulI, If you II I'e wi$6 you ll g mov.!. Suon h" Ul l: lIliO ·.lI"toll g wI<t" r,' or, I". ulil er klluw~ wlt .. t pl'.·ciou s ~p iriL commllllill >,:8 will : ll e' pile lb e persolll.1 en lrel.lics of Tltiau. One hCHl's "I" lin g u\', mlld e II rUMh IICI'OSS Ill\' words,. from drUllk l!tnl thi R hilS bl'cn 1001; li t thi s 8ubje cL in tho lig hL we do, "I'rll lhu~~ 1 Willi kno",,, IIOW 6i l,,"~ly l: nnl'ss, willc h II le l ti,,, yuuLl I tbe c".e WIIS bl uug lll up. Jane by th e bCIIUliful Ifl dy whos(J mill" lind "hen you IIrll old enough /0 .111 .. 1, IU Il UII L" d Ih e SI~ pS, p~ ~~ l cd op e ~1 phY.SICI1IIIS pollll'. ~y . c811 lae 'HIt! Rw"e't!y Iii", A l1J,:t:I Buy W II ~ lelldin g ~ d tlr,opsy. ,. 1 l le a~ kll o wl cdg~dl i l l.: fllc~ , 1"'· lHll:lt. rillge was ft nille Ihe h,dl.d ool·,lIn J n" w'Up glnll'S 10 hl ~ III1Ys' " onder last Ren ' come .,ivcs you will prefer the honcst (1l:(llgO the . 1-lI st ~lte'l 01 dlUllkll1 g Uilt y IIlId f,lllr al! k u pun Ihe Fli~hcr \III wllrd, 811d IIhowill" hilll the n:~ lcy col >UII; tI, e .. ~s uIL i~ \"lI"illus ly cf nvIIRscd; mechan ic , with not a ceotlo cODlmence lloe uly ~ lenl!8 IIf th" Killgi.!ulII 2 A,.t! ow .... fll'lll' l me nt-Ltd;i ng no pl'cc nutioll nbSS , willc h hi S ~~IY~IC I IIU9 11ft Jluhlcly I'li' ~ .Cll UI' I.. . , 'lI m ~ SIlY ~h (; hila ~ poilL hersI·lf, ()I ltcr~ lifl! , 10 Lhll lu m "ll ~ lli s .Hllry noi.les8 . \ clIlI'!d an npol' lcc LIC IH. fll~hiouKble IORfer wilh iii "ho knows whal 811re fOI'"slll\llowiug~ I 11111 vlll prll~ s ~ or IIforcs llld s tern l) ti l'c lare site IICHr "'ro m onc of L1.It! )'f,OIDS lin .. IJ el'), I Geolge llo e 8,'~01ld di Ihrillt!d Ihlll grent )'lJal'lling h~Il~I. of ~ t1 of II ~'uptllre obj~o lt!d, lac ., ,,od UpOlt law ,l1nd g' lo.'J I " m !nne thHIl looked so hnnd so rnc. c"pilfll of tell Lh ousllnd d ollau, Whun· douhlfu l of th e wi sd lJ m ~Ve l' we I, car Lhe rem lll'k: 'Such a the IlU~ eli . III II I lime, when, lIU lhe Ol hcr f"!n ,de cl\m e rUlliling \lUI, IInti. blocktJ \ O( Lhe h~lIrt. ",III oh li,,, Pt!l'I oJ' I·III . IIf !luIU':y, a~ld calleJ fo l' t iro la d:l UI •• UI.,,· lit" lJ'yin~ such experim ents W.iLh nil yo ung Illdy UlRrrit!d Iii" Will'. IIll1t tI~y I"rnl ell 11 II .ViKilll li ull of Gu,l.- I Ill. forlul1 o,' we 11101''', III" .lwu\ ,1 clusp Rg Hin tht! hKnl1 Lure. Liold lind wllver po wu er III much nlIYflYs treulble fur Lh I'lI,lti l1~h ll rrou ghly Asid e ,.i lh a lti~ t lt~ oIl IY lll eLllllc" ill which oir future pros"i hi ~ boy, 1II1t.! to~ t:llt e l' . Ih tJ )' ~ hull i tl (iuti l 'Yuuw illb c l"l;in l,; tlt e hrelido ll lo f W U rnilllll ~ hllir,~uLili ~ h.'lr.JlyprIlHY· I Jle rilY· IIr"y by Ihu 'etill Willen, lint.! in Ihl' lIlutLCI'l.t\ ·ull l h, he Wll8 pl")ce~d in g in~o l ""l'r lou chl' d hi s " .. tart . 1m)' wilc 'ij ma UL ",' ,"i" lir e cndd . At (,r escnl, th crll 15 nil InuIIII " \' flrleIY . Hiclw8 1efl to children UIlU of Ihtl loum s, wh eu a III II II clim e 10 Gt:urge thc Th ird d ie d liS he Illld . • 1 duo ' LClil",'sn id Ih by weRIl.by Kre~ 1l pKRture s' of Ihe "ellel' hlllil ? ll prufll s~o r , ,[" , in the sly le o f coij}'ure', Iln ll Ih ose .vltu p"rcllt Ih e tloor uud lol<! him • • turn oul Lo be n curse iustead curtly 10 be li\'cda !1l'IJlllflt\. Hilt Ih"tl yeRl's were they d iv illr.d ; Tlrrou~ bout IirtJ JuHlCtl hI: dvne, L!.tough l!.te lartl" I' be It'lV e tl\S IIl~ Ad () ~L Ih e ~lInne r of wcnr· of a tole. ' .. sillg , Young WOOlell rumem· ho WIlS al It:abt Ii COIH.isl eIlL 11lOllnrch . l ell1,p l y I' . to Willie, wllntlt:I'ing Rmid Ihe glories sti ll. . . . • 9 ' ill!! th e IIIlIr whi ch sUll81h e m bes l .JM) In~tlf1cllvply SAW -lI'lil hl R rlv,,1 lil'r this, nn ,j illslentl o f so ulldin~ Iho Gl' O I'u ~ Ih " of h" Kvtln, th ey w l! r~ but so ml\ny !;fol. Fo unh died of glutt ony \ . 1.>1l \ ou kllOIV lh e 11l(ly II nRme . "'otlle heads arc.surlTl ounted . by a pt;r- : .. f l ' d' I " purse of 10Vt! rs , flllti eXI\ Dliniog ur"c d I he CHth·t dell hourR; 10 hi f.. tlter, Ituch \' ~ Ar s liS \VII' u l: o rll lltD, lin ,Wltlll )lt! II ,"prllng UII" d,llllk fcd ful' es \ of 111m-w h en Ih lS I~ dOll o. : ll,'· CUI ofyour elln .. ". nthisth ro!\t . I ", . 1".c·lr CORlH, look illlo their , . . W ·II' ' 'I I f II d tl oo'dst tI e l '1 d UII.lIY Unl to know .Il ; 810 1'1/ DlIIIl "Yt1r Ih'ed bafot'e; 'in lIilich lhe v " 1. ISn u~ "ulyo l forll1i ~ 8uc rilice d lo gen el'lll i hllu il8 [lnUlhe Thl: t:ld e rl il'\ltJllrLs. M,\1·\r.if they I ~;"n LI~ I iOu: ~j fI I hean.th rob... o.c.. "-'»fl!-lin~ ",-ue-..J:.o\l · ;~lId ~creR medy (emRle ~c izet.! Ju,,'ti hair I , Ih",-erimilluJ ; il ·i ~-yllil I' - -- --l-7rl'I"""',..:.- 'P+>m- wrc lllhs hll ve u "ulllly IW O hl\v e 0111 .hrillv : 1 8)'U1 a unuo &fld Ctln d e ocnu 011 Ii 11t:~ 0 P IS U " • ''My ,Ie"oed, and 1\ sublime mission WI\S Ile wife, sir . i ~ Jour uflllghl CI'!' ur Ihree hUIllDlin g ·bird s, . <?r other I lhlln18clve8-ae~ thnL thllY 'JUtl nu~e rs I J ne 111:0 you crAzy? h llY'u minut - -.--- -.--- wmpli~hlld. And Ih en .ulOlh .. r sliKdow 'l'h" ~IJ. gellllcUlun \VII~ O\'crwh dmcJ bl'ighL · reaLUl'lld crt'fIIlIl'C Whllt do you WCltll? Do you lunl. lu R, dalllilly llov , \ which will lead Lh ern lu luok lIl>ove a A Happy Home. It:ll UpOIl lhe pr"8iJ entilll mansio n . in kill S urah '!' wlih g rid unu s ljaUl ~ . . ,cl'iu g uV el' I.h" O... Llt o dlcCl 1" \ bUll erny eXistence . 'l'Rlk not o f. Ihe I 4:umpllI'iMon 10 which, th .. ah .. dow W iI · 1 Th ecoulL~ c llllg upon IaIA~ULrgc sll oll , pr elly . B... IUes IhlwcrsS, d lo b oqlll.: t ~ nn,11bt:tlUlilul while .ki n, lhe sufL dehcRte J,)e rbcog nized the Toice of his moth Mrs. Elui ~e Huul, Iit:'ij coffill hAd CA8~ Ihere was ob I 80 H cl.. nc:r's RIlIl, , KIHI [lnrtly wilh Il ~ Iy 1l1ll11l: ~, "trucK h~ad'~r~ ssc s lire fill eu wilh bl'ighL be ~ .: Itauo, ~htl 8JlIl'nditl form and fine "pClinlon counly, P ~ lln8ylvlluia, sl\ys : Imllil. 7''',,4 fell dRrkly on the ht!arls llr.ill.IR w, Illld . lwlIlt: .! : 1 11111 cnd!!'" I\hlll e I .... m llo e I'v lls, ti es: 111 s hort, lh e IIl't dl~pl~yt'd n uw III pel\l'Illlce of 1111l )' UIl0 1;: , t"tlnll'L care if 1 d o, but I'll baTe gI! IIL.It: lllbn. Lt~ ' . III p,uell18 Bnd brotl.el' s, but IlLill fell . Su Ih c uld gct\l.lcl \tlld to plly fOI the Dl lltlufllctUTl< of /l owers I ~ rt:a lly 110 " nuL L\a . ' 11 ' ' I ~'LI Cfe fooltsh C(1Il"It1~rlltlOU8 cngro n 1th hom e 1111 9 bH I1 fo -ax ) eRrs In II \ R tiOlt) Ihe ell:pc mes lllln d .. rk lind blKck ovt'r 1\ Krt!1\L naLiun, ay, t IliS VI \lin " 101\T" Ill"I' 01 laolh <I 1.u ~ htc r mirllhl e. T.hi6 is R move mellL .in Ihe I, \ uur . is Ih e Iloc . I'III II:' bas Ul, ' S I' II l ' 'Villilli l J oe ! Why tlllit \. ., 'i lhuu l,hI S.- E.cclta1Ige. tlte IIUt.! . III on c \:'1. ~ •II• b,' jlOti OVllr the world. J Bu~ ~hey wllk up bon ·in Il\w . Th e IlIll gOL laack .In · r1!;111 direClllJll, fur c rn lUllcut to d~' I I I S. If W O rl~ J d p .uch Rn fI'~IU1 • ~ \ AIl t'g "alllc ~ , Wil li out I~ IlClg\.uu r,. 1\ lothe nal'\l dUlin6' lb tl re b"lIillo, ----Ihe Hlet'ping boy lellder ll', I\nd IKid him lor , ~11 ,-, 11111 I In s IK and ilL 1111, tihould . church alwlly8 or ue 11 o .c f houl H'''lOg nu humllll Lhu b"51. Moralit y. J d f lIy Ihe mighty delld, and bl'ough t th tl Ul lime , fluJI I.it'<j II ho y Plld n' s so hkc'I ' ,If ' ' I ,·enot.:l eu a gou a,ct:OUllt 0 lIoose . I' f I' - .-.for weeks- lIye.1! . -- - VCIlltlll tlt \8 some· onward , wltile cunllona bouwed , .. nd ~u Vlf l'r, I~e 1Its ~l ier- bl ue t')'e s, An. (I I laC" . I f ib d d - - - .•• - -- - I. I I 'Y \ lIme 1101" TilE " .I. ' ·K WAS AD OLr6I1EP . - , sexce pl llliL 0 .1 t my I'ctlltal IU8 nl\ l"-alll Rn surL .Mo.st men arc 1101 80 deau a mout bells lolled, lind lcau fell likt: autumn Charac ter, I . Uti I l l ' cllild . Llvin tbu s 1 ha\'e cUllltllo 0 morllI "L\ ~ __ T orlul'e,H p pli t d LUeXl ortc'lIl(ussiu n,wlIs , pnncl pll:s bu~ t \ 'l\L.LII "-.y fee I a 6ponll\D' Tllin; lInd purll whitl! flowors wt!re OUghll o fl'el prouJ o f your wlfll Rnd I"~c ill 1\ Sll'lIlIg c¥Y "n lllest /lbol"rhi ll~ Nu two leRve! in thll fore~t Rre (Ox · JiSCOlllillu~{I, it is 6llid. ill lh e pu\.hc \ I!OU8 I(lu .... 'U't"n oyer KII the lung fUllel',,1 w(\\' , IIShI<Ult'd ur }'oul's,: If.I'd db k \ofty, all Ihlll ?f Rdmlfllllon ro~ lhll man hilS Lhrown aruulld IIcLh' Ihll SIWI" in form anJ leXlur ....- cu urt8 o f p.lrlugl ll. in cnnsE'qll coc(J of who Joe r.il:'lrsed 1m \til "I lut Iltlly I'tlsl Hiut! by wide nllill ooes l'I \::ht . no RIC lI'e . Ellrlh ",iill If he does vllri ed !:ruwlh "f Nu 'IW O gI'Hi " . vI' HlnJ, Irom lhe tit: a Ih e foll ow ill g Cll cum ,l IlIlCt! 8 : !he .dear hom", lhey Ic.!1 four YtJRI'S Rg n, I"ubbell III" ~)'\J., Itn .. a b'e I Ie Jill Ir"08 IIlId s hrubol. !llnnl s Rlld mos"e~. hare 01" lloc \ lDllkU les8 by It. So me ftl w men gn; .. \ Afri ca ll d~8t n, nr.. b l!n drc 'lmll'" A coo ~c iellliu lls judg e. ob ee r· SIly 110 w us II fo ol or B lunllLlc 001 . to In life, aud happinu 8s. find be"lth. Lov · c 'eo.' d . \.' 0 , I rUlJk ~ IIlId Wlllcr, Il le cill udfi , bl UtJ ti \;·y iJ, · ltlic~1 in Lulk I' E v~d 111 l.! I·/I ,·CI 01' 111l: rack hllving UPOll bUJ lrloS'j WIII,C Lite must uf Ill S IldV.lIl1l.lI ge , light • N Ol rlrllllmlll~. hut in" ill their livl!" and in Iht!ir riellth s ," ' 1 1 , rfllll". I II~'1 lI e IIlld >lur~, t:H rylltillg is b~lIuli/ul to III~ ; Ih e IWO dl'l\p~ uf 11I1 OUllll e. I I r WilI e r rnu~t nlik e ill ,, (\ crimilla ls in Illllllin l{ th em cOllf".s lIuSWCI'l·d ft' clin g u 11:1 t HOlit . nUL uivided. -Mr" , Emily 2', .8l1gbetJin .locLor ur wr vll!:; hll\ Il l: ,cllr L 0 llllln .IS . . ' . k 1" "\'ell tlte Il" I\'~N 11111I v III .d " CII )," J t!'l·t'. aI,..c Utll\,CI. e WI II I'X I" · k I "I'I·III·I'l g. 10 Ille tlilcrilice o( liI.·ir livcs, b)'Allo 'llmgl\ .t! re .cllluJl: you y lIul~ our . W a ClIllll ot 1t l! lp It. The Litll, CorpClral. 1D1~111 e,. L 8 a IIl1d ullle ruck. al"e be lu>'cl!' 'l'loillk. tli ol tincti on wlo en buurllil\ ~d'ti me mHI" "n Iii I 101\ pu w" r 10 ~c~ r~It'I)s"d f,om tlte torture, dl'lcr' l " tl wh o, l(lod j' ,,\;e 'bul Ihlllllul!h IS Hg llln,t Y O II . --------.~.~.~----In A .se IS I,. covcl o; e II ge. ' 11 I ~ II , I" . . f . b '1'1 LI"' I II I how ill~XPI'l. I I 'S~ nl' 1 l Y • "'II" Ie 11' 111).' lui mi c ru, cul.e . 10 I,y fill ~xpelillll'''t. t!UIl'L lull "our WI e Rltuut IL ' ut . ""lam ull m~ n I1re fighllng ,lInll 8crn~Ie IIW I la Lcxt! Ull" I ,, ,.J A B£AUTII'Ut.ID&A.:-AwIlY among the •Now • ~ . . ' J I.' I k' I b tlces lind t1 u .. t: rs an d IU UVlllg I l L i ~ a CIII)itlll crime iu llol\t cou ntry I blin g fur muou)" s lall d M t tr ID WHII'rs I I "p l i clIl l'~ fl um IIIe \"I. '' 11 AlleghKlliel! thllre is a spring, 110 tilllllll I.(U In IUld liell hcr. tllld II10S tll! " t: up 61'0 ' In :;llJlll 11 .. ' . . b 0 II y. 11 ~ve 1I'IIl e 11'('ll' '~ix I' llld~ fr ll l1l ll". NHLlIrt', i ~ Irl SI) 11\ la w I I 'I " t lil)' III U modestl y docs tue uf Lltc I.. Hl u rll l 10 Ihlll 1\ single ox could d rtlin il L!ry on u By by . , kill a · hol''' . c or mul e . HU.! he . ,H' une 1I ol A III I ~g , I '. I t . of I lhe . . f . former wl.ich h~ mu ch valu eJ . ! Ihing-l lot Iltat ~~ I" gll l, nOI t I fl8 eh e; duul' 110 tiL 1" lIp tfbo\'t~ Ihl' WIII.r III I\'uald . r rum ,.ummer tillY , It Hleilis its unolaa \ruc · Hli IB ItJXt· • am I" I, .HlI.t ~.unh did hpR r 0 II, nnl .. »d In'H I, . calel: bil s of lI1ea~ fr ulD my fiuger R. I,U Iwo faces w~1I lo ~ I II f I l d oot Ihal I ~ customa ry , nOl lla 10Ulldl!x ~ ctlY. til" II" touk care Oll\l 11I1i1t1 ' Ive WBy among thll hills li ll iL ~preads hold s up Ihe plcanin ny. morllin g •. nnon to IIIf O II 0 pl:' e e , d . t d I Iln CR.Tlt Itl e ~ 1,1o ser t' K vauts 'illl\ lS eUlplop m ~kll :d, tltei NO I' Iltlll II IlSL~ no ill !lllll (I" " , IIruC; l Ili l.dlt. i~l. AS 11.11 uther- do,." rll '1\1 8 mllny. 'lpreaCIsht! "oes over .. vcry In f RII\'II I'I1\1 Y III In .. . lIn out in the bellulif ul Oh io. Thellc!! iL . ' . 1 ' . . I ... bl t dues f I the b IIl1n I . I · ' g L lll lilt l 1,/' IS TI l ' It-SUO 1 tl 1° lM l.o ll· I u X " 011 hUL •· .. lll til eti t' " mt:s I'UUD! tl,,· cuul 11l,· d go "L .O 111(0 IlIm."n Il 'Irelche . IIWIlY Il Ihollsan d miles, Icav - lil e fUIllllrll, (rum red hllir til l' Mi R Il( Y ll C tj. 'II, rnc ull cr . • liS ~ Ill' ~ ov " .0 . If I I J J mill\) Ioird iR'see n drumm ing UII "" ulr! n au ~ III/le liB III ml II ~ lon Wt' IC fll . l b>kc Jl ill tLc l1' uI:d. a 0]111\ IS W)( rIllY. of mg on i~8 bAli kg more Lban II hundre d 1~!Zs, d :\I1II admllat iJ UI>~ I "· hl'Pl'" I: I\Vhen IItil 1'1 . . ' I gl' Ill/.( only ~ alld cumpel s JOll . to ".CbOU\.V e( I'" 11 le w rllJs np LII" II III one• 1.111111 ' 11: 81l' e t ill ll! ( , II.m, 1.If, lInd ·c .• t tIl "~ Ih e l,ellYcnly 011...... lire le w lD L III mounlh l. ll ·.Il ue . 'j' lII: pll~'H ",II vill8g~8 IIl\d cities, .nd many' thouslln d Lhlll in en'TY p"rtic ulal', . I C . I I I tll,l f .J IL qUILl! to It' ul It "•.' I'Je . 1 IIII'~~ pl , . I \Vollu, IIl e 1101. lhe rig \tcoUS ew I'Ik 0 " III", 11 ' ''' 1'111 1l' ..."·C'I·1I Ii I\Iur1l1 conlpos llIOI.l' Ie nr.dl'nl, dl: mon- 101'e~liival.eJ fjlrms, Ilntl beAriu!{ upon il$ st:lublcs its Jat le i' . < "llpTch ,. ' ['0I so ll11I( ,m,e WII8 entll'd nnJ I wi.se If. A murll1 c Ilurltc.ef ' I h fI 1 rutin.! Ill)' 1.l o"r~ . 111It.! io ~umOier th , Irlll ive , pn:Junllua~I~, ' 18 ' ge-u ". b08001 , more Ih"n " half Ihou8Hnd 10 !lllulhcr I.' c> I ~ I !!~\o i 'on He pll,"u ed nol inll i4 eeen 118 rarely 118 Diogen ' - - _.-, ',ul.l1l11i u g' bird u' mKn, . go Ihrough lhlt op" " :' " rll'l\nL or !Ienu. ~Ieamboat';. 'fliell joi,nillg on the M iS8' Ih" crllVllI1l ".llIch ~,Ou~t:lly'l,. c bu L P'~ '.: p' re GUDlllli oll bl! i ll ~. w So ,VOU LD 1.-·So you lire gOIng . her. huuled (or wiLu lanltl'D .\ nOODlo o\l RO 011 th " i!' \' i ~iI8 10 the Oll 'Hrs. 111 Ull e bICtl~~.c o nee ntllll~8 Issippi, it 8lreLohea IlWIlY SQme L"lllvt'! t""oh schoul -I ' Stlid II YOUll t{ I"dy t,1 "' LI'''I'''eU 1 IIs? 11 ." r d from Ihe worlJ h Hve ~Hi,l : l he whole millti lind will: upun her mllid b..rol'~ " n IIUIIL . II ~ 'Well, strong bundred lI\iles more, lill h fo\la ioto "!! fur nl)' pnlL, " fl illst h,lll. he "li S ?ruGle e 1,1 ~ay. . • 110\" CO il ~ " u "YI"t I'n this dl'tlllr .\ YOlce I rOll1g' Ihe r llek. wh ere lloe t'xLrflDIlY of tlte CIID .be 51·1emC l!.·d or 18 Ihe grellt ~mbltlm of elerllity . II ill su" ne l' thll" do Lhnt I would m :ll'l'y II > n .I v ~A l ' d . ....... TI I It c re yen I t - _ mb"r wid 'Iy o wer Ullder with of Puod, torturc soun wrun g f nine chilJrtl l.' '1 wuuld rUIll ".m 1\ con fe.~ s · plnct; 'I' Their ~}'cs .. _I olin no, lIeo [1MllIi .. " . il(JJlt:i'~ ,1\nCy e l' one of lhe greKt tl'ibutar ilitJ8 of LItt! Ie liS nn • . 'd\l~ t: L ni ' ion of lhe crimt!, UJ.lon Ill ol confeSSion contKins fl piclure . ~I IIUI' C: ll n Ihey lteHr IIny of the plCIISRn l , tU? of Ihe bottom of they ~, El lllg oceao, w bicll. o\>etlienL ollly . to G~d, prefer 0 Q I ren urgll• . 11 " llud tile 81'ntenCe of hhn g ing pl\&sell ALlftnlic ooeao, thRt 'd Ie vo',ces 1 [1 6.,r, 8nd <.U l .ilOl.I.'J tc llth cn, Zillion. '/' my se lf,' but wIlere III wiLh A group of mer· 1 he weKHne. S8 o. f Ibeb w(:IIk Ihall roll and roar lill the &agel, W nh WI o w e r . . I u ~pu nltim,\Vloe nhisml\ ~ te rwenllo. ll.le:nAiu8Iiwimminsontlec I a b .leaQ d gamwhilt LlIe y elln comprc iu:nd: 'It i8 m.I' 1I111n is laugh ed "t, III 8corn, ODe fOOL oa lhe 86 1\ Bnd lbtl olbttr 011 yIl t' IribulI RI and !here fxpo~ c d Ih e flllhbil boling Mound "ceoo· l ty. il. ' My r Al ODe sidt! appu,. ' '' Ace, wbich ;8 so 1 0ri~. ~'lre"gth of til. e 8.t rong 'Jllck.' 6Bid a man to 1\ Ind jus t en · n, ~. \he-\-I\ud, .h,,11 lift up h,~ hllod \0 heav · i d b . l; moral p.u lp Rnd b . d b ' Id N nl{ hi a leens . ' y our fnlb ", r',. drown ' ley 10 others 1M ~o .. C Alltl ut' Ail 00 y y SUC,' U oplune, ~uO pleaSlint to me ~blll ~I" I Inn" .81 e y Sl~ e, an d B Ifl~ 01 ity of confessiot18 0 tlllll e 0 eo, and IWbar tbM time will be DO lon- •• " mean. by owuing the facls him8elf,IInd therll I LeI tbat 'ere cable ' !' I' d I I hllve nllm ed it:pl1~adiBe, and here 1 fio6 ..porc4<18lD I\nd .d"hcate alone, ca!l' it.er, So wilb morkl i!lOuence, b ia a ,ory~tA llrem I" D arn It · d l ' scl" ~"lug th" rep Ie motives t wbich Ie young bad influ· you? Th.t's the "IV 'totbet_ O_~! . II' _~ ful, ' and be'. got my knife iD ' hill w'l ll teaell my ~ou a le"e rtll, a riYlllllt, an ocean, bOl&Ddl... and ' ·.of Irulh, ru. r hlo tn. the [)nearC pre.e_ nce of trOD aud enctldu 4l~ il\ makini t" Ufl'rim I' # ill' "Dd b~Aut1' . nl. W~!~~!~ ; :: grR~~~~ .=_~ :. ~~lItlll~.. 'lithOID le..., e'.raitl" -- - . -- .- _. .- I U'''''.V, .. - ' •
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. ' \ 1'11.80. AL '1' b L' BOlllo"De Ihough a cn)" II ' . .L jeb ou liYRlioD 101m". Iterl 111, \I In e ' ,. I!. tonned hi. el.borale defence of bit re. 1ill' finer 1I]lfcimen of arc h ILeOlu.t! .... r .1' b d between peouliArly ricb iD churchel, of W liOn -Paul lll>rphy i. prepariDg a ~b,... 1 ' 0 " If Before Lh • few n:omeole we ueDOOC= e . d Ii t P lio-iou. priDoiplea, a ,ariah manSIOn, 10- I~e rOl. r"SI ence I.se . IllS' h t Ii d ouu<-!\'el Lhe CAtbcdrnl18 lhe h,rgesL an nel ' \ book . cds DOW gro t ''0 c oS OD t e liE''', 0 n f .' f • • •• , .., I ... I b dicalive of I ne'W race. witb ,et·, mod· a tlr, 011 ""H: I , e w, I . , tl8" d of lind of course the Dumbd 0 ·litill" I 18 _OpheQuI C. Kert II "rlllni. lIr, 0n • on" p,er, Ih I en • " . _ ..... v • I B OOLLITr ~nlT\)1I1 . d h I ' ll ' d oC I e-,eD blow. 01010 1I1P . TI . A P ..... "_... .• . ,D ' em prooliviliee 8aunta 10 my eyel, in "n tee II WID J~ ' . I '1 I " '1 k L dancing in- exlrlYIIglludy 10 proportIon. lete of Ed..:ar . oe. ~;:Ohi';;""""' poor ta'le E;eo the' mausoleum, iD Daroley and Mary-llid to hlYe whl~ I RJ II; mal pao : ~tI • tolling meet one at eve~y turli, dreued in a -A fullliiogflll'by of PrelideDl Lin.: wbiob rep~86 • 1000' dueent of Qua"er Ibe hao'daomeal couple Ibell in Ihe "orl~ Ullp ea~IIItlIL ooy"ney P Ilole -ab long tillh t· lilting garmellt whioh rench· colo is announoeu in Germlloy_ end 3 ,. h nted an leR .As .al gUlng UPOD I • 'l" d d' F . I WBDNESD.l Y, A1JGUST 30, 1116. owner., bad 001 beeo permiue<,l IQ es- _pronoUDceu vo"S llOOD repe, . . .. I II hreRking f. 10 Ihe ground, " wide .alIh rllUII Ihree haVe app'!!I\re m nm~~, 11 lire' ~-~ C~PI the llllod of iDnvnlioD, Upon "ho were de.tiDed 10 become plreot rup~ cha:l~ Yil~h Clle wlliV w 'orc'lbly 'IL tile -II'lsi blad: .i1k bllods edged wilh IlIlIy sell beullr Ihau Jul!!s C;eca.r. YOLo I, •••••• _ ••• - •• NO. I. f L 1 eited Ind ill agalOsl t lI~m 10 ollm , 10 I" " ' · .1 h I " T eony,oD ' ·t t b' the tleULion where repose 'bs aBbes 0 0 t e mosL vo gar, cODe . d , · · ·SCanee !wbite aod" lar",e "iue-nmmeu ell' -A Ilell llYn e. 0 ., men whose I e or setr.deoial and hU- lfavored olf~priug- lual ever .a' upoo brought 10 mill. man' mllgnl d 'I I ~t curled al ~b" sidee. Rt:ligiolls Ameliollll publifbl'rs tb"t the 'torin T' b' Id ' lI ever lee again throne, At tbe lime that DarDle of "bom gener"tlona b"vo pane "w.y Iver I ' f 11 I U \'k wil" abound about biB poor tretJlttr lire all UDtrue,
. .I
:Iel~~:~~, ew~~~ e~~ar impunily
and ;
~~r:e !i81~ell~I:~:50:~::ne:~te r::7.~:!' ;:~:o~·I:J ra::U:~~ t~~I~~:m:b~:ewl:I:r;=~ l:o°,:e~D °bl:ek a~":be~o~d: oC thaL co~o; IIo~~a~~:,i~t~ i:e~O:;:t':~nry, Mi.-
Iuorlleg.e: h.. placed ~I~ mark, f II I ~ Edillbur"h ' ita slLe hili long .io liul Ca~SIIr gazed IIpon Lbem wilh gl·ee· drllwn ove~ ~llIle cap. i "'.fIler. ~~t:I I HOUl'i' w"s, 00 Ihe 17th ull., delitered TradllloD m"kes t Jla part 0 Ie I a : colle e a d e .eII from Gaul. hu~e fiHpplng oap. of while, w 10 I of a child " 'lib lour arma, four baDda,~ ~I C' dislllDce 1\8 Ihe .tellmer receded Iblo" like lbe fIIIila of a ellip; I\nd more, \ four legs, and COUI' feet. counlry the lIAulefiell! of the Danee l belln tue 10calloD oC "locblll . . ~. b d"trlc, Canmore , aDd tbe numer· oua ds II I . . 6ulll ' of d'\fLy' I00 k'Ing 8 "nne l " . c . Ilue center of. popu W Ihe fo from InlOd 1"6A w, Dover H~ighl~ crown· ' ID g I'. - W, D, Howellll, oORlul to VeDlee, ', "D d Ma 101m OUI harrow would aILed tbe (act; '~n on~ tbe nllrrO" .Ireel· or, . yo I' C o d by Iht/'old Bomlln Castle and wbI\L \ meOIl. All Ih'e iD convoM8, aDd ali IlaLely relurned to hi8 bome ill hilere , , '. 1 to be oltlCul by cariDg fur tIelli· \8011 AshLlluula counly, Ohio, on ./of Ihese. Dlany yeara ago, were oun mer enlrances 10 I lIe City, tIe anr. 1 aIJpP'IJ ed SLakeapeare a Cliff; but \seem b'ld WI II lell~tl'of ablllloce by in,iaAlHln of hii' , Iremain. believed 10 be tllose oC the gllie anU High .treelare intact, thou ,t '11 d b ' .. . . y t WI\S soon forceu.0 to IIIrn my II U en tton to I lute people I\nd c • reno... " Ie ler 1friends and nllighborl, cTtthvered II Itc~ .... ) Scottish King uimself, wbo rell aome- Ihe old edllicea,'u adorDlt {EteoUoa October JOIf I ' d ' l ro II is be t'llI cl\\lse ar ftf1\ Inra r.Jly \I reo ,. d . ' _ "here in this 100Rmy. Numerous Ito- armoriRI bearl ngl of theIr lormer pro maHe18 '" O'lll fuoUnu met. aD vel ' 1I ' , .. IlUrll 011 Iialy ou 1 hUh .y eveulng.· '0& OOV&RNOR. mao remain. aho illdicate t"a~ tbese lownere , are oow tbe abodel o( Mquali m8nce io " wbite bafon Ilt'ld obligingly mllrkably (,e'l fr?m mcndl.o "o", eepe-1'be trustees of Antioch Cortege; l.AOOa. DOLSON COX. o( Truroball. anternriamg w\O"i6ta bad pllned along I\nu. and '-U:I. lohn KOOK', hOIl • under my nose by a eemi.llmphibiouB I cially Ihose whe ma~e ,a:pllal oC ddor· have iuviLl:u (jov. Andrew in Mill", r • I . f d .I '11'es And sores wLlcu 10 otbet pllittl I t I. b P ·d • • I'oa LlltUT ••aovUllloa·, \be eu~ oou\ of Seo\~nd, io days an- where be lbundend denuneialio indivi(lual, w 10 ID orme me will " 001 . ' . Il C lueell.~ 0. u"WIIlQ Ie . tell en. 0... ANDREW O. MoBURNEY. WarreD, t.erior to Ibe Danea. against tbe ain of Popery, 10 the boa gleeful air. Ihnl be "'III 'ready for me.' of Lhe contlUeol IIhock the ".u I .0t· llh"I m_lllul~Oll~ II~d he Will probably. FOR TRUSUR&R Ot' STATS, Proceeding 1I0ulh, AI the of ScoLllUld, ia in tbe lame 1 certninl, hllt\et,l .with that durk Owini to tht! influx 01 Englleh. SIDNEY S. WARNElt, Of Lofllin, "al clear aod b81my, J noticed mlllly 00 Lhe day whllD Ihe Reformer.adurel' objeoL, Boulogne pIer, which 8000 loo~. there .ar~ three ProteslanL pilloel of \ cbusella 10 Ihi. Col\p"o. fiDe rcsidencei ewl.owered I.ill treeB, ed 1\ eruwd from Ibe wioddw ; bu\ (1 ed abdd, anu ll:~l RB if \he WOlilell w,th wor"lllp , III lh .. t langu"ge. l atLeltde-d 1'1 ' • f cob"ell 0 . ...., )'oa 8UPRIME JUDGE, I . . f ' d' . . d'" '.' h I L I a editfClllion a8 the Ie plllnler · pM 0 ~ I g, L ~.\C08 BRINKERHOOF. Of Ricb. buL none of especial note t'xcept Ola· cilDnoL rErl'ralO from a Blgh 0 In Ig . Lhelr glllly,slripe a..lrts, WillIe caps l one, I ougl no 'Fi~hll Ik~J. i~ flOW eflllbiLing ,m IIlle · . ltind-(ILoolJ Term.)' mis Caalle , a ool.11l pilt', where Wacoolh Ilion at bit miltaken zeal direoted agllin t Rnd lOll!! gold CIlrt'iDg ~. were Jenr Itn <1 prell~bera lUe geaerll!ly mor,e ceill.britled : gorlelll piefu-I'e .cllllt'tA tbe Auauin' .. JOH~. WELSH, Of Athen8, (To fill i8 slIid to hllve murdered DUDCAO, I tb8' e)JleDdid IIrcbiLer.tunl design.; i . pllrlic'ular fri"nd !l. for pIety lnarl eloquence. rta·o congr.· 1Doom. it is llllraOlinl-t " gfeM delll of p~r"y frum . I~Ie IIILtt·_ Vllcancy.) . whose blood stilillains the Iloor, Next \'tead of conftDilig his indignatton t.> LeThe eUlire clallnge from EngTRnd to gl\lion was Illru e UlI~ ol'~el'ly, an.1 .'° l"llenlioll, 'OR ATTORN£T GENEa...r;, CAme !:lcone Palace near Perlh, Ibe relis . iollS tenetl of tire builders, \ Fraoe:e, is mOlt striking, aod inslellci of aupport-willch mlghL otherWl till : edL °lfl the cr. P"'L rtlle> fruRl th" , bdl.' I '~ ~ fel' for le»ce t:llce U\ tie wor I III) , WILLIAM H. WES'r,.of LogaD. acene of Jllme8 Firsl', murder. and We lefl·Auld Reekit!' behiDlI U8 L only a nArrow de ll belweeD Iheln, one e UulOUI-tll!rll I II , t'g u I\r , I'OR &CIIOOL OOlUIISSIONQR, wbere Scollauu', Kill.,'"s we,e WQ.l1t \0 I I o'clock p, II . , and a" , p,&Iou d wouM Ihink 1\ world of waler like , Ihe IIadDliLlan~e, paylllJIe at lh.., , -~he Mo~roeInquller co~rt'.pon,f. M duor. ~ I letll 01 thel'ort~esa l'hlllldlllplll" lillY" .JlOHN A. NORRIS, Of Harrison. be erowDcd, upon a hug.· roeli., 10 which ~arkneall eDveloped 1~le face oC naLu , Atlsllli~. IH lell,l. div ided Ib.,m. rhe I ___ • ___ •. . fl~l PH:. 'fl14l 1,,1f. Dl\vi~ lind ·C. C. mil, ~re pl· r.~ POIt BOARn Olr l'unLlO WORI(8, lome peculiar 8allc~il y is IItllCh.d, ow - \ I~ Will out of tbe q ue81lOn to ~ook IIb.ro , ' costu :nes of Ihe people are grotesque, I The Ohio St~to I"atr. mi lled I u rell" 110 oCCII!i'on81 d ally II'" J A:blE2 MOORE, Of CoshoctoD. ing, it is supposed, 10 ,II po.• i~ion in I~ eyen had oot elee.r IIlmo.L Immlldillt y ao~ l? J1tir;,ly a OIaUi'r of Will : b~t .Ihe \ . __ . 1 pH. allli thll.' Ot'oi'rHI . ~ Ilt'~ h" >:1 Belt'ctIrI>Il CLlI:RIL or 8UPREldR COUR', Druidica} 'l'~mple; and UOltllLs remn· closed my weary ,yes. A ball of t e 6S'lerR\en seem 10 be lhe 8 _ dl~lI11d The Su:\t'enth Aunual ~Hlr of tl~e led the !OI~lllror ,mIl Ncw YOlk He~"ld •. vallo Londoll, Ed "i1rd' lho First did \ ears aroused me 10 uiEcover dRyli~II, rllce" al in Scollllnd; nnd I observed . Ohio SLilte 130. ard of Agnerrltllre WIll i hnu 11118 dl'.fJ (l1:r~IIlII,oml~n~ c~ll • . AU' . RODNEY FOOS, of C1iDlon CouDly. . . , . . . I · I l b' I III in Slllw"rl'~ (hun> Illlil mde Olht!r «me 10rnUou 01 InClr unprlsonDoL consider himself .master oC Scot. num~e Ie of Ihe Stllie H UU6"'. .m' IIIe "II 1' . "'L ... . _ _ __ ••_.__ . . \ wHUlI1 a large dt!pot, where Ihe . , SIMiill1f chllrAOlerisUCI . " ID both, w IIC II \ south y 1Ilt!... . . SlDce that penod, Ihe EnglISh ous fine honea, held by men With a de.I ' j d~n(lle tl.e 8ame onglO-sRld to be co " . C I b 0011 cncI'n" on "!'UIIHla l ' ''''II' 'J ' ' .. r land. FOR Tlfl: a a ll ..,.,..£. . , I' k 01 0 um U8, co , D ' - , . I lam IICliSO"', lh!IlT £Ill "rellf', •J mOllllr:hl sit,.upoo the same IItone. at Idedly horaey 81r, woull have ,.old lII e oll.ic:s of iIIrl.y DII.nes, They hnt' I . ' , 8I'ptt'mbor ~2 .. Hud closlIIg . 011 "'ro,,y Iud., Ihe JLh.-r dllY. tri.,.lthll old huh· Trau • 'Dtle £orrespoDdenee. tbeir coronallOD. Scone Palace, bUID~ we w"re Mark, Y 1Illd not enquiry ~. ~18e a pecIIII".r dIM I':01,..1IIe r i e8 b e 1al'l~rnou~ •.S,·pl(,mbrr 1.5, I S65. . ema j"ned ""y uf III1CI!rbllillin.: w.h etht'r I.ir bee& uriginally a mODaatery, hal more forded the IRme result. I WI\I 60r4-y IIIg bloascd wllh volu\)Il1ly and 1\ com·' fhe .. Rlr of 1865 ~,," be rl~ld "'pon gUll was I""dtld or :\"t. and In the- oll~ BOULOONK IIUR MRR. FRANCK, t tbat Ityle of ard\ilecturei iL i8 built of 001 eveD to oMaiD a glimpse of lhe Ca. mAUU or InnguRge by 110 IlIttR\W cba~te 11111 81\01" grll~nu8 III 10. ~~'4, IIn~1 Ihe 1· II.hion~d wily Will killtd. Hli phw:d· 7, 1866. f . ' . I . I ( BORrd lilts bllRr"d no putoS 10 ",,,li-e Ihe hiw "'03Lh I!& Ihe mui&et of lri, gun' lIr DUlL C•••• ;- YoUI' leBer, of r~d brIClI, appeara .tr.. gghng, IIlId, I Ihe~,al,.lhe fife If( aDd ~ne of lbe m.ollt or ~hclce. :11 bOlh COU~lrle8,.t ley the ellsuing Fllir ill evtry r!'spect PUP!!';OI' !lnfl. hill fOOl (In the l.timlller, Hill f'IO~ j"... July Ii, "hicb I r!leeh.ed bere, WII told, i. euL iD~ 81Dalll\pllrtment8 IInCIf'nL 10 EngIRnd.. -y ork WI\8 an 110' IlIdl c~ ) n~e gl~en to gHlly S~l'Ip~u ~IH' 10 Iln): of il~ pr~deea9sorv. !l!t well 'IS Iry »lip)Jeti, lind lb .. L''''11I1 Ibe lafi of Wil·· pta DIe more plealure tbRn I ever CeiL and many long eorrtdor.; tbough liP- porlaf)t RomaD .lalloD-lb. Cathedrlll rut'fll8 snd while oaps: Ihe hh 18 borne rxhlbllOn, \D. Ihl: 1':lI~n.dpII IISII Rlld hllm .rilck~on. berorej for I am now, empbalically, a pllrently fer, large, iL baa irr realiLy is foundeu on tbe 6itll of the temple 01: in.llu~e p"nier.shl\ped bl\s~ta strap~d yt:l'y horge ·lIIe. ~fI.Fe of. fon'lt-r ~I'~m. _I n rt'fl'rt'nu to Ille fr('''nentl., reo . , . d'd B II d' 'I d .' 1 I .1. b· k .' 1 b ·1 I tums, RH 10 lhll " . I\(lU. III I hI' "ddILItIlI' , ItrADl1er 10 a rorelL>o laDd' aDd Ibe few conveDlellc"80fa mo ernre81 ellce, e ona,an. . I' enncle "ILl a ptCu 'l' onl,ull ,IC "'1.1 II anu IIcroes lie 1\ I I\C",,,mIllO( IallOn. ' .: II ".\ Ipflllied rumof"lh"ltirnt'ral D D' . , " . • 111\1 I ,,: LI'IIt:ulUllll · . BUIld . ,h". MlJb' of. familiar baDdwriling Will a In pM&log OD to Edinburgh. the lralll hllrly 6nel,v,unted "llIdl>w, call"d Ibe cIIUI; and Ih~ CI'y for the dl8poaal of l hll"o bren !loud \l'WI Le atlded 10 Ihtl st!Hrnl t!!»ee teA.leTed bltl rlltll(D""oU( l "limpse of Parlldi.8. hurries pA81 the ancienl but dirty lown , '!:leven Sisteu: a dODRlioll of mo.e thl'ir mt>rcllfilldi8e answers precisely for , gl'uullds IhpmSl/lves. \ltnd thh~ III 1I~\;:~'lInCe h,,' bet'n as of· My last leuer was dl\led from. Aber· of LioJilbgow, gi-villg one 1\ ,'ery brid !l9oUePl1' dR-YH. I ob:.erved a IIIftrlled Edillburgh or BOllloane. 'l'hi",cilY i, 1 A splendi,l ","' n, hlt\f lIl'ile IrRck" rO' Ir.,; d~clllled. IL I~ nuw .1"lttl Lhat ~118 . deeD, Scolland, where 1 lingered unlil glimpse of Lhe ruinoul ~"tlle-e wbere chlln'gll in Ihll .• 8speoL lit" uldbiliol)o of Iiur,ell, 11,1'1 Long 0,,\'11 .lauc (j ;t'u d"ho wOtul~ nMurall"y rl:'t('ll:e " of Ihe counLry buill in II Ill'lIo w u:tw cen two sRud· . clln~llucled \IloddKtt'd ilftl!r Ihe I a Ocunl6n. 1!\'V1l 110 IIOW ... 1>" 1 I Be Jul v ~4 1 h, iD order to revisit lome in. ""' born the haplen ~1tIry S lunrl. t& frum'ot anu, WIth her 10Cly blut' hlll~, AI,.I fllces Ihe lea, tIIhere, "hen 1 I d ' whalt:fer tbM i't l'Il\·s efet b\:en Ittlld"r' .J Fl " . \ S Hn oourae. . 'ertllLing Beellel-among" tlitm, the posilion, on tlle bAnks of Iho orll, D1ounLllID8 .aDd op!'n uDuulaLlhg rpgloq' the li.l., i~ uu~, are Sne .IIDd" eXIt!nuing' Two IlIra;t 8m hilh~Hlres 'Ifill be cot!· ed. lIQUIe, iD Broad •• lreeL, whiob witDeued mu.t in tboa6 day" bave malLe . a heau· or Cerlilil),:, almost deatilu 0 J~r wi ~II, "h.o\tl oily ~tan4a upon. IIt!uctcd, ~o lIS 10 1IIf,'n! .• p~ctI\IOrtl ~ -.Ii. M~. S Olll!" (>f D~lin"tun, V",r" ,~ blrlb,o( .be Poe~, B)'N... .. it 'lied .tUIII abod.~ .nll , wb,. tbe .rim fon- lfb"'" ,1c.llsr tin or RreClo",y: lbe. ·b·ro" tbe hill whMn ita anei'!IIL rU.1I viII" of Ibe ~IOlSV IIllg i ,UH) the IiIOIlI, "Iopell las,wte" wJ lh Ih" wiYttl' ao .be aD anoien' ~tJe lIod man.ion, rease. of blirlillg and Euiaoorgh are tlte (ar-fllmed hllwt:lorn bedge8. thiekl)' forlili caliulllJ. now l"id ouL in a w,,11t on 1~la18 o~ sp~ed, ul\dl'r . JlYI'JJl!r r"~17IR' of bhlCIl ' Hf !ht- 111011 " .~pl'Clabl. c.ili. witb pepper-box LUf.etlY, bl&(. recelilly IlIken iD distinclion , it i8 litlle "ondN 81udded with lreel, And numHOU~ bcrds , Ih.; hroHd rlln'pRrl8i I\n1 Ihe M'!'II or \ '~ons, .01111 an aur.cove felllllTe of the I ~r nR of Nil ' Itu:, }h·w }J"mp.hu-e. 1"lllr. I h"1 cro,sl'd 10 ",lIn"d" 011 R IUIII),H . . . . . I h baa· beeo. Pluol!.~y the oily. and, that 11116 plllRce was a (Rv.onlll relhllt , of fRL 8heep wllllln Ihe enclosures. I II""." pun cXlt:nds t~ II.e port. Hul All A ndlici.:nt number of j! ood ~Ial: .. IUIII'g", ulld .. r CUVttr or IIIKhL, aud 11'''" with ch.facLnialic· YlDdalilfU. modern- of Scolll6od'lI &iogs. noticetl tIll: nllmes of Ltticeslt'r, Not- Ihl! ~trt'"l6 Rrc narrow, imiguhr, IIn<l l l\'ill be loullu fl"PKl.y for lite ,ecejl ;ioll or 1 1,, ~ t hearu of ," St. Loui~, ('all.tllI' bed, There are Glher Icelle. oLhl8 .. To doscribe Edinburgll wouM 611 l1nghllm. lind other towns R8socinled ' 11108111), p"Yl:d, Ihe houau abulling ri~hl l horses, CA' til', sh. rp lint! MwinH. 11& well Ell' .. cloll·ly pln.oed, by 0tI1! of Lh" io·IjAlIi'd hu . liudlf. loricallDlereat in. tbi. anoieuL !toro', sheeLa, Cor, built on diBerenL hill, high wilh Englllnd'i' history; hut with II carll· 'on l\lll ~itlI'WHlk, wilhout eitber base- IllS :.n RbunlJ..ncC' ~)I pou ll?, co,,1". 1 f I I ' .,. f' I . ., . . J hll h"lIs fir.., 'arl:~ •. "et! I"oiliell.and • ·· IUCh .. a gro t eeque ltatue or \V . aIlace, ab ove l IIe I en I 0 r lUll IU, AliI sur· u rel/;lIrd to tie pTl'Juulces 0 tie \11- mli' nl or rRlhng. for priVACY IS 110 pall RuOIl'" .1 • bl 'J aUHpll'u _L .• I I f or I Ie I'"' pOtit~8 01 'I -AI ,,,i,,me Jumel • elle. fliJo1'\' or which ,taDu' In a Dlcbe at tbe Juncllon rouodt!d by lofty aDd romalltlo 8cenery, hllbllauLII. the rRlIwlly IS 10 cODtrlved of Ihe F...:nch chllrncter. which lh .. v IH" irlll:lld .. d. Pow .. r "I<il \ AHroll Burr, w\;o !tllllly died "t N~'W 0(. two of the olde.t Itreetll, "lIicb i. iL i. a city "hich rl'quirel" lung rCfJi· Iblll nOlldng of Ihl!m clln be Sllell, ex 'l Moat of lhe \'isiters-wilh which the is !tug!!, '1I11d conlilins "mille Dloth'I! ~olk,l~tb ,rol·I'Pty ",,\aJt'd Ilt S700,~,. l .alled 'Wallice Nook,' and. doublle~a, denoe Lo .appreciale U, a8 "ell as to ill' c~pt Pllterboro, of which a good view I cin, :it Ai1eu-Rre Engli8h, lind were it power. 8hllftin~, pllt\i~y8,. clC·. 10' opt-r' l l hll ~!JI.C"PIlI c...hurfh. Ck~m'\'IIIt. " II 10 autheDtio alaLM in bil hOllor, 01 spec I the many 10Clllilit.ll Iynonymoul o( II mAjlui6cellt cl\tbedrlll i8 oblRined 11()~ for Ihis nRtion I I\m told Ihe shop~ Rle Iht' ?IIlCltilltl'j rt'ellolirilll( m~.' i'" ,;.~~ l'tl: vltr~ ~DlHI.' II~ .qullte , rloo~: . , ,. HI' '0 I" . " . power, ll1e power. U bI: uf sh,,'lIllw, Il rec e,r "a,s VI"} al UII\O 0 l' II • , he day. enol8 for a consl erab e dl81l\/lce. fhe tracery IIllghl paoli close ' '1 he IDduct'mcnL is .. ._ c., life f ' L .1 flee uf e\Iltrg.e 10' '" 11I1nll ,,"umel . She II!R Ih., 1I0ciet)' mono . Whill. . be "... Inl eouDLry H With blAlory, ere 6ue I 'tllrtllng . I . urlllbutU' , ch~mploD. The, Wt:1l of ~a i~ anotber crowded aher .each 0;iu.~1Il ~ de.D Ilme~, or the 8ql)l\re Domea 8etlJled .o( lin Ihu sea WI\It-r bath •• bOlh in bAlhing t:xhibi,orlt. 1 toy !!1.olI~h to bu-i~J lin ~Ieg.nt church,. rehu of early p~ety, IIn~ \I ta~' too- " !lod modera 00611 a180Clate It wllh tml· el"borllte .Lyle. !lnd I re-grenell It WAIl huus"e lind in the open 8E'a. which i~ I A new Fine Ait tJ~I' itr to b" Im"d., ~hll rt'Clu~ her ~.ll1lMlry le,,,I':I'. \he beat water \0 tlle !lily. It II a' ou. oen\. men ill litnaLure and IIrt, Ihat one out of my power Lo bellOW a closer in. eXlIemt:ly brinv. A spl~lIdid building ereclecl Rnd Ille old one WIll be "H(j ~' 1 ;hlch lit! ""III rtCtlVe Ike ~Oll" . IUIlY riou. · founlAin, built in tbe .ide of a io embanaument is at a 10 .... here 10 Ipeclion. liltS of Il6le yellrs be"n erl!cled, sur ... d dlo the exhibilioo uf hOflicltl~at'"~l o l'llO.O(JO •. hill, io a populoullocatioo, ornamen .. d begill' SlandiDg on aD abrupl rock in At lasl we reaclled LondoD, and ~r" rounded wilh gllrdeM IRiu out in true, proAltCls. . . d' 11 ~~ .....y Wilder, .oegro woman,dil!d' .I . f d . b oy person p"yl~ one \) IIF m"y al J.lolcltmood 111.1 wnll agtd lOG! ~Il I a V~ul"ly 0 . e"'~I, an~ 1. hBY.e I 0 ot:nlre of lite oity, is the cRltle, all lon~ round olJ'fIelvee' comforlbbly. •, . J<:reoch IItyle .811d t"ste, near Ihe OCCII' ent~r all mlllly differenl arlicles 'Cor i'1' Y!!.UI! . . 811. Will! prell!n\ .l· '¥ .... kttl .... httle doubL, '"'" Ideau6l>d WIth IJ- reli· unhappy jumble of oillo RDd' npwi bllild· Ii1Ibhshl!cl at the Norlhl'rn BOlel. III lin Slon, a8 II place of ~1"gRnL resort. In II Illbl~en ns hi' or 8h., may own, 111 IIny I Virgin"" wh~n Gorow.llia lurrendor"Q. gioul bouse, of which Aberdeeu hlld inl{a within iLl w-all., for Lire ..coomDlO· RparlmeDl we\l up towardfl lite 811,,;· for VAsl 81110011 III II "crillin hl'ur, clln be of Ihe dl'pnrtm~1I19, tKepl hors... Cit· \ Itll . arolY, aUll u~etllo rlllat" "itb p". ber Cull Illare, But it would 611 Riel.' dnlion of 101 t.Iil!ry. whOle' tllsCes lind IIIUC!t' IlB peopl ... tHlk of the magnilude hcurd li15L .clafij musio, and Ihere peo I t1~ and sht:rp; m tlll:se. Itr~ eOlJ'y·lt'II ple"lurli m'llly illOid8uti eooll"Oy t.er to lell of Ihe CRlhedral io lhe Q are nol conei.lent Wilh rt'fille · of Amenclln ' hOl.tll~ il kellla 10 mt' pli.. 10uIIU e 10 meet I'heir fril!nds R.t:lld .1 WI~! fibre 01111 dlulrlAr for I Lhe... ~r~L tllntr , lord wllb dll\\ "'t'morabl., nelll. k '11own alooe wi I' I k f I. I'd b h . E I d (b' . IInu IV can. "I' ellc I 8uulllO\l1l ' · U · til.n, 90 l·e,,'" oC IU'I! auended Ihe fUll ' , I C I rOD. a. ODe 0 Lue mt!nI, ea8t a' ~qlla I 11111. a out t t! once Mome 10 IIg an Bre Dol "~ ehlOd.- i~lg"~'III« I!onlflining III Ihe joul·n,,18 of lIy~Hve eWes 01' laurl)1 10 be rt'ffard · util ul hia vent-rable'moLher. 'l'bilolli' Int pillces of wouhip erected iu Scot· 'abotle of royally, grllting to the feel Here I' speD~ ~nda.!', 100'IIMld LI> Rh)ve lh~ d"y, IInu refreshRlenll. Ilre AIMCo I eu 118 .one enlry.. . I\t'gro maD ruidu AI P'el~",burll' and. · laDd, aod 'he two cullpgel, LhllL anllu , inga of Ille tourisl, The Crown CourL, ~ut. and ~t lin i'8r1y hour on the folloW'· willlin Ihe Luilding, lind without cVl'ry AOIm:l!~ cOlllpet lng In: "he clllss of Ill'parcnlly, bid. ("ir 10 IUII'iu ,enu a ally contribute a large quota of. educa. an iDner eourl of lhe caslle, "hicb lip ' lUg mortlng, VUI mys61r And lia~sn~ Ipeeit'H of n'creRlion for Joong 811el old ) 8"et'p"I1~~8 wHI b~ chllrged 1\:\' el~' ig·l:a'Clr a~t: tbllD hi.motl\er. led youlb to .well the tidet of emillra' pe!\rs Ihe oldell parI, is 10 called be· in a CI\ ,b ~0 r c~~ve)8nce . I0 l he Fulk ' descendlllg · Ihe It'rrRce, on8 comes I mill. tr"n~e klll sf o"e u\)l~ar fo, ""ch am· 'I --1.1'1811, . " e· Dy Muloell,lll!! noyellat, b .. bl! ·. lion "hich peoplee the dietanl colonies cluse iO. a 1~1I11 ch .. mber, 10 be Been ~Lon." R. R. I he drive W!lS lDOg. lind upon the !linUs. dOlled with chill:lrcn EAch uhibilor ",in b... fll-rni.bell ,,,ill. \comlS Mil. Crllik, Ihe lu"rjn~ mllrrit'u! d ' 0. I of Britain; for I remRrk~ in alm081 by gas - JI"hl D." 18 a. crown. '~!!P I1'6 "nd , III r'lcale, up i on~ nUNo"," alreet.. own d,iggillg, ~' I"lst 11011 Dunes form inter " I IId~i~lion licli4-l~ at Ihe I'ale o( tWtoll' 'I • III Ion 0 f P 11> fl'8~or nt. Yo lala, 1,1'" e"llry.' Family 1 bad inLercouree wilh. swurd, tiHld lo-be Lhe RegRlla of Seot- I\nolh~', round abrupt cornera, Hud ellLin arou t • . , \ Iy · jjve ctnlll'fur Ilb~ IIRlounl of elll"" I"OlII.U-! ~lRhor of t1U! Rliloryof &. on b .I .] I FIr • " • g.. 'II' 0 gOfSlp. f · · 1 b .. . . . J ~heh J:oILerl\tu~' 'llh. n rr e mem el" or more W811 eilier ijI n· ADd. before Ibe u DIOU . [he IIrls werlt Ithrough 'dlilgy 6qulireK' - ,,11 so 1I\ilte A few d . I d L I \lila palu y ulm, e1C"p~ Iw~epll ..kl!~, ti d I' . ewap"pt· dia, NIl!al. or AU8Lra\i8. 'd II . I I I I d d d I l' 1I)88g0, ro e Oil on tIe l _ _ _____ ._ 1'~I 1I1l1l0UnCe . lef m"rnllgll 10 II "en' IlVI ell Y. lO a very 0" ~ a e 19 Jen c~ow e an mouotonoulI, 11&1 COD ' CHilli. rOlld, to see where Nflpol\lon 1st \ 814MeIM- l'llcnemenoa. Ilt'man wilh a wvdclt'n I~". lind LhttO" My next stopping· place wa. StOM' the8e artlclell \V~re mRnufRclured. "H aldered Cabby a mHrYt'I, .to be Ibus "blt: eoclllllped nn IIrmy with lhe ifttenlion ~Yt' her Frofeuor €railr him."lf fur 8 ' baveD, 1\ Imall lown p,rellil,r looated is well .a Scolch Idellil 01 comforL anti ·to DaYigale, Tile depot· oC the S. & of inVtt.ditig Ei, ,I,,"d. Ibe. white elllr, \ The Detroh Prtt Prell lillY" ; hu.bHIIU, The ~rofe..or ill li.zt, air a bay· ' \ ulDg ·,· ~ A p henomenOD hns Leen uhibiltd iJ \'''lIrs of... "ae , hllvlng J between . twO ' alirupl beadlaod., dignil'" "hicll allo .. ··.> .. . . mall cllambor l:l ,. I'. a l"r g 0 b U1 a.• Ct· I" ng IIr which lire dislinctly visible l'h . been' born I'D 17"9 ." agAiDsL wbich lhe lea beala in curl8 of -almoal a cell-to be lhe birthpillce CrosB, where a monumentlll ttrecLioll in (Jollnlry her., is f\ t d d· .1. de in Iht! he"'enl for IIn'er,,1 oij/.hl. I)II~L .,. c ll,.a~ J:~t pubh~hed • • .Abn".l or, '6 1 B ' h I I ., I' II I dP I ' . , . a 1111 lin "00 ea. lin b' I l b ' . . . ' , ..... lIg I"u .allerliture.' lIur,r even \0 ne w~'" ler. e.ore teo 110 nllLl1ln I lelr, 0 yreo a 1I(·e. tho style of sltnlllir orolSell' buil' b,' I II' I . h Ii h w toe I la. t'en "lIl1tlNcli III" Ilmllar I · . f J " a co umn Wit a -gUf'il oC I e Em· ItI . . - - - -- - -- - t-lSIDg 0 I .. u. iD IIIVO!, of Priooe though milch rfluVl'DAlled of IlIle y.cRN. /::dwaru Fillsl io m.. mory of hilf wife . b Ld' I' 1'- . .lIonl:r III varlOlI~ PRrLI of II.e Sllllt: . , U'E-erinll:Dls r bel' d 'ft' eb I Ih' f . I I " • I'l!ror 10 ' ronft. el1\ 10 II. nnprl'lsl A bout Il. o'cloe'k iD tI . . ) -" Il I! nj{ mIl e t ar ea. IS counlV 0 Iho ?learn •• I, lie slImo g oom,.· pile. over which where""r litor oorpse re.l.t!d ill itltrRlIsiL robea i I'k I" r . I' f tl d . Ie tVt'I~lOg a Slsl" , IIIIIoUlcIPhill in infiltration a proettl' Will c111tfly posle .. t d by II powerful ' r ties- I e a IIg I nclory C IImnoy 0 10 !ccon mllgDltucle nollS 1I0nii by I' Cb r I ' 8e~m!t t 0 h"og, I'kI e ~ ~a II •. IIIe mlllly. Crl>lII Sootl."au 10 W·elo~IIlBl..,r hbbty, wilhoul Rny-lhing in' lhe f01'l1l or 1\ rivHI: t,r e.sst, whiah "l'J'IIRfS to vibnrtt!, h8 i1tIO"C" a lf~ log mlly ~ oon'ttrted' .J. . mo IOn E'%tf:lltJd IhrOIl I . I d . or.n pork In Iwenty mlnute1l. 1'hll" poble, tho Earl Mareechall, whoae feud. orlmes· eOOJmltled Wlilitn lie . ""RlI~,- I I!I lIeotly linillhet.l, Such" build in" bnd A' I' I I I 'd D C I B 'I " II f . . .. .n. III e o"er ..own fa a BmRII: slolle AI' I!ey I' rlt 1:' Illtlnl .. Jo.o- Ifitlt!d In!" I' r\ Yed I· a fr:::; Oril\inBlly 8100d LI:m,. rite pillilf Rurroundc.d l.), il'oll an ~ mel ..ncholy grandeur OD aD immenle r I' . I ~ 10 lie nlimt! of Chere Rtl."'" 10 the iIIe dt:coraled IllS soldiers with Ihe lu CJioc~ 'f.lle fflel f '~ I urn \ a willch bwet!l pIckle II eenl Ihrough Ihe' willle~s"d lit .e,.~ I H 11I~lDg een m~in Ilr~ery inlo evors p'arl of 'he pi". memory ~ III ml~acu OU8 ll8cll~e rom Iht!o little vi lillie, II.nd which was per. I~ioo of honor, Thie IImbilious JrGciJlioe, .urrouDded on three aidel dellth wlllist buntlog. tile loollllon anti ver/,(ld by lime iuto ChariDg 'l:b8' d I' '1 L.. I man sey !'til . ~!'tI1 .11 pll"lce , Ilnu ~Il It II flSLJmllled tlll\l tlli' procell will rll''be tea It' I I '-d h d . . d I . d' . . fln liS WI I~ ~cu~mes lue nil pll~scd e OCOIIIIOI1I1," II e It . lhfl :rt!ln III d-- I ' t ' , d Af by • • \I De I! Jl'a... •• I (I 811g0 lire lIulte III lie age an 0/1'.' railroad crolles w,e' Th"mea im dl . I' thll same n,, ' I b i d I ~,"e t e prll!tI" . 1011 . u Iy per cenl, lace wlI.re II R _I f "'_ I d L f I d' d I me , IlIn}" t Ie lOCAtion ooce teeming willi Ig I or 100 Ilul'sue I Ie e.en -. P Ie "gtW il\ 0 ; coot "D cum. i1uo el i or, p lI('e 10 a eep 101 - alely. on IIlA1rting. and OD thll right, Ille mililary life ia n I ' I~nor of Iheir WilY, shows conclu~i"e · ~The type 'i't:ing IJIllchioe, of! .. ae conNyed for .. fely allen the exe · low.overablldowed by abruplly le(t1 seel& the hOU1lel oC- I?r1itlmenll, W . 6 Id t.I' ow U1UTlan\. curn" ' ly Ilta' il i8 not a Dlere atDlu'ph.,dt of W'hictl aodle rfolice i. now beill'" tRlten, olltioo of· <!:h!lorlea Firal; IIAd 1 loolled hill., it haa nOlhiDg 10 relieve lhe 601i- ml' Daler Abbe J... IIDd La mbe Ib D&'" a Ilice ell l ~ II;i an d elPCt'pL 'from the )Jlrce of It'cL. 'Jlho IIl1enliulJ 'of Ihe dir..c!lor of waR .mvelite d by" Mr . .A:1dl'n. -e He ii' ! ou the po.ilioD- where Cromwell', arlllY tart" air, wbicb inve~ta it. In a 10flY OD Ihe leCt tbe io"er of 1..0Ddoll .; IIS10rr. one wou ' ne\el' know lhis I Ie ob~lIha'ory. at Alln AI bar had dud, IIltd if Iny lJIoney ia made from ' wu encamped' wlaen the eoul'IIgeous lower ov~noo"iDi lbe froDt 'qlJllre, are Paul', antI Som.. ra H " SRlnt ~cene hAd once b!'l'1I of FilCh slirring b~fn. oalled to .llll~ 8111r, ~I\d I.e ia now lhe in,e-ntion, it will ba enjoyed IlII i.· "if. of tbe miDi,ler aL Kinelf carried Itbe apartments Baid to hllve bet:n ill. 1 .,' . 1 et olNle.· tbeo · ."0 Impor{.. Ni'arel" lhe ciLy ia 1\ browlI ~I a"log. ODStll"Y'ItIlOIlI wuh re&'lrd Iu ,. lways 111ft c:eae, 00\ by tile clever brllin ' I 1 . palleu our tie IOP8 oC hnu8e~ W'blch 4 .... (L I• ' I _.1 d ' ~ . .. If I ,: . I be Jewe. t IrOUi b theIr mid~t iD R. habited by QpSI!D Nt\rv anu furnish 'd f .~ ~, .. ' 8 one' 8.... 1ue o · Inll Emperor gRzing _ _ ~__ w 10 PlUulfe't' '. It, UQt uy t e uc., '1 d . •, e arm tue otlrrllJ subu·r4J and plunged f I 1:1 It. cl.llpa Who iaberil h . I. '. rom oyer LItl em anllolelJ!, aDd hllrd """'e h"Ye by lelcg""ph. lite lin· • Ileap of 101 e . linen. ]I'etf,ere8l0 CUlle, iD the lime Ityle. al of old. It Lhi. i, b lui' , • 0 y IDIO lue counlry, untll ,the OrY4. b • I It P nou t f I - - - ------ - ' h U IlloL ber a b0deo fJ L e .areeohall, mOle reslly the CM4t, rOyAlLy in thoae dll)" t I r I I . . y, ".a o· eur roteslRnt DOliona is ue.:m~n 0 anOller lel'ribie tli~A.ll!l fJtJ" ()u 'ril"'", of' Ur.L\ "'M Robf'rL' · I d df ' f a aoe oomed up lllre I IkV'llIt\Jao parI' I I ". . ilL 8eftl l'he .lea~r • Br Ilf J"':J •• .~~ J • to aD aD o. Ume·o pea". alLhough wal poorly pUI Up' and beyond io II 0 , d I. ' . • ' ICO lII'.y OlltllSlve, II hU l1e CI·UC:/iX. lilftn' l.. ":rt b .'> \), er 011' DJ.~_y, .... ho .a'l arreltf.d (O'I'\WO bur' .I • d 'II L.. b " n \\ e @pe turough f\.cnt 1I"tlh iLa TI' 1._ . <> • n "II .. g on OUu t"o or LIl I I " muc b mO,#erOll6, I" ""arB t e mark dirly IiflhL clo~et. whore l,er Majesty Ilovel bo round a '. liS caD"" fleen' 10 Felief ag/liMt the hulld ed ' . ree!l IIr ~. commlttea III }4o,row- Ttlwn. ~r former ari,toerlloy; but Ury. hard waa at 'upper, the lIIuruer o( Rinio "O:d ~d gl t' . and . beautifully. sky for milE.'lt-out M IeI\', and is t!rllcl . It, ~1I'l reSH~1l1ere 11 reporled 1011 .011 1118' ni~b.J. or the Sillr 01 JblY-(lne ' by, Ihe leal of Iny Qualrer allCll8lry " "al perpetrRled iO'.ber. preee-lKIo The I l 1,.Cd ·UD u a :ns; unlll Ibe aterHe' ror the benefit of! l\Joie who traffic 00 GtoD Wri g ItO l J~ pa.. engen .aved. "t die :tJoifllt HOUle .'Itd-at Ihe Yor" I' d ' . ' 0 III ... 0"0. 0f l''OIIr08loD~ t ed Ii co • ud }, '" U· way. tb' ""SUUlIl roW' Jtou/le - W&I on JOrid",. lodicll·d ' IA' pUle ·aw.IY With the la.t pallenor, l obarel .a""ch.d to the palace i, a roof. / . 80pp our t e" "te.. ,. 111,,1 wben in peril, Ihey • mOl • . '~I .1 1re "pnl'lment of Ihe u-pon eaeh c,"'lItrll! ptnd IIUt and l ApoloiSillt : leiS ruin, 1'ihieh OD :e mUtt.b,u'e 1\. I nlay . there direct lueir eyea /lod i\ddrelt "nh and Ila& w·•• ,:n.r 1n!;'rl• OfI ' · and on Ihe 6t1e "bere l ee lanlOe ITaa in lallillneou! from their prAyers for help . r el.ilibtH!board, ond r~1 I~ ~urpo,ed .. \I I~flnt lit harcllibor i. lh~ Ohio ne"h~n' .' , Il lary.-Star.
~ci~~1~ t~:~e :::I'~~"~~:~idel~4 ~;o:~:I:a~
. ,
u": -"':
J . . . . . . . ...,
, .
~"er;I:~ ;:~~iy o~n~:;:;~ ;~;n~'
b;lo~:~il:~e Yea~; "S;::~~:o~~" l\IIu~:
whi~h ~RV&
r"ilill!{~,where ~~~:·lI::~. i~i~~ r~I~;III\I~:~~IIOmi'\;hll'
~IISI ~ullurnt !~8:rl~~~0 i=ID;lact~,.
b~8n co~:.
hi~ f~mily
AI J, 'fll
l'r Pr AI Itt Cl lD
• "'Th~ ll. E. C~Olelery '"''
re.noYltfd Ihe odler day by the
' A.
K. R. PRIlCn. \ DR, J. A. aOIKDERRT,
&. M aJUn,
lMerritt " PrlDt;z
.uo a .. tmblfd At tbe ' appointed tlmb. t TnB F~lllLr FRIBSD I~ the Illle o~ I I .', AT COIl:W1N, 8Ul IL'U Lbe place is noL in perfect br. ne" candidate for p u blic (nor, edlled . H .. 'Olr1'-11111 a full a..ol'l1lll!n of the --~flClEBERRY der, and "e are informed tbaS a Yigor· by J, .\~. Nrsmee, ~Ild publiShed in II very bell IlltTAIL DLUsa, tN ,. \'-uQ -' AT TBEJ a lii ./furt ~ilI be made to complete ~roo~l)n, N. Y. It IS a neat and beau· I what Las been begun al loon .1 tbe Ltlul mcnLllly of lixtef.Il pagt!.S, I IIM[!!W 1nl!iJ1I 1I (f) (&'U"li\l fill!e t:oitw," .TATIO. (WA r~ElVILflt). o<.ld · .eather appro.chea. Mr. Rene filled ,W llh original bi "rilers dC ! GL:\ . W l '1' Iru& 'W II &n &J TAArJlI SAIT.AIlD BOUlID. Holland ofrt! rl 10 don,le fi fty dollRrB ~ckofl"ledged lilerar}, re uta tioD, bear· I · , C HE M I CAL S: (BANDS. KUIN'S OLb ITAND', ) Niall l E&pre.., a.ls .A .... towardl purlJhR8iol~h iome Rdjoining IlIg upo~ 'li~er8111.re, lem~ranoe, al)d ; BEST CONFEC1"IONEn,lES, , LEAD, Cincinnlltl Expr.... 7.64 A.... . )billl nd Accclln., I !.!l6 A. II. I"nd, and we truRt hia Il e nerous offt r pr~grt!llll\oo. It IS lhe de<llgo of lhe , YANKEE N01rIONS, 01 L, . ~ Beg :le:vve8 :l~~J~nJ~~:::llil~ I:::p Iher Cuiumllul Accom.. 6.~8 1'. • .nr be rOHOWbd u , Rbd lI ufficient ~d l lor t~ ruake lIie monLbly particll hlTly I I . V ARNlSllES. 1 TII .. I.. ABD BOUND, Itro u nd be 8!!cured loPmllke thie Cemel. InlerellLtDg 10 l'empluance people, and i CHlARS AND TOBACCO. " A Complete Assortment of M.;! . nd Accum., 1.30 A. M. er! commodiOU8 as well 1\1 e legant. he solicits Lhe aid of 1111 'femperance ' A1811, /I complete IlDe of I Dry V 'G S 11.611 A. ftLe Ni\:hl Expre... socielies in I!xt4!oding.itB circulation and _ ' ' ,, ~ \ t:oll!rnilua Accom .• 8,66 .t . 11. Dil. H.oDACK'~ RJ:MKDIEs.-Our relld. influence; The ,·ery low prioe IIsked moQlT~ ~ 1St lij 1m ~ , : PAINT V ARN ISH, &C.; : Cincill nati Ex prell, 4,116 P. If. rur the j ;iJmily F' d t 't ' I' I ere will find t he IId\'erli eement of Dr . rltll , pu is I Wlt.'lO , all of whicll will be I Dld It Ihe very low 1£1 'J1 ~ IBI 18: P A IN T S O l L S Ro beck '. Biltet. &0 , in our colll mn B , lhe rea~\J of e veryone. Mr. , V It II I eel rateH. , : , , H . h d ' " INRruee is well known in the Jitenty ' : DYE.STUFFS, UOUANOli BBotoJi died at .. i 8 home aV lng a pet'Bonsl e Yidenc;e of t he I Id " , IGreenbacks &, coun try produce ..... ~ " ' TOILET ARTICLES, Cleveland, a t I o'clock p. a., on beneSt deri vod (rom th eld med icin es wor ,Ilhd we Wi sh htll new enterpnse i we can 8afe ly reoommend the m to Ih~ p~r m llDell t lIucce~8. 8 1 a year, 5 W ill be acep-p led ill e:lrchange for GOOdd, ; S A S H A ND P T1 T TY, utldar , A ug ult 29. public , belieY ing lhnl in mnny oasea COt lJS 84 ,: 10 coplca eB. Add re.. J. \ Corwin, Allf. 3U. i TRt SSES, ! . they will p ro ve o( grealllli lily. Van l\aDlef, a roak/y n, Lo ng P R I I'll G F I E L 0 - '1 SUPPORTERS. \ PA1NT-BRUSHES,
tRt~yl.ll· ~
:Ii M E DIe I N E
and Mixed Paints,
m ' !W I ....DOW .. GL .SS
I C0 A L
Ssturday la. " relulted al Collowa:
'r, M. W alell,
734 J, H. COll\l er, 957 Wm. H, Willi. , 636 . Prollctlli,.g AlloNl ~ , D eviJ Allen,
38u 739
WDI. W. Will on.
.4. ..ditor, O. O. MIIlt"ell ,
11 3~
J Imea W. Roll,
122 5
Recordrr., A. 8 : Unocb,
.~. - -
",. " SOAPS
Boli lon, is a ll ' DR Y GOODS, ~Ll\rlie6 hl\ve bel'lI appointed ill exce lle nt liter ltry pR per, Illld desti ne d to l , the difl"erelll Sc hool Disl rictM to collecl i be pop ular. '~ a y·oRr. : QUEENS \V ARE,
For medicin bl ~lJr poslJi to wbich the al· end wha teve r pe rt aill8 to I
FlIt S l' _R AT E
&c.1" ,
.n.g , Alao, aluocl . ul'ply oC
G i- 0
e s .;
Ite lllion of Ph\' eic iana i; especia lly Cl Ued:
A we ll·se lce ted u60rlme ut or ihe BEST
jIAnnw Aii£,
fund s fo r th e Bibl tl soc ie ty, nnd to BUP" Acoident to Ohio Gentlemen. ply the d es titu le with th e scripturEls. ' -Commi"ioner, _. _ _ ._. _ .'___ We regret 10 111111'0 that I painrul Henry Sherwood, 23U6 if"-"e are inut> bted to Mr • • Mllry th oug h no~ se riou 8 acciu ent occurred to 'I Infirmary lJi"ctor, IIdju lllllt Gl!lIH1\1 Sc houler ant! 1\ g ueal W . K indlt' ror R regll1 boque~ of la,le ot I, i" Col. D u r lin Wart!, o fOhi o,llls t ARron Ste"hWII. , Jlj~ " J. W. Rice, bOO aumlOcr l1" wcrs . AltRnged Wilh gufflir· ev ening . T he Ge ne rlll hRd b~en 011 1\ 'rhe licke&, al eltcted, Iland, Ihus : "Lie 1"81e , ror which " 'e I.~ndn our plt'Rsu rtl tri p with his . Mtlnd, ,'10 Oh el . inc6re Lhallk s. Ii~Q BeRCII, RIIO ", lltltl on th ei r return, Ht>prelent.Llve-J . H. Coult4tr. y befo re nille o'c lol!k, the ho rses I l'ro~uculing Auorney-Dllyid Allen. Ishon' "iti bccn me suu de nly f' lg lllt.Mt! a l a d .. PrubAte J udge- W m. W. Wilsuu. e o MumCATION. Imy ~n ~ illl! whi oh tlre y cnco u'nlered ,llII c l Auditor-O. C. MI\XII'ell. EV ITORS 0 1' Mluu G4t&11 & : -MrB Ig, rew \'Iolt'nt IIl1d ulllU ltnagl! ablc. Gen . lc."corde r-A . U. Gooch.
Th b
e ell qll. Ity .. .. I otellt 1,le dlCIOeS IL I QUO R S '.
IJ as ; H. Brig ha m & Co.;
P. F . OOltI U Q,
llBI 116-1
.hOl IlI ::;COHo
,, I I
123 1
Ihrlingen, J. Kolley O'Neal, Probau Judy"
,1 ~Oll.
- - -- -
()::7Mesarl D. R: E brig h t Hnd G. W . ' T HE P l l RENOI.OGlCA I. JOURNAL 18 . on '' TilE BEST DRfLL IN USE. ALL TilE POPULAR E b rig ht, formerly well .hown Clllaell8 . . \ I , our t llble, and "e I.ake pleasu re III re ' I T he ul,de reignc',1 hue be rome A£te(11 ill of t11l.8 placl:, hue (o~med • co-par t. ' commending iL to the thi nki ng publio , thi~ vic ini.I' lor Ihe shove Whest·Drill. IUlrfil ll jl tor co nuuC lln ~ t b e g roce ry II hi ' t· ' I f ' IV lll eh lie la prep ared 10 luruiatJ 011 Ihe 1\8 a p u , ICll Ion everv way ", ort Iy 0 lIest term s " . . , b ll stneSS to o u ~ n~ lg hbo n ng ctty of 8U o U lL" I ' bl d I' " IPrrN~ rnlW~l m ,~ (rl1;n ~ Xen it\ , We w i ~ h Oll r friend s a bund a nt : P' 18 I" VII UII e , a n , COli a 1011 SA'f ISFA C'fION INSURED. I LIiIl Ltl~ A LI.l.l&'V LlIW)'il . I ' ,, mUle r eally u seful nnd \)ent ficla l mat· Pet~01l8 \\rJ il hillj: to eXAmI ne cao do 80 ' success III I Itrlr n" w e nletp tIS/i. I . , b I' , w' 1 [ii) ~ Iii) II:' In 1M) ~ Iii) V _ , _ _ _ • _. _ ~_ I le r l lRIl any ol he r mllgdlll e of 1t 8 y OIl hllg onlh e 1I !!;e" I, nenr ~ vn e M' II"" I£, 1m II" i!!I IIW l!;. 1m II . price extl\ nt. $!t! a year. Fo wler & Ivll le. WI L.LIAM BAKLEY, U ' MI . Rogt',fR o ut wi th th e Well . , New York , I' A ug: 30. , - . , H A I R- Q I L S hrmd .omesL O Wll lb us tn W arre n Cuun · " -Iy. IL eR n be Geeu on exh ibiti on e nny l UI! AItIE1((CAS MUCFI.UNr , II new , 1!Am~Y #et kl y of ~iilee n p"ses ,pu\'li slied Ly R ETAIL DI!:A. I. E R S IN i . ' dllY, be (ure trllih li llltl;
to'. s. Vaa
lal' I'
IV. ·
E &.ICTlON.- TLe eieclion
0 I L
. C.,
£'f O ETC ' " . ---:--A co mnlete &l8ortment of I'
'1 ~!l cGUF F'Y' S & WILSO N' S SERI ES, &1), . &u., doc.
WA."I(N!~'lf[~~~, ~O'.i I 1I\'IIe ' allt nllon , to tlIa'' r S tuc •... 0 f
{} 0 0 D g,, : Physicians' P ' t' m· I'DI'1Y!E8TIC U . , rescrlp Ions ,GA LTERS AND SHOES DRESS-G00DS, I , I For Ladies & Children. Carclulty and Promptly Filled. Ihrown MEN & BOYS' WEAR I The beet quali ty of I
, I tlc holilc r IIl1d Col. WRrd we re Oommi 8lione r-Hllnry Sher"ood . " I () I tl 1),. 1.(, 'r - 8 ( 0 ,. (~ , rtY r\j ,,,, 1171~ It 'iNl i1'i1 ~m"',\~~ IDfirmary Director-AaroD 8Leph ~ ne . Hutchi~\8on '8 lectures, on l'h urddllY vi ultl uLly Lo the ~l'Ounu, while th e hor· IIlId F nd /l y cH ntng ~ Il16t . were chl\.llp. , ' s~s ddb Cht u t~' l" m tie lve ~ (r~ m the ve· 11 aD VJl Ir (() 11 ~ , e I.,J ;J.' ~ ~1l~ LIilI ll;i) lQI,~L(j(~ .:profound, It n J s ugg es Liv e. ·A det p I h ~c l e Rnc! (: on tlllur:d' their tltg ht up t t... • ~ I URYll e~ \'ill e, Ohio. I For (l pllll E' men's Bnd BOV8' weA r. AI_n, BIBLB 1f IsTINO , -Tbe 8Dnual meet· mt:lnphJ ~ i(' 1\1 ""i n "'1 11 th ro ugh th t m. 1ptk e to wards Cht' l ~e R , w l,tore tllt:Y .w e l'~ I p 0 S T . 0 F F I CE r, 0 It N E It. I' n large 8u;lply of well •• elected oC the WRyne Townllhip Bi"lu S o· 'J I I ,uu lI ,1 IIL I ~ r In Ih e e venln " , by oal,,'ro IIt·C II call on I y bc appreCIa I" te »)" II C I 0 ' I 111 I 0 J "3 I ( rI will be held ill tile M . E . ChU rch S' I I }'.• J' , .1 unle r li n, ~ ey. , t\ nu '\ General Assortment o f ~~e__ I 1 uw , Ie -: III ..,rrgcu ISC USS IOII , a u u I The ge lllli- fI'I olI were conaiJ ernL1J'I' • thil place 011 SlIbbl\Ih Dut, '" 3 " . l\liDrKr.lorily / 11 'wt rt:d lIle qU tls li o ns ! "ru iRe d , by :," e full, ,R,nd w e l e · as i. i slt'd , k. Addrellt elf "iI' be made. f'r(lpOUild~J . She clllim s thal moll l' rll 'l by p 'lrltt: A \1\ Lhe ",tctnIl Y lu, th e, t~ 11 \ • ',_ I " , Spirilul\li ~m , i~ td t vllt rtl! til e Ilu llIall \1' aJhll u ~e. · D r. K F. W lll l rn a n ep-'I'he proct ed ingl a& the meeLill~ , t • Ch .,J ~"a I\ r. U D r. W . G , Wbee le l' (I f 01 s ll kinds Illways on hand. the M')'AI RIlrurtn SoeielY on Mon· mind 10 th l\ t 'IJI 'lne o. thought , 'tl e, lg, n· 1C,""I." E'a were cll ll ed , Rnd tlpon ex . ~mill " which Ihpy olTer ot Ih e A line " Iottmen( of , . . , •~ , ~ ev..nioi la.t were quite ill It'res L. ~ u by G ud III00 SI1lf. Nut MttdelUlIllI g Rtion it Iva S (oull'lI tlt"t Otl lL Sch oult:r ' ililolvt he pl'cdomiMt e 8rth oduxy 0/ 11IadsII 81I1i n(.ti inj lll'ies illl.h e ~hllpe Of i LO ~Jl\ S l ,MLl R A E1 PRICES. ~ 1\ v"rmanellt organiulion Wf\ fi LA:t\fP~, S I spirilual phil · It brukt! 1l wrif L, ItIlU a Oontu gion 1I \>() l!t r J u'y -I . <i,l f ItlU, aqd Hoo . S, S. Hainel eJe61ed th e d"y, ~ he IIU VOCIIlC , , , th e helld IInli s ho uld e rs. Col. W Rrd 'ti ! - -~~--- - - -------. -- -- -- --- -
--- --
Ladies' Gents' and of'CHI I LDREN'S SHOES "
: dt nt.A. E. Merr~ic6 ~I'e "ide lll, J,IBney ~er~tary. and J o lrn M . '['r"a.ure r. Sh urt ·~pel!chel ,!"ere by K.8"tl!, J .W.KeylAntl oLhers, a (und wa. rai.ed, or AL lea~L c~m · DCI'd. for Lhtl Vllf;bl.ll of prolecut· IItrenderl again'L Lhe pellc. and ordn 01 !IOcit!I)'. 'fhil lookllih M~1
h indeed proY8 a Moral
rurru 8ueiety, 011 nezt Monday cnillg, Ihe 8oei~ly _rlt Auemble at u_ulIl Lime alld place •• hen an lid·
" ~
IISON,on tlWr U8el "ud aLUl el of Alco·
Let Ihere be " I{~nt'ral aLteudance Ihe oilinnl. Tbe L.Jiea Kre e~pllc ·
,!ill be
~ I'
d' I., a
~t!livert!d by Dr. F . WI t.
o~oph " y , p rog , ressive
ofl 'n, ii '
,na ' il '
Lbe Fir" NAtional and Warten Balik.. Entriel roRY be madEl lOy lime after tbe 10th of Septem· by calling .,11 tile St!cretary at the Nalional lkal!'.
19th insl.,
ting .aa bfkP" Lebanon, regat'· ti,e con.truction or a Branch R"jJ· to !.tbano';,
A commillee of ten
AD EIt & C0
:~tlp'::::;r~hi?' Ip'::pe :r~~Og~'~~8~:::· ~:;~ \I I
a. R. MUTI.a.-On tile
d' nut Fair, are IIOW (or dnt,ibllliulI, aDd mlly be had
ID . III, chllractt!r, . ,
hig hh 'e n\im ellt Rnd the tt'ue physi . , Tilt FAf&,-l'hO WILt'ren County Ag : olo"y of mincl, m " st in timEl, rdire e> Ilural Sociely will 1.0ld their nu l be rore tll'e' scorcl.ing he at of R ' more ultl dli ~Liliun at l.e b"t\lln oa Wed Il,o ble and I:xpltn siye truth . All Li,t! 1'humlay alld Friday-Sl"p, deve lope metlls o( mind hllve be~n at· I r iO, i l lIud i!. It ia d~8ir~bl l< tend eu with goo d result s . The gt'rm' l n e ry perrlon bring ~omelhillg Cor inalillg . l\~\ll l'gt! lI eo\ls germ of thl< , .1 it il the conSidenL e lpeo· ~co'n eJ: P:IIIUtl 10 tl. e mighty anll' com. from All presenl jnllieatiolll lhl\t IiC t\lll tl oak , A mere ge rm 0 f IIOUg I h te, P Jo'llir Ihia FilII will greatly ucel an! hoooo,,2nl:oll' lind ~ imple . auggesled Lo(ore beld ill \V antln County, and since, by Hnd ellibonlting contribution .iII add to th. ~en. lhrough Il lllOu. auu prolifi c bnlinF, be iuter!It, Pa:nph!\,tt contltihing comr s "flSL, lI r' lerogc lI eo u8 and com. 1/ Preillillml, R...!41lationa aud Awar . pliCRleli. Thua th e prc'o; ressiv e d e wel
6, ·
I~ f t c Ib o w waS d I' ~ IoOlite0 anu,I tie I a l DI " AT~EH ' '1 ~ I i ' ,~ CHIMNEVS. "' lllcl~ I~ rR plll ly IILu nctl.n~ Wllht~ . ttM I bro ke n ubu "e. Th is Arm wa s pnrliHlly ! . , ~ I VIIS L rtlllg e, all o( I\J ose mlDds ffOl\llDg I pllmlyzcd (ro m Ih e effl'cts of R glln s h ol l ' , - -,. n to ' . , . : d . I ' h I Ill ' 'The underllg n1!d w lshea 10 fOil Ih e pl · 1 III lUlU ouL uf lh e vino us dt!lI oll11nll woun I ~ c .. tv e( 10 I e ~ IOU e r lIom e , I J' d II U h 't . , , mOlllhs 8"0 whil /! in fi~rvic e. 11f'lItlull 0 u ,mprs 8n 8 ,' Oln I m ~ v . , \14.1111. lind sy st ewaLlz lng and marshRI · 'I' b . b' I 'I ' " . . rUIl t!c rn, 10 thl' IUCI tl1l1'l lu! t8 etJi'lled III tf.SI IA rr~1T L ~l1f\ ,\1') lmiCl ~1i1I~ -SUCH As-' 1111' a ap iriLIl"r orrr lluiZlltion which must I . he ",olln'uS' of 0 1 I ge ut emf'n \~e re ! th Il IllUIIUfcu\'lOfI!J of II wLl ~~iNl ~ A'I\~LI.l.l A lQI, IW) Ll.lW) o9 o . . ' 0 • ' propcrly ure ~8l'd nn d Ih"y wl:re 8u1)80· I ' , r, ' bom ttll refilling auu ElIHRtl(l~ chRrac , Iquentl, broll'g llt to t he 'tlemont H oli'F e I and CARRIAGES, ,. " , ,. FIN'E \JUT ·1 • • • I ' c'i " 1 k I C ' ~I ~ h i " A t NElS' I L J" E . Jr ND PLUG Ler, IIU 1u a conspic uous pOSItion among III t li S lI y . III a 1 8C , iy It y II ill S 1\ ct' d t d II Cl""AR -J~ At ND • U I CI ' h I Sci I 41~811 l!r prepare 0 0 III Ie , OJ ' the scientifio 61 our rl\ce . The \'llri01IB ~arre, ~ f l e,~e R. u cne ra IOU ~r '~tI'e8t filylp, snll on Ihe e hor' e~l : - -0 -SNUFF. do,{mlls and erteus, which have origin . t8 out Ihl S mornin g , a~d Col. W aru .t ~ lIo\ic.·. olly thll'lg ill h i~ I iu l', frum • wheel -, -II" 4,.w'" lin .: tured with tI,,, s Ulll' ratil. cOfl ~ .. INed o~mfurla"' t:, but, h e wtll i burro,,", I" the tinesl bug/:y, 'I BLACKlNG" do ~~ ' ' • J rYl:~u .. r prll bRbl" nC t" I\' 6 furlht:r ~ llrgl:1I1 tre lt t · ~H . d I ' 11\1 ~ A , 'rI lH;ACI\J~ G· BRUSHES, , (I I I I d I' I • . ' ,. ," \I'-J nVIll ~ Recure I Ie l!4'r v lces 0 r, , .... ~ ~.... ETO ETC.' ton 0 lelllle:n mytlo ogy -=Rn w ItC I llI e ~t III Ihe: ho~ ptll\l. L he CalT lIIge , ELLISOII K EMI', ft BtlpE'ri or w ur ll mlnl, Ih e , .• ha ve feLlered aud -:: ribbed Ihe chuiulc I 8 wUlch was con stut'rably uaDl8 ged. W~8 1 I1le nl i tl\1 01 Ill S neme in Ihi s cO llnf'ftiu n i -0£_ - :_ _ mind-must ,' i.. ld to Ihe progrp8s iv e owned Ly Mr . Maynard, UowdOlo will be Rutli ciellt gUllranly Ihal elttisrac. I '1 I 'f I t · d ~'lu/lre,-Bo'{Q/j l1eru/cl, ..it/9 11 ft I 8t/L l lioll LI' III be {Iven. , I I ~. l ~t~t·t"l·'ne(! V p1II osop I y 0 t ie pre sen Rge , lin ~ JOliN W. COLLETT. ; fn~ ~
he' \1\'
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_, __ .__ H ats and. C aps
+rlly ..
t!~vllli l'Jal·l~efli.
C"rfju/ll/ COlT/idea Euery We e/; . 'I' .n'"., 1 75
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SUcc"80r to Hopk in.
Ib N~\\f·0 r. cuIl 8 SUllar 111 ,!h
We shnll r.ontltad'ti~ ~'oep' on hand II Kfn· erlll ftSoOflmenlDf Palent Medicine •. • \ Al eo, jus , received from Plltlbu',. II' . J . , gou d an d we II ·se I~ c l,P. d, I~ l 0 r
N ,. U.' lUul duel;p. ,," I. un,
a 0ri3p;n,)
. Al Ihe old Blond 011 ~hin Streel, Wayn e, · i :1 ville, would inlotm his old co ~lomer. an d,'1 ,~ ' Ihe reet 01 mllllkintl, II,ol he UOB a gOo"
J 3;)
full utl,
1110, a "'ri,~ tI eupply of
1'1" In , I-.,opper &
, I
P R 1. N T
Ghe Us " tiLL,
S A n . ! you cannot Ilil to be luited bOl.h in . ,) lIOIiIY aed price: J une 23-f.
Goods' i l~RtJIT~JARS
l~ leet-Iron are , opllm ents mind 1\I'Il oru uin cd by Gall". lor so te II the IOW~8t cash pricee . A 11 ~ lO ele ~te, 1I0t ig nore th .. present se nti , I SI~ECUL NO'. ·I(;E!!i. kintlil 01 ' Dlt:nts or l h c a gc . Ldus tl ot, the ll. > ". OOI .l DOOR WORK, ! Ileclpe I'or th e Cure of l' eve r & A:,IIC. , , ' . R. Ii & d G~ds de ~ ri 8e lhe c hll8l ll 8uel pitre duclrille8 of , Sik h II I Sp lIlOlg, 00 ng, c" one on , 'VY -v B ANG()~, IIllch ., S epl. 9, 186-1. . hort nOlice Ind' in lhe !lital m ontier, 8pirilun I i ~ nl , \V Ilie II IIllS a I rll8 d y d une .. Hn . C.· W . ItoJlA c K- 8ir : Your Hlood July 31.,..~ \Dore fo r th e Erh.liS l\ rHri g ll a g e"'::; lII In · PUrilier Ulld Pill " tic lllle lle r "L e re t I1811 allY -~~.. -~o troducing almosL :1' nl:\9 11 0mencla· uli ler lII etlicill1'8 I cuuld keep. Tile y Ire , ' ' .aaL ~,. U ,; ; lure-Ihllllllll the Yariou~ syslemll of jU &t lhe dietl icille Ivr tl,c peoplE', peculiar- , _ _, • d Iy udupt"cl lur the cu.e 01 (.. vor 111111 alille, ' I d f I f - . ' --tbeology which Iltue eve r bel: lI A \'0· I cJ 1 lIke Ih .. met 10 0 , n ormln g. , , , !JUI tile people u ~ e them de Il ge ll e r~ IDt1 :1 m,' riM hie/ldll and II1i! ptl-bll c :e ner' ~t ciltl!d . I!.et I\!I dlH!rl!h a dO~ LrI,ne which ,d:',t:. , , Q olly', lnlt J' hn ';e re dioved m~ pl~ ce dop~' Ir S~ leHchu Ih"l the 8l111l III IUl n'\ Ul't\LI. lu brl!uk an alurl/ of the Aj!~e, t ke , ol bU8iouII I tT lhe BIll lid form erly oocujlled ,. 'I r n t" l,ieS lwull lul uf the lllu ud PUrifier every , 0 Mr a 1 t homai a" " F'ane)' 81or8 ' I and elln ho d eomwUlhcaLton will ou hour , ollll Ih e ll cl elll.se the "lIlnll ch al,lll l y • " tlepal'll<tl hit-lid». !:PIJUTU ALl ST. bow c"l. we ll wilh your I'III ~. and in,lhrt'e . OPPollte the .og1!ra HoU.e~, W ' 'I A !i s dUy'lI Iltlr du rilj1I"IHt will be reuluV'ed alld" .~ BOY!~.1 lIynl:8fI.':, ug. , perma ne nt ,.ure eli~ct~d. ' _ . where I intend 10 keep .:n, hand a genen' l MEN'S IJ , ' . . , ' A1 1 who Iry Ih,. lrcllllne lll before! lip. Uij8U rlmelll of ~ or" , bo, 1 01 -1,. OO-WI1 helrt' lhl\'l thue IS ~ move O~I Dll,jllg t" • ~', y sH: ill n, ' wili hA In ve tl tllllt,1I n"lf 0 ' " 1'1' '- ' ~ (001. lo e rect a fin e hotelal the Su1plrur Cull I a nd 8ufhmn::. l'uurll lrllly, and Ihe bes t btnnde '0'
IPl'cture & Wm'dow-Glasses.'
1~ @ 31~3 'I ;:;~~;I~ CIXlking Stoves, Domestic 3~ 17 ' <19 !l:l
. o.
"t a
: 'B A R ( A INS
, ~
r~,\:t~~,~l'l~dtl!e~ C ull;,e
G 'A
R E -'" ,., V A·-----1 ... ShawIs I , I'll '1 . Qk' • I 0"
O'f " gr~1t nllny !linGa IDti in l~jge qu,n.' lilie 8, ror &ale by ~l ~1ER R t"'r & PRINTZ,
I ' cured th e
TI;;s we know to be pure, ae we pro· C ider' Ir olP re liable pllraonl iA , 11/1 1' 8' II' Oil'htiorhooil . and permilled it to ~ , ' turn I<h irie g. r un . our o,w!1" p~e ml lle8. LiE" o\'fT'l" "'-~ J\, "INTZ lU n,n, . ,.
NOT I 0 E ..
" d I . The ' U ~~ e r~ il~ e dlio. L.~n u y IPPolllt·, ed Adlllini 8 lr~t l)r or Ihe E <tllte of Samuel Ko lb late of Warren Counly, Ohio. de · ' ceas:d. JOS. G. KEYS. 1 . , ' I ~ 1865 4
, AlIiU~_I_ ~ ' --.~--..,.,--....- til J - T,r, , .lJ r CO' Board of ·DirecIO,. the ~ M. R , ~ uDIO \1 ,v f rl , l:, Dandelion'CotTe .. , Rye CIJft'ee, prime RIO ' It their next meeting in ~ptembe r, Coffee Ind Exlrar.l of OQft'et', lor .. Ie b, to OblaiD I rom' thsltl • definile prop' miRR1TT & PRINTZ. ~,------• 'l1111" rolloWing aA tlJlf dames 7, .a A. D. 'J'4f~ .5 CIT Y MAA\' U) ~1 Cl'URB, I) rlilriili~ @ lMijil ~ llJI fJ1rt'~ Ibe relWedlllD compriling tbe COOl· l:Ilpringl, nellr, ~lJbllnon, o~· tl~" Sllllker · . , t ' oM ' wsrutlt lu U"81I11 il fBtti tSn " Q!J ININI!lI ~~!!J&~1iI THis bes t 01 all f: otlllh Syrup.;' lor .. I. : J"mea M. Rhosa, Jbhn Drp'\re. lOWII rORd. 1 he utIlerp rtse 18 a g uod ':A~l)Crh6£n'tll '9 . I Th.nklu:t~ f~ Ihe ~I'e! r liliiirll,' palronilg~1 by r.H1RR 11"r & ~R1NrZ, D~ MeC_in, Geori8 l\ongatrt!tb, o~e, and we hope h will met:t w'ill. s ue· I' 8 -Stu~ , I for ' PVl!rs \' ~ earB be8 ' owe~, J h o~~, by, • ·"J.Ulllrlln,,_ Hott: I, ScOU, Ala cea . ' , ~S ' ol o"!" al IitlDn Inil ' IlIi r' de.~ intr, .Btlll wI ' - --'---~ V: 0 ' l,T T" C' . d c' PLO~S! ~ rheril' age n·erou8 COl1lii;luftOce,o /tJllllft me· I ' 6A£ L-AND: SEE.. ~r ~,,' D\;;d ~Ibftt, James' Smidl 00- ~on. nOdJ8S or"l0 . • Iur,,·e . f a• A"fu tl nl!llOrl10 6ot of th e ltichm/l l'ld ao'd '" •. E: KEY.S. , ny Ihe kill or pound, of a warranted 1 J!;'n~; how e 011 Motull1y'.<111 IL "ISlt to hi S Itm u ' R ' n Oil r'lo\\"f or' slIle II}' , 'rllr lIlurkct prI ce at . 1/ tllnes p81d (or J- - ' tr q., ~ I ,· t\· ', / or .. 1ft by , , .1 ' \ I' ,.,. R:~ , ~IVAL L, ' G ree n .. ' C . Ir· "'k' /. 1I 81 ' . Peltt . J UI 0 • ily . Ho is III' e:i<1!' lle'ltt •ut a l l'.- ., Lil li ft ) to A LLE' ~ c...uld ili. ~ lila onu l ec1l ~E1l1UTT ' & I'R1NTZ! ~n...ci th. Ildverli~me lit or , 0 0 "\'1" ". _ n n ,J ill) :l:-U ( I, t , I .
' nItCl m~,n
w•• appointed
to confer .i
", II A T
Wool"y-Groc~ ry at Corwin.
OilJe. e,
PLO'v !. '
n C"lie6< ea
NG ' ' _______ Jackson's Pectoral Syrup,:
lq r,
t)' .. " .
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•• -
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K E'
EL "
1\1 I A
SALE !! 11
,MAGNIF1C~NT I Watches, Silver Our cilizens, on Monda,. : at, we re I , J. 'V KEY,. \ ~I 11C \L E 'Tl\DLlSI1ME~T, Gold and greMly .boc k .. d lit the aanouncl! m e oL • lhllt Mrs, ElizabeLh Melvill. "ife of Mr. JUSt.lce of t.he Peact;, \ No, 4. l Rro dwu)!. !'\ew York. {f]; lE~:n y 7 -&11. HORACE WATER.s r
!_ l~l~F~S ' IO~~AL ~.,uD ~_'_1
George N el l''", of t his wy, had com - \ AND NOTARY " VOLt. P IAlit' MELIIl1En~s. ·AIlI :i P.T Ollt:A!'S. ON TilE ONE O\)LI .,\Jt I'LA miLted 8Uicld e.-For mlloy y e llTS ah e L ' d n ('I'm -' ''e 'll \ " F.Ii'f 31 uHo Ou,'''''. ,, " ,I ull killlb ali lhe W . t, Norlh • , Id d \I I. Ile i. 1f1'11&6 /1/ • 'I'j of bad. b een 10'f8 l ,lUI and , I, tnt /<it- Ttli1tHe PIRE' (111.1 ul lilu;'c'li 1111 J Ij\'HI _ I ,: D'I ,e ""'. 11 t If' , , \V (lilli h · \V IIl 'IS I Lilli Ulld II. Illmlly ",,"111008 we re Ih e m osL h"rmon ' Ill'!" 1 C .8 "IWIIJI III 1110 luwe dt rA le r, whulc<nl e l One Gold and Silver Watch Man· eO lill ec l ioll< fLlrll1 ili le r III .h ll rlf'HI 01 . . chIHRClCI, 6IIt: IInu" grown wllary 0 , Ildllfnllce omjJlllllt I I o ,'C'oild I"lIlu., 1', 1'"" 0' " I:IU" ,) ' I ,. I , Ne I.n Y 01k IOU8 . .. 0 "' u '. nf:ll:tory, t \Vo lmm eu se J owe 11 y I I hI! be. 1 rOlll t! II) PI ,I" 11ft! an WM lin I . • " lIlt leI S hUIlI, :1111111 . Iree l, I"d .... ll d III IIrell l \lV , E bl h ,t c Silver- P la- \ 'llus,,:/I, IIl1tl h lllg iOIl. . ( . ',1 \ WA r 'ES'Jl lLI E 01110 75, lOa, 12;'.1 50, l lia . :l O IlIlll $:l:lti e" stll 15 m en 9, on p tr llvt!lcf II' ·Y Wliit cOll h.Jellce UPIllI on ~he 8ullJIlCt ~ bUIClu G, 5 Ie wns a l . ~ , . 7 , el" V" 1',.,11". Ilir :150 ~ I ,d up,lIu r tl8 1' ._ hn g \Var ehouse, one Gold en I .\. u.,I·'W Ih,-J Nlr P"~trs. dl re r.ulI lIl"·liu lI , IlijI/l IIl'eti wi~tt n1 0 nOnl1lo1ll • A l iucerl' pr ofe •. o l o f , ,~_ C II · ur ,I · ··,1. b.ocJ1 fl,all".t II 0''''tl tl .J , e UII'" 1111.1 nit·I," I,'U'" I" , ,d , 11111 I rPII' Il I' " " . nn d Pen cl l Maker , Knll' ty, III1J eve, )' IlpphUl\lIe lor 1I0"l rOI\ 1LC l(l edh)(IO she mind h nd. Ibat oeverlhlEls" 1)-.1 . , eCIre'OIiS "' '' .r, 011 proCRt! 3 - c , .. ' ,[u pur'ituS("!' MUl1lh ly Iluvmenu rcTo 100 d i-IHI-cd 01 w ith UI <llllll'h . \)-.'\.v \, ' Q ' hern,owo il Wft. no Sln lII ,lI.' U lit0 ClI' lil fI,le. · J l' I \) l.\., 0 ll pfU rur pcl. N gn d e I . !::' pel lu I pnill s t uilC II III prepa r"'1l P II "c,v ed I", I it I' \\ 1 r 11U 'J' 1IJ;:1 , .\ II U '1'U l U. . • 1(1tl'"l ">·1','ul' Ilt" "u rd, lur " uy DIIJ IIlglll ,prVICt, lak e h e r ow n life. Htr 0 0 1,. pr _Ii IIIIU proCllrllII' bnl'k 1'.1/, II """IIC-. '1' 1,,' I " ' rllte \ V F 8"t1 \ TI 1..(01) \ \:: \ \'\l"..1l h".e I"ce lll ly bl' e ll ""ue" III Ih o equ ip. DIIIICS nr086 Irom dI e p"lll lh .. t self Uc "f ::lll ld,e l b 1:111"- J'OIi' 10'1' U. rillC UII,} ,llI rllltle 'I It ""fI"ci ",r ,)1 1,,,1,,,,,, 01,1.. ·,tle' <>"1",,,.. JJ me n I 01 Ibe FCllu.ylYl1l1iu Cuu.ru l Ilu jJ; BtructlOD would givt: her h" ,balldl l "0 rb'.O'llIble. I 't el IIrR IOII IJp. tur I h\' o \\ u ,kHltll,l. l plh,UII\I Il, ,. r l,, " II v'" (I" ani ' r"'I'I. , c ~ U f l"" ,,'10 "'" r I.. ,.1" " 1''''1'' v • !lftllghlcrandCrit<IIt1I1. l'heBuj"clwad , "ne ur e.. . ,. 11"" ,,,,,".,,,0.,,, ...,, .. ,11,, • " .lnllll ll ':; 'I"t l " 1 II.t run constantly III her lh o ughu, uO ll l,at Alill pru curetl "" favo rubl e l er til '; I '.· £S TLlIONIAI,S. \\ ." L, -h vlll.1 I, I"VII,,,,,,,,I.' . llI lul, "I,u, \ \\ -LOa\) H 1> tllrel't 10 Ill ,. \11 ,iOI\ D f',,!!!. wh e r llta l hour, 6ho PUI her long yeurs re.ldl?lII C 1111111' T lte Il o rll" (! P ," I1 V·" '" kl1 0W II Ih ,,, .1.. , .. " " .. .. 11, ' 01 1,"' n 1I11f1"III ,·,,1 t.1 Ih,' 1',,1,1,,' rLl r ",·r. lire Lru lI . I,·r r< J 10 lh,- Tr ulll!! ul lit• L' "'n 1"..."\:-; ,U A ' U f' \ C'I l' II E.: J IluI >.) U ~I' cIIII MylVl, nl ll I R hIIIVII\', wh ich l-uroo e 111 10 e xecuti un 'I CO IIII"UII,IY . 7·3m Ill' UII'U li lt th " ve ry Ocs l - N v• ",Vit i A ,'II a!. , ","rU ti l,' 11 cI"I " ye.II -. nil '(' 11 I fit> ( ---- ".1 . 1,01 ,'[ II .. " I " . 6'<0011 ,1 ,ul" " . 11 I , I'" ); """ . '"' , "' ; 1,' II ve I'llbbt,rg UIIU orrl\t! ut plllllh n 6lh e day l ef<llCU to, nbo uL II o . f I f II Ifl £'rll9 or IlIll IU l l f I Ilhlll li lll 1 Id ItL , d II U\\!,ld ubI/tat Iii Iii, • O • AM ., hc r liu.Ihlllld nlld tllluijh ' l fl' , II (' C" I\ I . .. .': , I' I . ',h r" I" ,l.' " \,1 I ho",",,11I Itt') un , ,"U" d I ' "Tilt' " 11.1''' ,a n uR rU IIl oer 6111111 ' '1 I ' II \ : I) , y 1:. I\·ul $~- L,' "I1CS Pi:t dburir OI ~.
l, oll ~eyat1Cer,
M ~SlO. ~r~ , I lIbt'1I11t~1I1. ~ r~ll'l. Ii(lr~.h,a. Prllll~,
r.JJ ' .~
alltl l'~ "''''''8
"IP r~' lallu~
W urru ll1 ~d
I) H I_ n~~cE-.15
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ttlt~ n~ ofmo\Ll t'lu hUll. l lt: 'SUI) l'U\"· lt'\r,"~· CE'n, I tJ I r t Ito \l!ry foun ""Illon I ~ V·"'to \'UI) l .l, l' D I.~,H 1' 1 t, "" 11 6 t "' IIII! u "1 ,rI. I II I~. ,nl I ce r. I 'l""Iii," -Ite., v "' II I ",
te rLulOIl nb.elJl..
III~trUIII" " I'
yeur~. \ l~'11It: Hl
L'I~end l"tre l nRllruntel" ':lcle. l.suoJ , Prtceat:reu IIY l ed"l,.
Lu~ lllijU llaL~u
}o~rOIll po~, j(lnil l.f ~dl ::;~Ul ~I, J ~ lpllo 13 [.tl,ntLlr~ ~VII r ~ly 'I'h~
1'ltl.b"r!t.lrAII'~ [rO llllhe\VePntl~e~.
,I~'lulre \\\~\\~\!,\\.""I,!, \'\)\'\.\.\.\\.\.\'\.\:\~ ~ r,.,·.,~·t 1•.• 01101 . '" ~' 1.1 • I1I,II'It'"' ' -' ~l\ll.!~ . 1.IJH lh :\I t!JllHl1c~ ur l\ ",, 1,,1 ""01')" I'"II' i "" " " ",,1 ",t"" III l Ilt' I" II.- I u ~I ". T " IlI rtl, ' I .\" 111 '1 " ,·,,11 "' ''' 1',,1 ,11,' " .'1 ~ nnLI nn~ ic I I ' 'I
Ivl llt\\~
I 'I bO 1\ .1\1 I,~ ."IUpl li/!. ilL "fItI CI IlO lilaC -r , , I\rrt,r. ul A I "U II ,,>10 ul 750 A M , 'jl", -A N 0 Tilil lI ufl,ce \V IIII' r8' 1', ,""a ore "I •• ,.'1, ,, ,I III U· II. ]\1 r B II I 1032 A 'l\11"11l1\'.() ' 'V'1) ' rr' p'T1' -r'9 \ \ I ,)(lel!4fiA . • . p e .(·"lt1 .A.~.u..l"''''\,\''' .. ~""..uJ.r w \,,[ lheue sl')IIulfIll~llh'i'u" . 1,\" 0:-11.: UUI.I , \ It ,1..,,,, ,,", -:1'" [h .... ~""C, " 'II I11I~"U U I ,I '!)' II H ,· r.. " ..l:·"~O ~ 111 , \ .. & J ..~ lly\ ~IlWiOIl~tJ l l" ''' ' .();Ii .., . "'''' 1' . 111) ., 11 HHISuI\~\; " ' "v" Il,v llle, Ollio, mO le na! -A' vo"ule llur llU, I I I (. \\\·l\'\· ... \." ..: \ ,·OV\.C ,'\.\.\t,'b, I III [. ~ r., I\ u: llln urei 6.', I> "I , N°,,, . '.1 I I 0 V '1> I [\11 .1 1 \ " dlbl 1 1'1 ' 1 .1 lt l 1111) hl\H.. ' (11111 111 1'I I, IIm '"' ' l' .. U r. .. q\l'o&. y lRShL a CA fC t . , 11 a _ - ---- - - -, ----- - utero I- 1111• • II l . " v":'0 08 c" .. · ii", .,,'" ttl." 1 "" \0 ,. , r 1I<o.t "'" 1"" u hi I,e hl' lI et: lh"lr 1 \ 11111. VI It A I "II IOW li . II I 10 :!U P . IU .• PI "I, uJel table ahe rounu" nole eommU nlCll llng l to mp" rt ,O Il Wil " Ih e hlil'SI 111 11 0 " "h.,' I" " lll J;": 11,1, "",,' '' · 1 ' l l' It, "\ III [) ..151' 1\1, . ",," Ne,\ ¥ulk, \lt l! eall intelligence lhlll Bit t! wou ld fi nll \ ' " /Illy \\ III Ih e cuulttry -H " mll J OUl- " " I, ,I" '" ,h·" '''' " ,I ) 1"",",. 'U l'''I'tl l " VI" \'1 ,111111" 11"""' III 1027 P Itr In ' LIIe CI~ ' I ern I AI ~" 'Il W&~ I O l ru o I H aVill" .. hnd ) enrs' lI u l I h,< .. .. - 01 lor!;" of J . Wt !t, "",I I ""d ~, ,", ,11,' 111 l'rOltlt to Ih e I, ,,,\ •• iutor. I \\JAIL LI ~I - L~"V"H I'I /Idllllrj,( ft t 15 ~o \'1'1 lere l I't ~ l! ce II ~ n ', W,Il • vi I\l c dlll ll e . "Il ,'r~ IItl " ll l ' 1'.10'. 1 \ " J<' sl~II'1 1'1 I II. \1 . ·'1'1'1'111" al oil r_/l ulur 01" " " "._ I' II nu " I".:1rd e l 1.1 lit e p'U " lt ce H u,&ce ,"Ville rS' p ,nllo FOrl ~s ~re I ul "I ""'" 'l I""d.," I' ':'l:' .,. ,,' "II": I" ,,, it), 'I, "J l" Ih e II h ""U II lulle. olill puwe rlu. muther wal Co unll-Lhu Vlllll Ipllrk el!- I l' ru:e • ., ullul . I fltI'. N \' Ttlllu. lc .t!e" R., I('IY, ! '1'1, ,. 1101"" ., I • '",.It ....., """ 10 • n. , .,' r, ,, • '" _ no I (\.\\.\. \\.\\ "-.\\' \ \.\\.", I A Itu.,I,,·t .. I 11.. 15 11.. 1\1 , II \IO Ct. II wa s Ih llL s he hBd \ WayneSVille and Vi cinit y. Uu r Ir" ' I'u"c '''" III II"IJ u"I !\lr, \V-I IOI IO' Uv /l l l' lltk lt, u, 'l pltPI ll' ' I ul" II ... ors' ( ... 1 I 6 II ,,<1,.(,1011 I Lh ld I 11.. ",l lito , ,'< \ If d"l l ll..l l .lI l l \ lUI ! ll lld,c l lH,dl.!. LI,c lr ' Po \I . ltr rll' I" " delld at leasl IIl\lr lin hour be f",e , -, 1' 10 "" I " It",,·. "' . . ,. n ,I' .1Il1 I, " IV • vr ,\'In II P II q, " . ' I () frlOl" on l h e e o rn '! r t lf I\l lI tR r\lU I Mt - ~Iun."! 'Il e V l I y I)e At Uti:) v r t l1, eu l 0 1 !II II nt l l 'I.\IIIlh .1\",!u ll .\"('nul ~tnl l t!1 l! Il' td III It'h " .... 11 ~H \ t t"lfll'" hl\ 11 ' al dl.. 11 IJ : dH' :\1 r J '' ullu .. r 1''''GIl<Id IUb,'IIIUUt./ , " ll,e '.:, C,-\\ SBtll h. erduugbler aarl'l va l.-Cm;levllleU,l ' " " " 1\o,·c .I " .. I ' I" ,·)I, ,h." 1' 1." , ,, '"11 1 -~\-" \\\\-"' \' ~)\\" . ...'t. \l:l\\.I:'h \Ulf)I'lIl !\ .• . , ,'~O E J1 111 l\IAlL-LpA V,. Ion. \ CI..J N Il cu IIo pru lllp II I ~I 0 1::il '1.11 ot P.· " , lto n,'. '":I)llc "z 'ltr. ""'".,,,rI ... ,"""". II,,II I"!II '..1 I..II" u',", ',It .) I 1 I', " I" P dh,U u r !,!. • Hl J :.lO P ...... •. nl ""_ I HIH d 1\1111\,'II I Vh \ t CI lll ili Ill" I I l \ III ~ I' !:! t ll l' I)lllgullI l'ori, __ WI ~ LI ...'re '" 1 .. I\l I ,\ 11 .. I1 1" \ I \ 1 I " 11 1,1 I111 _ _ _____ .___ _ d i N \' ~ . " ", ," I . II".,,~.· ,,, ,,,1, \0 .. ",' - u' ., ,,11 0"" 111 ,1 - ,\'"V'" ,II '\I I"'IlIIl~ bl72u •• How TO RnlltVE TIl K EYE FROM ,X ' A,\T I'"fI l, r IVII " 1111 t:1l'gll ltll"' ''' I.. 1' ''' ' ' ' '· ' ''''''' '' OI"I'''"I1"oI -" .l l ' IIIII'' -'; ':~\\\\.\\.\'\':. \'\ i.I \'I.:.~l)\\'\\'\\'\~' p '\ . H II'fI,IIIII~ I;! 5 A.M,nIlO»'tlll SPARK8-A gCli tlt:,o aa connec ted wl l h \ .\ " , '\."1 ~, 11:1111""11 11 E II~ ,,,,er. ' ,01.,1'" ,I" l ll , I'I '"t1 " lt u w,, 1 •• • hi """ . Jellll " " ·,1 h -\\.1 ,\ l\l 10 th e p lC!SS, Jflttl yg'ota ' f ' 11111II"'1 IY)\\Hh\ .. n."tJ ." "," .. "I\. .lI,\.\. " .... } Eli lil t PIt,\ C 1 I e E OF I (' ,, 1,,1"' " 1'6 01 Hl,ro l .. 1"'" ,I <> ," .,r,I ,". II,,,, " -V·\\\", , I: XI' HI Ss- Lc llve . P ilL•. t l U'" III 1I11... ) ..!rUli ly olpr ll" l l ,, 6 w".re \'to Yedlnh"Ua 0 Olin • Ie pu . I 1111" I . ~"I II ' , ... tl,d . .\.QI !.., .i t t!, r il ' d 1' I .. Ct ... C. fll}tI ~l " tlllll:-' 'lIR ' III'" 1\Itlt 1 In I I:?I I y ., mI III fl.I ree , ~' l tJ l ld "I"Z. H I' ,"\\ I ~ld A ,r l\l'!'411 1 L lltr llhrtfjl O , . I r I . b \ Hl ll'e 1 11 U S I l: . U It t C tt u l l:l J 2 C~II' d p~ r I u ,, 1I t1i'0 h lilt 11111\ lin", r 1.. 1 t :\ 1LIII'!' "I I I I I I m. • y lh e 10 " ,, , . . ' , . . u\L1," I""" ! '\ '" ' " . , "",'II l l y I' " , 1\1I.",'''I 'I.!,jP Pute t. WltlouL urtll'rpll• ~ III rt _, l · · 1 I I 1 \1 Ll l d, l' .,u d 1.1\.I1 .:l t l lll LI I \q L J" ~ I lowmg process: nll sld lit e N,, "cbu l I!t U Huu"n lh Sl hno1 ond " Ih r r Il vo l(8 pu b ,., 10 .. 1" , . ."1 1 , " '1, ... ,1" ",,, ,,1 1,,,, " , ,,, I \ \\...: 'U\nn L\. " ,l3dlt ll' ''''' 7/l.M New YIII I( , 110 1,.I,l U 'u vl.l ur",~.u·\V"L O'S . • ll J eli'll ll'I ,,· v 11 It 8 T ~[A T ~". R J A L U It E D r .. -" 1"." .. " it . II ,., '_ \\ , II .II ." ltl"" , tolllt, U'"" \ li l T t I.. ' 11 10& t tl Ji ll' l ltl, "thf'l II 1V ,I ('. , i\ ' I' I,L.'" I1I.1 N 0,1\' nl. l'lltl t I ,'I'i OO lhe mOl eo r s eck of tI L 111 ImoL ' . ' " ... ,1" " " " ' l' ep"",, ," '''II'', I I I' I ' 1'\ 0\1 , 11111 ", ,)fl, , " Ill tl lI ')" II' III" • P Ir W II SI " , . IIt. l eslllellce~abbll.la S.hUOln('II, NC)~' 1' '1, 11111, .• " 1,,, 1,01' '' ''' 1'''' '' '. '' u" ""r , I'·''' ' ~''I '''''tI'·· 1''''"V''''''·· '' '' . .,11'11 :::"··I·"'oIC"r~ r tln '''"''''''I',,,, ,n\' orillbly founu 10 ndhere, lli e n I ER M", C M U.-O tTI <e at !Sabb.. l" School nell, 1"1 0.2, "' .' " " II .' ... , ''',W'' III \ . 'I "' C ,,,. Illlll .. ,, : II tI" I" " I ,< 1" '" ,. ,I t il ' I" h otl.lC'" 1 , pushlhelower\idup on rth ee:. yebllll \ onM uIIISIrcet . I- I)' '''OI'Y '''' "' I, ll'" " ,"",' d'''I,\\II. , . ,, " .,111 11 ,,, ,,,,,1,:,· . "' lO ll,, I I,., IU,·J,· Bnu under Lh e other.l tl l'iu " Ih e uPI,e f _ _ _ • <:IIOlal HUll), \ ::'h',I.·II '. '.',','.I,IIU ,,,)'01 , .,dull} uur ,'Ilte. Nu\\ Y urk. vllI 1 o ~~ 'J'he DlutiCll1 " . • \ \ 1 . ,\111 . o c n lh" eye. id clo.s upon th" 10w.ll r, wlt ,.4\UllCr \5C111C11 ~. 1 ~" \ 'ICJI ()EP.\lt'f)lEN T. ,\..\' \: l ,\-.. \:\\\.\.U .. \:l\. F AST I. I~L- L a\t'6 Pl tl ~bllr!! nt !l 30 I o ut th e 1 "I FRIr. E .: n .' [" r culIlI' , 1' 11"" "'I'(I \ @I"I 1UIi' l $ <loru, I ::::,,,.;, I ,t't'1I71 .. l nOl.cnnlnYP.olitilblelnJ'lrY . bt: doIl O IO \ ___ . .10 1 ou S,d ,Rhoum . . N. " \ " r kt '" "lI ell lu \\lI, :l-l 5 PV the eye by thIS prOCt 88, while Ihe com. 0, B, E B E R LEY, :£G.hU p.r duZPII C luLh Emllo.s r. O1100 ",," II I I, "., ,tI , " r c,,,c :I I" F.v er Rll d At<Ue . ' 1:1 50 \> M . Uilil New Yu'k.' mon metbou of pU b1liog II pill 'NlsheR 10 ,nf,'rrn 111 8 (lAIr"" ' 011.1 Ih e Gill. $ 7,2 U pN IV,) d., 1.,< , ·tlyor l,uIO tll'l(' .-. 1It1 I" S, L. ucvrr lto.' . l'tw,,11I COUoi,I"l ittl lit' III [l·.I:] P. . I ,. . . Uj) l , l llh ql lt\, I l"'l h t l lip .II[ U,,-8 ... Ut ~ .)0 E 1 s' A i 1" 1' \ I' tD t lI wrl\ppe III l IB corner of a hantlkJ,r I "UU lic. Ih ll l h,' Il Ct' l'e lIlIl.tUlllly u llIIUIII I, 'I lit: lUIII:-.I I Alii IUro, l,ODls.r, LtV" " II I I,," ,ti ,,, "I"" luc" 2 , ,,, lo ll ,'y >tp. "G, • It . ,'r y , ,t. .,. " ((Iri",I , /1111"" , s" fPf! · chiEf. d ,Lhe lid, cllu ses grellt pllin , lurgo nuo Rltl,, 1/ A "' IV Il,·\ II ul Il' llt ll "".J Tuit e li Jo ll I OJ ,;" ,,, ·iI", 16,-, L ' Scrotu 11)1Is ote V ,I)I!) . all o/i/t r I f tJ171" {S untl,, '1 (xU/,I,d. andofleolvJurylolhat'ye. . D\Il.!o! II ,\R·E PLO\\'S, Pm eI!3 p~ rt!uz I3 vllrol$3,hO JI ;\\ILllY IJEr,\WnI EN J'. I rJ. f,.; ~ 1 'I' ld(l'l" t 'l o" I.' IO U" . lul' ~y bv . I "r l und JoulJle 011.1 8111,,10 Manufactory and War er o o ms, 3D' ) Olllll) ''' '.J "nga ti.JO II) 8 1:l0 \;:.i 1ii • 'B P r ,, " ROlllll e k,"" g," .,1 "n " "\ 0, II,. TtlE OMAN -The inv e nti on of Ih ls H 0 V E -1) J, () ,AT S I 481, Broadway. New York . :ltJv l!.' lt t. Uln," ul'cJ rlll g s tt) III I t l O ' I :::;,,,".Ii IIl1Ie ·. 10 11 11 •• lvIY o • ~ " lIliJU ( I I J 3 I. I O;~E I'" •.. 11 , ". , , 01, ,I, r 11 113 19 nllllbuleu LO Cle ' LI ' 1--- - - - - -" . ' IUIII ') " rtll ;: S I" ,} -, II" '"U I "" "") Vi ' r r<Jull'. of Al tllRodrtA who/II'ed lliO mo doLl f stecl. H t)1VIIIIII<II Il1Rnu lnclur" '\A'.'4 ·U. 1:IUUO .l.lI lt l holrtll Ud 3ll) I:! ' '1.,:, . 11 ' ,.. I SLA' }'· l ' l ..'yG C.tR.'i "'1 ' .1 I' I ' . I . lI l1 rf'p IIr 1'1 0" . I"tr/·s " ," I drt'~8 olld I ~ " 1 An E l ega n t Novelty l' n u'l atc"cs ,UU I" .J U, ,. III. l· I .' ,""" ~u rcu.• ... le perlOu IV I~n t 11 8 IIl S11 um t' nL 1VR ' • ', ' V, 11 IU U, :!,, " I ,\." III ,III' (, ,,,1 I .. 1'"' b3 lu AI'; vIEL?' • tId ' I I I I f \" pc r 11 11 1,,",:, "f L J ,,/·,I '\' 1 ul 1111 " .' .Icit " IC UI' ,' 11\1[ ,,: , . \I I :': " d " , I . ,. "" .JU 11 " ,·:1 I I .' ...... , '" , I "".,v Un "' gh l I" l 'hi' "I'". N,'w JU rOIEurope uoe In,O L Ie eCr lUre lea.o bUL ;yt ~·IS cd ~~ llI tllt",g ol' PIt " ,,," . II'C tern IS IRLh unc er[l\ln, lu prulI,!ll l\' Uti;] Ii ur oe' oituln i!\4-lJ m ,1 \ " CII 111,·e "t\" " . ';" 1l11''': ' '1 di ll er PIII -IIlJUU U\JO 1'"If I,,"r ~" g., hl C"\'·" '"IIl.lI"lI . :Ja tu I" IIUII , I,ll,.I' e oI",l''' ' 1 , .. , . .. ... , " [\ , . '-l! 1I1l!\! r· I l 'lud. uti Ihlu\l( 01 "". tlVOO "('I ~ " "lI lh' "uld ."I(ls Buppoled 10 be the yeRr 765. Bel oit, ' _ _ . ___ ________ _ _ ' 1 ,,'llI ld Cu '" ""c , ., u.le Iliget IcrU I,t! 1 3 'u 8 1 I I 1 ~ It I'\.I. pruUUCll ll r UII (' x .let Il1l ll 'tLlun 01 18 e-.... A!. . OIP.. :2R. \, " ti l d ,. 1 , \\l,t allli 1 he 1 \ ' 1111 l h Ifll li a 'II/ , Uri d C'u \\1 \ \ Ie lImL I cenlury com .. ) .1 0 U AN D LOT rill .. tu c.ll;d Arc",,,, wit 1 .. III 'I , tiU UO slulI () .e' & "'lp' Ul rill!!" 3 to 12 .\ !'''' 11 .1\ I I t ' " "0" • \ . ' .' " " , ... I" l! ill his I lI ut " •• "",, • 1'-,· lor li n!! " " .." (', ,'C' "I mon in E ng lit. n 11 ,. III th • fifleO IiLII ceo • . • "" . ,.' U ' I BUliO ", 1. . \1. & ,I "- . e,ll " 111 r I""" Ib \ re. tlh S.t.LE (1i 1'ynre' u lt" ibeuulI " 4 10 lur \ \ " .. I'I" :,! J\ I' PIII"', DfIll lI Ulll llwir I" tury several Im provemenlBwere IllLi O" , IIIl lIo.lllld u uld.'t!lIl l1re ,,1T"ld pll al 'Hle , I,OU() " .J ,e, I!" IJ ""ltllt " "'tI b 'll nO ANOTli.E;-. "" ,II r, d to ' I cll l ;:O 'IN " 1'" ".11>1 ' '') ,ulI"c lt " " tJ ,,,J,h ti''' ' lhV.' " u , l O .. , II VII I u ," 01 l'fI" t I~' . 3 I" t " II ''' ' I "" A l lnl-!~.,g", x ""'I "~'I, ,, t""' IO ,,,. 1 ouc3d by B ,o rl,l l'Ill] a Germ"n Ill e vulu . ble il llll ' o ulill L ol, 8,11I I " I> "I I,I ltI e """I. " '1'1 , e clI ;u I ~ ..lIl,,,"" I III) I ~ UO tl U 1<111,1. 10 I \\ ",III t . \,,,,,", I who~ellonn tfy mf'nWe owe IDllny o f " " teti,,"I11 c £11 "1 "I Ul'lIl Nun'l SI, I .l e".IIIII~JIIIII, I'II,tl'I II IIt./ " ltI~ldl ur lll' ltll I, I :, •. ""ly l or uct!I" I" ti lll l :l I\NOTH'E R ,oj \( 1, .· lll' "'"'I'I-,ollr• . " ,V II I" ,· " ,,, h"lIt ll,, T1< It "I 'I'I·"'I· It ~r. 1'lI-I, PI". "lid e l,urll vpd lorllce lcls 8 1u ).) 1 t ,-.' " III"'" .. 1. 1' " I I ' 1'1" " u lt l•• ; , "Ju u lly uaLB..AL ,I .. " pr uperlY II It lIS . 01. ,I,l' l'XII.l .Iy le ul lIli ce l' hr Gu l,I" !! ,' I , ,III' • 111111 " I" I " , t " " , 1,,"' ,., II I I, " " ""cJ 10 ' ~. 1I~ 1"lvnI.O.Rale • L " ;) utJO I'" " I,J I" '0I"e Vl!UtlIlUII S 3'" 8 1 "1"."",. 1'11 '1, ,. ' ,11. 11 , . I FREIGHTS _ _ __ _ • ' I . ...... I lI ulltlll l' I'1" t-' r l.ot , l UlU lir e rt.! lt lly IlIIl! d~t) II \ t· l liUti l' 10 ' . Ilt e it,Otl"e IS\\rilliu d i. IIIIIIlII' . <1I 111 IIl1u,I,'''~rulile,,,''J6oPxllc l 1111 IlIltl nll"I' 1' ,lr t ll"" lu \,(, ,\~\:\.\~~ ...\: -~~ ",\, ""At a wedding ttl Porllllnd ' M e • , 10cu( 'U II, IV"It I" n ' p r",,,"" , pIO rl'l' • ' ''''"Iit'' .•I IT" I, I It.. I U de ly II., t ec I11l 1i . '1'1It ' III VV\! ( tWOU "," "li tre hrn,' r leIS :l 10 & f \" \ . \ ' ..... \ ( \ I ••••, \' \ \ -I ...' I 0 ) II, ,, fI" i1PII-I i!rl ~ ,I, uf 1111 Jp, rn'".. tie ulhtlr ay, \he o Hljo p" l blltl" \ kllchell Ulill [ 61 1<n b.\UIV , u"tll",,' ' " 1l. II IIII III ctu reo I,) \\ l, 11 kil O"" llJUU Cl'III I., .p"1 "III. lor, Il ci'I! • .l la 12 \, , \.. , " I \ ,,,"'l tI .,,," CUll UJ' It.r "IOrdl·1i l u ul lll Ir"' " 1'1" 1,, 1 d «roompnrlouk so of 'I\\lI sky II l th c8ec olttlslory . J'II, . r \ VIII, h Cu Ill PIt'IY IJ ' ,', iI. ,· '" ., 1 ' ,I ", ,1(' ,;.. 11 1'''1. d,I I,III " ..... Ihal on hie way Iloma he bcc"m e wuOe r clu,!' In ,I", I'""I'! " li u, .. IUUtI f!I" Ulf. J ' li.L, va .",J I d, " l l," " .' ", I., ,·, 'tt , '" 01 I I', " " ,11" .. ,, 1111 ) 1,, ·1111 U II I IIII It"t1ruuu, ul al,dItILlklo,jgilllluntlerawn g ul1wltl, ,,. 1 tl"I II C IIt:.rell."rld y uf trtlll IUll cv C" rv ,'" bflJ" "S : II ,IJ u. IIII " I IOOUO .. t1 d rvpH 3 10 10 I I", ",,,.01,., 1'. "1' I,lI. 1, 101' IC" ,I",I" . L"tlllI l'''. 111 ,",,, ,, Wit the pohce at midl" g- ht lounu liP gr"ullu 18 Il'Jr'II(UOd qil": "Y Iur gu rw llh ""0 l li e 111:- 1 I 10' 0 curll ,liP" oX-'I ''' ' ,'" rur op. :I lu III "tllI _'t ', d \I ' _It '. "., I ", . , .. ,,, ",I , ' I l r 11,1.1\\" vI" ,\l, ,",'n ri. Ii)' rhtlru.d u'· UfHlllll1pllrJl U~et:l. 16 pr o perty is (ret' I II " I" I J \ U 1III I II d\l r ,'II) I, ,,t\~ 411J l UI lit ~\" ( llI l'll ~ IILJt r .·J II· I r- t 11 11) I I .. h,'tIlt r c· "llIIIg I'ru vl·t eu hcl'II", \I lilt Ill e ul B'~(.lUn ' 11111 ' I tJOlJO Itl"~" <Prill :!, I,). and'i011 IdIIe' ground I I wilh I , Iter hus . Ifltl~III,,"n' ~ rnllc!' .i<e iel t)J"'V)) nltanus ""dill wurrulilcd S I,) 2.) • "IIIIIL" " 1I!t ll hl.t" "' I' ".l~I lhccl\.tJ '1 I,('I" ' "I1 -Y Vll IIPI f'E'lIll ltl l{.lIl r"h~ '> i In ler .' ' ap I. ", ' tlII, p-,cep;> . \ \\ . f II "l llI ~L I." n ptl~ ,!H \l' l [ I I I le R 100hln" IInv)our iurther pnrll cul nrs. " I' pl" 10 Ir ' ... I I t'OU\} Itl II lI1 ..." IOlti rill". Ill' \ r-U t 'J 'II H ltJ1~ II I I' ol l r-b.II~ \\1111 .. I t' ll ttll':., bll' 8h 11I1l:: ul p I:IISeu WILli tue lurn 1I011lrS J . J) ~ \Vi; n:. '1'1 p e IV I I ('!I' 00 I LI Iff, t ll UUUO .... , I"dll'"' Jl! \\c lrr. g" ld I'lt. , .ltl I' l) .• tt y IVltlch I!U" t1 6 011 11 ~,. IlI rw ll rth!" I ~ " , had Lallen • July 18 . \ V It) 'H'. V' I,e . II r, lI I 1(10 ""U :J I" 'l0 -Ilr'.,, 11,1' 1III1\1~,1 \"~I IIII!0 1(If,rI'O'1 L,,,lte~ ~ rl'111111 I l' ., I . ~\) I \\\()()~ \.\\\.\\ \ ... \.\.... \: \" -\"\.\\ I ~: ,no 'U ," I'''~I ull Iltll UI 'II1. l\ltl.llI lI~UII, __ _ _ _ _ __ !\' I & - l urp 111 1 Hlilltlll g ell w". A I:n,e ~I FIX I I U, u c.,,,' e o. r ellr PIC flo ", ' 1 1 '· II11,' .-~e, llJII ,U,'rl " n ,I , I 11I ""h. i'11" O:7'The Gcrmflns do no~ have the "pUla lIDDOIlD(Cmcnt. Le " ' IIU V M I F I '"' 1"- , I ulluo ~"I II IIlIJ , t 'rul c: 'I~. -1 111 17 1 111 ," '1,. II' ' " I1.1 "Il ClI tl ll ,\ttl, Ii", 1' '1 'fl l . ~ 1 " 'Ul" l, /\,k" "~" " "l1d B.,·,I H",,· . " '1 1 d' ' "l(lr ,xp r e.~o r,,,_. 1 IUUUU 11 & I )' . ) Ir r: I n( woru clurclYIH alill 'bur)ln " E, & H, T. ANTHONY &; CO, gl )l' t J J J(J) , 1I 1,t1 111 !lrnund' lO 'I ' I 'lu slL\ 1:: 1:·l'J,,\'J ED \\ AUI:, I n rtllr l1plIllI ' lt J UI M .; I:-il; IIt, I ,'\V,"l 1'1' l "IL"I. IU 011 puna UII Lito t\IIIII, I IhL.e lr pillces WH u L EQA LE.AR DR£ lAIL I i II,I co Cuse [li Ir $25, will \ Vr'" I: tly . e l: 1 ,\ , II 111)1' l 11 (It II rmen 1 ; .ll'y u se LIO uc nullful IIntl ' ur t ,re e LWlr t". 1 P it;>' • " I ,, 1101 (I I Ll ,ClII., II,·, . \\ , I 11'll e'e lIod ou re \ eo Ile ,I' XI.lTcs",u n • G od ' s AC H', ' J1Ju7lujo.lclur ers 1'./ f'11U/U!l r(Jp lll c Jlule lor lit ,s ",u l, It til Lh e Ull lt o'U :::;2 I f) H""dncl' . Cos' l vCnt08. Merch " " ld hilt! s l.i pptrs Il,t and Ihtl ' CourL of Pe llcc ' Chur uh Itlt ,! 1I "I1t' 1I 't' :!r IlU IIiO IIllICh ,l u i .J IU IU COil, r . ,n, Clwlc ru 1r ,", SPVlluIiVII ul tlt "lr t'''' IU},t lu lit .. II I ' " ullte" r n"r Tr "cll' " ," rk A,lcI ,.,". . l lillUO II.'" " "1' 11I " fI"::::I t" IU l ot'. lg. G. ,o n, hlo!l1 tho lIowels. C UII"'.,"I . c.", re ly "IU, cvtdi,j"clJct vU ,It d ynr IS we I. ellou g I, Wllh ~s 8110ltd SCI I IlROAIJlVAY N Y 1' 1RAI' 1J \\' LJl \. U' 1 CO JIIU\.I clI ,d l,u-ItCI 8 ·1 III If, iJ 'ZZl""". lie I ~ \I' "dv lr"".I I. I •."" 1• I u' 'I OJ 'I'll d ,,·c \: ... " ,I, • .11,,1 \(' 11 " til n nc r 'l'h l1 R nte. of Frelg hl I" nlld frum ft ' ! as OCIIIIIOI1. uuL _ 'lJur)in :;.groun tl ' la . , A '-' 1 & .• 1 :lU oU cod,e UII.IWld • I. ' .'1) l O l I 1\1 I v ,,-, ,·t 'l pUill l ll1 ' he \ \ ~ "t . I.y tlt e I' c "II. ylvII II" an (I U SI'Ool 0 f ftllii church pUIIIIIOI "111 to ellr 111 11 111 I"S' '' PAP a f Ph o" ' p!) rl er. , 15 " II ,drll L,,"e, NY. I ..I ut t) " ' - 1, '" II lilt r, 1'1 ,'U 1 au d 1& an olltrngo 00 "ood ta~ le , .. ~ rlll' C \\II te rt " "d,z.\\ 0 urlJ 1l ~ ' , J(It1"rI " r. - - 01- - - 'I'. - - I no'l","S- ('ILLS - - - - - ' ~" tl U ' u : " ,ld. <.. IU I" ~ '. ~\ . I( ' .. IIr , " II .,- \I 1" '- r" ,tvO ubeo I \~" ., lur LI, e IItoll II'" l:< IItr"Il 11 llltlroGu. 1Iff'd It tbyItlutil"r I (JID1'l! U I ~ clt.'f~, Jtu 0" I, u ~, . •. ... ~ . I,UI' l) 1'''" ~"tt, r k' ,lv c . .', lu .' 1) t I'"" ' .. 11 " I I1,· \' \\ Ii I • " ,.t l, .., lie
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Q-A g enilemnu who WIUI prese nt SI" rtOSc(lp CS olld ~tl" fOSCOIJlC r ,C K'.1 C" "'flu.e,1 0 1 l'lgi.l v Cll ll fP lllr,' e" "x- , t,lI dv -1 " 1' .. I "II' r &. /.1'.11), lot:ks:I lu Mi ~\') O ~ ~\. I.:.~\\\:\.\\.c.,", Cv n ' I' " I ' l e~. lit II IIlnn !! 1 glVt'U 10 ell"nt b I Of I I 'rll( I, .'UIII ru,Jl S Ulld It, rI .. ,oI t ill It 'tI ""1 I,L'vll, II ~ " l ed I'" 1' ''tlC' J lu!) I . , I 13,' pnr l1c " llIr to II1nrl; r ~ ! e ' Y be V" 11l l, r .e llC ,,, ve lill I"""PII",' '''' "1_ ''''' d, III1t1 vn lul! 1"'. lllbl~ II'th er ll~l' · r.;UUU.!·z \I'" '(I" .. ,,~ ,p~ r"lJZ ~I I "'" . .. " .I, .. ul ·l lI\ It" ' II' 1"'1,,, " ,,, ,,"·fu f . I' ,~ , LJ I Llngreuoll:n. Ihnl GI Il ' " 'I " Ill II I t111~r~ U r ll'I r I ll\l~ r,()rIIIl Yf I " " " 1'1,,.,.1 ,'1" " ,., ,Y',I, butne .1 M}'S 1 I I an I epok !' ! LlI' 1,,,1,",,I!'l( . \ Vllr ::l \e l"" ,AIII (l r 'III /!;· • •J UUlJtlpzlIl 'I I)l "'"n il l lS 8 '., 1'J:!1" 1 t.1.NN A v,· Nf ll L n. t." 1t o WOl'u, t Ie W 1010 dinn e r "." ur:"U II J II ' ,'. L ,"d.cll pe. ," (. ,,1 u' lit e Or"/lI '" TIII ' V fI" IlOU d. Z' II d"" l ll 'j tu 2;) l, ," Il I'll " I'ltl, I " I "" I.. "I .\ l!pn l IIItU I 'u r ·ICIj.:It. C , IIlr u(l. ur 8 1l'pllig lila t:1I1:: .,er. 1IIIo:I\Wg Mil Recount "r /I 1' 1" e t,· 11.1 . ... ll,- " "'VP "il IIIlI''' '' II''. u[ ";'Il ,,,,, ,1. ul',1 luoll . /j t', 3U r' ' 01 I' " ,11 1.1'0 " .." ., "" II "·11 1t.lI e fl·!: ' I,, " ". "pl'ly to u'· .dd ff"" " lll"' r ul 1n or IIV 1', of IL RS li lt , I '.u :"" , " r 1' ,,1,I, e ." II" Vltl, """' I' ,IIlcd tI' t l,t: ""' 0 ul J), urrl ,U! ", .1 '"111C,U I D 1' 1 :'Is 1 ,l u,. l.l , ,,II \I ' ' I lullU \\lIl g ul CVIt'l"' " )' Wid e Gelll.rul fl Uur (u, ItI"!! lI e \\11 1 1t '18Cul .lit " D )'I" I" ' " :-; ,r ll lll l" ll tl ".,,. ,,,, •• 1 l' I.1'i ( I I.S \ ' ''\\\' \ \'() \ S B R ing"lon, J r. l "I,·/"lla. t Ilftc u ,xllb. ''',Id' I118 Ii'ngH,llIl d 811 1' ll ' fOUllel'n' '>I ll1n lu "II} (\u 0 11 01 " I 1111\'. t \ L ( ' l ' I U I "'" ,"tt .. ll. Ir,'"' .J 'u .J " .. , • f. lI er "' I" ,, It," ' I. ·'c ' ~r •• lI l·l JlJr", I' lli-. HI ~I I J ill' t ,, " I"''' ' ",II II. n "" .,'. , "It' 1·II" .Nt 11 W B,,,,lC11 cl: Co , i'll, II _ ___ __ _____ ___ . I'IiUTOC:Jt ,U'IlIt' A U'I . 'I'". '!' tl e retl ' l ur y 11 '''''ll rH 1),, .__ , ".r ", U" " 11_.' \ 1 1\ .• . I 1 1 111: l'J, ,\;>i· , \ 1 \lt~\ ~I III IIJ I i"~ " II ' IC(lIIl" I '''HlI' '', ,,m' \ '", I arl\e« I. C'u () /a.rl)( \ ' c \ \ pr l' tlh! l'lr , l to, I I . (Il e ljC IHIlIIp. pliilt'l hf' ln L'rt"I1!,! . d ll lon'lI hnll ,: lIi t "(!l ,,\ .. t- l r.I,,.,.'IIII" .( :oro.:",Yr\" Hl' ll I (CI. o u fI r u ttHC }' .d . rl ' !h' utf' pll ~ I I. Of· fill (IU !lIrwnrulugtJ' 1\ I I\I \..I. Ihl, \,., . ,1 11 Ilt l tol" lI L. V E S' do you ?' B8J(J n blue-coa ted \ t: ltfOn It: IIllu th tt UIIIlt'O SlnllJ", uud \\ e IlInIlIl1 1Ie'.1 llfOI 1'1 I LI lli u hf! I/J IIIHle "'III I'ur e. lH l!'l nC SR, , II I' to 'lIl" I I ' _"I H. t\ III 'l 1\ \ 1 k " . 1 1 ..... \ 11' , ,. I" 1 I .... . ' 0 eli. Jllry (li S t If i b j 11\ C CP II.... ,,11,.1 Ii I I III 1''" l l lt II l 'l.r t u l 11\, l lt~ur l rua. I I II: P"op I! crolVdlll/( IIbollrd Iho CR,. I'tre 1I1,," e" de '" grc(lL V"'I,"I' . ' . It I" r" l1l UIII' III I U )O - "It .. t. ",u I e ll' I". J I II ' 1 . \II'w ' 0 ' "'' h UHrs nno wlil ti IIII Ih l! I .othermorrun" I thc ,oIlLII " Wft\lIO",el" . ungrlllli l prit t! Ir l/ lII ,5 u CI' UI ';'d U' t's '\l l l c ll rI'/I IJVrllrli bh' t; II,..,('oIII U m.11tl' t' FI\I C 1' 111 \1\ " I \. ort \' r I H t l f ' , .... ,,\l ' ... " I · r I R' 1I11)l'it odvlllIlU , " lu, lI1Jr u ut o tur L ,ue ~I '" h v I,., • l t"'U " " •.. J I,,,w 1,,1 '8 l. "tJIIl . i'ncI> tiil l "li u , . , " .. ,, - 'I' 't' .PlIl lur $1. II , • '" FqulOt lit OUI' "fnlno", GO" ..,l t ,,<, u r Albu,u " It", ,, T I I( 1 II \ I' x I.. r:l, 1I,ltly I .. , b olxly·liyo ILlr I U , ' No. 3li," ., liO &; I," I .. I hllli du." yu tlld I'Ml ert' U untl 'W' a" 1\11. w\'Y III lbun"n diun'L Y('IU ", _upc n ur '" 1111.1 I ",," ur OC ltl 'Y mil t! . \ lu, I • • U ,t I ,", I , '. II " ' pll eJ wilit e,u'f Ituv e bp,u lu " "y"I },,,, • . Th py " Ill uc .e lll ~l V l\t u rr 1 ,, ' n" 1r. ~1 n &r" , A(. '·"I· ~ "I" ' . PI ': " \ 11- In " fH'IIl'Jonillis \lIIIIUliti ti d COIII,nC IIUU', COIl1e ownyo10u,llIhl:.)' c f10 ho WUII- 1\' •• 1, FIIIl P..U lt 01 (lnCD, li2 F ul lun ::ill"",. New \ urk 11' Itr oll.d".tl0;,l "H' ., .CIOlilitry . ... E "AN1J.D & NI'· ·r l\C .. IIJ!l lo dHI! ? "nL, 1. l v 10 OlH'rll l e fur I nOClEllEI'RY ' .... l I "'U <,v pry IIlI e nll ull 16 p&ld tOlh ll lrwa',l, J [' •• Uo lind , to Urll c l, .[]) ___ ___ _ _ _ , II ' I., rge wtll lit'l, u,J I MEIUU'l' l' & 1' 111:-'-'J Z, f J.'r" 1II where \\tli lie J"'''''\' Q::7-Ilow 81111'111\ nortlOl1I ('I f "n Ur II' r,,'ll .' ,. ('hulOo'rallhs . lid lurt c IlIt " '& ", e ll"' o< III!! 5I,"n p. 'I Iur IeI'OI•It IJ ,,"drr S\"O, 'Slllll'We II .. c ':al'u \ ::ie 7.ly \\'AI :\E'' ' I LE. .rV "' r) Cu,I \CI ,<ltI'e • l e )' (Oj O V n) oullt w e " I' II IS ottt'rt' d uf tl. e "'Pllliodcl e Ilook forwlITl! llIn olll I"-'C W\J lir e luo k O llr II UW ell,itrll ced nHr 1.'1 'P /\ " ,""ltle , IlU W lit ·rH tl". ! 1\1.W & e ll, - -- - - -- - New l urll elld B. llIlIl ore l\IIIrtllll •. blleKwRI cI 10 'Ihings Rr c IIB' < d ."' g 1'i'It " " , ,, lt d ,I,ll . , e ltl .III'J" 'I . I" II lil t II "' . 1.. ", .,:!itl ultd !!" e "1' " I' P' luul,". 1\ 1: 1.- _ I 75 1'" lluli N. \ 1\ II I ul ou us luulIJ Illc .hurl "til. I. ol' ,ltl l lilt l 11 1'\ 1' ft.I' .. " t "It,,, IIY I ' \1 1111dui d ut tur 1' ( tie l'Id Ill nlllllu uo d ,H II I wt' Bl'pea r 10 L, I' l ", "J l', 0 1 1I11",11 Irc e 011 r.... "lp, ' I 10 " '1' lIe .. l'iulIO 1' 01 h' , \ ' .. \ J .\ . ''' " I III Ust d If'"I rOllt e Ivr .!-. ;::Il I' ck Iv I urlrul1::1 U l'IH I IH~ Ul AIUCriClI I1 8 e lc V tI (e ll l • 1\ \ . I I \'nrk LVIU "'III! III O'" ) . ., . III li e oeeup'" III t lIugs 1 ' >\1 1I1l! I .. t I ' .• n \[ rr l " " I" II" " c!rllc,' III": ''' P'' I 1 '''1' _ \V I " -II -Dllu W I , mnt ' I II b b] I II I I , • . " I I ~ I e ,ove no hrs llntlLlII II S" ) In II I II ,lliJUtlt!d thUll u"y utl, ~r m d I I ,)t lilt 1I so r 1:1 III v""lIe 10V ~ 100 l lIl· ' . lddllf'18 . .llim 11 3ll I, ' UII UIVIIY N, II' YU rI, u ""'1', 11111 Ioll e r ","I"'I!U III!! cr ll d" " 1111 _ ' • :,; 'U .I t h O ,.It~ I ENO'LILE'\ I S u cq e lllllllll,lUnS IO ",e vlI, tly hllp PJ' , - - - - - - - - - -. (lr" l'''rtu. ,,'lIrp PERFUMERIES , IJ •• , • 1'.10 II' I'er \ II1I, el ' 1 I III II'HI} ) . I" I FIN EQT ~ Gell'l S pt' ' t \ , .-I r 'A BOmtl 1IIUre tlay when w e lInve lim!: . Ji :J I "lulI ... 7 f> Nlln UlIIccrij , 1"" " I1"", ru 'v I ,e \\ "rI,11 1I U rill , ," , "1, It llo llll · " C 13U () • It e RI"I 1'1" '11 II II HI 1I ti"tI 11, 1 n I' HENRY 'V. GWIN ..emetly for s larin l! I" 1'1"'" 0., !'" r llvullull .. dtl rll' l l'v rru ,He' Itlll ". 'onrk e' , tnflylie [ll ulid G e n ' I'/" I' I'flA1!f'n l,Pltllu . I . • ~.I " ' I" IT" I I " I ' DI ull l e JlulJ1 Itll e ll l '1'1 II II " 1-1 .' 10 lie elleel81 S goot! . If you I" g lild I .!:) ..101\" .. 1. ' 11111' IIttu ,., "l' "' Sg U llr n ew Mille , .• , ICV urc U . ' . . . OUSTON a lo nge r 01' mOle 3 ,UU U Co pies 01 W urk. 1'1 IV .-J l' _Y E S V I L L E , 0 JII 0 1 F'....,,,dl Il cll,,", h"r l' ppJ , I. Ir ," fr .tllI, ' . G E NUN G e n'J rrell:i:1 Al:ellt, \hal1 po iliune ss l .. un !' r>l,l lletl u ". o [ th e II I' I ·V.' ( ,tr llll g • • · 'I·\ e tl l,(l ltl !', r.. "wu utl E' , I ·tr, III hRllo A E 1'1 '. d L' • liS ,,'p1"'''' ''8 \I ~ II r ~ .,' It" . h"upl" I ), i ., I---------------·~--, Y"u, II JIg I ~ Iml\U 01 1 uru l~ .:. "1:"'\' '' ' ''' , 1'uIIIIIII '" S w ille. 'l'EIl))S, CAsH IN AU\' \;lilE, 1:$ 100 $"00 II I '" ' r"II, O\1u COIl'p e LCltl JlI,ll!e~ glvc lhl'l1I th e Yllllk ue w o uld IEnJIIIK: 'llJ('lpu 61r .'tc. C .I"I"J.rU 8 III UII U; lit" III I' , 'I I IV -I:'" Y tl iit 11 ,'<' "Iyit, lint! n,, 'Ilk ' 'A 1 " "ff'"OI lIU IIIIY'"" ' t r. l cilis I IIIGIII;!!ITI·(-·I"'E I IF . 'l'OU WAN'I.' TO U.NOlf you now me ag III n I' lI o ~lI~ rl " r ()II P. I) .. ZP II P ll"" ~ " Ir,, ", \ On e r n py nnc ) e,", [2 00. IIllitr'· IIl1n' ry. n~ III " ,. I 1-I II"I,.r~ . " .." . A L illie of Everylhin" rcl ft t 'lnIY Wlhl' IJltr CtJLhllluut:) \\ dl IJ e eeU l H lJ ), I 1 , \I ' ( " 1'1'" """ \ "H I', 11 11 1 11 til WlIlil A Dulchmlln, seeing one or lhe p lln . ;5; 1 80 by IIlItil rllf.1: r.CC IPlo, n 75 "f Ii "",I pl hl"'· IIle "'v ,lP d III .e ll.! lor ""r \Ve pnrtl culuriy deslrc I 1111"1 sysl em .lllule nnu IplIlllle ' lht' Rntllet\t!lnl,; o "I Pr " I :" UO I l)""rll' " vu C;'l loI"gll _. wlll,h I leOItCnliun o llll' " Irp"llnellll,f"l seus<!ijj ti,e 10111 t\lIa hIl8,' A r e llt'llion ill H eRve n" A C. O. D. will IIlp ul ull ,.'" dl) '1' H E L A D 01 th e wOrltl; It"w l u tlJllrry e:.b II' . II 1 " ' ' 2'"Jlllr UUl'O '''I!",ltt'r Wil l, p,,,. ,.. N I I II I E' S "lid U Llluus n nd IltinIJ8 na vnr pllbljslred rlastll"ot e 1011 LnIn O!aven MlO e GoI! Dill 'l"1I1. "I IItA umu Ull1 (,I lit e" 0 "lie. ' a ll' JlU r· to 0 ' 1 Ab 'Ti e " I • ,h u.eu l"" " u ll illloltt thi S ell, T Ol hi s [CnLurl'ol \V " III' v'" 0 now_ olle.o e is rH IJ-J pr'e" •• 11 quu lIyul Onll,l , 1 Is. IIlmost willttllll m lllll,Pr. . ,• r . 1 \af I' .. IIII UI lOll til 81111d1Y. l ' . •. IlOll ("-:"''".... R 1'1" " 'fiep, prime Rill I·" Ue " l . "'1 ",, u •",,.....,, UleAL C Ul\I)IIUli SENllt: ," .., 41 - ----------------Cull.a Dad L,,".rlllf C" lr~p, 1M " II' lly h"ve hl' PlI lIlVordpo lo lit e G r. v~ IP~" P I. ALL T 11 A TIS .,Y E E]) E ]) bou k lo r cllrlous pp"ple, lin" n Il'o~d If 'a\l t\18 al llgl'. and m en nn:RRl'l"l' &. I'RIN'l'2. UIIU "lit! nl l'. ll a very Dill", 400 pHgee. 100 and WOIDOln are mll re playen ' wllc:re 18 -" .1:J , Iltntlll h pUL III COII' I'(' lIliu li w iLl. ulltprij F a r th e T Ollr l. H " n,lkrrchje(~ IIUIl8. PrlllA 8l .(jO. COJl.l'ot~ tbe audience aud orcheSlrt' to come 1 Ih e klu or p ouno, II worranled fr o m al l !l arl S o[ lite U S .. II lite S Oe ll ll ll!l1>rtlll'ers , \Vuru.' 1118 tree 10 nlly 8"dreilS. Bnuks may lI 'rom? TbaL'1I a ,luoaer I qua II}" lor ea IA bv T his besl 01 nil (; I S J ' , 'tlllhe. 1 nwnrd [ E.I nlt lj.l.p,1 1835 J rUDI'S, etc. 1'1,'. 1 " I' Lhe Boo kelur es Of will be seol • : :\1ERIUTT & PRTNT? . , by lUERRI"(!,1 y rll l'S, lOT 9111 e GltOVESTEBN ('f,. Cnll and our varie t ies. ,,"uil, p'J8I patti, Oil "nee. . T1 & PInNTZ. ,1I.y] "no Droedl'fty, Ne'" York. " Address E . B. FOOTE, M,~ .. RO . EBERRY <t NF.AL, :. 6m 1130 llru,~w.y. New"
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$2,00 A.YEAR.
1847-"aa a very but never he of tbe "ine AgIIin. Th. a ......tll. a Poor .rok.. That'a A Iluar name to me, What do ft. Btory of a CrowD. 1& "all Deither fur. nor leu Lba' pv. YOII do "iLb It f' IIICD' Mr. relired (rom'"" Old 001. D., of ~he Mobile Dillrict, .... rriend, it i8 one or lhe aet I L \I . '001 eYer,,, h ere Ib"l ne can find . 'In 1848 I" I I' r Brou~bb ' bUD 820,000,000. Wilen be Irrl·Ye.l~ , -y Tba' a .. er " •• kno"n to do an 'v O oneJ.000; live IUca ecame PreaidenL in New York it con'Aln one of Ihe m01l1 singular clunao. Clrcumstancel . f lhpo .... d' lie, In dId' ... ed only "'6,000 '"' all relaling 10 the l&IIIe a oro"n w I&h • Iong bilLory auached Th.lutu .... i •• ure to har. rood lor ~njol"'.nt, 0 e JIla lion an n lanopolis rail· inhabitant.. In 1800, when be befnn evllr known in Alabama. He wa, illfernal ralcally Lrick--,' 10 il. 'fbere Ira some few relic a in the Oulcriavillg"oultl.poUiliran)!thiugwould. way. Hef' W" lucceuful and eC'len'ric, bULposaeeaed many 1&: d in the man· ' to have money 10 in,ea'• •'I,u~ CI't • Illd ' Y ou d on ' t Lad my IIIllanin'-I jist wor I"u, Ilowever, W h ole 'to I8rell~ an d agement 0 III a alra. lin in 185~ ac' begun to double in Jloptdation, and had ualitie8, which Wel'e 'fully apprec.. anted to know whaL'a the name of vahle depend on the history attached Look beck, I( 1011 like, and mUle OYer the beauty \he peClple of hie cJi8 trio~ . thAI Imry Ihing ill your hand , IhllL I to them. The crown of. France and 01 bO<lh tbat ere goo .. ; but prKy do not ror,"1 cepled lhe more responsihle pOtt of adVllnced nearly a mile up the Preliden' Rncl Ill· Astor furl:sllw its (uture growlh II of bi8 freaks are still fre-II I'n 'lie thoug hl you IIl1id wa. a r~1 jelty.' ' I' of the d Bellefontaine b' :b /\t. o f E ng Ia? d are a d mire d more .or Tbat 'bey cannot ,,,Iuru; ."d iI'. ever, ODtl'1 d' looapo III roa , w lob has become one bou/:ht all the lanue aod lole jus l be. ry of tr,e 'old uns' of Mot..ile ; 'IneBnLle bloekheau I'-Ihe Colcnel 11.1(; Jewels whlcb adorn them than for dul,. of till! ereat lines of the West. yon d Ih e verge of Ill e cl'ty he Aould .. .el, them will . '''II. you, tl,aL.'he Col · WR.xe d wrathy-' most asinine of mor- any J'" • I'lOne,. or evon ~.or .. IIs.orlc, assocla To look ou lifo'. ch~nge ... ilbout " rogret, I J 0 h '0 B rough. who had la· One liUle anacdote wl'll s bow ,.'be WIO . Iltou"lllllIrd I.0 b t l I"d CI ~. ea, 1I'as on~e tals I It wal Ihe vile conApirllcy against t 18 soverelgn,ty 0 f .wI110 JI th oy were k 11 1861, Perba!'. Iher.. ·• " vi.ion, ,0Ulewhere in Ihe v i.la ~n up lie resl enco at eVIjI~nd, waa dQm o( this proceeding. lie .old Riot n In by a couple; of I~g llilroys. IllS me IhM 1 wal ab(lut to explRin. Thi, e m.1.Iems . . It IS a OUrlOUS fact. thllt at Of life'. relrolp"cl, 01 I",eel 10." end delighl; Id~. talked of ae the candidate of in Ibe vicioiLy or Wall ,tree' in J 810 Woodward, 1 behllve, thlll tel~1 il Illy old wig. The re« j~8ta~ is " eet 1\ \a Ltle lLah"n lown, ~etweeo Milan a nd toto" whal il Ibe Ute, be~Mu'B once yo u b".e the 0100 party for Gove rnor. Ie was for 68 ,O()(\, which was lIupposed to bowen!' tlllll may be, 1\ uircumltancea aa 1 WI\I saying-in Como, tboy keep In tbe cathedral an ki,.ed • known f?r several yeara be had rerused somewhat unde r ite value. Tho b otbers ,elated oC the .borl-d-n iL I-you'll never under, old crown, about. :,,\~ich aro c\u'Ilered Dear girl th,1 you 10ve(l, lo.lhink liro i. all to act With t~e Democratic party, on aeer, when pBperll werft eig~ed, aeeme stanJ-io ehort, the -re. jetty' as you more gqmd &8loclalloos \ ban I\round oight, accounl 01 Itl pro,slavery tendeDcy, dispo. sed to ehuekle oYer llia bar({ain : It Reem, that C'D\. D. misun' call it, in this pRrticul", case. tnken nil any olher roy,,1 relio, perbapB, in tbo rstanding Wilb the IWO., · tlemen III, ill all, conAlilute a d-n poor J'oke I' world.. ., . 'Pond Lhat be WRS outepoken in eup~ort -Why, Mr, A stor,' lAid he, 'tbl. 101 \Jnlu. you con onee D.or" rUloice i.dh" Inootinr f 'h G " , b I. '11 b I d d t d k' o • e overnmen. aglllnSt re e lon , WI 8 worth $l~,OOO.' u,. 0, 110 WR,B nol '0 spea mg Alid II,e Colonel put 011 III'S WI'g, "roan' OOer R collector of IDlereaCIDg ob"ecls With Ihole lip. 10 call1helll (oro.er your own1 M B i d I' d II h ' .. J 1'/0 doubt, could you find Ibe"" tbe ,·. ry 6rlt r, roug I flC Ine to a ow is n~me 'Very true,' replied Astor; " but now lerms wllh them, I~hhough all of the ed Al the good Simllritan, and decam. of vert", or of Bnliquity, llie golden ,rHlinr lo be hroul{hl ' before Ihn convenllOn, you shall see WbRL I will do wilb tbi. tbree wtlre profelSlionally riding the pcd. Bnd jewllled crowoll of England, Frllnce. Would.ho" 1 0U thallOm.bow their .we*t. but !n 1863, ha,jng.m~de a speech lit money . 'W itl_ght thousand Circuit pretty OIIuoh together. 'I' he Russi II. and Sp"io, lind Ibe iroo orown nou bad flO"D. M ar~leltll, ab~y ~epud~Rlmg th~ Demo- I buy ei~hty 10111 above 080111 stre.I . young OOllS being well IIwale or tbe Ladies' Fashion., of Monza, and be wOllld ohooae tbe oralie pa.rty 10 It I "'tltude or .(1Ieloy"l,y, By the lime your lot ia wortb 8 I !,OOO, Conooel'l irlucible Dalure, determined, iron in prererenoe &0 all the olbf'rs, in Tbel'fl" 'be ·l'Ie..llre. or Childbood,' .o."eel '" II Nallonal party-d~o)arlntr IIRYery my eighty lOll will be worlh 880,000: III lhey I.rt one of tile courte for IInoth· We oopy the following from tbe Lon· spite of the jewels. 'l'bo old crOWD is remu.ber, . desttoyed by the ao& or !'ebelhon-Ind whic" proYed 10 be Ihe fael. ID llle er, to haYa aome aport at his e-%penl', don NerD' of thd WorM, for the benefil kept in a aide chapel of the CaLbedral So carel"....0 brigbl, end .11 'hat Ibrl or mOlt earneslly oppealing to all palriotl couree of time Ihe illand was dotted by lhe way. Thoy Iccordingly gOI of our lady.readerll : M MODla, and il known 10 history al tbinl" or wbateYer previoull politiul prediJec' all over wilh Alto'r landl to luch aa aboul a half hour' lI elart iD lea'ing,and The eocnlric cOilumei lately 80 the Iron Crown of Monn. 'I'he faota By, "bo "ollid pyl 0111 hillnur; lire i" December tions 10 uni.le aJ:,,;nst the insurgenll of exlent, Ihat the whole income or hi • . pretenll, lbl:Y arriyed. a~ a b~oad, dark much in vogue are rllpidly dilftppeer. whicll are knowD, beyond dispute, Wilh _.!Iood o( ••II.'eah o'~r Ihe be... li • • 01 Lhe Soulh 10 ~uppor~ of the GOYern- ~.tate (or firty yel,. could be inyelLed slrelm LhaL looked! u If .'1 m!gh& be a ing. }<'or the pait (e" weeke iL baa "re. that il WI' worn by the e.rly Lom. Sprin,1 ment, be waa Immediately put , before 10 new bOllee •• whhoul buying aDY dOlen f,e& deep, bllt WblCh, In ~ellllty, been tbe (alLioo to "ear tbe mOlt pe . bard king., and. 1.IODg AgO AI abo w.a h.• rdly more tb~n ae many Incbel. culiAr maleriall, mRde in Ihe moet re- ero"ning of Henry of Luxumbourg, in Whe •• p'in~ i. UPO" 1011 ...joice in it. lun.hine; the people I I a, caodidate (or Go'ernor, more land, Mr. Allor wtil a firm belie,er in &l,e Cr~..mg It, the, IhKhted. pulled oft' mllrklble mannor--unythiog 10 1\8 to A, D, 1311, it WAI llsed in the cere me· Wh.n IIlIn .... r come., do the IBlDe Ihing in And WI" unllnimoully pllloed in nomi· nalion by tl.'G Slal~ Unlon"Convention. de.tiny 01 tbe Uolted Statcl, 10 olb· Ih~lr COllI. lind bo-D'., and .at down IIUr.ct attenlion. '00 mRtter how iocon. ny o( coroDation. it. Ihad.; But ne,,,r I'o",,,t it'. notbing bue nloonlhine The CAmpaign wlllch (olio wed wa. one er worde, be belli iLa stock in prorollnd q ul~lly 1.0 "atch for the 'old Tar· gruou. lhe artiole. forming the toilette. Therefore it wu worn by along IUO• TQ Ihink lhat lb. "inler (or Diourlilng of Ihe .m~lt m~morabl. in Obio, and r.eapec&. He had liUle to II, of poli. LIAr. • The fAlhion of makill, promenade toi. o... ion of monarchl, hut aller the tilDe Jogllwg along, at length, up CRme lette. with IhQ Ikir'. f.. lened up over of Chllrlea V il reeled quiet, an undi.thll mllJo"ty which elected John Brough tIca, bill Will a Eupporter of the Whig "Ide. 11I!.lre8Yi~e_t Gnr ginn iD Iny &ate lor parly, and never beUer plea.ed the old 11111019'. He lookllu 6nl at ~hll very .bor~ petti CORLe is now diSCArded; turbed relic, in ~be old calblldrAl, unlil Whale,." the bour, Dlalc. the nao.t or Jflur any CAndldale. thlln to ba,e Henry Clay at biB house. young~tt'n who were gravel~ draWing they lire II Iill worn looped up, cerlainly, Nilpoleon seilled ii, plaoed it on Iii. pl .... ure8; A. 111e Ohief MAgiltrattl of Ohio, The laet considerable Bum he . Will ?n Ihelf bvotl."nul CORls, liS If Lhey hllil but f"AleOfld in auch II way all 10 RdmiL helld with his awn handl, refuting biah· Look Cor... rd, 1101 back"ard, trll. comfort 10 Jol~n Blough fully lDeI the el[peota,lion8 kno~n 10 giye a'",y wla a contribution JU8~ hlld n 8Wlm, Rnd Ihen he looked ,at of 'heiog lowered if nquired. Will king op's office8, Rnd I"ying, 'God has given yiew; wlllcb hRd been. crellied by hI. emll~en.t to aid Ibe plection of Mr. CIIlY. When t.he brOlld cre .. k that roolell, .befor,A 111m drene. are only 80 madu whun I'ntended il t,) me; woe to him who louoh!!!! it.' There', ft la",1 .. u're inv;led 10 .tore .. ith oar A drS d b I I k ft I II /, I I ~ ~ IlUCce.1 a. II ltor 0 t"le, Rn y III asked he answered: 'I am not interell' • e uent tran. IIlcent lar, Ie ,-,u 011" fur morning wellr, lind then lhe pelli , Afler tbat, perhaps to remove the BtAin tr"uure., d tI subsequent fIIi,lwa. y Bucee.sl. LRboriou.B, ltid in Ihese Ihinll!, These .gentlemen WIIS awfu . lIy pUI!zled. . , CORlS over WII ICII Illey are feolooned nru~ of uAllrpRlion. the Austrian emperOl's A"d tlOIl't (.. rget tbal, rnen , .. hule,'er you O. If I f h d I <> 1 9 W.AIC 1 U : ~alflot.C, !IT·tng. te '. c ear ~n who aro in buviness ought 10 give. I ' s till, plaguey creek sWim mlng .' only II few inch es from the ground,- used it lit Iheir corouRlionl, and it ~igPall joy lind pa.llorrow have peri. hetllol\'"ther. IllS .0011 "ctlOll8 of duty, ~rm In. tllllJr don't mRke money Rny more, anct h", · he gruwlcd, IIftt:r a paule or 800l1l mo· For loilette de visite tho dress .. ! fire nilied Lo lhem, on suoh 0('clllion8, the Anti nellner need ,h.do .. 01. . hour of totlay ; mRllllenance nnd fearles8 . 1n tlielr exe· en't any concurn in the mailer.' One menlS. ne ver thuS' shorlenell. Mornir.g druss. pos8cs8iOD or the r~ombBrdo VeDoti"n H Ibere'...arm in the future. IhOl'"'' .110 rair cutlon, John. ' Brougll ~11l be r~mem' of the commitleo I'eplied : ' Why, Mr. . No reply was InR~e ; . the young es nre mRde in Bny light mat~rilll, .uch kingdom. But lhey will bardly U8C it w~kthert bt'r6d sa a wise lind uprIght .tMeam"n . Astor you lUe like Alexander when he Simply m~unted. their hones and rode aa mohnir, pail de chc\lre, pacnle. AI. IIgllin in AustriR. )leer olle. gree~ tho olber, IhN" lIolbing IIia memory will be cherished as that wepl 'heclluse thero were ~o morf off soml: httle dl~. lance, aDd Slopped 10 PRCIl, lind foulard. .Muslin dl'essel nre This muoh we know of II cerlainty of away. of " mRn whose pRlrioti ~ m was promi. worlds 10 conquer. You have mllde WRlch our IHlro, mflde witb eilher 11 BCllrf or ~hawl the this orown. Hut th uri il n trndition 'fI.le Colonelsl()wly diveeted himsel/ hAlf fitting jacktlt seldom looldnlr 'well <lonnected with iL whioh mokea it olle Doo't K.iete o'er tbe ,,811, witb ill to ... 1y de.d neolly above party IIttnchme~t', lind nil Ihe money. Rnd now there i8 no more whoso zeRl for the welfRrcJ of I~III o<:~n· mOlley 10 mllku.' The old eyea twinkl , of hiS boot s, co>at, p"nlllioon s I<"d in such Ii .ht materill18 \yjlhou~ it is o( LI, e most illtel'esting relios in tho hourt; try WIiS measurlld only by IllS Bb,llLy eu a~ Ille mingled complimenL and jeR'. d~aw.en. Theile l~e neatly tied up in lined witl~ silk, RS i~ 6t e'nerlllly Ibe ollse .. orld. The iron band whioh encircl es It neyer " •• known to do Anyone roatl; ha I ver ; lbat'l hl l SIlk handkt!rciller, and hung thl:m wilh white muslinl. F'or more dressy lhe htlRd ia said to be formed of one 01 Th e fueur. b•• IIIUlic, ."d buuly, and tlO..... II, Bnd IllS opporlunity 10 promole t1la\ 'Ha, tbe horn of Ihe laddie. Theil he Loiletlee, the Iightelt roMerials p08sible lhe nllill wilh wllich the Saviour of Auti ~I·i .. vinll' "ill .poil thelll ir anyilling wo'd weUare,- 0, S. Journal. • . ... , ..... s .. .., selected-very fine India mUlilin. men WII' atl....eu Lo Ihe cross, Tbe tralobn J.oob ....\or. for I ,bOO. bery g"ule, ltille de aoie, very dilion i. of very early date, althougll it IBketoll of aoYenior liroqll. He lived till Marcb 29, 184B, wlwo fine poil de chene, and light foulards. WIUl not alwny. or univel'sally Rcrepled. John Brough wall born lit tile old piIn 1BOU wheD lIe bAd been in bua' he died in bil 85lh year. During A These drenee are genfJr"lIy worn onr The people. of Millin denied it, B~t oneer 'own, Ma,ielta, in the yeAr 1811. inees IboUI fifteen ye.,. b. waa worth fuw yeart previoul hil miud hAd Leen evlored slips, of eilher larhllane or Rilk, Ihey were rlYlIls of Mon~". The ~eJID Hil earl, ' adnntagel ror ' callure or "qullrter of a million dollarl, An as· serivusly impaired, lie was nursed nccording to the LlIste aud agu o( Ihe WII8 plOno.unced authentiC ~, the b~h. prolllodoD ia Ii(e were limited. In 18· loui,biog amount, when the _diaadvan· like a cbild at a woman'. brealL, and "GArer. When the undt'r skirt Is of ~&~ lIulborll~, manr eeDlurl~1 ~go. or 13 he enteretl-the printing office oflbe tllies undtir which he commeDced oper tOiled in a blanket for ..uuC,iae. H ~llk llie u'pper one il mOltl, looped up II It "holly Impo.llble thall' II 10. Ahritllt. Gesene .. au apprentice, but ALioOI are considered. He bad, bow· propelty wal mliDly left 10 hi. own on each IIde of the front bread.h, 1(1 '~he hilLori,al .faots known on lhe ileeking.duoalionaladnnllgei,iD 1825 ever, wondt:rflll geniua, and DOW, u ramily, Ibe greater parL to hil Ion Wi I· Slowly and enutioully did the old te) Ihow the lilk slip, 1'hicker mnteri. lubJellt of Lhe nails or lhe Croll Are obtaiDed a litualion in tbe office of Lhe lhrough hi, wbole lile, wa• •ingularly liROI B, Allor, ao al Lo keep j, IIniled, genlleman and his horae lake the III., 8uoh II. ailks, are arenerally made Iheee: - Wh.en l!li Empre .. ~tllen .. Albenl Mirror, and took Il p!AC9 in 0'011 Irugili. Ilia lulturie. were a pipe,gla.. The whole eltate "ae IIlimPoled at creek. Hillf II lenglh-and lbe waler eilher with 1"0 skirte, or in a Ilyle gif ' m~e ~.loaYOIIOnl In Jeruulem, In ahe of abe olutel of .ohio Universily. '1'0 vf beer, " gaDle oC draughlll, a ride on Lwenty millions and ia now probably "as IIOt re&lock dlee" .1 Here Ihe horae ing tbe lame "ppearRnoe; for in.tRnce, beitlODlllg of the fourth ~eDlury, to.un· wbat extent hi. Iludiel in college were horallbaek and tha Lhea~r, He held double Ihllt amount Se,eo hundred stopped to driok. A length and a the fronl breAdtb trimmed "itb ODe ooyer tb~ tDmb and plaoe ~f e.llc~tl~n. pllnued 'we are '001 adviled, bu~ in 18· in utter conlempL tile dalhiog modft houles io New York city belong 10 Mr. half-and Lhe l&!ream 00 de~per I 'I'hir · ftounoe or more, and anolher lrim.lng ~hll w~. mformed by certalo Obm"la 31 be became proprielor of II DI!Dlo ' life of many Nuw.York merch ~ntl.~nd AILor. The chief legMj waf one of ~y (eet rurlher, lind a dtolded ,IuJaI, down each side, which giYes the reet IDhabltant~ or Jeruealem 'ha.' the croea· cratio paper, 'publiehed at MarieltA, IIbbored note IhllVlng Ind l&ook Jobbang. 8400,000 to found the Astor Librllry. 1"1 ! o( the skirl the IIppearance o( A tunic. el of Cb"lt lad Ibe Lwo tble,es were which waa called The Wa.hinglon ·Co Nevenhulell, he wle no plodder when 'fhe nnt largesi. 850,000, was be· HI'~e Co~. D. reined up,. 'Th~re Skirl.e IIro mllde very (ull and .ery ORst inlo . a p~t or r.avin~ amonfJ ~d RepublicRn. SoekinjC a wider sphere. plodding hau ceaeed '0 be neee .. ary. quealhed 10 hia native village of Will . mUSI, be ,aid, 'be " (h~ndcrmg 8wlrt, 10nK, lind the crinolines AS larg. 8a ev. ro~ks, bemg, III JeWISh !leW, .po lu Mr. Brough aold the lWpublican in 18· He was very mean, He once 10sL · dorf, to found a home for poor people, deep chllnntll ?el~ el'n thl!lan:! ~he blink er. Some few ladies havo discontinued obJecl., ~he d~g out t~\8 raVine, and 33, and io conjunclion with hi. brotht'r Ih.e .eniceR of Oll~ of IIi. best. Cllp' l and .::-30.000 W8S left 10 the GermRIl -see ho~ 8Wlft \I runs, We II dll~h them, but there doel not aeem tho leall found VIII'lOU8 pleceA of IIm.ber. Wheth· Uharle. H. purch"aed Ihe LanolUlLer talDl and 67U,OOO 1'010 Lbe bargnm, by , lnstllute or New York, '1'0 his old t"ro u~h I . s),nlptom of their general deoreRse, 6][, or Lhey wero Ihe crosllel. lD queltion. ERgle. Under the mlln'genlllllt of Ihe rdu >ini LO V"y for II chrollomllier I frienu Rnd mnnRger, F'itz Greene .H"I . A sharp I'lsh mn~1l Ihe horao sprlOg copting for ball. and evening concerls . or .wl!elber .lh.Of. were. IlmberBf)iof old Broughl lhe EAgle ilamedi"lely gained which Ihe Cllptain sllid hil Ihip need ,l lcck, thu PO"L, he lefl 't he strllnge leIl R- ' half over Ihe remllllllle r of ,Ihe 'wat' On these occa8ion~ they lire email belowb.ud(h... ~8.ltls. lmposslble to a rm.iollueutial rank among the Democratic tid. The CRplain left hia lervice IIntl : cy of $200 ~er aUnum for life. Thill I.cry IV.aBte,' and EllIulhe.r Cllrrll·d h?~se the wllisl and 80 very flexible thaI tbe 'lhe IIIl1la or .plkes. she found also. journal. of the Slat.e, entered Ihat o( anolber houle. Hu 18um M r, Wm. Astor at once incHased Rnd mltr to Ihll opposlllg bank . 1 he least pro~8ure will comproslI llwm. Ono of lllc~o nads she .sent to <:on. Ib 183& JollO . Brough wa. elected mn a cllrgo of leas into New York just 10 $1,&00. 'I'he aame more liberal creek WM. nowhllre more than a fllOI . MRny bodiell. lof dre88~~ ~~e ~lIde ~1';;;~i~:'R~ndo;~:'::ntbYro~I~:::d:r'~:~ Olerk of Ihe OhiO-~ DI" •• which -,post seven days af~er one belonging 10 Mr, beir volun tarily gRve to the Bea cap ' Jeep_ • . 'r' ,WILh a bRsque ('It ler J'OtlOu t_ walsl or I 'L ',,\. 'bl . '\.e t' 1 be filled with abilitv unlil 1838, when Asto! hllu afrlvod, Altor nOI expecl' tRin. who hod ftRved Mr. Aslor 80 muoh j A WIld yelJ from tl~e . young uns mertl, at thtJ bac k. sud with the 8kirl r'°I~HI~ A unu~. P08\\ ID. III n Ilona he WRI called to re'present the countiu8 ing IIDother "bip to Irriv. for. monlhs. money, R haodsomQ SUID or money, 8nnouc .. d their oppreclaLlon uf the sport, StpBrtltC, so IhM il can bll worn over ,~ I menL 0 . " we ' nown prop I tY, or Fairlield lind Hooking in tbe Legis· b"d mllde no hllrry to 8ell IllS cargo, (or h~ was nvl Dlentioned in tbe old as tlll'y galloped lI"ay. , the bllsque wilh a blind, and thUB form l,hll OI~lIjr lIalls were 1lIRO preser ve . lature. In 1 n39 he waa choRen AudiLor and Lefore hI: had ~ot ready 10 ~i8po~e I mRn'a will-RurptrlJ Magazine, ' I'll cRtcb you. you YOUDI! raacRI: two uiM\in~ eLy IllS ofbllsque. .Loose nlcre IS no reason 10 doubt t~lIlt many of the Statu of Ohio, by Lhe Genlral of it a second 81l1p·lolld comlllg In Wll8 ground OIUt bel ween Col, D. 6 bodie. of a different material hom Ihe fragmeut9 of Lh~ w:ood Ihull d,scoyc recl ' It ' .,Iulle' U 'he mlllkt:I, "lid Astor I ~" ' all lell. ~h, IID'd a.wRydhe gallopeu in hot pur- skl'rta 'arll very much won IIUU are by HeleM remaIn In Eur~peRn cbu~~hd d bl .ASIP-1Il y. In 8ervu ' lD tIn CRp"Clly o · Facta on AdvertlBlng. r 1 ' 'e~ '1'110 large fragmen~ In the bClSllrCI\ un,U 11145. He Look chRrge of the 6. the profil8 of the voy"ge, which he had S':'lt, m.Il~lertng relld.u Yengeaoco on made of {ouhud alpnca Llama, and • . . ' I I r t ~ I I' " o( Sanln Croce, 10 llome, IS undoubl· Ilancea o( our Slate At a perioct or seri oSLim~l" d al iii- 7 0 ,0 00 . ' Meellng tIe 'fhc adverliAt'mcnls in an ordinary 118 ugl lYe oe • ,mulIlD. ul ( r II d u' e ed . I I Cilptam ehortlv after III Brolld1l'ay, he nunl"-er or 'bu On-on-IIII'y Ipeed I pursuer Sleeves either oalledd eby 1HelenR, a ragmenlo woo wood ISCOV Wlla. r OU8 mone IAry d Ilprellllon-w lell ex en, n - ~ London 'I'I'mel t'J:oued ~ > d lind 11 'b", , are d ' of the form b 'd WlllltOyerIe Lhal aive iol'JrnAI iDlproyemenLs were being lIaid: • I hau belter ha,ve paid for ,hal '~,500, Ihe annual Rllvertiling bill. of puulled.I' Tbe youngswrs IRughe ,ye. · lIuOP, an act IDlo an em rOI en' 'I'h '1 d' d r h' tory un t,' rr d II b d 'e nal a IIRppellre rom 18 • proaecu&ed-when the I'tllOurcea of thl: 0 IIronomtlll'r 0 r yours, on" London firm are laid 10 amounL 10 t! il ,Ioreame d _·t h e C u Ione I swore Wlln pOlgnet, or pUull a ~ e trny own,- , 1 .1 d ft r HelenA d' H ft..... 1 d 1 t U . I I ' 1 '1 I' I I I) 1 We b"ve setJD .everlll cOreelel& made or III, ~olDe lunure yean II e . · State were DoL equaI t.o 118 upen I. , e~ .. a e!wa_ ~ II ~ ge Ie 8~oo,OOO; Anu Ihree others are men· mig IIy emp lallll, ~ II e lIa.e lur . u . . , . b Ihe lion orown of MODII wal aald Co' t."I" and conaeqllendy when hCRVY Caplalll back I'Oto hll BerVlce. Thllt ~ionlld "ho ellch annuII\1y el[pended for lered and cr8clded ID thu "Ind, like I L6ne'dJrnen and Lrr,!,med fellbl er dWI!1 be made of one qf Ihem, And po.sibly Juan. were necellaril, oegaciated. He .ame Caplain arterw~rd I""ed ."Ir, ~8' the lame purpose, 8&0,000, 'fhe ex· loole flying jib I r... or croa.wa, plecel 0 00 ore 10'. P b bl 't For "here '.. . I d .. ,. 'h d" On-oD I-I'nd reached double 00. i8 aau' Ytlry a ,_.... ~Alia wauf•... , and tber".. be n.'I'"" eaerglel ... IUC h a re"IIOO 0 r to r '70 . •000.' Allor I IIgenl In. Chma . . peDIe lor a Yt!r~l.rnlr tue elg t e UI008 , .'be purlllAd ~, • en I h' bl·Ititthed I tl \..Blue Iy ted Il • lwa., ong , rA drl~'.Ion _, the fin8n~i.~ 'Yltem o( the SlAle_ucb h~d ~Ied WILli tha~ am~unL ef lUI p~~n' of tb. EncyoloJ'Jeliia, Bri&lanica, i. II firm bOUle on 'he read .ide. Tbelr as lo?a e.~ or, .Ioug •• 0.0, I. i8 nG evidence to the oontrary, Ih. (lbaniel In It. r8Y~nue I~wa and I~r.h clpal ~ propur'y I.n, hi. h"ndl. lha laid 10 hR,e ~en 815.uoo. pauing nartled a ftack of geele from to deltcate comple.llonl and fa~r hAlf. robabilitie. are in faYor or Lhe tradi· enlargemeDl.I 01 UI b .... 01 tax,tlOD, Captain. who wa. ID .Clnl.on. at lhe Jt i. a110 ..... rted Ibl' '10,000,000 the fent'e corner, "hich, a8 ,be Colonel V!e ..e m,oy blondee dreaaed ID blue fion having foundalioo in Irutli. '" render bil liz annual reporta among time, well .I~ew lbat If tillS, Immenle A yellr Ire ezpeaded in Eagllnd iD ex· d".hed up, lDei him "hh Gut.pread hterally ~rom head to f~', the very Tbe pre8ent condition or ltRlian a'· tha mOlt nlaable of our public docu, p,"oper,IY fell I.nw Ihe POIIO"lOn of II~e tra adYerLiling. by olroulRr., band~ilI. winKI, elongal,e d neek, Alld hillel dire, "loYe8 belDg blue; bUI Ibll b~1 ""her faira makee lb. iron erown of MODz" menll. John Brough wa. one 01 Ihe Clllesllal OffiCIAls, Dol vne dollar of II Rod plllcarda,-!o I.rge citie., notlllng His bon. Iwerved luddeoly, and the a heavy eft'tjel. Wben the g ovea are an objecl o( .nulual iaterellt, We are lew Allditora o( Oblo who 'have com · would ever ruch America. By. ler· i. more common IhlO 10 He large bUI' Colonel in & moment WII upon th~ a pr.euy grey or elone color, Ihe enl8!D' nol lure wbether the AUltrlaD' left it prehended the raot Ibat the position of iu of bolll meaau~8 ~e leeurlld 'he iness ellabliallmenta, thallel!m lU han ground in a moe' unromantic ' heap, bl~ Ie much '!lore e!eg~nt. For IA~lel al Monu' bUI I' ao, the old relic, Iychief or i'l linancial bure.all is Lbe mosl money, And made IL Yield a pr06' to Rn immenle ad,,,nt"ge ottr a\1 compe· with Ilia brown wig by hiB lide, anu WIth dark hair, .mAlze IS a very (ashlOn. ing in lbo' aido 'cbapel of the oalh,dral, imporllnL offine "'Ihintthe gift 01 its Ihe o"n~r. Mr A~tor ack~owludged lilore by Lhe wealth, experience and hil bUlldle of clotlle. .CALlered able ,Ind becomlog.obol o[, I~~e of Ihe but little vieiled, in II quiel, 10Deiome eople. Wilh greal courr'ge and com· Ihe IlefYlce. He I.Bld many time,.: 'If preatige they hl\,'e Rcquired, drop grad. d I Empire bonneLs, "II till IIg I crown Id I b h' h the travel of the P aroun. nd Itiff CUrlain seem to huve boen 0 pace, y W Ie • 'I ' II ' d d I preheDsive power, Auditor Rrough .ex· you l.au nol d ooe JUh al yo.u I, ually oul of public view, Rnd be ~uc. The wbite heAded c111ldrell of Ibl: ~ I ' t I I world ruuhts IIlong on Iron fli ., lmpe I Id I ve I"en one dollar of d b fi ( II '-I ' lDvent~e 11.8 a WarD1[)g 0 8 lOW lOW . bl ( tb pose d wrongl all d IUgg~l\e d reme d le~, t IOU 'neYer III. . . ' cetde y rws 0 a emil er ~apl~, house came oul firsl, to~k a dlstanl u I tbin 8 CliO be made il cHrried to ed by .stellm, .. an IIP~ em em 0 ~ aod wu very largely InlLrument.1 ID my money; DO,. not. one doll.1IT of ,I', more rntrgy, and more delermln8110n yitJw of Ihe 1Il0ntiLer-ae It seemed to g y g Lombard race lind nRuon for many cen lhe organilRtion of the financial Iy.lllm bu, be never pal~ 111m for h" IIer\llCe~, 10 have Ijle fact thRt Lhey sellllucb lind them, Rnd Ihen lurned 10 reporl pro· exce8.. Iuries. Th~y have bus served Ihe purwhiob hRI plACeu Ohio .IDOOg Lhe lltale. th,ough the ~ilPtlllO hRd to 8upporL 1118 8uch comin<>ditiea known from one end greslI. Afillt a little, Ihe fRtller of ~he ~The oldesL of Lhe blind engAged post's of th~1r conquerofl" lind adorned whOle crediL il " above reproach or lIua' wire and clllidren on a .alary of 8100 of the IlInd to Ihe olher. In olhn f/U1lily clime oul, alld Ihe affllir bcmg in the Bologne conspiracy or 1340, Et· lhe coronRtlonl of successive elDper~rs. picioo. a month, and bis employer ""s worth words the n\!w estllblishment advertist; tlllplBined, a8aiblt:d Uo!. D. in making ienne Lllbord~, died Ihe uther day,Aged It looks now 88 ~f ~he old crown ~l1gbS In 1846. reliring from Ihe office of !.en million I, . Ihl: old died or dignity. The former his wile'; Lite Colonel awearing, eighty.four, in the PRlace of the . ~uJ: - yel be u se d to vtnd'Cllte the ne" lare of Audilor, with lin enviable repuLlltion as .OD?e, abo, lie gue oDe of III. ~AP are rllyenous to P"SS out of obscurity and Ihe countrymRn Illughed all the emuourg, of which he was the 91~IIAT~ llaly, and Lombardy become a parI of a far-'ighted public offic"r, John Brough LaID. Im~en8~ trouble Co get two plpllS into puLl icily ; Ihe IlIlter bt:lieve Ib.t wtile. eovcrnor. In the' order of the day, the JjYing modern worlu, 0p~Ded a law offic~ in Cmcinnali. &lid o( Made"" wine from un~er a oargo their publicity is 10 OttviOUB.Lhlll i~ can , Drened and remounted. our llero iUlied on board lila EdinJ,urg Call1c,by .. ~ Professor Aytoun, llie. Scotch uniLed "jlb .bil brotltl:r, Oharl"l H., in of Lea. whi~h he "AS lending La Am- no' be obscured. The fint tbBt Lhey It"rled 011 with woeful phil, bUL bO , Prince Louis Napoleon, al\oling their Ihe mlD.gtlmenL or Lbe Cincinnati En · Ilerdam for a marke' h look two dHys mUlt tbrult lbemlelvel on pnblic at· fore he goL a hundered yarde, he, WIUI parta 10 his alSo~iales. Laborde W~8 pool, died near Elgin, Mornyalure, on quirer. He eotered aolil/Illy into poli. to disinler ~be caa~s. He ~ention or be diaregRrded ; Ihe aee,ond called bllck by Ihe counlrymao. designaled ae LI'IuteDl\nt Colonel m lhe 4th inet.-lJe waf 6Z years old,and 'ioe, And w.. regarded III Lhe ablell proml,sed the ,?"ptRIII a demijohn of huving ollce obLftioed , public alleolloD, . 'Here'l IIOmethio' you've droor~d~' command of Ihe artillery of Lhe cenlre; a cll/ver writer. .- - - -......- -- M IlPeaker which the Dftmooratic party ' the wille ror bl8 labor,but be nllv.tr got suppoel tbey haye arrelled i' perma. aRid tbe man, handiog lb. Oolone bls Ilnd' in lhe general inlLruc\ionl he wAI then bad in Ohio. Thoroughly inform- it,. Once .arLerwar~. tbe ~IJPtal,n re; nendy, while in fllct Dolhing il more . 'cltarge~ ~ilb Ihe immlldiate formaLio>n ~O? the rtoent birlh of rs, ed in publio III"ir.-'aelf·pol.eased~ .m loded hIm, of, 1111 p~omlM, Ab,. charac~eri8tic. Of. the ~orld ~l1ln \,he wl~Ah, "el', ' "row led D., 'another of a bbllihon of volunteerll, whom be Sprftgue., the ·Rhode leland 8e~a· . • .ID argumlln, t aD d • hrew d In e-id koow.the rcas. ease WitbwiIIC b I'• I ~orge'. r -as to lalemble 00 tIle PI·'·e d'AI'nle", Ingemoul R Astor . " dOD t YOIl . .. '.... item in tli.o ""J gllicUI of this in.amou.. " R, " tor'8 wife's fint bllb~, her motber.lnII the evalioD of knoLLy pointl-favored on T It liD t fioe J8&; watl 1111 II .. _ _ __ • alTair.' in fronL of the Hotel d. Ville of Bou- law preeenll'd her WIth 8500,000, ao u De~er "':8 ll: d "itb a powerful voice and an .engAgiog fioe, anddY?Il'IIII11TY yoC 10. docl! 'I ' about to relUll1 Uthe .tage • Wblt il Lh., YOIl call il-rtS je,ly ? iognc.' '~; .. liotLled 8100,OOO .on 'be ohild, d mlllllef, John Brougb- wilen we firat 6uoll Ma clI·a. he RpLAID wal t C, AUur ~ ~ Doo', crieYII (or d ••d ro ..._
heard fhilm
•• el"" employ. po"er u poJiLIca orator.
' . . .
III,,' "
I A 1\1 I
ft. C10eiDs 8080" • to }d X' 0 Fueral of Governor Brooch. _ b f Lb f 'eode of reo -WiitfaJl hal gone 8 10 • ~ ~·l· I'C. osturlil fortrelael came lbere, nn It -• ICIIlOSI io Lhe ure of Quite a, nu~ et 0 8 h;~ob 00 Fri. -A movement to present. Gtn Hoo6 The Ill.l)t ~o?c t. ~qui diltancel t 0, DuL on a nearer Tbe Cuneral of Gov. Brougb WM ...• \ G cli:~:ugh "I described 10 all larm Olet,lo tbAe M. ~'2~th -·Itl, a hOm4l6Lead hal been III hand as ," ~ d h tu work . d ' 11 d' tbe oyernor ' r 'I I ' 1 elt day .,eolDg, u g u s , J ~ .~ approAoh, 1 foan L ey were" mero\lll, aLtende • nol"lt stan 109 Iby ao eye·wilnells, are u. 0 I~ l'r J' B Oraham Esq., wal ,calle S"O A.lonio •• • - 1'. D.I",&TB • J. 110 8OSUTr, EDITORS. oC mao, now ruinou~, Ihough erected rain poured down In torrt:nls from eaf· and palhos. On Monday eyenlng at t If~:~lai;' pra1e~ by Rev . E. K, M . Oen Terry' bas returned to ~~.....,......,.. e Iy dawn to near aun·eelllng, ' " k tue Gonroo r awa- G I ' o{ the R' - I wOlld nJ" spll'llrinJ ·r,olD. Lb e e.. ...eo\.l of ' Ib . 11 0 hi 0 • during Lhe old·time 010 de 0 1 war fa r, WI'Lh I: fI'.f Ibou, nlDiO 0 cI~, ." ' h 'cll Squier. The, princlpa Ullness n •• v t e, 'Cor de(enc'e. The bouth eOlllt 01 Eng· . tervals FrOID len o'clock in ' the kell4ld Irc,~ the 10senBdlblhty ~; :be eyeniol!' WI\. \leMing re~orLs oCc Ihe a ~uln'8uoke l ueta\Ded wrlile 'reviewing G 1806 ' ' d II. 10 • d b ' bad lIun fOr some a1 I ," , p '1'I.e Comm ittees 0 ten ' p' b 1VEDNESDA.\·,SEPTEM O ..... , • land is sWdued wilh simIlar roun e_ ' morlling punuanL to tbe ,recOIIur.len ,- e C ' . '1 ramily " ho galhered Oommltte... • ' h ,b d u ,,,ilte the t.rOV)l8 M e.era "ra· . ~_~~.,.;,.~_~-""""'"~~'"""~~. 'r ' . reque8~'~ ul , G I . Led to con er WIt e r So ' , -0 - ' " ~ NO ". i6cea, termed Martello ower., on t'lon of Oov. Anderson. Lbe bUilD'" od h'll bed .• ille, Surgeon ' enera "ppoln d r II • _c..muel MoKee, ~he lIn lOp onYO ... I, - - - - - - - - - - - • A • • 1 i .rOlI , I I 'cU hu reporle 38 .0 OWl. ..,.. I N ' h d' t ' . e!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!==!!!~! whiob ",ere Iwivel·gunl, New loven- houses of Ihe cily were Cl oseu, Barr iofcltmed ~im L~at ~I w 11 bee ~ The undersigned, 1\ committee ap' gress · mao·elect 01 ~!" In~ Itl rlC~, liolla bave made them of 00 import, alld tbe town assumed the appellrllnCjl mall ,kill cuuld' do f~r hllDd had II I p->iDted at A Cormer ",eeliog. ,to confer Kenlncky, willi 1\ prlsoDer Of' !,_r at l / Aod now they merely eerve 108h 0" t he and quieludo of a Sabbath day. T ValOC' an 11\ 'f aLlempte d , n nd ·iI • d I 'glnow ty God with the DrugglSll 0 L eb aoon, I·0 or . L'bb I Y (lurin ; . .? a 'pac,,. , 0 nuultellA , f . II ' 0 be wu in Lhe bl\lI • 0 I mIl ' cll restrictiolls in Lhe wUlltb~ march of intt:llect ID war I\re, 8t1 In II ciyi\ ufiicell oC SI.Ilt.e, includtng o. H Id 01 live Corly·t:ight houri. Ut!f to st:~lIre!u. I' . 81 all . ,.1 e cou 0 I I k U 81 sl\le DC IIILoxlcaung IquolS All I _Oharlel Andersoo, of Dayloo,. I f It things e 8e. . ADderson,lhe headl 0 t e leYe '{'Lte Governor WI\S great y s ~oc ·e t t Ihe cOlDmuDity 8"ainat Ibtl Ol\t· Lie ulOnaut Goveroor, lucceed. JOb,D Irt:land has bad an Industrial Exul- Depart(nenls, with many of tUt!ir . thiR announcemenl, Bnd "Iookl~g G~n ' pro tOLero to'ore complained uf, would dS H b . •. I" ( tl who 1 U· IB ' tl Cl\ce deS lrtHI 11lW 10 reo rl\ges .' Urough ti S Governor,an . limp reybitioll, ",ll1CU, uear rom 'ose • Pi8tlllll' tbe Judges of 1111 nil ern !irr ID Ie ~d G I )3l\rr muko the following repo rt: v'lllt: or Medina counly, Preaiden. ' pr() . ultnlion tcOl,' oC Lhe 8enale , is 'noW L .... ' -' enan' went to see, 1181 a bIIftU rc I U I an U 8UC" Slatct' Court tbe Judge8 of th e . I pea,t whd he h"dI aal, I d enera 1 forly , eigb~ 'Ihe comluillee milL for cons. •. fi 'I a I ' I' 'fll O sl ,"leti Llaa t Ie la no ffi r J d J le8 Smith ·on I ceps(ul alTair. n auc,;, a ne CI y preme Cour Lof th. S iale, lind leve lib I' : The OOYllrllor then Ie · 1'1 the 0 ce 0 u ge an , D' Gonrllor of Ohio. I Judgea of the Circuit CourC of bours, to' He. a\l dcept bis family ani I Sal ur d ay Ilve ll inff , the t 91111Dal, rlL Dublin, lIle cleRr Rtmosp Ilere, ao d nR' • 1III\t d _ A Hr. M. U. SquilO, residenl of h I ques.cu Af hi C 1\ nd G eDny wllre requaste H AU , ural gaiety oC heart among I e peop e, Stille the Governor's Milililry S ' tienual Bllrr ll'a Ye lhe rooru, . C owt:n " l d · iug that el\ch por. StlUk counly, Wit, inltl\ntly killed ~ " ' ' Ila""b e~n dll OIl , , ho b'eon\'er"ed meet WI.l us,anGSIT Robin • (EJection Ootober to, 180li.) any. out' uoor 8h 0" '11 surl> t0 answer • orivate Secretary, Bnd m,n.y ot b ler II". ( 'I to t should have imparlial h"arillg, A 11181 'I' ucs d Ity b y a man Uamed , '£he Irish, 1 bear, were vexed thaL Ibe i)fominen~ ciLill:08 o[ 'IIllioUI porli~ ulmly I~od ralloDlllly. wttlb 1~~iI;m~r. f;auk but friendly u'p reilion of fell~ 100 . 'l'l~ o~ly b{'liov:Clllltn I ~tA' ~h~ WOR OOV'KRNO'R, Prince 01 Wa\el, who opened the Ell.- of tbe Stale wera early in tbe ci\l' fo~ some time on prlYI\ e illg V:al ha'd with theee gen~lemeu, anI prer leOdLllllon 0 1\ It I'as~' ~;:o;,.,~r ,~ X r Trumbull, ' h I nd' • fairS. d ' I ns discussed a 8 to how LIII re use lO plly. lAC OB DOLSON CO ,0 · hibitlOn, was In 8UC a lUrry, I The funeral ser,iceB were at the TeIIl' Turning to General Barr, an appar · Ol~ny p 1\ b J.' d TI e follow , muniercr hllJ DoL bee n Arre,wd. I'oa I.IBUT,·QOVKBlIOB. IIhowed himself 10 litLle io publill. He deoce of UOY. Brough, on Pr08pe~t ently addressiog his remarks more pa~· ~vll Ihouldna~ldrereemdep~:l;Licl\)Jlltl lind wall rf N shy'llle T'lmel u .... tbAi .... ' I' I G nor proceill Ing WfiS co . III 8 J ... BURNEY Warren 'I I ' d . I' ANDREW O.... C , • wal favored Wit I leavy laID urIDg "I street 1bR\ a mile and 8 half from IIcularly 10 IIm,~ Ie , \)~or , d.1 ' e" your commilll'e 1I1111 J11~oed 0 1' f Ju slice Ohue ie expected to dl'·C . t ' d k (III rtl"'loul VIews lin RuOpl. u IIIl ' d roR TaUSURBR OF lTATE, brief stay, In d seeme as I 1I000IOUS 0 Ihe Weddle commeocing at 10 o'clock, e 10 IIlPen o,~, t ' tlat he oy Drs, 1\. eOowen and OIt!nny : liv er lhll I\ddres8 on the occaaion of th • mllke bis vi~it a8 sbort al posBible, . anu were c~nducted by the Rev. MOl' hopes. IH el&al, 1P SU'1 ~,:de:eve; mRde 1'hc undersigned Druggislil o~ Leb· Ut!,liclIliUII or th e-. N"tionlll Cemetery . SIDNEY S. WARNEH, or Lorllin. l was DO t leo nglan, 8nl 0 ' ' II' t uniltl wHh th e . I' I OSQ Ib ' Tbe other maller of start I ing mterllRt s Hogue in ~he course of "hich Ih., • (Jf".lion oC rengioll. He had . '\non, ~llIg WI I,ng o . 'If Ill'ar CIII\llnnouga, 10 w lie I fI'P Il' I'oa supaK .. E I UDOIII, JAOOB BRLNKERllOO F, Of Rich· is the 811d Cate of .t hree Engli8h~e.n I\Dd ~v. gen~leman paid A jU8L and elo· ~~~!,:er, ahvliya. ende'~vor~d t" .Iive eiliz~::e~~ ~::: :~I~a:re i~~ox\I~~I~in; li~~8 rl!lI1 ~ilJ~ o~ Wilily IlH)a~anJ8 of o~r "'nd-(Long Term.) a guide, who fell over 1\, pr~clplce 01 quenL tribute 10 thQ distinguished abili b~ned tl.y and uprlghtl,)' 11\ 1\18 re~~I::~ ~~8P"s A I>everll~e, do hereoy IHI,vose p"IIIOLlC ell . , JOHN WELSH, ' Of Atbeos, (To fill ncarly 5000 teet, whilst chmbmg a peak ity integriLY and lofty paLriotilm or wlL.h 111~ ftlllowb',Dlbllnd' ~Ddd Inlee hopHe con- anu pleJ"" ourselyea to ob~l:\"v c Illt 'Ill · \ -Gt'ner,,1 J..ff'u 1 hO~p8?n, ",Iateoor V ) dd b '( b" .' beirne... t la' e II .0 0 • , a th e reb,, \ IHID". 1\ 'ert1!lCI III ... ew raCIDcy. oC lbe Alpll ne,vor ttO en e o~e Y the deoeased, Rnd alluded ID feehng fClsed lhltt he hlld sinlled grelltly, al· l o w l t l g , IIt'Rn8 fo\" " Sil;IRLiou in a COttOIl (I\olor.rOR ATTORNEY GBNERAL, humlln feet, '1 hree olhers wer8 lle~ 10 Bnd IIppropriate Lerma to the deep Ilho ugh he de \loun\l~d a8 r"lse the all\n· RU~8 A!oOD ~EG~UTtON9. a~e hou, e. Young, e~terprilli:l~' Anll WILLIAM H. WEs'r, or Logan. the .ame rope, aod ooly eacR~ed a 6101' religious lentimenL whilll, form ed Ibe dero us rumors or. hi S drunkenn~8s lind 1st. 'I hRt we ,Will . ID no CUrie II\lOW" 11IIy'ing ,,1I\rge fl(qu"IO~llnuo ID lht) rOR·lonOOL COMIUIIIIONEBj ilar death 6y the ropu breaklllg. The b I L f tl .. 1I0melimel rough ex· I Jicentiou snees willch llau been clrcu{at- Jiquorl to be drank an or abouL our Mis b6ippi Vlllley, he ht:ll~vn he call. Af H arrl8on. . d B ut,t IlOug II IIe acl·now . . JOHN. . A. NORRIS,'v accideut waa caused by Mr. IhQow, aau, s ra um,0. I.. t. , " , Ill dgetllhst . prt!mlses ,. ,ilitlu"nctl a Iurge Lrll J e, " . ' b' I I ~ hill tenor or hiS life, • he hRd been II great810ner In the 8lgl~t iu, That we 19111 atrlclly lind fllllh . ' . k d " FOI\ DOAIID OF PUDUO WORKS, . noYl,ce 10 cralg·chm IIlg, .... 10 08. 'l'he burilll cale wa, a Deat, rich one· of lioCl, lie staled ~haL every act of hili fully, in all'4'eepecIII, comply wilh thu - Jell: Dltv!! hA~ been IItlac, e , ~tlh ' JAMES }dOORE, 0 '( ~08bocton. footwg, And. draglreil Lhe others "Ith with a glll88 lop showing the atRtely in dial;hflrginJl hie dUlies as Gilvernor requirementlof our S~ale Liqllor LI\',; the ery ~ lpcl"s for th,~.rc;DlI lIme.~~\lc'1 liim. When the bQqies were found, I m oC the de~ea.t'd to lhe waist, hnd been performed' "itll Lhe Ilricleel alld in no caee BIIII t~ AperKou whom w e hi s i:n ~ri.o nme nt'l ' Ie , flL IILLac -\'8 , ~ J'()R OI&RK 01' IUPREMB COURT, . , . .or , ' d '11 rful . b r ' \'Ny Rit .. ht Lut t liS 011" 1Mmore at-vele, 118fe Ihd shgbtel~, reA~un I~ ~ II'V ~ IS I I uu"i: n~t lookell .. pon as IItriOUIl. RODNEY 100S, of ClintoD Oouoty. Lhey were Iitl!mlly ID Jelly-here R pIece cloLhed in citl&en'l alLire, with riglll consCIt~nIlO~5ne88, an, . ~I I 1'~8ye and t11~re II 'piec~, hardly po.sible 10 haud realing upon dIe left br~A8t. 'fhe Irl~ga::u!~rlyIl8b~,~sr:G~~~II~H:o:)::I!tA~~ in the h"bib~ ~~r~I::~ ~~~XI~:llllru!:?,~~ :~'~I~ h~IIlth of Mr. Cluy ia ilDprlity. J'O)t ITAT.&: SENATon, DIlle as havID'" once form ed 1\ hUe , I Ie on a8 A " g, , recog . !> , fealurel were plaCId, and utrl'me y 'ed tl.llt he. hlld uever gone . to bed at pledge ouneh'ea to use 1\11 proper 109, . . 'N. C. MoF ARLAND. mao body. It 1'1 a plly me~ are 10 natura\. On Lhe CAse were a cro88110d Inight, for twenty years, wltllOut first meRna Lo Rscerlllin who are prol't'r rc~ · ~A Ml s~ Oolher, 1\ IIchool . tf'nch~' .......... foolishly yenLure~ome for nolumg I . anchor: Cormed of d"licRIe Bowers, and iprA)' ing to God Cor ror!{!vneds a~d f,ro:- son810 whlvJIl liquor shall be sold,I\I\I) 111 n.,'nr P.-uriH, 111 .• 011 the " PllrOftch o~~" roll Till: ~l.Tr£. I constantly como in contacC wlLh I ' I I ' I ' 'lion It~c iUII, lIud Ih"L he dIed pE" nlle\ltl~, casel of douht "'ke the 8l1fv. SI UIl lind Illuno cr storm lately, rftn uut to brlllg .1a p Rttl WII I t Ie · SImp e lIIscrrp, , I" d \' , I I . I r lid W TraDI- ! tI aidIe ()orreSpGDIRlDtl8'. I who want 10 lalk of our civil ", '1'1 8cknowleJgmg 1I88lnS, 110 LI'US log III rtfust! 10 81l1l. col ,e! 111 1l,I\t wer" on, II 10 0, 8 .M peop e " , ,'JIlHN BaouGH, WIth 1118 Age. Ie i Christ for pHrdun. As he spoke the r::signed] W. GL t: IiSI' , insll\l1lly klll"d by hghlll1ng wr'leh BOULOONB IUR MBR, FRANCK,} Wl\r, and who 8tll1 bhndly s~ mpaLLlze c,!se was richly and la~tdully ('mbdl· Governor railed hia eye., and, a~ J. lJ. I\l cCu\\' &.'1, tl tnll~ k" trUb jU8l 118 alle P"bSl:d, tI'lI Augud 14, 1865, wilh the vanquishlld re~elil. It was ished wilL! lIilver ll\ed and t",.8 1lId.- Iho' del\th le&nt BupernRturl\1 kcenels tu DI' \'~gi"LtI. Ouid cut"ri~ her litle, . DUR O•••• :-Saturdl\y Lwo weeks only a few dnys since tltllt I clime I? The lervice., LhrougLout, were Bolemn them, eltcl,nimed thAt ~Ie SIIW th" Meul' Afler thil. I\rrllngem e llt wne 4'nlered -New pla\'s nrc to be J}lenllraJ ali:) will, I trult, " ' me agllin on the aea. underslAnd fllilly why FrAnce And Eni" aod impradBive. 8tor Blllndm,g o~ lhe l1g~lt hcRDd ,of .the into by the gt'lIllemen IIl1l1wJ lh '!v re· NI'A~I'II Uh"·... ol Ie ')'.II\mp~on hall 011" ~' nlher mlllilllg Interet'u,oo or lliB sm~. '. ~ ~1 ' Id 11 ' d 1 be 0 on ~ederacy II y d eSlre d .I. " und, ' Bn" J ' C we have aood 1110 reA . _ _ _ • d ' I I I ' d quetlled thllt t vt:ry Illl'lIIhtr of Iho ' i:lnncu ' - 1 1 I\tI It tlron I woo M111(' llcmewa"~ "'" "a . f lit conclude WIt 1 t Ie emp I!\LIC ec · . I ' . . II I d t> IlIck, Ilhlll addro •• you Crom New- 8ucce88. Hoth pOII'ersAreJelllous 0 a ()::J-Tlte Herald's Forlre81 ·Monroe IRraLiuII severnl Limllll repeated :_' committeb I\n~ ,,1\ ~cr~OIl S 11I1I' r~ sl\ll ItI" I ~\'V":IIM'lclH't.'IIWO or LL'I't'I" R~ n .uIII'Y, " ', , "1 d 1 ' u,b' 'I.' he act' nil tlte CRUSIl uf ."orahly, ltj(lI l>l'r" " ~ " RII , I l"IlI A, J' ortnre. "lira I!elle IIUI g reat commercia) rival which they know atl"" th" 17th 0 C Septem be r .I , . d Ro I corrcspondence &aya: lhe mIlitary duo "OP1'1 II an g.orl~ Y' , I I re form s\ ould r"port to lh "llI lilly IInu Lu ci llt! WCSIl' rIl Olll! ellch. W8111\c" . •'he e a m u abou, me ' atouru e o r i t"y hl\8 JUSI had Il conyeflRlIOI\.. ' w,, ' d~el)ly I\llt:clln" and at t Ie c OSI! " of Tl'porteLl \'1tt1~11I>l1 , . . rClI'IlCet' Irke" leoon th ~ G 0' I' d II cases of Ih e fl II 11 Mr ~ , John W00 d "pt-II t Ilelr am wearl 0 f BouIogne. It' 18
. J.. \(un,
j '
'bing over Igaln daily, and no really tbe world, and Dol through Lbe bered· with Jill£. Davis wherein Ihe J"lIer, of II. lhke fovG ~rllor Plu~Blr~rar~n(ld"ro'~;~h Rureeml'llt th llt mi ~ht h el'l' fl fI~r btl livt: Ihel\II:11 wilh nrw plllYs, . 't ' l\ foe man but the most • Ihe nec 0 wnerR iiI , " 0 'I" I I good ,ocieLy. People corne here to Il\r~ WI 0 n , , ' ' .mong olher thing" he bad to "ay, di~ . de.p emotion "h.lUI\r.!d lIim fQ] hili CHue hro\lgh~ A"II\np~ I U~ III , 10 .1>\1 ,'r dt 1;\ -A .. riler who prort!sses to lnow 1 b8the not to malte new acquaiotances, galhng to them, the vOlce ' of the pea· claimed any 'Bcq'QaiDtanoe ,;hb the n'O . I\n'a i;uiention expro811 ng perf~ct lati8- they mlgt pr~teot lht'm ... .HS !11l t: g i",~ Ibe list ImJ m-Ut·r of slar "ng"g~' , therefore Ihy of &ho.e th~.ydid PIe. F rllnco .e r "'t . , '. ' I H IJ prUltlC lcJ I\galllst IIny . " t I118 ' sellson"~ I o· I and aro ..lI.or I" pe t pr' oJe.:"t 1' 1l I ' ea t Wi tl or any knowl. Caction wuh IllS welhca Lrealmt'tll. ,. ,. I funJII ' II~ 1 I IlIlpula f I'll ' l menl S .In N tW ,~or. I Mexioo Rnd ' EDltland her CanltdiRn IlrlOU, p . r . Lhen took Ilis flifewt:1I of his f~lI1ily , 1I0 1l8 HI rcgl~ru t9 I'll 1111 I u 1,1 b · l loIYM: JSiblo'/:Ilhe n.IVf:!" lo'orrQfl, · I , a ed"e o{ the Inhumlln t.llatmen\ to 'd ' I h I d ' I • ment 011 their parL of tho n" rl!ClIll'lIt L ' II \V . 1 ' " ' L I II U not know e1lIew here. 1&waa lere tIe cit b ' provinces if 1\ united nation recovers .. , Ahout ml \llg It e rl! "pse III ~ 106t:1I" ,b , d UCI U Illilerll, 11 agl!lll ".1 c III , lur •. prelenL Emperol' ma .-n a orU.v-O at· . ' II ' which our I'ris0l1ers at Andeuon.llI" sibility, which conlinullti without ioter- t:nterelilUto \VIII! your com.Dllllt'e , 'Ill L.\noll" , Mu. U.itchie, Willtt:l· Uardl',l 1tempt on the 'rhrone of France, in Lho theee, yenrs of anarch,Y, and cc~mes were 8ubjectell, is unCounded in \rulh , missioll till bis del\th. I\l do thftt Lhe. CO~llUI1I1Y m'ghL be , 88 J . ~. Cllllke, Jullll BrollgllaPl., ~ell" time of Louil Phillippe. Mattf'rl ",ere UhnnlmOUll (or 8:lle0810n of ler~llory. Excepl G~D. Mila" and {.lIicers on l:3uch we~e the laat houll in lhe lift! surcd of Lhelr hold ,lind t :":II'r:ll:)~ 11 1l0~Ul\' rT Edwin .DooLllo -!llullli~Dol then mature enou!!ll: and biB land· Everyone prelends Lo great comm .. ser,, · II dut'. no ollicers hAtl 1!lld , any oC Juhn Brou"h.-Cleveiand Leader. pUrp08\! to comply with I t!lr g ~o Mr, IInll Mu . OhMI"1! K""n, F. oS. • r J e. ft' D !lVII, ' an II 8"'y, All M r. guar J' 1I11l/1t "I f J I hI ' L ogln. iog a few milea eaBt of thil olty proved tlon .or " I D' b d b en ' " v 11111 1':.11, U IU wenS,vllV" .' . Lincolo treated wiLh him as a belllger· conversllllon.~II I. 1IV18"or ft . e The Trial of leU, Da.via, Yoor. commHLeo bt! h~\'eA 111I~t !lI"ch premature, for IOBtead of a cordIal d b I I . Illlo"ed to "el~ 111m. One of Preftldenl !Tood WIll bc the re8 ull v i thl~ Inll>!' Gen, Giant's Graodmother. , d ' ' tent an noL as II Ie e, Ie cannot nov., . . "'. we-Icome, gunl were turne agam8 . . d" I ,I bl JohoBon', 80ns had a long interview The Times' Wasldllgton apl'cilllsays ylew I\ndllrrllngllm~llL IIg,.~e d I1J~on by "H 'Im , Ind he wa, ....robed between t"o be litrellt!1tl 'h I11m ' af ' d' .. , Di etl, at the CroCI's of Til 11 Ucfl , ' . h as Iltch, d' l anI It III'c aug III, I> wlI "wal'l 81Oce, an~I IIe .IS Lhili. both lhll P reSlu"lIt an d Se t:retary Ibt:m 1I0d tho UrU'hll , n o SIS. ul " 11't! nll""(J, '" 'Gen d' armes to Lbe rortreli or Havre to ea~ ow rea I y t .. y s \I t any &101 ' I I ' .T h U· . 'I of War lue dtcidcdly in f.. vor of a It mUtlt rll8ullin good IC (Illlhlully IIU (&odlllltl) in the p"rillh l.f A.be rll"tlay, ., , 'jiar precedenL in Europe off their own t 16 on y cn I Ian 10 w om liS prlVI egc d I I' hered LO. un tlo t: 9,h in s!', ngcil nilllltY'ci"hl where he. rem~lnild In clo.e o()nfinement . ' hilS beeo concllded I and hil con vena· 11 illl by civil COUl't, all aL t III ear le81 "me lean, and _, le.naLII, eacllped dill' should,ors, as ,hl\vlOg beell Ii mlslake of prll,e lielll mOUlt'nt, of Jeff. D,I\Yis. The 'l'I.l il AgreemenL not unly c,o ntt' m~,lill('~ P:I\rIi, t.!r". Ontl"" iUIJ Mc.l)lJultltl · Itr lion WRS limiLed to 6teneral ell'luirius to cl.it: (ffi I t " 0 0 f our ,bL 1\" I L 11l'1 .... limnt, somQ timu at C\JrUlJth UvUHll, n ter',.. cloth,.. 'Hi. ,lormer d I\ys , , . til t:u Ity ,.ul\S b~"~l ~o Ii m.1\ PloPI1\ at nc. uu8crVhOC l uise~ in a car"e, I' Q V t I tl 1 hi8 health nod how prisoll lifu agreed e r lriounal. '1'h" Pre8ldt:lJt 100k3 With Law, but 1I¥~umt!l Lhu Illg h"r nl(lfIli \lear OII\~KllI". orla ,I al gone WI I ler I II .ext ell'orL eucceed"Ll in placing bim in f ,ueenfICI Mftl. GI'IIUI hl\d Ihree 10M, gllllant G II witb bim. (\lv,ur upon , Knoxville, T"ml" whert, I groulI~ o!' refu~ing . lo 61: I~ IIn~ UlIl' , .... Dl\vis cU1l1rullled an over t nct of trell'- who III 10 tue haloll oC U' llig 1'(IUors young nll' u, ",ho ellttlrl'd the Briti.h "ho Empire of hi. Uncle, anu be iallow amlly or a mont I lo t'~ml\lIy, R.n "rillY .. hoUI tbe ' buginn!nl( oC tIle 11ft.' •• the mllsl lagaoious and popular mon o her old ,uDcle ~eo~old, who IS ke~t I\!rve ~Thll last Dlnil (rom EnglRnLl 011 by incili!,g in8urr~ction in II, ~pe"cIJ "51\ bevclllge. , 10 bill al ,m1, ' In, casu he IS 111".d OtA fliillllul observance on the mut ur " III Ci'lllliry-J"mel; A 1t:J:llnder, 11011 arch Hlat haa ever rullld FraDce. lIe by medical ,skl.I, IS to meet her 10 Ant· J C.. ". f I " repurls on good IInlhoril! lhllt lhe foro O,llIel u~lIce ua,~e., :,or 0 I! . Itll vi luuh 1\1\ IIgrl:IlIllt:llt, pr"st:lIlB Pl:llcr, J '\l\Ie8 rose from lht: nlllkM I" " baa bellD enJ'o"ing retiremenL sRIE qui. werp to se,tt Ie lome privRte malter.e J b I d I f I d I Great Eastern will be aL once dispatch· V II b sel cted 1 bls 18 I L ' I II I d ' et at Vicl\w for some week., and bas a OU&. tIe Isp,ola , 0 ler RUg ller 10 "" . ~I ,. e . ", . W 11\ U8 WH I II tIll a valllllgtl:l 01 II mO:lt cllrumi ~s iunl'd officer, and uieu or ·I,i,. J It uti E 01 eel from Sheernes to Newfoundll\nJ , Davlij lrlendll de.rr".-Thll ., 8tlll~m e,nL IIHillgent prohibiling lRw, W""nUL Iltv wuullds IIl1\ny y"ar8 IICtllr at .Lhe C .. pu iuat gone t.o Lhe camp 1\\ Chalons,wbere ml\rrl,nge. la bill Ie mprcss lat, The ohject of lhia trip is to Hah up lhllt the GlIlud ,Jury o~ ~ll1s dl8;lICL incuuveoieoo" and 1I0nvy"noll O(ltlll til. of Uouu Hope. Aleunder "'"ll PIII .. r AmtJ'jcJLlln') , Le 1'1 80 oblains reapite from stille aod lolle IS on her ~IIY h~me 10 see hel' fll. 011 the way the fragm ents of di88eYer. t'~unu II 0.11 !lb"l\l~l PIl~IS fur cOII~lrur- \t,nt.iing, and whicL! so (rt'qut;lllly ren IlIttt!rly emi~rAled lid Lh6 Brmy or Ihat couulry. J'lller, ther, ~IO, ' de,sp,lie SCIence, at the age t,lv" IHm80n dU",1I IIIJusL\ce tu II,,, IIIl,c I- uers lIuch law ilJOperlitillll, Public earea. I I ed c8ble wuich, it is hoped, will be reo There "'" a camp' here 1\ couple of 0 ( 75. C1\1 lII VISibly. h g l!oc6 uf tllIIll J\lrb~I'llIod'I'lt Ie .6g ltl mlnJ Your Committt " take pll!asure in "fltr Imviug aUain"]d the ral'," of MHj\Jr ' ' 1 ' covered hy mean8 of grapoell nod I t I I e I tl I I\'I\Y killt:d in Muico, . d I d ellgn g Oln 6 10 Bris in a ft!w dl\y8, yelrs ago, which, quite upset the U8ual LIII, rew III '. ~ 11 Ie 111,,111 lapllg lhat lhQy wem, milt by Ihe liru". Mri, Graut llubaeqUl'nlly ~~ol' to traoquiliLv or tbis towo, a8 the viciDity wl,le,ncll I hope to write ,_ more, enter buoys. The promoters . of the euter· was for overt acl. It 18 snlU, tl'lll "hel\- !l1:;IH 10 " I;.I1IU IIIlJ g"nlleulllUly 011\1\' el a larg: body of men wilh )008e more taIDIO!; leller, Meaowll1le, beheve mil, prise in Englllnd are determined tv IRy ever and whuevu l,he Lrr~1 uoes la.h lI"r, 8111) .,xpr"sst:d LIl"lr ,h:.II't: 10 cu · Anwdca in lel\rcl, ot AI ~ x"lIder, 'whelll another cable nl'Et Yflar, lnl\king pltlct:, U.. ll. BUller, 10 c~r'Junctlon wllb up"rl\LII Wilh Lheir lelluw I;tLizllllij ill allY ~h~ rem'lilletl fur nille munLh., goL ' 110 ality, neitbQr tendl to the pell~e cir vir· as ever, M. RITOJIIIt:. use oC recovered ;port!onl of Ibe old ~h(j Attorllt:y Gt"I1~!III,WIU tllkell pr,),m pfllclicllult! aud I'd·"Cllve 1'11\11 to PlllV"uL IrRce of him unLil on the eYe or r .. turn· 'ue of thOle Amid whom they nre '.. Illeul Vl\rl I&S public PCOHccutur. ,I hI! Lhe ni s I\f.i~illg ou~ of the 11111" ul in. illJt home when .he l"Arned thM be w,,' thro"n. The Itatue of the first Em· .crThe headwlly which the revolu. one, • ... ",~ul" maU"r IallS oC.~11 ulld"r, conslu t:r · Loxioilling hquurs, alld allced~d readily LilvlI it: Ihe Slnle of Ohio, bUL at luch '-"'T' I II ' I Jocllted on luon ~t a ,recent Cl\blll"t lDet!tmg, wh"re .IU lUll li~rt!eWI!IIL preolluleti by yuul' ui.lancu thaI it "". impouible ror her Peror, in lIaodstone, commemoratlls .his lioni.els ar" DlRking has been deemed to get IIi. length; linc" .he hl\d 110\ P-J rrp er, oeplla. Ihe llueslIon of moue IIOtl. Villell 'Wae 80 corumill"e. Aut encampmeot. by President GefJrRrd sufficienLly alar- groUDds beloDgmg to lh!j, ·Statll at or rsr d"cldeu IIH 10 rt,IJUd thll trnll 1111 I ' r L1 "", d l I ht'l\ul ur iri~. '1:hi8 A,l~xl\uiler. I' purSundRY appear. to mil more .trictl; ·ming to iAducc him 10 mllke prepllfll' oe~r the City of Clel'lliand II~I beeu evl~n' lIe~r at ""'UU. L ~8 \tr ,I,e! 11~~e Ilat t ley pro IlUn or greR~ !puRcle And Blr~.n¥lh, . , ' , , . POIII m goou ,lIlL I "" ClllfY eut 11111 lot· • ept here tbllll In moet foreIgn 10WDS: liODIl for escape (rom hll country. A hllnded oYer by Ihe General Govern· ,-~"r "ntl. spirit of the cumpllc~ 8!{reeU ~uu, wh? eLood six fllll& fOllr Inohes .uMb• »early all the Ihop. are Ihllt, and there ml\il ,tellmer haa therefore been ChBf" mltnL \0 \be S~.\e "u~l\o,hies 10 btl u8"d ()::J- The noled rebule of the South· LO; Mod 1'111 urge, in vill\V "I Lbe I'llct If ah\'~ IS now seventy·aix ye~re o( age, lind )118 brol her Piller" year or t "Q is linle 'r",lIie io tbe ,traet8. But iL is tered l\l Kingston, to proceed lo Pori In future a8 II home for disl\bled and Wf!~t, iL 1It:~m., IIr~ taken, up per~Rnelll ~hat tbll wi~t:~t well muy h" dect:iviltl younger. It i~ surmised by irian) of a gay time aL th8 Eatabli,hmenl: tbe au Prince, and ~hero r.emain till Ibe desLilue soldiers. The buildings COlt ~"sldt:n~e, 10 Mexlc"., Gell, HI~JmRII III 800111, Cit tie tI , tilli! chRmy Oil t!:It'rClg · I"U dl\n whdher lIither . 01 thele two band playl in tbe 88loon from 1 till 5, time comes {or bim to 'seek 8aC~ty in l e'l:nty tuouund dollars and will ac. II dPracll"ng Ifaw ; Wlgflll1 a.nd ~,hlllb~, I'd I~ tlht~ regllrd bY U8 BI~I, alld i. CIIS4l8 broLhers wl\y noL "e ~he C"ther "f Gen· h' '11' 1 'II ,. ' , ' , lin a ICOnt 0 0 ll lera, Are oea.lng Ib u C YIO a\lou oecor, t bIlt tuey he nOL too . . an d eyer!one, \D l el~ gAyOlt aUlfe, 18 It ~r II tuo da~ger oC luch an commodate ubou,t SIX hundred aud lifly Maxmilulu·. cllpital or in the neigbor ' hlutibly blRmed, bUL thM ilt thllir rll ' ~,fIIl OrRnl of the Amt'fiti"n army, Deing towns, wRlohing. perh.plI. aftn the qUl:8t, those inltru8Led in the wdf.r4l 01 cras(J d hers"lf, to the lasl, cherish lid Ihe goes ~o hslen or walk 10 Lho gardens, eve11CII pRssed. OWIng to Lhe severe men. whicb, laid o~t in parterres, a~e partic· draught of the ~re8ent summer, in the ml!ln~er of 'Vallllndigham over the bor- our co~m~nily nOlify lht:w l "rtiun'llIy plcR8ing, allhuugh perhllps uruneoul 1Ilarly g.y With lellrle& geraolulDs ond Islaod of Jllmaloa, 10 the beavy II\Xe8, ~1'he presence of Horllce GrtelllY der. vi tll"lr ,lo111t1on. "lid htllr Ih oir 1'11:1\. Imprtlssion, thaI Gen. Grant WA. 'ller grandaon, Shu wall bor\!. at Tor'pal'olher higbly .cqlored flowen. Sunday, 81111 oLuer cal1se8, Lhe na"ro laborers in Walhington, at this juncture, excites - - -..... • 'fhill report ill re.pecLlullv HubUJilLed JAn. in In.,illllan: Mrs. (jr"n~ Will .. 'd bl ' ~The pOlnto rot is more witlt 1r J WiLh Lhe Freocb, is a gllla·doy, especi· therll bBve beeo reduced Lo llao most CODII era e comment, 'fhe gt:nerlll Rpr"lid in Ohio Ihi, SC'ttiUII Lhan 4!1'er by thll Cummittee. ehRrKellble 10 nobody, .he having had ally let 8part for enjoyment out o. abject povt:rty IIDd greAL lIuffering, aod impression i8 1I0mcthing is being 6xed bt:C,ne. 11 iM alao ... id IhAt the crop is "On tbe auoption 01 tho report Il sufficient mealls of her own (ur lIubAia. doon. wbell Lbe weaLber permita, We tbouland or them are on the verge oC up, Rnd thero i8 grea~ dlllire to know lil,,,I, to prove an en lirf' fllilure in por- "blDg vote Wna takeD, auu wall uUllni lIlDcll.-Elgin Couritr. I' d . , L . whsl it is Lions of Nurlhern Illinois. The tops mOUN. h aVII .b eeft b\e IL wII' h Buns line 80 8larvatlon. fUllY blame the Governor • The co 'I t ' d ' lteclpB for t1~e Cure of Jo'c.ew & A.pe. 1 fI ' , Illwe been beaten down Alit! killl1d by mmt ee nppolDle to WI!ll on B warmtl 0 a&e, tllough "aried WiLh .. lid 1118 officers &II, Lho Cl\II8e o( Ihelr ~Tue Lexington horae "hich won the rllins, and ~he lubers lire covered Iho Council waa recIlived, Alld nu~ bll' A!lGOJl, Mich., Sept, 9, 1864. Ihowers 01 great foree, which cleRnsc affiictit>n s, aod BO strong and bitter is tbe ~econd race aL Saratoga, is owned with white Ipecks which developo ioto 109 8Blidllotury the committetl w,,~ oon DR, C. W, RUBACK-Sir: Your 81000.1 lhe ItreeLa; Itill, as Ihe police' regula- Iheir (!lllling agBinlt the Illcal Govern . tlte rOI. Liuul!o, and by B mution six wore Wt:f u Purifier Dnd Pille .ell be Iter ber. Ihall Iny by Mr. Ellward Jennin17s, of Urbal,a, ~ other meoicillPs I coul -' k e "1 ."lonl are • Iric ' II y en force d , proh'Ib·Itlnll: . I b .. BtlJtU, of Dr. Urlll'e, "" ' m, JU81 . the medlc,"e . . ror the u c 1'. . ptculiar18)1' u mllnt, t lilt Rn out reak, ob their part is Ohio; and lhe horse is of Buck,,"e ex. L ALI I Scoutii~ling .l) V II I .. peoplr, anything dirty beiDg depolliLed, th.y CI"l[ed, io tbe WesLern pllrL of lhe lsI, eytractl'on. J Z4r iszt, tbe celebrated Hugarillo " au, r. lin angen, ThOll. Iy odapled lor the cure of (.. vo, Dod .gUf' .100 Pauly /:ir Wnl l~ 'I I I h d' .. pianist lind compoller. who laLely en· 1:homllloll r Ire ,"onderCu IIy clean. I often wish lind, in COll8ellUt:oce of which two gun, d ' . " " • my. :I'~ 1111 paop Il U8e t em u al'ellllrul' me • 16re a mOllllilt'ry lit Rome, to conse· By a 1II01l0n, th .. comwiltee Wit. re~ Itlll,e. III I tl d I b' . . b'& we cou Jaye . Ie lamo goo ,a 118111 boaLs have, ee n dispatched to thaL 10' ~There are now eight " buodred crate Ihe relt of his life Lo lhe senioe 'luetiled to a~ k dIe 1I111,yor 10 cl\lI a 10 brflllk an allsl!k of Ihe Allue, t.ke New·York; And when I remember acme cAlity. ' lind sevenly'cwo Ohio soldiers at Camp 0 f Lhe clllll~oh, hAl had" musical rtl- wtleting of th" 'l'uwn Council imm"di. n lah!etlPl1onlul ohhe BIOud Purifier every 1aplt, anI IH reporled to be un his way 81oly, aud rective lutiir d .1i . ••• Cb hour, lind thc.n clealllle the Ilomeoh _nIl of tbe filthy localities Lhere, I wouder tbe inhabitanll luffer on in ailence. {}:7"From East TeDoellee iL .ia repor. aae, awaiting Hnal dilcharee and back to Peltb, to· delight the world ~ion. . 0 ulLe ac- bOlVols well with yoolltPllI_, slid 'in t"rr& On each aide !.he eoLrance to tbe porL ted , oot 01 arc th 110 one h un,d re d negroes paymenl.- _ _ once more_ wiLh his.. wonderful genius. ere 8e~ral comml·L·Well ape dey. Iho eomplllint will be l emoved and a ___ ''l'here" -d permanent eure effected
of BoulogLe are wha~ look at fire&sighl Ire . supported by tLe. oOYllrnmen\. - . A 8nll~e, 'Irl'ped I'n appelran"A, ' a - . . .... LAUDABJ.&.-Our rur81 contribulor to be square rocke, ,tauding isolated I Freedmen', 8chool. are lloul'i. bing, Ind alld eighteen Inehel long, was vomiled writeB UI word IhM ,hort dl' ltanee I'n the lea. A. 'lIe ,llore ' G ' )Je (P from tl e l h f , he h88 t:nlarged ~. 10 reeDVl, resident Johnson's I I omae 0 B son 0 Ira Elli- hi, eltabliahm4!nt and now keep. a il landy, I wal much exerciMti to dis· hom e,) tho negl'oea ·b""e CI9IILributed 1~~' o~ Linco)n, Vt., B ~eW' day, ago. hElld of oxt'n, a ':ead of hen, lind 8Il~coyer by wbat freak o( Ilat~re lheae aixly dollars p~r month COl teachers. b e ?Y wr Len yurl old, aDd bad er;al bead 'or cabbage, while he ill try. j iog also to ktllp n bead or thu limes, eellllek or a year p".t,
, ""
p,olDLe ; ooe ,ou pl~n. for the 6upvrbll' All who Iry thl. lrn'-ment before ap-.. 1100 oi lhe eVil f I ' 0 JDlemperancc i olle P )'1Il" , .. '" p,ltyaician, will be lived mole .. 00 permtIDeDt (Jrgnnil8tioia. COR I Bud BuiI'erinl:' Yullra truly, On mOLiun, the meeting adjourned '1,4 A. 8, ToUT , 10 IIIIIIIL a~ Ihe CuwlM:.laod PrnLyter' -M ' ,. d ian Churcb Frida '~ .... any of lb. far",ra , .roan a~ 7 lI 'clock eveuly,g, &Opt. lit, Petersburg will not plow-up , ...., landl • 1I0}l aper. {or {liar oC 'trikiue ' \llluplodrd . abelll'
Col Cin
E T T E.
Law-and-Order ReeolutJOlllI,
fJ::r A new bell haa Leen procured DR. J. A. ROIEDERR!. (or Ihe Union SchoGihouse. which ill of _ __ Tbe Moral Reform Sociely ot Ihi •• ufficient lone t.o be heard almolt to ~he place baa adopted' lbe followiDg retolueztrelDe verge o f tlie corp,oration limits. lion a : - AT TIlIEWI/KRIU, numerous -and .baDleful violations of law and good order ~I\\'e ..;~~ recenlly been perpetrated in our "i IIAge In WoynI:8vill~. 00 Monday. tho 4th \0 Ihe grealllnnoyanoe of Ihe oilizens insl ., daughter of l'homDII Pcacock.
J. NllAL.1
very belt
T~ln' WJ:lTrtRD DOOND.
.ha IOd Accom..
).SO A. M. 6.62 A. 8 ,65 A ....
Nighl EJt:pre.... Columhu. Acoom.. Cincinnati Expre... .01' not ,top.
4,1161', II.
It is a duty incumbent
upon every good ciLizen to ace thllt tLe e~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""!"!!_E!S!!!'!'!!I laws are flliLhfully tlxecuLed, tllerefore. 1I1UON COI1NTr TICKET. RCBolved, That wo, RS citizens of the village of Waynesville lind its vicinity, will use every lawful nnd LOllorable meAns in our power for the 8uppressiun of drunkennes8 RUlong us nnd Ihe kecping -of tbe liquor Iraffic within Ihe Iim,its of the law. RClolveJ, Thnt we ndmonisll Ihe pro-
J., H.
Pr.OIecutifl8 .AUorney, DAVID ALLEN.
Proba14 Judg" WlLLIAM W. WILSON.
Whellf 1!l bushel, Rye II •. Oatil II B~rley
40 @ 175 70 30 100
Corn 1? 60 Flour l!l barrel. 900 }'llJur 1)1 cwl I 4 bU Hutter W lb 30 Lord ~ Ib 25 ~lrgs 1f! d07.en, 12 POI.tu ~8 1P bushel, GO Dried A pp l C8 i9 Ib 10 @ I:!~ Ch icke lls l~ duze ", BOO t;olr"c lil 1L '38 NelY ·Orleon8 SUgar 1i! n. 17 @ 22 N,.0. l\lolaucs 1\1 gallon, l 35 Oonl Oil 111 gallun, 100
A Complete Assortmont of
JiI!;I::)'f ~u.l'll".l!.CTIONERIES,
Beg IlIlVe 10 in fo rm thae public thlt tbey "Ive all haud end 1!:lpIlCt to ktep
Carifull" CQfT~kd Ever!! Week.
J:. K. PRinZ.
Hu on hand 0 fll1\ assortment of the
, mcntl)5.
8lidtbe diiturbance of tile peace of so· ciety and oC the Stille, nnd W liERau, Many of Iheao flagrant outrAges IIrt, direotly trRcellble to drun· kennes. lind a spirit of insubordinati,;-n engendered tbereby, lind
A. t.
Merritt &. Printz,
coaWIl' 'TATrO!! (WAY!!ESVILLE). ; : I N• • "'TW AKD JlOI1.ND. -Ntlh Xpl •• II. )'.18 A. II. CloclnnllU Exprell, '7.6. A. M .... M.iI 1114 AeClum., I 11.26 A. II. Cohlillbu. Accom" 6_lI8 P. iii.
Dry and Mixed Paints,
complele line or
An .~ lB! 0 rm ~
PAINT VARNISH, &C.; mIn t!1 mIE! IE m•
all of which will be sold lit Ihe very low-
eSI rates.
Groenbacks & country produce
Will be Ilccepted in exch.nee for Gooda,
r Al~·r-BlWSaES.
TUE DEST DRILL IN USE, The undersigned hos bct'ome Aier&t in this vicinity tor the ahove Wheat-Drill, which he is prepared to furnish on tile best terms . For me~icinftl purp08e... to whioh the III· SATISFACTION INSURED. tention of Physicians ils especiolly called; lind whatever p,ertainJ! to a Per!!ons IVishina: to exomlne, enn do RO by calling on the ngent, nl'nr 'VarnesF 1 U'ST- RATE ville. ,WJLLIAI\f DAHLEY. Aug, 30.
The hellt quality of
L I (l U 0 R S,
Patent 111edicines
prietors of all plllces whuo intoxioating SI'ECIAL N O'rICES-·.- - liquors are kept. whether at 1I0tels, Recorder. ........................ ....... ~ .... grocery.shop!!, or drug-stores. to cooThe III.uoo n.14 IInmlln Cnbillel OrIFRllirllJ:fl!Cf~, J. W. ROSS, 6ne Iheir 8ale~ strictly within qle limits gon8, (orly dill'e..",t Ily iei. adopl.d 10 'ncrc,l CommiBliQner. ond ~cc nln rmusic. for $8 0 10 $()(I O enc h_ Thirof the law, and neither sell fo minors, HENRY SHERWOOD. ty · fil'o GOLD or SIL VEH MEDA LS, or o,h. r Lo men iu the habit of gelling drunk, firSI prellliu",. IIl1'orolcd Ih eOl. IlIu. ' ..nl. <I C~I Infimwry Dir~cto,., or to nny pe rson! except for mediciliRI nlogue••• ,,1 free. Addr ••• , MA SON & HAM. HAIR-OILS, AARON STEPHEN~. LIN, BQ810 ", or MASON BROTHERS. New or m {lchnnir.al purposes. York. 11-1y R~solvl!d. That it is our duty. and A 18!'" 0 aood supply or O:T Th .. UDiOD Scbool begAn' ite filII ./' b Di 8C Il ~e emlDot toucb tho~e who u~e RETAIL DE,\t.ERS IN 'thaI we WI. prosecute 10 1 e utmost ltObRck'll 81U0f8. on Monda), of ,hi, week. extllnl any nnd every person who hereWhi:e Rob"ck's Billers are kept In the S ,DRY GOODS, A wcll-lIelecUld IIBsortmellt of Ihe BUT " . Van Amburgh & Co.'8 Cireu8 IIfler wilCully violateJl the plain tench. Comily eircl .., dlHMse never enterp. -SUCH ASTltese Biller. have been found 10 bc I QUEENSW ARE, Men.,erie will exhibit in Waynes · ill~s of law in regard to the sole of perfect antldole for relnoving tlie first TEA II. on Friday. 'he 15111 in8tllnt. at 11- liquors. ' HymplOIl\S of nUllrly ,II dise'oses. i( t.ken ' HARDWAUE, , o'clock 1'. M, - 'flao collection of Ruolved, Thn~ to Ihe ulmosl or our ill the proplr Lime. 'rhey lire composed COF~~gA'R, ft8SI'~t 'be offioer!! of the 01 inll'redlents ' whi ch ai' o known by the GROCERIES, be ODe of the finest Rb,' II'ly wa~ -1.'11 n • medic.1 lurulty to be mOIL f'ffic8ciou9 in MOLA~SES, law. in e\'ery wily compatible, in bring- disorders o( the .tomsch and intesllnes. SPIVES, &c., McGUFFY'S & WILSON'S SERIES, ing offenders to justice; nnd thnt we Their mt'uicinlll IlrOper. les nre 80 v"riETC., ETC. ou~, that Ih ey rrove bl'nt'ficinl in all CUIIINEW Muno. - HorAce Willers, 4BI &0., &0., &0. will raise, by suhllcription, a fund for pluints, of whal.oever n","re t.hey ma.v way. New·York, bill lenl us the the purpu!o of prosllcuting such. whe- lie; hence their greel demand and the A complete auor.' mcnl of Invite stlenlicn to their Stock of "ing piecea or new music: 'Dixie Ihe r in the unlawful sale of liquor, or lItllverasl goou uerived (rom their lise • word. and mllsio by William n.'rur'lfl~ep'i~ P () U A ~ A judiciuus li se of these Bitlerd impart! any olher disturbance of the peace of the 'rose- tint of heulth 10 Ihe cheeks, Dud l l I U l.Y~\!lI.lI\,Lb V · ~, • StenDi. and 'Were I but Id. own the Stale. li e. llh olld vigor to tho entire frame. ife.' a ballad by Tom Moore-music DRESS-GOODS, Rfliloll'eli, Th 'lt the social <lrinldllg- _ ' _l_.4_ _ _ _~_______ __ Carefully and Promptly l~jlk<l. Ihe' popular composer. Mrs, Park· customs of eociely lire the most dlicient LIS'I' OF LE'l"I'EJ~S The bellt quality of rlt. Price of each. 30 cents. Sent menns oC produeing n love or liquO\ R emai ning in the Post Oflire 6t 'Vnynes· Old Dl'ug-Slore, paid on receipt of ,pri((e. lind cons!'qu!!nl drunkenness alld fIC. villI', Ohio, Sepl'!lIIber 1,1865, which, if [)TIr(ll)N~ WAYllesvlllo, Ohio. , not taken Ollt within one month, will oe I F G I ' ., D ' r AI"o a , qUl:ntinll of ",rog-shops. Rnd LhaL we ap nt to tht) General Post Office 08 dent! or e nt emen a nnu uys \\leA. BUll•• M.uulo.-'I'he annu,,1 meelP ' OST-OFFICE CORNER, ,8 large BUllply of well.selected will t!nlirely ig nore the pfllctico, lellers. or the WIlyne Tow08hip Bible SoJune 2S-1-If P ~ r80n 8 calling for 8ny of these letter~ Re~Qlwd, 'l'hllt drinking wine , beer, W!II please say Ihey uro ,'lSvertised. And a General Assortment of - - -- - : - - - - - - ly will be held in the M. E. Chul'ch , Illi"l'hu!e on Sabbath next al 3 0'- /lIe nnd other fcrm onwd or ~ all liquors Alkinson Chnrle'/I ' Hoines &. Stump "8 n beverage is ill itse lf i ..jllriolls to Alkinsou A B Jones ~ L> ---:-, Addre8le. will .be mllde. l'ti B ;o rn e~ AII!!U6tus Lnrc ' ro J H . I I d IS R pro I ( Bell Rubert A JlfeAdenhal1 El'zq We rec4IiYtid Ihe foregoing nO.tice tit: lumlllJ syst e m, nn Jllnn~8n lIIlIraaret KeY. S. Scou. Daylon. la61 we"k, source of drunkonness aud debauchery, (;orr lI1 n ry J 1.11 ,II klllli. olw o¥. oll l hulI". and ought to be (rown ed down. (;sslVell Wm JlIe,or w 'n which they offer nl the tue reque8L till" itehould be illA nil e II "Htmtlnt 01 Resolved, ThAt the properly conRti- Compton Benjamin l'il!eon Hamu el 2 LOWEST MARKET RICES. • It .a. piablialted fluootirn in Clurk Adll Patterson Rebecca tuted authorities of the lucorporated Canenm""n Plltrick Rhoadcs P Il LAl\tl-P~, JUly 4. a.l'-j"IIH •• Uti: bu' by som~,,-il1lld ver\l.lC vilhlge of Waynesville be instnlc Leli Lo "'uwler F n Sll~adhom Edther LAN'I~EIINS, & • Mr. SeoU mi.took tbe dnte, lIS 1-'<,rd Ii ~I Smith EVR Simms Huldy CHIMNEYS.. Sabbalh. llie 10th insl" will be the procure R pilice for the purpose of Sll- Gilder C curing 1111 vlii-nders Agninst the laws of ~opkins Horsr.e TlI8~ey 1I for Ihe Bible Met:ting. Ihe I\lnLe or or the corporation, wlu:lhel' Henry Will E Tibble~ iUr , Ths nnJeraigned wishes to c_1I 't~e 8t-, tClltiOIl or f'Rrmers and ali whom it mlly produced by intemperAn~e or otller A. E. l\l&lRRITT, P. 1If. ~ "be La\v I .. d Order IIleetln~ wu r.oncllrn, to the tocl Ibllt he ia ellg'aed In """ ... -,\U ~l.lCrtt· "'''lllellt''!. -SUCH A8the mOllufactnre of ,.Ueniled on Mond.y , evcninll'- causes, Rnd thRllhcy borrow the money ... ~, ~l rhino. of W.,lIelville Ifacl vtClillily for Illat purpose in accordance with the FINE 'CU'r WAYNESVILLE. determlned"to 'do .11 thRt clln be law in 6111'h CRse" mllde lind provided, AND PLUG. ~ end Is prepared to do in the to .lIl'rre •• tile uceuive eal..a of lIesolved. 'fhnt plACe! where liquors CIGAlt~ AND -0;iiltbeat 8tvl p • "nd on the ~horle81 • plrill, Illd 10 ,ellore Older in lue sold RI a beverllge aro public nui· A (ull OBsort ment o( Ihe Richmond 0011 SNUFF • 1I0tict', onytillng in his line, from a wheelolidll. 'J'he cO"''''r&lllve .ction of 8Anccs, lind Il9 auch ought to bo Ilboi- the Raymon,l Plo~'p, for sale by barrow 10 Ihe finest bUl:I:Y. BLACKING. ALLEN & RANDALL. citizelilof Curwln .wllh thoee of tl,la ishe,l by till' prop!!r authorities. 23 2 BI.ACKIN G-BRUSHES. ~ Hnvin~ secured the sf'rvicoe of IIfr. .. Allg. .- III itldicates a thoroughne.. of purpose Rellolvecl. 'I'hat we will plly a reward --_ _____ --.ETC .• ETC. ELLISOII Kt::~lr. "8uperior workmlln, Ihe -DYmention of his nsme ill this eonnec,ion FINE BUGGY FOil SALE. the IMlter, .nd will .dd mlteri,lIy to oC len dol 1111'S to 'n ny one furni8bing ev. --:-w ill be Runicient guoranty tha,t .llIiafac· '1'1 The undersig nI'd (Jft"J~rB for en Ie ft finc, 01 tile ulldertaking. Ii. ide nce Il'ading to tho conviction of lilly new-st)'It>, hij!I, BUGGY. well built, Dnd tion wiil be given. .'~rn"'.,'nn inlereell , .hould c~n. one in our village or \'icinity for selling whir-h has been in lISl! only one yenr. JOliN W. COLLETT • re4~e "l8-Qr beeT in violation of our corpOrA Any person in need 01 Buch an nnicle , Jul, 18, eo Ih I t a UII I'tyour f p pOlO may ". d' 1 f t nty dollAI s will find it to their nd\llntn"" .. to ..<Fiyo this upen III quslllion.llTectlnc the joillt lion or 1111 ~nc('. !In.( 0 . ~c f ' I' Bug .. y 8n URnlin",ioli. A Pilly to We shftil "onetnlltly keell on nand II gen. I for camp alllt nnu conv,c.lon 0 VIO" .. CHARLES C, NORRIS. erul IIs.orlmellt IIf PHlent Medicines. ( I o I Ie org_nlz"t on. ' I II W 8y"('~vitlo. ~cpl. l>. A 1. 0, jusl received from PIltlburj!', a t i. 10 lui hoped Ihat Ihe Town COUll .. ling the sLato law In regard 10 I Ie se . _ _- ,_ _ _ __ AND BARGAIN~, good' /llid well-eeleClp.d 10lOf will Ule •• urelbly ... iat In the oujuH' ing or liquors. NOT I C _I ' .1 1 II The nnderei".._ n~d "" 8 ~~pn duly nllilointI bu",ue., o I tie now r en d 'tng '" e ore J --,- - E H .1' t' I~ b d 'd b r I:;;r "mes . llJuruoc I. JC ul8 \D e,l A,llIIinislrHlur uf the ERIllle o( Samuel o ,. ere IIII1.t nee I e lome e ' . ' .1 ,. f Ih' KoliJ, lute of \Vnrrell CUllnly, Ohio. de. corporale lelll.l.lion 10 IInGble the gUlshed lrngedll\n, Anu Citizen 0 IS J S G KEYS Give Us A CALL, I d ceb AiJd. 0... ( Succellor 10 lIopkins d; Crilfpin.) be.. 10 c:a~ry forwlrd to completion county, is lluoullO resume lie ramat\(; Angust 12. 1865,-4. • AI the old 81and 011 Main Street, WaynesAnd you canootllil te) be euiled both In relO/'.I. II il be nel'e.sllry lc 8S. ptofcssion. During ,l he wnr, this genville. would inlorm hia old ouetome,. nnd quality lu: d price. a liZ (or till purpale or conluucling tll'nlllll haR aided materillJly by his cIa· the res, of mon'llind, II,al hc baa a i ood June 23-1. up, .then leI iI be farlhwtnih". cUlionnry cntertainments in tiupporling 01l80rllllelll of hr da.1 not the Jlnreh.1 Irrslt the the govcrnmclIl; nnd now that tbe strift: pn08PEC'rU8 OF TilE t iodlvldualll who ofFend .,.in'l is· elided. he will be cordilllly welcomed 11.0. I variad aupply or I.wl H ••. be no dUliea 10 perform 1 back 10,tht! calling which he is so ~d.... WII h. 11 I d fill h ( ......... A Monlhly Periodlc"l: devoled to Tin, copper & sheet-iron Ware nomtn. y. eete 10 too - mirably qUllli6c<l. by education And III Literature, TenlberRllee nnd II 10, h. do •• hi. duty well. aurely_ , d bonor W A \' N K Sl-. L L E, 0 0, l'ru~re.8ton. Conducted lor tale aL the lowest cosh price.. A 1\ c:arICltur. the dUliee of .11 office~ geDlus, to graoe an • by". Willi".. Van kinda 01 • --Hns on hftnd n splendid a"1I0rlment of ~ftmee. thereby impo" • mockery upon eocl TEACIIBRI~T;;~,-Lot il be re. IlHOAVCLOTIlS, The FIlmlly .',lend will co'nl.in , liXI~cn 0 U T - DOOR W 0 R K I . Shlme the conducl o( worthlel6, ,n, ... entulIIlI po"", to Iho pun,lIer, nl.k'~l~ n • . R Ii J. d e on th"l Ihe tJAI:ll:lJ til RItES: c .,,"e,,· , for the O·eoce 1'1 Iwo'old. 011 tll mem b ere d 'uy 1111 '1IItllt"8te,1 " • ,enl .',." or pr".. ... ,j"u .nd t"udl"" lIueh Oil Sp _ullnl", 0;> I 00 l ng, ""c., 011 U' I' V..I!::)TINGS, ERch n"",her will be BII,ed wi:1.J Ih~ short notice aod In lie uea\ mGllner. 'I'I)IMMINGS. J I n 11I,,,r tbe last m·etln ...· • cOlillrego· Warren - Coun~y 'reachers' In8titute ... II II \ CHOICEST ORIGINAL MATTER, _~Yl~,3,?~.~_ __ _ __ _ of bo~. 00 11141' " Iree'l repel ted I, dia. "ill (lonvene at Ihs U Ilion Schoo \OU~tl • &c .. wllich he m~lIufllctureB .ccurllillg to .1 'Sepl ' 9 •·· of Ulornl Imd illitrueli". T" t h• proCfedt·nn.', Itlll they Wllre in 'VRVnes,.'11 e. on S II1 uruRY. •. t.IIO LA1'EIol'I' vv. n.htin. D T et:, '. B. GOOCH.
[f>[E[fl~ tJM~IY '"
roc c ric
Physicians' Prescriptions .
For Ladies & Children.
H ats and Caps !
Ladies', Gents', and CHILDREN'S SHOES,
ATTllfllOB !
ittitnt Iltbidncs
Picture & Window-Glasses,
ain Street,
Parlor and' Cooking Stoves,
DOlncstic Goods, DRESS·G(x)DS,
required tu lII.wor beror. tile lleyor. As Ihi8 will be tbe fi rat me,eling of .\I til! h WIII.om. one .nlwer! Ille Institute in Ihi8 plRce. iL IS earnest·
,, l-
, t>
Tbe addrelll of Dr. Wimamlon Lbe Moral Reform SocieLy on e'enin" WI. an able dilcoune. D analytioal argumtnL sbowing the Ulea .nd abule. of IIlcobol "f\Pa~d, "ell defined. h WtU a'm uling obeene lhe unique mAnner ia wbiob le'lurer Iccounted Cor old topers I
able to drink to excqa. and IlilI Iffl~me drunk. h l'egardl!d I lran'miuable qUAIiLy. BuL to tbe lIIajorit'l of drinker,1 , &hl! use of
"u decided to ba " Ipeedy and Callie ' death. The ooly lha~ could be hikeD to *he
ParI's and New-York Styles I a::3
. b Ind at Ihe Iy hoped that the citizens will give t e tellchers and friends from Abroad A LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. hearty welllome. The Cutting UClIllrtlllllnt It is expected thaL 1111 who, fee l nn in- Id under Lhe supervision of Ihat tlxcellflnt lerel't in Ibe cause of educf\tiou will lit· urll8t, lend, whether teachers or not. .. T. T. DO 0 SON, who. in hie line, il gl'nerelly ackllowl· ~Of the' Ohio Wool Trade, tile euged til b" wiliioul a aupilrior ! FRrmer of Illst we .. k laY8: The ew READY·MADE CLOTHING I b d b in .. In Ilrge Qllftlltlly 01111 elel!"n'. QU8Iit, .n" sales lb,,' lave een an are e eo alyle, of hOlne moke, "hvaYII 1t18upply. made in Ohio Cor few dAye past. Ancl Determine,l to maintain ' I ~e reputllliou "L prelenl, Btill raDgll ~e~ween 60 and of his houwc 88 one or Ihe fir81 cllla8, Mr. 70 ceuta._"ith except IOnal cl\8es. for Dudley Ind his a'l IIistantl will spire 110 B t is p"i08 to give 6ner clips of 72 and 76e. u. It .Entire Satisfaction. true IbaL \be clip is gradually 8hpping Call Dnd exumi no stock .nd prices. AWly-onrrowing down t~ Ih"ae who June 27 . }; , IJU DLEl' have tu e moaL bllckbo.nc .
1~8'H)' '' , Sltel(' h" •• Po.' mlll, mOVf1uumC. of ent · per."ce Soci~lJe•. m,d An Ih81 goc. 10 IIIuke up ~ 61'. 1 d ... Jour"AI (ur 1iI1. ".,,,,ty Circle,1100 • cOI'Y. OliO ,eltr, 5 cOI',ea. : ,~ ;~ ~~i.\:~: 20 ,011
I take thi. method of inrorming
~ my old fliend~ Bnd the public ,ener·
oily. Ihal I hove removed my pl~ce of bUBine8s to the Btond formerly oCl'uplcd 5U Co pi .. , 3200 by Mrs, Thomas 8S a "'OIlCY Slore, .-0" aill monll,., hAtf Ih~ ftbon rott.l. ,j"gte Opposite the Rogers Houlle, f;oFl' .... te n cenl.. PH, u"' l1l in udvftnt:e. Addr.... J. W ILLI[AM VAN NAMEE. where I intend to keep un hond I genenl Brooklyn, N, Y. u8tiortmenl of 'Yorll. both of
F R Ull'·J ARS
.. r O W
and the best broods of
Of a grell mallY kindls .odln large qUlin· .' . ontl wlrroot to alva solls(aclloll. tilies, ror aale by Mi'.:RRITT &- PRINTZ. 'rh,nkful (or the very liberal Plllfol)lge - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - ; . . . . . - - - for I8veral year. beltowed, I. hope, by PUUE CIDER c10le allontlGO nd lair dealing, sLil1 to meriL I generous continuance of IIIIl slime. This we know to be p,ure, as we pr~· I • .E. XJ:;YS. cured the Cid.r from raillble per.ons In 8'lhe m~tket pricc nt III timc8 p,itl (ur L\Jill lJeigllborhood, 111101 permill~d it 10 Green ((,dc s, ClIlH:lklne ontl S~eop relts' t1lrn 10 Vhl\!~Mr "Ir our own prcml!1 o~. l July 3.-1.\( I, }; , 1( , lI1ERRITT , PRINTZ,
White Good.s, Shawls,
' ~i
l' II E
G A Z ~ 'T T E
I A 1\1 I
,OUJ.c:..;-os: I HORACEI WATERS' \MAGIUFICENT LE! ! !:I I)EN~ ' \,llV 1 ANIlGCE~TR&L 5 . U. R. ' AT r" Robacks are :Better. So~e Illy thAt it!~ q.ui te out of th J. ,,1--. IC-E Y S ~- \ MUSICAL E~l~ABLJ llMENT, Gold ' and Silver Watch~s, \ })U(/!Jlc Track Route DR. ROBACK'S qllesllo n for;fllrluer~ " IVe8 IUI,I d au g h · •. h p l ' . 'Il~~l"'Im''Illl!Lrn m'. . OM \en wrlo have 80 maDY dUlieli to pe r . J'US."lce OJ.' t e eace, .I PlAliO!. No." I IlroRd ·"n Ne\\ ~ ork. W ~.y Ull ~ U, ~\lJ R 111&. STOMACH ' fOJ':'~ 10 ..",,., . look tidy. ome do AND NO'I'AIlY l'UOJ,(C. MELUDEOIIS. CA nl!lF.T ORG~U. ON TilE ONE DO fi f,Alt PLAN . PITTSBU RG '1'0 PH1LADELP BtUer\! an "Y 8m:1taDdd eclaraliooa I have oCle do n heard tllem; • ' . MUli c. MUJl c nd ·.1t kinds . The Ellti.e will ,,~ . III ~.t Dol, in mv L,unled CO'lIJtya/l~er. Cf?lm. •.Agent , 01 Mus ic!ll Illstrumen .. aud MUll, M~rStock of From tilt portIons of the . "'.I'~t. Nort? . tH .. tblll ftesh belr HI ioioo. militste AgainBI \he general and A .' ltflljor r~hable } IRii-, chanlli se. at the lowest u~er, wb oleule One ~I)old and Silver Wa.tch Man· Weet Rnd SOllth · W .eyt , lh lS hne nlld tts .. bonelll. 1iIU.... .e.e«lal "p. . Ie A wife or dRughter can be LIFE In'llrallC6 CO?n1 l and ratui!. Secoud hand Pianos ~no Mol' nfBLctory two immense J ewelr)" eOH.e&tioll! ruCIII et~he, Ih~ ehorle~: Ok' \
,.ROW ....
---- - -
Tllff!e Doe oll'tftll I. IIIe ,lIbtle III II .04lct.1! I .... \II III I .... 1'-1
80010:5, .•
UIIU '" JC1nt .
prlDclp • . . ' I c.l 0 S At great ba'I!AI1I8. Pr Ice., 60. • • . Ihe b est .Ollle tu Pll1ladelphla. Nlon e w lUI , personally neat. DO maUer whal duty Offi ce ft l ?Id !oiIRlld, IU,UfI s trec t' , 05. el;0. 125, IbO.I M. 200 and \lllll . one Sllver-Pla- lHls (oli. Bullimore and W8Ihing . The l vc tev!! J>i.no s for Ibe may be employ ed at. wh o WAll\£ S JlILLE, VIlIO. unu upward ». P itlng War.ehonae, one Gold Fen !ravele r may wilh cO ll fidence upon allow tbemlolye. \0 appear n.:glrgeolLy . --I olloa DIIJ D1el odruos 1011,1. and relit "llow. and Pencil liIaker, s I. re connection, hij!h ,,.ell wHh perfec L dreB.ed . 00 'he plea Ihal lhey Collec t ions mftde, and proceeds re- ,' cd if "urchn ae.!. l\Ionlbly paymelltJt reo I '1"0 be dhpot!ed of wl(1i. IJi8pnlt:h eat" Iy. and every ap pli ance Iur comforl lometblog to do--ceokiag, 1'aslll g. mllll'd al . p cei.ed lor ti,e ume. Wl'1'110UT IlE(;AIlDTO c..'OST. Iltal I'un be N e w ",d 'lo wlll" ftwaohing elc _ nare E a pe d al p.ill8 I.k ll ll in prt'pnrllll g . II Th e 1J 0 r.ce Walers' Pianul Ind IIanel'ge, CHrs fu r day nighl se rvice . g, to be..,uabituAlly _ , . y. A I • Oil 0 procllrln . g barkd pllY ') lJlIl1ll e S • de olls 010 a8 fi• lle Sll 0 IIun bl e .IU8LrlIUl e nl S Th e L.uod ,DI'e . I · 'be tln au.l 8,1, to tb-e e'tlllp. " ure untid • ellor. /I ( 1•• hI 0I1I1" t6 . Ill' • 1110 I I have rl' celltly Icrubb pre ya d '1 d b d 6 . l and deceas e ;;;0 Iei'll. I "S ftrc maole. WorrDl1lctl lor five 8"" ,.,.. .. .. n nn·d I II 1101 Lhe p.eul1sylVllllil1 Cell,ral Rull. .,oro, fade • eol tl.' 1\ _. LllDg go e rc ftsonabl o. ... ' prices 'r" ntl ,el.. for co s h. Ihi. 11 .. 111111 ' " I" r, h ... . II,,· pr" I· ro"lur !tu'" ...... . wilh R Bllobon De L III keepmg. worn 10 I Life . nd Fire In surunce PO:,Clrl! Issuod I: ••Y ,. lO ll I orrll ") lI cd hy • ,I " II'M 1111,. 1".1 rOl\d . . . ( I 'V out of it iboee l d rocureo UII ( • .w.orable ter",,;. . lESllil IA .s. ' 1,,,rrll,,IlI.": 1V8I. II . 1",,,1.1 LJ. 1." l'U . ul.u. At PI\tR!Jurg. train s rom t ie es l rUIi h b t e ou.e or (' I". colJar: an P i t I II . Th e 1I0 rllce 'Vot e rs' pin llo N ore knolVn d, . l Ih ,') II I'" ...... 11, or ltired to Ilt u U,do ll Dopol . wh e re Pna se llh d II0 aI elld and plen. ' nS' Olll llng t I10 very Ues l.- N . Y • E vUII :::" ' '1 A,illl::ltJ C. AN. ,U ,\N( I,' AC'I, UUE.. Ul'ra ofe . rnln s 0 I II. In eta:' no IIpp.araoce '" II... • R Et' EnEHcE- 45 yeura I elll:e'.3m n . ' ., 10 tie I '(" hAir sqU'1 e upon Ie Ik J' . ' ccmmunllY . _ _ \ li SI " ",Ill " r"I')II' " ,,·ult . '''1''' '''' 110 Iho " v"d. illl' I' c lI ll sylvnniu CentrO I RUllw lI l', wh ich \ \V ,, "d.""" h,, \Ok ..1 .. r.",.1 II.. · I Ic nvo P itl s burg arrive a t Ollc no.d [lIve _ _ _ _ __ - ' f' c an 8peok of Iht' merits of Ihe 1",r l.o,I I.."" HI" 0 '" I r PUIIII . S •-1 troy,'ng about tbe ncc ' !0 " the8 bus ban Rny " . .T. ' l'lu rnc'0 \V II;ers' Pianos frum .'ersollol l ,.jle,,,"·" •• 1,.,' •.,101.Ih eTI,,;,( h.· h. " ..I""'''''''''' pt. ,I ..iy Oil.. .. (.!,.1 .... , .0 s (allow 8hur I I l ead \ . ,,,,lui 0.,,... •. "",I 1 . s: . ' . d. if,. he If tlaRn • a e tlVI\ I kr.ow\ odc e . os bOln\! of the very be s l 1''';;... .. b,lI, " , . ).H) .. I. I.. I" go l.! l. " ... ' ... .. 1 JIAY PI.tt lf Idea of \1115 tl'lre s atlrllolion a ; n or Will Ii) , I lllielligencer. 1 10 ... .}l r II ,. ... III·C 1'01 1 of .......'): u ! I"" II .·· i flO 1\1. aluPI"1I1I al ,)rlnolpol tbe daug hler8, who may be d e-A II D\ The H orAce \Vote rs' Plonos ore !Jllih l l. '1•• lI ll c"" " I.) u. 10 II•• I·u" ilc. 10 lucII!ttl l" \ hrrlV e8 ul AIlllonll '" 0\ , 50 I y. , lio'ltl6n\. imprus tbe yo uo mCII In Ih'! of Ih6 LJest ond moslthoruughly seasonetl \ Ih u .. te. , . 1 It rou e 8 .'15 A. 1\1 .• \ llrllefl,"te I U ...:! A . 111 .• bfrr I am n A\1IL/ IJ. 9 ONl,l ONE nOL ,,\ LQc k H " I'C II l :l o U 1'. n!.J I hm ls lJllf gi . 100 h d C , n~lg I r 00 very A ora y . I. . ' 1I1' !le,vllh', tlbiu . m . . • . ' . I I will he rhftr~ ..1 ru r 8" Y 1I 1·IH·I. O il v'",, 1,. 1•. "nd I 1(1 1'. M. nU\ Li onore( b.-l rl 1' . 1\1 .• NI!II' "Ire and a housokl.eper. lind hav e \"1 nl e rs p , 1110* Melodeons ch .! · Ihi, 011111 In _ I'" rd","or III"'" 11,, 1 I' ")' UIIIII h fl . ,. . ' I 'J P l\f PI il· I a daB worker ror tweoty .lh.e ye ars. In Icnge on wllh Ih e finest lIl"oIe I wh d l h. I i 10 'r loi. I'lall "CC"'''' I'I or\( . Al ont oW Ii . at 10 _0 . .• • Y 'Id b I I I ' n • 1" Co • '1 Anyw here III l he Coulllly.-Humc J o ur· wllh II ... lII e lh oli rc,:u IIII) I,r, u" .. . 0 /'O I'UI " .. 1 udelphlot Rt b. ·Hi P. J\L. olld N e w York . 1 , '1ft} lOUIS 10 , u lave Sl's . • . nDI I'" r di . pOlill l{ o( large .lulOk. of J uwc ' Y " li d ' vim l'hil ildelphi ll. at 10 .27 1', \ I 'he day ",beD [oould n ol tak o \Imo to . Hovln!! fuurt e e n Horoce Wat ers' Plano Fortel IHO 01 . i,"itllr I""dudinll'. l\IAIL LI NE- Lellvea I'illsuurg n1 5 .00 attend to my appenrancQ .t!le pm c l lcc 01 JIl eulcln e •. IllS rllli. rich and eve n lon e. anti powerlul.TilE I'LAN IS Sllut'l.E I A . M ., Bluppin g al 011 rf'glilur sto liolls.- \ System, and a d CB trtllo alwl\ys clean- 1 ro.essiollul S c rv lcee lO th e ellize n o ( 'i.. Musical Revlew_ ' 1'h6 " a ... e of arli.d o ud;" ..' for •• Ie- n. Altlluu nt III 11.45 A . Uorr illUllfl!t (; \ Ilff<>rd IIIe ne ceBsar y Waynesville and Vlcinlty . Our Irienile will Irnd at Mr. tiotd P.M ., arriving aL l'hilude lv lti'l II I time. will make tho !sbor olle () I ' f""" d M' s lore th e V'try beat n ..orlrnenl 01 P. M ., und New I -ark. via Pltil odelp hiu , W'I 1- 'l aUd of PI8n08 , . d .tl l'po; Ih ol o ,·"velop •• II' ... .Ihell ptacell III . • lit ur:. n. .. M • e& the hlgbest pleasuro. I I not n1y . i' FJ I: K Oil II IC corner s ' te n110 ..,.1 's .. H 1111 II 10 b e found .III Iho U nlte • .ister bOlleckeepen gi,o tllia qllestiOIl 81111 818.•.neur Y opp u • Y 8. S tO\ell. -Groham's l\JeI!B7.ill!'. .lraw"r IUltI lh oll u&UIJ Ol'll" r i. ro· l)lT'lIs.sWRG "lUI EIUB lilA I L - Leaves ll ve rJ::r N ight co ll a promptly ree ponded to . '('he Horace \Vlller8; Pillnosare 01 III' ".,i.oJ. Wllh 1\N . IIIV - "" III. fur r.lurll POlt. Pil18burg pot I 20 I' . M. sloppilll1'l1 n cu rl y . . t t bTt o omes Ie proprle y o r reapec a I I Y _ ____ . _______. ___ ___ . I I N Y IIg. alld olher c hHrgel, Olle o ( Ihe curti, or l·or· \ 11 . A' . AI t , .1U 'heir ooPllioeration? PC" ?F . lonl! elegRnt fill i. Illke" HI ruml o'" "1111 , ,,"1 loy Ih e f". , II IllItlOn . . Irrvelot IIlUIIII , t f d ..riOUI el.ollld remember tll8t it not only conC hflft llan 10 Ih .. who "ill lee !,I onre, P . 1\1 .,' 1.26 A . 1\1 .• und I hi u· I lb ' 11 I' ' Schedule u( prices 01 I nalrUment8 .l1li wh HI he m n /1;>1 lur One Uoll~r. II he .. ,.Ie .. · del!Jhlll at 6 . .w. Ii. M. ovee "rna t ,emlv vee.. ttl eBpcCl1l Y Ilelr {'Oil TIN U E 8 T il E I'll ACT I C F. 0 F ' C olo 1')gue8 of Sheet l\Iusic and Iny 1\IUI - ell wi lh h .. lorlnn .. . h" cIln lorw ard .l.h" I'm LAD ELPIIIA EXPRF.llll-Lc Pilld · daugbters. aod 10 no email d e gree . \ iC in the U . S ., mlliled free. aCl'ortllllg 10 on Ibe cerllliCHle uurit 8t 4 .:.I!) 1'. ", ., s t o ppin\! only nl pril l' 'heir IOtl8 in German. Sheet 1I1ueic • a liltle lui led• 2l centd per "beeul·. I.h ee< 11"',z"I' Ihh"HBrl,ele 0111•• 0 tI cipal s lnlions Arrives at L ft tr obri fl 10 m.150. i ' _ Martha, . e u" "lIlI 10 11 0 If purc .er- D' .nr ell.l" "I' ft • • • town .Lttg III"" In ill nrlous bronchea ' nut \0 beexrcll- sheel . ..·'1 or Peorl.:Ar" r0 l'.lIl1,1 Br. a . lI'ill"\"ft ) ollllg P. ar, Altoona 9.S:> 1'. M.. 2 •T Ild anywhere. Nune 100 \ Sabbath School. lInd lither Dook s. pub. IItI." ,. WhU. cu uht lIot ... .. r Ih" 11I HIIII h.d "" nil. A. 14:. !l a ltilllOre 7 A . •• N e w Y ur k. vilt The BlOlaed. tiahed by Horace Woler5. 101:'''''' Ihem to!- we Will 1.1111 ·"Y olh .. "rllel. Allelltllwll. 10 A .• (l.t 7 .06 DE 81: MAT E RIA L U 8 ED . ' • U. N t (rDI1I Ih". '0111" .d"pBrll1l c nlll( Ih " clllll log~ .. .ol •• 116. Ind New Yurk t vi, Philadelph id. Sobbllth S' .• luol el, e., ,qUill price Willcli '" M)' h~ I'ro (erroll. Or " . lor • .' Blessed il be who doee bot m"ke II T Elllll', CA8II.-Office at hi d re silience S llbbu'" ScllGOt Bell, No. !I. n"y rPRO" ". )'O U ch ooo .. 10 \'OlI lure no M: C lr8 ru", th.rollgh 011 c('nt, for he .ill bavE! 00 income (RJ: CQ o n [\1 III'n Street • 1· If Ih ell Iyuu " lel Ih e 1I11111 e ' drill' wi .. ", II .i • . tm))) trulIIuml. I IlIsb llnhlntore hnd' Chorlll 1101'1., And pe ll """"u ",vre. ~:xulll i ll e curclully ou r Philadelphia, lO Nurg e w lu Yurk, viII A!lell
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eft'rcI UIlI by lUll' ml... INt tsperlenre." pcr.<S'5!! Ihe I'(\lIul~lIc Tonlt. J)rll(lllrtl ~ In . I'I'ltel'ln g IIn4 ( IIrln g Ille abo\'c rol1l· ptatnls. TlltSc IIIU lI"" arc 'lie poor lIIaa\ trlt.'. !!II,I., hllll .... )' .oc:\AII"~ IIOI~ 1M well all UIC .lth ...., 8\llal'4l lit
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Blelled is Ihe Diltg er lDdiaa, for unto him 00 man presenLelh a Bub . loriptioD paper. Ble.led i. lhe Cllil\t\man. for ",lieD . . ked to contribute to" 'good eall8e,' . M b e answorell, "'),lOg.' e not sa ",' I h and eLraightw.y the philRlllhropill1 leaveth him, aDd John ooeLli on hia W',
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giv Ill:",' ~abl fo IQ Ibo III~ I'" lavl"Orall .. r n·,'cl. mud o of good mlllt.lal •• ant nrUde 111,,1 1111 In), rUlllomers 1M ~r.o nd Ihne wllb fqD"\ R&111.rac~I'" 1.1' 1 I·rtr) bodJ rry thrm. and Ih'J
lhe exoct IIlyle of \hc celcbulcd Gold 60/IU pllir ladie8' sleeve buttuna 310 8 Huntrng Levers, and ure reolly 400t! pair enam. ., 4 to 10 FREIGHTS. a.nd de6lroble. 0110 80 en.cl an Iml\allnn 8000801 ita ire gold brucelet. 3 to 12 By thi8 roul e Ireight" 01 811 d'e~cri, .. 01 iOI.d o. to dely detect:'I.. The 1II0,e· ~U cllrsl, opal & ('III. hroClcbe8 3 to '2 tiullb COli be lurw llrtl ed tu nnd Irum Philtl' _nlll.elllre61 by Ih(1 well·know" .. peorl cl\rdrops 3 to 8 I N Y St. Jlmer Wntch. .CoMpany. 01 Europe. \ '000 J e l L"vo • __ 1 c.lelp liu. ew ork, iJudtulI ur /lu: lilllurll. a bl Ii I e d h d ", • "to and Irum any puint ull Ihe Ruilruada 0' waler is . ""lIled Cl080 10 th p. kll c hen. Yc.::::J Jo'lore ulille EoruropH 3'0 10 Ohiu. J{elllucky. Iudiullu. IIIIII UIS. On tloo Lut or e A YBril"ly u( Iru it Irecs. e• • .. e8, aqu8 lII g 10000 coral,opol & em. I!lardrops 3 10 10 i .... . b '1 d d "" .",., q .. :", woo" b,I."",, ."d ,.'" 10000 mr"r""" ,,,',,. • ,. 10 dI· 1II."a" ftI• • 1I11111 ., I,., ""tc.C. lp delliull purp08ea. The properly is rr~c ' PkrovI~d Je'lvellded O.CltdIO!a wltb I,aedltilll nilI 100011' m"llil: ~ "rinll Uti. 8 to 2b 'rhe Pennsylvanil Cenlral Ra 'llrlJod "Ibas coa~lrtle1ed I..... ad 'rom •. Ian s, I I warrnllll' I goul luOOU (II Bin ' gu ItI ""1C8 · I"M 80 rOnileut8 OL l'illsb'lfg wilh .hla". llrll .' incumbrance. r ' IIll1e e. keeper. 4 to NJlIer 811t1~.ar 1,..It.. ur .unller particulars , opply III '1'1 I I I I' ''' IUOUO delS IlIdilJti' J 'e lVl!lry go:d I. I ' I d I. • .... \Vlr l. .... lese Whtl! les sr. IJ t Irre I I"..,PIII d' t ' uy W IIC I goo 8 C~II ue lur\\'ordc o I') anv How TO EXT"N\'t)R!lI~ RADt8lIBS .I wblrl 1111 ~ lite • I' .. . I I 1._ ' L I' Oil Je 5 10 2U "I " t tl 01 ' 1\1 k ' ' J• D ..... RAdishes mAy b o grown ill a very few July 18 . WOYll ee ville. tiC Slll .o.\ "",I"I! fur nII CR, a nd IOOOU Cutnl'O pen 101 "cer a. Ule pur on III 110. Uti IIIgUllI, Um,,'),. la IhI 11"",1"' purlt,. _ _ _ __ _ _~ _ _ __ nr e all HUIIling CoeC8. A cue ul FIK IUlJOU ' ." r. c. 5'0 2U I TIl II~l ea •.e e. C~Il1Ul!rlunJ. lilil1l1 i• • l\Ji.~illtlays by the following 1ll81hod :-L~l nit IhoM! 'ltJdlCl\I .".11118 III. pId will be aent t,y Moil or ExptCHS (or $125. 10000 gl:: ~IO jel otllce letp. .j til 17 · 'HI. Miseoun. ArkhlltinH 11110 K,·d Rivers' l .ome "ood rRdish seed soak in wllter t~ so macb vllued aa. "co•• A ai ngle onc will bp ill 8 hnndsollll' gl Jc t hUI s Ul'l'urt e rs 2 to I' 1I1"I"t Clevf'lulld, SUlldu _ky Klld C lit:"t:': for "bout twenty-four hourR, then pu lit E . & H. T. ANT H 0 NY&; CO " Moroc co C ll se (ur $25. wi ll reu tlily se ll , SII.\' J::Jl-l'L'\'l'ED \\' AilE. wilh st e amers to nil Ull th o N unh • in a bag And expose it to lhe 8un . In ""2 10 $20 W" ste rn Luk es. lor threc lilllrs th e ir CIlS \' \V e [lOP. SOIC I 10000 cnps • he course of the dRy 'termination will "1f""IS lur Ihi s wotcll in th o Ullil e d liUUO gou le ls WIIOL £8A1.li AIID II ETIl It. ... 3 III 10 1\1e rc IIUIlIS anu. 1 8Ilippcrs ·Olllrus tinli lhu eom:nence. The .eed mU8t LIICII b e llJu mifllct II TCI'II of Plwlo!}r(l7 l<ic 111ulc. S iules. 0\111 nOlle are l!'cnuino whi c h Ilu IUOLlO pnir nupldn r ings 2 to 10 Iron s portalion of Il,e ir Fre ig ht III Ih i! t'oll'nnc Itrand,. Bourlloa and IIs~ 101'11 in" well·manllred hot b e d nliJ r iullf . -J not be or uur Trade mllrk . Adtlress ' \J uLIO curel h0 6kc ts .. !U 11\ CUIIII,Dny. ca n rely wilh cUlltiliel't:c 011 itl It)" 1I0Ila"" GIn, Aromntle watered from time to ti me Wilh lult e-· GIR I\RD W. DEVAUGIl & CO., 3u(;0 clIlle bo~ k e l B /) LI' " U ~ pl'~ dy trulldil. MrhnallPil. I'h~rrr Itounrt". Ind olt warm water. lIy tbis trcRIPl t' nL lh l: lmpor'lerft. 16 1I1oldell Lone. N. Y. 4000 Cll"tors wilh boul ..s [) t o 2U Th ~ RUl es u( Freight co unel from 1111, Ilonlt"~tle IIquo",. are 1Il.,nufllcIUf'tII 5Ul IllLOADW AY. N. Y. !!UU\) ICC p,tcl.erd )0 t o 2;, 11? llItln Ih o W CS I. by Ihe I' cllmy lvn nlu Jadiahes will in R very short tim e nc · dt ~ lttltll hy the SRlUe t"' \lrul and tJOUU puir b'll/tor klli ve ~ 3 10 90 (, c lliru l Rlldroou . are III n il lim l' s liB II ' I II ftlillilioll 10 t ur \IIuin b!Js in l'86 o r Ph D· !}lIire II sufficient bulk and be gooJ to prUfl'AA. <lnll kepi fOJtlIIaulty on DU. ')',\ LBO'l","S 1"IL'.s 6uOO noup. uY H Icr & gr ovy IndIe s 210 UB ure chnrgl'd by othe r RuilrliUI: -eat. II it be rrqllired 10 gl't goo d togrlll'h it MOlerinld . we ur lt Hc~dq\lort"re '"Ir . l\'holr~lIlc or In nny••ttfllrell J tu !) CUlllp""icH. I fu r Il ,c fullu win\!. VIZ : Composed 01 hit/hI, concl'olrA'ed ex · 1i00U engroveo pie kllives t)·. Ra il ('al"wbl\ Wln~, .8rl'1lll;" lijdiahoa in winl e r durin!:t t}HI Re ve r e ():::j- II " (1l1rticul ur In mnrl. r~ckog . " trn cls (rOIll roots Slid herbs of the h ' j!hcij l (iLlOU ,),.zon te ~ pUUII S . per ooz. f>!u 10 8 lcTI'oscopes alld iSleTtO.,Ctll'ic l' ieuo.•. \:old, An old cns k should bo snwn in B 10 2-l "V IA I'hNN'A CEIITrt.IL R. H.... medicin81 value. illlllilible ill Ihe rllre 01 bOUO doz en tubl~ ,~lJo I)IIR two, aod one hilif of it fill e d with good 01 Ihe~e we hov c (Ill intillen s'c o a~orl · n\1 di seuse8 01 Ihe Liver. or any 'dcrftn~[f" IVOII d"ze n de8~£'r llulks 7 III 2 5 F~r l"rl:ll!ht Cunlrllcl s ur Sitipl'inl,( H" eartlJ. The I'nJi,h seed b e ginning ll' me llI, ill cillliing \OVar Scell~p. AllI c ril·.ulI IlICllt 0: the DilEellive Orll~n 8 . Thn rr· 8000 d,,:.:c n luble lurk~ 8 tu 30 rec tll1ll 8. ""Illy to ur ollur~ sa eilher ul It ,e !lI"MUreG !'rom the 8w.&fDa1l1M l~OLD l'I':NS AN 0 l'F.NCI LS lulluwing AgClltd o( I.he CU IllPUIIY: eboot a8 before mu s t \J(l then Bo wn in II lid Jo'.ur ri!;t n Cilies Oll~ L(llIddc m,ie,. lIlove nil I mpurilies of the ntuod 8n.-1 Ilr~ fR"' •• M'd IIJ tllo tHlll. ·mllo. ... A leo. R.. UIll'Clu.led ill tl", cllre 01 Dlarrh~8. JauuIII 1110 low,,", ,rlrl). t he other half of the barre I tJlI:C un Ill; G roup _. Htncunry. /1 \('., e l c. 01 every varirly; from 3 10 Ei3U. S. B. ]ling ston. J r .• PI.ilullrl. ~"rel M"tugo Wtne III I~ .~I oC tlte full one. Rnd the whole of Ihe vol\l. ill ~ :Sleren~copp~. :ur pllblic or privIlle dic!'. DY Rpep ain, Scrolulo. Bltiuuan~,se . Ill:MI.:;'lnEll'I'UI:: t'LAN. 11. W. lJl'u,.cn cI'; Co ., Ca1l·ti . article of lito Illlld 1o .. anlnd IJ Our COlulull"U will II'! s elll Liver Complailil. F,wera. H e_ .l"cl",. Pile p, lIIflarlltu8 carried down into th o c" IIRr. CXlllbl:llllI. In ~11 C~"f'd \V O chnrg e fur f"tI~9r~ing Clarke d: Co .• (!I.icf}ao. Wftllllrn tOIlRIrJ. Rnd I.., r ..... '1111 10 uuy address UI1 recei)lt o( 81ump. Hered il.ry HUlllors. Dllse. for nduIII". F'or ""rtering. luke"arm wnler 8houlo oft'crs fIIr ""~ hI\.'! . . ""1lI~ one pi II ill tltll morroing. children h,,1t a Iho Certltir.atP. p(1el>"", ond duillt! tIlt' 1'J10'l'O(~JlA"IIIC A I,D lf J1IS. .L' V E S 'I' 0 C K . bUI.inesB. the lIum of ··i\yenly . fiv e Ce nls; be u.ad ae before. !.n \he eoune of omtll and MRmlflHlCor), lfM. Gfl. 1'111. From one \0 tbree plll. will clIre We wefO the nrat to Introduce tbele ordillory 1·lIle8. Ino! (rolll one 10 Ihree bOll· which must be encloBed in Ihe ur~H . Drover8 Rnd Farmere will fillo th hl " fin or Bix \be JIIdiehee will be lit 112 Kut Tltlr.!!I"",,, "'......tI. inlo the United S\8te p, nnd we monuf.c· PI will cure any curable cue of no maw:.r Five Cllrllficate~ will he 1P.1I1 lor $1, II mORt n"va"la~cOIl8 rOil Ie fur Live St .....·k. to eat. lur e imm.clI8e .q uantltiea in greut v.riot~, hu w lung alanding . Price 81 per box. 10r!1; lhirtylur 5; lixty.five lor 10; olle COp.ciUllY yords. welt watered anti .IlpNEAL .• hundred lur Iii. plied with evelY conventeoc. have bl ~ " ROSEBERRY ~ Genoral COSI 'slill li,es,' nl the ~anl!rn~ I.' PflU f.om !II) cents to 8bO Trade 8upplied er .eitt by mall. MERRITT &: PR\~'r'1.. AGEl\TH A_E WANTED ,!(lened on this :inA 81lt1 ild ~onnectioll s r~pe age oC eighty·Cour yenrs. He r e- l'och . . Our ;\I~unlit bOTe the ,~putnlioll V. MOTT TALBOTT, fit D .. &. Co 71y Wit. Throllghout the cUlIntry to ope rate for "!Id t'Yf'ry n~tention is paid to their wu',l e: eide. OIl J.,fferano Itreel, Detroit. in a 01 belMit ~upe"o, in beollly and durBbi illY 62 Fulton Streel, New Yu·rk. 10 allY oth~rH. They wltl bo aenL by Alar&;o com!lell8lltiun wiil be paid ... ",m Hartl8burg. whero will be I(,lAlid ua. h~nd,ome mo.dero built dwelling. whil e 1·1v. mail. rRal'. all receipl 01 price. Send ror lerma. &c .• enr!osing slamp. evory .convenienre lor 'eedinll' nlld re~ til l g, hit 80n ocevplell \he old fnmily home , . NEWnORN & CO.. ~ choll:o 18 oltered of the Plriladolplrill e stead, .wo IIquarell djalllDL. TllOllKh :U- l-'ill Albllu\~ M.-dc 10 Orile •• .at 75 Fllltun Slreet. N. Y. N~w York and Bultimore M~rkel~. 'I'lri~ amiolled with the and forg e t. OLD EYES IIF. . .. \ woll nl.o be (ound the Iltorlegl qlllckl!Kt lullle88 oalllrlllly inCident to llis pRlri. . Ii ')amphici directing holY 108peedih arohal age. he Ulaintains better health Our Clllnlf)glle now embraces over \"ive restorc Billhl Dnclll"'e up 'peclaclee. wilh. ')'be GI'OVet;'~-11 - - 0,',,1 mOR.l direct, rUlite for Sto~k 10 N()l~ ~~ I'lano Fol'Cc ~(ltk lVla AllclltU\uIl]-8I1tl wilh I" .... er and more aOli.e spirils t]ran could r e a- T.h.ull ga uo aubjecu, 10 which GU. 0111 Jlil!ltee. 01 doctur or medidne. by tl mail. on reep.ipt III 10 r.e nlSeIlIl -. Ad· Still. retains il" nntl grent poptbou PlOY olher. We I,ave no hesitation In 11),10, s~nably ~e supposed '0 belou~ to Ili. ~\lIlU are cunllllually b~ ini m.de. 01 drc.s E. U. FOOTE , .' 1. 1)., ulartly. and nIte r un.deqtlli llb! g radllol illlENO\'; H tEWIS. Fl'NEST 'lIDO oC Irfe. IU burlrUllij uf eUlIllcnl Amenc"n8. elc .• viz : , . out 2 .6m 1130 Brolldway, New Vurk. pro.ementd for. peno.1 "I thirt y yeu r•• i. Glm'l Supl'rilltelldenl. AllnollR. Pn. nu lY prolloullccd uy Ih e mus iclI l wurld lu HENRY W. GWINNE·'ll. J:;jTWira. Wirta, Wers IlUd Wertz ,JUo M~ior-~cner~18. 100 Lieut· C ol,meli. UIIJ eVlIn ull eq lloled ill oyer o(ferell In this market, mlY bI u.e aTe'a few 01 tl f 11' I ' 120U Hfll.:.-uenern.8. Ifl O olher Omcers nc"" e~8. vll lolln c rlld purilV 01 tUII C. durll. Gcn'l TI cket A g!' nl. l'hilll. o\, our e •• ubllshment. '!'hey . Ie WRYS 0 ape tng ti e ' :.!75 Culollel@ 75 Nov Olll ' h"IIlY allu .ch eapn ess. Our n elY scu l... H. H. HOUSTON. .ame. ?f lrl o An~er90uille jailor. now 560 l;;lal<.>sm~l1. 13U Hlvf.l ee. cors , l . l(. G e n'l Freighl Agent, Ph iiA. W A l' .Y E S Y 1 L L E. 0 iIl 0 : f rc nch Hctllln, IllI r p petlul, ir lJ lI f,nme. 6)n trro! at. WRsllinglon. One "hI) hns 5u I'rllmillcnt WOlUen , 1:\:> AUlh orF,
property of MRS. 1\1. ROBEBTs-le ol1'ered aL private Rile. The Hou se ie wcll built, in. plellalll locat ion, wilh Ilute ruom 8. p'Mch, durnm<.>r kitchen and cellor below. ond tWII woms in the secl)nd s lory. A well uf evcellellt
" S~ III1I !)
F,lIl1;~o "1I puil'l~
IllelolsculI:"I~led.rulledtog.el~ler~no!plan· 1 6UOOaela
11()Ulo.!l" AND. J "'I' •• .., ""~ •• ,.
1~ , 60 ~I.
ROBACK'S BITTERS. Xortb. b)' aDd 1\'1I1t Ibe fOO!lUI of til<! IIIi!hr"I t:onromtnt aulbel'lIr- I. ,elll of Kt rcog lh 1 will gllGraalte . , III· It.,. 10 cntllio II lilrgcr IlroportluD (I'nl Dll'dlrhllll Int:rcdlel1 ~ IInil . ;biln any "IlIu Mlomnr. Dille", mBrk~1 ; Illld bJ rllmllllrl!loD "IIh It witt be .~Il III OOfC. thlll I.er
~. -
I•• a 11ft! or' • .,.,. 1l1li .r . .aUlrM uj0f me• I• 11tese IIltters bl't1 ktII trota~. lUI. are ~1.1r ••• 110& lit tile bOAp1l118. lIaC a.o •• 1l1li a~ DD apptltller. 1011 Ie. a •• ft.DIIIO. Ib~ 1)·lItem tllraalbOllI t~ A'aJ If '"
CIl IHlo:; " .. ! \ l'Jlvn. W ,\TCll FAST LINE- L ooves at 9.30 11 P (" ""3 d' d 31)0 rllle ll i L<\" 1' "H'" $51) In 520 r. M.• s teppi,, !; ullly 01 p""t:ill ll l Slll li uII9 _ ___ - - - . " per ,. , ovpr~ .... pcr . IlZ •• " ar ' I:UJIJdc hU' I, t ol lrvcrl;ul d hlllll ' I; CI"" .1111 0 I j :. I i\rri veRO·IAl luo nllul ~'!(l A. M.• H urri e· ' I BELLS j Clu th F.lllbusseu Gill, 84 20. I" gil l" .. .. d UII ..C'''" lu 11.11 I UIIrl!,* 7 . 30 A. nt., I:l • I1IIIl0rr . t·) N 1 d 2 . I V I , 2'"1 j,,,lil'" II,dell 1011,,1. I "0 I.• 1\1 .. rr _ • 01. •a.n • in • 0 ume. , i",,; ao 10 xu N Yurk .t viu A IIrllluwn. :l .40 I'. nl. . D B R. $6.6ll per dut- e n. Cl olh \ IIHI pall,,, 1 l. vol· tlllll li,,;; I' ase :l'l \" I'h ilu li ,>lploi .. t I' 111111 New Yurll,i _. I Gilt. 87,20 per doze n. :!IIII d ... . I"" ,'r .. 1\·el· .IIII II"" g I·,,~e 11C6 :IlJ III 1'. viu Ph"HII~:fJilili. ut 15 ·12 I' . nl. • Wieh TIlE ".... III.IS.I·IAN 1IIEL01)I .ST , :~IIII I. " .,!'d,, e,,l'..UI1' "1I' 1".. ·IIIC .. · " ~o ~ t ,) Inll ' f'f' , 1"•.,1'I'1'f r. . e" 10 inform hi s p"lrull s aud Ilt c •• .,1111 ,J"t" 1"" , .."1h,',J 1. ,'el' 2 , 'l"" .'11 '\111 * 11 rra AJIISI. d J lei.BleSBed is be who polishelh his boots ipubl iC, thut heII Il eop" I'u udtulltly on hOIle!. \ A n elV HVIllI1 IIl1d Tlln e !look ' 1''jUU.,,; \\,i •• ,h e l' I";. I,, II! -11)al'/y. a It II / 1/11' ' ,,(1 ... .,,1:.". :s Im<1rJ 'I'~ eX(,f}l Ip, I aDd bi8 morala. who mRkeLh till' arlle all 8111" II,t.nE ' Price $3 pe r t!o:.:. $3.60. •• B"Il-S ."LO\V S, ' J]· .: wr:un· . . IJ E[,AIr.'!'lUl:NT. Il.ck c tti lo r D,d o 10 U"d" '" hy UUII I ur outpide of llis head slick, but negl ect. . : Manufactory and Wa.reroom., 300 ulIIllluud rlllga $ ·Ill tu $ 120 rnil. HUllt li ck l'IS ' u,, 11 1111 11 111' Il r Ihe etillbeinaidethereof,forRlllhe alligiu 421, Broadway. NewYorlL 20 lu I vO S UUlllllill'''' ulll v\\, ' Iball rile up at hi." eOllling aod cnll 3UOO C,, 1. dinm u lHl riugs 3 to 15 \ U8 UIl)' ullier roUlr. I him b Cllllli'ul. . ' "IU;;\ ,V A·I't~ lI. WOU " iamn llu rill~S 3 til I~ , Ble sse d is the mnn who halh no lII.tlC 01 .Rlr I. H e wil\ mnllUlftClUre An Elegaut N ovclty in Watches. \ 5UUI) goul .'ii- c n llm. fob chains 3 to 1:1 L L' lJ 1 .Y G C; I b ' b b . b d f b GllIl rcpu" l' lu\\' ~llorr8. nlld dre88 1I11t! l6m· \ " \ -1UOO gC\lI~ ' guld vesl elwin .. 0 tu 4U '. ' , . . Jama. uL raa& In h Iln nnce. or e pe r oil ki"J ri u( T uo le. 1 I,.e Df thl 6 Witch Hre 0&000. pl\ir lul<1 " Ieeve billions 3 lo 10 Oil nlgh.t trulIl d 10 I \II\I,d ". N .· w York IibAIi bo tbe hldy', favorite. and Horee.altoin g nurnu. \ new cllm? o." ,1 o( SIX 4000 pll i r gulu ,'1/ ellllrn . · ' 3 lo 10 olld Baltllllor('. Uu gll"g" cI,cdl.:J tllrollg l, Ble8sed ia the mnn wllogivetbmnllY ed III l-l -li m 'ellts' J(ulos\tlds 3 to B "11I.I .tr ulI .lerrctl fre tl .. . , . Ind coatly presents 10 y o ung In lli es . for _ _ _ .- - I. h r .t. pruuuclIIj{ an exact Untl.AIIUII of 18 8000 alulI; se l & s i ne l rin 8 ::I to 12 I he R II "r.n" (, 0. will e• wlndl Will al· , "UOI) I AI ·' 1' Ihall he be rew arJullin _ \ C"rlll !;Il lo. culled g .I! LI 1-a lI ul V "y 11.1, luI' 1l""C"t='...11I'r:. \· . ('xCI' I" '" 1-' .. • A\. ' COJIoArcnn ' " " App IV"Y . Ileer liS r. '" lI~y ur e oi tICIIIJ\l· · \ uf'O"O RI •.1's~ • \..ll.. bI',lor· C I)'11i1. .k'l T1 ngs ·.. 0 b lo r \ c onu art·l •• 110 lilllll 111I'i r rc- I reaL orn. • ••. l'lCIV "1' .'"' I.... . 1u.1, n\l..1 nrc uu.,r .r de d nt 011<.>· . )1000 " nul U 'polIsilJllity . co 10 ulle h\lllllrrtl dullurs in vol· IJI d' I I' 1,,1 as 8Ulld 10e " /.t UI uu n rl I I (IUIlll& u3 10 10 l1 eue 18 lie fRan W 10 IS Rlwllp III The vulueul l! HUII "O II lId LOI sit u Ih u cus l. 1'1.e case is .. l!u II OV"J: 1"lb" Ifll,cte \l Ie S to II C. All UU.ggll O 1IIIIt "m 'llIlIt r l broke. no IUan Ilnto him, lent! ..'i'. IIlel! 1111 l il e 1';II Rt siel a ul Nurth• SI. I tl!." I 'lg neu.1 WII . II I' nile I all 0 SiI 'le Id fur nnm.r . I V " gulu "" rllec e " . ill VIIIIIC . will be" tri• • 6,eCor doll"r.. olld JC efllllli. urucelets R 10 to .I!J otlhl) ok vi III" uWllc • - iloe ' wnh Vnlenl 01111 III WOU &l ulcl clon ln lll; n c huillR 8 IU 311 lul<e ll uy u s pe c ial cu lltr Ut:1. b.Hwe e ll '1'hllll and 1:"I\,.;h
'J\~ucdi9CnlC Ut9:
Ble8led is the bald-beaded mao, for lIil 'Wife oaoDot pull his bair. Bl08sedialbehomely mlln, for lhe _ -irla .will noL moleeL him; llnice ble6l ia be. Cor when he s ha I ask a 18' dy lo dance. ahe ehall anBwer bim.say . ing, 'I am eoglli:cti (or till! nexl '
telafllrt, 11I'll(Orall•• 11111 ,_Ii aft 'tlllaled ...., •••• IMla.elr .1Mil·
~I ~I Phll~llelphll\'"
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see ll 11l~ sigoalure assurla as .uat he 125 StR"". olO '\rti.ls . spells 1m name Wurtz; 3.000 Copies of W urll s uf Arl. illdu~tng re produclions o( the most cele· ~The Albany JotlrDat 1liiy! that. brate d Jo~nltr8vinj!p . PHinHII~" Ii'llolues. 1101' thal Gen. McOlelian is s elf· exile d etc. CHllliogue8 80 nl 011 rece ipl 01 8Iaml" Governor Seymollr sunk into oblivion' An ortler lur (Jn e ])uze ll Pictur~8 IrOIll alld Gen. S hermaD deeHnel to b e en'. o\lr Co talogue will be he llt 0 11 receipt 01
Ilve r· sl rull g UII SS . sPv c lI· octove. ro sll lYu oli pl"nn8 lY e nre sellillg c heu r l'r by fr"", ~ IUO lU$200 t hon Ihe ij nme s ly le Slid fillIsh or e sold by ony ulll!'r tirat·cluss nouk<.>r8 One co py one yaM. $ 2.00. In Ihe cuu."try. D~lIlers Dn~ a ll in \VOllt I d }.'i va copies one year. 8. ~15 . U J: u~ plalllls are in vite d 1.0 se nd lu, our )b.(JU. 'r"n copies Qnu yeRr, D cs crrpllve C nlal og up.. which f:ut ll uins - ---pho turtrn p!. a of ~II uur di(feren t 8t . Ie . to~ther Wilh price s. No o ne shoul} s. trllppe d, I he I!bOSL of M reo Suratt i, lhe oruerill" . Dy lite kilt or pound, o( a warranted ch w.e II iODo withou l a-;-:. ~ur· enly rccogni&ed lllader of the Demo· goods C . O. D .• wi ll plelse re mit 20 pe~ quolrl), . (Dr "olll by lo.,u<.> III \ IllIa C nlucratic party. . . . cenl . nl the 01110.111 of th eir ord e r. . ~ERR{TT & PRI '] ..' ~,mo! WII 10ul Ilumber. . ___ _N rz. have be e R awarded to the Gr'JVCBleen Pi . ~ TI~e pri\le~ .!U\d I[uulity Df our good8 ____ _ \ nno, and III Ihe Cdllbruled World's Fair • ~The Ki ng of Portugal. in opett- CaDllt.)l I.tl lO 8alls ly. I. tholll(h put iii cum pe l ilion with oth mg the C orlell aDBtmnced tila' a stricl D J r C (rom all Dlrl8 or tho U ' it t I; tt law tVoul.d "borH,. be brou g M fo r ward C 8;;' ~ 1011 ,ofi'cr, Rye Collet'. prime Rio l hi~hest awafd fE ,j\'ob l: I~' I 188~01 Ie o C~ lind J'.xlrnr\ uf Colfc!'. lor Iftllc by ~ROVEl:l~;'FEN ! or sccu~ l ng thl' linnll\un)i tion of sl a ve l'Y . T Ills \Jo t 01 All /. II!!" ::i) mrs lor s al a:RI1IT1' <. l'RINT~ . J 4' :[ llrtllld\,IIY~ N ./ k lU the 1 on u g U\!RC po~~e~Ei l'D . l Or :1J.BIlR/'1"l', PRI' "I'X: ,
$ ~ '~~:I~~~r~:~~r~Y ~:.~I. ::~~~~~
M.A C-:[-E R E--L,-
Jackson's Pectoral Syrup.
- - -- - IF YOU 'V .tlN,)· '1'0 KNO'V
Unio .\ioff'ee, Pea Coffee,
lind cOfllpetent jUllae. giYO tbelll
A L' F. 1ttl e o f .verylhin g reilltin" 10 t" ~ hu· mOI~R y ste nl. mul e ond I l' m a le;" th~ I:UUBCn We I ' nrticulllrl, desire the und trpotm e nl Ilf d i~enad . tl . cusloms ul Ih 8. .0 lIlorrru\: e '.rIlE LADIE S e w~rldj how to marry well . ?nd n Ihj"SBn d. 11!11If[8 ~ever publ is h ed be · ore. resl Ill e re vl s.:clll lld c nl llrged ce! ilinll ur ":\IEUlcAI, SEN E .. a curi oll s To Ihi e (I '8lure of our buaincl8. li• book lor curloll1l peuple d '. db" . f<n every 0111'. 4ElO A LL : TIl A TIS .tV.E tiu ns I> ' . $; • I us rD·. Bent irce tllblbep For t he Toil e l, Hlnclk I 0 . . 00 II mo ] (' S.:. Inting Druw\!ra. [o .• t Ih e Bookalore8, or will be se nt by r o bes. eIC,. fI\(l. marl. p~ I paid . on r oceipL Ilf priee . Co!1 a nil examine our
p~g:: ~O~o~ll ~Ok
;or~c:v odlt:~. Cnnt~ot8
Addrc BII
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n. ]i'O OTF:, M. n,.
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$iJ,OO A-YEAR • )
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- -;-- --;--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Artemas W ind u;e- C~blO.' - try 10 t!o it . . 1 shall s top hue A rew Jt:ir A correapondonL who bas notod l '. -' gr.'ev8I1co. Now, please tcll mo why money-LllRt i8, I don't caro 80 "wc/, B periot!1I lind enjoy my , Ollolem cum dig Ih u ~19culil\~ilie, or InOlio compoaillj; our i 00 not liko to bOllr him pray M188 Me Jville Rent you (ur triod to 8end L ' . Who 10IOB III twenty-fivtl cenl YOII) this mOlley l ' if you could ge. it "' .. DWSYl....B, lnjillnny,/ ILe lBlo .. Bslhll skulo m'I~ I"I' ob~llrve8 armlc8, wlltes: 'In Lho army , and /jel) tho onct, I E& 65. ~ in tbe uunum 01 O1J fllmerly. ,\, HhBli IIIlIOIII: tho relUrned 80ldiers, 1 bav it For thell I thlnll tho borrower moy' , '1'0 pay for bome broadc loth for ' a ' 1 allnH,do e~el'l"lll'n~ }lOBSI'I'ln DI'rBe' .,r...ed ttj "IIY for roud or rent- cloak,' '., U ... sumnnlnc.\ Illlme fmOl Cin8iu. luell rosume tilt! show ui8ui ~, which Ilolet! one fllot, iu particular, somewhat A"d '" l"lt book we ,U sholl id hoed, ' Which YOU wero to purcl.aoso for gO?dO Ul O[n 109.', . '. qui'" 11lIdtlin by "Ill ttu!' (rum Lh e he Lin,illl.u "unty ' LlVo ( £2 ) yoars Bod lit vllrillDce wiLh usunl tbcorie~. lL i. Whio" IJJII tbe Icltder shlill Lte Ltle!!I, he r l' , , uOu morlllDg sir,' thnt l\g h\-haireu mlln, of the nervou.I'iznil, of Bnld ill6villo, ~IIJin !IS six (U) months. A•• uro hUll eye. 10 read , Y I' I h P~clulllly at the ' expira~ion of tIle 8BIlg lliuc typo, slflnd campnigning bel~ It doe. notll~' 'l.ke intore,l; , es-t lat I S, '" Ilc I had rurchaa· fOl'tru g "t the l'ictim of this II'onrtleg s' I1ml t"UI~S WII~ 011 th o 'fllppi s ill -. cll (or Ilt'r.' , pus tufilcc rouuory 'I'resenled Itilllllel air town In rcll urtlllstJ to se lll brn · What YOWlS People Should Kno,.,.. ler Ihan tbe dork · haired men, 01 bilious Look tllrliugh Q raw lempel'ament. I do not like to hOllr him prllY ' O la, 1 lee-:-l,h~ yo ullg lady wna ~~ hoar Lh o result of the inv es tiglu iun. CO/BI'I1:8\.UII of tlto S ub·Me r· ¥ O,n bonded kllelS Ibout an hopr, pro,bll bly lIero Yl s lllD~, alld ueing lempo- ] he lIgeut , LJy writing ono or tW G let · tlc~l'nphillg, &. IIxill me to Lu The bost inhclilllDCO ,hal parools r"giUl ont 0 11 ils way to the tield, nntl C?~ ..tlc.to .pend , .r lg!~t the day, rarlly ou t .of fund s , you gllllftUlly fol'c" tet s, and /lvailing him se lf of cetlaiu I. Loc~iu IlV my Kune:cmu c lm givll IlIdr child/cn ie Lilli eblhLy LO YOII will lind fully one·hlllC its membe rll W 'bo biB neighbor blls no 'e d her to accent ft kno"'l I W " a lul\ n- -"e h l ' ollI er mOline Rt L,is command, IInu in work", '" Bekure stile, 1 lou\; help lIud lllko Cill'O o( them8ul'oB. to lie of lhe black , haired, unrk·ekiu ned, ....-.... -,,-'- tcr to Ba\dinsY\l\e-' toy 't'l\," is btttcr t.han one uundrcll t\\UUi\- lal'g,e.boned, ~i\iOU8 LYlle. See Lhe snlU6 t'd . our , ' ell; no, not exno l!)' , '1'110 (act Is , tha U1e.au~lule enllroly aaLi~fic J Liu160 '\8n~.' ..\Vhh::h 1"1;'0\ Intwo , dollars apieco, 1n uny trouble or reg iment on '" returu for muster out l seliL ~he goods Lo lIer by OXPI'ClIS, a; no lo t! Iff I .,.,r'd"ler ..e him go to mill ~ "It bUJ.!J~ lucklell,8 bro~loer brold, I1l:r reque8t ' ~u aU I 101' 0 (I t Itl 'OUlrll~lJ,' aud hUn ' on- lob. {oUorin ulflicul ,Ihey 1.II\,tI two exc:elltlut IICI" and you will lind thl\t Lhe binck-l!l\irod n 4 Boe h,1 fi\>iI~rflb, ~t their fill " 'lVns 'i'"le prepl\r ud fur Ihu .;0;'. ll -And Ilu"l. bonelLlI lhelr bumille r ' ~dhd ,Qf COl&t8e.. IIhe blliog au old ,uood morning, l!il'. Hllve you .hed. rlen (ound out who l!tole m, money '1' \ I' k ' ' No, not II fr iend, prociscly.' ' Yes, lIir, I think 1 Itayc,' I dot not to belt him 'A re I utf\'(" ' I, ?' ' h "nrlly tueo •. "I'm g illd Lo hear iL-uid VOII I'I Ie trooly in a blaze to be WA 0 II, ar · lUlU o"sor ,~,_ bI, l..e'IIlIll-9 I II willuw be I' , No.' f ' 1. <I e. lu car:! 1 furaot tl- A s ub- H,y di s,he. arleoed in Ihe m iRfort une8 of rel, brown and fitU:en . l' 1'8 0150 0 Who bor,.ou, borne to slIy 0 tIIa ullock!.:, 0 my n;; ," never wlnt !leek, o'ertllle COIIIU lU' me' ' All, I aeo ...... lJloLl.ain!i nearer nnd any' No cenl ,' kliculIl wl,iei l wd gRSO a 8 IIIe, 1lioso wh? nl'O IICliVI! alld llllrt!y I\ Iloticed thnt men from tb e cities," alight· 8o I hete the pr.ye, 10 loud Ind lonlr uCflfer.' ' Well, 1 sUppoae he fs in Ibel fto ln Ihe S iaigo ' with m)' lrOllulca WIlU n oit!lerful faee aud er i'l Rnd Rpparently at Iho Th.t'. otrered ro', the orphllll'H ' res .' said the youth with "prison by Ihia time ?' er ROll vEilliao, 'fhe 'favum Ihern. Ld young I OUl.bllt, ullllllie 10 oodllre (ati!Jue and 11, blm who Ie.. him crushed bv wrong' simpor, nnd nervoualy awing'NoL tlll\\ I knuw or, bllt it ill not uJl wllh IIIIIer kandles nnd 1111 1t'III'!l to do ns muny pnvalJon, 1I1a",1 " 80V01'e c"mpaig n And onl, wltillhe lip. doth feel, 'Ing IllS hal by Ihe rim, RS ho gllzed impossible that L" mRY reach that insl i- ' a Gmte boo lire WII8 lIurnill in IUllgs as pOSSILI!l, E ve ry boy shuuld muoh bolter Ilt an men (rom Ihe r u ml • d lit mUIJeaLly on tbe floor-' wtl're loye- lu tlon one of IlIoee day s, Here'e a le l Lh oreo f. A wns knuw" or I,ater, howA , llai u, dryber . praYI evgllgt!d, 1 weun.' IIlI 1Vllieh wIll tlerlln h • 0"'01-1'0 tIle th o vost wiLh tlto follerill 1. lu IlInl s.el,f, blae,'k his own g'C'ot!s, clork Will do more marchin'" aDli ', oil w Jewe _ elr andtoils .11 dey dreBs, ,. I ' .• II elllr Vlnl! t IInn many R brawny plo;v .. · boy WbOie ..lltsrwomln , 11 eruaps s I10 forgo' 10 encl080 tb e let bell er llllln t'1 CRn.t ,o I", ·received it a ' 0 'IV us L ibe rty or Deth,' Loo lS • eu l i b nH Il(lr diU.,. WIlIu And (be" I. laked 10' work (or iCBi!,' money! felf dRy8 s ineo from Penn8ylvonil\.' Tomkin.is grocery was illuminuted wnl c h, 8'lW ou /I Luttun, Ulake a bcd , who looks muscular enough to tllko 1\ Such plnuB .hyerl I desllisa j 'No, ti ir-l'vo hlld R leller from h er 'j:11lI nnxious young r(:cog ' S lin luntulils lind tho full erio IIn.1 hep Lilt: niulL(,s in oruc'r . bull by the t-l\ iI und throw him over 1\ With folded hindi and olrs demur.. since, and ahtl Swtlara ..... l mean s ho is mzed aL onOD hi8 'J<;mily' 6 IaRud lHitill tJ', ' mnes .wns ill thu willder- ' The 2 , '1'0 harness a lIurse, grenso a wagf!luco.' They lift to heaven tlieir ' nlllC c" r tllin aue put the mUII"y in.' lint! hasleneulo read the ., & tho Bill· on, nnd hntness fI tCRm. ' .... 0 e l puur; , 'l'erhllp8, th e n,' nid the Rge nt, stri . ' _ l' 4>n n , J nn, 10 ,1 ! l 6 - . . . . Ie nuli Slone Lidd 1'IIIIlk Ron d 4 '1'0 'Ik tland WlliL on . 1tl\ble, I I. JJ.bUCATE TilE h1'JWrLb: - W must ho· '1'&1"11 Itell 'be elrlllllil oCtile :1. 'l 'u carVtl '" I VIRg to tl](pl'e8& hi s suggc~li;Jn in thtl .. P 0 A ..... gm t.e e vo,lI lB of t,he 19th conlllr" • n: 1 10 cows nnu Ii Ic or tue ' . I. I I do no.\I"e lOull '8 prllyerll " I II' . . . gent: I J 61khe p,anu .' .1 glD wllu t 10 children, for Ihey aro th o nc u •. rurD,In t"sLln ure s8 U veil I or lUuLton , J( lb " tillsl 0 1.'11 •" 1' v~~ I'ln g' un be, ' per h BpS 'uC tl Rr S ir-l find you II/we beon' " " " '-.tt " .(... nev •.. \ ' mn" people - the te nder plants Ihnt will o o wrol~g" uPlc to 110 forgiven: omitted 10 011 close it.' m"k,' ng 80 e I' . , b I ru.' Siml;,insia 81t0 shOl) 5, 'l 'u reckoD moncy alld kecl) n.c ' .,row 11\1 nn " fill 'I I tI ' h f '.lInle I Wlllg llefll ujlward bearsm nqulrles a out t lat twen' -rt I lJ u ,10 liD "It rllgrancll ' Si r,' t'JI.oluimcd tho foDd lover, ty-ai.ll dol, IIIr:; (in" UOI'O) to Mr. so with kanulcs Rnd llllltUll8, COUll 8 cotrec t y, nllU accortlib" Lo goou lind bCllllty, or poison il with desolaN Thoy're lUll a lIlilliulI miles trou. oorgo " I t , y ou mlly tell him for G ' 1 " I ~Ion. Lu UClllo the children nri~hl, Rnd bruen. --ro u80d by this ineinunlion,' wuat d o 0 X ,.y II UIIU ElIgl(j WIlS I,ninte d oli II book-keel'ing r uleR. . 0 ' ... . , I do not like long "rlyers to hear, \'ou mean 1 'l'lt eru is no doubt WUlltOV' w e lhat Ihllt broad cloth is inYestt!d in the winder-nlso th esu wuhtviz --, ' a Wrliu Ilnuat anc - IIppropriale, I:,:nornnce, povorty, aDd crime will li ed And, I'odled, (rom 'he lips del'orl, lir. tltnl Lho young Ilidy Rent Lhe Il fil'8t Cl1l8S ' sbRnghai' overcollL, You tl Constoodmn IlIU Pl be l'rCf Ql'v , tJl'leny expresse d Lu si nc8a IOller, io a IIlVlly ns dnrkllos8 beforo tho bcnllls of Our F.ther be.dll I reldy uor, money. I would Blc.ke my lifo, lIir, 011 mny 6.ho tell him that I uon't go to' skool hclU Re wne 1I.<:d up ill goot! hand, s uperscribe morlling. EstRblisb ' liohool8, solec, . U 7 '1' ' good tcnchers, adol't tbo bcet melhods , Let word. be I.w, Hil heuOI tho beort , he r honor I' b I)an.llllg schoul 80 much a8 1 did-allio s tile nntl Lhe wiuders wns (j'II "" cl'ly, lind Wrlto C(,ntrllcts, • Oh, very wol\, sir-excu8e ml'-IlO tba~ loon't beloug any more to Ihe mO\IOClI, Ilmon~ which I Iloti sl!u " 0 I)l~w, MO W ~rain and grR~B, of illfilrUctioll, se nd nil tho childl'en to ICI'I' u-' 'I'rootll smllsll c'" to ellrlL drive n mowl/lU' maolHnc, "ul' I" "uollL I I ., LOVE'S LABORLOST ofl'«:nse intc nd l'd " I'm sure BUL y 0 u sC!(t&ex,lilouglliLltillk ',c doe9. You U c U u sCloo,anu80pply thclIlwi\hthl!Les L . ' know 1 hllven't lhe ploasure oC Lbo 11\_ mig ht mention, wl,iil' you are "bout ii, rizll RgRin-l-ou C ANT STOP BlCH. atnck nllt! pllclillay. uooks. If 1\ Le llO!' book titan tho old t . I dy '!! acqullinlllllce, 1.Iy tile wny, how that wh, c n I ...ot thnt ""20,UOO 1 w'lll Tllc n O}' 8tood on lhe Burnill Deck O. '1'0 )lut ~p 1\ package, builU a Ore , 0, no lIIukes its a'ppel\rRnCe, ge~ i' - get 18 DOW lOme '''0 or tnee yesrs long hll\'e you known her-Illung timtl , 1I I I"" 'Ii' nil bUl Itiu;t hnd lo'll'd.' l'ro- ru cu t! LNkcn lools, wllituwllti h U Willi 1 einco "loun enLered tbe (pre8ume l' 8eOl.: 11m "I I of it-in tho slime way hun is the of Tl'mo, 'Btl lind regulate a clot:k. 1\ fur the good of your cllildren-oycn otBee 0 '...... c'''1 ' of tl P t L tiell' Ihe oLher, Alao ,ell him' Ever E' I if you ""\'e 10 toil harder nud Illter to g o D I'" 16 011 The young g entleman's embflrra88- of th eo.' s &. y ou will be II nppy.' lu · very girl H lOul know howpOly for it . It will hc a lIoucr invlJs t9 IDce eplrtmen' ODet or our . hilS cI\wsed 1\ Ilu"p of tl'ub , J. '1'0 se w and knit. il, ' es and Inn u in d tl hI d large ment wae vi . ibly increased 88 boov re' ' 'V .. ours 'ruly E"ILY 'if me nt '.or Ihem thnn money or 11111" ', il o nco lR e 11\ a plied 'Ilbout six montl .. .' • , .. D E.. YILI;B, suun the Hole,' lind 'lie full nrl'll Ii. To nlO lld olulhe8 neat!y. u lous ca •• ofm '1 d d' t (, or 01 0'1 ') , 1\ ill ahuys dmw a good inlercst, C epre nuun 0 report, • Md Iter in PCII1l8ylvIlIlia I s'pose l' Iy ,let mnn, ts wlitLiln by tlt ll ak ulo ' mfl8hH, 3, '1'0 lIIake bod s, whleb he wOllld like to have illn:sliga'Yei-that is , n0--1 call't say I 'l'hero WI\8 a tleo p Rilenoe during ullted ilL Hodsoll Kulligo. 4, Tu dr ess her own Lnir. ... ImbM.dl••",. 80'•• "0 ... '" " did.' . •• of 11,1. '1,1.11, I" ,Ion "n;" " ,;;11, " ,d ••",Ii" M'g. •. T. w.. b II" dl, b" "od ,w"'P "', Bm A OT.m.-A ....Ion .od 1 gtve, e p articulan or Ihe be ' Where did you meot her '!' Lhe w!Jo"lI,d lurn Quoen, &; hOlle8 all horJ feel - enrpel8. romnrkable novellY is now at tbo tliepo" \ 1.1 1I)" 1 CIIIII sny where cxnctly- ed IllS buck , willie .''hu u . hns Ql!1'l!lolore pr cvis bin felt urca d an d pcr rorm .sol or puLI'o U I IJIl te r'"0 I1I0re 'IDt l Ie poreon rodllced from bil pocktJ' a IcLtt:r nd. u II L"PPY VIC ' 6 . '1'0 ma k goo d'· P , to himh!lf, "ntl poslmarked don't know ns l 'vo mut lIcl' ilL 011, t o Wl\S leMlllog o f IllS wRsled IIffec ' Ille vf 11n'ldinsvilic ,,\I }.lInin of lll b eXll'nonliUlU'J child . Bhe is litca... 'f ', in It th.,. '.aUI" '. <, and ellsh. , Tho silellce CO li ' BI'itialJ .B rlinme lll, if 8Ullb 7, To keel' ber rooms, drawor8 nud crally a ba by, not Iloving reocbed t\IO o-te o . nil unlla . 'l'hll envnlo" Tell' 1 b lo.. Ihllt nre A-genL \arMU oll!:n n ay now UQ ' v , r.\O.l:!ots in ordor_ of Lwo years j lind is gIfted 11 iLh bore IInlDil'a1l\bhi evidence or hllviug " Ing tIe tr~th aeema to 01\ work whaL lilLIe con sola tion Wl\S in his pow , wipeJ fro l11 our Esc utcltun s, IJIIILlills~ u, '10 WUIIl. II be" ''' 0 ~ .. v"' .. ". ',.. -.. :".~ ... an,l "n"'Arll of melllory to hlln opentd aDd rllseRled, Rnd the ad . of tllnu IIh remllrk,ed the agtl lll fl', Tlt ll h" pl"18 young mlill 1IIId vill,e thi s ni g ht Tt',i oicOG over Lito g e r · U, '1',0, mllke good butte r und II UJllryelolls 111 conjunction dreel Wat in a lady'll hAndwriting. dryly. If YOII, will , LJo ""od , Icssly de pllrt<ld-ponibly 10 take the lonous evell t which ccm('ntz 2 gmle 10: Io mllku II dre6s (Iud cllllun:u ij with lI er flltitor, 8110 reciLes cerlnin pRSlir,' "i.d be, care fully re o e noug h to gi ve m e a I1 g ht a bout ti rs t tmin 10 Pimnsylvlluill, pOHsibly to IHIMi.un8 onto ono I\lIuLh er by mell1l8 o f ClUlhlll g, sageB (rom K illil JObll, A Dtol'lng t!teJetter,_aDd banding tbe ell - \VI,aL YOIl do know of IlllS lady, meditate in 80 lilude oyer Lho co III P111'1\ ' II cleo ric \vil'e unJ"r lh e 1'0ilrill uillurs II , To kee p nOCQuuts nnd colculote Nig'ht'ti Drenm, 1 &e., wilh nppropriuto 0nisllin g oarn"stncs8, A nlope to the " .... oL 'or ,'n-pecll·o n. 'Illu t whom YOII hRVe nover met, but whom tiv e love la til'st sight. Whel'uvur -'11e N t V Q In tllrt!st aC li on IllId 1\ 8 DI' d I. ~ ~ RS Y cep, 1I0~ q\l o .antllrm, ~ '-,', ' ' 'ere leller', been robbed' by some poet- yo u proposo to Olurry, un on WnOse weUI ho has DO t.' rlllurnO!d II buuer. ClI ttr liny, pRlelll n ostrulll! ' 12, 1u write, luld Rod superscribe more wond erful illSlllnee of precociollil 1l00ce tbier oftw«:nly-six dollars. Now honor you lire ",illin!: 10 BlRke yo ur •• _ . Squire S milh' 8 hOU8C wns liled IIJl I'C ' , , inte lligcnce CRnnot bo imagiued, II lilt 1 wanl JOIl to calch him and put Iht! life, pe l'l arlps the re IDlly be some pr08The Mammoth of Rusala of expe nsc. Hiij littl u s un 13. lu tho, l'ulk sufficleutly, child, now wilh ber pllroul R nt .crew. to him- gi,e bim ten y t! ors lit pert of gl'tting lit Iho facts of thb mys· AI W,illiflm H enry st·uud UpUII lhe roof lir- nnd not tilIItL lit tho 61!;ltL of u drop 01 L')ngfottl81rect, Albllny s tr oot, thulilan. 1 don't car.e fur thu money' lerious rULbl!ly --olherwi so yon need flte number oftheSt , J a mol Mllg- in 011' 'fho olt! Slluiru bluod . .' Park, lIIay bo truly Clll880d alllung tltu (h i, li,aIJII,lI\r, by the way, 1I0w sub. WRaie 110 more time io tbill neighbor. Rzibe has th e fullowing : sdf WIIS dr essed ill solJ'icr cluth cs nnd , I tl. '1'0 b o ren(\y to rt! nd ur (,me ien, t wonders of lho prescut dlly .-hum/em •• hood.' Tile8iu8 dt!c11l1'l'8 hi 8 b olief tll"t I If" I }.'r a, • Ime. l' IDd,fJ'ereDL 10 pt'ollnillry con8id , mllmmoth skelel01l8 otil\ le fl in Nurlh , stood Oli lli s door -s lc p, pintin his sword IIU lin. COlli url ,Lo In use "10 1110, III Nllw URB: "on COAL OIL, - A youn g . I IeralloM mOl' neofle are wllo ptl!rcr • W e ll, if you mUll hAYe it, llere il R' d ' so\luDlly 10 11 Am cri cllu li ng which wn8 Lruuulu, aud IU lin g irl ill LllfllyeLlll, Illdillno, wns Stllll/! "" _ A'. • " ., I ' , ' '''pmute on II tllP of II pulo in fronl ; '" . , . 'he aA co~pl"in" ~, 'bll'l'd l'l k~ t,. see is: You Ree, about six months ago, ern US8111 oxeee · 10 number all the cld wily lhe talCAI caugh~.' (just for fun, \'011 know] I Rdv ertieed I'Jllllllts now t!Xlstlng upon the globc. uf hia house. FrcqUl'lIlly ho \Voul ll . 1<.1. ,[0 recCi Vo nnd entertlun VISllOrs, in her moulh rocently by n IJOI', CIlUSl ill No.w, the age nl having cGhsitlernble lor a wife, IIllIi thiB youvg l/ldy hap - Voubtless tile procc811 or m"mmolh ex · orf cocked I,at & wllv e il liJu IILscucu 01' Sickn ess or her moth· in ~ n rri g htful ~ w c llin !;: , nnd tltrorttcni nl{ ' f I bIb linelion WII. 'IIe ry ItrRdulll, /lild eX le nd · HullocaL ion , The g irl 'H mothe r IlIlvin g provlou.t:Xpeliellce in tht) inveSli .." lItion I'0no d t 0 Il d ,'orll8e or a 'us Rn( A out .• o vor au e normolls /lpACe of 'l' llle, "rounu ill all ti Lile, Hi s cr.A 0 " fl ' t darLer I a II tl JtJord Lla nt cool oil "'liS gootl as nn t i l ' II \late.o 'h wal quite Rensible II II.' .aml! t'I.me, IIn( I Wtt an swet e d ellc II eu TI ' , oliles h Sllhullllr Sm ith, ' y un g IIII Iy 1'1 I10 enn (0 f f a ,vety 'hR' 11I'climinl\ry 10 PlhO"lIllodve rlistlmllllls. BuL then sht' i. indicale d Ly th e who !liiS ju , t cum home from lhe PUI" thl/lg8, weIl, "Ill.! whu IIlw lI)'!! ready Icrnnlllpplic!l tiau for sprains and brui· Ilich IO\"O,'igAtlOII was R tllt)/'ollg h WIIS ill earnoa t-n ll on the equal'o, Oh, varylllg COli Itiun in which th o tu sks kensvillu 1o'clI1l1le Rpp ce ret! to r,,"t!er nlll III ullllCICt!IIUli Wltl ' 8t:~ , ~lId nol knuwing whnt elso to t!p, of All the eircllms l RIII:es yell : continued lie, observing, p eril/II'S, IInu ,tceth Wh e rclIs the "tlhl! fro nL willde r ill th o wost r(lo lU !LS gllte tllc uf tllOvC Mount! lillcJ th o cldld's moulh out of the IRmp, cOllllecl.ed with lIie affair, Illld after Ilt- a n incredulous s milt! on the cOlin lenor SOlt, 1IDlm1l1 matter of mnny the godd ie of Ijllc rty & 'I I her, WIll more com fort to ulhcrs The ~Wt' \lin g 8ubsidod immediately, &entlvelt unminil'lg the which Ilnee o( the Ilgent. ' &/ta was RII right-- I remlllDS, impllrliug onll of the m ou th (J ir win di ng wn y.' Uuolc- i lind IlIlPllIness herse lf, 111111 bo ma rc I\uti tho plliu wile rolioved. w•• I,i lerall, dalllHtd wiLh.. mucilag4, li b wanted R hU ti band in Icha.rRCleras llcs to the Lelll,g ous I , silid llo Ul }'Hldf, you IIiI' a nn " il C8 ltlt'UI<:d, If eho unly kllcw la ow (}blerved: 0110 bud. SIll! wile eltunled iu this waY: l ur IVII,ry, oll,cr 8,Pectml' ns have lost tillS & no lhin d 'I1IClJ , SlIllper, Ullt! pltly tlttl O:T If you don't wen\ to flll\ in love u1I1C • Well, lIir, I, 'fI'Ul ml\ko R memo - s he hat!n'l gol no falhcr nor lIlother, lind inlil the S4 uiru's RUIl dlt! s L "I' IJllIuu.-11 1I1ullt"'!J. witla 1\ preLLy girl, duu't commeUile n irtill ~ wi tll ber, lor Ihill couning fur ,andll.a of )'uur i'~teblonl. alld if it anu WIlS unclci th e ohl\rgo o f II gurll- IlaLlllg. IIIIVO tnhu Ita 1111\c6. 'l'hu gell! " . Yt:IIU ~ Iliu (j",J ullV;trs lI ud I'c lld th e ~ --.--provel to b.s a po_toBie,", thief, as ),Q,u dtcn--Il n (lJ.l fdlolV nLoul fiftY- lind RS I IUr!)1I01~ prdty ~"nrll"ly c~~cct! eJ ", Uecl Ul'Illi oll of lIl U"pe lldull cu fl'l llll t he A LE SSON , - The sto ry o f young lUll ie like bl) xin~ fur fun , . You put on ~II)'_' _ shc'lI worth nbout twe nlV th 8u snnJ d ul ' be IlUlll ln~ e~se IlIn? Ihu f098111Ztllitoo Lit I(. n chllmher willder , 'fhu f:l'l'li re ' H! Kelchutn' ~ ruin in Now Yor k bhOllld tho ~I UV08 in 11, 0 uLmos t good hUDlor, 'l,r " does not, ,IH Why, who elfe hUll,' (l:c ro his ('ycs COVt!t · OliIWRI- l' l'o lluuly 11,0 wife di ,}n'L jino ill lhc lesliv('fS. ::lI lc i pruve II wholeSIJme l08son to n il ynung wiLh the most fri endly irHenLions 01 ox Ol lllU gi llg " I'IlW amicllble blows; you 'Can IL lau'l, Ibo envclOJlll to ollsly,) III her own Ilghl, .thld gUllru. ' ' f SKid i\ WI\8 litO tnrnul..:sL n on8en911 sh ll ' DIt!n. 'Lui wo.\lllnoll\lh 1I10n ll,' iR Ipe (C) , r itstllf-hasu" 1'\ •fl v'Iu~ ""nlly decrI, ho1 .<lakcs 11Illl, , IInOe,IlY 0, SP(·r.UllltiOIl s tll i' I: \,ti r sceu .1· S i tl) tl Ie ' squir . e , t! oc I' , S for u II 1I0rtll a f pcu· (jllli YUIll'scH iusolisibly wllrmed ",ith L . . •, .• I d IJUIS \ber mto f 1\ LOllrI mllld to 1Il11l!;lIlll 10 itBe lf thopr"01pl lime: wlwu . ' 7> IIIIl nne I\L 111I14.' ak ...,en torn ,Qpeu aDd gumlDlld up II/:aiu? \U lIlg 5C IUO ,nil Hlt e lll 8 to orr-o IeI' llw 0 I tlu;se gil:/tIJlic " IIC' • Cum ill lhe huu se and go to lieu YUII plu. ,Ketchum .WltS w,,11 circulIIs lBIlC(lIl. dio enlhu iji Bsm of Lh o ca ll Ilict , ulltil Of c,ollue it', • putitoltico 'luel-allY into wRry ing him. She'd rrltller bllV Il b .' ' olu roul you. 'l'ollloTtTI' yuu'll l,o goi n pucuuillrily, Ulltl would tl ,i/, k, IIl1l'oulLi Ho mu unlu cky l'unch in ti ,e wnislcoat Goe OAD lee Ihal.' 80me cum Ou l6 LiiaLRI\werll lill llily , .• IIII I( d t!11I1 'wll ' II tie I I'Um erll5U1 . •.•u,(' d cSl' r~ d Ioy , I 1I1 0Mt fIIv oreu·1 sons 01 decidua lltll ulIIlLur, nnd tho whole af· ~ ~ Ifellow, k of eeurllr,nQlur,,1 .• d ' c\celillcl\ to IIlllue swec!'ncell tllem Irom 1\11' ..ounu "" tie ' ' , ,IVoon"('1' ' ro Ib~' , lir; but I don't ICC it, 1111 L It .-50 8 Ie til e. IlIHI a Y,erlJ Se8 I 11 d wonl "ill u s a w inil'lI peaco lill you o"ct fort u ne, l'urhuill o" his h'mti lll l\ te Lu si fair enLi. ill n d o\Vn,.;~ 1t1 lig ht, f i b d So 1 1 eftr\ I, n mOll ClOm~ UpOll I h e SCeIH! .. b Pyet.b I enQllih tp gin 01' 11 IUS 110 • . wall SRYlllg, wlwll rUIIDlcel Iheir wilds wtlll.' ::icz the "Sli lliru, 'Bcltiy you lit - nOS8, he wuuld hllve moro mOll oy tillt ll . ~ A sin g ular plumomonoll recently iDe the D.lIle 91 the wri'lIr tbe ItlL- IlIlswe red her lid nrUscment, lind she Wero those "'ild8 tho same a8 now 1\8 110 Ilppreoillte illll"JrtlilloCl of ,I, u /'(JuIJ II'lssi ulJ bo U800 by Ilim til millie ler.' ' : repllt'd to my letter, Rnd 80 we gol up eVIlOI which this niglat cummcIJll:rntes.' life hll I'I'Y' .If he 111111 ~pcut $[,UU II oc cu rred 011 tho farm of J ohn Jonea, The 'yolln, bUln lle,it"te(l Rnd at Il oorrl!~pondence. Now there aint 110 t? climl\l~ anti vegt lnble growth 8? ~'p8' tit.. , abe, ' COUlIl1lt!lUmerMe a ClIltl' tllil dllY, 6lill his in como \l'oult! Itn\'u ex on Snll lti vc r, ill Hall8 county, Mo. A ODce hi, lIlaOIlU became coulu,ed nnd humbug nbout her- I can tell when n tlmon{ 18 mllte , Time lIilentl)" " un -cum into Ihe !.ouse 1Ili ti ill sta nl, yllIJ cced cd hi s ou tgoes, llUI 110 became! 1 8tl'ip of gn lunt! , "Lullt thirly fcoL wide, .. ..I1,.I's • • .. " ., Ile8 k y 0 Id c rll ut t sr,' IIC Z t IIe p08s(J ~ se u.• 0{I t Itl lDlIOIII "'e"ooI, . I'n earnA81Un(1 I "noIIlle',r RII veils t , 0 lepulchscd remllill8, leavirll' ' te r, ' ' u ' for go 1.u ani I ex t(; lIdinJ,( stmigllt oul (row tlac riv ur 'I'd rather not, if it'••llthe lame aight lJy the wny 8he writes. So about IUICY to ClCPlllil\w IU 8he will on the ::lquire, wavin Ilill 8w ort! , 'rllLiro.' This 8tuck gflm!Jli,, ~ ; llo wi shed to becomc inlo II lil"ld SOlDO two hundrod ynrdA, .ir, h'. a young IIldy, "Dd tltere lwo wcelis ago she 8'lys .ip 1\ opi,o l\'l"olly beyou d the 8eope of mor ' jiSlll8 IllIIU cl'. 8he could SLick, n grellt dictatu r ill W,,1\ slreot, lind lu g nvo wily 1I1It! ti unk to tho o ll pLb o( _ _____ _ _ !Shll retirt!u LJul cum out ng llill purl}' mll\;e suc h II c(}lIusalll forluno IIg would lw ollly-(jve or tllirtJ fo() t. Jl4'eIlU"r circumltRuces Rbout lhe clue tv one of he r IClte i F-'I Wlllli you lalmte 'fhe oarth -and ill "10rl 1 WIlUt her nawe would go 10 Stc wnrt'8 nnd get me 6"" SUN M f:R' FUI'ITII,-Aci(ls promote ti le qui ck with II pan full o f hol LJilc ll Wl\ tlJ l I'olldcr him n lion IIUIOIl:': tho s Loc\; IIl'uulld th o et!gtls of tlto excnvll tion romind up 'in 'it:" yards of black bl'oRdclolh,llnd send it of Iho bil e from the biocII. which she Ihrul\' ed nil ov cr Lho 'Squire, tribe. Uchohl th o resll il-fl tbi er, II m nilll'J porfectly s~i d, Whi~h mllkllS i& 'Bill It will be 'Rblolutely necessRrr, to .me by express. 1 wI\nl H (or cloak, which is lhel) pllslItld from the liptcm, &; Surl!, yuu would lulYS your lurger, 11 fu g itiv o from jll stico I Thou · ~ Iill Inoro woud\J rfo\' IlIrtiu to Ice th o old IllIHi jump up 01 youllt; mlln, in n 6phoro mofl' ill order 10 mRke a proPtJr inllt'lligRlil)n, flllil I'll.sc!nd you Iho mO.ney _Jus t lIS lhu8 pre vclll int,( ft!\,l,rs , Ih e pl'eYllili ng •• &bltllbould IInnw her nAlDe. With - HUon I\S It cum es RIHI d on fnd lo IOl t di ecll80s or All fe ve\'8 III'C IIlId duwn nud I, (} \I cr IIlId rUII illio llll' lilllilCd. hllve nltio bnll pUl: ullillrily, ~:u- Tho Z'lllcBvilie ::liglllll sOl's tllat Ollt i, 1 cannot underlltke to do any . mo know just how mucb it is, for I 'biliuus, ' thllt is, the hil., is in tilt! IIOU 80, Excepl Lilia unpropishus cir- IIIl1l1y o f them morn lly rniu,:'), Ly the ,)n ~IILIII'JII.v, a g id, dressed in ml\ll't! Ibia, in t'le uon't you to be Rny expense folr blood. Whlltev e r is IlntAgonllitic of Ce- CUDlH taOOtl, all we llt as merry ns n enr' hpocullilin g Illar. ill of lb u liltH'S, cluLhing, cullin/S hcr60l f Chllrley SmiLh, • The genllemAn.llillaougll' tor lIomo me.' So t wen t SLcWI\rl'S lIud gOl ver is cooling, II is 'a commo ll snying rill!::o bCllle , AS J..ord lI )' rlln Voc· Why will 11 0\ nil seo Ihn t r iches vcry WIIS lI)'re sLed and conJ e mntd 10 scrub '0 "aid ghdog ,he ' nRme of the clOlh sent IL by lind 1111" (ru i ts I\ro ' coulin g : and al so ber - lOl' ULllcbillSis ofli811 WIIS hkewi811 11IIld sudden ly ne1luircd genernlly provo v lind clonn tho watch·hollsc . bilo did fa" bilL RL. IR.t ftnnoun ced it as wrole to lle r nnlii olt! h ll r It wl\e t\\'on' rics of ('very descriplion; it is bccllu se up IIn,t! a on which WIl8 curso 10 their pOSSIl¥80r, lind L.ltlll in th e lhi 8 IIccording to order, and Ihem mll(lo '.Mill ElDil Mel.iIle:' Olber qlica six and thell slao put tlte mO,n- llle lIeidity which Ilte v Gontllin l\iolli.in pllinted th o Que'e ll in th t! IIct 0 J rinkc u vnsl IlllljuriLy of elise:! the c n ur t to ob- It er UHCRtlO lhrou gu a window, nil tho y a. to the 'Ionl 'follow.ed ey In nnd 60me darn c() tlllcf st!pllrllting. Ih e bilo fro-m Ihe blood,,.- sum UY 'UuLchi lisis inv i"urlltor,' wn8 La ill weldth uy \.1I·go lind hUZll rt! U1l 8 othor Ilfillo ners following llUr. 61uck inlo of lite winders. '1'h e trnn silctions , brings Hilly I' uy ' rt ,v und which led '10 tile !lDdolUre of the mon - ill 1\ p06toflice has gone and stole it out lImll:o the grellt yellrninl,: for H , by ey, die., to whicR the Rns- -Lhllt'. all Ihe re ill about it.' "1ll1 Idluce, I\nd 8/tlad s in tlte enl'll' Ulllt..linsvillll "f Li Ltlr ty . noo p'" ru in. 11 i9 by legitimllto bu s iness M AD AS BUI!: COUJ.D DJ>, -A mnrrictl i. 'AO evasive, alaulDing ",n},' Olt, thut'a el\, ie il,' Baid the 'R{(fnl, being eat on wilh vinega r ; per (,ru ss wUlolao i:lUDlefuI\ttld &; lhe complltlllive ly sl'JW ucqlli Hi tioll , by mnn w"o waH r ' conl!y II~ Il whistl,arty, nldeally Ilrivinr to concelll80m8tbing wilh difficul ty reatraining tho IlIu g blllr he ncl:, al so, tlio 11I8te for sorueliliug mo ltoes 1I1uck out: ''fhc prcS8 is honetil o8fnillge , t\tnt II Lliul u wh en ho proposed to go home, WIiS tlr whicb ,he I WIUI " .eeretly ashamod. which thill piliful ,"le o[ IrUb lovc was sour, fur Icmonsde8 , on liP Rttaok 01 the Arke mejilln lce ver whi ch mUVeS 'Ire mnde, l hll l prudcnco a ud g,ootl prln- asked to s tllY n lilLIe IUllger. 'Well,' inve.ligation WRI to provoke. 'Well, lir. re,er. Uut this ueing the it i. the wor ld.' " to le cRrty.' on ciple rulu in tl lo litem, lIud he re plied, ' perlt"rs 1 II1l1y 1\8 willi; IIlIel"k) .ake bill Ilow progreSl '",hil" there'll no tlaRt you're 1\ Yery ensy to pre tuat we nullify tho good ef' yuur Armor.' • No\y id the time 10 slIb - whcrein hU,nurud nnd Illy \fife i~ ," 'vIlBLly ulroady narond as COldllC&ed ill t;lai. C.lbiou, .the agenl tin- muoh abUded individual, And if you will lects of Cruits and iD prgpllrl.io n tierib.' Mone & l'·ield.' sonul IInpv,oli88 crown their l'lOsseftaor. due c.:an be , .lIy obl8ned: call1lg8in in aboul a fortnight Itl1ink 1 tiS we eat tbem ,with sugar, or enD 'Term8 8 1,50 a yenr-liberal recluck ' ',-Long .J.I'J1Icl Jl'urrnu, If yUII wish 10 c u re n scoldi ng •.M, !BY time is too precious be ,to Ilivo you some d cf' tiwect milk, or crenm. J( we Ihem shuus 10 clubs.' I n shorL 'be villRge ~ ., lIuw ~ LtI!ngo i~ ia,' s llid P at, Wire, n , VOl' n.lil tu laugll nL II"r wilh 1111 to WSite In drawin, Inform,lidll from IIl1tO 10 regard , to the mat- iD tbeir ontural 8lAte, fresh , ripe, ,I,er' of Balclill8ville wos ill n perfect fI!! ho t t ud gcd nloug o n foot ODC 8ul l l'Y 1011 with. cork acrew, : and mny 1M.' '. feet, iL is impossiblo to 'ellt I DUVt'r lIood 80 mllny pcople Ih Rr be. yOIl" wig ht lin Iii tiLe ceas 'Ii, Ihen ki s~ _I.. y, ' IhaL II DlBn lIever moels a team mike up yoar mind either to give m ll.a , "fhRUk .. lir-on11 tlll\t p06,L- enougli to hurL 118, espeoiAlly if ,We eat luru in ,my born daY8. 110 lI ut atlcOII'L Itor. ~ ur cuco nnll 110 'l,,"ck [til,di !)uino,; Iht. SdUlI' w~y he .9.' . ele.. aad uDrelClryed IICCOUot of 11111 offiee (e llow 10 SUlLO pnwon, and, I 11 lhem alune, noL tak jng tUI), 1ieluid lu d U801 ibe tllll IICC llea of ' Ih at gl/llt' :iD c
~,~ohl . 1 'I~odhelr
\~el1, ~heepl~b
OlO~l ull~i1y 6UI~ ~loullt ~e,ople, Lh(jl cf~ro, ~OOlIOI' ur~ss
glmtl~mnll followio~:
.>~ c
cr~l.ille T~lcgrnllh
~entreman 5gen~'
~'<II ~gellt.
t.I,el~d~fl '- . ,
~It I~~D
" ~e
~ yJ~, N~w,
~ . ~.
hLl~e JOUIl~
IcLt~1'8 r,rop~rly. , nur~o
~(j nC~(JIlL'1
1I~,clrcum~tnnce nr~ fo~nd, gl'lli~l1Ie, bP"clwon~ ~h<l earne~l-wanted nec~1I5Rry mBl~II"I, mlnu~1l1 8\lbstllnee~,
, ~"ood
p~Rtscript ·
Ii~. rri~nd
~"ceivi., ' lb"t1he f~illpd,
han.a~_tion, or go else\Yherc
WI\II~ a~d
,GOIl~r8, tll1~ Ic~tllr
~v~1I l~len
wiLl!} our lie satisfied.
lig~~~~ ~eparaliun
1 UOll't curo ubout the the m wU&<I.H:r,
on~ Bu~lc
~ ·wrollr,
--_............ ---
shOl'ter.--N-;-tlUTl1tf'1t1"Lirthll ~h t(~
IDfor~at\On y~u ~be
~pring, tlte~e
I'u~'plex llle8 ~rln~ t~ ~hlln
illll)l'es~ive jl,[is~ Jn~tertoo!,
~~R:~~~I~'~llllcL III~t
\\'urd~. \~oi.ld 4. . . . .r..:o .m e c.I .~
1 shuuld
m:l~iD~ o~ Cltlzcn~I"'p
l\IIAl\II AZETTE . THE _ -_ - -. ~1 tFr(J,,~ Lh.~O. C. dre~'I' I~rerial will 1I}s .n"IICI. ,l ' ==~============:::::=:::;:~_::=:=~~:::~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~;::~;:.:
\b rtJr alld amoDg Ihe 11.,,' to be te·
. III ere will f)e a rllYolulion. The ll'riocl' Wall Col. lIa"w.J.l Defeat· tained lD 1"1 country • Itrflce. L b•• WR 'ar.l. .,. ' "t . tll tuck and eIlcb recei,," I PI:0PW of Plria go. lor air liod neYer I eign in e4. Frieuds, there hal beo. Coal. plAY ill 1 ~~ tU tt" WIIC I IS Oft e! ' . lJ W exUl051\'e Ihe gToun 8 are. , I of sufer' -• . . ' . II e sauDLleL' for lIlI' offiCII \ll. t~, 1011ll ~(\~C" hr,owll', There is no noise, DO ,hout- hon. 0 d t $1\1 " but one 880 \bUI .pon whom the mAnl e •... e haye beeo aD alteDt, .. dllml.er- runnmg . I k '11 ib C I \.' ~ . . 1 am bot prepare 0 , . ' f II 00 olle preteods to w , _ I oodUIIOD . we a. '" e 0 une 'I ' ---.-...- ~- ~ ~ in~ er conr.,ion; and whal IS more, ound the trim ·kepl elgnly Ittll! a , sLed listener to moet of the IIiCLIl J,er n c . It II I 1'. D. s"Eft It J, ~._ C~LLST .IJITO"~~ t oei;heqllJshing no~ uooece.. 11 ry hllllte, ~i~:e!O~ii~:~~sse:~Dg IlIl tho a\lel~' ltae g~e68: p.. ob.a~IY h will bc a case of ~I\iniilg 10 the Iwo cootestio~ c~ndiJI\le~ rriendfll7 .co~~i::entl~:~:~·a:: wi~ .~~ . 0 hi a ~ 'l'he carriage~ oUlslde the glltee. conve,' 1I • f RLlraction, In might. lIot fig It. . , " r r Ihi! office or Uoullly .Alldltor. DII ere ~ J,ue IC • '. 9. W a'1 n e & VIII e , auch Irllvt!lIe rs aa require them to Ihcm PO.oI, ,uld pOlnLs ° d re very thick , 'fllill Elillperor 18 noL A fa~&'He " ith o. r no di sreaptct peuona\ly to ing lDdl[ereoce tn Ih'l " m~ll~r/ " We' • d' t a 110 me IJlaces the woo ! a ' d II,IOUg11 1& WIU Ihe ou. 0 , f k e RI'PR&IKNTAT1VIl \\,EDNt:sDAy,SEP1'E~JBEnl3,1861i. destinalion chllrgiog accor 109 0 1 . . 8 affunlinlt a the l'lIe:&lh oO, . J W K6s~ UI6 uuminee eieetl or a8 R're~pooa. · , ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ I U b tuO ,liou ugulD 00 \'1810& open. I' 1 t I ' m on Ihe '1 hl'onll , u m e e . . " -- --"""' ~- ------~ NO XU "inled lariff wUleu 18 V"lsen e y ' 1 \fbih' the flon - {;Irltreu \11 lIC I pu II . tI II office do we ml\ke \ht! above 10... ~ . 0' YOLo I.· _ ••• - •• - - - • • , I vicw for many ml es, { I e has lIu:vellll: U t:;very "'lortlll:I" HI , ~Tbe ftlllowi'lt"I" ',umft)~rl . ~;!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~=~~-!!~- driver. I { aD! ooe 10\'ely IceD'O to l ilt I r U quiry bIt C' I f '" !!! , l'III'iS. within Ihe rime of NapoleOO\SllIllt c IDnge r nefer tv wearY ' - l lowllrds (~ ccleaiIl8Iiclil SUIH"lUIICY . OoU Oc~up"ing as we do oeaClrnl grounJ Iho n~W8 y 118 II eamer. I Y 0 ~'"'" . b ' \ b I ' lo anuther Clll{,Ses one , I -I' ie61houd lIen:r WIlS J d yrurk 'lilt! HIl)ve til\' :: ' I 'fhi r", b II new clly UI I Y !Im . 'B J' , _ which Ile n 'lIdes every' I lht: power II I IIl rN Il o'lr "8 lu the caodidl\lu for Ihe o ffictt , all .. • I I' I Adml- , ul I Ie ell L' una 1t!11I,1\I I~ I Tho Atlanlio 'Teltlgl'apli COlllp,ny pcup e . , ' . 'bl 10 d e~c libe...,.. ooL lowl'r III ... rll nce. . " tl'IOwrtnt 10 all honor due t wm _I I I Please and dOl "Ig It .IS ~. ger IIlIng II I ~ Impossl e . aud I~l lUe no. ID ~ hllying issued a form .. 1I0Uce hlal I I~y d d I rlibl)" he has B..Iccee e, I or requJrl~ t e ,~ n loa8tlc,s I' 'k t e or !>Iade of " r,," i. on l VOWI every !lV6 ~' earfl, "'0'11 who hnv ;) III Bohlitrs, confrol\'l'\:d w'IIIIIO' altQmpt to reab".e,· Ihe 611. bill' o n,.. 10IJormarry-u,,' ., ooe sl llyS. Ibll unge r t leJ . f i e ' prubably owiog to Ihe c'are- fre e to n:lurn to 1 10 w r 'bll t ocmy in defence or our common this "ellr, Lh. UDI)er"","e,., eoollder . E t io tbis vast gllrn ' 0 p 1;(; " • '1 il tll emselve8 01. , J II d .. remAIO . vI:ry h~O« I 1 ( I lui sup en :sion of Iile glln rd~ 00 /bot, I" pn vi el~e Wl\ny aYI\ ,. ( COil "II') ' 's service. we wish al\ ,luI' citi· IlIi ~ l'quinlt,nL to a \ota 0811 ,~O t oeH SOD is regullile d Wltb 811 ey e t~ Rti e U t i ' til e" f"IJ ows wilh u"e A Pr~,",', 100 , can reooUolle h~ pra esf 'V "ounty 1' 0 eYery stlll"d insUrimce 00 'he cable. t ellS " ' IIrrtn '" , . f I I hI d J r It II 60011- 11 11 grim mu s lie u ~,. o f C (d ' v r bCllu _ • I~ chll/W /1 0 k' ~ I~' peJrewitled bt:Llreki n cn pi w bo t itie io cou plee, Mad I.ion. bUI. very ft: IV eyer do. 101'1 nih;" and nery pncillcl; to kllow A ult:etngb0 ~~eh~d c~~e i~ 'f,' es. No dIrt 0 /iDy In I. I I' '11 eag le ey . - I 'l'ueedIlY. Augult 15,1I '/fl\. a rete. or . I C I 0 € Max erate cuI on Oil c ,. b afld eao h availllbill spot WIIIC I ~\'I:: ryt 1I0g- WI I . ' t h e course by whlc I 0: • '., . \LUlldOO. 10 .,.kll plll~e. 00 ~plellJ tl' NS D UD 1110 8t/~clt 5'J ' 11 "fVL~ik;t lhe IVOor8 thllt I\U' privilel:od wilbin th o l lhe UI\t1lOlic Uhurch, tho only occaSlO1I \v UII ' WIIS c\cCeateG. 1: ou youneh el 4dl. to conllder, aod .. If dellall:tJ 4J,xpeblooms Wit I c 10100 owers, 0 I ., . 1_ ~ • ( Elel9tiOD October 10, ~li . ) , . ' f a]IlCCIl ""It I havc to bt: h:d by a s lr ap: lert: , 00 wuie h reh~ l o Ll ' proct:1i1l1008 IIr., II C'.D' J'u"lOe of Ih e honor of Ihe ~roee e d- ui t! I.II • .Iu. "rpoiot,II committe. Rlllro,lealj. _ bUllulII CtR lire a sacce'slOO 0 p ' ..' . 'A l.l I' u" d .. I' . uare id no ecaruI,ering for caaint:8 1U lIlI r- I lowed in Ih e etrtelll. Ul •• e rJltD CAmc h Iher it was becom iog Un· Ih "lr 1I ~'Its an ID,uellll. l'OR GOVERNOR, Ln the 1I~lIl... or I I~~ Imm 90se tiq , , . 1 !lave nner ' een . illS 80 the fellh·tll of th e ure, as. we. . U in ~\'lfO lice 'fh" 'l'Ime. p~Ll iwh e. a l-.I.\t'll JACOB DOLSO N COX. of Tr umbull. ' I.a PIl\cC de \a Concor,le . where alood \CIHhll, (lIIdo tn~ce dl d .1 II n: \ d """ III. tOl~rt: 'd r~rred till SUJlday iOD ·lov lng CIIl &CII8. an . flom its I,,", Riclrmond 'corrVlpontlcn ~ A nlluncill IOn was e" f T I\ny d..rga IRlI"SIf II , or unuer 1 witll rl'rublicllU principles , the ba81s of COlllro\'e rling tile chargee . • ,~iriRL t~ 11r 1'0& LISCT.·OOVBRNuR. tho GUlllotioo in th .. dnys 0 elror"j r 'B 'De" indeed ... a* 10 '\ arlCrnoou a. propitious an oecalioll 118 which i~ houor und J·IISU&;6. COIlIt:u"nlt:ll ofcrlllll~y \u )'"tlu"l V1l5~ kNDREW O. McBURNEY. Warren. wheD 'i~ rail, red "hlttL.,. brlOOd ~".yp."~ - ~av: ano~lp;clal auendant. like a Id . the Olhu' WI\ • .unfav-o'I\'Me. At the l,"lr -t, _ u sll' \1 CuD call 10 mind lome onors. • • ' lun. 'l'D .... rr RRR OF ST.M'II.. .. h. le Q ,,,fir P oJ".LI\ rom " ' . , . .. v T 9 fin:: cal~:d CI.:opRlra'll Nl:edle , 8lRnding in Carriages are required to g~ o~le ! hour pl'ecist:ly. the adve nt or two ge l\ o( Ike fraudul cl\ \ meRII S u8td by thl! A Frl'IlCh !teet,. Cotlll18tIDg 0 SIDN EY B. WA'RNElt, or Lorllio. ,I ,\Hl th er 10 R OU I d I ,~lear th e nar' , c1l1 u iroll cl"ds ltuJ '4 othel6~ WIlS b~· FOR 6UPnli!IiOI: J'OltGIJi, a Buccession o( \errllCe8 or 110wering ijidc nnu relurn ~a 0 ' 11 ~ I ' Id'lIrmel> c l ie WR or c I' I d rrituds of h/i¥r<lnt W. Russ to inllUl'6 III ~ ing filleU 1'114 "t PV'rLllJIlout\l, ' , JACOB BftlNKI!:RllOOF', OC Rich- sbrubs. Uigfllllio bronze fouol nins" lar atl'eam. !low lug lranqui y 011. HI' \ tOW slree~ Nllpoleoll 0 ve ."C ea, lin blll:C~8S; alld, 8~condly. S<;lme or the Q.ltlen Violoria. in.lill~ur"Lt!d I'rir.cu' Janu -( Luug 'korm.) Ili,chlll ging shoWHS 8( \Voter, f up ~r l uut Bcrllm~Ie o.r baSle -:- so III . Ilnt imm ed ,i "tdy afle r CII~UI a pnelL eblln~. fl.eLs, wlllicioll~ly wisconsLruclou by Alb .. rt'lj al!'tue. a~ Cuburlloll. 0"' Ike JOHN WELSH. Of Albeos. ('1'0 fill it aD ei Luer siae. whil~~. by a visl" 0111' from Ihe Wild dl8",ray an .l.«. Ct! ~rlll ., ing. a.tlended by e'1'~!ls. bll~rer. L ~) I l ilt! Jill/DC concerning Ihe Uolond, I\nd 24th. " Vacancy.) lin" through the Gnrdl:(ls or Ihe Tuil· Park; but oLlr free nnd. elllrgbt cd I with large calldl~8 on t:lIl~ er Side of hln~. the reb)' ellhing hi. ddeal. '.!!'11ll rnofer" A1'Pf'!",S. 10' 1)e r~~I'~in~ II RAt. J I Id b t to aue 0 \ . I d tl orsllp frunl pllrtl wh encl! '1\ Cllmll. '1 'OR. A7TtlIU'I1.l' OX It . leri cH, Blanda Ihe grim old Jllllllce. tht! peo.p e wou nev er au ml . 1nnd otller nrt.lc 1!8 use In Ie Wo J o 1I0t d ispro ve the (lIcl ' !hl\l 1'ht!ru Will a vAgue rumor ~C, 1118 WlLLIAM l'I. WEST. or Log-Ro. Ihuter of mllny hi~loriclll e v enl s~ while I ~ reloll AI home, thougl: ~ht: tbo\1 nil :of Rome. 1hen fullow ed fo~ Ille 11<:11 JIIDlt:S \Y. Ross. 'ur Ally otJlt'r WI\II' disco""r), or II> let"p\rlr.y ill Berl i;'. fOR SCIJOO L COllldlBEluNltlt, looking up Ibe IWenUOll' of ~h., Champe \lInti oue 'II'ho come to lan~, hU e"W do : It hours. groups of young girlS, dr~ss. hIlS tile pe"r-Jct. "itiho~ LO'ruo rOf office. 'llIt! ruorllinAt POl t Pfurfla.ell '0 Kite· JOHN A. NOl~B.l S, Of ll i\fJi~oo. k:lyeces, that lll llrv ellou a work of l\, rL- l so,~i lhoUl a ~urolur. . 'I t'd ill iI'.hile ~u ~lin dre.~8I::S an d' . .veils . WII ('nly a : )lulIl now 10 " !"u~e of h.o n' Lhll ~tcr~t luticlee of 'he rectol FOR DOAItO 0)" PUDLIC W ORK'!, tI e creation of NapollloD .F irpl-finl\!'he1l ' Ihe crOw 11111:; succesl or 0 so Ole 'with )1l11k, Llue. \lUlet. dud. hiLlII: Wil "' ill 1I0W consiJer Ihe IinL A\lstJiall-Prueaia "nDv.-nlion. \he roosl JA MES MOOR'E. 01 Cos hocton, tl:tl vie w. 'l'his noble ~rcil i~ of vdlite ror ib the Lo~vre. w hieh he hllll Con· Irtld , 1I0d Ipet:n Jibholl6 Rllt! c ~loit!l~ of ~~~di lilll!' or 001' iliquilY , )lertnilli'lI g to ~:rl~'~::lt: :~~~ht::e,..~~~ !:.~r~':.su~i FOR CLSIU'; OF SUI'RI::Mt: COU IIT, marble, afler th e design of Ihat oi 'l'ra· "4Jrled iuto 1\ Vllst mu seum for every ftOWHS. Each ~roup wWIlIIlLlreJ ahke, Ib e fraud uijeJ. lhe mllin poinl s olll} o{ A, ulllr8 lellburg 'horo Hol.'eil'l. on Ihe' IlODNEY 1'008, of Clinotol)lCo unly , "110 at Home bUI recorJs the "icloric" thillg, 1'0 8ee Ihe WOD st.er COII(!~n' \ (l llI'~lIn tbtl glrlll who Curmed IhllL 1'1 ,\, 'C \"'111 ruunlioll "is: III aUOlt ~Ii"hlest prtltl'nce." Shtl al,o und ..l· " ' d \ .. . . I' "u . W lie I " 0 • , I~ . f of th() l'reDl:h Emperor, iu Iif! U of bim it would bl:' nece8slIr.v 10 e vote a .,ay group.) Ilnd cllrrlCd,1II t lelr nil sLel ' of th e elUlt)ru "tid lIortlt'tR~ tun ~rll ' ItlikIJ8 .to ce~1l 1J0~8hl~ ~ \0 , rt~.• 'I" IIr FOR BTAT& SBNATOR, r 'O to ellch gallery, lind. Ih en 1I0Lhlilf wou,ld 111It:r II liehly .mbrOi\le,rl!d bllnnt!J .of a , d ' 'b t .1 t' I. t- for Ihe \"ceulllar y In'tl edl1t 1. l:"rU~1!11\ ' d to pro· a nome, . . I clIllS we re tsln u l'Ll tC"t: 1 G DI '10 guarlllltmr ~. C. MoFARLAND. Parie is. RS 1 eaid befor e, a Vllst gnr' till vi>;itt:,d. ODe BUIte . of roows " II" , Sllinl , th e Ilkt: llc.s! ~f th t:lr Chure I, ~: d t; tion havill, bUL the 6in~le nl\lUc of ~:~s~h~o ~~:st!::i::: l\tains ob)!ellI from IInClenL .Egy~t~ an l a bl\~ke l of alLlliclIII nuwult. In II Juru cs W. Ross for Alldilor. thcrl:l;) non .U,rmIUl of ~1IM~ift,. G~rDl"o ' Ant~ rison; l ollliers in ev~ry dinrsity Of FUll 'rH£ G A)la;·I-l'a;. ulliform meet one III Ihe Lime, D1llny 01 olher from Chiull or Elrul'lit. fllt:se Ic.,nlrc of ulhc r groups. 6uppoI,u,d 011 " . II nl~j rill' uf \'olea ... Lhosll ' The Empuor laRd ad.,,,,,nd' "0' 51. Trans - ltt••tle t01ll"tllIJOnGeuCle? ,I'e:n with -two nod 111rC~ mellal~ 0;1 rooms arc de'o ed to IIII! nrC ~ p"inl1n g : kmilof I' Llora whieh the girls cllrrieu til'~eulrl~'!; '.I,u r ' Mu~ Gllbrit:!, The "'.11.0111 provinctl 01 Ill. . broili ur 'u • . I ffi OCII !lIed lIi'u ue t:RlIllg ,. ~ . , d " ... I.~·lr LI''' asts 'fllt!v seeru ad if IIdmirrom itl infllncy ; tlltn 11Ierll I ~ poRlI:all tlICir shuulder8 . would be t Ie c gl' . I ' 'II' I . of Ilis ItlU Urllndu ha r1".... ~ ;.- "." • IIIi'P rI. L P ARI', }o'R" "" CR. } u~ ~. • J d ler W10 IS ell 10 I It! 6tH J(~tl II I N ' I ft iJ of th ' Em .... r .Augu~j 19. IOG 5, rnbly cRred ror ant! il it; litLle wondl'r I",ioll kom iLS daw", 100 Ibe prt!sl1nL diy_ 1 Ih,e Virgin in 1\ bo ~t, the ' ,~lIfllnl c' , .1 .1. ' I n rl~ly tX- A I Ie 1I1111 ~~1I he" , e . 1'- ' , . . ' d d 1of · I I 1. .1 w cuulllry, lUlu \\ uO I WItd lie e , Or were ca I.'u OUI ur lIell.e scrnclt.· AR C....... 4o : _ 10 m)' hUI leUbr 1 the Boldiery idol ito Ihe man who mAkes Ouo loter"NLlDg apartment Id tlVO e I su~ III II mllnger, or W lllL oOa.eu 10 m ' td b I I ' . , I D "''' " 1'1 pe~It!J wou u t et:Il:1 10 1\\0 COIl8te___ ·_ _ •. d ~ II -ellll'"onAd my I'olenll'on of visiting ParIhei r eODlfort hie study. A ~r t\J.e sol · 10 relics of NRpolcon }'lrst. 1111 0 ~" ' I I~kt: ~I wr r ll's louse. gilt. Ie young, . , I f i l l ' " TI I',. now a IOODIi ··· l lIe.I.I... ... . ,. . .. I . . 110 d ULI\'e COilS IIlULIOIlil lerms 0 II ee. In ICJ" I' r .. .'ny '. is. aod lasl Wedmla()n1-thtl dayaCtl:'!' (lier is un6L for dUly, If lifter IllIrty, he IIlg on lire cunosltlc~ u.sed It", .. o"a.e~s l kILlll!ll N~"g pr~Lhly AS th~y wa e • l": IIS1 , 1\8 has been Ihe gt!lltir,,1 cUlitum, lid" uf I:1lI1~rlltilili (f0ui tl~o l\ ... ~h, .vltRL 1 t Uppost: tI to be J'>Tluses of Ille I I ffi I ' I L Moat (,f it i!; undt:r tl... "u@pl~t:I, of lilt Lile nlitlon al' fete-11 8lBrted, 'fhe 15tL receivel a ,nen~ion • ooa is-e oLi.ci4:lL 10 bo of 1It~ elulv- date.. ,I, I) descllbe all ' UIIS -"..1, " ' • ' ,.. , " lere I IC 0 et: r. 1118 !::IV ~ II gt'llera SII' , ~ I' ured 110wn in torreotl of raill, which rccflivcu into An IIsylum fouod ed by IS&IIIt:ly )llllaCe-1l8e1l a trelll to lUU" I"LJ<,ct of Ihl:lr worslnil, Lhe Ifglll ,....,.. . ' ., .1 ' . ' d ' Gt:lluRl Southt:rn L,,"d ~t:ucy. w IIC II po . _.1 I . . t! . II l~fIlCtIOIl. o~conUI III sl:cunng IIVlIwe ' I I}' I I r \1 Ih '" SL.\,I'I n:vtnled.' lIItich dcmon8~ratioll at Dou- Louill XIV CRlIl!d the Hulel des [m'II I ' \ U J'O n-i~ impos~lIbtll, a 'lN ilL every 811 1!lands uf bO)'8 and III s OCCIiSIOIIII Y , I' I ' \ 11& e8lll ) III It" or Ie ur t: . , . ' P • , .L r I ' . \ I . , d c\Jpperhea]s VOLt:8. W IIC I IV'" III op"n a~ 52 B,o"dw"f :N." ·il u,~. HI 1011ne, e.rceplll<litling 11Ie l.,reolur, ant! ides This is an immense edifice bUill 80metliing more \Von uer u prt!8l'ot', l1- fal'i t d Ihe mOllolollY, II so Ilmglllg 1111 . . f I I ftl I' IC ft· I '.1 for ... 1 Ihroun\. • • f ., . , ... .... b violutllln a tlO ru C8 0 Ie C(fllv en 100. \ O\"P""Y 0 "r8 IUlLl ..... " e' B lalyO' of er-ann. At noon' but I uoder · in a llOIIow H\UllrO, wilh (\ owt: r ~IIHlIlLl 5 self, or pl:rhaps 0 mure exclIlDg , . I C\trry lDg bllnn6rs or e~"a; I 4Jy w\:ru N h i " tl ~"n " cou ouL all the South~rn Stalt:~, IIlId i:t , . . ... I' . d uw we IIVC rOllc It:u 10 S2vv '" . , etand a Procession of Priosts &0. wal kepI by Ibe pensioners "" "ont, lind es~ to a dlllen:nL pHson. J or me, Rtle[lUcd bv llrothers, a re IgIOU :i or t: r ,. f . , . r t ''''l'nI8 e~ liml\l e IhaL Al luasl • hupd,ed' d " . '\ b d!LllIO 0 our IIlqlllry con cc rmng ae ~ '" . '11 f ,., ' • , . I d '!elerre(}' "'uardt:J by 1I row of CRnnon, tliKen III I I:!":rc~~ Ul\on the tlcL y·cnrve ~ ol DI!!11 wlnl~L among the Sir s. t e , .. . Ihoutl""d tsDllgrall~' ,wi ,,,0 re!1I 4.~1f · • ~ . . I e ' , I u I aod CO:nplltiMOnS rdltlIYIl 10 Ih" coules- I S o . II Ibe "", ..... 1 "8.r In Cordier <1"1 8• the line ~nnd5 (hnl various times by Freoch Rtmies. which I!il~!!d nnn.' .,' .. ",I '''"~''' .• 1• . IIrIIJU3 Vlt!<,u v ( ~u .. a wlllg 11 I\rAt"· . " ' . ' . ~ .lftTli Illlet 111111. " r. " J ' . ' • •" Lue clll ' pBlDlt:d ct:lhn"'s my Ihoug'lts rnn UpOIl I ]11." alld lb"o a Priest ft\'lrchc·d tlng parll.,. • prunlilielol amon/.( whlllh HII:!'I: WII8 tume 0PJ>0"UU,?O 10 Lhll Wu~' eXleDd for mileM .. Inn ... . 1.:• .- -' -, ------- ' -1' - -' . _' ~. c .. , ,,' ., y u " C J ',." . b J" '1 ' 1 Ii ' 0 d bv 11 16 it'rAoce "ere cQvered by the 8\!a. whicb una' of Par;s. Alillohed to thu Bas· I Calherin (! de M",d IC IH, ht:r emeL &on, Itlong enullcialin<l with more capncity I~ Lhal' (Ipt. Mlle. ,utCC/1II LO". DlClll \\ 11:11 I Ir8~bco~~"11 I: " ,J./ , . ' . ' d I fl " ' . . " w' 1- t Ik d &' ulht:ru peop II. ~ VU" . . . . . ., Wencroachea 00 JidII&'IIIUd; con~e quenLly, pi IlI/II III 1II1lJu~ cbll),)t:l~ arollud. which \ who tired (roru II Will ow 00 tIe t:t:lOg of lungs IIIlIn n:elody. Ida f~"tures IU 18 II p.o~r .11\1111, Il IOU L . tr an, 1111)' becuming favor"bl; 'be ne. ~t . to E~laple., the' ltC!:nerl present! a \ive · "rt: hung 54lillllnel'8 loken by Nllpoleon HUllueooll, a" r!) mllny olhers. who~,t! s lranl6 contrnst 10 Ihe gl\uly ~ov"rinll ot:tdtcJ It IIcd LhllL '0, C. l\IaxwI:1l IIcr uf Ihin,,~. lIud are pUI'ilj~ L\wir 1y verilllioll of 8and hills, wilh II di,- Ih e Firal. !lUU on lite ""UIt are 0I0Ilu . \erime8 commiLl~d in 'h ese vCl'y' tOO me, over his ~hould"rR. Ou Ihe wholo, Ollt! • is a rich ftlan ud holding two .. f· I""d~ in the han~ •. o~ ,111I',. e ~~l'D~ ,.1 taot ,iew of 1114 sea. Everylhing ill mllnts of mco, tl,e Bighl of wh osil lire prt!gnllot wllh horror. A small bill WIIS !lec rly imprbssc:d by lho ollmber liCIlI.' I... " tigur"8, QlIlll1. bt:J.il~ tl ODvu.c~d 'hall }t'1'80CII i. mlld9' milh.ry; the police who nam es mllkes OOt!'8 blood. fIID 8wifter. beaulilul eulumn of bas r(:lIefs frODl of. DlAle lIod f!:m'lle I'l!cluses in 81l.ch a Are ~ "e ellp!1npnts of Col on~ 1 MR][ ' Norl\Il:rn men Will Ipratly ,,8t'SIIL ~:" . " . 0 nuenot, ,I B~rtrRnd d tI "" dul'"mtnt of. Lt...'J" ..oIW'C" ,,1 ,!"r pRill you 1010 Ihe depoL lire clud In Uhl' There Rre 'lurcnne. , Nill6ft!hi /lnt! Bab, 00, t I'III IlIeu,I me. . 88 brief !lpace, and it forcibly occurs Ih8L WI' II IIWRrll tlllli t IIe . u ffi ce '" I'IIC II II" oS tl form. likewise the guard who looke at J uurdan, Duroo, KIl:bl·r; heroe8 wl\o I hAd ne ver before ael:1I IIny of Ihese Lhe Frencll Dnlioll is oot wrollg whcn iL holdl i.1l Ihe ticlll i~ 0111: of tho 1111:11118, ou I. I GRlIINE C~H! N'PT FAI,R.-::-The Gr~'l.I~ the ticket. and IJctlJ}lulously IClck. Ihe dt:!i'ed d6aLh iu Ihp, bAtll,, 6t:1d. and now old 1I'O'ks of 8rL. The fCII1t: on which cumplll lll~ of lh" untlue j'lrr,ponion of which by tillinl/; Ihe luwntihil"S quola. door ; bUI ':Ie )ille is admir .. bly kepI; repos\: as quielly os if Lhe roar uf CRn· Lhey Mil e;teclJlru filled mil w'ith wun · \1ersonswho,under tho guilli of religion, clel\rell it Qr dr"fl ? CouulY AgrlcuhulBI .1So~r1 ",.. ~' . 00)0 . I' 'I'd -" Dne r rouse d II ' ' . ' d er. an d 1 tloug I I II t0 myst If" '1'1 Ie .rgumtllt u r • I10II' I 'lere 18 ling. aniI tIIe train g I ea non r.nR... lem.IIlLO aCLlYI • U"8' mce li~e in idlt: nes8. 1 felL prof"nt! in81elld ulllg L"''0 a I ill"eo l'xlensive "rl"nll~nl.l·, utll tor ad ', Ic' c"t~ful i"if. on tht ~17~". 261b an lb· m8toJibly !tiling through II cold lind I,·. Whilll I visited Ihi8 churcl., 1\ 801- who mouhled statuell at leRel IWllnly o{ u~ .I~vOlit. ulIJvr 'lIe )lIhl:lle6 01 t\1i~ licu " Will l.geG stroogly "l::"in51 him. ' moat'll. 'I' htl g rounu. .• I)Ire '!'" J ~ • 01 IIIl~ Iteri/o counlry. Thero i. littlo vRriely emn requiem mnss wns being pcrform ed filet high. must have been of Ihl' gillnt •• aigh l• lIuLl in luncy lieu back 10 tile dnys Ilftl!r some of his clU~1 IIrdenL rrillnus dl'rguillg .. Ihorough nlhing, .II~ lilt' or a'pec' •• IlVU 11 haL '/1'0 .boliid term over the remains or a nteflWl officer, Four uf Iheee mon8 le r~, Iho Willged \ wh\:11 hl'Rlhen e ,~iCl "'e re celcbral\:J urgtld him to .. ecc'pt thll positiou hll Irack (up ....hiblling horllee .ill be rolliog plaills. Willi cult ivaled. 8pllrse of whie h sloe d encomned in Ihe lIi sle. [julIs, which r..trmt!d the gllPlllUt of a in a Eome,,'hllt Siulilllr sty Ie. YcL it \ nuw occupil!s in Lh.: tilld lillO' ill ~urinK g~~llily imprU\·ed. NI:" 8011 eomF' tilOber. lind no oBtenlible fencea be- guarded on "ililer side by thc oldes l 0' B,.bvillllish moollTl:h'l Palace or Ttm , II I ' . .o; him Ihll ciyil uffict! fur IIno .hu Irrm if IhUU8 ~rU\mJIt 1Ia.o bees. prucllred ,ur • ," J "as "e wun I 561! 11I1{ once. 9':\\1' we " ' ' . Lilt: rurpose of hiul'hihy. St:Yerlll .eo' twcoo Ihe different crop.. Abb e· 1118 compU/liona In arms. Some hnd no pit:, arc hvre. Ihe bUL ('xt:Cllted of "II. rullst r.hllriLI\bly trust Ille parliciOlllor8 hll IIccept. 1 hl8 tRct 'Will knuwn I," . f n' k r I ' 1,1 8 . . ' ' .. . ' In". 0 lie litO': rODtl ot It![ coun t ville, "n ancient lilLIe lo"n w!lieh mod· tums, 0lher8 wllnLcd hJnIl>'!I~or. mayhnp, for Ihp. eXl'Cu~10118Iruek me ",8 eX I,r~Q\e . fcl ~ Iht:rust:!I'tS relr~shed iu mind' by ~III~ Immediate 10cIlhty. bu~ WII dUllbl hllvII a1rnJy bt:eD m~d... €"pt. 88lly relir!!1 beyood the scao or railway If blessed with Ih~ae, could bardy Iy rout.:h, though 1ll0s1 ell'c cll, e. lhe8t! thEI SOh'OlD cCCIUiOIl; for .:ertuio I am. , If II wcrl! known 'II' hue Iho argumtllt Hutebillion willlMlf ".. GfllIn4 5br.611 ' of 'boldi .. ", LW.o· offict!' l1efl'lutd hiD). during Ihe P:lli~~ TIle AgriclI}1 .1 tTllvellen, exCl'pt a glimpse of the tow · sland wiLhont support; yet mar.y Irore lhen were I'elo,d;s of nellls whieh oe- 1I1t:ir bodiull wtre nol. e~ of its olJ cathedral. trees become se , ernl med "I". und 1 thollght of Iht! curred ctDturit:R beforo our ltctktDler'e We do IIOt h,,~illlie ill beli~"ing lInd Board lire dell'rmmed to ma~~ ,~" t,'" . . I ~ h I I .1 . A grt:uL un.. ill Ihe CRIllOlic Church 10 d . . , mOMt ellccu'fu~ Fllir IoYtr 1\t!1~ . ", III C t Ib more req!le n ose pr*, stJIIljjt II ' UjJ ""P gonu , y, W len t lUSU uctJ' epll birth, lind Olen have lellrlll Lo reRti the nC ' lIowl" glllg til II J) "lrlOlI~ru aot! D I R l.l CI II': - . W II n~iu I ",·,It b n h I J d db T ' is 10 be ct:lt:brilled tkis month. in till: counl,.. r. , . ~c e a", I. nl) eo. I ra c cs 0 ose y p'ltnl' fOlIOS 1111 "en flll uf Il're 10 win th e qUllihl writing, cOllfil'luinl,( wl'lI~ tht: town or '1'rcvee , on Ille Hhine. H ert braH!'y of Jame8 W. Host! 1\8 "n offi. prepared 10 Aupply ti~kel;e 'for 11111 F~.'. Rod cllbhRge like IleRde, whiilh gltlltd hOllor8. lL 11'1\8 a SIIU sight 10 see Illcse IJible ttl lls. One flJcitl , iL is impo8sible , 'd b diS I cer uf Ihll 'Kollllllt OhJ Twel/lh' lind "lid pahie. dtllirillg ' lo .-lIlItt etlltw . I TI I . , . 18 9111 10 " pre tlU I v~ ~ Ie ellm t:es .A til e 6e Iu·• ID 80 em... nrrR'y. ICY Illve inlirm old lellu ws pOl·furm ing lilt: lli sl tu 811y huw. 611111dlllg ID Ihe ·wld st of C f l ' I I I' Id ' whu ~uvtd Lhree yean iu 8 four J·llar .. ' - huuld call 001 bit of\jce.-",\",niCi Tore' t _ . f ' ' " 1 I ' . " ual, ut 11' lie, t Ie ~ o mllu 80 le ry /' 't .. , 5U ell a 101'utWI, un T1cnu y IIspecl. I 11\1 uJftccS to onc. of Lht:ir II II In I." "..., ,. unc~r ' tltl8 Imlllrel ", 1\.. certlllDly oa t I..... I . bl 00dY conlee.,' d , ' . " '. '0 1 • I I' f tit! I C10SIl. 1LI8 lin IIlle escapeu.1 Ib I: ·I!]II . '. one ehillll Lo look 011 nature IhllS con. ' I 1 ' 1 fll A .• " ' IJ I.' ' :1' '. ' I . Cllt!loleat~le,oulo ._-_ ...--"" lain 101V 800 11 nnOL ler mig II 0 ow. pre~scu WIL I ulS O~lI lDulVluUII superl ' l 1'0aLhsome prisoo 01'11 and rlllurllt:d 10 II 'S 1 ' I Blraioed into malllemlltiClI1 pn:ci tl iun. bri"h t yOUII<' drummn lit Ihe h~ntd, ol'it.. . I clIHicu ill prucl: ~sioll oncl! \:vt:ry se ren ORSK TuLtlol.- t I~tm. t lall J I ' I b '1'1 ' bis hODlt: I\nd fail'ndll unscl\rrt:u by .hot ,"e 1I0t Y'" f~1l6. f.robl .lhe Ihie,:ing , Across Ille alreet 8111nds Ih e Ch ur~h y eHlu, w lell II CIlII all y t! Be t:lI . .118 tnullere. who Yl81'tit! our lUwo' " .horl bllt they wen helillllc few flltm antl mingled Ihe Foil of hi ~ I'!'I LIm' wilh Ih t "', e, ru :n A v ' rr' " ol't 1 b lime, the ft lgnlbril:8 who own L\II: pru· Ant! .bell of the enea,. - t uowned a')Unlry I10llses. wllich nil · rept:1 with clllilit of the l'ri,,"16, IIlId nt ccrlnin 0 { '0 ""Il l II, II .. C C, . "U", II' " . wI'tl I I I' I' . I' I' If limo ago. Rnd approprillle~ ~ ,"ri~ty I. I' b A . I A . . ' .1 CIlIUS relic tXptct to ,rl:a" a nch ll/uvut. I lIure I. ll8 mgu13 ling Ilmae III f I I ' ~.A. t'ue same un-hOllleliklJ Juok. 011 /I higll tirnes Ihe sharp word of commnlld rose leve. y noe 0 USLrllI: In UU\Vlut: , " r , an .Ilici~nt ,'m r I'n tl, n I dOC ot ling ",c. , horae bu\oogiJl' to • . ' 1\8 til" rllllwny 10 lJ~VC8 18 corullll:tI:J.' v ce ue mil Y IRt Mr. CUD, 0, 'er Sill •. (r''';' ~it 't ' f I ' k I)ce ed h ill above Dovine, frail l!6' Ih e .. bovlI Ihe peli lJ'ious kF9ice. Bul llle "ppellrl\nce I 18 fIr II S Impo.m.· I."n t fib I r d B u\ will e.llble, A Ihott distanceILuleo ...... I' ,. .• • dill ~ tl k' a ' Rnll IIIu8 1I!l·urd .. llIellnS for 1111 t"xtmur' 0111; 1\ all 1:6 ~e t!rre to. ' bel:>w to'"D, I uin of 1I'I\RI in- tile Il:uu"l,u,es waa a chief "L1mc,lion to this eooL is whErIl mllny DIOuero C CI:I 0.. Ie \ ( dI . b ut~ ; , . III~ fll' D'" or .' I " II I ' IUB' L'rl'd .. I' .. I '.' I' r . . . \. ' . I 'l t I bea u" t an d UICIIr"J lI.tluX of bche~ers l\IIU nuubll' v t: U ' "'0 • .uIlJtWe C aim no II"...f II)' n.•" ...... h._h all", III h'~I~' I"~ I urdly casLIf'. 'Phe posi tion "mU'St bBle \.u the tt.llhes &1 Nl\poleon. Ih~v gr"al It 16 f1Cu U1 lUI' II ec ur" • ~"" t_:'.Il, > v ' J' I . IT mort: for I11m: Ay. tbtty 'II'ill . '1'1 ..,)· IU8 ar IU40Iltl_ ... .-em 'In" I II I been one of U'llcommon eIre o!lth. fur clln"'\\ero~ or mou\:ru times. '!' . Ilu OL I 'Ii . . b I ' I . cnels. w. Hnclll~. -. I ' b i b " 0 ' _... ~.~ I Ie 0\11,," ctnL palDlIng, 01 I Wit lin cite you 10 Ille Berce and. bioodyelrug. Irau!:!! ... 1 Itlr w ereA nute. W ft' E:ve~ n~w, pcrcb ~ d ,like 8n e~gle in his arl! dep08iLed in a place or crypl o C~p\l- Rud wilhout. '1'0 me.J.he8e re c~rds of • I V leu to bl'lillVo ,\hll\ ~ "cularly .rg'b\~r .1 If III r~pnlr, ' LITERARY J;"'TI......... g 1!8 or icnn". fin.~ Bull RUII. Iv)' .,d blind "r 1111~"'11 10CUlo·1 ,m y r II!. II WOII 1u, slnllu.• B cill II , prl'pllrt d by }..)Ui8 VhiJ.liuce. I'll Ihe P"81 8,e more l'olwres ll'ng II I' t ~ ........ ~.... 1111"'" ' rv ~ .. '10 1\11' ,.,. c 11111 IV 111 Moulltain, Pllrr)' \·ille. Stolle Rivt:r all" . IL t ' IUl III'L8eige. At Amiell s, Lhe I·.~ilro"d "hosp. lim e lti8 relllllins were bro",,,III ' f d I . d Ik u IIIj1g l<lorhoGt.l. who inlent{.w do lOp ex' -0 IS 0 my own "l'; lie mlu i ' ~s tu TulC l'uRBtiOLOOIGU JUURNAL f Chikumaur. III Ihrte or which he WIIS It:naive busiue811 iD ruuDiD~ of ,loCk, , r,uo s unll.e r the lowll into a deep cut· 110m bt. lI 11 \l:n". This cryple is divi- rcvtl ill tht: past lIud i ' , . or d I • " ''I h II II . I t .' • , . II Imllglll!lllull, August i. fully up 10 Ih .. "tulld"rd. of wuuoJt:tl. In tlill la.t naml·d he WIIS all co I~cting Rrlieiu' of ... 111" ,hilt ~n ng, w IC tulll y U1'I/TI:"'es ~Ii. CUdOU 8 ded from th e ponion of the Church of peoplc Ihesc lucalitill8 with Lllost! "hollt! ,I b hI: leaJily disl>Ultld " of.- .IIi,·:J.nr.to. t of aill ' rib1.11 ] d I I eltcclll.lllCI: usulli to this ,monlldy publi. 6I1PPOlIl'U 10 t! mllrla\lv WOunded, aud r ".O'J' . vl e l\',o e nu e CII~ III ra - lie lnvlllides ill orJiullry UNe, by n J~ Clls, gue" III1·di b.. d. are rcecrds' for J JOIII·nul · ' . the only obJ ocL lVor:h I>ecing on the IlIrge c~rtaill., aid. itJ It. ' - - I7A ...1\"'1 1. 1,1 . c~llion. ' No {llmily nf cultu)'1: IlIlUulJ W" ij ill 1,lIe hAlida of Ihe eoeruy an III· I ..... "... ...... I:vur. d ' I~ , . LOCuliuTIV& hXPW-lu!i -'1'h8 'bOiler wbole rout.e. RUI from thAt city thl' I&"et! oltl "' the c~ntre u{ 1"D ('''urell, I " . Ify 10 0 W ILilout Lhe Juu v.. ,.1. ~2 a IDusL IIj,esslJrloOller. Hil 'gort: 8l.1lill· r I I C J,nd"'pe becoMcs IIJoOre ltIR.ilill"_ ~~d ~:,I., a ".' ..u , . n"o "of ston-. "ovn u"II 'IC" ' u lue .... Itls~ of all Ihe epltlldor of yellr. jowler & Wells. Nt!w . York_ cd ' glHUIenla beiDg StUL home tet hill \I a ol:omolive 'H.. mi 100: ,on ah, • <J'~" ~"'.. "".~ •• aUv u " thiS city of p1l11lC\:8 Aud prelfule nlag. 'f b 11 '" D. 1MilroaLl, uplodtld ,while JIIe flOC,ke or hors.e& MId CRute, wh"b ".re pcoplu ICIIII and look down IlpOo 111\ :..._ l' Ill' MtODL70WN JOUIIN"L comell to Wl,e pro IIlIly aa a laat reml:lllbranct! 16uder wu being .uppli"d -ilh ".Ier, ... .. nificeuce. a 811anger is impresse d by b J r J. '" "' '''h enll.reJy Wanllng beforc, doL Ihl lidds, U1cnae Barcophagus of r\:<1 'TllIu;'e from I I I I '"' I 't at Ie oughl, bled aDd aJRWSL ditd' ilL Uoei ","'lwa Jht lIrid.y Di,h,. ' M e . . " l II; I'"rt I lilt . Mlllln tllkell il ner)' us rn I lin .... VOl y frum uur nei,rhbor· · l e d t 'b . I. uuLI I one n(!Rts Chantilly. the Ice, ne 01 lt~ inllll~, dtnodintr on a buse 1M gretn . . .L. " III 1 '8 senise o. Ilia eOllntPtI. and 1111 II .lIn.c .... I e' tral~, wuo ,,~ .• ~n"cellI:; 1lllleed, she vcry frllquell,ly per· lUll "uuoly 01 .BUll. '. "llIler II,e au, . I.. J t\wu It~"r the locomoLige ..... kilkHI 10' .. I g, reat.races. ~lJ e ll a beautifully ex- ,'r8It-i~ !I. 1'he Dlln.eM IIC ie " f mo"al'c. .. .,.. , v. 10rOlI dUlies "hbh It.r sex M. awpjJosed pices of iLe former edilord. Mllssrs. C: J eS IJ... Ike . . Bcan 0' a a.Jdin 1Ie WI'11,. ~, Rr ..... ndy. anti .. bra.lmaa who ... tCII&I Ve v~e", ~ieMlinl5. iUlo tU81.a1ll.t. hiJle rUI',t:5enlilig II huge lall!'t!1 el'UWlI, !WId 10 be uempL (rom. 'J'he 80.llIry WAg- II. & J. B. 114'ucli. Ws g.i,Ye it II elM. '1 Ie LUI gr~n . He )l1I1 •• ne~ 18 hia (8c...ndi .. g ilL hi••id.... e. badl" itljulprc,.s.eots ILsetf. , on each ray ell.tellding from it "re Ihl: I" L .1·lal welcome n.n'l t .. I' homu IInu fne, nda MIII!?lt a vrllll~ill'" d'ud ed tbal lut di.d IOtID arter abe ace, idtDl, 1 b 1% I I '" 0118 are a mosl tllYlultioly guided along u • ~Ift ' c.» Ill...1 our IllIloPll ' 'I) '" A I. b L_ ~ , • D I b .. I f 'I ' mill. .[ e "' ... honorably di~ctl.Jged netueJ rA ........ lib. lire.' e pot 0 118 "'lIcmiD ck fer dir nnme. of k~1t moal ell<:ces5rl)l ~RL' I Nord, len-.inates in 1\ V."St depot,where t1Clt. Areu"d tlie interier of L .h. cryple I Ie IItree y lI'OOltn; IIlt:J'. in rllct, WI61ell or I s JoI,uspc~l{y_ a year. Ihe -eniee, find af\er"R.de e. tl ,"~"'Id.d alldb~lIi .. d" are ' JIIO(. cn~' 'hll p1\8SeB'" d iiI lIeeru tu perform tho ~nial part of la- Adtlrlld8.9 "hoH. MI(Wk;t&WI~, €>hio. I1rou d f '" "'I' I. Ie IIld6.. d. d..J(er ...t. iUJ'uttr,'d ahd "I\) ",~rB C I e lOW " wllititl"- IIrc celes!HIl b~a rt:lit:f fi.!'1trIl8 'Ift w" 'Ilc b yO' • ., u or. nn d evea tkl! sCRvcPi"ra are M '" .n. "0 ulSli ul Ity • fte ,r?elll......1 II (lOtiO reeoYt" ~ TheI .:aploliog . . . .. be' rvom., &lit! .rt patiently Il\Itil thll bag. murLle. P1I81l0,.. {:ollllllt:,ee. Industry, landet! I>y 1\ alollt airl with a broom to Th peDslon. "ouLlie, arg.lllenlllBelt "Sainll Iilly."' .t.. ba\'8 ban ClIl • ..J '''1 ' IOJIl8 g'ge I. l'eady. A& a g i',ell-eignaP. peo- HOIIor. rilc. .Al1tollcLher ~ is a fil rt!sL. e New York HeraWi'e WlUlhing- him. Bu'lie the peopll! \inti" ''--', ,110 'dll(et;" ill a ."a. .r.J,'lclQllllf I I b " I " e t > p Ihe dirl inJ.u the shovel8. If I d .,-. .......' \Ill P~~. a ong etween two cOllole rs , inlf' llla~c fur hiM who loved France. N"polr on hnd not otherwise immorlal. ';:om::r~8p:~I .e04 "Y& Ihal H-elh- very m.ollle"'l Me wlla prr~o"fteoct Mlle , Jovrn<l4. · , , , :n. til IIch 'hll IfliCks are laid, lind arl er lind who. thi nalion i. bou.od forev e, i.ed li+mselF IMis he it h ' h ' or m W811 Ihll 01_ who reo for .LIM,.., Ii.ly. Itfti p".IIJt.a HI "i,lb -TI.t! Iing oC Sweden publilb ' .1 1' J; ' ,e 1 e a8 cr~a· ce'IVed 8&00 the othtl, HY r~, obtain draw" l ' li.rled A woloume fit poem" On qle Ii· alPg a1iked by Ihe DouRniu, if ·they to revere. 1Iau aoyth ' t d I ' .. ' leIS "'ou u" eKa 11 ~ 1t hie lame ' yet ll ' d h' I . I' " • - l h lIIi .. ~c iHH, prfllent Il '11161:$018 de Boul ligne 'is 8 p ill'l of f rench ~o Ie • ' ' Ie Ing a p/lr on lI' It I the appilcant, We alk" ill tT1t1 raC8 III tair one? I e pAge .... "I!,_tte ~ep""sllD~ t .. ,naled paper_Dumbe r, tLe duplicate of, &Ilraction to 5lrIlOgP.IS [01 It ;. h; re It ' d ' . P pare bele.r IIIlIs6ed long. thought he would have betlu. o~etwile Among ,be firaL to r d t h' e~ph.' at tfsat eo""lIlia. "J!rotlnd~~ -- - "4Itt: ' ' Ie, aa 1. lil!l toW, as cenD"'1 as he die. I ~Dllik" ty to 'g el • , e'pon 0 11 WI&b ft'owert anll wloth .lti. I~g~nll' '. ' •• Ilolllllry a call. a:ld figh' ita AnL blt·ody lKtlle Poem•• \ .
' .,
lite: Nir
(Jo h (Jill,
• 01
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J.: "
_II' I..,
,,·Da., _
bl(ln \I requir CUffilll in ou I.CCIUS ~ullrlll
Iho or ,hank kind, "lid 81 Ihllr f '1" ir<lu lJuunu
1\1 I A
E T T E.
NBW QtJ,UITElU!l'oa J~I'J'. DA,JI.- DR. 1..... B1I8Ell&11R r. :a, a. niH&. . J. • •• "EaRln, . . FOflrus Monl'Otl, &opt. O.-Govl'm· ment c.a rpt!nl t!r~ werll IIlll III !Vorl;; a few RAILROAD TllUE-TABLE. AT Com\'l~, dA!,!' ~In~e to cOTl~ert the ?Id ,,,ltjg-rAph oOlce 1061116 Lilli }, ortruas 11110 qUllrl41rt! Hu on hl,nd II flln ul!ortment of lhe fur J!!If'. D ovis. b'u& yasletdRl' orders very best . C/ifTLE NIAMI RA/LB OAD. VIZ! were i~eulld t.o SLOp ~l'n.t work nnd pre . Comp o John L. lewis, reno YIlII, p."re Canol! 11ItllltuliulOg. whioh is in}IEDICINE~, C'OBWIN l'1'ATlOft (WAYftESVILLE). N. Y., G. ll. P. tillie the 1,'01Ire98 . . Frow this il is pre. TRAIN8 E.t.8TWJ.~D nOUND . GLASS- WARE, Vump. ) rt\ 'IN A Buck, AUrora, '111, sumed Lhllt the trial of J ell'. Davis will (SANDS " KLEU~I'S OLD STAND,) CHEMICALSI NII/ht E" pre.a. Hl.IS .A. lIf_ De t G 11 P. LAk o. plaell to ere, and heoce these prep· C incinllMII Exptell, 7./tzrATlIt .• B~eve LEAD, A. T . C. Pierson, St, Paul, Ol'lillone. l\I .i l and Accum ., 11. 26 A . ~I . have 011 bund .nd expect 10 keep tHL, Minn., G. O. King. - - -- - - - - YANKEE N OTIONS, lJvlwubu8 Allcom., 6 .\lS r. M. COUlP , J. Q . A. F e llows. New 01'Q:J- The Post's WII~hingtou IIpecial VARNISHES; A €ompleto Assortment of*'-.TR ... INII WEdTw ... nD DOUIID , CIGARS AND TOBACCO. lenn e. L/l, G. O. f:3c rib e . says a luge . d~ leglltion frolll Georgia. Compo John McClellan, BostOll, ~!ab.a~a, MltlSISsippi, Tenn easee .lnd J\h:1 and Accom., '\ l.ao A , ftI. Dry Also, • complete Irne of \- l ~gllll:l. Itre lh e While House. 'l'ut:ir Ni, ht Expre88, 0 .62 A • •1 .• Mass, G G 'rreasurer. lJo illmhu8 Ac·com ., 865 ' " . M. Compo J 'ohu D Coldwell, Cincinnali, obJec l IS to a ss u re lbtl Pres iu \)n ~ lhlll I ID(Q)«Y~r~ ~ 1m ~ i PA1NT V ARN'ISH. Cinci nnuti Exp r e8~, 4,26 r. III . O. H G Sl>c r elnry. his p~ licy aod oourS41 loward l he South • 011 not ,8lOp, Vomp. W m Hacker, Shelbyville, Iud , IIrc mee ling lhtl generll lnpproval of lh e all or which will be @ol d at the very lowE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ PAINTS;J OILS J G 0 CIlp-t Hoat, SIIlI"/l • . Thll dclt:gation d ~ cl8rc~ ill re o elt r ~ . ~. Vomp. J IImea t Go uld, 13 ridgcport, l~Hn Ihllt loey "ill gi ye Ihe !\dUlini~tl'l\' DYE·STUFFd, UNiON c.;OUN'l'Y "'.CKE'I'. Grcenbacks & count,·y produ c<l COIlII. 0 (J R. A Cnpl. li on 1\ mos L coruilll ~ up port. TOILET ARTICLES, RrpreaW//llive. In the Gra nd Chapter of Royn l Arcll SASH AND FUTTY. \ViII be accp-pted ill elIchange fur Goods, M.lson& of the SLRll) of Ohio, the fol. . £;lJ" Cllp l. if. B. JOIIC8, of tue 191h J: 11. COUr/rER. TRUSSES, lowing . peraons were electod U . ~. Inflllllty, arrivl!d heru to-UIlY , Corw in: Ali I:, au. l'ro.ecl.lli7lf, ~Uorney, SUPP01\TERS, lind loslallt:d Cor IL.e ensuing J'ellf, Cram Augusta, Ga. , uy wily of NewP .\i.N'l':"BRUS\ll!:8, t!i p it I ~ G F I E L D DAVIn ALLEN. VIZ: York .tHilll:: ing Wilh h im IlUUULOlle hun · SHOULDEr... BR~CES: p,.obat~ Judg', Oom p. George ltelt, \Vooa!er, dl'ao<i Ul(~~ Rud .t\:n pound8 of gold alld guld WHiTEWASH BRU'SHES, Iligh Prie8 l. builiou wilt. II stnftll amount oC cuin ALL THE J'OJ'ULAK WILLIAM W. WIL~ON . THE BEST DRILL I.!iI 0811:. TIle beat quality or Camp. Uhnrles Q. Kieftlr, Dayton. of the nggregR le vlllue of perhnp; RecOI'der, Th e undersigned hm6 berorne Al1eflt in DepL (Ii' Hi gh 1'rles&. lwenly th oulIllnd doll l\ rs . Thi s wellith A. B. GO OCH. Ihi~ vici lli ty tor Ih l! at.ovB Wheat·Drill. CVUl JI. l'uter L WilsOD, Georgetown, was .rece!veu by the Treasury Agent • U~ wr.ill h he ill prepared to lurnidh on the .A r.dUo,., Orand King. Ilud H! !!!UU to bill parL of tho "pail Ctll" IIlhlL t erma. . Cump. \Vm F Ruder.stem, Massilloll. turoJ from J eff;· DRd,. Cnpt. J ones Foe mf'd icill~ I IiHrfl()':I! ~. t o which ll,e nt· J . W . ROM. SA'1'lSFA(;TlON 1NSURJ:W. Gm nd ::lcl'ibe. hns ut:livcrf'd lh e J.1 oney to th e 1'rel\l\· tentiull of Phv~icians is ('specially called; CommiS3';/llier. Pcr~on9 widhiu t: 10 exuml np" cnn do AO Cuwp. l<' J Philip8, Geo rgetown, ury of Ihc Uoited S IllIes . Bnd \~ lIotever pertninoJ Lo n IIEr;-RY S HERW OOD. by colling on Lhe agent. neor \Vnv nes (;mnd Tl'ell8 ure r. l!' 1 IS T A'r E ville. WILLIAM BAkLEY. Joji fmary lJirector. J D Caldwtll, Cinciooati, Grtiod Sec. ~Promitiing young men mny do Aug. 90. AARON STEPllE N~, rotary. well-pliy ing oues \ViII uo belleI'. ...,..... HAIR-OILS, ....... Comp o Rev HobiosoD llreare, Vintoo " ' U"ucsvitlf! !'IIIlI·keIS. To CorrelJ#dlidel1t.lf. GI Rnu ChAplain. A IdO. 0 liovd supply of ItETAH. DE~LEItS IN Comp, Geurge Keifer, 'froy, Grand Carrfullij Corrected E V€TY' W telL. 'IlAIHllA' is ioformed tllal we, io com · MRnh,,11. . f~ 1"DHY GOODS, mon wilh oLhur puulishers. invfll'inuly \V hen t '111 bushel, £$1 au (ill I 7tJ Cum p. Jncob Hunul\\I. Wnyne8ville, A well-seloeted 8.. orlment or ibe UIT Kyo 1V .. 70 a rand Gual'd.Ohio Stute JUltI''IIul. rt' quil'e till! rll,,1 Ilame of writerll oj -SUCH ASQUEENSWARE, O.IS ~ .. 30 comuluniMliona ~efore they oan "ppe:H Durley 1il " 100 TEA, 'l'flE B.A.ItM ONY GROVE SCI1001. comCurn .7@ .. ()O in tJur columns . 1'he Ilame is not t:OFfo'EE Flour lP bnrr el, ~ 50 , bUGAR. IICC6~8ary for publicnlion, bu~ 88 n me nc eU th e fnll lerm AugusL 2Bthl<~I.)ur ljl cw I • GROCERIES, 4 [)U .MOLAssE;:;;. ~uarantv of Lhe IlUt\lIl1'lI good fRith Il'Ild Cllli~'a Mosher, leacher. fl uUer 1\1 1h 30 The Dir-(' cl o rs of thi8 8cbool do nol Sl'lUE:::l. L"rd 1\1 II. 2,1) &e., lhe ori!lillulily of their productions. We McOUFFY'S & WILSON'S SERIES, • ETt:., ET C . l':lll;s 1i1 dO 'I,P I'I I )2 uelieve in chllllging teaoheT!) enl'}' thank our fllir incog nito frieud for. uel }'vtJllulJ.d W bushe l: . 6U ---:--&0., ~c., &0, 1(lMlm~\{{ITI.tIkl~, ~o, · killu wi~hetl for ll.e Uuzetle'tJ iUCCeBS, IeI'm, bUL IlIlve been ill the prnotille for Dried Apples ifl It. oW @ Hl~ the P !l ~ t few years, oj relnilJiug tellch · A complele 118surlmc'ill of (';h ick tl lls V UUZtl ll 300 Ilnd shall be plenel: tl to receive her (Ul'Invite nttention to their Stock of (,;utlell "{I II> ' 38 t.htl r f,.WOrl, IIceoUlpaiheu by lhe re - ers from lIillli mOftths to thrto yellrs. New-Orleun~ Sugor i? II, 17 @ 22 tillil'cd nnmc, which we are in Lonor IIn~ lhey al'e flf the oplnion that at lhe N.·O. l\lulnsties 11 ~lll l u lI, I 3[) pre~ent time. it i~ Ollll of the beaL con· 00111 Oil iii go IlulI. I 00 bound t.o kllep eecre I. & DRESS-GOODS CUl'ctully nnd Promptit }i'iilfld. ducttu schools, if not thc very b e~ L Thp. bC!:1 qllolity of . Q. S.'Et.;UL NO'rICES. "·KRVJ:t>:T.-Th"re is al prtse nt, reign'- school, in Lire TOlVllship. ~~EN 01tl D 'r ug.Store, ing in 'hii a,,'clion of the Footstoul., nn The .lUa.on nlld lIulIllill t H"'u ~'l Or. U- Wo r(' gre t to I(:nrn by n privntt! g llU I!'I , CUl l) I lllr~ rc lit I t ) I t!I . aduJllud to iArr' t!tl lfl (Q ?Jl II rID 1i'1 \Vayne8vllle, Ohio. . t:xt e nlive article of "cnther, It i8 fervid Fqr Gentlemen's ftntl1loV8' wenr. hlslI, IIl Ller frulll LU lldon. o f lfl e JellPl. reo ,llId $ ~ C L ll a r lll u s ic , 1'\lr $MO to $6 . 1 0 eac h . Thi r . - it i. intense-iL t8 ultra tropiclll ; (\011 u lurge supply QI \vell- sclecLe d POST·OFFICE CORNER. 1.IIUlr .. "v .. , iL DPltsmtl for ~hi" tim ~ O'f eell.II)" 1n' U l:xico, of Cllrlos S. Sh:lnn- 'y . '; ve (;O I.U 01' :,o 1l.V J-:[{ t\1 1':IJA l.~ . o r ' 01 lou 23-I-tl lir lil l 111't' II III.JIIJ !t u\\Iltftlml lh t' lIt . ] j llJ " II'''tl~lt Cn l . AmI n General Assortmcnt of _June _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _--J Ihe ,.~"r, 'l'herll is no s uch thing' 88 hilI). Esq .• foreign EJitor of the New. ,t,, ); Ut S • • ,,' trce. Ad,"·.·,. . MA~ON &'1tA~ I . l ot! pin~ cuul. The wilutl61 flightll ont! York JJerald. Mr. S li nnnhnn V/II'IJ " LlI\. I.l ,-. Iu n, 01' l\IASOi'i BH.U TliER S. N t \\ l ---:--11· 1)' , can persuade their imll~jnr"ioJl to tllKll, S pan iaru by bil th, ilL olle tiDie R pub - \'ink. lishe r of a pnptlr ill Kingslou, J amaicll. "h~ther far -ull" Gret'olllrrd or the Ui ~C ll se cnllllol 14!ul~ h ltatl~e wtao " lie .kobli(·k ·~ JJine.s. Nurtb pole, or, nearer bome, Lhll IIftltl ' Bnd R geolltlDlBo of marc Lhllll urJ:nnry 01 011 lIinds IIlwnys on hunt!. 'Vhiie ' Robnck's nillers are kept in the \\'hich they offer ftI Ihe '" iou. lii"M, 0(- Cre8Bon on tile Aile · abilily Ilmi cuILul·o. lIe WIlS moreover. fumily cirelt', di ,;(l ~8e ' lI eve r enter~. A fine b6180rtm elll of TheRe nlLI t!rs hflve ll t!e n lound to be u grl~nie'-Lhe ddicnLA delusion ~~ UO/\· olle uf llitl M0'8L blBgnilicenl JIoulilng L 0 W})Sl' MARKET PRICES. niling 10 keep Lhe atm08p uere in lew Ull' U, per81'"ally, we ever mel. Th e pcr fect nnllJule rur reHlOving the tirst LAMP~, Jyly 4. _ _ _ 2.tf ~}' mJlt"ltl s ut Ilcllrly 011 didell8(Id, il luk e n rJllratt! quieect'llce. '1>"y uiHo dlly Bllt! Iite mry I1nll edilori,,1 world loseR onll ill the proller lim e. They ure COIIIJ'osed L AN1"ERNS, & Jlight uUlO nl!!hL sings Ihe slime sullry uf lis bl'ighl"IiL repl'eslloialives in his vI in .:redicltlS ",h·ieh u,'o known lly Ihe me di col turt'l'lty tu ~ rhurl f'IJiicuciutls ill CHIMNEYS" hJng-therc itI! no ce8st\tiun ; buL t'ICI't;" dllllll'l, Ilt nil age, 100, when his Illlt:l nls ,liSurtre r8 of tl'le 8tolll.ell and illle8 l'1I1'8 . hnd nut yel rellch eu tht:ir ze n;tl'l<. Tht! und ersigned wishes to cnll the aI'" tuwoolalioo iu tho lhou!;;hL lhnt tht· 'rheir m~dl e in ll'l IHo'l lerlies 8ro ~ o vuri· '('ntion or Farmt'rs snd BII whom It m~y TOB ~\ICCOES, -- ~--.. oU~ .. lllll't Illey ptv~e ~ ("II('fi'ciul ill nil CUIIIblliwy October will 80011 bio s. us Wilh c'1nc"rn,ln the toet lhrrt he ;& enlPlted in ~ AccorJiug to announoement. tIle pluinls. 01 IVI'uli;ollver nalure th t'l y niuy -so c: n A6IIer prest!nct'-llUll. rf '" e mit Y b~ Ii I thl! mUlluftictu re 0'1' Warrell Cuullty Tl)ncuerelustiHt'(e held ,be; henc e lh ~ ir g reat uernllnd Dlld th e ).Iwcd Ihe 6uggo9tion. ther'.! is. ewen . ullI\'t' r ~ nl gUild deriv ed frolll their lI ee. . _ . , . WAYNE8VILLE. A judic iu ll d me of lh es e lIiUer~ impofl ~ FINE CUT now, one pillee wh e re IV" CIlII 'Illf cuul Its OI oulhly st! ss lon 10 tillS place on SalAND PLUG. ul'dllY III~t, As tho Soorlltllry . Las nol the rose-llIll .of. heullh to the cheeks, 0110 ~al1t! is prl'pored to do 10 th e tJWARS AND wcalhu-IO' ,,·iL: iu Weball:I'& U 1I1l ' ~ best stv lp, 811d 011 lhe B!JOrleSI ye t furni lilltjd us his report We cannol heo lth 011.1 vigue to ll. e· eUlin, frllllle • . SN UFF. u.:;'lg e-tt. . ' 11 ·4 , . . lIolicp. Duylillng in hill line. from 8 wheeJ ., ~ iv e th e de lHil s of the proceedings in BLACKiN G. llurrolY 10 Ihe fillest \hl::r."'. ; .'OOftT<\IN J'l'loll' -WIl Me pleased lids ,lIumbn. bUl hope to 1\0 80 ill our B LA C KlN G· B RU SB ES. '2\·~l.Jcrti ~CmCl\t9 0:7' IInvinq R.ecllred the 8f'rvico8 or !\fr. I" uUlice lhlll ~onll: of Ol!r cilizt ns nt 11 ('1 '. W U lire inCurmed that the e x e l" ETC .• ETC. RLLISUN K~~IP. "superior workmnll. the -<Ifmenli un 01 IllS 118me ill thi ll connec lion Ihe IIf'au of Mnin 81,Mt hue lilid th ,· CISt.!8 were il1lc"'S~l'Y iWlerestillg, Rntl lh e ---: -will be R~nieielll gLluronty thaI 801iafD\)l'ipe for a tuunlilin Pump. bt!giRRing nUUlb" r of Leltchtl'" alld ciliz.uu~ pl'ellt:lnl II foil ossorl ru ent of th e Richmund ond lion will be given. . III " spring on the f"uu oP AbeltilSlllter· \Va8 quile .1ar!fe. . JOliN"'. COLLE'IT. IIle Rllymoud Plu ... ". for M le by • JulV liS. ALLI::N & RAN DALL. lliwiliitl ADd Ilntliug ill front of D . B Aug. 23. -210 ly '8 Hlack~ with-Rhop: w here lIie - j:::]'- The Ciucinnnti Gllzetle of yes · We fl h~11 "on ~ lnlltly"'(' e Jl nn h"II,1 n gen.·'I~E Bl)4J;GV- t~~~i LE. - e rlll.rl8.orllllent 01 PAlent Medicines. rump will keep a eon stRnL· ltolY o( e x· I(·rt.lay SKyS lh'" Wi-llitl1l\ Park!'l', 01 Al so, just rp. ceiv f' u fWIlI l'llltiburll, n el'IICnl WAler. 'fllill will be a grolll IIC' 'Varrell county. WR8 atl'~sled' {UI' ob·· The U11tI ('r~ il:llp" ,,1fo'rA for Bllle .n fiu ~. AND umm.oLilltiuu for wntcrillg BlocJl. •. !lIlJ ~ll'uctillJ; L1le filllil from tfi !lt city to ne~ .s tj l p. hi!!" ~UGG Y. well buill, Iud ;:uud Ullt.! .. ell·8elect,,·t.! JOL 01 L"ullnon , 11IIU broughL be'forll Commis. wlll ch h0 8 be e ll III use ouly aile ye ur .. tbe gt.! ntleOlen who hnvc been ills t l'u,
· a_iS LU
},fUOl'ilC ELxOTION.-Io lhe Gener· al Grand ChRPl1lf of Roynl Arcb Maof lhe U n!teu Stalel, lhe following officers were eleC'ttld 00 Fridfty Illel,alld . lid ' · II~ Bta II for 100 Ilotuiog tL.re~ years.
D. W 0 0 -L E Y ,
Memtt" Priiitz.
®KU(&· ~i~Ifl[ED
and Mixed Paintsr
I& 1O
&c.; ml1tlmlEIm:m.
n ,S ,
Patent 11cdicines WITIIIXflFlACfS,
n n "'UG - STORE
---- - --
i c s
G roc
GAITERS AND SHOES DOME~TiiC 660 D 8:, PhYSICians' PrescriptioDs For tadies Children, , .& BOYS' W.EAR,
.... 0 _ _- -
. ats an.d Cl\pS !
tadies', Gents and CHILDREH' S SHOES,
.- - - 0 -
.PLO\\'::)! PLO\VS!
~Jntcnt ~llthidncs
_------4_ •• ,
. .
A U,V pe rsun III
1I~'hl ut
as TOV
Picture &. Wlndow·Glasses.
BAR G A 1.N S,.
TIif-wAilil A.. CB,lSPIN,
>lOner Hulh,111Y, lI e gave $500 UIII~ will tlud it 10 Ih ei r IIt!VIiIlIIl!!" tu gi ve lId. for his I\ppl!nl'llce 0 1\ 'Fh u1'sd'llj. BuCgy 1111 eXn'lIilllllioll. Apply tu ~ Give Us " clU" CHAH.U:S t:. NORRIS. (Succe88or to /l()pkiIl8 & Cri spin, J . W8YIl(' ~ yillc, ~uV' . D. And you clullot tllil 10 be Buited both ill At .he old etanu 011 lhin Street. WlI'ynea. Q.:7We nrc indebted to Mr. Nl\tlult\ quollty Bl:d pri~e. "ille. woulJ illiorm 1118 old cu~lomer8 ann Midd'ie l on 101' ~ Ol"e of I hl' Oneill ·rumn·· Jl,I,ne .2a-1. the rest 01 mnllkiud, Il,al he 11118 II &/ood t U\: R lVe ev er In~-Inrgl:, 611e. "nd, we o l'UOSl'EC'rUs 0 ..' l'UR . pl!HH r tllle'll ofd C ki Ii( S von-lure to SII),. uifficulllo beBt, eVlln in 1 00 n~ Lbill prodltCLi.,.." ociglluorhood. 0110 well for their d'oink'ng witter. A a180, a varied eupply of ·/.:uoJ rl/ulllniu pUlllP wOIl:d slI'Ppl.v tli ll m Main Street, A Monthly I'e rlodicnl' : d\>votPd to Tin copper & sheot-iron Ware (Kr (l)ur P;11il! correlpondcnee ill Li\el'llfure, T'cmperRlIce RlId' , cOJliou. ly, beii,ilJ8 being of public utili this numbel', will bo found deeply ill' W A'I Nt: S f II~ L E, 0 III· 0 • . rro;:I'I: ~!jio;ll. C'"t,dullted lof lale Bl the 10*e8t cash _oriel'S. All ty ill caso of fire8. We lubmit lhl! byJ. WiIIiRm'\'R'i1 killUIl 01 ~ LIlI'cstitlg.· W e al'a Happy 10 Itnol't' tllltt Ho s on hund n spleuduJ a~lIorllUenl uf Nftlmee .. ~rupO b i l iotl. these luuer8' 111'0 " .. ...y POIIUlhl' WiLh our Ht{OADCLOTH S, The Ftidlily 1~; i Emcr .. ill (Olil"i " UiXl~ ~ I' 0UT--DOOR WORK, Illl t't: column ",,'l! '~ tt hI' th e uu hl'lt~ I' , u","iu g it fa Illf l.li e y (ully dest! n'e LO »13. 1\ C:A~lMI<:RES. rentl erlr, 1: loI IlYtmi C II( lf i7.~ fo r pn:flt' rvlltion nod bindillg . ~·tJcli n8 Mp. tlli"g. Roofin g . &c .• JUlie on u" The del11llnd fur fruil jllrs I\nd '•·I"'..., .. ..:TINGS, ~:~" h llulII l.n willb" l i llt;u ' wi~h \I,. . sllurl nol ice 'oud ill tile IH!oSt·lII a' hIl er. hall been unprt!ceuunlcd .for !lOWIl is not f'v ery oountry pnper, by a long '1'Hll'lIMI-N(j-S, ' ~ _ Jt!.'y' 3 = 2 ·._ _ _ __ _ _ __ way, that oau bout a for t:ign' corrl:s,' CHOICEST ORWrN'4',&, ' M-ATTER, time pllst-sO great, inde(',I. thai the tll\ in iLs conHtruclioll RI'C entitll'!\ mUllh crel'it. The pump will bit in· Illiolt Itl-1lny. By the way. 1\' ~ilnilar ar;angeolclil Id IIUt be out of plnce in tile neigh · of Ihe (luutle office. "h('r(' of th e (llmitics hllve to d"peod up·
k 1111 fltn Ollt: eveli Hopkins ,\1 €rispio, the iodtllutigable Bnd enterprie' Ilave beeo compelled to keep tbeir I furce coustantly employed by dar Ii night. to 81Hisfy the clnmor of the dear public for somelhing tb> p,ut 'heir peache8, etc., away in {or the ap' proflching winler. & C. are in full blaat, BIIII 'r" enjoying the ru 'lI, bn ... rill' 'be bel\t •. . .~ A-Ih.n.iee: you r bu.in~'8 iD the MUllni (.ialette, if you w"nl 10 succeed. There', nothing like it for drawing OU6Lom 1" it
__._-.-.--- -
P R I : 1'1" T S ,.
ilrfcQnnt iailnf,
punuent. M. E. CHuRcu.-Rev. J'. W_ M'ason has lfI!en I'eRppoillted ' 10 the Pastorate of 'he M', H. ehtlt'eh in · Ibis place fut Lhll e06uing collfe r'l! nC'tI year.
&t .. wliirh I
he ma rl<1'8dture~ accIJrdln'g
he .... A Tit S'l'
Paris and New-York StJl~s !
(;, 11~j' till .of mOI'H" ft nd iI P, tr.il ' li,' c T~Jl!II!, E ";&tI '\'·t ~kCLt· hfl •. ' -'CW III !', IUOV.-IIIf" II .... o f T .'III ' pe rnllrt: Sori ... tl t:" uutl a ll lh Ht I;'0 ~~ 'o IlI ltkfl up " fi ... 1 cia .. J uurnat (o.r til e' r .. ,.. ".1 Cird e.
" "up". ,
LOWEst FOSSIBL-g FR!-CES. 'J'he ("utUll g ' Ut' lutrtmett1"
111 r"pi~., ""1'.' ''.. ~o ''''ple, '
REM·OVAL· • II Ii' rtf' 1 rI o r ' ~ . J tn e t 18 et 10 0 ID Or~lll!!
Oppo81te the
White Goodfi, Shaw~s,
wlre're I illtent! to keep on !I.onol 8 gcner ~ 1 u tl~o rllnent
Ho&p Sk('S1
1 my 01,' IJi e ndd Bnd Ihe public ".."ner-
8.",0 I .liy, th.t I' "ne r emoved rt/y pl~~ ~.Oll of bU6ialesfI til the 8tonol formerly oc(, upled 3~ 00 by Mrs. ThollllB 89 a Paney Slow,
a, or an
$1.00 '1
1 '·"I'Y, ol", ), cQr.
Dtilt' at' tile
Fill' si s. mOlllh ll , .. ,11' tl. c all l,v'n rRI,. ; 81111:;, 10 -Gen. I!ogal1's ~Ol'p. eDlert:d nunts· Ii. untler' llie tiUp ll rv'is-l o/J ' uf Il/it'I'Xcellf'1I1 ,·"ylt,.. tUD Cuul, . I "'V ..",,,I in 8tl~nte. urlltit, ville. til e I.olel& bl'illl{ cl'ol'tde u, Llitl Addrc.8 , J. wlI .,i.III I VAN' .l\'A i\II-:I·:. T.· To. I.l) 0 [»S' O N General ~IlS aS8igned La a room, thllt I.lrol, kly .. .. N ·. Y . m()ment- ' '''CIltedby an ' acctonlplislieu \t>' ho; i ll 11i8 lil/ r ,' is grrlt!'r'ally aclmowl· - - - - - - - - - -~ - ~ - ~ - -- neLre'ss. The Gcnel'al' 011 ~.xllmillil1g edged III be' w'ithout D eUJiliriur ! . h/s be'd found 8 IOdg while robe neally RE'A'D'lI.MA'DH·· CIlO'fHIN O' folllt't-l: UDder- his piUow WiLli Ihe filiI' In large quanti lY' anu e'1 e'~rjl !Jo ulitf lI'hd 01 R great fTlJl llY llill~a 81.1.1 ill la rge !Juon'tllic~ .. ror·6i1le by ' ownel"s name mallilld thereon. Ho 8\yll', uf hortie rttake , .. h~n y's' ill' supply. MI!:RIU'r'r ' & PRi'N 'rZ. callt'd ' ~h6 Chambermaid, handed ' \Ier Delermine,1 10 mft illtoin Ih" rerittntioll tile garment 8aying; .carry Lhis- to Mi ~s of h., houee Od !rIlC 9f the fitat cius, - Mr. • ry. Lollie Houg.h. 6i .y.1! htr' my' ~Dlpli- Dudl1y alld hid O.distallts will "po rlJ 110 CIDI:R . . . . G,- V.olney b~ney 'fl'flasutllr menld, ~nd IIBy .tb~ Gi' n~rftl ill not. in. pains 10 gN~ . " ' h"' .\ know 10' be pure. as pro · {Jrthe Q., • ' the ~ablL' of 61ecrpIDg wllh empty night cll rer! tilt! Cidh' tr b'm r e'fitlb le' pe'r dDfl J in J ~ lIljr ~ SaliSl.ilC i iOIl. . o~ale of 01110, has been arresled gowns For lhe lruth oC th e' above !leu \ Iltid II 1'1 i/th lJo;llo'o<1 , nnd pcrm ille,I i, 10 I lurnold dup.ger n" >Ollr IJw n rrflmiflPri. lur 8mbullement, aDd. held ~o .bail in f'ricke'LL's yt:!low.b~okt:d alwHuao, ' ("all ant! !lumine slock alld p~ ict:8. l\lERFlirr & fRINTZ . JUI1e 27. t; : PCDlJE \ 6600,000. 1865: .
of W ur~, bo!h 0'[
6 ' '"
OliU the bes l brllnJ!I ut
~®®T~ £~LID ~OOm[ESIi
ell' Y .MA.VW :-I ()1'UIU!l; I lin .worrunl tu l1ive 8uJisfHCl io n:: 'fhankful ior llle very lib er.l. pit1roll'ge
fo f 1(I·ve r.,1 vpar~ b oe lOw e tf : J' nupe'. by c lolie' ftlLentioll nnd ta ir aealilig; s lill tu merit a generous cOlltiilu3uce of Iii .. n nle. r. E'; KE YS . The mllrkl't ,,'ri ce fit Ril l imM p ~i d ror Gree'll H idce. Calf·Skios aDd Sheep Pella . J 1r1y 3.-l. tC · \. I . .e . K. q
TIl E dairy~ao.
Raln ror Manar;ement 01 Cows, I eYer buy a 00" or •
J .W' KEY S ,
~ustice of t.be :Eteace,
,If I II a iood lPa08j(lr be will 8ell 0.0 "
No. t.81 Broad1tti", New York. 9 PROD! Ilia poor .nimal.. '1'0 deleriDioo which co"s aTe beat AND NOTARY rtJULu1. MELt/OEOIlS. GA III II RT OaGus. ON'rllE ONf,: DO., LA" PIT'rSDU ItO '1"0 PH.lLADELPHIA. lor keepiog. Iry tbeir milk aepaTatel7 SII&El' .MUG'c. M USIC HOOK S, and aU ki'llde ' their butter-foi 10IDelimea Licl!nled Conveyan cer, Claim Age'll. 01 Mllaic!lllnstl.UJllenlS alld MUBic Mer· The Eutire Stock or From nil portionl of the North· • • cow gi,e much milk and liltlc lJnd .Agent/or reliable FIRE lI(ul choftdlnc, at Ihe . lowest rftlep, wholesalo Q d d S'l W t h. Weslllnd thl81i1l0 olld illS 1)lluer, Ind ,ice "r .. Ll}'O 1,lIurancB Oompun''u" - .- ---+= a ""-reluil, • onn! 0) an I vel' aCT connection. (otm either Ihe ·!laorlcdl or , . I d . b nl'nll l' 'c 60 U aelO'?Y. two immense .. ew .. ~ry til'" boul r"ul e I" 1"I.,· lodclnlll a • New 'iolk, on • ~O ptat·ap lilira toIItndl IItIr pO'II\ Cowa ,b. uld rft'd'" .iI: · wuk. beurfice 8t tbe Old Stall., Main Street, 0 conI at great or/,! • fI Pi v v r :IJI. .. I I la Y'''''C'SflILLd "'1110 75, 100, I lip, lbO, Ibb. 200 and Nil" Jitatabliahmenta, one Silver- a- DoSIOII llallhnore 811d Woshlngl . ' I' he Por tke ,h.1e kndinl C..111ft1 b - re ca1VlOI(-1 ml.eu e ott! 1 W A .. LA' L, . . , . 7 octne Pi~lIo. for 250 and upward,. I'it iing War.ehoule, one Gold Pen Irll\'elc~ may with ~ollfidencu ~cly UI~oll to "aId calviog, \he calfee w ill btl Foorall'o, and Me lodeons III le i, and rent allowa.nd PencIl Kalter, 8ure eOlltteelion ,. httl" Rpee6 '\.\.0'\\~C;l{.,~ ce wllh perlect fr. ! ColleC l ionll madl', and proceeds re- ed H pur(hleed. Monlhly p'y meote re1'0 be dl.p0lSed of wit" UI Mpnluh satety, lind evol'Y opplioll for CU lilrutt ' A. eow new1, come in .bould Dot milled at current rates, clived lor lhe lime. WITHoUT llEGAJtD 'ro COS'." . Ihlll I'U II be proc\lrfd. New al.d cle&nlll V\1\\'Y\~'V. dEna, ld " ....r in eold ."eaLbn, but Especial poill. laken III preparing I Pa 'j'lao Horace Water8' Planol, and Me ln' pU8eflger curs. for ,dBY Ilnd lIighl 8orvlce: mode warm slop • .Collie. ror rai.. deOll8 are a. line alld durllble illllrUlllenl8 Tb e Good. nrc of f.. . h,ollQ"I. sty les ,nO "'0" hllve rllcenlly lIeen ail'Jed 10 the eq\atp· iDIl OUld be YltIlD trom tbe cow wi,b. Ire made, Worranletl lor lito work"'"l1 l hip. 811d ore slIcrifi ctid II. ment of lhll Pennsylvllnia Cen tral Ruil· ., '" gel reasollablo. . '. . . I d d (I Ihi """",er 10 r~li e ve .he prollIidur. Iro'" ~II'V\,L"L~ U 01 will be lesl Ii, " " '1U ~ PrlCe8 great 1 re UCI: or hom •• oll1e,,1 oc<'asi ullcd "1 U "1\1· CI" \V , ,WI _ an ,,".ye, a' oa the" " FI' ro Jn lllfraRce PoliCies issued I. I' ..,,1"'1( ' . I roud • able to .ucl wben old. Feed Ibem fiu' and pruourct! Oil favorable terms. 'J'E8TJ MOR I'(L!!Io . Wbl'. It ohould be .I"ted. al.o, AI pilt.burg,lrains from Ihe eet ruW hl\ve \Jeon intn)litlootl to tho pu Ii for 'Witb neW' milk (or a time, tllke ollre R EFEREIfC&-46 feer. re.ldouco In litie The Honce \V tifere' Pia nos no known IhnlL Ihey ",ol.ly of direct to Uldoll U"pot. where 1)lIeseo- more tho.n ei);ht YCU1'8, alll1 hnve \ltll'juirlJl\' , c¥a.agee are gradual, bl adding cOlUmunity. 7.3m as olDong t110 very bsu.-N. Y. Ef8",c' ltIANUFAt·'l({l.. acre are t ra llsferred 10 81 the Traills 01 It", , 'f " at Bilt. ;-add gradually B nlld Iher"fure gr.... IIY.·ul'''rior 10 tb e goode i';; - POllneylvan ln (';eIl1l . RlillwIl)', ' \ ~~~~C.\'''bQ, \'o~\\\",~\\~, Ii ,,,I "'O~L ~V:.& We ca n sp~ak of Ihe merils ' of Ih e I'orloll Iroll' Kbro"u nlld howktid obOlll 11 0 lh" leAVe l'itl8burg I1nd ornve It other pOllltS ule lI)e",.,.. . . " .... ,1;1 ,a..a.-.I,. ll or 0 \'Y 'ers' P ' I I I\tI I "h""I ... 1 Cy" r , ,,hi , 'I'II~ • ill1 l,lu tlu ty 0 0 i,,,· II" follo'ys '. rar oll".)\,,1 in;; ~ny F.lll1i ly Mc~ilJiuce of . ' ial-. • J).u '·'."rnras-Lelvea Pi,lebur" ai, ~., similllr nlll:M o Ifr thlf m~ .u _"'11 .. " .''ed aod takeo care of k~ 0 ucIn" ne u..8 b . IBI os(tlrum ,..rlOUIi b 1'0 ..1" 11\00<1 • • ""u lhe hit h prel1liulII Oil (,;"lcJ C I qlla,t' or t"o wiLb \, • , qUlllily.-Chriatalnll1lellht .. W,,".. • c lnlt. 0 Ie 1Ieryelll (ull (or.'I(" l.. ofin """.\~ go lll ).0.1ol1, ~.M.,,;, .,IIluppillll ... J\" 1\ rl'Toointin!! pu IIlio wore " oU.)l\\!, i& _1.'-o(\ m e,,1 • daily in ~\Jl\ Lo 11110"" I I.. "bill. .he ore ""L /Ioynh re coU II'~O UlI1 nr - 501\.. al principal IIfll'flunII, eMer • winler will be 40 ....... to \8 aiM . , \WO -It. 11 DThe Horace VJ IIter8' Pillno. are built "d .. o'lured 10) U I \0 th u I'ulollc. J'u I\.rrive8 til A Itoonn " at ., 1)0 A . Ty - di~o!lvcrill~ t hoy 1'0I!i\1l~~11I1 rouJ1lrk~u\1I 1 \bey 1fO\l\d' bavo al\aiued by of the \Je st and moet ,horoughly lenoned th .. eule. rone8 .45 A. 11(" L81'1lefollle JO 32 A. M" {h~\.~'\'\\.~~ ~0~1.:.\~\.~'b, . earl .o:eOm.w.' W6&i.mIDt, • mR\Crlal.-AelvoCllte &, Jour....1. ' ON LY ONE DOLLAR Lock l-ltlven 12 ClO P. 111·,1 Ilarrisburt;t 'Hei(en tb".'rea&ed m.y come in a1 _l_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a_'_u_e_t_Y_II_I_C,'--O_II_I_O_._ Waters' PiUR" Ilid 1IIelodeonl . ch.l- w'>ll bech.l'\;"d rur 811T article 011 6.w li.I •.nn,1 1 . 10 r, \\l .• Do\timoret b.·I!>}l, 1\1 •• N.Hv IUIJ "unc~' t1\'~it -o il'ntre t Un' purdu.le, h. York. vill Allelllown, al 10 P.M., "I,iI· ~~..~~\\ ~~\Q, .. .. year. old, aDd: "ill lie boller . 'ban .. comparitaon wllh the finesl maLIc th:i. k,,,"w. whtnnlll h~ •• to gH! Thuot "Ipav ... un,,1 8tCUrll. amej;lec&ed a' ,Iuee 11111100" year ,,({lMId. ' ,." "nJwhere io the COUUIt)'.-1I1I0Iu Juur- .. ;Ih .I,e ", uth od r.,·ellll)' 00 1)01'11"'1' adelphift t II' 6.45 P. M" IlIId New Yorlt', oml r"nd~'l " lJnt prolit to tho l "t(I~rielor ; ted, , Hallina had (ourlee n yeRrs' cXI,eriellce nat. ror di.poll "!f of lu'1;" Ilock, of J . .. . ry ."d via l'hillldelphia, at 10.27 1> . 1\1. thu~ Cllllillill l> him til t::tpcIld ' HearLY eat.en are dellirable for COWl, In the practice of Medicine. olfers hi. Horllce Waleu' Plono Fortea are of , i",ilor l,r,,,I II ,,Iio,,.. l\1AIL LI NE-Lea ves l'illsburg .16.60 '~~" .... \\ '~\\.\)\\.'l'>l\'\\',,"% ....-1. ...... , OlaV usuallyltu IOlected while Pro:euioulIl8crvicellto the ei\i:r.enl 01 (1111, rich alld evcn tone , anel powerful.TilE I"LAN 151 SIMPJ.Ef A. 1\1 ., Slopping at relftt-lur Bloliona.• ., 01 N. Y . Muaical Review. Tt.c " .. n, e of ea,'" Ol'tide o~,'et' for .ole-ol 1\.1I001l~t ut 11 .45 1\. . M " Harris bu'llt 6 of .inUlLrA cl1!,h fellr in- ItuYo rtidi n;; thei! caIne. ' A dainl)' c .. IC "ill bl .... uiULy W&yneeville and VlciDlty. Our Irljllld, will filld It Mr. Waiere' Goltl HUIIllIIg WOl ch. Go ltl O\ul,U.lltI U, .. C" , P . 1\1, lIrr iv iug at Phlladelphin III 11 .20 c01[., • _ d Mr "Ioro the' very b'el/t nnortm eot 01 Music ' ~" . \'"urt Urea••. "i .. a"d .:.r· Ul'o,." &c .• i. P. "I, •• nd New York, via ('hilodel..!.... , t\"'ri"~. 1\nd rubll1lhin~ tho' . .iI" . " .uA L "; t d OrElCK on the c:orller of :&hin nn _. "'rlltt''' O il " "Rrd Bntl ti"cloled In 0 .uHI.tI e n· " ,....... , ~\",,~~\'0\\.'3 e~\-\\~\~,,\U. ~ i , e~ ""eoll!le ace," ome oJIII sll.• nearly eppeli;te H.y 'a lhll. nlld of l'llnoll to be found ill the Uuited ••,101'''; tI' ''IC . " ."IOI)CI ore then "IH ced ill 8 111 /) A. M. be Creell' htlndJecl before dlawing , _ ::Illtee,-Gnham's flh"Dzillt. ,tr'o"er II"d " "II ",I u d ; .he" "i 811 ortler i. ,.. l' ITTSBlinG AICD Enn: MAI L - Leaves ",h i.,!1 hl\l' C br.o" 8hll\\,.)rtl" upon him rro.. the tAlala I IJo.J NI"ht .. 'I'he Horace Willers'.. pillnos ara 01 IU, ".,ivecl, Wllh . twCllIV· •'.... cunll (or relurll 1'0' " Pillallttf'g ut 1 !l0 P. 1\1. etoppilll: I\t nearly C~1I8 promptly rellponded 10. l 'lbel '"rlrb'e tben oot diflicuU to perior toOll and e lcgollt fllli~Ia.-l!I. Y. "I:" n .. tI oth er <: horgcl, Olle or 'he r.n rd. or ,..... .11I.,.lioIlS, .l\:nl,e8 lit l\.it )Oll8t 811.2'0 ~\\ \\.,,\'(\'6 O~ \\'\.I.:. CO\.\\'\.\\'\l1 p l i tkn h lt. III t uktIU ti L nuuJolu Ru d .ftlll by the fit-ii i The ptJ,·"lillrity 01' tb'C' , Ipil-.. Btgin andlUIYoi' Il.8r, C hriRlioll £nquirer. ,11 nil ' 0 Ih. ,·u. to, ...·" who ",;n. lee or '",,'. I', M., Hurrieburg 1.25 A . M., 11I11I1'lIila' Schedule of prices of Inslrumenl. &nil- ",hal he " "" "cr for 0'''0 11011nr. If h. i. pic •• , delphin nl 6. 40 A. 1'1. • • ' them. , . Y,\~i\'t ,,\.~\~.~~ l\.\....~ V\\\~ ' d' .d h ' co" I I " U E I T Ii II rnA C TIC EO.' CO IU logucs of Sloeet l\fu6ic Bnd 8ny lJ(us- . <1 wilh hi. lI>rtuI1 0. he CO" l" rwl1 rtl d, . III O" .y P,li LA 0""1'11/0\ E~I·Rr.Bs-Lcnve8 I'ItM' n mil IDg cow., IVI e t e lime a8 U V ic pulliidlu,d in Ih e U , S., mllill'd free. . ,o;c'H·dillg Lo Ili .. u~ li,,"" Oil d IU ee"i~""I. "",I burll ut 4o,:lCI P. Mo, . slupl';"~ owly Bl t !lri ,,- iH ehllt .ht! v striko lit the mot ur ))i 8~, utiL k . .Iarly a. prac~ic"ble beL"een morning D .... D " Sheel 1I1Ullic, tl lillie loil!!.!, 1 centd por ''''·."rc Ih" 1'1'11" . If Ih e orai d" ow,,,,J ,,,1 . 1I 0·d cip,,1 slollons. Arriv llD lit LMrobo Il 10 Ly urat!itl,itinl-l III'cry I'n rtiulo of illl)1 I anA ve ' 0 " pe ial1y aL lime of ear 2 be u"o" iLc,1 ttl lh . pUlclll".r-'" rur '\ \~ \'\\.Q, -~WO~ ,... e 01 Il'" II • In ill various branches; 1I0t 10 be exrell- s hc et. ' . cl of 1'... ,1 1·: .......01'. III1U Ureol lpin'tI .. ),U '"';;' 1'. M, Altoon. 9 .35 r . M .. Hllrriaburll Il 30
~" _j~h ~Ily
~C(}t«l-h.nd-Piallo 8~211,,R.
\) 11..
\\ 'LOO\)
~~~epaerr;ar::~~i~~c!"a:e~ ~;~ie~~"~::=:: ~s
8r~ AME.UC~N
,eor~. r~r"lIellt
H«DIIjllA,l1.Y 1E>ID'IDlLOO..
.",,,,1 ,.•
r_ nIl
~"""I,I" ..
grasa, tbat Lbe I&dder may .uff' Ild onywhere. NOli e hilt Ihe Sub both School. nnd olher Duolill, pub. 1 • •.:.1 • .' liehed lIy Hurace "Valer6. , 'L t'e~1001'"b01rlilk Ihoula keep ' the DE IT )( A T g RIAL ~ dEiii' . Snbb"l" School Dell, No. I ,. , _1111 eu' IIhori-aoimals are 10mellmeB TERIIIS, C"eJl,-Office It bid residence Subbul" School Bell, No. t, J\ul1 'ftfi" ,hlrp aad uojustly on l\Ialn Street. 1. 1, Claol'ul ""I'P, charied "j,b reatlllaneSS. _________ - _ _
Old co"'••hould .be (atled at fifteeo Tbo dairymao, Iherflrore. who hal 6rteen COWII, Ibould a hieler
for tl,l) lire 1\",1 henlth of tho LOtty d~ !,ell,ld "1" '11 th o purity o f th e blo",\. H the \)1.,,1<1 iij J1Oi",,,,cJ. the \J(ltly dlila out 11 lUidcfl11.11e cllis,on\lu. 'J.'beeQ lIIu.ii· oi nus
I!~ ~J, ~
r"H" , II. )'UII d,ou. e Lu 110 fu rth"r III eeplng ' ord rUII Ihroul:h OB Ihun you Id Il, c 1," l1 er tlru!, ",h .r" II i•. thi d Iruin frOln Piltsb\lrg III Dullirnore nlld 110 ",ure, cu "crully uur l'hiludelphia. uud to Nuw Yurk,vill Allen·
' li lly
II"d "","d
').· .. c Dlude..
"i\.,..~ \)"'~l\\\.ut..u.~
CHlnl";;"I" ' ! tuWII.· fcr olaring p E 8 : WA'f€ U D.EPART1UENT. FAST LINIl- Leaves Pilltihurg It 9'.3'0 81P hUl••. 8erofull\, I'nl'cr : L. Y. ,. I{" hl hUhUIlI'gCQIHl II ' ;n!; c .. ,. ,50 III •• Slopping ollly al :lprwcip:tI dGI .Ioz.; BOllrd, :lOOI'I\I,"t .IOU "d u<II.,II,'·4:I'I;0ld ~I1' 10 I O ll iJ J?Arrivee at 1\.1100 111101 .a\) " . "".Btutiuns Hllrris· IIrtD D\_lee, •.$ 3 per 0111 Bore... C lot II E moosae S.lt Rheum, RheulII~til1D, calf eYery year to supply,the YaCI\DCY$:-1,60 j i 1.84 ,20. 100 S",i , . ~ol,1 III"'''" g "ure 3U I" IOU 0 . b' h h Id BELLS'" 1 d2 . I V 1 ~"u 1",li".' gol,l blld ~lIl1n,deJ hUI1(' \ burg· 7,30/1. AL, .himnret 1\1.20 1' , nT.. Dyepep.... 81ck BII8I1.Mb•• Ca ' " 30 I" ~O l or, VIII (,lItowU,:.I .4 1' . nl .• illg t e ler tatll'y OOWl'. e B ou ,.l~OI. an .In. 0 nme, N Y kt ' 1\.11 5 Li,er ComplaLDt, ~...u 11111 • • • d if h ~"o I ,calfllt. rain IJld 10 {orlh. .' .,. B E B E R LEY, 86,6u per duzon. ClOlb Emb08!lcdillO 1",ltt111 le"er si lv er hunling cnse ao 10 VII I'hilallelpJ.iut 12.60 P. M ,.nd Nllw York,l I'.etteorrhoa. Felllale &11I;la18111 wu Ery.ipul.... Bt. Aulhoa,'.lira, k: lrel(enllri,d lip too early arwr oalv" . GIII,87,20 per dozen. "~I . I.·...,. . ilv ur hUl1l i,,; ,'",,, 30 1o !l5 viu Ph i ludelploiu, 01 6 ,",:! 1'. )1. TUlllon. Erupt1oDI. ing will .lw&y. run dry about Lhe tame public, Wlehes plltrone on Illdhalld, the THE CIIlU8'1'IAN MEI.ODI T, ,:100 tlcturh"IIIII"IIr eilycrop," ,fHtc ~o 10 00 SO . 11IhattoheInform keop. hie cUllalanlly .HIII 1,·l .. ,,1 I"vcr . ill·cr open.laco 2;.... '" JJ •• I, tDi7lfier, tSUl>per. Fill, Sctotuioul Coul umptioD ••tAI. 10 3 'fiI.1 ia aner years-Lberelore be care- large lind Bmall A lIew Revival Hymn and Tune Douk. JOO Swi ••• j"'. r IS .o ,1\1 ~ Daily, aU. ollOlr lrainll, 811111 11 fXCfl'le.t . f DJ.U.SIIJ.RE PLOWS, ,. ,a:., Tickets lor dalll 10 H"alull by . botll or (ul t.o milk cIOlel~'he firet venr, uu&il Price 83' pur duz. Board 83,60. J E\VELR\,' DEI"aTM"Nl' about Ii. weeki fore ealflng. lIanufactory and Wareroom., 300 lIiumo".1 ringe CloJll to $120 rail. noulliekCl~ good 011 IIny of thll ONE P Cl"NOn " .. ri tP~ , her I.Inll!!htor 4.81, Broadway, )I ew York. 30U gents' dial1lund rillgs 20 tu 1M Soulld lilies. ~'AR E tu ull puillt~ ad Ivw . Spriog COWB .hould come in while and double and Binglo cllr.,t! til' fi t" or "illll yCl1 r~ aWn"in!!, 11IJ tlieyare Jet fad 00 ltay, and burore -z-_ _ _ _ _--:,.,.,....._ 3000 (,;111. diamond rillgs 3 tu 15 us Illy other roul£,. ~t. ' " i LIl l'\' ,l l\n t(~ nr two ,·ca rs. SL .EEP1 ...VG 'bay are ,uroed &0 ara.s, "I'leh will be ,,, A'I"CI.. ;, dillmond rings 3 tl) 1:& ..ANOTHER wt' i l t'~, lii~ Bu n 11'11'8 ellll " , '" mlde of steel. He will aleo mnnulncture ... more likely &0 prneot cake<l bag ~IJ An Elegant .l~oveltv in Watches. 6000 gOld &ellllll1. fob rhnins 310 40 ni't" I' I.,~ , Ii.·" h 11IIt! " \III". t wn ~ l\.Id aw~} alld repair Plowshnres, And drells and lem· J 0 Id The dOCWl'd prO)\H .1I llccd Lh c ellSO inttll milk wyer.-Annualll'o"ter. por al\ kinds of Edged'rools. 'rhe casu of this wlltch ure on elUlrel • .to u gellld' go veet chllin" 6 10 ~~ \ On night tuilla to Phil~d'ft. New York , ...... _ ,....... " Horee •sl,o',ng , otIC""U· I10W invlllltion, com . ?oeed of six difl'ore,;l ,4000 Blecve bllllonB 33 to _____ IJo.J SIn .l lh.I .," to Oil u 40lJO pnir I'~ir gol,l "u14.1 &. cllum.·' 10 UI •d II u 11 '1mort'. "uugllugll c I.ec k U' d l IIruu!! II . nl,l p. . ANOTHER wllft " lI m l (If Fev(lr 1\114 &molllUea of JournaUsm.- 'Call Me cd IU prumplly. 14-0 m me lals cumhilled,roli ed loge lhor and plan. 6000 ~els ~et118' "old studa '" 10 8 ulld lrollslcrred rree. Pet. Names.' iahed. prUllueillg o &. " ~ i""ct r,'"I'I, '1'1 L c iPc . R'I II d UII A exacl imilnlioll o( 18 !lOOO 8: 0l1et"01 3 lo)'ot> l l iS), IVIlIIIO nt rno,1 C O. WI' 11 A ~ " IIlter Lryi llg Il~c r)' 1I1t, t!ich\~ \U ~;, ~ L' cRrot go k Ill, ca . e I rcan '1'1n, which .,illnl· 8000 sl. sel & bj ... en-Ill. eo" rillga 410 15 ~ 110t DdeUUle Mlly r'd ' k 1<>1' Jj Hlfguf;o. t'xeep l , oad .. ANOTHER WII~ ~urcJ of F evor :!uri ' IIo"lDg • • re tor 'IA , wnyll eep 118 eo ley are Of belluti· tiOOO Indiee' .."IdIi ncck chains I:. '.0 bO Ior W .e •. r'.mg A I'purl', I nil d I'III1It . II It' ". rt:· e .0 .. cour..,OUI aro .0.'1' PRIV "TE .ot. • •.• d or. whi, ' " l,aol ,·.¥il!I C.l fou1' ec!lr\ "ClIrll. . ,uom .. a ....... ful 88 8illid ItO I ,nnd are utlurded at onc- 4000 gold OYIII·"nlid " "3-10 I. I I 'l'h t IIe co Iumol 0 f tbo t"o Ieading I tt l , Y 10 olle I11111 d re d d0 II 8rd ill va I. ANOTHER uf Hh l' lIl11l1 ti~.;. of R yellr~ • T _ . '11 he valuable HO\l~e and Lol. situ ci::hlh Ihe cost, "rl.e elise is bcaolifuJiy lie All B' Il ~' d' II ....... ....... UI.Y.1 0: . I d ' ., ' h P I d I' GOOO \lulJ And J'" t brdcelota 810 I '" nggng t!X ,,'(' Ing lilt II 111"11 lit I 'II"~" ir.nlllllcr1l I,le ,,( IlJ'P I'~p'"11\ loll. wit I' aneI' on 811eld (or lin. mc, f)OO\.llfohl .. k d ld "'-Ill - I , '\ Ie d on tl Ie E ua t Sl'de 0 I N or Ih '" ol ., CSI''''Cu to 01111 e nnm. brucelcls 8 to I "' .III va Ilie , WI' 11 be 01 I I. Il rl' Hk 01 I IW vWller, p r~-'" ." Lln' r 1 '''UlI,IIIint couhl \,,, IIIcn'illoca .lI! "";.:.(. croo -d c ' o ' I1WI' e •. VI oon",,' bl!'Weeli Third Ilntl Fllu' rth streets _ tile with Pntent Uij!t ill, I und cnn,"ved .. 8 IU 3+1 lBI Ie~~ I II k ell by a ulleullI in 3000 Il to uld chnl ... l!tl n' ehuiftR " . I cOIJ(ruul. \I hi ·Ii ll,u 'uritier 1I11l1 l'iII" UJIIIU....,..- 00 &yOG oppose ,Lue polioy of property o( 1'1 RS. JU, ROIIEIITa-is offered the exacl ilyle of t tC celebnled Gold FREIGHTS. t Dido't YOIl 8ay you were al priVllte "ule. llunllllil L evers,.untl ure rCRlly hondsome 6000 puir Indiee' s leeVIl bullollll S 10 8 \'V O.\'~ \\.~~ \.\ ("\\.l\~m. in {ayor of geoerll byI which ;I The' 01111"01,' dellirab·le , unLi 80 an imitllli"n 40011 puir cnum. •• 4(0)0 ' I amnesly, {' l. I House . I IsI well built, In ah pilloaolll 01 0" to duly ·Ietp.cll·o •• , 'fllo .novo , 8000 s olitaire gold brocelets 3' to ~!J Uy thle rOllI n fr ei ","t" 01 nil ·.le-cr·lp '
Ol ~
,"un whu CO li 1.1 "01 w,,"r .1,ell1 ,,,,,1 hntl"u A. M. , Ualtiltlora 7 A . •. N uw y .. k, viu 1<> gi l' . II .. ", lu!- WU ..' ill ,ellll .11.,. olhcrartiri o .t\III!IlIOWII. IU A BIoi Phlludelphiu * ..t 'J.~ fru lII th " oO l1le II r l'"rt," clI l "f Ihe e1\lQloj("c of A. 1\1'., alld New .. 'Iual I'ri<:~ whi,·I. "Illy lo p. l' ruftirrctl . Or if, lor I .Yurk.t C vin , 1'hiludl!lphi~ ,
'J\.1.Krl\.SCnlCnt9: ================ Sherman Marching Along
til) ~",".,
.. '"
S H 0 VEL - P LOW S, ______.. .lICA~"
· ]1OUS r
Il.... .
8 pOIl~IUI
\I'. t he rig to It 0 '" be 10 COli' bad kitchen oeat on,Dnd Wit collu I I .reebeloW. roomd. ond poretwu rnoma ment b I (lpAI & f coUrllO, 'Wtln hi yotetuoao '8hould isU manufActured by Ihe \VOIt·kIlOIVII 0 000 corn,
'\'-\\ 1~ -1\ ~ 00 \)
., hro(1ches 3 to 12 liull' CUll be forwllru t!to d 10 lind frulII I.'I,illl>- 11ft! Ih e IIII1~t notiv (I III1lI thf\rough oedecl.to Lbem t-Democrat. in lhe lecolld story. I\. well of excellent St. Jimor Wilieh C.,mpulIY of Eutope, oJlid !'cLar! 310 8 de lphiu. New York, UOcllun or Uu llimure, th lll have Her heen il1 l'lI\lII CCl1. antlllrll8upcrbly tinir.hed. hRving e ngruVl'd I OSIIII', el, uvn o AU' Lo IIlId Irum uny Iwillt 011 11, 0 lta i lrou.ld ul Wlilcr is siluoled close to thp. kilchell. Tltl')' Ilet An .Iin·cl.ly "1'"11 thcLife'. tl' , ~01l'ilI:.em9111ilK aDl)'W(lU ... tutred old OUlhe LOl ore a variely of 'ruiL IreeB. pnllels. IOllcy carved bridl(cs, ft,ljUI llIIg: 1·'lurelllillo EBrdrops 310 10 Ohiu . "entucll),., ~lIdinllll, Ililnol~, Wi ij· ti'11i'l\~ tlt",~ I'Irl!l1n t .. SlI tl h lut-ul.u,,' lIriY s Bclt.Or l"'''Udrot'e _ doo't YOII know Mnd Ihe ground i8 or good qlla:ity lOr gar- rcgulotor, with gold balnllcll, nlld Ihe im., 10000 coral,opol &. em. f! "P 3 \0 10 CUllilli. lUlU vr Missouri, by ra ilruad di· th e "\,AlclII d t)u~ lIl1t rc lal'~c intn itl! r "lIllltiol1, "h iell i ~ tl ltl II pt tu bo tho th8t the amneaty Ileld ouL by the Pres. deuinlr pur\l9lell. 'l'lIe l/-(v!?ert, is (rce proved jewelled aclioll, wilh line dial 10UOO minilllurn lockeIa 4 10 10 r.)c' . iden' '0 toollCl who take 'be pre8cribed from.,incumbl'tmllt". ' . dkelelon hands, alld ill worranted a goolli 10000 mAllic 8l'rln!! do. 8 to 26 The l'enllsylvanin Celltral i{lIilrllod 01 , with ~illlrly II T'"rgll tivc pill. 'Jllte:!' ure l'C;,n y t\' ..,h does not Imbrace the righl 110' h'l.tr fUM-It,1' pllrticulars. apply to' time-ileep"', IUOOO pl\tin gold rilles 4 10 12 HO ('o"IIeule.1 J'lIldburg \\ ilh rirog t-Jou1'JW.l. J. IJ. These wlilehel erv of Ihrce dil!t'rellll aelH ludiell' jew"lry, go!d \', which guodlllvn Itc l"rwur.h,,1 I,) Y,\OO~ l\'\\~ L~~I.:.~ luly )8. Wayneev'i lle. slzp.., the emall"al being for LndicR ollil alld jel ~. 10 ~0 IIIlce86 ibil) purl 011 tho Ohio, ~lurik lll"ulJi are a I1£[I UlltlOg a8C8. I\. · cade'or alII 1000U do ,CUlnnO < ,peRr I c I C. You dilcued odor or a bad oat 1'0 . C {j ' 0 "0 '[' Ulllle.~ee. C ulllbl'riund. IlIin .. i~ . 1\I1..~8ill', \I\·1.i eh. in conjllnction ",,' itb the o,ad)le, ltb-doo" _you koow Ibat the ~pedal w;U be sonl IIy I\lnil or ExpreHB (or 11116. 10/)00 gill and jet nrllclll!'IP, "' tu I') diypi. Mi8souri, Arknlll!D~ IIl1d R nd Il,vcw ,m ae.&,. ad,ocated by you, 8od' e,en f't. sligle ellO will bo !ient In a 10000 gilt & JUI II8t sUPllurters 2 10 12 "lid at (,;levp,IIlIKJ... hlldu .. ky 111111 (,;hicog,: will curo nil the nfureml'l1tioncJ Prelident Johosoo's amooaLy, doc. not E. & H. T. ANT HOB Y &: CO ' '''loroeco CaBe for 82'5, will reutlily Bill I MIL\' EIl-I'LA 'li:J)o W 1\.1It::. wilh st£'Dmer810 .. 11 POl't. tift \11t' NurlhR'JI'l. ~f the we clte8, will rulill~e lind CUll T forbid tbe rigLtt of y?tiog, or hIVe you WIIULUALE ARD RETAIL for three liml1s their C(1sl. We nre 801iD 10000 ClipS . 8210820 WI'811lrtl l..nkes. Headache. <loIti'fencII, J8S& all YOllr 8OD8ClS 10 )'our 80eolll t agp.lIls for Ihis watcli in tbe United t!ooo j!oblet8 31u lU rrlerchlnle olld ehiJlJ1ere clltru$ting Ihe Colle 1>alo., (lholerfl ••rbl1l. , J)ef7W){lt''''' , . Manuj",lurers of PllOtoflraphic .Mate. Sloles,lIl1d nono are genuin1l whi&b d,u 10000 poir napkin rln"a 2 10 10 trnllsportatioll o( Iheir ]o're il/ht to thld 1Il4_lion. l'ata ia til• •nll. td ' • , ,ial, nol bcor our Trodc mark. Addre88 . 2CrOO cllrd baa.k cle .. 4 to 16 Company, clln rely with cunlfl!cnell ull k. DIIIID8II. etc. Oli 0 eenter or Bn el upidity Bnd ' , GIRARD W. DEVAUGfI & 3WQ. cuke bAijkels () III 20 "prcdy trulIslt. . Try t1\cee Medicines I\ntl yOIl will 8cenler of altereation-you old ullcorfi. '. 60J BROADWAY, N. Y. Importer 151\1 d L N 'II 4000 cu.tors with /) to:lO RUles of .!o'reigf.t to Dlld , from lilly rc~rct it. «ld boUle of the dilLilied eS8ence of al. In od,lition 10 cur maill of Pho8, " en ane. . • 2000 ice pitche,& 10 10 lip P?1II1 III W cst, by Ihe l'ellll?ylvollill A Hk your n e ij!hLortl. ..ho 1II11'O DB. TJ,£IIO'I'T'8 PILLS 600u puir bliller S 10 " U (,;Cllirol Rallrond, or .. III 1111 limt'll Mil fo· thelll, tin" thuy will 'my tlll>y lifO 88fc.edilA, .stinkweed, polecl\t Bod nigger togrftJ1hie MUleriol4, we arll J:le8dquorlcrs yqu kno" 018', if, tho amnelty for Ihe folluwing. viz: C 80llP, oYAler & gravy lud-I,,:1 10 88 voru;'le ill! lire c\wrg.>d by olher lloilruatl tn (\00,," ~\c.~\~\"'c''''' ' fe_commanded ' by UI and evon I'rc8iS I Omt 08ed of Id/!~IY conc.. ntrllted ex- 1)0011 engroved pie kllivos l tu II COllll llic8. dcn.l Juho.on'a do."ot givo Ihe right of 1er~osr.ope8 onl Stereo"ropic Views. lraC~B. rom rootllll." burba of Ihe h:ghee:t 6000 a1vze ll Ie 'dPUOIl6, (lcr Jo:t. & 10 15 o::r!lll !lllrtirlllnr tn mnrll pnckn"l' ~ ILnli :V0 II should try thom l.Icl'uro going , the d ' Of lileas we h I mcolclOol value. IIlI.llible ill tho rure ul ·000 "OZ" II tobl 6BuoOl18 8 102 ,1" I' 'C R . R.n .. a l'hy,.iciIlJl, vo.mg, 'Iolermeddle witb Ihal nve on mnaenss 089url. \I dl ... u , • VIA t,NlI A EN1'RIIL liet 1\ }'tuuJ'hlut flf my Inlllll A!!cllt. . h t II b I Illeill InclllOlnD War S 1\. " a eellses 1(;00 U" uzen u. "nssnrl 7 to 2"" rl t a a , ut eave it 10 lLte Sta'cB ' .. r.cnep mcrlr.oll , h ofD 'llae Liver. or any dera"n/,.. . forks rL',o r cL' rei/: IIt ",-,ulliruele or Shil'l·ill" Di . uo. l' _. melll muve o. ,,111m Ihe Hlood ..... i "nr' 8 10 a r"cllll1l8, n(ll' IY to ur ulltlrl'd6 "ililer ot.. tlte mll,1 th o eeru fitlllt86r .II.IlJ if' vou h~"o ' 1• PJopurly L-Ioug." '111d Forl)illn C iti08 and 'Lond"ca"et e. puritieB or OrgKlls. 'rhey re'·c 8000 d uzcn t Ou"I c (or k B <louu10d. yo.nnW ., Groups . ~llItullry, etc., elc. I\. Iso, ReI II I ( 'Ol D """NS AND I"ENCILS lullOWI' lln 11."0111" of lie C . lero 1 cl'tl'el ' d 't I ' S u.nell"ft e IlIl .'1l core 01 " .. . . . I olllpnllY : " Y ou, UId eees'foo I 0 f III" \) {)~\.\)'\ "'{) ""-{)Y4Z;·. lon . , on vo ville lerCl1RCOpep, !ur pnblic or privBle ~ " JOu IlDOW I "we Bro.not for the exhibi:ion. Our will be Bent thce, Dyepepsln, Seroluln, lll\ioIlBncs!I Of vorietYr frum .. lU saul S. B. b'7I98 • Jr., PMlaua, Aft " " ..onf l.h llt the I\\, 'f'll1 "Ul't",,1" A"11 1'1111 repe,,1 of Lbo Keolllcky exp,,&riation to ..., IoCIllrel l UII. receipl of 818mp Liver Complaint, Fevers, Hesdllch~ Pilm,' llEMI!:Mln: U Till!: '"LAN· J1. W. n"tJtt:n &: Co .• Ctn·fi. " t" ely ~t.'ll~tH.L','. I h ll~ t l 1hl' ~r lltlf'utnll or 111'111 (·h ,1mllllfil . t'r.. rtl'ltOflt (~ IIIl..TU. , or Nt"w JII", ie doe81t', 10110," &hl we a,e not . PIIOTOGRAPJIIC" LOU"; Hcre~it •.ry Humors: Dose, for 'lldultl~ 1n .11 C~Mr.. we charge for rorwarding Clarke &: 00., (J/,icyufI. W ' K r., IIf t hu-illllnU. WI the e.,abl __ anl of some ocher Jaw Ia ... s. o~e pili In ti,e mOrllln" children hall a Ihe , Cerlltir.l!.l", 1I081ngc. olld doinll lh~ It.-'III Itr. It.. n,\, ,,,'14 ":I~I Notte" .. An ti « ..Weh ' hall p r otect our ' State fllr "8 . We were. the first to introduce IIlese ,pllI- From OD8 10 three pills will outre bue.lDesl.the lum of Twenly- fiY4I Celli It, L I V EST 0 C I{ • ft"~ ~I;: ~I~':~ l.'Ull ltldcuuU!I JlGn or (bit J'DJW' """';1,18 .a"08~ ....gre.aiona of tl b. anto the United Slate~. ond we tn.n~fDc, ordinnry l'88ea,and froOl 0,,_ tG.,three bO:l- WIW,l h must be enclosed in the order ,llroyers and Farmer. will find thla u /)YfII!K ."11 lI!·."ur'1l'I'41RY: TD A 1 1 1e '6 ture hnmense q,uaotille. In reat Vllflslv elPylllcure aoy Cllfab" oe .. efnomal\'er Five CerlificlIlOI! will ho 6p.nl tor III II d ...... 1& \,rgll c all of ooo. volerl "'nging ill J1rire (rom 68' cente to how Ion" .undinl[. Price 81 per bux. Ihirty fur 6; sixty-five lor 10.' 'Olltl "!ORIO. VIInla),!('oll8 Juvte (0' Live Sluck, Ne•• 3e, :)1'1, 80 '" 8S E'i'" ·•· .. Ir.. CINl: Il\l\AT • <I • ID .KOIItucky would be a very great nch. Our Albuml hl\'e the rel,utaliull Trade aupplied or lIen\ by mlil. hundred (or 11,. (,;apaL'lous y.rds, well watered and IIUI'• ,,1I ld 'I h h ( b ' V M ,. plieel with ete" convelllencl' hRve bl' l'11 .'Olt SAl."; rlY • _ we wou, n aIv ellill IIeuperlor 'l'h in bcaulyII Ilnd • OTT & Co. A.r.:· 'VlNTED r ... &. __ proa6 . e Ii t Iose to 0t b durobilltv 6 n Ii'At-noTT, II'" M. D.,N Y upene d oa tl.is lill4l oitd' " " IIOIIIII!CliOIlS ROSEDERRY & NEAt, ' & . ......,. II!II' .... n exp" fla on aw np' 0 lI . ny 0 1\1", oy wi e lenl by .. 1;U 00 ew ork. Throu"h(1ut Iho country to oon .rnl e 'or II . . • ....t.:... 1 >L-d t .... I . I r.' 1 I " ,. .' .," !'vcry " .1 Ienlloll 18 paid to Iheoi, w8',la, __ ~ . MEIUUT'l' & PlUNTZ'. ,....I.C a.., WI lu .ue e oO'lve rrllnchi8e mOl. FRR • OD receipt of price. . _ v. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ u,s. A lurge com!'ollsotl'on wl' I'1 be pa·Iu". t (L'm H ftTrld b urg, w IIrr" will bo I.. llntl -:~t tabD~ a 81rioieo& oath of aile. 10"........ AilMAD8 Made to Older.a OLD EYES .AIJI~: IIUi~". SOlid lor terms, &c., enc!osillg slAmp. every. cOllvelliem'e Iur (eedillg nlld r" s til ,g, 711 ltutee. I\. P II d' , b NEwnORN & co n d'Olce IS oltere d or Ihc Phillld l! lphill, You mea" old pointer and ' lIettor to . ' amp lei Ir .. cllllg ow 10 speed ii, 75 }'Ultoll ~Irllcl, N:·Y. N~IV York lind Baltimore 1\1orkctt-. Thid hl B .110'. mOIl-buoten-you ' old hO'lgy Our CUlalotruo now elJlbrllCeS over L', ' VO ,e~to~e sia ont! gil'e up spcctaclep, wil:li. Will ai00 ' ".8 (OU ..... .,. IIC I II I10r.1 e .. t, I)." id est, .1 I lid 1 TI d d.ft!' oUl nld 01 doclor or. medicine. Sellt by BO Cl ...rom a 10' maB.of gaano--ph, ..e IUU8l11 I l'.enllubjocl8 to which aal. moil, Iree, on rereipt 01 10 celll-. Ad. '1'11. G,·oveslcc .. l'iuHO FOI'le ,,",1111 1 direct wllte for IiIlt.ok lo blew 01 uk Mut.-J(1fItJ'nal. ditilllil. are con.llnually b~in".. mnde. of d rella ... F 001'E ,}1. n. YNk lvia I\.lIclllowlI]-and wl'lll lo' ,o,'er W 8tHI. retnins il" I'r ..'le,Ie nce nllu., gre. pop. chulI:!!!d , •• ' , orlflltlo emlllent Amerlcanl, elC., Tiz: " 6 IIr •. 8, L' d than any oilier. e Itllve DO hesitatioll ill eayin"n Ihll " ulanty r P ", . 10 30 .. roft way. New York. alld sfter und ' ., n-ttH.uu,-'l'ako • crj!olllllllrllullul u L"'W' I" b Olltfllojor-Generals, 100 Lieut-Colollola. d I cold boiled beets.100 proyemellld ror II period .11 thi.ly yeurs,illlG'I S .:'>.NQ\' ' , ... .JL ... , 'F I 11 E 8 T PER l!' U 11 E R I till equ parte VI each in 2QU 8rig... GeJlorole, 160 olher Officers now pronoullced \'y Ihe mus icul IVorili 10 'ell 1I1'l'l'Illlelldent, Altorllln. P". l and early Aohlmn: in wiDter, Colonel,, ' 76 Navy Ollleere,' be unsurpo83etl olld eVt!1I ""!'rluolct! ill H!!:NRY W. GWI"N!!:R jJ I' I ,. , one-uhl'd' bOO Stateamen, 130 Divines, U rtchneMB , dvolume 811d puritv of tone ' aI mil· Gell'l 'l'lcket Agl'lI' ' Vhilu • ' ,everBt(Iour ere,edtublltihment, 11\ Ilia mllrko ,. may, be II • ,"'b mbeet'8otl d ( two-Ihird8 f!«btOI:S; . W 3 l' ~T bTt I H. B. II0U"'I'l\N 'l'ltt!.,.. oro I ' .11 . ' . e '1 or .&ew 18 milk 60 promillellt wOJllen, 12C1 Author., E S VI L L E, 0 I 10: I I Y BII C lenpness. Our new Be I ' " , , GENUINE 11M' blUt.eJl, with ,R1\ aDd pepper la 8uit SISlIl', 40 1\ni.ls. French GCllon, hurp petlul, irull (len'l Freighl .A:,:ent, . . talle • . .alowly. And thorougbly; Cep\lea of Works of Art, TERMS, CAl!IlIlN ADVANCE. over·slrung !JU8. spvcn,oclave. rosewood l,tf. 8nd competent jptl~ .. giWl ,t1!et\&. tit. II "8f'Ch.d~ 14 II IJMl'led, Tbia i. a includinl! reproductions of the most cele1"111108 we are scllillg Ihl·.per IIy ffltlll IIic& preparation for a breakf&llt diab. buted ElIgra,iIlIt Statues ' One copy one year, <If $100 10 Ihan Ihe dame slyle nlld ftn' IF 'WOtJ W...t.l"T TO ' K l"OW , IIIGIlQT ,-ltA 18&. ; P I (' t I . , tjpf.OO,. IlIh nre sold by uoy olhpr li'tit.chl8S muk A L' , . __ A. Id' • ~.. e C. ,a a oguea ell.!, on receipt Itomp. Five copies one year, II 75 in Ihe country. J)~nlera and -II 'In .. rBt n. Itlle of l~vcrytllll1g rel.aling 10 the hu· .,. so .~ Ulr 10 we o( our bOlpi. I\.n order (or One Dozen Piclurea' Irlllll Teo copies one year, ,. r d ' u wan man sY8tem IIll1le 8 d ( I tal, ia laid La. haft \be (0110"- our CIiLalogue be lent 011 receipt 01 Ib,UU. uDedcriptivo gou p,anlle are illv ileliwhich to selli for 0 r on d treatmenl " eOla e; cOllece . iDale'ttr: ,1,80, and IlOlltwill b)' mIll, rRt:E. Cnlulogup., d,Se08118j' thethe ulorrinjlE' Wv desi.e, cAlc attention Ph I I did Ilholollrapha or .11 uur dilllrelll BI ' Icuslom. 01 Ihe w~ld; how to lIIarry well. ' .. " . , 'Der Ituuea< We i, all well aIM ell 0 ogrnp lera . an ot lerll ?r oring , together with priceB. No onc slloul} lucar.' a, nd a thullstlnd gB nncr f1lllalielted be· 'J H··E LAD I i1 S to _ _ . . I' 'f . b' , 1: 0 II C_ O. D .• w,lI plelec romll 25 per B~ tlte kilt or pound, o( a wartall,tell chtllle a pisno Wilhout Hecillg Ihia up ore relit! lhe e d d I loth.er Cet\I. 01. the aDlount o( their urder. qualtty ,for Halo by COl - f ,,'M VISt: III enlargE'd edillon . . 100 er B.,... • • III, \Om b .. got ,he' Hupm Kaugh and l!ll' ():7 n..e prioe- and q,UlllilY 01 eur goode MIlR1Un &, .. ' IIl:':u". !\ledals.all!)o!1 whlloit 0 k (EUIOALIo ONMOJ( B£1't!lIl." a curioull l' Po.tlWlI fealuN) 01 ou, lllllineta, ter AOD h.. g ".t a babct', and hoper. cannot 1.,1' to salhs4, _ 1 1;0 been awarded to Ihe Pi: (0 or QIIf' "lIcvple, aftd. good !look \bele few lioe _ ",;n fttldJ YOlltho same' • 411 IIno, snd allho Ceillbrated. World's Fair t" etery 400 pagel. 1,,1) iIIuelrll- A. L L T 1/ ..4 TIS 11 E ED ..ndtl.l eBlurLp\l.lpcOlC,h il d t mOD IhOlll:h put in ' compelir" 'th ,lon8" ,Cle ,1.50. COlltCOIt! Illbleit F . ardr ... a fox last I'ule. sunc. l'UN nf, This \) t i l l Dando.llo» Cuffel' Rye CotrCl' prime Ri from all paris of Iho' U ';;' IlIrll leot free to 011, addreel. Dooks mlly be I or 'ioillll .. lfandkE'rchlef fcction kdzzen.' b,' 08 (';Uft'cll .llld uf Coffee,' lor sale' byO til' Ihe .0' will be scnt by Drawerll, W I (UN 17" I IIIhRRI'I"!' G.ROYESTEEN ('; 0 m81 ,\loet paid 011 r er.ella of "rice. , r o bes, etc., all\. - , "'- n ... Ii u) 4~!) D" N '} . Address Fl , n, FOOT!!: M D CII,I uti U-kx'lne onr ' ,I"tltie" " rotl,,\\·ny. ow lork , :.LGra l no ' B roadway , No" • . \:ulk. " . . I. ito BER.RY cf NEAl.· ¥,
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. THEJDUEIL Oft 'fBIJ Dntll.
LOBT AND BAVIlD . ,,"', ~ , ' W <i: W to Illn. tliat r ite "1' elirly - 10 lit
antl y' ; 'I cfln g ive you no ad
It wal a (air day 00 Ibe riv 9r Ohio.
Catchilll" a Plckpoc..ket.
COllt of Living til Germany.
They were wondll r(ully bu t th e young man won. They A Indy traveliing by the laud route od elltravagantly, aud Lbey be t welln New Y ork and Bt.l llloP was un · Iiberau.ly . but tho youn .' man ~ to I h -on. • wa,.Nu•.rIUI)aI.1I enoug l ose er pur '0 . can· " Lal uing a coosid~arllble a mount Q"r mon· , I will plRy you my watcb.' aal'd l' h d L dl . Id I .• . Ily. W IIC was un uu Ie y aJlproprll\l· e. er y ptlUOn-PDu the young .,d b "gt: ntlemRnly IIllrSOIl who oc. WQD. .. • Here are .1. ee ~0 . bu'lon' alld . tl,11I sea' ID~XL Ilo.r, but wlao left u, • u ul'lng lHI lime tue train Will pa8sing brooch,' Ite said again " • I~t us go on rill I I" N ~ . o~g I 1010 . and tIle .,VOUDg man won I t " Ie. ong tunut: dgOIng • CI y, uRvlng man:lge to pick Ihll • I havll nothing more.' smileu latly'li pockeL dUirinlC tilat time undepUrtiued, UI cold a8 a stlilagmit~. tec/ed, as bal( an hour previoUII thll • I see a ilRndsome rin!: upon was known to be 81\rlj . fingt:r-sn !llDeralu-,-will YOIl 11 lecou1Hing b!r~o__ a friend, 1 ' ' 1"
Bome Arts of .Beauty.
Tbe grnnd .a.ItJOUI oC thll sUlamer Kil' A letter Crom Bonn, Pruuia, to the 'B eauty ill eyer Ibat divino thing tho I' '11 .• d . I BOlltou T raveler, 8ayl : lancien.ts pRinled it;' Bnd though it ma'" "\ J Lh'" conllftue 'I n I , i~hl l i l~ "Iae itliismo HcoqUI al were crowue WILl pallsen· gen. 'fhe ladiell in the after· porI ion A good deal haa been s Rid and writ . 80mel.lllI ell prove ~ ~l\Ial le.l~t\Cy to. a~ (b 'lU .~.,.. llAlAu. Y. .. : • III 1 I ad \veRk minded girl L t lounged upon luxurious diunl, sipping len IIbOUI the chcII!>n 81 of living in . I'n I I . • • ,y.e I IS lIt my home beyond tbe mb'!ntain8. cooling bevengel or Ileepiu O' ove r re GllrmllDY, lind man)' En rr li sh leav6 their oftener a bleSSin g l~an otherWlwe , and ... ,., tl ers u Itt SlrlVe by all p a , 'TwlJ8 my lot to meet in friendahlp, own couutry for Ih o purposo of dimin. mo \ 0 gI 0 . r pe.r cellt literature. and in and out among iijhing 'he coat of largtl IKmilies. So I means to mako . theIr dll,ughters ~eaullthem played ~ dllrk ·eyed child wbu Od .fIkb ,d.ntl ~Nli eq,u.ted, d I . d I I 1 1 . . I (ul and engaging as Willi I I Virtuous And wilh face and form most pleuing. faYaa have seen, tilt! course IS a mill- , d I rId' b t b now an t len crle pelu ant y or ltiH 'file lalter sa' I ' n II .1 ' I •. S b G . nu trul I u -an enu y clln e so papa , Hhared he ,,:ilh • ·b.fId lor jewel,. II! ulm, C 08e ta. en. ODeh' l 1out ern .V "rwan)' . IS . un · I!Creatly • promoted MV it may almos ~ (Sucb all R(l1ll111 mot ben vlllul1d,) forward cabin. at one or many card queSl10na y I:RS expensIVe to !tve In I b J b 't h'I'1 dk tables. H", 1\as pale and agitated , for LllllD Nunbero Gi!rmany. but i~ costs I lid c rcfltll · . y wa c u care all nowPrayers, and bIO.. h',8 Oil hill life-pith, mor" to command Lbll et.mu "nieles in \ e ge. h'\d u I I bl ( he was 108i,,!: hB8vily_ Little by little, RUUAd t ~ e pure, parental Altar; nrl~u ..,rn Germany \\.80 In ElIg\and. An~ C I d ~ I\~ las t~ era ~ eat~:ell forlune had bel:koned him on and no." And In prim.e or early manhood. that she' was recedina he gambled reck. much more than i!l Amerioa. An may e mta e • '. not eaUll u , to • atr.goodlemper, Oained lila prize hla beart did covelIIIS8 Iy ; but tbe cool, clever gentlemao . Tbe old Ulan ~JIi""~~~~":~; Loved Iml luvely. d.. rk-ered MIr,arllt. wi~b ,be curling hair, liUing Oppoaile. "'ause. I A . Ilout K.. sml'1e. l" • It is my last ornament.' he "fl t ... relll',o I"a t Ie most en-d ~'''ft~n, IlIi~~ 1I~"'on 'heir IIntun, IbII tag Iee "It ~ u u ' k ' d 8 (b IIwept 0" '1'1 Ie IOSl'r Wl\S WI' Id ; at eac h ml8 ' fOrluue ed; • 1 ahuw you four queen s.' '11 ence,' I" • finds l'lself at ,I'e center of a I ' G" riend. predicted "luting comfort: .. . tli'usllog U {II.In a eauty, an. ··l d h' t k th' I I ' appearllnces 11' ltle w"lrlpool of gossl'p WI·I·CI. 1'1 cl·rc. tIe eXprel8l0n 0 ue counlenaDce fa I d U .lIforn, beheld· hip!. "'obly Iftriv!nr III a U II IS A 8 es. e wlOner U· 'And 11' shrieked the dark III a I.was Btronl:rly dwelL·upun. u u u .1 b dl to b 11 d d · ' LI b' tl h I 'I ' < > . ling "round I·t. nor can ' I t w"olly prev unt unuou Ie y more "'"1 11 01 0 S'mel WI 11m, lOng care elB' youth, tossing /1."IIY gold. table ..L he nll w lourist Wfl a par t'.eu Iar I " rtwllrd to tlla apl'III'OU u of OIlI er Improvt! d"uy CD I 'ul'e luaD '.e eonlro ' (IIlrness . e aDa f . To obtain by hone.t labor L t i d t d' I . . y paying 18 Iy ; an d I was no 18r a Jea In tIll chiliI'. ' I show _vou rour king'. oau'loned to be~"are on g(oil'l<J' tb'roullh ., oompluxl'on EvelY dllY we s~e ' {/loes :Ntlldful comfo~ LI, for hi_ houaelwld; •. . r th u t h e COUll.' · rin ~ i. ~ioe. You won ' H from .. D Ell"lisb people Wll0 Ilaue to· (I'er· ' ' ~ rormer ' 8 d ar.elllng laroe lhe tUllnel at Ne w York. lind ., aCluated , come I ~. d I' t t db .t;vellin, 'Io~no bl, f'tO"I"'UII 'turnlng 1 ., many by the same motl·"es. ul:: Y an '18 01 e y crossness. allger, I.' I . I d Il ulll 01160& 8el'lOU8 y. t wliB a Slime fill her whom you murdered. Hill!; being thorougbl,y IIdmonished, conclud · ' re venge. aod 'sensuality, whicb were '"}'u Ihe ·one bel ..ved center. ed to keep her pocket· book grnsped in Every articlo of liviD!: bere IS expen· oncll bright Bnd lovilly with Ihe innoo( poker, Rnd there were mflny I,artici. fell wbere yuu Btaod, and wherl! I Where ·bie Hargaret prelld"a. r hll(ttl during the perilous p"sslIge. 8ive; hou-se ·rent i8 high; meal. butter. cence and 6miles--or dlildhood. What . paut.; but these two div ided all at· have youu,' Time i\l 'PIlUlnl, cllet I shadowtoution. Five u~ds were deah to each. 'I'll"y "rappled lit once; '1'loe h,dy slarted ; 8urtJ enough, a gen. bread art! all dt'arer thall in Eo.:lllnd; blls changed them 80 grea~ly. if not , "\lur'I 'pllght-lnd coo6equrnlly tlemanly luuking peraon, 00 the aniVllI cluthing. books, ulmost everything IhM coarso Cuud And bad passions? and tbe l>layer8 wRgered upon the rei· flashed ill thll dark, close cabin, I._nguor, while, with youth', impllUencr, alive values, or their 8uits of sequen · pistols clichd and snappt:d. of. tl~e train. at l:ljl~inglillld.aoJio il e d per. is wanted cosLs tIY euly ·!ivo pilI' cenL. Every crOS8. jealous, proud. scornful S~ht he eoch remedi'al .gelll. ce8. H lh e troubled mnn heltl four bOal's o ffic~r8 lind tbe bystaoder_ dal miS SIOn 10 lill the unoccupied 811at bl!' more tbnn in allY PIU'L of Ol'eat BritAin feeling, like every blow of the chisel the fair Lrav"lIer. which. according 1 have to pay 8460 wt:ekly, tbe rt:nt upon warble, aonOB to cfuye a line uptens. tbe oth.tr WAS cutflin to bol~ foul' ed in, tOl'e ·thew ap"rl, and tbey w Tben a 10» 01 iEsculepiuI knaves; tWice he. held 811 ~he kll11::s; , Ilflvo beaten Ihe rODng man ,haL In Lhe rnles or travel, could Dot be reo of two lurllishbd rooms on Lhe besl on Ihll rtmturel, and eflch liwe Huch Bade him use ~a little brandy,' the other clilled four .aces: hand was railed agflin8t gray hain. Cuaud, The !!traoger'lJ InfillDerS wllrc atrelJl of Bonn. Of course, by iJlO fl!c1ings are indulged., the work of tha Dilly IISI1 it-bill ",i h caUliolf. .' 1 do uot own a dime III the wOl'ldy • Give Lbe boy (aih play I' oried genllemanly e88e, (pickpockets in halC y01lr . tb~ place would be wuch less. invisible carver is deepened. unlil tho 8"000 Ibe plrtner or bil bo.Om. d8 alwaYIL are,) llis costume wns but I mentiun the racl, that my readers face is made ugly "'y unkind and uobocried the pale gentlemnn. ilL Iflst, • will old negro 8teward, '1 kuo.". 'em \V i ~l~ ~ o,m"~ 'q~illk p.erc~pli?u .. in, stlrviceable and adapted for trav. may get a notion of some of tbe expen· Iy thoughts and passions, you plac\: two hundred dollars agllinal Deae eyea saw de fad t: r of de y .And--eotteerri,beheld lUiIri~r war's slretched at d(l oller's feet ling. He \Vail polite; hu offered tbe aes of living in this pRrt of the world . JlI the same Itay kind, pure thoughts. my watch ?' Frt'qucnt draughts of ~hil lime bev~rllll'. ~1'btl pe~son with thtJ llowidg hair 'om Ashore. Captllin. Give · ea'ch lady hi!> newaplllpei'-il WitS coldl)r.....d.e: T~: wily in ~hich iL way !Jeoome cheap gf'n(len~s9 of word and deed. Icavll bo"ed pohtely. them a knife and leI tbe boat £0 on clin~d; he volunteered III few remarks to lave here, IS to defy 0pullon anu lrike Ib oir impress. making bAd complexions .,.,lth sweet Ind gentle I.ngullgl', . .' I go the watch upon my l1a.n d!· 'l'ltey pl/lced them o. Ibe w/lich rectived \Jlllv monosyllable re~ small and close rooms in an undesira · nnd common rl'ntul'es almosL J'Ildianl W Rrned him 31 the force of ~obll, SC8. In fact, he mllde no progress ble qua~le"of the town. . Thie~~n~e5 IVilh th o bll f\Uty of goodutlss . cried tbe pale gentleman, BAngulnely lIylle-a marsh on one side, where ,slruve 10 win him buck wilh kindneee. deapera!". , my alligatoralny basking. Bnd on h!lll!vcr ill becowing flcquninted with one «!Illlr.,ly free, and the cost of )1\'111" l!:dncntion. botb intellectual and :norCu, the love at-Tom grew Ilrunger. , I raue you two hundred dollll.rB, othu the blo ,,',' urbill Milisi8sipp·. T 8 ~It, ig"b~\r., aud evide nll,y givin~ it up CRn bo mllGt! as realonable "I If ooe. al. increased bellul)'; , a counlenance ::)1 fUnler thin lhe pOlller 01 reosun., des pllir, occupied himself with his were 10 hire looms al the north end 01 b6Hmin~ witt. inlt:lligence, unitlld with Rnlweled Lhe coollM!r8on. gravely. 'You ("'I upon eacLt olher in the cllll\r Stronger tll1l'i the love·":hlch ' I!ouod him ~I\fe a hfl~d80mu ewerald ,upon your uf the aru,rooon ; lht:ir knivd gl Ullw~)Jflp~r and a chellp no,el. 'rhe Buston.. . n gel1llu winning Dlanller, will alway,. '1'0 hi, wiCe lind babe8-once elleriehecl Iil1gCI'-~.lll y-Qu 8lake IL for thlll ed an inlltant. lind then Lbe Bven lady hnd almosl: forgotten her tn",elling lJut ~h~rll 18 o?e C~IISS o( }!Jersons to be LhoughL lovely by ~e l;8ib'e people, :Above e~.rV olher nellsuti'. IlmounL , 8100d alone with the gray hail'lI a& CODlPlll1ivll, as 170'011 a1l lhe advice or lier whom It 18 an obJ~ct '0 come to Ger· iC it hn8 no otller clHUln Ilnd this b&l\u, T,lu! pAle mao threw il down with a f e e t , ' . nu. when Lhe recollection of both mlln>: and take good rooms and . live ex · ty wi:! endure tbrough lire. . AKoPlzing IQ behol~ hi! \ ' cuneo A boat, coming down the rifer, ..lImly Il1\Khed UpOl1 btll', a8 tbe train penslVtly, HO far III l'llol and luod aod Any onu DIlly prove the power oi Ouce I~ uprliht;lIrisk IInil active, • I 8how rour queens I' he eaill. in for the 1I0litary tourist, and the (ltel't:d the Cimmeriall darkness of the clotheslIl'e cu~~e r.lU:tl. as they would educutiou upon the features by no( i cin~ Reeling on hill homewlrd juurll"Y, 'The ri·ng aud wfltch are mine,' reo vessel9 begun to meAsure speed. Shll hurri~dly fumbled for her ~.o at bome. rho~e.are .art at~dt:nl.8. Lhe ignorant, vicious children WllO art! All bereft or aenle or reeling. plied the othcr calmly •• I show four Crt,WS bDoyed them 00 "iLh 1\ w I, bUI the findiog of a lady's Ihe. coat ~f .recelVJng IIIStJ'UCtIUO In sent to Q school of rerorm. "llero th ey Sllarcely knowing !iii own bomellelJd: and huzZR. Thoy I!ummoned e ket nmid the folds of III~r dreas is mUilo, ptlll\tlDg~ dra"III.I{. aDd nil are pJ'opelly fed and instruoted, Day kiog8 !' \'411, even Ihen. hill 8tale bewlilillir. Tht! pale mMi sp.-ang Crom hill chllir inch of Hleam 10 whirl their gleam II a mllLlt:r of difficullY, and nOw in brl\nchel o~ till! lillil arta. 18 60 m~clt by lillY, II ~ they receive nM' ideas of <':onscience•• lrickell for hll mldne'8; 1I(ith a howl. ,! clill God tn witnllss whel!I~, and ,the timbera in .. ilher impt:netr"lble dArkness lJOemeli I I~S8 Iban lD En"hmd Q~ ~be United ri~ht 811\1 w,rong and think new tbo'ts, Ravl .. ,. pray ini, yel pursuing thaI 1 hUll been IIwiodled I' he hissed. IremLled like ship ·wreck. There ly so. .Nt:rvously ahll fell in the ~talea. ~hat t.holle who wlsb Ihorough ~\Ieir eye!! bri~h\eo, \\\"ir cheekll aat:jti II hIs onward cuur'se 01 ruin, , lam lIisglllclld, ruintd I The money a booming crash, a gush or "Ipor wheul shlltiUppo~ed tho' ap' Instruotlon In f1~V rlpnRrlmfl~t . ,".11 • ..._ • . - .I·· r ·_ • • I ~ - An .1 .1 ..... ",\."\ .... ,, . .",hi~h L- . "'1'" !D"'. "'." I" ~t minc. 'l'It"t nr«!, 'IUU sUneliY jlle!cmg lIIe !ky R " WHti, till ilL I,,&t ...., "pl'nutc •... "'J " . L . .. v~ l ,~n to come cre.- pression of the fHce changos. Ruin both to .oul Ind bod,. mlln has nl.d., we R Ih·ief.a6d he weara the rivel-lhe biudmowt Hlllflmer burst I·eflcued. lind ber bnnd thrust in to Let uS.6ny that~ WI~h A fllml~y of Ihe. How noble are tbe Cacell of·most men All employment SOOIl foreakin'I', upun hi¥ Illlgtlr my poor wifo'tj wcd · inlO fra:,:mt:uls; lloe flvenger ~nd lhll grflsp an.1 holc! ber pouket·book safely loan !tve bel'~ 10 Ll.'!8. beautllul Boun known for their cullure end genius! Articl"l or hOllsebold comrurt ding ring l' III I1Ul)tht:r iUl! tl1o\ hll bfld avenged wllre equal.--~Vew York Cili . till Lhe LrAin .hould ngDill emerge into for $7UO ~ ytlnr, nils _hall allow 1\ so nolile. that in any crowd tbey would Plillt . he lor tI,. b\lghtin, ilon, ticlltl",rell Lill own brain8 upon ·tbt' by· dllylight, when, horror of honors, she ~ood (ul'Dl~l~tld houle. a lervant, cl~th. be nlHicOlI and remarked upon, lhou~h ~utll.'eu. for food .lIIl.clutll"", standen. zen. .._._ __ enCOUQlllled th.e gentlt:mllo's IIILlld in IlDg. and a hb\:rlll. ta~'e. }J.y f.nmlly. unknown. It is not tha' lh~y are. In Wife .nd children ,..,erll depl' .. d~l1t 'I'hCl survivC)r wiped his ooal-com pIa. ber poCktlll I I~~ us suppose. WIsh .lIlstruct.lO~ In mn· tbe cowmon acceptalion of tbeo ter.m. c:cllIJy and lit 8 rresh cigar. Tire tlt't'a· Errors About IDseots, Whelhor 10 scream (or assiltance, tn ' .,c;-lang~lIge8. drllwlOg, Plllllt'"!: and Ii/ll\'dsome men, ·but because e<iuoRllon Upon IrlonJl;" wllnm (jut! ill mercy mer wa. paulIiDg at lome stAlion. IImI. BeizlI the intruder. or in faot whllL to dO. ) mOI'~ 80lld brllncht'8. Illld inlelligenoe ltave wrought upon &iaed Ito-llglilen Ihe r afllietlon. I. lU • d ~,ra«lllllun ' . IImid the hallle and cOllfus;op~ he !llep ' Several very erroneous Itatements IIl1e Bcarcel, ~uew; lao.wever, IIctiog '£uilion in II~o higher ecboul~ does tbeir felllul'Cs till they are grand aa Ih.~ 'rhon anot : ped pleAsautly B6hore. The linll8 bad coocerning thtlse anno1Bllces ~re cou · UpOll 'l resolullon. she lIelzud tl\l\ hllnd . no' vary materlall, from thtlt In our ~cul)ltured f1&ces or heroes and deml Lrga I r ilthl' were viulnted., bt:~n ca8t adrift; the wbe~18 BpUU 8tllntly going Lhe I'ouplls oC the press, Rud lIeld on, dutermined to show the country Ilcndemies. F'or specil&1 in· god~. If every mOlh e~. lind tc!.Bch.e r ·J'u.eDlble, laebrillle al'oood agfliu ; the bOl\t moved oD,when n"q eveo,find BdmiLl~nce into booka.- "illaill detectlld. in tbe very act on emer •• truction in the fine nrte, Ihe coal of would hut tuke the requIsite care In tho 'ro Ob\~ill whllt 11'0W he ever 1\ .hrill, pi.llr<;irtg IIcrelim aro I! . rum the We proposli to CUrJ'(jC~ a lew of thll ging into tloo light. each le8son vul'ie s from twel ve cen Is to phy sicn.) and morlll culture of tbe youDg. LtJngrd lor, wilhou~ illlermilBion. 'llmJDg. H WIl8 tbe '. dal'k.ayeu chi ld , Dlortl iu)portlll,t, . 'l'lte trnin roilled slowl,r,-it Beemed hali a do\lu~ a 108son •. 1'1~e Illtler Bum ill ~wo gen~ralion8 the ~pp(laranQe of Fled he fr nl liii hno\e' foreyer; Ilud he had fuund .hill papa.. , ,Plums are Dot Bare from · the curculio 80 810wly on. that i~ appeared al if the lIecures servlcell nol \Dferlor to LI!ustl the raco might be !asUy Improved. Alld ill olher IlInll" II waking , Come Leah, my tilde mara'r,' a'l\id 'as 800n as the Glonl: is formed,' If the end or tba' terribl" tunnel would ncv· which would be ulul!d At half A gUlD ea Lt:t eVllry /-:uarOl8n or youth, the.n, '1'0 , senle of lIil condition, an old ot:gro I~ewllrd, lifting tbe boy first part of thc SeStiOll is.. favoraLl1l to er be rC8cht:d·-ilho clutchetl Lhll in · iu London. or two dollar. io Boeton. impress upon the you~g how they. diSfllolt Rlld wiping iii. eyes, 'Doc8 yc the 'curcutiu's uperationa, the tint set of lruding band witb a firmer grasp, and w hieh co~ld noL bo comwanded figure tbelr ffl~t!B by III te.mper, IdleWorn elld weary, without money, 6~O a gt:D·I .. D1KIl yonder on de qUIl~-n eggs will be laid by Llle time the plums which mnde no special elforL to relieve oUl of Boslon fn New England. neu, and dece.t, alld b~~ut.ry t~lem by II ome 1ft fr Id., he .tulhl o(illrai g " mOil' rt<l'pec'ble geu'leman agwY': in de III''' balf grown, Alld ellrlv rruit will t:8itdlM. probably kouwing how useless Tbis will show one at a glllnce for kin~nca". tr~lb, ~od dlhgen£e I~l c U.lI Ii Work ~nll food.1I1lU found .hem Irllely. hack? DilL mau hilS goL your pR'S !>'Col· cape wi~h bill lillie rurlh~r injury. Bul ,would be the stru~g.le, <'r elsu. al bo~h those wbo wiah 10 give thllir fawilies a ""tl~n of tl.lI:lf mlnda. - Pkrt1lo oglfa F .. llowed Ihe lalit', set-min, lost uue, den jewll:a,' . a liecon.d set of egg!> will be ready ror ~verll. ungloved, lee ling cOlltent. to re.st l fine and thorough culture. th~I'e 18 no JOI.'7nal. • ... V iaiolla or a prey iu, ~lothtr, The boy m . arked fiercely through hiS Ihe later plums, ftnd the first layillg is I.n tbe lort warm Clas.p that enCIrcled It. \ place. not even llaly. wller~ IL oan be . CJI~RAcTBR . -Whl\t · all men agree .10 , 8,1 '1 pu d ~ w';thin be,,~ .. •• porlala;. leAra 'be shapely ij.mba and thtl loog oClen 80 protracled a8 to leave no Ap' !*-t leng~I~, hown.er. Ihl! train em6rged dOlle 10 such advsnLII~e .(lS III sucla pia· honor ip justice, trulh'Bp~lIkinB" ~ood An" lond erllotl" of chilt!ltuod, \ bril!lht ringltllS and on Ihe stronger'lI prtciabl\l illLtorval be,wello it and . the IIlto tlayltghl, ·wblch. found bo~b lI\dv Ct:l as Dusseldorf•. Lelp81~. Bonn. and will, nnd I'ood action. It i, Ihe sCIence Drolherl, aiB.ere. wife IIlId children, while hand the glille .. of tho defld jSllcunu. . anti ~ o utleman IIUJ:IOUllly lookwg. to- those httle beautiful Cilies scatterod or subs lanoe, not of IIhow _ 'be what, With deep .gony cume 0 ef1Thn. wan's gem, A gut h of grief drcil~ned 1 'fhe appl,,·borer canpot bl extermi· urd ea~h otbu, llie l~dy'8 face w~ar- over Norlhern and -Sou~hern Germany. "nd not the lIb1D-tlll\t which all men uut thl' sr;ene, IIDd 'the stllamer Jllfted nated hy Rny kind .of .lIttack th.rough n fl'l~hlentd, ,8nJ:lou~ expr1l8sloD, Among (III these pJ.\Cel, po(bap8 none profCBS 10 regard, and by tbelr real reTurned hie 10111 in prlyt'r :0 Heaven·III'VlIY, the round holea willch >It wakel III Ih" tbll gllntlemau 8 a. curlo\l8-and puz- 6tands stlcond to BonD. .pect Cor wbiiJh they reoommend tI~elDJ,nl p~ liul eLlft lot~ thll~ hev~r. ' Twenty yean followed and each year hal k. TIIIl.' holes nte madl! by thH .llld ont, .a s he gu~d ar.to Ihe .tlUlled Ita resident Englillh population, '!l0s~· 1(IIV6S to BRcb otb"r. Mon .may well 6rl1l re olye then look pUBlleulon witnlll.oJ upoh Ihll Weslllfn waler& itll mature beetle in escllping ff(~m the tree ~1e. ~( ~ .. COIDpRol~n. , , 1 , bere on the gro~nd. above. gInn, come togllther 10 con6rm their conn01 h ia mind, 10 'IOU ell nol, laste not' bOHt of u!,lPI!S C "lid bla~~legR, BUL ,,(Ier th. grab hnl finisbed hlH work. • ~Ir I the be.:an mdlgnaotl}".ught. form Iwo cooglegatlons on tbe Sl\~batb. denco in eaoh otller. Tbe moral cause "fhl\ which hid 10 long o'erm,slcred 'fhe cilie rpillars cannot be overcome englog ber gt·up, whtn chanCing to an Epilloopa\\aQ lind a Prelbyterlan.- oC Lhe world Iiel behilld ~II el8e in Lbe (8mong t11e laller olall8 there Will one S .. n8e Ind re1601l. mind Ind body. singularlf ~ccen\ric and 8ucc~uful. Hil by de8(r9yin,Y their web. whilu 111l:Y casl her eye. down, sbe foulfd, oh. ter · Tbe Rhine lOenery begins at Bonn: mind. It is lor God-it is to GodlIullQhur "rbf~tr, eM )'e ere .nlwereu. nevt:r . lost. There wer" no imp08S' \ n"e foragiorr.oabroad. Neither .r&othey ribls oircumetanoe, her hand in out· tbe place iLalllf is a paradisej the Uni- that 1111 workl. It is Cor ilis ~eJl~6t P4Il8ing yeorll atill ~lId 1.rl" 'Iit\.lul ibilltie8 in tbe. gawes whicb .hll plll.yell' l a~w"ys 10 b°l! fouod I\t home unlil nillll 4~iJe .'Pock~t ~')j hi. cD?t. ~e.perately verslly call. some of the finut culture that tho universe subsists. He IS 1m· To ;he rOWI then Dllde III ananieh. He Willi 1\ 1It:I;I'o'P"oc;p:r WI,lo cl\rqll i \olclock ill \he, forenoon. The~r hilbiLs grll.splllg Ilia haud, which I' Ill1d eo' in Germany here. Cologne. a gl'4lat fIloral who is flcting to any priv!'te end. o his IIHlPe once Joul Il1d tornifhecl" ' . . , metropolis of I~O,OOO inhabilllnls, i~ He is moral whosB Aim or mOllve maT with somtl it W8S chance-l\\l ma.c.le all va,y with ,the weal her. and ale guidlld coul\tered, cbance a cerl.llillty He plundered _~be by a c:tJ to ins\inot. ' . Tbll lady "al covered Jt'lIh o~nfosion buc lifteen willi' ""'IIY, ."d at Cologne become It uiJivereal 'rule, Jfejl dla1le 'b or()\J 'elhJonj , . ' Honey beeB are not injuriollB to fruit. at thill unlook~d.f!lr turn o{,.fraln. a~d railroadl divt!rj(c '0 livery part of Eu· The I'ight direction or the will is llriahtl1ninl: I I bi. head growl whiter. . ,pObr Ali d nf. facti, ,el eu"tllai, 'puraes thellenLleml\P. wbo Wat a ml,n of diS' rope. So tha\' if ~"is letter Ihould full morals. 'fhere iii somewhat ' llollatitu~ baok agl\in witb 800rl~}n hi, dark ey~s. Even , WIl~PI and bornell prefer IIlId btl Will iDvarlably 8earcbing for a wuich has btgull to. decay, and rarilly . in8tioll. saw taat the eneountllr inlo the hands of any ODe wbo wan\1\ tional, to man to do-somewh'at that he Doctou wl.e, be very careful 'lIeft~l .. manly Lot'll'i"t ~ith l. flo'''"lg hnir. Ilttnok 8 sound spo&. ftS accidenlnl. ~Dd 111M Ill\c.h had p~ob· to glv~ ~ family. the belL cO?lbin~tioll dOlll! with joy; with the consen' ~f ~11 How you urlle tloe use ul brancl.ll. upon whose Lmck 116 lellmed to Le forN!'lthtr potato rot, pur Llight or Iy ~I:cel\'ed )Jlck· pocket.• mpr\lulOns of relljtlous. somal and esthllllc advfln· mOil and tbiogs. N sture ~fICk~ hllt,l lit' FllhfTl. brolhf'" r)')OlAl' ~tm 'It . ever. yeL whom he never (ound. .Al hlRck knot are c8u~ed by Rny ineect iL. hlluual explAnlUlonl atlenglh tagu. I know .of no p!ace 10 be pUL boo doing. 'fIle HilA calls to him ~lIb L1des· 'l'b endl~at tf,~ vi I: ~ ,,'., . ti~el be woulu ~I:ap from the J gJtm~ng whnte~er. As lo pI URIS and cherrie.. • lind c,,~d8 wer41 ucbanged. rore ~Ol"l. ~or a s~Ill:{le gentl\lmlln, nnd waves. the air Dlakp.s IJI~ ~ord~ LIIblc,' a.,. ;, 8Ica\:ner. ptl8IIelJ, ' ~~chrlm,"g injury from' allY (lILU,1t! gi v~a nl,l ocollsion quly .reulalnl jo~ U.I to add Ib~ 8tudyHlg mU~.lc or PI\.lDt~I1~. 1 should musiclli. 1111 crefttures welll .1111n as a Ihllt he Raw the object oC 1111 &emch. lor rot. All thestl tlis(:fI~(js, except pel'" ~CQ:JIa\DlfJillce tll"l1 commenc;ed ,was say thht Bellm, vr UeIP8Ig. or J~>reBdcn, benefactor_ 'Men.{aJl flam him wlaen Iwd ofl'er ihe CApl.tllU hill (ortune to reo blj l,bt ore fullv Hscerlll.ined 10 be. or tillued, aod that thl! lady end , g~~ would bll beller; but rur a rftmlly, lew be wilhholds to do lbill. I~ ,JIlorail. turll and o\'ertake him .. He rem~rked be ~clI~sed by. fun·gi. Th'a 161\£ blight .' ",ho In-e both- wf'~1 k~own III place, can Lit prefer.r td to Bono. we Uell thQunivers~1 forccs 10 8ngm~lIl h~'DP~ rafta and lHndl!}g8,~d III reo . or the pear. Ilud Ihat which ~r~~k8 the CIL),. ?,er6 rt:cently LlOlted In mar~ our own.. L,r C!1008IPg.'0 do lIlat which c ., v.ill." ••• alld amo na LIwI tlaDJlI ' v'lsgnl'Ind 'I~ Ih " rungi . bill fiB to tbe Wil ~Iould .d we call the R. H. H. .... • • " • < ." c , . I nt.lt, hovrenr, I d' • D OGGREL • FOR TilE Da c D ....vg .- is consltlull011'll1. which . t th and of ~aO>lla of busJ: cllle~. Yet. With terrible fire blight, we Lavo DO certaio· 0l.rn,~g'8b ~ y~~{Ig "Itli. as ,a Po' nil lobsLer II al'lJ ~bllt dog, luuoh l"igh~. We drlllV on Immense .' reDjl W. ATlIDilVILLE, 1866. P Illp,'.ghwpaes, tpe ligure passe d away ty us yet. . ' general Ihmg, ~o mltilake geotie,Q1en s nOLua ~ill ,Ie hair , 110 worries many a anllllupporL. Uolooked:ror aid comes Whell you see B bird dive at a cher· pockets (pr tbetr 9 wn , as tI.1I aeque! '110 in h~ mu'.!d 'Inir. Oh, ,,.hlln h~ to LIS. What we cRll Ollracles appear. and tblt y"ar8 dragged by, 1I1ld lhe g f .Y ,. And Iso plump 'hl' -Emerson. pubJia toougb' the young mlln crAzy- r)' lIud then you see a bnlt in Ihe chl'r ' trIlly not fllwaYI 'Uto. out 10 bll a8 plella "j f d • .,. t . the abo,," insLance -Com "1\8 a pup, so rll kJ ' .,.. • _ __ ..... . ...._ __ . ~bough DoL upon lhe 8Uu ec' 0 car 8.. ry" ate you quile lIure that Ihe bird Rn as. 10 ,. ".,. ,.. '. . . I" ed Lbe milk from oul lit cup, when • • • . .. . They met one day-Ihll pursuer an~. m'lIdtl lhe: hole! AlRny kinds of Lug R B u i l t / l n . . . I PP _ t /I jump, And Lht'Ij Ilis fUll' LIOHT ,Hm GROWTH.-LIght 18 Jllst p"rsu ~lafter ..~ thOle tW!l,Dty "eRn. Rnd BiOI make lIocb hole., and i\ bird, '" l' k bl ' c' tbat lunl~i:kl Ilea lunny ill their place I so 1\1 eHsentiHlto a child RS t~ f\ (llant . ,. up o'n llie .Mias I' 0 rel,Dl\r a e la. n .of ycanioe , I . 1 :' \&1 I Ia~ler 18 . kep L'an tl Ie dark , " a f' air a"r"~ ... rnoon . : who picks tbem 0111 .I' (omg goo d 81;:r- I' It:?' . ' · ·ct II veIl i'O ra idl ' that iL lull liells,upoa your I.lln d '.'"IU hen lie .It ~a~ III8Ippl, and upo'n 'the !I~elll"er KISlllco 'ylce:-Journ(ll of Commetu. e t!~t~bcl 'f tr~ h 'un~ o!dt:r with. rllce I You will liUrely 1t:L him hV1l1 It lIoon loses Its 6.bapo" Hilvor and colur quillfl'. Tb~y IBt in lbe forWArd cab· .'.' WilY.. o. ~ellt.L ~roui ' ~ ~ I i& i. Oh ~o not kill him-dead hll WAge hi, -becomes etiolated 01' blalloued, slenin .L o"ife of " he many tables, and Lbe ' .. IllnHliI~ II. &u .on; 11' len lace Dar~ati,e and prllv8 for lif:-n<ot d"atb. ' der, al1l1 weak. Depl'ivatiou oC light . ' Ooor at. the ~eet ::>r Ibe p,;,rsu,er was THREE KINDs.-There lire Ihree riltarded that ao eIp 0810n IIkell P . 0, rreL tl:e muzzle DOW. lind put. upou 11Ile ~ ,hilil"r effect on 'he humAn frame, ~I ,,~. i~ il . i-,II"Y ~; Io.d~~ t/)«h.e Ila~k wl~h ancIent blo~d·SLftl~lI. . . kinds oC men io Ihe worM: Lite 'Vilis. . - - - . - - - .- ~il ~outb. and stop that bO\f, wow, lAnd IS . H,merally.. mo~e marked .~c, ,'....ild tin W q libel: nd II 'I ~eff f,o?r par~on. be sal~. q\\lelly lhe WonL's, and. llle C"llt" ; Th ·for· \4' " Everv man ill not 50 much 1\ wow I anll tendency ' to drou,l): He mol'''' ~IHII.~cr~u. In cb.t1dhood ~b8Q 111 may be remarked lbaL Lhe low, 10ft· bendmg IllS dark eytll upon lUI op~o· Rler I!JIe::CL evt:rYlhing. '.l'he oLherl op' *(jrkmaD io ·the world III a suggelltion is our cbildren'l ' pet, c0!'lPamoo of maLurllY, L1o:ht IlvldenUy lild, } be tone II of gent! nd .miable blliogl. oent ,: • l"'iIl, you excbaqge ' plac~,s .wlth pose evt·rylhing. '1 Will • bu.i ld. ou~ r ~haL ill' t? be.. MCll walk lUi prllph· tbe;r joy.: yon will 110£ 11m 111m yet. and different pnrls of I.he bo~y, and r occal!.' whatever their mUllical endo"ments 'me T , ''' .. ' , .. • ~",ilrol~8 lind 1S11I~mbo~III;' ',.1 Won'L.. licit! 01 tbe nexl ~~~. tbus tbelr hopei dl!l~royl No spare thaI bnal e~posure or 1111 wl10le. IUI"AC~ b may b\I,)eldb J"'I 19 .~ile besides Tilt!., fiowlIHt. ha,r or tbe otber. "RS 180b,IIPale. don L ~ehe ~tl 1?1 ~!:,~I lIJr Ther., 1& no luch word A8 aint. pup, tuuch bot' R li!lile hair; (oil. PUI Lhe action ?' Ihe .olat ray II v,'~1 r.· which, tlIe singing of ladiel Indicates ve~y gray, ~ut he Wl\8 calm a8 Winter, (nents lind nO~8cnlle , w~'le. au" end. ill. perversion which no correct lalk . your big club up. ,and ·go away ftOID vorllb\4!"" Its regular · cOll.fqlm.t'~Il~lhe cultinlion 'of their talte g!!nertllly. ,od ooly for" mOOlent he ·f ,.)tel'lld. ," ' g~'owlI we.cds III Ihe "b .Rt,,, or 8hould torcratt;). ' Lherl!. l J acqllc, ~II' I 10 aDd the cmbellishQlIID~ Qf their mind. 'If YOIl inijilit , ' btl (llIswerotl l,leaa.' lila day s til tJOHrly. . . ioiooo. ",~,:j'1I ;· ~·lr·-- •• __ , I , _' .. --. . ..~. " . ~:. . ~ '. ~~~-.,.,..... . " ·i....~ • •~(~·lt. . b / ., !" ,4/i.1Ii:."JIII ~ .:L;'.' " " • ,, ' .! , ." 'i " ' . ' , .' , /'tf!'t,fijK~lftft'~ . ::iJ. ~ ..;'.. "-'.~~:; . ~~: .,.,.... i. .~ .'., . ...... ~ .... ..,;;,.., h .. .... >tl.,.,.".. .... .. ...........morUlPg. 'hMI ,h ..
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___ ~~ J~.D.--;W &T: II< J . D. COLI.&TI'. g~~TOIl~ . _. ~' '-' _ ~." -. . • :l. 1U es v i ll ,l" OhlO :
a. _ ,
"'--.-re: OI Dr Dor-e" .-. I" HOD. (}. ,-olo n Dllr~ev, Trellsurtr · ·M ·I I ic /I' flCI Will con ll oue tv e rllHU ur or Sl at .. , Will IItreble d on vnuay, 1 It I tllI:i r fine I"elio&t, uli"fleclt'd ~i Ol phci ty , illst., by uirect,loll o( Ihe uo ve rn or. on . I f I I f 8t II ew Illld palriotic .. nu r t ligio us senti ments . .R C lurge 0 'reliC I 0 lru all _ _' _, _ : b~ zzl~Ole n l , QII5ed ou a re po rt an ' d " E . . C .I appoi ntedof by 'A Sound Mind tn a Sound Bo y. , xHm lO lIlg omnliL t:~ I I' __ I (;o v ~r n o ~ Broug h. w.h lc I IIceuae.- . 11m Mu ch hili beeo ", rillen' on. lb e neceaIoc 'IolaLmg Ibe IRWIO admlnlalra. '., fl ' ffi 'fI the Committee la C
.It Z I~ T !f E ·
s. .. nun_
A. S. Inallln,
Ie '- D 'VOOLEY Merritt It. Printz, We le8rn th Rt c(johlllt'FR ble excitemenl" ureali'u rbao" 011 one II I or Ihe f1 n oC tl e "at haod a ftS@or men tillY 0 list "'ollfe ,,' 1 1:r~,~ns~~~lelJ co or I.lllt' very bed l ll,cltomeut a t. Urb&nL -
I: .
A'I' COR''''''',
mCluJDg , 0 r DRUG~, MEDICINES ~ u"incs8 m ll n of tl l/il pll\ct:, Ly lh ll Die · b r ( , / ,rie L A. u orlley. to appen r (j ore a omCHEMICALS: m id8iOl~ e r a t CincinnaLi 10 Rnswu Ihe OL 'SS. W ARE, ~hll r e' of n ~ rlec Li ng 10 atam p lhi'ir ., LE AD, E x ' 1'g...:58. an,g. f I"elg I' CTIONE'f>I ES, h recil I'II lII . 'J' le I / BES1' CONFE • t. . OIL, ~i ly of lhe physic~1 .educa~lon o( Cllll - ~~:l ~be ISt: te cd~d notliose .IIY mooe~ ,pelailtJV is 8200 ror ~acb oUimle. We I VARNISHES. dreo, ye l lhe plllillotbropist ahlldders I h D· D . . n Lhe contrary should 1I0t wonder If the re are oLllI:r Y AN KEE NOTIO NS , == • I b 'd U L ·I ·r II r ·h .. . f ' I lroug r. orsey. 0 when IhlOkang of Ibe fulure 0 many , it appeara, tl'Rt by bit IDADRgt:menl. P lIees eS I .,8 .r.I\08, \l It C l Oll!; CI GARS AND TO ll A CC O. pflI;nts. cell t a Lri g lit child who is th e pride oC PA - money was rt:ally made for Ihe State. oeg~ecl, of "ppIYI~lg ~ tw o I I S laml ~ ' ·1 AU.IA , D f . I t'lon of luw bU' lIltlSS mt:1I lire a,'llI g I lem'c VI!S I' AI com"lete hne o( j Btl " rcnta Ilnd teaoll ers. 0 we nol 0 ~o I U liS aClIon WIlS " VIO It m bl I (6 Q OO 'fl I s(> a ,, · &C'. ,. _ . Ie C" , Cl !f11 9 1PAINrr VARNISH, '1.' I kl' nd in ' An<! Ill ue rore he ie II menablll 10 th" II , II 10 a peOll ty 0 see Il c 1\I u W10'1! spar ' Illg eye a • I U I'Ll . r. UOlli tltnCeS Lhll 'care ru I bus int<ss mlln ml\y someltmllS mn.I1'Mm ~ " ll:U IW L!!( ll;j) .. . fa" . nf er Ie Clr , . . I I I W'VIV l ~ lelfectual upresslon give promise 0 a , Go" ernol ,'Illul no ,I !.em lt lin: bu~ for((;:L ; bat It Ie on y t' ll gro88 ~ cllr", · :B Ii itT ~ 1HI IE brilliRut mind Illat shall make itl mark lob ey th e I~w "nc! he Ncc ordill).dy oruer .. leoN , 0,1' the di~ bnneat who hllb\ll~lIliy ' 1111 or \~hich will be 10111 at lhe very low upon the ' pAge o( life. lind not only 1ert Ihe arresL' o( Dr. ))orsey am! J l7poa. lIeg~l'(:I 10 s tam~ th~ ir r~cci pLS. ellt ral ed. A I. Id .le 'I b~,,'.._,r"'or '·avJ·nl. led him rrom' offiCI! . '1 hi! lil lY r~ q I,' u lTes tt two . , cen,l stnm , ., p Grel'nbacks & couutry 1.'1'0duc~ IellYe LuO ",or u '" . I' ' 1 R \ I SASH AND PUTTY . slar of the I "'h ile W I! do not beJie"e lh nt Dr., on rec:e lpts ,0 .... J( prl' ss II nu " II Ollu _ lived In II, bullIl R sett lDg . . Do rsey in ~e nded 10 do Ihe Sllll e . ()o Dlpl\\li ea • on dd ive l y or allY p rop ' Will be IIcc ll pted ill f'K chan go rur Good s, 'I (Eleo • OcIobe\' 10, Is06. ) 6r sl mag niludl! It'llves a trAil of h~ht l ~HOJl g, we cAnnol but cOlDmeOli tb erly,' wiLli oUI referenue 10 iui ,·.. lu~ . A TRlJ SSES, tio Corw in, Au::. 3U. SUPPORTERS, , ' . , bebi nd it, so bhall the ray a emAnallng I pro mplness of Lh e Governor in. vindi ml'ne ), r~'ceipl for 1,,"8 l"n~ 520, d o~ s FnR..oOH:R~on, frOID eueh a mind linger Rfter the phy!. 1ealing LII. IIIVH-whicb art! V1\10 If Lhll o.ot n 'qulI'" II stRmp.-CIIllIO/l R epub - - , PH i l'I G F • E L D SHO U LD,EP.·DRACES: if JACOB DOLSO N COX, of Trumbull. i01l1 form h' fad ed from siiht. Ytt l ,u e 'l'he. Union peop" l C'un. - 1'01\ LIEl:T " (lOVERNuR, d b fl n dl'e ere reaeb. deanRnd the vigorous dt&chlll'ge o( d • 'J'he West ludles. \ ALL TilE porULAIl· I' AN DREW G. Mr;BURNEY. Warren . • oes .ot sur . an ttr.. • 0 e. • d L Iy byo ffi cera e Iected ,bY t Ilem. 'I'b ". - TilE lH:sT DRIl.L I X \18&. 'lOg ma'~rlt1. 01:. If ... r'I~ID~1 oell no insi.Lon integrity .jn . otft~e! IUld .. 1 Aclvir QR (rom JllffillicR, WesL IlldiclI, The \lI,d ... reigne.l ho~ bel'ome Agent in l Fon TRlIASU R£Il 0 );' STATIC. . he or she become all ordInary milD or wiII dl!lDAllCf Ihat ,nOlle. blgh or It) Lo 171h. re port Lhl\L the long PI O Ihl 8 vicini ty lur lho ut!Jve W helll.Drill. , 11 Sl])NEY S. WARNElt, Of Lorlun, womlln? And Wi're we to look from I sh." II ende the consequence of Ihtll" 'Irll~tctl df(1U~h~ ".llicb lHJJ caused which h e is pr epared to IUTI ,i. h u ll ftl e ! FOR 8UI'II EI.. J UDOR. . t'iJeeL 10 CAuse. flhould we IIOt find tbaL mlsdp.edl .-Dayton JUIlTflUl. wiJe·sprl' RU dl lllress In Iht! lel aod. W,IS beet lerln s . T I JACOn BRINKERHOOF, or Rich. the pl1Ybical educlltion had noL been \ ' .~--OVllr" Hud fllvorllolll 6bowera bllu fl\lI. 1 SA'l'lSF'\CT]ON I NSURED. land-( Long Term.) . 11 ltd' .An UDprecec1ente4 aellllDatioD.. tn. . ppr~llns wi shinll to ~x " mltll', CII " ·Jo RO1 fi)) Ie !ill Ie In Il\fII rc r~ v JOHN WELSH, O( Athens, (To 611 \much, ~( oot "ho y neg ee e • _ ., ( ;Ien. Merriel'e, refu gee from Hayti , bv (:Illli ,,~ on Ill e "i! PIII , nr nr W n,I' IlP P' II So \Ill If' U N.I l£, \Ill 11 Vacancy_) A&lIS, do we not ml!t:t peJ80nS .. r- \ TREA SURY Dli:URTMEN'I, I reJtidiing ilL Kings lon. Jllmaica. 11IIYIng I'ilte. WILLI i\ M Il A l<.LE \' . 'OR ATTORNItT OIlNERAL. I rounded by all LlIe bles8ing' of lif., but 1COLUMB US, 01110, 15, 186b \ bl'en threalened wllh upulsion (roUl I Aug. 30. HAl R·O' L S, WiLLlAM H, WEST. Of 'I~MI. wb08e delicate, nervollS orgllDizaliona To bis EXClll,ncy.~CiJarle• .AnderaotJ Ihe l~ll\nd for alleged complicily in th" - and lacl£ of mutculall Btrenglh pre"ent Govtrnorq/ O/lio. llayllt' o filbelllon, .had wmtc n Lo II, e . k E \I (;ovt!rnOf of JHIIIIUC8, d\lllJlng Lhl\l ht! FOR ICIIOOL COMMI81l0NICR, lhe e ll jo)'m':IlL of them? A.d do we EIR.- I tI S oown to your lee el)' • II . d ' t Ill"TAIJ l)E ,~LEJtS IN . 'r d . d f d ey lhllt serioos doublS Are enl eTlain4! wall Ii. a .olln . up III IIny rtoen .' JOHN A. NORRIS, Of Harrison. V riot sometlDles see a &1 Ie '.miD I Qrce b Y Iegll I counee I lUI to tIe I con stltutloO ., 8clllemtl agatns\ IllS uvulltry. b DR' I. GOOD JIJ , . I , ' b I' r I FOR BOAlIll OP PUDLIC WORKS, to remain inacllve. Ibu810ltng.lle p e.a- allly of 80 much of the Rct or tht! OeD' 1I11. re do\,s not appeAr to ~vt: een , .. ;\ well-selecled ftstortment 0 t If BE~T JAMES MOORE, O( CoshoctoD. sure derived from tbe exerCIse or It~ erAl Auembly, Ilnlitled, ' An tlCl to fu any .,rutb 1\1 Lhe report rec~ lvetl by. • QUEENSW AUE, "1 ., ~ FOR CLKRK 0' SUPREII/;: COVKT, nobletl powers. because ttf bodily ail. \ lher p'ovic.\·e for Lhe lietler rrgllln'i ' kthllt lin IIA1IDWA IlE .FOOS of C1iDton County I ' ." b ,, #Jl WII18 Iluout 10 urea Ollt 1D • III We8 1: 11I 1 ' RODNEY ,, . mente r And how mueh of this i8 ow · , of tIe rE'celpt. ul8 ursement. aDu sa.. ,' f J .. 1 keeping of Ihe public revenue' pllnt p.orlloll 0 Ilmltlca. FOR SUTE SBNATOR, ing 10 111e thoughlleslne .. of parenLs, A pn' 1 II>.. , 1658 ,a8 enac t 8 II' in Hayli is still GROCERIES" C 00 - 00 lAl. upo ' The reb.lilion I u . f> " , ' IN. C. ME/FARLAND. Lbe earele8lneu of ouraes. aDd r.egl.:ct Lbo arresL of Ihe Stille TreA!lll(er dutld. A eller hOlD [Olt ~u IIIl~O ot _ _ __ _ _ - - - - _ oC teacbers. question of lIerinua im- provided by tbat act, the office shllli b~ thei :/ 9th of Angusl, publtsh~:1 I.~ a I' & c., lI! t;OUFF'Y'S & WlLSON'S SERljS. Ys _,,.,-York Correspondence. porL. . lo.e vacant-il f)erng serious ly que.JG"m~le~, pl'per'l "'d til"' . r"',81 It:llrl l 1 "fll "~7~1~'{rrrrrr, 17 .llt rfI\') I L'. . ' d b LI 1 G I A bl ... J1nHu, at It reI' \' ml"nllODi'u, e' ~ l.ll:li.Cl~ :I ;'\..\:LUlli 9 IW _ I I&C., Woc.. &0• WoulJitnelbebeUerweretheltllle Llone we leTlle ':Iler" 8sem P p ,' I" 'H. I r h .at l ' Haw.YoRK, S,.,t. 15. 1866. . elln OU1I1 flO officer Whose office Is cr orl AU Iince on t Ie :",,1 I, or I t' lit: . . • • I U G -r S "1 oneil lefL free from . .Mill t'1cltemllnt , 1 b II C " , I' II of Wllr tllklllg wllh hIm sixte en hUll Invite nllrnllon 10 lhplr SlUr.!: of , . , . R.t'( Y III on& ... u lOn, upon An R • '" , d \ Ens. mIAMI 4ZKTTII::- umlDer IILII .. . I unLl1 IblM elghlh yeRr. aud dllrlng tbaL galion of lIIiaconducl, "ithoul IIny j .. drIed mt'n: I he 1I.lsurgen Is ha be~n n1\ M'lJ 0 T t.(1l 10 iO. fi £' IlngeTt wllb U8 • • nd ,'1'188 coo lime let it!te Ibe chief ('Rre 10 attend dicial finding Ihat Ihe IIlIegation ii lrllll, In I'll ,him tlUVllocee and U U U I D, YE1Clans reSCflp ODa breezes Ibat USUAlly VI81l UI In eArly Lo tUlli» h sicRi edUCAtion. letLin' the "ithout giving him Rny day in co~ re,cAplure r~om tht'm .of the town 01 \ 0 OS . O • utumD; bat Llle dweltera of NeW'-York IY b b d I .1 g d 10 conlest it or Rny 011 CIiVIl lIAYlll:ll WIlS dally expi'cl ed . 0 RES S G , , Cnl"{1tully and Promptly F.lJccl. . . . . . body anu 1m s to e eve opeu, an .' O . l' , r or' I t lal F '81 MI'(· I · • \\ llti UW el I and YICIOIL}, "DO bne been wandering . . , mode by ",llIch he mlly bll hurd III bl ur. . ,I \ I I (I . _-" b 1 I .tl'engtt. IIcqulred by exerCise In Ihll def nae and - 'ItllOUt aDY J'Ud 'lcl'al Rei hl1d alrclldy heen cAl'lured oy 1. over I1IeI lDouDtalnll .... t rong I p elli' . . d . C ~ ' I . I 60 ' S d' h I I open 1I1r. thlll laYlllg the \:&\111 RtlOD of lelloe of ousler I)lIllinst him. H th llll.llOnlt troops • .Wtt I prlAVnels. "v· 1 n ([) ',w ,<, I ant nleys. or .,pen mg l e lel\~e( a physicalstructllre lhlll caD withsland douLt. btl we ll founded, 1\0<1 lhe I'rif' eral of Lh~ H~yllon pAp"rs d~Il')U1~Ce th e 11 ® jl u b:;<) \I , '''af"e~vllle, Ohio. term aL Ibe walerlDg. p~ace ••. are comlDg the toil o( litud ,and Ibe diseases 10 vision in queslion be uncollstilution " eJ'l'e~8 C?IOUIILtl1u .by Ib" revolullollllr)' \ 1I' 0 S T - 0 F F' 1 C E COR N E R. bome. aDd Broadwoy Ii !lgalD tbronged . . y . ,as I thillk it is il that 111m I III blcRkll1g open st0rt'S HIllI . tbe beauty and cillvairy . youlh are h. e . 'uf 8tll10, lind callnol, ,hA l 10 P"Y lh {J ·lr 60 · I ,nIh of tbe whlcb clllldbood Rnd . tli ei 'l'rr ~II' U"H 1(11Lbi ng me'r ellS ()\ J J "lie 23- 1 -t t . " - '- - - .- .- great Melropom.. H pusoos httvtog the care o~ clul · lon g as 1 con linu .: to be ~ucl~, l~g"l dl~lI. __ _ ____ A nd a · General Assortment A Be t b . tb t' r b' dron woulJ relleCI lbt\l the dellcRtely Ileliver Ihe funlls lind d kc ts of I PER BON A L L d' d , , a t emf b. e 0' ;I.nr bodies committed 10 their office to IIlIotl ,er. a I tog <lU e a 118 lona, Ie ,no &8 es 0 • _ .. , ~~ ve.. ...l1 ...... ... . 1.: :.....,,".1 .... Rllt it h.,'na ,J "'''''' J\tHor n • R t .. _ _ • ~- I"J. _ .......... ~ ...... '1' .... .1'. ""' .1... . . . .1"'''!I\') . ,.. od UUGI . . . e 1m ..... 1' Ill"" , Ub'HI' MLJ',el~' germ. of Doble Blinds, find -lil~t ~ho~e.. ht the ,,/lice ns Vllcant, to nppoinL 1\ Stfltt II' r, WRY mnrripd Ilt CI~vpIAnll, on CHI D N' 3 _3 HOE :3 , all IDAny nove l L1el are te e on e.a II" 'l'r~asurer, I dreOl iL best, in order to 1" .1 M' Gener~1 Kuul'. . '.' _ .. h . • I' 1 ' 11 b nnd Rclion Rre reuered by clisu.e. or II d'ffi I .nur8t:ny,Io "Jor . . . . I ' IT' e . . remove II I cu lies, lind to preVfnl W IIch tl,,'y oller nl d1f~ b hl<lll _ t e 'opbnlng. w lie I WI towards the end of the month. h is an Imllnrfedly developed ·phy ~lcl.t form, Any emh~rra88m('nL 10 lhe public s.·r· --Payinll~t~r M. F, Wt: bb, f"und LOWES T MA'RI,-},']' PRI CES. , I.' f ' d ' d' . CI" I !lui);y of bt11'I))" soldi ers' ch~ck early to speak definitely of Ille styles , w. ou u we nol .•0 I~n, 10' \IreRlgn. Riming I IH<ltore - 0 lIas be.. n Hnl ~ 111' J ll I. .. er sell a loun mID VIce. 1 l' f 01' 1 I thM b bookM Ilt a di scount, ,lI 2.lf ,haL are to prevl'il-bll~ tbe • waWrr•.lI' In n SOIlD d Louy. I'm 811 rl'!lNUrer 0 110, lllrt Y d d' I I d' - .--- - .. I AN!!A RAYMOND. rl'si~o Ihllt office-tid! resignation 10 e 10 be IS lOnOfAh y l~rni s8 .. d th \) il waning. 'lb. invenlion. which hR~ IlIke place as soon as you ~hll.!1 IIppoint 8~rvice, "rod 10 pay A fin e of ont' tholl~' " ' \ I' bili! .d' ul d 10 b d L.. - -- -- I I ~LIl<l.d dollars aotl stllfld commilleu lill __ '])\lTA n rI 10 e mue • an yeL III\S A WORIl Fon NKWU'APERs.--We clip mv succe~80r, 10 W10m am relldy to I1. ,., beeu ~opular .alDong the ladies, i8 I ' I I ' . I b cit'liver all Ihe (ulJIl~, properly lind pAl. The IInJrni gneti ",i ~ h e" , I() cnllihe nl . lle 10 oWing 1If1l~ Il from J\n elt.: Rnga. O · b I ' I ffi TI e e t I t • II Lit goiDg out-at least tile ncw 'lyles of e .:ct~ e onglng to I 't! 0 ceo . 1 r CPO 8 A ~men. III ( l' (Ie Ipnllun or I·' nrlorrd nnd nil who," it mn~ blloDet.a leave rooOl for oDly a small ODe. It is true and we 'lonlmend it to ewe .. y , I ~m very relpeclrull'l'. t.l\·e Baker l\eco~pf\llIed ~~crelary Stao Ipone"r", til Ihe tnct 111u t he i,; I!nlPlleoJ in ~1!lN ~"Lf~u man wbo hal an interesl in Ihe pll'ce Your obedienl s~r~Rnt, ion on 1111 tour 19 II mllhclouA fllbricfl' Ihe manufaclure or ' 'l'be Calbionl from Paril do noL rule where he ruides. Nothing is more [Signed] G. VOLNEY DORSEY. I,ioll, intended 10 cast rl!prollch on Ih~ I . . l.~ (·CI'Clllry .. BNkH has been in WI\~h \#.., an ,: W A l' N E S V I L I. E. here 10 so great an exteol 118 many REPLY. tbink. True. they are received from cOlDlDon to hear people tllik of ",bllt IIIlglon d urlng Lhe '" hole lime Stanton dt~ ~IIJ III prpparPl1 10 do In tllp \ TII& STATI Of Oruo, ~ III~a b·~n·•. ~ b~~' PIV''', 01,,1,", Iht' ~tlllr'es l . Parie. bUL are 80 Americanized here A8 Ihey pRy new.pllpers for Advertising .. be-n ~ II", --o~ .' . b fi.' &c .• AS 80 muob given in chnrily. .Knc('1TIU DIiP·T. -Mr" John Robin~, ror sIxty ~'I_ IIIHic". anYlhlnl!, in hi ~ Ih,p, trom 0 whe.d · 1 ';0 8UI~ t ere Deu 'a,ttl Or ollr le&l glly COLUMBUS ' Se p. t 15 , '65 . I bll ' esl bu~::y. 1 years A OltirchAnt or New :Y nl k, lind bur ro lV to tie , • NewspRpers by enhf\ncing Ibe val aad more mllller-of-rllfit people. l y'In tlelf I . IIbor IHlOI I Believing Ih e lAW referrlHl to 'In Ille '.rMmer I y one 0 f t h e most acti,'e bUR B. ~ .a 1ft lie 0f proper ntilg ()::J" Hnvin;! !PCIIIPU Ihe sprvi r. pa ,.1 ]\J." 1 -.,is ,articlllar!y true of Mille. Demores'. and giving tbe loclllitieR iD which ther foregoing communicluion 10 be consli · 'ines~ men In the couillry, dl~d a f~\\' ELLr s "N 1{I.MI', • ""peri " r \\'"rklOfllI , III .. I -o Fall many or the 8111ell Cor dreIBel And are plIltli.heu a rtipullllioo abro"d, ben· IUliolll'l. I consider the office of Trl!ftS· re ar~ fil1ce 111 'he Age of 66. li e I~ fl i m ~lIlion "I .h~d nnml! ill Ihi s fllnll p.cliull ' cloab wbich rule bere, BrB frOID de- lifi! HII liuch grumblers, :'Iuticulllrly il urer of State vaOllnl. BUI AS Dr. Dor~ey's II fortune of $4 .000,00010 the childr('o \~III b~ ~'lIil cl.elll gunrbnly thaI sali~lac' l ligne of ber own, ' which display io,eDt- Ibey lire mHchant8 or relll est aLe own · Counst'l expreA!e(1 d01lbts ",helln·r a or his brothel', NnthAn Robin s. 11011 WIll \) ,> ~ 'ven . ere,lhrice the amounL yellrly of the deli,ery of lbtl efftlct& of the offi ceto a JOliN W, COLI.E'rT .. • meRgre SUID lhf'y pay for thllir ~upporl. lucce.lor Appolnled by me wilhout II The Cable Buoyll, Julv J8. . iva genial nd good tR8'e. . ArLemu8 Ward's :YormQ. Enlertaln- -Be&ides, every public 81l irit~d cilizen re~ignation by ·Ilim, would relit've Ilim - - - - -- - . - -_. ' .. ---- . -. menL l\t b.. drRwn cro"lI. hIlS a l'ludllble prille in buiDg " pllper And bls surelies hom fDr Srpt 1.5 -Lif'ut. (t" mblf',ofi ,d boulea; bllt he wal (orced to RAJ of w\,ieh he is not Ashllmed, enn it' tiuch deIJvl'ry OJntlllis offici ..1 bond and H. M. S. Urgent; an a IOllt!I' 10 the EI I I: , it. he sh()uld pick it lip in New·York or beilll: wilJi.ng to relieve them fro~ any press, 811y~ lhe tJrl(ent pAssed Ihe I" . ANO • doo' ballil,.. b"iug 100 ill LO complele WHsbington. A ~ood.lookil1g Lhri~iog "pprehbnslUlI on ~h'lt subj",ct, I hf'reb.y calily wltHtI tht! cHbl1l buoys !Ire rl'I/~I" I - ~ , hi. engagellleoL. lie is soon to lail for ,bllet 11~lpli 10 sell property. gives ch .. r · ACCl'pt Ihe foregoln~ le6itnation of G: ltd to hll"c 1JE:l'1I placed. Alld ", ilh Ihe 11' Europe. I WIIS Dol only quite amuled. Acler 10 lhe loc.lily autl il in all re- Voluey Dor~ey of hi8 lith:!, iC IInj' hI' ~ea~ 1""koUls. vflictln UI,J mell. IIlW ' I~ lIut iDtere.led. willi lhe exhioitioD: Iho apecle onl! desirllcle pub\i\l oonvl!nience. hR., 10 Ihe office of '1'reasul'lIr (,f none of thtlD. \ • .fl.. , .\. , p .. oorama is very good. and 80me of If hom Any CAU'" the Dlallcr in the 10' StRte. ' .. -~C - . - . . '-,._- '- - .- . (Sucre33l)r 10 1/(lpkhJs rl: C,.j~pill, ) tb ti I d c81 or I'dilorilll CllluQ1ne IIhoulu DO~ be [Signed] CHARLES ANDERSON. ...11 apt, WII'Z IS now prlVlle!cd 10 ' e ..eDes arc ne y elinealed. qui Ie up Lo your lIalluarJ. do \lot cut Governor of Slale,. ,Sge hi s wif., ~lae h'lVill It' d At Ihe old slpnol UII :\I. II' Slre el, W.ynes. Alore 11.1100. ANNA RAYMOND . u a8idtl lIud IIrvnounce iL of no Rccount, _ _ __ _ from R 0 1 "111~ ". p."n villtl, \VouloJ inl orm hla old ell.'omp, s .",,1 r C l , Lhe .... W'ar " I ' Dc):rlr m"~t. pUftnlttlllg \he real of tnankhlll, tI,lIt he bUB II t1 01JtI _ _. _ .. _ _ _ _ until you are satisfied Ibal Ih!:re haa ,ONMOLIDATION OF TilE ATLANTIC '& Hlr .0, .ISI. 11m. I~ 'pll'llu .. 1 "dvi.· Ollllorlmo:nt of Deall1 o( ,Bamlu F. Gould. ' been no Irlore Jabor beslowed upon il WXST.ERIf R.tILwu C01U'ANJICS.-- erst 1; IIlhton RnJ of • than i, p.id for, 1£ )'ou wanl a good 1 he .everal orgRnizIltioll8 uf 'ht! 4" whom he seel.. splrllu ..1 comfort, havl' Uannab)" Gould. lue putle ... die,d readllbla abe•• i~ bmUlL he .rlIupporled. Il\nlie & Hrell~ Welltern ClIlIlld . Fupnly ' . . ' •• '" Y k R"lhvt.v'Ooru· . Inot, yi'tI l b 'UPOIl I Ihim. Wirz is a I80 II "orled of ' at Nt:wburYPQ1\, M.... , on Llle 5lb in . A . n d 1\ m~.L n~\ 0 aUf/porle .. Hl a Ipir· paDles • . 10 new- or, Penl1~y.l"alull 8umew II' etttr In lila Ih, He is in· r ,. • ' ., etlnl. She 1981 bora Low rd tl I II of charily. elihu, but you Hod Olllo•.And the Bun'IIlo EXleMioll of cessnnlly wilh hia cO!ose, 1111, copper & sheet-u·oll Wan: ! . a I 10 C ole feel It nece8~lIy 10 .upport It. The 10' tllll AllAnilC &: GreaL We8t~rn n."il".y Ilutnlly beltlg engagetl in writin •., unlil lor 1I0le 8t the low t h I of lue last centnry, In Lancasler, lhss . Chi press IS LI,o • pow er tbot movea lhe Co., "cen coneolidlli.t<d inlO ODe midnight. <> . prlree. All i 'fhe (amily .emo\,td to Ne"burlllorl people.' Comptlny, known 1\8' The Alhntic & " in 1800. HerlDolbudieuyoulIg.and , --- '-.-~.Gre.. ~W(j8Iel·I1R"il""ay' Co.' 'fhe fol A'SELl.'-ThtN orfolkPoSI Mj'R: OUT-D,Q OR WOR.K, I • abe bename the CObllant compaol' on of III'o:::r. fhel·e WIl8 a wallung match al lOWIng IIrH the officell o( Ihe censolid press ex · BlJch as Sp . u.jllg ' R"oli II!!, ,"-t". •. .. dnne 0'1 SF ' 1 d C a Tht!. I I ofIt! Ihe . country hilS her (alh'r. who (ought at Lelingto'n 111018 InIAl IIlr billween two meD. e ompany: , enllve y so III l'elClHd Lv the rtporI6 '\ I""urt IIblice and ill Ihe b~oIL milliner. ' ellch witb an atLilicli1 lell. The firsl P~C8Idf:nt-. ~. S. L·Hommetlieu. , recovery of the .sOI. le of Lhe fri .lRll' _ July 3-!J ' • ' all d nun kar Bill. I\nd served tbrough .. " milo WIlS Olllde in n. Dlinulel aDd 20 M V dice. II P I'ell d"nl--J • J. Shryroek. 1Cumb f c." Ian,!:l'lcODIRInIlI!{ Illllrge "mllllnt 'IU" Ihe RevoIIlLiOU&fY \VIlI, a IlIcl which el\ .. e. 0 'pecle. Ie only lI'on~v rccovtJred 1 ...... ' augge8Led many of Lhe subjeoLs or ltis seconds. Alld on Ibe last soore of lhe &cretary--J C Oalhoun M Ad as WII 811l1ed lit ~l,c LillIe W~J I •1 : Y -. - .. b second mile one o( the meo gue out, ~ille. •• • a - dollar gold "ieee. a weIlI • , t8 .. r j , -1 mI'J n 1.1k el ~ h I~, mf't,ho,d of i1.1forminj! I l' Rug h d lor'a I YU61!1. Mill Gould pub. and Lhe "ioLor wade hi,S lwo mile. iD 19 Stcrctary--Jelse M. Dick. - -- II e t Iree \'OIUOle!l or ber own pifet'~; . ' CIlAN G. ()F P " 1' 1 . lIell,!~ 8Uu tie pubtlt I:elll'rone ill 1832, anolher in 1u36, aDd ' 'be. minutes. Tbey were employes in two P Ol~ lIya Jdf Davis rU80N,Iilot I I,ove removeofl n 'y PI ~Ct u . A in• I bhe Norfolk 'I r b .lIy. ' third. in 1841. III 1846 aile gnve to I b. rI val estabhshmeDLI (or making woodppo tment. ferred f · ' I" 188 een Il'lIn~- 1 e U81111188 to Ihe lIenri formflfly oCl'upied ~ en Ie a - - . 101D liS cas~mal(j pl'ison to " / by Mrs, Thomas 88 • Fonc}' Slori' pllbho 'G ... hllreU Leaves,' "collectioD g. _ _ ___ ..___ _ . W 49,HlNCTON, Sept, J5 .-A s erilll room III, ClltrOIJ Ihll. in }o'Ortrlld8 !lou· ' . U-l'he BaLon Rouge Advocale or 10 the ,rribune ,aays : J. L, Ringw~I),OI' I rOil: 1htl ohAngE. WII8 lIl .. de Il\:ce~sl"" Oppos~te the Rogen House. partly originRl aDd partly lelecled.'The Uiosma' appealt:d in 1850: 'Tbe the 1st inst. 8RY': NOL more thlln on e th" PllIlRdelphl1l Press, haR been apto 1118 dtclllllng bealth. ClIl'I'oll where 1 inlend to kee.l' on hond • lenenl I Youlh'l Coronal' in 1851. anti 'HymD8 hundred cilizt'u8 have lakell th" olloth , poinl~d by Ihe t:i'cretllry of th" Trell8. r.. II~ pedlllp~ lho Il1v.t corufonnble U660rlmelllof \Vurll, ht) !h or , . , u,nder Pr"sideut Jvhu8ou's llrooloma,- ury fin "gl'llt II) I·i. it D.'nVl'f Cilj, C'ol- 1plllCtl 10 Ibt! l' vnl'fs8. J.I 1l' 0 W \U . •• a 1d P oems.orCbildrcn'iol CM . Por. \(I)n. t I o. I1J.f\'~t' rl"in Lilt: bll8l mode o f . ~" bttAnyvanE ~LOIIIIIING' ".al and Ihe bel' brllnll,8 01 ~ -II&AU ~ ' ... ~~, • Lions oC Ihese laHel' work. are in' prose , _.. unn-portllla.: 8I1V~I' hullion, by I"~ Gov . NEW' \ ORI(, S~P" 15 --Fi fty Ihous. C1TY MANU},A C1'UR l10 '" "H ' , Aa a daugbter. il is 8aid her devo. ~The illlernal ruenlle rec!!ipts erum er.t, IrolU Ihe Rocky Mounlaina tO and dulinI'll wllllh of Gv~cl'OlIlt'n\ b d . . 4' [li)fIi\/J\\~. 4\ IMfiil .~1t'IES tion 10 her venerated f"th er waa untir. on FnolllY an ountl'd 10 one ;willion the A.t1aUlic cili~s; Bud ' also 't tak were Rb~lracl"d from Ihl! C I Olf' 3 and warront " ~ give 8Bli&fb~llolI. . \m)\W\!!III. INnl!ll .!IIIt \I five hundred IInu Rixty thouaRDd ei"bt measures I 0 e ba.nki I oun t:t, 0 a Thankr I " 'I . d, iog i[l' It, r8l~ct. siftlctioQ aDd walc.h- bundred anl\ fifLY-LWO dollare. <> • E 0 accommodale the minera . ng louse ylJ ~terd!lY IIfLerlloon f ' u . lor IIle very iller" I. llal r~nqJfe ~. lul care; .lId l.brollllhoul L _ , II're, her ,With IUll'rn " .llIle Ibe IIltenlil)u or tbe clerks welll ' cOle ",v,,.1 ~f'ar.Indbedlowf'tI. ,. DC Al Lhe LrtndexehADlle, om . J . . Idlvi'rtfld. ntlenllon tlir de.1i I· hu'pe· '1 by " " l friend.hlp .as lOugbt ad pdaed bOLh .:p-T!le Sltllt'menl that .11 the troop I glln 7 266 acreA IO oura. MIChl- 1 mori\ d &:eneroUi COllllilltUe" tv CALL A ND SEE. me d by the YODAt alld tbo oj f!er melD " ::n ULII- up iasL' month ro: I were LakeD I ()::J- '1'1.. 'mAD who. got , I'. E. T{Jo:VS " . • ' .. " , untler tho ho';'oijtcad 'i a!" ~ett lfmenl, 'hilbTdeliJhl, has. be!.'n IUrll\:d out f J1 0 :rile ~~rkct. Ptice nt afllim ' 8 po"l 'ror lu... 3--1'lf . ' ~) . • t e e m p~ rallte SOCi~ly. . I Iet'o 1111' 8 , G u ll · ~k i llll olltl SIlI' PI! l'ell8 . , J Illy J.-I.t[ . 1. 1;. . ....
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,llnsurr~cllIO,1l I IIn~ub
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Ih~' UU1U.;n.~ ., ,l."C..~
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Parlor and
D .' omestlc Goods Cooking Stoves, I '
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'R E -
A- L -"-- Shawls
S~:l~II~' :~~~:~.w~~~OIlOlndklehse.
LIT co
-~IJt miluni 8a1 tttr.
Teachen' wUtute.
--cau: on:. From Our Koc:turaalReporter. FOR TOt:
In our laat isaue we alluded to Ole Teaclleu' Allocifttion held .t the Union I Editor. : - A, }'OU . re supI Schoo1house, Sept, 9. By the kindness posed 10 be tbe cbronicler. or grt'at of a gl'nth.·mRn wllo waR prelenl, we ennts, and al80 tho. of le81er nole BS are enablt'd 10 IHy beiore o u r readers Ihey transpire in our mid t. I send' you / lin audiLe of the proceedingl. . fin ilem lor lhe local columD8 o r your In tlte ab8eDt.e or the Prelid e,nt, W. VAluablll pllper .
======-= ==-::::jr-::::::::;;;:==~---I U---==::================-=_:=;==================== "bolitlooi.t<, and the their ","owed print
IR~INt KAIlWAkD nOUND. 1~ . 18 ..... Niahl Expre.... During the rec'e nt .corohingly.ll{\t 7.M A. 111,. McCllll tuck called the m ellting 10 order. CillCl ll llftl1 Expre.•• , A ballot . laken Lo 6 11 the vacancy in the weal her, « number of verson8, by ac· M~il IInrt Accom,. 1I . ~6 .t . II . Columbus Accom., 6 .28 r. ~ exe~li ve commillee caused by the , re- cident or design, meL in secret conclne TRAlN8 WIUIW ARV BOUND, moval of Prof. WA tkiD8 to aDother dire , on / a cerlain corOllr iD oll r town 1118; 1 ond Accom .• 1.30 .A . \1[. OO Ullty , resulted in Ihe election o f P rl)f, where t"o IItre!) ls crolS eacb o Lher. It '6.62 A . M •• Nigh t Exp reB". McClin tock, Prof. Hllney resigning was ("r in Ihe night. and dark neu hnd Colcmhue ACllo m., 866 ,01. II. lhe office or Set'retary, Mr. John Ri dge spread he r ml\ntle o'er all Ihe region Cinci nnati Ex prellfl, 4,26 p, II. • Df' nut atop . WBS cbosen 10 su pply Lh RL YIICllncy - arouod, '1'be meeting IIppea red \0 ha.,e bee n P rof. FiDch reRd an able Rod inle re81. IlNIO I' C 0 1JNTW TICK ET. ing esellY upon ''fhe best me lhod of call t,,! (if callrd it was) for the p ur [l08e teachi ng reading. ' The remainder of of di Hcu sai ng th'! a6'lIirs or l he N lltion . R qwUf II tatillt • Lhe lOoming session was occupied in of the goodly S late or Ohio. aod e~ pe · J. H. COUL TER. di8c u t6i ng tb is 6u bjt'ct. 'I'he a ttend cl1.ll y of the m un icipalit y of tbe incorp,.oflleut ;,,!! Auornty. Tl , porale d villltge of Waynel\'i lIe. . II nce was ~mall io lhe m Ol'Di ng, 'Ie D~VID ALLEN. . Ia ft ernoon, ho wever, b roui ht a good at· J Now IL BO I IAppe o~ Ihat on Iha t pAr ·
p,.obat, Judge.
Recorder. A. B: GO OCH .
degrade theru~t'lw ,.• . 8e) mue.h ... to 'Ole I BY Ihe 'LOay. our rripod is putting "P l.~ for" d--d I\bollllo~il"t, DlggerceqJIal- IIClmt' nt~ or teet .... 1Vhieli wOlJld bear ''',J ff I I ' r t Ie t tb F ' lb' it!. "Dd nigger·suffrage man. 0 tie pa m I II en 0 " .e IIlr , IS I Afl.er having desp81tched so g.reR! an ABlOUIU of b uaioeas, Rnd baving brcome exhaq.ted bOlh in beld- and mind . I" J tbe Digb~ was (ast receding Rlld the dawo d another day a ppr.oaching. Ihe Council adjollrnedlo meet 600;e fu t ure nighL a t half'(>llSt t lvelve o'clock A. 11(. hbN-ABOUT.ToWN.
~'OUNV DK~D.-Abollt
g~~II:'~i~I'~ ~~I't
g~:~~:::~ t~., g~,!:,:,;,,~.L
live " bOIiL a mile al\ abelow t o w n . . tb d d d Two wou n • were lacovere on e or· his. bead. bilL it " .. dim . CII.IL 10
I d
wbe ther I ley la
8 IC Le d
di~cU6.ioll .
ber n B ut wh eD tbe me eting was · rully orBluch ganized, and the prope r o fficp.ra were Clflm~n" Henry . I J bee n scI< cted. aDd the ·obj~ct of lh e mel' ling ~I~::::'~: :;.~~,':d ' procltlimed, lind mOl ions 'Ve re btiug Ce r.wrighl Sell, Cll undtt r\iA•• K"Ihel d and . animate d Imllde , Rnd resolution& were o ffer ed . anti Ch."dler
1\18011 u."i Ila "id ~Io,·ri.
---'-_+ _-:---=__ A Complete Assortment of
.:....:::..:... .
le88 Iban 'wo thouland penons wer" preseut in lhe aft.ernoon, aDd the even · iog eho" wall liberally patronized. Ae a matter of coune, the lown wal full of Rctive hu mA n iLY. lind the Ilreets
~lJ ~I"I~~ lind
\~ g:~:::: ~ r.
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U7 l\1U'rHI ;\ 'E Ul I\ldJ u ru~y A G 130~ ~vo McKdl In , hu. 5,
1 ~2
ring a quarrel. ur "ht! lhcr be. blld Ihe "uthor "Dd oth ers IlIking ' dis:u8lion s upoo Ih em in e arnesl comfronl Lhe ablltment: of the brldae , tbe posilion Ihat luchera should eo - menced Ihe Yc h(> ment de clamation of C""n. U W ,i, struck 11I1 .bead in falling. H~' hRd courage pupil . io the ir lavorite studies . some or th E> diepul1\nts a,, "kened the \.,'u rIl 911(;.0
JI'.,...... ~O beeD iD Ihe wate r
g:':.~:~t~~~~~; 204~~ ::hi\~ir? J
our inll tilution8 of leRrning have oyerlooke d. All A con 8l'que noe . usel;s8 "nd u navailing Ituuy bad Ihe re~lIll.' T hi 8 cll u. ed "spicy
• or Mckay J T 254
210 t".", ••O~";d I~:H
me a t I} W
10 IDl~U I _ 'weeki b . bhut thebpeop e tlife 10tbIIUIOUS F ' .\\ n Il II I 0 talD L em, t al we IIIBr . e air WI U ~ G' tb D 1} noL be fnored. Ive e r. a cal. ) (8ANOS do K1.XIN'S OLD nAND. '-. . . Van Amburgb'. Exhibilion 00 Beg Ie avo 10 inrorm the "ublic thRt Ihey b d k F . .Illy la&t wao largely altendrd NOI have on on and expec.l to eep
Llat of Income Tall P ayets.
" Uullo r) .. Jr. l' read a n e88ay u pon 'The miesion of the o f all tho u pper roomll io eaid bUlldlOg. 6u".rortJ, . lioD SI,o"e d'IDC IuUIll .,. g tOile h . d'1"l e I1 o' ve r II Ie Bn"ldo .. ~ D R"lJert Teac her. ' T ile aUOCla Imme Blaekford N A ",ditor, Ith e ir II ppreo ial io n or lh ie eloquen L a ud aforesR id store · room. for the B" ·I,,o.<I I•• uc J W ROSS . lI ro" " A ll ." . .• insLruc live e8say. a8 well AS Ih At o r d ation or h i8 lod j{e rs . /I ,.n" " J>; ew.t l Commi8lioner. 1 Prot. Fi nch in t he mo ruing, by tX lend . · O !l Ibe pRrticular Bnd neb tful Dig h t Urow n ~".b H l IE!"', R Y S HER "VOOD Uurne'l, • • in " " vo le of th a nk s 10 their auth o r~. "poke D o f. wil e n Ih e Noclur ll lll Coun cil Ourn ..1\ Jo.. 'II' (J D· .. " Burnell T I on,'" Inji.nnary Irllc/or. .&Ud re ques1ing the ar ticlcs for publicR- m e l , m iDII Lost . RIl unkD own to 61\11.1 UurgeJ' h,"e A A R~N STEPHENq. tion in the county p Ape rs . I\nd the ' Oh io Council, had furnisJ. ed IIIIl room d irect- Cnd.".URd~. A D E du c"tiOD,,1 J o urna l.' For this relllon Iy in Ih l: corn er or his IIouBe , and im · C.. "wllUu"or C" 10 o'clock on the wriler for bea rs g iving a n abstrAc t im edia ll' ly o ve r 8Rid slore·room. " hit L mor DiDg th e 161h iD8tant. Il 1 A~ k b h' I d No w II e t: hll nd H:r Aarull .' . M' i or t Ieee CSijA)'S . .It'r remAr . }' one o f Ilg uesle. or 0 g U ll. 1 C"ll•• C waa foull d I? the LIttle se ve ra l teachers upon Ih emes 8uggelled Sl\id lodger had r e lired abou t Ihe u 8u,d Cheno•• 11t • lIeAr hrldge CorwIn by the Ilis t enay , Ih l! following re solu · 1bed . time _ say 10 o' clock - anr! had 1\I WaynelVllle.'"nd on belDi brought lion w ns in troduced by Dr. Williamson: bee n ge ntly wooed to "eRctl ful.lumb er I (:oo k St"l~h.n I h wal recognized at be in, a r I. I Cook he.. S loro. e . 'Re80lved: That the ir. tellectual Bod by 'li re d Dalure', tweet restorer. uA my Couk EIi.h. n"med Wd" e. morAl pre dilec lio ns of the 6tude llts of sleep.'
J. !lUL.
D B. 'U G B
ME DI e I N E ,
~'" copy (rol1l the W o t,,·o Stor 01 the Ttl.. Ihe nan, .. o{ Incollie Tall P.yer•. itt thi. ne'gh. I we rll gay aDd featin iD an u D",onted P AI N TS, O I L S , borbo,"', and olhe .. k" o... " tu Ibi , cOIl/DlUllil,. degree. DYE·STUFFS. W .. b ••• nol roo III for Ihe enlire CounlY 1,.1 . I~_~~ _==-=~_~~~~~~~~~~:'!';. TOILET ARTICLES, A.. IMUII J"I", • IJ2 K.1I1' Mo... 200Q Sf • A,,,rom A. L. 2. ~5 l.u"g.Irclh L. rri Gk H Geo.• 20u b~U~ ~~_ _~~ All . .. Tho", •• l.. UOO ., ' ' ' , ,_,~~~ ~, _ , A.. lr.,,, A".eIUt 2527 \,.~,~~~~,~ Z~::~~llllt ~~~ O n SU llO DY, Ih e I7l h In8lant. wife 01 PAINT _ BRUSllES , Drown J "h~ . 438 Low,,~. Z )2\1 ~ Jo l'lI Brit,"l .• gtd d ,elln , Hrowlt BenJAmtn U:' Li. le J ... , 40. , Ur"wn.:." ... n " tl~~ Leak (lid.oll 41~ Wn,..~es,, "'e M O"ILea_, WHl'r'EW ASH BRUSHES• ., r I II I .. I " d ' Uur"e" S" I,bc" 'aGO Lincol.. I1MC 40!. _ _ ten uance 0 lelC '", rs, a 8 we as a IIrge IIC II fir corner IS 81l ua le a storll . ro? m I I'. uq.etf. Ow en r.4 Luke". tie,,;. 1\l77 W k T he heat 'luality or number of citizen.. 1'1'01. Har rord and A ho te!: Boni fa ce h ni ng posse8sIon (jr.o't t ~\, B !~.! Lbck"y Ricb*rd 2GH Carf!IJ.Uv Corrected Every u. •
il true to We ar. Qlader obligatiOll1 10 Dr. DR. I. A. jU)UBUIlI. could neur WRy ror 60me .uperb calawba gr.pel. _ __
«0 A(l "
~~~~ "6~
2.100 4 1U 60 .'
When t 1fl bus hel,81 00 @ 1 5 U , , ~ , 70 .4 Ry e 1P" 30 OU l8 W ., 1 00 For medici nel purposes. to which the at· llurll'Y 'lfl te n,iun of P hV8icia n8 ill ('spec ia lly cll lled; Corn 1\) .." 50 a nd wha tever pertll ind to. F luur 1\1 bnrr el . ') 01.1 F I"ur lY my t , 4 :'0 FIRST - RATE lr ao Hutt er ;\l , Ib L ard 1P lb :10 6~~ 8 111:8 ill d01:~n. l' oried l ~ loe8 11 esbuahel D A ppl t? lh. 10 @ 12!.. Also, a good l upply or C hic kells 1? doze'I, 3 00 • Cuffl'e tJl It.. 38 Ne w. Orleans S Il R'ftr tl It:t 17 @ 2 2 N ,. U. l\lu las8es '@ gll ilon , I 35 -BUCII ASOil 1f> gall ull. 1 00 ===~~=-='="':---~~_==_ T EA. S PECIAL NOTICE!!!. C OFFEE, __ .~~ _ ~ _ _ _ ~~ ___ ~_, SU G AR. ' The Malon a lld lIumlin (;nbillel Or· MOLASSES.
GO LD or SILVER ME DALS.. or oai,er :u I C ,5H lir.. I' r.. ... ;",," o ... " .. II. d Ih~",. Illu .tmlell ul. \lO~ "lo"u.8 oent lree, A,ld'·fl.'. MASON & HAM . . IN,n ('"" ", or MASON B ROl'li E HS.ll -Iy New 10 lH 1York.
,,'. five
:~~ DI-~;';~-; -CR- II-Il-o-t -t-o-n-c :h--l-:-h-oNe ~;o, !~~
4~~ ~.~~I::c~~~':n~~~li::";'~~ ~~~c:~ ;~~~~:c~~ ";~~~;
0 I L
who ItObIlCk' MniUers . Whi le R obu ck's Bi llers are kept io lh e
A complete allllorlment of
GAITERS AND SHOES For .Ladies &. Children,
rft~,\II~i~ r~~~;ed~i: ~:8:en~:~~ et~~:1:~·
Thl! be~ t quslity or i not wasle time anll toil in seekin ll t! ro wsy sleeper. alld whetted hi. cud · t'.h:ioC 1m , H 3UU 10 be ft il wal luppoaed tlilit. bemg In hq· to turn their atte nlion to "Iudies for oti ily Lo tint! ouL " hilt iL "all all About. I>YII"I J C 14'100 Ri tc h,! W... ~7"U3 nerrect anlldole (or remov ing II, e first b I Reeded.;eo W .. be had fall"n \l81eep on t \8 II ut· which they bave DO lo ye or laste . 'fb6 So, rising from his c!owny couch. he E .. b.. r~ D r H 75 Ragen' W ill ~I O ~ympt"'nd of nearly all di sellses . if t Mke n rrom" lIIC' 1I h e ro" \1 d . I the • ." 0 R b ry I A ~90 in Ih e I'r n p ~ r lim e . 'rh ey (.Ire co mpooed F or Ge nlle men'8 And Boy s' wear. Also, In 0 W»jlll'i IY of !Mache l'l, how e ver. mllin - quie lly took his posilion at lhe windo w ~~:~~}~"~ (EU') i l7 R~:~ ~' '''id 300 01 illg redi enu! which Io.'e known ,by tl"e a large 8UI'l'ly of well-Ielected laioeJ that Ihe nbj ect or our common o ve rlooking the Coullcil. It appealed Edwat,h James ~5 Ro!;,er. J C ~~~ medical III'ulty to be m011l I'ffiCaCIOlls In Corooer Wtlite W.I lent for, WIlD .··w.rd. 851 . obcrt. J oh n T d'180rue .' rs 0 r t IIe • I UI 1111 C' II 011"u . 'Inte8linell Ichools was not to fiL studente for a pllr· Ip"t ODe of lb e body had offtlre d "res· L·i::~'I"y G ,' eoJohn W 16\11 R . ' h.d bere ill Ibe afternoon. when an ,. I . I I !' ",; t h Ce o J I H Th eir ml!dicillol properti es are so vbr i· r Ii,,6 t 118: t lat tit! f'urn,.' R~' Avooat ion. but to olut ion somelhing olM !;",ilh G.o W b3~ ou>. that 'hey prov e benrfici,,1 ill 1111 com. ticula cRlling lIod W81 heltl o.,e r the body of th e q Ultllify th t! m 10 brco me u~e rulllnd hon - dIol't no w bcing Wlldtl in liliB village to . • " IIul\(,I M 211i S"tlulou J ohn I'loint s, 01 wl'ulsotwe r Pllure they mll y ~C t' R " ~U. after "llich an e umipation . d ' lb ' t · e t FO' Furlltl~ Jouph I\·n Sled dn", ~ I' G Z ; b El; hence til eir great d eman~ and the bUild a CB a oose, 18 Rn ou I8g 0 , Fro. l Geo W 7!i S t, tI 0" H J 7011 ulllvDr~8 1 g ood derive" rrom l,helr lI.ae. wiIUl! s~e 9 took pltlce in Jus tice Key s ' o rRble memb p'r8 o( commumty i Rn .f I)a. 1 0nl~ ~ , .. tl ,1.1 1I 1 ~ I o,"e. \. I f I · 80 f II II' , ::::::::::: I.,,:~· 1V:7 S" oI o1u ,,' J.' b TA A j 'Hfi ciuu R u.c u'the~c Bitter. Import. 'fhe Jury. at the coo c lusioo 01 Ihllt a g t'ne ral kn o\Vled ge , fIIlher thAn a lc icLy-di&gu &ting to t Ie ee 10 11: 01 III kinds IIlwllY. on hand. 3 .110 Sh,·w" II "'· I:: S 4H the rUfle-IInt ul heullh to th e "heeke. ou d examinaLioD. TtturDed the verdict Particlllllr branc h. would enable I hem good cilizens 01 lhe place . aud Ollg hl 'l t'lIird "I". .. "wi. A fine auorlmenl 01 G~ ~ W l', ~ heallh alld vigor to the emire frume. • .••)ode Th o. 1\1 182tl S~"lr.I n' W" C Z 500 J"mes Wise came to h ill d eatb by a a c ilizens to be6 L dischllrge Ifleir du o lIOt 10 be tol er"led . , S k A H 821 ) I · 4 t i~& 10 t11 e rustdy e. lind to tlleir ",ountry. 1 shllll Dot attempt to re port th e (; .. u•• 501011'011 ~o;. : 110""'" erl\l l ~.S" LAMP~, 81 drownin ll. ~ . ; t ; \J tt lo n t t An.-un 44 '9 ~'li lth .J iI' " 'fhe 6ubJ' t!ct of • EXIIDlinRtions' Wll 8 s peeche 8 made on Ihe OCCASion, but 0 "U3" Clark.on 1U4J Sn~. (; eo H l abl; ,...,. LANTERNS, & S"o ll :I,,,,,,,. 622 ~U .... ROUB ER. ABROAD. - L"l t Sunday then tll k .. n up . Prof. I hrvey con- ml'rely give you the substance . H. llon E.I ... r" aOI Sh"r .. uv~· Il .nr)' '.Jj .;:;~",-======-===~:::-,::.~_~-=._ CHIMNEYS. . t Al f" 3~.2lI !"iSle.loIulU Hf ~K ,;, c.:! hI WB8 Yery storm-y-; I\nd the burg - t1emn .. d Ihe prlltioe of giving Iimlled Suffice it to tll8n, tha~ 80me a ( ~1~'~;;~"lIflll re h.oIt1o", I!i n Ih '1' W 0 it' 1N E ~L' A R _u. Ihinking it favorllble ror thdr op· cerl il:cllle9 , 81" intl Ihat a perfect and til" Oral ors in npporL or the a(oresRid Hard . IIorael'" ~217 S .. ,;th (lu n .~: l.'!'st F 0 I ' 8 A I. E. J .. , . B 8 174 ~ I"wa I lIoul (l ." liona. took ad vRnLage or the she lter IIh iUI?t! rfect one re lld alike in all re- resolution we re ve ry vehe ment in Ihtir ~~~"Ocll Da vid . 1'\1 ~lUk •• JIIU;ij :!1 0~ ~ The ulldrr8 ian l!d offer for slIle. · remark • • declarin~ thal 5uch Il thing a ~ H. ,·I.or. k J "lie" 11r.;l[) 13 Siorey Shlu S At hert 61H siorm afforded aguinBt up. tectioD.@pl: Ct ~ . ~ ayo io liDlO. Ir a teac ber JII t!7 J!lliLtwo t' xr.e lle nl Fllrmll. Iyillit .1 2 _ - SUCII A8H. rlrl.uck .o"k Alllo. L~ "i It b3~ to Ihe resid t' nce I)f 1. E. K ey s , qt.lolilitld , wh.v nol give him a celtili· a lock . up in the nuiel'vill(lgll o( Wllyne f' Ih 447 SI" keo (; ,.""., " 773 Iltil ~8 . oulh of Ol,y!on , lind olle ode Wlfdl • J h G ~I ' 2 SI" ,.. rl Robt .. I R.v ~ yille , on the Dayton Ind L ebanon nNE cu'r pped R peAch.tree of ils fruiL, cate for Ihe full time '! U be is no' yille, .,.. here lhe Zre nt:1'er was any dis· ~ ~~~'·tII.uW~n W,g A N D PLUG. TurJlp"k e - COIl18ininll, respecl ively , m,e 3709 -AS to Ita.,e been . gl\Lbered the qualified. why ~ive. him R oerli6cate lit lurbAnce , should Dot in any "ise be U.;" .. !;elh S 1;'02 3 T I, o rp ~ A ~ CIGARS AND hundred ftnd one hund red BIl~ filly acres, 1'hrl)rklttorlon E D ~f1 " 1'. Ih;ne. We.l ey 3~ 0 S NUFF. P er.una drt iring 10 s"e 88ul lerm. , will morning for p' reserving. Tile all? This Clillom of aiting partial cer· pllrm itt.ed. Some IlIid, IhCiugh they H •• "e. Nu 2!Jl 1' .. ,l or .J E :.!U2 plea~e ')&11 on 1\1'8. 'J'. B. Rhoadea on Lb e Huine. Ri chard 8Sl~ k ina, ailio wtlnt Lo tbe residenclls of tificlltes, in his opinion. epL many would ,'ote ·ror Ihe resollilion, tIe 176 Upp H ~ nry I Iatl' Hulla"d Reeve BLA CK ING. 1100 "relllises , or addrt'Rs BLA CKIN G -BRUSHEe. Hillman A. J. Crispin. Jo· teache rs lIearly ust:la81 in tile profeas· lTullge " 88 not 1I1rong enough - Ihat it Hi ~.· , JOleph 7.l,! Venable Wm II C. W . RHOA DES & BR()~ l~ E TC.• ETC. ' D . • lIu lilc • .N oab Sp.p.20. Waynenille. Oh io JllnUl!},. and olle or t"o othe rs; but ion, Rlld exehlded othen of greater \ongbt to expres8 our lull d e termtDntlon \ ~ Way S J .1' ' d etlgllR . . . 0 tier I llei Will Nathan 11l~!6 - - :-Iber tbey 8ucceedeu ID IIlelr CApacltlll8. teAc Ilere tl IOU" bL ·t I to · re81&1 to the utmos t a II RUC II 'IOnOVII- JU Jo".' • a" \\' " .... , J ~h n H W an! OW f:; n not we are IInable Lo lay. Ca: rt1\in WI\II 1\'ell to "iV6 p"rliftl cerlificates to , 'Ion8 Hnd not 10 dt'p"rt from Ibe good IJ o".' Clu) ton IOIIJ t • 0 . • • ' J v l1e' A"ron l:l llO W.kh W G A lull1l88ortfllent of .h e R ichmond IInu is. these cowardly · villains are no cAndidale" upon tJletr first IrlRI. but If old wFly s of our Fllthe n. i J n,,"e)' J ...lla ~~~~ W. ,~ hl 0 J the Rnymoll.1 Plo'H , fo r 8ft lp by WilliKttI' ,'" F ALLE N & RANDALL. IIn4the aoo'n en night.watch Ihey pre8~ntP.c1 Ihe~Felve8 aft~r"A~d" All or lbe orl\lors inte rlllrded their I }~~~;:;j~~,~ :10.-. Wale. T hal M Aug. 23.210 ___ ~ __ _ _ W e shall t'on etantl y keep on h~n.d a ,enItlltioned on the 8treetl, Lo prevent ror examID8110n wtthout Inllllifesllng Fpgechea wilb Bll\oy and pO"t:rflll ex. JUII.' Ny U"" J r ~I) U T6' z · II Edgar erRI IlK.orlm ent 01 Pote nt Medlclll8l. .... NE BUGGV FOil S ALE. 12.12 dl'predations. the Wier iL1ti11 any--token s of im;>roYement. Ihat th ey plelife5. K. ) . John W Ift;U /'· 1' J .U'o !, If A 180 , jus t receivp.o from P lll,bu r !!:. II 100 . . d cerll'fi oates. 1'1Ie 9190 7. t: lIl IlIJ' e r t) W Thc Ullder~ ;l.t n f d "lfl'r" for Bltl~ 1\ Iinr. goou lind well. selllClp.U 10\ or for Lhe communllY. sllould Ihell b e dellle The Counci'I • r.unA II y, a rter muc b d'IS' !, 1,.Jly KI. ,,, SlIrnue johll l 500 n(' \V .s l),le, hi!!!. LlU GGY. wel l blllh, Bnd - -_. __ • . I morBI qUlllifications that ahould be re o cU~8io n. oam e to no defillite conclusion. _ _ _ ___ ••- -whi r- h 10 88 bpell III UStl o nly one yell r . , ~ ' We give bt"!.,~ Ille ~rLJcles pre- quired wetl) IIlso discu88ed , a nd Ihe rnolulion 11'118 laid on Ih e pl\ye· ()::7"Tt.e l\Ioral I1Le lrm" Sociely, lIum Any perlion in lI eed nl Buch all ,artlcl! . for lite eonslderl\lIon of Iht! The next me eling 'Will be beM III menLo lJeriltV quite ~oodll' llll.ell,dRnce 011 MOI\ ' will find it 10 th e ir nonnlage 10 gIve 11118 Apply 10 S ~ of Waynesville, by a com · M"i'ueyiilll on ' th e 2.1 i ll t. or Oct •• when Th e v next took up the prop08ition of l doy I'vellin ll' ~,~d IIw ,a kll Wldlhl m ,rtl Ih~n BUKIlY all PllMntinatiun. CHARLES C. NORRI S· I • , . , il' wonted ablilly. d,dCUl6e I Ie Ilece n ily I Ref W /lY"l'!Ville , 8cl't. 6. tee Crom tile Mora orm ocle~. it was upet.:lf'd thllt Prof. John lIan· building a Town s hIp HOU l e • . dl "ml ued I o f prohiblt.ing by Ihe a<!opllon. of more A nd YOU connot t.illO be lui ted bOlh in II1IOlilY lu:d price. . met ,1Ielr cock or Cincinnati would deliyer a Il'c. il in a sim.ilflr WAuner. ftDd dIsposed of I vilfo roul me .. ures, Ihe Iruffic of I,,,tox.iont. June 23-1. lure. Profs, H a rfo rd and McClintock. it in t.he same (ashioo. . \\~~gd~i~:~,r~I~~:~;r:08~:~edAlor~~~~'I~' Il:~~ ------------~---- ---We. the undersigned, Druggist'. Miss E. Bunting and Min Jone. were The Nocturnl\l Council then went IIIto of Ihe epe.ktorll prlcaefl l, I I t~ the ICCORIpnosPEC'J'UIJ 0.1' 'I' HE I willing Lo IInile with tbe citil!!n. "ppointed to rel\d 888ays. ~ommitlee of tlle wltole on Ihe l\iTllifll Pli8hed WO lkinjl~ Orr I"~ SucletY, 1'he l eriu 01 rt8ulullon. an d .ppo nl· F~RIEND, " \he villag. in Iheir ·e ffort. t() prtlvent The meeling tl~en adjourne d a rler an of the nAtion and Ihe general goYern· ,,"mt iff comllli1te'!p, h.d nol. it ~u be. A Montbly PerlocUe"l: dp. v 01.". to uee o( intoxicati ng liqllor8 al a interetlting and.wlthout doubt, . a profit.· menl. discussing Ihe subj60t ('et'ly. la · Iil'Yed~ adanced the cau! e eufticlIml1yE 0 HI 0 LAten,taU:, Tell\per,.nce 111111 ~·erAge. do hereby propoae IIDd pledge able IIt11sion to 1111 conce rned. bo riousl), nud It:ngtbily, declaring the II hao li cit mel Ihe d:qlect~"~~~,~: t~:d p~~~ l'r u lJ rel!8toa- COI\ductecl by J. '''1I118tD VaD I b b r II ' I d ' pie-hence Ihe t811PPOlti I , . 1 II d a"lIorlment or vel to 0 811rve L e .0 ow 109 ' • ••• gO"erump. nt to b6 Iyrannica. 0 10UI, illquiry wilh re fll rpnce 10 \til ftna Isucct' u . Has on hnnu" I p en I Nall\ee. The Fllmlly F,leact .. ill cODlai n . i.tu n RULB'I AND RBUUL.&TIONS : EA!oTWA RD, ~ Mr. '1'. L. Allen 'Went lind Dot much of a thing anyhow. since Bul why (row, iR.pltliellt ·! t.l!e ~8ollrce BHOAD C LOT HS, Ihl'ee co lu",." p8!(e. 10 Ihe na'.1lbftr. nllk,ngdil a ' of Ilel,pat mentll Dlorallorce. " IIII'm CA~::HMgRES . CO lI ye,1ie nl . ile (u r p rt:.e rv l\ !ton and ball ",. Thai Wtl will in no CillO a:lo'l\ liq. E ... L on .fllesd1\y morulng, to b o}' I'·II \I an old lal'1. ~ p I'Iller IlII t.I 1\11 a Id c 8t 'whip. ber..Ih~ ienccIIanti firmllees of I,Iim who, VESTINGS . Es(:h numbe r .. ill lIc fill ed ",,!II tb~ r. to be drank, in or aboliL our prem ami willt~ r !foods. \ Pin a tllilor CRn b6 at Ihe head of I.L.eul.!: '1 will fi ll hl :1 out on lh~8 line if it 'l'H1MMI NGS. CHOICEST ORIGIN AL J[ATTBB, Mr. E Dudl!!y It'fL 11180 on MondllY (The Council were somt!whal RtI~to· takell ~)I .tlmlller. <:>radunl Ilghle~/,nl'ge~~ &c .. wldch he manufacturell sccordln, to • ' . . . . • . Ihe grll'. melhod. ""lienee, self· tru Co nllill t1nr; of ",o r1ll . nd in. tr1letiv., T~I".: 2. ThtlL we will shiclly I\nd fllilhful · morning on a I"uot 10ttBfllllmore. PIII~ ' OI'BlIO ,) ~e\, l'roftCe, power o.r per8 i8~.n ce. uf rn· , Ih e LATEST f Slu : LCh tll, POlll ua . m o W'.UlUU •• • of 1 elll J ~~':I;:'~ Soci,-li,. ,_ a ll d Mil lh ~ 1 (oel t~ m. ke up in 1111 reeptel •• comply witb the reo adelphia. ;.:c •• Rod in t ile course o r 1m Th e nlltionAl currency "as nexL taken durinll del eat. 01 ,golDine VIctory, ~y AI~;~ I I fi t ~1 8" Journa l for the ~ . ""Iy Circle. rement. or ollr Slale Liqllor Lftw; Lratlels Will d~ubtle 61 Illy in a .tock of up fur ""jlldicalion. "lid ~rC1\t viall o( leftl, Ihue ere IhE' fko~cee thAS. ,werolr:" 01 Iri . •1 ('o .. pY, '. o ue 1 ~·r , I "4,00 00 • ' t . tl ee~ . Ollt or underll8 11111 8 , .nd lit Ihe 8 ()O in no ca.e Bell to a perslln whom elegaot me.chl\ntiise. ,... l\Ih we re poured out u~o~ I In .Ie .18. " I11l1nJ derelll~, bUI victory ,r:ome~ at LOWEST l'OSSIBL E PBICE8. :; ("1") 1)1(:1 , 10 «'u p ic! , to:O() hue the llighlelt reABon to belie ye •••furore or biller d.e nunclallon, by til e 11111. 'Wellr, nOli IU we~1 d?hli. ie II "i_ 'l6 ':0 1' ie., 3Z 00 llll e 50 co .,ie \ . .In thp. hllbit of' using . . . r''1 ,t mor.l. 'I'he ('tUthll\' lICpR"•• -' 11 IntoxlCRting C UN'" FAIRA Bolh. tile Warren exo 'l ted IIpe1\kt-rB. derlaring Ihal tIle eul.", bat II force never I,hat 118e Irc,,~p.eI8 CrlPP e d . Lhings For 8i ~ 1lI01\thl. hAlf til" .~Dn walel ; lingte IlS a buverallll; nor to a minor, un · And ~linlou coun~;-Faire begin to day ~reellbacke and olber goverumen.t aecII ' _ _ _. ___ I.. under Ihe l upetvi8ion of th., ~J;ce fl nt cor ICI ten cent" tJ.\'m ~ nt.n .d •• nee. ~" d~e•• , J, WIl.LIA~ VAN .NAMEE. in "hher o"se "II hne the certifi · (Wednesday]. and CODclude on F rill"y , riliea "ere but a pbKntcm, hllYing no 0:7 Mr. l·hoD~a. Southern and fllmi · ilrtlli. DO 0 SON, Broo klyn. N, V. .. or order or lOme respectable phy. "'rom ,,11 pre.~Il' indicatioDI. aod Ihe solid fOlindaLion, and "ollld loon be no Iy lefL bere on 1'ueld"l morning (or T. T. I ~ ~ • b . . 1 " f II who. in hi. line, ios ,('ner~IIY , .ckltOW • D, pareDt or gllardian: alld we more thaD ordioary preparations that beLLef lhan I e CUDfllUllrale Icnp, t as Ihe ir Dew bome in lroqlloil county. • edged 10> bol wilhout I I U/Ip.rlOr , nher pledge ollrse\vell , 10 lI~e all 'have been made. tbese Fllira will be t be good. lioois. They be'ar with Ihem the kind READY.MADE CLOTHING r meanl to ascertaiD wLo art gre"tesl sueoelle. or aVl lince t.heir in' FiDally. the Rtfain or the Stat. of .ishee of a nllmlber of (riendl for their In I.rJle qualll"y alld e lclI'an l . qua lify Rod Of a 8~el~ mlny !clndll IDd I. larie quaa· r peri onl to ",bom liquor ,hall be allgllralion_ Ohio wt:I'e introduced a~ a propu .ub· prospefi lI in Ihel far welL.: style. of hOlOe make . ItlwD111 III , up!>ly. litl e" for saleJlllRIT'r PRINTZ. ' douht. cltOOI8 th e no-6Arm.inell to m.lnlltin and in cale. of J'ee, 10 come be ore II Ie Co un ail ' , eept: • b ......... f ~ IiI het rtlputlltloD I Mr -----------------:~ ----~ .ti. bOUl ~ I.. e re. C "n. , . . ~ SargeanL Chll.,les E . Merritt r e o cinlly lhe pending elecllon 01' atate °f. " "-' " H. R. ChenowHl1t will Rve 8 or Dudley ande aa hi. one ..... talllll Will IIpare no PUHE CIDER VINEGAB. • i'de· lind refulle to .el1. V-J 'J' . b ' . d thllt it ' "ltI or •• tock. farming uleo.ill ' c ., al This we know 10 b8 pure, .. pro· A. E . MBRRITT, tllrned to Delllware 00 Monda". whtlrll Iioera, deci 109 In ,L elr "''' om . I ortll or paipe to give . P R cured the Cider fr.oal reliable "er.. o~, In J d d I hIe d t' ~r hie reeide nce , three mi el n ' EnUre . Sa t'IS uct'10 n • E. . RlNTZ. he iDtendl to Mmple1e hia collegiate WAil the fix t' nn nDoia nge8 I tlli. neljthborhood, Inti permltl~~ It 10 J. NSAL. . d 'I or to the war min81ion of lhe member. of Ihe CUlln · W"yn·e n ille. be l~"'ee n ~he Dayton lint' C.II .nd eXimine .lock .nd "rlc.e l. turn to vincior un our own prertlls,• . educatloD, COl:l'lmeDoe pr . .. C (, G ' Bell6 t ooL ro"ds-on BRtard" y ·nex , ~.. A. Ro-a EBll uBY. ~ . '1 t to 8upport mr ox or o,er nor !'fERRITT &- PJUNTZ , . . be' . II' I 3/ 1une 2'7 . nL ' , Dt TO'1l' """ Y , LI L. Cllrlwri g ht we le.rn. gOel to cl n o · I lign lhis in tlle copacily ·of a drug· Se l C II • c.. ' Ii Id 0 or t b8' l::!!a le bpc3u ae Iie I'I' RI a d - - d th e 23d JOst,. ,smUlnt;. r, , ' ph ~ici.n. I. A, R. • Wi tteru berg. 0 ege . " pring Ie , . I ('
Hats and .Caps I --- :---
Pict.ure &. Window-Glasses.
Give U. A tALL,
EL TONb-u DL Ey ~
l\ltrthnnt OCaiIg.r,
Main St.reet.,
Paris and New-York Styles!
l{ltUIT-JARS. &
.T II E - - - - - --
I{ E Y
1 86 5 . HOR ACE- W ·ATE R.S' -' m:AGNU'ICENT SALE I!!I, PEN~ lLVAN U tE~TIUL I. GREAT Do/tb'~ 7 lradi: Roule AL ESTABLlS'BlIENT, Gold and Silver Watches"
BK.ll'TI Fl· L EIM'UtB'NT.-The (0110 '" ing beaUlifu l Ulracl i6 from the pell of
~ I E Gel GlEE B!~IB"~ \ n.
Robacks are · .lI~tter.
II rr'1'
' . F OM J;EW U ~ 9' ~lt No. <I I Uro.d • • , New York. ! brtng LA. DKLPH PlllLA 1'0 BU1"tG P ON 'l 'llt: ONt: i)OLLA .Jt I·LAN. PUI\OS, M£LUDF.:O I\S. CABI YF.T O. A·IIS . ANi) NO'l'Al l¥ l· U OLI C. wilb them lin iD,rensioJ: respe cl lo r . 1Jf.F.:T M liii lC, MUSIC HOIIII • allu nil k illds .. ' }o'rom 011 port io ns or th e . W.l'~ I . N orl.h " Tile Eotlre Stock of meD w lin do not sucre\ld in Ii fe, A6 Ihol e C l w'l • .LI 71!1'I1. 01 l 11Si c'll Instr um e nl8 nnll 31uaic M ~r. 1llsd COIlIJeyancer. Lict I e~t 8 ncl ti uu l" . W.l's t . l/I IIIIII, e fllld II~ W i. ManBeueD ed. Watch u' ly Silver Gold and worda are oommon chu nd ise . all hO luwel t rRle l', wholes. 'a O ulI/l I.HE F relilJIlc ,ilr ecl io ll ~ fun Jl e, the r Ihe e h o r leri~ or culill .A(1~nt and I ' J e . ~Ia~ lile aald 10 be /I p lace ror t hose who y , Ih ~ bes( ru ule lV r'hil udelphill : N c,\' \ ()!k, find rewil. S~cou d h nntl l'illn !Js llnd 111 ,,· ie~ l CO/lll'w 8urallcc 1,1 Lli'.h· r ufaoto~y. two lmmen.~ ewe Do t ,s ucceed" tl upon eorLh; find It IS l bU l l!ui us . Pricu, GO, re ."J W US IIl Il /l tOIl , 'I he u rnec lit th e Olll Stulld, lU llin S&rce t, lo .1eond at I!reu ~stabll$hmeDts, Oll~ Silver -l'la' IDu hll ' , Uul limo lIunly 1~41 1" 5I ia l gral'e s d o Dot bosl .............'-"""-A· :}'.r J::S I/ lLL E. UlllO. 7 5, 100. 1~5, l bO. 1 5!5 . .20 0, ond 8225. NfoIv w il h cO llfiden co !'e ly up o n moy r le e ltllv l Pen Gold one ouse, Wareh tlng iI' 7 ucta ve J'iftnosl ur !l50 and upward s . thrir e aDd bloo m ' in Ihe h OI bloze of p l' r l~1) 1I ." ru COIIIlCC liu lI. hi!!" I".I,ce J \\lIh I I and Pencil Maker , III ' oll" ~v llij Iv lUI. allure'I~ ali os anJ M clot! · worldly pros periLy. III SUCC tl8 so me· 11il II r I C0 u~ e ' lIc '~ N JlP u Y vtll' e t! nu ly, d fe .o h d1'. lin d procee s re ')i_JOnl wllh of nI'l ions Jloscd t b d e Colleol b Q::7' T'; rc· s f o ed if pure/. dse". lIl unlhly p~yD1enl times ari8ee from a 6uperAb undllllce E'W ?"U e C(III' , milted 01 cu rre llt ra tee. th ol elm be proc ured. '''lT11 0 U',' JLEt:AI lD TU(;US ·!'. lbe l'O ~ nlry, I'8pedlt\), I. llhe bUI,.. 1\ ume. s e rnco. th sr. from lor !!"1 1 1I ed iv e good I,J c , n ves ay Pa tl rur orin Ihemsel arl! c in pre s qUlllit}e l'uIl8e l",er E~ ecio l oi ll s tllk e n ill . I I d·1 J ' 1I1eln. and to lIOyth.WM, I Flanos l'8' e . 1 WSl ce urll H Ill) T 41s1rlctll ur Iho ~'lIIt ' I · pug (liS P ' lOO k uip b eq tasle II I ~ l.' U . ' p ., p , g UI' ., I b,'e ll D u ll consCIe nce too tetiailiv e, By . Villi le9 , Rr. of ~n.lll o " .h l e I.l'te~ ,,~' 010.' hove rN~,:r ll l y oo,l. r: e litt)' Th a lJu procurin pr's ru4\MIM, 1\18 I la. liMa 1I~8ltume bave urable tbry I Dllu whrN' · fill~ ,I " liB It Clre rul s ll ll, ro vu n iu Ce l idious , 8 aelf. forgelfu ln ass too r oman· an d P ensio ns o f dece asod !:l o IJ ie r • . Char. tl tlell llY o'k ll"''''h ' p . ...d U ~6 .Bentic,,,1 l.I ! mc lIlul lhe Pellilsyl . II s ore nlllJ c. \Varroll led lo r five y eu r t. , c~~ ,,,.,," are r~mm~nded by tbO Pb,"rrs. . II d I ~"" UII' " . • bl' ,II·,rlor ' 1'r<l . Iho l " o ,, n I. r. will lu 1 er lhi. retiring. I 'V 1 tio. a mode sfy 100 . Pr ices .,reatl y r educ ed for co s h. (,\,·,1 run . I"" ·' "'' 'rlldal It lellea 'Ia propn QlalM1'ilrs gos ~ C OSUII U •. ~ . I",rr"" "" " ; 0'·(· . . . o".<1 I.y • (1" ln.. t!b .rUII , " rrom li e go .0 far n8 10 1lay. with A li ving pocl. Li fe outl F Ir o I neurunc e P " oI CICS Iss ued , II . huultl ll .. pruutl". "uy 11111.. ,1, 81.U. \ AI Pilt.bur~ , .tra"l a \VII ". 1~S. 1MONIA TJ,;ST In ~r'..re ,,/th tilt! tlrettll!lI'. it, dired 10 II .., ~ "1U1l Dr pul , w l: e r.t! 1'us.ol"" LbaL 'the world kllOIV8 uolbing o f il B "ntl pro clI ~e d UK fa vora ble term. ,;. \Vulcrs ' Pianos .re. known 111,,1 Ih.y a .. c "",.11 ) ti t' prMenllve Illd cure ror .'e'l)r lind Hornee' 'rhe l this Ie ~ in' of s lII,e c l" rUin ~ ros Ihe years lu d 4b rr~ Ct;sl" EN Il trun EF& R oro of iters l rm~ gre ntesl tni· n;' but there IHe J 0 , A IUEltlC AN JUANUF .o\CTUR E, Y . EvolI/te· L-N. bea very Ihe ch l wl~ II1l10ng LIter (lOIa,IIII ." DlUoas Pe, n. , liS Itnlhvoy 3m . 7 ul. ult Ue lli. nnsylvu e P ' til nlly Gild th er efore g r~&Uy supe rior 10 Ih e gooul illl ,;:reatne s s, o r al le a8t I'lIc~ lI e n ce, whi c h t. il li l _ . POIIIIH ~. olher at ~ . arrive . com _ u 1 """ ked .llOlIt ItO Ih .. le Ave Pill s burg 111111 'die and mAke no eign;' Ih e re !IrO mflrWe can " peek of II,p merile IIf Ihe I'"r lell ,"U '" uhroud u:.~ SI "' pte , lu I}' 011 .' "'' n8 roll olVH : 1d. 'h." I Hurncll Wu:ers' Pianus Irom o'('rsollo l d "'''p'lI ev. r 80 Lyre tbl!tl¥is s Ih e paJ.m. b~t no t .tho ' ,,~ n A Y l:: XI'ItEs~-Leov e8 PiU s uurg 01 2 .· ;Ij':.~~~~.d ~; I',I :'~ ,I':' ~'~;~~~'I'."; :;"~'~I':;),."::.,,~.~,, SiB. Indllf8l1oa. JIlQDt!Ire , DIUjQI'8$, 'Ia~e i Ileraes wi lh qu~ Ih.e llluWplJ . k" o\~ ledl!e: ~8 boi nl! o ~ the very lIesl r'~I' ,,)' " III, •• ,'. 601\. JU, SIOpp llI ,!! ol prlflclpo l sl"tl~I~ 8 , ,,,. of ro" ,·"1,,. ~ Ih .hull "JI'" i\ to ncer. e l.! lh , y. I lIepr. slon Of ~pJrll ~, L!lutp;uor. 110 qu nhly .- CI1rI81aln JnLe M. . A 7';0 01 . I\ltOOIl" I .. Arrives , " l'ion08 a,e Lui'" I,rr ., (,II. r.·" U) ,.. 10 Ih l'u'Jlic, Tv h,ed',"I WOlerll' orace H The 1 .. dcrnnlfrm rnls of tbf dIJrllfltl\'e fUll I,." 1\1 .A. 0 :I:l (I lU lle -It. (une 8 .·J5 A . lIf ., I Up/loltll ,\Vw./J.T M.uoN n r ls.-At Llle '(lfeaenl " uf lite Ilelll und mus~ lhoruog hly 8oasone d Ihe , ul. . ONLl:. ONE i)OLLA it . H " \'e ll 12 bO P . 1\1 .•] fltlrrl~ h"r!!t 'l J3l1U~ ~'''r IIrbliltattiiJ 1'01'8OD8 tile)' ~"" "*'I\c. W·.c1 Lock which r ove • ( oLuer time, all in every mnI Prill .-Advo cnle & lomnn!. , fet 6 .4;' 1' .1\1 .• N nw Uuililllo IItllrl)' J'IIr()D1Dl~e.etI,l!:h ln l.D .PIJfI\~ lI!., P. 1.10 nd A ourli,I. n " .rlide "y . r (o url!;co.l IJoch l\sonry \l M clul. wj i\ bas spread its pt'itlcip\ cB, 1. W,lIera ' Piano!! 4nd 1I1elodeo Pl,il , \ .1Il., l' :.10 10 l Wnyuct vUlc, Ohio. a owlI. Ilod ~ "~ngth 10 IIle ,,'bule hwmlln fl'll.l. Alienl via Yurk, h. unl.iI pay 111)1 (I •.• ,,,~ t' •• made ~ I , i. t UI" In o p ~rd", cOD8tilu tei the aft't:ctio nate, a nd in llis· lellge c omparia on with tl\8 fin Th~ IIIlters are ~elenI!Dr .1II1· I", . I Yurk, w c ~N un~ ;, ~1. b~~~~,i't .~ ~~~~~~~ oue lphi.n t a l b .~5 loltlble alliance wbioh unilea man iD .nywhe re in Ihe country .-~um Jour. ~::~I~'~h~~~~~':~' ::cc~~~.i' \ aud Ire ."0 or .. Nrc 00"" 1. 1. p.red. . . I nl 10._" for "i ,po,, "~ of I" r~e . lock . of Jew. I,), und via Plllidde lpillo. . "arm cord ia lily wilh man. It form a ~ bufg . 1 /U>o . Pi\l K eove LIIIE-L AIL fourteen yenrs' experie nce nal. M IIHd Hnvilll:' "" HU~8CO Water.' p,nno Forte, li re 01 !iutlla.· ~ro, lu c l'O the most Ii berlll lind exle nai ve COli neo' i,l Ille prutll ce 01 Medicin e. oHilrd Id. A. M , 6lUppiuj.( Bl ull rp!Julur StuliOIl S. - 1 ROBACK'S BITTE RS. Till:: I"LA N IS SIJlIPJ, E ! rtill. rich tI!,J even .toll 8, olllJ powerl ul.lir d (j lionl. No private pre'p08l e8810n nor Pru~e s siulla I t:l e rvie es 10 lh o cilizCIIB uf o fTer. d fur •• Ic-n. AhoulIH t ul 11 .45 A. M ., Il urr iKb .-ci(·I. .. h " e. of ,,41' 11. e Th " RlI lIoe of BDDU. I'IIDI8, IInrJls. BUb. N. Y. M~6lcol R~YlelV. orrivi"g' al Phdude l"h ill 81 II .:W DlliODa l prtdiJec lloll. no ci"il policy nor ty . W.lers ,Gold liulIlI"g' IV.lell , (;n l" .O vIII. Ua"d I Ir"c~, I P. M, JUr, Vicilll al and find Will sville nds e Ilod Mtrds. lI·blcll.lla ve llcea ro"nd 111011 Ifl Wayne Our l,hiu PhiluJel Yiu k spirit, Yu IV N parly tI P M Drop•• & •..• eccle.. iuLical tyranny . no , en t 0' !\IIIsic Ibl. I'... .-1 U'-C. ' I' /lII' 811d I·,.r, III Aa~Orlm, t bes , very r the e re Slo rfl'rrlual b)' IOIlIt mllllicai el~eal't.l. Ol~ " • . en . "hled • • OFJ' I C~ on Ih o corner of M.in II IIU Mi· Bitt! uf Pianus 10 be round ill the Uniled WMIt." 0 1111 r u,l u"tI . "dosed nor dillocia l paasiop , is 8ulIered to pre , 0 1 [) A, l\.~ (be rfql1lt!lIe TOIIII pr."tUI'I II. 110 vclup.>; Ih cl O c",·.lpp•• 8' u Ih e" illo .."d II •r • pUVI'8 L L I A " III Hall. ERIE Uoy's I'ID A RO ol'poS;IO wilh UV i ncnrly PITT' . interfert Old, ·. Dor i. ami veD~ tbe eog"gem en\, ,Ir. w e ,' IIIIlI weln"i .. ", Ih. n •• a " o,·d . ,· . l\lag.ZIII~. s la' r.PlIII' -tile aH¥e ... aham J'IIUe\'lnr: les.-Gr Su ' llrl,, e lI "I i"l: I, SIUP M. . P !l4l ] 01 bur" 6.· ~ cen'. (or "eluru 1'0" . I' ills N ig ht co ll d prompll y ree pond ed 10. \h, k ee exen:UIe ' of ~ha~ broLber lylove. 8IUcrs BI'iI' Ule J¥IOr .2U " 8l 1'\'MIl The Huroco ~Vol e~B' Pi unu? nre 01 811· c.iv.d. w'lh Iwc"lv · ... ,,u,,u! lint><. I, lit A at Arrive. •. :', "lIal.li UII . of , h~ (·a,d. or , ·~r· eI ,.t'S' ., IJI " ...llet aDJ fideJi~y. it fsil. not . to pro · perior tonll I'"d e legllut fi,"sh ...... N. y , "1\." .",I ,u lh eren A 1\[ n o-trlld. IIII vlng hIm ....y dOdo,'s I Ll . •.ull rg ].",5 h i rUlldl) '" nll d .enllly II. e " " , U lyk ,B' ,. II .. I lltll'H Ullu I , . ' . ls urr d r I Oll e" c. iI " Chrilllie " Ellquire. .' duce. lL has (or IIges b ee D lamenla and "".. llu lit. cu. lu,,, "r. who WIll , ee III "It·lIo' ~~ . ·t ll III! Ibo rleb maIL'll I!o"~ , del.ohi. a l 6,,10 A . 'I " ,.• ·1 fur 0"" 1)"lI l1 r, [ f I, . i. , wh. 1 h. ,'U enll 'hal rslly dillincli oD8 And !lArlinl COli ' , Schetl ul e ul p,"ces o( inslrum 1',11. ovo. -Lc EXI'Rr.ss IA F.LPH I'HlI.AD IlIon"y ,, 111 tI, J r "'I • 111 h" JurlUu o. h" , ' UII 10rlY"rd .iderali onl. irralioDf ll pr~jutl ice8, oon · r. 0 II T'I 11 11 EaT II E P n It. C TI C E 0 r C•••u I"guos 0 ., le e. USIC DIIII ,.ny UIi- II IV b 4 .:.Ib P. DI . , ~toppl "" villy 01 l!ri l" " " (' O"ti ,"!!, Iv ~ i r.(· li u ". UII I!IU ",·tI.,i,·.I • • ':" bllrlll\l ID lliled free. S., .U, Ihe i," 1 . 1 'r; 10 d .. i~h "I, publ ic A ' . traotea- le,lIi '" en(" •• boulu 80 JDuoh ob · . ho tl . I V worrlc,l " e w;t. ~ rucl .. e Ih If U Ih \,nzo. ,' .",' per ceole ! sulled. e lli li . ,: rlVed ut ,1I1U IC • . ' . Shee tlllu81C , Q u c'pu SIOIlUIIS . reJlllful1l 111,1 ..,.11111 th.8 weak allf liP Ja . . . . " bo ull l u" . ,I ,u. Ih 0 l'u. ch." r- •• (0."II' ~'.'"I,I., ur:,: :J ,IU llrn.u U atruct the fri e ndly intercou r Re of mAil ' .. ~l 1'. .:lJ 9 ePI. AILuufl~ , "l. ~I . IJ P . "}Oll"'" In b i 1111.1 II ren, II' b b I'lJrIlI" . .• l' · l'eHrl of ..1 bUllated. 'rh" lIg .!faJ ..el.Drbol,., .. vi . kind. Malonr y breaks down theae rn I'a varro 8 run e 108; tlot to e Cl( r e ' . , • ., rlheu, a lldl,,.dll o Oll~ It. . M" Bulli mo ru 7 /t.M,. N e w Vurk. 101 I Ill'll of m~ry Olle ' 'o r . Sobb~lhSchoo'.onulJtherllooks. pub· ,,,un' who eUll ldllOI\V (I( 7 ,Ob iit. blltlho e lllfl,lelph Pl NOll •• aI' BJ . e A r e 10 h. , aOleplD wn· ita c~Qnyw In , Allellto ,..!u barriere formida ble l.v "I\ ~ Ih. llllo!- w. \I ill "",d "ny olh erurl W nlers . Horoco by enj oy ment. Tht'rle II)Utrt! 'are ed hsh llld~. i'llIlu"cl vill t rk Yu ilw N lltl a ~(, . ' 01 ,I .embl" around ita 80cial alter, meel Irom Ihe. 'B,,,e 1l'·p.rll",·"1 vi .'he "",II'0O:;:U r .' l Bell, No. • . Selloo 'lI • , Subbll r tl'Odllalil., .. d Ire belnc uledi lu lIt .. ltrrt:ll. fc I' he limy h c will Illual pn c e ' GHrd fill' Ih,ruu;!1i UII the inhabitl DI8 of differen t counlrie e. Id · ""1 rC•• ~II. YOII d'ouoe 10 "'" '" ro no funl"" 'I "I . U AI. ::3leep"!:1 bur g 10 lJ ulllJll ut" Hnd pllal •• lIal ..... PM , he , In lbll bOM l Bell. No.2, iiil ~fI ot I1111' Sclloo C .1I T SUbbo nce e ree Pllle IrOll1 n .&m.Iral And Ill1s . ERM~, i, with beDigDaoL loob of esteem. Ilt611 you GIt" I'e llll .. lII olle r d .. op \\,h .." it ClaOI'o t lIarp fl.' p.n IIppt.llzer, tOllle, la' ).), AlIl'II' i" Yurll,v New tu uut! Sireel. . t-:xulu in" carefully UUI" Phi .l llueiphill o"II ."e",'"o 1\.0".. eeotim6 D( of. unfeign ed fri e ndship. on Main '.'1 • D ~' tile !!)'~tt lll 'tbI'UPO II t'e .\I'lIIJ ., _=-=-=-=-=_~ l'JIll'll. ._==_~.==-=_=~.::-= C"lul!)!;,,, , ! .... ae Ja.e... . Aroupd dlataut laods iL caEls Philan· g,a'O nl • rg bll ttti Pi ~ '" tves }'AST LI NE-Lpf \V A1'CII DEP ARTME NT. P RIC E S : thropy" connect iog zono. and bind. ...AUUtttt9ttncnt9: ROBACK'S CBS6 i6U 10 :t.2011 P. M.• 8\~pping oilly 8t prlncipn l s lnl iu lIS ling gulllitun er LH nl POI. ?on Board, tbe: ' iea dUll.; per Iympath 83 same Pnper . Cover~. togethe r in the T!i turivell 01 J\ II Ull n" .1 ' 2,ao A. 01.) " IIl1rriK' I '0 ~u ••• c hUIII'!;" olJ ~ vel' ~ I e" h l. '!"I~ .1011 8'.'lO. lt. B ~o'lh, b)' I •• willi lbe roa!lellt .r lie ~p,GO i Clulh En.1I08seti Gi 3u 10 IC.O b '" whole family on earth. ~\lU :>w 'U l!ulcJ l,ulI"nl( ca.. \' urg 7.30 A. nl., .IIIIU",. ·t I :. ,~O I', Ill .. ~ ClllllUded huul. ,"I " 11,.,,1 ' blghesl IIl!ferA18eal alli!~oI'ItJ·. ' I.,.lll •• di i. ~po e. Villum . I in 2, i ••• , and 1 •. BELLS , No 30 t., 110 Nt'\\' Yurk.t V 1;1 Allell to"". N~.45 VI' ~I .. , illg CII. O e" of 811'fDIllh I wtll ' • .,....ee . , III, 'Emb08s 'h I I' ow orll , . I '1 I Clu "OR VU , . hi lUI dpl.iot 12,50 P N, U lid n.. . .' Tha .hoddy 'rietocr acy at Bar, $6,611 ~ "1'01.. 11' e ver .. vet 1It11111't;' C. I C au 10 In,.,. 10 roalahl • IAmr II'QortIM If d ., ~ pRr du:te ... /j ..121'. lit. I ' ut u, LEY, ludelpl.i i , Ph EB£R viu ~;\ tn :\,1 . ~ r" hu,,'i,,!;, ,· 4110 de' . I.... r , ilv. GI I. 9 ... 0 per u)le n . . \ .to~1l ~atre. great difficult y in w o aring trdt medld.,1 I. .retle.ta ... ylrt.. II [, o l !l ~ l1".C8 1I.·oropll . r lo,·. d h. r l. t <l t)1I ~ tSupptr. I THE CIUllIS TIAN JlJI~LODI8T, j D11L71tr" Ie IlIc * BTtII/:jU ,t, • lhiil' uihllllal advanne m·ents . : i , Shme :>1 ~V I B he8 to inrorm hi s pOlrulls a"d the, liII 2·.v ·roce I h~a lin), otller Sto.,dl 0l'c,, ,· • • iI , I!!vo,' ltilll p" ,1011 k' .. d 'rul . alt ol"tt· Ira i7lJ, lJII1I ci(tilS r.xcCIJ /~d DIl lly, · IH I' cU ll lll nlllly 011 ha~J I Ie uOO • ~ O \) S · ••• n A n I! W R e VIVIl Iymll all """,," oa I ' "V fompru-J!o 'hem make moeL ridiculo u8 work of it public, Ih ll l he kee pl IIf r, /\I,d ; l(Cl ntur w, .. 'v.',. I B tl"3 60· , ' . "'3 • tl ond 8 m ~1I JEWi:J .Jty DEPAR 1"MEN T. I, flce"ll -remin ding beholde ra " or pre mium largo II wtll be ~a II oaH, IlIlt bUill ur our o. • uy ull ' llll. pt.r uz. 10 _"II! lur ls ke I,c . ' . BilK-S nAKE PLOW S. Manuf aotory and Warer oom. alI 40 tu $ 120 mil. 110011ick,IIB go, iI v n "" I' o r Ih o l caule bedecke d for agricuh ural fa irs. . 300 d,uOIo"t! Tln g a ' . . :lO IU Ilt O' Suullu ,ilia •• 1··AIl" Iu ull ~u ill td "_ lu IV rings fltl, u lll One unfbrtuD llte d-unce of o lllilginou e lind do ullie and single "td'diu g; 301l . 481, Broadw ay. New: YQrk. I1l1ough 3 10 15 uu UII)' u lh~r ruU It'. weDt actnlllly r,ngs • dsvelop ement 3000 (,,'11. uIUIIIU~tl - BCANA . '" A.·.·C. . - - -.... ~IrOD ... r, ••~ a,.. t,l.1 will lie Ctt~ 12 S 10 dOOO t11f1mo ll d flngd .' the mar~yrdom (If dres s ing fi fill e n S ,R A C G i_V P .E'lJ,' /. S morll emtl~a l, tban eU olbert!; Ihe, .40 ture lo 3 mnnulnc rhains also fob will Ill. e H l. An Elegan t Novel ty In Wa.tch es. I)UOII go" l &. ellO time. before supper on Tuesda y • . A m.de or Slee ~t:rrflll'blo '10 tile I ... tt . lul ..",...II.. P tem' nd .. dress . 4U O 51u olld repllir Plo\\,sl,a r'e s. nnd gu!u ve~1 chain.. yO~Dg d rilae l aL table in o nl! o f Iho bi g 'l' r..e CU8C~ of thi &wolel, ur e a'n flllrre!y \ ..IUUD g~ III'"gultl hiluu'". N p lV York I tulalll, rn't·\lt. mille or 10 I 11 IIl g l,t tr uillA to 3 lo TUllis. ulJllons Bdged I","cve II or ~ killd pllir 011 r pe 4000 el1'l siX:~ilrer ur d new Invellllu n. cOllljlooe , as to nish e d " tli " bOlels ' yeatll rilay 10 ' ulld Uulllllllt rt'. UU Il~u~1! ched(~J Ihruugl, .rUt.le Ill", ell .J alslo ....'" 3 lo Q:::rt:lm ithitlg 11111 Houe.ah oin g 1I11elld· melllie cLJlllllineJ . roil ed toge ll, era.,d pl o n. l ~o uo pnir gol.1 &. e llom. " I 14-61Q Ihe 8tJfond tllile wIllI C'q1lA1 ""',131111",", 8 ~ ol"llrllll rl I Crrd fr c u. crowd' by excll\im ing. • Lor \ l've ed lu promptly . 3 10 llu lJ stu d8 iuhet!. pr ud uci ng UII eXU Cl iniitoti\)11 of 18 uUUU IIC ls gUll Is' I' u. wi ll i lr"utl ai R vlllliij Pellll"yl e .' Th gr81'~y I') he 0 31 iUll,J I.rl trl'rl bOtly Ir,. IlM'm. IA' IlkI \ rilllZi l diamen lll' ig s my dropped cor8l g uld , co ile d Arcun., which will 01 , 80UO d:Olle eel &. I nut UrlSUllle Mll y ridl, I.)r BII~:,!n ~e . excep , ) rin g. <1 Iu nom, (li lly roll~I!I""" ur lbe ll'1llh or "" e ' A villOi811 -teareb Cor the lo s t jewel8il: & set t. s 80UO i. OHUS~ AND Lorr beslli ore They color. ila W8YS keep 'or Wu~ r.ill !J Apllllrt' I, M"U li l" il Ih ~ir r" " l bo 10 5 lns chB lIeck j!'uld ' s lodie a elomllo her pin-wA 8 ,lIladll in 1111;1 (jOUU 1)" 011 ,t ufiimled lui 08 80liullo ld. and lire AT PRIVA TE S -lLE 10 - 1)Ollclll.l I ltly lO uuc I"""l,ed ,1"IIIiI'" ill vul , 1 t I I.ur8eel~t ii 3 l u 4"OU go Id oVII 1' " u1l1l kitchen refule. but unsucce s!fully. 1L I Cvs l. 'r'he co se is lIeaulilu lly .v eil: I.t IIt.e Mild Lot. silu Hou"e vulullble e Th I t) ue . All H" !!g .ge ~x (,L'e .ri"g Ihul 10 11,,, ""1 Iv ~ 8 s brucolel 1 ~ j 'papa' 811d lind golJ is only worth 31.200 , tl ~8i l!n ed with Ponel ondtihic ltl ror nllOl e , GOOO TIle Wtn e Cl",wCI'II. or Ille WI!IIlIII" 1111 v ulu c, will btl Oll.I' 1I rI . k ul II,,· oWller, ' 1; 81. to 8 Norlh ts 01 side brucele St . EH nom e comes wilhin 'l'oodllla -' defiDitio n qf a JIliiLllte d on the wi,1I PII~eDI l'U8h Pin. ulld cngrQVt' d in 500U go kl nnd lrUCt. li CO elul Ih nl Ille.," CIlaWN'/U'lIpe U! ""c ti raHrrd by .. c l.l( e~cl "lIl 'he streets 'j'hird lind I"uurlh IIlylo or till! celebrH ed Golt! aouu liv id chllielui ll eh.ill8 exact the genllem aD. lIe' don't are A darn.' \)l! lwoell tlellel8D.W1ae .. ""lIInrlJ lf. '~e )·Jf.ldr. 8 pr operly o( robe. j}l. RUlIt::HTs-ia orrd'eu cl leeyu buttoU8 310 FREIG HTS. HUlltlllg L ove rs, lind ure ren li y hand s o me 50U O pllir ludi et!' l·berew t.a greater oro\,d at SAratog a 01 privale Ro le. an eJUd IIlI:I)' Dao Davant! ura'!llJ,.... 10 410 " nom. c UIIU deHir(lbl e . 811U s o eX llel nn Imitati (l ll .JOUII Jluir now Ihan ever b efo re I\t 1\\18 timo in th ll ~1'lll'l nJ 1'1Ir~ lllei1lduI I propcrlll'tl, flD 12 I Dy th ia r~t ll I reil! "l ~ 01 nil t!,'~crir 'I'he H ouse is we II buill. In 0 ple alalll 310 , 8UOO solilaire gu lJ hrece lela I ' · rKlrnrted b)' ~itrdl dl,illllltto n. PI,il,, , _eaIOD ; bu~ kist 01 real, refined goo Iii· locution . with thr ll e ruoOlS, porch, BUlI\m er 01 goltl U9 lu dely de teclion . The move lru," nllJ to o rl llirWlInl be 12 1110llri COli by Ih e ws ll· kllowO {j00.0 curul, op . ' & I' flI . hrooche s 3 to HoIOl1: Ofer ' \lIIKli' to adv. nct . , Yurk, HU6LIJ II ur lI a: l llnor~ , N~IV it). ill. t1elph kilch e n nnd celler ~Illuw; t1nd I\VII rooms mOI.1 is QlQnulo c tured Il to 3 I'OVo rJ eu Pl'urI onJ eu rom 000 5 , ,-.- SI, Jime r Wili e h Cumpun y ot:Euro pla, /t ,, " ru ud. u l lhu II <I uiut I' lilly lh~l le"cls ." ,til Imp,rOVUlw rvlIl l , conry nt e ond ll III , xce e of !1 w'e A allLl tory. s nd LllvlI 8ccu Jel, in Ihe CRowDl lro A BAOUELOR. - ' What did wnlcr .,HI (lr" aup erb ly fi llis he d. hllving engrov(' d 7000 i\Jllfiair, , i"' \V U'S, III III . ~' l."tllnll , y is li lUaled Cl080 to tho Idl chen. "llick Ke Ollh). , 10 310 .F'lu re llliue Jo~ar"rups Oil Ihe L ot Dre II vsri e ly pf Iruil tre os, palleu.l ullI:Y ca ryed Itrid"es, a"juum g II) I C() I\~lIl , JUWd ur MI8~OUtl, by r.tiruutl "I, 3 10 you cume here after. ?' e nquir ed Mi ij8. &, golllliult lIlC;, nlld the im. 1,0 000 (lurnl,o!,ul & e m. eurdrop ~ 41u wilh r. ga otur, r ul iu reg qllo!ily guod o( ",1 . nd ou gr • Ihe Gntl IU rcc' . wbo nd, e luck~lb tJ OIinilllur SUI.n Draper of a bac h e lIJ r fri 10UOO olld dial e lin wilh lilctioll, jewcllet ed prov pulll1r,C.' . tbn or Iree roDllllon 1 is , 01 rty Nlnll.,y Ihe prupe t,ilrlJIIJ R ul Tho lr . Cen The Pennsy lva nia 8 to 26 tin. made hllr a call after the reaL of th e den illll' purposils ukelelOn halld~. Dud is lVarrlllllC~ a gout! 10000 1II11{!lc sr rlnll eon ~lrude4 · I.~ .. " to.'lllJ bas lIoblle" IlCt'. 8t Pi'tt~L'Irtf \\ il l. .. f e U UII:H r' I 8 incumbro ('onIICL:t frol11 80 l~ to 4 B OUI. rillU' ujd fnmily h.ad gone lU~UO. pltlju &: time. keeper. peeullar to duuble COfpep 81111s, by which guOtld CUll be lUflvflrtl e,1 l.l UII): I , go:(\ <I Illlme 'o ' boJITOW Bome malebew .· } 'ur !urah e r pllr liculor\l. IIpplv These \Votr-he's ore of three dlfthe'n t 100UO _els Iudiell' jewelry 1 llillgulI' 1110 Mu. u, . Ohi pl'!l'u~ III~ lite ~WETn 011 hIr" D. W purt J. ,~ 11'1111 ' 5 to 20 nCC~"SliJ anti je l " lee meekly r opJill u. sizRR , the 8mnH~'9l being fur Ladies. a ll tl C Uiltb er lulld. I d ill .. l., J\I ,"";ti ~ ' ellviiie,' 10 !lrlOnd),. In Ill! llreattlllt ,arlly, nYll es.ee, W , . 'l"".lI I!O 6 . 18 lc. July e pearl 8[ory. Clmpo, Iik~ly do. a 1000(}.. 'l'bat'. eiK A COle or • Matche al are ullliuDl ing Ci,ep. ~II lb01!o lllei1lr:a1 quttlle8 . 17 gi ppi, Missouri . ArKIIIIYUd lind R I'" H ,v"w I .. to t orllcelet F. wi ll ue senl by Mail or EXI're81 for 'I!IH!15. lon,oo gilt nntl je 1 Cnl(,~ Why do,,'l JOu 1llare a mtt c h? 1 know I ' I C u"Ii y SlIluJuuk vplulltI, e , ~pecial O III Ild\' Vllt.eII ••Ii ,._....111 Cl t~ M lit QUil 12 10 2 ra uppurle s jOI hilt A s illglo one will b~ bOllt in ,ltond$o me 10000 /Jilt &. "hat you ~alDe for, e.lC'Rim ed Lh e de· SlpU'll e rs 101111 portH 011 lI,e NlIrlt.. 1 Wi'~l . WAitE lei"".. 1!1lII4I1I. C~erl'f, IIlJl~III!." pb): A'J'ED EU-I"L SII,\' sell ly r~odi will , $~5 . I . AN T R ,O NY&: CO., Morocco C se lur lighted miss. as sill! crowde d the DIU E . & R. k ~ ~, . LH W"Slern ~20 til 82 enpll )0000 sole ore fo r lhree limes, Iheir cnst.. We WHULESA LE ARD' BET".".r, baohelo r illto a corner; 'you came to ' . Merchol 1l8 IIlId s hippn B I'l1lrlJsl illglJ.e \ 310 10 "gpnll lor Ihls WQtch III. the ~Ilit e d ROoO lIoblels tallo ll of th ei r Freight tu lh i8 IranspOr JO 10 2 kill me ,:mu bUiI ~ almoBt to dOllth • .M rings lIapkin Statt!s,o lltl nOlle are genuIIls which do 10000 puir Mate· aphic PlLot"g" oj t'''61'8 'he antifact . con re ly with c onfide n co ull its ' are l\lOnV l1 CU you 16 ' t hou 4 .,., tll(.~ YQu" "lbin', 2fluO cu rd uA s ke ts not bea r ollr Trade mark. Addrelll . . riaill. 20 ~p ,'cdy trl1l1 s lf. t~ b .tioti'g~8't. bd the LorU I knd..·s ~you Kels b,s Cllke 30lJO .. CO &. GH R es ~f .Freighl 1o nll,1 rrom OilY GIRAR D W. DEVAU 1000 50 1 Ul :l'h~ 0 2 to I {> are.' Y. bQIlI4'g N. .cuMlors wilh IIIt0AD WAY. . mpo[\er ~ . 15 MOltlell Lone, N . Y. 10 to 2r. pOllltln Ihe \.\ CSI, b:y Ihe l' UIJ " .y ivull ill ••• !lOOU ,ce pitc il e rd Plio· of buyinea9 lIIui" Gur 10 ition add 111 · vi more 3 10 20 Ce nlrol Ruilrood , lire ut ull l imell HS fu . hAvo ",You ng girl'. who 60uo poir bUller h iveD DR. 'l'.lLB O'l'T'S I'ILLS ld ; wo u're lIc ud quart ~ r5 2 tu 88 H..r3;' lo US ore cl.orgl' tl by olher Railr', bll I latIlcs lly· gra • vAchy LhllR undcrst a'l Idinl{, will oftlln lo gro l' hi l! MOleria &. lcr oya up, so ~tJOO Compos ed of Id/lhly concentr ftlea (.x. viz: g. 10Jluwin Ihe for But ation. couvers in J to 9 CumpAn ies. figure mnll,o a kll ivell D" Irftc :" J rom ro olS Il.'rd h e lb~ of Ihe " 'ghes t tWOo ~ugroved pie ~ Ed rnortkulu f 10 Illorl,. In'ck"IT "", " uuz. !) '.u I v~ r 'U pe puons, ',u Itl d"zen 6119° V.J .t~i. a~recl\Qle tal e ut for enlertlli ning 0&6rt-escapes 071U Slert!0300pi& Views. I . bl ' II ,nl ll,e dlCllIul . ynlue , • 0 d ~ I "III tIe c,ure 01 10 2'.. "V IA P I:.Nl'I ·A CENTR . . L R, R." 8 'I " o.lem 8 ft nse o"sort. 9duoUll mn. I ' ,1' 1\ y ' d anger u. Inbl lin ..l UZPII hAve 0 0 we ... .o the fit~ ttl f.... II.e8e I d ' · '''1uen nil Ji ~e use80 I I IIe L'Iv ~ r, or all1 e ran "p. I Q tl ~ D 'I' Co nlr uclu .ur S',, 'l pnr 'l ll" For Jo're,nht 7 lO 25 . .. 1.10 mOlll, in c illding Wur ::!cc nc., Ameri"B n ment or the D I',reBI ,' ve Org' l .. 1'1lev "reo 80000 uzell tI~8ser t for ks II~ I,-e,; 1I0r i» I by Any . means to ' IS. . " r I Ih ~ . u, F .. ·, ~ILbt'r l'ss . r I odd or Ie pe. nPl,ly , ft Lnnddca reclillfl Ulld :lO l lties !:I to o ~e gn 0 dozen tabl e 10r~1I d ee reu or ,enuvurl lg,,'" very onr y III '\f'~ IlJiO!a~ )'rjInl $lie 1 ~l'J'OIIn~l~ I .( Al clO Re~ move "lllmpu rilies ' or lh e Blood ' tillti lire , flIC .• elc. A genlA o f Ihe Cornl'8n y: ug ,followj LS I"ENCI ANI) ENS l' life. COllver salion ehould be the re. Groups , Slululry (~OLD . •. or JnulI I Dlurrh~C I 0 cure fll~dK,8014 by lbe~. •J:'.&lIol Ihe in led I unequo 't / ) } ' p'rivule J or /~n pllbllc [·I"nn. :ur S B VUIV}fI!!. l'Ile reltsl!opI'P, every VUril'ly, lrom 3 10 $30. or 111 tlie ..,,"" lIIarke pt'tttlo f1e dS iul~ of educati on, noL lho preours or of -8X lio,'18 B' ,II u ( q . ,· I ,. , Scroluln .... . ,.,0 .0. . spP\lsill ., Dy diep, b 11 ' I 0 r c, ri' lllbhUil KWttt Mula"" Wtne II Ihe 1110111 r Id . .·o. C,~.. ·li. e lenl Liver Complni nt, Fevers , Headoch p, Piles', 1ItM 11. W. Brvwn d': C ,..O l~ ,UI!~" WI U " 'I U~ PLAN. ' £ JBER, it. I tiS 1\ go en rllit Wllllll 8Uff~ra d H d'!lory r~l UlnOrff. 'D use, for udult~, ', 811mp. 01 I Il'Ilcle or Ihe ktu. 10 be Ibu receipt un oddrass . lilly · . 10 · wl o Cflic!I(lo kn of Co., tree tlill ere OD Olarke ly 10 grow gradual n &11 enHP8 ,va 'c l o ~ge ' ror furwArd ing , chlldron half.. ",..urn ,• • "';" 1lli4 " ~e Vo" \1'1Ii morlling lhe In ' i pili. one. ", . ," JS. Af,DUlI IIC GJ\AI'J lite'" '\Iolll\! I',DOl'O ~ lbo Cerlifidl l(f\, PU8hRIt , .III.! fiv ene.f0~Ii1s:'f!~ .~r.1.'!~ ell,IIII •.• """ o~m: eda-e: but, if precipil ated by forced • K C 0 b S. F E )11 V • L P, ' Cellt "="Elllly. , 'l uf ., '11 '" e ~II" • anluiiaor y NOB.GU, if 'I ' d roto ne to three pills win C'tIre ~u~f~ ne.8f~ thll6UIII e these P : i,,!'todd" to ' Iijs1 d I.e wtJ:0 II il We d lue enc!08l. in be WI tilust ' tc which an, no lu a 'bIeall', ,\2 K..III Till'" Stree4.t!lpd•• lIlf, ;;'e' ·tnohurs c. or"~nhrl l'aeeff, lnd trom one 10 I ~ r~~ bbx~ ana " .wllI fA/l1t tMs 8 8{.'te~j Far,Vlet ell lod ni i l ~h' tovera 110 i j& 'o' :~ at LJ~ oD ~~r s:n\ W'oporli he in will "spid, te8 ~nd' ~ecotbe cUrD~ le. casD ~r 0 rtJauer Five Certlfica ~Oftt DdvellID!!epUB ro e rur Live SIUCk' l ill. lure IIJI en.. qu~tlllee III ar,.' varielv ,e. will cure .ny ,. , , .II artificia l'. t per box. lor .2' thi u 10 5' . . to.!i.O II(~w ~ortl.l~tt~I"'I· "·P rh!iI tinla 6 · fril.,. 'lee CDpor11H11 yurtIs. well IVlle rt-ti alld ' liP, ,\': t 011(' lUi rOntlQ~ lor e ' sixly-fir . ' . ' . •• f~f)l/ I, ' , IHllltl~e" " r . ' &~Ir . NE~L · . ' e,Ulelio ll Trade i upp'.I\§d '!t Himt by mall11 • EURY. ve , ItOSEB " li l' hl:' ve AIIlIIIllll ha Our b ip.IICf. eac 'CUOVI!"lI being r eoIery with baabelo ed pli old" ' ~ ~ ' 'WIcked A(m:\'r~ AKi: V 'Co, i &, ~1. PJUliTZ T. 4J J'J.'11 ~A:'n~T MaTT MElioH . ~. . Y I ioliF IIdrebllll nll rl I. cUilllecl ild b4lo ' fll ao" ll lin supei-ior Ihis 1l1,(1l upelletl on ' ~ ANTED fllked bY '. , pe.l:L YOUDg. Mi8~ \C he coulrl of . . '" w ' ISl'iILK. New Yorlr. j'y Sl~!)el, { . ulton e' E 6~ r\\,f1',' dluthl.'i by ~~1I1 ioniaj1ai be . Yllttelll WIll :rhey .:It!~ver Tbto~glll(>UI Ihocnun 'trJi' to ODerOle for ' . ~.~~ •, (lCcount for the appllClILion of the term to ,IlY , othera, }. lv, rg , whero will I' e il 'ul ld lr.a,I,JR RR . onrece lptol prree u,. ' <C\ urge j)om!leIlHulion will be pllitl . It k, m H arrilbu h d I d' lJell . " . " . ' , , " g JI· til ~s r .... I:;end fur ler,'ls • " " c " yflc. udlng SI"mp . -''''F.'''. evo" cUllvellj e !lye 101 leadi,,¥ (1111/ ~_ ~ to an som. Joong • Its. promp. OLD ..... •.or .,... If ... . , . , . " , ' I I &1,. ADtwere d · th. ~t it was o'"inl! Lo the o:::r .ae Albljl11 1'C ,.1I0 to ~rdcr "choice is oltered of lile Pili Iuu c i "'.1'",' Cu .. &. , ORN NEWB ,. I ' " tl • .,',,11 ~ spee",'I. to bow g .directin Y k A Paln. phlel N ~ 7,'; F'ultul\' SlrcllI; ~ Y l 1 u. . tb~ir ~w ur Gild Bullimo re M"rkel • . -r"i . goodly . ~roporLlon of bra.. Ih in, ' witl;. ~ .pecl.cle lip , , gin d Ipd,,, e q("cl,e~I , SIIlht811 IIhorl~~t reudon realu~e Ihe . Whe found lie. lIllon, .lV.'J"""' will aldo 0 C I '" I d )' S"I b medicin e i i ur IIln ')gue !l01V e",bruce a over Five OUI ~,d 01 ~u c tor O( loud tingillg - - - - - ~,nd mU6.L direct. rOI~te for ~~ock .10 Ne w . Tile G lIaDt young " y callae ~,' Al I ~en'l;en ' 10 ul ipl ')t.' ' , .,,(', . I rece lin Iree, .IIall; BU, h c whi to e lllu",IIJ -outI Illh 11l .I'e r subje~t'l All lll lVlu. "ift'~~e lnd kl'I'k Thous rOI'le PhlllO ~. .,11 ean. '·Ove!il1c r's bllchelo . ju th~ D E. n. FOOTE We 'baye no he~~I.tiqU III -.villJ; .J. ' "Ihcr. auy U;\lllU . ure CUllllliumll1. be ing mode, of ure slI than chQngea pop· great and lloe -' r ~-'y" k Stil~ rel.4ln~ il" Jlrof\edp 1130 llroadw .y 2 .610 aratlnol inl' ~ I... un", Ii. l .oiI. lady IIhould bump 1"Qrtr"IJa uf OmlLlel1t ADI\lri f~.1I8, e tc •• viz: , elY or. ula~lIy. and after unde~llo illg .. F I N E 8'T . .. fs __ U a VOUD'" ENOl', H LE·· . J!i ... t U JIl' r; ' A r ii'I. .lJout yy ' Provelllelll~ rlOr a period nl Ihilly yeorp, ir. .. J " L I ••• II" I G ' , I ... ~ , 100 " ' lainat Lhe top of R room, her headlUl enerl 8. 100 iCUI.Col ""eI8. Gen'l Superillt !'lIuPnL , Altoo ~a , Pd. I . . sJorU .... now JlTonounced by th e musiclIl world lu · n~ . 8i" .. N'NER I W rs G Ollice W. V .... 011 ENR H ~liO , .. ItI, y .. .. bl !lle "'1, m-rll.'. IIrig'-<~i ' d 200 ,I"I. b.e uneurpa e,au and even un~quDle \WIll" arliele of elatione ry wonld ehe be G 'r 'J' e t Age nl . Philu. . ever:.o er... ,tn U ~ 7' "75' Nllvy Omcera • ' I Cuiouelp .' · Ick 275 en "uru. . _pp\.i(, d wiLh '! Ceiling whl\ck. . " ~ ,oll~fI~a., .,.,B ,hrr,,,.eD.t, .,T,It,y~ .te, n.c.!!1eu , vylume Blltl rr.urily or tU'I •• ~ r. S LI. , . ~. HOU ~u , S U,WIlIO 13U . ~·l1o.N ) h d • , bl "vU lalearu.e,n. T E SCHle, new L Our • ••. • ES"} 1!V capnes8. c WAY I 2 b , 0.,0 10: Iity B/I , I ·0 :""1 ,;oJ '1i6 Gen; 1 fq'i.l:~11 Ai;ent. 1Jr> I , Be ftke a bODe;' lIIid a " prom lIellt IYOOlen. I 6 AUlnor~ French Iction, li atp peda l irun fi C " ~ Co I'tII 8,' &1 ~rli 40 I·lf, ' SI!I;f'. 12[) f!r",8m"d ICI~ve.oa " I, ~ J I( t" 'I '",f ' ' ' o~er,slrbnll' bllU, lp.vell'( .. ch()01-mll'~r of him,elf. • I . 1 h , CAliUJ a! ADV,u (JE. ! " TEJUI8 00 r.t, • of ' Wor.~, of Lj' . pics C 0 we 3,00 ) noa p," f 'UtI. .. • Dumber o'f b\. J • b 'I 'Weartll,IIrr.eln . . /I re. 8e Ing chl'npcr bv frum • t·lon 8 of IIh e 0I0BI cele. . , t .,. lh.'" l .iY' ~.imlael; " myse a. nI.' III d'til!, rep,oHnc I!OIJ}P"nd .p _!lll_, u. K'NOW 't' (llll iu U· ~100 10 8~OO lhan Ih e ~8fl1e 8lr'o :nd lill: ' IF YOU W 'ANT TO',. . ~':"i' t ' """"," ,I' . "1Ni...~. ODe copy ODe y e ar I !f. ~cnlllesJ i l'alnlill) l1" Engravin braletl moker elnu .. olng .'~ so ld by any ollipt lirat' " 1.. u .....&'J."PR:cI~1 s o ne YeJt- ' " 'f;'i.07 ~~'·. ' ~~h lire counlry. s A Little Of Evetytlt lng reloling 10 Illp I u' pIc. Callilog uee " l i t en receipt 01 Ilunlp , . FIve copi sOle D~lderH und 811 in • III Ihe . t 0 ~iJ "'~ , ·1. " ' . '''' t.·· 'I) ,' "100 ~opi n sy.tem, male .IIJ!\l fe ""IJ e; thE' Cllue!!ri Iroln l'ictllrtl8 n Duze One ror order mlld An W81l1 you I lrd ~o I se 10 lAdy: ():7 BoardlD g· ho!IM ~ ,,\lod pln"na uro illv lted 16,00. " _ '.~ I YIlHr, irll _ M d 0' ~I'I,r re~eipt on J1~lr'i¥~ ;"ell'l W be ' e' wlII ue IJ\I~rti'jl tl'8 CBt~llIg 8i Olll Isl~ell1ltl 'No r : . like meal rare airY' New boarder ea'criptiv o Cn tol ogup.. whicb ' ~o:; ~:~ ~~S ' trp'I1} D1el\~ , ' R E .!' I H T ' ,,,. " well' FREE. Il)lfry . tu 'mall IlOw se nt by m~da~ ~ I lik~ !t lhree limen day.' ' $ 1.80 , Ind'raphers ph610gTftp ~S of .. II our dilfe refll SI}~e8 11 dlom~ 01 III w~rld; '>. I', and olhere ordering PhCljdg . I l l ' n Il I 101i1i0nd Ih,ngs never pu'1l1i81ledllle 0 • .... , ~o es pric II . Wl\~ together , I !1i0!" ), t 411:\ O. I'"~ . k' IJ (l I per iUII 26 dil e femit lnrgeu ase en e pl and will Yi""" D., pe . e O Lit O. " ~ootl" '~r~"MeA 1 ,C~~:: tb f ~I:~ tb fA ~Wb ' h b;pund • . 01 a wllrrnnl~4 chhti~ 8 pil1lJU Wilho~1 8ee,"~e '~~l~r or .ul·,bu~}net "' ! .·~or tiIre fell quuJ~IY tld8 To uud order, r cllri ol th of ," llt r,'l0u SE~S~; a l Ilie of C.OIIII\IOI' coni. " EUlC~~ I ' IOla~~ fore a1~: 0 i .C. ;,art ~~ lo;,:u t' . .1Iledals, Alm'ost IV illtout n d mb e r ~ k EJJ '"& -To MERUIT ~;'iJl !~ lL . ,]I' A , OIlS k goodi vOtlJboll g our .. 'If na :~ ,uality ptlUf,e. anll priceR The ep ng til au~ &Ai hive bll' n ' lw.rde41 to Ibe;..Gr ovesl.en p;': fJ~ or .curl " fhe R.ck ~ ,oZ. FRIN _ _._. E V J. I8 ..4 I ~ , l. I . u IlIlJ"to. cannOl l.illo SlltiBly. , u lievery' ~II~. 400 j ~"ge •• )OO y OUD DI" ,.' allO , antl Rt Ihe Celabrl t d World's FHir I l ..i . I , . ' ' IMbl p, . ' •••• . ~ in cumpeli llon 'wilh For ,lhe Woitt't, I.hndkp~~ hie/', I' d t e, " un,v 8~ilrea. '" iu9,ks "lilY be tl lI took It to U.::; tire of lnQU parts all Ie a rom . tr. ,:Sce ti!ljJ-pr awere, Ward· ' D Olllle lloll Colfell RoC 3 a Ih e flool(810res. or will bo lIe'b'( oy ~ fOg ee, pr"lIe Rio ,bigbel t ..ward" ~E.. tabll h~d IBM 1 Ie IB haloll J nhen Ib, II IU earnelit (berl 'f,u' b ' • robes . II\C./. AI.I'. , I \ 'I ." I, Syrups , lo r salo Cuffee Iiud Ex" ' ~ prWo ~' OII~h C ftll rpc.lpt 8elol IS puhl,on !lJ}QI !Dell G~OVES·I.E~N ~() '. ue~ t s~I~' by ~I',)lor 1'T ~RRl I «IIIJ' liXamiil e dur nne-ticf. C~! • . N·j·Z I R P M,t).. & , T'l'F001'~ R. IImRltI ~1. Dy <l}ddr.fl till .IOU nrullt!w ay, New Y~rk . • & 1 RIN ro/~. 15 .)'J . ROSEBE~R:Y ..f , J1:I ) llrulldw oy. New YUlk , l.
BOIl. Geo.rge S. Hillard; . I confess tha~ increA~ ini y.llarl
Jus.t ice. of the Peac e, .
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n !Y1r Alfr-V
A. JONES" M. D.,
Sh'erman MarchinlJ' Along II
D. B.
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tJard Photographs.
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Jackson's PlU>tOl''a'l S rup.
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. ~on Coifee, Pea Co1fee, . r~I !Ollllh p~t
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other~ '!~n/;re 'r/ell , 'l,~ COII~ODtll' ~IU
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W l\ YN ESVI LLE, WAR REN' COUNTY, -.-......J."" 'VEll NESD A V, ~EP1'EMBER 27, 1865.'
$2,00 A-YEAIl.
N GEl L _ YO ST '. D- hoollt. F N td.u....;,Lallor8Dd .... Lou18N apoleon'a Love fl owt, aod li~Ii\lg il w i ~h tweet brea thing I f ' I Court.] hi. d blld e Tblrd er~ , 10 Spl' U· B 1",1'11 ai r 0 ragraMIl [Fl'olllll:"puleQ II tbe L' t 0 I 1 Civ,a Dr MARY' u. O. DOOTU. Re v, Ra ndall Ross. cbs plai n 01. t he F I~U. , BODe Williallls,· oC tbe ' The duon of ~b rout::ho u t LUll parlor. itt. an writes t, rtlgimim Ohio nth Tue first Hll me of t1.8' prescnt E m'ree ~eoj8 ureBU, wbo WAI dilpalcb KlllDLl' D£.DICAl'ED 1'0' JI ER }'BlliltDS, the UaY' w.iodow opeo on tile iliaz ZII; ill I~ uer 10 the Unilcd Prtls by- I h AVP. ?o:hlng to In)" to YOll, denre81, of tile F reue u wae E leonore Gor . roe pe le licB Utl 01 UJ~':.ea ~~ ~f in.peCdlio~~ tbroagh Lray ~I~e II ' 8toou rwlIy ; oo d ~ write ou ll ca I » r. H A NN A , of the villnge of Nulh lng Ihat ve. ea~~pli & F rencb Caplai o of gbter dau ILe 8 0 r a018. aD loIlisSihip pi don, {l . leU qUo.t ' ndcr Ihb l I liad lu een~ confl!c tion8, upon t wo sl" • Eltst 'l'eunessec , th u llo me For all Ihe NordpOBI Baai. dlyd (rolll eXLende reporls • fe:l in Spaill. E I~onore \ VIId IIl-e O \VU "ht. .. to ui e to. /Ld ~h e tu the ill by t put re Bun I d St. we 'l'4tlse . tllLJus. h' o.uS',,1 tbe itb " ' I want 10 1>... au .'111;81, .Qd Tht! pilloe 0 0 11 ' Ince ' 11 con ti'd /Lote in lue Strasbu rrr l' u. ;,olillso Itall'uu AugUIL lin' d"."l of ate OrOn,1 er su" .un Ililid tlon., ~lI cool. ppe 19 kuup I' .. ~u ,ta.,d, u U~ about ollie tllo usa nd i'l hRbi , io19th, rhe main feC£8 of gensral&here pristine a tle mpt. olie \V II S II singer, and IDnd~ ill bund, y letrer, e up of tuem form Ihe brillH OlllU i.n to Not III,)' lbill Wi 11""1' a , forehead l' d A C~WII UP terest contaiu ed tberein, are Lual su mp Qnd 8cal, d VII DCU to the i'reLend er II' undu n 'I~ of r Illllrk W,tll . out ilOA. . of uly EI1,uarllli bell ur Co !lud . o( 68 ,IllllHpnu " • [) ~ halld,' f J IS no lack of e mployment lbr tb. neI k' tbroug h lit figu t DII./ J t rU ~L Ih o I('uder mCUDue lIow ofI I h.... r tb o.~ li,"ple wurd. rcpo.ted o'cr lle' wlot uisld Habiedcosmbee d H t e ammoerd °t!' a! 8~ our ILllllied 6durm l, tlwitNb rtlveu leorrrY 10 Bollc8o had s l n s l lou ,Y 01 Cal'pHtal~ l 'ung n Thil le' , f~II ~id8 blODlh (or g roe. a I we0 11 0 an per for .ad o'er, u • u y, I\v femllle. 10 0 . dollal1l Sfteen " and y ' Bn males. 11)' " lillie lolne-ey.cl ",.Ideli wlthrn til )' nei g b. ·wh t n. liudd!'lIly our UOI'S comme nced the EmpreBIt of Lu e French. In wilh board. and in additiOd thai a larg~ ot \" II buncl. o r blossoms, ' d lII 0 . W k' b bOH Otn' . courage ou sly. bol NUll O a Bweel UUqI/6\ '" I.cep OU( t1 ogs- 'c uaiueu case shtl t.ehal' ed every ar In g. . While Louis Napol' on l'I'a s unllucoess. nUIII r lire engaged in euulog wood m}' or ov nlt l g n ,~en ,LopkiD lr,,\ \)en\t\ LI. e \I\ ulldig hid., l' Ly Old up bi/di~~, ~ hoI' ll i , 6dly IW 1I1 . J hear. be.f llng: th io the Fillfu r ,\~" v.ard.. alODg 'lie )£t18illippi riT'. 1 Jlt"d.1 \ ....Y· f g lass of 8lJ" rr.l', I ob~I!IJ ~t.! II dt: tnch . fully harang uing Ih e Iroop'mu were aI ,or I . li oho . win ning "'") ~Iowed' ofeou· ateresidue ' i mlllL b!lrraoks, lhO' .renJar i i \bo7The p. rOlDe'1'profits. lookill!: e~i. ua "i!laino , Iho f (I 'be meot l 51dembl A I,llt. u rlhly a"gel , Ih. t gr •• 11 '''0 'rolll h.r 'Ii'll nlollii:r noun f"~ lv "uouscllo t hoe ft ·music elHe p Ih t I; 8(' I Out " . 1 1 d ' . 0': 1" ' cb. pal ' ea Mi.. of ' earlY,'p door my d Lue up at p rooLir", nooking y IYrotp.roa e'pr h ~ . , eart ... . on InIHII" No "h.-,I ; .. h 0 e de.LiLut . 'l' her euc'ceed ed in I"e l.ling II b A" roce~ S. golh~lO 8upport P fl r8igJ)Y bad jUilt io'· "a' nda I-a-e - 110Lbe . tic · '''I 'Cllp tllin,' putling down my Gordon . h"'hom IJ)' rent. P'TI liS . .II IIII b'IlnllOn I u. .. lu t uee, I rlln l tit '! soul'. sn ll melodl'eB ' of Illeir rao·u , · agroe. " "8 enkrpn se was · n ,a. rca \ ~ IlIU IIC I'" '" loft al\,l t;,"ttlu ,tIu.id 1. U D" I. .. f ,.ou lv allo 11 ' _1 1 '1 ly" le bu~. · ll noce tl .. 11 J . I at lue Iul' euJt lvatioo onue" J II.. ' " • e • •• , . " 0 " ril tel! !low n by uotc 1 are required 10 PSI the , glll8s f w as to ! ecol'e la, ,iccl f '1 , t II e n ~XI ob J I h J fue1 LI 101 b0 IJ I\"g d . nr.e taUhw " frn Ul U,. ,k.il1l. IIOID Il , un;• • ,<xeuse me (vr 1\ f~ w .min- 8 lit lire. to n bega lIt! live, 10 which s,"~e , }eOI~ t.t parLiee 'do who ' Mi tiS Gordon bur nli'd ~11 Ihe papers 1, tha.tI bOlV ed big niti· for tlliloril1.j:: Lo do . . ll 'Hy o u ~h . So I've notl,\ng to Ha y 10 YOII, d~nre8 'I'h . I . Uhulilt Jelt ord •.•d. ltllllge.O l'eucho... UL~s ; nllu wilh uing 10 lll e t>\ue ute- th e JisI8 o( le(c UDey uYl. Heet y to Ihtl ~rreasurJ deparLTh m"Pf lll, ues ' g US! la1 IIl !us 'bt ollr Invt1 to my UU nlly }' cll lld se o '. t Rill · 'ur .loo"'~, ra nce ru .. de it aeem' 10 Q 6 ,1I cewlt ~ ipolldcn '1I001 ~ ecorrel I ora.lh which t w. hoarl nelli ( 0 mUSlco newl @ lilt! Aud eliquetl • t tl'll once 1 I! . rSluod nt I ' wrilo, WI,cr. a wrt>ath (or bt r i$ .. 0 >011 01 frleod,lul' de '" o'. o( a ri sk 10 put clolh iUlo rr~edllle!sat three 00/\ lLy, hed lls Ibl'elll' none elldarDl g Il LII n ll wh 0d 11 lU, " lh,t OOLober io aboul d f I was alcb eSlalllis e ~r pell'p w a en sch,,018 wh ' " ,VOl way :\ 8. 11'til 1100 l:s L nppU8rnnet', . I ~e od by th o A ngp l -~oe1. " <h .. ~ 811 0 b d nlll1, a L J piacild d he i 1 1' in, ' huodred dopr . the threo U k of ren I/lioe to her wilh an nllendan I en went OUL, ene Y. t 1 would lIIou ru i' Ih~"J .bc.ul d wan ew g llnlll ll 1l 1~. tiler with ' hi !1 IIll xie'ly LO obl uin it, 5 0 as til' pupils, nnd ua'vII beeo iDcreased W fi,e unchlli ll ed Ibll dogs, I\lId oomm enced che8t ot U rR W8 1'b agoluBL "" ulill1 uu inU ,a h uc~d d n i , rit f. r, aw")', , \'e'r, how~ kl. . I 110 average aLLendance 01 500' tbo g tl rd en;- com pl ete h~r I1tdQ daft aL luisu r,e . It Tramp . .. ramp, Tramp cont 1'0 m ~k~ for IVll.] t:I\'e him 1\' ·n. uuglj w'. I} t .know .be th.ro wou l~ Ii•• 8 dri "ing tLe pi~s Qu t Ql' ing of aJl wy was uwiog to hill' p r ~5e nfle pf mioi!. ~ nIf10 . . , I ttllmpl l:uble ll rs. ~ehol cpnsidl' l' .' Aftt . - - . . le.. Uoy.· I!f. 01 e~d tu do hi s bes l I , . . ' , I r , b sequl:ll lly, 11I8 ~ ~o litlle callie 10 ' , .at , \~' ~Ih t hll ,1dvi ce good eOli Th Illy ng of tili ed oY t olle ID Ihe r r unde peeuhR l1l8 are s clIl1 vcgolub Y l' ClI Amerl ur)' il .. of I,er ob j tch wR o l . • i /I Aud ·tho le it uo~. joy il Dg ~eqtllri negroea ~ light IlL tl,e Ll'ifll. Loui<l Napolto O.La t ld 0 Il , nnd I( lie Illlld" ~r ~~Ill liugo~t the Slip ve III to'dli d utlilh. llge to DlOll SOli!: le.l II uei g sing will Illok .lId word" (or h ~· t11e n wou ld il :n c 11 6 diUi cuh y iu 'g et- I- tile.>: meDlOry e tiol1Rt illnifl).c on re~,;' Uord e~thl.8 1Ui~s oveJ~~ iUlO l:b de e~~r multitu btl PIn ni~h i ~cd bw llY u recall ma W,,~IJ r~ tb.. r ".ri. I, thu n to lot of luch 0 10 ) lClldt r of tla e 1,li ~ Ulaoc vi~. iL - t iJiIf wOl'k. lCu did hi ~ bus t, he suc. our brref tl.¥18Wn ou w" ca n Y d .ere IIIIIDIS ttlg. Illy p"rl? r. , II" w., ~ Il !.u ge, powerful- II ICllg tunl:. WI, ell L0 spoke kindly ceedlld wi th t uo j ob, lIud be oegall' IIb lall Cc8 01 tVa kind. W e r,'memb el' l I . • .J.b_ ,..ut!; 1345be school. .io Lbe o( L Ham aL m?B. 10' biw a lid 01 b~~::,I.~ denl ~ulil~f8 (~ rent S g WII 0. ' "ilh w, 'flicker. rello un D ug lIul (0 11,11,)' . 1 11)< p l'I'yer I ",u'l lu" O' .I. lb. Ivoill illl/,Dlrd ial t: 1.l' 10 g aio t he COIl fi dt nue hUll' O fICI~ , 0 I ~ b, Norlher n d r~ tv cu mb, lun g I~i:l's , motlled complu ion. Il buUL her. II"rrr' dOlli e , ~ue public uou Lv set pl enty 10 l~uoleu WltU blling too IKtu 10 come ot NnLouis sly, llRncou aimu Alwo~t -r,ent{ 110 toou rtl:;om'~ ti U~ . ;:~e~~' I::~s dogged 1~~'I well tl~~':~ we prlitLy t rl'd ears 0d 1I hul., how ; eul ru 1J"e~llog IllS . J. Cl.~ry I,op" Ih.1 o'L r h"r pnlh 'n, rude lI,i •• 011 the QUtl ,,1I do. ' (or a ~Otn t: l1t III LilY ng uinsl Lhe SO(II, poleo!) .had (j~cu his tlyee ''S UgRD-, inhnllilll1ll8 Who have n~J k"DYt 1L lurtulle ,' Oil' '', WAa Iho Ii I'!lt appenre nce of An · g abe' h, SU~8nollh: (Wil owe.lll1lraIlC~'hi~ ycnrs n fiftee ll e ~h )' d ao. 0 00 was ho IV l 'I Portuga . of st again un Ilo\V dog8, II J . hOlild 6rH be calle'" o'\'&)' frnUi I, '.. ·• un til eD Ch Al'~ etl npon t!a tch UP a.c oidenla lly of al!e . '1'he portrail of lUlll'ia da d rew ;"bnsou io 'Urecllv illll , 'l'"nne~8 etl, ~11l 0. WCJKhly d tl UI) and y surp Illt :Uh . clothe~tl Yuc:J ;::e carD • wJli of blu. eyell lll t! th '10 celllrQ e lli IIlIuddd we IIlglt '!ae cert~ill tid e, " Ulis- WI\S tile Ihst jub of work ~I IQa.rt~e y ge .t roug~ - ~.e ·mit.!. g ,. off !.Iy . Captain On· Glolia produce d DO ompression on Lim, .\1,11 /'II,)' .I'lrit • .'rllo ''''Jlllllujrlni cl ay, \YoultI "i"g~I' UlUill l, go t- Londed hiH own re!lpoD. ibillty 'flio fir BI es l ae,' Ih ose 01'b8 that rcntl ered tdi(JIl ~ tld indil,pos Q.et:n haye 1101 would he IIUU WI OUlaSI18111lce 101 la' dat'ted WIOLeI' resoue. C~"::I;JI{ e 1; COil, w ho calDe 10 Lh ! tirtly ~i:'tp edlIlOUs . F'o~ a 19 11 · IJY 'bn t ide; "1' " oI Purlugn l, ;Bllt Lhe hcrus", be: livtld in,.1 Wll8 toid, i~ nOI IUl-:hl,~r King bbCODlll LO II ~ okin .• e. , blcs-m LR , : t llelte r a qu iv. 8110 our r w\1S' :ulld., thal 8111\1e' o Uill Old induilll'io \lS tlm~ Ihe Poor nut . hu'u'ld ;vu, H. ttl.'· ft ,..,t be cu lled ru liLlcr did no~ g u on quil 6 rigbtiu spit e 0 W' Slltlldlllg, ale WI\S Retum to ' tII., ."',e•. I·Y. ioIJlJ Booth', co~(ect Eldwin of II' tC OB ibulion r h"d ~ . he.l di u I g'cnHH ahuoug ; rt:p068 li.'tlu ed · sue be t1 · wOI'I<l ol'lovu, a'\tenliv a to busiocs s, a~ mil'.!" Lv hi, rtlla· LIOIIS eIel tbe all of piazzl\. the in rerl Uld OI'IH' C 'l'be .: gOL nll}' liu ItSI,' ild 10 M . t~ , I\1n"','e rwuohll>e, I'/hM <larl h WDI PI) ded ·"l'lI. l<i: process of time hA 6 ~~ly 'gt,~e U . I'U3S, 'Loui s ] j y thi s timo I IVIIS 110 mucb exnsJlor . tiv es. On Dl:c~Ulb~r e ~ Iy torn 'fhl' '1lIlen t!l!dj Edwio 'Booth i. loon to ' ...."II' wlth her ~b .. v., ,llInl'lied. , 'l'Ut III ~ni~g e ce r~ !lJOn y ~,?lkB lit 1.1 0~le' were J\ltlal, u wl iola rt!npJlt:Rr OU tlte' alige. Al tbe ,lime of W d dechlle ttllr, I" official an in ll, Nllpoleo Iht: Il1king of pnhle 1O cll lu6 S 6co \VII 1 nlld thlLl t A&,,,in to' h"sr hul' .iUll'le long or r...e nll d"oI'O' ~.tc d perfor:n 'ed by A.ford eclii L incoln (t O ~1 thut .'},u ll! h ud tlte Slid out'urrenee th.t drove ~iJD \0 ' Ilfu 01 ll. u inlrut.! cr, li nd pl'oullbl y LlI" l'orlugu esil c~udiJn ll:&uip, . I... , joy, lol be n di~ t 8nl rclillion of the th t:lr age IIl1 pe rjlli~e ty uI!D1aod ed, ' ,,88id ' lady tllird a owever, (, liwc, lLllt At 1101 lill g my \nd pri ~ate lIfe, he announced hla dete mihlld 80 illstrell trt done hav.\l everJ ~II shoultl duty du 'fil" house in Illrctld 10 Wh"rb 1\(\1'" •• 1'001 coU\~ 110 morc. our I'leo.· fllte Prt: Mid erl't ·L iocoln. n. Quee nud r. singe e tla ril'nll'( Ibe 10118 at 8tl'iking 1u . ~ ),Iud,. • Old 'nllljoo Ilovor 'to come befl/r. lh. pllblio Uet ll 11.1 the guu s mith· , ,urulu '!lIuy :W ioh liu w! :s iJlar'fi ~ d 11H8 bee II remov- CO llgC~ I: L CO?lJlIlIlY In lite King Ju'rome's lSI) ilde, Malu WIIS This one l hi al:y llt ll1ecidc pU Jl , WIl H 1I~ll il\. Of Ihe !post carneet and , UO.· ick, olu Sl a hful ll wlLh fll e 111m th her y, l. C"ow" UIIO" I,tir !'''fell.a.d, a hu, p wi thin " I At !'ll1d, time, my .iurofma nl tol,l V o l rn seemed Sbe r. hlEl daug old ·Yllo.r ll clllee \) disaLI Lo liS blulV 1\ th" lail cum promIsing loyalty, aDd p08sesliDg uf til " tl ogs sucll hHnd. ndl't:W Jollll son could, nvl ' rent.!, for 11 lUll!:: Ill.o e drllw~1 Ly Louis Napoleou sincel'tl}'. ed lov IlIlvc to capture to d toJ'witltl in stru- Bocilll q tllililillil that hRd' ''OD bim 1II.0Y dtl was bl'ill\i 01 r UUll " . II!l ~/l Lilli ~lJ the . in " 1Iow ....tiell)· .. II h~r I"u,,,, llo.. , ",h. w~ ~ tIlUIor)'~ l(]a renll "y llis wife 1\(' t"r up!!')I WIIS tJ'llllSpOI·tcd 10 Amel'icII, II ~ r, n WI,e btaltl<ll ~ .yml c puun e tb ill him put ld tht:: t1t llt royeral u "~e n,l s , . l~ outHI up 10 nil I\goniz inf },/juod», ho re ct: ived the · ·IUU,.,,~r I."u·l Androllleua., he thouglH ~ . tlltl~r mllrri~ge . 'fhill!£8 pros)lH t: pt tc h. b) pt.'IOO keys, nUIIIll'nJu to I, uwl PIlIII}' of Ih c Norther n·people. adore Ibe UOllrd uu oul him elling g iu cull), t1illi sOlOe Aflt:r " WA ~ N.a:6V ~~ ' blm, and In duo li mtl 111': L~ C II IlJIl W f r. mado' ot .tho pillzza, 1 drove Iliw il;lo lu e 'Ii wilh Silliness of hi, cousio, :lIud. IHule "bi to own laid 011111 1I0us(l !Ind lo\. pl ll ntll;t' ly m four \·III~e ij . 'l 'he" Silvor tbll close or April, lIi' ·adllire .... _-_ -.,_. ~l'oal j:' his ill g ll La fullowin IInkno" lhe onL" d.nq;aogem gl'oull the llry ill out Ilrclimjn .lJy well s li UII,llit" lilly by brllry , Oil! roll • r:RY, 10 ~~G Uf, ~ ' b~oll(: ilL down .\ \ 'r,~_ ~~ ! hll ..4~ Ii. .l>LLij.is Moo.", 1!I\lI. hflme e .~.go M-~Lui\d Lb A laklDg billlllJ'O nIl.! I briull La Wheti I UI;)Q"h, U"., thel',fj .un!. !'I'lJr~ ~, I'l\t~JI .. '.' ~.oo ....,,,,.\,.. ~I'(.,,~ ~ . . I""', , ;J.·h.1\ !.est 01 b i ~ ~y"rt:4Il e ~ t OLt';'Ili.! hi pa rk t slun' ,8 a II III brick, 6p'~ : 1 In.;, With '7"""SI1 II.. LI V O LII ~ k 0./ gUldlllg 'th~ ~~I\V - dunn !; lli e 1I1'6SI\U\ eu\uma , ,'I q l,Ull tly Io:".~,illg' Oil . Iha I'enlai\ls of the ·r,·w 'UiJodls"'\lg o, \1:0 WUII(JI~ f~ neC' thl! It J BY PILII:D~RIC 6. CVUII:~/.I, :irollb I\nd ·pturch, k bllo 1\ whicl; Ir~~ a ,t~ere J. ~1I\v lair. uu~d r, he -ill.la., hlgt:l tl llroLbtl1' outlt uill' myself .juiOl:d uow found I ally nrulesli Fili H·g . l'Ch9Y .g'lldclI __ • • ~-"l . It Ell\o d ~ 011 Ihc C,lI:' ',H " I' 00 I,u 'VUJ, npJJI~ li.nlll'!!B ,uy c~s l es ICUlp 1\ by cq maDUo:till'(I} tne In been bL lphia, jU hltJ Philadu l'es o( /Jli ca ., S. CIIll'ke, - '"Mh.' S';lIrrowg',i~8.' 8Rid I, " the hl>l, Ligh rond , Wilb nil my equare, nt!at w111': l'c lil e will. lib to, whe ther Ihe 'llIg lJtlll gn lc's song of 'he j>OIlIl~J. -Uli vn 1.. llich 1 ~~id ~o ' 1U}'S\! If, lhllt ner ul the • Home, S wt et 'llgemtl /lL of tho Aroh ItrtJe& Tunler of 001. or ,tUllll' 10 8S >l' ITlly its on street ho L er wl:\t ~ltt>r 'II b'·gi.llliog tu Ue very ' wunu; /lUU Ollt! 1I,Ig, io sCllrch pOllnq und pastid mce cd before 11'11,. nf. our llJ alrin,, ~ pllln5 would !.Ill des(roy IJRK ?ee 1l 80 slI~cts8 (ully div~8L- tLttL cilY. HIl will noL IIppear ' lau_ wduld you like Lo havtI a lil'tl t!J ea· NOL knQwlIIg Ivh ere Ih o l' IU Il Un~ l', W llll t J W/llu Iu c lilll u mill, 'f lla l is lhe !irs l .HolDe. b luo simi for a iu Jphia destiny J>uilad~ Ly a vr of o I\uuicnc e qUllr,ltll lb a I for IUIl Lbem IlLU"f~ (1;! l; u rh'ill d ltlr !lllllICliv ta" Mr8, Sp"rrowg'l'IlsS lII<id lbltl iu ", I'cr Apdlt:w J "II U ~OIl owoed. I t I;!tI of all liS u~t: u h I,ns boded fUlc dalkly dtl' n ~ Ibe Ih ~ n tl/at IIi l l ' my prouabll blc ill it lind respecta llt; 11 to prf'Su hi:r pretellt Ira:m~ bf mind, a fedttrr WlU milEl. I Illude iUlilliry of to nlJoth er pHaOIl. I !Il'I, man y peop lu 1111VU laucu mll b llli~ l!cd ill eurduroy ~IIICt: ~I!C llme th e tru l h. 111\\'6 I dUI" now t.ciol1i{~ " rCffillllld er of i igll 1.11 II lestimonial beneqt in New It. ror el'CI'3 lIU Wfl ~ b"cu.1Il mill, the tu i ll~ 0l'p IIUI neet!~ 'for ' her IlItPV'illc ss . . 1 le- lookin g' DlIIn, IVhulII I met, clly dirt: 111111081 ~ue811e io(orm ~d I ll1g tili a 'y~III' fwj uycd Ihe 'II hole aHl ount /IIIU ~" cx.,Mence . .. ' G~n ll e Ann ie' WII S ~ olk willl\ucbrried~ut. Bejond. plied; '1< 'm~Hn'~ , not" (.,stcl; II breeche s, 011 tbe rORd. the lI\:\J. to iii) iu ·- .lJ!" IVlrose- l ~T!:f(MV b.ct'1 i~ 8lill-:no villg, but.. th tn gnll" aeto' lly i~ lrt' fd of l Amerlli! lI f~ Leet cn th Ihe I li!JII, we kuow. h not tI.id IIllhoog ; Le e llt h . tim L n ~IU {Ol IUde fe llt." ftl w ("'It-litiS, A ' fe W f1 oLVcr8, UlU.,UII 18 SClIl'Ccly Jlrccc ptibl e, a grellt !>lIrt>, whose. . ' re"ill ' BOOLb Ed'wiu world? , lbt: drtllllll' lUe d ~old who Wljltl cuu stlilitly H ~s ured thnt ' thou wil l »ll\odar a mild eorl of spring dinl1~r, if you III Wllh 8 'cololed boy. tbe who WIU bOl'Dllt Tri"ste 011 you wil l see a uther hUUlblo:: , old fURhof o Ililde MIlL applaus 8, .rapturou Ft:rry 's lhe Dobb ccive lit slill WUi . 8lJe pOUIll~ uuill,' A "ly l' uLltl L., g~ le Ih ick Ii OU8!:, COlli!: tlO ~llUn, . ple16l1ti; 'RIDe 'Pull ic,. ()'lllrll~ •. fresh 1\\' 0 story "iIll\ge about May 26, 1320, WIlS II grllat bellulY, of loul:dl.lUking thenlre· going publio of tbis metropolis· of Maiu ku~~ CODlII IJ.(. I:,ud Illce. IlilDbo-aml .pinuch , and a urE'l\k · D ulJL's ).<'Il JrJ· is 8 111liviug 80tllh e th lIellr g' SlIlUUIU 11 willi ; furm"d well bUL 8Lalul't:, Sllul·t rhnn. eppl' N wbcll evlIr be cl/nseuts to I'e appear at\ Ih~ ~ .of wlnd ~(1 1I0IJh tho to nl,ilell end no "hll 1 hell there \VII' 1,ISL ,of egg' tresh. ll\ill. in ~ho Il)ol'o.i u~: • • Il has but onA ellLI'ROCC trom 6Irt:t:t. g 6Mhin large, sbHVe. tuilic cl o( uead uo.v culored t k.e· lhnl 'BlulV bit Ic r I\cru ss Ih " Wild Moor.' Ihe fuotlighls • . wili!, riCd e:nkn "lid coB·ee.' Mr ... tlpar·· 1 mlld a I/, uIII'gain wilh ivO! re~llllte f.. u ture~ . th u sireet. 1n (rout of il ' 8tRUd thrcll or "lIprc8~ IInu t!ye~ u tI\llI: l - --assi~ his by aud t.Iollar~" lhree for The fcnceH of th e Wo g,> t vay sick of ~o muc , '!Jlowing" ro"gra •• I".id Bbl! Wt\S willil~g 'Then,' s Ward '. Pr0s1'a une: ' ill Ihe Her bloomin g complliltiuu sernd 115 R lour s lall-tl.e \T e llS, Artemu louged or HIe,fely bluor re llit] we , Othello IIlIhnllls e Ih llauor. otu w LhO! fe a ovor. · invilll ('v will SUOI\' 1 ~t U f:h, ,aid I, 'Mrl. lI",u ; hMir. SO Ul! lota)lu. wlI1doW 8 IJf l!ill j, O bl, lig .. h" Lo i reliiJ clJnblcd ' was 1 means 1Il0re. . this By UHf pound. hlulyt:u aul frie.ud., aud w" ",ill II1,v,o an e leg r dihpiuU lioll, Ibe co nse· V~ tl l c.e , wll su'L Arlemo s Ward gifee ' 'he follOWing. NeJ:L day I l nl lcr b ~ l'nll\rfillg o wilh Prieo Anatole luellt '8lgb8o 8o,, (l'um thntd.y ,~tl wlltched to rellirn tomy ' g u~s t s. tl /Iud of feud rule. '~ cIIHl WIIS a Illu)',' ti ling . voryhod y. liloc.' rebellio of q?~nce' lind aWIlY, f~ded U3 CIoIlI'U1 el' b u~1I uli c j) llecft \ht! got tuo pl'ogramme 01 .hi. MormoA ex-' I ' liS : h III: oWller. IY llae Lut out been, fuund have n8' llt Lhe '''y vt:l'y, cl t: vel'ly, fo~ Il wcek, lO nlallY oLh er wil.do lvs in Iho South, \\ ell, sh t: mig Like of ion p,cs. "" n. li CU Uil> IISS fllct: r :. I.c I llges. dalll nn nsserlion ?! 111111 nature i. IIlIl(! e 110 ,b ibi.ion in .N,\: 'If'-lforll c"rtllin Ihtl pl'ob"Llq , COUI'~o Clf 'the vicw 'Iu to c8 timllt.e IIIC en L u ui ~ N ~vu leoll be· II nnm'ber of pall es of bIII:ls are brvk~1I h W ' d b . .s IY~Rriu,· b 1 1 ' broc lh , • aL . (I looked . '.('h 6u .... '·it: i&clin· 'fclIceIIro ho WI: '.Ji nlly, cluud., Rud consu·lted LiI.tl "her,morueL"r pluces suppliu'd I'.. itli pn· Oftvil IIl1d ~o persiste ir ~ tlt lind UUt hon· lOl ti 1 ~ i d de i:tI:L lll cobllllen MU e llI, ~ id WI ~. s .. ' l ~Rllvilie (JIll)!" I ~ . I ~p()ke 1 e · Ih eli. iuli for' ho U8GI1~ LO' 10 knu.w whl" .o.laayco' I"p r~ ''''ftll of hlLV ' ken Inlluqg.uoy a n~. 1I6tiQlllt per. <:lI aRS cuu),) not be oblllincd in ctJ lo' el,uuHliuli IIHt foulII.lat . !i 01'3 ill Id~ hvu,e. mao gentle lhOIl"" l a ~ree' [ "~III~Jl, , J P S ,e ' b ' dlOW-UI' JI\ , lhtl , y joung \l1i6,tl D Lhe l!ulLrJ of VI: II I! 'flot> II W n. 1 ' b r. oll,ing olJtHl wiuuowti fvr lhe ·occailio eOIl ft: derney. As. you pH ~S nloo~ IIs8llrlifl lit: aBIDe. street ' r 111 18'J.0 Loui~ Nllpo lcoll Wlli c·onm· lha I II.WIt h b y Ioak· di e8 sin !! Ing , • ,\"" 110 WI'11 cl\re 10 I0111Ik 10 'II Jluw E! 1'8 ] . alld Lhe c"uftcLiuuery. 1'besu Ill' , 1' molh· II Ie pll ••..~UJeHl' OIl!UIIII S d L olily lira IfbJICk I hnt1 stooU ill t~a"wuv oJ I I streel, I I f tI lie . . t ~ Y n . d!P~ Ie mllnb W I~ II\'\VII.. "lltl'".• ·'.. I·d DilL IIppS flr to' sLnke them /18 dum. orc 0 tie OH y L ~ HII • ' ' our ... r s~v-erul young er !l OW '(' whil e Iheir ol J wutb er. wure mg· e 't "lis, ",nJoym J'lIrlect e, 01 llle lUUl'flnmcllt, illg iOlo lilt! 101 you 5~ 1l I· coiorti IstlDctlY l' n be ~ra wuro lmcm ' l ~e Rr~ ouse : itlwllrs ' fance" t'htl kitchcl1 elve 6 out ill the been ball' roolell dut 'of ('xi sLen'Cc hyagcl lblc., J: Ibink 0 f a medleyb 0I ll'ee~, sod ill tL e' 8Jlllce~ "belwt!(J u ,1l'enrinJI : LhelOS' lI Id" ' CODlist "l hslI Ihere OV.er.url . ' WO d IIInll· . h Lurd E.; Iin. tou got up" ill Ayr· Rp"llt'1 wldc f e '1'h I' views. I eir tb h;in ll . . ' IInou Jibtll'ul IIOt ,. It · f' .,' t p'i,ts. y ' ro'd/uor" I'll ovel tla HOII I lin irl'upiion ofd I. now aWvO tuem Hrc 1'0ta toes g rowing. " . nll~"tIlCU tngtle Louclln"'any I ' ., ." •L'' roUl t J)l tourOllnlent he ru~e ed · U· J • H d • 1 . lj . 'Jol • " Pie in ge's dUI' t! Iu II mllu'8 temper nnd I b dlIre . B ullmR -of...tlHHttteln:tl llill d'H " 6m ~1I is ' 1 - (: A 0 , y, , . 1:»tClllu !JI Inds, 'Detlr Si'star: is there . "1I, ' \,eXIIII')08 eno gil to see !Jur 'l1l1\'0 W~lls I ~ 1 ! II bei ' '''d . sd d b II , I. . t . d . \~en~ I F It ls , 1tu q)llcl,y • mul-\ I n ? ' 'M r · · " L LIO vr ttJrcsl! f 0 'd 10 ", ~ °1·glJ~I· ' bllt~nIu/':: ' M u ll lIull . Il mc... ed, If t:Hr I ! e u C perml g ~ snt III IOr llaer" lllllbL v!'ln ,C\llllj .. J l All 'cl:" OC~Sf&lo. e III 8 I 1~~lIved , .. liSp d-~I Il ~p don 9~.. avhe a~ 8 Ie oua~..' C y guou,you oothlUg' 1 "Ill, IV III le/' 10 \VIIS cOllveye 8 leI' ill tit e, ..g l'llv.tl' il \wns. kc"t' t L ...· 'Mo~Il 0"rapll ·ville t1enug is . \' vUIlUV ..'llle u~a tlc l'mlnt: to la\'e rc re~s or II . gt.t to e Cuce..vL f! Yfer; ·to 611Y IIlId tl Ihtl U0ulogu" fuilur ll, ' I~e fdl ill 10I"C tlie en d of tli e . JOI ut . ' 1" ', f ~ it d' 11. ' I (ool B tl ., UUt.!~I· . ' . ' \ S k' lllpled !l :r . , IlllapSllc exolies .. of enough , With h:gRll\u 011, . b'est IllIg .. " 4tli the , Upon· cUlI sulling . net. lrol lO"u upon" tre I ~, {ormlt'g u pl ~ M ' malC 1hdltl" o~ of ;~.e ' 1J'II/lC ltd the . a~ of ! r, gll'l 1\ n~l~ko~ \\'Ith Ie d e s~roy ur,lS dtl [\ ly ~upply lutllien to the IUl is n 'slrllpp ed upou his bock' ·thoTity III lbb vtllagll,' I wa to'd tl at 1 beou!l(ul dust:rt 1tla e daug hLol' ,of a 'lIl l0/e~ ~le lillli:1' ill Ril l bowar. S<;8tlt:r ed over g003t Utr , regimen I wilh LllIlt Deced 8tlry ll1'1inle of mbe lo como ~ ' .. ro~ ~~... , aD we thnl. ~s iJ Bts . anilDlIls unclenn by g in Ithmtity by . e UUtlnL IIl1d cOlrid obtain dllmllg~ e'verybo dy llie to wu, By il~r j,~ IllId LIVO clJildrcll lluOlbtr of 1'0Stl, ( ,1.)'1 req~~~I)U ~RUY Tiles w~ pave the &01111111., ' "nil com~\e hch,!;' suit 811",11 ·nol l1.we a ' pea unl1l AL:the 10\vllr ~t;,1 of Lhe cllmp IIl1 tl g'"fi;luU tiJuipH ge. 'Wllt!1l \;11~1~1!8. Y I' look rd~ Ilfterwll uwanl ll •• Mi whom of peas. ",itt. ni" ~1I1' It ~ "'~I.p, Itamt!;'llram~~ done cLLy hBS l)! a ligu vill Ilflu thp er' iii v \! o. l. Il is seen WUI' lt n, CTu(l1 s 'had Ibi 1 As Hgainet Lbe o"ntlr. IIlI'g'tJ ulI,,\\' · lu ~,, /I!1djusL ullttiio u, Slllild LV/o hWTt: U lur 11 Ii ·t II CUUr31: ·o( nl'g.e, ch OUI' lu' i W I Ie oyij ~ru :~c ~ID!, I' sea96n b ll Ihe in l'IItulMio 111111 " be CUI1 L 5hall Lilli animal . .. l.skut! lJ.u\'Sp nrr wgrllss We willowd . (lnd under th e ll' Bhlld" !t0ou run. '1'11 ~ la~II\'~i~S e1pillg ~ ' I'mu. .\l8.wd~I t In ~ .n e: n Itllc tlllr ru e "It lmill~li on e.nra(pLu s rl'll; ~. T his is tu e LllalII WCTl, ' illlluce llI Ly th caultl identify ' the·m. She ' 8aid- 1l1lrly pe1l8. an a it plllnl8tb uloe w'II0 'be SIC J£w~ dpnyIi our R roLusl Eng lish i~ Ii v'cry bCII\i tiTul \VIIS f Howard I 1fis~ allli arri\ll'd f viewlll's · ' lIce fl! LI 1 d J the I .W'\:II, A . df tll i ~ ' L OUl8 ' tihe could oot. "l'heJl:, IIBid I to my" I. U In _on, lh e fl . I H wll r tHUSt: lUlU ~ ,e KCL th at 11,(8 ,'''''1 ~IU •. • III b Uly, \. WuU II ! l'eW ' ence 1\ ~ re Q I r . m J!" e eye I •. _elncust ~ II . d 'whIU can I..do ' He r", ' nS8e8Sl:d· n.y dAmages ItL il1~ •. whclI \lace dollar s Ull ;'>flOl'll! gOL over ' R.1"iI"' Stutes. D'r~8Q..,. so t'd il Vn ILa of eut iJ JegaJ (rltlD. re I' ' C Ul POu uy , JO mau,uuc enC "'I'I Ht!hU d'u SS CUIIII\t her .. \lIc o ' m' e lJ I ' : ' :1\1 1 tI l)i~ witb " d ' u ao' f two " f ' I ViCe!lll1 J seT pop· heir ti,e t ow 'nnd I ' , 0 . hen ... 'f I(' 11(110 t iC/st reet ,stll t) H I\~ UI'IJI~r IlIllor·sh op crut' 'f llr 8 UI cr, ., . .1 1 ., 0 d I'li"d 1I~(tL be ' d'id Dot r'Jwow • r. 'tlnd loalch 1 ~ II 0 pl\lI~rama. U ~"4!etD g rl/I. ve ~v i Il II · I , '4' tI 4j 'e Ill" IIgal clilul'ed boy 10 rcg 'H , nllu PUI'C "'~uu I,tr 11 SJl the' Wlli8lJI gaf6 nod 1< ing sing dollllt\l is ce u tht ugll to r ullt il: nd A iL ou bt.J1 !laid· e(r e a yabr aht .In 'de el ·wns 011 t vil/ /l nelll' l'ltl'i. . In I04!) Bhe blld H wi L~ tlllI oklsign UjJ811'Vet i ~ Ih e 1'1:_ 'Tramp, tl'llll1 )l , trump, lh o boys el'C ",tl"ze e~,6 °lr y. ce~ILwas oug ulJrl them in \lle IICt ' can 1 til'e ~ gun 1I11101\¢ .getllt6 hogs inl O' th \! pound Slor~!'l'u ",cwnr .llaOfe I rAlls st ill !tel qld ' . l'ari, Ibe W ' ond '; l el c/t6 . u8¥6C(}U /a r'TIl Mr8 ' • I L d\)lIar~ I" 0 ' 1 ' ' 1 IJ 1' (I 'u"st J .. • C RI C III g rclltllll lgH of 11_ s~Il- 1 co~ld' but thaL I', of ' pocket' . . . them?' "1"""' • lu ra ry. AL I'rest!O\ II mar . I IIg , lid k' e " , ; cu P?plIWllrellYholl '!!·~ o~~ to I, el,pre,~ ·''I'I'hal do you rememul:l', a. II It Wl d ll Lv· ual', huw 011111180 witla it. You l{ trumpl' u tlo deo.tu a II eep ue UI'IlCII, would be J.i.ble fur W Il\lever tllllnage 5ipatJ'owgrIl6s' ~lIia ' l~ I.. gal remedy 9' '~ trllw "'IIS spread ill fronl of th~ ' hou." \JO I' S itiL~ pl'i u.Ciplllly or law bvuks lind bCIU k I · ,, €l\rlOg 0 times, I . t ' 'I ., I 1&11" the eod. B we if II IIi' d the V~ulld ' 1.1 ' L . , . • f I P was ' dqqe Ulenf • 'Tit." •'liaid.{ , 'would lhink 'of tlte muS I ICllr)' on ,I"s.rou s,ln tie w?r 5 lOp up Wilh m~s trtlu . cl IS 11 0' P"u Ie OCUWt:llt S• . ro ost 01 hiti P OI8 c I~l ~ , rt b' d IC .' ' f 0 1 'So II ., ul. eJJeuLh l3 1I~ln'O.ltlf WIIS it loon. sa snid ,d B. lhll I.J tUI;! ave got. 1,JII\' IUg beuD d t:lilruyed IiI.IiU III 1101 answer ;. my~ o)bj" cl is II.) muke the ·,Mrd. ' uv af our 1'16n 8 ... lb 1, who vllluMlIlu booky '11 I. ' Il , It IYRS Ailsa 1101l'nr< , I" too' bnt why should we rt'IJIDe? .101'lOIl ~ lll!~t ' tllink f 1861 d I E." , ' I.uy. r"u• . bI souler) poor qUllul'uped ~. . lU ~.B ,/:rrJ , ~g we IVI .urc!lt,o .t e UII' uwoer .uft'e, , aoc. th., ,. , , t.,e ,rU\'ll . WI?lerO . . IlIlhll c La . I blu", is our aky hu ".oldlOg siltg,.t "" 8 be rd ~ l! \\ c hnd tl ag'li li. 11tl~"pli.t:d ~ha,tlll~o.!'ly,.ulre re r! woulld Th e ____ • ~. Tlio . MI880Url Democ' 1 . ,"18' ,t.llo trees Rro prl:ss tu S.:o rlRud by ha au ullclty. ::illl' urealh; or el~e b~e.n UI~lllllln \l' chloro· ' lltobllbly be the pigs ahd m.l'8ch. '1'111:11 grass lij grl:clI, sldo up, bRlmy, Rnllthe l&UI. II box 111 thtl Opt:n1 "X8~tlJ' c'P firs' 'be of t boas. ?an ,b~L liJM llu~ . D1utrs l •• ked hilll, if.lhe o.wlier Tt!covered full of ICllye 9, th e IIiI' is I IIrll buppy . pusitll .Eugcui ~ 's, .bl.ll dl !7~8r(J J III ~Id GBNTLEM F.N.-Pc rlallp' tl, CSII nro rArel furm lip 10 IIII!!' ptl'lori, . we 6Ujl Jl:'Stl:Ihl. baled,· stnnedl •. piCked oolton of bHI" lbew agntn.ble~s Blr IClod Ihe lh!lO 6000" or us Luink {or! ,now' "'e breath!! ~g"in.t me, "helli er I oo"ld, ba-ing are' c,ldlul't n, on I.he IIbout tl'iJltl9 ' Ihr<lUgU btl gillas III a ruost Jll'ov oklllC fler"ollagu~ gfl'J\1 wnny peoplll Bild rently lor mar~91. thl8 ~ar IlniA , .. il ·ag~iIl8' him • . !lit enid LhllL WI:y ~hould we repine CRIl point OUL runny .uc" air is 4relltile d by II us of wl;ioh ~~I'"·· eOIlOD , IlIILFS l\I'll) buy river. cl\n ),u sllti we Ad. , a Jlca~ tiltb t . W o~rly WIl ? "'~nt oex: we h ~oder till!' COUalilutioll of thtl . Unilea If M.en wllose nims "'re g~ o- IIbuut nvw, Wblll ? cirel~ lis in · Coun loves, n's ey" Nnpoleo ... of ere Ilist ,,, ,m The a eddl' ant.! ers '~lrC'e.im flolv lie - ed 00 6fty .crll~c51 l ~Iatea' such a still couMb<1 btou-g bt ' I diem' and Bllfor lue vast: havo been tess Eugeni a .MOIII'j'" wn8 the ltllJlP.icat HOUS, whose trllih is conslao t, IIlld not' reply of Ih., popuhu' eOIlCt writer. " IIDf IUIlc!re fuur hllve b lh"y would . tb " B' b Ii lIt in .kiod, bUl elevRt'ed in Asks" 'bio\ if 'I could recover: 1'16 8~id con(tI~tlouery, -. In 13 "1l ooly copsla' -..-'t' e f II 81 b La.e. . IIe pl~8 . 'f " t e oe6~ collon III . 18 'tl" . l", tUls h'1m ",hal a Ilover Wltll' ' u a . - Je eoame £ompreo . Lhtl ad, 'T 8 . t I ., meanneS wer.' 01 1 LtlUll, , •• want Arkan In WUOS6 dugre,e ; asked hel'1 lIot. N"£oleo o \Vas for awhileh WAY' TO' GET IT -Rev. Colonel prospecls (or collon Loui!! L TIIB I could . ' tl.e . look '1 1 ' cao who h' • " b . limple ,10 Ihem dId ffillke8 . H ' '. lei h a' ~y. . p, '"lswere In ooL een ele. •. . d . . · U ,.e re Id 00 Uijll U . 0[<U1IIIlOl11llltl tnl: Kalergl s a c arming world honestly .Itl the face witli au e Oro.lI"llIe .M1)~dy .of 0 hlO, bet!el'k ouwn ucvlir .b~lIer., '.1. bIB porLioo aU 100me f cou U f r anoLher wurld ' 'lnll ll r ofe 10 like &I. dam .....Q . ' plliJ eso!lped .I~o I II dlllrict T~ao railing <":ljvlll\ tOD R wbolD :d tl t'f 1 f ' d tl prellch'l ' blimdin lUl'S' Parson 0 1' ba Flghll('" ' \re 1:1 e Lhe or, u -a ,d II)' eI~~l . .1 tlUll1 inanlo s\' mpalhj for Ihe •occas·.·U ,rom . " . IIR lid d ~un 1I Ie Pt ~ lion p~~ ~o~~ • .f~r' . . ," . . ' " . . In , graa 0'6r110w 'he ou uO J J oy ' ?''Wa all know II ltundre d whose gerlll~ on a QilHrtllrly Meeting c . U8 I: Ie 0 I I " ell Spur 10I dhave IddllllLcu 0 18I 8Rld LOUI8 cou . riVe le~ . iowera" court: I "lDail . d ' J' ' ', w o. .. em I , tl ' gel I 0 y U f ' oe- V d , __ 'I I' . ~rIl68. I made, and a 8core ioo in July, I !WD, io Lho New Foundr , ..... IIpon wtl. Ill} ~ e eoera will' Je Il y, W 10 lYe eonlS are very well . ~ By lbe oloa" of tile ye., tbe n.~ -- - ~ ... ' to a.~e8a the d.mage , duo4l, and by thie • n 011 ben aud 001: Methodist Claulcli, W!llhington, Vi ti t excellen have who d. hUdbllb her from apart ft8.~ lings vy will onl~ have -- maoy ';....~ ,~. iD E:LRLT\Oll'fin:¥/.,A;M t CluPlt of Columl;ill" A. t Lhe,Alll }Dee lIIeaDl 'mlilct Ih~ o .... ner fo~ Ihe tr~sflllaa. '1" vr .t"o bappy bf'illtr8 "uo ar~ wb/\I they ', .triel I , . -d " • II _.. ' 'k , a I. l , I.' era Id ,;· a Il .,~ · I le " . ,L the commencement oft "!I~g h ' ' t II ' b It .,ta ,, ' D en' 'IIP: 'fbi', «tlvice plealed me blgl.~ly; oo-1;he 'fribuDIl corre.po tL IB tile ~u s lOm .0,11 II ':IP ~ .cu ~cl, on comllliasion a. atiron·ols or· VIC shol re .. hue w l and troop~ e, F ena Clre ..... luner lue e t leu In w, ca be ty Lel'tIl1ne e d u aUlhori I dathera "'ill 'Wbose ao'd humane told by perdons g t ltlllr lbe- war but of of ~hll ~n'8Idln . o( (or the support . iOlu ,Ihll Uebol GuDel'al J bal Ellrl Y• bin C(am ". d'/, Practical • _ ;, " . I l eot lola tho very ccntr" aod lIull'lI eye I" Pre81·· tllB O 'ha, . • d h t dl·8pule t.I be lon, 8DDO' Ob.rlel at ooe' . u ser,ic', llo . I • I ronl meL a man, pile . • U 0 I liS occn,,· relair,lld v 11 ~pOO 'd"109. to ,10' • slept ,soun day to act UpOD,. It, alld T" of genilellleo how Dlaoy' ~o ' or ot or pUrpOSeft. our 'n ,· "IL ' )'qltOo;. . aceo~led ~ nd Mr. Seward !t.uk upoo the I\ecog- laelllb!l ; bu~ Earl Colouel Moody bud 'lotl~tll ~n 801l\h ' Corolina, olle a' NOlf Orlean. ah e . roao after ' . 'in to\Ta~d the r;ar. lOll, •• and paper .~e 0 7 of .Icrap Iit~le 'a tllku us Let III' y g r8st . pe"feo~l '}'be act o an' 1\8 l..'rllooi.o Merico Sao of a' .... 0 Dillon , nnd IBid. y be Ur8e, O pw . dl"C t . .. earnesl, ·eloqueo . I • ; of - ...' gll~.tIi came up fr,?~ .t ,; J .explalO b. : eacb'lu ake ou~ lUi hs t'! L . ' If ..... b' h •• ,billowLa d . I ' • -l ' "ven· blJ,VIQg bee\lJ!~t W IC IIII1Swilhout 'fhe .ww811la wll now please pas8 will lao lllid ' U ~ .10 Delaware. Bay. ·lLla ,~IJUand ' tn !Slumate ed the lawn to tbem" . !Uld were 8n .... . _ vou are ___ 10 , '"" y-" lWIr Iobem thili . . "ucled' , T " r , ~. pl"ce; ' . IlI'ke 1 ftl PRln~~".'~na.. LUally , ' "&j"-d " lphil}l " "' : Pbil~de '1'' ' /,un. ' . , IIroliod tbe b8lli'cts, "rid ,olle~'l two or... _ 'ct&! ea... Iar A Bllche)or.:· Association JIR9 drtld , - I • of tho mainteo anco of Ibe ce' ~reJ'udi ' l , l t ' I" t " dollar, m'i ~~:a" ou ~1' a, . Fhe . ' b . ". to, lb.· remitdl ' fer treapau . ,} I ' I I ' . a , v 'P Rd ,gOlOg 0 I,everebar. ·(cll.llded in 'Vie.DOIi, to promol lIa1itiful, .ollr doorli ·.. E IIral~yo:::r Sp'or aoldi~re ~ 'Ho"', 6sr\Jl ftll da¥ "al ".niI<',1R1 ~hrowu eeo onroe doelrine Wtl", IV lie 111.18 'rccog· el:o nO'l"el ,appeal ,put the lIuJ,ence 1'IJliI .0;41', .... u'101l, you all o( reglsler ' s wide ope• • keeping i'by Hrlmo.ir I (J\ , utefferll i an . "'''dlf.,... wll pot does Mexico of nilion lime Bome (or Itre our .oldiera -peppe red while beavlln 10wtI 10 11111 go id 1.0 a . anoll' of wanting t' in tue best of humQr, aud:thtly p' f, B . .. "ill bll reI\18en~ll~ 011 ~hM mllrriag ellMe !adiIH' ,frec hum tx ll'Uvo- UDlou111 the service, and mllutlre d alrl of il." in ~hich au~ ru~ ll l c;4ance. a .gol Y<?IJ>'ye o ~ow liod' urcha,. ' J OJ' °h' ,: " 0 ~ III' ap~:arr il!' --l ocoasioo With more streng th .thao e ver, ~aDt tKtllca. . • . . , .. , . , a GOnLrrvl! I I! . .,. awn. way, a . , e VIle. ~ ,0 ou bij liulll ao: ezpeasi ve I ''014
a "",..-rn:. HATT IEI ,
S ....
. ..
= 1
P • • ~ .& L _Horaee Greeley i. \0 d,U"r the ij1~c Anybody who is aOJ:iou. ror aJ1U' 0111 Bepttmber 4, a~ Slorert.on Cot· Thoroue h aocllDOII rlgl lnves I ddrelll a' tb, MIDnleot. &a&e GODU'. LADY'S BOOI: (or October is menl. 10 pro,e IbAt tbe UniOD will be ''''''I" Mr•. lIoore, "Idow of WI late lion is b~ing m Ide by &er rettIAr 1 c· F:~~aa~Mioneapolil, tbe laal la , l my.lry 0 -.. E h f 'L 11" Cullocb 1010 lie Ie' . ~. D. IWBTE • J . B. OOLLl'l' r, :lD1TOIll. recei,cd. abounding in .. leg8n L(a.hioDI, reelored, and will bl a good deaf bet. 'fbol;nat! Moore ,. Iq ' . aut or o. . B com pollnd ioterel' noLeI., 'l' hill i. un. ::)l!pLelDber. . choice-atorie" IlDd patterD& anrl recipe. ~ , ' l.er than new,bllll ooly 10 lDix WiLh lollle Rookh.' aged slxLy· elght. TIIII la aD dout>tedIY ,the mosl dBngerous COlloler· --John 011111, proprlel.or of 'be Warn .. ,ille, Ohio: for nery thing or' interest 10 Ihe ladies. oC the aharp Soutue rn fello",. wbo announcement Lilal one of tbe l"sL r08.e! 6eL wbich hili "I yet Ilppeared, aD~ PoljoTRma of lbe War, whICh hll bit WEDNESDAv,SBPT£MDER 21,1863, The/LadY'8 Book ia indispensable. and drop in here daily OD prospectiOI or of a glorioua lumm~r t.as M lenglh diS' may Jen challenge the seYere8,t ICI uti' been ex bibitinl Ihroullh I~e eou.ntr1, lours. If tpere uer were lOY appeared, Fell' ere now Idl of lhe N C d L II M} k Godoy knowB bow to bep it ao. 03 a pllrdon doubt aboul Ibe term Yaaku being brillianL comllan), who IIdorned the oy of tbe Baok oto ompaDl"s, an Will lu~tllnlly .i e III , I waQ Ie 0'VOL. I, __ - - - - •• - - •• NO. XIV. yeer, L. A. ~odey, Philadelphia. worlhyof nfltioDIIlapplicRtion; illlboui d early part of ihe nineLeenth century I al~ who hllv: bee:veer~~~!:ddi~~ :~~ Frid~y IllS' by being run oYer by a bOl6 h be dismissed. No citizeos o( the New alld whose names are Camoua lin our wIle up~~ f' ei of lhi. note is a mOllt carnage. . ' PaUllloli'. MAOAtlN. for October is EngllUld ~late8 coulu gone more Iill:r'aLure. Among Lhese llames none plales. ~h.e ~Cl ftb in ' n whilll - The fi"e lfadlng ed ltoll or out, ... d we , find it 108es none of its old profiU\bly Lo s'!h ool iblln have &Ilesa is or will be beld in more kindly reo accurate l~r\l~IIOn ~ ~~:in~ "'o vern. York IIro of Uel&ic orilia. ,RaYlDood aUrllClifenesl, Wilh the arrllY of tnl· sam e chiyalric 80U8 or the Soulh duro membrancil Iban that or thtl lady to lhe back IS elLher g , ' t i$ of Welch deeonl: Grl:l:ley "of Iriah plate, or all e ee~rholypel r0a.' I" ' stock' Ben-ntH i. a' ScolClh Celt· ,enl that tbe pub\islJer conslan lly enga· ing the rtbcllion, Their experilDce ia whom lhe poel Moore gUll hia heart,d menL LL Belllbli selll .. d ,b III ~ 11 er t Ie ong u' , I P " ·f 1 ' h· . . ' 1111 on ita pagts il cllnnOl {ail 10 main· II bout as follows: MoorelloLon Iy 1ovpd I.I er- hewaaplou, b lhe American Bry"nt, of I HI OIS., 180 ria .orlglo; ~" I iJlble' posiliot amongst Lhe ' Yes, we IIlW the tiger IIDd Ih' ele' jof Ller; and it i ll otli!;hlrul 10 see ill bls III pl!l lll~ cn~rayed 'e been Rllow . 'Charlos Moran, 01 the Commercial Ad, Lam I a eny C J P phant, ODd Iho ptblile menage.ri. or. let~e rs lind in hiB dinries wilh whaL ell' Blink Note ompany ~\ d II 's v"rlis"r,;8 of lri8h Itock, ; monlhlies. $2 a yeor. ' . elerlon, cheatra and all. Ycs, we baVII \\een \gerneB8 be sounded her pmis es, He ed to, g~t illto impr?po~ ~~nths~ ~recl:~' 'fl Morrow Couoty Smti"er Sa Pbiladelphla. ,educated, Considerinl Lbat we Itarl' \vrite~ 10 his mother iu 1813: fac '8uDlle WOII ~I~e Ii }t hypolheae~ I - M,le Lows" WatsoD of Car;lin"~ ed ouLon a !orL of pic·nio in 1~1 it r " ..... type process. I tl rs , ' L1M I~S . . 'b a.. g To.• LADr'B FRIEND (or Octobn lUI· ' t ' ,. h . b ' 'lou cannot ImAglOe whftt a !""sa· i\ IS difficult to ste why Ih" gellulU e lQU , 1¥hlle Ollt rldm\i: on orae"lIci w... 18 1\6 onls ling ow 600n II e · me I I · B 'd I b II tb Lller . I . b kl b or alao .d' tainl Ihe rll utation j, La. acquired as fro lic, and how (rem a frolic i, r inlo tl.OIl e8~! eXOILe a'I. le a e .o race was not oblained In l It' .sam? w .. y. run ,llItO y a ren ,1188 0;, ,. Inll (1llecUoD ac&.-r 10, . . .) p, 6 It f fi h . nIght. :She was pretilly dressed, and Bul if the plote rrom whlC:h It "118 0 11 honebKci, whIle a' rllll llpeed, AIIl! a {llvorito lady's magBZlne. h opeos ~ g I , rom,\ g t 10;0 . "I wart lind cer:lainly looked ury bCKuliful. 1 nev~r printed WII8 obtained by eleclJotl"ping, WIIS Ihrown to the ground au-.h J'ORjoovIRNOK, w ilh lin exquiaite slI:el flngraYing, and Iro~ a "tahr Inbo I an Ca mfl~d·' Ity d.~~ lIt. 8M" 10 much Ildwira'ion excitod, It the probable reAson fur the fll~tI not (orcll LhAI Ihe wlla Isken up iDseDlible . I' r ,eaVIII" e woe on II enoy In R 'k b d I "h ' es I er ' I h . , 'Ill d tb ' ,,~ L ' • • JACOB DOLSON COX. 0( T rumbU11 • pre,enla III usua vatlety ° mUllO, lleau, precisely as iI 1fe had ched Hrl e~ every 0 y II woa • • a~ 6e • r haviog been electroLyp~d la, tl~t I e remanllug 110 tl lek' tta ,.u,ett ..,11.1" NIL 1.n~T" OOVl:aJlo1L, la, hiou'p\a\et, paLtetna, lind entertain· all ibe Hcuding SLaLeS into , traiil how hko 1110 Corm ~?d,expreesloo of li e vigneLte Aod otber porllon~ or sre afle r. . ANDREW G. ),tc'BURNEY, Wanen. ing literature, 8i,60 a year. Deacon of can, and theu puL all our be~men , Cace are to CIILaiam s. , 1 1 engraved ,u~on Inerlll PU:!CC8 •• "1111~ -Chie f Juslice Chllle, wilb • party YO\!. TUA.lUILU OF BUTE, & Petenon, Pbiladel hia. our speaken, our preachere tQO, \ the . And BO tbr?ugb 111\ ~l" etter' lI,n' the back 18 I~ one.. . of I"uill" and KI!otl"men (rom Lbo p head ror engines and 80 rigge and Journall, he III never tIred of nf" rr~n!l In COllo ~ctlon with the ~Ieclrotyplng iv now on au excursion Ir~p up lI.w SIDNEY S. WARNER, or Lorain, OUR YOUliO F~r Ootober i, one filled. I\nd Cull g lory aDd ga , had 101ber-quoling wh~t. sho uid, telling 'he?ry, i, i.s now r!:lUe~b~r eu thlll ex· LKkes. 'l'hey vit;iLed' ClnclllllJ, un &t. J'OB IUPRI:1IJ: IUDOI, . ' gono on at about two mil .. a InuLe. whaL she did, de scrlbmg how 81al! I?ok. pCflOlents In the duplic":I')n of. plf\tes U,cJR ', lind ~fter a run I" D<l IrOlt, J"ill .J.A,COD BRlNKERHOOF, or Ricb. \Of 'he mOIL chormlng IIvmbers of thll lilI lYe got on tL e long bridge b'fween ed, IInJ r~corlling holY ~he was odml.rcd. by thai met I~o'l. was carnell on III the I reLIl;1I to the city, 10 "" io /luenll ~be land-(Long Term.) excelleol work we ~ay e see n. We can the D espoLi ~ m of tU I! old Uni~ And He.lIlarrr~d her I~ 1611 , nnd her hl8to- 'frl:asury butldln g. by p"r sons DilL reg ' IgrelloL rllli~iou. convelllion tilf'R in lea,. JOHN WELSH, or ALhens, (To 611 safely recommend II to ollr youthful bl"ssed independen ce of our nllw [heav. ry IS Bummed up ID ,Ihe one pIJff.I ~ e- ~ltlr employes of th e gClvrrllll\tHlt, i Oil lind in work i D~ oulllr Ilt th,t Vae8OCY,) rCllders as lIy fllr the bel t publiclllion en of a monarcby, when the bridge Ibat ahe W8S the dehghL of hUI hfe .- Illlervals, berore ~,Ir. M ,,~ nllll(; h lit:· place. · f ' Itt 1 d d " brok9 Ind-here we are at your scr· Sllle does not "pp!ar to occupy A great came Secretllry WIth 1\ \'Iew to lhe . Pit AnOItNI:Y O!:NERAL 0 JIll D ee ' It 18 so • IIII • ,B u,cyr~ , ' C ass ex . liD • . vice I' but we welJ~ 10 8chool for all PIIII~e .In h·18 .poetry: b ut .It ". one 0 f t'IIe Hdoption of Ihe ' proce61 ; Iillll Ihlll,RUC II ,- V a 11 an d'Ig1lam, .'n WILLIAM H. WES'f. Of Logan, much superior 10 eve? olller. lhat ." that. Let us eee "hilt we leal'lled .. ~UrlOUS IrRII8. of mAny a poel l!tlll ~e II multiplication o( Ihe pll\lcb IY~~ ohlll' sretC~I, all I"pofled In the Cmclllnatl J'OR _CROOL OOIU"188IOIIER, Itan d~ Rlone, IIl1d no rival clln touch It, W~II, we first found oUL tbat tho Nor . 18 exc lled .10 sin g le88 by the r~1\1 m.'~ · aC leriztfu at thIS Liml! '18 ineJpelilent. It .E1Ujutrlf, IDyll ,that ~ltll preleot, COI1I~1l JOHN A, NORRIS, Of Horriaon. 82 a ycar. TickDor & Fields, Boston, IhernHa coulc1light; Iben Ule darkic8 Lre!s. of ~I\S ll au rt than by so me Imllgln · is hown Lhal bill ·plntes I111\' e hee o WKII b~l a COllllnual100 of tb~t,1Il wlHob _ _ ._. would DOt 6ght fUf. us ; th en Ihey III~y UHOlne, ~r by some bellury . Ihllt b!.xcd III the .'l'rt:lls u~c r lind 5,, "1 tol'lt!W h ll ll80~shHJ two ye~fII 11/,;0. lru~; th~ ~oa DOAIID ov PODLIO WORKS, Till: SANITARl CO)lMUBloN.-The RC' would fight for tue Ya'lks, Ih en II. ey kllldles A pllSHI~g 8olD". Mr.B. Mool o 1 ork to oUhld e p,u' lI l!~ , for l>.,,:kmg ; 'c"nvlcl ~ d tr,"tor ~A8 rfil'", dOlhl{ Ilrw JAMES MOORE, Of Coshocton. would not work i th en IhAL they would ~r~s nol A Lesblll, nor .R Bca.lrtce, nor II Alld in lhis Dlllilner may h61'1' hdlclI in· bes t lo ~,d lb., e llt! I~ I"8 or 1118 oou~lry, )'OR OLiRIt OJ' SUpaBM& OOURT, tive opeflltioll8 of the U. S. SanitRrl' t,,11 our secreLs ; nnd, tiDally, thaL th ey I~lghlBnd Mary, de sll ne,l 111 sung to to improper h/lrd ~, lIuI il ClllIllOt bl' III.d he IS engnglldlU the IlAlI1e Ia~I"1II RODNEY FOOS, of Clinton County, Commission, which during the war was liked the 8trongere bellt r LhRn lh.y did hve C()~~ver ; but 9S milch liS RlI ~ ul dtnit:d thllL ill the C'lIrliu sl lll£c ~ uf mao now. _..... of &uch incalcul Able viliutl Lo our aol· old maasa, Our women hnd to cook, Lhese, If ~ot roore ••she WII S a poe ~'sl!~ol. kill g Lh esti plattl~ at lhtl '1'rc ',' ~,\II'Y D,,· -F.mny Fern, in Ihe N. Y. Ledger T S A b R A dien in lbe field and in bo.pital, "ill ""\8h, cut woo~, and mllke their OW I1 She dIed lit ,Il 0 olo~k on the m,ol1:lO g pllrtlJ~e nt, greater lIl'~Ol'lIl IlIIl I!S ~eru 81ly8 a'ho is noL -eix (t'el high; al'l! be. . 1 I b 'I fi t . I: lolh68. HavlIlu no cillico lind little OIr Mondav IllS,. She WI\9 senMlhle tll llermllted thue for LIII:1f t:I"C trot 5pllIg, lon"8 10 no womAn'1I rl' " II'. COnyeDII'oll, ' BE T. " L' ANS .U A 1'blans" celie II togel ler y. Ie r! prOXImo, ..,.. h d 'l k I I I . .. . ", '1' I " .. • cortcspondeiJt at St. . • . . ' to wear 8Ilve whM Lbll blochdl·run· I e en i 6.'e ' nelY t lilt 6 .e ~!\s ( ) 111:'; , tll"o lit allY other purues. h.. IOnor she i~ jusLa Iittll! womllO, four , (I"IIL in ,,"h t\~e exce~tlo~ o~ 118 liud.lDeas ~ lIera broujZhl us, we hl\d to learn by a.nd she SOld that she "'aij qUlle .h "ppy . "nd intereBt of evt:ry empl oye oC thl! 9tKlUre, who would much raLher lo,e Vt, 0 f t h e H . era Id , contrad ICts colleotlOl1.. .okhera olalms, willch WIll rllde machinery, wosllv~ bvJ Iland to SIlO WI\8 th e l'tst, I tbat romf\ln~ll .... so d I to \ Currency Printin!1<> Burt-"", bcin "th.tII hllte tvery thing Rnd evtlrybody iu a report which bas boen ganer- continue al long alllhe oontinuAnce ex· wave our o.... n (SbriCK. In thll "ay us of liltl Moore ramI y, an. now Illtt sigllll\ly iuv ol vt!J, it iti h"pr.! Ihlll "V· Ihi s love ly world; ,.hl' ,,'oultl muel! ally circulated to the effect that iaU. 'l'hll ClImmission will, on cloting quile a large bu siness WIIS carri"d Otl "I~e hRI depArt!!.I, we begm 10 count CI')'thill g that CIlII l'ossit,ly liI ' II" lil$hl ra tht'r hun fritmJ d than enemies, ihbu . b ' lbe COtlOO Slates . When we...."toIJP· ,.... Ithtlsonte1 rlsRdnll&s, 60 impOrll\lIlll mlltlcr will rec!:I"" 0 f d'la b urllllg, Lurn oyer to ind ' I ' how tlmRny illl kst u"on r " . , euuld IviLhola1 mlill I'Ing IHlr thoughlsat' &.le bank sof th a t pace •• , e growlOg cotton we grew sorghllm, lUll I~~e e 0 conn~ct Ie presen th e Ul08t Lhorough slfllllg III lilt)' IIIVt:S' I hu vo ha d ill ORlllesS Ihe Freedmen I Bureau a large amounl and (or Lwo vears fed tbousalld,l witu B"nerallon of hlllera with the pasl ? li " aLiliu now goin" ou. hcr lIen. refunded to them b y 1116 Cana, . Blores (ord 'Istrl'b ullon . , CI '" . or tlae flOllld of IWgentl ., . . , oC iLl remalDlnJt the mol1l8 ~es made of tba~ 'ropica. - L on don Ti mes, ""ci,l ,8 , " -A mefling dum authOrities, all (tho .money a\Dong lhe dl!lIliLlltll colared people of plant. Our rebellion made UI adepts Drr Good~. of the Virginia MiliLUY , 1 0~Iitute, iii 'Btolen from them on the 19th of lbe SouLh. ID Mma,. in their US" al!~ mllnufaclure InausuraUon of the Prince .Albert. Lexington, WII! hdd on 'fhUllldllY III,t, • ' ... -also ID all Ihe mlillary IIrls-in iltalUe a' Cobws. It ill now npp,' l'f'lIt that lit e r.III trllde wh .. 11 .-x·G"n. Cuslis Le" ( ~ tln of H. lase Octob9r,!by the rebel raid, i. bdieved Ihat the Preaidenl Ihe managemeM of tbe Ihi (.war of New York ~ iii t,,,, lh u Il1rr;cBt !lver E. Lee, and (Olmerly I' membor of Jrt!, ers. He says . that tho total will mn~' 110 chnnge in ·the manner of and in the handlillg of coastwISe mft. On the 261h Queen Victorill inllllg" known hero. notwilhatlliHlillg ' the hi gh VII\"it!· stAff, ) WAS elt'cliod 10 the l'ro· , I' Ollr mllreht!d g,"'e U80 new kn~" edge urnLed 11.6 stalu e of Priu ce A\lI~rt III IJli ce~ ilL which bo th im~(lTll' tt and tI... fr ~~ Qrwhi p of Appli .. d M"c\ulllics And amount 8(0 en,wns ovcr210,OOO; I{rllntiug IImneRly pBl'dUlla, bUI will of our o"n l"cti')Il, lbull mllkiDg "a gu . Colmrg; in Lhe presence of RU her chil lO est ic good~ 111'1: held , A ft w articl es Mili IAry hnd Ci\'il Erlg in .. uillK : ~rJ and thac of this only ,90,000 pursue Ibe prelllnL couree. al IlIrge o gr8pl~en, In II morBlllensO we foulld drclI, She wore deep mournin". blllilk are much . reducetl ill pri ce: fOf in · Maj... r Bl.ir, IInolh"r rt:bt'l d 'uftiCII" h. b d b h C numbe .. or blank pardous bave been seceSSIon to be" deslructive d~mll; !.Ire" and bOllael, WIth a blf\ck Vt:i l stAnce, kId gl()Yfs thllL UI1~ p'ur ago 11'"11 ch~"a Prorellor or ~i.I"r"l Pbil· ave ~on returno y t e a- 0l'4ered \0 "e~pt~bi.ec1, Rno a . 8nfmp of OUT \c.dl:rll fa\ae propbet.!, .ltF'"our ' Lhrown bilek, and \lncJer her bonll8~ th" a... ld for I'tlree doll ..,,; but l.tf!(1l qu",:· oeoph' 1 .>o!' " , nadian8,~ , tho Preeiden~'8 si~natDrll ~ 'bas b~eD hope!' ,of foreign aid Callileioull. We tap a la Mary SInfUL. Tbe roy III Ill· titie.. of goods lire t\i"poled of at pd· -Hnrriet M"rtine'au. flOW her that S-cre'-ry Se\v d . 1' ,. " TI. soon dIscovered lbAL the morale or Ihe diu around Iler wore colors, Rnd lhe ells not far below LitoStI which ruleJ 64 I I' b I It l,'S 8.....;·1 u ",.. .. ma e fXJleulie Ilgnlng &',tlm. uUII F.ed.erlll arm v 6tood it instead of. on ad. vari"ly of th~ ir li vely 0081Ulllil S pre. wh en the pr<;millm on flold WIIS one I I yellf, CIon IIIUIl8 10 II t I.. mo.t OIC· .1 h l. b!len tllI.,ona I element-that I aru 08 mil. de a demand on t he fBr a II pllr J· onl groul'" t1 ,uave ill Cact It was senl.d a striking contr .. st 'to Ihe 81,bll' hundred pllr cer,!, high er...thlln it is now, lIye And ablll conlribulor o( the LoQdl'lI 'd ' b f d b h ' . 't'l d I DKlly N~, ""'e "od o&her publical ;on ... nll British Government fol' the res, signed bytthll P I'UI eM. own IUld. rtln orct! y I . e schools, churche8, hues 10 , WhICI, I ~h " princip!L..£.c rsonagl' . ~_ ry good,! Lr8d tl i~ Tl'mn.kRb y II,C ' 11." It.~L t wo yol~IJII'lI ' or htl Hi.I,l"Y or · •• f h . d The beli .. f lhllt II gener,,1 amnesLy neWt~RperS, mlghly . charitiel, and W"S aLLlred, Ih~ Quell" etood up III II\'It; domt!~Llc g'IIHI" Kro l'l·ltl filmIC ' Englllnd during lhe "relll pn~e are in tltut~on 0 ' e remam er, on would soon \;e IJroclaimed, with certain well·led ~eople bllhiod il. We blld 00 her placll whil,a IInlh ems were .sung by ularly. high, cOlltiid t'rill~, lh e price IIf raw 'H~~8. The actiyil\' oC lbill I"d.,· il uu. th ro d that b Ii t1 .d . , s.uch rock 10 rest on. We hnd I\lmo~ t the chorus, Willi nn nccom Dlllllm tJlI1 by mAtl'l'IAI. , 0( e g ~n. e oro 10 ral excepLlout, ~n6 dlC ~ ~UL, . no homes 10 go b"ck 10. 'l'owllru the Ih e blind. tihe stood up whilt: th ~ Ll\sl )'Mr crotlnn "'~, 11 ,I.. )tll r more" p'\J'I.lled ill lhe lIunal. oC lilllrllu~, took place &orne of the Cana- In pardolll ug a dlsllngulshed South· Ilist we had no plRce to go bilL the ar. BUl'gl!rmei6ter of C(.burg delivered .\ pounu 1I,IIn now, yd thc piCll or DlMn. pllrti, 'uIRrly AI sill' i& (Itarly as blilid u dian officials w('re aware thllt it erner thu oth,,\' dllY. !lIys ti~o Post', my, Rnd 80 we lIaid in it, and m"nyof long QlldreAs , to which III) IInSwer was UraClUrecJ goode i~ but f\ IrilJtl le ss. Miltull WRS, aud alao tOIKlIy.dcllf. I .d d tL h special, Ihe President told him 10 go us nel'or Icf~ the t,"l~le ' li c ld . Two vouchsafed, When Ihe speech came I\t ~~ ut~I"rn . trlloo, bOlh wholl'l~lt' IIhJ reo -Hon. Jolon Bell I. Ih'ing in a plul' was cO.ntemp ate, an ant t ey h d I. I ' f hundred lIIOu s8nd are 81111 ~o unllll~lee p 11151 to un end Ih ore WHe Dlvre lo"}' IRd 16 btl ~ k (,ne of the IIII'I' CRt hou ~eB IIntl'p.iduce, wilh !IO UI\! t>l 1Iit! ' old . d t h 0 Bcound roI' . grRvo8 I 1II fBCt, Lhe WILl I l!' f~ us 81rllln~ . ( ' , ' . <> r .l aBI18te s In rnak~ omll an urge luC t ccllOll 0 men 10'ID tl le)r romL the I\II U, mor e pea:s or th t! . ID the cIty hnvlIl g eold QlII II! "ood" to rit'nus, ou a relitt'd atreet in NKwh,jllr, • L_' d h 11 CongresJi who would tll\;.e Lhe o~Lh pre. nlmoet without a Spot on which 10 rei I b"lJe, more dischur.l o 9 of ar l ill ~ r y tllld rcsidenl~ o( N~I~ Crlenm lllll~ Ht Ih~ GOY . Brownlo w III\'S ht l()uka old ·lInd Ina escape·, an t r e wa IcnlJe · d by Iaw '. It ' was 0f 110 use, lhe our I"IYlDg b0d'16e. But the grute!t ,nt Il gl1'l1O . , 0 , " • ' , ....h •.,tr .. . slgnl\l,. II." IlD en wrllppers .. t correspllndlng Sl!lISvU of allY (orDlel' decrt'pit. lIe i! ;st ldom letn in lbe pOSSIble obstacles an the way of Prelirlunt Bl\itl, to se nd men to COli' lesson was LhllL no AmericRn ought n· the IlntUfl collnpscd, and I he gill yeur. ~lrt' Il l. HOIl. Neil ~. 8ft", II il prlll' li~ meir arrest anu p·unishmont. greae who would not tllke Ihat ootb, er to ligh t the Union . .And we lIouyi&e hr.onz e of tile Princ,s : ffigy plood out, -----.-----i,'g lAW. Ilnll h,ul AO Uleil"ivc practiCt. you nover 10 ~o 10 50hool Cor euch An WILh Its countcnAnce fixeu u~lon th~ Pnoo·RBs8 ov C I~OLII:RA - Th e Slnle r:1·Govunor l&holD 0 l-lKrris ie in 'fhe correspondeatcomplnins of _. expllric,nce. "'(0 give it to you leuolld countellAllce or tilt, ruYld lady by w\;os ~ DtpllrllUIlnt ar" iu I'ccelpt lo'tllly of Melico. He hili PU\ himldf in com. the bad fuith generally of the. 0 An e~ten8lvc he.ll oC oysters has ~lalld, bUl gmlls,. You migl!I aucceed ~nwearied Ivve iL IlaJ bClllI reared Oil volumnous dispulclie. fl'oul ollr Consul .. DluuicIIlion with parties in NIIBh,ilI~, C . . JUSL been discovered la Long Iahmd In perpetulil molloo ; you mIght lry 10 Its pedestlli. ilL Cunslllntinople, SmyrOll, Port 1-t..b · IInu is ... id 10' h\'e a 'hftllkPring Irl"r' nnadlan povernmem 10 tho Sound, IWO or Ihrtle mile8 from ehore, bOltle Lbe sunbea~1 you get Ollt of Presently Ibc bcv ieR of dllrosels, ill lOll, 1n<.l I3l1rcolIl~, !;iving Curtbcr infor· hi s old eRs)' chair in the capitol. ' rnattero opposito SLippMl Poinl. It ill reporled cucumbera; you m~ghl ~ake A daL(uer . greeD And pink rib/lllde, alepped for · malioll of the lIIvll!;ee uf Ihe cholllrll . , . ' , reotype of Ihe SUII ID thll Iigbt of till, ward , RDd, 0110 by one IBid befort! I he ill urioul pal'ts of Europe. The re o -The New York TIDIes S..,yl: ',\\"e , ... , The Secretary of the TrellSu- to ex~eed In ulen.t Ihe bed discovered moon; you might prOYIl thaI a Cop pedeslal their wreal hs' Rnd gRrlanda, porls from Con.lanlillple IIr" m o~ "llIr' ere requested by Mrs. Kllne, )'Iho oal\· , ,. oppoille Nonvalk In IBGO, alld Lhe oYlI' perhenJ Wat A genuine patriol-bul Tuere wns A new IInthcDl by the chor . ming; the dCllth~ irllm thi. difteAs!! et! RI our ~moe yesle,dKY, 10 .laW ry has determmed to anuCipate lers arb 8aid 10 be of cxoel!t:nt qualiLy, YOll co~ld never getlhe upper hand of UI, 811d 8S ils last notell t1i~ d aWRY Ihe havin g reached thu IIUtUUII"r---;,f.-2 ,OOll LlIAI 'be article about Dr, K.&lDlandfh. the payment of the . gold-bear- The excitemeutamong "ystermtll sud thllt qUIet old mIn, knolVll 1\8 Uncl~~ Qupen withdrew, IIlId 1111 thou .. bl "I~ JlerdllY. fllrlhcomil~ book i. not II ~u.urd, u iog coupons of tlao 5.20 BOllds. dIe people who livll in ltie \'il\l\~es S"Uluel. We Iried it, 6nd hero wle hlld go lie bllck to her carria!-:: whm At Smyrnll the e:>iilemic ""8 check. 1~legrllph~ . froDl Pltil.d"l~ia. lire I'-Philarlelpllia Prell. Ihe WII. seen a' tile ht:Qd of 'a)) her ed som" lime BillCIl : bul it h.. brokeD Kane exllIblletl prour. of Ihu f.Q' of cOUlmencing the payment Ol~ ilion" Ihe COll61 is \'ery grclIt, 8nd ill family, w.~lking acroBS lile squre up 10 nut "freMh, and i~ 110" ~vrt:llui"g to 11 her mlltrilllCl Ind inrorml us that 1I1'e l\IOlld~y next. As these ,_ IhllL localily .carcely Bny thing is lalked Dana and tho Nlw,York World, Ihe mOllunl8nl, where she hudec.! 10 frightful exll'nl. volumu Ipokt'n of ",II bII, iuued (rom pa) al10ut but Lhe a ew uyster·hlld. Ihe Duke of Suo·Coburg Iha bunch th!: presl neZ! . montl., Dr. Edwllrd m«)nts are not due until Novem... 'fhe eelitor of the ChicRgO Rcpab\icalll of flowers which had long lllin .before H GRltATI5T AUOITIUN TO PIIILOLOOY IN Byrd, or Ihill;citl is h~.r IrD.~e_ her, their payment in advance . ~ The Moro\'illn, from Liverpool, repliel fit length Lo tbe Iltric:turel of th.~ her 00 Ihe balcony of the pllvilion, ALI'. A ~BIITUItY.-.The mOil importAuL . . I 1 d 1.' N Y \V I 'l'hese flowers were 1"1'11 by tii "uke oontrlbllllOIl Lo PJlIlology., r..!.llrilig the ~ T·wo OMholio priel&a b~"e been I pUblll'allOIl of lhe Of t h e tim e provi'd e d Wl'11 cer- wille I rellc . Ie ~'arthc r Point on tbe . . or duM pou r. D"all ' I tourae, 011 Ihe pedesllll, lind " alongv with uIlu:m ?'I-ur J 864 , w~ ~ tIe arrultd in Mi.tlouri fur omcialiog laudy e1fect the monoy market, 2otl I, blnn~a 11:e llcw8 hlhact a meeting of whilll in lhe WRr Depar'mcnt, 'Dd clo· all tLobe of thto prince dies .. nil pl'inCtl8, 11Iu'lr~led edltl~o. of W"b'I~r'~ QUArto wilhout baYing tUlo tb, oath . . . .. lheAt alltlo 1 f legrlp ompall.V Irad slla Ba follow8: 1\\IIbe fragrllnl mR811 '(Me ' h Igh up to Un!lbndged DII:Llon"ry. flm work. au d materlaJfy facIlitate die unanlmoualv adopted the Director', reo the feel of tho .laLuo, wlncb had lon~ ,been In prepRrlltion, • . 'yo may perllaps be pllTdoud for lind on tbe reVISIOU of which YUAfS 01 .., !\"c~tt' II:t'It t 9: - . 0 r tIlC Fa II IracJ e, port, nud cOllsequllutly ,ransactlons sanctioned Lhe Adding, allo, for Ibe infOI'matioD of the labor hAcJ bt'en beslowed b I ..AU", .. 4I' •• ... new conlract m..ue for a oable next WOI·I<1. tbaL i\ is Iiktlwise mi.tue'b ill A GuerrUla HUllter In Trouble . ewinellt Bcllolnrs wnH in y Knllrll The trial of tbe infernal and Yellr. 'fhe queltiou of raisint{ IlcJdi· RII its allel!stions re8~ecling Mr: C. A, CII t,,' , --. spects, Ih. gr~I\lt:;1 Addllion :;,~: I:i~: GET'THE ,.BEST 1 errt I ()Owardly monster Wirz-the fit tional CRpi11l1 Wl\8 poslpoDcd ror .. \lolher ~"~r' IIHe hl1d ~olthltg ~o do "'Ith ~Ily glliD6~ ~I: : , ~bo dunna lllc War ology of the presem Age which Pha8 l l WEB 8 T E R' I S agent to do the bidding of the J)l(!eting on Ihe 121h of Ootober. Th e ~ te8 I~ I:~!~S b::ILcll lr ~1I.t JourUtBII.llllrlhb. hunter in ~~n~~c~ryl!:t!.1 ~':.llao gfutornll~J1 , Hppeared wj'/Iitl I~alf a Clnlury , - .lIp. 'I d I ' ' e C IS ont: ling Ie . ' u.. R er liB p il'tOII" Oycl01Jadi J 1864 eVI ,an . t 10 robels:, ami th e company Rre del ermlneu to lDake Ihe WOI'!d does Dot charge upon him,wbich dlschnrgo from se rvice, witll \Ji~ Lieut., a or . opperheads of the North-is Allanlic Telegntph a triumph. he (lid do, And under IIII' enmll circum. Harry Th om.p ~un, liS 111\ Aeceuory, VIRGINIA COLI.l&:OE~.- Tbe Vir!-(iuia about to close. The character - --.. . 8tllncAR,w ould .do ~gllin. It wss hi~ murdered a clllzel" Dear l:)hclbyyilJe ill Co\l~ges, arc now in lhe bands of Ihe NEW ILLlT8TRATED EDI1iION, 01 the mall is traced b lh U" A con\'elliion of clel'gYllloo And lot, wllliu 8CrvlUg In Lhe wsr offiell. 10 thaL. Stille! for willch Ihey Were both Lee (8mlly. It E. Lee il Presidtlnt oC 7'IwToughig Re.u.dand much ,.,iU79,o. . • . y e c0!'1- la lDen from all arts f tIe be repeatedly apl'lied 10 by Lho World ~oulin~d ID the Shelbyville jllil, cllm<: WllHlduglon College, and hia 80n Geo . ' mISSion of crlmo~ tho most 10- Y , P ~ I co~n.lry, or tJr its repr~!t:lllalh·e., (or pmes t~ very ~ea r Illllking his "SCRpC on Tues· W. W. Cuslis, has been appllinled Pro: FiDe Engravinll' 8! human and revoltmg. But slow- an~ r~pre'lIntln~ the dIfferent rehgloll9 adml~ cOl'respon,lenfa and rllporterBo( day OIllhl. His trilll is to tAke pille\! fessIJ r of Engineering iD th~ Lexin Ion "--0 11 and surely is he suffering the looletles, meet. In ClevelAnd today .- thaL JoulllIl 10 Ihe differODt armies in next.week, RUtl htl proposeu to dor..!rre Inslitute. The Boord of Visit g IU,OOO ~ORDS and MEA-i'llN'GS: pol terrible fate that his crimes so The object o( Ibe con venlion is 10 de· the tield; and he 11111' R~8 retUsed lhelll tbe. I8SUII by a :iL~le of I hAt ski II a~t.1 pointed ·by . Gov, Pierpon I, Ar:,r8 w~~; 10Ulld In olher DlcLlonllrlel. 'usdy m r' t vise a beuer mode of disseminating reo onI accou~t of the notorlou81y IreaSODil' dartn~ tbal made 111m !O useful as A '11'0 f:XCeptlOns, original rebels. Over thirty Iblll American ,and Europe.a. J e 1. 1" • lr . b " be and dIsloyal character oC tLe WOfld; guerrilla hunLe-r. His Lieutellant bor. Bt:holBt8 empluyed upun Ihi. ,Ievi~ion, , •• IglOUI I~te. IgeDc.e IU I ote distrICts Ue Rccordingl,. recognizee the perfecl rowed a bllnjo and played almolL con. ~ General Moaqllera, minider 0 i,~d thlrly Y0.,I of labor "i pellded IlpUJI> '1'IIE great four-oared race now oU~lde Ihe field of Chrilti,u la· right of tbat Journal 10 abule him witb Ilantly~ while Turrell worked at tu tbe U. S. o( (lolumbia io London, baa between the W Ilrd boats of bor. 'I'he aLteodance will be large.. all the ruour.es of its great iUYenti"e w.",11 WIth a cale·knife. This plaD _aes ~Ien ~Iacl~d President of Lila' Repub. Seven I 'bblel or IrllaJ .. Iue, OIl4l'ot lire. (I dh d d d " I f M ur fih, quarlo JII#"I, ExpllDatory ,nd, aou Iy, 10 I truSl1 it will continlle IScovel'C an fru strated, but the reo 10" III Bucc.elBor 0 urillo, whOle lib· Pro hollael.g, of naDl.. in 80110n of N ewhurgh and the Blglm Bros New York City for th~ SP&CI1LATIV& . ReoaT.-The Presi. to, exercise the privilege wlLh .11 it, dou~l~ble Captain still hopes to eSCApe, era.. and. 'VIBfI ~olioy haa giveD much peraOl.11 alld pllell, pleudohyma, &.c" championship 0,f Am'eri"'" nnd denl.lailly .aid t.o an emioen~ pereOD mlghL. a~d III reported thllt Ule members or lIall.ractl(~n. he ~cedenL'. of Ibil &c., I I Ab!lddofl, Acadi~" A,lbln! . Ro' ~ hie old company are ooncentrating al II~~ Presldenl, ond lll. arbitrary diepo. !JeDCY,' ~olh.r Cary, H .. olI & DillC/O" 'he stake of £2,000 enme off in Lhat 10 the eVlll\L or Lha reorgAnization U- A rellow, pro(elsing 10 be a Mount. Ed~n for a reecue, rr the al. lition, arl ·. not eO'liilered fnorable lille, Mr. Micawber, &C. ' . " .he river opposite the villnge the of hiB Ca~inet, hi would uoL ol1je!l& to correspondenl of tho New York Hllr. tempL 18 made, iI can hArdly be .ue. OlDenll of hll soccellirul adlDinialratiun. CllnLi~l nJJli olle ·lflil or olle.fourth IP~' 25th. The race which was ,bl .electlon of a lhoro\lgh Soulhern RId, lI.nd wbo h&! bien Irueling wii,h c~61 Cul, lIa tlJe guard will be feady to F mluer than all, r~rm"r eduluD., :" closely oon ..."ted' throuahout mao, believing i& would slreDmhen ~he Gell. Grllnl as such, IItole a diamond gl\'e them a warm recepLion. _ Ohio PLtntPElt8, - The 161el$ illYeDllo· rO~deNp t'leo\roI1~e pl't~i 1'1111 ,be Kif· ~ '" o· pin d h . I ~r:Ju,J ' 'plum" b II D II e. e f was won &he Ward Bros., general d..ir, for ooncilialioa. lin .ot er Jewe l'J,ulued at 86,fCiO; _ . pers, .or 0 ow·cheeked dameell: I. o.e Vol ••• or tNO ....., .......tA they beat" h' from a Jewelef' •• tore iD St Loui••,BTl The plumper illilade of pOrcelaill . ' ....... . - ..- d m~ t elr opponents 45 00- Tbe receipt, of tbe laCe Ohio :'beD a.:re,.~~, be allt!mp&ed to .h()o& 0 B~N ~ ••-Gema caD be bad ror ,baped, fiat OD oal ' lide aDd b~pe.r , 'GET THE LA t'EB.r,~ 8CCOn 8. The distanee rowed State Fair arl reported at abOUl 810, Ims~l~ In~lcLIDg a ~oan.d on hil bre.llt De, oll~r per dozen, at ; Cre~ht.on's out OD the olher Tb " I~i " (JE7' 'PHE IlBB'J'.' wns five miles. 000, 8D amount nuite 8all·staotory. ' b' ao eo IIres he: .111 yet IccOlDp~.h old Gallery, Waynenille, 1'1\,' a f,w lid f.L 'h· e~, . & on the In' . I ~"''I' _rill"':'."l ti II purpose, dIG " . 4j 0 ... e c eeb glVlllg. T d \ . ........ .,.., D 13'£ Its 00 y. 0 and haye i OWO taken. plump , .' . ~UD , Ptibulhed by G. at C. MEB.IUA-', appearance, bt:llce thtllt name • 14-8& .. . II 0III, 11e_ ... .,prla.
GolD, to School ~ the &oath.
eO cUt.
The aaoeDt. OouGlerfelt,
TIl, Death of Mra, Moore.
. 'd.
Over 3000
L11 •
THE ~~e
.Aliomi ~o~tttt.
-- The IUeD&ioo of readan
-c:-c:==========~==:: reated to lba -ad.el1laelDeDt
il di·
or Bead
Br-Otber iD tbil Dumber. - The prell, bolh Eut and Weet, 'pe.k of th firm II meD of nliabilily and -f.ir dealing j. and iD regard to the q lJality or tbeil' . COJlWllf ITATIOlf (WAYlfI!'VILL£)•. 'l'aAlifl &'\""UIW B_eSOl/D.
Nt,ht Lpr.l, . 1S-18 A, II. Cincinnati Expre.l, '2.64 A ....... IV.iI and Accom., 1l.1I6 A... . Clliumbu. Ac:com., 6.1I8 P. IIf. TaUBI- WKnWAltP BOUND, I'lIil and Accom., 1.30 A... . Ni,ht EapreQ, 6.611 A.... . Columhua Aecom., 8 .66 A... . 4,1I6 P. N. Cincinnati ExpreBlt • D(\ nol atop.
J}IUOl¥ CDIJl¥Tl" TI()KET. Rtpr~ltntatit1e ,
J. H,
goodl, tbe Ne"'York S"bu,6an New, 8ays, they 'ret.i.i n their original color and luatre .to t}le last.' ••• , - B" Mr. WilliaQl Kindle w~1I haTe a 8ale of .tock, chattele, &c ., on biB farm, Ibree mile. east of WayneniHe And . ' one mile lIorfh of Harveysburgb, on Frid.y. tbe 29th, at 10 o'clock. .. " " We would remiod our re.dera tbat Mr. Shewalter remaina III bl' old Itand, where he keep. a good eupply
",:f g"\tnt' ?l' ~tUtDr,
~ ~rtI -
..... ..... 8.1~
D.. L A••""....ar.
\V AIN ESII Ii L E, . 0 HI 0,
alld at the
ProllCtitittg .AUorney, DAVID ALLEN. Prohat, Judp" WILLIAM W. WILSON.
Recorder, A. B. G OOOH. ...t..ditor, J. W. ROSS. Cornmi4.ioner,
n t I} 9 ~
AI the re ijiden ce 01 her gnndfpther, near Keolllllqu8, Van Buren county, Iowa, on the 6th 0; :::ll'ptembfr, 01 dropsy and dieenee of the lungp, Seliua BODller, eiijter 01 Emma Bonner, lole of Wayneavllll'.
FollUcal lIeeting ! BOD. 11, C. lIiIcFarland,
\\' uYllelivllie MUI·kel • .
Candidale for State Senator, and
. Bo~. Andrew O. KcBufney, for LieutenaD' - GOY"rDOr, addr••• tba_citileDI of Wa,)'ouville
MO.I>A' EVKNINO .-At lhe Dext or lhe Mor~1 Reform Society, . F W il eKpeeled lbal DR. • ILLUMSON L'KUT. JOliN W. COLLETT will ad·
CartJuliV Corrected Every Week. Wheat 1P. bUlbel, "00 @ 1 66 '70 Rye ~ .. 30 Uatl 11 .. 100 nurley ~ .. 60 Corn ~ " ~fIll Flour f barrel, 460 FhJur 11 cwt, 30 Butter f tb Lard f tb 25 10 ~ll'" 1? dozen, Puuloea ~ bUlhel, 60 Dried Apptea 1P 1b 10 @ 121 Vhickellll f dozetl, 300 38 Vulfee y tb New.Orlel\lIl1 SUller 'f. tb 17 @ 22 N .• u. 1Ilol ..lIel ~ gallon, 1 35 00,,1 Oil 111 ,llIulI, 100
1808; J86'1'.\ SILVER GOLD 11806, 1866, 11168, t 86'1'. I
1 TO 75,000! $2.
Two Dollars! Manufacturers' Agents! I Our ~ew 1YIode. 0 ... of oar GOLD or SI LVER Wntcbee, or 8U"f!r Tell 'or ell, o. below 8tated.
One of our tea-leta or one pleee of our Gold or Silverware is worth • blJlhel or Ihe cheap dollar jewe Iry ! We hIVe adopted the following mode
Distribution bl IDle 01 '16,000 artlclll of f11lue !
Hu on blad a full l ..ortmeUl oC thl yery beal
I L ·,
c ric
all of which will be aold It tbe very low· eSl IDles.
Aiel', • good Bupply or
0 C
Dry and Mixed Paints, AD §!B! 0 1m ~ 9 , PAINT YAIh~ISH, &C.;
G .-
Aleo, a comlliete IlDe or
DYE·STUFFS, Tbe CUttlll~ UepartmeDt It under the auperviBioD oC thilt p.xcellent TOILET ARTICLES, o( aloc"', watchel and jewelry, and be IIrllll, .1.0 pa~. eepeeia! altentioD &0 repairiDi T. T. DOD SON , 4) of all kind.. Call and eee him ofteo. who, in hia line, is aenerelly acknowlPAIN -BRUSHES, , • edged to be without I lupp.rior ! 00- Mr, John O.KiDney halreceDtly READY-MADE CLOTHING WHITEW ASH BRUSHES, taken cbarge of a liouriabiDI "bool aL III lera e q".ntlt)' and eleaant quality Ind The beet qUll itJ~ or RiI.ding, Dear Cincinn.ti. We wilh Ily1e, of home make, IlwaYII in auppl,. ollr lrieud luace .. ill 1111 Dew po,ilioD. Determined to meintaln tbe reputation of his houae II one of tbe first cllllB, Mr. , •• _ AI CI' '11 h bl' Dudley and hie ... iltantl will sp.re 110 II. tver WI ave I pll Ie plinl to giye I-'or medicinal purpose., 10 which the ot· tention· of Phvsicians I, especially called; lale of hOllsebold goodl at lba re.ideoce Entire Satistaction Ind whlltever perlains to I of Moses Sisco, tomorrow (Thursdav) • J Call ,nd ulmine alock and pricee. afternoon, at 2 o'clock. F LRS'r·RllTE June 2'1. E. DUDJ.EY.
I(lfirnlill'y lJirlClor,
Merritt" Prints,
....T OORWll'f,
L .. hlftI.
.... L lUIaIUft.
C0 A L -
. Has on hand a splendid .MOllment ot (lANDS'" ElKIN'S OLI> IIAl11D,) BROADCLO'rHS, Deg leave 1'0 i CASSIMERES. have 011 VES'1'lNGS, TRIMMINGS, A Completo Assortment of &.eM whloh he manulaclures aocording to the ' LA TES1' '.
Pans and New-York Styles!
Greenbacks & country produce
ID 11
ur mlEI 11 ~ ' .
wumoW' -GI,AS&, SASH AlfD PUTTY,
Will be accepted in exchln"e lor Goodl,
Tire uIHler.igneJ hiS be('ome Atenl in Ihil vicin ity lor th e a!.ove Wheat-Drill, which he is prepared to furnish on lire beet terma. SATISFAOTION INSURED. Perpons wishin!: to examlnA, clln do HO by calling on the age nt, neRr 'Vnynelville. WILLIAlU BARLEY. Aug. 30.
P 0 t en t"· d- · J.,..e lCloes lFITli'f1 I1XfIACTB,
fP [E ~ IF lU M lE ·1 Y J HAIR-OILS,
, A well-selDcted assortment of the
-:---:--A complete "sorlrllent of
&c., &0.
Invite attention to tlt.ir Stocl; of
GAITERS A'ND SHOES DOMESTIC SOODS, Physicians' PrescriptionS .F or Ladies & Children.'
Carefully and Promptly Filled a
MEN & BOYS' WEAR, . Old Drttg.Stor ·c ,
ThA,jleGt quality of
For Gentlemen'e end Boys' weer. Alyo, II large supply of weH-selected
"'_yuo8Vllle, Ohio.
. Ibe Audience. We "UII tbel'e 'JII#===~==========~ be • (ull aUe\lliance: both .thele 8lt ECIA L ~O'.I·I()D. ID'lteOIlleU are " ..II qOldi6ed to •• T"e Na.on and. II ... ".' C.• bia.t Or· an a.Iembl),. aDd D,tive ,bilily Ir•• " 101·t)' dill"r" ,,\ . t,.ttil, .~.pkd to •• ered and •..clli. , ... ".ie, (or tSO \0 t'OO Thir. . alw.y. be 'foltered. ')'-6u GOI. D Or SILVER MEDALS, or olb. r FORToNATII: .-On }'ridIlY l"lt, tbe: fire' preUliu",. "warded thelll. ll1u.tl'll led Cal. ..Iogu ... ~" \I rtie. Addre.. , MASON & HAM. lip dOly of ahe Warren-count, LI N. 0<.• 1011, or MASON UROTHERS. New 1A'1~.U.UU, a llliodsomil five·bun. York. 11.1y Ar Buggy wus1lut in l!lttery, DhclI~e CRllllot toucll lII08e \Vllo u se one dollar a tick!.'t. Mr. NOAh Mille 1lobKCkt s UUtere. Wayullnille Dlllde th~ tirsl draw, Whilo RubRck'1! Billl'fI are kept In the family circll', didellse never enterl!. aingul"rly enuugh, pronll 10 These Billll~' have been found to be a tile prile number J We congratu- perfect anlldule fur rernoylng tl.e first .ymp.tOlnd 01 nCllrly all dileoees, if tHken Mr. Mills on hie good fortune-Ille in the prnp9r lillie. 'l'hey ure composed 10 wbe:u "e 'aka intu COllsillera· ul IU/lrediclIlI which 11,'8 known by Ihe 'I I ' II l' I t' medicI I fllrulty tu be mOlt efficacious in • Ie pro, nOla em .. IIC I tOme Imel diBorderl 6f the .tomach end itllellinel. our fair coun'y·leal. Their lII~dlcinlil properties Ire eo Yllriou ~, lhlt they prove beneficial in all COIII-. 1'lIu CUl'&T. - We hava not bellrd pllints, of wl>atlloever nllure they mllY be; hellce their great demand alld thll 'lly tlifor& blnio" bven madl! ob· ulliverlol gUild derived from their ule. A judiciuu. uee of theec 8itu;'" imparte a ne" lor ah. M. E. Church. we .re ralher .urprised AI tlte un- the rOle-tml 01 hellih to the cheek., .lId health · and vigor to the eUlire frame. wear tbat newl La ba exaewd ll·. ~5 cente mUlt be lent 10 poy upenee ~ ~. tion will be &riven . the .kelekln of lhe old olle. 'fhe 01 puata,e, ele, 011 une .-::;:C;:-:O;-L_L...E'M"-;--:.;::;; . nullce . July 18. cllr&aiuly doea 1101 proeeed from _-;l~Uttliscmcllt6. Remember: thaI whatever arlicle cor· ----_. L' IWIIIItDgnl~M9nlbeparLof,fiepp"~pwe~ ;====~==;=================~ re.polld» wiJh Ihe llumber ollluur lIolice, 'Ve shall constantly keep I)n hand a gen- . " --g>-you c .... hIVe it by poying TWO OOLL.lRI eral u.orlmellt of PIlent Afedicinci. IllIiir.lCl in lhe maUer. iome lur it, whether il be wollll 8100 or 1800, AI.u,jusl received Irom Pftubu", a ANI> rgtlic parlOD IhouM L.ke lhe initi.And it Is fllr our Interul to deal f.. lfly. goud IIlId well-Ielectp.d lot of ~ .& _'18 ' aud bave I aWlICription-p.per pill BY THE SDEBIFF I alldllend out our fine arlicles, 18 it Kine .".:Ao~ .....OUI:.. ,,(\o · The relpeatKbility or • The Qualified Electofl d Wlrren Coun- cunlhlellce to the public, and thereb.)' III' 1ft of "or,hip .llJtUld be be the OOD' ty, Ohiu, are hertby nUlilled to meel It ere .... our lIale •. lhe Ulull place. of hllidin, electloue ill Jl DO~ of Lhe 'OCi"ly merely, (Succe..or to Jlopl:-im d: Ori,pin,) lheir re'peclin :l'ownlhipl, on of tbe general communiL y ; and i \ And you clnllol Ilil to be sulled botb in AI the old etand 011 llein Street, W.,neeTuelday. October 10th, 1886, qualilY and price. ville, would Inlorm hia old custome,. and be hoped that lomuLhing will lOOD BelVl'eUII thts hourI of 6 .0'clock A .M. and Upon receipt of lila ctl., whiclt paIS for correspondence, pOllaKe. etc.. wo Mild June 23-1. the reat of mankind, tltlt he baa a ,ood . 6 o'cluck P. M. vI .aid day, lu vute for 10 ketlp up olir reputatioD. ulle notice. 1 Governor lor the State or Ohio; Upou receipt ot 81, which PIlY' Cor corI Lieutenlnt-liovernor for the Slate 01 respondence, PUd;Dlltl, IHC., we send lix Anlll~IJTC.1f W A8UItR.- Any ODe deOhio; notice8. 10 pur.ha8e one of litese ct:1ebra· I ~uprem. Judge ror long term; D. B . E B E I~ LEY I allo, a nritld suppl,.r W ---"- . Upon receipl o'f $5, which pays for cor1 ., " .borl term; IDAellinea, "ith wringer attached, respvudpnce, pos luge. Cle. , \VO will send Wlshee 10 inrorm hia plMrone and Ibe Tin, copper & sheet·iron arc 40 lIolice s, lIud a /ille preAelit valuetl III I do well to call at Lhe Jitomi. aaz"~ 1 Attorney Genenl; VC10 1 'l'rl'lIurer 01 ~lUtei \lot lell than $11" as a ."Iliplo 01 our nublic, Ih.t he keep. COllI!lanlly on halld, lor ..Ie III the lowelt cuh pricII. Ail "H!:e ond Im.1I kinde 01 ~. ; h Wall Awarded the firet pre· I School Commieeloner; goous. 01 B""rd vI Puh lic Works j 1 IUember UP:lD receipt of 818, which pays for I'tbe Ohio btate Fair, recenlly BAB.sIU.BE I·LOWS, OUT-DOOR WORK, • I Clerk of the Suprllllle Court j cvrrl's pundeoct', poslojle, etc., w e will lind double Ind single iu Coluwbul. It will be lold chellp. I Seualor for the counti .. or Warren send 160 nulice~, und Il :sOLID SILVER S H 0 VEL _P LOW euch I I SpJulinu, Roofing. &c., done on Ihort notice Ind In the bllel monner. lind BUller i W A TVH, by I'eluru IIIllil. 1 Represllnlative for the Counly of (}oAua KUlu}', for tbe rour July 3-2 AKents "·PI.ted. Send for circnlar. mlde 01 steel. He will a:leo m.nurftclure Dnd repu!r Plowsharea, nnd drel.lndtem· --~"" ':---O--V---'-A-L-1..1 put Paym"'ter in Lhe U. S. Warren. Aa-e1l18 allowed II iaq\e cuah commisaioll, 1 Audltnr Cor the county 01 Warren: per all klDd. of Edged To,ula. . ~ by which lhey CIO moke ,25 weekly. bu, We lllarD, 'reneired \ is bond 1 Recorder Icr lhoa counly of Warren; O:7'Smhhiri, and HorelB-Ihoing ~tteQd' Addrel-' plainlv • oollliDliaLion of aeniae io lhlt de1 Probate JUdie for lhe county 01 Wared tu promptl,. 14:-60\ . ~ tllte thle melhod or informIng -~ ~n' , REED &. BROTHER, TWO E MS myoid flienda and the public ,ener1.._ ut very fe" PaymlUtera l' ProaecutlDg AUorDe, (or the counly 14-lm lSux 1638 New-York Citl' . aUy. thlt I h"e remo,ed my place ""en "IaIDed, 1\14 we 'Ike il III of W,.rrenj FOB 8 A IL E • . of bU8inell lo the etlnd form.rl, occupied an"CJ.uivocal and merited complimenl I Commiealooer for tbe count1 of W Ir· . . Th. und~rlifra"d o~rer for.• l l e _ by )1rs. Thomla .. a FaDe), Store. Wlier KiD ' b"llt ,I..' l b ' reo; ~ Dey • • I " Wli e II 1 Infirm", Director for tbe County 01 _two eXllollenl Farme, I,iull 11I_ Oppolite the ]logen lIonae, 'be Dumber. Warrell; or a great mlny kindl IDd io largaquan- utll"a lOuth of Dilylon, aDd One mUe -., .. & . . . . BOY~' ul Rayullle. on lhe Dayt,on IlId Leballon where I Intend 10 keep on .hlna a general u ., ... ADd the Trusteea IIr the .."",.1 Town- lillel, fur .ale by Turnpike - containin" re'pecti,.el" ona allortllleDt or Work, both of -I' "' • I Iblp are bereby nOllled ' to .. lecl, aL lhe MERRIT'r & PRINTZ. 1t()IIIttar.-IOD -Mondll . of thie ~~k, aame lime and pIICII, rrom Imonr the ..,:"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ hundred Ind ODe hundred land lilty l\lIe.. • 1{ 0 W · If Perlon l dffirini to lee lIid farml, will Ind thl beSl brladl 01 'Itola rrom tblt cOlln"r of Mr. qualified Eleetora, tb. 101l01l'ID, number b plelll~ r,aU o. Hr •• T. B. JRbo~I' oli tbe U "NUJ'A C1'URE. . D-..11 if'" I' of porllonl, 10 lI,.,a II J"rorl for the .& , lUI ~" • p ~ae 0 .. ne Cloa&- 10- Court of Cammon PIIU, 10 the following preunMes, or addrlls CITY J.I&-" . , !ll)fi'\ltll\r. 1\ 1Miii' S· lIII.i)/I:', wOl1b aboat '2/j. , AI 'he .i1Iain proportiool, to-wit: . B, the kin or pound, of. warranted C. W. 8.HOADEI:J &. BRO.. aDd wirrant tu ii'81lti.recllon. IMql!ll lIIIU~. quality, lor .. I" b, ! Sep. 1I0. WllnJtlYiUe,. Olaio. Tblnltful for. the ~er, Jibs,.1 pa!ronl,e we are "qlle.led to .Itate 'for .Wllne Townlhlp III Franklin T'p' 13 )IERlttTT ~ PRINTZ. b & b • • d M... ie .. 6 ' Clearereelc" 11 (or I'Y8ral yel'" b.. lo"ed, I hope, ~ 'De , l a'l( the alotb II NturDe Union .. '1 WlablDr toD " 1\ PURE .C IDER ~r lNEGAR. ClloN auention IUd I.ir deaUng, ItIII to . . . rit a -oeroa. coatl.IIIDce of tba a.lIIl, • reUODable lim", ' be "'7 Inl Delfield II as filmllloo .. 8 Thil Imow to be putre; u WI pro· l 1 l i . . I. E. KEl'S. . ' . Lbl aDpll~~DI" 0.( • le.reb·_ ~:~ia~reek: Salem .. 6 A full uaortllllP'l of ' tbe Rlcbmond aed cured the CUer fr.. relll.bla plra. .1 In thll neigbbc:rhoocl, Ind "ermilled it 10 Tha m.r.el "nteU 11I' (lm~ paid for .Jure 3-11f ~ DO qUllLiOll1 Will be Ilk· Ginn under m, hand thll 19th da,. of the R.ymond PloWII!, rot .. Ie by . turn to ,in ••" 011 our o"n prenslll... Green Hldaa. CaIC·SkIDI Ind Sheep Pelr •. . O~.rwiee, be mA7 IXpect an om- !aplember 186~. JOHN BUTLER, ALLEN & RAND-!\LL. MERRITT 4k PRINTZ. July 3.~ 1.t( I. E. X. vi.i~atiOQ. Bep. ~: SheriII' W. C., O. Aug. ~3.-lIm
Hata ana
Our New .Mode. June 23-I-tf , It> . ...... ~Caps And a General Assortment of _--"h_---'-,- - - •• .;..... ' ~ 'The •• rticlel of good. ere numbered from 1 up to '7b .OOO ! 87,600 consldtillg 01 ' Piauu., tlelodeoll', Gold Inti Silver Witch •• , StI .. io,lIlchinll, Tel ok Table Sell, Sui id Silyer tel IIld tlble Spoons and Forb, etc., etc., .nd Ihe other 3'7,600 Of all kinds nlwlYI ()8 hondo arlicles of .. Iuable Jewelr}', Work alld which they olfer It the Toiltlt Caees, Photograph Albums, OpellA fille 'lIIortmel~t of LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Ince Sllvl'r Wa\.ches, ulld fallcy arlided ill great variely. '76,000 nUlicea numbered LAlVIPS, July 4. Iro ..1 1 10 '76.000 nre I"inled Ind pUI into se .. led ellvelopes Gild well mixed, and one LAN"1'ERNS, & 01 these id tllken out Ind sent to th e per6011 le ntl ing to us ~:5 cents tn cover exCHIMNEYSGj penae of po ptage, correspondlmce, eLc., The Ilndereianed wishes to coli the atIlIId the article or I!uod~ corrt8polldjll~' rPlltiulI o( Fumers snd all whom it mny with lhe number on Iho lIutice will be ~l.. ~ conc"rn, lO the loct thot he II eni!lgd In senl to the holder of tl", SRPle immeJiut e the mUllufacture of -SUC H ABIy (il he de~ires 10 purchase the article) on receipt 01 two dollar,. Fur instance : Fl~E cUlr WAYNESVILLE. il lhe number UI\ the notice seltt 10 you AND PLUG, shOUld be lIumbt!red bOO, and II piano or SAND ~ond il prepllred 10 do in lhe Cill A R . SNUFF. mzqzbe8t etylp, nnd on th e .hortest diamond Bet or Jold "_II:h should be num--0- berE'd 600, it will be Yll llt to you fur 82, lIotice. allyllnng in hkllille, from I wheelond eo un for eVt!r) article in our !isl 01 BLACKING, burrow 10 lite finesl bUi'Y. • 7b,O\lO articlel!. BI"'I-ACKIN· 0 . BRUSHES' < h i Hnvin!l 8eeureel Ihe Sf'rv Icee 0 f .."I r. .& .... ~ -. ." ()::"T' After recc;IIIinl the arlielf', if it ETC .• ETC. ELLlaOft KEMP, • Buperior work milO, the dOHI nul plelBe you, you can relurtl It, Iud mention 01 hil nlme in Ihis ·connectlon -OFyuur money ahaU be Itet.luJed, --:-will be 8ufticien\ 8uaranly that aatier.c-
Ladies', Gents', and CHILD-R EN'S SHOES,
--_._.. --O.'p'"
· __:I-=~~==;~J,O::U:-N atent It '- C.ulClnes .: : -::': :-V
S l' 0 V n S
Gl Picture & Window-asses,
Gll'e 118
J. A.. C R I S PIN,
Sherman MarclliJ:tg .Along I p=;~:;n~;d Cooking Stoves,
Domestic Goods, ..
R E ....
-- PIJ )
White G'00d S, . Shawls,
Hoop Skirts,
Y LttI IInVG r READ ·MADE C UfOli.. .
.U" •
THE Ther. is probably no
folly thaL tbl common .took railer Ol\!l be luiky« thaD breeding- f(Om anjmals olo.e "kiD, The re.lilts are 10 allll,os!" IU cases uo(or!Un8,e. aD d teu? t!' t be degradatioD.1r bitstock .. Tills 18 Irue of hOrl . . aDd neat caltl. OIpecilUy, or IIbeep e..' tIIliplly, o( 'wine in a lea s de· bu t slill, notict:llble . and in the
SAIl! 1.1 1
and Silve.r Watchesl
. 1 S G 5, .
PENNSYLVANIA tJENTR1L B. n, Dou'fjle TJ·ock · Botde
FROM !to. 4.81 11To.d~T~ 1'(ew ,,"ork. ~ PITTSBURG TO rlULADELP,ln:A<. I -A If DPIAICOS. lliLODEOIIS. CABI!t&T OIlOAl'S, ON TilE ONE DO It l'LAo....· 'N'!!'I1m 1I."rl1{ lP'UlBlLU:D. SIU:U h aile, MUSIC BOOles, Dlld ull kinde '&\'lI.Ia~~ • 01 Musicsl JlIslrUllllntl alltl / Music Mer , The EDttre Stock of ' }<'rom nil porlion8 or tbe .,,,,",Pt, Nor'.b. 1. Waf\lClvlUc,Obio.. ehnndile. 011be lowe8t ute., w~oleeale lOne Gold and Silver Watch Man. Wedlluid tioulb·Wellt, llllllliliC Ulld liS nnt! retui!. Secouo Ii.utl. P ilill os .Dnd ~~. (ur lll eilher Ih ll f hurl c"l or 1 ! b u 6U u'actory, two immens, e J ewe 1ry CUlllleclioll~ t PI 1'1 dnlpilia NllIv Ym k ' , " , lod ~Oll 8 ot Ilrell .rj!UIIiSo .-rl e~ri , . , , Ih o! beHI rou le " I" < .' ., . gree, " '1 . " 75 100 I "? 150 155 200 nntl 8225 Nb\V Establishments, one S1}ver-Pla· 1.I 0~toll llatllln orll 01111 WOSlllllj(I OIi. I U8 al!e o~ {owl. and .pllIgl!Ollt, Ibe e.vl reo Hnving. ~ fOluflwn y.p~rs cxp.n en~e 7 ~c I. :e Pi~lIua "ur 2'50 untl u \yDrd~ . 1'i. ting Warehouse, Olle Gold Pen v I ~ 1110 lI'illl couflde llce rely UI!un ."Na pul·Up (1Ii<8 bou~ IItr !"'ttt(lulls Ire 1D0re qUirk Iy seC D Ih)un' 10 a~y I~ t!,O .l'r:clll~~rI~~e:~:d,~:~eC·il~~~,rSti oi lla UIi Ud OIlJ i\Jduueu liB ,,, lui, DIS rell : nUow. and Penoil Maker, I ~~urlle ll:une!lio ll , ld!!h "peed \dllt l)erl~C I I'. r I~I ~b;1d bblNdl6a·'ttoUm\ b OWl" olber, olaeus, p~rb~ps. u.llnd· 1II rU. eStilUI u, . . ICJ if Jlurc"n ~~d. l\lunthly . plIYUleliU rtl1'0 b e dlspo~e d of with Ui~I)lII("h salety, 81Hl eve .. )' nppliunae lor C~IlI lurl l '\~ '"R{'\"t\.:t-...{1.-u , breeding " .here IDo61 cRlefully cond ucl' Wayne sville and VICInity. ceiv ed lor 1"0 Bu rne. 'U'l·W.OU'J' ll.E(~ARI,)'!l·O (;OS'I'. Ihllt 1'1.11 be procumJ. New ~"cI e le~~nl , )) ~ ' , "'H;,"·t'Y ~ ~ 11 1 ed, 1,a8 produce.d yery rl.l\' omLlc r~6ults; f III' d "li T " ,· Ii urn,'c \Y«ler~' FIDlI08 olld Melo___ o>ulitierlger COrti, lor day 1I1111 1111: IItl rVlce. TI '.I"(,,\"\"\. . ~ ""\"' 't",~ ,., ...,. , "ti'T ~ . d b U· · I OrneI' u ntt. cc"rn~rn DIIIRII., (' F uJ d I . lllVV~ ~ '~. '~" · bn~ Ih 18 ."111 un er I e I/'~c l lun 0 I . I . II . II II I dr u ' l~ Rfe us fitl e B/ld uuruble illdII U'" ll llij l Th e (ill u,l•• • e of lil. llioIl8b lc.lll.,,,,d,,,o., have fI 'cC lJ l ly b~.· t1 b c 10 li e eq\llp· " I "" ere mllde. \V.rronled lor f}v~ yenr~_ 1u r. .. \I .U' wu.. kll .." ,.bill •• Itd brc .ut lili.,.J 1" l lIIelit 01 1110 l'eutlsylvnhia Centrul !trill· .a .nm ' lDen ",110 gllve lbeir liv es, with s~\'cr c . SIlII 618 ,n('lIr Y ,, !' PH.1I0 Uya U . 'd t d of . III !luJ lll eir rt::r !'I I!: !'I cull:! promp lly rCijpu lI,l eu lO'! Prl ~"& II rca ~c1u.:"J for cush. II" . 1" ,,,,lIeI' ' u r,It ", e Ihe prupr." ·I" " 11 0 111 ~: "" I u ' ' . , .• a~l \aOU S ~ U ,Y. nn lOla ., _ _ _ __ _ , •. IIII rJ th~I1I C II; OC ('u luu~d by u d.1lrlll \l1I~ I I~ Ii I roo . . I f II ' ''' ,t "-~"l C'\n ~ ::i ~ 'T po~ots, . lhctr dlffoll'euces of consUlutiatl -. -_ r 1 L!!II.UO!'i lA.LS, "",'. 11 .11 111 .1 b" I"'u"liliondy .1.,1.,.] . 1I10Q. \ AI P l\16liura •.tr. li S rom Ie ~. rlill . .)..)~)Jv .u , ...~ lind temperllmenL, <?f fo rm, size, e lc; The Hu r.c,' \Vblerd ' 1~,n08or~ know ll 1I.ul, l~l(y .,,·•. u, dld,. or' uire':l lo Ihe ~ I,tull Deput. \~I~ \!r.e 1 uue l,- ' I av" Jill ifl~ 'ljI u",htf> ~Ie Dnd who "ere allo po~se& 81!d of fill in · u. ulll ung Iht:! very UcS I.-N. Y. l':v ullj;c A~IEltJ<';AN illAN UI'A<."rUltE, I!rrs lir e trollijl cr r~(\ 10lhit 1 rU IU" ull ~he I' I~ Ire t t{IlI~\i"h\ J:clIrij IUldhavll ItU I .,,,l li"lrllf~,. gl'cndy OUp cl'lor 1'0 I It~ h",,,I. illl' PellllllylVGlllu IJeIi • Bill\-II\', \Y ~lc ll , ' uilioll 'as' to which aniw oYl wo uld urO S8 r 0 ~ TIN 1/ '1: S T" E r II ACT 1(' E 0 F lis I. . II 't'_ .1. I '" I " ttt n "0' \\'1,' CIlIl ' 1'l'~1r or lite merils ur Iue , ,,,,rid! Il'unl .lll,,_d .,id huwku,1 uboUI • lit" wltwe l}itldllu rg twu urrlve u\ other I'Ullll~ (' 'll'e ." .. h Ulose IIruB.oo.' W Je rI! III' ill. R :1. I as fullows : ",... ... "''' I ' ., lI ur.en '\>Vs~ers' P in nus Irum IJc rsu ll nl ,.I"' "I' ~'' ''' I" UIII . 'J'II•• ,II, !' I" .' I\I 1J 011 !". . \. -\ \,'\.\"'....,." ~..., ",,,...,.,,,,,,,..~\.\\ and 'ln bre 7dHlg hns Lce ll S~C Cl:ss ru l)' rn 118 vur\vu:! vrDllchu . lI ul lu be cu el 1- ~,.u\Vlcll o:c.. li S bl'i fig of III, vel'Y UCijt 1" '1'.1,,1 " .. 0,1': 1'1111 01 lite h i~ ".. I" :~I" ' "I" ' ) "" <. ... ~J n .; y J:.:xrREss- Lea\'ce P I :t s b"r~ ot !! .- r,n ,'x ,·(' ".iin~ llily rlcth:ed 'II must be reool' mberc\! thl\ l N \' I ., . . . (1111. I,.. · . ,~" I" • 61'" \.tl) abu, "';':u" • ,,,10,,,111 1 . , . , I 81 1'0 Il R\ .,. t!J ~lIy" Itcle. OIiC uut I IU ~u nh.l .-.!.ihlltrtu'l\ 101<·IIJucllcer. I" 1010"" II,,,,, Ih e , ,,III',· ,." .. of IIIUII] "I 'h e . .·100 A J D ,8lOppllll! at PrlIlOIP" II I .'!s. ijilllil ,,1' fl\l t llroi li 1 c tu e relallve lIuJDbers of mah:s lind fc· T he Ho roee \ \"Ilerll' 1'111 1108 ure huill 1,01., u ll~" "d ' lJ}' ua 10 ,I .., puulic. Ttl (acili !(l i. Arrl\'e~ al AlluOIIlI * " I 70>0 A. 1\1' , I Y- \ An ul'pr<ldlllitl).:·publib malee approach~d . ml1c~ lU:arer 1\ 111\L· 11 ES T hi AT l:: 1\ I A L U iI R J) • of Ih e liel!t und most tho {ouglll" seasoocu I lit •• "Id . rUll jl 8.46 A.l\l.A Ul'lIeiu lIle. 1032 A. 1\1., Ji dCII" t; "IlIj) ~h uy 111.I'Sl.l~ ~ urlll s landard, lhan is enr proull,ula in '1'E11.~1~ eMIL-Office at hi t t esi,je nce m.IPrial.-AtlvuclIte & J ournnl. \ o~ L 'V ONE DOLLAU Lock R ll vell l~ Qll P . M ,1 t;1,ur rlllbllr g1 C).\.\·l\.\ \.\w' ~~ 9\"~ \~\~t., . I!~ IlQmic slllOk \ ~i.ins. 1£ any Olle on 'MILIu '::3trcet. . 1- 11 . Wnlcr~' 1I11ln o&· alld l\I e \oteo os clr:;l- will be ellu l'I; 'U for ,,1\ )' nrflcl~ 01' \>ur li. t.Rnd 1 .'1{I P:\\t:·, Blll t iOioret a.tle. P. lIL N e.", 1 .. ,,,sb'es ' lo StC bow quickly he Cull tu n . , ~----- Irn ge compuri.oll wilh Ihe ~'leS I lIIade \ Ihlt . UIII loe purrh ••• r Illee~ 00 \ IIUV u)\I.'1 ~ •• Yo rk, viII AlIelllowll, al 10 ~O P,M., 1-'1,11· lIllU h~ II CIl thci~ T I ' t . II J k.now. wbnl Ii" Ii 10 gtlt! rill. l"U' "re'ucts d I I ' t I ~ 40 l: 111 all d ).lew ~ork \ "\.~ ,,,'~:\ ~l\'\~ • dOWD a . upetior 80ck ot hertl, leI :Iirn. \.. 1 ~ lilly IV lere la \ III co untry .ulllO uu r- willi " l.l' IIJtllhpu ruc~lIll y hCtOI ...' iO pup"I". II. e PHi'" 1\ I I' ·· . 1 0'},~ l' M ' .l ,.£ .U: ,,",~ '. underla kll to i/Xli lli te Bakewcll ou a ' •• 'uul. . T , . r' fOI' oIi s l'u~ill~ .of h.r:;q 'lUd•• of Je,·.'t!\I} .m] VIIl 1'111 uJe I' lib. D~ '-" . . : HII<1 CI'"""'1" "9~ pr~t III the e&I:l41f 108' 1. " ,.. . . II Ma.co V\ oter.. PIOII,O 'FOI les nrl! 01, . .."it"r \,ro. lucti oll ~ , MAIL 1.1 NE-Lenvcti 1 111. lIurg .n1 6.50 tb. l ~ ,'IIII I, lill!! hilll ,,, 1'~lIulIJ llr ',. • I ,. '" . ' ' . . • ' fo il, iicoJ l u~l d "" 1' 11 IOlle: DtlU pllwe It l.'rnE l'tAN IS 811\1 PJ, I;\ 'lolI!:, . toppi ll !! 01 ull rel;u l S ~" l IOU S. - \ ''' ,'~ t>\.\"\.\ (\."\:\.o,u;.o,\"\" ,. .. \ AND N01 AU,\: liI ULlt:, N . Y. MU:j ICu lltcv lew. I. Th . IIU lile uf' ClII· h 1I1'lido "rr. re\' for 8~l e:""n. Allo"u.t ut 11.45 A, .M .• lhrrlllL urd G " "'" ,' ~ " .• l\~ Frs~ nAL~.- ta~el:l)ulll 'lunntllles IL icf1Ued Conveyancer , Olu im l1c-enl , O\lrlr ieuJa .wjll/iIlJ ut ])Jr. W'llers' IOold HUUII"!;' W' l c h "l;o ld.Q I' l\ I "lu l ,dl>,"c~· I :V.1\I ,llrrl vi ll uu l Pllll ud~l "h ill li t 1. \.20 ' .. r ,i(llIIIrM ',LI,I\ \"C;II'illu (h'~r(,iling ef ohOpptd nah lind; OllllO . e\l ough 10 l f j" l' it .FfltH . I .Iore Ih e y~ I)' besl 1I1i;;,Hllr.l\\ll ul Music lel.I·curl U,. U• • I,,.1I1 UII J t::ur~ l! rops, . &r. .. ~. P In luld N~w Yurk viII 1'1,jIUU CI I'IIi~. 1 Ol"rll•. ''In,1 pllul\8hill)!'t. hl1 fill a IrllY of lll t uiuUl size. ~\t!d ,a M I( .L.~ e!I,t 01 rCI'.I , O, • till( olld~ f l' inll08 10ltefo ulld iu lli o Ulli'eo wNlIelll'ldll Cllrd lllluduelo •• <l ' ....en l ;" . • ". ' b A ' ! I I ' CI ....,;.. \:. .1 bl ' f II C LZ}'E 1 llsu r tlllCe COlIIl)U1I<C/I.. • . • • v. lo"e; l1.ti ... ~' I\'II " pc. un, Ih. u ploe"tl "' • III . . , -,&\\\'\~C \· \"''\\.'"'' " .'1\-""J\c' b .,tell <tlgg, alJu . I/o a ,e~spo06 u (I ~lute •. -Gtu I18111 S .Ahlln !IIP. oIn,,,"'" "'" d .. . 11 II\I1 e d' Ihell 10. un or"..- Ie , . . l'~TTsnuR" - AND ERIE M.l lr. - Lr.nvl·s • Th~ lI urueo \ Vn l cr~' P,UIIOS ore 01 6 U- c"i..-cu . ... 11" ' w.n,v . 6 v~ C\J II" 1'01' ... ·Iurll )1\J!l. Pi llSuur:: ut 1. ~U,P. 1\1. PI opl' i"l! "I lI (Judy whid, h~I'c Lee n ~11O,vllrm.l upun hiaa , bu'ter, 'm~lleij. Mix Ln n'tl' Inash' well Offi ce. lit th e Old Sln ll ", lIIlIi n Stl'cCI, \1 "hbawooi1en Sp.oOD. ~~ulll ho LaliN WAl lrESVll,LE,O I/].O. perlor tOile Ilid c.legnnl flni'sh,-N. Y '\ \ ~!l.eUJlc.l .Ollt.rCbllrg."UII"O l lh.c."t .u r' '' r. flII 8Ia li oll~. Al'fiv e~ll t Al lou llI'l oI7.::W ~\\\'\."\"(\"'O} \\'\.~~ in. 8 a : . n'd l ( {,' IL fu ' '\1 II 'k ClorlR lion 'Enrluirer. lillr . ltl6 " luke" "I 'UIlc.lOII\ uIHI.'''''1 by f,,'" I' . M..' Hurrisb lll'g \.:J O A. III . Ulla I' hllu· \ r, e WI I S~ 1,01 . J u. I J I ' I . lit dl 111111110 (h. CUII Vll le '·. \\ I,D "III IOU :01 ul"', . ' Th e [. " 'lI liu ri ty uf th o o ~I II Q:J- ColleCll ultS mRuP, . Dlld procec us re· . "" Ie U U U p,rlces 0 ~s lrum e ll s on i wl... I" . tU Il !;'u l fOI·.OIlU /I,,\ln,. If h H" 1'1.·"•. del,,11I8 al 6.40 A . ~I . L: alld a lillIe llIr u, or IJt()f fl\l. Th e whol ~ ' Bu': lacil of the balli .sllo uld be 'rlld ulIl l mill"') 01 ~u rr. e n l rlllc~, \ C "lI, II'~lIos ~f ~lIepl M,USIC ~II'I UIlY Mus-· "'l "ilt. hi l lorul""! It" CU ll 10.·WO'·" y". ''' VII ''.I J 'lil LA DELI'IHA i':xl'urss-Lcli ve. PII.ld' \)\uu~ "\,\.\.,:\.)\.~~. a.\~~ browned. g y l~s Jte.-iu l pflill ~ l nk E'1I ill I'rel'srill!l Pu Ie r.lJu il. heo III II, e U . S., lI~lI ".~d Iree . ''':~O ' '' "' tl' 10 dtruCllon; ?n . 11t~ c. ~,, ~,·tIU ,,~~ uur:: Ht (1:2:'> I' . nt . , stUPPIII!! uhly nl !,!"" ii 1r. ,le "" ~V ~\I, ike lit .lho rOil' of pr ~d IIIIU proc"""/i UILC II l 'ny , \IlJUt1I1 C'; . \ :::ihee l l\Ju8Ic. u lIul e s JlleJ,; cellts pelr , o'.ure I!,. I"'Z'" )1 , It" . ,tlde .\"" ,1, 01 , I'UeI cipullllU II UII&, AI'rI~ed ul L91 ru bt1 t h 10 L" "1".'Jil";li ll.t: e\'er" I,ul'lide ori d'" I ' ( 't I 1 be UU 8u lt ed 'u t he l'u r(~ I HtU; r- ll ~ 111 1' , A lllUll 1',11 9 5 ii ' l :~o J .... _. \\ J ).)\ \\ · ' Ull d l' el ' 6 , ull~ ur decease .. 0 uler:!. , Iur- , < Ir.c . '. let o f I'ell'" t:....ll'up" 111111 Blcn,l"ill\; . ,,) onnj! 1'. O~, A l to~Il U .3 1' . ~I .. I"r n . :u r ~ ~ : POTATO BAL.,a.-MI\~ h builed POIR- gcs rCllso ll ublc . t::lubun lh S,.hool, olld IIlher n ~olts, pub. ". a n who e"",.t,, IO U' \\ ell l' 1,,"11' ,,,,,I hnel II I) v " " A , M., lJulumore 7 ,I. nt" N ~w ' lJ rk, \ IU \ \':\.~ . , ,,00 '; toea fine, 8tir iDto the m lhe yo lk of lin Life ~lI d 1>{i re I nSllr .Oile P') ~ ic i es iss ued lislt cd by Il urn ce ' ·Vu lors. lu t;'i ,' ~ 1,,"111 lu! - \\·... til ,ellc! lilly OIl.. I "rllc\ u A Ilellt."I'II, IU A 1\1,. l'hllbllcl ph ll ," .' 1 7.00 fl,r ' 11. 1' li re untl h"al lh , {,I' the bod, f1g$ Rod 0011"" !bt: rn into balls ; then und procllr ed "" ('uvoruble lerms . Sabhllih S I·hoo. lIe ll, NC). I, "'U III Ihe. '"lIIe !'PI)3 ··III'. IH uf .Ihe CI",d o~ II" ul ,I . nr.. ellu New Yurk,t VIU l'hilutldplll", 'jlol\,ls "1' 'n tlll,'.'rlll·l.t.v 'of tlil' blond. 1 t.bo . CE- '45 yellrs reoll ,' 1. · in lila I '· " ., . Bell, No , .2, "" uy 1',,1 prIce \\'h, ell III"Y " " 1,,"lu·rou. U .. "' '''' ' " I '! I t::lle e I>h'" I I' t Il ~. IIIJ)OIj ' 1..,JO ~if ~~.~ lnto\ a be,lll D egg; roll tholll R EFE.REN " lice S,lbbulb School .......,,'. , UII "hO'J •• Iu ". II 'ure OU IUI,I"... l . ~.' ." Cll rd rll n Ihru', I!, I, 0 11.I '.\1\1 111. " 1',",,-" . In crac'ker Ilrumb8, Imu brow n ill a CO\IIIIIUII i Iy. 7· 3 m ( ; hol'al II Ill",. ,hell y ... u cu ,; 1<1 Ih v I"'II ~" " tl rui" vb, ,.~ " ", 1111:; II' UIII Irum PIII.lrur:: Uu II ".lI tt "1', " ,IIU I Oil t 1\ III 1,;,;mLlc US:i:illlllce. 1 hll8u ,,,,, I _"eo,l 110 I"vre. 1>::<11111111 . cnr.·fu lly uur Phli:ide lvtlli. U I!U LI.I Nllw ) til k. "'H, ~ .1,,11; \ \l i'u\lll ). l I'd." , quick oven' 0 • r~J' . Ib em J o a brol\lI _ _ ::::::z __ !t' . __ __ _ _ • ·J.·he Dilule.... CU lu\o;."lI e! lIJIVU. ~~ '" \S,"t~~\'~\0\\ - I q d'ipiiLy .of,. IS'ce dtippiu gll', -((ntlln thai 'J\~lJCrtH'i.clllCnt£j: p It I r:: E S : 'VATCn D ~n •RT~IEN'r. FA ST LI ~ E- Lems Pi ll.b url! A\ 9 .30 Clas~ ilatle II them 80 tll a t Ih ey can be t . I .lor cu r,~u~ . , 1",);, c'''" E ~ ' II " ~~ ~ I' C. Ill·. oluu !, ill:! uill y II I lH, "t:i uH 8 1 "liul~ti -I!~ller Covt'r" $ 3 Il l' r dliz,; lI~nrtl, :lIIn 1'"lell' L, "cl' gtl lu 1 11," 8yphilil. '- •• '~I¥ turned, !loll brOl'Vned on bola 110US.L' AN D. LU'I' $:~ ,(jU; Clul h Brubosscd Gilt,$4 ,~0. J.IOUd~lIl1:"e\\ ,t'.'·tl'·~'Il~ . I,ulI\'Il>H·~ :;u I.. J ", ,\ r" vc ; lIIAI 'I)U Il IO . 1 ~·. J0 A. M. , H llrrlb' :~~(~~l~~"et, Old .Sorei ·1 I . IlIleti. t:.. . 1~1If1 ~"'\.8 ;;v l ,r II U"I'!'!; C"S" .U 10 II. IJ lJu r ,>I< 7.:1 0 A. ~1. llodlilll"r~t 1:.l .!lU " . ~I. . ' ,,~ I ' ... ~' "lClV' 'n' " .., "L "'. BELLS, NOB. 1 and 2. ln I. VolumCl, ' 20U lOttie." 1:" ld Ull d ~nll,"c",1 hU Il I. \ N g , . I t ' Al l " . If, \ ~ • Soh :RbulllIl, l!"rc~'~Hm~~~c·b' •• CO~N O Y8Tl1:lt'.-G:rll\e young, pweet ... '1 "" "'... IU ... . • •. I illl! C.." 't I}b I" Htl 1'1\' 1 ur I , viII 1·"lv\\ II. ~ . "tv ' . I. , I ny&",ptil •• '" 1 Ilv~'" .'" eorJl 11110 R dish, lond 10 n Ilinl aud Olle Th e vu lu able Il ll u, e nnc.l Lot , situ ~?, r:\J I'~r duze ll . ~ lllth Elll boss\II(J \.100 p""",1 I.:,or silver 1IIIIllili h Cft. c ;;.) ' " 1,,1 Ph llnd.· lpl,l ut l:.l .IiO r . M ,lIml Nuw Yurk ,t . Liv"'tFo~pllllnt, .~ er ~ud.~, Gilt, llS'7,lU per J ut ell. J • • ·11111eI ,·,. Iflc r .ilver I, ll 1\ IIII!!: (''',," Jd (0 h., VI" Phd"deil<i liu, lll :i ·I:J I' . M. \ Ledennhea. FemlLlhCotnPlalDIl eQ'1l -ell be ale I) 1\ 8mall t .. f I " ' ''0 on lilc Ensl ~ ide 01 Nutl!J SI' I I '1 ' ,. , '" S' ~!'," Y' . ,, ' ;'r ea .. up 0 .. 'l'11I:: t:JlIUS'l'JAN JU(i:J,ODIST, JUI III _ I II"h~, " "'~ ' I vc . bp ,;" . (ICC ~u 10 !1O *// , (. t to " l~"i F.Jy.il,e1aa, ' ·1An til;'1••n, BOu~" It,,:r " gill of etenm, enJ a IEo R- ucl \V ue II Th i rll Bnu Pu nrl h al reel s ~ Ihe . It .' ,' I II ' tI T ' B 'Ie .Iuu /IlI lell l I"v£/' ~ II \'t", Ol'tiuJfRce 2 '/ I 0 l\ ,) rerr jU> • 11171tr, t ' 'l'l~e r . , tUlliO ' . , • Eruptlo!!S, f I ( I W · II prupt:J'IY or l\hls.lIl. R"',ll&Rte-i ~ un'e rcu I) ~ 1I ~~3Y I\\:v~ 1)'\ III n. a,: 6 ulle ,lO, . J O :,wi .. , I1,·,·,·. , ', . 11:1 10 ~~ '\f V ail!J , (lil otlnr tra ins, $Imda/Is ' ..rep/III \ Z·lL'. ScrofUlous 9o~sum p 911 • tIC., L~ I ' rt ce ~ pcr .. uz, ",,3, O. J f' DEI'AI T"'EN '}" • Ii' 1• , IPO?~ u 0 III t: . '1'. I ~ It we tog.elber . , ,~,, ·\t exactly like oY lilers, droppl\lg It ul I'TlI' ul e HO e. .r · olirll · •W 1, 1, I'" t. . l I , Tld els 101' oU III lu Bv. ' ull by lluUI ur . ~ ~ ~ ~ . , •· f 1 'fhe \'\Q uae i.s well \)uil" in n pIC8,1l8 t1t Manufactory and W arerooms, 300 diftmou.J. ' ri nrra . lJ!;,lll l u :ts 1!J0 ' rn il. UUllt li, kl' IS tlul.d 011 1\ 11 .1' 01 I t'll . 11 In t 0 t 1Ie fIlL uy spoon ill S Bb.out t"t 8i7 c L • , . I I I 481, B foa d way, ..1\1~ ew Ygf k . to " ( r '1 "" ",coIlOIl ) \VIII Ilr ~e r·001l\8. pI' re" 611mnwr 30U g~ IH'" I ~ m (l~,d ~lng8 ~u 1" JtrU ~ u UIIU Ijll "~ . 10',11\1> lu ~J1 "ul ll t~ "cllv" n 'l\7 T.1 '1,'rlio Oll \'I.l'itCllillI! '! . ~ .. o)'.IIter. . lli lch.e n olld cellllr bc l\J \Y, 11110 lW'i.rllU ln s ," ' I I - c 31111U f'.:nI..IHllmullu· ri rfgs · j ' 3 tu 1.5 uS UII}' ulil er routc. . ' ""'UI.• ~~t' I"l" uf hi"t! .v·ullr.. --~----ill the t!e eoli li 81Ul' y. 1\ we ll ur eXIle ll el11 "'PCOla JlDDOUDwmellt · .IOUO J d ' ~ t I~ t ~ ... .,. , ., .\",.yul.• g,~ -1.m'e.' oRl ~ · St I F ' II' wUl cr idBiI UUlcdu I08elotll p. li itchen. . I.: • IUIIIO)I rUlIlS .;) 0' SL.b·EP} 'Y G _ C_.' .' 1']' 9 ' ~ t, \, i,,, ~· t1I1I"·~lIrtw,,, y,,:\rK . ..,. • ~ 0 a C • aIr liS yellr __ I I bUO l) gu,d ~ e llU/II. fob r ~ ln ln 8 11 to 40 " __ .....- . • , ,AnOTHER " ... "'&, hi\;· 11'(0/1 w'apI~r'" thAn ol·dilll.lr ily li uecen ful: 'the On Ihe ,L ot or~ I\.uriely .of Il'u it I ree8. E. & H. T. ANT H 0 J.'t Y & CC .,. -lU DO g ~ lIt~ ,gulu VI)&t:1:hUII1B b lu 40 '0 11 olgil l. tr ui\ ~ }u l ' hil nd''', tlew Yo rk I I\r~" r I". u, '~li 1"1" i"l ~~ t ~ II~ L 'J \IQ, hce iBI5 at ILe galel q mpunted ~Q ~e v . and Il.e groll ild 15 or glloo qu.:ity lor gur· WR.:0L l:ISAI.}i~.ARll " 101'AIIo 4UUU pu~r g~1 11 s lee ve b""~JIS ,. 3 ~o.' lU i allo ntl'h mort'. [);'ggllll~ tht.:~hcJ Iltr vIIgh \ . ' I I,c .Iv,· wi" l'IUlll' lIl1 uuJ. ~ll" ,CUl!t~ _ "~~o~ .. \!>ou.Rnd tliilU at . n~y ' pre- denilljt J~Uqllll~~. ' :1'1111 . prClpe ny is. I, ee 4U UO plm Il vl~ &. ,:"um. , a l.o 10 ' (lilli troIl 9Ie rrt' ,1 rr "~ . . ! .rI1~ 1<' ." • ~ I 11 r "IOUs 'Ftlir, w hidl proves tha~ Ihe nt. Irol~ III,cu"l,bm ncc .. I I Munuj<A cturens oj 'PlwlCJgropMc Mule- 6uOO se l,; gellt~' guld SIuda a IQ !) II" The ,lPelllls ' !\' ,i!Ii,,'I'RlIll rnnJ ' e,;. I IV i 1\ '.,. A.NOJ']!E1'..:.,)r.tl" . cl'lt."u Iff. I-'~ve. tendance of vi silol's WM 1 I '\lr .UJ'lI;C I \lu rllCU ors , axp.l' v 10 rials, 80UO stolle del & di ..".IlJ!t r in.~ :I 10 '12 not .~:lum e any' ridll IIII' l:" " j.(!lL.:C , ";'; CJpl ' \ "::11 0 1111 ':1"1') ,;.11;; '1\,(; I'Y ll\,e.Il~"' , ~\>e in . ' • . . greo er II 1'n · rtwr:'J' !~ ; 8000. 81; se\ &.. ~' ~ !. Cp~ III, rlUKe 4. 10 l a l l.ur W earing Apphr~l. '."0 Ii'lilll il- lit ('i r Ie· , TU, ... 1t " lit any -P 18VIOUS eX hlbll/on or Ihe kiuU. JI'. I ~ .... J. D. W T b ~ 1 J.l A • 'fhe di'splRY o r articles on exhibilicltt- ', ~/{~ . • ~;,I ~ I; . ~ .. R9. il>I\V'A • 1/ . y, 6000 Inilie5'1!0~~ lI ec k (:haiJl!l 6 to bU I ~ IIIJIl . ,uit iI Y 10 ulle h !l Il ,lr~d d, I'iI ,lr. ," l·ni ·1 .!:rl'OTHEf. ·w"~. ~ure.1 \If Fevn "a8 very fine. " l ' UOSl'.EC'fU.s OJ" 'rul>: II\ ,n~ ,li tto n to t urm.,ill b'-lsill ('ijsu fP ho· 4.0UOgO\OOVIII.bUlld L,uce l~ 18 31u 10 u ~ . AII ' ,lh gg"~e ~ x': "e Ji l\ g th llllJlII" UWI . \d l :.""._It~,j I'X I~t" ,lllIlIrt~~nyeIHo. . - - - . ..._ _ ' lugrul,hi " IIru leri tl l~. we are Heaoquarll!J8 611 UO go J ~1111 j~ t bruce ltll s . B lu 121 ill valuo ; wil l b" 01 II ... ri:, k v i Ih,: ow ner , f~?j.O·J..~~R.llr H1""~~lIIt 'Fll\ of LUCKY PI.UNTBIt.-.Thtl Dtlll'OJ' t "'rCl.. L~A,:1\ , V.. r1 , lur Ih e lol lowiug, VI;':: 50UO g olil nnd·~ l\u lil. Ilrutele le 8 to lb ullleclil lu kc lI by 0 .pec;. 1 ~u lllr .CI. . \ " "' .•• . 'I'1, It1I ." 'er~hle I,t , J.I w~: l' .L, .I? 1.'\ . 30UO Atold cli nl~ ,luili chuin. ,810 311 .L".1'f \ 1I111.f'.lhl!',1 cUllhl ~1) . lUelJl tm . , 'cs .mqu\.ty' for one '~~,8 Mo'r . .A. 1I1oll\hly ('eriodicnl: d !!vclletl to Slel'p.oscopes ond Stereoscopic ¥icu:s. 50UO poir ludieij ~ leevtl llulloll8 31u B FREIGHTS. \\111.,1, Ii,c J ul'lb~ r. lluJ 1 1.lls 9 1\ ~~tii woded to II,,). cily . Lltcrnturc, T emp cmJlcc /Iud 01 Ih cse lI' e hll ve 8n immense Pss url- 4UOS' puir c unm. ., • ~ 10 ) 0 \ '\ \)\'\ <;. \\.\-;.Q;, \.~ C\\.~'tm. iii ~ ~ud bO, ,,lind wbo 118 follen VroJre~8ion. Conducted me llI, iu cluJ lIIg War ScellcE, Am e ri ,!'ull 8UOO solilu ire go ltl bro ce/eta a to I ~ U)' l hi:! rUUIp. Irpi l!lll~ " I 011 .M·.o:dW , _ " _. _ I '0\' Il~ir $ 90.000 in gold. whicll nwnits b y J- WAllin'HI '11111 unu Fu reig n Cities 11 lid L" llddcnpe~. 6UOU cor.l, o pal & /1 U1 . I'rtollchcs 3 10 JJ ~ liu ll o 01111 be f(Jrw. 'rc.lo:J tu ul,,1 Ir"lll 1'1, 1111' 1 ',\ .\ \ 1:IJ, ~ LOO ~ \iJ.t 1I ~., orlierdu f 't Uaul. of, Eogl,llllq. "' NRmec '; Gro ur~. Stull.IUry. file., CIc. Al dO, IRe- 5U OO ('omeu Dnd penrl eurura ps 3 to tJ. : d ~I ~IIIII. New Yurk, Olldlull ur \l":lill",r ~ . : :lr" tll u Inu~t IIc Lil'P, ",tl ,Ih"rou..,u " I ) J ~~~ . The Fnmll)' 1", le ud ,~i l1 cO lllui n Mixt. en volvill l! Htere,.M.·OP!'", :ur public <Jr priv'ul e 700u i\lu ~8it-. Jd, LuvlI And IIlId I fu ll! uuy "ui nt UII lh e R .lllro ttil. VI I tl," t ha r!l cl'cr L~c n intr"dlllle.J. _ " y. . 'hl't., co tllllill /I.,!!., I" 11 1<> nUlU llt l·. •"" ki,,,, il n cx hiili:IOIl. Our (; ulII!0ll ud will he Blellt Fl urc ll li ll o Eurtlrop~ 310 10 Ulri u, J\ dlltuc lvy. ("d iIlIlU, 111111<11", WI. - \ ' Tl wi' " t FII 'ii r d~tl ~ {lI rlill the' J II wretcir "Y'l1O Ilns' ]I' ved a eO lly",,,onl . ..,,.d ". e II) allY Uu( ., Iress ull recelp, .• 0 r ij lun,p. . . liP es I . .:v 00. I\~."" I lor, 1'\"·. ,·r,·;'li" ,, 101,,1 bi "dillg. 10000 corn I, " pal &.. e m. eur tlrol's 3 Itl III COII" ,II. JVIVo ur III Id.u U1I, I.' uj' r.llruuu.• d'I· "il;"); 'Ihllt tl r!!"11 tu 811.d lIe pf v~lJalflYJ and .died omid thu cur. E:6c h \.UIIII",.. wllllJo (, \t Otl wi:h Ih . l'uo'i'oGltA I'UI C AI,UU ,)l S. 101100 mlllinlUr!! juck~ l~ 4 10 IU r, ·o'. . IIIC ~ HI\' II .toc,: Tl\,t I'cllll'"tl 'tes ~f :III ~ .ie.lIme, it he:Co uld como oul CHOICEST ORIGINAL MATTER, We wern Ihe firsl lo illlruuu ee Ihese 10UUO Il1n gic s prin)! do. 810 :!.] Th e l'~nllEV lvn nia C; l.' lIl rul Ro ilr,,,,d ul· ( " III IiLillll. ,;lli" h 1 ''1"u''utit't'tl of bls ceffin lind relld tllo IlIudlllo\,y ill ' COI"i 111I~or IIlornl .1Ie1 lu, lroclil'c 1'"1 ,,., illio tho U ll ileo :::ilutes, IIlId \Ve ' rnullu IJlc. Ju OUO plullI' Uu lu rill U8 4 10 J :J'U ~ U IIII~III 'lU i l'llItll" ,r!! lIi til . It·h llllll •• \ \l ilh simplyn: T~ Ir~nt.i~c pill 6criplio~ qn :his tombsloJle, would think F.h, .yo, ~h l ,·h •• . I'oe nt •. ''' OH llle lll .\ 01 'J'"", lUre ililln.e utle .qlJontlti ~ 8 ili llreul vuri ely, 10000 .els ludi etl' je\\'c lry, gu:d uy w\r:ch pU"'!d C. II lie IUr\\ tltde ,1 I ;, '"Y I ·t hey ul'\:, I'~ld lY, 'I " . ,> ' be 4ad gol IU(O lbe wron" grlue, pcr UIII '. ::;0' i,·II.,. Itlill "lIlhul goc.' Iu ll lUke up .o ng'" g 1.1 " rll'l) IrulJI 5u cellI. III Sno Dlld je t 5 10 2U uc~rij., lJ,p' pUrl "II lla o U-I rl o, .lIJu.• ki "1!UI1I, I "\l. \" ,,:.\ ",-,,'.\ -t- '\""'''''' Q ,t fi r'l t d ill!! Ju urll ui fo r l nt: FUIIII I), eirel.,. .. 1000 d '1' D ",,,u. '--...~ ~ ...... "'" " ('u.cll .. .our Albullls ha\' e Iht' 1'~ I, utu liu n U o. cu mru, P"RrI (lIe . . b '0 :2U I t; III, ~ ~. Ct, "\>U II I ~I ~ I'I"II' II II l In."' ~ . 1\1""0:,' An• Indl'an ' nnd a WI'. q 00 I IIlI, ' I ,111 ' C(),!IJ.UBu . '"1:1' on -,; 1.t!.• .tile -Il.e nIan 6I copy, OOI" e ' <>. 110)' . ''', . ""1 0V 01 I.ue lne ~ up (j flur ill Leaul y OIl J dur uhil li V lU I)00 g .Ill ""U j ~ t :lI l1,ce l,· t ~, . .j Iu Ii 01 1' " 1• Ii\1'."UUII . A r k 'IIS u ~ ' UII dl'.. .. u.1 II I. "r ~i ..... 1).1\0 10 ~ny utll~rg . Th.ey will be sell l by JO OOO gill &j~ 1 hOI ~ lI pptl rl e r 8 2 10 12 ul.liu l 1: I< v,. iulld , t;UII ,h' 6ky lI 1>dl ;l lI "n\!" · JJf~JO D : ./lURl)'] wlSrt' !,I,MMlog·. along llrolldfVllY , wh e ll IlI re"ie,. ~h.e lo~mer \ tlspied a window rull 'of ~[, cu",e,. 2U 0, n: ail, FaRa. 0/1 recelp l bl pri ce. s IL \,J,:;I,L-l'LA " ' LU WA J~)·' 0'1 ,,11 st ~\l lI\ e l oj lu ull pott~ UII III ~ Nurt h' J ,~ Iga and o· t' :J.! UU IlJ .t.. 'Alb 100' A' \V. 'stt, IJ L"kcd. , I "' )1 em.1I 11\1 t.W: Iblll rl:J"'l DL lflnt , .p 10 IIIg t It 'tl10' 'OWlJc r, who ~li .cupl.. .' .,., ~u e:.... \1111 • .iU1ltlt: 10 Olll e r.""CD on CllP~ $2 10 $ '1 ;1 I I II"'IU. ,In ' ' I ill reli 'I' ~ Klld W.8 II1Inding in the d • ' .1 1' 0/' S' X IIiOIlI"!. h"lf Iho nbove rllt",; slll!;'le .·'a d .I."b.0t ogra rabS· SUUO "oblets 3 10 iu \\l~ rch""l d hlld aldp ll.erB . Nl trIlH lil.1,! ti, e li n ' ... . . ,.: ,1: . ' n· a't i. 'ug II-I;im gl'eat malloor\l nl, salu:- 'CO P"". lUll CU ll " . PIIYlllfl n\ in nd,.nre. "r " II I I I II }o I Readnafl . \I\J - Li~ br!lve _ ~ JOUll U pllir na pkin rings !! tu l U. ~ " I1 SP.\l 1 U lUll 0 l.t'lt r~.'g II \" tl~ l ij Ooli.~ 1'1411). ' take mRlly 8CII!psl' 0 . A tl~r, ... , J. WllJLIAM VA N N~~YEt:J. O ur Cq tnl,'lguo \l OW embroces \lve~ lf~ive 2i,UO ca rd uu kels 4 10 Ifl ' CU III.\lo r:v , cuu re ly Wi lli cUllhJe trllO ull liS 1ndigcltLou,. , . • ,,,. , ' •. Broo klyn , N. Y. . Tltu Ui!QuJ tjitl..... CIlI 'sllbjecl..j lu whith · ut!. 30!.:u ~ bke bO ti ke lB 6 1" 2ll ! ~ I):'~ ~Y' .:ul"I1I. . . Il ' Dlutllell, ~fe. : I ~n~d,r \1111 btst.o~ uP.i"I) II/w.ns 'Aih;;t NA \V A');,; n. " d:tlC/IS.' ore IC.OIHIIIU!l lIy Ult,ill!' ni.de of 40U()' cll dtors lViiI, bollies 6 to 20 I h~ ' h " I Cd ~ r Fr cll.lll lo; nnd Ir,"11 nll,Y : T,y thcse)hiuidneti'll(lu, you ' In :tf1e~ Ctmrllderacy, dunllg Lh o war. A El t Nit · W t I or lru lls uf e mlliCll1 AmcrieulI~, eIC., ~iz: 20UO ico J1ilcber~ 10 ;10 21i ~?llIt 11\1 ~l e IWI!~I" Ly' tll eII PC llll eYI Y""I~ \ rCffet, it. , 11 . ~ ,,' 1 ,I! WA S Winchesler, Virgilli a, which WIIS . ~ , eg~u ~ve . Y.m a .c es. I\,Uoilt .. 600U pui r bllller knives ,. 3 10 20 ve ll~ru l~11I rU!lu , IIrl' al II tltll~~ ~ 8 III· ',\\tk ' ~'''nr n~'/l111/orl}. 'III ho ' I~ie lleld by lhe Fedcrah fort y.e ig hL tim es' ' j 11:.0 ~IOtie. o( tlll &' UIOJh !,r,e ~n e~llre ly .100 l\J~~JOrG - G l'nrrols, 100 Lieut.·Colul·lllls, 6u()o so up. 0Y.ler J! t!ravy ludle52 Ie 8\) vor~~lu! ~ ' oru cI,"rg., ~ by o lh~, H.~lltujucl " t.ill}ru , IIM' lhoy will ·..h~' t"<'y 111'0 '" atld by Ih o COllrcdt:rt\ tes ' tw enl c" ew 1111\ C II 1 :'~ II' dCUlllllllo8J~f U 61x, dIH orclII,I :.!UO lrag.. , c uerll:ij, 140 1I11,er Oflkcre, f~OO(J e'l"ruv e~ pie h ive.. , :a to !J' .cO'"Ir,:" '.IiJ}! . ' . . \ . I ' Ctool\. , ~\C~'4~·u\.~\;i .i~h II d' d .Y ,. lIIel" d CU I" ,,!I,e ,ru e IOHclhur41ou plft tl· 2'75 Cu l u ll e)~ 75 NIlYy. OflleNS GOOO U V Z~ II le ·~pOO li ti. p~r ouz . fJ!u '10 ():::J q.. .!~., t,~u l ~' . r," lJI l1 r)!-- ,paclw:lcs l ' . 1 r io' bl\ltl"~ ~n~, lIy dc:c t!P, cd 'by 9 h ished. P~I~dU CiUhg,uA" I' X" ~ tCIIIIl ~." lliu li .'" l /j I.JUll ~tnl.I'Stll~I1, 130 J)' ~i:le e, " 5000 UUZ ,' II loblOold\JuOI,8 ,. 8 tu 24 " VIA l'lNN'A C'£NJ ll olj. J~. It." ' lj lllt yn u ~hl1nld tr_ hllUl lkfonl )UU() doz e" d es~e l'l lork" '; I 2:> • l'ur J.o:r" lj(II. (;u ,,!ru'!ls, or Si. i"p illg · J)i . U 1'''!~I~ I:lII . . . ',' ellru t go u. ~" t;u " r.cl~,.a, Iyll'c I wlJI u~· .50 VrOl1,Ul e nt I)'omell; 12:i :Aul,lr yr~, . · -10 '\rti9ftt~ tiOOO ouzen ill ule lorll8 . H lO ao 'recli ",, ", "I'I,IY. Iu \Jr ~durt'd8 e iihc r 01 Iht! . I :e\" 1;1l:llpl" e~ ".'I !'t)?al BlI rnum's new mUSeUOl is open .w oP 1ic~p ~\ s col ~r, llI C), .u re UJ bOlluli · 126 SI~~ 4'. lu i 11 ft "t> ,jll ,1\~11' ul:d nr ,6. utl" r Je~ 01, u~ le. 3 :UU() Co pies 01 Wv, ~(" of Art. ('01 ' . . \I lu llui\'ill ,, 'Al\eIl IS o( ''' ~ COI1lPII'IIY' ?l' II'( ~II(~ r,·mllrat... , ulld' I and In lu\llblasl. (rOln the rrOrtt of Ihe eighth lit e 1.081. '1 I.e cu.e h be oullful'ly ind udlll(! re lr d ol'ok" f I ' • .D l't:;NS .•\NJ) l'f:NCILs . D • lio.lIw,t:cl. ~11l\' w ; ll, " edifice. where the ~Irl.ss -bl o w e r~ are lO d~8 ig n ed " i~11 .1'allel ulld Nhie ld ror IIhmo ilr ull' d E Igi o. \I I I;, 0 lIe most eelI'. . Of e,Very YU,iljty, om S Iq ,,30. S . B. ,b711gslon. JI'.' , Pltiladu .· ):) o\,\.\)\. \'\.o "'''0\'«: the f plen Aly 'Yol1lilatl!d ' lecture ro~m, wi: h t>U! Cll l PUb" , 1~ 1II, III II! e pgrl,v,cg ,i; PIC '('Qla'I\);~VII'l!" I UI nil ":!", ::-ltOIU C8, ltEltU:ilIBElL'rIlE I'LA.N. . .. 1/. .W':':iJ,"QWA,W · t:O., '(;In·U . ' lJ bew th8ie iaal"aye 11 li'l-eeze If 'il be lHi'I e''nexitctL~lyJe ol .~ilc celeb~~led Gold An'or~er (0: ~lI~CI:.I):~~·~eol~:~~u~:::II~~I~~,; . 111 all ~1l·.P·8 ' W~ ':llorge ror illrlV.~tlillg ,q (frf.;,e &: Co., C"icUUfl. 1''' ~ ~I~~, . r.~~~I.:~''': Il!::,,~1:~1~~N;',i. ~;:. ~:r' needed.; , u ~Ifl l: "evers, Ollu ur~ rC'I) ly II.UII,OijO lil e U'.!r Cll lol"l:" e will be .e llt 011 reOeil'1 01 Ihe . eefllt\~u\P; ll UK l" !!C . fthd dvlll!! \II ~ Il • 'V ~ 'S 'I" 0 ell, ~:::~~~'.":,'(':~:,":'I':~;:,(;~(' I;"",·u •• o( tI.,. sl ruule·I"II,J .~o f'XI~c t lUI1.'1II ~llI fI !I /I ~ 1.80. Slid tie nl by lIIul\, FRE E . busy ne ss . the s um uf 'l'w e llly -fjYd IJe lll~, 1< · ,·,1 I·r. 11 ,, 11 ," N ' , 51·.,,",1 )II",....... ,1 I3f' A WOlD an in Steubeoville named IianI dgo0lcd . 0 8 10 I CY u,' lecllUn. h e lIIove. l'h(\togr8I1 he ~. and " 01Iler8 Ordf!rin o which rll115l be e llcl06" d in Ih e ·urdu. ])~uv c r 8 ftntl Formf?rs will fiutl this u ~~:~';~";I~'~: 11 ,01l' 1'"'''V''' 1"''' of , '101' h,. Pdtl~aa. ~t."mpted to ,lillhJ ' lun by rII OII\ IS mOQ411!elur~d by Iho well ·known "oMs CO D ' \V'iIl p~e88e ' ,nm'112 '") ~ Fiv e C"r."fi cu les will lie 6-'111 lor "" 1, II IIt,, " 1 odvu ula ~e o\l ~ rlllli o lur Live /::lluCH. 1 ·· r E urope. . ., . . ., - . pcr I 2 ' " , ' !f'"r. • • .• q ~I ~ ~ r~r.T " RTI ' 1'~~Hn"g 'carbon oil into the 8love. 'I'he S , . JI Ille. r W Ut el'~ .C "lllPU"Y .0 ce llI. O,I . ~·h e amoullt u[ Ih eir urder ur ; lltlrty l ur 5 ; 8ixlv-liye CU ! 10,' Ulle GI'I'briullij ¥u rd _, we ll I\'llct eti pntl HI"• hundrell (U l' t .~ . I k 6:1 1(""1 'I ' b" 01\ t~ok fire, exploding Ihe un •. Il.n~ 'l\tlIH~ I uperuly 11I11.bed h VIO e d ' • , . 11 g ngrnvt' e:::r TII II pr i c~H Ind quolil)' 01 OOr ~'ood e" vI,e(\ wi lli every CUIII'I! IIICrrCe, ilUv e Ut"'e11 , No •• 30,3/'1, (10 . \.' I N I;I H~ .I"J'I •.I.I. "-:rtllllgJ1er lo. dea~l..after. borrlbl e lIuff. vullels, IUII~Y carv~d lir ldges, u,IJUHIO Q e~llnotl . lllQ SRtls ly. '1 AGI~ .\T,~ .A.RE·: WANTED upened on Ih is l in~ IInti il ll callnCelllJll. I"UI' SJ\LL' D\enngs. r(' gllin tu r, 'VII h gold bnllln co, Rlld Ihe irll. .1 ,~ "'. · 11.1 . Throu " II ('I,t tl'le country t , ' Uu ever.V Idt cn lio.ll is paid to 111"I' r VI"I'II •. p.rOVe d Jewc e,,·.8cllull, IVilh liue dilll Gnd , , 0 oo erulo .or • DU. 'l·ALBO'J:.'1;'8.I'ILLS us A lur'" " 1 b Frt.m B urri.bur" , wllera \\i ll be 11'11 1 " HOSEllERR.Y & NEAL. '& . ~pt. Grrffin,:. eommaillle r or the . ll e!cllJ lI hnno d, UIIU it! wnrrulll cd B guod ' ' .,c comO CI1 8ulIon WI I e plliJ. .. ul _ COII1IH?Sed 01 hij.!b ly t:once ntralc tl Cll:. S en d {or I ~ rm s, &c ., em' !osilll.l 8 1~mp. evcrY.IlU llv e l'; t:",·tl lur l el'~i llll"lld rl'~ lll ~, MKH.HJ.·£'l' tit PRIN!fZI pOlt at Andersonville, who has jus t nr. IIl1)e.\; cepc r. These wblr.h o8 rire .01 Ihree o i fl'~r(' 111 Irod s (rom rools 011(\ he rb s of Ihe h;1l hesl NEWBORN & CU" II I.hulee 15 utt e re d of l l,o 1)hI18tl c l~ hi" 7 Iy W ' !iv!ld in Washington . IIRyS Ihat the bou . I II '. ' L \lll'dl ClOnl vnlue, in rnllible iUlhe cU ,re 01 NCIVI Yo r~ and B .~l lil1l o r l! Murill.I., 'I' I II ~ di.in- dlzed lei of ollr de~d-.6Idier. CIIJ , I Ie SIDU edl ue lll{l lur "died,. "lid II tl 75 Fulton Street, N. Y. ' 1\ ' bId I I a re ~lt HUllling CU8CB. A calle uf six 0 ISilusee of Ih e Liv pr. or auy der.,lI gp_ _ _ __ _ WI e UIIII [ III . htl rl ,," t. 'l l'i c lllldl, lel'red afler' the 1st of NoVem ber. will lJe SE li l by nloil or EX iWedti ror ~ 125. .1U~lIt of th e DiJ.!es llvc O q!H Il S. 'l'lllllY r£'----~ - -- ulld must direct rout e fur ~L"ck lu Ne w I\oA-. I •. annual conler . A si ngle one lVill ut> helll ifl 8 hund.,.,.o lll e mov ..n nIl .II ~l,.Urll n . I I I U 'l'he GI'ovestcctl Vkl"o, I "ol'l c ' .\,I l'rk LV IU Ai le II IOW" ] -811 d Wllh . \Jo-J n Ihe KenlucllY fS 0 ti e iood, ulld IIr~ "' '''er enol) omhe MethodioL Episcop'"l chinoh "Iurocco Cuse for $20. will readi ly s'ell l.tn eqIlDl eil lllll~e cure 01 D,.r rl,wa, .'luUII- Slii'. r,t:lui IlS ilK "m';ede llco Ollt! g re at pup. chall!:e. thull ou y ~l" ur. 011 tbe 14th inst, the qutslton of re- (or t("ec limes lhei r1:118t. We Bre ' Iole dl Cl', DYBI' Pj>31 11, Scrulultl, UdiuuB'II e88 ulanlY, end ~'Ie r unuerjtu lUg /,; 1'euII IIJ i'll. l::NUC H LE'v\o'IS union WiLh the tlhuroh norlb was deci- agpnl8 lor th is WQlch ill Ih e lI lIiled Liver Comp,"ln!, Feve rs, Heldu che IPllcs' provellIentd Iur Il pilri ud ul th illY your~, I. ·Coll·,I· Superilltendenl, Altu"I',". P.. FIN E 'S T' J! E R'Y'a It B R d • Statea, Ilnd nOll8 ore gelluine wh illh do H erE'dll •.ry .lIulllors: Dose . fo~ 'odults: nulY prunounced by the musi cul worlo lU H,E,N.R, Y W. GW!:'. ' NER. ,. . . . ,"'i ed~.!!--the oegatlve. 1\ot bear Qur Trude mork. Address o~le PIII .I,u Ille llIorltlng, ch ildren 'b'nll' 0 be ul1e urpns.e ~ . Illd eV.CII u ll e qu~ led ill G I I " /' I Dallei~g "'ugh~ l'n on'- lesson '. 61 R RD \11 It: From one to (hree pills ' wll11 cOr, H.ell"e"S, volulne ond purily of ttllle, uu rnI'" Icht AgI·I1I. I·UII"· ever olfetEill ilJ lhi OlllTketl fII.,y, br .9 A W, ' DCVA UGH & CO ., u"uIolory. "asea, lIJld Crom one lolhree, box •. Lllily and cheapn e8s . (Jur ne w sc- I . 11. H. HOU~TON, " . a'l o'nr c<ltuilliahm'ent: f h V Dnnk a bOltle of Scolell w"1'8ky on· 1 Importen, 15 MSldell Lan e, N, Y. III F .. b . u c, Cen'l. Frel'" I'. ! A tTC III , '.11'11". . , ., .•• . I . u • u e8 ~ cureaJly .cof~ble , c'"O~~nllller reue ~c ll~n"hn:p ~~08I, iru'" f~umtl, l.lf, D D l Q EN U IN E ~ou "Il~ be able. wiLjl(1U~ any furtber OLD 'EYES 111ADE :N'r.,,,, ho.w long 8Iundltl\l. Price $ 1 pllr box oyer'8\rU~1r bUBI , Sp.Y~n-oClave, rosewood .I . ' " ~ . •• . ,,, /1 • { InltrUCtlon, 10 dance 8 ScolcLt reel. A Pa'rn phll!t (lirecling bow to speedil, l1a1.do 8upplled or Bellt by Olail. · . plUnos, \\e are seilIng cbeuper by h l'ln ; nnd competent jlld~FYO , tbllllb' • ~ A ' certain .I.I.t. ...,·I.~e' d ';lle" 8!'ys 'estore sw hl ou·1 "ire un 'peel-cle '11 V. lIIoTT TA' BOTT 1\( D ' ~· ·C ' 8 100 ro $20U thUD th e 8Ame '~Ir.le and fillII" YOU \" ANT 1'0 KNOW' , ~' 't •• I , .1'" . ) • .. .,,, r • '" WI I· . ' . . ., .,. 0; Iti4, .ore sold . bY'an olh!'r r T • , " • D"II"!II~T " ... - B "I"'''~ ·-(llat her liusband \I lueb a blunderer ~U8\~i1r:;, ~~c.~~~e~~l Olo~di~~n~enl~enIAt'l r-lv. 62 ~UIIOD. Sueet , NellY Y~lfk. ill ' 1he c'Otlrltry. helller8\~ldc :~rmaker~ A Little ef Everylhing telatlng to thl' liu, '. ., .... ~ , ,, '" ::,KJ,
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po ~~ake.pewlllaY8 · 'uae· 'hengtb.
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eOlI.ll , aJ»~~ ~, SO~~odv elalee , be 'r~'d Unioln C. o~~eJ. ...... ,. 'f . .\;; J 1.he &.tp"'lmeilt- OO .I ooal, but i~ Id Oaod elion Colf~ {', H.y e Culfee, ~r1m.e.J1,io not an8"er a\ 0 C,0111 il"lo EXlracl'or Coft'ee, .' ior' Bul e -by
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t guud piS III1 R ere invited to 8en.IIIJlo;~~; Dede' I' C I "r "" IVO 410 qgllil W Ii 'b ~ontai a pholugraphil of a'il uu~ differe nt al ' Ieo logelher wilh pflee. NtJ' <lne'sholllipu~' ChD6e II pisno \Vhbo~l I' •. 'c . 10"01'_ Med,ls IIh'n08t~e:'I~I~;,.tl"e. IIbtll ' h" b • • nun, er, ' .' e een I \V Drd_e~ to the .Gr ovesteen Pl. on., anil at '~h Celp.bi'lIl~ Wor~'1 Fair tboo~h' pu Ll I I . If I \.. I , 'rrDO\ " a' ll-Pllrts'P OCr'tmheP.eUhSOQ. ~ Itl! 0 o.lhers l:)k the
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madn Isy.tem. male Id~d lemlllej .the CIUged 'ljW jll",' J!~~.r,lie..u.I" rlv, ..1e·l.i.·r e ,. lbe" au reMmellt {If IHeOSdS' lIe '" . - ! " .. :'! , ' t It" InsdlDll e , om~. o 11e w~rldj- how to marry welli T H' E ~ 'II '~ 'D'J 'E 8 ' · ore,' n a 111~u;nlld 11~lngll never publialu!H ,-1\1; d' "I' ren ·t 18 revl8eu "ind ehlllrg'ed'Cdltion ' I, uf ' MElJlOAL OOMIIUJ( Bun ," '.Ji curious 1'o·tbia (e1lllr.e- or our. buain.eu.· boo k lop' curllMls ""uple ., ood b ,,: , .' rO Tt e ' F>" , anu 1\ g 00,-\ ,A ·L .b . T H ;tIT , IS ' r vllry ~n~. 4P() pOgt!" 100 iIIU11I11, ., r lUna. x rJCII tl .60. (Jahlonllt , ..blee .:, ~! . . . . r . ,], senl,lree 10 In'" lIdtk.e ••• Do' o·lc~ . m-.] be •. F\\ · Ib, e. Toit\!t, J.J ,. ~'I~~dlle' hd I I B a ~ I D ~~ I' rd a , I I 'e ~ok8tor"B, or will ,U'" leot by . eOl , ra .. e ' . .. J~ I .mll !, \lOBI purl, 01/ receipt 1'1 (, price. , . , 1 rob","~~. , i~e. tl,.. A.~lIrell» , E. B. FOOTE .~ D • CI,J.'Hlt.Jlaml.fte~",1e ;HIIl • 1130. Druld """Y, New' y ~'k. 1. ' ~OSEBERRY'
'." '.' ...
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&, 'C OLL ETT , EO ITO it
~--Faah ious . Dg Ihtl IIiLler. Win and Fall I ll n~rrow and broMI. Amo clIlc eit· -~ye'8. din" outsid\! SIlW thl'8 mall I,elld aDd Ihe e'~'i all IlIt'g 'IUI patItRu are ,IS oC orte ose I b Imp gltm y } "O t\ T J-U: "A~J:..,..r£. nl wilh cnt! rece th for dea es tu .. f I tabl e somillim h • Dea d! FrOUD or dtliuI\11l IlIwn• IIl1d 5wmg T ep . winl er mill · lero -II bro16d siripe dtl ltr fllces lelt uehind. f:!f o,ut 0 lit: m~lher'8 ••, rms 1·lt. he di~p laJ8 of Iltlloflind Ille e TH Il AU '1'1 }M N LIl AF whil I I hll/ld I'n 1118 ,' '" n " o ible p"ll "rn a Irifle seu abov et ,,·rr lv is the vl! IUgh 1\ This op ning 0 near I ik o blue. and "1 in his eaf· her d I omtl t lin g o( II,ia he 8IIid I d 1,limmerin ..rr o( to' e in ery at Ih ~ I l !, " ncu y yftn' eg aled fI owers. .. hto:e sli , d tl II han No hi8 , Dlore n'" e, glee {~lI; Ihln in cted }e ed ding ntl RttrR ul . JJ~ . 10 III 'tlln ar s " ilst es , sllll Wer, tbe , ~n leAv ~rru ~ug Ie d I d ' I nellt WilY 'Hee the e one Htl had New York on 'r' (hT l t f ., bciw" A mon £.: Iho r'ich ilks is the • Ony x.' •. L IiC •. e rUlh (lItwn~d upon bis mind. -Lhe soldiur 111111 Dry ou,1 wilhl'rl:tl , to Lhe I:ruu~;J .' / un lull p f:! U Ing y, f• ?ll:u .. v lue 8o:at. e" LlJlln usulIllILtelilioll, beckulie il ' e sa!It ma" • • atrllo 'I a '.1 ' to don nd er,a dl'lr IIlId 'Gri s de arge nt,' RJrd stUG k Mar loo" and t IUsb a fill" 10 pev er 6ecn U~ IIl'1lsped I" • 6n"U lile IIVO ibition of ti tyl~ , tb e' Gris :Lor Je,' el mt! .. It. " I!xh il, ulllr woo reg deep tirsl " lnO Lbu ' (n up ever D ed I Sloo d'st tHou wllklbg up ~legllnLly. see you Ihr ' er'8 tlyes tLla pille fACio, turo close of the war. TIll;! NuIV tllcb lilt. ler uJl so, O tllC tI 01 II~r II ey~ s , IlIt ince uw ~ en8, reheav lillie Ihe DlH:8U;S . rd bore One lowa sky, ke. ard ler unli upw Gszlnl: 8 RS tlo· -.:tultly 10 the win 'l'wo facl!s, so very very seen Yor!. papers repr ese nt Ihe ladie ecillre lhee, ,,"s band! hau he ow. ure picl ~had lho gh to thou e , lRllc upon tl elllb Tuward tll(! 'blue sky cIrcling o'er look . in ttl~u plell"unt IU Ibe new slyl('~ and lIlfllll ys,ery W86 growing clear now , There is liLLie thal i8 new eJ 1\ Deighbor, ligh ted with onli bil. foil b av" t IIe merit Iy /I II 0 fIi _ IJtis li!! kiss, So be. ~Rll II' ed It lillie by lhe ORre s anti rilip lese And 1t8!1t walct etl lite fti~lll.llC leaf 6 while on tioll full ht IIJJi ut'lir nlig I in III. moo se~, h, I lIres Tbe touc illg , rent tw 8how , ,con' t ctl b e een t wm 'WlL I reve Ihe mllnnor of mnk ilif:!8 or wilhllu life. The Olh,,1' From lh. 19f1y It.e thol 'I/.(lre it,.... Iseu" fuce, 110 d Ihe aD Il'c l& 8eti o. The of com men ding themst:lvlls Iu . of rted ge repo imR vu ntly id p: pall rece r lllm pool facts tbe the the er d ,Ing WQrn lind while und hfy IiCte the full 10 Gre en and Ilolden, red 'ntl orRnue, , Judg emll Dl '''HI, IBsle. From l.nYtl pilie d Iho maon. 'fheregw~; llly ill Iriwminjt. hltinl !loout Ihe lempltl, mU8t bllt hRJ. been a s'Lrong, lOVing man report oC Ihe Eveol!l~ Poa l lVe lak t! th e cha ngts are principl l. grey ao l; iiiol llUm I~gh prec h' ly 'fI11 1 kind lO no ,,,raC , ; 8, h'8 pily 10 eara ADd er full and long 119 olh se, e Toward as ., bou noD Wild 6' est Ilrll near lineH sses tho to d~ep Drll II . hn"8 UpOIl Ihe forehtH,d rew embrallc f nd hore dt!scription8: g the owin ooiy Coll t!, a voic ur ier, 801d (6CIl old )hrk ed thou. Ifte r alllh ('ir flitling8. dead a an 8 Hpr~ali lh.lt ever . roun d the moulll ; the (acu of 14ILLlNImY, or'8 rllco which siay ed" : QII 0"1\' ere ie, hOlveverI',ll In BlIlmora.hi th Hpw. t ~ ,.~th the, e ollly 'elid ed! el\lly ," passenger. from \ was bUL IhirlY. His the COOdllc~ ev!d l lie tllerl ger, yl:l Iran ks aDd , wee 1111 cu!. Ul rew thaI pnet ds the wur o" lIew. 'fhis Bolmornl thtl For not ll~hi k aud at , thin 80\ll g IRII arid ehow lYin . rve, sum W~6 obse him S, thla De allo olg~t \I'OID '" Could8t Ihob d b y woo lsey , aod ' d ne of lhe very voice bnd a curi ous uun lllurIlL the ious ly I:nough r .. curr ed to his lor Purc ell _ hou se awalLmg a oor - een 6 spil' ited contest betw8t1ll thQ R • made of dArk grey Iinse min _ Tho se 'were otic olJ'litHe lenRe!8, . . in i, R8 he /llIiJ, still looking .an. py hap dark VdV elwilh b1lU\l8 ,' G 0d "Ive you R r, ~'I~lo~n~~aD;d~~~';~'~~i ~ ~n~C F~II ~~~~ ' h's Lhree ye" u 51'nce I hOW And, ~1I.lned 11,111 mlze and vij,lo , ~~~~ e"es ~f! ly 'ir kluu • ~ J .... u, or ble Ill. sylln red d no ultewor were He 'liP II d.lat ' only hear d of II 10, ing.h. And recelvetl wuch IIhude 0/ £ree nne hristio, wIle D 811e 1 hea ' IIa8 come, wjlh wproltc . II • com twon.lIillc r 10rd (rom ily, PI'l'esoue my Ifllm ... by Ibe /J;nd bee Haw s e ... I, ,one ha,' droU l /low - 1 Iittlt t\Von I" twu llat:m er c.,y' elg r i.~en .' istie "nd cO'IB Cur I stit;! s in vl:lwets, Ralins" Chri I 81gD '011 . y, OlOsl a CI ts, b~ i~'~~:.t :ondrnt.. lmen ornl gilt 11'0 anrl 10111 s ed bird lurn Ilam mon lhs at Sliu ltibu ry.' ioinl 'l1.ot to (athonl 'Ihl'ir Clonstruction, sht! arlif U As ir ill Bnsw~r Her husb and met ?r~, woolin Ibes e e? I ther inetl ' n oUll E dow 0 was 1 y t', IlIId stor , d I~ et, L thaL A prcllV Hkirt is of whit., ROft d'd re leaft Wha ck II IS eCI e uRt tIe mplre IllS oome Ur 10 tDrmfl .I nlilo all awen·stru wilh Ibe window, but the figu r' dedoo e tbe d-th at I lio" k Ii!r e~ oUl Mur llcb y ' l of Onl know 'our uel or" l now, few wor da. ~ Il1ce . .some ODe who hlld en, wil \ ban d-• lllre D 00' vicLor, IIUU with it the bOll Hum,llI power forev~r luiltllh 1 'II I greaL 6100d Ihllre WIIS b"Olli b 'k will taile anu " Il! d R HI a I U lellV er· y ter. " 1\ ill bo ch08 n wild will btl red 111 brln DO'9 aod of ~d t! roide hose mo "DI'~ tllll ef ',w emla "utu r~(JO Dev tree mOm Ilud ld , one had t"i~ ellll u wide , ~uer iu ,Ieav u n tile rrom Eve ~ IIr" n 'J'he 'lIbl ..~ 111;0 ' d ·ln·'ul _ . " ,.u . I 'I" U' e ~'08t u hl\nd! '1'" E'. mplr \l hbOI's, day of rt,ol~mbrAoce, whon lIbtl ~ h,!: e lilt, ma e in Iho ex· tlolvers, t lin d lort uru I bl: IVloD0"edI bu~ ue f ,IIILer Il,nolher, his old old neig S II'imwe,l WI· II. ' d InllrI8c~d, and 11811:11 mov skilL e whit ly tl rc nil forison housils shal lie reo 10cO euti o( I I n. I IIlLs too. d ' crow it d w ~e cd l4 nellrer.', reco',gniz 101Vb Ie wro ng IU .bl:t:D ,crow log I r~me 0 IlIsbion, with its mi "1 bl ry d J more Sou th· d511 ClellHi Wit h t111'\ win" .11 unu etl 'pus lng. II afte r the st}' le thllt pr~vlliled veil Itil, allu lill lick recQrd of k, which CRn bu WO/U wilh lilly , rtdd liellJ,lInd 1'1 blHc theo n'po y n et: awa , en :11 uer t: heav epl . .. IQ . . h lII~e ,oDe Borl I of frum , up 10 ~J:e gaze SS~8. Did thy IhuUllh\jI t see It' aDd I dep end ant womRn III. bULley~hewou I:r n cruelty btl shownEillh only 8111d, '1 mus hilif a olclltury agu, IIl1rHCIS Jl'tl lelill mou lhs I Chrl slIeI, (Id timid SIIAWU, Illtd .. delltiuiD" I:aods Ilan " tl e IUlge ls anti ml!fl. atiid lenc tlvic i.,g 'l'ur n. with fee/illge 0/ ' devulioll ! i8 putt e ther hlld but Site on; 0 in. m uch 1I~lenti , s. 18, wur ried Aga 0 e tl.ce, ' WIlY DIod . WI!Il who room of eigh the of Him rite 10 k inlo fAvo wor I{ivo II lld Ibo SI~PP lhuu '11111 l tJ 'st 01 dunt t:yes Did J IL iij by no ths- hiM ftl vari ely ofI sbllwls will be They hKd Ilul The URU tl 01 be,," ~llrn"d wan y mon .. I d' " I f I '" ll bril lur n DOL Wor d Ihey of cuu! ! (or htl ytaf 8 011 1:le unCH pow erCul r'f.-am spilt r8; d who III Ih.t hour, Ihe hOllor duo him " lld~ irs, -IIn ha grlly YOUI I u, pI'Omell ::lplte of II la shl.lw Ly ' Ih o~e ° (~ lItlll eeeDl~d Lold hlw IhKt,d " . 'e8 anll alte red look slle kuew IIway Wllh II look IbllL indiCIlIt'8, 'I 1V10rn-luo dlis wall whose Wholtl helt Iu ld Lh"r J-Hl Ano :::oI ter. h milc on G ~ ziJli Ull Ihe iky IIbovo Ihee "S8 ac~ POSS I~gr ' of S I~me an itted '1( mire il nlHl lli m inetll nlly. 1V0nt wellr it.' It mu st be admy lor the Dechol' nml CJ\sbmere sl", .. ls by. , c"ultll'e<I now on thtl OOtl thougUL would piUS In IlVo houra,- He IrlllU And rr llecting lhut Ihy budy, "r Oll\lroul '1'1 18 10 f g~lting hom e. be out, jusl lhllt thtl l£mpire ie rSlh muoll Ilrg woultl tnka it Bod go (lIr aWRY, bnck Leaf-Eke, leud"lh 0;11)' eurlhward, ' " r Illlm r 0 V"ISOIlS . nlyI<Shil did not faint or'JOIVcrybed il! Wh o CRn tell how blessed Lbe Ilrmy, perh aps. IIDywhl!re, il did Hom r" , wL" leen eigh Iwe of rl'om , girl Ille e e d thee vnry Ih ill besi , u IIJ ~l'iat:ij of Iho sha wls Whi l" Ihll ulldying ~pnrk wilh I t dow ml!Ul o lie~ o( it hlld 8tcKdieu lh~ sol , oot ma~~e r, al. d 8htl sh oulJ Il~ver know knel BUI Lhe Empire Ull tlxhi bitiDn lO.tl dollKrs, him, and drop ped her mRd i tiVtl dullars to thrce thouvlsllnd laiJ froB ele. laRd 811 him ley is I t ls ld kep Ruilimtlng lire. receiviug men wou and 11 n blish F' ron uII e J. uSln IJl'Ili tl ul:a iug ly dil'r 's lend slla' flllll k lhe blllc WII6 nt IV hI) 111l" colu S that I ' Iht! I'C ' but ing '!'I" wet:ks, aud 1°0 bis shou lder s, I,isi tllrl' ll uud "r i II~eIlJ th" b of lieu dur in~ thusll day s, and l\liou F,al n tllo greul 1 Ani" .. ,ernnl, !ifiC lIIu< jet. , ltl 'n Hlld simp gallL uL " would nfl yer wbe u be lJeti t 80. , embroillllrt't.1 in Hilk b • BUl\l ·' only kno wn IpS I I lilt 1l1'O IIIhll 01 ling erin g lOl'ment , . L·Ie, ·f full outline it is so cnOlIlI · hair . thll CI in (.;Olldlitule. Ihl:e heir IIt)pOrelll t ObI Ihn or u iu Jlnu sh8fo n you wor by I be lii:n can Irtij ing . is eleg nnta uJ of hers. cllll Corti,ud ,, ' hUJl tl AnJ coulIIge (luJ maDlyhorr ked UpOIl you lbat nigh tl t!tI P'tl88Ule'Ma rk, Mllrk. my love, my disLII Sl-eful. 'l' bllre Rre "Iso R num be.. This"f muurnillg. '1'0 ao ht!ril'f'lIe ur glory. 10~l es ey l" whol of or~ tile oUI hlil IIl1me :, allk., g">t l wily before lr slyles, 80 that Ihll OloaL IlI.sti dDid.r. thou 110', ill e Uclt 0 "momeul ." un ~e lh8h litllll'L wu s plltnning" for LAI'KS, R:Jd Lhe lIolghuL'rs 8landiug of olbt lot fnillO be tiuited. d! bal~ , KOtl brllve nlen Who blld Whu hllb Kliuo I IIlId SiLU e lhtle Ihtl e pe'lc Illud re fUlu lhftt r call1 hAUd you ty ious lllg . P,IRC , W~pl yuu RielS the migh Alld Limv ces led tulle and blll ck voi a r spOi y of thei s mau Itfled lip Smnll veil 01 luoh d delllh in lhll fflcl! before iii, 010 11 Cl'l!\"- Ib ere We give a Jescription of a filII' slelll bel.'tls IInll well · belllg rs il lJut n pupe n, N"t II bl'-tkl 01 IIr.... ur leuD al, wh~ 1I'0l his. C ld now hl loul lnk Illce shrl th~k llg, .et luhi JI.ock ~s ~~I h WilhoUL bllll bonn ets. u hal'piuoss iUlIl the hom fur al~e sclt ger dl uled will 110~ hun lind. been 1I1~ , ·"t n h,1VU Nut 8 be •• t 10 rvum Ihe vullo'y, D'IiC Hlio Ih.lt - IRII~JlOI~flllO ' rJlI I spJ\II~leH CH lIIe In Ih e furw of . Iow stllfV ,Au eltlgRut while hal, io Iht! gt'llt 8Q show y hlld were h", of cl1l1 :lrell'3 love, ey (t8 /:1 -'l'lI ulU" tht! ule. k iL-~ . ollll i h P~RC flitih But II beilll: with lIe rc~Jltive uul; kIlR lae thr ,'"gl n iUlt, lil'ed dll bUI rht'y the Emp ire, fur IHOllltlil tr glRncf'd ag8in 10' b~nug or Ryd pe k sna bv Il\dic~ ioli Mllr {or !n ired cre~l 'll Wbf: uut ndm shill ,.. u:,:h lI-1I lie". Iltll Ihru Onl: ng wel'e Iru(e ,II ur Jls.c ellr , l'o '.. erB, lu hRd 01 Iht! Ilew mil' thllL Ihcy t mAn 111 "01 - litis Mark Ryd er !lmo Croll Ing" ~I\I plllin ll Ihe sma OIV 1\ k \'uils IWiUU illt8 nll.~ 1\ Ihe lI aod ilDll wllrd lC fo~ EJd i ~, crUlVll of lelilled tRsle. The HnlllJiwork of the Cr~lIl\)r. rt:st. rang e o( viSion, ~ ~;'I~I~, ~U8Ic.bo hi~ 11-0neUJ', L1,u loose full of ,ui l \llnc e. OUI in e, teria in1' asid lind ~,d keep mov nys glfls Ahv Ibe The . of nl, n . cnie a Inrge 1'011 Rre conv ., shOll"• WUYlllurwd to direct Ihy vi5io lher e U 01 a y Flny Wilh . , Jla SlnOll DOW 00 Ihe pilltform ng lulle sitti ll ,,;ie lIhit {Jr Chri g only bein I b>tW alliS hll !{rtll hling 1' CM H8 Iha Imill stop ped 8101lg~iJt! ""J . lht'lr celitlDatlOU - but A lIud iL will be cause fur rt u Ecldi" ' irenctliled 'Wh .. re Ih~ \\ il-ketl t:~.~e Irum trou d in her IHp, whil r "I IIlonde 1I0rl Mex ique vel nt, ion l lhq uu e ntil'~ ly displ'ly~d by tbe. tl owgive' , or0 IeI f di g . with dIIt'r chil di(ll buil . ! lillIe lion ' "y ques din er illu. tld, I IUrlh od loor 0 ' ' " lIgl ne, l IUIV u I 0' ' 01 Ih" chulr. Hor Vill'a l thou I Noel t, I?ut; ¥cllrf of gold '8p" l ' . J lJy Ihtl llBIU..tI of II SIRlioll, 1'h~ <ltlle 011 lIt' urn! veil. A new ~tylo of veil is lonl... d· . tr~~ 1,leArt. slro ng Cor tbe f1!:h Illtie l-RI I thaI he IIl1d crowu nnd d),oLOJ" ~ grRCtlfUll Y iu~ \V drtl tllU 0 R. H. 1-1. es chil eU1 cllcl lIud sten fa you wiCe do lind nll~ up h, in n p doat Inm drnw .\YIIESVILLE. ; uolo 11Ilbful t kl"o er ,liD IIJIlL ' I b, ehin d. Spr llys of goldt:n wh,,"t IIle flild IIflrrow slnliu lI ' mltSllir slood Ihu e his 'bet ter cou nlr"} i II" 'IIICI d nnd pray ed lor' turo ugh lilrl! . ' flUW".11 , III ... ~-.---- -- .. bide of Lhe bonn et, the siJu of tho a ~I\II lind bill'J hope I I,im idll beb b aull f ol , ulhs hanu . nrno hl~e ll.' d wilh thu Lrilllmings, nnd one . . )Jle ngle cllI crwi • 1II1 ~ullC ly ove r tll1s h II eurl r,S? CH the ) s, CO M I N G B 011 411 mlln wlllk , . ~OIV ugh l Hil Ul!illg dHOWn graceful :t IVRlllilg log~lonlhc train. ,The tbe slnn!;y or whil'" dbuon lire wromil'" (ran i. iL hl\8 1\ vuy lilill t:R·ec~. bllfo l'o hi~ ~yc8, within hi" I' loon for y ly ll\'IL - - -' on Cllp ing Rl long . once J,ou , c~ ~ " glnn ~a nOI ur lld, 'l'1It! iusidt! lrim un Ihe plulll'rm did e bUI GoJ Ih . Dr AlAI<Y J, ALLEN . dozell I'I~Hch III lasi. I tlllnk 1I0n k01l1 Ihtn , l, 0 lime ~'h~n rhl~ mO~11I1 sllll11 PUI on wlll1 gold 'lhrc III COllllrs, \\\0 j\\ll ge nntl Emprep8 iqull ¥tlvtlL IIUU gold Mex "" tl.elll, lIur ilL Iht! grou p Of a 1111\ de, r Ihe hlou llitte ill the i8o( WIIS n, .1 wor ehu, whuL h 1V hou8 muc ktl~ Lo Ibe left. ill poiu tlac o nl'~ "IY, atld th", liltle thORR hOIl""8 ... ,, - 11.0 hillgiull ling al. thtlm nil uJl aod clt~(,I~d' ~mmtIR e tlvtl whe o guv ior Iii' clrcl ll ble n h whtl ioDo e bro fl.lsh ull Iher t 1111 ds , mos It was I~ hille r nig ht; one " or g ereJ frien u. bt:in :lU. IJ .. ,ga;h I" ti · Ihou gh h" hilt! mllily Au operA hnt, l\twin". rl I'en ' deci IJcco m" II 1V1l0c.1t:r"r. One long luok e Juumal. limes, hHpl'ily un(rllljU enl hi this .:en . tllI:S•• went aw .. y, J-Iu Wllij looking to 1;1l\1I ~ ':"1: ouce WUltl . - 0/110 Stal htl u r ~ill1 wlt" 1I1l,'" l, id i",,1 fron .rt shou llilte Stu, Iw s it: auil flice !lhr llg, ed - . - -- - tu ol" , ",hell cI't'ryllll tl II mile lit \lIt! dellr - -~ -.-. - be bltrole t is "X ' COw"r ull' IIcro." thll li " IJ~ to wh~r in on Ihis tiide of H~lIvl'n-Ihen st lest oC tre, 1~1I.1 tlltl IItJlV IIlIrr ow 1I:,(lI c EXI'EDI'W IN,- Th,o as tl'u(: n dy Allc The illKlllCllllle, 'tJcu u to ~ hritlk ltn.1 s~ea ~.NE~" ed cEs TilE Scc glow l OF e ligh whit 'fE-T l" 0;' i'r was IIWflY," ~illg tlly ntllt . It is composed trcm man n IUrIII:d I'e~o luwly RWlly. rmlllln, ul vulh a, l-las Pele er. Dr: rncl 01 ill 11a" iut"il'l" culd. ' ['lit! Yl!ry lI l c/an i~ 011 pl 'li n; the prol:u~u e to ~el ; g U7C"~H ill life a SIHr. Illid fenc L, Wlt~ ~ Ihe vt:lv I1U ulle ch Iltlllu :dal wl;i hiH i~lll . hlld icles .uiij 10, U~derLlI,kt! I~ Ue p'lrJ r8 well (1 II lull "e IcY 1 to GUllIIlln n.llv l~lil '.chri~.li l::8 lip yet, Likely eno ugb' OVC!' wll~1I II dog cllmc OU l of II kllllll.! / L;u dt lip, not II fort une, hut lh; llng con slti tlnl{ (),I 61',,11 of ~ lun"Il, IIDU /? A~cllc rel{lUn~, rncIO tlHl to c1r:r tUlt'. lOll. miIl lale< Cdll itllc eJ to dTII)f in .!leith el'l!ry ltreA eXIl 'regu this of me nu'<!H , clpllnt d, well d llllnkll:g k---;;n., /Iud fllll ild ~ Irefi ll 'UI'U l'ill shtl . WHh BI,d lgely d tl s/IVl duc loun ling b.ui , t'lII ~'I: r grow or II bi sl1l8111 bv ~lla ll 1II0U gold "elH eulll e lIIblu Wilh HnLl <wl \t!1I Ihe hns het:n met with he ncq~ir ,ed, 1I0L mur e UlJ vVlce and hBlld bOlh Rtrt' d 41.'e edgu 01 the bon lie\. From I' Hellring !ds nlllll e in Iha l l Hila roun R , ,w ~,6 ulJ .cnb 11l1I. and hRv ! go?d who tlnct I' en: cvul colin ball llrym cle" .. Itn.l brig hl, itll'tJ dill wiuti clim Ihu coul up tile. lull fell ow, II IOllg rtnd le r IIn u wcn's, bUL "II cxci lem enl lis h" lU fIlf:!d Js mlls 111\:' cp"n tl IllS k HId" cllic kllew Illfl y Inv eA lIgadog 11i~ ev~r the Ihll rur ", liog Cor ~ot lIli VOle J, shIp u agllill~t .. ill. iI, P"IlC : !I.d 10 chf\l't~r 1\ Is ue dist ingu isbe tilt: 01 lil8 on, rcUllt, for prot l!cju qllicl., g lllll wllinc, \ w,i s,~ol1l? uf wldl(' .crfpoliaa6, ill thu boreltlr R vtlll ~pltzbe~ Wilh IIl1d up y?lbla llK hrop ZOll 8pra lllill I Jllli ~r1y ~~I'I his blll the r fo cr,,\"ic~. DO) mtiUer ,. jlow minult;! (, 01 wind thltL ~amtl uveepin,l 1\ will,lJ rose de ];oi I tlllO ell~l!d his hl& In goLs , but th~ curl' :ncd · l ,inst I,hllt is gllll h d 'e:;tl er8 III han whic I'xpl of scIlb tile l Sub .ing lIigh of mRn lick tlltl 1\ IIsl cou ntry . • )J1t~ ,," .. ~~rs L)" I gu n COlloi t. 1 ho !s ths only :rlIe I.. st of 1111.1 coltl. acrOSH IhlH IJll of 'open tiltllll I'Ibbun ; thl: veil 18 111Iuefled burg , 1I1It! l~le Cltct: tbJlt ben l l Th,,! plUk e.Co ' heltd S"x can gy of les8 e. _hug of , " Duk hi lJ 1in!:( Ih on heco0 I~y ~' I e d c'tl.~r tu tilt' 8"H' II, Cflf'" dIng Illid (hlY lecl , lIold IS every A lficn dly ban d WIlS fl'out by a rnU$S 1'081.', 1helil e th LIeu 01 · t 1111 In ~lJIII I as lIlt, mall well Jl{Jin I for Lhu expe 10 t:Ytll cly Ihe II~ 80 clos . Rnd :I' lI .. are 08, vtl dow ere II lIon J 'J.t)lIlg e,lIuh aWKY aDd / GO,Iha wldl 5000 oll in ~oci"ty. Th t:HorLs I slto uldt r liS htl turn ed by glilltlri,lI g ol'nltmtlllls; saliu 8trl!ltm. ,kn ee upon th e I'ruz en Millf:!I'lIli e tl"d Wilh Ol' lUl\n to on t ly com kllll! like . b~cn And com hllve t, to ady, pl.urll! will 'UIU"IiWIlS do iu luci r nigh WIIS nlrll II fOI'Ol JllIU 's ; IOlIlIy rich m~n Irte uJly "(lice 811id 'Gn od trd arll C,)ullOUcd IIcro ss the tOJlIO n d, his Ilrms »bo ut ti,e dog sillo service. Ht! to k "I' Wtll'lO . " 1\ cllpll\in ill lh o Pru s s? mAny nr.hcr .till . thltt ~he P06' thtl bllndeau, givt! you a bap py horne grou btl I Gvd l. rRdl Sl'at R in Sill . " tle : o. ootllin pe.rmisl,t, eud utck d ll will faile , tuke llh AU but Olle ' DIJIl I, "'~IO "vt:r \Vell WItS how ll d ing. ' Theil Ihll haD iage hRt of th(j !lflR, lo-morro lY' l St:S~IOI'I of nwr com carr , 1111 g ll IIlRn omiu thel till: bo:c A ~ce A r. mil doo lf lOll lht;! itse ' 1:8. lind It hu~ of n"lir n o ol'lll dll.h ed Oil, by Illm ou l!, to nu mor e con~i derllii ll, 1011 from Lhtl lIulh billc, frow his shou lder , Ihe train hri~li.·, IIl1d 1: Illill AII.I I 11'1\1\ ire shApe 16 mud eof yellolV 811ti (Jw-C Emp rll: ft:II , e er th" cOllllll"nd old mor l\' uud e rful ou~ som lnc chee wl'ltpped ' lIi 1111 ov~rCOII\ ? f ftrmy by e.gl out nied , which ~8 III" Iher ulor IIIUd th~ ti • .Jdi", IIlruck '0" ,1t . JII uule ss Rcooml'lU tulle e his V~\' r e n whil 11 ove n ,1.:1 iof\' efll 1 O ut c1op dhilY y-b ~III' J ed Hligemanu. C"i Flo ect. IIl1m hI. bl ras, !.IH of the vl, or l'gltl h;r JiS,li~lction Hlld a tl'adlllg captalll ng!! IIc r" ~8 IIIC ti~IJ 8 , ~ll"el' iu~ Htrl m up J O Il(J.. r' l ~i,UII!l1 cllllms Lo grllceCul ' foills ; tl,o nnrrow of ".Y1s-~I"~~: tbllk "yt M \I' ith II Elrn " Ih b Ii~lil which sull glo\YeJ 81eltllily ill ~lf"ln,ullldI 'H ee t Ihl' I h .~ve heell lh e rule rs of 0pIIIIOII ..- Ihe men or ranged in wide pt.lil . c:yell' ad soli. IJllrolet iB of whitt: tnlle . A WOKLlJ9 ,-So me IIcy II n ~ lt, r ~now Lhllt I IIro TI\'O '" TIIK bilil dlly €INU Lhis still ALl: c::It: ... &e~O(l, I'I .t t:bl-~ UC" ill was EQl1 el}' "ir ., 80ci let. 'fh in k . bltro tt:1I them i mllr n f.lLed Ih tl JI~lnIlCtl n- I!U bnndeau, pllu inga roun d the lumnn died. His "id · llo\~ hel'\! 10·nlg ht. Rntl you clln'L mO\n UllghL hHVC \Vho IiKd btl!; IlIl1de men. Th e )' IIllly be I:ich mc aDd tu thi8 i~ 1\1. y elll'~ flgu .. genl ~t, lI. c,uld, but he titd nuL fee l it. secr or crow Illy Ihu ers kuep ds bord 'll oun You Lhe surr ? 011 "'" : you ey tilut CUll th a II_ but 10 8tl\UJ Ivr illhcl'i le d Ilis prOJlerty and culJe~I~t! l my uog ! 'hnt is very WE' ll ~ f/ (IIr, tihould htl wbe n his hell rt wa~ lay fI spray of I:old f!owllrs in ow SUrtlllCe 011 his life, lind very Boon ed, l!lch lific scien w~lenlllllhc l'I,st llllv tl l'urgoll.lI of erpo~ lioll And havi ng tie n, m'in t bear with lll lueu of ,lIIor ill!o( bird, II SORrf ' th o ill illl hor · !:;Iow? ~bf r. Nu, YUll IIlU,t u't f()I · I Itl,o nt -lIn J wh ic b n~ijll c~ Ii hUlDm Rnd fiue d up bel' him Lhuugh iii.. Llae w"m orv of hud ly eigh t. 18111\11 wrll rCIII ,c yet, ~kdl-of eoIJ:,:lttclleu Judl{me y ellrl yc.' sR phin ban· ieolllrt:ed ,re)Jllirt'tl 'll's od.b idei -,:o InH ~ e. IIlId :lull fiflY, • 1 hilt k, ofw B,lc the ~ . lull'. not lU:luri{Ju8 ~tyle. A I e lJ is quiL i:lli It I~ Chl' in , I' rou . ' iril tla,m 1111 up, Deli flS h~ , o rllll'gtlpuhhcsp wilh clu ~ l (jr of l r".iu cnco filllJ eL, ng ollce vlllv . lliki , bllck bl~ck u,:h uf look (>'n(\ au de lly not qUle did men l e He , He eat ther thu lill which tbcst lli cI\lhng expresscd lIome hule 8ur· cr.' 011 /lCI'OSS Ihe fi eldij I l1lcr ~ pOlVer or H8g0 "h"Lwill~he~Hy,lwolld gerllulum and gold !lowers in Cl'lel igllt t\r. lt! slrll purp pL in s nl-h wt! work ' h m di", whic er feRr !ILL,I ~ ht'ed,lIp~~I't-lIdy. o fwh"lwlIing prise 111M slto hllu mllde these nice or e Jlllrll l " it:ld, but th e }low No shKdolv uf dvuhL or ."Ol he lhe il' 1'\'f:! iun, Bse bllll Ule '0111, 1 ' dece 1 Ihtl All the ed : r tlrn iplin blln nfte luw 1llJ:' UII IIU.)Ul rIiCler lind disc IInliciJllllicn; DO Cul rtlllgcDlIlnt8 tiO SOlJn lh ~1I1 Nil hUUI' I IIt"ir monll C!I,II ~J.l"ttk· l!d lit .. t'l1J; :H joy of iL l' The Orientlll bObr.eL ill in IASW I1l'tl Ibe 8Lrong men tl lwo yea rs hu hHd C~~tI UVI!I' I".~ !'lId ¥llL 8U. jwldoUllJlOVIlI::, lIul lhes yel Mr. - - . 'Wh y shouldn'L I do AliI! ce. trio llcn g(" fu.ll expe II chlln ell o( or fll e s ght hi shup Ihou JII the up ill l, \VIIS ~11 llve gil' lud hus1I' e-vl ily hilt! l , ' slyl lhe h~ n t. was r". ",ho: relic om l, ucro l -Olle of wh Llie .pmclicil IU~, ollly Ollel time, This "II~ ~ wind wh ich l ilt Pllrlillm~Dt DOW Ihese indi\'ldullls lIogltl fRlling uver thuc row n, ~e ed!::tl rfl'l icd tire 10 tI is SlIt; )l1l lung, IUllg milD liS I.e was, is enjo ying ' I.iij alill (lOW, thai bille r, i'i e rcill III~ oQlDfo~t.llple 8u~t ellr tile Y"t good to, 11, illg boy. 111111 · a cum yer wea IIlld was 1I , , bl! ,O IlIc~ tl t ';m~ rcol i. poin ove d Ildil in blue bfoa ~ d i11 widl 'u chil a t:tnl Oled p"lI triw Wilh t!to ~ty e I11 soci WO~1 Sl!tm puwer in tnRII"ion in lilt! bkiee; Hnd of d him. 11 poor luuklDg thro ugh 111111 1~xe .. ci se R grea ler Lullt! with gold ornB ' I' a g:or iuud olle Ohri~litl'!I, IInJ Chrislio luv~ 1:8 lUll to bu II~ comfortwisll II,,; arm" uM1 IlIms~li takeh , tllis ic. II II~ Christiu he Ihou!;hl 01, IIlway s ellsily, chilling hilll lit lil,!t IIlId t1l1ln Ihe roll o( dukes or the bench of scarl or while he SII CUlH 1I01 ed .. e r8. ~hiv ls. 8eng~ Who men Htl pI\1I . . ll\u him ugh 1I11t! hetl ; s Ihro ingui ~ IULhtf hltck ,lIbl", lt8 poss ible here on ellrt h.' but IICkr bishops. One hll~ di~t ob · ClII' i~li\l. u !! Algvrine is Rllfllctiv e ; bUI a Th show , not liS it sw .. pl Ov~r hiUl, sl" wk WIIS legi ~hn f!liill his ed, by lln's louk ther wom IlIg ~ht! li~tle aUL or polil e nl!sri . Itlld uno gRte , a,c lt by his polo h, Huw fltnlilillr thll ~h1 Ihe lurhltn style is , !fllye Ihlll muc of bO that nel iL bOll tl"u rll..! pl. ut:ci lIut lirul l¥cri :11, diJ < benu \4' 1ra7 he ks U 118 ll I& wor H ,,"il Uil(U Un; II his ?-JJ '11I1'V.IOg 111M woultl r,OL l" is of blue vlll· lJy her 1V0 .. k~ ~lll, lI" A P?wer. lt~\d the third by, Wlty 1l1I.1 the bllrM b"yon:l. He ... It mus t h.e t,:ultin!,t \"te , h" Ibou 'lhe se men pretLier, -l'h i. bonn tflluJ/u, afea lu· arty age. gill!! ....ell /it;! Wlla "11M' A 80lu id all hi. "! the llled gh; l'lvl lhou -uII , tr WRY slOW wlli Ihn ing r(of in lIlk go sCll l'y-w IIlId Wil li" EIII SIOl'tI1JCANCIt.-Ooe s-Tn uuN B.m hnm o; " v'jI~all'. IJrobll~ly" thei r' lU cWllk. lie r~membcred, and he Will i' he WRS g~LllIlg sloc 0IlCt!1I8Ih" mourn. 1\I'Il th tl embodllDt:nts of SUCCeSS in Ih e I'ct, II by ned t'oijle out of er 01 ddicliLe y"l\ow, film e. 100, to lind sllllv"r, pHU ing l (llahione WiLh lhelnaie~ is Lh tl n droppE'J l,is ears , high~st lilld lruoSI sens lt d to 8ull 'ris" Lhl' D1-Wllnled, 011 l. It has p.. ndltIlL~ iu of Ihe hll~8 tli~t (dl ljBrn dog of II bird of the l Ilow ful e . mad ~hougIH8 re hI! _~ . • wCllring 10Dg narrow ribbon !\round evell ' g-et 011" luok III Ih"D11111 b,,(o oo. Hc' s griev illl: fur know 13l'u l. ed r fron itilli 1:'ou • will unin It ""1'0 the _ ds T. or . And wbile , the !tou n of url y blill IDEN Few 'l'lltJ PRES t. d ncclo CHAIR I'OK TilE eJ 011, his J1re~ence knnwlI. gri" ve. lIs The re is a grea t vari(,lY in roun but some ocly elsll'l/ lbl: I~ ~~re ,II wily th~ trlli n Ihuu del' pe- lh~ significllnce of Ihe SBme; l shon e Cull in hi, eyes me. .Nob mRkes me so tir~d, 1 be r"lII ~ mbo r,~d Ihlil l:ielll Kinman, l-il8 ligh flill Ihtl MR lind The up, ; )n. irill B~aSf 'prn Lhis waY8 1 hals the whllL ws born ll bf 18Y~ lIge . kllo ("" Hlltl nu who d III ping ellte ividu step , pres III1I p dow (l 81" bill e. and illlie ler, resl. Cnlifurllia hUD he IIPIJrOHCht:" thl' win in ila udll g thre e' shur H8 d g -an lI!r si.lin Itre IImu clIlI n He lI-I trily d{Jw el. dow culil becr l"cI ilit ie d nelll Abr si-s out SC8 to mu let . bas pa"t, fllrm·hotl bet I'll YIIim , curi ous conHLruclion Figl!ro, thtl PaNhu. IIDd of thtl girls pll6L Ilig lilly thlll ilo fO"LIIIII mig-ht nou gh. No -ne ed- Io chllir of __ lime S now corn ercd -Ihe re's laM The 10 lllln t Kinl cloS , t! Mr I rOils' and bilr n. IIII,J j:QIII·cribs: RtOO : in found ""ys ,- hlllll Lincoln. thei r Nlllllcr asd tltlUIlr ull /.u to Lhe ~re~k. BU.L the n o v,~lty end l hAnging - hlln y. Chrislie'l< -asle~p-b IlltltllitrouR', of uWt;J1inge wilh 18lrUCtcd rl chllir to be pro~~nteJ Cl11 016d'J, 01 1 'Wb ~ n thpJ w~l\r the lAdy i8 'mArbill. . h, tht! wlll,c .. lcllo ' OUL. Mex 1-. the urily d Id -Rn hllL8 llle sur. s-tl the Ibi tlwt thllt ils ir 1~ with chll lHIII\e.(illht'l.s.hininll , .;hc m"81 il was l-,\ L, il ~tJdlum I in Cron And Pres id eDI J OIt Il SOI Wh .I 1\ pleasJllIl room ched is bl.Kck velv d, Ihe billn b~\llgof g , ti.lllt .ho LeHllill\:: his .. Ibows on hi" kn eea The mnn by, the ~iuJ<J'" wllt burnillhtt.l IIIUVtl and e~ 1111 hi s previous effort8. It Jht ; ri~d; o"tr the I'igh t shuulder lind l>a8! lll rc:m l\uI CIIl'P llCl t, t ly ~L quie prel Vllllv : HilL ~~ lIun IHI s, er, ll blind IIag hUlI ,'1 I,is "hh Ibllt ahtl .. ill , by fllee bliCk hi. .. lured IL clI/I boy ll l ti dow liLllt uur A "J; tht,c;n&jt fl~tlY , IIII~~u.~l" all i.o:n gllg 8 , IVII -1'ldl'llil hel~ piOIUI'''8 UII the wHlls. ling of IDlld u of tw u griz zly " lhe l . 80. how 1 Was b 1111 th", olc . b ~~ill p~ac I eyeH 'd . wn,1 /.~al hid r.ru 1'0 ' 1IIlo for ' Ce(lI , llng tlte er, lt:ep b l /:Cry I~ok , cOll I:lIU cOining 10 I,~e ~I!lte btl~itltj I he .u 1\ 1Ill:. C'~ II"R P unl IInJ 'R!; ~lf. Thtl r(Jur letts wiLh r 119 " hiDls hOI'" lie ~ w mlle 10 wil\l , him roul SKt I 10 l\l , ' hi. 0/' d~d ' , "od aoun I d r '" • the 1,,(1 shou lder il " of II " iVU8 }1;d· th" tl og , bUL IL ht! I}I nk!n/{ q(~ a hou~ ilL thll II IS sense WIIS gilt· lind claws In perftlo;l\Uu are Ihos a peAcdoc 8 tl'.llln, !!II/!Rgtd;U over l('. Tha t WIlS l£ddit:, stUU of jlllll I' tlpl lt:d tie lig\t 'I e .• eo wer a m $ I Y, lire t.tbIP 8 Id IIWII lh Ii /11'01 ' tl9 H'b L m e un~, '!Joy ', come, ( 0II Oil me W 10 'Ulu 1111 ' k c I11!t: ked 0 I Juurnl!~, wl~I U Ih e pill 0 hU tr" Irrizzly b~III' "hil e Ihe " llilt Luru d " 1'· e "rlle t rully 81'0Un tbt! rwll 1 t, fHclilties btlDUmbt'u, IaIH 0 ed, d. and Jull 'min , ly. io by 'III~ 11m" all·'4 III rt! e tacea, 8a u~, 1111 (illg . inzz tltis Floy ther uear y " IIno , 0 of bllb well S Wll. Yuuog II .• I IVO-L IItn IIIe Ihtl Ilrm. aDd pRW f I b ~L I l s A n Ilour vass eull sudd enly leaned on hi. .kne" k' . &l1I,1:h ' b ~ Iort goo se.' IIIlIr ed l Ibe men on nd orna 'sou Ilso eo~ut:h o~w. w~uld grol bll IIrt!l s ~ WIll IId~ 109 you Hlld roc ft) A II back '" k now . slill Tht! WUOlllO sat III llie tly dlRll U8U bn I:"I L ilL hut OOOlln ~ 0I , I d (I nuL •, sbn t!. or II locumutivtl IJroke tb .. The sell I iH ~ofl If ~ pnc,,"{ 0 0 ilTS Iv SIXwell 8tOve, II fair yuu ng WOUlItIl . Wilh lIeSll, 8111riling 11.o eel, oe. IIII' Rlld nt'llf , Wilh im01 ell!ll' CIIlW8. the rvOl y, vltry enll ~rl:lI pres 0 in tlle e bUI ClIm ; I'r DIIN. _ The ulua l Iblt 's LON or~l ulte IN cumC Ohr y :1111~ c(}uducI gl LERA Ilod l dill CIIO :c ~milt t:xct and Hlld lIall 6/I.K~. r all' Chr isti, ,', Cnce 0 arM: Iy Ihlll UUI lIJllrll ltyd l!r did lIot mOVtl. is, Registr8l' .Gelleral on Lha luLi of rt ill.ti hrll1glllg II hultl or Ihe keen oute hllnJ banuH of ullrk hllir . .. , I wed dv repo ~rML leltl utt! of III ..' ou"u thltt Ite WIIS tu tHke litis moo fUl'g don etatea that R he of LOD J or her, heR wil,jl t I ilD J lit! ll"u.l!d ilh Iii,. Lh du thu heaI /, beei con tlte 1\ mRn un ing 10 Ihe llch tO Hut who WitS Ih/! plt·c den ce t clime htl \VIIS ny lh the IS IAklOg llgh re dRy MOi n S, Wbe 't jllW l lts 12; deat hs d wel: t~lIil nde I. few exte iJt:II last \Vith cunI uft':tb , ullck t tit ~ellt , nJ whil , Iller grizzly beAr brld b,,1' hftlld III such II worn, (I~e :nOs l duri ng the h. wl,o lIJue , btl glo" will lilt;! and 8, into ~till. ll ,.ilk ete , Ih duw e in Ihe tnt'81'lIt !::, plllc ling n t duw lllln d ~Ittlll froOl ulld "r Lhe ~ol di,ur Slit, slIlI chu lsra have lake Ch ri s li~ '1 !JU8' will dRrl in frnnl uid , lu.t r -hke way IIl1d HeO LtlD blu c{Jlo r~ III till' nJHlbl'lKI bc ' Ly Diog ionH mor 1",,\J th~ cbolera. ill r DIll. lish R8 LilLe Eng h d t~ul d cRlle itH g broa is II S/aill lIly 'eye l lifted tu hi.. fact: liS bid tilt! ~he IroJlulis. ~nnpping bud I!III1 "ien tllle r, righ t Iher e ill , ing . ~'dlenn blut> '1I11d '1j't" CII.' com ing down thm u 0uh Ihis very il::n, Ibe disu se does de~ band io 811YS r ... ul II LrA dlll'f re regis wvu befo che~ rfll'ly: is Ihlt n. 11 but Jrlo chil III'". llll! lud the IJtnr urR nnd col,j " utes . ligh l, bt.fuftl 1i~I J, PRU8t:d II sigh l oC 11 m/UI in ulli lind II "'M lhy IKIle r tlw (nv orile, 'We ehall be aL M. in ele"lJn mill 'eds~nliRlly (rom Ihe Alia lio 'Yf:!8 of Ihe hUdbliod whose "res IUl'm dULlug lht¥1I Iu ,thl\ ' dtjt!ctecl .ILi · wOlldij dul in t:X~ cution, nlvo ~1 ~n tbe laktl.' nOI uilfe r , I'l:l'y ~ n~w 8 lll'io~ c ir' Lhe elrg OotfY e, Rock ho~ t the 's Yuu I'r6 1'P~R e Bnd .h:"vptil~1I obolera.-.Edin6 801l Hni r Crom thll hun ler of ~nce oonl! of Ihtlm 8uspecLlld? 111 GoJ lutltl, aps It w1llul: grau /ytll g to tho~ rllnt . Perh tle i8trl 7. Inllg ,r ''ie s, hllllk God l' chi" the a too in MOl1nlains 10 know name 1IJhut dill iL mel ln? ladies who 1I0 lIe t. WI sh to luvy • Are you ,sic,k ? Cau I help you 1101 the IIl1 tiulI. _ _ _..._ __ " Hom e I Did Con duc lor Hin el 1s' purti~s, clen ched hi' banel RnJ baut er ·hus Ryd r did k tht:l it:r Mar all lIoltl lax ng Y thu, 6iLl~ hCIIV l But mlll '/' way IIny ' p -. NatioDal Cem eter y It Antilop •• The -~ but r, -0eloo 1I11,1!lal wo~d me'lM &0' th'lt • ~ clln b., boughl Cor ; tool; 1\ IIIep nua rer lite , moir did Ih:lt k. he l ~peR le~ro ugh 01' 10 t'bo · up di He It :' look got rt, ltly' ana bel\ twice al larl e .. the qUll Indi be .o hill 1l\tlre this tietRID will z;;r A ulan OUL in 88 n voice lhal tLrilletl to about one· fourth lesl .yar d lhall at lf.:" (ear fell opon Ihe qlle$ ~ w~nl 8tl'aJ A opu ld "ud~r.LlaDd r ~i. fAel· I!d stili e tylb urg, ••4 eODtaiaa uM IBid Get b2c8 re. thou gh" .~ y wife befQ tlter o hiM Cem o(le (rom yur . rer and llt:lltly'lif. VClrce thre e II,S iL had don e eo last. nua ed e of OIl ,sen OHm I18RS Htl -b"d lu: er. sell cooc bim llion He y gr... ~. 'be I Iilile es lor lllan . for U i"ga .Im o,' tw'o.e Edd ie, irs' tilDe ""ti ng Rl£uiu.t his wish well rem emb er- 'Co me, Floy . Slri pe. aho will be DltlOU ~orD. both Ileeper" Itead. pu.b ioB back Lbe ted r nge you , I H~ra .... lolditl,r 104 '1'h. .lide .' bllr bed te. wbiLe dljd tu Jel Dg. fvlke lo go to . &be cap thllL bb.d ild th. whi ed tbe bom e.lo h .... &be wea ry wli~ d cam e obedieDlly alld ~b" iliaD oliil l· ppo 'lalu a" alm LIla loo liol lb.,
-.1' '.
lit ' r
THE - - --=--- - -
illiQ1lli <Bmrttr;
--- I LITIatARY NOTICIJ8, Bostou Correspoudt nt, L b tl e~ I ell rll ' r 8 , rt'nd y to cll rry / _ ' 1I, tlt'r I' 1r..:1.1 uun~dfus fo~ n low PII LrlllhS \I t' LI ~'I!, 11" Robert Bro"nill!!. lJ ~I . oIL " ... J ~ O'T N•• _A'." ept. - . to nil pa r t~ ()f Ih cilY /lnU sub urb , - is Ihe IlI s\ i ~8 lie oC 'l'icknor & }'ield,,' DLAIt GA~ETn:: - QUite ~ sensullot I:.u:h. m~~ ' II It I' is /o" iJe u \I itl! 11 red C<l lllllllll illli Poels Cor th e P eople. 'l'hese was" cleal·d III Ibl ' CODl IllU nily ,l few . III\; .IUIIHlls ,. C• IIUU.1 II}S ' · \ li ttle ·,' oluw ~s Bra .d llslg " ned to Introuuce ,, ' c p wnh . l' 1 l, .J1l}. ~ Ince ~y A ~ult for. ~,tmll!:es In nu mber ill R conspicu,ou plnce u.pon It. to th e 1I11l!SeR the bes l poe ls of lira I' . c" erl' pIIC!:I"'\! rccc '. ' .,es Allimell , . .00 b IIl1' " CO.Ol ml!nceU 10 'the high· FOI' n cd .I It! g ll ill II c1WIIP IInu IIHrlltUVe furm.
. Tho Approaching ElecUon,
I .• '.l' II E L&llOES'I.' S'I'CK;k or nexl will be I Ie UIIY I)n J . D. S W£TI~ '" J . D. cOLL,.·rr . EDITORS, whi ch o ur iliz liS will be wiled urOIl "- ~ __ to CIloose tl le 'll· .J '':'I' IlLl:l nnJ C Oli lIt )' 0 B'IC Way nssville , Ohio : erB for the incomin,: t~lms , Let not 14 "0 , 'I Ie 1"" \V F.DX ESDA y,o (~rOfJ E R 4, I?,.') sng ulllUII " 0 1e I' 11IW IftCI ~ to Ul! RL the VOL. J, ___ •••• __ • _. NO, X\'. p"lls,Yoh: fur Ihll U~ion cAn dida les, e.st l rt UU na~ of ti llS ~tl\ te, RgR ItISL lev· lickllt b ~rIlillg his nu nt b<! r nnu lire big ~ I E lch'l' olutll o is UI:Il 1l 1ifu lly illll . trllL ,d ' . I t ,I ' I I ' . . ' IU 10 I. li!lllful l)' f" r Ihe Unio n 'I'ie l' eml pl omlOcnL Illel'ch nnlS of Bostor , p~!!!.!!!...!!!... ~~~~::::====;;===~"~I~~ \ '~.~~r:'~n[~:::::~v:::;:~:~~:~'-l~; oulrn glll pe rpt' lnl(~ d 10 . R oxbury OlllUlro .o f thl! SUI'~rJ nt 'III ell. \I IIC I ' : Il' d on tillleu pllpe r. P I 10\1 fiO .1 ' LIlln d PJlD " . ' Ireclm llon e ffect ually gURru s n:;1I 1ll1! I ce lll ~, AdJreu 'ricl, nor & .Fi l: lus, be Ill oug ht ,,~ ~o nl e Ihll L the li me {o r IIhs • .• b) thuD upon t1~!l PeJ ~~" 01 8 . ny d aD ~er of fmud. It is p ll:ll~n nl to hl . So . II d porl ,;h il'lr tbt: y Boston, n, Ullcl' R>iug I ~'c hru lncs s hilS pasl, Rnd Uoston lil wy !'I' IInD\~d '\ lI y. Ihe f!tclij "HUes! Ie rell y sup , " from our UUSIIII!e8 . '1' liE .A TL,~NTI O " . ,. "'or 0 coer t b lblll it is 1\ 0 lo n b~ r I ICC~ 8~1I 1 )' 10 I;eep 1\ of Ihl! 'Cllse nrlpen r 10 , be II~ . lollow s :- . rtCCH' t<J IIlOlUlI .lty,. L\JO!'TUL. 0(111 Ilrl~ r lh e "8SRSSIIlR lIO D of Presl' . \' b b d ' ' n vi gi llult look OUI fur Ihe do i IIgs of t he .nJ thtl d eu\' Indi es . 100 , phlce R g rulI l I' ls II ~ In lUg Ilum ·t. a oun til:; I ex· . . 1 N TOW N. .•' Icr pr 1)1\ Ttd by . ell e my. Let 11 0 Oil !! dcllll iu hi mself J un t L lDcoln ' IIl1d wh.ile th e PI \it)le nlll ny errnlHb .III Ih" 'lr hnl'l ds, ICCII cllt rl:llultlg·mAI '. 0 d .... p IJl(JUrD. . I" I r .II" I.ut:et IUlllu ' .1S 0 (tl III aye t11U8 , 'fh" ~}Jirit of trea80n Btill t: xi Slb co . untry WIIS yet draped , A moll!: ll", r. uvt:It .II'S wllh IV II C I we SO Ul Il 0 L g. N u 60 010 of our h.e lchu:n · sty lu of 10). . . '11 ' 1 ' f I h Iiti ' k {d iJ mg. ill Ibo .Nonll II'; well as in Ih" :)o u Ih : . ' . ~I'O I· nler l lll ll ~ d ti llS bcnSO ll, II l'1J ero. flll1l1ly 0 cu ture S ou I 1111 0 0 Ig IIILSI S concelvt:d Ih o hop ny Id ell of 60t, . '. l ' . , t , ' , u . the Bo·cullt d D ~ mocra lic pal'l y , h l1l1 d~d Ih o Hu s~ lIIn b luou·h ound frum Casl e wltuout tbls Tel'l"t:SCII II." e ."ag"zlIlu r ting up a stRnd nrd of 10y"l l}' 10 which " .• I' · 4 ' . 'I" ., by the II I'Ch-lru itur VnllNll diglt llm. IUt' [hullu cr, wlt ere Le WII6 I;q ll to g Ull ru , 01 our II <!TlHUrc. ::- n pllr, IC.· . n prr.solll! rs Rll d 'J J\cll, • Iue "v Ub JIll I, lI or & 1<"1 .1 " " ye L work iug c~ uti<! u sl )' bUl detl'fmill ed, lill !!len ti hould be compelled to hl! nd IU \Ho Ie us, uoston, .uIISg. \ . ( t:lc cll,", (llI frlb. ' r 10, P in :,. ) klltc aud tl o lroOlngu , TIII:y fOrlh · ' 1.1 I I I k' A J '1 1" I . -OPPOSITE THE ROGERS HOUSE Iy for lit e o,'"rlllrolV of Lhi8 go\' ern · Ihc . ' u O'O t:- IO UII I , "' Ilt ul u l'r~ on\, 1 u uy • I OIeUl; tll "y in lheil' rccl'nl eO'l ventioll. wi th proceeded to execute Ih eir plaDs ' \" 1' .1 I I'" I' I 'I'm: I'IIREKOLOGl CALJ O\:RNAL (or Oc ' l 'I rz, to c IflStJ .' I UCr n so Oltl l'S. W IIC I 1'(I!I ~ OO V E II:--O II. , . ,. , . . JACOB DOLSO~ COx.. of Trumbull, ueclnr~t.! . thc . t I,IS " <: lly. II el<l " IS lo be, r is lill~u to prufusl on willi uM'{ul . lm tl l" cS lO I\!lv ocal(; . ., th ~ by vI slllng . \II tIle lh:lIu oC " ni gh t, t hose IIrc 0 11 ex IJI'u"III UII III . . , . I' Ftl U L1E t.:1'. -ouVERN,lR. Ilanw pTlnetl'"' ' li.S Ihey 11 lit III l \lGLJ ,. pcnolla wl.o Ilf\U •not dlspl ")' e:\ llltll' II . fcC t ' nllll ellt!;:rlllllllll" lJI'llttlr, $Z a Yl"dr, \ D" THE S IIERI FF 1 . . . R hU CT e I~ uw , IIl ClI S Ul'lnw; f t~ ~ 11 to . AN DREW 0 , Mc;BU RN ~Y. WII rren, wireD Ihey CUOSV II CU lO rUin Iho coun· g n of eye Ly covel\o 0 I I'uwlllr &. Well!! . to . the pubho . . ~ ..,'x, .lUclt es III I(' n" l II. III, J WlJ .'" II 'mg 0 , . er ' New · York, ,, . , lry. IIIlU r ol 11111'C tl: c lI~s urnD CO to LIt~lr reSidences In blllck, lind , CRill,! d co to 1 --] he Qll ft lifif'd EIf1ctllnlor W.rrrn (;oun . H llt TREASUIIEIl o~· tiTAn:, . • . , lW O hun r~u \Il,uuds J lick \Vila kl· \tl l r . ~I ' r N b "I ' · 1 b 'Ii 'J comobllfor.. tbtl people now lind 8ak llwm Irom 1lll,Ir beds. forccd them 0 . . : . . b:T.:RSON S lUA OA7.II'E or ove m ur ly. v illi. Ar" tcrt., 11U1~ I' In ".heel It , . I nt A nd et sol1 -"\\'" """r" hOI ", ..d o hlm- I. I ., r II I ' 11 ' " l it e \ldunl "Ifto:ed 0 It uloltltll .. Ieellll lli 11/ SIDNEY.S, WARNElt, or Lr.irllin. tlHJiJ 8ufIrn"" ,mel litO 6utfrnges or b~Llg out fl llgs. 111111 /,l Ive as mnny u leets 115 a ICllu 0 II Oller Ilton, I I" .. III ltm~. I . . 'J' I' o • '. . 6 Sl!lf hm uus l1y hUIlLill " ulIwn pr i:;uII ~ rs. . b I '1'1 I I'Clr rt'dl'oc\IVf U"' " 0 "I'·. U II Eon 6U PR ~ME J U DG E, 80ldlcrs, wh om Ih ey IlIAI'e uet nlig hlioH /IS Ih ese Chll'Rlrous w O rthl ~1I SIl IV t 10 ' 0 . UIIU IS a vt: ry iltlIIlC III'" uvl. II, Il' l Taelfday Octo' " 10th 18-JACOn BRINK E HII OO .... Of Rich' · .1 Ilull' e Il. num bcr \VIlo a lk' mplcd to esc"V U frolU the \)(ls' u'ICO WI' 11 "ull P I"IISCU.• 10 k IWW t I\/ll I IIII I Ilel"''' .. I' Ih .. ' h'u, I 6 • 'I k• AU...... .• d '1'1. IIgRinsL 1111 tliroulrll " Iltll \VI\!'. IIl1d {IJ r Uemsn. .utly VtSl. lCu . on ' pc- II . . . . . v 10 ucu. ,w , ln.. la nd - (Long Term,) Ihcy rt:fu& ~u 10 "ole the of Iltu pro01l11enL CHlzens of I{oxu ury. '" publt , hcl Itl Wllkltl\: hbNlI1 IUlnn g u'clllck l', )1. of Hhid tlMY, III Vul" Iur JOHN Wb.:LSll, Of Alhens , ('fo fill wiJo se suppurL .. - . . ' \ j be Apollo <:inrden R well ·knowil ) , " ,. Rppro plt allOn of 11 8111"Ie dollnr. '1'he Ilnd bcllRveu In a mosl d l P ~raccful mlln· " . ' 1llt'llt, fOI thll nelV )'l'llr. RIIJ tllI,t 1 c\' , 1 Guvtr lloJr Iur lite ~Iate ut UUIU; Vnclll\cy . ) Dcmocrlltic pnrty of ~ Ull Y, ulllik e tht' ncr, Mr, Wny being madl: one of tLe Jeul onlc rt: ~orl, where 10yJtllJu l cIJI~~n e,..on for l Cti& will ue 1111)1(' chf\l'lllin~ 01 1. L~eu""I.nt-liuV8T11or lor tho HIatt 01 l OR ATTORNEY OI£Nl:RA I. , . . . . . IHoLl tltelr fmus suc ceedl'd In ,,1"clIl/{ ., ' 110. party nL wbose 1II!Iul a few J eRI'S "go rCclpltll 18 of lht:lr Soulh ern ' \II;c flll' ors. \ . r Ih tl lt nlty vrcyiou ~ }'l:l\r. 1 It" I'rlce IS i 1 ~uprfme JlIIll:e rnr lUll!! t prmWILLIAM II. \V EST. or Lllgnn. . . I' . '1'1 I f d b lLl: lIl bdvc s outslllc of unllcco ulI Lhbly J l' .. .,.. • \' siood Iho plllnoLlc D o u g l il ~. I4lld vth~\"a h~llce I li S SUI I. III u , ellce urg" y .. . sl ill ulll y :8 2 per IIll llum. C. , ell'\"' 1 .hurl le. ml FUll ~C llo n L CO ~1)1I 6~IONI: I\ . . . . . . . , ht l'ge qUl\lIlIlI es uf 111 " " 1' bi er. hilS Uet'lI 1 AlIorul'Y Gellerlll' wlr o pn" e r~d counl ry to pnny IS rotten l hese pntnoLic gcnll cmtll IS th(; lr em l' \ <0 !;Un, l 'liriH uelvhiR. : 'J" • JOlIN A, }i OlUll ~. Of l Jan is0 u. . . ' . . . .. u " tno h~hcd lu , 'il'~ 111hC\I to th o II H"" I r'·UdUr.. r 01 ::;Iulo: 'Ind full o{ corrupllC,n: tllcl't! IS no rlr· IIrnt Tt~l)ecl([/;d, (!/. which chliin pinces . to b , I Schuul CUlllll1i u illll .. r' FOR DOAr.n OF l' UlltlC WOHKq. . . . . •. I I f I I . . '" • l IIdjc~.n t. t heatre nolV . ulI ll,' r co ur~u,. 01 GKn \ue III II; and noue n re foulld wllhm tl'(1iI IIUO'O ll O lelle 10 I It II w. lIue· 1 . .\Y, CAItLKTIII( , Nll.w,' ork . )0,"8 , 1 ..'\ t'l/Iutlr 01 ul'n,d III I'\lhllo \Vork.; JAMKS MOORE. 01 Cos hocllIn, . k I. I I I I . I · . I d u ( . II I l : I Crl' CllOti by the MOl n~ Brothers, 111\' J1uh ll ti hl!t1 r\ \'"IUIII" v ( I'UI'11I 8 by tllll i ) Clerk uf the l::!upn'lIle L"'url' F u ll. CLKIII, o~· st.:I'ln;~I " cuunT, Itij rall ' s uU I lose II' I ()~C ,cgclloracy IIlg Oil} IU CII C 01 I e ow IIh I " . I ..., I . ' f' .1 1 b I. I' f \\, 0. rk IS l:iul nH rn pld ly lurwaru ,. and We \ III\"uriltl \\'lIsll' rll J1uclc~s hJr ~ tiAItAII »ell "lor tur 110 COUllllU8 01 \Varr.u , RODNEY li OO S, of Clin loll County . /ils Ihem or 119 s lUl1 ulll'l ·bell rer8, Ulld mo Ocmls, RIl( lti R Ice nse 01' RDy ncl . ,., . . . ' . .. . ' " 111,11 U"o(o'r ; _ .. __ ._. _ ••• _ _ . li" llotftntllllti wellll ·millt!cd pcnons who which th tir ulld oubl(,d loynlty mRY arc plolUlseUII\lurlollllllllce ollll,"lilSI I,BuLl'ON, of Illdllll la, t.ll s. Dolcon l 1 ll" ltr,' ~oHllul ive lor Ille CO Ull I, 01 GIl N ERA L NEW n , : ro illcHplIJ,l" of di~crilllin tlliltg betweell su£g ts t as ntceSsllry for Ih e welflll'tl of of Jll nu"ry, I\ i~ \Vcll knowlI lIud IIdll1ir"d iu LI,1j liter- ' \Yul'rl!u. Mr. J uso n \ \'o'n tworlh, a Boslon mRIl, lit)' world, Ilud Wil hope hH Iir~1 colll'c- ' I i\1l,hlllr rllr Ihe COl1ltly nf \V.rrl'lI; .1 tl 'I N I ' 11 t d ' · tl gOOl I on U blIu. II! commuu l y, 0 WI IS au lUH Ie . , . . . . . I Recuruer icr lh ...'ol/Illy ut Warrt'li' , 'fhe rats bllv e left MAueilles, Frllnce, 'f l.c npl'roael,ing CO llIl'st in this renso nablcntlsti of Ihi s proposiLion, Mr. IdlO •. HIS eODlidently u~st!l't~d . hns llt ~ I lIOn WI.~I mt'l!t wnh d Ubcrl l,d 8UCCI!~8_ I l J", u'I C Jill/lie lut Iht: cUUllly ul W.,:
'r ue~t1I\ Y
s ,
KE y
ll' 16
Imce tile appearance of the cholera, St 't e WI'11"ue Oil !: 0 1" 1'1111 I 'IW por III nce ; Wily's oLlu sene S 's pl' lt ~ II'I m {om 1'I~ qul ~II(. e Ut' r~y lin d IIWIIIIS, IIIIS 10ll\~ed \ 1'IICC :::; I ,5L. r .. ,,; , ,II CI' eI r I I) . A Tennessee U I 50748 ')66 . . I ' A,llI!rc w's 11811 nndwill /It onel: VIO - - - - -.-- - - , "prc'llIng tll.,nrJ lur \1 .., COIIIlI, pro uce( , ,(,ycry \'otcr should buckle on itis IIrmor perc ell'llI !:: litlll IIC sllH ry lones or ' . , . J? E R SON A 1:. ul Wurrt'lI; in IBUU TI .1( C' slima. 1I(1"I," h 11 1111 b ~ r~a(ly fur Ihe fmy , J~e t Ih ese eu I\l1' ' llI~u.t !Jftlll W I C1! n:lll '1 Iy FU g - lI c ,! ~ , 1. 10 trAnsfer I e>bushetti of corn • .' I -- ' I , . ) C"I:lIll is.iullt'r Ivr th e coont, ul \Vlr. , " It 11110 ,l I hellln ~ Jl' ltd coru of llus J ij (1r IS 1 7 , UOU.t~lJU , lhe t;lIiun .. icluril' s of lh e pnsL few !;I' stin g IRr IIn,l I~nlh c rs . WH li ll y le ~s Iialt hshnw n.. I he plans are JI"' I" e O ll ~ -T he Inrgcsl int:"me IIf ClJl l'k Co,. I rPlt; I ' , w~,"I~III.r.'u.ry Dirllclllr rur lh e Cuullly 01 Pro\'ost MllrshRI (;(' 11'1'111 L~r\' 1'(> pl)l'ls i ycqre loo. c nolle of lh l"ir g rou rlll' IIn u "Lj,' clionllb lo lh an if il hlld h~e n urgtd lOf Il nllll . cOIIH ll ie nl, C')llIh' lIl1u l" , 0 111 u. ta .lll al uf Julin Fu. " :'Hl ,UlO. 1 • t I b { . .•. I . . ' b I I. I . ' f l ' Ilouse l: K(J~ ul" of 1101i!ill ~ lhir t~~ 11 1,1111. 'I ' S L 1 ' ( " 'I 'I' rUA1('1, ... t IIIe A~¥t' nl Tuwn• " .'.. I . - 1\ IS, U.I~tl 1 1l 1 ~ \\"HI I. WI " otll A IIII Itt' II Ie .0 n nllm cr (I men con lrloul cl lhls resul t ca n nCI"(' 1 Lc nchl" ved save Y I IC crll ~ ~el \Olce 0 1\ row· oV lIlg l by Ohio to lh6 nrml' lIu rill ~ tho late by c"rne~ 1 and per~i Sl.cnt drart on lla.: ! 1ri~blD 'UI. or Ihat Ih e re nl a prOduccu l\ drl" d pcople .. .llll! butldlllg 18 untl,·.. l\lciIlJIII' Ll! II~I~OIIII.t.1II· J ill Cillcinllllli , · I"II:.r~ "~'~hy It II II ft ",1 10 "!'If rl, It 111/0 I b " I. . ., . 11,0 t UI'.-rn ~ I\l1I of ~Ir Bnnd" ' 1 fOI- 011 lilt: 2(lIh ul\ ." "" III" " 111111 "'11,''' •. frolll 011111111/ lit .. WKr to la ve cu n :J IG ,QUO , pllrl of Ill e fri t' llus of Ibo cOllnl ry , Vole / 111 Ill S clolll~s by u"h CIIIC LUlld s III CllfI~d . , -" , . l 'I IIu ltfi.,u gIrt"',. Ii,., 1"II"wl"" I 10 ' . . . .' . LI F . IIlled )' uf L"uI Jl hl'CllI" S 1I11U ~1l 1 \, 11)' uf ' -'1" ~ 130"1 n '1''''11 ~c . I ' I ' eo .UIII ~r Thl! !SecretAry of th e Tre"lI l1r ', con. IIlId work lor tlte wh(,l e Lll lon Ti cket. , III \I1l ~ X C(' I'" o nll c r ~ lI c h kid s. welt: . , . . .' II ~ " . I, rtp AA}& 111\1 "! prrdl)lI", I" H r ...• •• J", .. , . I"r Ihlt .1 t J I I more ill ofr~ lI siv e l!J all if Ih e wurk of t hle" 11,,, \\ "llI uL :::i l .• 1'11IIadelplllll, wh" I ~ (JUI', tUHh,· 1\' u"chucti IIII' l'a . ld,· n ~y. C"urt .. 1 1;""1111.01' 1'",,,,, iu II .., lui I"IV III'" "tc" 1' .- SIII"lg "7.l)UO,OOU' old· 5 .<>0 I t' templi~ a .,. " .:.:; • '" IS coml'0scu a g01l1 mel -rn,'u IV 10 ' II eti c . . . ' • . . . i ~ "i d lu be 11 ~ UI) e ti or mIl ,Idni,\! h i- II" I i," nlt uc II t ,II I 1""I"'rI IIIU" , III-W it : JORn ~ubs(J l"lptiLlII S 10 h., III cerli/ic Illt.s Lnow tl lf! lr dU ly IIlId wIlD Inl~I)(1 COn' bare , LruwI1Y p:\ws fOf 1\ rlldroad IlI bor · .. c.. . " . . . ' \V . 'I' . I I" F kl ' 'I" 13 . ' , I to b t clI ll~d l ll! ' lh ealr ' C mlqll" lid G CII l' r " III U n ~ 1IIII' ut.! - t 'eIJ IIl " "lilt' ""IlNtlp nn 111 II II of luu.:iJl t dness, cOlnjJounrl IllIlts nnu sc iunliously 10 dischtl t~ll it, Jt is 1111 ' Ct ; n~tllt/jf do~s hc ti ll uk it nlUre! ~gree ' l . , l e u. l, II I , _ . ' ' 1 . I ·1 ~,' i:: In "" •• it! " b ClrB"'rN,k . wd ue npcll tJu on thl! " d of Oct obct" ::it, ","U IlI S, \\ I ' I ~ II' WI I I'U' In lJl'em · U . . · 1, olhel' government 6t curilie, s ' n. c ces~lI r y "lllllg Illtu dlty to ni\rlieu!" r· nule I() be comp~lIl' d to oh~I' the comI ' ' . ' I' I UI I . . \ ' I ' . 111, '11 .. 7 \V.~I""l1l u n" . , r . ' . \ ' , .11 . , 1i .1 . Iii Il l g;~ III I I 1114' !rUll ItlllUllhll:lorY .. II ,·t·,n'ld I ,II An unoffici\\\ IctlH r~c~nlly Tccci\'" u IZO ('neh CIIIIIIIt.!14le: ~vcry on~ is pOSL' UUIIIU S or 1\ lurd ly un l>lllcrtlt wllh.\ re- , J, n ,Xce c uL CUIII)lIlUY lUI (11[· Il'Olill il l4 ' D' . . III I ' • Ij 1"1I1111ulI " , . .d ' . ' I, . ' I' I tI· \ IIUVt! bet n SCClll·cd. . -Lu IS" IX. I" ., J"III"III"r ~'l'lgt, hll8 , IIr 11 11 !I tillll'1lI hom lin ulllce r 1I\ .lhe l' rt~lIlOt:u'~ 11u , C In H!gll ld 10 thClt Il.nll·celknlij; bUI VO . \ !! 1 rn lIS 11111 ,thlllll L wuu\u hRve ,. . . " """ II/ WIIIIJItI\,IJItI" v ·)" ,III I l L , I'urlltw..' ,, "·· :.14 . ' . , ' , ... . , I .. ' f I . I :::i ll il II1lo11le r Ih,'I\I)"(" IllS rUlIlo",'" I '" co ' I !.: I ~ , •.• " 0" ,. . reeu a t ti hl!tllh n, MI SS , Blll lt8 Ihal of ~c ,CRIII,"t Ic ll ,lIn Irorn s l," alu ll g n word 'ten I I It;; nllllll".It: hnd CL'me frmn . I' .' , ' , . . ' "" I1~r LI ,li 1I'"II"r" " I Iltu IIIII ,IUC "'yllll1J , ('IH'II ~HI, ' .. r .:")' 1,.,1111"1. I!l:': d!I' IIf 2~ .770 deslitute I'~ople Rubsi.ted by tire III o~hnlr of ollr clludtd"tll ror Slllie Itl's of less lI ul>l" Llnh. nnt! had b~ .. n l iS bUOD 0 be und'i lOUlR e of t l' ~ I \cIlI, \ Ih" n: lint! the cUhlfurL ul II~ 1 1I 1It" l~s , I H ~~I r' IJI,I:. r, ltjUOJ. JOI,IN .JlU I Lf,.R. Gov emm c: nt , I.uU t ~70 t:C lllllor • HUll N . , C • }_"kFA ltLuw A tnforc t u I, y the Il lcLeilln llu t I't:rsun~i\"c Illllll 11 0 I"s- 1l;\IIlI'r ~ Ihllll IhoRe 01 EdIY III ' . \11,ll' ' ~t fIII I f }''.. x - ('hJ\' CI'- - - :S'I" _Ii , :Sllt'nt! ", c..:" O. I nrc l u.o,r rOC 8 . • _ _ - 11 I' UI) It, ,, U 1
. ....
"l 'hera is I I " Al ' IJlwy vrIJYlJlol cs. ion.h .. will utili" to ildlu enceo fJl l wig vfllsliil Jl lee. .l; ull "61 1I11I1, " )ZIIIIKn hlJlTbI ,allnrc l ll ory.,tcij,ul cd blllld •. "ly II lal'ULlI~x Y ])U])IJE'~r n A nlluor 1 IIIL, ti e 1 antiC .. to,. . . . , I . " ., . . . . _ . . " " 1 , llIJd•., --"-_ b!l.tlf ullon h l ~ ,114111'5 lh e expclie uCIl 01 lw o of Iho mos l cnlllle ltL counstl ill 1mllil lUllN In COllllcClIon Willi Il ij 111 1\11 '1 "\ hl ~ l' bld " I I~" II I l.),IIIII, ~'I1 I!!'\lIIII IJ :J gr!'"rn- n Clllorll .~"tlfonu Comp"ny . . I t · I I) I I 7n l' !' I many years in 1~"Hl li re -1\ Ih o ro b,~h the state- ll olt . Willium GIl~lon lind E l~g"m"Ilt. CUUIt ). (l nl Ie I I, " 1; " 1 ii, Ie hl,,1 (\~tl ~ •t . I lire Il bou. 0 putC Insc t te umnc I rOI1t.! " to . III I ~J n I . IIvl'J III 11I11Iul. bl r Ce I U:l 1 ' i'\~( ~'jl\ '.1 Dl~ I Iw owl" tl\)" of Iht: po lili ClI 1 11('1:,1 8 of lhe D. Sohre r, E, q .-hnve bt'C Il n:tnineu r.lIll t rs. ' on' nee 1l' tiHIl II,elr l " / ."" n ~, , t·' O t s: Ii II ' fr om L " I l.\ II 0 pi 109 t:" III 01"1 ~ r 10 , . ' ' . " 1 " 1 ' \Y . " IIln l' ". Hlld " qUick 111111 J'lI lliciu u~ l'01n- lor Ihc proHcutol'. Th e nlO "·lIitud c of hr . L 1'llg"Ht' me nt "Ilice ret urn III ,!:! frum i - JI' lUll "'ltIl l'~"n h'I" h""l1 t1 I" c teu •. .I . , . "'. E ' , , Jl " ' . I I' rcbi J ellt Ilf Ih " ~ r. cdlll" '. \ ,' . ... • mu ke conllectlon WtL I Ih ll Lillie M I a m i . >. '1 dIf ' I ' vrdlcll tilOn of Ihe ,'uot! 01 Li s consti lu - Ih e caslJ nnd lit e I"ltl\l lIItert'~t IlIv olH l1 " ul ol'e. aL Iii.. Oil ,lid Alll ell. '111 11 , UII . I II 1 . "OCIoI , .~ 'II fUll 111116 Ullller p nc~ , ", . . . • I . I ,.,. . . , , 111111, wrc n"tl' lu I' (J c" II, r1 01 ,1' AlIltri· : .' , ~ 'rl .' 1.' " enl s;lI dtlfJ t\ to t IH' Se,"\!I S a SlricITelll _ ml\k e l tol.1Coflhelllu~tImpon tlnlllllltlleJIII. 1111) l"IY tl LIUl1 :.;" t lrom clllI '~ A. i uCo 'nlllJis~i oli 'rl'l' . I W I\l'~.'S'IIIt! 01110 Ie present >ICuor <Jillll \('nRn go ' . I '" u t . . E ., I ' ,1 ' 1"1 II .. • It! '''IIIIIIIB I J .. ,. . ptrtl1lrn 1U1,1I. Hnu n 01 01'1,1 tll1l1 dlgn ifi II\S ICCel\ 1j 1.lIl RttenltOn 01 Ihl s Cullrl IIrol'c ~evern 11 011. li es \V II c III( I to '''lit IS 1Il1"IIIIt'tl lu co 011tJ1"I\1C' WI ' I. t'I , 1 COUllty . ... !)" IS (·~trml\tlld IlL ~ev t 1I ~u.1 ge ut IelllulI, who hus IlU tlHllli . ty for luI' IIl llny ' years. IL will comll up . (or tiIel" ' r"lillillll.on /1111.I I Ite p IC[ismlJ 1) ( 1111' I'' r t:c dI1H' II '~ HIH"IIU , . l e ,, lI.sl1n l , tI.J . Iftnl I «" 511111 I u~orllUelil II r II10uaand barrel s II> duy 'enou"i1 to kto'p I . f I ' I I ' . I ' bl ' O ' . " , " . DItOAD CLOTI-IS " lIe corrupllOlI 0 lit: I P aCl:~ 110 I ~ the Irill In Ihtl October tt l'm of Ille S u- pu IC. I Ct)UI'H' . til l' populnr II1,h ·- 1he ~~ W ). olk Tribun e ~AyH' W~ . ', .. ~d. find h"n\'i' ' . II IJ' hilS bet n pre me Judlcllll .. Courl. 13 oy 811 d ,~. Il ntiI. ec lill ' I .t1rRw Inrgtl lint! \ bC·1'II'H . IItere Is . 5 UIii clelll ' . ' Illr CA&;IM done huud . . 6eVtnlt:en , . '.y Ill' very nlllll f 'ir I l III POSition uUtl' ''. <lIY VBEHE~ 'TING~ ell Cl\rK IIlld, nllle engl~e" 1D0vlUg alit numin(ll(:" d 10 fill. Rnd we confidenLly ThetlJ is 81.0 1\ reJltRrknblc suil-OO Rpprocialh'c IlUUif! IICCS, Ille .1." I~ III" nl Ih:lt Mr, R",bt'l't Linculn, ::; 'fl:i'AJMINGS every dlly wIIIIOlll Cl'lISllII', ,. I I' I t' b I hl I '1 CI I }{ I 'llll 01 lire Inlt 1 n:. I.Jllnt 1I1 .. ltord)' til l • prculc li S 0 eo 1011 y!1 urgo mVJ·uri· IICCOUIlL oC lhe pnnies cf ll c~ ru c d IIIIU r, nlll 1\ rs , III .. es eon Illltl .. b . d tu Ii d ' cr :::iecrl!tllty I&r .. ",I'IIr II h ' ar.(IIICII accllrdlllll , TLe ZKnes 'II C · " I . II martle lIughlet e mlnu to th e pe.r. uli lu uefence alTered-now p(,IHI . t1H:ir 10ng' I'xpcelt,1 I\p,pellrllllCtl III Ihl' lI urlu lI, , lltll:LATE::;'I' . VI ~ ouner etRlcs tlRt 1\ Iy, Democ,:nt hSlemng to Gell . Morgllll' s Hon, A. G. MvDunNE¥ is an chi ing ill tbe Superior Cuurt of I\orfolk Buston Tlte /llro un lite in II l'II'" - Thl.l wife of D.\\"itl N F' ,L· . Il pfleclr III thlll pl . t d . . • • urt). ,,'q . .1' 14ce una IIWIIY til res lU t: nL of Ihi. C0unty. IIIllI hi s lI~ili· co unly, in whiell tho Hun. Ch"r1 es VJl1aud The Jt'alollS Wife. Tht: J 'o,,1 1uf ]{ ~ \' l! ""14, Ohio, "Iul<leldy diMII'HI ~ lIr _ alld It lhc ul~gl\S1 III r. wae I'Its aro we 11 k'nO WII , Thllt he will be Frnncis AdAms, our hlillialn to Ell'" SU).S Il',"Y IIrc to n'C<,I. I'C U Ilu ge r ~ 1IJ:,r\" I '..'' I 1I1~ II, r. II 'IU S!. . . UII lY SIX ' III)," I rrnfltr . '. ,Ul:C IRrnl1' ':' tllnl ,~e Ie ul nOllll:lg I!! II but 'nigger I nlg!::e!"! nig . elected. Illere i~ uo muro doul>l tltRn of lant!. 11~6 sued" mUll 011 II mi lk .bill. ':' llt uu lias lJet'lI gil·l·n 10 lilly ])rllnHllic uHHrl"g"" III1U IIIIS 11 01 It,)t'1I I,,:"rd frOIll LOWEST POSSIBLE PRleBI. gl#1l I" I'~ ' S . I U ' S 1"IIl "e. ~II(, Wa. funn"II)" fiJI' L . --.- - - liB I·WIIl.'llt qua III C!l~l gllil wr lht: pus I T"~co i& LllRt lhe milk WIIS WK ' tars III t Ie 1I11~d If\Le ~ , 1 eRn 11111d· F WI'I'" uf II I' I' ,I I 01 ' 'b I .IIC} 'fhe ("ntthlte lfepRrtm"." t' .• I I' I I I ' ., .,, ' I ' , ~'o ' • . r III It I . " ,) , a lII Ulllr . . lcreu, tlnd therefore unfit for usn< ....: } Vltull t 11. 5. as 1 WHH Informed L\'. l"Ieu M.. ' IolIrr)' , I"I" 'UI\' 1:1. \I II . II (uur C!III·' l Id 1lIutlerlhe lIupe'VISlull 01 thall'xc,II"fI& 'II IS rcporleu I lilt Gen, OrtegA, wh o Lo W IIC I Ie will be nB~igncd, '\J I I bo the Con ~ li l uliollld 8ur.l)eSSor of Once lIlore. friend s, be in ea rn est, tillo uld lit e def~nd:1Il1 prevail, il will hlPn ngc r liml, form e rly lessl:O of lltl: dAc lI, <In lbe 3Uth 1111. . IIr ," • . JUIII'"Z in fe w hR8 n 'IlIL' OIUcr Ille I,ltl IUIILe 11 1/ icc lillIe pi('ce of sCllmlul {or olt! NlIl iu",,1 lhnt he ha s l"lid AJ..tl14U11! Ko.s uth lIl t, wife of the il. ! T. T. DO 0 SON, succeeded in t:Hiecting II very Ilu~tJ 10MI wlllcltw oni .• E lcr7/al vi!! lonce is lite Ihe , lIuLs lit Ihe Coun of 8 1. Jam es to Edwin Fonl:sl one 111 0u ~ " tld dolllll'w pl'r IU Slliou s 111111 l' It 'qUCtll lJlIll~ lIrilln PilI, Whll, In Iii. lillI' , id I:l'lIprnlly Acknowl(or the R upublicnn Goverumcnt iu 'price vj~ Lib,,·/y.' r~lllil, Ihnt Ihe ,\nwriello Mini~tcr wn~ ni g ht. Tht: I~cil ils IIII VIJ provohd \'CI')" "~L. lu , IlI ttly t!i "J. IIt.Turin, ~OTll OUI ctlgpd tu btl ~lthoUl' .u~f1riu,r! Mexico, bRsed on lbe seculity of ('on' cunl'iele,1 of wlltering Ille milk he sold stJI'eru cri llcj ' lIi !r unl lite NCIV ' Yod; ll) 1\ V""I(ullllll~"s willc h bud I'rOb(t/I ' READ\ -MADE CLOnJING fi5cated J'l"Upefly. W I ' " . " '1'1. , L~t1 II(:r fur nlullY years, Her ..emlliM III Inrj(e qllllllllly a'ld ell'j!all' qUlllit IInlt il illm Hooper. of Ci ll cillllllli. IIIlS . vlellllUt . Slnn lon hilS. JU ~1 u l")Jnrt~u pI CSS ,.. Il) 1.lllv t: . UIlUOlJiltl't1 ly rcfu s.,.d werll r"I~WVI:t! lu (J" 1l0Il, 10 ue iULellNI ~ Iylt', 01 1IIIIIIe lOake,lIll'II"YII In ""J1I~Y' If l ..~ Iiulldrt- J IlItll', O( til e 57th been "p;:winl etl Sl ate 'I'rcfl slIwr hy ~rom Oll ." CI,ly. RILeI' hU\'llI g pa rtake n of LO d ll Ida Ihllll" Illghtly I"Helpl!> WltI, I,y L11~ tiltle of her only IllItlghl l'r. who l n~lermine,I I.. 1n_llllnlll Ihe r"rlllnli"n Ohio vOled for V"lIllnui!!"!JanJ,r\nd 2UO,' Gov, Alldllrsun, und 11:\:; givl'lI til e Its itJ>svtlll!rttes for n Il'w dAYS. FCllr. tb c~c su ulle,'s vUlllplre ~ . MIIl\l\ger Itlld t111;t\ a Itw yCRtll 1\1:'" 01'10 hy \nl hid hUllse 118 one ~r tbe IIr8\ cl"d", Mr. 000 mfOn of oliJ er Ohiu regim enls did II1:ces8'uy bond, IInu IIs~ulUed tlHl duo WHe enl er LlliD'eel bv SOllJe tltnt I ' \ Jllnel t has tll~o promi.~J ' u .. lluslon' s Ul\~. nellrl~ nil Illll rl\~lIr rtl ll\liH B IlIIII \ Dmlley aliit IriH 1III111(IIII.t. will epllre /all ' r " " • • IIS \£ . 1 I . .. ' . tnllml\\" (nl!uu. of Louie Ko"sUlh 1\1\1' iI~\II. 10 II"e Jlol VOlll ,or him,wldch should nlIInifesl lies of lh o OIUce, IlIgl.n css might close tl lll BOSIOIl Then- Ill'onll.; t te C lurmllt g ;ullggle llitclt~\I, 1"\~SeU I\~ny .inlo I!lunily of 1'1." fUL e I Entiro S t' 'f _. \he itf"alebt llridtl-Vnllllntl i" hnm of lle \\1\ 8 receil' e'! ftom Mr, Dorsey LtO oIul'illl: I,is SIllY, as Edwin 11:>0111 11/6 \> rt S\' nl ~ellsuII; "IFO. th" /'1)/1 11 111 1" Wi re l c~s nllu childl e~s lit: 1I01Y ~I ur~, C II .' , a IS IlctJon. hi " ' . I f A I ' , " 1 1 (. H , 0 Ollu l'xumlne eto k .:I • , \ .67. I, or the 67th of Vllllunuig- \l\l lJ 'l'lclIsUret, lh" full nm ount o r mon- Wh~ plllYlll£: Ih ere III the time his 1.01'0- 1 P I\y U n il I · DII ·l'(1g U ~, Willdl hat! airuosl 14loIlC-I.;()IIIiU 10 tn rth rn'v by C 1111 price", LRID ? ~y ill 1I01"ij, coin. bOllll s. &0,. ahown by \ Lh t,.. cummill~11 his liclldi ti h Ret, BUL such an unp .. eecde nlt!d run ill New. lile linl-:eriliH IlOpu tht\l, cre III I:' tll:"lh. _ JUlie 2.7. ._ };. DUnI~EY. '1'11 6 'l'ribun.,· 1J ~pcci ll! SIl I'o: It i. lhe book's of Ille oOi ce to belong 10lhe he ve ry IlIll){ llanimou , ly permilted. il Ia YOI k-lhc Han:l" IInu I tJl l i~ n Operll. ~Jn~el I\J8.0 summOIl" 111111 , hili ~elovell l Marchin ~ ' -.1 ' - -; • J Is '. . . . . '. ~, J . '. " ( IIl1gnry IIll\y La reSlurtU to II .t! ~ stRted 011 gOl'u II U ~ ),Ullty llillt lb e rt-g' I' t'IIE,. ror wlileh he hlls g iv en R rece ipt oontllluflllso p,' rllllolls-aJl leceofcl crr._ ' loU. uigne t \nll brtng III~ l' r~lIc lJ Hod nlliiollalill'. tl: VIII --ulRr IHrny wli l Lerell (ter con . isl 01 li fty In full. Dr. DOrSE'j. th~ reron' , i. !lot R file} ~O remJllkRblc. Ihllt weclt n sCll rce '! Compllny to Ihe New Trl'monl 'fh~lltre -A N'I ' Y ,I' I ' D. B. E B E aL EY I 1 U· I . 1 I I I t N b' v or, I! Iter wrlle r EliI'M . , l 10USIIII, Il/ 'HI ,. AL 1"lIs L lhrte Illlllun.t! clllU 1('1', li S ~OOlc )emuc rll ti c pu pers Y rea Ize our wunhv Secre lsry IIIIS I nex .o r cm (' r. lind g lVtl pcdornl!lnces Iha~ E lh,ill Buoth is 10 bl: Ulllr.· i~d \~lslJeft to inform hi. p'lIrllne alld Ihe m en. m<J.Lly dl 6o: ltnrge u HolJicrti of th e ht"' c nlkge d, bet:n Rm o n~ UR. I tbree lIm es II week. »gA lIl n"X l willi t i' 1\1 1\ hAl/elso ' nubltc, IbNt he k. el'pt t'oll.t.lllly UII hilld TI l' 'k F ' . \ ' I' f . Ol e ) UUIll{ lurge nnu 81 II ' "nIUtH E'e r nrlny , nrc daily j"inin~ Ih e •• _ _ __ __ II! al er IAlern lly course oJ Icc . 1 t 111(' }'Iu ~ ~ um. lit e !,opulllT phly of ~Iuy u. I:"UIY "' IJI~lIlbl c '}lIl1lili e~. II 11K nu te~ulllr IItmy. wIIieh will, Wilhill a few The Cill cinllnti CV'lIwercial says II t l llltl!S , thI S 5ttl~\1II , hi e 10 be dldivcr"d , Onr. Tr~~ Hill. by T um T"I lor, IIU\lIl'1" Illvt: ~II Ilbdad~l plllIl, 1111 orphnll, Rllll .' dB1\K-SII:'UE PLOW!!I, lb ' , ' 1\\ I by I be mUSI I' mi tit I I f ' 'I I 'I" '. I Ie SU e Itl rl:SS vI II vt: ry 11" ILl . 1 llliu ouble Ind IIl1gle mO~llls, I! Increased to th e wllximurn, J olill ]) llrtll:d , E S(I" S uperi ntend"nt 01 . rlrn ec ur~rs t iC cOlin · 0 Ie IC~ el· v ( · Lu R I·C Man,' ·P!tJl.. dOlill " lIu·1 "1'1 . ell Iy "Ilu S 110 VEL '1'\ ' . .. IrY llflolds The "lr .. f i ll D, I' . . . ~ ce, III )oung Illdy Le' Ie Herald'S WAshing ton specil\1 ()f th e M a l'l~lll\·rRllw .. y. Olle uf th e mORt ' . . Ifl !I\llt III rll) 0 I ~ I · ) e o n em"ltI, . c., I ~ 1""'llIg Rn 1111 CIIIUH IlIt e "~. I~d ill Ihll Irn' d' 1' 1 . , ,elll "mp lul"C d IlI cluu s I I D .A I" . ; I gt' IAn \V II e m.de I I I H '11 I , b e I!hh says thnltb e whole numul' r of cl\pllu lc I\od c nici ent genlle men in Ihe ' 1 . . .. 1.:8 UC I 1I'IIUCS liS 11!1I ~e run . . nyt ltng Ihl ~ lIulhor pru- ~Jtntl~sln!: II s L wi""'r Ids tine pter~ol ~ _ 0 8 pe. e WI ft ~o m_nufAClurll' I. . > llIlh p~ Emerson 1) 01ll'iJl ~ L duct s i U I U I' II I 11011 of Hllmlet I' I 11 ""U repnir PIOWRllftff", nnll drt'la and tem'1 " "g ro Iroops muslcrct! inlO lh e service rill \IlLy UU SIltess, has IICCt'''I"d ,l call ' ' " 6 • '''C, ~ ~ re 0 TIl\\" U IOU '~~. . • oY~ r W lie I FO mlln,>' lIer IIII~ ' I . rEd d '" . I I . r J UIIIl B Guu,, " I .. . 1 I 1V0 men Llive ' IIed ' I ' r 1IIu.s 0 UP 1I111., a illlce I Itl comlllenCem~nt of Ih e \Val' i ~ .110 t h · Su p". iOl t: DtI(,ncy o f Ih e S teu . .. ' Co , 1111 IIt I:( Jll st rtCO"cr , IJLE LUI DU;R, . I . b.I~) mpl\llellt: tellrR. , , . eu fl'llnJ ' I s~" re II f 'II ' - - - __ ._. alII 800n IIlllue hli . U(t:)-~milhiltg lind Hor.eo.laoin .. Itu'nd~ . 111 round numbers I llu OOU 'rbe d tl : b" O\'ill c nllil PnnllJltlu lo S uor t r · , t : Ppl' 0 I la 'SS, IS nn tl I . IIcqulllI.tfl n('t Ie 10 prumpt/y. /"-tilll " . • " Cil Itl l'" . ' . . Int ' lnoun cc u to lec turl: Ilc .... , I ' Gen R, E, 1,'~ haR wl"iUl'n R leite r Iro ug III cummon fnl'lIl1. 'J1",1' were -- .. _ aou CII.HUlllueH II Ulu ng Ihem g reati). ('X, 11118 pO.SIIIUII 11'111 lle Il n:ry re~poll>iu l c 10, (n tic li rst 01 aL sorbed in elle ll olhtr '" tl ' . I'" . . l~l) .1 I ' . . clolia lIe bill> II II v II I I to (; " n, Lt nHIII. In ] J e IH ~ bur7 ' .' . . lell Irst Ill , " eeeu I III PI OP0rllull HlDon !\, thtl whiles ' uno In uur rn dw Ay ~y8lem nnti we nr~ . ' 0 ~ y 0 prO\. U ~ e "" YII •• tl'n'It:W. nllt! III leHH thRn 'I ~ '1 . I ." 'I· ' 10 lit" [ ), lIp e r I who publi~I)('d rh e f,,1I1) 1'1 ill ." I'Xl.HCI'. I WI OJ, 1l1g" II . liDd IIlIJ0unt, 10 over 5U,OUO. OIXly pl ellseJ 10 recortl thRI ilwill be 80 wel l , . u a Ilt' W eCl ure . ,. " el~gRgel ' le'n Ihl! . murt!er of Mr ' l Of 1\ l1.reot nrftlly killd. Mild ill Illrge qUIQtlrousaDd of thtl l'ewlli nin V" Gne I filleu I Tlte pn lnlu l d Ic Cl s of the late War ,It Hhould be Ihc obJ ect ll ( HII to flvoid ~llocoln lhrt: 1V II'e NIlIItJIt into mOUI'I' Iltlef, lor sule by '" \lIn· , · I , "'''R&lT' dred and th irty thousand have I I I . ___ _ _ ~ .. e S" IIl C",lt"t nlll'vialt'd by 1:le noblo l ,~outrOI'CrH'y , to IIlJl\!)' Jllls~ i(ln , to g iv e 10'j! , Boo III Wit. I1 ~ uIl IIC!tCY Anti gener. ,.... r &. PRINTZ. , R e) • fr I I fr 0 sp I d o~lLy vhAnte tl' n sl\c o/" II - -- - - .. - -~------been ordered mU8tel ed oul in the Sl! ~' • B 1 '~ otis IIIlII II to te lic~ c th e wllnts of Ih e t' HC I Ull rCII, un H ery ki ndly el1- ~d I I~r f I Ie IIlAn, rc:leas · 1\Jf ' .t\'I1; IISl e mont Ill' Co bllnk en I , . I ' . 11 B' r. roUl Il' l' "')WS Of I l!'tl c rill Dllparlmellts, au.1 tlle ao only lire weru lobuet.! 11 "8 I I" ( G ' CriPP t tl heroe s who li re so fr~quen lly 1 <t;ollrlt".e ment .. }' dOlll g t111 ~. !lnll I'n- wOllld noL nce"p t ht:1' fre I coulrs 1111: , ,I d UII 1e k l I U t,. 0 (lV- 8e ' n i \1 0 . ,cnurRg rn <T crllZell s ell I/fllI I:r!, i I ' d I e( am, ,Itt. ot! . By the kjlt Dr pound, of I wertanteCJ enh~ e to vme~Dder the law8 and rt'g - emmellt bonu~ to Iht: 1l0l0Ullt of $25 _I e. :10 111 ,nil .st,. . ne In til ll lion or- l lti«~ A 111 It fc, wilh nil ~h~lr ;:~~ .lll u 1;8 ,,?ntrary, lo\'!,d him 118 IIny ille ro- <l'11I11I)'J lUll ",I" bv uialloD8 governlllg the service, This lOOO 'rhe bond s I il b I I ' galllz, ..J uy p"tllOII C Clllzen s- Lhp. mind . wllh a Utl[' rminn'io:l : \ AI~d m~ltlc womlln, '!II ths mott dllt ply )lER)t'lrI'T &..'llRIN,TZ;'. 1m all number ui8!ribu:ed among the ' Ihe ~ounttr Ii I~ e~I'n Pillce( on I!enge r CorpH.' formru of Dltlimetl 6ul - Il urn t:tl nsi,le by Ihuu '-'III~ of 11; 0 0, t: h"~' btendl,er!y fo! tho affliclioD in which 811 lVel e sto en I lerofrom dicfS . . I I (I n IU pRS. or I~ rotlt'r " en me h. -I I I L' ~1iVera I S lates, would no~ be nn tle- A peison s d. . ( I '1 - IS 10 SI1&c~IiRfu ope ralion Ali i E!S I'S II ~ i t: fu l'ure, our ell Ul/lry will 1'h e I ' . .. . P UI~gE!1 .. 1m. ' • , ~". : , p "e- " r 1 1I8 ecte 0 t Ie tllert I¥ ulI-.. the memb~.1"8 lire filltl. lw ki"ng · hl en '1 ':nQ~ lonly ~Ie tutored ID ~IUlUIII "I'ollper. ded 1~nv.llnl\g'IP~I~rRbre,lof bej quitllly wedmenl of c61culcltion in art" of tb In . J -, . • u. itl e~ • I " Illy lut wrll b d t! , . r. 'u I l\ rle ~r p to tie C A full tIIeortment or the Ricb_ad ln . . j j 1Il0sl y nne-1\fmcd, cud are stali oned aL ,virl ue aul! rc ~ '~O:~IICt: In SC lt llee . ID LinclI~~ he will re l urQ.t ~. 1i1l lIi~ ~n('II~:: tbe Raymond Plo .. ~, lor l1li1. II,. I ~ . m ~ nL In this ~il y . Q 0 ALLEN &. RAUalot. ,
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our CIAIA ill the Norlh. mUlL illevitably II>R. I. A. RO&KIlJo:RRY. J. NEAL. B. R. PRllCn. , I A • E. URSITT. Division. filII. Iml . JL" peg bl: lefL whereon to o( Lieu· hung RIl opinion, or I\n nrgum"nt in it I' . AT COR~' JN, filvor. &nd . what'is still wone. 'it CIIII Ha~ on hanu 8 f\111 assortment of the I very best of Her no\'er be res un~cted; its dry bon es -A'I' THE" RltT~lt. DlULBRS IN Ilever CRn revive ' ; a pRrly .call never Farp.lVell. DrOlhl'r i cairn be thy slumllcr ngain ~e e8Lnbli~hed upon Buch a basis. . In th t:l hero's honored grove. l'hf!re m usL be some otlll:r plan) Ve 8holl miu Ihee frolll oll r lIumber, CHEMI ·C ALS. (SA1Wij '" KLEIN'S 01.D STAND,) eom other rouDdntion. IniU. on which to Lovl! wu powerleu to save. ~~~~~~~ERI~S, EAD. nise OUt party 'Fnbier.' Wh"t that Ileg leRVe 10 inform the rJUblic !hNt 1 ey . a!l heVR loved Ihy honeet hurt, OIL, have on hund an,l expect to keep HllillI be. the wise one8 , mue~ determine. YANKEE NOTIONS, R eat:lIg !lOW benenth Ihe 80d , VARNISllES, A lid batter 81 i II lire immortal pa r t We Ihi nk. however. the plnn i, Inid, DOU~D. A CompJ te Assortment of CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Gon" 10 the b080m of our GoJ. a and Accom •• and will succeed. Theru is 800n to be r.30 4. 1II. hI Expre88. 6.624. 1Il.* O lr ! Ih e mnuy achi ll ll' hearls Also, a cOIllPlele Il1Ie or lin e lection in our 'gr(;ll\ Slale.' which \ hus Accom., 855 II. M. That have telt t he r:'miti ng power, will be 1\ mighly strnw to Bhow how II/lati I!:xl,rcilF, 4,26 1'. II. ~ ~ 9 I PAINT VARNISH. &'C.; When our bebt-beloved depnrt., th e lhing will 0perale . D<' not stop. Stricken from U8 in un hour. all of which will be suld at Ihe very 1011'We mu st clljole our soldiers inlo vo:n1tt1JmlRIW$o PAINTS, OILS, When Ou r rpilh grows fuilll und weary. CSl rSlell. tinZ fo r our cllntlidl\le; he iM the hero lUON c.:OUN'I'V '1·ICKI:. ... •. , Alld our eyes weel' biller ~e8r8r of CumlJ(;rlllnd \lRp-has. like ll>cm- DYE-ST UFFS. Alld tile cuull look s sbd ano oreary Grc('nuaclis & country produce Rl!pr~8wtative. AelYea, beell ill Lhe lie I' V ice . which will }<'ull 01 unxiou6 cnred snll (ebrd. TOILET ARTICLES. ullVe "grelH int1ut:nce' ; ODd be lween SASH AND PUTTY, J. H., COUL'1,'ER. Will be (}ccopted in cxchan ll'e for Goods, \Vp. rejoiCl'l thot lYe rnny linger Ihi s lim" and lb e e lec tion. Id U 8 all be Pro4'ecuti,Ig AUonjey, TRUSSES. \ Vhere .I he clnh received itij lruel, CorwI n, AUI!. SIl. ftctive-tllik 10 the so ldiers nuout Lh~ SUl)l'QRTERS. And relJulre flO Hl rftll gera linl(cr D:A Vlf) ALLEN. 'hflrdships' tll ey endured. /lUU hoW' o ur l' All'iT-BRUSUES. M ." R I N G F I 1~ I. D To !lUlut OUL Ihy precious dusl . . 'Prouate Judg,; SHOULDEF,·DRACES: candidnle did the 8l1me, (b ut 11 01 a WIIITEWASH BRUSHES, And we !!rieve f,.,r Ihese-thy kiliuretl, wonl "bout hi s IIl umpin g the sLllte for WlLLIAM W. Wn..SON. ALL TIfE l' Ol'ULAR » 1)UnIJ hy love'd e nduring Iii'. YIlllandighltm). IIIMO ply thtm 11'011 WiLh Til E DEST DRILL IN USE. Recorder, r The hellt qua lity of Whu. lUll. Io uv tl pOoled frulll n loved one. 'oigger!' thM is th e WOHt pOlent weaThe III101erdignetl 110 ft !J erome A/?rnl in A. GOOCH. pall ill our IIfUlIlIo. Hully tor the 'nig . l 'drttld Iill : Iley Loo Bhu II ~ie. thid vicinity lur th ~ BLuve Wheot-Drill, A ..d;lor. widell he is prl!parl'd to lurn is h on lhe i'oIolhl'r~ ! you ngnin Hhdll mellt ,hem ge r!' we couldn't ge t il ion" without J. W. n.O~S. J.~ulhl!ra! Ih ey Hhv.1l weloume you, him. For n)('Jicin~1 I'lirp osp.~. to whicll the ot· best ter llls. Wilen lh i. world ulld till itl! borrOW b llRv ing proceeded t1.118 (Rr. th e lC lili oli of I'hYHiciBIlH i~ I!specin lly called; . Co..mllilliiolter, SAT ISFACTlON INSUltED. 1 I''ilu e forel'er frolll your view. I me mbe l·ti . {"di ng SOllltW\tIlL chilly. wiSt! · anuwhatever pertuin8 tl' n l '('rpoIl 8 wishi nl: to l'x omln p., CUll tlo AO HENRY SHEH \\-OOD, bv cu llilll'T 0 11 110", 11110 11' nell r \V nvneo' nrotlil'r6! Ai_le rs !-hp8vy hllQrt~d l ly conclud .. d tlilit Lh e n ic; hts wure luo lllfl"fllnT'!! Dirlldur. FIRS'l'-RA'rE cool {or further m ee litlg~ 0 11 Llie curner; 0 WILLlAIIl I3AltLEY. viI/fl. I Wl!l!Plllg o 'er tile eurly dllnd.' AARON ~'L'EPlIEN~. Aug'. 30. 8 0 It motiun pre vailed tll a ~ II. ", ll ex t 118I A II your j,,}," hn ve 1101 " " pun"ll HAIR-OILS, I~ur }' our purcllta ',"vl! nOI t1~d . sembl y 8111)uld be 80m ew lJerll d ~e . S~rORE •'OR S1'AT& E\EN ATOR, : Till tht ll, all revoir. !N. V. lIJ ~"\A ItL'Al'i D. . ~ S lrivt: tu briJ.:loIell 11 01\' Iheir pftthw8V, i M AN uno UT-ToWN. 1\ 1:;0, 0 goud su pply of ltETAIL DEAI.EllS IN =========="....==~ I 'I'''rou::" lil tl' d Hili! decliuiu/! ycurd. _ _ _ - -, . " A uti Il uliu your IlIJrrolV pr.y Mom: ' -4Lt; ADI.E THAll TIt E II SVII Y C I· C S ,DRY GOODS, 1'1111' caDle oft ; Thllt ti,lle IIIIIY' tlry yuur bitter teurs . ' NUTEs.lJolV lhat old cYDic. /:Ja m . A well-selected 8880rtmellt of the BERT Ilesday Thuf8dllY I\lId FliJllY I ., J olllI "u n, w<luld 11tH'e l'",velt.. u through • ' A uu m;y qro ee s upp or t th e Iuvtldollo -St:CH AS'QUEENSW ARE, weck. 01 Ihisculd "ud Jlul de led~ he urt j ! WcbMt,H'H IllI\~Bi\' e ne w U nllbr ;dged ! AIIJ CU llliurt th e uCbr lillie 80U, How h e would J,!lI'C ",Ioate" ovt:r its TI>:A, HAHDWAHE, COFFEE , 'l'rinily Church, (M. E.) Xenil\. \Vllo IWIII luth er fl OIY lIIus t vur!. '1 1ll11~nitice ut I" lte r ' pr ess !l lld il s Il luSlnIbL'GA It. icated 0J1 SundllY Iilst. This Ilrotherp, :::; i ~te rR. ur uur On] er, tion s. be "utiful liS new 'l'renMul'Y NOleS . GROCERlES, .MOLAS!'; I~~. 'Y ' ''nd mudt more valuable 10 tli " ~t uJ (· tll. tin"st I!di6ce in that cit}.. ' I: u;" elfl I\?(J' UpOIl 10 wee p t:il'lUES. _ . Fur 8 well·beluved 13rollier. Th e MoJl'riallls hllvu ill clHrd II fllbu· &c., ETC., ETC . McGUFFY'S & WlLSON'S BEllIES, - -- .• - .- , ~I(' e p ing \lOIY hi. tU bt IUllg sleer. lou 8 oxpc nse in IlIlvi II g th e IV 1I0 ie 11'01 k The reB~Oll why Li eut. GE'n. Gronl l '. i'tlw ritt t; n, re~ct, rl:Cll 6t, '.lId t~pub li, h &C .• &C., &c. I "UP I .Ii I W A)'n·~ •vile 1'1 I e 111 "0 y r \V"lIIi~~ 8holI,lllll "S 111m Irom our band ed . 11 is not II m ere rt: .. i. ion. I'Uut II ••~ i~ go y und killdly uir j A cUlIJl' lete assorlm enl of Invite oltellLion 10 their Stock or II home to ' rE' ce lve hllli. '" He II UIY h"tll rC" "'I ~ll G bell er Illud I n :cons tru ction. Tv in "ul'u exce ll ence F ur he kll ~ \v lIIe pu sdw ortl :hcre. in t:'pogrIlJlIIY, it COme" from tho) Itiver· l TON WA~HKR.- A II}' one d e - I . si d e l'r"ijR, which is 11 11 tlt"t lI ~ e d t., ij . I!-Ipnve nly I' ol her, gr.llt 'fhy pllBre Hliu /lbuut ilB mech ,,"i cule xt'c lltioll . It tu pUlthablS Ollt: of these ce lt: bl'll ' '1'" ,,"eh hl ld ev\?r\' oc hlil l' Ileft'l , . I . J .. < l iS II DlllrVI: (IllS Sp~c lnl t: n of ' ''11 1'11111:':. DR.ESS-GOODS , Carefully and Promptly Fill{'(.i. ---.... "in e~ . with wringer IIttllched. Alirl bid ullr 10vlI,/{ I"ilh increue , ' Iabur, resc'lfc h. lind thotl!. It is L\, fill' Th ~ bec t qllulity or well, Iu clIlI Rt thll ..I1io/(l; (,ItJulle Till li ll! unt! .. II its lliura J ep art. (1Ie!JI.·eatp.~ t li/erar.ll loor" 0' i/,e ",;e.0 ltL Dru.g-Stort~ . " l\IAII Y W. J(IIUlU:. 7:J.h WIl. I\\\'Hrd"tl lil t! Ii "~I I're · I .____ _ __ . Bulllllwre A.lll eriCllII.
IMenitt ." PriD~
.Dry and Mixed Paints,
I81 C lID
C0 A L
Patent ltledicines
L 1(1 U () R S,
G roc
- - --- -
GAITERS AND SHOES .D(HVfE8TIC GOO D S, I Physicians PrescriptioDs F or Ladies & Children,
1;& '
t. uf
ME~ N & nOYS' WEAR, '
lit til .. Ol,iu ~IIIL~ Fllir, rt!cIlIlIIY '1 ColullJ"us, II will lie laid chellp.
From our Noclurnal Reporte r.
_ -"!Ul1\:ric~. - . - - --- . ___ _ ' 1' .Agatn. Mess rs. Editurs, ll'ft! se h& you 1 " _. :"V' -,~ ~ _ _ , __ ,~', Mr. 1. E. Kill" hili on u:hibi · IVt,h 1\ ~ h ort nccuUll1 of tht 'Nuclurnul ' 011 1'hu r~Jn y Iilorlllll::. Seplr.lol>er 28 , f I I d I ,I Cuullcil'~' uoill!{S ut the re" IU ~ II I"! uf III~ lll ide'_ filthl'r, by ur sa e. 1\ "I"ge tin IIlOU bome ' . Itcv. J. \Y . nlUdllll, Mr. C h 'lfl~s C. N"r. nl ur 8hoe8 fur ladies, ehilclrll n OIl Ct! rnole we re Ih ey tn sol \' mn COil- ' ri. lO llisR Lucy U. illai. , ull " f WH YI,fSoys-IIUl !lIrgest I\nd mosI IIUfRC ' ,"ocation glllhercd. "C;lIin th e reBolUliotl~ r ille . '
Hats and Oaps ! ---:---
In Daylun, on til e 2ht ult.. b)' R~v. 1'_ be fuund in the mllrk ll t. · l.Jr. 1/llId other wRtters di. cussed At tb e fol' ul all killJ d ulwuys un liollo: is rushillg bu siuess . I\nd. like mtr met-liug \VeI'e tnkt'll (rom Lite pavtl l\lcCull"ugh. Mr. J olin F. 1-I1116c l" "lid ' ,;~ ::laid" I': . HGlti el d, bOlh uf L c hnll"lI. ' A fiue us.ortme nt o( It Ulan. III: R~\· erli6es. 01> lIud W IIC J'l'on t Ilty 1lau· 1 bec n' I Ald. ant! Ih l:! MI \Yurrt!1I C". 0, machiuery of 'le~isl"Liull' PUL in mo011 Ihe 2!ilh uh., by the Rev. D. lI r dell , LAl\IPS, lioll, wlat.-n Illwblll tongues opiuiolls ~I the re. itl~II "1l or the bri"e'~ IUlher. ill LANTEHNS, & II Wl\rn'n Cl>unty Fllir, IlI!ltlllt ~trulllj pruclllitneli. W !lrllilll:lOll. !\Ir. I"""c Duall, of Wil~t!lIk lJeflire in s., iti r.(!Jl.rt:8t~ltTbe firM busines8 in tlae order of pro. lIIillllloll, ullil ')li s~ Tillie lIhcy 01 l!ur CHIMNEYS~ I11\1'11Ig b "en vllry i muc. t. I IU"'I'IO t ' ceedurll " '118 cOllccmillg lbe fllmoU6 , e ydl,ur~. \Vurrell COUllty, Uhiu. uf lilly fVI mer yO/lr. The re 'Iock-up' 118 it is termeu and 80rue. --.-TOB~lCCOES, f~wf!r el,iril's. nllt! the IIt t.e ndellcll l t imes 1\ c·.. II, which the ~eople of lhe W I) .G • -S UC H A!!uplo Ille usulll qllotll. Let,us (llmolta lillie town'. o C WII)' llenillllla o ye '- - - I I <, In \Vftynesville , on Thurst!ny. ::kpl l'm- Fl~E CUT lowever, I lat Lilt! C,)mp.RI'IHtv e . Inh:ly ' been tiO much u:ercieed about. ber 214. Freddie Sht!wuiter, Igell 4 yearti AND PLU G . mlly nVl .l,e . 1111 O~~t:II . of .' IIny The IlIlnl~. , howel'er, is immate~inl, alld 4. dny.. Clc} AltS AND ellt d"cllne IU t~le .:IIlIt'reRt tllkt:II / Simtl it is II plact: tlley menn io which O n S ,\ lurday, th e 20lh ull., chi"! 01 SNUFF. tUI III tllIlUt:r1l in IhllL regard It r I . I CDlv ill Ugle . be e, "~CU ;.! y eurs. : '. ' , : " . • 0 8"C\lrll lor II S lort lime L 10Ie persOIlS \ BLACJ{lN G. I'l'Iy II It.-flil/vrar)· rcslillt: IIfler I 'wll'" II' Y t' ( t tl t On Tue ~d llY ,O ctob t>r 3. IWa r Ih is plllrp, DrJ AClrlNO BI'U"'lIES v.1I ~o we IIIl t!g orge Ie wspel' f . J' J .1 "' 1 J " .. \ '" ~. ngitlltiuliS of. \\ IIr, . . ' . . O. cun.UlllplIolI, 'c r Inllilu ~"lVllr s, I'UII ETC .. ETC. . ' ". ,', __ due 10 L,I."' Jl) sulveR n~ CI.IIZ"I.IB. lIud p~r- uf J Ullied !:;tl wurU ti , IIU,'01 .. buu t021 y('lIr~ . 1 DOAIID I ,. ' EDt;<-'4Tro~ for \Vnyne po~dy \ IOllItt lhe prinCiples of mornllty Ncnr 1llorroIV UII lla e Hilh Idl., o( 11.11 .. --.-hip me ,al LII!) 't8U~ time, iU''' tl,1l !,lId good ord(;r, which oughl to chllr- 1lll11iull o( til e /3~\\'IH~,.(j i ivcr H., 8UII h CI 1'1. k I\ch: riz ll 11 11 civilized cOllllllullili es. !::Iullluel • of I., ._ )ellr~. blld LUClUdu CUUUlJlglolI, Oiled Hi
- '*iirI-----
th.u .re:;l1ll\~ ---.Tlu: Council nppcared 10 hnve been adjubtillg IICCOUIlt8 WII8 disposed modilitld sU lllewbat ill Ill eir opilliolls U ·U)' .u!,"v lJle lU ;lI'lu!b. d'll etluc .. tiolllll .lun.d WIIS "I'IJOI' since our 11I8l I" !port . liS lhey hau COOl e C(jJ'fj ulllj Cvrndt d E very \Veel;. · 1I1ll~llg_ thl:!. III,llI di ~ lf, iet8. . to t I,Ie CUI1C I tlMlllU t I.Inl -H \Vuu 1,1U I.ut: Ull lIun \Vus rcct'II,t!d from the ntce ~s luy to Illilk o rCSl 61nllce 10 tilt.' \ Yhea l i? uu.liel, 6 1 00 ~ 1 80 of pnrl .. of. ·sub·districts N08' llIforelillid ·Iuclillp.' liS tho .thing would U ye ~.. 7U I (jill 3u 6, uking (..)r " . new ~ub·diHtl'ict cos t II 1IIrgu nmOlJllt u ( llI olley. AlluI tie B urlScy f 1l! h IOU lillt:d from a porlion ~r each \.'1'1 us le" B of till;: town we re lI ot 1111 unil Co rn 'v l ~u di~trict8. ' Afler 1\ ·p.relly· ' Lhor . 1m llttl subj"ct o( tllxing Lhe cilizen s to Fluur 1'1 bnrr el, '! al' "' Iour 1JI C\Vt , ol .'Ju x"minAlioll-o( their ~itulltioll. tht: RO gl'l'lIt Jill \: xL\: IlL.nB \vou I(\ be rr q tlir(;d. !l IOl lcr l ' 1h au \ \\'as of Ille opiniun tllUt tl}J! cllu se Suwc of lite 1p. lllling membe rs of thllt Luru 1)1 \L 25 would 'probaLI_v 10tie in- bo,ly. hn\' ing ~Iigltt scru ples a8 to th" , ~l!~d ' (1 um."n. 12 l'u ",IOCd ~I 1I11""pl. ti O gRin by the ' alteration: tll ere - Il'gllittyof Lhe measure. lIuyhow, th e l)ricJ ApIJI ~d Ii 1" )U ~ 12, ~ollclu~io" of this CUllllcil was tllat it c l,; ckelia fl duze'l, 30U
'" n
ii, • f,u '
,f he
Ire' m·
Sugnr :p I" N .· U. l\luiASlleg ~/ gadulI, O UII I Oil 1;-1 gullc'n.
pll55ed. milking it might refit tnlirt:ly cllsy ill tegl\rd io y of ~he :D08rd to caus,! Il 111:11 that mail er; II~ without II full cOllcur1" IRc~d on ~I\ch fchoolhou~e ill the i'euce of lhe wh ole bodv. th ey would :Ion
' 1
"I IIup. 'fhe B.)Rrcl IIl so (j.,cid"J ( Iwo new ~choolltou~es-nlltl in No. 2 nnu one in diRtrict Nil . 6; tto be eonlplelt'd rWXL summt'r. .Bt' Rrd IIdjoul'lled to nlcel ilL the IIQJ C, ill April next. DAVIi FUfl.N4S. Chairman.
LlS'l' OF LE'I'TEIlS ing in the Pll~ t Otlire &1 \VnYliea. • l:iepll!llIlIer 30, 1865, wlticll if '. 11 Ollt ",ithi'n all£' IIIUIII'h, will 'be Iht! GCllerul l)o~t Officll n8 dend esllinll for IIny of thes!! It!t1er e 8~y the}' lin! ~lIvprl i~e o. A. E. I\1J..:RRtTT. P. III. AII ~ n J GidJlnl!" Huldah enos 2 Ihlller ,\ J,. A .. 'c hllel Uuud!tllil R B ~ Gau 1:1 Jlig!!illj!1I /::Ie Hi 3 1thnhl A Ingl!! Lydill I D lit K irklalld Hllllnph T HC ,Miss Mal/ llie HfttriFOTl ~altnlh "'11110 John 1I1iu JIDnie'l'hotnll8 lHr" Patrick ' 'rhorn A At U Tay lor R 'J'hoini. Irt nll E , 'J'uraer lhry AU lla \\' ilijo u A DIva . ~-
J7 @.
\Ve shllll wn~llIlItl-" luw l' 1>11 hllnt! a genend "."O'imelit o( PlIl l'llt .Med icines. AIHo , j llS I receivpd 'rom Pittsburg', n go ud "lid well-selctll'd I,ul 01
Picture & Window·Glasses
W")'lIc~vllr e ,
And n General Assortment of
J IIn6 23-I-tf
Ladies'l Gents', and CHILDREN'S SHOES,
whi ch thl'Y offer nt the
The undersigned wi shes 10 call the 81IPlltiulI ur Fnrmers Dlld nil whom II mlly eonc"rn, til lhe toct that he Is «!nlPAred in Ihe munufaCluro or
is pre pared to do
~be.1 ~tylp, nno 011 the~horlet!lt
lIutice. Ullyllllll~ in his /in c, from 8 wlleclburrow tu Ihe tilles' bugl:Y· o::r Hnvin:z secured the B t'Tvi~p.e 01 JIlt. ELLI SON KeMr. ~ superiur wurkmun. Ih e mentiun 01 "I ~ IInme in lhis conncclioll will be Mutfi cicnt guurullly thut sutidfac· tion will bo /:iven. JOliN W. COLLE1"T. Julv 18 •
J. A.. C l{ 1 S PIN, Domestic Goods, (SUCCC8sor to /lul'ki ns cf: Crisl)in. )
Anu vuu cll linotluill o be ~ lIil e tl 'IUIIIIIY ar:d Iprice. Jun e 23- \.
At th e old siu nd Oil )hill Slreet, \Voyn esbOlh in ville lV uolJ i,,'urllJ h i. ulJ cu.lumcr. 111111 Ihe :eot of mUll kiwI, Il.ut lie bu. Il gouJ uR80rllllcnt of
Parlor and Cooking Stoves, nlKo.1l varied Bupply of
3.') ) uu
[) ~ Ie cr') IT
Fur (j l,,, II £' lll pn's nlld Bors' ;"P!lr. AI~o, U lorge ti ujlp ly ul ", 'e ll-bele cted
no t d" .. o to I(: vy th" tHX·.
Tilt, copper & sheet-iron \Varc
White Goods,
RID IC I NARY I I I I ca sh prices A II Sh Is GED n T 0 ~ Ifor sn.e at t Ie ~~"u: o! • aw, I1.LlISTn,\'TJ~:D ElUTION, 0 U T _000 R W 0 R K, ___ VP
!SI'I:;(;IAL l\O')'U.' I 'S. Hal' iug ti(;1 tl~d LII is stllisfllctorily, th e -- - - - - - 'l'I'OI'UU " Id!! Revised und much ctllurged. 1" li eh us l:lPJ UI ing, Roo lill (.'. &~ .. dune on " mOIl' complicllllld (Iue~Iion of C urrllilcy 'fhe M.I." .. nuu JllIllIlill C/lbillet 0 ... 1 shurt lI ulicc and ill th e ue . t IIl il nn t' r . wlla tak~ 1J up. and t;ec med to annul' tlr ,, ' ; 11"., lu, I! Iii II, ... ·"1 ':! I. •. ,,, 111 1,,,,1 Iv . :". ,."~t 1 Ju ly 3 - 2 _ _ _ __ _ __ '1 ' ' 1.1 I I • 1 I t I I II lid " ·"10 1.. ,."" , .... I" " ::t oU lu ~G 0 ,," cio . 1 1111' I lon~rllu C )~( Y more I Illn illig I , t .~e_ I I!_I; "" GO Ll) V I' ~ ll.n: l{ ~II': IJ A I.~, td' .. . I",. l lu 000 WORDS lind MEANINGS 1101 \\ lIy \\'11 8 It - Ihllt wl\e the qllt:btlOn 1; .., 1 I" "''';u" " II "'" nl ,·01 II" II '. 111,,-1 .... ,,<1 (;", ' I ' ,I I D . , . IUUIII I II ul Je r I C lIUI.IHIt' ti. -thllt Illmost t:vt'rybody vreft'rred th e "Iu;; u•••• ,,1 Irte. Add .. e, •• .\IA SO.'" 6< II A ,\ I , Ovr.r Ih iny hie Arn eric:ull ulld E uropetlll ) k I' tl d of i"rorming greellullckllwithoul aspeci e bR~i8. IOI L.IN: ll"' IOII.ol' J\ t A~;O;\, I! H()TI II': Il", ..N~\\ 1 scliulurg nl,I"},,," 111>0(; t1d~ l ~ vl~ion. tiilrn)"~~tI~l~e'~~~I~~dll~lerll"li"(;e" C~..., B plHce I III: 1\01\:8 0 f OUI' own .,tllte ;IIl " Ii , ' l I ~ I \ v-,k,. - 11 1.1 _.- 1, 11, 1'0.1 IhlrlY \l'euro uf la lior expe ndcll .lpUil ,I lIy , IllOt 1 hn ve re lll ovt'dI mv ' rujlied II. . , o( bU Bl lle"8 til Ihe 8thllli (urmer Y UG ., I , . . . I Oheu.e Clllluot IIIn c h lhu oe who u- c "ranches . and t Ie r~e In 811tlllluII8 () bll el" .. UHh" ~~ , t:ie\'!'r~" lbblJs 01 /!r ent 'vnf.of', OIlP of litem I lly I\1rti . Thulll us as (1 !".ncy Slur\!. Ihe kind in our own Sll\lc? " 'e \.'\'(' 11 "I • . . 01 h!ty [I Urlu r u~"~. EXl' lUllnlury UIIJ )',.., Olilic/ilg. U( lIulII .. " ill tic II 011 01 Opposite the Rogers Hoose, . . I V.. III,e R u b ll~k s Illltt'rs ore kept III th " know 1Ilt:1l 1\ ho ... ore roundly In tile I funll iv clrc !t', III _c".a IIC,' cr elile r. . ' ~ r Ol ld "',., pl. ce~ Il he uduhYIII9 &c . I I er I 1' < ' -. In III u ge II pllbL dUll lite grl:e llb nc kM would UI' Th ee,t! il ,it e,. ItnV I! lIee ll ',UUIIII 10 b~" &\' .• "" A~lIudd"n. i\c,,,,JiH. Ai hll ll 'y, , lte .' where I .lI11en J I 0 \I. ee p 1111 'I, ~'f .·1 . til . 1 ' 11 I II I k perf"ct allll uule lor r""'UvllI l: II, e hrri l l 'C II CY . Mlliher ChT\', 1I1 .. 6UII & l)IX UII'd UdoUrlllll'lIt or \Y ur k, bu . CALL AND SEE. wor I.t:bti, W 10 WI now Iftrt y o~ III .y IlIJlL" IO~ 01 1I '-' lIrly '~I~ tli "en. " • • il Ink<' II , ~'W . Mr. MicawLd', &1'. 111 Y 0 \t' N Hll)'lhllllj t:ls~. or UOIU ot the nllllo ulIl ill th e llrup~r L1111 t!.. 1 hey ure .cOUlpu~~U , CU ll lu IIIIIIg UII~ li lill ,.r ol.~- r·lU rlll more ulid the be~t 1ITII IHl ij vI cUrlllncy. Ah! Ihiij national cnrre ncy ul il!::r~d l " 1J1 8 ",hid: hoO kll u~".n b y th e l IIIlIlI tlr 111"11 UIIY ,,,rUIN eUll i" II"_. C1TY MAXU}'ACTURB, 1 ' . tl • IJ u { -II' I , IIICUI C,,1 I"rult y to b" mus t I'lIi cncHlIIs III From II ~N ~Iectrotype p'~ .te~ ulld Lll e Rlv, -I lilt Ii Ie un II eSl CUL 0 .1 -~ III tll~urU Crij of II, e .tunwcl, nlld I.. te"till(,~. ' ue pre~d nad worruill tu J1ivll snliefb(;tiuli. bt!avieaL blow llaftt h1\8 yet been struck 'l'h~ir m~d lcinnl prul'ertie~ are 80 v,m· 1 t:r~l _ • 'rhftllkful ior the vcrv liheral pntron.~e IIloul' cht:ti. he d ioea of illdepe lidanL uu ~, tlo al Ih ry prove beJl~fi c i lll in "" COIll~ III on e ' olulDtl ~!/l1 ~!? nO),RI Quorto for Bev ilral yeors be6 t~ w e d, .. hop~ , liy . I , . pl ulnl s. ol . '. lll1l ijU~Ve r nulUr e lhl'y ol~y , '. , II. " " clule atlenlioo 6Ild 1~lr dl' llh llg . tlull to aLMe t1~bt8. ODce lit the government be - hllilce tla ... ir great Jern li lld aod the GEl TllE LA'lESr, .\. gell erous contl3uanceol Ihp . nme. 'l'ltis we know to be pure .. .. "e pr?o' get tblll currency fairly es tsblished, I\lId uo:veldul guud dem ed rrom ' th ei r UBe_ 'GEl' '1~HE BE T,' men ' I. E . KEYS. cured the Cider frum reliable' ~r8Q~' III Lhe stale rights poli cy so strenuously A judieluUd use of Lheec ]Jitter.• imparlti . • GB 1' W1!:BS1·ER.' The rnn'rke, price It III limes psid fur thia nlfillhborhood , Ind permltt~d It too , b I ,d th e rUKe-lllit of healtht " th e cheelts. Dud I I \,. G &. C lHERRIAIIf nreen Bid es , Calf :~i lls Dlltl Slieop }lell,. lurn til ,illellsr o.n our own prllmIN"e.. urged by our 'Southern rol len. an he, Il'h and vigur tu tile el!tire fllme. l .I'Ub ,IS lot uy . " . • u MERRITT &. PRl TZ" uo kSII etroD"ly Le ljercu by ~ho." lof 11 .4 l-l- !H SI?rlllllfield, ~h.e. July 3.• Ul I. .t , J( .
Over 3000 Fine lEngra vinf.s! _
i '
Hoop Skirts,
REM 0 V A L . MEN'S AND BOYS' II AT S, rl;!.,
[3OO1OOli~ £~[ID
GREENB!UKS'T!BE 5- .- -n.-\ 1 6-£ENTI .\ R UL NIA PENXSn.VA A.... __ (,RIlAT __ I Shoddy nP,..~. Robacks are "'A'I'Y"~ ])()tlbl~ 'l'rack llo-ltie hes, Watc r Silve and Gold NT, ISlHrE TABL E AL Mt;SlC , ANS V -E L -J OE TIle .Pa~il cQrr~dent of the Tel· \ I D R. ROB ACK 'S... ,~I I ~ill. ~ ffiV 11 VlE J.2r J \ w,·orll. 1 1' ay, Broadw I No, CER.! EYAN ..,.. ACH ""'I'I'IIV I""I P LIT -13U nG '1'0 P HILA DELPI nA . egr~;;~dw;"i:; llere nt IllSt; lind 'h~jSUn\,EYOR, CONY ON ) '11E ONE Vc).J.L.U C PL.<\~. IELtlUEO Il8. CAIlI)lF.T
'-'A lt O '
ORGAftS . l J'I ASUS , m -A Nf}1 / --moullJ vi Paris wulel'S Rlld Ih e e Rr s of 1 ,II kindij , lid o DuuKs, lC us ~l , MUSIC IlEET I or Ihe .W!"~ I , Nort. l~ 1! J pnl'liuns L 1111 !P!1'~: FIUIII of ock t l S of Entiro 80l!UJ 'rhe lind raris tin~ltJ RI Ih~ sighl 1)1 ;\l tI"lc~l l lI. trum ell lij UII.1 MUIIC Me r. .;)9 .u ils well·tille d poe.!;e ls . 1 hn ve JU t r eo d Silver Watch Man- \\' c~l "'HI ~ ,,"th . 'V.e"l, IIl1s III;e IIl1d II~r ChUIHII.e , ullho luwhl rnlfn, II], " It'd ule JOG ld Ohio. c, lIl 'ICtl' WSf I. I , J e'lr C.' II11 e~I \I)IIE fl'r lll either the f Inrle,,1 IUTll e,1 flOJU . hlllf ,IIO·hou l's I(}un l!~ i n a.n 0 ne , · Mo! Uil il r ~lu il 8 .. co ll" It'IIU PiUll tl •• "d Y Ih r li h l r" ul illo PIIIIAd ~~flltio: Ne Y,tl! · , l ew ~ lmmens two ry, ufacto 1 lite COlIl't yHrt! o r tilt! GrflnJ ll Jte l, 60, lotl~U ll8 nlllr eD t \)lH!!OInS. Prlce-, " \>\ 11~IIIIII:Iuli. I l,e it. J' .'. Iuli l.ltt lllllloreI I1l1d lid ' ai , ver-P Sli ne o nts llshme b nil Esta I ow N Shodd y 's h~Adq\lnrlt·r~ . U~ bolu hi m 17 , 100 I "~ I jU 15b 200 ond $""5 G ld P n J u~ ' h . , . I -I " I , . , U e"l · neo:J, :1~IYpt'~r erl eXIl .p~~~el venrs' Illel'~IIII It \\ fuurteen may ho,l ler In!! trllvc ,11 11 e e· In~sgrHc e'rone rec I 10 MOU8kB colUi lI c': pwar.e lllll tllldg III : I~ m" g 1'1l: lur:l 5 UI Ulid IIdl)WIf~ 11uw .. Ii. . ' 'tl ' UlillecUO ce or !\I eihci 'lo. u n~ r. hi" 'j ' C lUI" Jj~ l · IIHun , enOl 1 a a.n · y, l'pli oli Cil lor CO lil ru rl , I 10 tl l, an rell,.l fully upon lll'O chain , (,III' IIr\ll til/ ow n It"I Ih o prtH,1 h I 811U ~ 811 u e I,'uns .1 , I" eve. Il III II II'ty, i\l b •• ' I ·1 Ilille Ui \\Ith 0 "I' llS " lze clt liI"JO~e llw e ltl b To I bftc k· CJ f I IIe t 1II IU, li S ' u ou t I ro,eb6 I un ~ " e rv,eeo "U II purchll." '. l unllY Pijy clC Ii . rt' · OYH I,e Ihul t' II II'li L' prucu rp .l . N~IY 'I,d ('l e:(11111 t.;U:sT. TO tU ItJ:(;Al li'j' "ITUO I · cell'p d lu r lite 5 KI1I~. ",e l c.rs . lur day and llI~h' Ben Ice . Wayne sville and V1ClDl ty. ___ ll ee I I ~S llll g , :11 lin .e cvaL IOII consl CI"lllill' . 1.1 d I TI lt! I/ Orlll r Will e rs' F 10li OS III J iII pl,.. . l "ce li l ly bt·ell tluull v~·~e I I " II,0 le l1 hlll' 1IItIIl"'" H,I< l. nbly ln g-lie I 11 11111 hi S hUll!. u p(. n Lhr ,,,.u h•• I", II( Mil", /lIi U JI,· (). ffI L' ~ /III IIh e CM II " r II ueon a GIB U~ IIl1 e ulld dllroh ltl 111. 1111 11""" t8' Thr f: ",,,1! Ill e 01 1" "tI,1 "r" .",11 ",,,11" ul RU"' I Lu b . '1 . iuCtm,r ll . 1/ II sylya f LI III \VU(J J ,n 1'1:1Il1 f " tllIl ol llt IU n· ca lal , nw u UJle ""or.. llw.1 e. \Vllrrull led lor hl'tl yeor ••• ". 11,,,1,, ,, ,1.,,, ,,,·1.' •. lc .y~ u. IIIHltltl:rHn·lil"l palml~l s . III: is~ mo · , onil~I~.nl'l1ryt J Ppo 1'111'" 11I1I 1I1lt r In n il ... ,. ttll' p r" I ' r ltt l"311~HI t i l l ~IU ud . 11 e \V{t 8t run I J to. ' Price!] 'fre aLly I t'JUl!U U fur Clldl, c ntf e8po r ly prompl 11~ • pal cnJld NI"ht CJ::JI waUd I I IHlrlD.3 ll1lc "t , II I Il!tlllllt:!d h\ lj , 1,"Uid 1I l:il lg bl~ fW \c il t!a e ll/lU, while lie ~ -h "tI,1 I", l',ol;""e"II> , I_I, ... nl.". 1 A I P III.liur[( .l rollla rom II , I,s, .\ I s I IO:-;I 'J'EsTD o r "U IIU~p ot, \~I!ere l'lIs.e":~ 1 IIHUI I o l "l "dlre l """,hu Ih ~ r~lurll of Ilia" Ifll Rnd ( RUI! I~er : ;II :~::'I·II".' l knolVlI re . lnnos l' Tll e H orIlCeW"I C 'd· "l' rd ure IrlilitiftJr r.~ 10 t he I fill liS III t 1 III)'" thdl dJil'c- bu it reCI)I'ulI(J A.llEJtl CAN )IAN(;I 'ACTl ' llE, l Celli'. I RbllWlI1' , Whl Ch li S III"uIW Ih e very li e~I-N. Y EVUI ,,,,tl . ' I ~I' l! 1I 11 8 V IVU UIU td I • " gll"~lm 1"8.1 fema lll s hoddy lI~v~ r IVIIU.I:I rtllllll l rll 1 IIS~lInL ,llIYl"lIlll 0 n ndtlHltl lJ 1 " r' P-Itn,J JJl: rc lH~y "O~TIN(lE~ Till; PIIA C TI C E O t· I l:ott. // POIll 1' 1 ulher ul UIOYIl Oll~ /)\lr~ . I'lll 0 ' 1 1"0 w. , o ILt 8A ,,' "l n!, ~ "h,, 1l1 ,,1. COIIJU. I ",,,I h" I \ Vc con epeak of I h~ mer llo uf Ih u ' I",,, .. 1 1,,,,,,"lor,,,,d t 2 . l "d folloWR : '"I1Jlon g p" s t (nrty. Ih e fill'I , un ti hod · \ P la nus fru m oe rs unu \ !1l:l1l lj.l. t" jl l .. uti' " JI:llt!t ll ~~'!~II,',~',I,~Yu:: ''t:'~II',i L'r~' I \VU unHO H " , )/lY E ~I'II£ss- LA.ves. PI: I .~Url:' I~ j , ' uu,, "''' J, vl.! . III I"I ~I" I"':"",. I~; t!y bib boh Upri bht. for I t sh e wouid ~,~:',' 1";;1;', ~I ., Indlll'l'8t1un, J uu ndlre. ;;" I~t ·· s , nol to be cx re\l· , k I. U'l Icd j,te, us bC11I1! IIf the I er y U~.I rJ!""P~ I' 'lIlelie ot br .. Olls rl PPllill VH .IU , 1\8 1\J In A. hel 50 hnlf ,,'" 0 Ih "I 10' 11" lJ ,,70 wOll o' l v. ' urld " ,,,I,,, Ih. r~cltne ,:: ""' .·It~.1, ",, ,I" Y Cfr. Il II rprfllo lon or Hpl . lIs. e CIIl~ I II \ I ' M ""I . -Cbrl~I . ly " 7,,0 'lulI Dt I"~ ived II I AII OU Il Ii ult o! h) U. III tI,tl !,ubl l". 1UIIo. ,IIIUl< Arr . Ii liS I\ud whilo sl"i~ " 6b ~ ue ed I1l1vwh c ' ~. NOli e bUl It !l 1t).Ill A. \ Th e ll orl,ce \ V"lers'1 '1 "1108 ure \JlII I'I I"I l". ,,,I d erIl R I!f, m ~"1 8111' I IL~ dh:""t1 re rullC 8 45 A . 1\1.. l Upllc:,," I 1 t I I I i ub I I "I I , ., II rae 0 1 A Ie. f I" \ I I &,1 I , ~ I 11 J:; 8 T MAT J:; HI A L U d Ii: D • '1Ir II:rlS ,I , . Fur U"bIl Il IlI Clll'erl\O a ~ I h~) ure ;\1 1'. all 1:1 u 1 I.., ue st unu " l ost t I I)Tu u g dy :;C II OIU,h II ~~ " !I 1.1Jei. sIres ~n be SCUll. '" It, H I S Inmonl S 10 • nOL l):-1I.\' 0:-11: I • tnlll(' rlttl - Ad vuc tlte &- J ,"lrllill. nce , side re Nflw o . lIi 'II. al ul arl ) retlummr nded.ICI, lnl( Ila I cc i .j:' b e! _n.-Off llior CA ", IJII,tl nM I: •• T 1\1 . r e IV! h I. ,,,,,1 rounu II 1,,1. ' vII ,,,, h~s pCllrlS her C ijr~ . sh rs' I'JllnUd dnd lIl olod ru li' clt 'Ii'\.lI lI l" t hll , ~ ,,1 [.. r "") 11 ,1" Itl ~ V"le \ .a! " l, M, 1, P. 1. JU:.!O III Il, aa d Mlr~n ltlh 10 tbe II bo\" hilmul AHt;'u\tlW t. VI" ::iI'Cf Yurl\, M.III i ii 011 1111 11 ' d iU "tllLl l,lt.: IHII,I I., ,,,r loti.", " I ll \l" II~ck . a lld a NI .•ga m or ptllrlS IlVlVlIIg l' l l fl e CO mpUrl b(H I ,vl lh Ihe tl ll t':H lHud l-' ThClll\ IIl1 lc r~ Rr~ Mfh'aIlBtJIIJ' I, 1\ J e II: I1)11 ~ l~I 'J ~ ( 1) 1\1 ':)7" 'P111 \1Ne w \ urk ' lI"n"" "lu " 1" ' 'l ~ "'V . "t. l ~ over hE- I ,noun tain Ull 8 bu 0 10 . Sue IJUS I II I U ~u.p ~u ,n ~~\\ hero 11& tllO count r y ,-lJuUhJ J our- \\ ':;~:V~!I:' ::11 lh'tH I 11 ( ' II lh lit CIJ llltl und are .. ut~ iiI' ~ tlrt I par"d, lt I , . ' L~ 1U... ut . lllu hlllluc!p J VHI 11m! ,) l I \\t t: J upon Ir.1I , 11" P l ,l,IllI": ti l I II~ ~ • u' ~ '" ul hrt& vy braCt I~t9 OU, \t!r H'OO9, flDgS II nl , ...... • 50 5 • nl IJllr[( " III P Otl Up MAIL L I NI-Ll'IIV~ri lll~ r hngt'r!'i, nnd ",0 1111.1 havo bel~~ Bu,oce \ Volera' P " "ll1 FOIl,'S li re vi . "" d." I'"'''' '' I.. " " " M , "IOPI'II' /! 1111111 rl'!!ul", . lllll " ,, " 'I Ill': I' LAN I S sllll'J, f: ! Iler 1 0~ ti If ~hll pr~Ju ,h ocs of ~oclely we re / rlul.l'uWC il 8u . ~ lI u l1l e . e I1I1U rich f"lI. \ ' A.lIt., JI ",rl. I"I<l! r (j . , " 'lI, e ll ,,,,,, Oltlll lllll,,,,.·. II, ,, I' I,,, ,.I , -., . •\ II IIu lI " t" l l t 4fJ nllllvn or !lOll I" r ll1 nls, II rrb., not Ilg81D.L such u. htlhio n. 'fhe S h Od - I \N Y MlI •• c" I H.~ vlel\ Ul,1C , ltYIlJ 1"u"II'''' 't " L I I.~II !I/OIA 1'11I NIJ l!uI A ,urtl""' ' 1I1 I ' l ': l '''" l I n''d ; r II " ('' ,I d ,, "( " ''I d \\ ''''; d II"'" ("'ld, , 8' 1 ~ I 'YII if ll 01 Rnd N,·NO. 11 bl tll lIRl e bl'l'n ;,d 8S li "III llds lrle llliIlO, r dc 'Uu .. ' . I I' BI IInti NulV Y IJrk VIII 1'"1I,, Ille ll Liullu d Conotyanccr, ChI/lit .Ag-er,/, , I,. 1, ,111 1" ,,,,1 I"" ,,,,,I 1" .11,"1'-, , y ~1~1 ~Or l l\ l lltsl l ~ ug~ n I , dl'rrt ual b, lon l( m ed ll'A1 n l'rrl, ••~'.• " ' Slu ro the v~ry Ii cs l "'.o rl l1 ,elllI 01111,,-1 ' l ' E' )'/} I n II .. t'ld .'! III l l ' n ll ll tl l , I"" , d I 11 1111 11 II U I ICY I 1\ltlltli J 115 U l'tyllr u eo U tJ Ie W 10 \ P' mOl l et . ! " II" " 1'1,,,, d It, " I ul 5 /1..111. ,,,,,,1" . (O,c/ "J ge71tfur re ~/l s e f 'i Hlle ,,".1 , ptr.!Sr" 1/1(1 n' Iu b lt e TORl r ... II" I,,"'p" ~ ll II ZS 110 III LplIVP n 1 IOll ,\1 ,e 1\1 l.!uWr b rig~1I8 up n9 witl l a sudden lu uS l:HJt. lI III NU A f 1I11~ o Pl"rT ~nUKt, dl. II 1. :'1 !Ill v iII. r hi I. I L IFE' b.su rall ce CO ltljJ(//lie~ • .1 \ oi l \\H I ' IIIHI \\I !I 1111' ( II .1 '. ,I rrUrv lu K an4 f llrln f( th6 I\)O\ C 'tl L\JUl!IIZIIIt:'. rll o Dh -Gr ~tutee. , Iv 11 1 111' I II "!! l" l' I' ~I ~ l u b Ul ,:L 0 f su n IJeU ul s.k.Ou a s lucy ucscc nu , , .1. II "I. , ,,. "I V I' .. ""I' I" , r, I'" " 1",,1 I' II t o lJllr~ I, I I :W ." , u· s 111 ro ll U. II " P, tl' r ~ \Vul urliclI 11 pI IlIRI ~. Tbl'8e IIltler:< arc lb. IHlOII e Tli l t, Stree II,7:!U Sln nd , nlnll1 1111 . 101111 11 0. Alrllt· ." t A II"",,"l w Ille!' Lltey d o some" hat he lu Ii), . Iro m O ffice lit I h e O ld , ,, ,, "dll . ," .. , ~ .. ,u'""I I"'"" .. ' Ul.. ,''' 'I .1I111l 1' 1.llb \ I'rlrnd. SIl llng 111m m ~ lI) dorl ••\ lUIlO ulld ekgll ll llill l,I, -N. Y. ,~ OCriur t. 11,_, 0. U(11 II I 11\ I ~ 1 I~t:, ,111. L S"l dltdolil l ,,1 U ' ,' ... . d I \VAYNE ' ,,, ::J I l I , tJ · I Ullf;I ' mu I1'rI tl \ L' I b~cArrulg~ .t h~'uI8I1prol ut'gc . ' ' 1'" I . 11 .. 1. Itl. r, \\ IIII \ \ I II ""I II I"'' I I P ~ I , 1I n~ well 11.< Ibe rll'll mil o'S &(J Ilt? I Lit".110 1I t:. 1111"lfCr. I 1 ' 11.1 III t il ' I I I · I l illy l\t)lt<. wh. c h J~I"I II II G: ti ·It) ,\ ;\1 l a IIC flLLl ~ . Jns L.0l.lO< I ,,, ' 0" 0 Ii vLi II II I.. " 1'" '" ~' .. " II., i',,1 " n.II d n Clll rlllll l s II [ nl Iced I" ul euulc clt itts !::i P n)lld p, olld prtlceeds re· l 'Ul l.J\Of LP III,\ J: \I'H I ~s - L4'n\le", 1 I. ,,, hn l u I II. lit nil! lon' nlll II" 11111111 ~ , in !;re1\t p nrl L h~ y t!o, cll lli ll I\Tluor ovu I (j::)"' Cullecli olls CHtlliu,:;u ps of Hltf"c t l\IU tdC 0 1,(1 ully ~h..l lj- • II \\ 11h 1lI I Iy ht 1 •11 , 1ut } _' ) . ' . M , p.tul'I)llI lr f'l l hl hur" i u ho ROBACK'S BITTE~S, ,.. \t l l f tldIU' \ ut llrl i. l l') U ~ 1111 lilt ~.· tll lltlt .. t ht: lr clolhes. Shod dy Jilms e Ir. cigar nl l l1t!J at ('\lrr~lIt tn.le:;, . 'd l\lrct' ltilt' lH , t) U lae t II I llt'tJ ~ tlL11 l I Ie " I) lll" lr l,re[" III lll((ll)I' t hJO I n L e ak l p."," rrt\,t'~lIt /\ herl"l .... L U!lUlitoo. I f1 Clpul \ c:o tda, d , 1 111 , f U l l l . l i .\\ llI ~ .111 U1 U U II1-1' 1' , h ,·P I 1Z . .1". F t lll l "'l lU : In vh,o.otln ll' Ihr w•• k .ftd ) r e t ntrip romro.l ~t;.t! J 11 1I!d 1 le81.l .. lll l !j Il l: \' cr UU " PXC ~ Jlll O c.:f\t, t) ul , c h l'.' I - ' ll lu r'''-I IIIII I, 11 I I" tJll.Ull 'tl llll hl llU' lIIl1d PfI - OIIlJIHOC UflUi! bo('k Puy B\l ' llI,lId~ . I SI If:ct <i\luc l I lIT " " ltI l ~ .. , 'L J " B~' u"" ( pill \ .. 11 \ O l d '" II ' II AllIIIIIIU . J.) l' r\J ., bIlUnl. d, d.l, IDII 111'111 mela ll tboll l , I I ', ur i rUl lI l VI'" I \,11\ I c.l lt Dk , ors pl - oun , 1 t;S over to l leru . Ired P eUtuo olt uf tlec eudcd :Sui . he r:;, CIIIH- S lee r, "urk \\1 1' N . .1 ,t' 11i nil" h 1(1 1111 ")\I~ 1\ M I Uti tlll w r v 7 A. 1"11, [ . I I Of( II II re or ml ~e .) O D ~ or con fJl l 8 l.U8 wt\ tcl 0 Sahbu th ~ .; h ClOI, nnd cJl h E' r Huuldl. pub. \ ;':111,1 \ \ ho l u lJ lti II lI l n t. II 7 U5 , COSl Y a Rlr t H b s re n 0 1111 hie. 1, " ,\III •• "ti,",} ulh" ,II I" I·, i\ Ile ll t"" II , IU AM., 1'1111.d,·II'''I''''' 1'1 IV, '. ,,, '" • b Ih, " ~' I" I ~nJ u ) m,·nl. Th.80 BIll. rs hau ler,. \V. u,"ce lI by eo ·htl llu~ II'I II J . ' LJI'e Gn d Fire I n8urU ll re P ": lcies I.suod lisll tl· I,,·,I"Ie,,' " I II ," '·"IIII .. ~,, " "I A. ,\1 , Dlld N"I, \ vr ll t " II l size 01 10 Bllja lldr tu an Iho lown c.10.!\; I II,, '" II,,· trod uted, ond 1111) brlnt~ Ul\td • e'hool B C!II. ~ CJ t , S lh \ UII Sablnl I 1i " ,IIIulI 111 .. 11 rd term e /!C" vurHbl 1" :::)lrel'"I "M "d M " LI pruelll , '" ond . .. I''I,, ,·'',)'cd . U"I ., ''1" .oI l'''''· II I,II''n,,,), I I~ ' !Lbo \'a IllS li end , and h l!ltln~ Ihal II I ... 10 !lie bO!lpUal! , bul among Ihe IIlI (1I I d"l iI I I HUllt \t (1I !lt: I nll IU(l. I II.) U~' ll' l lI . • .~' () R ,N l ll lI lI'" IIl1u \ Sa bb:aI ID.Sc "ooI Uta 81alt8 hi s lu tt: llti o o of I luuch~. o u Iti'w e 'If EFEREN' CE- ..J ayeurh r Cdl f CIJC (,l lI t ll s I II", ,,, "1 10·,' t1"'I' wh, co Il I' Ihl; Ir,II II Irum l lll ,, "" 'go I " ,tlll I A ilcli' I, "'; "" .,,)' D~ An DPpeU[fr. lonlr, Dad Ih a l I t.:l • 7 . ·J ", r.""III,e c,,,,, ully uu , l' lt ti .ltld I' IIIII , ",· tl lu Nell Y"rll.VII ,,":1 'I'~II" ,, 0 ,IIUI.. putt'"g IIUl!t oUls lde o r &ornelhlDg CO III IIIUII II)' al'I', II~ I'I' Ibe ~) Kl tm Ibruu glLoul Ib e \.011 I ~ I . u~h ro lh I t'JIl II. rl g hl oti.· '1' uo l a ul e~ r ep lyi ng . CIIII Iv;\ ", ' lad c lil. D e: h 'J !UO !"1 ,II.Lur! P . • "·e " ..-,. , I 1-''' 8T L I~~: -LI' W .\ ,\,(,;1I U E [' ,\RT,U l:; ','I'_ t lll:ir nOB~ 9 , th l\ l lh ty h llVe no ' ouj ec. PR I C';.: ROBACK'S I' l'tl I b ltlqll ll g Hil ly ill ,UIIII I II d ~ tIlIIU II :f I 8huIlM.' Lbl:wlto lepn l lyslllne n tld l ilt. :11 1 1' ,llul LlH r ~o! d IIUIIIIII~ tu", t-.~'I. l (. f:JH oI OdnrJ, d\lz; r pe ~3 rl', r CfH' np" I' \J;\l\Jl ll ll rr ll~. \ \ rfl\t"'lI t Alh"lI l l1l1l:'!J engaged 1", b tl d noun ,li .: tl J.;u ldh Il IlL lllPC lt\"' o.Ih, b) and a llb lhe ro n!tl'nl o! ' d l it! up lhu steps. nut! h l'~ litH [\1 l i P ol J:.!U l . t ~t) llh. tlt;l lll lI G n"Ul d ltit' "', A +' ~ (jU · t,; lu th}:Uibot: .,U ('J It'O IlItrg¥"7 3U I~OUt...!t' A ":DL U'!' I HId "'\"~ :l;..t! 1 , 1 11I11111l1 ~ ( " 1'\' lhd 1 0,; , I k '-b , I ~ • k r 'I ;! III"'I It~ l t "IOI rnl 'IIIhonl, . 10 I' hl ) I' ., 1'" I 11 \ ~U I " t e p t r,tso IS ::; 0 ,,"l c dhull " .W l.. XI I ," . '~ '\ \ . u l I\ t V i l i . (' II U\\ II, ... . lu lIl g: ,li loe 111 I BELLS .N os . land2 ,lnI . Vol u m e , I ~IJ'J , .III ,", g v IJ II " ".,," 'I ~ I'~ "S of ~I ~n !l:'b I "III ItllArnnlt t 'I" . V t. •• I '(' . · n Co rl'pl\.I, l n l ll k, ur ~"·g \ d 1\ lln ... 11:" ltl g L.I .111111 nlr " ~I ' dy-tll ..... I I'I" " t I:) bO l' I~ If ' .iI",·, 1t""III'" co ..' 1'1" "U I' IIIl lI d~duJe: , • d \ 1110 I~"" ' 0 ",nlRln a IRl'Kfr 1 l .tl til, Ii l !J -.l:.!. 1 , .' 1 Hou. o uml Lnl Si ltl I ~15,riu p"r Il "Z" II . C iul it E tn bu-sc lUI) t.t' l I. \ t"r '1 dv l f hIlIlU,, " t : .oIrl ~ I ' " ~' \fIU Pit .1j~~~Illg o r S II8sbo urg pi e. pl clded nl ' l il: The vo,luoble n. ~~ u J r pe tl'lll ",edlrlu a l InJ( rtd ltftlS aad ,2U :si , I II (j I , . t I 1 t~l/p"tr. . o"",,,,. t .)'l..1( */1 and , ," r, I, 11 . ucumb(j e c c lI, .,~." Iutlnll, ·d", cr , lobsL I." mO il , .)tllI d. I,II 1,",1 , • Ih In ItO) olhrr Kloma.h Ulll t~ 1 :Sl , I 'n il:: (1 Ilti STI AN 1111: I.O ll l !':'I' rca, N(,rt. 01 sl~e ' ,11 l & F ,,, EU ~. Ille ~n d, ale '''"IILU CII'I , d' f . o I'\I, OLd~s ," b p"" WO l 1III ' v b k wu o 11 d . ch ~~1IC . WILSIH: c.l [Jal i ll ult ol/" r t ' ~I11< ~111111'''i~ I ~ ' ri'tltl s -' lt e I'. I" ~ I " mnrkrl : and II) nllnllll.l""n wll b I . , tl" I lic lwe e l1l lt lrtl un,l "lIr, lI s L r~el ,..~II u I U JO. e ull J I' Idd - II 01111 n lI ( )' ll1 l1~u e Ch ( UIRd c ){ w A ne u ll "r~u I" IJ' .. '1' k ' :1I1 ':-i I' \ltT 'l' I U Y U l'I It Will br _ n III OliN'. lbol 1.'1 I o . n OIiC U " WI I IV Int I IC propNIY oC MllS.ill. ItUIJ£Rl 'o- Id JF\\ I ur \ ,'ul ly l 5j;a,6U. \t~lIq h' vM~ ll . ~HIt' ~ ror Ie e l s l'r lcc$il I»·rl.!u ' .. " ~ . ~ ' " 0 1 I" U, ""Y 'Ireshe utr u p.' ~ t prlY II ICA li lp' (III d II gu, ,'1S lt c Ii "ut lI ) ll dl ~ S dll uomlllllt a aa t CO ii. rll I:!O :::, IlJ III . , . , ~uu tll .II I1,",,1 rl lI J!d (. , 1\' ~ , J )Sc Wa.r eroo m s , lind (h e 'enlle meh 111C Hou.e IS \Ve il buill . III 0 p icnill ill Manu fact oryan c r. l ..r :!lilu I I.IU ~lJ uli d 11 11''< ' F " r.E III 1111 IJIJl li Ld • • Ivll . ,~ " I 30u )! e lll"" I 'III "JI' ~ rill gs a d wa y, New YO l k. Bro 481, r ",,' ", " • • " c 'r I f(JI"u~.p c Ihrt li Wil , IOCII~IOII Ifl ' d' UII)' ul l" r l ulI l ... il I" lilU ll d rtn g8 ,iLa Ill1s gl? rIO Us. Vl alOll lIR e! se /lT.e ly VI.III l.1I1. ,\U()U , lie low. " " U IWII '''''III' S 1. L' L,' j ' l .\, (; J~I L" ;) I · h ud fr oLD VI CI'II . wh cn my ntle nll on I k ill he li allu cello r /!" ll ri d \ 3UUO ulII lI. " ll IhmOUUCCIllClIt. (,' .. 1 - .c. 4~ 4U ,e de cu nd ~ I u ry. A we !1 uf l·.t:c~lIe n t 1.1 .'\;. t'llulli fo b I \, ol ns 31u "0 &OUll W 8K cnlled, by t lHJir ve ry l>li: h vo ices. II I II I u. e leh 1" RI!N'flllble to Ih ~ In-Ir, Ih~ 10 close e~ l1l1l1l •• I Ier .•• iii. w Ynrk I Wil ,,1· " ho w 1'1,, lu es " dl la llllll ll dy ' "b llOd ui ~ 11 f 0 o ·IU b 1o lu Il IIl C~ Liu rr THO N Y & CO ., I 411tlO e !l e ul_' gull l .t'SI t hll l1l8 i\ E ' & H • TAN f • 1 flftrl, made or jCOlK/ mal I , reeR ' l ll 0 Irull Il,rvug ' 0 o.I,c,1 .ort"'ly cl, " ure .,;.!!!."",C ,lIl !I n 110 10 tl ild Ullll lil iurt'. wl: r~ WIIILlII~I:\ 1\& Ihuy Lo rmt u il •• tu bl! \ ~UOU lil li ' r,," 1,1J ,if ev e UI.lltll.S .~ III " r· al'l l.le 111111 all IItJ f U'''OI.m''' I J.:uud q" .!l1y Ili r ~\l of Is lld gruu lite ,,',. I tl olld rt, ' " All. 1 . llll"I~ divin 11, tr t1 11 Ano lba 1I U I AI.E by s I., <I WlluLE. loom il' l' tli ,. p u ,lIn e ll I e u\'Hl a ll 401.>11 p li ll j,lu" "" '1' 1 e pr IJ pe r Iy I ~ r e e8 b de llll' !! pur vu. . Ihe ~rfo nd lime wllh \.'llDnl (;0 11' 111 n" Rilliro , 111111' II . IIII") P~ e Th , H every 10 3 10 r c lY lill'S 'f / II'Y were yt:11o bd.' l J 1'1 1'1IOlo[ll'(lp /'IC .1lule· fiuOO .PIN g" 11 '" go"ltl s c/urcrs MaTll;j« Lt'I err., lIodylr1 1""111, and xeepi " . I",·. u!!_' c('. li br'Hl Ivr , 1 ulll 10 ,, , ' 11I OilY rul~' e l ill II ~ '''.ll DI t s lIul ju :! I e 3 lu " n"8 ,. ~ wily Ih nn Ih e p llrty I I, a\' \MUUU . ·0 Ie set & "'''""l l$ ... w r Olllr tOlI"n~ or Ihe 1."lh of t 10 \' It orrl • . Ih"lr r lo 11 111 lcu 1 ' pUrL ""~ r ·1 r l\Tlhe . ur AVfI' r b 'I I'10 US IJ I r \\ . rl ll t: I ,. J U S WL" ,,,,, ~UUO sl. sel & . ,''. CII'II II rJIIg8 oj 10 ' I I' • '. Lt, Ii one d • liS urn ~~y ' RII ( m Ol li u" ' lJ, 10 r. 1) 8 iIl , I'II " . tiO UU I" J leti' cru llt ll"('k • I I OJ I nROAD IV AY. N. Y. k ' ., " I'Uli dIUII " y lu Oil\! 1111" ,111'" ,',01 IIrs "' VII I I •.• 10 \\' uYll cd vil le . ~ J uly IS. • .~tlp lng up 11 lit;' I· p rese ul c c onv~r8a · _ _ __ .___ _ All UIIgO("llC t XI e ,·,li ll ~ 1111,1 " 11"' 1111 1 ROIl \CK'SCIIOle¥. II m s ~ JlI til'. U U leL~.., 4lJ rllcu " U I)ItIl · oVIII ld [(u 1 ho' P 1,o n 10 voices pile heLl 10 th ll p '(jasio 7 _ __ _ lnps<ol hus UIII m In od,III'o n 10 c ur J.l III v,d " e . \1 111 Ut' II I lit" rJ.k , 01 .111' UWll t!r . l'ItOMI' EC'1't.:M 0 1" TlI E IS lu g ~ I " Lr"c"I. l Je il IIl1 \!"IJ . t) U GU . r. 'lc UII'H k 'n j ' H~ o ur " " lltld t'J:,: rh l'l1 le !\l uler I lru!:" ~tlrced 0 ) ot u ot a rtul.vny w hls l le. torr,..,d Ihnl Dn er Ih. ('al,,·ho•• rlit 5uu u g<) l ~ . IIU C II " III . ","~elcI 8 M lu Ifl u lIl~dS IUilOIl uy II .pce,. 1 cOll fur lit e loIlIJW III !! , v z 1 3~ lu !S ~ ll ltllllllllll 1t"I" , !!tlltl U <lUU 10 be " . 1t ale ne r. 1 w L~ 1~\V orcLl III IIl88 ) lel4elllbe delloluu.w lnu o ' V diS ts I ' HTS, FR EIG 0 5tlllU Jilll l' 1 ",I I ~s' .I"evtl bliltun s ;J Lo lllllll live mln Ules w\lh much dtJ' lc ItWS Itl'eoscop Oil ID OUff"ng lr line d l\llIl't'(} f.O,copas ler to ed e.ol d l: A Monlhly l' e riodiclI IU 4 tll " JJl cuic informa li tl n. "' Iltch. wise r th a n (' 11 " 111. l 1!eI\.~lnJt rare mrdl rlDll1 prop,.I1 •• , eso " e IlII ve . 11 IllIill e ll se Ils~urt · ~OO~ th 1 0 ; (tip ... lIud nil 1 I1Ce ., hl l!! CIIIJ)CrI1 T Ire c, lp, ruu rlllur i. Ih J.itll Uy l . :l l I'~ cly 10 3 th ey . 1 s h RI! kee p 10 oly se lf. m M g W ur Hl' e ll CF, Am" " r llll IMlIUU oulllilire gu ltl urll" ( let8 CllluuI III etll""'1ld II) cardul dl,lIl1ollon. nl. me CIl'tl 1'1,lIu 111 neIIi 11' l'u Il. n,,;! tv t1 rf'~~iO rtl,' t:' >l l'rll lurw lie ull ~ e n tb I:l Ilu li c o rtlln l,f ~h~t ti ll' (lle t thnl J ,Ult! ,,,,,I L nlltl'CU l' e, . I(jUUt) c" rlll , II pll l & I' ll' " f("'c he" 3 1" lle~ ' C n Ftlr~ll( IIrlllf t , t P fDltr, 10 adn nm Hilt! ·, r, 1\11 ' \ "I1II1" 1' ,lIlIlIlI '" W 11 .. byJ, 13".1 1l ' ,J ~ I I'I,," . N~w Y urk, "',,l eli r d ro p~ 3 10 d a u g h t~ 1 o f o n e 01 th e ludi es. \\,'>lS ilL G fUllp.,~l>lluli ry. Po le. elc . AI.u, R e· b OUll t"lI1 elJII',oIIJ e,I" tlla' leodl! 'u au 1111 cover), till' 1( " , II 1J" t1 d vI 11 C, \) vlliL Il NnIlH: "IIV IrUIli " " " lu II for ' u lf ""d erse h ',vlI L ill" . l !i, WI t:Jlt' II liS lh uL Ul UIll :ur pilliliC lJ r Imv ll ie 7uuu ill U II h l. I'!to.llt I lI ( k \. I al( J111 11 0. I II 1111111"1, vul vlIIV S le ,e" .cupp" .., . F' J' .' L Ot l {. 10 ) 3 "PI I " ".1 Upli I I 1I '1 n Il IK Illlul lRt ",tc P1 CIl Inu Thel·'lI milyl-'· lc nd ll,1111111 .III lt.,,,.1 ' lur c llllll e 41U·.I II 11, .olll (IIr \,.Iu ( lI lu u uu wil l II ~ se llt 11l 11k , ~ H .t ex 11 1J 1 ~ I U Il, I O ln.Wu " (1'1Y thr .. c ... IU II III pW "' j~ t u Ilh I U Cu Ui II. Ivw . ur ;\1,,,,'1111 , U)' ,u ll l vOO ,]1· " & 10000 cu r lll,n pol & Pil i. eU lIlrops a 10 ud Jr es8 ull recf lJ>1 ~ I 81"1111'. Y all Iu . III"dll'" '"111 " ",,,, " " I'" " I . elll.III.Il Y " '·" OI·.' 10" c' hqIl lu .l ~ I U"I,~ l R lttr Iu II 1III ~ o n t< out, 1111 111; f!llh el' • LO IUuUO UMs AI.H t: IlAI'IJI Ihr (; or 1"1I0TU rondUlon e tlDnll.r)' Ille II,,· 1".:1, •• 1 1"1 ul. "" ,,"I It"ilrll"" 1 "II)~r U n 11",, (;<' 1;.'1, , a ~<> I 'l'I,e I' e ll my !v.llli Mto 1 ,eJ;lIgg e llitt. Ce r~Qlnly 1I 0t. l'll ri ~ W e wern th e lirs t to IlIlr udlll"" IlIes(' )UUUO III"!! IC " prill!!l,'tlo. Roback bAA tOn ~l rnfh'd II AL MATTE R , J ~!- I .U ( U I" ,C .'."I 1',,,. UII ' .." \t llit . 1, ,," or·, 1 '10 '" rl _, I··U IJI ."II !!" IIIUUU a s 1 h"v t: b.~ forc 811 111, I~ !l oude,l by 18~ OHOIO E ST ORIGIN I .. d S , U' I . . ,,, 1 doahle rupprr AIIII K, or • n",·utl.",tC ,11111 111 we nn I ICP, I LU 11111 [ ~O 1.1 IIll I d lie C wH,t1~ U r l" ,nI \ e ~ .. I le I il 1" or ' Cil " lv tlrll1'o ;ruud. NC '"" " hlcil c II R'" by 0flh IIlnn, ,wuveuu Xnclte6 0 - • ,,11,,- "';;0 .. llllll c ~ III W~ IIt V"",'I V IUlJUU .el. l" uII). ' Je ll el r} . go: d q\JO ll"e 11II1I1e ture I , '1'.", wUb wblrh 110 prolluf,I'II Ufl\ ~ "ol III k \I'" 1\1 ,"uve'""" 0, .1 01 '"."". I hR I I) ". II rt p" .~k,',L , ", } ll> ••• l:: t;Pti;:o, 5 to 20 I I" U IH.! J C t 1Il ~ 1I wl, o III OIC Ih a n , " "I IZU Uti li J onIIraDd,', In U< It rr'lr~t pllrUJ, ~tl+ ' ,. lit nll.l~e lip i ll rl g: 1n n 1,1 Ilr I l e Irurll !)U t:t: II t H tu FjlbO UI "~l' r lll!\d, ll/il' ''IH. MlrS. ~ \ C , 1' \I·tl.I~( ", s otJ, 1I ~~'lt ~,d 11 11 8riCe IIII" 'fu :!LJ 'u (i ~. l r l p~"r PO, "II ' ', tiU tl 'l; C) I)l eal con '; t! IJtio n. aud A re F~I C ~ d" 1000U ('ucil. "O ur A .I,umd h ll l' e l it e T\' I'"tIlIl UIl 011 Ibose mlldlCltI qualltl" fer r~; I. tlve ItIIt.·'II. I 1I II. , " tr , t "., ""'" .• vi It,. dllll) C"cl,·. Ad;,: ; n, : u bill ~'fu Ol cow PI, on ,11 17 Mamm III ~ eur, Epi II11Ll . 1 rrlt'~:f'IP, " Ltlc t ~u e<~1 ::~I ti l be ln£! . up e rlllr In be auly Ulld uII,""il Ii V IUIIOU gill II IIU )e i Clltell!!" 111 111 ky uu· 1M. " marb vahl M IInil . ' •• ::illll ) " " d. llill ~~:;;:,~ CI,ve " III ,,,,ti ' I :! I lu :.! IIIII L >lI ppu rf prs e~ . ., " 1 to Oil Y o lh . rij . Th ey \V III l,c , ent uy IU UU U II dl &)" 1II, ul"u,. . le Ulllcrda Lu ull PUrl d UII \I, tl No nh. \ Wllh IlI:, A W ----.-~ IJ t: 'I' LA H-l' Vt: II. S ' \ V " te rll L.I k .~• . 2U u" lI ·a.I , f ll lll·. on reCe lpl 01 l)fi co . :J ' UI" t< , e~ ~ C) O $2 (I..A-p, S l 100U (I :l.! ' 1'·lII e AlbIlDl sllllld c toOIl1 c r, ' e ;HOU O.J " wee L nre l ile uses o r nd ve r sl·:Y.· aU t ul".'. : Merc hunl 8 811d . it ip pp r"I' ~1I' rl us III\!,1 lhl' u j ~~u" I8 lb~e : , ~1 /lUUO 0' t llh 11 ",,:;1, , .... n t .. o ,el)..ll lu t lt l" 1 FO I .'X ,"nll lhs, l"d[ II", Itb III Ir""" l' u,IIIII UII 0 1 1111'" " I' II'IOtt! Ih e r op- t. 'l'lwRtl II ses lin' s um' I IUUU U IS (' e UII II" V CU ll rely \\ Ilil cv lt/id ul' ""c. .. OII II III IIIlutl 'U t ' '''''' L''\ ttl ~ ""'< ' '' ·' L''', " ' rlllg~ II; in l lIp J>hy II r pUl ulo~o l j1 Lh I . w III ctlu p h,v Puncl, ' 4 Iu II" " U Afl l V,\ \ ,~ • \11 .1:. l, clij II. h,'b W J l J. c" , .,.. :!IJUU , AUd ,ve l " ovor s rmbrace UU\V ue loll)g : CU lt IV Our liK wtll I " /' ll.( l:l ll I,rll J :'~IOY ·" 1 :20 ttl 5 lo ktl U/lS Srhnor.I'", (,hrrr), Bounte, an 'IIl d frurn Blly , i" II II" '1' ' l e1'I'1,UII .6 110 tl ille,e lll ~u h)" t I" tu " ,ltl c h Uti· JUuU "" ke Ud 0 I w. ~" 1 :'v"~I)',, , N. , . I \' You WCllr o ut yo u r C!01!tP8. 5 to ~U - . - - - IIUI Ill li d br e CtJII lllluull y "C III J,[ III" JtI, 01 1 ~UUU cu . l us will I bull l,·s - -U ' A 'I '{;U doml'!'lIe IIqno" , a re JmI -IV" " I" 1 U<y "II 1111 ,y , l l·tl ' Ie I III llit PO < Y ou Itt c' nOI Iro u lJl " u 1\/1 II \ .. L\ ~ L\ J\ ltC 't h "(lUO I ~ I I O t·~ A I U I U, IUt' II I ,. II 1I1 1li'""~ f " · 1 I ) 0 10 IJ . d181111C11 II), lhe !illit e til C c r. pi e li VIZ ule.) •• ro" UI ", k IIlcneUlI lItro lll ,-,l! ll ll (Ium 3 Iu 20 urt'UI Ls U f lll Y u u II IC C X O II ~ I 'L~ t tl . W t h . I "b"" ' ,UUll 11"l r li ll lll' r 1( lIi ves 1lI .1 11I1; An El e gant Novelt Y In prO«l8S. and kepi ..,...... n.1I l aces " II", , t.III: U.W It e, ulh uy C "tl tl l" ople r & glovy lodl rs !! Itl tl t! vu ru~l e li d li re cllll rg t' .1 (jllOU s. IIl'l I" ul.r:" Lie 00 ) nprols. or.G nrnj 1 rel) lltl e UII 100 '\'1. 0 ~ .I .l'd oC 1111. w.lc h lir e a 10 !I CU IlIP " IIi t'd. BOI e~ d o no t boro y ou . UJO ulh c r ( !lfice l" I,UU II 1I 1 g'II\l· tll"~ ~ "Iv ed rll I'acil n!!,," O:::r Utl I'nr l i"Il I" , L InH. . IIIn II UIV IIIVU IIII UII. " vlII ;Juoul u! . IX ;I1 t1 crelll l:!uu 1Ir111 .·Gl'II~ru, ", :; ~u If) UOll r ~ ,, o 'I".ul, Ie n ~ d,~ 'l'nx'gll lh e rtl s hurt y Pilst ' 01 J (iulJU I ' o l llkc U '[UV) 75 It. " C£X r1L. . C"lu ll d , "VIA P ~NN'A .' ' , , , ' I ' IT on r I '" ~ III I . cU lllhlll cd .rullcd l o.e lh ~ '"1 1l1 plu In. '\ !'!'j . , , , " 24 Iv • M IIIII CI ,,"t lm uu u I"""'OIIS I"II II . I ~U U O UU~ l au DIV ined, s u 1101 P II ,! 0 11 'IJ O~ l t< I. I,,' J ' 11' vC' II." II. ~, nil CX.ClI OII IlI lI Uli 01 8 ooU S l lilog me l', , Cv lllr uc ttl u r ~ II Ip rlll g UI ' r,,/:Ii ~ r u 1 lla I" 7 k. u, rll UCb;' I ~CI tI. vUU I , yllur II IU UOW. I I I CI', I~ ., .l\ullt",., II cu,ul gl) ltI, c ,tll ,~ Arc lI,n ,' , " hit" ...,til ul· , oU l,rt'" ' I" CIII IVO IU !S lu ao re CI1011 ", " pp IY Iu ur UI t reti. Pille r 0 l ie ~U~U U"~C II IIIIiIl' lurll " 4ll ". rt l. IN, prorured frOID 1111' 8Urt'Uuftdl.' Y ou II vu ld the nlli8 ~n ce o f se l'YI'll o" hn .. l " \, ell' II s C'I Iur. l ' Itey li re IIi bCIIU Ii . I :!.'i :-; 111.", }; llll mp CU 10 1/ uf llld AgtJ g \\llI lullo S L ENCI ( . 01.1) J' I'. ~'" .\ i'I' ll I' ,·III'lI'.l!O ld b)' Ille bO ~ , lIall ol, " \ 3 ,00li C" pieH I) C W l,,". t,C A rl , \ HI o ll ~· u ru~ J }l . utfv re ' 1~::t1l1 } . B /!.oltl S lld .u o~ 1 " 1, 1101 Ihe lowt." mark.,1 p.l rr. u n Jun es . r , (la lulia. ";"!J~tOlI. • {' • JJ'. JJ I y ll $3U lli lu lIlJ " 3 l' U IIi '" Iru )' rl CIIM' rt I", Vlt ] I' eVCI C",1. UI ite l lh I:.:h l". ' el' 1" l uS I\i~h 1I1 e lit ul . IIOIH i' ll oti rl'l'r .w~el Mal\lltll WIn e II Ib., , 1!! 11 .1I1 . No o ne t hink s of IJrPsc ulln -go )'011 1.1 l1 I .1 'Hl I (J" \..I I' 0: J 1(JlJ:n 1 \\ I II I B li P lJl l u ti lie u fur II/dU e I. . 1" ). / j ' It l i".iU 1..:\1 B l : lt. l' I l l!: l·l f A N~ t t r'i1g' II l: l II 1,·etllfl unl" I. ' ul l\tl n g .. , ;-;t ll t H t!~, Mittie oC Iho IIlnd 10 he ' v r It H \ ( , '''''.L: ' IIV III ~ t l Ul arke d; (, 0 . • Ulll c~u(J . UIIU e Ul'lr UVf' 1 . 11 "';I ~e n t Pu~ ', 1);11 1\1: II I l' tll lo . 1 0 qll ' ,ere UII I lil 1\ \'I'4'8It l1» rOIlIlI,}, 1I1L4 Ihe 1,,1\ ~, III PlC. Clllo llj; tl P' SO ' i I.JfW nrtlill Jr " " ch llr:;;e rl'l P. ' I'~ :' " '" 0 Irll l l! sruRn trrilllt es ) fl U by n, k· h Irl) . ,clUrt'~ V 11 II ""~ 1l C o 0 1Ili 'I" S Ivr r I' unle V " 110 f'Ij • • I. I " \ L lu Gu ,'d for ~"'e 'I "~ r I leli olR'fl • ~e UIIII' II e Ih I".J ul .. 0 Illy I pOKI"";: ac ~. ex IP, " e t l i t lfi ... ,.. ' Inl::: 'ls thul! lIuy othe r IILlI" al'lie l" )OU 111111,, >: L e v e r ~. u"d ur e re ul ly h ~ II '\ .u t\l e Ullf •'-'!.I . l o I\,btue w 1\ I ..u C be &lt un ret l' lJll u f Ih e Ll' ,l • IImrt lind llBnuful'Ior, ~ ..~.M, ., 10· dI\Y, - Ir './ ' tllIl bum of 'J' wClJ ly - fi vc c...;f' I II~. . ~!' l' " l Uti lJ ! IU.F 1' , lI nHl hy H\ Ii£l ollt.1 02 1':,,' 1 T"lrO~1J"rl, Iln,lon nll. ll",,·r r. ft nd ), "' lII r rs II til fi 1ld lh is /I " ud d Otu ruu \~ . OhJ 8u "XU t tall, ,1IUllo.lIl )1I ::; 1 ~O , ' I It lII u.1 h~ c ll c llle ~o III IIJ e lI rd" r _ ImnoHo l s kno w I, ' r" II I'""J U II l~rl1 o rl I,'r ill " ' Will 1'1 t"orrrl'I, 1 110 mov" \ . lll ll cnle. WIll he &P II I (u r 'li l II 10 ".1 udV",IIU L~ OIl " fI)ule I" , L l\ e :::>1 "d. . l' I \,e CC l' ~ • I II IS n o u se to Iry 1o ,, 1 • ~u\ .I ,,~ lu Ide ly dt'lI p.t I,ul1 '1" "1" I'·ou. " ~ . , I ., II .v"o " It "1.1 1 . ' l) U ., WI P tn.~ H' III Il:'<> pr r u ... ... I "'C I,I Ib tn U "~ !lct urel. ' ~ ) Ih o w.f LI·klltJw P'l'I UIiS YUlu. , "e ll IV I I~ r~J U I I~ b U ~- 1 . , ,~'" / llJ r:l ; I IIrly I l) r 5; BIXI} ·IJ \ d lu r JU, ull o i :::>t J I C \\ t I v oJIII I" 111 Y. O 1''.'o llr upu, ~ce. , lli. AL . .II II I the umouIt: v i Il lelr o rua. ' .OU prRC tl ce lem pe rtl nco. 11 C! r , " . wllh e\ ~ly, C " 1IVP III ~ IICi I·. j,IIVO ~e"II ' n OSEBERRY dt NE ~llt'u I I T T ilt) prices lin d quu lll ., 1 (J ur "oods Iilluo re d IlJr 1[, . EJUI.lT M u ovr r ~ lt e ' lt~ ~, l " ll' l hnV he,l, llllce !:o nlk d ti rlily.fi d li pc II " . ,1 ru "11 tl,. 3 ':lt Ihl II 011 ISO u l' ll PO pe " I Ius l~'y I h lllt(}~t h:\IV~~ Iu w IUlllli A (,f : 'l'S A n l~ \ U :-iTEU ~1 Y 7J " 11 Iu 8" IIS ly. Wild t ve ry 11/ 1(.' 1111 1.1 11 I. I' /l id t" IIt ~ lr WlIltl •. 1 IIIII ~, I., I,, " cy cn r v~tl lt rl lille. , 8")11. 11 1111 cuullol I f __ . ____ ____ . _ T h roll " IIl'1I 1 IIlP couiliry I -.. . 11lI· Ihe J y AI! h"I""ce, !!uld ll II II ,lIlur, gll lI' .l, ,rrl .uuq.;. w lt e' a II ti l Lu 1" 1111 ,1 1 II. IIt Frt' l 1I,~r e :. ,"\\~i;p~ ,,, "" F lli Ll Cl< l'R UO no l 5110 0t th eI r rubbl . comu~II lurge A" R U DDe, 'li' '\'.HO'I''I''S l'IL L'!i .. I', Willi !t il e ,h ul on tl ," e I" , ' celll lll'~ ol,d r"SlI I g, e oCI. lll ve li CU ellclleo ,y v.: e l',o:,.t!J p. ' & -. ";11 ur 1 o l •. " 111 111 .1 . I I e ,,( " ' III!! s lnlOp ,ke.c lnu It 'lId_ • • 110 Ib IVUr l ulil ed a guo d e' nlt' II l rll Lc.1 "x. ' ..,tllu fur IClrn s. 'c. IS O" I' re u uC , lte 1'I IIIlI II clp hi H II ( IU lre Co mpu.e d v i 1,111011 1\' . ' l U ll lillY !! SII\ c d m ll ll y R tl d]l . m Ol,) ., I""o. k"c r e r n 'I'III~ I I • " ll ll ll u r e' I ."r k ~I' ll d I1 8 rk ., o Y \V N,. ' I U, 6.-.C l:OH~ \\ L ~ ,. ~r u • e h !!he.L I II "' , b," C lh /I uCC"I,I I" II, 11 11\11) II h ~ l lI ll\cI,.. .' I. ,rOlll rllolSII hree rl,n·,· ren l IrO oll nre 8 e .h III 1 \\ ~;o 11111"" h I 1 T , ~.I rl u lt I111 d 1 Ille d ll I v I"u I ue I Cilil I r II ' 1\lllol.u "I Y. N. 1\11 J I l. ::iller " u full [) 'j I d n re l t, fl " (III IrUl' IU I eil III 1IIV I" }tlU II IIS_ y,1 N ' ' > n ue. II I e. 1 " C III ~ fur I.udll·', . 'ltl l It " ""rl Ill UGI dlr CC I rUlll e r r :-it kl 111 th ~ wo il d , ~ ou IIl e hllr t., 111 1\ \ ur' ,'Z"r, II t' - 11I.ll !I. " 'C til "" , oil u l se ll~'s 01 Iit P. L, v,·r .• r Ally derul l;!" A I:e IIl uWII J~o nj ~~llhI U h' ~~\r ' , , rt' "lil l lI lI ll li g CIt.e -. VIU I, 1 \' \ l'O'lc !lUlU r he I t~lcc.:1I ' 0 I to In: 'I ' 'e· y ht DI~ ~.I II "C' Orgll lI S T L u;, Il • " "d 1/1011 III IV d IIjc r. • ' " III Le 6"111 liy nlu ll or Exp,c •• IlIr iIlI l!!5 CII" II 0"" ' , • IUTI ~PIlCC of IIW e, Lo b no w Il, " U lllnDBI'" rI. hn(1 n,c ' "U I1II r c Lnlll~ 111'1 Vrc' l'(:I d IOpllrtll~ W e Itav e no hrs ltalloll to SO} III piIC t! ' Hili " ' C{J t I' .' I)· " .\ ~ 1I1 .. le " II" IVI II b~ p ,e ll tl ll 11 II1I IIU.O III I' IliulPo I . '" / •. 1 I '" '.. S, I \\ LE 1I NOt.: I. \1 OI,Heli eliSO fu r ::i~ .) \\1 11 fl,".:tly .rl! 111"1"" Cu III IIC cure 0/ IUrrl,Il:' J"lIli' , "t!r 'I/' U~" ~ V III:! ~ r llu ll lJl ' 111 · 80 le ;':'CP, J) -P""" I, S cr"l lIll. BtI lu:'< lI e ••. , lI lumy, .lId . FIN EST G e lll S u pl· rll ll,· " Ue nt . All u'I II Il , PII . A Indy 's ' 1I111 c JfIl Il' if nn t or. fo r lI.r le IlIlIr. tI 'l'l r ,,;,1 \ Vp ",p. ~ " I' lur :J JI~r lll" .. 1 11, 111) ) l'" r., I. l ll prule I Ptlep " He""".I ls, I"cve ",, I III "'''''p cr Lll Unllpu he t II. NER. N ld, wll G\YI , . ,1 11 \V Y lor R 15 EN 1l H ~gr u',' t: d ll III bo lu l lun urll lis \l OCC ,,1 n o 1111.11' 1 Cltll III~ na lU ll nlnl, lI u w ,,',"" ':'ilcrJ u.V r ver offe re ,l ln Ihl 5 mnrke l, mlJ lI'e Vi' II III II<I Id'lciJ ,Io l ll r red ilory II III lIor s . I) ,se , fu r '''tltill.' G ~ II'I '1'" ~p t J\ "r nl Phll u II, ful : Wh e n th e J! ue rrill 1l8 w h bed Ih' :S loL" ti, IIIIU 1I ,,"e II " . ",,1.1" ' 11 1,II It ; Ue ul I' "rv,,·,t U .,.tl t V,· I! IIlI et PlU l.. J 0rll, lIl lilt' III pIli UIIC bloore diubl .· s liln e lil. ','heY .l\udrt'.d ' ,,11,. N 111 'O '[',uue ur HOU~i'I u ur H, I"' H. t 1101 I,u'" vultul le,u uru ' I llI lWlty Irtu ll ul ])lulIlJ Jj ~ nd 01 11 ) c"lIe~" 'lv vl lllneailtl ' IIt' ltJ 1I1;.e pills 1VIII' l lr c , 1",lIll G '1 "L' rel~il t Ag cIIL. !'h . I· UUI ne IV .e" DJ::VA ' · O II .' (' 0 11'11 1 l', uJIlU W e" D .. , III'" il <1"' IRAR G 611 ' y uI:"11 c" I ll ' e M ' ,, u C 'did , .1 I II's l'lu . o th (I f •• U U • • I l1(. I ~ II " gI Ull ,u se ',UII r" III UW 10 Ihr ~e U., ;\' . I' ... . 1 1·lr. G E N {'lI r I ' , '( "pll rler., 151\1,,1111'" 1," lI l' N Y. _,i "ti' ",.. ",ry , e oc . ooI IUII, "urI' pel "l. IrU Il Ir ll ill., , \I RIC I, tw o dlHDl /J nd 1I1 1V.~ "lc ure llll .v eli rau l"cI_en l ll u lI l.l", r ' . '~'" I ' I I d e ll t".Iuv e . rOSI!WlIuU l B" u",-, li nd l wo Ih ousIlliu qrullll' r· IIH Lux va n'p etelll jUIIl.1ea g iv;, co 1 6 Ulld Prllll :': II' 11U 11 81 Inllg ' h" lv O LD .I::\." R:oj !i'l tOi; I\r: \" . lint! Ruve d th e IUL 0 IUS III J , ~r luU I , ~ ''''' ''' 1I ~ II,e oell lll)! d l"lIpcr lIy Ir" "1 II' YOU lV ..\N'l' ')'0 K I\ O\l' mOil. by ,I I ~ ' or he~ l' sup '1'r.U" : I I I IV I" " il ll t dlr~ l e lti A P Ulllp • ti Iuu IU $~UU tl,U II lit e b" ~llt' aty la unu fi ll. \' MOTT 1 'A :. nOTT nI D & ('0 'r.lur e 01.:11 I U" U "" e ,~, .I:I"'I II:I:JJ ~~: "I ' I ..... _ _ ~ lli ul,p rR A Lillie of EverYllti llll' r~ I " li"iI' 10 Ihr 11,,~Ir , ulll b} OI IlJ')UII, pc 1""I·"'tI; u'rk \' New 1 ()2 F u llU Ii s'lIe~ ~; III I li l '"U 01 du c lu r ~ '( 1I ,('iU, 1111' '8 ""0 Ull il l LYu nt 11111 11 sys le lll, Ili ule n lid Il' msl e; thp caused e lIl ~ We parli cularly des ir e th e Iry. .. ,," , IC I III ' " " A g~DlIine dOWD Easletll . bn. 1'0 ' U I 1.lv . r I! IJv ,1 P' '' 'I ''", nr .. Ili vite d ' u send I,' r ou r Iliitl Ir poltll elll "I J i.eBYd. ; lite IJ1l1rrlU~ e 11111 11 . Irc~, UII rC(Plp l (o! 10 rr lll k .1 .. I ve il tI }:. 11 L'OU '}" .' 'I T)AJ. ( U lu murry w e ll, I e II ne w IOu or dwelhng . · rh e )' tires d '" J THE .. e"C"p" Vd - "Lllilie ll " , 1I'I'Icii CO III Il IIl ~ C U ~ I O I1l 8 01 11, 1' I\ tl rlJ ; how ~tl' lIrt! mlOtl e of IudlA RUbbe r • IIn,l , lea I) 11 30 1:ron uwu N . , ' . " lll re plIblls h r ll be. r l!1il d 26 m r 11eVr \lu l!8 1111 IIIIn uf u ar e 8U 81111t1 \l "tult~ 11"' II lfo pitul\lg a I ~ ork. 1 ~IV , , y bl I pur ta e l Ilat you 011 0 ca rry a row / lllgell .e r II'llh p rH:rs, "NtH., ue s houltl PUt· nre, re nrl lit e rcvisc d.flnd ru lllrg~d ed llloD To 1hia fellure G( our bustn e l @. ~n2 c ~ , 0 chu ~ e n P'O rt O Wll llo ut Bre lu !: 11118 C Ol O- uf " ,UEDICA L COAIMOIl SE II ~ii. ," a cli rl oujI Ihree-st ory bou sel in YOllr b'lt. .1 I ' Medllls, n/Jllost Wil ho ul lI u mb pr, " ouk lor c ur luus pOop Ie , and 1\ /lo ntl bOOK A LL TIL4. T IS 110;{lll·. : 10 IJ 0 B, L L 1 Y S E .,~ Y ,,1 IV io H an. e Ion ~olf'el" R ye CulJ'c ~, prun e • . ' . n a wa rded 10 th e Grt)vesl ee n rl . rur e very o nf. '100 page • • 100 dltl slra. lief ave h by D" An I~geolous Fre nchman ha s CoHee aud EXln,·t o r Cutl'eP, lor snle ot l ila Cel" b! OL ed W o rltl 's F air, li one. ud a o. ao Price 81,1iO. Contcnl H luble" , For the Tolltll, H a TER lIl S, C A;;:tjN ADV ANCE lUF.RIUT·r &. PRINT Z. ,made a mOSlllC laod8cHpe co mpo sed ll f IlIol1~1I put in cu u' Vel ilion II ilh ol li erti sen l lree lu a nv addre. l. Doo ks m~1 be Scenlin g Drawer•• 000 41) by IbaD the selll IllSecta, II cODtaln . more h'IIJ 81 Ihe B ou k~ l orE'8, o r w il ~e robes. e lC " 1I1 (l. rro m .li pa rIS of Ibe U. S .. il IOO~ one yell r. GOpy ~.oe bee,tle., beaidll big alld HId. !Jug; award . fl;:, I.lJliH hpr! 1835. J e~1 n,'i i l, DOS' paid , en ff' ce lJ1t 'If !,FlC O. il:h h S!!,OO, examine our' anil ar, ye olle ies cop bve sule lor , yrups /::I ll Coug all f o b 1 b ls bea l ll. FOO'rE , M_ n.. 'VlOII.l llle.. GR t.JVEST E EN UU. Addm.. 5, 6.7 T ' . A1ERR I'fl' &. ~RINTZ Y 4119 Hroadwe v , Ne w ' olk . ~ · 6\11 ROSEB ERRY 6.y] 16,UU,.. J13U ~ro.dw'y, New YOlk. I. e n copiel OD ~ ye ar,
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P,artiug tODiao PhU080 phy. knuw lhll.l. i.o..l B.!Owu low ~urDiDr; Rebela. We 1\'er" 110" approa ching the ero OV 'lr Ihe Oower garde n, I -=---ft. Way of til. Worler. --+-'--There i8 no one W\lO bM been deeply qUIlL·ground; thc di~laol rllport of the lLIl view you like besl,' Mrs. Pllrting ton 80:l1el101ee gel8 Go\'. from lowIng fol the IIltttllcl We ! of in co~p.lll 10 WIIS notbing 'J'htore . e wbil , cars maiden. ged in mllrcllfl\i~e VUfluila , Iha~ our a engA Olarry reallhed Olar. olf 10 would illg ~o youlh II blllls mixed up, bUI ill regard wr~lIng lip ' I ownlo, ,', recent messRge LO the 'Geo ' l thing» 1"ur (.. [, Ind (ond w.i 811f : lestify to Iha oumero ul advaD1101 can Md oleRr, y lh " ph'yen wue slill conceal ed behind 10 my room: cumlo,t able tolemLJl are id(:flB r be . riRgA pr!llt~-h " r ~ ••1 A sstmbly of Te nnessee : b"d, al (uur'po Nolice ir yo. P'Ir~lU8, But .he waa rich and he wo~ poor F--. "tlvertiaing. Mn. oC up, Lagt!s c"we I lu AN tht! b ushe9. are happy 10 oe", 8t,"s iLJle • Kent, the I {Ibt oppost.rtI of tbe Frllnch ise Act Klre is, we Ani! '0 illltlVt'r cuuld be. in town, and firm8 rent difip. the will LO mlle L me, wilh M"J"lty~ Iha .D ucheu of sBid ,' ORme marrilld hand in I'Ul ever mall.,t 'H lasl. Rd ' ,q tbis Ueneral Assemb ly are auddeo :y Ih tl Ihe /I. lady' never cuuld webrof ~nu lon. wbo adWelllll~ tholtl 01 that Duku once BI IY· fee /l'ordiali you and WilY chllfm he IIlIber old ki ndly lqe; Ik e, louking up from Ihe book Her mother held il ftundOllbl~ \be e. of gl:LllIl1( uM ls bel?g prom o· ' e iOl o r~d of Ihe vinulj of "p"lial almost vlllltftll eB8 in Ihe bu~ A io dt) SLick rlist! \'O his I too Wllvtld door sLove himsdf rhe F I kicking d ll li . pl~lIt A drtllli whiola came of all Indian Ih~ firsL tloor. III no pArRble e ver "rilLen h"9 .uch reRding It YOIl Rir, and calltd o ut, 'Welco mll, "el · te~ (r.orn Ih~ garr~18 10 Rlly-'l f ner I'm mRrric d-' !lImoun t o.C Ihole who. do not. Insl(,ld of an IlId i. II worlll . Olctlly·CrRmed !a RClions for th t! m " 8 the pRrable of ' tln urgulie .s, l comfor. le. If y?~ are varIOus. IIti advertl 8, WI.lh aDd busIDes up, WADt lill come not I~IlIlC, did e. he .poken, uut marriag I' wu of COWIl wllrd !peak cruel .Ih" 'Don't I IU /1.1111 ~ .gIR ~se8., &c. ( Prodiga l SOD, They ne ver weary secllltld ilume-dialtlly aCI~rlrllrd. La for· prlllts, arm ' ch"'lrI, 1 00k m to.unde r,land tl ~~ a hilLIer,. is your name 110 (IImlllar 10 Aull 8Q II was lwo hen ts were broken , . 'I her. \0' ~uoling this pRrtlblll of un"quRled YOIl lire old ~Ill)ugh willdow my u op.e Ithrllw : IllS th e public, thai wben" ma? lookl 1 aouls. preseoc e, IIDd to be ollce more &e my congem8 gUI bind Ihnl l uly lind Jlalhos. II is interest ing La \ bOlld g.a r· 6?wer he t of. w \,Ie A youth would m"1Ir a maiden, ,L ple'\SBII W1I8" all ill E'r V ne ·,,· hi s old hal, Rnd 8By8 to IlImBel.', 'I I now or gRme. ink the Ih Ilb80roed ill tbe P rodi. tiUJ Iir .. 1 thiug chihl!clI I I she ! For rlijr and Ion den. of thll lillis, all brlghl"OIng, willIe, nC ~ the diR'erence between rebel • .- dllY s, and young bO~8 in pi.. ~o . musl hR .. R new hat,' .he will IllInk of F-& eight. 8uch ld llt: b~ life my low, WRil B~I he WII hillh an ahe s , Bbd th~ glatlel, I , & n alld Lbeae rtlLUrni ng {rIc· you' U yo~ Rre a tllllor, make you~ IInll hid wife, Frank, Ihe SOD, Lucy, close IlL hRnd, the Ire~ And 10 it never could be, tbe Prodigl ll Son tlid no~ Mcede: I forhll ~nd :y~uog glrll wltb bt'ada , .,t If tht: LlnS' ~c O rt: "ele , walers UOUI .llIl\\ a man W!U the Rnd · middh. I~o young ml:O , and a 8trange conaenL, and nM~e d .1010 8 1'~ttoon cur\~. and (u\\. of ael.( so COOIPIC A Isther who wore" spllr time be bru.bel bl. every c.olo.ur ~ o( tht' eve illog i low . h iwea\ wilh hi " latber's you oC 8udtl~n thmk e rapping IlOd marrlRg oC (lipping lalklDg 1111 are ere a, .. Iltdy,w ~Iorr wun, -SIck KMeu b.ttle love nt Incie bien· fn l for some III ao.riplur68 indicllle \Vi l~ bil prospec the g look~ at bia bOOla t:nJoylu man B ifler When un· and OOAI. 'fllink pt:~ging ~t:ena. bRlle, d their rl!nown inlo the ,.rt:lche Hid 8enL il dowlI witla t:'reat ~ -Nel:t hI! wnl' he did not stay beCol'tI ~hey get 10 and 60fa lbe nn n ow d llRy , PRY8. 10 himself, he minuttl8 , ' weather expr~II sty Lhe To go~ 1l hia lulu,e aUIl. I'egg ing, 8(1oollilll'-1 Lhlllk ono~ ~t!Ltillg mRrried I Y t' L in du Mall GllzeUe, aD' vi llify' Ih e old' milD in his o"n o( 8u~h fI pair of .p.RtlbL buy lind 8,0 muse '1 too~ HeAVen Aurl 10 th A cruel word 1'1'68 ,puken, when I:lpallJ, sion i~ - orokeuillg, rocketLiug, as if re,,~ " numbtlr of tl.e PIIII ing to slllrl 1 11~ e rtt .s Mr. you.r ollme 80 fRmlll.r kI w~lIch 1 hHppen ed t~ IlIlve brough l ho se; he a.kt'd for 80meth AII<I ~ll II WQe Iwa hea rta were brukoll. Lheir liv tlll de pend .. d upon it. a pistol 'liS '111lfo aWllY. went right to" young lea lhers ; have point nct. did world; Ite ill hi II com" toak 1 which r tl OV .Bnd me, nk of you aDd your wrlLh .wIIIII~l F--, hll t. laid Iha 11m 1 lue?' 1\0 r. nexl-b s plRy IIlIotll" goL Who , and lery ' s ceme II youth would marry II m,dden, III an dem and lhe old man' s green bllcks; lady up woko ouly I bBl" lilll!! 1\8 800n RI l~o Just ~ CorL",ble , b~81[Jes l1tion o( place con,er8 of nn \lI who u.st:d to be a waD g"ve \ more Ii~ tu be Ille he .. lI of R fJlnllly Fur r~ir Bud fund 1'1'0 8 . he : when lIe 18 r·~a8I seve n, wheo lowe one l h ~ t:Cl:iVel! lhe porI ion his falher plflcll qllll~le eRlrng· a S Ill of does Rnl! lll" Mfly of 1 Ihe Buanl Wll. .lJout Ihe lind eJ bEl to man, qusrr.,lI 1101 "lieir luherll AI· hi . he uid not 8teGIl il: Ilnd recei ving I WilIer. hot some eVIlI'ylhin g WIlU wi~h In me sli came the is 11 . ynunit gry said hun YOIl.' box now before o , Blue plllyed en.' She tl\pped Lb II 'J(j 8U It could nut lie. , I "all sorry it :8 Itarled oul to 'seek hi~ (orluno.' Alderm adverti8tl.8. lIX~n who o~y nerr~ p n ". giv..n had , ·co!unel Frank: '!Illlow com~H nexL. Look Ihough I dressel1 quickly the II couple ot wlckl'd k l n~~. frieDd, ~r h tllllt sid e of Lh e to find myse lf i,ust IIVO OIill~t e8 bebind H' did not go to Ihe soutl, ly. I heIr nam es ar" ~R[D1h~r WII~ Three hUlldred yAII fa B/lUne, ,bnnl, ), 1:1 11011' I' d of rohben who h~ r, "'.Ilh ho ~' eyes retHlog upon Ih e 4:0111 ·slve l bal' a join IIlId n.rm .IIS me ~Iven bll~ 1'-. che~" ~{,iI UI lI.me game Ibl: peop l ~, fIIlel I1r~ " "so~IBl,,, d 10 Ihelf Hod plllyed a ruyul ~ Ih S li hd, u Ih uf • YUl"l l' III J'S F--, In greBt ex · cent~" the III Inl"IU Rrt wn 81alrs werl! plundtr ing thl~ old mao, bu t qui- ~l e ~o lJurned I hour. dlnntlr ~he And Ihe churCh hD" been tho pnwn. 90 much wllh theIr goods Rnd black. mllld8 IhPon III aDd mlntl green her citelD onL; 't!ten A f"r couIILry. If hellrt~ were Irulllps In Ano all th e cruel word \VAS Rpoken, IUI.O the hull, wbere the fRm,ly as.ew · tltl~ took hi~ journey inlo o( mt!rchllntlisc, Ihltt all who articles you, Smilh ?' is l~ing s II 6l1i blnek? wilbuut is , lo ~ lk \vl e w\ail time; tl.,at be seell . . 1 FiD"lIy h" rt:peolt:tl1 of his (oily; not to Ano ~o it WDIJ IWO heart a \Vllre brok e n. IV.as '80ul " 1101 b~t bles, 811id Lhey 8ull, aru drawn ne by WhRL green,' "ani le , invincib telltlrnll hIs Ihe , 1 all hiol illto IllS 8elltence, kept 0 11 With -looked IDto the ,lrawlOg·roolD, thu )1 ' beoausll the old IIIAn wllipped their shops lint! stores. - -~ -- ~ 10 , inMtincl podlll a wilh lC ~e him 8milh; 'Jonea is blAck.' iri:: ompAny Acc I 10 1 WBIL· repenlRllce, LUI bccllu se he 'cam e t:mpLy. All were they DOlhing lik o Bdvertisi ng.brllry; is "cnl There F-A ?' lIod billt.:k door, wired o slov who , ADd ho hlld waste,1 perfornllillce on lhe ed ; I wRlked up R"II dvw!, th e hll ii. 1 ililUst!I(,' Itnd SII \V t hlLl believe it, try iL alld be 1I0t o d y(?U If chnir .his of on. ruund. tllo upon lg cl~lteril Its Disaltro U8 Fasclna Uonll. to 1\ IIlAn hiB .ub$l~nce in r iolous living. He ~rng e v W~9 delay the cOllfu98 S WB who vlDced. con Lucy, Miss bauds. 1113 811id 'l did: ill wllh the lIan Jl e of II furl. In BIIlCt: Lrcakf" Mt. w"nl bllek home, not wi lh murder ' ••• et'liltiilll: in J4. pnLly lilllt! IIttilude, wilh who hlld elllell notlllll~ ,__ _ woult! h!! 1110Y TilE PALL MALL GAZETT E. wbM ing Lhrellten I'tlnrt, bis one 8omt: ly s" precl waao'clot.:k ~ighl Bu"sie At . -Little BES~IK . hoop LITTLE olle fo.ot on lin irou . frOID Ih e ((,uden do, bUL bowed down in hon e~l contri · out iband ~cros~ en ed kitch rush e th hlls\lly Ihl'Ollgh cned r~d e \' d duke The a SIA. luch HIIW CALIPOR OF IIl:'vur 1 ' URE LT A ORICU SIl-1 "01 lorry Lo trouble you with nnd Il~killg all so rts of pardon .pa SRW I. I I d .1 spoooed iu Ihe and rlln up aLllln- lh tl ll anolhe r-.and tiOll, 'I have gold Rlld sli\'c r of Ih e mllies 0 • Ie wOOu'S II: , W lere utr IIpll ~ til',sRyin" . / t'l bRek . lIo not go the (ollowin/( rem'"lc s, aud yet I fue : young FIIIIII,;. ');' uu not did Htt btlhev!! 8cllrccly could , " I . snother thtln 11, Ionow d YOIl d I r' enllon mBnne F all UB " puhhc I II uf III1UIlCio Ii I~re much mosL ~o WRS · pub pllpS e IIltrHCL Ih no l WAS 1I01VI . d f I f e woo. nih lh'\L the atll:ulio n IIf . it icl li"ht , . II e , unll Ioa y ...·'rR. -~ flp ' fOIl 0" h~ you four yel\r8 ' BIlII until I> t bl k I I . It p088ILJle I 0 t" C"PRcIlV ive did' prolillcl u \'ou cr ' WOII .1 i Iltl lIS d , cryin back went he bUI ' lie should b" dmw" 10 Ih e ~prtll.d of "" J • . COSLUIOt', overpowtlftld b~c .k l0:t ~tlueepl Beyo nd fill qu es lion. t;l1Ie.; ' How could I &poon when I plRye pellfe u In comp t!1t! g'Hul'U ol L~n/I R in(ltlURdon whic h 8ell.ns 10 mil in ils you 'f'Mh er 1 h:lve sill ined nlt'linst "ellv :l~ Ih e PIlcific S lAte. Bu~ "frRiu am I lie nn \ Croker, tO H Mr. c' o~ Oh, ' \B ,. with Bo I 'Papa, Rnd l, ~ui Lucy. flll'lile cried its l' , !'rank climate d slran,'e Jlro!:(rt8 ~ alull.I~t 10 re 'crnble 'hll l Hi(lew.. ,·s . IWO and LJe l~re thee A,lld Amono more wor. wilh iL8 nrc The I u,,1 'pa'ler unpu/lcl I ty t \' n~Rrtl us o ' l g ti.nd 0 :11 will 1 1' i II w,os cSlilbe 1 it will HOOIl ~oWl' ouy mU8. lave leflru Ie energet ic pOp UIOLWll, • H" W~1I1 it.~k WI<II-i:IIU'll'1I hy , Lericlil IIlfut.:llons uf Ihe did 1 ~-puon '" I Ihy 10 be called' Ihy Ron''. . . I k if . cRII . d I Iy R vr)lce went on aver 80 1 hl'~II wt:re Idsuch excil illg . Ig'llmes, we tf u tUTil 0 f I·HI It r . , Tbl~ con\, ~ I'II!IIion Rgnc arnon/:( t: Lle roll L rlln t" 1 s riotou ell I S Miedlt: Agee. u Ill 8 or all ' . h "" :hrouU' . bltck heclluse I f I S I '1'1 M OUree le8 1'1AWa}. . eeme I . .. y cou not Itt I.' " g I! v"ry re " fn t: lld8 shOWin . I i, my ,)Ollf' , . Ie g rll ll~ sl rlp ~ 0 , Ie - L1U I I cd out (I f the Ikel> hole: 'Ben le. .1 n slBpng for the last / lOll 0 \V I . I h"'Vtl b('e . . a Ili\·ing . ',;8 1,~aTt WGIII there. HII did 1I0l i :::t.llt~8 . Ii. a . qUb t:1 lIu·t< at voice, uOWO pa·s sal .. . II p . her 8SI like III l l". un 60undel It,. It In 1 here!'. inlertl" rn e of t.he C?UII; IhNlt! d"YI in II country Iluuse in l"hmp ' l"igu of li v"ly rlllurn d~ml<ndillg his 'Ios l righl s .' hUl ~' I\I fl oUJ'l ti h well 11\ ~o alld . III . 1'111 ' ·1 e lured IIlmr'r 18 ofl" .. e ~ ", elOned III ~htl nl~ ~. t: ~ . "r,ci a hnunty or 83.000 1I · hired Ihy e , of one 1\9 c m Il Mil v n I 'M"ke Ie ovtl' Ihire, bel unginl( to some old frit-lIdM l l conft-s 1 WIU quile "Rid 1111 ( er· ov I burnt, , f' I colJ f WAS . 1 tan . , (linner L I Ihe 'Bes.itt I . ll!,( (JtI!e Ihe ut:glnnl . was lun pt'lll'~d l . ' 'l'~Jtl Illn ' .Id ~ ", tl I.e II <1 uf whuOl I li"ve locc n ill the Illlbit.. of vi~ · wholtl Ih ing. . . d e . "r'I'IP. fi SIIWII8S 0u I Hlldlll notns l< 11I "IRnlfn r' l'jlle .eg l>alul ll orLlc H S I~~ll' I I P"Ce: • tHRnLs.' • voice RgniD. ~he oll sRid ' me? ee l u y" .WIO." .. lhe slim . le like B IhlllllO nnJ u~ culLolI, lOIlI:.L; uf 01.1 I1CI,':H " ILmltlo r mallY y eau: I arrtvtld I1CS~ . uplln Iln ofll h of nmn tdty . hUI ~re WIIS III va'n I clIlI · fltlt c l\~e up Iikll '" IIIII.c •.lk e, ~h? ICft \\'a~ gl\·e s 01 30.0 'N·o ; i ~ it )'ou Jlllpll 1" Ye8, dcar, and <Muud .. y uvellln g , cJI'IVlIIg up til .A, fly IVAII IIIUQllnBl tl U. It d 10 d"OlOlltilral" IllS repenll1uc" luI' Lh t< l.irst one h~nUI'l. (I. bllit propose IlJe llme · l c1lnlle All up'. su uf rt so Il t' effec ly e IS, I CHII seo you p,nlccLly. I'm holding lo~ the ~roclllct to ll " win ItUcnL,o he 1 u,r . Ih d " l tlilch 6"l1' ~ I pounds '""(-"flL fr~ ~bal lila I1.,.'1 III II\"'L (onulla l e I hy his work8. lhtl "scd u ~c dl ~ folk u'll J· UOlp , I'll uniS yo J f bt:YOUd Id~" any t bau rt~nt, L11t!Ul of fmpo y('ar mom fill 'I yo hfll(.u:jJcctllui IHRtll of milld in' which --1101 Olle I· ' 011I Imy arms, . . \ Th" ~Iory is onc of aillcere ' d eep ' ~rod\\''II1J::· e\'err dtl'I I on, andt Ihe tl "Clerllll II t<8 of th . strol; , e ,b pru 111 I .'1111:" I lI,e hoop. f ero r 1 t: I li or 81111 hiM '" I Il Stss ' n .. I hliU r Do e ~iL"LJlft . 1·1' , . l volunla ry re penlanc JItl0jiltl 'UI'lV ... "t 'Lhe h u" nclge letmd' bont over tIle . I y.oullllil II \Jule pIece of hlr" II 11)' 0 g~ttlllg J( ntw 5t: 0 m,, · hallrlfol uve r 7U ,, cU ,cj e"'le , 'I b 'ari ni{ which I wt're ' I'lolltod Ill'; a e , . l\ CO;U(! r~l; e oLill" h'lm ' _hUll the frrenJ s artl lO e founu ",hom I I h"t\ LJruugllt d"wlI c~:tIin" rcbt:l~ . C'lplllin , las' e Ih LlIJ\1\ • • pRvier thero, h"" "'18 you're wuuld "ITe, , you knew < " ~hich I ' "oll~ip I I 'b d p' elll'd 11 [; 0 ilL I. IU IIlI S~ I O Jla .R!OJlg Ih e , cnll!' II, 'Arll I~ . I d IOl1lC As ? ts IIIt~y .wish 10 1It!\3, anti whtlrtl a · 10."," 1, Londun . crirn lleled .'. lIJ1p"u. lheir of ' IJI RII I lIg\ t: ulJb' llt It gre " \' \ ,\. lH:lI~g aom"wh~L I :S WI.11 eBcr~ e ~l 11.I1I\ ,,111 ch h"v " cOlllmued tu[ ,' jill ./' C" • • . • Icn s IU. ler ey\lB 'Ig \, 1~l1l1dllJl!C w.. lcom tl ",,"irs Ihem, Nu: : "mu <c my h1J~Lt; , and .a I ' gr"ltt· a8 rebelliull proru is,,<lllue ceM . di·tl Lhe)' \ cn'lst. I . I . I lout III' wnh Il blill fwinch tl brel\lb, .. nti-jum ped \ Witb " III whIch II ~erllOU8 davlc" way t,l\" I r~"~lll g 0 ' her st:u to 8 Iirst I euriou \ s. I pit', ":IL I I niv C olHIS I (' , d Are e~)flrL hl ? .. 'r"t: lllllClj rcpell or Ihe 1t:".la. si"ns lUI}' show " WII.I1 · It! t ~ in I togL 81\(., Ie I to hellr Ihelr y 1II0re1\9~ e :51 .. to PfO ·! "leC(UI I.. ug" she IUllnd "ouelf tlrllblt! ("t:lill:;8 III oming II, 'Mall IlWn , would b" rllcei\,,, d. Rnd comin!; bac\,. because Lhey 10 \' 6 II1l1nllr" GillOt!. In. J 6~~ . Lll ~y Ih IIlId li.e (Jasdlng or . y dltIiculi e Ill Ilnd · nrllls. rtl H nOl. pllpR' r hll could ~f I bll sh.d. Hall wall the IIl\licipa.lioll of tb .. _r-.I ",.iuiu .. .on Ihe 8 U~j "ct, Ih e UniulI, o.r Ih elr prvpl' l'ly? Are I ~U~"d .I~eflrly tw e ll e nllllion E'8 1.'c 811~ . (;,)<1 i ~ Ihe flllh er of 118 All, We can' e.~ntly A liltio \ c1le hoop .. ~L IIJlU ~ . a!lb.a24 ~ O m ~lenb, c Rr" tllllY CIlU8e h~ I.Jllck dtlll wd~lcnt: Ilnd , f"'"IHII1 greeuft g 01 AI.t lakll\~ Mn. };t--pr comlllg not Ihey ! toO were. IIt(hcs Lhe : ('veOln! lhe In . thlll ntl".lly follow hi~ WRy : we canll ol .ee into confide nl)L r : he I r.. lIlewha c,11"p"rL 1111.1 Idling. T- , U1"l s, ~ Wllle lind horsI<s, r:,a('d ~67,~8.) Illy huSL and "O'~,,~ Jj . !;I\:e UI\ Any .mudIC! 10 whICh I ; IVlllpp"d Rnd 'p"r i. h with hunger to d "re l &of the (Ilture. IIllt feBr 'l rnL~,~e <I11lkne. Ih" woul:.! Il8.of whIch IO g"t newl u.' :016 biL 4[14 II ,\lid lll1ul ??LLOn, Rn,1 of th l; time of "ftlv!n g berore, All who re lurn pellccably 10 their h,~lpCl ~1 e w ~-pJlrllal. .ngl~ el:cl!"lh m a . voicu CR!lS' us ollwRrd. Wink lIis ·sho ol.u l1 II . un Whudl 110'\' Ih"y ~~mo: OUI luto thtl hlill to r" · l lIe ..- " mllrrJ8gtl. CUI.Livliling f, iClldl, .. e"'lio~I!, Will e.. J ht! Inr;::~ IDrnl~g popul"lI , I\nd plun~t! into I fll st Rsl"l' p 10 hts chair ull tll t:1"vclI o· II"me." ,. uidllllce g ita OLJ~y . I o ? th of 1 mllrritld IIIU~. he 10 1(11 . uL goill!{. nllHI, wad A 1 ~IIIng IIPJlly ~ ct/i"tI mil, Anel while 1.. drove for th c 11118111111111.1; Irom hos tile /lets Blld dI S- "III d plHLe "II tht:Y 1 wilhollt rlltihn" u, Wh"I. s8 I\by n cI.nek, '1 eX I unknow RI Ihe I d, m.~ny .urp"le lor loo~ Hoil c.·e rr a ltempt II~ di ~ nr· prudu ce of till . Iuxurlllnt I'llllulld my ~tl rr-uy IDlJrglDlIIg lhe Ilrt:CL . \ Mrd. L'-,hl\IL thou find eil Th ("llh. usuII • ~h" I IIIt(hL, mHklll g" lI.r rllngem enl8 ~o get up counle nancing wilh \he huL l slIlIl , n,o'hll1g I< l> . IlIlIght!d () m81 pt!cl"d, ,'eBee (; L1~ flS . ~lJd iug . II~r, liJould be met i!, the IRme spirit, }'enl's. ~~~~I'" pracLlce IInu ?rnl~'g m FHlh ~ r's armb. nexI a ill !"arly ' safe 1 mil, bl~ L il ~ell lf s" do ' Iby allil t!'. C~hfor· IhFlI a CLlDlIllUlll'y nt:t'ds ",lI lc h A~ it II'B9, Ihe ftYlo:"n rllllg t,.wir.e be · i could IIOL imllgin Me rr!l'~ Mus. 1. Sir , - 110 n~t .exlI~.g " lat.e Ill1ri Lr"ateu Wllh ICUICLICY. resl.ing brl'aklR8 1(111 nerlasl lo iu !C y BI1(1 beglOmn tlDl8,IO lll(ly In Ilccurdl oug~lt 8 \V,, she .. I llInd lu.ppl. IItup"' CllOIIOt " Ilia ("I'll lho:. J"ur w.~ oll, uati t.y _ _ _ ~,__ r.,on, I~ dlv~ .tlll~ tllllt esy proph I IVhE>~ h)' it cum. told was tl~nl ~ "'8 Indt'ptm , thiOI( bec o me ,~ 6c lf· s u ~ talned y(,.uoe: coull .r_,:,ufllI, 1 could nOL I... IP : h.. r thtl wholtl ' .. .. t Ch~Lltr. carried to such ~x.lrcmtS, \\lI! vrovc . I he t:I ~ lI1tllt. o.f her pl'ospt!rlly I /::l1.Hte During' . NTIMBNT tlllnklllg 1\ II h LIIII tllr'"I~t: Lh .. t no 011"" 1~ome on" who Wll8 Itaymg PRESE AUL& ItJiMARK 11 lOll. gel1erlll 1U~ . 1'I e II~ of hane N ON TIIB lu.:DnLloli.~ lhe l ' OPllilO l' ly Ecuo's , sudden II,)(J ~1I1l, "'hen dorrJl · of R Iiltle boy, Will nol ut! 8uH ercd to 1, 0 tI)lp,,"8reu 10 r~cei\' t! 01" A' 1 l'Ad ex \ lOll III lhtl time, nt could the w"r 11",e tl I 5p,,"k wllh .Jorc~, It IS be clIlI ~t: I fct: l , til" fun~ral ~ervic~lI th of argume end Wlilit r By ' eithe Ihe culllll'lll lij.!rJ fl'OIl1 t 1)(1\ n('1: e th I'uar~d ' of lil.rary. I'elurns Lhe o Ih into VllClt:\l. 1 IUS IIhoWII I .all IIbollt Hilt yeRn of Itge , who ditld in our l willch upon c~ t .subJ Ihe on ly deep Buchlln an? Clln' I " lh by of td out gl:t preveul jusl been r, .. Crull us. ler census Will jlrobably be enormo IIl1d Will Lold IIt"'1 Mr s. F - - - w"uld , I"wu, 'I ~ liy, 'i e ~ le~day 1 r.e fused 10 JOIII \'iIlHge 1\ fcw dfl}'s since. Ihe mini . r\' . u ~·o . UJ'IJ'S , · bt·ck non. I F Mre. Bnd l' , you ____ _ wIll _ _ WRY, I y l~l · ; ~ecordil Iho full ow ing sOlDewhat remli bII wiLh IDe dirt-ctly , Illld 1 of Ihe 6eld · l lh ... P?rty, !Iud ~at III ~he library nil Ihe r~ lfllt!d , ' Whllt wlla the relu\L "h'en tbe South , " wlliled for tWllllly RliIlIlIC ~ hy Ihe cluck oll"d U1 tl III an (llh or plLrt ~o nLimtl nl oi the lilll 13 bo), : . pre ~blo 1 on ~flerno . th,e III : r St.Y mY by urJllng ll1 , suppos , ceosed 10 reRIOII ? '1'rellson. wall Ihe8~ 'shl! -Io ~ai.t, 1 llOAf.: i~.' IlI Illet T:'E . Tile • VOR tu ,SALT \Veeks before hil deBlh,w hile un Ihe chiMII"y, '1'h" plilce ~"emjlll :::;~ver!ll s mon:lIlJ.: '1ll1 'be walk. wero ruler 60hlllry a 1\ of took / kind . (IUnr whnt For , IIlIothl'r in p.re ~ ttndTt" Inront R "HV~ yeL ruddy. Rnd his eyes J".) s wh en d' K. ... ~!l or thll lilt! II Iiltle lelti cllft!d fur Ihnll il used to ' "d 10 ,you kllOW, our my couragt l !:illve way. 1 Illn IIn~ cOli' his chel<kll Wtlre h!8tre or. helllth, h .. Villi" null .~Br~,cuIBr ~~Y'r h~c~":g , AristocrAcy lIt.: biog? A Kiog. be; lh" " tonerlll lI@pl!CI Willi lei" ple as . : Illr,lIud bdnl: 1111 h~ lretil e tli with brigh' II", I,n 1\ . hUrL by h~rfITY lht! to filled ! d W hal powur assi sled in milking U. fOl'war. CODlIl ltit eSdBlIlg 0 hM'1: y. on rd IIe\'"r from hl8 sleeplll i·room in cough, whlULhUL\8101I0t iU!l- ~I~w."IlVt:" Ill}: aboul 011 th~ fluor f,i , "d wuuIl(It , Ce, . . fcr:1 peRce 1 Ii. lield-Jllt s ' RII Ihose proc"ed lng Irom .. vlolenl b.ow I e"mtl down . fneno fOOl · our Inll 8 cl"Brly ~ lv tly stl .. pr our d et'n I LJ I n~n'n I hnl1 s. it . if ' 1 I · 'd SUUlt: , . Wtr'l . I mOl'llln~, Lo. IIl1d Ihl! cllf<ir J, th\l huok Ie l B . ' II' mnl HH tl 11\ t--" S t I· uc k In J\·s e If in my dfortll to mBsler ' 1IIi I' ' & Yallk\lo d I I bo(ore do .1 b reb a WU8t • ,Vlinl / I;u ll • \,IIIL~ ' • contU SIon, !llld, happell ing It) IIl11.leu y I Ie n y ~ gUMlla will you I the l'udlmtlOIS of tilt. gam... I WII& 011- 1s~en tbe 1D0st beKutiful lady lie ever ~Ilh whow wo ~ra broul>h~ what III ' Vroker, t ose .llll~ ~ 1C~t!1I l~lly 1/mu.kd ? Must git look for" filVOriL!! 9ulumtt iu ont! 01' Lh,, ' -Ihlll -' PrllY, Mr. so by lhe l~aw, I\ntl LhBl she WB 8 vory IInxiou8 /Iless CO~LQCt, do 10 rRiaed l who ALlt:mp to lln g'e~cJem induced the ly l of Mrs. What 8Bid oWlllg litle?' 0 I/,i. 1113. 10 lillie benellle d by trylllg book ' (lalea- ' (jlOle'~ Antiqul Lilll' _, ~ move 1\ he .1I01l1d nccomp any bur aWIlY t o be . hCl~t(,i~ fllltl her t'ricnu Ihat remcd J\': •Laijl fBII we w"re• ludueed lu 'I the blllgp.eL -Iy round lind ' enlrt'atl es of my '11 wllr whooP8 ! Wore hoopa. I I111\ d • • L. d ".nl r-llI·y I found IhRt il WIIS 1101 in it ... lace. Th" F - - , looklllg ablolutt k tl L" . I I ueaullfu "B ". Ie I more' thaD ao ordinar y WI IIlg Davia It} 8 IS Jetf. ,. 10 h W .. \ sl pa w oum~"n c \D blue wbas and little buy felL Rome" hrt inclined try w hB~ \,Irtue thered 'l'htl f\o)were 100, Htewt.'U to murn,! ed ano ' abollt her. Ulut: try to gomg wl:re Ih"y ; sah' they , DIe 1 mlln, tht! NMy 011 blow y utilng IL 1. lree 1mllll? 110 IUIl"'t:r arr"ngtl d with that' taste ' "1111 I 1'6ce iv<:d 1\ \'ioltm~ to Ihe ptlrsullaive pltladillgs of 8~11. We COWme!lCe WIIiAI rebt:! is jlldged m08t leniebLly courRe, Ih~re Ito piny lit lIi!:"t wilh I"mps fBsll<ned IU 10 Iislon alld. nlghl . noo~, , mornlllg dl\y tlmes.a hur told filially but IInu prtl~iaioll 'lor willoh Ill y botU"s8 hRd I ehin ClOm grtco, Of lady, l be.Bulifu the welll":v I .. II~t.. ~11 ~nd hoopR their geller"lIy ! Genera. Lee. lcd, lllccep Wtl dlssolv ed .1t large t~" ~poon Cull or by peoille . bt:tn tllwaya .... QII~rkllbll!. At IMI, were J\pologi,,~ made which . n p IaD Na.rnl ervcnllo loUB, And llll:ed IhBI IllS moth .. r coulu not .pare hllll, commo Sul,cllat Ihelr 10 tumbler YI"hl"d I half" r~,,\Iy libuut In \!lRS 8111t n F-Mrs. the 18 Lhnt Where iecillU' 8nd ' d . • " . b 1\ exc usu ., , huwever the door np" ned and th,, . . II Ie I'e ~ ull 1'. 11 thllL 1 am lin d IIe mu~1 lay II I I I ouL. PIl\yed dO. OUI? I"id 1' 1 . polpon . , gBrgled , Intertllttc III wy "lory, wenlon . ~ " : Bc~rcII In "bOUL Lh' ee wecks the ~nm('! VI Sion of culd "BLer. With 11118":0 dfllllth~er of the hou8" ollme \0. by Lh ~ Rccldenl, Rnd RI · a reboil· have dlsablcd fUlure <lu'te . Lho ill llon8 we h,,11 proposl ::) th"t bdoro word-, 8L JU ft!'IV a hly in I her, ~horoug lIIult own liliU she WII~ 10'O/;'ing remllrollly with morc cl earn(:ss the tb~ol\t m?~L , tl r"p~ate \VB! of one ove.r fall a by shllken much IIU Neyer. Illwa.p ever? iOIl wordl, Ii1R~ k"bly .... ,,\1 ; II bri!;hl colour W~! in her I wcrtl mad" ill su IUJlny . 1'h~ mOlher ondeRvored m~al· Llme. t Ih l! r" MuIL I~R9 btlt!n IhAt the fllmll}' I lhe !1O~pli. 1 do 1101 complal.n, Rod 1 IIntl btllluty rrtU fl?DI the Uij UIi. only no were 'e I \' hRJ he thlll hoy hLlle checlls, her e}'tllsh ouc, Rnd hAr . whiLl! , aUf/posi ng, you knuw, thu e pt:rsuRd 10 my - - _ .....- - -Cor",artl. ' (jo ! fee llt III ollly \Vh~t I. d~8tlne Cor coughs and oulds to WhICh, liS flU a~ elrees was preltily 10opl1,1 up over Ii l wlIS willing 10 come In Y'eldlllg Lo my a~lI- be:en clrea~ing, bill he could nol b"liev" 6S WCa~ntl sh .·ROM GERMANY.-The fooli ' R"'TION L~cy. 0 E~1l MIS.8 1I1""ys 8hrieks I' hll~e bllck wu o , back-g !!xtellds delll' mem~ry )'OU, flowered jJellic(lll~. ' (lO\V do asserlln g 'Lhlll he renlly 811W Ihu our , Lhl~ .~Ir ~he und"r but ons; l.'linlulul baa convIcti wood~rfu 6I'meJ \ 811)"8" !\ilng, erBI.d hMr lI h'!r cough Wilh , wltr<l he r persultsion bot:n .u.b;,,~t., .hUL Ihe bncklOg Mr. Croktr l' Ibe IUli,l. 'I am ~o l lpriugin~ Clir · cumllllllce8 l r'lll thllL . 1 am JU8111i"d b"Rulilull:.<ly, lind Ihat In .. buu 1 three .llu "."L.r"ly d'.'lp. p",.r~d. We ."I;I/)UI" beaD l~pllr." rJ 10 .HOIl:rBL/OD from Gerexcite ming unbeoo vt:ry of ~U\te ilia II wauled WIl lad 'ou are come. .lmosL irre si. lible. ,Iepeod s upon this \ 'II' hen I enLreat you, Sir, lo l!Jud t\le 11,,1 .,88 gArgle, Rnd UO mllny alllce tbe close oC Ihe war. Ita rourtl~ 110 b..d' (or the 8t!001l<1 aeL. ! m,,'11 t. 'EVllryFlhillg 1I0lcmn III .. week. tho 'belluli (ullady ' "p\,BIII'Ild \he IL o:nllrdy 10 Lhe tiftll ~ t\d iL to l\IOie o( corrcspotl1len~ silys thllL L'1'IO now lteaarr"b~ lllo colulOn l po"erfu your oC pillchll' ly I id rI ·d ·1 lind ren<l 'llled her earnesl mon cordi lilly recomm . , M hilling ' a progres s of this !Cluwing e\·il.-l ro · Lhird Lime mcrs '\I'll bting builL ill G\Rs~low (or ~m~" 18 "~ t e ml ua 0 It:r L/l"ml', ~o~e'lf i: lin BttiLude olld the comp~uy of ~htJ lillie UU\· rel\uers who lire liubjct.:t to rlistlt\lI- I C ' rdr vork , ~ntl'~aly Ll d' I' L N , servllnt euieDt YOllrob main F Mrs Ihrolll lue wilile of ' 08 crllck • . ·1.II·k Me l"n trietl L1\1. leOWI1 oy 8 lilt! 0 ew . . ,ou C RODR, ' "1111 ,'Ie ""11,' ~ou to, com e , 011 upotn C 1 '0 R~u clll n BRUle. th" tl urgl~ He . b3Y " u rl:wo: HARLKB 0 ' . \11 Rwn La ler. aB 8 It! IHIIl I comt! whI ch Will mAke 8e~~n large ltea~ boklld I\lIxiou~lr Itt a washed ·pink bllll !:t!.I,:tujwh o 11I1\'e 1I0t \.OU.' ~umellL lhis lime, a~serLIII!!;. IhuL 1119 t IIeMilo? ... Y"s"els on th e line. lhe Hambu rg uro ioll 8 a i~pre a~ Ihe grAS8 lav" of 0 ", talt '1 g A I. on 8~ ng wll81\'i which ' him VAn r "(lilre 'lIot humou ill coul<l • All qty monu:n t"rv' I~ 11 01 Ihe N. Y~ Co.m1llln y will in fllture run Qne fuNARItADLB SUICIt lE.-A mlln ill 1U01h"r of i u >athed A greRI &i"h I ' I " In ' lhRI It Is UIII,l eRSrllI l , :sueh t . 0m ll18 I I ,' •. I I ' . . . . I' • .• I R8. . 11 ~n "t"· ,n"r· n·gularl y eaoh .. Jlva I 0 lIuout IIJ'Cfl Rn, re rc"SOIl, conlrRry, II I. P ~a811I1l. of II ;Ir ""u young ourlief,eel, b' k cn.e . 011 Lbe (lun, whoI I"u IIrI. 8uOle " 1 · ~Ighl 01 Lhe bllghl BlITrill!: II. . PBSt I IIheu 11& LII" .',~ ' ~ •• n I tiew I· hall . 10'--'8 ~ when II • o( t d u f 't t f . d I L d··' no qUI e SIC, .en , " tfl . S WII Cd JOY P. ILl e lli . . competilion beL'IIIeen t I:se tenlew , he 'I UII'" r.. ~II. w(' II ' Ie ( B per@oll no lo<en C Utili, lu lL. S I Ry \l·idwlll eW or R ter wa) R Rce, an , luoug the "n lo upon gone l\llcd PtJ u~ 11", hilS R large "nd vcry ~ OUII (!it' d dUfltRnd her IIo!lu . iona I f.. llo.. ed .her'. E\'c rlthlllg 1\ liJ'ccL Germllll Iint<9 lIod Southlm plon . . was take n' 1 killtllf hinl sHlf by trying to (orce I I . k' . .18 wIll) I U V~8 fI uict clean muulh, .Rlld ·11 . ' . ' lick. In t Ililt bellull'ru I IIII}(1- \V Ilere IIC II M ",iLh 'III·O"L . ' III II ~' O 0SS .I 1I UII" .1' ' lion KI" RIDH8 hM re8ulteJ in III'consideL'rable prupoKl w, lIt: I KPI,eLlte whlc h" Imlt! ID id 'e.nd D w CODl!!' Ihe t'Xlraor ul' o . ou~ throug u u" IicrOS8 the hllllllld .8 ge Rnd my ~ leri r us lirb., t drIIt o .8harpen er of Lhtl SI b k , . iliK in hole ' 1\ d . . mllde II I ' ht l mpl f IIll(' Ilia k I. b . . · I . ~·ro':ll In u never nown . OJlI'II ~a , re tiu ullOn In (ure un oth lDel.lBLioo roolll,o 11' lie I ,e Will UWS IL. uu • 1\4) "II 11 a _PII'II tiet'mM It thtl I lO M U Hlory. unite cohlemp my hllL l win . t· II LI ' V{hlll hRs havptln - lIary .IlI,n dof' bl I I fwr tbe di-tinct Lhroflt wh ic h I'liu ,,, d hlB delilh. A pOS l Rra Ihe link. IIIW the '-'lIr.t!en , I f ' 0 ' 11 ~ proJl'c III .' a k l f 1 II " d . I -,b d' . . .11 I' I' l.1e fH!! u boollll gly I" IB L tl 81~aDld Ie ~c world. lind louchrn 118 .. U. \\DOIL Incre I OUtlOlr, \Vu uld S~I!III Ihllt. Llle IlInllfll:e of Unite I: d lolhlll III e lhe AI,"i N .lIo,ltll1l examln atlun . ltiCO."1l L.:iJo Rud orderlv 1i88umoce Ihlll Wfl8 uiv clI--' - 'miniBtrlltions .of pur" spirilK kto the'"VI S' I plyin" belwee n tho wilton i ultt!ad oC one ·lt'ggtlu IOIJil!1' hobbled lhllt his .tomach alld rnle8tlllte Icontalll , A "XtiT" ly 8udden '· F La 10 1 ~· . t \moubt . . . . illaoont uw ' I' b EOo I b d I II· ,! •.' l i . -CpIJTt ;)1IT. i,Holl crowde d 8In'd·CHI' ill Chicago ~!lS"~». 80 1II0men, D n . II la In~le8 on~: , IOII of liltle d"ldrel l .r"lreat 10 Wull: I remelD tlr IIVlllg lI\0"U O J on~81OI d p ,· , :r Oh.Mr. .'::\(~un 1 81 tl'1 I u l ~1. "lion.' bUI ed 'nIBnim ·fac pnl,, withgrl a Rnd claimt:d \I ltl olher dl\y, . mBllypleRliJan~ talks Rnd quitst bllppy ___ _ • r ounce" v n ~ one Rnd LhrIJe Ilju"rlltl - -.........- - - r, now it' ~ my 1111'11 to pi,,), I I w"lgllln Oll ~ hourll we pABBed through a lorl uf Crooke II'rf:~u ,Ir 1\ Ilipe uf pl ett)' lillIe womJln IIros.: .mll j,! IIV" him IlOne nor th IIIl Take I STl'pv.ell}" TO I' II 13£:OIN TO How k b · I ~ . . . . th~ to " up " U III ~ pI\S , WM · : II" t ~ A I . yuu .e~l to II~I' f ' '11: t! COIll will I I llrly poetica l pen (urotht:r d no pRfticul It I> A trl\'e ¥ir 'J1I1l : l-l ;' ~ " Illmh" r·rooB u t.: ht~ I ill dlKllI ele r. w.~lg w I't.: I you Olin vel" Y vlloal I h1111III tllinll fllr !( I'B ute hoxes we rt: ne.:d 8Care.. tiR'y thol wh en ~hll diu re- 'Illd lI · hlllfin ed Re Rl , Lh6ir "~Ie mt-t, allll .th!!)' w()od~ o ,. ur~al . •. 1 If a . g funny faoo)' : . "c (ollowio .ulne e Ihe .. lon es " h ~ l1i 11'1' n •.m~v. To.o ~ , ". ont! oUllce ; allot hllnl, Ilnliounc' L Infly u (> eo, or It ,may yourse . f II a"mc Wt:I<' II IIh lJlfCl' for t L \ I lying on Ihe Ooor,'o were" lIumber of Inrn, el"h,d IIr,d Iri\lDlp Ll A, d' 8Sl'Ct 1111 ' thrtw Lh~m Bcl v es inLo e"ch olh"r', exallliJl , e tigal ~ lll\"tl 1I0t. Iy lead a jOlli ..l I geneJ'~l d' musL lS I" St:C 0 IIl l·r. III me Rn croqu~ J' lu.11 utl" n lerrilll ) malleta and oroque t balls, loget.her ill~ Ihlll " he hit the etick, IIIJZH, I\nd du lI11t re sl ulllil you hRVC ,Hili'. Til" bl.ldif y be lo lodge \'; must it 111 ~ U~;IIC : : ,,11111 ": Think IIn t\Vdo life. cob tiro co f 0 sup , wa. her alld , 8hrub e "~~te Ih lln 'J'U J inlo lI"n J1 e, I L mlly COII~urnc w.'v un ·'Ued III 1 . "'ith hllots, clualo8, umbre\1a~, III1U iudill- led her husbRIIbew l of ivor1 ll til p~lace "'uo a " e ; I eng Imagin ll!' poi I St: .. 1, lilly Ihe R 1\ ed in by prov ildt!l'cJ . f d A hll lf III ' . t u1lild ... hllt WIIS too much 1 I be dend hy hi a lov in g . Ii II 1<. '~J dtlir 'I se tI 10 Spill II'me 1" 1 'II~ l)r" "" 'I :, LJut It wil l 8RVt' pose,j to".(ore silver and cap[Y' of pillare 811 wilh IU lob er' S loe8. pearl, 0 1'8, our or lO w,.l(" lu 10 J t! on Rbl llf W .. h 8101'Y· Ill)' h .. lini wl·fe. U ~r~ ,U IUlure. II pi ' v t~ I(,,"u Ilnrllrnillhed Illia room t' tl\'ulutiudosilL10whllt time d.inllll r would be che!! 101l.~ Bnd !Ialf.an.inrl~ · ~qultn:! ; an' ·I;me in Lh!! I'll 'Iudy r.!llUre Iller , IIIlJ hi ~ I tlll ~ of gold, all exhlliing . lucb. perd I 'I Inc llt!~ hilt' ,. , Ille I·"ruuver! to CllieflVo II D"", U·~. . , l'I,)w' U.1 1' 11 J\IOU 00 me to ioquir13 " · ... III. · II ean· lin Illn L _'WlI .. &tIC rlilher 'lor 0 things I t:"'c'I"1 ... a my anll to up book". go Ihlln Iher <hlluld 1 .k hu "Rid corn And I · relll!\' ·d ~ulJn a" IUllltl as never aroslI from a hllmlo I As . tr. ' II I Q' 6 . . ' . Ob ~ "rY e trilltl8, lur letter lIev ~r reac lied ., word". Ulera .• lackin~ . of rUD a Ihe a,." e, "gRio, WI I e llI FRncy )IU II It 10 pteoel' I lin \ r <e "ve~ e, Ill I\ bow ve 3 for lt out lIe could ullv~I, h~ .el I ·ou let: the balls spoil 10 if room lit Lhe present . I aholl111H , Wh hlld uccn 8 IUIJ~. twlJloh .. u IIIclI ..Ii as to be · wit lo ut Rn ·' mel his 80rrowi nl' "ife in the roo yourllOlf up (or the oighl in Ibe fold. "Iael 'IIIh ~ n1 lurlu wiLh.oul eh"",- nOLhin!! i ~ 8(1 triflilll:: • id Miss o''1lock tllO , alld I am Rlwl\l'8 LI I" . d II · I ( Y'I~C I b' 1 " J . I , <> gende u \rI)H DIg I., .K Ii 11 0 ,mB.:: I Iley are tl t 'out" imporIKnc41. eu Llv a le II III.I But of a "'1 88, rocked 10 sleep by lhe r r hour cornr:8 rountl, so.. tI llil l I' IrUIl P oYl~d I1I(e (R 1) Pre" • mlln Lie wily we taBU describ ed. I' t I. ' If 1I'lle direct- the dinn - . 'b b f to . boibing abd air, r P W f ~_ _~. .. Bumme .nR • of _'_~ t .ervAlIo L' sigll _ L ue'!; 0 " • e poi n rUul fJ . ~ ng "lIy 10 "".AS rlllhlll' rO_ 'lIing \I nJl!e CD you.r sorry to beAr they dd Ol 0 0Id Ing .- -Iu\Jo" : Ilave f.RIL II 10 II Ie for her geolrou 8 impul81!, 110 rllre in .do when you "all. up bul ~ .... b d _ ~ .. lach ....' "oryllo Iy, Abd It "'101 rleeo CtlU goo U" Sam, Are you ooe or the up a I tbe boa~e, that dlb8 before tb"m I sl Ise"8n, 1111d Ll ly In the pree· tbele daye, in &iviDg Il.llr leat lo a yo~r.I\eIC io' dew ' 4rop _.d t.1l to. ~Qd I r 1.IIIIf·pa. ... .11 roun'l! ... , 10llg I sOuLhern chivRlr y" • No : main, l'se futnre, and wo~k earnest ~bn9y.e e ilL lIohng.a p be poL in Ibem pa~ o c&aie"l •• lear oed bow maimed loldier, I~f/ir ,~uDioD migh l bilL sour be~ · clotbell bave egreet by D ,howlr! l" I Iho'- eo', .~d .'r...dy you Souther Je ob ODe 'Iery pOlDted ~nd sm!le'd, ~0'IeI8 my ao bave he.D I~Dl: delayed , here at ll1' wilidow. W. are 0111 to t)ei lb • I.ollkr ,Ie' d dl',' aL tLe Dutch Oap Canal: kDO~ YOIl. .IIIYIO ely, ,lr,cnou &tae' . ""'1 89' do ".:I~ t~ • 00 roOIJl. lIr. Croker ; tbe WllliGwa o •. .. ' . ' IOOID,. , ,
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n l.ue cCll u Anl.l , 1I E tlllsl'lI zhlrol ng" hold Ihe "nC'I,," 1 'IlStll! of .B,t:rli.l· \ (' Y, m'lI u , in fAmo us by Ihe bru Lal Dlur'
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-The hi6lory of &hll qU I"") tollI e en Bennetlo( IheNew Y"'11l lid' 111111 IOU P. '1'. B ... n.., . lI inl Rn M1l1l8' ' . f J , 1' 1 , NOM
to lDllke
"Ita~,' u re llip olllh uelU WHit . b _ '·G cn~rM I" xlOll, II~ H ilio llI "H e Rd , I t 11111 'D1 l1 rfJed lmll of Ihe ~ c huo 111" ama. r
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ex,oaul8 I I~ mann cr. ' 1l .. I~C I I Ihe IIholl'lI1l1l1 oUlwltted Ib e Journllll , I, \ \l EDNESDA"l, Ol l110 ER II, 1110.'1, D RAR 1ft .,. \'ery lillIe o f dt' l of h .IO" EJ ,.,. d 2d;. n or hnye I I I ...~ ~~~ I 0 or Til l It: r I IV Il ll II\lIe r o\'errt'lI ll IlUI I VO L, I , _ _____ __ _ __ - NO, x n, Lon doD , (or il was Ihe du ll le lUOn, I l' i ~I~~ of t.he p r~'~DI faCe pu ri lil:d IU' .-Ali s Burdllu Co ultS. Ih tl. l io h Ell- himse lf. Wil e n l3'lIrn trrn ' s Mil e , '\ ,., A! ~ ~ 1 LL 0H _ _ , "lie n fHs hion lI11d IIrisloc rllcy are OUL of orl!,; nltl 8!nlo. r ro lll II bon of ~11t: fi r. 1 !;Iltdl IlIdy, lus t htr 1Ifliole III: IU o ( nll~ , burn ed d" "",- Bll rll Uffi olf" l"t!d hll • ' . did" . ' E I I I. I I '. I 'I t I . 005 UOU fi .. eo nln '. Ip en I .. ' . .ottllebt 01. 1011"11 ' COII SefjUIHll ly Ul 0 t o flht.! publi o , n ~ ru n, IOCIt h.'(1 In ngll llll, yourcll rrf' CI\l tlll uV ll~ plAg ue. I lIH' I'e )' t-nr~ l'nse 10r Slle lll t .. ;r; , · OTH Nil I a re clo t d 0; II co urse of sfJ ond eu t cl» im ' her urifi in ; . he , Th. ..·en Violoria ill in II towJ!rinll p••- t JJiliHllI LL bough I it. tilUUl I! hi!:IPlin g , I l'lfEirES f ' I . " - I ' I L U '1.' fur 111'0 hU II Jr~ u llw uSnll( H'lIll"\1 1 t he ~ • t;ill I'eplli r. HUI Rr~lr PU l is , n el') t hiu" IJ u rl' de i.}<, ; t ~k y, ~ Illlg ratc u II I Seal' blOU ilL IL e 11 1'11 " e In li e Clil on, III(C$ • U b . ' d' I ·.1 V.E8!1'1NGS, AJ~ .. ,... " . u I rvlotl ,~ U ' 011'0 1'0' for h er hUli' Dl OMt" ) , ~ nnt!LL 'J ll"" t I I ~ Ie ll ' " \""'~I'1 luokn l 100 uirly !11lt1 diminu livo 10 Il\ lId ill :I,,,' l(OI " of Willla nl Ihe l.101, II uUll Ic r P " nf th" (~e fr om the Ol,nttr, Mr. SlI rg l'nl, I %..Ll L\ MINGS, Cu P il Il ru U S~ m y CliJiUSlt l' . T he 1'IIrks wh en Ifllld found td l h~ fH Uli ly II'hioh lind l :.b~· bllll d , .' . . ~ Cll t r() r $ 45:>,000 but lit th e I·.xpir nliu ll & r .. ",h :Hi li~·moDutaeture. acc<Jr~!"~ Ihrollgt d with 1:r.';~ II U i """ ~H IInJ g flyl}' 'jert U"n:l"y, lhtl Aplil ogis for 1110 Q UI' -· T hore is R he rmlllll HlI p ll lutoW.Il. r LI:e limit o r th e rpfusill, Ilt"~rtcLtlll 10 Ihe, UATh:8'l" , ' '/ r " , • . I MIIHtiIlUh usCll ~ , whu hllll •...' urn Il'I! ~ lIll1e I' 'I I " ,,· t . 'p ' !He; tlr~s.tlJ pcul, It!, mllY Imvu ul lrlloLJu n8 ; I klln, 11I11!J11g' lIs llI~mhers, hI llI uueJil I ," I' ' I ' 'W " ILy ,. .,'If" Itlld C O~I!, • \0 Ou nlrH Cl: H1pln ~ 10 "e, 1\ ro lIlS "ll1a l, I .' ' ,. u p,.lr u IrO IY ~cl . "' " d J: : ' 'dU Cli on u r Ih o ti l' ure . Mr. IIrgf' n t, I 3 • , I Nis: tll' t se~ 1I wllho Ullhcsc ndd enda, th e /dR YS, Ul lll.oll . Itmolli he retJ by 118> \ llJtlVd l ibHltll u I~().~ fullljo f \Itl !lurs, 1\O ,\' I) \'" e...-, ut .• e InretI"' tl 1tl COllrll'" II" I ondot lhe Cui I . " J • 1 v' , ~. P itl 1 t!ln~." {J ~ .' " tLe C ClI I! SC g ' U.R IIn ll III ~ I -i r f ol , wh en t hu Suldltf'~ tJrc,~ on ti le, peo· - A /Jllillt 1\11 11 n tl w..rf, hRY tl fU,~nd on Ih e o')n fuJlillm c nL orlh e tnm s, " .11111 LOWEST POSS!! L1J: PRIOEe, Cin ___ illICllVJy lI u II I:f s, luu k pvvr. _'\L elicit pic c l o wd ~ d In II,e 1I 11110 1V ti lltlet8 , ll,t"ir lI a y fr" lll ':: Itlll ilto Engltl uu . fh t! 5l1il ed' (or Europt:, 1 0 1\ \' 1Il ~ U t' lIl1 e ll wlLh I .. D (INION TICKET TIUUM,l>OJ.NT. ' "wI IU O lU ini" l ul " Iil cll \I'IIj' ij , II W(; l' Cll uli ll l,; d il" fu l I' cS UJ'IS . I f')l lII d , "Idy ll ill~ t "" 11 )' e lH~ oC lI ~e , i ~ \ l\Vcl '~ 6 y.tn rs' leMC of 1\ nl llll'pll lCh " f ' T he (' uUill:; Uoga>tmeul I olle o f wldc lI, 0rpobi,u A pps ),'y 1I 0 us.', FI UUI IJri~ l "l l o G loucester, lil o riuc I ~~ V I'1l r~e l l· ig h l illc lws ill higJI !... 'rl lu g roumL wi lh a pil ~ o f r\lbbl~ h UII it, f., r , I .. oml or lhe ti upelvislull of Ih al urll is R line "11111'. ' lilll1 81nlUC ill vnll ze 01 i.i 1111'0:1,1;11 H' beRu tiful lo nd 'c lll' u. IIl di· 111 1\,, 1' iti Ihin." )' VII I'S 'of Il gu un u lllll Y' l w . Itich lie pllid S20Q, OOO. Ben nelt,6 1!· l . l, 15,003 to 20,Ooe Major ity . , . ,' I .. I ,. ' 1.1 I. " Ihre e fetl hi " h ,.till l' It e blld n CI)IOU III el(' phll nL un hl~ T T (jIt) 0 SON 'fLo rc!urlls fronl d 'D ~ Ie c l i u n yes te l" LI.., Duk e u( \\ elli ng-'Oll. lh e P ulllc" I l'u r~ ltJ " 1 11 $ It IS J10S~ I U l' lo ue hy IlllJ ,:> . . , ' I"\I~I'!I, IllI cl ffii'led t,o s~ 1I tllck his len~ll . . .. r I dllv ellOw IIl1 ul her coml,le lu ~iOlvly o f "I 13 l1c klug LlI lIl Il vLl .e is II lur gn f>i\co r fr ellT;. . of lI ~ lu l't" 11I~11 1111 IUlil ur Ih e --A ~uu lht rll p npe r Iplls. u~ .r- A I Lo llurnulU bllt th o sho ll' lnnn h:t<l w,h"." III 1,',1<1 h~el ' II~ 1:l' IIC, ~lIy. J " . ' • , ~BO Il vi Lh " 1111 ' 1'1~:lILl c l1t Pulk 1.:1 t:w· ' . oug& u lu u d IVIIIUU a 6U)1I nur. the Union Tiukd o\'e r all " I'Pu 'i liun, uUlhl ll'oil , WIL\, UUL l\I'chl\\,C IU f ld lm lU I)" , hl ~I\I' KL SII\l.E) of cu il UIC, r O IV~ we 1 ,1" "I.d Wi lh lw" Iduds, Iii., thrett I'~ mad o too b ood a bllrg olll to lmdl! b llck . HEADY · h! A UE CLOTHING II J II C .--\ , ~ P l' 1\ U \ louking up " J"m t s's l~'ll'k Ihro ll ,,11 II w"", 111 ~ bt.! l wec ll lull l\ll l~, 11,m h o I. } ,I II J ' I.' , I , 1If:' lI ce , t he llU fl U'e I bet wee n t\"l ll c fIIld I ., I . Ie uPP' ", ,, liT Yl ~ co m p ~ c , . . -, , :> ' .. .• . ".' li ~u uO Ill' ~ I,e l " y, Ill, LlI : IU~ Cllle., ' llnu U IrnlllU , wh ich Ibt! o lht! r mllD lI'" III .to.!P quall!" Y "tl U t tl!ul". ll uul ll )/ln.! o aga.ill t o un, w in its 1"'J u I 'I• bullU auJ rc " I Vlslfl lt l nll thc.!lun e G O ll rLl ~. I' /loh ,d ll!). I lo xulll\ol \\ nh I I~~S f: d I luul cs ' pil i c], II&".1 uy II N urlht:l" ll,'"s p..I.c- ers 100 k U U \' IIIlIII~ U U f 10 f I'll\! l h i '" sly il' , ur hulile .nol, e , "Iwlly!! III ""1'111, • . li llll llg III• " IIm ~1! V~ 8 , 'Ir.o I'n sll'Im" I [l,·) ond IS 5 U ' 1l '\ c;, tul loSlc r A ubel', I y ok ~ 0 f ( Iltl 1"[ .,..1\ III R ill I Clver I n t'I tern , , u. • I vcrtlIHl'; /\Ill " gu fO, on lJ l~IH' r g ru nt! , I ulilLu " r II ll ht IH IIl V b lll~" , UI:III' .u .. ~u · ' rrum lilt \ lille,l lo 1II. llI lll lll IItlltl '~\lllla I ll~11 The enliro Stil le Tiel., I id' eje cted oJ' bu rl l UII tI ,e ~ j lO of ri ll! l:ULUlili IcoII'I" , beall lll ll!; (u r mi los lu tl.., \\"e1~11 UI ~'II ' I ni h, .' I whi .11 N . 1f Yo!'!1 i~ IIHI" hi'I " hell r llly. I " I h ~ lO ll5,e a~ one ~ r lit ' r ,I C ~"", J , , ' . I . , . i ' " " 0 0 Iludl ey ulI .6 hid U.al. IMIII wil l -Plti Hi,OOO III !W,OOO mllj ori!)", lind llic , ofApuJJo , LYll lcca r!).' ~UXV U L: III g s, ! llun $Il UlI' logl ll tlie S II li S 1.1I1 l'. G u · -- J llmt:s !l " l' g n ~on " orB~pne t , Vt., , . - - : - - , -. - - iluiild l U ~ VO . Uu· i.~gisl lllur~ is uHiJeuly U ll iu n. O ur rn allY o f WI,UUl nre I!uncd lil ~ l'e . AU- Icu skr Lilli! II ~n l h c t!rl\ l, Ull t mere ly" 95 YO'lIrs uf " g-C , I.' II I1 11VIl, 0 1 ::ku ti ll nll , I he !JOSIOD Jou rnals In for m lIA th lll 'f ' S ',,1 14 mRJ'orit y ha re JU ueo nllJ ' d it iull s were m nde i ll n ged, \ IJIl8'il1l:( );limvs" is seen from Lhe lIi l. 1CU ll, ","11\, I'UII 01" JlHllp Ifl l h me n mu ch lh t! P Uritll\1 Hhip ' ::lVlH rOIY wk.' .nullO UlI, 1\(' o nl , . I , , . , },otl ug c r, 11e hil t! \'O I" J c,' c IY 1'I'e~j · : . Cn lt onll exn mille Bloc k !lllll pri ces, , .. h th o 1I~l e J cn lill . I l" Il'Cll. OII f ~> Ill \Vn8I'\In ,'.IUII ' ~ ~cu· 'l wr~ck tlll lU IG20. I,n l!Jll e ll~l~ rn ti hor o Jllll e :17. l ' l.)UDLE)' m i"" /lt IIIHe bel'n 5U' (J UO it 1111 wllo I bu t tu" mo~L bl:II Ulllu l ul llll is tliu cha p. rOI\J IIl1ll 011 we Apl·J ,11I'l\\l <> lira opposed ,to Iho b O;; lIB D Cll1 0crllcy cl, liu iJ~ ulldl: 1' Iht! lIu~l'ic"$ tI~ llc llr), lu rdy ohllwpa 6 uc "lHIllI!'y. u nli l " !l urk Ion ll IU LiIl C'ol ll 'S ' oconll bl~C litJ lI , IIIIU to of ( 'lIpe Cod, hilS b~l' ll r ecl' "1 Iy " llX um · ; - .- - '. . , baJ voted. lJut in rtll'li on ~ of so me 01 V Il l, 10 110, if, II 1I0101'i O\l~ Iyrant, hlld II .:l uud, hovc ring li~, II }J,,1l un Il,c b riglil l ,I !I (l P l' ~ "f(lIl C(J i~ !;,O ll tl rvt tw o vr llire.: I, eel fr OID- its SHil l!)' l;,'(I, c llr ,'f llll )" I:!Ollll b' : 'J ' IIE L,lllG ES'.l' 8'1'0 (;1, ~I/' lhe l'orlu crn coun lius , l),e It"p uulicillIS 19; 1Iud fur ll l ch ilec lu r,, 1 Lt ll uty . H erl' ul utl sky, b~ tvkc lI Ufl IhB bu .. y c ity 01 \ lOon~ , 1, ')t1 , renlljus1o ll, i\1I (I, tJl lilJll Lo BL1~lo n 'or i diss nLisuc el bccuuslJ llc U niu ll Il' pUS" li\ 1l uf lltusc "' ,)e lJl"l\l I: U d ' l J::i rlll ing hll Ul . A s Wll dre w n'Cllr, I, --=1'I 11! 1'1l Wll9> a BocinI g nlhe ri n!.( lit l exhib,iiull, T he plutfufUl I'Hclit: JlI !'nuII [: h, Rnt! IIII! CIUI·I, j Cldull S Un(I I\ WUl lilUJt: of tnll · bo.:lchin i:: I tl e ur III WiIlU ' i, is , tlll llu '.!81io uI' bl)" Ill tl ide ll liea l cra ft ! they thu r~ fore IIbsEllteJ ll.t: msell"t, s \ Llle hnv lcd3 Q utt n uf ::;L UI~- I I . t:i r >i ll fUl' lh blllu\;u , I\nu lli u uU iltllfl~S nlla uhell h .. llI , Oil lliU 4 : 1~ \IlS~. , fir CIUHII ulu , whic h we nL dow il at l illn Li""" , " " 11 ,11 ' • ' " 1 J '. Pl' o ll l ~" Sil l'UII ul W),,,IU W'; I': L,rul hul' s ,...-• .110--. [rom. Lho pl1lh: ul IiIU USll')" allel I ' I I I Hg ~~ UIUUU II . I I'IIl cd .by li ol'tlillUr• Brnu rlirU lind. m il l'r . . • t\ 1l 1 ti l ti t~ !i8 . W Iv:'''' u.l1I C l . . hcnce . .,\ sli ?" ht fallill C'" 1I11UW IH IInJ q, u:-t l'l tl~ lllUcu. III •Olhe r I JI; 1I 01tl . Iho amounL off In lho U ilIOn nl"J urll y rru m furme l' I pflrl ~ uf Il le pi\~ , " C wfi nu,"I' Ulll itl Ih e \ Lhc 'Il")' l'I,d" ot hUIlI :! 1I b(' 1 l43~' w ho nll d led lu ~/.ll 'i jCill' S , II,,, ol t1~ ~ ( It,,)! C"i ~ 1I l\" I h l8 to rJ lllI S. [L will btl 1111 o"J I:C L o f elections. ~ e l·c r! h ~.Ics~ , O hi o h '\~ f1 gai ll \ IUIlIbs of il lubl l iuus del' u - p ()c ~S , s t u lc~ ' cmpl oy mcll l lhel e. L. wl13 n,~ t ~orry 10 SC \'el~ II UJ III~ j'O UIl ~" ti ~ till ,)' ei:;11i ')llI iu, il y, l~lIt a lvll rl lu d l'~ tl cS I' C lll l l\l\ I~ ' decl1\1'et.l rn II nrn lsl Rh H e lUlI CS, hel' IIl Co. I,llI lot>o !,her. lind klll :Js-allle \'c ld \ mUhO nl)' Hry IH'ld II 1111U t!.tll fu ul 1of Lh ll LUl tu 1111 whu IIII\'u li n iirm &!)d unllile ra ble II ll r. ~il1 ll c e to Ih e by l h~ 11 \"", g rim 1)'l"Idll, a oll aWllilili g : l lUl O" ).Ih~ rl' , III1U IlU lTY IIl oll~, OI' H n . - 'l'il e g rnnt1 -d.~ u g:ldt r 01 Chi e f JU.R' i ll t"l·t~ 1 in m (' Dl u l' i /d~ uf Ih u oldt u .pr inciples of lib~ ny lin d lrue \.:ove rn · ~I i ll\l l h c fi nal S UIl1I110~ S wh tltl elll'l hly I 1II0l'e lev,,1 Imc L, l o Lbo h ~lI rL uf E ng , l1I: e M I\I'~ h "l , uf 'v I r~l ll ll\ , ~ IIl liI ~ th~r. ! li me . mee l, tli sli llCl i o fl ~ 1\ 1'!! unkll u lI' n. :ti e ll l' Pi LL :anJ Bu rto n on 'l'rcnt R nfll t l illl~ Ilw n m ll~" 10 lh tl F I'~c.I IIl\~ 1I S l k hd:SU · \ ,, - '-.- I' . ' " ' . " , .' ci ,·t y It) ",ll r I' f,)uu.lo k ~t' p he r fn flli l>' COL'G1\', A.'I"lON vii' I KA u, ('li:tl l: t.1A ,I N 'I' 0 W N , !hl' Un ion mllJ 01'1 1Y lQ W orrell C oue · IS the lu mb uf },l-J lli' _\ nu rc, lIUIl Ul't .l \ lUWII, fanl u a~ fur lIs 1I 1 t:~ , He re B ur IrOlll slan'in,' , nnd, III 1111 Y u li1H~ wll v A 1111111 wl,o hlld lit en cul ti v'l lllIt; ']'"n ty u 29 1. ill dca lh fur eUllll,liclty ill ~1 ~i;\Of i o u ' i l l l ll'~ nl." 13"s~'s 1l,,1 ~ Id ~ , Il litl Al lsu ;I' . wcr~ 1 ~ lIrcd~1I ti ll: lllxll ry o f oo u l ll~1' 1i , "a 1111 rXI' ~ I i u lI ' 1I1, ~ i ll c c l euJ , W l'i lc ~ schemc s for whi ch Ih" pi ill d l',,1 w as I nlll, " r WO I 1,1· wid (· runo \\ II, 1II' t! UI'l,\Vcu . \ lIu. I"ell II,.e 1I 0 1Y ~~ar " " l y cllp ll b. Ie uf II" ' : Lu lit .. b flV IIIl,II 11h ,11"0,.11.1 111l. L. mos L, 01 1 Union iUnjol'uy i ll " ' lIyne, shun nt d: ro, s l r"" ~,, ly i ~ Eli ulis il 6ocie' I NcxL dMY , t l s hon l iti lJ of one ho ur \' 111,;;' I h e w .eh·c~ 11'01ll Sllll' r tlltvll l I ' l ~!! I Il II I~ . g IU W \I Il UI ) , 1I " . 1 IIld ,I,·" 16 u I tl . . J . , . ' . guuJ q UIIIIlY, Il IlJ Ih" ,, 1'Ul ld "Il l UO li S \ ' ' UeU' I' ~ ·11\ tiS 111 ' II lell' ' UII t'1\' (: CO Ull · . Tl Ie rl' lU rils froln Ih e d tlr~ I'ell t pre · 1ty cunslltule . I lhroug h IUX UllIl ll l m ~" uow ~' ~IU rllll '"(T" I - -, Mrs .' ,l ul lll Monlll l1 til' Vl' I'I, IV IUU W II W " II 111 CIOC ts in Wllyn ~ T ownsh ip uhow tl\,. '1'1'11[111011 1" 'Sq uare is cH lllinly th e I" II I'r UW, ~Iu l,(g i ,h SI,CIIIll, 1, 1I01"1I :q'd 111 ,· ", f 1,;11 1'111111 J lllll es L:\lHIHIUI' , ~· hu.~ I lry • '1'11 " p lllllts r Oll",i,." III) cll llivll tioll \ , b r U ilion . ,I <0 ' ) " lIH, ru UI' ), IS ,."l1dil l el l I,,,,, ou, u;' h l ~ ,'.. !. I . . , d UIll e r 0 Yute s oollcu 10 hllv e ' wo lt l CO llll:h' S' luII l'c ill Lond y,!) ~ i m p l v I ru m uulic J u r e, ;)tu ug lo l /lI lI tu UUI'X' I ' I .. I I CI " ,I... IIItt:r Ihu Ibll'd }\'J III'. If 11' .. /1 11.);,,11 elll'l! \ O P I'O:::'l TE THE RO GERS bOUSE. eolD ~ . • " J • J • • , n liL COlli u.: L UII "oa n " C It,a p'" '''' . li I ' , been 302, 1I11 t! Il le 0pp oslLlOn 143. - bcc ause il is 11I1I' d . wilh 1 0U ll lll i ll~ on ell- r, ID li "J~ 01 yortl II I\ Unlllll tlL ~l lu l1 , il.l hl' r cu lll~s t I~ill l II", 13riti~ h 11'I " lI le ul, y L u\L liUl U Ih"y \\, 111 bu II\I'~" • . . , ." I' t I f d . ' ' E.. ' " tl lluu .. h 10 Culllme llllO' Ib e II1l1llu fllOlll l ll 1 flO' ' Union mI' ' 1 230 I JOrl 'J , ', ' , ell lia bill e, Ilis tell tl vr til e U ~ llld ' Icld) , liS li S 1\1I 111 t; IlIl fJ lill' . \l'rll 11 \111 Ill y I ~il ll ll ll :IJI, 111I iii". la stI wll r II' llh Ig III Jl d " of le~ fr um tl lt' W. T he \ i,.ld 10 lI lt. O"'t) A t Ieast 8C "~Jll!l:/l l'c of ll w Un ion \'0 ' 0,,"rUell in lli e u,jddl ~'I Ull I ), ~ V ~ I'.,c i.. I "elf II , lh t Cl' II LI e 0 1 IllI tJl h (' r h l'U ll el1 " I l'd"' - l' II U IHI f C I .I - - - .. • 0 V Ii'.11I . 10; It Ulst"1 ti lt! . ' t»Ill • UIiS r l nag . I a Cl u l' S fru nl 1Il fl:e Iv IlJtl ters of llie 'f uwll . llip were Imo n' n 10 II hig h CulUlU lI in I),b sfy lu of 'i'1" 'j.III '. , ill ll u' lry, 1"11",,11), rCIlIU Il H "li I U ill il> " ull l i::I H " P Iiltl "'II P, ;;-l lCl III \ VUUudoJ' , /lIl U Ihli ,,11111 111 pl o lill C" "'IOU d i D. B. EB Ii.RL EY, 1J.lh .e ll ot ;JOU\: Ut llt.irv :Jlcs 011' yeol" r ' pillnr, 6 11 I'm V UlI luJb YI\ r,)J'fn " f I\ ~ I '(ln .l w l\y, hllL ~ CIII C '·: Y l~ss lh uV lioll~ . , \ ~ e wll)oll' UII II, ,, -:'hh uh. ,. ul'ul' sr .. 1' lJ ig b lttl! lI ur \ \VU \l ly Y~IIT' . \ WI~ J.e" luinlof tll hie pll rulld b l~ ~I ' "' I ,' I r '1'1'lid It' . rll" 'I CUlin lY, ~ l .. {lor. lk>~,j:yc • ; i' i lIuCI , CVt:.llCI ·.u \CIl } ell rd, . '1' 1III g ru"" \ .1 I I tl . ' \1 0 1 11 II t'c Ll" U " b Y II " hi IC. II IU I IIe .. ,. et'p~ l!UII. I."II I un I~"I " UH Y , WlI IC I accoulil s o r til e CODIP" rI\. on eit her hnn el ~ u l\rJI! J \ . - l1I i1nltll alh I 0 ' . u II! I... " Ill, lively ~nlj)l'\ ru njllrity , ' . lalu,,1 or U ''''c\ock. 1I11l1' ~ Olllll lJIIl~I' pll rtiullt'tl "Ilt ill IlIr~\l tilic,'S lu llill"HI' nt 1 - n.. l!:. Lee. I' X G",II !!ral lfi Clnd o f , tl ry ur 1V~ ~ wC/llh.., r, OT by ~turlllll. allu luq:e 111111 R m~1t . ' 'r'" .I ' I ... •. ,. . I '. \ ' L ,1 • . , , ! l it e reh.,1 " rm lm' , W ,U I ll ~ lu llt!\I IlS P rtld' UlbI: CI' WllIu ul III UII:dl t il " ,, 1" 11 \11. B.l,I &-SIIAJlE ·PI.01l·,,;" , u\$lIpa\l ll ll• p nrl.l ! m .»"". .A u " I"C . 'I~ il lI 81 11 1\1 ,· ' "' , 1 m t l1,• t, U' ll . "\ <I" un, Il uUl liJ " Ivl;) . , , ~ ont . " "XC II ~ · oll h llll'Y " " . : Il It il I UI '\.\' " ,b IIIu;; I0 11 "If v l' toga a.' L. ,·x· i - ,... ., . - -. r UII tI IlI) IIlJJe oll.lI ,ellllll\) D II. 111UlJ1). - Ii~H1:IU';S~ M OSR UE, Oct. S II U'V E L - P LOW S nble, nn u W 0. II Ub t WIll be zel\l uub ly of Uuorg~ Lhe r IIllrl h dl'c (l r"tee t ht up' , IV 1I11lu... U. I,I" 1.11 gu I etl v i le k 1I11111>lvlI, IlI ljlU II, ~ II'g' llla , " u I" t M uuu... ,., 111", ,gullru~d "g uIIlSL III fllluro. pe r l' llf.! , UU Ilhe pl'iuu uf L Ull llon i. Illk " It.II,III -U Ii CI II ' ''I" , ~ lIy H, '1 II In III U\l 11'.;Ip. II1 I)/ lI e_ 1\'1: " : uf 'l Hl y unu~ I~llt!\ , (), - 'l'h t! ~1!!IIIlI SIIIP D !llIIt·1 Wcb ijlttr, ' _ •• _ . ___ _ _ lliu H Oll scl,olJ 'fI UU tlS. 1'1I1f: r 1\1 1; 11 CIIII ' I "Ich u t \Ill 1 SUI Il' Y.' Luru W III "11'"1 I, I Ilu lI," Chlll"llC IH III,cu mpll ll llre wllh l:i!!11. \ frum N. cw 01'l"!U.18 1'0 Ihe !211 ull., fOI mOlle 01 8lpe l. lie wl)l ftl'O. .,._ IIIti·I~11 lIT ... R A L N '00 -1» 6' r IL \ btl I I N '\.' k 11,,1 rppuir 1;lu"' ~""r~8. "uti drt'''' Iolillte. G II ".401 "" VII' . C1o tbuirnn "i lh nn II ", ( i u l.r U~ , I,' ll Il ec ll ocs lhc !"l·fral n, IIn.J Loru I:::i l ll "\\, ~" t>"s r"'illt:s , U clIllI I'I~rYlull l' W" .~ I ' ' 1UW .. ur ,pll t"I' ,' ht:re~ hurL nf cunl. pur 1111 kj,' ~ 8 uf EJu.'" 'l" " ,'I ~ . ' " llcu . , b " . I' u " , ,, . ,, f 1II <1l1y cn ll ll~ C I 0, I. WIL II IIl1 u.1 IfllIlIl ;; ::, IU J'l'purl 8 I !l1l11ng ¥O lll ll pi is uu t' rll III .. . . 'I'hu grape crop ill Iho vi cinily o f the ~ Il~nll b " l !l h~, .lI n~ uililell to d IP I ~I), 111 ,li d uw u n, pll sun · hku C JlSll~ l "n inl"I Ubl i~I I h~ t; ulll' t5e , who d e~i,n.d l llt ~ Dory 'fOlllU !lJlS, HUJ Ib llL Dr, Mudd (l:::J""Mm ilhillll ·"d Huree·ahuh't ll'Ufnj. ,Ci\lcinnali is fl! porl ed lo, b e ve ry \lear. \ pufccll un or UI. CI fJ llI1 ". TIII' Y IIl e Iv i Ah o ll 1 Ufl'l;I'", t" kc~ " p ~ \, c 601lg,- lO h l~I't! th " 1I"'~ II I1" i1u n a \ll! nded I_ILh i hllLl 1lI'lU O I\U Rltt' ml'L 10 ~~C!lPl!. lI l' {'d lu pr ll mptlr.__ _ _ . 1,4-6Iu 1, Il ("ilur .. , TlJe Viu t 8 tHe ~~ n~l"l\lIy \ youllg l\l~lI, lind, willi lh cir ne w.l uoking I liUI 11 8 lhe se su , cBlJ~ d ~,oble ~ UI cl\l~not cUU ' ltl" I>,blt! I'VllI l' IlIiU clJs plHy, i wa. fl'untili t' cr~te J 11\ 0~t.1' uf .l h" cu,,1 HO~ lXlildt,, ~ L1. hcnr!cL COllIS. t.I: IL" .1 1"0111111 1h u WiliS l 1I111h6 ~u d, lh t")' I"~ nl J\ Ou L III pll rtlOn s - ViclOr Hugo a nd hi e SUIl S.lll'e tl"nv . hunkllrsul th o .11) 111111"1', Ih o~, Scul l, lI l1d ..vII PllIV,l'l'a:; ~"LE. T he Anle;'I'clin COIlSu l ;:~ " 'II'CC(OIIO, wilh a whil e liirdl !!. LIII'), lill a bohulu c,. 110 ull olh t"r ~ IIIS~, of fnr;nt' I"K, who V" Y ch llg in Ck I'lII llIlY, Th e } Vulig bIIl1l 1l9 1 :~\1~ pUL 10 hil i'll lllbur wh" ,·li ,,~ .... n.1. The vlllU~hle 'H ,, "~e 1I 11l1 1.01 lilB JJ f . J I' I . J ' 1' I I I ll"" QU~rl ~ rll\!l s ler o f lh ~ '::>u IL w I "i ' . I wilh IILllllil'1l tion- 1 IIIl' lIlI Iho.e wl lU , um ~ o r lt ~ UStl II,a L tu us wu uld til) ' 1111 '.' 8 n ""v ,y l\I 'lI'f1 e WI e , II we 'l ll y J' f l ' ' u .1 D II ~8 i ,leu "lIlile 1'; ., 1 ~ i.l ~ .. I Nurt!l Sl S 'HdISh witl uw nih . I tu 're'It !tu ' ! arreMlt" or , 1ll\' In hC III t u I" 1iuuu 11l r " . . S PUIlI, SLRt cS li llC lli e ch ulH l1 \V1I9 in · ()\liasin " ,8od "Ro)' nld l' Ol'c(\ hnu been IIrll lloLlRX"lllul; "!, j)' ll,t!,"np . ptl\rlmvu~tii b ill to vrn' vtt rt;" U\,un cl'!ll i\" \l 'lUll Ium ' 'l)i " ~, III ~ ' III . '~I' b '. , ··· l hi:it:lrul"l~ I Ll P.Mc,,'-;' , lJproperry C III ll ~ lIlhlnl31l1J lJlrt'eh-lh, l' I i' Ore Il CO , hlltlrll" II . ~ . or ~IR .. M P,,"rlh RUBl!lIr.-id otrel" o Inued , sus~c ndln g ' bu ~ illt!S5 . 011 Illy 1\'11)' 11110 Lhe city, I pllsB~ d ' ar a8 1 .11l eyl.l CI\Il bCII " IrvUl II hdl , I'IC!lSHIlI reli ef i:1 i1le 'IILl I' IIC liu lu o f ~l l tl . _ , III IH i.,. nll' ~nll'. '· . 'I . r I' up Il itl Sll'Ulld; fur Ulcd)' lh e CUll r t enu oOlhlng IS ~~ tl ll but pn~ tul'cR, 811 )lllrall: c1 l nCIV clIl'i~ u l l)f h a ly h u m lI, c 11111'1')' . ' IC O F II. !!<~ H' I'\,' L '"-tlt U l'! . 'J' he l:iullSt! iii we ll ' buill, ,ill' pleillDI , '} IU rt'CClptS U Lhl! e nll ~ )' lvnlli ll uf lile ci :r , \\h " 11 W hite li a ll wn s tIle by gl" ' ''" hcugt;s III1J ru ws d ll't'cS, : (; oll ll'ul'C rd'-Y IV iill I': 'lIii" de (jil'" ruin t> . _ . - - --- ---~ - .• -- -- - - IucntiUII , willi Ibrco ru"'"". ~Ircl/"uvlqll Ceelrlll ltni ho lllilhi s ytRr will f l.ot UI) . ' I D I. 11- I II J I klll' lIe II 111/ II I:e II II r ,. 61 :"u wiLl, whi Lc IIIIU I,.. ,j CO lO. 0 , I UUlIIS l'IUu~ I. I " ~ " IUWII :; all I' ~ ' I ut) IuW , II ........... !lVII .I I I . ''' 15 "(0000 ' _. ... II" C" H I1lat I;" v i~ll ti. 11 " i. til .. most c f. I .L"4I to II boul <.' , l ) , b Cl',n ell 5 ,C00 ,. I(i ng y I' u. l(.!cnc, ' ; ' lit l it: mil nSIOIl S 01 ' , , II I II' ~ "crull'1 &! Iur:;t , ", nJ\ we .' I u f l \v ul c ri .d ilu ll ledclu~tllollJp.kl l OOO auJ e> 6,OOU;Oro vc whic h is e1('fl l' lhc DOL j,':i , tXC"IJLl h!lL ufll ,cD uk o of mauwl iiOWIl IIL le" . L ~ IIJIiL y II flliCSe l (~Cli\'l! W c ltl' l"f of fraLii li"16 in Lhc I ' Nul'tI I Ulu~ l'I tll lll, IIIl~e IJlIsst! u I~"'~y , II ll illl Uls, whic h fl l'!! milk " J IIl'ictl II JIlY ,· wo dtl . A visil fl' VlI1 h illl is' l'I' ol'lli ' I O il Iho t .. 1 ure " .ar.rt'ly uf I.uil ' ., ' - A N U" n~ lit e gruunJ Id ur "ood nllll:il w Ili r · I I " profil, 1 ellC II ttl1l 0 LIe w ho 'J of Ih t: Ii q ultl l lt fc '~ lIu o \\' m ~ lI~ lv li ll y cUlll llluni lY ' I' unci Ihu II ll mt:S u( t11 ~ ' f\ll' llI t r rusitl t" nle Ilo r ~W 1"\ ;r-n 1\ 'il ~ ', f) '[j . ' ~> , "' , , ~r l , ' rl ' 9 'I' " ~ ' J, ~ rl e IiC et III tI le .. ' " . . . . -, ' ' JLJol.I~.nlo~ :.I ;.> I. ..!..w_....v I'll III I! I'lJq)"He~ . ,,,, fropeny II A genl I.l' mnn we II I'X.,' ; 00 Lhe e nd 8 II I d ll'fY lill ie 51rceld lend. Ii Itnwtdlul~l y C!ls t IIllo OIl U Ill Hlle u ~t - T he vt' ncf"II hl" J . DU lIll tl uied OU Irom ill l:llmllrtlllct'. ' ' ml\llI e .. eUo lllnllt c~ lh ul Sh ll ll H IIH, n, JII. ' , . ' I b I L l r ' 'I' ,I . 1' 1 '1 l. \\ "~ 'I l!I \' ''h-, llbi". }t. , tl . I t In ,P ' I" I!: IlJ ll ,c l " r. lIl e~, !l lone ucnot'o wllerc 11, W It n I" process u COII Vtl l'llllg il III'SU IIY , I.II II II Lll:lp h in, IlL thu n" lI ',f or ,UI ler PIII/llclI . 18, Ifl1'" I' ____ proll uce 1113 ye,lI' IH III' 1,1iUO, O() U lh cil u JUtiC , . luuLl. ' inlo Ch litHiC Ilt ultC8 b"'gi n ~. li t!l'e , lh oll, e it:.hcy -!il't: . 11tl " "8 ::)l'CIt'l" ry 01 t lie ~( J. o. 8WE "t~, pounus uf \\ oul, IIIl U thlll ll v" ,,1 5UU, Ul.oO ' is t he suu,ce of tl,o fnI'Dl er~' 'we'd' h' 'l'l t., ury I)II UI! I' l ' residt: lI l J nc ksou, III'" " " ' . J ~II~ I~ '._ _ \OV'IlYII~'VII,e, pounus arc in Ihe l!lnril el wuilillt: 8ah \ '1\ IIlI ·te U RI' blill stnnd s tn remind Olll: . ,I t I . " 1' . I ' llJ " " . lll b bu r~ioI:J I'e l u~c d 10 '1''' lII ove Lllu 11,.. , H IIV III~ "¥": i C~'rI,)" u' ." I' ''r~· (,xVI' ri " ,: ~e ' T e rribl e })1~~IlH • • -Sccrets for A SL LII . h I I I of til l! d"orn II f tml, ur~ ; nllu flo I loo k- " It. I C I ~esc , .,'e I Wt lg IIU~ 2 '1 ': , IIrt" pnsil~' uf B" VCIIIIII CII( mt. ney frolll t h" , 1; ' 1,I',e p r"~ I ":" " f ~f(,t1i ri flt' , . ."lli' rrl Iii " I MIIUuu, , HI S urI,: Ill', w 10 W IIS 1' 0 ) I III l f I I I d I' I ullidu J H,t1y , ,lind l,lt e ~ ~ , wlJe u prope rl y Unilell S : lI le~ Uall k. (jld Hickli n ' rll , ' ~B" ' " II I l')r rl' ''; ~. t " lh e C' II I Z" II ~ 01 J , A musl Vltlub bl~ ft .ull woltdtrlul ".1 billg .n ro om In whlc li II, )'oun" ug III 0• ~ I(J J II \l Ull • •.!\ wurllol ",00 IIIIJ!~. , '8",1 '" Inoy W I" le( u cc"I' u rll l~11 loll'. "~l.1 lell I U'S II" li e I 8CII~U l\et!, lU:III !:: £3U luI' lh o JOO lLs. - Il rum ptly I'cmo ved O 'lnll" li nd " "\' " tlill WayneSVille and Vlcinlty IIlel' plIl!' , c nulu 1I0t r~. 18 L II I ~~ 1"ln l,lll. I IV .., ::i.,011, I 01 . , ·ll U. 0 I' cul\rSl' I IIU c on ~ llIlI t I'ftl I I l ' lJ 'I' .. ' I f P hCt: 0 ,oge l' HIU,)' whusu COlu I WI 'I flrl'll, ..... "rftVIlI.... .. .. ' Or. 111111' • r' . ' " ""' L ( II f I Itu l ll eir i'l'I li cU nil.] cullDl r r , wh ll ' w cl' ~. . '. ' , Ju r IIn l ~ Jliallcl< will I '1' " H'Itl ,' . I , . , .. . , 1.')( 1111 1111' ""rr~ .. r ..), I\I II i /l .. 1o .I ,n., . Mbl ; U,U, au I'rillinlllllllll lI up"I", tlon of ki ~ ' 8 111 1:\ ". ' ~ IlUli U IpS 0 I I" t h u s r ~\I "l'll"11 for II ir I . It , I . ll goc U IlI cI'Hs lI n l, 101' ve s,el~ u ~ rLl 111 [' .,1 ,: 1"1 II· enllll 1l\,lIllltlle 01111 Mid. , II enriy " 1' 1'"",, e lI"y '" 1:1 .. 11 . IVII MbU. aIIO W""II1U, tll!! ir 1~11 . d amsel, !lo el wn s CII \l t>I,!J ~ ll l i,'. It Wi ll i 'V II)' lo ll" 1'[ 1< 0)" ). ,, ' WII8 rt Wllru r~"" I C' (I ., 03 " .1' I ! C' WII~ 1 1.""r y · ~· u l k IIlU ~~ b flh p l ju ~ L ~(), w hill! JU8lic C'Icu ",IV " .II I! I,I"lice uf ClJ Illt u ..j ::;wg lt cuIl 8 pru lnjJl ly re~ p u "d.· Ul o , I ~\I!I~.on ~ IIUU.x:&UIlI uld""l erd be S tIl te l' ri son fur II kiss. ' _ II lum II WI;clc leI . ull , , . f . U II • T tl u l~pf ~ llI tf \.Ju upl. - --., " ._ .. _. kil ' ~ with lI e ,er·fa,ilill" \L,lUe·~ i e . IlI\me l\ ~ e pl\lI ~ 0 \V h u)' bE: t Ihltl (clr l --" . - -... -_._- \ " .. ~ • " I . l IIl\l IL IS CUtl Ielll p illet! til Il'1II 01'tI Lhi. . . " "- -~ - - -- - - - ~ , Ih ei , Bllee-IIy COTe, 'I'h'e pr. *licil uf l .~llu ~c" uti ru l c.hln1,O vf bell s ~ r S l. j un cit: IlL 1'lilti lllll rJ. , UI'C'I U' " i~ inl IJl! des IH)I'~,.I\ot! cOII SUmpLlOl1, n~~.J . ultt'nliulI 'I'm; NE W " TLUSI'E ll A NEW ~V O llli - , \' '? , " .:J. , "I !Iun'let lill. 1111111: ~ell, i ... st ;1I ill, 1dlchllel " ;II tO' d UIlll.~ rerno l' III , IU crl!lI n1 18 fi rst -lIlm- \ \'V e h ''l~ " c •IIlI m I: I" I."111 " ' .. eu""lll"(} 1\ I'"'Hnl ' " U N T IN , \I k:.. 'j ' II K f n ACT .... 111101 ... bUl 1I"he f!un"bl II<.I4lellntlul of . ~ oh urch , III CllllrllJSlolI , Slllltil ( 11',111'10, I I1'1'j .,J.(' 1IDle to s ~ e I :\~ ' .I C k: 0 •L.1, 1>"lIlnet us ""'nuIlP ' I e I ..... , .J CaroJIU/I,wt:~'e dobt/'oyeda' (;uiumb ill, t lorolS r PI I" "1 ' 1 " I ( . me d from i'(orclIUI'O ln" , M. ll lYII\r~Il't\y , o l\l" " ll\il h u f uut ·li llit e x . DWJ"'"f~1fQJIf1n ~ .. l tix.l '' "I'u~elllln 1I1. _'"l1dIlC I . I I S, 1.110 I 18 on J' 0 10' :>. • • (. ••' [I ' Jlil4 J.1 lilt. 1& iIJI Jl. I Ullu-'1 Ji' lt'-:-Ineulr.ft •• tJ- lh'llllllh..l\ei, . I. WIIIluer lley wei ll r emoved fl y lli o Ie t f " I I '.-II III I11,,1 l lill U I~. I Ill S gruw l", 1l1)!)!1 Ud ' , IIIt'UIUIII uf h i' 'V ·I l\t ' , k : fca ul' CO\\ llllllllI " l III 11. 1"8 or 1.11 • Ll.~~" • il · v , . I "f I .• \V ' I In it- I'lir ivlJd tJ,.~ cl ' . I. ' Mue u .• m. /I ' hOo pa ul\dt! r Gell ~ rtlI Sh ~ T ml\ll. 'rl. ese· ' 1 u I ," I. ...~RY :<I"O'l:l.CElS.. I t: CIJ .l II) ~ II nt vl' Sl lI uy. "did ,II I I ICil ,IIU LIUuef>1if cl :· ,yulullle lhllIllI01ll4I1eiullt I tI f,' ef' hilUs 11I\1l been IlIlil' ll down bdoru th c LUI~Ulij I~ ~t,".1 u: , Iii " 11~ ~IIlIl b~lIlg ,. , , r,. . 1101, III hH L, ~l~Il ' I) ' & I , ,· "d lt o I9 :" 1I1i rcl y I" UI!V IV lcre. NUll e "1I1 11o~ e~v fllillily ill, lhe .lwlIIl, .. '~I':~e:I~v"'{ .1 1111 I or ~I . 1 cln 8 I\L Homt', shu l U 01 lU I!: F Am u III H . !i U for O Clvber I. I II Il~W WUII; II,," I". 1\ 8 C ll lI'l")lI~e d 1; 1'l! 1I 1 IJ g 6 'I' 11" l' g n I A L U' B ' VICO, lIr . o ~ .. "uiwll rur lite ,, ' 1 1'1 n ,I I!~RCu IILion by Ihe I3li li . b ill 17 6 1, nnu I'II" \:f Hll ut) ," ur , 10 ~ IIII (I I' .. M" ,VR ~ l' ul itRni cnl : II UWI.u ~ I' C)_ ul, llU ll eW cK ll tli Li alU fu r ,I \V"1t I'i ,I I10 I11>( 1"' ~ Cl"l' t1 'I1I'; leI: IlI UIi ; hilt! 'I' " • C ' ' . ~ D . , 1)11 0 ur Iho lIIust "wlul I lid d~~trurlil" BeD, to Fog illud , wlit'l'l! lh ry IHT I;! 6uld I t.illl bS ill \~h i clt it WII, ~ I ~ctcd . Bu l " I r u bl ic fllvor . lL cUlllll i n~ n blory uy 1h o~v 11Il1": l' tnIl L I~il tl bl'VIJ l h ~ cty ulul,', ~ ", " " a~,~,~:' ~'I'~:;-::. - Offi( e at Ili ri I C"I.!" Itr.t: ; ~cuurge~ litUI tver ViH ilcu IIIII"ki"d, 1,)111 at a uclion, nnJ tillnl ly fu und l h ~rr Wil Y: pln eu uf lI ur "llip Las ul "' 1\)' 9 brt' lI Oll i lhe f"v o riLt] .. uti lor Mrs M AU ' IC,1I1 rUl' lolun wli lc h II h!l s I' rc l'j,v(, d, III II ' I - - -- -. _._ ~~_ I ":' Pl, ~l'('Urt' ly cnnlupI'I\1 l.ill ' b'1 "oTw>ald, agaio 10 Chud u. lon, I " , .' . , ' : . . c lll ' klllg II , f I' 6 IlVH ""~ l' , a I,' w rit lt ll I vl. 1 f,~ e \ IfI' e 01 p"~III",e , III I...., "lIrI oll~1 111I!l1 " po ~ II VIII lilu lhlc of lh" 1:1111" uf son , IIl1d Ilrll Clr s 011 11 \·\\I lel,· o f suiti "C lti : Uille w'llll 1111 LI ' ., . 1.1 '" ~ ~.J, I UIIIII'U l:illll eri lor !iU '''Plll tll " h,.• Pl. lllft;, A u' , II" , ·d , ' . d ' , I . J J III. WIIS lIu ll llr>•.u C all J . , Itl ' a .V . r ceor Ill., tll II I!I 1(111) 01 I I I~s n e OIHll a CrlJe ll,tI by lhu 1,UIIJ !I II M, IU t he I from II,c p CUS ul ~ II II' l' tJ\ illilll' wr'll I" SIIP" I ior III Iho IHe v'lu u . Il l .' l ' 'll'U s t l""" no rtlri" , pv,l 1)010 , OR/., HUN'l'Ell, N., t:. \ .\T .1 II I L · ' . ' . I . , " . ' <> u s. " ~ .. " II 111 11 1111 1 ~ ' .... .... 3 [)IYh. ::; • N v . ' I I\' I~ h Ihe i 'flend C' v" r .\' >ucce ss, . ..,'" 1 u[ n ''IClltHII 1I'!II , .' , r"11'60:1'10" ' I , ' ,\ 1\ 1) 1'\ 0 1.' \U Y l;I" UI ... ' IVII lre"l. olW &.urk • . Iii· Y bY u en', "I)OvS, 1I , 10 wpls.o pul Cb lll ' clt urc: h 11111'111 111 the ,," r,,"LCto llth' C'"rll ti l ll • . Iu li s I' ",","" " cbe8 1n Al l1bumll nrc tu ve cI 06~ d, Oil 1 wl. ;ciI lh is Ic pluc ed , untl~r t he .! lll; ctiufO 1\ J eul". J. W. \"11 11 N 'IQlee UfO kl' InJ . "ug uh' IIICI I Ly II IllIJ lollg h I; I) IIC~ II ' ' 1 , " IL OIJD E:'l:f.8 ; IU'\DI~ NF.W, Rccount of Lh e I'efu ' al I) f Uiso :1 uf .Ii' CllrisllJ pllt'f W il' lI , V ) n . tI"lIun Uj>vll i~ 01 II'e I'l', I slii ll 11 1) <1 i AC,f n,' cd CuJt.t'ryaJl~cr, ( 'I,/l im ' A gc'l/, A i'i",iplile l t.1irt'!:li ill! IlIl \\' Iu ' Wilmer 10 ord er :[,c p raFr fur Illl' l C' , Til l> LITTL& COlm ,m AL iiI lli p tilll~ , of ~ I d e.' l os \: :\f c l~ vI' 1),0 l' I'Cbl'lI l. A ~ i, ! '.Jltl ,A !(~~d )U,. le/ jltL ie FiliL: (// 111 rr dllJ~'e ~ il! h l nut! gil'e I, tl ~ pel'l" clr ;",~i:I,. nrcs'I.leul I b .1 '1'1 I I IrcumlJlJIIl'c es com pc ll tJ, 1 me lO lJl ll);u l l\ nCY/ lIlI " IIZ ill f J ' d I Hlld ~, -- In ILS el \' UJ lJ lu, ' i ~~ iii il, 1 L /jo b l /lo tl rull f C CiJlI'/ICU IOWJ. UIII Jild uf duc lur Ill' ll,edil'ii,P ' ::k n l~' E u 0 Il I' l' lIu,. III pmy ol' IIIH I R J'our ney I.uJ II IIlt ~ ll' lIl•l1 Iv 131'1' :; 101 , . , :~~ . , . . • ' , .. n1/1 1' 1, Ifl."', Oil re/'lllpl ' • " IA.U'I I, " 01' o(ly~ 11 11 ' . ;;''' iI'ru ' ..,I t".,~. IlJII" 'IS ,, 1lI Its ~ ) Ut' '' , II'",,, .lIld IU iL," Ufhce III the 0111 " til lui 111 11 " III 10 , eO'Il oeen "er"loflJI"~ ulll il t~J Oil th c !jI' IIU lid hl"1'e L II l'1' i \'cel II I w iJ II i.. 1. 1; lIod lbo' Cf n t ) 81nlleLl If> Cl ncR;;),o, IV I'lch is ff.Mt ( ("e nl)' ill ll ' II'Uli ull d,- i, is fll I' ill ad . I W A hYES II I l ,i.I:: ' (j l/~~ S IroN, I <Ire".. E. Il J FOUT E! , ~l ,0., ,!.I1Iot tlu lllvnry uf 11 11 ccc i.;h ill>li CJl I I L I,cul'tl II ,u Uaru cR o f " p:accs ca!lt'd ' hol.1 of 'n Ul 1':I,I:C,r. .Vr !l ll 'y m,"ll llll i w, id uf' / ' , _ ' . 2 ,ti •• , 1130 Ilrunuw.y , 00.11011 W'"' ' Il bCeS8ltry 10 a mend I he I wlii(; h I s\t uliid h lll"lJ lik e.l lu S~" . J ur\; . 1OClv Lel lI um!Jev I~ J\lS~ I"R lle d , ;j; I a lei ~ Il~.~lf tu, Lh" Jll d " I I II~ bl uth' flL. " I .~ Co 1lllCl lo n" 111"1.10" nlll! proocct.1~ reo prayer. IIccol'd mg 10 Ilt t' eSllllJ lisheu I ness pre\' I J I\ t CI ' , I yt;lI r, Al fred 1'. , b 'l,ll, Cldc",\;o Ill is. weallh lI.e , '1..[\, • ' or llie dll , : "" e . • . IIppen lam,. . _0_ .. ' 811(;J Ellt:hnll l:III !(IIIL , _ .' peC IO P':'II~ In it&1I III prepuri lll! 1'/1 or aft y Ihou ;; ht d lhnl CUriOUS ti ).( UI t' 01 n , J:1T ln thll rcpMl o( V II . j' I . 1t IH no t II tiCCLMill 1l ti ieliolln rl' \V IJ\ ;t~'lId p rucurtllll 1)111'11 i'1I,V . Il" ltlll ies . R ~tol ' mnll.y k iru. lllIl iulargll 'lu • l It IH In tli" jllst ' H orM' , or I'IIIUc r lht f01'1II uf II hU "t i ft pt'ec". IBI C S : I tl o mosl b.. Ihll l ni l' ':'c: u r ::;ul.r it! rs. Ch ur: fur PRl1>!',f '.'· · I): bl d 1[ J H II , b I U" I pu s, "Til '" P Ill' I I ' 11 Ii d I ' . ' v '~" Cll oU III. I ... - 'L" "" .~ ... 18seID ~ , 1'. aUleS " ouu, frum hO~1>e CUI ill LU l'f {lOlU Ihe si ue 01 II lofty Tn U C' . ' " .' , U 1' le U WI , II I 1 ~ 1I' to'~ llt"C lil l I, h r ll' ~s "f (lIi1 h L ife ~nd }-'I re I n ~ ' P '..oI C. - ." ,, ., <- l CbaltMlooga, 11110 6 1'1! o tli er mcmbers , I dolY l'I, wh ic h M il b,, ' SCl!1I ilL a 1011<' d i , : e Ill "lnll llll ,.11:n (jllI re l', lhe Demo- OIO~'c I\'.xnc ll y "lid f/l id)' lI lI t! fil II )' gi v ~ 11 1111 pr ul:med "" fa~~:::; : le: . f?d Iss ue d Rre pr par' (T t' 'I f ' I \ . .. • crll ClC \l r:,;" n, N O lind Ih ~ lull(Iwi ~ ' . Ie till 11\ V~ b' lc r Ihilll ill Hny I' II 1 R ". m~. , I ..' , . I! 10" a r II. os 0 IInpellc lInu li l \ I lInc~, II110 lH sli ppoM,'d lu UIII'I! bee n I! x. l ""11~ c;(lrllCI • wi ii , ". • p ilL log"tbtr ,- lIo tw Cc U II O.ll tJ EF,I. Il ENCt-·15 yeu rs rc~ irlc lIl;l' in liri . By the kill or puu.nd. UJ 'I wlf,ran ltd l ~lJaln8L Gov. ro ~tll o w , u po n . t ho eCUl ell hy Ibe SlilCons in hon or or A I. I I C I w a~ g rt! elet.l W lt.~~ ist . J j UW'; f e!Juul/JIU . C~I? 7 ' 3m II\1 UIlly. lur dill" by • "I . . grouDd Ih at he h ILS Illegll ll y appOinted (reu'8 vic lo rv OH' r L~e D ,I)",. n ' I I ' 1. , . 0 , - , - , - -::=- '~__ MEWtlTT &\ ~RI.N I ' J t" f 1 P . ' . II . rl Slu f Ihe ConS lllilLJOn or II u ' d .Z4r At th \! v_fe r.plioll 'u r Ihe S n!!lil' h ~ bnc"tlc;;"tl ~'--' . ,=-118 ICes 0 ~ Ie eRC'" lI:!ld othe l OffiCI! l"Kl iS" yc ry lIooi,m t d ty ou the A~ ou d S t81 8 If ". f ~ I e OI le ... ~ L !), 1 g: PAtI ' ' contrar l II I f ,,,. l ' ,/jll ~ , 1 9 III~ fOJl 0 Ihe b ates, ftn J Ih a l rltll w d I . .. ' . . Jl~ J .,.... . y 0 la ' W80, ' U1O lSla ~e, lhe I bOfld l ~ (Jf a &mall Cathe dra l J buil~ by gl Ori OUS Ih g could nO L bs u ll feDu d b 0' MIT t: egul loo ,1\1 'l"ll edo, l as~ I'ICe\., .,. ... -- -- - , . = .». "deliqll CQfl'1I1' R fre ~IJre{'; ~e.Llon or Mr, Hood an b is colle,8gu~~ IBaroll Bel'kele" wh o came over wi th- wh ile Cili7;t Jl s v.. ic.LoUL a permllne:Jt ,,;. l:~t1: II:L~I: I'e to ~'.Iid , lh.R~ " hrili ~he PLO'~S. ! ~q~,e f'!~ EXlri~1 .,. f .C~Itf"I':"IM' I1: . coubtllls8 1ead 10 "n interesting aod l William lh. Oon'queror U t b my o( blllcks, he Wlluld say LET CON l it IOL b~,ep .IO!J 111m reFpntl ng. A r IJ · ' . ' ,Bh.RRITT fl; PRI1i r~, o I~ · ti ' d' " ' aD 0 " Ollt 1:l1'll'UTI0.N UNI ON ' • fJ e SOU r(;tIS tlf lUIS IJO UIlLty o r Iht! u al80rl mp.nt of Ib e Ricbmoad III~ , , ' . ., ! I ' ! 4 , ....>-CI :I;:; ,eeu.llon tQ the l~C(;:.!alUle, Lieu lands ill I~e viei uil),. for~ibly taken ALL l'ERlSiI.' ND F~Ao-, ! pl"0 61s 10 blo obllli ~ed from a 'ju,J;eroas Itu Rflllllollll Ploln , for .. Ie hy J~ck80 '~J~~ IIlve81ment e f ql\p"al.' I ~ 23 . AL,LEN &. RANDALL. rhia beel 0' 1111 Coullh I:!y,ujl~ l(lr ,.1. n \..~ t1~_ .- !lm • _ ~Y MERRITT '4I., l'RIl\'r:L·
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erritt "Printz,
C/Jr~fuUv CorrtlCtt,j Ellery Ww.-. \ AT ('UnWIN. Whrllt "t? bll hel, • it 00 @ 180 Hu on haud 11 filII 8uorlment of lhe very besl R ye ~" 70 RltTAIL DliLERS J..N -AT THEU.I" il 30 Hurlev ill " 1 00 DRUG~, ~[ 'urll ;'/ 50 Prof. Hancock, or CincinDati, h81 WAYIlE8Y'tLU (CO&Wl" ITATlolf j . .' Iuur ~ bnrlel, ') ~(I conseoted t.o be present all~ deliver an GLA ' · W ARE, ~ 1'II..UHI.J:4ITW"'JlD BOUlto. . }'Iv ur II CIYI, 6 00 (SANDS JJ OLU lUND,) CHEMICALS. aLldres8, ,wJ "hlit "iI( hue beard or Ni,ht EJ[pr.." HUller W Ib 40 12.)8 A. frI. BEST CO~FE TIO::\EB.I1::S , Cincln 11ft II F.lI:preSl, ' LEAD, Ihe f1rorebsor, noll the fllct Ihal Ittl hilS I.. rti 'f Ib :iO ' Beg I~ .. ve Iu illlur n) II,,~ ,lUlll ic Ih .. t they ?boa A• • 1. ltt" i I .,ul ACOOID ., OlL, Ilave un 1,"lIu uIIII expect IU h~ cp 11.116 A , al. htltln coo,u~uled with lliu public schools ~:¥~d V UUZPII, 15 YA ;\KEE ]SOnONS, Culumhuil AC CUIll., Pulllioe. iJ~ bll sl.el, tiO 6,2g' p, M. V ARNISIlEe. J) illHblJrg ,Expredd, fo r tile Inst ru ort~ell YSHrB, warrAlIls u8 1 Dr ied App lee ,\1 Ib 10 @ 1 2 ~ A (ulOpleto A ssorJIn lit of 11,06 1', III. ClliAUS AND TOBACCO. ill SlIyitlg It.ut Ihose who henr him will Chickens ouzen l 3 00 TRAut>! WE ' WARD lJola;o, AI5o, II clllllillets lIue o( C u ft"'e 1J I 3 S, ~ all;) .!lud N<:OIll., 3.08 A. M,- Ie ujoy a neh Ln:1H of pruCliCll1 sugged' ~\V ·U .. eu lI. SIl!!,or 11 Il, 17 C!~ 2:3 Nighl Express. 6 ,bl • nl, 1) AIN't' VAH~JSH, &C.; tiUII~' '\ N ,·Il. ~] uift8,.p'. fJ g.lIlulI, I 3;', (JOIUIUhud Aeeolll" 8 b!) • ~r. R"" , L. ClfuK, o f L eblluon"will al so OU l d lJ il 'v 1!"lk,", 1 00 Pitldl;vrll .;x prild _ 2.!17 p , nt. all uf whicll ,.-ill lre sol d ot the very lo\\'· Tf ~ 'lEI ll!] IIdJros8 Lb e 1I11l t:lin LT , 111111 oLhel' illltrc. , , L. . Cinc'lllllati I::xJlrea~, PAl N TS, 01 LS, 4,:16 1'. M. . , . '" I "';f·l::l· lr\ L ~O·. · I{·II.:S. • D" not 8top. tlOg e:l:crcl~o~ nm 011 Ih e pl'ogtllmme . ~ DYE·STUF~"~, 0lUlliuu l~8 willlll~d thu tl'llin ilL The .'I2 ,.. "n "lid IInllllill Cnbinet 0.· lV. H. CLEMEI'IT, Presi.Jelll. TOILJ::T :\RTlCLE::;, "'O"L I ' C, )"(18SllIg, ' I t o &""I't,tl E. W, '~OODWA",), Sup',. I' riC ' S oconveypasSen"tlrS b nll~, tn l 1\' Il illel'! . III II.hl - (lS. nduptctl , ,. , SASa AND PUTTY, hI ' . .. Itlld :,c-;, ·,d .1 r ILIII~I(; , ItJr tW t,J $tJ JO "II('h . lillr\\' ill lr ~ OCC~llll'tI ill rxcho ll[!c for GO)uu~, A, D. CAOWALLAD~R, Agellt. 10" UII1C~llIc . , .. 11)',1; ,'" (;UI.U"I'",II.~' r-:H "I J'; U,IL:-, "rv lr.. .. TRUSSES, 1llu elll ZCllti or hIlllllevdlll lIave li "'I I'I'I """"" 1111 ,"'Iled Ih '''I, J:I"" l'aIHI Cal . Curwi .. , All\:, 3U, bU PPO H.'fERS, (J:r Mrs. Tllrry bn s rece ntly purcLtas· pleJged 11 (;orJ illl reC~!J l iu n UII Ill ~.1' I II lv~IJ" .. III Il'r", Ad,lr"". ,\ I A ~().\ & IIA ,\I , l' Al ~'l'-Bn.US\lE s r . -' --'--N- O-' --1.,-, Ild Ibe 8Lore lind dwtlliog . bou8e 00 Lhe SHOU LDEf.·nR.A.CIliS~ jlllft, and it Is 'huped thll~ Il. e I ~IIcheu 11.1 1\ , IJ..,I"", VI' I\I ,~!:- U ,\ IIIi.tll'lIl :HS. ~c " W 11 LTEW ASll BRUSHEfl. , , Yull, . II \. I corller g f Main and Tyillt slreets, of ALL TilE l'uPt;LAR Ilf Lite ':U lI llly Illld llt ll 11'I : IlJ ~ of Ih e ... - ---. ' 1111-; JJJ::~'r UIlILL 1:<1 .. . t:. G. Il. C"rson, Thp. price wa939UO. The I'esl 'l,,"l.ty or '11 flo \ TO unu ~I{'\ DS. I Cllollee WI lurn out 811 f/l'UJ:l6. , 01' D n I'D k I" C 'file UlldtHtl l:!'II'd h llb hc, 'UHlt! t\l!£'f" In u uctur uUC lOll tt rU Ii Ortb ur(' 111i. \'i~; lI i ty turl.IIt,· 1l1.I,ve \ Vll CIII·Drili . ST AI Ihe l eCt'lIt e lec lion ror JUII' - - -_ . pl'rnllOlI " nlly "rud.ca Lt'1I lhtl IUBte fM ~ PIU:MIDU.-At th e !File \ Vllrren dlrou:,! " ri ull. und C'lfj'ij Ih e worst "" " t'. ul :'l! \.J • ., whicll lie I. pl'l'p" reJ lu lurlll , 11 011 tile tice of Iho 1 el\ce in klbanoo, Oil thll ,' "vu linly ,,"II' L" , .J Cl ,r. 0' • . lrullkaIIIlP S; , III les:I Ih,," l'i ,, ""t wee k., , . I" I I ' LI eSHS I"pmnn _I'v, '<lr lllPI lelno IIO" I" l> l' ,<, III \I' lie II t II\' ul· u~.lll!rIl1 5, Ifil~f[ID rn1j{ ~I:BL~JJjl~~ SAT l ~ I·' AC'l'\UN DISU ltED . 30th ult., J . D. Bll\ckburu iVliS re·elecl· N II r I ' ' " I. I f II TI.un,lilid s fli rrlurrneu ill c'l:rllilerl lI oJ\\' IClll iv lI II I l'hv'''' IIIII. i~ e.peciully culleu; eli U l lid VICIUtly Luu ... lill u OW d tid. i ' live to I"c .; ~ til e lIy Ill ey Il' l're I·,rlllllll: e i ~Ild wilul<ver perlilill" lL' It Pt.H ~OI1S wi shil1 \? :u ~X[lmlnfl, c'nl1 do fW _ _ _ _ • __ • ng I' t"CIUI U S: 1 (l II (llJ~T II to CO I/\flU:' IICc! !lit! lI ·';t! uf lJds; vu !u · bv c.~ allill ~ t li B thl!~ rl Ue !!" tI ("lr \Vr! \' rH~b· F I HST-RATE CINCINNATI 'J'LIoIh:8.- 1'IIOse ul our ] Fi ll e W"ol Buck, 2.1 pr em illm. :33 . uh le ~e ll>edy . l' rict! ' j' \\, 11 Dull llrd U p"ck· ' I lllt.' , 0 WILLIAM [Ji\ltLEY . ." , ' ' .",. ,,~e . Mui leJ 10 UIIY IIJJrl1'" ti ll rpel'l/lt ul l i\ "!:. 30. HAIR-OILS, cl~llIe ll~ who WI\,h LO lI.ave the ElJel~illg I l,ell 3b .v..:s. I,;L !HeUllllOI, ~a. , / UII ortlcr, oy J A~ll<:~ s, IIU'l'L~:R. 'l'ime.lll fL at tllClr rtlold"I1CU8 o r plllcte l Fllh: ' Yuol B li ck 'L llmb, 1, ll'relDlUlD, 4:!9l1rIlIOlI\\'IIY, Np", York . I ..) , I '" <) Sui!! A "eu l Iur the UUiltlU ~'" I C; . ' b U ~ 'lo e~8 un:ry e vellln", CIIII be Ile· 'J> -" ~ e A I. ", 8 aouu fillpply of o Jij."IV 0 mod.ted l.Iy, , ~oli~)ill~ Z AclI ~ lI r yen ~I. I hl'~c or moro Lambs, 1st pre· , 111 0 ," IN ~TIII': III,UUII. .lTLOII, I\t Ihe AllUlIl,' Uu ztlte ullice. mlUln, ".1. TI.e l'eru"i,," ::»), ,'UI' ~lIppll(," the bl"o,1 , DRY GOODS, :\ we ll ·se lccl oJ nssorlllle lli or Ihe D!Sr Fur H..ck in g H urs\! or Mare, hl\! SH~ lVil h Il. IJiu ell' lll ""t , IrOJII, Illlu"ing Vigil'" Te rw., ~U CeDI., pe r Wll t k. t,UEEXS \VAHE, I l'"r~It,,11 & Kleiu u f litiS vlIJini~y tovk .l l'}llg lh. "lid ""Wil le IlIl u Ihl' Wlll:l !! .y,. _ _ .~_ . _~___ le m Fur fly Sp"Pblll, IJrol'"Y, ChrOIl1l: DI.. ~r"te ll , F ... llI llle \V ~ll kll tO ., "Ie., Il 10 II TEA. . . ," Fall:sll AIU"~.lL , -\Ve ob$Il I'vO L1IRt Lhe 2J jll"' lIl1um. $i--Liwl' , 3 U6!. IIAHD\V Meti'~" A. D . CIlJw .. lI"d er & Co. are in O" 'JI ;.{':.\I, Z~ I I o f Jhi~ lowu Look th e "p{'(:dic. 'J'hl'" dU II Jd hlov e be!:' 11 I'iIHlI:,: rd : LO I' I: E~. r I I Ii l ' l' 11 C I I I uy Ihe u se ul lI Ji~ IlIedlt:llll! Irum wetll' l :sUGAR. G nOCE RIES, o n O"gooI8Ktlll.lcorJIcrstoro. r"pl ClUllIIll lJ lI umps IIU OIIIlS- I.il:kll' , ~\1 fr., rill :'; crt:'ullllt'~, Iu . lrollg. 1 MOLJ\~SE S . which lhey uoruilllly illviLe Ihe in Wllll gcr,!S 1 l· 'lc h . \' III'lli lh V uud " "IIIlY 111 0 11 "nu WO lll ell . bl' l cE:;, &c., McGUF1o"\"S &- WILSON'S SERIIS• • veclion of lheir legion of CUSIODl "rs , -. - - -- . - ._ A :~:.l pllge p.illlpill t·' .,,"l r,ee. ETtJ., ETC, lIud tille theLD, They hllvtl TIl e state lll en t Ihat the new 520 1'""", ;&1 I'~r Utl ll l .. , ur I; lur .':1;5 . ___ : _ __ &e .• &C., &C. cV<lry. J , P. IJIN~~I URE, bonds o( Illtl ,~I ,uou dCll omiollliou lVI!re 3G lJay :::)""<:', N"w Yurk. I A cll lllp le le a~tll}rlllIellt 0 1 Invi,e otLt" lItiOI1 lu Ihei r Sluck of , •• _ -I" utl y for ~ , dt' was, In 1\ Il1c'l~urc, pre· S"I" hy Drll :.:-~p. t ~ :,;e ll rrally. 16,3 111 , .,. ~Chill~ llndFdv e rIH" prevailin g . , . m ILlllr{' . I' " ' Il or SIX hundred copit's -:'\ I\ IH; n:-; ' l~ II)1 "E \\,ATI:II" , :\. lhid " IOetio u 10 au Ilx ,enL nOl I I. ' .1 I I ' , , , ' " 1I11' IJ uee ll pllllleu 1111 , prt'plIl'el, ~t IS , All illl' ullJu~ le D:.CUVl'''Y, A 1111, ~""III I Down rcr mlloy Y'\"H'. In ;:;pnnJ , I r ~l" bu~ it is purpose d II U' to com . 101 I"Jllltl ill cIOe" ulIlI ce ul \Vu lt r, .I 1.oul. 0 RE SS-GOO DS I lI e t t1 II y am1 l~~ rol1lpt 1Y 1"'1' , are '1 I d , V&Jl~y, Wtj luun, It.tl cOUlplllitlt h,,~ bll ' . I ' 1 .1' . ' " ! b J ' I I \'~II IVIII", ul u i::iuI VCIII! 'l'h " lIl U"! il'~ \\,' : Th" be vt qUllli ly or I t I' " ' I U1~Il (;e LII. l C IV ~ ly O. t.e 011 8 UIII! i I'rflll VIIU IIZ ill" uJ;C lIl ~IIJ rL'" lu rnllpJ , ..... 1011 II m08 KI:lie tl.l, oWing, It I. tiM " Ilt e ro is II s lIffi c ient s lock of IlII d ~ nolll ' ' kllOl\vlI i::i e r "'~"" . Huil , [th elllll. CIiIlCU_, Dr7tg-Stor~t a,\ oVllrllo,w uf the rivtlr "llhllt PUillL , ill"Ii(lIl~ 10 lili l he 8 11!r~c dplinn s liS th ey I RI; <; llltluti,,", CU Il ' UIII [llillll. , ".111 IIlUllY ' ID~ '0/J'lbl !~lID ' §l&~I~ 11 [) 9j1 U (f) :fJ "'ft,' ''.: ~villo. Ohio. loa " ~ MIIICII. 111 both nci ,f/.bvr· ' ., " , Chn, llic Ulld 1·1I'r(',1 II 81 y Dl oe u"es, HrC . , " I ~ cuma 1I1. 1 " I~ will ue III Ihe CUUI'IiO uf l'ur~ u., IIY '\I~ " .~, , Ud II 1" " ''." 11 u' .. ,~.•• 1. t.'~"lry en 8 111111 B"y"11 ", " 'Ir , .1A ~O, .,.. " . b 'd' , ' I P"r (" 'llllem I PO S T·OFll'lCE COHNER. 1I0ll'IJ'tll, I. I~ 8U >1 III" . lUI. dIlY". c'·, I L Ife e. I'r .lC (' , QI "' I pC' r UI'utll ",... ' U hrgll .u ilp ly ul IVe •• ~Iec , e u ~ I reu fl f d "(1 11 -+ur61"rllv .. tI\lHIOr~. 1'1:7 J line 23-I·tl Anti a Gellom\ Asso rtment of - - -- - - -- 00-1'1" manu(l\Clur .. of whi. "y in l Hit , 1-1. ANUI': ltS &. CO" PhyoicilOn, 1 . 1.".1 Ch.,"islS, 4211 llrn uuw.y, N.Hv· Yuri.. ar. rtlclliving Lht!ir FAll anJ Win WllrrcII COllnly Illu Yleltlt:tl a rev t: llu e : :Sulll lry II rugg idld ~cllt:rully. lti ,3111 1 l, ---:---gootl., ODe of lUll I.'l{ed arHI 01 80m" SbJl>.l.UO, (row lhe HL . 01 / -- ----. - - , - --- ~ ! .. . J'lIre c"nlnwbll lhulldy. I 'rI 'I' Ilnracti'e ... t.:ctio06 tlVlJr ubibit.ed llhy, 186:3, to LIt~ prt:,~ent dill e , Ilg,un si l C I~ I : INII.4 1'1, OHlu, AitJro;j, j tl, 181l3. ~ rUlt·'wlars 'Ilia mllT!!ttl. Thllrtj i, a ru. h h) ~el! tiOllle ~,:!lU,(JUO I'I.: VI! IlUll ari ~ inl:: frulll \ I lIen,ll), ~e rlily Ihul by oUlhorily veol l'u I "I ull kill,Jd IllwuYM 0 11 hUIlJ. whi ch thlly ulTer nl tho CO,~ lIelt IItyltll. but tl\t,y are I\lw"y~ tIl.l[ upon iIiCOIll"II, licI' n"l!s. (: IlUOUlrIlL, ill til e hy 1,11t! :S llll" ul Olliu all u"'!lieu,I"" 1 . ' 'e s, pla"os, , '.. A lille h~.on lllClIl u( Lo lee their friulltl!l. Call in. 1<"u· t u., III' I te Iee, ( LO JrHSl' M,dHllE'l' P R I e R S . \ CIUI'IA wale IIllS , !-IIPctllr ,.f .11·u l,,\lil· liq ll ll rd lur l1ullllllull /) , ~""111). I hllv e iIl 6 1"! l'I ~ d . "wpled III 1"1' • Jlarliculll~ . Ill:lt \Ye.~.k. &c, , ) IlnJ , upoo Illl otll"I' WUUufllctUI'· I' ,."r_ Cllllf'li C,.tllwhll Uranoly "lid ::l'VPUI"II ! LAl\1P~, JUly 4.~_ _ _ _ _ ~.I_f ~ ~!SQ~ tJr!l. ! llulI;,ly. ITlIJIIIl f!tr '"reti by C. \~. R~~u~' k, L \'''1'1;' I')Ni,.;: & III NOI., 5(j. [i8 , (iU, ""U 62 hUl IllIrd 1 1..1.... ~ .::I, W A \ ' N ..~ M V I L r. E • lintlryll:il"bli'!llIldl!' to tilll Nur'tl. Flto~1 TII~ INfIlUIAH\.-Jose ph Nt,IV' , :Slree:, ~Iltl til~d, ~lIiJ 1i~:lor. Ir~tl Ir"~:I,pu:CHli\INElS . ' .• cumb, all uufortunllie yuung man tiuu, I ',JIlO"~ In.!"lflll c., I li e 1llll1l1l1lilu I , I . orne r uf M"ln anrl tyler sLr~lltti, I, ' I ' fi I CUIlO,I(1'Pt! oy Lh e Rlr '"11 IIl ~U lllno, II)" Willdl -0' leLhOl (}tJulte oUi ee MinTe r · J~vlto e ~~pllc IlMriWIllI S~ .. tslo ,~ I~ l lII elholl'PllriIY 1I11111111il"rlll pe rlect i,,,, i. , .' ""r,, 1! IIUllly II t'wllry UII aturulI), I lllinill Cd III tr ~li lll " "Y WhHe,, '" l\"iIIl!! 'S .1..\ I V .1:'... , 18 u wul,l kllUWII lu our I"dy reIld· III NI, Itn,) Oil t:) und ~y eRCl\ rllctl ' lUll I hils Ij Illy 81' IlItltlire ' I' , I'"ul Il d "} U I 'I r ' ll . ·ti3 . t 11 tj ,t . -S UCII ,\Sa laslllful Cilltlrcr 10 Ibt:ir no~ sincll be!! 11 li oII I'll from . HIl is • 'VAVIn O'C uN"E Lr., ~'1 , D. I thl\L ,il b uuly IIllcfl¥8llry for Ud Hb nul '013 )'t'IIfS (.f "gl! . with black bllir C, W. R ,l h.l;k dl"lleu(~e" the cumpur i. 1"11\ ~ CUT . ,. rt:fcr tllelft lind ll y c~ ; blld (Ill Il chtJd, 8hirl IIIHI "<"II l, f II. e IH!. l F""lIch ( : "~lInc WiLhb hi. A ND PLUG, 1IIl!llllun l IIII CIIIln!!e. IIUll c .w,~n,,01 i" pr e/l Aled to UO III th l! ~ I.IluII p"lll •• " lid W II~ bllrt,(oot, Ally o" t' rille C.tllll'lll' nr . lld v, willeh hu·!' "t!1I CLC;Alt~ AND ~~ b ej t btv l,', III,,! 1111 II,,! . hurl,l',,1 Iter l\lhlll'ti.tflOoI ni. /t ivill !; ill fVrlll1l lio l) of his wit c l'''Hbu lI lS ! I' I'II UII II .. (" d ~y !.l ,P II I1,tll l',,1 "l cul lY ""peri . nil/UFF. 1I " lic • • ""yllll)l:( ill his lilli', Iroll) U Whed. ! - - --- - ._-,_. ,- - lu bi ~ (aillt',I', \\'111. N~ W CV lllh, Il l'lU' F us · IIr I"r I ll ~"iciIl U: IlUl'jlUdea lu III1V h~"IIlJy , IlL .~CKI NG ba rrulY tv Lhe tinedl ~11 ~:;; Y. , L .61r WI! lire IollpVY 10 1lnll0llnCe Ihu L ~ r'" U,ruo>llI )p . I~), to Lh tl "'"l1a !-:~rs o f ,ve r mOld~ . 1;) , 4 . llLACKlN U. 131 .. U811ES. rt:r Hwin:r 8I!C\lf CUlhe s rrvi ced of 111" / val by It.tI KJlJlbuflf. Ull TutlsJII)' IItIl [11111'llllll'l', wtl l ull hl>erally I'UWllr ' Ir It I I' IUo:C U'f;;S. L"I'C.• "·T(·. l::Lt.I SIJN 1( ,,:111'. n "'I peri or wurK IIlIIII, II,,· "ded.-Star. \ '.\1. ,\ , '. .. .. UHt lll ilJ 11 01 h lri lIuW 0 i ll Ihi f' (' u fl I1Pr. ti u u 'In>1 'Vuek, uf' our t'Hlu~t1 conll'iltll. 1'~IlITO n" :l1rA ~I! GAZETl'f.:--,-r Mr •• M. HII'CIIIK. 'IIIJ llllughtt:r. IIf Wilh YOIlf PCrllI ld<i" ", ( IVI ~ h to A~y to I ::~~~ 1~~lIs~~~il:~~I.l:ll","nlY Ihlll Hu l is fal'S~~ d U-Thll Miami ilap li "t As ~ocia tio n Ih e rell uer.; u,f .Vllll r pupe.' th~, t ' ,wlil dl'lId I ~ ', ~ · II PIea,"nL "OY"I!(J 0 f Lblrlee" "Y. I .1 ' , r ~ ~ C u,eu Its s('s, iUII 0 11 '1 ilur ~ d"y II Ie I" hv re ltll'1I 1111111 , 101 1111 \\'ho 1I' lsll It (Irer) " , . '1 --.+----r:-r. JUliN \\'. COLLETT. Llverpoul. WI! prlJ"cll~KhOIIJ lOoil. tTI t! 2B Lh ult. The atte ndan ce r ~ripl' wilh 1II I I,lJr ~<', li " n . I,,. Illaklll :! '''"tl i ;.I n, ~ uVTIJ";"" 1:01 Lhi~ Indy'lt plll"llllr ItJLIt:I'M ill IhilS from "broad IVI\S lip 10 lit e IIve rnge tI~ill!! 1\ Hi ll",I ~ Ve~e lllbll' 1I1111n, Illnl wlil illld .. h"il !;ivtl IUluth e r u~xL Th., .. x ~ rc i Sl'S Wl' ru hhrhly illtc re ~ ling. p{l'ecllI,dly r,' III 1O "C. ill I!! U Lln)'s, Pilllrle ~, I 'Vp _h"II,'ons lllllli,( ktJ,,1' nil hnnd n gelRill! Lh o ~l.Weljlli!~ \\'cre<' hor:;., I), ntlt'11I1 Blu, ched, '1''''' , (" r~c lcI ~~, nll<lnll 11ll1'1I~1' crtd 1I • • urllllelll of PUIt: III1\11' ll iei ll es . ,_ . , _.~ ...._ _ - Old, Tit " A <H,cinli ulI i. cumposl,J 01' III'S of 111 o SkI", Ico vlI.!! Ille ~UIlIlJ pUd' l Alou,jusl receiv pd Ir,,111 Pltt"bu r/.", B I 13 ' I I r II I J3 I cll'"" ~ "",, .I", 11I1IIlrenlliliul. g-UVU UIlU ~el l .deil:l' ll ' d 101 uf ELICTI ON DAT ill \V"y"esville UII""' t Ie "jJlI ~ ~ c IUIC It'~ 0 , .IID : ,LOll, III I I \l'i ll lli oo m,il Irl' e t'J I_use ho vi lll! I auti Ill\ withuul I'n unol"adllnt I ler lind \\ II I rell ,C"U II II~~ . 11,e ne xl 11 ,01<1 l 'l clltl~ OIr 11 '11'" Jo"' c'C>, si lOpl " dirt'c. : ' '1IT',1 " Y. . 11111111111 s.,s~IOI n will hI! h" ldRtLoc kland. liuIIS IIlId ill'l,rl lI ))li" .. , Ih )) L Wi ll f> 1I1Ob IH ,Plcture \'VlnuOW- a~ses, lilt! wealhtlr WII& line, 10 I Ha lllilioll tJUllllty,--Slar, Ih r lll I" .SI"'I" /11 11 {:r'"VIiI uf :IIX llrI,,"1 al II~e ~ott'u fr·om 1111 pllrts of ~lt" \ _ ___ _ H oi r , '':"i . llp,", ur u M"USIIIChc, III Itld" t; ilC A CALL, (Su ccessor lu /i"l",' jlL.¥ ,c· n'i,-pin,) 11.'11'111' mRJ ~ a "ell e nl slllJnIHlIitl lor " .1 ( I I. I tlo lO lI llllrly <I:l YS. Allhr old 810llJ un :thin ::; lr e~ I, \Voyn e.· 0" 1llll/'SulIY 0 li st WC" ~, til' These rccil'P.8 ore vatunblc to bUlh 0"1 \ . , plllle of rendl:!&vou~ , - 'IY'hg th ~ , (!i,Lill ,, )'l' oJ' 'fllrl\ " I' & Brother. III tl ' ,,""tl tiS lh ey lire llllli id 101 ,,\I Anu you C" '"I" I lUll 10 be Butleu ulJth In vi lle, \YuulJ ;lIl v ,m h iH vlcJ c u .. llJnU' 11II Itn," ,J I l. fi UII) UUII . , I " II""IIlY u,,: 11 prier. . , " . I , Lhe r ~d l 01 IIlUII·ki",J, ll,ul li e lAu" " ,ood ' o a trv!!lv IISPl:!ct ~11 wt:1l a8 cllu f- I \< I"lnkl"" W:I" IUI"lly d lJs tl'llj' ~( uy re , wllu Il ~('d Ihe m Irpe 01 ch nrge , l ley. urc I J 23 1 8~,;orllllellt uf . ' , I '1' 1 I I I ' J' II ,I "rI;l1l n Ill)e - . M IolllIl'y .V018 l.o Lll I>ullt-d for ,Gov. 'lbe corll Iwu .e,lV lIs H "V ~ ( , . Ie ~s s wllflly I Ie ~",,~ "II\>l1 U " I~ I: " ·I .1' ill Ildli mllied /\t lrom Iwenly·Live to IllIr· cl ellr, pure S kill, ur II heullh} erolVlh ul \ - ----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - I UIlion eanul · ty Ihou ~n ll(l doll ~ r.,-II1 r COX , I\n d ~ IIe Oller , d I I ' . 11re 10 II C Ilir. GE'I' 'l'U E In::S'I' ~ ulso . U Vllri ed of Tlu'lf4j limn tlll'l:!tI!or old \Vaynol L ' / " I ,' 5UO A 1111'''6 IIIll OUIlI All oppl lcnliv lld olidlVercd by relllrn ! in mind Iblll Ihe Warren CbunLy 'i'tlllchllre' Inltilole will be beld Ilt : M"ineville, OQ ·Hurd"". October 14, ' 1 !J6~ ,
IM;aw IDJ~US· ,~i~}l~l1 K~EIN'S
Dry and Mixed Paints.
D B. U G
] :n
- - -_, -__
0 0 A L
0 1L
L I (.'
u0 ns
Patent llledicines
f~~~~MlE~ 'IJ
'G roc
C I- 1 C S
I School-Books, "
GAIIEIJS AND SHOES {Hll'tIESTIC GOO D S ,I Physicians' Prestlript'ons
For Ladies & Children,
J:;Ioats and Caps \
L'ldies', Gents and" CHILDREN'S SHOES,
- ----.
D I) Y Gi 00 D S!
telt t
B A. R GAl N
int,.5 .
P R I N , T S,
J. A., C B, 1 S P I N' IDolncstic Good~,
H"l t"",1 0
Parlor and COOkin5 Stove:" SllPP~Y
mAil. willtullt C!&tj:"!.!f'.
•• -~--lo r wblsky WIIS ; :.H,I by hClIIg rolled I." It e' III'cl/ lI lll' , T lIns. F CrlAr~IAN, ACCIDKNT.-\VIl 1t'lIrH lhl\t a rtlW I t~,llJ e cl~n"l. lili s ' ''IS tl!~ i>ug pst dl , ' (: II elni ol &. l'cr lllllll' r, 831 Ur""Jwuy, '8 ~inee. while II ~on u( ]srllle BU\V' l lIl lO' ry III Ih~ Cil llilty . t'ln ~e IIIl) 161 116.8\\,:' New Yurl<, " ul MIIY, I h6:3. Tllnl~r &; ilrO Lhcl' It "v(: ._======-......,=====~=== ,of FIlltrolk, ',VI\S e,ngllg(;d I~ ~tllI' I,aid vVe)" S31O,U(lO cxcitill dU I)'.- / · 1'"1. .... ~Ucrti6c m cllt£i. IIg SurI:: I IUID, I II~ fig I It I111111I , W~H Slar. ...."\ 111 llttl Wlluulollry, ruUltJ1l1l1llg 11 ~--=-
euch ':n ei:kllt 1IIIIl 1i1llpuflltiun of mitldlt: lillger WI\8 ucemllil IltJCI:SSuy1Juo'u .. WiUi~.nlllonofthi s pl~cu ell r I ,. ' , I b d 101'0 orm Ill' 109 prevIOus y cen 8 • , slered), LO whuw tlpp!iClition WI\I tl ' I' d" IIILt: y wa c. ' '..
, , . ' r J /I;W'O -p 1" Wo Ll :.sII..rliI.,t. '" \l
, any
m.. nt .I) .
\Wll1te G.o ods, price·s ..... 1 1,Sllawls,
lor su!e 01 t he 10\\'0', 1 cu . l. k i., Js ul
3000 Fine
Jl),OOO , WQRDSauti !\11';ANJNGSn ul Illulid iu olh~r DII.: liol;ud l!I, , 'I],.~':1 ~(llJ ~ O"'r Ih irty " blu A Il UlriCUII ull t.I Europea" IllllA il:J)~ ~ o d ' I' : .ehulura l! ll l pluyr UpllI; 1I11~ . eV. IUn, g?H.vin ct rl' rn oveJ Ile r ;\Iill illery E., \ ".,,1 ~hirly YII.rd uf llibor expellued UI'III1 AI tiw llllllll ire IlolIse. Lelrtlll"I', H"pt. 1 , bl i"' I JI ' gl), by l~~v. \'V. W , C(llrn"rr, I\lr , WIII ' I "- lu IlI IIl,l' lllLU l,e Sev;'.81111blps of f!,eot voluf', (lIlI'Or th elll r.--- Re . b I \ (\Jurr.}' lu Mrd, 1Ilehelibie ll ~r rylt " I, ull " I : N .• W. corner of Main II: Tyler Its " " I Hfly qu urlu po~efl , l!: xlllou"lury 81111 \I--.J "d~rs Will 0 serve " C longe Ihld cUIIII Ly . " I'llJrl oulI~11I1C ul IlUlllt'd ill nOllOIl uf tl u ' l I '1" 'I' "1 I' I •. \ I \VulIIJ in r"rm Iter Illlm~rllU8 pulrUlllollu ' .1 & Ie nil I roau IlJllI au t, W IIC I Iou.. On \V l'dne sday mllrn ;n" , O clhber 41\', \ I blic "lOt .he hi rl' arell lu uu ull ~ er~oll. 1\IIt! pl_ced , peeu"uIIyulil, c., ... d ( I ' 'I. 111 It L . " I D J I' I ,e IIU , P P &c n AhUU"I' ACUUIU, l\lhOl"Y -01. a&on lIy 0 t 1111 ·.. el:!", .e at . "011, by !lV . • CIOII ;. r. ' . J e.cr 'l" iuUII lit ;ljlllille ry, lIuch lid ., ! " & " R e· • u ' r L b 1\1 M !II Il ency, lIIul her CbfV, .... 8Ull vlXuli d or two uiartl Irain! on the rOl\d I , \''''' >, u ..e II1lUII, lO I.~ ury ' BLt.'A C HING ' M ' [\1 ' ., ' &r ' I Keel' er "r iU Od UIi J.:., \lil t' , r. ICU\Yu"~' , th" Pittaburll E.tpread-will bll II '\ ' , . .. . PHE:S I~G, Cullluillillil UIlIl ·lillh ur Ulle.fUllrlb more I ' . At the r!'61Up.llce of the bnde II AUllt TIU MM ING & ",atler thul allV lurUler edlfiulI ~ . aecommou,al!t'o ' to \rnler. of ,Lhll ~~Ir •• 1';. D" Vall), in Bro~kl,n: ]" I., UII • MANUFAO'fURING, FrMlI ,",iN 4'1t:clr~t,pe pllll88 Im/lhe Ri~. .. I w:ell .1 10 he wllol" hne. 1 !illrld"y PV II III "1(1' l:Jepl. Ill, Gluorlt!d A. Ii ' I I' , i i' traiue Prull. , 'J' ' I t bl ' ,1' e 0 I d I I J Ie ' on shorl nollce , IU III t'(I alll"L .u lion· Lhe manaL'erl could COIl'l'tlienl)" or' ) er 0 I I " on Y .UIr .1I!r 0 "" & I V I f .8'0 R al Quarto so'. ' , .. . • VIn Nllllloe, E. q.. - ~e". Mr. P"d4uck III- l able aly lea. . . , . 10 oue ,.m" ~"C'e:. f. e mOrdlng· Elpre .. Iraln 10 IlLop IBelftlilll(' ~A chIoi«e ft"80tlm~nl of 1 rlmmlnllf , 'GET 'l'/IE LATES'I',' Lhll' po~,~ " h.ere .pul" b. DOLiling. ::=:ac: I INollons 011,1 Fancy Artll: le. on hand. , GET 'l'IlE BEST,' for Ollr tr.feling comllluDi&y 10 wi.h 1& ~ <'!: • 0 Thallk lul lo.r the lib!!'r.1 rlltrolhge ~I're· I G"'T l"EB"'TER,' ' tofore exl el"l d, 1\1 18H T4'rry hopes he r p r '" In ,1)"1 r.'peot. , Till. I'.~ lmporconal_ill endpa vll rtl tu plpaee ~111 ens ure Publis h cd by G. &. C. MERRIA/I', I~tion, Bod ahodd not le p~lled 1 On the 8th iDII. M~r W.)' neB~ille, 0 ., & eonllnUDnce of the IIftrnl, . 6 2 1 .31 ~pr Pili.lll, 11Is~. Craill. ' 1r1irltm, wife III Iv'aD C III1 I o·. ll,th. I WnYliesville,OCI. H . 1 • III
IF Oil tho
Nt:W lLL' ISTIlA'l'EU ElUTION, OUT-DOOR WORK, 7'ltorougM!I R evi.cd()'fjd much enlurge,'. ~ uclJ 09 Sp..JlJlill g . ltoutill g . &c ., flune on .. hUll uutice Ql~Ll in tllc U\! l'i llll ;,Ull e r. July 3 - 2 _ __ _ _ _ "- - -! IOver Engravi ngs!
... - . . . .. --~ . .-' -~--- . ........... Hlth of Serlelllu(,~, by JUlIles J I' 'I t' I.J \V hlLD c r~ lIIId I ercudll", ' .,,, 111111 ... , El iz,l CUde, 01 \Vurrt!n CuulILr.
• Till ,
lAke th is ",('thud of illformlng
,1my IIllllJie nt.l~ ""UIhe pI\ulil: l:elle~' 1 READY·MADE CLOTHING I r Ii,dly. Ihat I hil I'" re ll lUvc~ Illy pl~ce
uf t)l'SIlI~S~ III Ihe 6101'~1 (Ofllle,r y ocrui"eU It)(ijl ,f"'''''(~ by 1\lr". ThuIllU 8 P5 U l' " Jl e) l::i torll, ~~© lJ t2J Opposite the Rogers House, where I inlend It> ~eep 0 11 ilOilO a geneul U8dortment of \Vurl<, bo!l. 01 JU W .. \Y N allu the bes t broods or , CITY .JI.A.VUF~Cl' URE,
fA\. M lIl ~i1Jl~~'f LNIIU.!JI .a!ruWtS;.oS.
and warront lu Iliv" ..Ii.ra,tion • Th8nkflll for Ihs· very Ilberll fMlronage ~"""~~~-,"",~~....,.;."",~~.......-v-_,,...,;o for 68 vAr.s l yparl be.I~lVe.l, , hup~, by PURE CIDER VINEGAB clot e fttl enlion ftnll laIr dulinII'. lull 10 ., ' merit a ielieroul contiauanC&,of tllflume. Tilil we knoW to be ~lIre. 1t'll1' pro1. E. KEYS. cured the Cider frum rell.ble perlon, 10 The m.,rket price." all timee p.id 'ror Ihi. noi~l!borhood, Ind permille,d it \0 Grell n Hides. CaiC.Sl£ltu Gild Ebeep p~h'll tUtD to VIDeIrW!ii.R~~;",,~.:,. PejUi';z.. ' Julya.-l.tl J.E.Il.
1 S65 . SALE '!' . 1 tENTR!t a. B. Jl SfLV.l ' '''~NN IlYIAGNIFICEN_T ... .. .. Double Track Roule MUSJ' CAL ESTADLISHMENT, Gold .and Silver Watches, , no. H 0 RA C E(lRDWA~ ATE RS'
':l\~Uc\'lSCmcllt5-: • ""Th e C(lmmOIl pigt!on or do!e, \ ___ . el\1 our t frequen 10 il 01'. • .81lo. ISM, to 1Io0",n 8pe~II" Plt'TSBURG '1'0 PH1LA DELPH IA. .!Nt __ il tbe lAme JiE'W'lE1L~1{9 &(0. ! No,. I Broadw ey, New \'ork, \'86iS 1866,18 01,) PJ.AN. LAn 001 E ON the aMienls . II hils bet:n rt¥"nl~q' by '0 I • ' ON 'CUE KG""" PI.UOS. 1IIELODEOIIS. L:ADI!l1IT mankin d (rom lillie ilDDI,,0'I0rtlll 1mb" From .11 porlion. of the W e~t, Norlh· ~ E - I·tock of . BooltI, olld 11/1 kint\' 1 MuslO le, MUl SHEET W ' Bl and S uulh.W el t, Ihl. line "lid ltd The III ~e peoblillr sentillle ol .of IltlllClilDl"lIt, . ul Mua!c~111I8trU,"8nl. alld Music Mer' , e t' nl fur ul oither Ihe 'fhorle~1 Of Man· or eOllenea a. II ffe 0 II 011 , Wa.tch , loweot r"ter, whulesale ODe Gold and Silver ho l ~.IJ1:Ir "'u r nb:c811~oule to Philllupiphio. Nr,v Y,O! k, . ~h~ and Lbe dh'loe love 8n merev ufacto ry, two im,meDII~ J ewelry t{P . 1untl retuil. S CCO IIU hnlld Pisnos ~nil M~" Dllitimore ullll \Vo,lain !:'oll. I he D \ ' '~o,nMp Ctka IJOIIlW .. ,....... -Pia· Sliver one ts th e dove "bieb WIIS leDL fo.th IlR II ishmen Establ at I!rent bnrgslna . Prlr.e~, 60, IOJ~on. I , ul~on rely oo cOllfiden wilh d Inl , ., IN IUIt ",",_ Coali~1 it ..... rClurne arid tr~vl:I~~ rk, a . fen the Gold (rolD r one mea'lInge 76, 100, I l!!\, 150, 155 . 200 nnd $225. N~" I tin Warehoua~ coun eilion, hil/h ~peed wilh pNle(~1 slIro . Mak~r wilh Ihe olive·br llnch in ita moulh, tr,e lPencil i~ j I Wft'~M. UP 7 oC lave 1' i.nu8 lur 250 Ulltl lVO ..,-_ \)~. v..01\~C"'~ 811.1 evo,'Y opp"anc e lor coll1fort 'Ith UI- Illteh I lE'I f harbing er or glild. ~i~ings. ~t "'Ba one a all08 BIIJ l\Jclourund IU It", alld ren. III uW I! llt ell!l!~ ~I'd New . prucurtd der ue b s O ~~'I ~~tlI offering ' \ ll\ , C~ST ,"cntiCt TO pure8t pC the l T~"~~'~~~?~~:F.U~A~~O edif purch ..... d. l\1onlhly pIYUlentd re' . ser v.ce. ! \\ 1...0l)"\) V\'i'U .\"'\~ p.u81''' er CIrS, 'ur day and IIlgh _ the Mosaic diapens ation. and to Lhe I cJ J I... II e equ ll)' I e. d ru ' .. do lhe ur ' ed celV b "n..d ' It II I I repre· · II P I been 8 ue U8 "" Chriatia a world it hilS al"'II"s The 1I 0rnce WUlers'd FI.n ...., . lyle ,lid 111 01' hBve r~celllly U· ....... I hi" ini trulll tili. , Tit,· Gllode '·are or 1(". tIlOlll1hle I P e ll1l 8 YIV811iu Cell'rul J. .. ,., "riliro<l " • I • lie o! tu ment . .u~ urn ' a e lIl ':" " Splrll descp. nd,ng .. u'" ore Ii. "P' . <'O u woroll,"" 1 lented tbe Holv .. lo n ",rel \ yeu'" five I J I W f <1" d . ~.l ... 0 llle till ! tltl\lIU\lr \ u nh eve lIlfI prOV rlt' WI'1 ! rOlIl ~III" U 1...00 \) or arrOIlIP. bl ell Mllnkln d. FrOB) thfll /I,,~Cllon I ' s Irom the Weel rUII U or S ILVER '.K f\rn mD ( c. CI.iI run, p ' GOLD ,.III'''; ... t .. d • hy d ' . I orr.a.i""" I : ''" '"' . for 11".rrao putJlic 1 l vhere [lu8en- hn~o hee n in tr(lllll "cd tn Ll,ae 'I'cu Selll ,' Price8 I!reully reulIccd for c88h. ~u of our II ",,,r. tl .houtll b. "rolUiu""lly . l" l.d , .1.0. . AI ItI~ UU1to. rel lePIo fl' "l'r. ·III " 01 th e ntercou tse belween the 61lxes. lie Ill fl e L t.l AI.S, I ION TESTI~ stIlted l Ihreel to 1111' .nlold ' \'IIICh, '!I, 01' Il.V IIc'l"lre l' . Ih.y sr. ,,,otlly or Llmll ei);h~ ),ellr8, I,U 'h.1 then mytholo gy mMle iL .acree! to Ve' \ IIHlrll known ore • Pillnos ,ers' 0 \,V. c r IlorRee Iroll81~r e are h uere T " • fURE, lor $ !I, lUI be ow A~Jl.ElliCAN MAN UFAC" nil N Y E ill CV lltr ol RaihvQI 'I', which I nus"the Godde.s of Love, wllOie coo· P , I' , ~ . -. I d I" e nl1sy vun • ' cce 01 our , lIS Ulhullg the very be81.- . . vSllge· Blld th .ru(o ,e gre. lly ' Ul' crlU' I., Ih ~ . l{ uu " 'III ' , •• W ' \\,,'\.\""\!,""'O~ \ O\,-\\"Q.~\. ~, h 8 aD .pUIil I aLlen I' oller t IWlD, IIrrivllli Gild g Pilt81Jl1r leave e .th "' One or our ten set8 or one pI "hput " h"wk. .,,,1 N ' . 1 crils of Ihe ""rlell (,"'" ul>roKu r tl . f II I' 'I'll ""'pi" ,Iul y ull ,,,,. . Gold II r Silve!wa rc is worth Ii uu~ hel of : I· , ·V e oan epee k 0 nny Fnmily ;\' •.,mca or, nl! \ I e~"eelli •• far .. 2 III flt I~ Ullrlr Pitts es v eo, IlEss-L n~yOE~~ 1\,8 uld t: I dill hi~ h "r.II,ill'" 10' \ Hurnro \Vu :ers' P iftiluS trom peraolla l ;~:::'~:~~o~i'.~ :::II~ ll!! at priJl clpn l Bl8tiOll8. 6111lilnr UIII'HC ill th e Ul,."k ct. ~ A plAin ol~ clergy mlln "'.1\8 oor-e Iho cheup a or I~~ • nnt "SICI bos l (1111 fO"ti'l'.' lI lJili . ",.• pK,. "I>I" '" !I u lo ' ). "", oUIlI 00 A M stuppi very Ihe pllhlhl nl! ul lti bCl1Ilt IIl'pre"il as ,\11 ~e. Tyk"owled , 01 1\1 A. mode g ~O 7 al' . lu\\owill Ihll Wive adopted I!'I" ",'. i\ . ' "1 Altoon" I P •• ···tlbU r eul .. rkBl.alo . 10 "'0,"0 110 ." ' h ti ,·"1,,.. 0.0 .1 of. c""".'~I'u u!I(lC applied to for Rdvlce on II ver y Import · ' 1\1. , di ~etll' c rllilt • L l ~y II., uo ~ U A lit lBpllefu lllc IU 3~ A. • qUII!ily .-C hrisl8In Intoltil.leucer. frlV.e6 ' ""'0 e \8 · J .I') U• III lloe t,ul>I, • 845 o( W uters • p 'lanoY Br e •.UI' 11 I ,,' I " . 0 II'.'e H aDL mllUer. He "'". a&kl!d which ~o orllce The d -\''to",, -c,\"\\.u ,. . \\.\."1t n 'l,\\'tl\." U,,1.0 t rl. IS rri8bur~ .. H ,1 ".111. . II bO 1a liS \ plly i.a.ve~ fLoo"cek ,two sisters be had helter 'N Ihoruughly seasoned tho .,,1 •. ONLY ONE DOt,l..A U .~ of Ih".lIest and m08t v'lue .' t & J rnl I .~ P. 1\1.. 11\\' llnd hCllce th uir I Ad sea t.o. One WIIS vury 10\'ely in 0 11 OU" li.l. nlld 1.10 P. M., lllllliino ret IIA el. urli by .. Ie 01 75.000 Irlicles of allY for h",,~.d c ue will (.h.l. :\~ o~~ons I Ii! ~~~ \. . "\.~ mRlPriO .-;- P ' VOCR e ~ r York, via Allento wn,at lO i/O l'.M., PI,II· \ • ber di Rp oailion, bUl nOl a professo r 0 I I fi St In ue Ihi' II,,, ",. !,lIrd","er "e. " 1,.'Ol 1'" 1' ":t l,t h" ; uue ilihiet Il\ b.4b P. M., 1111,1 New Yurk, .).,.,l\.\'\..\.\.\. \:l\.\. a~ lunotl ''Voters ltlod4l. New Onr knuw. whlll he i. lo go l! Th" pIon ,,,·,·n,,I. • relig ion. Tbe olhe r lVII' () pro(essiDg ne Lhe I'ropriewr; ,,, lie prillit W,II uPnt OIl ' ItI r r')U~c'l cORl~G 11,1 1 ' ge I~n d hl. p numbere . p ftre 10.:J7 nl good. 01 iliaia, The nrlielt's . , tI I' . Illu ", . Ihtld ,ee.""ly heco"'f"J ~o /lO ulkJr vio i>hilodel [) 50 obri!lia n bu. "cry ill·tem pered. 'Mllrrr Rnywhe re,n Ihe eOlllllr y.-Hvm " J uur. wilh fur ""1'0'''11( 0 ' 18rgu ,lock. 0 <'" ') 1\11 \ lIT.IIL LINI,-Lt1 aveH I'lll .b \lr ~ .n, . all melina,' thus Prllllthll /! 11m In ~' I'J II ,tbe ll 00u :'emper ed one, by 37.liOO COll old\l llg nit!. 75000! tu up I . ((rum ll. .. l,ro,luI;tio \' " ",ilu ,i . H 8ce 'V oterl' piano Forlee ore 01 ·~\l""'.' f~\\.O\\.""I.\.\'\.l\;, , A. M., s tuppill/! nt ull rpl.lul", " ~I~II,UII ~'-l ; ' ffle ~Ptrtt 0 01 Plnllu~ , MelodeulIs, <lold nnd I:l al ver I .. d the c1ergym no, TilE I'LAN IS SIMPJ. EI even lone, alill powcrtu l.llnd . . , " cll r ill ,u"·eni.i n,' tllllr J\I\\,~;ch 'l'ubl~ . & I ~} _,Teu Ir~ bh Muchine I-hrrl ., Se\.,ing . A.!\t 11.45 . Watche~ HI \tOUlillt A ' God eaD live where you clln·I.' T~o "0"'. or . ",." "rlid. uITer.,' (,"' ,,,Ie-II. "' . RII:I·'lai ll ' lh" •. r~ Review. ,~,,\ln 01 Musicol ' Y. .~U II N. "I . "I t:il"lIuna ""u,:II'" table I'II Ilnd nt lell nrriv"'K lher , · I P.~I Setft, ,~o\\dli •• _ ,. ~ Mr. W.lerS' \ Gold "u""ngW",ch.(;v"IU".I.lIK,,dllrh"': at filld 1<. IIl1d pll v I. will IIIP" llde lq. tll"h Ourlrie l'b,lutl 0 VIU er37.1I0 Y"rk tl: w No, nlldlheo unu .. lit elc P elc., " , : .. ulldEur k. \ b l 88 tmenl 01 M'lsic 1.1.1'<" .-1 BrOil 1· 1" "1 ","l ~."r· Dl'o,, ; , &' th "'\:;\- \\'\.\'\..~~o\\.'... (',~\"\\.)"'WU.\~ r>" Wurk und • y ul '" " 1, · ,,1'1·,1..111""",\ UI· "· A" • M .I~' " I \,'10 cord "'1" elldo" "New .York 'it muoh given 10 nnicles uf v~l"able Jewcl _ Lpllvl's UllltCU \ ",ill<1I vII" tllo 1 ",' ~OUOII~' loes pe'oV,tl,r ( .' "." sto~e 11.11 Opell. aI''' s. •• op him YO " Album . " •• ,It ,,,lul'''" graph \\'l\r "' 1 be ,. yotope; C.sC 8.l'h"lo Tod~l w\'i" h \'1\\' 6 bee n . u. . ' b I 0s E I' '1 · . I Kllu 0 PITTSDU RO ANn . RH. II ~I L d( W'I . ""1 ,It·. we" ,,1111 w,ll lll i'~Il; lit . " "!'" oril. ,· I. ... :\ 10 very 8ummer , II oUI two Ii, \ . cn Iel. ul e '(>-. Mil ~nry Dr Ie e~ II S IBl,eI.-G rohnm·! I 1\lo!!.Zllir . !'",I . Pi'ltiUUr~ ul I :l0 JJ l\\. dllll'l)' ''t,! nl IIC III,l v ~\\ "\.\.\.\'\.' b 0) \:\\.Il. ''''''" ro Eighl Ill ce ", I v~ r lu" •. "1<,,' •• ·II o\.\\'\: \"~, IW,·II'V w,lll 'ei,'"d, , lind red picoics tllku pi lice. 811. of nre us Piun 7.:lU bl 1 alers' W ""u"" A Horace III e Th Al'riv.·. ed llnp ti lI\lmb~r "o 1111 . nullces .',.1' ,.r .UOO 75 I·"",. VDrlPty. , 0 11 0 ul Ihe \ nil,] .olh...,. .-lmq;u. J I' . , '1'1 N)! ,,"U . s uur" t .:!:' A. ,"\ cJ cl , I I fil i 'h bundred tbo1Jsllnd doll"fd IHI! inves ted gre.t lo. . I' ri~nl' Ihe n 1 ,",,1 h,· lloe ,i,' , P i\l lI urri I IIIIU' I • . ,"" r. IrOIll 1 tu? :; OOp are., 1'II111II eU. nlllf, pUlln "g" I , • .- . . \ lIhe"lc." • 811 . 10nA , Ie pc. II 11\ • d o'li perlor 1". 011" 'nll")I"II I ' " . . ' . . . o,''',· E lit ' " ... . ill CI .. d , " b nrgel e iC . N0 Ieea linn wllo . UII cuSlo,,,.r ml;(l't, 1110 0 ill grolln WP. 1 111rer ''''lit ~ V\\\"'\"·\.~\· l\\"~ \'\\\\ \ '\"1. se~lp~ env('l ol'e8 anu . • IIIl ll ft tl R ~I Irl A. II! 0.40 I lI.1 h! ~"lp i d '. . . <:tl il "<I I'u" 0". !Jull. , . tf h,· 1. "1 . ,, . · 'J s PillS, . ~ OO~ teD thoul and per.onl liv(\ by the p .. l· 01 tlaeaO, .ld f.cnvo e "f pri ces of f ns Humen' s nnd wh"l I,,, hi. IlI:SsXI' ·. 1 Schedul p~ ELI'IIIA tl ' t 10 l'IIII..AD ' @elll '''''') UII "' nUL ,,1'" luken Iv,w",,1 1.:',.111" • • he C'III WI .( . . I of lShepll\1l1si l: orod ullY Mu •• ,." .. ,II, .. ,.... k,. II~ thp .rllIl L III. Ih;e,! v d"'. lnl,,;,!ue. Cu tI,,\t i~ ('x· ,. II cuver !'! III ul ls ,,"ly ceo ~~ d U "1"1'1''''1{ 10 Ill, 1'. .~~ .ellllln!! -l n UI Bo we uur:: . ~'I yB ''' SlI . 10 TOIl"ge 0 pICniC ,era. "fconli,, !; 10 ,'il'.Cli ~ II' Oil ,h~ eel'\,I.... " of ""l'urIl1 ndcllce, elc ., ic IlIlul id "~d in the U. 8 ., ma ilrd Ir ee . /" ,1, ub(· ~ 6 . 1 U Ly ~rIl.J i,"'I"'\! ,."01'. - l·y,·tI ,Ie .\. ' UIilll'. . Arr ivrdM..IIIHtlfri 1\ cir"l H don'llr y to enjoy oursel ves?- Lollg p~1I 8e 01 I' ~. tu ge , eurresl'oco rr('S!l')IIUIllt." ell ntd pe r •• cm. ,h. "I'IZ". I I Ib < ''''III'le "w "nle,1. h" II'''' . . . .\ . , ·'l.\\)ol ileu s l u O r . ' h"rl!~:l ~llJ " :5h 351,. !) Alluunl ~1 I!00t\d or OIiU th e dlllele • u. u".ui ' cd '~Ii,ci'urch" ,o'·- K . '"... e'"'''I'I''' \\\. "''\.\:, ~ , l.land Farnillr. 81C.0 I e J Y k VIII' N , f h' hod d "·'I"", .. a)vII"1' A.. III ., 'I I II wllhihe nullluer ull · .he lIuliee will be I t.eel . et of P,·.ri l',,,I"·v,,, ,,"",it.tI"· or , ~w _ _ _.... _ _ _ U"lti"IIO'" 7 A. M.. n"" 8 ' Poe ,,:, 1",<1 U· I "".I ", . I Y ~ 1°, tl t lIulWelll' r 1 , 1' 0 CUll l'r wi,,; .'OR I I II lin' fe pub.', li 11.1' uoka, \l for er oth 7.0~ .. le lpltill '" ,·t SHbb.th Schnol and 1 ,e 8nme 1IIIIIle ~ " e· P 'd , f .~ ,,' tu lie 10 I er u purcho :~"~i" . IIo~ '" 10'- "'. will ..... ilo,,)' ull".rllr, irl .. 1 Al lc lIll'\\'II, to A ~J.. 1',"" D S K Tid I ~ "1""1 Ih". r"r'. t~· If. r Ie .. :"'~ '. ' eu uy 1I 0rHce 'Wn le,s Jlen,. reh lphi.. .rllcle) e l'lailft,le Ih viII ~e .t Yurk 10 N/'w deliirfld Dlld he ~r., (if A. l Iy al " 0 n e o:auol,,::," resl ,h. r .. , • II IDIl ge, Iroll' Ii," ,,""6 ~, .. p"rl"""1 ui '., ' , 11 til" .1.1111,1.1 I" I'''.' '"lCd . I.l!,~. ~"J~ rllil Ihroullh on . F or ill stRnct' : ~" '~II" I price which ""'Y he I', eleered. Ur.," lul l I I 1'1 1II. t:lle"rill!l lJ",~ · Ogl.tho rpe Uni.vera ily, ADd an eloquen t 011 receipl 01 tlDO dollar.. lteMu Bell, No. I, chuol S th Subbll II lu,"cmh il: cs .. wuuc. · you nllt to t nlld sen u'" 'ce ul IIIII' lI 1I" Ih" I" ou r" {'ill.bll IIl1mber Ihe Irolll il ill II' ,I Ur<, "" n IU.I'II~.. \ 1\ i'l nnl, I . oralor, died on the 2.1 tIl8t ., ""), roll M'l " . ) 'V" .. hoo •• ' 0 " .. ' . 'I No.2, . ' Bcll, .. School I" Subb" ru ~ I . or 1; Il pi.llo lr · u and dnJI)wil .· ~ bOU, tt u Oilles lll red \ (J ' th CII d lil th -uy 0 u ca lu N t!W Y vrk, VIII A. I ille, Ga. Dr. ~holiid be IIl1mbH l "'\\" ~l'\\'~\~~ "' Kid",,'! , nen r Milled gev .·,u III ·, II C r" ,'t: I'ull>'J our l'II itauclphin ' UI.t! t I I"" 111101I "1 • . ellol'u l •• . u. '\'\.~~ ~ ... , WUIC I . lUll u ue » lI e SlIen{ 11 0 IIlore. ' IIJ\Vn . I ""2 'l'Illmad ge w/u Ii pm ,m lnflnl mlOlsie r of \ d,nmulld S6 '. or .I:obld ! " Cllt"I,,~,, 11. Diad4!1 'I'he fur curipg ll.l 10. ~· u u IIr.... FAST L lI'u,:- Lpnves Pilltibur a ~I .9.30 W ATCII DEPt\. RTJlIE~'I\ 'be Prelbyl erian Churcb South. nnd uered 500 . II Will e se P R IC E s : Sytlhilla. IIrucie III our !IBI ul ry 8oroful~. ev" , .Iur Utl un 811 luliU tl I UII~ I I)" II g lit""" nt bein or ullly !! on l"ll .tull Ill., repuiilli 1'. the 1\'21111 tn ' enjoyed c • • " &~II Old 6o~lI. d z ' BJ Brd ~n/ll'.' cnl L..·.r ~ottl tII,"nll"/: "'3 f' 3\l A. ftl .• lI .rris· , Ski n DiIOR'eI, 2 ", r AIIIIUI", ,;t rrlVf;S ,\ I:.; '0 " -I .e urucle.. hunl'geu ~"l 7:;,0110 c~ " . , :10 '1 1I.1:,,:heoi I RbeDlllali.m, per. " " 't) f.tlhful and able pllstor and lellcL e!' • , 11 v,' ", ." np~ f I'. Moo , 8~IL Rbeum, 1:!.20 iall",,·t U,d\ . M A. ·?30 ... bur" (}:."T Aller recfivi llg th e nrticl p , if il l IUU :W'I> '" "" \'11'" S"i"llv itl Iou "",,1l' I Gill. $4 .• 0. eicaRel aa.lIt. P. III. , DJlpepll a. ~.4a , II e"Iu", II A VI:' ducH lIot ~l entlll · Yuu. yuu CUll relurn II, .1ll1 II!!i:i,tiO; Clu ,h Eru hllssed .t Yurk Ne::' "II Fever aDd Ague, ,\11<.1 .n"," cled hunt. Y 1\ ' Liver ComplalJlt, IN , IBELLS , N 08 . 1 and 2. •in I. EVOlume " ~ uu Indi." . :\0 tn ~. 1".mI1, Compldnta. ",!:, ca,,,KolJ ohl, yuur muncy ~ "ul! u~ n,ulu" , I e.~. 00- ' A litlle boy five ,'ellrs tlU i 1'111 10110·1 pl,' nt 12,;)0 I' ~I." 110 cw vI .. Leuoorrh... , c :III II> rA it"ntill/: .. Iv i . levH 1',,'lOnl 4ud \ oss?O mb , h Clul 8t btllon" .I'ln, . dur.rl1 per a, ~6,6lJ Ery,lpela expense r"y ~1. 10 I'. nt .J:! se b be al dt mU ~I,;U, cenls lad~: !I~ PIli viu e :\11 ,,, 1flrile wrilhing und e r th e torlure8 0 f Ih , .1011 del. ItHr " Iv. , hu"I ,n:;" I',,'e , I. ell. E'UplIOp doz r pp 8',20 . . Gill. Tumon olle I un . lc, fl , tSII/,p,r e C II , f'ulllh! ~ c tUI'II7,e:r curr /. ,0 I.. .:,, [ .nrwtru~ C umtltloll tIe. f'Dt 5 ague, ",a~ told by hi, mother to rife ul pu.tuge, ,.,""' II,·I.rhti,II ",·. ,· . al v. r ul '.... ·t.ce ,' IEI.OD IST, IAN !S1' ('JlIU . ' J TilE • GU 0 ou. 2'1 OUi U "C Fll.. ero .l4hl 1'",. .. 11. ,'" .Ii ,, "r o"""" ./ile a pow. der she 1111(1 pre p llr . III/lice. la I ' lu .h l "r Daily, aU o/l.tr· t1'O:tM, :SU7IJllqs I xa,df d I • Bud ,Tilli e no ok. :,00.::; ".;" .. 11'1'1' n P and Hym l vn Itevi ' new ~ A iJ, r· :o < j, ,; , orlicle r ~ . 1 whateve /' i 1"01 ur b?r: ul lI" ReIllCOl , 'I'ickeli lloroHlf l,ull,,",u ll by d lor 111m. ' Pow,l~r I powder !' 811i<l .l1': WELRY DEl'AR TI,.r-:N '1', 'f f' "f llhlh l!IlU lll he r ulI.¥iJlI' 1I 01 I C~, l'r ice$3 pr. r dvz . lIullrd$3,GO . l ,"il. Ouu l,ickdH gu"d "Ii " "." ul ll'B , $120 lu he.rWa!r~9n . hi8 elbow, and puttillg re" p"lltlHw e;-IlJ riug8 molld diu aoo r hve " b~ PII)17 1' ;~~ JlO~~Au~" ' Manufactory and Warer oom s, ONE'\pr'nllI" , \\· rit.~.hH .d.IU~\'1oi' ov illt d .. Iv\\ uull l"AItEt ot ill"" YUUC" a :5uUlldl I ' ill'l l "" IIJln' IlJO I " !l01 motber, , g-s rin • emile • h ialllul,d rbglaei6 ,,'d . llt od r. 481, Broadw ay, New York . I 30U"e .' . II Iy' ~ lr, o ,~ · . '"11 \1 y c"r~ ,'" 1\1'" e,~~uIIII . "I ... ,t ·,1 r <'r lI ,' fh llt' A,urdlt.w ul-. ro " '." oll'l'r • 1;, \ Ud " II)' UI' 3 to U u ... 11 g UO I' , .. II. ~· '·III·~. It B lo r our '" I(;"r:e.s II ~1. \' jI " ,' ,Inll~:i. ,,1' t ... o. !ti" , :I')UO I:.nl. dllull u.nd r'" ~" - I <I III ", " \l'1U /~rtd tI ANOTHER ;<rill'~ tI /"' 11 .dn ·' OUl (Jur II' II C . rl,·cl es, 4~ il .." iV1l8 t A I ---~ i S L 1:.' E P 1 X G C.1 R .') ~ :.I f rill1l 8 fbi . 111m"" u "' .lOOD I .. 'I '". l IIIl!roby HIIII -10 to public, 3 the \I ,alns 11l~I U' I·!l· f nce" c 0 . ' l ~)UOIl gOld &. CIlIlIU , ID'Rr Rr : ' RR id' a anble orafor, cO llli~e6 our 'ule ' lligllltr ui ll ~ III l'hil.~· • . N•.w \'u rl. , ufvr ·hi" .l1~~Ial!,,""llJ)u"1 ' On i 40 Iu (, ll~ 1v6&!ch"i cI,,·gul. e -l\lOOlle CO., d .& . I' bi -.ad E . 6; H . T. AN.TH ONY ~: . .."""" chcd,~" lit r U".'!'OJ " : I:/'I,u dIlCl\l~" l,r':'I" "I1 CI'oI ~Ie e:~) ~. retl e rll l 't;wo-ro ll a!ro cr , u~ AU reaslng II~ ' -l000 pllir !Jolll . 1(lll VI! bUllun s 31u 1U,I !I"d Ulllli IllUrl'. II""'" • , I "r. I'e!'er ' It " . ... "~. Ir nRr· d ll-rr~d R . lrllll br~d Ilt IlETAlt. III U Ann 11m-II I <I tl) II'lIuLE" AI.F. - 'dl. worllJ ;" DeI oile 40l/11 p"ir go lU & Cllllln . " 1\ Ii'W "Iln " , . '\,1. ,' n ll~ 't' . d ER . ANOTH ' ill Iv " . .. G :. ~" L .t 1\1 \luilr",,1 ' in ll n.r; va ,\ Ptllllhyl The . . I ts 10 , .n. 3 lu n~t'ul~ " ua tl_1 ,10 per oe' s ;.(""1 8' Ilvld sllld~. pldc Mule· 6uOO ,,' . " c,crJ ' •IrV. IH!! I ~' ;l lIut IIddll lll l' " " .\' ".1, 'ut U"g~II!i. ' "~ cepl ,, •·lello ulll"r . 8 OOU S: \)II\) ,set &'slglle Uf10n rec'e illt of 2" ct •. , Ivhidl I'uyd for" ' Man~fv.cIIlTer8 11 .PI lwtlJgra ~ dlt t nn!!" .3 to a IJflrroW' and brolld• If cl S, fI'III'" rla . I t . d llu , tiU • WI! Il~"'en' ,. ., \ ' t' l ", etc , r 'Ir " .JI ER \\'n~ 1< . II IIID 1:0ntlilI'Ulld.lIlce. poslUIII!. & ' 180 Iea II. .ure Ut!S .acllon. " , ' ur ~V,! ,~ r.'n!! Apl'"n' l, ."tl ' :1lI1i '. I~ ar, " 'I' . . ANOTH ' 00 NII'd ~~'\ ' ·1·d'l!· e "~m·1 r~n!i. " IU 60 1 lIROADW Af N. Y. VII ' ; whi •.), hll'\ "xi."",l 1'"lIrt"CrI v arllr '1.1 e IleRrt'r . d''9 ,CU,I ' lJ.8. nlltiee .. · d II 8ao de CR e, "8111 neC K l'IUllld b 10 bU ' 1'" 1l.IU l il ly lu ull e 1t :,llIl rrtl " "lIh ro! III 110 . Ie n 6000 • HER " I' H!1l'"111 1111 .. ,', ·1,1· ~ ... ' UpUIl n!cei pt of 81, which pny s for cor· I~ , ti e . All ll~g!i"I!" l·x.:elllh " l1 1111,1· " mlllln i 'ANOT ed 'n~'''i~UI\I,L/I 68 tO ld \! wopd.' b \!siIlPR~ o r Ph". , 4000 gol u IJVII I: bllllcl hrllr.o" ~ t ll 3 lu ll l1i III ur ~ lU n r .. nu,Hli In ,ux ir."ullll·n, lIl ~ .. I 1I"~I'~ll"n 'lIlt! . ·Mo'. t . we " lc., e tl, "WIIC rC 8 ~~Ilt!IlIII:C, pu~lu" t! II> 1_ : III. VIIIIlP , WHllJ~ u~ 11111 n.k ulll,,' __ • 6UOO ~"IJ ""dJ,, 1 br.coldl .. , .; I i",.r l 'IIIII /llI ill l ,:IO,,\.I 1,,, ;U"LlL'V~eu 1'>ilr" I"'''' i\1l1lerl .. I• . we ort! H e"d'IUUrlcrd : lllr"Cl. l·v ciHI "I't' U .by -r. keu lu . IIl1leod t) I cl;4· nutl 81u s hrue~let . elllllll · bUOO gu ld olld incr 111111 I' il l~ ~hi"h 'he ch !lBy s. fnr cor· Ivr Ih e lolluwinj!. v,z: 311 \ Ii 'U ~ Of II11 t IIe specime n! of GerlJlllr.-, UllUlI rec~lpt of Sa. wlil \\'e WIll sello 3000 lIold CIIlII"III ;1I clluill~ , '" . . . ' .' , HTS. FREIG cle., pusl".gu. , 8 pllce II rel\IOlld all I bUIl""1 6000 puir I.dies· dleevtl "'''''I!~" an I!r~bo"rI'pby lhllL 4lver .\". m, alia Sureoscoplc IIfWS. C\\." ope~ u. ,,"-1:. .st~rr.osr \ \ III l)\1\~ )N valued I preRcllt title a ftllti lIoticep,. 40 · Inloon lU I Uy Ihid n 'lil" Ir.. ig hl - "I 1111 IleH ri.,. 4 III "0 -. .1 Q 1b8.1igbt, '.l.ba~ .of a U.rl(or d illllllt! n.e ns~ur'- 400t! pili r e ll.m . nn hll.e we eoe th 01 \ .u , . 011' .) ·, 01 ~()O) Bbllollte ~ II liS 1\' \ IHi, '~\ thnll I H e lIut leSB I- , 3 III keeper is the mOlt pxcrucil lliog. gu ld urur. ~ l e I8 • Ir"I" . 'I,illl ' : jnclutllli g Wnr Sccu eF , Allleri""1\ t!OOOJ!ulilnire ~IIJ I" d menl, \ " UO "'~lVurd_ b(> . ll CU d liun I;! . to 3 . 8. hrollchH e 8 elll. &. ello r it (lpul "11,1 th"NlIIg,u Ullt! L lJllddCUPfli, 60,00 corul, IIRS P~\9 1Il'~ hi~ "Iiltn. and ts l dell,I"". New \ OI rll, UU.Iuli ", \1 11 :11111""', / nre the 1n"8t ' n'li~n UI):.n receipt o( in8 .... hlch paya fo~ ond Fureign Cy,ities 'Boshde vele Nodrus lad.' Positiv el, n~ Alsu. Reo 6000 r nmeo "lid peur! eu' tl rol'~ a lu u, Ihn t laMe ~ ,' cr loell il imr,,,III" '·II. ~ e lc" WI! w,iI Orollp~ . l:lt"tullr flU., e tc. II"ruIIII , R ~ II, "o~l.lle u" II,l lIe,', 1'" ~ " lld~ " 'rum cllr,re8pu unu 10 ' IIl1tl u l \ :ur public 'Jr pr ivu .e 7000 ilfu611i r, Jel, Lllv Th fV n 'L ~ .. ,l ir'·"II), "1"111 the ,;c:ld, \L.O1I 0 Ii ~ed, uuu b ::;OLID SlLVI!: R 1 ."lvill~ SIereuAcope., 3 10 10 ' 0111 ... I{elllllck v. lud i" 1111. I , ," "",, Wi • . , • rus. Florenlill~ Ennlrup s fx hibi~ II)JI . Our Celllloj!utI \ViII he selll -lhut nr)!,," til . nuh al,l, uxt~n • ri~in)! l · tli ud~ r"llr Ill' uuri, i\l'dtl ur . W A 1 C~I, lay relllrn uIV lU I CUII .. .II, l 10000 coru l,'l pul &. CIIl. eu rdrops 3 to s'nmp. ul rcceipl un 1II1 .. Iii u,lJrcRII uny tu . III tiUll. nut r'rll\uJI"c circlIl"r "\'~tC for tIll' who Henu n, e d. llCcUIS '\llIule . Q:J- Two Californ il\ g!o~leRl 10 r,·c' . 4'" i. ~1 DI'L Iv be 1111 10UOO mill ililurA luek e lb ~. ' (', ell IrH I I'"II' Ir""u' III . """ u' hion • " 'hil,h r~lIth\! PIIO'l'O G RAI'UI C ALII U,"~." 'f 'lIe J' "IIII ~y I , .. ed m Iur .. ~ cu"h eUllllni.6 Iun, ' V'",II' ViII. rll n 2;) simply _ Il ~Iy dined on ro 8 te,d grhihq ppeu in A."ellt8 11111,1 10 witli I;j .I I " I,rill." till. .P ~ .. .' e t'Ilese 10UOO IlIl1uic I fi rsl to ' W e werl' tie ~ II 'j'l IIl1ruuuc 0 IIrg W il, • l'U IlIt!r~, '11 I II CII' I1"~' II l' ~o 1 bJ' ,vlli ~p.11 II.I~Y callill uk 8"'" Iveekl)·. 1:4 the 1l1(r 'lIo eountry . where they form f( 10 4 . "l!~ i r guld "lain luUUO ley Ilrll rUII Y" inlo Ihe Ulliled SloteF, ond \Ve 1III1I1I1Iu(:' lly wh~ch I!U\l u. CUll be 'o rw/o"I(·J .t" UIIY Address pl ui u!v "\,;~~Q.~ , BtRple dish wilh · the Aborigi nies , de· WOUO 8ets 'ud io~ ' jewelry , gu :tl \ (\,\~~ ......... U\. ullI, ' &. IIROTH ER !lU I Uc ~~ •• IU,1} i'"r' ull tha 01,111, l\Iu,klng EED ., l Je and 'V'V~\. ].) . ly, pllrcla I Vllri(' A8 Mi grellt gout! . in tiS R ~8 1'1' wel'4j d I q1Junllli ~ C clared t hill ~hey ture Immens e 'l' I'! 10 v b 1 ~ 3" N II U d· ;8ngllll! i.l price Ir um 60 C~n18 til $~'O wilich. ill UlJlljllnlllilln wilh the b'u :.lU I UIIIIl·8 •.~2, UII' ~r 11 11, • e lc. vuX "" cw · .ur ICily . .e d c~rn , IIlId much bUller thlln Ih e 14-3nl euc h. Our Albllllls hu\' e Ih tl rtllutulioll 10000 do. cU lIleo, peArl - --d'UU". Ark': " dll_ IIlId It dl.t',vll t ~; Dt~ -- -- ... I", d'I' 17 .j II) , -IrI,ce:.·tP jel Ill' nlld co Irilt Francis 10000 San Y l the in uurubili edld and .Ilrimpi l BLO OD PUR lP ul ueillil .ul'erior in ue auty AllCA~"" ,\I A 'I'C II , 12 1" lid Itl Ckl "I ,, "I1, :suIIIJu.ky ,,"d lJIIII'I'!l,, 1 11 &.jc I hUI YUPJlurfOr8 Ill" )0008. • 10000111 by nl se be will 'l'hey others. ,'nr~ till tb~ nl\.tp" ... nti.lned 10llny \ will es. An Elegan~ Novelt y in Watch 1'1 1111 dtl'U III Prd lu 11 11 port. ull III" NuUh· I!IILVJ!:lt-l'LA'1'J:;1) WAItI'; . mDII, FBBR . 0/1 receipt 01 price. !LillI. of LhIlW8Uhc~, will l'I,li r.'·o np~ ,,~. L"k ll 'YcSI~r 0 " 0 ..,;, 10000 c p "I d Co.llnn e... . Alb }'i l' lIlru slill!! Ihe RHdub .. ...... 3'~ '"'u '1'1:.e cille.d of thi e walcth Ilr,e ?nde.'lIi,llrely tried,' , 0 lIhrd'HI I'" bllUI s ltirpPrII " '. o::T' You hllve been 80rely I' ums " n c to O,der,. £] I Choler. lIorb1lL ' Jo' !lJ' lie lOotl e relll I Colle Pain', SIX 0 ,0 CORli ", ~ Illvellll new J t ."d t ·1 !lOUlell \0 · II f tlOoO r".'11 IRid "8vml/ llthizi l:ard Photograpbs ' . .. lu 10 IrUhSllUrlUIIOII v I l'"i.a .in LII. 10000 plI,'r nopk,'11 r,'n"8 ~cI"'~tia, De . me lol8 aomlalne d,rulled logelhe rond pion. 0 . . , ng - rlMu -o"';n b = ' Qv~r ~C' -'IIfiIeii':--, - uci ng all exact of idhcu.-prud re y WIth tUllti<.lt)ltce UII II , DI .. I...., tit. , tll~ o of 18 w~el)1111l 4 to 16 ) CUIIII'''nV IInll"(lo ell ro 6kel8 bU curd Ir 2i,IJO .• ve ill L'1' r ' V" ove s ~ . em'bruce us now ' . ~ . • f .. Pl'c uy R Dlld. F .' .t II '" enrat truld. o.lIeu Archlln, which wil I a l· ThOur ClIlRlog " f these ~lcuj cTrlC~ '\ll,d you·will I 30110 coke b,lokols .' \ II Uu' a hll IllIrd Wlfl! • ' Yc o•• ' r e'.ponueu ' c tp, to w IIIC "~ l" 20 ~ d d''ul' • rllm Illy .. ; 6nl HU bJe The "led 01 • re ig II til IlIlu " oU"" b beoull. I·' bO bOIl ure P wl'lll Tltey lura en. culor. its 4000 ep ke .' rc~ret i,. \WhWO 0 Ihe ' I I I uC' "1( mau e, of tu b ereale , 011 •• ' I '.lIve II WII)'8 had II . <. . liu d' ~ llmylvul e Iho l>y e." ,,, Ihe in y ~~ poinl 10 Ask yonr npij!l,ll\lr~. ",1,0 hnfe 2000 ico ·P·II"., "rd luI I 08 80lid .."old, ul,d .re affurded alOlle. PIlilOi. Dref conllllilb A . to _., Central Rllilro~d, urI' III ull \illl ('~ HU fud rea d( u IIell Iuc k Wlil\ wl)men .' ",,mericoJl8, elc ... viz: u th cm, lind tla"y 'ill ~lIy I.h ~y nru 1 ' " b eiL! hlh Ihl! cost. Tl.e Cft88 is beoulilllily orlrills 0 elDlllellt . 20 10 3 60l/0 pair Ullller knive~ ",UI ruG ' uY"le r &. nrovy loules \J ' 0 88 voruille 118 urll cllllq~"d y utl,,:r (rom II desil!" cd wilh Panel DOti shield for lIome, about (\O()~ ~~~~~·\.\\.Ui -1"le - .a'·r lhllt fto-, 100 Major.G enerols, 100 Lieul.COIMIIlI-, 6UOO soup, J to 9 CUlhp"" ics. es k"Tv IIi!! J " ell,,'uvUl IlUOfl ... .., r;, . Ollicl, olher cKu.."r. 160 pn , ,rl' I I) Geller.I~ .. , I nri" lir 20u " in 11 d engr.ve Mild 1'ln, PUBh Pn!enl WI:h \ .. u', I\n',l you ~hllultl Ify Lh ~\I" lo\l ("~" , II It or II Ipring does not cOllgell\ in winll'lr. And lite exuci Jllyle of Ihc eeleb"l ed ' Gold .. 6lJOO d"zell te ~ pUI)1I6, pt'r uoz. [,!u lb. 7fl Novy Officer. , · 0 I" lp, Colone 276 e the a8mim t t , nn lltldul" hli " R· 1\ Ph v~ i cilln. . R feKlly L bre \lUU L:f:rrrll.~ ver8, L~ 1'I:.NtI'J. "VIII Hunllllg 24 uw 10 fl 8 " IIP.WIIlCI~ en I 0 bOUO dozt'li ta bl'J8 UU01l8 130 Divines, OCt · n "'"m?h] "t of rny !11CI1l 8U ell8cl 011 imiluI,,, " 51i0 Sl~teslllell, I8 or S !'iIPpill lll Di · 1;""lru~d ~ l"rull!hl F'~r 2b to 7 furks rl desse fro~ lbe be.rl, CRunOl be froztn III ob· ulld dOdlroble , lint! tlel'lI~ dozen It;OO lilln. Th e muve. 60 prcllnillelll women, 126 AUlhorp, "I'l' y 10 u' a' re,d" I' lt ler \I Ihe rell" tho l'enlflllj\,eoI, "lillie .IIIII . recllOlie ul 1:old o~ Ii) defy ao lu 8 10rkR toule duzell 8000 ..10 '\rti 8t8, \\oubtll~. yuu wi\~ mel.t ift nlOuulo elured by Ihe well. knowlI l:A!I 81",,(', fulluwin g Agelltd uf Ihe CUIllIl"lly: ~ . (;OLD l'm'iS ,\NI) l'ENCI l.S 3,000 CopIes of Wurks of Arl, Europe, of ,,",I'U"y c.; Wlltch . Jim,!r St. PMluciu olln Jr., you n, . ~()\.\.\)\. ""0 i ~O\"~' S. B. Iliriysto IT You neve r need Ihink or every vllri ely, 'rulll 3 lO 83 U. huving e nl!ravetl ill.:hH.IInf!' roprOdllc lions of Ihe m~s t c('le. ·,i. (.'lIl fini.hed, Co., tt liuvcrhly ~r" lJr"wn rl'Oltr lh.-l the ~.".Jd I"url n"r .. pd lid n o W. Aa H. old ony or 6 8Ion PLAN, 0111 U£ ' & ' Rny r ov~ IIID~n turn ltEI1l!: , mnd, "'"1l.,tnb)e: I h'un U»;t ~rIUlr.1.ftJ. '" g braleiJ EIIKnvillj! ~, Pailllill(!', ::;lU\Oe", 8djualln . I,ridges, Chic.IIl/u curvlld Co., tt Ittllcy Clarke pallets, ng squirmi lenibfe 1IIIIeboo</ wilhout a itlill 1'\)1·,,,\,113 . rruft·""'CWf Cu •. T.. " .1( Nt"w ue8 S8 11t UII rcceipl 01 at'amp.; ' ' \ " II Qn~p. "',e c:hllrne fur ' fllrward lng "lid "'e 1m. ~ Ic . CalaloiO regll /atur, lVirh gold bal.llce, 'WID . UM ' ~ ro, (If , h,,"tlIIM" Ihe duil'li[ D ~hd r d pU8l~';e, ." Ind .ontceri ag of rIle horrid lillie r-.. alP, .. I d' CU. Cert,fi I' Ihe I 8TO . Irolll E ' ... t u LIV Piclu, II . uzen ne or er or It'- Iulllr. n.. "",,,',", ~l"'Cln l ~lIllr"aI ./l tt .1 I :u , I, , •• proveu., Jewc e ac lOll, ~1l1 lIIe I. unu 1\11 • b ot we II 8' ulldl:r il . receipl on IlIl ~ent Ue UlAlIon will C llhl ogue ~I/.It..1 'n • ,:tItI.... ClNu. """ of 111100 "lteleloll hUllIla, &11.1 ill w~rraillcd a goud' lJ\lf USlneS8, the sum of 'l\v e lity-fiYIl Ve lll!!, • pu Ihis , YREE. fiuli n,"U will by tJ UUtW Ihll t'!. oent Formers Ind , ond 1,8\1 6 llruvers time.kee per. ordH.e th 111 . . d o~~ ncl e i) rrll!R ,"D :ll. sr; ,r'"n for Live I:llUck: Ph ologrllph ers a 1111 olher. ordPrin u whi"'l IIIU"t be are 01 lhrl'e dilf.. ,ent (or $ 1, I) mU dl odn'II" ~l'Olid ruule 1er:!'] alld S UII lei'" Why i8 IU8Ilng your 'w~et · These wftlr.hea bein!! O. D., will please romit 2(i pe~ Five C"rlllica led will he . p. 1I1 IVIi, Ilf ••• :18, :l1h 80 . . . . ,..... C. well gootls Yllnl8, alld pliriUU. Lndies CU fur antutlt&l Ihe SiZOI, · ~ B t:1:\(;J:, l\o\T l. " . bear~ like 81lting 10Up wi~h a fork? tur 2; thlrt), ' ur [); sixly.fiVe ru~ IU; Ullb plieu wilh ev~'y CUlivelllellct>, lillv e bpull A Cnde '~I six celli . III Ihe Dillounl of ' Ihei r urder, caua;) it takes a long time lo I(c~ enough .. re 011 HUllting C noee. hUllure,1 (or IIi. goods our 01 quulity and lulIs, price" cllllllecl 'rhe ild o::r Dnd linn @)~. Ihid lor on E~.pres" upened will be senl by 1'Inil or • A(a:YI 'S Altt~ WANT ED o( h. 1. .lId I'very ultentio n is pAid to Ih~ir 1I'11'1t8. A single unr will be bent in 0 lIanu. uloe canll,ot I&il 10 sntlHly. - _ .-- - - -. - - out the clluolry 10 oll er ute for Through nOSEB t:RRY & N 8ell reallily will .~. ~'ro'm Hnrridu urg, whe re will be t"lIud 82 for Clise Morocco r' dell 1\ ~'I 11m on lhe trail of us. A lurge co mp.e"sut ion will uj. puid. , 1dERRl'l"l" PILLS O'I"r's 'J'ALD ,,·"ti'~, 011.. nlill le leedill!! ao lur .. Dr unl'e We c')IIYeui ells\' eir evory lh lin'~8 c at Ihe flll\ow said wh en he stepped u'n for Ihre (ur le rms. &c:. clII'!08iny slAmp. Send ex. nlrllled ee con lpllI." hij!hly l! of llld cd Phi 11 Ihe 7 Compo. of oltt'rpd United 18 the "choke Dgftflt. lor Ihi a wotoh in oce of Ihe (emilie stree t swet-per s. . NEWll ORN & CU ., Ia ~ rb. of Ih e h'lIhe'l Ne w Yurk anu 81111illiore Murk o,.. 'I'hl_ Stetes, and I1l1ne nre !l elluine which 1\0 IracIs {rom roul. olld ---F 01 clI1e Ihe in ill'.lliblc v.lue, ol meuicin cs8 will bldO he loullu Ihe dilurte"l , qui r k". " Ad,fr mnrk. e Trud Y. our N. 76 uhull ::llreet. . . Why ia Lhe loochllc he like no 1101 ueur L iVf!, or I lly derullgp. II CO., &. OII DEVAU . Ihe W of n,l IOu61 dire r.. rllllle fur I:llllck III New D II ases t!16e GIRAR U , '11 UDan,,, erll bl e IlI'g nmeDl? Beclluse 1 the Di)!e. ,ive OrURlls. Tlali'y rt>. Yl'rk LVIH Allelllo wlI]-oIl J wilh Ir,I' er melllO! FOI·te Y. N. 1'111110 Laue, SlcCIl l\IQldell 15 G"OVC r., lac 'I' Jlllp0rJe make, people hold their i"w. We I,ne no he.illtio n I. u)'in, ili.,. flf tllP Blood "IHI lI~e - - - - - - - - move ftlJI dfml'"r SIill. r e lnin~ illl "rc "c dpllc~ nll~ j!'renll'0p. ChUIIl:eH Ihull allY "ther. • ' I 'J PROSl 'EC'rvs Of' TllE IIf D,.rrhQ!O .JaulI- ul nrlly, Dnd alte r ulld erllo llll! gradllul im · ENO~;H LEWIS , cure IS I III e i unequa ,. I It U III E P 8"T, E , _Whe n doeA " lady drink mu~ic ? FIN Pn. llo. Altu'l lii. e nd eS8. llle Gon ' ! SupNi dicp, ~Ytipep3ill, ,Scrollllll, 1Ia1io;lsn prove lllilliid I'or II period III Ih illy yeur~, i. PiIP.., " chp. eadu H When .he bal Ler piano (ror.te. ) Did .Fevers, ' Llv erGomp l.,nr, IIENRY W . GWINN ER by Ihe 'nll6icnl wurld 10 , mU ]011 enr! eyer ofJ'erl'fl III Ihll muke l1'1 I' · Duse, for "duI18, lIuIVprolioullced G t'n' l 'I' k A ' Pl'eli ull _qu llied hi bl .lhll1l1l!l l, olld d s.t' A Monlhl y PerIod ical: de voled to , Ht>r e~' I •.ry HUlUora: ull~urpu be hllu. gpn H Ie Ie , . edta a our hall al ' · clllidren . g 'ON, mOrilln lhR HOU~'J In H. pIli. H. ile a nnd I d IcI'n e~s, v" um!! nil purlly of lolle dnf'LilerRt ure, Te.npcr RlIce r '" G pill: Frum une 10 three pi lls will cure hi lily IIlld .t:heopIIP~s. Our now 'scal", ' l'rCl/llre sllton, Condne ted ~ Wben Iculpto n go iDIO parlnerG E- NU l N E I e n'l .. reighl '\Il elil , I>hil4. seR, o"d from one 10 Ihree bux- F u ordl~nry I l.tf. Van In mt!, fru WlIllRm 3. iroll 1D0tW! by Pl'uul, their· be orp " tlld aCliuII, rene' .lllp "blltlbo mullsr IIU _ of _ _ co.e __ _ __ es Will cure .IIY cllrllblo Name c. uyer·etr ulig b1l S8. spve ll ·uc'a.e. ro~""'ootl _ _ ___. ____ Bl.ltue Co. i and cOfl'lpet~ nl ~utlj:es give thr.. Prico 8 1 pelr box. plftllOa we nre 8,> llillg ch~nper hy fr"UI The Family 1~,'lend will c0 1l18i •• iXII'.o h ~ w lung lI t.llldillg. ., . UNOW mail by ')'0 111""1 AN'I' or W supplied 'l'OU rade IF 1 il. fillth 'h. t~ l.u,~ p.~.t to th e lIumber. lII.kj,,~ $ 100 \U 6~00 lhall Ih8 same Slylll 811d PJU~ 0 & H~T D M .1.9 BOTT TA' &loTT V. hurll l'lillJr to Ih'r cono.u,.a ' ..." Ivr pru...... lIull 0"<.1 bind i"g. ~" .. h .r8' 8old by ulIy ·olhp fir.t ·elng maki-rs A Liltle 01 EVl'rytlting I 6fl Full We ., COU'PI p llo .:ac h uUIII~ er .... ill h .. filled wi:h Ih. e; mal fe .II~ 1II~le m. syate on fe e.' ew ork. ill Ihe cUllnlry. D ell ler,s IIlId .11 ill \Yllnt mon pllrltcO lirlr d"IM' the 1. lv . CHOICEST 01UOIBAL MATTER ~ d; the mnrr io1'e ~ " . of goud PIK II 08 ore illviled lO aelld tor onr II11U Irp.alm elll •• ( di ~eD8' I Id I II wor ; lOW to ","rry w'ell I : .. cu 1'01 e "tafn. . co inUrllctiv Ind I\·iaich ,., _p. o,o,.t of ; \ulonu f.a Contiui~r live l1' Oescrlr I ~ H oml 0 Ie ~. ~ ' . . To 10m. men' 'iL II iadtlNl1 T. E. I '" j. I h r - . EaaeYI , Skei.d~ •• Poem., fII 0Venlellt. o f l 'eu, Lt· . nd S tho lll~nd ,hin/!'It.n l'_e, puhllslI(' ~ ·.be ' 8Il' !ea, D P otoll.re? ~a OJ • I uur dilf~ rellt bl e lO be "Ort b money, lor WIthout I~ perallce Societie•• ond . 11 Ib. I go .. 10 luke up n I ,~ ~ ' pur. II . ~ uuhl h .• I ne ' I NQ.o .",' toge lhe r Wllh prieh,or?, reM II!' reui st!d alltl t'nlerll.e4 edidun n • Snl d., • Jo • ..,.1 lor_,o. FIDlily Circle. • II I , h" th.y wotald be worth nothing . . T , Ihll rell,Q.rr./,~, , o, u,! "~I,lnt~~~ "curlon ,"a ' lSUl£, COIlUIOW L "Ml:U'CA U( la. Ce lbl. '1,00 leein'~" out moe' . p ano' Wit ,. r ,. ' 1 co"1. ODO year, .Ji Y N'E .Q' VIL 'L E • 0 NT 0: ugUl'. ~ ·iloc'cfllM.ok ~ caple., , 1I1edale, IIlmost w.h hout 'number , bonk lor curluu. p".."le, IUd A;.tIl t-I , 'l-~ 8400 T..H I .d,L IIiII"1 100 Plg'S, 400 i .w:P.llaman 'u:i,taI!~ . bjD,1I upon .10 eqpi .., onp. flvery for . i p n h,,,tJ b~n .ward6ll .to 1hl! ,G roge,lee .110 11 " cOI,i... 26 ' With. bl.. .. be 1 Contont beallt "ollld t1,60 he, W Priu triA,., 20 .00 anll,.. It lhe Celtlbn ted Wo~Id'. 'Fair, lion.. 60 copi... , TEIUIa., C¥~ I.N ADV Ait(~E. Cl Por 111. TiSltflt, :u 00 .' Oll\ ~IP' wilh . othera eenllree to In, .ddrl'~' Booke ID!" th( OUCh, put In cq'flpelh lon ~ctell"h. ·-D'r.tt,,"ra, _____ ___ , .' J • Vor all( manlbl, hllf Ihe .bon rat.. · lin Ie ri . h h ~ t it Q U. tne P,rlS OO f rom. ..• I • 1 r. lent be ,wlll .or olt'IOfe" ~ One eopy on D. .llhe a~ e t • ' COPI", leo ceDI.. Plyo ... I iD .d.anlfe' )" J.836 , ~h~d (E~I.blj ~I",OO76',. .. hiehel' .... " ' e year. mill, poel plld,ol1 rscalp' nt price. . ... A m.. to lpeak 1111 .iDel . . . . Addru" J . WILLIAM VAN NAM£E• a GROVE STEE/I i c(5 < Fin copies' olle 1 e ar, 1 ti:1 D. H. , FOOTE •• ~ . JOl , •• ..... • oe lo 'pellE, Addr • "-I ' d D "99 Urool.lYli. N . V. J] 6 1000 . year I. ODe TID copitl 1l3U Bruatlw",~ ~IW Yo"lk. . ",,6m rOI WI" ~,ew York. .. ".
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$2,00 A-YEAR.
A~ HOMJ:,-T~igbeat
Ullited States ant! taken tem-? i; problem to LinCOln';:l'irat Dollar. - B KINO Ityle tbe POliLion of cilizeos, when you bave ered. Are th e dige8tive powers of Ihtl M O O]I) S • , ,_. of being al home gro"s oul of the afOne evening ID the ExeCUllye Ohaln' rections raLher than of ~hll intelleot.re turned to the avocations' of peace, American ~overn ment 8ufficienl to reBY liA NNA , will you give ~videoce 10 tbe world ctlive thi s ele ment in a ne w shape and DY F INLJ:Y J'OBNSON. ber tbere werll presenLa num ber or Who ha'! nol mel with indi,iooala Ask )'e why my tho ughts are dlVel/inr IhaL yo u Ilre capl\ble and compete n L to d igee~ iL and mllke it work bealthfully gfD tle~en" amoog them M,r, Se wanJ. Wh088 facel! would be a panpOrL to any All the dsy on Ihings above 1 anity is a coalpilation of moods, , A POIDI In Ihe conve rs8 t!On 8ugge8t. (Oociety, and whose mBnnen, tbe ungovern yourselves ~ T bat ,is what you ~p~~ ~h~ system th~t has .incorpora ted will ha ve 10 do. Llbtlr lY IS not a mtlre It? Ih18 1~ tu e QU t 6110n to bll dete rmin ed , first on lhe lIill is Ibe funnJ I I,n~ th e tbougbl, Mr, LlDcol~ eMld : . tudied and spontaneous expre8si~~ or 'TiB because the leaves orB fulli ng idl!u, a mere Vllgary, It is an idtla or ' Ltl: us make, tb e experiment nod mak e nd a very p),easalJt companioc / ' Stl ward, you ne~er heard , dId l il u , their inner eelvee, make th em Vl81bly On the graves 01 th ose I 10 \,0, it is II rel\ lily , Wh en you come to ex · Il ID good ralth. it ii , bile under Ihtl influeDce of it how I eRrned my tirst dollar Y' welcome wherever they go, and aUract Ye8, when tI utllmu leov8s ore lalling, amine tbi s que8tiu n of libert y, YOll will If ihal l:lInllot be done the re i8 Rn, perctl ive tbe Jidiculotis iu al: ' No,' &Rid Mr, Se wl\rd , • Well,' re ' uobo unded conti dence towards tbem ill To my miu d, !n whispers low, not mi~ttlke 1\ mere iu ea for realilY · I t olh ur pruhlt'm tlulL is before u~. If w e most ~rytltin!!,: lind every thing RP- ' plied he, 'I was abou~ eigbteen yellrs wbate ver they undertake, Th~y are does not consist in idlenss&, Li b~ rly havtl 10 beco me a Sepllrll te and tlislinct ' pt'Rrs bt:come fan tll lStic for our Ipecilll of I ge, I bt longed. you kuow. 10 what frRnk, because they hllve nothln" to Olher driYd Ih ey sre recalli ng, , tl oe8 not con8i~t in bldng w )l'l h le~B, p~ ople, I\l thoug h I lr usL Lhal Iht! , s ys, I"m use enl, 'fhe llpi rit of mischief Lhey call down South the' .crubs;· conceal; stfBble. because their nat~rell And tbB frie nda of Long Ago. Libertv does nul cousi~t in doin<r thiDg'S lem cft n be made 10 work harw Olliou, · dllnct:S ollr eyea. aud we cannOL re- people wbo do not own land and , Iavee overllow with benevolenoe : unRurrled, Th is is why I feel so lo nely,as we 'plu se, and there can be °no lib· Iy , and tliat tbe great prublem will b~ ~isl th IlbileUl torr..M Lha~ ro\la in do"n there are nobody ,' , ,, because they dread nothing; a\.waJ a al d •• p'a~' off 80me "icked. ' But we had succeeded In ralBtnK. carr wi\blu ~bern. erly wi thout IlIw, In a Goverume nt st! tllcd withouL going 1I0y fUrlh er, if it I upon W hy my heort i8 lIo d to.d8Yof free men, o( liberLY. th ere mll sl be 61w uld be K? th,llI th" two races cann ot n,, ~a or other, ev?n up()n our dellrest cble8y by inY" bO. • ~~~~~~.~_~_. W hy my tho" ghts are turn ing on ly IRw , li nd th e re must be obed ience and agree bnli live In per.ce IlO d prosplH'ity, fl'll,ods, Oh I \I IS d ~lrg htful to u:pe- as lthoug t, to ju~t.iry me in To tbe loved ones f ar away. wit h full ness of are submi sBion to the I~,.. witllout resard IInu the 1"1'1'11 of Providence f1'1 quire rie nce Ihe fUII II), mau d- so e.x hiJirsting down the riv er to sell.' FaT "way, th roug h yon blue el her, 10 col or, [Cheers, j L ibertY-lind may tba l they 8houlli be separaled, in Ih l\t -RO frl!e-~o buoY'lO t-so inspiring, • Afl er mudl pursuasiou I got th e besl g uarantees fur feeli ng at bome ill From th is world of chang" ollLl 1 not CII II you lOr coun try men-li borty ovent , Io<~ki nl:' to t~e [lIr di~ ta n L fu.t urt', one ftiels. 6 8 th e Ilumely p hrase has it , oonsen L of my nlO lh er to go, and con· all l ociely to " hich duty lak,ea u,s, an~ I \Vou ld rest me in thoae realma blight, in tbe glorious pri vil ege li nd tr usting II ne,ver come. If " '/18 lig ht 118, , stru cted R Iil de flllt boal large enoug h io e Vtlry oocupation upon It obh of purs u in!! the ordi na ry avo~lItlon8 of slsould ,come. I.lt ll 1 rov ldence Ih RllVork. ! 10 0ppO~l tIOI\ to LllI~, I~ the ,~rRve 10 take the bRlrlll or t wo of Ihi ngR thllt ges us to ente r, T hey "h o' live leas' 01 tho bless'Jd pure and bright. pll£lce wi th iud ustry lind with ('cono my , m,vslert ously ~ut unerrmg ly RlId cer' moo,d--: lhat stl\Le of, ~nlud I? will eh we we hRd gatherl'd, with mystllf and iiI· fo r the mselves are al80 the least embarR est me there-yea, I would re81 me Rud th a t being don e, 11 11 Ib oae who tRlltly, WI ll POIn I. ali t the WRy and the Rre I,nclt ned ~o be ~ et "phY8IC~I - 10 en- tie bundle, dow n to New Orleans, A rasse d by unoertainties. Where the "lur-beR III s softly Illow : have beell in dustrioue li nd economioal mnn ner by wh Ic h these people Rre ter 'n to plillosop hlca,1 questions , Ro d s teRm er WIIS coming down the river, ••• _ 1'h ere,J would lorge t th e sorrows are permitted to Rpp rop ri ll le lIod tl ujllY be 6Ilpl\n~ted . lin d tlley are to be I.atl n inlo th e necll8sitios of t bings. Now We have, yo u know , no wh arv es on WHAT F I NISU TO GIVE A RooK.Th ai have bo wed my spirit low . lhe produ cts of LlIeir own la llor, to tht!i r IlInd s of in heritance and prom· Wt! CBn read wha t lire ,called 'dry works' the western s trea mll; /ltld the I)uslom Ne ver I.he im ita tion, Grained wood ( Cheers,) , i,e. for such R,U one is berortl Ihl'm, wi l.h IIllv R~t~ge; thero is a steadine~8 WaB. if pRs~engl/rs were at any of the eosls as much 1\8 tho original- oCten umn dBys ore ead ond lonel,,This is one of th e g refl lest blessi ngs H enct! let me Im press , upou you th e li nd ,clI,Pl\bllt ty of Ih ought; ~ blOh ts landin g8, fo r them tl) go in II boat, th e mote, We ha ve sce n li t less expe nse ' A II ils joys 1\ fl ee ting bren lh"; of freedom, anG ht' nr e we mi g- lit Rsk Im po rtance o,f cuntroll,lug your pass· g rl\lIrYlIIg 10 cODl cmpl sLe , rhlllgs tb al steK mer 8toppiug and tRking Ih em on Rod much more polish Rnd beauty, Lbe II! th at 1 could fi nd a Tl! luge Lhe q ue~tio n lind Itn ~ wer iL by 811l1i ng, lO GS, ~ l: vt: l opl lJg yO~lr IDtellect, Rnd of we coulli not befor e comprehend or bORrt!, 11I1Il dsomil browu butternut and " alnut. "'ree fr om Borrow, pnin , lind de ath. IUll t liberty mean s freedom to work ~Ipply wg yo ur pb Y·lcal pOWtl rs 10 tlo e ~a~ l e,l, become as c ll~ llr as no~n·dl\y . 'I WRS contemplating my new fht and in some cases tbe whitt! ash (where Bnd enj oy lhe products of your ow n IlI d u ~,Lrlalln l.e rests of th e coull.try , an~ 11m IS the mood or 81\ ate In which our boat and wo ndering whet htlr I cDuld IIpprop illte )-and thuy have pu~ i,nto ye why my mind is wande ring Illbor, You will soo n be mu stere d (j ilL th ll t IS til e true procts! by whleh ,1111 8 natufes p r,ogre~8, WI! are lral'ellers up make it 8tronge r or imp rove it in IIny the . hade 1111 daubs and ' best Iml taFrom the care8 of earllo to-dol' , of lh,. flllIK S, It is for yo a 10 estRbli sh queytion, can be Be llied: Be pI\tleol. 1\ mountal~ 81de, and th eRe are the particular, whe~ Lwo mll u came d own tiona ' we ba ve e ver see n, TbA conu the leav e. ore whisp'rill/,!,wl, isp'rlng Ihe greal fllct th a t you are 6t find qual , p~ rse ve rtng Rnd forb earing , Rod you bre"tbmg.ltmes, when we look around, to the sltore in a carriage witb two ticiousness of having the original. is or the loved ones lar away 1 Hied 10 be (ree ' hence fre edom is not a wdl belp lo solve tbe problem, Milk e lInd percl:lve how fAr we have mounted, trunks. and looking at the diffe rent worth all the glittering al.t racli on that mere idlla. but 'is sometbing tbnt e.xists fol' yourselves a reputa liun in thi s Sometimes Ihis lead s up Lo a higher boats singled ou t mine, Bntl asked, 'wh o aTt .Jan bestow, 'fhe vRrious shades ?' l ans wered some what mod· and hu es can bll selec ted in lhe d'I"erl%' in faot. F reedom is not simply lhe cause, RS.yO~ h Bve won f~ r y(J~rse IYes moo d -,tIIe lransIucen l~ . All t houg lIts awns eatly , this '1 do." p,~ivilege 10 live in idleness. Liberty R repu ta tion III tbe cause III whICh you c~ me with R halo around th ~m. ~n d t,he ent ,,"oods-pine, white lind, yellow ; cb of the Preatdent to Ctllored a o mean simply Ih e privilege to have been engAged. hli hesl and the mos t beautl fullmllgtn_ ' • Wjll you,' .aRid ODe of lhem. wllinut. and cherry; white, and Soldiers , resort to the low 611100ns and other I,n s peaking to the members of th e ings .rRio , !.ike dew in most na lu , ' take us and our trunks to the HteRm' red; chestnllt, flsh;-indeed mosl of our The lst Dis trict of Culumbia colored p lace s of disrl'putllble oharRcter, Free ' rllg lment l want the m lounderstand Ihll t ril l Stn'l'lt ';lty, On e cll n now r~lIltze e .. ?' • CertAinly,' said 1. 1 wa. very nntiv e growthS h"ve ROffiS v irtu ~, 80me tl um and liberty do not mean 'thaL the all far as I am concerned I do not as, lit e st l\ l~ "r lit e. ol d, pl'0.p It ~t~ , in 111f.~ i r g llld 10 b81'1l tlt e chance of earui ng VIIrietv of teJ[lure, or olher qUllllty tbat neopl ", oU lT,ht to liv e iu licuutinusne8s, sum" or pretend Ilmt I 11 m s tronger hrlg ht Rn ll g lOriOUS 1I \l' pl r>lIt Oll ll HomP.l hing. 1 suppose d thM each mRke! th ew desimul e, Oilin g lhe "oot! timenl received t l I Oth nn I oVcl ti on in '"t ' .. me,lIns si mply to be , indu." . t IIan tlle I/I ~8 or cours; a f na I ur~, or '1'1le~t:,1\ \' 6 ~.0 me 0" f tl I II PlellSll ntmoo d s wou ld 0" i\'tl me 11'1'0 or three bili . The when polis hed, wiII glvlllS " ({on on Ie u. . TlII's regt' men t ,.bU I Iibert,)' a gI08S, a nd rtiripated in snerlll pilch ed battles, triou s, to be vlrluou s. 10 be uprig ht In that I am wise r Ihfln 1 rDvl~ence Itselt . basww~(j all hfe. IhtHe Rle al Ko th t: trunks wel'e put on my fl llt bOflt, tlt e deve lope the grllin more clell rly, Like d II oumber of skirmi sh8l. Upon all our del\ lin gs lind rel"tions with rn en, It IS our dUly to try lind di scover wh"t unpl o~~lInl o,n us-s~cbt a8 th ~ 'pllr~e rse pllssenge r8 8eated th emse lv es pn th tl our Englisb aod E uro peRn OOUSfllS, we a t tlte And to th ose nQw before me, mt: mbers tho~u g relll IIIW 8 IIrtl ,WlllCh are at ~he 1U 0il~ - lIl e l,ncap"Olty to enJOY I,brngs, trunk ~ , Bod I skulled th em to the must comtl to the real sooner o~ 1111erAl'riv al of lh e rllgiment of th e l sI Re"iment of colort: d voluli ' foundll Llon of all dllngs. lIud h;\vtn g and m 80llle II produc es the Spirit of steam boat, II O:! tbe sooner tbe belter. • Th ey got 011 board nnd liflod up ••• lite Huuse, th e President Appeared tee rs fro m tit: Distri ct of Columbia and disco~ered wh Rl th ey are. co nform (Jur opposi tion, One unpleasant, but yet add ressed it in II speech of half an the CH pitol of tbe United Slate R, 1 aotiou s allli our conduct to Lhem I\~d to interesting mood. i8 ~hl\t in which we their heuy trun ks , and put Lh em OIJ A TrollT Puo~,-Brother G" io limell from which W (l copy : have to 81\y thlll A greRI deRI depend s the will of God rul eth ·M,lInhRs'. many WR8 about to put on of reVival and protracted mee ting•• ave but little to 88Y· it being un' UpOIl youfst': lv es, You mU8t give e yi , He hold s tl.1O dtl9tlllles of nll 'lO ns ID th e tillngs, -An und e!inl'd feeling of sad· ateam Wh en 1 called oul they hlld for - alway s slepped in and ~ook charge oC in this govul'nm e'lIt I\n d mos t (J th · dll nco thllt you Rre comjlll tent for th e pfl lm of HIS hl\nd. lind he ifIll 80lve lIese Iits upon OUI' hlll\l~ t9. we are hel\vy E \ ( b ,_ tbe .inging.- lle wa& ~ ery [o~do( t~at . I t~ t'lfi t th e Government h"s 1grttM ' th e question IInli fescue thA8e people of l oul, aQ,d know not why. and" fore· gOllen to plly me . Ile 10 L am \00 .. intermillllble l ong \ba~ beglnl wl\b, 110 y·ou. Hence'ortll eacll Rn · all of rrom l,he d,iffioulties I,hllt hRve 80 long >ho()jft 'IY 'of ef il-a pre.iAlintime nt of so r' Irom bis pocktot a sil ver half dollar . d ld Ad 9' governments. to bA ve colored trO/)pB in thei r !!ervice. YOII Illwe U " U '[ I b 1; II N I and Ihrew iL on tb u fl oor of the bo"t, 'Wh ere, 0 wb ere, is goo 0 aID • a8 e vents have ~hown. alld yo u mU8t be m 8R~ured according to surrou~d~1J lh~m . h ~~1 et us e, P'" I'~W , d:e II UtO~ Uti , . o~: ~;ede 8tl\ Ie8 1 oould scarcely believe my eyes as I lind mig ht end with th e la8t man. He , ed with patitlnce Rnd endul ll nce in you merit. If one mlln i8 more ml' ri· tle Ol, III ustnou8 an, persevel'log : a 00111, to w llC I we llIre III e, are not picked up Ihe money. Gen ll emen, bad pl\8sed Ihrough the pa'riarohs aod . Clluee of your country , This is torioua Lhau Lhe other, they cllnool be leI 'us developt: any IDtell eoluRI and allogeLrle r IInd e,r our COOtIU!. . When I I d prophets of the olden time. And the disoountry 1\8 well AS allybody else's eqtt ll18, aud he is Ihe 1II0st eXR,lted t h" t morll l worth, I tru~t whatl hav~ 51111i all Y ~f tht!lII RI'ISe, we may modify .to a r:~h:s? d~}:~~ti ~tl:~ss ~i~~t: t~II~~g;'bnut ciples an it blessed " omen of th~ New unlry. This is the country in which is the most meritorious, "ilhout regllr,j In ay be ullde ~ tood And appreclllte.1. ~e rtH I!l degree, but clanuo' Snnthllate it was a mosLimpol'tant incident in my Testam~ nl. whlln J oho tbe BaptIst ~_ ex pellt to liv e, anlt in which you to color, and the id ea of having a law Go til your homea an~ le ad peaceful, Its t'XI He nce . , b fR" lile. I coult! sORrcelv orediL tllat I, a curred to him, • Wher~, .O wbere ,as expect to do something by your passed in Lhe morning that will mRk e a .p~08perous and happy lives, In peacb Whence ,art8~ many of t . e R ICtlOn8 poor boy had earned a dollar in les8 ' Juhn lhe Baplist? Bafe In the prOInIIin civjUUe BSj'OU have done white man a black mlln before Dig ht. With all men, of domestiC hfe-wh ence come thll than a d~y-that by honest \\ ork I had Ied land, He went up '-~er~ Bro~h. the fi eld. This cnuntry is found ed aud R blAck mRn a white mao before '. black look, and cross word , ,the.:vr08s eRrn t'd R dollar -The worlt! !loemed er G. was stumbled,- He trltld It agalD. th ll prinoiples of eq \llllity,. a t th e day , is Rbsltrd , That ill not tbs SLlln , ReD1inieoenoe of Jeff, Davis. answer, lind ,Ihe ~oltl repulse, Ity; fairer before m~, I WAS a more hope ' ' He went up '-but still tll,ere "I\S a time Ihe stBndR('d by whIch per· dllrrl , It i8 your own merit, It is the (rom ollr being m 'conLra ry mood s, ful being from thRt time.' difficulty in fixing tl~e Baptl8t', a80eoRre to be es timuted is flccordin g d€1velopmeut of your own mind s. Wh J ff D ' 'r and we cannot be ()xplc~ted, to aCI ,rea' . ion, At length, with des perate enerbl t th 0 a er U8 • •. 1 • " en I t , aVl 8 was returDlng rom their mel'iL lIod Ihllir wOl'lh, and you "nd of your own intelleotualily and V · M ' I ' 80na y oge er, ne 18 ID S 10 NOT INCLiNE D TO KISS THE ROD,- A gy. be put il throul;:lt , • ~e wen. up ob "e rV ell, no doubt, thaI for him morlll qualilies. ' J3~elnal' IH~, texlloo, 1°1 )1. Ie S tGRles, or bllllvy:h"arted stal e. a,nd auother in to , with oot any head on, safe ID the prom~ . b d t 1'1'11 I liS reglmell, Ie 01\ 1 e, on ell, the 'c omIc mood ' comes m and com. Southern officer write8 humorously d.o n his duty fllithfully and han· LeI LhIS. tbeo, e your course-:\ op Wool wbo was then in command of 'f I I'lLl t ' k tbe Mobilll Rllgieter, in reply to the IIC- i8ed 1,,011.' , therll ill IIlw"y. A just publio A syste m of morality, ab~tl\in froll all IllBt d' epllrLment Rnd asked ' f.u term s mlt:~cle~ la serlcs dO L1I0se r' t?1 ,rIC s •• ll " IIppreclllte Rnd mSA ' ,I"IC'l nIlOU lle8tl ,· I\n d Ie.' , me SRY on e to draw the men's , kn:lpsAcks The . Gen. 'w 1Ir. I Llese moo S 'fine sot le r'DI e In.cusation of a Northern n~w8paper I.hat Asham ed 0 f J esus ! I ho.' dear fr"Iond thl\t Will 1 '1 ' I ., I ' Ile re" for I a~ " the tran~porla· 'Give Ie seover'rtcrnl ooe ell , anti all vRriIthe Soutbern people etill p raiso 'h eir On wh om my IlOpes a f IleaveII d"pel'd ' I11' 8 prop"r reWllru. .• I t Iling out to IIID, . '," gO'lng 10 talk pl"in , . enl informeli ItilD thl\t 'N oweJIlCII btl IIuiet' ~ •1 th :\1the re 18 much \Y ell Clll cul flte d' l ly, I IHlV e IIv~d III 1\ southern ::::ltale tion was 1\11 encrlllTed in rl' movin l,t the I I q b t till tbe o"n Generals and neglecl to praise I'Nn ! wil en I blush, be thi s my sh i mP. Governl1lent, and siu ctl th e I"te 1111 'my life, anti know what has ' too of, ordinallce fro: th e counlr}' Iht:l'l'fure ofus Ol ler remo? , ,rancteS, veu ,8 Bt those who have slIve.:! the R t:publ i c. That I no more revero his nome. . 'I I Ie TI " 11 ' , , unny one won. gl Vll 0 r, and Ihon' COmnt ellcet!, to elc lte I IIl len )I1en L d As!Ja mt>d of J esII8 ! ye8, I m6Y, cllse. I ' ;t're ISdoe IIU!; it was imposs ible to IIccomlD ollll le him . longtilcome sharper word s aod at last He S8yB : e agRinst th e' hlAck anll th e blac k you shaul esteem II ~ ler an mure SU' J df, in ~i . ted un lil he hllcl inlrouucc o - h ' :/i" ' , Nor do I Ring pre on. to Ihe Unt on T hese are I19 PI' ll 111 6 titan almost fll\ othertl , "nd the subj ect th e thil't! tim e, wh erll u!l0ll i: one WRy to remedy Generllis for uving th e RepUblic, for lit When I've no guilt to weeh Iway, 'nsl the ",bite mlln , you should All understlllld, al\d 1 lha salmen contraots, With RII Ilhe old I'eg ulllr lold him he woulli h" llf I ' 'I 't ' t I ' I k ' dlinl? ss Ibe time th e thin.' WIIS d Oli!! il 8truck No tears 10 wipe, 110 good tu crave, I t I\ S eV I -I IS 0 Clens I ID ,,. No leara to quell, no .soul 10 save. . t' 'epilre yourselves for ' penalties ill the a~90cilltion of mllrried \Ve 6,l ' It may Iif Men Rnd women should absl·am no more aboul, tI e mlltter,.1 I I' IOid U recog nize 0 th e rs' mootia , me they SaYed tbe "rong on A. , same b f Ime I r , a, : d h b' I J eff, took IllS Itlll ve surlu en y, telln g 11'1' lI$SilD illlle our. "lvlls tu thl'm. if be that J ougbt to fe el grlltiticJ 10 lhe Till then-nOf , IS e ore YOU ' 1,Iave bee II III the efff)rt 100 from tbose prllct.ces all B liS t illt l th e Geoeralto go Iv hell, The Gener · " oud: or if eYil. we mUlbt 'overrule tha I General, whu thraslt ed me II II Ii all my 1'ill then I bOllst ' Raviour . Iain; (BID bu allolt! him if he would l'tlp eat th " wilh Mood.' Ir ro u wish. tht:o. to fri ends "ithin an incb of uur livus, Aid oh I ' may this my glory be, frequeDlly I.ollow A future lB. mo. (e 1m , portan I. to ,you IAmong YOllr chl!(iJ en an among Y,u I word~ he would put him under arre~t, tlll'(l'N 'In our " II'te t'o tIle Ir"fl SUI'" of ' h I I MAW d ' l I y I to t e Gce anguage 0 r,IlImps.' . ar, ' t 'II no I ashamod or me. thtl pertod ID whlcl. you lave J It~L RSsoclatee, nollYl tl ISta 1\ dl og you Rre Ju , st d Joti', rfl Dedtp.d tlltl words Rud took to his I 10 blunt thll point in the crown doo't it ill I.hose We All Tb tit CI Irll greAt hilI' tra m the anny of l .la \! beels down the stree t, pur Hued by tbe which each Cine must, iu Lhis Rdmire tbe Rrti ' lic btl8uty of the . 8lyl e _ _ _ _ _- - sll tll cd III thiS go vHllmenL, ant! ::Stlltes , thllt Vlrill C, th ll t ment, t luI ID writer of th is 'IIrlicle who was on I'f I' I fy tlse moods I /Br Aunt Nancy was noted for her ' 0 f savery, I t tl II'Ig.. nee, are tl. Ie atll ~ du at Im es, wears .ul. brel\k not too throull io "hich Ulliollno Genem Pll\sup' us shoutinu qtlestion i~ t It e question I I 19 10 be I ob · g URrd AI Ihe tloo r durin• '" the conver8R· ofI e,tho~e IIbout you I\lld h ; the we Inl\k~ attempts to. " propen8ity,but Iin an evil d hour, in'titution of slal'erv matte war ~e rvt:tl, IIntl th use willch you are (tller- I'lon aud was ord~I'ed bO y thtl GeDel'a' b 'I I ' ·tI I' , I ( I h ', .he 10(lk a turkey thllt be onge to some , d lI\'In ' g your futu.re 10 IInesL him. , "t' rllp lIy, upon t lem-llaVIl era· pre88 or I Isglllse t Ie act t t (\ tiling one el ,e. The next SII bb at h s IIe tixed tl d oonsl Larmony nst' the U lliled !iltl\tes. and the Uni· min 2d to mainl,tllI rf d ' ' \' '1'1 ' ' s th e wily La make \Vlnte d lonlave eympll Iy, an r; "as done heud80mely in point ofskill ; up 10 go to Churoh 8S usual, Rnd Iills I Ie 11 11 81rong Rrm8 !n \ II'IlS. t , I' J e ff, SRW he 1'1'118 cominll out leeon will lalla". In turn. Lhey will be 6011. but La denounce us III 1\ Sl!t of uograt,,b Id h her8 Whiapera of the Autumn Leavell,
con 8i~t8
~ 1lllllher,~
wlllc,l ~
b~ech ,
~II LI~lIlgs, ar~
'tr~ubl'e d a~out
tb~ ~~~ek~teamer
~f)ur coun~,,¥. IR: lhe.past,
en){l\ged~ Ol~e
~Rr. Inculclltt~, I1
IUI1I~e ,
pe~l'~~r~ ~lnlY
bl, ~ ck
on Qf Lhe lind III m; n blllck Rnu m.. n , w lito, besl ill Ihe rllce, and mat,l ll a uk ci tous for YOMr happiness, and thUS. \ mGvement through " hou8e more and mo're of t"e Il'tlla differences B arm I . and IIppllllhng to th e ( Uhee,rs, ) HI! th.llt IS most ' I b d 'd d tl t d d IEl II clual lind W il li OJ ytt 108, II las een eCI e lR virtuous al\ In li e . . into a bllck y"rd, "hich was enclosed that ";'ise will be Iwept: a"Ry, and you of Hlavery mnsl go down. IOformetl , must stlt , hIghest I by a high wfllI th!!.t coultl not be scaled, will hav e \Iolped on tbat BLatR which 'nil has done, Rnd the rl! gard color. t IS w hers the gllllrd kept him until of· He"Ten desiltned uuiven.1 peace, and r Liberty, in hearing witDe~s upon whi ch heave,n r~s t 8 lise . ""e I !icer of lile gUllrt! Slld Cour men came, ood will 011 earth of our blttla6elds since Ihe illtlividulIl lakes IllS dllgree ,In lh~ 6uhh· 'I'he OffiO~i of the guart! informed g , cOlm~JrellcEIIl, has made her lof' ~er aot! mO,r ll l'u!,e d reg~ons III pro · Lhe CololIlIl thll t he WRS hi8 prisoner, t, anrl proclaimed tllat liber· portion to hl8 menla ~nd 1118 ,l'Irl~e. I BDd that he hllct orden to 'like him to 8elf-Rell'LDce. estsbli~horl upon II more shall 8a~ to you on thl~ occa,JlOu ID re ' Gen, Wool'a heatlquarterR. The Col · and enduring basie thl\n turnin&: to your ,homes Bnd fire Sides, af· onel sRid he "auld go, Th e officer te I bave great confidence in young [Applause.] BUI this i8 ~r feeling con scI ous lind pro utl of bav- plied that if the Colon el aRid he would m.1D who belitl ve in th emsel,es, RDd II ; aDd 119 you hav e' paid me lhe in g fatlh lu,l1y ru' go, lhaL was e nough; but judge of hi s Me 1I0uu8tomed to rely on their own liment to call upon me, I 1111,,11 turnin g with the thflt you I16toni shmenl wheu he 8 SW Lhe per6d · resources from an lluly period, When be privilege of saying one Qr two will pe l'for,m your duty In the future al~ ious Jt: ll t"king to his hee ls Rgain down a resolute younu (.. lIhw Btops aL th e aa l am before you. I repeat, you hR~e ID ,Ihe P"SL" a bstatn from ~ th e IItreet, Thi s time he wall pursued grellL bully, the 'Worldl, and tBkes him n It it is 1101 at RII ne w, Ihllt when tho~e blckerl~lga and Jcal u8,lOS Rnd ,Ie ' by R K~n tuckiRn, who was nearesl him boldly by the bearel, . he i8 often eur· is returned 10 118 8cabbard, ve ngp. (ul fee lings willch 100 ofte n apr~lIg when he took hi s Oi<r ht, Hol 800n CRm e pri ~eJ 10 finrl il comeR off in bi s hAnd s. 'lour Brme are reversed, and tbe up betwlltlll .d itt'erenL races: Thtre " a up wiLhin rCAch of him, and dealt him >lnd thlLt it only ti ed on to Icare bra ncb of peace i. e&tended. as I great problem .before ,us, ~nd 1 fIIRJ: 118 a blow with the bUI of his gun over limid ~t1 veuturen, 1 hRve 8ff O young before, that resentment and well allude to II here I~ thiS conn ection. the head tllJU prostraled him , men inore tlolln once, who Cl\lDe to /I Ihould subside, ThUD, wbl\t and LhRt is wheLher IhlS rRce elln be 10 ' Jeff, rolled. ovtlr on hi s back, Rnd g reat city withoul a ailDg le friond, sup' ? YOIl do undtlrstHnd, no -corporl\led and mixed with pllople of mRde Bom e chiVIIlrou s th rll ~ ts with hi. port th emselves and PHY for Ih eir edu. • and if you don't, ,you ~annot tl~e Un ited St "tee lo b,e mlld~ II harm o' saber. whiolt were success fully Jl8rried carilln. IlI,v up money, in a few years mand too aoon, Ihat SImple hberty DlOUI R~d permane,n t Ingrt dlent III th e by the Kentucki"n, wbo WIIS In tb e IICt ~row rich enougb to t!'a vel. and eS'Rb , nOI mean · the priyilege ,of gOlDg POjlulRtlOn, This l~ a pro~lem ,not yet of wrenching Lhe sword fro", hi s hllnd li~h th emsel yea 'in Ilfc~ , without e ~er ba~tlttitlld or into tb e 8e rVlce of the 1I0lved. but we are ,Ill tlt,e nghl IlII e ,to I"lten the reSl 01 Ihe party oamol up IlIHI Hsking a dollar of any person .hloh ". a soldier. It mellna other do ~o, S lavery raised 11s head agRlu sl overpower\! t! lhe Oolonel, and mflrched Ih ey hlld not earned, ' But tdele are as well; dnd now when you Lh~ Go~ernment and tbe Govp rn~ent him up to hudquArtera. where he "~~ exc epli onRble C8ses. Tb'e re lire horae · Illid dowo your arms, tbere ar e rAIsed liS atrong arm IIDd atruck It to put untler gUllrd un ~i\ lle repented Il\s Illmers boro la, we 1111 know; lind therll objects of equIII importance be' the $round. So tha~ pII,r t o.f th e prob· rasbn ess and apologized to 'he Gener· are "orld-Iamers. "bo <llln mike a com · ' now tbat the Government has !e~ 18 aettltld. The IDSUIUllon of slave - "I. R "ige r if Dot a bett.er mlln,-St , muni~y, even R YAnke,e one, get do~n antly pRlsed throug h thIs mtgh· ry 18 overlbr~wn, but anotbe~ part re · Palll Pre8'. and let t.hem jump..on iits back .a ."slly lioo. After the mOlt gigl\nlic main s 10 be 1I01,ed,ll'~d IhRt 18 can four •• as Mr. Rarey ..ddled Cruiser, the "arid n e r SllW; the prob- millions, of people, ralse~ as, Ihey ha~e _ _ ........_ __ is before you, and i~ il bilit Ih,,~ been 1'1'11. h all the pr.e~udtces ~f tllll ~. In 't he coars~ of siz ,ml)nthe the ".... There II ill the heart of "oman Ihould ande'rataod il ; Rod, lhere · "bites, can the'l tak~ Ibetr pillcea ~n ,thtl halian .Government , has 8uppre.~ed IUci:a deep win of lo', a. ~ DO "1D~ I .peAk II'm· pl'l a-d plaiDly, Will communiL" and be mad~ to .work ,har, eluen eoOteiil~ of mODb IDd QUODtri.1 .. " J tar of Ige caD freeze it. ~hen yu,u ba.ve retluDed from lDolliously and congruQusIY III our .y • • 'In Nlip I(II a I0 ne •
WI~~O~\ tb~ v~? l1~sl~
iSllly~boaeling v~in-
dlschl\l'!{c~ y~urduly, det~rllll,nl\tlon
~:~8~~::~;71~ko~d ,~e~~o~os ~r.~~c!J
ful BonA of g UO B, bt: caul e " e don't ex . .aovd pend our iuli and uJonUttnc',, ;n co , n8'." ,. I' I, bad t.ke on 8 0 lifte r stca lng, &5 sue Iy lAying so, "ould be clllled , In SOIllO done. ' La I Mis9us, do you thinlt I'd couulri68,& premedital.ed \0 add uive up my blesled Saviour for oue old inBult to injury, heo? No I never'" and olf 8ho • WI NE MUlNO , _ The PhilBdelphia " ent, Ledger 88Y S: Wine is not a tbin ll 01 Btl 0 D ECIOEI>LY 1NT;;~STING.-A fellow by man at All, only modi!i ot!, lit most. in ClevelRnd, Ohio, nl\med Oeori;e W, h is a produl:t of nalure, 111 the pu, Smilh som e weeks , ince stole Aguilar, reBI ar.d bt:~L g rape wine this i~ most tbe property of II)' OUII.'l IR~y boarding re markably e xhibiled. The grRpeR8r~ ir. tlse bOUI" Ite dId. for "hloh he Will ,, "sily pressed by a win s or eyen "rrtlsted and lodged ill Ihe oounty jail. press, alld can be kept S"pllrl\le frum Since his incarcerati on be profeeaed lhe lees or allowed to ferment on th em, , conv ersion to l;od,' 80d is 00" daiRS Plreng lh is rt'quir4ltl , Not one drop Iy wi ft ill'd by Ihe young IRdy h~ robbed, of water, not a lump e ven 01 l ugR,r IS who, Dame Rumor 8RJS. be ,,..11 aborlrequiHite, Rlthough m08t of th~ ~I ntls Iy wed, She mUlL be bard up for a in lhis counlry Ilrl! prapflre'" wult 11.- hUlband. But the fermentalion i. 1111 RO act 01 , , •• , natu re Il er_elf, She 'il is who mllkes 11"' Wife, I Bm to Ii,e bul a few our wine, and "hilt! tile ferlllent,ation hours 1\1, m081_ I shRlI 8000 be ill ie going 00, allthllt men can do 18 to, Hea,en.' 'You-"ill never be allY walob it lind let iL Rluno. ADd "btl n nearer th"n you are no" to HeaveD, that bas ceased, th o drA wing il olf into you old brllte I You'd look well Bluck II closn cask li nd k~~pi ng il IIndidtul'bell up in Hellt'en-I think I 8ea you there in darkness Bod perfect qui et by iL"elf, \low.' 'Dolphu8, Dolphus,' ,ho.,~ely il all tbat mell CRO do. A lump of 1081 ~ro .. led the old man, 'bri ng me my sugar in eacb bott le "h en bottlf! ~. mll~' CRne and let me larrup tbe old Irollup give" ch8mpagne {res bneBs to It., bUi ')DCe more bllfore I d ie.' the simpler, th e puror. tbele,ss of cook, • &h ery in "ine, th e bt: uer for It Rnd fo r ~ The pri:ae of impudeoce. a& e those wbo hov'l .good taste enough to London Dramatio ~bow, wal w~n by a prefer it thu s, Tile pure juice of th e young lady, who, afler persuadIng ~ba ra e i. bel t in sickness, The beSl kindly manager 01 the ~Iace.'o 81' . :ra~e8, and. if Iugar be added, thl' some /Jo~er., alduchk, one In bid" ttP~~ bel~ Ind pureb~ lUgar. Iliouid alone bf ' ~ol! .aDd charge 1m t"o aD, IU:peD_ tued. lor It. ..
e. , _
_ _
_ ',
--- -
1\1 I it M I
p.iu ." lh miD t"rRl w! l'r~, wh'i.rh, wi t
'f 'f
thu 10U$t:hulJ {ill \\,·ol :d up
au pllr·
Z:T AI Alllinnille
• on. IhirltlllY
thelC \\'n~ 1\ ~r.u\d fti -UUIUn 0 l ,e pre
ent IInli (u rill.' I' 1II1' mlJl!u ot' ~he Ac'lt.ltbe tlevRtel! pcninsllll\ form clI by ",m" lit th ll l ~hLOl' , both It'achllr, lin d H .. on hand a rllll ..surtment ot lb. ~ -~ BRJl)OE OF ~\J.I,AS. SC TLA ~n,} th is pIneo II f'\I'orilt! r sOtt ,or lOra d I 'I' 'tl ; '1'1 ,e nUIll bcr prtl sent Willi very beilt ~ ~ -06 ' . . I.' • I tht) junctioll of Ih ", AI' nell lIn, I I. ,muelltS. D COLlu r EDIT·IIt· . 'f[J l ~8, I 5. To Ulll Ihe chid ILlIr'IclIon 15 ueln " I ' . , '1 r I II •. 'I,l n 1 ' II 'e bll 1\. IVtl~ tl) bu cxpec~ed I\L 1I11l J . D. SW h T Ii '" J . . I . I 1 ~hou L two OIl t: ", oSI 0 I.J ul u" IIr:., • .., I I . J r. , . -"D!;A It C*'It 1"1'. :-:- 'J.'u~ dlly. A ugust the c nl re o( pl llcc!\ r pp ett! \'I'lt I \ Ie . . . b f l ' I re. llIl iu n cl 1111 illSULU lIuU w'llIc I 1,,8 Way n e 8 'Y ill e I 0 h 1 0 : 1 !hh, I w"nl o\'cr to I'i.il til" celebrllted mo 1 8'tir ring in aiclenL~ of 'cllteh Li$lo' Doune ;\.tll), 1I0 W 1\ nlln, ul " rmer) \" I'en in I'p_ ration ~o long ns l~le Mllin~· 2 . lit of Lo,J ·he w\'e~ bury. \Vho~e t\V o r ' , Fir LIInu lore must is :::ltirl ing CI\.S · II vl: ry strollg plactl . 11.1 0 tho pro~erty I' ill A Clltle lllY, th e numhe r an nll~ Il ' GLA S· WARE, WF.D~ESIJ"\' 0 TOUr-It 18, 1 8(,·~. ~ . . 'I'} ) ' 1 l II 0' of l.hll E 'lI' ls of hl' l1llclth , allL! slud to dllno!! ollRi pri cd bl\~ f\ S ill 1111. proportIOn . . , _ (Inu ,,!Jlurs marri ed lthhnn Princes. IC de frOWning from nc ross I )e R rn ). u " I' . • yoLi 13 ' ::sT CONFE CTIo.NERIES. • • • - - - - - - NO. X\·I. " . I 1 .1 6Cnr "r}' . I d 'r hal'e been budt by tlH'I1I . It Willi "I so or ' 11 ~(l wli h;i' III p" SLj' lin! I'nJo " 0 J VOL. , - . . rond lay tbroug I j ,IL /II cti u \, '''~ . of th u old !.! st. furlres " S ill (l01 1\0 : or 'I . I 'I t, ~ I IVI\IiI''''''' IInLi wlto, h l\d it b ron . YANKEE NOTIONS • I 'I' Ilch li uut: t'U I A IlrlcO . 1>1 1\ f~.I· tH itll l'iJ ~( 'rt of Quoen n ;I rv• ll\ IAr I)O~. iblo lI'I>n ' :> . , b I .11 I un til wo rellohed A ton owers, w I it is slIid the nlW lll hllv lJ een g "u y Wtl: tl1\)' s, whc n ' 1 Il v(J \V '(~ )'OUII; Il lll i ' . ' tl I\fte rn oo l\ · · I hnr'py I nt' d a P lo ti' I , I is builL on ~ho brow 0 C IIU 1\ b rup' gorgll, coln rged nntl streug ll'l CIGARS AND 'rOBAOOO. uomerl. Th o lu ealll1:,! 11\ 10 . ' / I. '1'1 '1'11e lIuOrtglU I. ' . Ul\r.IlIIl" ldtl d.' lind J /lUlU 5th 1\1~0 r eo I Id' I " rov" In the tl ve UII\ ,' thluu ., h which th e JJ. ove rU.u es. .w ForL h tl found there. lU~ J WII S Itt III I 1 1 ' . . ' . h" AI8o, Q complete hno oC I. I . ~iLl d O1U h lhel'u durill !,!' hi " minorit),. I \'1'i!'ISl WIlS ser ved In t 0 mlln'ilill il~~ lf 1& enl lrllly D1oJe rn, uUI t sCl?m t o .h~vc 5Iru"J; led .h:tt(lto p re~l' r l" 1\ slimp IIlIU' .. ' . t \. I I' I " . . . [ uu not wOl'de r ll illt thi:! plHt of Iht: Ac "d~lIIy, wIllen waR In every re~pec iUlhe slyluo f nrucu ire l' l\lcn.slc,wIIC l l hc .~ (~rlil c l lll etillvl\lfllr" l l:i nll\\'I\S I" n ,· I . "I'l ll"to lh o<e who IlIlIl Ih ~ ; o)I'i\. rI1.r~ ~ lBtOI~t I W~~ cou ntry w"s so much (nv onH.! by I Ie , mo tel Cl I II I " il"~ i; Ihe I\ sped IJ f 1\ p rl ,o n or lUI IIlIlI tIll! number uf Rvmnn encllm p' . mlln ',1' OI Cllt of it. Afrl' r supper, ellers d I .. I I f I ' tS ('If !; ( n i l of which will be 801 at 11e very lownsylulD. · 'fIla eo trance is by II j;bte· I menl8 IHound bear teslimony to Ihei r ellr y monarc I~, vI' I Hl e ce lli':') . . were r.. lIl1 from Ro me of tlie orm~r CSL relell. wily Vlllnked on either siue by 1\ hi~h, se nstl of th e imporu\O ce of lhe loealion . lhl! most picllHC"lu C 111111 ,JI\' I'r ~I[j C\1 te'''' IH' rs HIIlI s tudelllS 1V1i ,) wero unabl u JCIIU wall to the grund doo ;.,..ay, (110 Many Druillic,1 Sl011 1:8 ' sho w lhe rdi,;' kinll ; flntl whil~t lhc e)'t' rallge~ oVl,Ir a 10 bo present. ~hml, (lJdrcB~e8 ";~r l' <'('(lI' nbacks & coulltry produce I. I I I . I . I I ' .. . . u U)' thll Ji ,; l'lnl nl Ro III1LUO by vllnou~ prcsonfO. Ie Gil N II R A. L Nil W S. in II hig h Willi pi ~ rct d uy oop· 10 1:9 . - i o ); ~ belief of tllC enrly inli atll tRQtR u l! ' , riC,! l' III II , f1, IS 100prllti"e . , ' . .1 • I II e evt:lIill " WRS pl\.~e d \NI·lll. e nccAllted in exchal'''o ror G0008, . I II I I ' fB I 0 11 I Uulll' l'U IIChll1l r ~ ID I\l nu " l U I u.-eo l{igl lL [," (1)1'11 UII!! IS I III !;n cry, vllg , , (oru th" iulrouucLi on or 1ll )' lho ogy.- SUIOl Oli ts 0 en om :' . ' . ' in socill l (\nj" YlD tl llt. 'fh e MRinllville Curwi", All!!. 3u. P el1osylvani/\ wellt Uniou Ly l ii.OOO ' loft)', till d II l1 l rtJW , in thc ~tyle of R\ ThC p"IRcu g rnLlll Rlly RIIJ ed "'I\SI,\ fll' Bonl eJl!, 1I11l1 " Ih er 11I.IIY hl~I ~ , anllll st UR nd. c nliv 'lI cd th e oc cl\~io l1 .~ith ex· to :W.OOO. \ .hu r" h IIf tlte rn ioldlr u~e !, fresh fr uill vorile J'l' sidcncc of tli a BO V'reig n li lllhu whi ·11 lies Ihe sconu of SUOI.t s 'Ll\uy o f .oe llent mu ~ic. '1'.h6 \\.' hO.'~ l\!Tlm PI\SM' The Democratic majority in Ille hanns : 01 thc pie- Uui ull ,\1\ mallY <lmusill " tllo L ith.' XoJ l'. wh en on tll tlse .,u olf l.he ACllll o,,?y, . . \ ' " . I' t 'l Tltu , IV tl /lI'e plt"l\st d to ICll rn, I ~ pro. p" rll1 g ns N Connly is nbout \,21l1l. . lures IH~ inl c rcs l:~g , hut l\l.e mnJ.onl 5 \ Ilre extan\. of J 'Iu)C.S 5lh's IIU~lI l ul e < 11 "" 1';" . ~~I :l lI ts , CIIIl lilly UIIU vrge IIn dc l' l.ho w l1 l1!1g~ mtlnl of Prof. 'l'ufL~. RETAIL DEA.LE 1,
'l )C
l' -. In ~ tanH vOl
jTranS - !UnDtie (;orr('spOD ('Dee. L
In Lhe IIl.t l"e nt )' ye r8, ha\'e DI ldo tU f\!.-
( .
nllec ,lu~"s
m(\~1 a!!rt'H~lIbly.
Chat\ea Diokens, lhe n,wthsl, con· ar9 Kau dl\ubs. I: h~ b O U 6~ \lS~1f II! nOl among the Oclll i hll1~. BS thu ~ UU'l 1\1 11 11 11 ,,\'111 S . " lIlS -SlUr. DR Y GOODS, templateB Ii viait to ,Lhia couotry in II CewI (l pen to 'tho public; lh " gn rJ ~ II ~ are , of Ulltleo .. eich . Auout IL rlu ll l'IHr of .. ' ''['III' sun h tUl :;;1110 U,IWII o'er lofty Ben - -- , f b ~n ll l i fll i l " ' . . I 11 ' 11 I 1.0 111,)1\11, ~:f'r Thu A nnual exhibition of thl' QUE, DL'NSWAHE, moolhe, . hOlV r l'Cl'-6Cl'e upon acre a . . . IlD ilO bt) low tl,,) rast l" I ~ (,vlV li n I. ' I\nll lcl llilc ret! c1ouJ ~ 10 Itr esillo u'cr Ih e .1 I F 'J I J Butlu r C" l}nty F'li r , cluseu 'IS\. Tl "Y I I I J A . tho calm slimm er t' vt:nin g lIfter II ~ UCCI' Ss fu 1 I'UII (\ [ f0111' lIA1)DWAl>L', The Tenn esseeLM," i,loture on Tltu rs· I 1I 0wl'l' beol , terr aoo IU. Ip L' 1l tI Ie \I 'I. I l' wlo Crt" in l-I :!6 , Munl or" , Du\;e uf AI' I V ec.'ne , I f \. \IJ d f d I tndon u th o I're siden t'B \JIJ IVII LO :h ' ril' H, \I' 11,1 I Ie (l1'1'", I !' bll ll \' , willI ollii'l'S of hi . tlC'Ufe , wel'O " IdltJ III"" Y slruy III 111l}'s. Th e ex hibill on thi s sen80 11 \VII S 1 I\y re by USt!II very 0 l O U LIC I IV I10 IC \ uch .ellJl:d for treason; lind un .t lt tl S'IIIlt) ; To IIIl1'e 1: ""1111 11" policy det:id cd vote, ijidc: iR a m a~8 () f ..I'f Uf)(: on ~ I\' c .:l Jcss y, til e Ib\\' C'r ot "c kll owlcd"I"J to bl: one of tlo a finPRI GRO eERIES~ l 'b X ' ".. II' It iL is a grllll d Il Hlllr , IIml one pond ers ~1)O I Hir lV,bert Grn hum exP llHCU Ih O DUIIU IIIII '! .' ,w,' r 11l·ILl ~I\ the Fair I!rolllllls- CYllry enul J. ore I Ig I announces . ' . . . ' I h . t' I ,,' l & c" 'l e • '. 1 1. 1 [ II . I I I ' Ol' er the cost Ih l'S8 tlllll ~~ mllst IUIY I! IIss'l,sillltiun of J am c~ I ~ I. It IS llin , 1 uI l\IIIs, for roml\11CO I .Jcssy IS 11 d('pRrlm elll \I'll I I e excop 1011 0 J: or' wtLII COIl SlutJrl\u e o 1\ olin :! I t lil t I Ie t. ' . , , . . "I H.dl, boin" mnru th a n u8uI\IIy rep' 'I I I ~. I uli ',inll ily b~ ' II . as 1\'1: 11 as wlinL It tlili es lip ~l ro phi z ed by Sir Waller ScvlL IlI l nl h, IInll 111ullnlllll IV flS II P IlI . l l l Y " TI / ,fo. -r/~'1w.t~\llitl1.t1lli\ 1'1\\ Counly J III Rll Il\t r nco w.. ~ "ll lO lI t " , res l' IIW'1. 'l'hu s how of ~ tuc k was pl\r \l"J Jt. l.l.l'll:\!l(~ UL\.!la!.\aWl, \WO, '" I now II) !i" C 111I;r,'. thtl L 'LUY uf lh o L'lk e ' \ well\, er, on wbnm thu Ill lllllio of vcr~c 11"'ul" I'I)' lill e-o nch c lll ss [wino,' l!\rl'ely an occupn ll L. l' ortuDute county . I v ~ 0 Invite sltE'ntion 10 tlllir Slock of N~.xI dlly i bauo I\U . IC lI to Ihe g~ rl en 'And Ih ulI or ~nJ 111111 rli ial mnlilt d, 11.11 1.1. by a .sl,I',a ll~U frt!llk of 111/111 1' 0. my s· rllprese nl eJ. Throug hout the foul' 1 . .1 I I 1 . I I I I ] b f I t J.it'u •. MaurI', lal e rell,·1 uni C!;.!, hn, IlU , of I,og illu d, nnu ~00 1l 1 10 seen" C Ilt n' ITh"l vI: hu.1 hcortl Ih c de"I I' IIXe 8 0 1l " Lcl'l uU' y a ,ell . M . H. I ny~ 111'''0 IIUIO erij 0 spec a or~ j'.r C .· · I!'f.lTfn P ~. 1UJ 1Ii' receil'ed froUl lhe Emperur 1hxiruiliun ' 011 to one A~ sLcri lc Rq the otho r "'RS 1\ 8011 Ihe no uiesl III Ihe. I,, "J , \ wt! re' prc~~11 t, but on Thurs(IIIY th e U I YLfiO llI.lIb U U 10 T I I I I' t Fell tlw o", rn heud.UI UII d ~ lolI,IJ ha llli. LITER ARY NOTI CES. 1II l\Soje~ 01' humnllil)' S lll'p !\ss~ oI in hll~e· Papers of nal llmli l."Lion , Bc ill lh~ rc · glovt h· . Oll l' wily I"y tHOU g 1 t ill o · . DRESS-GOODS, (ore a MexiclIl\ ciliz~ [J. ~ . I I AWRy fU rlhe r to tl'o so uth IS Lhe fll' II C~" , I\lIythin g c vt-r be 1'" 1' '' wi tntJ 88 cd ... Icn e~ t ho regIO n of :;II". /lou el\rt Ion· '. MaD . G Ht: )l IlX, 1111l co mic pllp~r stRr' lhid ur IIUY ot}, ,, )' County 1'"ir.- Jour1lal . W estern J'ournlli s fire once more talk· 1"'lr • ..- ,' -II .. ere to'Vl1 , n(ler towu of py rfl ' InOUS b:1l1Ieti(;.. I.1 of BIIIII.1Uckbu )'n,w h"rt.I 1:011 ill N~IV :: ,' Ik a lilt\u over fOUl I' I'k r 11 forlh Uru ,·c tstllbllshcll Ih ~ Illd,' pe fldl·u ~ll 0 ing of maoufnclurio o" fIlU l lI~SeA from . e..~ A Mr . Willi ,lm s, of Franklin , ,. 1111(1, e IIUlIlCY ' I e urollocs poure .' "' . r' ., I,UOllthd r,inc,), haM (,. II'J\I' ~I I its preue. ® 'lr II (!j) corn. l'bt /:it. LOUIS Dcmocrllt I\Sserts lu 1U of tbiek .on·cn-ivc·lookin g th e cOlch 1l:tllOn In 1.114. I he pICS' r! . J" . I . f b tO IVII ~ "ip, I\ "e d About 70 yeArs. It:ft ' vO II , . " • f I" l I l c e~so r, Ylnllt'J · 'I/ f. lu l It: tlUI ~ t 0 0 . II tiJRt from 1\ bu shel of corn lhr eo gil . s oh \Vhich rolli n" inl o lho car· win. ent Rspect tS onc 0 tl\:n u eu "\11 el . ' l' . '11 : . ' hOOle 10 "tl~n ll til e elf>Clion on Thurs · . . m" 0 • • I " IIVI OI)' l AC(lm< 1l11p ,S~ I J c til Sustlli ll on8 ')f molnSHes eRn be RDstrBcled. low s nelll'h' chvk lls 'it e p'lij"erS by.- li ~ ld8 , but n hu ge g ranIte stone 136 101\ UI · 1 f I k' d ' I ' ully. :\ we ll 11\1\11 . HIl deposil \ld h is t , J ' . I' I Ii e,l 1\ tirSL' C II S~ pllpCI' 0 t lat In 10 lll S votu , wn s ti\kcn witli 1\ iiI, and ui ed And n General .Assortment of A Tribune's spt;ci:d, dnlod Des 1.10 Whlll mll.~t Iho unforlll nll tus enuuru Willi tlltl Ilp ertur e on w lie I \VIIS l: : . within fifle\l n min ule8 nltcl' VOIing.Bruco's slandllfu JurinlS the bllLtlo. cuuntr). iDes, IOWII, Ocl. 14, saya: The mnj ori· WJO !Ire obl i"ed to loii in il S miLl Ht? St'tr . ty for Gov. Stone, who boldly Rdvocilt". W/l~ 1,lnu wh : n we (to t bey ond it~ infin · illi lu funh er Oll i~ 1\ bl\lll c fi ~ ld of " no. \ i\}! w ~I v,w.- HorAce \Vllll'rs, , 41\1 ():7 Cl\tcll mice-Oil gning to bed negro ou[fmgu , will be fiCte~n th ouS!lnd. CII CC~ lind uflH ch !l~gi l1g c.lI < II I Crewe, Lher ilill", thlll of ::;uoc bieuurn, w~i cru l (J r,):\lI""y, NCll Yu rko h n~ iN~ uell Ihe P" t Cl'lIm~ of chp~~e 11110 you r woulh, Tile rtlmllinu er of L\i u lwpubliclIll tick· "Kaill unlorell !\Iuong'.1 vnd ll rtJ , \V c J llmc.3,1 , wh o \VIIS IIlwllyS Ilt I ~' U " I 1',.1 :"11'1 11 .: I' '''c,'' nf lI el" noll ~i c: ' Th,· lind li e wil!, it open, IInll wh .. n 1\ mous, which th ey offer the !-.I '"ty r uf Li hl'! t) ,' in 1ll1'1l 1I. ry of r'r~N' e 's \Vhi sk~ r s lickle your throlll- bite . is decleu Dearly 20,OUO , mlljoritice. were now 0 11 ~hu CXIICt route of Prince wilh hlrl noul es, WAS kllle ,l : 1\. !01l ;; 1111 elc "lltau flllIl plnture~qll~l v I idclI \ LlIlI:u ~ n . liy J ,"ms G. ClolI'k. tile LOWEST MAR {{ET PRICES. The Ftlllilln S nro crealing I' 81ir in Chilli es's nrnly ill 17'15, Rn lii no long 2.lf Clinadll Agent! of Ih ll orgllnizlltion er WOIlIIc: rcu thllL he shou ld f,, 1101l" n l IVII,,, II:d rllV i!IC to Ih ~ w (" t, 1 tlron to 1 1" . p~\.l r >LI! '" wri"' r ; . Tou LIII" til r;;r Action i ~ th " gf'Ul\t Ill""; it iNh y recenlly vi ij it~ d botll Qu ebec lIu,I,O :la ' luc tallil y ill Ihe rNlr, whrnlh o unwi ~t' l .co lhe Calil", ~ r,, 1 ot 1J 1~nh l :t1)(1, 1."iI L :..1 '''1' ),,' \,,)r"~ ".v W . II. Be II Ilflly, ~ It: lld)', sir oll '-i. con ti llll ullq JI(; lio n, thnl I Dav". I I ,' I 0',I til'. Sil l'. o f C,IiJ . , DUDL~Yt b . I',00 I'I•.I; 11y . ,·c - ' l.I ;. hl~ bv 1'1.. ~y,llly I'rlll lvlI ; • G:v,· ~ lI l( r CII I w'lI' l; ~ tire ac cnmplished, WB witli n violV of eSlllhlisllin g I nol gp~ , rtlrcnt from Derby IV llsegull I\IIU it is reported Ihllt 1\ 1I11mber of Ihc ifldre rl lV ere tllolo wbo turn eu tlt~iI \1 U~ II, in 11 ·1J. 1t llIu ~ l hnvu bee n n 11.1" Hlllle ~ l Fli~ IIJ. ali t! T rlle.' suu:,: , hy broth erhood hav\l lnte ly It(t l'vronto (\ n bncks when Ille gnme \VIIH so nonli y line s p~ ~ imt'n Of the ell !'I)' ~\lrm 'l n ~ t)'le. l ll (' n r\' Tu cl," l' ; IHHP' A lIhi lhn rvr :::;'11" ,' won , /lud vulunt alily abnn(loncd lh \l~c Ullt the bl inc] Zl' nl of lh ~ early n~ LlrUl ' \ 1\5 H U~ IJ I.y Tlluy p'a<lur; lV urob l,y J . 6 ~ pecil\ l mi ssion to Jr~lllnd. Gcnugll counly, Ohio, ill pr ob"hly v \)r~l""L VI\'O~ fo r ll,e lD.Ol}lIlnin 1'I1Il~e8 fl,l& \IR~ lIl".\IQ 1\ .roo~eb~ .w,r~c.l!. of lh." \ l1. 11,, ) w"I'II , \l1~~1I! uy' A . Di~\le ck.,\,. thll greRle9l ch\!ese emporium in the w " I c h ~oO llb q;"nto u l n pe. to lhenlll' lh . hnc9t IJorfl ulI: \, h lbt Ihc,tlt Ci 1.J":I IS l' liceu f cllcil;)() ct,. S"nt by mild t~A fl'tl<:~~ fI,',E , OHIO, world.-Tb e Chardon D~mocral r,IIYR Aroull d L;\lIOa'fe r tile ~"rnt'ry Iwg in< cunv 'l':uo.! , wllh fl. IIII'.! "I"'~ II CH 01 ~1l 1 po s i p,\iu, 011 r~ct:i f': of price by pub . - A N 1'flah 011 nnl1l1 n splenuu! alOljorUMIU II thRt. tho (ac tory of II!CSHij. lludlo l1t,: & to I\s~u m" n ste rnH fI "PeCI. wi :h 1\ \'i l'\\' altclllp i il L 11l)\1 ~ , 1~1 1 0 n. pari sh CIIIIl'C oi. 1 1 1 ~I I " r ; (II' o r,(" r~ OIa y bc htJ llt LO John E lWA 0 C LOTHS, . S tI leUllh '1 of II d ; ~ l a nt stretc h of IlI nd· lucltCII IV'" A ""rIl S IO. Il ~ , (ull ,sl~ e d iJkcnes s or a WI ll" 1 "lIlI'll 1 Il,J' r. , t'" I S to kcs,AtLIIILp"cc,rccClvc ,!nOIIlIl'I I'I. I I. " \ \'1\) ' 11"' "j Ill" Ub i,). (;A~IMlm,ES, of olle IhOlIR~ud cow8,and manllfllclure s ter: tlto>c III'Il th e Cumberlan ll hill~, ri(lr 1111,1 Ifld y IV !!rc .I i 'covered ill rhe VE:5l'lNGS, from it" tun of c heese per tillY. no,1 nro Willi doscr ving tl, c' prlliscs for chui r SIII'IlI Ullll lill " al p.adt!1l cl,nin, bl!lIl" TUE L,\oy's jI' RIJtXD-Grandm a ' s '1'IUMMINGS, The Pitt~burg Oar.ctte says tbe Dew bAn Uly IIOU romllnce, sun g hy h:\I'(l~ ing the dale 127 suppo~eu to contaill Purtrail i~ th o tille of:l ve ry tllking H ov in g 10 "" ,fll llr l"o n ypnrR' eX~E'rien~e &~ .. II'ld('.h lip mQII\I'aclure~ Bccnrdlull to · ILn tl po"l! . As we Ilellrc (1 Carli sll' , ~hlisc , Earl of St rll'lll'r n, /lntl wife.- ~tl"ld l EII:,: rllv ill g in llttl No vtllU bur II tlill ' i.1 11.0 pr" CII ,·,. "I IIJ~di(' jn e , vll'l' r" hi" IlltJ, LATE:)'!' I lou so of I'tcpr eSC lll lllivcs will e ll n ~ i s l lr ~es 111101 betl !!l'p hl1ll clllirely giv ell Thre e blue m'Hhlu sl'l),s lire 8~tn u jJon he l oi t l,i, r',lvori tl, fll llll tbly, Th e I'ru:,'s.illllill :),:rvice. I.. lhe cilizf'n" 01 of 66 Hepublicllns nnd 3'1 Democl'l1t a. wily to·cl olld ·topp.,d rn ouni llills, which Ihe fl oor, which co\'",reu th o fl'mains of duubl u clJlul'cli sl uel FII,h ion Plat e is II, Waynesville and Vlcimty. h mlly possibly vary ono or tlV O fl'Oll1 and at Ihe L'Jve lier~lI~ . Fl irl'llioll COllliouod until live r the bordors nnu the Lally Drummolllh, Ib o ' cld e s~ o[ usual Hupc l'b . OfFlCn all Ib e I!IIrner nr lIt .. in Hlld Mi. thie, but not more. O( 1 I :::lcllil lors LOWEST POSSIBL'E PRICES, nenr to O:ns." ow. No "rol)9 were to be whom . WIl S pdvl\t ely marri l·d by J HmHs is the Litle of ~he next cngral'ing, which nmi SIS" ne.r1y "ppoBl le Hny 'e Holl. <elecleu, Il Bre Il.t-publicans Hnu 3 Rre fJ-J. Night colin pwmplly rcsponded to. 8~en now, but flock~ or shuu.' 11 nlHllH' l'tls 4th, lIu Li whoso trR;[i c fatp. by I)oi' lln i" illtl SltrrIL(;,; 1111 i n tllr "~l iu g SlOI.·Y of th e The {'1I1t11111 IIUllftrtmeQt D cmoemLs, 0 11 jui nt bal lol th e Lu g i ~. v lll lle, cliogi nn" to th e 8tce ps of whBt corum O1oTflled ill the blll!IIU "u litl cd' sal1le nlltll e. Then we hl\ve II nllmb ~ 1' Ie under tho HupervlsiOIl of that f'Xcllllent C of 1Illure wi II ~t/lnll (;G ll ell ubli~lIu s to Url181, 47 Dcmocrnts. . a cru cullimoHl wilds, as neith l'r mingled Tay's n ,ulkM. A portion of the ~lllil s of tJll g ,,\'Vill~~, de votell to the filMhi oo8, DODSON, ,' ,,; I . I . plenti full y wi th the g ree ll . I WI\ S tolll, of the Pl'ebeOllhl'Y, Linck oa.k, richly neW hilts, ltcl\d l lr e~8e~ .I IHI'y's lind boy's ('OIlTINtlF.S TilE PRA C TIC E OF I o III SI\lu t IIlI no SlO tT 0 lfI~t R nc ~ of ' . who, In hie line, is generally 8cllllowl· Tho li ll)ra ry ml\tler i, that t llU~o IJlII paslures pl\y cl\ned in variou s del' icc~ IIl1d mono · Ruils, &c. · I 1 °' b . howev c:', n 8Ub IDlIl'ln(J te cgl'llp lie CII Ie b~ll1 g . , edged to be wilhout e 8uperior ! .. .1 b Ii' I f k' d . mu ch bdter thnn gnlll1, flml lho com· !! l'lIm~, 1Il'l' sti ll pre serv ed, I\S wdl A S , DCl\r Mrs . Tho rpe ;' ' C hnng~9 in th .. 10 ita vllri ous brllll citc . ; lIot to be exrellor ' IZC . , IIIJurou y II S I 0 /lny In READY-MADE CLOTHING L 1I8 t J E . fOrlflbl e houses or. e occlIslolln,ly meets lhe monumen\.s of lilleo of tue early House huld of Cccihn Dinl, ~pi n 8t e r: ed onvwhere. NOlie bill 1110 III large q'lanlllY and 81el(81\1 qua lily Rnd Ive ry CCrCtil Ule \l'ltll wilh iu diU hollows ,,!, the 1~"8 t fre. Bishops. . YIII) OCfC IJl'l'C. oy M.rs. 1!tll'!:nret lJ os mol';' Wither · ijty Ie, of hOlne make ; nhvuya ill .upply. ti os le s rom II, ~o lullt It ar e~ much DJ:;ST MATEIIIAL U d& D. ' . the bl\lll"fJ"lt! of SherilTlllui r li e ~ ed.' by Currie Myur; 'Urllee and Mnr· 'lucntcJ v/ll e~ . beluken plenty nod du· " 1 .1 ' . Determine" to malnlain I he roputnlion b e tl cr 111.1' I 1 l IIe wire on nn u 10 ill dll't, F.Il M". CAS II.-Office lit hi. residence o( his house 88 one of the liret c1~"~, Mr. . Oleslie pru'perily., IIb out tlV O mil es ellsl of Uunlilane, nil'll gil l'l: l,' uy Mrs. Phelps; • Told by \Ill' 0 11 Tl\luill :)tree l. )·1, where t IIII monkeys 111'0 pcrsullucil tllut D~dley and hiB u~8ial.nts will spore uo Cllrli$lu i ~ . o o w a quiot Iillia town, WII - foug ht b,., "' I' el1 th e f~rces o f ~l:tr "'tin,' lJy Bt'lltricc (1(\IO llnll: • My putne 10 give thr' poles lIuli tiu s nre cronlc d fot' lhcDI cOli sid ora[dy gil't'n 10 mAnufllctures, Ilnd Argyle, 171 5. A hll ~c block of Prn l)'i u HIl I\I I' " Ed ilori al" fte~eijll s. ~ ' 0 u ~() ill gy mnnstio o x c rci ~,, ~ . .Entil'c Satisfaction. IIn,( th o ell , tlo which has see n SI) muclo whe tstono cllll cd (h e Uilitie Slone, is 1"II ~ hi v ll ~ , &c. Pr ice $~. 50 II ),"111' ; 2 Call and tumlne atock and prlce8• . The M~lIuletown J~urn l:1 snys 1\ liltle \ inu ol'eut 1I1 00Ll Pl'ilt, tilllnui.ng on II ~en· ~ h OWIl, wllere ILo llighlanders shArp ' aopiee ~ ·I.U O ; Il C(l l , i ( ·~ ( Hud OGO grati~) J \ N n NUT.-\ Ity l·llllI.lC. June 27. E. DUDLEY. girl, ullnghter of Dr. J . Corwn , WIIS fO ti e ClUlnCnCIl I.) Lh c IHirth, IS use d 101' n cned th, ir dirll s; bu t liS both siuc$ af· :- 16. Now is tho Lillie to gd up clulH Liren.!ed C01i,;eya nccr, Claim .A!;e'l/l ~cvcl'tlly 8cI\Ju~IIIIISL \~I'ulIl:slllty even · \ hllrrncJ(s , III iL Quren Mllry found her torwl\r,IHclail1ll:d th e victory, 11 we ll · for I OG6 . S peci mell nUlllb ers for tlti s UlI./ .rJ,'leTltJi, r relirliJle FIRE u~ld lng, that she dlell on \\ euncs"IIY morn· first asy lum, when sho fooli . hly trus ted known dilly hll R mauu this oonlliet II p l JlP o~e will bu penl for 15 cen lij. LIFE l1lSufCll1ce Compoll ies. ing, IIfler ~urrl' ri n g th e mo SLillto n ~o ag· 10 lho f" h" honor of 01.1 El iznbcth, alld SOllrco of rhlicllic. Wh eeler &; WilsolJ 'Mccl"b rllt c(1 Sewing Offil!e 11\ lit e Old S \IlIlt!, lUnln Sireel, Th& undersigned wishe8 to clllihe ". ony. l-il1\1 IIcc i,! ently r~11 inlo II heru ~hu tir$t rO llliz~ ,1 tlillt . he WII8 Ilot 131'l" 'lle n Dunhlllne anrl Doune is sil . Mllcldn c I\I'U furui,h "11 II~ Premium s ill WA I.YES JlILLE, OHIO. tel1tion of J!'arp!era .ftnd all whom Il rna, of boiling wllter wldch WIIS solting on 1'0 b ~ lro ll led AS 1111 uul ortunnte 1D0n lInto,l Ki lhride CIIStlc, uuilt ill 14GO by cHLain c~ se8 . '1'110 Prospectus of Lhis ConCern, ~o the loct \h,,' he i. eUisKed io lhe lIoor, and before !ISSi! IH nCO could /ll'ch, [; 111 113 a pri soncr. The di~LRnt Si r John Gruhllm of 'th e Uri ' ''I~ BIYurd,' mll g~ l\ille for n ~ J;l )'cl\f embodios 1\ Co \t er.1iUIIS IUllde, and proceotla reo the mBnu,{actur.,or m\\1 l!d lH cu :- rt! u\ rut ollt. be rendered, IV/IS SOli/de" so bad/." 1/1111 IJlimpaus of Lho So/way Frilh are lovo· nnu sold iu J669 10 S ir J .I';€8 (jump- 8plul\l\id li st of conlrihutors. E special l'"illR token In prepllring Po SPR8IlIS foll owod , an't! continued umil Iy, I\S thtlrolltl lIc:~c e llu~ to (; rolna, once bell, ill who~t) {nmily it 8till i8. A.s 1 Addre ss DeRe on & l'eterson, 319 pr~ ~ 111111 pl'ocuring buck Pay, Buulllies, Tbursl!l\Y morning, WbUIl 6110 died. th e ~ 1) 1I1 d runnwl\Y \OVl!l'S. whel'e n coulll nOl finu tim\) to visit Lo~h' 01 Wl<lout .• lred, Pbillldelt>li il\. iiI 11.1 Pe"sion8 of tl ecen~ed :Soldiers. Cllor- ~.nd ie prep,red to ' do In the ' ~lIe.t 81yll', and on Ihe .hutleet gCH rcnSO llltule. • H enr y WIIl' I\ B ue ch el' mauo a speoeh lillIe lil'uil'l divides lli e two countriea . hl onleilh, Ihe cuicf sel\t of t!ly ance g· --- - - -Lir e ~nd ~'ir e I n ~ nrnnre P,,!i cles i8sued nutice, ,nytlllng in hi~ line from a wh80l'bl . . TAE N E W hLUeTnAoTEI> EUITION 0 11' . I . in Phil lltlll l[lhil\ ol1 \Veull e. tlIlY CI'U llitw 1II 1l1 '"lIlY . nu VI 81 0 cxcit cmtnt VII II'Y, I so ul;ht lhat of easy Access, lI od barrow I" lbe tiUIlBI bUI:l:Y.' . • ". , WKO STEU'S DIC1'IONARl.-Tbis seem· lind proClll'l'd ',M fllvorllo le leem • . in which he pre ssc(ll hi~ pOilll home to ' ri r:8 Ih o dull li fe 01 th e villl\ge Vu lclln, fo und Kilhri de R fine, Illl'ge hllronial ingly (ir-y IItld ccrillilll y pOIlII.roll. book REFlmE~cE -4!) years re sidcnce in this Hnvin2 sccured the spnill8S 01 )1,. 7.3m ELLISON KUlr, 1\ 8uperior workmall, thl! bi ~ hCll rers ; j " nll it SI!~JnS harll 10 l'filli l.tl hI! could re siuence in ",ooJ r~ pllir, local od a~ Ih e IIIU itR p~cu l i"r ll lllHllI s. H~ru i. col. cO llllllullil Y· menloun nf II .is name ill this connection 'Tbere muM not be one court f" l' l c I' e r hllH bue o the orbitrlltur of men's foot of ::il uimllbl\ch, I\mid du sky foliage leoted and tCl's ~ly St: L down a qU llnlily = -- - ---- ",:,ill be 8unicieht Kuar~llt1 lhat IItiaflll" 1 while mell III1U Illl oLhcr for bl",·k · mcn. 1d (js lill i~ ., or lhat foami ng- 8 euds, bellr· which hRS b1'llved tho storms of ~ontu. of v,uiulls nllJ ll HO ftl1 knlllVlcoldIJ , lIuch 'A.~lJCrti!3Cnlcllt5: tlOn will b" given. If yuu are to . c\1I~.' iry, il cnnll(lt S lOp I ill g bl.hint.i lht' 1l1 ch olc lic P)1(l'lItS, ever ri tll, T he re i3 1\11 txc~ l!ent ctil leclion 118 i ~ indi opt Dsi blc 10 c oluCl\t~ Ult n lind JOliN w.. COLLETT. here. NolV If Ill S culul', but by 111111 / d i ll ' t II t I u I t r f f '1 Ivomeo. LIere lire 1111 hun" r",1 I\lId '~~ Julv 18. tty there will b~ 1\ c\lIssitic ll liullon BC ' I :1,IC 1110 III sec u e( sp u. 'e w 0 nml f po rtrlli ts, IIl1d an IIlIth entic ten thousand word" , defin p(1 with the l{OUS~ AND L(rr ----=-------,-----~cuunt of c()nuition, and tll ere will U" l or nuno of the Pel,ls of th ll olt.! Moss likeness of Quc ~ n Mary. \vilh 1\ tapes- clellrnes s, fllll n· ~~ . pn'ci ~ iun, fino.! A'R' PIIIV ,\'I'E S .lLi::. 8 P 'R I N G l-' I ' E L D ' 111 1.8 for the ri eh IIllln, I\l1d Illws 1;Jl' th e I troopers, who u ~lJd 10 keep tl)(> bord ~rs try screen SlIillto have been embroid(lr' wenllh of illuslfliliol1, litH <I.ll ote Lhe '' ,'" 'I'he vnln ebl e Hllu~u u"II I I ~" • ~t , al'tu · poor man. I IlppOll I to t:v ery mll n il in th e sla le of 1\ sH thill" cnuiliron, are ~d by h!J r. T ~l u cRstle is said LO hav." S.OUIi.lIes LscI1OIR~ s" lp,8nu.lhe IlIlJ. t entll'(; : ' j' 'lied on the B URt side 01 North 8t 'tHE DES" DRTLJ. fN un:. ~~ ~;? uuJgo luis priuCiple, or g et rid vi siLla frlJ Ol tho "ui l rOlld~ Ilhd I had 10 bee n hSllllled by S lady in white lV iLh l liuelnv to III~O. riO 118 dUIRlls. AI.to!{,-, Lh. ' belW<lell Th inl 311d F'Jll r,h streets - . lh~ The uOIJer&igDed hu be rome AI!'E'nl in • I I '1 I bl ·1 d III' die work u 1llIlllrv ~lollS speCIm en of l pro:' ]lerly of MilS. M. RU BERTO -is olfe od ' ril lY ICII'VI yon Illy memory to peop I! Ol)u'Sll\lDti gArment~, lhe daugh te r lel\ruin g, laSt.. , nnd lh oruugh Il\bor. lit pr ivot c Role. • r this vicinity lor thft .~ove Wheet.Drill, The Commissioner o( lhc Gtlncrn l Ihnt region Wilh Dand y DilllDonts et li.o c of Ih a B<lron ot Cromlu:, who WIIS mllr' W e prl\i.tl it heartily, h(,c:\ lIst! we be. '('Ite Hou.e is well bnilt, in 8 plenount which he is ?ropared to furni~h 00 t~' Lni\l\ Officn receiv ed ou M'lIlday, Crom generis. I qllestion whetlwr Ih ey nrt' dercd and buri ed in thu g l" n liy Mldise lif>ve it (I"se r ves 'he , hearLie~t praise. I~c.!ion, wilh ·thre e rOOItlS , porch, 5111t1mpr boat term ll . S,. Paul, Minn ., II Idle r dlltcd lhe 2u IWl' pier Ihun in tbe c!IIYS wh~u might, Gl'llullm 'tL c Black KliglH fr-" Ib.'d ' ~YelQ York .A IblO II . kll<;he ll "lid cellnr beillw, til1d tWI' moms SA'l'ISFACTION INSURED, . t I' I I . ' I . 0 \..I II e. ____ _ In th e .riec'. "l1 l _lul·Y . A well of ~.J.:cu ll " nt P erRons wIshing- to ('xnmlntl. clln do el) lOti . , w IIC I 811y8 I 1M th e recent ce nsus Wild ..;o .,ht; bUl 111m slIre they nro ulucll Y Rny yeRrs 1'0 II cd on. II II on ~ of th e ~ Z=11" Th o ~llcr.,' s. lul Clll1ui J l\tos on WOI,er 18 ~ "u 8 Ic d close 11.1 Ihn llilchen. indicate3 1\ rapid illCrl:lIs9 in the PO.plI · more u.e losd 1\11.1 8U1pid. A stmy ahep. faml'ly t ook courage 10 f0 II OIV l IIe spec. t Il~ U nloll ' t~.c k~t ga ve, on th l! eVtlnillg .On'Ihe Lil l IIrc II Vllri< 1y ur rrUlt . Irees, by collillg on the Silent ne'" Wn,n.'ville. WILLlAt\1 DAKLEY. Au,g. 50 . . illLioll of tloat Sta le; es pecitllly in tbe hl' l'd and his t10~ Bre the ollly aight Ire, which leu Ibe WRy to tbo I1 len Rnd of tho electIOn, 1\11 oy ster Hild coO',; " ~~~~i::~C p~:r~~!~81.Y o'Ir'lirle'JOd qlln!ity i.or (:n rSoulhern dislriots, The yi<;llI of the IIUIY \Vlls l'e 1\' AClltury arro tIle bold "cot . led lo th~ grou nd with ea"6I1P I)~v r to tl Ie pllr t'les WuO I. b I ' . . . . . . pruperlJ Il:I free ~ b ..., p(lIn cr si " . . rOllg It If] frurn incl1mhrnIlC£'. 17 crops tlii s yOAr will surpas6 thnl of nny mlluc "i~ own of nil be AIV, lind thosc nificnnco. Ntxt day the grou';.u '11':5 return s fl'ool Lht! OIlter townships, . lInd F'ur t'ur ther'purticulnra, nppk ·'.n {orlDer year, tho avernge product of . hil\~.-'II'·h ich rllll!! with his IOlIrtill) ShOUI, to f\ Inrge pllrty of gentlem ... n who were J D SWE'l'E o p~ov t1, Rnd diicOVertid the long los t wlliting.' fOI' the rl'tllrn9. When ITO Sf\y July 18 " ' W ' '. ' «?~ a llrea't :nft ny klndl and iu iarge qUill' wheat Lo lIle Ilcre being !lVcnty ·.6vo arc Idt 10 solilud e ant.! wi ltl f017!. L ~I A . ayne8Yllle. \11\0'1 for 8111(' by . Iluy une. The .bonus receil'cil Chris- thnt ~ the sllP Pt'r WI\q prepared 81 . l\IERRIT'r &, PRINTZ~U!I~eI8, Four 'oftbe roilroRd COlDpAn' My stlly in dirty, sm ok y 01" <TOW tian sep ulture. and the ghost never IIp- Horno's, R~d plep,nl"ll as he knows '~' In the Slllte arc auverti !in~ for 600 \VA' 5hort, and S pt. 2, lifter an bour's PCIIT8U ag,,' n; but th e .n Arition of how to do ~I, (tv~ry~otly will know Richm!lnd alld laborers each. Lnbor i~ vel''! scarce, r ide, (uund me nt Bridge of Allan, un. Lord Kilponl murderetl b PPS ' fl til/It th n afta)r wall en~t1Yl!d IInt~ that . A (ull assortment~, orfo rthe ~~ Itl by Jly the kilt or pound, of • ".,ran l " on.d is commnod i n~ "3~ 50. p~r duy. I dar Ihc sl ode of Kemllt"", fr om WI'. I'cll . . ' • r tewllr~ 0 the' !ltmos! good feelmg prev'\lled,- he R 81 mono!" Pip" ALLEN &. RANDALL. Al'dvolrh~ h, "ns 8"ltl to hl\vo tr,!ubled Slur. ' 0 ..... qualily ,lor .ilfl bv Aug.2 .-2m ' )lERH.tTT & PRINTZ.
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Ladies', Gents', and CHILDREN'S SHOES, 0'
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A, JONES, M. D.,
Paris and New-York Styles!
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Whiaky Revenue in Warren COWlty.
" ' ayue",Ule Mn,·kelli.
DR. J. ~"
Mil. EDITOR!_ In fO llr lalL i.8ue I Coufal"l C!0ntded E L'tTy 'Yt ck. ' nQliced the fOllowing paragraph , and 88 'V h ut -.J bushel, $1 00 @ I 80 iL is going the rounds of tlJ6 presa, will Rye f ii_b 3& & RETAH. DRAUS! IN 70 -.I T TnE0.t8 'ill I. of course bl: nO lic~d as fa r a8 the PII' 30 LITTLE MIAMI R'A. IL B O,4D. Ihr ley ill .. 1 00 pera oirculate. It is 8S follow8 : ' DRUG~, ~or nl 1Y " flO W.l.YWiSVI LLE (CORWIN ITATION). ''fhA manufacLu~e of. wbisky in War· Flout :r ·bnnel, . '.I flO TRAINS :I.l.aTW AIlD ' BOUND. ren Qoullty hll.s yielded a revenue of Plour 1)1 CWI, lJ 00 CHEMICAL S . ( AND8 4: la &r~'s OLD STAND , ) U ulter II lh aome $515.000 from tbe first of Mav, Nillht Ex pre81, 12.18 A. M. t~O LE AD, Ln rd iP 1h Ci nci nnllU Expree., 7.54 .... M :* 186~, to the presenl date, "gninst sOOJe ao Beg leave 10 inform Ihe public thnt they OlL, l!.: ~~:J -u) J oze n Mai l and Accom.,1+ 1.26 A. M. hUVEI all hUl1d 81\11 e' lIpeC1-.o-lnr""""--j-,~2u 6!l! 10,OOO revellUEs from tax upon in· Potlltoes li bllHhcl, , GO VARNISHES, Columbus Aecom ., 6 ,28 P. M. comes, lieenRes, enumernted ar ticles Dried Apples f Ib A COIuplete Assor'Lmcnt of pilliburg Exprese, H,56 P. M. 10 @ 12 i ( carriages, pianos, wl\lclJ es, &c.), lind I N T OW N, 'hicllCll6 1:1 doze ", 3 00 T RA INI:I WEST WARD DOUND, upon all otber Dlan ufactu res.' l: oft.... e V II, 3ll D R G S , I !IIeil and Accom.. 3.08 A. M.* That is, in other words, thAI u pon ew·Urleons SI'!!o r "iiI II, 17 @ :l:l idA r nil: FOUl'D AT Nijl: ht ExpreBs. I 6 .6 1 .... ftl . PAINT VARNISH. &C. ; N .. 0 , l\1o l n" "e~ ilJ galion , I 35 of the article of whi St the manufacture (Jo lurilhu8 Accom., 1.30 .... M. UOll l Oil .~) /!ollo ll. I UO Pilteburg EXllrl'B8, 2.27 P . M. ky alone, the excise tax amounts lo III · :Bill:rJ$lEIrem. Ci ncInnati Ex preijp, 4,26 P. M. m08 t tlvo ' and a·half ti:nes 8~ much a~ . l'I~t.: I J\ L NO'l 'U ..' ES. -1 P A IN T S, a I L S, • D<' not stop . from all other Bource~ in the county. - .---DYE· i::ln ; FF.:l W. H. CLEKEIIT, Presiilen t. ']' . Tlt e .~J.I'OIl ,,"11 1l1l1ll1i11 Cnhillct (la'OPPO S ITE TilE R OGERS HOl:SE. he language made usc of In th e Ill" ; ""~, In,l), ,liO"rI 'll l .Iyle•. 11 ,1111 ,1,." lu ,",' 1" ' .1 TO ILET J1d~TJ C LES , __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ SASH AND PUTTY, E. W . W OODWA RD, 8 ul"l. . I 1 . D. CADWALLADER, Agen t. tiC ~ above- quote~ seems. to be in A II"d ""' ''~" TlIlII"e, fur ~HII I • ~I\:IO •·....'· It. T it ',,·. i 1\tr' 1 TRUSSES, '!'!!"~"""'!~~~~!!!!'!!!'L!!!!-!!!!'!!.2!'~~~~_-_~S strain or exu ltatIOn, as If got up by 1 ), .,.1' " l, U U) "" :-11 .\ u{ ~ IU) A L"'. 'rI' "" ,' r .L'l.L • _I' ' 11 ar Wuo .- wou Id boast IiiI''' I'" 11 ';11 111 ' "",,,ni,·" 11"' 11 1. 11I"1I·ln", ,{ ('" ,. , ' \ --SU PPORTERS, B" There is a sligh,t chang e in the eo mil weaI". .uy ul6LI -. ' I"Iv;;u", <.·,, 11 ,',,·, Add ...,· • • ~IASU .\ 6:.I IA ~ I. l'Al~I -B ltUS H ES . I t~l<e lh i~ metholl of inform in!! SHOULDEB.·BRACES: ~ ailrolld time table thi s week . of tUIl grellt amount of wea lth the I.I N, e l'hl,,,, UI' ~IA:')U,\ BIW 'IIlJ:l, :,., .\. ,,' , m\' nlel Ident!" 1lI.1I Ihe l'"b\\c \:oner. ' 11 ,11 Wlll'fEW .ASH BRUSHES" ~ \ty . 11\1lt II" " " removed 1I1 y ll "~ce couol ry at IR rg~ prod uced in tbe IlHIIIU ' I YUlk. ALL TilE 1'01'ULt.ll. . . .. I,. --.-- - - - - " ' of btJs \l"' ~ " III Ihe "11",11 loruwrly OCI'",lIeU ():T Wood "anted at the Gazette (achll e of th iS u nm lLlgated curse, whon \ 10 IIlt UN KAl.tI)S . I he li esl 'tlluhty of by M'd . Thomos as a I"one)' :::3torc, uffice on ,ubscrip ~ i on . tbe lillie coun ty of Warren enn plly so Old Doctor Bu'cho ll '. Drullliu rds' ,Curo .".. . -, . . ' Il(' rmll ne.ltly eradicn tes Iht! t8 Bte fur Opposite the Roo-ers House mu r-h reve nue h om th lR dlsti lleu uelltb ISlr ll l,., Jrin ll , unu cures Iha worst c,ues of ~ , ~ " , 0 ' \ drllnkenIW6ij. lilies. 1 111111 ei!!_ht 1Vt!~k 8 . Iwherp I intcn,llo keep 011 !1I1nll 0 gpn a r~1 [p- The Moral Re rorm Society etill an rlliq uid damDfltion.' For mpdici nn l l'"rpO ~ I' ;', to whi ch the 01· ps.orlmell t uf \ Vorl< both or rPl~~Yl.~ m:]{1P1AC1P~~ conti nul's itl weekly meetiDI{8, aDd is To perso ns acoustomed to look on ly 'l'hou ~ 1InU6 0 1 rrform ed ill e1:rintes nil'" I""tiull of PhV ~i ci' "I " is rs!'eci1llly cullcd; lfl \' ~. \V rv ff I' k' li ve to LJICdS Ihe duy they werc (Orl UIIIl: C OIiU whotcver pertulCld to n untiring in its Il!forta to accomplish upon tiI e lI ur fwe 0 t lI ogs , or tll 1I1 ~ ! enou" h {o co .omcllce tll O URe uf {" iF v.I,,· unu th e best brnllds or aome good in tlle "orthy cause in lilLie or no thoug ht of conse qu ences , it Ioble ~emedy. Price TlV o Dol lars n prl1: k F I R S l' - RAT E CI '1'Y JJ.lLVUFA G7'URE, migbt see m a mal leI' of pride thll t ~o u/!e . l\luded to ony "dUre"~ on recPlpt ot wbicb i& is engaged. H AIR -OILS, • • 0 11 ordu r, by J AJ\l J:;::; S. BUTLER , otlll worrn nt I" ~ i ve Fntisruc tioCl. much reVtlll ue coulu be I'll lsed o n the 429 llroudlVny, New York. U - ..::» ..L ' , T hnll idui (or tile verI' lib orol po lrono)!,o U- Qaarterly Meeting too k place at manu (Rc tlne o( one article in luI" si ng le fiule Ag ent lur tilt! UUlleu SID tes. I for .evl!rn l vear . u~.Hul\'l'd. [ hupe, by T assure _ 16·8w Also, e /ioOlI supp ly of 'ciOAe atlentill ll nlill Inir J euli llg , . till to tlle· M. E. Cburch on Sunday the 15th cou u t yo f W ar rcn: .. b u t sucII, + __ _ _____ _ _____ JltO:l/ IN '1'111 ' llLOOD • LUc rit 0 g(' nerou8 col1tiil u a"c~ 111 Ih,~ ~l1l1le . illdtant. Re,v. 1. F. ConrllY, the new you 8re Do t ' my feelin~6 . -W ho can I· 0 eel· 1 C Ib:l I. Eo l'EYt). ' ' . . T ho Pe ru vian :-l)" up 811 Jlplt ps l he blllnd , ~ , P residing Elder, was present at the af· fa thom the untold Rmount o ( mIse ry " wilh ito lil·c clement ,ir uII , ill lu8i nC vl g"r, ' A we ll.selccleJ ossor tm ent ·or th e Bl!ST The mnrltet Ilricfl nt olr timl'A pnid for teruoon and evening lervicee. • degrlldation and woe tbat eome 300,000 str~l1glh. vud new Iii e in to Ihe whe:lf' -s Cit ASGreen Hidc s. Cull·:Ski!l Boud S h ~u r l'el t8. _J~l~ 3~~. 1( I. E, K. g allon s of whisky may produce- Ih e tem. F u~ DyBp~P'IIII, Dr0I'BY, Chrll ill C I 'I'E' ' . Diorrhwu F~ m l1 l e WtlI1II11 CS" , '!I C.• II Itl il l 'a, P ETIRSON', MAGAZINE. Persons 'dnl/l'kards' g raves ' itmay fi ll, th e in· spl>('itic. "l' houeo nde IlJIv e been 1'Ii!III/.!pd .CQFFEE, wiahing to subscrihe for thia mag Rzine finitely wone thnn 'wido wed wives' it lly the use ot lli is metl ici ne Irum wCII I', 1 l:iUGAR, clln tilt ~o by applying to Zachary TAy- mi " ht mllke the more tha. n orp haned sick ly, 8uff~ rin g cren turcH, 10 struqg. hlO L A.~SE ~, D. B. E B E R LEY , 0 ' hea lthy onu hftllPY me n alld 1V0mell. SP I UFS lor, lit the Miami G uzeLLe office, wb.o is chifdren it might throw upon the ' cold A 32 pllge pu lit I'll let ~e nt r~ee , ETC. WisheR to inform hi R pill rOI1 B oud the McUUFFY'S & WI LSON'S SERI ES. forming II club. ch arit ies or the' world ' ? P rice $ 1 p~r bOll le, or Ii for $5. public, Ihll t he kee ps cO!ldtU Ully O il ha nd, &c., &C., &c. J , P. DINSM Ok E, - - - : - - -. large ond am_ II 'rhe infi nite mind alone caD compre · C!!I'C1NNATI 'l'uu:s.-Those or our 36 Uey S iree l, New YlIrlt. A comple le nSSlJ rtmcnt of B." It-SaI.l UE PLO't"'S, bend the in calcul able Bmount of rni ~ Solt! by Dr uL!"lste g'en eruily. IG- 3m IIUtl ,]o\lblo ond "lIlgle ci lizens who with to have tbe Evelli ,'!l cbief it can p,roduce. 'l' lI ero is no ru le Time, left at thllir residences or places n It. H . Al\ll':n :-;'lOlHNi:: SH O V E L- PLO'VS , by which it can btl computed, known All ill vuluuolo D'scovt'rr. A 111 11 gro ill uf businesl e\'8ry evening,- emn be aCt I mode "I ~ I " r l. He wi ll nlBo IlI I1 I1I1I I'cture to lhe most leMnad te nl' llP r, no OI II Lter 01 Iuul ll e ill eoe h U""CC iii '"Vat er. dl s.ul. ()r "",] r" p"ir 1'11)\\'R llllrttA, nnt! ur\". II l1 d lem· C:ll'cll1l1y and Promptly Filled. commodated by nOI!fiyin~ ZA CUUI Y veil with ,,", II ~ " Ivc llt ! T he m 0 8 ~ puw· how far he mRy h RVIl trll velod. per 011 Ili uus lIf EJllc d 1'uols. T AfLOR, I\t tIle Miami Gazette office. 1'''p. beet qll ll li ly or clful vitJ1ll~ill~ bge llt fi l1\1 Tt't4lorulivc o::r:S11lit h ill~ and lIor.e·;;hoini! nl! pntl· Ye t, more th a n half a ;nillian rf dol - IlnUWII ::; cro lulll. Sal, · llh l? lIl1l . C'111 cerr', Old Drug - S tore, T erms, ~o cent. per week. ".J tu promptly. I ·I-lim lara or re venue looks IlIrge ; ;t is :.. rgtl , !t fleulIlnti , m, CO ll'lI l11 ptiuli . ," ,,1 IIlO II Y Wlly UIl"vi llc, Ollio. Lo look 'l ~ ,th e su m; bue plnce iL C"rul1ic 111,,1 Ii e re rli lary Di sl'tlses. ,Me ICl' General Cox's maJorllY in simply . . . d I. ' I cll red by i t~ U r'C , 8~ I h " l1 ~ II'HI" CII II teslir)', Fo r G I''' llplll~ II' . /111" BO I'. · \\,pnr. Alijll, PO S.T · 0 F F 1 C E CO R NER. n lorge , "p pl), ul w~iI'Re l e c led W anen County W"8 1,726; McF lir · beSide th e ~l se I Y . ~ rocJ uc e uy tl1l8 1Circulurs sent I,ree. Pr ice, :5: 1 pcr lIuul e. W EB S TER' S J II fit' 23- I·tf ]IUld'. mlljorit.Y, · 1,7 4~ ; McFarland's 'Bohon U pas, a nJ 13 It pleaSRl1't to CU ll ' or G lor flv •• un l,II,s , C,ltI tll tl patriot luul> u pon I h, H , .~N Of': RS & Co" l' h), "icin n? template? IIl1ljority ill the Diltrict (\V arren IDd H~JLROA D
Merritt &. Prints,
Dry and Mixed Paints,
IR E CO O I L A L .,
0 V A L
Patent lliedicines ~l[rFl~ ~ MLE~
DR·. .TG '''TORE. I G
'.. ..
FAW{;Y SOAPS, &f:.
,y:. !
Sherman Marching Along
nlltl C h e l n l~ t 8 , ~ :! ~ B r OI,(hvlI)"
Physicians' Prescriptions
Ladies &. Children,
Ncw.Y or k.
. N EW 1l,1 ,lISTl~ATE:t> E I HTIO :-l , Wil l H Sold by Drug!!is t" I,!eneru ll y. 1U.3 m - --:--,- not raistl its ~ hl\Sl ly no d ghostly form Pure Cntllwbn Ilmllill" Thof'oug hlg Revi.ed and m'IJ.ch enlarged. in "manne r lill fore him, 8ud de lract C I NCINNATI, OHIO, Murch Ill. 181)3, Crom lJia e lljoYUl ent as he sings, I hereby ceru :y th ot by out llorll)' ve. tt'd of ull liin os Illllllly d UII hlllld . ' l\1y c ouII II'y , 'ti. of t hee , in m e by tll~ l::l tultl of U!';II 118 IIH'tliCli li p· !:lwcet 1. lIet of Llh. ,·ly' ~c. " 10,000 W ORDS nnd ~I EAN IN GS not SI,ecltlr or oicuh"lic liq ll or. lo r HUllli lh'" A fille tis"or/ IIlelll of 0:7 We lue illformed that the meel· 10111111 in utller Dic ti or,tl ri E's. Can the philosopher cOlltemplllte it t:LJll ll ly. I have ill Hvccl.l!d Ro mpled .. I "11Over th irt y II hle Ameri can fin d Europolln 'iM1 ~ i/'ii\lf 1_ lN7 'lM~ 1rnrm (IlInlt13 .. i n ~ of the TtlBchera' Asaocjlltion lit with r~elings of unreslric ted lo, e LO 1111 '!.Pre, cllli ed C~t"wliu [lru lIJ y IIl1dH"pd."" LA )tll)!"', Bch"lnrs c<1ll' loyed upon litis. revision, AY"~ ~ \.l.A~ ~ !l'1l 'loVla Ll. lOI. ~ Ll.~ •.' Le b~Don-oo--S8tllrday 188t was "ell at· mAnkind? R'lther, will it no t muktl ll rulltlv, munu fllct ureu by C . IN, Robat:k, Du Ll lhi rty yea rs of labur ex penu. upun LANTERNS, &, nl N'J6. 56, fi8 , 60, ollli 62 1'; 116t 'l'lrird tended by tbe teaoher. or the county, him feel a s did J eremiah on 11 certai n Sireet, und tintl pui tll iqllorij Iree fr\lm poi iI. W A YN E SV ILLE. Th e di.lil lul i'J II is CHIMNE YS .. Sev eral tobit's of I!'~~ t vohio, onp of them in every WBy occasion, and in tbe bittArtH'ss of his ""nOlli illl Jl uri ties. , and that the Iellllion of li fty qUDrto puCes, EXlliu nulllry and profilable "od pleMRut to thOle who 80rrow exclaim with him: 'Ob 1h at !D y conduc ted by th.) st.ell m medium , br w"i cll --o ~ Pl'ol.otln clng, oC IIIIln e8 in fi cliu n or melhod purit y 1I11t1 un ilu rm per It'ction i. f'1Ir\icipated in it. I per.o TOBA~CCOES, lls 1I11l1 plu CH" p~e uJ o " y ms, &c .. Il lluiu cd. III 1(,6litO tl ny whereu f. wi tn~o;6 head were wate rs, and mine Il yes 1\ &c., 8 8 Ab.lt1<lon, ACll diu, Afh nnv Re· WI! hll~e not yet received the Beene· fOlllltRin o r tears, _.that I mig ht wee p my signat ure, thie 18th lIlly uf Mur ~ h. 'G3 . - SUCIII ASge ney. Mo lher Cnry, l\1118'J Il & Dix oII ·ri · . DAVIO U'CuN((ELT., :\1 , D. tllry's report, bu& pNlSUlile is will be dRy and night 10r tue altA in of til t' IllI e, MI'. Mi,!nw bpr , &,·, C. \V. Robncl{ chnllell ges ti l(~ comparl. FINE CUT - OFCU ll tHillill1{ one -liflh or Ohr·(n urlh mere hl\llded 'In by next "elek. son of tl,,! lI est FI"' neh COi! II UC wit h Iii" daughters or ,my people' ? AND PUJG. ," n lt ~ r Ih . n OilY form er edllillnp, fin e Cw tllwb n Hr.lluv, which h Ud ucell CI UAR:-:> ANP Clln the Cbristian behold : it with R Frllm li t! '" E'1r.c trotype pl ated ~nd the Riv· pronouncetl by t he medicol locu lty Hup~r i SNUFF. To BUSINBII MEN.-We r~('Iomlilelld heart rull of Iqve and gratitude to !l od I)r lur medic ill ni pur poses to an y bru nUy ersi de Vr m. O~D I n one "Ol llllH! or 1 f)·U) noyal QURrto l li·4 BL ACKI NG, the follo"ing Iiule sketch from Ute New for tbe great bltssi7lg ( ?) or wbisky a~ II ~ver mnde. l~Rr:(' ''' • llLACKING-BlWSHES. H'lVen R egi8t, r. to ,,11 business lYlen means of g race lind a pow,er to ns.iSL VALUABI,E /tECH'ES. ' GET ']'I1E L A'l'E~T,' Erc .. Erc. wuo ig nore the utility of advertising: in conv erting the world to t he puro ElIl TORS l\1I"~I1 G A ~ETT E ; , UE'1' Til E R EST : A few years ago, " man . in Hartford doctrines of Christi anity? H.a ther, will \ Vit h your per m isdi oll , I w1~ h to fl'Y t o - - ,,- , (i 1:."1' IfE LJ S'I'E ll.' WII 8 keeping a modest shoe store on . it not oause him in th e aog ui sh o( hie Ih e rtl~t1 ers o( you r pltJle. thdl [ IVli l se nd ~l ~"l' Pubhshcl by O. & C. IIl E RR IA 3f, . !:llR te 8~., Rnd in the old (al bioned way hy retu r n m8 il , 10 . 1i who wis h it (I ree) R ' j\\.rr-ll1e~ Sprinll'fie lJ, :lh a~. wo uld probably have got along, 8ud heart to e xclaim, 'Have mercy upon rpcire wi lh lulll" rcctiu n ~ I." makill g o ~1I1 ':,,./ \ , , ) l'u ~ :J + 14-8t IN mnde 110 fRffitvln-g:- A dayor two ago , us, 0 God. nud deliver us (rom lh is II . illl! a "imple Ve ~e t nblc B" I"" 1.1 1111 lVtl l j Te rr i bl e J)lsc l o ~ u re"-- -Secrelli for t h t! etfec ltl 'J ll y, ronl11~e , in ten uays, l' illll' lcs, We . holl ('o nstA ll llv I,,' pp "" han.d II ger:· JUl ll iulI. ol\e of the HRttfortl pRpllr8 publishet! 1\ great evi I I' Ill otchoA. 1' 01-1 . I' rec kles, anllnl 1 ImpllrJ . . end .~'o rt rrlt) lIt ot (" ,W ll t 1I1t>I!Jc .lles. I\. most vulll ouic unu wonder rulptlbl1ea. hSI of rellol estate purohRsed within a fe w Dollars Bnll cents, 60 far 119 use d (or li es o f the :::;ki ll , leuvi l1 :r Ihe SBmll Bu ft , AI ,,', jus t receivp,j Irolll P itt s bur~ , 1\ tion . l\ work 01 ,100 11~f!"8 , 01111 30 co l· wee ks by this aboe delller,the purchR8e the 'good or all ml\nkind,' are a good Cj,~IH, sm'"Jlh, lind benlLliflll. good lI lIU we ll·selec t,!d 101 0t oreJ PI1/!rnv inga. Dr. ll u n ter'~ V ADE 1lI0lior Ilmoulltiug iu the IIg~regate ' to I \\' il l al'lo m~iI frl;/l to th o's A hn vi n!! ~l ECUl\1 , nn Milli n,, 1 .n d popllior Ireatif o over 880,000. We know t'rom items thin~, IInd ,llot to be d espi sed by Ilny; flll itl Henu s o f Bore PflCt>;·, si" lplc d ir~c& "" 1\l nn nnd 'wVI'O"IIl, thei r Ph y8io lll g~' , Dom.o~ t l · c Good~,' of his previous pUrChl\8eS, th8t he WIlS but when g ained at tbe price of bl uo, I, tj uns anti inl LJ rrnli lion, th ut wi ll t' lI ulll .. Functions . II U S~xuu l di aurll&rli or every '-.;"" ulrelldy f\ rMl elltal!! OWD"r to n large who will eRY th at II cuue, soo ner or Ill ' Ih em II) 81 art It lull gn, wlh of IIJ)(11r inll t kinu. Wilh nevct.I nilillg Re medies (or Hai r , Whi6 11 "r~ , or 11 Mous loche, in les~ IImollnt. How bRII he made his for - ter, \yill not overtllkll the possessor .? their Bl'ce(ly cur('1 , T he plocti ce of Dr. til nll th irty dRYS. t ime T ,He hili advertise(1 f~r and wide, A nu V O Il ca nnol filii to be ~ l1it e d e Oln In Huutp. r hus l e l1 l{ bee ll , bl,d stili is. un· T heso r pc i~ c 9 nre vnl ul.lb le to boll. old atlvertiled by the oolumn. Ani! by hi~ But surel y the dr uo knrd'l1 J lJg mdn. bouotlp.d, but 81 the enr nflr.t eolicit bti on of 'l ,,"II IY mr.d I'rice. owo or Ix>rrowed bmiDs, he IDRde his tion, his wife'!\ hum i\i!l ti un, and h is nn:! YOU" !!, nnd ns thl'y Rre mni l~u In ftll n um ~ roun p ~ r au ~ ., ho h u~ bee ll illllnclld III J une 23- 1. who nee ll them free 01 chllq." , they nr e ex ta ud his med lrll l u ~ e l ll1 l1 e8s Ib rouuh the ~DR ESS-GOODS, stlverlisements 10 read"ble, tbllt Qflen ouiluftlD' s dusolf\tion , can nevor bo worthy the '" t,,," tion of .11 who prize " m"dfum of Ills 'V ndfl 1I1et·,IIIlI .' " iR II \~I ey were the most meriloriouelitehry oounted by dollnt,S IIntI cents. clel1r, l'ure Sllin, or R hea.lthy grow lh of vo lum e lh at shou ld be ill th e l"lods of evliT<lductioll8 in the pAper. He has kept Hlld the IRng ur\ge or Lh l! article been ho ir. erv f&milv in lh." lund, 11.11 11 prtlvp. llt!ve of All nopitCRlinll . ollRwo rcd by return A ND Itl8 mime befors the people~ the ~oplll nlodified to 801ue extent, nnu usell with vice. or 8S II gUIde for th e ft ll flVI8 \'UIl 01 l. \\'ithou t chnrc''!. moi llBve bought bia goode and he ill now 1\ one uf II,e 100st ft wful 8nd des tr uc tive !{nAp~ctflllly, Tflu~ . r'. CHA NIAN , wealthy IIllln. We-have a eiwilRr ex. less apparent bombaat. I, perh ap8, 6CLJUrges th llt liver vi8itctl mllnkin tl. OldIe S"lna~ls, ChetniH t & Pe rfu mer, 83 1 Ur"odw. " ample in a different line of trade in shoult! not hnve tak en the Iro ulilo to copy, securely cnve loprll, will be iorw br • wv 16.8w. New York. eu, Iree 0 1 V "~I nl{e , 10 nlly pAn of thl! ill Ihis city. A g entlelDan, who is still c,,11 your aLttllllioTl liod th nt of your Ull itpd :-llllle9 lor 50 C~lIt" i ll P.O . sta mpH. II )'luog Dian, clime here with" fe w d '. I d 0 11 0- al'mply Lo • (Succes!or (0 Ilnpkins .f: C)iB11in,) 0 s " 0 I""ll ::\1J1'~·tlC;:'t ••• Adores_ , po<t pa id, DR. H UNTE It, N" . Il.un dre d dollRrs, aud opened a slore rea ere 10 It. ...AU .. L ~:; ll(011'1\. .., l ti .l y sixtee n bv eighteen fect, but bl'ought remind them tb nt cr unkarJ· mnkers are ______ __ _ _ ,\I Ihp olu siand on linin Strect, Wn ynes. 3 DivldlOIl l::l:retlt, J'j"w York. with him' whit' 1\IIIS more valunble- not all dead, nor have th ey gil- e n up -- ~ .villtl, wOllld inlor m hia old CII8to mer8 flnd O LADI E S. tl,orougli knowledge or hill bullines8Rnd their ne farious bus ir.es~ . I Lhink i t ~lILL INERY! ~t~:o~'~:e~:t ~~"\;iod , . I,nt he lI 8s n gooo rr ~'nuYl'erlu ,f"!J 1\ rc lihb lo l'elll t: UY tu rC& IOrH ~f the vnlue of at! vertisi nt -, He no w b b d I t '\ hvee in one of the tineat h~u8ell in the should ave een state t ill I WIIS a RE M 0 V A L . you iJ~~ H&r vty 'c F emale P ills . oity,. 0"!l 8 lBrgt'ly in relll estate, is 'melanch oly fact: w'hich \Y uulll II .. va A nc vl·r.f"i1IOg rCllu-;dy ro:-- the 1'f'm Oful ('If nil J Oh3trurl lOlU 00 Itl httCl' {"Ollt wh n L ,; n UIA l !lC~y Bound, for we don" kno\1 how many mftde tho arlicle re ad more in accord · R:!'Jll~~ rfJJo ~. 7d 9 olso, Il vuic d s"p p~y of I1 rite, Th t· y Il l'(' b»(e h u d 5 U: t: , Bnd wd l, r'-8~Urf! thou.eanda, and i8 still enlargiD/J' his MCII \"lith the rellltr uth, as 1 under · ., n Till, copp er &. ;:;hceL-1ron "Vare natU I"A in every etl "O, T hey ure ,al .. o (·tt1cuCIO IOI b ... ~ H A \' ilt,. rpmovetl her :!tlllllllery J!;b' in all 1' ;U1t:5 of wcak nou . ·~Vhl t " .. . Pr~ln ps lI" fll1ne~ and carrying it , 011 with an Btand it. ~tn bl i.l~m e ll t to the tor sule at the 10,veSl cush prices. All &r. ~o! d in b uXe! cQlIlain ill l( til) IJe! ht, p"t ce $1. energy and &uecetiS which cannot fail to But for alcoholic dl inks , llOw IDIlOY k l "d~ ul Dr, Hr.r vey ' s Golden PEl s. plll(:tlbimhi~hontheroll of tbe inC corner of Main &Tyler s tB ., OUT - r-. O(·' R WO R K, A r OUl f-dy f o r l!I poci ~d I'Jt.!t!it (our ue @:reu c I' I. d . , more men even in VI Rrre n ounLj ; v Ollie tax lIt. True, 118 " vertl srng . j" \Voli id IIl'fo r m !tel' nume r ous I'"IrO IlS nnd . , &.1 shanKel' lljaa th e HlH,\ U; pr l("(l ~.) per bor... elpeDsel for Lhe P"8t year wera Bome would DOW be in possesslO ll 0 lIlconle' Ih e publi c tIl nt .he is p'l'parcll to du ulI l" "eh Aft ~rv utlll(: ' .R.oo~ln!!: ' C. , uo ne on A l'rI\' ut Ci r(!utnr to Lud it: I, wi t.h fi" ~ An n · 86,0(,0 .. but no one olin viai\ his est8b· from w)l ieh At leRst some re venul' migh t desc riptions IJr l1illine ry. such 39 dh"rt nOl lce unu III th e ~e d. lI1aIlIl (l r . \omi(.',d t:ng l'QvillZIl , lIeli l IrCe Ut i r ec .lpt 0: <II· C.\LL AND SEE., t t' d e \lycl l')p l~ ftnd ~ l l\ lII;l, , ' hMumt: nt with'Out seeing that it ·paY9.' accrue ? How mall Y might be in pos. DLEt,CnING, ~ly a-~ _ " _____ _ r el'Send for 01\ . HAllV " \"S I'r ;v ~to I\r B dl ~·. 1 seBsion of some, or RII oiL he enumeral. l' B.E. ' SI~G, O L D E YI.:;S i'~ ADI~ Ni:;\V. Acl v\! r, add f....s.et{ til Ir.IHIt I t;.! ; lO!) i H\g~4 . glV, JUI'6 a-Hf g rull i nstrlH' tions , ~ o CI' :1lS 1't" I',lI l'eJ .. ~r p ost ' ON 4 STRIU.-L"s~ Monday blorn· ed arl icles upon whioh rev enll B is col. 'l'Ul MM ING '& A Pamp del dif Pc tin!! bow to 8peedi l~ IlI ~ge , H }' OU C9 111 w t ,pu re hnlSe \ ne ptl:. from . MAN UF AOTURTN G, rpotore eie ht nnd gil'e up 8l'ec teclo" wil h. )' lHl f l! rll !!';-id , t ht~y wilt b,O ." 'l ilt uy mRd ; pO~ l 109 the journeyman Tailors employed leoted ? Oan Bny one Ilnswcr?, U I tllul on short notice, nnd in th e- It,leat rllsbion- ou t .id oL dootor (l r mediciM, Sen t by JY.l id , , er u re from ob <4.lr\ r.t,"" . 1) /1 . r~cf:,p t o f bere, Oouehlded that they lT e r~ no~ re~ 'lhe- lime and you the space , I mi,ghL ob It' styles . 1I1 8il. Iree, 0 11 rec.8ip t of 10 , cent· . Ad- Olle DoII.r, by Ull. J . BIU' MI. C(}n.u l t"'~ Phy. 4-12 Llro.lh. ;.)' . 1'.0 lV York , PURE ClDER VINEGAIl. oei,ing Bufficient compensatioD for Lheir pOl8ibly show thR t el'el'\ in poin~ 01 O~A choice 898or lroen t of T rimmi ngl, tIr~ft~m 1 ~'o ~r!~.?e~~N:; ~~~~. ticlon, [J'Deuler 0"1)"li.,I\'1 Demas narne., ..holeIlibor. aDd conleque ntly • atruok I fot dollArs Rnd dimes ' iL iw not 80 gred a ,N'oliune Slid FR ncy ~ rl ~l ee on hllnd . 17-tC , Th ill lVe know to be pure, as we .alaAgant., .New York. , , cured th e Ciuer from reliabie per80ns in hiltite,r w"gee: Being . determia~d iD thing to.boASt of. Thftnkflll (or lhe Il be rll i potron9/!'e bt' reColt'.Ele Pea Coffee r led Miss Tl'rry hopei he r 111, , . , thia .'1eighborUood, and permitted it to th~i' movemAnt. the employers bad to Bllt ,1 b ,..e alreRtly, perhapI, tftk en ~~:;~nn ;.:II~dn~nv':~9 tu pl cue " ill eosure Da ndelion Coffet~,llt)' e Coffel', prime Rio T llis best of All Con!!h Sy rtlrs, I[l r ~'Jl e l turn to vinel'Ar un O\lr own premts8I. 'oathe down' aDd gi,e them ,the wages too milch of your Fpsce, lind will " cOnli nllft liCe of tl18 samt'. offee and Fl~~)~~RfTCTff&t" r~rN;!1..bY by AfEHRI'rT & P IU '1' 7. . . !ltERRI'l'T & PRINTZ. deru l\nt!edi-Middltto",n Journal. pnse, A. E ; Y !:RRITf . W3 yn c8villl', OC' . 11. lG ·2m
Blltlt'r): 269. Way IJ~ 'j'ownl bip g ave SOl votea for Cox IIDIi McFRrland, 143 lor Morglln . Cox's and McFarland'. majority, 238.
H wlLh pleluurllb ltl emotions.
Frui t '· J a rs
Over 3000 Fine Engravings !CADWALLADER & CO,~
Gn E A T
lion 1I1r. uu
D Il Y G 0
·"tent '-
I ..,.
nlJ din
the ' leiC ,el-
Ih. lion rlil"
It II Irill, Ibe
0 81)
~STO -V ~ S
Whit e Goods,
J . A . C JRl-S P IN,
Hoop Skirts,
Parlor and C:ooking Stoves,
u. -'w .
[8@~i$ ~ ~ID ~OO~[E~II
t ,
- Unl'On
Jackson's Pectoral Syrup,
}I I
---:-:-~-==== - - BSCltYWJL80N'8 COUR~~\ I_ .2\~llc~i~c!"Cl\t~:_ ~I HORAC:R~ ATERS'
t' 1 8 G5 . \ GREENBlCK8 ARE GOOD, \ PEN~ ' \'LVANU CK~TR!L R, R. ks IH T B tt 1,111.1 SILVER MUSICAL ES'l'ABLI H~lENT, Uold and Silver WatchesJ t ])ollbl~ 1'rnck Roufe Robac are e ere
_-----,-_ _ _
'Oh, no" Becky, do teJls L' It Oil, I uu, it,'Becky tbe t!nlls, , \ 1 U6,1 (16, 1 ...61, t \ had'o'\ beeo married mClre'n a No." t UroICdway, New ,'ork, J:E VWl:J::BV? t&lL FROill DR. ROIJA' K m ontb,Rnd Itadn'tgoloverherlla bful· PUNOS. Mt::/,UDEOI'I.C4.BI!'IP.T ON 'l'U H ONE UOI,LAn. I·LAN. PITTSBURG TO PlllLADELPHlA, ness ytl, HliET MUSIC , MusIc BOOK, alld all kinda , Bout "bllt" -e. -lie. __ ut Mu sic!!1 Ilistrumenla a,..1U lIlu.ic MerThe Elltire Sluck of }'rom lit: porli ollij North· V uf Ihet · Wept, II d . Tbtse DII'e"" _I'll Dot 0 !IiU'f d f Ib~ , bout your oourtahip,' 80S Lhe hund ise.. ot luwe8t I CIn e Gold and Silver Watch Man· \V est und S Ulllh •.' I'&t, \ \18 he Oil liS publle till a Ihat Will rure ' \ . . , und relDl1. Secoud hftlld Plunos and }I ~' I J 1 CU IlI1 I'CtlU II! furlll l'ither Ihe !horte~1 or I tb- "llle Ib"t 11-,'11 I~ "clr 10," bUL Iller a 8. .1 ufactory, two imm e nse ewe ry PI ' I d'i " Ne y YllIk . ' ~ ,. . . . ' 8es flbe turning aWRj her , l loueo ns .1 greftt burI!R ll1s .. Pri ce", 60, ,h .. bu l rlltlle \U II D I J I " O , ' , are liD bont'~I, rdluble, rfDlCdlll1 a~tnl, g 'II I J d 'you b et. \VO 0 1 75 , 100, 1M, 200 olld 822£>. N<IV one 1IuS lo ll , Ball Dud WoshillglOIl. 'I'he lind are an emclcn l and a;I'l'I'uble .fgU· lea 110 I" I I . 7 uctdve Pillnod lor lIoO lind upward '. P Itlng Warehouse, on e Gol en I lrov~ler lO ay wllh eUllfidellce ~ely UI!Un II I (ell YO,ur owo courlS lipS yours e ves' i onUB OIlJ Melodeu ns to IIlI, end rell' lI i1u lV ' and P encil Maker, \ •• ro (:onnrc liulI , hi)!h Wllh .' \ IlIlor of Ibe In 1& Meel 001 01 l ' 1 !ec,kun . : 1 led If purchued. 1\10nlhly p.Yll'lent. r~'ro b ll t1ial,.,.ctl of with Uiql,l\l ch ""I('ty, "lid evefY uppllsllce lor eOrJIlur! 1 ( <DO"DACK'.S BItTERS, { bUL Rny or UI neTer had . crived lor the s.me. WITIIUlJT Jct:(; ..U:U '1'0 CU "i". \ Ihlll ('un be !,rll r llre\! , New 1!1t!;!nnt I "''' .u I H, bol'ls, Becky, Rnd you ' s " mll,frled l Our I The Hor"ce W81er8' Flanos.and ~Ielo. pBd~el1l!et curd, lur day alltl IlI!!hl 8e~vl~e , \ lbe raDom', t'SpI'flnlly In Ibll bltl\lus 1 wuman. {ome 1I0W. do tell .uI all boUL I _ deOlld Dre OB fine olld durabl e IIIsIruill ell18 The (: .. 011. nr,· of 1.. <llIo .. 8ul" 1) 11" <1,,11111' I hovo rpcelllly b,' en ndde~ I~ the {qlllJl' 41l!1rlrl~ ur the Wf"I and HlIlllh,wl'lIl, U TI iL. 1 do 10. ve 10 bear abouL coufLio' 80 f ' GOI D or SIL, rEJl l "s are made. Wftrranlod lor five yellrd. exr ·II .. !I \\'ur~"III".hll" 111,,1lJ .~,. • ,· ... o,·.·J'·1 lII e lit at Ihe pClllleylvnlll (;ell"ol KUII"buNI Ibe]' bll~o bt'rD Inlrodurcd, lhr)' , B ' B o,,~ 0 011' ~ . P . J . d ,d f t \ l hu IlI IH1U,' r l u rc:l l l \ t ' th e I'r prli ' llIr14 11 u m till ' " rb l' mucb, S1\)'s . aliy ower. , ,"Illel"l!!, 01' Sih'er 'J'eu l!ie l. rices ~reat y Ie ur.~ or C081. hu rr....... "; """ . ,u".d I,), • oI'.lIh'""I~ 11, ,1 ronl, . f tl W t ur ore rt:rnmmflldl'l1 bY tllO YMcRn. I" 'Ob, yea , Becky, do ttll u s.' lur $~, 08 beloW !llllled. \ TESTlilIUNIAl,S . w,,'·. It ,liolll" bn 111'011"11.11( 1) .1"lnl, .'.u , 1 AI pill. lIurg, .lrOIlI l> rom 1'6 ; 8 .r 1 b~nfllelullf Inllrll In propt'r ~n.ntlll ... 'Well,' BIlys Becky I\h~r B grellt deAl __ Th e Hor."e ' V8I e rs ' Piano" ore known Ih ll l 110 ,') III',· 1I" .. tI~ of , ., _ , tlired lu Ih ~ U:"OIi Dr pot. IV :,er.e osoe;"- I III !letordance with 1M ~lrt'rl\"'I<, 11.' n , of blushill' lind t wistin' about, 'I'll 0 II e of our tl'S se ts or one piece of ollr ' I1S oUlong the very busl.-N. y, iUAN1 11' ,\Cl i{E, '" jr,'ra uretrunsl,rf'd l(l lh]e,\,nl:, wn,' alliS OI,llil ..nd I' CI \ I I ' .. I ,,' n C(1l1l1ftl tv II C I \ 1)1 tell you all how il WRS, if Ih ll l'J1 ~atiefy Guld or : :; ilvc~lVare is lVorth It bushel 01 1St. n"d IhcrOI,,." gr •• oI) IUI'" rlllr I" I ". ~ .. ,,' "". I r c nn sy .VII I . .' . Lh'er ('umpl~lnl. 1\l\Iou~ I'f ,,.,. "',p. , d II . I I We cnn speok of Iht' merits of lite 1',,1·,,·,1 II'''''' hun,.d ,,,,,I h" wked IIh" ul ,.. UII' ICllve PIII . burg und urnve ul other po,nl8 OU Ihe cheai' u .r )ewe ' _ _ry . HOfftt:n 'Va\~t8' Pianos from bersonol l~ h e MIH'e \ t' ''! I' ,., n 1 I '1'1I e ldlll !) It1 l IU IY U II ~l' l t- fig foll ows: . ROBACK'S BITTERS, Y \Ve ,now, says tbe gB IIs, :a II.gel _ . .1 . , ,. I purl • .! ~ uo d. , """ II,,· 1.. ).\' 11 ,""'I"'U'" " " l,,,'d , n E",'REss-LeDvP8 P,:l sburg QI 2 .· We h.ve ado pled t he rollowlng moue of ' kt.OlVl of . . , I 81nllonR . I'n' .r ound u"er 80 'hey could heRr I' e dl!e, CI aa ' helng I II ' Ihe very lIe sl .\ (.ull I.. ,·. ..", .. 11111, "''''I,,, .,.bl,· I.. ~.. ,,101 ), '''''''. u" ,! "0 AAY~I . I PllIlI" III prlnclp" J dl UI~ ziqf~' \qUR 'ly.- lrld\nlO ute I!!encer . til 1I 1\J 1' t"1 Ihun tli e t ' lIt l l ' l j'OS l r1l" Ulall\ o f tilt' Hr · ' ~ • lJ' " ., V ,. . '1" " ta. In4h(('51100, Run (' t . . ' I t d g oo " II' B k . , lSt.rl ut.10n 'l'I;e Hor.ce ' Vnlers; Planoa are buill ' ,1'1 ....1\',·"<1 I.) U·I O Ih" l'u lJ li t. 'l'O fUC "iIHI " I Arr ive~ III AII .. un·.. • 61 7 :>0 A . 111, yIIrp • ..,." lon or Hplrl18, LIIDlluor,lIn<1 ~II • \\ e ,uys ee''1 , putlln an emb . I f I of \hebest Hndmo81lhoruogh ly seasolled 110 •• ,01 ., ron e B.41> A,JlI·. lBpllef'''lte 103~A, 1\1" 1 drr.n"fmtnl~uflhtdll(""\lI'~fnnc\lOIl~' 111 phRiis on 'bout every o lh er word, Y 80le ot 75,OOO .arlic ea 0 va ue! \ mftl eriftl .-A,lvoCllle & JOl1Tnu\. ON',\" oN"~ DOl.I,AU . Lock H "VCII I~ :JO P.1\I .,] Ihrrisbnr::t Fur IIcblllhllrtll'rrt!Ou th.,· SNlIIRrllc. 'J ohn, he cum to ower bouse to lIee me,' 0 ",,-- "'I d IjVul ers' Piullo~ dlll.l M~ lo""onB cb, l- ",111.>. ,h ,"'I:",1 lur .. ,,)' .rllde 0" " ur 1,.1. And 1,10 P. M.. Uu:timorl' t 1i.,H' p. JlI .. New ul-rl- ~"om,"fndt'd, ul.ln:,:: un apprlllt ur l.,e \v 11 0 c. . • I\l"" "UIIl lll~ l"ll' l ' h h lh".," nc ... (\ , HI \. pay un l It 1,,1 . 10"0 P 1'1 PI ' \ , .. I IlL' "" . I. d lesahe,lurningawl\yherleullo a TI 1'1 f t! b dlrngecOmpijrl60nwilh lhe fin eslm.dek", ,,, _w lmll,,· " lu gcl' ·\,h i.pl." .,.,·,,,·,,. \ Yll rlt , vluA\lent Ow lI ,.t . . . . , ". IInd ~lrCnl.tlhIOlhc"holrbUlUnnfr~nll, s kind 0' laokin' dOlVn sidtways und er frum 18 up IICu e 8 0°00 .,go03 7..':orOe COllpl num. . el lillY rp nll.where ill the cOllll lr y.-Humt: J our- \ . ""\,,h" ' "I "'I' nll)·· h"""'.". New Yurk , J k f J ," 1''' IIUI.;I \ adell, I "Ihi_·I t ·IotI 0I.45 ' 1'.t M" 10 "781lU P 1\1 TbcM e Bltlel'l\ II'. ~r II'n 11\'.1'1III I I'rt· )ler arms, ' 001. he bettl!r "0 10 ~t'e I P 1 lit75I ., I' I' .1 "" I "~ ' n81. I I,,,· " "I'0" " ~ 01 "r~c . Io c . " "w, ') . u, v. r II uue p " ", 8 .~ . . ' , \p--d, -nd ar. math' ur II rnr0 combl· F I ,., ul Inr. o.:§, t! oueUlI8. uU l; Ollu tVl p : r \V' · F ' \ hr r d ll (, ~ HH1'" ~ 5 .... hisself,Ireckon. Urllcio uak nolV s, l I Walches,::;. ',iolglllucitilleA,Teu&Tuil le l H tJr8ce " • " MAILLINE-LenVPK }>1I18burg .Rlu . 0 o' ers P 'OIIO orle8 Are lIl l " "I ' didn't Cllrij nothi o' 'bou\ him.' i ::;ul\d ::;ilyer tl'a Blld lable fllll, ""h eV o'1i lone, nn d powcrlULllli . II,AN IS Slllll, I: I_. A. 1\1 ., " tu pping at ull re gular sta l lon· ·- I nOBACK'S BITTERS, I \U II' , I II \ .1 F k ., h I, 7 N. y . MuslclIl R l'V ll'w. The ".",. of " ''' '11 ""111'1. o ll .... e' luI' "I e-A. AIIl)llll"t III 11.40 A,Jll., H ll rrl sbu'Id G ,po AI "., , 611)8 I Je gil S. II nu ur s. eIC., elc., nllu le al e r 3 ,5UO \ 0 I .1 ' 11 fi .1 t ' I \" 'e ' 1:01<1 "",,,,,''' 1I',,"'h (: ,,1<1 O .. I· lh,,, J 11 ........ · 1 . . I .1 1 I ' II "U oallon or 110018, PI"nl .' , Ilcrb~, Bnrh , . I f I bl J I u, k tl ur " " Jlud WI Jlu n "r. " , r. "' . . P 1\1 urrlVIIII' 01 PIli Hue p 111\ ul ..' ~ e, u IIn, he b6 d \Ie 1O\' u.1 me ... rllc es 0 vn ua 0 ewe rj, "ur 1111 I I I I t MII.ic I ~l. 1)"1\1'1 1J,·e .. , I· I"" .. ,," 1·... r.\I,." I' •. III" .• ,, ' . ., ". . P 'I I I ' h lit ~ und 0101 II J FoolWI U8Lloriovehisiell [reciwu ' \' l'OI lot Cuscs,ph'lIQgm phAI\l\1I118, Opeu- 81Orl) l,e.v I:ty les\ 0 . d ......... " O" """ I'<'."d,·"tI"."" ",,, . ,·,, 1.·,, •. M.,un. VIB IlIuoelp"u, • U\'e ... n \I • , ' " lIceSilvpr\Vulche. IlIdfBIIC ert ide. ill ftlldur Ptnn us lubefollllll ,n the Vllile l·clvpe; lh e•• • ",·,·lup,·.A' 6 II,,'" I'hu'ed ill" u15A.1I1. . ell'trl ualb)· IOngmedIMllnprrlrnrr.lo . 7 " 00' . Y ' b .1 Slutrs.-GrahIlUl'~ Mu"t1zi lil. I " ...,wel· '''' u weli "" " '''; 110,·" '" "" oro' . r i. ro" • PITTS BU RG AND ERIE 1I1AIL - L ea ves n ....'fS.\I Ibo rcqu'~lIe Tonic llrullf.r;lf~ III , Ob, thnL \I so funny,' lea llll! go.\Is ; \ I o on, ' "feul " vuriely, :> , 0 . notices , nu m ereu \ 'I' he ll orore Walers';- Plbl10S0 re 01 8U- r.".I, " I '". II I I IV'" . I y , t·"·.· C.. '" I l.. r'l'Iu,,, . . po'" P·II I. " tl20P.lIi 8tollpillgnl ll fli rly '" relle,'ln '" Inti fu.'nr lbo ."ol·e rom· 1 B ' 'II Ir oftl I lu 71> .000 ue III III Ied nlld pU I Inl O . . . Y "U" ,,,,,I 011\,·,· ,'1'."".',0". ,,1',"" ,·",,1. o r '·er· I duur., U ." .. g• 'TI 881 eeliy, I wor. lie no envelopes snd \Vp ll mixed, nlld oll e . "lid e leglt lll lilll. h.-N. . i. III , ... ,10' " .. ",I .""t hy '''e fi,·,1 nil 8'01l0n8• . Al'lIves 01 AII 'JUlIlI ! n17.20 plulnll!. Tbl'l!C IIILleP!l BNI Ihe lloor more. \01 lh ese is tuken out SlItI BellL to Ihe per. ' C hrl~IIO Ii E nqulr~r. I ",,,d IO ' "'' ,." .. ,," " r, IV" U IV 01 I .". nl olI n' p . M., Hurrl s burg 1.26 A . Ill., Ulld 1'111111' friend, !lATlng bl .. mun)' doclur'l! bll\~, , Oh , yes, do-do, Becky!' ees all son !eni! ln to U8 2~ cen ts III cover ex . \ S checlule ul PrlC P8 of r ~strume \lld nncl i ,,11111 h. ,.. .. 1;" I I"," 0"" .V" II" I·.. II. II " IS I'll'"'' de l~hi o at 6.40 A. M . as '/fell all Ibe rk'h m.o'~ I!/)Iace lind f ' . .,cY d Cut. In~u ~B of :ShePI MUSIC . nd OilY MUS- \ e<l .. "" 10 .. 1111'1" ,,,, I"" ., " I'" """I I"" """' c.' I Pit L~DI'L Plll A EXI' Rrss- 1 enveB Pilla · o em. pe ll se 01 pO~luge, currespo n e nce , elc~,. bt t _ I' I U S 'I d I ul"("o r fi IIW 10 \1 1I't.:~ LlOn~ 0 11 t llc (' t'rll,i n t t tJ Hlltl \ I ~ I ' \ Vell, tben , Joho. he ax'ed mo if I alld Ihe .'lIcle ur !r uods corres!>llllcll ll l." , IC P,u tn,lle . . . , e ree. r' "'c " re If l"OIIl'll cl o 1I1,·unl,·d . ho·" a t 4:25 t' . iII ., oll ly ot ROBACK'S BITTERS, I wouhlo't have him. HIlm, fuoll b et- Wllh th e number un Iho l10lice 'w ill be ::;h ee l n lill ie sutled, .t Cculd pe be u". " .. . " " : Ihe 1"..·. dlll,"I'-". I...... " \ Clp ll l 81.UII 0I1S. Arri ve. li t ti . 0 II \ h i ' self I k ' Illnl III the hul de r of th e SOIllS immediute- \ BheP I, ,01 uf 1'."rI 1·..... 11'01'. ,,"01 IIl'e"" pIII '" AyOUlig 1'. M., A ItOOllll 9 .35 1' . ~I .. lI arrt ~ burll :l 30 er ave liS . , r.c on, I ( '1 I d . I tl t' I ) Subbnlh School nnd (,ther 11 00 118, pub. "''' " wi", I'o uld 1101 ", •• r lh. ", ""d I"," no 011" A M Baltimore 7 " ~I New York I' i. () y I Ie e';lrp.~ 10 purc lOse It'. ur IC (' . IHahed lIy Horo cII 'Walels. 10 :.;i ... 'h .... ' 10 ~-, ... wdl " lin ... y olher arlid. \ XII~;;lnwn 10 A. AI. 'pl;;ludell hiu >!' ~I' 7 .0b , Then, "haL did yo u say?' , Hem I I never sed nolhin' Grllc- 011 rece ipt 01 tlDD do llar,: Fur In stance. 11'011' 1111' . "',,. d"p"I"" "'IIt of ,I ,e '·"I.loK"c 01 ' ' . I . . 'k It ' .' il lloe lIumber UII tho oolice .senl to you Sobbuth S.~buol Bell, No, 1, 1'1".1 ~ri(,. lYhir " ''''')' II " 1,1·.r. rrr". 01' i(,lu, A. AJ., Rlld New .York ,t VIO Phllud elp hl d, l!i:abbalb !!ichuol Bell, No.2, U"), r.. "." .. . ) " " d,ou ," ' v ,""I' "ro " 0 f"nitel' nt 1 ;~ DJ. ~I eep lll g C nrn rUIi \l lroug h o n 10UI. nOW8, e wl\sn L gWlno 10 ~eL dhoUlll lie nllmb~red 1i00, and 0 pi nna or DOLbm' ou'1 of m.e.' dialllolld 6el or gol d wetch should lJe num. Ih.II you I'UII I", \I.e ",u l ~ er drnp whHe il i,. this Irni n Irom Pittsburg Itl Ilul!imor~ nnd 'Oh oh I' 8118 all the girh-I do flO II d 000 il '11 b t l f ""2 (;1101'01 Ihll'p, ... d 'l ,en,1 nu 11101'6. ~.XIIUIIU U c.,·erully uur l'hilouelphia opd to N e w Yorll vin Allen erc ,WI eBen 0 you or v , '1'lIe Djadelu, CUln lu!;,u . ! ' . , ' on, Becky I' und 80 on lor every urlic\e ill our !isl o f ' VATCU DEI"AU'I'UENT tlJtVn. FI I 'fheo P R 1 r; E 8: . • ,,2011 FAST LI NE-Leaves Pittebur~ " John, be ex'd moth er if he 7fl ouO nrticle~, .Ion 1'.ltn l I, ... el· 1(0 Itll.u,,,",!;' •"IISo $5lllo ' . I . I at I'9.30 { Afler recfoiving the article, if it Po per Covr r., $ 3 prr. Board' l:WII .1.1111' 1.«1 1"I'el "old _1111 " "175 1'. M" 6tupplng 0 \1 y "' ,PrlIICIPII stn I ROBACK'S BITTERS, m oughtn'L heve me. Fool I ueLler go 'Ill Nortb, bf alld 'II'lIb lilt ron,..'nl of Ibr and hllve bis self 1 reckon' doe. 1I0t you you CUll return II IIl1d $:-1,60; Clulh EIHboS6Cd Gllt,S4,20. ""I'." ultl h""lI" g 1'1I·e. :\0 10 IUU Arrlves" t Alloonu 01 A, M., HarriS' blgbcJ!t 'OTfrnm~DI IUlhorll)'. In polal , W e ll' Bll i Ih~ gRlIs, ' ' yuur moncy shull b~ Rclu\lded. ' BELLS, NOB. 1 and 2, in 1. Volume, 2UU ,""lie,' go ld II IHI .,..1111 led hUI\I· \ burg" 7 .:~0 A. ~L, Bidlilllllret 12 .20 p:-!II., '1' ,,, • . , "" " cn,e :10 In ~O N"w York .t VIII All e lilown, ~.45 I'. ftl .. or 8tr~.ctb I 11'111 lI uaranifo DI Y 11\t· , Nell, mother. ebe go,t kmi4 0 flus· ~~ c.ellts must be se nt 10 pay e"pe nse 86,6\! per duzen. C IOlh Emoodsed ·11111 PIII""l lev< r , i" '''' hUUlilll; 1'.'. :IU IO YII Ph ilodelrlli" t 12,00 P . 1\1, AII ' \ Nuw York ,t Irr.! to ronlallt a larlC~r proporllun uf ·1110 J el. I.v« .i IY ~I' "t1" l ill~ I '""~ :10 10 ~;, via PlllIudelplii u, ul b .·1.! P. M. . tnoaled, an d eed yes . Fool I ehl! beL. 01 pustoge, correSpOndl!lICe, ~IC , tJlI Ull e Gill, $7,20 per doze n, rcal mrdlrlDal IlIlIH dlents nn,l "Irlue> ter mind bel' own business , 1 reckou' nOllce , ~1lIl1 J"'."I ... d I. ,·,., . iI, e'·0 I'",, ·IIICO 1 0 I" 51) I) ' • . TilE ClIlliSTIAN lIJ)H.ODIST, JUIII",'",,1 k " H .i l, . I' 01'",,·11,"" 2; 10 til) */1real:ja ,I t 11171t'r 't' Iban any olber Slumarb nlll ~~ In the • And Ihf n. "hIlL ?' Remember: thaI whalever nrllcle cor· A III!IV R evival Hymn Dnd Tune Book. 3UU i:;w;;& ""'C I' III 10 40 ' , marktl; anll br turnparlMln willi olb~MI 'Thoo, J ohn, hll Rx'd dAddy, if h e re. lwlltls wilhlho Dumber all your 1I0licc , Price 63 pM doz, UUllrd $3,60 , J t:WI!:J.RY DEPARTlIlF.N'I'. 'IT Da ily, all ollttr trains, Bundaq! fxceplf d \ It \1'111 be St'ep a' onr~ , Ibnt Ihll)' ute \ . m())Ightu' t IIno me; Rnd dl\'.ldy,he got iOUChlllh.~e lI,b~ PII}'llig ~~\~OO nO~;tRS Manufactory and Warerooms , 300 tliomoud rin gs 1I!S40 to $ 120 :I'ick e ls lo~ ... Ip. 10 U... 'UII lIy bU~ I or Bkindo'ftustrica t.ed. too, IIndsedyos, u rll~wl('t lerl . .eworth ... or ... UO, 481, Broadway, . NewYQrk , 3Ullj!c lIl'di umu lturinga 20 to IlIO rod . l3uotll.:kl'lS gOud un O ilY or 1100 ROBACK'S BITTERS, , too.' Anclills lur uur IIIlerU I II) d e,,~ lalrly. 3UUO C .. 1. dinlllllnd rill gs 3 to 15 ' Suund lill ed. l'Ala; 10 ull poinl8 .~ luw ~lroaK~r, and upon Irlal .111 be round ,'TI' , I d' IIlId Rend UUl our fille urllcl es, • • II ~IVP. a to ' \ U8 DIl}' o lh e r roUle. +lIat' tlO sort or dad 18, says the COIi/it/ellee tu Iile public alld Ihere by 111_ ~pecial j\nuonnccmcnt. 30UO diam und rillgs 12 1110", tmflfnl, tban all olb.MI; lb., art gRlIs, rubbin' their hand s. creuses our sule.. ' fJOOII gUIlI & enulIl. fob rhnine 3 lo 40 S LEE P 1 X G C AR 8 allretl.bl~ to Ibe taJlUI, Invlllorattnll In ''l'lt I tl t E,&H,T,AN 'rll ONY&CO" I ~ullol!,'nl - ' g" I J\'t'iil ('''. in . /')1040 10n . dfetl, .. ade or 11004 maltrlllls, nod Aa en mll~my, sle wen 0 oW,n, ~uuo 1''''' I!"I ,I - I, CVo' L·"llI'nl 3 10 10 ni ght lro ill 8 to Phihd'u, New Yor \; and got a wIllIe frock forme, a~d while \ 11 ~ WHULESA I.E A~D RETA IL \ 40 \)\1 p"ir g,"11 LIL (' " " m . , I 3 10 101unu Boll imorl'. Baggage cbecked thruu gh ..rUde 11l1I1 1111 my en lomc", lIurrhMt Ibe ~ceond time "lib equal 8n tt~fnCfI"n. tlov~a, ~o put on my hands for me to Upon receipt of 21i cta" wllich pay s ror Manuj<lct'Ure-ra oj Photograpliic l11ale .. 6uoO .Cls ge ll' ~' lIuld 81 U~8 3 10 8 \ UIlt! tr811 .lerr~d fr ell , Let eurybody Iry Ibelll, .. 11 Ihrr II lit be e ~lIrned to .J ol! 11 , ,He m, fool I IIhe curr~.pondtlllce, pll~\Bge, ele., Wa 80lld "ill/s, 80110 5\ o"e . e l & . ig-nci ri n!!.. 3 to 12 T ile P e llll'ylvu llio Rnilr oatl Co. will better be marfll!d \0 him b onelf,l reck - une lIuLi oe. . Buon ~l. sf' l & ,il! ' e nom. rilq!,s 4 10 15 not .sslIm e any ri~k lo r Bllgguge , I'XCCp l 1\1111 lI\Iulaeed of tblllrlllb of tbe abovt, , on,' Up un recei pl of 81, whichpaY8 for cor50 1 BROAJ1WAV, N. Y. \ GOOO 10 Jie.' gold lI e~ k rhr;us 5 10 flO lur \V en1'1 "!: Appurel. Slid hOi it Ih rir reo I Well,' says Lhe galla i • go 00 Beck. respu ndonce, po. tulle, elc., we se lld ~IX In alld ilioo to our mlli n bosi ness of Pho- : .JOUO j!old uVIlI: bolld \)rucel~.l 310 10 'po ll si llil ily to one IlIlnd rtd dull8r~ in vu l , RUUACK'S CIIOlCE \HN lS &I.I(llOr,~, y,' nOlle". . . logru phi" l\loteriuld. IY O ore H e~dqua rt ~ I: . ; GUUO 1(1Iid nnt! J" I br ace le IS II III 12 li t! , All D~gg~ge tKceedill g Ihot um oUll1 111 The WIne GI'II1ffr.! of Ibe ~' ellt IlliTe d!s· I Sha",' now, I Rint 8 gwine to t611 Upun recrlp t of S5, willch !Ioys. for cor- ,ur the toll olVi ul!, viz: :)UOO lJol d lIud e nnm . oroce lcls 8 to 11) 1 VAlue , Will be ot Ih t! n_k. ullhe lOwuer ron"f d tbat aRer Ihe ('alawbn'gfape bas you no more a!;oul iL, so I !li.nt.' rcspulldpll ce, p061~ge , CIC" we WIll sellti 3000 ~old d"'llllnill ChOlll A 8 10 311 Ulll css lake n by 0 ~pecl81 cu nlroc\. ,'Ieldel1 Ibe .ellclou~.lne80 Illlthlnrlud, 'Ob, vea, B ecky. do go on, Oh, do 40 1I0tlCeS, bllllllline prcKe nl vulued ul Slel'f.oscopes ana Slereo$oopic Vit1D$, 0000 puir I"t!i ~s' s leeve bullu-ns 31 0 B FREIGHTS. •• tIlcee4laKI, nne a.lOM braady, pes· te\\ U8 1\\I1\bouL the weddin', Becky; 1I0t 1~8 than il lfl, BB 0 8hl1ll'Ie 01 Ollr 01 Ihese we hnve 8n immense ossurt- ~0 08 pllir e num . " 4 tt) 10 tIet\.,lnl rare lIIedldnul pl'llpCrllCS, can ~ tba~'8 8 good soul I' goods. men l, includlll g Wor 8ce ll cs, Americun 8uOO sulilui re go ld brace lets 3 10 12 By this rout e Ir l'il! ht~ of 01\ de~crjp.t.aded by tart''''1 1lL'! llIIgllon, UpJ n receipt of $ 18, which pays for d F . C ' . d L ·I GUOl! cora l, op .. 1 &OUl. hr" .. ches 3 12 , Ob, hush, galls, bou\ euch non. d an orelgn Itl es. "" III1U<scupe_, I li oll ' .C811 be lorw llrd-.d tl) ulld,lroOl Pili In· BeinK e,cr fal:tr 10 IIdlllDre nny dl ~· corre81,oll encp, ,,08tuj!e, IlIC . , we will Groupd. Stntunry. ~ IC., e lc , AI.o , R e. bUOO rameo !lncl pPll ri l'an]rops a tu 81 d I I N Y k Il 11 ' scnse.' ~elld 100 lIoliced, nllcl u 80LID SILVER vtJlvilll! StereOBcoppP, :ur pllblic or privul e 7000 Musnit'" J et Lll va "lid p lin.IrumewonyorP ~lilt on oslut he ll urR oll.: l1l1dl11 re,I \ ronl'J Ibal leodl! '0 110 ImpPOnmfnt of " 10e und • 01 I.ndob 'now; 3 10 I 0 '·OhIO. · K e ntu cky, uIlIdlUn . n, IIII IIO IS, ruu W60 'w b IIthe\'s a goo I d soul.' h W A'l'CH, by retum mu it. ex hihi:iOIl, Our CO lUl ol! ue will he so nl 0 F lu rellli ne Eurtlrops ,s il , 108 Y 16 prdellc ler m ani ' e .Agents Wunted . Send fo r cirClllor. 10 lilly p,jtlrcss un recei pl or 8Inm ". 100 0 co r ol,opul & em. p.u rdrop 8 3 10 10 CU ll il n, Iowa or Missouri, by railruad diROBACK'S ClIOIct; WINES &LIQlOrlS, , cum t 0 owe~ b ouse, An a 1\' l10l 0 lellp Alle ll18 ftllow~d a lurge cush cUlllmis~ion. l'UOTOGRAPlllC ALD UlliS. 10UOO mill i'llurl) lur.ke tij 4 to JO rt!CI . Ibe I!IIltll_r, condition or Ibe \Iubllt,(' " ', of people. to marry me, Fools ! Ih oy by which Ihey call mulle li!Iill> wilekly, We \Vern the fir 8t to introdu r.e Ihese 100UO II1I111i c .prin~ do. 81.() 2b Tlt o P enn syl vonia Ce nlr81 Railr'Jo d al Bobacll bas COIl8(raell'C la'l:o And co~tly great deal b e tter staid ho rne, 1 reckoo, Address plairtlv ililo the Unit eu SIatP8, and we 1II01lUhlc. 1\1000 plllill gold rill!! s 41o 12 so f Olih eolB Ht Pillsbllrtr wilh ~l e Ulller8 doable topper stills. of a l\Crullar model, Gracious knows, I didn'L want to see REED & BROTHER, ture qllllnlttiea in g reut vuri t! lV , 100UO ludills' jewl!l ry, gold by w'il ich goods cun be lorwllrcl ecl to} willa 'II'bleb be ,POdnces Ibe Cat"wbB em.' 14·3m Bux 163t1 New.York C.;ily, ~a ll gl l1(1 i.1 price Irllm [i l! ce lll H 10860 all je l 5 to 20 l,cee~6ib,p' pOri 011 Ihe 010 10 , l\!u. klngUIII, BraadJ,ln 118 llre.lf$t purlly, ",Ialnlng • Never mind, Becky, go on.' ~"ch. Our Albums ho\' e the rr l'utnlioll :~~OO d? j comeo, poorl e lc. 5 20 Tenn essee, C Ulllber lnnd, I lii noi3,I\IIijsis 1111 tbollll m~dlcal qualltl ell for II'hlrh \I • \Vell, t)len, J ohn, he cum to IRke .AI'(;.A~A \" A 'I'CIi. 01 beiHU . lIperior in bea uly 8nd du,abilitv 10000 IUO J{I t Ollt! j r l ~ rllcclp l P, 4 to 11 dlp pi, Missouri, Arkondll8 nnd R ed River s; 1'1 I S g lll & jel I. I ')lpUners 2 l J 12 I~ 110 mud! nlned Ball I'C(O"Bl~P~ed hi' me up to t he p re flllher mRn, for to be A n El egant N ove 1ty in Watchel , loony at h er~, They will be oe nl by SJJ.V I!:It-l'LA 'l'.t;J) WA IU:. lind III v t.'VP nlld, 'nlll:u.ky and ClliclI~\I rhf81c1aaa. I'catb, ()b~rry, 8wedl8b,lIId \ mllrri ed. FoolI! nev er did f61l1 so mad; Th e CO ded of Ihis walch are on entlrelv n!uil, FIlR F. , on receipt 01 price . wi, 1i Sll'AOOerSIO oil ports 011 the Nurth' II 1I0W invt!ntiun, com"oaecl of Sl'" dl'tlieren-t IT t'ine Albums lllnde to Order, rn 10000 Clip. 8210 $00 W ~!!l erl1 Lukcs. len,I a", ga s, caD I t e ' ......, 8000 j!oble" 31016 "'1 n II II I 8 d Ob h ROllACK'S CUOICE WINKS l LlQ~ORS, , a n" m ore. ' . melola comltined,rolled togelh e rDnd plun. ~ erc I101liS nnufd MI'"PI'ers Ihe . 10ULlO pair no"iIi ll rings 2 10 II lrOIlBpoltaliun Ihei r f'reJllrl)slilig e ill ht I II lh 'l J COllnae Bra"" BoarlKla alld lIye Wbls· .Oh , yes', go on , B Be k y. ' prIIuduc i\ll{ all exac t irniLDtioll 1)1' 18 " . lIO .1 II u A ... Our Calolngue no"v embruces ov"r FI'v e " ". cur u ' bu ~ kets 4 to 20 CUIIII)onV, call rely with co.nliderlce UII 1'1 111, noll.ad Gin, Aromatl8 SllIIled.m I We II , t 'nen, 110 I preae h er OIl\n, IIe corut . I, c_ rcnn n , which ... ill 01. Th u··lld dlfi. -e ll ' b' 3ouO cuk e b•• kels B I<' h" I> t(l :10 I ~ p~etlv IraIl M\!. flcbna,\I/I, Cben, Boau. , anti 1111 olbrr WRy S ce p Its culor. Til ey are n< beauti. . u ou ,' , 1 su Jeel.,. lu w IIC OUI' ax' d me if I wuuld hnvo J ohn to be lui U8 BO lid II , Dod .re ufti'rd ed et (HII'_ d;lIln8. ure culII InUb II Y b. lIIg mudo , of 24UUO cu. l tJlS wilh bottles I> 20 ' 'I'h ~ Rul es of F relg . ht 10 anD.1 from nlly domt.Atie IIquol'8, aNI mnDuflltlured antl uld my hlwful husbR01. H em , fool I bBt. eil! hlh Ihe OU8 \. 1'\..e CRRt. is lJenulifully 11orlralls of eUJlllent Amertcans, elc'l vi z: 000 ic~ pitchers , 10 10 ~ , pOilil in Ih e \\ eM I, by Ihe Peullbylvullill dl ~llIIt4 by IbUllmaearelU1 and dt ltr ~lt 60UU pUlr bU lIPr klllve~ 3 to 20 , Ce lllrlli Ru d ro" ", nre at nil tlln ps \IV fnt er hav e hlld him his I BI[, I reckon. tll'"ig ll~d ",ilh P"ne.1 Dud 8hi e ld fur IIBllI e .b uut . pro«:!.~ , and Kept coasl.nlt)· on blind for An cl tlle n-Sbaw, galle, I woo', tell wi:h Push Pin, olld engro vpd ill' ,'00 100 Lirul. (;o llllleI B, .u up , oY"le.r & 11Idi l's 210 8 \ vo ru il le UM ' ure Charged by olher Jtailru.d s.~l e, 'll'bol\l.'ole or 'n aOJ 4''RlrNl quanll· any mote I' Ih e exact il yle of the ce lebr31 ed Gllid :luu BrljI.-Gelleru, s, 150 o,her O!llce ll! ~UOII ell g'uvcd p,e klllvee '610 86 GlJlII l"' "i e~. \IY. HIIII Calawba WI nt., wa,rall le4 purr, a 'Oh, do, B ecliy, Now. your ji ~t Hunlll> !: Levr rs, und "re reu lly hnlld.ll me 27b Cu l<J II Plp, 75 NAVY Ofllcers,' 6UOO dll1.e n Ie ' ~pUU IlS , p.'r duz. ,r, !u 1·1 CKJ'- BIl pllrlirn lll r 10 mnrk p3 ckn es 25 oomin' 10 th e illte l'eatin os t pln\, Ou, ulld J Cdirable , IIl1d so pxo ct 011 imilali PIi :JOO }30 lJl\'illes, tI 8 lu 1" VIA P )"NN'A CENTII,\ L R . R, " ., K'S CIIOICE \H~~:S &\,\lt~OltS. 1 do tell us the rost, Becky ?' 01 go ld n. I" dely de l'lcliun . 'I'll I' move. fl U I,rllm lu e lll women, 125 AUlhor~. oze n ".8SHI furke 7102 ,) Fur Frel)!h: CU II"rn CI ~ or Silipping Di · I RfrUAC mCll t is mUlIll'~ ctured b' Ih ~ we ll.kllO IV II 121> ::;1 .... 1', . 40 '\nitlls , I!OOU "uZclllullle lark " 8 tu 30 ' reC llllu 8, Apply 10 or addrl'S8 e ither 01 Ih~ proMlrOO . r\'om I~O ~arl'l1aodln;1: ,·In t· , We, II 1milO, oev er 11" eed se not lind thee St . .I imer W .. lch C"lIIpuny J ~ of E ur ope , yardR, !!01t) by Ibe bOl, t;nllun, O~ t u~II , preacher d hin', 1 mus , hav 3,000 Co pi es o( Works of Art, (;ULD 1'.t;NS ANU PENCILS lulluwillg A ge nt8 of Ihe Company: al tile IOW t'St marltel "Ite. lIobMdt' • John to be my busbllnd, wheo he WIIS ""~II.ru .operbly fini &hctl, hnvinl! engrov~d in.:looli ll ~ reproducliolls of th e m08 1 epleOf el'er~' va ri e l)" fru m 3 to $30, S. B. l1in.'l8ton, Jr., Pltilada. I!"cd ~IQt.lIlI WIn e 18 tile mosl fue lleD' . k d I I I' ll elM. IOlw v C8rv.t1 Lrid~I!'lI, arijui lin g brule d, ElIg,"vilwP, Painlin!!", l'llollle", REME ltln"'ll C .Fl W B ~. C C . a"lcie or Ih. ILIl1d to bjJ founil III Itle s,c an w \8 0 10 was well, and when wilh gold blllnllce, ftlld the im. .. " o!. ' I'LAN. . . rown a: 0" !n'tl. I. d . b d pIC. C .ta logue.s sM ul un receipl ul 8lamp . I I . ' e'l ke.P· c· e'l ' W"""e,n (oua",'. aud the Purt Wluo be proved J'e we lled Bcl io ", wilh 11' lle u" 1'.1 UII u" All urtIer fur Oll e J) l)zpn l'i ClllrPB I r II al c. n,"p s . we : chorge for r(,r'''ftr·ll·ng ar a: a ., "cgao. b e "aa ullller or worser, an rIC ao o o · u nJf\)r8 fbr ~ol e \I lL' 110 IXIIIPI, pllor, and lo~e him. Bnd stick I~ him, .kelelDn hund., alld i. lYorranted a goud uur Cu tul l/g ue wili be &e lll a ll recc ipL Cli Ihe . Cerlllir.ftt~, pOS l" ge, .lId doinlt Ihe L • V E .8 TOe K . omce and MRnurllriory i'l o~. G6, n~,110 aad u 'n!1 b, ' m and L ord nl k lime keeper .. bU81 nesa, til e &lIm uf 'l'W fl llty-fiv " e lll>! Druv ers ftnd FArmers will ' find this • ft1 EMI UI", "I_I, Clnrlr.nnll, 0, , 0 y nOW8 ,t 1 ..,1.80, 8nd se nt by lIIall, PR "E. v , Bnd ml . '1'1f h d' fIi whi ch (\(u_l be enclo Bcd ill th e v ol"'er.· r. lee are 0 tree Phulogr.ph efl. 81al ulilers orriPrin".. Io'IV ~ Ce r.llficu le8 will be sPont tor ""1, u II mOKI at!vanlu" eull. ruute for LIve ::;Ioell. w I11\\ a 1leap 0 [ t I\logs ; II II Ii Lhen he l-nRlese tIle Wn 8mlllle.1 bel' no for Led' I prent., tl C OD Ie d ,pliO. PI 6 WiSt , Hunting .ClI.e... A les,of en" ,,00 8 I , I , ., will pl ... ' OII A COp,dOIl8 yards, well wal ere d and ~ up \ I18 put Logetbor, il ear"e all I eeoe h . remll 2l'1 pe r lur 2,' III IrlY l or 6', 8ixty-fiy~ lop. 10, Iluve b~e" RO S EBERRY & NEA L, & Wll8 AglD ~h e I1\'" for 1I0Y Oll t! to Lake . ~. • ~ cellI. 0 I 18 uDloun: 0 t elr urder, v v plied wilh evelY CUIlVeOlenCI' a pAr~ ; and 60 1 was ml\rried, hllrd will be eont by Mail or Expreoa ror ' 1211. The prices and quolity ot our eoool a hundred lor I ii. upened 011 Ihis line un d ils ~u ,,"e e li oll s , MEltlUT'l' & PIUXTZ, d f h Ii h' I k A si ngle one will be ~enlln S handsomE' CDtllIOt I.illo sAtisly, 1. AGt::\'I'S AilE WANTED Mild every atl elltioll is pBid IOllocir "' 0'11 8. 7.ly W ArtiEH IILE, lin J b 1\81, ' t \I rat t · tng nowd, to Morocco Cuse fur <II "'2~. u" " ' 1'11 rea~lly U "ell TI Irou g IHlUt Ih l' ctlunlry tu oo erale for "'wm H nrri dburg , wh ere 'will be ' ''lind o n, . for three tinl t's t he ir co~t. We ore 80le 01', TALBOTTIS PILLS U_M. A lurge co moeu88tion wi\{ be puid. ~vcry. con ~e I'; ~ nl' e lor leed i "I!' n 1111 r e~ li, g, lor Ihis wfttch in the Unl' ted S en d ror ter ms, & c" enr!osill" slnmp. , We\l, whllt then Becky?' Illid th e ""I'lita " Compol!ed of highly c I d n I~ h u l ce IS oli ere d of th e l'h ilatlelphiu, gR II 8, gellin' more Bod more iot~resled ::;Iotcs, Blld nolle ore j?ennine which rio oncen I.'e elf.. NelV York 811d Bllitimore lU.rkcl>. Thi N all Llle lime , nut beo r our Trude mArk . Alldre8R Irscls{rolD rools aud he rbs of th e h;j!hellt NEWBORN & CO., "1 b medlclllal vnlue,. IlIlnllible in th e "lire III 7~ F II" N Y will oiNo be loull.! Ihe s hortest, qllirues t , , \,'lY, I en, the preacher ml\n, h e GIRARD W . DEVA UG H & C O ., ... _, 1 d. iseases 01 II." Livo' r, or sny dor ' ancY,,OJ 1I on ",Ireet , . , 1I!ld mus t dlrer. 1 rOlile lor 8 111CK \0 New I IIIpOrler", 16 Malde ll LOllI.', N. y, went home, and Ihen , all the rell ers mel' I o 'th . e D'IgeBlive . 0 rgRUS. Th ey ..reo The Gl'ovestec...~Iuno FOI·te \ I' I K LVIII Allen luw ll]-alld Wllh h',\'c r cum a pullin' and hallin m e , lind ki sd' --- - - - -- - - - - - -- move ailln.lpur il ies of Ihe Illood, and al'e choll l:~s t!JUII ~lIy lIlher, We hove 00 hesitalion in SO) ing thst th' Slill. retnin s il" prtl'.l' dpllc e nnGj[r eol popd s ich oth. I'ROSPEC'rUS OF' 'filE • , me,lo d squeezlO . 'me,l\n unequu Ie d In l~ e cure 01 Dllrrh mo, hUll' In ENOt; H LEWIS ulurlty, and ~fter un.de rj! uill!,! gradllul imFINEST PERFUMERIES er clUryins on BI th ey did cut up . UI~e, Dyspep~ ln, Scrolul., Blliousnes e. proveme lltB lor a period 01 I hirly years, i. G e n' l Superilll~lIuel1l. A IIOIl I'IB, Po, Fools I Ihey gr~tlt delll b etter kissed ' Liv er Co mpla,nl, Fevers, Headachp Piles nuw pronounced by Ihe mu .ieo I wurld to HENRY W. GWINNF:R their own se lvos, I reckon.' A lUonlhly Perlodicl\l: d evoted to Heredllary Humors: D08e, fo r '.dullS: be un surpu8s ed Dnd even un equ "ll'd in e ver ufferecl in Ihi 8 mnrllc r, may 101' foulld G e n' l 'J'I ckH AgP lIl, Phllu. al our N l ab l;shment. They are all , Go Oil, Becky; tell us all Bbout ilT' Llterolure, Temller"nce I\lIti o~le pIli In thA mur'lIng, children hllll 11 richness, volome ftnd purilv 01 tu ne clurs. H. H. HO U::; rON Bel Lbo galla, l"rolre~8ton. Conducted pIli: From one to Ihree pills will cure bi lity and .cheapn ess, Uur new 'seu I ~ , G e ll'l Frei ght Age nt, Phila . 'Well, then, \\Cler they BI1 "ent by.J. WIIII"nl "Ob ordl~ory t'aees, lnd from one to Ihree bU:K- French aell on, hurp ped ul, irun frH me, Hr, GENUINE, a"ay, Joho, he - - Oh, shaw I ' Bes Nftmee. es ""II cure any .curable csse of no mltler over'8lrung bos8, spven,ucI nve, ruse wood I. I Tb F I d h?w long ".~ndlng. Price 81 per bolt . 1"811 0S we .r ~ sp.ll in g ch ~ape r by frllm and CORlpel ent jodaee g :v e them the lue,' I\in't ~wine 10 teU you not lin. e oml y f',teu wi ll ronl.i n .ixt •• n 1 rade su pphed or sen t by m"I·I. IF YQU \\' AN'I' '1'0 I{NOW the d Wh 'hn' " C~ IUIII~I pwge.1I to th ., !lUI,uhe r. flIl\kili g it " ~ IOO 10 $~OO th an Ihe ~~ rlle 8ty le and fin o r wor more, en you get "o" V. '... nIOile fI,r prc•• rVAIIOII an d IWlui"g. V. MOTT '1'A:.BOTT, lit. D .. & (;0 IIIGIIQT PRAISE, ~.h are suld by nnv Olhpr fir sl· clR88 mokers A Lillie of EverYllling rc lBl ing to tire hu. married youT8elvel, you ' ll kno" 811 Each I1UII,"~ r .. ill b. 611ed wi~b Iht 6".. I'' u Iton "" , ..,lIeel, New York, 11\ Ihe co~n\ry , D ~A l e r8 Dud ull in wonl man sY 8tem , mule n ntl lema Ie; tllp ~C OU8ed II v. 1\b out iL, I reokon.' - Wet/ern COTlti- CHOICEST ORIGIN AL MATTER lVe pnrliculnrly de s ire ihe nfl enlio n 0 or good planus ore Inv ited 'u ~e nd lor our .lId trPR l mel11 (I f di ee8S~\!; lI.e marrial/o t1l,&1. Cunti,ti nt or mo rbi and llUilructive'TRIt' !!-' l)O.crlp"ve COIDll\gIlP, whi ch cOl\lnine cu.tom. 01 Ihe world i how to morry well, - -- - ....-. F:&.I:I)'. ~ket ch 81. Poem" I1lov e lllflll ll or T,~ ,u' '1' H E LADIES p hul0 ll:ruph8 ul .ull uur di(ferellt 81)'Jes, alld n Ih ousa nd Ihings ile~er. published be _ _ To destroy rats-cAtob Illem ' perallce Sociblle., 1111e1 .11 110. 1 goe. 10 mRke up logelher ~''.'lh pn t~ ~R, No one s hould pur- lore, r.!nll Ihe revi el!d and enlnrged edili on .. 6nt clHU J ouruu l tor lne FalUily Circlts . ch a.e_ 0 p, ano WI 10,lIt seei ng Ihie Cn18' of " MEIJ,eAL COtlOlON SI/IISE ." a curiolls To Ihis festure of our buei ne~ 8. \Ve hove 0118 b'lone, and tlatten their hnda I CO(1)" 011 0 year, f,1,00 wiLb a lem on sq ueezur. ~ CIlII!", 4,00 W.liY NE SVlLLE, OHIO': log ul'. Medals, ~lmOSI IVllhout numbe r, ~ook lor curlUlIs pel'ple, and n Ito(ld booK •• • r . ~05 l"OP~ A, 8,(10 hne bl'en awarded tu th e G ruveateen P i. I~r every OIiP. 400 pages , 100 iIIus lra- ..A LL TIlAT IS NEE D ED ~ C0I'I~, . 20,00 ano, and Atl!oe Ce l.. bre lPd W orld'B Fuir 1I0llS, T~R1II8, CASH IN ADVANCE, PricA $1,50. Co nt c ntH ,,,ble8 flOcop le , :12.00 For lhe .ToilPt, Hftntlkl'rehlefs, U- To kill coakro&cbea-get a Jll\lr lhoullh put. in compel lti on with . olher~ ~e nt Iroe 10 a ll)l _ddren. Roo ke mill' ·be J'or ailt montlJ., h. 1f Ihe Iboys ratel' linSI. Scentinll Drawers., Ward. or h 111'1 boota, Ihen cltcb your rORcb· caple., len cenu, [ ·MYflle nt in ad"8 I1C ' fr.om nit parIS of Ihe S .. it took lhe One copy one year, ha~ II lhe BOl,kslores, or w ill be se nt by 8 2,00. '<1bp8, e tc" orr., hIghest award . [E~t~bliRhpd 183~ . ] ~" put 'hem iOlo • bar~I, antl\heo gel mell, !IOS1 paid / oil receipt nf price. Addr... , J. WILLI" "'(fAN NA~lEE, Five copies one year, 8,76, CB!1 anrl l'X8mine ou r urieti8l. G ROVES1'EEN CO. lD younell and. dllace. Addrell8 E . B. FOOT~, M. D., 'ren cooi4!1 oDe vear, ,(,\ Ib.OO, o B' ''''~')'II, ·N . V. .! nf\ 1I'l .. .. "t ,l._... " . ,. , 1. ' .. " '" 1130 Bruadway, New YUlk. I. R~SEBER.RY :t:'AL,
. .
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II • , . t ' ..... ~ preelalll i&. 1'. a halLbJ alaj darlib' Flo~r. aud CnuureD, GaUT E,uEal,-Grea' lallr. lIeYer O! to the Lord j[i,. ,lor." halleluiah to DOW, .-:1', - _1 J " linloog. A ,oreeloul .ppelill,1O 'at ch. Lord! , . Dr HIMUU'. I have allu. ,ultained a ,ood ,morlll edilor of tbe . 9't)lumb~~ ournlll , Flol"ets anll cbildren IIr~ of ~elll £I'om beiDI". sign or beallb, il' eer" Hlliarla a,r~lll~en of!' ourahlcklellnd ~Itll Nil:. YO!fX, Nln 1<'1"" A'ENOtl ~ clll~racler, I .nl;!nr ft'lta a rail road dl ' wriLII a& folio". cif t~E' famoul Doctor k,n, and tc;x' much 01 r ~Im'"t, ?r 100 lain .indioaLion of di,eue, BOl1l6 cb •• . I -li""'ll' he IWord 'rector i~ ';Dy It I e . . . Nt!'~ton, "ho il DO~ ItI th"l city: m?cb for~lDg" or too mlloh of dlSplaJ ~pL,ca al8 al.a,1 hu08U ~ {eel T. do the, miQhJ¥ jud,mt!'nt 4l( Ui, everHOTEL, Altho 10 early hfa I dId not illn'bly I' I d I . . ' rUIDI Ihe,r till Ie III It oillume, I loye 10 "hen Ihey Ilre ealiog Dli'I a. lOOa la.lioll W"'fL' ~ • , Ot~., :Uet cODlioe my.dl 10 Irulb io 'Illall bill. I n~~clor Ilnc , ~ ,I , , an ,o~r"on ex', IlSJlOC)illt~ ahem together, and to win Ila lbe1 ha'il tr"teo' tbey ~~ l '"I we fO mare hi ng on, D R, 8ra.- Y r., 'Int0 WIlie . h yo .,.. III k Ilave beeG grll\oloo/\ ~ 11y gro'''D . , reapeel" • . pr.,.-. n ollr aal' lIlule. we d S ome ! 'ormeot. to dl8treeltng . , '.ID' theil' . itln.ertf " d 'j ' r "lire }·es· . Ib t Ill W & 1ove 0 f II It uo"era. ,olqrr.. .tor;. h.'I.Luilh ! I IDe to lend you lUll! lead ill inci<lente io bier' and re.peeillbiur ev'ry year, 1 I", ter p~s.?~atba 8,etle~lo b ope;lJoj' dll' Ihey tell me Ihlt a yiol 'l or IU(I 01 1" make lhe uolll'ppt victimB "ilh G lory, glor\', hallelulah ! my \i(e, 10 you CRn Wrile my boKtr[ for my cbildren, aDd, 'Dever miltllke IInolh- PI,,,rlIZ I! aL I. m ~I' II, .v r, . lflliea i~ delld; bUI ou a Spr10g n1r1rrJ · for delltb, 'fbe "ppecile of be,leb U GIG'" tI lelape,., cum d 00, I t0 I1"11. d I Iltn el'mlln .I 'WI' fe .or I to cure . IDclaoel . . ·to .at mod.raw1r. ..... , IQry, II• II e III j ah'.. my own. I' moo: Il "'+l flOp, . k'WuO . calm., d I .1'1 m" rqOll'ln~ Ihe1 come. ra d"'lint WII b t I10 Ilor.r, til a' "hleh AI we .."0 marehin" on I no U tb t ' I I t 1'/ h f . , l b ' CUOI " I! IJ~" Rn >041 y 8 ICtioD ~'h • h . I . hi . . er '.. ou,,· a an Rr 10., OD 0 my I e, mem~er 0 any meetIU touae, Il~ lirm' I ' £1 r Ib ' • ' - . 'h' l e " 1 lame "'0 til IN OOID wIleD ealtog . Ume come. IOu• I "hlc i L d ' .' f 11' k ( gram!patLvcally J·~rhd lod p ' roperly II b'le"Ye in Q1eelln bOUlIII, aDd IhOllld "6 m , IDI an~I·IDpeuu~. y • . y ,!,lIlgDIlL'~I~ ' iOI'I""18r ,ball .veroD 10me,ea,..."wkY wb' e n ea·:.6ed, leaye,'Do .~ftle.·.ntr.; \V.... ...lIeu or " ' 0 en 0 d e I i Y e r ' ' ; t i t k d (I d uon • or trt . ow.,r, Wu lout ve .. · cleC' AI.I ,\\:11 1:1.. b·l.l 'Ld '" 10 . . d" .U~ , .- .... b " .nc~ lop on,. ) I ;; j I , JluncklocllLed. woulu be aq addi,ioD 10 nOL lee 'lI,e to la e a 08e-o au nllm lurl a" ....... "tq~ ~\te-per_o."!I" ~ , • '"' y lll ' II.I"' , ~ Jqq, ~ 0 '~'t, ,.un erl. JllJulmu ea rIIIe.lure , ' IIr nai we teared He hid rorfl tlen out h J o lhe ,c hloil Iitt!raloor o( tb~ day. .nd la! do"n io the IIreeLl of a villi/He f 1I .... or le • • .~ollioll t 4XP"'", ~~\e ~rea\, • ~~~ . fa\~~~ ~&t" '" (lift ~ / oa\\" by tbe .moun\ lhey cali e" ') 'I "untl~d ear, ql wron, j 1'.> the yoolh of Ameri .. y it would Ilia,. !badoOt 1I0y. will, • Iboulaod doJ)· ~a"l ~ f)I.,y. a;"IlIlf n:\!,le t,J/lr ob. ·il:ijlit',I.~':1 0 Ii ~ ,~.~V' 0~1f .:l!t~ '!ind 6t a~J, WIn 11'........' .ltrUl-· 1M af lilt 'N,_ h. r ~. 'ii(lIlr In .e bat- be a ullyble a •• howill how high a ar. ID my telt poe"',. Ie .er.. I l l ' 1: III t . tl l ,1111)\ 1 \ oleo'!.a••. 01. ~\.o'''' " • . tllf.butl... 'Ig', " "', ' I ; ' • pillnykle o( (awe a man c"n reech who K)' ""..,.r_eDt bIlIlQIII. ~ahho' I , _do lb AI' lin. ' I'll Wfle It Alld wo arehjnjl ~ , CO:llmlnw\ hi. "CBTe" witb Il -.IDAII clin· dQn'\, owe ,a 40llar in '~e ~orld:, ' 1~. Hall were ~ol1gr.. · 'Ied Ilt' leilRI YO,,' .tll,", tJl8 bJ'ghl 01 " .l~lUu ... nd l'.eRl~IY "nY'~~ce •• or rataee' i~: i pi'o~ From MI.~f .[p~ 'e,ier I~d~/~na fro tho ~'IIS l!lnl .!l,n d a .pqa' g,eerr.9 lt• ~hicb I!~ 111m "II \ll\rly riser; my wI(e II A IWa ndr'td affliet,d mr:'btlJI. of th flow"... Sh~, "II~ I~Y\ld t~el' .Illl(l"" portion, 'deC'I,ve proof of eXI.lirir'iJii. " • "i~1... HIII J ..., p,l I ( I I ,. rubbed olf whIle Icrl\. Ic.bIDIt llIleU IIgllI Pl-eebyteri"n I may "dd lllaO Ih'" ! I 'UI" Ca'1 . II e among the IllICkell, Wilt never '''''1'{' I, eMe~ .howing ' tbat Ib, abtotbellW> dl , ., PJI' .,.... • m, " ¥ome bJ'1111I or parlllt y IlJ' ln . -8h e. " "108e I ree t WOI, ,.\u I HtVe Ihll IJ'.tern arll too ",.ak to 4litobarp Fro'" Alahem_ callabrak .. WII at. comiul! the ceotre pole, <'II.U610 11\ ~~hlVal. Ne" am ' bald IiMded , I kaep IWO CI)WS , 0 W leri , 'I I 11'1 . illl" eMltI", : l Jersey.a di.crltninatl0' blO& LJ "'Y hum, 1 Ii we io .Ba\ldinnille, InJiflll)', My ~*,'Dl cripp~!; ~~o~ I~I h:r:r6!~1 ~a. d"~cc~ along the n~w "ootl l>" II cA,· Ihllir dUly; aod th', ~eJlgepF1 1o fa'. Aha! lhl Irailor. It(!mble', oul' IrtllHl,· bugl would DOL go UOW/l ~o llll:ir ,ill· Oil.' qoor D"bttr i. old 1;i~Y8 Dillinl. wi t It the ' iIl~ Ihad\e l ,'lra' ~() D.g ,rYIUI1DY IIDd merrtr1leat Inw Ii~ tlh,,~) MI. 10 ube.i~y, inere..el uptll exi'.' Inc merlhll tr.mp, Rlfll. The Oll: re_ooDllld .srioullooral l',lI ~ell you a H~lle etory abou' Ol~ .'1'11 ' e~ admill"d" ' a doze:' Ilt-; 4·P\~""'U~", " y...llioOt. t "pon. I h"8~ lenell t. lI' b~d'll, and " Iutfdeb AI ~. RO Inucbll'lg on, purtoott ,,(lerwRrd •. , , Sl~,.te thaL will make you larr. Btl ti 1110 Jib .n ... roolll .he're ltood w~lkl aga, ,,., ,WhM m"tlllr, how Iho fll~8 tbellllilory . ' 'Parl\cular ; 'aqaity Ie,' who bou~h~ and .old Ollr bcdlep lUlU Iried Illy hnd al' gi"ing 'Bliod· jided Ihe <Jhurc:11 IIl81 Spring lind the h 'J .. we 1I d I bramb'les gro" 1 he,. dre~~ \'1'111 not be will aimo'l inVlrtllbly QlieiL tl\f fao~ .. , . tIJ,' n,'lIc~r ,"'Id 'You mu;cl .0. 1 'home nbW Ld~' 9tor" I' !e.f'tvy ,~ , I e~el.~p" torD:' whal 'th~\(er till!' broilen p"lIn N tha t rat perlOnl h.owe'l!r r"b~"n" Ike, who did our ~ul. ' defo':m, OIa' n coneerll, '''ppeflrIO a. ~he poor, "' , .," , e, ""Ilr.. oOlnng gelllllman, a"",Ul by I""" wal ,.'.1 til ~. d . 11 ' , \ ) ., ..... 1& " ue lIever we,l, apel,el tb'! 'They whose whips wilh our wi.1l8' lire- bhn<l rullO bly,elt. BII' Lhe 11I(llmOUa &roLl.et Billin •• · and tlre!!L a rl\mily .1· lilt! '; ~r il or a' ,e . &,,!ingthemselvel ....., 1/. ,e M'l!r topp~ Iln JO bl~~lYelf nata .t~~k1n~ Wlll.h.... cu~s ,{(io 1 hired 10 len\! Dll1 rQund LIlt In 1'0Llr o'\'n hnllill • Whc:rllllpon lilt, I L.. If +' .1 ' "' rI h .... 'r over ftom lhe balik, mlly !lire "nvlIlIl .' '" I. ) ' tl \U' , Jill , ... ' . " , - " 1 on Cn"e r "geu up" ' I ree sroe~ 0 be flung (rom 1" fhe '*,ehel "r I" W" ' I ' A·h,.. I T afia ' .. lI'e hu t eao 'II to"ns in tllb d"y lime Lq Ilxcile aympa· egr..jis old an "ell~ ""me lilld hUI t Ii Iht m. Dr. NtI"\,Qn "tJdreued them " a .0"'" DRI no,,; uCl ullt lJ~eat lalerl IInlr H\"I ,to IUl Ihey have IQtyD I,b.,.!Orm, Ihy, dr~nk rreely of 8piriLOOU' lic~p.r r~g'lllr PulpiL' i'll hi, lalli" room. H., in I t IIlDC"!le {tollo'n, i '10 old«r ~llIu 11111~ .1an~1 .'III:I.t "l1,g ht. ,h"VII 1I10leu p(~~. ol~ and are *"'or fOf ~ 'In,iCle ,!laJ ~~h.e" we. lI:.u m .rchina 011., uobtlk owni,to me olle dRY, tnd _.h.le h"ei Ihe j iuer. iola bouse ovt'r fuur II lJ d " , ~e,"on 0 It, Ie BLIH', 18 rfl~t I GO/I la. "'LhoUL lome' .y:nt.om ' 1"lQe '~eIiDIlI '. "• .I. yu ;. Y 6 cd'u,:; II' tll .l'11 nt!eess ,I'Y IIRI it I And' when Spring .akenA all It, ~ulDcienlly di.~greeabl: to extr_e\ tii, lI" r.lher., brulher•• luj"1 In Ihe cotton und!!r th!!~ Intl~aucll he. IeJi me 1,.10 Un ya • r 'J:' H'U' eur guo "I u" m~n; I Il\t you pchoe of tl • (I 1·'11 'd' , . I ' alld illl corll' I ' .. " the CRna!. I,ad Ililher 10 hlllr the 1 "m 66 (166)Jyeara 0 age. 'Irutl . iu't~ 'bll r nlll ,"bur I\~ ' ()1JrsH'f, nnd ~1I1\1 ' .' • I , Ie WrOIl 8 long: 0, I II ul e mla .• Iluenlton unp ealancly, " I t () wiwfl!lll~d" 41 "hler., w'l!hjn, th., ,. grcell bllodflge froD\ nly eye, o~ be. "ilh. ill rtlleplll1~ .0yLile, il ev.r. bUll)' . 'voll ' live im~lcil (airil in my vtorkM ,' bl~I.I,.lI wl\rble,-e( ~h6 p!I\I~IIVO Ilry ~f .,at.,,., Ihon wbo eaH"gul'arly ofplatQ neva, hid ~een born! drowned. 1 tho'L 1'.d 1I,_Lore my e\'e' 'rhll Old Se~lon lIalben Lhem In, he'H II d 'I II I b ""~trt:81 cuck90 Ilallecl roo~. ~u~l\y hat.. 110'"•• ~re d.lh,',. are . .; ., Kthe "'''( ", at keep a )1'" , tl"o ' .• ' fn, c." .lepaelll.OIltl · y 'one.. lm l t ""k) ~1.le dtlllluly II dr ' ' d d" We ."I ,pJ"It. ~,'flllI't .. r~~8elDe_, end we lig.ht, j ... lhtlm, in I ,., . ,tle tt l'~rt1 LI Illy were II bl l!1I 0 'III "Iry all en unn a , 1~.1 lye t.o ao al. ,3 1 • D ...., Ir . w _.I! to 'It adrtlRB CI _C 00L rom," IU • e "'j' .l . . I .. l" , 'oJ ,Ieia the "Trope r'l ,~ . My nexi "enlur would hue bin 8UC' Yllar '" . ' ., d ' . " j" ' I " d I 0 -w I.... e ..ger, ,,1I'r e.I ,.tt!lId" IrllOll\'l! old I\~e g AI "'. ,,0 .. uclllnl oa I . .. '( I ,I"• oIo, lhould m,,' m ' y porlr.I·I ,'n 8L.':,DI ' Illn. fpa"l,n I,IS IIR.n .I /11 ' III y .hll.e w!!-I\I'lln ..'~ ~I\e bill" tiytl8 ..... . hllkin.. . ·___ ·.f ~e ', .....••• ' . eeu 'if 1 badn', 'ried 10 oo'· t.oo much. IV:" , o· "cr .. , lelr orl! lell d ~,exc "Ime d .' M,,\' b o'k I . ' I d ' . I"y -...-~-For Go~ "'Y.'b m~de ~be p~;'f.le ~, Ihe liglll go, IIp . . .eriel of wax 6ggen Rnd Coontlcuon "llh my Hogtry. plt ••.o IG Iblels you: rnHVIIIt: "ngo l~ bIen' ~I d I ;e, cu~ s, .• ~elng .lo' tnelrDe ody. Tall: FIRIClIEN'a PUAD'JI: -Thil" :t. I 01 b~ltle lett ' , ' 8m'on" , others ' l one or bocralee , 1\I'ye me inllrayed ill \t ".o~ui ~l.in' "1I1 ' ...,0 '1'1 ' I' I b ... • 1\ W 11m ,Ie V.IO .f;j~. repeRt llll .w.~~ leenth IIf OOlober, 1866. will loti ..... M ,0\. to 0 ,I "L_'. Id ' .1 I ' bl d '11 I Iyoow It: I I.. eluel ml!m III or P"I'·· · 1~B.on Ihey Illllrlled III,L . • I II ::r 1'IJal dealh ,II'on lhe ft8tlon If Ihe bond Ilho'~ "ax tiggllr or lu ouc .. wou loou. I!Ilnrng o!, a mAr III p. ar "a,' w.. r; lien IUbJ'ucled 10 lIt:,e~e m,,"ipu, . . .' )111 r I.e rtru ernbered by olir cmilleu an ol , ,ll.' ,( II ' I ., I ., ' I b ' ,.... b •. I ' '1 . , "'. ' ' sun, and oC 1\le wllrmlh IWIII brIO" "t ' b d, ,, .\lUlIiO Itee... • e p0:,ul.r Wll' t!u, yeAll!u pep e, IJt In ury lie" ,",r .a DOW, I"tton ltv Ih€! lJ~clor "leo Hood" "rut , . . , to thou,"nds 9f .IrI\nll:\l~1 .hO' lbron"d Tbll hvtlhe .word of, Frudmen Ihlll Ibe unfol'Lnitely 1 pu~ a b.r own linen dUlttlr . Trooly yourB. III r porLion or lh .. 'i~e · wi,lh clo~edDeyei tlilelir f~"grRtlnt Uh~lIlp.etRI8 (0111h - \¥h~ our ~ltee'18, graltted 8peC'~rl Qf. lh~ , l , IUlul:'rell""e, .. le b,l!, . lind aUt; _Army regulalion c"P 011 ARTEMUS WARD, lUlalO "po~ilion ihdic"dve o( consid·· ~ IRlh glVI! if 'e rtJ,? ~"1' ""d tfme,ld,u'r !:orgeo~9 dieplllY. No sU'cI'l' t'elebratioW" I', I4Id ..,,·, ). lIIarehlnl on.' him, ... hich pt:jlle with clll"'~'o,,1 ",d lly' .... ._ , ,,tltbltl IIirnlal alld hodil, eJferlion re, tie ~ 8\ "lln~\'llg ~le 1"'1'11 IlI.o hlle eflr been perfottneii a~;t" e.rrlecf . 'rhan waldl and . pray, Ilear kl~df(d !.- clllicHe illid was a fllrc.,. Thill .,ntar· 'the 1'.ther of Preal". .t .1ohDaon. mlrking RS he wotked'. 'lL will ill/Htl ',ell ••".,tJ,K I' Ii \10 S ai, gill Io:r ~ "lUI 'Out io tlll. Jor aoj o\h ... l'o~,Nof ~ ftr"" I prl's " .". unforl,," I'n ot',ur re-"· .. k,, . , I It' on Iy werll .tl16 ti rem •• ,y.' -,I."" II. , • tl III .III ... W IletD r e he I~ ~ ,,' , Uc °r~Y' yo,\-u.e 1)0 uled'Cll4nyou fire W!!I1- tw, Ie, .n e I Ig ?\I, A"gets I I Bue pUI t'10fl" ..~It .. ) uU. e,· Louk 101 Fr,'fI~um'a J>ar~ G,~u.""erll wbere AL s c"rLllin lown I, "dvt!rtiled ,a w.ax trily' .Iilree "ean ago Ihe follo"in l' k oil' ' ah -:-w 10 . n( tIe, sweules. 1 0 ' ery Dliln woman ADd ~t\i1d who ..it. Ihll Unlo" ballllers fty ! . " r I H bl A } k .; ... w'I" • . .,rH ""Ii.,r, Rnd the IWl'IHest Duwers d I' •. d ' I' I , HI' 'kIH ugger 0 ,~le. , au e .moa '101" obituar" nOlice of' Presidenl Johnson's Among Iho<p wllo eRme for IreA tm enl 'L ~ I I ' 6 ' I I 11' 1111111" tIe pRlI:eflnl reJo,cf Ilat t leI And IG·th. Lllr" give I:lory, ror 8 ~. "ho "(i8 ,,!l. .. t1road Presldeot. alld R ' . will" J,,,ly HfHi otrd willa lore t-\.t1~ ' o( o~ 1.11 I "'DIy "~lIrl t III~ • '" had 1111; opporcunity of "iewinl I JI~' dum ~'''nllih lIi,,1I rI, greal persou ill them p"rls, Bul ilRp' (Ill her (JIIDu"ry 10. IBU,) IIppeared 10 one of whieh .h" h8d IlIld no UStl '(or p ue' t ew-oe\'t!ltg,,~~·(} .J/.' At rllde which will probably DUllr be do , I. ' AMI :l'.,;mt: c~niio~ I I . pc.rell r hacl ~hown Ihe 8IIme figger for Rllle~J::1J ~N. C . ) ~tar: , llho.i JI6ftt'.,n years. ily pressing Ihe Ofla , I/~ e , celllld, 1'h!'t wbioh "III mOIl ~ole,j \ I .. • a priol "'tmed (,ibh. ill l~at towo I*le Died, In lhl, ett,., ",n Saturdar lalit, )lIft"f11l!~ org"n8 ,vith III 9,,111 Ili~ , worthy I¥/Ialhe unc~lIlmoDwrOm~IIl,u~~' f pre-yil klllHll1, "b.ch crea.t,d a .inleulle ,Jllcob Johnson, who hIId for mhny humb~, ,,'Ill b~ rUbbing Iler lacill in IIlI' .<tu..~1J ..\ural C\U1oIl1ty.) of IhQ 8\flrt. Lbe rllgul~r yet. rflpld p'roLOomuh & the 'Rudi"nce remllrk"d yell~1 ocoupied an humbl~ but useful re¥\on 9! Ibe l!)'4!11 ~'ul\lriL\y" wit1\" hii " "". ' \-:;:':;.,' ('1' • , •• Kr\!Is~"o(\ e ,.,.\'·\jul!. and: \~ .~diO~' , -.hflwe on~ IIlt',· 'Rnd olher l'tat,.,tneD~' ItlUIOO in life. He lVlII e.ly ('onllab1l!, h"ndll (or A f!!w lIlinule~ , s he de clllretl Severfll ot our C111~ B retdrne, JAI\ 'bi-dfir 'an , ~ 08\ e'l 1>\\0 , Iibt\ W. of IIle Hllmll 8iruihune... I lried to sexf,On "II~ porler in Ihl! :Slltl" BI\II~ . In her~I.1I impruv!!t1, anel in R 6hor~ time wile" (..~rn' a \'i~il to the ' Gt'eat Sunk"n of ~hll ~pl~ndi~ b.~, ~r wbo ~ar· " 1II0lirj " T'tl'lil ' theto that iin,rRm' hi-I"," t iII.~II" I.,t! Wltl viaill!u, by \lu, "M "ble lu rend It III!Wf)lapt'r wilhoUI ~allt:, .ttuRleG In Ihe CII'O~1l .Mount. 11\;I~fI~ed In 11!18gltta~\lad.moDllr'\lba'.. il" )l6s.. uin child en llIilfllt ba~e ~y princlDll1 tnh"bllllnle of Ihe Ctly. Rnel inColnt'ellit'nC'e; A lhin .. she hlld ~tllJvm 1\108, IIbOUl se"enly.,fjv" ",Jltli nOl'lh· -l~h'lu(ltlph," Pr~", !lhtl lig.,r 10 plily IIIIU .. dAY, & I by all'of whom he "R8 e"leeml!d (or hi. tllllI~ IlItift,;"n YCl\r:' A rh!!umlllio ~RsL rrom J Rcksonville, '1'~iR IlIk\! rio , ~o llltll\'t ch8rK" '~nI bUI alars I hOI\.,lty, ~obrillly.' inl.'';'llry. fine! lIu 'l\'ull'lll c"me Ilo~pi.'~~: in. by the ."I'd' o( \'/III the ' (~muu" I'~e · ?f Sillb"d Ih.e Tu& ~ ATION4Ll)~DT.-Tb.· ge~ret.~' i~ 'W1l8 of n., "~'ft). j ' WAI IOre .. d &0' mAnll, friendly d'lpollUoo. Amon~ 8!lt ft"ctltl-Olh- A · t..wUIUD1: and .. llapplllg 01 ~811or. it 18 thought to nverRg-1I '!.OOO of the 'l'reaeury hal mad" I bighly III ,,10 •• nd I iofer Cro'm an "rlicle in Ibe ' to whum he "". known and e8teem .. d. tbll limit Iln,ued, whl;!n' ~ Doctor ("et dowu 10 Iht! 'N"ler "~I round. ' l'hll ,"on,ble reporl oflll .. Idwd~I.htrai!l '~ ! .ftd v~rliEer of tlll'~ to'~n, in "hioh Ihe 1.\0Rt! ~"D,ed ,bilD IlION (exCepl" per' w"lk"d hiD1 ~UL of tbtl room. .Wil.il hi. ",a1l8 ~r., .lmolL perpendluulRr,. ~u"aiDg tl,!tJ 1~..(nmeDt, and lill "I Edilor ""YI, , Altho' lime bal ail,Yered b~p".; hll rIIM"ee) IbaD 'b~ p.ub"lh,r crulch c\Ilnj.r\mg. un,used, by 1111 BIde•• ' do.n tnt~, Ihe waIn APd ~!!aYtn.1C 110 with ,regard to 'be publio dlhl td ... i~J' I}lil OlaO'1 head wilh 1rOlt., be; IIi II of ,tlll.1 paper, (~r .be ,~~e. 1111 htl! • .on a And 10 Ihe hellhn~ process conlin· beMch. 1 he. deplh of I~,e . w" ..,r III uo· Llle monlh 'of ~plember. Th, ICtU" .allo_ in 1ft"'.t. Still are I1'"lb. paru~u!Jtr oceallon, to the bdldnell and ued. Tholll Buffering wilh a~Ihmll, tu koo"n,. lurJ 11._ 8~rra~ IS ' Imonlh Rnd redlloli'lln or that de~t, uclalive b'"f tb • • tufTed, and hil' WAX work. , 80reliable. hllm.lmy of Johnlon. . mort. :deafnell • • .,akn..... ~nd olher UDIUmed, .. It llel 8~ fa, " '"'low ~I~" aniount tan" by Ih. eaneellatioD or • WII are glad, Ihat btl /Ial con,clodlld PC'''' 1'h.lf~'h Clirollr," 1~\t"lllli\#~ 'lIu~ eOOlplaID~. wllfe dellil wuh I~ nurly Burfllue of Ihe mouTlI~u.. th aa ' 1he "~r eOqlp!)ul)U ,illtere.. l lIotell reeeiv,d .' for .. t er to re~i.k ON .'o.rt. ahbcf iDcr.djble expl.int tb. concluding lioee ID the a. the 8 Epe"maDner 118 the forel?'~In+t. Ope cU~r,.,nlll do ~ot nfftl':L.I~, J~.J 1.~lIgl.h \I publio {ue., ~al '1!,~J,766 i8. 'thol , ~, ~it ~J.) .p~"'lt ,14- Cello!!', ~.11l1y did . ' ,' reml\r\i-able (e .. lure of llie aHlllr WII,S the eaIIDl"It·,1 ilL Iwel~' e :nlllll, "" . lis wilith decrease in tlie inleresl of ,he p~b1io ' • . . rel\dll1elll with lI' hitJ~\ , 11.,e o~rnlo", in at t~ft. 'I'heJ'1I i. I\~ island ill. jIll center. d,,~t WII8 8liot,4t! 90; which ' exoeed. ' " ealllwmp.tllLe doing ao laat e.t.~m~er j p~ •• obltu"ry lIotto~. wh~r. 111)1 true LO tbe craven ~!lII'?C.I' fl'l~(j1dfll HenderBoD wat uptJet In ~ most i"~llI'neeIlIOM t~e dlstlll!;e I)y .1\~11 IIf\YlWg lr~.ell Itpon It. No frY/nF.' man lhe deorelllt,.in' I'he previoul mODtb b, o.f hI b!"ck hean, be • roLe .'h~l IlIfe· caQ~ ••~d wae io neArl, ;belogdrown Ihe pAtieDL wlta "ftfic led. Aholher III' ever hAil, ami prollably, ae,'llr WIll, .be 8241 ,411 99. Thle i. ,be tirlt dido' , ~h ,r~ ~vell ~f ·.Lhll, .~e~4f ,J~~rnal •.• d ,lha\ I,ftl wal ~lOllrly eXLine;' whu h" tll.'plicable fellt'lr 6• (llld one whiell we 1I~le to r~8ch tile waler ~ ~dg~ • .l>t 1t"1 winell Ihe commt'ncelllen~ of &he . "af' acrOSB ehe l\reeL \0 know W~IIU Ihey WRi r .. cove~ed. Jacob J~hDlon "~I 00 co~eiv".'o bl! mirnculoU'!! (pro"ided 1\ 8denl, ~lIll, I\nd my.~ertOu8., I~ Llle uo. whert Ihe mODthly IllilemeJ;lI of tblt ",Hul:l e'hllr~e lor 4.,P\I~!"al~ 1;»111. to be Itl~~ Il~qk •• afe fI~J 8p.oure, BII.t he III" cure 11111 bt:ell 1l~I!Led), wile the pre· 10m or , Ih," 'lI~erlllwng 1"l1s,. like a 'f,e,,~ury hAil exhibited a deorea.. ' of' "gllrment i\elonging to' A h~ge well 'eoope~ out .by the gllllll gP- llu! public ullb,. dOlle .on ~' elluw pap.. r I WtI sha" .r"eur "!M' friend drowhI,lIg berOfe ~II. filet. 8enunioh 10 Lhll mll"er ag,.lU.' , 1 houghlll'1I of .hfe, h. pfunged '11. ,' ~t ' bedridillln WO'nrwln. ' ITho: DOClor, tliking nil of t'be lOountl\lOl. In. the un~no.n . , • u. ; l",y. 1 iofer (tom thilarticle tl,~t a the Italllrd of h., .. O".D :W~e, .Be did it bel ween hra bandll. clo~ed llis ,eyes, "gell gone: by.sad .rouod ,t the pr'm~Yai ..... 'I'he Conilitlllioaal AmendllltMpl'f!judiss atilt eXlsII agio IDe in IbAt ,tinall.v succeed 10 .AVlng. h.a fne~d, but find bade Ille (eyer .ilh which Lhe wo· foresl~ wa lc4 Rnd ward a,.e ke~pIDg, b l' I' I I. ball ' 16 d ti Lown ' bOlb .ere nellrly ex~llustlld .!tett they m~n ';~I p08!t~I~r .. rll":"'declnrinll Tile "isiling pRrly fir/ld "rift\! sc:vllrRl 1ft\ v I,M III'"II. s a"'S"r y" ~a. • ral e '1 , "tI~ IIpeak ot ' my once bein, iD rllae I'8,d Ll1". I I10r.I!. , TI 'I! • I~ t e menL eil I 10 the messenger wh.> " . '. i tl t t l' " r 4" 'Ie v oWlIIg Lat.. : 1I11o~ahdl~r ,~"\lI ~"..... ,."d d..\ermfb'o l,.ilI hroughl It Ihllt l lilliea nlo I~ , W/I er. 1\ "n ""g!! 0 a , " , ' , ' : ," r W.lwlD),tll- .hdllh"'i~" Dd til'iblni ~he~' I'rllighlelled eircum~.nc;e. i" a aerlill. rtgal'd to Jacob J~hll~Il,'1 , bel~g e~ Lhe' wblb,,\) wile heAlletl. lind bidding degree •• lind were Ilble to notl! leverlll \ lII,,,o' ~ i I, .h. t,. l8 n S. , ~"'! Vl<i~ula •.• 0\1,.11. -, , " ' '. " I ' 1\ ,. ' laid f h' eSL" lo\wiel" ilidut~ry . f d f ',- f h r I I HI,o,!;! .18ntl, f "".2, 1IlIl,.ni. Feb , 12. 1IlII1Ul'\ lo; ....iIl... J&aJ<etekll1M. 'Md not· ' Iown, an,1 of mv 4!ndt;a.nrin' 10 IIcooo' .,e e or on J' , ' I' .. " him go Iiorne and teU lI11r co gel 011& ' 0 seeoo B.O Urn" I'om I e reporlo l I." ~laryl~lId, Foh. S. ~ eYada.FIIb 16. , Iltlln IIRlulllt1d ill I!WIIY. 'lind ' wmoit"st mu'"tll " ,eltlt by' le~li,,' IJlYlelf out to alld halJ\a~.,. frit: ndl~. <h."p~lllon. I~ b"d. ~l~n , un ,lIllh~ _ b,1l ."ruc~ lh,f3 w"ll!r,-:- II\'!.... . "h" •• II.~ . F.b. ,3. L~ui.i81\a, Fe~. 17. 'Itmrr'~ll, ,1.{ 1"_/tIY V " I SRhbRtb .chuol p'ic ·oici \0 sing ball·,'. Cllucllrr.,d 10 by th" old lohabll,a~ DOW A.. "e Illwe before r('mArked. we do l:iuob steIDS ,ncrodlf,le. \)UL I vouched "Ne\\' Yo '..,l\~.,: a "1"11.. .0 ...., I'.e!i.~• .".. -~ J:- fJ J, , • . f' , ~ I" . I' '11 t rut J ' • IL b ' ( \., bl .. ' en t, .. )" IWl\IIII.I. . ~ eh. I . ,V I.cun.in, Ii ab. 2'-. ' W g ~d I~r the e. S d"pt.,d to Ihtl .! ,lIdllr"lllndiri. of 1i1~le IVlog In. L I.e cIty. . ,e gr" e an( not "tt~~pl .10 offer Ant explllllllltOn /\Ir y ~'~IUII. 0 o~r ~o.t, . rt Itt. e CIII' We.' VI ,gi~i" , ~'.b. 3,·' Y.erll"'ill. M.~~ I):, ,b" be had.• :atuI\1Gal .agagl'lIftta. ,.'!i lilaildr.,n, Il'lcamanyio m"Rell 011 fI clll,r' Hener~"a Inb~tlllo hll wOrleh "I~d good concern 109 IhlS vl!xed subJecl, bUI It:llve Z(,M , J he !R~I!" cerlllJnly n. mOllt reo M'e.'"",.,!" ~.h, 4. huge .... , AI~1I1 i. AmeriGa, a-nDo!Mo"d h,'I ' 'iD(O!It'IOW "Of ont!l~"laieh I (omol wher" I "as olle Delli of hurt 18 mllr~ lu be va Itn.t,1 and il for ~imll' ',,1\Id fllLolle i"lYe.ti~"tion 10 mflrkllble curlo.lly.-Juck.mnVllr, (Ort- MI·'""},~b8' 7. t-rkoll',"~: Ap~I - . . . . • t d II • ttorl.,d urn or ..DlmA' ffi ' (I f I ) S t' 1 U HD. ,,,.. , , ,0,,".,,1111&1 ..... 1 ,. K't1~."Celleilrt ' w.eItl 'e"e~hg O'b'ooal'd. ', dli,Y •• illgin' ·insttlRd of " Oh ho" )llea" 1e~ elOme '"'' . t; I . ' .deto:r.. ine Ihll e cae,y (Jr' "I acy 0 tie gon .,n ~t., ' , 1\11" •••• ".h. 8, l ow., Juno 30 , and how t.ender" lJ ~ 'w'lllr1d ' ~eYt!ct t.llt: .lIot to btl a llitl~ child,' ed but I.' 118, ~uch Pre&ltlent ...0 1II~01l IrllllUltlni fldop'lld ~Y. 1 l1,oct.or New Ion. \ ' ,I, ,_~_ __ , i\I'nn".1)I~. Fell. 8. Jllew "_nlplhire, Jan SO' 1911(' - '1.., 'mil4ltl ,.rotI~ ,. ho'ittmu.k &. .....-...t. ' • m"y IU re~tr 1l •.'lIId nl) dOkDbdl h." d,>e 8 . We, liowover l lI~vi~., Ihe ai.l illllllnd Lhe 10MPltil .UJJ HEIlCUL41H';I'M -The 11 hfl8 been rejootl!d by tbl!! foJlbwing ~ I'n ..... I 'h' 1"'t!W~"" Ip IIIR .., . --. ' ",QI ,UP again. Thill n!!eul\'lf tn"l ao mRr" 1\1 I1II: I tI 'l . ' t tI 'D t ad' d . C!. I ' .. , g.,n ... ltl '"t.llI' .1118tmhld\e uf • 'uree Aol' dill, /. . Ii .1I••ch'ft'l"M I.e eur 0 '\I;! Itl oc or JU ~e ( Temple uf JUliO. rect;lIlly (,1I~cov ~ red 11,1 .:M.tell ' But 1al.. I ·. t<ld'e tIO•• ~ OUTII ellutttRitl ~ r.th,~-of ~"vollon ao t (or t\18m.elrell, PompeII, wll/' .. p'.... rrJ" of 300 tJ"I!I.,. / r>~" .." .... f'fJf/ II' , «'eft'' '.''. Mlltll f ' lilt'" O*gl/,. tb 'tiMf~r Cj&m' Ofr. l~C(I E.t whieh mi.l"',e, atl.lud · 10 lbe r"et that 1 ~ prl\~t:d ~l'Io:nd-L~le eO"d aeem. to la\'e I -_ _ .to t.onll of women and ehillll'tln i~ IU(I ' "luck~ : jo'"b, i~, 1, • • inhurJ:h W",I•. brellllin", iI. '1I'e',j y "."tlll o~,III~~ .1 .J5~IIY onL~ tbe I?!airon~u excepl lubercled IU all eWlnenl egree. Rr.p••l'rU>l• ...L Sbltie pe""le bate An pOI!!d 10 \11Iv .. bien de81Toye'd by \1 e \J.: i~ ,UP~tte~ Ih' \. C010ntlo-Ll~" e~ Bnd he~ ·Wlmt' if 'P'1lJ\DI>I I~ll, AlVI l"'~kl.Dg,~ howl d,~m".I.'" b~oktl, up .Iho ' - . icllla III"t Lhose w hI) lAbor hAve IUftlO' \ III.YR or I4'H'l1'191 willie Ihe \ll!ople''fIere S,~l~) 'wi\\"'3oon' rf tbtl .lDen~n' . IberEi IIl1 the .JQ.tlYe mUBici.n 011 dec". ,ic'll,te alld Ihe CllI!~rllu . I"I~ ID W~IC~ N-o BEGGARS .N AIU;JUC,A -S,I' Mot· ienl r crellllOIl. lIIeRlnins, lhe r eby exer- I\sa!!mbled in wor~bip. Ol)to of Ihl;! ~nU th"\' enbllQ:h the recoti,trucLed tfltrnaKII' ahok.d ~\mh 1I0b. and e~oLlon~ w ,e~e l~O ~e~o. 011" 01. Ilttl. En~!lSh 00 IDn'Itr r· ci~e, IIt:re ie, how~\,er, diOere nce II be- ektolelODS i, 6UPP05tld, (,o.m . ill ricb S oulhern SllIt.elllo ftx tbe matler, ' will' ., a ~ilidlll"bj'"A ftIlla1 ~ r!g~ -, . . . • • (. . .," I ' : Wile thlllr ' ho~e. anti ~I{.e,re w ,II, theIr c:al '\1I10rs. . .,Ii IU 1111 IIpc.,ch Hl Iwet' reCI't:R:\on 'a [lIl I~bol'. 'J'hll mind jt:wels. an(llhe rllli¥lou8 '''Iell rouod prlllllully "0 il. ' l ''0'(' 1\ eft (1~,! ,)1eve 111m 1'''? aDd 1 '"Id be. qltlllt, dear cblldren, Clevl1lalld: . ' 1I t!l"O , " cJ"liige; Ihllt is th e poinL; nenr it, to bu (h"t o( It V1:81al. At to hue .~riehoed'twot'& I\ollft!slckl~~.ell l am y~t pit, ' \\'IJlc~, made a. lou~g A(ler our Jour~eylngl "ell~ ~nd eRB\. cbn" lilly on one eUlajt:ct, i. lIurl!,,/. To' 800n Il. tllll 8~ell!lon. werll touohed. '•• thin .,~ 1"1 IIOnl(l oO.a.ld I",¥e e&C1l11U ","/llall w41h l\\'101 b~ her .,de,. IlAY .e can lIay III~rll I~ one tlllllg 'hiL Ihe I ol'iog Iftan tht!r!!lore tecfj,Mioo IhllY, cr.lUll.ijll!d mto "U81. 'the .tntUtl a:::9'" Billlou'. Dollrrr Monthly tell. 'D utlllll"; litH onee' ovtit i'. ' «ft'eCJ('~,' he Hnl(tilr ' r..ood ' llMyens f~rbid ,lhAt you we ha.e noL ,8et:n ID IIII!! country whteh 'i, fI ' fldVllnlllg; aft it ~obl'nd8 thll o( Jupo i. 'ontl of tllll bne8\ eYer ~i~" Ihe Ilory lhal /"oward. 'be clole of tb • . "..~trl.hllld u.' with l e'Zhiliitl~n'I ·: \).~ l h!1 8hould, eVllr .be •• be pa of Ihes~ lIIuoeenL 1:"0 btl _etln III t!I'ery .00h.,r cu~nlry- mind .'1t adt\'I:b~erl~lne~8, which is 1\ eovt:rt:d "II POlnpeii. '1'1.11, .,ye. ~~'i revolulionl tbe owner of lb. Norlh 'kIll on til" corneL, wh.i~h .~hcitft\ .uch oneil, ~8'9!t ~ n:'ucr, deslUbl" for we ha,e nOL It:cn. Iitn~Ie m"l1 a~klng '~ry grul requi&ile 10 the wOl'kin~ lIl"d" of enalDel, th~ &r1ll8 .nd Church in NlIl1' liB"", .entto 1I0atOll 3ppl •••• a.; an' "nllPpt~ci , t1v6' \.uiUl!nc~r th~ ,.'rlexlll~\, IgollOY ully upop a mur' .. 1m.. In oth", eoU"lrll!l, ,no m"lh:r m"" tel Ilidl n\ )'re clilln to flny IBrge n!!ell fire ~nVllftd willi blluntlful , orrfll ' ror nitl!. \0 millie rtlpBira with, wben ' dIM .' 'lCMIld bestu,w I.,·. , '!."" ,. . d~~, '/iI(lllu8r . where~ we coul~ 110\ haYil Iraveled 1\ Cl"AM ))0 nOI Iher,erore 'h1'lIme " nlAII I meMLe. 't'II" ptlllendt Ily Ih" ~I\le ,,' bf o( the lIeg~ gllbt 'iD rtmt,...·(or tbe order, 'I ,I bOw ltind J,b.J the 'pul!tkf''P'UllI 1IIM' 1 81\y 1 wil~eot lpe"k of, IMa. 11et tI:&1 WlthOUL berng. tlIf\peall!d 10 0,11 ,.11 '0 no "Dllt}leo hlue A Iiliture day; 10 J>uno at her OUOlil!lJtllt.ed bird, ih 'oatit; w". ,Cuull'dq o oootain' Iii,., · doll'rt, \11 ~hll ...~~ " &liIbt'~~' i' hil ",ne. lind iL'Uet &rrielt, i'n ' Obli'yolt,.. " ,!fitter by bl!lfgHU ~ DOL." port Ih~t w~ hll~e little IInjoYlIlenl-;if h i8 no rqore "llt)o8L enLirllly of pT8ci~u8 \Il0n~fI' The q'flc~ w,ole 10 tlte BoltoD ....r~· . II eapec.!ally engllge~_ ror tb .. ( ,tp"r~" '~ri Y01lr "rllole. "Mr, EdItor. ple~Ie couhl·.• nkr .Hh"yt beln~ met on IAntl thin o. ,,'~ic his friends. Do nOL be, 0111er ",Iu"blll gem~'wulI '"un~ , IIpon cnlln\ Ihlll there WR. 'ay fI'~r ill I'-ip ,.', CODqIlrl" ,;: r~ ~1\.' 8hfll y .rcmP,3llt~t 1ft le.U.'!!m _1'''L ki~d '~I" ~llIn! .1l~D', IIIg wl''''''ppeal, tor alln". Here .e. )llud " helle lillIe re.unions, llle1l'e III . a' bl'onl~ 181l1e. l:itill more r~mbk.al1l~ pin .~ thelCood.;· but I.e alii.ered lll," B08In~(" .. ~fIl'"""t \til tfH, ' I!cil 10 y.~" le~ II .~\ 10 krtllC'8e my oClln ',bllt we h,,~ !lula!! n 81 .•bo~ 1111 I ppillee.ell, wlI : may l"y: ' F.or d"'coverltlsllfe Jeohd f(lf II't Hercul'ID' l/iallail. were lold al b. Mli'g'l~ llieID1.I ,lty 1~1' .~lI\S4~U' n..... Iweek ·" n ,N""" $1.0", ~p(j"k yuur mind ,freely. 1 do, gar, or a perJ~~ ~1\~.6 Ippel\rMtle 10<11' 11111111 11-01 miMi and body-iL ill good. !!um. it-rtly,,1 deCl1I1l "III recedt~y 01" of . : priv'\t.ee ......o. aad he.odlJ 'b~ Yo,". ACt.ctr thl. ~nllOll.n~lDena,'.•l> ~ nQ~. obj,tlOl lO luilicitm. " 'l',,II,hl!' ~ub. cel~d WlUlt. 1:I1I1 .II / I, ,,rtlat r~Cl. I'n(~ lL m t8 a . mlln . ~lorc like, ,. . raljqRRI dc:red .\hlf'l(vprOI'fI~1I011 of Lhll ~oll up' reelify ·.miatak"I, 80 , L~ aiL,er "a~ t ~ngW bitd~ &bAr 'II" ' I!xprell?d 1\18 lic, ill I a oandid and g.aeeful "rllcle, o~e Of. "'!lleh y~ca ."Y well b., p",)ud. hum boinK, ;tod 1l0L a mere brute or or. wh ic'h ' IIiIl' 8nc,eD' Gr,",~ coloD, !n.. \teel up aod made inlo' "aerriot or d"iult .. Ihe wan' of M!tni'l'lt;ott' 11 ,h""my 8how ,.botJndl in morlll and ~or Ih~lr nOlhID&:ehle, yolt> could IIf· mach n'~ wholle olllfv b'l1,ineslI it ie to once !!lood : pllll~ Cor t~\o . ehurC'b, wb~e iL ii' a~cll laiallellf¥8""," i ;f IlT~, . Wp hl~ no IItlll'~lio"curioiiiin, a,py otllf! of .hom i. iord to be p!oYII' of your. cOUlllfy. WI! tug ftiiy • . ''filii tuggitlg is not llie , _ ..... _ " lit 1~t:i 'pre~eDt' d'ar. 1 lIIore "lldi"me than WoulA \tn ik,lln waL~ doubblll tbe' price' of lbe admin· are prO"ld . ofet" c~,uncr,v. '~'. arC! chief eifd of MAil. For hulbh, ful' You' n"B &:,rRndin.r'uml 'f'e c ' , ,. •• J ~llilw~\J""'P~~I" .~Ip,ldl" ,wllp \lad io~, , proud M our o.,erDm~ol, bu, I~ ,II " h"Rpi tl" &heD, It liull reorell\loo, erfor~te an Rpert~rll' in tli . "pH:, ' Bod ~~ B'oetoll' corr~. IId~al of.'tf.' ' helped ... dlvefllfy II .. mooo'on¥ ' of 'I wlla born Iq lite SLate lhlo" 0' gro"Ll1 o f AS", y~t olfllfttry 1~'I~ut • , P "~rre8JlOlldl"g Rperllttfllrl 'he t;M.e ;no~oL ~e. er' (..... ~ ') "ePP,.qoora ' " L .u.. ..i ' I lif at d:NW ' lei u DltOe • , l A' f' 1 d t Y"rl' h"llnclwn· a .taollly ,. ~\ ." II..., , Do 0 ~'. ~' . v Wnw • I!It ail , .. 0 ea· pRreDt8.. • an ·111 ,,~~ 8f\raolAs ,a ytU;I';' 61111d tb8' "orld wi~h..ondlir III Iir. lIa 1 andl fe.liNe BoglilhftiRn aod applyinjF the eg!.£ 10 the lips, Ilila tbui! liboln 11Ie tftlb 'of DaaIeV Web I•• la ''!a,.''~I.,i''~~D4 ,r~~I~PI' ~, ~. .", I gre!,LI',1 ~~~~P' ,"eDIIQ"'d· I'l!."~ o,~~rb lh IAI'~" ,hro... b .. letrlhl8'\'rlal ;nd ' alint' a ,~lt to Wa.bingloa b!a.I·~e~. fOTC'bll , iDbll~' \>reatp"tlt,) ,~,l it S'II" in Marthaellt: • Wbwa 'lha .MIt, 01 : "QII ~ II~ o"lIr ray cra e IV' _Uri al p.,...,,, ' r ~ , . jf \1 I ' '. I d ' arged of~' QOGt.e ~ II ,Ft- AI.. W "A L ....• • .t ,,,,, " • , '. ed 'll . bl l. r~1 r 'I b ' \ime out IWhimphantly tbrodi(1I ew orf[ IIlplea Bome waterme 0011. eDt"e y IIC \/ '1 II' • n, ·,,,,h.¥,,,r. '1~,_r .~" """I~ ...."rCll\,,'.· I l ......·lIea ".... ' Jib· "'80111: " the1 aa ~I, ng, 1/'1' Ir~ "r-ei u ~ al . . It aMr 1he termiaation • Aw' Iwa'tR lied 1:a.II'~ you gr' " l.r~ ,nle" my 80'UI, cried lie ' 01 ' lady, d~y, hil-;:rtndf&;tbeJ~ cofJllI'!""~Il• ...a.I, 'IIlGl\ .,ita ,~~...... IU.thblg'''' hi How , 0 I ~ 01 1~. ~la, . t,~e e a~J d;, ..liDa war, 'here ge••j,.,I .. lha; 'l1il~m hi "Ii.,. 1IOIIIII'y" 'wh t wonder.fllt impT~eail.'nt. th.y do' opleqla,aod 'bia r,e maJal fo,'ild iD; ~ ~,..tbe.. '.J , "I, " ' • ' wo~ld IC rry me ~~D L ..11l d Ide rliar ',;e 0 t", 0'" ar 10' ........ e"n ia Jour land 'Apple. C 8&ahlitned the "eDd.r. ',be1 .ake I No-. III my youDger day •. ~e, feolilale of 1'lr.aenaUOD. JTlI". I.' ..,. " ,; • I' -' • ••• • taW,u , Will IDu ••"'r I ..,11. ar n,allu DO a ~ ""' .... , •• ' t _ • .1 ... 1 . ' b . --.I ..." • boul {' • b b L 1.. . ' t 'bim-" 'J , '1' I' ' i...t er recol'tl co.ld b. i:r:aWe o( ao v aib , .pplu. ,'l'b,8Y are 10.. i:reea Jill ...... 1, ..0. la ..... ~- "ere. a n ,pia:t 011 - ..... " MlirTlietwaD' wbo'U"'lfot ..... n aBWeetY, eetY"'IUDg• • wal DI., ~~o, pro , .; 1, .Nt " h Ui • ad: ' .... Un. Cor,_ ..... r.Uow. lbo' l"UD'l Il}d "dall' to proJ'Brl,. ap' aalioD. . "'u ,., II • e al· ____,_ • • a'&'T';rLB-IR'MIf. T' I-
... Wird'" w-apllw ,... a ,auto........ '"
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THE - Jtr.~I(! fWr--- a4eH.e.
DR. S. J. WAY, D B If T I 8 T 1\ l' ,
11.. lI1er OD her Ir.' lrip to Nt. leek OOiiolAlion ' dll:' /AT CORWIN, ~a}dtr. -r· IiU,d Lo repletion with a Ih'ing • rgo: (.1' whol..nme !ood, d ec~.L btlddiaJ .n4 r 0 .t I" {I U T H ~ . . AC 1. OS 0 ' ~ I ' R08l\,ILLa7,I., Ocl. 6, '65. IInel., ,be Ie" lhe ' llme day • Clur' oj"il IlI&andll.I,: " , ~ h.n we d~ppeel Hu on hand a full lllOrUnl"I of lbe W a J n ' I ? ill e, 0 h i 0 : DIAn 0 . . ... :_ ~ogra llll.te me ! .61lve., DlNl y ~&a w~ro mad4. II .to all'''~r ID. the N ~r~ rl\' , r, • fut"l1 eJ:' In Iu" various brllnchu; riot 10 lui eatel1-. 'II" b.., " WEDNEHD,,,·~DEJl l/IJ.!! , [at-od 0 ee IIgaia .on ·the Ilind of Ihe wh ich would . rrlve 6r81. '1'0 bfgoll~l plie 810D WII' fe~. on ~'-'! (lIce •..WhCUl Ilil anvwbcre. None bUllh. VOL::'""l-:-:--~~7.:""~- ·U. XV1J. free lind Lhe home o( Ihe br"" e, ' wilh Ih e lime. me n lind wom n ClIme olf in the lend er pUll oft wllh lho cabin p.I· DB 8 T M AT Ii: RI A L Ull II D • ' / reelinga'.u f .dad ness u,,~rly i m po'~ibl~ I hore· boats wi,h W8rea lor ,"le. at 'p i- l ••mgerl . il i. usual toc he er viiJlorously: L C -'Olli e at 11111 ru ldence GLASS·WARE, - .. . .b I ( I Ed' ill I ' , J "p si 'rERlI~, " uu. c J to dlrli " a te; for HI my wllndering. I en of tbei r OW II. " nd lin tkoel,hlDl 'r.de ' I~I we e ll Ie In urI:: I In t: ·..on Mill S Il~lI t . J J- lJ 'BFSl' .qoNr~CWI·ONI.aiI8.N~ bue found. noloing f'qu/lJ.to ~~, 'CIA ",th er '~!'I .. d .10 ,'rl ..~~in (r!,l i I ' 'cll lr.r c 1l~1I' I ~ ~ 8/Ie, ~ o:"f. \1. ' ';,::..-=:''t::.:t,•...::..,.~-tr':.f.:.-----;,. ----1 10ld you 'l 'lit I I'l pe cled 10 lellve , . horlly a her. the III 'k lt'si consJJllers :afi'ral l, a nd strove ~y w/l vIOg lh~lr I ~" _Jr~_""".~r.L'tJ""I'" Bridge oI .AIl . n14lll pl. Jidl for Li'. ,wialled ·· wl,h mlillT groan th f1'r bll'l :' . ' the~ l'eace, crpool. th ence 10 embllrk in Ih ll sleRnl ' j o e'~r ace n•• By bud bye " II were off l tloo, Wle rep p,onlle l " 'LI' a profound ' OTARY I'VOLl e . 8bip Aa;nbu,.g, of Ihe inman lin e, nex t IIgRin , Rlld " ht'll l- llurlJlla in', F.alDo'l I ironn from Mn i"divi llua: whOle Bc~ses . AN U" N . C' / '.A~' AI., . 'C!o. .f~ ' h;D~ .W:t .: , ' . • . f' ·t· ) . 'd ,I L lctnud ,-, ollUfya11 Clr. aIm {(I 'M, . day. Thollgh Ihe ,,~ alhe r Rt mld·dllY I IIg hl ~It:ll m~ ~.lIh R "at~ ry.glo" from \ bl~~ ~e\'e tdy ,eutrl'l'll . . IWV. Agtnl j'or reliable F IRE n.n4 WaB fi oe, Ihe morning 'tnd II vcDiD g were I Ollt LIl li glllhll rmg JlUkneu. , . the ope Fill Ion uf M! arc,llIn,~ ~ll e 'rl\n~6 L i FE l nllurrIRc6 Comp!ITl ie~. ']'1lerll ' Ilau-r b. ~e l1 bau. 1 ,",'C I\t I .er Ob tIIe W" 8 , 1\1 ... ...1 , RII IlJI . orfice ,,& Ih e 0111 SImi", MII'n Sireet, .11 of w,.ieb . ,111ea'be nlee. 10141 " '" tJ\e _ 'ye" . , Q S If 1111 .A L -4" WI ~ -..... 9Y "" uDoommon ly .. harp. 1I1I1I lIlt, ' tou \: II 0 f ... r liS 1 11'18" concern"" ' "1dWJ ---'tbe b',usL Kin g'. breIl Lh, . which Ihere Alllinl ie, aDd lhoqgIJ the ~ kle hll~ rlls ' l fllc lority pe.rform l'll , ~ nd PI! u;ociFltes WA n \TE SJllULE. Qllf Q. . 'I • , t, i Both tbe BOlt~n Ind PhilRdelpllill UII. the "IJ'llct 0[" bl;~h'. d~ooted th e ed. lilt all gry wale r. u.v hca,ea I 6ul · li nd m) 5!:1f \H TO ~oon, enJoy~ng ~hat Greenbacks & ,country. produce pepe'" luth,,~i '''li vely e~ntr.di~t , 1~l.e tim o [or dtpll rturo Iuld come; 80, after I.. n mlUlfvlS. whieh. wilh' heAd ind, IOr\g · C~'\ij LeU ,~u, x urll c?ITe,o n~ to dri nk, ~ Colle.ct Ions m1}dll, alld p;~ceed. reo ,.. ",1. s of mllny who reo tumbled 'our m.nsion ·"boUI, Rlld the lII l'I" 1\ L.. "I"cl oLII II~iLll .. r )' r"n',lJ)owu"d mltlt:1I 01 cmro,lIl rnlell. , re~rle4I marr;i~ge ~r Edw ill Booth. a' 1.1·' rJ .IJy Jell l'u. ("j"n'l I . p., Will be .cCllpttd I~ , uch.n", ~or ' Good., " .. r 'O -.'1 T .... "" Especial pnln ~ taken ill prep.r ng . ' , " f ODOrai Grllnt bill t wo 1008 at th. garded DIy. /lnli.cipIlLIIU j~ul'nuy muc.h , illmRI1I8 in " Ilill more uJiCom [orl ~III. nor ill I..~ e 'Iwlea. 'r hell lilt: 'inex prol' pp~e Dud procurIng ba~k PIIY , lluuntl.e., Corwin... Alllt'. 3~. •. '1~ t' ~,' Burlington, N. J .. Cullege, The 0'0 ' in ~I,.e 811m" ligll L 118 t he opallillida mUSI 1111 I'I ll ne I , (.o r Ih e ne'll tiw !: J II}.... . ~IW ... S \ l ible eomf6rt of ,R c1ell~ to uch. unor,o u' al1d Pen sionlof lIeC1!IIBed Soldiers. Charera' ADd billady vil ilM tbem (lne dlly \IBve donll CollJmbua' , piol~ctr \,0l'a~e. oue 0( , \he ":~. of lhe, U o lii,",rl,. who pi .. d ~l(c .. pt by 1f'!;!,I~ Iict:nsed al ~e'petll. gei.;~: :~~';i~~ In8urann!! Pollcie" IlIlued JJ ,a, latl " ee": " ' \ 81Ilrlll ll"by' rllil.ro"d al ~noo'n : " .uove 10 do jU. lice 10. Lhe .nand,_ bUl l '1:"!J 8. .1.~m <!! ct: D)or~ .io . ,h,e "njoy- Ind I'r~c\lrl"d u" flS,arobl. \.ernul. · ~¥Y ' {,.\I-' IJl' ':':I : Ifbe ,Dotoribu. ~lIe~III •• Champ F er'1'.he , roll~ ,"0 Li~t:rp901 1\1\' \l\1l,...m~ lO c'en b\': g~1I 10 l'a~ the fooil "r~q red 1mtnL o~ h omt: . cu~fotl'~ wbich I value R~::\~N~E~45 yearll re.'rlenct',I.~~I'" · ' ~ttrC~nlU ~~ -t" IIII~D. '!'''.. hlln,g~ In N " ..h"ll~e on tb~ a. Lha~ WbICl~ (ook me l~ SoOlllUld) .•••• a 8e" 'ppetl le. :whe lled by aba.lID ce o\"lOre ', ban , ~ v~r '. !lllcl , I~ne ~"re\ ~ " ft · :om~ y . 8' .. tot~. The r~r.etltloo was s tru:tl, prl' that th osa 1 trllYt:lled WlLh wer.. d,ffer' Tho iJrelld. whIch WIIS mllde of lP~ldy Ver51:11 the Ilhmlt nble ~oea_n i'b llllrl eljn \ -:li)llttt\5Cmcnt~ ~f,-:e~,!-,_., ~ "Ie" . . .. " . . , 801, and hig hly oninh,resling. · A,Csr ' flour aDd 50ur ye1l81, rt'quired R ~rong l ot1ay~, Y;hi.I.IL ,d", ~1J\II" I\ ic,h I\receded, ' , • ,\ AI ~ . ~ ~', ILLE . 4UUt, • Comf,'DY haa b.ee.n fur:uecI, and. a lidle, "'here a clalllo·sllow hlld I~at dar ~1(JmRch: CO~'~II Wll8 un~pprolldh: I~ ,; 1118 by a '~tt:k. Wile, ', eur ly ~\lvtnteen ,CU1 ' ' '0 ' RIo.l.' '1I>l , O · 'rl' C E '. It ... 001 band i aplendld "119,11111'";;' v gr1Ul~ ObWlllHld ,(rom the Quee~ of SpaID bern held, we. weru (I\.\·or4:u willi the Rnd the sluB clilled te8. It WAS fit .to !IllY", ruOIt. Of '11.lll lime being out in ~ r. 0 .1~ lo 1.y, a .ub~lIriDe 'cable b~l"een Por- ,compRDy (1f 6 ,few rich agricullufi-18, impossible to ~wal1\)", aiftn thll il~ ; h~o"j w~"I"er, 'fh e SC(ltlllnd'.be"l u~ . NOlice III he,(>~y' ,lYPI1, that Ihe ,under. BROA~~~~t~k"RS$.· : '1 1.t"' II·, ,I to Ric~ o~~~, .."n~. lb~ ~nlLe4 8.I~te,s • . who cOllvnaed in 'tl.e"Cumber\llnlt dil\:' gl)W 6 ,Oll ~_ Whell Lho iBv,lidu) r ~ 'I by 12 ho'tirli. 'S hQulJ ' lil' of Ol)' rcad- 8NI~~fld Mwereh' °ln8~~he N.lnletdee'n·lldhqOd.olrli:~ V Ea'i'lNOS. : . . . If 'I " . , ' . ' • \ .'.' ,,,, ' . ., ,nl I Ol1t, l"',~PP(llll fI • '1'~lUU11\UJ.Q . ~ u eatimaled wat !6,OOO ba U 0 lee' o"lIr l,hi! IhOld!!nt8 oC the occasion. t:rud ADU Lbe IILl1lell were lillp.d .:' ~m : ! lira COli le91p l"Le .. IJlIII ~ I' Ilr;p•., It:.L\mt; a& ElCllcu'or. 'IR;. Ule E . lfttlt 01 'N .·lh l n • , , ~. ~"""'~' ~ ool-lolllll\\l be produeed' l\loDg the line lJu' the communicaliooe "ere 'collfiDed , plaV"lt. of· Ihe rood ' wete th!l pre,ililin g'\ reopm m~Dd' Ihl'lIl II) , • .void 'tbll . Bdin- IJ O II ~.8 . ullcfulied, ,la'll .'11 W arren ~ UUijty. &e.: wlllllll II. 1II.n.u/.Clure. 'c:oArdl., II of '~he Ilil~ois' .,Ce~I~II~ Rllil!okd . lhil Lo Lhtmse lvel, lind IItielly ' Ol)llfidunlial theme; IIcc'omp"llieti by ex~r~ .. ron~ 0(. burgh. hnd If, Iht" 'PRtf'()n.il~ th~ I~i'nflp. O" ,lu. ~t1~~AJJ>~3~ES. · tUt LATEST . . .', ' . yeai~ alClli~.£ 5:000 lut )ear. , ' . -blld Ihoy di~ouslled IItRte II!c:rel". or t111~ i!'justice, ,jone, us. Rnli a .rllaollltio.n lill~. LO tlito paa'BAge ib ohe of ,Ihe •Cit'· , WI,y~e8Yill8, 10th mo . ~~. ' 1866~ Pa~8 ~.1,(e~·TotJt:; A: roJlOrto reoeatly preltn led , 10 the tre" SU II '\1 ~ D, It would !llIve' blleu IIhko 1nll,er to Il"a\'ollbnt wily RgIIID' Jl, I( I~ I ie·8.' ' . , M. lift!?UII;. , ' .nlt·lt'he · , ' . . , ':"- , -'- ..,--+~ .-~- --. LOWEST P08&tBLB London Ac.demy or Medloine Italea to outwidl',n, who hlld nol Lt.e happy wal rllu, in Ibe 118100n, one mllY 'judgll Lhat··..i~ce 'I'Brlrllualism' bt:~Rme in 'priviloge ' Q, r ,~ "rJy ~n8lr"c~i,on in lhl1ir huw it Wt\. in the tittt' rnl:(t:: "nd :ooe "'1'he ap)ln,"cl.li~, cI."nge in our r.e l., . RETA'lL DE~LEil8 IN ,e • , •• , w ' I ear· 'fogue ~u.J ~ ·Or , iD"Di~v Ior,e augmepte4 OUIIl\IICi, h potlli,. "wllnin". on t nquiring lI'h"l R or..ow d Lionl wilh Chill" il dIIcun. "d.' ~1l1 I . Tile Cu . . . . . . . Ihlpllftllle., J DRY GOODS.4.,' '.unde''' tbe' .upehlilbll 'uf ' Ih.N.eell~nt' tw.nL}'.~,e, nar Geot. About 10' P.' it. 'lte clime to " slflnd meant IIro~ml lhe Caplllin I\IU! P .. r.er, ne&lneu ' hi II Ill' Englisb tlrees. :rlie . r' • 1 , ,r . .rlll' I ' ,.. . QUEENS WAR.E, T '. T. ' b D ,$ .0 N 'J ' Lieutenlnt Mlt;y ,~1t" beeo , made in an iblm'UPS,Il ' ~I:pcit. ~l1d calHlllf R:;'~' I Iltl.rll iL wn. a d"pulaL,.on ifrolU fo~e·' ~h~~g'hai.. eO~ rt:~ p'ond~nl of ~I,i~ . Lon~fol,l ao ' hono¥abTu ' cblltl~1110r ol "'Stlle in myaelf, trupk,! ~c :. w ~re .pee I)' ,wllrd, informing :111cJn Jlho rood 1"AI 'Time8 81k\ 1:8 t1111t hil herto Ihe AlI1eri., l'.;A ~'D WA'R'E '" Who. In Ilil, Ii~e, .Ie Fh.r~lI,. " c:lnuwlMaxmilii.n 's Me~i<!~n empire, The trao.ported to I)ui Queen'lI lJoh:l,wlillre noL 61 for do'J{8.' llnd ealiing for redr~68. 'cftn Nalionll, rp'p ~e8enl.ali,e. ha\'1I 'be$u ~ U ' e d , e d 10 be ~\Ihu,ut ~ .upl!~lur! , I, '. ' rig! 'DlaD: ie I~ I•• ~ ia the righ' pla~. a ~olDfurtable, ~igbt'8 r~.t lfcuper8ted Whetber it wall adruil!l~rt'd or nol, l do .~rell~elr ~il h ill ' ool~lltildt:d , dislike , lind G"ROCERIES, READY ~)(AD'E C~~tU,lj ~ lhu" il' hlllllbllg, ,and LlJe pliCe il' mm~ lind hody f~t C?ml~,~ d...comlor.llI, Inot know • .bul wec:t:rtalllly bad IIOllmt'· III ~~ IU" Insl~nc e8 ~lL!" conl~mpl. He In I.,,,e q'"DI.-,.nd ell'jrllll, qltllliJ, .. II: ba.bllg. . , LIYt'rp~1 Iltlell1.8 " tille .elly, "',th ' Ihlrillion il1lhe .nldon. Woultll ~~uld hltlrl ule s IIIlS ~"'CI pllr ~ y 10 th e, II,bse~t'C &c., Ilyle,of h'1.ne mD~e,III.·71111'UpP". New York 'l'tibWle 1Il"8 : 'Thill lome gnll1d buHjiligs lind w,dl: slreot<; MRy Llie ~mplo"~e 8, ul' t. ~'" if "ltl!l,. lic.I\I' llll lin AIII I!ri clln t1.I!el iI~ Chinl'ft: walen ~ ~ ,na'.rlllin.1I In In.il1teln t1te re,ulal1llft ' T I.~ .... ~ J l'HI~ lit hi" hO\Ule... Olle .ur ·IIle IIi''" ~~u, 'Mr. 'prt"tA! dinl!er. · gi~eD t3 Mr. A. H. bUL 1 h'l,lno LUne, lor ~az~Ili:~ ,lit! II,le and ord"rly Wi\>,8, i\ ,:"i~t~J 10: w'o~ i ')' 1I1I1I pRrLly \u .lh~11i1~il of IIlRkillg COli ' ' . e, ., l>uuley.ud bl. "III"81'I~ 'will 'lIp.,tIIO Invite attention tu' tll81r 8\uek :or Pllilllllol{ive S I,p\lCD'. a' Lhe Rllvere HDu,e, ",.1. ordl!u wtlre II) be ftllhe slllpplng· office Ihll discomfort8 whICh ' \'~rt! bey,oO'I I ~ul " '>Ill of I1IIAOlonllnes. N .. " t hAt II . ," Entire 8atigh~·c" ion;. ..'· ' I iodeed. '~ry pri""" •• lhe entire com· at 11 A Y . : thcre r~re, 800n A(tl:r bruIII.;'· ,Ihtil" 001111"01; bUI li S II f"ilhful hi storihll, Unill'd .slllh· s 'Iltl';t i~ ' Oil Lt,e rOlld·'.' 'to pRllf 'pR~n&,aooordlnq. 'o\btt'l'r ...eler, f1l8l .. ~ wall n~i"g ,Lhrough Ihl! , bus)" 1/101 fllin 10 SAY, I'llch WIIS mort. ohHry l Chillll , 1I111'XIl'lIonlinRry rh'ln~e is RU ' O.lI"h\drJl,i8ll1ei'to~k~il~ 'P~fC~I: ; ,~ eonsllled of' I}.ree peraon•.' thorougtJrlll'el! 011 Illy wny LO Ih e ofuwll. \h"n Ililolbcr. ill Jnlllll' CIIS!!! oIIv,.n of ' licil'lIl1, J iu 1I;t: O1I1'; ual ' Ilij'lllma'li~ ' 1'1/ J,,;\, ;'7, .: '~'lt ·~V~~F i&i'81Illr~~L.Laoe,liiece orex·Pres· ed uook. whi,1t line Ille river, to In· urd ill~ry cirililY; RlIlI ' u(l~ n. Il' J.. rt' ; llIli~lItr of II II! LII' ~ " ~')~'.' ,l l',i ~~: .JJ '~Hl' " , ,' ,hllr Idem Buch"n"n, will.be warried .horl. lO'ID' 8 offi~~. My ~811 .llIt re d,e~, 1 hllRrsed my npt'rit'lice of the clt'llllli· Til1lt!~ ~l'e'~"~l\lt:8 w!IrL' '~ O· Ih" ~rsl in . ; " ,~elecred II, cllr~ in lhe Eutern ly fo Henry E. 10hnfOD, • . weRhby wn~ I"ken to lh.,. ~01nl for ~mbarkltllol1. 11~88, ~ood lo~~ ~lId ",~lIt'r in the.. ~ n : tr u tll1C I.IVII 01 lh ll ~ 11I~ ,ri.~1I1\ n ell I !, ,w,iJI III 1 bluiker of Baltimore . . John.on ,ua where, under 1111 Ihlmtll8e Ailed, Wt:ra \ Chor \tn'r.'l lleIlTlIly J'egrellt'd unlo*Rrtl not Is~ , or II l\u~L,le : .chllrllclt·r. rile , , Ie ' ' ~ \VU~I~~ ', ., OD! or, '. P!lli\'c~\ )I~~rl,n ' ~ 10r\ pillls 01 b;'~gll~1! l\I!d lUjj RilXlou. own : fllle, ..:rllich 'bin.t.m,tl rut' ,frOiIl ~mill~ Aml'l'it'.Rll .cillll"n,Il,l ugl'\·ine. fur ,wlll¥lll , ' " ','." ,"~' . ., ~ ~" it it Vh~r.·I\' ~ft.b. ~aliY''P~r' QI :i,ia '/war, \On 1I""i~\"~. 1\\0 ""~4n \0 60IlY"~ ..\\ \0 bRCk III Iht: Jljue~lIi(, . . I '"lwIlYI fuuull i re~lor"lion 1111 illJpt'rllLivtl deml\nd. has 18ADLE1'S DtJPLEX : u· for' rlonidt &bll tllookadu. I Ihl\ sleam'l.llp. wl\lch I,\y. ~~\ In lhe Mympl\lhiziol( lisLt'II<ln 10 Illy des\.:rip. ' bl'en mFld l: by the U lIil etl Sl.,tlll COil" N."',ap,er i~t t~ r:~lfJ, ~i;cH~~'ii,.. .... ' G ··t" L"R'\-'l' ''1 I ' Ilreall1. wllh. ateRm up 1l~llIl\ng US.- lionft uf Ildv"oturlls in Ihal veRRill. Hnd tiuf, III b"lit'veti to III1\'e been eitllcr , .rd", will , "1,011 .nlr, Yh-'jll ';" ~",' mr. eo fie ve, N •• le we I knowlI 'I ' f ' courtf'. 8tFltn- Ilullbt 1I0t th1\1 1 hclped mAltrllll'" , . . to ijllll'vt:d or l!lfVcutllu. , " . ' . ',. ' . t , ',, ' . v ·A '1T'I 'T v''.a'T ~II·. ','J· 'E.•• ' d " (I' YOI·k 'I'rl · . I be pIl8sl"ilgW'tI " ere, 0 .. I' " . , , , Jlter.,y t' hor 0 I Ie e" . , ' I .\ . ' .. J ' ,. , ' 0 S L ' d' .- "I" .. . I MO l. I ge ~ Lo elleb oLher, ~DU wlllitit Wlt.lLlug. inCrll1l6\! thl! IIAlroo~ or Ihllt lioe Yilt - - -~ , Uf. Y!!i" of , O. publicaliuu.. True 'Jlo, . 1 . · b une; lin Joml el lIor "I' • r. "ar III , . .' ' ,' I . " . r , • . 'A .. ' b ' ' M", A " ) " r, 'J. I , I, " 0 I gUild curtou81y .e n lhose wllll whom I mu.~ do ClIl'll\in Ro~keJi I\IId hie uffiA D" ',," .... o']rr':I/pOlluIIDfJlI ,et?V\len , rr U! ., If,.l OaVaCH, , . " ' ,:.>T ' ..I: ",aDII ~f;II ,f l,e .,,~,dI\w. W ~er,oA9 ' I'Il.O' 0I0.1: IY' pile. ke d 1111d eera lhe jUllice to slIY that by . Iheir "me• Ih" AII'erl'clIll 1\.1·ln·IIIM. "nd Earl ' .. , ."'e d d l'B , o· tl r ley ( "lIro ,.o , . .. ~'.' •• CO,I.111&&., T"TIO. .' ) II\~,' 11t· ... llt'11 . .,. DI.rrt~ o~ e nOI ~y, Oi eo- " I . d ' I' ' II ' I' . II " , pI f·, .. '11'" •. ......" '""'lit " i, b " I : " , ." , • ,,, .. . ' .!I ' '. ' ' . i ' W ' b' l.. l on" 0 ' I ., u _ .. , u11,,1mate y Rs.uc111le , 11,8 I urcnta Y .klll lind glllltlemAo!)' de\lorlnienl the'" .~u 'It .' ,10 r ~ I".. , tV • '" r"'_r"lf~tvi '! AN '~ . • ~~f •~ ~ IDg:"" •• tl;lg·yn ll u., ., · 0 altlUazpe , " ' J fE ' I l. '" ll ' LL ' 1.1 . ' . If l " -, .~,-,, , ..,. ~ , ' 1 , "'!' ;< ' or .1" 11'. 'J ·L. ~tgr. e ., . oepeeulaLh g on the t. O'l\l'ncell of IULurll ditl Iheir, p"rL ill Lhtl dmmn to Lbe gen. 0 ,• IIhI!'~ IRpl'I .-!lor ~Illt "'tagll s 1, CClmmlt1e .' n' .1, I., " "I",,\a'l!d! , ,I. ,""';;:', ...."!I nl .... . , .......1 • "Ia TAJUQ I" 80 1J"uttiutJ A u~a!l I ' 'I ' I f l ' T\ ~. .' ,It, '' II. "~ '. ~iii . 1 "l F -'l:.~ :'1"'1' WI "'!'f""'I"T ~ if lJ,' n. /r:'.p,.~I"~~OI)I '~o~.ill ~ I!,'It of ~ou.tort or ~I,8 flui,et. ,. I " ' I \ ' I, , ,,,"I MBlidact!on. ·.f , . ' . Up\lD , ~m,erICI\II,: ~v~~~r,~ p' bY.r r IlIIH:. " . I , . ~ • . ~ ." O~I1 t ~U 't.y~U~~ .' ''_lV! ·fd M Th,' . , .. Q.. .~ I ,& A~lllng1hi We.putolf . rl'omthClhora. ' DIIY l\flllr day ' wore oll · amld tbe rlll~16\ledoullllEniJ"R"., had lllk~Q oJ, -18, ()r'J'HEAlln•• r•. ',.,_ Jr IJ.... IIl! · ..... P r,.. lIoL d aND. a.,~ """,na..,r e et . J ' , ' I E IR II di '1\ r ' -h ~ .. '. ~T I ' , , . " " . for- J8~1~"UM1Ji IlId n ... 111 Iro. '1eu'H!IM'S 10 '(be I Uniled Slate. first R lo~d, of t-migrkntll, then d,itL6 f r wRiisof the IIlck'Rnd Ihe t!i'.~liarMeU~ p. ~Cl!' a.r Ua,lt' ,.,," Rl~" II , ,,,.. .D ~A" T~ ' lII~i~'~III",n~,.,",~~ . II Q~'_ l "lIt Sd'i t IlliIl lIfe ~dmcof f :cri~ui\'~udge 'he ,Cll~~Dj', ,~J, a8 .'"e ~~r.ced , o~'e~ ~II(, of the wen. R8 we glidtld: ov' ~: '~m' blll\Yllalld rllrul\e~. "n, ,,r,~lINIIOn " " l'h~ " !Ail '0' ~"Icli' l' ' oWereel , .. · Ib~'.~~~e.f , ~e, .tIM!!~I~~"" ,~I~,.~, : :,-Il n '(J ~I:":t" un 1r Ule reb~1 r ule in ;r'I~u.ea~eJ and Mtlrsuy, no\ II ffl~, beg,~11 to .experlenoe ae~ ao~ bllDelllh balmy'.~kle." wJlb 11011.11:. .pllpen genernll;-, com~en" on . lhe l co~ . ~.r"et\ prk:el . , 1 ..., . • , 'I'"'.... I 'JAIIJAI!' .'UI'T .TII'~ I .~ . cou.a:eqllopJ!y look tlu~ ua\h to' •• upporl ', a ¥'i~hl (orf/tAste" of llilULicRI ~tJnlation, iug to IIxs:ite inleteat beyo/id a pasmlg re8po~d~oce ! ,I 1 be Tlme w.: clln . h"r~\Y . Oot 24: ' . " '-.' Uf. ' 8uble'!~ Iilbr!'; . 'tlie .r;'lI l p~~U~ " W\ll tbe'80llther~ CUO(Ud~fRCY " '.Phi~ m~kt!a 100D 10" be l!,?p~~tio.l.l! BLtel,gLhened . ..iI in tbe di~tllnce-nolhillg . 10 ' ",r1 .dou~~ 11!IIL, .~~e, .pro~"1 'o~' ~ eOm~II!I .'" I , , "'~ '1 I , e~men_ '~.~~~' \h'1.in""'~ .~tira4.~ llia. tneligible. ' , The mRII, 8~~!I'S ImmedlRlelr followe~, tbe scene. ~J:Ct-p~ once ID a while ' . ,on, WIll ultll~llltel! be, I\CCl!f.~~" IID~ ' FASHIO~A~~!~ ~UJt~~ERY ~ .~ phj fO~1eI to ~l:~~,.rr~'ttf"!' I' '.,1 ,j l. .1 ' I" I . '. ' . lh~n IlJe sle"\kI ctlksoc1 10 ,rell oul m whale SpOUIIIlIY" waler. Rnll R rl;" par· 'lI}S : .\hllt . ,It \Is tile J>e,,,~ t, If /.n~\' " . ~hll I REMOVAL T~llit8:-"lllo T)18 (.JaDa IAn Iud 10rlUea are repor' , , ., ' . II~' In .d.-n.", j' . : ' : b ~ r" "1J T' t ' I bol~tl:rOll8 pllfr~, and R ateatiJ vibrlltion poises die.p or\ina lhllDlIelve8. ' O"ne day onll .. sol b~(Oo.. lIod J Ilt! " eal/old I ,nd ,. '" I ' . ~./DNE IJ A~' l(.~:I' ~0l.&-' R. , .., . '+" '~." e d to ave .11 d e RrrlngelDcll. WII I , " .. •. . J , f' . , I" P L ' ..a .. .. . ..r y"r.:T ':r' . . n_ k ano!lunc~d diRt WtI .w.ere , oft'. Peoplt! ,011Iy. fl'buuday, 2$lb, wluls\ crolliDg , r,endl, tooe. of~be argumen' be'"een .1OOrr~~ ~ ~11lFl:1'f ' " r':j IUW, , '\IT!. I'~ ~" ••: '" 'f I . ,'. ' . E I 'Ru' II 'n) MAd' , , . 16 . 0 0 'J , IIe H ud80n B ay 'l:JUlllpliny to mil e · · · I" I " II boullclld hue mid th\lr.e, filII ' b( dlreo" the· bAnks of Newfoundlllnd. II fog,with IIr , 8e. "' .. , . ~ , .. R ,ms ' J081 .eII , Ii . 'H' , .. ir ;" ., 'h' , ... 1: , " " .' ., 'B ·· over- to ' G"",. flUID.tI po ItUlA rlK I I . b ..:! I ,. L ' , I' d' I' " . , " 1 Abat el~cptlon . ' , , ~ ftv,n .. , moveu Cf ..hlhnery ElL' , " i IJiI 'iI •• d B te " LI\ln. R ou. t leJr 'IIRggllge, an( R'oXltJty rlZZ IIlg rlilD r. accompllhled us; "nd ' he' " . " l~t.bti~I II1;~llId~ tl'8 ' " , , ' " ; . an d It 'pr '"~ ege" I flU son lIy rfl· , I I" " .\ " I' ' . . . . . \~ , , , " /. , ' I rw..J.:J... ." • •. " " . . . " . to look At Lheir ItRI<lroom8-dingy ~irly drlllIty wl \ i~"e' of the SleRm ''"', Ilellr~ ". . . , l: , ' . &orY.lDconllderattonorwhlobLhe ED' I' I ' , . ,' , b I " I ' 'I ' " , " . b" . . ""Tbe folloWi'n i relurn~' of the 'N,-Wi .. oorDerof"MaiJl.&lTYlerlte., Th. ,.n...r.... e4~li11~'4 to ' ... I\'tt..rll.· .1 , " .. I LlI Il uew III e ,ap/\llmu/lIS II .Ow, ' ." tIll 8.R ooD, ,IIn!ltJ 'OU ,.. , u, wo cmorged Ilglllll,m. IMIII,"~ I~ClJon . .In .1', • W011 r'u Inrorm " her. ril1mUOIII " . latro,,,, . g 1"I~1 I go.ernmen. iua. aD elll vvarrlln .' Coun~y' . II10\41(b .nd te"lIul\l~Lj1o""N ' - ., . . ." " 1 ' I whertllhrteur rotH IOd1.vruUal. w.re lowo.blUe. aDd OD }fond." ,hrlltOf ' m" ' 1 II ' d' , ~ .. ., . · · II.,pulflittlhll' ~lIe " ·~ .p J ' d'" II conl1 l1r o,lQlhe,'.C4lhlthe'''''''pa4d111 ..,anaulau, OlD, " ' d • /,UO cu" are It: ,ewe ,10 ~ , oorHot .. ' " . prl' .. are tu u. Ihe /I\ ~ ll.u{.cC\I~' r . J' ' . I . . . · Iooated 'In IIRrtHy sfandltlg' l"ddrn . (Of (our 01 8Rlta, "),0 fOl'mtd ' a POrtiOll of,' A d' I . . .. 't.!eehipt'lons 'or lIlIIlherr BUeh I I ' , I -< . " ~ " " '" '" f .~he ~'JII~,: rendered by th.. W~rll one. rhe IRl1Illlex\. I~t:gan ~o ·rtc~.d~. the ' Pllq81:Ilgl!'~ I. gatliered In " kn ~, t ~ IBo6o~r IDlrito ~ Ie 8oldltlfB' ,oting!I~",o1 BLEAC.IHNG; ·· · WA'OOl(S·'~ 'C!~Bi!G*" ; M1IIIIIr1 Comm,llIIon c:ommUDIOR d "II, II: pR8~t;lIgtlr8,. flr.Il"Utl , ,) . U I '. " • I. I' I '0, no I! eo lion rlllUl'llfi nre II110 wed to . T PRES"'J"G -t" ,. dI " !11 , '4fI~ .M ~ , . RIl y , o'lOg tl Ie U,.IU8\, WJ~u Ilelr "anccs pronpu.,· · . , . ".', . ~ ted to thQ 8eotetRry of WRr by Judge lheir fl!lli,'u looks. commello,d ,W fe- ,Cfjd a di,'laDl 8peQk to be. pilot,~~. ~e o~envd uoul 3U dlljs /ln~t the tltlc' 'l'RIM'M1~G & '. ' '. " l2A.::.t'~I~~~~!~.h:~Ia~~':~' ,dvooil~ .G~Der~1 Hoh o.n Lhe . ill&. 118' cede too; 80 tha' by' dinlltl'r.time. tile A8 wu drew ,nnr, Iheir keen pereep. .000 . . , " M4lliUFAqT.v~;n~G: 1I0Ii~"l!ytlllnl' i.JII~ lit••; .~., pr~lI, g~ion ~"y be e:l~eoletl R& 'IIDY society Rt IRbie WRII ~oleet lit ,oup, lions provtd eorr.ec', and a I"rge"tigiarf' ~ . ~ ~z ail .' ~~I:h~~I;I:tice, In'll ill tile IlIteH~ ~~.hl.ap... ~.rro"" .lll LlI~ ,IW'~ bu,;" '\ I, ' , .' , ' .., ' momeDhl, Vhar'fjo"d , _"rmlles bare .bfio't Rnd excI-u,ilJlly 10 Leforll Ibe :neat c.me dlfn!lltl~ ber tlalJiog. Nexl Cllble al. : ' . organ ,,, ~ ," o::rA cl;"ite nll80mnem ot 'Trimmln- ' Ei~,~~.n...' ...o.-.*I 'IUa~f""'I"'Ot)tll• .. to w a't e D ' lOge are u, t ere ' ' ." .. . . , . , . ", • .... . . N . F I ..-, ..,.. .,., ..,., 0" .....-11 ....' . ' . 00. ' . order 10 alllckeo splled, aDd we law . mal""t, , ",.~ .. ),726 utlUliti .lIeI 11110.' ~ ..'.I.. 0,. ,"nd. ' men,""" III 1,111 n..... 1 Ihl ' "itIJ aeems.J,o ~e, luLl~ doubt &lIR' ,tb~. 11111' 'file 'ooa.l 'or' W IIle8. al~ng ';!i~h '~'e \;iLh lin iolt'nao inter ..1 • dark d~~ A. G. MJBuy.ney .' ~'t6t (\•• "k.III! l\lrl ll~,"\bfrtll'!'trt;lIlP,e here- will be ~~lfIcle;'&" ""l1r:Q~' :li:.,cI~:~:~N:tJ .fable crea\ur•• iIl have to awing. ' . ." ..•' lUI'" ,I . \ '. Willillm L"DtT . 1479 lu ure' ('xtelJded, ilflell'erry hupee her "UD wllf be lintn' , " , ', . ' '. '.\, .11, e~. \\' . ~ ~ anti be,IlL\ful; '"W\'l\'~lD' .t III Wl\ll'~ . 11)1\, ott, Irq"" \\,. a,~!" ~~ Ille C> eOllolnnl enlleevurll Lu plt'ue "III ell.u;e . , . " '.. ~. ~~\~b~o'" atr~1f occurr"~ ,i an". ,Aro,-, . of\1 ,_ u\Ain. p.l\l!d ,in IItratlllar. and grallually. aJlproach our a cqh'inllnriCIl 01 Ihe .nme. . Jul, 18. , J.O¥I'I. "" , ~"LB'I'2\ ,: BriLII" GUlne., • .00 l\.lle " 9~ , o~)all bigh ungel. \ndill&\i'ye of ~be 6ne aeen- le,illlblln. Everyone nRtllrRlly Ditdt! Mlljorhy ' 1673 Wayn~ville, 01:'. 11. IS·lIm . , " , , , . I I {j I I .' ~ '1" ~, l. mODl~. A parly of ~'.r"l go~'lllmI!Jl ery ro .. whic'b dlis porlloti or BriLai~ i8' (or Ihe Bide,. Rnrleagerly 8tretched :ver N. Mcl<'arlAnd 3~15 V.~LlJ.I\.D'J.~ JJI~ql~U. 8 P . ',1 '1" !Q .IB" • L ,J). 'i " len (.eo~~etown on Lb~ 8th of Sep~elO' 'R11IOU8. ~ Millyed on ~eck unLit night to look Rt lhe grim old feliow I .,bo W. H. H. Cllmpbell 1468 EIII:l;o". AlI.HIt G.UliTT5 c~ • . ~ ~.T'PRILL'" bar 10 " .. Ltho peDR.1 le&llelllent or the threw her 81tblt: Dllm, tl.e over Bt:' lI\ld eet'm'l!d to IIrise ffom Lhe leR, ste.p -W,ith your pe.rminivn.1 w!JI1 lO.,y ,~ T d b AhJ'Of'ity II d 1 ... , ' UK D&S'l" ~~Llr · '. COI\lDY,' aD"". OD their return. two. o.at~ ,IRnd, Cor I \wlla IInwllhn!: to lleell my grllvdy to the britllle "nd ,Iolebll l, J 747 . Ie rell erll \I you,r ,"lpe;"' Ihotl wllillentl The ullde .. i"nec! hi. be-me A-nt'" b r 11 I .. J . H . C.lullel' 3~31l try ~elurll mail, t~ I!\.I ~yho wilh il (free). hi • 11 - '" carrYlDg ·. nam er 0 Ie e.xllurM~OPl. II, berlh. Hnd .the ,iciniry or my travelling sl'llke Cllptllin ROl!k .. 11 hy tho Il1l01.- Dawid AIIl!n 32~ 4 re~lrl.' WI)!I filII Ihrl'lIl1u!le fllr 1I1"~'nll'II'1 I ~ vlei'I;." . \(Jr '~e ..• t.u., NIlhe.,.Dri1hr who . were ulLerinlf WIJ moved 0 1• lind II t·,. W.W Ullin!! n "I "'pIll• Ve"el"ble ",llIch I,e If .prep.l red" ,10 , furlli~ ,he Ilnderlook,.Ie • Ira 'i', oVllr Ihe f,,118 In" tbe compRnionR' . Bounda A"Hlo <> U, Ie COl'k·'h,~ . W'I I ~on 319i'l ffi or. I 801m' . , IIlnl w',11 be.,terme. , .e,p I. ~u.arUOL fiver One boaL plllluvtl f N I I I' I , . ABO • !' eCIII~lIy remuve: ' n dill' S fJilllnlc" 0 9I'01l. ~r were lley It 01141 ill Iheir I) 'JecL w lieh bruught II, ,w , c'oJ\~r. ' ~ .. , SA ' ~'jI '1·'S", , "'. """'11), ; '" I'N ' SUR ' ;"'n. , b . £ b• I I b ~ J . W. uoeh " 31>6'" "" " III, Ute hA~. m'"M ' ,."" r'll'cl\ Iee,J ' ''IIU bl~ "l'mpu' ri. IV ~"''''M'I'''' IlJU I em 10 sa .ty. u' Lie ot ler OO~II1t: IIgony; I Will lold. for 1 did Dol he.r ot'liuted 'wht>lloe il IlIlme. ' " ,Ron . ' 3165 lied of . lhe likirl, leovill!! Il,e I. me 8ull P , Ih f .. , H 81 d era?,.. w, Illi 10·euIIIID., "d' ito..o. l d unlOaD.glI. b a, aD out , 0 11I'u'1· one It th,,' eimil"r a~\.:ompRllimenu i8~lIed '1'1 . c d ~ Illlry lerwoo 3242 clt1lr, 8muoII', .• 1I4' b.lutiful. , , , \ ' b, oaillo, on ,'W •• n.. )l8HOnI on'board, niue: ibdhldlDg ' CliP ' ' rr~m n~llrl'J every ellltl!IOum Llle I'I~~' ',I.~. oLcl uFted ·1t I P. 1>/ ,; ' ~ ,m rio lind A.,oll .SlephllJl' I BiOS 8 I will .ldO· "lail frlj e to, Iholle h~"lnll ,II .... • . '" WIIS \lsI .. , "" we It'ord 1\ rumurll t ( .. ",,, Ij ... ,I, ur uare "Moe' . I ~ I ..... . ' W. LLIAII, IlAkUY. \BID ne",rord (lbe GoverI10r·. SOD) I ' I d I 6 . , . 1/\ I' ~ "' , 'f IIIf1P 0 dlr"'r. , AU,. ,0. . d ong, '"g 'I; aD . I Ie rill .gr~t1"g. th'" thi, .wt:Lllr.11 of \111, dl'ep hlld eo'OII ou~ l'''UFLSfliIU~A.L ,"'AKD8, Ilun. lind i~""mDlio'l' Ihal wilJ ellMble f,J , were ~owoe. , ' , meL my eRrs 00 R"Rkmg "ere the ovu 200 miles to ~el Itekmer.. B -~·"O· j,,, ' ~eim t••• ~II." lull !roWlh o( :uxuriliPt ~..La l 0, ne ot, 'b. ~ men, wiY8I"0r.Bloo . mingo .pl,uDta. of" IIlurdy }<'renchmln opposite. l\e~1 moroing. by 7 o'clook, Fire 'IJRnud ;S . ' lh~:' tft::IY·.d~ry~a·. ur , MO~81~'clle, In Ie.. . " to 1ft.! I d ~.., a I/, (ull '18OrI1tII!ftl'Or Ih., Ri.... m.,bd II'" It, .... Iall •• p .ye .a praet~clII loki on On gOing on deck ... fOUDd we had Ire· Iigillhou~e ~II' \'i,ibltl in Ihe grey tale. L D " ~hl!8e recip"l ftre ,eluable 10 h"'h 0\11 h. RI,mo." fniJwllj'fo,otII(" ';":" . ... 'r her ~u.band. by ba,,,ng then babe, a IRnd Ib Ii dllrk oUlhbe on ' Lhe ICR, and II Lbtu 'v 'e~8el. of every kind d ' " .U.. ftnd YOIlIH.>, and I I they are mllill'd If) ftlt ' , . ALLEN;·& 1lA\}iIMLh ,,", . awe.eL litbtts ,~Ur'OI ode BliX monlh., done ' 1leRq wind, yet we .m~4.e. Queen.lowD IIro'uod, 'he laod elQ"I, 1,~ome·:~r:D ' lD' 1 r N•. "'QJ.11 Tr'l'l9 :~~b;~~:I~~:. ' ~;:rf:~ \I!/~~'~:bothpei".ear., :..!u,. ~a.:~ n:. ' .~ 1\1.: ' ' ~' . f on Lhe front a' noon. lind lIeered IDlo Iha' fine ~I' lller s'lde IIn j fi II up ID. • .. et. haD e' o£).Ll1~-l.I "I~ pu e Sk . " I I "" , .' . !" ' ~ . : J nil y we I,W bo'~el 1 '" ' ' ' I " , l .l 10. or • beah"~ "rIlWI • "I ., " : . - ' .]1'. . . .'.f , d001: IIp.pl. WIt a Dille IDi0rblmg hltl\ lllod.locked harbor wbere we fou;:'.1 A Ob I II w Iii ob'e ' t B.' ", ~y'al:.Vj ~~hi~ • . , ha r. I " . ¥ , ': ,,' , •• ., ' '·11 ' b' f b r . . ," .. . "''1 ', . erlDg 0 aee 'ler.·... 'bliia : II I I . 'By tb. lltt II ..... I.t ; b · be .~~ , Ie.' 'at er 0 lh.e oblld aad \"rge lleeL of ¥ellel8 of uriou. Dalion' .ga·ln .nd, '. t' I d . -;, . -L ( , • pp 'C.1l0~8 .nlIVered by return ' . ' ,......ftu ·of1a,: . .""at" . ' "'b 'd '" , , 0 aOOW "dt an t4I(U lunnel . i , J " ., ID I. , 'lh oUI cb~rl!~. qOllhl,.~" orl .. l~ b,,, " •. : ' .' " IDoL '.pJ!0rL II.-:.l ~ lD IgIIIIn' bll~" IIlily b 'd l ' . H " . . , ' Re I II T .!. I UED"'('I'. b Ii " 1' " .' w ere ear ored ·ohJect. d'wel" and IVIDI. had .ro(Jrlftn yell'&,·. elfJl~rien" ' ~I'''ct'' y, JIbs. 'F CRAPIIAII ', .,.' '1 1,, _ - . . . . 11 61 .palATa. ,., •• ..ore IOUDd ~lbat It wu ~t ~I", ~ere we .tiyed fi!e lio.,i1oreeeive th.l in a few brief houre ' tll~ f;' ~rial III t~lf~ .pralllir.e ~I " "MeiJiFilJe~ OW,.'I . hi. J~J::.ltlldl & Pe~l.umer, ~~l 8r".UW~i, Tile ......... " . .rill C.III.e. ~. bu' 611&\1, I.w ,~he Joi. '.he'D he fouod more .... ople e~peciall, emigraots aDd barrl·er.· hl'c'b I 'd a' 'd d ' .' • ;J;;".' Pr,o,es~Hmal S/lfVIcel III the «;ilileo. dr .' New Y " , ,.. (t 1'' ' th ' 41 ' "' . Hi l ' , " . T r" • • III IVI e UI wODld .' j IJ '. Of. '81 .. or, t I ere"t ..tyre. d'apt.d '0 ... red to e c~ _,;e'F"p~. " , e 1M ~clud~cI l'UCh of t~oae. IIJreads ' o~ " board who lurmounted. , ;I'hole wbo.ere bo , " Wa"Jleav~l1e l lll1d Vlchl1tr." '" T j ¥,'o~II"''''''",io. (or_·Io . . .I......~ l\jr- '. " . •~lJ .tl~'~ I t e. ~cqQ&iAl.aDCe of hil ·Iilted to Iflnd, whi.ch lome did. ' CIOM 10 tread ,for th. · fin', "Im' I . , ~ i· ' OFFICii on tbe eorle or lII.in 811 .J ML' ,,~ . , , '. ,~~r~. ~LD.Clool ~~LV.f.ll ~.:D~~,",Il" ...1ItI'I fllllll~' I·~r.-tt"r · b I a ore rrn .ml 11 I ' 01. l. C1 ~ 01. Ire I 1.: • .1 ra. prIlQlIa~••".,d.d Ibelil. lUaRt",led""" , • 118 ' .,.. 1I(t.., , ' . . .. , 'UII ay the S. S. Scotland, a ne. Ibort ' and ind' UO old ' (' d " o~ I . , neer , oppoai1e , . H.I1. nl ~ .. m.IIY, .... IU • •1I4I ,la 1ar., q..... ~I~.. HIl' ' .... 1 Ad..... MASON."'Air. '. .~ • j l ,a. - '.~ . ' ' nen I to, grett C!r Nlaht 0111. prompll"re'polided t~ I ", 01 All'llbJ_.t ...... ~' . . "~N. B~lo ..., or .MA8P-I'f Il.Dft'I'U_S ~e. o <:!. " ER.l q flo PaINTZ. y. ..,..,......,.. ·, n 0 .. u · or. I' ."" .' ..11.11 ; c
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Pill.bur, Expr....
DOC/to. N.w70JI.-Oo ollr 6,.., P"P we gi,. lUI laCOU1l1 or lome of 'hIS op· e,.Iloo, 01 Dr. J. R, N'''IOD, .bo bu been e8eolin, lome woad.rful car.1 In Oolumbul during the palt (e. "e'ka. Sinee Lha, I Liele "a, Jlut in Ilpe 10011 oooviDCiog proofs oCtile DOOlor'. abilily hue e. .e under oar penoDal obe.na. lion, aod .e ai'e our iDvslid readen "111 beDd, lhereo(: AIr.oa& ODe iii 'W"yneuille bO.1 JllLle Eddie
Kingdon• • ho, lor three jellrl ' TR ..... ,·".fS'1uaD DoUlIO. . hal Dol btlell .bl, to walk Wilhout a M.a .lId Aec:om.. 3.08 A. M.- cru~I.. , and the ner" .. of "bOle leg Nii.lil E.~.., ?~ 14 •. II . .~ ha. bten .0 much contracted Lba' il f:OTumlJ uI Accom., I 30 ) . A. IDOl' beat double. 10 mueb 10 P ill.burr ·E xpre"" lIln P N. ]I( Villcl nq,tl Eltpr,,!N', ~;1I6 at le".t, Ihat bl hu "ith the uLlllo.' .. 0" DOt ' lOp.! . ( dilBcul~l. brough' I,lia foot '0 Ihe . . W. H. CtEII'EIrT, P"'II.enl. lrolUld. It itI needl, .. to ..y Iii", , •• E. W. WOODW AID, Sup/,. rio... lDeanl h.d been employed ia lhe /I . D. ,Alrent •..!... J , J ,ndearor to effeal a cure, but all "ilb c _ .._ _ , lillie or DO .W.Ol. OD Tbarld"y ' 1,,11 .LOST-",OO •• WABD , Ihe boy",.. taken 10 Columbu. on Ibe A' Chi.n and. Pel! . oil •• re lo.t b d ' . ' , e· mi nigh& tr.ia. wal operated upon a twee n 'h~ F~l8ndl ~eetinu.I,I~~.e I~d (ew .. iouI..." b1 Dr. Ne"tOD. returaed , -tJ 6~f.I.. "I .!. ~ d• a.y in thO' e~riing of Friday "hhou& bl, I ·D a. I l" rDa .. ~rb fiF.Irlt· I 111 tlal'UJ. the 22J Ul,I. Pi j"e l '~lde .aF4! thlllOI. cru'Clh,. ".d ,,,alklld. (rom Cor"in 10 ti"II, M. E. 8 . J The .~ye r'''nll will Wllynlluille "lthout di.. omlort Of fa· bl! pAid tL'e 6aa~r ~I ."Is 'YiAbal GUI)"e' ligue. alid il DO" able 10 rUIl and jump ' . "J . "Itb e.'e. vffir.e. 1'. II.
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R"olf/fd tlt"t Ibe ExeeuLive COlDmit. PL I . .I.. "U"_l~&J\.l-' J.lIIAL. '0. he, and a,., bereby iD";"Ol" to MIIIIre, if poalibl • al le"st 01le col limn, iD uab of our Ceunlt p"perl. to be duo. ted t~ Eduealional Interelt., IInder the "pe eial control of Ihe W.rren Co~nLl Teacbou' In.lilute. . IDlRU~;· Sl~IB!E1I ~,ol",d Ihal 1"0 looal Edilorl ' be II appoinled by tbe Pre.idenl. - on~ ID ' r (SAlIDS oil 1:'11011'8 OLD STUD,) Le baDOD. aod lb. olher .t Wayn...vilte. ' B."leIlYll"nl-mtomrt~e pUblic thft-h1le "hose d~17 IL Ihall be 10 reeel'e .11 'lne on hInd Inli expect to k~ep
THE L.lRGEST. 8T~K. O~.l . . . . . . .IUTI'.
Memtt " Prints, UT.llt. MALICRI ur
·cHII.· I\I.....'S
e8811ya read in thil a8/Jocialion, and oth. A Completo Aseortment/of er dooum enll intended (or publica: lion; to prepare them togelber "it.h olbtr origiD"1 mailer 10 fill tbe colu.nll leeured by the E%6CUl ife C01Dml· Llee. • R:!80lution ulJllnimously lu.lopLed. P AI.N T S" 0 I L S J The following was then otl'ered by' oye.STU FFS. Pn Harvey. Resolnd tht tlte TOILET ARTICLES "ord., 6y lIa /lot,' be IlriekeD from . '. ' art. 2n d: of our lind the worde ",va flOC' be Inserted IDIlead laid o"r lIolil neJ:t ses8ion 'PAJ8'f-BRUSliES. · '. .
'r N
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Dry and Mixed Paintsl
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8 AS B A .. D P V TTY, TRUSSES, ' SUP'pOR'rERS, I. 4all, '. ~. ... me'ho4 of "forml"1 . . " my n1o\ hlel"!" . nd 1118 pubHc ~ener. aJI.OlJLDER.BR40E~• • ~ WHITEW.ASH BRU$HES, , ';IIi" ,ha' I hlll~. tel'llO" e'd my 'p'~c. . \. ~ . if \. ~ " .' h .. Th ,,_ I' 1 01 bU8lnelll to I,he .. wnd forr~erly occuplell Lt. JIJ~. lOLAR by Mrl!. Tlloml.' a F.ne r d{or", , . I . .e ""II 'qUI Ity 0 ~
Co~stitution,. .
•• Il. PIU.n~
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TLe EXt!cutive ComlDilteo Iben msde Iheir report on progrRmme "I follow. : • Nexl meeting to be held ., Lebl'a~ 00, on Ihe 2nd Silturday iu Noyember. OPPoltte the .og~rl Ho~.e. Essays :-Glammor. lfilis ' E. Bunt· '. . . ' where '1 Intend 10 keep on hind I geneul iog. I"or ml'iticiMI rHlrrIOS"'~. 10 which tIle ht· Ullortment of Wurkl buth or . telilloll' nf Phv~lclB1I8, lH ~8pl'c1ftlly celled; . Relslloo of the P.~n& to tile .eflool, ,fid wJlatever p.erlalnd 10 a III V 0 \\' l.V otber eaae i. th., of Mr. Dakin, Prof. lufu. .. antl ,lb, but ~(.Dd. of
L I Q. U 0 R S ":,~J ' F ' l
R 8 '1'- RAT E
Patent Medicines WHNI
'ElF UMIE' ~, Y I
"ho rell el h el"een HllryeYllburg and , How ', hall we preYeot Truency, Mill .. .. , . ' .... , .eri .. or 1",llIfe, I"" 6YeD).!lg .(TUIlI' W.yn ..,iIIe • .wbo "eat to J.)r. NewtoD O. Wilkios.. n,~t1G lind wllrrant .11.1 aiv. . aI18~.Gtlon. , ' H A I,R. -0. L 8, &0., .-\ die .. me lime. Tbi. gentleman had Re'lili' 01 tile Teacher'l L"bor , Thenkrul lor the very liberal pntronl,re I H •• Hull 1'1Ie J' rYlellQr I •. • • ror . II .eom.e, ollen albio,' utlerlv proltrated for .i" Re E. K S . ,/ •• . A1110 e lood aupply or I .evllrsl ),"rI be"lolYt'd, r hop e, .,y , hi"hly recomme·ndea •• ~Dd ,. b.,r i~';~Jw. ilb mon°'III bI rlleum~IIII'8m. a"d Ilad nol v.. . qUler. . ,: ' . c OI~ IIlenlioll and t~ir deali ng •• tlll ' to .. ~ ... .. Addreuea by W . E. Crosby.oC Otn· merll II geueroul COlltllluance 01 'hOI 'lime. him a h e (:ollectioa of Jlort"i~ o( dill' "a~ked to aDy :uleDt duriog ,hal 'iroe: cinoati, and Han. E. D. 1I,,0561:IId of 1. E. KEYS • . QDllluisli,,,' per80Jri,~ I' ' ,. • The mnrket prlce.t all IlmeB paid for A well-aelocltd llUortment' o( tbe bin ____ , inde~d lie bMi to be lifled ooto Ul e Morro". , -SUCH ASGt'een Hidel. Calf.Skins and Sheep Pelts. CUI "hlln ~mbarkiDg (or Colu .. bu8. Drill 00 Theory and Proaelice of TE~. July 8... l.tf J. E. J[. SAL.''"''7~r• .-.y'P'- iCrcjll)toP" m 1111 00 S"Iurday tal~ htl relurned "ble to 'reaching, to Do coodllaLeil by t.be Pr8l ' Sh M b' AI I . Ili sJlotll"hold 'urnil"r. 0,\ FridAY. th. '"alk quite br iskly Slid ,,1.0 relieved ident. ' COF!&~An.• , ., . e~man ' ~:a\" I '\ ~8IhinR& .• '"to'oIQek . Relid.noebe· 0(.Vu1"ouhlelo~e aff,cLion io lhe Valedi"10~1b1thePreeident,C.W . ¥OLi~88E8. D. B. EBERLEY," t weeD 'he 'NI'lf Dr~g;.~o.re .lId ".Tin. thro.t .hich had before preleDt.d hil Kimball. . . , . SPICES. 1II,IOP· H. hal ".lImber ~of.. 'hiD"1 te .1""llo,,"ln '; .I·thou' mueh pll·n. .Ii vo t e 0 f ,I180 k1 "al exten ded to ETC.,' ETC. _~lllJeR to inform hil pllIl'llnl end t~e McGUFFY ' & & WILSON'S. SERIES, . • 6. puultc. that he kelp' COllltlllll, (In hand, ' . .'-' I' . '. . We li"y. be.1l 'old of ~b., "ID"lIy tbe .citizeD' of Aillineville for tile hOlpi. ---:lurge nnd 8mall ,&0.. &e.. &e. d'_pOle ~f. , OD ·"ha~I", a. ~t o~Clloc", .Yr. C. (lUI it "oahl leem) miraoaloul Cure'l 'alilY IIltown '0 Ibe memberl durin\( Acomplete Mllurlmenl of B~H-SH"'BE PLOWS, T. CnAne. Cor ,l~t ~l ll '1111 ~ , lot of perrl)rm'e d by Dr. Newton. but lbe ca,. their !I"y. aild double and .Ingle , '11 sboye mentiuald .e OaD ,0Reb for a. 1II81iluie Ilu' n Rdjourned 10 meet 1\1 ~ 0 VEL - P L, atodl aod hou~~,?I~ ,ooJ,. CII'-
dAY)'O~ '~hr~b~l~gy, r~~y~i~J.ogJ.
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0.' bting'. liabl'e. LtbnDon. on Satlolrd"y. NOYllmber) !th . Til ·CHUa'q.a Cl.~k'.-Wll 1\."-. la· Of CO\1,.." "e do nol prRlume 10 Ie. )865. :8 d. Ifarn ,..... I t. d f I lOIlN C. RIDGIC, Sec·y. ' Xps_1 bl1Ilr.t·. . - .. COIIDl lor lue "OD er. u po""r pOA~t!16 ' ".p nO,L.tn." ed bythil phYlici"ft. but Ibe seotle· (LeblnoD 6tllrpJuM'l copy .) II r~p~ieL1 of A ... " oarpa' fi.r ,I~ lD"n kimlelr prollucel lbat it i•• .blb' L Q ~ L iI. ~', 'Vu" ,E . Ob·.ra• \ I. I~ q,bOI". ed apolI'lbe 1D08' Ilrrc' prineipt.. o f ' .. e s ville J'flu,·kel.. , . ,aCl'iption "a"takeD UP" l.er "'''Ioe, ' ~c,ieoce,' a, nd Ih"l ' ,he,re i, Doth.in" C ar'fuU" COIrecttd EIJe,." Week." 'rr ,
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wonos Dnd MEANINGS n~t _ - ~~;:I:~'i:~Y ~~~~: f~~~~::~I:~'~ Europelln .10.000
' Ihoia~"nd doll,ne; .~d bil , COllduul ~O AM-PS_ - ___. _~ .' . Soc!r&TI.-1·~e .'ampi him.1 "cb~i.t.iaD as well .. All ~~:Q~o~'pp~e~u:,e~ 10 @ ~~~ L "NTERNS & ' Icbulars empluyed !I IMI n' thld re,IAiofl' ~ 1~I.'4'lBt ~ ~~I of Ih. "~r.J :Retor m Society. eZLraordiDarr pilYlitlan. We sre led ehi~kelill do~en, 303 • ~J: , ' aDll Ihira, yeer. of Ilibor ex.pended UpOl1 ., 'J I. il W '" , 'YN'E8VILLE. " . MOIi d'-ly' l!Y1!illn,l(:." 14 r, e1 1 liuen; ,10 II~ t'e.arkl ~oalile 1IIe beliey. Coff'"" ~ 38 . CHIMNE YS. Sev~r.1 •• bles of IIreat ,.lulJ, on""o' thehl ; ·mallifeitin .l II ' , .... ~r' ~ I~e we hnde~ . .. Ie ... ice to ,'be . • miet· New. OrlelnR SUller 1? U, 17 @ ~ll ofl fifty quarto p.,e., .ExIII'IRMO')' I .. d • •1 N,·o. }lolll..e~ m nSllon, 1 36 P . ... I r I II I f ----0conlllll~oill' '" il't!ep 'iftlefell( il ' &111l pro . " ed; nQC~all, ~• • e are 10teruLed in I 1r .. run ":.11 I1C tilt, 0 ' Ulmf'A n Ilt 011 . ., . • . ~Uft Oil ~ IfIItOIl. 1 00 ~ per801l11 nnd placf'. p.eudol,yrllll, die. : ... . ohll," A''''C;.ai~II.'.. promoting 'be Ooo1or'l patrollilBe oth- II!! -.-..I"..u....:... . ~c., a. Abadll"", .. A-c ..,ljll. AIhlll,_ I,le .. AIM . :r .• :. 'l!~." lIIee.lil'lM ~( -tbe .•• _i"tioo ' wilt; e~ lliali by ~Iie"ing the .ick'. · 'AI the SPECU L ~O·I'IC.. ,enc),. Mo' her ,c..;ftr" . .bbloll II. Dixuu·.. rter '. 'il i", .Pfe~u~t!~i " ' ~ldi !cm~d . iD"A- IGe, .boll~ . ,lie worl4 tlOt"9 ,1KId,. TO UR U JlfRA It ns. ,. . D.a JIlIpIlIH\ ,:;,,11'6111,.Rye. Cuff'ef't .prlll)e. RIo Ii lie, AI r. at j oawber, &11. . " , . . d' C ure CuO'ee, ,,,, all.l EXln~1 u( Cplf'f!e, 10r \I"I" by Cun,.lning one ·lillh or Olll',r",urtb .....:e -or- ' .r Lit .01ll0im....II.I. i"'" ". ".. , ,; :;. hill po.llr mult be deri ..od from I gnod ' . Old D oClUr Duc hIn •I D run k~r. ~.I'~~Rl1.'f & P,B.1N'1'Z. mailer Ihln nlly formf'r .dlli(on~. it "a~ nidllDL tb., on 'lIond.' .....". lOurde.·· .Mnc. he m"y ISert"inly perlDall~lItly ' IIr"dicalel Ibe lalte ror Fr"m lieN Pleclro\Jpe pluttll 'lid lhe RI, • f , ,, ' • ../ , . . . i ' . • Illrolli Urtnk, and curel the worst c".~ .oi erlide PrOle. .auar ·.1' iMr" 11 llmlW, · "'10 be CIMMel uaonll,boee . • bo are, tn &he drunken"e .. , in les. thllll erght week ... · · , ,-suc" A8. \t ' ulinibt.ered' 'b.. ar...lr'lj"P. ·..~· .t.. hia'*' '8DocI, helpiug 00 'be mil't!oi· . 'rhUUlIundl 01 reformed iliebria.II'a now .FINE CUT ID one Vola~ .j!.!:~ Ro,al Quarto ; . . , ·tl~e" ,n_ idl iOr", f~t \' arld\ 'bad lite 1o bleBS the dny Ihey were lortulla:e . . AND PLUG, 'GET TilE L"'l.£ST.' .. " '" um~ . , I.. ,.. e'luullh to eOlnmellC8 Ih. ulOe of Ihl. valu· , CleJAR" AND . 01 dletr' w"te._ OIl .shlbl&io •• bqp' : . , able 'limed,. Price 'I'wo Dullsr'll a p.ck. . , . , .., 'GET TH~ BEST,' .10 gtlt afl~";i_' (or I .altID, ~ 1~· .YV~J4r-.~r pu':',T-\ TU.OBIIAI I.· leo. l\Ililed to Iny ad,dr.i11 oli .receiPt ,bl ..' SNUFF. • (fEl' WEBS1'ER.~ l\T ' dnUilantll,I",!) . , " , r IT1~U'" m.,. ,put.Ul&Dl to .dJourD_eat, III order, by JAME~ s. BU rhER.. BLACKING, ' Pubh~htd by 0 ; & C. MERRfAM, . I ' .' . . , . ,,,:-~ ., . f II rl ~ C. . d] , • · . ·.LIt ·", -Y"ileVille on Saturday, OClober 4119 Dro.dwa,. Ybrk. . _ BLAOKIN~.B.R . . , , ,. It II bo~' tAN .Al,. ,-..:,J DI •• tIDgo I. n 'd' K' "-11' I I ' Sole AKeDt lor Iho Uuhed St.t... E h"r Bprjn~8Id, )J~ ..; . . hi.J:b ,will &ak,.p'all!t ,00 'l.Utmtk,. "WD' I ~'!!, . ~ 'ell ellt . I~~ 10' Ie . C IBlr. 16.8w . '. TO .. . , C. Terrible . DII,cI0".te"•••81;~",te' fOT ttie ..... / I , '" ZI. iU., • I• .~d, b IIt~ I'M~'t' ~~ b~ .pr&,Ye .. b, ~. L. C~.rk: . ~IlON IN TU~ BLoOD. --:'-'.. ,' . ' MUltoll. " ' " I., , • . meetlllg .P.e,ruvlln I:lyrllp lIuppJlel tbe b.lo,od, __ A·IDOII viliulbl" and worid6r'fU' . '. I . . / . ,"'f "ere rea~ and approyed. ,wllh IJI hlo p.1(lmeIlJ, lrun,lDlulloll V.I,Pr.. ~'tvtt'lnt-tt. 11011. A wor." of' 400 P"f!'1'W: ' lOO" 11(1 col· ~ .b9.,p"".~Wtl· / ''' (0 ) . j U. II b . &I La 8trellllth . 81111uew Itle Illto the whqle "Y" '{ ,,~ ored ell,""'lo,l. Dr. "utile", VADfj ;' .•;,:,;" ~. I "j ....'.- ; ; " • .1Ot .Of\OU~ ~'Ibell "'~I len - lelD. Fu~ ny8pt'p~ln, Drop.,. VbrUlilC ' .' , MI!!CUK, an "rigin.1 OInd poput"r treBII_o , • ., ke~ up. "lid Ih'e 'lue,'lioD a8 10 tile eX' Dilrrhmu, Ft'lIIllle. WtllkneM_,. (IIC., It Ie a We .Iull r.onBtcntly keel' on hand I ge.n~ un Min Ind W,tlnlll, their ·Phy~iol"ln". SU~fD4' S.c~.. :,~~l'O.,,~ rb,!re pl'4i~~.y of holdill~ .. Lwo.daYI· mte\. Mpeci6c. 'J'hOU.BIIlIM h"vtl be~J1 ('hnrd er.1 8800riment 'uf (tHtent Medic inel. ' FUDCtlon. ud 8Ulla' dlllQlldefi fir .flry ~o i\Il)e:.t! ~"a..t;.8iboo\ Mlif!f.inr·"held . by the use ul Ihill mellicine IrulU w!. k, Al 8Ur~ast Tt~elVo"d !rom PIII. burlt, II kiud ; :wlth nuel.f.illn' Reme"iel lor .' I, • . .. . I .n/:, propoeed by Prof. Hanard, "Inch •• ickIV. I!u/l'tlrillll erealures. 10 II rulli, good 8I1q'well.el!leetr.i.I 101 of Ih.iT Bperd, CUTII. 'rile p,lIc't 'ce of I Dr. Ihe Y. E. Oharch od "Wi~~e.d"y a'lllr diacauiOll, "as laid over uOlillbe healthy and hallP' lI'Iell Ind wome.. J • Hunter .hlliell, b'een. "rid IItlll 11,' '\In· .1. 1 -... ~f 1l,J,C/Wdk!IN V/ t'~ ' fbr the aft6!rDooaIllt'e' iUft. ' . ,. A 32 pAge pUlllphltlt Bent f:el. boullilfld"but ... Ihe ~"nll6t lolieltatlon 01 . of. crU&i1l" • fDore' li,.I, \ ill· . \., l'rice 81 per bultl~. or II lur .5. numerollll per.on .., he h .. bClelllllcl\l~"",o DR~"'''O ' .: ' " • ~. I " • • _ . ' , • Prl)f. McCllthohk tben ~.a · .n nJ .. p. 'l>l'N8ftll:J~F... . \ , . GI,., IUs " ,(;4£11 . rifwnd flfs 'medll-nl uli~"llnll'81't"riiulrlt Ihe ~~. ...IJ...J,-. , '.111 ,11;8 ~I!,d~ o( Ute .p'eoJlIe 10 ,e' 'c.llent UI.,. lair' 8cAool ' Oo",rti+n,nJ, 36 lJay' Slr'eel, New Yur.k . . .. ' ml'dlutft of -hie 'Vllde !4eruhI,' It II 1\ • . . . ' '" , t g &h e.. 'I tlr:"rae. . S0 Id b , D rUI:"l lll .r:en,ra·II,. 16·3," And vou clnnot' tan to be. '''.Iteo . ~ Lb" hand, of 'T'r I'" , 0,~ . ·.L WI. CII'urch' followed bv Mi.. Jl)llnl, oa ,he .. me Dot .In 90lume ....... \Iul 1\ I \!hould h \to be<l In the • • aluA . W 'II~" I .J ' - - - -• • • 1\ d ' . ·,_m V 1'1 t II 'Itno, a. a p,e,en .n 0 ·ID· , . ay.a~~~I.~: lubje~. Beih ·e".YI 'did 'tbeir autllOI'l' 'DR. H. ANDERS' 10DI1'4E WATEf~, ' . ~_'1Ui 'Y al~ ptlce. . vice. 01.• • • guide for \~e .1111,1.,11.111'. 01 , . ' U04&IIe,., lpeakera IJ... proal_ Ito be.~ oreU'it aDd w.re li.t.elled to wilh An innluftale O!.eover)· . A full grIm June 1. one of II.e 111011 IIw.ful !lhd dl!lttuetlve d ' . 01 lollille in eltch Ulillce 01 Wlltet', dlllUl. 1..' ,cou'ie• thaI ever 'vi.,ted mankind. One IDd delj,er .ddr. . . . . . .mong grll , '. '. '. pr.ofouQ aU4!IIUoD. \led without a Solvellt I 'I'lle mOIl! po\\'· _t.; copy. lIfutely enveloped, ""til be forlYard. W' hom are .fro~ imll?,,' of" ~,,~ , Prof. Hllrvard An,,,erla the I qUill' erful 'itllll~illil .a~lIt IIlId r..&;or.tiv e '. ed. free 0' "o~lnJ(e, to IItty port 01 the Felllale •. Pon!J~ ., ~,. ~. 'OJ."k, I' . .• Ho" i llall "u tt!ach G.. ogra· klluwn Scrulul • . :s.It.nheuru. Cauee", I . .o\.D . Unltf'd tJI"l.ell lor 60 r.e1l18 III P.O. _lamps. Leban D. y BradliD ' iir Oi,.. Ion, ' . .• RIJ"ulnl'li.m. COII~ulllpiluo. lIud RI."Y ..... .... ~"I!'I Atfdreflll, pb. t paid. DR. HUNTEft, No . . ~".", " .' • . ' , pb,.!' aat.. raClorlty: . tD • "till- Vim,lIlc Iud He reditllY DidPuee •.are 3 Divl.,on Slrelll, NdllV York. 16.1, &a. , Th~ Orthudox ~rleod. .ritlen ealiay on that lIubJect. r.urell by ill Ule, Kd llll1Udllll" .. CIIII lel lll.·. , " ' and tlUl, &\,uol of Y~I\.b.ve 'DllCa~eioa Wftl Ihen hRd upon .be Circulur8 lent tree. Price. It pllr buUle. , T 0 LA ,D ,) E S . · • .I \ 1 .1... "E . . . . or 6 lor live d,.II"r~, ... J{ YO LI requlfo " r~I ... IoI. rell't<\, to rutore 11I'11e.. " '"t • I • lubjlot8 of til.....y. parllclpated I~ I:h " H. N DEnS &. Co., PhY81ctaftl ( Suec.,or lO Hop,k l'" ~ C''&Ipm ,) you. 11'6 , il •. ! . , • ~D4·"~luJ*1e4,&o ,.u.nd • . A by Profa. H"ocock IlndHarvard,E. Bill ' HndChe'lIiijta,4~IIJlfOftdwIJ, Now·Vork , Allheol4alllndonlhinSlreet,W.ynes, Dr, Han~J' F.Du~le ~ 1 MEN~ · ~,~ i~'~ tA ionll!.~le~il.: '11 •• 'lq ~I~er ••. arler which Ibe ID.~i· ijuld by J)ru,lflllhl lIenerally. 16.3m viI/e. wot\1d illlor.m hll old eu.tomerl nnd ~":~~:'~I~~I:'f.J~,:~:::~/(,.:~h"..h~'I" ~~~/.e'\'h~~ .1 ' .~ • 10 tlie COlDmll iel r.o come aDd I 'A ' .'IJ'ollrQ..d 'lUlul ,~ o'clock (or Pure Catawba DIRlldy. tile re.t 01 ,mlnkllld, ll.al ho "88 I "ood .ri.,,: .The1 .r~ ",''' .~d .ure, on;; "'"II. f ..!O ...... ,n r.lVIIunIII"', ! I, . . ood U... ", T .... I 18 1863. IIM80rlllle~~ ,of ' I uKt.re In ovnry CR.". 1 h ey Ire .1.". 'C'~IO , ".iIIIIII:U V,uU'&OU'1V d b II I IIr' .000D ....~ .. , ~b.e •. , ain·ner. , ClI'lIll II II.lT I , OHIO, !MarC I .' • "' . 11 h;,.j of .. e.k ll e~., Wh"~" ~r~I.I'.d. . ... ' , i , . I " 111 , , '-" " " 1': . ,., 1, - .'J ' .'1.0 :., • P Y , p f Ibr. I lIereby certlf, thlll by .aulhorllr.ve.IPd &c . SoltJ itl h"'II8e<>IIt •• nl/1 l! fIOl"II •. pnee II [ti)ti'i\Ill\~ " '4\Uii\\· , .". Upon COO"'lIt.lota • ., ro. . . i n lUe by the 81.1" 01. Olliu .1 ul ...dIC8.11II' t . Dr. Harv&1', Golden Pl1lt. DU~ II . , II\lRj!II 1IlI1IlI"'. ' II Mr. l.\ . It'dbkIJ· ~Jt f the "ard dfl'lJTed dill fullo"lng T".olutl.OD, Iplclor of ~Icuholic Ilquur. for H.nt~b~1II . ~r.o. a yarlt!d .upp~t of . A reu,,,,ly (01 • eci., ' r! •••. rnur de~re.. . , I I .. _ ' .. . . 110 pl.' 'RelOt,ed Iha~ lbe EJt:cu,ive Com · COUll I, , I bat/~. Inlpel'led alOmplu "I Ilq. 1'10, copper &. fOheet.-lrou "tronger ,h.n Ih e .~o~n: f1r~..,'~ I,.r ~Oll. 'I VIII&ac. ", ~ ,,,, ,,1"" "1 "'''. . •. . lIor~. called V .. tewbn Hr.ntlv uull S"'I'''I~h · It PrlJ'''I ~ CircIIIAr 10 L.<llet, "lth fl,,~ 1Ino; . 'tblll O.II"QQla ~... H. called milt , I·~e. t Dto OODlldw"lI011 . Ibe pro Ololilly. mlnufaolpr'etl by C. W. RU\; llck. lor su!e 01 Ihe ' lownt cuh price.. All loouir. 1 engnovi ,,(" • •• ullree 1.111 r.uljll 01 dlSE'~' Dpo I ~::. if • a ..,..~. II t c. pr~.L1 of bohlin,. '''O: dl,I' .erllng. lit Nu •. btl. 68, 60, .",1 611 )~ .., Thml klndl!' 01 I r"'I~tI ell,eIO~ ..\(I .I.n~p:, . . oW ........ lIal a.'."" ••o reporll a III b ' Ad S I Idfill ....ill ,liq .. orll Ireefrom poi . ' R. WORK SendforD. HARV •• lS Pr, .. I~ . ~.(h~.1 r ' I. lidn or the' coant- lo .be:i., . lIourillb'· aJld hpor'.'" (lllIeX' 1..1I0D. opl' trlle, ~,:,puritieL Th" dillillulioll i. 0 U T - 000 ., AlIl'i.eil~ adii ' ~.d 17. ,.~\.Ie.; 'jOO Il.~... , ~..... Jure 3-ul. '" ~ ,/ , . 'J . d ". ",)110"' . .IS' R 6 & d lug (ullulllrucl'pu" 10 c. n~. r~cl.If.d , or· rol&· ~g eonJiliw. Yf Ro~rLl I.a U , prel' • • , . cuOlluctell by till' .leaf!! medium, b)' ~llIc I Ruch ft8 • pJUIIIIl,r' ClO ng . c., . IJn ~, on age. J( 1'1 " calillol pur"h., .. the II"'!. lroll' t d' :0.. ' n, :l 0 1:'-- " Ref. CllU'~ dehYe"d • •ery melhod purity IIlId ulJlform perleelloll I. ~hort pOlice ID . III \he bel,l mall~er. yo ur dfu~gi~l, Ib", "ill be ."""' 10, "'.II~ poe' (i,1 ' . ;.! ,(, ,;I ~ ... ,: . eQ I tlor of ·tue ' O.lIaloo.. JlUtpeft. . ' d . t dd f< I' IIliued III lealiOlooy wb",eor, witll"" Jul,3 ":"''8 . " ~.Id ...cur. (r1lOli ob ... r .. U"~. on r~It'N. 'I . ' de.. .. r j I, appropna,- ao pract,CI a rell, o· 1\ .' Ihll 181h dl,. 01 Uar'·h '6a __ . One DolI ••: b, Dil. J , nll1'AN. COII,UIUIII Pb,· " . , , " :~ .. .. rl j. ,. u4 r., T . ' 'Io.~d by Prof. Baocock,o(CiDciolllti. ,OIlelgnllure'DAVID O·Coltut.t. pl.., EYES If.(.D~ N. ~W. . .ici.".442 Bro.d ....'. New Yor"B' . h PURE CIDER ,. ', . • \ ' . -. \ " _~t • I L • b I • \. . h I eadil, £rDu ler> . uppllet l by Delli.. Irneo." 01 .. . • We are' 'be recip'tdt.trOin.~ .. bq 'lDaue . lDanl : uapp)' ItlmlllOIll C. W. Roblck chln.np. Iile IIOtDp~rl~ A PI~P et alr~cllhg ow o;p 'w' h . • ~r" ,{J.nll. New York . ' l1.tf · Thil know 10 be pore. u •• pro. Riehar': Halon. 01 • ~ .,.41 baa';· ."loh It.. lncberl of W.neD Coll.t1 10D of the beat Fr.ndclJ COhPlihach"hhb hi. ,,"o~de .;~t ltd IIlr''::dl~:~t~c: 8~II/lb • eure.clth~ Gldtr 'rpia ..reli.lt.. ,.rMJte ~ • ftal . . II .. . fine Cltlwba Brln y, " .. IItn OUIIlI 0 GO or ,:,r ' . 0 p. thil DeilJhborboo4. ~ p.nnIUfJII . il eollecUOD Of ,h. ~. .\ftowM* , .r Ih, ~.I~ do wei '0' opt. • . proDouoced b"the mHlra' fleuh, ...perl. ,"'III. free, on .Fllefll,l 01 JO T'Jr.-.~ D~ Thl. bllt of .11 C -,h 8,m"., lor ~~ale lurn to v~"'~, ~D , .,r own ~_ ) , 01l ,...1 11,..011, rot wbi,,1L w"\rt 'f.ry Prof. H_"el olerecl ~e ·('!110.IDg lor lur medlelll.1 purpoael to IIrIl.d, dre.. I I~O r~.?, Ne~ by J MEltk.l1'T 4r. l'JUNTZ. IlER1U'M' & PiINT!: Kraterul. rllol11&ioDS: ever mldlJ. 16·4 2.610 ~! . I . . - -"'-'.
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$2,00 A.. Y
The Last of the P1ckies.
at hia lolL)" hd g hl. · S uddtlnly I was lRnd kind 10 me lI od I w ;-id--;~ Claude Duval1n the Oil RegioDa. Tho Poverty of Stat,ameD. Hlartled_ by an eJ:c!amatioo Irom my offended him f; r the world~ ~ compllntoll, and noticed 1\ d ark obj ect he lidded ' I want 1 0U alw 'l'~ B"lIefontfliu e Rep Ubli can IlUb · '1'b. lIE"tlville Dllily Republican , Stlll e~men .who are worthy of tbe' falling from the kiLol and fiuLl ering whAt m;bill should ' tJe, th:;~ li slres Lbe followi ng bit 01 romance, of Saturday, up; appelllltion gl"eo them, geoerally fail slowly d~ wowRr~'. h was Llle para~ you and your men from ha ' in -In g~lhl!red from parliee wt'll RCtluH inted ) We leMn from t!l~ Titunille Herald to secure fOrluon. They dnole tbem. chute whic h Smith had Lbrowo away I I ily hal I,ad a great d~B' , Y Tbe per.OUII io the wagoll, .whioh WI\l '1 - 00 " I~Ues' M WllRt my b,oll RI Be "'lilt the rllCI Il. Bnd who vouch (or it aSl lhRt ~r. J. C. Oheshlfe, ~ fyl&t plAce, se lyel to punuit .. "hicb. if bOlle.Uy ' 1 d' .I·d " I 8 IOU I( I now I" ami e Istan t, ul not le ll m . - guess doutJle R8 much a a slrictly IruLhful nl\rrllli l'(, of" very md Wllir a so m e whn~ thrtlhng adven ndhered to, rarely yield rir.b· reward., J effer80n c]jlld comparlLively poor.to ~o t'I,ce ~ h'IS .oco~rrtl.n~e, Db . Icillugl' d me on tbaL document 6 you . . . . lu re on W!!t1oesdR)' olurul"l y t:scRpio u . Vloll6ly, aDd I/I le resllog ep llod e In Lite Ol onOIOIlOUS • " IL. I1 I118 ' own I".,e, IIU'd" ft' • Indelld, if CongreBl bad not putcbaed S~Jlh 8 IllulitlOn, If 1115 lO"eot lO.o .ho uld I'll pl\y you l' . • • giVing RO * " e J'JI not ItIIIY!! Ih.e, thau lone 001, lou~'ne of hft: III tual quid village. For ' Iu nl qllielu ~ to oll e of Ihtl Rmllteur hi. library an:! p8id him for it &"11 tiDles T o pi nil io the ja r, fall, h~d be.co~e 01\8 Qf a,ppilihog dan · 'Now, sir,' said Mr. Sentllr. 'I obYlou! rea, ons, tbe nllm~s of Iho par· I b.ndi l ~ who inre!t th a oil rl'gion . Mr. ill value, he would .ith dillioulL, hue 'Vhile thy ~ iudred Ira et'Uered Ke~; IIDC~ U III almoet 100po18ibie to 10 tell IIbother 8torv "bout W b In r~lI'io.n. IIf"r I Lies are omitted, WRS ridiug Rll) ng Ih" ru"d (rom Plu· kept the wolf from Ih6 duor. bfllig a klle .Lo .the ground witbou, a koow it ie Coolilll in you 10 be:r '~",:' M.. dison .ned mooey, aDd wa. com1'hu. kiudl, I eea thee, "Iolent aod Jerluog .Iateral .molion, It mRU like me 1.lk. But Ihat DUll Aboul Ihe 6rfi t or September, 'e" er. mer to West Hickory, when be "a~ And eat lhes down , .. , '\lOlf rich, TJ add to hil (ortuu8. confronted " Ilr8nger, who leuoed equIII.r ~rtioul to atop or Lo W.bsler on.:e hun led me up 0111 'Villa the mOllrnlul rellteiioll oC bil "idow,:. Coaproceed. :t:r~mbl~o~ with aDxi~t1' "e !,tlOO penon", aot! cQlIXed me to Thllt Ihou art the IlIl, "atc~ed "~rh ,tralnlog eyl:lI hi, (a,t- home "ilb him. J cao', think "hy were . t : \ al \ ' re.l.ohh hy • nULSOAKIon may I 'ollow, receding .(orm . l had aD excvllenl field made, lo much of al\ i"noraot I,. IJros.ed. 111m 60me lookiu~. inlelli. "er io Ollie han and a I I ., t I ., I ,' . er, Baill, 'I ""nl your money I' . h aixtb Pre'·ldeo. · d dBy by da" 'VI 11111 frlI'D" &."81, w b 10 II ,."YII DIe a per,oet vit,,, of like me. But, ae 1 waa goiog ~o left ~ e n yo~ng auy, lIee .. lIlg a Jlumion in J hi From Creallon'. valt pick~e·jlf IllS eyery motloo, Aod oow we noticed you, Webaler onco owoed neRr here Ih t: (llrudy, to ' teach lIlu- ic. tiew, or do Mr . Ch ~shire replied, 'For G od'~ "we•. ooroe. t e . . ~ V.l\oi.b IW •.! ! that boLh Ihe bladder and the wioge ao old one story houBe lIod hllif an hou $l'w'lIk g l! llefRllly.' -Shc IOI,j /I t~le snka epMtI my lile and I'll' gi,'o YOIl or lil a United blAt". dted 10 Ne" York o ! who wC'uld be left h"d begun to ~xpRod.. H.igher. he rose , "c. re or land, which 60rut!bod)' g ue o( ,,1fliC lioll-ho\V nJ i~ (orluIl C 8 III.d fftllt'lJ t;v ery cellI .I ' \·e .gu t.' H I!, hRd a re vol- ~o poor Ihllt hid remai08:reuod a;.reat. Whelilhe 'ov~d one. hive flown b 1.1 d I I I I ' k d I In"plllce LIl,'ough tbe charil1 oC One of 'Midllfe'.wut.·ol \'ine,.r , .uLweeoI.lU eleotm hlHallltude no lhlm. At one time Ihe 0S"lec ,w.eo IIpunlwr - hoIVfllt~C llltlh ll ll" u frJ~Rth l verlll . " . ' , t ~ l u tt 8. p oc, e l, a n Wl el! Iliol'riends. Th ey remaioioa cellleFloslihllilon..' .'gn of doubt or Irepidl\.fion. The blad . , tRlked of ~lIlIing Ihis eetNle to pay Ihlll hll d Lt:left he r ur Juving r.'cll ds- il olV . oB t~ IIBlbly l ~elln g' for h.ls pocht.book. ttlry in School8lrll81. but oomonllmen$ _ ._ ,. ___ _ - _ ___.__ .. _ rJt!U BOOI.1 beC8me 60 ch81ended a8 Lo laxu. ' 8 t:nl .. r,' enid he, 'Ihis is Ih c WH8 Ihro wn upon Lhtl cold world. to ' c o c~ed hid pl st~ I, dr~ w II •• Ilod In stnnt k I I I I Ihey repoee, • r.. F1 a most lit tI tie mRn from viaw, 1It1 mIJlln . tho old ,,11Il'l' is lI!)t worth -. lJnlLI" "'illl ils ~re ~ d IlIId selfishn ess for ' Iy fl rtl d II I t,I ~ IU8a551n. 1b e IIf.. II p1\8S' winJ I8 tlle Q'apot wheru Ad I \,01'}' 0 a ~who ..... h.d now r".~chod lin eltvntion, liS De ur dollu ~ it Inever bhoulrJ hMve bet:o laX ' ,, ~ ilDple liv elihuod . She pas ,ell f;om \ ed ?ver the roh!>~r'a hud . TI.le horse d 0 III ultlcey amI en lomellluoTh 01' T 'b t . I al 1 could Judgll, of 1,200 or I bOO ed nnd il shRo 't Le again' As Olltl duor 10 door, wilh her L"It: of pity aoJ whirled al the dl8ChMgt.l, rURllln g Ihll red lind fifty tbl.lul&lld doHan, tho t f e IIca~ I:: ~e ~017. 111111 ~ ~t· feet, or about a qUllrLcr of a mile ' lI t; oi'llle Sde ctmtll he 'ften~llfrl PUt " I ller (I\ce of lorrow, beel.ing ill "Kin l fellow rroln the plllth, but he struck III ;.:~~~l~n~!. iO~:S~Y~. r~::c~f a~~tb~d ~\;.ow one r a M~ . 10 IDI! ~rrllieD nl)w deillchecl his ~rm8 from the I~dd t: r ' poor WOIDfin \Vitil hH three ' daugil len ror ~ht"er, lill fillKlly she (ouuLlII pity. I Mr. Cheshire wiill h.i~ kniCe, Rnd woun · lind economy, a lO~eafPo IS, d IOD UO a, glvlln ar an . hiil feet remaillio" upon it ,wd wavl!d' -paupt:rs- ioto the houAo "ivin" to ing he'lrl, .. nd fOlllld a ~ilUlll i lJl\ Rs l ded him iu Ihe hip, Mr. Uheshil'e in· , accoun, a a alO ero 1carus, W 10 tl IIW I I ' ' '" '" " I f II k' . Itallth' Lurned ami fired the st:cond Ahrtio V IlO Bureo:dilld ur., riQII,by f bl dd r tIe WIIlSS upwared Rn... cJ owowllrd, R8 if III:r the free u~e 01 iI, 00 II c.:rtRio mUIl ·O·M ·wor , In one of Lht! m(ut , " . . ThrQughout his polilicalli(e. he Itudimellns 0 t a edrs .,cop~rh ey 10- tu try them, For an in~tant htl sLooJ occaeion 118 Websler and hi~ lamil)' rll'pt'cillbill rUlllilice of our pillce , lime, the tJlIlI Iltklng effect III Ih e left oU$ly loolllld OU' for bis o"n '· n •• r , d era, par"c 1IU ell, An k hes Wit rope · II d I I' " ' . '1'1" II .• b '. bre8Mt of the RdursllrY 11" excl"im • u, ladder tailll We • t ' . f / IUS, an Lien re Inqul811111g "II 8Up. were riding tJy Ihls csLr.le (,f hi~ he ueo WCto .. ~ ro "u y, nnll Lilly d M . . It i~ not bellned H\a\ he ' eyer '.peil~ rhi, letter '"bich !! ~:I~b a ~o,.~n . ~ V,ort, he 8prRng off inlo the t:mp!y "il' I ordered tbe cORchm8n tl) c811 lhe \~om. H~1I1 son ( ~ uch Wll8 the nalDII HUC gllv,,) : e " IY H~d I my Gotll' Rnd fell h~av- Ihirly Bhillinga in poIiLio •. • Hil· par'/. '1 6" : dr I~' r. mill, I<or a momenl my helirL Itood ~till I ac 10 him. On her appro"chill" wilh lal1b(lIlIv IILIt:odeJ to h"r duti~.- Ily to lie ~I o und, wh er!! hll lay IUOllon · shook the bush, aod b. caugh& Lhe blr • • Ie yaog mlo, .. n III IIppllr.tu~ I Id I. b " "'.' d ' I.' I Ics9 aod ~'pIJllre n'ly de .. d uillng, m .... I~lg bc:d., M '. ' . ' Dlilliel Wllbster .quaodered 10lllt lUerel remllrkin , with all defereno; Ie my urelll ,cltpecllog to eee lJim slerooe81 he urged tbe paymenl of her l IIwe~IH~g. ' . dllBhed to Ihe earth, BuL he !til! noL renL Slie plel\dlld poverly said .b., bruAlllng 5tO\le8, Mild pel'fol'nllnl: all du ·1 r. CIII~sllllt: IIDlOtldllilcly rode on million io his Iifelime, the produce ·o f Io.'h eYoame.o I IglIe re.pect. bIIlOllllen8 , II I d 'd . . ' . II d b ' . III B rapid pnct! Rnd hlld pruce,.decl 8' d d 't t b' l I ,a; Ie I not e\,l!n lteDJ to t.nd wal plactJd In Ihe bOUle by Ihe Stol,o" tlIIS .R ol e Lo er, wlLh 1I),.Crlly. She l b ' . hia professional lind political Ipeoula~rpen e •• ~I nMlel c) I ,,8 eM, tlat down war!!.. Hi. win"a played wilh men, and bad nothing with Whklh ~ Will contenled 1I0di cheerrul _ io fliet . out tt'n roJs, when anolher man slep lion8, He died, lel\YiDg his propert. \e aarraLlVI .. ; ~e7 mr:.a 1 .o~nd. ~reat 8wirtoese, ao:! be ftOMtetl in a bor· pay. Ta&.iog (rom his pocktl book _ 100 ch~'Hrl.ll for ontl 10) "lt ~uU'~rin~ p!fd -fTo~l the bu.lre:s;--·hill cuunl~na~ct' 10 hi. children, aod hil debtl to bi. eltJI ilk 1)~f1r.Q". i,oOlIlI po,ition "hh apprireM eale ,- tivt' dollar bill, he lMid. ' Here, mlldalU. frum deup Rmiction. Suspicion w~s T'cprenm g IInc~r.trllnty lind surprise , friend s. The (ormer sold for Ie .. than Til. ACCOUNT. AI{IIio I glan.:ed M Illy "atoh. The lake this iu caae your blndlol'd ~llOuld IIrou~ell, lind it WM J Oubl ed "h"th"r 10 cll~ uot exh~blt lilly . WeIlP? n,. M~. Iwe llly thousand doU,.r.-lhe laLtere.l\Thil .. orniog. fttll o'dock,lue hOUf baod poillltld 10 Iwenty ·.eyen miouLell eVllr cIIII for the rpnt :' ~ h (' hlld t.,ld .111 o' er ll'u t: la l" , III ' ''1 Che sll1l'~ 111111 hit! own pistol S'.IIIIO _hla c(!ed ~d IIVO hundred alld filty Lhousaod. appointed, WI were promplly aL Mr. before three. The kite, tleptived or ite Old Mr. Seulcor', venl'rll'ioll oI' O nn. " "g ua,d ed 01 U111<' 11 I. ,\'I . CIl 'n' la till g 1l1I : hllll~ . He ~lIlet l.U dlC 8lrllnl(e r, ·1 ou Honry CIIIY . Ieft R bllodeome estale_ Smilh'. atore, aod found him read), 10 bttliasI, hl\d sunk to the ground .- iel Web.t"r we fOllnd \illidly , urp"s"lId ill l'ld " nl o r Io H child I", ... " . ~ Io e I,,. tl l'Il p ! dun t_l~v~I:L finylilln g ,of me? Clln 1 It probl\bly exceeded one buodrecl .tart. At tbe door there alood two Walchi~g nllrrowly, iL wBs.evidenllhlH by old Mr. Cl'nm'ti. whose tiilHl'y l'e rr.·,, 1 II lI lIIe, 11 11 01 . ' L;IIJ IluJ'"11 ' I I: '''~ : ih u o tll~ r, e :I".\l~lIl~ IU ~uu c l l thou.lCo,l dollara, lIe wa. a prud6D~ tt:ams and waAtoos. oDe of "hich COil- Mr, Smllh was Hlowly Dlovlllg forwllnl. locks "3 met all the highway iu olia 01" VlIlIISll Cd II~ Ihe 1U (lrning 8 lOut. Hlld ! eX~ILe d II~ ~lIl1\ s clf, replied. Y es , and IIlllnlll,;er 8nd a' aClI'upulous)y hone" tllined ",bat 1 lupposlld to be a CRnvas It, lIppeared to me that Ihu blndd e lB our pl!rambulation8, IIl1 0lhe r po nil)nll~e IIppe"reu in htl r ! MI. Cheshire rode fOl'ward. Afler pro- mnn. • Ho\\! do yuu do, eir!' laid tbe old CIlMRclel', .1 cecdlllg R Bhott dl 8bllu:e ,ho looked .Ii· Jflmes K. Polk 16ft IIboll' one hlln. teDl, wilb paIn, de. In the olher we ehghtly COlltract"d Rod exp"ndolj a:t"r' look our 111:1\18. 'rue party consi.ted e>f nlllt'I),.' as one'6 chest cl ot!s ill br"alllinj;. gent! ~ mRn, " ery poli le ly . Ht:r cheerfulness, her manners I\l\d l'Ound, Rnd duco~ered Im, I.Nlt RcquRln. Ilred lind [i(IY thou!Ilnd dollar. -flrL; Mr. Smith IIlld hi. clf'rk, Jamp" Mc · O~ th~d 1 could 1I0t leel ab. oluLely cer'How do you do, bir '!' her irllt· I, li !5 ~l\ce had inlllrell ied her e m . lance dr:l~!p"g 1118 eomp!\1l1on fro~ Lhe Ihou~lIud of "hioh be eared (rorq h.. ~"nnR~, CApt. Cobb and myself, Pllt- talll, Elnce tile 0ppcllrance may hllve ' Arc you fJ'om BOllon ? ployo-rs III Illn beh.ttlf. lIud. promptod by rondo Bulh "rm~ " e n~ claspell IItOllud Pre~irJlllloy of four yeaTS. nok RI~el. and Andrew W"rd, the dri . rO lSul:eu frOID Iheir Ilullerillg mOlion; 'I alii, .ir.' ' I spidt of di ~iUlc: I't~ 8Ltlcl bell6volollcll, tho body of th~ flliltlll man. "ho Ap' John Tyler left IiflY Lhou.and dollll" • • ert; .IIX IU all. ~r. Smith WRS env€-\- , yet the Cnpt~ill'd opinion coincidtJd wilh ' Vi ,l you e ver see DIDitll '''lIbeter I Lilt fl'r"ly Old witll, they svughl til ' }lllllleu La be hlden. Btl (ore he reacbed lbe Presidency h'e -.G~' " a, t.rg. '~lnen dutler, Wli~ch my OWII. . After R fe w mioule~ ("hiuh there '!,. . . i unta,'!!l Ihe my~IElry surrounding htlr I AIr. ~h~51I1r~ Ihen rode 10 the, office "as a banklupl. In office, be bUlbandetl gu tt" cfn~a~ hll per.~n . DUring Ret:w ~ d .hktl hours ) we pt:rceivl.d th III ' Y eS ind~lld : knew him from boy, I c~.>t·, thlll lhtl y lUil~ht I'estl.lrtl her 10 her l of Ih'l U 1\1011 01' CUDlp>tI1Y· ~n Cherry hi, mel05, alld theo married a rich (he. rtdll-he App.e ared r8tb~r .er OU8 and Mr, Smuh h~d tJl!gun 10 des~l!nd. Very b?otl; I"ve 11(!Rtd lIim o\ue .olne " of fr!l.'.lIdl, IIn,\ 10 ~h~11 )lo,ilion ill 80cil.-ly \ HIIII.' ",ben. he foun.tl Mr: Hllle~, V14.11, wife. '.uLlUU In U'o houra "II reaclllld a gradu\llly LIlia ~IU !lc.co~pll.bed.. aqd hiS fine 6,Peeo\lea.' :blqb. " _ tiue\l ~o ad9tn . ~ lIIlII au.u SleWI\r~. A. '~Ct bl!&rlng, ~II. ~"chary Til lor lett one hllDdrtd anil p.ola, abollL '""I~e mil .. "el& of the at uaelly a qua .... er· before- th'tee he ' You are a (or unRLe mRn . \Vhicll 'nuc)ue p esenl ~ ; :tlllyfWo<'" • LbQ' lu1e en . om.pI\U1etl ~hy" I( (Illy •• nd tbere.lopped, !J.'be couotry touched tbe ground, We ran toward do TOil think the gr6atelll orator Paul p,efere to call ht:r bV her nom d" l 1\1\ eil"' of Lhe 8DCOanLt:r MillRnl Fillmore il a wealtb, maD "II I rolli~g prairie •• holly uoculLiva · him, and IOllod that be .a. coneiderably or Wtbster.' 'plu~e), wrolll.lettel', oec~8ioQRlly 10 a : .•"re t ley ou~~1 le\leral rap c~y~rt' h Rnu "eeps his money in a yery Itrooi ted, I,!d wltb .no tr~~eled rOAd (01 IO~· exhau.t.ed. He retpoaded .heerlly. ' BOlh lUI peri or men iD tbal relpect, COUI!ID III " 116lghhormg City, Her em· IILh Iblo~dd 1 here wtrtl IlOdlc~lo~ "nd "'fe bOl[ : it will nner b. 'quaD~ral 0111.. on each ' side. 'fhe . CAOya., hown.er. to our heArty congrallllllliool, lir.' , pllly~r8 wrOle (witbout ber koowledg~) LlaL I Ie 0 y hlld beeD' rag!:!! 10 uered in vice, or was~ed io .pllculat.io~. ~ elc .••aa Il\kvll 'oaL and Ipre"d upon ,... Ibe "agon h"d Already relurned, it • Well,' .. id tbe old DIan, walking 10 rnand. of theirs ill Haiti city, ill- L.hrouKh lhe bushe.s, but Lhe. tfRcn "ere Ex·PresideRt Pit;rce lived lIome fittT the grouQ~. aDd 1 found ' &0 f!'y amMze · did 1I0t ta ktJ loo( to Itow away tile ~ ite more clofte~r 10..U8, • I love to relld l qui ring if _they kl~ew ,an~ Jamily _oJ the ~D~ly lit a~d. thtl 8eatch dl~con~lnua~: tIIouaand dollar. CroUl hi. Larm oC ler. ~eut that inS lead of " te~tll .an &c., and W8 the!l returne.d to Lhe city. bOLh of tillm wrlLlDgs. I "' {IS onc~ in . ~Iallle dropped by Lilly IIlCldenlally, or he rle. 1.8patoh uya t lat lit' ro vice. I hRve thus gl\len a plaID and exact troduced to Wllbsl"r ftS on~ tillit h;ld Ilf Ihey knew lin:" }Ilung I"dy 8nSWllr· ber has HlDce laen fuuut! dU\ld. The Talue of tbe eslate left by the Immen.e k1l6. m~de of ull ·cloth, ·wltll "."roag joinLed (rame. II .wa~ of the Accuunlof Illis most extraordioRry 0(- idoliz~d him {or forty years, "'hlill hc illg to Lilly's dl.!s criptil)ll . The relurll -.~---Illte PresidenL Lincolo il eSLimatlld ., kind known "I the 'hou80 kite, 11exa . c.urrenct'. I ~IIIIIO~ offer aDY 5peculll' look me by LilA hllnd lIud held 011 oev · 01.,," bl'lIu!!hL a r.~ ply thut the Lunily ArPRoAclltNO. OANOER.-At I~st Ihe Lwenly-flvtl thou'Rud dollara. gon for~, and when put tOl!et.h~r was L!O~ ?o~lcernl?g the . .nature of Mr. en minutes. lie had II beMt aa big 85 1"·I.'rtl well kllown--wt:re wettlt,h y lIod I ch nlcl'l\, 8c1vlln~llIg trorn Ihe (hmmest 25 fee~ 10 lenglh, Ihu. cuntalillng "" Snllth 8 Inl'entlon, aDd 'fa ract do not au tight.foOL ox.' Y!lry rtlspectKblt:-- >tnd lhat Ih~lr dau· reces~e~ of ASia, hRI rf'8cbed the bnr. • area of ovt:r 500 IIquIlrtl leeL. 11.8 corel (':I!I my.elf at Iibeuy.to do so, . BUL 1 . , ghl~I', R Vtl'y l\O(lompliahed young . 111- derlo of ~he Atlllntic, "Oll, tired of rllY' ~ I gAve her II rose aod gaye Jler "al abo~L Ihe ~laicknesl of 01)' Iiul" 8m greatly mislllken if tile name of •• • ely, hRd tJel?O mi~5ill~ forse\leral wtlt:h: IIgin/: Europfl, threatens Americ8, 'i'h." R ring. And asked her 10 m/lrry me 'l'he BomeofWebater, ~I\IIL ah" h"d 8uutl"nly di"ltppelll'ed, and IAlLt foreign .tenmer ann611ncea it III Ihen; but she sunt thom 1111 back, tbe unger, but of greaL strength. halling David K. t:imith is oot 1000 fllmiliar to hUll II manufanturetl to order. The tail Ihe public a. one of it! greale!ll beneA letler "riter tbus alludel no clue could hol oblainod 10 her SoulhltmplOll, one of the mo.l promi· in.ensible Ihing, and said abe'd '00 no· of the kite W&8 ml!rely a light rope factors" Any 0lle eftQ 'Batisrr i.imself , . ,to the where~b~ut8, 1I1~lIough t,h e police of All !lent Eliglish 8eR.coR~t tow~II, whence lion of moo. 1 told ber I'd ooeane of Jadder, liS LO Ilia chllractcr and staol.hng in this home of the great Expounder: I the prmclpnl CllItI ¥ ur thiS Rlld a neigh · score. of Yel8"l& d"lly 11111 for our money IInti good., IIod abe I\o.weretl ·Mr. Smith now threw off hill linen communily, byenquiriol( of Hon, C M.rMhlidtl is qllite a ""atering placp, boring StilLe, \\' ere Pllt UpOIl the alerl . • hore~. It ie ('"sy to. imllgine ho" til" slr6 wa!lo't brought up io the wood.,,~ dUller, . ithd I ' could, aCllrcdy &\Ioid E. Yanderhurg, Judge o( the OiHtrict aod is bllcoming more 10 eyery sum. j Word was inlinedilllely st'nt to lite dill ' scour!;tt can thu~ be Imporltld hero to tJe BCRred by the screech 01 an owl. I laughln~ II\. hi. t'Xtrllortll/lRry appear· COlJrt, or of .hllost 811y ciHztn of Min · mer. li'lnce Ihe W~b8tf!r mRosion is lra~ted p"rllnUi uf tht! wherl!aboUls of renew tbe times or ',32 lind 8uh8(' qul1nt CAlled her ' " beggllr IIDd e.erythiog Knce, Bt:uII"tb bis arm ·phll, aDd elt · nenpolis, Afty perloll "ish;"g to in. much rll~or,,:d 10. 'fhe (IIDlily &h8,illg Ibelr 10'Ldllu~hter. ' "od Ihll firat Lrain feltT'!. Phll"."lelplll~ lI~d NtI,y_~ork hRd, I slighted her ("dure' and form; wailing arQUl)d his "Qdy. tbere' wa. I quir" furlher, il al libtrty to e,,11 upon 1IllLfie of Ibe farm admit vi~itor8 ttllht' brought Li lly's flilher Rnd broLher to would be 1M liru pOlOtM In the tlilted lill ilL ler.gLIa I 8ucceecled in gettiog hllr ilopper .ylintier; .. (ooL wide (rom lOp lI)e a~ my offiCII, No. 2B Larmonl Hlo(,k, lilHArl conlllinin!{ lome 4 om, yolumee, . • eek her return home. ::itAteH to tJe \' i~il !! d, fur 10 Ihem "I most mild, Rnd Alae rllged like the "ind iD ." ta. ~toH~ a~d ~boot"..!!o .feet in diam· or ~ lelter.iII reach DIe througb the to Ibe parlors, filled .illl curio~i:it'8 1 Lilly, .<who !tad been eOlirely. ig~or. all of t~.e Soutlulmpton venel, conle ,- .torm, Alld then in I mOJDeo& I tllrped titer. 18 oralONry 'crulhllJ'~ had been ChlClgo P. D., Box 6,016. LhAt wel'e prll.-entlnr-rr:r- Mr. WeblteT ;-18RL af Illt these WIIII.tll'lS) ""I ID-W-Il¥d Ire"clY, 1I111tl 80 much ahout "nd Imiled, aod Cllled be, my angel teplactd by A li~lt · tihing .uit of ribb"d W .LTaR V, COLLIN8. &0 ·the ch"mbtr. wbere Lhe good mil II I into ~he parlor II) IU 'II (ri"lId who had prepllflllioll8, ~o meet ~h,e dllnger, thlll IIlId "II;. sbe r(J\llnlo my arml like a ololh. mlde '1lppllrentll "II in one pioce. • ... met his fllle;' and Lhe grou"ds, on L111, l cal~t:d 'Jh her,' Rnd there mel h"r filth- it woulet be Idlll fE'peUtl on lO B"Y IIny · "eari~ome cbild. and exel&imed, 'We'll AUllched to Ilii "rID~ and hody Wtlre a ADec4ot.lof Daniel Webater. recdpt of .lm.1I fep. The llQuse is I er lind brolh!:r. She Ippened. und er Ihing more: bUL ... " do hope Ihlll our marr'l Lhi, f"II: "air uf , webbt:d willgs of 8Lrong male· ju~t liS Mr. Webster left it. " ~p'\ciol1s I the cil cum5111n lles, vl'l'y unconcernlld- ,BulIrd or HUR1Lh has commenc~d the ._.ri~11 wilh a li~hl fr"JD,~work . of .te..l.AI oDe liDle, "heu Mr. Senter kepi Ullt:or w~"d, p"inled \\'hit~. an.~ "ilh : ,,""I!!ed lhem eordinll),. IIIIIU., inq!Jiric8 eillboration of ~h" pretty theory It pro &;;r A well dressed Cellow will ked Wbell at teet, the" WIQ",~ (If I m."y ~o haruly I\~ m ch of a publiu RS a pri. ~re<'l, wlndnw lJllllds. It u quit o fnr IIb0l11 IIUlOl', gltve hor rl!lt~On8 for le"v , p l) SIl~ 1\ shorL lime ago. ""!IRt we 'l1li1\111 into 110 room where Ihey were L~lkiog ealllbcm) hun" loostly Abuut him like . \,1I1e IiOUti~, lIod Ii.. , lind 1111 I,is lrl\lIt!S, frOID the Htreet, io tho slyll1 of an Ell ' iug hume. nn~ 611iLl tilltl hlld a Hly tirst I~ a thorougl.l 1.j \II~rnntlll~ of eve.f)' politics, And stretching himself up to .acloled. umbl'lIl1a, but when ·lli. arm8 ! Were bu sy Ir"ying', Dlluicl Wt'b~,er' l glish ,:"ntl,'m"n'8 homo . "nJ h"8 t"l1~ gO Lid plllc" to li~e lind inteJl(i~d 8IRY - "euel from tire Inlected port .. WILh hie full hiKht, exclaimed in & loud were r~ltllld, they becam" extended "od willi hi ti iamily, arriv lld in a cRlI'iage , wlIgl1llicenl old Engli.h elm betiide it I,nl: Lhertl, . all Ollr 81\1I1Ll\fy dUftlll.dt:T8I1L 1IIC'Ir qUllr · vuice, 'Whera'!I a R"dio"l? Show me I(a•• hlln lin ocld re~tmbilluce to Lhll \' Mr. l:)cntc:r,' sflid Wtbster. ' lIVe haft: 11\ formerly. Aflc:r" lengthy converSlIlIon, the teu. "od tlitl pOfte,lIlh. down, .WI! ""V I' a B,IIuicRI, gelltltlmen, aod I'll show The libl'llry 11I8L ~fr . Web~ter lefL iS I fAthlir I::II\"e up "" ilope of inducing' a re:\8on"ble securlly from Ihe IOlruder. fOU R littr I' In an i09tant a mall e.%· 'Or"eD Mooltor' in the p~ntomim.,.- comtl to 11"1 a werk, and I wRnt you Seoret 'of ord'inllry bl"ddeFil .wera CASt· 10 leave your hRyillg, ROll giv .. UM yuur rull in EIIgli." hi~tory anll liluHlur .. , her Lo returll, 81\d IcfL Ihe Louse iu 10 IhRt if it Yis ill, U9 thi, YP.RI',. or til · ~Iaim"d, ' I Am ' /I n.adjc~I, sir I' 'J'ou tlDed lolhe lUit above ~en,tioll~d, and compRny, Occ,,~iollilolly we .!LIIII sail in cyclopt:dla!l. dicliollarits, Ilud nll rp( ,1 despllir. The broLher, . how" \'III', re o nllxl, wo mMy ~ntlrely pr" I'eot Its r"VR IlI'e l' 'Yes, sir, I am,' , Well; JUIi' equal11 in 6very pllrt. , Som~ wt:re on Ihu lake, 1I0cllh"o Lllke lIoolher o( efl'nce bllok~. 1111.\ in mi.cl'llaoeou. m"ilHtI, Illld finally prevail"d upon her, gea, or lit ItlR8I grl:Rl.IV mod~r"tt thElm ~Iep IIround the corner wiLh me, and pl"Cled clole, to Ibe body, aDd otbers your men off,' WOI ks. The IMW books which we I't! in view ,of ~h0 very crilic,,1 cuudltion o( -P;lIladrlp"~a PreIS, L'II Bhow you • feUow wbo a"id .1 d~peoded aL varioua 1,!II!1lhs, from ooe '1 Ilardly know how 10,' lAid Seoler, fuund io hi. little Illw office, by th" 1\ young"r brulh.,r',' """hh, .to. r.. lurn -co.u\?"'lJjn~ a radical i~ Lhe ward; 10 thr('0 (eet, . From lhtl moulh of t:lch • bUI I'll clc~ il.' gRrt.ltn, have: belln chieDy aolt!. homol, wh~rtl she IS now ltvlDg; WII J::r- TowRrd Lhe 1'I0ui ~hich "IIIcll! Atll \ he a hAr, 1 shollld hke to 11.00,,1 ... ,hollo~, 8~l[lbltl lube comOluoicRted Wbile there, Wrbller IRlked about hope happily "lid c)nt..:"ll1dly. itself in I\Illtude of rect'ption, 1111 Lltinl!' .... , wuh lb~ cyhnllt!r. 'l'heee. if e;cI endth). llis boyish dllYR, or tb. family tri ·,l of ----,--.- ...... - , I.J.ur n::luona (or 1~".lnK hOlne we~e. dow. For Much a ~oul nr~ Illl good ';tr 10 the town or Attle.boroulth. ~uuhl cou811qullntly furm a nillwork 0' Ihe wu<)dchuck, of )jolitics. uf aHair8 of I QUU.RItUNCi .- l f IIn,.~hin" io the world Ihe jr!uoO)l:nelHI of JllCreo~1l1 rl!lLrHlnl gifls rllshioned ill heRven. 'fhe lUll Un ..., Ilfere lire Iwenly·.ill e.tabli,hmenls ~nr t~bll'. 1 mado then ob~er"'tion~ Governmt:M, of "Ie bi.tory of each will mHlie s mlill f.. ,,1 bAdly, eJ(- klld the re(usaly( , fUlld." , Ihe thoughl .hine~ for it; the blrrJs sillg fol' it; up 'ur tile IllllnulaCluro uf jltwelry. wilb a h~'Llly, (or Mr. !'imith At onclI pl"ced SI III" , "nd of tire Union, and e\'inced as cep' pinching IJi. fin"lIrli in the cT"ck I ~he ibletJed. 'l'rle o~cll .. on or hl!r 1t'Il\l LOI\'1lrd~ it Lhe Ilu.vers swing Ih eir 0 .... ' 1.1I01 capilol of 8240,7~O. Lilt ye'u 1llm.elf upon Ihe ~ope IIt~cler Alld IU' mae;' f."milillriIY "ilh ~frl&irll on. Lhl!! u/ a cJoor,il'~ IIl1qU~\ltiOllltb;ly a qUjOrrel' I "~g WII~ Ihe f"lIura of !Ier (1Ilher to RllfS alld WArt their odon. Into It, ii' ~:l38 ,699 worth o( Illock w•• used in the quelled thllt the klle, which blld betln olher MILle of lhe AII"nllc aa on tl'llI, No Dlll:l ever rlllil. 10 Ihlnk le81 of KIVt her LtD clvllars, w"lob Ibe afke,1 "01 den Htrf'all'S, ftow~ the be"uLS 0 ; mlnuf.cture ur rold and !tilt .rlicle•• wbi~h .l'~ up b.D 8 alight eltlvation, Ihoult! btl ' Ab,' .aid Senler Lo UI, 'Web8ler himlelf arlAtr it Ihan berore it. IL de · him for. ~lttr ' 8prinklcd rivers. The rOllr of WI) IVere vnlueJ ., 8738,625. This futlll.heLi rftll"d. , 'l'he Clip lain Rod rnyaell cllllt:d knew a. much a~Rin aa 1 clid. but I "rRdes him in Lhe .. yes of olhtlr., lIod. Lers Rnd Ihll plR~ h oC wnt(:rralla ~ivt' employment fur 687 males Ind 12!! Ie· . Ollt tOiotho(. lh"L h" had Corgottt:D hi. kDe" e'nou/tl:h 10 fall,,\\, after him and whal is "or8e,blun~~ hill ~l.'Il~ihililil' ''' on CADnAGE.-'fherc is no erv p gro"" iltlllithfull'ul stl til its I\IID 'ls phcre . lnt( ' 1rl8hH' III the .. me tOWIi thqre are two eatNbJllrllchut~; but be rl'plied iUlpa~ienlly piek up till: 'lhip.. He "liS A leRrned the one band, lind ill ~ rt",- C ' III .. JI " W ~ " : 'hlllr " la .. !.;" CIt}' tll"l fJ ' ly ~ he ll" ", II i 1\ I I ~ "l'~n wind ow! cum.: L,he not~~ of hu· ishtn u nl~ for Ihe me nur.cture or jet pi", Lllat be did DOl need it. We declared, mAD; he differed fJ'om UI, III IlIlIst in o( pAssinll"t" irmtab ', i t ~ 1111 Ih u 1I11t .·r . 1 g"I": 1'>. I lui"" lh an cIl IJlon15'" 1\·" t ll" U' tn '"lj,,), 1\11(1 hlllll HII \V'l e IlJ'the Irlun~ph. 1n,J llrn~rnCnl8 lor IAllies drease •• nd bonbo"ner. that "e would not ·permit BO \"1l41 thing-he rt'mf'mbtred ,,\I he hlld 'I'h~ Irulh i~, Ihe morr peKce"tJly Rnd i s"nd t' I' Hdtl 1:;111 b" gruwlI 0 11 It II " " 1", Itnd 110.: ' lrll i: ~I "s of tllll /ll'\lsent\lln c. ' !l IS, bucklel, clupa, &c., in which fool~~rd)' "n exp~riment ' uiliellthi" pre relld, "II he Ilud tlHII, ftlltl 1111 hll hlid quielly we g"L on, Ihl: bl:llllr for our I wonh live I:enl" flKell. 101 le"~t. nmOU1I1 PI\"t Its optl n door, ,Memory. Icad , the IUO WOrlh 01 aheet brll •• , ailt Ind ,lUI ClaUllon "ere IRk. en. and lIf1er " little hellrd. But now I hlld forgoL to tell ncil(hlJurs. In !lin'e case8 out o( Ltn, l ing 10 $500, whitll Ihe C081 ,o f CIII'.iVI\ ' long proclI.sion of 118 preclou~ dc~d, .vern u8e.I, producing arlicles tbat were J1irl~y be ~on,ellted·. yuu.· IItided tire old OIan, 'tbat whlln the !Jetter course ie, if 1\ mao cheal. Lion lind 10llrkeLillg' i~ uot Ol'er $;100. - ",ho look in with MWl!et fNce~ lIod wh,ls, v.. luett III 635,000 • . A,teady 6ret!IB Will now blowing Ihis wet'k Will oUl, 1,6 Ilshd me ho" ),011, (tU iL dealing wilh llilll: H he is . This crop CI\II ht: grown" hundred ptrd of pllttce. In frout of It, ImRglD ' from the IOllthea~L. Riley "nd WlHd much h., oWt'd ·me. 1 went ""11 gOL lin "bu8i\'e, quit hi8 cAmpl\oy ; and If he ytmrK ill 5ucce!lsion Oil the slIme 8011 by lilioll IlIlLrshHIR .the (orcll s of Ihe future, FULL ot ·OLoRT.-I h"ve & brother !lud it Ihrill ? With the bugle·blllsL and - l \ ~ell. litlle chllp--who lotpe&iml' took ~Ieir plllCe ' jn tire ... "rigon be8ide Ih:Ilount Ihat I had ktpt, with eyery .I>tnden )'UII, thkll care 10 live ~o Ih"l Mpplying a CORl of m"ourtl ),I!arly. th~ ~.p"' of..r.opr.;·' NcLen",,~ , ~'!te'd af>. ilem menlionl'd thai I hftd chArgad nobody wllll;elieve him. No mHll~r ••• _ _ tr .. mble~ wllh the, drum·be~t or the "'ya Ihingl we 'hiuk very odd. OD6 "tll'~ ' CH'ptiio Cobb anU "I - re. him for. I knew it Wfta a ;>rotty Ilarge "ho lie is. or how he lYIi~U8C1 you, th e llluuderilig hOMt. Fllr plm:eptlons, wen lay, "II bll WR! dillpo,ing of 800le brea~ DI.med on Ihe ground "8 "p~ctl\to".- bill. tJUt no more tlran he DughL 10 J>fty, witiest wlty is to lel him alone; for EXCIT&D,-A,n hooeaL Gllrmllon in "II Ihings IDRclu, .'1011 to the duOi' of. th .. .nd milk, he turoed around to h .. 'l'b"boraea true 118ri~d iOlo • gallop, W"belu luok"d al Lhe bill, then PUL hia Ilre\'e is nothing better tURn thi8 cold. Phil"delphia, listening to aD account of pelceplion 1111 tl\1~"8 ten~; 80 that tl" 100t!ler And laid: 'Oh. motber. ' 11m 'lid UJe ,1ti~ l"OoIe ', lowl , Ind benily, big' ~yel on me, And .in A hanb maoner c"lm, "lid quiet wal of dealiug w'ilh "married "OOlRI\'S elopemeotwitb'lIn · soul ~hat throw. !lSelC Wide 0pen. lo all rull of glory I There waa a ".un~aaOll .bIL.leadiIY up·w ard.. I glaDced aI' laid-at Ihe SllDle time throwing '.I )he Lbo "'Oll);;i "e :Deel "ith. , other man,' ollie day. got greAllyexci,- tbal IS mllde !or at, IIhllll find Itlelf full Illy IPOOn, aDd Ilwallowed 1$1 ' eil.o,er it, aDd 8pluUued (orLh witb the ~ G. Holl(J,.d, ••• , . my wlllch: it. "aa ~"eo'Y mioutel pAil bill' dowo: 'Senter. don't you eYer t~o o'cl()tk. The kite CIOntinued to prelfD' me ,witb ,anythiDg like tbat .', " . greate'l t 'ebemenoe, • U mine \lile rlill. • f b b d tb-. . r rl. . b ~.I'Ig"l t. • • . Go~erDor SWae Ja awa), ml"' aout Iler Dlan,1.lIe, . , I'll IIha ke "'""'l'm attached lO· tOU, aDd yd. 1 .. . . . MOlt 0 \b e1•.~ a 0..oauM - orou • e' , . • 1t ....yl. . motion, _gain. ' , ~ . " I ma.lorllJ J IJo..I ". • angher ud Illgbl"r. IL etlemed •• tho' • I rell bad beeallll I bad diapleued low. \I "at'm~ted, aL 16,~. T~rfe- him 011' of her preeQbel, if 'h' 'be wi,b my .. lf away,' al , • QTtrload.d GIll p~th •&brOllll I ~ aR , .,., Uii d.ri.,liIr9o...&lUll' become dillY him, for b, h~d ~l"ay • .been gellerolla fourth, of tbe 1"I••ture III Republlcaa, 'milll O"D ridder, mille GoL I' dODkly laid '0 th. ctrt. ,_ . ItaDdlDll1l our own hgM. ·Ti. th. 1111 of the picklel Lell souring 6100e . Ait ill litlle .campan io'ns Are ealen Ind gone ' No kindred Cucumber No manlO i, nigh.' To reapond to tbe 1011 pick.le·. SOlfow'ul liali.
• • ••
UI""l.do\\.n.-· -.' _ ......
·e. ,
elJt lltiami C8a?dte.
W 'a I Jltlvi 11 e I
U'h i 0:
- -
_______ -
TfeasUrel"'S Notice'.
VOL. J, __ - - - - - - • - - NO. XV III .
, ' ," r r "Veil O<llnncl" Ohi o do hereby tlivu nOLic e thlll th .. Rllte.s of Taxl\tion in the sn id T,lIWIl8. ' ."''', .., 0)' LA w " r RICIIARD LACKEY, 0 ,arr .. ' , ,I ' Ll iII '1'Ii bl e,. 11'1 rVRSt; ' : ', , • rrellsurer l' b '1'u Du ..J"hc"Lt! 01' lIlid COIlIIIY d'or Lbe VU/lf 1805, hi eXpru!l~" " Ill , Ie IlUlleX& aDd School DISll'lcl~, on ellcb Dollar. Valuallon 0 rOptlf'Y ou I U r . • •
NAMES O}' TOWNSIJLPS, G1l1lfilRAL Nll..-s.
JOleph E. Wor~r. autbor of Wor· ceater', DictioDary. died his reai- 1 dence in Cambridge, Oct. 27tb, aged I 81 yeull. l!ro(ellor E. L. y~"" the cele· brated chemiet and philolopher. \la8 .' reLlllDetl to bi, liome at Baratos". aft; r an extended lour in Europe.
-------' --- ------,---------------------------- ----, ---------------------i ' I3~ 7 10 8 10 o ~IO ' 3 :10 6 :1 0 6:10 5:10 510 3 ' 8 10 3 10 CLKA~CREEK.
'rOWNSRIP. Sptin"h9fough Schoo\ District. S pringborough Corpoll\lion.
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9- 10 9-10 , 9- 10
f- IO 1- 10 1- 10
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Mllin t1 v'ill e Sc hool Di~tl'icL. ll opkiniville School District.
WASHINGTON TO \CfI'N 3 HIP. MA $SIE 'fOW NS lll P. HARLAN TOWNSHIP. lludtl'ville Sl:lIoo l Di sLr ict,
6 :IO f, :lQ
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DEERFI EW TOWNHIIlP. Ma.lon Se ll 001 Dislricl.
SALEM 'J'(9WNSHIP. MorrolV S~ llOo l Di strict.
3 La
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.1 'fhoReinCuf'Rl ed nre hen' by nOli6ed. lllllt I will !>(Lelld personRlly or by dl·pllly. III Lh e Courl House in laid CuuDly. (or the purpo se of recciv in,r TUGS ulHil lhe 2 " th ua) of Dt:ce mber n~xt. " •
aul&. Dr. A.
FrRnklin TOW-II Sbip, }'rllnklin Corporation
The (ollo"in~ appears in Ihe Boalon \ Commonwealth: 'IL iii- a ple(lling in· 't~nce . or tbe transmission oC noble i qualitiea from fllher to .. 60n tha t Lhe I two young_oDII of the late Horl\ce : llann, upon 'he 1058, by th eir brotb~r. ! o( 1,I il properLy in 'he ConceAl Bank , II \h,roullh the recent robbery, Il~ onct informed him thllt one· third of Ih~ir ' joi. bequel' IIhould be bis.' The _learner New York. "hich arriv. .ed (r~m ' Havan~ ye,terday. brc,/lghL lome Ipecimenl o( gold ore (rom lht: Dew discovered I,chmu8 deposits •. nllar 'be line of the Panama Railroad. Ml.lre e.zlensi,e discoveries-ai.e c:xpected to follow. and the Panama and Aspin. ,.an people are Ilocking to the new dig· ~ingll. and Il conle'lllent rush to Ihe letbmul i. the generally anLicipated re·
Oa. \Vork. in Iha'Clity.was fuundd ea d on Wednesday evening near 'he works. A po.' mor.tllm dev eloped Uae faet lha\. bia deat'. "88 cauaed by
\ 9-10 \ 9-'0
. Garibaldi offer8 bima'3lf as a et.ndi· \ daLe for representative of Turin in Lhe I J:ext Halian legillaCure. with R view of , prevcllting the anne:r:ation of SI\9oy to France, and oC \Iastening the conq Ileal ! of Venetia and the Papal States. \
J: Printz. member or the Cily Coonci1 of ZaDesville. and for II Dumber of' year. Superinlenden' of tbe
i 9-10
H.ICHAltl) LACJ{}.;Y. LW'&lI'oN. 6:J1'u/JI!: It,
2 01'1-1.
\"' ''RJtt:~ Vu .• 01110'.
' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A PAPK~ b'~ HMER~, PUTATo&s ,-The rt: PlIrt8 tllill H!Acll l F \~HlU ~ \BLE M.ilIINl" In' I I~' 1 '1' 0 N ]) U iN I 1.' Y OENJl:RS. FRUIT from vlU'ioes pRrts o( Ohio, IllItl ' 1 l ,J. . ~ ~ -'J, .. '1·£1& RURAL Alll'ClUCAN , GOOD AND
(jAil' ! GROWltlts.-We til
~ve ~ee.Aelv p.d. No.1, bVI' ull.. 1 X of .t he 1,ra merltt/n. pu I., ('u HI lTt WII ~ . y" "hich i~I milch cnlllrgrd. ami d
rU~ling. Rlld buv _,'s \ '\r{j cllrdulnbOUlcillV-eo til . I " I i;1 them. The P.llci;blol~'8o·I'lnv~~~elloyt l "~
the N"sl"",nncit
R. E M d,,;A L
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I ' [ '\ll1"lnt~ J
I (.'~][rl· (~ ';1 11t
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III~ t'1t,up~.' und II,.
• piece of tobacco gettiDg in his "intI. iif[~i§:1 , ,~ ~. " I I., ' " I, " , :U... , e. 9rl CU 1111'01. Hur/unll,aul. (l/jfl · b bl h'l I. H 1, Jl"j (l..tlIUflIf }'(tmtJ.II, 60 1/«,. ill th, Ulllt,'{ pipe, pro a y '" Ie coug ling. e Impro~t; ; Inn.' now ', IAli es rllnk RS pl'o\'td a.I, 84'Ieclivtl ~. _ tIle Ne~IIHn ' , g • ' ~ I ~' I (J'(Jt~i'Ut. ;7 ,.. I I ,' . p t ~1~/~8 d.oie, · Uru/lf. Wid ·in Lbe habi' of letti'ng·tob8cco ' lie eq1~' I~. V1\ u,; ~Ig( I~ty ~ 10 ,any olhel' , no"ks. [htollghout. Ilnl Sllttt! lit e I ~~H 1V illg'lr"I"O\'ed Il ltf ,;\1 i Hiner v 1::.' 1 .' ' , . '~' -:r.~ .. I' ~ltgtlllJ.rry Pfahl. (/nd lJ.·I'!!oll/ in his m1>ulh withoutl ofJewohig: fU Ie; I~fn u l"~ c II~S In I1lid co~nLry . plice rHnw' s from h6 cenfs 'to '81 per !Jrt t.bli. I....lel;1 til lit e : .. A I ~~:. , I L L,E" 0 H 1.0, $.II!J"I(II.".lg,~ " o I~t! ," ,lu, fJ#" oSIINC"I)' n rt 01' • I eRe I Iss tJe . hlln 'contain a», bu s hel. Of the Nllw En IlInd Pu I ' " ~ , The campaign in Nil" Jersey. lays much valullble lind iil!l!i'estillg reltdill" ' CH'P I\n ".clllln'o _ . g A B Klo I~ N W . corner of MUD & Tyler sts. , I h'llt. on ilnn,i' h s l'l~,'tI,.l O"dOrlmCn" of tlon prrr:e. Itlll free to ""'·1nb.crihtr. ". • • g ~ ull YS,' I\ngol' " I • '{'h ' 'he New York 'tllibune. is progreesing as the n\J~ber. be(orll us. we may Vf' l'y M"in c. ,.ajler slIys thllt potatoel Rr~ W IJ,ulJ 1,IIform It er IIl1m~rou s p~JrOIi. ftllU BI{OADCLOTIIS. , 18 popul."rurut ,lappr; ' pDbll .. h~tI ' ''"1 \'igorou8\y and oOllffully . Ov!!r eight ~ro~erlY gl\'e It Lhe chRI'HcLer o( being 8ellin!t 11)11116 1\1 60 10 65 Cll nl s pH ~t,e puullc 1I111r' ~~~llti pr epare,1 10 du ull CAS::; ! Ml<:RES. Ihe N lilt "lid 16 th uf ellch ,"'''Ilh III Ul iRepublican 8pea' kers a- I'n tll o 1i~1 " . tlf , es/IPIIIPt'.r ,(or 'I(Rrm l' rR., (I'ui~ g row · bu shp. I, ( 0 1' ehippill~. 1" lhe w~ cl~I' ly e.(,~ rtr:lVn8 ~ 1.\ I IIlery, ~uch us VE:STINGS. CIt'I • Y .. oL 'I,~Ol a. yni'f i, no"""rl'ully ... . . , u en IIn c t I II m f k' d . ~ ~ ,> ~ BLEACH INC I'll, urge,l Mild ill'pn vlld.,lInd , equal ill B'ze' · . d ·1 ' I , ,/j • 1\ I 1(l8. 0 Ita Ill. In portion of Maille lind rHsLernlv pUI f ' , r, T HaLMI NGS ,o llil vulue 01 CO"'<'ot,' I" , -'IU ull'rr ·I' nll'. de IIvenng R ure8S!!8 every IIlg 'l to th e Unllfc! S lllt e~ . N H I ' ' . 0 l'ltE:-\8 DlG & . • , v v, .. ,I I' '1' 1 l~ I A • ' f'W amps Ilrl' . Ibe pOll\l oes LlIl'n OUI ~ . • . c .. ",llIch II., m 8 nlliDClure~ 8ccurUlUtl to lor I'ublirill inn ill tlti. ""Ulllr". IlIdr ~PIL d d an .. ent IU81Aello assemblies. crowe 111 .'lJru .~me"'can i.-" 16 pllge , finelv. Rnd II IlIr"e quanlity . hns I ' 'l'H.I~IMING & ti,e LATEl:i-r ' .. no uther I'"Pe r of III I! killtl C'~II be co",: cen o The ablnt men in thtl RepublicRn pM' quarlO.I .S Il(,d on lh e ht lind 15th of , lllIrv'l!sleti in Lhe V"IY b~ 8' eonr· 111 At<LJFAC'fURING. 1. m ,,,,rrd wilh ii, In Ihe r.. 11 value ~"d int"r'1 ~'on the 'Iump. Mlln accu~'om' !'lIch monch, III 6 1 !"O 1\ Y"III'. IIncl ev· I There is no rl)t amo"cr lht! tUbe r~~ ~t": I on !I hort notice. Ind ill the lole8t fl,,;llI oo, IS an ewt" ,es I f'~1 ftllachr.d 10 lte co II t l''!'" ;' IIlId it i. de· ed to SOlD lh' political horiz<l n aro full CI'Y 8~b8lJflbe r I'I:Otllve~ 118 " gratuity , i dliCRY of lhe Slel.") being II ""ill,"1 on~1J .hl" lit!! Ie.. ' , Bnd at Ihe <'IIll'llly IIhtad ul IInYlhiilg 'o( the killd nof bope tba'\ New Jersey will be reo "Dt! III' Y 1ll1I11, l~o<!L plllt!. a" U""1l0lllJ. , IIncl nu~ Lhe productioll CI( IIl'hiJt!8 a~ (J:j"A cI".jre n~sorl. m enl 01 Trimmillge , I LOWEST POSSlBLE PRle'EIIL ef publi. htd, ' .' . ,e Ilware, or.llrt(oru Pl'Ohtic (,rll p~ I' was r!'porteJ.'- Olno F, • N.. liull8 111,1 t'.Il ~Y Allie leA on h."d . __ . "'I\'I! Amerlcln I. not ' deemed. Leading Democrats in the 1'Ville' or 61X of J{USlIlII'. GI' L l ' urmtf.' 1" h nn klui (or Ihe lib.. r~ll'lttronD ,e here· ' Il(,r. hut J".l "' ululble i" New t~l1lllltld., 6 S: b PI ', I I'll ro o .... T'e ('lIltill!; Ueparlm", .. l Ihe W('e,t,'r .. , .ud ollrer Slllin II.. 1' 1l , Iho y IInL,8,' elll .. to product: I _ c. "esrAwl!:!!'r A 1,'1 I I ,vlorE! fXlclI,led. ,Misd '(' .. rry , j,upe. hcr ,. IInde r Ihe sup e,v isi u'll 01 thut I'xce ll ,llt S 'ate d 0 not he.itltt" to say that they b'eill as Itr , III I ,. P 10,0" Ie, w 10 ' p~nt 'om' .• r. .'Ill e uf Nllw vv,k. Ale ftl' _III." ·III' I' · , consider the ltiatt,.)OSl '0 them. They ' ItI gtl lI,n !I eggs. Itn.. to "ellr. in (.x · .. ', r I f ' . . ," (, CUll1srnnl PUtfeaHHH tu plt'B~e 1\ ill. l'lu; ure tirllet. I " 0\ • }'I~ m oro tlllin lUI! olher variety in , J p~llInen ~ 0 "pr~~ IIC\l n~ ' \I cC"" ti"UIIIlC~ 01 till' .allle. TOO 0 o.rj!er III.n IJIIII ul nlly 'uth!! , I.Gp .. r. uul re,ard the Ilalc:ml'lIL of Presidenl ,UL81ence ; or II splendid EI"''''H'in'' ,!u,e, 8PYII Ihl\t blOWing R c"ntlle out. ir " I' UYlIl' bVilll'. O e' . II. 16 .2m • T. SO, N, III Ih .. city .'f New Yurk. ' Vulu'me X will Johnlloo. a. reported by Mr. Slearns, !l4.130 inches, worLh frt1lo Ii 00 ~~ I Jl btl b~o"n out holding it abov il you, - --- ..- - - - - , - . - - - -- who, in hi. Ii~ '(', ia I:.llerul:y ucklluwl. romlml"H~e Junllnry ht, J866 . 1 • .. I , the "Ick -tIl ed ,6" t I , I • 'hI!' I"rdl i. ii' "try rOI'l'e slx '.l'n p.".' al •uOlng up 'he work in Nc, " Jt: ... ~y. .,2 00 : " no t 8IDOII'I er down. or " , g , .. U u d WII IOuL •• up",iur! , ,.. W t! I I smok" /lilt! mlly tl ( b " READ y. HADE "L" , oe:t"vo. eunlllhlf"ll doubl" 't he relldiuf , The Grand Di. isi'on. of lhe Sona of Il Ut! ~T8tnnl tlat Lhe proprietor. I, " '. .. Il:l't ore e t'/l Aily • 1U (; 01 HIN G lIIou.er, ~hat c." b.. (ollnd -in all1 Ilmit.r " Mr.-M-ttte1'-;-(tWn ' 8 flll'm.-wirere he oul . IIt"I!..I.lill . but If blo lYlJ UpOIJ dowlJwlIl'tI. A'Y. COlnnl'«, 10 lerj!e, q'llI lIllly MId 'e 1f'/!,1I'1I1 qll"li l'v . lind' PUbl lc,IIl1on •. on, fvery,uh i ect,o' ihlll;"~_ Temperaoc'J o( the iltata of ' Obio. iu Li."Rte8 I II"v cllol' "est vRrl' ell'es of u'l'ape thc roontrary i1I tHe case'. ' hllll,j Ii (ull OR.orlment of the SlY II' • UI I I f ' ~.. HII on 'ulIl8 · mu .. e.·"lwltYs ill 'HII, ,,ly' "r,~,r•• rUlll,l/wer •• (!Crape IlrolV't"'. In 88nion at MI\88itlon. atljou~ned on VillI'S, Rnd slI'"wberry planLII. which h" ' . _ very bed Dl'tern.i"e,1 I .. mn r{.luill I he rf'pulnlion CII,rUrll l l1r).. BIOti: r.ihe,•• lI'I!rtIeDer" b~t '~hUII~8y M(.ernonn to meet I\t Perry- ~~II.d8, !r"e 10 Bull cribera to hi a pAp!'! '3~utrtiStnltnt9 ~ of h, . hou8e' 08 Ulle "I Ih ~ liM C "'R~ . j\tr : e"·rp., ~~, pOII"ry brlltldert. &.~. ville on tbe third Tuesdny in NOl'cm ' \ [I'I S I~ !Omelllln l,[ II "' IV 10 US- I he gill. • DlldleY.II,d hill ''''disLall td \\ilJ spu rl! uu 1 hl ri eleu""t pRpl'r i. illuMlraled w;lh· ber, 1866, l'he aUendllll cb WRS Inrgnr It'lllg,nU,,~V(:·'1I.ve(1 ~he besL v'lfI'etil!8 of tilt'se -A - L' l~T p.lII~ lu g,ve ~"Inl' 0', Ihp mu~L cUBIly ell"r,,,jllll ' t hol . . Ol e; P"YIII /J tie JU..L'4 GL \88· WA RE, Fntire Sntistllct' ' IllQII? ftnd II" cl... pr"ducej "lid lid Liter· l pOtiLltg-e on t han at any convention IIIIICO lh e- "ar. lhl:lII , liS .M I'. 1>l incr clues ! His pAper i ~ 'I . ... '. , Ion. ,. r,. I I'p.runell! f'mbrarl'll ~ellprli'l .r' anily. I ill I d, I I Itl' TAII h E I BI7"T CO NvEC 'rlON"' [ r ES Co li alld t'xomine Block BII,I Ilr ', cP.. ,padilla!, which in inlp'eel 11 -8 ne · ·r <":'·1· ,'.. . '. . AI • '\I,ERS IN Du [' 1 '" t . • a n 1", <,' The h f I) ItlJW>lng al'e lie a cer8 e eet (or I worI.... 1Il01'1l II llRn b I II II s k ~ fol' iL ; IlnclllY I Juue 27. E , DUliLEY. "'Iullied in tlli., COUIIU )' . In brif"fl' IlItI' I eenluingyenr: POW P-D 1I . / !!lIel .811 se n e r r I! Ce.IV CS, OIlO or Iwo DRY GOODS 1 YANKEE NO TION Q. - -- - - ]turftIAIllt'rlrll lliill ,n"", .nalrnillt'd,IInitler· Pall. Norwalk. 0 '" P- 'l' D Doy ••• 1& dulllln \Vo,rlh uf chulct:! "lu es . ,JIIIIIL ·• I" '" '1'H l-" I.' I, lie I nlo_1 praClic.lat,u relt,LIB I "... II}'" I u 'fe OiDcinuali. a ,v A-G 0" I c.• we tlluk , he ought to I't!ceivtl RI Q.UEBNSWARl.' CJGAoRS AND TOBACCO. N' Alfr; rullur . lsII,jHortlc\lltura~pubIl4'lIi n ,l1nbber. I, hll9t of Subs-:llbeT8. He ollt:rs (0 se"d Lt, 1c' W YO RK 0 SER'V E,[)\ 'Xl I 01 I od 0 S II V H J:A ' ( UII' .,t;'.vcry 8ull."riber feceivr ll Ihe' • '~ ." • , _ . 01'1011, OIQ. \ bllmPle. of Ilis pRper {reo (0 ,,1/ npp/i . llAllDWAIlE A1 8o. 0 cumJlle1e IlIle of 1,,1 \'Olue ,.,1 ,I .. ".per ill choice Grap" clDnall. G 'l-J B Thompson. Col. CIIIIL', Rud lhoet! who Hulollcribe btdorl! \ ' 1 1 Ii. WItE1lL1' yllje~ .' Slr~wb .. rry Planl •. cr 6'11' EIII!"" umbu.. G C-T H BAlnum~ EIi",- Lhe n c xL vo!ume commence; (JillI. \st. GROCERlES ma)~ .t~JlID ~ 1& ~ 1m ~ 9 "'Ir~. worlh 8~ each; anti nil eub.crib'er,.. bethtown. G 1 S-lSi:njilmin RIt8er , \ 11l6G) re CCII'e Ihe p6pl·r rur I G 6 5 / , t C ! . ' I"r 11166.",ho remit Ihpir mllll"" betbreM 'II <it C " from Ihe tUlle Ihe lr aubsclipliulli Are & .11 of '\hich will be aold tit th e very luw- . Np.w~pol'er (or 111e.Fu .. :ly 81:d Ih,e F ire. Dtlc . lI)1h r~ceiv .. Ihe volume lor '1I~65 ' '''." on . hRplaln-A G HUI'd. reo~ived. "nu lhrough 11366 for Lh"ir 'c., ea t rBte~. Hlale. wlil SOOn "nler UII ila FR EE ," R"III Tnt TINE TlIET a UBsc nlBE Welg\amo~b. mon~y ! Thu Rural Americall, IS I\n old y~rnII~T.m!1 T1' ~ trn G I. I ~ l' . d II' 0 R l' f ., F 0 II 1'1; If I E ,l It 10.I,it l' r.1 .. ~ .. uf lhe preAe,,1 , ' r,r. _ .. __ ( ~LIlIIl;j) tI A.uLU~ ~_, r'CeOuac lis U!" couutl'y pro uc<> .. 4 Ih TUIIIG USB '1'1 C pflp~r, 0 len yean ~ lI",cllJlg; nnd 'i Invite It . 0' publicOlil' ll. 'r",A 10 . ", Al!rrrultur.1 edilor of fhe PI,lIadt·I-, • • OND, 8.16 ourl 01 , lIuntlred s of lIlOU.llnJ , of "ines. &c. II rlltlun Iu thl!ir SLoc\; of • 1"118 S.Iurd"y Eveni"" h,·.t (all ·ntl'rtt A I f N "k h Th CHURCH .. I ' u r ppea R o . ew.l or , !lve ullani , we I~!\rll, hl\ve been sent Iret! 10, i1~ .-,1) I. Win be IIccl!pted in exchllllge for GOU,jd, e , . :un/1er) in congrl"ullllln~ me on the 'ftPmoualy deolded that. ' whde Govern. ~ ub,cl'lbt! r~ , \Vullln two yenJ'8. Ad clreu. 1 Corwin, Au.!!. 3u. the CONStITUTION "e?I ~ IH:~ aI, my lIe,y p.per, ...·ril'e.: · '''y ment bond, are 8lIempt (rom tUMion, ~. n. MINER. Olil\~un. OU l!iJa 00. N. d h :u "PIIIIOIIIII I "~I l'otl hftl'e l~tlul!d lh. bl'll 11 J~TTERTI' O-H~ I' , a~ t e , lVIO!I. I J"urJl~.t -ftll poilU. cO'laitler('d -- fur Ih. "if tbe, become parcel of the cRpitRI of ',, _ d " , . I I ' culfuhted 10 t'dl !Y Ol',j I'll!m~e LUIiI / pr ll "II':HI, worldn!!' (.""pr . Ih.1 we Illve e I d · A . . I =0 a "erh'qmE'nt of LIlli pAper in S p Irctp.d with cnr.! in the E0 8 1 ~r n OLD A ND ~(')UNG. : II, i!, tll~ U,liled BnlPs,orJlJJV wher • ' , bao k JOg S80clatlon. the sllllreholdel's lour Jt(j\oel~i»ing columns. ablll neverth eless be taxable on th eir _ •• _ ,_ ~ 1. It\) '1'l' T'he IIntl ersigl1 P,j wi s hf'8 Iu CUlllh" ftl . All IIPW . nh su ibprtl pftY;II /!.: li S in d . I "ke liS lI en l'r.1 milk, up bellp.r lba,es in common with other personal , -Lady RlIglnn. Ihe wiJow of LL e 1JiI;.J. IIA Il'.l. ..n:.. ~jl ~ • Ipnl.i u n u l FurmE' rs a nd ~II who", iL 111 11 )' vnn~1! (or J866 .hpil hAv e II.pir nnn,p~ i~II: 1 :'I~II:'TI or I"y popr.r r Ilue eVl'r 11'1'11. , , Elluhsll C c.I CI ' f ' I BRADLL'I S r"I1 Cer n, III lI, e Inet Ihul he is e ll!! >""" 'II' II1rd,.'ely CIII Il 'l'd, no,llh " Oh 6t'n er ", ;11 1 hl"A lUll m ') I.nnnt ae-nt/menu.' properly of the citizens.' In other I ' ." , olDn~"1I er Ill , n~ III 1 11' : :1 I t ' DUPLEX Ih e rnullul ucl llrc or ~ Io , U [,e se lll lu' the III "1I1il ' A 7ellld nre ,.verywhere walliell 11/ 'j!'rt word.80ro I b ICrllueanwltr. dlCldl'~centlylllEn Hll\nd I JlNIl'& I'I"lltST ., I "P C I"b~.WIt"re"l'iVernftgn ' flc,.nlpremi' • ng liS llC o.neJs lire held h . WIll tlll'ough hel' thai l{iIlKt~kc u h~ \. W.AGONS and ~4h 1 ' ' ' ,GRATIS! IIm~ in. Vl ne~, Ph'nt ll, E'nll'"vhl !!,~, Cull. purel, all an lovcntmenl IQ the public tallled mnny of the privllttl pltl'I!!,8 of . , 'i Subscrrbe soo n. 8 a , the Iree p"JI~ rij will GulJ I t!UI, L\hlf~Xlnet. \Vl'l·kIV NClwllpmdebt. 'hey are non taXltble. bUL wben Lord RAglRn (or uae ill hie wOl'k on th l! Our S I(.rk of tM~nnJ 18 prepared 10 al II In llo e COlllllle"ce wlrell thc IIUIIIP8 nrl! tilll(' r d per, &'('. S'IIIJlII'8 ul the Rurol AlI1erit: u uled al a capital 01 a moneyed in8li. "af. Sinc~ Ill e deAth of hef hqSband l' BOO T 8 AN 0 SHOES IH'~I ~Iv Ip, nlld UII Ih (' . Io ur'''>t 8"lIIple co"iI'~ 10 any adJre ' t Po . ;;111 Irpp I" "II npplirallt ~. ",ddr".. T. "'tion tbe holdulI' of them. is Hable to of ch?lera III 1.855. Llldy Raglnn hRs 1I l/I'C' . ""y l hln g i ll loi s li " l', Irlllll Q Wheel, TERMS-$3 50 , '~. ref'. N' l\I,INF:R. Clinton. Oneida c,," hlY. . 0 bfc n ID lhe enJoyment or 8 pension of -IS OF THE _ . bllnrO\II 10 th e tillesl bUll'·)' " yru r III u,j"uncl' . ew Y urk . '86R1 • anllon. overDlDenL bonds (orm an Si l 000 d 82000 I d b Q: ' .. • l!'IDtwE~ R ltIOKSE.h 4\ C . , . · I f I " , • an , were lilll! e y E ' 'j" Hn VI,n!18e Cu red ,Ihe 8prvic~& o( 1\1-. 37 Pur W.B,IJ'v.. New Y k • .. 8 P • • Nl GPO. EE" D K Import~D plrt 0 t Ie working capital ~ov e rnment upon ber 80D. the present' ~ Lt.I~U/l EM!'," su penur wurkmllu, Ih e ur • m ' . t of NatlODal Banki, andlht! impre8bioD Lord RAglan. All 01 \\' hich i. offered lhe J' 1Il~I"t lU n 01 III,S nHm ll ill liti s CU IlIl p.Cliu lI, &~ "welt I'll II be RIlIIi ~ h II generally p," eniled tbat lhe 11.0' 01 !NOIAl( CUB T" 'k h Ir m,rkeL priced; . CI,e lit gUllr81l1y Ih Ht SOI isfllt:· , ' ,H · ~ t-. TilE BEST· DRILL IN ', U.i:. . Cun e ' kl ld ' . .- I e one egg, a a OCl.24 . !l01I1 Will be g,l ven, ~ , TI , r It .Ivea .too 10 era Immuni 11 pint o( eour milk. a tea'poonrul of 1I0da. 2.1r JOliN W._COLwETT. ' W.Il . I. uuder.iped II ... be ('ome' A,.. nt in (rom tuahoo on -the .inveslment of tllr~e tabllllpooDful1 of molRBseI. and J ulv 18. "'"" . Y 11t E S V 1 L L E. ,0 II I 0: Ihill !ficinh, lor tbe , abuve Wlietll- Drili. ,I Tb d IndIan mIL \1 I' -."II,j\:1a ,he i, preparelll 10 turn II" un lb. , boD.... e ecisioQ "ill lIare an imel 0 m"ke it "bout thick . , '\ •. besl I~rmll , , u PO,...Dt beAring OD the financial ' iOlli- 'I no~gh to pobur. We Ibill'~ it bu1ter by heAD(~" ... odrtpmlent of lbe Ri~hmond ud . ' T, 1 lIERlV~, CA.s~ IN ADVA.NC~. .,s,A'l'liJi'ACTION I~SU .• ",n. I. ' "'T· - York ea\'Jn,g 10u , t. e molasae. and a'deJl·ng .. o"'~ fo r BIlle b)' 111"7, I IIe k'III or puund. of a wx.a, ,III :IlW!oU' • OOIOf ., • ~ ymoo , At •••• n . ", wi,hill'" 10 ... ·.ml" tU "L e" , 'POOD U 0f eream , ' •LE' N & RA "~. D'ALL 1 I " nlsi.\ Olle .copy oll.e. J'e"r . $" . 0'0 • ' b ..-,er~() ..., Clan "-'0 " "3 . 'q!lll., II". or III Ie bu . .' F Iv ' e copies on year .~ "'. n.a, " W ,- •••• Au 0' " .- 2 RI " • . ? CI II lit' 011 the• '1IInl, Il ~lERHtTT &. I'RINTZ. ' Tc:n copiel 0l1li "ea. ~ 8.70.. ,.,Ue.. , . W'u.LlAIl .BAkLE·l(.
Main Str
. dN
Y S ora
& RA NDA L ' L,
I ". . • I
ft Q
F""all &, W
G 0 0 D S
0:1'1l" ' 'lnt
lV1 !. eKE It E
A I.I~ :'0.
====.:: _ :' ':=:="=::===::"":::,=====:=---,,:: __
~I}e ·.ft1ialni ~R~dtt_.
rre.lde., Liueol.'. TMU ...,al."
'1f.=- -
wi s h e a for Lhll n :lllizillion of their fond· ::; eel dreams or nrLI"), bliss . May DO
I Tin ,
A. II.
7.64 A. II . . 1.26 A . III. 6 .281'. 1If. ~,1l6 1'. II. <fRAllflf W¥8TW4KD BOU:;D.
J. BEAL. A York corr .. spond.' nl unrler ute 1DR, I, .A. a08¥IIJUUtr, 011 TUt'sd"y morning Oot. !i4 , h al Aug. 1, '1)-&. ~.y. : Durin, !Ur. Li'lcol".. Ibe re.idence of Jo,eph' Mulford. E' q -:-1 ~:~:t:lt v i.i~ lo lite.' Iwn.l,' tlie p{upriet)- of near Milson, 0" u" lwv, G eo. PArrOl!, d '" ,It ~hl~ky rallonl to thll or",y wa, Air. John Chamberillin t.o Mias J, J. Iscuate with Gell.ral Oronl, wl,o (.vor· n ' -.rT TnEMulford, nil of Warren COUDly. ed th tl menurt'. Th~ Preliil"nl remarked / with Iii . ... .. kl c"gPlil ,.illlp lini ly. · tbat ,1M'i:!'\\l.7 1iil(iil1l1l~ (fii". n!iil~ ~t the retiide.nce of the brlde:a (Rth- ~~I:~,~el'er 18 b~"eflc'.1 10 the I, eo llh of lb. WiT ill il1M'.L ~11 "\~)I\'IHCJ ~1.Jl~ \I~&W l!!IiIIlYIII - ~ \I -!i.. llalron e r, 10 WaynesvIlle . 00 Ihe e \'l'nln~ of \1 lall, will certahtly pro" •• dvlln tngeoul alIHtli. ~1M ~ lWl'\i~ A IQl ~ A Iilllo If Tue sday, OClober 25lh . by Rt:v. J . W. 10 lhe he~hl! ~I II,e suldier. , IInli as nur. ' ( SA NDS'" KLEIS'S OLb ST AND, ) 1y every IlIdl\' lduul re lldlnll ill marshy di. Mllaon M J I \"1 H ' t M' B .. r,. ose p ~ . ,"IDeS 0 ISS triclS lhro. u!:h olll Ihe Co.'"Hry con bllesl W A 1" N I~ S V II, L E. eg leuve 10 in lorm lite publi c Ilto t they U81e , \Vnght. )oungeljt cllug hler o f l lo Ih p me rilij 01 Rt>b. ck'8 n ' ll Itb\'C 011 Ioblld blld ex p" cl lo kee p 8s re O scllr J. Wl'iltll~, Eaq _.all of lhis plnce. I vl'nl ive ol lebrile c urnpIA",'I~ e , sbv II p' A ~. _ ,, . . , ... \l11l ---0'-'OlIIplote A. or I ment 0 f lhe happy coupl" h a\'e our WArm es l Ihem Iii Ih e u.my liIe mni llrio of 8l\' OIl IPI,
WAVIIESvltLl: (CORWIK n.,.nolf). ''I'IlAI.I XUT1URD DOIlND. Clocinnatl ExpruI, M~illi ncl ACC(IIP.,Columbus Ar.com., P illsburg EJl:prell.
3.08 A. III .... Nil!ht Jo:Jlpre... 7 .29 A. N, Co ll!mhus Accom., 1.30 A . II. PIII.burr Eltore8.. 2.~7 P. M. C lnclnltl tl EJl:prel., .,26 P. II, .. PI' Do,It ato p. W.H. CL&JI""T, Pr-al·d-nl. .. •• E. W. WOODW ... AD, S up',. eut Ai • _ 25
~~\'~~~~:. the cAml', may
like IIII! ~lIe---'1'0 (;ONS t J.l U'TIVt;1'I.- - --
~~~·II:: ~:~~.k~~:~r~~ hi.
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.&A.....WAft'B ~ J . A • C R I S PIN
(Su.cre8l0r 10 1/() kin. J:
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A n.
A L _ OIL ; ..
' ,
July 3 - 2
-D E lVI. 0 V A L
/L I '1. U 0 R S U
und Ihe bes t brnnJ8 0 1
C 11'1' MA.YUFAC2·UI!E,
nn ll " ' arrant to al\'C 8ftlis(lt lion. I'
Whl-te God 0 S
. Thunkfulfor Ih e very liberal pOlronlgs lor ~i'Vflro l ~~or8 beshHyed, I hope. by I c lo ae. IItt8111 10n and lair tleolin .. , atlll to mellt a gellcrous COllliauanclI 01 th e ea me. I . E. KEYS. 'rhe mnrkeL price at IIIIillle8 paid for Oral' n H ides, Cu lf·Skills Ind Sheep Pelt •• Julya.-I.lC I , £, K.
!lou'] 8upply of
eel- 1-
Ie 0
-111:(;1/ AS-
" l 'EA
C'.OFF'::"E, c.
- -
- - --
D. B. E B E R LEY,
\\r I 8 I1 c~ to inform hia palrone and the ' I' I I !lUll IC , Ilql Ie k~('pB cOlIstlnlly on hand, lur~e nlld s l1lol1
Sherman Marching Along r
H ('OP S ~i .. AND
~~;k .
I~ u('h UT-DOOR
--. Wl~l"'EWASH BRUIoOl.IES 1 lake ,.1,1. me'\,od of In.fonnln" • .. 0..>1 II d .. Illy n, flle n ~ and lbe public eenerTh.l:~el qual.l)' of ~ ll y, IhDt I have removed my plftce , of bUSin ess 10 Ihe Bla nd formerly ocrupied I ll}' Mrs. Tho ma s as a Fanc}' Slore, ~ ' . . • ' ,I Oppall' te the Roger. HOUle, L d l ' or me ICln4 1 purposed, to which tlt e at- I I . tenlion 01 Pltv~ici81l8 is PS II Bcially colle.! ', w ,ere Ilillend to keep on hand II genertl G~' oods and \" I,u levQr p'Qrl,, 'l n" I" U U6BOriment of Worle, both or " < .~ lU
'wee n the F riend8' "uel-In I • .lIh g. lOuse ao d on the Illirh:e mh of OClol,ur ~ fD ~ , '6'<; ~, Iou_ on III lhe IIrm 0 "'fia Furnaa. 00 First.day illh Sims, in th e 60lh yeAr o r hi s age . the iid inlt, On tile e lide llTe the iDi. Tile deceased WA S born in tl. tl Slllie . I ,. E " S Th. e a b O'fe rewar d "I'11 0 f .""" "" lIa., ..!D. Jersey. bUL "I1S for mllny ),enre d b 6 d h " be pili t e ! e~ .at I e :>.t.iam.i Gazetle I a realdeo. I 01 .W fl rren county, Ohio, In I I \ 056 o iii I:e.. • 1 " lUI I li S f~mily. he mO\'ed to - - A " I d IT To aCCOllllDodRte Prof, Enreu, I nt!ar lIl.CA. U :lI n 8. re maiDin" t" ~re .. 1 Re' Soc' . /. OIlIY .11 lillie over 1.1 yellr bt: (ore locatlllg I Alora 'III lor:n lely oleellog willa I '"d Md ' h 'I OUL HIre. And now h tl has gone 10 II I poapon" OD OOIlY unll ' I d \Vi ll l in ll, ~ lourg l:, U d 'II t k I h ! flU where ch8n~ea, trillis and tro uble s K' C oIUOU A)' Dig I 0 o e x wee, W It'D I c i n g" , UIIII'Y. . ' 1 1 b ... are unknown-whcre the lired bllt.ly 18-3 m. New ¥orll. ueua I e:terCIN. WI II rt:sumev. '. • , _ '--__•• _ IS lit rcel. and Ibc 80 ul, reltl88u d (rom '1'0 UIl UN KAltDS. _ TI Ie T N' the bondl which chllined it 10 eli rLll, 01,1 DUClur Bucholl 'a Drullkards' r: ur(' I _ ax OIIC. which we pub · . . perlllulIl'lIlly ",rndicolpli Ihtl tUHle !"If k II Ie eI ernll I 8unlt.rht · I d tb ' k ' d I BIlt' a of tltat I:~R ' r , I18 Ie III we~ • occupies a grell' toa " dlrollg tlritlk, Ulld Cllrl'S th ~ wor.l cQ"e8 u l of Fpllce whicb would otherwi.u be de . ve n where ange l~ s Dl II", aDt.! Ihe redeem · tlrullkentlesa . ill Icse Ihon eighlWeij ka . · d' ed (ro m ~in rejoice· Wilh tltal J'oy which 1'huu~nnd8 nl rf,fo rm ed ille"riol~. Il to W d t VOtll 0 rea Ing · maUer. A. tbue liv e 10 bleliB lh e dOl y Illey were f,"IIIII.:e lhi~II' are ' of intere.t to Ibe people. IS ian ~peHkllble, H e suffered lor,,, bUI enough 10 COIOIllt'lIce 'he ll.e uf II'i~ VO!U- I ' however. Ind must by law be place d palienlly, And died in the full Ae~ur"nce uliitl remedy . Price 'I'wu Dullura 0 pll c k· . I. lha' 'all was wt'II.' HMving II' ved a 11· 'e u/le. l\hil cJ to Iny .JdreijH un rl'r.eipt 01 --bllfortt '~em, we IruI' our readers wHI d b JAM E~ S 13 U'I LE exttroi .. a little patienoe antil lhe lime worthy of .imitlliion, he die J Ihe dellt11 1111 or IIr, y 429 JIro.tlw :y, N c'", tS'1 '" of 1\ Chriltian. and bill gone 10 c1"im Sole Ag e llt lur lI.e UUi lC d /:)Iuled. o ( pa bl,'catloa 8Iplrel. 8 _ _ _........ lhe rew"rd promised to all " ' lao lo\'e _ 16· IV ___ M d I ' b I ' lltoN IN THE DI.OUU. ME~ '~ . SoJ;lu.y 8c~1o ".!TIMO r -It will be I Ilelr "'ter, aD • oVlng,o ey liS com Io.! B(-j 'lT " d E The P u ul'iull 1:l)'o' up ' ''p plil>1I Ih p. 1>I0lld L I.J I ~ rl:ml:l'nbe'r t'd thllt ~hi8 e'funing the S, S. mao ., D, wilh it~ lilc e leme tll, 1''' 11, illlU dill l! vlgu r, !
D n.mcst-IC.
copper & sheet·iron Waro
08 Sp. Uling, Roofing, &c .• done 00 i shurl nulice and in the best m~nDer.
p' ·I N'''-B'O·: US'''ES. \
Parlor and C00king Stoves,
I I lor an !e It Ihe lo.welt cuh priCei. liiml8 01
P A I N T S, 0 I L S, ·
i1l}' '
rp ,
1180. I varitld supply of
1\0 0
~I Ih e o.l d 8t~nd on Main St.eet. Waynes. \'llIe , wOuld Intc "n h l8 old cunomal. and th e reS l 01 m"nkind, Il,ot he bas a ,ood U ~SO flm c llt o f
D B 'U G S ,
/1\1: E DIe I N E
To oil \\ 110 it . he will ol' nJ " copy of Ihe preNcripllU1I u£t'il (Ire 0,' v .., chur!!" ,) wil lt Ihe J irr"tlu" s I?r pr~PQr· . 1T 1./1 Dud usi ll" Ihe U Oi t. wh "l : h lhl'u WI' ll i b . , Ii .. d U sU'e cure lor CU:lMUmplloil , ANth"... Broncltlti •• Cougl,. , Culd.,&'" The onIy objeci 01 Iho ndv e rl ;'~r In 8eu~hg the PreSCrlpllon ia III benefil Ihe "fIll cted, a u d I Bp l l'.1i lolulmalioll which he cu nc~i ve8 101 / be IIIV~IUllble ; Dlld hfl ilOpes ever.v 6Utr: II I d er~r WI Iry 118 re me Y. 8S il will cUbl 1 tltel," lIuLltilltl, o.lId moy prove ft. b. 'e8~I"g. I I " ril l'S wlfhlllg t ltv prf'dCrlpllOIl wlil U' ph~o~pR E\,. nddretiS, EDWA RD A. WILSON,
""'-~~~~~ 'I n Owego, Livingstoo count).• 1119,.
Peneil were lost b e.
uoto"ard gale ruffle Ill e cRlm of llu: ir comin,,· yean, bul their uniled li ve. The uIHIl'ra:j!'n('d hQvini! ' b~en re s lored Hoal on the .tream of lime as • barque to h~alth ill a Illw week ., by D very Hilliple remedy,. Aller hDV illt: 8u(f"red se veral rich ly freigbted beare on towards ilS ye.r~ Wllh ~ severe IUnl: .lI'e clion. 8nu dUlined' goal on a smoolh lam mer sea, ~hal dreatl dl sene, Con. um pl io n_ i. allx .
r '
MI';! ond Accom..
A Chain Ind
Nir ht EJl:prePi.
. __
A complete nss"rlnll: llt or
I SH 0 Y E L - P LOW S, otltllloulJle und eingle
[RE" Y·MADE CLOTmNG II F or Ladies
1Ic:etiu8 CODltia 9ff .at tbe. ~t:tllodi~1 Al 41 • . M . , OCl o beT ~3 11, little Wil . • tr e "glit , 811d nc\v li le illi u Ill l' \\· I Il" ~ "y.W I II IH! 'I tern . Fu~ Dy8ppp~i", IJr ol'S)" C hl''' " IIJ i1.D &, () IIllro II. e lrlllt l ler& WI All en· lettA KIt< 1II t1"p"rtcl l Ihia life from the D lurrll oo , . F~ lIIille Wt'IOk"t! ~ ". 0'11'., II is 11 . lIlacl e 01 ~ 1" e 1. He will a180 m.nulacture thU8iftltic 8"tberiD6: of our cililt!UI OD /Teota of pAI~y lifter" rect' nl all Rck of Spt' CIJi C. 'J'hou.~ ntl8 h".v ~ bel'li rhulIl:f'1l ~ irn (ij)y~ /j,\ 1 Nrn ) ~ . l IJ r~ r~\~ Th A becl qu a lily of ,"",1 repair 1'Iow ~ ltnr(,B. nnd dreuaDd tern· 1 ocCMion. IIud . . we are aware cOD ' l llu~, aged onll Jeln aDd two mouths. by Ille use ul "lis mClllcln" Irom wellk, 1 19\!JJ~ ~ ii.rIRI.!!I ~JU !...-I!:.\~h i per nil Id "ds o r Edged 'l'uoI8. rherc W 6 tl 811'kll' , SIIII""I" 1l creUl llle~ , Iu SII'UII", [ti)~ ,,,,, , IIII~ ill 'ii\7 i)1\1 '~ , ~~ 1 1 ''' ,If\I~ , (&S milhiltg alld Horae·sho ln"llII'Dd. ,I.,rable .. IIff'p,uatione haYI! btten m"J,.. . III no B"eeler o lV t< r lAO Itellhlty OIlJ hUIII'Y lII e ll uud womell. WV 'W ~ ~ ~.ll~JW ~lG\~:tl:il) .. 4-61D ---~ d III pt"'lIpt/y. think "plea~"nl aud profitaul, tiwe hlLle \VlLlIK-RJllove d her LllRt knew A:J:.! pu ge pIOmpilie. selll r~ee. ! Fur G .. r:II I' RlPIl'd "tid IJor . ' IVP'r. AI~", - -- ---~ E'I. 'I'.IE BES'I', 01", be toxpeelt'cf. htor. But he,. }o'lIlher called her, lind Prl ~e $ 1 per lWIII ",or Ii Iur ~5. , Inrlle 8u;>ply uf welt.selected I - - --~--.-like 1\ lent.!er bud sr'e wile ni.pp" '! by the J . P. DIN~~lURE, I WEB S T ' E R ' 8 30 lJey Strt'el, New Yurko • L E ~OF, "ERKTT II r.:.CTl'.RKI on Phre. first chillin,'"" brealh 01 AULlImn, S ..~ ld by Drlll!\llbl8 genl'rlllly, 16.3 ", I J u I'e ;;I- HI • 'no~y die , dluing. tb~ put wtttlk. hue · . -I NEW lLLU t!'rRATED E.nlT.O~, be .. n Willi .ttended by bighly aplJrecill' l 011 SundRY. October 2~. nell. Onllr · nit. II. ANDI-: ItS' IODINE \\' ,\TI': It, 1 7'lwrougldg Revued und mucl. enlarged. ' ve- au'J i nee•. ' hilt entl .. ma~ I', a g". lroqU(,i.-counlr, Illinois, Thomas All illV·Hllluule O:e covrr)· . A lull "ruill . '. . g Suutheill. Rged IIbOUL 60 y eArs. 01 110dwe ill eooclt ollllce ul ' Vu ler, diddulE. R . l'J(I!(T .Z en!.., rl l!!l~lnlt: Itt ~LUrer and holdl hi. . veli Wlll,UIII a SulvclIl.! Th" U/O " ~ i' U \\ " .... K. UKHRITT. I 01 all kiml. ulwlY' on hnnd, SCllrcdy 1\ monlh h:\I pll8sed SIIICt· e.flll VilU IIZill!...' a"e lt~ PIIU re :' torul i\'e I' utlitnclI wiLhou~ lilly impatience or ~ .. IU .OOO W O ROS Bntl MEANINGS not Lhe declla8\: d. wilh hie (amily. ItfL Ihis ' kllown Scrolu~n. Sull R. iICIlIU, t:ullce,,', ' • A fillr hl.orlment 01 on Ihl' ir p'U·t. 'l'h. letture s plMce-the lr home for n ea r:y tWeot,. RI 101 ll,J ill ulher DldillI)Oril' s. ,.'eIlUiB t IMII., .",' u r"u~III'II "I\ , . "111 I IIIltIlY · I Ov(!r lhilly I,blll Am e ricun 01111 Europe.n • C "",III C 811d H ~re. illuIY DI 8t' d.es. "rt' -ve bUtso·..,adt: Jltrn"piI mor., attractive ........ +..c' I ' yeRra-(ur a new lelliement on til t: curet! bV il B use, a~ th ull s"nils CUll teslif)· . Rt:'UIL DJl:ALI~S IN Hc hlo lurH Il mployed upon lhid revloion. IIH! r:u~enlilo,"lqa u:"ruinalioo, at ullll Liliray years of lubor ~xpended upon "ut ern pfllirie8, On Arriving at thtir CirculArs HellL Iree , Price, $ 1 pcr Itollle , & il . ~10I4\I ,01 .4!"",h .~Iillg. of one or d . . "" or ti lor fiv e dlll: '''H, () {! .... I esllnallon. moulbero was pros tra · .. H A N D'.... S ., C I'l . . .".. ...." 11 Jc.: ort! 'lIbject., st'l~otet.! by a Committee . vJt. . , ~. n ",. 0 . , ly piClltn l l VHIMNE YS I S\'\','r .1 Ibl>l es of lI.eol valu.-, 011t'! of lItem ted by IlIlIeu . lint.! lalt wtek WRS nnd C II9111 i618 , 4::!S Rrolo tlwuy, New. 'rud" , ~ .. I' fi fty qUOIno 1",~e8, EXl'lUllnlary SlId '1'~IUlllle.'u ,ror, .Ulal. putposli. C HEM I CAL S I brought back to Ilid old home i corpse . S"I,I bl' J) rugl! iH I. 1It'l1erally. IG.:JIII P,unOUIICIIltl', of IlUilIes in ticllo.n or We ~I"VO ~en highly tdi6ed by Prof. .L.1. , per. Olls unu pllces , jl6eudohYills, &c., The d eccased hlld. by hi. indu81ry lind p LEAD. &r., US AOlldd llll, AcaUill. Albanv Re. rel"l efforta, aDd regret iii common . . . . HUF I:.SSIO~A L ("AUDS . OIL. -:! t: CtI A~gency, MOlher Cory, !lhsoll 4t' Dixon·1 uprlghl hnng, won for hllDbel( Lite r eo - - - --h !lIhun. hie ":til (n'm among· , I, VARNISHES. hnl' , Mr. 'Micawber, &r, _ _ _ ._. ~ _ "pect Alld estetm of this community" FINE CljT CO nluining on9 ·Il/11i or ohe·rounh more AND PLUG, COAlo ,-We obsene, wilb plueure Hod tbe bereMve d fAmily lane the ~io· mail er Ihon any rur:ner edition., t~ONVEYANCER, C1GAR~ AND F,o/ll lie N eltlctrolype pllle8 and Ihe Riv· It lome ' o'''ollr mereanti!. hou'I e' cere eyrupRlhy of a wide circle of friende SNUFF, erait.ltl Pren. ,\'e . iDlroduced ibe' coolumption in their IIfftictio>n. ... - A If DP AIST V A llN ISH, &C. 10 ooe "olomtl or 18W Royal Qoarto BLACKlNG. IIllktlld or, wood. U".,I, Merritt _--=1'II.re~ . BLACKING -BRUS BES, . ,u,.lIetivllle Marke.. L_ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ vllh:, Ohio. '\'fl m ~rr ~ '~I ~ )rll1lz ha'fe PUl up. coal·etove 10 . _ _ ~___ ..u ~ I£jI W W W I 'GET 'TllE LA 7'EST,'
"' I
--- .---
Over 3000 Fine EngraviDts !
M errltt - " Printz, ; RU
olt.! drug .ror'e, and
lit em.
~ bu~hel,
::~~:;~ ~~~8 11,
,i~b ralel a sked lor "ood made tbie chllnge dt:lirable aud ble. and if ,lie price of "ood
I 65
Havill/! had .fol'rlepn reflrs' experience
~g ~~r~:I~:.:'~~uc ,I~:rv~~e:~~,di~:~eC\I ~~';;8s0~li~ TR~S~::
itbOIL decrt:aie. "nother le ... on tI' iII ~ Y mAke COlli 80 arll' c:luw of r~gu. tranie iD Wa)nenille.
Dry and Mixed Paints,
fI mI'Ali Y W·,t1lELUD,
Durlpy ~ OJ 100 Cum ~ .. 50 1~lour 'f b-rrel " Ol' F Inur 11" C\YI , 4 7:'> D ·.'lI l'r l' Ib .to J.OIrti , n, llO l) d uzP n, ) 20 D·ul. to ea ll b " . hp , 6 0 rierl Appl e. "1;1 th 10 @I 12l ~~;r~e~{; d"z~'I. 3 ~~
'fhl' ellOrmOU9 and, we · thiuk,
CaTtjuiJ'I Corl'«utl Ever]j Wtek .
Rand,,11 hne. buill a 'furnllee under l ei:ll :
\.11;' DIe' 1NE' S
01 1
and VlcinltJ,
1----DR. S. J. WA Y, (1'7
N iJ!hl cull. prulllpll¥ rp oil pOlnd Pd 10.
0 110
G, & C, MERRIAlIl. Sprillifie1d ,l1118,
• Pubhsllcd by H-8l
' We &holl t'o ns loutl y kee p on hn. nd II genfttil!loll. I I I P J\I d I ' SllOULDEl.... · BRACES: l e rK ftS Oorln le ll O. 011 81'\ P II: ne~. A mool v.luoule nnt! wonderlul publica. I A I~u , J"SI rel'e1vl'd Irtom PIII.bur,." ft 11011 . A work or 400 rogA8, alld 30 col. ALI. TII£ l'ufU LAIIo good Ollt! well· &el" n,'d lolol . ore .I ell"rnvinll'l. Dr. Hunler's VADE
. .
I. P.fltent Medt-c.· nes Picture « i
, GEl' 'I'JlE BEST,'
&. Window.Glasses. ~~,El\~~nrtl~:dn ~~:~:~I,a~~~~p~~ry!~:~,lgi8y~
rm re
[8 "
Pt!'r"una call in g (or any of Ihesl! lello rd w'Ill PI eu~ e say t Iley uro ~cver\l. ~e u. ., "'ndn8l1n J ,,,'o b M ille r I ... c Long~lrtlth, TUrllecre~k A~lders .. n J M . l\1ill. !\l or y F . U. tim iLlI, lJ Ilioll . R,chlnldun C I Bc lir.p \V D Bisel'. Wayne Rr)'U1I JlIsPJlh Sto.w S.muel O. GrahltUi • Cov~tinUe .. dlpy HhlT"rd Mi ll! U('lIn , '11, Ul\~t.· WI\slli~glon Cruwrurd Dav id StirH:hr.olllb Urith D C"lfin \Ve.; Smllh R. cl ,pl PJt:Tll' JU&uRS S her'Md S A 3 O • Id WI' II M ar k C, McV4!Y. DIj~r6eld Townll,ip, T' 1'110m It S '" "'1 'IZ" b e I h "nllC I1 AD Ha"er\y. FrlUildin ' ( ~.urWltr d Will'lam 0 T IUller IIny\l'Ouu., DrHbelf. HamiltoD • Corol'Y Marlhil "'IIUI lUury ..rllr , b Pc< (', W 'I' re~iz. SnlO Craig. Harl"D \Ve •.I. "h8llio Fi'chett J"",,II .. o 1'ayl,,;' W Grllbpr William 'Vit80tl & 'l'hompson M.rphy. UnioD Hill \Villiam Wilillley Hu:q.. Trump. • . ltulO.pt WilliemPOII H F Burroughl, '.rurtlee·reek Ha·rl. Wm Whh e ra!1 GpurJ(e r Lefu'Vre, • Jones H ~rrll"1 E \Vukely ThomlllJ Y D F iall Milli. WlllhingtoD · A J Oiled E IIIIl80n oung . r Barley, W"yna. A. E . MeRRITT. p, III. red Leak, . Anlram, Manie li.m lrttl~'nd. Sal~m
re rm
' Ikil,d,
. er& ur livery ~ ,",c1lO1l8 IIlId S e xu~1 dl80rd
III _ _ --------. _ ___
-E -Y--S---- - FANCY SOAplg, &G.
Justice of the Peace
e I-aeoa anel UIliilIUIa CRblnel Or~ " .l' <lil!;,retll , " '1"., aclo l""\! lu .. ned • rmulto.Jo r I'!O to t6JO ".ch. Th,r. or ~ lL\I t ,R MI!;D"·LS. or nlh"r "' ~ award"d them. lIIu. 'l'1Ile<l C.,. r,oe. A,ld,." •• MASON 'ok t. • br MASON BROTHERS, New 11 l.'
wilh lI eve l.luilin" Relneeiel for II, ei r s IlePJy cure, Tile prncLice of Dr. • l A~, Alltl \·ou c.llnol lail lO ue s uitl'd buth in HUlIl l' r hilS I("'ll he e ll, .... d s till Is, unfor the Tel1l\ CommeDc.lD, Ro. N~\V·Or,ebIl8 SIl(!,or 1P tb 17 @ 22 · lnit.vnr ious brllllcllu:nottobeexcell. 'lUUlllY 0,: t.1 price, II boulltl"d. but III the oa r:HI&e solicitalioll of ve.lllber aot.b. 1865. N. ·U. l\l"iuKtl~ ¥> gall"n. I 35 t!d anvwher e . N " lIe bUI 111o Iii} I~ 1111 1i~,1I WI' June 23-1. ilUI\I<'rUUij per8 0'l~> he hus bcenlndllcad to UUIIIOII 1iI ¥e\lvlI, 1 00 \ I"" Ira 1m II" \!II IIW & 1m fXlIl llU his medl .. ,,1 u~elUlne88throu .. h tho OR"ND Jl'Rons. B El T llATKRIAL U!ltD . • _ . _ _ _. .A. COU!!.'I, Cold, or Sore ThroKt \ lIl cdiuln ,,( hi e 'Vade l\lel\lIm.' h is I~ . '8. ""tIJaWII.V, (;Inr<lrt:t:k Town.hip . SPECIAL NOTICE!!J, " E RM ~, C A ~H,-Office at hi.l esidellce H A' R.-O.t LSI ' \ VOIUme Ih~t 6hould be in ~he hllntl, ur eVe TI·ock.morton.. _ • , on l\1uin :SIre!'\. 1.ly REQUIR ES IM ~IEDI~TR ATl'E!ITI Oll, "till e r~ falllilv ill Ihe IUlld. III a preventive of DOL)" lJecr6.,ld LIST OF LET'I'EIlS - -}-7IUUULllllE ~:~I"~~'~~li!r .4LLOWED vice, or os o guide lor the alleviatton of Du Bui., Fralll;,lin, R e mnitlillif In Iile P .. ~ I O/fi" e 101 'Va)'llt'~ . .~ , ... ' ulie uf Ill e mus t nwful lind destructive IIRtlly, • viiI!', Ohio, O CIIJh"r 31sl, 1865 , whirh, if . . , Irrltatiou or th,e LlllIg", R "erman e nl scou rges Iilal ever vidiled mankind. On8 not tuken 0111 wilhin c,ne """P", wi II be [I 'fbrollt Alfccuoll . flr"n IUl:urable COP}', ee('urely enveloped, w ill ~e forward· Spenct:. HIIlDilLon '1'111 to the lIen c ral Pue l Office as deAd "NU NO'r"IIY I'UIILIC. ' A we ll-slilorll!d nl801rtment or lilt' B£ST l. ulI~ Ui~l· ... e, e u, fr~tJ or "08IDl!I!. 10 any pArt 01 Ih8 Whilllcre, Harlu !fred lel'e , s , IS .... , : 18 OfTE N '1 H£ RE'U LT, , Ullilt'tl St>lled lur bU Cll lllllln R.O. IIllmp>t. "ilh~m Fux. •
AND f 11 TTY,
OHI C" on Ihe cnrllt'r nl M Ol in "lid Ali· ami 818, nl!~rl.v 0pp08:le H~y ·.lIulI, .
OLD EYES n'\OE ~F.W. A Pamphlet d irecting how 10 epeedil~ 'P8tnre Bil:ht lind gh'e UJI 'pectlcle". wiltioUlllid 01 ductor or medi cine. SeM by mail, IreI', on rf' cei pt 01 10 cent-.. Ad dreite ~. O. FOOTE, If. D., 101 ,618 1130 Brond\ny, New fvrk.
rOlweyallcer. ('[(lim A,::e>l/. d L1!1ftl " t.Ior ' ,·c', III - II e ~L~/R ' ":,,L~ aile I
DRON(;1I1AL 'I'IWCIU;S i\Jd res., 11O·.t puiti, DR, UUNTEft, No. . . l. Ntlw Y"rk. 16·Jy. HavlI'g • dlrl'ct I "Iluellce on Ihe purl", .: 3_ D iviSIO _ _ n Stree ~ __ LIFE ITlIlUf'flIIC6 C:J1(1PtI 11 ie8. give immf'diRl6 rAlieJ . jo'"r JirollC'ilili . , I TO LAD I E S Ornee nl tbe Old StAnd, Mni" 8tre~t, A.lllION, C.I.rrh, ~UII A llmplive ud 'I':,roll • WA t':YESIIILLE, OHIO. ' D '8~A5~", Trech('. ure u.~d willt 81w oys If yo u "equrre" r.liali le relliedy to r... Iore 1(00.1 .IICC~U. Sing"'! 811d Putt llc spenk. !J'U". n," , 'ft' 1 M cGUFFY'S& WILSON'S SERIES, ' entwiilfilld Tr,ve h" .. ure' ul ill clearang Dr. Harvey 8 Female ~ll ~ C" IIf'r.li ollll mil d", Illtl proceeds re 111e vuic e 'wh'p n lul"lII bdu re sirl!!l n" ur l A "" ,·•.,·. loo ,II,,!:, rc",.dy foc Ihe romo,al or "III m ill t: d 01 CI"r~1I1 r.lP~, &c.. &c. . &c. , p.., aklll", ""t1 rlJ c ivin .... Ihe Il,rool ijfl e';. fln ()"'IrUr.l~o ll ' , ,,0 ,,, ,,." cr 1".,111 II'hn~ calli, oe Ihey Ellperini plOi" o l.k p II ill prt'r" r inll ('10 co . '" " "rl· .. I llI'-'." . ,,10 ""l1 l ur" , 8U" w, .etlor.. ~ '''!llsu.1 .-XI' r1l un 01 Il ,e .ucul org 'lli s. Ilitl ""I,,,·,, 101 ••• • 1'). l·• •e. TII.y lire "t.o " llic a.c ,oUI Pt' ~8 ouli procnrilill b""k Pa _ v , II lOl Ol'I .... " . Trur I,e l n~e rC CO lllmPII de J 611(I presc rl' LJIlII ;" "II , . h . or we.k,"·••• Willi " •. Prolal'o", und PCII@iotld u( tle co' lI Med ::;ultli"rd. C I",r. I. , prico ~l. ' b~. PIIJ s klll l1&, alill hove Itotl T ".linlO lI l" l. &r. :<; .. II I 'to I " ' , . . COOl t " .,".1111: ..• 01',1 gr~ rensonob le. IrUIII I' ", ;11'1i1 IfIPII Iltrolfgltuutlh e cOlllllry. Dr. Harve,,'11 Golden PiUe. Life lind "'Ire Int!nrnnl'e p.,!iciea i.sued J Ul' i" i! 1111 urlicle of Imp nI", il, Dud lIuvill)! A r.",.ely fo .. lpeeiol CAIU, four deg reea nnd prolCllrpO "" fuvurable t&lrma. II proutd Ihe ir dfi~"cy by u te st of mlUl' ItrDng"r Ih811 'he IIboy o; prke 15 p'e r boa. R En REl+IcE-45 years res lrlenl,e In llli, Caretu y and Promptly Filled. YUI8. elleh ,ea' IiIlJa tll Hln ilt /lew locH Ii· A l'F1r u' e Cit'cular 1o l...Jiu. with /lUtl .n •• eOlllnlllllily. 7·3m lie, in vuriou. purlS u' Ihe world, Gild tile I tO "'k~1 ong •• villg" le nt Ire" 011 receipt of di·· 0 I d D l' U g. S Trochel ure uniler.1ul'ly prolloullced beLler .nve'n,,~ .nd 01" ":1> . , . . I"'ll:\ thun ulher arliclrs. Send (or I)R. HARYf.Y ~ Pc".I" Me(" ~111 ~Uucr "'a'De8villl~, Ohio. Olltein '>Illy 'Urown'a Bronchlll Tr.,. .A\lv ,oer •. ,,\ldr u.e" 10 I. ,u. l.. : 100 I'''!!'~'' g 'Y' 'd k ' I 'h I I", full III.lruct'Oll'. 10 C(lnU r.qulI·~J .."r !>o.I. PO ST. n F F 1 C I~ COR N E R, ches, ' ." U<I 1I0t IH 9 all) 0 , e wort I' oge, If yo~ C~ "" U t .purch"9 'h e p,lh (rum v lela ImitatIon. Illftt !'lay be olf'~red. yo ~rdrudl ',Ibey ",II be ." ·lIllIy mA'I! po.~ June 23-I.tf Sol'd l've'ywhl're In Ihe UOilood Slatea, I'a,d, .a ecu,e, (r~ IIl ob ..... U IJ II, ou reeel,,' 01 Nolice ill hereby j?ivl'n. Ih., Ihe under.nd III Fllreign Colli/tries at 3~ cenll per One Do lI~r, by Da . J , BRrAS, COII'DI" .. , Pby.· . Ril!' n~d were. un Iho Nlneleenlh d.,. 0'1 b ' 1 8 Iy ' ,ir i.n, HZ Oro..d .... i .. Ne ... York . Ninlb &Ionth, I 865,'pp"llIt('d Iud qnalilltd .' - ox. . , J:rOe8len 1t' l'pli",1 by D.lII.. Sar li., ..·holo! 16 EXf'CUI Or8 nn the E M lote 01 Nuh'lI . This we k"uw io be pure, 118 we pro· ~ 4'. f.~AgolIl', New V"rk, . 1'7-I( Jori.e . oecn.ed, lile 01 W..,rpn C OUllty, cur(·d the Cidl'f JroQl ,..!lia ble pt!r.,,,!a ill .\>. .~. Ohio, JSA AC JONE~, ,hia nei~l:borhoo(l, IIlId permitted it to I Dan,lelion C,olfh'. Rye Cuffer, .. rlllle Rio .. SOD 8 NATHAN JUNES. '11IrD \0 VllfelrR' 0'" ODr olin pre miae. , Oolf'co lind r~ Xlr"rt of CuW", ,,. lor .ole by T <ij llf boel of .11 COII.h Syrups. 1011.1• WaYllenillt,lOtn mo. 211 1865 . I MERRIT'l ' k PRINTZ. 1I1Y,R~ITT & PRINTZ. . by . 8fERRI'M' &, rRIN'TZ. UII
Physicians' Prescrl'ptl'ons
t' lscnttn19.
tor e,
U' C P e mon Ollee, ea Ollee,
ac .
al' ector S,lUp.
ne LlDJI~
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G .i~ Z -- - - --
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1\1 I
\ GIt£EN81£K~ ARE GUUt !) • .1 8 U6CE~TR ~t! 'PENN YLVAN ' 'b ks jL I. R. . ¥UT
Silver Watches I \ ' • . ~I1. I 'IT:G'~, ~'I"llPft ~~'<V
1)ottbltj 7'I'(lck Rou/e
---- ---
are .Detter.
A n l uRble wine manufac tured (ro m FROftl HIA ~:~~: ! 11~6o!'. ',~:::' \. k N \ d 8 J' ,., the' n8me. hAl I~Ct'1I1!y 1 ~"'" ': t!i .LI!l.o.u_~ J,l 9 Il'l:~_ I ..... ........, ,,0." I ,loa "'''f, ~w or. • _ _ I ADELP , I PHl In TO RG Illee oca (ew PITT ' be liD' pr uced iu a ';)N 1'8t; ONE UOI.LA R PI.AN. PIANoe. MEI.UIlEOIf . 'AUt!"'" OIlGAI!5. I ' N ~,'" . I NeW' York And CObDec lieut . . In ~pSHEE,. blUilO. MU" IC nUOKS, Dlld all kind. • f , , flIcK III"" are ... .-ntt .. lilt \. t'rom all po r1l0 ll i o( th~ . \~t~l, . ~rl. l' . ... he Entire Sto~I' of "Jlpelra Dce Ibe plRai eome"h "t rnem ' l 01l\1u6ic'll lilltrum c nl • • lId Music Mllr· ,alllle 'Ai . . . till".. IlIat .111 ...,. an 1~8 OI~1 lie '~18 I' .e~ though v \, phlDI.' ::IUIlI.'" pie ~~tl • l or Wes I bles Ihe rhub.rb Watch 'Ma.n, at Ihe luwlIlIt rate., wholesa le ODIe Gold and Silver , kf chll"~i.8 ' lite .. 11111 lUI !leila Ii lIefr 18," hI t~ fNorle ltll~ ,e,r_ ~ el (01111 l"". y ,U.I , two ' mmena e. Jewelr y •connect ' f t 4ID;ir,,/y rliuimil ar in il8 chemica l 411,,1. e,v pliO: Secolld h~lld PI311 081\nd IIf~' 1 PIIlII'u~ to relbll. and rUlIlC • hflt e th tw. 1 are .. bonrlOl. !'tlllllllt, "'."1111 ""'. u ac o~y, ·t ·e. I, will Bourisb un ordinar y cornit 1 he l 'oJeuns ftt great bftrl!nin8 . J> ric~., 60, . , one S11ver ,Pla, B ustul,. Hall imu re nnd WlI8llln l:l oll. nil are a ...mclut Del 1~"'le ,..... t&, f 1\ ' shmen . Eltabh ' Ntw II . $12:!:>. .n·d 200 ~0.151'>. 1 7f>, 100, 12', Pen I Iruvel e , tney wilh confiden ce ~ely upun Gold o.r 8pr.IDIl' one 1 ouse, Wareh Ialor ur Ille M),.tua. la . • 11 ~"'I IanLi. Set out In lhe. I ting i. P upwu,d" IlUt! ' 7 uclove l' i" " "8 fur 250 I H ' re cO llnecllo n , h il! ll ~ peed with !'I'rlel:l f. reR~Y 10 be made Intu wlue IU Ihe ns lu I"" ftllli ,ell. nllow. \ and Pencil Maker , Mclu"pu HnJ anus : "flpllnll ce lor CUllI r" rt folluwlD g July .o r AUl(u s t .. It CIID b .: e di'IIO~c Il •.1 wllh IIj~lmlf'h I dolely , .IId eve,' Y . ~J Ir Jlurchusel!. Munthly p~ytllC"U ,,- \ '1'0Wb1'1' 111111 I' ull IJ~ prul'urfl l. ~ew ~"d plee,, "l l TU t:01S'I'. ltU JtJ::!;.\. ,}, L (,I mlinUrI1C,urQ~ In "D ordlDl6r y cld e ~' 1 Man~facturers' lilt fOUnl r)·. "plldall) la 11a~ blUo. · ce ived lor Ih e bll"'l'. I pnti~epgpr cors, (u r dsy and III l!hl ,Sprl'l~e. ; _ _pre8l.- Durlllg \be prescnt seflsoo .'t , 'e W.l e r" Fllnol Ind Meln • Hurn The c1IKtrkl~ ur l\l ~ Wft!& an4 lI\Iulb'lIt1t, \ equII" e lh H~ of l., h, ,,,,.IJI •• t) I " !,I II ' UII . hove rpcelllly bee n adde~ .hal been &qoce8ar~ly pr.oduce 'l. III I Ibr), bave lIWa lalPMllrM. I~t, deone ~re- UI linl' I li l t ,hlrnhle 1n~lrulnenI8 ; The Guod . lire Jt"l l· Cellaul IlIU syll'U llll l'tl e Ih 01 I ment ,., 1 .. cllcuL 1,.· ne 11 .,,( (;oll . ' • h lin ic "d nw •• I' III Sl~mforLi aDd Gree 41l1l 111 abo PlaJ Id... II .rPo llIade. Wsrr, Ullled lor live yea' . . ... ·.lIu'" wurk",." Ad r'«(.DlmrD VER J SII U '" · "" 1 IO LD '10''' ",,' 1 1"'" . Ill . \ I,,· r. 10 I cult"" W I I The .worn 8tRl"me nl5 of se ven I ' d . ., f I' ' c'. or ue .. . . "." .<1 I,)' • <1 .. " .,. ,,,,,, l' i,,1 roll. POtt ltur'" trnins Irom l 'f' " '"'U' GO rl'l' lJ~ \a .~ ....JI1111 rUIl /lIk.a I. eft Ir l O n e of OUt 0.' cos • or IItueurl.I uct:u Ie '! .1 ,reut rices I At M U I !ltiih' f'r Tela "el" '" W'lIeh c!! I ~ 'LS" • TJ',is"I'llIU lon of thele lownl ueelart! Ih"t, III I .., It lionu ld be " ,ollll "e"ll) 1,.1.<1 •• 1.0. d ' WII'. .-OI seIn' \ .,' ... la .rrordaa te .1111 Ibe dl!'tftlo ... II. ~~below .'alt:tI . • ~" U I, ion J)cpot • IV••lere tl 1 , t . . . ' I , PI!! 0 ~ 1 ... . tre~ ' .Ol· \ ...· ,,,001 y 01 ' ag"rega t.e, 'bev Ie' out 3.'lu4 ~. 1I1It~' 1 • " Hurllc~ \\ biers' P ia noa ore known Ihal In <',1 a .,.;eftlllll 't! Illd t.N AlI"VrY ef.'" Alit, ' Ther _ . b i!1' rs arc tro'~8fH~<~'lrl~1 th~a ~I~:~~s ~h~I~~ COlt tbem forly C6 011 e"ch. Rn e: which leAN '1 ,\ II I''' ~'TI ' ftt:. . a::n J:<;van~e\'. . Liver' COIll,lalnl. Bllloul , •• ~r. tit..... belt.-N 11 ery 8 I' lho Dlllung • 1 ". . One or ou' I~" MelK "r on ~ pi p eA (,lour g re .d) '''peno r h) llo c !;,,,,,,I. "" . PC lln8y~ vunoB g Cf1 erduro ,h tblH in J Illy and AU~II8L Ill ey 1IIllnu(a e und l POIIIIH olher al .rrlve und Hh,ood lI "ef hllwk.,1 "h .. ul "• .Ilo e l lenve Pltlebllr ; Id ur 1:) IV8cwn' e i. wOrlh 0 bu.hel uf Iidi. turedlh erdrom 4 .006 I\!lun s o f wiuo. \V e con .peok of Ihl' merita of Ihe. """.. I••lro", 1 (ullow8 : I d II (, U I ' g. I Ir um oerlonol l c h '~I' ' t: V..... ultl . Tha"", ~ I. ,1111)' 0 11 ''''' 08 I b Pianus u;",s' \\' Huroc" ry! Jewe E x rnES9 Leavel Pi : l s bur~ nl ~." or \J n '{"I'" 011 G"I" IIr.""u,,, h j: h' II,. "d ••• O(." ~ Ii . uri )J b t epllllls ftt. IIO lame tlm~ prol u c~"g Ihe c hea? . r I rincipnl aloliona . 1 L . .i d k A 11 1,,11 •• ,., p".'.blu "' "u loI )• •. " ,,,,,,1 "a. 'III IIf"/It 1011 . I •• dlce. IlInl...., , at p moru th.D 20,000 pIau!.!! (or rt:dctllu g \ We lave aduptlld tU.lullo wlngnlo tlc 01 , I. U\~ ~ Itt!: '~ • . c,nj( u , I,e very edl (,,11'"'.,;;IIIlIIi RI' - 601\ , u , s'oprHUJ! " til of )' III/HI o( t ~. f· .. tll' t.ll lilt! l'c O \ \"III ~ encer. Intelllj! ,U \bis (v.Il. M. 1Ie...-lo a of flp'rlhl. LI •••• r .... III -Chrt8\a A. 7:'0 Q"ft't\y. \ ot ,· Altuon, •• • llo b !,u bli c. T o f.cilih. l. ArriVed UI 'fhe Horace Wlltp,,' Piallos life buil' I lid •• orr. re d b)' " . IU <lenn"f.lII.uta or Ille ell,_",e .... CIJ~ tllle 1932 A . ~ . , [Bt'lieft ~I., . 1\ 8.45 rOlle , lb Sollie of these gentl.m en B"1 they of Ihe lIesl a"d musl Ih",,,u gllly aeosonet l i • SIII<. ONI .Y ONE DOI.LA It I H"VIIIl 1:1:;0 P.lII .•J U.rrialo llrllf I I'or UClhltlla~ I'~ ......al lilt)' ......"It. 1 Luck I II OU 7:' I I b \ 8i.50 lur wine caD reauily tell ,bllir • m"teriul - A dv ucu le & JlIurll.1. . IIJ .• NI: w , , ., ella u VI lie . ·-I.'IP rt>t!i lie\) , Buitinlll ' ela,ly I't('(llll .... d~. «trll"" '''''lIf 1\(., 4Izper an 1.101'. m ;,,! ~ .. .. tb o( u,I"I .. o" Oue . , 8,,\1011 ullyurl'c1 per ... h .. r~~"fnr \VIl , r,, ·l'i .•iIO · .lId Melod eon. ch11_ I willb rk viII Allcnlow ll ot 10 "0 P l\I Plld· Y ,. rode v . 1I • • d '<II I po . ":01, :'i ' .. .... s'nDlllIl O lile w\lele 1I•• u '-to ·I", Our ... u l> " In '''''' 0 <I". 150 de . . ~ N' :'y k 1';1 leDcedb orucuiL uri81 "b.·ma . ' t . • \ .- are• numbrre d I(,IIgo Co"'p."". O" Wllh . • Ihe hlledl mHOI! , kll" wI ... 10.1 I", '. 10 l\'l~ '('hi. 1'1." ...... " ...,,, I " tlpl l,hl.8 ntfi.41'> . • : Ilpl "le\\ or, tlU:tlt! Bllters are ItltllllllClllI~ ",. loodd 01 flfticlcl ",",H,I 'v , The bec","~ ml\ny ad ,et.llily rlloos. declRre l Ih.l the wine In .11' Ire ••'t! or a rare ctl\l . llg ' ln,whe relli Ihe cuulluy .-H"mc JUlIr- IWllhlh. II,e lh uf I",,'e . Iock. 01 ... tI,) ,,"1 \ "D Pllllude ll'llIn. Dt 1U .:l7 • . ". cOIlFi.li 37.1100 '>000! uJ>1071 1 l lIoy 10 r ,.. , ,1o 'PV,",U' rrom of iUI qualitie s. 'i. superio D ., " '1v~r , oal ' I 1 ' G ., F' I \ 111 ~15.60 ' g P W PllIlbur ' eavee II ., ",I MAIL LIME-L u .. Inu ~ "u~UIII, I~IIU_, ortes nre u f . "'"I.r~~ o"~e l'~"'. ,OliO • ver b e rore ma.nu f ac t ure u In 111 c .. un 0 Oler» Hurace M s luPP, ng dt oil re g ulllr StllII Olhl.l\hchillee.'l'e8&'Tdule ROBACK'S BITTERS, Jill!: • I,AN IS SJMPJ. EI lr or im orted frum Euro e.' The Walche s. S~,.inll Ie • • IId lal>le ~P''''"I ,,,11. rich olld ev e n IIIne , anJ powerl ul.- / y ~elR ~ulid :Silver ' 1'0 " s. le-8· :\ IIUU;II't lit 11 .45 A. lit.. Hlrr ld uurll~ G d ' .. r "If. IC I~ "'·li.f I ".",·h of ".".e . Th . . b . nRllon or 80013, rlnnl!. Ba'IIrI, larli~ at Plllillde lphin at I 1 20 II I \8 elDg '~I e nslve y cu "Ville I.n dlld ~'urks. elC .. ole., nlld Ihe ull"" 3';.5 UU N. V . Mu sic nl Rpvit'w. \\ ",ci,. L; " ld .O,"I.llR nd Brll· · ~ ·l l'. ill , or"vi"" plllDl filld at )}Jr. \VOIers' I{,ulliI" HUII""l!' ., Will enda Irl Our l d &,." lind lIf'eds. 1I'1IIfll ltal'e lIetl (buld • .t Orul" \V l..:ur. I IIlId J I"" · " bl ... M . 1.1 ' u, I Jj'· . In I ' . h NdW Yurk. Vld Phillldel"hi~. Broome .Dd ObeD/lll got cll~nli~s urk ull .nldea ul va l,," 0 ewe rt· y est nS8.:lrtm cnt 01 AI IlriIC , ",.;11,," o,,",·.nl ,.. " I "tI'l o, . d ", •• c·" I,." ...." . I P . M.,Il11d "tr.deal II), 10I1t 1Ilr4lcal· CllltwnnN , It Vtr Ih;. Y k U ' l d S t ao. D I s.I r~ CL Iore 11/ •• Ope" . "IlItlIl'd \u&:rop" l'h', nl. A. ICoses. 5 . 'I'uil P; e" ';IF: •. nle th e UllIleJ , ' IUP~i II, ..... " " .1,,1'<; arc II ,,' " 1'"" .•." '" " III III . olI" lu ~k' Ibe .".,ll8Ile Tonic proptltla ll .he tu nu8 I", I o( "."d ill VP8 c. sni~l ~I.-Le. lIIA. funcy alld ERm •• AIUl Gn.wol d . I"ue SlIvrr 'W "Iclle tarney DIckins on. Ju ~lge , d ru :,' I' n."d .... I~"'"~,.I.; .'h.,, ,. ,,'''. : "· ''.•. ,·i· I'. · 1 PIT1'~BU RO IlP. t 31u~nz ",s -Grlll," reilrTI., lind r.rt.x 11M' alton urly ~I~~t'p. , l!nlllc ~retl Ilopplll llumb .l\1. P ot 1 2U . 7:;.UOO Ilul,ce~ t) .... nIV IlIe " ,II ' . I.,,,.,,,,, , 1""\ ' l'itt . lJurv , . " .cI. '''IIo Coog~e8smao.. Hotcl,k lss •. IInti olher ' g,eut ,odely. lIre ,,18\1' .~ e'. P"'IIl'~ Ih e llurllre \V"l ' plaIJ\I~. Df8e Billt" Ire IlIe ,oor "t! I~ ltuJ u lh t: r clulrgt'~l un e 0 1 tilt' runl .. or c.·r- I • I' l·tJ . DillI ltu I iI Y N ~.o ~. 76000 -I ' &~ r t I IlH r \ AII'JU n. lo ut d.l m rive. AI LJI1111hll . . of p u 810liO,," n 11111 CIllZC08 ro' li t lire I' In t _ tu I ru", . II li"uI"''' IU••." ul r""d o, ,, 11,,,1 &elll hy 110 . 0 . ProlllDen c cglllll 1111.1.- . Oil . 1"rI~.'. IIrln. III • • • . 10nA r. u p,erl. I nl' ' u hJlII olld 1 UIlU i;,{p,I, ., llI 111 . \Vpll A ont! 1.25 lor". 6burg pnve te SlI(Y Ih.t the "Ine pos8e~8es • 1\ tJeali ' Ie' It'd . I " ",,1 ' 1) II .. ','" " '"'''''' \Vho \VIII , .. e' 01 u" ,·.· P . 1\'1 •.' lIur~1 r. well "" Ille rich ..... IIllaq EIl'lul'~ II~IRI"lfl C . I ' per e th 10 l KCli &1 ulld' A. nUl 1; .40 ly o( 6avor and d~licllcy of tllbl~ ~l·l· uf Ih ese i. IlIken , n J , ", 1.,.1 I,. """ "I lor 011" !Jollu, . I I I,,· ""leu.· J e l!,lllu at '" trucnell Ins llf P,flCe8 u( e ' Schedul Pltld el ('x. ss-Len cover til EXI·Rr. Ilt~ IiA !l'~ C~ lu,\Vor" ,I, . "IU' ''.I I I'w LAD£LI'I ' dom. if ev"r. exoelleLi by the b est 8h~\'· , 8U II SeIlGIII:: III Ud . .11)' ~I u>- .Ii " .. I. I... IUII"". : 10" 0""" s 01 :Sll eP I MUSIC II"d 11 Ih~ ('t'r t lfh'u l tl tihd urll ,·0 HC"'O I'tluw 10 tllh'I' tlOlh ' 1 Ii I I , peu.e 01 l,oHD !!" e ' COrrtl ~ I'Ulld~nce " etc. 'C. .lul,,;;uc I. .1 I U'" , ' 1 bllrl( 01 4:.!;, P M " tuPI'"'1( Iuilly bul I'" hi ' I I' E ' I•.,1. 11(,' I I If I" ree. e I~ t In"1 .lt .• "' tu . n auu tie ...... ulope, " e " r llt· e I'U I. ''', ' III llO I "l' I Ie S'II ry ".nel ( I per ••• ·u,·. , , . I"'~'" Arrive. "I •• lru e .. . ) '1 d l I' I d IBlld Ihe ~,"c1e or ..IYuCid. currtlPo I AI ' . t 'I " I,. ""ollil." I" ,,,. I,u,,·b.,e r-. , j'.. r "'."'fl l•. • Cip"I.IO liI)IIg. 9 .35 P. AI .. H,orriHu orll :3 30 m.eort; Inle-ral la .. Ille ~eak an USIO. D HI e S~l e • '2 cell d ce p IanI cannocf lal • 10 " e IIII gr~AI A itoull. Wllh lhe lIoll,b~r \,11 Iho nulit-Il 1\'111 be I I ul 1·•• rll':ltnl;·u p. ,; ... 1 li,·en. lfl illl:, • .\, uu,·,;!' 1' . M, ,p .el •••llol, ..... . bnUal~. 'rlflalt ahl'el. . vi" c cdiul Yurk, i'"Ul New .0Hlt' II." 7A.M,. or IlOltl~r illlurIl the lu M.,ll~ll flt "'·,A. aqre.so~rce 0 ~e,e?ue, to II IV 10 en, ~~ 'r Buokl, J>ub· ,,,,,,, . ... I,U [o ol" ."UI.\·O... II,olll ... " ".11" " U Rnduthl Oltt .r '..alltld School. 1Il11lfr)' ur SubbRlh Itn. I a •• t 7.01'> .niel,') 1 •• the e lphiu uti Pllllo,le lopurcll .. AI p.~ A &gelD III e.ultlvatl ou,. Some .or th08" l ly ( it hecledir 10 """ II,PII , lo.- w. "' til >. ".",,,,) "11 ..· .. '''·1''·1,, A11""t"W II. 10 Y k t . . PI'I 11 tI e1p IIIJ. F ur ill .IR n ce: lill,ed by HorRce Walers. dN c./ul/(lr$, e~,nu.I. ...... aUIe" II f,,,, ,, II,e ,.",. <I'P"ri'".''' ul Ih ••·" ... 101("" 0' . ur. YI8 I wbo bave Irled Iho wtne s ay Il scom" ull receipl "I tlCO :N .. B I I 0;: I bb S . "Ioal price .. hid, "'"l' I,u 1" .f."".<I . 0, ".10' A. Id , . 811 • ew " 0., , e . I Irell"". . . . ' " 1Ie1I, ...... 1I9l IInti 100 011 "'., I Mlld"ria Ihrough u rUIl betwtien yuu C.ra .'0 ( cross Hent • ISleepll\j be to I II lite Iltlll! er ~" 11,0 nollce . . . "Y ' •• " ) 11, yuu rlooo.e Iu "."'ure liD furth . , lit 1:1111. . No.!l. Bell, l 'al ...... IlIe SchOO 'h .. Uaa 8ubbu or ftnd pln1l0 r!! U Ind "QllIIIlO I" /iOU, IJitt~burg Sberry, "Ith the I.tes~ quallllo , of each . • houltllte ' lIl1n, u"red Ih e:, YU" d"uII I" th u " "' ~,!.r d" uI' ... h. ; AII" i, . Ihi. trllill IroUi ChOl'll l 1I,... p. Il!r JIll lI~btl'. lOIIfr.... _.0.",•• Dud tu New Yurk,vi " Aile,, ' " ' 0 I ell .hould ~e flume phia. gold or let Philadel OUI' y Jiolllunt! lli care ""l1e n C.~ •• uIOr.. ."U _ .IIu 'p'" , llI_"," 1 1118 A. ., II' lbe t"wn. berNI 500. it will be .ellt lo yuu IlIr 82. Jleet Buc ar . Cbl.loj;u . . 'I.'llc Dlnde ... ftl 0.30 !' Pill,burf IV118 I.llu:-Le o"d 80 on for every article in our !isl uf FAST iT. lT.lJE:l WATC H I>EPAI ... p n ICE S : • ~n Pal. lll L "<'go I, I I."nl"'J(c .. ·e ~Ut o~ 20" I'. 1II. ,ltuppin " unly nt principa l stuliulI~ 70,OuO urticln. ROBACK'S ard ' ~ I n .. , "'3 17~ C 10 " case P . hu,,"J( ld go . 1 .( .~, k h.fI I t .. ue .. 30') II i. Itated iD "dilpat cb from WaIL · ~ ""I',er rec.lVlIl ' lr I II! ftrllC P, I " \ . :'ppr. oVP", <II pl" . (liZ .:"., ,\rriV&8 RI I\lloulIlI ul 2 30 A.III., IhrriK~O I 0 1 ;iO V-I ",... II, a,lll willi IIIe ._ _, " hu"",,);, ~uloi ~.rtll, •• , .. 1.IU"S O, Gtll.$4~ iDglOD thai the Commia aioner of Agri· you.yuu CI" relurn iI.uml 8·i .60; Clu lh EllIuus. l·d 7 .30 A. 1\1.. Bnitimu 'ft 111 .20 1'. M .. euhure baa recei.ed from Illinois 1\ dut:o nul ple •• e blr;bfal. KO\·"I. . . I allllal'lI ,. II Volume . tJU "HI, .. 'gu ld oml .",,,".Ieu hUIII. 30 I" ~O \l burg· I. in III .. 2 I' and 11.45 1 ll, Nos. AlIpllluW BELLS VI" Yurk.t Nt'w d. RcfuIIJ~ be d yuur mUIlt'y ah6\1 ( '''~ "".6 . (I f . " '1 uf lIIrtnrlll I . will "."'llr e., I 1'0 PIIiI"c1el pl.i "t 1!.!,f1 0 P. nl • 'lilt! Ntlw YUl'k .t • Cluth BlnuU.S ~1I 1 40 I "HI"III 1.... 6r . il ... r Ioullt in;\' r8' . 3'110 0:, 'peclme o f) 0" aug"r. m.nu "CUlrll $6,6IJ per duzp- n. I expense p.y 0 1 . aenl P b. IMII 10 roalal. all",,,, ;rotOf11e. muet It} ceMs :iu !l~ I '·K., white· lou"I"':! IUO cI ,·,. I... , ••lv.,· viu Itdude:p hiu, ul 5 4:l1·. M. frO, m lJeell, _hieh is of snowy ~ ulle Gill ""7 'u prr d" :i" o Ull "Ie, tlp.lI~e, currcbPun PUtilOlll>, 01 I ~o ' II ,... 1 JRdlde" l 1.....1,. . . . . . 010 t ' . ' ·rll~' "fu II y . an"u beRU,1 ".1 l · oU ' I.I '''· h "'II'' '' ''r '' I. ~ '· ol",, 1Supptr. tLJI1I1Ie", curya" Itc G. I tlU IIC~ IJU1 ''1'IAN ItU:I,OO lST, *Breakjl.ut: '1"11}; ~ ; .U Ull " ~ Ou 1•.. ,· .. 1 I.' er "I ,"" "l't,l-Ioco I htln ID~ .,bn fllomarh Bllltli ,I b l . ' .Ju Iu IS h ".qU'II 'IDit allylhlo b R g pruuuc~tI fr om lhe A II Y.W Re' ,i,,,1 11)'11111 ""d T illie ll" " k . . Oll ~ " . ·.,11\·.,· f;rcep~d urll e le co ', SU1ldfll/~ atever iM, mlrk,I 1 In' II), rolll' •• t........ II~ w Im thol olh.r cr: ait I' ' P-lIIem L,'J.UIi.. OJ \ 'I·. .1 I': \\' F.I.lty 1)EI'AItT.~I'.·." lug"r'ca ne. f' r ,1.. 1. 11"",,1 $3,flO . I ... Jlflce ce. """ IIol' yuur ull number the II- "'II be 'firetl II o.re. IIIlIf llrt lVuh rc.punu~ 1 I .r fb l ... d" 1'1 .IICkcI3 lor ~.IA lu l1"ol u ll lty bool ur i ll ~ 1'wO n(JLLAJI~ ~-Ill to ~jf:lO 300.1 :" "111,,,1 ,ing., Ie pro IIc,lon.o ee · roo ftugRr .1~9 I YOU Ch" 11O.1'~... rilitlJyl.o p"y and Warero oms, actory Manuf . .$8UO nr 1 ~IOO '~ li 1I1 wurth OilY 011 d II>hl'\h g"" il. lor kel8 ':.IOIU IIJO / , •• ,J. l1unlllc rillgs Joug be~n a pro mlnenl brl4llch o( 10 ' 481, Broadw ay, New YQr: . ! 3uu j(""ls·t!i ulllulldriu{:s iltlere.1 lu delll IOIlI~' . ~uUIld' III"' • . }o',II<E lu uJi DUlllld •• I"" 310 Vla 'IlUIlt! /11. (; dUltry ID F!/tllce nnd.porlior~8 of Gcr · And ills lur uur 3UOO v~~ i 8 9 it I! •• p "rlicl Jille our UUI I III"I.elIO . Oil)' oll'l'r rou lp. llig liS II ~Iron«'••• d .P" Irlal will '" I lucrenl 3 lo . lIIaDl. and IIy811rl y .IUUU JiulllulId r illllS OUDC'ement. ~pedal III . ",are emtte.l. ,ua .11 .Ilitfl'; lb., S L E,b' P I.Y G C.A R S 40 I, "ill b. mRily years before the 811' cUllfiuence lu Il,e public, olld lh ereby . ;lUU' 1 gO ld & Clllllrl . (ut. rl.oino 3 Iu York 8ule.. our New BlCl't!rn\llc 10 Ibe IlIIIle. laYl.lO"' "., nd'u, ere"des il Ph to T,U:I\! lint! truill8 ll hl " lIiu Louisian 01l , of oOU 4U oDa tu 5 plllni"l/ .gllr 1l"lIt" goltl YCS l elluills T. ANT H 0 N Y & CO. , H. & E. I cll'cd. lDlllle or K'CI'JII •• In'I.II, alii 10 to 3 lhey b"llUll8 it"I,1 .Ircve I-IUUO I'"ir 'will equal the nuant.ity of SQ uar \ II lid Iiullilllo r('. lluggoge checked Iitruugh 3 lo \ 40U(l pHi. guld & CIlHm. " IVIIULE",,~E ARD II F.TAII. ."Ide Ililt all., .Ollltll l ..... U 111 l~ fr~". 'U I"".tI 1'"II. , allU . ii 10 ' l\nll . j(o.,I I ~III d~ " ,roduce d before ~b. r~bd\ioo. The l'ellll. "lvOl1ill Roilrood 00 . w 'lll \ ' ll 310 . lbe _Iii ........ ....... ........ ' M I ~ lIl I g~ . \ Sel" \"UOU ' , ." I L Matel' . opl,ic U i'hotogr J Cln1vucturers (1/ .bould, ~be locre ..Be of our I') \hllJ, lite" 3 10 pUll rece'l' ·u ~a ct •.• w Ite I puye or d lOIl" del &. ~lg IH' t "n~s 80UO '11 Lei efC"'beiI,l~ 11rnII. fIIJf ,~, "ials, . . I ' excepl bUild ); I "ut bOS UlltC • ...v ridl, lur Ha:Jllftge. d"m8nd gU!ll1 e r sup wrre.po ltdellct', poo tugll , elC ., we 18000 "1. 81.t &. ~IL!' en' "1. riug • .110 popu ~Uon WI nallJ .... tlIlNOl' cir llie Ir"'lI.f dlo aliO 1Iltlit Iheir re. ApP6rt·l . \-Vellrlltg r lu . ;J , nu~",;". OIlA m e lh k (1'001 I,' ll • "OUO I .,. plies thlln can 1J0 rurnlshe liDI lllWAIJ\\'A¥ . N. Y. bO .'llUlIsibi lily 10 ult0 Iltln·',. ,' .full","a I'n VII. for Cllrp"ys u IH' " dlUill!! i) 10 ~u which " "I, "ul. of V I receipt UI,on . U • u • . II Bnd II 3 I ~ IlinUIl,,1 J '" liout 1 I lIg ~~Ul It! : ' tX' -IUOO gl:lI11e ". Illl J~ I ue. "" to 0 leT cane-lIr o"tnl: countn ruce ela ., I'Ilion to cur Il\KIIi busillrss oC Pho. a I II Ou' , go ovn · )CIII SI' Ulltlel!Ce, ~u.tu"e. elc ., WII d~lId six or lhe norlll'" el. cou Id pro d uco a II II 10 re 1I0ticu.. 12 III V"I "Il, Will b a o' II,e rl··k ul IIIU U\dller 81u n uuntlu l, liO OO llulJ IIUtl j e t ur.ceJ vtd Hea4 .rOj we ~. iol". lUuter ic tllgrullll " 8 I I ' I I TIle WIll' G"Wco" If file WfII ....e ·,.1 CUI •• r ••.•• f "'" d . Id 50UU I"kell by 0 "pe.'~, U ~ )., UIII~"" ption. to conftum ets home ,rllce (or ry ~Illilit. Ril nileellll -~. &:" lugar '' 1 ••• v 8 . pUll.• rfCVIP' U "'''' W 110 I D. ays ror cor· for Ihe- folluwin l!. VIZ: I ' I ' I I" IlRer &lie IlAI.W'''~IlII'' ···ouo I ~ereil tI ' .. Ihe 311 all 10 grow to UO U " IIlln 11<11 C lOIlI~ liD ellve ro()m enou.,h 10> respullu pnce, p08Ing ~ . elc., IIC will .end ... ... wlll'HlllaI1Ir,I'IIt/t ' 8 Iheildld ,lelilt4 310 blillollll dleevc . ~ Ilfdips' GHTS pn~r producl fiOUO FREI ctlrea I a antI other sgricull ural &erMscopes olld Stereo8~pic Views. valued 1<01 prene"t lille a Dlld nOlice~, 40 ••, ..... b"'''I. ' W eX .., 10 • Lably "to elteetl profi •• or ed ., that OIn be conlum Of Ihese we hllvc an immenae ossu,'I- 400tl putr ellalll. not le8B thnll SU" liB 11 eblIOple 01 011' By this roulfl jrt'ight~ ul nil Ilt~m. 12 3 10 ' ..,..,.."'.... CU e ts bracel -.tIn. "'N guld _In,; iloire i su ported. 8000 ' n Alllerku ~cun~~ Wur melli, inclllllln& . . £uod.. 12Iionl lcu llbelorw or<l"dt uundfrO IllPI.ill l' .1IIt11a1 .... s310 bJ 'r'ouche ,&efll.I .tl'tld" _ _ •• ,.rul.op" tlUOUc ; l,e<. Lmnd.cn 611d Upanrrr .e'pt ttl $18, which p.ys (or Ull/l Foreig n Cities tl J .. II'I,iu. New \,ul'k, SU.tull or 1l.Otimu rr. fiOO()' rumeu Dnd pe url eurdropt i a to ItfAldo, n~II' ~ftr eacer " l1li... " "1 elc. Nc., , Stlltullry •. Group , 111 . 11' wOl 01 6 .• elc RUIlroud I" "11.1 l'UIIl lilly puinl 011 Iht) WEDaTER'1 NKW DICTIO!'ARJ is hardly ~~rre8~ullt!en.CI', 1'0dlulle~ toYer)' I.hal 'le••a ' 10 •• I_,reftllt tl ~lereu"copP., lur publ ic or priville 70~1I i\Ju60ir. J e l. L .. vn amt ' K enlllc ky. / II d ionu. IllinOIS, IvVis. 01 IIU. ro\bl(1 Wn~ 'l~;,.OH"ollce., hnd 0 ~OLlD SILVER VUIVIIl&! . 310)0 I ,. Ie .. wondllr ful thllD lllllI incotnp" s 0 EUI',lrup '" IJ illille ' I Flure dUlll h~ wll1 ,IJYl'elU rllluHII. "r ..... 111 Ul!U" \J n rx II 1" 0'1. t 10 CUIl.'", luw~ or l\lidtiour i, by rai,lroud di. em · lan~uag II 0 f W1li' e 1I 'Il 'IS t Ie pcn"ct I~OOO corul,"p ",1&. CIII. eanJ.ops a 10 ~elld for circllinr. Iu UllY addre ss 1111 r~c p. if'1 ul .'Uln\,. d: '''''Ilte s AKenl IU r"c '. largt8t Iho 410 (IIr 'by lb e is II luo:k A illi"IIIr itnllnl. bo IUO(:O IIl 1'1I0T U(;ltAI 'UU; AI.UU ll iS. Ae Al,!euis ulluw,r.t 1. larlt e cush CUlllllli •• ioll. Tiou Pellllsyl vnllin Cen trul R nil ..",,1 .1. IIle A. .tla., "'"tift.. at !.III! 2b III 8 dU'o prill&! .. u flol"me puUis!,ed in illil COUII/rIJ.' 1I1>'j!i 1U0UU I tl. I . t a first the We were ftO rol\lo e~ 18 ot Pill~bltr.." WI' III -1"'I'llur by which lhey can mu~e $:.lii IVteldl'. r" RobOf" III1S fOiifllractell la,., ••• ' go Id'lnl!S luOOO f' I""' I lese ttl.e ru :l III l 0 f~r a. il kDowD. it cont8ill~ • ve·,.y COli ' 410 S U' I . Address pillin'v 111110 tie Ili leu 1"leF. olld we IlUlIlIl" c. h all allY ,j/lyle III Ita. 'Of • ·.....11.. COli be I.. rwurded lil "nf .... _Ie U guudd .J . which lty • go!d , Jewt:lry t ''',eru'''31 more matter Ilure immelld8 qllllntlli es in gr~d V"riclv \OOOU selS lot/iell' UII', fER, Mu.killlr •. IIROTI &. , Ol,io .lhe 'REED oll purl lb,p' ~c~es' 20 IIUol'd. It to 'f) ~ wit, ,,1I1f1l !til" je! flolume be,ide' i,l/h, world.' . MI .si-. ~un!llllg i ,I I1rire frum 5u Ctlll~ to SSO Bul[ 153tl New- Yurk Cily . a Ii ' 0.."U relille •• ee. CUlllb~rlontl, Ilftnoiti Unn.,.11 I Itll ,realetI& parll,. , An opparlu Dity for compreh cDdin .. mosl ~. 3'11__ _ _ . oumro , pe~rl elc , Our Alb ums IlOr e t I'" r"'I'UIUII.'JlI 1000U .. ucl, -cra; " Retlltlv lind " 0 -_._Ark.nd~ -.. . , -.n Itlbtoe DlMlr.a1 qUlllIN IIIr ~Ii"ouri .... il'pi. t.N . 17 dLac til 4 Lt. lt'\~, earl 'race on o jd ""t1 lunguag J!ill boat I y the II Iloroug I 1111:0"u ur bei liU ~uperior ill bea uIy 8,"l'tlU,r nbilttv IUIIOU C '''..l' (;11. Dnd ..l ky IA 110' .'tb ..1~r .. iI _ _ _Mel' " I:'IlIndu~ <I, I (;levl'lo,, HI bue .nd y 12 a(J~r(;el 21.0 eRn ers ruind The human olhers. They will be Hent by 10UOO gill &. jet hUl 8uPJluri ~ny 10 es. Watch in y Novelt t Nunh. Ihe Elegan UII All pOri. repre. Ill. pllJllldl u. l'ellClI, CIIe,'r, ~ a ~~~~I:l~~!L:~8e~ lhouj{.h l, .o( w.hich tlt e re i~ nlll 81r."t:~ (·I·LI\'TI:;D WAllE . on recelpl 01 price. . II( Ihi &wolcl, are 1111 eilitrel" 1l~8;1, FIIKK. cade~ 1'1:0 With, 108100 $" book. ul wonderf tilts In e CliP" leDtllllv looon IIU l elllrll.li lln Ihe lUetchu nle ,,1111 ehlpper 3::J' fo'illtJ Albulll s ilJalic to O~4Ilr".L.lJ 6 ~3 ·'lo l. · ~ ,,'0 0'" lIew inventiu lI, CUIl,?uled uf six tlltrereli t I ' " . I I 1 I' . ll'IN~S I II d ub-i • 10 I ...... RbRACK'~ I J u - u. J' d ' ' ' ' rt'.11l It 10 tlli. 11.1' 0 1011 II I" rUlIsllUI • , II to " .• 2 plarl. und uU. enumer allOg Ithe vllrillu, depllrl · me I Il Id Cuff/HUl riogs IOlletllfr e "arkin ,rol l IOOtJ U pair ~ I.' b 18 uf l I 'ol{n~t II,.. .,·. B.a""'•••• ils imitnliOI vII cf! ex.ct 011 lg cUlilitlen with prudUtll rely La CQ." 1~III'd. v, who CUfllpon nan ~ tho 4 (rom I ltu,;kt'I" meD • "uiC re.c curd 2i,00 /<'ive over ~ embrace now Ollr C •• al'lgue Ron." GIll. ·AiIe.tille ~rc""n, whir.1t ... ill a I. fJ :~ :3:; ~ P:~"':ldY ;{unslr. IF ' I kD()"a Ihe mOil 10 biOI who knows Ihe carnt guld. ".lIed u,l . 30UO cuke b •• keI8 lIc'IIal''''1 flIIN'I'JI ...... Tuey are ,. belluli ·!·h .. tidUIlt! dil1'I' ,elll .ubjecl. , lu ",Ioiel, relg Hill Ind (ru'n .11)' ~ .Ie. ~ ' . 20 Iu f> bOllle, wilh CII"tlore leul, iD perftlCI ad"plali oll 10 All. "e Wfty' ki'cp itd c"lor. of ~OUO ".!'lIlIe 11/1''0l'I0 are . a .IIIII'1I.",,, nod lire ' IItrurded at unt'o tlill(lId uro conlilluu lly b.'"j[ m"de. IU 10 :.lei P?"lt "' lloe \'v Util, loy Ihe Pelln.yl vulli,. would lay. llPe this dictiona ry if you lui aa .• "titllluli J. .aIc _ ruellal (0lly Purtroil~ ur eluillelll A lIIeri CS1l8. etc., viz: 2000 ice Jlitcl.ere n bt'8ulilu .lsUlIfll lIOU',. ie oil clI~e lit I1re 1'1.e I, ~USf. Rllllro.t Ihl;! eit.:!,lh CI!Il~r"l :10 lu word. ' 3 of ,' Guvu puir blluer knivea would have nery myaler "buot f).me kepI. _1.illlltl lJ (or ...... ld pro!?!., ontJahie Railrvad Panel \\'tlh uther by de~lglled cllurgt1d are as iD Engli8h boob uDrRvel tld. I""l.'ls, UIlOO .uup. oY"ler &. Il rav y lodlell ~ 10 8 V?r ,.II" .Ilolwale or I . II., Pin, Dlld eng'Ave d in' 100Ilfnj or,Genl. 'ral., 100 Lieul·G" . IlICd. .,I" . Cu 86 10 J klli~e8 pl~ J Tbia work. well used iD II r"mily.w ill wi:h p,,\Pnt Pu." 1/iO olhl:r OI1ice," . 11OUO t'llg"uvc "UII ()a~." WII.....llr.... I... o( lhc celebr~ll'u Guld l!Ou IIril:.•~ellerI18, "r tl~ ml:~~ "lck8~pa be or more "tlvalltn "e lo Ihe membe r. the tXuCI 81yle 61100 J "zo n Ie ~ pUUlld, per tIoz. ~!u J.l "v~ ild., P'~llcul 76 Nftvy UJIICUI , , Culonelp :t!75 ~ • handsutn .. •. . reully ~ .re IIAL nnd EN? ~. . Levers, "',NN ~ HuntllllC l 26 8 lu ;IUUO ""zrll l"bl~"~uuIlS tbereof Chao hUfldred, of clollur. Itlid lao lJlt·ille., !fl, F .or ~r<,,:.h. C""lracl~ or SII1PPIllIt DI. 7 Iu 115 l und de. ifuble. untJ so P..Ioct · 1I11 imilGlio ll (lou Stal9alll! M.., IGUO dozen desserl rurks • p in ruODtsy All' cnllVO ' 00 promiue lltwome n, Ilia Aulho," . o the Th . on tiel"!cli Mly 10 u~ auld 01 , Ij to:lU rect l"'~" •• !,ply 10 or I./tlreda l'lIhl" 01 ~Ul~ce QILI Qr. •lurk~ Illille duzell !lOUO 40 "r!i"I~. I l),: CUInI'UI lhe o( I IIICI.lld n.ulIlIIo'Clureu by Ille well . kllUWII 125 SI"@op, . Alleni. ,g IUllu",,, l , .. _ - L~ l'f;Nt:' A~.J) GOI..D I'I::~S 3.. 000 Copies of Wurk s o f Arl, . ~:lIr"l'e. u( ml'ul)Y ... O 1.' II' WIl er Jitn I St. Dod 1"'/ 'r ,ery n A S . B . }l";nnsio DaIT· RoOT ConKE . _ " v, ;' '~I '~ (.u . ' . .Y 0( u_ c6l " IICII' OIIR of' II,e m O"1 vuri!'I)" (ronl 3 to ~30. e\'ery J ,n,:lud'n.." rupru ~, ~ hllvin"., en'·rtIVI' ~1I"erbly tilll.loI ed.lI 'd y Olid epro: ' I "all g III .JJrQu'n cf C.o .• (~Il/'. W. 11. coffee can be mude of lh 8 bet: t rool l~ 1 I'L'N. '.'11"". lIIElt ' , l'EJlII.: l')wlue~, l'o illlill!!". ...", lll!" • _ _~ g b'"led. rl ::9S. ftrl)n~llli ~ c.rvl',bollll'Ct), ' allC)! , ElIl:r"l'i Clarke d: Go .• ClllcYQ(). r'. Out dry beel reg" I ~IId Ihe im. ' g /DIiDoe Wllh gold tho followin "1,,1', . . ,.!8IuMU es .elll Oil recpi pl 01 8t ..."p. Willi line diol Ollt! RIC. .criou, Jreu e j~w pruved L I V EST 0 C " • l.l' gfl\uulll tben r"rwllIIl in g fur churgo \\'e l'S o M roo' ~nl.O 8mall pieces. ?II In Iro," J>icIllIPe zen J)" ulld is wurruill ed a" " All ordar lur 0110 ge. a .. d <lui,,!! Ih e P"'" ~IP, l;e'tlfir. . Ihe 01 receipl. .'n beat It In a olo~o pan OYer tile tir o ror nkelolfl" 1.. lItle. lll .e L~ will ue .,uu "'.or COlul',g No\. introduc e lime . keeper. •.toes •• lht! '''111 ur Twelll~-Il~u Celll~ })ruver~ Ind- l<'orUiRra wi'll filld thia n . "bou, fifteen mmutes . $1 ,80. ant! ,... "t .lo.y \111.11. f,at: r.. orut!rinn b,· L 'fl \\Ih,,:" nlu :'il be ehclmlt'd in \lle orut!r-':' : InllRt nuvontul!eUlid ruule (ur Live SlOd. ib atH' ol\lert9 ,up'H~rtt l)hn,o~ t diW.'ren three o( 8t~ . I·,,,'ll e swoe'. f ~'68 1 u\.t\lr, and bl'in~ i~ , ,eao WftlCnRa Ilic'IPd will ho tirnl ror ~ I, ' 11 ",.o,ls C. O. D .• wi,lI pleue remil 25 pe~ I flye C.'.I t,;lIp.(·i~1I1I YUl'l16, \Veil '''lllretJ Ulltl "Uf)- , 'rho buLter Sized. the 6m~lIe.1 betllg fur Lnlli es, _lid I Ior 2 i IlIrty Up \0 tbll roaaltnJ : lie 1\1. l l i t I lor 6; si,ltty-liVll lo~ IU; UII~ piled wllh e\·~IY. , r.unv e n'ell" ~~ hlll'O brl''' ' nOSEB ERRY '" NEAL. & I e .ix ur eaoe A ortler. leir Clloe.. I 0 c n. "., ,II IHIIOUlit ' "1\1 ' 1 prevenl . lha e'''porM io n of Lho sweel, uI.eII all b "lIlllln" 1 MER{{ ll'T .It P r:t:r 1 he pr'ct'R IIld quulily 01 our !loud. IlUlldred fur If) . III 0' ExpreH9 ftlr '125. "p~neJ on 11118 ,.'"n ,allli .il~ C·U,,"ccll un s . A(a:.VI 'S AIU: WANT ED 11688 aDd arom" o( lhe bt!el'roo t ali,l WI . C Be lli y L IYo"ls. 1 7.ly lu tiaUlily. III~ir 1611 10 !,llId CUIII,ul IS l mp ltnndso U~lenliOI A' in vpry c' &enl "!,d hp IVIII one Blugle A when (uilly rOIlSI~c1 it is lakel: Ollt - .-----.. • Murocco C'Ise rtor 825. will reollily eeli Ab 'rhrllul!l ll'UI Iht> cnunt,y In ooprnle for • r"m Bur"ab u'g, Where lI'i\1 ~e II'untl ! grouDd IIDd uaod like coffee OK. '1·..lLB O'.·'."S I-ILLS n,e 8ul~ \Vt' cnNI. Ihplr IImp~ ee Ihr fur ever· • solion 11',11 ba pnid every. couvelol ell" 'e lur IEeaill1! olltl rt'slil I!, . . ~6 . AI I"r,e cUlnoell C " le l ' lor Ii da wotch in the UII U d ur le.ma, &. c .• ellc!os illU SlumI" I,il/hly COflcr nlrlll('"u ~x-'" of ollll'ooetJ "dlUlr.e 18 olltr~t.I of tl. e l'hilat!el phiH age ml\de of II 18 c hellJl. and "8tr Ilood I OgPIll8 ..,eD ~ (or. the hu m a n wJs Iem as COooe or S lalee. nlld ilOilO 8'& Ilenuine which rlu R ....' &. CLI .• EWHO N 8t I!hC New York lIod Ballimo re Mllrkel •. 'I'lti~ h the "f herb. Iud rOOl1l (rom lrae~ • . l vRlue. IOIAlitbie In the cllrt' 0 •• 1101 belr oor Trade mArk. AJdr~.. l med,c,"u chlccor y. Will OldO he fuund the shurl!!.t , qllickt'8 t • 75 Fulton I::hreel. N. Y. - - -........._ or OilY dI'rOIlIlP' ","11 lIIost direct 'OllIe lur Iiltl)ck III New GIRAR D W. DEVAU GH &. CO all tll8elld~6 0' .'llIl L'VPr, . " . ' --:• • - -. ' , p r e Or!l~1I1. 1'hl'v \c·rk LVlu Allenlu wl:}-all d wI/it II'\\'er Importer~. II'> Maltlen LaIlC. N . Y. ., .nellt O! the DI~e8liv '1 he GtOVc lilct:n ".uno l'ol'le . BBAH8 .-Tbe che~pe81 and mosl nu · d We !.ave no hlllilati ou In mo,e all Iml'uritl p! o( Itl'; II I d Ihon (loy utl,tr . - - - - --- challt.:". . bpRn. i. food pup. for Ilrp.1l1 uled le nnd llce vegetlllJ Jlre"edp. IrJlloua unequftl ed in t1w cure 01 DI.~~'~U·'J 'r.: Still retains itR E Of'TIi ! 'EC'I'lli PJlOSl brllD8 LEWIS H Blld C ENO . I Prof. Liebig eaY8 lbat pork . nOIlle ••. 1 ulllrilY . • lid 0 Iter unl erjlUIII!f graduul im. d'ICI', D'y~P(/P~II.l" S crulul", Btliulial FINE ST Gen'l SuperllllPII,II>IIt. Alluo~o. Po. }, eOrF, I. r t om a compou n d or su b ~Iance peculiar . tll, I' evers, Uc aduchr, P"PO provem~llI _ fur I pe rlotl 'll Illilly Complul Liver , . nt:Cc8 is I" lhHt nil ER wurld (uruie:1 1, adapled lo HENRY W. GWINN D"sr for udl II ' l "llW I"IIlIoull ced by the filH.icol H e r ~d' iory H"Inoro . Ihia m.rlee', ml, be A Mon'hl y Periodi cal: dC\'Ilfed 10 Gen'l 'l'lcku Agi· nl. Philo. . IlVN "tr"re,1 in Illry lo .suppor lli(e. A quart of bt'1I1I8 c h":lren "";I '~ I he ull" \lrpus .~tI tind t'Ven Ull~q\l llied ill ing. urh lIl llop in pill "liP. Rlllt llllce Temper nre. o,!r 'e .. ll!bl!aI\m enl. I The, Llteral IIJ uu,,,. lUIli', 01 pUrifY .IId and" bal~ a pounu of pork will feed a vulutIllJ ON •• H . .H. HOU~T I"": ~' ''' "n IHIP I" Ihrp,. I' ill. wi II r llre rlcl,"e, l'rogre nlon. ('unduc l!!" • Our 1I 0W .c"I~ . ''.... G en 'I"s: reillill Agenl, Philo. ~mall f.mlly (or a tIay wilh 8tre Dlllhen . '·u • • s , "nd fruill Oil . lu Iltr ~p b'J .~. 1~ II IY allti Clt"bpl' ortl"~IIr)' "I\U 11111"11 \\' rram,', byJ. itllll p('dIotJ, . rp u 110 lI 11111, b~an8 01'1 01 F re ll,,1! 1 I·lf. Ing (ood. Four qunrt¥ ' 8 will cure Hlly r.tlrt\blp ("JI IiP or nu UI \l Ilt'f t N'nance. I L v Ive W"ae' U uv.r· .... ""1! u".~. s~ vell·uCll b 'd Prieu ~I ' uul. holV lu"O' IIblidill" ' . pe r ux . P'. ""OS ,,_'e ,,, .. v.dlll", ... ~. ch .. uper I,y (r"II' an,j con' pelcnt'J uarres :lviJ, lh.r.rn "0 ~OUf\ I of co rnll,1( boer, hoi led to . The "'nmlly t',ri t: ntl " ill ,·oll l. i" ." ill-"'n '1' '- - - - - - -.I. nl"I· by ~ IPIlI or BlIpnlled rad,l> qUllrl !W ., '"' ," rag. III firlv " t F KNOW TO will fur· II Irtlt~ "0 I W~NT wnler. n YO() !i,,s I Ie nU III 11.' I' , IIwk i n t{ I l . IF Bn,l to . lyle s p"gc. dlllllt! UIII~I . Ihe thull !ti:.lOU Iu :",100 f f 1 DISU • good V. lIuTT 'I'A~II'oTT ~l D &. C F lIlijker 8 '·,"IVO """ I .". " .r P"'''''""" ,,, ,,,.d hin,li , " PR4IS E. ti,.t'CI1l8 ~T olhpr •• UII\' by UIG tl sul "'C ruea or Orly l;JleD. h > ~ I,u. Ihe I to 62 ~'ultoll 8ue~1 A Little o( r:verYlhill~ l~"'liug ,~ . ~:""Io 'H,nllt., .. ill be tilled wi: " II. . ----,__ D'-loI er! ulld ull ill 1VIlI,I IOnn 8yBlelll\ lIlllle o lid lelJ}/lle; the I)."~e~ . co~n"y. Ihe III I. r u , ).11'. NAL MATT ER \V~ /!artlc~IItIJ c1eelrell b. .' _ PUII(PEIN PUDDI No.-A qUArter of II CHOIC EST ORIOI o r l.!""tI pl_nnA ore illv ited t.u selld lur ollr "utI trr.Slllle lll or di8~.~ew't o I', .. • ... ,tl .. IlP " and i"tlrllcl; ". "Tnle: S ' Cnte logu p • \'I'h ie II tUIII" in. r USlu mM 01 lite Iy'orld; how IIJ 'llirry well lve p.ound of bUller. .ugar to Ihe I .. le. • Gon.j, lill~ of ",u,·"I· De.crlpl T . ",· Poe", ". moo elllenll leK '1,' H, E ,. L , A DIE t/ 'llP: ol18 or "II our dltrr,ell t 81rpur: elgbt egg., two ~"ble8poonfula or bran. F.d.I)·" S.d h:h ••. Pllblillllll phologro il"vcr in 8 l1 I" ctt~ tlllllBl/~, Ih u UIIJ , up Il,.h 11 thol go •• I II loae lher with prices, No ulle 8hould n. ont ~·6Mllcol Soc,ell • •• and .tue ~., " '} • . • dy, ODe leaepooD ful of cinDa-o ~'alull)' Ci,'Cle. Ihe ~~vi~ .. d Illd eulllrllPo illditiun " roll' . .. Jour",,1 fur ... ehode a pianu without leelll •• Ihie Cui •• orE', r('Nfl () ourbuai nee.l. of (enlll're trull. To. curi"\1~ $100 • SENSE," I'~1lI10!l C L CYo... "l\h:lJICA " \ea,pooD (ul of graled Dutmeg , I)De .piDt l COPt.·OD Dumbpr o( r T.E , 0 HI 0 : 10 ::01". l\1 e dn Ie. lI!rno.t- willloUt 'JJ' 'II 1 V WK'Y? 4'00 r. buok "ood .Li.Li Ind" 8' book lor ('urlut,UI pe .. ple, the pump" 510 cO pi.. Of. ro V'·'. Illve been awerded to the Grovesl een P i: (?'r every on:.. 400 P8 I1 e •• ]01): illusl,., ,~.h~ . 1(,4 ,T . I ~ It m, .. bed PIIOlpkiD. Ste" • 2D'~~ CO,.!M: ~~ ' t' In In very 1i~~le "aler. maah 'it fine , ./10. and It the Celp.l:iraled 'World's Fnir TERMS , CA~ ADVAN CE. . at 00 P'.en "1 .60. ConlenlY lublel! . tluns. an~ .dd Ibe blltter to iL "hilat i, i. bOl~ 50 COpl". put in eumpeli lipn with Clther~ af'1I1 Iree 10 .n~ addr .... , llook8 may be For Ib, 'Poil" . H"ndk~ro~e ~ thollllh .i~I" •• haliJhe abon ftlu' (r.om .11 parts 01 Ihe U. S .. if loel; Ihe ha~ .t Ihe Baoklllo reB, 'or will be IIIDt 'by ~hl.k th, eggl aDd Icir 'into lh. pump: Eor '.il. hIODth Sellnln i Dl'il'we" " W· ~ $ One copy one year ten CCOlo. h,onent 'in advance: 1836.1 .IIPd [E~tabli j alD W~'D it!1 Coo) IDOU,h , aDd add &he COp' •• , , r M e e•• tc., fllr.. award. hlahe~1 '2.00. prlle, tI( Je~r receipt Five copies ODe mati, !KI" paid, 011 J. WILLIA M VAN NAMF,E. .A tldr.... other ID&:re~IeD"'. Bike ia .Ii,b, paste. Ca,l an.haamID~. our GROVE STEEN D., It. , FOOTE . li} rear: e Addres. " eopinoD H,oo Urn.:-i. Y. 409 Broldw sy, New Y~rk. lI ·r] , . ROSEB ER&Y 118<.1 Brold", ." N." 'fOlk. I. '
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WAYNESVILLE, WARREN ·Well. welT.' ' be IIi • im-patientlv, r - I ' { . I , men e~1 aelperale I 1"11
Y" OHIO ,: 'WEllNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1865. 1'. , over the hill OOG morniog early to bid
lil ey, 00
$2,llO A·YEAR. Pro[eUOT AIU_atstn IJruU_
OrlJl.n of DlueUioua Men.
'I'm-lorry. btl' I cao', belr. il.· have "lllIlIoOO * he fury of the on ~. food by to het lov er,_ who wall going H" lurned _pon iii. bee , and left tbe . One form amliS tb~ Icanered and",. . away io 'Ha, She Ileid Ille on her knee,
Columbus "all the Ion of a weaver Prof. Ag anit bad noL been a (ort6 ./01 BumlDer .ourtiere Bed! da,.e ltanding glbo_Ipily ,bere. lng, fo!, Clem recogDlled, and "al .,; .jnd p."Cld Dill on Ihe Lead,aDd .Irained and a wet<ver bim&elr. nigh l in BMI,il before he dieeoyer.if Wind. ant mOIDlo< roun~ ber lied. Thea& nigh' CI.m \.ook lJ:te fulfillmeot 00 II hk&:a ftash , , 'iIlfl to' ber breut, wbetn .he 10lJ mtl Ihal Claude Lorraine .. al bred a putry whllL he con6 dtmlly prediotled beforll he or LbaL lool-Mgleoted promise into hi. . One .w.ep ~f' bll arm . follell' hiD 1I0f1; and I knew .he had hp, h,r cook. leh Bo; ton; viz .• .,vidence thllt in some Why. carele.. d ihou, treld! o"n hap d., Slrance aod' uirring. ne"l unw.o unded .tlll, but Ole III 'I hand ..as (reat· ••• hh of love lor me and mine. Cervalltea a coillmon soldier. remOle ptriod Ihe g lftciel'1, the ice He ay h. the 'a,.ri.d d,.dl' had eo~a to hi", from dq"n lhe' fiver; ae hll th'~t, Clem', knee on hi. for tbe .ailor. boy never Clulle bac'll. Humer was lbe 100 oC a amnII far· rivers 1I0U moving plaioe bad flo"ed Alt. LIIIIII, Icok ,bee ber., ngue enougb~' blle il miIChL mean' free· breast. . ,She had a lock of hair which sbe uRed mer. over lbe present home 01 t he moel .. t (or .mUe, ~.ar~ dom for him; at .ny rate be would lee, 'D'~lalt!r Dick" he u.id. . to lake· from a tllcred drRwer Moliere WSII Ihe Ion of a tape~lryma , tropic"l.naLioo in tbe "orld.-ln tho .. "T«. it from tha "a" lid•• When moroiu~ dawned, onll oC the bQ~ls .lcl!. Ii tinner gr~" "hUll ~5 deaLh. and .ho" m.e . h was jet blftck, Imd ker. plllm ·covert:d mounlaios Around Rio d" Let the .torm) 01« "elidil "R' millio,. Master ~iclt'a reVQlrer .,ben be,lluI' "ho It "aa, ~eadlQg a~ t.b4l , wheo ehe IIllodled iI, it curl.d rOllnd Demostheol!s WAS the 100 of a CUI- J Rneiro htl found erralic boulderll and '~i or and rid ~ inl goD·e. aud Clem "as nowbere 10' lame Lime lbJl deadly meaning ill ... her lini llr, aI-if the 8piri~ of ~ht'l nil- le.r. depo~its oC glllCien. a. ;n bwi'Czerlaad~ Reckin, nol III jo,oul Ipdblrl bl! found. dark Aod «Ioomy eves . or ' boy , bad come bac" hom lbe d eplh. Terenae Willi a _\l\\1e . Nur""y R"d. S~etl.n . Hi. rlftnt op_1.M?ntbs pll8~ecl. '. Cle~ l.and.iqg) .ftly ' )s it y~u, Olll~?' be said. , i, QI <lite .lIa to .mbrabe ller ... illi an \b i\ Ollvor 0'0111.....\\ wa' \he 1io'O · f ponen', Sir Rod,-..·cIt M\l~obi$Ol\. pre•• 8h.~ no'.r h.. 0 01104 m, brow. .1'/'lthllr die U n.loCl Illle., JOloed, al L~e Qealt li,~iog li~e Iud. . , . WI lef~ or "'m on ."rltb . I }.codon brt"or. ' Idon\ 0,( Ibe ro,al ieogralll\ica\ (• n, and b, 0011116,.& 0fPor~unlly, a regiment of colored '1Ls ~,and I ,lla.,', go~ , ADd "II .. , ~'4..1 1& do, ~o MI1\'" II a lgro, ha, a""tty aell ibwleug.\\ \b.tApMla 1 Let Ihy .. d lament be bri"t. troops. ' He ,,~. J'iui of thoie who Itar· Lime, bilL I'll glYII 101l LlIe grace . , " en you beard tlie oewt 'P' cer. . WAS righ~ in hi' prediclioos and inca- , 0'., a dUlDb:and rid leafl' ri,pll~d ForL P\llo. I\t tb, Limtl ," ."11;' l,Ii4~" g ,.e~o QItIM'.Y JO\lr p,.,e, f • WlIat did f do. bd~ie l' I triM And Franklin was "journeYlIlan prioter, ligAlioli1 of g l"ci ers in Gr~a' Bril.ain, Not a fa. . hli'l'. te Ild,,Ilrfprl.od. Clem roug hL ul thaL t!,rrjb)" y~~ koo1'/' 1\91. !b."" r Diok.' ' cri.1 ualil my be'lnt ,,'ai dry and m·" alld a ~on of 1\ lallo,, ·clu~udlllr And 811d geologi,' • both oali,e aod,eo,eign, L ' I .trife ~i"e a you"g EI~io~ian : ¥op,, D)ck I!',nper''t eY,e s "Iqsed I n . J ~eo. Ift:re_sair. l thillk . I .hould ba' soap · boiler. no" in BrAzil, hllye recognilled Iha' N ~ , ~rO\lnttio'. Id 8,.w'W beH tie l A" ,tbat all w.. loa', he Itant. aOll opened agAin, looki g deeL if your molher bAdnA come; bUl Dr, Thomas, Bishop or Worcester, Aglllldia i ~ oorrec~ io regard to tbe glar. Not tbe all unben 1!1I pille l ~r u .' Muter Aiox" rnol.er iOlo ~ia alraiglu I iOk> . OJem'8 , Pllrhap. . "hen ~ he cume I tobk up "i' b!!r. She Ion of II lin6.tI: draper. itlU in Ihe IropiQS. though: tb'81 Nor 'he frN an. lu eleu •• Ine~o.om ·an~ me~8 ured the c'han ~ea fur ~c!e~ce ba~ ,lmiL,I~n him all alp,,8': 'had hOn!W black ceo jUI L Ii"e my lad Danid Dilfoo wal a hOlier. and 8011 hnd fail ed. as well as St. Hillaire • . Dr. ' Noe "eel Hellcnic: .lr'.mll 'Ife, kC'llPlbg IU8 halld upoo (he weapon. i~ II more hktdy lh~t "ith death sL"r g di ll·s . and T loved her lind nursed her of a hul (l her, Glmliner lind othe r nAluralists. to abGJi~'\h roll,h our ~olden dream.tllough. . a. him 10 nearly. he saw ,.ith o~w . fqr ' hi . ,"klj " An" when tbey had Whiu·6t:ld WIIS the .on of a n inn- aerve lheee I lricking faots, until tb. 0", Luella, none of .t~e.e Tbey-eame swarming 'down upon llim o( »igbt.' (or he said: ower mOllY u' tl.em at h llme I took her keeper In Glouoester. iaveciLigMiol) o[ the Swiss glacie ... Nollll"Q!J" ".,ward .,!u ~ .blil ple ..et II he "ood lomewha' aput Irom I~e , • I wal a cowardl, an" ungr~t ~q ~vt! \I\oi lh me, an It she 1"'1 my lasaip Sir Clouilcl.V Shovel. Rtoftr A,Jmiral , f,oi ntoll ou~, wilhin the , tropic of Cap. I """'I~ lh~ .nd drcllt)' hu.h reri, and noticeAbie (rom ' hi. superior (ello". 0111111,. buJ. YOIl .. ,¥d my unttl your (lilher lJiar";ed Iter. And i of Englund. Wll5 lin appentice to ~ .boe, IIcoro unmlstllkable eVldenucs of ,bit Th.,e i_ nlugh' tb., li,lto ftulhl lrei"ht and comllla'n ding, relol"le "1,>- onc" .?are i t n ~"'.'. . ' Ihell 1 w". lonely again .uuld )'our f"lh mak"t. Mntl .. rter"'Rrds a Clibin boy, grell \ enow slorm which ODeo conred p ... r~neB. They rcll upon him- like ' H~ w~s 'not too proud DOW to Ask IIh er hlld o""e l' mony 0' thew. when l Bishop Yridellu ~orked in 1111: kilch · Ih e ·globe. Y -10011 for 1I1h11 to cheer bl 00 d" ' L' , N unttroua minor ' d'IIcoyetlea ' (' great ·uoun d I, blu bll ae,·.r .jJinc,led,- li(ll. a vell oC . Clen:, ' 100"., your ~ i stl:! r, "lIet no.. I've gol you ; en aL Lxt:l",r CllI I ('g~, Oxford. 811, 1I0il onl, har . , II".... Quick 'IIa lighlning: he- flluhed fr.Dm ~i ll. B t! ndillil 9,IItor htm, &liII, Cl eln helll - allll R prell)' 1"\J)diull ' ~e hlld WIth Iho C.rdin,1 Wolley was 11.0 80n of a imporLunee 10 soienlit~c me~ halle beeo Ben an4 broken by the .torm':" bOlom 'be revo:ver, eztendinIT it witl) lel/. H YOlinlC Dick h"d slruggJe<t, if. 10L ,0' )'t' • , butcher, Olllue, IIccounta of willch WIll b. pubB... nd Ic.the4 , withered (orGl! ".heltdY ' aib,,, dllatlly thr~Al;,ii llg iii' he I;ad mllilH "oY re si~I Rllce , il wou ~llc did nQt ml'An these III! t shArp F"rgu ~ on \'filS" she pherd. li~ hed in Limo by Agaasiz ltimself. . • hil I!)'I:II tb~.t IItayed Ihem RR ins.lallt. I ~~Jt halle II , ~n 10 Iuud; bUl ' Iyj , worth II biL; fur 'he tdok on ~ of I h" D ~lI n Tu ch r l\Ia~ Ihl! ,on of a smllll 'i'hey will give a CIl'Ar itlea of the Yaat Chi n.-for hlldi •• JO~ O" 1II t hIIt.momr?l,ry hl! ~it~~ion ~e Ii,re • I boy he . ,.. ~·tntn".ioR8 10 livti",ilh h er_ (1~I'n~l'r 'III(\.JlI ' l'din gshi re. a(l(l p..,rormed mille.,,\ ' I riC Iles An d 01 ber re "~urcaa 0 f • .nd IilheJ ',I Itl ~~" at \I}IS mt:r9y" lIe t 'lIc;c~' eUI!lg Turlur.a-Iorthe D fJt. IIf., "rllbe:! eii[ Iholllin rapid luccelSlon. Thrtle .,ned ant.llovl:!tl. btC:R uEe he had b. 1I lind It Willi K:lwRys III tI lt nger of bt!ing IllS Jo urlll' Y 10 Oxford on loot. BI~zd, Pl'rllnps, Ihe mo~t Importall.' Pur the w8Iry,lon er I •• took tll'roL, and before they COQltl an ' Ie .. .har"h lltlln Ihe rl"~l. ·'l'l'lIe. he -it! 5lnQlher"t1 w iTI, kls s"s. ' Edmund 1I1III,!)' "'AS lho .on of" fl~Cl in a com~ercial point ~f vie", is ~brioka and mOllnl , ' tyrant ..kl! ,"er hi. 6rll he I~rned ~nd fttlt.!. Per , 8~0' him d~ "n with Almo.& "5 Iill~~ !I.~ .. Ah, dtlar Runty in ' HCAV"II, what .0Rp ·buil er aL Shorellitch. Itlll confirmlltlon of the eXlslence 10 But., o,ldIlA,. wb.lle thi.' hap. h. -mighl ba~e eaollped ,heIP-illl ~., he "ould a rabbil; hu~ lO l ~eli wuulJ Ie ll II hto cOIn" '01 '''IIIl! of UOI bUI J08l'ph 1I1III, lii. hop of Nurwich.wlII BrAlLil of coal of Ihe true tlarbonifer .. i. ' ,bre.' or trlad.hlp', ki.. .. sMt.. ible· but at "0 .ngltl or the ,,~n A rraltly bllt lei. knifu ill hia Ihroll\ r for JOu !-lIorptfl' H'ttkfy, Ihe ~OII of 1\ Carm er , uus erR .-BrAzil h"" hitherto receiud P.".r..... 1iI1. m., .,.rove man darted Ollt bll(pre bim and tired. I.ill revolvtr 10 11i~ ~mi'I'!., blfrll.~9 I ; •. '-',I \ , Virg il _.as-lh40 BonJof a porter. :III her coal at greAI u penae from EngAn . eh?rdl t thrill or 1D0ve l' ' 'I'be ' .hot wh'ii lIM' h~rml".. ly- pa~1 H' bi. luicivll hlld 1J~.;u. he cOllld nol tlo The Bobb~n" Cave under the City of Homee was Ihll Ion of a sbopket:p· Ilu,d; bUL 1\ fuw YClllra ago. Mr~ N ..... 8 n. I you did lite .le.r ! him, aDd ~mid it. ImokH ~,II recogniztld it. " . . . ' 1 '; . N~h vllle-- " l llp True Story, er. thanie! PlnoL, nn Englis h .reologiat. Masler DI.:k. and called 1118 name, , ' Tl\ktng I.IS hRIIU (rom 1111 throat, bt. Shakeepellre WAI tlie lion of a wool - foullil on I'he southwellern border a~ Vu it with your mirth or ,riel I ,It iL you, Clem Y' n:clailUed young knell rrom bls Chtllll, he .aid : " i 'i'11t: iplloll'in!: 10c:,,1 iLfl m in llle .t"pler. Lhe Itlo Grllnllc de Sol yael ' qUI\nlili~. P.lI i.I., in il. leaden lombFenntlf, ",I most druppiag bi. piiLul in • Yo .. dOll't de'erve life al my It", • Nlla.llwille_ Times i eem. lO h" ~Il , been Mlltoo was the iOIl of D mon ey 6eri, of coa l. which hRd bee n pronounced by Lu,jni!"oll Ihe Ihlldowed ,loom. IId\Rzemenl, ' , but I ,ivll it.o you: and Idt, him. Ihe basis fOI' the e;,!:lrRordinHry romRnoe ve ner . A~1I5Siz, fro m Ih e fossils which the coal .'roIDI.Uj"yof life apart The shtlUl1 and curaes or Clem's . Slrug"lin" 10 hi". feel. ,D iet. Fenn r Robut Burnl .. 118 a plowmllo In ounl"ins, tu be of Ihe1 most lIalu\ble , .. ~ ., 'J' le:egr!ll>h~d frolP Nuhvilhl on Salur· I 1. ' I E•• r.poril. willl.red hearl! pursue,. .ound ~d clole at hand. Bo th W :h IIlllking hia WRy after I,i. relr. Avrdhire. qunlilY, des tille! 10 ftl u Immense y to .I hCl\rd Ihem. 8ud Diclr's (lICe hllrdepetl. illl{ regim"lIl. whell." cannon·bllll c" e uny : 'Confucius WAS" cHrpenler. lilt' ri chos of Ihe country, All "..-ind In nllure', palh. "lId htt Mced loia pillol R~"ln, . era billg alocg, anu look him in e 'AI Iho CAve myst\!ry hll8 gotten in , M()hl!lJIrn~d, onllcd til e prophet, "AS The {'xpedition in Juno nnd July di· J.ivinjr-dud-a I.nguage hath. ,'(ou're fOIl.nJ in b"d company, you c:oune. 10 prinl. ond R8 a lI"st nmoUII& of curio II dril'e'r ur a8Rt'8. I'iJetl i'liu lenrlll 1'"l'lies. two or whioh E'en p.11I Sllenc:. ownelh .perch. scoundrel. ~lId you must I""" Ihe con. But Clem did not 8ee it. Clem OSilY i ~ evinced regardic ... it. "i! will Mlli.ftm et A!i ""8 II buker , arc exploriog" Iht! inl erior. while the one Blind and beaulilul 10 len ct1! s!'q cnees,' he .aid. but heailRWtl.. al er· linewd lll. '-.,on the deler . jt~ b . 5LIILI:!,eU ""r 1,, ·lnlown, Y1tal feundl'lllOIl M'U!illJltl BernRdol\.e WRS a walher. undtlr the immlldillto s uper,isloll Rf I ~ti(-, e ,.,n~led' sht~h " '{jj" m c;i~d : wilhht!ld ltiJJI~elr from melinlfOuL,lr d Ihere is (\lr th, ~xlIgl(erllwd,npo'l. tly . wom"n or· Pl'ris. . ' Profuso, AgR8.;Z i, now exploring Lbe . I tl Jtth~l ,I~ ther" lut! . f ~" ·})«;lIl'L. MRster Dil'k; I sl\ved your I overtllktll MRs ltlr Uick. ing " bout. Nlllu Ihe cem elery, to till:! Nnpt)it:on. R dcac.endanL of ao ob A.mu,on aud its \orauchel! in 1\ 'ateamer ," '" , ! ' life once, sir.' . . _ ----"_.___ . ight of Summtlr 8\1'ech on the rllil- IIcure fliDlily oC C.ortiicR, "RI hlo.i or plllc,ed at. bis dii posftl by tbe ,e mpe , ror . I ~n _ 1111 110 or,et ., . ,. , "S IIItl (,nlranCe 10 lome .ort 0'' a wh " n he IIu' ......d J ;>Iff,hi tl. . lbe "':"l Ill. m~leltv beJ" Dick """ertHI'''n instant, oua AUNTS. ' roo\u, OD t.1I. _ 60c"; I Th::tIf~I"J"I~ 01 :'II"~lI t' 'S"Y you'~1 go bnme and It"y Ihere , ca"e, from which lhtl mili~"rv "u~hori , ""ughler of. a tobacconi.~ crtllle of I:~Q (\1111. able pr0c,n0lert 0 ,0 e.. CO , . I:r. , • \0 Jh II.... " . "lfa~ , then, you rA8CIII.' Wha' wOldd beconie or h"IC of us if tie~ M.e til<>:"ly remuving lhe eRrlh, MM·linjqlJo. hll empIre, ••• , ., .h.... le..on.,lIdly learned'Nevt'r I &of m.e BI). Mal.ltr Dick, ,,.e had no aunls? I don'l kno" pre.' ~hl~h ~~ pro!hably Lhrown up from par · Genn,,1 F;ac"rlero .a. " veeLry Not ualt. Ip-:~ ml b~ft' , for Ihe s"lce o( lhe olel Lilllell "hen "e ciael, "La' would become of a Icore ties .. mde, A person wl.'o ':..11 knock , clerk. : BAD SPELLlNG ,-'OO no t bo concern~ N ,..t my f.'e d pert; , , "ere boys lo&,elher. ,Give me ~ ohaD'!~ of p~non. upOG ,whom my mind'. eye ed-~OWir--&nd i'~bl!d, --I ~I!O-a-H~ged, ---BTJlb,er WII• •,druggi.I" c,I, in "riling 10 me. abllu\ your bad B I Ii "lht"eli'l • anll (orm- .. fur my liCe; it "ont be muuh , nuw r~. ";1~!I~ &.e"8fally, J am Alire mRJe the dllleow~AY Ibat hll aURII,Rnll NllIco dH Gam A W.I" ",,'lor. spelling' (nid ~'rllnldin) (or, 10 81 1 ' ',patb'~I ,uid. _ ,bru"lh ,he .torm! 'IC you stir from "bere yOq lire. I I hat but ror Iheir !lUll Is they "ould have enlued Ihl! ()pen.. ~". an'" ,c~mm unlcat· J ohn.J .eob AlHorfonclI lold apple. in opinion, liB our alphabe t oow IIlaodl, . J "ill allooL you.' been in thft rac:e of , life, by thill time. ! ed lo 'tbe 1I~,th~rI.I1l8 lhe bldlog place of lbe IItrt:ela or Nt!w York. Ihl! bAd spelling or Whlll is called 10,. i. _____ _ _ ., '~ lAdy) I( I It~y I'm JOI',' pleaded Clem, no"h en' . 'fhey' would hft"tI f.. l1l:n alit n gllng of IIIJJnlD!. .. ( :alherine, Empre.. of RUllli.II. Wftl a genu"lIy lhe best. a& conrorming to Iha -. At t II It I . t 'OUhtl of leiters aad of wortle. To "' ~ 'UI leis p~r.uer." on the "rong scen f at 9f I',e course long ago anJ gone 10 1111' Any ra e. 10 ml I ary 1I1ve a cflmp &rrlae te. uar Rti~ firat, were comioo "IT~in tOWflN him, ~lIce o,r, flit-I! in, Lb, ditr.I ...... All lheil!:. g uver (l,e .pot. Rlld are excnlll· Cincinnllttus ""II plowillg hi8 wlne- give you lin inslance: A genllem!ln re... • T 1' '1( Ing tl I Cf al'd gu .1 I d cdyed a leuer, iu Iheee worcfl l 'Not. : Don'L IIhoot, sir.' ADd be 'prao,,. olh",r . rel"livel melApUol'icall1l Ie p a '. . ! n ... • ' Are .p ace y~rd wben Ihe DiclaLoFbhip of ROlDo ' . .......-->- , , •. . " CI II o,er on or t"o prlYllte vaulta In the findipil Bro"o to hOD)1l 1 ddinlred your·' A "bita , w"lled countryeeat, IlIn~iftg "Iny.. ,. . , predicled 01 ",ell'l, It. is mercilully " e . "aloffered 111111. . I '£1 I "lllt~rII,~• .~ . l\"bbIJry t Tlllnng "eltberate fum, Dlllk Feoner order~d io th. grell' Icbeme of eJi. ~ c"m~lry, w~IICIt iI.r~ supposed to ~o,m· mennge 10 lis yf.' ledgelnt e,a~, ..". ~ , '''''''.. .. r mun,eate WILh tIll! underground l"dlDa ' ... , liodina it bad lI,pelling. an t ,,,relore tuAt 1tilft;ied ill 'a'604 00 · a fired. tence t'haL nellrly e"ery person .hould Ilice It ".~ rumored l"lt ' nll,hL . ... intelligible, ca II ed ul8 '. ' IIIdy tc; t ..h " t . not vllry alight eminence. at 'h. foot of "hieh Olem staggered are" pacea anJ fetl. uaye an RUOt who is willing tOlgrow in. P •. . 0 A Bra 11!1G. o~ A J&~IIT, LA"ISR .... , he.lp hilll re"d il. Belween them Lhe)' " thl! fi~. tcalt:d~ "t.Jd tlt-,ood Urel 'revell. Fe,,~er drew II deiep bre~'b.. 10 an old maid, and to sacrilice Iter lite A man jll\dl ~roll.et :ro~ ~)e ~~ul' ant O,!r ""Ie.med,fneod, D'''ld P. MC' Ipicked out tbe menning of al\ but ~h. Ibe country ulldul"led in " fine pros 'Cun~ dIe scoundrel I he 'Ald; 'lte to ehe good or others-Ihose olbt:n be- ~I~ljpe • a ~ 101lg, I rll • Iy e gluar • Bllen, of Nt. w Y (lrk. ~~II. a good .tory ' \. r, "hicb Ihey coulJ not under.talld, , "' n'd 'Ar her nepbew8 lind niecte. are f preva eo re o on" "Jera!y , IlIw"!!r lhe hero of our / JTh,' e lad.v propoRed CR II I.' ng IIllr c b am~ ' Ibe knf"1V I would kflep my word, and he ing generllllpeel or <lAll nr .. I" •••. ~ ' .. Uniftn t'~ J dI~rh II01 81~nea I a, beneath 1 ' • ri ..... lbank, I'abd t"o Y'Jonr' m~D, both ihouldu', hive dared DIU.' Auoll are t he fAiry gOl,d godmothers glU I,nl' Ie UIS, e.nce 0 eyes Ikel<:h. durtll~ che, J,,~tCbot •• u~mer bcrmnid, • Bl!oallse Betly,' 8RY' sbe. .Lraigbt lind handsome. b<>111 witlt The re.81. cpruiog up. Tt'nted Iheir or society; tbe mO lhH8 months •.used L'ocII .. 10 "onbl,P "I hllB the besl oack (or re.diog bad O".hin,l.I0 " y~ 0 wa.vj'.~ blll~k ratle upon Ibe, prOSlr'alt: fotm. rrivin .. iI' who are oftl'n muro lilnu IIn( Indu lgfnl '{' I ·.. " · · , 11 d lhe shrine or O~mbl'lllu, (I.agtlr kIng) spelling of an" one ., Irno".· Belt,.. .,.. I b' ld I I ' pr8ilellt · wrl mg, nol lIltg u eOl!lIVO & B dOL I J r ~oc.~' Q~t!"~ perhapi "Iba" dark· uverlll :bayoneL "nd sword tbru~ts. All I.. I Ie c I rt:o t IIln Il e lr pAr!:nts lire., b d I d ' 'fl . tI . . ' on rOil woy. n~ Iwe.'eormg ~ "y hil i Cllmo, nnd wal aurpriud Ihat nei,ber o(Ir t)"'R &lie Ot~'f. ~I,i, .bair ha4 a ,cri.pe" &UI ning awl\\' "' I",,; Ihey were plluing 'J'hero is nol " single pl'rROO Anpvllcre " l'en e~~ Ie ~1!1I111 J e Clrcumo ,ot te lt ' mellnw, h~YlnJZ mOlalenod Sir no,r Madam 1)01l1t.l tell wbst yC .wa,o) la _,I~ ~ . I'''vI' ... 0 f ~4IiI',01 t~ It! beyon d VIe", ' ~ . If I' ncel .... l' I-IHIAIIe--.re . .ave AIIQ _, ' Ol em talsliS hea d Rn d ,,110 I'" not "raml'II'ar wl' tll ,III'·a r·· • 0 a (I b N, I I1\ s LI Ioral • 100 mllc II WILl I 11Ie Oe rm.n -IIY,' vrllpella, "'I'(e, W11 -' " , '-, , To "'I , " " 0 0 1 1 auat • • W" (, - •• I-ea' Ilear of ca.• e IIl0r~el 0 I u ... ~.u tt'rrnne,m :" I· I • \Vell,' s-". "f v f ,. ... , ~iscMnlng·,',o•. r h,i~ 'I1I,~ ",ci" , boll.i,n,d " d"!,,.,D' looked afler tb. em. ~e bad not wrilhed g .. """.... II II, , , b II .Id' d btly~r"ge, an.c1 prltceeded to nUIl( .. le else could It. , 'p el!'?' And ' indee.d. iL i. (l';" lJlda: ., 11'" iil~~.teCl lt~'" otJ.\er, t~. when Ihey Ihrullt [,im wilh thllirs",ords. ehildren wbo ne,.e, kn e" falht!r Dot VI e Ill.· qUI .e as,onld 10le a .. 10." to 11l~ la" ofti"e , ~le Look up ": sub ·1 mucll' bette r ,' M well al5 allhorter me,h. I '~".tfr ~ ~1 I '.'" Faint and bleeding (rom mlloy "oulldl, mOlber; but wlwr& i. 1"0 child wbo to lhe m .. rve',oIJ •• , slaaltal·louklng wll\~ hal. An.d WIth rl\· \ ad of Ipl!lIing "ifa, ,hlln double you i" AI ~~f n_,!., ~e :.e~ e'" &~ ,I ~. labqr\n~ be crawled alo"ly and lRboriou.ly to nevn knew his "unt' Wbeo cbe fail.. · The N (\~hVIIlII t; nlOO bUlbe (0110'" ther ", p,uule~ look ."A~ makIng an ~~. Ie; "bioh io reality, apella dottble,uo..d~.rl t~OJill" , I!trp'1It , ellt~lte,"tI"~. , ,HI, die .ht!!ter o( 80me bu.he8nol r"r off. c~r and mOlher di'''ppear Rod '~nve the ing on Ihe lame allbjecl: I.t!mpt to PUL It on IIdt'WIl.IJ" Of cOline I fe ' , 4tyel g o"ed with .uppre..td lire. and Hi, brulrl foe. passeu and repassed poor ,in~"ntlo tbe mt!rcy ~I Ihe ~or~~. The tlntrance is a& a point opPolite II wlluldu', Ii i. lie louked inaiJe. hOld " \ y. , -.-. ~i.~III~' ~,~,~.d l ~ilhcl.eJl. I ~,~ra,glin" him Kellera lime.. during the dllY. gi¥. who IS H.llllit lake'lh~ IIl1e w"lf I~, lh e junclion 01 LII. ,U'O brantslle. ~fl.h~ ing it up lu wAn' Lhe light, anll r elld EDWARD KUCUUM, Thi. yOl1n~ .Dlp"au06I, in" him II Lhrulil or a kick IS Ilttoy "enl and leede Rnd clolhes 1&, Rlld a~nde I~ O\l"IIIIo\IOO,a railrOAd, lInd bilL Ihtltl be III0uII:' Juua~ Shooler. Esq" Atturllcy 'm an hila plefidllG Itullty 10 lhe ehargee 'I'be . ells .., ; , on the eoalra'!. by; but he fcoigned duth 110 well' a, to tchool? Who! '1'hll ·a unt. The yond StIlil'el'l b .... llry'. ''1'11" ~ ut i. aL LM', Jt:rsey cily.' 1011 whic:h ho was nt'rellttld. He..hu ~"".b\'I, ,"'flCf"~""Y ~ippi"llltOtle, IliIIlO de.~~elbllm. good. kind, ten.der belltlt d 10u.l. w.ho, Ihpre .om~ Ihirly fell' deep and I"e,~ (Sot . log,) - ' That'lI my Irat-o( done 80, ~y o,l1re i.nlorm ptl. entirely, q,f 11l~ &Qe ,gleaming "atefl. Of, l!ttl Imall number "ho escllpt'd perh"p., h~. b~tn pAlled ol'er In "'e, 1* a leam In Ill,o r~ks ,WhICh loolla a. I/c cb uru i~ i l l . ' . h ie ow n nOllon, "Ilhout Ille lugge,uonl "fp'l{ ~~ .-id igtl~ly, I 'W,b" Cood Crom l~a& ."fu1 , ma.sa~rei lIe WIS who IIU 1011t:tl hartl. who.blll Ilslf"tod' (ho IIIJt-,. of Iimet lDlle hAd once be"n Another IIlIem t to IIt't 0 'J. 1of eillleF COlln. t:1 or' of (riend ~ . lie WIIGHtlt ltd blf rretf, ofem'!' ·o ne. milch, who. Al Rlly Tl\le, bas nef tr 101- bn.kell by' .ome lerrible cOllvuls.on ' of P . J> ,.. 1 . e , frankly confeasea Ihe crime .. be · haa J d" f . ' 1 I . ,' b "aYII-no u,o; Al4" ln LK .. tng It 0 • 111m " " I d h' Ih '1&'1 al •• v.... , ~-f ' , n Q_i • ...a d o me, RecoYt'tinll flom lril .... ound. \'ery •Ie ' tie 10t' Ilia ct'r· 1 •'J lIft'lI ." E ' \ commiutd wl\leb have Ii, tI , 1m '11' " , .. ........., , to' , r , ... ' '''1'" ' Of I JOYI 0. mAll!rnIlY." d -t 1 liMlue \ . ",1: ill! nlllu~1 o~ ~b41 cllverllt Are· ,. al1 a "ll\ r.",I' .. u 011 ., louler, ~ q . ,' Abater Dic.'k. an, 1,.., gO\ into ~ bRb~ ehorL)y "~je looi 'llI'lI lpl'tc ill 1)14 . rallks ~I\\II Y \It:Yler IIlcurrto I 8 . lid" 'IOIl,I!, I Iy 1\1 "lila of ." mimi ,.,a\\ IInll' ~o ) II~ &c, cunuilioll .. nd 80t~ljIl1\, I'"d\, h" ~I! WI Il}i oOf looking rorward to i '1. aila'..L lli.ti_ ltu' Ain: mo re "loamy anti 8ilt!IH lllRn be· u rtllily Wt D""rlul,uuder .ueh OlrCUUI- hlln<la R\HI knt'ell: bUl" sho"1 dl.\"IICtl Aft "I . I d r. .1' • to bellr the ""naillea 10 winch lhey IIII.a .. eo b I 1 II . . I t!r ana. let rH'. lin unutn8 II r I ' fl ' d . t .hQI4',1 .btl ~ept. lore, but ~eeming lei ' Cloneentrllle t.lle (l llInCed, l III t 1t' ~O wOlo"n S IOU t r,,· 'lit It beCllQ\I!I$ Illrgt:r, beIng 'Olne I lie" ,1'1 " (j" I I ,. ex',osed him , He "a8 oell~rda I!c Ite a . Dleant Ihe , nD;1i" .. ~ 1 . I I " tl t I Ii f . I If f u\( n v v." 1e gent , ' mllll commenceu ... ' , "10' _ '. ; '.J'~ Itrengl, hondprow ~~. ofm , .. ny . jp. the, taln so II'IUCI lUlIllIlIlI} , 10 lit! reo C!:l:!llJrund.8ndlhr~e"nllll la or UUI· f I' II 1' 1 J ·d I Iluic,,1 indifference III regal 101Iem, ·· -1 I I Id 'I b ' I I '· . 'I ('e Ing a over II~ ,1:1\, , '1V1 " nl y 10 . I ,1 Ii now j'.. Clem, It u lind 90 I",eep nf Idw powerrul n·rm. . ove ~ toU not 111\10 ee n qu ene It:l In \\I ht'r.~ht\ .AI Ihe fhsL lI.er" 18 a Rrg" I ' I{ ' I b ot.,th H newIP I' : Ci ,.. . I I I I ' 'Ik I ' D , , 118SUrtl II III tie l,nt ntl prOl1l l!rnnCIl "8 80me .. . lltel'8 ' .lav-e reprl" ' I' Ph'nly of hatre(1 Ahd \'on ~l. rul fed · th~lr Ion ... y lell,18,. I IAt 1111 mi .' 0 RIle 01 dcrl-'.lIpparl'ntly loose.- lind bUI I I " 1 I I I I ' I( Lj , R~nl~t1 bUll1I ,,11 IllS nt!:fWle"S WIt' ,do "e Air ; ' ifu& ' it ... t'ucl · ofound,, (1 \. ~ .. I k' I I Id . I dri d ,,' I I . ,I I I HI! SUU, t'n y lee IIre c lin . , a \ ' l n ! : ' I I h "i) f,t.her don" see ho" ing Clt>ih lumlln 810U no. '''\ltI ., rt'ce'".y.l ep05llp. .. Illea·e, . t IIe t'lnei.- his rE' lalivcs nnd othl:fS, illS ,.IIOWO t ..I" liar .t'~ &...1. , ...hlid , ,,1I('n F Ie, fir.t .. ,',VI1t'81 ... . I '1m blien I Wild ' . ' comp "Ie' . • so t'IS fi eu,. I' Ilm-e If 011 t 1IAI PUIn, he , ca i , I"U' do h in ~ minu'e, hi, ma'l'llu 'lo"llle e! t' ral lin'~8 , r1pnly up III t I"" rt:a~11 O\l llll~o. e I lOll blocJlln .. It lip "od it .. III remuvlIIg ,. 1 "d I I utmost penilence IlIld tenuerneA8 . II ' ' I ' 'd . ' , j!> ' Ul OI'tI rt!lIu tlO lIu I'('al ali I anOlle r ., I 'III 'Clrm. if~' resttd "ilb me, bu' it don'l, of caule be had leAd .for lu' c h I ft'~IiD'" l'lllhllnkllll IQ cllven lur I le. e mill en litlll 1.11 "orl k man are en""ged. . I I ' 1 1 ' " 'rl I consci('nc<' Eduenlcd In 2uod . p l' .. D f I I' f •• " . trill, IInl I" lIu!!WII}" . lere It· • . I· I .nClo' •1, ~ .Iotl I. liD".' 'fhe lalL .. ordl im· BII& onll t.t>nder rmolion he hltd kept- IIUllh 0 ours; I ,t'y 81e" t'~l o n Il ~n ' lhe. prorrul rn"c1e howenr. I ~ d (I 'Ii " b '1 pIes uod ba\llOg 1111I"Y. CI lin uprlgn. r • r I ~ t l I" b I ' ' . 910U • pcr eel y myell eu: lit ao II ea ' ... II d h' II ' .. ' "aliebtiu ,.' \ , iL w". fnr Maller Dick, "lio ' had l5t!i!n ·ge I upon Uri I. c.rt'''17 o't'rm~ a ou ,erY 110". 011 .CCOOllt 01 Ih., dIfficulty \. It 1 " .aCIl, anu,. en II IlIg ' I . "ntl ,irtunua h'tI, he Howe Imsel J Y • d' . ' " Ig I el up ' lid lie d'rbh. ' 1" Ole.,. he8i1l14ed. " , io the mAin aIIVRY' kitld, to hi .mA ' wjlh UI to l'IlV All to _I\ccor, In l1eltllli' llill dIrt oul oC Ihtl muulh 01 I I' .• I ' I I . r , momenl of flltbllY t·o be lempce I !n 1 . I I I II b . t II hiD " 0 " , l~r, 'H IIP08110P IIIt:u 11m I us • d 1. " t 1 , 'U M.a't~. r nl.'ck would o.nl- r.e"I.II,..Ie "hom he h8d played wher. ,I e... 1fi!re a IH !;lOL "'J"llllg II II a\1 eue,,' tIe clI' II-11 bt:1II1l nl'C" Bllry 10 COII\'l'\' • Cd" ?' Ihe path of duty. all now IU uoee no . r"lher.- IItt SI " J • I I I I I I • ·t · I" I I Ii " I ' If b IIII e. and remiod lill'l "hy bOlh boy. ,whOle life be h,,~ ,ailed 111' 1111 CA ~ " I'f 11; 1\ '»Y "" lin 111111 ' I ,,11111" ~moll b " x. Ill e IfLlng II ,yII n yuu . , rll" IYfltlug. wi . h Co coneell rom lImse l e ?on'he;~'" . ~.lt"dt i_Ito "fi..~~ r oce :.rith alm'os't tho los8 ~f rl,il own- ly dt:llr' ii' b·'nl "I\IItIIlM, '1'1"'.\ Ibul Ly lu,.' 'iii.! ('I',,'wlinl( all"r il , Wt:sl'IIIC "!l vO U b , I fI' ... qllt'ned: He <foubtlen feels·· them 's 'no\\'. c~.n,l caine near rORalin'" Ihe .care \>e bAd u/)\ in dllln ..'" It .. ere 011 lIre ~"nl inlu lilt! \\ orld III bl: glll,,1 "lid Tht'I'" 1-' " .. ,~"I ,\1 11 ,1 bejj,i,<;, II l1't th ~ '" II to' WI 'I Ihuu~Anet tim'e~ more I kl!enl'y tliao he 1~ l:ioo..'. enong I l • '''' I dI ' . . It! me '" lose HI t 11M IS I ' d b' t ,. ' . th'" awftll mj,tltiha .... i1i1lb't I, JUJliti'rl him vct.-Bllt he hlld gOl a selOre OOIY live long'. 'fht: 1"'01 It! ,,'If y. ell II II , "r" , fulobl'r~ III 1\ IIUW Ilud Il\at ti,,., 11 "'I I d .1 I wllu).llf he' ha lteen la I ualeu-to VIce. ' , D If I '1' ,. "I , , . • t:rOJAn 1U0. ,Ie 'Il ca.e anu IIIV ' . . P 1\ heo 1 "A~ _ al'~ aaw ,Ite Oll"U 1111 lhat IC. art'. d "bi' . 'oul. . ._ ' . ' ,1"'ellllll folks 811Y,. SIU , he gouu, ,ll .. h~ 1t'lIrnt'~ llllll ihey are {lt~coyertlll , .• ,' . 1 ." , 'lIld IDJul~ence.-'-ElIenmg 0". ' .". I t~ _.:.\_2"... ... - Dick- "ho ahol 11m 1\1111 I k H t'llreo I II.e 10 IlAve r,, I~e te etl 'aoel ha,'" purpo~e Iy blockeu ,I ' If IlIg• It reRu. 8 11 u. w~gv..e. 1 It .."A. fUa.Cer I~ up. bt.lolI " s 10 Jonas Shooter. E"q. , •• , IIroulld me.'-'[ Uu:HigM -
aoci!t"r. ' .
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Mla'hl W,l(k
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don 'I kocr.: , ~gft, ~o~ I" wa. 10 nearlf" j u (leA edt t eoulan"r bue gilt out 411(:tt. lh. hR'4"beed. a eleRr W/ly. ' . re ' only 'my ,ile : ' , . don'L lee how you gO\,me, OU,I .' . ' . . Ole I rne 'h nloulder ~ji~e of h" 81 iiD '«So bit yo n.1{ mlli' ler. .", 'Millul1 came aoa put her t"o hllnlls -pon me. III icU( 1, d F r lift: 1,laorJd II, 'im~',. aod looked proudly ""a,. Yo••, .k,..... r o.Jor.d' wi,,, ' • ,.ddea ~lDudon, llul, . . . h.1f ll.,~tlr;
,." .Jie _I...
Clr,.·, tone.
• _ _ _ •.
~o .. n "ntl, H."'~n belp . Ma~tef Di~ and weu~ f"h'e hAir. flucl Ihe.~, ar~ Llel' If he ever mal him igllln 10 a falf mo!t d~hghtf\ll crt'''I~re. to J,ms In Ibe Ii.le\. "odd, I C~Q o.ll\y think of thlll Jur K'v~rrwll.re.' ~inia ihe 'arn or bllttle . old alln~y of mi.ue (thou/:II'I neHr 1111\1 CI('~: 'a 'lJy~a Ir1?~f:1 ,9r.. , ~A'I~r Die~ i ,ll:!r until shE! "",' Ulfe!!J,cor~ ; .hH Rnd ono dlly he ."w Itlnt. It "A9 III Illy grllll!l'lIuo!> as a faIr ) ou~g crt' A Iho miJ., uf R nrnAge 1110108' 119 tltrri . lu re of sever.let: n 1I1l~I'."er!l, ",III~ bl.u,1!
~~ch i. tile c a ee, IIt'Y .clln ipil ' in Ihe J e rsey Oil y ,'; , ., ' ~ The Pa riHorr.. lponden& of tho <ttr~'1 n? \IC ~ fll ~l e r LllII,~ ~ 1 C,II,II be Iflke~ ', • l>o"g iL ?'-IInd iflen oo"'ng aro~nci London, FOl't (~Y.: 'f.he . poUlic",,,. , of , out" allhey hue mo,1l roo,rn 1.0, wor'" with Iho D)U~t comicllillir ill IhH " orld. our 1D0ney market "nd Ih. 'Jlublic geo .. . - - -._- - -excllliOled .' • Doe s it '-tt/ell 'WAo In tlu: Hrally hAIIt leAd with "relll in l.rel' the , u Iiiir (kId Worthy lAYS be li ~es I~ .et' (/Iie) atU" am 11' publllhod eorrl!~pondcnct! bf,~,,'eeo thf\ c YOIl Ii'- 1"~lie81 "Alking (1)8""llreel 1<.111/ C"binel8 of Wa.hinglon aod Londoli~ ll~te. in Uleir ,I kr,. ~~~f . P!P ~ th llt -- MOil men come to Ihe coocllllipn ,b., bit: R!I thlll at Furt Plllo". tho llgh not ey('~, lind HlIlil' n I\alr ~lreall1ltlb o~~r they are mo re altentlve to IllIng a'hov o ~ A 'curioul phrnoQlenon occur, no r.uplo,..· .... l 'l"ro" out l of'~ cit80 dtdibe \ely r~e A.lhal· hadt b tteen. ht'I' should"r" 10 her wallil. 1 have LIltS than billow. . J ' II P. vlllley : of Muicoj . 0otob.1 mAnd.,of lIIe .\lI:e,icCl. Go .....on'Clem' s reJ;lcften IllId mAdu 1\ ::h ~ge vision or. hl! r-I.hough when 1 knl~w ht' r ." , . ~.. ' r.' re In ." . I " but .tber Ihink EngineS .ill ID.~. upon the fo'",' ,anti lIie arounl~ W!,~ ~h o ,w"a ~rin"le~, " gJ wore ~ ~r~wn « r.he tllul o t M~'. ~"rchA MI~' 6th, Fife , I"rgll , . Itrea,», pr wA~er compenutioo.lo IOlDe '''~1.011l.r.furj IIlrej"'~~ "Hie 'rAI\f'!1 ,ike l\u~"lJin 1''!I ye~ wig tba, "al all! '&illlg hUl IIlVI .I~I\j, ~er. tor murder •.ly pOllonlng. !I~d~d' .bllnt .uJdenl~ rrolD a mounlllO. 'II porli~u .or Ib.,dau«e dGII. by LII. "It.lo r a gllle.-WKI. ~'(I. pr1" ' R,ct •• lJlo,anll ,, 'CIlP Ih"IIOmB' folk. "ould e"lI. 1fa~y CArlllher~. I •• bfe~ ~o d' "bieb, if tbey do noL dilllini.h io yol. ~oalber. c,uj..". Th., i. ' " F~_ ~, Y,rl ViUo" I' t,\)ey chargod. "nd C¥ighl-~OAl1le, Ibe oa,1I '~I~ me ,thlll. , ~he ~ ar! .T~aroln~ . , verdict alar I f ume. will rorID a CODl itierable riur. o( the' niMh., dilBe,lIr. ,.' •
cbllt~ed "gain, "nU ~! ·~'"I. ~~ . ~~Jy~f .. ~h! ~~~ !~~~ ~~~:~n a "tl;?:~'
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Be il ordflH1ed ' by tlie Conn· 1, . )3 ., fO" :3 Io . .> \ , 810 6 lO 3 ' 810 5:10' eil of "b'J I ncorpomled V.1I1\~e at ' 5 3-10 1 3:10 6:10 6:IO !t 1 1 3-10 \ 9-10 1-lO ]6 4 In SH.IP.· " !i? 510 TOWN 10 :3 CREEK a'to ' 3 C1.EAR 10 \ B unlawfu be 6:10 llebal\ 6:IO 'rha\ \0 5': villtl: W.yoee (, 3-10 I 3: \0 i 1 1 3-10 1-10 9-10 \ )7 110 710 , I D~s\riot 10 5 hool 2 S~ 310 borough 810 ' 'S Spr~n,; b}' 610 , , Q:I~ {.o, aoy penon ~I: ~eraOD~ , to keep. 2 ·-6 ~1& '1 ' 3 :10 6:10 16;10 1 I 1 ~lO llOn. t r • ' \ 9-10 1-14 apM or oLberw.ise. withla \I\e hmitl· of Spnngb orollgb Corpora "',, 1'3 }.,o;. 20' I '7 20 lAid iocorporatlld villl\gCl of " 'V~ynu2 ,· 5 3--~j) , i5~ 10 6:\0 6:10 . lab; II 10 3 "to . ~ 10 1 I ,S-W )-)0 \0 9"'; i ' S!UP. 'l'OWN ihlN FRANI 4 or · 210 10 4 3 Io 5 16 " 10 S;IO .m., any Rle, beer or portep houee 10 3: 6:10 ' t \0 6: 3-,l). (, J. I ~.~ 2· i 'O- IO~I]- \o I i 10 )..7 I; 10 4 210 510 3 4 10 .bop, or any place -o( hIlU;lu"l resort ~'ranklin; 'JJoITDa!tip, 6;10 6:10 :J:l0 1 10 6: 3-10 5 2 10 31 I 0 1 , ] ! 9- 10 j'rllukliu ClIrpOl'Il1l0lV for &ippliog' nod intcmpe lluH:e. ' . 18 4 10 n 6 viol!llio fira& Ihe for '}'baL ! lHo 510 7 16' !'o [) 10 Sac. (, ~-IO t 3~IO " 6':1)0 ' 6:10 2 1 s.:.10 9- 10 1-10 IELD '~0':VNSIUP. ]9 810 l' 010 30.io 7' 1& ~ 510 '&.10 . or the Pl'ovilioDI of. rbe (oregBiuli ·sec · DEEJtFBcllo!./l 6<10 :10' 8 MO 1.t 1'0 ~ ~ 3-)0 2 1 9 - 10 1-10 Dl,lnc\ . tiOD. ever,V person 80 otTending slilill on MR80D . f ' 15 fl 20 :3 •• 510 6;10 If:IO ' • 5:10 5 IIi :3:3 20 CODyictioD Ibtrcof pny a 611tl of- not ' 1 I 3-10 1-10 ,. ( t Ie. tlian fifO nor more tltlln twenty UNION ,'fOW. t\SlllP. ". 720 2 120 15 13 20 Ido ,, ' 9 fo ' &:]0 6:10 ; 6:10 dol1arsi alld p"y lhe c08ta of prr.lecu · S:lO I 3-10 5 3-10 ) !l-10 '1-10 SHIP. 7 2b :3 Ii 10 0)0 17 1 I" 4 9 i., 5:10 lioo, or be iDI(lrlsolllld in Ihe Villftge 'l'UJiI.'l'LECREEK 'fOWN 6 ' 3- 10'1 3: 10 6~ 10 6: 10 1, 3-10 9-10 1": 10 cL. oI.Distri ll>SClho LciJAnU Ihall moro · ·not J!r 1 Iu Jail COUIILY or 5;10 '.510 4 9 to' ' 7 20 3 010 Prillon ~I;IO . 6;10 6.10 '1 \0 35 3-10 1 9- 10 1-10 · ~' .'. i ', 1 day., or both, at the di sc l"elion 01 LeiJllllon Corp"rRLioll . ' for offio!!r 6:10 , 20 prop~r 1920 210 ' 3 19 16 !i! other SIlo OT 720 :H) 6 Mayor tbe (, 3-10 I :I:IO 6:10 ) ~ro ' ~ ., ! - Uo 1-\0 Slll Ll. 4 72,) 1'7 5 20 610 3 19 to he~ring laid c'II~O. And for ene h rep' WAY N E 'l'OWN 6.10 5 -3:'1«r huo' 6:10 6:10 3-10 1 :l,~." 1-10 . DiMlriol 9-10 School viHI1' 4 720 ItitioD .of ,."id off~nc\Ji shall, on eonvic· Waynes 1 7 10 III 19 20 510 3 1920 6:10 , 9- 10 1- 10 6 3.1'01 :1;10 6;10 · 6;10 1 3-10 tiJII. Uorporn villl! WUYIlt!s III,," len 00\ .of finli 'I tion thereof. pRy , 720 I 3Ip ten' nor more tban tifly doUnrlti ' nnd U 310 610 . £> 10 1 '7 2" I· 3:fO 6:10 6 10 3,1'0 6 : ~ . l-J.O.j .. SHIP. TOWN SALEM ~d n illlpriA(j be or (j li()n. prosecn of cOlli 10 5 10 b 10 1 7 20 7 20 6 3:101 3;10 6;10 6 10 1-10 .. , ,. .. \ ~ J iD the Vill"se PI:~.on or COUIII)" Jliil·. Alofl'o~v S~bool D i~ trict " }'I~ !to).,). or both, at lh e oilcrotl on of Ihe Mayor 510 2 ~ 10 ,2 10 ~ 6 '3; 10·13'10 6.10 6 '16 ' 5' ]0 3-10 1 llIP. 9-10 1-10 er' otber PI'Opol' ofliucr hearing SRid JI AM ILIO N ~rOWNS 210 210 ['0 i I 10 'I; 5 10 6'106 12 210 '. ' b 3:11113:10 3- 10 1 !l- IO 1-10 Mnin ey ille Sc hool Di ~ trict. .alllil. 10 210 2 I 2 5 51d 10 0 3;10 :10 I 6 10 s; 6 U 2 10 •• ,~, 3-10 I t 0-<10 1- 10 &0.3 . .All ordlDances or parts of I:!opki\lnillu SChool ,Diliric I ordinances inconsieit:DC here willl atc 1 14 4 2C? , 5 3:10 ~ . 3-10 , 9-10 1-10 , I 3;10 6dO'" '6 10 b 10 510 4 ~ 20 2 10 I 110 W ASH!N<H (!)'N r.W WN..:m w. ':':"'4 i\ lIeI'Cby repealed. ~ ~. . . ! 'lj ~ effect \' 'take 8ao. 4. 'fllis l>rd,iDlm ce to , . 10 Ii 2" ~ 310 010 4 320 5 3 : 101 3:10 6;.10 610 · 510 3- 10 2 i ' 9-1Ll 1-)0 MA~m TOWN SHIP. l\'" (rom aDd .fter it. pAFBll-ge . !l21l 520 4102 . .8 JlJUYOI·" I 5ro LEY [) tJ 510 D N 10 LTO E 53:10 -1' 3:10 6:106 2 3-10 ~'9-IO Ii-I()': 1 J]~'U " . HAHL ANTO WN:::lI lP. 410' 1 7 To tJ 510 5]0 I) ,Yo. v E. R. PRINTZ. Ricordel'. 6 3: .W , 1 HO 6:10 610 1O!:! 3I-IV 0-10 ' I itillicl. ScbvolD ill BUll~l\'il Nor. 4,' 1865. UCllil ',b ! II fqr •.tile pUrpOlle of ~~ ;It lll;, '€OUft liouse ill sail! 'II 0 I . Thoao inlHeal cd nrt! Ilertuy notified', tl,lnll willlllle lld persoDltli, or by dl'J of Dcc~IU~t'r Ill'xl. llIC HA UU LAC K.E Y ' , in al',B c I.'Ia._W MAoAz , N'S :rETERSO '1' ltI:.l5tJH R ,.' ., ARKIU!' Cu., 01110 . . ,'~ th~ recei,lt of 'iJis pOI/uJar Llld,viS Mag. • 1,1' " , ," aZIDe (or D ~ cember. It is 11 spleodhl M I p It. m\1i\~ii'l)r Dum ••e ~. TIle principnl' cnlirn~ing, ~lIl1ru!l . IN/il'n' u'I'E' "'UND. ~ Tl L'.lnT ~\). .1. "01 lor Mi,, ', 10"" ( Inl ) I 100 ,17 t If COUN'l. ~ UOllN'l 'V "'l; ~ \ RI.: t:I·:Il''l·s l·. '. If . ~ . d),~ J!. . , . ~:'·\\·.""'Cll\"l'tt' IlUUJJ f"'Il'llo.... .1 ' • 4. .t:l' 14 (III' ti lll, .. CI lduhi (Jut . . I Pd . ~~~IY ~ . ..• at ,,~ 'Ilr.'~I'~ ~ , n ";;;J r(o. ""U'U~ ' • p:ap,a.. Papl\;' 6 .. ', . •; , " . ' . 1:' =;::= T c u ,, ' t d ... Ii:'lqU4\tH: i ~f""'()lI ect ~d 10 :n:3~.~O~ . :' . ' :::"==:==.:,",=:,:'::::::==~=::::;:== := c~ I:c"dllu~, ~I,~,,~'" I'd. ~ 1~~ ~~ T" ' ,~'I'~~~~!I~'~ ~I rrun, !:k h . •:unlillf'f i 158;'0 For many yeRra ,P.cl~.rollll" 1o~8&1'zin~ I I1,alance III ;ttrr n• ury ' if,."·.'( }1~ . . fii\\f~ t; .~ 'I· ~",-. ~" t'·l"f· ~~1' • ~ Pd. o ul I Jr 1 'J wn h'l' Il oun/ \' u 1)1 10 Ii~ \ ha ....d a largeJ' circulatioD ·tha!l nny ,t;.,t", Rl I!rd .... r.,t . "m~"1 ) !II -~210ii '119116 , . """""~, 80 10.: ,. " · . 11. 1"",'. '" r,·••• ,.... oIlier monthly In the Unilel! SlIl'lell. 1D ShoWlh !f·thc Uec e lpt li filta IImTron~· P:\\'I\IE NTS V"i<l 0 01 I" r Coullly Ro unl, ., - .. '80l,Pl'E UIS' Cl,AllII 'B.. 3' t n - .k •. 8 ·' , . ) ', -""" ! 8 )' 'I'.,..· .... r.'r'. · i~. . 1[ the 1~ 3 511 "lId Ohio: ., (;ollnl)<, .. ' (lie !'ufpo ...-: "'"rrell of ove"; uri ~Ulpr . gro!ltjy I ) R66 il will be PT~ J Rt''''L' ~UI' ' .' .J\ll\1. " ....·" 0· .;.... , ftoI oA' , ,,' I'.\"oul D:l' :t ,I 1 . 1;",,1 , ~. AO'I . Vol. u t··" ,... · <I{ . o Ill' Oftl':.'\ .. fr , ,ri',' al"·n . ·'.v, · . .. . tll . li''''''''''' u ' 1 '1 ~r"''''ftlli :rO I .r. " ~ ~ · ..,I"d .~ J ~ .."n, ...·III:1V.., P,1'91'U or 1" .... ut. I ... ,,~ " •• l,HD ,1..1 P i llc, tused,. alld ....... ~ ' "", ' I ."" '" "'''I"i •• iu ller rt!4dinp fIIaltcr will 797 7V3;'0 !!,~'. , .",r' r ' '" 1~, - - -r- ' 1' .\ YM I'; "'-T S.. , , ... . , " t ~ ~ i'. \ ' j }' I:$ 'or. ard. 18M, to Septem ber 8th, .. r. 7."",,,,,'.1' I e~,~ ~ t,, ~"\. . ( 71 t ! /,/.·$;2. I 1"", U ,1 })1)· ,. , ' a contain ~. r_dee",.d .. wiiJ • OruJc ~ II)' numbtr, V~ j lack 1 :41~ , , '. D.I.nr.e in '1'1''''0',. . I·:·o h. ""'!;;-. ~U("lor.CI r:.!'lIoth~). . -, , . " . • . ' J' tbe lhne .. I' Ihe ~Io.e 011 'f1J\i; 1!Iettle.r ! SI" 'nO: TAoX·'~. SIIl" UII"1! ... ,eC 'rOWN rr" " ptit') I i'rlll'Cl , 'liollerolor· J PUN" Commi" L tlf[JWltl! F.nIA "f ~OUDt, Rlalt, ,nlf ttl& . M~"S'l' by nl t8o,'(II ~'u,hioll e m lid Stttl ...., IIDU ~ ' 1~llIi "Ipl,~t. .... " f·,·Io1,V C" ,uj","'iolle,'''' ' Hcb II . • 'DHnAD~LO'l'IJS, Ih,, ' , ,el, wiLh lour to ' six ligure8 - mllking Wiltdh c~"ID' (:.Il ..pll.(n~, 'freuaa r'r ,,0 ' : Ton~:;;~~~U:;~:~'~ ;lt. u,',~ ..,I,,lilio".1 ' "3T" 87 ToIH:""1PI~II'TS. 11 · 1"' , , of Pure"·••• ,.. 1.M15 CO ';.11""",;"" D! Iro ~M.i".d ",,1 0 '" C :l 1;",l ,,' ), ,\ VM'I':N'I'S. 1 •• ".,1.;"", 1,,1,1 ... WI\" .... .. , , : ASS uU:"1j'Q 1'o\.~i I\IENTS. • Peterso n' the ch~np~fit in ClIO) world . 11.0 ",oUlltV n'lll ",,!'ropri .lio...I 'or ., Du d'. , r "~ , • !}t'i'''I \ n) 'I',·ell'u« r'. icco '. I l' 'l 1', I!I'Il"i"E J"UN''' " I r Jl5. 16 F"wl ¥ E ~ T ~ .~ ':"oiloI ...., •• .. "r , . Jr .f. ••• .. f ~' .23 I'llr. rl "L Li' l. l". ·ltJ~IJ'I)"U _ li. .. bH. o : " " I ,' IH} , ·!:. Tbe "erms wili r'emllill two dP/lars II .. o , I' 00 '1 58:; IfT••• 1 .\U9 15 ..... ·n Jl Sial. 1J lI.iu nEe (,; 11''1'5. I' l.!i J ' 0'" 1 ' , .. ~ I"'j' 01 Ih lll ... ,,,1 ! Hk<o r.tu"d.d " " "" "" ' "I ' 111 ue-, Lo ur '1 •• ... I. , .• " 4.3 ' ... l ' tl year 10 single ' 6~bscriben. '1'0 ~Iubll 1'v O"IIHUII ,I'ril1 ci l,,!1 Ser.. 2g 1 .." . ;Oa~ O.G 0 rte,..relr MllnSTI~IUA1:." FUND (Iu~i'e"r.) ·", lA, .'·.,l'ro;. tini .g .... ~I,.lnn~, • O~ '437 B7 cm e , mll/lllac tutel'lCC llrdinu 10 he h .. ,,·lti .. &r IU O\J' .' e ,~ ,('o" L'GC" . • odd , :;"ow lor , 1>."r /11111 .u~ ' . .'(,,), , . ., ' , . R~~t~'io:I1'T:!I': '" ' it i. choRper Ilill, yiz: live copi", for th IA11"' ....'tr ROAD TAXEti . 'lle".c, .. "uIlliolh erCo "nly '801U '1 l tJ, ,irc 'iI' ~ I.. r." ~'" 'If ) . oI..l , I• 81 lf 72. ri'ur • ",,\,IiIlAn! 'd ' \ I e ... , "'...... '., I ' T JU ~tO '00'''' J"" ~o.c. '. EIPTS, . ·nerr.. 2U l6b Slnle n fm .,' nl.,..,c .~ II ". O '''I'. 'u :il ,le ~I 12~ 8 . . ,8:00, eig"t ' copicll .' (r 612.00, or "l W od<liliqn ,,11 Til ""/'1 DUI/Ii;,.,•• '13 ,i~~.~~~ • , , '. '. I . M~ , 15 T,,,,... ·U"lo .... c'tJ (rol11 pllrc l,.""r ", 285' ~o ' . ",. "., . 1 1 . 'l'tJ, eD . ~p &~ew. ;;;77187;; llKr~ II C~ ill e•• u ,·,)' 4J U£· '38 . fourteen c'Qpie.,.'for . 20 ~ ,,[III eYery In T ronlUry ",,! .. n.I 'fi03~ " " 'p' . -:'r ,:",,· lae ,~nd..il . . • .\fI~~l1oWb: r '), p~r.qD £telling up a cl.ub, (at )'~lle'l< Po\. ,'ftU:N'I'S. 1'''YMF. N1'9! t.6 11,977 ".' 0 ~IS , Iuo,. , rr\v~E ,UAI ~ ••• i6~!J! " ... II I II~ ·l" ·"~iU'Qf.•. Fee; '. ' '.,,' Z. 86, L WHST iP08S1 BL DIII lP""IO.I , 14.- ~~,,".urer'. (e,.. T .. '(0 °G ..... a i . " ure ' rat..,) ,the Publieb er "ili .seDd CNlllmr~ Il) . 2~ -t,l lOy[l'('rea d . .. 1 Li. 1 of Tre.. . 001.1 .re... ,1\' ve"""' p Jut,nqy . lllllt . . , . '. ,. • ee, I • 1.10 }7 .•1 103 P2 0~2: 71> ". , • ~,I ' e If! 1'1'1 I . r 'e'" I reu _ '(',lie. ~r! _ _ n "cI _ •• Ii ' 1'><1",'1 OS ~I 0 ' ,erund.d •• 6,'2 " 'ff. ft'~'~ Tax 86"101 911 n.t.hee on'Qo'"l ly F' nn il ' cO~!l'u/i4. Specim en. Benl (it ,"rillen BOI ·LI..~iu :,jl at. 'fr........ r ' S'~T~ ' COM.ON sen. FU"'D ' . ',".Ioe C .. ",... IJCl\e1ClI\erl. ~. '.' 2 1;0 511'o'~"s odv. nul"'<J~.ut 1.,'01 1'00. ~'u",l on ~_'_ Olll.j)r.e , .. . • cluli8. ~~ O.0~9 3. . for) t~ tb08~' ltish!ng lo' 'get u~ I . un4er It,'e, 1I~,P~lVl4liou, 01 th.~• .. xc.II-.....I , IT: n"ud Hcc. '~h reJ.cUl p it.{ II, 11"10,,,'. 0" IIri,I!{" . '"",1 I "r~. r RI·:CJ:ll 51 ~3 '1.U11 (; ,;II 81 2U • 1.13·1 li~( . . 1: l ~0"1t.,..· on r.~"elUel ce " rd8" O 1I.1. 80 i IH ,1~8., 87 " ' t . ' It"Ol, FU • I , , P"'O' w'N ". ' ., Add.I'II!8, posl phi4. I': ! ". __ '. _ T" hIlIM.]('e III ·r,·c•• ur~ ".' U \I·" r , fl'i I.H2 ,,· (JOb"I" Ob"" , "D. ' n Ilal."ceo 64 • • " .&.. 1~757 .iil' :,~,,'d "'''hI SIl.I~ Trell8 2 IUO III D'-' D 8 O' N l' T n.I"".e in 'frealar , _ 11.111002 ' ' J;;S J. l'EiElt SON.: '
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• " , ' SPECIA L SCHOO L TAXES . IS.93t U n "CEI P 1'!; . rA'VMF.NTS. 01 ~t 1 .'. , "freaury ill "~IA\II·~ :1'0 p.~. ~'III ~ , .. . .'. '. Urldge . ': ' 13,J.l66 8 288:41 42 By ",'lien r.rl .. 'm.d Ilu·,Ullp lic.leoni. l Mui.lilional '1l1s 46 Slu,e MII.·I ~ .Goo' ou ' . U_ ["lIee ill :I',..II. ury . .. " . , I Ell III , . R.c.,v. d frum" " .RIIIY~ A ' M II'RO, E 1'T.AIU1 I~E.i1I( ~' 6 ~, , . ( . . '-" ... . , I,::, l':inei : , . m~6:
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IW 7Jl 1,tI!l4 "riling f(Qm ' JO\Daica, co.n:mu·D,i~.tlp~ " .. ,~.~I:::;;1,~:lcy;;.~~~r;talC II 50 " . lbe, following ~t!med" Cor chole"" I I ., rer. ~76 H 26,1:» •.U 26,862 B I lI"mely' ~ Sleep 0110 qlJal'& . of violenlo, Po\YME \',fS. -;---- -:-;""1-- ,tj1 pblulI 'lo, jpl'ed " " I' 322081 0 (beuc:r knowlI' under Ihe nRme of 01 IIy,O', drt.rkdev", ." 2.40~62 I .... nTr' Dd.llre·'i ' ' 1 ,,14411484 1017 lI!1~ H 1\04; 6 tI , · ovor~u , anl'l NTS Veduct ' I'r\.Y~H: 60 '3,.80 "ry· ,Tr.', in iliil."ca I ~ ' .:" . 8pice,) iU' 1I gllllon . of ·st,ro.~g , .pirits, II) Tro """'.,,,'8 .... ns ' . ~J'r'tlrc Sa'tlslllC'io~ , TOW N811lP DOVNT Y TAX~l'J. " ." 7tf " ' ~0411 (11 ' D9 . <" · 1''s. Ub:C.,EW ., I' C for . ,'1' . ... II~ I""". ~ <.... Ielln . " (b~ 1)\1 . rum or ,brandy , Ihlllatl~r ",rof"rrl'd. bdauce iu Treaaa.y. '4~,U~5 38 . RECAP ITUr.·,O\TJON. 11 II Du rll.mjne ILocka /l ,,10. . .. 74098 13 'l'O.llIl,·t Dupli<:lte Ilnd Id~. 2 nl P'1'S. . " .. I. VI ·I" "I''' "I L li l UECEJ .' ' . al ~e..' ooe week. 51irl'inr occRsio nallr; AJ.E~],S /LX P 82 ( uqlo JJ $ IU.1ij e"""",CU · . ,;. ' DUDLE Y' af. :DOD8 0N! • Nuv.'7~·· O. C.1UAXWELL. .' 2o'.'l4~ 17' Ihll"c". in T.e~."r~ " . " tllke II wine gla58 of I~i~ in(u~ i(J11 witb ' IW'I ',, ' ,~88 4~ ! ... '1 '~ • JU ; ;, lE y 'f'';.'~ to. ;l1n ~ W :A~dllnr lial. in '('r" n ,ur.. Am 1L. ul J>upt.c.'~ ·~l1d •• <1,,1," , 14' o.u ~I , . :W'A' 1.:T~." " "'[, ~ .' 'ff II I. f'L 'I UJ,UI rer~. 1.~il8 .9" , .'Dp~U1Y • DYIIE a J{t',Jc w~le~, u",J ~~~.e l";~e4 )Yitl~ . Btl . S. •. W ny J'OOJl I'UND. ' . l,..l 7';1 c,-l .J.l....,. tlJJjIJ ~'i . !j1'1."\JO'I'''''JI' I~Chov\ f ll" ,1 Orders reduelllecJ 69,716 ~O 7(3~3 511 ", • I ' 3BS ·O~ EI PT~ .' · VI'l~'i"i" !\i,l h ar)' 5,,101>01 fund gar.. Jl~ AIl,Ys that the (Iaily lise of lhiB RI':C ., , , ' , " " III Saj 8 I'u .... ', l>UUvIt Cj.l f," ",It Ii~r Fu~i : .~,OOtr'OO , . \.;; .. !i , ...... R,f 11"":'''' S",,'io' 'JlE7l'A II.DEA IJEMIN ' " , BlIl . ,II, T r'~ ..\"v ·· .,. 1 QuO /I '; ,1!rl',\\-U nUl>" I~,,,, u. highl)' nromRlic medicine "HI Ull found' 1.-i.Shoe ) , ..I}.~"'I'.( lru.r,p.I . , ' I , ' I DR "GOO " ' C:O"'·UU"·"IU:'ilr~X'E8.> ' "r , ~,,~.~tllt, ~'l' ;21 l) 02 iU3 , l ,,ry ... rCr " B"l,,,T \,I"I . . 1'1"/ i " 'uiitticl DS,. ill , :i!e ' \ Y. " pr~II~II' , 10 .,. a remed, ·or :~ R.rGa,:I\; . U~ lo:, . n o".1 II,l.ti • . & 7UUtR t. ~. ~ c,, tlt( .", ' , IJu !, l! lu,..[h , I. f) S '.e~(ci~. ~ ... H 3129 . ~ · .. . ,. ", " Toh.l"" '. ",'I',,.o'u ·1 A'r CORW IN, .' " U ' S:lil 10 \VhM'e cholel'll proi v'lils or is .nnlicipn l ' '1 Sill 10 . I~' '''~II"''''.~ Iro", ,ArlllY QU.co r,' "NSWAn' L',' L~17;Hl a, lJ"pl , (lie ~"1I _JlIllI OII.1 . Ill:.liil~ il .co ... 1' ... · IUI) 'f'.lro'l' ..... ou •• ourcu 1.; 1 _ •. _~ . t ' , el· 8uorlm fuli n , , ed . . hind 011 Hili , ,\, , Cr" S w.d YMEi'>T h"rl·~ Ill':r' uud I' "ur 3a !.:.-'> aWl J (Ill' Of, ' . --- -.~ b .. . ~~ 00 I',j "oh 4 He ' ~f. ""d Hr"l j;'e ' :,. J to. ur.r· , n, a "•. . ,,_ ~ . .. ·I>'D· tM-'A' r \"~'I)·:·;-. :rs. eot .' b I,ll , . Ucl""IU .. "1 1.,. 1 .~ •• , . tf ", rU~ 1 110 "' . Q' CO'"U'Ul all,," roll" cle'! I I The Rebel O~~ ~r"l ]ii.R·ell ·WII8 "V,,Iv1""1 "17 :rr I'" .... s .. ,..,,... I.... ·1·" Bt 61/ 011 ,WI lQlI 1 .. rL·I'J u"d c. ~' '('.' ,,,," ,\: ,,, '"' '1 1" " 0 lVed Rect ' . oll . ' . 1'1'1 d 1 I. ' n I ' 11 1<1' ..•• gtlllUg, Ad . 1) ' "6q''~''' I.i. t 6, U;;_ 41).$7,\2Y 73 Orol . ... ro',le" UI<" . RU USI 1111 C I' ul 10 .: fl'o ",(~o"' r ·"I<lids· d.im'! 41~ T4 G~tJ~t-;lttis, ,, . I I' r " D'·""q. ~fI(t ;I''''''(f.f.. ydq' I, .25 6J . ... . .. . . 1081 lit! h'g ",I rr on rin.o, rIIc. Siule MIL .. R-. "70. !l..8ti'~ 3~ 1 81 IIrtilic;ial iubslil~C fur .!lte I 4 llII r",I.""cd ... Urll ' O~ $», " . , ., ~ry. I'e". ) " ' .,. 1 1. WARE ' GLo\SS ~ltllm ' sa bi& 8:' 1'~~p~Ct " ~ .Ihi ilL AD~iltll1m . Itl \-u",1 _!L _ _ _ I IJIClU(.,JlI ·j·.U,ND . ,,':, ' • • ' '/I L('e n follUIV 1';d tJ\· numcrOU8 10) , )11e c" . . :.';" ,. ; .. 1 '. ""'. 'l1~! ' /. ES 17, 50e ('. ONERI ' ,I . ~'EQr,l ' ON .IHloO • ' ,.' 0 I'ln V,'JI1i7 iTJP ' dW. ,,,., f(\~' 11~ oLher lit.Ltl offiCt;l'd> from ·M.jor ' . " ~ 062 l J IlI, C·Q, IU]·S·. . ·• • ., ., ~j • U ~.\::I !l~ " .. '~OTI'OJ ~.• Q,'/ I ' KEE , N ,fA . t'rall. d. own, and Yaukee Ii~ill lij n'o w' , .",1 DUI'I "'I" nlla ,,'dd /I,on"l! p " ' ' :'0 991 I lil'lllo I:\UI> u" f,·. ~r~" For I ~ I "'3~~ . ' I , •I " n] ,·••.• ur>: , i I J b"!t"~'<:' ~." Til ~ . ~, ---.~11 \ . ~ ur 1 reft., ~,.~ . " " fll h"r IUIl~ . 11 ~1 . Ilovhe IIlenli n to ''tI'"lr· \S\o''c·'' d1r'I'~\. . repalfllt g tlO Rmllgc:& tlo,!c by Y /lillie" , p ~ "'" ' NT " P '\ \ " .: 1\ 15. , &11 .il to .. ·Ii I" 48 l10 ' .' ,1111 {1 ",..• F'",. Adv . lJa""eju. "1 1.,11 !~ 'n ,;1. ' ltil 93 CCO pro".~,!l B. No ODe Ctlll:. ~~n~ 11I.lIt .~he ~ <TO""''' A'N • B) , OI·,~t.'t'o,d l· e'!f~l~ ,I S tfGA~ .., . s . ,OU"1 J 3 '. " I" " " ".(,d, Un. ••• I &I' '. b I~"I . ,.U f"r 'D ~;l ~ n~1l ~~ 'Yforli of r pcous hucliO fr""ur, \ jII~l·~:t B~I.N"c,, l "u" TO I ' .. , • , • \. c, . .. ,·.·.LI "' I ~ e:" ' 1 •.11 •• ' ra,l'PJ' uyrtdv.' enIJc,,,linclUI!1I1 nl:tgolp g ., " . ' • n,n I "n 'l·. "'." ,, ~ I . I. Mi l Iv . ·'rJ!rln'I! )'U, ~ , " " " . / , '~l,' !,H ,,'. en IllY IU'I· I I " 'ID II I. I'e· ",ln~lN." !'tIL, St;HOO L Jo'Ul'tD. ,,"h forward 1 !:Om"lel, hne 01 U' . . AliI' l'clu"dL'll ... .. I ,,,I " Ii". I). • 0000" ,j • '" . ~ " u~ · Co ulI'lt"F-un ' ~:II'P;, b:<,: R ,Eo."r" ' Ill. ill l 10 ~, ef '~l , dlJloCllrl ' Ilkli .. . 11' 11'0 Sel4',Cll'u e 1m", dn'",,'" ,< An,l ~" ,I .. O '" , I ' ' "their " . hu" " ,. 10 r h 'r: . S '" 1i) ""\OJ "I IT bellion Ilr .<:oDling ·Nort d 40.10 10 :I '.l b .1 I. " I"l r <:Ullllly fllnd I ,' , 3B8' D4 T· lale rcal U,.. "'!i\l7111\ (l!JrolOi~ "WD pelS '~V 'l "n~ ",,,, I",,,,.,, I~:,"'"r" ll f~"," 2 uvti 00 .,.,' , " ';, .\·1'~~11;~"~ ,\u,·t ·'ron,.W um B: i,I " eIO , ' . 0 '"" . ons reCOll61ruo!e . >U /ll"" IT~ ": . :, S, ," ~~ '81l,II.;s,!O bO JC).\.IllA:/ I. 'i 00 1 .l~ . I I ~" .' " ' rU"a ",- O\lll'Y 20('" Of/ ' _ __ • I 3680 •' .., ,, . , ' I I' , .1/ • •• : . . , ' . " '1/ . .!Qi1),' . ... \,' .. ~--, lIy ' on!'rt ,r' ''~n'ed .., ' ' ' ,. 1 " ... ...l·I"'N all ,pl h~. ",UI be eold . at 'II.'" .....'1 1D'Y. " "' ~B.lD IN'('.ER ''8i.·J· n,... S.· ' . . . ' *l.BU 90 ' . '" r..... ,... 8ridlf" tb I JSD''''~ Ir8" .. Trc';."r.y .. 1" : LIl'' 8.1 ' 16. ... . . . . . . I ' " " •• , .. 0;. f . ... I b , b ....",. A a )' 11'1\8 Y L· on t ,e tloor .' ,qOOiO 0., I , h .." ' 1lJ ',:' FU'ldA . 1: P""r . {' . ' I. '., . ~ , : T~ 11l1W1 III" ~ . I R~;C.t:I" ;! ,.: II '.1,1' UNJ). h 'H.l .:J' "" f • • COUNTY. JI~U£FI' ' • ""II,,:! a,l6~49 An'llr"" .(, ~.,n'!lc.' I .. ll o f." •oi'S,OOOOJ I .'rreQJ. • Iep· or ' "venrea blll:.ci'i:t~nof WlIllOt 1 0 .,,,tl'~lv <d iro ll,S I" ulhlr ,(j ' Rr"c"I·: IP"rs. <:"un ly . lti'u f,1 1 : rlllld , ,11'v ' lti ' 1 1 fll ' ., ''f'r~'fllI 8A ·,, " l.tO' ' ,I Ct '. 'V'I " r/'I"",l: a . (ord t. beolhe r"I' :~; ,1/ , ,. IJrn~u' ,y I'Y ,,, , .. IITr I , 1', C"unt . & 1 lo.I",,,·e; Il!~ . To nnbllc , ow,"" re a e WillI-I '( . . ,.g' . , .~ ..., 1 4A. . ... - . - - _I Anl, 1 pd. Sible Tr ~•. 011 I.,,, $3 ~ 8~ '1""1' IT • -. . r" ....,.,... ,II "'l' " ~.V, l )'. ioll • I:un""i"f b4 ~r • j .' ""l'1'lI~.e,\ . I u:~ . .. ' • • 'I<I . .. ' ,a11 13 06 , . ' IU " ',' nole: ' 'tIlke good Ollre' f Of" lbi.it. babtl~ . 1 ,', bU J.· iI J b" ' · 6.10 .. h " '.,." ,] Ir o", Slulc 'fr... u...:r :,8 ;18.7 He . ~\ld~ oclE'b; j~ O( ", c. I l u,d ulon l16o rfu,lil . ' d G lOr anI! YOII ,haUIn "e:1I 'pni4 'for . xchlll"e ; "'r!j in ecl' 1'~\,~1"t eQ~cfipl '1i51' r \h 1" w "~ o,,ul ,,i 9 n·I" .k6 :t .,,,l . IJ" ph'· "I'· O· , r.333 on P";d'od(Jo ,, I3ri~g. F"nrt " ' t . f " <L..'~ '·'I tA ')!, "1 11..11': _ 1,.1'1 , UU , ~" , ~ O bOO,O'. 11)1 O"t ... r~d .. no.,l . " 1 ] ' , ' , .. •. uv" . I• .,uy L. ~ I .lt. U_Co. lVII / him one P,I,pu'o~S.:I!" e "'·. R~ fdl. 0431l2UJ I~ 0 gl)O( p,nentn-g.@. n8., AnY'tnND. " 1I1h.1T ' 0 " SAN tI ' .~ • ~·ri\"f1,! , '" __ _ , , au. AUI!. , Gur\\'1in a 1'.,,1 o ut (or 1 "wlI.llI~ 1101' tow"8ooilk. wirh 'o)lohfllf waler: ;Rnd ~ ;" .' IPTR '. fHo:C~~ 7"!.. i)1~o1ls.;... .< ; '" TH~_ "'-' 0; ~:'J31 -IS OF I I, . . I'u.et 6,1.701 33 tea" poon (lIl1 .o f'lbrAndy lo .eKch' nil-l, of , . T O) hAlo., r.o in Tr ••• ".y • , Co I I .f). liuq·L •Ii I <I'.( ,2 "1 ' T~. raId "ul.(or Free Tu ~npike N U PA 'H: .'.~ ' o I· ~e' .,.. ... "" _.1 t OLD " ' fool!. ClIVe 111m Lilft' medicil le o. P )' Q .~ rh '4j! ,1,lnMiJ""!1I 81 7 08 ' · t'f.s:''t'!(''I''~'t' t··a·':~ I. am I" 'ce""" rOIn· /i""" 11<111 •• &c ., F.1V "' I'" ::. . • ..• "''''~ 11 I I"nC;N '1' ..... ",.• ,.'. ""1.' 'b 1.:. • .:.~lt 1' 09:1 A r ' .• ..:U '11 ... n.d n"r· nn •• ,' 77<i' r',\ U ') P• •l'~ ..I),:~ 'ti "'o... teu ' . ·..(tee n hiln Rn" :. " . , 10' " . I' ., . " lui,,, Iv l' dirl'Clinl 1 ~ UII~J'lII ~. 1:1 , .00 e ' 'r.ih 10 Yllr ftnd IIII ie. 39.'U , WI · ,. • waa ~IlH fJ"ovidlfril Ilr tlll'lUtI' 7,6.>3. 01 ru . 0111 rD" ~h . I'urpo .... Rby u,yv " fl14d' '.!' _. ,-,w.., 1 i ".' ) 1 h 0: _ \1. ~.I .0.r'1-·.· PAYMEJliT50. 1I~ ~' . I P.efjl I~ "" ,1/1 • 4J '2~ . jlJ '~ore 81ahl Und l1'il1e' IIJl'Jh~h 0., ",.. r.d",n,,~ , ~ ~ ~ ..... " Pel. out (or orl' n I'''rl>OOO).o 1 .8~l;l2 "ILb oo d I I ' 4 0"" ~''<.'';;~nWt! ~o ,,111''''''\0,0'11.11, (:0. flllld bt B" '. dO,Cla; t ., 61 on Itld 0 r 0 011 ~ , 1 ~\jll r Pllo II I 1: Ira,18. .. ,I ,~ .... 1\1.1'10 l Irjfo. V c ot 'In!r' and COllr t paok~gll • 680 12 8 &80 1'" Pd POl fpr e 'AII/ill Ii ' It J p,, 14>0, .'" Il. Or~ fI .eliuw-.o , fill& . <liO UOQ on 4 e hnd IIllil!lI'e (Jo. 10 •• Il'In ~ 04 ~81n as'! pail ' a y:'WwHl :lilt. (~"d ' ~ ~urol'O·et ,v of ... dicill , a bolt( .... ""I • ."' t~o100 te~t: " '~ J. ' : ' • .10 .. ",,,:"..:e. · ~. 'O~ ..j tire... I ' ~,!IPDt T ~1 ec: J8' I ' n'.tJS' 81 Q nrl"1er' , nOil" In I , .:WI' .r~. " -1 -/)'G-'~ ' 1' .. .. 1 -. ' .. or"' or IUi"r aod'"otltc.or u~Ielt•. or ' ; . I,'''''' ~ ''''I r."I). I in ' •• n.1 ID ... I T£" . I' ' .~ ,~~ _~ 1-1..... '. 6 ., , 11~1.1n· r tl '.·1' ) lil(. :) • ITT"u'''' i - • r, d. 'OUl r", Mi. ' ft.1'III t ~rl ~. " fo'l l jo . New · ¥drlr. 0"'.·2" . '.
) I'AV;"'.;N 'J'S . 1:1,4 . 110 ~h V IV' Ll ee ,...ae ' 10 OU 'Rr 'I" '. ... "o,·r·.I•• , . III I.i,l "'d' ''~)III''lli II i 4{I ·6II , ··au v. UcI"''1''. vl"~r fvilr~,.. ,i/.W•.OV· • . iJI,li",,,,, • • "n" 11.... " ~I'.' & r'l :Jfl~~ Orucr. r"declUeJ Ju ' y rinl,
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Teachen' IDl1ilUle will be b"I" In lAbaDoh on SaturdllJ, Ihe JlIb iDIt. The exereiae. prt-mi .. 10 be of I&n in. le\'estlng ch.rllcler. H it i. decldlld to holt! a two·d"y.' seuion 'dnring &lIe , 1I01id1lY_, wo~M oot Wa\' OI\sv'llle be , rIlS8V'LLC (ooawlI' .TATIOlt /_ . J ' .AU.' aAUW£IiD 1I0tl~D. goOq 100 000 for il'l We promile , t __ corclial reoc lHion on tbe part of tbe oi\li. IS A. 111. · E iL~en s should 'h C 't'a t t1 e tr~U Sxpr.... 7.6'4. "'--"'-+'-' . ' .. ' e OUlml we gr 0 • AccvUl., 1'1.26 A. M. meellng. B.
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h ·Avellue ' side ihc IcbCII is t~.k e n lIis sweel Jillll! life ta done on thi d it i. iuful eu I) la l a ne.w oue fll ill eerlla. 10 bl! perlected ill lhal beUl'r lind phllion • . '}"bis looks lilte busi· .rOHtld hi~ Fllthr.~·d 1"lrone-. benuti!u l• IIIllI iL b tru,l, =oQ)menll"bl~ 11IR\ ·bri"ht lu gel. torll do not stop hlllf wily in Lillie l<'r('dle will be mi •• el\ In .nore Ihan 'tile bOllllt:huld Ihis wint.r, Ind hla Uliu'n s bes lo",·cd. Qn Ibei,r c tlll,fge. . dally visits ftIDOlI1! lti. mllll; Irlend" will lire plll1l8 d to learo , l\ta\ Ihe be IUIl¥ louked.for but/lot received, is iD a . Ilouridhing conditiott uri· U·ell'"u gOlle .to Illc"t II'IS.11'''le ,. . play mIle
..... B\llid.y Scltpol
meeliog on e\lening' I.IL Will "ell at-
On Wednead."tbe 111,'D&talit, In IIH. 01 ' D D. Eb·
:!~;~!:!~t'&:~~~~~. molher
Near W.yoe~ville.'· Nov ember 6, John ,II01wilbstMlding \I,e. inoJetpenl . I. J),ol, Smith, &vi. L. Clark Chenowelh.eged 6-1 vear.,' . Brll tl en .were prcsl'nt nnd tolerthll Ruditor.. . The unciae.
Wheal a,e f
Rod bllol:6t.
II 00@J65
0,,1' f .. 30 DCllrley'lOl? " 1 00 orn 11' . .. 60 Fluur 11) barrel, '} 6Q the Ichoo1 or' nOli' we bope il if nol. would it not be an ,Flllur e\vl , "76 mO\l1l '0 procg..., ubtl' 'Music LBo'lrldtet\ 1!._Ih . a4Oo " d" " 4 CIlIuml,. I'D over excrt. an 4:le~''''d dO"l'n. !IV lind reSiling io6uence. WRynelPuUtuel ~ bltfthel, 60 Drieil Applel 11 Do 10 @ Eli becomillg vllnerRble, aod .hl: Chickells " 00 OIUI'II, for · thl! 8ak. of a fll" ~;olr.. e 'lO 11 n, duzeu, 38 V Nl!w·Or,ean& Stl2llf \\'l 'I\, J7 '@ 2l& to,jeop!,rdile wb,t little prel ' belong to b e r. She mUll be N .·O. ~luI4 .. e8ll aall.u,I, 1 OU,,) Oil , ,aUuII. , . 1 10 the tl·"le-. " 11,11101-' h~r Ilel\ " _ .. " I I U ~ U '"
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'ft dd Iligll a~~ ':01 or ber D4Ilgl; .
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Il 11 G\ S, ..'
M E D I C I .N ' E
Tin, copper &: shce(-h:on War(,
, for sule lit Ihe IIJ"'t'1I
• DomestIc Goods
L I Q. U 0 R S ,
F LR S l' - R AT E
A 101'.
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and tbe
A cUllrJ'lele III1SIlr l melll ' tGAITE' 'A ND
ntW ..,,,rront to I[ive 8111Iarl(.l\oU. .T han",ful ior lhe very, liberal plllronlK8 for ~evp.ra l YPllfi bellowed, I hope. 111 cl o.e Illtention lind h ir destlnr. stilt t<l merit a centroua continulltl!!e 01 ,h" @ame. , J. E. KEYS. 'rhttt ","rkot priee lit 11 11 tltllell p. id rat Green Hidel. C, lf Skin, Dnd S h.ep "elte. July 3.-1.tf I. E. t.
Sherman Marching' Along !
1l 0 LAt-'SE~, - I:)PW~8,L
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~ell bnod. of
C1Tr Jt4.VUJ'A02·URE, .
E'i'C., ·ETC.
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Iruull . upply or
~I-; -l·rt!ii&
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0ppolite the aorerl Hou.e,
DRESS-GOODS, •• White Goods, .. Shaw 15,
1 \.k. I '1Qelh04 \Q(OTmloll ~ myoid .ta a"d Ibe pu\lI\l cenar0:\1,. "nit'\ bii.. i •• ~.a, .., ,.._ 01 busi lleail to Iht tbtM forme", OCCl.pietl .by AIrs. ThoUl.s ••• If.nc)' Slore,
For med icin.1 purposea. to wh ic h the 01 · where I inteud 10 keep.op h.~d • ren.rl. tentiun o( PliYMicinll¥ ill especially colledi IQ880rtment of \Vorw ~b~lt In4 whatever pertoin, 10 • M. V . 11' 1'1
Ho- ~p'
The belll qulll .ty of
R Ef---i Mi--o"--v "'-A, ---==L- .
. uch as Sp _.,illg., ROCIfinr. &.c •• . dUDe .Ilor.t uotioe Ind III Ihe belt Jnlfuner .. July 3 - ll f
OUT_D~i~Ii~1 WOltK, '
lAND BOY.s' 11 AT S
B. EaER.lt;:y,
Wishort. to inrorlJl. hi. patronl apel. Ille public, IIIl1I he kel'p' ('01l81011l Iy on band. IlIrge lind s/ll _1I ,
. SIlO V EL·P L O.· WS ,-
For Ladies & Children.
ikn]J .
I I CJ , \Hats and aps. \
Printz,! I
' ft:lI'erritt
r 11 ED II' I NE' S ;
L" A' 1'-"fTEn'~, - ll:_-
lllUlltl In' other Dlcth,,'.a,H!s. Ov PrtltirlY. .. bIll Amaric'" and European .licl", l"rll elll(llu)'e.~ UPQl' tllil t6viloioll. or 6 lor fiv e dl,l\or8. .\ 'u, 11 t; Qud llairly )'tlur8 ur lullor eXI'Cllilcd upon UK. H. ANDERS & Co . • pr,y~ici ll n.. ' It it. Dlld OhemiKtll; 426 Brq. dwuy. NIl\v' Yorl.. C EM I CAL 8. Be\'Nul tobles or (l; reat valut', Qllr or lhe", Suld b.l· IlrUl!lIiSld Itl'nerally. ·163111 of Hfty qUlrto pa"c • a, Etp(lmlllury 'lnd LEA D. Pro l\ounclng, or names 'j in tio'ion . of PROF ~8'O~.A L ~Allf)~. .' I.' O~L, . I -BUCH Adpcr. olls Ind places, peel/d ll'l)!mtl • .1tI.~. - - -,', -.. VARN I S llES. FIN ~ CU'l' &.c.• tia Abnddon. A C8di~, AIflnny nee ' I " ""'D p' 'LUG' ·gency. IIlulher Cltry. \llneon & Dlxoo·. J',' ~ Wil t~ . An . . ,I Ii II I.' . \IIr. ~lic.\Ybflr, &.r. . , &1 aD« lUll[ "'" . . OlOAH.:S AND CUII\J.lnlllg on4J ·nnh ur oll".'f IU·rlh I mote .. . . SNUFF. 11I811 er Ihun nny lunner edlti,,,np. . -A l' DP A1NT; 'V 4\~~lSH. &C. ; BLACKING, It'rOrtl ileAl 1',IlCt-rOtY'1'1l plllt~. IlIIllh. l,liY. W~]L'ln, "LACl."l"'G -BRU ..':IJ~S. ereide J·r.e ... . \Vlly"e'Yllle.Obl·o . " D · R. '!r'I' ~ ~ '11' ~ u , .. '" .., l!. n I n 1 1. v .u III '11. W ' W '11 • 1:" '0 .• 1.' Te. la one Volu .. " of '8"0 ora .uar. ' II • A ." "8Ie~ .:JlBTI.IL DZ.U.EM,N
DI> UG'"
l~ i:J
ad Pam'
11 D1 Amy
A .' JONES, M• D"
.... ~yD · O.... ~LASolY . , VV ..... , VV \iI' J:I S A 8;8
Pro:eSliun.IService. III the ritizenl o_I~t+lHJ' ~'~
. t W aYllen'i ll' e alldV . IOIJU J.
do Dot know wbether tbe lOe10· in use on tbi. oC.clIBion Is Ihe prnp
~,t ~
DR. Y G () 0 D S.! DY8·STUFF3,
1~~I~:in:r81~~tc~0:~Ie;eJI~~~~~ t':.J;.;~~e~~~
Carr/"'Uv Corrt.(;kd Everll Wetk.
muai9. ail(l the ot~~M19ln!~. ODe
.......... •• ........,' '.. J. A. C R I S IN;
B-'R-SIUBB PLO,,,S, . . IIt. ON IN T IUtU(,.OOD. . ME~!S The Peruvlall l!Iy.ul' Buppli ... Ihe blvo" 1 ~ nnd double olld si lt:!le wllh ·lt. hfo element.lrull. Inludllll! vigor. I tltre,,{% th. olld new III .e IlIlu Ihe wlwle 11'111. Fo~ Dys pepijln. D,opey. Chru,"c " mode of 9(€e l. 1-111 \,vil~ 11'0 m"n"fI!Clutp Dibrrhall, ~t'lItl1le W e'n klleslI. ntc .• it id a !ti)~rm'9(t' 1l\1M n1 (~ ,l!l i'ilre ~ Thp. bet! uulil ' r . i BIIlI rl' pai, I'luwsharr8. 'lIId dres8 and temspec,fic. '1 h(lud~lId, J..,.y ~ lIee n d \all l.""d ~lYIl!!Ilf ~ '~ 'Iu O'I£~JI '. q, l 0 per nll ki"ds of IE dlle II TJll\e. ?' . ltr the UBe U( .""8 lIIt'dtCllle IrulII wa u~ . , •., m"'\ I017,'#I~ .!WIm (ClJrol,",if,t~~ (t:7Sl!litlaing and Hone-sholnf IItt'Il,!I. IIckly. suff~rtllg crl'UlIlIe8• .' u slroll::. i ' ____ UD~ ~ ~!ill ~~LI.::I I\l)~Y~ ._ . , ,, .• tu ptoillpll" . . . 4-tim I II .! I J ~U I 1(,3 I Iy an l"llpy Illell un womell. F or Gellll('men's ond n u ~' s' weM. AI ~fI, . :,' . A ll:.l pago pHlllphle t sellt f~ee . CALL AN.D SV I ,'. I a lurne s upply IIf well-selected IJrice 81 per lIol\l e. or Ii lur 85. ./11.1£1 D ..... • J . P. DINSMORE. ' . GE. Til.,. BEST! 36 lJey Streel, New York. \ Jun WEB S T F\ I' 8 Hr _ Sui;) by Dr~~\lls~ llen~raIlY'_..2.6_!~' _ _ :___ DIC110~AB.Y DR. II. ANDEItS' IODIN E \V A.·ram. .j. . .. All ill1l81ullole O:Bcuver), . A full gra"n l ~ V~"-" ~• ...,.., ~~, ---..,....,. \ NEW ILLlISTRA.TED KD'II'IOK. 01 ludlne III eneh uunce ul W II ll' r. diSOUI- \ E. It. PRIn Z' T1IOrou "'Mg Rtvi.td and mllch ,nla,gM. veil without Q Sulvent! '1'he 1I10 ~\ llU\\,- A. B. MERRITT. of all kinds olway , un hl' lId.. c. · ~ ::~·~~IIViI8~~:~'f~lo~~~\~ . RI:~~'n:~~~~~~~~:. &~ A line buorlmelll 01 "'"'UU Illtt R:'heuRllIllsm, . CJ OII~UlI\p .I \. . all~ ~U:ANINGS nol Iun. nnlI 10811y oU.a. LAlVlpfii: 10 .000 WORDS
. " ' qJ;ucsvllle nJlli'kch.
Inl~~rIlDel,itf''/t with voc lIl and inetru.
~ :~\\M 11\\~1111~
\Vi~h whum hI! p layed eo pleatantly une Chr""lc '. and He ~e'lit81 y nl lll' lISea • ."re winler ago; bul therd will lie oo8lorms cured by ""U8£" as th ll u8""dl cau lcallf),. IIQr ('08.18 lu interrupt their aweet int'er- CircullH'lent Iree. I)rice, "1 per bottle .
r.ourtle,lRd ' hill lillie Bllter I)' ill 1'001[ watch fof his generous ,illt! of 101 or cllndy. rtlld ' , .nY_lit .., I' Ie 'R Ie. ' , . Iy ( I,Idle n VUIll .orI 118.III:!et J F II d F d life we , earell te ill! Ihy your lIod judiciou!lly oonduct(jd, on 'OIUlIIot f"il to be R credit Iweet, innucenL life teach U8 to mure . I!J I I hilly realize what OU~ I Sav iour lIill;ntlg I or ~oou,. 'Ot .• uch i, the Killidom of Heaf8o.~
'1'0 DR UNKAItD8 . Old Duclur Buchm,, '1 Drull.k lr,da' Curo l permsllelltiy Ilrlldic.I~8 Ibll taete fn' . lrOIlAr drink. and cure. Ihe woret e'.. e8 ul drullkenue ... in les~ Ihan eight wel'ks. '1'ho08lnda nl reformeliinebriatell lI uW live 10 bien Ihe d.y lbey were furtulto. e I enoulfh 10 COlomellce tile u~e of II.i. VdIU" able remedy. "Price 1'wo Dollars II pock· lI~e. Mailed 10 .ny IIddrodli on ' .. r.aiplol I" urder. by JAMES S. nUTLF.R . 4:19 Bra_dw MY, Nel\' Yurk . Sble Al:ellt lur th e Uuile.! Slale8. J6-Sw
.. ,
remedy, aher hllJlult .uiJ'c!red 8even I years with a .evere IUIIIl dTectiun. alld thaL drtlld dlaease. COll8Umpl iotl-i. IUXious 10 II1l1ke kuuwn w bid feiluw lu/l~rerl Ihe mran. of cure. 'J'o all wbo desire il. he will send n copy of lhe pre.criptlun used (Iree 0: charge.) wilh Ihe direr-tions (or prepor· ing snd u.in~ tJl' ·lam., I",blcb thl'Y will' find a Bur. ture f~r Con8umn.lioll. A.thlDa. I' Brollchiti., Coullh •• Culd •• &r. 'l'he onI, obje~t ~I I!IO odverti.er In .en~lng the PrelCflpll\lD I I to b~neflt the Imlcted. Ind s pread infurmllion which be conceives IU btl invaluable, •• nd h" Ioope. ~,ery eulf'· er'lr will try hiil rt"medy, 18 it ..... ili c081 , them n~thinlf' a.nd may pro\le •. ~Ieuing. , Pllrtlt'. "'1811111& 110. pre.crrptlOll Will , pie .." addre~8. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, \viJlij8111I1burgh. Klnge County. New York. JS-3 m.
I rt'~ ld "l1ce. l:I~p'lelll'ber 211. 1866, }'REDII! lien.'6s· uot u li tlill 10 irnjll'Ovl! I It' ~. l:iUEWALTEIl. aged luur ,eurllllld foor Dce of Ihe "I"eel IIOU as on the du ys.
BuperilllenUI!1I0e of Mr. Mc· Llssisw'd Vy'1fiil t ffillit:I~ L ladiea /;cufal dl't.llftcnenll. 'J'ltl' re is r W:1Y W4I should nol ha\'e 110 scboul in Wllynenille ; lind if Iy su.I.ined and tncollrlli ed b,'
Parlo".!U'd CO',,\Piner 8.0'
~o,' I\tRt the (" nce on tbe .Mi • .~~~ side of Ihe buildin g hill! b een 0 B • T V A B 1( • DIED. in \Vnj' ne6v!l le, 01 "i8 (ntller'" LO R I ~ .. tll ", 'Itll LII(j sidewalk.
1 •
bell m eeLing. on Monday evening•• ""ee rTO' CONIJUJIPTIVE.'4. were mllde by Rey. 1. 'Y. 'Maaon,' • Mt:ss re.l. W,. Keys. ~, W. C~I,t" G. Tho un~erl!llned Ilivinl! been rettored ! M Ze11 tl?lf II II A Arl of to health III a felY we.ela, by a very .itople
' 80 p. ~. p., Indiel! prt!se Dt YIIried Ibe exercl~e8 by singing toml! stirring ICtlDperaoa8 100gs . t C"VW"('1r,,~Jt . ,Agent. In 1\ very ac~eptaLlo manoer. •• FIRM. We ootice a new aigo I;ir E. R. Prinlz, Esq .• who for the OD Maiu . LrotC;.. which reade, lalL .ix ,,~eke ba. been 00 II' \lllIit 10 tbe . '. "esl. lIat returned, at we botiee by" D.tmUr AND n.OD1I05. Mtrcham T.i[.or, ./ certain rapjdi~y 0 r motion peculiar to him.elf bebilld ·lb. ,,-oulll.er and wbich ' . ' Ithout Rny flltther autllOrity tbau hRII become a ramiliar cbaracteri,tlo of WI! L~II our readen IbId Iheir IIud t.be Old Drug-~tqre. y rriend, Lhll Mayor, bas a8with ililn thllt lI ece88i1y to biA ":Mr . 'J' ..'1'. Dudson, . w1108e lion ill ,hi, pAri, Q[ lll~ coun ly ia In WayncBville. 011 1'hur~~.y, October vy 1111 tailor!. II givea U8 26. by Rllv: J . W. MallO". lUr. Meur, K. to make t he announcemeot, King to Mia. Francea Cuoper. Ar the resitlllnce of Ihe brld,,'tI fllther, predici. with much fai th, a mllnD or W aYllcllvill£,. on Thur,tloy t'veninll'. ill crenee 10 ItIll; alrendy he Iavy Nuvomber lI. by R pv. J . W. IIllIun. atr. . , 69 done by lhi. house . Go aDd Evertlrd D. Roberls 10 MiBi SllIie Kelly. sigu, "nd Ihl:ln look ill8ide al the .. II or Ihis '\'ic:inily. In L ebanoll, vn t he lsi Inat .• lit lhe M. Y'lorWlelll, oj fllbrics for Ibe B. parponoi(e,'" R"v . L. Cllirk, Jnml's season. lSuce alld Deburah COlt, 11fi1I1 oj Frank· Dut!ley & DodHo n: bll\le the lin , Ohio. In Ihi' plsce. on Th,HSdIlY evenilll!. competent corp. of workmen in Nov:-2. by Rev. J. W. Mn ~ on, Mr. Philip tlllploy, IIlId 8aLisrsction is'llI cer- :31111110. 01 Mla otis burll. 10 ;lUes Laura S •• .. " co. of \Vnynesville. re ~II thlll nig ht' follow8 ooon. The printers return t"lnki for the c.k", .nd wl6h Ihe happy Muple 1lIth41 juy Ihll TOWER. -1.'he dirl:clorl bnve " neM liule belfry on tbe roo f CDn ponhly dl'scrnd upon 'the~'. .Union Schoo:·huU8e. and bad ===1 lla " r. in. We ob· C II 5. Dot IlOp. ·W. H. CLEIIEIIT, Prealalenl. WOODW AnD. ~up ".
S r.r 0 V E S
G B B A. '1'
1 .30A .II.
* -¥.',
LI.~. •..."U __ I.I. ~ DR. 1... aUIltBUKf. ~ • •SAL. • ' A New York e.orr"'pondtlnl under dllte _ Au •• I '''4. I!ay.; Durlllll .lr. Li1lCo11l'1I AlID ~ec ...nl 'i.j~ to Ihe.' Irc'nl.·lhe pruptlt'I)' ~, ~ IIiUIn" lII· hl.~)' rallonl 10 Ihe IIImy WII f~ 11iII_05III dilcu.ted with Gener.1 Gr.lII. ,,,100 ( a v o r , V ~ YIi" . "AT :r111o:uurt'. l'h.,. P I wllh h.ld IIBool co~enl lianplicily. Ihlit 1It1I£,W 1!II~1IdI11 - ~ II J1\11}I,!;.D (Succmor fo !IUII!.·;III;/;' Cri:"in.) whlteler 18 bplle'I.:tllto Ille hl'nlth of Ihe 1MT" .L. t\VtI,m gWf 1!)J. 7ill~ • -r 'livili.n t "'III certoinly prove advall!lI:zeuU8 itII1~!liNl ~ lr\!~.m. AlSl!. &) A&)", (8":~DS ... Uli:iN ' s OLD nAND.) At the old .land on ltain Slreet. W.,t:ne •• 10. llIe he ll th or Ihe loldier_. ond u nlllrville. would inhHID Ilia old cU'~¥'I.el~ 1!D)t Iy. ev~ry In dl VI'dUQ 1 re.idllll: 'III mlr.lay dis· I f '" d I I .. " A Y N E I!I V ILL Ill. I I tie reat 0 mall"III, tI,lt 10 PU. a 00 .. Incle . lhrUUllhoui Ih~ tQlInlry eun "tteRt J. 10' lit e merl'lli 01 R<lbac~'8T BIlle rs .. ia p,e~,..:.~ ... vt!mive ul lebrile comp.I.lntlf; by lI~illg --0-A Comrl>to A ortmel1t of , ~ '¥'"-o" ,.,., ~ The work of Ihe MOfftl Reform them in t ile l1'my the In. htria of ""'8ml", ,1.0. I "rill d .upply of' . Socit:ty gue& bqnely 00, At tbe lllat ~:Iyd ~:v;:~:J. II.Ie cIlmp.· flIIlY like \'10 ene~ . ~ 0;:)'" The ne%I "lIioa of lb. Wllrrl'D
A*Ctu~ ., .
I ........,
DR. S, 'l.W AY, rO!;TIJt'E' . T·RE PRACTIC£
_._--"-«==-- - - -- - -·-¥P...,u""b"" hshed.\lI '''-8t . We .hall ('.onel,"tly keel' on hRnd • gen-
.n en l,.e OF .
er~I:~j~~~e~~c~'iv~dl~~~~I11t:~:~~:;If. II
II IE II V11 •
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H'A I R."O I L 8 Am .
dt· · 'n es Pict.ure .. Window-Glasses.
!tii11iN11 ~'G' J;t:IltI) !. I"m~ WAll.\!l LalA'.a: u.u.ifI}.VAQ),
p "[E [I 'fF I1J
"ood .lld -eli'le'-;"I.,. d I'" 01
P t
In ill viriou .. brtl"che. ; not 10 be exrelltld any\\, Ilere.'" N une butI IIII II & "t: M A"". J A L U 11IC D. T£R.~, CAPH.-Omce It hill tesidence on Mllin Sire ... t. · 1- 1)' 'f }
J • ,IT KEY S IV 0 '
. '(J~7'
All D P 11 T 't Y ,
OrrrcE on Ihe eorner of M.in nnd 'Mi.mi .... . oe",l, oppoaite Heye Hull. 'r6"INijtht «:Dlle promptly re~punded to.
'GE'" LA ,/·E8'1·.· • TI"E 4 • tJE'Ji THE iJEST.·
. C.Ai\ A p ' o,
""EBST~!l.' R. ~~IlIJ.IAM. 8 ·1rfnallllld. lI.... "
. I' Tt:lrrlble J;)1•.elQ.~ ..e~,. t e\ere,1.I ~'r••tt&,) '. J •• , • I ,U ~ .' ,_ .. b d 1 I bll
liu~.m~·~~~k!1 ;~~ PI,.;n .e~:d.p;O 'i~~
ItItd'tR""lnlf'" Jk H 11",'1 V'ADIJ ve ,,8 A " 5 , 1"\CUIll •• llnrl"iQal'D4popul.. r~r•••i.o .'1'" • U, .1 . "h . I tlU ISIan .ntl .... ml.n, .. 1&I,r ~. ,'1001", And· vou cannot '~il to be tluited ltuUt ha ~1Ir.ljl'n. I l'd Sj!.Xu. l. lll/lur4era a( IV'VI tjll jj lllY ,pr.d pritt!: ~'i!! d. with nev~r-~a!liI'* - ltelnelie. for June ~3-1. Ihei r spe'.!, cQre. J be ,re,tlc. of D" Hunler hlUll .... , beeu. '''~ .till I•• linA. Cougb, Cold, or Sare Tbroat. bUUQd Ad. bulll tl e, t\arn",~ ",licitalloli of . nUmU(1U8 pe'l'IU" •• I•• ·III~ lteelfihAIlCtld 10 R EQUl nEsIIMMEDIAT& AT't E"T tOR, At'll .--tenil bill tnedi ... lUlleIUltt'" IbruUI" the . ..... nH r ,w"D IF 'LLOW ~'" .... tiUuu..., liD V .\.~~ . A .1" medium ,,{ hi, 'V , lie ~.. . I 1\ 1\
\lI '1u CullnlUE, volume Ihalllhou,hl b~ 'D ll ~ ,h utU III ~vsistera. Irrlta\loo of tile t.",I•• "ermancnt erv bnai\v in tltA lUll'll. "a pr~ \'ellllv" or - ---- . - - ._ VALUAjJLE IJ..ECIP£S. O· b iiJi a' AlreeUolI. Dr a .. Iucllrllblll vice. or .. "uide lor Ihe .1I "vl.tio~ of I' fu EVITuR' }Ju,..1 GAZETTE .; " • ~ Lllu, lJbe8"e. une of Ille muat IIwful ' aild MalrO!!ti,a rR RS'8 Oi,IiJCIi: (IWee. of t 1te A 'I .'" ~ d rtln t r th BE·T . AND NOTA .l tY I"VOLIC. 111.1' reC.1! en 0 t' U OTT£N THE lI R1'tl J.T . scuurge. tllll ever vi.iled m.n.kind.. 0 ne \Vi III your perm Ia. Iun. I wls II to uy to ,iettn Exprea.' C:lm' p,n\' a' Corw,I'o .... J' Ib dIll' 1 I '11 d "'f,. .A E COP", fI~ t' urely ellvelopild j will belorwar..... b e reM erlO your pnlle: I. WI I!en Lict1lled COllve~an c~r. I~ ~Im . /Ie..,l. ~ BItOWN'S BnONl:IIIAL 'fKOCII'S J e.t p.. rt'l1lo~er~ 10 tb" 'felt'gillph by relurn m.iI. lo .a ll who wish il (IreI') a and ~g_" "('rrt/r·... '.le L IRA ami " ~ ~ ~, H.VI·II. HII' -,t'~l tlllluenee on tI, e pnrl ~, 0",1r.le 01 pUIII'Re, : It ' III'y ,' lfar : , 1, lho' Mr. A. recipe . wIlflld i f k' d n<".,J' ..10 S' .. ~ UIlIt'd::ltJ1tesfur60r.ll uIIIIP.O . ltlmij,.' In t I'" 1> epoL baaiidluO'. II u treet uo. or mo 11111 III ' LI'''''E IM-urnnce " o-n"u'j;e,. ''',v'' .. . .' I I '" bl III I " 11 ~"r " . , . ...." immediate rplitll. .'Ul" IIroneh ilia. Addrea~.· po.; lpli". DR • HUN .l'Eft, 0 , IIR\' .lDg b ee n IIppoiDWl d I'F lbe e/fecluoll.v U. lllg II a mp e • e~eta e (lO)' n m. t ,nt WI Sc:bQo' l'~OQ' ks, AlIlhIlU.l'tlhrrla. CUll 8umpthe II.d '!'hrvil 3 9 iftdillll Streel, N",w Yurk. remove. in ten s. Pilllpl e~. Orfb:ct lot Ibe Olit Stft.... M tll'lII_l, J&tt, U".,,"t:a, Truchc .. ere uded \filh ~Iwlt .. a Rgent a~ ao "Iblstant, will ali. Blo.chell. Tall Frec klel. and 1111 lmpnri.WA 'i!\·E~Jl.JLLE. OHIO. , :luod Bocces •. Sillllerj bll.! .Pultlic Spcuk . --McGU FFY'S &. WI LSON' S SERIES. ' era wiil lin.! 'J'rut: hee U,g: ul in cleori,,!: T 0 .J E • lite full chllrge of tha\ depart· tiea of Ihe Skill, leitrillil the IUllle 80lt, · ill con ' . t,y.\{ ; I' cillar. IImol>lh. alld belullful. (k]r C,,,Uecl iclIIlllllodl', alld proceedA rcth e vu" ce \Vh~ 1I tukl.l ll PeCore 8011:': "lg ur .... A, I): ·, . . , '. nee lloll \ I W ~!{"'p illig. 1 willllliW , ,mllil f'll'''' 1!J those hRvill1C mi""d III ('~ .. I't? \lt r" te~, &e. . &0., &0. ppak'III " ."d rt! 'e ivill " ti, t! Ih,vol ufll'r " " H .' nu .e<lu/rc Ii rtli.Lle I·eil.,c;dy I , rdlurll goo.d "1'"... Jln.Poilll .... enl. an U·1 OUt! Billd IltlJlds ur Bore '."e~. 81 ' ''lpl e dirt'l'. -. •IIlIusu.1D'extlli oll "I Ihe " r u E apeda l p"in, talcen in prt'pftrinl[ I'll vucu' org.us. ' "IJe e y~ u. U'. . , "ill gil'l! gellerl\l IlatitifRclion. tiuu, lind iil'orlll,ll lion • • lh,,~ \\ ill ellnblll PI.l:II lIud ,rucurill, b.,·k Pay. 8ullnlie" Trurhel /I~ 1l rccuUllIIl'ltdl'l1 uud p' .. 8cri~ed Dr. Harv,ey ·. Fem,lo M1I. _ _ •• . Ih e m III III.,t. full gro 'ltl" of :u II "rift II I allli Pe".iolls ur tlece..ed 1:30ldiers. Chnr., .1" ' Ily Phr8idulI lI. Illd ho.e hull ·'·... IitllOinlols .\ nr H · ... (;od " ,8' !~ .... . llt lo'[ t'l ,\'<\1 f I of an H.ir. Whi6ker~. or I b!uullacl;e, ill 1 ~8s gee rl!8!lollftb lt·. .' . ';"111 ~ llIil1ellt. fIIl'lI Iftr tluf hulI.llhe COUIII.'y . 0 ;'4I 'U.·t,n,, 0. " .• ",otlier' frlll .r,o' eMU." th .... 8'1.'-05 00 -"EWARD I tl' HII tlll' rly' d"j's L li' .e IO n d F"·ir • .,UBtlran r.e P O.Iclel, ,. . ... ueu_I r liD '. Ut'i..•~_. "Jl atlld~ (If It"l' UI ~ tlt . a"u.(I,avlfljt ... " !'I ••• 'I' .. "y urp ,.(".ltd,"""" a.<.I Will relt"" '<ll 1 A .. . ,I ' . ' -T :C111' .' P , b 'rll('lIe racl'pes life ala bl I b Ih 11 d .. ". Iu r. ill c.~r) CI1",_, '1'10....r .. 1·0 edlqleioua ; III Inu encil , ~.efe lOll e· d ~ v , I! 0 0 0' an d prucure "" fuauble term.·. ·· C I 11 ... ~ I'>' J F 'II I p/'o~tci lIIt- ir rtli.:ucv lJy ~ IhL ". lIIal'! .. , .11 ,.••• , ·uf 'Tfj " ...; . Whil"•• Prnl' I'fb!l d ~. Ihey .r & mill .." I" . liI th e "f' rienS~8', !te.e~i.D il.hou8e Lllld "~ y"u~. R EF EREWOE- 4~.· veer. real.lom·.ll. In tld F m'e u y ~~I'1 1 . rOOlp.t y ~ 1 F<a ye.". eGo," fec., /il;d. Ihem in III'W ItJI'~ li- ,~c. Sulll ill bl>se. C lJid fii: III.! pr\I••pfle'~ ,1 l ~ . • '" W 10 li e l . . m ree 01 c. larie . I hey lire conllllullilY. ~ ,I '.3111 .~ . ,'. ti e.. in Vllrionl pnrlB 0 1 the worlel. bnd lite Dr. H.rT-'.' dOll"", uf 1JltVI~ }o' urniu•• 011 Fil'@t.t!sy worthy the ~" 1' 1l11011 or "II IIIhn p,ize 0 I ' ."" (, ' ," 0 ld r 1U (T _ S tor e , I Troche" 8re uuh 1'r.~aI 11IHultuuncl'd "'ell er -. "1-. . . I .. cle."r. pure Skin, or • bealthy g" ro;vlb ul e " ,e",~,I)' fal' CIl! i. (our il"J """. Inll. 011 t.}UI .Itlt Rre bile iDi- hOIr. . . . . ~ ~U"r" tl' ft~I' nf;l" ~ th"N olher orlicl~s . ,\~o"K.·r 'i hvll'ih~ "bov,,; I'r1"" *31;.; b" .. ~ . M. E. S. 'l'h .. abO\l~ rewaru "ill All "I ,. I • I' ..4\U" ~". " • ., \\'a, ••• vllie. Obio. ('~Iui/l olily 'IIrown 'e nrun cllial 'T roIt rflu(e tiri;ul ~r to Lillli. , wh~ Ii"" an~~ 'PI' le1I.h)nl Inlwered b'~ return . __ _ . . . . , J " " 1Iel,' alld du I.ot luk e nit)· ul the W"r' Ia-' ' ' N " ("1 '1 i I .t I ' ,. I . 0 V' H N -b R ~ ,. , 10j,1Icaf eIlKrIl91"1l". 11. ,,1 ,ree :-R r.. celpl 0 lb 6 d ' - ' e D er a' Ibe Millmi G llzetle mill, W I '(lU ~ IlrQe. . PO S · F 1 C E C 0 ·.1\ .. . 1__ ·llnl·'.t·I".II. 111"t Inay be offt,pd . . It I II f F"" ." EXVCU""'ORS' NO'''l'C' £f. L' ~D r no!el ed elttM61'~ 0/111 . Ift '" p• ~ e~p Pcl " . y.RDI. · . ,- HAPIIA", . J e 23-J-li Sold I'vtrywhl're ill Ihe g"it"t.lBta'". Spud fur DR. HAItVb:V'S Pri ...." MOldll-al .. ,. _ _._ . ' Chelilidt & Perlullle.~. 'as I .l!r... dwu, No,ico i" hert'by ",inn., Ihlt rhe uilder'Ill . .' . . " 'Rnel ill Foreign CIlOlllriee, at &~ cenll per ~d.'... r:.. durbl ~d In le"ial •• ; lOt IJ.~'" ' lrl.~ At a -., I' ,... f l ' C I6-S\\I. , New York. s i""ed were, on Ihe N ,nflll'eillh da,. ul CIDER .• EGA l',. bv. i f. . 'S.11 . 1\" fu ll "lltrUclIOj'., 10 e',It. ' '''Ilmed..(e, ~ ........ e II . ." 0 III entra • I ~ r.:. If d ' 1_ I ' . • ..," If you b~ n .. 1 .l' .. ,.,h •••. I~ a , ~t. . ~ Rl\ilro, C'" , ' b Nllllh Ilonlll,. 1 86u,lpp"I~l tt' .tT «III,! nei ~ U~dr"11 i., Ihe " ..,111 G.. ',lIi \», til '\1, po~ ,y IJlP'U'Y, eld M Z ..nea~ n _ :\, _. ElCtculora nn Ihe Jo~~lftt. of - N.tl.. ", 1'I,i, ",e- ~iIb. too b~.~ure. tllLWe pr,?· ".A1P_ ~ ~.~id, •• r.~~fI (r~"/ ob ~f\'ll" , o'n" h'lI,l (. Of on Ullj 2J IQ,~allt'" Prel', W. H . ' , " . IJo,lea, decrtsed, lal8 ul WatrPII Ca utaty, eured .Ihe C ld~r Irol~i.Jellll.ble perll0't~ In .. t1o\',~ ~ , 0 .•• D"lltfr'. "1' Oll .•J. Oa'" ,CoIIWf"",Wp 1# I I d Of II g relt mit lly lund. IPJ III ',rle4u.D- Ohlu. 18AA q JONES. ,' . \ fhid "e~!pfll)oT.hoot!. ' a;lIt pl'rtl1i led It to [t.ncl~1illh ~litr~t'/ "'tr C t~f'i Jl~lin' .i!Jo " (a . .. , ~'.DrcJlId,,al.ftew York of thi' count t d' 1 .al t .ec e one tilie-. lu r nlf' .by . NA 'JlH AN JON F.S. turn !Ir .i"~ ,,, uti O\l~ own pr..mt~e8. ClltrtO and ",x lrJi~tR 't ::'11'''u lor ,o;!" 111 ·1;r:De!oI.... ~appl ..." by flrtill ia a.ttl... .,''''a Irector. fQr ·the fll ~ \U"g yur,. 1'tIJ::R~ITrr &: RrNTZ. . W .yu .... lllt, 10UI RIO. lU I t[t66. . ME'IU"'1"" &. l'RINT?'. , 11' ~ .& PRIN Z, fU .• ~g.e , h, l'i ... Yurko \1-11 IiPECU
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.PITTSBURG TO PHILADELPHIA. \ j 0 IS The Eutlro 810ck of . }'rom·.all porduns of the . WPPI, Norl.h . Witbout tby .mile to cheer. . c hondlso, Bllho lowest r",W, whole ale 0 G It d S'l Wa.t b lI·a n. ' Well nod Sllull)·We.I, ,htl 1\110 "nd III and relu il. Secol/d IUlld P ia nusll nd 1'1~. n.e 0 an 1 ver 0 . COli ofeliuu! furlll eilher Ihe .. horle~1 ur JIII& as Ihy prcapnce to our bome lotleo ns al greet bar!!ainl. 60 T 11lfact ry, tW'O Jnvelry Ih e beet fU lile lu N ew Yilt).;, Did joy and eomrort give. 7b, 100, 12 50, 1M. 200 and $225 . NtlV ODe SUv.er •.Pla· · }J08toll, Baltimore IIntl· W.shing lun . 't'he D."lh- elentleu dealh ..did come - \ 7 uClOve IJi, nus lor 250 ulIll up war ds. PIhJlg W ",honee, one Gold Pen lruveler m.y with cOllfidellce rely opun . -An'" mtn'lt Dot &n08 ond Melude uns tu It,I, ren: "lIuw. and PeacH lIaker, BlJre cunlleclion, hijlh wilh \I II. v.. "J ., letl,r purchoseu. Munlhly re'ro btl .ul'o)'led of with 'Hl'patoh lIalpty, alltl I!YIl,'Y oppltl'JIQ4! lor Ilomfnr\ · . One of .ar GOLD .1' SILVER ceivetl lor lloe • • OIP. . WITHOUT TO COliT. Ihol run be procured. New of lerrora rear, . Wulebe , or 8tlver 'ren Sell The lJor;.c:e WUleri', P }1I10B. and Marl). pauel1ller CHS, fur day and nlllhl Why rolJ 1111 QI Ollr hearll' dehgb! ? lor ..., Bit below .t:1U!d. dl'on5 ere .. fi'ne Ind .Iuuble 1Il.lrumenls The Good. are oC C., blonablo .tyl.a . nd mall have rllcently b('en addod 10 Ihe equip, ' Wb b . I . h ' • os arll mao... Warronlet! lor fil'e year». ' n .. llcli l worktl"'II.l> lp, .lId are "crilic .'! '" ment \II Ihe l'ellll 8ylY1l11ill Cen,rlll l(.uil·· your reallll angUli tear. Prices greally reduced fur cosh. 111111 II I.nll," IU Ibe rondo ...... WI,., cauat! our J'oya eo BOOD to IJlighl? Ooe or our &ea Bold qr onl1 pl eu of I TESTJJ)JON I . bur,.,, "lell; ()"," .. Ioned Ill'. a <1\ , 'Pi t t Ruurll, \. It.ns from the Wesl run '\' Q ..... . Gold or 18 \\Iorlh a bushel o( I . S. It .hou1d be P" ollllnonlly IlulW> al,Q. .t.1 . I . D 'U 1..1 'Y' \ .u lll) lho cheap dolhr jewelry! The H ornee \V.lers' Piano! are "nown Ib,,1 llley a,e Itl0ltly o r 10 th'll Ullion D!'pol. P .. 11Ilvo beeD introduced to tlie b n& MEltICAN MANUFACTURE. I R 1. Iraw s 01 I l." eI II10J:Q th(m oi~h' yeallS. I\cd lIa.e ,DOlt tllQII lbe hoary beatl rever, _ _ os omoog tho verI bell.-N. Y. Evan-eare lraneftlrr.cd lolhe More tll .... ..lIi1dhoo;l •• golden hOllr ? Wo ,,'''0 adop.ted Ihe (olw)\Iillg mod e OC l l iS!.. nnli 11,.., . lore .uptrior Ih e 1)00.ls i'll' ollnsylvuni. Cenl!8. 8' W II C' (Ill Wb . not "ith e can speak Qj lite merilB uf Ih e I'nrlcd 'rolll "broKd lI" wk .d ah nul 0" Ih. Plttabura ond arrive at "Olher pulnls o lily taluD! Ietlr I. Istrly'-&t.l()D Illurocn \V.,ors' PiOl108 Irum oe rsollnl I <lv.r 101<1 . 1 he duty UII .111" \ "8 lollows : . v . TIre 014 alld tender Bower? by 88le u l 75,UOO articles 01 vulue •. '\ kl.uw. Ic dll O,_, Rd hei rt" IlIg.I' 1 on G o ill nAY EXPREss-Leaves 01. 2.. b or . Ihe \·'; ry best \ lI'C " 'I'I'''''' lun:,;uo.Jb·· lgll 1.lftllcl I, ~'re l'IH Hu t l tu ",o t ,., R.UOUlll .,u ' Pitlsburg • I qulltly.-Cllrt ell\ln Inl.ellll!!llIce r. 1<> 11101". ,110" Ih e ."l1r": rotl of III."Y 0111~C; or. 50 A. A!, 8l upr lI al pr1ncl~u , ,,1.11~1~8 . Wt blame thee nol, Ihou I;llll1llly king Our New Mode. 'j'he H Ul8CO Willers' Pinlloe lire Lullt II, leo oll.. ,·.d by u. 1o Ih. public. T o facilllal e Arrtve. ul Alloun,,* at 7 A . M. I y\ or terrorp, 18 \\1y n"me il writ, The I\rliclu 01 !tootle are numbered \ O( Ih e best alltl most Ihuruu gh ly seosoll ed Il he aul e, rone 8.46 A. [Bpllefonle 10 S:a A. 1\1 ., ainee Q;'" A.lmiahty, Jl\Ole .IIIID l.bOIl, frum I up 10 75 000 ! . a7.f>OO con t i.ling mu erial .-AtI.voeule & ONLY ONoE DOLLAR . Lock l:a flO .•) •.,... . ., 01 ')i""01 l'I\elotleoll8 lioll! Illd Silver Wolers' Pillooll and Melot!eona ell!lo ' Will b8 chorKe" lor o~y brltcle on o.r hll .. ande 1. 10 P. !If., Dallimoret 6 .4l> P. M .• New and benoe their Doth OD lbe lbrone elunal lil. Walches 'Sc,.ln &. Irnga wilh Ihe I'tllrll mil d" \ .I... WIU Iln"1 hPur"h ... rl ,u"tTUh,!ot l'UY until hd P.M., YPI,II· "\'1W~ W\Q. tot II La ge . " p.u aCt~or" Yurk. d I via . • Allemowh, • .. P MI t 10 itO d N k Cl ~~\~~~ S~\~\ Sell',::;olid Silver lell aud lap le SpuOhS nnywhere IU tile 1l0I)/lI.,y:~(,m. Jour- '\I lb ~I, c 1Il.llo od. recenlly becOi n. au " upular I . e plll.~ al6.,:"" • I • . ,all, ew or, ond aonsequont ,prufit to !.he .a nd Jo orh, elO., t'IC .• and I he 01 "er 37,50u I lia I. . , rut ,I""Olinl;" of III'!;. alock. or J"w& ')" 8",1 VIa Plllladelptll!l, III 10.27 •. ~l. TIQIl buL Ihe aervllll t of His "ill. nn~clc" uf vnlu.ble J e we lrj. Wurk alit! Hurace ,"Voler.· piallo Forll'8 ere o/ l' illlil" prod~r.ti,:,'" MAIL LIIIE-Lpove, l)illijburg 111/)./,0 thus ena.blillg hilll to upeud 'Vho lhe \"8lt uni ver~e 'did milke, TUIIIIt Caee!. VII'.lograph Albums, Open- rull, rich "~Id evell ~o"e, Qlle! puwerlul.TIlE I LAN 18 8IMPI.Ef A. l\1 ., Blupping Rt all ,egular 8tnllon~. "'l~\;\'\\ ~\~O\~~l~\'\"' 6 Bllvrr Walche~. and fOIl~ arlicles in IN . 't. 1\1 U5 II; " I n,CVI~W. • ' Th e n",,, e of Md• • 'Ii.rlo oOe re,' r" r ,,, ,,,-.. A1I00n t IIt11 .45 A.1\t., nlrrlebu' jlt ' 'Who all\d~ lie men, is able I.till greut vorlely. 75,OOO ./Iolices lIumbered \ Our Irlend, Will Ii lid It Mr. W.lpr~ Goold It~II1 'Hg W.I~Io, (.OI" ..Ov81 ..liand 1I~""~o ! P . 1\1, IIrrivil\1r a t Phlilidelphia III I J.2() of dollllf9 ell.,~ h YlJltr in IIUjfertlllbl To grant u lifo, or elte to take. .00 0 Ir e 11I1nl~ . IIl1d . pUl inlo slore Ihe Vtlry be81 U'ClIUI1I.,tlll till"l 1::0,r. DlOp., 1&'" " , .. ,.. and No"I"¥ York • v(" Illll'lot!e l"I, 'I" t n lPrit~ , lind pllbliahing the Iroln 110 76 , ., ( U ' b tlS80r.t.r. I ' e lllI ul UMIl' Alll d w1'''-'IIP"a,1 ' rl toll on "car'l Utul t:IIC Ollit~u III a lU Sh ll U ~ .. . C. U'I., ~\\m\!.;~Qw& ~~rt sel\led enyelo'pell and we" Ilced,' Dud one a,"u 0 .. I_noB 10, e rll UIH . III 110 III It' v ~ lo~~; ~be~" ~., vdo" • "' C 1"<" plllrt,d ill " ot I) A;- M. ... . 'thou m08L Holy OlIo I\nd Jutl, of .l\lC¥IlIU tn l;"en nut and .eullo lhe per- Sl~~e •. -Grahan. s I\hg oZllli>. .Ira,,"" alld \" .. rllll,,~:r; 'h,'" It.,ot' urd.r i. Te · PITTsnVRO AftD ERIE MAIL- Lenves til cover I. he Hora co ere n' SIlWllh Co "l, I", rolurll 1' ,,11' 81 1 20 P . 1\1. III hellriy Ivhll"h IfI\'A bee n ullOn 'rbo~' mig'HI'Y God earth lind hea- 80n UCOl:l og tu ue_ t:l (lenge of po~tage, corre8rolld~nce , ·f tC .....c :ltta. bud ~,"". •• OliO or lbJ ellt . <0 bl ,,10 the or ·tir'" ,·r· " II ,faIiOIi . A. arrives • . . . . ' I p-... "or " lunp. E and. fle!:""t filll . II .-N. Y. !" \ ltll I" LWk~1IchM'litlldO IIl und II t A 1.)Otllt.I ftt 7 . 20 ~\\ \"u,,\"'\Cft O\l ~\~~ ~ ,~n, . and . II,e . lIlcfe or gU Odd Cltrrl1l!On '" ,,,"i l 10 lb . who .v,1I •• " HI l.'t"·. P . 1\1 .• Huri.bllr/l I.l!O A . M., Inli l'hlla, \ J "frIe were too mindrlll Of our trust, \Vllh lit e "unlber un Iho null,:o wll.I be i ScI.euule uf Jl.rlcP81'1 Inltrum,,," "/ltl wh ... I.. "KII I;" I lo.r Olle I,ollar. If h... .. . del!lhi. lit 6.40 A . M . 'I'hc· pe,·ulinrity or' the l'UlL.\DF.Ll'lI/'\ EXPRcss-Lene. Pilli' ·\\\OU~ V\.\.>t\....·\.e'C' l\\" '\ ' ~ ~or th J IIght of Thee, by ';'.hom 'twal 8tl nl. lo Ih e II.olde,r of II,,, 801llB lIIlCllctl!"IC- 1C Kt" 1";:1It'8 ~I ShePI 1IIu sII' nlld '''Iy Muso l n! -,,",II! "" 10IlU"~ . I,e C¥II lom'a,,1 II.." , ""~.1 0 Iy ('If he. tl edlrp.. 10d purchose 111 I• he .U I. ti., \1" " .. I,IIl; 10 oI' I" OCI>O" . all Ihe .... ,,61· ul . ..... b . II F'Ih u' url-,cll') I IC sI,ubll.hr.J lI.t . , · ·,.1 l Iree. ' ,~,· ur. Ihe 1"'10. If Ih o 8rli"I~ a..... ,lltd . ho '.1 1 urjl HI 4 ,• .," P. N·, IIIUppIUIl UII IY ut t prl. II· • I I ' k J th given. on r eceipt 01 Iwo 0 arS. ur IIIY lllnCf: Iteel .. III " ·IUI. e"'1 ,. I I I h , . I Ci,)!,1 &1,11101" at L"I(ubl· + 6 10 ,. ,s t 'lit . 1tIe:" .trt e (It e •root . ,. . In ' ue UlliUI l:l \u l "' p UI·" " , for-A' •• ,r t:_u"',, II, n " I or II Ihe nllllluer UII Ihe, nollc e se nt .IU yuu .• ..1 ..... I'."rl ,,".1 Ihoo . t" illl" ">oU"l' P. N, AILuulla 1'. II .• HUlrll;burl.l :1:\0 uy erBull!nllllll: e"ery pRrtlO e or . The .ne.ture ill our h enrLI 1IDtl mill:! .Iwllid be n lllltl)l! red aUU, and Il rillitO ur . Su\Jb"th Sch(lol, nnu "I !tpr Il uolls , pub. """ ., ,,1,0 c" .. " I."UI ..·•."'· 'h. III 1111<1 had III> u". A. 111., lJullinlllre 7 A. M.• Ntlw Yurtl, via \\"\. '\\"\.e .' .id our de'ollunl, lIolMge "fAY, Jlamund . C~ ur .gu l.1 ,,""Ich ~l lould ue IIlIm . I· ."IIoeo by \I urltc!! \V\ll e ~~. • ,.' 10 J.:t\·e .1"'11, 1.. .- 11' ,· will •• ",1 lilly 9 Ih ,·"trl ;I'i., A lien t .. ,," II , 10 AM., Pltll.arlel I,ill* ~I 7.0~ bered :.iOU. II Will be OC III lu }' Ull ' IM 82, SnbbuUa S.,lluol Bell I' I,.IIIt' I" ". SI,me ." ,,,,,,,",. "1 of ,I .• ","ulul(uo .01 M d N Y k t . PI ' I d I I ' for tI, e life l\nd h enlth of Ih'e ,Nor though: of Lhe Creator kind, IIIIU 80 Oil Cur ev~rv urliclo ill our :. t I _. ' ., "1",,1 "rile "IIIch 111")" h~ I',·~r.. r." . Or,f,llI' A. ., till ,PIN . ur , V,D /I U e p 11 1I~, p.enclij "p"o .th e purl~y uf the .. 01 0 . I ' IS U Sabbulh Schuol Belt, No. !I, >I"f I~~""' you .. I.ou •• lu '."'ure no fu rll. r lit 19 III. tsleep'llil C~rd rUII lhr 041: Ull H th e hlood is poisClne,l, the T -i ute Iq wbo~ ,WftOughL to III\Y, v J lIrllC ew• . • Cllol'u. . frllill - Irulll • p 'IlIsb}li".i II) B"1I1nwr,· · "nu Ollt A wiserolJlo existence. T '!'hue .. . lin .. ., III . .. you, CUll Ir.l lhe 11IUl!er ,)rol' whir" it It . t , ,Id 4 c .. ~ J - ., 7 , ur fj:T A ller- l"ecelvllIg Iheo orllclr, If'l ' lI~tll ' I, ..n~ ,'10, ,.",.... t::UllIl". <.,.dull, '1 Philadelphia. ulld to Now Yurk, vin Aileu· cine. }'orgive 0 eraclo~lI:Goil, rorgive dOll' fluL pleaBIl you. yuu CUll relurllll, lilt! ·TIM! PJadc:uI. Cul.loh"'·" . . t'Jlvn. ,. OIl X nktl:1I1I lIe),,'te l>y .orro~ riVt'n, yotlrmolley.h.llueRllrll,uJed. PIlIt;E': . WATen DEPA.RTJIENT. F,IISTLlftE-l.euu Pilt8bu r l! ftl 9.30 Cor ouring 11 lf 2:1 cenla muH b" fienl lu- pny PlC pelleo rnper Cor('r.' f;3 I'P' d.z , n.,ftrt! 3110 Pal..11 LI'" r 'gold IIUnlill!; "H' e ~ ~'l 10 $20 P. M. aleppin unly .t prt IIcipel elltliolld '}for let UI mourtl, .1 tbose who live 8nl1UlI, loroful", of P ijl .1 I ' \ ., . , ':W I (1,· l lu· heti I " \·~I· " hi tIUIlL' c· 4.0 175 ' .. 014 lOr". u ~"e, l:.urrC~polluellCC, "IC, UII ulle S:i fiU . Clul" t: ... h" ~.",, Gilt 8420 / 40 '1 S I h ' .,' 'n I\rrivet.t AlloOlllt ut \I 110 A I'll Harris· 8kln Dlluln, • Withou~ 'rhee-without hope hea· Iloltce. . , . I l . n ' '''' )1 0 \I~'IIIg "'" g . .,e 3010 IIlU I ... .. ." ., Rllelll!lati., . BELLS. Nos. land.2. i~ ..L . Vo l ilme, _00. ".. I,", ,;U " ,,!••I ~"'ltltcJe" hUIIIIIlq: 1.3q 4 . N., BMlllmnret 1~.20 P . ~I •• Bait Bheum, Ilolt lleac1aeu. nyapep.I., lhmerpbert • h8t whnteV'lr pf\lcle cor. . ' " n::"" •• ~ " 30 I~ ~o N,'w Yurk ,t VI~ Allenluwn, :1.45 I' III •• J,\yU • "". .\ : . • A Fe.er ud Clompla:lnt, responds willt tllo numb er 0)11 yuur lIulict', ,$6,6.° I",r ,1I.z e lt. Clulh Elld"',S .. .1 400 ..''' ''''' I....·" " " .,.,. 1"!lIIinll" c ... 3~ 10 90 Philftl (')pl.i"t l:a;t,O 1' . III : olld New Yurk,t l.ouGonhe .. , H .!,e/ fl ~ cbl\lItelli"g ,~&d ~uetbe"r, yuu COli hBv 1ll1, by 11I.)"ill/,( T"' 0 _ 1I0W'AR~ I GIlI' ~7,20, per_t!v:t.c n. "-, \ 400 ,1,' " 1. ,,,,, , dvu "" " '~" i!" 311'" flil viu P"'llldp!pl,iu ul 5 42 y . N • ErYllpolal, lor i1,• \~,pth't! .. h t-il "soo , . "UE C"UntflTM ~ MELOD18T' ;:Op' , t ••,"1II cd 11p0I'h'H~Cb rltl 'O !' llll:e 2. ~O 'u,,, 60 60 ' D l1l1iel' . • Indulgenl Father, good yise, tumOl'll 'I BrupU\l1l.I, • wo lit ' *'10010' <I' r <I> • ,', (lv .J""" IH1e•.rIt,~ . "v' cr • Rreall/asl, tSupper. ritt, scrqf\¥O)l' Co .umpti... f1l And It Is for our I.) tlelll lairly. Ilew It .\·:vol lIymn anll TUlle llJ" k. :101.1 ' wi.,·.. Iv ,:,· . 18 10 ·, u ' 'Itt mere! . IIOt in' wratbi severlt, IInri Rend out our fille arllcles, il l(ives , I'tlCI! 63 pn, Gl'Z . \ lJu"rd. J EWELUY DEPARTMENT 'If Dail!}., .Il o/l.er ITaim, .. Thy -:aY"llr~. errillg 80U~ cbastiso. cOillitfenc:e 10 Ihe public, and thereby IIlo l llanUfactory ana W'are r oomB, 30.0 dilll1lun.1 rillgl ' ~ .. t) 10 '8J90 Tickels lt1r \,1110 10 1.l"~IUII by bOUI ur Cre1lie8 our 81Ie,. . _ 481 • B'lOa. d way, N ew YIIf k . 30 U 1r'~II" , u'"l1llll'U ., . , rlnge . 'If ltcll!!IS lYo· .. , 011 . un~. of I\J-. ~o lu IIlO SrHil ' Uout . < .. vu "' per~on ,nite. , her Ja __ 3U U I' I d ' o· u ulldllll"'~. "'jl RE lu 1111 PU lilld Od lull' · A..~d' 'y;lico the s I""rliog rod tihall celllO, ':11" " " of litA ur. n;ll o ' ve:U"" When 60rrow'l! ,,"Veil abll')J o~nse to , .. "I UII)' uli't'r "t. \ 'il ll " ./lweu of t\\:u vClut\. UOTlfER wril"~. \;18 ' ftlln WI) rOJlr, ° UpOII CI • . • Wltll' " fur ! • . I.) UO" ellllUI . f. b rhOl09 :. 10 -4U I t; L 1J,' E r:l G. C'" R S J-IJ .. cll;. WII .ouel I E . & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., \ .JU() lJl:~1I1" ..IIuIOV (', &ldll".il\& furt, E-900ndence, pU6t u"",; 61u 4U .\ 0" uighl trllill8 to Pltiltd' •• Nt!w Yur~ nl\cr hi~ H ~.h 'hnd IIID'M~ l'ffttltd Alily we· 1i j01 Tit! uotold peRce, T,'8!i ~I~r~ prO'luul\ecd IIIB olle Ilu ce. : \ \' lIuLE SAI.E AIID lltTAIL 4(JUll I, "~r j!v1.1 ~I"cvc UIJI1UIl ~ a .t.. 10 Ullt! ~1I11\ III,U~P •.. ~ht;ltug~ che~"ed Ihruugh A'Dd II 'I!f~~n (·fe r grieve ~hc', tnorp. nhl .... . Upun rece~pl or SI, whirh p"y s (or CI". . 40\)\\1"'1< g .. ld {.J.. e ltllm. II 10 IU \ "\ltllr""~:"rrt.tI fr~" . ANOTHD ,..1\8 (In.eil of T".C I'tl," "y lv."nill Rnilruod Co . \\'ill ull<l~I:". e, VU5;'i>~' Clc .• IV': Dellu six \ .llamifdclurers I'j .Pft o/IJ!lrop!. ic; Male ' \ 6UOo.",,1 b: \1" lIulJ slHd, 310 8. 0'[ ner go 0 re8\l. SO uO "1 0110 ~r. ' & ~)!ue .. flu lPyi~l> Cfllr.v l/i~diclM nollc,, ~ . ,. . .' flu {;i, . , di:rIlt>\ rill!!!! 3 lu 12 Upon rect(pt of $5. whic!1 ony e fnr cur. "'" ' 8UOO ~I .• pl & .i ... eO'11I1 ,il"'~ 4 10 lIul " ~.lflllll 'allY Ilsil lur KagllHge. except rC'lIlh. 1u B ..rcir4 tb tli'at bliuful clime, e.c .. ,\0o will seuu DItOAOIVAY, N. • ,;oUO I",ii ,. i!,ult!"lI eds ,·i,uiu: 61u J5 1 r Wo#rt ll\f AJ.lJI.rrl. drctl "'111 limillhf'ir re· Al!lOrHtB. \\"/1s I:url"\ "f ..Be . with us e'er 10 cheer u~' 40 notices, Dud a ·/ine prese lll vftlu etl 81 In od,lil;'.>11IUtll' m"i n h'Jei ness ofPllo, 14000j!llltl 10. vile in vuj· wl,iell IIA,I 'ni..cwtl 1C,lI rtPOII (100 I ovall>at/d hrocel"a 3 lu blC)UI "PO Ull . IISlbll'Il' Ail Ilugl,tHl: u t·h:1l1 xc~e,:illl!""Ilur. Ihut bmUUIlI I ..r Hhl! . I ~ _w~~Id~rin~r. 0 \h~ t\lore8 \lot css Ihull. IIIU', 118 • .8~"'I'le ul Ollr \lJgrit"hic l\J.u~riflI8 . we are He.d'lu~rI~r~ I 0:llt" IIl1d jill lJ~ncehHa . 8 III 1:1 ill vlllue , wllr I", ot Ihb rl . k vI Ih" uWller, Al!lOTlIER l.;.~~ p." inJ>lllit ,rlll)lfl ;,1" I , ' ume. · I:uud~. fur lite lollow 1nu.v rz; .. ,' . . i QOUO guld ' ~l1d enn n. brqc,e letl 8 to II) Ollie .. "kell by ft 'pecial cunlrucl. 1.i"u ('omJllnill CI," ld bel 300U Anti we pear the -e'~in~l IIhores pJn rpceipt ~f 818. 1\ hich pey; for &errosco cs Sl . ,. '1 1:,.ltI cl"IIP Ill ; " Chft jllfl 8 lu 3" whi o;h lit \! I'llrilier IInti I'i ll" Ff.lEIGHTS. • curreslHllldt'ncp, ~08l •.lle, .!!IC., w" will 'F (I ertoscoplc llew.~. , r.OfJU 11,,;r I"Ji ee' dleeye bUllun.1I 310 '8 \y O~\... \\.~ u. C Of .immortalily and light, oellll 1iJ.O. Ilullced. Dud • 80LID :SILVEll Of 1111'S!! we hnve ftll imrtlense 115~'JfI, : .JUOtl )lllir en.llII. " .' 4 tl) 10 .Wlren to II' ahe 'la8ling doon, W A'1'CH, by relurn mnil. ( mill", }nclutlll1g suli/nire golll 't.,ocele.t e . 3 10 12 By thie route .reight!! of .11 ~\-\ (\{)~ lillY wc ' btb01i1 our angl'll>ri~h', AlrealS Woated. "'end ror cirCl)lar. 8 till I or~lgn CIties ullil Lmno"cupe •. , tiUOU cllr~I, "plIl &. ('nl •. hronchell !llo 12 'Iiolll CIIII be r"rwMclf.1 tu _"II from l'.l.ilaAllenls nllowed \I Iurl(e CUBh cummis.ioll. Gruup". ::ltut~ury, .I'II·") tllC . AI¥o, R e- :;000 "llllle~ und pon~1 enrdrops \0 8 delphio, New Y,'.1rIl., BUdtUII or nll:l ~murt'·, ore the b lll8t ftel;," on.1 by which Iht'y can muke ~25 Iveeldr, vulv.III.I! ~t.6rtJ'~i!up.,p, :"r public "Jr priv~11l 7000 ~t,}SIlH·. J e t, Lan alld 10 hnd Irum Illy poi llt 011 II,e Ruilroad~ 01 thnt hllvu CHT " ..ea intru4,/ue~. They not 80 ,lirec\1y n i10n Ihe AdilreilIJplain!J ' ~Xhlbl:lon . Our COlnlujCUu will ,~eelll _ Flyrg,o' Ie .E1U:~ropll 31Q Ohiu, Kentucky. Indloll8. 111I1IUls, Wis. .A[raye~ iq Korgeo~" robe. of hORven, (lilinll: thnt or/!nn to .~Ii~Ii ' n:n REED &. 'UROTHER 10 lilly odt!rees on rp.ceipl 01 slnmp. · 10000 CloJul,opnl & m, e,u.drops 3: 10' cun"II, luw. ut Mlti80uri, by rallruad tliSpode .., ellangeleal, pure antI white, Ih e Nrtilem .llle:!. JI'" ,clav~ 14.3m Dux 1538 New-Yurk Ci'IY. ~I,IOTOGRAPlli d ALJlUMS. 10UOO 1; 'in ~"IUrp.lolll;illb .4'10 lU r~ c'. ·The ~)boU"ashed lobes by J~SU8 given, _______ ._ _____, _, 7" --.- IIpll tI.l . 'Ve ",'ere 'tile fir5t 10 inlroduce Ihl!se JOUUO Ulllilki ilRr~¥ 'cJC). . •.. - 8 to 2b ']'IIe Pt'nns),lvGnia Cen/rol RnilwBtI al. r lllllllt10n, ... hidl iH \f ;I" sillll'ly Il I'llrgntiYtl pHit . I 'r~e gl)rb ot perfeot uinla in ligb&. A IICA~~ 11' A 1i.,.U. \ IIIIU ·the p"llea Slnll'p. , ~n~ mn\IU'"c. JuooOr ptam' "ofel till~ • ... 4 12 .u rOnl,pule at Pillllbllr~ ' with ~teu')tt!r. They nrq rel\lIy I~ 10 ask, Thou hast muoh to An Elegan.t in W atchea. ure i'!'tJI.e.I1I1J Ih rareu v, leIs .ludiIl8' j,welry uy which gO(ldl url c.·n be .lclrwRrded I.> GIlJ .. ~\O\l~ ' o.~~ ~\.~• . . gi,e, TI;e casU nf Ihi& wolnll are on elltlrelo ,onglng 1.1 price froRl 6u cenlll tu 8bO and Jill I) 10 · 20 IIC oll ,lb' .Olliu, Mllllilngull;, W .. t d I TI Il!!W illVtlllliuil, cllmilO.ell uf ~il[ di/Ji re ' f:'oc~ •. Ourl ~lbu .Sl " I~"l\/ lho repu~"ioll 10000 d~. camt'o, (learl ele. 6 'u 20 ellll"'l,e, up,beJ',nd, )lIlnuie IUielil' ""Ilillh: I!onjllnchon' "lth thll eeanno. rll 0 Iy l>ollntllellB slqre ; melD Is logelht' .. of IJcWjl bemllly Bnd Jurobilliv lonoo Iliit Gnd 'lrnceielp, 4 to 17 .il,pi. Miuouri, Ark.n ..... nod Rod Rivera' , .'1 !,:ortl receive,-;- ishe':!, produ oillg an eX8cl imltlll iOll 18 Ie lIy 01 here •. wi II ,be ..Jie nl by 10000 .ltllt & htlt BII ppurtora !J 10 1!J _nd III C le, .. III".J, SIllldueky M,d CI,ic"IC': GI'" U8 'l'hYllall-we lI,k no •. cornt gold, Arc" "", which ""illlll. · ma.I, ou recelpl o( tIItLVEll.1"LA1·£D WAitE, oil ' pultll OU the North. will curo 1\11 tIl e nflJrenlC'ntillned "nd. (If ~ICDltlChel, will 11 H wop !ieer 11 8 c.) lor. TMy ure 0$ bClluli U II..!Hl Alburu~ llJlltl .:: 10 Or 1U..,[Jj 10000 CllP~ , 10800 -r " BeldReb". · Doelll" ..."". ' . • ARO\. ful 08 sorid llulJ, 'Dnd nre uft'ordetl al ol\e 8UOO 'a ublelll - 310 16 1I1I'd shipper" enlrnstinllilte hl OOllc 1'..1111, • Ridjl1,illt, 1f(1,rm '('0.,. 0_ Ihtl 1,'l.e calle bellulilull. IOQllO pnir lIapkin ringl 2 ttl I: of 'Iheir Frp!lI tu tilie V Pamm\M . • dI! Slglll'.tI. "'lIh P.nel end Hlti,lrt (Jr ,n.",;, " Our Qver Five 2ilIJ0 clud buskol8 41020 COII.'l'tiIl , can rely wIth UII its luf1iC. ~tiol1, t>lllln... , ela. -.,-. -'." ;" PUll I, Phl,- dnd ' lng r!'lWl'd III 6uhj"cI', I" wl: ich u.l. 3uco c,.ke blli.kclfI 6 20 , Ir1l1l811. • • Try ~hele ~'edicinI'8 nnd' yoo ""y.u .., ,.., '-.. the exacl ilyle or th-c GuIll dlll( os. 9re CUI.'"/1Uolty bcillil mdc/o, 01 4000 wj.h botllell 6 to 20 1hI! R"leB of Freight IU and Dlly fr;!rt't It. ~ . " llUllllllU Luvers. anti are renlly hllliusum" PurlrDlid uf elUlllen, Amerieills, etc., viz: 2000 Ice pltchera JO \0 !Ill III WeSl, by Ihe .~ ~ k y pllr lI,tli~hborJl' ~llo _ nud Je.lrubld, ant! eo 'PlIDC\ ' an (ml .. IIIlII obout . 60UO puir bUller knivea I >20 C(ln.rol allroad, lire ut /.l/IIIIII'd ue fll tlt eill , n ria Ih,'~ wilt lilly ~h't!j vi llul.1I os lu de.y delecllun. 'I'he move. ,100 lUiltJor.Genl'raw,· \00 Lieut-Colotr,elB, 6uOCl eoup, "yale( &. KrDvy ladlu 2 I: 8 are c1lurgt'd by JqIIrI)It(! '1I"HE I ' (\oo\\. "\(!,~~~~ . monll'nclured by Ihe wllll.knuWII :lOti 150 ul"er Otlicer. liUO(l rie kltive3 ,l to 86 CUftll'ftlllee.. . . :Sl. Jllller \V'lIch C .. mr"ny of Europe 276 Cululleltt, 75 Nllvy UffiCl'fe, , 6000 t11 '2t'1l e " ~pl)unll' (ler doz 5' 14 Be ,lIrllcllla, In mnde p~cluilll'~ 4n,l · yet!1 31H ~1I1d trj thelQ Lof~r~ fwd .. ilJl: eillZrlly.rd M,ll Slnl"'61I1CI1, 130 DI. iIlCS, 6000 dOlI' II . 25 " VIA R. R .··., .. . ' . Q. "h,.~I.: illn . I•I . "" It ·:. ' , A W~I!IlLY , pallel •• lon~y cllrv~1I hrtdll.l'B, arlj"_lln g b~ ,:r!t~l1nelll wumen, . 125 Alllh,\," , • 0 1(;00 Iltizcn dl'a. e rllorkll '7 10 ~6 F~r Jo rei!!h, Culllr.cld 'or SIlIl'Plng PII ;.~i 11 1'0 lit pl,lut of n\" IQo(\1 regulnllir, wtlh goM balance"':' .nd Ihe im f:.l5 Slll~r, 40 '\rti.18 " 8UOO dozen 1""le lu k .. rl'CIIIIII~, f1f!ply 10 ur II.Jdre8d ('ilh " r 01 I.lte r~tI'l I.ltl' curlifil'tLlC8, aod' if r"U U . II ' ." ' , • 3 000 C I ' r r 8 0 lo 30 I II I A ' " • .o p eB of Wurks or Arl, (;OLD 1;l!:NS AN ' .' u ow ng genl8 uf \ho Cumpnn) : dOI\Lt d. )"1ll1 ,,' ill' II " , '. 'N4Iwltp0p"6r for tlte Pamily 1I11t1'the Fire. pro~'e d Jewe eu ftCIIUI ', wilh lille diul eno eke,elnn "3l1de, alld i8 wlIrralllcd a uutl i l l l ' l u l l ! ' 1 1) I S B .h.. , . .Ide, will 8con enler on lilt' .. \) O\~\,,\ ' ~\\ mo\"(. timc.kcep(lr, If b ' d ~~ rQproducllonl of lhp Rl08I, rplt'Of ever~' varielYI (ram 3 lu eat) . • mg~to,~, ,J r., I-hlludu. " •• Iln',,( 1\\.. th. 1l1 .....1 l'i""tI.r"od These \Vlltcliu of Ihree ,Ii(ft'rtnt I PDIIIIIIIl.:", ItEJIElIIDER TOE PLAN • JJ. W. Bruwn cI: Co., ('tn·ti. \IHI',.: ". \',,,:.,,,1,11,. t 'I ~ V" lh ~ f1!.rrU\"41" siz,." I"e being fLl'r indip, 01111 AII'urd:ro ug'!e8 .11111 Ita rect'I()\ 01 .1,,1111'. . ' ". . ' C/arlee J; Co ., CIlicfjQfJ. Otlt\ t ,·h l--lIlhli:. ~"'...or. CIl " lr..J', Of ~ t' • 01 pvbliculion. Trlle to 1.;01 ''')'" Hi , ~1'I·t flll"'I. . . , ute 011 HUl/ling Casep. A ('a~ '1' , , " for Oil. , 1)<4If'n .plttur~8 100111 111 nil ('n~p. we charge fur furwordin . , 1\&.\1 Dr.' II... . ~I' hil ~tI.~. and .... ilt ,be .• elilby Mullor 'E fe 81X be.t'l/11l1I receipt 01 po .....!!:e. "fit! doil1" L I. V 0 C K • The CRUllCH. p~hl "i,.~ h, a wlI<Vh'''V !4' ~, rl of Iblt . I .)Cpre~. or ,./2.'\. $1 .80 ""d IH!II~ hy nll III 1"" b')8Inu. til" bUill III ... r, -: 1) I t!" j ,he CO:NSTlt"U'TIQl!l' Ph:t(o t~ < f ~ l · ',,.(:&. / . wlti •. " .))~t b " '., W~'\1Y·'tVI! , Cell!!', tuwerl Ind Farmer. \\1111 ftlld lhl" I dIU. to !l m\. . '. A Bilig C one. will be bellt III 8 I'Qnd~om" er • .. ~t·\ uther. o~.I:""~ . F , ; C . • Ii • e"IlI."."d" 'n the ur.J~r.- mu fft lHlvMnIQ~eun. roule fo' Live' Slo~'I( CIlSO rll' 8:16, will 'Ilollil., @t'I; I!'Kld. C !Eo OrYICl, • "n ,.lr.)lI;...~nlf: . .. ' a.nd the UInON Morocco lor Ihree limps. thl'ir We UTIl eule "eli! ul .I;/U:'I': 201 per II:r'; . C;'1t?8 he. ,;nl lor iI, II ,a'nl , well "'tiered 'elli l p':' N ••• ~II . .ill. eo '" ., B" .. It I...bt~\li ..,et\·;o e4ily p1ease bOlh , qNCINN ", 'I, " . ~~=:~I: 1I'1 ~ ~ :I!;'~e w ~Itfh i" . Ihe tUnil ed fJ::r The rrice~ • lit! qUIl~:~r".~~ :~r 170uJd hllltd~e.1 tu! I~.r b, e\JI!I},tir~ lo~ I i u". Vllrt! W, Ilh e~I·~r,y, . CDnveiilenct', "ave bpI'" , . 'qLY' A,NQ YOUNG': .. " • up~lIP.u on I liS ,lilA lin" lId cunnt'clioll8 , I ore ~PI\III))O wit ell .Iv CUIlI,ul !uil tu ijltW.1 FOlt SALE Ill" _ _____ ___y.__ 1. T'" 'I J\I~E W'\~'fIiD -IIJ 'J'I '~(.E" " \ ' ,~ver' .YH-helltion~ . i8 p"~d I ' IU II , e'; 1 we',I. • : . "" , new . ~ lIb.cribpn "ayln,,: ue In ad. nol bCH Ullf"Trllde mni'\! . "AI1,lrl'88' ROStn.ERRY & \\'.pEVAUO/l & CO., '1'.\LBO'l"I"8 PILLS 11 .roltg)ttU"I."tcf\\lIlI' . I" oOl'rnle .. m Hurridbllrg, wbpre will be ,,,und •• n ... ror 1866.1",11 heve Ihpir nnrnea im. ' MElUU'{l' & PR1~T7. Impurler.. 15 MUlden talle N . Y . COOlflll!('J "I l,iuJ.ly c .• S~ ' ., A l.rae tomU,,, .. 111l1l will !w puid ~V~I'j CU\\VehleOrejor le ~d in" 111101 rl'slil g O1l111illely 8111"fed, !lnd the Observer w:1I ~._-,-' ___ . Ir"cl~' ;ruln roali ."d .. h~,h~ un01cpnlrnlPu enu Cur Icrul~ , & ~ •• el,/·.IO'll' ll:,l sllimp. ·1 . "J>ltiiallulpllll' . 7'y ' . ' W.UNE~/l ........ II I J .. >;_ • It I. I",,:e III 0tte.r~ 0 r I/.e be .ent lu Ihem unlil PltOSI'EC'(lll .0,10' 'l'J1I~ medicl ",,1 nlut' 11olo'iti LIn I I"" 'I!~'l'.t N~WUOltN &. Cu Nrw Yurk nnd Ballimure 31t;rke l, 'l'I'I~ I ' " " Ie rllrt' ul .. ,. ' 11 I be d . • "I .hse"t Pd ul II.A Liv~r. \lr nil. dU'"lfP 1 75 Fullun ~I{fet N Y 11'11 n~!l t '0'111 th.o .hoiledl, rJuickt'dl, l tJ~bI~ribo 8000, al lito fre~· pl\p~ra will . ' . , lIIellt ~:- t"e DiJiPari ve O'I.I~n .. ·- Til., ri?· ---'-. . -.~ ,. ':" .--'":" mU61 , Irl'c " rUlIle fur Stpck IU New comtnllncc wlten Iho paint'S Ilre elllfrft~. A MOII ... I .. Periodloal: de"o1ed to llIuve 'nl,,,,",,I,,.,, liips I)f Illt.lt/o "4, " l <Ihi" art.. ~ TII... G .. ov~ ••eeu · ~Iu ..a FOI'Co chul \ l 'l k l ,!IMth Allenluwn]-u,," ,y·ilh ilHer L . . I ~ ' 0 1'lIv~ no hellilatillt, inI .a)i.lli SlImple COp it's 10 any eddres8 Ire·e. Uer"lnre, TemperRllce lIud Illl~'.qlt" Ie. I in Ih" c,,:e ul Olllrrl'Ql" . J""II- ' " II . r~tnilhj ii, l"e"eUPlice lind greol r"r. 'J:tld, PJI BIl!, o~: 'lir, . TERMS-S3 60 a yenr in nd.ull c ~ PrcIgrl'~~lall. ('onduell'd J,~" D} . I'~ I" ' ·I, ~t"r"iI"" . U . Ij""~" "d 11t1.",Y •• nt! Ktler u"dl'rIlUill!! grat!nul in. "" ENOl;H LE\VIS b,. J. " ' LIltftm ' TOil Llv.·r Cu'''~ I 'dl'I, lo'cve."Il .· IU.. • I.. P . ,.:. Itr".ell' i'"Id I", 0 periut! "I Ihiny yeurl':' Gell'! Superilltl'nuPIII. A 1101)1;" Po po IN E 8 T P E 'B'. f .U ..... E Jl .8ID.E~ , ., MOWlE ·.;i,.• A: ~o. , Name!!. U,·rt'd·I".'y .1111'"' ....: D" PI', I'Jr '.,,111 I,: 1'·,\" .. '''' .... '1 hylhe "' HENRV W. GWI'·... ., :a'i P·urk Row. Ncw Yurko A-N ··rn 'l he Fnmlly F,'lend " ill .rolillill .iXlren pIli III IIII' mUIIIIIIg, clll ltlrC/I hRI I ., "" .DII,I eVt'n iI, Gpo'l 'l'lckf , l . . '. L()1' lhr •• c.olu",!' flag •• 10 Ih. num!>",'. IUKkilll( ill ."tl i. From unl! 10 three- plllH ' 11 ' • .\" .. llIInl! .. d pur.llv 01 L I . t Ag!'n , llulu, ('II." o/t'pro.1 on Ihl. rn.,ke', mlr be ...T PBIV"TE 8olLE. til." .fur pr" .. ,va!iol) and urdillory 1"68t'8, ono rrnm one I It I h'lily nlld .: hpb l lln8. Du H. HOUSTON, III u\l.r ·e4tllul !ell'llful • . They Ire CII ' The valuable HOllge ond LoI, IItU . 0' h nu,"h er WIll be 611ed .. .:I, Ih. es " 'il tp or. any :;.ee FrClt(:h aClio", hurp /Ieoul, r r:u .. , Geo I Frelg.1I1 I>hiln. G E• l 'NJ. U· I. N CHOICEST ORIGIN AL KATTER how lun\! Ihllllina. I'rlc!! "'I ' b t r IIve, •• lrung b"S! ,a"veu.uClo nil', I·tf, "t<el! 011 t.lte Eoal lide III Norlh 81 . .. ' '(' d . • ';(I per ox. . ' VI', rusp.'yuod - - - - -- -, - - - - - - - - -- \)tllW eu' Thir.I .n"u F"ur',11 Ilreel,'- Ihe' bs.u" . (;on.'>lttl~ of Iti"'.' .. d i.'lrwel; •• 'T.le> rn II sl\pplted or , ent by 11I8il . I'I"nUI we ftre welling clttllper I ' !:ik I II I' . . , V M'i " M I . ~IOO SS . 'y ,rlll\l d 111. ltUIlEllTB-,i • . o/TereJ 50=i:',::: . 111. D . &. C'o, j,-h lltall Ihe .n Hod fill IF '"J':01J \V"NT TO KNO ,V 10 competent givo Ihlim propcrtJ. or at ptivale lIal\!. " " II 11ft' rI . .. Jourll.llo.r IDe hOllly eirel I 62 f pIton N . I ' Y UIIY Olhpr tir.t ·clll ••" llJl II \· r6 A Lillie .. r F. . I. ' j' . IliGDW:- ..L PH a .",'E'_ 'l'he House Is well buill, In II (llenlOnl t Cl'P)" 0':;' .... r .... 1·1v. '. - ' \ ; ", ..!.'c•. D,,"lerl eud .. II ' , , · · , vpryl ' lng rc nli/l!lIO Ihl' hI! ' l:ieT ......... 10e_Ilon, with trlree rooms. p.'rdl, ' \IIflln"r co!'!;., > • 6-\.00 . ,.1 II 1ft \I II! are lio"vilid L u. e"""d lur :,II;'n !lillIe a (prnalt' i I ht' ,! . , \ I' I and cpllar arid lW l. moms 1('1:/11':"1 , 1' . if;1 . .1 d I"rPlilmell1 (,I Il.e mnrriti · 'Ve' PlIrtieularl, ..) all' In the stury. A well 'uf c0l'!c'. !lO 0., _"" Ilhulllllrop l.a ur 1111 uu;' lI i'If", o/ . l/,e how , lu marr ,I I. UIIUllfd clole, II) the .kilcheo, 6\J .. b h I;' he b 6t .OO :; , I' IV il" line 11 I T :111 L A' v (E S ooe On Ihe Lot oro a uri"I, oC 'ruit treel, l"f&l e W.il Y ..YE V . 1 c ,: u plllltO IV(lhol , . l'hi s uf Ie. ·.·d nnd elllu;gPll. eoiliOfl. I l.. 1. j • and.th. ground I. or good ior 6!1lr""ure.. , J . W ILLIA1I1 VAN ' 1 L L E, 0 H j 0 : I:t i\lcdul$1 ""hhnul . nllQIUpr. tiuok I ' .CAL COilA/UN SUSE)" I To 11118 (enlure or our bURinetl, W' .,urpo.e.l. Tbl! i. {lee {J' I Illve b(,pn AIVlIrued to"llle Gr l ellleen' Pi.: f,. ur p""ple, II lit! " I{Ol'U bOOK : • • fl'olllinellmbranct, ' . Brook /,n, N. Y. TJ!;nMS, tA.SII IN A DVAl'fCE. OIiU. at 11le-CelpbrBlod W rkl'. F I r ryl!ry 40U Jlogu. 100 illt',lre.' ALL T/l.4. .{f IS N E Out III Ie
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Manufacturers' Agents 1! Our Hew MOde.
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O~E~ Couth Byru!'8, lOfta/e • Ej.ITT . &. PRY. -1;Z . '
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f V,I NOVEMBEB 15, 1 65. .OHI0 : W]~UNjESDA d, , ,
·l _ TBB OL 1.' 11. I )I .....i l 'I~ , • YOIl would ·be po\)' inde1ld, tbbu g h ·,ou Death of LOI'4IPalmer.loJr: ' BrIr'.i 0 m... , rbm·tlle· chamber SWAY, reYlJled ~ n · l1W w.allil of .lobo Jaoob . \ ~.n"bed "0. 10 .Jt .(r~~ I\~$1}~\j/.l li~l\,O' doy; Aslor. A milD tillver {all in lovlI , b~ The gre a, premi( r Whole nll"~ . He whose IIappilleu lI,:,d mi. ery Rre The wRlerfRlI Rccommodlldon 'bODMI PROCL,ufA TIO~ Br Xliii l'!tUm • ..,. , III brueh !ro~ 'it lohly jJiC! duat of Yllilr8. onoe.-He bRa IlIDcie", lilling!, friend· 1111l 1".8L quar~er of R CenLury h·"s -boanded by the l llllrrow limits jlis hllll had ILII UtIY. and is now aboul to J'nc~1 le~ b,llr,lIipt! ,'dea of ;.. ,.Ivea In . eo ,.ItU d t', t IIUllg'I PRS8 IIway . 'I' WI letelle. .•. I d t h e AAl aug • b• 111 ... .nd . b.ptizl! 'iJ Ikil with le"rll.· 8hip. baaed 011' genuiue e.teem bUL t.b .ssdclilled w tb th e ..nopulor n own bo~"m, ..he milliners ba,e eut.• 1& ullS peRle 1• ke.1 II.,from ,the celll.lial ftIUIJ'e' 001D811 onoe' ollly ill Illi(e' g hsh polioy hnd ChltrRCler. die d on L 8fl1 r . om. ~u~rollnded by tbo,uund8. A person. tHtld greatly, by tho simplioilY oC Lhe Iy God. duriDg Ihe ),elr wbich il now Ro,~~v;,ea bi'lk'lrt ft I" I ,time.' '1'herefore. if jOlt love R "onuln. ~orning oC 'he 18th 01 OClober. at '"tll, 0 11 !lUcial I~rin. with all mllnkind I,'MllchoD. or l\al t'rf"ll buuo e,. whicb coming to.'1n end, 10 reline oar bela,,· cave; Dml ~ ,elr CathollilUII lind ahe' le worlhy oC your .ffeotion. ripe ol~ age of 81. }I'or many mon le~s he ·i8 comiecLI'd by ' Ihe &ilke~ WR8 so eMsily put together Lhllt every: ed ~(l.u"Lry from the fClI~rul;loou",ge of Vuices ,Iona hUBhed for boeo mUllc I marry,hor. and tru.t to GQd , Rntt your IllS rellremenl flom oflicl' on ReCOUnt cord .o.f rtiendahip wilh some indivitlu . body mnde Ibl'ir Oll"n. TIley bave. ' II cl,II war, aod 10 permit. UI to Ilcure · " P1.'fWII ' l'I 11 ;\ ; , own lirong ' rrgbtArm to bl'iJl'g the world Ihe gbut liael beelJ confident'" Itl, will, 'It plll'Licuhr tim~II, lirld ltill'l self the refore, put Iheir witll 10 war" and Ihe blefline' of peace, unity and b~r. Ha~l1.t loe be~lde thie old cndle of mine. 10 '. -recognise Ibe · wisdom or you!" cd: Bot we hllYe 10 Idng betin ueeJ · ~ Ion e in Ihe world. There is no mlln hllve in,eoled a n~w sensAtioll for the mony. "iUI " great enllrgement 01"· , ,) ." "- . chOIce, llunk of .Lord Pll imere.on I\S II 1... le in ~Ii~ttnce who . ' IIO~ his g lollmy cOlJling seRiOo. nuich they penomios le iI liberly. lind! wberea,. our Hlla,enly ~o.t ~ormll of beauly Ire pfts!ing before. AI for &11 the Ollrrollt nonsense on hellrh·. joviRI g8nll"lDt'n,' II ·g loriou ' nla. Could "We 100,II'Inio lhe in. the Eml?iro. It i6 similar to a 1101\11. Fa~her h". 1,110, durin" the yur, grao· reehng my eye. wilh their coming once the 8u~ject· of 'Ielec'ting R wi(e.· oar old b~y.' 88 The COUI'& Journlll Blyled "be "-ro:~ tw......"' .. at, ~ "1. ( .• \" ........1 15'''. . . ' l"...... '..ill, .......li" i"".-a l, .. ""tl"tl from u. Ihe ~lalllilie. Ri.HJi~rie . tjdngmf on eachaTIS S tomb . shrewd o~inion i* Ihat it is only oon- bim. til at Ib" iote~ligence of hia 'd eatb .. cl!rtntl\ nlome~(a, rj~bon pa8~ed Ilr tgbt I\OrOsli ~be r~und ~f ~orelgn war, ~e.tilelloe. anll f.mine. Flces Ire IImiilrig, JoJn, rich Ihei; ~eo~e. F.• n~y a young gentlemllo pry. came u1'on ". w~th ' a Abock of eu, wou". find lBlelaneho!y brooding brtm Bnd \ltd "own undn Lhe olltn: a W\11\$ our IIran.rl\....... fQ\\ .~'-'h.lrQh. bl!toN _._ ' Ina nllo ,oamor&ta', " bouRo before' prise. I , .. Ih e Ile.,L Alk Ih~ lI1irrllful youlh, nnrrow. aLiff c"pe, rOIlDdiD&' Oll~ Ilighi' oC an abuodant sealon; .nd. wberea., Gooe ffolQ< (Ie }lrow tb,lroo" 01 broaltf88~ 10 ascertaio wnetber Or not Hellry 101m Temple. third "ileoulIl I! Yery bloom of l~fe; eXliminB the Iy from Ihe bottom of 'he orown •• nd rig-hteou.non enlle a Dllioo, wil il•• in woe, \ he. eollar ... as pinned I".orreotly, .. o'r ber PtilmenLon in tIre 'Peerage ttf lre"md. oC (otlulltl. In the hight of a loog nllrrow vfilllllnginA' ill" IIriog il a "'proacb to anJ peoph': De". So ~e, erul h. e. b un tlieir ~lumber. be• . hili' briuhed geo'inetrioally ' BtralghL. was born at lhohdl"nd ~. ill HRmpsllire, or; consult .llu! .on. of renolVn, "rom one aide. wilh a border composed IhereroTe, I. Andrew .Johaloll. Preli· _ • ,, ' ' . .. ~ , ... Pict.un bila. descending opon . berllll October 20lh. 1784. He enlered par· ng on tbe plollacle o( tbe lemple of tine leaves of rich blood.; a liltle dent or tire United Btll... do berebJ Pelceful. a. when I hllve wllched them sprls or ceriBiD and uncertaio bour. 10 IinmeDt 1,1 II tory in ' ·806, and 1"111 ,,9fllme-Ihey will all ltd I you th"l triwming ou oDe side o( auperb oltrich reoommeDd to tbe peoplfllhereo', lba' H rf:lw.' .ki / ~ . , ' . find out whether Bbe blade bre'IId 'o r er 8ince bid a le.t in that body. He ey ale not 6ltem:ptlld (rom gloomy i II ' lip~. Inng nlltrow ends of ribbon to Lie I hey do eet .pllrt .nd obatrye {be fi"~ ere iil II I,blon crldle ·of IIlInl. played.oD tile pillno. and if ·tbere · WAB first bdd office a8 a junior lord of tbtf ",I.. bllhi:J d tind er tho cape. aDd Ihe fUDny day oC December. a8 a day of NaUon· Nev,r h", IUa o~ ill ountain.. ",C plea. aDY duet on the celller·· table. ' 11" be admltally at ' the age of · twenty.three, Wben the mind ia oycnha'!owed brim parked up all .. round . It is un· al lban~.giving to Lhe Cre.tor of Ihe lur~ ' ,, ' . '. J l ' • ba. no' judllme nt enougb to ' make bis And at twenty·five becamli secretary hI. D!eI8ncboly. 'When '''e feelings ar~ doubtedly 'cule'" and 80 de611ntly ugly. univ erse .for the deJiver.ncel .nd ble ..• Given my loul Buch·.. fullnese or meuure 8jllection wilhout IIDY Is.eh .li!lratleous war • .11 post which he retAiiled ffdr 'fIine 10 de spondenoy, nOlhing will yllL 8ty li~h Ind lIrisloCralic, Ih"t onll ings; Ind I do rurtber recommend. !Such cP"'V'd'", iiltqultiltlJ bliss: aidy • .• w. opino tb~t lhis 101elleot 'clln teen y~an. He had been for . " .'(Up 'he 6clul li~e tha friendly oould auopt it unhllsitntingly for iLII thllt on Lbllt occlleioo tbe wbole plople When Iremb ed Itadeptbe wilb bllbyhqtllJ 's scarcely' bo of Lhe " erl bigbe •• or. lime grlldllally clllIDg\ng bie aad soolillng converae of vrry oddity anu perr~et 8corn or all pr~· mllke con(eesion of our Natioul liDB Ir I" H { : . der. course. wben iD 18~O ' be gl'neroull cODfidant. conceiv ed lIolion8. The lillle 'malk' "1t,,in8l His in6nite lJoodoe. . . .Dd wi&b A, \lII~ ~,.etl ,Q>,weet. dreamll.1 re.t Yet Ihere or_e .s.ome.. keenpisIlPP'.o.lIit..: ed tMl ~ltig pit~t.t. a. lid ,. bee~me cerlll,in Sl:R80n8 in buma~ vei I~. which luited 80 !Veil the round one hellft IDd one lIlin.d implore Lh. ElChbreut, tIPrt4l'i Al!Ufor.Jil.loucued, inuoeent ments in tbis ..bu- siness of mRlrjlllonild - Iltry fOl' foreign Ilffall" \R .E·"Btl I. ~oun ' d ellL JudgemenL . . Ie w Ium tuo lOBes hatli And wllierlall bOllne L•• h"ve been Divine guidance i~ lb. ".YII of lIallon· B~qgji!\i. ~JI w.hil~. sonlll 'lusint I!t~le li,,~ cboice . A. maD Who IlIIIrrie.' Q .preLly cabiDet:. 'l'l~e ft~drc!l8 Wi.lh . W • firmne,s. wheD 'be whole man is th .. own lI·ide . lind l,lOg' veil. or 1,I,IlIe, al virlue and boline ... HfleJ ~Y ,'bJI .~I~.I.. ~io~le!i c~ldle mil!t'. girl uoder a Rort of transitory encbant. tilled tble of\iC1! III ~08' dlffieul~ 16g'ured, when forlitude itself tlem· dotleLl wilh go ld or ~teel. '1ubatiluled. In testimony wbereo(,1 hue let m,. Dl,Cnt, il very a,ptr wben) Ihe honeytprJo n sLlIllbee m"U~ lIim ·tIl II .t.OI:L lime' . lIere Ihe IItouteeL. ,heart m1l8& in· The veil is lin indl8pensllble 118rt of Lbel h.nd Bod uu.ed Lhe lell ol tla. Coiled Empty Ihou .rr, ! biuieeil, '{otterm, ind is'o,,er to di~~over tlnl t'she id oril)l tno~. of the moet famotill men ID Eu itllbly bursl, unlles91he besling balm Empil'e bonn et. '. Stat,s 10 be .ffixed. DODe at lhe Cily 1 ~Lof,rl 1 • 11 ... I talafle.r all. and,consider bitr»elf ratb • .I:J.e n~v~' "tl.pire~ to be " IllRl!e r ~f rriondlhip is kilildly administered. - - - . - .. of Wl\lhington. this 281h da, of Octo· 8ym "I Df- al(~, h' ffll roael .11 Ihorn; ~ in Lhe Ii"". dC' Il' wron"-ed fiidividual. 1.1 0 ,OptllI6t1 , but lie \illd . a qtilck I The mlln who hftS a si lloel'e. wellJBJ>F. D,nu ANn CLAY.-A corre.- bert io the YOllr or our Lotd, 1886. aDd When will ClAr'el" 1I1i,e,1 t.. eellLlmen.L8 IC, I ' d , whose 80U I is congenilll pondllDl. wriling from FOl'treas Monroe. a ftb ..ence 0 r tile LUI Hiding "'Y ,L~!,..,.tiCIJ t~.td''Ni tile- .baW Y _lCtel he preuy 6girl. too, ' begiDII to, lee tbat IOtO ~IIv 0 r ~ I10 nH~10n. ' . n: .rlen e i ndepen .. D te cl I H •• ten~ 'tbou altgelw 'oli, h•• te witb Il\y her toYer ia 'notbing lIIore-nor les8 thlln a wonderfuladrOltDes.s til plRclng hi nb hit oWn-onll "ho will PRI'lici pR le in speRking , of Jell. Dayis and OIIlY. State. Ihe ~O'b. eell, a maD ;. it il po'~ibl8"bat ahe ba~ hIlT sel~ a!ways tit the IIMiJ of ~he populftr his fe~\in.g as well when dejeol.ed SRYS: '. [Siined] ANDREW.JOHNSON. Bind up Ih08lte'lirt¥!lt'lIl h flpened to lall, momentll of grave rellection on lhe sub· m~Jorlty. HeMe Plllmerslon's 011 me, Ih adverSity, a'8 when e laled wllh Hie c"i~r tOl'ment8 now are " boils, . . Ab~leld me II' he,., b.. venly gloriel eD- jecl. '-!-'PU.8 it I·eqlli~.ea .. cQn.si.~e~Bp'le all over.lhe con~inent, . became, nony· rily. i8 possessed of a jewel. Ih e find hi!! cllief sottrce of IImu8etneol By ,lie PreSident. " .brine , . amount of 'philosophy '10 8UrVIVe tfll: lDUUII wllh En~hsh pohcy. ue of ,w hich CliO nilVer be ulimtlted . r!lading 'Buttcror~'s Hi8101'Y of Ille Uni. WIl. H. SBW.nD. &4'1 0C State. Th, dur on81 ,b.t 11eptJn thlll cr.dle 'o r fir.t montha of-matrimony "hhout what revoluLioDllry 1I10veml:nla '01 1 The plelllllrel "nd RdvlIll&lIges 01 llid ::itflltS.· lly the WRY •. Ibo wholl:! "' mlbL ./ ~re ~aHed ' ·lo"er8"qQRrreJa.' Yet Ihere hll BCled ,:er}, much ."B he did du nds hip Brll (ltr (rom beillg' confined fort liurRry hIlS bE;~ 1I opelled to him, ao Tenlble Dtatr. . . .t Gibraltar. • • . , ) \I a love atrong enough ahd deep o.ur rebellton ,-Ielldtng all the mo penoo,,1 iotel1vi ews. Ho that CIlIl he hllR nlllhe relltJi no", lind go6d maUer. , ('From the Phrenolo".cal korn.l., , I .tnBurgellt8. ., " ' t'k'109 t IIe Ione 1 ,.L" enoug h Lo b ear up n II' imperfectioDs lind- III d 0 f .EIll: Ilin d to tie uec4 I IV leo WIl y. ' 1 III enL too, ,Ie choolcs. lie expeills ~oon to cotrij~,, ~ dQ'qIap ~ Ihol'tcomings on ite resistlen carrent. ,reCusing tbem,oJ.U!n aseiRIBnCII. He .ulrs oC oont.. mphuion •• h l\l he hll8 1\ be rltlled lo tri"I, uut no notificRtion of Our readers fire aWAre or tbe ezieC. J ' .Now and Iben Wit chance' ·on 1\ mar. populari.y ill 18'1)1 by the favor with . u who. in llis a:bsellce. will. unso· Ilh' (/jct hits .vel re,.:: hetl Ilim. nor 111\8 ence of Lbe choler. aL Gib~a"er. and .. ,(}e~ti~i "'~rried· .il ju.~t like buyiqg rill~ bAaed on just such 10\'e &s Ihis. a which he rt'gariltd L Ollis Nnpoleon'" led, espuuse hi s CHUIO. advocllt.e Ids lI1C!re bt?t'n ""Y lale correspond ence wilh Ihe eXlent to whicb ill rlY.geB ilayo • .'iokel in a 10UerY....... ~De prize to a union wboae linka brighten a8 the years USIl'rp~'ron of the empile,' bllt ile acLtir. nnd 8hiuh.! him IrON the 011\ ' hie oouli sel. He IIIlB a IlIrl,(l1. lIiry room. gone. but (ew lire acqullioted with llie tbouaand bl.D ... • .' I,. go on. and are cemented evC!n more gllin,ed i~ 1\11 by hi s n ·ra'sill \.0 NUbUi 11111 .h"fls of clt lulllny. hay 1\ source good IIlI encillll ce. II good Ore •. Rnd, IVilh tJi>lreR' which bllS retlulled indireclly - 90 I,"Y. th~ wiseaore.. who . loole upon strongly in Ihe ' world ' wbere there.is his. (Ji~"I\.~ h p 8 to til e in Rpeoli nll ' 811l i. LloCl,iOll w"icb th o world bcside~ his d~il)' wRlks lind privileges of relld- from il. On Ihe latter poiDt 11 wriler out hlliy ~orld t!lro gb g'!'een spec· neithu maniage lOor giyiDg in mar ' Pnnce Aluerl, . for which he w,,~ til uno l afi;ml. in!; corrtl~pllndelll;e. "lid the exoelll!nl ill .t!.e Lond~n Tim" tllcle~. But ar'e' ~h~y right' We uy. rilll." I \ "d GU~ of office. ljrough~ . tlMIt " _. ~ ............ ,.....\• ......,~ . .' 1n4lh\.i, luflli,lIcd 1Ii.!\1. "Uti, more like" .' the Spl\OIsh al&~~Qn~.t.". ~ave e'L'~· , ' 11«1;' I:~r~d ;ot'b~ ~ye ' ~ ~ord , 8~Qb't; While tIl ere f\r~ 8uH!milr and winter, pO":fOr An.d v!..ced at I.ho heRd .01 til • :. ~. lurd Ihun II pri.oner. ,; ·t\umdtl l\,llw n~ It \ . a.\l.do II . ~.~ ~I' , ~I ,o! t~ ~ •...'~ .p.~ ja.:; ~ II!n ~ ,4:t 18 Just a8 rIght. alled.time and h"rvesl. lliere will be " ~ablllel. In 1.855 he filll ~hed the RIIMs R n; ND SIIOULUEUS. - I H8t. round gu IIrd blntiontJ in his room III fo .. mH- de.ert wlltcl:i '''pua III , al'~ P~~)1~"1- (or ~o.u,... g. r~lk8 to. talk, perpelulll repelilion: of. Lhe sweet old IFln W~I. which Lo~d AbtlrJ~e n hnd s" s houltlll~9 IIlId sloopi ng fUIDI S d ~ lract l lY. . ' tho inlori~r. No one i."l\owed p.lI• Mr . C!Al' eonlinut's in Il. ! enjoym.cnt from or 10 Ihe rock. Not oely 10, but • .bo~t ,h elllg.,lIlarn,e d ... I~ 18 for blrdll t.O sloty f llol'1l ind cou'rlahip, It i& liS iL soucktngly b\lngled. AnoLher proof of fl'om a lin .. pl!rson.tlillpl'car~nn(l. ~'HIII:r IIlng, alld .fto.wera to blolSom. 11& h." should be. Let Ihuo be no raIse mod . Ihe sLmnge slIbKenitmcy which he "I when 8Ln,,".I ,ug. allllll(l' . or '."'Iklll!;.- of uoelle,;1 hellll". lle R.'e m!! grel\IIy for lhe reRlon. Ihe pr~VIIlence of ohol· been ,t; .he laahioD. ·c. ,v er !lince the prel· eeLt. DO ~·isp'lncce. hesitafion. oil Lhtl wlty •• h"n~ed the French emperor \f lU Womo? ll like a bCll ulIlul laco, I~U.l, "' a InBi tll RCCOUII~ fur hi~ lonK impl'ill' " I'll -no _bips from Glbraher lira allow. , ty, RebeJra~' a~'onl~hed' Ule .ol~ ~.'hu~1 a{j'15je~t. Golllne~llt his children 10 be given in .III~ • .w.ben •. ~ft~r I lie. ntl~Dlpt hIlIlJ ~. lintl drees. Orlll\mllnlS, ~pl~ul"J onment. HIUI "t· ti~s. 1 10m tuld. Ihe pot. eol 10 pnler IIUY SpRni~h por I. Tbus. bt lI~r .br!e.r WooI~g ~nd, wlnum,,: ID hliPpy in, tlle . '''p'rjng. ~jID6 Ilr Ihe;r lives; oL IIlIgnUlIIllllon. by Or~\lII. be Inll'~d, ll e hOll ~"8 • .horseli. elc .• elc .•.. 111101 IRkt: silti lil y of prllv lng hiB compliciLy in Ih e on aU hR~dl •. the rock pe~ple a~e cut off 'lie dIm t IhgM of tll.e rar ~If SOI'IJ?t- ehall we hide I\way the goqrl !li.f~~ . of oJ .tbll • fJOn~plr8cy . to mlJrder bill Krellt P.'"II. ofLt:n run ~reaL I.sks of hfe, rt'OlOleSI t11·grcll wilh th t! RlsIIssinlltioh fr?m lhelr lund. Th. l.1h,L,t.ntl ~f U!"t dll'y"', an,d BRchel s lo~e-~t?ry g1ls, love lind a(lprcciBtioll wMoh . HI /bas willch wall 110 IlJlPopul1\~,,) ha~ .he mill ' '0 O'!I"", lheon. Why DOL work 1\1 hard of L'rtj~i"t'llt I.inClJ ltl. Hill IInliely r()r GlbrRlLetl mllllll, depead tlpC.D ,btl.r . teiled hte A' peArl.of romRnce 11Srough giv en us 9 lslry Wijl overtilrown . '1'he nHL ),elll'. for fillil fl).l'me? 6pe.~d)' lIilll is 11.. ,11'ong liS "' .": 1'. Ir"d~ wi.lli Algesir"• . • nd oL~ler P9 rll • the IIl1rk tllre~a o( Htbre. hiIJlot!.. "ns 'G' B'O'", . i.t 1 '.,\ ..",,, how~ver he forored ' tire cabine L ov~r Bill Inpng R~ IJe ,,11 thoughle o( good . ... And now that tbis il Ilopped. 1;)11 all " Le '" '- I J If''v~.u I' .... . nail n 8n1N6!'lIl' ",YLLYS,' . I~ f UI· ~ mornon t •. 0 our . ~ Don't be• &.I~ame·1 6t .it girl. . w hicl. be con'l inued 10 pr•• idl1 •up 10 look ~,IIIlLl" . llrrllU G 11' M A me ans 0 f communlcRhon ,ue cu., -ou, 'l' '1 r. ~ ., ' : r,, ' . 01 ,'.' I b ' I' ' l ' d dd " Ii II .r.:NllnAI. OOH£ llij ARIIUOB:.I I b f . h hayeWOnl~ ,hear~of. ,Iron a ateA. Ge,r. ~~. all 'llob ' 2.. t. q Lllot',meof hiede8thII. I, ll) 0 ()"n al e. we 11( ll.lL a . . 1 ' 1 ' ' 1' I " . I llt1yrue,totlentllll or 0 &WI) t oa· :rl. , •• tI, , ' r' ." , h I ---e ' Democracy. • I , ' .1 fl' I I t0l!'c III III.! I lUI nllry tiD' ~Oc'" ClrflCS II I ,. II . Tb" fll!t man you Ihou d rather glor, In . J Lord, aillme· rll"'" tia,}no1 D' m;Ul of ru y ~ rllce. 1l poslure IS lIe on y. ea~y . ' I. .. ' ( '(' • 0 . 1' llIn. a most Itt rll y ItlrvlDg. 181e • • • . '. I • ~ , , ) f ~ . ~ VU . n • I t l' I ' b ·' f l . I~ lue mIll' II Kgll () j) RJur ene l a I k' I' ypu P.flH, e , ~.y p.u Dce w,&h ''I'he R:llln( . Logan friend of geniud nur even of d ee p tlrougltt. IJI1 one., I "' W Itre I Ie. OIIlID~ 0 l. t k I >lI1' OJ ' G b" f It. very 8.• oc tng rl1ve aUo:!. .0 '1 DO -th ' . kl . . ~ , . C " ~" • . •. . bP."Y IS nut correct RS In 6lol>p lng wo 00 er ( ISS IV"I ,oe ~ I'CH. o . ·ahzo bUL I"ery one o.u forlA , ~l flJq . Il" pq~LU~'AtJ~ Ism . 0 ' ~I'e,n. DouglBI; after hia brllve exploits in the oWtld bls lIuccess' to hie IIlrong common .. r .. I I . u" ' I I Cinl'iooRli ~III~I' o( lIon Willillm S clln re ' . r 1 h f. h d&,l lthM cODlliderll Cloll,bhip as 'Otn.~ , eense indllslry adroit nes8 8hr~wdnt1'8 "eM our~~ we~ ou,1 y spen \JIg 8lrengt. I ' b k' ( I • . . . 80010 lloncepLlon 0 til .o rror.o 110 lH n ,b;ng' (» be·llproMc.ateJ il· Q· . A'.altlllVi w.r. has fulfilled tbe promisil be mRde . d " . 'I" ' f t'l t' ..• 10 iupport oUI'stlyes in an UOD:lLllfill l v(OC. UIJ • orllb y . rep re~'~ln.t"II.,e to II 6iluatioo-ilDpril nmflnL 011 a roek, · .. '" ~ ~ b"" , ". In IscernlO". 10 81gns 0 Ie Ime S.llnu I . . I I l b ' C(Jngr~~6 from I aL Clly .. III 18 nOI . . db' un:d~r~lIud'd Ilbl't flf :waY" '·lInd· an t!n- efore, Ick!lbur~ to.conte bail NQrlb a. rare combina'ion Wilh thnt4 q""lifi. p~a~"~n; Ilat t '(Ise W .0 go a out L b e~r I I J . ' f II . I ' "Hb dl8llftBl) and wanl &0 0 \ ear UfY f . • ". ,... .• I .I' . . . bustlless graelllul\y tlo mille IInu UO IL I Ie 1\ .> 0 1(, slllOe nllme IV 10 lVa8 'II B' g" meb.~ ' 'WIarflll(e 118 'A eijeret ·tlrat auu 8ello WI& I the Cop~er\leRds ~fler callODS or ~rL.1D ,pUll on III characltlrl8' " I .' I ' " 1"t!I~d 10 leRd off the dancing Rt thfl wor • . 7~~l., Th I Strand · ball giveh to the Pl'inee of ' ., •• sit u C1 6e'''r ttped~" iWlp'enetrafrle' ml'! be h~d '~elt(ed wilh the rebels. He lid. lics which gave bim a hold upon "I, cn~er l ~on .l he 1 tery. • Sbe ie enl;.aged to be in'a'rrted: cl,res'sed We 'people 011 tlJQ beDlg\.led mpst overy EII"lillblD~n'lI IIl1l1rt., 1., 'oO~lng \I~ Ii" I I L\'1l . ~ unCR Walel in Hl60, RII the pn"DlJr or Hill I4r The New·York corre,pondence U but .~ ~~'t qW'tl ij,t' ~! RoJ' oftep~we S'.te f N ' J ." I t 'l I Ihe ,(nidAL ot· llu~iDess 'lUI, . wa~ alwlIYfi J ~l~It:·~ ~~~.p'e nu (.0 no t Y III Jl\tcb·- R UYI\I Hig bDess. But she is • woman or the CinoiDoati OMTlrlu,ciul P18 .t hear ~L\ it~li.crlH.I6)o:.8euL en' eEe "h'18 er- U.~ 0' ew " sorL (I f h UlUor for "4 )IIC . II 'u11$..UriuVS 1011 ' lin. e· I, uf nolll", bekuty lIod nduress-qulle . as M l ' IV00 d '1 t b ealre &h e1 It ne 'I ~ ' ., ereey R e y • on tie fU II 0 C LIl,t tI '", 1"011d r;'ililsump II' 1./ 'I IIl If rll . i010, e!l '(ro:lIl< ear t~ elltFWe-Il, wby' Ibou'l d Dio'e side, 01 course, in f"v~r of Ibe Ihero is 1]0 nRmll but • f\l~." i ie re · 81 I:.s. 'lile i) }!~ i 1"'log" Ol~ ~ N I .OX~- like'y 10 ml\I! o a 11I81ing impreuion (or nctunlly got up; lind are perrormin,•• no' IIhttHwn"J i\ 'l ' !f' .b·e lo"el . ' UI""1 cooltilutional ameodmeDL IIbQlishiDg rjoiced in out·o(·d oo lj ,e xercises. nnd j.ad , g~~tz~ I ' W\l o,n y 1:\ I . IV". ;1 pelijoolll 10vlllin~S8 lllld grace liS her burlesqull meillnge of oyer &U' bour in 1m , well~eDo~~h t/i .1~O,.t .~ whore furure slavery. Ile~r I'~" ; peake . noL missed 1\ borse rltc,! for IWt!h t.r so 1, p,1> t'l.lIhnlbl~ St e cUring goo I:tllllg "oung"r rflRlive. &me "eRrs 1,"0 she len"llt. dllvoLlld to Bunne. 91 l .... Hff' •. •' b , II" " '" I b' .. , I' I • I~ " • I. . . as .orou!!' )'elll 111110: J J " , , , , I~ j .I~ ",,_ 'II ~Q e ,/oug t Dj:ll' to When I 11m A'S!£lid ' "hy I left the y ea,rlJ. He W'UI ereoL,aD( Jaunly In IllS PI t .i I j. I t viliited Europe. lind was io LOlldon ald, Ihe iroaL black·m"ller. One loane lurID '(rom caM idly 'oonressing i&" R,.' D emoor.'I·c..n .... y I anlwer beollllse carriage, crueful in hi •• red5. lIod com· .1 '\ °t ~tf\1I 110 r~J~u I IC "'~Ia.1 ~omj pte u IIwhile Of Ihb impre8lion she Itllt il lairt ill purglltorv-Ule othe, in ~Idiea b k I. I. . , ('1 Q ' • h d -t r-" •~ '. I ' T "I IUU I S gymnlt.lums. 11 8 R rue ' . . • . I e t.,,,' ... Je1f', ,Q _Ie ,. CI8P~.. , . Ih"ir a""ciatioos baa, [Laughter.] p"rallve y, yo,ul!g 1\1 "PPElllflln?c. 1\ of all ~chool~' and more. in 1111 ciliu s I"~re. one IItlltllDCidenL telll Lhe ~ale. Gordon I edltor •.•1 •• ac~lI~. -. OD',. JlOllllotl.(.. rf.lPIt)~oD. 4be , ~uliJe~. An~: I do not like tp be a".ocialeu inlimlliely Ihe boulS.II,. or ~QmUl n ... of .w hlcb hll Rnd fowns. the mDIIslic ,hRiI. w&iI All Rdmir.:r. of the Duke of Welhn,g. "ppear. lbe ~nland bll &mpa,-llll.he moraol .......e-;e~ 'be., , happy. ma~: . with men whose haDd. are 8Lill drip. 11'11' one or Ihe most powerful lend l)r~ vllnlilsled. Ii hleJ~nd wRrmetl. wh~re Ion sent 11131 80me cal", or · Lo.ng " oLber Ibe edllQr o~ 1.111 Her"d.t "!,'br 1tWltholild H& rlllg~rd ,our I true . loy.' • p'ln ""·I III.b blA<o.1 ''0(. U"J'on 6·0""·1 ..... 8 ever kIlOWn., btl excelled not so m lIeh II . d t 'yg . II t d' II worth' I bp,ukling C"tll"ba. He Wlllh· gogl!le, on. lind btl Imp', Tbe luth 't' l' &1. b' t • It · III , YF • ., t v' 'to' . .. '..\II ... , . I ,<.. h' . . .e lie en nl. Ie 8 u 10U ~ lose (~on · . . .,. " I ' hl:s" "' .e,.l:8nce OJ T~ '~tl~~?\ ~ p.r~lcu ~~ y of ""'murdered Ul\io~ist, all" over 'ih e 10 II oque~ce aw " . t " . "p.I'roprl"len ~.sR. lintd uch IIIdoors. bOlh ~aJc lIod {u. " d to kn ow wlier~ .~eh a:dollcl0US wille lIod pomt of t~e who. t .n....om. &0 n c.df" ~r Ii~.~. __ere "etillibed Sou'l. Tile -en wllo teb~11 d w re good natllre. keen SarCftFm. and lellmg 11 ,, '" " . , WIIS mllde 'OmolOnllu, my Lord be that the pnnee of dark1l18l · aDd bie " -, line A b ' "-<lId b • 'U. vee '" ( "I ' b 'd H .\ ma e, Clln, ID .RpDro. riRIe C081 ume, . . . . . b" . At · ,,0 at lalll",. were WOII e lea~er. of ."e De-ocrRI ,' o .Ir ...... &11"I'e e uect 0 e".,ryll,mg e 1111. e wa§ th ' . ft' LI t '. t f fi I Duke ~ wa. Ihe reply. 'OtnCIDDall I' cohorllarf:! LIIXIOg t elr '- lnge Dall1 to 9 our ae rt.n.· ,. L"H ' \~11\e, '" Id 't ' b " 11 II ~ ." U' . P' ' J ' . , . I . ( ' 1" . . row a le res tllm ROil COil lIe( , . b ' h b vou \l0 . 018tl can be .to .11 ' nte a o. • 1111' ~ "'1 1\ m ll n IIpnArenl v 0 no re 'gIOIIS senll- I''; ' ; I d k " b I" . - rl'J'oincd Llle hero of Wllterloo. 'Ah I deVise .ome plan by w IC . t e1 Cill more •• ba~'d ~rt..·. w d' 6 ' LI U 1 1"1\ DOU. ' ) . . . . Iy It; • . H \.1 '11 d '· ·· (J '", 11 \a'e VII~oroua Ot I y tnlllllllg \ t l B ' b' th' lid Tb .. ', I' _'iJ 1" l'U· .,... al b ' . ~ \.I.e.or~n. (lid they rebel 't' Nul cer lIinly beMuso ~PUI8 \y 'I1tll \' er. e ~ eVe III .no. ). ullile r ~ ~R8·t'e r - ' wilh music 's full thll l'8 Lhe p lice Mi iS Gloe.beok came ll"ller '!no.et Wit In elr 10. e1 '~lIr~f . l1>e l ~ o,, !if tV ~~ , I ""OU!! or (he lIe n t'lon"l 'OYAr nt dl.I '1' t'c tog bUI sUllcess • • erupled lit nothlDg' . "1' . t • II , I . . y (,.om· reel :hllt he II too wary lor lbem, and. ""100 ir'. • '4 " r " I" 1\ . .. II: "m:qe \I nJlIlIvl e l. . : I . 1. 118 mpurllln 118 "'''. Ie IO'mllIlHlum III . . ' d b ' " h' A I J "' jt'alf;tl, t l .,,0R , put l\lr .'Qmc to '"ny ot Ibe 811\L"8'ortheir , i~,~ill.ll'OIl'. btH .n ·ulunder.· l-:emv"·' tr lOpe ' tn no thc ' iJeysor PluID.-JDIII'IIU/ oj' fit/tlltl.. 'flllls;1 i. obviuus II.llt MAjor Gen · IDdeod~ ho oe. awe . ' el.r a ..ort. lor J'o~ng '. y w 0 would b~Jr.anf, enough bUl bolCllU8e, sinoa Ihe d .. y~ of Cl' lho l1ll • fu~tire bill' " v~rpelnal I~nuro or O(fio1~. .' eral Hooker i. not Ihe firat htlro whom 80.me tIme •• nd goelon .bll. eart., of (0 Co,,,,,:. j t~ " '.I!f'll~fDo~tl . the Democralic puly to whicl .. t\108e HI8 tle~Lh WIll p.robl\bly m .."e ~o • ... UIO bl;\\u o( Ohio hM ""puvued. w.ckeuness. bu, 6nally " ClrCllm'IO\~~Imgt- W)Je,lIl ."O 8uoh pu~~hog. bId 1 ,. I 'I ehHnge III ' 111tl I'0hcy of Gl'ea\ But· ~ G. A.. 611\n. in Temple Bllr. - -- . - . - edt and ralll \0\0 \bll h.ud. of S~l"lI. eDi, ~. d t ' b e,. h 41,~,!re LIIe U1en e onge • fln' w IIC I ,ICY con· . b 'd' b \a ~ I f d l' hi · g"a, al "Ie,' . trolled. had come to rfs~mo ;e Rod lDore aID. . . ., spell"l Ihus of I.he repuililted "ife 0 1 TtlI'. 8I11tN ANDOAH .-'fhere is a quell' " 0, amt. al ~ e g r 0 ,e ltg.blB. I ba d .kianCdI .boa. _lcross. upon .Invery. , BllIYttty ., ,,,.: thit b".i s IL IS sR .d -;-"nu the r.c~ort 18 crcdl~I" J¥.t'ph BODapane: tion whtllher 01' ""t the pirl\te cllplllin h~steDS him dowo ~be ~Drerna re· I\hll ntD~~~ &Jt ~u 1, .of olin. II j" • I' I II 1 " f -lhftL Enrl Uu SF(' II 18 to succeed 111m of Ihi~ crllrl is Aw:.\·re o r the collllp. e 01 g10118. and ,bul be exp"el In a blul of ' ... ' d' . 0 ItS OI'gIlIlIZ" Ion. NlII Ie I!nuers 0 . c·' .. 1" 1 I' . ' I I H I· . d YQ.,a ~rf1. . ,\1 ~nt;e • '~)(l ..I.'lPO:I' af· the IIrl , Ihou"h the ditl n'o( lick . "8 ·prl.'m~er oud LOrl1 Allronuon 10 I .....e '!tero ".". "'lng, a yeRr ngo, lind the rebellion. It ~ee m8 W us that, al .a tpelre e~e .' Ie our~aIG_ rop', ter"R~ lhal .'he III 80metillng verv far PI I Y . :> , y... r' . 1/' Ihtl for"lgn office. ltlr, i.. Gltul_lOnt: UI IIINt' InRy be \iYin !:: lIill.in Ihe fllir city Rny rille he clln hllve no clellr idea of Rnd II slreamer 18 displayed aorou tbe reOs .. fl' in Ilia ' "...Iernn. 1 r~~ 11'1~'I~Ye now clge It, w~rc In avu · 0 Whenlhey II~ ex "n· I u 1'1~Ie 0 f Dlltltittlre, U I ' . . ' ' 1 I d I: •'TI ' t b , oVI ,~':Y~' ~ 'I ~ ' , 8U 8\(lll ·.Il'Overlhecollntry'. II.tcase"".'11 pro bII bl Y·b.1i IUllllrD lin 01 dl lIuyorigin"llyd"s' IhostRlllof LhingtiioLueSoulh"rDBec. F.t age.wlllilewor • "1 IIsao~IY ,, )'O_'fl'.lil{do t.,.nk . .f~r 1& .. , 1:o,u. I'eblllled Ihey cut th emse lvP.9· off (rom bOU8~.~CILLClfUO &JluUacU1i. ~~nllh:d 'Ihtl madflDl;' her Ilge pro~li· lion of the cULIutry. If he did, he hs hme Dt doe~ 110\ t\dyerll."IQ \ho New tnlg"~ IUlVe rella tllO dOI' mA~lt eXIStence the Qi)veromeul of 'Ihe United Stllles. - - -- -.- - -- glO~l. her fo~m btut ~lo~lbl e. h~1' "tl1re wou"l abnlldoll II is prllsent hU l/ inos I . York' Jl~rQlcl, { of .Lho.h very .rupl'lhl'nl. tr"lt~ crC char- Thtly cut tliem se lves adrifl. They SlliLi: 0:7' A woman ORm'e d Bouraien, nl dU.Jllou.IJ: ~lIuq~1\t~d III Its CI\~llIon. ~'cl return 10 Lhe Soulh lind be e ltt ute J Gov, •••• _ "... . acter ,tiu,' .blo;"e , U'POIl YOll .Iike thUD , 1 eeV!!r myeelf (rom tho ~ovllrnlD"nt ChRlllplii~A, FrRn'cu. IIIIJI' "n extrnordi 1l!1I r6t"ll1ltl~ In her fnd ed (1'1I111lel erllor of a recon81ruc led Slale or memdt".~ohe , 4 0 " the, conror~atlon oC Ihe Ihllt h". Ilithel.to proteclcd''' me-; r III\;'C nnry tlo'ienl ((lr kill ing "ipcI'R. She di~ . eOUlellnng 0 1 tina ~pllr~ Ie . of ,I.e by · ber of Oongress (rom one ~r ~be .Dew A BADY IN ' Oua Howa. '-Noe a b !' 'P1.i""h~1 r~rebe&d, LI~~ ~utve of Iht iny slVord in hand. lind th'e only pro. cOnrs therr relrellL by Iter .en8~ of ~olle C(lIllU "n~R", ye'IiIIII II. "c.r.toli"" : (Iilllricis. In cn se it "lOS h,. (orlune. to rowed baby either-o'ol • liek baby ~~hlftl'y ih~ecr" 1:6~. ~!,g~t 1)II\,e I!e~n teelion now lli rt me i~ IrWL wldcll ~ lnel1, IInJ thch I\ttracl" them 10 Ih •. lrig glilt ~,~rtlce of Ihe CIRSIICIlY . of b ·, (lhost'n til Congress. he has Provls , COlDe '0 b'e cured. ,nd ,ben .wa,. . e. III 0 , lelllpe~ ID lIer eyellj• . tnl' .wo"d CR ' I '1'1 Y fore i.l- i LI " . I .• b I 'd YUUlh. 11.18 W"~ once the bl'lIlIuful iODRI Governor l'ary'ij 't~Sl,lr8noe 'ltal RgRio. Neither il i& • make ·belie"e .acerb,,!. I:lr ~ rill ie r I iti " r · /'(1" . n r ve. · .e ~I 11 ~ urrnce of lIE! grounu y I Ie "I 01 ~J ' 'P II . ' I ~ I H f R bilby, mad6 of rllg . ,tl\""~ "i.th b~n. ,,( . f 1\ ,I T . ' 1 ' IP , " 'r .l. o~ , ~I , conslhutionlll righl. ond Ihev now blt '~ liqullr 01 ho'r .own compositilln. 0,,' " "'6 ' a " r~tln. II III A mel·IOHn. W 10 16 ' lile CIt1lk " f t IIJ ous.e 0 .~ pre.enl" . - ( I d b""(" ~ .o the sq 'He chID . . N lure l ~l Rq n,beR 0 I (\., • . I tl \ \ Old, hnve I . (fA/me lh .. !.rIIle of Ih e Iltlltrll ·d~. wOrlh - Ih'es c0111u no mort! rrJeot hIm 1"lIn he or 0 wilx or n ia ,ab er. .DId I' lI .a ller chl\r,cL'lr ~plai,uly" eno~gh in (.CII ;~y '\.; IllS 118 . l~ r I~~' t. won" th 'i r IIppe nl'ance she ~q .. irUi on II~" 1~~8 i lint! dis~Gl ul e ticll rnp. J f!rn rne Bo · could ~Ir Hooper or Mr. Rice rrom lru, b"by-jurit II. ' mueh .U,eu a lit. and \(l!l\in' a\llll if you d'll L t k LI \ I). e . w.at 1IUI'e le J . - hellds " @m.1\ pOI,tion oC Ihtl l i~uor. ~ . K' r W \; I I . B ' 11' tie y'o ung \riue.:·. or a liuleCl.1f i, ·. Ii",• •" . I I no • e [L ufPMer J . . . ... hlell. IItupelit:~ them, Itllli ~o Ihe", nn' I) pllrl~, fom" tlllie IIlg 0 t' ' Ip In' thili SLnte.orion ran.el1l]". I d d troabl. ,lo ~elCd Lhtl sigos and 111""US, .. l .• ' _ i , 7 1111.; /llId /who. It>ut fur thtt ~t·lli~ h pol _. , LCIlD ouvle , up itl litLl1 fiste IltI why,. you,.bav e ouly t.o make Lh" , bell 'I'UIi: WEO.TER FAMIL\'. _ 'fhc only easily kill II. BtltWcen 11,,·.tiI'8t 01 Mill Irooll"ry of her hu!ibllllll, pnll the rlllh· T,ig 'f VI/18IA S VmToRs. - GenerAl "nrat\lh it. ohin all well.1 aDybody in af Ihts'ti.ill"glll .I ' 1 " i I perspn I.. r, to perplltnQtll I ue fllmily Rnd Ihe Icnlh of SHI·ilel\ll.J~1' (.( Ihe P I'tl II ' IU!I'lllllhilion o r her impel'inl l:t other· Olmfton Hashem Rnd ~uile Ire RL Wil ibe world; lind it oan "ink IIDd ory ~ ~~oc ~. W$ bdieve ill lonl{ court~hip9 . na~e of .J?anio:l W"usler. i ~ hi~ J(ranu- "nL YI'Rt . 8 1~ (\eslI'o\"ed ! .274I1f lI", ' c ,hd \', mj~ht 1111"11 bt'~n AL Ihia day IAnl's Huld, tonlerlllilled 'jll p,ublic ex- "n'd kick. IL ha, 80mti lillIe brown hllir Jacob mUI' IlIue ,be~ n. 1\ very I'Ilt,DRrkll' 8011. !A.rlburlOn W e ter. laO lif FIlllc\l · rl'pli1<: • for .,.,hich - 'he rtl e iy ('{) £ 17 :. '1i\illj>~B' (\' ht. P ll lllis nO)'RI. Envel · pllnso and eHfY n 'e tlion is bt1ing mllde lind lome IiLlIII bille eyei. and '. lillie b.leldtJ~"i/jlial l noi lo'w "gilt heulily el' WebHt!r. 1\'ho i ~ II very promi sin!,t 'W .• tilt. pr O)illll1 ~ r .lte tit!&lrUctiun "I up",1 ill I( " 1.101.· 6ilk c~!I\!'1. !'llt tt)l:,reLh · 10 ":'lIke their ,0jotlrll"Rgreelt~le : ~~. w/a.ile frock. lind a d",ling li.t de wore' 'Ired of Raohellong before tho.e · II ir · yo ung mAn now In the AmericIIII nllYy. vlp~rli u.:i"g , \!~ c~ \i'P ~, e·3ull. .t·r1 y ~I.me ft\ n ll lllll· m~ku o f the yeAr OOX, ur the Siall! lJ}ep"rtmenl, haibeen lid Iltck ...... nd enr, WII1t il fa . ,Jlice,li'· teen yeara. f r, 'i'rd I .Iau Iranlpired i Fletch!!r Web81er left ,wo IOD8 and" ~ •• ·Olt~. ADd 1!' loIij'ng on 04"c.t,\ltch. til';! old Ilelllll"d 10 RcllM cicerlmfl .nd i, ,how· tie cre.lure. ' And ' i~ .i l o)lr., own._ &0 aDd We tJ~:e ad preo£ti ~thll cb~1 \yR' d8ughtel', he laBt B.illliving. IEd~varil GI£NIlRAL ORANT~< It&, rnll:f<OB -Lt. · 1,,(tY ' mighl be.' ~t'Sn "ny. tilly in Ihll illg Ih em Ihe li onl or the ~el.ropoli8.- lIe .. p. w. CRO wAlcli i& III it gro~l. and Dot. w..aning into a'IOQII&rmed ' 0111 maid W:"btllel'. ~hjor. who died iD Mesico. Genllrlll GratlL .h",i.tllirch .t.1 the IJtI~ .. rft'els or the MOnlllT)enla"" € ily ; Rnd Bdurt1 1t>f1vi ng Ih8 cit.), tl\1I ttunisian be glad wheD It le.rD. to :aujtb .....'11 to r "h!le Jacpb WII• . earDi.!!' .bel'. D.onlt le(L no clilltlren. There Rfe (OOT olher resi.lellce 'in. W"ahibgt.on built by J()hn Ule pelJpll' would mAk e \Vay (or berllnd pArlY w'ilI be III'ken don Lhe POlomRc lit on Ibtl floor. lind' 1.'0 tQlDb\e oftr Oil "'al\ ~Ile 1I1dr'Trortuo'e, young 10'" grflndoblldrcn by hi milch belb"ed Ju' -C. Breckenridge. \'h e fDgiLi\'e J rebt:l, doff ~hOlr hRh. 1\11 'though "round tit s l 10 Fortren Alonroe. Itopping 1,1 Moubt its baok. And pllt iii big kJe i. ha e~ ,I Ir IOU ~re nllt rich in ~oney. you Iii. beRring Ihe ollOle or Applelon _ Lhue II (ford in.: , Ilnoll.t'r . iIIuelr.,ion or 'delJr'pi' rorm Ilhate slill llung 1I'0 me p.er· Vernon ,n roul., Il, tlrey hue expre..- moulh, and to ,walk aDd t.o oliaa~ .IIP oa li~w statu of Itt" lind tOlltll,.Dd 'fbi" il .11 .or the iiI of D.Di.1 the homely' proverb. tha' 'Fool. built! fem of 'he iOllperial purple ·to wblcll ed II desir.e to ,i.it Lh' 401A. aod &TBYO the ta.ble. · Alld to o!l' bolel wt~h ~, .ar~/ £resh lby./ ) anG wHh ~OH IOD', Webau,r. honea. fer wiee' . .~ 1011." ia,' , . . b.. btieD ".,...iloria"y ,"Md. of W..bm&t0D. . ___ __ _ ~~ . acilllota iD i&. IDMb"'~, dr~ • , . . ..
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woo L E 'Y •
ataa.bery. can I. alpable oC 0 H D I , .. lbe delLait bIlII"M", Ule To prllhibi L RIl beer and Jorle r.bo ..... 'l'be cOI1Dlry il 80uded "lIh COI1Dter· Ma. KlnToR:- Wilh- YOllr per ia- . ." ",bo i, d 'y .aber! 1 b.lieve I and Alops IlOd pll\c*,~ blblt.,,1 rerull "lOrtlDl.~ of .... W"';~;;;~l~~ (.~ 1D0De, DC aU denOCDIIIAliOD8. Sb lioD I will C1CCUP, • sm,,1\ ~pace 1U your \her. I, DO\ I' U io t~ eoun"t wbe sort Cor tippling I,"d. ID'em~r.nce, in Baa '811 b.nd. ..ert belt.' • " pltper (or 111e purpole of Illying s ' rew " ill so determine, Why he is intsplllhe lo oorporl\ltld V IIIA~e o.r Wa,rooe. ville. Wllrrfn County, OhIO. ' WEDNES ,)hY, NOVEM BER .~, 1865, nl1merol1s are Ibe bogul nOlel or..rrac- words in rererence to an "nicle ill the ble or being lrUlled IloDe, "itolln lhe ~~.------ tiooal currency thaL people hll\'8 almost ClOcio'nllti 'j'imr, of ituL F'ridlll nen - man Couob. _ Ssc, I. Be il ordail1l:d by 11.l e ~OUIl ' _ _ _ _1'0 Leo •••••••• - ••• ~o. .xx. CliaMd IcU.c[ulioiae 1I11:m.bl1t pass thum iog. The lu·ticle alluded to i, a, lui· ~he nme may be aaid in reCerence' cll of (11') lnoorporllled Vllla~e 01 • as being tqually III good I. anolber, 10WI: 10 iuch a one (lIitbful1y perforOling the )V,yneaville: ThaI it aball be unl""CI1I GLASS·WARE, 1 .' d6NFEOTIONEiuEB I,' • Not tbaL liJe cOl1nterfeit. CaOIlOt be de'Surclt)),! O? ~·Govnl'wlun EM~~~U til/tIll I. ' SI.e' hn.h' {qr l bave ' w.e nD~ fur aoy parlon or- penol\~ to ke.e p: by r tecled bone accoslumed to band III - . o\D. ltEs loTS OF INUMPKRAN CI£ .~en the esLimate of 10.se8 Ilnd c"'l1al· "V eIiL or olhtr"iae. ,,,itillo the hmll. o~ y ~., h 18 our o'lShlllcboly dUly lO record a.-tl. aueedau,.,.1be 1koa per for . . . . . nid Incorporate 'l't1hlge of I 1 , money. but that tlle bogus Ita~ps lire ollier uellLh. c auseu by LIle too frequenl or a\ lea~~ uul~ilhfu' Iler{onpilocil of ville, 'Iny IIle. btl'" or po'l~" bOllae , or ~o numtrour tl~at peo~l& gtow (,~r,tleslI use of I\rdeDL Ipirits. YeMeT<I~~, l\ labor ~Y drunken emploYlle.,. !lIhop , or. allY pl.ce of "ablt_al : ... OtL In tue .C~ of clrculsl1ug them . 1110le GOYllrnment e mployee. nllmed W,lhA:rD \ Havlog·.'.'u •• ho"l) tURllbe drunkeD for tippling lind inlemp8lllnOe,. " AlsO; " c:omple'e 'In.& lit wonderflll creaturt8, t4e' d"tecti vea, ( )uuch , "no hllLl beeo , intQJliCllt~d ·Cor .mployee ~n ,Deither be bonlllt, capa · Slo~, i , 'fhllt for Ibe 6ra~ v.101!\Lton cau.~ annOl1ncement. to b'e m"dll hIS- for se velnl uays, beollme UlIlDanagea' ble or faithful in lOY position, bellce DC Lhe provi,ioDi of the fo~egolD~ secI (th f r. ble, aou, Illning eleaped from Ilia \ Uo~ fit Cor .places of Irus t. iLoDly reo tion. every person 10 oll'enu lDg shall 00 .e!!!!!!~!!J:!II!!!"'l'!!!!!'!l!!!!"'!!'!!!'!!!!!!!~=!'!!!'!!'!!!'!~ ' queot yo . .e arralt 0 cOllnl~r. etlers Irleod., weut to Mr, Lighlenberg'e maioll to alt"mine \b6 lasl clause oC tbe conviction Ib!:reof plly a fine of not .11 o[ w,J\ieJ. wiU be .old I t, lb. V~J G lHf!l::.t A L R JI W 8. ' \and.tbe liellure of large quanutles or brewery I aDu, "hile s uffe ring from de- I\rli~le in r,n iew, aDd determinl! wb~Lh· len tban fi~e nor more Iban I "flOt, eat ratea. tb~ 'quee r: "itb, in .ome iniLance, lirium tre men., went I1p inlo the upper \e r 'he "a. hil o oly ent mJ, ' . . dollars. and pay Ibe OOlts of pro.l ecu , r I The noloriou. WertJ: lUlng on lbe pl.tel frOID wbich they are priuted. story of the building, lind l .. ape~ 'rom Was nol. every mlln who !lssislud In lioo, or 1MI imprisoned in tbe V llhl ge Grccnbacl{s &, country p~uce. FridlY la.t, in W.tbinglon, H. pro- \ But a few dllya ago a lot DC counterfeit ~be winuo" to ~he rocll. below, CIIu,ing 'be form.don of bisl\ppllli te lor liquor Prison or Counly Jail not ,mor~, tllan e.~blnle Cor 'G00d~~ > ta.ted ;nlloeenoo to Ib.e lllsi. lDalao\ death. He ""I ~wenly Cour \1\ real enll1my' Waa not every mRll fin days, or botb, a' tile dIscretion of Will be leep-pled in .~ • I ~ . "reenbacks a~d .lampi "'Ilia found In year& of age. but ... e d id nOL IUlO ",bo adm~ni~lered 10 t haL dl'praved "p- Ibe Mayor or other proper olicer Cor ! , GO!. Curtl~ .~I1I,,"ed a ne", proo- one 01 t.lIe up-IO"II s lree\s of Nil" . !,.helu., ,~ l...d 0" \,"-<1 no . " (.. roi\Y :r Jl~tiLe ~ real sod v intl ictiye foe . not on - hearing .aid. ca uae. And Cor eacb. r~p· ~a. au. •••• \aQlatlou appolD4,nK the '~b d~~ ol De- j YOlk. Ye.t.erdIlY ano~her maoufaclory I lie cale la a mo&l m,,\allcholy OOll, :"'. 17 10 .llIm ,bUI Lo th~ whole.hulPau ~ • .ceT etiLion o( IlIld offl:nce , I ball, 00 convlo11881), 18OG" I~. c:ember au alia,. oprhanlt.'SIVlng and ..... dillc:o .. el'edtat A...toria. An over Couc:~ "at a mllu 01 /tood, educa,lIon, 1\ IS 'I\I ~ tl~"~ he COm~lllt.eu ' 11IClda, lioo thereoC, plly a 6ne -o( no' leIS ~blln \ 1806, 1808,186'1. , - a_ I . I tl ', ' t b . .• b I II0U hll only enemy beIng Illmself. He \11\1 a VlCllnt to th,,~ IOlernAI traffic ~en oor more ~ban 6rL)' doluuB, and' ', pay.... r Ie coun ry arres II are eing maue,, U . . • ' • , . I . .•. ~ r cosla ·of· pro.eCl1tll~n. . , d ,. " ' Now,. Mr. EdItor, 1 "Isb Ihe e specl"l ID arden,t splrlll-Io I Ie C~PluIlY or be .Imprllooe I "" 'I' be new carpe' . ill, the HOllie ,or l ~8 yet ~e d o uol 80e Ihlllaoy one Isb.,· attentioo oC your r""ders to the article men wllo would d.. troy theIr, Cd low. in Lbe VilIa,e Priloo or COllnty Jail, , Repre8lotaLiuI ., WalhlogloD, COlt 109 pUDl,heu, Some of the mOdI no · above quoletl, parlicl1l&rJy 10 tbe I"•• Ih~", I.heil· OWI1 coll'eu m~y be tilled. or both, It Lbe dircre lJOO or thlt Wlyor ~ ~~2 Mventy -five dollire. ted counterfeite,. lite io limbo, " "ait- clause of Ihtl clusillg 8entence-'/liI Oll-' 'R,;, eu,my klrmtlf.' or olher proper ot1icer bearing alid "W. ; . . t' t . \ d ' 11 I k ly nil1lnll bring him.tll.' , II II ""U,~h"L-US "'" a well ·educRted cn use. ' . . : I ,'" , ",,' connec Ied WI'Lh tb e _ LIr,. examlDlI Ion or rll, an 8\1 t Ie wor " 'Tb • 1'ulel _, , 1 PU\" the "ordll.in itlliioll, beeaule I man, ClIonl".-'quenlly be knew thll 8&c. 3, All ordinlncel or parll oC of the New York ,helter. hi" I 'rllck o'f ( .ho .. ing th~ que,e r' goes on. think they requirll somethiog more ,han -eoura8 <>1' 'lire hI' ~aa punl1ing AOsi ,hal ordillancel ineoD,ilteD~ herewilh arll .'~ for a n iocrease of nlaf1. They .8k all The fact is that ' this bu&ioe s~ has be- 1\ pIni ng notice. Dut 6rsL le t me .IIY lh N Ugb Ithe machlnallons. alharelDeplI. hereby repellled . -of 50 per Clint" Ind' 118 Ibty come 10 profiLablo scouodrels CRO t\ few ... orda IIbol1' go.enamenL and Ind lempLatjon. broyght to beAr Against Sao. 4, 1'hil ordioance to take effeot IIfford to undergo " re'w month s or go, er nlnent employee.. hiro, 1101i flglliDl' . hill OCL repeated gooli (rom and after it. pMlage, • '. . - - ' , .. are Lbe poore.t paid io 'he theater tbllY · .' . . It is my deliberate opinion, roundlld resolu~lon&, b~ t11.e~ JOdn, \Vbo h"d Ol1ght, Illd no doubt will receive it. yellrllmprllonment, llR "ng preVloul ' upon obae nalion and sume experience mllu~ bUD tlllllr vI,c"m-b~. real eneELTON DUDLEY, M(J~()r. . -'~,' I At tbe late ~eetitig of Irle Daylon Iy '. set t~eir hO~le. in order' ,10 tb~1 as 8n employer, tha' goverolDenll. lind role8, who ,,0~1~1 deatroy 11I8l1serl1lne.s E. 'R. PRINTZ, Recorder. One of our GOLD or 8'~Y,BR. Millioo.,y .AllIOClia~ion Elders ' JAmell Ihel1 b\llliOeU WIll no~ llulJer ID their especially the government oC Ibe Uni - as II man, .a clllien and an elDploy~e: Nov. 4. 1865, WlllehM, or SlIye. T_ tie.. p, Kemp, ofNe ... Parie, and W. D , ableDle. 'l' he queer is 'm anufactu re d teu Stales".hoD"l eIItlblish I rule- Ind nol 01)11 ~o, but "ould deltroy 111m ~-======~==~,===== .or ,!I, ............~ " 'U rM P . by th. blllhcl, anu tcaUc rlld around aDu le~ Ihat rule be 1& unchAngeable 88 ul ~l1d body; simply ((lr. greeuy gll!D. '':2\~lJCtli.Gtlnfnt9: One or our l.e l .• ell or one plec.·of Olr _oor.o ouat .., leaI&D'. were appoiowere the lawl 01 the ' Medea nnd Pet" HI8 CIl' tl. h<>"e wrr, III not· I1nhke ted MialiDnlri.. tor tbe Distriel, Ind "ith II per·fec~ 100senel8, in .pite oC Ibe sillnB-lbat no mlln "ho punisted io, ,110u88DdB or olberll wbo arll siuki.ng =-================== Gold or Silveiware II wortb I buab.1 tbe che., doll., je",e~rJ ! ' committees "",e efP~~ted to iolic.'i~ Irre.tl which are 80 Crequenlly mlHle getting drunk. afler A fril:odly aumoni. 1l0wn, do"n, deeper lod ret dllaper tn · A SacS Cu..
~IJC .fllitll!li 8a}cUe.
t '
1 TO 75 000 l
,'. t2
Two DoIIa....::t !
lIanUfacturers' AgeDtli"!',I' Our lIew Mode.
~arlialaid Cor miii'l onary pl1rpO,l es.
Would i l no~ be ,,1:11· in Ihe fint in lio u. should by Rny meanl be ret .. intu to ~he I;r~~t. OCtAn or 10Iemr>.lIrance, W 0 h~~e ,.,do,pled tbe rllll~w,al ~lMIeor . REMOVAL. 111II\Ce iC tbe dutectives battd their in o ffice; let il be the 'unpardollllble IlUd "asl onl,f , chronj~leu in, the pap ~r TI. body oC Wert. wa., by order 01 b 00k I b'" morll trau lC • ',or tIe ·Ig tTy 0 C counterfeiters? sin' oC all .."o"ernmelll empluyees, lind, b~ea. uee of III seemlogl,. J .. !ml~~ '~II ~ II 'Jl'IIa~ tbe PretiUenl, interreu in tbe Peoilenhll" soon "oulu It reformlltion take e,ndmg, . by .. Ie ot' '76,000 ."Iel.. of value ~ liary yard £luen.-I ground) where ~re t,he y not ' Iv~1I knolVD to tho po. pl.ce amon"sL Ihem I Indeeu j I Ain StaliBlica ahow &ba~ Crom 'hirly tbou -. ~Havil\g rl!moved Iier Millinery E.· , On, Jfew .~e. PaYDe aDd othe" were bl1ried. Werlz's hce,' Then !e~ the Government or 1I0L sure bUL lOch R course, pu r~u\,d by "'1It1 .10 forty ' Lholuand . fluch CHeeR .I\re ~ tabliehment 10 the The articlea of .re aa. . .re.. gr.... il Lbe IIOl1tbern ooe of a lOW oC lome one oC Itt age nle, who know. tbe both the .Na~ioDIII anu SLate Go vern · !ermlllllttU aDnl1ally 10 ~he U lilted N ,-W. corDer or )lain & ~yler Ita" (rom I up to 71) 000 ! 37,600, c..... lin~ fife, in the (ollowi.ng order: Mrl. Sl1r- good Crom Ihe bad ,~r thi~ ~Lufr. pre · lIIent. woulu bo the mosl l: fficie nl m£'an e ISlalea IIlone. . laU PavDe Uar'rold • '-er t' d pare an accurate de8c.npLio n of till' oC bringing IIbOUL Ihat e1"lIideratulD,lhl: i h tru ly l\'8~ a , melllnoholy thing ~o Would infurm her Dumerou, palrool and ql Plnool, .'elodeo... , 60h! .nil SU,·e r · , J' , , A ' " O. ao f ' I ', T!:mpcrallCo Reformllliou. If such ~ eee 8 young mao Iwe nty.(o ur )'earl of ll.e public Ihlt .be i. prep.red tD do all Wutch.,!, 8"",il111 Mllchln.. , T .... T.ble Seill. &lid Silyer tea and' table ~ Wertl, COl1nter ell, 10 t I!\L In ruture aU .mig hl COl1r~e were pursueu by governllieatt, ge only. oC good lalenl. and tille 4fdu descriptlonl or Millinery, luch .1 and F'orlle, elC., eIO., .ud Ib, other 1'7,60() " be enllbleu Lo ftfoic.l its conlact, Whell how much Itl88 we shol1l,J hear o f lo s~e!t, , alion. wllo~ but for lhllt onll beae Hing BLJj;ACHING, arl icle& or nlulbl" Je~elr!, Work .114 rb.ole .bo accompanied Breokinridge tblt il dODe ~he bogul ~ateri'\! shoulll defltlc3lionl. briberies. IInl' olher oor- . in, mil4 ht hUll lido riled aDY politioD PRESSING. Toilet Cue., Ph';Iograph Albam., Openrrom ' Eoro~ to {)an~d'•. bave arrifed ae be destroyed, or 80 indl!l1ibly ItalP'ped rupLlons. amt)ng~L Ibi.~ chUB of me2 til "\Ici" t.\'. ~hu 8 foully Dlurdl'r*=d , TRIMMING & '"ce SlIvl'r W ulcheti, end fanc, artiel" io San AntoDlo, BrecllIOradg8 bal deter· t t't r I . I' known 118 government I'mplo}'ells, Bo w (OfLen in Id 8 Kober aod rtllective MANUFACTURING, ereu I voriety. '7~,OOCl ' DOtiee. a.mb.tedl as 0 preveo I' urller Clfeu lIuon. mlDed to move 10 Tens sbould tho [c, 1J ' And when ollic,, · bold~rs aou all olb· ' vlll~nlh he h!ld resul\'l!d and re-reeolv· 01J ahort notice, and ill the JII,,' (lIsbion- 'rorn I to 76,000 .re pr\nlrd .nd pUI \.to 8e,,/ed enVl'lopea .nd well mixed•• nd ODe p,.. iden' par~o • ., lIi~. He •• cribe. om. -' Vt7·tt..:lerr. ers in Any way connected "ilh the op;, tI Uilit he " oulu be 1lI0rfl t:lan a m .. lch Mbl,lIyles, f:J!:r A ch(lice nlJ80rlmenl of Trlmmin,.., 01 theBe)1I token ollt .nll 1811' &0 lhe ,ertbe IIIe turDiD, poi.II~ .O~ :the ·Conrl!der. OUR TU-::--KS "t:")uQ--DAT':G eriuio08 oC GovernlDt'ut, 6111111 hRve bll· or bis souu ce rs. no ooe can tell. W e ~ . . ". ,.... .,.,." ,overnQr come sober lI1en, "IIU nf) d runkaru could t1y rOIIl~mplate him oiLen 10lilq,qulziDg Notions 11111 FIl\cy A.licle. on hlllld. Ion .endlDll to UI . " cen" en do", ". p e ll ~e III JlO ~18I1" c:orr"Pllod ••ee, 'te., ate ortunel \0 tb~ l8~ov~l of ~ellera\ Obarl•• A.tld~"on ba. ,sl \lell 1\ proc- by any po..ihility bolu office, ho" 100" ILer Ihie manner " '~hlllllttu' lor \he lib ~ r.I .I'.l ron.ltll ~e!e JobO;lltoo ('9 command o' \lie army lamatloD reco:nmendiDg 'l'buuJay, tbe "oulu IIJ .. ~ f"shi on pcnne"te Ihr o u~l; :T olIlI.e.)'" whirllillg wind;, Ibat ruu'ntl DIy lolore uJellued, )lill8 1'f'rr, hopes' he r a,1I1 L).e. , ~\\~e or . ,ood. C9r{re~\IdiDI: , WItil Ihe nllmber 00 I he nolice "III Ii. a' A,lallla. · 30lb or No,embur, as a dny 01 all of rsociety, to the clclusion It III1'.. .. III,'.y,·oor, ~ n C classes I I' " 11 0 pIlle... on ea'rlh where rUllllellen COlll1U nI 9utll'lVOrIJ 1o please ~ ill eUlllle 18111 to lhe holdlf bf lb. iBme irilimtdlate- ' II oontinuonctl of Ir." IIOlDe. Tb. Sail L ake. letter to Ihe· Tribl10e Th k .. u p <> t Ie no w as llonablll urinking cnsII ." lin ''''Ir~ I"~ 16.~m 11 be dea;r"r' lu ,.rc:Ii ••• Ihe' arllcle) .. ~n sglVmt: 811 rayer tbroughout 10mK pflocticed throughoul tile Jen',tll \\'ayue8vil1e, OC/. 11. on receipt 01 ·Iwo leUM-e. POl' inltaacr: " . b B 1 S Oh I coult! lhe rume.,ller but how f t 0 b 8 o a 0 ar ,atMes t at righam t Ie ~le. Tlaia will 'clash wilb th~ anu brellulh of ou. r VIISI torrilory I .. , iI1 Iae--number Ofl Iii. ootica ..., .. , . . ' d lh I d i P :.' t 1 l. he pAIW~. the bitler rt"rel~, the ali,,!!, Y.ol1ol( .ao . er.eft en of lhe Mor- r•• lU.O~ I 'roclamlllioll (or tbe 6u lVilh " the immorlal 109 n,morse. eo , " t grl!! ' r II1M " 0 . .holllil be IIl1mb.red 6Wt ,11I4I .. 'Jtillo or . t J t1'h w,,~ II mRllim .• I b I' the JlollI'nRn . , . ·dlamond leI or ,old w.(ea. .hl.I" .... a ... m9~., haYe.oh.~ged tbeir laclio" aDd 1'bundaY ,of. De.ember as a dl\y of Na' e ucrson',Rnu c leve It blill tli e bl'SI dl'ul1kArdA' only clln ' feel wou,ld th ey RETAIL DEALERS IN bllret! 600. it w' I,1 be •• n,L to you , '''' .~ DO':' prOCIIIlIJ ,~oly,gan~ tbeir ral.igioD, 'ionul 'l'lIl\nIl8~iving; bu~ we IUppOS. one ever IIIlrocl Qc~d. lll nLnpplicnnls for' cou ld Ihey still eDtie" n~ e n illia Ih~ i; HflcI ' 0 011 (Or ever) .rUell iu Ollr Uet fie wblch they Will .UI1.610 by' fDrce of Lhere Will be no change in conse e'."ploy~ent, unu e r ?overomcht. ahoul!! I denll 'lC ilifaDIY, aud inuuce lh<.>m to 76,OUO Illielel/. • DRY GQODS" If" m.. They are bOltiJ., . to our Gov. qu~nce. GOY. Andel'son's proclama. give SnIi S rl\~I,C>Ty , \.'vlul.luce. oC pos8essing' drink of ' their cl1T1td 'Oircelln cup' 'I ~ After rllc.i.in • . ,lb. "llel .. , 'If it . l~ree qUHllliclI.llOn~. whIch qu"lifica· A. E. M. do". n,!' ple~.". 10~t you CIIII "lurn II, and • rnmeot, IUId are drilling , procuriDg lion is 10 lenglhy and vorbose that WI' LIOns wl:re pUll1I tillS forol: 'Is h" hon ,. QUEENS\VARE, your money .11.1111. Rofup.ded. • arm., .&0., IIII~ openly defy F.,U'eral oannoe ~I,e it sp"ce 10 our Coll1lOn8. eel Y' 'is hll ctlpAble l' 'IS he faithCul?' PII R S 0 R .A L . " cenle rou.t b. Mul to up.nl" AR.E;aluhotlty. , it, p~rbap&, the UOVeI'1101"8 grelll A ~lInl of nny or 01.1 of these !lullli6. 0' poilta,•• cllrrelpoDdeDce. MO.' 00 UD. cllllons by Ih e appllcaot, should war- . -Ur. J. Q. "" Wllrd haa oompleted Rolice( , Tbe OrAngem8D in dan~da lire Rrous: effort at 8tllle)ilerature, IlS he is nOI rRlIt hi s rejection, ID ph,t lllr " Dlodel of a desiun for th. llilmember: 'ltit wbet.,., .rlle'' ' ' • • ed by ~be pro.pealive Feuillo . in vision, iurA of Inoilltr opportuoity to spr"au Politicil\ns. however, at the presenl ShakllHp"ltrd monUlDlln' io the N.,w relponda wll h Ihe ........... )uiIi': Dotl~. &lc., ODe of ~heir I.e ade" bas pl1blisbed I ~imsl!lf. II i, almo,' Icboolboyiah ill dny ! hAve ignored. Ihllt simple yet ef. York C~nlral Park. ,. you cu have it '" PIIII1, 7'1'. :nloiftlBto calliDg 'ebeY ril to atml, and Its remarkable elaborllLion Aud rar (ecllve rule o f a?Llon. 'IOU the D:ien "h~ ~nn. W. H, Milburn, known al "l1f11 'l'l~111lt~'\1I111I1.TU9 /til lor iI, whfllh", il be wlMlh el0. btl b ' ~ t la d ' are Olosl unqu.'oh6ed. ofll:n oblaln place. Ihe' )Ie~houial 'Blind Preacher,' is W 4l». lI. iWI*~ llIJ.Ja!laUK, ~o, And IL Is fllr our , latere.. •• ~al lairl,. I elr orglo in Toro,n to layl it IlBi poai· eo e expreSSIon.. It is a piece 01 ~o the greaL dl8auVilutagll o( Lhe public loon 10 be admitted to Oreler. by Biab. Invite . "pntion to tb.ir slock or ' alld ~eod OUL o.u r 6n~ trUel." .. ,. ~•• tife ioformllion that ~he invasion ie 'JiDII 'Hiling' of the ~pread · eagle, IOt~rest8.", . op HI)pkin ~ , of Vermon~_ . cuulidenC8 to the publio"lad , lb,,,"" lacreas.. Olll . .Ie.. , \ contemplaled, tblt tbere life !;lOW ,ill glorificatioD slyle. and WIll, bO doub~. My 0plOlon IS thRt' 'he' milo who is II> L ,1> • ha8 tn . prell 10 . • -""o.er. J.)ro"nln~ d rUII k 5evarR I d R"S 10 ' SUCC8IJOn liS WIS L <. "Dndred man "0 tbat ' t lh I G become al Ibe Go d ' hi' db ' . 'I • . . 01 y, a ov, veroor ellglls, II Ille cnse with Ih: 008 i r - ' d "" pU: Isl,e .Iore Chrlslmll.,a Itrange Self'cled wllh elTt! in the I;l\etern "rDmeDt oBi,ciala .re rraterniling wilh page of atate Ililtorl. WI hope he ficient in All Ihes e p t~jll1ell .lellil"I. ':; ." nd "ilu Italiao Itor)", told DC course tbe 0' r d er, an d tllet even III! I P remler . fa ~ I8 rt )'leve d an d "I' 11 bII ellllbled to neither ' IIr Ie" ars. e ca .. 18,.e ... e. . be honeel. capable. or faithrul.
JIOLJ.'.' eaoo.
Yo.u lOR! SRY this is a .".,upiug dllcla. -Wertz denieR tllllt rle i~ the p~reon rallon. Le ~ 118 ace. who convicleu oC t! mbt'zzll!menl in BRADL~I'S My position is, that no man ",ho is Swilzerland, and divorce d froOl hie \'I'ife .In tl Ie IIII b'It 0 r 8pellulllg .•. olle or 1D0re IlI1 81&ted in 10moC Ille new-pllpurs' . Ie • ~ dllYs in ench wt!I!1i, in d'rl1nkenu8as can The p~u .. n referred 10 ia a cousin 01 be hooest towards hi, employer, l'low- Ihe prilon8r W~rf.; 10 tllll leiter Our Stock or !lVer hone ~ t he DlR y be In. principle sny • . , . '1' k I , . . . . R' I ' b II ' . " .e t I,ll govf'rnDl~n~ employee, fot • -: , IU~. y,(l JlB,.t e we "nowD selOalllnce' IS he not pllid a BAlary ' Cor hill cel!~I"~llIt Jourl;l'llh61 or Richrnolld, IIIIS ~lthor, 1\11.'1 does he Dot urll" tha~ SAlary' Jj~en dllcled mnyor o( thllt city. Hia Im~lI ptctlvc oC 108S or lime? How, IVlre, Mrs. Annl\ Cora MOIYIlIt Rhcllie, then. c.an he b.e hone~', w.hen al Ihll has belln rellidiog for 60me Lime in I I I FI slime .Ima Ie II C HUlLing tile Governorenee , ' Olenl, SI 10nICer or Shorler iD'er.ral.vl ~-Biehop Oro",Lhllr.tlJe \b)lIok bi. 1iop several dAya at a ·.tiill!:, whoo he Ihould or Ille Niger, h .. lal"~y "t\~\1I1\ ',,'mOl 'b .. ft\\.,OI}\og til hl8- proper bu~inee8. .ali"rao""~v a~oouUl' o( Ilis Qperatione 1\ 1,ltoe. b"~1l Ilu'm"'lId ,\,10\ ,h. dire6\ in Ibe Ni~er tli~lTio~, whithtr he lias 10l<~ea Bu81lOlned I by 11~e J>euple oC Ihe laho a blOod o( nllliYe l,bridLian leacll · U mtl:u StRlts a ODe, m t.mes or peace, er., ' by Lhe fl'H UU lind cllreles~ nes8 of in · M T B I po £ir Morlon Pelo and his travel. telUpurltw a"l:uts Rnd learnen' Ille cas d-- r. I ' uo IAnan Relll, the IIrlis t grol1Ddl are 'rented by tbe Gonrbment ' I. 0 , - an poeL IllS comlllenc tI 't . ' II t: a SUI "glIlD,.I The. uDdersigned wish .. 10 cDlllhe et a t '"e I ve d 0 II sra per Icre, per ""Dum, 109 compllnion. Sllill'd (or Englkntl <>n u .. lies nnd ~cc ideolA thence resl1lting ' M J unul April 'ht. 1866. A DOllrd of Ell' lite 1s~ ;nst., on board the Cunaru Ih? ill~oll:lIt baLilS IIcqllirt'll L Ih~ I r. ~lIle8 c~enr~. for a portiun or l"IlI'ion uf Farmers and 1111 w!lo,n it mn; aminers ba. been cnlled on 10 ai-nIB t !O:' T chrlurll n of liJll intt:mperaie &c • y I' 11:118 I~rlce of II plctUle .old 10 Mr. Alu- r onc"rn, to the l.cl thot he il eni.\~~d in ., I ea mer ,"colla. he lral'eler8 w~rl! Ilmount 10 1I0L II:s8 Ih"n fro~ , ' ~ou u unry lor £300 Rterling. oa11"u • l ' be Ihe roulluraClure tbe damlges do De tbe groundll by dig · tAken 10 the yessel by " barge, (roQl dre(~ IInu !ifl}' luil\ioos 10 two o~:u~I::d Lost 1'Id .. u.' SiDg pill anu making walks, Ihe N u" YUJ'" .ide. A large numbel' mllhon. dolltml: This lum is a . --'fhe erection of a llaitue 10 Dr. _deriDg them UD6& for Clrmpurpolll •. or fr ieDds accomploil."d tbe m 10 tll n~ "I!ry COIISIUl!labl1l item in ollr dOme"• I'l n~ .SlIIljJ80n, 't" as di5covcrtir of cl.Juroform,~ R n d 'III prepare d to do IIi Ihe and i~ i. eX1,>'oted the OQYernmlln~ Scotia, ' eco ll omy. flS iL ia Ihl'l,e or fOil I limes ftl ~s "JtC~ 109 80~e IlltereaL ill forci,lt1J mild· ~be.1 .lvjP, and Oll Ihe ~horle.l uch a8 Ih~ whole rtvt'nue oC Ihe IC," I clrclt'~. -rhe. Frel~ch d,oclorll 8Ily nOllc •. Inytlllnlr in hi8 line, from a WheelcompeD'lte tbe OWDer8. " ••• U- The rllilr&d bel"een Pueblll County. Ilrevlous ~o the iDKU II UI'IIlioll of Ihal 0011 W. SObtlXlln 18 the orig~nal burrow I'J Ihe tille81 bUIt!:,. . Tbe Ne" -OrleAnl Timu' Browns. d h lhe reb.ellion, And yt:t .ut'II" men .re ulsc'o\' crer. ,..... H ' pd an t e Cily of Mexico be com . I I Vo-' "VIII!!, ef'Cnr Ihe IPrviCPI or I'.r. " 11 VI Il oorr"poDden~ of 111e 2d' lay •• Ihe elllll' 0}11 1 , Anu cl\l1ed /1011111/. Loo, aDd -Mr. John P. Cooke, Lhe musical ELL/S.O II KK.· IIIP, • IO,p,e rior . wor~m'l\, Ille . . f pIe ted ~J' Ihe 1st or Dilltl. O" ~ r t lose " ho sufi' b . co d I I ., OIUlena 0 Mlltllmoral Ire III read iD. .~ . 1 Cl . . er y II m08t, benr il mpolll r an CIa: t:r oC orchu.ra 1II~IIIIUII 01 IllS nRlne in IhiM connp-clion .tlrving coodi';on A Y four thou.and laborera are employed on Wit I Irls lllln fortill1ll e , an,l ~im :>1 blind I. died IlIlt tllundllY ia Ne" '~11t b,e Rul'6delll II110rllnly, lbll !Otlsf.c• . w. CCOUOtl Itnte the I. '1 d s ay 6ucl II ' b Y v. k .. 000 110 II b I Imperial troop I ba' lit~le b"tler off tue ral ro " from VerA Crul 10 Mezi . . I ling. mus t e, Oh 1 Lll e '1'01. ~r, ke \VIlS 45 )'eIU8 of n WI II, ven . II ' . , co ul'pravlty of the human bear~ I' IIge .\\ hl8 dealh, Hi$ hirrhpllice Was JOHN W. COLLETT. ___ If IheRe Ihings are 10 io timee of Ob tll: br, III ,Chuirire, EngJ"lIu. 11e Jul, )8. aD)' Illte Coo,rederate officers I r e · 6ghtinJt with tbe Liberala. it it r.. The Free Will 'Baplist Geoeral Con . paa~e, ho" mu.c h more migh L we 6Xpl!CL i~l!e!riteu t,he musical "ud Ihelltrical I- --:8 :::-:p::-:a =--='- N- g- F- '- E- L- O - porled diat. lwo tranlporta Ire IlL " be rerence oC MaiDe plIIsl: d I reBolution ~n times ~hen the 'body politio' i. COD. 0.'111)' IlC hll r"lher, who "as a milli. moulh or tbe Rio Grande 10llded ' th probibitinrr Ihl ordinl ;'lon ol .ml' ol.••• r. ubleed ,!tl.h '''ar', dread OIKO Ilnd actor of goou repill/l, . F . . , ,,~ " • ... "en 1D111l0nl, perhapi are I d ' rench troop. to reen~orce· lhe garrt.on "bo Ille ~oblleco. ill the hind, of Il1cb ';'en a. e~::lte . -~he I~dlan pllrly no" lit WlIsbTHE DBST DRILl, IN 116K. e 818 I~ Matlmofas. , Tbey ,will find It ronf7h -Lord 'p I ' , bere Ipokeo eC? Again can a druOt Idg~on 1;0'1 ' of G"OJ:ge-eunni,8. Unit.T he ?",dertigped hl8 berome Arent ',~ "ork ,comiog I1p the river, •• tbe Lib . "bo ilitrodl1c~;~~810n I w~ ~18 lire~ IIrd be I cllpable ..an' 'I 'hlOk O:L ~ ~'b ~.Ie: . nl~rprI:Ip;r; ~biCw;r of the lhl8 vlclOI,ty ' for Ihe ft~"ve Wheea-DriU me of Na- ~hieh he 18 prepareQ ' ~O " lurnisll on I",' eral, hold Gbe ' banke b£'lo,,' tire city HII dancin,lI III A~:a:tt~. l°fi.fl ~gland. aDhd Ii beli8v~ 'bere i. DO man liviDg' m~~:~: k:.krteJokloe. Ibn :he nlU A Ra ' . " b' b ' ~ , y yun w 0 • DOt bimlelC Id ' " ' d ,.. a ( .IIr·) e-pe-a-,tl- uee'ter.ml. ' . .. . ncharo .d l < I toh of tbe 3let ull . .,gQ: ~H t e .prtnc~ ... of Linen" 'lbe Ie';' who are wi) ran cr, lUI . very Ii,, ·to (wolf;) the oLbe,,' b, tb. e h. ' 81,y.~ Ibe U811al ariitlerl firjDC!'ud ,liir: If'?-.ml' fl~.lOedRurs:~anGdiPlolI,Il\.ti~L aoll f"ith. deDlare tbat ~b. ~:Dlwyebtb,e ~emberahat' &0 oniolla lIames of Na-ma .• r-oe-ba ~I SATlSFACTION, INSURED. mi6h'IDg "coDtlDuel. , q " rl ~D 0 ~ uilot II....IlO h · ~. _.I '''0 r IpeDWoa oal'/Ollljb or0 IS008 18' e ka ba m · 11 II ( ) , She.-In-b·no• - , b Per~ll?nl ."18 , hi nt to eZ1mfne, clin do ,0' tJt'Jr d bi~ po I eO~I. _ _- - . . • ___ . _ _ " hi,tUDeill dtukell _ll· o !(,a h."a )(grIlY '1IIIe.) te.kll..... ' y~.:I . lnl ealk-w.,·n" IIt.r We,ne.. .0 - 'Q ~. - . - beaver, I A~, 10. ILLI"" BAk.lfE¥.
coonive. at tbeir movementa. do jUflioe to the roast lurkeys .nd oth. A terrible' 'ex(llo~ion oocurred, io perqaiHitell of lile upproaobiog occa5IOU ' . rl'Ollt Qf the Wyoming Role~" in Ne" _... 'York city, ~o Sl1nltay morning. by '1Jir The r.ecen! election in N (l \v Jer ~bicb a larg'a numOOr' , oC Ihe gl1e8tB 1t'7 re!ltored tbat S Late once more to "ere wO.l1nde4,....ome very eerious1y. tl, U · b I t' ue DlOD T e ee lOll I . Ullion Gov.,r· The exploeio!,.. ",a90C IQIII8 ccheQlicals d . b b' b 1I0r In olher offiueTi . ~hrcu~ L , In a Olt, W III la ee~. lefl , in ,t he Ward received a lIl~jority of 2,5('0 ror 1I0use by a Ol!rman ReeDlly lodging Governor." rhe DOlt Legislalure will there. .Ml1cb dlmllga Will done II) the staDel ae ~01Io W8' U . -" ' , " ' .' , 01On mlljO : ",. ID hote I cn d 8urrou,ndlag budu~ng., · /lod tbe Senal\! 1 ' ;0 the A bl . 10 grelll coualel'oation created I ., IIlcm j . • relidenll io tba~ v' . '. among lIe The ~Ie.clion or · Mr. Ward a"curu ,h" IOIDltr. "'l'PQ'",''''''''\ ,,( R.epUb\\O'Ul8 at clerk_ The Cin~i~~a\i Oommer!:ial state'! in the Chancery 11011 Supr~lUe Courts, \U,al the bUllqlOgl 1\\ ~amp .Dc~i80n 'Dd" 110l L of o~ber positionl. 'WIll DoL be IOld until .pring. The ' ..;
r db
.u •.
s,,.,,..';'1 ,!:t--.
T ___ I 01 all . .h '1 MERRITT .. PRINTZ:
..[a1'1v.\t. 47 &anioBoRO.-OD Fri.
Prea.tlea' Llaeoea,. Te<lII.oa'al.
~=========== d~y eveoiDg of J"ll
we.k. a Fealinl wa.beld at lhe Uoiurtali., Cba,.b i. ~pringboru. ror Ibe purpose or procur ~ec •.ot Ylal~ to dIe' Iron','the pro ~riet)· of IDg fuod. ror the purcb f . ' l~a Ulnlt \\'hl~ k, ra tiona to the arm, WI .
..... . V.LLE
J: ~I~w"kD BOUND
t 1.26 , .
Ill, 6 , ~ P. M.
lS;!)6 "p. If.
~ .
Suodal·Sobool~~e; a:r:rgi:~ ~~~~:r~e.::~t~.Ge~~:. ~~:~~!~~!~o.::rv::~ leAD wAL~AD En & CO., IMr~w li\\~~T!I~,THS-. S · i~i.ir RrEil cc,.IO· r ~o'Hc~'Pkt~I/ '~' rritp~,!i' " J (·suA _ ,
(coaWIK anTIO_). { .' 1l.18 4 . II.
for 'be e . .." , InII& I!!lIiilUII Cormed Ihat the occasion 'waH exoeed- wilh hia IJluftl coreot , at lIeity . that iogl; iratifyiog to all eoncerned Ibero. wh~~enr II bellell~i al 10 Ihe he.llh of Ihe v.~ '" " " . cIvIlian. will cerlawly prove IdiJUllAif.II.UA S~ m. ,lIo,d lba, ' he .um of '200 'w....., •• 10 the l.eII'lth 01 Ihe ·s old ierp. nnd as ne.r'~"'---fJ' ,-..a.~,...-j.,.ItI>.M"".-!---I-_!tItt"'-tt:.m"""'''''''''''''__""", ) ; I ' • edt allhOllgh ,he admilsta b wall only y: evety IndiVidual re.idlnR iN mlil.h' dlaWAY N E 8 V ILL E Beg·le .... e inform Ihe pobli~ thllt they 30 oents Irlcta throlil/nOli1 the rounlry coo .tlest . • !JIve on baud aDel expec\ LQ keep.". . '. ' , . < ,Io~ ~I.e merll ~' o~ ltobllc~ •. B itl~ ~" sa a "'~t 1 ... , . ) l < Tlie cbolcelt "'diblei weYe i~r ad be - r~'enllve 01 febrile compl. intll . by II plng --0A Complete Assortment of fora the aSlemblage and e.,.erything Ihem in Ih e IIrmy Ihe malllria of 8wamps, •. . Ind (\l vera 01 Ihe camp muy like tlte ~lI e. wenl mOUIly and to ,h•• aLllrachoo 01 my be de6ed . ·
G B ,
aU. S.,riogboro nnar doel thiog. bv r <It baln.. - ~ .--- . bDUN Sv-.nu;;R.-The charming Be8' .ioo of Iodian buqamer whic~ we in 'hi,1 aer-lion a{e now ble!!t Wilh.ilalmosL ooprQcedenled. a' lhi. le.lOn oC Ibe
At Ibe old ..and 01\ Xain 8lreel. W',D'" ,ville would inl~m ,bl. old"l:u, to.. ,rl alMl lhe , eit of. mankind. that ho ~aa a lood .~BOrlllleot or . ' .
Parlor and Cooking StO'l." a)eo. a nrilld .uppl, .,
Tin, copper & shoot-iron Ware
CON8VlIPTIVEliI. . __ • tor Bale It tbe lowell cllh priCtl. All -oFk inds 01 Tb. undersigned 1.. ,lnll bien reB'or~d PA I N T 8 0 I L 8 to hnlth ill I few week_. by avery Bimple DRY '~ OUT-DOOR. WORK, remedy. "'Ler IIninil Buffered Beveral ,\ 'I. D Y E · STUFFS. t uch II Spoutlnll', RooOng. &.e .• dUDe oa yearll ' wilh II severe loni affection. and .'-t !' thaI dread diselle, Coni um pI ion-il anxTOILET ARTICLES. . hort no lice and In the beat manner. iOU8 10 make known to hi. fellow lulfer· Jul, 3-~ erB the mean. of cure, To all who desire il. he will &eod l ' " . !!!"",,~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!"'!!1!!!!!!!!!!~!!It year. The air i8 mild and balmy. and COI'Y of the prescripliou uled ('n'e 0' A.. A.l~·r -1)n'\Jewee , --.-. ISl:-lMlII>O.OO B¥WARD I Lbe blue hue aod mellow lunshioe cilarlZ'l,) willi the dir.ctiolls lor pre".r· WHl'[EW ASH BRUSHES. dl ) take tbla Qlelh04 ot'"fona\,,& abd Pencil ' w, re lost be~ li~ger with " halr.• um.iu~r richno .. oter iOIJ nlld u8i"~ Ihe IIIm~.• ~ bi ~h tbey. will lit f amy olel friend. and Ihe pu"lIc cenet• . lind .. ~urll cure 'or Consumption. A~~hwe, The best qua! :ty of ally. Ihlt ( have remoud m, place Friend.' M"~i'lS.hoial!8 anel .valley and hill. aair loa&b to ,y ield lbei l' Bronchitis. Coogh., Cold- , &/\ The otl01 busine811 to lhe al.nd (ormerl, occtrplecl of Duis Furn .... on Firat·day IIIra), to Ibe .terner wi,!ler. Iy objeci 01 tho advefli~er ill lending the -wr ' II, lira. Thom .. II ' .F.ncy Blore. · • , " . _.. . Prescriplion i, 10 bl'llelh tloe nftlicted •• nd ..., iOII. Q~ ~be 8hcl~ ·a", the Inl· 1 ~ . ' s preod informalion which he conceive. III Oppo.1te the Bogen 1I01l1e. E. S. The aboyt reward will - - We notice that Mr, C,. D. Wool· be invuluoble ; and hI' hope,. eve ~y aulT· For medicinal purposed. to whlcb lire at· wbere Iinlend 10 keep on b.od Ileneril be' Ii der alibe ¥ jaDii Gazette oy has removed bil lune In Corwin 10 er'!r will '!y hia rl'medy . II 1\ Will ~n 8 1 tenlioo or PhYlicians il especially called; IIsortment of Worlr. both or e L 0 • : : . - :. , d h' h' I them nutlilng. and may prove a bleSSing. and wbalever pertaina to a M Y 0 W _ the old ferry ~ta~ • 'IV IC . III ftl'ger. Parlies wishing the JjrcscriptioH will ;::, Ind Ibe belt brand. of ~ • e.' . ' aDd mOfe conveDulDt than hll (ormer plt!aep. otldr.ese, F 1 R S'1' - RtAT E ·OiTY JlANUJ'AC2'URE. URIC8.--00 1... t· OYeD~nl.llr. ·J: house and whllre he aod hi, paltner REV, EDWARD A. WILSON~ . rl ~. r Ieo.t ur.. ·-Mr Samuel • • .' Wllliill,"sburgh , commence a ,aln, 0 'l'homplon. Afe pu,htng KI C , lind warrllnt III ,Ive latiaraction. J. " . • nga Joun y, Thankful ror tbe YerV,lIbe,,1 patronage Hall-the 6r~~ of t\.e .s errel bUline .. io a most eoergelio and lucr,,' IS-3m, New York. Also, s aood lupply of for .evllnl yeers beelowed. I hope. b, the 'Philosophy of Intemper' tiYe mRoner. TheBe gendemen desene 'J'O DnUNKAH08. clORe IIttention and lair dealinr. l\iII to Tbe Jeo&urer, ~Qk ,a ~ew .. and 'lIccea,. Rod WI! trulL a liberal eocour· Old OuclOr Bucban·. Drunkards' Core , merit. lIeneroul conti nuanee of ,he sanae. I. E. KEYS. nm ...·lu.m yiew of tbe ,.ubjl'ct. agemeot will be aec9,r4ed them. permillelilly .,radic,lell tb" Laate for '.am. h}nal, origio. . . •• • elroll, drink •• nd curee Ibe .worst c,ues of , , The mar'ket price at all tlmell p.ld ror -SUCH AI• drunkenness. in Ie sa than elghl week •. G, een Hldel. Calf·Sklnl and Sbeep Peltl. eonfinicg him.elt to the ""Mr. Wijliam Hendley. formerly 'l'houll8nda III ..eformed inebrloteil now . TEA. July 3.-l.tf J••• 11:. illt.rnd... &iall' liquorl. bllt inc hid:' or thi8' place. bas ontered Ibe grocery live 10 bien llie day tbey were fo~tuna:e COFFEE. • , enough to co,omence lite ufte of ,I'I@ valu· . , SUGAR, Intemperate amount of labor :aiPell in Lht' Queen City. ""itb Joho ~ble rellledy. Price Two Dollara a pack . MOLASSES. eiLher physic&! or m,en,t al. 10 E, J~nel. H)5 Well Fifth .lreet. where 81:e . Mailed to any .ddre8~ on receiplol . SPIOES.l B. EBER.L.EY, tho .health.. equilibrium Ile will be plt'aaed to Ie. any of hi' old' all order. by J A ME~ S, BUTLER. ETC•• ETC. ~ 429 Bro»dw.y. Nell' York , \VI.heli to Inform hi. patronl alld the Sole A&ent lor the Uuited Siales. a necellity to life and happi: frienel. w~en lh.y find their way to oublic. Ihe' be keep. COnalanll, on b.... ---:--Intemperance in eating. Cjocinnali. Succe .. to bim. 16.8w___· _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ larae and Im.1I A cOIO!,lete ...urlment 01 B/tift-SIURE PLOWS; the i~lemPl!' }ice which lo o. IRON IN TilE BLOOD. end .ouble "and aingle' .'. or leu extcoL charaetil" all 1Iir Col. GraoviJIe MoOdy. inll The Peruv'iall Sy,up 8uppli1'8 Ihe blood ·d"arlmenta d f ·lire.' known to our citizen. nl the 6ghling with illl life elemellt. hun. inludln:! v'gor. El~·r~'OWS, . ~lrellglh'; ond new iiI e 11110 Ihl' wll(.le 8Y S. & Is ,. ' 'forllible ""d ' pointed panon. now pall tor of Ihe Greeoe street lem. Fo~ Dyspt'p.ill, Drupe)'. Chrunic mide 01 81eel. He wlll ·al.o maoufacuare '. , ' .lId repair Plowlha'H, and dr.,.. aad wmaDd hia lecture W"I fraugb~ Obllreh al riqua. Ita. been ' presented Diarrhceo. Ft'lDltle W.. 6kll e • •• Illc .. it ie II , Til" becl quolhy of per all ki .. da of Edilld a'oola. ' ..·.u·gge.tl·ve or m'uch tllought witb" 8100 suit of clothes bI memo .peclfic. ThoUBlnu d' lIuY(' nflI'll rholll:f'd :i>~fii\i~ 'i', . . . .~I by the use 01 'his medicine Irom \\'~uk. 1 ~I!:II® eel 1r.l~ !:I Q::rSlllilhing aad Horee·.hoinJ .tle.do o,~ pr~(Quod philoso~hl rao berl,.of hi, charge. and his 8alary in· lioklV, Buffering cr,ealllre8. to slronll. ed Iu I'rulllpL.y. . r.~ID \be 'aiacourae. . ' \lrealed (,om 81.000 to 81.500. heullhy nnd happy mell and \\Iomen. For Genllemen's ftnd Boys' wenr. AIHo, om' TilE .ES't! A a~ page plllnphiet sent r~ee. Ii large ~ujlply of well-selecled 10 be regretted that SeY ' Price 81 per bullle, or I) lur 35. CALL AND SEE. WEB 8 T E R ' .• . aplrl ' . " .... - ~u" ' L " COli I d ' np. Tbe road between BenJ' "mio J.P , n~. -• DINS'IOR'" ,,1:,. tbe gelll\eman!lI'emarlia. could Brown'. and ' Riobard H"ine.· reli36 Oey Slreel. New York. . . 'I.. . " .. :t1i~.iel'~_ to Ji.len. aDd dllnoel. hal bad. good coa~ of ira"l ~014 by D~Yi\lIBU aenerall~ _ l~ . a~ Jure 3-ltf NEW ~l.tJlIT-aATEO EOITWK, -;--:--mUlt ';re~t~ ,;. : 'dl.tllrb~ce by beltowedupoA it. DR. H. ANDERS' IODINE WATER, TI,oro'UgIlIQ R",it" and mueh ltIla"ed. oul ftr the ·hall. . •I An inveluable D:ecover)·. A full grain . . :i " . ' , The new car et ha. been laid 01 Iodine In each Ullnce of WeIer, di88ol- 1~~"-'" ~...,.....- ~ Ibi, (Wc.uqead-U)' enning•. Mr. ' - - • P b d ved without , Sol~elll 1 The m08~ j l O \ \ · ' . :g R PRJNU of III killd. always on hand. on the altar of. tb4! M. E. Chure • lin erful vitlllr', ing agelll ~ud tt~tofllive ~. R. MI::ItIUT~: . . .\ IU.OOO WOROS and MEANINGS QO' ,lecture ·ciaSpiriwalilm. , <_ ... ~. I makel a neat and band.ome appear- known .Scroful •. S4It . ~hellm. Cal!(:er~, ~ .-.-...:.. -n....:-,tz A 611e ...ortmenl 01 IOllud in ulhllr Dietior.lrle., 'D_ ~I'J'I. ' • t 11 Rheumatism. -Con~umpllun, II.lUL.-mnJI .t.Y.IoGJr&-&:. "' - .-01.~ 'LA1l!fDQ Over Ihilly .. hie Amencan and EuropeaD ~\oIIir.o~~",,",.e "I.I a .11 aDce. . Chrbuic ,lid HeredilalY Diseases, or" J.UJ.- ~ , 8chol~r. etitployed upon thl. re,II\OIl. al tbe Reform lDu~ing on • II r.ured by hs use . "llhllu~nd~ C811 100slily. R~UIL DEA~E&S IN LANTERNS & lIud Ihln, yeer. of Isberup.oded upel" nighl. ewlocliDI.lbat.lbe , c.u~ . -John Cllmpbell. Br•• IKlelY'died io Circularl lenl Iree. Price. 81 per boule. ' , it. rowiftg ' o olettn Lh. mind. of'the Cecil county. Marylalld. at Lbe great or 6 lor five d(.ilII~lI. . . ~ CHIMNE YS Severftl tBble. of 61 real Vllue, one ollhera g a"e of 98 . yean. He had been blind Dn. H .. A N DE.RS &. Co .• PhYSICIAn, "I. , l' .. of fifty qUllrto pagea. Exrlanaloryalld Addre~i wer. made by 1'. outi Cheml.", 428 Bro~dwa~, N.,w, Yurko . "1 Prof'oullclng. of names in filltion of E-q .• ·. Elqulr.e• .Key. and for 8o!De yearll. and wal .0 deaf thal Sold by nruglZisl~ Ill'nenII y. 16.310 C HEM I CAL. S I penolls end pl.cea. p.eudoltym8. &c., he had to be spoken to through a 'rum· &4-., UI Abaddl'n Acadi,. Albany Re. ne,. 'J. W :JJhlOn. and ·Mr. J. T G D' .. ftOFIf.SSIO~AL CAIIDS. LEAD. -SUCH 4&eenoy. Molher Ihsoll & Diaon·. of M.ichigan/ JI'ho i. a pr:bte .. - pet. b.' lIeUe I·YI :-' urlog r OIL. lillt. &1r, Miclwber. &r. tempera •• e ,leILUrer. Mr. 'Fi.b the four yel'rs of bloody Ilrire rrom ~OBL ·VARNISHES. FINE C.uAl~D PLUG. Conl.inlni one ·l\fth or oue·(our\h more ;.,. . ' ... . Ii' . • ·til .. wbich .we have jUlt emerged. b. lind Ulaller1lh.n an, furmer .edltlon •. b • I 11' I kOQW' ' I CONVEY~CER, ."1 CiGARS ANsl:!,' UFF'. Frum 118N electrotype pl.tea and lhe 8.ly. a cu.pllmeut 00 t 11.11:1 " til ' , " I h' .' ..th I ro I lem a WII IOU~ ilven a •~ U&1A.WJ ..., erllide Pre ••• . - A I' 1 ) a, "~}1 . ~, pplnloq el,· werll edge of lbere blling war in tbe land. wb.O 'had aImed a I; low .t V R'JISH &U BLACKING. ID one Volunhl of 18.0 Royal Qaarto '''' b - "1 " b' d .. The .lnDerofcooyoralag beJbglG ark· PAINT AJ.' , .; BLAOKING.BRUSHES. ."••tIII. r td 0 ~ e ~1'1 • .YI.~ '1 eD . eay: 80me. lind ror cithAr reasool.· hi. rela- 1. WIlYlletvllle, Oblo. . 'GET THE LATEST.' Inlte tive. oever ioformed him of the' faot." R. 1!l Jbo.. ETC. • GET BEST,' IIllIDe I. e ooerclOD. 'Gl!:T WEBSTER."
I N e,, ?
A L- OIL B. E::-:l=-==-Vl O-=--V - --A----L---"--
'1' S
DomeQt.c ')If """'1 oo ds,
"White Goods
Sherman Marohing AloDg I p.
Hoop 'S kirts:.
,• I
~J;J IT [E~a
Hats and Caps ! UNABRlDGEQ McnONEY
t, t
Over 3000 Tine EngraviDgs I
'{ EDIe I N E S ,
TO B.L\. ceo ES,
,.o. I,.
.a no-
~C« Pd~~t' ~"leDlI.lIleD\
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of ladle. .uD, two
.lpirit'eiJ or "'e 'b'''" ·'·bln .~'!-- d: nJ w,.. .. n . l ~ · IP~etrDi a JotlrDed week. ' . ... ~ ou • SUT&. -.,.q;L~.a'vK.-Tb.. ' wl!n .. . "nd ~.I-J ~' ~ ·.r ll ( "" 1 ' .. \I ' t' t ' .~,~er.a ,f.,~~cmlrell ar ... ,~ Will ... WILh ont;~ more ,· t'~ .'·'t.7Lh .~n. ~tan'. t,;,lly aod .e.er .'!uiniled to accqmmQ' 10"gl' -. ~-I-~e
H[)'ll'AmV 1P1CfIDl1Il(o,
h.d Jourleen f urll ' l'xperienee in Ibe prllclice of Medicine, offerll hi. Pro:enional Services the citizens 01
In Corwin. on TburedlY e,ening. Nuv. 9. by Rev. J, W. Maeon •.~r. Ch.rlie 1". G.r~e~o. &0 JIIill JeDQie Hille. all ot Wayn'! 1,'ownship. . At the aIelhlldi.1 P ....on.p:e.in Sbaron· ville, Q. OCI, ~Ih. by Rev. W. Q.. f1han. non, Mr. Allen Bnyaqre ailli MiloS Miltlie A. It"dll. 811· 0.f lhis counly. . b D S S A I 4I O n I.e I I mill . .., , .."v. . . olltln. ... ,' . . . rl'. . . . Mr. A. H. lIodle •• of Clln'on counly,O. Wttll photogr.ph •• ·, Sinter II lind Ali •• D. J. Hllwlatid. of Warren COUIIA , U<UUU'UI . kOO_ WD U aD IF'itt.or. the Iy. O. In ita variou8 brnnche. ; nullO be eXl'ell. cjl ...;· tliat" jo ' uallty we Nov. ~nd. In vb~non . by R~v. L. G. I!d an,whe,e. Nuue but the OIIlymeliiio " ' L ' ~ ::~b' " LeouI,a •. Mr.J.L. lllzeralldMII. Auna . J\l~L USBD ' n E 8 T )II ~ T E. '. n t.e 11~ ~ 1I,.'CQm" V. 8prallue. ' bill we mlllrMd : Il)a' be fa lhe By tile lime. in Lebanon ; Nov. 61h. '31,: TERII~, CAIH,-Offi~e at hili realdence 'Ori~iuar ~o.~ ,'0\11 aDd bOdy and J!llnee Wluford and Mi .. Har, Hillm .. ". on ahln Street. I·i,
II:~ a'jo~.~,.Qd irre~reJ...~ble a. CI?r~.'U:~~~~t·}!:I:::~~"ii.b!, RCr.~~; .
II '
n: .
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1.1" ·
n..· nt.
ee. Ie
II·a,por~" .e t lO&,ure.
mlBI ' m•
' pateDt M e de. IClnes'
J.. W. KEY S , .Just.ice of the Peace,
'lID "
. , [iJ .CC ~ (g
IE 1m \I" U MI!ra n y -
H A , f\'.O"' ~ e
PANCY SOAPS, &t. --- -
Schoo] Books
?' ,'. ,
lfrM .,,,
Physioians' Prescriptions
'lit ,
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b· ·
~ tt-llt~t!.
Pioture & Window-Glas$es. "" (iLL,
bulh 01 lhrvf'ysbufG' ~. hea!,'" ..,d ...~ to lee b\~ pre· On th~I' 2.h rnst., by E. K., Squier, .t ID lOWD --.. h h • II b id "1 1:1 ... ud (vina LIC .. UDOe·.-.e. I e onl (i. Ie r l', II r. U AND NOTAItY PVU. A well.selected all.ortmant.oC the BEST end Mlu Ella Lewl-.. all or thie r.ou,,'y· ,. ( ' /'" _. I TI Licmred "o1weyancer. , aim ~J[[e·". oRM:&C1I"io)Ir.......O\lMDe.ftlioG l".t w~&k AI th~ F"rl Antlent Hole, 011 ,ura · d ~ ent/or reliaUe FIRA' alld I, , I: no dav ellemll!l. ,OCI. 2{tlh. \ly W. n.,lhrt , J., all !! , 1 Co . II~'" ~I:ID, p( ~ud,lel ~ Dod· P .• Hellry S'i,der and 'Mra. Aun Cozn", LIFE lUiurallce ompurue., w~ 1I0~ .lIorreol. l~ Ilappeaed all of tl.{8 to.lbl.)·. , Office ftt ,I.e Old Stftud, M"in 8treet, IID11c&OIID'~bfv .tl1,a~ w... baa' (n Frlllklill. Warren County. 0 .• 01'1. WAY N£S" lLLE. 0/110. r ', . .. : d !111h" byl.e v• J~h!ll Blodlleu. JOI, U. N ipteen 'b ~ .; / . • over tutlr " oor ien.o f a,lon. eoit 11 i~:r.. Anllo S . II ar,. d ' ..... . Cnlleeliol1B mR~". an d procee d8 re- McGUFF ...t'S' dr; WILSON',S SERIES . • beell ftom tOWD ,1 0 lung I' ~,d, 9" Lebanon. mill"iI al cu~rellt rntl'~. .,! - , I , • .' 1earU:tbat I\' .hal r.'m aiaed iq " ~ . _ _ . Esper.fnl pHI1l8 Inken ill prepllflng ~/I :&0.. '&0. .';""';~oa eyer" .ince ' tlle dia- .. ,~""u~.v."e lDark.eU. p.~. Olld ' procurillil bhl'k Pay. nll.(nl1e ~. r~ , and Pella10n. of deceusell Soldi e~s, Cllor'! " '. olJthe r • Jr tinCt. Car'f~~" Correckll £tIf!r~ Wtt~. geM re iu/Ol1ltbf.,.' . . . . ,We h.&:i.o >Dolhani 'falher ·tl!. ' Lire end Frre I n8u'rnllre P')!ICleB 1 ~!lIIe d Cor, lI.aw.o~ D~dle1 ·i. driving \VI.eat Jl bUlh,I, . il 00@I ,65I1ndprocllr.d h .. tav~roble termil. ' I " R,C 'f U 70 REFEREIIC£-.6,ear. re.hle .. c:e in Ibi& C I II dD ' d FT cI Oat. 11 .. . 30 , 1:0nllllulllly. : " 7.3m nre u ~.n JIj romp y , 1 AU • in a aiul4!,I, mailGOT. re"ping rl.atd.~ UHl WII' 'run DalBe ' For' O.,ley ~ ..' 1 00 ~~~~=~~~======= ~ ':r ' . .' ,. 'n ~ Curp 'i .. 35 ~ • I 0 ld D rug. S tor e , ~,I Dne! ~ • .c:1i.~~.y :~f ~e~ • r"vor. rlour ~ blrrel. 9l>Q hi•• ' CaUin. '. . Flour l! ,aWl I • 75 I " W.ty...en,... e, ~ -... I Bllller ~ lit 40 ......,v.CU'!'OR ' .I.Lll ,N ' O'rJr>E. POST _ 0 F F ICE C () R 'N E R. Tbe Qbri.LiaQ "i.~l· on.ry 80· . Lard ~ Ib ~5 .r.;.A f b..t· . ... 'E 'lO' d 20 Notice i. her!by «,ve~.. that '"~ undel.:. 'June ~a-I ..tf ". or wt ..~ ~.. trio'o91D~..d ~f _onl. p!~:10~_' ;~nu·al\el. 60 Rllfned wert'. on the N.'net,enth · da1 'bl . . ar~en. Pnble. B"~ler aad Dril'd Appll'll 10@I:llNinlh Moil\b. 1~65.appUlnlt'd JO~ qoahlh!d , '1~I)UIT OOQD~"" Ooawe.ed in Daj&on Chiae.~1 1! dUlen. " a 00 a. Ex"C:lilore on 'be .E~tl'e 01 Nathan . £ :\, .. . . UII~NtIA • • '111 &II ..1--1 4. ___ Uoft'ee 88 JOlle. deuased,lele ul Wftrfen OOdl),. .. . ') ''''''' are " •• ....New.Orle.n. SOil'" "II It, 1"7 @ ~~ Ohio: ISAAC JON.ES. o~ • great 'mall), lI,ind. 800.1 in '.r,e PI'01.O&iiur Ih.l(jleiOD"'leaterpd~ 1'1 .-0.11101 ..... ., .a[loD, 136 NATHAN JUNES. &Iuel. for 81le_~l, _ JtJNTZ iO.D\I1.1 ,,"'ed, . . ' . . ~~al ~i\ ,.1101'1 ll~ ~ ~VI1n8lTIIJe. 10lD 110. 24, lee~~ JWall"'1'~ ~ -_.__ .. :
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Pubhlbed by G. & C. MERRIAM. 1 8 Springfield v .... 8 AS II A]I II PO r T Y • n l , ~ ,,~ • _ 4_-_ 1_ _ _ _ __ -::..:......~.-... :;-~_ • • '.'crrlble DllCllo.arello-8eoretl for &lae WaYDenille and VlciD~ty. rRUSSES. We ah.1I (\onllllllly keep on hand el~nMUUo•. OFFICJ\ on the corMr nf lIlnin "nd MiSUPPORTE:RS. enl UAorlntellt 01 Palent Medicine.. A moet ""Iuable and wonderful publica. emi all . • nearly oppoaile H.ya "HIiU. SHOULDEr. BRACES' AI. u.ju.' received (rom PIUlbur,. • \1011. 4 ,worl&.01 .00 PIK"'" aod ao col'N I II I d d ,' . lood Ilid well •• el.,cted 10101 ored eb,rlVialll. Dr. Hunler·. VAD& (&1 ig It ee iI prompl y rupon r. ' to. . l\lECUM, en ori"lnal .nd popular trollilO AV ALL TilE POPUL4R Mmn aOlI Woman. thllir Vh"ioln" . ., • ..'1. ~ FUllctlon. IPd8esusi di'Qrdert of eve" tftIJ4 Gife trs .\ Idod • . with neve,·failina Rem •• iet for I' 0 " T 1 _ tJ E. THE P RAe T J CEO F , ..... Illel' r speed, cure. 'fbe pracllce of Dr•
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D1'V and MI_ed Pam'
-----------n----A . .JONES, M. .,
And you cannot laHlu be lIuited both In ~o~~~e:.. ~a:u~II~'&it::::;n:~~ ':~il!:t~:io::; IJ llu lilY IIcd price. IIumeroua peraon". he h.. been Induced 10 Iune 23-1. extend hi. medl.... 1 ullelllineal tbroulh,tbe tnlldlumofhi. 'VadeMecuII).' 1.&1. a ... Coalb, Cold, o~ 80~., Ttoroft'. volume Ih.t ehoulcl be In ,lie bind. of . . \\15qUtIlU! unlSD1ATa lo'fTEIITIOll. er, flo,\\, in lbe lancl. U II pronoliv. of IIUUU1.D Bii. CIlEI: UD. ... ALLOWED vice, or U a guide lor 'he alle,\at\on of
~:;ur~fe:I~~'lt~~:r ~~:~d ~~dn:I:~uc8~:
hrl....tion of a Permanent k .. ., a' AlfectlolI, or a. , lueurable c:opy, lIefurel, enveloped. wl\l be forward. Lung l)i8ea~e, edt free 0' poal8j{e. to any pin of the 1. OHEII THE R&t!ULT. Uniled SL.tea lor bG c~lltll~ P.~ . • 1.mN· . .. Addrella; poll paid. DH.. HUNIEIt, N6. BRO,"N'8 BRONClI1AL TROCHES 3 DI'VI' "IOO Slr"~I. "!ew Yor". 16.1, Huvin, ,. direct influence on lire porl~, give immedisle rllliel. F~r Rro~chills, ,'ALUABLE ·RECIPES. A.lhma. Call1rr''. COU8UmpltVe al,d rltroll EDtTORI MUMI G,ZBTl'£ ;_ Did.,.,,,,, Troche_ Ire used ,dth .Iwaf· With our ermiulon. I wl,h 10", Id good .ueee... SI"IIera a"d Public Bpe .. k· lbe read:rl 0,11your piper Ih., f will aeH era wlil find Troches ulelul in efenlnll b • . 'I tall wi.h il (Iree) a . ~hen I"~II .. be (ore aln!!.ng . . • u r 'feci y ree urn 0 w lite. VOIO~ wilhmal, full dlrepllon, lor millinar alUl .pt'.klll:....d, re el'vlIIg &he lhro.l.llef. an ual : • Ilmple Veiletlble O.tm. that .wlll IIIIUBU_I exertion 01 th., voea' or,en •. Tile .lfec~u.lh' remoye in ten da,l. PHllple'; 'rro~hea sre recommended "'11~ "r~lIlrl~eld Blolehea <T.. , Fr,clilel. ~ nfl, IL ,lmpurlII~ Phy.iei ..... and hove ".d lOon a. till.l or Ihe J31i n, Jeatinf."1WI "lI1e '· .ort, (rum ..nnillen~ lIIen Ihroui hout Ihe coulllry. clelr •• moolh, Bpd beautll~L, Be i.. u an ~rllcle 01 Irue merll, tnd lIavlll/( I will al80 mail 'frue ' to Ibo.e bnln, \ pru~d Ihl'lr Fffiolac, by • ,IM~t of 1ma,;? B.. ld lIeadl or.B.r, rSC4tt. aimple direcyto •••. nch ,ear /llId. Ihem III new ou I" lion. and l"farm'lron &ha' w\ll eOI"1e lie. tn VllriOU~ parlt ot II.e \vorld. a.tbd lh~ Ihem 10.lan. full g;O\vth of loxurlaol Troches 'are u~ifer~llI, pronounce ener Hair. Wbiaker •• or a MaUilache. I, .. I thun olher arucles. • tban thirty dllYI. Olltlin only ·Brown •. BronclIlll. T~oThree recipel.,e .. Ib.ble to belli ql,f cbel.· ,lid d(.o 1I0t lake an~ o~ lhe \II orlh-. • tld 10u~, lind II l.hey .re mail.,d ,., all d 'ell'lml~.ti(>n. Ihlt !'ll, e ~red S who need 'them (tee 01 charre. ' ,hey SoW pverywhf'fll In Ihe n,t" lat.e', wOrilly the "lIell\lon of ,,1\ whe pri.. a and 10 F(Orei,n COUlltrles,. a' a5 cellt. per cleat. pure SkiD. or e buhta, 01 box. 18.1'1 · , h.ir. ,. 4'! All appllcatloo. eDtwered . b, .ewna Collie, ' mall. wilhou& eb.rle. D delian Ootrer Rre Coffee prllM Rio R8Ipflci1ull" THO.. F. (;.1",4'" \ of Coffee: lor .... ., , Che.l~t" P.rfDlDer, 811 8r·..4wa1. c0lfie aod Extr.~l JU;R.Jt,I'lT -. rRlNT~ JIJ .h'. . ~ew York'. ' g
_v .
If. arowo.
Union Cofl8', Pea
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C D. WOO L E·Y ,.
• Baa Cue. ~lIeb.ry, elan be aillapable of . 1 · • N . 0 II D I A :N' VE e""cftt. I ~, ill, ~ ,b. ",alail 0( blur., ••• ' llle To prohibit RII be er aDd porte~.boQ'" AT" CORWIII. ~~-""".. ~~ The COIIDlty il fto uded wilh couoter' Ma, HUlTOa:- Wilh- yOltr pe i.· . .o "ho dill, ~ber 1 1 b."v~ I anc! A1l0ps lind pillct'~ of hablt."I ·,., Ku ell band I full allOrtlD'~~ 01 W a'1 i • vi II el , 0 h i 0 : ". r.i, lDooe, or 1111 den~iDlilions, Sb .1011 I will uccuPJ a email 8p~ce iu o,u r \berel. DOl a u iD tb.. eoU~II~ _b.. lIor-& for lippling lind IDlelllper.~no., in yer1 beIlt" · _ ' • . • • '1lHp'Ir for tie pUrp018 of '"~ IDg- ~ (t-" "ill 80 de lermine . Why he II Ineap"lhe In corporllll'd VIIIII&:e u,f 'f. aynelWEDl'f D U AY, NO E ArDER 1 ~ 1866. ~umeroua are lhe bogul DO les of frll o warda in re fere nce to an IUt lele 10 the bte of ~eiD" lnatted aloDlI, witne .. . the ville, Wllrrl' n County, OhiO, ~~~ \ tlOo al currenoy. I~ah people ha\'e alln o.1 ~lDcin~,I\li Ti"}'-t. uf 11I8t Fri ~ay tlYe.o - Illan Couch . . . Sac. I . Be il ordRilled by Ll!e ~oun VOL. I. _ cllaeed 10 scrUlInlle tbem,bul pass Ihem Ing. Ille a rl.lcl s alluded lo II a. lol. 't he ~mle mar be lIalll In re~e re'l)ce' cil of Ih') rncorporRl.ed Vllla"e of .'\ SS· WARE, III being equally liS good a8 anolber, lows : . 10 luch a one flllLlIful~ erl ormmg the W , ynesvilh:: 'rh~ L Il ahall be unlll"ful G L~ ;.. . '4 \,. • I ) _...". t ........'. No.\ lila' Ihe cOllnlerf"iL daDoot 'be de- .'S UIOIllE \I t l ' Oon a Nlfl'ST E~~~\-n J,'l~. 8 · ~t.e. lum ' fqr \j~ve r w_~ ,POL\ fur a ny perAoft or. per~on~ 10 ke,ep~ by 'BEST CONFEOTIONERIESr I.e db I d t I dl -S. o RKS \J I.TB OF hTIUlPKRA NO& - seen Ihe estimate of loaslla lind clulIRI- IIV~ IIL or olher wi se, wilblo Ihe hmlla of ete y one acco ~ ume 0 Ian _" It is our mclttncboly dULY-to record .11 >' tMe a"8D<hla~"" . . .1"Irlo.........f!) incorporated ~iIlllge of ,\ ' Y A, ~ 'N~:t;Iq,NS " money, bui Illal l11~ bogus .~ampll are other de",b, ollulled by Lbe 100 fre quent or at Il!a~', ul\lsil~fJ1' per( on,u !lDU\ of , vilk. any Rle, bile. or porl~r ,houle , 01' ~~GARS A~D, J'QBAC~O ~o nume~o\lJll~al peo~lil gro" ' I!lIri leS8 ule of ,rd e M !piril8. Yesl e rtl~y', a labor ~y drunken emploYll811. !shop. or. lilly pla~e of h.bl~IlI\I :, JtlorL' 10 the aCI of clrcu lallng Ib~ip. '1' hoee Govtl rnmenL e mployee. named Wllhl\,m liUIDa ,tbu. Iho,,,~ Lb,u Ihe drunken Cor lipphng lIod IQlelllpelaDcel' _ , "onder fill ureaturel lbe dtlteotivel {)ouch, who had been intQXicat~4 ·for ell1p)oyeo ~n ,lIlli,ber be honelt, capa S Ktl. 2 , 'fhal. for Ibe uraL ' ,Io\:\llon m' CRuse announcemeo~ 10 \)e iliad!! Cre~ fo r sevel a l day s. beCAme unmaollge~' ble or flliLhhl1 in any pOllit~on. hence of tbe provi,ionll of Ibe fo~e~olD.!I sec- m'"''''',t1N~ (» I ' ble, auo. having elcaped from bl. not lit (011 ,places of trllsl. It oilly re- lion, e ver,Y person 110 olfendlDg shall 00 WV'II. A Iii ,G~ " ," W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IIII!''!'!!!!l!!~!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!:!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!! quently oC. Lb,e arrellt of CO\lOl~l.fellers Inends, went lo Mr. Ligillenberg" main8 10 ElxI\mine \be la.t clause o f tbe convic~ion Ibereof p"y a fine of not all of .IINIr will be .old .phl "fnl )OW- ; G B l-r:J:t A L If B W 8. l and. the se llure of large quanllllea of brewery, and, "hile ButTerin g from de- IIrlicle in , review, a.d d.terminl! wbelb· lelia tlllln fife nor more Ihan IWllnt)' eat nles. Lhe • qlleer,' wilh, in lIome inlLllnce, lirium Lremenll, "onl up into 1.00 upper 'ila ,,'" hi. only enemy.' . dollars, Ind pay tbe COl18 of pro,a ecu , Will noL every mlln wbo asaisled HI tion. or be imprisoned in Ihe VlIllIge Greenbacks '&, country prQCiuC6, The nolor10ul Werll. "al llung ou ~be plalet from which they are priuted. Ilory of the bui lding, and I""pe~ trom Friday IllIt, ID Washington. He pro' \ But a fe" daY8 a a a lot of counterfeit ~he window to lbe rock_ below. cau Ming the form.lion of bis app .. lite lor liquor Prison or COllnty Jail not .more, Ihan WI'II be accflpled 'In eachlnl' Cor cG.Ooa~': t8lted innoco noo 10 the last. g , In.tant deRlb. He W"I twenly four ~ rul. eM my ! Waa noL every m"n fin days. or both, at lbe discretion of • I . ./ _ , &Tcenbac\s ~~d alRmpl wae found 10 years of age, uut we did nOI leatn "bo admini . lered to Ihal dt'prA ved ap ' tb. lJayor or other proper oOicer for ~in..._A : ~u~a;;,,~sa ,.,-..--~--~----Gov. CurLin 1I1l1l lilued a ne" proe· one 01 lhe up-I0tln slr~e\a of New wneLh..... lw., h ..d 0" h-.d 1\0 • ( ...mi\y _ petil0 a real 1I0d vindio&iye foe, Dot on· bearing ..id cluae. And for eacb, rep' ____C..o~,w laQl&t.i.on appoin~ng the 7~h day ol De' j YOrk. y •• t.erd,y another manufactory Tbe case is a mo,,1 mt:lancholy oow. , '. ,10 ,him ,but 10 lbe whole.humllo ~a.c"T elhion oC ."id otrence. shall. 00 aoovia - GOLD'I'88~. '80(1, It1Q'J.j cember .. a d.,. , ot · 'rbaok'g",illg aud wall discovered!at Jutoria. All over Couc~ "a, a mRn 01 ~ood, educa.llon, lL 18 I IRld, thllL he com~ \llAld '~lclde , lioo Ihenof, pAy a fiDe of not Ie .. than u(Jo, 1886; ifNI'. , , I b • ' b • d b aod bll only eoemy being himself. Be lell t~ "tllm to lhat IIIlernal traffic ~eo Dor ' !DOre tban liel,. dollAu, and' prayer. L e eoull.ry arreltll are elDg ma e.' ut - ], _ .JD aruent ., ' , . . d " q • • Now., Mr, EdItor, wls b the e ~ peclal SPlflla-tO III!I C~PI' d'Ily 0 f custe of. prOleCu\IOn, or be -,Imprllon~ I ' -, Th. o.w, carpe' 101; tho Houae ,0C , ~s yet ~e do oot see Ihtll anyone IS be - altention of your r~llders to tl'8 arlicle -IDeo wb~\> would dUlroy tbelr. (1I110W8 in Lbe ViUa,e Prilon or County Jail, " . RepreaenlMlyee al Waeblngtoo, oo.t Ing pIlDl,bed. Some of lhe mOdt 00 ' Rbove quoled, pllrllcularly to tbe la~. Lhll .,. .lben o"n colferI' may be tilled. or bOlh, at tbe dircrellon of lhl! Mayor ~ ' Inenly-!ive tho' ned dollen. ted counterfei te r. ate in limbo, A"ait. claUBe of Ibtl seolence-'/'" on· 'Bi.:& '1Itmy Will Aiffmlt.' or olber proper oftiller bearing aaid . . ' . eXlmination or trial, and still Ihe work ly f1&emy being h~f1I"lf.' , It III ~alw.'I,~L-b. -~ a wcll-educaled CRIlSE!. \ ( ,, , ! , ,'I . Tile ladle. cODoeoled "Ith tbe c' , " 1 pUL Ihe "ords ,i ll itAli os, ,b ecan.e I man, o\l~erq\l8a'11 lie, "'lew Ihll Sao. 3. All ordiolnce. or par'l of of Ihe New York thealer. ha~e Itruck of , IlI~Vln~ th~. q~ee.r g~! on, think lh~y require sometbing more than ~ouree {JIr 'life he !aa p.unulllg Rnp thai ordinancee incon,i,leoL berewith are ' for a'n increase of salerI. They 118\ an '1;be ract II Lbllt lbls bUltDOS~ baa be· a paasing notice. But tirsL leI me 8ay Ihr" uj:lh Ih'l ,mllclunauons, allurem~~I" hereby repuled. lIanol.~a" cturers' .&g--.~' '" f 50 t' d' ' th come 10 profitablo llu~L scollodrels caD 1\ few word. "bOUL goyel'1lmeot and anu lt~mpt"lIon .. bro¥.£M 1.0 bear IIgalDlit S.o. 4_ 'l'hil ordioance 10 lake effecL Wi -.,q a d vaDce 0 per Qen., an a8 ey ,.I ' , I ' I, '-d .1 , , fllford lo tinderll'o a fe'" months or governmont elllployees. • ,,1m, R~ 'l "gRIDI 1111 0 •• repea"" gooIJ from and after ill pallo(7e are lh& poore.' paId In the theater tUlly . .' ," , , It is my deliberllte opinion founded resolullons, by tllell8 mtln, ~ho h"d ' '" • '11 .. yellr81mprlsonmenl, hRYlng preVIOUS ' , "d I' I ' . ' 1 I ELTON DUDnEY, Mayor. I ollght. ao d no d ou b t WI receive It. , • ' . , , upon obsenauon ao.d aome experience , DI~ II um t 10lr viCUm- I~' rea ene· At the late m,eeting or Ille Daylon 1y ,let t~elr bo~se. In oreler ,10 Lh~1 808 an employer, tbat governmenll. and . Diles. who ,,0~1~ deslroy hiS ullerulneu E. R. PRINTZ, Recorder. One of o .. r GOLD 01', 8'~TBR Wntebes, or SlIyer Tea Ilea. Mi8liouary Aeioc1ation Eldera ' Jilmel Lhelr bUIlQeea wllI ,not suffer ID IbclT especially Ibe governmllnt of Ihe Uui· I S R man, a cilizen and aneroploy~ei ~N=0~V7·!!!4~.~I~a~6~5~,~~~=====~ tor 8!t, . . . . . . ."" P K (N P ' d W D ' ,abl.nle. , 'l'he queer is maDufactured ted Slalee. aholllc.l elilablish a rul.- '. nd oot Olll}' ~o, bUL "ould destroy 111m ~ . emp, 0 ew arlS, lin ' , ' by tb. buahel, and IIcauered around RDd iet Ihat .rula be as un·c hangeable.a lOul ~lId body, Bim.ply (or. grpedy gll,in. '~bllctli£jtlntnt9: One 0" our Itl 11!(e or on~ plece 'of ow Moor,of Moun~ I,'IB"&D~, were appolO-. ' .. were Lhe lawlI 01 ~he Medt!S "nd PerHIS <:a~ ." hf)wever. II nol unhke Gold or Silveiware III "ortli a bUlbi I of tea Minionari•• b tbe District, and "Ith. per!ect loosenela, ID aplte of Ibe sians-lhat no man "ho peuiated ,IIOUIBtldl oC olben "ho are Binki,ng commitleea w"re .PllPjJlled to lolidl arreels ~llIcb are so r~equenlly Q)I\J" ~elling drunk. a(ler a friendly admon'i. town, dq"n, deepe p and ~el deeper \D ' M.lJJ~INEnY llae cheap do/I .. r jewelrJ ! ma(lial.id for miilioDary purpolet Would It 1101 be wen. In Ihe first in liou, should by Rny meant qe retRined to tl1e gr~lIt. ocean, of Inlemj>l:rance. We 4lVe ,l,dopled Ihe roUowiolJm04eof , REMOVAL. stanco if the olllectiv88 baled tbeir in office; lel it be Lhe 'unpardollRble And "8,8 only cbron.lcled tn tlle p"per Tie b~dl of, Wert. ~III, by or~er of hooka for tlie 'big fry o( oOllnlel'feilers? sin' of all go\'ernmerll employ~e8, and btcaulle of ilB seemiDg., mori! lr~gic Dist.riba~b lWR~~ .~. ~o the Preeldent, IDlerred IQ ,he Penll.,,- A tb . 1 II k how SOOIl "ould II reformllLlon Lilke, 'e,Ddtng , bJ ..10 01 '711,000 arUclea of value f , re ey not ' \. ~ no IVO to the po· I ' S , . I 'b r 'I . 1 llary yard (inenal ground) where, , , place amonllsL Ihem Indeod, 111m ' la'Lslle •• lOW. al,rom. IIr lyllou Payne aod other. "ere buried Wertz' hce' Then let the Governmenl or noL sure but lueh II course. pursul!d by lAnd 10 (urly ·thoQ."nd ,l'Ueh CMseR IIrs ~Havil\g rp.moyed her Millinery Eft. 00, Ne,"" Mod•• grave i. Lbe lIOutbem one of ~ row o~ lome one of itl IIgl!nh, who knowl tbe botll the NKtionll1 and 8tRt~ Gov ern· .termil1j\t~d RnDually in the U uiLed tab Ii '1lment to the The Itnicl .. of . fOode are .alllMna Ii ' b (11' d . good from lbe bad df Illil IItufT pre· ment. l'Iould b" the most t'f6clenl mellnl i,Slatel alone, N,·W. corner or Jlain &: Tyler .ta., from I up 1076000 I 37,600, ee.... 'in' , fe, In teo ow~ng or er: Mrl. Sur- p"re an aceui'ute ' descri Lion 'of 1111' of bringing Ilbout Ihll~ oE!tiiderlltum,lh" . h truly "'81 a melanoholy lhi!,lC 10, Woulll in[lIrm her numeroull palron.lod ql PIIIIIOI, .'elodeolll, Goh! .o~ · Silyer raLl, Pa)'~e. Harrold, A~eroLL and , r 't I' PI' 'l'lImperllllco RdormRlIoD. If' luch ~ .ee Il young mao Iwenly-Iour ~' ean of Il,e public 1I1118he i. prepared to do all Walchll8. SI!\oin,Mllchinel,Te.ar.Table Werta. oouDter el , 10 t IR,t I? (tiLure aL 1n,lg ht cnur~ e were pursued by goveromeltt, ge only, of good lalenlli ADd fine edu de8cripliul~. of Millillery. sucb III Se18. 80lid Silver tea IlIIt~· teble 8pot._ 'fb h . dB k"d be enabled to aYOIU 118 c,o ntact. When how lDuch 11188 we should bellr or los~e8, ,lIlion. who, but for thai one, beaelling B,L EACHING. and }'urlle, etc., ele., alld Ib, oiller a7,60()1 f .~.e - 0 aeeompilDle ree ~Drl ge tbat i. done the bogus materi,,! .hnuhl de f"l!lalioD8. briblJrie8. and olher oor. iin, Illi~ht hue lido riled .ny pOliliol1 PRESSING, erllctell of Yalu.ble Jeilt~I'f. Work Illd rom uro~ to Can~d. bin armed at be destroyed, or 110 iode\libly stllmped ruption8. amf)lIgsL 1IIIIt cl"ss of ms£ h '"oi,;l ly. Lhu8 foully murdered. TRIMMING .1& Tuilet C.lel, Pb .. lognplt Album., Optll- ' San Ani B k id h d t k I II f . I' I. d IftCII SlIvpr Vol uleheli, IIld l,neT arllcl,. IQ • ODIO. reo lOr g~ RI . e er· aalo prevent its further circulation. ' Down III govel' ~lment l'mp 0yetls, . !JfI \) t~n III "~ RCluer lin r~ eell\'e MANUFA-CTURING. great vorlety. DOtiee. B.mbered; Duned &0 move 10 Texaa sbould the [a td ' AllIJ whe n officlI · bolden aod al\ olb· , U81t:11I& he hsd resoh't:d "nd re.reBolv, 01) ahort nOlice, lind in Ihe lalell (asbion. Iroll'l Itl) 76 ,000 are ptinlrd and pOllBlo Preaident p .. rdoa:, bim. He, a.cribe. om • • ' IJt rll.Ytl'. . en ~n IIny wily connected wilh the op.;. d th!,t he "ould be morA t:lan II mllich abl, lIy lea, .e~l ll ti envetope8 Ind w"n mixed, and olle tbe late luroiDg po;nl I ~h Co ~ d ~---eraUOU8 of Government, 8h,,11 hflve b"" or bill sedut:ers, no one can tell. We fJ:TA ch(,iee ftlfBorlmenl of Trimmln,.. ul Iheee j. II111en out and .... , 10 the p.r" . 0 , , e, 0 e ,er. , ,C;>UR TUANKBOlYlllG D.n.-Governor come Bober lUen, lind 110 drunkard could [Iy r o nl~Dlplate him o~L~n .olilqquizing NOliuli1 a\ld F.l\cy Articlel on hand . Ion ~ent!lni to ua W3 cem. to doy., .... ale orlune. 10 tb~ removal of General Chad .. A.l\d~raol\ \lae iseut!cl .. proo- by an.Y \lo,.ihi\ity holll \I!liCIl. ho" .oon .afLer Ihie manner: ," , TII.II'" I I Ih \... I b pl!ll~ e 01 po~t'D'el correlpond.aee. lie J 0... h &0 ( ,. d • li" . Id f' , .,. . u or e h,~r. l'al,oll'go ere· ' • ' . .• u r~18 eomma. a \ e .,my }amlllioD reco;;nmendlng '!'bureJIIY, tbe wou lUM aShl~n permellLe through 'Toil n ,e, Y" whlr'llIl!; wondl, Ihal .... und '''' Iurore l'xll'nded, )Ii l~ Tiorr, hopeI' li'er .... 11 the, ,.,t\~\e or guud. c!ln:.tlp~\.IdlDa: , at Atlanla. 30 b f N b RII c\lI8ses of soclely. to Lhe exclusion p. ,lm'.y roar. t t d I ' I With Ihe number 100 Iho Dutlee wll/l lie • l 0 oyem er. as a d"y 01 f II f I' bl d ' k' 10 "'HH 110 pInee .on en'rlh where rUI".etlers cuns D.n lUI l'avurs lu pease 1\ II l'nlUle eenl ,0 ,he 11I~"'lr of lla. "'III.I.aiDtil lle. Th. Salt L ke lett I th T 'b Th t. " d Ph ' <> It) no'l'l' IlS lIon8 II nn Ing Cll!' l, ve "" ,,,,,,.1, a IIOIIIHlUUIICIl uf lire HOlDe ' . , I a , " ~~ 0 e ~I une an S~IVID!: ~II rayer I roughoul loma prllcti ct d throughout the len.,LII 01 t , Id ' l 11 b I. Wayueilville, OCI. 11.' 16-~m I, (if h~ de8tr". to pwrchare the "llcle) of OOlober 8, It*. tbnt Brigham lbe SLitle. '!'bll will 'cla~b Willi lb. I\nd Imllldth uf 01U VOlSt territory! 0 I I. ,C)U t l~ rumee er u~ ti~OW __ ' ?n rflcelpt ot It«1 cIeUirrt'. Por iu.l"cl!: Y ' d th I d f I ' M Pill' P ' } " . t 18 pRng~. the biLler rt!lrel~. tbe sllOrr. - W11re number 011 lit. Dollee Mat to , . . ouni .an 0 er · ea e~a 0 1,Ie or., ,r •• 80~' roclamalloll Cor the fifSI. L \""8 a maXim ,With: tlu: immorlal ing 1'~D10r.se, lhe poif!nllnt g,rief th~l dhnuld be IIlImbered 1HM)"" .wI • ..,Ieao or 1D901, haye ohlt,l.lged their tactics, aDd Ibur.da, of, Doeember In a dny of N,,' JdTcrsoll' , ,,nu I b~lteve It hllll ,lhe bt'91 drunikAl'dA onl1 clln feel, "ou'ld Ih"y. . i , , "diamund ael or ,old wllclllbe.ItI'.Ba ... no~ proclaim .polvgany tbelr rebgion. lional 'l'b"Dk8gi ving; bUl we SllppOS. one ~v~r 1111 rod ~cedG that, nppltcnnl9 cou Id III ~y 8Lill enrictl men inlo Ihei r RET AU. DEA.t.ERS IN ' berl'd l)OO. ~I Wil) be '111.' '~J~ ) IDr .~ "Woh Ihey "ill ,ulLain by' force of there will be DO I . t! .... p oJ ~~nt, un er. overnme lll.lho~IIIl dena <>( InfAOI}" and indllte Ih('m ' lO 1I11111~ gil ,fqr ever) ar\lcll ID o~r fiII\ or arID I. Tbe . are bo.tile to our G _ c I,ang~ 10 cOl\se gIve 6AlIs fll~I,ory , ,"vldt-nce, of po,ae~8Ing dl'iDIi: of ' Iheir cunt:d 'Circean cu .? DRY GOODS, 76,OUO article.. , , , , 09 qll'3nce. Gov. Aude\llon s procl"ma' Ihree qUI"16c"lIon~, which qu"h6clI ' A E PM ftT Afler r~c.i'ln" 'he .r~icl' It it .rnmeot, and are drilling. procuring lioo i. 10 lengthy and verbose Lhl\l Wt' tions \V~re pUl in this form: 'Is ha hoo .... ' .. QUEENS\V ARE, dOli. no\ plelllle ·You, you CAli re,urD:' '011 arm., &0 •., IIIId opeDly doCI Federal clillnoi' give it ftp.lC:e in our c lum Olt Y' 'is he cnpllbltl?' •U he .f.. ilhful? ' P Il R SO If A L yuur money ' 'h,1I b. ~o(uilded, • ' a"tbority. . Hi, pprbBp tl G O . 08, A want of nny or all of lhesl! ~Il,,\ifi ." --'UARDW ARE, !t~ cenls 'mUil b. NIJt "0 f'. , exptni. . , .. - ' a,. Ie overnor's great cI\lions by Ihe applicaol, sholllU ' "",. -Mr. J. Q, /I.. W",d bAlI oompletefl 01 pOllage, currespoDdeDce. I1C. on un. Tile Orangemen in Oanllda I\,re '.I roul " elfon at Sll\le)lteln~ure, I\S he i8 00 1 TIIllt hIS rt'jeclion , ill phllllr a model of a deai"n for Ibe, , GROCERIES nollee. . • ed by tbe pro.pecliYe Feuian invasion. lurll o( Inolh~r opporlunit.v to apr... d Polilicilt~s, however. at Ihe presenl Shl&ke~JlI!IIro monumllnt in tb,e Nil'" RMn.mb~r: •• ~t .. b.tere.. I,,!~)e ~. One of their leaderll haa publisbed a bimself. II il almoat achoolboyish in l1ay, hflve Ignored Ihat simole yet · ef, Yor~ Ct:ntral Park. ', ' & C~ retlpolldehwllh Ih.....IMr.a ;ov ' ."'Iee, . " feclive rule or aotion d' tt' I D. W H . t' . JOU can ave It II)' ,.ylul 7111' • .JIOi.LA •• :oaol(lIilO calling 'lbe'IiI ' to atm. and Its remarkable elaboralion and lar I'fi' o· Iln Ie ~en w 10. -:.a....v. • ,Milburn. known "I Wf11A ~1111~413'Jlro lur il. whel""r il t>. IIfotUt 'loa klIOO ~ b d' Ilre most unqulI Ie. ofll:n ObllllD pla<:e the ' ;M~thodist • Blind Preach " w ~ 'a ~.II» U Ad ' .1- . • . ' t b elf organ in ToronLo Baya it hili pOBi· ele e uprellSlonl. It i8 a piece 01 10 the greaL di8ady"utllg r LI bl ' . b d _ d O e r , 18 I n I~ II rur our, luter.., •• _al fllrl,. tire inCormalion Illa& tbe invasion is • lin~ "I'i~ing' of tlte ~pread -eagle, int~re8t8 .. " 11, 0 Ie pu Ie :;H!;ki::, ::11~er!oon/d~re by Biab· Invite IIrtfn'tion to tll'ir Stock of ' ~~~:e~c!uI~ ~~I~IlP~~I~~~~~:t i:.!~' ~~~~ contemplated, tbat there arc now .ix glorlfioatlon style, IDd "III, no doubL • d Myk upmlOn III that Ihe man who ia RoLer' n ,,' h ' I createa o"r .llel ' '" Id . , , • _ . ~ • TO IIIn~ liB ID preu 0 b,nodred men in .1~Bt oily, thai Gov. become, a. Ibe . Governor deSigns " Irun ieve~al ara 11\ .I!UcOS'I~n, as was bit p 'ublitlhed b.lbre Christmll' II strange . , .. , " f' ' l Ie clIse WII I Iha on. In ~uealion ia de· , , ' ernmeDt ofliclal. are fraternizing wllh pa.ge 0 81"te Illstor1. We hope be fioient'ln 61111 t' .1 ~'l and "lId lI.han Itorf, lold of cOllrse Bell'cled whh care in the E,l8lern . .1l . .II. '11~ )' d' , n tese par IC .. ars; \1. " carl ': U • f ' . , f I t he 0, rd er, and, tb.t eyen tbe Premier et: ,s re,leve aDd will bIt eu"bled to nellber be hooesl, capable. or f"hhfui. Ib.y - e n e . , . pon rece.pt 0 ~ cta ., wbMl~ pal' for CODDI ..I at theIr lIIovemeDti. do JU'.II~e to lill rOABIIUrktty. and olb. Yo~ may lAy thia il a ."eepiug decla. , --Wertz de~lle~ Llillt he I~ the Jlf'rR~n ~ ~~~~I:t~::.ence.. POJL"'I elo. . . . 'wD41 A terrible' 'uplolion oocurred in perq_IMltu o( Ib., IIpproaching occa5. rallon. ~.l us, aee. ~h? w~s cdonvlcdled~ of t!m bff'UI"h~en~ m BRADLEI'S DITPLi;.~· . Up~1\ rece'i~'~'or,' \11, wMC,b pa"l.r.oroor, .. ' ion. . My pOSHlon IB, Ihal no man "ho I', w\l~er II~ ,lin IvorC8t l rom 18 \VlfE!. III reeP9Qde .. Q ~.t . . III tbe W,olDmg ROlel, III Ne" _... in Ihe habit of spentlin~' 0 .. staled in 10m' of the newllp"pers, noUCeI.; I,Ice, ••• ~... ~L41',~ w~,\ ~n.I.11JI Y ork CJ't y, ~n B · 6 n" or more . a cousin 01 'I'.P" lin ayi t Dlormng, ' l..~y .. , . The recent llleodon in No\V Jer d"ys in each w....'k in dhinkenoess, can .,', Ie P/!~R"11 re ferr~ d 101M. .&a. . • UP.on reetfpt of 16. ".iet. paJ' eor.· W;liicb a large Dumber', of the gUol8" IP), restored tlll~t Slate once more 10 be honest towards his employer, how. Ibe prISoner 'NutUI: BO, the letter Our,E:lock or re'pondl'lIcej Poelal •• lelc;, ' '''.'''UI '-lInd" r ",.re "ounded,.-lolDe "ferl 18"ou8Iy. th U' b IIve .r hone~t"he mRy be In, priociple . SIlY" , 4l) lloriee .. and a lille '" ..... nl"M I'a., 'I' k II " R'lel' I. II II ' B OOT 8 uot le~1 ,,1._.. , .." ' .. a ' •• _ .....' J ........ e n,lon ,eleclin .. a Ulll'on Gov~r· The ..ploeioR , was ot 'ome ,cbclDioala .. 1\ • e I,U govl'TlIDI?nt emr.loyee, fol' ~ -:IU~, .. ) til , ,I/!e "e nown se· 'A N D 'S H <DES,. • ~...... "'w, ~ 1 - t u ItO ib a b · h:'- b II db ' ,. "or and ~llllir offillen, Mllrcu~ L , In.lllnce· IS he not pllid a III IIry 'for hia cel!"llu'lllsL Juur,I,J'lIhst Richmond, Ila8' lI11p·;,'n.-',tJ:t'o~'p: \ (, " L~~,\ ;...;.''fr.r, ox, W u: a een· I.f~ , In t.be Ward reoelved a mlljority of ~.5l'O for ~"hor. an.'i does he 001 drll" thaL SflI!U'; tie,en elected mllyor of t,h,,1 city, lIis -IS Of TH£t1 , " , ~'fI "¥l r: "'1I "Il" tl J d f I J 'u A curresp,onllellcl', 1'0~J.Re. ,IC., ,we ~ ill h ooae by a (Jermln recen y a glDg Goyernor.- rhe next Legiallllure will lI'I'upecllvo 0 08S of lime? HolV, w.I,e, mra, n~a. Cora MOIVIIit Rit.ohi,e . ~rst ' ~nalt·tu send', 'J,6.1) lIulice~. aW.,."l BOLl Q'8 ,1'i YEa' tl18re. , Moell d.lJlage "88 done to tilt sland 1\8 follows' U ' ' " then, ell n he be hone~'. "hen at Ih. 11808 b&t:o re81dlDg for ioml time ill , , W A I (;~, ~1 retllrn mall. ' ~. , ~-¥ . , hotelllnd surrouodi., buildi';ga . ' aDd ,th S I J " Dlon mnJo:lly In ~Rmc tilllfl he il cheating tite Govern. Flor,e llce. ' t · "rt. ' rJ: • ., t .... ,.. e ena ,#, ; ID the Assembly IV ment 51 I I' , W" .. " • ~''''lor clrC9~" grellt constefnatioo createflamong tbe Til I ' r M W .,' on"er ~~ 8,lOr,er Inler... '. of , r·-B\I~Op Orowt.her.lhe .blaok bieliop All 01 1\'hlcb I. otfereci ., the low"t' Alle .. l, ell.swelll· l,r • .••1\. cun'l~I...Iloii. re.id I ' tb " '. . e e eClion 0 ' ' r, anL 8t:curel 'be several dnYII at 1\ Ilmt:. "bon· hlHbOllld} or "le ~h~er. hal \lIh.ly ... r\~\t:n h"me cn.r".~ p.lee.. by 'wlfk:h lite; cih Ihde.:US weeiil) . .... ""p..."t......., of 'R.opub\iaIl1l8 at a\erkl be ,.\,.,ooing \0 his propp.r bu~ines8 . "li.. f ..a1.o~v a~oollnlll of bi. Q(laration8 OCI. Jl:ddreai pl'lnl. '.1 , ,', ,-~' ~,· 'f,'" en .In a& YICIDlty. The ~inei:"nati Commercial .tate. in the Chuncery antl Supl'o:me Courts 1\ "u. bll~n .. aI.'IDIl\..,1l ,",,' \b. db.a\ in Ibe Ni~er tli~lriot. whither bo !a&ll S.tf REED' &. BROTH.P.:R ' , "bat I" bllilding. 1\\ Camp ,De~i,oD and II llOu of oLher posi,iona • t~~~8;~III.lOeui by ll~e ~eople of Ibe IIIk'en II. b.od of native l;bridtilln lellcb14·3111, Dux HiSS N.twJYork .. ill nol be laId uOlil epring. "The \ " 'bnyl ~Ie r~:~eJ :n~lneC'Rlrnlllmel of Pfell~e, erl. " " e eSSneS8 0 In .. T B I R I I HOUSL' A , ~TD t LOT , grouods are 'renled by the Ooyerbment ~ £ir Morlon Pdo and his travel. tempCT"'" a"~Dtl Ilnl1 teRn • II . --.ur. . uc IAnlln eal. t Ie Artist ~ nl" o len, Ie cal' aDd po!:t bll8com d . . ---AT hlv.&ft t!I&LE at I"elve dollar. per Icre, per liD iH.m , ing companion I sail .. d tor Eng",n,l QU u"hi~8 And Nccidenl8 Lbunce resulting ' M J • M men~e a SUIt ~g"IQRI T!III. uodeTIIlglied wishel 10 CQII Ihe II_ - ' until April 1st; 1866. A Board of Ex- the IsL inst., on board the CUbard lhe wdol"nt babila !lcqnirell by th~ tl~' ~lIIes ( c~enry, la,rd· portIOn of Ip.ntlon 0' Fnrmers IIDd a'lI who," i~ m~r. The valuable HOIl ' . aud ·tor, Ilta ' ,' I b chilthall of lue int"mp' I ok . ' I I pTioe 0 a plcture.o 10 Mr. Mc· rmlCIlrn, til Ibe lacllhoL he Is 'eng31l'l!d In .'Iled on the Easl side 'o' Norlb Sf\: · amlDers l&ll een COIlled on 10 RISCH IIteamn Scotia, 'l'he 'Iravelers Wt!1"1l nmounllo II L l u r a e. wou d Htl10ry for ,£300 Aterling. callec.l 'l'h" Ihe ml1nufacture or UI!llVeen 'fhirll alld FUllr;'h atreell _ ,h. tbe damages dODe tbe grouods by dig . taken 10 the ye8se) by II b, Rrge, [,OUl dred Rnd II' r~ . ~~sll ·lh"n from °lne hlln LOll' PI~i"d.' prr.pert, of fURl!. At. RuJlEB1~1~ •·..ere. , . ' . ' ) lUI II)n8 to two lunUI'etl < ... v'" ./ glog p~" and malung graVElI walks. Ihe No" Yurk lIide, A large numb.. I' million. of do:II\/"8.' This lIum is 8 , --The erection of II elAlue 10 Dr. .1 prlvnlo Anle. .'" IIIlderrog the, m unfit for farm..purp08tll. of friends accomplDit'd Ihem Lo tile very considt:lable item in our dome.I 1' Slnlpson, of chluroform , ~ 'J'he HOllu; bulli, In' a,,.IH':' I' o C i ' t' 118 oi.coverer " I n d iw prflpered 10 do .IIi IheI 1~r.'lioll. wilh il Ihrwfll .....roomlt--"L.amllll'r and it i. expected Ibe Governmen& will Scotia. economy. /lB il i. Ihrlle or fOUl limes R8 s exci III~ 80me IlltereaL III /urt:igllilled· , ~be'l ItV,IP1 and on Ihe.horle~I ~"chen lind cellwdMluw~ ~"WcH'lOm .. uch '" tlt~ wholtl rl:Vl'nue of lhe iC,1\1 circl('~'--;:,The. l<'rel~ch d,octorl lIAy '1III1c,' , anYIII,"!! in his Ii,lIe, (om a Wheel- 10 th~ ~8;t'~nd ' .Iory. ~" w.1I of dctilleal c:ompeDI&IO 'l.he owo'rs. ' , '. , 'U - The railr~d bel ween Pueblll County. p.revlou8 10 the inlluglHAtioli of Ihat one 101. :Sobllixlin II tl.e originlll bnrrolV l'J Ihe lillesl bUll!:>" wSler II .,runted clos, 10, ~ k.ilj)h.~. " ITIbe Nc" OrleRO' Times' , Bro"nl- lind Ihe City or Mu:ioo will be com . Ihe And yl:l ,ul'h men lire discoMv~n:Jr. h ():7 Hllvin!! erCllfPd Ihe BPrviel" I'lr ~n the Lol are , ,"Iiel, yf, ~.uiL lre~~ "fl Il corr..ponden\ o( lue id .aya, lue I d emp oytle • lind. called .'lone.l. too •• Dd -- r. 0 n ,P. Cooke. lhe musical ELLlso/l K~Nf', R .qp,e~ior . wurkman. Ih~ ,." ,'he I:ro",1111 I,s ,f",( ,~~ qtl.:I~1 i~~ "~,,: , oitizenlof M"tllmoraa arll alre.dy in a pete by Ihe .\at o( MAY next. OH.r th,1I 8" C"'lh~ 8~flt:r by, II mOIl, bellr il oompoter lind I.. A:ler of orollll8 1rll lII~nllun nf I,I. nftme In Illis conneclion dellllllC purposel. i'be ,r",.r'1 Ia ' fr,f .l' d' , (our thoulaod laborera ar. employed on Wit 1I lrIijlllln forlilude anll ~i I bamb, died 11\81 Sunday in Nt:" ~III b~ Rutlicillllt lIuoranty Ihal ealiefoc. Irom inctllllb~""e(>. '. -' I . ,, &r~l~g con Ilion. Account. state the 'he railrold from Vetil Oruz' to Meli . SlY 6uch Ihingll must b;. Oh Imib Y Yodl. ~r, Cooke ':'1111 4-5 ),e"rs of lion 11'111 btl ,iven . ' }t'or furlhe, parlMmlwr",."". in ~ Imperial troop' but lillie b~lter off, co. dt>prawity o( the hunltm heart I ~ "ge, 111 1111 dealh. HI8 bil'1hplllce wal JOliN W. COL (,E'M'. J. D. 8WETE, lIan! la~e Co~fed~r~le Offi~l;T8 are ... _ If Ihelle thingll are eo in times of 9htl';br, in ·Cht:shire. Engl"IIJ. lje Julv 18. J~J,}&. \V·YII",III •• 6sbun& "Ith · Ibe Liberlll.. 1& i, III' The Free Will 'Baptist General Con- pea?c, bow much more might we I!XpeCL IOherned Ihe musioallllld Ib~Rtrielll a8 PHI N G FIE L D J porled Lba&.lwo tranlporte are a~ ,tbe rerenee of Maioe PI'88ed a resolulion ~nulll~el ~h~n th~ 'body po/ilio' i,l COD. b.i lily \II hil f"lher. who "RS a mUli. • : moulh or Ihe Rio Gtande. loaded with prohibiting Ihe ordination of minilterll "b:: m~!,\I~ "ar Ildread uommollon'_ CIItIU nnd actor of good repille. ileA~~;'.:::r~~:;~.of~rt~:I~~~bme,", .. ~ French troop. to ree.D~ol'ce tbe ttarriaon ,,~o use lobacco. in tbe hand:~fPle;CI:P~e:rea. e~~usted . -The I~dian parly bO" Itt WashTHE DBS! DRILL: IN lJUl. A'L LEN t'It RANDALL ' at Malamoras. TheY '"iIl find it rotl"h Lord p here .poken flf! AllaiD can a de one IlIgtoD consls' of Gturge BUDoi ••• UnttTI d ' 4 n,.&3.--im . " , . work .oomiDg up tbe river, ae Ihe Lib'l I firal' ard be .a capable ",an! 'I L e cluer o( Ihe Ihil .. • r e,,11 holli tbll.-' banka below the ciiT' .Aia di\~oing a" ,A~m~:~~.,lDfifl;g;::~ ~~~ ~.b:~t'bi~~:r; i. ~o man liviD;, ~~~~~: k:.~~o~:el")~;~~ nii:. or_a~:: ;hlcb lae II prepared lo , furnlsll Ib~ . " ':Lt, . ' A dl <., toll o,f 'he ult. "1'0: tbe o( Linen. the 'ew who are will very ,b 'lO (wolf;) Ih. oLbe,. Ib';eu h. "It ler.m" " , 01; 1 l&8!e,.tbe UIUIJ artilierl firin, in4 .kir: ~~i~~iID:cl~~s~an d;.plomll~i.t and r"itli- declare tbat ~be man .~!hi~ ~:~brl~ a,o onioua names of Na.ma' k!.ne.ba.~... SATISFACTION INSURED. , MlllULm •• ~.&u(TZ• • GUII?t. ~ .. tIl.l lclt ad·, 01 .pend"" one.[our!h or OUI \b~ dab~~ k. baat·ka (polecat,) 8be,,·in·ka-Do. b Peruon. "ilblnl! to eXllmlne, can do 10 ... bl~g ooDtiDue.. ' mirea Q , . , . I c hi'lUDa ill dnallk." r.' .... ry .:.. .. 4J~.:. 0 (a~h.'" )(gr4l),eaa le,) lIe·b·h·.a ' .·I'II. , la, .,.n~ IIellr ' WIt,n... ~ ~.-.1 _ . "e. ~Ia,er. . 110. ILLIAIlI BAk.·K1V ' T"'- ' uJ--r" 1• A~, . . . . . . . . . . . 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raTtvu •• Bp&INoBoRO.-On Fri . lIf da, lveniDg of Illlt we.k. a Feltinl .L· B"u a n• _ J. A New York corr... pond" 'unde' d"te wal beld a' tlill Uni ...... Ii•• Cbllnb i. Au,. I, '$4. ..al' : Dilrine air. Liqoolll'a ~priDgboro. (or Lhe pu.rpose of p t oour recl',n' "iait to the : Iront,'lhe propriely of · UD . . . , 109 (und. for the purch.1e of a n org.n II8U1 n~ whisky rallon 8 10 the army Will di.cusred wilh General Grl nt, who flVor- AT TRE-' (or the Sund ay ·Scbool. We are in - .d the menure. The Preaid811l- r marked , .' IIj\!illU~. ~1fi8 ~ !ill~ • 0 • t rormed Ibat the occaaion 'was exceed. with hia uau"1 coa. n, . lrn Ilel\y , lbllt \!!In • ~ \I ~ (Su cct'lOr to Hople! I~ Crilpfn,, ingly eratifying t.o all concerned tbere· ,,:ha~e "er 18 benefici al 10 the hea lth or Ih e clvlhan, wil l certainly prove advall' 8lYeou8 ~lCT ~fl !. • -~~ _ ., (SAKn • • XUI ~ " ' OLD "UlID,) A,I the old lI~nd.on It.ain SlPMt, W.YDI.. in. ~wl tba. 'be lum of 8200 ,wu rai. · to tile beR'lth or the 80 ld ierp nnd a ~ tie-ar. eveh indlvld I 'd ! T h d' " Ville woulcllOlorm hi. old 'clRtomer, aad ed, .Ilb.>ugb lhe admilliob wal only I, Iriels ihrouuh u: rt'l I"lln ma I Y IS· 'V A Y N E 8 V ILL E . Beg leave 10 infor m Ihe public Ihftt Ibey die relt of mankind, lI.a\ be lIIu • 100ci . • Oll l Ie rounlry CD Il IIUesl . _ I.tave on hand lod expect to keep UHOrlm"nt of " . . SOoeot,: • ; 1 C1 o t:11.I! .m e rrt ~ 01 Robac.k: •. Di\ le~ .. .. a lI"~e, 1 ': _ .' : . The cbotceilt'e'ditilei wer'e Ip r~ad be - vBIII'v.e of febrile cOlllpl.'n ~, by u ~l ng --0A Complete Assortment of <. I tore lbe a seembl.ge. .nd everything Ihem In th e Ilrmy Ih e ma\lm n of sw aml'l, and revers of the cnmp, lO ll y like tile ~lIe. 1110, I nrled .up,l, of. ent merrily and to lbO-utiefacLion of my be defied. Tin, copper & shoot-iron Ware all. 1'0 CONSUlIPTIVES. , for sille at tbe loweal cash prioee. All Springboro neYer doel thioga hI -_ k indl 01 balul. . Thll u'ndersi&ned h"ln, b~ n res lored PAINT8, ,OILS, ••••• ' to 1"~lhh In Il few weeki, by I very l imple OUTeDOOR WORK, lBDf4 N SVM1dEa.-":The cbarmiDg ses· remed,. IIfLer hnin-r suffered l everal l I D Y~·STUFFS, years 'with II severe lana affection, Illd \ TOILET A RTICLES, eion of Indian bUIllDler whicl;l we io thai dread dleeue, Cunsumption-i" anll. ,bill s,lllioD ale now ble3l wiLb,i.almost iOUI to make known to hi ... fellow auller. , , nllprQCedenled, at tbi, aeaeoD of the ers the mean. of cure. To oil who desire it, he will aend a ' ~~~~=~==~==~ yeu. The airis mild and balmJ.f and copy of th e preBcriptiulI uEed (Irp!l 0 1 A.. PAl.N·r-l)'D.U~"'E~ . 18'(-:15411.,,00 RIWAJlD I L~e .blue haze aDd mellow IUrl's"\line chllr~'l ,) wilh 'he dir.ctiollD lor prepar. \ 1 'ake tbla aae\l\ocl' of lnfOTUl\1aa WHl'rEW ASH BRUSHES, :J myoId f.lend, and tlle publlo ce"erlOll be ~ linger with 'l half' lum~ er I'iobne ..-onr int{ nlld Ulill&: Ihe •• m lt, hi <:b they will .od Pene il ' were , " fihd a ~ure cure ror Consumption, A_lbrul, ally. that I have remo.ed m, pl ... Friends' lle.~h.g.boD~e and .valley aDd hill; a.iCloath to yield Lhei r Bronchitla, Cough. , Cold' , &.r. 'l'he Mof busine88 to Ihe al.nd formerly occupied by Mrs. Thom .. al l .r'DC), Store, . of Davie FurDu, on First·d.y a"ay to Ihe aterDer 1!i~ter. Iy obj ect 01 tho 8dv e rti M~r In sending the ~ ~. Prescription ie to benefit the IIftiieted, .nd iO.l. qn:.tlle slt(le '/are;the Inl- , . spl'emd Informlliioll which he conceiveR 1o Oppo.ite the Ragen 1I0uI •• E S 'fbe abo,e reward will • ~"'We notice that llr. C. D. Wool- be invuluoble; Illd hI' hopei n ery Huff· For medicinal purpoaee, to wbieh the II· where I iotend to keep on hind, SeDlilla tention of PbYBicillna II ('specially ClUed ; 1880rlment or W urk, bOlh or . b~ ft' d aBbe V.i ••• Gazette ey has removed hie "ure in Cor"in to erp.r \Vill'~y his rptnedy, as it will ~Oti l Ind whatever pertlline to • t n er • . '. ' " • d . h' h' I them n .. ,llIng. Dn~ mly prove a bleSSing . C'1 Mll' OWK tbe old Terry ~tan , W IC . IS A~ger. Partie s wi &hillg til" ~r!'Bcriptio/l will . UIf, end the be,i bn"d. of F 1 R S 1.' - R!AT E , • . . ,, ~ aDd mOTlI (lonveolent tban btl former phiasp. uddres8, . C1TY JI.A.NU}"AC'l.'URE. 1110••• --00 lalt eveDIDg, Yr. J . house, .nd where he and hil pallner, RE\'. EDWARD~: WILSON, d ' . ,. o fl ' .' Wlllllllllltiburgh, lind wlrrant to rive ..tlerlcUoo. commence ," ,I' '.r. e~~u~el -Mr. SAmuel Thomplon. Are pUIIlIOg Kings COUllly, Thankrul for Ihe very liberal patro,nl«W HIII-lhe fir~t or tl.e serlell bllainell in a most eDergetic and IlIor,,· 18-3m. New York. Also, I &lood ,upply of ror .evM,1 years bealowed, I hope, II, tbe IPbil080phy of Iutemper· tife maDner. 'rhele gentlemen deserv e TO DllVNKAltl)S. clORe IIltenllon and IRlr de.lina, l\iI! to Tbe leoture ~ ~q,~ ja a,ew .. and 8ucoes8, !lnd we trult a liberal encourOld Doctor Buchan's Drunhrds' Cure , merit I generous continuance or lhe BalDe. I. E. KEYB. nmltlribEId ,iew or ~.be lub.jl'.el. ag' e,neot will be aeoor~ed them. permlnelltly tlradicllell tho! tl8le for 1..1 I alrollll' drink, and cure.1I Ihe .worst c_aes of The market prIce at an times plld for -SUCII AllI III " .... ni' Orlglo· drunkenness in teSI than eight weeks. Green Hldea. Cllf·Skllle end Bheep Pelt•• con6ilicg bimleU to tbe ,-Mr. WiJliAm Hendle" formerly Thoull3nd; nl 'reformed inebriote. now 'rEA., July S.el.lf J••• Il • COFFEE. .iDtc)xi4taling liquon, bui inelud ~ of this' place, hae eDtered the grocery live to ble.. the dny lhle y were fn ~lUnal;e • ';.: . ( labo .. .. b eiloult h to cotnmence \ Ie URB 0 f 1 lliP vo II· SUGAR AlODg \Dtemperate ablount Ullnell ID the Queen CIly,41th Jo o. able remedy. Price Two Dollars a plvk. MOLASSE3, eiLber phIai~ ~r m,ell.~l, eo .E. ,fboe., 105 Weet Fiflh Itreet, where ol:e. Mailed lo any IIddresa on .r~ce i pt 01 SPICES l O B E B E RL E Y lhe .healthy equilibrium 4e will be ph'Aled lO .ee I.oy of hie old au order, by JAME~ S. nu ILER. 'Qkl·rt~, ETC. • • , . ' '. ' . 429 I1I'l)MtlwHY. New York . ~ ~ Wiehell to inform hll patrone lad the a Decelllly to laCe and bappa. rrleDd. wheo they find theIr 'Wily to Sole hg.e nl for Ihe Uuited Stated. _ _ _ :___ Dublic, thal he keep" cooI"D,I, uil bID" intemper.ne~ in eALing, Ojnoion"i. SUCC8IS to him. _ 16-~~ IlIr&e mild Imall ~ A complete aSlurtment of B H 8 I ' alld tbeinlemp41raneft wbieh '0 IRON IN 'filE 01.001>. .t. e I ....HE PLOWS, ; or Ie .. extenL ;har.ctizel aU . . Col. Granville MoOdy, well .'l'h~ Pe.ruviun 8)··.. up s upplip8 ~he blood iU , nnd doubl~ ind a.lnale . . .' , k . . tb fi I" IVllh 1111. 1110 element, hUll, IIlIU.,":! Vigor, 8 H V E'L - pT. 0 S" departments of h£e.; OOWD to our CltlzeOI AI e g hlRg strenglh; aud nelY lile inlu Ihl' wlll'le uY . · ' 11. :!r' I i. a forllible and poioted pareoD, ~ow putor of the (:iree~e alreet lem. Fu~ J)yspep"in, Drupe)', Chrollic a es QI, en. made of steel. ~e WII~ II~ mlnufl~ta~ . aDd bie ' leOlure WAI (raugb. Cburch At fiqua, baa been preseoted Di8rrhcu'u, Ft'tnuie W l' okll e:l~ , 'Ile .• It is U f end repulr Plowah.rH, and dr8l1 'a ad \em•. . ' Ih 8 . r Jib dpeclfic. 1'llOuunds h"v O? b Ot' 1l r h ongpd LS~@)'T~ 'j1 ~ IJ ~~ ('I" [E~ ThA bet l qllillity 0 \ per 1111 ki"da or Ed:ed Tool... " lugge. • ltve of mucb thougbt WI ft 100 6Ult cot les y melD- by t' lle use of tll"s IIIe(I,'c,' lltt IrUllI '''.• ",.• k, v~ ,.!:.\ I I,' .. ......l : ..:. II Tfl.1'I'I ,1I\ ~~1~ ~ m.'7 j1\'\ ~ 'it)r ' ''Iffi!~ o:::r S Illithing.n Hu"e·.boioi aUea ... Q o~ pq(ouDd philosophy rao bere of bil charge, .Dd hi8 lalary in· livklV, suffering e~eatll\'e8, 10 III rOil,. JV~ V i4 ~ J.O).i1':lll;:! ~Lm~LII/.~ ed tu I-'romp~.y. . r4-6m Lbo ·&isoonrse. . , "reased (rom 81,000 10 8[,500. healthy ·nnd hiPPY lOon IIl1d women. For Gentlemen'8 ftnd Bo\,s' wenr. Altio, UE'l' TOE DES";; I , A 3~ pAge p,,,ophle~ Bent free. I I I' II I I d • all mach to be r.iretted tbat se" Price '1 per bullle, or 11 lor '5. 1/ IIrge dV;>p y 0 we ·se ee e W E B S T E R J • ulel Ipirita, wb'~ could , n~t "p. The road between lJenjamio J . P. DiNSMORE, CA.L L AND SEE. " . tbegeolleman'l remark. co~ld Browh'e and . Riellard HAinu' re.i · 36 Uey SITeel, New York, '":£liiuilie)YOI to lilte~ antl denaes, b~ b,.d a "004 coa~ of iravol ~o14 b, Drt,tell lliu ceneran" i6· 8111 lure ~ur NE'~ loj.\JST".TEP BDITI()K~must ~reaU;: .:" diliurb~D~e· by bellowed upon it. DR. II. ANDERS' 10iHNE WA'iil~ -.Thoroughly R,,,iaeda.n d much mla"ed. olllOr ,be 'h.n. - .. , hn in~alu8ble D:ecoverr· A filII graill ' 1 ', (Wad" a·.l. ada,,)" "-Ding,' ·Y r. · .... Tbe Dew carpet hal been laid 01 Iodine In eueh ounce of. Water, ~ift8°~- 1 ~~~- ~~'-"'-""""-~ Ibl i'" II ""I ....... 01 III kindll .Iwlye on hand. , ~ed without a Sulvent 1 rhe 1008 _ jlO\\· . E R PRl~Ta lecture 00. Spiritualilm. on tbe altar o( thq M. E. Churcb, nnd erful vitllli:.:ing agent ~Ild tl'dtur.tive .\ •• B . YI>II1I1'";. . . '\ 10.000 \VOROS Ind MEAN1NGIiJ 110' ____; ._ .. _ • . , ' makel a neaL iIUld baDdsome appear · known .S crofull. 8uh ' ~he\lm, Cancer~, .D. A nile IIlortment 01 Iuund ill uther Dictlor.arle •. ............... ~ Rheumillsm, Consu~ptton, IIIl11 mHny LAMpo Over thirty IIble hmnlc.n and :Euro-D RaroRK.~ b~re W.I a . lull aace. . ·Cllr'.III ·C 81l"U H~retliln~ Dls/,080s. ur~ \ 1.. ~1 r-u tichol,re employed upon Utle re,llioh, al tbe Reform III-elting OD . . ' ... 'd' d' cured by ill use, ed thllll nds COli 11'8 Iii)' . RXUI .L DEALUII IN LANTERNS & lIud thirty yearM of I.ber up.aolll upoa nigh', .. ineiDI' iliit.lhe . Ciluie -John CIlmpbell, Br., l"te)y 18 ID Circular. lent Iree. Price, 81 per boule· 1 i , it. rowing oOid 1m tbe minde or tbe ccil co~nt,. Marylalld. at ~he great or 6 lor Ave dul\~re. P " E]~ CHIMNE YS Sever.1 hble. or ,,,at value, onear lhl. g aKe of 98 ' yearl. He bad ' been blind Un . H. . hN DERS &. Cn ., hyR'c'nn ~ ~ , .U .. "f fifly qua riO p.,el, E&J11Inlloryenel Atltlre8~1 we" ,mAde by '1'. . . nlld Chemlsta, 422 Brobdwl" Ntlw· York . Pl'o~OUllclllg, of II.!!!'!. In fiction of • H~.o ' FAquirei ' KeYI anu for some 1earll , and we. eo deaf tbal Sold by Druglt iBtd lIener.liy. 16 .310 C HEM I CAL S r pfnUIlR 8nd pl,ce., ,fludolt,ma, &e., he bad to be spokeD to througb a lrum· w ., DI Abllddon Ac.dl_, Alb,ny ReRef. 'J. W : , YUOD, and Mr. J. TI G D' PHOFUSIOftl.t.L t.~AIlDS. LEAD, -SUCII .uBenoy. Mother Cary, HIIOII & DilOo'l or Jtlichigao. "ho 'il a p~oteal' pet, ,e ' lzeLie 88)'e : - ' urlng OIL, lIue, I\lr. Mic.wber, &1', lemperaaee,. lelturer. ·Mr. Fiah the four yeare ' of bloody atriCe from 'Y ARNISllES, FINE CUi~D PI,UG, Conll1inlni one·nf'th or olle.(.,g"b " ~. . Ii . 1'" ' 1- · · · .. wbicb we IlIlYe JUI' emerged.. be lind . lIIaller l thln .n, f"rmer .dlllun •• . ah~(j~.~ Imb,e l ~~• .u· .• emit, Ibro' Ibeutall withou~ eYeD a knowl· ClGAHS ANSD,NUFr... From fleN electro'yp' plltealnll \beal,IDg' ~l~Jl . 1,.OpIDIOn,'&Ilel " were d f b b' . hid K~ r erlide Pre ... 'd . d LI h e g. 0 'ere tllng war In lean . - A " Dat na.arto b h 1V 0" a Alme . " ow., ·t e ' T I' b" . I. WIr\!I!1l ~ 'III)~ ft!l'MrmlLUfI' PAINT VAR"TISH &U BLACKING, fa one Volam" of .810 Ror ... C''' b " "1I " b ' . d' . he maUDer 0 oODfeulng elDg 10 Ir.:"'ilIV.u..m~.u. '" v \119 4 1.'1.. Bl,ACKING.BRUSBES, I'.,eth ttl 0 ~ e "v .. ~ 1 ell, .,or - lome, _od for othllr reasoD.,· bls rela. 1. \V1l"lte~vl"e, Ohio. 'GET THE LATEST,' Mea pu~ '9· aeoLlme~' lo,tead 'i,ee Dever informed him or tlle' raot.' -------::--=-:=-:::--=--=--=:--R 'tt1 1E ° .ETC" ETC. • GET THg BEST,' immedialecoercion. 'OETH'EBSTER.'
/e R I S P I·N
Parlor and CookingS\O'fee,
G 1\ II A. T
DRY G 0 C) D S !
OOAL - OIL RElVlO·V AL . 1. N S,
L I Q. U 0 R
DRESS-GOIODS, Whi , •te Goods,
Sherman Marching
Ro' Op
L di
Hats and Caps ! UNABRIDGED DICTlONAF..Y I'ruit.-J'ars
Over 3000 Fine Engravi.Dgs!
.•t p · t ern.... on z"
Drv and Mixed Paints,
q(·, ladib.- euar two .~pit'~e\l ,oilg.·~•• lhe ~ie _of- tbe
had .fourleeo YI'IIr8' I'Xverience ill the praclice of Medicine. offerll hi. Pru:euionll Service. til the cilizena of
l' .
8 AS H ~. ft
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M d.. IClnes' , .
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. . .• b, rb'lCllteS Sprlll~fteld,)I _____ -:-__---::-_::-:~-::::-:
1 WiDdow-G asses.
' . WIN"W - GLASS, ~ '
Pubh.lled G. &. C. MERRIAM. 14.8l .... d' ~ A U L' I · ' .iJ ( .. , d b n~, w'" eu . ...e lIleellDg ,. JourDed In Corwin, on Thursd.y e.ening, Nov. . Terrible Da.alo•• rll ... -Secrotl (or Uk" "eek. 9, by Rev. J. W. MIlSon, ~r. Charlie ~'. Waynenille and Vlcin~tJ:.. TRU SSE~, We ehall r.onetallily keep on hllnt! I aenIIIUlloD. '0 " .... , • Gllrre~o" to Mill Jennie Mill., .11 ul OFFIell 011 th. corner of )bin nnd 1\liSUPPORTEnS, er.1 fta"orlment 01 Patent Medicine.. . A. ma.t ""lulbie and wonderful publlcaSLATu ·.....nL"Auvll.... The . wt'lIJ W,.y ntl1'°wnship. emi .11. , nenrly Oppusile H8Y'" HI1I1. SHO ULDEF•. BRA'CES : Also,just receiud Irom Pluabu r" • ,10". ~ work. 01 400 plRIII •• nd ao eol, .'J " '<.' " r' . I • ; . ..., tl,e aleth"dllt Plnon'llf! In Sb.ron .. ood Ilud well.ael .. c\p.d lot 01 ored elar"ViDgl. Dr. Hllnler'. VADE t "od'IiDIYef'aU,; admired .rlil '11' 0 • oP cl ..."6 I II. b1 . R ev. ,~; i"\ C!b' (&iNill'ht calle promplly rl!spondl'd to. .. "' . •. .01' . _. . • ~ VI Ie, 'Y. "'" ., In· MECU ,.n nril&inallDd popular ue.tilO WIn t-e wttb us once. more non, Mr. Allen BnYllore 1 .. .1 Miu Mattie ,IT A V .ALL THE I'OPULAR & 'III 1\1&11 1114 Wom.n, tl.ll!ir Ph,.ioln " , ;·tb.e"t7tb ,_nitan\, ~lIy IIDd A. R"dll. '111 o.f lhis county. . • • • ," ...'1. ~ Functlone aDd Sexual ch.orden of every ateDt .e I'AiI!!IIPI CILL, Itil!d, . with lIeve,.r,"illnl RelD"il!' I 4 III mat. b'.] R .. v. S• S. A ue11 n. " 0 " T I JI II E. THE 1'R ACT ICE 0 E O n 'Ie 114l1l.e';er eliui.v...t lo AOQnmmQ. • .& IIIIiI' G'l"" ... lIt A.I\I rh I r Dfor "' : ' ..~ tT:-,.. " Mr. A. H. Ijlldle~, 0: Clinlon counly, O. I'heir speed, cure. - e p"et ce 0 r. wllh photograph., Sioler i. '1IId "'11." D. J.l10"'land,of "'.-.ren COUll. ~ 'D '1 . b . d b h I Hunter haa lenl been, .nd .till I., unU n • U .... IX~rIA(Qf~ And you cannol 'II 10 e lIulte ot II bounded, but I' the 8lmll~t IOlIoltatloD of . . . &'DO,WO u 'an ani", of. lhe ly, O. ill VRriou8 brnnchea ; nut to be exrell, q l l a l i t , lied price. numeroua pereon", he h.. been Induced (0 mgbeaf: efl. . ·· that 'Iia ' realit), we Nov. ~nd, In Lpbllllon, by ,Rev. L. G, ~ IIn~where. NUlle but ·t he '\15} Ii: lII 're M ~ fR V June 23-1. extend Itle medi .. ol ullellllne.. Ibrousll'the oDI,111 ' iio ! .' It . ~ . J h' . Leonard. )lr. J. L HIzer and lUi!. Anlll 1 A LUll It D • II'"' (!; 1m \I" M l5. \Ill II n tnlldium of hil 'Vade Mecum.' IJ Ie • ~D n"l e - ao&..,. " ",c om- '.:. Spral/ue. n It II T at ATE R II .... Coulb, Colli, 01' Sore Tbroft\, volume Ibat Ihoultl be 111 thablllld. of •• _ bllt we mun_dd ~ ,~., be ia tbe Oy the ,"me, in L~banon. Nov . 6t b. Mr. TERM", CA8B.-Office.t hid rellidence H A. , ft. eO' L 1\.lIQ"'~U ~ UU'ltDtA't1l ATTElII'ttOIl, Allin er, flalll, in \be lind, . . . preveotive of 'OriltiuAI' ~o.~ .r oul 'Iliad bodJ aDd J l'Aea W IUford .nd 811 .. ~.,y H illtl1un. on Alain Street. ' 1·1y IIUOUWl Bt:. CllE!1UD. h A1.LOW ED vice, or . . . auide (or the ,1I..\a,loo of Ind a. joqal ,aild irreprellible "II On Thur.a.rl,. lbe lind Inet .• b, Rffv . L . ,'IT 1'1 ~ mi1y TO CUlIITIIUB, one of tlte mOil Iwful .nd deelruell,e &..1' Clark, Hul.n Edw.ldll ."d M.r, Chew, I'l' , .,J; ,al.1lI'-i fi)'.A~, .. b. Irritation of tbe Lou'lt a Permanent 8courael lhll ever vi,iled bllnklnd. One lnd ' d I ' " ee. Ie le ,a ; ~r~,. ,e ~ lot~are. bUlh 01 HllrnYllburll' o. o . . b ....., AlfecUoll. or aa. lu"arllble copy, III!('urel, enveloped, will be lorw.rdIt II hea'tb .~d .,~ Lo ke. b~. preOn tile l!llh Inll., b... E K Squil!r. at Lun" Ul8eahe. ed, free uf pUlldge, to .n, pert of th. Unitl'd St~te8 for W centa In P.O. etam9f•• ID ''t''D UJiee· • •e. Ihe home of the bridl', )Ir. B1woud Ivin, ANI) NOTAIIY P\1ULlC. A well-eelecled ISlIorlmenl.of tbe BUT IS oFTEN THE IIE1'ULT. Addrelle, po,t paid, Dit. HUNTEIt, N6. .. ly. 'II DRO'''N'8 DRONCl1lAL TROCDES 3 DI'vl' dlon Slr""t, 16·11 and Miil Ella' Lewi~,. IIlJuf thia I couTI Liunud C,Olllltyallur. C'l' aIm .A ge, . ,·~o!w York. . Oiu mentioD lut w~ek AI 'he Fllr\ Anrlent Hate, all 'u ... · . d.tJ entf(Jr relif,lUc FIRE alld Huvin~ ~ di~ec:l Influence on the pA.rIP, • I: D dllY eVelltllj[, Oct. 2Ill". by W. H• .llan, J. 071 . .r give immedille rll.liel. Fo. r nron, eh11t8, VALUABLE 'RECIPJ!!S' Ll.1'fJDI.' 1'IBurallce ComJ>!I71161. ne,ft fArm.,o{ ., ud,lfjv & Dod- P., Hel,r1 D"'1,Iyder lin"u ··" r•. ..& lin Coz~rt.' iJ/ In , ;, Adthmll. Calorrh, C Olliumpuve II.d fl Iroll EDITORI MUiltl GAZETTE :_ Will ' not , corr~eL. .l~ b~ppeDeaJ.1I of Ilti. CO,.liI),. Office Rt tl.e Old StAnd, lURln Street, School~ DisII","", Trochu .re used \\'ilh .Iw.)," With ,our pefmie'lon, I wl,h to 1t1 td Il nacOOuD&ably)'La' We' baa lJo.v er In Frlrlklin, Wllrren Counly, 0., Ort. W A }: NESfll LLE, OHIO, !Cuod lucce.... Singers .nd Public Speak· Ihe rea de,. or ,-our pap.r Ih.. , r willie" teeD lb : II . ," ' ... hid ~ith, by lte,' : Jo,h, Blo~el~, Jill. 8. N 'p. ere will find Troches uselul in ele.tln" by return nilil, 10 .11 who wi.h il (free) a ~ .. -, JrG .o.l'er l ~ r oor .. /l'en, of Ol,lon, anil Midll Anno S. lIardy. O::T Collrctioll5 mtldf", Ind proceeds reo McGUFFY'S & WILSON'S SERIES, tl,e vulee when 1.lIen before ainlling ur recipe with full dir.pll"n. lor !IIlkln,.• "" beeu rto,lQ ,(OWD ,1 0 Iyna: ' ,od of Leltlliori. mill"d 01 cu~re nt rlltr~, . . ~ r,' t" JPuklu", .nd re!eivlnli the Ihroot,fler In u.ing. limple V.~e, tlble· 811111, tll~' ,w ill lelTQ 'U.~t i" hili , ~.maint!d iq ~~=~=;~~*~==~~=~ ES'pedol p"ins tnken ill prep"ring Pa ~c., .&:0., &c. IIl1ulu.t'"exC!rtion ol .'he voc.I orlan,. ·~..e ett'ectutillv remo,e, In teD da,l, Pimple .. , .. ", . . Wor, "ri;I~.•e IUllrlu:I.8.pt'~' GIld procuflllil b''''k Puy, Du'i1111/'~. Tru"hea ire recommended ftlld "reeerl ed Blolehee:T•• , Fr.ckJ~a, .snp' I~ la:apurlpoltUom eYe liDce lile di,· . and P~j'1I10n. df dec eudetl Soldlets. r:t..r~ 'I' - - bv Phy.ir:ilna, .nd have hid 1'ell,lmonlllll tilll of theSllln, In"lOr l '" "lDe - I'ort, of the bt~r • {y ~t t inct': Car"ju.U" ·Corrtcitd . !:Vtr~ \Ve~~. ge~ rcilsollnbfe: . .. , . . '. rrlllll·(Olnlllenl men throllghout Ibe coulllry . clear, emoolh, and beautiful., ,we h~i.o ' aothing father 10 , Life wnd Fire Insllrnnl'e P"lICIe8 ,.,,"·,1 Pre8cription~ Be ill!! an article of Iru~ meril. Illd havillll I will 1110' mail frue' to '~ote but", ' , 11 ' • W.I.le~tl,,o b,uah •. ," '.100. "" 1.65 lind prucllrl'd "It fllVorable term,;. prlJvld IlIl'ir rfB"ac, by a I".t of 011/1)' O.ld Held. or. B.re Face., '11D~le dir.~ lor ua,.o r Dudley i • . driving ,II' .. . ...'" . h fi da them ill nllw lac. Ii· I "Ie .... Ryc 11 '" 70 REF&nElCce-46 ierirl ree\delwe In lhi& Cnrelully~ and I~remptly Filiud. yto.,., eac year II 1 lionl end Ihformatlon, thll ' wi ena. in a. malnerl, maDOOl', rilAping Oat' ~ ..... 30 COIIIIUUlliIY. 7 .3m :f . ' , , tiee In vllriou. partl 0 lite world, Idn~ th~ Ihem .to .l Ilft a fu\'\ growth. or loa,urlaa' , rewardl; trulL Dame For· :S •.rley lJ . 1 00 Troches .re unifer~Dlly pronounce euer Hllr, Whllkeu, or I MOUlllcbe, ia I, .. '\1 'Curp ~ . .. , 35 • • 0 ld D rug - S tor C , thull oiber .rticles. tb.n Ihirty .~IIYS. w.' D".e~ ~e .~li.,!, 'qr ~er r"vera Flour 11 barrel, . " ., 9 ~(,I ':2\i)lJtrtt9~.~~,l1'9. , ()btain only • Brown'a Bronchial TroTheee recipe, are "a1oable to 1fetft 014 hI", Call in. Fluur 'f. cw~ ~ .. 7b ".,.e...u,e, Olli.. chet,' ,lid do 1101 lake In)' 01 the worth·. Ind YOUI)II', o,nd III Ihey Ire m.iltId '$I .n Bull!'r ~".. . 40 les. Imlt_lilm. Ihal be olfered who need lhlln ftee 01 chtrre; lh., ~- .115 }!XF.CUTORS' 'NO~rJC.E. PO BT - 0 F F ICE COR N E R. SoW I'verywhere in the Unit.. tl Stile.., wortll, the 'I\lelltlon . of "II who ~ The Qbrje~i&9 ~ilil;oJl.• r, Bo· Lind' 1t, E"a 111 dOll .. n, 110 Notice 'id hereby rlvl'n, th'lt ,'" under· June 23-I-tr .nd III F"reia n Countrie., It 35 centa pet clear, pure Skin, ot • bellm, "ow~ o. ror ~e ~"t,riat ~mpo~d oUlon'PUII'9'1 • bUlhe', 60 sl,ned wert, oil the N.ineltentb · dli '01 ' bolt. 18.1,. hl1r. , W~reD~ Preble. BLUt.r aad 10 ' 12.1. Ninth Month, 1865,lppolnltd .nd-quahlled All apphcatlonl 'Dlwere4 b, ra..\ura Dr 'l-d Apple. ~ , "''1' s' ~ .. EXl'CUIorl ory. th~ gmlCl 0' Nubia ~ • mall, wilhout cb",i. . COQ~"~ ;_:,ned ia DajtoD Chi~h';S til dli~Ii", .' vott'eei ' 1l; • 88 I Jo .. e•• deceased, lale ul WNrrl'n OontJ, ' , D d.. C Ifle Rye Coif" prJ ..e Rio Reap"ctfulll, Too.. F. Ca,t"'." lO_heLll' wJIIl 'be cLtol,"d.pllrpoi. New.Orle.nl Sn,,1f 11 ~ 1'7@2' . Oblo.JSAACJONES.Of,great'mlll,!lind'lndiQ rer,e uf ~olfee,'. Inr ute Ity (;he.llt6 Perhame;, 811 Br·oacIw.,. c 0 ~~d E~lr'~l iPro'llcMjiur ch. )I."io.~1. eatlrprl., ·N ,.O. Mol ..... 11 I.UOJl. . 136 ~ATHhN JONES. lltl", for elle_~1.-1I11T.r~ '.&_. _ R._IN ___TZ..' ~ERR.ITT &. PRINr.{.~ J8 .S.. · N,P YOIr. ~~~I ~il ,lUllnl " J)9 _ . l ] : , , 8e .,.,lIe, 10to mOl lit, 186~! ~..t , --=::~ .__ _ _ 1I0IIDi,l.. u.e.cI, . I
Oil Ape &ra
J ""ust.lce of the Peace,
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Union Coffee, Pea CoIlBe,
Qu,a-i 10:
THE M 'II YE'All I I I" I,
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TOWNSBlP. Mason School Di~fri 7 L. •
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Coonty, Oliiio; do
00 Ihe 'f1lX DdplicBle of said CoUDIY. for Ibe
C LEAIWREEK 'roWNSlllP. 18 rin~horolitth 'SCllool m oll'iel, COrpOl'll llOn.
"1I~'!1l" 1.. 1\ CIIP\,IIC .lIe
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JOMfII '!MI rotDl!llIe lCJI.te,properUes II
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UltGII of 1IooU, Pl•• Rene, DI'II8. .... ~I, •• I~ ..,.. . . . fO. . . .... ell'~ It, 1011,1 ioJe4leat IlIter... re, 10
\t1r.~ of W.~rell
... ,
Tre~s~'~riJ .oti~~.
hI' 1't1R8 U'NO.r; OJ' LAW, . I, RtOBnD J.A.OK~r, all~ Rchool District8, ? n "I\C~ Doll~r' • •yalllallOo
• • '11 I
TaUSUBt.e. WARREll Co., 0810.
~petlal ABDOUBClement.
THE RURAL A1YlERICAN, \ HOR.ACE WATER.S' Till! most Rlegll)l~, Ilr. ~",ap('''t and (he I GREAT
E. & H. T. ANT H 0 N Y & CO" . Be.l AY";~lIllUrol, Il()r~!cllltu r{/I, ~"J riotlerr" fiamJly Paper In (h, U1IIIsu . " ·" WltUJ:t'SAt.!! AI!nlll:~A1L Sta,tes! Ora/ai.lie .• in choice Oral)t I. No. 481 lJroadWRl', New Y\lrk. H • .PhotogropJllc MateVilleB. SlrnvJ[, e'rty Plants alld Elegant : I".t1'W8, ~ M6I,UDE(!N8. CABlllP:r OIlGAIUI. .lUanujtldurers ·njrlUls S . S !1 ~T' ~ , ' .EruJravi1l9&, (0 Ihe value 0/ uDllcnp' l IIEET. a IC ;' UI'lc"Hoo)[s, dnd' 31liCi " " 501 IlROAUWAY N. Y. tio~ price, 8cllt/rce 10 lUc ri( ,u[,8Criber. ul JUUb!c'llllistrUIll~nls AI.e1 1I1usic Mer. ". !
Elegant Novel,t y
tit. t .
in Watcbu .
:.c C1\6e~ of thi8, watclillre Dn I,lntir~ly , ' new InvC!lItiun, com;lOeerl or Bill: Ji/fert'nt mel.18 cum loin. ed ,rolled logelh6r 'ond p1nn·ftELIGIOUS
I d
Ille • prll Utll'll DII exact imit,"tioll ,u f 18 .". Np.'YIrP'lper fo;' tllb ;P"~iJ"' i d carllt gold, ~~IIed Arcuno, . whlch "· 11I8~. lide, will soon ene,. ~lIdll3 ,.I WAyS keel' He color. Ther. Bre Oi be~ult . . I ,,, , " Thi. pOI''' 10; rurnl ·p 8ller. publii.hetl on .·hll mlls e.• ut !he ''''''est r.~I'", IVhole'lCde In otldition to /lur nluill busi.ness or Pho- fol Ie 'solid Quid, nlid nre lafl'unletl ot one91U th e ht '"ld llith of euch munlh III Uti- nll,l rellul. ~ccoltd 1","11. PlanuR :lIIti . n1~,' ' l)g "'i'li.i~ MUICrillld . we ore He~dquorters ei::hth Ihe COlt, I 'I11.e C8~e i6 beftulifully 0 11 ' en N Y $t' Ao. vear: i9 1I0IV (frPlIlly l"tl eu n8,.. nt g,f e , t ,barj!'ulns I'rrc"·'N60 , fur llill lollowinl{, viz: designed wilh Panel .nd shield for ,nome, . I .publicalion;. · rile to 4 , •.• . . , .. 75 100 l~~ 100 1M 200 n' cI ~ol" , "'be 1''D,ftDCH enlur ge cl ond illlprc. v ~tI olld e'l"ul ill Rlr.e ' , .' , . n Ijj>~-" . ~IV S t 1 wi:h Potent Pu~h Pin, ,olld engruvetl-ifl ' £. ' AlAVi&\, , " anti vulue 01' ontontd "If' o,y · "thrl' 811nl. 7 ~CtIlVt! PU.IIU., ."r .2~0 IIId IIplVllrtl8". 1'iIerf.03 opes one Slereo~copic Vie1D8. the ell:oct IIlyle o( lhc celebr~l ed Gold _ tlle .OOlllSTL'DI1TJON; lor publi e oliorr ill tl,; ~CJull ll'y, · nldee\] I U~ U~ IInJ Melodeuns m '~, Iallil rell: Itlfow. 01 these Iv.e II/,ve on. iOlmense . Dssort- Huntlllg Levers, anti are Telllly laandHome ~ b no olher PI'f)O' of Ihe killu c , II \)~ cmn: I t! ,I :urthul'd. IHunlltly p.yment.. re.- meltl, incl"~lnll Wur :;Ieellce, .Ameril1o'. l olld deHlrllblj!. ulIII su flxo.:l .UI i'mil,ti()11 •. Ian .t • pared wilh ii, in the re-;' l 'VlrlUC Olltl illtcr- , ce:~e lor 1101' 8111111.'. • nlld Furpigll Cilies' tilld LDlld .. cupe~, 01 gold U8 10 ,d e.y detection. , I'll 1l10VO. It i. calcul.t,d :t~ tclirJlr'l!,d 'pleucj, ('81 nllachf d 10 ite contenl.; ollJ il is do<· , Iho H ~r"ce ~uler~ Franos.811d nfelCl- GroIlP~. 8tll\"I"'1 flle" ,',le.· . .AIIO, ~,. mOI: t Itl mOllullictured by the' wetl\lIown , QLQ ANi), ),OU:r:JG • . cilledly ohen,1 01 IInythi'lg- of Ihe kllHI eV ' i ~eotl" ore 88 finoalld ,llIrllhle 11I..uulllenI8 vulv.III.I~ SlcreCl~I'opP~, lvrpl1'b"C!·.l)l"privllle l St. Jilner Wntch" C.,mpuny or Europe, ' AlII rewfPP,ctibE'r" ",,)0 er publis hed. I '~ .".'" mndp'l ~nrr~aletl Ill. five yeor,. exhlbl;l"n, ,. 111' €'I.~lolt~" wil li III) ,ent l ll~ld l'rolll!J1e.rbly fi,oi&,h ed, l~alli1111 enll •• v~d "nrc for 1866 sh.11 hive IhE'ir' nlmn tile ....11." MBltttoW or ....e ,.11"1',11. W. 'J1he Rural Amerlcon is nOl "I"cnl P"rrc(,8gre~t' r 1c:d'~ct•• ,'tJf~. h~. '17'[. IOlllly ld(!d.ess 1111 rpcl"IJI of slUlilp. Jlullel8. fonc)I c.rYl'II loridrres, u"jll~\lng qll'di'lelyellt~'~d; lInd ,eh. Obae"tf RohaU.u eoDlt,aeleCl '.'I'e and eo!lI, Jler, hilI JII81 116 vnlltll~ le ill New ElIl!lUlIll' j TESTI IUONIAI.S. . l'UOTOtalAPll1C ;\LUU~IS. H'glllnlllr, with gold b'r ilfilla;; ' nlld Ihe jm. he selll :[O tbem untll l I,l.,' I . .OIIlIeCIIJ"~ 11111 or. ~ulla, 1I00el, the Wc~ tcrll, 0,,1\ Illher StuIC~ os In lh.e 'fhe Hori l' c \V.ters ' ~i~no. nr,. Ilhn " n i, ' )\TC \Vern tI! e fir~ t ' to inlroiluce 'bese pruved jelVelled 8ClliPllj wilh lille dial anll I~' .1111 .llt.1I lie ,ro"M11 all~ Clllalfbi Hlllle of New York. Its c:m:III!l.IIOII In fi R "",o n!! tlt~ ve ry b~~ I .- N . r. EVIIII"C ' . 1111' , l it" Ullit"'I SII)t<•• , ~ 1'4 . we monulllc • • ke!ell)lI h3l1d., II lid i. \yllrr,Guted a gooel pr Braad", ID 118 Imba purlt,f.. ret.lil" 'u.r ller thol! ~h 'd 01 "~lr ulh e r tlGr . Oil! l i:; I. ' , .. <> I I0fl ' 1I1Ilut ll o;: elU il llll1i ~d in greul vuriely, lime-kecper. Subsoribe iloOh, lii· the frlt(\l lp.,wre ' all _etletal QUt'IClfI 10. "flleb II of lilc chy New ~ 'HI" 86 ~ollime X WIll i \\' 1' CUll epeoll o f '1IIr III1' ril~ " f ~'lh c ~ " "~ " ' ~ i., Il'f,,'e t fn" " " JiU ;1' 1118, to $.'>0 TI.e e wnlr.hes lire of three dHr';rent commence when ~he DIlJ\eelre Inltffd. II .. ·.1Id ya.tliet . . . rteommcDded by cU!l~lmel(lce nnuury l ~t 'll ,6, . lIu,n c, "Vuier.' PjullUII':' from nerjlll,ft "liCit. Ollf ~ihlllli" /rOl'e the ' rpjlu'la'li II siuR,the slnallest Irelllg for L.dic8, Dlld - Snmp)e cqple • ..!o a'1Y. Idtlrb,~ree, , plir81~I.a", Peacb, , elle ••y, Sw.dlsb,IDd Ie (lfln 19.n vpry ur!!,e ,Sixteen pnc e ~ .. uwl(!d!!,e-. ~n~ being" of Ihe' vp.rY " ~lf1It 01 be illl{ ~upe ri"r in !;"Utlly und durobilllV IIrt' nil HUllllng GUCtt. '4. case 0' six octllvo, e'JII; ")!1111if, .d.?Ub!~, Ih e r~, "'I.11I1! Ilelll lill'.-C hri s IB inllll e llil!eljCc r. 1\1 IIny CJliI~r8. '1'h(.'y will btl selll by will bc se lll By Rh' r6r Exnreu lor tfII125 . TERIUl?,- , 3 60 II. yeor. ip.~'~¥lne", lunll.c r. ~h ' t Oql\ ".f r.? l,r~,~ ' II) '".')' ; ~' mtlur I "'J't.~ Horace WlI1prs' Pinlln!l orp. ' buill' fr..il, FRllli. 011, rece ipl 01 price, A aingle onl! will "bil ~'iint i'lI B liqnLlsorne ' tlID~EY~. lUO.SE .." & P, Ilb IICII" U " ·. OIl {'very a'l(lIJIICl or IlItor " s t 1'° or Ihe UP SI "lid lIlo.llllIlrlluuhly ~c:,tiol\ed . !IJ'I'·iue .... lbums. ~llIdc 10 Order r n Murucco lJuee f(lr 8::15. ,ViII rcurJi}y sell ' 37 }'urk itow, New Yo,"': " ' "'n~er~, frt!ll gru~\'er.iI, grur e \:ru"vf'," II molf'ri.1 -Aelvocnte & J(lCI~IIl". .. , .~ (ur three tim,,~ lhl'ir co"t. We (Ire 801" p"UIII·CI .llr), sl,k~ I' I., "r~ , I!II ,clenc ra, bee , Walcra' Piullos .. d M I I. 1 1_ ~gPliltI ford Ihla watch in tlie ,Unll4'd . l I'UOSPEC'I'VS · OP TilE iitw lle r• . I'Qllilry Lreeder., &c'. I ,. .' 0 oe!'1 119 C I~ 0 S •• Irhl~ ~Iehullt pb p«! r it! ·l llus.rnl " el wllll l lrllge comf,PrI.olI wllh Ihe Iint'tiI 111811.. Ollr ClitCll'Jglle no'w embraces over Pive . tutes, nil I~of\e ore 'l!enuine \Vhl~h' rJd ' " lIIu't c08ily clIgrnvi"fl ' S th"l I III1,W IIerc 10 th e cuulllry.>, II IJl/1d J uur- l' 1I')\l6UII d tli fl'" ,CIII . uhj ~ '·I., 10 which oel. 1I0t he •• our rrllde IDArle. Address '. I if, 80lno or the . , in orll! y. lind nr! ClIll prnduce' nnd It ~ Liter- nlll, . dili(lI~ ~re ClllllillUlilly beill" rhllde, u( GIRARD VI'. DEVAUQH & 'to., Ai Monthly (>eriodlc~I '; d~y()teJ \II ary departml!nl emlirftrl'S ' ~ellprnl F,mily Hurace \:Voler.' p ,nllO Forles ore vI P urtl'uils uf erilillelll 'AlllerlCut~a, (:lc., viz: IlIIpor.er~, Iii J\laldp'1I Lane, N . y, i,lienl{u ~e, T~D~~e~R;'ke r.lld ' r/!8dilll!, wl\ich io illterealllUs nev", bee II filII, rich 1I~,d I'v~n tone , IIlld powerlUI.- !lliout ' ~._,; Tr'b;"r~""jjn. ,.t.olldacited r'luBI .l·d in lI.h clI~"try. In brifr, \It( N. y, ~!l}alclI! R~vlelV. . • 100 [lr.j or-Gent>rnls, 100 Lieut.r,,,IClrce:., DR. TA. •• DOT'I"S PILL5 ' .1, bf" ••WlllllUD'~.Q Rural ArnerieG" is ""W IIelmill('o IIniver l Our In."ds WIll filld 81 Mr. 'Vaters ' :.!Ou Ilri~.-GtlJleruls, l liO ulher 1I1'5cere Cornl1o~ecl of IIij!JI1y c~ncel1tr~lerl ex. I . ' ,r, NI\~'ie. ,. rU UIIY"IO. be, the ninAI IIr"cl j Sl4d f thP e. vt!ry I heaL '~8.orlmenl 01 1II118iC \1275 (,; VIOllel., '75 Nllvy O f l l c eIml'I.A r s , ' ,'roll1 , \ ur the h :llhfls t Tb e .F' I\,~I I Y '" ' !hi. abe Blrrondl.. vile· .. 'l enl ul,d·rAI,al.lt , rbote M, d Ilelos ,'" I e d "','1l I ~(jn'.1U Agricultural Dllel Hurijcuhurall)Ubliroti Ol II "," u l~no.lo,'11 round . ill lhe Uuite" li50 Slolnmen, 131) Olvi.1C8, medlclIlIIl "ftlu~. IlIfllllible in \he cllre 01 tlorcu o~'u,,,~ .p.~ew " Ii nll~b r. y.1'lIlI, .,.,4, _, l.le h~ ...allon, o. _k, eXlO"I. }<;very subscriber ro:ceiv~. lhe l l:lt~~p~.~GrOI'"ITIl! Mftf"ZIIIt'. ' liO "romillent women, 125 AuthurR, , , 1111 dlseus .... ol ' lh\Ol1.;lv/)'r d I _ U~",ye"l~n~ ,te ,fur ,pruIl;ry .. ~,,)9. ,nli I' 11t~ · IqWeBt .1'1i~ ,rlre. IWbadI', J he Hlll·cOl,-Wel"'. ,PIIIIIf)"lJre 01 IU" ~lltl'> s .....-. -10 "",ti.ld. ttl 01 ' , O,~r Ilny efllngp E""', "uIIII..,~ w,ll'bll' IIl~ij ' wl~b Ih~ V./ele of I>'" ".rer ,' n c/,ol'ce Gr-p. S't!eI~lIIIl. IfIDe la .lIe 8IostueeliMI u. ...... · .1 I ,.l C· W ,neutl 0 le Kett1tve '¥"IUt . '1'htr re- OR' Or. :.. ,. . I. Ide ot Ihe .Ind 10 "" 1'0.... _ 11\ Ibe Vine" . Strawh .. rr~ PI"nI9. 0' 6 .. e ~IIl1r.v · perl~r. tonfl ~n:<, ,e 1""1\\ (JIli .. h ..... N . ..Y . ' 3 .01)0 OplCS o( orks of Art, lI' uv e Ilil Iml'urilil's of th" Hlood Glle IIr" £:CE8T' ! Oa.tGIN'Af.· .ltt!!I, rrer lu Wrille •• <01'01.,-. alld Ibe POri Wtlla be inll8, wClr\h 82 each; DlId .. \I Bub.e,'bero CltrlR11t II E H9o , , d ,,,,,Iu" ll,.,lIproduct40nB ,oT ' lhe ·most celc- :tJneql,Q led in lhe~ure 01 ' D I. rrhcnn .Jalln<;""oi liliiJi of ' IiI" ... I· and, lI"tNl1ti." 411'en fOr .." ." ... "0 O!Clu.I. IM/I w\\o reml\ I,,{if money' beiO'''1 C'~''\'.'\''\'' u~ .~" 1\ ~ ""rt'~\'8 _lUll br.led EngrbViu!!p, Puinlin"" S(Dtuee diet' , Dyepppsiu; 8crulufn, Blliul'I,ness: 1::5.,,) •• ~k~~clJ~,. POPW'. !"0>01l",",. 01 'ulllee·""e lIlall"raelo.y 11011. &1\. 0",110 ... 4 lor Dec. 1M\) receive tile volume fur 11\'611 .'" "~'I~I;l'61°' 'l,e"U ...,,1181<: Bi"I d"I"Y Ii IIS- 'p 't e. C8IUlogUI'8 S811! em receipl' 01 8tullIP' Liver Complai,lt Fever. Held I hll 1\"''''' •• "''''·ICII ••• "!d' All 'thaI !foe to n' .... !lut ,,,,.. mreel. CIII,'nolitl, O. . lC flU I" lee III tie . ' 0 •• lila ~ rell. A I f () I . H' d ' t . . . ' D' Itlllp, c , es, 'M fi ".1 c;I",".Jollrllllll ,JDOJ.;"jlljl, Cirol., FREE FR oM TUE TIME TilEY SUBSCRIIlE ' . S,heel Mus ic. II lillie lui led, I ~ c~nld per n. O~( er elf ".e I IIZ~" 'ic(U't .9 . I rOfll ere. I o.'y ntllnor8~ . . ()8.e , (or u.dql1 p, 1 ~op ' o~" '.or" a • . II CI to lhe clQSS uf tbe pr eaC lll yo... shee t. ",t" Co tnlllgne \\ilil be lellt CI1l CCCIJlI Or OIlC PI" III Ih" murttlllg, ch~ldreu, hAJI /J , ' 1\ ~ '~ ', .." '. . II RO~El1RY & NEAL, & The AlIrlcultllrol edilorof thePldl del· l:5ubblllh SchCloI, nnd IIth .. r Ilook. pub. $1 .80, Dud 8ell' by moll, FREE. I'HI, FrOID one to lbree p'II'1I Ji'or.ellllonlhi. ,. th."bo,,~ rulr'; "., , PI' 1 Ili I I ordhor ,! S WI ~ure t:0I·' c . ·•. Ae ll C'II1lI . ... e.",herlllirl .dv.nce. ,. . MERRITT & PRINTZ, phia 8ulurduy Evelling POlt (ulI ,Plllir F. l lieh ed by Hurnell Willers. ,I' o(!rnp h ers ~tl( ot ~'t8 ?rl p, ng :1/1 ~ l'Ost s ,. B IlJ,f(..ollt.one 1.0. • hree buxAdolrc•• , J. Vl'llLlA V!lf" ~,,~U:& 7~ly WA.\'NR6Vl~LB. 8~III!lger) ill cOl1llrolulnling me on tl.e .p. Subl"'lh §eh~JD"1I N I goo "s C . O. D., will plea~ remll 25 per e s ~ cure "~y .urpnlll CD~e o r 110 fDOtter ' _ " peDunce of my lIelY paper . . . rltP.: 'My . '. . . , o. • ce lli . III 110" uraount uf Ihe~r order. how ICIng siondinll" l>rice $1 pcr box. ~r~0l'!lln,~ opinioll ia, tifftt yuu h.ove i88UW the b~.1 I!!abhal" School Bell, .No •.~, TI~e prrce~ 9nd quullty 01 lJur goods 'J'rlldp. s upplied orBent b'y moil. ' T 0 ' I , A 'I"" ~- S : jourllal-all pUi ll18 cuuHiderl't l - for lhe €:bo ...... IIlup, c,a,lIl1ot !.II 10 Sllll8ly. ~. V. 1I1UTT -rAt/liotT, ~1. 0 .. & CIl . L. ~ . Co " • It praclical,. \\'o~kin:: .rQ.mer. that we have '.I·IIC Dlndem. The GI'O\,c8Icen P.iallo FOI'lc 62 F6hoo SUeel, New Yu~k. I . If )'~u ftflui .. " lililllll ir reDwdy to .....tc We ~"ve JlO heeilltiou in Baying that tb, ever hnd 1ft tbe Ulilled St~IPII.oranvwhe.. • .' , I-Iv 'f ' )'''1. u .~ ! 'I • \' , ) i.j. ~ , j elMe, lUke its uenerol make up bettar PII .I O,E. 8 ~ Sri". reLnin~ 1\'1Il~c ~tldel.'ce nndgrqd~ pop. ' . . \I • ., ) ' Jtar!~i'. :femalo . . . "I .. ,. . I II I r.1 Fq'EST ' PERFUMERIES thftn .lhRt of nnv paper I hUll ev ••r leen. Pnfll'r ·ICover., 83 per duz.'. Board. ulllrlly, Dlill .lle r IIlIderj!ullI IY 'TruJnul im' , . I "I II~IIIY " . " ,ellr., I. IFTO .I.1W~'" .... T .... · ~Q., . . . . ("II.lIgrlll.eI1forlhe t;nRlora ' mv 11 oneal @enlimelltH,' .. .... .,. ThUll Ire v:{,60, Clolh Enllto,aed Gilt, $4 ,20. pruvel.I1~II ! d I'.oc I'~noc . I Tr u K.,J .• Pbltru~\ldn.,;no' 111,1\,,+ ",o{Il~. Wh.t etlu.O''1h<1 ever otr~r~d In tMa market, may be found . ARen,. are !'Ivery where w(lnl~d 10 eet BELLS, N 01. 1 ~nd '2. in I. Volume. now pronounced by the muslcu I IVuriel to A LillIe of Every tiling relal ing to Iltt bu • .'ri e, ,~y arc. ";,,Ce '!I~~ 111,;',. llOd, ",'I. roljon .at our eihlillaltmeue. They are III up Chl"~. wbo receive lIIag ntfi c en t PrcOIi· • • b.e unlurpos.ed .lId eV~1l ullcqll lli ed ill mSII !'r ~te_!!}!..!!!.!l~ a!l~ ft'I~'!.le. sl e call~e~ !,ulUre 111 uuy <:u e. 1 hey ore ."I: o .dlcaclo" lima in Vinel, Plant., EllflrlYin ... ~. C.. b, G'It~'~~'2~Qpre.d~~::~. ' Cloth EmboBSPIl rtlchlle ..s, vulume oud pUrilV pC tUIIP,dllru- nlld lr .. ulmenl Of diseoeO/8, tl.e InHrrilll/e III .. lI flla.~. o~Il1,,..~n ./I~I Wh"'~. . Gold Penl, MOgflzinl!e, Wellkly NC1wllpa. ~ bilily IIlId .cheapness. Our Ilew scul ... custum.ol ole-Iv rid; how to" Ury well .\Cc. 501,\ III b.~1l~~ '~I~~ I·r"~1~ '~I'l',l:.' 11r , ~ G 'E NUl N E I per, &'C'. SlmpJt'. ollhe RII"I American TilE UlltllI".AN lUELODlST, Frellch oCllon, hurp ped.l, irull fram" , and" thulIlIDr.d lI~inlls never p bJ'i.hed bp.: Dr, .R~ryey' ~.p'11\R~ l'~ll" azul CIMIIpetent judiee giv. tbem tbe. ~ .. nt free '0 ull eppJicauIl, Addreea T. ":< ne" ReVival Hymnl and 'rune ~Q'O". over·strung boss. 6Pven ' OCltiVe, rU8ewOQcI 'ore, reRd the reYls~d and elllnrl!t'd edilion' .,1. •' n. 1II1NER, Clinton, Oneidll Count" Puce $3 pl'r doz. Jlullrd 83,60 . . pilillus we nre ~.?Ilillg cheoper hy frun r "l\!EIlICAL COMMON SbSE " a curl'Oll at A r meld y I ~'" p~rlRI ,~~I~'t.5,(nllrr, iIi'lOO ~1100 tl h ' :b k t' . , S , rOC1g~r 1ln111l1e abovR1 Jlfld! wpe HIGODT PRA.ISE. New Yurko . 18-610 'Mal!ufactory anchWareroomfl; .... . ' . to Ion t . e some ~Iy Ie ftlHI finDU 10 curlOUB peuple. and It gUild bouk J A Pri .tI <Oircuf.., '0 tad, ••.l wl&"ta". ---- - ' 1ft . 48 ~hl\ ore ~old by OilY Otllpr'firsr·clnss mulll'rs lur every 0111'. 400 paoep. )00 illuslro.' ·~o\ll i t .. I ....t;;''''';''' ~1I1 fr a ou .. e~eipl 0 We pa.tlcularl; de.ire the attentioD of OLD hlEYES "~E ~EW. I, BroadwaYI New York. IHI lite c unlry. D~"ler8 Ulld oil in. won·e 'tiOll8, PricR 81.50. b Cnlltcnlll \llbles ~erl~er ;.. lo ' ~ It H • 1 A Pamp hl1l direcling how to speedil) • or tor-our fM'llllree tt. /luy addres8. Books mny be " Se.. d '" H ~ LAD l 'E 8 '.Btor~ sia and.llil'e lip ~pectscle~, willl_ ~i[ De,crrpllve . ~~I"IO~~p.~ "'!'jlth / (\ OtuinR hlle~ at t,lle, Bookstores, or Will' be aeut b :'cJ.iftN.~,,,.,"Ur... ~ed I? 1ft .. slllt. 00 Im~f'" Ollt 01 doc\or (It , medicine. Sent by • \t _ ur .. 11 our difl"efent" sll' le's, "I)al . puid, 011 rpeei It nr :.r, \"g •. til "net To thl. fea,ur!l of our bueinetll. We have mail, (ree, on receipt 0/ l~ , eent-, .A~. -\ togc,her wllh prices, No one ehoul" pur. AdM!!!! R H tOO-lE ~M '0 ,~ge. yO~1 C.~lOl \11, •. , I). chu\;e II p' iano ' ':.ilhrJoe .... ",~ I ·· .. r ('T 'j 6m 1 I'" B' , . ., .yuu. rllll:lI:'"t. I y by mol dresa • E.- B. FOqTE, )1. D., .A L T.B.A T ,IS NEEDED ~.6\1l 113P &.ro d~.y, New Yo. rle. . . ' "'i . -, "s . 1.1.... c!.I\I- . 00 roadway, New Yotlr. ' 1l~,t1. leeu.., (rolen . """.'I'.r, ,,.,~ W.!J Y .N E S V 1 L L E, 0 If L,O: 10::\1"- . Medllls, nlUloat ,Willl!\!1.1. p)lmb~r, , O .. ~ DolI.r.,b 'DR. J. • • .. . Tbe Ma on and Orhe,eo awarded Ihe('r tician, . I, • Fot the T~let, Handker~hief~, ' Irau, (o ,ty rt ur. r.nl 11.1 . . . . . IOllled 10 • • ~red InO, Bnd Illl~e Cell!,brated , Worl~'8 , F~ir; C~DER I ro-D~,1e'!.!ppl'l,.Ll6'I Da, ....... I3~'I~e• .,'fDO."' . ' Bcen\inlr D'rniers: Ware!. . Mud ••r."'.. rlllll~ir.. (or tfW 10. t8UO .~b 'XI)it'· TEJUl8, CASH IN DYA1'fOE. ', IhOlll(h put 10 compelhion will, olher. This "'e know t b ' '"' ' ,ale Atentt, Nil;' Y~rlr. > rObes, etc, / p.IC. •. t,. -fiv. OOI.O'<l",SIL SR J\la.:DAfL , o. blhe. \ ' .....r.......: r 'lj r " US . .. . ., 0 8 pure~ .1. we oro ) . -o:r r..;J Ind eumlna, our "arlell... 6, l preUlIlIlII. OW&I<I II thUI, 1lI"~lrn I P,1 COl· 0.J!6 copy pne year, C1" r.om I r• parte 0 I,.e : •• I~. ,too~the !lured the Giller IrOQl reliable ' er.' 11 ( l '" ~'. ' J Five copies oDe year, •. ,;I!!.OO. • III&he8t aWlrd. 1836.l . thie p.r-Jll P It (9 1. 1l0SEBEllB.Y .. NEAL, York. ' 11.1, ' Tea oopi.. OD. 8,75. 1\ ,) NN Cyo. turu t.q "lI1era • un ollr own p'reml"e.; .' Thia .....all Otnt.1I 19'''1b,OO,. _ r~~ or., _ IIERltI1"t l'1.t1~tZ..,. IIEI.I.ITT _ f~TZ~ .
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'Vi., ire' moylid by ,,~ ebri'.I~f·",'lon '~.P
!tIerle' \u..AIulftnullld Ihe MIl .f,el' ... ..;. weelll, irAp"', .h" S\&II'U" ~ P.o••, pu..tiellcid N-. York. ' by 10
.I.,. ·.I,t 'I ,..II"lhe Ii.r.~ et . JA'
8 .., 'ChIPP •
""pt ill thi.
~1I'r"!\'_i pure. "~ee~.l.
U,~) ,Ruen,c:~ ill',r~r, Jo...:nal, ' '~I~ i~ fr~"
fro"" Ih, ""I~'IU~'" ,rl!!l. 01 ~ ~~Jllr!IY of tbe __ ""i,\"" "e prltlc: ~. of \'/I'.ir. I" Ih'e, .rllil!t Ind IOClI~' ''',1I1cn , Ii I"tel. litren., ."d'.~""'. hit (ltr~illl ..; ind \h~ bO'n-mot. oll,.puk Ie i be .. th"n iSf PllllI'h. ' .
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,Price, •• ~ " ..,. ".18b18..lo .dune•. , I \ l'I-BNR'l eLA PP~ . J".; ' "' ·0tllee 01 N. Y(; 81I1u,dily',Prl.!.lt," , • .' I' I I N&w 'Yel'll" 11
A'~. O. ~D~N~N£~
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To.proh~bit "IUd':e e'l aoct pottl&r-If....., . at. • t ~. . . .- . - . A ••.• s~. _ . • pauen. d n I •• O~ a~ p aen.' hbitll.l,.. ......... - c..·• "DuID. . . . lei .. I • " PllfNSY"dlll}r .- alL , L 10ft ror "Wllng and ;nlemperlUtCe, in Cud Lin, .oIL h•• pro.ed, It, '.elll, D" I, ~ aueaq,aaJ. I . , t~.lneorporatt:d ViIIAI" of Wayne.· ~f'" per ...c.... the mllet •• lu.lt.. ,... 'D~ 7'rtIck \f,l/e. W",r .. o County Olli,?, - e I in 11M, t. wblill It eurH tla. dl...... it . an.lI. D:'I.LSa lB 'I'&oir ' ,t B . ' ,Iy" .trelljllh ••d tlHII ~o IliA S : &c. ;- . e ,I ord"il)ed by tbe Coun W.rr.nlt'd pure.ft4! IIlld. fro. ~"~. , _ lj., fZ PITTSBU~~ TO l'''Il-~l>ILPHIA.. ~ . of ~"'l Incorporac.ed Villalte 01 ver.. Bold b, DrUrlli.t. pnerally. U C a)n/ln,IJt': Tlla~ H eball be uola",rlll Hleuu,. ~ co. -.tT T U - ' - " . . ' F,om all ,onion.·of trw Weill. Nonh. aopJlD . • '. or Iab1 person ~r I'!,r~on~ to k~ep~ bI Chulilll end Dru,IlI",., New Vo;Ji. 1iII!iI. ~. ~~ , C to( EM' ~ A W •• t lind SOUl II· west" , .. ~ t. . aod lla ~~. J8 4 ••• . , Uft • .1/ . connection. (una ekl'er Ihe ,/)Orf..t er atr ent ot 0lher"18e, "'lthlO Ih8 lIoula ot '7.til ·.L •• - .~id i"E~r~ral~ . rill"le of , W "YON, ) ..... ~6 .C•.~. w;lSan sa ,JHll.~.. " . _ ,_ .." . r ~.AP Ihe ~al roul~ 1o "'~"u"hla:- He.., YOlk. 1l .~6 " . •. . an1 ",Ie! bi!1l or "Potte '{Dulle ' or Hel"m~n" cllnetnlrltH Itenz"ie re.!IID11 .. KlEllI'S OL'D fiYAND., . • OIL, .': : , . Roatu". Baltlmo,. I"d W ..blt\alOI• . The 6 .~8,..•. . ,hop. or Iny place of babituAI re.orl mona Pllut, Gre ... SPO't. &.C .. Inal.o. . VARNISllES, treveler me, with ~o'ltW ••ee ~~I, ..,OD I 9,~S p, 'II. 1 . 1 I d I S' III R ) Beg 'In", to iu(urm the public Ih.t Ibe, .,·re connection, IlIgh 'p4Ied with ~rl1tct .orl~plill .. stfqiol.e"'pelaoce. Y.lln ( ... nl • " ibbon.,Go'f.,&'c., I I d d k I"" .n11 •••·' . '·'li.II..a :lft.......Jo•• UJI·D. : ~ eqll.1 10 ne w'. 0 11'1." I .. ~ c .. "", ppr bOllie, ,.,. on Ibll .0 elrporet 10 fep S1:0. i. • That for'"'.Ihe 6r.' ,.iolstioo • X;; to , Ihlt r~,n be procurt" N-", .I.d elea,n> .. . . . Su ld b, DrulI,'811 HEGEMAN &. A .Com I _'':II -.; IQ .t. o I lu' pro""IotI. or Ihe .loregolDC'see. Chllml.11 "111 D ' . I N' Y k co., ' p ete ASlso~tmeri' of p.......&I' cera, fvr hu lilith' .e;...lce.. . ~.119 A. 'ii. - ) dOD. e.erv p~r40n 10 oll'endiog shall 00 . r~. ew or. . , PAINT ; VA R~ISH, - &'C.. I, ... r"centl, been .dded In the equip.130 ..... .;. cnllyiet' b f fi oe. 0 f not Cliappetl .... . .'. ' ''' ment ~n I ",reb p"y a RU. FR~e, lIiore , lW' rord. 01 lbo Peuntylvauia Central R."iI· UO. iI. Al1t . "'2~ P• •, ' ~e·l~ ~...o fi .. e nor more thAn t" l L .... .(:1"•• 1...... • . V CI R itT lEI 11 AI Pitt.bur" tr.aiol (, 0111 lhe We.' ....IIR .0 ~ta, .. nd pt!y the coe" of p,.... IlCU · Herllmen &. CU.·I C.mpl,ur Ice, wilh • ~ . I direct '0 tIlt, U"lon Dflp·o l. wbere P ••• nT. PI"id.~~ tlo!'. or be imprisoned hi the ViIIRge Gly c~ri ll~, cure. chnpppd Hand. , &,r. illl' ,prl.re tren.r.rred 10 .Ih_ Tr.iI!. 01 th. " Prison or COllnty J"iI not more Ihan ..,.,oI i"'ely , a .. d win kt' .. p I he .kin ' loll ~ A I N T 8, 0 I.L 8 J Pelln.y lvani. (;lIlIual RajllVlY, whicb fin rlllJI, o~ both. e\ the di. crelion of Inti fRlOul" in I"~ ~u ld".l lII'ellht'r. 8,.Id DY.E- STUFF~. 8 A 8 B A. D P lJ T T -Y , - lean Pilllbllf, .od .rri,e .t otb.r the ~h1or or ot11er pf~ptlr offic~r thr b,. Ofllll'a: i~ I B. Pr'c .. ~6 rpn'.. S .... I by .... .. rollo\vl: . . Ag.:al. hl!,,!lnlll&id, c.u~e. .Alld for i Kch' rt'p lII.it Illr i~ I'PIlI". HT.GEMII.N &. CO., TOILET ARTICLES. TRUS,'ES, OAY EXI'RBas-Leavee Pi:labura-.t 11.~~=~~~~~~~=-=~ ehllun U( ...HI lI~ nee • • hRIl. on" III";!: ; cb"mi"u elld dru.rg i.,., New Yurk. sUPPOr.TElt,S!>G A. M., .Iuppill)! .t princ ipal a'.IIon •• ' ti. on II,ereof, PA." • 6ne of p' 01 las. tlilin ll.3", .• · . ._ A ... - .... 0 'So L .r ~ .• I::.U.O'-l'L'I>~~ . . ...""...~1U!t, Anini" AlloulI',* ,,,' ., ~O A. II • .T.v, ~ ~ ~ .. • ••_ "" M ~ \ \lto.II'I(\\'le \03\1 .... rd,. t,e~ nor more 'hAD 6(1 y dollsr •• ' "nd TO CONSIUIl'TU'D. l. <, l' ) Luelt H"ua U1OQ ' e. ~l .1" ",,'h\ti;bi\f l{t obit. 0' prosecution, 'or be iml'rllon.. d \ . P A.I NT-BRCBHES, · · ALI. TUB rorllu" 1'. 10 P. M. , nalllmuret r..41> P .... N~• . '" . 1 V ' II P . n J I The ..."I.. r.llEned h ..ina been ,,,,'or.d ' Wl1JrEWJ~SR BRUSHE~, Y Irk via !lIII I ' lO "n P'" "'II' tn'le I "1lIt' FIlion or ....ounty I I I . -I . ' L ... . .. . . . I I ., oown,.c,., ... ", .,:,".'. r, .. . , br ~ I I d' f Y' , II) I " . II .n e ew "ee"., .., • Yt'.~ • IIIp e . 11 ICIIl a.delphla t II 6.4.5 P.••, and New'Yori. • 11,.t t.e I'rC ntUOn ,', Ih." RJ,~f '""~ ed.,. ",,,, It II. iI', autr..r.1I 'H."". I .• '. TIl ,. , I '" e8 ,., Phil.delphil, at te.3'J ..,p.-M. · . ~ • ~r o'h.r: yroper officer earllJlf ye.;8 wilh I ",ere lon, elfectlon.' aild _ . e,lte'l qllllll,Ly of . lI.uL LI"Er-ben1l~ Phl.bur, ,at~-40 oall~. " . " Ih.I drl!.d di8""'8, Con~umplloD-i. alll(TlltTf!tll Atf1~~ A. at .. alupplngal III re,lIl.r .tllion&.• Miami GaleU~ SJi:p.3 • .A1I ordlnancn or par.tl or iou. w m~ke ~ lIow\n, tt.! hi. fei.juw : .utler· , ' . ._ . ; , "ft 'Il4 Q ~"U, Atloullftt lit 11.46 A.M .• ·H.rfl.b" 'rllt '8 f 1 orai"enen incob.i.l~t 11eR"hb- .re era m"'''t uf .cp,e." ., .. _, . . ; , P. al ., "mvi~g.' Pil!~.lphl, .t . 'I~iD ' _ ....;:.-_ _... _ _ :::j \ . lie ..eby rt>pellled. .J' T".U \91i0 d ~8I1e. he wiil send " FOf roediclMI purpOlea. to which Ihe .t. 18 P. ' M., 10\1 New Yurk, vi. Phillcr.lpbfl, I S&c.'. 'fhil ordinance to Jake effec~ CIJPY of Ih,e . rre.cr!,pllu~, uct'd ( I r~e ,01 tehl jD lI or I'hv . ,danl :,.. "\lpfoillily cillle41 .. ' a \ 6 11. , M.. . . . ID~ Pleu~. (rom aDd, a(ter iI. psaNge, ' ~h.',p.,) w.hh 4he dtrflr."o,,~ f'.)r prl'p n.r. " lnet whllt'nr f'&Flai"t tl' • HA PtTTIIBU&G AIID Eiu: "'.tlL ~~ Le ..... . iter.II ....toD oodayl..,. ELTON DunLEY Mr IOWII"du. 1ll111he.8D1.", ":'II 'h 11.., will .. FIRS1" UATEr IR-OILS. ' Piltlbu.r,atIIl0~.,..ltoppilllllt, ne.rI1 L .. ' r I .. a,or, , fiud. ~ure' rure fur Cun. umrllon, · II._lh""" . . -, m nll.lulon.. Arrl,ea. t A Iluon.t at ?llQ. Y'1t .•• '4 L \' l!;:"R.. PaINTE, ~ic';T(I.,., , . Brun~lI , ti&, C,·lUglI., G... ld., &,., 'rh. Oil· . : . . . : \ " .." P. M., (hrrlsb"rr l.ll& 4 . .H., anll Putll. Nr. I•• De" .rrl~gelD'Dl )i 4 1866 . I. objecI 01 ,hf.' .. dr~rli,;tlr III aenllltli til" delohi. lit 6.40 11.. M dm ••tab i. ;r.ek. , OY • • , • Pre.crlplion i. to bl!'n.lh Ihe .ftlicted~.lId ..• ~ , UDJit..r HrA EXVIlEes-:-Le"el Pittl. ~.& itor keepiG .. .s prl'ad .llIformll 1011 ..,I.!"II he COIlc:eivlI 10, .A ~tn, • .,ood i,.upi.ly of bUr, .l 4.!'~ p •••• 'toppirili ulIl, at prl u- ' I . RUlIAW"1' . MATCR. - T"o romantic be Invalu.ble ; Illd h" , h,)p" eyery r I .... ions. ArrivII.t L.lroblt.F 6.10 • , A well·alleNed I ..ortment or Ibe BUT clio. I" , 0'uhl of 41aeh p~"uIsioo r"D "'Ay e,.,r will II, Itli rp!IIt'dJ, .a it will ~Oll I · ~ r P. M, Alto?", 9,35. F: !I!.:. Harr;abj\rt lI ..~() , .. . , .~ . . ' , . . them 1I.,thln" .lId may pro'll. blpl!hn,. _ 1 u ·S A.•. , BtlUmore 't ·A. 'N •• Ne\V' Yurk, ~I. H' from tbelr liom.' 10 tin •• Jllige 00 '8alI'."IU Wi f hi." the Ilrucriptioll w.ill ~ Alleutl.\\' n, 1'0;.. M.• Pli,t.tlttlpbl."' .. t 7',0~ , ! . ' tra~ onla1 lut. ror t~e ' parpoee ,or IJdllng plea~ -aucR of'" A.. II" New Yo,~,t. vii Philadelphl., I ·Po.lmlt\l ... · . d' . Wb I I ' b d' REV. EDWARD .A. WILSQN, . ,. nl J:l., tlleepllll{ eara run Ihrougl. 01) me 'T ' f ~oeepb ' -I. I' ereI • '''1 ,.,,.e e~towe ' Willli""..h.. rgh. Tgl. . . ~ 0 .0 this Iraln froni PiUl burr to Bsltlri'ore IIniJ ' t tem., 'el, or. l~lbur th. nupual IIDO'l ,X'n," COUll". . .cOFFEE, (. l'P l'U.delpbl., and \0 Now Yo,rk. via Mk!n.- ':' . t ~; Hcurel, ra"elied. we n,?,L .d · :.!~.m. Ne'w Yurko SUGAR.' · u (uwn . 1' , ... ' , -. •. --- - ItlOLA~SBg DI~GUFFY'S ~ W! LSQN'S .$E~IES, FA~T I,,,,,,;-Le,," Pillaburl( .t 9.30 .j ( 'i1 eel. They are lUll at I....B!. ho" . .",r.' .-; i' : JROl'lIN TIlE 8LOOO. -= • «c.. «, c. . , &c. 1'. iii., .Ivppilljl olily al pr'"oipal IllIio".. . ' 1; I ~. ... The Peruvi"" 8,.'lIp Itlppli'" blood S~JC:~C., 'ETC. A'rrive, 01 A/loon. It 1I,;JO ". N." H'''i'''. '''\ , ,Q:7 tile lA_DOD _ &0" .nD"~e. witb ito. life. eJt'nlf"ut, Jwn. InluAltl!! "gur, bura'" '1.30.t• .., n.lnilldret 1. ~.20 P•••• 'tre"llh .• "d new lile i01i1 Ihp whl·l .. "Yf. _:___ ' I 'Nf'W York,t' VI. Allentowll, · ~ .•6 r;·••• that W. H. Contiq. Eeq.• ,.the pro,pri., 1.01. F,,~ Dy.pp",i., DN",y, Chr.ullie ' .j ,: . ' P.illladelpl,lnt ~~,60 P. M.and New Yurk,t &or ol tI,at e.Lablilllm'DI;'~i11 soOn ·re· Di"rrhCll', P~IIII.le W."k/le... , P.'C., I' I. D (olOr'ele allSur'men' of ¥II Plllfmdt'lpll\u, .t6.~ 1', M. • "'ro bale aDd ....... ed. jt-al eoo'rol, .~.!~e. Thuu~ .. "ol, ~·'r b"ell ,·... I1I....d A'~ ' .n kr. I . to · tSuIlllef " .... , ...... lh.lIlI. III 'hil, 1,I'tdicine Iru... . week, . .. . 'I £'I II d P rom,:>tly' F'·U ... ..I . ... rL ren '. 'tiller, ...• .~.;.f..,~ l" , ,," , .nA .L " B •...,. I' r •L V1 , ... VIt . re u y an '/ i./as -It . tl f " ._. .. -Jil'" """'l'" "'8; GD. Tl. I~. m wor"an. 1\ • •t..e" I" .I~.. flll" cr".lUrri, to .iron,; ' . tlU II uul !I. '111 0 lar I·a ..... , &3l1na V" .......,.-. "ill .1110 return to Lebaaoa, Ind proba. he.,.IIy and h.pp, 1II1U and ~vnl!!II. n. I '{'ickets 101' ;. 18 \0 \lu~Ibn b, bel.' 'or ' ., A 8;1 p"le p IIlIpl I.,' Stll' I ' ¥ 0 " 'd D r fl .g I~ ~, l .., .r, e " nil. BUG ~ I ickell ull ' ,0J' or lite d' ~11.iU be a rea"llr CilDttibowr to Ille Prh:o 'I pe; bOll'I,,: or ~ ',~~ ~~ . . . SUllI,d Illle. . "'A'&I to .11 110111'" II &!ar. Il _~d. l~.L ~oo. ; Thoma. Cor· J. P. DIN '" MU lt F:. hp r.1 ",," lily of W", .... nme, 011.0. 08 .nr olilt'r rou.e. .. inreti lit ....d hi."'o.ir.ion •• Milli.lerto 36UeySlrl!I!I, N .. .., Yu r l!. IlJ ,,\ ~ ].nor~\ . 1 ii' . , I' : f.L ' , ~! " J~r"C!r("I7' _~ . I)O~T OFFICE C N ~LEEPl.v(] · (JARS . ' 1 · r: . /RJ ::..rI .1 _ _ l~ _ _ r, "..I /<~ ~ . 0 R E R , On nlal,t Ir»/". to Philld'., N,w YorkMexico ~pte.iber Sr.~. 186', "beD At Sold b, Dr .. rener_liy. 16 ·311. • ' . ..ill . lie ~3--I·tt .tld Bu/liJllorr. D'fiDie cljecked 'brouI II, F yl .Gel~ lemell'l ltad ·a..f"· weMr . AIw, W H C . 'ro :-o -ll-V;"-.·z ... &>.";' . , · III. Uel! , ." ,; . RrW tD ." " appoint· , '" ~ftI ' ..._ . • 1 "",Itroll. 'erreu free, . . . ..,....__.....IiIIII_"iitt';;;:~.a;rCJ~r'a'tl'..ua.ir'. , Old Onq(ur Bu.:h.,,'. Drunkerda' Curll :" !\ ' ·'tt;' ,'Yilply tlf wl"I!,' elllCled . Tile Pellulslv,'nia R.ilru.d Co. wl1l pefm.nen4l,_ erellic.tes Ihl! Illte . "ot lId.uml any lur 8.'II."e •• ltct",. ,a11.lba.altiJl......,. i ... ,1GUCl I. i . . .. AtlentioD i. lb" o1f[l . -, Ooi:pD' . po",i .. "P ~rd~ veiliee."n"of altkiOI & Co. They Thuuunda ,nt re'ur.ed h, .. l:ri8Ie. nuw . I. ~_ ; '- '- - : . _ - ue. All Oellla•• el(cee~h', \\,., '.\)U,,~ .a~,,...,,,, ' , r : C- WIIII,,,,.,,e.ntl /10 lieU ,'e~1 IIDarll'H n"8 1'lye tv ble•• the allY lite, ,,'ere rY~IIIM:e ! ' & ' In value. will b. 8\ the n . 1e of Ih'e owner. _ ••.,~,_<vV~. ·~" Q , ~ ~ lit " ... ~ . . enbug:h II) eOlnmellce Ihe UIIl! of .1/0" velu· J!,J.L" uIIIBl!' Ilkeu by • 'relll.1 r"ntr.Cl. • • Ii J:I ' I'·II, ~~ I . ,: :' " aDd -oW.r gre~t, ~~~uce~.• ~ti:.. .. f1~~, are .ble remed,. Price Two Dull.,. a pnck. FREIGHT. u, it.l ;' ,I' .> '. :. :: .' .', Old " l!!,bhij~~~ I\q~~'( ~!la .h,,~. til, .~t'. Mailed .ny, .ddrfnlll on r~\leillt o' 01 .n li.illd. ~hr." ontalad. . "' • .,. , , ..,..;!-1""'"'.....,... ~ •. ,'" , . "", 0' , j;I.a' ng . ProIDPll, aDd .11 or".r, by JII.MEtI S. 8U·rLF.R, ' . !l i:' .. i, 8, thil ,oule Ireivhill .vt .lI ,t'" trip.d. ( k -, U , --,,:--:~lmt1li1-N1Imlt-e~--:--:--ii~l~l~ ' :L WI\\\lf g-9 liunll un b. rwwlrded toandlrom PMIa, ~«1' 0 .laal: ·wee ,, ,it 'b"it 0 ... . '1t9 Brll.dw~ ; N.. " yor"-. ,. iii' ,-avJm.. ,~ll~~~ d'elphi •. New York, Do,wII or B.llimore. b"~""M'...ote . .... " of ., • ·80le AleDt lUI" lite U ~\~d Slate,. ' lind' I~um I"~ puir)l'on Il)e R.llroadlt III ! lAbaaoa. at" • ~ ....,16.8w . " , W A:Y It EI Vp L L E. 0111 .. , K.,,,tullily. IlIdltnl, II/Inol .. Witno''''''V;'iil.''; ~/ · I ". . ,'" . ~",Qt~CU. ' t .OR. H.: ,65DE.... IODIl'fE WATER, ' I ·LANtl~ll.NS, & I:onllll', luw. or HiSlOUfi, by r.i1roed ~I.
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IUBu.-lMe ,,, J""f"~ ,...ofl ... Qt . (.t,: " ~'oI, . _J... it~'" "i4 ,,. :: ' ,.. .J:, , fadoi ~<W 'Cookiilg 8&ovit, w , ,,.nt E Y: S
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tJENfl.Y W. pWINNER• . ~
. , -Genll.·rlolet Age nl, Phil .. . \ H. H, HOU~rOJ:l, 'n. ~eD;I, . Fref~r ·~,~al, bll•• ;.
" ",~.
AN.Q BOYS' , 11 .4 T 8, ~ r '- .==:=::-;=-:;;;;;;;--=:-lODE C:.O'lIlNG! -.;.I~.tr.:,-=-PJlQlPBCTl1,. OF 'J'B8
-, ~~:&&fta f ..... -.T.p. a YllrI~d .up,p!y. 0' . ~I::.:i:::,:::::;::::;:a:::r,::'::!=:== , ==== . .~,~ 0 ~~•.-~ace, "Pio', ce8ik~. "t. :.mool-iion Ware , ~ ""'I".w." ~,~~
~h(\:~I~:i:b.~I~eio;r.l;:-I~4 ~Ib J,w~r . E O'~H LEWI , G.il·1 Superi"tendeat, Alleon •• P •• ..
",lIIallO :""''''multdirIlCl rOllte fot
"or,-eoft"liT6nfli'T~l'l~eoTIII! .I\~ r".'il'~' \'
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, I.. V . .f! •. :. Dronrl .nd Fermtr. wlU ' find thl •. • 1110111 .clvaDlljlellul rOil Ie fo, Lille 810clr. Vlp."ltllI.,.rd., l1li',11 .at.red Dnd " ~"" lied ""lib eve,y COnyeDltbC~, hav • .~t'D r I' " I ..et ou' upt'nt'd on Ihi. In,! .n" . r. OfIl,D!,\ . I , "
" .
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addre. . .
8. B : KtHgrtOn, Jr.; Pltila~a. H. W. Br'fJwll~ Co., ·Cin'lr • Clarke ct" fJ6ij Oli;~ II /',
,/ , ""
Cualr.CII ,Of
R S .l' 'WA'j. "D ·i, . D ..... , ~ , . . . t, ' " , " , - ..M ~"'A.IL ~ha,,*lt" ',,: : "05TIR,i'il' 1; ,II ~ ,p' ~" , 'iLJ,I .~~ IV ·, . ·,'·-"7~~~. ' 0;~~ , . .,." ' ~ . D • . ~ T'I '. 'J' a 1'. J .'.. :1\.\~ .··C:.l.lJ S. P I' N,
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Hovinlb ••• ruurtee.y .. ",.' .iiq.f .. rlell;t 1.1 Ihe pr• .:liee '~ 01 · "edlclne. dirt',. hJ.
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l;Ii. ·' uPiral ,l.mcin,••• 'ftr..ched 1ft the
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wll" iltelmerlto.U port. on the Nurill. We.tern Lakls. ' , Merchlnlland .hlpper. entr.llinllhe Ir.naporlatlOD of Iheir F~ilJ"t to tllia I tid it CUlllp.ny. can rei, '. lb COD ence on I . preclv tr.II.1I. . Tile Rti,e. o( i'reiabtlo a.nd (roOl .n, POillL Iu th.e W.O'I, ~, tbe P~ .. n.ylvl,tli• . l;e&lIUI Rttilro.tI, are 'lit 011 tlmp. ~I 0'1I~1o:. e. are ch.~,t'!d by .Qlber R..lllro~a.
0 O'DtS!
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CInlral'R.llroad .1.· eo ("Oll11elll. a' Pilllbllr" willi .ll!Ime~.. .. ~ d by which ,lJc,ds can 'be lorwlu e 1.:1 .cc.lis lb,e purl on Ih. Ohill. uitklllglllP, Ttttlnea.lIlI, Cumberland, lIIinuls. Mi .. l..
:~!~'I ~::::Jr~~:.r~=~'·kayd ~dd~:i~~r;;
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I. 1:, ~
. ,1).1\, H:,1', Dt:8S &. 0:, PJ""lc\.nl '. Ihe 'Ime, o~ the I~Ih .t E~- ·end t:11I;1l1t~II, 411e1 8ru.dw.y. Nllw, Vurk. ! Mu;p'by ••.• IH_. ~e .. rllel", Mr. JIIlI1ell gulcl by ~ru4fllitlt .. IIl'lIer.Uy. 16.3m 'BLACKlNG, I d ... Ell b ,b 0 I b \h r
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.oll ·t he ~6th' ~n".nt, In ~~ntll" r~~~, ,,b1 ~'.lUwn l;illwrul •• t'I.lIlthe,llII, O.II'te,,,. 1, 'llr.OI~ A1oI,. DW'Ja " up·"taI ... ~iD' b, J ·W.leey., J. P.• lit,' ~c)~!rt 'Pret~. Rbe"m.ti ..... Contumpliun. and , I. . ny I. 't~f,~" .~;.~y'~~.bio"~ ' i~; i.,~.,p., Jr~.· ~.~i,~, ~.~Ii '.' W~~fO~. , ' , C!"IJ;~C I~'IC' Hp,e~itatY-e •• I~rc. '. i ~:~~ -'\lCD..... • I 1.\11acW., ()~'" In.• In,I I ·.. . l . Horlcl.ylll•• lIr c~re , ,... u...... , .. ~~ "0"' ,1".' ,. nNE 0~ .· ~..! . ri'·r Sarnll,) ~lJrp~" . J . p •• IlIr. JUbD 8; ·Qa:1I1U C,rcul~r. ee~, I'["'" ~rlce. bollie. ' \ .,.N,D PtU(l, . .,III!!!I" J" ~~ . " ,- "" " l:.. " . JJa'\ie',E. tI ••~.I. , '. or 6 lur n.v., -N ~'•• ' C . 1 C1G ,~ Kl) AND
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.ta1'eCl. . . • • AN~ !'IoT~pt1r .." , .....• ICe..4 . t fur rll1le ""I.\~· t he . " .' '''' . ~tm!ll\'Ir. )lHlI.!I A\1II!1il : , . , " of'"'' "'!Ieo 1~ I " '. ' ,II' rVW''''1 nih prteel. All IDISII'U II , ,~' A.'Ne. '/fo,.k 'co"ilsf1.o nd"nl, under illil'; !Mf'~" ~~~"'Yanl~;l' , {i~t'J~' ''' a!~1/. ' . '.'.... kind. ul . 1'f~"~.~~I~~~'~ ~~!;~I~!{l ".*."'i:. 'Ollrln,·~ 'IIr. ·Lhieilln·" "~n~-JorY'e l('.) fI, n ' ~ ,. ..,~ • .-.IlAo "'WORK ' , ~ ,~~ _' .... '.,.... fAr the, j Ilr...t,'"b. Iorollriel)' 01 .1.; )' /Ji,'H . . r~Wt",C.e (.~~.lD~'.ue,. '. , .( PcJ." I ,": "" 0 ~ , I , ..1." , I' "'I 8 i R Ii b duo 011 ,-. ,, 'L L AND-'SD"~
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,1".11, 1• •la ¥tree.. flvc:h . • ~ • " lit II" no n!!. 14 e ~ ~~ WA fIVES#' lLLE '01110. ....r~.• Oll~lIcl.11II ,btl, Iac.t waIlD.r. , '·o,I.v .llieal.i" fM p. .... r.VA'iou .nol biDClla,. , " ---"- ; 'f!" " ". ' lirl, '.-1 I . " JUl'e . a-rtf .:.,.~ nuloah.rj"'llll b. 'lied .. it" lh .. ,I .': .l"iI(JfeU .I'h~licll' : th·. t' II to 'd ' · 'r ' . ' . . CB~~"~ Oa~9IJ. • .L . ~~~~" \....11\11'.111'.. 1I' ...II. . . .lf tli be', Health of Ih,· III~~ ~IOc::'~n~",;."~. ,~~..~ . ~~o~. • reo ,£X FA}J;r.Tf)RS' .N OTt C E.. I, ' • • ',1 eo..ldiPlof llIo ••1 end 'Duruam. 1.1.., un.lllly , ""pliici.I,. -j••••bD!ln: ,r~.,.'I~. , .P. "Nfltit:18 ..·a.-.bY , tltt.LIM. . . &!:Ioay., S"'lcb~,. r"..... ",ou.u·/lto'· " LT ,"'.!. n .,..........,,_••_ J:o -rH ._ ~ P ' D_ ,, _ i ,...,.~o; I' .....nc. &t!l. IiWi •• oil .11 ~I ~o., III..., • • , '(I~' ."d~oc.ti",..-e , ." ,. ......11,1 . . , '.iiI:D,d O?' f{U' lTi' J~M : 6...t <:1_ Jo .....u /Ur.~ ......,lli CireR. " ..: lind' Pelll6on...fHiec.tiee4 &:l,thlNlt.oI 'O".", Nl"lh"'O It; IINiIl~."IIP",'ifl'''''~'lIl ·q,''~I'Ile.cJ , J _ . 1 cop,.o.ey .. r. "'. ~ ......." · 'I .., , · j , j ti ,',:~ II ~ ,.· E':'~-''''''<'· . , , " , ' L .If·.............. ,..... 'all.J). ' ,Ct' Jl.J....~I. 'BIII.·r..... ptal! • • :~T ~ • , . . t'~.. ... __ . .,,-" ..... . -,' , For !Ilia ~.ID., • .- ........ ..Prpnl~'e ,, ·1e\hU. ao"',iil .... , ~' " itJ,i(• •• nd llr. }nn,. .ee 1'.10 \., :1W' ....- . .II!!IIi'~~!' 1."W'. ,rt'. ,CIMID,I,.'! a ~.... t _~, .\~ ,~,~t ~_p'fru(n. · ~Opl.',. \ell ce.1I. nc~. q, .1 ... In Ittlhl ' NATHAN ., 1 . ..... iliBli _p, ....,..- \b. I"" _Flutle. l' .,... W.,,,""III 10th...,. ••/ 1886. lie .eliltl. ~ . , CO.. Dlunlty. -' . . ..... ' . .. . ____ ....,~._ .... _ _ . ::i _,.-:. . ~ '*" .- ..... , ." •. n. Sto-' tilli .l'lIny w ~ .. .Ofllee.lIl tile
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fllllcJiluviHIl lIt:ighhor~, Ihll JcrJ.,lfU,mu,.i.- Large Noses, - - - - - - - -- - .--' , ----- -- 1 81m ll lIeno r ~'il ill Ihe dll lllll q cu r ' . ~o Oldest City in lpo World. I Ml\s I' AR rIl>OT" 1( .1 0 ~11I -- ' 1 h>ld r& A mit" in :N~ ... Orlt!Rn 8 "ilo io Phrenolo:,: isis mll\{1! grellt ncco unt of /complllIClllit'S "bllll i "11111'" .ai ,1 M r~, 1B35 g lll'~ A ~oir~1! tbllL cos~ ,wenl,five nt: r "hh f...,JdtHI Jlllildi IInu bh,ck lace mill s .011, looking Cllituly b 'ek UpOIl 'hc no'cs. H Illl>" U Il~ i" di.p ,"~d III N~I ;1I11";?". i~ 1'1." ~" .\e~' cily ill t ht I P .. rll lll!'OIl, l "ell'l'lIi.~, d l~" f~Cl of h~, IhulI'An,1 d ull~r' . i. " "" " c\ppen,te nl hellutl ful H'HI w,·II ,SPCIII.t-xislcIlCIlII' hicl! II, ' 11. "01111 H" tl n'H ml'r', II ", ,, w" IV III " 1101: lYle "' 1.01 SIII ,HI I!~,' " rru"llll~d ' vi-il LII ""II " e'"lj'"u;, 'l h" d Cllln nn II", kill .III'·'M uf "i~ frl l'n,I.. AL Ihe 1 UIlAktl it a rule 10 lelu!. ell " N" p ul,. ,." 1111.\ \llh .. r I ' I 11,c .h",,: ; ~l: "tI""" i. " I'lli.'l . 1' ..\ 111 ' 1' 1I11 t:' UI" ' s \\'I!. II I ho'.... I I,i . 1l ~1Ill', hili i.'lIty .. 11 ".1 .. ,1 III Iiltl Yl!ry n 'o rs oyer I ,hall n~vt'r b .. cOII , idt-rpd lin A\! ' who tli uuul,t vctl' liig l.l\' ~~":I J'" ;;~s, '~ .. l,ul'I~d III II. .. "» lId ~ "I Iht' du· ' l lh .. 1t,,1" I''' '''' ' l ht·toll 1111.1 II.... Fur.' whi ci l Ih~ d"o"e rs mllvl'd WUtl "livered 011 P9'o.J. .. uuu y ruuruili L'. J ... n",:. Ihvl'lty on I'reSe rVt'S, "ur .1 luw .. r ul J.p. r, Ill! " pH 1'111 IlIlCII I 1I,,,;k lf :1811' ~ 1II-" l'\lht-\'t· h "lid Ihb.d unl'HI'e .'~i ,~ 1' 1.lIi ,1 ~h~. hw .. till;.! h" r "ui ct', Hnillunk · IVILh ~c"lIic I'"inlin",", Ihll wOIk or the Up Ihe hii l WIlIII ll l' rr ying lu·u. By th em n l ar "~ 11 ')< .. 1' ' c' ",IH"HIC ,.,.. , " '~ II .. m l "" . I" " .. ~ II I 110" 1 1 "'I < l i"~ 111',11111.1 .t·e if Ike w,,~ ill hl!'H IIIo<l ,lcc"IIlJl" -h.- ,1 arliil t Il1O'n in Ne" ti\HlIgth UII Ih o tli dl'IIBO-d u( cllll,jl'''". · =" ... flO " I ' f 'rt'. "II EUI I. . . ' V In c O I 11 1\13 COllln,n' , n. """ IId\" "" ' ~M , IIII1IU,1 lI t: n 'r I" di"" ill,II">I" I r t h " .. ': , : ' ' •• r,"" " '"' , ill~. 'h" ,t.'e' he" L Ih e old r"l lt'r jdOl I Orl ,," n~, nil" ill Ih " 8 .. lono "h@re j!'ALonely <Y ork ie plrk illl! llerries . " , " ' " • ' " ' ' '' ,.f A il r"' I ,. ..... II' W I141 . 1 I I a rc !on .\', w t'~ I I I'" pH"~fll Ht I IO"'~ ' I e itlOI I LWO Hil t 11 Lut'Cu Dlc al liin 1.'gt! 4·d liod ,.11t~ u will UUt' C IlIl :!l"t:'" this \' \ t.r\, I , - ! It II' w .. , " ~I" I'" I h~ dll'< J ~'" II J ~ . w t'rtj MrrHI11!tH. HII I jo,i ll!'.! Iw r "" !l1 1l hi li· ' I)1" I'It; u III. !{e U I I~ 1"Hn with a wl ill' o ru .. u. , (IUI)I I"th t... J Oil vt'I'Y CUIUfllltll · ( I ,.' ",,' ,.. "X " 'II\ - " •c, 'nln' " I ' I~ I., ." I " ~ \" '1. "" I II .. I)u I'H'" I gt" n t ICl n ltll n II t Il A lInlt!. . \VI IItl / 1}" 'ht"t". I. I l )"n.I. u n it'S f\1) d (l il t' h'I It 't J .WIl) 'Jt' tlIIY, d"ltr: ~ .. id I , cY"" r b li:ll ~ t'. . .,. nu<l;' . " I I I ,,', I", ,I I ,I ) ull "')' '/. 'VI 'Y, [ ~II\\" IIt, "ilwr IV .II It ~o II, , f , Qllil e I"" I"rlle' lu. "lit! 10 lill,' ~ III CI.., HIl, I " I"n 1 ~ "HIJ h.· 'J' I. e IJr'~ lilll<.: \ Ull lI11vc ' 0 r "u'C' " , ,,", I .. "I ' " "I , .. rol II". III ".I,." " , " . II I rI' , I ~. . ,I'" or I i '" u·r e ,) l IIOQe J ~ 11.1 lill \t·,1 1'''1.11111 "'I'h n' ,Hl ••,l ""' ~ lIcr I I . I I .h h Su IV" @Iuid -we IWO- lu fi !1 ;t, CUIIIJ.CIIeu' I.. k' '',,/1 1lIlIIlln el'ill!! II IYII " lillY, !"!;e d ll' ",,"ul .. In nO' ' lce .1'1 Ii' . I jJ , " ' . " , ~' , ',III1'W " I "'Y \l WII " ye~,IlIl'l"Olnpll g '\V (\ ~ II.·. I ~ who \.erll ulllorlulI"le ,," t e II J " J • "U 1,'I ,.t- IIIIIOlltl "lll t, ,,.11I1 " b ~ l ."n<1 Ihlrty . , \ b ~ , . . ,. \ 'J J e lllly lulki"I!_1 lVlI ~ 6111 1_ ' Ie P'o IICllull of wou ld he hUIlIlJrou s ' Ill . h "lit fl UIII II Lo J'IImp II>I • '1'1, " . " .. ~t;~ II\l n """."""'" ..n, ~ . . . . r"y l' '''' ti ~ " 6 gil.... oa. In 1,1 , I II (II b II I,' lUI t, II. ) \1.", ""S , '"\ .. ll""n w.,hou\ llluehln" 1\ lin""r l.. __ _ __ ,_ _ _ __ L l!ftd !ll!lj w~' ~~e ll.e hill 11'''11' II'ltlep, • e C~ , 11111 to u' III II II U \. lilLie wllh • Hltl a , UI)l· IIU , .. d !'''''pl., II) 1\ no II, I \1' u1 of' , . I' I I " ' " '" I Pl ck l/'lI 11 erri eo up ,ilA 1, 111. • OIlW ~.. "rl f ' 11 n I 'n- , \ ~ u," goul Ii Lrlt, "~~,'I\t ~ A yOu"~ girl who 111,,\ be corne Lh" world tor '"y b ..." .. j.""t bUL' " " IlIV 1 Yuu " ' ,,.! " uL lhll " tI"yh".IY· 8 wUIII Iu.· T h,,\ Ill " IlIi ~ "IIl ~'; of lh " s u,, ' '111 tl ~A !U'Y_ ~llI+, . , ,"? bll/i »' iiJg1 ' b"" f flllU b"" r , my buuls, IllV br .. utl·'· ' l lIlI~' LUI "XUUln" lor yuurioel ye8 . 'This is lip 1,,11 work,' ~8 iJ Jeony; "nu my bllCcy. -, h w,,~ 110\ lor 1I11lhing lh"l " con - I ,",p~ .. I dc h~i s c,lI lJ ~ d SII'IIil ill ",'"ieh it \I',Il'r~ 'I' ... It ~ IIlIIlg llI( 1\ . ou ~" 10 her in1eni'tl -;' ,,;, ·jftji'iillo.....~~~~;;~if~~ '~o id lil,(',' 8lIid I. '6 1".11 we AtIIi fO Oil and so forlh, unttl I ee l llj"t' tillg ",,111111 01 HlllllI'"IV hHd It,,- : ;s ~~iJ htl ',.r""t' l;1 '.cilll'~l1~ Ihl III I I C ' ''''g~' IW"II~.r r .. ~I('r ":11 t!8 Into or· nph f'{ YU lIir cumminat AWl. eli,"!> II up "Iolle, or, J OI"'Y, 10 b I" " I I I ,. '1 N UllUlh' I ' ., . ' , , !:' II}' p,'nct' ' -,' 1 uu did .J i uU bad . . , ' I . I III IIiV II'lin ""S0UR 8'U"L1USt:"I,,\nUIISU;;)' l lIIaIlIlV . "~ 1'''''I)I ~ II,~)',wll() i tl , ec i ' I' ' II,e cl\,"vllllcllfllcslIllIlgoes a" I Ii b boy I' I'IlIgI8'nsl~llnlll1l181" \Yill yuu cume lI"d clilllll wilh me1' p He( ~ '''' lul~ mU iL relllcm "r Ihlll he hllK' ADd ki sses me ~o korllinerly as nn army ovelCUIl!. d,d IIUI kllo\v lh eil' UWII OlllJ(/S, 'I'll ,,) " d " ~II'" 1II II LI~"n,1 Yl!ars I\Of 0 'lh . r is Rtdder Ihun Ihe blushing b ~ rriell Perhllps, too, by tllRt lime my inlel. ' knt-IV IIII'm v.. ry well , Hnu Il\lIdll Ihe ~ltll, 11111 "I" I. III d" , , t " . h". Ih"l ~ ll'e ll\ 1811 t Ulu " h b"ller tha n . Il Ih .. t i CAn't hul .. d out much luo ,'er. bu~ J ell lIy '" cheeka D rnomellt urew, I wll tl ' Iii" · c h.. "II~II 1\1\ Ih e waler thlOf 1 5hR\I have 10 tllkll curr'l81Hl 0 . 'Ylljle Willhl<1t d£'IIlY, Hhe ulI slV ered, Iect mlly become ti uperllUouRled, liS • "~I 0 I, I I,e wurlJ Krq II""II"U IYl th dlt'm . fJIMl'ilRllts of t hll Ellpl' ' ,I ., . will hav 2 kt\Ye iOD, Bet.ey.' I 'I will cOllie olltl clilllb with yvu.' \I'd' ns my body, Loo . W~il dD,'dull".! llO.tlS UO 1I0L ill rHtes n;ltl ,h l! M"dil"rrHll e~ n slill • cc~ . rnell'~.r\'IR Wit I ), ° u.' 11 holugh lIbller.~ ,., p erullpd I. [ I II b 1;1 • I I ." , f ' " '~ ' • rupleu, lOw ever 1,e l' l 10UO' It rRn lie .. ~ III e unll e to wrlle i( IC I! II PI'l'uOIllIIlIlIlCII l\ ImllUlIIlllllln. I'V h,se' w~lh th" multilutle of thell' I , , ' J I "I ' kir We la,R boy tlH~ olher dRy . I II '1'1 R .. ,0 • 10 I 'II mRglcllI1l An 8 I~ II\~n t got any tl .Ing n H ,or-worse yel-pln-haps It: UWIHld ""1: lIot dl"LI"ICUl dhtlll fur w"le ·s.' 'I'll" cilv which MRhomel I ,I ' I. I d bor row Il Blick or cllntly from " COinA Charmins Sketch. [ ~hll il hnve l.) seille Iloi, II tv lIliluly Ihis fticulLy. H,u Ihey nppe"r, ill SO!llIl ,urYHt'd irom II nei ... hborinlf l' ei'liI Olv er lerbw".oua YIlL:, l~e ex Illusle rll(le 10 ahow him' lhM he could pull il ·' ' ' I .• .1 I. ' I . to <I' b ' I Ie t>gg IISKllt n"xL u.lY In allcmpts 10 , . "1 II . O EOI\OB ARNOLD, one of (he most Inorll I ta Ieli 0 { IIUPO'Slu b '!luVenlUre 101' WH) or ul le r, ('Onn"c l*"u WI! I Illlimg /lild Wild II[I'IIIU 10 t'nl el' 'beCII 1l8e iL ill Out of hi! cnr. HI! IWl\lIo"ed iI, "nd I t · ptlpc rs, II IeR d til ' pr~tl llca ' I matters. '1' hey go glVI:II , , to m .. n III hllv", bUL " r u IW O tl:"'" d 11110 one, I II! 8 olY II! on " p ,rlldi se, promi sing young wrilers of lilis counthpn Iwist!!,1 himulC in uriou& ""Y' 10 11.1 IL I\'ord, 10 wenr Ihe Cross 'I( Ihe b.. fure lind ele.lt r Iho; WilY, wherll 0" lind fur his P"l't l,e W'I" resolv "d 1I 0t 10 - ---.-. - - extracL ii, but At length informed hia try, died receDtly at Sirawberry Farms, Le~,lon of ilullner. g'''IlS 01 IcsR ~llItl lIod Sll'tllg ll. would I"tv" il ill lhis wOlld, ' is to thi s ully MALIUl'ANT CnRI-TIANs .-Some per, comp"nion thl\! he had (orj;OLLen that New Jej.~ f Y' We , gi,'e below the IlIsl 11118 I~ th e 1lI0~ 1 dlellMul 'perhaps· l llld 10 Pl!llctl'''le lind O p~1I 1\ p": s"gt! . IVI.ot Julian call"u the • Eye of th e 80118 pride th em~l!lves 00 hcin " bluot, val" of tlle hick, Th ey bO 1\1l\'~d nL fighlS RlIU Ijl' e~, "nd EIl~I .' liS it WIIS in Ih., lima of Isaiah nr, 11M thllY call ii, 'honcsl;' but very nr,ticle "rilten by bilU, wltich, though of th em ILII! !oJcanIVllih' , then, Ict, me Iivc lit ea~t, al'e .ful'e mo~t in .cruwds. in .riol'. and' II" Ht'"d o f ~yr ill , \ blunt peopla UO 1illio goud to olhers. cOlll'p osed under bodily proslration, is fJ:j- An old YorkshiremRn being inand pluck LIIO rl'"y ·pO. ICS til/II I;row by J.linng Ull\I~rl"klllg ~.; ~Orn e llll1eS ~t!l' Frl'1Il D"mllscua came th e <I'lm son, 1l11:1 gd litll,' luve to Ih cmsl' l\'(~ s. The exquisitely conceived anti fuJI of pathos: my youlhful rORd siu .. . whilll ?'t:ll ~nlly illig th., ~hole uOlly ItIlo Iroub l,,; UI~L our blull pIUIUI:S, IIlId Ih o d"'icio u ~ np SCt'iptureH recumm end gentleness IIlld formed uy a beLlin~ 8cqu"intRl1Ile thA' , his friellil Ihe Cllplllin' would oblillJ4CJ.RONli:, . _ , Le i mo chllse llie bULlerflles 01 life Ihen Iha tila~ t~ lellJ lO 110 escllpe. Yo e rica of PortU!::ill.. c:\lled dam".co i da kinuut"ss. TheJ'c i ~ nothinl-( in alllhiR in~ly hold Ihe C1tl\kes, lhe caDoy north· I oflen wish I werll 80 Old Llldy. In wuotll"nd places, and sip honey or tiel' Ih.,m. pl'lIltlng Ihll wily to g lory in milt", our bell ulirul f" bril: of cuLton ",Ol~" of out s IUlif 5" mcnn n~ " "inrepli~d : 1L mlly BC(' m 1\ droll wi.u; 1I0d ' the m"tvell.)u s 81rellglh lind sweetness 1'1'001 lhe ,,"rrlor R~ld the hero, iu Wllshilig ' "lid .ilk •. wilh vio~~ lind Iluw er~ fRi s.. d ulllllve IIII~ '~)I11l g r.ant dispt)silion. Yilt ~r D\!r , Ay, IIY, Ihllt's All vr ry well, bul i,lea of all old lady IVilh 1\ fAncy for lhe ~ l!w ly-fillt'd hi" es Lhal ~' et ILwlllllhe IUI,I.""U Wt:lhnglon, ; , Hnd, wilh 11I!Va upm II ~ lIIoul", Illighl L(rolllld; d '"11'ISI; m,,"~ C hfl ~ ll "n~ ICrllli.ly Lh;d spiril, and W hO~B " hlluld Ih' cllplaill l' dogs lind hOI'S08. lind 1\ tlls le (or whisky lllpplllg of ,my s puon. , l"lltll~ 10ft' cH s t, gUldlr:g the HngAciLy of rose illiroduceu inLo EnglHlI ,1 in I h" I d('I: ~lve lh"U) s ~lvo. , wILh t~I!! .• uua Ihllt cocktuil9, mlly alio have ao eccenlric Lei mil 1.le ILL lull lenglh. supine, ill > llllt'~m,t:II, IIIll Butl e lgll~ of Lhe c'Ihi Lim l of Htlnry VI I.; tl,'" 1),lInlt SC USI Iht-y lire rl!hllkln~ ~ III . ChrI811"n~ shnuld I:1r A Indy "ho WII8 alarmed at tho thll fiunsllllle. IIlId lel the COCOII nUls n ~t, I C"sc~ Ih ere '1r". IlU duuu', WitH" bIHI ~ . so f"IIlIlUS II, ,, \\'ollu (Ivcr for its tHke hc!! ,1 of !,:~Iling fUII (1 of the work IIspe~t. Slill, wheD 1 see Bome dry mlllroo. drop Into DI)' moulh. ~ht:~' ,11I" e I(' mp 'o-d m,," tuo far, HS fur k.. e. l·d"e ,,1111 1' '11111 1kHble '1.1i .iL' or '1l!ullklng. ::'"ch' eplrllu,,1 COli- ~ m'III ljullntil y of cotton aha obtAined dignified of presence and »lolV of spc\!c l., LeI rue, ill sh"rt, hAve 1\ good lim" IlI sla llCIl Juhll TJl er illlo 'l't·x,,~, IIlld Ihc s,. cr~l of tl,t' Itl HIHII ••"lll " 'o"f ,,' 1"'1')1' i~I"bl,·~' tl o a gr"at (Jt·a l of Dli . chief fill' a liv e dullllr greenbRck, leoeMlyex" ' .' nuL t'I'CII ill IV '" Ills t IV hell TSllllel'I,,"ve C "Irt i, I Ie.11' "II. I,UUl 1111. . I It ' : 'I' hey ar e presAe,1 hl!r r~1\1'8 Ihllt thu tilOle miyhl Rnd her lI!ver hair fulded bllc" from RS I ollg as yout II !>t-rmIlS-1L WI'II 1,01 ~ " Ill I) /l Ie II OVct.)l)lIl'u.nl I'IIIg' t,) lO her brow, wl'iDkled by Dlllny experiell ' be 81) very lonK-Im.1 Ihuij Illy up " d, e,1.! 1I11CIIIIIIlIUII ill'lllIlC~S ulh"r n'J~e' lll " hlli,l _ illill 1', .• sill ; /llId : 1"'L"'lJe '~II' II el.lurch whlll ~ very. wi,ty I\nd Mllr- come \V hell ah" ,.ould ally, 'Jobn, load ces; with wintry r08BS bl uumill~ 81ill slore of I",pp}, D1 l'morI89 HI IflIl S I.-f~II' ulUlust "~ ,lulIg, hlll' l! ~;elped 1"t"1Il oul Ii I I ., . I uf IIII"YIIt ~ wl,IlId and KI .. ~ I eHSlle pe,,,"on I ~ In SIIt:IlII,y, ur whAL R Shl' wheelbarrnw wilU gleenbllcks aOll upon her ol HJek~, IIDd her scdal-c, t;lnl .. ly 1 s hlllll"J up n,)[IIIIII; t:lse-to ellJ uy 111 " gil ItI , 1aylur "lIti ~C OII. wilh I.l g "I~' wil, ~I"' .. r "lid 'gufd -a killd of lI1(1sIIio le ll ' lal " IS III ~chou l ; Ilnu :lpprOl(lmllle go buy a bam.' old fllce m rllitl~d with lhtl SIID6(rt 8mile ~ IU~' uays of dt-ctlt\ellce. . IC',P' clubl" ~ l\du\\'m"lIts III lili s !' HILIC' ~1111',,,' ill " lin.) .euIUllt." Ullll,.d Cflll"d li yn)' eilloc III II",L c,liI~~ .whlch th~ HIl OS of infinile pellce. th~n I wish Il00 wen~ !:lUI, nt' vt"I'lht"It- , ~, willie I Rm "luck ul"I' , C:llIle 10 Ilt t" I' .. ~cuc o[ 11,,,11' hi " d .. hll'k" ~"I"" 11'1 '1'1 'NI"ICII ,. ~" n I II .. 1.: I'Ill € 'bu "yhodl Hij In oollel' llI en'S 0:7 A blind mMn, lou b.v R dog. "hile ' I . . 1' r;, I!'O" ULJAt: S III , 110 olu III(J Y I Ing I , .. rosy pO~Il' ij , lind calchlll~ II.I: IIU~"u I,,'otl,,· r, Hlld ~;1I11 P" lclit: ' ~ ulll- """'11"- 1111 I . "'ul' l" Ilod 'UII ' I " .. l lllal'1l18 , <.Jill' 1II"llIlel' III us, ho I~O ... "nilt'ring ill Ihe SIreeLl o( Puid, had I, Ii ' d " f' . I. " , g -, I '0 01 , I I " '1'1 I f f They nerer eppenr (0 hnv e Bny re· uULtl'r le8, till 5' PPll1g t1,~ hUll,")" lind " "llc lite IS uy IIU 1l1t:~Il S n" ~XI; "I) "O" 111111"111 1'.1 1' '; 1' 11111 "'"l1l1tl ~. 11'111'1 (l r~proll . iIi! ,Iu)! a"iz"J by ~(lrull ODe pauing; .pou s ibilitill~, old II.Jibs dVll't, T hoy "aling I.h~ COr-I)II I,ut~, [ I,,·a vt' ar. OC~I\ lli " II 1lSIl I. .. d bl'uughl Ihllt I' t!ckle" ,-Iy II i ~ ~I.J III cil}' of n U WI ' I' ~ ' \II1! III'; oIlt , "'1,1" "" " Ill 11''''''', ~1I11 ~l bc w,,11 uill!d in~lnnlly opl:llilll( Ili M tlyu he g"V6 olways live IVilh lIomt'body, IInti hllv e <1011111 . I!l h of profound d"plll, lind II'I~h "d\Cll tUl'Ull S Ill"" LU the sltrlncl: III 'I II}' II w ci s; Iii" ~ I'''HIll' (1'<1111 L~ I "lII11ll .~",, \ III ~lI h. nc ss br[UI 't: IL 1< drtV~1I 1""11,,. cl.ll se II lid overluuk Iht: Ihi!:f, eu']g"\l·d 1I0lhiog to du uullo .iL wilh their hllnd s Li'''L 1 "er@ 1111 old Ind y , ~. III11 Il ,Itl<i ult , 11",1 !,; IY ~n Itll" br">I'I! : 'i" ~ l s "I' D"""H' C"O' lhe ',i\' (O~ s' -.v, Y . Q/'6tr Ve r, I,im lIe\,'~ I· .. ly, Afle I' which btl c\lI,ed hia foldod-Ih .. y Wllar billok silk m;Ls 011 'l'h~l'l' Arc 1110. 11 \\'''0 would lil,e \0 II!! .H I..,n, ,in,,1 01' beiltg .Ihru . l Hiwl\~' > ,. ,,,ill "1LII'IllUI' 1:1\,1 "1',.. \;1 " in c),os, !LOU fell to bO!g~in" "g.io. tbelll .... and ; look 'digni1ied. Somelimc8 !til bHckwHl'd Lhe oll,,:r WilY, tlOU ue liII lurwarli III 6uch scrapl!s, II le(t 111m III d," wlldl'rIlC ~' 111:" L y rl Hh t;""I-- --. ' A P I!;HF P.:CT MA lI .-Th" man 11l' $f l \' . Ih o lu rell. \ _ I~_" _ _ _ III!,! 111! 0; t Hlltn, 1\ " 'I1 . rllh~ they Iwil, bUI Ihut is going out of fash' bll!N RL1Rin. " \\' ,. J . r I I I . IIr'7" Y ounll ~I' jn Lawrenco K"nI dou 'L lJ tl u 1101 know if il 11119 (,. cr 11t" 'n II C ' I a'" ,· X'· ' It"n ~ "",. " ••. "I " ' IS r ,1I "'" I 1"11 ~,,~, I. .. "" 10 01" 10 ..n'ilt ~II"".,,· .. v_ iOIl. . . . . . flT AND ul.u .- a gt"llt . ' Il1I\n " It' l l ' " I' I ' ', I I nHbl ~S nre Jllwn"R In d"n(Y~r or iJ"lnu 1' t' lllat\, .. J IhaL II,,, lI .. hl'~W ,1a ' " 'I, (I\\, ~ II I I L' I 11111 ,,' /1, w it u ' ll ,Ie: I 1' 1 11 pu • ., I ~ H . "p ie, dl~ w""It.t!r,. Ihe IHII,II"ui,," lhere l"ke Now I, in Ihe extrC'me IIlId compl t: ll' J b :"I. . • :oo' ru 111l' ., lHI" l l~ lluay~ ~l \\ ':llJOu ' I . I I I. I d bj' p"or. le I ~ ho uldn 'L r.huus" lUl' l illt'11' IIlIC"n\ll'UIl "lIcl· lll, ~ce III 1I1I1 >le l" \\' I!t' ft! "'IH" IIlt" "L H lJ\ II. ~"UIIL I"IgUH ' , " I "" 'IU, L I" III"'\> , .~ . '"11I ".'1 rtliM i'lerlill wi lh \\ l,je li Pro vidl' lIce I" •• I[i'.e , • . . ' I ',·. Iau'W,IIJIII" [ ''''IIt' bllt'" 'lIritld p.,o"I , r .13. The unfo . ~UI JJ' t'c,g tl" " p"rllull l.1 I "t'II' .... Ib . It 1:1 cu~ II ' t I'I~Ct''' , I rom ('l a I1I'1)1'"111-\. 14h" I ,.,01.. " ", . I wl" I.· I.'·"'l· .. IO'vuud", .IIY It IS t:llu~d.mt:.. orrl\~idt' r Ii[a will. fulullJ uocul"lull' . . . I I 1I III' ",<1II' , ... 111 11 " ,,"'I ;\11" t)Illlll I . R dcon.plrl\cy b The" ~ o'I.IlV~ 11.llll·IS 11•1"1 lu:nluy IV" III" 1\\\'''1''', 10 ~ IJ e .. k of "" I lu c OU\' . t' IS llqdU . IIlin ' - ' II ell It II}, i "cc" ",! ' I' ,Il' g' II. t' ""lie W "' WI I h"lW," '" III .. I",'un"• I"dl'" au lbe oar11l\!ld8' afld nothing to do, in the Iigh' ."I ] " personlll '"" \\1' II I I ,In 11 01 comporL wilh m" idca~ of pro· ,,"r luI' lime .-IC., bUI wa wuul.f su"" I' I _ v' II II ., . 1I ~ lIh •• I,.. ~k HII III1.tU " 1\ , lv~"I" i.!e .)' II 1' ,li ll " hUll ij ~ k"ul.ers. of II IIIxuI'Y, . . I . ' '" e IIIIIItl!, '"I' P"S", - ' t'l ' 'y . It I ' 'J ' k 'I ' I 0 . ,[ 1"\I'c t"hl'lCly " .. ~ I , with tl"J;: r,,"cC • wh et""r It wllul,I ' ).4 11\ , l kl1 ) I I1!ll ' t ' lO I... c . '\'1 I)" 61 1~Il I( t · l. " 1"· Ch.Jll~ IIUII. 11<11I l'l \! IIII" V' IHt I I III - - - -- - - - - - - As Fnlnll Wdod 'U~etl 10 SA", J ~ I 11 Ctlll.liLUlioa Ihat "ill bland II grt'IIL Anu. furlherm ore, they hl1v ~ 1I1l1l.eir · lh" b" 1I10ra' cut l'l'ct Il' 'H~". " . n,'st! luI' d, ... " \ 011 CII"Odl""'" II,,}, I: lima tc ~UII s ,,;ul e, " Il'H g"~" , purl" "" :,UC I ," ~'. ,I I! . S,. .':(t" " inscribll,1 00 RodClllur 1'I.' I'OS8.' Iroliules b~{,»'e tlt".m , , Itll'm uII.r ""d .Oh g. 0 .. '11110 Ill ", llll'l , l,k ,., h'ut ur c.. I,I,alll' dllt Wilh"Ullr .. v. '''all " .. I,· "" e ": 1 ,,:h"'~I ,, " " ,l 'lll '~"" Ill"" c. lh"ltc t'lI llice," IIn,1 ~ok~, el,,?ds Allllt:,ei,It'llo(l,nl'iO 0," e('otllllou"h The )( \« 111" nUI ~"11 11C e IS • I IO'V"\' ~I' 1""d~.C "'I"illll:;uIJ ub l""lIdA . rllh"I " I'tn " 'tlut ~ 1 II HII "f J u ~'1,, 11 .. ".1 , 1,uul,llJ,aL CIIII " l "t J\\I I:' • ~ 0 ... u I t-t ' ll Inll\lI ' t·~. . ' , tI~ht' I"r ·J u· Uoi 1I'lIl1nlllO 8>11 .. "tor,wlllk, fur lilt!! Jluw Illllgllltiet"IIL I tilt' wursl of il. ~ t. . cl~icl 1I111 , ici"ll s l.t' Ihis day, "" ,II',. , d';II'k u' Ih~t II,,, nt'XL culd mottll"g ' b"'a : he " , un 'lIk wll"" I, ,, 11:. . J~~u·, Ih " 8~'lul' IIf i\!1~ n. Odgin .. lly '1'" oil ill tllc chiOlIll'v COl " " 1 Illld . FHUC~' yourSI'll h .. lplt·s~ly bonn,1 UI' I IIJU'tl'll) U' cI'IlI'~C,ll'r", We I'~"t- 1\1.' llI"", ' II 1,,'11 ~' O ll 1,:'" "U l II I b,.. d . TI ... rc's lllt'y WI'I''' Uo",1 ... Ihe hr.~ ,Ihrt'c h:t. Fml5kil A pipt' , I" killg 11;llIljuilly badl' III HIIIIII ,,1 ce l .. ml'I\I ~, ""d 11"' IIIIHIIII,',I I .. d "l'l l' 101 lh"II" ,,"tl'h, ' ~ 'Ill' 1111 Ie '"(ltll.,,,ill 11... 1',', "i,,. "I'all"" 1111 "'1(;1. rv I ,,~t CL,\RI;Il, nf S~ . J .hn ,~d c Rlr· Len ul tilt! "u.. d J \!.u~ III UI"cil. Will'll UjJ\J1l "Illittl tl'lIullle~ 111111 trllll> "Iollnd 1\ wh,"e l'u,'lIllul! uf ""II"r"t,le , 1II I\1li" ~'ly "I1.\"wl,,1 '\ltll lit " ",, 0;,,1 ", . , It I , ,. , i,. " ,,' ""I" ellid. 111101 ' th" olh"1" .. " II " ,llulY 101 UIP ".. IJl~ roll"glliu 1" ,"1 IIl1d lr~tjtJ l litilln~l Ihe l us~e. , lil e c1iH'p r"ll\liv .. ~ to lil' I; i '~l·d , I g:'I1 , EVIII .. "II),. IIIe "lI ~H \\" . 11."11 .1.. . , I", .. \"1. 11 , b,.t "11 I"i> .. I' III ... 1I1,,"n ' hilll BI,It,,!, U '''" ~ I'8 • lJi,lul'Y uf LI tl SW KAHISO ill COhVer8Atilln il~dielltes pl,iuIIlH' I\l ~. til '! uoulltil"~q IIlId f~' Al' illg8, Fauey Lh e lulu,ccII ki- ~(' ~ . II .., 0Il i'1" ! ~, · d III . ueh !,1"X'"'I ' y \1,,1. tI,,· '''~'' II : Ini". \\ i' t. II .\,,1111.1,. 1..11 It· II,'", ~I",' I..! 1111 , ' It,' lorl" "liu II ; ' tilt! ... hE' r IlIld hall I, ,, "J"" I'dll,1 tI'.II'II-' ul "p"r(lol\. reputhlil IIIIIk " lip lh" billell l"8!l ,uf lilc.- 'o ki- ~ .. ~, III " IVI ,i'li}, ,ki -s.. !'; II,,: I;i~",~ til , ""' IIIS ~)I I'"C'.! .>ulIlI.1 fl\l' 11"" ,11,,,: 1, itll,l Y"u C"". \\ 1'1.. ,,,1 """,ill :.!'. lidl ~ i"l • cvu ld lI uI "p .. . ., il uUL uf hi" cl""'lu"r' i 11\111111, 1I1t.l I,. 1111 'IC\;1I0~I ... d;:l!mI'I\L Lit", 101'\{ und. "PUll 11 ',C'1l 11>1 l\1ll\~rj ul III., wl\lch "" Ild""I'II>!' I\l'11l ~1l )H, 'h"w , A 11(1 ~I IS, Ih ,t ,,"I} "," Ill '," X III '"It-l e,,1 I rl' """"" '" (lr "illl .. !' j",L II. "UIl hilL II II ~ fllc .. ,,,d I. u lIIlr: Io L C, ""C tll c ll' l It" 1t.I"k~ bIb blll'e WUIU nuL wurLily of PIISI, uliill .. r s of IoI >ttlry. "h't"lld>: UIIIII IIlItll )' II'I"I"I ~ 1111\' .. 1"1')' " ~ lrHII!.!"d. Ituw , cal'''('II), ,I '~ 'I . P!'.'!'I'''·,IUI", Ultt 1111 ,X,'"I· lVI11 !, _, \\'1 111', II",·" ) (I" t 1...1 i, '/ '_ "".1 I',·" I II "II ""Y 1.. 11;;. ~O IllC ,~ ~ "I<·lenlljl l. Illre~l lll!l' 10 the ple.rllL gellt'ratlVlI-I ' I "'''I'Y III'I:IIl),;(\,,, lilt· .,· >'·I)llr"""I.' , it:Il' mll.IClall ul 11.,, 11. I' TIled it I IIflt.' I I ' HI"I .111.,,1.1 1,,1\" IIII ~ r lil t: ""IIlP ~.·": It"u\"1l ... ",1. 10 1,.' 11' , nd II b~ull 1 uu lUi!! 1.,,1)' d"~lIe, . Y.,I :he unl.. ,I'I'Y b .. hy, ~"t1 g.: l i lll! I ""I.t! 1'''' lly w.. lI. iJUI. for tlllt: Ihi"t; 1 III b""111V Ill S b~ II .. IV~. TUnl ~,,"l hllll [I'll. DIIERS N&vlt~ llA~~:. --:- :1 , IIId c .. tI , LuI fllllll\' , III' ~ Iu ullll"I~U nll l '[' B" R J .' A " 1"811 ,,',11l d"" tI"'1 '"oult! ~IIIIl , 1 1,,,11. "'"i1llh:tL he c<luld ""l ""'8Iuly ~P '"C 1 1lI~1\ 011'" II .. Vel clllllpl" "Iy 1Iprj'l S u,l wl.I, 1 IVel'e .11. old Indy. . 111111 •11111"), .,,"11), . "" . ' clilllH "'~ ' Tltc ~ . IIt Ihuu 'h pll~'I'~s~d uf !lH'fI III'"d t 'I\~ 1 I .I~ 110 u~u for you 10 seo Id me for III,., 11111". OV,·!'. ,liE I'NE, l)F ED , .AC""T.1,,<1 tI .. " I I",u Il'l\ze ulT lI,eRl uliL ul Ili' S C I IIIIll tH'r, Ilut I'" mig . !; . I' St;. 011 11,t! wllult' lll.illk 1 am wise ill l l"l' III Ihe Alu.ny E"t:nlllg Juultt>d "hu ' I ' 'r ' I " ., I' ' CU ll'" II"'''I! 1111.1 U. ll tl, cUI 1111 dlly IVI'" Ihl~ "'011,\ e"" hcslo": Alld letOIl men 'I~ I'll IJ,"IIII Oil I Ie ,"mme r ,I' u, ,I! ' " 0 \ I I . " ~bl Rilho' , " " . .. 1 tihllll di~Rrm you in Ihe first plnc" my ilrs l e l.. cl\(III, 811d ~ltKII K'I1l clrlle; lu IIn~ t,I't'1I "l s l'ln~ Ihtl C<llarllugu~ 111 ' did"'L LId " lllin:l" OUt uf lI.c "inlel' II I,c '11'1.1",,1. "rt: ~"Vt:r comp "I., y ml_e, Ill' I" ' . . . , d""rt"edo( I:vt:ry~lllng ~b~t ~Ie woru ' I '". ' II tl "" • 1 \\ere b'I olVUIUII up, l'l! lin 0 III l IIIty, i'uIHIl l~.w~e"'"llull 8Ry~ : '' 01<10 }'Oe U ti"c-tl'l.:IV a. \' 011 ltv\:, r And then Il,fnin, nil your IlIlk AbOUI ' ' 1 II '['I U· Ctlll \tlkt: I\Wlly, o - - -- . -- -The bont's of Rell J"Ck"L lire nlll ' _ . -'.' FILLING AN C ~ OU ' K,Ie llCII \ --..:...------aClivity, cner;,;)', ell l e l'p l'i ~e, Rnd such, Beartaud Brain. bltli",I, bUL k"lll III Ihe huuse of hi .! \\''' l1~TEIl'S Nt" IJICTIoN,\Rl' i. hllrll · ' Ii('lnl.l ... ys l\illt Ihe ,ir.1! hOU~8 or I.. /:;jJ" A nearo 'e llll\\ely from the upis J'II ~L ~1,,'t'1' "uu ~e u ~". ' •.r" II 8, N . Y "I" I . per .,ory of .... 'll'lIrellflUR8 in Char Ieaton. tlp>c"IIlI.. "L, iu " wu .. t1,," che.I, Oil I I)' Ie ... \ru,"I." r~" llHlllllie illcuUljJ'IIf1hl" I R . L rU Il u f L yo". The 11010 ltllll "Iwlll oIJjtlCL of individ· In ~ome of tho lowut I"p"s, I I ' I ' I I b I f I"t-O'V "!'IHa liar t)oulh CilrolinR., a d'"",,'ce 0 f Rb ou , uall"bdr in .a.ltis wurld, iij tllt.l acculUuof , " no th" d ~ ,"I. of the gruat eh i,, ~ I,u WH~ I ll\ ngll"~t· 01 W ."1: I It I~ lie Vl'l'l cCl "Ill' IIlll ,," II 1''''1' t ,ur , I ' • trAcll 1\ O~I"OUS OI~ch"nl~m can b" I bllrlt·d Ull Iho Uulf"lu 1'0& .. I'vallllll, TI,~ , " .. I1I1"~II'. 1L I '~' Ly fllr tlill /(If!}e . tl'ol h"I" pound ot. Ice. t!wer \Jl'en put IIUO thirty ftt', (It,,kln/( he"d tirsl cn the JlIliun uf 'Vl'lIllh, discovel't:d. ,A Inlle 11I~"er III Iht) sc"I", I~'u,," unr I.i . I:l'I\ve t;I'Polulllly was ~ ume plIUillhcd i~1 t!dll coul/try.' A. lar I iI, The IIUIIJlIIg 1:1 c)()1I81I' Ucle~, R{ter lOp of A "hi~ky b8rrel. The ..eaua Al\\llhe 801 0 I\nd whole object or Ihe tIle Inf,cl,llln,".'m IS .Vel'y ~lIght IIntl ~ lm- 1 cl,iIIP"J IIWIlY '''IU lhe OleDl'" i~1 aliter- /18 i- 1.111,\0 II, I' f!<llI'flill" 'V,.,.y cOTMider. I II.'6 or,(tnlll'Y n.llltIlOd; IUI.tI W, 11\:11 It "ue- was-lhe ba.rre l lell!r eu, McumulaLion ()( wt:llhh Id 10 live wiLh \' Ie , . tlll ' II IIIg Iler Il b I'c~rn"s ~\lml'''x I ' lVl .e d..(nc .. u b)' luo ~ttgcr m"l1I el\lO- luMe muTt'nll/Un t!,1lI1 any ~illyre ""l"me tilgned to 1i1.1 II, 1\ ro~e J ~ l I ~ PIlice J up . Ollt l"blJl'. DKLIYJ:8 U8 from. woman "ith' a ..., I IIlId .mpurtuu,. II CullUIIll\te8 III man, \ hUI:tus. The IlltliHns Olt!II11Lilllll re ' l 01 ,ide. i,l tile f/'(I/'ld.' 11 IIfluralti 110 (lP II,e WAler plpll, "od III Iii" "Ilter C(lmeA uU l utt I1very stroke or worl{ you 'do 0 d" I I' I I' , ' . "11 J d d ,II spiriL ur di¥p"l:uion in her .oul, who is n lU ellll S 0111" to Ihe end lhltt vou .. n~sp~'n Ing Wit I.' L. II~ sr." ~ LIlij cum · olllv",l tu Lbi:l Inel'V"lion , Lrlldill g I p"llulli,y luI' cumpreheodillg 1II0dL Ihor- lliroug I II 18 C" ,'" 8n rol" I.n Ie J p'.'!Xlly 111 .'he. lIeliSlllYtl I~I~ '" lhl! sc .. l" \ gllllll~Ulel\ ul ButI.. lo dl:lermillell Llo IIuKitly 110" b,,"" IlIl\gu,,!(e on e"rLIl . 1r:1! hous!:, wut:re I~Curm80ue tioltcJ ml\a~ 1'1111 pick YOIl up 00 'he poinl of " s h.llfp • .. nl enCII lUI it you "ere u. dropped "tllcb .111111 ~"e dlly h ,ve like an oltlilltly, uf efJUlpl~xlty In tht! nu ln llv e IIl c,:-A ~ ! plnc .. Ili s .. " t11l1ill& In IIlIl n .... cily c"m 'J I,e \IIl1n"" millli OlIn sCHrcl:ly IllIwe II or Ice. , Aut; you II cedll't tt'll me lilat repose dIll ''11'0 rise III lmpOI Lllnce lLI'Y li se Ill , ClHy .Ut: "Ollll Ihe re liC" of lit " OVler 'c llr- \ lhou~h" .. f which IIIt'I@ i~ IIulll r"pre- - - - •••-.- - iu her knillillg ·work, Isn't swed unl t-s8 il i~ ellrlled by Lloi~ I.u ~ ,SCII Ie 0,f d f' P~1l d tell.C'L . '. ,I' iolt 8. 'W ',. hunol' lh p. Ul wll, II II lIIunll I ,en l "live ' ,\0 \ I."' s W"n".,. .• (\ "W ,I I\II d u bu!) . ~ Al Vrt~ , .. ~l, ne~roes ."r'3 a 0:-vc OIlll!!\ ovcr ' J>l'lti sI:d cn!! I!ty Hild IIctivily . I h~ s Il It~)~ .or II IrHon 1'1111 loog , 111"111. A,' conll ngly, Lh~y prucured" !nul enulI"'... "llI\g II .., WIIrIOUS d"p"rL 10 VU I.. III unly bill. 8\"IC~, V\lI : Mllloa, ~ A (@l\Ul! wl10 I.!0\druok on elecYvu ll ou'l beli" vll IIl1yliliug 01 ti le lI{ll'r Il S br!llll I ~ '''Illov cd . , I III\\'I:! k.. ~t I"ud ell C,.fIill , bUI Ilib flllllliy, on I~",,'- tllClltw, wlllC" I'l!tlch (r oll\ Ihe ml\n .1I"l Nt:w l1"'np ~ l",e, Rill' V~rmoul. sub · lion dllY, said it WIl811winK to hisoiforLlJ SOII,YUUl'8elr. f rag,s (lH se\'t.1'II I we,,"ks WII I"l.Ut t IIt' II' I, 1110 I ,. "p.r.y ~ptrl',', " Ih,.il I)UI'!,U ~ ", l elu·"d lu Ileccd .. 10 ' allOWS .l le rn O ~L to I'11m who I."nOWK t I... J"ct III th" slime cOIiJitiunll IlIl "hlLe 10 PIll uUwo 1 . II I l'I,)or. If you lin e w Illal a ccr lllin hl'lHn s , IIIIlI ~nllln~ Wil Ilout II",Ir I"~,Il I- . II, IlIlU d~III"Il,I"d Ihe dUNl uf It. .. g rt·at 1 .1I~', III perlect l\uapllUn 10 " . wt' mell; io M"M8ao"u~etts"lht!' most be -- ---- -. , ~I IICL of lallJ "IIU uil "!,Iings li n i ~ . alld H<ldi, Lhe illuMtrillu A [ '"hll il 1l.ltunlll-t, !O.1I1 0l', 1111.1 "",,I' ~lUce I.IlI'\! 1"''';tclI)u.l) i would ~1l:V, u -e this dlOIlOOlIl'Y if you atr l., 10 l'~lId Hlld wlile i ill Hlllld" b- . ~ Whl'oeyer 1\ goldell wedulng IS I~ 1I'('re I Ii I" mon II I~ 1\[, e r tl II' \ held alllh"l l e lJl"llI~ 01 I1110. "r"'- I "O~ 1.~1 II"ve e"'tI'Y m)' ~ ltlry ot. wur,,~ .• III I.. nd. flnl.1 be wOl'lh one IIun,rt!' I I alll gOlll!: o.n. RI , e w"r y . IYoung Illd, I I . oll'tred y.o u nI a luw p.ic"" Y"ll " pt" lur l I". tlII'C mos. WUU ( JU np lit ,I,e chllnctl, Ill) mall",r .emov,11 of 118 b,IO"'": Now: It IS Iwed ure_ a'l! IIUW Oil 1001, ltuW"V61'. untl .·l' HI1,~Ir~h bu.. k~ "'Hllv .. led , . . ",irly dullllr8 In 1'1,,,1 eshle. in Ne" I~uuld !r,ke 10 ~I! .m the Tlng or rather wllo )' vll 111'0 , Rlld pl'uvidv, wiLh 110 III- It!BS to sny tlt.\t III hi gher 1H1Imlll~ ,1,,"111 tile IIU SPICC:I of Iho l3ulf,\lo 1l,.LurlO7lI J h18 "ork, wtll u_ed In A (.. mtl;. "III YOI k, IIIU Mt oc ' worlh t"u hundred and Itaye a linger In !L, hoI' IlL 1\11, (or thtl Ilfu uf rllJlllse you nil' wOI.II .1 r"pitlly ,allow Ih~ loss of ,tht: : ::)IlCI"IY, to glvl! Lue bOiled III,pruvrtalll It" 01 '~lllre AI!\o'HIlIl\ge 10 Ih", rn"llt~r8 tif.y uulllll's u ver ,,\I incumbrance'i in IIlways ad,v i.in;; nle lu ~ Ilnl by hlll'd bl'ltill. A sonlelVllllt mlld"r 1'1I",lIelt ~ m blll'i"l: 1I."reo' Ihllll IlIll"dred. oft/ollar. hurl up K~II < "~ , fllld under Ihe It!:W Hlldlclll &;I" A ,Ieep,ng car ,,"h CI~'fe~ll "I)l'k allu oUj>i"u~ perspiraLion frool the i! S~e ll nIl lite -""mo'"I. 01 Ille 1"",.11 I II mOlley -Alliulice A/vl/itor. Con~lilutjUII of Missouri, thlly Are DOL ber~hs lall!l,. 1i1lHt.d °du'cJfrodm. InclhD~y e"row p, Nuno of thc h .. rh el' 11111111111" can ~ urVI"C 'I' '" N' . _ 'I'he nUln "11.'w" d to ,·ote. 111111. Another " .. "ue urlog \ • It i~ (udle, lilen. to ding At me Rny • • • ~ I b l u E lLD OI .. TlJ\\ E~T . - -,- _ e. u v "" . Illll jle r, illVI'IIise uf Illllhiliol1 flll U lllin;.( 8 ,,~eI'lO U!I InJlIlY le.lh" lelll'L; ul 1.;"1 , 1",1' ul IIUIII .... S ,,,,,I 1£111'1'1'18 livill l! ')11 Sy.L~' -Dt;I' IAr. , - TiI"l e is 11 0 re,,1 mH ' tnp. We nrc 1111 lI{l~r th e ~Kme e nll', IIII! org'ln CIUI ~t: rcmoved fr um ," r,·p" t' , ' \)1' ncar the ' H,ed L{'iv,'" vI' tlt e 1\ urli,' ,,, , II III "" '":111011 wl,i et. i .. 11I'l'ir,.d by lit e " OU'!> POWER _ A ""lILlemRn in '..-- IC " hAI( a 10R£ be beLler thall alllllile ItnimRI Will crlllYl IIlIlly ~ .. CIII I 'I" t ' I I f w. . .. plea~aot ~ijL ji[., lor tlta I",\st l',xe I'Lion, . I ' 11 I,'" liIl1l11 .. ,1 III Lltll'ty IIIou -'\' ( . " .. ,. .('j " 1\111 Y u, I I,· I"PI! " H I't'CIIIII I)I'n H' ; :5' II III Ii 8 Irlllll~" II c'; III'I" of D' ico no brutl, d )t'B it rl)l1o" tbaL a whol. , Ingl)' 115 1I\'I'Iy I, t! c~e r. A Id og \\1 1'1 I",\,<: 110 \Il' w"v"pe l'~, llO IN itli !!,, 1ur!!:!,, ' ,.1 >lICit "" lI !! , " "1 It. .' r~ i. u"lv " .. II lu,,,, et'l ~I I', ' 11 :' ,I (••• cl,lo,·ry 'I)r "n"b'llll~ Anti r repeal, llmt 1 wisb 1 wet e all Itv c st! I'el'n l hours WllhoUI" ,ea .1 lin, . I I I ' . I I ~II' I, t · "~· - ~ e lo.fer is "Ily beLtllr bred? old I!ldy . . ' ' f' iZ'UI OIi "lid (J llly A hmil "" 1, .. lt'"IUl lle,, · ~"C" UH" , .. I ()"r" II "lIpect~ t "II, 11' II c l 10 'pin culi UII yllru Tllll wOlk i" h is a matter of rl'gret to me -lnll ~v~ 1 1 hilI', ~1~ln~ "n,1 ~Il'uggle 1l~111I liUIl wi'tlt tI, ,, I\Ull:l ""rid. Tit,· 1." /;",1 ". u uglt h,' '"") n)l,ke ,1)111" . mllll '''cli- I' n" 0:1:10 Irel\"tllilll'rillcipl~ , II i8 ~ A J"un~ latly lallin" your Arm or mnl iciou8 grRlificliLiull 10 you-lhlll II~Jul'e d. Sulhng ,f1 nce 1"' ~I'OH ( 1\ II " 1'()ltiulluf IIt" ir fun. lind ll ", re", I" ', 1 'e,' allho 111"<', I, ,, ",III )H I','o"i\'c .. '~ ':.n~lrU C"II" 1 tltll tllta cllmmon hlllt"" is no oertl\in aign thaL .lIe "i:! take my wi~ h \'Un novel' be (ulfilled. l' let=~" fro~ a frug . wili ch. h " ~ <t"i wily II) I/lIl.k eL Illruugl. M' II I1 CSIIt" lo · , ~ : urrl 4{r ell l l' r tilll" Ihllt. IIlId 1/11\'" II ~ ~I<l: I ' ,, " ,,~Ied lO Iwist "U l ! rt-el yotl\' haO\1. 1 \y1I~ so VHy lilLie, M lhe time of c O~"l1u "d I.or Ul\,~ h Ollr' I~ 11 0\). , ," I!~,';' ' ,I." Mi ~~ I~~ippi r!\"' r, lL I. 1I11111111" ,tl M" .' lil 1I11~1' HII. ~,. bu\, ~Ioouhl lliillk Irt;Il I' t u;: lu -I 'll! 111I~~dll pt'r UIlY , Tu - - , - - -- - - my birt h, 'h ilt nollOlly Ih ough~' i' wor'l, IIst\f, lind III VIIIlOU~ \V8}S rnll lllfcsL I ~, •.;tl' ~ ~ lIl clJ Ih e Iir~ III'lIl"n " ;)OS ltI w"l'I' !'\"'1 11." III'{'~ I:~ glellt nl ~". who I".n !: vOlpl " I" tI,i~ Lh o li , lI " p,·t! I, 'lriHn \tIl M U- '(~Qlu .. worshipp.,d in all eli~liile to cortsulL my '1Ilshea on IIny tiub \' acilY, ,._ \., 'Ihhli-htu Ih"r c. yt't up tll I"~ pl"' .. n' I ~,ell ~.um I"wln\"" lel<d, 1,lIn 11/ f"lIuw lu run I"t IIII 'e. , Tlli~ j .• III'IIt:y h plJr . ' mil le. wllhout R ~Illgle lemple, An~ by lect, not'"vt',n thaL or sex . O::T Th o followin' i. tI 'e numb('r "I ' lilll e Ih ere I.IIQ 1",t' lI no pr(ll::lrl"~ III W'lrol l l!l IIt"lr lu"I"I"JI~ for Ih~ ~ nk ,· ur \~II\- i' lll~ e\''' ')' .Illy IVilh Clu e, 1111 elMSl'S willlf)ut ~ .ingltt hypoorl:e_ But if 'I ha;1 ,be(;'n Jlermitted 10 rai~~ pet~on 5 whi ch II", I~rgrst .ct.lIrchr~ in : cil'J\ iz ,tilln. TI.i s i~ lil. .. 11' III h". "!"Ill . i ll~ Iht'i ,,:" t-min,"r-~ : to be p"li~'III, UI ---- _. _ _ ___ (J::r Mlllly " rich m"?,, iD brio!ling my small wtlice in vindic"lioo uf 1\11 in Elir(l~e "i ll c nl"in :_~~, 1' ~ 'l' r~, L!lJlt ~ Iure h'ne;, A !no\'.-mt·nl I' n"w IIIrd wu, klll~, ~ III""'U-, ~1·lf dt: llpng, tl I ' I II I II I ' II r 10 h c ITI ••• II A ne1!r(l. p~rli e u\.\rly 1\ uAFlel nne, up his ~o", M\!Cms IImblllOu. 10 make ' , "4 ,0 0; calh"drlll III r.litllll, 3i,OUO '; III) IUI.l 1,1 ~ f'C I~ a n 'p"" ':11 1111 1111" ,t' •• unl·~.' III or " \.' " ." g" v d epcll:!e llt J'uU"tmeOL on my OW" b,,,. · '\ P I I I I I. ill I i,..nu l' cUII-i .! ,' ll·d Wurlh much in NlI w what Anrvn uillde-" "o\l1'eo call. St. PJl\lI'~, til Lontlon. ~5,UOO " St. ~t1- ClIll"dihn Itl' llIm .. ot, 11( , I 1(- w,u " ' ,t'll .. II CIlUln l' ~ u lc .. r. UI' ~' li e I nlf'~ ' , 1III\(. ,\7UIl may " b.... ure, 1 would ha~ i l l I II I I I I I I I I III 01'1,'1 1116, J·lId.oiU phi". at C"n s lllll~iflo ple" 2,3 ,000 : Nt» d'''pvel'S !1I1t I'"tl tors \\ I . >oon It: I II'I'!'. " ." -~ue I I••·... ~: II:IIC I Illn .10, cu .. "If rr"n:t II, ~ r.)lI uIVitw .. betn born FIn old IRdy. ~ Bt:~ rlle to "It, We may be Ira. All\s I 1_ •• ooly Il boy , alll,l eAO Irt! D»m!! li e Pari~. ·2 l.uoo i e'ltl"'dr"l lwlicli lhll I' ra 0 f Iree \\ e81ero I I.C, t fill t III c tl le~e 'll"A III'I'll h toC"" ~tl II ... ). "". i"' 111 elll f' \J ill" No, IV Orll:Rnli \''' I,er : 10 Ih., bad without. tal.. &0 lob. ~e~lIt real,ize m~' dt! ire, H 1 8hoult! of Pis.; UJooo ;; S~. Malk; of V':llice, full of ~OO1IlIl~I!, ""d 80 ruBor dl~cQm ' ~ece.. ~al'y 10 cUOlplt"Le, ~~.nl.ol1d, I\lId to ''l'ltertl i." u~nd lIi~ltin in thll. ri,,,r'aL px1. i! li!, \0 ..,.~. (.be ai' Qf ollr r"lleclable l 7.000, . for"" Will be a l. 80 eod- , ;he dn.,lopmclDl of h •• hllmau eolli. Ihe roo, ora Oo.t.um &Ule '~Ile'. -~ ;"'z.-:;:~, .J :.~: ~~., !A.iii)~'!~_· ...... " ",.~ L:-..L··'I4IlI· ~ ~ .t oO ~:/-" ort"~_...:~ ~ • • ,,"' ...... • ... \o,.J;-~.'.l't'''"' 0 ~ ~'l " 0 On 0 sunny SUllltII ~ r mIJ rll illa Enrlv II~ th B tl ~ w .... Il~ dry .. ' UJllhe hill I Wil li I n hprrY ';I '" Need I lell YOII-I "II 'toll ~v'h1~ F.",.pr 1) 'V id II . d " tlllUL!hl e r Al,d il hlll'p pnpd 111 01 I knp'",
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RETAIL DEAt.Sal 11'( .AOBtCI1LT JUt IN TII& SoIlTo.-The no Aaaault. == ~I)e H,rald's Ipeuial 1",.: EmigraliQD A COUlb, or re T~fO,". -' . DRY _GOODS., ~ • , mi g many seo· A geDtle-an 'Who resides in Dal_. • • ..... I"ITIO.. "ID Til· l'h:.. \'(IIU" t:IIA- no" !". •It .'!llh yol......' '. compAnlU are .or 0 R£Qul &E8 , •• £1>I.&,TQ "'J' _ LLOW £lJ ' • 111 ..,:". \18.1) j',urnol r.OIlII,rlOl\lC lornllt)' I bl, QUEENSW ARE, W & J •• I " i 11 e I 0 h J 0 • uons of tbe NOItb LO furnish Ibe Soulb aDd wbo 'Wilnueed mOlt of th4t aOi, 8uQfVWl Jl£ gHIC"~.o' F A ~.'.n . <I . . .II '" Ihe I)ub~ 'U IIOII of Ih~ .L-\_ "i\h I"bor and oapital Deces~.ry 10 pr,? "'ave us, in 8ubst\nce, the fo"ow~g '10 ,,~1rtro£, T~: . r N .:W.' 0 1' T~ ~: D Y. ""d ~I ~".'j)"" WEDlfE8DA T.lfOVElIIDER 1!9t 'N6, b , f b . Louw~ a Fermauenl 1111 .. 1: -of Ul'll 1"lliIrtli KI ",oy 1I.~k" ,t l,ullIllIlI~ HARDWARE, duee lheir 8Qliuslomed crope. Bod allo accouot of the trouble O. L. V 8111l0d~- lrrltatllon 0 l e . . I . ble , il.tl rtol;"r; , .. .I 1.., III.<\i.OI. "nIHII'I c 1,,1111. ~ OL ~I ~-- . ••••• NO. XXII. to .ublt.aotially bene6t Ihe emi.,rar,L. I111m ba d 10 ' E a I0n , iii fllff ne' 11 roul Alre ,tlO!~&l1~ell~ .. or lin • nCUl1I w\lhoullhu IhMt r;~Il, "",lIf Ofl~r· Luo, ~'I"I· . ih Iwh.tIt' 01 IlIiluCII~" 11,1\' I~."'" clll I'l'ri "', M" GROm:RIES Tbe United State Mutual ProLection "1:10 : 18 OFr61'1 THE I\&-OLT. 1I10ifl that i"tIu a ..o tI" ri",y ",a~' I~"v~<f" . ~G· ...~ N JI R A. L B"ll W 8. 'I I F' . d ~ .. ""ll" N(;D1Aa:L 'TJlOCIlE8 I .he EIl~ "'ft. oj l t lcd "lid Ill' "rh ..,,'~d ft <1,,CompRny of Ibid oity, 'WIL I tie Int Whi e Rwaiting the tparlare.o. e DROWN" so V e'i LI AUCCO 8 lllk ill II pu.ilio.. UIIIOIII\' lhe .D~i· &c "I'sl",,' Postmn"ler Genellli lit 'IL& Sou_th. which dtillyed by Ille Hav ia"'· .direct I."fluenc.e on Ihll ul.lituOf The Missouri H ou.e 0f Be preten ta- AI. ' • .. 1'-' Ii 1\ ohill.!. f I I II 1 r hu boell . d I fAIIUJe o( ,he Lrlliu fro~ Lhe Nurlh to give illll1nedlat f! ,.... or ron , lion. 1'ho ol'.leUI 0 lI e pu' .,r, . Ill ' 'I1f1 '''y~1mt~'M1l1_TT.1, "" tives ba. pa •• ed a bill provldioi (or ~he be.J. has already Ieaae many . • " u", RrTive on time a genLlllmRn priva1J f \ '\ slhms, Cdurr~, c.;ull6umpliye al,d 1'hrolll will b~ 10 fUf·,i,Ia t~oo ~::':b~: 8wl~I'~I'. el~/~~ ;t/ IJA ll~",,~ VA:.Ial.li1 suppor' of "ounded anJ dila~h:d 101- ble planlation8 in nOrLbern aud cenLral illformed .Mr. Vall"ndigham dfal!lle bad DldtllS~8 , 'l'roi:lsl~8 o.re uddedp \\b" I~h S·lp\::t~ f,~:':bll'~\~ ~· ~,~:t~D"O conlluG I it •• lUI III"r,it Inylle attt'niion to lbalr Btoc~ of Mil. aissippi, aod hili many "pplioaLiooll d I' If I I I . /Zuoll success. Ingorl an U Ie: I itt and _alum of Ihe l'~oV' I. die". bllLler stcrele _ IIruie unp lie n ' ers wiil fillll Truched uselul ill ctearing ~~c.~~u~hi' lIir.otluli hat h.~n.o ~!,~'k"'I" Tbe Canooian (JouromenC is so from Soulbern pllmteu (or teMnts ant! W8S ready to _IRrt. III betn \llIe vbice when IlJk llll be foro ellllji'ng ur lU 11I111.e it IIIpbnl i... lly lhe S JO R· 'an iova.ioD, th.L an ' ar- laborers. Some five Ilundred fllmilie8 msde, bv I'80me relurned 80lJlere, 011 NAL BII"I'Y 10WI' cI'ol "\11 M V . • ilf • • pt'ftkill",,' Ind re elvin"," the Ihron\ urter'l'la . • undI i,r .h811 e II.'b. ,. our lit Iecon.lOI\I ~.p C.IA S, ' ·, It I in the Ellter b r • So I ' J Il'ellllDg umroug'y, r" IlIhlljl.· 1"lIusu,. lexertion 01 the vuculorgal1s. e lIllUGIO' C'·, 'r ' d" e ~lId 'lIainl.i"lh" e.,ecteuw Icare . " fellrful of FeDI In,Y (\f 40,000 men, to protecl l e ron- are preparmg to move ull In anu · Iy proliled by Ih i! hinl, 1I0d len. Trul'hel u~e r~cotnmelldeLl nlld Ilrescri!led ~UIII~ I'UI~ ~(~~ee~~" olt"hIN~ CLA~SES o( Ihe is beiog orgllniled. ary in tllll auspioes of' Lbil Alsooialion. place. Our ioformllol holl "lmosL'liir· UY ,Ph}·air.innl. ' Iw,.huve huu 'l't!slimpniols "ollnlr)" "thOle dully loil Dl\d true 6. 'l'lIo deb~ of Georgia ia $2 1,000,000; •• - - - gOIL"n Ihe .oirCURlSLlInOIl " Ilud some Ifrum ~: lIIillellt. I\lell rIhruuj[llolltlhe COOIlIrY, d. r,l1 hue .0 ~lIU""11110al'\h,,·tho poW,,~ .. j\(\ .1' I' .II 1. ' .1 I . '1 01cUlI,luc II u R tI"ubhc" re,or'''' BRADLEI'S DUPLEX ', V" - .'8,OOO,OOO 'hBve been repu· OARPltT j'OR TUB HoesE 01' RiPftBaBK' a(It:r\l'IIrd. W8S ngrlleBbly 8eateu In ~th.. I Belli!!I811 6r\ICJo Y 10• IUllIllOI.. 6 II Ie INDUST"IA1. " t1i 0 IrUI! b ,lIIuIL. I 'slUII"Of IUYllill mall~ "ro Ihnl pm IlfIlI.II.e ~. I' but of I . . f I ,, 'n;R ~: ·')'S of lhe p opl•. ~nd 10 elevolc,~na I f d bt . d TATII'ES,-Tbc Herald" special 8Rt·S: nR~6clIger Car, when 80me ona rua ed ,pro vet tIIelr ~ ~lIcy Y U ,~ 8 diated, betng t III amounto e rallle J io alallls~ exbllUSLe d ilil 1,,,1 crul d yt'UIS, ~lIch yen' fillds Ih om III "rIY loclt\i· IIlIllro•• lbei r C&)lIdition.lhe Era "vl'r I.•n.bel''' in /lid or the rebellioq. One of Llle 1&(" I\cqui~itioos Lo t h e ' h' f 't! I ~I \Iiep lill YUrillll1 porta u' Ihe wurld. opd the u"d ,,,II cO lllillU6 I" hll lh" lir", ~h'")1II1UI:' In Our"Stock or Cbarges Or fraad in counLing tIle l{ollse of is a carpeL 'l'rticl"es ure wally prollounced boiler I ll I ' I I" . C . . .• ( E \ d . Lh" " , ' lhun olher Drlle ea. {. Th k '"'' 01 11"1 eou,,BOOTS AND SHOES, ,otea unpon lbe new .Illl&&OUfl onl\llmporle.. rom an ,eOBliog a 8ea\, ' . apparently m h Obtain ollly 'BrUIYII'. Bronchial Tro' "onGc. . . • whor 'I' b n . ( "& \ d d II e daVIn upon d 'rh • I I trQ " .• hlllll ne' <I. ,.,11 ""1'"".1816 1 It • 0 • • , .LI f•• 1 tulion l.a1liog been .malle, lhe Leglllla- round aum 0 ' Ieyen l.IOUlali 0 IlIII, alarme. II oe1. 1011.\1\"\ OUt • • chell,' Dllt! UU "01 luke OilY 01 lIe Wllrl I- tI,e hell~t1la of." lournol devoled 10 I~ei: i\,ler -15 OF THlt7 to baa appointed a comml\Lee lo ia- 11 is very eleKBnt in patterD, and of lbe mllnt beard a crowd moont ~\i4t' 1: \ lessS,,\,\ im\;..lil)l\s ,1 ..,1 ~IIAy be ulfe.r.d . e .... \V1I!cll ",,\I r•• ,leu!1 ft .~rt 8t1d .,,,d,e.l. re , ' . ' ..' fo~UI aDd 'he words '0 --11 Ihe 81('vef.ywbertl 11\ lhe UllIlPd Sllllel, Ih."r cI~\lI". !Such the "'U, e,er ha. bUll an." he 1. .tigate ibe ma~ter. , ', lionL. quahty i bllt CI!lllinue 10 IY.rnaTd•heto ·~"··bl. ,\b8rl,,(or8. "1 • W' . , H I 11111 oplDlon d f IS noL I lor \'1 gife Ilim • ..ty~od one l' Ollr .... in. unll ill FureioJlI .. Coulltries, III· 3~ cenls 8 per w,ll h... w"h "" .. IIell t",,' rftln •• on ~ JlIl( HO'D. Preaton AlII!, OU~lom .o~se waolln~ .m?~g lle 0 ro.w 8 0 peop t' furmaM Ihe,n recognize~ Mr: ~ 1\ "D · b~x: . l~lY-=- .i new' uf Ih•.toun~ry 10 cOllie up u.il ll.lI , 10 commILh:d,lulclde Ibat ,IL tbe Oapllol ADd di,.itam upon Llle . . "1 " lhe 8UI'I,0(IO I lhr Elu. thaI wa UIAY lie there1, officer ..t N'ew York, All or which II offered a' Ihe lawell . .. ' _ ' hdatly VISd'd r 1 eX/lm· ' ''1 - S81l''Inear him. ~.IiV·,T CorUlllml)lloll. sc:rohala, ~' . b e,,en.blo, 10 ,"uk e IllUore worlhy 01 Ihcar COli • on MODda1mormng, by Jumplog Q~er. IIle l e splen I aparlD;lente 0 I)e rep' Mil men clime I~to • Ie. I'lIr, CD . ,I"" ."I.bm, 6e, lit lic e 811d I,.I<OII-ge. In ~lS novoney of 1~'fI mllrkel 'Pricea. bo a rd from lbe Hoboken fetry boat, faoric,inr' ..0'V. robrinul "ddre,BII:,1t Lo \I.lm dc HC(fenlan &. 'CJ O .'e 'r: enuln'e ' Medicinal .""",nun rillhll 'of 10 Ih .."'''1\1 Wlt~ oh.tll leahand .. m,0ppu.,llon, t ..,,! WIll Oot.2'4. , re.enllltive cbamber' tililt . epllh\lll aodadel\oun n~ L rl while io' a stalo dr lemporary .liberlaJ queslion eould, "ith grIll' propnely, o . pp, ,. ~ . .I bi. '. . I ' IJ ' CI.d iver vlLp hns jl'roveU! by ~\velllY fI ii, her.fore. Ihe bound.". duly 01 Ihn8" . . , .~ A' I . blm ' aft a mld~r~ Ie trAllor, W100 g I \"eara ellpel"iene , 'the most vnlunble .rem- \Y~01ll il ,·indi r.l", Hlltl tldend. 10 8\11nd by alld hOD o( DIiDd. 1I .. ,e oome Irom an t;nerICBO 0011). 10' 10 bo strung up, ~ome of lite ore cdy in uar .... while It cures II,e di&eese, it ul'~ old il. !J'be h rlt'8 hourollg .. a' .... I)l,·h h" . .. A mao' Damed 8mitYI in Scott coon. stead of bringing it from over tbe leas. wiolen~ w~rll for lAking bim "'Itl df1eahd toJ the plltient ...... g'·OIY." f..1 tbbr. QI Pdro•• ., , . ' . ' b" I ·ou~ ·dof t,IIII.' j!iwl!s w strellglh d I!' h L' perIl),. ricll""d Hre 10 ablor e"~!!g III W'I18t IhJ'e~r~ Yo If"br •• , ty tawa walTeveotly ' lbreahl1lg With ••• - - car IIlld 'lixlng 1m, as lle~ 6111 , cr· i ouellll' pure.,!l" n!R II rl'Q)r rell I- lIIore lnll'drlbnt tllott~ ... , or '0 chaaned 10 Ihe • '.... ,. . -b' b I , .\ . TUB RSCIPROCITY '1'ftEATr.-The N.Y . sons in lhe car lrilld to pacify ~hll " n, Yllr~. Suld til Jlruglt ldl• I!l'lIe ull.v, I'~hirl .. of pulilieoal p.~lie•• Ibnl Ibo" hll~o 10.1 a m!l0ulne 00 " , IC .eroillne 01 wa. a b I ' .' to • .I'r ' u ECI'JIAII &. co., hi of Ih " i" I~'e,ts or L.hor; Ihi. void L Ih e L WI'" . I 'TI B" I M' lit I ley wtre ","rneu u y p, . , .~ . . ." iii I NOW 15 TFI ' 'rIM ' r • " . . . lubricator or U 8 spp.cla Ie rillS 1 In · Our :nfol·mnnl. . . ll"" I ' ",wcnL .10 lie I . c~n . \ Ch~mistll 1I11~ Drugl(181f ' New .York. 1'.11..' •.eekl 10 nl1•. ,"\1 . lUPl,ort I:. <. '~' · , " , Toe 011 becam' 'I:IQlled by . 'I8Y': Ih ti Workmen Ihl! "ouillr,)' 10 II In lhe' bei"'~f' a'jou1'nal and .e~. Llle. ma. Isler bllB been 1~ltrIlC!ed 10 ur~e on our duelor. Rnd iosiel ed on ,hilll cuming in , - - - (\ D 11 Ihe. lIill'h nrge. of itlduli e!. In rtl("rd 10 the W AI ,~ ,:R S \ iLL£ t . 0" sil[ hun. Government .Lhe prope. "Ry of making lo 'lhe cnr to. protect. ~r. V"I btl~" \IC'\ 1!11'''Ptnbn\& ,25 cents to SIlo;ve ,,5 .ucllzihe 0 arl. reo d.o l~hl.'~.1 'I~,,·IID~' 1I!"1 "' A} ..bl!an.1 bruu~I~I. before Ctil n'e o'ii: fil'll . . • burnt i\ u.J~~ '"itb j ,. ' . . ' ' COllcl'nlrulpd cou,III', lor con".t"rllllo d., '~IOII. Ilw HI. OD' h'~lIi II splendId IIIIIOr\meo\ o( dr.d bU8heis o( "heal aDd' it large qun- a ne" Oanad,nn l;eclprQc,111 trea~y. Ne· cOlltluulor 811111 Ihere "a 8 no use to ry '. ~ P . l O S I ' &. in I EnA will .'ollll .. ue iv 111111111.111 lhe IN I.·OMIT . . ' _ • I iii ' "11 b ' I IL for 'they '/I'oultl ml\lt~~aL him . " o. mOI,e.. UIIl, ~ca8e .p" b. c.. ~ 0111- ABLt.: ANI) INO!,;I~ '';NOJ::l'fr J,~.i l ioll il hR, Clt of oal.. . ' gOLlltllOna to t lat e e<l~ "I e opene! ' k ' ~ k ii" " .' If. :pnd cI~lIn9 Salk H, It,blwIlS, Oloyl'8, &0., ulwi"" oc.' u~i ed bOlVi"". 10 Ihe illlllle. of 110 BROAD,o~orl'HS, 't . #v, I II ' • . , He WIIS lhen as ' Ild 10 I'IIC ' ~ 16 tr Ill ·· O' I "" . . Ill! I ; . ' ,. . .. ' . . "CASSIM ERES. emiflF "jl~ Lbe ,cbarm. of at an early '}'AY '8S \p09!>ible . 'fhe Gov, Lha rOAd ' SOtn~ UISllll!Ce, .1' ' \ ' : eqlJtl1 10 new. " celiid pE'r &ullC1)., e, !I!" poilleu l »a" I·eal. i 'o" d "lue. IIut ketil" ."" '" ., ... '''''• 'J"'Qulh ..~ . ., down nvu ,'" SIIld by Dru~::i8Ia.II y ..lJEGF.MAN hUlln! O!' I~e nls •.•••. ~l'lto. .F.OI. D VES'l'fNOS a.J:)Aallllful .ma"J. only nnt~d bl. pall- ernmeot ofLhe .UOI~e~ States hup be~n Wllillhtl. Qni,al of thll trlllD Ibey W e Gh"'llIiuI.Il,ntl Dru""lol~, Ne\v ¥orIL ' IOHIt\J,. ~f.Pi\~lMI·..NT WIll be ,plrl~rlily . TRlinnNGS, _ _d h' , . , .' b" . f . . . b b -. 1 I (I d . I ... condurl..", I" ",h,el) <l ill y ..e b&tle MIIO';lnled I w.lh u. on Ib"'"dil~rh,I.llIff Mr. It: r.. NEVIL &0 .. whlcb lie mil nullc'ure' Iccnrdlng to Ion bY 'low.~ "IMn toucblllg II ./llr lor aome ,1I8e 0 lalDlng In ormation ~xpecllng; UI e Slllulll IA ,no rill OOS'. to,o under lho . la,ble. 'l'be girl relative Lo Lhal maUer. <' ' 10 ub iL; yet h~ fil!lllly, al;r.t;t!11 to ,q.'lCbllP.UC.d d~ no'4 Fn~e, So,'e La;n•• K""t1"DI~n of <>1t' er'~nc& and abi:i'y, ",.11 the LA TES'r •. . J' ; • '1' \ inlo Ihe CM Andlry to preY/III on I~ Itips. (;b.llblnins, ·4e. k l1","I1' oueor Ihe .18ul)ch ad,IIe.t., Blltl Irll ~ ' ' b" '~'" . , ore \I aOYlDoeJ' ~U • . III al ellOll, . ' I' .• I d . " " I . frient:. oi lilt, W1)1 k;"lI me .. ot Ihe Union. In b , ci • I LITERARY Na.ndllS. 1'lOlen to leave. }t: cnh:I'\:u till Clll' R Heg~IJlLLII &.. co .1e C"'"phor ·ce. ":"h . horl.alllh e illllu ...c•• Ihnl I!:NERU'i hl AND ~nd S~yle81 'Wben .be crn~ ou~ • • l say. look bere I endtllvored lo -enforce order, but I~ Glycerllle. cl!rea chop-ped IJullud, &.~., 1m- IN O STftV CO li 1-0111'01 evil I Ile hrollt 10 . anti lit 1M if Y9U lq,e me, tQII m~. "o, bu~ -don't ON' HO"DltED ' Go'" DOLt'R8.- meo tolt! him .they wele II'S ' go'ou s 1I""li.lely. Ulltl will ,kcl'p !he skill BO lt 1.16br · lo",uk~i 'worl!'r!lf Ihe popular u)ll'"rt. . t '.' " ,," uu" I ' .,' I '\ nnd ~ 1110 0 1 h in tI.1' co ldt'bL weolher. Suld A,"ollj; olher lellllll'''' WIll be Abur•• u 01 'or· LOWEst POSSIBLE PBICE& Ulty ,my. I COalOgl_ . ", Imy mlln W 10 CIII'rt eu II ,. II nt l' rn ~ R I D . . I P ' '2r. " b' reo"u.. lle,"·e whkh will 'enoble .. I In pllhllSh '. d tlall Ii ~le of an excPf:dil.,lrly io . I' ., 1 I I tI I cpnll', o;,enl y r . ' .J This is 'l'lle Aratio Fire Oompany of Cairo " I.liIlllcd (I'Mllord III)U lIlly 11151 e I II h.. II I·f.. ,,· eens3"8.celll r'Ilp.:) S HEGEMAN &. r~p"rl. ~IIU'Inuer. ~ .1~'"l1:noro uu" alth" 1110.0· Tile ('lIttinc Uep"n.. eDt "" rtll tl, va'I 0'n "h e "S"il' lht:II. I'I:o·ew Jf (llI·JIlI. litO , or';>d '. , 'New. Yur, k CO" (JOUlIlr)', mltll" "f tile Ihrouj\'hollt Ihe "" , .'terealiog tlllrv 'IIlJOU~ . ' eo b. publial!IHI nuL 'of '1116 " .car ' 'fheTT IS All dnlgglsIS, rull ~OR!\IN.oMl!:N ropons 01 Ihe d"bal" Ulld V"U' g 'Ivel a' gr.nu I .. under 'he aupervision of thlt f'li:ce\lelil 29Lb d. 'SO h' " L' t th 'b fi~ r In lhat .ellloellenL f.mlly pRper, lhe Sun · ti,elr IIbu"1I of Mr. Y., IIl1d SOIDt! 'U·3m' ~.rui\lg. III Ih .• ~I+.I A.,. od.lions • lid Tr.de. urllll! • e. e~~, 0 day-SchfJot Tinvo.. of Philndelpllhl. lhtm in~i~led on Illklllg ./ti1!1 OUl, R . " . I Uuil'ua. ftllt! U,IQ'.' oilier .ul>,; ...,,11 IIllere'lillK In .lIn . L toe I., or
Jll1nmi e"lcUt.
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pl\rt~, "11.'~"O(.llte l\I~.rol>"~'ala JM"~I\.OIIII nd
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~~: Ih;hf;~~.~"\~:~'\.ltl;:d'!~ t~I~~r~~~t c~,,~:
1l.01)1~.·lh'" ~.IlA
»lttC bant iiCailnt, .,'
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DO,?SON, Ibe comp,lDY_'I A gift' enterprise \I I' alloI 'fob harrBllYtl . .II f ' peo of 110 ' putting him ~hrouglli , I' ' AI '1'0 CONSV~JP:rJVER, ' lhpw~ollerH p"hlll:., -, . I .1 e ro:nl1111 ,r f I')Ii, Li ~ \ •• I, AIII 8,lO Il ron,mpnc<t tho pu !)l",n!IOII nf. connecLII d Will l,e felll,al, 0.1 ff lIC ) , . lhe nOise 011 the oul51ue 0 LIe car", s . - '- . n tV .... ry, , "111 1,·" .. TtU: I\'U:llHAN Ie "NI> who; in hia lift~, i. eeo.er.IIJ Iclmo,,'. 86000' lb ' . I b I k author ,,/1-018 n"me 19 a g1Inrftll!eo,for lJ~col\ling luud and thrffllening. A Tho III1~rr8' gnpd huvln~ hllen ~es.'ore" nn: MILLlONAIR£." ",rillel' by a W.. rk · edged to be wilhout • lupllrlor I " II 0 , e given .",ay 01 e uc y Ille sterliflg worth of Ihe lesson il I bs Rile! slones werecl!lslain~ RUtl cia . 10 h~ofth III II lew w('ek~. uy A VNy ~1I\lple "'I' I~' O'.'. whit!' "': III'0 rlr~y j •• Ih ~il lil\l!' ,trulh. REA.DY-MADE OLOTHING holders of ticket.. ' ,., . C 11. . ,.., ' I re medy, ftller hnvlll\( ~utrt!re,j Beverol Ib" Vlr.lls,tude. of l!at 111011 of da.l , 101,. Ih. 'W I r b 0 I' b J teaollell. The object '" 10 BIlOW the l"rlOg 1\!l"IIl~L the car. 10 Il\lthl' abu I ye.r~ ivith 8 seyere IlIli" nffeClion Blld " gl....11111 .rilil. 01' I.bur "lid I..·. , righll u.. d to lafRe qlllnhl, and elellin l qua Illy IN . . ' III1X- wr"lIglo f CBp'' Ift II' hTI,I~··~"f"· -. 1'"1·'1'8'·' ail ur e ' catD " ,rom b t te he am 'as I ' 'Oarn·/. proper uses a8 "011 III Ihe abuses of. itO d mcnllce, M ". V • d'd I 1101 rep Iy, ,.0 1' 1I1~1 drend disf'Ase, Con""mpliOIl-is °III 18~~' a I I.t a nllm er 0 t e canHa 1st, . 0 . money, It nbound. in incioJtnli tlrawil re malll~\I, . .1 6 il 1l.1l ~ lind downoRdt .: Fu . .rou~ Iv In ll Ittl Itilown la I'lid re II uw . suuer· .. 0.... ,'011111:', . all'cOllllllenee I e IIlIe ere rour1,"11'. "v·o . atyle, ul bo'ne malle,.hvlly.• ln.uppl, . .. ' . ~ w .. h, 11,,1,0 Ita" 1'""Ii· I b Dlllerll'liJlell to malnlain the ,epor.llon t\ r ~ r .. '. lU.llattlly a~ lh,. mqmenl, the tralO SIM l·erR Ihe IIIt' UM 01' cure. , u. . cnlion of" .eri"" of I.AUOR '. ONG' wr.i u.n or hi. hOIl ••.•• olle of th\, IIrll c}.... "r_ Ihat. Ct\y arll .bout ~o ll\ke .meaaurlll to J 0 nile b ' ~ubtcription ~n "mduut of rom Ie , Ive.o eml.neM pl!f8ona \0<) ~ II. juu IlS lhe mob ' epirh WI\8 c"lruin ' ,},,, .all w\au ,deaife II, I he wilt' III!1ld ' • by un " or\our· I,\.. ~ill' 11 ,,1 • "1)0'" rh)'lIl • have Dlldley alld hi. D. . i.tellll' will 'p.,e •• , Y' , ' 8ho" lhat weIl1L1). io order 10 prove R Alinll'. Hn,1 ,,, .. : .. fvrmn", 1IIIIIks there i, copy of Ih!, prescrilll io ll uEed .(Irl'e 0: o(t.,!, .tlll·' 1.01 Ihe_popul.ar h." :I. ' . . money IpOiOleDl 10 puroha.. a fRrm ble ..uu'''Lho-r-...- i ~p'prr"u. 'fhe nu uoubl Mr. V. "a8 Ihu. 6J)lHed mort' I th"r~ ...) willa 11"0' lIirt'r.liuIIB for , prepnr, nfW'.~ s"I!:I.' ftllsIOI.d"d""!,I1t~ .G,Oln~lr(ot"c·"'ch,ll·e'I!.~orf"l~,'.t paiod to .Ii,. · .1' -' • . ~ _ ....... . . . I '• ,, ' t1 . I I' I I . OU . u ,~ " " 0 Ill;' u" p eu • Entire Satishletiop. ~d+" " h-:- -;- . bl' " ~ ol'y alone 18 well worlh ir. allr family VIO elll Ireatment. I he passenj::er.l\ '!IIl"1I .... III~ I Ie ~tlm t', W II " I , \ ley Will T. A. B. Sori.lie. ul.d olher ol'go"i,,,, ;olll "011 ' Ut • ~ni~ or ~ e esta 18 Ime~' of an circle the sub . L' . 'f I - w"rtl pow~rlt:'ss to ' preven~ Ihe ifldig " tilll) • ~ur.1! 'lire, Iur CUllsulilpl1oll,- Ailthllln, .'ilul~ d for .lIch ..~orll'y purl'o"..... h"Yii.~ ,1,I"e' AgrlcuHural Oollege A paper will SCrtp Ion prtce 0 t Ie I'a· n\lie ~ ht peu Ull 0' 1 i TI I 't I Brunchltl., C""TIIi., Golda &1) "he 0 .. - ed II... ,lel'ftrlUl.nl 01 Ollr pOI'~r In the h~ lId. of CIII end examIne atoc" .nd p·rlcea. .,. . per,whichiBonly8L50A .t'ea" iliad . II . . , . . ll.. 1m • .. Ie pl'e, tX ' lt,objeClolthl'~"lvl'rliiao!r'in8endin th e M.·. J. W_VANNAi'II:i:.whb ..'iII ~i< .. 'hll'"MIl 'I ' .' V BOOD ~ei1lr"ul.ted With lll&a end ID T" ,.' for II1IS bUlrage upon Mr, V., WIIS Lhlll Presrriplioll i. 10 \0. Ii I tn· t ~ d lh~ lim 81111.Uelllion lbot Ihey 80 .""iIl8111Iy · . nooe. ..I' pAper IS published eYHY be had mnde him8~lr obnoxiollS on IIC ' (' , nt I I 10" Ie ~ ." 11 de',,' y . , . . ' •• '1 'IeII'. ~ ... I '" week and attraCL'IV . '. , ' d . . splead IIIlormalion wltleh he cullcelves l.' Il..l" It ,. te.peclfllll,. "qll e.!etl o' lh " Q.ftino .. Gen. Lee hal bad lbe aslur.nee t o ' e premlllmi are glV' count 01 1118 COIIIse utln", tile war.- be In,voIUllble. ~ alltl hll I"'oee eyerY 81lff· all~ "'flUb"n of ..II T~Ad ..: U,, 'ono .• nd Olher R.EM.O VAL. en lo tito.e who get up club8, of new Da!Jto71 Journal" I 'er'!r willlry . ltis rpmedy, ,1111 it wiil. cosl A...,l'iM liolll ........ h ~re, thollhere b e 1"0"'1'1' aal tbe Secretary or War ~o allow him lIubacrib W d - ......_ - them Il"Lhini Blld m~y provo b bleuing Iy •• "111' fur puhl,cBI'ou. !'el'o", of I.e pro iM1[~S ~ lbe. U,lle, 'o .f the Go,'~rnmeDt Olin, DO, n lef,L ers. e recomruen our reno l'~rJil'6d I wi~hit. I the prt',ScrtptvlII ' '. .' c,·.,Ia"It·. ",,,,ill!!" d"h.tel .nd oth"r u•• uer. ~ dera to Nnd ror 8Imple copies a A RBJItCTED LOVER I3noQT8 AND I " wlll or illlel'e.l tor "lIl,lir.. ioll in our clllulU1I4. at Lexina&Dn. . Va,.,jQ drUliog tbe oa. hat . or the premIum., .• n ,rpu, . All corre'pon ere, arllcle. for !,,,I,liee io tI. "I\lcb. "Ill be (yr- KILI.s THE J3RoTII&R 0, Ells 'INAltIOIUTil ~I eup REV. EDWARD A. WIL~ON, "Ie. lIIu e l b. dir.clrd 10 Ihe ".;dilor "ftll. t:ItA , ~H Ivln" rll'ltloved It- ~.i, lI\oerl r.. el •• n. er \8 cbarge ,in .~Lillery Prlo' nished fr", on RpplicRlion .to llie p'ub--WI: Il:ltrn frcm B rillillblt: 8UIII'Ct: Ihll\ , . W'illilIIUllilurgh, ' N,,: II 51"., c" Sirul. New Yor~ ~lly." onll .11 ~ c.blilhmealt to che h d tie.,; ' Md.... S'anton'.( "~.pouge WRIi io . r ' on SIIlurdAY, Illh iOlt, nil I\lrociuus' - Kin'ga 'Counl I>u· nl .. le~... r., elC'., 10 Ihe .. Pllbh.hn of .tae ' the dical.ed U.... ao' jb'lHcer ibe.iD\I. 'detniled IsherR, J. O. Gurrll{ues 00., 148 murder WII8 commilleq , al Cliflon, ill J8-3m. " New :I,;cilllen{o.I'ir. of h N .• W," 11 aiD TrIer k I. i ",I SouLb ~~ourtlJ street, Philadelphia, Gretlne cOllnly, Il\e \;ictim of wiJich ' ' " ee.·t,l·a ll plo ~'il':;'iIi~". v enr. Olll'g ," , I r~e Would inrorm ber .iu~... oua/llr.olli " ' to III Q P9aa~a, on .... Ih~ or nane" ,nd WRI B young mlln . .by Ibe. nflmtl III Pre.ldcBt Lhicohl~' Te' Umoalal. . '. C PAGE, ",H,o r anti Pul/li_her, tt,e pub.llc thllt tille .\1. prep.,. ' ,: to ,du 1.11 bring if.. ,..,.: \ ~ ~ , SJNIIJRG AND 5)QRI\OWINo.-We wish Rhodl!s. lL Appears rhlll Ihe ml~rtler ' ERA ollice. No. II. Spr~n'l e~l. N, Y. delcriptlon, of Alill nerl, .ucb .. TI tl t t r W • t I to b,,11 .ept'ciRI a'lId pArticulAr attellLI'oll er whose name we eould pot Rscerlnill. A Now Ybrk CO!r us (1ond'l'nl ' ,'I.·ERM8 . 'BLEAOBING, ' , . le ec e ary o · ar "stlma e. l e i d b ' .. I ' AIII/. \' '64. "oys: D)J~in~ .lUr. Lincoln'" Lhe,. eft0ul'PI _Becal 10 an Rdmirllblc b'ook "tor the J'-oung, of 11\ Rbodts, eell pRymg 10 lo lIe,bySisler . II lo the' Irl'nl,'lllh,e prupriel)' of D18' "" A. PRESSING. army cxpe. nl .. f"r .. .... and "aa, obiected I,er rect'lIL Yltl UL D •• e IIrmy WOS yeRr at 33,000,000. and .Latel thal jUlt illued from tlte preis of J. C. GBr ' I. f l ' d I 01 b f I iSSllill1( rullull8 10 -OF TUEor; . , . or ~n IlL )Ilr • an 11M I e at ler aud (li~cu8!ed wilh Oelleml Gronl, wlla 'favot. " . MANUFAOTURING. Lhere' are n.&Qt I.uppliel 00 rigues de O·Q.,publisliel'f of Lhe Sknr/.ay , L~IP unacqepLabl~ I~v_t:r hac,t an Illler~a· ,I,t1,thJl measure • . TIwI ~reliillqllt remarked 2d Jodielal .DlstrIClt, Hate o(Ohlo. on ahort notioe, Ind iD Ihe Iitelt f•• blo• . hand to Jalt the preten' arlny for Ii Bclfool Time., j'he work is ve,y higllo tlOD Itlme.hme 'lDoe -whloh Wits brou/!:IH wilh hi~ II~II"I eogelll ,' Silllpliclt)'r, thul Fda TilE TE~R 18", abl.8tyll!.. . year', figbLing.. 'fbe ule. ot Govern. 11 COlli mended by tliffl:ren' jourDllls, to Rn nmicltblo Itonclu5ioll hy Ihe iOle~ · , \~ll(l teHr 18 'benel!~lal til Il\e IlIlallh of'lhe -...Ilo. ():!TA eh,.ice ...orlment of Trlmmlnl" men' propenf aloD~ haY .. broug' M iD ~. RI\ .Dver lhe country. al ~i\\ be leen t,er"bc..e of young Rl1~dl.'li_ .On Satur· '(llIVtIIIIOII" WII,II' celrtlullllly PI.~~ve adv?"!egetlul! TO THE €LF.RKS 'OF TH'b! COURTR Notilln. 11101 Fanel Article. on halld, lay, oweyer, the nJecle~ lovflr, youn". 0 !e ,ell 10 Ie 8U uler", R,IIU 8S 11 8H rOF COMMON PLEAS I II' . . ." IIlm al larlJe ae 'lhe ' above mentioned,, by reference to tbelr advl1rtls.,menl io Rhudes ' 'and.., tbird , par'Y~' .,\,1'"I "01' ' .1 D' . I 0' the leyUr. .& hlpklul (0, the ,.,roll.,e .h . ~ ' Ls"U . Of" 1Iy. everyI individual I I ' ' , ill, mnrdliy dis-, " 1n I"I e' I In .alu l.trIC: .. I ' 1o lore extended, )11.. Trrr, hOPeiher.' her ' H n v All tbe regul.r cavalry, except h few an,ol" er column , We lblllk it will provo slIloon III Clifton, and a ~IRS8 of Ille rletls Ilr~1I1! 10lR ~.Ie- roul,m y cnn bttesl II i, urd~red by Ihe Jode;llsof the Courts ca 8tl.nt.e"de, (lrll 'w pie... "ill eiliur. ,. ' .., bI ' .' d I \ . . 10 I \e DlArltl! 01 oU801,'8 Billers as " lire· C p . ,. detaohmenl •• 'baa been e pres~nL rpr Lbo COIII- ,"'''s eao I. After drtnkmg IIl'ntive"f f..... rilo caln I' I8 III Iii. bY 11~ IIIg o( ammon SecondihJlldicllIl .to , reo a. ,try h I'Accepta .. II a'oruerll, u d or I ;, ., d ' ,,,.,.,, Di8Lri t I tI elellP, 'SI for 'I IhefOI'l I a conlinuance W . ill of0,tbeIlIDle. 1 . orcle\'ed porL to Gen. Sberidan, aod will be a8' IDg oluay'. _., Ie Iscar I! milo lurne';'" aroullu, rew lbe.rq in Ihe iumy li,e maJurl" of 8wllmp.;' COl. ' • e a . I ", lit Ill' ,.yoelY e, Cl. I,. , • • _ . II revolver, Ilna ddiberlllely' ahol ~lIIa fevere of Lhe cnm 1110 'like I . 'ImB~ of Iaoldln!! lhe DIAlncl COllrt, .nd , signet! to 000. Mllrtt, ., San .fAntoDioj Tmc.ATLAvTIO M' , D Rhodes through the ' beart He lben ,my 'be 1', y tIe .ne·, Ihe Courtl of Common Plea!!.'ln the ltv· "ft. .Ii' A N ' t • ., ()NTRLY ,01' ecem· . , ' _ . , I'ral Counl' . Id D' t I • .lOla. , ... I ,.a" • ' ~;I'l'. 0 mo,e roop9 . ,rll belhg be I . Jumpeu I.nlo I' bUH,gy~ "it\t;' 1 l1s comrad , .... " , lei eompeBlDp: , I II .. r ct . , or T l1luetered out in Tt'xae.' ,lIlcl. , on Ihe .r. I and A and Lhe LWo dro'vll off, but" were t IRON IN TRE ' BLOOU, }e&r 1866, be tbe nme '.r. here ,. , - -," wbol., affaire in lba. uarter Rre ••. varlet! of arllcle. on allbl.ect.s th."t .cR,n· stled The Peruviari by Jixed " nd prelcflbed .. .' ' , • • "" J. lake !hl. , method or InroMIIlo, y IUllliDg oon.ideratle .i;nificance I nol (,all to engage the of culii,' of this atrocioul 't!eet! i. now in Ilie .wil h ilM life elfmE'ilt, hun, i'nfutilnl! vIgor, D k DIBT,R lCT . .' • .' '. ", '-rated reder" " ' '. ! '1, Greene .N'tw'; . ohd' new Ille 11110 the whllie syt. p.r .. l n. 'MonlgOR\lhy M.y f1 01 to Ille .land ,m I 0 'rupl" AcoordlDgloahlpdr&' preientctl 'OD T~• II J anua,y ' , b . " . ~;t _:t. - I . Il(;' .'/' . ' :-.'.~ Il.DI·d,rrhw., epl, Fu~F ..DYIP\'Pllio, Drop.y. ' Chroflic ' reI/Ie , ', ·' ~6" Miami -alI I ' " .9. b ' M TI . For_ r, c. the I ~.' L . h c. • • IIUI» er Will 000t81n ' . ·~ r~~---t;-:;T · mllle ~.alakne88 me it I,. ,nll,ler , "0" ;Ch.C11p ln .. 10. y.,.rl. 101ll·a 81 ~ anc"S\or.,. ' , '. I?I '1, lo t e . ,ermn Emlgrl\ntll' contributionl from Hrnry W, Longfd- I go Dp. Samllt'! tS~u,ul Oriffia 11.0<1 '.V'if,i6jl. '1')10\1",'"'' ~-lIve b'-:II ~i\.nlled Clarke Mny 14, .Orfie,I, It 17. 0 ol1te' tle Bo AUOCIIll\OI\ <I( to.U66 ....e,..' Il)_; iohe 1.le Na\\'tlnie\ B"wl"orn" 11,\. • ,r br the ulse , ul !,I,\e ' JlI'edicine Irum week, WllrrAn f CliplOD I .. 28. PP . j' " HOUle, '\ igranta landed at Caslle G"rdcll la.lt Obir\ea l\e 11 ' J{ t\ 1r. I ... · • h,ill. .B.3d ,00a", . aa: .....a.. • 80" of 110\1' "ck\y. 8I1ff~"Il" cren'lIrey. 10 IIrU'\!I. Common- PI~ • .,..Fh~l /I.b4bh.l~n. where, intend 10 k~ep on b.~ , ,enenl mQn~h 10.68'. 0[' are ' ~r rID J T '1' . ,lIb~· ...~;!\. ee~\,e'( S\OWf!, )"Ie ·; lud".11 YJru_. -~(11Ji1) and Lad,}', !1~~It~! op>d 1,"IPpY. 11I1l 1I IIII.d 1V9l\lell, nUTLEn-Fobru.~)' 1S ••June 4, SPill. 24. ulsorlRlelit qf Worlr, bOlla of , ' . . eROS,.. rOll ndge. "11\tam CuJleD Bry- ,CbrialiA& ISIUIlrt .. I dRugl ler of Iht: A, ~!.I pngo PUIn'Phl,e~ 6enl f~e~. . J>n~:BLE-~I.lIreh H~. June 'la" ,OcLuber 29. • T , OW N Tbe totol arr~~al. of emlgr~n.tl ~o Ne~ all ~, B"y".d Taylor, Donak' G. Milch., Ellrlof Traqullir. ScoLIKlld. , He I-Tlce $1 per bOllle, or Ill ... 'Ii. b.UtKI\- '\prl: 2, AUKu~t 20, Novem'ber'll) Dnd Ihe best b'rand f ' York for las' Len mdntb. w'ere 167,. ell, Gaill Hamihou', die of 'Lila 10 btl It of a high order 'J . p, . OiTY M s o . , 833, of ",bom 59;816 were GermIUlI. · · I I ' M' I " of IOlellecl, III1U of lhl! mo&\ fini:shtld 86 Sireet, New Ybrlt, C · _ ' . ANUJ.'A.0 1.URJil, T . ~ '. , ., .- .._ ~D ~ Ie ron , II ~,I and other popular eU,ll.catioll. W.. lliam ~od MMy',lInd the Sold by Drullltllls 11lnernIlY. 16· 310 ~HAMP.AI.,II;-A.pr\l 21, June 20, ,D1'1l" 8. lind Wl\I'fOnt III !rive Iillii(ullon, . ho of the Brlt"li war wrlte.r l. II year. 'fICKNOR & FIELDa, IIl1h.t'rsity of WI/rll hi, AI,. , " . , .t.......-Thlnkful for the very Iibenl palronl,ft ' Tremool BOl. n:R Maler &,. 011 hi. rei urn 'fl'olll . " :.to DliUNKAhDS:' , 'I'll,l rd ', " 3. fnr ,evp.",1 yftr. be .. oW .. d I hope !t1 1 Ihlp Bllllaqg blew her lip OJ) . Ibe 25th u :limo at Cape Halicn. The rebel Sui. ton, . rope , he "married Miss ~ G, of Glon.. - pe~DlRII! Old 'Doclor Core 'n' II Btlchan'l dl .. Drnllkarda' I ~ R,.EAI'IE- F II broul . ~lIJleilion. 4 0 t b I clole. IIlte'ntidn a,ml lair ".' 'flliil Ie. Que bad lakeii bi. forc6 1011'8 Hilvtlenl . •• oe8ter, V II. i WIIt?mJIIl . &\Itvi ~q . eighr IllrulIg 1"rl~'llk~: ll'le(l 'd~' c ' III.te I81' " ~}~ : ~~8Le ).ro~t 'w A&&£"_ Fcbrunrtl JUII\! ~ O~IOoh'err l' mom. ·gellerou. couthlu.nlle 01 l/t" Bim~ 10; .:'t ' , .. , _ 0/, F u , urel 10 wo e< e" ~ea 0 :'1' , ," .. ,\ " . I E KEYS \IJlder lbJ! Pt9t'~,iOll ot tlje Brilisll oon. . IJ7 The WOlld~1 Washington ape. tllen years. ~~ wore than ~~lY ~tlln ,ullkellne88, ill Ie" -titan ,eight week~_ ~L\!lTO~-~arch 6.,July .11, N'll/Ilmber 6. . T'he • . ". .' lui, anti the commander of Ihe Bulldog 01111 81\ys:-There seems to be no arpo , ht: WAO R ,of medIC in e, Rlltl 'l'laous.. ods nl refurmed nllw 6, Jury 17, 6. G ea 111 tlmol p'lId ft°r "d t' ( . b . . . .ilion to Schu'y'!er Oolfu in his re.elec . remllrkabll; lor hl 8 ktnulI"sS And medi . , ive til biesl lIle duy Illey were' ,,!'flulIlI .'e Wiln e 41t' ollr bll'nas 8t' Duytun ibo 2811 JJee,D a'l ; II f· kiDI .nd Bbeep P ... t a~ tl III II BCllon, 111 recelvmg ~o r~: eRI skill. ,ellolll?h 10 commenCe llae Qile Of 1I>1t' Yltl~. du) 01 Octo ·Jer: \865. · ' ./ , I U Y .-. •t ; , ' I~ he fire on (or\ Pllcklel&, lioD lo the 'peakerahip, Yesleruay ., \ Ih le Price Two Doll,.r8 ,8 p.ck. 'J. SMITH,} ' A' fhe Fort. rt'phed, lbe .bip letting evening's Repllblictln po Re". J. H. J enkms WRS a.·URIII- ' I!l'. MUl led I" Iny Atldreu 011 rtlr.eip lol Jt. L. MEEKER, • ,n s he tnu ie ' a'{round waa .e~ ou fire 'ab d d ceivlld hilteu from ~enry J. R"ymolid ed P~illor of tho ,Congr.galion ..1 church J II urdilr. lIy • J A MEt:) S. Jl,UTLER, I Ji. J. WIN A NS, ;iudp OB, l.nINO. a 8OUOlVlI'G; /I bl ' , a n one. and Gen. Blloks anDouncl-ng, 'h~' lhey of 1IIIe plac~ on 'l'UIlSUlIY e'vening 188(. 11 . S ' I 4:19 Bfo.~w"~. !'lew York. j E.. IPARSONS. ' &0 0"" up. . • Tbe ordina'tlon' lermon 'Was ulllivered . 0 e Allenl lur the UUlled Slated, ' BY ' 1I1~e C"ROLlNE •• ltELLT, The "pplicaHoOl for p",don r~oeived will DOl be cllndiua~.. by ~v, Mr. \Vi~ks, of Mariella. ll;e \ 16·8w " TH£ STATE O·F ,OHIO·1 S::J . ' :, ,AuLhor of IBemire, Ihll Per ..,,', DlloP' during the preaen~ week reach 600'. • •• 1 charge (q Iho p . as,Lor b. y Rev. Horace! R BANDERS' 10 . C\>VI'JrT\ . , "mo · B • •• L~er·' 'AndJ •• &0. ' .&"1 A N Bushoell of C I d I I • , . DINE \V A'fER, r, W.A'Rr~ll. J B, '1 YT;rE~, CIW k of~ tbe Co . nt' '. ::. H,J!;' ~' About 400 per week were IC&ed U Ii BW P.PBa ...!.Tbe ' Tribune's IOClnna I, an lie e lllrge An inViliJaole n~ecovp .. y, A IblJ' .. IIln PI ..,,,, ')I~ ,llIe Di,IH,\'ct C~lIrt. 'W'llh:I'n' IIID ,~""'")1:", Quat.a.. ,.rio. . ./ lent to the Stille . po. . I '''YI ' lo the people T.l b. ' Rey . 1\ ounce 0r w . d Ilnte aforuaid, 1aD ~lier~b ' It. ' • .' .• '' II .' . ......----. , '. I nnd rcquieitlon. De. WI" .1 IIng,•.on epecla Lh ,,\ II new .p~. of DllVlon I 0 b~'ll 1 lod'III e' In ,>.,,",l ~Ier," d18l01- cuonl, all , w· "'. : E" - Tw'l he eAorCllel "ere WIt· ed without I Bl!lvem '! 'f'he' mOlt· po"'" .tlly Ihat Ihe _hove . . ' pllr, to be called' The Riil)on.i'ruclion' • . , i •• co;recf { 'nh" i. a I/...ao. flfl.I e ,' IO . dt, ' parlment. 100 lI!'0morIAI. (or pardon ._ nened. by A ..large congregRtion aDd rfuJ l1it"I~¥i.II'" _gellt 111\1 rf'"wntiye /roQl lhe r,eeord or eniJ Cn r eooy g~eat good. dt,la' r;Qm,'~. " l ( Olle CJ Ita-.. been reeeiv.ed .(rom Texa.. The ilt,' edited by M.... Jano S"iaabelm, il "ere of.~ imp.teui.vil ph.racter.- lIawn ' .S~roful •• Salt ·RheIlDl" Cance", pie .. Alld dilllrlCI court i lit of commQIl Lhe n 'Un..ueeeial~ wrl~" ~ttt-e.l'I'".enl . dimination in l.be Dumber' o( app\io&. be commeDoed i';' Wash ,«ODI\mUJtion, .lId . \I lod for , •• Id deI.,·1 th. ," .... ICe,),jI' bOil'" itiltoD. . , . 0' I hro.llic ,!lId He I'd!l", Disu .... / .r. J . '. . hold word 18 11to••aad. 01 bo. . . where , her eon. ill fJelieYeli to be owiDg to the im. U- T,he ·offioi.1 coun' of cbe ClleotioD. Uf811 br, II ule ... LbllulandM ean t.... M,. n WIt, nCOn I ha,e/ excftlleftt kOlllltt • • • • r',atS pree,ioa P"'YliJiDI in , &.be So.ulb cba' . . . Small Pnx'il preYllilin" to r~l~r~. io. Ohio Iincreases lhe Unioa ire,ul •••ent Ire~. Pril=e. 81 per Uoule: ;re~nlo let I8J hal!d ·nd·,tt.l. nld~tY"pro&l .it'd Con .....ea. or lh P 'd ' ill . e maJon l, . . Gea. ,01):1:" w'lll f6ror'b&dull"fI, ", °H at the Court· tJinrlo .coplhof th8« .......l.,.lll .... , e nlll enl w .oon grea~ uten' amoDI lbe freedmen bf, be Da. H. ANDERS &; Co., PIi'18i c;lAn. dll, "" N tlbUllt . In l.eblt.tlon l lll" ",h' to ."J ad.dre.. on ,.etil,• .,. ~. p~laim a J'DeralaIllDelty. Alabama, Geo'll. aad V;....ima. a . lit 30,000 ;.tllal ot lbe n.a' orebe od .cllelllull, ~U8 BrbtadwI" New- ~otk ; '" ~nm ,,:,. A. D. 1866, I '. ~~ .C OAaalOUIS ·.. co., .• ticket "ill reaob 38,000. .old bJ' DrUO:C\.t. ....er.II,. I ' 16,'" 21 81 Cl J~lIgs. 8, ~OTTIlN, · U8 &o.Ua r ....... Ik*" J , er 0( .ald c:ou~lI, W. C~ O. .,. . '~!!-.l"r..
,·n . .
r. .
FASHIONABLE lllJ.'.INER ! .. tlJ.!ftDY,
un~er dl1~e
Com, Pleas Courts
tit ,·
LLn~ overtB~en. '~'h!l I?trp~tr~lol' C~U' III] jtiil.~-SpM/19fi..jld' IIlrell!!lh~
iDler~8t ,
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Sr;' u~ s'lIpp li~iI '-the' ''lood
c.-::r Ol,t!~'n~:y~n~eth::udbl~ bUllinl!~" rr: C;~:
~ew · York.
W.;Uil\~s\lllrg. V~q;.ini
Pu~h8herl, 1~4
\lll!,~\Y .~
Edin~utgh, L~wl·.
, Secolld.f~ub;dtV.l8iqD.
M~~~~;III1':~:~Z ~;I J~u/lJeu!~ ~~III~;~. ~ b~ ~5,hI 6
CL.&UKE- ~~Drcl,
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l~ imm~diaLely
rq~IIY ~ou'uty.
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whl!r~ofl "Id,e~rl~,
A.""t. ., ' *I~ .,
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Nilth.t ~re'II,
1~. ]8 .t.". 7.54 A. M.'II'
(CUD.D.uniu red. ) . , GO TO Ray. lfR, M.lIlON'sDlIOflIl ... oa I..t S•.b~a~h ~Dv~lved a priDeiple of vital C~rlltl.OIty .. a well as physiology.• HIs remark, were Iruly prllClicII, RDd lJpper end of lIain Street j ,b etfllyed much' Ihough ~ and re fl eolion. W.& nUVIL~. Rod were quile Rpp; ooriRte to this ava' Oppo he lue f'oanls;n 0/ Pure ' Va.t r! tlcioua age. wheD au.'~ '1 minds are mo. If you " . nt'Co ll·ee , Tea, or 'ugar, nop.olized by everything bu, Olll;istiaJli.• If y.ou wan t lIfol••• M or Fish, ou ,u" t CI\nd" R .i1;1I or Fil:"l; 'y • . It WR 8 a severe blow upon torpid I( yo u wnn t Cbeese or Dried Berf, 1IIem!)eJ I of- the cbul qh. wl,iob, like ey. If 1"U " a.llt goo AI" or .eer, ' ery olher orgaoized body. "Ult decom- If yo u war.t lIologna, I( you wanl Herring', pOle wilhout 'italitr to counteract the If you want :.It by Ihe nek, Ih. or bbl, cooltaot teodency to dellomposition . He If \'ou ... nt Slarch . Rice, ~ouu , Creon> 0 logically inculcated active u:erciae Tartar. Pepper, Ginger, ClO n_",o n U.r k. of the moral (ac-lillie. io order to become Alopice or Clo."", . rr 10u "a nI 10 gel chunk . don't ~" Ihere. uldul. me~be,. tbe churcb, luggeflt- If you .. alit Tobuco of len dill" '·. 1I1 ki nd., ing -many valu~ble hints to tbe iodoleot, If yo u walll Sbaving. Ge rlll all. Ro '" o. '-\' .. h and stirriog Ihe lalent ellergi ee of all Soal>, If )'toU wan l Ciga,. . in bia ,i\' id iIIuatratione Bod profound If \.ou wunl Oyoler. in lbe . bell . can , d Olfl n or aoalvsia or tbe buman mind. We lJJust dish, cooresa his effort was A good one, t(l If yo n \'fR nl I lIk or nlnr ~in~, b' I I k' If you W8111 Buckel. or Bn .k~ I " \\' IC J t Ji moat 6 eptlcal could Dot take .If you walll Crochry W ~ re , Any exceplioo. . /I rou "'""I 10 g o " way dr)·. CO there- Illlos,· Tbe, legiUmale ex.n:I.~ of the moral : c~t.lI, facuhiea by rellex aClion, contributes If you ",anI your jug lent hOllle 81ll[>ty . lend il . Wilhoul a lawful oi'der! . vaatly to the health of tbe body. I, If ),ou wanl Pop·.Cto rn. prod.ucee an alterative action in Ihl! I( you " a nt lli ... , C I)(U 1>1. Pencils, Pi"... or mind, and thus relievel thal tedium a'nd Pipe.Sleru l, moootoll1 which lie a' the foundAlion if you ... nl Matrhe. , .II ~ou wa nt 8" e,u, C. k ~.,o r Crncker'l o f ennui and even irtullity: for tlle un - If you IVRIII C. , lo r 0,1 . S... ~~I Oil or Turpe nltne due I'lI:crci'ae of any elasa of (aculLies If yvu wunl BrooUlt , will produce parlial insanity. Church. If you ... "t Al'l'le. , going. t.b~refore, ·r.onlribute, to healtb II you .. anL CbJldl•• , Bed-Cords, 0.' Clolh e.~
• ~----8 6 5 . GOLDI~=:~: :::\SD.VEll PUNSYLVANU tENTlllL I. B. Doubk Track ROllie
1 TO 75,0001
CAD~ALLA])ER & CO., I'n T'n,,,,,n?TRO rl'~R;~lLA DELPHIA. $2.
$2. - $2.
I Two.Dollars 1
~.::..!..~lU-Ile~~~~rt--i~te1"'-ti1~·& h'or l e~t
or Cincittftllli Exprelll , rO Ule tu P hil ede lplila. Ne w YO lk , D.ts r WA Y N E SV· ILLE. 'M~ i l and Accom., 11.26 .t. M. ' Bnllimll rll an d W a hinj! tuli. T he -t; ColuJl\bu, Accom., . 6 . ~8 P. M. lrllv~ le.r may wil li cOllfide nce - rety upon P illsbUfg ExpresII, ' . 9,02 . P.... 811 re co nnecliun, hie" Apeed wilh pt' rfecI -0-safl' ty , alld eve ry upplin nee lur com fo rt - TRAINS "1il8TW ARD BOUND, Ihal ('.u n be procured. New alld e lcl!I nl One of our GOLD or SILVER a alld ,",ccom.. 4_]0 .l. "._ 'rI pa 8~enger cars, for day and IIlltht serlli ce. Wllle_e8, or Sliver Tea Sets ' 7.29 4. M. ht EJrpreal. ~ hll'e rflcently bee n added 10 11111 equ ip. tel' " , . . below ....te4. hUI Accom ., 1.30 4. M. me nt 0/ tbe Pell1l8ylv8ni a Centro I R ailExpresl, 3.20 P . M. road. One or our tea -.eta or one piece of our elnuati Expreu, ",22 1'.... -A~ itl.burg,lralna from the Weet ruo Gold or Bilverware is Worth a busbel or Dc> not slop. d i re~llo the Union Depot. where P ..~en. Ihe cb.ap dollir jewelry! ... /,rers ere traniferred 10 the Trains of the ; W. H. CLElrelfT, !'rflident. We han adopted the (ollowing mode or P ennay lvania Ceiliral Ruihvay, which W. WOODWAR D, Bup ' t. leove l'itlabur, aud arrive at other points D. CADWALLA OER. Ai~nt. III follow 8 : P. D,nm, R:tprtll cf 'fikgraph Ag.:nl. by .. Ie ot 76,000 arlicl" of valae I nAY E Xl'RESS-Llllvee Pittsburg al !l .• 21l Ii.. !t., 8lUPp in il at principal .ta\\one. ~1 . , Arrlvea III A"9 \, nl\~ " 'l~:; A. M ., '\'y. ~ Q.~ 1110,., M04e. )iOR.lL · ,R&FORM.-rbe meeting en "me 8 .Slt A. M~ l1\oo\lefon,e 10' \\~' A . 1Il. , The 1I,\\olel '0 ' ,00II1 aTe numb.rea Lq~\\ H,,! en 12 t9 P . !II ,1 Harrilburllt (rom 1 up to 'J1i .OOO! 11'7.1>00 oonlllllnil eveoing wae " more than Ill' 1 00 P. M., Bultimore! 6.30 P. M .• 'New ot P IRoos, Melodeonl" Gol d and SUyer spirited, lIod tbe audience waa York, via Alf enl own,lIl JO .86 P.M., PI/il. Watch", Be",io, Maclhn". Tea & Tllble adelphio t al 0.45 P . M., and New York,' Sell, Solid Silver lea Illd lable Spoon. and or~erly. Hayor Dudley, via Philadelphia, at 10.27 P . M. and FlIlks, etc., etc., and Ihe other 37,600 Furoal, ti~ ut . . J . W. Collett, C INCIIINATI E XPREss-LeaVfllPiltlburo orlicles of ",'uable lewelr!, Work and Mr; ~ Mai on; Sec'y JaonllY, G . al 8 .60 .... M , Slllppillg' lit ne arly all .tll~ Tuilet .Calles, Ph.,tog~lIph AlbuBl • • Ope~. liona. Altoonot UIO 1' . N .• lIarti8burat Inoe SIlver Witches. end (~ncy article. In , aDd )Jr. Jon.~. addreucd th~ · 8 .16 r. M. , arriving at Philadelphl, at 1.' grelt vorlety. '76.000 notices numbered og. · ~ t would be invidious ~o 80 A ~I. Irotil 1 tu 76.000 are ptlnted and pUI into IIDY"Particull&r alldres8, but we MAIL 'fRAI/C-Leavell PiLlBburg III 11.40 8e~led envelope" and well mixed, ~nd one Ii . M., stopping at nearly all 8taliona.- or theae la tllken out and aen\ to the par. s~; d i'at the reD\ia!~8 of tbe ~by Ahooliot 6 .05 l'.M., arriving at Uurisbllrg Ion aeodlOi 10 UI SI' cenls til cOYer ex • . Davis Furllae, and Lt. Collett were at 12.26 A.1II, lind Philadelpbia at 7.10 pense or po~taee, correspondence, e~e., Lili es , p~iot, B~d mOIJ~dmirably p,ut A. n(. • and thc llticle or gooda correspondlO!: of . miod and body by tbia revolutiooary I y ou want lud'go, Sboe Brlllbe" or Ri ce , J'w LADELPHIA Expn Ells ~-Leove. PIIt,. With the number un Iho noti~e will be aalioo~elpecially ' 10 thOle who are de " If y,ou WR"I Pa pe .. Dr E., velop.l; bura lit 3.66 P. M .• stopplllit Dilly nt pri II• •en~ tb- the h~lder of. 11.8 um~ Imm~dlate tlug~e'tion of Mr.. JRoney, tllat cipal &IOlioll6. Arrives Il L81robo~ '5 .40 IY,Clf he deBlrel .lO purchase tbe. Irllcle) \'., votil)DaJ. Those "ho Are conslitutioo - .Ii J'ou \~ BIII M'''IBI'II. mittee be Ilppoiot~d 10 aeoure ad- 1\ I'. nl , Altoonl 9.JO p . III.. Horrisburlr :l. a6 ?n receipt 01 lwo doUarr. . For Instance: • h ' . If r ou ", • .,t i<> idl or ~ur Bull er or Eggi . 4:;)048, 8 1 de fi Clent io t e moral senlimenle. ) "" Ulll. .... M •• Ballimore* 7 A.III,. New York, via I' the number on the notice lIent ~o you . If }ou Wdlll Liquorice .tld CII c.wIDg , mUBie for eRch meeting, 110 " ill, c..~rjv~ "om. b,nelh by a powerful If you wanl' \!:.,k ll ce P pperm\lIt:or CillllRmon . . Allentu\\'ll, 10 AM .• Plllhrleiphio'" "t 7.10 ' 1I~louid be nlllnbered tiOu, Ind. PIIDO or Lbe~ 8ociely meetings might be . A . )1., Ind New York. via Philad e lphi~, Itt dlompnd a~ or .rold walcblhould be nummoral influence ucHing their mornl • 1!l,Ob P. nt. ::)Iepping Curs runlhrough on !tered M)O,lt Will be sent t~you fo~ 12, It p)opul!u resort' iliiricg the wj,,· g~!m!l. 'I'his id~. ,,~. generally . ,p l, \ I . '" __ • _~ . ,'. lI,is trnin Irum l' iuaburg 10 llaltlmorellnd and so on .ror every arlicle ID our ba' .oC WlIS excellent, ana we .. J rust the prlleiated ; We shbuld seo the cli~urcb' D:T P. S,-II ruu are drunk or in Ihe hRbil --~Phlludelp1nDllI:d LO New Yurk vin Allen- 70,OUO arllclelf/ . . I of I'e.\.ing drunk. Dr (.an""l behRve youroclf •• will be fully carried "out,. I \l)wn.' • 0:7" Arler receivinr Ihe Irllcle, if it ctow d e d ~ver b y t I~os., who d_e stre p Fy I!" becbme, " genll ema,!, 'Wl AY AWA Y ! -CO . FAST I,[NE- Leaves l'iUaburlt It 10 doeR no~ please you , you can re,uro II, alul work progreses . .ft ,or"bly, . And icallongevity : No man ·. ean be trulJ -':2.0",. · . • 1'. aI., &ll!pping only nt prtncipal station" l y~ur mOlley 'hall be Rorunded. y .~ueh good blls ~~surte(l in thla Itealthy. wilbout th'e cuILi.ation anll ex · ' , ArriveB III Alloonn 01 a.\}0 A. nt., Harri a. ~:J cenI8 .mu ~t be 8.nt to ply 'lI:p.n.e .I. NEAL. . (rom ~he ear~est I"bore of erciae of hia moral nalure, .for healtl, DR. I . A. RUSEBERRY. burg'" 8. 10 .... M., Bahimor~t 12.30 I'. If.• of pOll loge, correspondence, Cltc, 011 one N"IV York,f viu Allenlown, 3 .40 r. M., nollce. • EoCit:t~. ~, cori&iatl' in the Ifgiliinate 'exercil~ of ali Rp.!nemb~r: that whaterer arllola cor· . , ' Philndelpldut 1,10 P. M, .nd New YOlk, thl! org\'I)' of I h:! body. There ,i. Dt) via Philadelphia, III 5 .4 2 P. AI. ' re8pollds wllh Ihe number on your police, I I uu~oR-In th~ Jj::rprel. anrl Tel· happine~. io torpidily. All ia active ROS.~BERRY tDi 1/'1' tSu yuu Cbn have it by paying TWO 'nOLLolU " Breal:fmt . ' " . m, t , pper, lor il. whether it ·toe wortl. ,100 or 1800. " J ' 1·.lu.a:~IJY·MADE o~~e at Corwin," ~e" Olock "bere Ihere ii vitAlity. Stagnation .alld ~ Dally, aU ollltr traltu, SundaVI excepted. Arid it Is for our Interut \0 ' delll (alrly. ( II " , I put up" which gives oot oaly de'uh 110 togetlJer. Let UB, theD, be Tiokels lor ".Ie to 80810n by boot or nnd send out our fine artlclee, a. it Irins rojl. Boot tickels /tood on any of lh • .confidence to lhe pqblic, and I"ereb! lU. "Lime of day, but the dRy of more . vigilaut lind active ill every mprs) " Bound lines. FARE to 011 poinlll Ad luIY creases our "lies. eek aDd the date of Ihe montb, euterprise, aod become Irue benefactors (S ... NDS .. KLEIN' $ OLD STANO , ) 08 1111)' other roule. .' A v~Juable Rcquisition , not ooly of our rIloe. . W. SL E b' P GOA R S , Beg' leolle ro in(orm Ihe public Ihnt Ihey ~EW ',On night Iruill_ to Philad'8,. Ne lv York ( e, lJut 10 the public who have on hllnd Inri expecI to keep CA~L AND SEE. and BlIl\ illlor('. Bdggoge checked Ihrough Upon recel'pt .of 21S cts., which pa,a o,~ " the .need of keepiDg aorrecl rail· anti IrHlIslerred frt) e. corresp~n.dence, poslOge, etc., w. Ito .. C!lm()l~te . Ass<!rtrqent of 1'lte Penntiyl,unia Railroad Co. will ulle notice. . ' ·;Jure 3-llf ', .. ' & ., not .. sume any rialt Ipl' ~"I,ale.• ,xcepl Upuh rec:elpt or .l,\whlcb "sya ror.cor• 'I,. On 'rhund.y, lbe ~~d 1(I"~lnt, -., Elder lor W earing Apparp\. alld Ihn\\ their reo teepulld.n,,~ . "Ollla"l!, 'lo •• we , Benrl . lilt -tt .. \: ~ "... '.1 . I va, I h A'" I . Joaeph Parlier, 1\ hll reaidence, Mr. Rop. O·"!ldh\ll.-:-.I\',li'~ epo.usilJl lily to olle IlllIJdr~d dull ~ra in vol • . nOllcea. . 't . ,' • I .0 n • rYln ert Braddork 10 MI .. 'Ellza A. Smith, botb ue. All Baggnge I!xceetling Ihot amounl Upun rect'lpt o( ,5; wblGh PlYs. for cor· presenl~d ~I' wilh .ome · d~l!ciou8 of Wayn. TOW.RII\ip. in \lnlue, will be at Ihe risk of the owner respo".d ,,"ce, po,llge. otc., we WII/ .. cd .l. 11:. UKRBlTT. ~. R. PRINTZ . unleee Ibken by a special conlract. 40 1I()lIcell, and I line present valued .t oyster. frOID hia eSlablilhment 1St November 191h: by Rev L Clarlr, Mr . 8 S Po A I N T J 0 IL , FREIGHTS 1I0t leS8 Ihuo 816, Ila Il Illllple of Ollr helld of lI.ain atroet. He · keeps 'Thumlll ,Hall .ud Min Me linda Craue, , ' "1 ' , luxury constaotly on hllnd. and bo!h or M88oo, Warren cqunt)'. DYE-STUFFS, n thili route 01' all receipt of elS, which pays ''(or 'fOILET A ·R .....T...I"'IC...L"'E .......- - - + - - - - Iiontl call be forwarded to and from Philu· curre8p'ondence, postalle, etc., WI! will rre'~.Qa bei~ qualit.y • . Oi,e . BET.lIL DE.LLERS IN delphia. New Y'ork, DOdtOIl or Ballimort', ~elld 160 notices, and a HOLID SILVER. . a caU, ,everybjo dy r, Hkee . oy.6 • t' 10 and lrulll any IlOint on Ihe Ruilroada of .W ATCH, by return mlli!. and it j"' lOm~" bing new to be- able ~, I~ Ohiu, Kenlucky. '.,"J\Dn~, lilln~16, Wia· Alrf'n'. W'lIIted, Send for clrCIII.,. conaln, "ow. or MI SSOUri, by railroad die Allenta allowed a larle eaeh commlaeioa, th•• iii ',be ' original It.t. ' io Died. n~ his reaidence, iD W'ynes. P AIN'f-BRUSHES, ,,' ct. by which Ihey cia make tM weeklr. Vmll, Ohio. on the ' nnd of 'be J tth plll~e. C'H , EM I~CALS. ...he Pennsylvollia CeDlr.1 Rellrn8d al· Address plalnlv WHITEW.ASH BRUSHES, , . , ~ ... ' mooth, J 866, Elr" Adllml, in tbe 72nd 10 ronlleUls 81 Piltsb'.rg wilh ~leOlners, REED & BROTHER,' LEAD, TZR IS Tow •• ~Tbe ' inimitaDle year of lIis Il,e ; lea,ing .wife ana ' by which goud! CUll be lurworded I.> any H.am BUll: 1638 New- York 01'1Tbe beet qua lit)' or OIL, lilt ebild!reo to mourn hia 101'• . , Iccessible pori 011 Ihe Ohio, Mu.klngum, ie beri, aDd· II.. already, al pre· T~e decea~~d w.a "Dalive' ~f Bue",a V.KRNISIlES, 'renne.eee, CutJlberland" Illinoi8. )il.sla, had a rusbill'" welcome. The counly. PeonlJylvania. and bad , beeD ,. lippi. Millouri, ~r"anll" ond Red Rillora; ~ end at Clevlllllnd, Sandusky and Chlcalv are glad 10 aeetheir old favorite reaidilnt of tbil I~.te abo~t 49 yell.,e. For medicin_1 p~rp08e., to which the ~t. 'I with ateemerll 10 oJ! port. 00 the North· A.D IImong them ' 'And are impatient He.l~ore ~ molt pal~lal . dl8eUl! "Ith tenlion ot PhVtlldans is t'spt'cia IIy colle'a1 j &C Weslern Lakes. , , • ~uch pAlI.nce-ml\lllfe'~lDg toward the PAINT, VAR,."TISH lind whatever pertllin. to a r·", .; Merchlnls and 81.ipper" enlrullina the ph~logrAp~ed, by ~i~ . . Gd'.to 1118 cloae, an' IIrdent desire to depart this Iransporlation or Iheir Freight to tllil 10. H~~luo~ bUlldlDg~ ao~ ~ Ii e, havjng, Ill . we . believe,. a :well 18 ,1\ lHI IBl Componv, can rely with confidence on ill ", grou~dlld HOPQ ' o~ .e nteri~g, lOtQ the . . . . . '. sprcdy lrullsil. " • '~",' ,. ,. • ", man,slona of ' e~e ~nal blelledoe.. bey.oqd " IW I N D O v v 1'h~Ralesor Freight IU lind fromall.Y (Succe"orloHopkiru&:Orirp'tI,) The Cincinnllti Gdzelte 'of Fri· tlte gr~ve . . , point 11\ Ihe WCBt, by the Penn6yLvIIllli At Ihe old stand on Malo Street, Wayoe •• AI.,,' I illod 'IIPpl), of 8 S II A N It P 'l J T T'Y Cenlra l Railroad, are al 1I11 !'imeB ~. fn- ville, would inlorm hIlt old CUllomfrl end s(ate·i .tlIR,t· l.!.jor Q~tes '~lo- ' , ,.:Mourn ·not lor , Mm, wbo •• lulferlnlrfl .. = . " c ' here ,. re o'er, I, ' . ' -:--- -voroole 118 ore cliarged by other Railroad lhe rest of mankiod, lta.t ho b.. a lood k " . I . ~ TRUSSES, COIDpftnics. been muatered Oll~ or the lIer, Allhouih bll lorm on 'earth is leen no' U, .~ , ~'l ~ SO:PPORl'ERS, 00- Be parlielilor lOR mRRrk Pickage. 1lRIIOr~meot 0 P"-ym.eter,-,,nd ha'd ·the compli. morel "VIA PUN'.l CEN:rR..IL • . n • . ' t 'be ~tow;d upon 111m or ' PaM'oJ . Ire Ihe cbeckered scene! of b rev~" -ItlcK' 48. SHOULDEE>BRACES: For Preij:ht CUlllrtlcts or Shipping DI. A' . , cllre Ind etrire. , recliollB, app ly IcY,or addrel' flther 01 the , 1110, a varied lupply of ,,·Oolonel. · The OazfU, al"o Rejoh;e;-ror ,be, halh ;nt.. ed inlo Iill". TEACOFFEE., ' " .lLJ. ~~E l'Ol'VUR following Ag~t8 of the Com,~n,; Tin, copper & sheeL-iron Ware hilt eol~~el}{i'I'Inel ba• . p\i.rc,~"'. I (Lebanon Slar, pleale·eopy.) , ' 1 . [ . $. B. RtngBton, Jr., Pltilada. l' .Xenill . torChligilt Ilntl w111 a.· SUG,tl.lO·LA'SSEa' 11. W. }JJ'(Jwn cl; Qo., Cm'li. for &ale at the lowelt cllh pricee. All control of ·that journal: .Ill A ", Olarlce cl; 00., Chicgao. klllds ot
lIanufa'cturel'8' a"e. f. 0 If ... d I or ew ......o e.
S A -.L
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. . Carif!l.lz., CCIf'TtJCud Eve,., Wuk. L. V E 8 T 0 (J K . . OUT-DOORR 'rhe ).'rolpfclU.& of. the Ne" --:.....:_ ' .". " , Drf/ver. tnd. Farmers will ~IId thl. a aucb 118 Spouling. 00 fi og .....c.. oDe 00 Era' will be 1foul'ld iii ' thi.· num. -' Wheat 1i! bUlhel, II 00 @ 1156 , , , 1iI) ' ~.. ~ ~ ~II iLuI II!' r, t l I \V moat .duntaS/eoul loute (or Live Slollk. s'lort Dotice lad III Ihe bell mlnoer. • 70 ' . A .c oml'l"te .'!Iurlme,n\ or l!!i Iii1 II" U 1M I!;. In 11 VaparioUB yard\!, well walered Ind IUPJuly S-!I lIr. J. W. V~N ·N. AUJl:B,"-lOnto.lime Rye i. ' II reo 0111 1l .. 30 , plied \\IiLh every cunvenlencl', h.. ~ beeu ---::...--- - - - - - - - - - - - " . fQr the prUI under VIlrioua BnJey ~ !< ••• too G~ITERS " HAIR.-OILS ' t; penedon Ihi. linund il' cOllllections, .3:1 de pltmte,ltaa " become al.oeiited CorD;jl .. J '!lld ~very' Kttel\l\o" ~I' p..l~ o. "Ifh'.., f\\I.-;; Tb\a ba\ ot .n COUll" Syrups, tonal • , . ~~ lb,'e ~ditbrial ~o ..';_" ~ft,hi. j ournal, 'FI.our ~ berrel, '11 A m ~y ., d i\ &: :0 . IS l!'rI'm Harria~urg, where ' ';;m "'be '(\~no by' IIBB.IUTT .. Pllll1TZ. .. 6Q / 1' . . :.J FhJur " cwt , ,. aDlU ~l:J! a ~. evory convenlenre tor (eedlnlf IIId re!l\wg, . " cordiall~ "i811 ' bim 8uocel8 in DUlleI' , 1b M ,, " choice Iloll'ered of tile Philadelphia, Thfl be&1 qtlalfly of .. III PBOFMSIOI'UL v.uios. w poeUid~,~rtcll~ '{II~ nolfJ~ cRuse Lord 1ll ,Ib, New York and Bultimore Markeu. ·rhl. .,--110 1.' , ' EII'''s 111 dUllfft, , h(' I I . will .180 be foulld the ahortelt, quick8ltj 1 ., 60 ran,ee w , itc .ll b,~ UII, ~~apo,ul!1\ .• I Pllt.toee ~ bUlhel. .A Wfll •klcr.ied ialnirlmelll o( tJl e BEST and mosl direc' rOllte for Stock to New I ,.. I , )0 @ 11I~ • ' ,' J i . IDri,!1 App'e. ~ n. Y<>rk Lvia Allenlown]-and wllh r",,,·er. · , For Gentlemen'llInd Bo,a' WfAr. AI ~ o. 300 to . tbe Chickensl dIlH", 1\ targe 8ul'ply or wfll-ae~ecled OilY ... ther. ' tholl!:ee than 38 ' ENOt:H LEWIS, or timo 'o,,, " 'the Peposylyanil : ,~~~1I.6~e,Da SIlRer .f. Jb ]'7 @ 22 Gen'l S'u Perinlelidenl, Alloona, Pa. - A " DI Rltilroad. l,o, be (ou'o'el ; in ' lhil N .• O. IItulllse s ;jl galion, 1 35 . HENRY W. GWINNER. . -N®'lrAmY lPVmrr,U!D, ] 10 Thi. i, the la(est l and 1D0at CuNIOil i ,,,lIou, ,,' ; Oen'l 1'lcket,;Agenl. Philo:. 1. W.. ,uenJlle, Obio, rOllte to the'Edt; aod all tbe ' ~-=~=i:;'~~~~~~=~~= & SERIES" I' , COD04!ct~d with' lhe ~oadl • • ~e .... . ' l ~b~t\1i5tm£nt9! 'I '4:0., &:0., &0. l ·tf. !~ ~ " " •• " d to Done OD any olber'ioad io the " . "I tI 'f ~J • ') ~ , . ; '" _ . . "', " Bavinr had .fourleen y.eara· experien~. 01 a\l killd. ·.IWlYI ~ "~Ind. , , , ~ ill ' Ihe pr~cllce ~r Medtclne, . ~lfer. 1111 !. " .,hl I. . . ProfeuioPDI Senlce. 10 tbe cltlzenl o( , " /ille .. Iorlme'nl: of ' PJi1s1~1~lUf Jt' Da!l Ealfj Mad,. , ~n~ WaYIlf)lVille and Vl·c inltj. Q; '," LAMP , !. .L ? '" J .,' • " Ily l-elltn" 'Engra'llIgs. cftrd Phot';grnphs OFFICE ' 0. t'M cotner'or M.in' and Ali. ) F.·llod .lId 8t,tibuery. Our 8tatlollery rlck~'t8 . C''lI'0 j ll. _. tlJl4A .It. romp' . LANTERNS, & Y .• excel all otherl; e_ch . p.(;kll~e contOlnB ami III., nellr 1t 'P.polhe HIy'1I Hall. If t' l . I,,,;" 'D~' , 1 -, ~ ' " I Fnper ' i!! 'nllelope" Pencila; Pelle, &'0., uti ~ Nlallt c.i\.lpromplly ;e.ponded to. .... q~IM~E~S. ; O. l (.I.'."l., t:, . 'l,~g .otore,. ' Jewelt, ' worlliadoliar at tel"lI~ Price I_ IJ only 30 CBI"S. We ,will Rend .Agent\! 10.0 ~S 'T ,. 'tt1A'tt ~~ '~IY·IIl~ .Olal~ • , '. I 8t.. iot\er~ ·Pllckagea 'ar.d n BtIve~ }V,arch .. • • ..J. Vt ~, ~I t·.;, ", o S ~ ' . , 0 . ' , ']I'{ 'f~ 1,e .. ·Q,R ·N E ,R , . (or 'i'7 . • We'al.o ·PuLlisl!.Jllf~lhiL~t .. 1 if ~ : d T' sa : p~ J a a o,~"l P .. -,YCU.lt;:, .;. , "] r '.. Engra.vi/lg. lind .P omall •• Lltll\>IlTlph -. lNE CUT .,. . JUlie ~3:"''''.,t''' .' Prints. etc. , fery po polar and ' a·rlf.blll:.... ~ ;" ' " . Will a'lfd ·. fine ftllOrlmeDl 0 100' lor ".'" . fa N ' '11. ~ . AND IPLUG. . , .... . . ,1'600 !li.al will realize 16".0'1"1' 'Us litl In il' VlrlQ" .. lrr.nllb.s ;, Dot ex"• • 0' " ClnA~S AND . .Ih.t' w'illlle,1 rur ,.0 or over•. ,W,ii If>nd ed In,whore • . None ~ut th. - SNUFF. . . . ~. . . . .' , I :.ample lot lur tit that "Ill I." ror ,i'3. , B B I".. M.• ~ i: ~) ~ L '~" ,~ D. or i ,l{I'e'•.III. Ii, ~I~ di ·I ..,, 'ID I~r,e tJull r.=l ·~..eo~ . "aQlP Jo~ f~l~~,~, terltt~, elo. T' ;; ••' I, 0 ......:..OIllC. 'at 1.1. real...... ~itie~. ·ror Ille bv . . •. ' " . n~J[IN8 .~ 0\1., " .... - .. ... ...,..-" :t~l.t,...rP &!, lUNTZ. Jl-2j 16 peekmlla ,ttnl, N. Y. 011 Mllta ·Stre.f. ' I-I, , ,
AND.SHOES For. Ladies '& 'Children.
JaCpOn'B .Pectoral Syrup•
p " &'',' a,
Bat:iI " met·, oa:p1J:" !,
Ge~i :'~I~~~~!~~Philll.
" . ' ,...;......:.. . . . . AGE N T S WAN TED I' lPtescriptio.n., ;n© '
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OcronJlR. 20T1I, 1865,
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1I0ul0 in said Coun'!, (or tIle purpose' ~f receiving Taxes. uotil the)20th
IIl.2 10 '
GI., Aromatic IIdil,/llIm',
rIl "
14 ,420
Ii 10
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1 7 10 ' 18 19 29
''1''''''{ I'J '~r...to ,.n,. ells.
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IlnJ of Dl:ctmb~r ll c Xl,
A&;."ce. o!utl.pe, .it
9-10 9-10
Butlerville School District.
· 'tal,.dldial' Iblrt.4llelib I •• "'Ilirl IIIIID "7 ol"tr 8101. .tll 111111,. In' Ibe .lIrlle'l uill II, co.,.rko ...II.. ol~rn
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Mlliisllonruilta' ••lIItrl". ol;.II"'IIIIIlI Will p ..... ta' . , S,,tM' to toIlsla a "tan 'IIro,..I•• of
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6 :10 tI.1O
HAMILTON 'TO·W'N SIUP. M'lIineville chob! Di"trict. I llopkin!IViHe School l)illirict.
eeJ'''.'''' ' "'eM '*11"" ...,. bee. ill. .trodletill: UIII' in· 1If1!,!, aHill. IlOl 0.1, a. _ipe.'J'er! loJII,•••,
t; : lO
(j : 1U
Monq\\' $:hvul Dist~iol,
"11II~ttd, IIIrt". . ....,..tla.rtlO',.: ••". I~ a Jlh or .1It Gf . . .,'tofft'
I); IU
5 3-IU 1 3 . 10 () '3-11.1 1 3 :lU
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3-10 3-lv
r,O~\(N S lll P.
(j;1O Ii : IU .
\Vllvlwsvilltl Sehoul DiJluicl. II! lIynt!lY i.l1tlCOrpUnlli~D .
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LtobllllOIl :;',lIuol Diij ll'ic l. , L ebauoll ( Cv/Potllliull.
. dO tu I , .510 3 8 '1 0 " s'n !I (, 10 3 Il IU 3 II.) [; 10 61u 3U 10 . O~ lu ~ 510
1 3- IU
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TU1~'1'r.,.EC~;EJa( TmVNS1l1P,
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1 3-10 3-10
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all~' !it~4': ....Idl b~re IIHIl tond JII~
I t ~ 1O ~
1- 0' I - \U 1- 10
! 0-10 I, JO
hi tile ••,pltott, ••, ••onlr IIle
,.·'"l1klill '1'olvn.ldp, F(Huklin ()urporllllon
"frliOJIll Ibtl'
DaIlO;' .1' !Ieoe). 1'1alb,
\ {I- tO i 9-IU
Spt ingborough CorporHlIun.
co., OUIO,
?f ' o / -
j "
'J .,Dnnw
SWE:I'E, ,
t' •
: •• ~
ES¥.lLLE, W AHREN ·CO··,. .. ,,..··-
~U.'N~SDAY, D~CEl\nJER 6, 186~.
$2,00 A·YEAR.
Il . ," i u~s.il\p aovel:nmen\ lind i~ ~all1 ~: lazy in tlis !J>f\n \ler. '1'he Crnle. . f; would demand Il ia exLr~dillon ' \01 a~ - 1.11\1l hght hnlr. a amootll , red f~e-, verv, POP. Borao Cara to Run by CoDQJreeMCI s;.:r for tile crime.. of slaying hi' (~l ow "ght and smal1 mU8tache tt'eth in e';. The evnic i ll one .. ho newer ' ,eaa a . And ther. Ih.,. sat. poppin( ~"r", Air, " 1 tonti·lllee Itlnt lIitd deafly owe , ~nd he t.hougUf. Luey uld "AOL ceHenl repllir, III i\, Bo<t on' D u"j,' st I r ' ' .1 , 'J JohJ\ Slite. "lid Supn C,"ter; • 11 ;rloreneerv.n'e :', I 80 reca ll bim if he "'''8 " n officer in Lh e ,~~ ~ .... " qUit; "1 p .• !Dan,, ~!, p,VE'r .ltl S ~he, Albs,n y aDd West TrOT Hor.. I r b U » well alle8t: larYII grey eyell aod a · very A ball one. _ U Il IS tire hllman khu Slilel.os r.t .. s ~n,. ox, RailroAd COlllp"ny lire aboat kl le.t. a Xy lIfe 'e br/j!hl drulIl !\nd urly , reglJ ~r ft,r,':Ill q t \!;.~W!fcl.l;ltat\l._ He nlll'ro,," ohm. ,He ia .A perSOl1 of go'od" ,'· vi"iltl>llli 111 ,dRrktJe~8. aDtI. bl in 'l, 10 And lUau r,,( us bu ll r. II' ,,' .. ~, Hlllh' come 'jti.ir, ; WIlS re<:omDlende~ .'~8 · IHt' nhalbl'y ' ~ t p Id I '&' ., I new prope log power-comprea8cd air I rene .. lit lTiy<ro'rlJllvlslrln lp'(lu8inlf fot vlJrmin and Ite,!: r And there Ihey eh t and ,btll~(1 the corn, inalead oC horael. The mllcblrie il to obLnl o 1\ co~ml 8slon , ,10 en~~ in tllt~ ~~ r~88. ag~~? ~~I:.h¥h lI uently, ' J\~~:~ I " Mf Ird~tJl! dear " al~ , serv i ~e , wl,ich he did, wnll ~ Hnch - Ie plllno . n IIl01 y and. wrile8 ell!gRnl. , nobl<: r me , 'lb "' cj'r\ic pUll RIl l'<nd rnknll ...d . tirred lh . fir~. DO. building (or Ihe purpose or te,nDIl • M, hOflr .,," II "' i!lIrl.lOn,' 1- ' cd 118 11 corporA l, and 6 t\b'~e-qlle ntly pro~ In LI118 rl'g~rd no pretender or Dlflt\ nClion~ ihto two 'IM "!'s-opt!llly A ll d ,.tlte" of Ilifte1'~nl kin!1o or dars, qle itltll\. The air il to be compr"'aed "'f' . 'o ufe nce • lie. " t d t . C ",,0' .ern Li~e~ II~s equalled 4i~. , t]18 II and· secrelly b~ (1. .AII vil'1Utl nntl And bi lChcd Ihei,' chair Ihe nigb... "t eRch end tbe route. IIDd pilleed ill nalJosi'y nnll d isintel'ellletlneHs RI'O rc ~ervllirs-w"ich look like E'xlI"'ger"rea mo c_ o, a. Ij.e ri.elllltcy,l0 omplmy ..il, POIVU9 of ImltRllOn lue g,eat. He will ~' Th, ',ultt: I!Ia.'.nil, 1llol'1'YJ ' FUllrt.ee nl-h Ullite~'8t1rte8 rllfdlll!'},. b.'1 held /I. t Ihe Contmluffiee ror n "llotl I r Theu " '" 11 .hr Ihe popl'crlhook. U ' 5 ,.. ,"a ~e "u1n o' 1. , t· ~hortly altllr ~I.JI.S he obtlll' ll e[1 leave 1 , t!d by0ruor: lIe np'pe~rn noll 0 good . but 'r .0 a lou ntaio.1. The relerwoira .are 10 · " , '.,' u " tl.me untl he ra n .. be iJenliil' at Ille L" llom 1;1 1 old I'" he" J,,"" h . hook (hc popp r. b of t ' d bl t j Wli.r, 11 -" a'·' t h "k m, t or Rbsen"e an..!tl Ag-I'n AppeAI-~U·1 '1\', the ltea fr om ollil'r 01 tteB , nOli un II hl furl..,.. ''l' tIll'. ng1\' eY~e I ~ ' uM. T'' II Luol,I Ih";r rae... ",row n, red e cas Iron, lin • 6 0 rell' .., a - nu IuS a. lory ' n I,'" (I JA8 , ,lYood r , J • 'A'L e,en loltl- , . " Everell Hou~e and l?ifth A.venue Hotel ,,~ , ~ A" ' ' ''~ p. or AllbU\: pn".I"..d,e .ur "op""r. p,e88ure of. Lhree hundered pOlJndl lo, ,",.t IpO~ -tile hue" ely.ilD ' . I b f in ! II'uclion ~ elln Ile 'lAd rl'ga'rding-1Iilp. 108:.. <;\ ",\Ii. opn~\'lt\lloD \\18 '<\UIlTe lOch. Each ca, ia be '" " or k d I " 10 t Ie gar 0 a civilia n. His ~OU~lty TlIt, del'dopments lilIA' ("r m"J6. a.n d I Bea., l uppll"d 'Ir\\b one or mOll! ot t111a6 I t.M"ure ' ~IIr.n~o v'~:r~7- ' was SO?!! run Oul, and, be WRS comp.ell- doing. sho" .thAt RS " cln'fillenee !lU~ . e ,., .. , ,'Florenoe IV. lb . . e~ ~~tln La borrow . •Hie a\Q~y nqw I\\OT ql a r"me,d 1\...,' n .Coun~ . inn'ucn e9 ~ eo p . .. I ~. , .,. . "1\' I at he Ll'1t.1 boen in Ihe recfluilillg o\l,\lli"g' mor~ · ~h'HI·, l\ vlliet :I'o~ ' ffl , i,~c~lmil1,J\,'t: Iy' UPtOn.. eve,ry living sumctcn! to run it distance ofteo-mile., ... ,t ... r....,1l\ .... aat, loveHer thao tile 1'01'1 B.e" vj~e, wns IleAwUy ia arrlll\rlJ to *he low. who ~ u t:cel' tl ed in imprt'Msing cv·· "10(, h~e fro s l Ilpoll BO'wel'll , If R . TIle compreased 81' r I'S to be ·ppll'ed· 10 . t ' h .• ' t "' 1 10 •'Je p ure .. Still th ey rO"I,.d nnd "illtIIAY .10n . ' ' : '" I." , vii th ei!: p'rim", I'" t ~, go vel'nmen • an d un ItlSI! ,le' cou I d ,aU G c ry o'uy with all "d~a 0 l,iEgcnuinclless. 1.8 SlIll, a.nd chRste, he crankl on the ORrs in a mAoner .i-I·I.r r • fa II ,1 .1 11 I I·' b .1 b . ,. . 1 .1 . J.,t",·. ,Iooulh I\'.~ like. hoI'P"_ ... 1111. l'fJ' "Qlt:e excelled.lhe ,clo.e.. ,. IL .' w. 1 . 1,9 '"u ~atl""l ~-Q , Iua d16 ' W.':l.u U, I Il IlIlu ~ lIJ g recaiveu a~conJin"'y, IJ\:I'~. '.I es, III t Ie IH.f time.' If 1\ H ' I to SIOR Al, ano 1'8 10 bu 80 regul.ted ",'1 h . . . . 08Im' 0, th e lire. Rn,l ' p"in kle,1 ~Il , v . ",wet.teet ~b, m&, , rUllleu. J.'O one seelllt: dl . po~eu to ---~ . _.___ " IR pron o ~nceu Vil'IIIOUS, he will I" I govlltnorif, Ib.l 8. unitorm rote ofepeed 'd I'm db' '" ~' I\ Y •• Stull.1I Ulld ,hol>k th I'Ol'pet. n bV hear I WftIJ DB a r Ivor . ' , I, 'U \I ,An eeomlDg 'Ucspe'fllte, c T~QlDas Saye ~e. the Pullliat. ' • es, AS yel.' Mr. A. il ,eligmey ' be' ml\intaineil at all timBI.-Wltll' ~" ~ '41 1 i<l)pO L•• ,fR" in, r 11 IIpprO 'lched ijO lll e of the IlIo icll wh081' , 'YI:Il O ll SU O ' J ,,, UB,' Mr. B,II· " . Th r,lock" fuck nill e.lho clockllruckten d . . . .' r I I d .. ' " i (/ t ~ ~ , • ollmp re8Be air IllS lupp08e d that' the QU, .til OV. . .le, G.ev~r. ,1, apq lIi!'JII)i!;o. )111 Bu ' nmue I~L tile ' I, ,]lhom>1 s Sl\yers, of w'l toso· rec!!\) .. till! churoh. • C"'"Linly, Lhe A,,,j ~/ i ll th e r."rllk ept pO ~l'ing- _ C~1'I may be rUD at an expeD,e not ex- . Il'· IIW ..FJ"r IIclINlloe. • I 1 anti fl'om wh om he 'hlltl rectlivet! triflill .r J I I ., . b ,. clion ' IA C rilin": on .' 'l'l lu h· ·IIII·lItel· It strock "lev<lI"nll Ih c lI Iruck (w eI,'" o· ... : u .,,1 '0",,'1 iI_. " , ' " .1 1 I d <> I clll I we IR VO m(ormlltioll , y , ' I . 0; II d ~l cee 109 t 0 doHate • day each. Tbe. .Dut , r.ire I, coldest, wonder! IUVIIU tlun U!>l"s. IIql . LIfe~teiJc I hl: OJ ChillR , 101' who i9 knlY",n where'vel" gti'pEi 1'9 c" C An exl pll! of All" ltilt no lign of It(,pl'i n~ . first cnr -drlveD by co mpreued .ir "i1r , _ 'l'''y ... ln'iou. "'III "I ••. , ' with iC th~'y did1 nOL '""0 to lIt:wspHppr \,ill lh ll E,:'I ... ,iIl Jh Il\n"u~ ge . i!<; l'. nce. ·.J ~ , ·H IliR! ~~"(~'l l: bnclI II A '\ "U •JUI\" III) nt e •••,' I Suc Ih"ll,I\II' ' '''1t . be plll.ced upon tile road "0 aboa', I'~our " .... J 1 .exposure ~ ., 1 . Llelh the green 80d )l1I"errtl.e lTtI':'.I!~r. PIlP"S, mllmllPI!I, .c OI' oLh ur .... nd, Ill! ' 'I' lm ' $Il~ rs , \'\"BS borD ' Q / ' ~ J;ene~o uil . 'or 9t her peoplQ's Th o COl'n " .. 11'0 1' ""11 '''' tt ~ r, a ' _ wec:ks" , •, Al-.e ; l\\htJ day I ., ,r,len ~ , nud pl'U(;Ur~ h~fU lh e rn,ollC:Y . J8 26 . He WIlS br,ought ·up to th e trfl (!~' , : ~rllll' nln.fl i'i obJi!!i llg . "ro Ti IIJ o hll l' I'i~d Cl U1. "' h e· t' ol'n' !t lllioo! .,., , ~n4It~qql' ..lIql.IO rem"nbe, " 10 soml! ~f Ih use P'II'II t1S hl~ 1·)dl111lL.~J or t'ri r.kt..y in g, LuI h\lvillg R turn f~r I tilllpl CIoJn I\.nll cheal yo u:' Tlli ~ \\, bl' SU,'III, wl.. I' . III . mull"r !': !,--M INGENIOUS TRTcx.- ' Ho", 'm"tly I • . hY..'~I'~lJlll ' ,. letllJrs w~lI.cli he chllrglJll th em \vltll' Ihe V,izt' ring. IIIHl ll howin g the qU1l1i ,II is UI'.I·ighL. '13 ~lcll u ~e he IS green,' children b",e you t : is-Ihe general in. To q~lc;eQ .lqve'~~. le omblt!, I,a\'ing ~I·!tlen . ar~d ' IV~lj~!I ' hs loltl I.h em tie~ Ib l\C'chSlll'Y IIl\ceess in it. he ~o'oh I'I.'ul h loR flY.! 8Ir~," R uul e\le l')' good S.id . I, n, " J nlon Slil .!, iI,-oQc o'clock . qui,y wheD lookiog aner a 'Acad J' " , ,II'''"~' &0,. " I . w~\lld, ~ how Ul'lm l~IIII II1Ltmacy to 1\I(Ht btiC81l1fj R bOXI: I' , by occ\lpaLi\lll. ,Uis uRht~, . "n~ ln k('! .In ..only .I" e bnd-IIA \' '' 00 ' '' ,lie 01' i"tl i;{~ 'lio" ; he use-as If parents . bad 00 ~~.iue .. •, The .ti!lie." · or ,tlle :v ~~ Y" '. I, , " ,.1 1 e,.~st6J bel":' (!Cln Ill msel! Rod th~m ;. but lirst Ii~hl in ~ negulnr 'LriC! ~ e n , 611'1:1 e vI~llttr: . wh P~ ~.n 1he l11 g h e~ 1 hellv; I'", ~ick 01 ~" lhi. I)OI'I)i"1f CO"n to hnve chiluren-or if tbe, h"y, lind· ' , ,Oi yp'~!'~!:.1If!8 wl t,p, . l as lbese hld'es never wrote aoy'. lu?h. wl\s 'IIL Greenhithe in , I B49 wh tlU\ '. '~!!I ~1I1,1. by l:"lhg ft oc~s nntl henls, v. hy ,lUll I you pop (he qll.llion 7' · loruK b"ye B rigbt Lo IhrusL Ibe'm aside. Tb!i iI.llIfe. lovb' to hn, , letters, th ey must hRve belln forAeJI" Ii ,t OtOUl;jJ" H,i s uext 6" lll Wj\~ t c9'l1e8 ,hko '~n ,a,rrow IlolY,II upon Ihe -_. We like the atory or Lhe good ' mOlber ~~ -'~~ erfl tmai4e.n"l ~e,p! , con<loel~d by: ,bis Pruuian ~retelld~r, Ool\\trs in 11150, which-wII; . 8IlJr.l l!e~t IC,IlrCaIlEI. 1'0 'laim- religion is Anna DiCklol~o tie ~e4., who Wllo\ everywhere lookiolr lor ~ , ,~~f t~!llt~I~~~}n , blla~~ 1~.Ylllr, IV ho, WII h 11111 o.t her accolPph,hmelll8, 11'y' the policlJ Iwice . antI filiAlly Ii)' vocflsy, h pn'~f ty II prl1pfll'ALlOII for • house, but ber , Itoleo child reD " ,or. llIVie,r ~IQe I I' I' " • •• "-1 _.l''''"h . h",) hl\t pf being one pf the mOBIskill · dq"ed IIl1d l\ n"w motch IlJllue (or tll'e flltll (l. vir tue on ly \V llnl of IIppo rtunil y A. New·York cor'tl eponMnt wl'l," to Ii)WRYII aD objection. Finally .eeing I ne 'e e,-r* ''I; f.u I. 0 £pt:r.mcp, .• • •ng thll,po)Vqr? r ,ulh "of $25, whieh hI) won '"flel'", !': ~n' I , \1 ...'1'-',1 ,1lI•~~" J~ V~l\lIy., ' ' 11I 0 I nulnnn . 1' , . YYMnI ' ' Flure .bepar ! III ~ ,-Vln" ,," PO~~.c8sl, nSC() \I. sm.,fhe po I i. J OUT IIQ I that ' : ' ~ III! con Id nol get ,a house, j SIIe lelll her' •. • ,}1 "',~ " Z,~.' J " , • lml,tAllIIg h~lIldwr~lIng 80 perfl:,c.tI1, )\~ to h.nl'd · flght of' e'igill j' foul' lil i" Itt" . '11'" 1, 1t: tJ 1I 1:J11,I ' I , ~ coolly ,sit8 willi SrI'C I'· 'A report is in circulAti on IhM AnM chilureo tb Ib~ ·grAVe.yard ,foraD ,hour (F~~il\ ·~h. N;"'r~~~~ I~. ; ldY '''i ' l dI:Jrld.e Lectl~I1.; ,,,.P I ~~ t,h11'.I:·a,la , ~o\-w.~d next VehlUj'c ''':is /1 cll!ille ng<! t Ju ck!.pc.! 111/· ~ ~I " lit , ,: ~I ' '''' jJ fJ" 'I' \dltts ill IIHi E. l>ic~i Il FOll ill to be Ull\rried \hi s, win' or two, Oaillng 00 8. laDdlord" f9L~. • ... h.A. · . ' 1IJs ?UH'nc e~ l'l ItS. true Ig It. ~f1f~r; Grnnt, II vl'ry e ;rr er ~ · bl) x:e r : on wllt~h 4 11 ":I ,.,l ~I UII"'I .1lI e1 ,n )J (J"~I ..,d p \a l' l\ ~lO, te l' 101\ jt:l\l rn a,lisl of Lhia Cil): 1\ ;oullg house, ·his first ioquiry wae.,'How,m.n, ,~ ;COW1t,,~ .mt v..ll.a .. , Dla~lon rl:l,;~,~ln g hIm w,.~ lou ged . wll h II, mtHch WR8 al·I·lu)g~d . £01' £1 00, II' ~rrll.h.IIIU H ~,r_v ell ", II(· tt' r ''' li e I is wid .. ",,,\,, \\' lIn lil'8t 1\:! viscd h'I' 'to IIN- ohilurco IIl1vc you " 'fba·.lood wid." , J.. '. \,,~ . . . . .r.,.. mo • \' • • OIlier lo'I"h 'n 1:5, presc:ntcd rll S'l'llnl, nIl"u 10" . ",om · elle as rtlplicd,' My children\ .a,~ allI iD' the T A.~U <;IF A!" .ALLEUjiD I'RUSS'AN j 'RE'rENP£R .. 1 "Young, 'd 0 of .i Iho :...dill. ectif e SId e . . " 'Hl s words Hr., ~nfl~ r Ih~n CI! IlII 1I1~v ' d , fr lJl\utObGHI:"ifEll'jc,·r£D .5'i'dd.. ' , I loree, W. IO ,P ~ce IllIJCtIV ~ S. ~Ilyle lind The fight WAS won b'l Sll\' et8 I Rnd OIl , J CI Ih ey nrtl tlr lt \Vn Awords.' All cribesl\l\ I,,>r ~ ucce S8 . '1'lIlJy hAvl: hlill n grR1'e ,yl\rd.' She Wt\IIIlII"p, t l . reole · ' '" 'C'l . II ~JI' ~ " .! Bllnncl~ 00 h,o traule, 'J'h p,se offioe rs crrlye hilll an imml'd ii\/e 'lind •uLta n~i\'e this 10 the y6 11n g sUl: m~ 1\ wonllel'ful engtlgllo priv lllllly for foui' yeara, ru . 1~le house, ,II,nd ~b en moved 10 with her Ooe o" !llie moat extr"~td ~n,~rf ~o·~ ~: asc&ltl\lD~d thlll S\al~en ow blld obi lli /lc d ~?IOI idlY IImong Ihe OIM~8 10 which -lHi Ii no lY 1,, \lgc or 1lupl,An nlll\ll; I;.. Ihe -. rl ~,II .' ~IVI' SIl}'S , Rn~I.i I)R~IUudl ns .bel' loved whole family. ~heD . t~e laMlor~ , dence opt'rl'to ' , coprdlllg ,to , t 1(1, tV I' lallv 0.£ abse nce (0' Ih tl . pl~I'I'0Be O~ C belunl(l-d, , • .Nft./lr be<lting Jack ' M Il mlln ~I'j) "ppeltrs 10 11f\\'e., ounel out h ~ r ",h"n ~ h o Wit II PO!)I', 1.\1bIJrin~ gi rl heRl'd tlJ!l ~Jpll\nllLlon,be fouod ~ba~ be d~~cCj l.~lua .'f"rt.", d, t~at b 8 ever , III.Jpea'lIIg ~efortt the. 'l[~ln lng"~~llr~ in IQ50, h., wtis helltlln by ~IIoL. {IIal~l~ d .. \.'l he}! beg il! .t9 [ndul:.:o Ih e m- ill lI ,e P Ioi lnd"l'phlll min!, ~ile no rloubL ",a8~dooe for, .nd opeoed not bit lapl. "'!8Itci~ . Ih.,'jl" 'fRs ,. ~~fe~~e~" al tlbl: o.t ADrulp.Qh.l't.g~I·( ~lng Itl' q ~jj a h!lm. Thi8li g~lt, Lh." only on8. ~dV(\'.lIIlJlp pan.ta ll er.s; lind with asu' !'"cle I\ ~ S llrClllllllt' his lIiJucl ion (or I,er -City paplr. ~Ifth X vvnue oLel re I:DLly, by ~~tIlC- . Li ons for ~ COmtlmSIUIl. He W l\8 pro IV,a excpl the IletnRo ~ght ~'hich SaY,of;'; ,perclhotl B U(QIY and ""pllde.IlI , tong llf!, is nO'no Ihe 1,,88 gl'llu inl! sinne she hRS ... ,~~~ 9.~ylq,*,D4. .Uell..pe~h : 'l;htl' hllltor.y nOIIl~c~d 11I.llo lllptHelll, I\no ol·dde.d.\I c:~ 10~.L Iltr ollghOUL his ,Iollg cl\ree r~ . W ~8 WI)M.g' lIlg to. Alii f'mply bl:Il IO, ca ll UI grow n IHi"l·th y IInJ (amoU8 . Brr:u'. COliE1'. -'I'hill comet il n.o " ofl 1I11~ P .~toP~ 19 Ib"'I'0":laLhooora III t~ b.1S l eg'lmeIiL. Inslellu of JUI . 1.1 , wo~ hy tiff! 8 IrBIP~t! 1D lind hup'/lrlnr II I g'" Ihe \\'18 ,~ n,~ t.1 ) '"1~ 'rlel~, 'Hllllhtil 'Mi ss D. hil S bH o greatly oVllllflfaia' vi eit.le La the nAked eye, h m.y bll a for~~II ' I • .lld ' la :fg,l b«)r sl~nl.6cAI\C to 1118 com~~flnd, howeYer, hll r~;'~p .1\1 J " oil~e B LlIo.l:rlialn, 'lv1 0 ~uccee o1 i,d il\' V'~ nefllhltl:-LBtnry lVaf'd 'Betcher. ell. bllt aha h,, ~ c lIP.ngity Imd c ~'UIICl llr. seen in lh6 fie,,,hborbood . o{ the ,c on. &lte' glddy heatled young gll'ls 'and 'PU ,.~ the FIfth AV~II ~I! ~')le \. IIl' s.il\'l\tI ClOSing both bIll e:y~8 . /:Iy au ccllII.ittll -----_ _ \1 1\8 \I on" .. gMIl 1'Ioy\l. \\nl\ \s dea\lrv\i\" 1(~I\&li(\n ~,ge'III, ~nd · ~ll)le \0 . \b.. ~· II'.1'amj/jH';n ~ w·hQ;o I. c01l6d ,. I 111m" d\!110rle r, and - 1\ l! tl ull he WIl8 blow~"though SflYHa "I most pirWot~~or clh1dren. or pml'" for tiftillg " rn"lf by hllr lIn · b~'l5hL 'l\"I:,.}'h.d'Ah ~.. • ".'111"' , t. d.' m.~.Il_·11 , o.l.dg':"i l~t~·" him.~1r; ro~ plllc,~..un<tel: arrt:8~.. );Ie ~'" I"~~ . to (~clly fresll ' in' eVIlI'Y olh ~r . \'e6p~~ II I -_ '0 _, "1 - - ' . , : aided (lxe rlions to her presellt pos ilion. ~uminllri(l' whioh fonn Ihe ",ell ·k~o~·u lhe purpore, '8 rJs ItIle~~d, de '.bUSlhg til e 1!1l1l'R1 office Rnd . 6~1\.I 'C hell. , Sey., Ih.e, close ' or tbe ~ght. LlIllghaul', ne of Ih e g rtl.Rtest defec ts 10 lhl' ed- 'l'h~ ~ n eetB at her by \'11.' ioua l1u w ~pRper sq Ihre or Pegllsus,_ 11 .il pursur?1l ,a" ,hal cOD6t1pt t •., Ii. persoLll1 e rlll pllcullges, ~ m ~u l).Ll~g, "I, an . to , !, '.. frl end. ware 80 Wl'lI RWtlre r , -SlIy" uClition of r.lail lfl'erl is ill IV·g le\i ling IQ Wll iel8, /lod the grnltllldlis I\.iwlC9 80 811utherly COUr81:, I\ad wII.~r"llI \b. Q4i . .. ~g...~. d ize!fe f ~ /l,\'i! d h /' ,~'l\", Iml bOUL. two huodle d I~ Uerli. ~~ ,e found J '~:': ~~p,erjoflty thot ., l\lio~ll'er ina~cJ{ accJ810m Ill@iil'l6 :W6~k. ~. It ' 3 An ,e~'il rree ly gi Vl!lI her, 10 get mRrried filld III· le8th'\' 8quI\rll ,bOUL tbe mIddle of, De. , nll.1I1 0 ,W. I !I.,. p~re!llhl8 ... .li\f\nC;I' s~,'tb · on IllS J,erRo n•. Logether With ph,oto- coul~ not be arranged belw ee n the, pec ul i~ to ·ltll;ge toWn!! IIOt.! chic~.' A l\'Inu to heY babio8, \08te&(\ 01' the ,ftlIit's1 cCI!lb~r. ~,.~ingJlt"r . euuueh, j, . t~e" ~a'.'.A«9Jt, l)Il"r9rlh, ·~lrJls F'. K ~rRphs, of RII !118 !.OUD~ Indy, ,ttren; l. ti~8 , Rnd', SH'y er , went 00 amOUIH er~w(JFk-i8-neCeftsll rv. to -of lhe nAl,iob,'nre unjulllllnd1cbnlcDlpl. "roue8 the old path followe<1 io '4~~ lIatl89.D ,,~ij(l •• Hf1r... Arnol~,'Aliu Adolf In Boston., SI, houl. ana. New ' ¥ o!k, nntlt? tonqu~,· all ~he ('h'e ,pl'Clper educ:O\tion Ofl cliildren.,.Tl\()i f ihle. Any feminine crelllure r.an do M a POiOL wbere iL we,' ,be" obier'I" ' Gra' Iu;U"hDll ScliJ.odj~ . ·~tl)e ICounl 8.nulhe It~le', DQI . & .c.baL .ccomPlnl~d. erB of bis time. AmoDg whom wl!re (uture in(.e)le niilenei:' I\lld ·· comforL ·d~ · thlli. !lntll ~ \Ipp 08e IIhe luis 1\ righL III ~o Sepl\rAte i.nt\> t "!o eome." " will Do.ho.~~tll ..ea' .nd h' lIlf!'l, 'eM gh ;., to Il ~,rn ••Jl,owe qf w.hl!lQ wer-e "il\WIcJ.I"\1 n A-liron J"n~!I . the 'l'ipton' SlasllH. 'fom PVn,I .1I11 lla eir bei~'g Rfl: uelOmed to-pro · d termine ht: t own conllu ot and fil \ire. conlinue to IIppro~ch~L\la e~~Lh u~Ii1lhe h~ye ruine, .t mu~h smurter .m 1[1, It\~ i ,~ ~ ~~s~, e~tlt:nflug .1a.nguage. l,. ,F'''r..ob -' Ip,IldJl)ck, Bill.Bebj~in, aod Qpb Brlll- ~I d c fur the Ih rl \I ~~l.. tl con ~ tRntly r.. cur I am g lntl to aee I\ny womRn open fol' end or FebruRry, "h19 III dllt.,Dce Stll~e'ii 1 rijl7tu wliell,~vl h&Ve ' 'ii' ~ lIy VIOIU r~aHOIIS ~be nftmee 'of Ihe .A'I1Lhot·lI'. tll. ' '. . , ri'llg W/(III' IIIMt. n ~·ture . C:Il!lIils on the m h e r ~fl f Il no:w II\'e nue to IlIfllu'nce Rn'd (tom us will ' 001, eighleen ' milliool .1, ,~,/ ~. of ",e notiis af~ onlllle~, These' Ittl 1'81 ,'I'!tc:r-IernRQ figh t' ~hi~.h t:r!!nteu s ~~t: n i I ~~ i s . ~ecIl8Hit,y dill not eXi ij l, se lf~~ upporr: Rlill thou~h tIle fair 'Ann~ or mill' 8. At LhAt lime, ho.e ..er, 'i&" b,rouk\i :,~,iDlII'~p. \~i· e,.f•.,' 1/ . 'm ~.Ii~l -0, .. AF. 'Y~~, :9 "Newr, 'V~r". ti~ he had reg"rde(l 80 ~holce Ihllt he ne~ · g~6IIL An excitemenL 'in EuglRnll ,,, .noJJlJrl}\tl " l: rul1loymt:Il~ , of- t!qme ki,,~ i ~ not \'\hat 1 el!ou!'d' d 68iJ'~ in I~f!r Il.U\) .1 will haY.e , .dvRnce~ fir iDt01be , BOl,1lb~ ;, L\i'! J;tUJ 1. q ,~fI etlJ.n(l,~.• ; ~y'. t 18 J DtDI,q er (J· ~s tett. Ihem to ~II" lu.!t~ II~el but ~l: thi. c.ounl ry , occll'rred 00 li1e 17111 "pul,1 pre c r~1l I ~htm . (rlom • bad habils , lie cllp!'I_f- il.)', I , rejoic/l ill l,er io/J~p~od,-. erll ~eay.e nl, Bpd .dlllppe.r~d ,frol!1 he~l ,!efJJ,1~r" ~(. J.OljdOI\.I'D~ proc'le<!- waya clIH:od them :abOIJL tll~ ·p er~.~it,t April., In,Su, Rnd d ~ci'tHi. Id 'Rlvn, A'g 'lli pl!Omottl'· hl:taJ,th'l · lIbd. enllbht the m '10 9 ~(le .!lnd . 8 ucc ll'~ , all ILII genero.us aDd , "f..d .ID blsl,'er I~ Itudll·-J,OIJrnall ed... , .ooc, 0 ,.&"'00: ,{.flhtre , UeJ~.put even to dllln t! r parLlee, prl 'A fe ' lIO!f~' tbo rl'pl ~l11 bered, Itri~ the . lql\~ t.er ' hI b'elll' lhe ~eollli ~ ,~ tn ellt of Ihll ~chol'\ lro~m olJivalrlllJs men 8,h041<1 do.' . • .. :. ~ ( u.p I" AD dp8l1.u-e, lole!, I l'epl't'.~nLjng lhe op~ra, npd 9LI e r p)l\QCI wb,re It l templed to be 8etilild hy giving " belt "nd leRch th em Imorel ,\1\ All , any tIlin g MAnRUGB NOTIOI:t,~A Wellern pa. · bimst:1f 18 COUOl Dohn~'" Ptemi"r was olcenary fl1 h(m It» TIP r iii full \ o 8Q I/of . h6 }al" ran ' . ' iDfeJ 11 l',lw ~PPfOpii!l5t! , hab it~:.r,e' l'e04in,~ tbeir Th" MelllP.his ~Jppta!, AD orig. per giYIl. thll ·fD\lqwing nOLlc8: 'All no. !illlilltiHlltf\' W6~~'d'e, d~rdd; O\nri\~, ie' 8, dre~s. J:lis p.oc~e 8 Jw! re. ipe lII'ilh 1\ I ti ~I Il' Say e'r! hos' btlen Ie brig I ~t ~pa r· (lltu re ~el fRre • . 11 is 'on [J1ll'tI th eoll~e inlll' 8ecession ,pl\per. id uri yeo b,atress ~ice,~ of murri.ie, "ber.e DO bride~lIke ( oT ''Be~ fin'" P'riJlssiil.' Tit . e~~on.' '' ftK' mecl'Schl\um pipe, ~ P"Il' or tl irl>:. 80ckp, ticulur 81m - of .e\~er. I •.tireulieA. HI: thlllcllllclrt:n uft€'t IlC hoollll;e perm1lt~d .. . . . ' . 18 Sen&, wU! ' be let up ID email 'ype, IT~o~d t~ \n\ r:t!irl itWg '\0' .\\ilft ~ ~qhdn ' r~" ~oilt:d glov.?8, 1\ 8m~II.lin box ?'o~~al~ " 1 hRd, in A rerfl8ri;lIbl~) d elr '~e ,1.lle. qUill I 4I!land Ihe reAl of thll ,dRY RS tl1f'y 01 ~IlC.lIm ~ tflllcIl8 LO make Lhe (ollowlng nnd· poked 11110 aome outlAndieh oornu l w~'" t/l."t .A I~'R\~t:.';\ oWc::...e riq:r~ \lIt/Irq ~t: 1111( PR~V~ '~Ic'lce t', ~,llI,e l~ sll\'l \\'ed I IliA , iti~8 nt cctis nry Cor 81 !oj ~ ~nte ptoose. 'l'hl' y do I\ot consider Lhllt rt ft eo lion a : . ,: of the pAper, ,Where Il hAndaome 'platt ' ba,il', ~ ~\l.TieMlo fl'o~ll\In lh~ . ,(- he was 1I0' ! lrlln ge~ to IllS 'ullc le. It I Ii"hlillg-abiYll .Lor gi!i anu I e Ih ll tl'I!I,, '~uMe~ldru 1I(e depends upon Lhe 'lL is uselcu lo di sguise the silualion or o~k6 i~ lent, it will tJ.e pu, coo.piet1.~ ' feqli91ls or , J!i~ ·be\~~lll1t.h " hiltl\. M 'fll ' . 'n l l\y • be' illt ~ rcst iug 16 the ,io tln g, Tlidic'I~,'n~JS I In:lO fI &<elle filo'w ~ ,81'obbo It Iua k, vl!JnClut of lhl:i I' you t:h,rul hou n. or. lI'fl .Sou III Il lIn peop le any longe r. oUlly in brge letters; wilen "IOVIlI . 0' l i\\Qeolt8:d· l.Jim tb". IllRohlll!eo ged ' bi$' rir h,o., .,~on:r,l~uted . to .the . !llqu m R quick e. 'e, II'~ twp(lI'luJ'bllllll' 'in tl e world 'wltho?t 1\ Th ey ami Ih eir d e s.Linia~ lire uU?rly 1\1 ?llter br,itle f"vQrll ar~ added t 8. ,PIece ot : (1 ~ .. l. . S '1\1'111 9~re8 , ~ hp~, tho OICI CY of Ib e J:t ecle ral GoyerllmeM Illustrative poetry WIll be RIV~D 10 ad- .• val an,~I~d him in. tjle fight. For: ,:De~r.I A d.oJ( 10 k{l~'f th !,~ Ille .Y.91u,p10 teru pl:r. ," ttllt iJt9 ~es f!ObJP.t lte-U tcr 1i!lIve1 Iloate la 09" qUlotly r ~p oll llg 00 Lbll . a'leh~j!a A1i,i . ' , coonot al.p·rfcitl(c '1I1l! ' favor " J)e810w",d to hnpe--Io mnke or 10 mar......:.~'9 lhal dition, When, bo"'ner, tbe editor .t.(. for. ahort t1.m'e tlil \iP lh'e""irllil"c,o uld be' o~ the p"wnbrIJker. . " nelden on 11'I ~ m hy ,tht'i~ llnre llLI, tlll''y J,o l Go\'u rr.lmcnL pltl\s'cB, And, it. though tends .lul ceremo?y I~ pr?pM 'peTlcma, : 11l'£lftfi eto jlf rtdjU'a ~tl: Thc'lcreduloOs A .oopper pillte oard plAle, f'n gu\'ed, -n ( rkll ow lhe lolls Ih ey eo" t. Th eir it iR univ ersn lly enneed 'd, tf)!lt . ~be pol - Aod klalel the brtde , "'Ill ha,e "P.• - I " Jl oph; ot u~~ ' Lt.i ! ;U~3'1lt;'m' City' sw!~l · widl lhe. nlime Adoll" Grd 'Hi 1),lfl' 1\ Ste,,"rt, the neg ro. who 8truck ~ (". liodi .. ~ IInll m ,. in da, nre enervnted, 1I\It1 icy fIlJO pLl'U hy Ihe PrelidenL lowl\rd dill notice-va.l'} large Iype, and the Ii"",, . .::r ' \ 1. ' I T' d " S II tI · • ..., /. -> d ' " I~ l' ' .' , till Llo nt be),,1 1,.llIeptell Mr. 1I IIc h I ,t l i b d . r \ .. t . ' I I liley, '~rl! C,OIl ~ tll ~I~ , ~ ('xposeu to \~ IR!e ~ . Ihe rn ha.R belln ulIlJxpe.ctlldly i erAI"n mo ~ t, appropnale poe Iry •'h a L can. b.e 10wetl tlle a ory, RII 1>111 'I a vRI:ced 0 10 len, IInu Murmou"le 1'1'\1 I I Ie Im ~ . money~ tc)'Stab4<ll'OW"h\ " ~ipee IIL,f~1\ ot l'eri ulllfn:i8 of t!t ll nbilllll rllmiIJ';'I\vns: Ir.g ',.w, n, .a I~I'W fI ~ .1.01-;" ~ll ._ W \,' rt! er \' ICIO II S , lleSO{;t~lll)nll I\f R . '\hll\ th ~ lr ma g1lQOlln OU8, ILtl~aotl~i ~,e~ ctbe (av. LJeg~etl, bO~'To w~d, ~tol,eo. or. COined , th . 'i:61-} m L (! '8 ' ~ l ,. \ Rl so fOUIl.1 0 11 111m LO 11"1 w\1 a Iii" \:el ltl .. mllll II 1o"ly l~ sllle(1. nll1l au rto,lIch . T.he·dll u ... .I,'e .. pl'oQlllJly becomes ' l1 r"ble comtn,t'nt OF ,lIlllhOttl lDle\1i genL from the brain editorIal. . e PrJI" I .T ;!CI ~ ,nle ! ftIo.II~()'t ~cl~er IlIrge u~Buror - \'r'U J~ gl'I'llt'e J' f .I "\ tl . COS led ·i,er ·lhu ! ·A.I'e' y·c'o u IMr( 1li1['h . I '" , .. ~_, . , 1)ame 0 I.n\l ' 1ntlle ·prOy.le' !I, IV. ' :.,. ~ ~ fl l,b pI I 100l . It' I ill :T. ' n r"oeiv " n II ~ H in til Ih'IL ,pitjnu,11I 91~j (I Ct,,1\ Ctlsujonllble ~ ir1. EUI·opeI).UII who 8JmpMhized witldbebl ~~I ~ , ery Ilab k-"u tallor. "'1", " nU I18 ' same_ IS . ItPCD WRS 8tumped . II iI ;~ Ul f ' . .. I' ~ I ' I I 'I'lie 8 D, if ,JI.".t,Su)'ll)ou,.n,la , thu con l\\e - dUl'ill'" Lh~ir Iremenuous IILl'uggle, -el ..... "" Thoma. Cor-'In late ". ~ 'II!' . "i ... . I" I' . I I' .' ' \ 'Un! " gtl ' I: rom til" 1 tHllb 'n,.! ,,\ y, I , '! I, w ' 1 1 . \ to J ,..~. ",', men llel\Hj\lh' OMt pI\IIC~CO I\t Inst,lIod , t I\~ coal 0 R!'01", Rn, II!, mU>lc burt'. I I 1.1 I' 'c. I I I . 1 qUI!oces ot' lis JlaItHl't.'!I II ('I: I"CI, dOll8 il. this Jltwf.lllity Rnd · Ihis 'mllgnRnimity ly 'Unl'te btl. U~'.l~. f · /I f Hi i ll' :i f ~ 11 I d' I ... . . CllU~ I I ~ u 0 ,, 01 H!rl ~ut.ij~~ 5 Uu I d .10. mlolster to M.,xico , ' rr~wI~ ' lAYIng ce~'e ~ . 0 o~ a vlrlu e, t 10 ~il Ol C 8 1~lnp. \I t Ie ' In~crtplioll I I. ' I " t1' I 1 J' ' \V .I 1 prvbltt;ly 'l\r,-e~i ~j 8 " MIS lUI 'slntion lor I ,I!Otllli nol 611 p"uumed "pon' too far-tl' being iD New York, W"I '''Iely· intl·o. lll the"T' .fa~"n U[Af lc~t'~llll . cit,; aDd.,ar~ell 'C\,Juu~ ,. Dullllll: l'f II .I I\I"d )! liltl r\lb ~ Y, II ' Il l u 'n! " '" life !lrt! of ( IIem,Io 'bl,ltetl!1ldincyi'lctrlain "' 'If_ l' , ,'t . , , "". ~ T N." ; • . r fi" xed" "hi'll 'L i RI" \< IJJl wl t:d,,1t eo • • • , Inuar · duced (0 one or Lbe Englisb railWAY ' i RI\~ " come to k II Il l' OI\' Ill& ll, .Of,+$t, I'MVUI,. I!!re I h"8 ,, p,llf!ul'd ... ;It 18 Wt!1\ i;now", lhllt .boUI " tOR" rin't.I· k ,. 1 " f . .::;.. 'D ' I' . ~ool., 0 11~ . tjJ1porJBn 0 'JP.c:tN cOllies Loo ttl' . 111111 Ihe • rt:qul 5lltOnll mlldo 01 m"srnatee . rec~lItly tranliog in ~bl. , ( I • '1 ... . ',' 1"'\9,,"<qlR.lng " . .( rJeOu8a · ' .1 ." ' R Y CJl1 0 org"l: me, 0 yuu ol'glVi: I , i..all .,,, !L I II I I 1.1 al~I ~r; ~9.\lr.e 0 ~ II h,,\1 IIg lhe greRt 0tiUflLII.uO Ilfl\ . ~. It~ . Y"IV to ~ , . I "tc. J.,,~' U mill\ ,or.wom tlor O tl ~ 'y Il em H lOti U ' n~\'OII' e ,,, one mOlllenl couutry, till beioi at! Ohioan, 'fbis '.,'U.J I
1'h cood.
:J. ',:':'
,' j
betl)f.tI Rf\d.ll". iomol t~II \AaecIiQf18 IIlId , t oblwd f II I"'r!;." pum of rI\'Otrc<y lind :~" lI .fo nizin 10ok" RL il poor ill~:\" '1'II\lCI\It'.1 i{ ~l \ \ !'iCl'l!{o,d, ~yIlI" i7" lu~ t figl: I Q~ or f\>rgol~(,~ : " BIl,):,oQd . nil lerm evi~(;nll, mi. led Jobn Bu\\, wbo ' ...betfa,v or' of "lome. of the mo~' rfippl'cl' 1111 flis pt' l·snntt l ..,·ITectll 'hy ,rl lrl>o ~"rli~ s I " > 1:\ " • I , I . '. '. . WhaL\'\'ClT'. "ce("'I'Ip\~"hme" It .,,\,~y ,P08 pera\lveDlure 0'" 1l0.all\blhy of "'''''.'100, \otl\ed (or" mome'll\." ,",od dea\ · ll\1s• • 1..1 t ,0 ' 1.... " . . " 10 IV 64 DY, \I \I rtl' 0 Ie I c! I ' LI l . . I b \.1 d d Id d eI ~;e, \ .~ I",~'~ ~f, t~~ •.pl~~~J" H~~"'C~\I'r8e knoWo~ 10, ~IR "6 tJe l~nyed : t .. _eTlin, ruill'AlI'S IIfll~p . ' OU Iflj I' Ill' rt'p Ill", Be~" W JIlIE' !" I I Iell' men " r"\UII\~ In t ,ty mu~L e ·.· yle ue ~an ,te e tletl· b'owever hi. faDe IIDddenly brigh. IIr8~., toUt!! 'IV !.'!! verr, , II rt, Bnd bo, PI'U881ot , }1m! p(lrllllll\'ete lip~roben · 8hHk ing hu witli more violtlllc';l IhHn Ihe ~;'Iy "g'il 01 life, th ey rt'qui~'e 80mli promptly-or thl! South i. h~pele8~ly teood, aod 8ei~ing the liAnd or Mr, .tld~nly ·cii"H!elvr.(l ·f1\1 rilJl.!. ·' lit '' !I t'a r· "t:O, trilld ROll fount.! guil t}, . Two 01 bafo . ' llp 4,0 " o !PI a II p.ractlcl'l ,knl,w l~J(lg" ~nd ,e¥ponence de · t1 00 !llcti 10 1l.nlllh6r long nnd In,d"fillll~ CQfwill, he expre8l.ed bill happine.. . a~ i~'l~~b PdJP. ' I} i·1 ',. 1~J)' \hll" ena ~)e t"e~ Rl'~ nq,IV eelV.iug ~uL.\~eic; , ." m. tlf lell, ~e . ,, :J SI IlIC~I~1 h~ "I'J~ p6 i. ·r .v~~ (';00) IjCc:Q8lO mwg Lht:mseh'CI '0 penod. Qfmllltary t~l" and Dlarl.llIllal'l', llIaking 4ill acqulli'!tltoce; then kl,ndlr l!i~.o"~d .~i ,c\9.H!!la' lll ~~. to\lI~ 'Inti! sen Ice .10 Ihe ller1rn~"lt!~n. :'f,h t!'~ I".I'I~ lion he ot'deTl'li, Ihe poor Illdy r"pclIl.t: U ~e ~ullab'or ,olf 80m'lI sort. . •• inquit·tld wh!ther Ilia tribe wert! at m"n~getl to ~orro,., ooe ,lJuDdred. !<!.ol mAde ill' ~s\l "pe,. hl'y,ng ,n h ~s p~ "If __ ' I forg ivlI YOll;' Ooli js Jud ge. ' 1--.-"-,-__ : GEN. GRANT ON AJurco,-Tlte Her - p,ac~ witlt IIIB ",J.ite' !-Mr. 001,,111-' , · I.ra 10 I\ddjllAl1 "nsl elme Ito this city. iOlr the copp~r )'IRle c'ml pla le a 01.. " 1 do I Lu 111 . \ " my p'oor h·ld. I who~.' t MVT NT IN TnE PItNITII:!'TURV . - A' 1110 '5 Ric l,molld cOI'rl'5pundflnce of tha complexioD being rAtber Indi.D. wiler. '" took',lIl'ulments ~ lbe ~we r . from Ille . ~u unL Dohna .llnd." comJlle.l .. flllltl!!' '1 - Jh 1Ic!/IMil' d.' U"I(.t /Jobblfu l.rd.ritl'ncills bU'lbrl'ok. occuhed ill.rilq. Ohio 271h ull. PIIY" Iblll Qen.trBI G~lnl ~~!II . ... eJ~ J!~911f'''j ,iif! .ad : l";t\Il'~ of . .'nITo · un Jro~1 18~ IJ of _a prt'ml~r .: l ~~HellltlJt. III 8LlI\\'nrt iook",1 on ce 1I1 ',re nt II.; pru:! P' }il lili nr)' em MO!!I'I,)' or II\:.0t ~nk. hl:A t rlly we lcoaStd 10 11IRt' eir.x by Ith'e . , An Iri.ltm,," we. g~oupi'nk tn ducJ~QQ .(r.olDl:pllr~,e.'·liI 8t.~ LOUIS, en· the_ q~rp8 ql: GHr~e CUI .. n~s ll'r, wlllolo ItAte 10l'm' UMor~ ~i m ~; t' ''flia- i1h ~"h ~ I !~m, ~r or Vlli <o " \!'~H 8er ving . under miii'IIuy nULh orhies:' Ue fret-Iy l'xpre I ' the .;gutler 01 one of our mOlt Ibrollge4 I ~orsrni !v.m " D->lInA'~j)_.,r,1\4 h,rrnll, lind a.180 btdong~d to CUU~L Doho,. B~ ... clulc hed. IlS if reRd y til [ (,II\' fl "i t p" ,.) : 1i~ ';: I: ~JrI< uf U'l.i!i :ary ('lIu rt~ (ll ,"ti ll l, IIntl .,11 his 'l pini D ,while Ill ore, rcg8rtflng Illl'l:et. Lhe other d"y. when presto", hrqugJr ,t\IjI.,.~~tlcn" h ~ IfiAd'i! Lhe AC- !l1.ngulnr VI d.. nc,e St .. ~p ,IV lin, Wllh hi " fealu re. lowe red \\ 1111 "II "loi l,r.:"<1ill Ilg " ~(ltl , io ," haL I.. c~H~ d II ,,, o\.,.d· M",xi cRII !inuirs. Ue 6!l!U ~.DlphaLically "p~rcjl l or boy" who were P~"i.DI;, by qUIIIDI.~~e o~ ~t:\'eral hlgl~ly reapllClta 111m R'. ~o ptl pl "l eR rt plllte . or thl- ur SAv a!:: h~ .. .& , the aill. uf ,wid e!> It 1\ 1~ ' ~"u l ' u ltiub",I',· rt ( II I> PI:Ii!.,n ,"I (l ~. IhlH the, dVlmL o( MHXI~lIlla~ to Lbe f\l tllnt time. Asked Paddy, 'j what he bl • .f~.~h"- lt"ng--ftHh .... F Ift~1 Avtnue ~ A"l.,e, k ~"d Rnd taU UJ uirel8 I l al~ ,of Lbl' thl! witlo ' ,oLt. t. IlIlI rt '!' Itt iiJatly (II Db Ill\! y. WRHI,e n D.. "n .'·II.L \\'OI'd for t!i8tt: ntl ell Ihrone of AJ cxIC,j. Wltl II pnrl IVAS looking for'!' hs r('plied. 'a 'ell l , f'r t Ii ' i . J t Co~PI <ttl ~!II'd , I'ho Prll u\J1 1i g ,v - sip .,'",i I ill ht:;[' ~~.UL" "lI:U"~ ,,,pPl\rul)~ l}' ~ ht oJ!' nodi \0 tl0 to Ihe ' tli c... illlCjnd- ot Ihe rt hl:dlil,II. tinct his immlttli~l~ U ·· tllll\Rr gold pieoe.' They let to "'orlC ' b . 0 11&11 " , ,".IIIU g ha 1I8', re- , ernmeot' wlliulldo!lbtt'Lllyd t' mAndSlllb, 'b' some "lterlh oll ht he bid hc;r rise In g 10 pll t lht-1lJ 1\110 th~ tlu.lll;:e I} . Un· Vul sioll .ehuulu be IL pArI of iLa Im~.ory. e~rn!!.llb 10 lpli,III,JQr il, And a(ter, l.,ok. llaJJ 'ea, W.h!\ill 'U')julaI!J'~ni~- tllI'Cjug h eno.w·~ I'~~urr,l to ,hi.. hl,>m\'l, O~ U~I Doh "~d go ,,\oIay ' w'itl~ ' h'e:~ c 1\ ii, I"'\.lin!: d~~8tl',ntlir!<, hill dt,6,ign , tit Y. 6 .D.t ,~':.p}'~ 1<'I'H nce tI itl not I\&k. our co.u senl l'ti fIIIo in.1i fo:: t~l' m,iQ~te~, Ol,l, (Jf 'h~ ,b~l • • Lh. 'IO~1e of' 8.uoo,n , ShW',Jlla & ,00 /, na will 'be pll!Ased 10 gc ' R pt!rsoll \11 ".ith ," ig'i\iliellll{ lrio k' liner ' Ih'l iil bn~k ~Rl i ht< t~ pu \,y, Vf !\rdt!1I IIl!I>L IfI JIll I lIb"~ h " Ih ~ol1ll ~Il )l ~~lco, ."nd we a.i~ • .' ~ ,,~ y ... 11etll.Hid YO loq,a ,I " or I' mall r\" I).f b ~B tigurt'd sCO u IIII'Y '\t:fr, " 1f'!' coula' onl'Y' beh1~ie wa.ot!l~ ' t-\wm lie \Yould bave ~ tnlte eh04 1d not COD SIIIL 11IRt powt!r ,~re · ea- 'fdfdQ' t1 008$ i\lly' a~ all," re·pliel rad •. who • 'It,gelljJ.~ ' hii ~Il~~~!'i" ~l'tI OYer d.~", b~tL"~~ ld:.oe~~t,tlll . li~rl\-'e t~~~lv ~ly b.n his honorecl.,n.ll me. " ljd;nntfollJi:i. ml 1 r,,,()uTd 1m . thtl. by I~'.r!le'. 1n ~he meanLlme 11t(-)' lab H hingill e ·R :public .. He . all l~ tllJt , dt,' .t\u, only looking , 'til'" Ie'" ' it r y~tt ,!Oillft: tf~o Ii . um~l ?fI '1i,o~eS U.e pr(6b~e r clft\tesll d to, Chl~1 bOLh.' A. "cry ...-hwt. rimtl I\rl.t'r II". "l'Iik:d t1u:mae lwe't! W'lIh:elub8, lind '",hfn' Fr II C~ IUltl no rl~ht lo IIIlcr(f' l'e,lp, tbe cllllld find ,oae. ' " . ) , , .... " bNto.\~J , ~~II~ . :I, . l\bcJ ,~1~,1p'b ~~ng;, !oun g L~ Rt hl~ rC1I1 ~a m6 WBS ~'finch , loceut';encl!~ Slewli'lL ' wns \Akell '''OIl 'rll' ' Ihe dfPUIY.II I·J ·lv~d ll.ey fnet 'blm wilh qlt l!~1I0n, ~Ul il !~e , "' ~uJu inwol ~!I .ber . , . ":':' , •. ~" . • ' . ../ i' e~ , I!OW ! n .9.81!'\f It~~ I!I! ' tj 9~8~n~, I:i~ltb~no , oil hl\.1 "e r." Ill . t I'dlrltOl ' CI1f\'I!d ' ttle" ·tl'alt 1(', ' doodloo ll\e dt!fiAnrie, ' p rlrl! guattls :were st' nL Cor, sel f . wi th U" 011 lia lA POlOt; rlow'l tlle ,""lranx per~oos hotV'o toelf be." d, ), ~I " '" '11 tHI ,I. ~ .U: \8 qf. g)'e.,:~ _ 1; ".nd no e. ,,~o rea ed 10 hitD~e!f, ",n II \ow.;",' I ' , ' ' : ' ; ,~ : • ~nd .on their ~Iniv"r Ihll prisoners r.,- liDle ,lO liAn i.; w h ilu ol.l-r R my , ~Dd l ociety iD thei; own be~rt. land .0u1aT tl{ ~- .bi ~l.ii JY!IlS~~II .;,. ,nd. Chqnol 19ned 'YOU~ ' P9p~,' • From Flllher, ' . ' . I, ,I.~ '.!.tL ' ' ,lIliit in the ,,!trAY , DeBII' bro k ~ nuy Are}' etorgAlliaetl ; IInd,'befot8' our Ih'pur'e.Lmemoriei' otaAtlh iiDd'1be ""n, at. ; ~ e Jh..: .,HoaH "e.re pro· &.• were w' itler. I b h}mlH!lf for I... 0:7: Colt 'Ie(d of .06 . of the -meo- ' with his commerce i8 IIgtlin aet .ffo.t OD e~ery' ,.eele8t hope8 of. beat.n:' 'heir l,*cU I\f)Jlnee,d 'liu~r I ....." .he gentkmeri purpoleoJ "iding h '~ in th e pre p-eUII. 60' 'ty ill CI\ne, And one o( ~he guardll IIhot IIn - at-Il. ." , ' I\e .. C"UQOI be oanetl.eon.de. 'v," laO lHI",d. ,~" , ,.,,.i()ll8 ~ lhoeg'it tlon'of hi. -various ·frArU~I • . :;J t~6en 9'; PI! Licul"dr II~ , olber or lbe p rJ ooers, \woubrJiog him • . • " - .• I oJ ' .' . ' • ... • . - (0 _ • ~.!J iWl" .. ,blt l., prlllll:e. ie"l uch III lie iRyeL a mere, boy. Iro !l"Ve biB age 118 or BouIYulfn e~blilbme~ euerel" IDh, .el«mlnlljion·rtnd ~oo I4r H "Ij Ill tb"t ,.lere ",a8 nne' 6:T There I. all o\)etitlon 1o0WII ... 1~ , ,in' . ~\ltrie&111 l~l' ; '''I'h~ ~'relll n 01oe&1'8n y.elr••' probab,l~ U~etIty ' of rl"n~tion. II()~ , "O&lpp, bUl' ~ghLi.g of .lb.· Depllty W .rd~n o,~r.· ~ut o~~ ~) !,n WilO ~~! Il" Ip~i1ed by be: aa"lcll .~m~. fI.!f ,tir;'t~· "" gl.e 'ib~fci :';i"1i 61t to' (0:' Ih. one ~r two. HI! It 'aj)olu 11& feeL, It· .110 ohag.r, OP'"~ ber produce Cl\me th!! mULiin\eera. Rnd 'he rlngleaa. 101 .h91l !lell-;-JJe wa~ , [iu" ,Illmt.d "eaa '0 he pl.yrog ~ ·Uai9fi · ~:. .; , . ~ b. _ ~ beiSIiL. ilanerr long arma _ legll. of eemi.'toplcal .Dd tropical climate6, Ore - te '""Ilf a!rtlted '-1I1id cooSD.d. DIDlel. eon, !~ ~~!! ~~ &ht 0liIr ... •
'f. ,
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ml)t .Jlliami ®n1 cttr. ~~
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.toltaek',.I'II I .
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EL'rO.L ~DUDLEYJ I' ~ -I .H £f(n1\1\t \!l;Rl or
1 86 5 ·: Bo"le
An " " thlllm·nth. If'- llNE\Vr IL' !NIl elI'B1L .... ,- The (or the . 01 p, • . lelD r" a.I". of hull.hful . I Double Track W. a '1 n • IIIr.'i 11 e. ()h i O! tep King hili bfoen purely "ere llbl•• 'hey un . be takl'"'. Till N',,'" VOIIX ":,u- II9'" HI ill .is,h .01· , f . O ' 1 W L. .' l lOY el I"y \line wllbollt danler . • d.il) j"",..• 1 fOllll'''''''- I fol. J'1l111t _'dM . con.equPlleea. • h .L \. . ..." 'r.. ''' IIn'~ Ye'....lu eon.loUII~ k0 of ull lin d Ihey I I•• 8n''- It tl,"ol~,1 ttl Ihe' I",,,heo,,on ~01 I" M&a.1D PITTSBURG TO PHILADW'YP ..... HIA. rell em .... w orkclLy I\o.d 10 mIl I! opera,eilllhe •• ",e!»leltllntlndlltoroulh l!esrNlf: WSOf 'I'IU: DAV ....dll .., "'."'I". . , ., her hOlD!! • moat MttacLl,e rt:~on of \ nt8l1ner F.miliee thllt Ilave tried Ihe .. nluee of lI11eh· ...'!IU'... a~ ",a) "'~~" It. I:O IUII"'I W AI l\ ~ •. , .Ii I, E, 4) U ,ro- .11 nnralunlof the W ~U C . .1 fl · · h i l l .... "",I III'I'''~II'' "tlltOUI UI"I" . ." r~ ""v.,,.. . . Cl: Ieb 1I~l\!II. wn. rlttl:nUen, ormer y kee p • boa oil band alld recolll"'.IIU1 t... IIlor<. I "~ I . d . Ihal g.. n~rllf" Ol'd' , . I d II ' l r W 8.l .nd 801l1h; Welt. ,hi.litl. enst It. zs_ _ _ _ " lelldc:r: of Keulul:ki"i, nntl W",hicglou lu Iheir uei!lh"~rR.su 11M In tllil V'" the, and ' ~'~:(:"'lfl ':11I1,,::,~~ er ~1I1 ~rl"'1 .... "vo hu on 'lAnu a ep on I 'fltiorlmen 0 cunneCtioll' {"nil .i\lI" the .bolit... I · or ..- a IIlt.B.a ~ It''il W)IJ. 'O;:i61~, alao look up 111:.r tloroidill . i!l. IIIIVI} .becllltlt! .ntore eJlI,"'l¥ely UI"dlbaa :~~;~ " .. I ;,,,1 ...·.' .00 .ne~ ,"ay h•• ~ rnl· B llOA DCLOTlI~. • Ihe belt ruute Phlt.drlphl •• Neo¥ Yuill. / •\ . ' New York 10llle lime afLer the tlece,"e IIIV oIlier tRlb~"lc. 0:<1, Ihe ~,IIA .... _11I.Itlllnn!' . al • hl~'.11 - ,I~CASSl MF.RES. Bo.tull. B.ltimore Ind W lillington. 'I'h~ J In.her-Iions p01Pt ~lrongly to Hon. E. 0 (Iler IlUI b"n tI , "e I IIIle S"Itlilor. As dlc.lle8d invltrlably altock. 11.11I "Ie· ~klllr;... o!'ua IlttlnulI,ollgll.'c ~~I' V.K8'l'UiGS ' Ir••• I.... w,,1t -n'-"'-.. ... .,.v.. d cid. r IAU"C""., Ihft M,,\.opoh perillo II III I".IIIU . v· r u .v - A. PltrroU d i U ntX~ pea ·er 0 theTI . . I '1\ r G ,W I. lim when Ihe bowel. are cunlll,pal.e , !r' U ,'1>" oilier I of ,h. pui,liohe. hUI U.OIl, 'fJUMM1NGS, ""e cultllection. hi,t. ..,... wiCtl n k f S 01I i U Honse of fu Preae·ntat\,ee. .anglon le onllan. WI 0 I:or~e M . ' thOle who hue rer.""roe 10 Roblck "pIli. ~~J '" ill be 10 I'uruilh Ih~ IU.... es.a opiril"d p... .1' I' It ' d ' e 'Y "PPUIIICe lor conIftun hl\1I ollce mo re pl .. ced 11\ al lite lime. need h!lYe n.> leftr 0'( r. 1 udl. \>rlco •• 10 en.hle .. II cia.",. &!! .. which he manefaclurel' accnru llle 10 •• e y. I" ..... 'T"tt Rebel Gen!!rlll Sterling Price hal Ihe archive, of Ille S tille or VirtliniR. 11I1I\!ip Iur :hl'litl exeetlcnl pill. it;' 1\anlidlo '.10 c:ootdllCllt "" 10 me,,' the LATEST 'hll r.tlA be procured.. "-.w I" _le,l.t f tb l' opM III I lueMel'ger for ~J.n nl,h' ten·lc._ forw.rd ed hi" l\ppliolHion to be . allow, d .rler "o"ping lhe .• o( creo le If.. on Ibe .. 10 •.k tl n. e8 ', hav e rl'cenlly Iwl,@ .lIded 10 ttla '0 .tura if . \be 'U'Ilit.ec1 &ate. awl be last 'oar It IS In s 1'0 ()VN8VMfi'nVt:M. to ",.ke \I ,!",,,h. ltl11ll1i Iho JOUR· ment 01 Lbe P!llIlIIyht...w.a Qeatrel LII· , clear "lid dasllooL 1","lIwlIl1ng. Rnd tltt: . __ ' . ' • NAt•• and" .h.1I ~e o~r CI*'.I_.I .OIIII. 10 ~on: and tit Iii.. run t!. pardoned. signalure ill IILlltohed 10 e,l:ry P"H'o. The h .. vinll lIeen Ilh! LOWEST POSSIBL PBIOES. AI Plttl\tUrl[. t .. ln. (rona lh. "'elt rub< 'rb. ,Paril medicil paper!f My th.t -The BIIIIIYil\ Cuurier •• y. Ih"I 10 /t.,.'lh lit *,:rh. by e Ihe Ct..AS or the direct 10 lilt! U.. iun Drpot. wh.re·P ..lell. tb, ohola}a baa 10 near dillnpeared Heney Wllrd be!,; Rn .hi. minis . remotly •. . bUYlll1l .. ,,'I, .",1 "h_ cla)l.• , o,l .od Iru. 6· Tile Catting Ueplulmeut "rril ore Ir.nl ren.cl 10 lbe 'fralnlol th.. ,. •1 . . CI C I . d veoroS wli h a .evere IUIIIl .lI'tlC\lon; IItl <1.(.lf 1o .... I·on.lurecl 01, 111\1,,11 In 1"~IJUw~rMltd 1_ ulldor the supelvielon of thal f'xcollr.ot Pen"sylvGnll . (; ... t~'1 Ilalh",~ Ricb ,b.\ ll:i.y G1,l~1 publish DO more bulle. lert" Cllreer 10 er~onl oun y. an ihal tlr .... tl di~e ..tl . Cun.umpli,m-iM .Illl- r to,p.,.i1y 01 Ih o Republi," In al! Ih . ,efor"" leavo Pilliburl .n.d errl" ."o~er poi ... ea tiD' or figurel iD "relltioD 10 il. . I'" fI'Illllu lu hi. felluw I;f orlill. TOO 0 SON. followlI: W I B I ' Cb b' . I ' d ('I I .1 Ie nl(,OOI 0 .cu •.e. . ""v ro .. Ih.'r cuudition , .. urr 11'" be... T. . EXPR",••-J,elv 'ItI.iwr. it !I.... eDrf "" ellG ler tI ure In VI~_ 1 II 1I0~ DOW ~se al a Jure I, ] U nil wlto dfS"!! II . he . WIll tend • ~"tI .. ill COlilill"e to be Ihe 6'0" <hMIII"I"'" Itt who, in Itls line. itl l1'I!enH, 8cI,no,,!· 20 A. M.• al oppillll at prleelp.1 .Iilioll'" H ]"oo\l'),n, hl\ve aoiMracLed (or " new Iho con~reglllloll whIch .for ml'rly wor ' copy or Ihe 'p r~8t:r\ plion 'uEed (Irl'e -0; all tli. ·Khal ... form. ho .... 10 I~" Warld'l hi.' edged to b~ without I lupllrior ! Arrlvel II AllotJn. · .L 'J 2& 'A, II; iTy'liw COl' of ftoQO,OOO , aDd pro- . h ipeu Lh~re. baying within ~ rew years Ilhurl!fl,) whh Ihe tlirections ror prep.r. 101,h.IM pre" h.. w'."I~tI In .... "arlo!'t con· REA.Dv •• 'ADE CLO'rH'I NG rODe 8 .23 A. M~ [Brllelunte ·I~.311 A. !t ... • u • OJI" d .1' Ii \ d ' I h' b 1 til ,rol .,lttHueo<c T he .. ork",en 01 Ih,. fDUO• ... . . . pall ~Teote 1\ new eul ee. Pi ftn Uftlllll \ Ie u ,n. W ,': I It, W If' tt.;,d. will 01'1;",d .IOth., lab~rs. Mild 1'•• 1 . Lock H",UI 1~.. 19 P. M·,l Harri.b}lrllir org"n .t 11 h pole to se I e ODe no'" 10 Ille. -bir Morlon Pelo , w l lns'.l ' recent filld u~~r.e tur.lllrCun,ul\ll'l\~, AIIlhDl ~t\... b... Ii\aor.alnll.tlnld •• ol"tlIO.I ~'· i!, ler In lerre q'''lOIIIY and elej!lnl. quullty .nd 100 P. M., B"lli~Qret 6.80 p, 116., Ihw' At OberliD Lhel ba'u or-plied a .i,iL to lhie COUDl,y createtl .0 muon BrOIl~ll1tl'. colIgtrr. J~llf'. sr. . e •• ~. " ',!dl .h~!' I~ •• I~.!Y • .,trl onr! ,lnd'.lt .. Ilyl~. of ho,ne mGk e. IIhvnys III supply. York. via A lIe nlow,." It JO,~ P.».. l?/IiIe• ... b 'liI' lY obJt'cl ul Iho ""vernier In aenttlng \ Iho" d ...ut'. Such Ih~ ~.•\" eve r h,," b..en -II!" Delermlne,l to maIntain tI,e repull\\IOIl ., I 1'1 t , ..... P " d'" y .. ikatioi club. compoled of Jadiei .nd .en.III10n, obta ined 1t18 lIt/e (or UI lo g Proscri pt ion i. to belletil triO .fflicted .nd ",,11 eo ntlhlle 10 I,,,. Th .... '1....1• Ihe.... fofCl. I' . I h Ii 1 M eue p •• • ., ...., . , .. A.ew or... . . . a r"ilrolld during tbtl Crimt'BII WRr, tu 8 read 1I1(ormsl ion' ",hith he t h....... il. . . mlod"lo the' brain. honuml of b ll 10llse ftS one I e rsl c nBS. r. ,ia Phil.delphi •• It 10."7 P. 8eo\lem~0. who u.e 'watllug patIently lu'pplY Lhe Brmy wh 'n iL WIl8 aluck in bP , 1 bl' dI I IF......... of Ihe.counl!Y 10 cnlll~ up " nlLw ly ' II Dudley Illd hi' .Nluenl. will eplr.llo C,aollu'ATI Ex.. ~I;e••uPII"eliurr lci I C h . d• d I! e IOVII UII e. Sll I~ .opee e'ury," Ihe "'"1'0''' 01 'he 1-.:"-\ Ihal 1\1" m.y be Ihereb, i 10 "Ive 1 .. •or a reer.e lo put l ear pOD 10 or er. the mu I. Our arm1 UDder lhe BRme erp. r will Iry hl9 rl' medy, •• il wil l COlI e... bl.d 10 mnk . il worlhy 01 Iheir con6 . pm D8 .. • . ' It 8.1'10 A••.• lIopp r lit naer 1 III Ite· Tb Cb. J I J builL itd own rAilro" ds . the m nolhing. and mny prove a ble.lling. <1.111:., atld In ill .tl.ocBeyof the Enure Sauslactton. Llonl. Altoon· t 1.60 ' 1' ..... e 1~8g0 ouroa .ayl a IIrgo a· d ' l I tI I ( . I d 1>111 Ii 1'1 wi&hillg t he prl'scriptioll will ff~h .. of Ibu Peapl•• lhe ):;"" h.. \110\ and will B.16 1', •••• rri,ID•• t Pbll.delphl. ~I 1.. f , 10 "" ·_6A. · . ug 1 I .OWO. clloa S, an '"0 IIrnlij Ie ! dd . co nl luuCI 10 .. ,eel wilh ob.tacle. nnd oppo.ilfon. C.II aod eXlmine .lock and price.. 30 T maUD 0 1:'11 , ? eo ...... . ID, 1\. 01'0 eng I lIera to manage Lb em, P elUl 0 r,!lu. U it • . III. duly 01 Iho... It. II. ,. . , SoatheM! J.lhDeJ'. \ue YIeld belDg from A ( I' f' d ' I d REV. EDWARD, A: WILSON, .. 1'0011' . 10 Itftlld by I IIU M.nL T.AI ..-Le., •• PI".laGr. 11.11.401 _ • Rr a.1 liS nen e Iue earne • WllhIIUltllmr!1h, .. up~old . II. 1'he I,,/:'c lou e".I .... hich hive A . M., nopplng el . .arl,. III oae to t'!O Ihousand pound a p6r aore. the property of tue IlIle Lord Pltlmer. Kin"e Cuunly, ' ,'O~II f1CD ond r~1 Ihrol!1I' 11011 ;;- ye.'.OI p.o.· ·Altooll·t 6. 0~ 1'.•••• "I,inl It Hlrri.bu'!r .nd a• .good OOltOIl a8 \be belt. u pl.Dd' eton ha. thul baen ""Rrded : Brol\d· IS-3m. New Yurko .....",.• lO ' . 00 ...... rbetl ,n wh nL Ih-r r.,.rd •• REM OVA L, II l lU6 4 . !If. IIDd PbUld.lpbla . • t ,1,.10 . l ' b f L d P I . QJor... I Q'l>OrI""1 ","I efl. 0' 10 rh.,n.,' 10 Ih.. ' 01 \be poQtbwe.,. 1I0d. UOII oen Ie L to II y R .. qf !'oliticn lparli .... have 10. 1 A. M. . l 4uriDg her life. then to rnert 10 tile 'EO IJRUNf(AItD8. " ·.i!\'h l· of Ihe iul"'e,IS o( Lab"r : ,bit .oid Ihe '.M7rr~tilJ tt9 IT Immaro row }'In LADELPlfrA tr']lPR1!I&,;~ne. 'ittl. The Ru ..iaD 8f>nate 11 ... rati6ed lite Hbo. W. Cowper. Rnd in case ho bas Old Duclo' Bochln'l Drnnkarde' Cut. Ru";,,et. to 611.,IIld NOW IS TIU: TIM!!: (0' Wo L1 Ll:MI!Il.ItIl1l9 bu'r at S.60 P••• • Itopplnjf'onl, .t !frit" T I h II E I II -ermftllenlly tl radicale iJ Ihtl I.. te fop th" Wo.kmen of Ih~ counlry 10 . upPMI it hI cipolelallon. Arrh'.. II fArrobat"·O · R • eontr.acL or L. uno.Amenc"n eo· 00 80n. to , 0 . 00 . va yn As I ey . - ,. tl· k d I hI ; II,. oIi.rh org. of illduti ., In r<I(Mrrl 10 lb. II'Il!\\Havillg r.. moved Iler ])lillille,y E,· ' • " ... C b .. Company HiralD Sible Pre.- The Iri sh eslAles hAva been lefL to biB dBlro"kil fin ' Ill II I CI rels I e .wlor. ..,o , I'ulilico l que.fioll. Ihal be bru uKh l b.fore l.bliabmenl 10 lhe 1' . 111 • Alloon .. 9 .'10' P• •.'. Rltrj, bura 1.a6 • J" I d" , f ' l I B II' rUI! tnno8l. n eSI I lI,n It .weed. · Ihecou.ntry lor r.onoidenltion·Rull . d .d,ion, th.. A. M:. "1.A .... 'Kaw' Tork v 1t • . • 1• •dent of the WesterD Telegraph Co,.. or I IT e ~nl I Bmll y, tltl a 1\'1108. 1 huu .n nd a 01 roformed tne b"llell nl). /-.:RA 110,11 r.OIlIIIlUO I" malnla;" Ihe IN[\OMIT· B." W·. anDer of XaiD "Tyler Itl ., Allelltown, 10 A. M•• ·Phit.... ,pltt. _I '7.1c. '.J I P . r B P 1\0 d I Ie e c I a /lIe qUArr ell hllve Irye Iu bless lite duy they were furlunate AfiLl!: AND 11'1 DI!:Pf:NDt::NT po.ilion il h.. A '" end New ·York fll Phll.delpbi. Il. pan • b al arravel& n .rtl.rom t. .e- been divitJed betwcell Llltly Sl\l\(.eK' 10 COIJlmence lhe OIIe of 11,\, nlu•• jcr.IIJiod. bll",in:; Ih: of. no Wonld inrurm Iter "umprous pelrolll and P. ". tlll/e pini oa y 'en burg. bury. L ady Jocelyn, fLod ber second able Prico Two Dollars a do all litis ualn IrolD /f,l lIl bu,.. !o.ts. \llntore The. 'Follilla mOfement seem. to be Ron. U I!I'. IIhtled to ony Bddre8l ·01t rceelpt of ·TOHIAt. DEl'ARTM ENT .wi ll he Phlllldefphll. "Ild 'it,ew 1!.I1l Allen. _ _ __ ___•• _ _ an order, by JAMES S. BUTLF;R . condurled. in ,.Inch ~1"11 "!' hue eHoci.led BLEACHING. t.,wn,' . "I on tb'e deoJioe at preaeDI. bOlb in Iro. 'flte Union StilI!, Cent rill Com:nitte.. · "29 BroldwAV, Nt'I\" York. w,'lh Y' on Ihe edItorial Mr. R. j1h.'VIl.. rBESSIYG, F"IIT . • . 10 001 ... "ad '. pd Amerioa. il DO ujlite, 0(' Tennolllte hili eeot " letter fa tLe 16 :ole Agent for the Uulled SIII8I. 'fRl MMIN G & P. II:', .t. OD •• 0 1111 .. ent .about the m.lter. and there lire R bl' f N Y k . _ :..._ w frieutl. ur Ih.. "'Qlki.,&men or Ibe U"ioll. In MAN UF AOTURING. ·Arrav ..1 Ii +,1.1 9 Ib,rl.epD IClln8 a or. congraluln · DR. II. AriDEIClI'IODINE \V A'fER, ,hO lrl. ~1I. lhe luflu. nre. ,hul ENERGY AND on ehorl notice. lUll in lhe laleBI r~6hifl'" burg. 8 .15"•••• BahlUlI)ret it.aO 'I'.... 110 .ig · of kolioa of "ny kind iD lin"~ lin" A ' 0.. 1e 0":scllvery. A Inl I ~ral" 1INUUSl R V cit...wo'lh)' conuolor WIll b~ lJrodghl Nt'w York •t vi'. n",Ie·n t owo . .. .. them on Iht'ir recenllriumph. re o II 'Invu.IUDu " " fI' 10 Illah Ih e populor o"pi",'"Lo ablfl!lylca. ".'O.anV p••.• . v-.I . CI"'Ice . PI ' I d 1 bl 1,10'}o.6 If .an ' ~ direotioo. :g.ve,D is belog quiet. J'oiciog III Ihis demonslrAlion o( dIll fili)I 01 ludlne In Pilch ""11ce of "VUI N , dlstio). Au,ol,..... .. Iher .. re. will be a burnu v" I co,. f'r">poA • IIBSOrlm.nt of T rim.lllin,., Philidelpiliet Nil". Yurk. ed. aQ4 t\je f.ar or iosurreotioo or iD' Lhllt lbe lOyAl men of N e w YOI.k con . vet! withuut II Sulvenl! The mOd! l'0W - .., pou,l eu"... which !,i,ll enabl" ... 10 p"blt, ,, NOllunB .nd Fltucy Anklet! on hGnd. VI' \I a e p 1 • •1 ..... p. If. . clrul vilnli:t:inlf 81l enL ,.utl r~8'U,.tI¥e •.·poru uutl ltllenll:IV,u;£ucrounts of the mo . .. • - lire_fail. . ·tO~"· " t8vjliprr. VIIIOO tihl;le. to staot! culorR. And mnn. R knuwlI 'Sl'(lIfulo. meul, of I~ . WORKtN(;!\U:N throulthoullh.. 'l·h.nklul for lhe liber"lrllron'go here· D it U ~1l..... i , ,., p...\Di, ~~.ay. .( I ' hy ' their 6 (. ~"It Rh . ellm. CBIlCl'r~ . ~ Cu .. " I,) . full I'epor lo of lite deb81 .. 8mJ ·"ro · 10rOre eXlenrlcd Miss T Arry hopl'B her 'II a '!I. II _ _ INIal. &ft~¥I~ . ' . lt ~a,~ rear IIlne thousaod DOW build. l!lallng t lelf grAtl cnlio n Ihni ~lle}te · h.CUltlUII , u>. . Oll ' li ,,''' '' " ' ,,1.,1 motn,Y ""<1",,,,, ,,, tho an . ... 1 A'loci~liOf\. alld T, ...d.. . ' T II I . "lOti Iip ".,li lItIY Jl i"I''' ' '' ' .. l'", .,.,d olh el' . Ul.Jj .Cli 10 constnnl e ndeavorij to please 1\111 ens ure ' 1 ic :t. fori II: e to .., boa, or iDga -ere Riot: bp io' dhioaa". · "I' X 01 pu\alicans of Ncl' York conlinue 10 ,. . . . . . "" '" by 1111 ule •• .. "U " . . . •,' , .".1 ..... 1 p\lhhc. .• a COII'inunnce of IIlme. FlI • 01lL • eel. . ....... on In, of Ih. ,bem ,100.000 each; rorly otlte,. hue (I\ith in tlte wi!dom. juslice and Ctrcul.r. HP' Iree. Pric. ill bUllle •.• hall lUOil reAl Ol. lle.. Ih" publtrftllOn ofll \VlYlielville. OCI. J I. Uj·2m Sound tiues. · }o'AB£ IU all , e. low ,. • . f A. d J L I or 6 'or nv d I' ; t. ~ , . • nto" "0 '1 · .III'Iled "THI;! l\H:CHIt.,N IC AN 0 IJIJ flny 01 h~r r9uI~. oo,&,30.000eaob; 'DtleigLtbll.o dted p".rlotllm 0 n re,v 0 IIMOD. WIO. " e ","r.~. . rU!~ M'Ll.IONAIRE,"writlcn by. W or~. . ·:SL.EI;PIJ.V G a were worth .1.000 eaca. Tbe totlll ". Ihey promise. wi/I Bssuredly be eocourDR; H. ,AN·DERS & .Co: , "h)&~n'''''''l~ .~.ft.lt, Itrhirh w,II""rl"'1 in Ihrilling Irlllb. 'lUI" On ·"i '.I llr'l Iill' . '0 Ph I.~I"" ew York' il Blld Chenn.llI. 4:12 Bro "thv.),. NI!~' Tork. the .. c,,," ud.~ o{ Lhe IItBIt of d aily 'oii l h e . . . . a ' . . mouot O( capUIlI employed io building ·.ged Lhereby, ond prove ' hIm self wor· Sold b.r Drull"i.l. lIenerell,. . IiM.bl' .,,,1 .ria!. of labur a.. d rlghl" alld ond Dallimort'. Uttj{g.l a cliet:ked LllrOlllll\ durioll' 000•000 thy of 'hllir con6Jence. ..l ..OW" r·ollg. ol CarillO Ice!,. ollhe '01. i· "'" " J lake this .method of l'llforml'nj! .lId'('h. ,tah.terred free. ' ,a'Intoed ., ' Co. r ,,~. ,Ile Jveal' 1'81 • • ---' ~' - - • . . . . . . . - - .' Cl\unt"~ . anll\' IliThe e-I llue 1" 0 1111860,0 I BnS. Pennl yl.,.nl. w\" ""Il ),."'Ctt\<'lcm~ lWe . 1,,11 nt. n t:ollllllu c e el'e 1""1::. Ih. I,"bli· m~' olt! hlelldt! oud Ihe public ~eller· I i kI ~ ~ Letteu rr.oaParil io. France SPECI" L 1I0rub. '. ..4'U.u . ;.J cation of II .e rie. of LAtSOIl SONGS wr\Uhn . .\ly, 'hot I hllY O relllQvC'd my plAce 110 .ny , a " '!" . • .. ·•• lIl1.'1 c • . Ill" ., '1 ' hy on" of o. 1Ir'eaUi.wI'~d.,"ho"e rhyme.haye lb ' I c.I f tur Wearllli A.pPI,.I. , lIplt I ..i, lb." " • . • SIID, 1111 a usurpaLlolI ID JIluacO' atl I __ _ ' _ j I I'O\l!ll .... u he,orl. . Q Ut!II1088 1 Itaa8101\ ur mcrly ocrUjliet! '!I'1l1 ' ... ~.luvUera In,. ... · "'1':1\318 OF " 0 ( ",n'I'" II"" I." by' Mra. '1. hI)1010" _ FD "c" f:hortl. . I pO ni l! , ' \ Q~II. I lUaur • "'1D.I~e • wat'l81'. . ur' nY-elr.b d!.lcuulon. A. Cougb, ~old, ,or 80re l'Ia,onl. ' W .. Ihall .1 ... deOOI" a eo ... ldentijl~ portion • . !lB. AI B.. tlllei· u .• ...tl~ ·'h~ .IIIIIUI' (I COlD; nf·ou, •.•"c l." I~e doing' . n,1pr<loc~dip,. qf Ihti Opp ite th R ' H III ,.tlle'Jwtll be .~' th' ri.1r of Ih. VWllef an e OPPQllltOD me~ era 0 'Ie ,RliQUUIEji INIII6PI.ATR AT1'ENTIUII .A~J) :' • . T. A. n. ~o ... t ." c • • un" olh",' urg'''''Htlunt fDn. · O. e ogerl oUle. I II 'b '1 I ' . . 1 eneu I UII edt II eu y I .peCII Leaill.LlUe Ife vigorously I\rou!(;uting _ SHOULD DE O"EC:Kf.D . J'E A' " -01' THE., lIilllled (0' l uch worlhi ,,"r·po,eo. 1. .... where I iJwe nd to kn e .. r . ........ 4' ed lhi. den.nu,. "1 01 O.. r 1'~I'"r ill Ih" ho,ttl' Ilr "",. - ~ , ~n.. "nDu lI...1. FREIGHT '& lheir .,lforll 10 COD Sllre of Lolii., 10 CuIlTlIUE, 24 Jodielal Distrld, State..ofOJilo.. Mr; ! · vi·VAI' NAi'S);E. who will. Ihem , II uII,? rlmelll or Worll. bQ!h 1\ -! I' N'l'DleoD' .. iD a\ thtl l.... itnU•• of llie LQU3" .1l PermOlleDt FOB TilE T£AB 1866. l <! Y 0 ,t' 1'& 9, thluollte 1rtitllil 'b" :.iU' b AIt'ucUon .. or"o iucurable . . ia re9pec lfu"1 rpq" "'e,1 ol lhe.offie ... Qml .l be brnodK of lion • .c.n be R.rwprd.ecl pt.llir t., • ".. LtI!lg '1'0 'fB E: C'LF-R'KS OF COURTN " !t,,!bcra tof.1I 1,.. I.·s Un'on•• nd OIlier' . CITJ{ MA N UJ.'A C7 ·UDE. delph .. , Hew Yoraa4 ' 8O.lliil or ' B,llim'urt' • ,,,, . 18 orifll ! HE . 01" COMMON PLEAS ulelhe tievt:ral A •• .. ltlln. .. hc.e. lhnl Ibere he p,·6I1'pt . • 10 and lrum In, polli' 6.,.lIe It.ilri)cidl 0' L1'.DJR.A..JiY NOTICI)8, . ' DROWN'S nUON4.aUAI, 'l'UOCUES CnUllliea ill BOid Di.tricl; . .. I)' ,e ul". (o r polo!ioll'''''. r'l'o,tt ,,( Ihe 1'.0 In' • •r"nt 10 aive allli.(ltiion. Olai\),' Kent.It,. ).,111...... 1111.04..' ~ Wit -' _ II ' .1' . a II . .' ., I. I J.. f I c.,dhngl. OIu linl('~ U' ~a le. Qntl olh". malle.. Thlnltful for Ihe verv Ilber ! p .I cu.nlln. Illw ..• or u " •• AIII1 1· "11rail"." ·dJL ~ .~I!lg • .ul reet I~' uence un Ihe pnrl~. "I~. " ruoreu uy t 18 uuuea 0 I)e COUtt, o·r l"Iorlll for puul,,,"llon In our column.. . . . • n ronlKO ... "'''' • • U. l11'LII GrANT il L 8 . til!e ~I ~ give lnulIet/lIle r,,/I ul. Fur nr'ltIclliliti ur Cum mun Pleu~, for Ihe l'Iecolld Jlldlciol All corml poml ""ce. arliele. ·fo. pullficalio ·n' . for IIv"ral ~ ..arl b~lIh)l\'rd. I hupe . by rnc,'; n . ;;.. ' Del'l .• od Ipirited litll. Uterl\ry pAper. t;1I.turrh; CUII Hurnplive lIl.d 'I'lIr,,;,; DiHtriCI of the S,ule uf 01111' Ihul .. Ie.. Itlu-I be (\.,.elrtllo Ihe ""dilor "rlhe F.R-' . clole .Ilellllon lInd '''ir duling. stili \0 he ... elUll,lvlII.., lely with .lwlIl " linl'" uf "uhlin!! I nnd, J \I.llle~,l>.,,"uce " ... "Yorio CII,," aOI\11I th" Itld Pih'''!l ,_ ~ u 1'0 R,tavl'a, Cler. D,leun. I roches arc IC C Hie Dis ltlcl Coli' . i" . 11...Sluel,.JIi . elf. 101he PlJblilho.r nr Ihe lJIerit. geuer,Pul cOllliausnor. I E01 K -E'"MOle . 80 by ronhellli wllcl ' ' .41.'".i _1> ;-"'~"l 1. b b AI b good ,.u(ceu. Sillg!'r •• Iltll'ublic Speh k. tIe ollrlll.of 'e eo" •• lti.. Sl'ecilllt n eopiu o( Ih. •• ..S. I. LI"" .. , t" DlOD coa ty. J ellu To" ...1, c\ .11 wiol fiutl Trpehllll IUl elul In cle.r llllJ. "rD.I 00111111 ..11 Cllntl"""'" 8bld fo r t:IU w,lI b.. lim•• by ..udo.illg • Ihree Th. morke\ price at allllmca pliid for eect'lIihble pOrt cjn \fll JllII.k\n,lIm, B.obiulon. ,wd JOUDa lI Dlere of .hl' Ihe "ol ee when l.k im be(o':, ur Ih-: )1'1, ·1866. be 11,0 IMIm" .... hel't''' 'CeDt ,"a.. '1' IO,lhi' "!lice.. . , . . Green Hidea. CIlf·SIllns ond Sheep Pelt • • .ClftlilMorl=, ••'.I..I.. r pl.oe. nUll re :l'i,lil/Ol' Ihe ,hrOlllfltr 1111 by filed anti flreSt:ubed aI full'u",e;' " ' , . E H. C Pr\GE. f.t1, lo r 'lilt' P,,"".her. July S.:-1.\' I. B. 1(. dlPpl. MlIe04tl't, .... UI lil;.,. ; !1~IU'tll\1 ('xerliun 01 Ihe vocul orgallS. 'f'ke DISTRIC1' . COURT ,'1!A. od'l~u.No. g, !Opru,·U lreel. N. Y . SlIdll Clntlan4l. hn·..... Cttlc.,p.
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~e recolllmellde.tl nntlprl'scri!ied , . _. " a .~rl r al. <by 'PhlS.idoo5, uud have ltad T~diimoni"lo TIIe F Irl L K lIS a t LtJ18 Gate, f ro!" elllll1en! men Ihrollghuul Ih e coulllry. n~lnj!.1I ~rllcl~ of trill' merit. "ntl hnvinll plflued tllrtf ('1ti~n(Jy Ly l"sL o! 1II1I1t} yeul8. each year filr~. lham in riew lucftl \. U
riee In ·vllrioli. pnrllf of Ih e wo'; ,,), and the Truchee are u~i\ er~lIi1y pronounced t>Oller M . '. tblill othor orucle.. mazurka. by ' IT SOOIlDLaIOS. .. ,. Be' 'd Mra.Parkhura\. . ' 1'O~lOln . ; . ollly • BrowlI's Dr 0n CIliS ro. " .. , D. pOI~ pal 00 reoclp' o( C lea. Ind do nOl. loke.ont 01 the' wOrlh. Addrlls Horaoe Wltere • . 48\ ' less imitatlolia IhatlllllY be olferell . prioe. Droadway. New York: • . . S~1d rvelywhere in Ihe Un il.. d S~a le8. and an Ftlrelgn Counlries, III as cenla per ... l' bOI. 18. ly. he popular rDu8io. bl'• "b wuno.01 N pll IS era • . \vcr DitsoJi Co •• DOti!on 8croflll". BllcubaYe jUlt i.l\led the ' .' . pieces of ' . : :. _aUIi_, "e. mUlio: 'Sui Mare' (OD" ·· a) Dar. & 00.'. genuine "Iedicinal I,' b W , . . Cod LIver OIL he, "roved, by la •. J • Kube. 8izrr.rt!&VjlIlO · Ihe DlU9l valuable J01. ' but 10 tLy Smile', ballad bv 10a!r,,".,tll u.... III while J OIAl'd. "'v" end IIil cure. I I dL.el.8e,lI dOD. music bv ~ M. Ken.r . • 30 · . ... "la, 'TO'lIrr.nt"d ,. ..pure . al d ell.1 10( I Ie pPliclIl.L' Oli • Tb )( 'd (L '11' . . . " I r loue . rUIn ..reelt Lie . al 0 amole. mUllC by L. vers. Sold bl DruQ'flialA Il'Pnerally. B. WhllDey. 30 cll. The )(ouol.iD'Il'QY., . ' , . & CU.. IODg-poe.try by Ubl.od. IDI.-ic b7 S New Yurk o
'(oI~ '
y.ar~experieocp, o~Y
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Arril23. Pr.ble ., .. " MI .11 ~ nml 9 ' " , ' n'lIler .. ..n. ao. JChUll'lpoigll ..II 10. C h"I,o 1IJny ·14. 'Gremle II 17. RETAIL ·DEAl.ERS IN Warr"" ., 2... CI'llllOII .. "8 DRY GOODS,. . . ' " . • • . '(:1'81100" Plca8-·-Flnt.8ubclivblun. lluTl.u-F'cbruo rr 6. Juue 4, Sepl •. 24. QU EENSW ABE, PRI!DI.&-r.tllrch 12, JOlt .. lB. OClober 29. DARKE:-A pri.lll, Augusl 20. Nuvember 19 • 'ecolld Sub-d Ivltllon. CHAMPAIGl'-April 21. June :16. Dec'" 3. GROCERIES MIA IIlI- F ebruary Ii, JUlie 4. October 1. IlloNTOOIIIF.RY-Aplir9. JIIIIO 11, Dt'c. 9. & . Thud J:jubodlvislon. C., GrRF.ENE-F~br05ry Ii , Ju"e 4. October J. "AYD~V1llt1·" ,., 1110, ARREI'I-F"ebr,,",y 6, Jltnp. 4. OCloher I. tf V c,ul'T<t!l-March 6. July 17. Nnl>ember 6 In\llte IUPPlioll to tlulir Sloc" of CLA1'KE-Murch 6. July 11. November 6: Witlllldl our handa ot Dlllton. 1110 do, of Oclo)er. 1865. " L . GEO . • J . S MITH.} . ... ..:.. ' _.1 with cllre In the Eillern " " L MEEKER . , f. " J J WINANS Jwl'gao ., UIi1 zml Jli:S.. 1m 1tV ~ 1114 rtl PAR.'SON·S :·· . a,Il lOt.. lilt It • •
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l't10ntll'ort.t~yI\J'Y7: . ~ :LL'· E' N & RANDAL 'L
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lrllrhl' ••
,. _ leat ,_ . UI b."llad-words b, 1'. JoLo.lon. lDusio bl Auault • .A Crl'lloy '''0 • . , prtce" CI.S., 'Ollr Soldier'. Lilt Mnrch" .• ,. Mta. PAtkhuf8t. 80 CUI., ''1'he Gem of Lhe
"'~.iI\X ~i<e ~~,~:.~~.~and .1I~uliqn '~L I~' "lIIi~,,,,'11 1LJ",1~ 8i1~
Pleas Conn's'·
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wilh.telmerel ••il ."f_ •• r&I&. 'NurtbWntero Lake.. . : ;:; "" I' Me,c,h .. AT PBlv II .. LE Itl •• 1M: l The vllluablo House Gilt! LO.I. Iran'P?rtallpn .0( , ,-"I,h.t &flirt •.clIlI fe', t,uo6dtrte. UD on the E,at 81de 01 Nortb 81. trahl'lr. ' .. • , '.n , bel \Veen· 'rlt i,,1 snd Fuur,1! slreels - Ihe :rh~ Rllea of Frefatrr'tV inll fro llllfinl ·• , properl)' of MRtI, M. RODERTS-i" offered pOI'" 10 Ihe Wee •• ~J ..... MlIlr • .\ prlvale Aale. . Cenlrel R.llrold~ ... Itt il.. )...... II rl'l'he H ol~ao .18 we 11-'-uni l " Vorai) . \eo I. 'IP I P1ell~1 a . 1 "1 euIP"w :", ..\I... 1&.11,01. · loullon. with lhree room8 , pl,lrch 8umm(tr 0011\p 018.. t ~. .; • I I ' . • t ,.. .. I kitehen .nd eellor below. elld room. ,O;:r Be fI 1Mf1l .. ,..,.... In tlte second .Iory. A w~1I or excellent "VIA Pl.,,"'" CIi:IIT&lI. .IL. Wiler I. ,itulled close to Ihp. kllehen. Frel.:l" •• On the Lot .re. urlely uf llruit Ire•• leCtin",• • pply to or idl,e••• tt~ 01. lb• I irouncll~ Df good qUlIlIly ior ,ltJ" 10\lo"'lnlf Allel'l' ot ,~. Co",pant~, In .Iy.lle denlll!l purposee. Tbe properly il rrea S B toIt Jr I Pia ':'.1_. from IIIcumbrancl'. . /JI"U' . ... F'or {urlher parlicularll . applv to . . " .rllWlt Ai ....... !'-'.v.a.,.,.
h~" I,'II.r."aN Ih~I·.j ~o .w. ,~
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L . V . E ' • T o .e :.. , ~t,e ",:,,!,,~I= .N 0 TIC E '. . llro" erl "D~' .F.rm.r' ~, ~'III . il.Jlj,~, I,' . •',1 . T lII.oe' .tl. Ylntl.".e o" UII - .ro,u ,a ,or · < U'fe· ., \0·....... hel underKiltned hn been dul, appoln\. t.: I ..~.! 1 U ,,~ E. ed ElIeclllur uf \.et will ulldlellllllllent OUt y".... w.1I .up- 1 •• or Ademl, late of Werren cuunt • phed whh e'el; . cuot/eOleoo......jy. bren· '. ADLI1'8 ,DtJPLEX OhiO. dece nAed. 1 J. C. COLLE'l"l' Y upe"ed on Ibil Iin... 1Kl "",. cOlI'bee(iu/t ... o B ., . , W "Rf\l'l' CO""TY ~ 8tt. I. "IP "D In . W"yuesvillr. Noy. 28. 1866. • I!,d (lVl'r, "~teatloll ·l. P'I4{lolhili r W''1I •• • penoer. ,,0 ct• • 'Molsy .Dell Waltz.' . 26 ·'Centl to·(Sra:ve,i5 DoHan ' . I, ' )."-S. 1'UTl'F;K. 01 the Co,nmon &a. -.&,• hl'lIl HaW.burg. wher. will II. 'I,un.: by J, W. Turner, 30 Ctl. Aoy of lhe l e COllcenlralPd llclIzioe' r('. Pl ea•• and Ihe COllrlll whhlll .. ie" ... .tor l.ecll"jl.nll,..tir·,. will be leot POBL paid on or price. moves P81l1t. Grellse S pO\s . .• illSIOlll- clJunly .nd "tnle ·"ror.PAlid. do herAby cer. Our Block of C .... IIOS. A ch' wJII'.8 II olreretl of the PlIllad.''''III., cleAnl Sllb•. G1ovee. &0., tlfy II,ot.lhe ahove .order il 1\ correct tnpy BOOT 8 AND SHOES Ni Xurk A.ddre .. OlivAr DillOO & Cu •• 1l 7 WI' Iy. h' S I 10 ne ..·. Only lt6 ·U' ItI.S ppr bOil Ie !rom the re cord of. cnort of common . • wi I b. (ound 'IIiI 7 alru . N ' I IUI\911 t .• BOltOD. M.... -:,I;tl Drug«i8 Ia. lJEGE3JAN & co.: pleu ftlld diHtricl court in lind for said ' or 'TH£.. uHd must dlretl 'OllIe r", J· l,;uemills Dud New Yurk. . cOUllly. VI'rk l,la W TIn: PBRENOa.oOICA .. JOVRNAL FOR . . J" wl\ncu whereof, I hn e ('vN chlneea than 'any 'othpr. I ' t! . " , I : n,BOIUlBItR.-complete Vol. U.-OOD' Chal;lped "onds and FI.. Sore lereu."lo eel my hand anQuIII -A" D' ENOeR ILJIWis l J / t"iD' Lord PallDeretoq, N.poleoD 111 .. H" "'PII. Cb\II.... IHIl. . .. of 8uld al the Gen'l 8upprhlte.lI'nt, p •. . \V h' (' egoman & CO.'II (;nmph or Ic!!. lVilh Hou8e In Lebnnoll. this 7tb All of \l'hith I. olfered .t Ihe lowel' 1 HENRY W : I GWINNER. ft . al IngloD. oosaf. HOD. D . S. Dick. Gly ~e rl"t'. curea chappedIlD .. d~ , &r., im. dRy of Nuve",b~r. A. D. 186ti. mlllket prices. . W l'lI et vUle, Oblo. Gen'. Tlcket 'A'"nt. PbU" • VC iDIOD. BIiDd Tom. wj,h Porlrah., Clla' r- and \lletllllely, M E t > S . ·• I TEN'" 8 I a.nd Iwill ke.ep . Ih 80@ k.ln8.0rI 21 ·61 ClcJ k rA '.' • Oct. 2.. ( 'OT n. H. HOUSTON' '. acta" "Dd Biographiu. Allo 'Work ' '10 tit.' coldClltt wea lher. S vll! r 0 Inlu courl8, W. C.• O. ..t . ' G ••,& Frel .. A;"nt.,·IPtllli f W • liy Drugliill18 . Price lUi Selt\ by 1 ••• om.n. a uew History of Oivi\i. m_i1 .(or 3Li cenl •. lif;'OEl\fAN & co.. I I .(outleen Y8ar.·experieIlCII •• ,,', , •. ." ";""', r: DII8tioy or America ' B I ch:m l.11i end druagiets. New York.. . OR 80 D Ihe pracllCII of . Medit' ine Cliff'rl II ,. . ! ., . ' , V. dD ' fau 1. •. m.. One hun",,·d ,~".p ui 1 nut! ' I" . ' BBOWI~G. Pro'es' IS r ' , II U 'III" in 11 l s Igor, '0 evelopemeot; SY'm metry CorWIn. "UUllly . '11 I 'fIv. III .. OAaOLllIE E, . • Ilolla er .. Cos lu the chif£eul uf ·· . : ',,,.. ; 1 ... . . , • i of Cb..,aoler' Ph I . ~ IIl0'"•• 1 N TilE BLOOD. vldtid.rn~ I f ..n • ' . I" . ' , .• WaJlleeviUe a d V J. f(b11·'r.I - i.D(16 7i'__ , ._' • " fllno 0iY 10 Pul. well limite PI: ""h ee'\!I; one.. porllun AIIJhor 'BerDlee, Ihe Dau"b ' . n 1cinny. :oij) lUI. j pI'; Alum.l 'lJpel of Hum.D P"bYli. .Th! P~"wian 8)'lUp lupplle.! \ be ti\l~ . " be 'r'le ! e ot ~r cont.lning ie\'er; .,' 161\'rAlldy AlII' &c &e .' OFfICI on Ihe corner or :Ma;n fI'lld \1.41' IIY 'lIlIlllI\g.~ogrl.l'lua,,~·c:arCI P.bOlt)""al../li r o i Pumy.; G YIDDlitic. ror IDI!D. -om D stre Wilt. III Iare elemellt, Iron. lofu.ln" v",or aUlI II 111811 for btlildi"" and I" , .. . lUutnltecl.• PrlA•• .,1,25 Im l 8I•. , .nenr I, ·Oppolil.e HeY '8 H-jl. .... pInd a \lU.Af!(Y· ..... a' I' c I "attf1a11y lh d .. • 'bollom . la nd runlll'",, 'to Ih. ra'II',o' I" "'II 8t..llp..... P.cke.II·, d " v Iftm."lt • a." Ii! .e 'Inlo Ib.t .. u u ..... r_ N I llcel .11 qtl .. "'." ao (Jlllldleo; Etbnolo Fo. DYf PPPIIR. Dropl,. Chronic funher particulars 1IIII'Iy to' ur or T .. . ' · . ' V'-I 'I It proUlplly respond II F. B l·r." . "'II'!! ,p",:ke,. coql.III• • PbJ8iolou . 1. PhrCDQlogy. P. , h\.OI'OI"llolCm W,e. kne8A,' l\lll •• 11 'I" CHA'RLES E. "LYN ' C ' H buok 11111 CMllno' fail to do . . Po to . . . DU ; D,errhlll'" Y d Pf R ~~ " I 'PPCl 6C 1'1 • • W . ' . " a . l l · ~l il Irom Ihe pell of 0 I . Cl we y r1 .0r!D' lIullllr .t ret·l~ Price ' ID Ct!lIl1h ur by I'l' e ' hovl' been ' !'I",ili/ed Or Da PaETI. C •.Yllel"IIIII" O!IIO, lb• •o.t.• ucce"'ul ,writers 01 Ih' e 0. , • 0., YT!I.nl . ... ;W.' lend A.. l.OIl I· . . . .11"kl use 111 ..1I';s ",~"icl \le (ODIII weak. • ow OV,D .. tO" K d b pre.eAt ,. J 1:;'1110n'~'/l§" ·to · :,i " I ..t' a Yllar. Nel' volume be"inl ",i II , ,'' If • . ' . . ... ,. a,. 11,1 • lia",e of ](i .. K II " c: '0 II T 1 ' • II! •••• 'fiG • . 81J"1j< '" afe 00 Jln, No. •• "a-let .... Well- healll' crto.ultll ea. '10 IIrOIlI. No' (Cin. GueLLe cop, lUre....' iaold word to y II. hGille· , II II E. THE P a.A () T J () R 0 F for '1'7. _ . tii\IIJ .,,' r.: ~WUl' r" ... • •. 'Y I" ..t\lpy rrt!lll IIlId women. OV . S8.3w I b.r ..· ":'''\le t ' L I .!l... e. where En.". """1. "ntl ort:1I~, < . j ·llh-..... pb· 369 ' p"rice .a9 poge PIII\lphllll _e nt f.• ee. . .. - - A aria DOO~'lIell'live ~n ..... ' tb . ; . . . . . . n no . D"r,!?ad Ne" York. . 81 per bOlll e. or 6 1m .f\IIII,;proill tl!. • .., ' c.- WI .'. " .."nl" .,11., fer, ;GiaUta"iI •· .....-.~ bl••:...I' Th• .10Ilr. .1' ADd Gilt", bo\h J. P. ·DiNSr,JOR.E 'iliD,18 copi.. 01 liook .. J I ·b1 1111t It'Nellch•• : n'ot 10 .. il- .\\'11( .....,. 6"..... rt . . .t JOO l'to" lttdd B6Ue'lre81.N.wYo;k • . n,lbeki.tI.or pouod' on rPeelpl' of price . on,butli.• . . ., , .. , • ' " BoW b,. •• nlrall,. 16-II1t qUllia,. for Hie b, •' . ' '''"aleC ' . J, O. GARRIGUES .. 'c'o . • a n I. . T .. . . . Iha!,"!I1:""n IQr W'U . . . · . . • . lI~aJllrr. 4~P.11f1'Z. ': '" 141' 80tntl FWrlh 8lr~eti Tn • a 141. 11- ... D • • 19' ,ur ,,. 'l~ll wJU ..Il (0' " " , .: Plall....~.: · •• 1l1:·8~::t-Ollice at bln'e ,ldeD.. lIt.> ••~. rei' ltA'IOI;'J""'~ .'~. ~ i 1.1, Ii-II '. ..
ll;~oEftd" C~t.~"I' Il\d:l~:~!!~:I\',
:Rlb~OIl8. Druiii~le,
o~. ' za~loo:
'l'H~ S'l'~TE' O~10.t CI~rk ~Istrlct
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iocllldlD~ P~ic,hologl-oDJ.i.20.
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PlI0F~U'OllAL "o.'BL .VA""'S SURVEYOR ~A V '
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A JON .£6:),. M D., HUlnllh.~
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July 18.
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.Uoad.,. eYl!niac wal Ipirhed aad iDter' .IUD d I . go.D
a arge humber were pre,,-
~D&~ The exercisee were participlltt:d
:0 by Rev. J, W. MIl80n, E quire. B.j · Iyaod Keys. Lieut. Collen. ),fe •• ,.; Jaooe, " ZeU Furnal , an d \V AY. .. Af' ....VIL£1 (C.,RWIW 't:.lT10.). " wb oaa·addreaSt'd lbe l"ldience. TRAiNf a.LlTW AltD BOCIND . We trust tb.t tberA will be Ni::h ~ilt,.,.It. : ' 1.62' . : v no ~l' (;inclrl'liDII [l!x pre... '7.64 A. 11._ . tempt atade to diaoo ntillue the wef;ly AI.i1 ~1I11 A,·cu m.. 11 .26 A ••• ~~tingl of thi. I~ciet,. ualell it. · be C.. I"m til Accom.. 6 28 P. II. .• I'll Idlu" Eltpred~, 9,Oll p, II. propOleu 10 let lbe orgllnization .ink T'xAIK,j ',WBSTW ARD BOutD. inlo speedy oblivi.~n, 'l'he lociety be· Mo:1 Alw Vtllwm.• 4. lOA. If.-." "an wiLlI "ee~ly a.semblage8,-'-1bey Niii.! EXPf C811 • 7 .2!1 A : II. hue. been Wt!1i IUltI\ined aoJ tbe inter. b (,'Ull!IlII'Ud Accom. , l 30 A . II. P,t •• bur~~pre8l, eSI In I em is on lhe increl\8e; and if 3.20 P II. Ci llcilwatl Exprell, ",22 P. II. , tbe Dlee\ingl are changed (IlS lug· D" nut IIOp. gelted OIl MondllY euning) to monthly . lJ . GJ.!!fElfT, Prnlden" or "ini·monthly gatberingl. the MorAl W. ~VOODWltnD. Sup";: R"form SocielY 1D1I1 al " ,ell .e tlle up U,CltDWAI.LAD£a,"',.nt. " b k dl k ' " P b _ E l&. 'nt ,.,J. A 'hS 00 I an oe up It I con'lIluhon a· . A ••, . "plY" .",. t!!"tJl'" ~.'fI'! monR' Ibe relics 01 WRynesV ille. It is to
.u cr
Hill E%c~ leney. Ihe Goy. rof Obio; hI\IAp~idled~hu.rldAy. 7111 " tia ·a dAy oro;p-ublic 'l·b.okl' I: for PIl'I merciet-.r' llicr.efo':,!, EltoQ.,Dudley , Yayor lh' incG porAled 'illage 01 W.Aynel~ do reapectfullY"fequest all 'be in , Laota o( lAid Yillage &0 olose their (If ~ .bu8iQ8B1 • .-nd' oble rve Ihe ift'-aOCllrd!MI.e-wilh' 'Iaid ' re9 ' dBtiofl. . • . •T _~ • en~he MayOl"s Office. thie 4th of ·De'cember. 1{!66.. , ELTUN' D,upJ,.&T. Mayor. ~~
.• . . . . . be .110pe~ lhat m8~ead of (I\fl odlmg 10 . Eyery IClleber In the couniy should an lDgloflous dtm,,,, tbe "ork 60 well rtlaliEe ILJaL it ie bidUly to make use ~ .~
begun IDR! go OU, aDd t.be .orgl&Dizalion become a permanen~ lo.lItutioo. At preseDt il is llle ' only week-da, resC?rt lor our public to relieve the 1D0notony 01 bum·d rum, work·day liCe. Bulthia .' I I h h' f ' d ".notl!eonynort.ec Ie CODSI er· a'ion. H any good I. 10 be RecolD· pliabed, conslant effor t ~uat be alimu, IAled by Irpq~en' coavening tOietller, Were there DO meetinge or ihe memo ber., even Ihe church.,. might clo18 b - d ' 'r th ~ . . I IPlr oorl •• or e'en I ey were 0 " apd far belween. We tbink "e expreas the feeliog'J of • • • • the maJority of our cltlZf'n8 "hen "e ,a dd our IIppl'IlI thRt there lDay be no 6 ' • • I' tl .UAgg.lOg In11 dlll.' mA er, Ilor any weary' OJ' 1111: la ",e . oln~... ,
T•• Tucuab' bmTllTl:,-AI • re r <\ W.,.eneille ....k ...., ceaL melHial( 01 thtl Warren ' Coftnl1 -'6T"""L. eurreeiM E -- W". Tracher.' IOllilulI! held al LebanoD. it 'J-Y - .. ~ w.. dl!cided to hold a Iwo.d ..YI· leill ' Wheat 11 buellal. '100 (ill 54 jon al Waynenille, during Friday aod R,e ' f " 70 SIlllarday. Ibe 8tb and 9th 01 Dec. ~'he ~:;~,', .. necus"ry I tIPp. b ne been ' t.keD To Co r a " . 35 m.k. tbe meeting inko~ILing Ahd prof. Fluut batrel. 9115 . bl 'FIU.u r cwt. '6(1 Ita e to 1111 who IIlII'Y alhmd. Hon. ' Buller ~ Ib . E. E. W bite of 0 UIO U8, Iln Prof.. Bid , It. ll5 H"Dc~k And Ricbardson of CillCinniltl E(CI It dOll:elt'. 20 PUI.IOtl 'f ·blie he l. . 60 will be present 10 addre88 tlul 11l8IituLt'. Dried Apple. t1 t1~ 10 @ Ill' Rlld COlldlld luch exet ci , ea a. mllY be (; h ic~en81 ullze,.. ' S 00 mOil profilable to tllOte preSt'hl, Ese . U"ffre f. ' 38 ·u be ren d ,an d . IU b'~eClI of gen· _NNew·Orlelns SUIlIir 1iI" 1'7. @ ~ll RYI WI .·O':'lIlIi ...... 11 g.floll, 1 sa 6I.al iatere.t to the profeuioa diacu.. . Co"I-Oilll ,~""U , ' 1 10 edt -=-; A cordi~l in~ila\ion hAS been eXlend. ed by the citizena 'o f W RyneBYI' IA to llie. u teaobers throughout the counl. U"aUa. the Sick It, llle La'. . . . . of . J, URII,d.. and all who atLelid Will be Ilolpilllbly . entertained.
of ey."y me.na Wilhio Ili. reach to to'''' v.le tbe Profusion or w1!iob be II a member. He o.e . it to hil pupill. he owes it to the profe seion. In Ihe localitiea Already heard (rom. . . . 6chooldirectonwIJI gran~ a holldllY to enable ~be teachers to a!lend Ihe meeting. EXEClTTIV!: Cor.UIITTli:E. .... . Report of the GraD41ury. '- 'J
Dr. G • W "' KBI'ra '' . .
Of Plt.il• •1l.1plU•• ' " , : . ' •• • H.1Ft- ,- .,...,.. .... . l t"_ . -- - . . . . . .
IE H:2 r ~' mr A II
J. A. IRVIN '8 lJpper e•• of •• ill Street,
.&T1tDVILLF.. Oppolile lb. f'o.ol.i. 01 Pur. Willet! fI you '''nt Cotre.e. Tn. or Su,.r, ar 10 • , " l t l MDlaH .. o~ F'.... , lC '0 nt C""d,..J4i. i... or Fip. H )'00 wanl Cion... Of Driad Bett{. If )'.U Wllnl rood AI. or ...... H yo u .. ahl 1\0108011, . [( )'OU wanl Herriop. I( yo u waDI Salt by Ihe Ih. or bbl. If rou .. anI · SI.reb. RKe, Sod .. Cr.. m of TaNr. Papper. Gi"",r. Clunaruon a..r.. Ahpie. or Clo.... If )'oU "ant 10 "a' drenk. dOD"«" lbe ... If ,oa "ani Tob.cco or Icn dil'.... nl kindl, I( yo. ,"nl Shu.io,. German, &.". or Wa.b Soap. , ({ l"U .... 01 Ci,II ••. H roe _III 0 r. le.. in 11I••llell, eall, doaen or . ' dllh. l{ 10n .eol Gr Blackiag. H JOll ,",ol he' e" or 8""".,,. . If JOU •••, Cio~'&..., w •••• II ,ou let) ••n\ to. 10 ....' dry. SO tb"r_lnlo1-
r:: ...~r
Heal t~e Sick for Two Weeki, '
,aoll DBC. FIRST. BY THE APOSTOLIC MODE, THE u .LAYI!lG ON OF HANDs." Cvme·one. tome all who dtlire to recover from the pro.lratlnll InOllence of dla...e •. aad all who' Milk the unfolded cooditiDJI or ~1.I,voytlnce.
To t!1I Bonoralll, th, Court of Com. " • LUIT OF ,LErr£B8 mon Plta" of the CouRly oj ttr "arren, h P W COcat. o'l' O"to' _, Rem... nlnr in t e uttl Office It 'I"M'
MAUl. '1I01!lBr BfB., 'W ATN~.VI LL E.
G. II. • '1'
DRY GOO D'S f B A."_R G A. I .N
you; ;u~ leal hOIll •••pr" .end il
I .' ,
wil/lou t a I... ful order!
Third Ikreel, '''ny __YUle, 0., H you .... nl Pop-Corn, WHERE liE WILL
If yoo
".III. Pin •• Comb•• PeDeir., Pipu, or Pipe.l)leml, If you .,1101 Mlllr.h ••• lIyoo .. "nIBte"d.C.h.orCraekan. lfyou ... nIC...lorOil,Swut OilorTurpeahae ~: ~~: :::: II )'OU "ani Candle•• Bed.Cord., or ·Cloth..Lioes. ' I( you .,a .. llndlgo. Shoe.Bra,b"•• or Rice. I( Joa ".nl Pover or Enulop... 1/ 10U _nl MUltard. If IOU ..... 1 10 ",II or "Ow Butler or "......,. y , ··O ~ rc yoa ... nl Liqoorice .ltd Cb~"ing Gu," I( , E P . c· ' )'OU wunl lIe nce eppernunl.or '"l111mOIl,
PRINTS, Domesti..-:! d
C. ~Oo S, .
White Gooas, And Forty other Artioles! Shawl;,
01 ~.., 1< villt' Ohio, DAcemb'!r lat, 1866, which If '1'he Grllnd Jary reportl' Ihal Ihey not faken out within'one monlh. wIll 'be hRH oxamined t'II' County JIlil, and SPlit to ' 1I1~ ,G eneral P.oat ,Office la deed round iI kept in aood condilion, Rnd 1 ~lleti • D 'P e-o' nl c~lIin", (or .nyor thu. 'ett.... .,.. P. S.-II you ••'e drunk or in lb. b.bil • ' If "I thAt tbe prisoner. L1!ere confined Are ra .. ga of rChing drunk. or CDnt10t belr ... you ..elf a. , US ON TilE PItILoe()pnr IJroperlr truted and CRred ror. lind Ihe will pIe.. .. theY_En~eM .~ l!llrtia~d.p' becomu • r.6IltlelDao. STAY AWAY! ~ ·h f 'N ' la w in all re.pects (Ai-Ihfully obs~ned. A. .. EllalTl', . M. 2~ · 8m . M D S , - rs. r. rtnt. , 0 0"• A K R~IST . - W'e Il I W"Y' •lae \ peale 1 d by the Sheriff. But tbti G rand Jllry B81' . dJ R 0 bb J amt'll M wi~lh~el\ver ICbree' leclllre,', OD the to chronicle Ibe succen or adVAnce- find tbat 'he rool of the jail i. in 10 Baaher C R omine Nath.n II DR. I. A. ROSEBERRY • I. BIAL. . . lOec' al · ODoert ~a com- . h b 'd b d d'I ' f.' mr.en and .. Brown S.'pllia Sw.nk Alice ~. , '. meDt or any perIOD "bo ..a een I en- 1\ con I Ion as .0 ull r Injure , B.. ker ch.rlea SllOrholder :A.delaide thl.·( Wed!1e.d~y). '!,eIDblnl(' .t 'ti6,.d with Ulir neighborhood either by ~he ceiliog! of lhe et)18 Rnd h81181)f Ihe DUliciln Jllmes Smilh E R ........ b" tiralJellLllre WI ,ree' . . . 1 Jilil. and Ih,a' the Bamo nellds repAiring Fleeke ,Joho ,"o wnllclld Mah.,l. ' . ., il'l b . b d; " blrth or feilldeftce. , elpeclaly when 'IJl immediately. Hutrln an D "v 'ld VellY B P tl adml"lIlou w e c. ,a~i· lor periOD I. . deservlllg . r . b Y '!'lIe GrllDd Juror!; hue eXllmined Kngll'Y III D~.ny ' 0 prospenty ~ W VVil~l!n. Tom. &. co. -AT TUse I\&aAII -mAlI '1'11&1.' , aU~~~.~I,I~l)t lecl"re... . " tbe pOlleuioll of a a;:ood nalJle al well lisly·6ve witne8ses "nd fOllnel tw~nl )' Krtlnf'dy Mi~. M A, Wnkel,. Til am III ii ie •. lubjee', oD ..wbiCb .'1 are a. talent. A propbet may lome timee eigbt bill" of indic lmt'nt. · e)e'vt< n of 1{" l r ~'em l! 1'~ n A Wi ll inm>i Jumf!s IMfCW Ifilfil)U~. ~Tl1\lfD!eJ [Dli'\\fII\l. "!Uri\) SM'iI\~., . '·and we" are .sllIred t h a t . . which are for she ull.! of liquor coo'- l\Jerrlc.I.CI,.rled r t" kins J n lI~lS IIWIII.. I!IIft1& D\W\!II • 1r.l'N1!lI 1lU1W~. , • d • b be wllbout bonor In hiS 0190 country, , I Th J . b " .. - - -. - - - - - - -. lectarelllaYe beeD prepare WI' bot dint! are exceptioas and lhe in- .rar, to aw. e urr 10 I elr myes· . • ·P ·J, :£ )I D • • (UMDI. ElEIN'S OLD STAND.) aDd wilt . be round entirely . . • ti galion. have round tbat' inlemperancre . , . " d 11 ataace to wblch we allude may. we prevailll 10 ~n alarming exll ~t. I,,!d ,~.t Beg lene 10 inform Ihe ptlblic tbat tbey pUOIIable to bot,h, It~ea a~ a tbink. co~e under the IAlLer ' clslI. the law agam" Il.e sRle of mtoxlca!t~g " Dl MON I,alle oa hand loll exp.ct to lleep CALL AND SEE. and we can conceive of no oDe beuer liquorl is openly and r.ontinually "iolaA DS &C., A Complete Assortment of .Jure 8-Hf ent,itle.d to Ihe consideration of hi. old led • .. 'f~lly bl!g bere 10 Buggest to Iho F 0 TH E H 0 LID A Y 8 . .. court ·tbiH inabmuch ~$ good citizens in . ' " >: .---:--0;-:- • ',' , . ,< _ i,~pp'!i~~ble ~,o . the neig~'borl. by manly be~riog. "nd in · various pML. of lbe counly delire" The 'Ioli'll ur B.... n,q uet. 61,.ull 6:. eo.. , or .ro;13lat., .... -witho ..' a doaM. doqlllabl,e perserver~ ncl! I~ ~I" ~ho8en igid,cniorCll-mont 'or the I.. " ','~ ";l\le.,,' P"rl., bu,.· .lhe plc..,,,rtl of 'RlwoDelol • . •• •' " .... , ., 1111 i ,diclml!nte ror lhe lIale of I~al Ihe')' h~vc . ~pelledllln Agl/oc, in Ihe ar, ~j-tec t gems ~f art. aiul "x~·. pl'orelllion, than Mr. A. H. HAMI(&LL, c."se.. I . .k. c!ly ur Nely:..york, '01' l'he .. Ie 01 lheir 4, ....aaJUTT. E. It. pancn. hlllg' A bIJ eid I)'; ': bjlm e.t anf now, aDd for severAl yeRra a resit.1enL 01 Iquor be Rt once placed upon Ihe doc IVldely--known J ewelry, Witch", &'c., PAINTS. OILS, 1" J el of L1le court •.and let 40WD .(or he~r· ,Ind ror I'le p'u'~ose of mokiQ, .I h.ir loodl former !" .il. , ~ 'hil' I'lae.. W. Ciocioll.,i. Posseuing by aatural en - nj( at aD eRrly d!'y, lind that " b~ prop .. t'lr'eA~i~)' Iinown In'd appreciat~d i~ DYE·STUFFS. eZI,mlneClabllie or h~1 prodIlCliOD., dowmeli& a hil:Ch ortler I.hmt. lOr olJiceu hI! noU6ed anti rt'qulred to th, Uniled Sial.' ••':lIe, now ' Ire: Ind TOILET ARTICLf:S, BHAll. DUL. . . 1)1 10 .,ur,~mflro~ .(iiDill ·o hea. aDd 1.1) ioc\iualj, n toward th. peDcil btiug th8 ddt:iJdAnLl...inlo.. CUUlL 10 t I,al h",e been Cor ov.r-'70 '1'• .,.... in - Europ•• i....r~' 'iime, -(or and brutb. he IDOS' properly hR' d.,o· Ihey sbal\ be prelent &0 IIn'''l'r to in- Ihey hue delermined 011 a plln by which U ' ( il' ~ {. ~,., , " "t ' " . , dietment Igiilla& Ihem Wilhou L delllY . pour lind fI~ Illite ~a" hllve the IIIvI~' JIl ,,~I s\il!) &~ ~1";ltolll~ Ollt' .8ruP hid bii energies in tba\ dir~ction. climb· 'rhe Grand Jurore are conYlncl!d Ihal I.Jte or their splendid alyllll. As ,. preh. '. ", . , , 'Inl' by .'o>ady ~8iorl tile dlfficuIL round. b i d . fl' . miliary. IhCf· would remllrk tllllt th~y m.n· PAINT-BRUSHES, CH ' EM t CA La ... ~ y td" '~ dOPI"on o"lltble pra~.~lcde reclom, • ulacturl! flo ·imltl\liou Jlewelry or Wlltche.; I . " -•• ' , . , Qr.. Lhe laddl1r ot' (nme, uatil be WRy men 6:", earl WI e a'Olue , aD! I Ie but WHITEWASH BRUSHE8. LEAD ' 8. \,,<-' B~dwii·.~Ij!~Q •.~ec:eQdy 'ed~ now be clalSed among the lI~celsary I.w be mAde ellectu!~I. 'l'he Jury .ail are ~ri1n'td G OLD of 1/" ii. The belt qUllitr OIL, the. tX-elli'a ,·Tv , •• r~. 1J.j;N,'t.,. ' c:~tl.ed,· RdjuDC\.l or tbe artisLic profe..ion in tll~ would .1.0 .u«~e" tbnlt ll\e 8!l!lI~ "iil' Wor!m'ar..hlp . VARNlc:!Ull''-1 "I . " course be adopled ..slO al other , IU " . . /[ < . •• " ~ on 't'1l'~~y",.\t(·jlll a~. p~'ea' QUI!I!P Oi/l' While ill this g~ntleaoAn" dictmentl escepl in CAses where it atAyOur cu.t~. w,~1 atlo hlne Ih'rrell , IlIe '.bli._ :~~~jje·., Jf.~nt the .d ~ Iludio, DoL mADy weeka .ince. W~ were be h t lor rud ntial rea.ons 10 with· advanlar' ef a conlll.llt sllcc..II.,n 0' . , e~ . p e ' bl' ' I "IIwa .. d recherche IIlyll" ... eI p.U"rne For medicinwl purpoee.. to wblch the at·1 1~lrtl~'I 'prO ' ,1m'. : <'W~. cordi~!II. &1,owo lome of the. recent ~rodu~tion. bold mdlctmentl from the pu IC. unll with which.a ..... 11 b.ep our New yo~. tention of Phy.lol.al Ie •• pecis"y called; C ur gooet f"ieDd.abua.i.nl, I\lCCf!" 01 bill I.and ••nd. Without pretendlllg to aher Ibe arrest or Ih~ de(tmd.nl.. A,lene, :supplied. and whatenr pertalnl lo • PAINT VARNISH~ &C.; J. M. Roola. Foreman. We have adopted the plan 01 III", "DW 'Celd he IDa, . e,b'~ir· .• 'an ar& ~riLici'91, or lo eweo amAll'ur -Lebanon $la,. ro populu, or chuahl' a IlDifonn ,rice. FIR S T - RAT .E mR lIT mI III ,'~ ~~!l ~D~ i~t~/ ,~t~~.'! pr,C?6L. honor. In thill re8pe~t "e c~uld nOl bUl .. Dlld th is prilj_ wi II I,nnri~bly be Ii for chair Ca l~." 11f' be iml?,reued by their unmlstllkable ex · " e~eh arlicle. no mail er how cotlly II ml, ceHeaee 01 duign Rnd execution. " " Col. Durbin Ward hal been be~ The t'Xpenses of r.ollduClilli our New , brevoled Brigadier G4!De{al (or gallant X,ul"k IgeneJ Ife plld hy Ihe .. Ie of c~r· AI.o. I "ood lupply 0' 8A8R AID PUTTY, - Ye!tefCfi)" t , .fte~nooD; ,lie , 'I'h. We.t il youn~ yet in Art and services at 14" bsLtle of Chillkamauga. tjflc'le~ or co~~Dn. rerpres,rntlog the YUI ' • a 1· S TRUSSES, Mrll.•~~lqll~m~ lfl'3-fil.i.~a .~e" hence' 6\'~il olu.progre •• iye Itllighburing' His many friend, in Warren ' county 01111 IIrllcl". , I b... cer\lfielt~ ar. aold i 'we ... IIIb• lIily h"l1 " Dot cta1Ltvate . d b' . h' I III 0\1 ceDlI .acn, ur olle for 89, lad tach '" , &r~ .L lU1IL &h" ' e poello In v.:ho h8Y~ koown la carcer In _t.l~ ser· cerllficate w'~la"o~ the holde, wh •• parSUfPORTERS, ~ore . ~}Itt Ii~fi~f ~~ ;.g.. i in ar' a. mltch 1.1 tbe praotical Rnd vice of hili IlbuDtry,. from the· time hI! Itclllur ardcle b. or Ilh. II entilJed ,to. Gn __ VCU AI8HOULDER-BRAOES: . . ~.4i~ tba4, . , .,ph,DJid aecee8Ary: thererore, Mr. HIlmmeU'. volunteered Itl ~ prlvRle at the fill~ call pay menlof I. Iddhional 82. If the ar. 14' for "oopa And In thtl tint compAny Iide named on Ihe C4tr1ificate i, no. delung)'were F1l' "to "good uee cbid eO'o~tl ,bave beell co.ufined \0' which wenb from our mid.t, win IHr .ired •. lhe hulder will oblille us. ' when he TEA. COFFEE, , " . •\!tite~ I 'I ,;", - .' : J ' . ' ora~lDeDlal 'SigDs, Banae,.. and tbe pl"R.ed .to hear of hi,, · dellerved promo- return. Ihe certi6cat.,. bv .talln, wh.I SUGAR, _ '~'. _ '~ like; but bit fino poetio temperaDieni tion. He WII8 00 811.0' duty in We.t olhor ulicle of tI.e ~ .. me value he ur ahe MOLA.SSES. The DAyton ~.roln .... l. 'Iay' 'lie could 1I0t but hRve '''RY at time •• aad Vil'ginia. And after"ards comlDiliioned lOay prefer, nd it W)lI !Ie lent with plea. SflOES. ". .• Milior 01 tire 17th O. V. I .. iD ~hillh "UI~. .0Qr Illn III to. pluse, and lYer}, P ehlol.. lidl.. ;,;;;. ETC" ETC. \JuDip a !l1 bave ,lAele ....00. l",ve given bi/'Ih 10 DIl' ~ ,- I ad tl rough Ihe affllir AI ·munl to Ih.~ ,ellil ,Will be ezerteel. Wa .:. \'L ~ ;.~ ... ' ~t' 'r' "1'1 " to "'b ' . . . did CR~"Clly Ie pile I ~olicit a trill Irum ever, one who reldl "e , D. ·\),,0 e n e .. II mer(lUI cxquuu.e .centc an ta scap. '~lld Cat, Ky .• and Jh~ bll,llle (lr SIO~~ 'Ihi, IlUtice~.""e Ife Goalldent of ,i,iDI 600 J~~ wi~~ ~n,I.1 ~'!gb~ picturet, ~ llicb bye rrOID tIm e to time Rtvc:r. A~ the latter conleet. I,e dll' \be \1\lII0I1 .. tSa'lOcllolI. A compl.t. IllWrlmen& o. of ·O'f l. ':~~1'~1: pr.~I'P" to _Ink 'excited theunequiyocal admira\ion of 'tngui.h~d him leU 1l1'Id ' wa. promeled ' The ttock iDomprl••• 1 QIl/\ t I 'C '1' ,~ d I1 b d ' II ·... a lo ·tbe Lleu\enant 0010a4l'cy of tbe Rea> . • HAIR.-OILS, ."tVV; I('8, .d ,,01 '·la 00 10liD ea ta"alu 0 senere. an glfen 1- D. l d ft w rdilto Oolotlel.' :1\ ...onaa' olber article", apl,endIII c.loe~e, ell.,iable. teputation iD ariUliio cireli-I, ' IDien. an A er . Il . ~ 111.1\4 ana .'\Yn Watcllllla. R.ill!!.l"t wllh --,...L,j~~..A~~'::': tb. battle of Ohickamllllg il be .dltp al' DlamoDd•• 8.u\)'ea. Pea,'a. Oa'''8\ .IIIM SOAPI~ &~ " f 8 " ! . &"0 " t Mr. Hamme ll i8 a young mall y.t, I!d gre., g"lhlOtry '.nd wal I I ore 0 arre-\t.,. 0., a ~ . , I• I woundedd. Olhpr ·Sion .... (.alila Ure 11• .1' '" III clusler~). II . . ".' d b band il ,. eafe &0 prlldlct much rom 11m A flllr a long continement 10 reeovere I.llies· sell of Jewel,y, comprillil'!l pia. Tht! beet 'lulllilJ J~ I'y. :1f~ .n:~ ',roa g l'·a in lhe future. Aduill~ to Ihis hi. JeM (rom Ibe effect. or Ilia wound .qffi()ienl. and ear.ring• .of Ihe mo•• I~ahlollabl.
Hoop Skirts,
MEN'S AND BOYS' B'! T S ' .aftE eto iii'UG1
JEW E .. RY, W.l T CHES,
D aUG 8'
.erritt " Print.,
C 0 A L - 0 I L 'D :BUG S ,'
Oct ,,''li1ICiIic....
Drv an dlIixecl, Paints,
,. II t-
G roc
a••• .,._,onle,
'y, •.
Patent Medicines
Inll 'UTI10!'I,
.'. •• "I
II.. t•• nct!
I.j Iii
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'F or 'La4iea '" Chil4reu.·
. dtu,t lOrtyOOOli ~h" Ule Iwnrtb 81 8 'TenLlenl 'In. lIod a, thorough. Iy 10 agAin enter ~he Be n 'ice 110d re.m~in ope • an I . . ID DMes.· . . , " . ( '1 lill tho clOBI\ of Ihe w,ar. Gl!neral b ( . going peue"llunc. 'bat cao"o~ al to Ward i. DOW engaged in Ihe pncticeol t b , d" •. 1' . , ' ~n A~ ,a 'i ~QprY ~b ~ 1'0 ' "io a ueen9. we thiDk WIlJne •• iIIe IDRy' L . ' WI' , Cit _ Star rom. .Ie.r lieolirlOg' . ,c.on ~ , . , ' a" 10 al 'lng on y. . . tile' , lh ' b' i' . ' congralulate herself on tlnlDg lell t --------' . e t'b 1411''' ' ' mldll . I d I . SA b 10, ·t ' "'d appropnl ' h' d from her ODe \V 10 eel It!r ua __ Til D t J , al "Ayl tIle 1-' , ,9 ,., o. _, ro,,\ " c.0& .~a I' .,. e . y on . ourn "ithollt· mole.ltalion, que"ioDRble tlrec:ll; lettlemeu\ of lhat "lIT WAI cOlDmenced ', . . ' ._-, I in 1796 . 10 ln02, DHyton became &
0" ~dD
IIly)e', ~" ift _p,re~iou ... tonel 0' eY"l'J n-
A well·Hlected "Gortmenl 01 tb. JIII'f ri.ly. loaeth,er. ~Ith III I..... ,"or"n8n\ of gold Ind en'liIclled .nd ,pearl 11811, ,old For Gentlemen'l.nd Bo,I' weer, A 1110, ~tud• • nd " Iene blllloni of the mo.t • I.r,e IUjlpl, of well·.elected I.J be.ulHul pah.rnll. r ePI " balom and IClrr pin., alld nn ,ndles. 'n rl8tlt 01 bracelell, id b aD chaill', mua1-"1 ... b oXel, leI relle •• (10m " . • cha rma. &.c_ fn ,c.~e an, "r ollr pairon, .re 1.01 ill wllot or Ilrllel" of Jewe'ry. - ! Me GUFFY'S &: WILSON'S SERIES, and wO llld pr,~ re~ .'!,,,rw8re••'e will teud . . • • • for ANY clPrlIfic~te relurnell 10 III, • I'rQit-~ars &0., &0., t,J. counlr lea' "Ilh on)y , 6v,e famlhel, richly ellllrav'4 of caltllrl or Buller 01 aU k.ind •• lwa,1 oDblla d_; tbe popuillion no" i, ! 5 ,OOO, . 'Didh, be811tlflt\l, churd Dnd pl.tcd.
a c aps ,
~GENTS .ARE WANTED A lIoe ..lOrllll.nl of In f'vety pnrl'of Ih l! Unitell S tnr,e s .. nd In ~Allsieianal lhe Pru"il)~. ih'd to .11 8 11 I' It very libe.... l LAMP~, Indliumellla will be "lfered. 11Id, on up· CaretuUy a~d. P~omptty FiU~. LANTERNS, & plica"oh, a circa I.. of tenaa .111 be fur· warded: W" prrfer monel .eM i .. 'P oa' CHIMNEVS. 'd ' u g: 8 .fo r OffiCII Order. where ,thy Cln be obt.lh.ecl, or by Blnk Dr'l: &0 :our urder_ Addr.. .. . Wft,.eavJlle, 0 ..10. ' 'nil order. 10 qur 'a.IDey. which will be eondur.led ·~y . , PO ST.'O FF'I OR OORN E R. -a,pCB AtfilE.. '" J.\QUE.... ~TERLING ~ Co., ' . ' '189 BrolldwaJ. New York. FIN,E OUT Jllnl 113-1-tf .' '"
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JUlll:tic b.
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On the 16th u!t .• by J"h n Fye. I , P., • at Ih_ rf!8idence of Ihe brid"'1 fuhe' blr. .... A ' I I () Volne, Care), to .,.11. rrI I I . 1I,ler. I bolh at W.rren counl" •. Augu.t ll!l, by John F1e~ J. P,-. ~t :'O . • C. Vichr5 10 Hiss Mullie E.' Robbin •• • b'oth o'f', W.rren cOllnt}'_ '"
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AN'&Uri. FR:UIT~ BLACKING. . , .. " 'at a ,r.at many Idn" a.dla 'a'1l....... · BLAOKtJ'G-~tlUSBES.g. '. ' tlll."Jorllle. bl ' .. &1 _ _ ..-Go TO. . . II UrrrP .... _
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ror ouring Syphilli. Old fl-ore•• Rh enmalillm. &lck Headaohe.
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(or tl,e life an,i "pn lth " f tlI\l bool dc, SALEM TOW SIP. ' pcnd s "rnll Iho. pnrlty of th ~ Itloo~ . , Morrow S :lio()1 D ,slrict. If th e. LI{Jo, l l ~ r<,.'~o n c", U'.o. 1""1)" 'lr~ ~.s I Ollta 1lI1lleruilic c:mtc uue. lloe,o ID e.!" IlAMILTON TOWN S HIP .
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," Th o:o in tc ;I'Slpd Ilr~ hereby nolificu, llU\1 I willalten4 p.crsoD!llly or. by ut' ptlly, I do) of D~cemb(' r ntlx\. 1, " . _ Ii
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UDlilthe 20th
ONE pnpon ", r itcH. hrr I.bll,!! l, tcr ",ns cur •. (j 1)1' lit~ of IJill o y~t' ~" .tanuilli;\, unJ l \ J 'l'IlE.l.SURl k W AnREN Co., Onto. !:it Vitll~ ' tlnll oe t'('~WI' yetlr~. LElIAI'ON, OOTOBER, 20TH, HlG.5. ANOrnER wr ir"~, lo iM 8" n w nM rnred nfLI'r Ioi" f1".h 11111.1 " IrIl Ok t wllsfcd aWll y. ' I The doctol's pronounced tho CIISO iu·cur. .. K_ 00%.... - - - - -- of r em Imd \ Alln UllCtllllent. AnC ..\N ,' \\,,,,'.TO. \ T 'O I' E S, A f! uo lli'WI' Lry ing eve ry mc.i iciuo in his I~LllUEDAV 7'/, .. mo,' E~ef!fI1l t, til e rh~ol'""t .... d "'~ . U. & ·H. T. AN' T 1I 0 ~1 Y & CO. An Elegl\nt Novelty Wa.tchea. If yQ II .f'lui.., ·A r. liftLI ~ rM"d, 'e) r eadl. • ,.at • Be"t AgT!crlitlll'al. ffor llC IJilllrll/ and ' " . . rOil, U8e . ANOTHER W IlR "n r c.l of Fo ve r ~oro IJE:iRY CLAPP . J!h F.1lIT01\. . (]m;rnZ FelinIty l'nl'cr i ll tl' f i 'I/ Uicl ' \\· lI U ~~S,\l.E AlI D 1l!;'l 'AIL II:.') Cllti('.n "I tlII ~ wlllel, nrc 1111 l' lItlroly 1 Dr. Harvey" Female PHli. ' , . ••• • • I. lI ~ lV lnvellUUII , c omp".,·,1 of SIX tlllTerrlll . • : j • . ~.. ::!tatc~! Gra tlCl/le, 111 d Wll'c Unll" . V(l mifuc/lIrera of Plioto!Jropltic .Alotc- lI1 e l"l~ cUlloI,iucd ro litl" t , II r, d ' I . ' A 1... "".,;· ("tl lI ~g "" ,,, ,,,Iy f~r Ihe ro",o".I .( ,.-I, i,," 1m'! ex ill tr d 1" 1I1·teo n years. AN.OT:a:~R Hr WII'" 1I1nt i, u'1 of By.e~rA.., -, _ 1',"", Ih,· N ,.11" y " d: Il '"~) '1, " ' C'. Jiines. Stru IJ.'/;ei.ry P [allIs lIlIt? F.It', (/ lit . i .. , . U~.O . I ~ Il P./J11 ) Oh. trllrl, ,,,, • • 110 g'ull e r " ' 0 111 .. It", tou" 1I8f'~ lnnllfl1 /<Ttlh lp of r~J'~T'el'~lf\ nnd Th ~ S:tll1rdny P(r.s 18 Ihe Dule_ t 0 1 th e Eng ruv illQ 10 Il E tJ<lu .s b ~. , no 8 , I~" ed. I'rudlllll"L: UII "xn er. IlII llllllOli yl IB l' ari e.•TIt,,): F~ .. f. all\IJure " und -v,1I Li ve r l'o"'r ll,illt el1 l1l ,' I,,, Ille li LiOnOU In litc rl1r y wee l;lI~A '0)111111111001 tl1eolliv olle . . !J • • I e uf II .Y(lIP · 5 0 1 nnOADII'A Y N y corM gill", ~.IJt' d ArCIIIlII, whi"h ""ill 01. , IIl1lur. ,,, <'V . ")' CII'~. Th'>)' ,,,·• .,,1,,, whkh tlo u 'm·ili "r t>lIul'ills . w ltl c llplJ~;;c~.r. ;'" Y I' c ry ""li"l\ l p ~cuil- ! I.unprtce. ~ rntfne lo cve'Y8ubHcTlber. 1 ' . . ' : • woys keep liS ('l)lor. ThpY111C n4 beuuli . , ",' .11 n.~ of "ukn"~ • . Whll "'. I ,_ \. " ''''. . . ~1 I '" (. ..I t .• 1111 . 11"I"eI"r rurnl IHI per) I'lIu li.. hot! (i ll I In n(l,h ll nn to cur 11 111111 h!!~II1P88 o r PIIo- lui 0 8 SO lid ~"Id, 11,,,1 Are o/Tur"cd Dt olle. 1&c. Su ld III U,\xc. cOIIIAlnll'!!. 60 1',110. , 'U ,~O,'"".. ,\~~ (\ '-"\.~"''''''\.' orl ll• es•. 0 I'I' II' rai .~' 1Jr o I!.!' '1 0111'1.. r. II "r each IIt Oli th tit Ul i- 11":':- "'1 '1111\ . 1\1. ,erlO . I d· we OI'U lI euoq uarlers ell: ' IIIII Ih" ,:.1151. 'l'l. e cII~e is b ~lI ll1 il " ily 1 Dt • H ar!"ey 'G ~ · 1I',e I ~I',,"1 1,,1 ~ 0 Id en P'II 1 I, 1 ~~\\\'. V\1.l-L~· ," 11 " " " 11' 111 " 1'< ' "'''':'1'1. C\< , N. Y .• III .SI 50" yt·u" i. 1I (1 IV I!rPlli ly lur Ihe 101 1uWI"I!, \' IZ : . deF lg ned Willi Pnopl IIl1tl s hi e ll.l for Ilnmt', A ''''''lIrely fOI' .ptd"l CAUl , fOllr . l I "I, '11 I t 18 one of II ,e liv e 11'e e kly JIJ"~nOf8 ' Of l c nlu rll ,',1 till" ""pruI' UlI sud Nt''' I ill S I Z ~ ' <. ., • with PA!elll 1'u8h Pill, lind ennrllvpd In 1, .lro,,~ ... "'"" lh. Kbovc; pril:e ,Ol,er nro lhe m o~t oqtl yn , 'lll' J l'lr 4g.. 1,1 S I lhe COUIIII"I' nnd \\' e nbseTl'·.' tllllt III e Ell" : 101 vu l e 01 . t' t 'I I ' '. Ql t'Tf,OSCOp CS 1111 .. :Stel'eo~copIC YielDS. b thnt 1,II.,e e9 r blinn illtl'\,uuI'ed . I .. '. . ' - II I tI , tUli I " " ,' OilY OlIN Mlm' the eXllel ~Iyltl of the ce lcbr-I eu Guld I A I'rllol. Cirrul61' 'U lo .,li~l. wjlh fill, 'J'I d' I '11' 1 " Ilsll lite.IHY Jouru~ld ure . 1tI" ~Ina CUplOUd lur ru llii"lIli ll " ill Ihi . r', 'JllIry 1," 1 'e I Ot Illr se we hn\'!! nn immense 08~ort· HUlrtlllg L e vl'rs, n lld ure rcully h,, "d . ulll e IOIl,ie"1 e"Il I'IL "lltg' , le"t (r"e u" rtCDII,l OI 11')\ 8" ,ree t y upon 10 .lI l' r. ClI: ' , t l rrun il . . " . . II \V • \ citillIC ~ Ythat· or!!" " I" . 1I. ,h an extenl ,,",tllnt ex ruc d. I. ,." 110 olhrr.< r ~lner. of 1,II e killd C,, 11 b" CII III . 1111'111, ,,",,"" In g . ur 81'C II CP, Amerirun lind dcgfrnble, ulld 80 rxocl nn illlit"Ii"1I I'C~I'" .'n·e IDk~ hnd .tnll~I';. . , . th~ "v"l~ mO I,,'" nllt rol"I)""\ ntoil" fol'Ul or .' '' 'It'lwPhllad p,lph'~. P'''.,. ·, Pllr rdl\· "hll"n. iLh c r~II.1 V!'.!II CD I,ltJilll"r. , II." d furl." 11 11 CIW.'d ""0 Lnlldocope9. 01 gold os IU "ely delee li on. Theil . \ _ClldfOrD .UAHVI·.\!' IT/ •• I. I" I I " 1 " , ~I • R' 1 lOVO A,I. ISrr.lllldr 6•• tll to f• •IIKI •• ; 100I'ub" , CI.Qdltion, \\'I~i llh is tno upt I..., be the ca~o "0 II1r ""'.vP, y'! nn cn¥iI rrOllO n ovc , t.!", " III C ,,. 10 II. ~1)1 " " "t" ; IIIIJ Il ,; ,I " . ' OllpS. 1Il,,,,ry, <'It·, , ele. ",I~o, e· mCIlI .ls munul llc lUrel. hy IhQ we ll : known ill t; lull i""lru clio,,! 11 C. "II rHluil·." wit" simply" P"I'/!lItil' c pill. ~r l1 ui p'9 , ,,, e~i ~ 1 () '~u IJ1II1eIl4 Iu 'h crsp cle. III ?dly .D ll eoo 01 ulIlllhiug of the Itihv ~v- '·"IV II1I') J:StC ,.e ""' ·(j I' ~~' :or pHillie ./J r priv"te St. Timer 'Vuleh C,'JllPUIlY of Eur ope, lIj;'e. If you ' """""\ I"""''''''c Ih ~ pili. '1'II~y . '\l'''rut£ily ~ . , rra nf" ' r" I!l\ ud \\,~l'fdy r"ppr, Ihp SA 11 11- I!r l'ulohRhed -, • ~ . IPX ltlUI : IUIi . qllf , CUrijlllj!ll ~ wI/I h'l sent ul,,1 ~r"'tll,erhly lini~hp'l.h I1'Y i n )! · eof!ru ll(' <I !.y , ".rtl ru. g i.'. tl •• }" wiil b~ • ..(,t by' m,iI ! \\\ ~ ~ \,\\)-q,~1 "\I'~\\ ' 1t,IV i J Ufl5S . plluli . h e<} j" N.. w Y<irk, lIy 1 I Tile R1IlullAm e ricnn is' itO! ~ '\i r../ '· ~n- 1,0011)' Il ol ol,,,"s '"! rflcpipl 01 ",urllp. pulleli, IUllcy Cllryd t'rid~ ~8 , O(ljUdtlllg I I'M.d, Inu,·.. rr"", ,9U-.. ,.II",,1. on • '. ~()~ ,().\\.. ~ ,_. . ' .' )1 ell ry (; 1" Dp. Jr. . It ie re6liy Iho firs t pt. I pf'r~ but Jlletlll~ 'vIII IIllhlp in NttlV 1':u!!lu ill]; r'UOTO(atA I'll 1(; AI.UU .US. rl"glll81ur \V il h gulv billul . I \I . 10" . Dollnr. hy IIR . J. U.. l· ", CUIIIUhl", "Iu ()h, In eonJullcfl on ,,:th th e ! I lem !,! in Ihi d ~ull nlry .nl o. pore, de~e"t, th e \V e.I,·"., "",I III" l" r SI Il'P~ ". ' In Ih e 'V " \\' I"r(' t he fir s \ t o illirudllr.e III es c proved j e'welle.! II Cli,, ", w"~~'1 il::~' 'li~f · :I::,j \ 'Ic~.n, «2.Jl,·<ltt(\...·~)l1 NM" York. De ler P{) j?JFfTr;:e, 1 1I. "IIIIIII"lle~~1 h,tf·.rurvr J(II.,r" II I, .11',1 IS f...co , SIllll! of New " ' ~ clrclIl!lli (l ll ir, inl n I" ~ Ullill." 1 S IIItl", 11111 1 ,';e 1I1UIIIII"".. "ke'elnll hUlld s , I'II d iS wllrrnn I ru.1 n goon, l."!e : rA!:rllto, • •• ul'pl~11u,'1 by• Delu,,"/.Iarn ••• "!LOOD ~ ~ • l J. I I Yutk. . .• New' l '11 II th r • d ~' lro m Ih e """ SrallJ'i!. lrlllt6 of a Pl"jol'llV " rller Ilt ll ll t 111101 lilly olil., porn tll1\ l llIr C illt111 Pll ti e n\l,lnt" lp 8 ill "r~1I1 vurielv 1I1llf!-I,eel'er. , \·-·;ir;a;;](h~ro;;;:;:::,::s,~;;.;r;ii~ WI cure It P Ill ll relllNlII onc "1 , !onRC ~ . ," I IIe we,', I I'I~d. 'I' "e r.rlll"I . . " /l' 30 1 ull'IIIrS .' ' " I' Ilr. I C .IIY .. ( N ew \' 'J(. k \ ' U,UlIlIJX: wili -'111 "11," i I 1'(1 ,'0 Irun, o U " " \11 0 tu 011> "0 . 'j'lil·.e \V o l"IIrs ore nl ' thrlle Ili Oi' rent ,Tcrrlblc 'I I I' . ,e.---Scc:rele fOI HI l i I, () r t IIlIHl S C j,\' CS, W I J'e JPrtl alit CU1' t) I I ~ ·.1 . 'I .• I ." ... l.{ f , I, 0 J. 8" . ... ... tJ'u 1 DI I I , He~4. acbe! C<lstivenef). ' '.1 t} C orll ~ llI.·n~" ~O~I": I ~II . I.!I ~r:p • ". - ,1\ !,~",eIlC~ dnll"'Y 101 . I (,f, . . ('a c h.. U 'I( A illtln l" h :l l'" th t! I' t' I'lIlllliOI 8IZf'ri , t l,e 8mulicSi heill!! fur L"dir. , 111111 I 1 _. Cari." l'ailll, Ch?le~'1L Morbus. "Il' III , 'Tla'll"vny~ illt • • rll'll'lf', ~n(i" l'he . I he I," III I" .I t .vI·ry lar"e ~ l xlef>1I png- p 10 1 he ll')! ' "p ~ ,. in r III ii,, :! IIIV 111,,1 uurrohi lil v 0 r» nil H Illllilll! Cnse~. A cu e of ~i>( I A moal vRluolJle and w.ollderlul Illdlsa.tlOII, . Pun lIllhollowet., 1'~"'llIola out,pllrklo Ih e I,r s t . \I IIIl:e ol , uCI"VO " C"nl"llIllI!! ti ollol" Iil e I'e,j oi!" tr '10 ro"y "Ih,-rd. Th~y \\"ill bo sent by will be se llt by Dlllil or E,q.re~~ lor !iB 125.,tiun. A w.yr.k 01 '9 0 pag.a, Iud DilZloeaa , et o. 111111:iI. ' IlIullor. Ihlll ca/! ,b.. (ulI,,,1 III OilY Almrlnr I Ir.ull, .. nR~: . 011 rcr.pipl 01 price. . A sillglo U:' (, \\,111 b,. M'lIt ill It 1","tI ~o m(' (Jrl'~I . pnJ!rovllIg~. Dr. Hunl,fr 'S Trylhc~e ~leJic illc" l\ndyouwiaDCVCr Pric e,S3nY90r. pn}' llule ill"dvollrl.'. ~ puullcnllO Il. 011 cl'e rYtill hj"c llIllI1\p,\:s t I" I -T.FJ'" II l\Juro,!cuCu@e lur $25 . will reu,!ily se'll I M!!:I U1\I. an""ltlnelftnUpOplllu r CIHI'1 il. . ~ (jEA ftp, ~ .'tn .: . jurmN~' fruil grtJwel'd, (!(rnII P (!rowprk (JI . LIIIC,AI 1I\11"~I " Itl Oulet.,£] lo r II,ree IImr s III«ir rIlHI . We I"" solo ~ "~I IIlhlt alld · W"man, 1~lelr 1 ,\ . k !'(mr nrl '!hh(\TR, \tho hnrD lIaell Onice ul N. Y. S"wrolro), I'rp~~, P"' lIclr. ,,r1 .1l1 0ck ro i>l'I'. , 1!"' ~Ul' IlCrA , be l'l (al'd IIgPllts for Ih is WlIll'h ill tlce Ullil ed F .UII(: II~ n8 uu,t! ~CXu"! .dl~urdrra of th QIU, IlI, lI lh ~y w,ll "" Y IllIly lite , . N ~"\\ YO RK. I,~,' pvr", poultry hrBcders , &r.. 81011 '8 lIud I e 1\' I,I' cl, ,10 ' kll'll, wllh \leVer·IUIIIIl" Reindl!' . C\ ~ .", \ ,. • I 'fl ' I I . '11 OllrCII",I."'upn ' l\v t'lI\ nl llre8"Yf>r l~ivl)' lOll nrel!Pn411l0 .. '..1001..'- ~,"~I..I..\~\,\.c."" .t~ C rgnu pnp er I~ I " ~ lr"Iell with I 1'1" lI ' Ullti dlt]- - I ' I' , . ' I ' I I nul 'Io c llr IIur '1'11,,1 (· nlnrlL ",j,ll'l' H~ I Ih el r speedy cure. !rhe pracLice 01 Sf l ltl C ot tbtl hlU f'i t COS I'.,. tfl l rn . IT t ) ~ 1. 011 .. 11 )J._. t~, I t) Wi l e 1 Of" I I I I~ I l t d ' 11 ' /ln lly 1l <""u !,ltry th ~ IIlL~I"rol), "n!;fvr " 'I' I' 1-" I 1 ru u"';Ylln,I '''I C'lllnr I II l\ln ~ '! .l llOI l d lll(IIS ',re " unl inuIOily "d lll~ 1II11Je of CIRAR!) \\' . DEVAUGII & CO' • II1 ... r l'U8 &lIg 'BAli, .,. Stl II, a. Ph \"", I,' In X ~ I l .\ . , 11 11 « lU'E'; IIItI It~ JJI ar_ l' . . I I I r.. i\J " ouu\JunLi t Lut ut lhe ~DrnP'6t eolici , , ' ' :: Ii'! I r 1 1\ A ~ I nn drpnrt .n e r,lj·l1lbr llf·I·S ~ellpr I F '1 «rlrull:! ul CllIlI,Clll A,"cflC"II ~ ,elc., viz: ulp uner., I " " UIU!',II Laue, N . Y. vH., " "'lI r I 0 . 1\ my lie" J re nt, Ull" ___ I d . " c · " " 101 Y 1 ul .. ,ul nlllllrl'1<U" ppreofl~, he left" bee II r dl,llh o I1I'I'Ll li":ltCS , 1l 11l1 if \'0 11 " ,,,.~ e\Cr Th e tl IIJ ~rdi"l pd \\,I~"PA I() rnll th e 01- re u 'I "~' \\1"ICh en :lIt'el £!SI. II II S nell'" he PII IUU H. J.'r. (" e ll ~rIl15 100 L' t r. I I ----.---.------ - f~ll'lId I.is lOedll'nllltiClfllrlP88 IhrulIlh tl Ll J \' il • \ l' ~ p'lun eu III t 119 eOU llln' In brirl 1f'1I . ,, " lI f1 e 8, DU. 'J'-~J.BO'J"I"S PILLS. IIH,t!iUIII of hi~ 'V .de ·Mecum.' It il ou C,, n u " I \ 1PIlllo li (II 'U llners and nil whorn It m '~y Rurnl Aw e nc ;: 11;9 l1o\V ',Hlnll ll I :lOll H r '~ -(; r l lt! rU; !'I, ] 50 ollit' r C) n1t erf4, \)O\.\"\)\ 'fI.i.) ~'\.O\'~. (,1I 11c~rn, to the locl lilut he 16 e llg':::~ " In I 6,,11)' " I'J lJe II,,' /l11l"1 11(11,'1 1'" II 1111e'J" IInl1:1lvll.'l, r( I :.l7:, I; "f, lII e lp, 75 NJtvy Otllccrs C"'" J1o~ed 01 J,illhly concenlr" I{'U ,.;\;- yul"me Ihol s hould be in the hanJs of . Ithe mllllu iaciure or . ).., , IrllC'ls :roru rllole ,0 lid 1t" llJ~ o f II,,· It ,,111 '_. I e .rv IUlllilv in' ~It,; IUlld,. u ft Ilrtl·enl.jY I A. n Ifr11,,( 11 1o,t 11' f' HI"'1.1 "lI ri (;,'r "",j l'fIllII .re j Agrl('uiluntl nl1U Ho riHui1urnl l l' .1'; ( .-, tll' Pl::Hflf~ n, J3lJ D I V; l1 es t"" " "".Jl •...:'.' .• ,"•.: I I"" .. II,,:,.,, "' '',, !.~ .. ll.~''.u r'"I.I WAGONS ' ('XI" "1 ~.. I . ,. "".' IIIIlI· " I JU l'rll n,," e lltIVOInI.'I1 1~ ~ A"" ll''"' III l'dlelnlllv~llll', inlnlrllJll' ill lherm·d ' ,)! . VII'C.lHII811 j!lIitle h,r the ftll"VI.IIO! 111 ' 11 1 h', II II' I .. , I r""';:I"fll ~ t ll' l flJ 1ti, 'JI .s. wl lll ).; , .Il~ .v e ry BU He rluer rt' Ct'IV(,,~ tit ,' ,~ , , ' . , 11 d\rhht'\~tS o( ,lip. Ll vt!r, or nlly lIernn"". u lI 8 uf l1,e Inull IIwful 1.1IJ L vi Kt1" ,l lll h' I Dlit " J '1111 vllI IIP 01 fh~ 1'"IIE'r ih rhol .,"" ", ...., I D''I!CR tIY C Ur\!,," • . ')'1,,·,· ..r~- "I' ullflle~ 1.'8\ I I'••" II r I' " " , . , "1«' I " . 11 • rilJ ( . In l ~ d' d ' \" ., nr~r'" , 1:. ,) HIII.J', ::! UU ( ' . I \,·lO ",'lUilt I .. e lll u! lie ever VI.~ ..• II(,u IIIPII k P U; I, ), I III"~ " OI"l ' ItLLu ~! p;,r', ,~; 1lL\~ I '!~~~ r ~~U:l~ t ~Dn IS prppore to Ju 111 1" ~ 1f1C'~. :-:;t r . ~, LfU'Y Plnnls. cr fi"PJ!J~ 'cr IlV \ , U ~ t)rllP8 I, ' ", U~ ul Art, Illllve [1 1' Jmptlritif' s t)r Illt' Hlundt fll';' nl't C~)p\' , A~n1tely cnYetupPII, will be ',,"el" " ""'' \' l?~esl .t~· I~, O!,J OJ! th!lf" Iflr ~ 1 II' :;!" I, " nlo 8 2 euch ; 1111/1 "II ~U~""'UN' i llI'IoHhltl!, "('!,' lIIl1'ctio" . "r Ihe most tlpl e- 1I~leq\lnled In th .. cure III Dourrhw"; J"III1' ....1, Ired' 01 P')~llIlI'" 10 "/1, ~ftrl Il ,,,,, c~ " " ~r A'I:rA rT1"": II{JtlC~ . u lly\llln~ I" I,, " t1\lpl (rum 8 whe"l- 1M ISe 6 II 100 l elllil II, r ll' llI"II~Y lWIU,,, \ hf.I UU. b"lIr.YII1C O• PUllllln !!", SWlne_, I" ~", J:)YHP ~ p 5l :I, Scrutll)lI , . nli i""" " ,,., . UII II~t! 81"'~~ lurliU CpuI, ill ,P.O No •• 36, ~l!6, fin At G'.l '~1' '''1) ,•. ,~ .......... e ... barrow to the huee' b\)~uy. tu," l ~G:; plr.. (..nlll' • II I..:lS\'ISS"1\ ' I ' . linI !) ,receive \hn,. vn\ulI,n . i\ I rlJ~\I '· ~ H,I!H1. un reCPII,t 01 atoutl" L.Iv cr ,. ' j um p I111111, ..,. {'evers, II l)a d"c lll', P"I'• ~, ",.re"", pu .. t p"ill, J)R.• UUNTEIt, Hnvln!! epc\1Ted Ih e ~"r~il'\P8 ii,l\f.. t:: 1\1 M .TIlE TIM E TII !': Y ~L' U:JC I: IU £ , 1\ u~'er ur <lU ll f) "U II I' ll'Il1I' l'd I"u," \f"l'r ,I. "".ry ,Hlllllo rs. ]I "s p, fo r " d ll l t ~, J J)1~'ldIU, U ::ltrellt .. N. ~)Y Yu,k. 16·1 1 ,. / It ..q 11 , 1\ \ I'LL \( ~tP k I \ 10 II. e coS .. ul th e prl' .c "t) Uk( "'11' C', llll l<4!"e wli l lJ c b1~11 1 '"I I'l'ccipl o· II ROSEBERRY & NEAL, & m " CI,lt~"''''IN, "I E ·, 18' '·\A·m"ePPI· I· 'I,ur lll'~,"."rc·ulIl l'"II~:'I~""·I' 1 I '.rlil'_S Al!tlcultll~1I1 • IIl1 e pi ,III 1111' lIIurll : III!. ohdlfre II II~ II 6 , .> ro" d I' rlillor 01 I" ~ P/,ilnd,.I. II..::; l ,1l0 1 , Ulid -l'1I1 Ity "''' II, r Ii foE. pel': horn Ulln tu 1101'''1) pill" \\'ill CIII'Il \ ·AI,lIAIIl.E RECU'ES, I MELtlUTT & l'HIKTZ, , ,,,iii lie 8l1niciell\ IJ1IOfnllly Ih.l e~lIl1(ul.:· 'I i'."n ~I)u.r "Y ',vell lllg PilI! (1111 ,, "" rf. 1 .:I"C'I.,,!!rlllll"'rd . "1!11 ulil .'r" nrllprill~ uro"""r}' I' IIS P~, 111101 ('''III o lHi 10 Ihr pp bl<)(. F. I1 ITI1R" i\IUDI! GAllEl'T& 1 7,1y W:'U:OKSVILLit. Itillll lI'ill bo !live n. ~ . '"l1ge III C U l1l,! rrll ;:"tll "~ mc on Iile "p' g'"',s . U . D.• 11''' 1 plcIls c r ~ l1oi: 25 per ' 11 JOII:'i W. COLLETT I' e ~tr~,ncc 01. Ill y lI ew p" lll' r, ,n iIC_: '~Iy I,·el" . " I 'h. ' J, :""IIII: ,,' 11"'lr " rll pr. t'S WI - '\r() IIflY."·IT UlJit> ~" .~l' o( r \Vilh YIlllr pefmislion,l Wldh loll, JuIVI S. I OI'II11 0nl ~II"'ll:" " hil\'I" i" ur .l II", " ",I I Co-TIoIJ I" 'Ce" ,,"uquuliIYlIllJur(!"11dA ~:t\VII""I! !jlt ." lllllllg. p"c", $1 p e r uox. Ih c r r"" t'r6uryourpnl't:"I"~tIWIIi _ _ __ _ _ _•_____ _ __ I" "rll :" - ,"I P':" ,li. r 1<II. ;,jn"J _ f., r Ih t' ~ "11I1 I1U I '" II lU .nll . ly. 1. rlll .(' S IlPI~ '~'~ ur "1'11 1 by lII11il. I Ity re'I"rli Il11I11, lu all wllO wish II ( I r· , 11,',,1, " ull",,~ ' "' ""' r lie Ii 11' (1 II !I \'" I - - - . - - -- \ . M U IT I, A~nuTT, M. D. & ("', reci pl' with (ull d",er.liull' 1M c. , .\ r\,,'r " "d II, II ,,. U,,,,,'.; ~il <I, , • r 11111''' I.. ' r .. ! ')'lIe GroVel'lcc:u' ."10..10 lI'ollc 62 t, u 1\011 ~ll eCI, N eIV Yo rl,. I " · ~II~ U lIimple Vej!olohle Blllm, We 1,0VO DO hesillilioll in Boying thot Ihe - '. .. . . eJ. p. 1 lIi'e il" ""1 ,·O"CI., UIlv~ re m o ve,ln . f e n d "lS, I . . 1'tr 'I, tfUt I.e up III ' Jl l'r "'" . II I .I ln lfl $ 1I",Hftf·P{) P IIO P. nnd&!reul pop- )· lv. . B -' - BER. D . . ' E. FIN EST PER FUM E R I E S LEY I :II :" *II~",t (~!/l!Y, p. per I I, Il l' "\' , r 'CP l! . : II lh ' '' ). 11 1111 IIll t' r III1 Ut·,gUl lI lf gruJ II" I illl' ,. r ', , . Blu ,c he8 , TnR Frec kles , UIIV ali 'Vl s heR to Inform IllS p"IrIJII S UII,I Ih e I 1 h . "" In I'fln e"t 'CII IIII"' ''''; .· 1""Vl' II, ~ "I " I'lf II 1"'"'''' "I 1""l y Y" IOr. b II \. OU 'l .11\ I TO U.1\O'" I",. of Ihe :-)kin, leavill!! lire same " Ihot lie kpc Ar< I mll sl clIl I\ur llI III A l ,lIll ' e 1.1 I'" ~ p·< COtl~1 ~ UII \1 Y 0 n IlUll',] l.:'1PI1iI!. IIr p ~1' NJ'\\'hpre '" ' "Il" I I" ~~l 'l " l ' \v 1'",lwOIlln·1.I l')' tie ~,"Ny\ I")111 r" II,",,!! In Ih"1 U· tic .. , SIllIIOlh, UII(I h'"nutl·flli. < ev('r on'rre,1 in thie mnrll cl may bp fou nd publl ,., 81 our eotubl; slllile llt :rhcy ore 1111 ! IOlge 111111 RlIln ll . , "I' '.n \~' "II., p" "C I\," 11111:;: 11 fi,e lll [>r e ll';. he ull . urpus .c " ulld ev ,' 11 "1I €'lll.led ill 111"11 .y .t~ in. rl\lIl~ nlld II' IIII,I~ ' II .. I will al80 mllil fr"e to IhoRe p , B,\R-SIIARE ••LO\\'~, ~"~,';', In • • It'"I. , F. 11!:rIl Y, "!!". C u" h. II c itl,e,s, vul um !: uull l"lr llV u l t"" ~, Jccr". tI,,, n.;onlm ellt (II 'Ii ~p n~"": II,e "".rr"~~p 1t,,"1 H e,"ls 'Ir lIare J:'6Ii('~' Hilllple G E NUl N E Dn,1 J"ul ,le ond single \,"/" S',Mu g "z"u .• . " '".' kl y N~\\' s !)II' : h,II IIY IIlId clte ll[II"'SS. Oil\' n e w If!. CIIHIUIIIH ul Ihe ,",r ld ; hllw Iu mar ry wI'lI . 11,',It~ lind ill'urll",li,,", thllt \.;11 I , . :S~"If""8111111~ RII"" A,"e,i'·.'"I ' I" e lll'h nel;'ln, 1111'11 I'l.'dlll, ir un - frAmt' - UJIlIII Ih uII81111d 1111" " •• I~v«r pULJ IIHIII' II Ilwm I.. ""1 a '"11 'grtHvlh of . 1I'1re1 ' 1UVl' r· .tr lllll! I. . r,1 Arlll Pll l n rll~ d ,. 'lili " ' (' IJ •• Ir \VI lI~aer ' •. .. , or. Mollliac lIe , III III d compelenl judllPs give lham Iho , : SPI ilt ~ I,,·,·' .r" 1111 ,I'p p I' cn" I,.' . ~ 11. U" S~ . Be yell .. ClaVI', r"s,· \\ ULld' .UI p. .rJ'II' I li,t' rcy,,,' O1",le 01 Ht ~~1. li e will nl do lO"wlJlcture , IN ,J 1;0; I.H, Cl iliton , Ollr ili ll CUlllI ~Y ' I"""" ~ "' I' " ' U ~"lIil1l!' ""~np~r I, v 1'''111 u l ·' MEtll CAl. (;OIIIMu" ::> E NqE " . I . 0 " 11" ," th irlY vlllS. )1 I .• .• ow Yuil' "r,"u_ ·,'1 11'ge ' 'ret' .III(!8 lire , I II bnlh QIlI I rt'l'"" 1 II \\' 8 .urps. IIllu ufCBa tollJ le m. '. IB·GIlI ' $ IUO tv ·.,.lOU 1\. 011 I Il ~ ." I"~ ~IJ' II' 11. 11" fl' ll Illlok 1,1( '''''uu s P""I"" 1111- '", • ..lb ' vn 11ft' e 10 IIIGUlliIT PRAISE. · , fl · · ' 1'1' ~ . ' !• • ~ .. j!"1I1't ""K · I '1 I III pe r /I II I",.,.s u ', uge( ullk OLD El' ES I' - --- 1, 10 nrc ~ (J l d by OilY Iltl'r hr" l ·cli'H. IIIIoI.,' rs I 1o, l' ve lY ""~. 400 pug"" )00 II Iltll YOlllll' "1,'tift8Ihev are ",nl ~I We pnrliculnrly de sire the nttenlion 01 Ct::r~lIli\hill l: un" lJ or.e. ghuin !.!" III:pnU. A I'u IlI pIIl ei' d:!rec till" I,\DE ~t::W.. III the cU llntry. D~lOle r9 nlld 1111 ill wllnl l liu l'~ . Pr ;cp ""1 "0 (: I I I' u8.~rlu- .. h" ,lie f' '' ~heln Irpo ~, chftr"l', I"'): ho I 1'1 . "" .u. , J< • l' U tI IlOu 1'" .. III eu to promptly. r ~- (j 1U I p' trr . t II ' b IV "sjlPPt I ~ " f g Uil d PUtlH1R ore illvll"d t " sen d (ur ollr i ' I'nt Irrp. 10 IIr1V n"r1'e~H II k b wllrlit'Y U'C ~'''''"lion .1' lilt w·!te ,1 - -- . r u~, 'I~ 811!!.:t 0, ( g"'e "PII~~ec I IICI('.1 WI!It- , O ","crip ll lre Cfll"llIg llP, whi ch CO llluill '" 1,,"1 ot II, e 1l0,: I( " IUrf'g ~r ","lUI .s I1l1ly ,b'''' dellr,l!ure lSki., III .~, bI!A)I~)" groWI~ THE LADIES 'l. ~ \1" n 0 U'Jetor ,., me , (:tilt'! Senl by I I f II I iii I J • I oe _e llt V I . lIIuil Ir ee (In reer ' I ' I l l ' Ad r luluI! ruII ,8 0 U uur (I !'re·"t ~ I}'! -S 111 01 . 11",1 1' ''' . "" rPI'p'!,! nf price . IUlr. . n dre"~ , E.I~ FOOTrEn~·i n . t,,(!e llle~ wilh prl C~ 6, No "ne ti i!nllid ~ur: , A,ldrp~8 1': . II. r··UO'l'I!; D. , All ' e"pphcAllilna .n'8IVered by To tb lll future of our bUlinets. We have 6111 6 • 2 .6In " .1l·~OBrol1d ~' a 'y"1 c hu,eop,nnuWllh oUI H"O lllg IllId C"Ilf.:.l.· • II~Ull r u"V .'V" NewY'1c lil~il,; Ithotltclrn1!~. " . .A L L T B.A T ' IS ..vEE D ED WiJ Y N E S VI L L E, 0 J.fJ 0: y ~ _~ .~~. lug ,,,, , l\l ed,.lS .II I11108\ willtout nU'lIupr, 1 y, 01. "'~ ~II ~tllllly " ,.T~ ,. F ., '::IfAPIIA', The ~la~oll "ud Unmlin Cnhi;'et Or~ h"ve . b,fl' u IUlIJWl.ejJ to th e G.r"V~8IP(· n PURE . I,heml.l &, Perlumer ' sll 1{1l1I~, lu rty, I\ l!'e renl Id ... .. Inltled 10 ."Hert 11110. nnd III t he el p b'"leu "V ';rld'~ F;(,tr,'< Iii BIV. . , For Ihe T oilet, H;~lItlkerchiefj!, TERMS, CASIlIN ADVANCE. " "d "celli ~u 'F, (o ~ ~o IGUO uc h: Tllir lhonll it put ill c um" lilion wi\h olh~rs ""i8 we k"olV t h ' ',' . , Scentillll: Dru~ve,r~, Watd. I.,. . ~,. GOI "'1' 1t~\I. -l\IK9~L.", or ol'el' from all florIS of the U. .: it took tho ellre" tile itl~ I 0 e ~ubrel" R8 w~ pr~ robes, elc ., Olr.. One copy one reRr, $2.00. •.:~~~';:'~~~;';~eue~u~~::r~::\11 ~o"rAl~~ Ca:1 In,1 fxomine our ¥ari elie •• hii:heet awurd . rE< lnhl iRhpri 1835~ Ihis "e l· /IhbQrllrOO~.olll '"a lrD e pc~~ In Five copies Qno year, loIN 6 l\1 S " ri • ' GIiUVESTE' TilN C . iJ' ''~ ~n perllll.lleu ,I t 8.75. • o'tOIl or A O~ B"Ol'l'tk1nS . N' '" I'i ] ttn B JJ. • turn to vlIleK"r 1111. tlur own prpmi!l~8. \. Twa e.opie. 011. year. lb,OO. ,"ftrk, . n . t,. ·J . n road ••!, N,,, 1 Ork. 1IE-R..lU1iT .. ' PRI N1'2I;"
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DU WI\ gocs on e afLer aoothel, as ] A Mome n t o f E o rror ST A NZAS . Ivortls r;ylllllJ _. A CHILDI AT PRAYE R. I nOt cr.l ]11 III , t 'I' ,mo· It)' . -" cl ulille r, 11 I.. A I.,;C ' J :.t ., l Ur\rl:S i.-tiro- R.CCUQ) 01 0" b \ oC Iineo I r LI l(;~ . I\rcb follo "'ct/ I y t lo. e o our , a~ .nga ln Y wor d" , ,F or tW (, lIl y · th r(te yeR rs, olt! J Rc k Il\- A .Llr.:CCAlt y . i - ,~\'t'r~ t" "' \l"l\J CO lll111 ll fl ll ~ , 1 1., re' I ,ll\ll n~: ",,"illlll ~ l ow) mll o f the wn BY I . 11" . I' AIf IIAM EE. I,).f fil. ~lI ll1~ pttlD~ln~~ 'IlI()U nnu. u il' t: rse j \\ IJllIr,1 hRscu lti\'l\ted tho lIoil ill ]jll id. 11>1 11i . he(OIP Itl l, Ihlll uther.lllsc) 111.1)" ;111>1 . u lr,·1 II lilll· ili convcllll nce t o :. I ~lg ll1ll C IIl I ')I1 u uLI .u U6es nnd 'usn n re- win cou nly ,a nd tl rllwn tlte r<:f lom "SlipSwet'l~r Iho n lir e StlilpS of Ih rushes, ft! llr: ,\: c., & "' . , b l ' ~c 'I I,;(' nero us friel1l\. T he littlo All IIJY j've " 1 1.:1r ~tl lu I"' nr I pO I I lo! IlI llI ' elf lind \\'i f,. . 11 " Id eh. ltl , ru~ l.n . . . \\ he n Ih e '1' 11'0" "'{J !c. w ; , I \\ p "",, ul.l h l,e . (l uI si) nr~ Iw rmi t. to 'I li lt hlll ,'S of !tfl! cos L bUI 1\ 11l1\~ : h u ~ Th o comlllit (I I 1,I d s; efi' lit e ~ prJl l ng uook h ns o r en (' xl lnus I.·, s. !'IOL lo n' " .. " J "k " I 'fl II I Ilrl~l i1 cr 11 10." l l' l' FIHII 't:-IIIIlt' h u s li ~@ . l' !lla rgc 0 11 IIr ,~.r. 11 II s'nl,'l·~ . n ll rl lll~tJ ill' II,,·_\" "'~ o f !!rI'III \" Il , II 11 - l \ l1 , 1 ~ 'I l l b,. ''J'1 8 bUI n fe w ho ur. <lo ll e' I<If I, yu ' t IIl're t IIr y ~ I nll1. I IJ IC lltJ ll ar· .111 ' careh of "II rll,, .., 'in . ~ r uw< I1111 I Ilce 111 01'" . b u t IV t tm ust ftJ l h ~IH . - >:Ia :.-Io . II ' " . I li st we 8ndl)'.. Ill e l; "'11I.ec il,,'ls IO' U ~\l t " . I t ('llcl I ~ '" Il "" ,,,, , , d ."" .\. • I' 1"111"01 ,,·It· ll t!U II O" .. 1\ hfs leS nl C IUllI t". u) 01' ~. I' ru t:m uI 'I()S IIl e rn n · IC.I II111\1 llroul' I I111 11 uld worn 0\1 1 pil I ll II' \! ll~ I.' v,Il H'I\I .-til" I, so f ll i r I . ' '1' I)lt. lr· lI. so. " . ness Dill !Slck nE'ss lui t! m e lu\\,_ U I "rI' II I Il I r I·' II . '1'1 Ie Ilu(lVt;' q uo lRtloliS nil go 11\ ,f, n w 11 1110' . Il ue polite 6uJ'v kc II ["r Iv Ili n, I .. f II bOll l si x IICI!:< 111 exI t..: I I e \,:11 ( li t I l lh l (·r . I ' \I' IlS l IIe Ch My hcou wi lh feve r bur nc.l· I (' I C'I I. ' IIIn l It ul clr' e ~ nddl ... ~ e d . "1'ln,'S r I,l m n d " "U hell rl' : It .I~ n:lt ural' 'I'" ll C" r Iii . Illving "OICC'. ' 4 \ \ O l tlS 1) ( Jf n;,;- th inti fln U tll~ lC II t , 111 t lIIJ ee Ull u O[ wltich W IIS n'll' l'l/ L 'Ike ~ " Ili l e lamb o ( I hp mcaJOI\' , 11111 UOll nCII -. ~) nod< . o r A"IWI:l1illll' : "I 1,prill !! of II got' I1 I'ro us soul , an d di C· Illy sad h cu rl lru ly )Cur lltJ. u ntil , h)' !lll d by , Most' S co m,' g t! o.,- n ' lll·c II I) -U l e lJ f Ihin)" [C<1 1 deep ; Ih8': .' LI III "JII'~ 10 Ili p ' Iij lr t ; nur will II 1I 1 " r\ h ~ IIJ 10 Sri \" Il llIt lite ("I S II ld ,· I), fl " lll Iho nirs o( u(Jo cll on DUI h()urs ~ p p tl _lowly hy. lil, I} II II "e. Hnd S usll n Ou l l("I5 tl lcll' lit so w o IIIII Il , [lI ulJ.IIJly . !. nll (urnished Li ke" prle$l e .. " III l ite . "",lolY !11 1'ding nt J ~ lu K u l l' m rCC Ol j~ d in A Cl~ I\' hi ch ChOrl\C1I'l izc n hollow !t 011l" t nnd li e 60ull II L rn o 110t ill P" III, bll ll, n I lltI ~ Il· af 1111 0 :1 L, th n l lilt' fUl es L l it e iOOJR teS of 1\ dtl ll plu lIle,1 h o u o\! U I t he ' ~m ,, 16 1,, ;!! I\I. IbLi I c hll l' lu r, WII S II p" I~t! ll) IIll' u s 10 II cOllc eil" " he ll' \. L~ n d yo ur wh ee l· Anil l·p t ha Iw cw Ida s lllllo i " enr by, wnt e r. In p ns~ ln cr by tIJ i ~ . S " .. m e tl , "p." oy ''' !!, :' l\ uly 11:0 ~Y. u Il I ~~e, w o Cl\n tI,·""\,, by lh o ill ' l lm T""" o r IImh rdl ll . nlllillny lhin g you Innr! lit o [,,1I "II VO f.. rg ol le n. " \V oultlIHlII /l 1" 1'\, III)ollh ngn ill . _, l' ully:.yllllui es ("lIo w, lind by nnd by , ' I' UI Rn il : ' IIilld dll fLed J llke 's • hI... .. I f1\\~b~:o . \ .. all\ In . 01 tue l.o\y ~hlJ~I, ,1\8 \ 'llll t; pIHO eXCl! pt yu ur new spBper I for 1 hc hours dro g-ge t! s low ly a ll. ::) usnn \t ohllllte,l . Ju s t" bl4tRlh or tw o , from hi. helld . nn ll wllrteu 1\ t o the • Ie .RpOS ' ~8 tl~ a,. . 1\10 n eeom~lo tll\ti on of j our nelgbbor. Ni /!hl '" b h u~I " 8 ore Inlt ill /{ 11011'. IIIH\ t we nt y l u n~ ueR li re woliul1g Ihc l1· 1ed ge of 1\le w e ll. nnd in it tumbte.!. "i~ " ~, ') I . ~ B .to A , SOcIll tl ons, we [i nti nolh 1l1 [,:- Le i 111 m rt de 1\ h~ n yo u ri :le. I( yo u And t;orrow "ila Il ll lhrOI1C U wHy .'hrnug it Ih l.! IlI bybrintli of Idle rs in \ Ko lV J II KU ullli alwllys practice d t he ~ll(ll ~tl 1111 B" lI l'lure. 10 "." 1"1 IIl1t 11 1' 111, no r I. hil I " R s l' nre .sent lI t lp him Wllb bill Upon my Ir ellrt onu br olY. II 1."11l1,llng. LlLtle :Sus lln bi ll b ill to th e ,iltUIO of cconomy, nn lili e imm edinte 0 l ,t~l e l ~ IInyllllll!: F.HII I 1:1 cn nd " 11I1l I/ lI' llI In ntl "h t n IllS hUldc n I ~ he nvy. Ben r Oh. why cOll ltl oot I! np h,Jllr " - -.- . Ilt e~r I'Xl s II'nce I ~ by. Ihl' I'l1l18('11 1 of till ! pEt lll' nl ly "i l lr h im If Ire wRnls 10 pRy cll1nd. It:I~. fUI !te l I~I t he clow J cd senl. , Iy sc t a uout l('coH:I'ing Il is 10S I h il t. Ire H" BpRreu from hU8V It fr Il o lilb ere IS IIlul~ 111 th.o l>u lIlcl . Th e n Ir a ll 10 Ih e w ~ lI . nud lind lng It \VIIS tlly , h T. llle foll nwIIIM' (' ll c\llnr Le ttel l c hdl1l c h " ~. wh o Ull ltU In (" lnll ll g fh l "1 ' 1" lId IL I ~ Ill1pvs .. blll tO do so th e URY To chee r "nd co rnl art' m(l , Ibey all sll\nd III sobd phnlllnx by lit th e bOLtom. be unc uiled th o ro pe ~ R S wrilten fo r Ihe NIHm i Asso clali on ' nn . Ih ell' OloJI'CI Itns e l e r- !J,:,·U ( 0 (·s , ,)( 1 d un hllll. Nt! vc I' spollk uok indly Am1tl thl ~ pllln Bnd &Irlfc 1 8c li oo ls , IInu Iho 6ltu ggle is 10 spell whi ch he Irnt! broug hl (0 1' Ih o purpose ()f H r g\ll nr Bll tpl ists . 10 ~ pt fOllh l"e i l ll b l l ~ h 11 unlfo lmily 01 IWA(- llc,'. I1l1d Ill l uf 111 m uc hind Id s bao k , De "11l1 ,8 Btl honrt . lJe 6t11l; f' ~C It ot l,e l (.lo wl.!. And d own tlll!y go o ( Cllp t llTil1l'co th e Ilu nnt COIV, Ilfle ~ .~ e v · £(lmll I Ie lc 'Inu.1ep elld • \case o f cn'1" lr y, 10 " Ive Rllv((:f' hUI - - - - Beat 11 0 1 BU lull and f1l 81; ~ occ of the C I urch r • . I es ne \. er 10 f" Ll e r 1\ ChUl'"ch III lit O t' X t', rCI.~~ GII·1t T il E PKlliT ER F AIR Pu.l.-l'uo II.k IJ I(; 1\ \ CIl III wlllter \\ (la tlt el, Rnd th e Il rEll l1 tl empls 10 cntc h til e hat wi th 1\ R ul't' f UlU Mt como er(' lon"I'ICtul Y IS Ileclnrtd for our dis tti ct. nnd nooso . h<: conclud ed to 8R\"O tlmo b\' f J ~S U ~, (;bll h t. . . o( he r ulb cipit,n e. \\' ~ conclnd .. , lh'.' I,. follo n'in;; ex ccll enl lIuviccII pears in 1\11 Tho se PIli" ", th ey will ~u t InBI. llt l.! sc li ulb l di~lIll. H I!. <fO I;1 1:( d OWII inl o Ihe we ll Itln1 se:f. T~ 1 21\"D. 1 ha n"cr'ssily and IIn pOllllnce of Ihllt wl"'11 II C I' llI ch. 111 coon ectlO n IYltl11 I P Dill il Il o's consed to lo\c'1' 1 " , I I ' c .. ~ CI n pnpcr : IC O como lh e hurryinl'l' ~nt! hund- Iwco 01p !is h IIII S, Ir e madn lA st ont) c ud th e Disciplin e of tlt l' ro. !Ill 1 ~ <Oc lllilo n, Itlll ti Cll ll ~e to " xclud ~ " Iris Ireurt ho a grolVll culd, liug ,. lire whi spc lin:! alld ~'I" nc in ~.n- . lint! ' of the 101,e to " slump h lHd by. IInd :1 . . . a ll \' of ht' r lll t- rnbt' l s, "I ", th er site b~ D o l1 U~ fOIg- r t thaI It Coglssomctblng 11 frr r! nu dhl p's like II t olo .. '" , D. An exoltall' lIl 10 t ile MIIII SlcI;; II " hl,' r" Ion" io 1'1 .1 ' t 10 1'" 1l1l3 \f c llns 10 nth crti stl' 'Iod nav· plllllnL{ olr alit! lum bling in. Th Ol e I' I~ a~ ~(l U II o n hi s wn y. d o wn Ih e well. U . .. .,. e.. ' . 10 IS no Rl11 0na · . ." TirOL hB s 111.'('1) oll on toltl; nra helili s t\r"t nutter lind ben r ls tlillt It IS a fa c t, of witlch J llck WII::! 10 to 1\ s lain from prcl\cllln g- l'olliles lllll ic hIp. to Ilr o A ~.()ci,1I 101l. 1101' 10111l ),@ i8ter er ' 1 '''Il ~fl 10 th e pnn :ers 1[1 IIny mano H ~ ovon. tnll e 'IlC Il ome, Rcbc: 'DIlII (' lI s ' thnl clln noL 1.'1 worn, I t~" obliv ion than the rend er he l e,)f, pU lpit, lind tha t Ibl'Y s hould clll e fully Churc ll, bu t to I,e l L ll w giv t! 1 ulily. I nr I" I,AtI·nr. it i ~ pllnlcr'8 iok tbat \Vhue all is true ond purr. For [uilltlce.lless in him Bnd hOllCS tlllLt III I' noL rel llln c d. Th e le II , hat N ed \V el1lls WII S in th e dell\pldat - adhere to II Ie Comm. Rnl I mt' llt f 110 I L 01 d . 'f ° IIIe 111." 151IY we ",ill dlop n fe w mtik nlllt \'·l l·nth s ofink, yourIype fOltulle8 ; it Ink t.:sl!"mone to lJuy plI"or l\Iy henrt could ne'er endure. th o bells at the cltl,WB , \ "d builulng nrures nid. lI. n o tlllll Illl old J ( ) I 0 I II I b I I J ' r ' 16 J'in ",, 1t1l,," tlIll OII :! ~ I CSII S. 0 pr~ ' l\c I liS OFI1C. )111 s, Y IV II C I we hnpc all Ul I\y profit. IIlId yt'!. 1l(le r all . lilift, fe w nre lha DR OVIlLYN, L. r. on e IIfler l\I1 other of IhB 8I Git( l. s d as h blinu hor se, with II bell on Ili ~ neck, IL was OhJCCIE·d loMlniste l s of 11 0 C. I I. tllIlIlk s tlmt th o prlnler gt:IS. Give tbe up, reCeivtl Ih eir nealliog flelght and \ wh.o hRLI b.e en lumllt! out 10 die. wss " " . . . I ' O! pe , romc lllucr [ '. I d ~---------------.------------Spelling Schools. Rre gone. ltiztly grllztng wllino a short distal)cC I <T. 1lll\t, If IIdoptud, It woul,lllm lt l Ih e dI g nIty of the Rl ll li nn J Ou (lCCllpy, pl1~te ~ nil p Ily no .. glve up illl ex· 'Our Mas ter' covers Lho fire nnd , oC Ih e " Il lt. th e Churches , and bccume a lulo [01 elll1ed of God to preaclr th o c' ol\.'Isring !)~C.UtIOU .of "ra~ullloo8 puffiog. elo. nI D. F. TAYLOL\. snufTs lh o candl es-doo't you remem Th o d t- vil h i ms~lf or eome olher lit em 1<' go hy. (; o~ l'd o f "i ~ SU II, 10 sLuw tiro p"o l' le 1.1 !IO gre~ t. AI~lCll~l\n. ststosm~n pao; be r holV ho use d to piDCh Ihe s mo!;ln" \Vick~d s pili" put ILm to Ned's crnn ium .J l ' .1 d 1" (,f Cl od thlir ~in s. Ali i! (0 cO(llfv lt nll ll" I \V ~ bst e r, I"lg mlChLy lIear rIght ' I" Ire II Iw II! IDlllk ed oC tho preS8 'vmall 11 Rve you f org () tlen lh cm? \Vhen wi ck With I l i ~ (ore .IIIl""e r !tllli t!tomb," 10 hnv e n h t tlo (uo', FO IIIl (Iuiclly (. ~ND. I IOti tH uce po 11Ics into tbe II 1ft I rn Ol11n. !l OL 10 (uln 11011IIclo ns III I . aI ' . r<'0'1uU8 II b out l \le y are "ulch IS II e I qUI d I I f 10m' a .II LIe I I I II ftllll II )I'n t h ru st ('ne h " 1'11)1".8 111 Ulimll , . . s liPI'c ,1 u p 10 the 1"J1 ~e. unh" ck l.. d lil a ' • Ih e pll:l" t, :tll ll ~ lir III' 1" 0 min('. " ~ f I I sum 'c re 0 r roOlZO 1\ ~'Ill~r J :J u. I t Will ranted Ihe Chulches HI YOlll heal elS on tl ,e (' XCilill !! nu ps t"I I\ II..S , "CWSP"Pl·l. limp Iy rClVllr d t . \ I ng fito t Ie I og Be 100. louIse. wilh lH'ad-(jl s ~ inLo Ihll soehl ?- 'lIld wc \81f1l P' nnd nppl (l ~ c lt(· t! \\I'tll ~I o ~", 111111., 0 IJd liS paIts luge rell fiCO JVIlWlIIO o" Iko th e t f I' 1 I I • t I J f t'xclud I, I I . I II f Ih r. liI11'" II I . .. I'I , rOil. ( Rl u 1 n o.• I10lY Ilum bl e lin d unpremllin l'uLrtin ce of A,·crnus . How tir e Will or 11111. IIltl\ UI ~I • 1Il "-1I tJ lI " . 0 lIe e g o 0 log DleDluers , II ,e l I~r IIg It or " ,ea ') C'IU SIIIIT ( I' JlUIIII ". , ,. . \ h I T he be ll s ri n" r"inlly in 1110 IVOO ,I •• Ihe wLII. " 0 lind bl cl. e nll !! s nn~ (lll !! 1I1·" II"ll ell . '1 1"'11 ' ~ e ll ' I" f~ I"~ gnze~\O WlllC.I 9 lakes . . t 81eigh belle, big io lh') puddlo of Ih e III <' ltg. .. ., n I l>1 t 111 \ L tl 'D all !! Ihal oltl blind 11 0<s1' snid J 'I" p • I SI() I ~ 01 1I0d, till S I~ 1111 IH OIl".· ,J(, , " ~ \18 I"' X lO Iml'USS I ,0 0 I I\.S lee ~I 1 . Ol'cr l he h ll '. ill Ih e ,' ail e)'. Th o SIring. lind growing small by d egrecs _ " 4TH JL \las enl c ulnlrd fO Ilu I t fee l · 1> , 11 I I ml\lteT brty two tlmea 10 a school-holl se is Ibn k find tenllllLl ess ,on d 'h e is cuun!)' dti $ 110)' , ~"ure , :lnd Itlu't nCI'C I C mm '\I \l1,,11 ""I 1o do Lhnl-I/O ' ,lI let . -. . RI,d ueRuLifully ICSS, tOWIII"\ lhe brOil I I . I I . I in!;8 if auvplt'd, &e .; /Ill of "ll1ch ob- but 10 pluD el1 II \J\. I I . IF ill. wllhout pUlling Inlo lliomelillng brl\88 buckles, cltim ed in everv dir uct. we n one Wit I LIt! I\lg It. g uL 11 0 mOl e S{U ,C Dur 10 (.,11 ill Itere . . <" 10 0", t' r< ·l'lnV i' . 1"(" • I lb " . , _ .1 I' I S f \\' 1 f' II I' Jl'C trt)((- IIle Lellci Will cl uulle II' III II I I" . 1 I llln t IS wort \ llc au 8oflpllon price. inn long before nig ht-tlt e gnlhe rin :,: 1\ eny. r- nl e ' r.c c co mpany ome 0 . Illn 1 1 . . • • • .; lOW nrc un · ,I 1\ (l ng -' u '!! lIl1 g on( ,ucof lite clnn8. Th e re cnm a on e L~ I th em nrc 80 11 0 1\ 111;; : S() lIlCl n l o d"arl' l B tl II . « ,nll l1 \1o ll "r ' I Holl~ It n f II. .. IP IlIld cd. trl1lf, III - ), 011. 10 d .. cl""J tlto whole ._e _____ Fehool 'Ihe Mns te l ' -givc bim n cilpit nl , l\ nll nil. we fCAr, lue c lllln g e t! 1 f:P ~ 1 L! ' Ii" ..: ., ""~. ' Hll d. jll 'l ,, ~ 1.\", lti ., ." ' A I t l,,· I' fIll' - I (I f m lln y bl< tl lrc n nnd >::~ , ulI scl 0 1 li vd. oC WIIl CII L;hul c lr lJI~ ' Z :fr A 1.1i~souri ruan went to Wl\r, M.for'heisolllitleuto it_ hl 'I~ Le l'l\n \I I Ah1 L It~'spe II' hilS co m!! (l l e r Ilrll t \ wol ds . t\J .lt \Jl d L.aIl I\ Il ultl ll ' I · " I" ,,,, I .. ",,1' J 1 " " ' c ' llI lud •. ,j 1() ld il be CI1>IIII r.I; IIP RII, ll lld"nilllpnII1l1lLI'"I1. Il nv lng nwlfo RllI1 IIVO chlldreo. Ho "II bllndlodinlOul1c bu ,'o re d d ou l) lc cr OlVcl ot dren1ll el s-o ve r y ou, o l· c ru s . 1.l ~'l d e~ J,,\;o I\II ~ lit l"euO llolll,rr"~ ll ng l '1' 1 I I lUll. lIm ong l t " " allllf! pl eSe l1'!. tIOJ!). i WlI s l-{lI' pn lip (llrdend. And his GUppOI, I tlan ' cc of l \,,I . II 'It CHI , . be [I'I._SOl ;' ou.I?. I n tu,.o 'Whll l! II b e ft\l O 11) .In ~ to '0 Ilin ' . It \I[1llll:! ro pe . pU u . , 1t! 1 I" t II !, lUI III 'r no d mot he .. BI~lgh. ptrewll ~' ilh RIl" abufl . . ' . f U ll lll l 1111 wlto , A IHI nu w. J~ "lhn' lI. f" II' IVI" ' ; IInrl I" J \V IU., O ~V. b('.cRme f\ "10 lilraw, and lucked up lik e a Clt ristmlls rl\ u lI\ nce 01 e telnlly I \ ' O l e>! 1 .l e lll slli u 11 I' 'Hlld It e , ' Lit o ulLl l nlO tl t-S lr OII> uf bC l: lng II c nn IllIve lite : 1\1 '1)' II, ,· 1" 'aGe f, r (; ,,11 "ric III )"UIII li gn in 1 he til£l hus band Illtely returnpi9. with hnlf a SCOIO of uul1".lIo rob eR •__ • cnas \\111 \)IlIH n p o' 0:0 'fo le 1 CIIII ~ ItY \' (I ~' PO llUIlIIY. S . U. !:: I,ll Tli. \ " 1:' 1I1 1R ' II" d 1, ;(11 \1 9 11\1 10 IIU und e r - e,1 . " fo u"u 8011\lU. The l.vo husband. There lue hit\{ u doz:cn cut ters ' licIl V 1 Jack \ tv hlO S Oll. \~ bo,,\ uI"' g ), " " , - . Slltlll"" \.!. ul UIlI <1,lIy 10 IJ llI ~",,,\<,u" La "tll\ I\H! d',u\)ltl "'Ire calmly tll.l\ted 'be wilh " young ml\n lind nt Il IJ CI1.' 1~I(J y ci.led Statuary ",!tOft t' _ D c n ·l1) n t/ olm: R"~/'"'ell i ll th e h ord : d ,l.! CIt Ull' ll' ~, '"111 O1\e 1I~')l hcr. is IIlallcr ov er, IIll t.1 it "tls ' lert to her to l"o I 0 A tI I I ' . Just tl w n ~ e ll (h ew up [0 tl10 ~ d "\· I · Utll I"") !:I, lUI" Il le l w uc l! 1l111 s . ak e. dl·C It.! e w!. ,, <c ... ,ro ~I,o .1." ... I.l "" F.h", aOI II more . n .H'l e Rg nlll R III S t. S evertn, III II 610111\ chnpel be· f I 'I 1 ' 1 L f t I. I .,0 II !tll S UHIl )\ CIl~1 1l 1l1 of Ion" IS III nd· AlII r ~ (· !tO R!' he r lir ~ ~ IpYtI IIntI her aecond air.1"of ,'uml)crs moun tintY II .. nl OUL I . 1 b i d l> I Ie Wc , , IIn l ,,1\ I IS 00 "I C ' cu II • I I ' . ., -. " uk hi ~ el ltl" blldo ,hiij wire good-bye .' • ' '0 g e.. ong ln g . I' lel'C' , lo 1\ s U l' pl e~ ~ c cu n - I'ILI d t ' t t , III!; IVI I I I" . _\' S')ClalI UII 10 IIddll' ~S II I" lII P h\lluI~h-lookmg LIII, hellpeu lip. presse d "" il L. in nn out of.tlte · way blle k str eet. I. LI ll lo l~' I' d J l! r II' Ul llll ci ll.:s COlllP"'II1 1t ollr hud y (l ll ~"tne I IIlIt! wldl l<\I\r~ ' Ircllming CIOW hiseyeo' oown. and lunnlll g on:, r - Se lipture 111t <! IC is some o f th e fin es t al ,llu '\ry in I ' I'k on • c"I' c allme .1 CO'I ". lh :: I 8ul 'J"l l l,r v 1111 1 illlll~ lllIII CIl t" tl ,,· Z I" 11 1'1\ (1 7. .. 1'1 EI NDN1': Rs.-Tlt e wOIIII is full wont on his luuel" way , l 1• _ '11 ' II II ' f [ I 0 . on Il.S lI elS !l t t H ' )ollom 0 I Ie li e . ' . f I. d I . \; J • measure W-I I 1\ s llla c o ccl lo n 0 III y . li P R sll\lU() wllh II ne L e n. . . o f IIl1l Li ou. In tlml n o '1 l ol)o<e 10 111. , 0 hln ll l!M S I. lilt n~\llr WIIS tipU '11. 11 1).1 I 't . II d f : ' ·Im ,gon o nolV. W!tQI\I No w 1 IR} . ' I" '1 b I ~ ;umllll; y. pIC c d u8 en 1 0 ~ ~ 1j 1 0 1~ . II "~I" J.'II~g It, IS Il'mallillbly clev e r; Ihe me duw n to sleep-whoa BRII - I pI R), \'110 j o ur nll c lI'I un to lil t: $u lJ)'"CL l,f l - l.fI~ I~ ~lOll~U\:1 ~1~l; rll H~I ~o tn ll . . Cl (t ~zen. IOnWUS, ~.nL n a~ nIIOII)\' Rds lIt wh o lcll~bsc ul p lure'l flo'n oll e blol·k of : rny s(l ull],c L Old to-wl;oll no w-Ol" 1JI' l'itU d Anti OI,I ~ r.. . IH ~IS 11 11 ". ' ll Il f' ('I III" .HIIlI <' . O·.'r A pllsse ngrr sweaTing terrtbly l US In 1\ B Sti~ 0 f ""0. I II tH1 mnl h " , III l!r e nd SllIlld s out nUlle ' L 'I ' I \V (J IIlJldlhu t 111'0 L!rlnlfS Cl1 llll)n st) mll" , ~ Ie I"nm walln, )11\t ll.: 'Our(' Illllt l; C'lr~Onlhll!3o s to!lnndPrO'ldou· l I b I I 'e " 1 1 I I 'l I~Nt.:deould tl Ull (> merc) on mc I' 1 . ~ . t 'l f (II t I i I ,rlg:te) S, /IPO IC~ blp s \ lflllo ne \ C Cllroft lcl'Ii';UI .~ntihll ~ I"elirpoll r. hold in no lon"e r f\n 'lll e wlul"dll ~I I'S O( 11 1.<, C I,ul c h vI Jt·. r:lrc~ r.' : ,,~u LI" " 11 ";r'RI )lt~11l17 n n g l ",' ra lrolld: wll~l\pprol\ehedby. "yo~ng c,lu\;:';ll . algIIllIP ~(Jll o J , enellitl 'ItloSe j b"IlCC OC '11 0 gr nlllllo nrll e.lo· hll,olll g felllfullhIlLJllk e ll1l . r htsulfCl'Jl u:n "IS sus 1.'11rl>LOIl l·lIllh. l iZ : '1'0 I' rl'sen e l llel"I'( i>un '''t''IP O I lei II IWlcrl' l rnll1l , t('~\vllhmr)rezealllhnodlscre~lOlI' p11l • IIl el, tI ll llll 100 s, /lil t 61 " CIY e<' n IIIIOW Il o vc r Ihe m lule . An olh H , . " 1110 D'lcIlln e of Ihe <luop!!1 lind lit., 1\0 lu<y can gl!l I [I'm ; I 1t·.C I') 11 11 1 IVit ~ 1l1l1 10 111111. "blnpl Y'-<My deAr IlIu~it thlll " SC llpt:tI Ille mIlIH " r:i HIld 1\ Jj g ure ftC 'Vell ed !tl ud~ S lV .' is beaull' Itl !! itl. h~lrl.!N nlc ti !lI n!~el(. 1 k I Di ~ clplln e uf tl' I: UIIUI Ch,' III ~IIC II pllm- nHlke 1111) bod y IIHnJ . YtlU ml ..: h \ .ir. <III ) 011 kn o lV where \ OU!H1l Koing 'i fur liJlpets th t' ,Y WOlO t1l1'u-who d ,w~ , fully e xec u te d: bU l Rlthou :' h Ih~ ,e nllll . Pl u~a YI tl diliu l mrille .Ijmc • llir e . IUIF' !ICl ly a lld IHlnly IlefZtl 10 d"a lit (01 wunt Il f \V O"" 111 i'\HI IltU )!oin rr atrni " hL to hoIl.' 'JU8t I. IllS h.., " s fro m \ thaI WtC\.. . 1\ .,v • " ' .1 I mAO. I00 kJl o ll~m(' tnue r.., WI10 can Cler Cu'-o!:l I 0(I't!18 III the c li ~ l' c l wo uld'" by tll e m- Jwllh I. '" llt' ' \\'h l: lI IIIe ch ilulen uf (jod Lee r tId . PIIIIIl sig IIt 0 f n II II I" se l ll' e ~ 'Ir y ou m y d-d luck~ !' r~ plt ~ u ~.Ie IPll ' II II t it Iw l,II U II" ." IIlrnd~ lind 'cHrry it h"d n o menns of ({ ulLill /.{ th o wIII,,1 II,., Ih o minl sl er inlhe (~ce wilh An Ri~e I\' c" , 1"lv il c rcu le d nSl o lli'. hll1 enl l1n u ' "" 0 wlI ~nl L IUP to 1 1I'1 I.?P ~ It Ill' U tlll'lll? l!! . 'j' l Ie 61) I 10(1 II lou ~e ul' .1 ' '1 '" hl. lit(' " 010 put cn ltr c ll' .In IIt ~ I Ulde ,. " . SIm e(1 o)e thc d clt 1 d r. "' '' )Je not- d uotlthn o". il vu t III "II li S d t'l at! ,; tl len• Il a'y mil)' e x· IIOllI e ali d mn,m II lIre WHh II. J u't 1'\llfH·d IIlr, :Intl 8udll only rumbhn" (or to 0 kll" w II .1 11\,e lin so uL who ~" nl Iwet i .. 1' 1')' 1"" li n d • ue III It" "ILh' Lilt ". tJ III ' I I ve .1M W Ililt mil k eR IlI!i ' CIlec"", 1. 1 b uug III II lic.;uL I. for [?rovl. (l 1I' nll 0 C l 1Ie co n 11 'Ict, IIll S b cen ew e!'t s hade hy Ih Jl: 111 11 1ve lous 'D ell ',l C llIl. s t I a f81IlI'y'l'l ti ~ \\'o n" ~ rrul ~c ul !, lnre r(J ~ ~. U II" " II. \l'dll ,,' I.llc I ~<t ' I)." ti) ) 0 11 1\ "I ll 11 " 1. 1. ,' 1 " I I I ,.. ~e is ne,d ec led' ~lId Ih c pnrenlH IInti I:I,ilt!ren, the brotll c rs deulle.' lind !; l1 rt1l <ltcd : bon g- Its of e VI:I'''II)(! !1 I' coi l" .! : I s taHl . e d tlllu.~ L t1 . I 1'"" Ll n ts Chll ' .~ l, arLl' r th ll "r lOc lbqO .. Il, ~·(' t fl Ol1l mo.-.\f,,['de n ' ' 'Y.. I' u I If II "' Y. I n k.1' ---.~ III I1\111 t IIe 6 ~ ~1 Ii e•t, ___ __ ___ .t1d' ·Clli . f ,·. c" "-"l'\I~ I 'CC S 111" ' 11l ~ 10 f,.tlu\\'. \\. e lin, I ~I S I t IR II,'P\ lCl l'll wnl ls . I li e p" lIds of ch e w.. J lUlU L'I\ his ll'lrk 1111 (1 {'o vcll'll " illt '1 I D L"e 'I)1An I.IIY F ·1t I1I ,1IU1 IA ' .t: .- fl U<'.. ltl Iv be t t. ' ,111.1,,1 . UIC l l,lt1i • (hilt FI' CI\IO nt'v,' " 10 till y 1\ word nbll ut II; II ~ AI a recont burilll of " eolJier II k 'l f I I 'f p " pl! r IIn\'C.1 n \1 1)c ell' 1 S"Ipt Crom tit. nJi"a' 1)11 "f J e' lls, Chl1 s ~ 18 lO Y ' I:e p .I 111'10I Ull111 II~o cr(J,I a s I III Illld a young I"dy in II tOlYn nOllr 1'lui~, I s h ', c t . Til e ('xtr:\O . ' . y thi ,, "," i, ' lillli \\' \l U I II Ie 11(1)[ IIC" I.d I,e~ lI u p,,, n< l Iit· lOll Ih e IIUI! ( 1)' " (Willig. nnu lwo p il l S II I . wllter hnv e nld lO u 1:"1" h it is nil ch li. III, \ 1 1"1 " 111 l' " P IU llJllI\C't! (I f t Ih ' (au I g II I' n l ' lI'·" '''.1 1'''"111 L''"'t '1 u ~ 1· bUI 116 hAla \v~le ", I I (' I', .cv t: 1l 1 .fl J l r ' I . n (rIm I ., II!' I Y WI lIul 10 muc I I the {unPfAI BUlh o,iue8 or nde the eingu· nn ,1 <e L 1,I'Jck uf Will 1)1 ,' 1/1" ,I ,,, .. ' R' I' III " fI< il l 1 ° ' I I I" I ' I I ,, "· .It 1'''\ ~ {1I1 e ll 11I1l1~III OV"1 Ihe low l"l'pler 1 1 1111 I t I~ru \V1I8 n(,tllny OVIl IlIr rniHlnk u of cllnr'lUr.dtng Ibe two.I le,'11 blO\J o" IiL II o III 11.0 E! jJlln,' o' , ~ IU It ~~ I 111 ~ 1" 1) 0 IS I" l" Y 10 ue I " '· I .~· I The Inoy W118 1Illcrrecl WlLh Iiltlila r y on :t be. llc" ill Il. e e nLI)'. \l it h . nn irn · 'I II \V ('IO trnn "() al l' nt . till ' " h,.I..- f' " 1ll nll ,I '' IC ' I l '' or II"10 " g' e Il I I'V I'lI e II m . IIII , I ~e hl lI lt: of LiI'CI1 ·IIIIU III tl lf'• PIt' ~ l' lIt Anu ~nl(jn II g I ,r m. Ih o !rome t!willf soon SE'em I' ~lIJl:.i.ilim CUp~IlIVI S~ prO~I ~ i o ll. ill ' o ll lltn c o ( IhC' clu c l li ~ J :::;""I OUI ,li t JI~ l is 10 bo CUll l l ,IC IIJ,1 I, fl \'CIV UP, I,' '' '.! f" l 8U II", lim e pa-1. \\'il"1 1l Ih~ LlUlt c<> I cI'en In Summel', lin I you " 'e hOll ors, II dmgot lll regimellt following ul'col.l"rwnrm IS Ihlll ~ p(' lIl(lg r"" I\I! :" (ln cLly tl ', ccllul tl Ihroll"h tlll ~ I\lr<t .. li · \ 't tl [I wll !: 1J allY hl' t' to tho grave , while th ~ eoltlie r' 8 , , • 0 J con SII Ie r 11'1 II) 11. J II . 0 0 W11 ~ (, l ,t' i.'., we "IJlII,,1 nolV ilHIII11U Inlo ' bU I tl l~ l u ytl II ll\ WIll . ellvy CthIIo dll~ (> Cllflin was co.ered wilh whIte drapery lh > llIgbol'g hn vofll!ln r d lind I C' OlJ < C(I" Plill '" ' ve ly felllul ,' !l lld (I ,. . . I I I b 'l ' 1 IJ" ent!l'll'or louOI'IRf, wllruughLS()ntl,c onecli 8 IIID puor e Ow. . I 'J I " . II " '" : . . • . ' " 1':111 011 I III t Ie I II VI,; rnom f:; IOU uC . .. nod f\owcrR. 81 the lI ~ mbol li of Ylrgin . • I II I 1"1 Y 5e \"l 11 I I' fl rs u f II ,. U II n d II Ie I' I 11 I~ SUIJ ct . P11;! 018 ,e t 10 hl o 1I th o. aIr! c hlrun ... •\, I' callli ' (I nt h·lrI(c "xPl o<s. lo n IIf lil "' 1,,(·,· (II Hly J'll'S Wltlt th e 1I! I\I1n g 11 · \Ulc~. I1l1d tho ,,!! IlI a ~ h a Jl o 01 1110 11<' lI d, uod y . ! tl g ht c(' lI. 1~1I{.g lllg 1~,,' S l C III .... llIt1nn Uy Di , ciplill<', "'e 1I'('lI n nil Ilpplic l\' IT ,. w TO m: M'QERAIILlt.-lll lh e finl \,l1l1l1' , sud "all curfle" 10 tho grR,e by Ih o "\llllks ll)' . fl ll l1l uut II,,, 101'. Ilk ll II !rill"', " 'I nd . , IIIlU fC l"! t, lir e til~l c : l\t e , will c h 1 Vl' lll1110 10 Ihi;, k cxccc.: tilll <J l)' lioll uf the law s of J '·.l1S C!trnt. b) plllclJ . If ) OU WI\IIL Lo b e mi '~ mbl tl . be four Indi es. II wbole ~nltllY of fllir dam1'lw l,'su (lh c nntl s inlhehlll\ lhllllllfcCI" " lt""1''' I'ur II Ie (l Ilt' J C o I. ', "hilhhi s ('ill1lcht's wtllLo cnpllhl e 10 "" Ie ' e uf YOllrse If • Rel8 eAcorlln~ tile trooper's reml\in. Ilnd f-uIIIMI'.nr.OI'If\ '1' .. .lfl1!ll,·"f , tll c li 'II I!I.!. . , InconcI"USIV P. E"g' IIsh . •I. hill'kIll II lIe tim he two , ' lllfl . lU I~ n\t1 lh ore, th e 1111 11 lh c. IV u un.d ill th 9 sid ... . 1110 1\II I~e lire I c n ~ t 10 bo OhJ ,.c lecl to nnd would d o 1111 tllal he hilS I ~q\lil e d of th em III 'lntl or YOllr own tltinf!~' Don't cnre chfloling fun cr&1 hy mOl. .------two sc hool~ !lIe Ilr e l e . IIn,1 SII C" 111\11111 , \ rf'l"c ~r "hl e-lnd e(· .I, eVf!ry Itn c am ulll Is I )r t be IlIl h .... CA.-It e r III Ihi s clrm.ltc .- ! " rlgllL and f'I " p"r wtly. IIIt:r.,by /-tlun- flbout IInybouy el se. !lIlV II no f" ..,tinR nnd8udlam ollnglollUJ. (10\ WI ll d is lin.c ll ysel·n, a nd yet Ih e l e i, Ih e ' A f!;l llof tllf\III "e m.vII O lb tl l\b "J"tI" - i 'Ylll ~ hllll Hilt.! cnh,\1Icillg lheir own (nrllnyon o buty a urRclf. N tJ lI'rLbink DULWlm'8 FATI.t; RKq . - ' Perll!lp9 it tho, I,' swarm I 1.11111)1'1<'] of tl ill m,"hl e shed C"V ~ I"I -~ I 1") 'UI 'II"I)'Il ell "'lUI' n-I'III'I II"" '" 11" l lV c lf,lre 'fllnL Ih eYIllII)' do this, Itis 0 f(' ' I811tl811Cl f 'lOn 0 f S~ " .II1S m:ly eneo urllt:e youngor writers if 1 reo ",v " I"ut " I1JIl)'ing tIe 11 IC .e r l u Ic co:n l's ,1Ilw n up on 111f' all, l L Is n m a n-dou s illu-i o ll. hU5 !. '" d lv hA ,1 tinw fur thlll IIlIl""I " , 11I·ce ss: "y l!tal Illcy s ~lIleh the ~c rip · ll th plS happ)" but rrtthel', rf ynll fe e 1\ nllnd lhem llllil { WI\S n o ~ BUl'cossfu l al d " ~k wllh.ell1l'hn'l~. Wh llllho roll ~ I I - __ ~.. IIl1 t\ ) ~ lIl ri ll' !-i Idlt'(' w'n wlll~h i ~ t~" lJ~ IUro' S, whi c h It! ~· II u ~ tltRt Ihe Clrulch smiling flloe , be j ealou s le-t an.l l he r first in IIlIylhing dlllL 1 Attempled, My Ille drum IS 10 nrnll ll@ . 1II>It • rulo' I~ T \Y M J T I ' \ er Ves l >e ('ltl il Y I\flnw 'lId s I' nn illd " pelllll(' nt body, ~ubJ cc t to no should enjoy wh ll l y ou hllvo nnt. Envy ti I Nt I\ll~m pi at prose com puoi tion "as 1 : to ILi5 \Vhi~pt.lI" I~ , II,ughing 'l' O llll g '1IIII I IllL fl ",! Aln A\IE tM IIIL -' l ' '111,' II'Olnl ll ~ h o ul ,1 rn" l l y'I'lItllcr I) p. oll' H OI""ll '7.ttli nt\t"r Olg>lIlIZI\,e com ' , \ I~ I n r I Ie at" "IHllme J IHue . WI,1Il IV • . " I Ion, ' 1111 r' I I l,n u \\ ho is bt' ItH olT in Any re s pee I rcfu~~d I\dll)ltll\uCfl into 1\ magRzine.f • l' I I IT I ( (ol e lh ll n .. flc l Ilml ClI\mlllll ' llI " nt' r,ou tltlll " ,,11 ~;r ("l I J," ng In e n rio ler; "Il l tl l all )·ou l·, elf. tl l'lnk Illl"illdly lowal (l. My fir sl novel WM nry litlle rel!.d, ami plln) , '1'1 leCIR I II .I ( I I " \1\1 un 1 1Il1 11\ S It r n () v I , I "I ,.. ,. I\ \ . . " {· " g" I ~ll r(' onoll p. Fli P. 0 I '1 '1' II : "1' ul l,e le"" ,,, C h " IITl ~ which VlIr)III " "'''HI >; \~h'' '' XI~ l~ o l\ (>\Hlhm dltl!! I' Ih(:nl.I\"t.l B n~ l\k8\I "' htlyoi Ihem . ll u IL is not inclul\e,\ in Ihe genernl collec· /I \t.. I10llse, I II" C I10I ,e ' ng '" I tin 11I 0 ul I.I·r. ' 1'1" )lll e. Ie W I W0 8 maUe ,n I vI IIJ. I ' "m en ..\ c0l18lllnlly ,. nfralli r I much' in drlT, rent llld"'ldu>l l, 'is0 bu~ It f 11 I L rll1l1 ·1. IC ~ . no OTIC, \ )lilliel 1'" IcI!l~ t ~ omc one shoul ,1 tlOn of my wor~8 . M y f'r8~ ~o"lry WI\I Bll'k 1 i ~t ' Iles . LIII {' ncr(,lIch on "our li ,,!Jt. ·, UO ."l'Itchilll C eell ts. U,I> i(ll e 51-.1. 1" . Io w. f IlI llt .,,1t' , · II II~ I r SIRl I' llJ.: I"'""n'II r b " I"yl· 1- ' tlrqII(\(. IFhulI p(' rwd 1111111) nllt l (,ceUI' S In "Ir-lv \ ) (' li11(11). 0 f tiC l b c r I) Iftnc th olliShl deteslable. and my lint pll\y yI IIl lie "I I. ' I l'\'lnJ.( .1 L . r. fl(! al~, R1\ III U 1J I il' I. ,s 1)1\1 ': u r i II I' " ' I1I- , l " .• " sl,,«< I 'I <PO'C' . II(l I I I)Olltil III dlllo'l nll . - ~~I,,· ""ould m 'lIrJy t,) J ~.~ t:" l'eU! a w gll'c R\!lIinsL iI, RIl IIJ if any" ulle cOllie Il clH onrrul"lly escaped being d&m~od.' , nIl! I oIY lRIII If flllI e l8. II' I 'u cll lli J , no I c~ lIm a '. ·,IAL • • • '1'1 1(' UI IltrC Ilor l 'lIlIlC I)( 6, 111 . I Ilr or )'o ur L"inrrs. snnp aL him like II runt! trl ' 0110 11\ 1II 1011I I" :II'. . II I U U fj I , " " II\I'fl ll tw oll II !lnd Ihl1l\' ) OIllR ul '" 'C ~ (' m (' VII lIHII OnR I" f 101 \ 01 t lilt f\. . • 0 ' I . . . I I ' I .. I bt' (OU ,Ul'0ll OCC"S1011 \ 'I' . . d' b I ' ' b ul n, 'IHll' tho fUllll I' r Ihllll Ihe Ir\IIt' 1 I le ll Orl!nIllZ l'l ll on. IIIVO I 10 rl~ II. pu - dog. ConLt'nd ellllleitly fur ever) t1l1nl;.{ . ~h .. ul,(,r II". !" '''I r h. n.100nl. I,,· p"' pPlly I ~ ISIIl ulel III I ,e l lnuI Illf'lnt'ly f." In ICC('iv(' , di'1l1i~s, c"n ~ ulc 11111 I .IN }'Olll 0"". R II ' (lIllY nut GEII~AN SILV&R.-Few Ire ~ware of I It .u" II II /\ "<1.10 " ,, lo u " r" IJ. " "0 " 'If',' ' own m~m I){Irs. rlUI b • .. lile poillo nous qUllitlies of tbis comI'\11 11"U I ~ III1 ( I IItJ II.Ir . I18reR /lm l) l1i! II I'" I " · ,) W. II I{' II)nn III Bllch All Acre would HilI 1 ('xc III( I e t IH!tr III In' (01' )"ur 'j'l II • II " I I OCCII[)y Lh40l ucuc!J ur I1t)lI or nenr II II' III SII : u IIM,5 (orI Ihe II<'III f nn< . li.. ht lUI Ih l' Ill " n n'~ l"tI I \,' 1,Ie ' II RIIe .IS IICCOllllla)II 0 10 nll" c I)UI J'uest .VUI •• 1 1 . g 1~cre b 8r.. d II iu go U'oJ for 1\ vari " 110f use. • . I II ' I I urn \I nn .., " I ll rt.u a hl)" ~ 1,),1 liS IIlIlCit COllct' luc ,1v as If H R pou" • dl.• k . tlt a I. il II I a. , l!ll) " , I t'l 1.", OII CiI ..,[) " . IIl • f II' but .holl"l ne\"f' r lolll1 set.l fur . ',OODS or ,~ .1 I I l in <uc ll '1 In-II 11 11 " ,' lind II {' lll " l &:: 80 ,11'.- "111;. 1'~ n I'IIrlely 0 0 "I1C(' ~ pouutl of g old. Nt!I"lH y ie id 1\ 1)(l1nt . t N"" tlla p,e lim ill ,uif's ' Ib c "" ~ l CHl l y . Ih o 9'1.\lll lI nrlu Ol lCI lr e " cvtl ," L I" :> 'f II will {'xi , 1 so Ih " re lI!1j It IlIlIdy U( IIIII" ve8 ~eh for cooking. It iA compoted of g til 1111" CI' : nch 0 11 1I lI'uj,1r c'I'e Fp,IIl"1 (In ('acll si l!e ' ~U"lII Il l 11Sl llllliOIl~, Itlll I I ,,~ p,.. I,,, ' of II ,I' d e' "I' H· ".rn a ll ) l11g " " 1II c l' 'I lin YI Iyou,n . I: e \'rly He ll>itive, I\lId 11t h · t!vH)~" ing copper. ar~enrc alld nickel. It ill 'oxy• I I" 'I ", . I f I,' . (I I I~ IS I I r y WI ,1It>WII I III W 1"11 . .. , thllt IS snld tu "ou III pi ll y rllllles ~. io I:. e I . b •• Bl own. Oul ('UIl1 ~S a 1"1 '"11" "Jed hI ' c,·.~ ~(· ,. l it: JI" V " r . ..., 111 1 I. 0 " I I I I II Il lnl )II)' In f)1'ivlIt c gll"vnllc"K t l r t , x l l l1Il0st lch np) ,llzet! by IIciJ~.l\l1t acLltnt eetomaou ' I' I I I IWIl peo !> t' J," n og f' II rill 111" , . v , · s(' ri u u ~ 101l1111U. . li e crcllillre, "Iu ~h i '''f like 1!. pc uny . 1\\ iI ' ' 1lIg ln n , '"11 .II C ~' \' I .-LIt' B, WII ) f I II I 1"I" .. f 1I1 '''lh"", P(l11I1 8 nll l "I i: qdy lit.. 116 II slow lout 8ure pOIRon. buch 1\ !illl !.: 1I ,ln " ! '" lilt. :-;Il ll lf,.nre ullld c I t~i ,l\l l\1y le!) llll'l'S. 1110 .1, I (l ll " ~ ", l~ L pe ~ s .tI'l,l' l JC pil i c',I".e I" 1,(, 1'"1 ,'11,.1 \"i lh "",,"d tn - . - -- '.e. , '11 o ~c8 J on,,".? O ut cnlllrs M'I" t. s "hl c lt . I( Ihe ~ s l l\I(' '" wortli tl n ,~ Illli l UI" li St 1\ 1'1 " " II" 11 1101 .' (1· .. · I Ille 1I.lIn ., ""bltc "IT,· nc" . tI\I' I'i c!tnpl>1r ,~ f FII " f0;- A \ti o'hl\"n)' mnn uno olto() I; Ip ril l> . 'I I II . ' . 11 . . . I f I I lelf' 1'11:'.11 "1\' Ie (;, '11 '" "Ir~ , II ' 111 0" . . ' v .J 6!i1" Coleridge . in one of the most lin all'kwllld (t·llow, WILIt II hlr o uk 0 1" d lO ll (I ' .\I S, \1 0 11 ' ~ ll tJ "r I 0 I I' III I II ' I l ' iI I . III I U,"jll l lll ll Il S ., lt u I\6 lI' dll' palh or 1111')' ;,lr ,' (lll( ~. 11(' 1l1~ 1 J " I1f'~ ill " 1< 011 ,1 Ithir, ~hockillg h' h RII"'swd, ~ Ul'lJl nlllll' (UII Y l" ou ~f\11I1 .I , lia rs . 'I' \. IJ ~" 1Il III 1~l ll "IR[.{,.;t ) ~I WI1(' 11 II! ~' II I, " ". ) , " _""' lI, o.i t: of pli .CPfJUl c 111 cn c h C'I' " o'er In J I' I· •..y. 11 0; l\,k~11 J"I "' ~ f" l t.Clllll1rlll ~Imll!~', illu lfAIes lhe pTegil' g his blol\t! bIUW, '1'11" girls l>lu gh "'!I" ' II t )' I!rOI1 "ln d t\ 1.\l UIS I' :. 1", ~ "., (I If ;1 I .1: ,"I ' e " I II ;"'~I " ul !r""' 1£ 'lt d l".1111' d lll'l olll (I (l m Il ll' o lh I ,,~ poc l, el lJ .. "I.. J UII (> S refl" cd l(l nflnl Iruth IhaL Ihe more "e know Ihe IItlllln,I,u r "l la tlouti oe slI'l ko o w In l lo h1r . S milh' s Ch l1)(·It . T h ' " ri l lS 1'1, ," _' .1 II 111 '"1. 11 ""P, , li n l" I' " I' I" I .. 1 11 ~"w 'I.r lll"ll1 look J .,n(· s h y g Rrt: RI" ri~ollrll , irslfL'ril1stint:lti"esym1111',.. %xl c h"l>"' " (, f H,'ml\n~ 1'11: 1.1 L'I " I I' l I I I. N' I l'l III )· lt r'l < '" ' I."" . f' r III "·l' ,!) r ·," ' . 1\ 1(.", ., 1 . \ r . I I I1 lh)' : 'Tho wlI!\'r lily. in the mid,t of t I.u <'.. (' melll"r)·. I-n t "(llll WOWlIl!; . C OIII CR I'I't uy 1I l' "on I n~ I"aIl • I · ' ,I . 'I ,hl\ , III " " I" ,. , " l I .... , I " I'. ' - ' \"II " ''' I'' !I ,, 1,, 1 '· I l.! !tl ~ ,' n'" I'II S,' B• \\1 ' Lilt? n e l k " li d tln dl rlulI ' tn c" ul;" " 01 ,..WI\I"r. openll its I"flves ODd elpand, its . I • Jail!.! MII"' Y.' Out trtl'~ J ,W(·. OII L " I t) fI I~g e I , n ~ I, r y all: I , I le II'I 1 ' I ur i I I II "' I ' 1(>-'" " ,'\ I" " .... " t l, ... ~.· wit" CIIU ' I' di~- .I n nt· ~ Illll du li; "I , filII ! ];"PI II ttl' (ur "t:tlll .~ , ti,e fir" pR\lorinu of lha Il'r illgasnu r \lJ' ,nnu I n l\\' ~ IH!r ,, !tl ce la w to t1 ," c8Ial e ; bULII "'y J, lI \ ,· lIlI e " ,t! I I, ' I. 111 )1>" " I"I' II 'I '-:" 'I' J" '1 1' 'I "" " "' ll, :"". II .r ll ~lIn d l. O •.nr e , r, )lltntl: r 'In hOllr. A t th" ~XPllllllon uf (li nt '" R' 1 ' I' t" to CII IlI!)r " II II '1 li(" nil I " " l'~ • ' Vtlll ) 1;111 " .. .. l\ . ' " "" I' I I I" ·, h ower. lint! f'J'o ices ill the rAin·drop. nl' x~ 10 llC , . (·mI 6f1 It l I IlJ ,\I e ' . ' ll l l.e d"cL 'll llJ w l ,,~" W · It l\ \"c It cllv ed . ~l l\1 e .I"lll' s ""1' ,., III. n n! I I'~ IIg lIvny IJ h I cnl !(' r. !-: II! S 11 PI " : i gi l' , hut a SOIfY tp~ IJ<, I'. D,m't l\lU ""111 Mr ., i-Omllh r r t lt e 6um v( ti~· (; thO ll s a llJ 1lI'"l lllge . ____ __ . _ .. _ _ \Yo " I~ Ih •. r" c >lnnl nnd!!,1 til <: \ ,>1 11 111 ,111 e'Jlnlll ,' n r. ed IIt h ll l.( !tis 11IJc k" ls _ with II quiclr er lIympalh.v t so ,I a .J' lJ oNEr .--'\' .. \; c bll h Rnl (.( li lt- ill ",Ito In I;f' '" ltl c .. 1I 11Il' 1I0 IC(\ lO pllrched surub in Ille sRndy uesert .lt o wl d. p..- I s Hl'tl Uliti Ihe hou <o ? ·Wlly. , Jo ll ll rs (:aoh. thttl's John' s !i; W p.~th{·n r L.' J ulin is th e - - --- - I luJu 2 ~, z. up ,uln 2 JJ'.\l! i lll1 ~ . ~ Ulll ~4I O · to h nvfi. tll e l 'l'O l' m l f) ( Hee , ».\1 ill ~ l a tl ee~ C(I II • - - -- - -.. - - -1('.lIde.r. /lilt! (\ bl\l tl c lost l"f illl J ane ~I ) z'T A pl'u f" u n ti \lb.'e r vc r r f'm nl\; s : Irllx ~ .Irflchi ll s , hOllf' y ti ."t nel'~. Di • . ' ,f wlti,:h II'\~~ cll lls~d gn'IIL IrO \lIJ '~ 'l ~ Ih llt nil y ou've go t!' {)::.j'- 'Sire, one word.' SAid 8 soldier liS Flt.!e \Vuult! btl ~ w 'el() r tlltlll a VIC' .[ IllI vo o fttll obJ('rved 1\1 pu lJ lic 0 11 1... 1" ~ h'e lire ~ ill n (lUlI l'l o f s l'ili LS of wint. b,Hh ill Uh u rch"s '"111 Assol' iali ol1 s. · E v.., I·)' c~nt' one r1"y t Fre derio Ihe Great, when 101 Y W In wilhou~ I,tl'. Lllin me nl s. Ih,,' whon tlr " rll i ~ a n.l' lh lli f! ; Th js ba l 'H ru.i ~ ," Il ry u . .. fu l in hOll ffi l! Al! " ill W I! .. ru t Hug hl in ~J 1'/lesRI1: 'WhfH nl/Hlt! YOll fi g llt ~o lonl! ?' . pre~e nting to him 8 fl'quesl fOf lh• . Ant!, 60'. 1111.' >, go, ',ea lin,., n'\mc~.' to be 's een nnr! cYl'rboc1y IVllnts p nr lic lI . nl'SS, Itlll lllllnys irri t .. li oll of Ihe Inn ' ni .ills, :>,1 d lnptr·r . GLh VI'I '. lO wi lh · . 'D ill'l1t WRlll 10 he I:xpos pd. Dad !lllllvet of liellt(lnant. 'll you sl\y t'IVO,' Ul1tll the or S'f1l: :lh ll ml~ons fond (" I'l l, Ind y tu 81'0 ii, (,\'e ry botly ImlD(:din l ~ly ' It wi I o ' t(' U cure r. (}OIJ' I Iha l i~ nl 'l rIIl drllw (rti lD e Vl!r~' Brolh er Ihlll \vlllk~lh on oug h to h8\'e dn y I:'i l:l" htl'~u ce nts;- nn s\V"l'~!l th~ k~ng. 1'.1 J wi!~ hays TOil lo ,do b,llIle, and the Con'e! !; ill fll idy , S' An us up and eli.e(}~ulllly prevents IIhY-. in~, i) IISIJ- OI1Il or 1\~1) tl'n~p>J ull (\I" cli ~o"'\erlv, !\M 1l1,0 iiI Ille fourleen th 1\ gr~"t d III wone to hay!' lilly body 1" 'll1 g ed. '1:\Ijln. r .... .- . ,bt'gnn. ~~dy (-c' nl ~~!in~ ~Il; II: ng.' U. Ii !:lil' ,,'arm t C:l. '1\ ..111 GII~ ; II~L. \I:I"~' vi the Slime eLIIY- IInuw il.' 11'1.- . , .... ,,,u Ihe 1I0Id"ier• I
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' n l'~ por t 'I Leen ('ollccille tl fur m01l1 IIS 'In lIlI l' l III ~: .,I·: 1'1AI Or.L'III.Ir. III T m lld e ' i ts de I , 1;:), th ll n Inst 1110111I I. '1'1 Ie U ilIo s I. III ' 1 I I d JII/ ", L W t't l u,\! r r lit 'IU ' P'C (,S 0 PA L ~'1'-BIt U::i llES . I , . ' I 1 C I" I J ~I ~ "I . , I Ih at th e sbi\IOlCllt of li ng f] [' om l' II1 01 llie Illl j'lel' lI t counll~s . I " ~ t u, (. ~ .J css rs . Il"lh .. a le, \. Inlll·y nll l "XI'I~ . I rJ, t' ll.." {'1 I ,1 l\IV l7 \,· III ·\'!." " ·j\ S II n ! \)U 0~ III: ,I ' pO:. llt "ul'lng t II e pas t weI' k Illlvnv Leen hi ; I,ur suc I r". IC~C" I 'IJcd lIe f ro, s ' 11"1 f counL· LI 1 bill'll ,'r< nll en... n IIrc ~ , _ u"~. , CH EM ICALS r 1 ! \I ~ II'y, 1' )' . Illll~ " .Ill 'H U I llS 6'1 " f~' ''lt ruin llC juu rr: nli s ls : o' lIlr. hill(l C)" f" p cr: ia\ly. · LEAD, ' on u "' CW O I e" ns u r llfelg n pilI' S. I . I ' .' " I ' I I r I ' The hrs l rjlln iil}' of Tho nll ll, ucrof robe! pli son c rs cup.' F l ' 1" ' · l I r d I II 1 11 1IYln~ ' t€ lllucn llli ,'< \\'\11 I II! Hern ' I Wor,h ovrr 011 0 ~Iill;nn nnl"\T~ ! All ; OIL, "1~ tR ,ns Rl'fJ ,e 0 It' ture of lhe West for II n umb(· r of y ellr' • . In b e Sold rllr S, p/le h, withn" l H. -:-- ~' w,ln Y AH.N I ~ Il .E~, 11I r~ :! nn u pfl1'l' lcd by th e U llited S ial ee Ln iLe t! S l,, 'e s S upremo Cuurt to sel nnu lii ; n 'l" llalill n as fI lilli" I,,!" se h"l al" J,:,"t1 tn 1/l1I... ! NlIl tn b e .'/lid for I uurillg the wnr II1ll0unl ud 10 Ihre o hun · II ~ id \J lli e jutlg llltnt of Ihe Supre n e j alld lUI e min e nt rt. prt! ~e ntlltiY tl tlf I,el/e.~ I uulll you Jill 0 I\' II'h lll ) OU II\,C \0 I' C- , , f '" ,. ' ,. ". "(' Ive ' I U nd er ~I'I.I':~" 1l10 I .IS T of A I':TI C I. E S. Fnr me li"; II , 1 p"rp 0Sei'. III ",I, i('h L,~ tir ed 1I 1I t! tw e nlY ' lIine th o uslln,); lh e C(llI~' t O. ,", e lV I Olk g rflll.lllg 1\ uIVor Cf> I{'(ires be ill g of th e Ij "t c ia", fluu, be l' o f Un ·l oIIIJ"·I· onc rec'l plul·.. · 1 L}' to I.I ~.· Wilt,. 01,1 lit e g l.' OIln,U Ihsl . l.hl' l s ucll'lbl" cl)ndl1c(. th o TurcJ. li.l! hl wi ll lell lio n of PhY~;I· i,," .;s e' IH' I' inllyc ull c,I ; ' R. C'. • ,U ,. ~ DLi lll ~:, o:,,, It. I ~ iI " · I'I ) ,,,, ,,"~ , ,, ~~',i1:' II11"$:I'cJII OO I oll!ll\h lll r vr rlrr uill d lO U PAIl\T VAH~ISH. ~ . . d Inllrl'lllgc IJllI' lIlj,: b ~e ll In O retll H 1'1111111,I cl' rlRinly- rttllk Wilh Ib o Wu~t illllu .,11,. ~ , r. ", ~ ,, " .... ", .. I Ll''' ' tl,e Hlwl s u urrn g tI ,e wur, 18 etatc 10 I CIl IIll OI UO IIUI'O,'1I1td by R COUl't in Ih i. . I f S ;,11' " .. lid "ii " I' To',.,:, .. ('0 "'1'1, I" ;,11 ,,, ;\1,,11 13 " JUUl'fl1l80 tile la tc. FlI'}~'I' or> R'\!oJ /'rmIEl,n)(tO )I'I'l: li H ll on ch uu d l'~Ll a n d fifIY · SC I'(' n IClJ Ulllr)' . 1" "J: u " " ·, o .. d ~ I" .... I !. ,,, ,, ;I~ , ..' I'. _. ,.JI.,.~" " , • \0 - RA'1"J'" .1 'A ..0 ~ IJ:J i}J ' .
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-t'ennr 13 O' (' unll. Spcc i ~ l En\'oy TilE HOM E W EEKL.Y pr omi . es lo b<: ~ "II (; vlol 1".. ~ I ; "l.( \\' ,, 10'\, . , ;:, ' 0 " ; 11 h ' .1 d (roil! Ihe Hell ul" lic o f Cbili lo Ihe Ulli · lh e mosl urillinnt and all l'IlCli 1'(' o f Ih<: ' ~, I1I."J i. ", 1:"1 ",, . ( ;,,101 11·" ld,,·, "" ' " ~;IO ; '1'he num er c., r l·'enians cnrol. cu no t" j ' lI (; , Ill-, ' 11111\ 110:': ~" I \ ,.,. \\' ,I\I'! 11't! ::,1 I ,) 11)0 I ..., flOIV dr illi ng in Canndn is s in leu by lh e led 8 1111f'8, gn ye R s umplu ous bllnqu e t wt' eldies fo r Ib e com ing yea r. The ell jil,' 0 1" ' 11' [" '" ~" • ..,. \\' ''10' '''', ': 5 1'1 :'11 at D e lnronicu's on Wednesday rright le rpri . ing publi. lt e l' hilS (.ngng t: d lhe ' 1111 I" ,,,,)· 01"1'\1 1; 1",·," ,' :, ,,, III" A b .., U ~olJ(1 s upply of SA S HAN D PUT T Y , N . Y . firm'" 'l'uroll loc'D'rr csp ondcnt 10 t 'J 1\ num be r IJ f So ulh . Ameri l:nn "Illl· Le"t l'II"Ilt I'n til" I.In ll. l' nr lu(II' llg II,,, ' :,1'" .II ." IIH '" I·."r! L" I' ~ ""lI; : tll " 1 II ' h a .... " '- :~ u~ j\.Hal l'"IHt' \' (lht'· " 1:"111 ::I IIG , Le ne lldy t:i~lty-lwo Ih ou sand. l' f I'I'ho lD \ tiL'TTl e n nnd 01h01'18• dThe M~nl'oed tlE?C. conlrihutors of Lho It lldill g ma g llzine ,, ' :,0' "" .;1. ""tl l)"," oI., ~11O" 1... lIl'" "II I- 0 eel- 1• C S , I TR"L SSES, ,i;:U I) POR'I' El)S, nenrly oue· hnli nr e sa rl \0 be .. :rell tly trine lVII,S Mrong y A vocllte,:,. an . U' to!;c lh l' r wilh olha litl' l'ary ~llI rs of :1, U 1<I'p ,"1 Oil 1'",,,I''' e, iI' I" 111,, 1 ,~ • \ ' en I I II: " g · '.'m . e Ce lb ' . D. IlIlIIg ' 101 ..'' !-1·II"l"" "" ;" '~ II U , e I'll)' -", e y ellr . ~~ :, II" .\/;,, I ) , ; '"'' :i".; ' , 1:1\ I.,hl' ;' 11 ' 0 Ii'" -S\i CH A~SIlOUL{)I-:~~, .BRAC)<::S: a rm ed. It i ~ Ills " IInnOllll ce d Ihlll cluu" r "p~ '11I 111 t c r rer l! IICIl on ll li S cou"n d cs i 'Il eu 10 Ilgitllte in fllv ol' o f tb e nn· \. trull L:IY denounced. ~ ' x ol'lglltal nor elo ls w li l Le !-! " 'I' n fn'l)) ., ,,," /', ." 1,,, All ,,,,,, •. "II , i,OQ " '., :'11 '1' 1.' \ b. J I . I L" I -TI, e vCIlI' rIlLl o (.l lh ef of G~ n " tll e pe ns of Mllrio n 1I111 1a ll ,l. M.. " Ann ,.II"Ol;" ld ,\ ., ·k ","1 1 ... 11 '1",,, ,' :~." :.11 Co l . AI.L. TilE ru\'t;LA JI fl e Xll ll on 0 I le prUI'!UCI 'd 10 I ,e ' 1l 11 e( ' U ' " 'I' I ' C· ., ' 'S I I I I I' I I , ;'1111,,; , 101 (lo " I1 <" ,, " 1(.. " , I", ;", I" COFFI ~)O; . II " rfl lll, s nlJ Wl1I aSlInglon II}' .IIIIU I::; lep, e n".llenu tll'r c . ,III t·ll;'· . :, 111111(; .. 101 1 !", ., " Ilr,,,', 1.1. fi l , I ~ I bCv An. l'ilales li re ue ill/,; orgllLlzrd nil over i~ Ih ~ 1',' Clp"' nl of mlldl!!11 "ntl re' llec t I UlI r"l ine Uhese!JO ro. !\II'S, lIu l m "~ lin d. " (ltI\I e l,,,, .! ,, ,,,,, ., 1:"",,1 ( I.";,, , ;, I', ~o , , 1~!ltCllt. ~IC(II.C.lnos l"u\\'c r l'a na u .. . I ful nl \c lll ion . On \Je in o" 'lu e.li'lne u I lltI rrid E I' re,col i. J\ h u'L o f "II " ... i 111111 ': " 1,1<, ,, .· I: I: . ",I " "" \I, U"I''' __ :, '" 111 I AlOLA~ 8E ':'. . , 1' . 'l.. , ii' \1 /, ; ' 1 11 1111 01 " I "'. 1111'41' ,' p, , i I I II , ~ l" l ' I'::!'4. Tho Tr i,bun e '~ \ \1 . , hin!!l on ~r~cinl flS 10 Ih e cnrly cl. ~r llclC I i~ ' iCs, of II is 1 '~ll rn c liv e fe n lur~ s will h~ P"'s,.' " led , -' ; I' II I '" , 11 1. 0 1"" " ,, 01 I "" , .. I" d., . ·1 ,,, I II, LTV. , ET C. '1'1 L I' I M ' , - fi·1 I I 8UIl. I I~ I' c p ll~u ; 'lI:~V " \' Bn w 111m .ho\,\, :::> 2 II yell\'; I\v" c ')I"es :::>3; d IJ. :, ,,"0) ,II " .,';,', j, ' ,"" \. .. " I." -'!'''I '' . ,j ,, ' In I 611)'8 ; ,c ng I> I ' 1II lsl e r Inu s I le l' I,i s gril. wl ,e n a buy, LUI once, 'III d 11111 1 '5illl. Oeo. W. Chilli", 1'1Ii laJc lldlii\ ' ; """ ('" ,,,1 ,.,,,1 I ", . , .. 101 /"" ''' '' 1'' . :! '0 I nsbn g c in th o Pr c~ idll nL'8 AI ' I k . :. pnl) (' fl l ll" r ll l ' 111.1 1I 1', " d 1' 11 1" , !J .. , .Ip ' P essnge w us tfy ln g In nell ' a \' I~jOU9 evi L I, I ~ ••• _ .) li lt " ( 'd. ' ·j ll .. t,... I h a ll l" lId 1' 111 " 0 : ~ 1' 1 III ! IILOll t lito conuu CI of Grcnl Bril"in I' 11' 88 II lough .6 l-! lll, out tile eult Jl lld IU/' ~ '1'1 D J I I " : 11 ,, 11 •• ,. ,~ " I" I """ 1i" :I.. ,,, .\: ~ .". I •• ;1, ,, III I A r,omr lele aRs .. r'lIl r ll l 0 1 t.J ' I J ' su 1 ', tJ..J ,e ayton ufU"Ur ...· J101I S l IRt ,( \11 111 :.:.,, 1.1 '1111 111 1,1" .. , l ' LIII' II •• ~ " ' I lo 1'\ 1 \Il1ng l llJ\Var rll lle r ~plcey. bUlu oes / ITt'Ultr. , . I\maltwRSlln eS I~dat'!'roy 011 ' 811111\" 1'1i" "'II ' ''' h,' •. ''u'' '' I''~ I''.'', ;\ ' 0 1~', I Gl'lTE:'II1S A 'NI)S'l 'l f )lI'S I Jl ul ue ll c l' e It will Ic nd to lin )' uad feel· -- Llld v 111 c resfI Lewl ~ . the sec ond 1(111), Illst wh o it i ~ c:llillled is Ihe IIl ur . " ""') \."1' I,' ~,'" 1"1" ~ "I" " '. "'" &. ;, '" '~ " l2..t J • . , ., \) . I' " I 'I '" ~ ~ , 'C a to ~I HAIR-OILS, ill :; bc lw t c n Ihe two 1I 0 I'el'n lfl e nl ~ . wi lcl' l' Ihc lllie bi r t, eu r ~e Uo rllll' :11I J " l c r uf th e Itou"" I,"nil y n\ Lc b l\\I" \\' \ ';! " "U I '\.oI" ~, I " Il,,, ~ .. , . .11 ,. I" , wl ' I" II} ' I '1 ' . t II ' 1 I I\ Le wiS (her li r. lltubUI\\)U 1>llving be" " \ \II b\ -.ill\"'· . h wil\ b~ n:e oll ~clcJ J oh n J IIIII1, 1", •• 01 ~ " l oI I~' ''b ' ·110, I" : . t" +'1"' (\~ " II u 16 ' renc I " 11l\ ~ cr ,Ill,S L'III M'n 1 I I fir 'I 10' 11,1 ~" i " I " ;,,, " ~ ''''''' I nil,'" ;{ I., In I .... ... ..... .. ' I C" , . r 1 11 ' 1 .' 151. r. lU ml\ S H l: Ol'Y L '\s Ie r. ) no d tl 'c \V . It uvs a, lit.! a'n ( u I \C an) 1 y. all I 111 1\1 ( '1.111 11 11111 UI .711 111 I ,d H ~,,: '4 :11 " 111 t ,e 1\ Hlm llllu." u l ,e (1 '" 00 ( OUllln C' : IH o{ L', rd U ,u t' llilon, llt ~ new !Ur"\ iIl SIIII C mil". W'I S lilot Il ieu fo r Ihe IlIl1 r· ; :,' ''1,,'1. I ;,,,,,,, ' J. ',,,-In . 1'1. " ;' " 1'1 Th p. bc£1 ~lI a l ily or us pUI (uril l III th o Dl ess\lg ~, wil l Jl ut : clgn secrelll l )" Ill ed \(' c~ lItly III L un · d e l', li nd :tfl luill cJ. l' litre is " ,id lu b,. :..111111. « . I",: ,.. : ' '' ',1,,'' "",, 1. h " I~ (Ha nu in Ih e II It y of !I Ilac ilic sol ulion JU II. 11,·1' lu, s hilS ClIlI st'd UlOI'O )'('g I'CI no d o ubl " I iI,,: IIlIlI1 IIOW IIrJ'(:. lc d. ,-, I"U · d· 1.,,,1 ,, . ' ,I. " '''~ . ''''Y' , 1" I., I., fJ 11 I ~""" r LSI UI v .1 ~ Jl.J~.u I 1)1111 . I I" i. " j l. II I \ I 1 ' 1 I ~ 1/1 , II of 11 '0 (\ut SliI)IIS now I", "di ll" Lel wee n in lite l , if.( h ~ l· sllciAI 11111\ inl c l\ ecl uld .-~ ... -~ :,\I, I " I' I. "... . . ' ,1 :,,, 1;.: '::":';"' . : 11 '" .\ wcl l-se leCleu Asso rlmellt of II.l' I;r.ST o · I so f I~' n g Illl\l.u I f \V IIICI ' I I' ~ r (· .'IlrJI · I () ..) - n " v . 13.B " d ~ll .wh u Iill s f,, 1' n 1" ' " U ·~"ldl""· '·I:' ·""'I".I " . r., ,,(.. 'I",,' I'''v' r (,' l'r1 I I('m c~ 'I '1" ..fl 'l,1 I\" I' ~ ' \\· r'lf . '1\. 1:-'1', " 1' IClle.' I ,,• · d '" I l lcunlt~ •., ta . e8Rllu ' If\n cc . I or d 'IlIflr)' co nn· rs."lI. lI na I power ' " ul .',r .."c .uu·'I,lvul IIl :HIe ' IIl1m be r of YI·ll rs n~' I. rebid ,. d 11t' le 'I> ,1)() I ~!..', dd ·, itll li·I" "" _,,.I,II, .,II . , . . . 1" I ~ , J Iv" II"• ", I,".__'! , d . f::. \'c rll I flIm l I1~9 0 f neg roes . \V 1,0 oc · . IIr l' '.'"l· u f l I' e c I' It: f orn nm . nls. Ladv i 1' 1I ~ l o r of ti l" Ihpt li; \ COI1l! l' t gall tl ll .I ." s }j 1111., O Il U "h ~ " l d.,. l""· ' "IJ.,J " , ... wl' ;; .. ;,J ." (, .~ "I'I" ":. ,,,~ "I''' , "I" 1111" h ' J \"III I cupie ~ nn oul ho u50 Ull lhe plll"o o f , Lt WI S IV '," lin IIcc omph , licd '~ o rn " I~ . of i n:<ig ll l' u hi .. clllll !!e lind It: III 11\'",) lu ,I \1 11 '1. " " .1" ". 1",. I. ''' ''' " ,d" , ". I', I,' :,1, S Mrs. Ytlung, in C.II·fUll county . Mi ssis . l e l\ ~ rs. ll ~ r IIIlt', st " 'Il l'll WIIS nil ,·dl ll ul, 11 ,, 1\'l')' ~ t. lIl'g . R e y. ~Jr . f.:1.igl , il.t! I,u > ', U'JO' d'•• , /' " ,1 ","I , ;" ,. I,,, . , , I' 'c t. , ,It) I • • "\. o 1 I ' uf l ll~ fnn,ous 1I11.81.1~rry' ~ !Jl ll r)·. re_ um,·,1 ll ,c "IISlli l'lIle o f t il" COII "I' ~I,· .. ... T. ,'0 1/ (; ,\ \ ' (;\1 ·1 1'\ '<' CO . I I'i Bl rp', Uu( R tU nCe flO m e lim e U:J() , I ' " ~ ~. ~ .: UI" Jllt ! I\' II,1 , ,\ "" \' lJl k . e:>'lt l l.~ I\' 4' III U IlIl f. lIl UI'II' I II b " ! hc Ik m ld It 'Vnsitllllrl ond"IHtlch g'nllO lI Ifl I II~ sle nd. As a r,lI lz n /lilt! ",,\ II,,,,, II " ~. , 0( 1"," ',1 ,01 ,I.., I . ,, "i ll~ ,.. ,01 "" .. , · I f I WI' IIC I, on o 0 ,e llPgrocs eCf) mln g III ' I . '" . . 1 II 1 II' t 1tlt:GUI'F Y' S & WILSON' S SERIES, • sa y M : A \' lle l'l ('ct: IVt' d hl". e fr o Ol Lon, l cli n s t Hul ge ntil' Ol nn, Wt~psll'l' n lt. d ~l r. 1.1 " ' 11 11 , ;" " .. 1,\ t ~l d IIl d " 'I Hll d JII\'·"·Y . I "' . I l oxII' nled, n figh l en ~ u ~ d. lind stY e l'll l ~ d o n S.I.! ,· "lts of Iho tll'livlIl lit t l' ~ o f D t: u~1I HI .V IIIll ch " lind can "U I ' (' !! "" I ., ,,,"~ I.. ""' 11'". " 11"' 11' I""i ".· . III .... " "Ii ",I , " &c, . &c. , &c. I " ._ 1\lII , t, hh \I' I',", j! \'.d II jl" ll u l " I' lJ l l j IIt SHI . , ()I 011 binJ . nlwuys fl nhnll". gu ns wer e fired, a ball pll B ~ in g tbrou g h Ul' orl!C N , S~,,,l c r s , lind of his vi sililll; 1 hi s, l ~ m "\' 111 frll lll our, illll " c.- il'it · ,, \o i·, , I., , I... "' ;; III",i.. ", ".:\ .. ''' ''~; Mrs. YOUIl" 'S hou sl! . 0 0 b8 IUl'd a)· lsev c I'HI impurtnnl I" ' \, sons whoso IIC , 1/<;lIgl.l>lI l~f/nr{,{;rull , 0 , (·., llIi""I.'. '.''' '''''' ': .,,, .·10 "!' ,id ,· " ,, 0\ i:, "" I", A fillc lJ seu rllllelll vI o , . I J l I . lll l p l .tfld IIlSI/.tlldI.U HI .. " t' .III1 c!\\I.)lIlIl \ . d! n igl lt.X a " ,lU ber 2 li,lito n ~g rOfs pro· q: l lI lIllnl\ c e. l e m:~ C "', ll fl IC. \~IISU : ::i _ .- .. .. O"." I' I" . • ' ""I"I"" ~'" I11." " ' I " I " ."11 I I \l\IIl~ nOlI d . ns , L ,"I> ul du r;ng lll'rcc S IIUIUIlII SII'II IIO II. ~ Mil so n And D ixolI's line \\' 11 "") , 01" " ,. 'I II "I "1 ,1 ,,' ~ ')I, "I' , ~i 1 • U I flV ' IIO't > 1 1I1 ~' . II ,c r . lin ce , ng'" l \1 ' f d I \. I S I 'n 'r l" ' ~)I '1' )" 1' 1)0 t 'I \) 111 o nn e t ",se p erso n~ tu at wl ,e n 11(, nll lll l' g il' tn to 11,l' buunuary he l\\',. AL." ,1.1 :" ( .11 ,I ( ., . 1. 1. \1 ; LA.N'I·'EI'}~ S ~C I· I I W lie 1110 IIl!lghLo rs VAinly rlllIlon straL· Ito wne se nl b Jdl' Da~i I nt' 1" 1 I r I ' .1 \ . ~n I-: At' II , ,,,,10 .. ,, , " ',,;.' rd In . "1,,,·, J. ' \ 1. , ,~ ! areflllly ·und Promptly }l'illod. d \ VI tl " . I y. s 0 g o la e l' I\" <y VRllla nnu l\[ary lll lld III1J VII" On ,·.·...·i" . "illlo' """' ,Ii .,,',. ' " " 1\'111 .,.,' .. h." e. le n ,elr W e rrtOl ~ nt WIIS RI ii S . wilh Nnpo l ~on lo r th e recog nil itln o( gi ltill . nnd IVhic" IV liS mn in l ' 1'1111 IJ\' i)"" H I''' :;',i,, ~ ''1 I,,,,,. ,.. .. I (It;" i, i ,, ; 1r"',, ' CffI~li\'EtTS Lfig hl,lhe h ou~ewns surrounded, 8et ' lh o oUlhern Con ("dvrHl' Y it o \fas nc- (' hall,·s ~Ja"on n d J . D " . " pli.. " l" . . .. tI Ihc ,1"11,"" ,,,,1 ,,, ,,. 1I,~ ''''1,"" , . 1 · 1 .. Old D1'U!!-Slo1'C, . (; ' I lu ' . " " I I E' ' " t1 t:r~IUUll IXOIl, 01' II lI l l ' II I'I' IIII ~ i' I''' 11111)' . hll- u h l u ill n ( ;,d d on lirr l nnd g Ullrds sllll one d lit the 01, C III 0 IIlll r~ I ~ IY ~ Vi II I li e . m pH , Iwo Engli sh surveyors . II·Hld,. 1)""1",, ..1 Hi ll ~, Ill' " ")' . ", 01 .1 "1\',,1. , 1\ I d oor 10 rl'vc ut CSCR e li nd fi · or. li nd 111111 Ih~ I1'ov.M lon of Mcxlco W:" -. _._~____ "" ~Il" Ii" 10, ,· 0 ". Poll .. , . ,,,,,I ill n" '·H . C ('f, '11 , " 'lIynes l'i1ie, Ohio. p. P, \e ne, und l!l'lll k,·" ill 1'11I" " 'l lI l: e of Il plH II Ilr l'n I ' '1'1,,: ",II"' ni;" '"'' III ill "'.'folhn rn lum .. 0' Ih ,,), I!; " ( I: , : Ih.",.." ''''. ", ,, ,,h . ."'. IIIt·" -S tiC H A _ I PO S 'Ii _ 0 FIt' 1 C'E g rocs Wil la bu rn et!l o d ell tl,. O newII9 ng rc (' d UpOIl I 1 ' 1 II E . ,I I"., •. I .... II . l .... I;: h"u.ol J'; .", · y ,, '~. ,)lr. I" : 're " o " ''' . I ''II .' '' '~. II,~' 1'1'1 1" ' 01 [u' I!" "" , Fl ' E CU'l ' oonN Eft . tih t aCte f I ,. - ' . . 1 ' " ur W IIC 1 . 11l II1Jl ! Ol' ~ rI" I I'"I ,, " """' ''' Iu 1"'1....,.,,' 1,,"1l"0I ' 1" '''" '. " ". lull uw>l- OI.,. 'OJr ~, .".," !, : fil' fl lor $ 1; J 93 f o r escllpmg 1001 I Ie house. lind In s l ~ lll 0 11 l~ , 'Il g 6tc ure,l ,1\ POSStS.IOIl , :,IIOI rol l"lo: " 1'1, ..., "PI""'" "i,), of I~'.k."g" pruli I 'I ~'\'e" (".r 2 : 111Il'1 .1 I'" $ ,,: "'" h pie!,,,,, ' I"·... AND PT. . UG. line ~ -l.t nfte r"' anJ ILrown buck into II e fl a mes of :Sunol'll, Ill ol a, I1l1d L ower Cl\lj~ IIhl. 'OIl " I" ,elll. Ii , eMI n ,re ... 11 he ,,", ' ry,·" """111 .: .ox'.' ·fI, . 101', I U. ""h \'0 11"" ""e Ii" OI ' CI GARS A;'IoT n J r . , n in Int! or .. 1,\. I hf'1I1 III IIcI~" l illr,.. Brl i cip o r d erHI. whI c h (h't,'tI fo r '14, Illul hnntJ iltJ UlC }lit S_I t o t il t: g£: t . ../., Tho e wh o (ol'eell Lheir "'B1 p nst Ihe l d ' , ~ r ~ , relll on.slrl\tt: d, and olre r- I ,vi ll IJ" , lll,"~ .. hl~"in 'he IlI il,.o SI,,'I... _ l ..... ul'0 ( Ihcelult. SNU FF g UIII'J /i look rcfu ' Id . ' Ie mu ch gil al r IflJucc rn ents IllIIn From our k"o .. Io',lgll 01 Ihe 6"". W P 'Hu 8' ur· B.:? A~ell\ s wllnted e"", },wher(' 10 . • In nu 0 Ml)lhud j~ t ~f cxicu, Lut llio EIIIlltro r was obdu. ",I Ihry ·fill,,, . hill ' l'n e, .••y I'D rr ; 'ul" r, 111111 '~'l l wh"", ,,,"c;al j"tI"n Ill."I , "" e ull .pd . Ad~lrr., BLACKING, church , W•• lell " :Is nl£O b4rned. r t on. jJ:t\r,,'"Z.'O" ,lh r"'. _... 11 .""1' • &" I 'h ... ~ I T. & II . (: \l ' (: HA ill &. ('0 I / BI .. ACKIN'';.BRU' lE 01 a 1"'''"1 mftlly kinde ·.nd in ):uge qUill. • at o. UI II'C;Hln, \ \o •.\hllu n r. J reU~'·.'·k t ;\\ 1'_ " 3 .. 1 \1\ K ' d . , Illl",nrt er" ,. . ~ Sl S, \ill e~, rur 8nlp It, - . ,11 r08 ""! . '\f\1 \ ork . E TC .• E 'I' !.! . :!HO \ 1..1''':':;111\ i\ l u ·il'
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I r In 1,,' :II::"II: O PEN' \\'U' .\ NlA ( E ~TJUL ~~ ~~~~ ~ii~~II(I!I~ii , tl lo 0 1 II1IrCI~ U (t. I· se lli ng liquor. 0' r~ ... tl.ly .. flll'" " " viII!! 6 11Ir" I' ~,1 .1' ,,"I ~ Ih'l l!. We (lIe Lil l l'Y 10 L" IIbl ' 10 stil le yeur" \\ HI, 1/ ~e v ] Jo a blfJ 'l'l'm·1;. Ro ule ~ rt: lun)! uO"Clill lI, all ,l ""]'11 ' If / IJ/I j ' A/rRO JD I . I lhaldr<. n tld l ~ ~u ~ t' ,c') n '\J u'P lill n_i. DIIX J; J ., \ U " 10,lf ~ ' H, t lllt LIi, liJSS CAll wellC be re o· l 10US . . , . . . Ffi, ~ hI IlI nkl' klt U lV1l to li ld Idl ulV sun ~'r~ ~ ....,... l 'lTT"13 'n TO 1'1ll \\", nn. '1'11.1.'. (":011 \\' 1 HATlON ). ,111 1r('d, al l l,o ugir nl Ill e COF( of c o n ~ i tl ' l r~ ,"l ol '"""II' M LADEL P lI lA.! tu rp . W , " , 1 1\ ' ·tl, II E. 0 III 0 '/'IILle III l1('l' , ti m e anJ l" ul) r find " :,, 1 u .-" \\ "1.1 ,I e'; i"'. if! he w ill "NH) 11 TIUINS I>A 61' W AUU UUl ),U. I . ' . ' I he \ \le I, " rlh ' 1c"p), ul Ille pr('''Crll, lIo n tl el',l (Ir~ c (I ' h DP on hnn ', !!!J l 1': Xl' r N~ , ,i n ple ndld BFdO rllll cn t l..~~ A. M.... Rf t: mu c I ollotlll(c n If l ids Ul oJs L o u tc'" , ~llIlfl"} "'.il -"':j..,e 1111,1 il. li II, · dirpcl lvlo:l f'J r p r cJlll r~ IJHOAD CtOT II " , 1I , .. i ll ll ll ll l': ~p rc ss , . r'UIHI'" illl1 (.. rill " ill"'r Ihe ,1 1" rI, '" lI r 7~ A. m.- l,; 'O IlS l'cCu r ellce w il! II ol ue th e s ig li RI '!'g 1111 U "' II:: Il'e S'II: lr, w hH , Ih,·y w ill I ,Ii 1111,1 A,'ru m , CA · ~j ~H; l tE~. I I "... Ii'n. ,I. 'I rYr s u e). I \ C l usuue ,iI "~ 11lhl r"lI ' .' I" I' loil,,,I,·I,,I'; •. ~'" y " ,~ . , n Ull l. n s t C\" l l" y j" 1cl uo r hllu B . II I~l1 re ('1I•ro lo r " ." ri lJlllpl,o nI 1\• "1111 ' •• j' "II I IIS , \ ,(, .. 111" \· J..I.~-:"o..1 " ·l' l "("r i=' " fj~ . P..lI. 1111, 11 0 1,,11 I II ti l "I " ,,, ,· u,··1 I '. l'" \\. Itl" I', .::.~ . t""I I I II UIH ' : I l l::, COUg! IP, CU ltl d,&.r. to. I Ir ~ 01. ' 1'1It ' ' . -LlIrg I: ~""'~:I, 'l' he 01 '_ !l,U :! I'. M. T H l ~ r ~11X'(;-' , lh' al~ r In \\ IIr r e n C u. n8 w ill dlil' o ' :' "bjl'~ 1 1.11 ' hc' ud l' c rl i,.: r III Ir:l \' cll'r lO b)' \\ ill! nliditil'I H'.f' 1"('l v " I'HII "I'II.I,,,!! II" , 11l ." S' 1\l:- rIl'AH D U(l C:W. ~"roJ C"tl l1l" ' li ll n, Ill;!' , "1"" d " i'I,'I'I'Ti'e" 11 llr" 111 li nd Ib"irllc c u rSl:d II j, rn C [1001 OUI' I reM' '' IH'" 11 I. Il' b " II ~fill"C " llI ld ,'d. " lid & c" \Vh ir" hr ma ll u l _ c I Urf~ oCf',\ rt!i llg 10 _/t' I), , 1l,,,1 He .·y "I'I' I"' "r~ 1"""0)111 ['''1 llliJ s l. ' I" p., ~," u. , " r" rm Blio li w id ,'." Ilc C u ll Cfl\'l' ~ I.. ' he LATE::; • • 111 11 ( 1 J ('I' ,i ll l ' l ... lu .\. :\1. * '!' /1 ,,11 " ,. 11 ~l·l'r\l f'lrr r, 1. I\ ,'w 0",1 "I")!;II " Ct n (' of o n l' U( 111 \ I • __ . _ . _ _ __ • (. 0 l~ lIU I) Il"' i un J I I Po Il u lw ~ t! Vt' l v ~ lItr· .' , I 1·;, :,,,,,, , ';'.~: I A. ,\I . It ,' , IT \\ ' t l c: h 'us 0 1 .. I 1 ~J II Plt :'''l'lt ;.:r r (' Ilr~, lur till\' IIlId I lhrlll ~f· r \l1 1 I. I ,' r"r \\"lI lr )' /r ,a r~ m e u)' , Ud il · 1'. '1111.11 .11"''''". , • ... . • ,, "I e<>' • .... l I 'H I A M 1"' ll l" 1 " 1\,, 1 II J' o ry lill I " ,,',·e lll l.l' 1" " '11 /l uded 1" the ('qilill . . e x re u Ih e m " 'Hlli Ii O u"d ' .I . ' I ~ I IN I II.' 8~, Of !!> . ' " • .1I,1, ,' rg '. XI'"·'-. ' I .. . n\ fl y prove 8 Il Il'g,,"~ :1.~ 1 ) I' ~I. 1(" ,'e lela l ), 0 1 1(> 'I\ I'Y, IS nnd ol 10 lhe ull ltl CU P " rl lt' 1111' S w"l 11 1 II d I " Ihe g thu 1" ""'''y IIrl'Sc lI'"";1I Le ll :ru l H II'" .lc! lIl1Ull E ~I" ' t' '1 " > <, I ~" ,, U) ci r il I II LUllbl 1\ 1 I ' 11,' 11 t ll'll ty U" I·.. I .. , -- " , ;\1. Il I" o<h "' ,I,l r,' : :0' , () Il~ of " ur li p 'u" \\1 1 tp n ~c" LOWE ST PO SS IBLE PRI CE S . r" " .. \,' P ll l l; l q Jr!!'.lroi rl~ fr nll1 Ih e \ \·e~t lJ " 1",1 . I" p. - - - .-.. . rt ll1 (; 411.1 t' r S !I \'t· ... \\ fire i. H LI' . J:: U W A R D A. WI I.~ O N, \\'. 11 . t'L I .I\I I.: NT, Pr t'"siur nr. ' me n l o r 1 0:.~...,.. P" en",., tl l e ndvr n ldc tilT( d I" II,e l : , " ' II f) "I'" 1 II I", ,,· 1' ... . ,.11 . I h ~ ' I,e ll? d"ll ur Je ~~' \\"I 11 lltltl t i e N .~ , The Cutli ng 11 " 1" "1111<'11( ISb 'lr ,dt . l Li d s fl ll Uther. \ '. 1'1 1 c rCU fY, ar I r:o nrc t r <l l l:d r-' rrl~d 1111h" 'r r lli ,b.d l l l", \\ ' ltI'l '\\· .\h P, ,sup' , . )\.'1 n gR ( ...U"tility ' . 1 " "l1J c rlh c 6 u r e r vi6 1,,"ul l "U l P ~c('II " II II'::l' ' l\ II I1:o1 \I\'oIlli l l C·,\ I . \ \·Af LAlli .H, I\ gl'll t. ( ' I'Hlral H lld \ \ il \' , \\ 111111 1 \ \' C I18 \ e n uo ., p t(' u.• I I S-3m . New Yur ~ . I,' ""e 1" ;l>b ll'lI ,, " J IIrri\ e ul ol he r IlI,illl" ' ,\ 1.1 ..lVnl & ~ I II . I.", L'.tprr s$ A9 f!1/S. UI1. II . ANIlEI t S' IOUI NE \\' ,\'1'1 ' 11 T. T . [) 0 D S O N , jnllnic~. lIS lull" ,,: : I II A~ ~ , ·l i ·I·Yl'lIj," . I.J"' / ' I All lur o.luO Dlc n ~ 5 Co v c r}' . A f u) : g rlt III \ V lOt in his H,, (' , 18 gt'n ~ r ll\ ~ y Dc l\uo\\ 1~ ~O Il n\' L '(t' H.~'- I." "Vf'8 P i; l, hllr" nl :.\. \ by 8ul 0 ul 75.uu u A . 1\1 , ~ I u l'\l i ll !l ut \l '\he, \,,, ' R~t\ \hl l\ ~ o f Jud I/ Ie III e llct. o un c e 0 ' \\'"I ~ r t.I I !S !oou I· eLlgf' d H t u bt! "" d lun l 0 8 11 1 "' h lr ! . 1\1 .; 1,,' r,' ,d,' nec a! . " u "I' '1'11 0 11 1(18 C or· r cd wi l h') ul n ~ lJ "fnYI' ~ tt \ "\h ,n l" ' ''' u \ 7 2.;' A 1\\ 'r y l v e lll! '1''' 0 1I1O·.~ p Ll W. \)n r N t.: ' ItEA DY - M A 1>E .cL O TH1 N4a 1.I ~ " , t: I\· I S/I DA r WIIS dul y o L s ~ rv ' , lil li , ' " 1. ~1~ "I1 I1 " , 0 11 IlIe". \ ''''' c ~ ~ :l A. M , I \\ o Il C! " I> \ C IO· 3:.! A. M -. {I\' . l) e" Pllllier '('rrul v' tll l'lG i,, :.r a ge nt ." J " ' . loo c. , ive T he nrl iole ll 01 . " I dC (' . II ' 'I lo rn e q""" 1111"' IIlV 5 , lIy It , I. (l ,. I.l' lJ "urU 1>, n" d e lr " '"'' U :-.'lll c .. s wa s € ll QP c n. I C' 'l ll .d ily ftr.,1 l. ll l l; 11 " " "11 I:) '! I I' . :11 . 1 I ]'" "sll1""l fr UII I I u p I" k,IU"" • . "o l ,.r uun . I I . .., • . C~ h_rl,'s : ~I 7 5 UUU ~ lo;7U II · III , euUl. t J' " u c .. r ""luI y\ p.of . , ll i, e",h\'il}' . ~ S'i I ll fl llpplJ' . . I UI' I ' II rflI1 PC' uf ( l I h' l lIl1l1ll , fln J l\11 t48 C urn e Rh eufUoli h tJ 1Il e llJ ' I , I'' 1.lltll or,...!h 3 U !'fIl , C u tu umpuun , "H.I tnun y fllld JI'11 Il' S(' I \ 'lC: \.1 WIl S liclJ lu Lil e It . CO n r\ , ill, ,'\' f ' \\ I JI I ' 1:111 0 :'", il l t ' / l l dt-U I . ' vr L · lhan u li . r tl rle , ri a :\1 ~ i' lI f l' \\ It, tl ! 10 3.i p .) r , 1' /,,1 Ci lrlJll ic oliU ll f're d il8l Y D ISPtl 8 ("N . II r ~ \ r 'IIC 'JIt 't-: , S t' \ . i o g JoI , J) 1" I t' rrll l l1 t d II I fT llIllI l UIII l I, t' r rIl U I!I , j" 1I L'I, u lIl, in Ih e ril l " "Uull. Ild t1JI'J I I IJ! Il l ;) ..J -J J}, ~ r. . IIl1 d 'Nt.' w r udi ~I ' '''' , :-4" ll d ~ il \' t' r rt-'l .. ur ed by 11 8 U' '' , " " Ih uli ti ll"J . 01111 11'6,iI ). or Ill . hUlI,e liS Ull f' ." 1 II,. /ir._1 ...•.••II c~;;;p •.• · II(! J'"1.',,· IIO"I~ . \, ·_.1 ' / , " d l-',orl1_, PIC. , t' l e . , l~ l rc ul " r . se lll ""e . Pri c e,;iS 1 I'e r " ulll ·' , D ,,01l l')' 11 1111 lo, s US,I SI"" I. " r h-" . .~I r . " ,' P lli lodd"I,I " , 11 1 10 J7 I' :\1 . w ...... " III ~ pur c " U ... «.1:'\ 1 1 :'\;\ ,~ 'I'l I'.\ .. IHtJ B:; I u Ifl ve ' P J n . ~ C - I ,v lI o r G to r fi v e I! U ! : ' If t' , l I"" 111ft I) Ie \ ' ps Pi t I AIHl r " ' " ,r" " 1""u 011 b . II I .s jO A ,\ l, ~ III P PI IlH It t 1 1(~ (j rl y o il ,.til.. J uJ J P t l Util'to . 1'/ JD R. II. A N IlI ': !{ S & Co , PI '}" iei " " .. , .,~ g Entin, Sat is !,·t CII·Oll. "" I 0 11 1.' 11 h y \VB" f\ lII' h ~ IIl c r i· I II Jl I- . '1J \ 1I ~ lll' t t I . ..J' 0" P. :\1., II Hrri 111 1 ( ' Ia(tllll h I H, ~J2 d UrOIIU WOY. N cw. \'or :-uu r 1ol I" n- ) :::;, "' , r r \\' " I('/Il' c. • k, C'II i 111,1'1, t' . " l j 01·' IHIII l ire IlI r;;e ll um Le r I ,,'I ,rll l · ·tl 1" .. I,e l, 1' . ;'I I.). I. , 1)IUIl n rlh i ll,!! " ' 1 u~ P l\ l l uUC! II I,ldu Ul .., u u l (j •'j III I ~.. g r\.. . li t va l l i".'" .. .. II •• g e ne I' D y. 1I 11 J l' x alu i n e bl o c h nu d pri Cf"R. $ 1 25 @ I 35 -; :J.tJO ( J ') Ani. It l\! 'tI r"", I lu 7 J OOU u r~ I it c ' lu l,1 B ot rll t! tu d ~ 1 h'C " 70 ' I.\l L T n .\I~ - I. "II I·rs P ill .III " !! nl II .It) (J ll i s 1') et! .'"~' cl'. I' C,; 3u MILLl ~ EnY .\ , .\1 !'-I II P JIIlI g II I 11(>l trl y 11 11 ,.\lI l lt111:"1 _ o<'"l 11 ." kv 'cl :\~urrti5clllcnt!3. ul tll l' be IS l a l.;..- u O\ l t " I 00 .\ !l oli llot ti II:J J' \J • n rl'l\ "I t: n l ll a r n,..l.lI r u "; ( 1) I- t n t! ' Il:': Cur ll " I t) U ~ ~.j 60 II I I :.~ :1 :J ,\ . j\f , Hll d P !I ! l u iJ c lp!'I !' II I 7 .10' p rll ,; e REM OVA L. F I.. u I' 1') bnrr e I. 0 1 PIJ .. t n~ , C ') 25 1I"nlll1 ;; lilt: :Sic '. b y Ih t! Lllyin;; 011 or ,I. 11 . F II.j ~H ~ I (' W I ., IIlI d II,e J Il I,' lc o r II Illld •• 4 all ._ I" ro r l (,f il il' 'l'ca cl,,' rs ' i lls l i. 1' 1I 11. .;nJ I I' HL\ 1: .· I ' I: I 5IS . - L(\a \' P~ P ll t:J H,.lI e r t ' ::.. W illi ll ie n ll lll he r 'til 30 b tlr:,: II : :{ :J :} lJ. l\ 1 ~ :-- 1 \lp P l fl~ O l d)' ;It I rl ! . f:~ lll t o Ihe ,· ell ll ;;" h, [ \\ e ,.(" bUL h o pe il 1. .. rd 1,1 It, I, u ltl e r ..,. f H " v i ll g rPlll o\'c d Iler :I( ,II1l lerv E.· " ' I' ld ~l a : II J l lb . .'\ rr l \l~::oj III L 't l ( tl l'f'::) .to I )' ( I f h o d t'l'Iil (> ~ h ' rH . E !! :.:~ i J ulJ7. pn, :..; " " " ,le d "' in l im e fo r our or·x l. 211 . I' ~ ' , .'\ ll u' ''"1 a 10 I' )J . 11 ,,, , ,,,1 ,,",, ".I ~ Oil I' r l:o ' pl 0 1 t w .. l ubli . hn,e lll 10 Ih e l' u l " I IJ"~ '0 lIu. hcl, Of Phlla.d o d o 11, elphia , IiO :1 1'1\ tll .' 1 tl 'l' m Cl· ! ill e: ~ w ~ r c of u n · I ,\ :\1. , II dl t ll Jl ll f C" i ,\ ;\1 " ~t'\\' y " , k.- \ 111 1 Dr ie d A I'P '' ed iJl lb 11 t Ill 1llIlIIbt'r uu l l l<-' N.W, cornel' of 10 ('\ I :! ~ Main & Tyler st s" Hus I"h ell rool1l s 01 .-\ Ih lle e r!'s lll" it!pn ce of "11, lOA ~I.. I" "I ,,,~ .'II " "'" ,., -; . 10 . • 1,,,,,1 .1 be IIl1lllb e re u [, (,I '; d, ll " . V uuze ll, ll ,e OCl'I1I-IO Il eml ' 300 I \\' ouI J IIdurm ir e r 1IlIl!ll' r OIi S · p" lr OIl . IIl1 d A.I\ I • /li id NI ' \\' Y u rl', \ I II 1.lllludl' lph ! I , ii i (/1 0 111 0 111 1 he ~ (;,, 11;'" 'lJ Jt, o r fJ u l J " . I. ,:ii) ing 10 1111 ·J IICC IIl Ct.!. 38 "f..J~ 0 ~ II i ll,,' jll1 lJ lic Ih ll l . h e is pr ppa,,· " IU du ull I :! or:. t'. ,)1 SI £' ('\ QIIC ( 'I tr :-: r li ll IIlf(Hlt'it 0 11 bt' I Pd :"00 . I{ \ \ ' Itl b e I\ cw O r :~ oll $ S "!!D r liJ ([, s 17 @ 22 'I'll"'" !!ill'eel , " ' lIYllc!> Vllle, 0 I I II ~ tfai ll Il lJ, n P lll .. h l1 r a- I n B ,d l ll lt lJ~" h ilt! I ~~' d I' ll V II f ur c \ N .. 1) , l\I Ui<" dCS 'i" 0< 011011, d" >! crip l ,ulI ; of ;\) r1 hn e ry . tiuc h "~ I e r) I 35 l 'li d ,.de ., l!, -II l \ ,,' " O\ ,Tlms. -J'I w"c wlr u llI BLEA lI, {l u I ' u Ne ll' Y" r l"v lli .\ ~ I "Il ' •. ,.0110 1I !'I ' l'! ~, Co,1i 0 ,1 'c) !r ulle,,,, " C lllN ( ~ . I 10 WH E RE liE WILL l l) w n . I (J:"~;- J\ I I Pr r cefo i"' j'l I l' HEti 'I ~ G , "tI Iv <I,i. Ill . II l' y - IIUJ \1110 iS F AST J. I ~ I : - L pn\' Ii P IIt .. hu r!! fit 10 "L.,·!'. lI u t Idell t\" Heal the Sick for Two Weeks , } l) tI , ~' 'f£lDIII II N G &; SPEC U I. 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"lid 1111 wl ,o er~ • J) ' " tl ,e uili olued wi,,,,, ,'xlI' nJr J, ~I , ti " T " rr y , In r II , \ \' Il(' l it e f i!. t ' e " " jl ~ d " <1 l" 11 .'1,,,1/ ,,1 ' 1 L 1'lr'I ,HI , :S1l1/,IU'/' ' .tT" lill'{/ I\lI d ll I:; lu r lIur i nl \v h e .. 111'\ I f c(' lIoll . or 'lfl IlIc"l'" ble cU lid ili on uf cl:llr~· o yon ce . e l "u ll , I" "1 l' IILi "II v, ,, " lu pl ~ lI s e 1\111 l' n s ll "~ 'l ' l clil' l l ' 1 I l lr r1I1 ,' I n B I J.: f P II hy OIJII\ U f nod ~ (' 1td ou t o ur fi LUll :! Ui~(' nM', - - - - - - - . - n (, P !lljll' l ull et! U I 111l' HU IH C , :-:111 11 11 . pU IS \l nn l 10 ,1 n ll e I r lli J. I).;a t 11l; 1"'ls g Ul,l J u n fl ll\ ui I I . .. ' ~ tll,jill l! IIl' P t Id orn.N " tl ~ Rli, t: LT. lJ Il le pu b l \\. ay lI i'tl vil le, O cl. II. Il l , al "llI p' (' d 10 I" c l ll l' e at Ih e IIi ·2m t-)u tl lJ d I J II P ~, F AH J': 10 ld l ,t lll il id IJO lu w (' r L'uses ll u r s:J/e Ei . niH'" N'S IUtoNl .'UIAI. ·I' It()(;IIr.~ \\'"dll t sJ" ,Y c _c n ing ; bll ~ so m e .., . .•..rir_"'·"i""'l· _.\ - "---, ' C •_/ I,' , 11$ Ihv ill ll' P dir ecl influ e uc e un Ihe pnrt _, • DEALE RS 1:-; 1'lI'cd un),". u r y o un~ m e n. II I !;i \ B l11l1ll c tliule TO' I! ,, !. lin " iglot Irll i" " II) P h il.. ,)' .. , 1\ ,, 11' )'" rI, For Brun . c /IIII \ . ., ~. S i nllin " o f l i lu me ~ till (" tl ll'c W I' :\ t.o lhlllil. C llturrh. I CU li s umptive 11 1.(..1 rr l lHHtl ""f! jj ,' "IlII " ... ·. lI "~g"ge c loccl. e,1 lhr o ugh U ,''' " ICCl' Ipt o ( ~ 5 (, "' . . " 'I ' U , s e"se ~ , Trucllee tir e use d " 1111 UIIVII} " II I rlllu.. : t. rt l ' tl l rt 'l' ~ ~::I I I1IfI " S tIl Jll tl CII CP, p o ti t a o f c ap sl c unl lolo L 10 8loV ~ J ~oo d s u c c eti ~ . SIlI r&:i) ) lok e IIII S mPlh od of ill fll rmill !! lI dTile P CI" " ) I\' ",,ill :..t"p r s an d ~ p clI l' ~ C o. will Vil e lI u li e u . , ~ .. AND f m~' fl it! ! 1\ (1 (l U:-I unl' ' ''~ p"h t l '~ ~(, II f' r - n u\. \U\l) \lm l~ ~H y tl d \t IUfRU"ilr",,,1 Y 6UU II pCl vad eu llie IHWOS' ! Ol ti w ii l ll uJ Trol:IIl.' 8 uoelulPubillli ccle \l\t \!. \l~C' , , . xc ... l'\ \ U \l UI, U H!C! \ 'fIl u r $ ' , .rt ll l! . ' I " lly_ d , "tll"." " n ' nlllV",1 10)' 1'1 " ,·,· " ~" ~ \V " " " 11 I~ ApI' II rl'l •• I, l., . , I ,I r (' n(J el'e (l 'It nn~t ,,01 1lIllI llill' tr Ie. r r "l"Jllll e l! Cc , ~ U:; ; DI.;"" 01 l)l \tH II (' I" ~ t o l" Po s tUI'd r u rtll ~ r ly (ll'f,· u re , ~ 10 'ImpOS s'I' I ,e ,,I "' cc w ' .'(' n ,III,"'.' " ue,ll S II1).! ' . " g' ur , ' l it ·J I Ji;~,&;,I, I I I)' :\lr :i.' I' jH.1I1l11 " p ru Ull ~, Oll u r ~ CI\'I I1 A' t l e tl >1"J II ~ illl' ''Y 10 UII I' h !lll olr ~ " ' ~ "" " r " III 1'11 1. " " I ', ' d . l' 0iJ l llI liH nil 8 it S Of I' '/11)(:,' !'-i l o r , , II,,· I'IJ ), l u l' e l\J o r th o BUUI l! IIC C I ~,~,u g ll . 1 !'xl' rli o ll 01 ll' e ._ t jhJ II r (, (, Pl p t () r <".. Ut" , A l l BIlt.!!! II:,!C I ' X I ' t'L' ( :I II ~ 1IIII t urn l lll il l vocul org uli S. TH e At Ihc o ld s lBnd 0 11 ;\I . ill Slrl' ~ l, \V nVIH'''· ~ ...J. Oppos ite the Ro g ers House, Tile co ndu c t ,,' I\ R an o u lr ll"(' I r ur hes li ce r CCO lllll1 C llIl~t.I 11 1\' 11 1,"' . \\" .1 b.' III 1111' 1'1.-1< "I 1111' UII lier f('~ l' u ll dl' l "'I' , p " III1U l>r l'sc r'J c oI vill e ,w ould ,"lnrrn Ihelr OIU ~ 1 "g", 1: \I " I" lII r l ~ """ . . '. II I I I'" I "' '' ~.,; ' ull l' I1 hy n . pcc, ul CUlllr ul:1. ·Ill "u l ,c" p, "" J " fi lle 1lI~lfI 'I)' -:- 'K8 we !I ~ I \C a , )· by. l'II l 's.il'ill li S , " lid hn ve Il nJ T~ " li ", o llilll " Ihe rest olmBnk illd tllllllhc y ".ve IIgooo wh e , e 1'"l e "d III kp r p Il II !,nllu u " c n ~ r " l ' fru tH tl lll ll l {'111 m e ll tl lr o ughu ut th e c o untry . ilfol8o rtmcIIl f I ' oil 11",/1 il& , 0 1 O " II :)ou l t lll t" lIt u r \V urk, uu! h or FREIG HTS • \l ei , Ih e o iJ~ nLl e lS \V e , a p rn m pt lki ll !!,'"1 nrt i c ll~ fJf Irlll' lIl ~ r i t , u nJ ~tl llf l~ , . hIlVIII !! a n ,] b ro u'oT ' ht bt· {o r e Jll, ti c r 7l1'UI 'eu lll e ir <'Il ~ II C V uy A ill Y .0 \V N Hy t! ,,~ " ," Ir. Irp i!!III ' o ( 1111 M . rrip. 11'. 1 uf mal') U P" II rrt' qlt or 81 , 'j' l ' 1 li" II. I' U II 11.· l"r " " l'oI" d l" u 'oollrlll1l PIo il". ! r." rres l~ oll' e nc l', I 1 Ii J L I I 1 {'II IS. e "" l') CII' l'Inu.,s II' C mllll1{' I 11 11 0 Ih p h", 1 brnn,l" o ( W u(,nl' jJ U l!Iltl al so ovnri 11 11 :;, ")'. I\' 10 ' u s upply of II ~ ull 0 i, e, II I \'1 11" " 118 (l ll rl d o( th e w ur ld, OIlU tI, ~ ' ,'• lid. I'>U 1I"I, ces un d " ~ II " " I1 · N · .' w \ . ", I<. 1I ", lu ll ll rnll :ll llw . , ~ '\\ : , " CIT} · M-,L\' Uf. ~. J G' 1 CIlL', .: llil t ,) [ $5 .7:' c llch . I" " '00 1 1" ,," "" ~ 1'''' "1 ,,,, 1100 ' Tb Ii , u." I., r,', Tr ,,(ill'. li r e Ull ll c r<u"y prulloUll ce d t'ctl er 'riJl, coppe r ,.I 1\ I e ll, ll y , c l u rn r &., sheel-iron ,Vare 11 11 ,1 Wllrr nll ! IlIjZi vc "" II.rll ll i,, ". 111:,l f 10 g i v e o n m C!I4, houin ''' , tllll il uth e r u rt l c i t' d" U I.''' ' ], (" ,J ll r:I" . I ,,,I i,, " .,. 1.111 " "" \ V" . ,\;: . · .. 1.. "·all t". I I I I ~.. I (l ' l ' " l ', ly 'il ' l lv n ' , n I I . I' ; ( 1) 11" II , I U \\" I u r l' II !"SLlIHI, l» r Ullruutl t!j . I I e .l cas , prices. A I . T I" . " Ii ' II I il'r lir e VN r III' e " ,j I, ·,l rO . ' " ro nCIII' 3 I l' r ,,· lor su e at lIe kow ,\ :.. ,' rd M al lo\\' I' u U lur!.! ue II " '1- \ I illi g 0 1 L Ie R'l rl " !. I'P .',' :011 11 .1 ' Ju 1I 0ll"I, i "u~ o t nn!!r " ' ," . e nlly 01 th e worth . I I I I ' 'J ",I" I .. r >, III CYCll lt ' " "',,1 I r ll rs b ' Rf" I " " '1' I ,e C~ II, " I u p o n I 0 C I11',)111. I(';; < 11111.; ,, 1',,"" w,·J . I " " P ~" U)' , I Tile l' e llll "y lvll lli ll <\ ' lI l r" lltll il" ""J I be " "trer r ,l O U T DOO R WOR K IlnllllOY lIo J r c.g I.l l1i , ,~ v .. I" . e nll ,,' ,o nond III IT " elllll'" s ull 1,, 1RO COIII, " Rol l r l' e ry", 1 ' ro i , Ih e Un I 'u S, Ie 1 . "' I II · , u" i" , "" u r et.! t ],l1 ~ th e pn l l l r~ eeI S III 'III _III" .. \\1 1" " ' C lllll er ~" ' .' , It , "' CIII 11 g" lIerous COIII.:I1'." CI' Ill' ", ." nH' . t IU'; I,: n J ' . '. ' n s , " "eh o s Sp ul ing . R oolillg. I I &r.., I r1 " " n I e . on " I lid d I tl II \In' 'e:: II Cu ulltfl es , lit 3J ce lli s p e r s hort n o ti ce Dl'd In the I. J.: I(I"\'::; ' l' " . II C' g u" , ri G"" . " ' '' ~ "Urt I<" I I,. 11".\' 1·1·:l '" bt!~ ,· lIt. 11 t lt~ r la c lel ce le . I un t (JIUuner B ux 15 3 , t Lox. • .' ~ • /I f 'l t:' '': :- I IJ ~ f'' p u rt IH I 111t-f () / t1 I), I\ Ju sl,I 18 Iy . · IIt!U II'1 - -- -- Jh c m.rice t Prtc e nl ulllllll rs p01i1 r" r T , ' ,,, 1,.1:. 1' \; 1'I~ l' t' j llLl g lU c nL w o u lJ "'S 'P~ , C III1 ,b" 'I II II", - - ' -i I ' III ' '' ' ~ , M, ,;~ :" · S - -., - . TEIC :U S July 3 - 2 (;re l' n ~" .I . ," , Calf· Sluus and :::;hf'l' p 1',,1 ,. '''' pi, ~ 1i" ." lI rI , OUS lIU1l»l on, l:I' O.U Il, IlhclI - ArI,II " <lI" 11 1111 R "d 1( ",.,, ; 1\, ,1 I·!rem tlr l.' CU lI sl' y.'l c n c ~s Ol ! , Julv :l ,-l.lf J . E. K. "Ialisu " .."c, " "d 11 1 ( ' 1" 11' 1" "" , :-; ,11 11 1" ,111' ," ,01 1'1,/0'" '''' 001 : "'It WI' I r u ~ t Ihl s IYIIll' r l) l'C n ~\·. ,' h ." i l·" "I1' " III II III' "r1. '; lIl loc N,,' lll II cgrmon & Co. '~ gr lluin e Medi ci nal - (O F TI , I:".', n t() nil mi sc hi cV(lu s uuys C IIU L ive r OIL ,· , 1" 1' /0 1.. 01, .·.. h us "<lIve d, by I lVe :,Iy I) d nl, TAIL l)E.\WE RS IN I ! . I. )' cil rR ~ XI) c ri e ll c " , Il le 1110.1 vn llw"Ie \ ~.) , MI' Il' IIl, " ld '" ,U " j, ;Pi''''". (, loIr ll'l ill!! I I , ~ " re l'l' U . • \Hhcla . .. ... .I I Ie .II . '1' I cJ . ~r .1 lfll ;f'C Y .III u s ~, Pli IV" l d~ IH) l ll1' I U Ii u l 1:ll'l r I'' 1I ' I_l. f lt t u tl i lli l c ure s I ,e iee ose , il AGE~TS 1IVAN' I' I::D. ~ - . he Ill c e lln g o n ~u O IIUJ'} q': 'VC B Slrt' l1l!lh ,tld tI ,'sli I' on 'J'IIE V] l\) Ih e I' nll l'lIl .I, CU II' !' " I1\' . rU Il r,:ly ,"LI, c Ulifi J e li CC 011 11 6 1 I' L I' as l llO' I, !: lI willt ~ om,. It'm'I)'I'" \ V orroll! r ,I pure on d n~o cJ f , Grea/ S ule n j' J ell'elrYl e " ' 111 ' resh i· llIII S ift'crtwr 6.' "p" ,:.:y lr l1 l1 b". , "'~ AHJ~, ' I .CLl~HI': S C) B.lI h, 1\ 1,,1 lollu w e d hy I1n IIU ver~. ::lulU by I>ruj!l!ld ts _ _ _ , II ,,' R ,I e" o f I· rl" :1 I" I.. /11 ,,1 rr"l lI II II )' T()Tltr 1! (, l1 e r ~'II .1' . ur 1:1) ~I ~ I i):-' P L I I'fllc Arrnlld . nle , grent ., (;if! Uislrih utiun, ' pOllOI ill Ih e ,\ cs l, I,y 'h e (" ' III" y ll""' "1 ' H EGE MAN &. COl. \ ' '' "11 lies in " " i,1 I) .", :n 1\ . ~ _~l t' l' l'i~ F."q, I O . -k01, I _ CJa ,mi sts anti Druflui dlP, N l' \Y V \.l rl" " .- - -h nfTnI RII III O'I I!. Ot" hi lol l l illl ['" " . III' II iri " " h'r,, '] u ,, '\I, . J , ~ I) "';"': :1~f',~I:lsll :I"~nl:I'l1w: .I1~I. ~.I~~ 'II; II LI :,~U :'~ J .~ li ~ i ng rl·o lnlIJl ' u se (J A I- t vOf u;d t..: u ~ UfC c IJllr gt' d uy ulI.l·r H. £Jl l f 'A ld \ o r C Olllm un P lp. ': ~ t t u r , l I n \ ;. I .· . ... · " !l IIt I·: IlI't)" ~ f HO' C ~ \\ t ll. d o ll ,. ~·I O( ~, 25 Cents to Save 25 Dollar s. L 1( I I I O I S '- lII Cfo1 r {" nl\l! rlaJ.~i llfr R I ,, I C U t1lP I. 1 l i ('~ . I n IFO lrl t' \ l I l l h t:! H t u\e L , 11 \' 1 1 ( ) tl f ' l~ I ~ II 111 11 I) n II Il l'. · t· t IV'-> n I f:'I A " 11" 14111 I I I .. ... ' ''· · . 11 "L!('lIl ll n 'A cu n cc ntrul P, tJ BC'nzille ,. '. I \J-JI! pnrll C'll li r t il (11 11 1 I\ 1' :ll 'Knges IIIH ('~ "l lt n \d i!\~ ~ \ J,' w o r III S fS U )Jl'C nn l JlI th p 1 IlI ln l l ' j \\ lI t lh , · .. . ~{l tI ): .. , l .q t!It·.. • ,11 11 1 ( ;' I ' C"iI:H" , & 11 11., " \1 ,\ l ' h :.:!'\ 'A C I- NI'H Jl t. U. H. \) . ' I lII u n' ~ ' 1I I u1, C.r .. &c ., :Sp Olf; , ' c . , ln8lnlll~ ! 11, (' ( ' .t\l rl ti 0 1 (; U 'II .. \ O I I. 111I1-'1I ! J'· \\l II}U( " . l ldl " I " . v t b C III " "' l (lI" h I lt ),, . r I' 1 ' 1 I ' " I J I ..... U1P . I' , ,t I ~ t.' ~ C I ~ t· fl ' •. ( 'li t I :.! -» , I ~ l lC ue Il C\' O t' nl ly. fllldll t'n tl s ~ li l( :-, H tl, lt u tl ~tG l uv ~8,&", ,., , I 'u r ' rl' l l-!l" ( ' lJ lltl " ' I t' U I I""j p .d I I I I " . e l IIIII );; l-d h' 1 l oll II. . 1I1 g J. p r ll l (' u ull tll'R(' 111l1 1, ":::,i l , ~Jl . l\ 1"1)\"'~~W''' 7 . ,. .'jr ~" ' " "s ur 111 HII I, i u l l, iluu,mu ch U fo: f' q Il11 I l I)IH' W. ()l1 ly :.! 5 rr II L; pf'r ,,"i...,,,·, ",,,1 " ,,; ... 11 ...., .. 1."1<'" 1" •. rf'C ' I'"I ". II I' I' .y l'J ",. ",I" " "; I"I III· l'ullhe tI' '' \'' l1 r Itl(jI" Ul' n nd boil le . \IJ;J:t.ad~ LSU~ ULl..u.u~1 tOo ';) 1t'I..ll"l d",·, l' d t' :I"·8 I rlJ l'·lj \I' 11 111Iin tt, .. , (,i· $·' {~ ' 1 lul1u\\' lJq; J\ ~ l'I I I "' l" II I CCII IIIPItIl )' : ~" l lI\l) I) r \l ~ l!' i s'" ' IJECEM ,\N&c o ., ' by f~ x c,.!u lt tl \' I '·fj(.' r ih f::tJ f \ 11\1 1) 1' \\ n s l i,t, c a \l ~ t:.l o f ,t il ' CI I .: 111 1019 ll l HI n r ll ~ ~ r l F, ]'; t' W Yurlc. ' Ii ,,,''', '" "Ii Il" """" I" " "''' ' ''''''' ' '' ',u,it e nttf' ntion lo 11'flir Sl(.lr.~ o f S J / .. . J / ' / '/d • t\ :.:. t ' '''' , . d l l l It h l l 0 1 , I" ." IH" "'I' If' '1 \ . I) 'TllI ( ''!' \ , .. t 111J.I .d lu nd _ . : . " nfl "li on , r, ) : lI tJ 1" "'11 c o J 'I s ,p r lli le ll ' , II 1/ a . ! 1:-) . , I\ u ll'" l " U" 111111 ' il II'. JJI'(," ' // ,to ( '0 . • Cl,, ·li. 1).,,1< 0 A', 'n l :!3 . 'Il l' ' J\ J) II n GOOl\~, "3. ~ ) 1\I III <, &c:. T It" ';" II \lC <l1 11 11 ( ' haIl lH'fi lIa .n d. <i ','lid FII~e, SOI'f~ ~ " , Y • ,\. ( '0 . 'I Clurlo'c d: ( 0 . . Chi ,'" I/ (J. • L\ " JJ ~ , II J\ OJ. 1l;, B.... "d " ",1, _\ e lY \ .. I k. ". n.'I li'III1!> • . l' r.' Io/ ll . :! n. J I ' •• ~ ... , .. , t ' , l \ I Iu \1I 11i Ill nl k,d .. I1 l ll' nl l1 t1 S e lrC lr d Wllh rnr,! in lIie Eo s lcrn J. I V f:: S '1' 0 C; " r ~ r !ll l1 l1 &. c,' .'. l ; " " ' phll' Ie .. , wilh : (B"" : I" r "r j. l,.' 1I1 .·,}, :1') I I .. (• " ys , ,, II " J 1I l' ell" CO li I' l" III , \. ; iIJ) ,'C . v ,," 0 TIC I,' • rt ll " , l'l" f'R c hnl'p l' d It.III0 ; , & r ., ill'1l ' " I'crs nnd F "' " "' I, " ,!I filld II,i. II \\", ll'c ll ..:! I . 1'1 C J.:. ~ }K 'f,l ),{ I ~ 0 1I 1' ;c it l' lt cil~ d l e llll1ll; . " "' ,Iilll c l)" IIlId \\'ill I' c pr lli e s ki" AO Ti J ' II I I I . ' " I) " l lI d v" "ln ~ l' O Il " r ,, " I ~ r,'r 1,1" 0 ~ 1 {J,It, I ( '''ltIIllOI 'I ~ LI::I ~ "" ' I I '.' l I'1l' n ,,---I'" , 1'111' " '1 I " "d elllo" tl i In '\.I' r"l tl p" llVe ,Jlh e r. S .. I<J ,r"I>! " C' , .. ,<' ''"'") npr o,n t· C "I"ll"U II " l' o, Jc . 11 1' 1: ",. \• 1, ' .', 1\ a ,,: oll." ( ~ "( lq . I,' red 01111 s lIo . l n l."r l.r. R- F,.lor,,,, , } ... . 0,\1 )' hy n r l1l:!~i ," I R , f ,l l:xrC Il'. llr III Ih e IlI s l " P rl e t' 2 .1 (' P Il' ,; , H e llt h)' le "" .,, pl\' f ile n l ~ o f \': 7,,,",' A'\n m ~ , hI'" o r ti\Vl lInlIII '. l II II I ~ '1 fH ' 11 f' IHIII ! ~ . p l lt' d Wl l h P \ ' f ' l \, c!I . ' \' (' 11', rTH ' III'C' \" I'N & ' p , h ll \' C Uf' t' " l' HI Ht. I: -!\1 l'(' ' " g \\' 11 l "l , J u 1\9 We O! .I II , dr l·... us CcJ . . , ", " , I" r <I.' " ~ Ill '. ., . t.;. , \ ~ ()\'LE· \'· l' . .. , '•. 1\ · "V ~ I H! t.\ IOn I \\ i l!\ ; 11\ 0 UI I ',\ , I d c.u nu c dI IJ 1\ 6 ' \ \)A'l\u::. _ A{.llrl· ' CO.. I I " N Y I r i ~ 2. I\. U \ 7' \.l :\1 I Ili urn t·d to 111 <' (' l nt 6\ . : 1 "" lnl !' 1 ~ fli ll t.llI ggl:,1::, t! \V Uf C. UIlU " V ~ l'\. a tl ~ n l i" n I. r· id t il .It': i r \\ 11 ' ,1-. \\'II),llc ,,· ,II,.. N (,),. 2:::. I ~lia. .• ~ 'c oll :1 ,. ,.~- . • ., , " ' ... ~1 " 11l"' " ~' \' c' nill !! n ~ xt. F II' 01 l1 d rrl ~ h ll r :! , \\ I lc r ,.~ . wi l l L<! It'lI II 2 1 · 3111.~ J . 1· 1IAl\1r , \11.~ -:\ r i t ~ J J " I' i" Y e'" J\' p" " ,,, ,'C 1" 1 I r!" ~ 1I1f' 111' ,1 r ' SIll g . '1 11 1.11 \li ' lr~ s US 10 ft: m l ll( 1 OurStu fkuf InO~ 1:'1 '1111': nr.uoJ) . I' '. r < 1·1I01'~!!iS'Or~AL"'.lIlDS. I' I II I I :' "I.l Il - · ,' urt ""I· J , . I " ,. " , "~e I;; 0 ",p , I II I I I,c ~I' I ,I' I ll JI • 11.1' ' ;d ll lll iuu s w Cll t h e r I, ~ ' '1' 1,,, P c rll \ ill 11 i' Y, llf1 SIIPI' OES C .\ I ,, ~J(; u mH~- !\I" II :..; /i P' IhPo bl, w " N, ' IV \ o rl, 1I" d 1I " BOO III I" " r,' T ~I " rl".. ". SAN D S H II,, " , I I' . I wil li i l l!! !t It' I'l t I1 ", ,I I 101 " , iJ ~ 111 11 1111 Il le _/) ,)f l b!, '1 "lrI" •• I. ' . , I fil II, III I U ~i ll;! \· I g o r , 'I:h'rtl ~u~" i l lt \ . ' liS nl l\ l)"J fnt ' lll 3 w ;t ll .. I r·.' , L.' II" "" ,l'ln l\'lf ltt I,I P '1.", ,I ,,' \\1 ",1"r.:., lIll ci I l lu s l u rrrr i r l l ll l .... Itl r ~i l ,\ t' k I lJ !\l' \\ . '" l'" ~, -JS OF THEl ,n rx :'\! 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II eIJu 81,,3Cr iiJa , C01<,t4 tbl\l ftnrr Ib r ( 1IInwbn,\: t1lpr h"~ rnid t,! u l d, 11: lt lnr t· 11-f1 : ,r d ,' d n l (lIl e ""f\ u:i J 1111 ' oPh or ~ p8 in !:"i h! n 1 ni '1' m ur c ' F I to II , I iu t I I I~V I I nV P (lI H' II,' ! I lUI : \ ~ 1 ' IH'y ill prepllr c d 10 d0 1I :, ~ pl ) llI d nr rUfnl pllpflr, pllb l j ~ h c d on I In nddil 1(l 11 )1.Id,d Ibfeflltlou ~ II'lnr hl ~ h l lprl1,r d, ,': I Y tlf N .. w Y" r\ .. , l or t!.{. ~lIlc 0 1 ! lH' i r ~ (',11 , 1, Tl. c ('a ,;,' i, 1"'II I1 I , : .. :I y I 4i14l'~ nlltl isf<! lvk, II, hlh ~ i .. . er II C'JJ 'J'Ia'l U'I,I. u " Il, c , p l\ ~ . IIr l ':Il:I, 1IIII IIIh III Ul i- l " g r " l'llI ~ i\ la lc, i ll t. , we urc I, ,~I I "" ': , ,' . : I ", " ' " II", " , I" nil nrrrdlnr: ly tint 11~" O 'f~ hrlln dl'o " ,';.' 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" II I r ", n 1I !:i I I ( 1 ,I), " , ' I' " ~ ,,' 1" 1I 1t' 1" I ) :" I ~ f' ' A l il t' , (' ' I ' I, 1I , .'' nl ', l l 1111 I ll g ' C' j' el,) ut .,: i x t Ilf \ ' I ' r · II I I r, ~' 1'( ' IIIf" Y ' I1 \ \ I l 'i t' I I \ \ 1' ~ I lid I la~l' ll our N ew Y Ul l..: l'I. T l. e (1 11'1 11 i H U \"'y , 1\ It Z1l'll' , I , I ' I I hilllV ll " " Ullf pO III1J ll il lJ ""II ,,'!' 11,' 111 ,, 1111 ' r~ , " "'xle e '!!I oI llll'~ t 'i' rl Uf III l l'!llIly 1I ,,,tr,. lIl' 1 t(1 H:,! • 4'I l tJ f ,., I' 1 ,' 1 \ ; I ' h t l r " " ,p 1 III t l \\ 111 ' O l:~, I pt ' I :I \ " 1\ ; '1'1 I' I:OIl ,tl'h '~ I •, f!" lI t' \' ;;;;lIl' jl l li ,tl. I u r '. x pr l l'" (1 I! t il e n : :t tl ,,,,, , " lJ \ II ,. ll lIlI g . I I ' ' r J~I!.! J , I! rt ~ I ' . ' I :, \ : 11 1' " 'ti t' " lid "'11" ' , :111 11 II I 1 ' c~~ I u \\ tl i bt! 'bt,.' ll t by H' I I \ ' .11 ~d ' HI !,! ' I I ' t lill y 1" ,II Il .II Il' r It! (J' \IIY I II 11' 1' :0: , I It " Y ( tll/lt f U ll L, 1:" ' 1 Sl l ll i/" lI , al l l h : ill t \ ', ' ) 1,,''' '' ' ', ' I h l ' l 11\"t ' a i", ,)/ I n , I{' Il l " " ,o f "'1)1 (' ' flOW '. 1l! :lltl'r (J !o, P lll III II Ut t , ('n::! l1 llf Hr lln dy , 1!.,1u,.t~o n nn d 1t~ 4' \\ Id "a I \\ I P nd" plr , t I I,:, n . / r. e \ \ I' 1l1\' pri ' 01 I " 1 11 ~ i.lj ,l-lt IU ';' on r e Cl'lpl f' h l l.·.. , I I ' ," lI !'l e rtJ r "iII; jll .b ilcn l i (1 1l u lt I ' \' 'r y ~I r " n' .. :"' ')r. , \\' 11I Tj) H, : d y H 'I I 'c"" :d lI.." I III" ' " I" I \\ 1 :' '-. II I' ''' J-:" \\ hl', l1o ll u n £1 ' i ln . ..\r llm hl '" ~, r h l l'lbm 0;) 0 I' III' II ,'I !' , III (. llir g l fl l-:' n 1\ 1\1 ( l l rI11 I' r i I II I' t ,I O t (',e Sl l' u I' J " "'illt. '\Ihunl~ :U III " I (I I ' , \\' C lI l' " ~ III I! 1'\ ' • • ol ol, ,, ", :\ . ,r" ' It.'l tl llI ~ ( '''I I I II ~, ' " ll lelr('p I ( ,(l0 '" "8 I1'l" 'II ll lV i,r 'l 'I I I}' (, r 11 I lt- "l! 1'lillt:oi , l. ! . ' t·" rt t. ~ lit ' :-., :J (II I'' ,1 1" rl lI l ' r :-: ' it i llt ...O'" W"f III s r ' WI U ffr C n tH t \ I l IS p r l (' (' W I " '" , " J,:; l flp. ... j ' , jl ill I It' II : tt r ) 11 ,I' . : I I , ,I , l' I ' r I , ,'r II " ' " Wlltl' JI ''" Ill e I J,';l r u ' 1'. Harve y's Golden Pilll, <1 nmf' .. tl c Il j l U U I ~ , 1l1'r m !iI\ u inc ' ur n l I\ n ,l ' ,1I( l ' r l" ". II Il I Il IIIII' r l lll\\ t · !! '; I ).)' 11 IlIlt ~ar IJUt, I!H"C ll c r . ,. " , '"". ", &" I:) c".". " C' t m ll dl '1 l' U!I fll1 t Rrr f (' :\11\ )1 'II I I A 1 1 1111.1)' f~ 1I )oP"I ' j ll l (" l !l I' !iI . (flur thl' )' h d ll' ,1I "\tll 111111'0 \\'11 U ' \I "'(' e 1I0ll III1J c ' ., l' l 111 :-1 .. .. . r " " I C' """ :"' ill ' I! "I IIN,\\' ... 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'I I e , !!III1 S, i' '' ' ,rIrlU", " 11 ' 1 tb ou h 1('1 1 orr' fI' I" llU r ;:, lr (rg ~ n ItI"'1\lrO 1 '1 ' b a l dl,, 1 d(' I Jl n )"'r IIil lt l 1\l I C l WI \~ IOIl II ". _ I CI l' rr Cutn WI! n us I e ll r J ' I' lI ' I I: / b,· 10 r f ' I kl'ow p. , llt ~,' c ,I, r\ L'''''i . or (1 1 ' " rr om uti nllrts or lh~ U H ' ,_ 111 J I L \, 'FIl ~11''' . l\ ' lh' " l.{)" 1 I , 01' ;" ' . , <, lJ CI1 I1"If'I()' bv , I, : ' " ,I (no .. Ihe I'llre I II ,e li1n I r o m r~lt i .. b le' p ~ '. Ol\ l i ll 'Dol,tl el 'on Co(fe "n R j e C,.. JAQtJ"" I· h " "uer pri me R io .11£ I lh l-Irn l PlI I " )'PAr. .J > ' 3, II I p"' ''''I)'''. ,,,,",d, d ,I,elll, o" C hp,11 &. On e Cli P" nhll, <l ING E ( , STERL IVurd t" 1'.1', ed /:lt l I , SRS. HA\I .~ , '; " ,\ I M , I ' ... ,Iu . rl .. r C" lTep nl ';:I) ,' " ' " ' Ir. ,,, ,\ I I>I~ " .. i~I.I>O rJI OIHI, nnd pl'r lll i llt' d iI ' 10 Five C O, 189Brvo dway New York C oQ'ee lDU t;x', GROYI '; ::lTgr-: "" I\' , YeAr, TT J . p"Rnr ~. eUY I n ,31'll RS ~ one s ~F.RRI UROTH C6pi(' SON MA or ". ,,1" H k ; Iyl ', iR" , . lurn III Vtnq1" r ,I" "II' ow n prPlll Il\TZ, ow , 4011 DrolldlfD 1, e .. York, lI ,r) "'1~ • I AtERR ITT &0 Pltl~T:;r;. Tea copies ODti Y'III',
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mRSl e r be . - - 00 tbe _Death of Abraham Lincoln, lug my /:, llI de' s leel h lo piny a Iiv d ' com lnrr In co I ' I cl\re lul IIboU1 1 Ir.k 1\ hlld ut!cn I!I~ m olili n. 1 W I1' / r ll l L In . (.' .o\I.f rrt~ ' OU ,' eaJ8ll 'll f3,u .\d\\I\Y pvliet- lDall . ,7 b nllct Will me ' "1\,8 • I ' I ' 0 , tUlle. Uillding him relurn I slrolle d . UII8wcr' b II ' , Diy p rep,t'fl'l .M 11m 'I I <\\' 1}1 II, eli " ' , EAT A BORSE. And 1 11m . • II Ih" \\ illg. lIEAOATA l'una , lI; nl rr.TI~I.IN II',I I'NI:S VII.I.r'l nenI VI ulltil l ~lood at Ih o /Jlltp An 'I f I d' Y 118 L1llle (u ll y o n/:,er .. d, IJ ut fOI .111 illS L.lll t hUI n .. 60 UIWI d l '&1'011, 17 1::Wl) • b ' I It! Rl es 10 1ny a hnnd I ' ll I ' , EAT A H OR. t. o n 1110 ' I~ II I IJ IOIlCh mlll r tl l~ 1I n "Ii.ll'!.:' I flllmr:: ,s Lul ('lOb Idnce illlh \! e lilLtd , ' , .\fOl ed lilll .,ht pllciJ d J'USI In .ide lu I Cut IU8 11110 t f --I" II rom ('I\ r 10 {,III ' I II I I I ' r, S -\' o u " IIIRee IIiV aUlogrnph II~ It fQIi PIi he Id foll e ll' I II lOll) I nudresse d m)self, bUl "'ho A d _ lie OIOSSCU Ll f f n " gllt:IIC I ' II • . 11)1 I II n ll l!' lin I, I, e • (nll 'S til 10 li l t; In. lin d 1I IIIt I ~ :\ , II , Ail! h "v ll'I ', h .o ( IJi tter t.o~, vo u oh~"{cd no nnS\lcr. DI' Iermln(· ..1 n~ h e r cp lled: Ie aCtl 0 Ihe uoy , ; rll~e; 1111'1 s lI old dl ""I" d 11')111 ' 1Il ! I ) l,iliL \\ I,ut l'lllls I_ 10 1·'111 II r,' L"n pn sl,, " ou 111l~ I UIII" v{ Burllum·. Milbt lltll I 'Y,t'lin Ih ~ sp .l ~e ul 1)11 11 dJ, or l huur 10 flll!l(tm tillo my stelY lo th e b Oll om J 'M ollal be pru I t ller v.,lp<s g lll <p. I1I HI 111,1' ,,;I ,t 11 111 I d Ull 10 En gl llllt!. II,,· J\rtm llli ( I) ~t. -(t'IV 1\ nUlluu'd hoarllUny kn ow ! ' 6/l Un(lIl c d b ,ICk tu Ihl: inn. tc~u !I'e d to l sP IJIl~ o( (I. e u IJn dl,tll • J Ou IV RI Willi In)[ ed pllw~I I ,' •• II. Ill} '.d L' , UI ('IIICIUIIIIII lu Uilh). (Iaot ~ III\ YL,t!, LucretIa Mott. "'coeeplyul(Iurnfo rh,ml <,_dIlY_ tXplure lbcen s tll'bY~ :l)'hght. II lid I t' \\I(liLllt"elV onis I . I I ' agl ' er ll dli l" H.II"u. '\ 0111 I lri l l ~ loAIIl ~ I ICIl. Nllo lstl CO n.llt u l lIJII '1'1 ., mllin OVCI 1II!:"t" III11n Its Willi s, , 11 (' room 1 \' a" ' ,101 lrel jll Pl (rom • fo (I ill' d. h ill I 'I'"n' ~ o u 1'0 1 Il f. 1 Mi l) Ili Z)' fllll llllll, h e " '11,'" l\ \J d, u { nl I. lIc l cll n ~!oll. lin Amerlclln minisler 18 goou , lh t' merclru l, lite JlI sI 'J' j (II J ' , , n u w U y /lIVI' 10 lito ~b II " I' '1'1 ' I "' cpl IJlHloiy, cowu ,d l), lI wuy, Ie u u WlIlg Ill' \VIIS Hlolmy . hU l IUl PUIIII UC6 of Ihu occ nSlun F I Illur ' I UI,l, -- It ll IUI11IIl !.!h I O l hllll'Il IJ l l ' ng'losfCII~d ·l) w huil lt: o f Ih l! "U'I~IV 01 Frleno". "lIsbu ln in III :tle's merillillu hvllr of Irll el. I Ulld " Il'rr ed by lIl e bhndillft' rHin '" "1' I ful l t COU SCIOUS II li \.' It" 10 9 II", Ie \I001 lHI who Clullg lo Ill e . be ell n r<llll t; fl LI Ii Ihe nelll'tl >llc u l lit o i'lllllUd•• 'I. J ."llInry 3, 179:3, ll~r paI I n ' I I ' III "'>I~ lIuOUI 10 tlp/tl · x cl lm' I, \ IJ I "I \" A pel III m} ,;rc'lt CoaL slllltuJ (01 Iii " II lilt mor t,,1> 1 PI er t tI If I ,I , "Vi , nn" I~ ~ I. ",cw ,"k I" Ill" Icnlli, '1' !tom,,!! nn :;'\nnn Colli \' nntlOIl s hp" ,; r ~g r!' 1 (111 lenrs IiRIIIlI"llldllre, nllllJ the 1111 trfll II k ' II ~ rn) s~, '11's l l • A)l.l ,,~. tittle ~t'~ T e l ' " . ' • " ,F lr.co IO ..!:,;).,· n~ -.l\ O'Y -.I • ot th " ~a. Ahuve llll! Iloli"n's hUllor ed lien II, 1t'ltlieS 0 1 lIie Iltll d lold I~n r I en IlC lI:g III(; duuI 1 c'ld c d 10 Illy d ug B"f-Jtf! 1 " ...... "WR'·" 01 \ pllq"'8~ 0 "hilL Sluff \ ,cy Rl e m",~~ , lilt II fl l" 1\I~n .. e 10 B"'I') n ill 1804 After Ill1101 IIlllurnll'.!' litr UII!!11 Iii· '" 11 .1 "~Ih' urs u JIIS 'er' \ J u,' , "ho seemo u tll be qUltll )' '1\"1'- \ ll" It .11l,ru"L hi .. S""Ort]II\Lo Iter ll ea\, l" OIlU . 1111<1 1111 n\lt bl,,, III he IdL I leJHlm !! .choolln lhllt cily rorlwo yenr. t van oS IlI ng' uy d Ii I It"· , . Fur 111m whu now lies ':ulu uuu ul'cu , , ",.e '1' u my ~Uqlll",' he 'n-g ,'"ok >om , JlI lIl-1 1 II", Clvlld I .. 11I,I>lnl' I' I . bl,l' ~1'I' nL 11 11 .. )( ( t Q k I I 11 1111. til I, fO il thl' prccnul lnn to go "ell did IIClI 100\'0. 1 w,tlk "d 'l'lIckl\' IIcro", I ' 06 " JU li lll' e "dl!'d 1,( , 'I ('1'1 tI III I lu I 11 1, 1 I I b ' ') I ": ' Irs R 1\ UI4 er I V 'g" n'l n" lIICe '19 I,I p' I ,"" I" B. \\C' I(now, IUlnl('11 I LI I I I f1 ·1 ' , • ' I , II 'll I Ie III I ,,, 11" '1"1 I I., ",,1111,' ,nll ,),, 1 1111 'l e "lllle of ~' e w~ - . III Ylll g 1\1 I Di e my r.,II>Vtl. I, ,, UOI. lIllu gClIlI) pllllel.l hllll UJl' III , F Il"h lly 1"' 1 f'I , A I'I ", .d ' 1'1 fle'.1 I I ' , . r• '0 ~, Ii - ""ul,1 ro~p e "1 lit ut WI_!' decr~(' I ,lid IISIVUIU uf ulills un1 v:'(ccll"llco lind t be hellli Ihlll u . I ho \'IriS ., I I r I . I P I, C/ .. I ""~ 111 , 11 If! .\ , II 1" lk I 1 "",. Ll II! 1"" l' 1 PAI( of Ih o tlm tl ns .sI I co mplllllunll c in g-tnl' I Sle ll1lngflll1 ' " It:bl ,'ck ofmnllolu • UCllI 1 I 1("' 111 11 1 0 1li d {e" ', I I ls hll 'U ,Ii 1\11 '_~ l'I I 1 111\11 I . I '' . '.11 I (II I '1'1Il'ra Ile r AIlenllOn ,WI II JU. t rcr UUlpell Re IIPstuW ll l"'llly. III) 011) l'tlr. 'c/l e p ' ' 11: 1 '11I - -. ~ nl l I I~IICl(r, I lllhlul 'J ut! ' It 1111"" !.l lJo d-lioulltl l lll .. llI st llln ~[l S ollOff / [j J It'C 1I1~~1: ' 1" ' " '"! 101 d' RII I 1"1 \\ .t ytl lulIJtl s, l.l.d"I_ lll lh l' \I 11 I,.!l \\ lIs llIot (, d lld l lit" dUIYO(R~ltKInI <lr ll,l allluDlvlluIllHIl>IIY· '' ' , t' llr. 1111 ' I lIlt , ' l u r, Sl lJC~ 1,,01.11' <1 , b'"lt f"r tilt i-' 0 lll~ I ~ 1I111 J! I r I I I I I I ' OlllP .h" rn l' It's' I '"' 1011"1 ('8 mll,hl I " IIII II II I II, c,) ml".lllt·d IIl e fOI \ Cllr, u Ill' l'p l lllln!Jl~ luuk 'USSCS'IU Il of . i ' .. ' , ,'~ UUI 0 III III 11111 ) III;; 1"111 I IC 11 ';0 (I > II I t1 IliOI uce lIod \V II It Bl orll 'u ;,~ Ul: n"I;r:1 01 i.1I1l s pcn • , A ~ I 111'1"" II h e " I he oLJ " ct of",) I n,l1ld , • I I'JIL ~lJal LII .~u \VIIS '6(1111(-) 01 :1;, I u~I'a~nJ ~' 'n I' Xii, 1d"n I 1,, 1\ IIIu;,: II fdl 011 dow n 11 ~ I'll \ t II\CII Is "1Il1 &1.1 I '~It : I. s III. ~ I .11 ~ccl! d Ill;: ~ P.lI s d ~ (· pt nco h tJ I con I ic11IIe iI((!(llId l'o \VrrIHrtl IIl S-" !ltl ~ucul{ J "s lle I uelleld nil nIIO"Clilll' dilll l PIII I, try 1IIIIIlIIJI S whlclll detuIIlJ llluJ 'l" Y ",:,: .1111 , nn "'lk' lft dl,'n lI il ~nntl h' U)O IIIl" ; 11\',1. l Oll nhl} itll i C "I" to d 1111.,., In I [J ('!) ell e \I <l nt 10 P "dudel ' ~ v It CUI 111' 1 _ of n il I III UCIIIlllfu\ .' 11'1' "' '''.Iull, III I Igt' 1"11 II . I0 IV 1lie·1I ell }'I le I pllrenlS IIIHI le1\ ell eu tlI lllllr IlI tl ll:f1 IIi t!U IICC, 1 ~~~ IIU f l OIn I II"l of littJ 0 prt' VI O U~ t'I'~1I , t.:ll.uOI. II "Ila .l: u III e'ci r IIlll! IIll l ing' 1 1l~I(,l\d oflbe ortll c 'lsll .. U' (II . i le rOlD, I l\hlrhbIICl c ltl.b"'l\llll'\ " ~:II Il) C II) m ll l('d,IIIIUlllIUllsht<mll'll e uJ .lm~9 III few 'he IUIIg'llI' S Ih"( ullr~ cost blllnl" .. I II I I Y(I' /l , e 11 y e XlIlllllllng Ill) W(!OPOIlS of i It\: IVtll 10 tl v Ih e I'll', c( (I f a Lull e l IInJ l 'IL I.ln ll " IInil '(' III II. .. ru h I :r.1· ,1i \\ hn clllerc u Into p II III I lI UIII'lllllllg'nu l IIII! I IIt'll"rL' J "' I U ~ ,t I II 111111 1111 1 III P Ht U II I II! g- le JI leI ce 1 .. Itl d I) If tl I I I I I I' l1'1I. I C,(I(lI Cd In 1I1IIt l~Ltl,c"ln.l llt l"t lll'I\\ U II\ l .m"1 'U· I urs lip uJ ; I' , 'j ' ~)I ~ ~ III ' " ,IIgo U , 0111 1 g ll "lV IflrOIl, IVl l lllll'! fll ll( r II l Ii c~ '1 1 J ' 'I' I!rt'OI' tI,e \\ CI :!hlllf fol ll IIlld , hl/nll' h' I II t it! P' I'1l01l~ Cl t1I1I1I:,f. \v '" Il l" ,)' It IIIXIIIIl)IIS chall , llUJ. IIIVIIILU d hlll" " 1 Ile l.. n' " lI'I ~l'l f II UIIi IlI eclIulII'O of Lh. lind (\11 111 Ilt c () , I \\!Jucurc riIU UrllI""01l11l . ll euu! ' l fJl:I'ufbl"l( ' s IIV Rs Unill\1.IIt I' ~ I 1 1. 1 ~loplII', lIt" I nlulJ IdIV '" nllll " \ \ l l I 1' 1 'v I " Ie "I ' "1111 '1 U 1f\1<'1"10 11 Ill )1I 5In(! SS co nAO.. 1,lt x ", d lit tl,lq I '-' I 1 fen l c( I WIlen A 1111 '" ' J ' 1I " 'I "! ) PlI ,, 1\ , ' 1" ,. "11 ( ,unl 'lurlllnp,, 11 Li e liar 0 r Hl 12 Rod Ihe l uCII I C~,l' nfl S WI In ' 1·1 f I I I I·' I I ' ,r "" lh" gild, for lJ R!l1P 1"1,,,,• \\' ,, 11 w II' I It I • I I .., ,," t. I) 10111 " 'prnIl L ' Illu. nl\ l IIl' We l WII" .. ,IUIlI , hlllllll U,. tl lt v i ~I I ' ~IUll'" f"llibl SOOI\ Rfle r
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II " uwnv. 1 III",.' Ill'm .. l l' lld. Il nl II Ihe "'jJlllsul ;\ 1'1';,11'1 /\ 1" 1 1 , l mllti c llII<el~'"IY fUllte ll~ elll'"ge in . b'I'II' ~ "'I ,IUU - l "tl P l' n 1I11" ~1 nJllli. ""1 1 np' I,lellufo.r rn L1 lawollllln.ulIl.tglllln IIl L Blull lh, ., ) 0 " ' 11,,11 01 'I.e ""l id 1!lISl lll'R~ I\lIIt I." Iill sLnnd. 1% 18 17 till sOllie II ' j'I CE' nl C .I~I e ;' IUIII I... ,1 tl ,o dool o f Ihc l oom l 01 e u L ~ IE't"lI ' UllIlil I I I I I I f I I I'u llullln' Illy wUld (llIn " A I IV I I \V II j U I U ' . ' . " ' It! II, I UI' I II, 'l Ie d. l'ell' " S ' O (OC" C 1111';" () 1\ ,\l ge lAy school "I llo (\lI;: h II./, I' llu\ uf ollr vorl< , tiC,lluflll IIIu~!j h. II IIIC II S"cllO;jli i(n J \)1 " : I i::~:,i CI\lI~II:II~~~:" ' ~;:OI:II:. ~ I~ I: 'I~~I~:~ I Il~" I~ ~~l f,I '1 (lhu ti\:,',t I IIII • 1111 m~ Ihf~ , ,] II LI\,III'I (: I.'t' Rl' Il'U( 11 'loil"" I, . l, f 11I .h . 1'1 l'lttllHl e ll'llI,l. u li lil (JomjJl!1iccI by othI I " '" 01J lite d e ' I ,\ . I II I, .. ""111II - 'I e l UU ' le, La I' 1I1I(III ~. 0 {I II II II I I l' U'~' I 111 "'II (1~ (Ill J "11111 ' I hrr nnl\ 'I CC I10!.!lI IlrUIl"h tile nt'glccIld "Iulinds I 11 lHIISli\lg 111 'j I " Ioj • • I.I I III " I" I IIII'I ( , r" ,·s . II (1Cb ' J JlI ll l ji 1\0, lU ll ' •' h II . , 11 n II er lid III () I, ),!'h II,c I~"V bt: II I!7J ul,d Ilurk, (I~eled IIIU:lld. f'H!ltn"b con!Jd~IIL 11 111 1 .~~ Jll se dIU duur LIIIIl ~I I '~ I;'\I 1 ,') L~~~ " .IO' .~l l tl ,Illy IV II) U !.lrue shuot. Ii:atflll I !f,' I' b 11,,) " I.,,, I" Of" IIle! 1111<,1 11 1" ' 1 2G.lI )"111, Iter lubolS 1\9 " Uur IUllh lu,,1 cUlirage sllllli 1I0tuu\V so me pe l80ll wile IInX l u to 111n. 1 I ., } I / Ilke ,Ill n ~pt- Il. Pd'I"< , 10 . lud} Ilullllln 1I.1l lllt I I PIt: RCIt"1 IJI"nu . Afl e l nn Inl~rvlII of • " ~ .. ) 1\ O)l0 U liS IlllgeS ,I\IIU fI 1l£'ISUII l' lI lel l'( 'l',.WII1U Ih o duO) Illy u nl) hV"nU (1 01 I I '" d I II f rll ro d,H nti s", ~\\ i(t \\ l"rl pl)() ls 11.r c. I, pI ne l lea l j ol. o upon th e ventu resome A , 1"0 loo m . '1 he In tllld " l \Yfl ~ II 111 ,111 1) ( UlClI II i! n,y gi l nec \~ "" d Ill.' I.,./ VIII 'If Ie;. IrC IH-IJl lt II h • 'I" I''' ' ,_ , "I' l'e~fI Y'(·IIIO. elvllldtt. , 10 l Ie enro 0 " ' ~I I f I f I I' , , • v v . ) " J' I "111 1 I 0 - IX C ,I It'n SIt) lrflvelled Ild~ IulJ lI ' yclu"d~oll shrc'\l,1 :he WUYi m e lle.IIl, "y sealCI WIIS. rUJ!CSs, 80me OIIY )'l'Ur S,Cllulil COlll plolc I. I - I L. bndll,,) B .' llllI bLll0 lc. J bluvd I" UII~ ~ "" II""y l ll.!' I " I . (ju"\lul, 1II IIIIn-.. 1I N }'.I "'I" " I' IIIfl"rulllllcsCu"",,"rsllI e l. \ lilCltl\\l1snoltlll,gpl' l <o n Y1 51hl, ~h mUI the"l solbl" Il~Llll lj wlI bllc k Ie 1"1' SI III k tl .... 1 I 'II" (" I"' ''II) IIL''l lUlu' ~II t, 1 '" " IV ,O b ll ll , tnll,y,alll" • ., r • I " ~ C n \ 1,:, IIpJI(' IHHnC t> - l J 1>'1\ j ~t 'u I , I I) Jl r V I Allaslsltull"II\\ lIl heglvrt ~ u s Jnr, IIll t· nllOIl waSllcH" c'ldl') 11 1001\' d(lg l ealin!;" d ... I, UII "RlIlly (>I l ~ II Ih I b I I I I' AiJ uuLIllllng c ul ""luI ,, ' ' : " Ill. HilL II 0 II gllll,I,prearlI wllo ti er l close nt my heds ;~I"I ~ I ) I I. : I l' ' . ,. I" cc Y , ,1, e,· . I II) ~ "" ' } Itl )' " I, I III '1'1 . • 11l~ " .... HIII ' 1 sill" I). IInlllldvocnllng the "!'''l'e"re"hnIlFrr~ndh~r81tInlll!;:·II11!.! 1ll0Sl RU • • I "I', ' 11 b" llgl ZZ ,I g rf') CIIIl, JUllho(·}u, III.ft;,et .!t"~I5'.tI,,, J1., 11 8t l' llltd 1(, Irrl IS 1,'0 lilli e lo dleKlII 01 Hl~,p f .e~ ull..rI"IIU IA(jflileS"CII'\VofFnend8, O e ru l l' lllsp l ell~ll llllnll" OrOllrs JccL mlell , II OU"I IJ.l Ltl la) I shlllinl,valurgtt lllltteJe It <C('fl1' n-()ILflVtil) 11:"1111" IDU Il .. h t Lu l l1 sk~1 InI\ c w\uIIl. Ollt'd "l II ,s ll ~.o mu()h l ' l ) I I II .1 1'\1 d 111111 (('IOCIOIl< d l t I \ " ' , 0 0 I ( , )I( v'lt' I1CO 0 Ie IIIIVIII Ig I. lin " .:· .IIVlwe 1111 nlil I,e Ilindd n t Il(~a~tll1 ! Iloll unn! ! " " e o lllt: lce n Diy IDly sO U.- .llh 1\ c lo,l l.I,~ 1I rut\) )"lll H (w l, 01 1, I111wlcdl.:I· I J( I II I ' I '1'1 I d ' f CHlcflll", 1 thrcIIlI .. d Dl" WHy 'tl o n t b I J I ' I liS 1I( 1t' lt llCe 0 pCflce prlnclp 6S_ 10 IOlllftgO uo ,roln orel~1I pO\\Cr8 ' " g CJlII tUU~ OIV I JC~tIIlD"el'&eale IIW VlllWjlW tn\' It' I OI\'I' 1' \lllh n il' I fl lOU III ~ JU ~ I I\Venlv fULlI I", ul s be!. la" A I f I' ( I Lbll Ileglecle d wlIlI\~ unlil r 8LIluti dl .I f '" "J ' t: I I ' t I III till'" U I 10 ulVlbwn 0 tint ">Ie .illlk the IlI gilI. or bll!,!hl III .. tluv - , ' cclly befol e lli ') IUIII.-TIt ,, 11I IV 119 II '~ , 'Y ou lire \V I ' •I !t\\IlU, fo~ Illy II gbl hUli g ll St- lls~ I;L Oil ~ Ie CI.I',",~. :~'d unle8 ' I 1(;" t ,,~e H >lIC()~ H••I·I.I} III 102 7, Mrs Mull auhered It) Will ie grl'" &1, ,, 11 I, err, vr J") sl,,"1 I ,J .I , . I I, ~ come, IIlr ~trAn gc r, 1(' " IUl',l lillU, A ,llllUl of "cu rufl; 1 UII~ 01 Il l" lI e ~tl II I CIII \ h lip . tll'l Ill ck. lle IIIHI)'. oppvsrncr nny BpI t~~llll ,urt lll) l'Ub nb ullt IL Ih ll ' le IllRr/! (·d, 'lIId \t a\e Rrllvedjllst In IIm~ , '1111111'1111 /11"1" 111 ',1 1111 ~ 1)1,,,,,1\\ /1 )' c,\lJI,lIleIlL 18 Cl llllflC- ' I'",. f I "1'11110o c ltl :I• .JUl).ItCIIII f111d(UIII rn o . t J db ' IISll "' ''""l llllle .. , , ~ I \ IJlt'Xllu .. llt.n lo nlllt'l tJ UlllOuuX alLl, l,jle Iflrllll" bh~lIlrusI. o r roes he lruy , ' IIle ll 'U IIt lc U( OUI g.nn Rnqu<:I, l,ulld l e ol ,!;h 'I" lly {til me IV l'le dUII CI II" II 11111011<: 01 I It, 1I111>':S . \ l' I.rl' UII ICIlIIi ' ''lid. ""I C' liI II r· 'I II , 1111' dut of Dt! 'rQ NIlII:,:itll6U UUI nll!1l1 0flt'6 ueb:u!le I I\/ IS IctPlc dl ~u (urugo my ("xlIluLlil "1l '::ilr Klll ghL,' !lfl'llI.·tI, ' I llOOW 1l 0l I' J unti me, M) V'li IHI d slll.. 1 J l'I~ tI liLl11 I'ftJplt: -- !l ' llIg~ d., lI o t liI o \'e I" ~ I I nJ :III ~ II"l l lvl; 1l1l~1 ~f Ilb S lal~ill" (r~m I I I d I I lltl' l liS nOlc ghO"s llljJ lIuwcl l' r, 1I1.lIl ,lgl·lIl'j liaL " u l kIU'If!ll g ltl UI" , lJl"s,' 1 on l <:IO~l' l tl., ,' lil")Jullclled "lIl1l1 ;~ hl"'lIl1ll -. A".r Jtl\\(J 1-:0'o ' llw lI .eo( ';od~oblaill('d bY8~lvela " ':lfI1'II~II08kolYt'7 nlwlIl"I~I,"V I lIlymIlIlII Llo!!C II,,, luuL,lgfll llst >U(1t II UUL},olt,llellll s lllklnlll tho CIt . tllle l!'I I \\IIIt '\ e!l~ d 1lI ~' II" I1" '1111. I:l tl 11111 1 f,' ~ I.t lll {)ld \\ul ld I""""IIIIIYIIII \\011 · 1" ,) 1 SIIl'I~\) 1i 1IIII1CIi,C pnrL In tll~ I) 1"1" Ill' ,II ps t e 11111 S U III !:!" I , I CUll Illdly [llof t't< dl ng so J I! nlll l e J 1111" ') ( til l' r ~OIl OU <.II 1 J "., . U \ I I ' '" ... \II d l ~, II' le I\~ p.tr\ll~elll rlly • ll! 0 I II ' . I I'll I Jl" p y A l les~, IIUI \lut cemeJ I" I" CII' " UII; thr Il l! I. BIlJ L1l1u'. ('1 • ~lU lll ' ' 11l ~ "L op~ns 11' 1 ",I l ' . L.Ilj,(nllizlI rlU Il ul Ibtl Am c liellll Anll S I... JhJ ur,vClIlhcl1' s h uuu\\s Irom our SI'dll ' l '~rl 1 0.' ) ~" HC .tl 10 Jl ~ce, Ill\ bU!Jt!rSIIi IO US. nnd lh ol e (ul\! 1,0.; I uul'olJ 111. 11 ned I\lU I.,e;. LIIIII , t III npl'rJ)\IIIIIUIl vr Lll s till /o bll.lt e l m uul!.. V'!I" ~uC I C I) III Phtl,\!It:lplllll in 11333 .. L\JIC,\.lIdwll$ f,·1' 1Il!lllIS tl ll uIJl. li,vtl)'u U 10 O"K 00 011111 11 k . If \ I. 1ll!\\u~ll\owl' \ . tlb ' l I \ J ' " , \ " b Ill} II: , bU ' 0 lllill 1 (ell ~I" 11 ctlltl. tl \!llth"kU~, L J II r Illi l!,l li S 0 &'IY , m olilcr fI\}u\ilIODl8l8, l'Inp 8U\:1"I 11'0 1119 vlrlues elr,l'l' to I!'lln, lite li1l11l1l !,l' of lltlL UIIO ltallllll"l" IUOIII lJ"wnltl I , Cur 11lm armed, . ! ' I ny. Rt~) Imlld's . ,)" oOlh"entllll' -;t n n 'I • I bn\ Itl1)h ,, ~h ~ r I\,"l, . 01 Wllh !.i) , l' I 110 <,.c r IIOlletil, 1l1,,.1 ""u ifill'; 11V1l1"U IIIC I1l1n. As 11115 R( , m e ll II I I:IHI"itc )'t) ur nil OJ " ~. '\ l' I I I II Il l ' , IV III ( IlIld thl tJ nt)· (llify 'IVA '~ ~l(\t' o!~ ) I' I' '1 u I I I I I( . IUIl ,,; ,'1 J II " In pt l' ~ , 01 'e 1"1> . , 1I1 ~ III 10 urnlnr 0 c1fnIl''''ttl1li '"lleIlWlI ,C \\rll , 11l1i B,) r r "\V r elgn,pCn~lIlll uCIU l oo t!lew IU} S( uf· ') 11 'UULltllIl), I aDI Lila Biro n Dl i ,II" II. I ' fll' I , ul'ltlldu o wlIlJ .. d\\~)' ! '111(1)0'111 11b II . ,I I h ~('p IUle UIIJ cltnrlly 1I1I" f ll " I~ 11/01 I 01 10 I I I 'I" ' H(lt> I. 1,1 " 11(: I ' Ll III' U I( 11. 1 II- I II I J • II • /I 1I~\v ulllllg opcrteu or Rntl· Ill' \\' nNDI I:: I: " t<~ lint( , C,I t' I lin ,OUI. IIl:I~IIOC " 1I"ld". I tI'hll> t! I" wnrll tI ,,:! d. "'. HIlJ . 1IU!I U fl l'lOlil .I . I' II - II U cltllll t O 01 1, 1,11, ry IIl CI' llII g" lit" ,.. ~ . S "P I', III ord~1 10 be PIPpflll·J fur lll( 'lilt; l!~ro n 1 I lllpO~ilUlo I I lJe hU h I 'I II I 1 I . II b~w " Li e' II "" I I I, I1lttl l . I' l I III~ 'II ~, I J I d t I .1 nil" I' I f I I u " Ill' ~ l It, ~'1I , I \ 10 II lUI Ll ), 11\ , 1111 1 ' , l'U l ltlll Sllln Ing- li e 0 lum nl lie IC" Ig I 1\11 C,l. • Lno IC'II1l110lln 011 1 been de,td d llHl fUllY y e.1I 8 ' J 'l!'II'IIIJ ~,', r~I1'I\YLd by IIIU I'll",!, \lllIp]' ~ d ol'" r 11.~ n lllll ll i. lind altlillugl"to ll,,, II UIIH! of AbulillOlllsl aLtilRt lime -; - -- - - . - "Illl~ ( }'r\"i , 'I'L D,'., diJllli{LhI8. o ~elllllOl,,'h l nllnOUl()(I!.1 ' 1 'J Il 'InlLlh I ~ II.ue 10411· I I reVI'.. 1l CleW. , I L' I Iy n '''' tl ~ l .1111 I It I 11111 "., R'II I UI 1, 1,,,cUlllIllultll(1)lt!lIclillgIl1ll8IHIIIYen' I J ' X . I l L'I I) l> I n , )l ( 1 Crt!iIl,lrl (' III", cI ~ ltI Otl i;' Bitt Le 11 "". ' t WII)' 1,Inc e , fur l I,new rut' .l lI!! 'J'JO II u . II 'i' ,II I !. ., II I II IV II cAL I • \V I \\ I -' ! ' Iv car 1,- 0 111 ",' /I gilln, vllll4'I el !u ll' II ('IIcl ,,,J lI,u \Vllld » \V tli ,,) 1,.111 l 1I • I , I In II " li ll v i 111 1 '""U~I\'II'" Lho IlIlel n~t8 of ~ht: ,lllglO ' HI'OUSe me /It tho first Sh'lI o f 1111 1 '" l( I.e glv 11,,1,"11 LI I' r I !J""h" 1 )tll Ju 11 ' I'L u I IV of III .. \vull.d Ill' \I {I.LI t; F (.ILCll lll(' f, .., 'v " , 10 bf'lIl ~ 0 1 1\ . I"A, d '''dnn,1 m e 111'11111 nlld Iln e l' l'd ' " ' . J , ~ C e rllCt' ~ I " 'lk llig occaSio nallY In thl!lf I, ' " wl Io I'".cr I) WI 11 I mc 011 II IIIL fI\ la I 1111,1 1 !.ulllhie .1 ' liS," l'o\' lll1 H elltl 111 1111 > I I~," ul 11·1,\' <I 'Iii • cl,u lcll , cs IIllll Illdtng , , I 1I1l1(\der-~o I ""'!I'e myi ~ lf U'l , Lv II" If II ~ II u. IU I I •., I "v n (w • c g I thl'lI chlllllllbitl I ""!l, elll.o ltl "' ~"l\ v ~ d""C lJlI bdtlle l ltaJL"elll:l\~lIltllll', lllld 11111 1I1\\II} ij HR'UI'I 'lli '~ II S, S he wns A Ct:ltllfllll 10 ) ell IS 11110, I "1I1l l\'lVild flllr. le~, fm} IllInd.tou se tioccli~1 0 IHII I} l nll:tl.t"ll:lJc pl ese nL.' .. • U)' lII 'A oI,o$tly b IlIn ,I " I I t:>Ill~ . Il ut!u.! '.o!}wI ...' 1\ 1 " 1\ all Hllrllvn eXlll I II 1 " CuIlY~IlUOn, " . r lIlIUI~lIl1ll!}OUlh.Hl I OII~ uf nlm, lIlld IIIi / 0111111"~ t,f tbe slo l n \Vl\houL ' g I 'lU U,t I' , I lX""l1ncu' IOtllLIIl· Wv llll lIVC I< 1011 II I'C'~IJO( I , " 'I. 11"· \\,,,ltlijAnlll:)!flvcry et ur (not. iV '1II 11I\t;lly I t.t!IZO II Uilil Slink lll lv II ~oulld slee p. I!lughl!lg atlhu Ihulighl. I Ie ' L' 1111 " , l'u :ll lc, 1 IIlll1 " 11111 1 sk llll,. ~" · ul dlVOl ce >1 /1 1 I' I' t lldlll,!', All 1' !Cjll" 1".1 .1 III L u udull III 1840, but WII8 ex. \\' liN I " '11.0 III Ihe millur nllt! he l10lv IlllI~ n p~J1 o d 1 rC'tllllinell in '~,,). weak mllrlllll' ~xcl'"mc , 1 lilP itl"' t: IM7.l till' <1"1111)11 , 0 "' '' :1 l " I1"1I <6 "" II I" udil l'; I 1-1\ I ill.ll It {Illdull ti ",, ' cl"dt'tl (, o m 1\ se nL fi B d"lpgnle. the tigltt o lei lilt ~o A 1\' 11 111; I" u, puny , g I ll) ,I &Iu m be I I 1,lI n w nol, b II t II' he ll III II "I, ~ 1.111 Oil, brlllglll l{ Ii 10 IllndeJ IlIlIId. WIll, I <II lilt.• I,,~ ,ed "'I III C, UII'r II I' " " ~ ,11 0 \1 .Ill l hl""101 1\/1 t' X"iu - lUll ' 'f v f \I 11 m I n 10 lnl.t) pllil In J'lu bite Meemijlredoltl Dl lln ; Ullt '111116 chltll .. ,.~ : tliolll~on WI\ssllllllll g uliI"anllytilr(/ lj"ulcndlllISluIC<l,du\\1l 10 Iltt' lab" l otll ul ,{u ll o,1 0 I lIIlI L· t\rullll c l' . tol·\" .,J . VItIIUU S 'III)6 b"~NlollIl",uelltedllyl\mlllo lllyofllJe I' A s I "IIJ, l WIt-. tIV ,nly ye~lI s l llt O WIndow, My fillll LIi(luV ItL w"', , ' do [lOL mo c k IllI', lldl ) ll U II I, "llC' 1 . 0 .. " 1t'lf U 0), r cy o n my 60 ul,' 1 III ,,,IIICIt til ,,} 1111, 0 l,l.lc," lIl\mU~ 18. AL Iho slime IIIDC, elte ,wilh a .. lid )oud l. d"h g l'"I1>' III Rn\" 'Iho 8(0111) Ii~s PIlSI' ,Thcll OIII t'l l ll ulk! do }UU 1I0 t h e lll LI.e hlU blC l' ~ 1 1 1' d III my ' '' '''' I'J' I u. u l'llgllll' e r gUl ~ II~lllp. Ihe OllieI' dtl~g"Le8, receivell HCIY Ill g or II m}SI ~ I IU IiS Ull l.PIl~IlIl!IUlh-I" lhlngs 1I111.\Cl e t.! my IIll~nll ll n, 8nr~I), 1 li e Wllij IIII t! IIUl'l t d U)' 1\ low ~IIAIII \"' Iti l II >C I~~11lI Ih.l\ .. 1101 1, the \Cr} 01 lie g<'l~ llillllk CUUrl~.) UIlt! allOllllllU; IllId III BlrnnI ~\ 111 0 liS bOlllce . ll c ll ~o II \\ ,1- I \\'~ s IWlll n lli e Iloor ::;l'lllIgllll:: III' of lI\Vi _h,n/!' mU>lC, whi ch I~II uI, (J 1f Ill) I rou l. li le wltul,! cl .. w,I,IIIIII.!' " ," 1,. 1 0, lli " I.. "I~I "(Jew, 1l1' 1, "lid IIbollli on is l Q. lhey wero ",tIII I> .,l l ll ,1 ,,(IIIlI llId I' ItlloU l l. 11,,),01 r ~rl! z e d III \\ UndC I/IIUlIllIlllil' IO tJln, I ' enr "I lh t'lIeh ,IIILlng ~1\Cl'lnc.~.""' I I>Il) ~ " .'lll ln,;IY I\lVtUllt Ihu Il nlil(J of Lll Or IllK l, t, I, I OIll .. d In Ihe eOllvenllUn, , I O l lllhk , I n l UlO ,lhtl filBL \Vumlln'8Ili!l'llt~ .11 , "l."!ldclIll"IIIl'11l II,,' ,uu ' h l hKlIb el'"J/' p"' lll go lfllcou ch 'l (II'g n l lOI1L,OIbUl} hl}60ullUllS ullcnnu - UD,"I; ",l eu' Jo'l 'nro. I I.t' ,II.I " I 1II Illlllild h Ull ',· Ill llg tlI IIC l II C"; II hlc b ,lrll>d "11,.:blll I)' b,·l\uI)' . , ~ u " lia s my lim e \\' lI h n h (, III 01 Il UUI "L C'II i1t' 1111011 WIlN 1)(, 111 lit t'1' IICCIt Falls, "11,1 nIl, .Id Y " l1.:hl, 011 .tIHI d OCCIl~ , In tlte glfllC ; Il,e 11uOI 1"18 01 be,\U l lfLI I ~l ~ allllllgl) vi.i "Jr Ill'n I l.i,; h,'A ,I, nnJ I _PIII\'~ I 11101111 It d Il ld /)1" "I ~ 1I .. lu II. 1 blo Ir I h e !'< t ,) ,,1 111 n f. II 110 111 S (llle~ :-.: Y, llll!! LIl CI ('tHI hi oil 1001, lin ncllve , 1I11L1 III 1I111'IIIS cnllr, lI d all III I m()'~le. . 1[11 a 1Ill'lII<llllbltliUd lo t lllJ Btlnn 'H I,ul Il e av~n ' 1 \\'II~ flJ ' nh ulo tl. e Ih e l XI"l."IV II I I I I,· II "~ II IIIW 0 j ll\•. ll In lh ll l 1111 11 s ll!J$('qll ~ nl CUlIfen llons [\lelY \\ lIlt l!tut 1ll.\"l"I1' " I ~ iudull th o uglll f1 as b ed ncro·s m\' blRin !nt-l oll). IL~n aro su. , '" ~ I 0'11 li d ; iL W"I~ I L111111 1 li" ,,[i! t" Il'" P Pl,jI C"".tll. n CI,,~'d "f bU,1 S 111111 "i'i'II~ IVII" h 1I1\V!! b ee n h" ld 11IIIIII1IIIy, for ~d"blu p e.,olil\i '~. u;;l.wt, -h hllslll l t11 ,\lITI,ile ,1"l' PIIl~ I h ,,,1 b" t'li I'll '1IUllstIlW"y,'h'l8AIU,lIpploncl'ln " l -odl"dlSllll1 c e. 13 ,H J I.ad 110 1IIl,C \\0111·11.11 '11Iul. , I"I ·L . II ('II) 1", 111;" ¥O'''l lllI~LbellluIIlllght80f WOlll~ll. s ee lll e d I~ lIl e "1l'1I~l\h!ll SII.IIl ' C , lI l1th' l th e IIIHIIl.' nce of et hl' r nou call ,hc du ,H, 'Ihe bllncluel IS pltpllr"J. " '.' I IUI Ihu I III, aile lilv ll ll'lI III'\ ' P WIIS ~ 1I1,,1 , ~ Jl)'''IIIII~. IIl,d II II IL """ ,,111AlllI tI I' l''' '.'' g'' of lhe l' u~IIIYO I IIlln. 1I111111111h LIllve nIH! C " lll~' 1 '11 .,1 1" ~ 0111lJ 1\e lghbUlIII~ c.lsII" -!lUI ;:lI l'~ 18 111' >111 Ill".' "I 'lll l 1I 11~ . \V ll h .. ~'lIlol,! II.III1;.:ilt 1)( 1,111 Ie I, ItllIll) " ., IIU' , 1.,, 1 l!tl' >e 1I.Il' J 8 SI ",v b il l. tillS M"t L allclIJel \ Ill! \111118 'll' ~ lt() 'll , 1 1 ~ 1l1 ;1 <p llIL 1 rcmeil ihe l 011" g IJlI IC(l nrnua cl dl'pel'ed IIIIIL Idt' fl. Agnlll I" t! ~loul do o l tUlllt'J o n It- IIt ,'1 IIl ,d J, ,11.111" 1 " 1'11111>' I~I uut 1 '''1'1 .. lind .1, "In 01,,1\ l IU ' " u nl~o' ..r IlI gll lv " "11l\'eR III l ' blhlll eII'L llI . tnllie <I, CII'lltlnll' li t re llie s 'ml'. III(' p.tll h l nH ~" , fll J (I <.I SllIg, lild 111m 11 0m m) 'I ('UIII l l. e C ~S ' lilt III. It,pl lI'~ ~ 1 1f\t r,"} , llll~ I, ~(lrnl Il"l\ I~ III'I'III<I! " 011(' UCC.I- ll' lI. III cll mpllll\' \1 li lt JII " l lilli' I I 1111111t.:11I '; t],em by hcr prese ncfI IInu 1,,1 'll l glllld 1.1 11111'.' 1 I :l> ,,1 U " 1,11>,, 5"111(', nil.! Ih l'II' bvlofc lie LIL SIgh t. I I. ,n ~ , dell dc lit /1-01 /. ~, . IS /a l' JlII II~ 111 1' 110(1' II IIUl v t 1'iUhIlIU t: f 1 ~Il I C, " <Jrd. (I( 6)tnla lli ), ond CUIICRYOrlllg hllll lll l,l lIlll'tU h tJ 'i , e, ~ly Ill e lll rl'I'" sedlll} f"I"fu l·Joo. ' ·Na).)n\l("Cflp~ men ot lhll.~>l q ),' I IC I .II' I\J lolem.'I""I"\l I lt Ihc ,h"ql), IllI Oli gh 11 11I ~ .1 Il u" ,uk oa l uullt:~ e lllllllenl ill oppOS I· l, till~I",.u"I! "f () lIIPIIII . ",d,.I,1 111I1I 'lnlrn illitnl Illllilter II IIC I'rn'[cll e d .n, I<l'lIl1l';I O(ull "w llllll 'jl"·lc',·llt l~ . 11, 11 lllU (;, )\ .1 1I 1 ~lll 1IIr 'I I"'I IIi""I"''; ''''''I I' IU\IS'''''')U''"llltl'''I' \l IVlllU lli l 1I >lIlltll l!" rlol!l c lrmllsten. R) h L'"Il ,· till' 111 11 ,1" "I ,I I.. :, • .., 111 .111 rOII"III " f"l llI g lonk pns~~~'lon Il( in" JOUI W,18 lucl'lIl, Ju , t b8 1 Idlll, lind Il ,,11Ii.e Ill)' b l " l' , IIH I "VIIl I) uU ,~t; n<l (·, I ' T he 'I'llil " I'Il ': Wind hilS b"CII bill\\' - J' cw , llI! eri ( ulI Cytlopcuia. I" c t lib IL 1'"11111"" ill IlIdl" hnd jllS I <i 1'calli ,, 1 Iii .. Idc,1 o f gbll~ 1 5 III UoIe ,·. I I/ C)lllr .. d ~Oll'" t Xelil u ll Iu IUrll Ihe pun 1) " \\11. d ,,~. II I 11"/1. , \I ll II It HI' IIP d Ill' III ' " lid d Oli II ti le 6111 "'" llf ;\ , " _ . _. _____ _ li t dUSl1l " tllltllg 111111 1\ C"l1l .'~~llll ' (t·~ I II '!.! !I'l\t Il.c"e changeR c"uld L, d t' l lI u ti lut l,. A~itllll'II'(lI'l' IIIJ,( d ,,"r' I IsII "j !l g lt I IltV,'1 IIVtlJl dl .Hr :,ti l!su l- ) ~ II, ' I " IIIIII) II "~ l tl l, "I "I .ISII '~ I"I , I (;I.~hl,A I BtT I Eft - ' /I ,,' r~~ig nl\ti on n; )',·t 1\ ""l1t kIl Ucl"Il :,( , ollll, ~ cl" 11 1l~c, 1 In I,ll III \n n ~' III')' , l (t I~ Iltlll III 1I11,n~ 1,: , III I I, ue AU\lI,d III d ~ ~u l . 1 Itlll , , ! tI'l ti l, :-:; .1 11111'.; tI, I .. C IIIit' I COi l U<I !!" .~ q g ' •," I! ~ III II .. -e .liel I". I Ii, I ll f ( " " , Ill i !Jull .. 1 I~ dlllt'U IlCI\.I) IlIrt'tl IgBllud.dt" ,ll lld cIHlhU 1,1' cllt,l, 11I '1. 11 " I'''I'';lle_Ir'· lll l\ l'I , "IIIII~ l e 't1I) o\lIZZ:I1I~111I1t I I ~ltl. Ill e l rny \I <IV C0 3 11l1l ,Alld \\ 111'llll ~ CICIlIlI~ v i !I ", Ild,"SI II IIl c llIll tt ll.1 11111 LI, ,,J, s tlll. l tI. lJ lI ll" Hg" !t\\II.ol,ly ncc'pled b." blllJlc"e lind pille, alllJ 110 Wlllltlil l'; .lll l\, d, I IItl 1dJ f'll>ulIll,I". mysll'l ) il" , lily ~1" 1 "~ 1< ' ~ Il)lwl\ld. 1 11 .'\ CI>cd 11 0111011 I II lllUIlUIi l'.i 01 11 0 cu,tl ll Illi g lite ,I,I-L Io lh <J II' ") tJ ~ , IIlld II Itllll :' 11 c :~ «le ll.l ,)' (of \\111 I. ~I "'< tll , bill 1[1 III COUI, \III ,lu c,' ItIID lv opt'n \Ill UI1110l·'1I1<1I" "I ,·. "tllln;jC I\~ It \Va~ Il. le n gth , lil y • } "S "x c·d UlI I. d "ut. I .. ·• III my ~ Ill'. 1 I)l. c . llI e III' Po I,eil; I, 11.111 I'IJIIIL tu I IJ IlIL \lILh h:1 l,u.,lV II I lite ~(Ilcrll l v ld e l flf,n n UIlClll1,( II, I~ IS 1111.1 I\SCtl l lll11 lit e C.IU <(l of Iltt; • I f I 1I111~ 1. ... 1 1\ lighl.' 1 excl "l :u E' d I'Il I IIl.lI) ('1 ·e llw d . III Il,e t'lUI\:m" "ntl " I llll\\' \tlll~ 1 \ .y III (\'1 ' ', U\"" 1 II I v I '\'e ' II \ 1I I<1I\e l O tl l\'e r.um ~oycm\Jt!l 3Ulh . h IIkn() 11 II .' u ulJd I l 1111 lied OUl tJ LIP' IIIII I,L", '11..- nO XL IIl ~IIIllt " Lu g t' Ihe hllii. Itu d ~ly !,1I ,, 11I1I~ 0jlen lite ~I kll' W, VI h CII l It:aulll ~ ,l It) C"!\'CI"lI ~ _ 1 'I'll" houl>l:s on Fifth A,'el\l\tl see m l U \ I ~ I\le Inl~llll01l o f l<1'n BUllel 10 reply I) II d Q" 1"l ul\ " ill' III on o l ,f OUI ellll 1,1.,\"" fidl'" Wllh bUIIIIII' cnndl,,~ d U') I ,l ellltrt:d 1\ OJflglllh c~ lIl fUIIIi,h t· 1i ' 1Ill ,S lWIl" """111 11K Ih~ \'II\ ~' vI I IIl 0 ' ~ 'I be \,\JI \I I.f @~nd . I()ll a, 10 .lI t' rrlllCI.ms of (j~tl . l'rltnt all 1118 ... , ,... (:) 0 I) II II\) lind luli " " . J U' , IIl1d IVu a III ~'· Lel" IC me, ::)UlIl l'w ll ll t bll\~!::"led room, III Wi lie h \V,IS bt!IILt:d II IJlIl , h llll U- 111 11 l"llllly CIlI CI\ ' ,11 'j I e 11l 1l 11l1ll11 \ 0 1.\ It" (1 t:lt.II\I , IOlltl. Illl .. h Mill,. " llllllll} Cli lcel. lIm\ III &how to tllU !ltl e 'lv lllllI ,~ 10 gnlll adl\l l<sh.n . , h) .til lh llli , "111 1 sea led 11lY'l·1f III a bUnlt· mald.1I 01 Hlnll ltnl{ h".lll}. , I."J ml'. al lt l IVIIIJ til ,11111 , f" l1 III I Ill" .1111 1 c,," 1"1") \V e / "<1 1 1.1 II ,,· It .... h ' I ul lIl r). (10m tlIlIC Il\I: eco l't!~,AIlU 'Ri~h~lIl l" I" Y 'IOI)' , I II .; e ..,II III, III 01 del 1o en lIl!C l m I ' Ex u u ~e Dl e. m nti ll m .' I B (Id . In A "I l Ii" t 'llIL .11 I It e I" IV I r 0 I ll'll 0 Id C~A I II II h I' " II!. ." .! ti dl' - l Ii It I lI ' l \I II 1. II, I I. II I C11\ Ie " III": li," (" I\lll' 8 0 IV n CII I ~er, ll. c hm"I'. III rlt lh~ r C IRI]., wh ich tl'''\lgh[~ 1I1l ·1 dlCldo upun Ii p ll\n uf pul"l,;CllC t OIIC~, 'fu r till ' IIItlll s lun, bil l . II I , hil I! bUll t tl Rnl"l1 ~ " hi "p 01 " IO Il C~ " " " 1,. I " II C 111 go tiL Itllh " A,tol I'UIII lblll hs hu~ U' t n of so me ltttle 'tI'YICU "I 'I' II C I III ue !t IlIl III ,," , Iln,l fUI h~ H"I 1 .1111.1 1IIlll gl i uIII". pillct', alld III' In I ruhl".1t A Sf. o .. n ", J W,tS nu! e lu l_vJ -I, ,,IV , lIlll) III lil" 1,,-1 C,"(111)" L>J ~hl It. pul lll c. . . . 'III) 1" ,11 iI ." 1\ , .. ltIlCtl 01 li n "II \\,I,iI (!~lt l ln' lhIl 9 [1 1 ~alll Ihecl .. I'!, ~,d.lllgl\pl .. c,.ofl!xII.' m OH·. l s lllrt, dr" r 1).11 1" . lllid 10vU h''''" "h tlrA Il.d P'JlI"I!\t'~ dluv", 'e' ll, e ''' ~ lu l l"r('":l (tllIll(Upon lllm ' Ll I,. \\ !J OIIlIlIl1 UIIII·nl If ]11 ,:1' 111.1 Iltltcb ~l hy./l lhe' III.I.:('cl l lllclt ~l l lI, c 'A' l rkll~ ~ el ,· 8"C~l:cl.l1nl ,· d, Cll'P- ' I',I-,."l:O llll l(:IJI-L SIl· .II11 l l. fo r III) ""11,"".11 ,·.11,,,'1,1 , 1'1 !J I,I.!" I U illel, IAdl'I ' I 'I'" ' ldby~" nll' h lg h(.lJ]clI(lsI R 11Ilhl} bl,IY 111- 1'. llu, ]L II.lll l;(cn , I",,1I1' A 9 II II~ In-t 6(ruke d lt'd 1\,.,.11) ing my 1>llnl,' 011 .6111 11\t1l ~ ou 1'1 iii 1l,lI l c 1.. lld -AItII U \l ~1 1 ~''''Il l ec, V'1 " 1II l,( l.I 11.. lldlg q Inlu IL lillie IJ'y 0" \\", I'IIIgllIll. \\I'li CO) II,,,lu IllS conduct It \I'C"llt ("I I" II) ~ (/l l ' , 1111(1 I, .,d "1 '"1 tl ,e' llll. J (dL 1\ 111'lltl up (.n \Ill' It"l' Ut: IIle flom 111\' ""llIIIIg'" <I I..! Ill y \\U ·"CU 'l l c l l g ~l . 1 I\lt< III ' I t I tI,., c"Il'lul ~c "tI ,"d, '"'1\' Il,c ( .. ,"1111 1lIl\\ItIl ,"l"llIlId,'r Iho c lrcum s lRnces, dUllllyht'cum"I\IUIII,Hl l ho\l~" tltl· I"ltould'I , L""I'IIl" 10 Illy Ill l H,;I 'ltllll,IIJulIr ; U\l cI.,"" lI s ::l Iyre !lllt: II,labl td 10 \1 ' 1' Il,y r l..; llt !I,1l1 C I l!I!II I'I ) :t1l,1 " I'"ILI".IIII IIII I'll t ltr l ,". ,! \lh'Jllll,l .td ( ,c lllfl.J('laot\hIlLI~ I1 s8 tdlltlJlUllled SlH' '' '; , AUt! ~ullle dIA'\lll g my'L u,,~., 'lluIJl e d 10 cun ' ply. i ~lll .: en IlIlItCI~IlI ~"O Il I',IIU 'X.llIlllh''' , liellr l,! I"ltll 1i , 1... ! I' ,,) till II \) I \\ Ultld l ~C'JI"lIl.IIU, lhe It'OIll S Wtll) J e L cllpa!Jlc of [If : flont lht: III1IUd l l, r(,8 1)"" , ~ '0 <:I"~(' I • My 1111'\) 1111<1 , tl.o B~roo (I f) FI IlI1 1m)' IIrm, hilt nil blt nnk lillir hc:t II. 1 \I/llll tu ti'llll e Rw lul III ,II" (If 1I111.! _ --.--- -- 'H.tI,lll:; ,I.llt"r wl : h hill! III a ha nd :1) b.lIl1l cl'I.I1.cl Rlmf'. "/I' ccll>iIIlPLl me b er" In tl'I' 1'1 ; Il l.cll pUlVer \VR- IJM II!~S lu 'hslH 111\' I lind 1") / 1" .",,'-111, I IIIHle II lu ,It ro , it.,; Th u 01 i1 10dox Qllakers lire hke1 be IIIIIUI"ld of till! litlle hI] in ,III' : . b o lilu lit< prOle A l ob lwr, 11l' 1,.ld O( II~ i litil} 011 :1 "101 me l(j t .··~f' 0 ? IIlll\ "It'll , SllIe" Ih ::l 1I1 g'I ' lllf IlUrI LJ r~ . lill' I.tlld, II1ll1 .Whl ,1 fill H ,. I 13ut lllt',l i ll t" til ' Id ll ,\I I lliu IIU~trll(>11 of t'slllbIIIA!;l! 1;;11 1 I~ III () n d l'I II til' d tl (·~c I 1j,\IUIi II Ic C(l1I 1se ru !lillI, I hlld l Xp , , l ed III .1I' . • II ) UII \I I, h II, 1 \\ III h.1I I' W , ~ 0 n I 1,/\ I l! I ell d" ~ I 1) 11 d 10 I) XI)I , I\I I I I~ C,IU, I III I I' "cd III I" l' 'II I~ III I' 1- IIV ,. s Ir LI' I I I I II_Ii III ~ ::i ll nd IY He " Ollis. 'f he q lIesll?" tI ' e JlI~c~, Rlll.l I IIIUIII""'<I Iv 11\; , I uti 1'1,1 n p·.!o fllc,.tlliol, o l ~.'ll1e !If die llJ e Jl!l~ (j( eX11 Ilum 11,1 ; c">II~) IlS 01 lit e ~I ..{ "I S ["lilY . b l" III ' '' II I I 1" 1 "" ,Illt, fIll ,I II ,,· ,,1 ,,'(1,,111,,1 10 Ill"'"' I I" " ~ I !ll l lllg l"~ }unrly me .. llng III PIIIII'HII)01CI(lIIIHlghbolln •.!'cniIlCII(;t" l tl·llI hummtl o .who bo\\~u III ub I I e I ' l e u ' 1". 611 0 Illgllnllll t , II () 1" , 1,,,1 JI (' '' 1I1 llil' l! '"I'PtISOUl,,1 " ' li lt' ,, "l fl l tihutl " d,-li.!,III • •IIl.II[ L!t<:{' I ~ l\t1 s0 ( IbeprohelC .111 t:X I'c1:I'n~ I'lclI' cvulJ liu o\) 'I "I 'C ' lfully 10 DIe, . 'T lie ll lend mc, Ilnd I wil l fIJII,,1V ) " II I (" I 1 \Va :! \vIti" ".V"~l·, /lIl,l I'lllc ~i\) ! 01 I IW "t:, I II~ 'J I,ll' It" \l ll b BI,; ,,,I I",,<d sdllll,ls plt' \!lll, tile 1UIIl00ily,who Ilad of Ihe Olrllill:J lind I:s ~UI' rOIiIl '\YI"I\l!o you Wrlet Ii ere' I J ~ mlln- 10 R pl.lce or Hllf"I:, prul oc""J )UU CUII.C I,. US. I \\Ily "tlU Iler 1"'''1' 1,. 1\1 h ~L'\V '\ UI~ I"" k IIjlon til" IIclll9 n J ''I' flr1l1re from IIg~, 'V e 81111 It' d Il OO llt 1!!1I1! " 'cI,,, k u e d.ln "gllill v Vlce. ' ... 111/ nlIn')' puw!'l'.' I ::io Ul tJl llll t:H my (11t'ndR 1(·:1 m e Ihllt I .,nd II~ CI"l. t ll " '1'III'lc lilt; "I II"~~ I,nt! lile "pITIlunlt FaI tll Ihp Sc~ l. will "Ill!.lil .CICIIIIIg', 1I1It! ,\ ft " 1 J\" ~horL ",, :k I ' .... ilh n Il,ict: Ihlll fell on my e nr;lke I '11"<[(' 11, Ihl' n, I~t U~ Oy.' she al1- 1 w 'l~ unJcl sU lTl e l' lJW ' I IUI :U ,lt.i "ellc In 'l pu rp, ,, ,,,~ 11\ (hc oeelln. dllHV tlnu orgau lztJ Iinolb~1 m ut llag. IUCIl\(lIll\lcl'iu{ I I,e ell'>t! e, II lt leJ. (t he 8nflOlU llUUI' of Ill" f),lUnlalll, ho aIH' d ,llIl1l l1'~IOWardlh"d ' JlI r' llu"!Il'p; UlIl! {'I'IY IIlIlIll IU III) I lg h l \ Be , c lll'lls :'lV h " ll! _ _ _ _ _ ••- - liftS LIl IIt,lULly tllu lIlIn .,ICII. ' Iln ,'o\ (It, d, I A Iuw l. 1-"lng luugh rllng "ul on tho ann. hangtn g u s,, ' c,,~ at my Klde, lid II 13 ,, 1111 - 1 I~ II p"rl'ol.c 1 'Wh~, .\11 10 111(' ,' l'.IClllllUCU I, ')OU 'My n o Llo mlHtu Lid me ~urumotl sti l lnl.' ss 01 the rOOlll, lind, hLltn.J IIIg'11I plovf UIIiL LI,,' lr illlllgllllU g ~ RIU f.I,,, l'h"JHIl IS" "I. ltl~. 07 FrCl m Ihe OhIO Agrlcultllrll R.I~ tnl'1L If ns,~ IUIII' , you to Ihe fe [l~t.' Ihe UUOlWfly. no lougtr In IIrOlor, hil l Y ellls hav e p " s~~(J1 "IIIC" till ' II , /lilt! 1 ]Jellllt;l ll . II pOII)O "C' POI,S {Ol l iJu .J. \11' I",.ru IhllL lhe tolAl lile puor, 111;;hl"lIcd Illntll o rt.!, he 'G o uack lint! tell your not, lt! mnsler cillu In 1,(('If~t'OUR robd, 1 bt!III, ld tl, e !l01 cha ngeu , nil 1!lahly cltllll ~cd. hili (jl ll ll I~ II \lIi:d,· , llumlJM uf hor~1ls III Ihe aLale is 675,h i~ lives- Rnd pllll:r no~l el'S, mllu LO go to ll!~-; If he \ti ~ h s t o -ee me. Baron d e FI·lln sti llt'. with hUI rllpll'r IIi the fI!C(, lte ctlon o( (lint IId v,III Ultl Ild l AIIJ -nubud} kn u lV-i\ w41nl hll!C!clhlll (j 'I -I. ,lilue . ... " ,538,U7!J. '1'otl\\ num· II to, I\.rl lc.ulnto , 1 nm IH:le,' \V1I3 DIy reply, In an nngry hiS hflud, l.I S fflc e JI~tOI LI:U with J. 'I S~ hliLllI 1 m o lo my d .l ing " OU I-tit" (CIII - 18 I blJr of clIllle, 1.1D9,20n , vl\lue, lU,SO I~ I~, lltJ(l u~h ' lhe dllY. mons; e l1t, tone, lun, 11uI rf:coll~\!llolJ of tit " lllull lt: d ellslle, BUL fo r Ihese :\ nge fi shes, Ih o lilll .. 932,69l, lInmll1()1l county hili Ibe at mght-ub t holy Ylfgin, plolecl • I w .1 ulJ. n.o l ullre to reI urn wilh.o ' Villnln,' he f/l illy ~h(lU'fl(l. • j". -L'()/I[j J~/(lrH' Fournet. on ei "uulun'L rush ~o IK~t, h i" well Inr!:{tlb~ uumuerof honea,-17,139, and ruuo lin "nawer. My mailel's fIIge is Ihll. you abuse my uo< p'l :i4j', Vi r, 0 - - - -•• -.- - - Ihnt we havo Bom eliliog 10 k~\'", u s InO 1'lvkal'fAl' Ihe largollL number of caul. JUii&l~eQ a loud buut or Dlerrimen~ It<pi~!o:.' lih a d l'li.' Soulh l'"td:lla'& tl~ t;t 13 %,0513 .UOO, ,log. AgilalioD i~ \h~ word. '~bT' -~~,O~I.
l' urhll ll llrcll·.l."dpl·IlCl',IlII 'ISI; 1,';rlrC'1I1111I.!'II CfI10Ilh,r o(' ullk.1 UI\, J v i 111111 11Il!'. Ir la l. Iii I oro 1'"'1.
l \\ n S hOIll~nIl16l l;loIII !~lltnl(' \r~ : I IICI~ I III I{ bllp(bU Ulll udlll'llou g h II ,,, I It 1111I,
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-- -HELMllOLD·\o.l - ·
La:"rul'n l. HIIII Ull lyi n" . th"l \Y e re cJnlmcd lo hlwe 1i~llI' til' I,ICI \'('titi~u Ih NEW , hlt:"Tc - lior. nclI W I,llt-rR, 4111 "Ii to Rdm i: I 111'1' 11 d Ulle liy th e ~~illlS, ~v!!re in l ".illi. w.dltng Tho ~"UI01l1 ( 1)C nro 1),. Nc w 'I tllk. J too,..nl "I, S; 0,,,,\(11\'1 rn:{ ~ u mscif. Ill MedIUm tile ilono.b Iy ing' th nlill llll5 Cllse th ey diU nn t'xc~t!d l' ul l.lI It" Mr~. K A, l'ulk " , ,lilt! ,IIny . .witlch 1.' ~ 1\1I Iy 1'11 " j " h I)f l)' llle:; rOl', liS IIny on~ lhu • Bu\\li!l I ' . 'I J ' or IInll' I ( l'ilCUJ ~
L U l.fD '1:
"P' ~
1l1'Hp I:'VR aolJ 4. .:L.
clln IIll , "A'I'Y d"lIlUlI '\l lIle h} ll1al.in~ ifill \I hu 18 f;ollllilinr Wlih II, \1 IlTII~'j ~ Ati ll rl;' 1 Ih e e""'.lh ... 1 hUI.L·~15I(11en\ uoill~ uch ' rn~lIlu Ul Il In 111111 UiUl1I m. I ~r"liml'III, I1l1thlll 11ft: 't' \ ' 3 1 : 1 ' ~, .W O I" • .v • 1 FOR coulu hllvtlth o frec I HI Ilddle , of cour '(', r OIU .I C u\' ,,,I S l III I ,lIl~, Icell S'' J 10 <1u , \I:a 10. b~n.1 his heRd down nod , McJlum. , d 6! , l ' I 811011 liS tllIlI' nny ilL person. lits f o ~tl lI 'of inence Incont or Unlit· ", Ih hIS ll'l'lh flllt: of ~11l' IlilOd. tention Non·re i:~I)f~, , he coulu b" II nu l:i ntll l IIillS' ~fnu;;' l':~ Irritat ion Inftam mat·Ion ICI'lcf;; nll.is wrlsti t his Jone ~ his IId~lht! lIg- h L IVPoS Fl' movlIlI (' 1. Urine I t' v. ' . ) )o~",ll'l rn co " un3 n T wrltl!! 1111 H"UI> ou A , • llIsownplellsuren I (,rlll"I' , ~lIlS. 111. IUTCIlIIi:. N"IV rUIlH II~ IS liS pre Iy f\ , or Ulcera cl, , I hlllld~ lind 'HillS wure fri't', lind the Un· lI li~ uOlllll' llt·dh~ ti'tln of the Bl dd d ' .11 .1 ' I I . v '. , f I ~,~ __ , • • • _ • • • • NI ). , . , . \. (•.1'11., of C~I t"lll -o·culle d ' i"llirilun l fCSill tl nllS Wi liu e uuwn to Lie a er or mlllll lll~ . of crk " e tlt lout "5 w~.. " n~1 1,,1'\' ,l' FI\\\, I r e 0 \ ~ • l}'Ing ~OL •• , • _ ry. Fo r in slll nc e. il ! ClIfI~lmftS ~o ng 11 '1 we ., ., J'u/llme ~ cl'os rn l mi, 6I1b we , ntied Prol. • u illt:' the ' 13 of , el Illolll~nl Dneas II s, 10 ,d ~lurtlfe5t .. liulis.' thnt \Ve l O c:xptCII u ifficull nd",c our UIII.ICIl 11'1\ c r,; to S.1I1 IIn, I tAldney .. . th e bl auder d St one In 01 t e thllt the medIum "oulJ lIui u~ cOII,"le red Yen' p,ou"hl IUC"I"1 '.},)Y 00 III liS palll II posl Leg , nl sl' Inc(' 10 ~' l1n "nd il l g' IIme~ an, R,UU e lit 0. . ! tIln.!" r , be b ' . e . GENE RAL NEW S clr~ ulll LIIIICIlS. 10 " ch su r uc IIn him, for lAking In y Iltiheull u.i much Brickd did lIu l III,,'e Calcul ll!. Gra.ve l or O\e. I ~n l I: resp{el fully 10 rl'porl : to lli o 6tll lld, tllktJ a drink of wn · of p l lce. Autll~ S I\S n reacli l e Ih in liJllS cn llt lllru \V 1 t01l 01111 ~ III th 1 111 of " es II 10 , diseas 'cJ urt all DepOS it and 'l'ItRlII ",y IHlle cnclelll Deserllo ns from 11.0 rpg lllllr IHrn) '1'1 1 t B G e nut IeI'. " nU Il\tlll Invel L tho tum bler on Ih" pOlnr. . ,,"liul.d I bupe I ""Y I of ,.,.1 ptlp.., ,~s <1111]"11 II' Ih" T., J.;lIl Il 10 TilE FT h", t II f llil a III,iIrL). III" Uecullll ng Illnrrnll ,t;IJ ftl (IU Ult. l\! Ihe 1111) of his hend , or pillco II bell on III. clI Il drop&l.c and become a, kulney 1Ut'lilulI1 er, Ihe dd a did bl 1.,11\ [ 11' > illc" I\ \\' '~ 111111 lcs, h.h·ehnll ful""111 ror Ihllt SU I IIl U, nnd clln reOl oye th e t urul>ler, With lhe I t he Ull ileu :-;11\1"S It IB rL'porl ed Ihl\t (; ,11 Ornnl <('Is ii' 11I 11')lI.IIICC "1',,~."I .d ") dCIIl '""I. III hl·conol Ilille '! 'l'1t~ 1U 0de or Ij III IT 1\'119 helld. o r swelli ngs, ::iCIOI1' fr o lllih e SIIl IHIIO lhclluor; , to ~ '. l\lId mKlluf,l ctururs , u Ihu Il, In 1 L' Wllt WII. t!'" UI' r lite of lld l e on ' lull ful IlR dll)'s ,,!.I(' Icw "IlI,I 1\ III ertrl l tl'l 1 Gr:lIIue .ry 111 lo d Il t l·. Ille g<b IllII :Al fur out II,,' ~lItne (·lle'lli. It I' Iil e UO>l IOllnd IUIll; rr llft up II ~ 1I1I\l l l slIltcAIII }fEL~1BOI..D'S ,llr 111 "(l It. '1< la. ,,' IIIdwl llt-!:o (lll oelolllr . thelpe ' UI l IZ l', III1.!I,II SUyf,I II" CII' ld cO IClicul ll ' , bY or heau. s lli enoll l ien VUllcrl 'lll uli bul ll, Iol~ \\1 'lti I .I1,III'nf.1 III 1II 001,'lIg ll odplllc Rlnnua ' JeS ti ine d or twu sSI'!! pn 11 11,' ".1 ,, lllll llc l , '"III"' 111 l·1t la.s n,u c 11 118 ... b uf I.I~ l P:'I1I'1 I. ,re on GCI1 . lil,llI tl nnfcIVJII) i. " lI l lnk lll" holu of lhe neck of a U Il1j l), 10 ' tl un of IIny Olhe Lit o ru Cd ,UIll, I., lu (ltl "" h ,,101 , s of Ih " '1 11 (' .71011 Hnd II IUUllll ell l " Il'" 01 LI."I ~CUU lI l I Y· h i s Illdoll,hellw llc l.l y lll m softls II,l C " c trllr \' O'lnd() \,\HS~IHI jl l I. ~ \Vi III I g1I hu a?utlnti ti ,l' (\'111 ' Ihree lImlS t:lllh r.ulllhl: r cunlalllS blxt,t· " Pllf:··' It III alu f}ed brJ~ nnd g,)lu lin d 1 " \HII' I I I ":II~ q 1I11l1 SlnClltJ ' crrc lc. thul\lb l ll"l t l ll lh" IIl~"IILlm O .llnd \11111 Idl ll) d , he 1 IIlound . "'~ LII 1,IIce II1ISlIII I n I" I US III lIumOIO 101,1' ,,,,,",,1 1(1" '1 I I k ' . FOR / j;rc eo 11I ~('el! ndurn tb e W lillclllc~ 1l1I1"e m "y It Il\C 1 d 11/1,11/, I.I!J . l ie d by R nol occlIslll na lly tappln lj II pc rson on t II! . d reeeC8 III P ails. run e tll O VI> Ilm 8 1 r )t'n a tur rs Ihe lr 1 1\\c'\\~IILII)II" . \h ~l r lDOIIVU IHe \\ lI ,t, 1111 mbe nu 6111111"r 1\ ~ 'f' rfolllllll p(J 01 ; It VIllh -nd Ih ho .. " II\~ Lllu 01 81U~ upper a 1\", ~ lll Ion eunlll so ul h Orpt.: r>1l has ad oplod th " Cvn ~\ltu \ IInl,"· l u hr 1I111>l1~'U"\. p"il ll ali sm \h~t III III II b C II\~ tovell!u fl L l\ut Wli SlS . Th., le~t I'i Ilh II /.)(·11. A uu rn us ~ pi'rsoll A, u f 416 pnges cllch, c ll.... ~ 1111 e n · 1 A, Il h c\.\lII1"U fur l\II~e r Kuc h el rCllrn ~ l l\nces, cou 1.1 sll full "cculin t of HII Ih o . prill IS I I IJ, III pi "P i ll ~I,m Oll lie " lIe\ er h ll\ In ~ dcvu teu ~UCh 1\ I 0 vulu " u 0 , lilus ~. dllY, t!le f o S II II.O uee pl a on wnlll I\nll Ilon"I A menu men \ I III uk "'!; lhll I Well II I, II ' c ' I'nc~ . III( I I' .11\I1U 1\ I\t clllWU , ul kno'B , CO I"'Q .b'xct8lt s or illdiscrr lioll. I I) ;11 bul 'j' Clillg- Il 10 "II lhO"e 1'1111 ) li llIe to 11.11 SCllnr light l,1l1Cl U IIrllelu" upon 1 001>! nnu /\lu l,hlll e' .Jll i3i1l9 (film l )"l'ig hlh mtilicollOll. at Ii I,)s , o~ bulh YC o r p.pa r, even Ir Ihere were no Ncle lltey 1111 11 , IlIel \\ 'l~ .. j l ' LllltlS S(lUC IUIi lI '''lufaCl CIIlIl M s 11.1 11 lc,,1 ulk,hop 'l'lo \V " . \II A rew \v OI J~ In r ~lcr ' ry Iheu T. /3 Al ll rrc li. t 1'0 po~ t, wa ~ milt The con ~ titutioll. onro eITecLet! by Or. rill ~ , \\ I clCl li IIlng-, to d l' lellnlllo II UI' lhl s \I'a:l one III Ihe roolll. '111' .dulCe "lwIl)s cuUlls lit k f I I l' I'ISL puin~, COmrnUIJI CII. ::llcn m ant! ~lecl\lI Uiea l lEn ~ II1(:I' I III~ I 111 c,,~c l rOll I UUI ce, lI ""llI 1I aid ofmedsOllie L .. w,tlt" ~ b('( III ~ II .II~ , CotLOlI, C hl'lI1 ll ll • 1'1.I 11 uh'UIIl, gnlll'! \V I!.k llesp, retlilirel the I IC',OIl UcR' fly 0 ~ftl w((· ,1 0 I' ~ ti ll II fU'l' , II..: Vorn'II" '" 110 , ofh / " ons W U' II clllimed Lo hnve b ee ll 1<'00' Woolen Ie tI" finu tillY te I!lu II, IIIIIIIO Invil:ota IlI UIlt! ellU n e c Ih glh by lren III ti III Iu CIII O '~r 'CIlI ) ) 1111 P/O' n ,ll und g LI~lte WOOU &llI t1 l1, lt~ v W. lJclluws 01 >lui .. Iu lx"I l<1XJ bifl Hrt·n t< p ' rl IS,lh <l mnn ' UIIU nil o lh e r lll ullnll,lclU I,lII ld 'e Extrlcll lucl,u Ullllllbo h CO lllllh l1l CUll) "IIIH,e."c r III ex plalllillg- lh" Iyhole Iv eJ,c,ro m hll' IV lIud e .lw Mlem, ll dy II! \\ III1LUfll f u m~. lI I h' II ~ ,l'lI BO "PI,hcal A' esLs, l Inle IiclaLllIg, lS III Il III I he IHlIlds uf tho C\lm UuClIlg , Il'd ,,11 titco ll CA I 1'1 oc.ess. - 1 hc kllol used uy th e m ~u I I u.crlp and cnn U(l8"" n lit any tim e Im pl olll c ulB, Oldnanc D, \\111 '. ,'sse ls. sub n t be' T IH're I~ B grelll I'xeitem e nl in Ca li. I Sell'(' I hey 11>1\ 'I 11']cC mllLu" 1"lIyunnu ,y t.I IlC~. If 110 IreGtme e 'lluwoln "I e Ih 119 n ow um l kn . IS w!tlll IS t - I nc L 1I1 ery, EI I nCles I't I\ . on III H le· o\ ,,"' , 'cclllC (' I '[' r Ihllt 1I li lUdllce<l SU I,eln,'lu fll\ 0 .1.1 WRy ' "I .1 .1 J I he81lllil \ no I bave O I" I "uUlmIlW Ie lall u6 linu Insanlly or mlly r oll e rell l~ luumptt t cU I I rl:portcu Ul 8cov c ry 0. .1111 li S 1111\\ (ltLhy th ell 'ILL" Olio o \ ll uL , Yi oIC fornlB ovc r tiC IIilllh ematlc 'oI APPIII ,lt U", \\' ouJ IIIltl"J Ill, , . . ,0 IlIsl OCl obe r ,I " I)l n g Ihlliliut /, \Vere IHltten b .. th o 1I1.III1U 11 11\ ill iellg l \l .clIDed l oc Ihese bolh 11 11 01 , 11<, n.UIl e , 'S M.d,unJ II e , Il}UIIIII opl\l mlno III CIlIIlYel n~ cO li oly , 1 1:1' , Th perso n. Se \'e ral co mmunlc 'III OIIII li nd Lumb<) l !II IIclllnl' IY lls L'.lll Cu i Inumbe r o f Ihc AmeIlC ,III All'ricuIIU"~ I , ,Wille Willer l'ump" \\'" le ( \\ h" uIM , nlld 011 pir ~ Ihe (10m i\ell mine iscilli med by 8~Vcn ulll c l~ lItCU O\ eA" lunS, "' I\~ Ilil i uduced rece uly prur~sse we're III l IlIluplct llELM llOL D'S Ul\ln o r C lrlcinn ,lll, tu wh om Iltl' V,JII) ' I ,,"ge 3 U5. Th e plocess 1l ,)u8chu ld. HU.ILlCu il ural. !llld p"llieA, tl rUle I' ~1' L , l t of (i en \~ II .Ly tl e, and olle t o ",IC; th liti ll IS 111 IU l'U III l lh palt ' ~ d ns 1 11 Ill" g \.111 "Lll s-thIH I),cll r"s , I"IlICIIL " l~l " )m l u \\o I ~lIlm I A lelh)l from ParlY co n61ma tlt l: lIIi II l!t ll II'g of Lh e \Vh, ch th e CUUlllllllt'O would pnrllcli ' for I,I> III U,IIIC nil.! " en lll lllnllly ( (l nJu cl rftSI€III, d II( one cndlo g I (, IY full a nu v,du/lbl c l u . Ih l, l ~ g "I" II} ClI lIlIll" ll llUll. Th e ir owo kn o wl · I~l cut bein nruulld 1 1 ~ plls" l!tlll I~ cllll;l, , 1\ 11"1 ,1111 11 1 ' he T ~ _I\IIIII:[' th" in,: Ul IU llldIJIl CIS. Art ' cles em J e IInu ul ss prc l\lrncl9 l' rt:al d. g prevIl)u ~ 81nteme n Ih nt Cll ~ ,' o f lhe Illngu llges bei ng !lollie I r I' ' ln !,;s \HIO 6lm llnl. u f Ihe meJ, unJ nny DUDI"" r o f 11II1 e., I U ~P IUIlIll'lItof l'upu, la r I n /I fYiec lton lY ;;erc blnclll 11 (;11 fullv el IS being mnd e on Nn I JOI~fln's GOI"rn ' tiOIl', ' Ull hol h II'e ll pe ~" r ewouIJ s pecu ,"r 10 .\'1110 es ' is Un!· " can III1 UCI ' l r lUlcJu olc pl' "lltn;; on Ih , leng th of tho ropc:.1! lhCCUlIIlJlUltlt, b I lve Sc I ' flito ' l l IO O i l,jlJI'O ec ILl I lI1m I C,' uvy 'IlIJll:c lY i"rcllch wlIcl.e 1 tho nCl" lo f,1' lCll el 1lfl'UliU l uponll tl elr nOrtHy ffl u ou~ LO 1111 I u I I m e nlo for \\ lll,UraIVIll o'. Y lilly oth or preperaLIOU, ft.. 'II wlllcb cvcry"o dy Ilkos tu I Lheru6s l" I<U) IIslh~IIH I UI C< l rtlleY" 1:"llllc l cn Isllell troopsf loruMe xlco. , (/ ~ " l lhe m III IllIU Sl.llIli g thl >!, 10lho m, I "f) !llInu lind p u t o ~n e Ih \\nh t, ls l \\ ft le ~ hl I or RClentlUn, Irregulo rlllf' l llIIt loru.ld ch P'l ill \1 IIOII S "elf''' llIIlnCI~ . om"hl c rOAd. II nu d ie Ia nI' belu\\ ' 11 10 ~1,lck r~llInrkaLlo lint! pe lfccl ly unfulh ,/llId, 1 ' 1 f' r or Suppress iull of Cu, lolDn,y f')II\' IIb"UI lulnC8S Ulil I1", P , \('I1I s l' t . til Socielio Ihe c 11 tfi l 0 ScHln l', o( DRI In Also, ltr porls Measur es hllY t! iJc(' n tnken rnmllniCillIuU. \Vu g lVI.: It vcrlm/Ull et CO g \vl'IIpplll uy lip n tllke Ilwn I~ hue I 1'1 Ulcontr( on or SdllflU8 biliD ~\V I. IIOLiuIIY, IIII~" ' lll C:VOI' li ~c IlL h omo Ilnd nbrOllu ; 1',llc nt L,,1V m Jrll fur l!.t o es lul>lt ~ htllent of /Ill ns) . so ns \I ere I'" CSt' III, ht WI"I , 11 'l: n II 1"' 51, l,lt"a lllT/', g li ill~ d IlI()Ull I' C II Leucorr hool, anu nil COnt. ebl' pl ~. tI,c l Ul(,ru Iltll IltP. J of l1ll' Cllll iCRI g llI ~ Prole h IL S. II d,u-. S5IIJ CU . Dl'C ISluns 1I11t! DI lum Cur Lllo dUSllllit e lind OIP" "1l 01111. 1,(1, e th 0 r ulIUe illg pass I t ~ J "11 gllI rl e Ih ~ ll\uthcs cx whethe rari. UI" I' R ~ 11 \v lUclUel um) ' uf n ce ll " ' 11 III1(IJli el of ladles t 1I ' "COIlIII IIIsnn 1· plUllltd .1 ., :rll1 II I ' A/" fj llllI4ialu lt s.:ap,.rt oa tlf7nrium I'Cl' lplS,eLc , '1'1 ICrellul I /~ tireD of lhc Ui subleu 801 .11 ' "I L uel& LUlu 861 · / '( IlIl,dlog Il C Il g l ~(ll e l <I' g lueo r III I 1111 utj.fC lInY ISI VlI e , tion, i!"pruJelicIU.. l )J UI881flu I L or 1111 ltij or hub I ~ LI rrum II 8 CI ti , ~ 'III\I '-' o,' a ell 10 ' I :I CM .. J 1\1) th IIl II nqulrt's I.uU t v ~r} I u.,' ~J"'"Jnml .. ailun! i llsr.w1n11 " Illl s thu • of Lite. f' ,e l chuoge I or llc I uecli f Illy nlll . Ce ' llI li lu I Ie ml\!11 e Sl lu ns . Ol! 0 spccl,d rCfl l Ule of !;rcllt vll luu to In · ur III lI.e W~, II. LTTLlI:. (::ii.:n d.] 01 Ihe 1l1 ('(I IUIll, i pnrL e th on lime Illtiu 11, 81'" ,<, 11 uf A lrcl "is II CO clll9. l'II' 1.111(1 of l'se ,," lItOl s nnd Own(:1~ l .AI ~xlI nt!le Dllmll~. in COIiJUllctl Oll 1 'I'l. . . nflI'I II I.: h"d hec' " cll her Iu lie or UIIII(l himse lf. \Vllhon , m New VulullIe of lir e S~It! lIl'h c Am c n · Co he much,t wllh M , d e Jldlns, IS lV ulkru!:r 011 a UIl ' )III~ lit e MeJ'lIm tllus n wrlllc IHIIl\! Il I ~f olllt-I'\I 01 · lld ll COOlln Ulicew J a nuArv l. - T~llUs : j lled by Lhe Cumlll lLic' I' 1)11lf.: h im """ 111 1" 11 )' II'SlSIIIIIC" . Spll l:lltod mlll l~ry drama cui lot! 'N J l lllltl oe wuuld ft:cl thllt th oir dULy WJ\8 oan I The V" mmill ec h,I\\' lhus u ~\'() llJ ·3 I b J I I "PC) III/I 1IIIh'l'IIL mnn ll c' r'• r ~ 1ll " \In'", "' I'" .... 1.50 ru. 61:( U1uIILh ~. I y en'r;" er " p b'" iti I close ' 1'1 CSlnnOI ' tcon, W IIC 119 lo c lJrouuoe d III tl ·e I cua t. uClllillgU l!1I dllllll pllle"d lI elll lilli ' I,0 fl111' 11 "1''''0 10 111 " P'Ir I I C II I" I " ccll ru p l ~ l el , ut Iley BJiec l' UIIC Yll!lr, Sib Cur elljllt:s Tell " )' lH'c,\u oO LIH!~' be. \\Ilth o nt Ul'ltfly refcl'lrn g lo 1\11 inciu e nt Mllnn l·R., AUJI ll,c IlI <UIUIII, the " l " pcl" " II C~ 01 nltu~ . iJl~ lI ch o f th e SIJI IJf, et. free. I1L s~ CUplC O\~n t las the of close Iltcntre t!u I IIl1ce IIllPCIISI. the ni'ar h l: v ~ III <II /wfe Itc. l he kel' La tueryllti ll!l I Lh ,'L UCC,urrtlu a '01' HI l' tl lIl f(' Ille LS; h ~ I I L York ,ccn AND re ~IJ\V pho reo How. mlil Park S~l 37 . IflfinilC g d entala lllmelll. Whtle lI, e ~. l'o. , No Englnnt l !Jah SOL lin fdl l'll " "I, " "1!! r, tlillt mlly flppe.Jr DI} ~ t e ll u u 3 IU LhCSC )CVClIlll ,,11), 1',1111 er, lllillbl i isl. City. httlc Tho room . tlto horne lit IIronnt! r.1090 l ".,Iuliol blll'lo WIIS pf\SSllig I Ud tl u b 1/10111 li 't: slll lld ' ,',(lIelll"to It 10 tl Ie moull "I IIlllll lluslt: IIlJll 8, ' I --IMP ROV ED ' .• f L d III li S pllssHge, lie I! lum ng d l"ll ,hl i lasln io nli g'o yin 1.111 y, cc cbtlll(·d (or It s grtUI (urlilel lUlu 0 Now. \Ve hnve re r" l' .wUl AR W 11111 TUE OF d"'lIk r )() llIsToR llI.lYl lu u llu h t/I('ml! of \yllich l lanlern, , k . ,1,\1 /I • lIn ile refuses I I , e r I Til o C" lIllUtI l,'e , III IllIs cflse , hud lltke n I II ~ h L e.... 0 ~ L IIny ~ IIC IItr ij O fljC~18 '1IIt! IlItli IJllcltl !j 1110 1111 I II "d lllllllJl ~d, was sU,,!Jan ly CCIV OU" n0 11l frulU h.ir, JII neS 111 Lo • tile pn'caull(J1l of I'rovhJIIl " PI r.ulIl ! hllhcliu bec il conce"l on \\llIln6' I; !1I,t!IUIl tlw f o cuu I, lill: on 111)1.1 policem en Iliut.! \I II lis SI'01 08 medIum . .lh~ of· gl\lI: Ilgc nL for IIi EI UI~lory oC tl~" C, y, the on \\'IIS 0 hlm pl) l 'hl UIVIl fullnp whi c h ""S, lh~llIM II ~poI lIlllll by , "'I I! P 1IIIIIe r o lce OU Ollll"8, by ::luuulli pl B jd prescnl\ been Ge n, n, E, L ee hilS I luct IVM ~~lI ll ll1lg. 0111 ollly to hun, but tI \\illl IIllht: U IlIi Ilr re ~ \, lie hus Bucces. · \VIii ,",lt r. nlly e:<lcrm in!lto frorn Ihe s,s. IIIIIIU: placlll g Ih e "lll ll d , HI li S IInllllll\ 1\ PW Ctl of onlllllll ,,;1 I ~ t "I. e,. lO m ,'IIY oL hors III Ihe llullibnc o. The l:ich uIll Ck() I', L. L. D b . 1 wILl! n fine niano b f "houl Lwin" hellll' (Jlllllm Q\ lh" ( o lind MlIs~ ic tite Ur;nury Organ." ,," Y orm ~ 1 nJt:1n ere ' P""1l10Il, on Ihe hel\l\ ,. I' u'~f '. UIlI'IllllHeC 11l\'1lI8" lve~. wert: In nn UII lully CIIIl\I\Ss" U WIIVIIIJ ; III fncl, la t(Om n .. en. ". 0 f l; '1'11" hhulllI: ,'. nrro" UWu.;~t· ~il:,t btlll had whi~u nJO, a b II of 8 ng p'''l,lll cUII'nIY \hl) Ibl~ \ of diulfl&Uon l III liHlen· ~~len8 hlps of 8 IIK l,ol..il 'l'OW r\lQted . m Ing Iro o 11 eLII~ nUll ~JCQlIlll fllwor"ul " po,illo~ 10 see the ~ et.llUm Il le d lulII.nI Olll,,1 \"l slH. to lit e cO ln <polldin g Ipt~r Nlll!t:",,,.i ul, pnIl St", 1I1lJC u, uv ",llut'lie h, d,e....... cl nu llilly Ui 'l thll ur.., In n ue ~ h)\ , nllcl , hl~ ck 811u of VlrglurB, 'fhe oOl'or alono is I HI ' Vlllc,'d Oil th e lI e MI of t tJr, ht II,:.\' ", n 1111 lI r Ih e h"llIls ol lch,lIl. Lllcalm s hnnglll g dllW lI, IH ll lly IIh O\VII willcil Ol "y bc ":trlbul ed h) tlt e " I OH~ l',I[p0911re, cornplel l'ly Itlpereedmlr thou ,JOlted 10 !lave COHL $250, 111 1:(0111, w l lhe l ou lll, 0\ '1 II llillll' c~ n" u l Fill', Lh c reruro. florn I Ihelr lu,s I\ UI" II II ,t lI : )' diclilull I)~n IH!l : l: Ih 01 " ,III . POSILIUO 811p~rlllllly 0 fl'11 8 wOlk-I L UCIl'" "whnl II,UIlII I,t, L Ilat liS ,,"el . ct " d", au I. I dlt! Ih' "~, g \V (;11111011. H\lOIl, IV unpleas ant ond Ilnnuer()u3 r el1leJI~s . CIIUU.C l .oll l pe 0 I . lis I"IS",I", !I nri tlto 0 s lml l llr l h ~ l lJ r<' III th e 1I llld e" lu tIl l I I ' I bIII1J' ,IIIl lug" inur ., . n,r, t lO pcopl" Oll~ hl\v o lool\e J r'!I'-1i paibn onJ l\1 urcury, in cur",,, IhuMe UII howe , r-. IlIlve, , .• they c: tlm 1111 I lit ~ ... lVa .. IIIIIIII' Ilg e Th I I of ]\;cwpo rt , It . I ., I' 10 pH,slng nnd 11 1I1:) 11 ,~ of a ~ 1II1\11 LltJlll ruund , ul l l,e ellHIl. .01 ~colt 'YILh se vllral l co ntpl,,~e 1lISIUI} III 0110 \'o lnme ., pl ellsall l IIII~ dungero nli JIBea~e8. be. rl rCIllOI'1 d. MU , lc \1!l S call e] rUI O ,corll CIStd prCl 'y fl'l'e ly . bell. l n CxploslO o th hy VI' t)c llumclle r cOlllm ll nctl dlhc wOlk, bUlned hlluly l. 111111 80 IVa!! 8t1URlet I oliluly. Illv e mUl W"Il! lVhO j cas here Auid IV II('S \V IIS uu . 011 ll. e fi,st c v,.nlll g. tho Commil lcl', I And th e CODlIIJl 01 II I,crosen e \"mp, 1'118 d c c u u~c d . Till l e.t"blts liu d 0pullon 8"ems to bill. lik e 1111 ulhl:r mell, hu wel b Iil haH t mu l llI lI f"cl, (\ 10 fa re lilly II I In y edl u lH'xl'lct e eompi e ilufl ul U~E II:sult l)r lho IIl'lill clIl i8 n fUll rul WUln I hllvl ng- b"u II IIpp t. lll led l ue Ih"l Iltll m,·dlum wu~ Btllnd lng up on morllll, Hntl d lcd-Ih IIll~nlllll\ f I lill' ru selv us , Il t l O UI'J.''' 1''' ' HI tu " IVl ' lu l c<u it b~ lf nn II ,u \Vurl. d ' VOllU\t " po n Ih at emlll oni Ihc I I III I OUL u lrelcJ.e ~ arrD IllS h Wll l'1g to Ihose wI d t' uUI ll e lil I ('HI) I O w D L 1' . UIUI;Kd , wltu. flolll I .1 U;,; h lilt '''' tS II''II~I ''" l un e II I 1I1c II l1 d'l:: nCe . Ihllt I I I .1 11: 111',1:1 11 II IL UlrlCL!u .• l\l IS IItgul > I ~ uc I 1I1lll'bi lhe IImllli cl 1tI8I II'OIII hi I. n, fro m W IIC I till sounu I IIUI WI, I '" I I \Yef ll 10 bu IUlld" il I ~ III Huy oWing uUl'ln L!.t ~ ClIlIllnl'V.' I llS tty cou' I ll e 1l" lI ed Tlr eY)llo lilly IIH1 l1tfe~ t.lll u II S bnllJo.> s(, ~1lI0 I L) e m~n~~r , wl,il e I WIIllL we 1'11\ 0 h ea rd uf 1,1111. Ih o llJ e lln ~ III \VII S pllltic\llall~ d es lrabltJ 11.111 Ih'cro ,of Iho \;~Lh , I ' , hOI' , Lhu tu-k dl,d '" CUP l il of cqu sbanJ hu a!llply pt'ct, e' lillder, l G ?:Y I ~ wn George .. l~sl'l~ M lll e Illne lit e L:lII)o 'UI1I 1I'1I" Slluuld be SU IlIC kiml of nUI >c . 10CIII UI l ilt II,,, Oll be IlIu ~ tI ,\l o d IVI h ul' OI In 011 cnBes of Iho Urinary OrgA nR, Ivh r wrll wull. lilC 's medlllm lite li ' lie/lle M, s. Mnrlb .. OIIlIUI:(. Ihe Pltt~ UUI ,I, I rill:! I COll1l11l1l1d. l he( ""IInll'd Jown m!; g" l,elm I or k:' I) nell r I lllsl,lInl l'"LIII ruu Ie _ alii (11/ '11 Ih hundred POII I"'ts of ul,lln L: ursh cJ b plilced 1111111 ,lin , r: hnll .1 '1'1 I puisone r \Vas l t ,I I /,uwl r/lulllu' J'oar. In II court of )IIS onl! . iI, !,olh II UIIIi HII ,I Iher eXI~lillg III mile or tem3le, fronl 10 Ihe would htll'e a ICllden;'y Lo d~\ ee fu .1 CIVI!llIlI ,S It 111, m 10" e Ib of l~ . I du lll, e I til I nll 118 uUY C luri 1I0u i on I cen t ) IIC 0 11 " 1. 1 II , wOl.lld e, 1118 vu le telJ)t OIUu)lt fl ll . ICU 01 l 11 11,1"" o u.( who tever couse or iltlilotln g, and no mlll.r !ltcoml'Ilcc ~ ullL llll:: IVllncss cs fIII IIng lUI I\ ,'S' I ,nll lI U11 1(;( IV In Il ulil ul . /lnu )Je l IIUII fl OIll lOll closo lin !:r00I~ cilClIm s tRn sO~lh, 1 0g~ lh o r wltl, IIUIIII'IUU S balilc 11 prdly dIlS rt'!j'lldt bo hllVIIl" I,L " " TI,c ple .. IIJ1 In on. llig gO wn. t 111II ' a 101 "/11, "IIlnl! . dlllg'1 RillS uf UIlrCllJII t nelll. 0' how lon~ 8tftlldinu. It i. ppe"r agoinsl 111m I. " \VII S II CI1u ltted j l.:ll'H Cl nc ftoo l fl o m, 111111, lUed 11I1~ Ilid C' ,ul'llce . I h lit Ihe banjO !tad bee II In ~Cl:nll8 , 1I11i1 ~" I es lIl min III I SCI'(: 0111 n its IWOII, bct 1 !II l~t1 ~ lle rc Illeh Imm"dil " PUll udor, II olUl lilli, L 8 u lD81~ ' 1'1 S' l u II II! I('1 ope l.lllo n, lIud UIscllllrg cu fl om cus : 011 y. '8 hllllll. When tho Uuw ' l of '1'1 '!IllS confin cd him se lf nnJ more s lrclIglhe n lnl!' than eny or Ibe II I1 Slvcr 10 th c qUI!Sll UII Ifhe IV s ' un lh"tl l1I~dIUIll I 1111 11 'll'el, p ! !; I l\flltll d III, II UI 01 I' teIS 1, . I ew II/ tI r nUllo ,. 10 II b I Ill) " II W I' , II'I1ISI: Vc s li st notIce tie me· ' hU OIV n lib \V " OJ l II I)I /le i,I /I lu nl ul Il !: to Illd (r11l1lk t ho lungu,, "(, ) IlpllCU tl l 111 1 ,0 IO PI COI1L,IIIlI rrolU I!I I: pre p.rallun_ ot lIark or 'roil, I! C or, 0111'1 C was dOWIl III IllS ch~lr. Wllh / SI IICII Y to r,OrclUJ ri" la Ut;II\ ~d 'n h" "mill, 11:::1 uced 'pluu ~e . \\1\ l Ilgll e Lit "5: " he I 18 IlIp' " IIJ II , l le IIH I oulhcrt\ II s l' tlut! ullnllt ln ll 11 0tlhe "'11 11 01 Lolh f o nllfc s Ig 1"POIl ptl'PHllI IS 'J'hURC f urrerln!!, from Broken.,lown 01 , .~r? ornwlI " y wla Lhu'm o III ~ I ~fl hg thlowlJ ov e l'llwld lllim CUlII""l("c III IUlltl ollle t ll'll J u ~, fllllll Shccl l llWIl s fuu ndll " IIDOl onl thtl l u r"polt -lhe s l ~ l ao gl.J Jmwr. 1 E"~ . lIfr . I'I OC IO:I S UU\vOYl!r Re\.lIiJO 11I~llIr u lil aud Hc l.c nte CO Il 51I1ullon ,. proellf" lhe remedy Ihe cl,,"', 1 of III '! (1I1'IIU , d,um fi ll', uut lilt: c Uld s \Vllh wille! h , 1" e,lnduc t of tile Will', NlitlOlllIl UL OIiCC. Ihe ,,1I y / Il\IJ . fort ahll.lIt c lltY ' I' lg llt Jears I''''. ' " IV ng beeu by the III pd lUI\1 01 olle of IIllglll lin lit OIIIIU " I ll:~uu, l'pe " " j) 1 ~r'c tly bV}llllt.l rlil d III cOl1tllil IVIlII was ll cd hilt! "J; "l cflUU I}ond Il lll SpOI tie g lco9 "'Ith ~It~ PU"ILII' n IL !lad here· Alit! Heu~ 1 nr clllvl s, &c, ,~ o. Tltt: en hOfll e III 17U7. 111.1 \\ :IS a schoo lrn a l,. 1thu The render must be .. wore thol, hown· 8tll nd, . Iu,) d II lJass drllm on lis I- II UIU nOl l e mnlU I . 1'c ert y OC(; UP'I!U, whenev er / grnYlllg s flit I:XCe(: u ullythlO g Jet t'lI: p.r slight muy uc the flttul·k of the abole of LOIUUIICOD nuJ ::i1l lt uu UledI/1111 'S Oll ll rope -1\1 1<1 Iu lole Inv llIl~l>l e lit did lIS lIcl, .~ Ulutn o on Illy h 'lt \l1 UpUII d, III It CIIJ . The Illnl ilqrro\V , I lhe II!: hl hlld uecn IlIl ro duced f II ~oJIlI A hull l" of "olls lJu rllul c _ellrel, 011' 1 HllJ lin \)fli 11111 I Y UIIIIJ U. The \vOl k WIlS t:lI:)Jcclt'd 10 htl com. ," sense, I L 16 811re to IIITect hlH 's me'uiom the of ch,([f, lhe or IIIUI~ •• I' I I I; 1: II': III¥o ~ I 'n 111 b mill tl Ullllce ' R d fur 8, 1'0 n 9 hnppinp6 "11 erp, 011, /1 pOll U <01 ~r nlol In c III lrll', No\(:mh 1I111o, ~ "I 1t hiJ81'1II A mos Kellu~ II, Poslmll 81er C. cncrnl \ p loul clIsem,b/e W[\8 lhfl~ plel l' d by Lh" 111111' 1 pHrt IIl, ' ",lI S OUL, suw e llllllg hlld Sl lu r k '111m go:l l lllIllls"n hou the, l'd'U lI' ... tl "IDod f o . Iud d ln eeh fl r'l II Du' Our ot iI.v y, s~ I e h~111 ~ ti, III posleril Ily is I' ) ul WlIsh' Ihnl <It'!r\'l'r ,n fur g relldy IJlllldm unu e l Jllck sOll, 1M uf II p!'l son lV.ho had gu no duwn UIlt:X ! ,lIld III ~rnll!l IllIallll Ly , : dl o h ~lId anu ("lI ell 10 Ih e fl uu r lit loi s 1111" con , celllucl·. bUI . OWlllg tu ll ,u 111II1l Ie UII" ure Ell pporteu frolll thOde 80urces , 100 a hou se 01 wVl sl1i , tho Cu l~ng I :~ "l~II, W" S "r~ ' lI ed , II) . luved pl! cll'dly lind III a ItUrry -Ill d ch IlI bt:ing on hlCh, \\ >1(1t·. 01 !"Irt ,\! cul Cll till! of ""~" UI O C I , III) cllsc lllim ~d Iu Q't:L lip the ""grllv,,"!!~ III lh eqbcRt p woul,J leC ll n list Churc itlU Il Lo be a ~ I I OlL pll'~ e ul lhe Id "" I~C~1 rUk lI "e Llun. lh" C')lIlmll Ih" III I poss lule 81)10 th o \Vulk \\l lIlIll t UO I h, ilL II eosl O( stvcnt) lil t: :;""JU. I hl 9 ~II I11C Il laln e IIIIti llh w uu g!o I' P anylhln hllu g hlkVlll I ,J lind urlllll, WA ~ willi wlllch lh~ mcdlu:n huu UCt::III ialld s UIlIlIl, " rn c Il. f o ' ll (li lou Dece m"" I, or,lll:, wilich UOIl'IlS, d Illou.un I\C Il o t/u " llon of tl1l8 IlIlltl rll IIlth o lll(h, 1111I Ilr o IlIli e l ~,"t or ll , lli s II liS l ue 011 1) lJlUl.!l.I 01 cu,,1 telra; llf s Jllnunl Y; (ur tl ... a e y aalal be, 1 cO II ' ldurRLle r~lle c trUTI 011 th" s uI> to the soclely of lltu ~':::~\~::t ~1~':I:lg bu, h t: \'l' ~lIng ~, whe JlI SO S 10 gm! I c~uIJ Lo fUUlld 111111 IIll)ht, but th o / ~rl9llllloUu cc d. g . to tiee th 'lt th ~ re puu" ~ hf'IS nle " elt rlll ' lIed tu It II \(' Ih church un cOlld ILIU lIllJll t.II!t UII Ililt shwtl W P. m.ki' no ~1'r.r~1 of :tJe ingrrdltn l' CUll lulit lee 011 1:(01 11 " to 1110 11 '111 nl' XI J"I t, Illcy '"" unllble ill il. I' e Ih 011 ~II I (urnlc.! bl'llI /J h,,~tn I }\ Cllclc Till S m il' worl, wtlnling ill notltill g rltly Irnplop IIny IVIIS tllB), "til (Ulllihit IL 'pice " ill lllll Jlm lll~ fuund 011l1ng. 1II CC LI nrrlll UOLDS FLUl n ~:XTRAt'T oU Cll w F.J.M tr H : uUI Sl ilu () f ri ,e TOOIII, . ge by IllS III fo l ms u ~ I hHI It o IIIL" ~Ud CIIII\ ~~,7::I: ~'I 111111 betn c ut ilil u t!t ~ec pl e~~~ JI Un! WI\S blollgh t lO o llr vlIllI cOllI I~ TI lope COlli POBPt! of nuchu, GIlbeb8 Jn~ TLu I. U ll1ln CII l!c1 1 rn (he 1111':. II" III' IV u 10 T U t eJ Itn k 11111 procI I F from IIlId Ie. numbe r of \ euc/s sll ll lng or r n t litI s. (nl Lh e II \ ' 0 '" ed PUI pmll 01 COIl- 01,1>11 CI l'I:k lh~ 01 s t r pH lit C I 1111' IOU n I (},'~n 1111 ,\lId elt'rtl'.l \Vllhgre ntclrt, I e' I one Urr,,",,@ e tlt as Jlln'f'cr \\ , I Wish hun mu ch BII CCI ~s . SPIrIL .N e" loti, to lIre pUll 6() UIIt of /j ,dti i ;~ ~"d 011 I" I~ OCCII SIUI~ c lll ic nco I It ,\I II hlle! bce ll ~IIIClIIg a/rrpllfll of tho LrULII o f lite unl, ro l VIII ' no hi' If T HEL!! lCu III l i CIlIlIlIII I"rpllrrc Ih" "IIIJ which O. IIUOI' iu ICll . &c _ - -lly /lI orr , W", llIng to ll, AI"xllllcl rJ/\ .' ' ur Ellm!! s hllll) II\slrl1 ul\h~m: lind Lht: se Sk"p IICS um) oulHul J - I HULl) ,rugl!" t~ k' I " t:,lId. d, nll d ijO cX!l l e" ,u llle lll M· h es c UllI'lih a IIl1lf.. \1;1\1018 _ Lhe ends of h IU II .., m orll\ Ilgh\ to lise 1\11 hun f1I I' B\' eragcs moro lhn n fifLv II st 111111 chem l.t of !'KICI" I 1101111511 ~l, was Cn nl ",r \ 15Clll SUIted Ct ... li S b ein g " lIl .. " lv un whll~ of 1I1\11l. rty Ih" fUlll ~t \ . I"H, te~llho I 10 Il',IC • rnetlns u I'l ' ,I J I' In lhe 1111 th" pHces bUlng co mpol _ yelir. ' ('X l' l' rt prrce in lite clly of I'hl14del ur 1)llI i 1111 tluy comprr. c IIUUUt Iwo thirds ol , lu r 1111 tfhclll,d J')U flum th ll l I u ~'II~ C ) lh ~) \ferc call ed on Lu u~II"Y" nut only fl~t! "IIU moolh, s Lhey c) how('\' olher. I\lly i pI"a, o'''~ \\IIIdli " ''OWpreSCrtbedbY lhl f o co . :>loscn \ tl" NO'1 ' IC.E ftll Lh e less<:J~ goi ng 10 PO, IH In lln e I~ \VII" Illll kll Ill'pI' nlRnro t1~It~ :~J:f.i "O,U ullite Comml ltee b .. ~I'd, 1 \\1\8 s~ gllpnoo 11 IIl" • • Plltill elll pltV 61Ci llll S Itn! been ~~'r'" I fullow., n. nnpulI"' l) Jil li UE\!UII, r I be s Itn J vcss~ls II,' ~ r", wuurof IJI)jJ.· T!'11 Urrilcd SLlllCS, Tllellu hilt! lh.clI dut!! 10 t Ilts commun ilY III \I ~C nil COlli e th II IlIJ"blo ,n ulI rr U,'c 1I1\e 1 1 ' tllld 10 lh, ~ III Ihp. UIIII!!t! SlulI'S nrm,,·nJ PO, II'J It' 1I1 1' tlou of I'SI'''" IIIII 'lid " e i!:xl'cU'ur ut lh e IlI sl 11' 111 . gOing 10 tlte S~1I10 )lOlt8 In lile Iltl~k I lu,IIII I" I, ilL Oll n1('1\ 1l9 to 'ploye whethe r t!Je st! ed 11.1l llm 3 , Int c 0 / \ \, /l r,," l' tl llllly. ,~ nl ",u III vrry l!ellPrll1 tI.;l1f" 11i HlatehOCPI " l1L UCCII \;rul,clI , F UI 1:1 0 plllpO~c u C LI Ie rflll' ,. ~'zr 's lJl 01 ltl n"U Iho lilid ll I" ".! UI BI II [ (I • 1. f I r fi or fal . . c.' true (null.., Dec (j 1U(;5 I ue gs 11n I , I :> OllltUlll" C tile I, II P I Il :u g uIJlt:'lIt. lOWC\ 11111\ clu' c lu lI' • II I.. ",ut flU I> lie 1:I.llllury I nsl'IUlIuUI . WII S I) our • ' lu b lUU ~ l l ; H w as tl .lA ' . ..• J t; 4' () I LI; I' I' ttec, It'\v IIlg I hus r e vie w, 0 ~~:' ,le I casrll CUlIlUli The I c~~le Ite I 1 ~ ill he n I,d ' I lt mn 1m II> Il d ill g I Cll. II 1 1 l"ruUI,h Ul II I " ~ lu II I uu nd of II, e CII III r 1111 uYll esv tll, ', NIIY· ~8, IHI .;) Il IS Rn rr Ounceu lh nL t! le Secrela l y 01 : ,11 lelwl" uut II'I -h Illlth t _ ._ It' 811 . "U as rill: l) r~I)('Is ll ' I ud, at 100f gle Il, UI'I' bl r o cuI WIIS ' 'J 'sed ,, p y blilltlllll IlUU ~, lip n fI\\ I I Iln .1 !li n 'UHN PJKE 1\0 11(;1".,I ll1u Trells ury hlls II l1W gnod l ensons fOI I "I IOlilld lll u lef l 11 1111 I .1 til eYllree llpH b l., Ille ~I,,'ulil untie tl ' c nlluoro wlleh ." ' 11'11 uUW I\ II g llln l \\n S I IItL l ieI 61'"11< . JJI.' r I ' 'f " 111 '11 t ,. t e :::lI'J<iIl.uld.' rti III II, e \\'fllIIPS,,1 1 'I'li ~ ln gsnllsfjed lltntLh e wnnls or lIel.11IU · 1111 "ye 111 ,.bl" I t rcmntl. i n I Iwo n S lcn ~ d \\ II Ii seH'1 tI u SUI I~ , ' l UI, nu eli or urCfl k IIlIlIlous o _ I e ,en R 0 Lll:se S nOI~D D ~Ll\1 W " "'; IIV II of CIII"I" d~ " 10UI II'el 'I'"rIl1l,h lu ' tUII I t: IUlti \Vtlllllll 1I00 nr (, PArl inC II I 1\111 1101 on lhn ! "ll l1 gS. nn(1 the Imp,eS" 'OII S mnd e 01\ II"d ~ lll bl TIiJill 11 011 .. CIJIlIIII'S IIlI II,', 11 Lbe 1''' ,' no , ';' 1 g nn "~lvln 0 tt.". dllil I IIulllil'" IU I by e ere Ih u l ul her 10110" by tlte:u, res pectfulI ) sub h 1..11 .. flnYllllng like wl"ll h o \VII S Ie I I II:.:llt w .. rtm OH·t! l ll o mu I le. ll I minds I Drug I,IIJ( S Wl re lied 111111 stalll,II Ill' I' r ]'' - purl rlJr Ihe cUIIHticllIlton of rec llH8 III . " .Id COI11Pllll Y \\tli he I'e ll1 - 0 sup ' I l k ' f UI, 1111 1I lho 8\1I1I1 S 'requ es t I UlIlI .• , II I l I "I o th aL le.s l lt' e ( l l llt I l nI u ~ )1I CI S "Ie II osc HI'III& 1\I(\n ,\I L A I' 8 0 li t! e,l of If..~ r WOUIt I Store P 11,p' .I 1eJ Y CIiC UOI BtO Il ell ' 1111 wh o fce irntele8 I " , III I ' ,lll: lil t I" o<, ' ,o llllillm: II s hull 11I1IU elol 's eu, II ul ng"'nlsofth u Ch Ik . Rrvp» lurg,"" ..lullu "y, ;!it' tHh ul J UII· celhRv Ooccurr~u RIIIC C II,e r ~ llInnlt , l lITe.elpon } I r "III I \)1\ 1I10 Icn pl.CIII><llce of t hc I I t Rill H II I I I 594 Broad way. New·Y ork, C Rlso Il ell ,will ~ 86fl l' Il .1 ,,"rT.1 I " I'" ~Il ARlit., I ~ ,,' I ' I;; I , Il' " )I, were OIl\u l) to \\I\lr a nl the c u;.d founu I wlIS _l ell,," c Il f "I""1 I) , g-d Prr I" O Ih(' tI, uf Iv Uy oruC' r Com. OIlC us Ion lIu IInkle . . U. I , CADWAI LADER. now r' 1 d OIl, t,tI II bmnll 11 8 on lit e PI"~ ~ I t.r fIlii (lIesClme W{/y J Uf:L 10: VA NS 8rc eRC ~ IIIIU Lcltc\ cd Ly th e SI'~' I he (;UIIIIIII III' o now fGIUl l 1110111', \IV J. O. I !Igh Ihe \ ' Ilig I~~u I\' 0' :l"1I10 II mO I hl Ij~ I .. Tit 111111. d l' Ill • ,e lI d !lrollll n~c I J , laGt; ..__ _ ~~ "~y 10 (! COl r~c t. 11" 18 nl Y call. Circle c IIlI l l'-c lll\'rn IJ~ 1 I wei I,~ \~as fou nd c/O ur fI s/ or l Ilm ~. I, e nt th:1I Ite Clln gCI IIlong dUIlIt!::' tl.e Willi II, en 1 ~ 1II1"l' d 10 Ih bill -The P ORons J OF TWW ALIFICA Qu ' ul pel f~cllv dal!.' i 11t3 I ret, lll/ cut /flirt 7:JT~E I~' I 'e \1:. ~d el rcnu 1m ro Ih" qnd U u 10811 l\torDo fUllltel t sbySen IIbuu \\ onl,(re> yetlr oe,lmC Jlrest:1l1 flr ll hL fl'0 D11h ~ l the CommlLI~tl now ' p, o ,rn U IIC 01 inLrudu wlLhoU llucle!ls ing IL o lUL I I L lin Ihe lt ll bLgll llllr.eli ugo "GE~'J'S W ,\~'I'EI). 1'0 I:, e lilll~, In re la llon to LI IIl qlllllillc lilton of ~:p~sc rop. Ibe ot lb l lIl"UIUII ' III crack I ~eS IlIIIlU Ibe flUII c, ~ l.nllt! , sto l e a lld he is of Iho 0plnlO II I' Ihc plIIl'o' a of rdi e vlrllf for i9 juror', ~ l. t on 1\1'~ll I" ' " I,I,' l me for --- mniSI/v erwnre .' lite ' J clI'eliy {If 1' ,, I 11 S t (Jrt D I dUlll Il' Hcllng 10 Ih o IInl e cllll nlbcr' J ill I ((eo) (/ IIg IIliS woru , oulug I I •.~ n III nC' xt lear hili", in the ,"11 .1 1 nny I cUly tll\t lII><y ocrur I cllIe uJullfll .• I 'I t d 101l~(', . 1 I. nllollbh t . I It Jt ll W re8Is lhIItIlO l ' \'or . cel alii Y uc: uLlo to ill mlllllll Sou.h I' I I t "U'J"C u ve 0 " l eu to It pro· 'I' b Arrnnl1Hlc "re O ~pl'C IVO lin 8 or tlt!lIson , f I F lll(,'111 1),"1111.111100. " IJle e A Its 1('l11u\ ol : 10 lilis tile ru Ou.1lUIII a~ 81:IH' pI".1 ' HI\ 8uch Iliids nUJ' Ulon ,ely much • tl lilt In . 10 IIIe pilI rullm t:SIllIIOIl~. .. \f lues .l I. ll n IIII V ln~ ue \'Io (HEf,OW CHESTNUT), nllr \ .,.. n I !Ire " \" k'"l( f",,,, ~"'" I" 1'hi rl) .• en preVl ou:;l" fUlni Sh. / t:t1: Ih (' !I ,.u hl I~n li th ell r ~m ov (' d 1I0u 'It II •. . I rell ROU uLol li lliolis "I' ,-)1I111 11'~," by ' f reJecleu .1 uB II I.nll· I I "0',, " " 1 .IC :,, <1, mU "I I Jl 1:1 II We lie llrl h 10 (In,,_ 1 III (IU"Sled rp its Spil tl .1 con. Ih I\A,.. T\ .( ' 118 ell eu o r, 1Ib01 11l11" " ' et! nu, . I u'~ ill Ie Uleulumo prc~I'o liS 1 ' e r('A\IIIHI'Or of 'The Dook of tn' b' utll l. v-J e'I. 1 exp resscu, 69 10 II\I"~:" /'''"1 ~ 'lfl)",' hll'" , ,,,II Y ,Olmuu or I" Hr .... o mucl t ' l PIlIL A DEL PIII' " .1 no ,II'. ellllcu.u l ' l . of ' ullt th o b'llrll~ . '1l I 1:Illll1lul I O '1'1 1I Ol'lo on s t IY~~ lin ox millisl" r nome I II • . posltron 0 ILho "11'11 0f . '" • os mu s'I' J\ "1 0/ 1111,,1 A O..rl· ur. /.loll M.t/HIII I' VII.' ""'r mnj I 1 wlllch , "cclned Ie I & t SI,1I1l8 IC laee .., r ~ till r,'s iLS L om fl .1 1 rope lf! S t 1 SOloDln1 III Ig It IUVII\/,( I I ~nIOYO HIII14" , Lilli I.. ' ~ IId <:I'nl l" , e. I"' UIO!:, UI Ihe work (Alling h~t'n OUI b I p 1 ,111\\" bee ll fOUlldt'd on rumol8 , Illite . 1111 II ~ 'J II' Ildll" h It mu sl hll1'8 rem a I I. hlnll' ul lh ",,,, , 1 \ OUL le ll m Illllle!l, tho nll' t1 I' j nl ~ho" g ,": 1 klll(1 . e't of h> 'I" n COOlOlo o Ih or n, e n/o Ihe !tRUlhl of Jail S mith 801110 yell eIHP.;'IJ ll ill :-; .:.,d 21. Lit ment! l ' h. ree' ov . I • .lur'lnln" l' I"A' .. I:': ~ f:~ I(, rlls. ~ lIl lIg l\t '" I r que llOIl if lie I~ n r.. .. IDllro t!.tao Ml f 110" ll llt O I erII arlll,s'\I~ ~ U... . ,I yuuHrl 'II" uUrn I'~I U ,pewhat II liS WI' ... , I' ,ou clnime.1 ,III"l he Irllllll'''' , ntlon, . publi its ll,trer, J iP II t ) \J 1 , 1I~l o ry 0 Iho unl 69 ; JlI ovid.dlhll~lhe '" d ee l 1" \e 1n.11 n . rl OIlI 11 11\\'1'1\ U10 " him I d lr~II ;I ' I .I R 10 was , uut Ulql I\III ~, IIl\r ellllll.d, o,o rS I Co l ll nll .•llli,·a" •• or -*"(u. IIIHlita nolllh upo lllre8 ts , I'lIyd~c ' . I t Cr [ ! IIs lindLII' dhllll 0 \'1' 1'111;111 11 111 , 1'.0111 I b ,",: h:: :1"~~6 O'l":l::::: :::~ l;""h~:~t l'l7.::i.~ 1 Rmcn re Of (! 0" tl lll\l,lngllns l. lsalili . ~i';'~~! ~"'.lIl11 t~~L eouIL, Ih~ of IIuII QllliSrn,' h~ I , 1'10 J1'~lin is it : fB:~ e:l~ J'::~~II, t l In, ~I l~':"nl \ lind 11,111 : ,a:H' n' n il tlA 'I . v II I· l"ur tllll~' g~D lo pteudJ MV.' UIOIl ISUJ, I ll y, C' I ;~I~I~I~~~1l1 J\~K FOR lIEf..l~mOLI)'S. I lilt. Icry I e' l WI llOlpnt ll nll.y lIy ' he CAFO ul' oo tlte ' " ,~!~n \ j,\I) ,\I . I,~ ro. k. l Ull I ,~ l"oJuCt lCli of IL '~ cldeJ ' n Ilih ()"I~, • Dtrilil. ' cedup etledu t'ldu:c g • ,,1" 11 , llata!l lbct)ln .l\u Jh ' Bltll.h\lH i\ .. 1\ \ ')I 25·1)',
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Milson. nntl we re ord e red to b e pll b:ish · remedy •. ~Ile r huvillq sufT.. reu ~cv"[jjl Upper end of Main Street; ' . . . 1 venrB \\ I,h n se vere 11)1'" nfl"cClion Gild I ~I • .b li t we t e rlltt Ii ll nth·d 10 unu l ti ll , ih~t dr~QtI d,~('~ e, ' VII ~mp'l iull-is' &UX' " ' ' ,£ N E~V.LLI ~, LITTLE MIA Mi R AlLk .DA.D .. t im , They W l' fC IWlll·li ly ill do rsed by iVIIS l\) tnnlte I;II~I~II Lu Ilid fellow 8uffe rOl'po.itc Lho FOUII IBill 01 Pu Wuler! die. mt: UJbclS Rn d Iho lI utlic nce : . I cr~ ,Ihe mea n,. or ,cur.c. . WAYlCESVILl,E (cullWtN STII1'IUN). I 1 0 nil \\ ho Il c ~" II. he w" I sC lld A I r ~· "u " "111 (·,,/ree. T~n. or ~ ugor, I'M1 «'<;7 RLesu I1'ft l t "1 1l nt WI11' 10 w e {I ee g ra e · cimy ul th o p rt.~cri IHiu n urc: tf (free u: If Jh\.l w nnl 1 I n$jI~ ~ o r FI ~ II, LIiA~ 41-a ~ T R A~~S EAST WAK O BOUND_ f l f I , I lot d U . I. u or L 16 RUCCC~~ ~ la t HI6 ~ t! n e I ch"rgfl,) wi lh tho dir~"L iu \lB ('J r pr('JlD r • .If -," 0 1111'" '" (·HIllI.... II · .. i..........,...· . . • J .~ A . AI." Niall t EX(lrcea , \\ A l' . 7.54 A. M.* Ibe effor ts of tho CII ,zens of \-Vlly n es · , 111:': nl1d USI II!: Ille sn m('. whit h th ~y w ill if ~' Oll WRI11 Ch •• so or Ilr,.d B ud. Ci ll ci nll"l1 Ex press, ville a nti vic ini t \· in Ihe r es lo r8t io n o f fillt! a ~l1re rllre lo r CUli surnpl hHl. AHhUln. If y ~ u ,,.111 g..nd AI or fl . .... 1I),d l uII ,1 AccIJ II1 ., II 26 J.. M. q ui d. R n~ lh e ·p:lrtill l s up p r ession of Ur o n ~ I ' i l i5 . 'uug-lI p, <":~Idd ,.&r: 'l' lle ""_ Ii )'nu WR"I II nlngoo . . C;0 lum bll8 Accam .• 628 J'. M. I 0 ouver":')r ., Ihe ill ~ gal sRle of Il r tl"nl ~plr .l ls , " ' e d 0 ' ~ U bJec l ?1 1.1 In senU.,.I"!! I I II.' 11) '011 " " 001 tl eorillp. P itts burg E xpre8d, 9,0~ I'. U , not (~ c l IhllL OUt· 1'1' 0 110. is Ju nc so long 1 res.c flp tlo n 15 ~" LC II ~ tll tl lo AI1I1 Ctl:'U. Bn d If -, uu "nnl Salt loy III " ,",·k. Ih.l)r hl.l. T RAI N!! WBSTWARD 1I0U~U , ns I lIc l'l~ n rc Ilt o~e in our m iti s L wh o Rre s p ' ~Alll ll (u ' mAl lo lI whl e.h lie concrives I'.' If I nu waoo l ~IArc h. Rice , S,,,I., ('I·.nlll nf M II; l ~ o ll d Accom.. 4. 10 A. M.* . ., . I I lIud II . lJ e IOVoIUIlt..le ; 011" III, II OpCS c v ~rv 811 11 · 'I'or",r. I" 'P I"' I', (;ill;:" 'r. (;0011110 111 '''1 1l.,I·k. , I' ll Sl • c ng R~~u III 1.1 0 rll . . c , lelr e r ~r will iry Illd r'·III~ dy. D8 iL wii l c o~1 Nighl F. xl, rc88 , 7 . :l~ A. M . I·' c I Im.s , WI.u I. II.ut' lr f u Amlhe e , n l'e ma de LI.e m u.o thill g. n.II" rnlly prove a ul e s~ill"" A I ~ P l fC ur CI II \ ..... t ·ull.\ mhu8 Acco m.. I au A. ~J. & Ir you " ~I .. t , ,, g d dnwk. dCl n' , ~o thcn ·, U 10 su ~ r , I' II,tl1.'8 w I ~ h ll lg i hv prrscriplio ll will I' ltl dlJ urll E X1IrI!8S, 3 .:AO P. M. R esui ved. Thllt thi8 A ssoc i" tio D o f 111eo81' ud"re ~ p, If y"" " ",,1 T" h.,·,·u ,.f I,·" ddl.·.. ·,,·, ~II II I " Ci ll ci nll ali \!: x pr e8~. ..,22 I'. III. Ih e ci li zen s u ns n oo therolo;,·clthnnlhtl H .:v.E UW A RD A . \VILSON . I fyo ~" "" I ~h u' JI,;; ,I ; , rll'.II ,l{ u" J1 u l ,," u. II " T • Do nut stop. J \\"1, 1'1.I U lIl s lo ll r~h. S UII!', I \; I r e~ lo l"I\ li O ll or 1he I"w s. /llId the re by W . H . CL>.Mt:NT, i're&ident. sec uring Ih o ul t'Js in ga o f 'l't mpera nctl }-; Ill/:" (;Ull ll ly , Ii YIJU \\ 1\ 111 ('i);8r, . . E. W. W OOlJ W AliO, SUp ' I . . I lInp p/U ' css l"e' , I S-3 m. New Yurk . 1 1'1"" 0\1 110. , 111·11. r,,". "uI.<OO or /I ll tI .1II ~ nlt~n J IInl 60Clll Ji,lo"- ,"011 n,olor> . A. D. CADWAL LADUI. Age nt. suitIng Ih (' re fro m. IIC O~ I N Til E In,II O n. 11 ,,,, " " l ,k orl ' l" li, " C l l) WA LL AD lm & l\)/1, I,~ . t;.cp"es~
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011 Tu cstlay, Dec. 12. in W Hynes. wh ilome rdl o w ' ciliz e n, Set h W . ' 11 J P I II tlti B \ 11\"8 kll OlV11 ::lc ru i"ul u. Hull · lthellm, L lllice r. , ; c , I Rll eunI OI·ISIlI . CO 'Hllmptiun. 11,,01 '\l Oll Y /ll'own, hRS purchnst!d th e e ul ire e stnl> · \'/ e. UDl\l9 RrB In • Rg t - -- - - - - • . 3 I' Cilrhllic 811" llererJitlllY lli sruricB, II rt' ""/(,··r ..Al L ~_ b.n1 1 , llm ~, nt o( tllo "0",' cot-)"l ~ , "", . .. " ' ;I)'lIeSvlllc lUal·kcls . cnr etl by ils li S P. all Ih u l1 s ~lId 8 CUll \ I'S II' f )". (In, And assumed control or Ihllt pRpe r I Circulars scnl Irec . Pri ce. $1 per uoule , or f1 for ftve d·o llnrd. ill iLl 1"8t issue , Mr. nrolVn i~ 1\ ge ll Dtt. H, AN DI·: It S & Co., Pll ys i c illn ~ t\em"n of tal ent anJ Worth. f\rod hI: hn s \Vheot" '1il bushel, $ 1 2:i (f( 1 ?5 onu C hcmi ti t8, 428 IIruu'\woy. Ncw· Yorlt . Ry c ~ " 70 8olt! by Drul! (! ill tlJ Cl'lI ersll)·. Iv ~ "I o /I' most corJial wi~hes for th c mos t a OulS 11,;0 " 30 1 l,uuJanL success ill his new pus ilion . ·1l" Dorley 1.11 " 1 00 'l''''H~I S 0 ..' '] ~!1d
~~: ~I'~~~f~ie ;;~nr i!lIa~:I~het:::~~aDt:~at z;;r
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L nrd ~I ·c II,
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weRther, there WII8
, '" on dB)'eVcnmg./\Du ' .' Rttile M.KS.OOUA the exrreises were of An intere sting . d .1 c\ IBracler, Dllvi8 F• Ul'naS Intl'O UCCu n· "c60lulioo wllich was spol.en upon by him~el{.JusLjeeKe\' a.Rt'v.J.W. Ma
Mu . lllnl, 10 ... 11 0 .. " uy II lI lI n " ,. I·:g!!;- . If ) 0 1) "'_"I ...." ... ri ...· " IJ" Ch",,,u'i I; IIIJI, I . It" lO U '''IIJ I l·: ..cJI,·c "'PI" I"I1J1 111. 1I 1·I. IIII1IJIII0\1 .
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\ I""1\-" Ht· H\ !;. l". lrI'MC" ," ro~ Dftltd... I'" 13LIP II EJ'S O F SIIEE'r MUSIC. ~
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th o I'. l ~n'q. , "i · \II :\ r l of IIIl~i ll liC . n nd Barito ne._ I II lw n h o\,I, s , Price , enc h , $ 2 ,.50.
Piano·Forte Calisthenics,
{'ol l (w t i~'n
Qf F ' I1" Fiu/:,c r C ho rd, !'llld Seole ap,·t'di ll' devel o pi ng 'he IIIUlci el l,l' , I", li l l~ t' I''''t " lid [\ !' q ull'ill ~ degre6 o f \ fit xl lllIlI,\ , Ili ch p " lIdt' lI fC " !lU v o lu h ilit y , whi c h I ,ll'fj ! o r, I lI d l~tH u.iI, lJ l f· ( 0 II g Oll t! p e l'fu tnHuH'e o n ~I : . \ P lU ll u· l· o l't.' , U) F 1'u Hcis H . U ro wli . Pri ce , f\
pU .... " g l·ol , 1111'
IWhl- te Goods,
l\ t:w E ll ,t illll. I'll pi 1'8 Fi,'s c Prim e r, hy FrAn .. ,'i rl II. Bl'own . Autl, or o f P l'i cl ~ , M inn e ha ha , & ltu81 l l\ \ iu u
PulkU1t , &,"!.
!',rice ,..'iO ('euis.
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OF COMMON PLEAS or Ille sevurol I:.. I 1!)\!lJ1!!) ~ ~llRl.!lJ ~.ru tJ u::.~ ' ~I y olil y 11o-0Ih .... l. o" . ; Song oood Choru •• C"unti ('s iu 8uiJ D i ~ lritl; '-' " hy M. K"lI e'·. I'ricO' 3& 17 (~ 2 2 I II ill l."I ~rc d U'-' th e Jud!!,csof th e r. Ollrt s ( S A ~ D S .I; RU:tN'S OLD STAND,) \ · ... 1'" 1'". 1 I!",I B:~."'I ... ot Thro,' n.IIBd. uy 1 35 Iuf COl11lnOn I)J e'~B . for lbe f';econJ Judic ial ~1. 1{': 1I,·r. I ... ,; ~.b C.· III •. 11 lJ eg I" \l vo 10 in fo rm th e plILlic IlInt Ih ey ·Oto . "1"11,· 11 10 II :':0 11 1\" of Illy F"lhpr,' Song U : Di blrictuflhe S iale ufOhi n. Ihot ' tl ,~ 11IIvc o lllllllldul1,I ~XI)"cttukt' cJl ~ ' ,\I,L AND S r."l'~. j, ... "c:to nJ"II " I"ls."ngll l, .wOO,I .• Min"re,. , eo Ul . J \ im p.~ o f IIolJilli! the Di s lricl CIlI1", An,l ..., ~ ~ D _ I'''' '''' loy C . • III"}·. rl rr. :15'·l1 nl. . !On, MI". JannC!Y.llud Mr . Merrilt, I,e Cuurts o f CUIIllllun Pic as. In tI, e sev A C .,\ IV " "I ,, , TIiIf JC ,'b"llao, by I·:.J· F,t.hu~h . . !!iI' ECI" 14 NO')' ICI:!!i, omp Ic tc A ssorllllc nt 0 I· II,.i,· o :\(1 \" ,, "1 •. We M il glno.llhe inte l'e s t in thl.'80 erol Counti es cu mpl>si ng ellid Diti trict for \ Jut' e 3-llf (; . <" 1" 'lIe Ih,) •• Moo nlil H ll url ,' Duell. (or • .1' II t II Ih '" }e nr 1866 , be and Ih e some nrc herc· Suprn li M. 0 .. :;o pnlUll IImt Tenor. by E. A. mce'lI gs nnu ID 10 mils wor II cause TILront I t..y fix !!,j 0 lid vr escrit..ct! 118 f,,!t uws ; . ~, I'"o\' hu..... I' .. i"":'\; cc a ll . uf Rerorm does DoL lessen, A. Cough, Cold, or So r e . D1Ul'RIL'l' cuURT. ·V,',,,,,,· SII,r: 1)",, \1, (or Iwo ~ O llr(\nO_, or • TI" A" D trr..:J L" T , U(H',. h y J , 1)lI nit' \. P t'i{' e 40 ctm'~. The SocieLy lId.J·ourncd to m eeL In R. EQU IR F. .... . IAIMEDUTK AT'l·F. N o . I III 'r ~ '~I" r lll\l rA Iii lllli .. cltu; ~·ll l\l u.ie. h~ J . M o\mor. ~ 110 ULn li E IUlECK F. D. IF ALLOIVE" D.lrke Apri 23. 0l'tgollll'ry .. ny .. , " I 110 we eks P re bl e ., 2(ll. IJ\Ji , 'fili .' 9 . P A I N T SOl L SI A. E . M1H Utl 'fT. E . H., PHl t<i TZ IP ri n ! 00 C' :lIia1. . aL L! Ie usus I tl'mc and place . To CO"T1.U£, I ' l'I'u) ,' r 001 :-.n.' Romnnt r in. fornl n/ n' No,'.. "".",., It)" .I . d. J", i"n , ki . 1" 'i,'o 511 r', I1". Outl er 30 C hulllpn igll .. IU frrltotlonof the J,QlIg_,1l l'nmRlIl'nl lCllirk e May 14·. Greell e " 17 . DYE-STUFFS. ·A II I"IIII ,M .. i.' (W1IirforM e),(;"tol,.byCh •. TilE GREAT WOJlDKRS 0.' \V .UNltS · hU.lt Affection .. or an Jlll' lImbl c Wllrre u '. 24. C linton II 28 . '! ' Oll·,E.r' AR'fICLES. 1-'1"I1I 1..t. I', i... ro o r .. n' •. LUIl~ Ol~en~e, •.. S bd ' . i '~ III ' ~I u i.' (1-'" lI uw ~lt, ) , Gallop, by A. 8"rnrtl,LI1:,-How -the m c rchants geL 80 18 OFTEN TH E RE~ ULT . (:011181011 l" cos-_· . Irst II ~I\' I~ 0 11. !l ETAIL D E ALE ll~ I N >1,·;" . l'r;l" {) ~o ,.,."" . . 2 . l3 uTLER-Februnrr 5 . June 4. Sept. 4· '\\' ,, 1' .. r.. lI . 8 11" Sell Hr"te; G allup,. h y mallY goodtl, 80d sell them 10 chenp- DROWN'S UIlON(';IIIAI, 'fnOCJJES PIlEU I. E-lIIur ch Ill . Juue 18 . Octobpr :l~ . , !'1(·iIl IOl"·en . l' l" ir.· . ""I" h. bOrenl •. 'I ,. I quiet 8Dd peR6snL tuc lIov i lllYpdi~l.'cL influenceonlhcp"rt F. 1D ' IUi E-Apri l2,August2fJ.N u\,emberI 9 • IJ Jl I '~I ... ~ " r" p ow.' LII oo,·cr., hy Adolph Dcrn· 110" h . ill . I-'I'U-" tl O n >nti'. b P /\ lYtJ lli wn is, wilh so mnny fine-looking give il/lIlH't1iute rl'licl, For Rrollchili s. Sccolld Snb-t1I~l sio", ,-,1'· - BHUC:UE , ::i' . I' Wcddillg 1."11".... . by Paul Stt illiougell, Prif6 · • AslhmA. Cnturrh, CUII 6umptive nl.d Thrunt t;'.' o\ MPAIGN- A ril 21. June 2:>. D. c', 3 . LIE C HEM I CAL S ~o '·tllI ". ~nung men, And where tn tho \vorld do D i~eos"8 Trochc ~ orc u~e" II"lth blwlI)'s l l' b l' 5 J -I 0 I I 1 W IIlTEW ASIl nRUSl • : " " "1 ') I" , 110 )' Ih . IIIII. ~ T rn ll.e riio cil for Ihn 11 I d' f? J. t s · tl P bl' S . k 1I\II AMl-' e ruury , une • CO l e r • 1' 1I111 f). (n r l c hy C'h hrl f'!4 I- rl\cl e l. Pl'lrt' 50 ell!!h. R ~\\Il young 8 res como rom .-an guu.u ?UC~e89., . Ingers on U IC pc u· i\l u:U GOlll ER'{-ApII12. June II, D,· .·.3 . The hl'sl 'l'"o1 :Ly or LEAD. I !>w.·, , S"i"11 hn rl1lY "I',,) "r,' frnlll WIIlI.c e's tileD, no "'lllder thnt Jo . Slater rlen ~e s I e r~ wl~1 hllli 1 rochcs uselul 111 . elc.flng TllIrd Sub-divi s ioll . 0 I L. Openl Lurl i ll ~. '(" ·III1 , e rd,.ti fll r Ihe l'io"o.lorlu .1 " III C VOice when loiten bcfore BIII)!lng ur I VII RNlS lIEH II)' CII " d ,·. 1,' ","l c1. Prir.. 40 r l.". " ' Cr"t'ill n I.: I" (;Olllllr.- I<II"1"I·. lIew OperA. Ilvilryooe Will \0.18 splendId And UDsur- t< eokin .·. nllli re'ei\' jlll': lhe IhrOllt nrt ... r 1I\1 I Gn F.E N F.- F~br"nry 5. J'"le 4. O cto ). CT , passed Md"i 1I0rypes IIud PhotogrllJJh 9. U~IUSUO ~ xer( ion 0' the vocu I urgu ll ~. T~e \V All n I, N- J' "brnnry J5 ' IJ UI"C -IN' O Clo l lc r II: ' . ' 101T1l1O~ ',,1 Ii) Clllu'leo FmdLl . ~'''; rc 00 " .. nl•. 'r I tI J I ., I f' L'NToN- l\(lIfch G, II Y 7 , (1 V(, nI It.> r ,. Vo-.. d,·. EllOill c.- SI1I1'Ii;;-101 lIoc lurI,e. loy J. d~ If you bava he\'er had oue of I,is roc les u~ c rc commen e niH IHeSerIJC' : . . 1II .1 6 J I 17 N b r Ii . Fur m('dirill"lI'IIrp o~I'". to wId ell lile nl · ') ,, -i ""' I,i. I'ri ,·. 60 "pul • . ·f i · bv Ph}" sidnns. 8ntl hnve had Tl'sl1llHll1lul s CL ,IIIK E- . ure, • 11 Y • ove'l! e t" lll iOll(lf Phv . ici ftll s is (,"" pcinlly callcel ; AIJI':,I u ( Vr~" IJI.lonlll\ d I,y M . Kell er. Pri ro mlt!l'nt cent spec,me:Js ..r Art. delay nl)L from elll ineni men throug-llOut th e coulltry . W itIlP"" IIIIT hanJ s fit Daylon. tb o 28 th elld "hoteve r pertaind to a 11) AI N'l' VAn:'J LSI & V. ; ' :{5 """1<. l(l calland get one, 8& bis 81/17 iD this Dc ill!! 011 article of true merit. and I,ov illg dn, of U r.tu ·le r,' ! 8G~. , L " ,·,·', 1.01ll ilHlion. l,nllnd hJ ": . G. n. lI o l~ H. ' t• pl'oved Iheir dJkoey by 8 lf1 ~ l o~ mUllY (,r.U. J . SII11 rH ' 1 I,' III I.! 'I' _R A'I' J'~ l'li,'" :1 ,) 1""" . I)Ince ·IS ~'1lOr . . . J L 1\1 F F J( F R I.'.::l ~ R 'JJ ~ E lE ~ 0 '1 rI .. ,,,,,io .. 1 I\I"rr h, hy Ri ch"rrl 11 00"1118" ,1. VeDIS, each yCllr hnt! B lhe m III new lucllh. I. . J , ',' A 11;< .. 11111 1'"l ku . b, .'Jr, 1'II I·kIIJH,.I. :15 ."" , 1 n .... in vuri(l u~ part s 0 th e \\'orl", anti tile J . J . WINAN:S. Judge.1 D~UG r-: 1"I' n i JO~ Shud""."- IIII C'"rJl" by •• J. )' 111 ACCIDENT ON TilE L. M. H. R -A Troch t::a lir e uniler; olly prollouncet!l>ctter E. PAR ~ ON::l.) .a;;~ hll ~ " . hi .... :l;I'·""I •. \ l ' uI l .r1ll1'~ il l bl,. (0 1' "'h ~r.: ' Ciu n nh WHitt , IU lung t ~ l,.iblo IIccident occurrcd 10 tile Pitts. II lUll 0II ler U"'. I; I es. Obtuin only '1).'1WII'8 Dronclliol Tr o- 'I'll r: 8 '1'1\ TE OF 011 I Ot S'"" A Is,,, a ~ uuu supply of S ASH AND PUT T Y , loy ~I (I " 1'10 1"1 "". I'rin · :1; " ' ·lI lS . burg EI llre •• on II e LiLtl u,· m'I "" .t. C Iles,' OUu ~, " k ~, (, .." ,\ I,illl'rni J)"COUllt ~i ,'~ " to the '" ..L _ ~ J,!,I!.I 0 not tu 0 "")' 01 lh a wort II· \V Afill.N COU NTY . I S Tra,I". I I I , J . S . 'I' "l'l' ~ N. ('1 l e o,nmon G 1'1'1" 0.\ Iu.,,: "", '1,," ' r~ OOl ) JU.·u, ... ~ur. on 1I1\C r~ce . :'. .ll'l ' 00 01 ". Cuiumbul & X e llin 1t"ilroatl, 00 Fd· Ics~ irnitbtiuns I IlAt may be o fl·ert-u• . , cr I(0 1 tIe .- .O j~ C .- •• C I S ' I· "'u SE S . ' 0.111C "Iov ll d, I'0l'r"I il 1""L1, d . '''ben th e trllin, wldcll ::loltll'verywhert! ill the Unil" d Stotcs, I'l enp. a nd Ih e Di ~ tri(' l CUllrlllwililln II,,· ' i::: UI'l 'U I ~ TEH.S. '''o lll ul'k,' L1p''i"•.• nyevenlng. 8n,1 in F"rei,'n Countries, ht 3) ceille per l counly lIlIll ~IJlle ufureB llid, do he r .. by cr. r· • ~ ""s W I" . HAI,I, & SON, WU/\ doulJlo onc. consi8ling of a train bux. 0 181y. Itll Y thut Ih e Hh" ve urdl.'r IS n corr oct ('(l IIY ·-~Ul"JI AS 1 S ll OU LOI'.[,· l3hACc. : 2 ', ~ IJ Uro.clwlI)'. N . ... l{ o.. k. ror Clevthlnd. as wtll liS the regul lH -- Ir um Llle re~u r<l of sniu court of C UmlTl ~ l: TEA. \ __ L' • I .. . ( u Cons .. lu.tUOIl SCl'ofllln Uhell- I pl l'os nn" "Ibillct cvurt III out! (or /illll COFG'''E , \ A LL Til E r Ol'U '. An I!oxpreS9, WAS ID tIe VrCll11ty 0 !U ort'OW 'it<' ' oUllly I' '" ", .. ' I I f '" . ..II.US .... '(', :::iU G AR. I ~ •. ,allon, tIe nx e 0 nn l·xpre8s cal. II cgt'ntan & C O. •Il genulllo . III Cu'CII13 ., . . I • III wltu css wherl'of r hn vr \ ·ntcilt C ICIIICS "I I .MOLA~ S E 'I . lIuntedintcly in the rear 01 Ihe Cleve· COld Llv('r OIL hns I,rovct!, by I" cnly he rt' ulltus l' l my 1I!Illdanrl,Aelll. "1'l,.L:,"" b" " I I 1' 1 I IIr SUIt! euurt F nl th e Lo urt· OJ ' .." '_ .::1 Tile ullu ersiglloJ wishcs to cnll ~he al · I .1 \ . lIllu 6 tl'plnJl cRr. TO"e III IWllln, years expeflt!llC(·. lie must vu IIOu C ICIII ' I II ' L 'b I' 7 I ErC. , ET C. r&tJ "7I l '~ lID l lIDJ( 1a!ln!lD)rrl ~ , ~ Icntion 01 Formers and all whom It m01' cuy III liS P n ~ wltil e it cur~ 6 Ihe di saose. it I "" 8C In c AII"". t li d I I 1\ liJ) I I ' d II . I llrowlng tlf:Joonche s (ronl tho tmel•• I ' t l " II I I li e pAtl C I ' dny u r Nuvelllh " r. A. D . 1 8H .~ . CO ll CC rn, til Ihe loCl I Jut ,e '8 eng'a~ I . I J,! 1\' l'K s trclI l' 1 :"'I II es I 0 ' II . \ I'" , " l'''''J'!'J '''''''---~_ J f t of In ,t"IlDLly killing Mr. R ubert Moun!s, 01 \V urrclllc .... purc anti WIIU O Ir {1 /1l "'rt' ~h Li. .1 A ~I .,::; B. U I '•. '. '!r~~ , Ie 1II0llU oc uro \\"'IJlleSVllle. who was re turnIng . , . tI) I> lugll,· ' . ls I!r llcro II'~. C h'rk ul ~lIld cour' "' W . ( .• () Iii) ~ i ~ II\} [iJ} II" r~ 1111 flUI l!! rt" II\} [i5) ~1 from vcr~. . a.:>ulu \ 21 ·6 1 A comp lele nijsurlme nl o f II Il!I ~ II I
D ".. U G S
DIe IN E" ,:
MeI·,..... l·tt & Printz,
Dl? U G. . , \1 E"D leI N ES
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I" I
Dry and Mixed Paints,
LI.1 "
Ie .
· CIflCiD(1Rli. 80d injuring. more 01' l\iss. IllIrty olher pasBfngcrs. som e d whom \
"~Ie very I;e l'iottsly
Chemi815 olld
Dru~l:i~~:,lA;e~ VUl:~11. \ l'lOI-;T T1N -- S l\.. Doll~rs.
CI-)\Sl -)~N - GALl' 1:J'~'l)S AND SHOES I. ." 1. \
R. 0 I L S I ft. m~v en. a\\j?,Q,
BIIOH I ATTE ' ., ' -
111 d· ·
H A'
For Ladies &. Chlldren. \
\ ~ant! i~ prepnred to UO in tho 191i;@!i;htl~' 8tvlp.. nnd on the phortes~
&t . \~~~ir~'~ nl~Yt\~'~nt~II~:,hbsu~'~~:
hurt. 'ne couduc· 25 Cents to Save 25 D E ALERS IN "I} troIDllwheel H eaPlmn. II'8GC()nCI'I~ral c" &DeIlZlnCt re. :, . ____. J;; J-.1..UI~.I. uU .Ll a \ tur.AIr,Chllde! I:lrRIII(·y, WIlS bntlly I"I\, sell-~o \)/\(1, illtl cl.'d. IlB to confine :' m o l' c ~ 'Oln, I ,rcuse d .r 015" ;(' . 111 5 1111 I · 1 ~ i 11-'";_0 - , ' Th p. bc t t C]IlBli ly of U-.J H avin!!.. 8ecured Ih e 8l'rvicp.8 of 1Ifr. h I' . Iy, rll,1 CICOIII S :S ll ke, R I I.oUOII ~. Glo\'e~, &c., I frJ·J I ELLI SU N KEMP, n superior ~urkmlln. ~ e 1101 for tho pre sent to hIS room Rt lhe '(''1 l1ul 10 II C\\'. Oil ly ~5 cellL:I p('r bOll 1« 1 ~ . r~) 1'\1 .t\1 711l ~, ~ Ii'\l iri,'I ~ \Ol il\I((:.1 IIICIII; ,, " uf h i. IIDllle ill thl 8 connec\!on Nuil House. in Columbu s ,bul who will. Hul" by Ur\l~t:i sIS, IIEGI'; \uAN & co. . A ~ l> mJl;,//~ ~ ~ t.Q:.1I11L1:1 I.\lJ lm\WIk.A~ A well-!elcctetl nBBorlmen~ of Ihe IIEST 1 will be "uni cic ill guaranly thllt 8IItisfacY k I lill ll will be /liven. u D . N ChemislS un ru~ e lY ur. Flir GenllemPIl't! A1111 B"y ~ ' \II ~ or. AI MII•. 1 • JOliN W. COLLETI'. Wilhoul doullt. soon be con\·Rlescc DI. 011 ~Alurdl\y. Mr, Mounls WIlS IChUPPC'd IInluls nnd Flue, SOI'C AI th c ult! Slnntl 0 11 .\I ,';n Stree t. \Vllyncs . U IU"!;e sUi'l'ly 01 wcll.selecte d l~ ~ i ~ Ju ly i 8 . Ll"uugllL home 10 Ilis slrickel\ fllmily, '~Ips, ChUblnhl., &4:, \ viii<' w\l\llu illl orll\ Ill~ir uld cI" tomerH bu,l ~v"ich he had Ich ollly " lilt\(J while lI ('g('mnn & co.'s Cnrnphor Ice. "".ilh I the ,'es t 01 mUllkill,1 tllot 11t{'y IJI\YIl Q gouJ bt fore R · t · .' . , 11 IGlycerill('. cures chnppeJ 1I:a11"_. &1' .• 1111- u.so r:lllcill uf II long, tigorOU8 mRn. Ie me,lilll e ly llild will kcep tho sk ill su ft I _ _ _ : _ __ Ia~ t one, IIppRrently. tbllL D~ath wu u ld : nnll ~ l1Iou('h in tlte coldes t weather. S " lu I ~J c UUFF1' S & WILS ON'S SERIES, 'rnk e lloi s metholl or Informing t hnos~ (or 1\ victim; but . 8uch is the I\ t.., Drnggi~ 18 , l'r icc !! !), C~ ~tP. HI~ lIt hy d , I ur &. ~ & ~ old lli end .. 1111<1 the public eencrc .. 1111 'ert . t fI I' r M 'J • IIllJil lor 3S c ellt~. Hhli I',M AN&' cu., al so. B VOflll SUI P Y ~ c.. C. I li ll y. Ih"t ' l hnye removeu my plAce 1'.11 ounls . tI .1 . N' ' Y k I . \ ~. I. !tin Y 0 lumAn Ie. 01 all hillU Ii IIlwoY IiOllhllllJ , 01 uusill C"S lu Ihe "tDl1tllorm!'r1y ocrupietl . ' . • c hptnl . l&U/I uruggldl8, el\ u, . ITill ' cOI'l re r & S ICC!-II'OIl • art \ 1t11l1l108 W"l"e Inlerred 011 ·lue5lJIlY. J1.3111. S . 1 hl' IUrs. Thomo s 119 II Funcy Stort, A nile ouurlnlcnt ul ... .-. - - - - - for su le lit Lh o luW".1 clIs h prices . A II Opposite the Rogers HOUle. Robl1ek' s l'i" <. k lI,d ~ ot LA~Jl)~, ~ Prof. SUlDmer6t:1t1. Prestitligi where 1 il1t~nd 10 keep 011 ltnllu 8 geneHI lnlcur an ti 811· u llt-oC. llllnd perrol·mer. A~ I'Dey ll'Jrgotive, lhllt Il'a\' l'slh e 8Y S· . 0 U T - 000 R W 0 R K, Carefully alltl Pl'oillpily Filied. 118110rLOlel1l uf \V urk. bo~h of .. lem III n Blllte 01 he allh ful re~ lIlurI1Y ;- I LANTERNS, & gave a enlerlMi l;mcDt ill HRy'8 H/\II on pureIY'·(' j!ctllblt·, Ihey r.nll bc lui, pn ill ~ I\ e h os ~ r "Iill!!. R oofin!!. &r. ., ,Iull e 011 o ,t' " ., any ",eMh"r nt OilY lime with olll dOIl l,!e r II h" rL nutl ce ol!d III Ill e uu.1 1II "\I ,,{'r. () I d J)ru g -8lor c , CHIMNEYS" ." IIU uay e vening to /\ full honse.whoso \ or ('vii ~on ~ equrncell. and Il,ry Hlwll ys J lll y 3 - 2 a,:tI the baat brnnds o( ~r(',q.uelltllpplf\use lestified 10 tllcif eo· Olluull' III Ine pollle pleRsont 1I11111110ru u ~ h -WII),nc Nvifl", Ohio. Ol'l'Y N~LVU) 'A C1. UR~, L\ Olllllllrr Fum iliee thut hove Iri (' '\ Illem J oymenL of lhe tricks. PO S T - 0 F F ICE C; 0 [t N En. . nnd warront lu aive so,isfDtliod. lerer n box 011 hUlld ond recommen" Ihem • 1 , . " - SU CH ASThankful ior Ihe very liberal patronage 10 th e ir Ilc iJ,! hllor s,ao Ihat in Lids "' ny th ey Ha vi nl: hnu ("url ep n ye ~r;s' "x l' l'ri cnto FINE CUT Jun e 23- 1·lf (I.r ffV fl rnl )'eers belllolVctl, 1 hope, by ~ Tlte Lt bHnon Star annOUOCl'8 hnve becn", ,, tnor~ extellatvely u~t! u Ihuo : i;l th e pruc l ic e of Mc"ir ille, uO'pr8 It i_ ! A N D PLUG, . 01010 attenlion an~ loir deilliog, atill 10 cUlhorllc , I rro 'l'~iu n " I ::l ervice!I It) the cil lu I\ 3 01 \ tl le dellih or Mrs. Jane Burrows , eld e! l O.IIYAsolher ClGAR8 · AND Hlckllellft illvKriltbl)' ottn c ks its vic- ' . . • ~I)Ull morit a generous conlinuance of tho lime. SN UFF." ~.\. I. E. t{EVS, daughter o( ~Iepheo D"eder, who st:t · tim wh r ll the bo we ls are conRt ipo,e' l' l WayneSVille and VICinity. '. . " . I 'fho mnrll ct price tit · all times pllld ror lIet! aL Furl Wa~ hiogtoo. how Cincin- thoso whu h8V~ re('.(Jur~e 10 R.obock·" pi ll OH ICK on lil t! co rll Pr nl .!Il uill 'II tI Mi· OLACKING" . J Of n grcat mnn)' 11 ·,1 "'II'W" ~.I\I N~I Ieep {'el t - • •• .. 1 b 11111 '8 anu,n :trgl' quan· G, rocn Iuce, G11 If' 101 lIati, ill JiDU Sbe · W8S· ODe of the old , ~t llie p,NPI' rlllme. l\e e~1 have '~I.J fet f of olDi 8t~ • f1 Cli rly uppu~ ;lC Il r. . \1 11 ull, ULA C l\lN G llB.USlIE:-;. lI ~ It: " or tin p , .~ L. ...... _ .. _ 1 f •• ' .... " , .1 . . ' ,l l nf! 8 ~ , I) r : leRe c xcc e nl I" 8 h "' lip ' I II ' J J I Eft' J:;rc r MtRIlIT 'rp .I, " •••••t , t:.. /C , ~~".8I' aJl~ ~i~~~! ~~ nge o~ ~ ~ ~ I cre ot e Ih\' ~('f il c\1 ~ C~i Q ~ Ql1 lbr f y ~ lel1\ , I 07 :\ ij.; It cL~ prcll1 p l . ~· rr.n 1''' II , v, 'I •
srI" O 'V E S
Parlor and Cooking Stoves,
0 E'I>IE -' , Al\1ILY GIt C \
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Physicians' Prescriptions
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~~ District &. Co~, Pleas Courts IJR 1. A, llO tiE 01£11 II Y. J, NKAL . !:t~~.: ';t';::::~~~ . ,;.IUI~llJ~I' ~OI.I ~'price :l1i d l . 4 ~~ I -O F TI'I El)\.OSEBEIJI"> Y & Nl~A L, .\ MEN'S 1\ N[) BO Yis' II A T S, :''.."I1 1I,': :;:;'~I~~~';~· '~'~~"~~(~l'~~ . :tl:~·;.tJriec 3S (' t '. 12dJld' la) Distrfc'", '-'t~teofOhio .. ' \ .\ ~ 1' 1'11 \~ I',·(;\Vuel.. V110''''' ln(·e l1t\Vnlltu;t' 25 I Ie • . 10 Kllow,' 15ht h,,,,,,. 20 FOn '.I'IIE ~. E.ln UtIG6. -A T IoII\"l: h . NIIII'Ulell by 8rl\;1I0 60 I'READY-MADE CLOTHING I, \\, ,,"III1,1~, I'Ul"ron'lIr~,.C .1.' o,·ul •. "" 1:.l 2 L lIDJJltH; 1l ll d iu It .. \1. ",ord, by Sre,orer_ W. I O~u TOTHE CLERJ{ SOFTHE C(JURT:-> I~ '1\ U [):.IU . ~YOO)~[E U[) 1~)fi'ilr1lli l~ /i\ !Nrt:\1 ~ 1I1 ~1i;' ~ CI '"I~ I.I J,IIIII.i'hy~ lt' I'." ~II;. ,.,I\1J\U.C PrJl" o,3, el •.
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Ii i,·... ( 'I. ".04{' \4, n ll d fur t l\,· 5u t' lu l ' Cirdc. hy \ · III1 : IJ. 'j A Y LOl l. l'r!t'c- Hoa rds, 8[, cen "• •
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<' . I'IUNCE & CO,'S I J1(./oueolls, A u/ol1la .' i c cf; ScltOoi D,,!!am OT AII'''- IIIIIIII·" I' w.r .. AIl IOd fo ,· fiv6yOO .... 1\1 111' ''(:11 t Il " ~ r " n llJ 111 11)O r l rn, uf Flutu . ~S" 1:,.I1.i" •. \' 1"1",,, I ;,, " "n. VJO IiJl
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o::r 1'. ~._ II yuu 11 1"1' 01 , IIl1 k " ,. in ,h.· Iinh il n( g"h in!,; " nluk . O'I· ·CO II I" " I", h",'" )olll·.. ·lf 11.",, 11"" n ~e ll 'l o lII " ". T A \' A WA \' ! ..l".\l 2J·li,, 1.
P'IrSt PremlUm . G0Id Medal'•
And Forty_ _other Articles! _ _
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l':ggd 1Jl UUZ "Il, Puloloca 1P ullshcl . Dr ic,IAI'I)I Cd ~'l 1!' It:. Chi cke ns 1\1 t!UZCII. t;otl"oe :0 II, New·O'·lcons SU!!Or V 1IJ N.· O. JI) ol,l ssed jJl gull ull. . 10 ) II Co~ il iJ go UI1,
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II lO U "., nllu pt;ror 1'411\' c 1111" ' II ,
'('h e must p0 \,.\· . d . "" r p" ~ 'J rutl vc
L. M . GOTT~cnALR. TUEODORE EISFKLT. ,,:.1 . ll &:; ttr J"I Y, MAX MARETZ&K, 11 . ~TR ACKOb DII . \VW . MUON, lI ERMAN.\, WOLLltNII A'lPl'. Allh " 1,,1' 1",r o ( Ihe American In Rti_ tul e, I.. 101 ioo {\;nv \" olk. Ci ll. Oclo"tr. 1 ~5, t tl t ) wt"r 8 \'t IH I J t il ' C 'c c
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P R I N T S · I 1 c. D t)IIIC ~ tI.C GoOtlS, "I~~'8~~'nl'8 20 Melodic Exercises, -
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1,nrm !!:J 11l<m W hi, II or n,-olinA' Ihe gr •• ling rhe ~r" " .t LN1'V~ Lllll\. ~ L1 ~o 111110 hllt !!1 l " till' n tll it ul "'Hrld. u ll d I.."" re.Ctl ~ ., •. ~ lilt: It ig ht to l It' l iulu ni p l~ frOlu li lt the leadan! , . , \o r"'" I1>'''" IU UII " 'Y, ftl1 10 JlS whuUl are N E S V I L 1. 1.. . s. TI1 ~LnER(J , . I' RASCI G O. IlROW N.
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n)",,, 1' [1"1:1. L> ro p.y . c'HOIIIC 1111 0 (,Lj tc t I:x l'rcsse d in th e IIbovc res· P ili. U" c"Lu,l. HON. Tno MAs CORWIN, or Lcbnnon I lio 1 llio rr" wlI. F~ lIlu le \V Pll k n css . Nc .• il is II If ,nu \, .. ,,1 YOIII' jill\" ""~ Io o llle ~l\Il'll, " 'lld il l . ' 0 U , Uti. • . , r' l' ..,.dfic. rl~h o u ~o nll t5 h u v c b ee n c-hun l:f' d \\1 1!c q ll l II lu wlu l ' Infer! buL recentl y r e lurne d t o thiS cOllnlry !tyne s\'/lle. 0 .• Dec . 4lU. 1 GGS. 1\ uu Lh e use 0 1 Il,is medic ino fru m \\f CIll< > C I ! .. , ' I{ Jun IV II III ' vI" c· rn. I (rom M~J:ico, was s truck llown by f\ - - - -..sl c h.l v , Hn n .! rtl1 g c r ("Q l u l' e~ . 10 8IrUIIg-' / l f J .II. WIIII I I'l l!!' , ( ' 0 /111 •• Pe nrils, ' lip"., 01" . k ' \y l ' t F . ~ \ Ve Rr e intlebte ,l to a kintlln 'ly heullhy Ulld I",PPY mell 811" WO llle ll. I'... . / as 1I11g on on ' n · I . ' . . I A" ~:.! plI ~e pUlllph lc; se nt (~a' . 'I" '·' I,·"" . pAralytiC &11'0 ' 0 In tilly evening lut. 'l'''tlre are 110 h ope. ff1 ~ l\d Oil !l1 1l1n SlI·te t. for a te mp l ln g l'ri<:u $ 1 pu uou le, or f1 I" r $ ;j . .1 0 11 1\ 11'" ~I 'dl l ". ~, . . d (I' s rc over lIi& d e · pl nle of Cllk e . se nt to o ur oOi co III ij l J . r, D INti A10HE, II ~ o u 1I"1\ll llI ,,"".1 ., ~ r;O I· ( .. ."k , .. -, entortl\l.ne U It . C y. . .. •. . .• " 3 (] Ue ::llree l New Yur ko 11 ) 0 " w\J II I l'" 101 Ud. "'''''10,101 ' "1''''1'''1111111' \ cellae wlll he n 1l1l1lO/HI! CIII"u.lty. wOlk. I3l e~Hu /lI e Ih ey W110 ICUlom· D Y ' 11 1" 0 II )U U 1\ IIIJ , IS'''U II\<, . Su it] by (( 1""ISIS ~e l1 r r ll y . " ., 111 P. S ,- G..> v. Curwin died OD M"u I Il e I' t II e p"n lc rs. . ~~ _ _ ._ II yuu " ·'oo l API'I .. , I UU. II. A l\IJI':H S' IOIJI~J,; \\ I\TI·.Jt , lJ ) " U " "00 1 CUIJO II'·' .l ll,·" .l ·o rd •. or ('( ull,c' tiny. m All ill vo l"ub le D:S COYN Y· A 1,,1: groill LiIlL' . _________________ J..J C (\ ) 5. 01 1IIII inc ill ell ciloull ceo l \\'u t~ r . dl dd\) l . II YIJU\\ Io IlI I: III I t;o , ~h? ".II I"U.Ii ., .or H i "" .
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I ' G\;.
manufacturers' f.t:ents t ! lOur .... "'ew I:JIodc.
D' t r·'b e. ·on
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Slphl JlI. Olrt Boroa,
Skl O n lrO!\Sel, 6 til Rheum ,
rVp o pd~ ,
COmll' l\ \nt , Lllllcurr E. ) .'V. lu.,
6 lC\r E:el1aache. lov eT l\nd I\!)ue F ema le Comp lll ll' tt, 5 t An t hony 11""8,
T\.!nors f .. ' s,
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book lo r (1Ir\ ,) U ti pl ,'pi0, unJ I .! 1I 1 t..I b JU h for every U IiP l ull V"be _. I t) U I ' u. I ' l Io n s . Pr ,e~ lS I '1 0 (IIlil l OI " ,,,h i,. ~en tl rcet()on'V utlJ r (s~ 1\ , "" m ltl III h u,l al Ih e U"u k'lorco, IJr wtll " .. be I;t uy 1II 0il. 0"" 1 i'UIJ , nil \I c . II" nf r'" c Audr('dd I: II I' ()( J II ' M :.l (jm 11 3U i\ ont! VII) ,~ r\\
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V!7.BITT'"D" I
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Union Co1fee, Pea Coffee,
• .W A YNESVJLLE, W AnRBN COUNTY', 'O R'lO: W'ElJNESDA y, DECEl\{BER 27, 1865. .
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,',,"< m,,,. nUllllel\lIl\1!igllttl,tl Fro~ehlolllhul~tlllle, GO'"",,,", . .. . (~ ~dl'359 C()ngre~s I~I . w", k ,,, " " d • you.. , , ..m•• .".", n",,, .. ,. '''.. . . , ",d .,,,.,, eo'"~ ,, " ,. P"" '" , , ., ' ' ' , • H"h: • O".I" d· ",d ' " , I II i. I",,,, " , P"" i,i,,, ''',' '" "" "". ' . It, , " d" •• , It i. •'''OR ,,',,"" 10 .•" m. um, "P' " "" ". 'd ".'. ,,,' w .,.. \ ';." L" ' " ' ." wu," "" '" p,·,d",. ' 'M'" "'" h "" ,,,, " J hi. "p."'i.,, ,,' (" "" koo"", ". .'. ". ';, ,. ',"i; w h' • i" '" d."u,d 00 ,,,,,. b" ... ,. g g of become s' of IIlIlhrse Frec Jm en ,ll'i\.c,s ~i~~s Tn Am~licall 1I!IIL1 ers 1100,,"<: \·or. ' ,,< 1\ III!. .... folks, [meltn. bnl 'nol to the ~rJl(,~' In 1(12,1 he Rtll'porl"d I'IIC." V''l )l) lltI;; nn the U" nel'l P~IT ~11\. 1 ullhl e R~.i8t/lnce (or grellnbacb. ~ luis. 'l'he reienomor." IImU.S ID 81 I hl wlailc tll ei rrnllsters nrc imid e h~8l1ng .. :' , .. I''' 'II~ hes t knoll I; b), ""I I " CIII}~ f"fl'l!"idelll; III I B23. , .up 1"I\!i f"' Yll nu ccvU1 l11 g 1I1~ !llg l , P I lally wl ,orocI!lltiy fn'tred lotol1t4 II' r New-lork S1111n BCI'cher prench I\bohtlonl~m, , . . I 1 J.\Jr~. u .I . . . . ~ . 1"'" I . . lJ kl . ' ed by . In tho w clly 0 ,Ut sup • Life of Chllilotte Brollt!" l e rub l,,1a ' I'ed Jllltil Q 'lin e,' ,\dH.me; In 1[;32 1'JIl:, I r n cen Igt'llC~ ollIeI' tOO yo, "'G Ih o sceno ."'kich tRlt~9 pl~~e e~lery , un I pose l hey lir,vo 1111 Ihey clln do 10 mll~d : od hy th o Ap l' le lon s. The ~I'ellt ill'cl\'~L ~~' :I ~ An onllluclalll).{·WIIig' , in 1(I:3G IIII.! I' ~\ c do~ :I~RC~': :~I~:;:~tWb:\~~t! f"' us~ n dnm~tl ~"u CUlll~ ~om.rtllo~ i!l fp~conf mOI'nln~1 Rt' the ~lrll.t.o~~ (~rry. Ih eir 1' 0I'S(l5, lind nre con te nt to rl'rlInlU I tllke n !tHe in Lh e auLltol' 01 'JIII1~ E)".,· I in iO -lO ~llrJl(lltod IIl1d w"r/. ed hllru lor I~I ) -H II . , I I' \Ve olin', ollr . tio n. ',An whaL prtYIlegcs do Jeell give • Il rau it untl my lI~il WBS. I I J f lil l Ih CI u rch ' .' . I 1 u l nur l1a , hlllll IlIlI ur. I?' ,18ve flllg f ti e Kill ymou • " in s ul etl for the l,i "!,( l'IIphy n Wl ul! CII" I O(,I1('rll l ri~\lnr. WII~ n '" . I IJ" I ) . U willI a blllll clI Jer gu r " . 1 d lltil1 reci, R!'t1'~YtSlties Il (; ~ll:d, 1 have 0 lejn l wh Rtc Vl'r tha lex t O1 lly bt!. Am ofl g ' cul.llioll 'tllIllhe fas cir. lJ RI)le in ' lh~ \Vlii" ean lli(hle f.'r GO\'l!rn'lr. lin d 1""1.' )1 '" .'. n c I'J whi c h it will i The usunl rotJlIne WAil rec.f't~ nle • " d' Yse\ 1 h ~.,. ·Ipio t' to cl\rry ,oul I I les mlly f Ib . L(( W~' e< Ilie ' I lui " 'drl yelli. 'u 'An' .. . yee& loun Illt:se rl' que ll l y "" oe cl1 dlicll iL' ' wlit'lIl IIdu~d 10 tlte I' .'p I I,i- nl\ll'"'" IIlIlin!! t IIC CI"lIp~lr.:n, ""rIl ~ uv wn. III f 'Ilca 10 rul l 8 pmgraDlme, And hll \·u beeo 6C·'· 'k~h. I.h .. or ,t.. fl . n. C''''''''. "" ".. , .. , " ,i, r .,.10_ , ,,' om. ho""" ,,,,,. I<em, • ,;;."",,,.,,', .",.d. '" " .. ,i" "" ''',.,,'' "? ,~' "' •."" ~: Q"i""", i . " . .,,,"" 01 .,.. ,,,.,'oo",,:m Ing up l{ul~on qlr"t:I on Lhe ron ' pi wholeSl\lo.J dry·goods wel chaul io N~IV 'I' lu 1' ,I '1'llnc""IIlCifB 'wh ich ill E',.,, :,lnd I li!J Ih e IJres"l1t lhy. IT .. di.cI16~t,1 the Il o ll1 .o ur Rrl~: 1\ Il:r ., Illtl ,: ' bliltl( , ~ (Jf a I "nII co we!' k, for Ihe gurl 10 rll6ie er . .~ 11 B·oteR t of Iht!lJl. I ~u I' .' II'I' PI'I ' U u I In;,r ,~ l' llre a li ast as 10 d l or~. I 18ve rIse to rnlleil c.)/UmenL "nu di S 1 1'1I Iilicnlt() plc~ 011 I!;~ d e~ ' I 1a"lf ~il'iiizetl unu who l cuOlilRny f . , (what 1\ lia I clH 1 . lulI'e 'fhe ~c(' ne on the Brooklyn side of ~Rti~llIction 11 is CCI'Lllin IIa&t AIr" . I ny OOllnty in lhlj ::-;',I\C; Inlllltl ll Pe r. " I'·! ~ llat: bV' lliu c.l:p" ri . .\Von, YOII wRnl the us~ o• • PI~:od Efcrybol1y goeslo WIlfU ' l' tOOl sh ln rr how he
fl'w}Qs~d lfcroIl 9 ~·"m.IIII\~ l ln". ·
slll ~
u~ h· ~lufTcJ
J>1~' moulh
',W" ',d •,,,,,. ""." .. "'"", .... , ••,., •
PI~lolij"I} n!;.I\!,~\
~ligll\ly-jll~~ ICA~~ C(lUnl~y~nn ~puloglze,. terrt~le gfl_~'c Wl\~
"x~clln ~ vernmenl. pf'llml~eJ
au~storil l
con~ldc l/lbl)'
WI,ilher she both .gone u.rore ' filial! 1\''1 01' Ihul I:,.fde n 6lraud WAnder onw,8t:ll ,bauu in bond 1 :Shnll we kllo\~ the onee wo loyO III the btlter WOllle nbove 1
Mex;~o. i~ rnl~on
\\'.I~nt w~. c~lIecl , hum~n A~(' nc'\ hJ\~: I IIat! ~lllm ~t ~onlf>. "0h"ll lllded mum~nl116pl1 I pursll~tl B),?Rdw'l~ ~'S ",,~c ~lI.re ~,. k" DJ~mb.·l's.1,,, ••"" '''''''''.' ",,'~.. m,,'" I p~l'sollnl ~ ,~" ~C~IHl UI\eO~lors. WII~ 'J'hom,,~ chl\llg~d Illnl!l\lti~pnt \~l\tt'8 dir~cl iolls, l !llId. o~rOrtIlIlIlY,. r~ hi~ ~een I\I~ prench~L1 \\'R~ yL·nr~. I h~\'e ()~ I 1\ 8~i611lnce i R~rublt~nl\. IInll.~.IIIed~c'li()(J, f\~ (h'ligh~
I:Ilt01l 1 'to e~ Iretll Wilt shore,
"'"~ flllllb""~
0(1, in ranc),. T r~'lrpRt To my, t'ftrluJiIlIlI ell.", And \It'ith on9 Ihal long s/Zo Learned tho song ( callnol I1no\", I:!aw 'tlt ~ glories thtJt ' lo me Are ¥, ll(lolY-e t nll' l~ery, • 'fl.t U1:h h a t 'ilho,,~ll t·orcaJed land \V ~1.ld~ ~ .9l1w~r~. h ~,\lJ ip .hlluo.
i n~iue
~II\v ~ ru~ ~lICllchllrl'll ·goers ln N~w.\.,.rk; lY~rr
I I~
~ . rt'I\C~ft8.
J"!lr'~Ol l ed: h~e
wuhilude. ·What is the fare.' cdes nunk steps fllr"'.ml. if ), 0 11 , Columbus Mom:,,!) His \IIle Crom i. WehslH', int imncy with Brllnoh Pieroe OUl A. COUQlrymRn , who Willi be- I Rre 10 .heal' I Thnl tflll I f;iv the Collowil1g 8um.ll?rQ' of the j SIIIlI, he explained by .'lIe d I the hunler. which lal\& never I re III Nc w York. nntll,n s n (Ii w()11 . gcntle mllll Wltla 'n \\'1111\' fu And ' Of Qj.Ir disllll"uisllle.1 10 Mexl- 11Ill\! he too o ld 10 chmb m lllntA!n ' beon gcnt:rnlly known. It wal Yr. • "tineu ollpti'l mi ll ist(' r ' 1 ' I ' '"11 b t bl t • AnI I cross "I'crsk 0 'ee p . .•.IlI ell. of thtl Wlu( ' .1 II 0 f lie I f.',a3t . III CUL COIlL .Is a 1J L Irack oC. III" \\' tbster's custom. in Ihe huntin '".. 'ellRiver. 'TlVo CAols,' .IS n mllll . co, . ' p n e 0 OUI . ) "'1 ' .' . . Ih o mo tl es t ·I (rom" Pl!lersLurg-., YR. Th uug-It , lie I WI IS ncce G 80n. to trAvtl RCrORl! from MRuh6'eld 10 Coulllrymlln .IS .c onfo. und e J ! ,. IJ ( lJtocl.ivtllP. R. li e uoo"H·c. ll li l,k all of 1I lhom. III common w. lth HIS retu. I'D to 111 8. nAtrVI' the Plymouth "ouds, onJ Dleet Ihe oth. I'.l·ply. 'fwo alit, /' bU 'l'xo/ctlms 10 ' tlte SL'Ulh vlel on ou•. lind i. nnXIOIIM the,. Ifl t! counlry. 1000r Rn CIeri , I IR te I\'I\S ulll t'u Wit I Pllprlld810 ,S 0 . I I I d I h I. I ·' I I er huntsman AI tlte cabin of 'Ullcle ., h",', .. " ' " ,,,t/,i"9 ... ,,,' " ' ,, ',," Dm h".. ",,' \' ,,,',, '" '''''''' . , ,'" 'J ,I lb, .1 I' I I '11 b I r Bronch.' On ono of Iheso excursions in lo w/\. l"d give (til d ulloTI nlth · I lIt: kn ows IU S whip p"ll '\lId . so 1'1 o w lit his 5uddlln decense, for no Ite was overtaken by. a II torm. "lie I er tlt nn nol heAr Beeche r !' Bul ollr • . fln !s to FI'e wli'l l 'd"Tle' il ! Ir ill l /URn. . I . B pub lic m>ln hns hORte of 6rm er {ri 'nd,' lasted all dllY. otocrdhujntsmlln IllhH,' cOlllllryrnnn 18 do 1110 FOllth !' rll clHl:Ylllnn g""11 tu ~ce'. Tllomu C"rwlln '.' I J lorD I 29 ou/\Q g~uI!l. ITo I> 1 \ pen .. red at Ih e CRuin • ao f t' lng B. e, WIIS 10 17!.l1 onr ' l Rlll On!{ our peop I0 ,1. l'lIv " ell'Cllt:U a !ttllo-'Lh e A.IL · ' lhe Ul\lioll' fur him is III no"clI OliO; he nover 'I of Pll'lll 0 U(it Chulch. Rud il ' C" ' u y_, . •, ""1" Cl)rwio. b waslout Of. quesaldoeO'Rm'"11 hPOt . ' 1")"lu1' 1U IIe "II '. I go I10n\('. SI\II., hl'" . I nleIe dllllllgulb"e ftll\ t llijDltln 8 Irurn"u . \ • l\1 r ', <! 'IIt81'. WI' lO .'In m n .60 .mll ny ,reop qng 10 CIlurc I1 l iS nmlOv"d from N"w J Il I'Me xioo and/. General Grant. oco'l\siona by bi8 wontler{ll\ geu In 1118 Itf(' ; lIe d no Idell. the ,,: ople i cI"ltiite Hp,v. Hf nr}' W"rrl .BI·t·cI\(·r hfl" b'_" I, \VII ID\R. aDt\ fr,!m .. . ius. WI\8 \!l1l8 {or ... o hl, J i llcllhcr ),ornsor hOl'ps. 'pilles, . lilt. llin, nt'lI!r. -yManl e O. lIerft'fne,I,' Altted \Intl1hel8 Adtlptinghlrneel llhepec'l1liarrelg,ol1l l:\.j( Ihe Il otillll, so.moho,,·, nbOUL lh o 01' lollliitcr I' . . I Cur ,itt, ('RllIe to .then deAd. Sll Wt'lIk IS na llHe. Ihl\l inclinltciunN of bis hosls. while Lhey lilOO of lh o. grent rio ts . 11,,\1 <!.lLh/\m No olher pr:"cher In .. s tc tu IHI'ILuIJ. III ' .Of!. morl ,I'('il' usulIl homely ocoupa\\,,,s lin aujul [lnd undny I1fl."r :-:;II nJ .IY . ! o Rn ."I1,d.1 lind tIled "e,t/' "' ),ilr<: th o 101"11 ('( IC I""k IS "llIlost 10 O,'ert 'fln tlll' I _' he rrljd nnd repe aled from mem'lOn 10 .. , m"" • lor, ••• """ h' \\. h'" ""." B,,·d •• ,. M ' ' ' " ' . " " po> ,d 00... ""d ' m'"' Img "' "ud.",,, 10" "",, "Y" t"d" .r.h 0 p.. .,,' he IR hl R po ckets {or th t} two 01 so mnny pCl)plt}, oC All dCIlIIlll lll1I wh<, l)( tlte fawlly stili I·t•. Afl(,l' mnny 'lillules. on the ACC o llnt o f )'l'lllns wilh which much readlllg 1.lld cenls .· th e Rurgin:.; (If Ih e crowd nr flunll , liom. (ruru all }JHrI" .of Ihe CQUlllry.- . bill.. Th,. gClllleman "li S fur mnlly l'I'ck les$ 8tekillg. in Ili a bo- IIlllJe him fl1miliar. Hour lifter hour him 10 .. ''',,' Y t",,, hi. "," 'h , ., y. N", ,,, ,,, ••, ,,," d 10 'm. '," . ," "'y " , Y<" 'm" "'",.. ,,' " ". 0 ,. i, L. g i., •. , g'''''''' g ,I .. " "" ,.". • Ii" ,,, 01.. , gm. ' '''.. m," p".. d •10, .," InMlIlo d :e rCI'I'J-h lIUS O tlte be - ".cllnowledgt' Ihlll .J ou IItltr . pint . A'j llll l,l Ih oug h ·he. hl e h,ij \VIIS \ mAn pl llced HI llae Iud of ou r IIr. "HlL eH.hin ki lchon. repeAIIllg wtLU hiS "IJ('n( Ih" li ' Sllw .II ' mil's . who 110011 UI O ,"' '' ole or \'oice tho in spir&d pSAlms C m('s I' ra n), Illughllblc-Iwo htl'('nm N till bbl\lh III N l! w: \. 0111, And eo 11 1' \ 01 ,\ far el'. of people go in g ill ddlen:nt the ?'hlldIl Y (UI' pre II' y vi life ilL bllrtllabllr on (11.a \ dt: r of Illings. The .mlln hasllot of DHvid. nnd undying hymns, m l'!:1 I 1 fOUlld mysel( 1/1 Iho HlI1S of ,judlce 10 kel'p) o u 11\\11) frolU Ill S ehulr.h LeI! all ftt. rm, and well ('/\rneLl tIle 11- ' 111 0 1'<: "onorte t! for great IIcbleY e . wi lh wbich })I\nlol Websler Ibl\t day II Illdy of forty tbe OIlier mOJning-. SI,,' : hns gnne by-lite doctlill.(:s tll ug l.1 lind i lilt: f ' \Vill.;Oller Boy,' by which he Imellte illllrms, Ihnn he h ,," ueen IOVl'd filled the cabin oC tIle hunter of Ply. is uUlllrling in Drool,;lyn. "'.Riling for ' fvr the l'I61 t' I;; llt ..• ,,,. Fllrs I IIOWII ill nft.a (or hiY Ullpl'e lenliollW nlUuAs ty. his np . lUoulll " .oods; fllld no audiellce eYer liS. Mr. Merg.·1' 1111'\ hi s s ilip Cf'ntillf'nt,,1 1 Lt·come lh e puhc), II", (.I ,'V (: I'II 11 recl'ivecl very lillill ill pR r,: nl nll.1 uuuutl css 1" :1./ 6(' }( nbnegn. IC flVd lo his ulVn Iliumphalit eloqllroce to Bnil for Wa!!hinglon 'ferriluI'Y· Th e re IIl fllt III IlIb t - lhc. Ih l' c4uiring of nn lhl'fc I lion. nnul.li.s Plld"II LIIlId terrible earn . with such n8 Ih e humble len. Rre/ltpresenL aboul fh·.e l\lInrln·d of l.\·I·l'ypnrly l.II R lnumph ed. nogooLiscl.lOol s In ti ,e he II IIlS lis lelloLi Ihe .famillar IIlJcient nnu 81I1gl(. w':rc I!Vl' r II Dfmocllll. 'nil I,.".e . bllt L the 01 IW E' llt)' lie was het n. Lh e IWlgh\ Wllh oll( I(!I\!, lind Which, rvl' lhpm. l'el!l!lved lI ew InSpII'I\. Illtl ies slopping ill Dr(lokipl. J @nw.l Lo re cullect th lll IIOIY III 110 I infol Ue bE'gflll IQ ('xh ibit thllt witho ut rl'rm)l\ch. Thi s bt'i ug the lion liS t1.I'Y rl,llled flom his marvdou. my fli elld. th el COlllltlymRn. with his l pnl.IY' Ih : for which hns sinco 5U we look on 1" le Wllh . lipA,-ll'orcesler. face in.id e (,nc of tho new · fll slll onetl. 'Jf II wlllch (,Xlst th e II urlel . hlllll, lit Ill e of fo ul'- lint ro!:re l. 1/0 hll8 1'01 !Jrr,v .. " ____ • _ _ I horrible · loukill g bonnetl. S"id bonn el "ffice ill New·lOl\;. have fOlm t! d . le l' Il 'vhile IIltending of th e Ilim s(' 1f /\lIgn"lI in p":\ceAs he w.tS ID DUTI!(ll"TIiIt KIl(O OF BELOIUM.was coming ott' the te rryb olll "I emse l.ves inlo II club for llev.'·J :l coL UliglJ:' is re prese nted Wllr. Afler 1111 IUllivl' 11" Leo )01.1, K ing vf Ihe 13t:lgiRoe. is dlll.ul. 010 AlmIll e Nl'w,Yol'k-tbe couhlrymnfl was 1: 1£ of l'nct. olher v.: I 110 hal'\! Lee h in eurl,. hfe n clo$e 8tll hlls nbu\'e Ih lll Ile ' tlte 80n of Duke J!'rIlRci. or onlo th o ferrybont. 13rooldyn You rs. on th e WIIl g-: ill Oul or ncho ol: Anti InCllle.nL to It!sse r S , X 9wlle SnH.lfielt.l. and Illn tlr.c!e 'l'llere was n I"d y's face In Ih e I.orllule EAl A H OUE. "lwllye e n!{f1getl 1111 tlw .H l udy 01 SOll'le \ LillI! o lher great OIeli. III! Illn be"n tie' of QUHn Vicll'lrin. lIe W8S born In bo und, The p oor Indy Fcrearued - -- - . - - -- i uool;' or sllbjecl. III I BH he I duceu IlIto tlte fooit ti lili ns u f going n · rccl'I"ed a brillianl ed ucntion, the biL of A stellDI' Death oC Mrs. Gaskell . I 'he 011'1 Oflice uf ',v.'II·I'(·n ·ouu ly. in I r?unJ country 1\ shu'/\' o f I:t oue Illne 8 GenerR I io lil e whi , tl e. s Imek I. lhe -I CI 5C11mme nc ed the of Illw . III1J lInd v"l'y siHD lumy. alld look aD Itclive In ,,01l1 ,Jn t (or 11.,e '1'he nrfmirc l's of thlt brlt t r cllls! of : ) "H.i·s n(l(:J'wlln! \VIlS ,lIlltlll llt'1I tv IlL lIf1t ur tlr eSt; publle lire batde of L"ipHic . and other baLl.lea crowd hchlnd him no IlIlle, ); 011 mOll l·l'n uc:illll IVIII I, cnr lVi ll; r,."rd of i llte L,,·. thc WRII " 1116 IIllU cumplllnolllllry, we uf lh lll Clllllp l!ll, 10 1810. he married. must Iin ow tho tl.tle (.ul, find nil til e drnlll o( lIlS, Gaskell, Ihe Engli , h ' lell ulng of 1.110 hi' CI)IOI'I ,,, ". Ill S prtvltLc .u tt" .. Ihe Plillctl88 aiChllrlolte of Engll\nd.Ih eSfl Beecher ·golng peopl e were on .n n 1 or e!lst nnLl boigrllplrel'. 011 ll,e 12 '" (l tt enl!rti . [Ttl wns for lire d umg Ihe . lilat however, lind bUl a yCl\r. In inclined plRne. 1\1 Ihe foot o( which I 6he Wl\5 I'cu.Jing lo It e r J"lIgh( l' rs ! of i01illllti oll ill Ih e u,.! G,an l h". IJl UHU hlDlticlf one of 1B30 be Will tJ!l'ured of WAS moored the fel'J'!bost . . lIe Sim ply 1"1 111.' 1' uwa Ilome, at Alton. EnglRnLl, 1of Allth oti lil18 allld lhe mallngenH'nl glt·"t lho. we .BI O, Urcece. In 183/, he WRS e ('cled Klog >'Rmm ered out-· .1 m gOing to IH·ltl \\ he ll sudd cllly fl:1I u"nJ. tille WaY Iof lI"d hi" e ll"lh(:llcf'. ,,1' (' 11 lully '"11-lil'" • but If IIIl U . 8 .glenl! of the Bolgillns. A yell!'. a(te n f a rd'. Burelter •.' IIn.d loslAntly 0 0 IIl)(l llt fifty yellrR of Rge . i l xcilell Ly II ny p\·I'nl .ilt th e 01 'I , St.,II" "l1l 11 , w e lIu th lllg' Jl\ he lit e LOUise. II 'e III'lJlIl g lillo-the Loal I . HilI' LirH 1I0')\'1l1 W88 ' Mary , llilll. \\'''0 IIn ulJ",rI,' d III 1118 till y Rt Ih e I UI1L' I'IlllCCH IIIdlChLo II. 0" the COIl of l..oul8 Pllllllppe .. lUI' 'l'l lc ru iR Bll other crowd be .. des tll c tI t wns by Ihe /ltI"cn 0 1 II bar in OhiO. In I ll 'll );e WI\S uleclPd IPlIY, we think We havo 01110.1J daughter is no" IhfO "'I(e (If lfa::;: lmJ!. to he't l' B\'ec her. 10 Iliv t'1'1 her mind frl'Ol Ih e (11" I to Iht L"gl, llIturt,_'lnd III ,·10 h is tir" l plutly plll.III.ly. tit!\( Ito IS inn. III1J. for lhe lime aL ICI\8t. $mpre811 r!luLlu 011 (,)lli. CIIIllC I re SS lon of II Rffi 'Cli o ll. 1I0tl'd spl·tch in til 8. Lrll pro IIllL. U,"IVIUg the FrenCh or Mex ico. King Leopold w til ORIl " ', I Cd ' CIIIS without in" tOWlllUS Ihe fHry· ll oUH'. P k -Len pu\)li shed llIuch posi" C'O rl\l>l.Ore punlH: RS 1\ olll of 1Il.\Y b.tS.1\ nry pro,pe r Ille fichest 1'060 of Knfope. A: a aov •iOG"fr n U im ... 'I>J ' ".. ! I r:: \ 19 ._ . . '.... mn...:..ar-....__ . Willi lIumulls. A Ivng I Ine (, f COliC Iles' WOI a its ' . .' ' .I.\Ue •e IILI!. '"" . '. '_ • _... r • :.... - :,,!,,--'W;\ .psi. 4ly.eUow. rr TI le ml WA. inlroduc e by " memlle r (rom II I. tCl'rtll!S the 61111'1,) conV.t!r6AlI.UII 0 hits 6ho\\'0 mu au 'lot In hIS dt. 10i l in sid e' snd LIRCk driv ers . wilh I I ': (>"1 8n d 'HUI hoI' an.1 Ih" Hllmi llon counly, nnJ ,C .. rlVin·s 00 di e COtnlllllnder of o ur allllle", 1\ bo: w:lh other Ilalions. ",hile gloI'Cs 'ouliiitle, he fld for the 0 I d II e circulflt'iull (J f til ;' I sll\lI lY ltL upon ti,e men' lIre IIIIU its ori g- comeR quitc II tJ.il.lg', ___ ._ _ __. - - - _ • , illllLM ,,, is .Ii ll rl: f I l , II CI. )1'\' erS81Iull. 1!I\oc • to b e R8 f l 'Iluna LI e l 0 I on. }k SpOI. It seems to l y mllny Uf II II Y W IIe 1\ SII c. . .. ; hr.& become ram4 go 10 Plymoulh Church n t:l UlldIlY. or' Muy Bl\llolI'mq ,l o ' .ur olLl c' tizens ill tlH' ill"lhof U"Ylnl.he Vlllu(, of 0.111 I pnnt i!l N ew.York i( is to g0 sh opping lit Lord ! Mrs ,tulhor 'The }J ",'r . II " n 'Ill " ined ill tlo u Legibltullr(! tvl!ry (;uul1try III \ llII io n hR8 1i11 .. d lhll Hibernian n=e ':l illl 1""0,." •• '" M",Id. c","" hi, & " c " ., '" .,,";,., '''',,' ,,,,. I,,,,;, , ..". ""d ,',," .... IV, "" " ",.,," '"' id", to ' ' '''" .,. Co.'s on a n u the lin J nntl IV.U fu: I" wed' ' look hi!! !;t'nlln in I ll3J. tl\ OIl' own &<1II1U,' Rnd It ie nOl"I hlll'd . b ' I appelllll 111 . I \\ Ill e JII KI .,,' ,;t'rl.lIl1 I 1!ller e I d R -. " .'
- '1'lter.e thr9llgh oil the cho ll giull timo FrUits aro ' in Ih~ir Iu.s.c luu. prilllO, And lh e IUB ot LJloonJ oll lpflllr ~weelC81 odor •• and the slll.re LiCE benp.lllh ~ reef of s ll e II. 111 whose corrllgnteJ ce lla E ve ry fuir nud lov ely die ~'h G t .Iecelldell rrGn1 lito slcy 011 the morn 'Ihnt EJ ~ Il'~ bowtr 1"lr <t LJegnn lu bud ollil flower, Hide Ihtongh nil the '~ ;d r nt da,, _ From Lito .sunil intfUsive 6:Bu.
ftIlU\. fHH~ Bt!f.ch~r l1~ck ·cloll.
\Vlnl ¢r rDlelt Ihe \\'orld without. Gu,Sls of 61l0wllllkce whirl .~ou', And Ihe brnze is ,harp and col d As it IIweep! the har'ren "'!lId. Summe r 80ngstt'rs. Summer nOlVere S, or ~Ipcm in Qthe r bowers, Yet l 'm d ~e~inillg all day long 01 II luod 01 UIOODl and sunil'; ~ome rair i8111nll in tlto sea. Clolhed . wi~h ureen elernoll,., ' Vb era like pillara 10 the skiee !hny wooded mounllills risl', W'here Ihll cryato I rirors f\ ow 'l'u Ille vule8 ' lh ~ 1 rl'.!\ beillw , '~"hcr\! 'tye birds 01 paradi sil D.uild alllld tbo b.w\lr~ of spice. Alld lrom thou5IInJ (iny Ihronts On.e JaurmoniollB <l illy flOal". Throu~h Ih o ~Cn l!O n 8 (uir nnd 101lg. Swo~le8,t ~ i <le 01 .c hora l BOil!:"
~n~echer • . The gfl le ;,~ of Ihe k.rry · 'I-Air:FoliP hn r O;i~k. my h;;-~b~;d'-;-I- Sk-;t~l1 of J~iDleler C;;~~-I publicl\n COllrt or lh'll counlry wh n ANltCDOTK 01' WBBSTBR.huuse ill bloclwd up with Lh.e RIIXI OUS she blu 'lIing "lillie. Mr . Ovid · Ihe ~OKt skillful diplumao}' W'lA requir There is 'rue IILory eonnected wilh
liT .11111. 8. PARKE!!.
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Imy i •• if '" Y' hi.": m", '"' ,," G,;" II .;,.,,' Y wi. " '''''''' ,<,' ,'". """", .,,, ..".d ,,, """ ", "'. ",d "" , :':,: ''',:,'' I,,,; ,;,; ,. b, I00, ,. "', J.d1 ,. "" ., ,b ... i, NO. y" k. " ,,,., "". " •. h" ". "" "I ",. ",""', .• " d ," '" "" I""",",i" m ,,' ,'" "'" ""'<" ",,".,. '" I ' ,i. ''','', r" .. If ''''''" mM. , "'.. .. ___ Oil. un :lmu sed : rUII; "ilhin IIb('llll t\\'o rte t of the IlIlldlll;;. lltJok 1'Y8S It v" ry sorll ti ll hject ill Ih e I "nu of til •. ~~ili:lI.l IIIII,lnllITII R.!ll lh"' j l' ".) fIll III of ' (J\'(> lnmlll( wOllld bo l ,. bli.h ' •h, ",." i' "'1"· • "d "",.k" "",, " ''',.,,'''•• " H'" "n h. ,,, .,,, ,,,.,, '".'"n' " "" s,"," • "d ,'" N.."'" I·' ' .} " • ". II,,,, b.... _ Pot", .."b "1"' ..p' , Wh, d• .' b" ... '.,..:1\ bot ..,' ""':r l l , . ", "" d." ,,," g"" !'Ii"""'" I 01" ,,,"" '" I' hY ,h. "",.""",. is,,,,,,: """ <i,,,<, "''" t" m. """ to :::'; .: ::,: ,: ••; i,,", ''''. "" ;"""" ' " " '" -: • '''"m,,'' ""' .•b.,.. ':'. no i; ,,,' "h"."" h,y "ro, "'". . ' I'"g •• ORd ,,, .... h,w ,,"" I b,·"'. "I • "".",' ,.,.., """ " "" m",' ioi.·.1. 'h •. • ,'" Y' 01 '.11: ''''', ,,,,,', w" h Plee, .' ". • ,,;, "" ,,,"" "" ,',,' '" bot ""' . ' go" f '"'''' I, l , ,,n o , ",'" ,i" ,I Nr. Beech~r Bom\llhlllg more th81~ Iru I lir e bes l ("lI ow. · A 8trnn~el (\Vh o nf \ ' ~lr. JG~'hll wrote in tl,is illq ' III1/;e. III of th,.ir Ii sr ill g 1' lIIrnh.nH chl ldl'e ll. II) ~I \ '1/' n WIIIII.! be f8r prefers.. thR~ Illy ttl. bJ OU~ du _th I .. ' IIi ~or. , .. ,? H, w b.pp",,' i' ',''''. ,,, ',' "',, d ' •• "d "I B,," ''''.. i I ,,,,,-, ""; . ,,, ;;" ," y •• ,,,I he< . " ro ',m· roO, • •,." '" C" '" i", 0" W, goo"" II" y.' ,.:, ,:: ""r J" ",,,. M,,,,,,, r hi. p"p,,!. "0". '", h m"" I"P' '" 'h.;, ,. "".' "" " ,.,, ,.,,,,,,, '01,.) m., h. "". k , ,,, 10 '" • "h, I,,, ,'" Bno." ' '',. ,.. ,,,,",, II" b,."",,, 10" ,••, " '" w" p'.' h. p. '10 ." " , , ''',,' on 00 h• • i.. "I'o<i"II YI " '" Y "b ',,,;~o' "':f to.." ,., ill II ,,,' ""'. ,"."I m" b .. ",. "ro,·,· ': "'" . F."., ,'" I,·d"",,' t"",,h r" ,,,"'" " I,,",.•,,' """ '" "". S,,,,. . lI i,I'''''', ' :::: ,:: ::.;.,;" "",,,,.,,.. : ."d ", i" . • ",,' ,' 'i> \h; nlMler ")ll1 StdtWlilltb ~'. lomp~o~'f up st\e~ Ilumor. . I'c \II e i" 111lxil>uS rur tbu wei Ih ll 111111~1l.l.lled C....... _ _~. '1"1 'C' "Ier /lllu .1 Iy (.1 1' I 1. Yunk·: o' I'1 wo' blncks t ffi ~ullOI P l II,,· hitl'l l l) rCj' lId!Cc h,'1' ngllin sl Ih" lr r~;' I.!lI e, : ~I ~1)I' I'''tKllr.'. III~ g""lal . J I , n Ill nnS . I'IC.l II·on. u h j ' /\ 1111'11 10 I IU II g I • [Ill IIg Il . , NotwithSllIUdlllg .1/ 1 Ihi s, 11l t' /" 1M Illl l pu wtrfu l ,,1()q'Il'I~" '" Imore~M' II. r fl ' pI' 'pic __ _ b, .....,' '"'' '" I ", II"" " " II" ig' "": no, k " " .. 01".", ,',,' ,," • Lit. "I Ch " .. "" .. , ,,,, on i" ". ,,' d". 1""1";. '" J "". ""'" "'; ,:; "'.:,, ,;:" i. , "" ,,,,,. __ 1, 'Io,i, "'. "" old,,' OR'
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j'xl'~u C""rllauu~il IJI"eOl1el!,e~ ~ ~II".I lnlll'lH~e wU I'" FIH.IIC~, ".I~mU~, 'to I~, l ~'lt"I , ,~.II! lJ. u el·~ .~'I ~IIn hl!.\I C~1 M~ltl t\lIZ\l\l~ . crll\~<1. . ~Illll ~ Ih~ ~ mu~kcll\ ~."" '" ......" OR"'""'" I ) , . ., ".-.,·"rl ·~,f ~Inll' l,un!!lo(l9('I\'nn '·h,,,,,'., ,-h"i.·" >'"'''. ,,,. "q''''. ",ii, '" I"",. h"Lr"I1(,~"'~. '" , gl\I'fllllt'ilh~llnl)l'(lther \'l'ldI1I\OI(lII"'vbvhiRII/lq\ll\l~n~dol'pnl· · " I ' II ."l'Ick'licin ~7,T1 !lrs~ l'I"ll~ " ~n ~Q" I'''''"''. . 'ow 1 "'"'' "'" "'''''' p' " ,_., ". ~'. """""u',,,". ,,,,,,,d 'u~ ~I1,! luf ~ L'I': ~ tA(erJ~y ~hV\f lIOU~t!, ~:J(dl ' 5t1~ J'ollr~ell 1l\ ~11 Ih~ ~'I"~I' ~lIll\I~1t ~\\'''rd" I~?~ ,_.~.
[u Til III Pm . 11" lt "I,d tIlt churl'll o!lfura ) OU I 1' 1 ilL " I'l la .! /O usL '11I ' 1' II Re l, IlIt.'I· "III) 111'1\1'111.1 01 old m 'ln. "' I f ' hllncol1lb .. sr"ech cs; bHt j IlH' "II11 O!1I 0 IL. bell 111 ute 0101 Ibe 1 aD 1 tI Ihltt bIl U"r ehtr F r ·tfl" . k ) C' '. (' i. 'I 1 '\1 r ' l to I)' I dl1J '11 I .' . et.t.d 1;7 Lhu . ' I ' hllll ot'li ·lh.I: ,I " I I."·O\oIlI",h u .c., IJ. . ,, Cl\l her·coc 0 ' ISlI ng Wil lI. wblch Ja""l'. C"CI }vungm"rl. ur )0)' . ''' . " . I( we alllmpllopuLili"" c luI\ ' . It the t.rouble of g Oing to 1(,81 ' I , !'len 11 0 \\, 1I11\'llainl{ "" .1 lI ;{lI JIlS\ !t,m tl X ' " n! of driyi ng "l! Eu . ' [' l1f"l ll\Il :,le '-iUUD. tA"r!9/.:ll o,,,,elte. I ' C) 110 Id e l\ wilul 11 111 . I dllrd,,·. 1"""Io cl r . \\ r o c. G I. II I I I ' irn l "10 10 \IJ' _ • • " . I 'SO ,"' lUI d 1 ' 11 k Jl eat ' , 1 d ' A llI ' 111\ ' L ' .• . .1' n OI'. "'.I\lOCI·· · ,1 ... ··,,) •• 111;1<1 11111('" ol l, l' r wri lin"A 'l'lt"- III "1' uli I)' fl\l' ('flll r . . l dIuti 0 ' IIII'I'··U U I,1'~8 IIIl ' U""l!' 1\ I ""'III"" . ., . I\V1I9 .1 ' ! ICOP'" II 1'(I ."..._ r." from tI ll'. Cllllli ne llt. I ". " rrll ll '\ L. c, '•1!\ Ilnll li lli_bed • flnd r:. ' .IIt.I1'I)'I" t! 'l'he bellI. In :JrCl& • J n 'lI(b til lin 1!111I;lng I cI I 1\ nul " , ,I ." , I',· . . ' ,'II"(l'I • . \ nWIl O•. ' IIU.J 11 " IIno: . At C" 5 lilli' I I m 1\ \ till U" '11 rl' LI.... ler II stilT loa d 10 car · I tl'lnle ' . . illS e{l . , Sun dll \ S ,il l' 1.1 nil tV' sny or uO . !III' Il.e ,lOll" nt 1111)1 .. 1. . h IS to .",.\! Ih lll mllJulllY RM I. ,0rl\'ln: ., r ': ' \ ,ee m by Ihll "lt Li up on hi Ih e 1' 1 111' !'hm,,"th Church i.! Il!COgll:ZCU tl lll L G.·urge SI\ I\.1 1t·IIlKlh.ltu. 1111 Ln \11 \IH,u:, ho Y'IIS d eclA: <I .\o UnH. \ \\' 111111 tIle illeR .... ho enfry • _ •• 1 I on i" ., ,, ,," d. of •• " " . " .. , ,·11 ,,,' d"'" ,,' ","" ,,".,Id ,,".' tH, 1M ' " " '" . • " .,. , ,,100 b.d ioo' ou,hCllljlchllllll'!usualh uro hlll ' : 11'1 '1 fe III II Ie 11'11 t\t" 11 1,, 1 I fl .. " , :n',·ry' C6itl 't !le If "1 IIUY· " I ' I 1M' \\' 'II" <p"cc, ' ' u . • . 'It . "t'l I I III \\I,K • • y.", "''' ' ' . ' . , " ., "" '"'' ".. " ,,' "d" i, • " ..,.. '''' '" , i ,,,, 00 ,'" . " """ '. ." .. d" m""dw", ". '" ,,, .• '" , • h' .. " " " . . .. p'. where Oil A1 !! I,h,.llan l -lllnd, .Il . lit lo Il'nd I !all des liny of 1111'11 hilS II'l'Il1l'lIlH1v(' Il:! wh IC h exr.I·U Ill e oll lhRlqu('stlnn IS consldt'Tf,1 b) mtlnY l liln {lO r Ihe In (' n who \'Id e m ., J' And it YOIl pl\Vlltil II.u AHIlIl f' . (1 I ICIOI" l 1IIIIII q To ('o ll\' illce of r1 t" IJe"l IIliCle Ht 111 of \V011 ,1. hiR I1h est plroi r L. I' nnd 8holllrl o"'91n' I'". 10 \ 1;\110;-. j , . - -1 it &0 YO\l. II !:l 'N I I 11 , I, 11 ' 0. leAve Illlllle II Uu 11ft ( , " . ' 1 I. I L I I ' I . . litnblr- nn ' . II L " ( ,v II' rll ' 4 v ., " ,. " " "'. ,:. . " d' " " "'i, ",l ,, ,,,, "" ' .,,01 .. I", h " " B id . " II ,,,. U i, '" " 'J oc lllck, lit ,IHI L illI. ""11 'I·r: .II·llullin l·tl \\1 : 1a (lol , ell d,"!:\" rrply to C hllll dl"r Iln ' , th e I'Hler In'IIJ .. "m of blttll/: fi e ld. II " lU I 1. ' .. _ _ . _ : - ._ _ I,evtll
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}J11T1\~C8 ('el1e!'lll~ ~11\11"'lt'Sler '~ I" I ~.'~ "- :~o ~., t~t I~-th<:y ~lls "xJlrp~s pu~hl\hr. \lI\·~ .f11~t. "~r(l ~~,ible. 100)1'lIIg i !l'e:IAt'm~1I hllWI\~"I'I'()lnll'dSI.cr~tRI'Y tl". I ,~rYRlf1\ iI 8. ~'~'. ~v lil l l.ll~d ~lI r. l I' ~ pl'~6eU~ ,~. I "" "'''n'·.. ' '" .' '. I . Y", . " ,h. <or' v. i ." hi'" ,,' : ."., " .'""' " ,." ;. "i",h".. .", ".". '"'''''' ""'''" L.. ..."" 01".• , I"" p'." "" •. "'" . . . . b '''' m""b,, " • ,••i" ..", , , . ", ".".' ".11,". .". d", ,''''" .... ,., ' . , , . , ".; '"' ,",,' Ch :'r ,,: ,,,' ,".' >"~,, b. " "".. """"., ,. IJ "., 10· , '" ,'''' p"" . i,'" P" r... ",. ''''',' '«'<e'" ," ," IoJ' ''' "I .,,,,h,, .. 00 , ~, . . ",. g,.d " b", i'. ..id , by"1'}Jltll l 'Cidc-r. · ny,tl'fP 0 ... s"' l ll IIIn f('/II'<, lJ.m • .,I, Ign 'J l'lInL.- ,Ql:.n.lor d lu , gl l\l'~R'I' ~ IIVI'n,, I,t"t'r 1\('I\I'llof' Ch nl,in Wh (' fll I ~'r' ~ . To thi~ \VOl k ~hu l.n.1 prd ix. t1 11:58 • wh en 11<1 \"I~ ng,\in (,I,,&:te . " d Ih •. \, P"U~ • jor un ... nleedll i1more.' I!cw ' pnper!l. l' I d' ' 1 I '" I Ii 'raY II th., CO;'llfrlIllHn. 'blll 1111\\" Ill>e fulluw ;lI\! d .. Jlclt llun. CUn <T l'el!8 H.S tl". H.ppn'.('nIAItV~ ° .\"eu" and Bduca/o/'. .. ,
. .... , ,,,' hi, '. . " " ,. ", II ... ,.",). I I
e "11111(' 110 t1l1 l'CIIIJI\ 1)11 ' -I I 1:1 B U"ILfI/'IRfl Ollnlst l' r In I thORO whl) ro' ll1Pfllhpl' lI B I\llll OJ 'I 1 IIlld eVt'n UnptRI11 9. nnd Llrtl " U' II,fIIl. _ . t e IJ :a c.ltt! Bar. . l/acruw't! II It\1 II" I t I18 t o ur 'C Oll ntl Irmnn' II flJ!'l·FtI I III (J"". I. . ' 1' \ 1 h:J' ll!t'J nnd ",14ePo1'..' cr oprla .e Sll .8 H.I<! . '. r lo·rn lie 1$ tnll,i l'" \\11 I /\ I lbole who r(,R' II . l ifill"n " tl r.'w fltl'i ol us ii" CIVlllln ,JI ,., ' li •••,' e, , murderb, oS y Alld. . " II I WI1S I H,m L" .I is sid!' " . . . WH on r Jli ,' r,./I: l C , "ll er • Oleu 61H I Gl\ f .hll dtiling our I:Itp wnr I1'1 ' I To 1051' 011 Ihe dent I10 f GI· n. T 'I}' o,.lmt:dl . .to" ""), fhl tl y :1I'v\'I:rl oh': llJ' Bevel, l 't .nA!i1l1l 1, icll.llo at,,· 1.\,)l11i :-ih t lor of WQuldiln ... Lbe "ell IHI h _ _ _ __ ".ilhl'r '0 Ibe I '!! h\ n"r Lile It,rl, }u l'l ; . '1° ) ()\;. U '11"<.1 j' ",11 h,·r Ills t II c,\·,I. 'W ill'- ! T,;aOurr I". Fillm"rl'. III I U;"I;I '11l'1lI to PI'IICII COJ SOlO!' (d lhe , OII ".llJ I :::r ' I ria., fo r in Fo,mtolion.' 18id" • I I .. l CVlll' to\H' tr. I I; ". I 1 II ,. II I I J . b I mAIII d ' . j \ he II lillie n \.d e l.o • b d 'I
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ID w 1 II e (I of "IllS \) ( ten fort. .houl~.elle)llnge ti~ .~ Yo~ ~he A" Rll\KI.E.-' !By. 1M,..ft'I ,a ' theMt'mqnner Oorwin on ACCOUr.L . h '" " .":I:~I!".. thp.y. would on . 1 6 . ". 1\ Olnted by . . . _-;- . d ' nJlIDy l.wyen' •• ........ \~,.p,,,. I ftll'lItlger· " . b.,,,., " J ....y ",O"••Id .•h, s"r' -' of pOlal(lO:s Ars Iholle hyuu.. "rt' '".'I rl" ·,,id "yp"""..... pp. , _ II yon .... "b. '00.". g' ,.... II.. b,"". U", ,b" W," k ,,", .. w hoo Y'. .." i. "'''g'. .,,,,i. <,. .R,. "~. ~!' k· ' ' w AI, Ll.."" .. M"i ..." , ",,",,. n:: i." .b. wild; ,r A hi". ,1", . 1& ~~ ~~a~ 01' ~u~a~ ~a&Q"e, lo I\t~ r ~nd ~Ie ~all III ~be eemioary. in Ne" your .MonoLI' ,wl ~ul!::\." t In ln~ -I r rrll1en'cd o:u;r G"',ernmt'lIl at the .I .\., ':o ~!;~ "~.::_ t, •• -.an to llf,l.Q 40 "~1 OLuer lrellc \e I • d k u inted w:,b planJln~ Ol'h~ 0 . ...,. _ • . .I ,:w:'. '" ..• •., . • ~·h.· b'~. made III, laie mip ~o IHlt" li:ni' aD. ' .. a e fOU ""II a . c" Ii...., ..:~ ;;::.l~~' ... ~,_. , .........~.<C.- t\.1K.'. \'.... ~__ , " . '''' ~ . . : _." • . _.'.I'~" -\' ..:'-=-~ ' ":", . . ":",,,,,,-~~.p - "'o.h,-~" 'T:n~ t .....,......·~ . .~/':..;,.[.'t~":! ~~ :L'h-;':'.::~;;.::~<¥•.:\~'W~;,~aJ . L' :. ......,~~ 'lI
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l~'L~I . 1f ~ = ==========F==;:;;;;;;~~~""==:~~:;~~:'::';~~[;;JI~~lN~'f~II~';~ (!:~e ..n tom'~!l ~ .GA~iTTfll;;-~~~:r; ~~i~:,en~:~eC.~~dinlloce, .I>Y~.I ,ep,·v'll' , .~~U!' ~;c. " I, ~ul~l~ CA ALLADEH CO., \.
oft'tr ,lu:'ll a. 1\ pan ul uur r.:~url. '1'he l' /:ruvi II :\y,up ;Ull'lte ' D, the hl~',l1 \ --OJ' TIIE• B I utel 'l'lJat the lalo "clton of our W)"I ilM Il le 1'1 meul. I Ion. IJl USIII\! "I&lor, "41 Judltllal Dlstrld, State 010"'0. Id ,tUt hi. 1 t8 "1 in enaeling tbe \'~ry Itr~tI "lh bud ncw 1III'1nto Ill .. wlJ1lI " bY" '" Eu., lfrAlu 'th e ml!ela with 0111' \ lelll." 1':,,' I FOR &Wt 1868. --- """'" .....h J we ""YO In ! our I" h . . J),orrl lw < 1. r"'" ell ~I. . ' . I '\ lD 0 11 i o ' • C 'Ll e wh ich d eml"" oonl inl nl'pr QlI o n. \ . \ '1'1 J d h",·" l.t" t' " ..II It II " '" '" LERKS OF THE COU RTR v7 a r 3 . 5 T ±"lIe. . r po rL of "OJoma ,:.• (ri e llJs 1\ lt ri f \ Resoll'tri. Thnt il is the of 1 ' 1' ... Ill etlle\l lC Ir ulli TO Til... • . EAS I I f Ul hIr en.u II I bera of I 1It: try l Hl .. ,.ol 010' t;()l\l M N PI: . u t Ie levllnl . D" T DECt:JJCJUI 11, T8 ;s, t r~ . '\ of ILo facls ill Iht! cnse ; "Ou ' mull ting t!lM 6 I Ie .ru~m\ led f . i..J" I'. ~Ilff" ri";! rr~ 1I11l1 e~. 1<1 sl rulI :! . . ThJl 1\ 'if ~r ~ '[Xf 1\,'1') ~'iE :l1t~ Cnlllltlc" ill 8uld .DI.lrICl; "EDRES . , . tft l( nw n \ Ilr f ' eOl Tuwn CouncIl, W \0 VO ,.lr I !l ily 111101 !r"" rY nl ,I 1\.:1 V ..{Il. . Q9 II ;d l.rtler<,d b'J tho Jurlll,'(f o.f Ih e Couna ~....,..,.... ~ J'I'OK8' firsl tbl! ' , 'd ~h\lm80' Ve8 re, i , ell • ( i r N! • I R d J d' - w'1\n:T • J . ' IO Ft'S• • n . ' A'FFIDJ.Vl't O'F lIlR . ODS. Sllid onlinlUlIle. COU91 er .' A !!:J II"'!!'!! ,," I"V Ir e t Hel~ ~ .:. of CUll lmull pl ens, for t~le • e~u U leid 1. Di4lt :; .A88JO' Al N''', T (OJ II iug duly 8worD , de· (r'l m 1\It:ir v? lun llll'Y lint! pub - \ l'.. ur " A \" N ' v I J. L£. 01 lire \llnn,. IbQI rhe )1M . H. IU':CIJ/8. Vi. ?I. • e. i wited to \"11 011 pled ge to rr sl t:" . J I. 111 ;-';, . ( 'I of hulu ill"!! t e IRlrlel Ollft, Inti e f rH). :u:n. posel h li nd SRllh: 1 W6S D '10(;oJ , 'l' I' a' R6 Iriends of ttlDlper.\ 36 t::l lre e' • New Y or II, "v of Cell."o." PIe ..... . fb - Vllln (fe 0 f"'\' aynes- IS~t-lBQ d j(i c. . 3 1" uId D0. Ulo. eey. • • ... • .. • .. VOl.. , . _ - _.. • bold ,eclllce, II) ' . e III cI J lovers onaw lind j;OOU or l'r . S uld l.>y Drug'".", W' lI l'ru lly. j . / l' rul 'UllUlil'R Istrlcr (or If n W I!I ville on the ev enIn g! of !'c. ' I I 1111 lince, lln I I RU8 \Kin I '. - 1'1 Ii tlt ~ ) ell r l \l liu, be ~lId the 111 m. Qro Lere• .. B • 15th J8G5-1 me t Ihe Rud ie nctl !\t MR · we hrl't!ll y ours" " I!S f I e K8 l)lr. II. ,\1' I:r-: n s' ItlnlN 1.: b)' li x d UIIU prescrtlJCd II fulloWB . in i~ Hlill on SAid eVtlll' n a: J millie no th e TowlI l.;IlUIlCllllI 1111 luw U III . I '\11 ill\' ulu uoll' n :.cuv,·, y· A ' 11 1, grill;' IG D ISTR ICT COlJ.&T. Miu Anna Di~!I~II'Oll is le.llning eon 'sa of wbt\t manif 's-tllti00 8 ~hou d l ured which lht'y mll. y "J oIH 10 c u nilel\ 0 101. I "Ull11; i ll CII "" vl!11 CC 01 \\' u!. r, dl~d'J _ \ i prOml d' ilU \\,' . D "' rka AIJril 23. lUon t'golnl'ry ilfey '1. Ne" \ ·ork. b d 11 WI\8 ho ,., ev er slott:u.1 b y lh " i pub IC goo an d p rUDlute llc pea c.: I I .,1 \l' ll h'JUI tl S •• 1' Ive lll I . ' '1' 1,', In u,; '' " ~ofM' " 9 • A , New t! m~ e. ' . d'b tll~r8 1 (I Iliet of our town. ', 11,1 villl llZIII" u!!,e llt " It U rNl urolllt' I'rt' ulo .. ~fi. I81D1 ' . my fnenda, th l\t wh eD I I Iy o . an1,q I d '}'II\( lhe thnnln of 1111, I ::lcrll l~"n ::-i ult Il hellill . ( 'IlIi Cc r. , l . 1I1l 11~r :so. Cbu mp8ip. ")(). Lien\. O.D. Scoll arrlfc,. a h C>l b ' , d emoviD " th e l" rlllS li e rop ~ or .t~ ( I'e . I I l: nolVlI . I m li ll y ~'I;I "rlie "Iny 1-1 . Greeue .. 17. O rl ean- Yor on Ie] ", l OB. an lRk in s lrll' IOVCI'A Ill' lump cfl\nCe Are dllt: 10 IIr .. '-.J , ...... 24. Clinton II ..' · f:lahioDo Illy embroider ed l:orU~ ~ II . fl ' I f r lit · prull)l' I ' r ",\!. ureu ,' . el I Il l, D . ~ .I. . N o" IlltlllS were borne ab out t he room, . 1\0\ d\'ugll'l ~lS ° ~ liS P II CO: U d 10 l h< II ~J" ila U6\J , u ~ 11" '11>"1101$ ".1 11 !, ~ Ii () . ( ' ''UllrlOIi Pl ens •••)'lrs t Subdlvl81ua, ,) rtll l!11 lbia seas · thut Inl elli g (' nl aenlenc t! s were ,u ll le l; ; n,.sK fnill l " 1.' 111 Irl' t' . I'ri c>!, <.;; l lJui II utl"' · 1 1I 1' TI.lm-[i'ebrUllr)' l). Jiloe 4. Sept. 2... dresstid OD . b bidl !ur G lur fly e ,1"Il" r. . . ." I 1'" ,. " I. ~-l\Illrch Ill , June 18. October 29. '11,e Tr~ .~ury Departmen.t a9 re· b ' R pencil 'liid up on Ih e Iltbl a . "1]( I WIsh es o. t II~ mee t ill /:\, ' nn • I ";IIL tll t! le Ihings were done IVl llrllut ruin eRS. tn our opini on •. Wit I, IV. I ll( II. 1\!\I)I : ltS & l tl ., I C f)AHh l': - Al'ri t:l, AuguSl20, Nuvember III ceiud $ 2U, 876 COlllloicDca mODey in B inte rv eOli on of my own . All 1I1ese Iht·y h 'lVti adhere rl to Ihelr pI Ojd.g e. he l un u l' h ~ rn i" 1 8 , 4:1 Urll "IlwuJ'. N ~II'· ' : '~ I. I 0 ~ g ~" r~ d ODe in tho scallccs B, I R esolved. Thal theRO proct!p dm 8 1 I". I)rll "'~is ld ~e n crn"l' . 11i .J"' , I.> L.\. . ~ , Seco ud Sub-dlVllliftn. tl ' year. lIogs dI . ! W' t Sun' nRll '\ IIh . ~ . . . . ---('1I ,\ 1\!1',\l'; N- April 21, June !II), Deo'l :t I .~ ern . . ' .Le de l' '' nubl1 cl '~ "'iII~ l\ll ,' ~II-l-'cbruo ry 6, Jun e 4, Oe,olle, I. The number of mBle! in Lbo United WaYlleH ill" 00 uid eVt'nrn~8. 1. h ll puu\t~hct!.11\ I Ie \10 h l\nu in ~lttm, IIor oit11 .lirt 1\ till g" r litc M'Rml Uazetle 1111<1 Monow "(' A' V u"" OIllli l'l' . 11111 1 Ir ul' l'rl lli e A)' " ' I IN l\l ll ~I' .. U~I E ItI:-':'Api ll 2, JUlie II , Df'c. l. Slflle s ia \ 3,68/i, CM, agai l\8~ \ 3 ,004 " or ml\ktl An t:fftl~lr 01 &fY kmt ~~d V;I~I be ~~\~:[I~~~ i~\1 ~~\?~'spec\{u\\y ~~UtJtfit . I ~I~ III :\ ~I ~ le "u l 1,(' 11 1111 1111 '~' IjU; " :~I.::/i.I ! 'l'lurd Sull-dlvblon . .372 £em~te~ uuce Lh o.e mum e S l a u o u 8 . , I,.tr el\, \ q !cluhl.·. Il, cy COil . C " , . ' l ; 11 1'r: Nt:-F"br ll/ity 5, lillie 4, Oc'ober I Tbe 1l6,. \7. H . !:i ilburo, tbe lio unti e or cutlhe cords u po n wYijelf j led . ) I lilly " c .ll,t l' II I Oil Y lillie \\l II" .ut U""~' ' \ V\ A " lt l . ~- ~' .. ur\l8ry 5, June 4 . OCluber I. \ 00111111 i .. f p, il con, cqupnce",' Ulld tI' ? 11 ('LlNTON-J\!u rvlr 6, J\lly 17, N"vembtr 6. prellc ber. i. le(;tur ing io Now blind ou ' said c'ycnings , nor touch tither Olt"' , y or~. R'IO" t l' nslrulll~nI6 or pl·uci.l. w hCIi L I ~ 1" res. It • " llI' r u I" iII I "~ sli me p ('. " . " " I " III . ' I ', ' I . L.\ I', I, ,._ "(ur" 11 6, July 17. NOvclllbcr 6. A ~\(Li..E I(S . I I:)ubjec\ : ltillon. I' blB wcr .. uul ' 1I0r di ~ I in l\IIy way I 1 I ""lI IIIP!' F ll rtl il i('~ \1 ",1 I..~ v~ lIlI'I I Ir lll G~ ~ D I 28 b e • "P "1l n box II uII", 111,,1 rei'l 'lII.m ~ I.''' 11;f' n: ' OlllCS Ie 00 '_, \V,tlle ~s our hllllda nt oylon, 110 I r1I0U p:r8oDs prose lit 0. 1) 8nid l JA.MES llltU\VN, :-5ec·y. Tho Tl luten in Ba'tim ore propose Ig ImpOS6 u '1'1 "unl miltee hlld mo 80 I - - - - . - - -III 1 1,~ il' lI e i/1lo1H1r • •8u 11 1111 IIII"'~ ""y. II'P) . Ilu) 01 U': lo ~er. 1865. } b eocfit8 , tbO:proeeed. to lle uevoted to c Ivr nlo" s. 10 v 0 Ill"") (,~I ~ Il "' vt' l)' Il . Cu l luil l GEO. J . S1\I11'1I, ·1 ,os·lrrounded lly the IU 6e1H~ ItlllI The S\('lI lII lIullt PI' I I<'F 8. on IIPI I,"\' ~ I . ~,. , 'III I· . . 11. L. Ml:Jo:IrER, .1 I ""= . . . N' 0'1 ' li lly ull"' r ca l I ~ III C . th e e rectioD of. mouulGent 10 lhe cos,. ) , I'III'SI,D8 whom they lUll I bd~cle u. L l al IVlly f.. om CIIIClIln nnU lo elY I en~ ., A ~ n ir~ lI e;. illvllr ill bly uttucka itA ,' iC· 1 J . J . WINAN~, Judg~ memory or E dgar A. Poe. i~ wuuld Ir!lve bp.~ n im Jl o~blb\tl fll~ 1Il " \ Wlt8 burD ed n ~/l r CUl ro .U Il lh o l~ I I ' li lll \l 1'C Il Ih e \'u \\ ('10 11111 C\l Il , III' UI." oI . E. I'ARSON~. Tbe 1h\bodiat . EpisIlopa1 Ch urell to bll\,~ dOIlB wh at llul CUUlwlLlee IIIl er in ~tan t. Fredrick IJlIl ehlnS [ln nnd 1 t' , IIII,se \\11(' !r il l'" re'·.l/ III·".· I" 1{" IJIIcl,'s 1'1 11, TIlE S1'ATE 0.' OIlIO . ~ S~ will cele brate on th e first Sllb ba th III I di ll rio wi l! lO ul tll~ir k nu will l,; it. TIr." 1t-1' C ri cl, more . of L <: b anulI: we re pn s ~ II I Ih e l:r"lw r lillll· . 111'1'" llil lu II " I"n~ ~ ' c coukl Dul h ave been CU ~ ull l"s~ II ~ n "l'r ~ Rt tlt e limll uf th e dl sn<le r. 11111' " I Ii " . ~ lur :lir ,; e I' ~ .: eilr lll 1' ,11. KI\\ ") " \V AR I Io:JI (;OUII"CY. , J 8l1ul\ry. tbi ODe hllndruLh Il1ur of ila douo by 8UUlll ooe o( Ibtl (J uUlwit · in g U II 1> ,)111'( 1 bix lce n .whic h tl.I,l') _"tri li li un rhe I, J. S. 'rOTT EN, Clurk of th e t, exi~toncu ill Lhi s co untry . 'vere III kill<' 10 .mnrket. l ir e ), 01 _1'1 - . D' , PI'~lIs.uutl lh o D is ir icl Court8wlllllnlhe At tLo time lho dnrk Inn~ern wns were all l(l!t. 'l' itey wrre .In!lIre,. U ' h ., . do her p. by I eer. " I Lu l AG]" TE l CuUIIIY 011<1 btole In Springfi old. Ohio, II. few nigh ts co. I at trly llill t Ih e U ove oruer 18 D correc CODy 11" ' 1:l'ilD A Day Easy 1r1(/clt·. (it,)]. \!) l~. Irolll I" ~ recurd of snitl Cllurt of comlllon lince, 'uwo thi eve" entered I b Ollse , spl'ung, the hllOtl of s~mu one o f I Ie wb Olhel' 10 thei r full value or n Gomw iuce W!:l~ touchtng me. IIU.J Ihe d iU nllt 1"''''1\. t ! W . . p ltlu~ IIlItI tlitltrlct courL ill Dud lor IDid admiuislo red clllorofo rlO to two young fe"L of olhen weI'\! upon th\! JOUUUd uf E. L . I'owt:llllnd fAmily~ fr om lb · Ilv ~" I' i ll!! E II ~rllVI lI ~S •.• c" l'd Ph o l,;gta.I)I. ~ county. s Indies ...,.bi le c sleep, IIDU then stolo all • . I . n wero nlso 1I1ll0llg n lc p:t8Stog<!r 111111 t) llIl iollc ry. Ollr :-;I ', "," "~ry 1 "(' ''~ I ~ \ JII W'l tllCI!8 whereof, I blVt!' Ill\ C IIlIr. II d linD . , ' III III !' 'S ' I'n,'" f",c" r"" e 1'lIlIlnlll' the bet! elolh .. 1I0cl • slid. • 'Tbij Chair mnn of th e m ee lin gcn c IIIr.l'llwc lI ell me to \\Blnn COUIII~ i ~xret "I' I, I" P ' I l; ~ &- 011 ;1 hereu."lo 'se lmy llunLl. lu,eala .I 1 I I . l 1' lI r ' r • fIve "p u,. !Jilt !' , rliP. '-.. ~ II. C't I ( Prier ~ \.~)' of eeit! rourt" flt tIll :llUr\. Geucrll l Saota Anna liYes at SL. upon tli", Committ ee lo J ecl' e W let It:I' ~ ,1ru~1 Mi ssisHiPl'1 Ilboll l IWO )'t: ~ 1'8IlgD. ~ .l pwt' l: v '", urll. " .I " llur at rt' lail. tht: slalt w t ll t uf Lit,, · uurk ·lnnle lll tn II II \ which IIl.ll'· r r.lace !I e W" S ~u~t I'~~ urrl "" Iy 3l) Cl'lil H. 'Nt! will ~t' Il'~."~elll~ Hill Huu se in Lc bIlIl OU, Ihie 'tll 'rboma8. ill Ibtl Wed Iodie!!. He is was (rue-l hal he 'f ail' Mr. ' Oden d. lOp , ill g , IlaVlng Will.. 1." 01 .. II 11.lq Ii.oust hold ."'l" II·Ullery ['lIcku "ed ,,,,,I II ~ " ve r ." lI le ll dlly of Nuvember. A. D. 1 86~ . abuul 70 yeau old. acd very well pre· lhu ba nJ'o?' The Cummillee d t! QI d ~ d guods. Illltl.IJl·O'·I.slo.ns. ".' I'lcII II.ll IIII J 1" '1' :8 17 . \.y ~ a id" 1',"~ li . h. ",,"'."d IJ ~I pi I . . , JAMJ.<}SS.1'O'FTF.N. I l ele n t 10 , 1 :II~rlll'i ll t.: " Hlld I ,Jr lrOilP. I ,lllI ,,!! rlll' I ' I .r'IV'\~ J~ l' S '.l)\} _ Bernd. SOllle .A.wel'iCBD navIlI o/licere t\ta t lilad noL mov ed Irum my C IlIlr . purclrllsed In C Inallln"ll. 8\1 m O{l\' .~ "" . 2161 CIt!rkofsMiacourt8,W.C •• O. [ ::>it( ne,IJ . W. AI . OIJ";N. \ IIISI his fllmily for olle y ~llr. 1lI S' PI OP ('ri ," s . e\ c •• \'f'ry popular III IU ~" lell b : I" - . \ . --~--r-;-'~ - ----;1' 0 r ecently IllleDJed a ~rl\nd ball 1\\ Ids " . d II ribed 10 b"fo l'u me erly WIIS nil 105 1. IIlId, li S we flra III · \\' ill >1' 1111 II tille " ~ ;O 'llI1 e ll l of I OU lUI G 0 ",\V Oln Rn 8U 00 . , d S $ 1· UO I I ' 11 rt''' P ~ 1'I l'o<:;' '' or " i!l; 11I 1M hOllS Il. Ihis24 1btlliyof 13G 5 ronnc ,I. WAsnoLinouf<.- Ili r. W:il'l!ur! ....V1 Mr. Chnrlea DntOD, tbe eminent En· K Jltc<llls. . I •• " n I' le 111 \ \\ ill sell (or r. . INFI'l) e . e glish tragediGD •."bo bas jus! arrived Ju~lice o[ Iho Poneo ,IU Rnd for Ihl: ,,"1:(;1 ,\ J, NO'.·ICE~. ::;~ "d blUII,,' (I./ r I·lI lIl ~"~ 'l e ...lcrUl~, e lc. llB@!!lnr~ ~INJJ); ~ JU~l!;'.~~ U er end !fain Street, iD this country, nllcompanicu by bia Counly of .1-1111011 Ion. -. ~=---:--==- . .IIA SldNs &. en.. . pp '" W e Ihink Ihe rtllOI·t of the C.lllllm.it . I A CIlII!;h, ('old, ur Sore 1hr~lIl. , :lJ . 2J !Iii Ueekmllu 51 1ft l. N. Y. W-"TNDYILLIF..w wife, fullo wed Llle lallor to ber g mV6 leo unf~ir Rnd one ·~i d ~d . IL g iv es III ' llE" IJII:I'S :'lnl ~I Kl'IAT E AT""i'll'IOJl, AN IJI OI'I'o. i(" Ih~ foublllill ot Pur.. "Ier~ Nelf Yo rk on'l'lrurs dnj . . Sbe was forencos flS to wlrnt Mr. Od en CIIEI :I(I.:tl . I .. AL LOWEI) CA LL AND SEE. II l OU \1"'" Cu ifee, T .... or Sugar, 1 u C, . NIIN t:E, If )' '' '' .... "1 l'tI ula .. e. o"Pi.h, III only ft few dayll, Mfa. Dillon W"II R hAVtI done, or wltfll W!lS c llsy fur 111m / type of Engliall flllOllle bClIuty, Bod had 10 do. wlr ell tlr ey (fir! to ~ive one p uti 'rrilllti.ill or the L.OII;: . ,,, ""rmm"'1I 1 -=C:-C -=:. -==:--=-. If , 0 U wOlll C. ,,,ly , Hlli.i lll lilt Fi~. reacbed only her 281h year. cIa of proof o f nny cullu slon or fll lcmPL Ia I' J Il t Alt'tll:tloll.or 1\11 (nCIII·ubl., I , J u l 'e a- hC If ;"" ... ",, 1 r. hc".e or Dri,tI n.... f. ' ' " . nt decl' plion on Lh o pnrt o( Mr. ()d ~ n . J.un :; U"'I' IIMI, 4' ; I If u \l'a,,1 gU ild At. Qt ""er '1 ho CODlmll'IOner~ IIppolD!ed by Th oy fllil to tell u s holV Mr. Oue n co ulJ IS v."nN TH E n E, t:Lr . ~ . r . ' , I r ) OU ... ,".1 Uulllgll 9, _ ...t B h ' ·' h . . l. I ' I 'icl J 1'1110 11" , IIll'lil Otl II r In 01'"111" ___... __
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A. E. hi 1(l11Ul"r. 1:. R. l'lHST;' , o\' "h', OOJ'1 B a Lu&ve d eel'dII d ,..... ." IIJ .11,.• If '0" ",!."I 5111" 011.• Hiee, !'olla, (;r~.II' of ... .,' _CL .. ', \". U~ off'" Wrlat "hen \le"Wl\8 tl!:l} •bnckI In I I'"<oi vtl llllillediule ' IrlJ ' lrel. F .ur IIrlll,,,IiIIl_, I 'j " " (L 'I , ' ~ ,1" ,"l (vl'l lI n ll' uCI·u·l, ico.: . '. . ' UDlveratt" " d chnlr lire by corJ, Illll.l II JUUI I. .COlloumpll "' .t lilw.II)') drUI, I I, ' l\l, ti T hum. ,, "" a ·I'·" III·) ::; lur" , 0, ' '('.rll.r. 1'''I'I'.r, Cii llgl>r, , er -.~r , !llaqu ilL Ollror. I' b witbI t!.rat lri8so Ulm osty "n urts 1>io;tloscS Cutlllf , Tro che ure u,, ~r1 ve\\1l11 " IX. 6& jw U Al,,,ice-urC I,,, .,. '/h . . h b b' liS rails . . C" . 1 (' I .. ~ I h R H \ Ohio, '.' elf achon In eon all mit· he could not pos~i!Jly ha,e r(:nched Ih e guo,l 6 UC~l' 6' .•• "'"Igrl" 'illU "., Ie 1'(, 11 ( Oppo site t e ogers onse, t r ),0 11 ,,,,,,I I" 1>'" ,1,,1111<. du"'1 Jt"lher •• • e d t0o over ' nor Anderll un.' IIDU will be I~~11 dk ere.I\Ie ' r WI' 111 l ~Iij ' Iee II I. The l hlltl I rUel,e5 d c.r ' u U g Cllcro ' 1,1>:1AIL DIi:AI ~'as IN II y.' " ",,,,,t T "bureo of I"" ,Iill·. reot killd •• . CO Ill . els Ihe Wli voice whcli l uke ll 1I0C!1I be (u,1c III8 ill~ i ll;': lll~ ur I' wh ere I inlelll I III I' ~ f' U~" " .IUII . • . acted on by tLo SlaLo Legl81alure nul mlllce lf"ll nlso to gl\'(d' lhe l~!Jsll llIlunYt ro) ~ 1 r rell kill~ . "UU rtl'eivill~ lh e l" rVII III II. r"u uti our\III CIi IOf \ VUI." hu! 11 uf I'.) I ' )0., If )0 11 11'",,1 · ~.'·in;;, Uerlll~n, /{(>tlll o. w•• b fi618ioD. 8(J Ver!\ pereou!. sClIle ell Ire y 011 , lllIIlSlf. l l·x erl iun ," lli o v" clIl", glill o. 'I'~ '" In 1{ . , 'v 1'4 U v .lI' 11 ~ OIlP, . • Mr. Oden'a rench, thliL lhe y. wo!'e . r a.. 'l'rll c" 08 D~e rCCllllIlllCIiUCl1 0,,,1 1" e'I'II~" " : I If )VU 11'0,,1 Cig81'1. II 18 atated tbat a dtllco'llry of pCRltdly toucb ed by lite bl\lIJo wlr ric Ily I' Ii)' oil'ilili • al ill Irllve l,liJ T l·.'i'Il "" IUI, . "ad hr;; l b "UI1,l d o f C HEM I CAL S I If IOU ,yw ul in lite .. "II. ".11. <l0... 0I' and si lver ore llaa beeo made wlthlO WfiS P1l88ill<l Rf ound Lh~ ru um-wlll e fruln c lll i ll ~ 1I1 OIpn Ilirulll[I'" lIlllr e CLIIII"') '1 {)J1'Y A11f .r(Jj.~t CTUf(H, (lii ll. L til e IU811' tnO"ny (' ( tiro dark·lulllc!'1I m nn. 'l lll~i ll!! 1111 IIrriclc ur lru" I." ni l. 111 111 11111 ill ,' 1 d " r . " ' L'fAD If ) on """IIIlk. or,BI .. ~killg • . two milu 01 iDeville.oDlhebea wa· wh ic LlwlI s di s prove l1 bynollrly lhec n. /1I'Of';d lli c'i r rfll""ey by II I, ,, t ,,: :l nll\\lIlr ll ll llt' l!.'I' CWII.a(IIU ' , "" If yoltwun, U.u r:ke .. or ,h"k ch, of on tbo liue . flU J'lonCIl III 110 I 111ll1l, · · IS · gl· Yen. OIL, Y"RNJS IIES. If )' 0 11 wU III '''"c.,crJ' 1) III'C .Vl'U I8. encir yeu, lillus llll' rri ill n"I\' lu,· /i li. 1I . 'I'II"III( IUI I lO, 11i 0I v," v Irhcro I Ill'I"lronll:r' I 1\ , r W.re, __ . heLweoD V Uiarion und ellauga COUDlrea, enn· ,I . " e re '"I' mlllly Oller I I '· .In •'I liS ' lie~ in Vtlri UlI ij parl S of lir e \\'urlll, . ,,,1 I" e , 'ur t l v.·rll Ypo,. )I,. IUIIT I. ,. , IIiP", I) If \ u U ","L II)~. ".w , "' tI" ., "olhere- Inlol/' , lllug. . . I ' I . ' I I ' D I cnt , d, . A 'peolmen . Iy ""01a. 0 f'l • le quar l Z L I . h. S ill IlIIrJ Lo I.cco nCI' 1" Trocllt')s are 11I11\ el":-!ol ly IHuouuHc r u lle u t'!" (: Io ,.: \,' Iltt P ld ll}1\ n i H IlI l r I I I Hdl l ..lT • I tilll .I repol' wil e litec(>facls •. or 11.,eir owu . IIJ .• .thlill orticles . I III·I'E.IIf IO:V I I.' "'lTIl·. ry lX .:l · ' Iry ou "811~ ePl,,'.I),. It"'" it hilS be eo taken to Pbilad.elpllill, atld either witb ()utolher "1'11 01lIy 'l'ruII'Il'a Brl1 l1 chinl '1'r". IIWl' il " gr ll~roud conl:aU I.1. :'l. , YOllr jog , •• ,,1 hoone I
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testtlu 9.t lua mini, and. pronounced to on Lue In dIed,' Dlid .uu IiOl >101( 0 1I11)' ol.'he \\' onh· ThE' mnrl(r l p,irf' nl olil illW8 I" ,iel (u' I , cOlllnin both lellu and Biber. Furtlter lor 1~l s tnll ~e, olle 01 lile ComDlltlell s IIld le~" IlIIi;II llUlld Ihllt ~"uy be otl crru 1(;"'1'11 1l "lps. Cull SkI ns U II~ ~h e" I' l' <l lr ~ -"lbnt In strum oDt ItIl.S b~on lllken Sulu ~ver~lV h ~.'tl lll .Ihe U" , ~ .u S IUle" : 1 Jul l' a .• l.tf I. E. K. examiulltiona are beiog made iu lLal (rom 11,8 lable and carried .. II nround onll III b,rel:!" CuulIlrred. ut 3) ('1'11 18 (I f !' I _.__ __ __ _ __ lucalilY·
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reucile, Pir ., or e
""erlre nod, B lnt irJ "ul~!lt Rnswer wilh ttl a qa ue ry .. b,ox. IS.ly. .. or Crot:lae". co nti rmllll;' ed l\te I'cry t!V •• I . 1 I ., • COIIS llmlttlfln. Scrofulll, l!!:cu- I .J - ' _ !!I i tr )'o u\V nutC."l.rO,I.S",oeIOi t orTllfl'eDtllMi emp J8 tIC ' A'now I . . nUllI""I. i4:c. AND PUT l' Y I f )'0" \YUill IlttlQlln. A ~ 'lin. IIn ot:ler of Ihe comm ittee. ou " " . '1'1", 11I1I1"rei ~II P d \l' i ~l l t~ S 10 rldr lir e nt. SA S 11 . , If you w"nl AI'I'I CI, MEm t9. Ens.:- In YOllr pnporor th e being IIppcaled 10 Ly .hI ... Oden. as lUI C 1.!l'Ll!e monO&IL"ILl ." Il\l C;I ICIII II I I IPllti ulI u( 1·' . ri Mr8 111111 "I I II'holll it mil l TH USSEH. II y nll w6 111 !Sed.Cord •• or (:Iolhu20tll in8t1l1lL the reporl 0.1' 1\ commil ' wheLher Ir o Il au mo yor! from his chiliI' "u Iyrr. illd IH uV .. , I 'Y1. 1we:II)' Co nCH " lit tlHl Ili ct ll,u t lie i~ CIIIPIl\!U il' l ,"" Ul'I'O lvl'E' RS. t I 0 we reis !l1'POI'ti' d ,.\' • ' . I )Odl8I'Xpcrre u l'P. l" e IIIUSI VII \llIu (! lem · II 'ul ('llll" of 'J • _ l.ille!, u". W I . . \! u oome 01 lIt the . tlllle tlt o ri ll rK IInleru Will up l.n· , Ildy ill whil e Ihc It: "' " l' U , " • If you " ""II\II"go. SIJOe.llrlllbu, or Rice, their ftllow ·cilizenij to eel" I .1 . ",r M OJ I al' n I '-'lIOULDE'P' Bl'AC '''S b Il( .. 8RIU. . ~,o: !'. . en.,' yo u 1.• 1: 0, : l! ' YCd ~1 r<JIlgllr nutl Il e. 11 to 111 0 p'."l1'"l. -:U >V .• ~: It' ) vU ""1111'0/'01' (I I' J'; II •• r ., lain Bo ,cII\lcd spiri tlllli '11!'rad h um )Ollr ohllir. lind )d We I IVU"UlIlI!U pure UIlUllIlld" fr l' lII I·re.h L,. II )' 0 11 lValil Muolllnl, llI te by IIlId \llrou !;;h UUIl Oden in lit e l·eIlO n . p.o"ili ull .of Vt!I' " . l:)ultl by I!"lI('r II II I' . i" I'rPI""poi ttl , du III Ih,> ALL 1' 11 14 POPULAIt II) 1/11 " "" I 10 .,.11 or uuy U"tler '" Eg!\'" 6S" ml'dium. c\lfllI·. of thlllll ·tllllll1 irlllll B-lIl lll1 e, ' Il Lla cM,\N ,\. c" . .I r lp , nllt! OIlI'I ... . ,,,>l tfs l l II ) 0 11 11'.,"1 l;uQ,. I Am uo c l·itic. Mo sers. Editors, anu tLe t!Jut m:Jl·mble. was tI ,al of II IUlln CI,t mie lt:! (lnu Nt·w \' uri.. I "UI IC' . " " Y' III 1" •. III, p, IrUl1I U II'/lOl·l· 11 II ) U II \lu,,1 E.s",,, v • th «!Yofore dll nol intend. UII Ih .. prese lll ~vho bal: g~ne cl own unexp~ct~tlly aUrl ~a'rulI' lu d,c 11' "',1 hll g ;.; )'. . ' • OOCII$iuu , io IltlcmpL 10 crilicise 81\i.J re o III fl !t llll!) . ' . • 25 Cents to Save 25 Dolllll's. 0--')" " ' (' ,' 1'0' " IIr )If •. I ." ' ''1'' ri" r, ", ,, rill".", 110., I r(JJ "1-,' (~ UU rt;(·..lJo. r..... )1r:m !\ ,(11.1liJ::l pll rl. . Th e ulIrh'8 fju o se ntence ove r lho Rig " cn'I(:Clilrolcu H"li zillc rl" ..II-I'._ I.l The committee, bowe 'or, Rsk tho Rid nl\turo of \ Y. H. Lylle·. WIIS "iVIlll <I I 1lI"1" ',, 1'.illl. GIl"' "C !::il'''l'. &,.. 111" ""1 . ; 111" "1,,,11 II I I, ,, lilli ,,,. ill Ihl li C" "I")" li " " 'o::'T P. ~ , - lt y o u nr", (iluuk or in .1. .. tll,l.it o( lh.e lilemli. in . Lbe. Irllnalllliun f\ rect!y after Ihe dark ·lalllern IIItJ : ly " ,"u clell Il8 Srlk ",ll i" uolI " I; ,: ' I·.·., &.c., I"rl l III' b" "id " lI l 11101 1(\) It: Ii: 111 Il\Jll (Iil \VI v i f.\' l\. ·III ~ drutlk, 0" i llflHul lJe hu\' e ) o ur •• ·h' II !)" , ' nlllt! " n ~l:utlt h H\II, s'r t\ V A \\. A \ ' ! ..(..4 oertaln coorlllUIIIC'ltlOn, Pll~polteG tO llefl, lind \Vos \'IlI'Y lik e tire GC""fH' ! ".'l llId 10 new . . UIII)' ~[j ,.':".'<""r ""111,,. " vII II II ! II,' ,, : \ ,' 11 \ ~ ~ lI" \\!J M ~ ~ \J 2 '! · (} ,u, have boe ll ~mlcD by 1/10 8j>lrrI ur UCII. whCln IJ~ cIJose 10 I'idicule np er8u n .. lt u ~lJld by VIU ~l!hl". U E C, I',M .".:'I' &. co . , • JUIl:<i W. COl.LETT LYlle. nn~ IS 10 .. languRg o ullkll own to had IIlreu dy ronde red him self ridi " ul vll • . , I,cn,,"!" u lid V ruf!~ :f' IB, N I:W \ urk. , J " IV_I S. __ _ _____ _ _ . ___ \ H A I R. -OIL S , the COmlJllte~-pre8umed. I 8uppose, I should hllve left thia on~ · si"tl ll rll I . --\ • lIOUS~ AND LOT . . J I. . f . ' I I' I (hlJl)III'11 IIlInd", lind 1'".·(" ~o"e I r:' ,,1ri.ll1..... tC.o. ~ lo be 1111l I"ug unge used ill Ibo 8l1ir it A 'I' 1·llIVATE SIL& I Itl ? r pOll unn ut lcc • uut 01 lIe IICL 11,,1 \ I.l ..... 4.:hil bhl" ... . &C. !J 0 I ~J,iu \ll J, L'j' U 1-1 wor (.). . . such artic't::B ino ell · Hegl' 1ll81l & co.'a CIl IIl P"", fer 1\ il It . - -I ... '" 'rite vnlu.hle 1",1 Lo'1,I\Q l'e , hu l'8 ~ Bugget~~on, by Ollll ~laVlnb( len .i volt l\UU qllulCI! p'roJ,uscly \.ly tbe U Iyl:cri ll e . cures C""PIH' u ' ll" "'I • . ~ ... 111, _ D. B. E B E R. LEY, . DO pre lllUIlODS 10 Illerllry orenl, lluL tJn~ lIlies or spir ilunli sm I' I I ' ll I I I ' .li!ji..'II~d 011 the Ellst side 01 Norl" SI. '- . , r . tI t. . 1 1, f \ . • . 11I !! 1 lute),. nUl. WI {(' ('P t i t! ,. \ 111 ", ulI " l l~ IH 'fi 10 in for m It i ~ p n 1r u Jh1 IJl ll l 11If' ltl'lW Of li Tld,,1 ~iHI Fllllflh ftlr('etll-,II:1t """n!: (l very ulllte .. flOW III gil 0 ll u 11 tih uu!II ll~ kn uw n IltRllIl ~ se pll}'sic 11 1111 "1Il 0ul" ill llil' "" I"eol 1<' [" I,,, ,' r ::; , I ~ n • I II I ' I I I . I' . . or wor uQ ·to Ll III r.: II ..ul'U1I 1,10 · . . I1! 8re " Vt: .. .y wnlllil purr " ~ll l' lIl.(':"' . : . ,,1I 0 lC. I I I li t.' i t'Pj1 ro \'tJll tHltl l t y 011 I!J II I I 11I'1.pr rty of Mil!! . M. UUBEJlTB-ie olfert'dl Dwanrng. III III lllf~6tI\IIU 8 . Pr ' c,' :.!!'' J CI'I ,I". :-;""1 loy lUI "" :e" d "",, 11 ' A w~II.gelcrtetlIl88onmc l 't O( thl' BEST QI pr :\" "1' RalE'. gUlIge ,. IUI\:IH le,t!~helll to ~ . prol.I" r of lho u viJ ~u ce whi chspiri lult l" 'lIpl ll ., llI lIil.! ur 3~' '·~III" .. lIE(;EJ I.i\~ &. cu., .. :G .\H.!'IU,nE I'I.O\\'S, 'I'",· House is IVpll buih, in a Jllpr.lft~ ~end.rlug ur Ill. seDtence, wlllc!.r lliuu _ellIs 10 lh o wOlld. tbnt UUI fr lcllIl, I'll "I ,PIIII,I, OIlJ J'lI gg l.1", New). ul k. IO·I·lI t i') II. Wilh Ihrt'e ,uum,,; pureh, ~UII. mer, In Ihebe wurd6; lurn rr om lho bphcrea Anu CUIUllluuica.te 21 · 3'I1.S dll ilidc ""d < i ll~'" r .. IlIldl ~ 1I unJ cellur lleluw, Dlld t"''' r. (llll~ ·~b ..quatl/latkm SCfll',goa(Uni atl11lu11I; with li S hore o n e'lrlh. TO CONSU .lll'TIVt.;~. t; 1ll 0 V L - P L 0 \V i/ · tll ~ SPe ll II " ~ Iuq. A well nf c:sce lleol fiPl!t ll1l1}!lI71l. rai/um i usuampu,' ID clos ing th is note. permit me lu Im,,,I,, ,,, I 61,·,·'. 1I ~ will "I . " '1i""lIllIel,,"- 1 • WOler is ~ iluuleu clu~e 10 thl' kilchel). Tho sonleDce, p erb""" will not lid. 8ug l1.es l. ",lrolher Ruell iOlPU8i li l'U8 as The 1I111J.·rs'''" l'd hll l'in " b~ P 11 rp I 'd ' II lIcI r~I':Ii , 1'1. ,11 , I",r.·", "'Ill d reo~ bliell.';II' I 011 th e LuI lire Q uri~t.Y of Ir'uil iret8, " " ... " 8 or~ II . ' , 1'1 '1' mit of a.liLeral IrallslalioD; Lenco the ~lr. Oden bllS prRcl icuJ upou t"i s cum · 1(1 "~Irl lh III 1\ lew II'r l' k,; , by II V ~ly """I'I~ per II _ ~." ~vo," '. i-!",I ""I ,. . . , .\Id.i CFFY'S & WILSON' S SERIES, .nd tI,P grllUliu 18 "r I/oud qllll!ity ior (far' dil olDlllll in whicb Ihe eOIllDliLlee were munily by injt.1"1Ice. lU ll cunsish'nt Wi lli rc.r,l' ely . nller J. :'VIIi!! ""If,' r"J b C "'...... (l;:7 :-; 'IIIII""I! ollJ lI vr" ':-o ltu llI!.! 1I1 .l'l\ u. J .. "iul! pUrplJ~~8. 'rhe properlJ is heftplllCt l!. Bul tAl.in g inlO con sidt'raLioli that g" .. tlemllnly conduci .!rich hilS lAid yenr·j willi II "eve r!' IIIII)!' "n·' ·'·lili li . lind Icd lu I' rtlllllil lr · I.I.-Ij lll (rurn i lll: llm·br~IICI' . &1.:., &0., ' &c, lire unprol'ilioll ij eirCUmtillllnces by tbe (;e IDlDitte41 uncler oblig ati ons? 1" ~1 urL'nJ d i~r u .e . Cu",um piill ll _ IS nll},_ ' f 'ur ~urllrer purticulnrR. lI~rfv to "hioll Ihe llledium 1\'1\1 liurrounded, a E. JA GODS . iUUd Iv 1Il0k" l(hUW n 10 hid Icl ,uIV s,.tl,'r- I J. 0. SWE1'& ( d ' . h' b L' I'k ~_____ erd ll, c 1nl'IHH .. f cure. July 18. W.ynl'nilie. reeren e rtn"uIIg elomet lUg l e T he will s.. lId rl': s 1'11 10 rnA C1' ! C f. ot' . 'be full ow ing: cmpcrauce. cUflY of Ih o UF(OJ ( Ir,·e II: I , ':0 m' ) Pl1ysioian~' Tbe M".oll Rlld UlUIlU. Cabinet Or~ 'By Georf}", tueae fellow, have got chur!!".) lV.i lh 1110 uire"ti ulIM .1." n '" I:IIIIN, 10") tJiO" " ~ lIt . "I .... fttlM I' l",1 lu .••",r;~.f ma up a stU:OPI I mu s, fioLl some At a regula!' meeting of the friend . 11Il( lind uHln~ lhe S'lnl~ \\'h H I Ihey w ' l! I ' . . . Ca refu lly aud Pl'\lllIpLly }" Jlkd. "ml •• ~"In rn,n.i,,; ' u\, t80 to ,,,, 0 each. rl" t n g • ou, t tba t . I·' '11 L' . CI , ur CII. fi nJ U Rll r.e c~re (ur c· ' .OII, A.IlIlIlIl,I edn UII\' 118 ,'lIrl U II , t.r.llll clrp.8 ; lI ot lu Ltc e.Hel!. ()" I>I'e UOL/) or ~IL\I~:tt Ml:ilALI'. 1/,, 0""'1' v c. . u IiDap. or I'll •ue of t~~ mpe rfl n ce lie \.III. Ie M . £0 ':". tllll"" ", 1' l'I\!. NUlle! bUl Iho , fir.1 pr GUli I> III' .ward«tt Ihllra, llluolrKt .d C~r sW!lmped if lhey wool 'r iJe mo on a L~baDo lI, on 1:1<1Od:\y evening of 11\61 lIroll chll18. Cuug-I'a. Cul,! _. &,~ . 'I'he U ll . I () 1 tl Drug - Store, ' .I"j:;"'" ·••·n l 1..<:6. ~.tqr6", MASON.t HN"" • rail, d-n them:" I GNOilAIl1!8, If ubj ecl 01 11.0 utlverli, tlt ill sen,lill' the B E~ T MAl' li RIAL 1.1 H, Hollo". or 'U.St)N IUI.OTH£flS. ." . USR lI . •• week follo"io g repo r~ ",aa uDaDimou81~' Prest' riplion is to benefil Ihe nllhCletI and Y.. rk. ' . ' 1).1, . W IlIeli ' IIe cunceives , to . T ERM S, C,ult.-Ollico bt hid Icoitip.nc.u . I 0 r D r. H uo" ,.uea. t be mur· tlle·d .op t I' d : ~ pl'enu., In rormallon - TI Itl 'fill "' :Wlle~vill(l, Ohio. uerer 01 Mist Pllrsons, cdma.nclld al ' A mRjority of your commiltee. 10 ,.uP IDVU . OL'}'lC p ' w .. " Iun bl 0;'" dl '6 hOl'l'S evory 6ut!: onM .. i nSlrO~t. 1·1, 1"081' E" CORNEll • CieulllD 1 OD Wed06sdfll. Tbe courl whom 11'1\8 'efelred "certAin preamLlll Bf'! f will lr'y _h I8Jel"~11y -.118 il W;' ti t • Jun e 23- 1'lf By ,tre kitt or . ~ound., II/ a "arn1l1led JOOID "'111 crowded and much illkruL Ind resoluLione, not hAVing bad acce(;l lllp;, n.i'l h i n~, o.ud may prove Q lllrss iBR_ 'r d' h t tl t lIfUI" w I ~h llle tillt prcst:ripti ull wi ll qlla1hy'. for ',ale by . " . '" 0 I~ anme. !Ire not prepl\r~d to r eport plea811 ndtiresR, ... a8 m'~1 este 1D t e 0"S8 ~E&kITT' " PRIKT-~ - - .... ~ D I'r llb painter ••• mlUlera th51 in R~v. '~ D1JV'RD A. \Vlr.SON, . I I) 1: 1. J.. 1 l, ~ declare. that d efinitely . d on . h nilb the I' .. a:. 'n z! ' . ' por t" : I UL.t e leYing Lhnt 'tile fol WiJl iR III"b\" ItII, -A /I DBm onE{ 0 tilar rat,I, I. ue b B8 a repre- cOQ~lIlDe I u .. • • • Iotanoll 01 ~ D8I\th a.large lIB lite.' ~wlog ~~8{0 ul .lons will ~x prl:8S thu Ringe CO llnly . 1'~ JPi!1mJ1lI({j~ O~ n g r (It IIJAII~ kinds and in largo quill. • "eW8 nnu ee lOgS of tbis mcelilu", we I -3 m. • New r urk. 1 lth ('~, ' ron D I~ by . ' I D • \ ' U) '.ICI ,· .lI l·~ O h i.o. MgRftlT'fl' & RINTZ. 1'011 '1' ..... "A?I·.'l'TF:,
U o erple.a 011.
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L"IU'lri,'~ n'""t;h~.il'll' " ~"I""l1i"l.Of CinIlUI\IO~, And Forty other Articles.
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Shm:man MarchmlJ" Alon?' ! r I .
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GJ{OC El{l ES !
B chool- . ooks;
Tou llw hu Je~ire il. I'r~scri pli<HI
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Wlty, I},o JI 1101 b ia lUo
YI'Sle 1'0 i'; il is j kiud
"hoI ing• lIellt
---DR I. A. R
'fhe liruo (or rect i ing III D l:cember - T!\X wrlhuut P~IlIi"y. wi ll lie exlended Lo tL o .]~I day uf J a nunry. 1'86 6 .
L/TTLE' N1A.M.l Rfi.I£ROA.D. w~ \"NE ~\'ILLE (CClJtWIN STATION). rnA.rNS
Nil/ht Exprep8, <'; iDo.i llllulI Express, lIhil lint! J\CCOIIl., <.;ulum·bua ACCOIO., l' i'L8IJU~g ElIpr08d.
11 . ' 111.
7 .04 A. M....
1. 1,l(j A . M. G 28 P. )1.
9,O:.! 1'. M.
~1.:i o'nd ~cc;om., N it,: hl I!:xprell8. Cu lumhu ij Accom .. P ILtsllurg Expreh, Ci liciuuuti I!:.~Jlr~~~, • D(l uot SIUf'.
DO (; 1( 0, 4.1 0 A .
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3.:JU P.
It. LA ()KIH, 'l'rl: &surer. ' .
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W. H . CU:lI EitT; PrtEiJtnt. E. W. WOOI1WAnJl, SUP'I. ,.. D. CAtlWALLA DE R. Agellt •. L'A UWAl.LADIi:R & MILL!', E.rprrs:s ..4 gcnts.
COR1I'UI S UUSORJBI:R8 .- 0·ur Oor. win fl'i ~ ud s will u bsorve tJlllt ti d week we t.I ~ !iYer o ur l i~ t Ly Iu e Ca rrie r. '1'hl; IlIrge inc rease si l' c-u UUI' JIISL is sut: in that \' illlige, bas iuduce(1 Uil 10 g o to th is additioolll tl'o ubl e anJ exp e n~e. wL ic h wc Irust will b!j July .opprc(;i u l. cd .
Any ite w o r ntlws which Dlay Do L alld which may coru t! Il nd.,r our
lra nspire ill our su!JuruaD "illllg e ,
r ),1
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)' 0 \~CI R I . .OU HII .XI-FELT, nRowN, "II .KOD ~IA X ~A H Ii:'lLLIi. M . ~'l·nA C"1. I ,u li. Will MAS(l:i. Jl EIUIAN A . IY OLI.t,;)! IJAU PT. A( II", l!l l(' ' I. i. "f II,,· AIlI('ric un Jn AUIO[e, I.. 1,1' " _ ' "IV \ v, k (.',1.1, U<lvl, "', 18&~. • II,., 'ot 1'1 ' """rd .·J 1:,. .I III U,' U
fa~O 4.A~:,~;~:.';~;'
• . & (,O.'S .l/e/udt'ull.'. Au (omalic d: S d,ool , t J ! ~'\ lIl lI 'llI llIlt · n l " " ,· n an lrd (or ii H I .' tar. ,
N o. !i6, F. & A. M .-Tllc Ann llullo'ca· DUY (;UODS, L' l\ l ~'l'-Ulit; SI1 ES. I "" i" -. ' ".1, .. .. I: 'UI .. ,., . I" ul," . II (j I lill8 . secre t o rganiza li on , w il l Il I;':',, _'',_ ",," ,,\I " · I'I\ }CU h l\ . n ud a=:~~~==~~=.==-~--===-_ LI\'a I "II ~ '" ,,(, '"' ~ l 1l'1, yll,~:' ~'u""HI t ... lr" ' L' NTS \\rA I) I;~, \\' HI 'fEW A S il B RU S H ES . '-, QUE CunrsTlfu In WaYLe", i:lo was a l;lko place 011 W cdn <'Sdll)" Ibe !!7tll Co U'_ 'il':;:=~ 1;:;~';·;.'~~I\~"~·\ ~I ·t~~'r 1"',~"~~~.lu.· ,,,.I""f.; llili ' . " It! Ulc llu. 1eu " 1'loe ",,~\ _ l\\lItI ; I~ ul ) 1" ...' I.\ l.l lln".'r "IL1S 1C. il'e1y day; everJ body seemi ng \0 foel l.' t • A con I IHI IIJVltRllun IlAHDW AHB, \. _ S IIL'"' \ !..~~ OL'l' ~l _ _r I.' iu duly bo und Lo be 011 Ibe tl lreel, t!uH· ·1 to the UI't!I,U.IHU .0' olh ~ Lodgcp. to b.o l'ulol .,III.I. 'I I II ~ \ 1:,, 1'1 '1" ",It l\' , .. I I II 1\1 Inslll IJ allo n 0 1 t IIe 0 fI 1 filtOUElllES " \, :,." II"'" . ,. ",,'.. .,,1. CI""". I ' f1,I,,· .~ ..,:, ""'. flO . iw the ' sof' staLe of lerrafirntll. Near· pr~ 60 n. ' 1"1 1,. ,''.; ,,, ,,.,1-:, ,", """i"" •.,.,,•. 1\1,,_11.,,1 S,,,., r h L I 11 II ' Yfill btfsiIl618 ·b oUSl!8 were a llen, ex cera t e 01 gc WI c('mm~lIce III 7 .l'. , IIlPuicill,tl r"rfl"" ~'. I" \\,1, ;,,1, i1,!' "I . \" ;" (.. ·~I·· , II .. , ' '' '1'. "". ","""", ('II·~·I '" I" 'I k P " L d E " C., . I' ' . I I .. . " . .1I 1.I1t. ", .~ - 1 0 " " , . • ~" {'C ll t • • t Ihe JJ/ia'fltl' Guzette office which 0 C OC · . . l l . alille 0 ge roolll. II ' le,," u u 01 ''''''''',;' II>, 'S ,·<p " ,.'IIl1y ('ulkJ; , '1,, "11. s l. veue rllted Lh e any. were le rlai nw cut 1\1 B illmil'e l:!u uie at 9 u'· ! I Hnll \I ,"ul,·Vt'r 1"' rl ai1l 6 III D 20 Me lo dic Ex ercises, .. 7 O r ·ll·g l·OUI ·er~l·c"s. /llll\ Ill e uny . n_ a c Ioc k I '. Ill. ! FLIt...: 'J" I) A'I' I.' I.. III . ", •. , ,.,,,". ;, " (...., ,.. ,. ~"\"'U'''' 11 ,,,1 .11 . u,
,.. 1'. DANE, 'l'elegrap" A !J,..,II.
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WlY:MlID§l'VJ11:IDo tOoo
Illvite utlcntiull tu the ir Slll(: :~ uf
PI1~ ~litil~~.· 1 PlILL AN.D
~'1'E' I) G" I)O h~, IDRUG
I3r TUE MORRO\\' Lll:ADi:R, " Tj or a 'seClular gala dAy iDsl ellt! of Ihe ' " J Pit Monu\\" in Ihi s c<1'unly, ~Q" 1 ,, \ V~ ",il lt con! ill 11 ,l' EU 6tCIII [Iniverury of a 8/lcred eve nt, d eAl' 10 !ce llLiy Illude il R a ppe onncu i D tliis of· I. • T d 11 I b I u C OIYI IZtI wur I . I seems, yenr y , (jee. publishttu uy J . U. D. HIIIJUB & '\i\'i7 fA m '17 :z!. '}_', I P • Cfl r, becoming more and more oul of I ~.JD. It ia Dcmocratic in I' ol il ic •• bU l is At.:!. UJ).. ;m ~ oJ;. ...,... I. t L . ) ! C' Ullom u&re, 0 0 ac l'VCl appropTlllle Y uc uulj[ully pl'iuled nutl ill a li,dy IIlId · BU llDI.I·;I:"S (jUPLEX f ··ltriatmali din' " wholher Ihe love J 0 il'tc/'~e l iug shed. There i. l o um for ~in or whelber iL be 80 evidence of I . \" ., Tr . t nco pllpe rs In ',orren counly, lUlu w e ,l;~ plllily sacred auni , ersl\ l'iea, IrU Bt aU may lo ll 0 tUl:ir sLare of sup Ollr of II are not prepared to 511)'. port . BOOTS AN 0 S HOES I Iosiead. Loo, of Lhe old· Lime cordi.1 .. , I>-'-r- '1'1 L L eol ~luLalion of • Merry OIJriBtlllael' we U-J Je I! anou ~ Ill' says OD 80.' - HI OF THEIne d_generated into Lhe be"'"Cll\l'Iy qount of the . 108s df tue indictments in t> l~jrst ~ olllbardn1en~ of • Chrisllllss·,,jiL ' - ~he caso of Lh e persolls anestcd fOI' lhe ,mur Jcr of the RoosA. (nmi I"~ I t I18 parllUIi b . , If b dl8110ugh in itle • to· e'Hure; but a . / ad perveflilon of the old CU81om. Why w ill be h eld oyer t i!1 the next te l'DI of All of whi ch is oITe red al tho lu\\, es' . . ). 1 .8 IU . II H! mllr Ile I pr,ccli. . 'on! thlll world WAg to .uit e.arybody? court. CovwrL, I IIe prinCipII
S('I('(: I~u
I R T S ~lUcll
I G~
Peuitenliul'Y ; MeN t:il, lUll IlCCCb SOI'Y , is in
Ldlll noD.
J o SLATllR ill tnking h o liday pieluree
nOlV,allllwLnLc llllbtlmOlCll ppr oprillte or more (lfIlli'(}' jng t!JBn 10 be pl't'~entcd t'o • (l I. I' d with .. ' sp eakl og li kcnesij ' 0 f II dear utlers,/L way SIl b'Y Ull I'e Ie up oo d· f h i ' frl' ell ,1 ao ' I ~T W' l' ''',II''S l'em e mlH'nnctl ? tbe loner "as 0 t e moat r t CfU!r U , b I . t b II d f' I We l\uI' iso our fri{jnd~ 10 go ea rly, IlS c arso er; not a ~ exc .. e , n lie, d f II" b' " r S iale r carlnoL be WiLU u s a\wnYIi. 0116" J"shool0 1 li S IOltuDaLtI ,,' -~-.- . --- , rlIeURED.M A 0 M I M~"rr.-Merritt· 4r: Printz were op' r. • • OUD, W lose nted ,lie epec ·la· I ." Rr,bn·t9 of' Santa death "a Dotictld Ills~ wetk, lI' aa iluur·
IlUB,and their eatablislJmcllt Wat a ed in a life · iuBura nco company to the . L f 6 2000 of II good de,a i ot Jiee. umoDg lhe arnOUD 0 . • •••• ,
d' '1 r'Tle n ds . . . gO.'SJIlVeDIO ~ J olin Evnns. funullrlv of \VIl'· · r-rlle IJa6 I.ce u e)ec led Ullitl' ) J lo 'he evenlDg, W8 1euo, a co II aLlOD nceYI' c! S tllies' , d f eLival was givcn to' 'ho Af. K I Se Dator by Lue L egi_lnluru of Co lol'l\ i d b y 11 Ie .I eac h • JO. y ti Il h 00. prepar41 •- • wllieh, ' DO doubt, . WI. 8IJccessful lIr I aathrlliory-and WfU BD appropri· O:::r D0 noL forgoL thnt the ruora Ie 80d worth .. a(t'"ir. Refulm ovciul Y will bold itsnexL meat· ./ omit' tbaL there 'w ere illg on MoullRY nigLL of nt-xt wllek. We 'libould not ( I. I ' d I d di,cbargea 0 lil·e ·arms which II . IIol tUIl usua "me all pace.
- \
_ ,' STORE .
gou,d s urp ly o(
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oJ ETC., ETl'.
01 l,iuIiS . Alioon. ot 1.50 P. .. AI , lIarri s burllt l iiJO.lbA I'.M.M ., urflvlu!! W ot Pnll8uelp llia al l.~
nl ~ 11.. TRA IN-Leave! Pil!sburg II I 11.4() t\ 'II 1\J '. 01 stuJlplng 'A "O~ ftt neody I ' all I Htolions H . b'DOll t u . u 1'. 1\1., Uri' vlng ft ~ rna urI!: . , l'l .'lb ... . lol. nnd l' hHadc lphia at 1, 10 A. M. l'U'L ADF.t,rlllA
ExrR r.ss'--Leaves Pltte. uurlllll l .bb r . M., IIlo ppi OIr un ly ot Ilr i II. ci pul dlnliOllS. Arrives at Latrobet '6.40 1'. ftf, Altoona 9. 10 p .M . • Horri8b urjfll.35 A. ftf .. /Iall i lll or~. 7 A.ftl,. New York. vl'a l\ I I"n til'" II. JO A . III .• PllIlarielphio"' l\t 7.10 ,I. M . , alloJ New York, via Philodelphid, fll I:I I .. UI> 1". M.I ~Iepp.illg I' bCa rs ru.n U through on
l ll ~
I rU ln
urg to
Ph(ladelphiu, Dud to New York ,vio Alleo. IUII' II. FAST LINE-Leave s P ilt sburg at 10 1' . M . • 6tuIll'ing Dilly at prln cipul 8lations. :\rr ives 01 Altoonn 01 3.00 A. M" Uorrishllrg" 8 .16 A. M., Ballimoret 12.30 1'. M., N .. w York .t VIS Allentown, 9.40 1'. III., Phil ndt-'i pl,illt 1,10 r. M, aud New Yurk viu I'lI.llad elp hiu, 01 li.4:l P. N. '
"' /l rurlijrrsl . tSuppt r. Dil/1lCr, D'I U ' ,al Y. (/ o/" tr trains, SlmdaV' excepted. S L£hI'ING CAltS are a ttaf.iled 10 mil Night Traill$ tu IJhi!udelphi., New York and U.:tilllure. I c .ocked Ibrollgb and Lransler. rlldDU[lgoge free.
IV .
~~~. '~~~~ /\ "lIll1p lcIC
l tl "1 ' q U l l't
... Iudll ' i!
NEW MUS Ie. <'; ;" T 'J'IH' lSI "I)~:~ ,'N TilE I.' ~R", · ( u,.' .. a ll ..... ,. I ell . ,."', I"~ ..~'Jl'rll"O, I... . ",,,I IV,,, ,, . II ,·, """ 1'10-<1 "'. '" ,: ,II I,dllol k, ~I"", IJ<I' ~" "~. . . ,. .". ' Ah, II ,,!.\, I(Cell11,,'"•• I, ,.;A. <11'1.." I\ ".~., ' I,,.ico 33 clO.
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, ('. I j" the dear people c DJ'oy ed , Ofer .. e t:8g, 8 hemeelv e , We infer, whatevel' l;!J(ct'p ' ' be lalien lO lile Qlode ;- Ihll ion mr.y 01 . d' .. zctlo was to lllstmas In· r,andaIJthepl'essj8 prov el'bial (or g . ) oud 'taste in all Buch IllsLhetic ('
.' ,,.,
.• .. uireel 10 Ihll Union Depot. where PIIsenli!ers ore treoeferred to Ihe TraiDs of Ibll P enn sylvan ia <';elll 18 1 Railwav whlcb le nve Piuiburg "Ild IIrrl've lit Oll'e' 'r pOI' n'• u ... 118 (u ll o",s :
First Premium Gold Medal! \
PITTSBURG TO PHILADELPHIA. . AI PitllUU?IP, tralna from Ihe Weat run
I) AY ".:.xrRES~_ Leavee Pilt8burg It 2.20 f'!'.M., 810PPIll:! at principal stations. Arrives Dt AlI oO llu'" al 72[) A. M., Tyro ne tl.23 A , 111., I Opilefoil le 1032 A. M., Loc k H.v e n 12 19 P . 1\1..1 Harrisburgt 1. 00 P . M., l3ult imoret 5 .30 P. 1\1 .. Now urk, VIII All pllloWlI , at 10 .35 P.M., Pllil. 81Iel "I ,i "! ul (j .45 P. lIf., and New York /o ur (110 Imit P io ,lV }o ,'ric vII E.rhibitioll ! Ii " Ph ilad elphia, al 10.27 P. M, '
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1\1lt.f\ 1.11 thll IIIU"I I at w'n r IJ . lIud lu\\' •• "" f" 'I , v , I~ 11k I,l~hl "' t tt':!ltIIlI O IlIO I Ii I r lll' l h1l l ilt< 1 ~"id U'Q
al' li{ I.w vc 10 in tor lll Ihe ultl io Illn l Ih ey s. '/·H ALlI£lUl . , -Juve U II jlUI UII' I ".~ "CI tu I(ce p L . ~J. IIl1T'I':'CIIA LK, A C. OIIlP !e te A SSOl'lInc n to t' . \I!ol . II £~ I< ¥ FHY ,
..., 0., 60 10 @' I:! ~
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. Dottble Track Route
Ii." NI~ \v PATE
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1 8 66.
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CartjulllJ Co, r,.t;ltd E ver!! W c~k.
n~~lIr 'll\t'nl o f
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1'lCKltT8 Fun THE EA IlT (including Bos. I pU8$ing over thil! lUll. bY [l uU lor R ai). " (J Il IiIHII ,1) 11 , ,, " P"I L H ilI' ,',. w.,{ t ' I ro" t!. can ue purch68ed at all prinulplIl " 'J 1'11 •.1 ...,..' \\'. \·'"C. ,,' 11 ,.1 1"..... t' ,.iq . :J.1 ,·I,. sla[iuu~. ~'urtl us low Sf; by any oLher ' 1.." 01 . "'.' I ;,,, 1. I I" "ll ,., 1\".0\, ,' I , 1.1 I,! "'". l·uUI t'. . :- II ' ":' ," " :l iH I· f ·!l ll l dl, l \) tlljd H; J U) iJl' U l ll t · .1,.1.10 1'11" ~ _, ,', " (' . rIlE.OIITS, I
For Ladl'es. & Chl'ldren. 1111 ' '" II. d' , ",' " ' '''oIs ".I' '.'11".".\ 111".\.· ~ , . 1'1.. '.' ~I,,: .. L
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W Oy thiR rOllto, FreighlS of ali deBcripI,·... " .:J'> c l' . tiuu9, including LIVB STOCK, can be (or,,·. rue ll to and Irom Phlladelphift, New .r. .) . .\1I I ,.I,.I'."!I...., 'I. ,"II ,1". .. ·.· ,11."1...'·.··.1. 'J'hp. b O~ 1 '111"llly of , vi '1' 1,. 0 ,' BII II~rI. U) Yurko Uu8tOll or Hollimore, to IIl1d Irom 1 .1 . 1\.,II , r. I'".. .·:J, c.nl> . ""y poinll'" Ihe Wea\erD RuilwaYB,ly . f ' 1flf\i.7\.1.j·'S.! IA 1i\{ il" '(11 ,. ,,"I.' II ,,· II vf "',\' 1-' 11 110", .' Sli ng llll iin)(ld d" 'ecl. ' . J i w!",) 'v .l':i.!) i!i.. . 1.!!.J i::J .Q.I v:&~ , '''I ( 'It '' '·''· ' '''' ''' '' ~ ' I\\' ''·'''' ''"'' I,."k,·,,", Ih'H leamer8,fre iehtcDn a lso De for. (1 I,y C. II. '"'.' . I',,, . :lj •· .. 11 . I\'vrjed 10 811y occessi ltlo' poinl on Ibe riv. F" r " " II II "n)"'I '" "" ,1 II II " s' "'(' !lr. .'\1" ,. ' ., \\ .., .. I)' '1'1.",,',' '''li l"".I.) 1-: . .1 . I-'ilLlouo " " .. W . t're ftllu lakes of file est. I v u II I" t'~c ""','1,1,' 01 lI' ,el!.scle~ l c d . 1'1" .. , ::ll," /I I, J I : " I , '''I' lhL" " ,l l u,m l,1 " ,,,,,.•.. V " " ' I . I." 1?ur Co ntracts or Shipping Di~, iliO I . . IE ' I I dJ II I I W A1: 11 F. , alj L E, 0 "t lI d I ') ' . A. rce"""R. ftppyoora,r eIlSf' ll erolle . ~~ lo lluw ing Agents of the Comjluny: HBS 011 h ouri" s ple ndlu n~60rll\leut uf • .\ ""P" I' ~' ",.: l·"dl. 10.· Iwo ~V"'·""{J'. Of F P I \" II oJ', . I.) J. 1,.,", ..1. I·.·i.·.· .I~ '·. .. 1. . S . U. l{ihg6Ion,Jr., I. Agenl, hi ad'., l3lWAD ULOT lI S, ___ :___ \I " ,. II" ..., ... lh".,."u,' I' .. I I , " " • • u) J . :llvi \l',"1!. C . II. .C nrpenl ef,Ft . Attem,Pi\t8burlJ. CAS::; l M lUtES. I'o,n ,,,' , CH' , . <.; \ur lt e & co., Tunaler Atl0ntll, PiuBburll' '1 '! I1 \ \ I' h \ :--: f-I • .' H n lllhl l (' t> ill r l)I ' 11I of 11 Noc ~ 1-1 W B ·.' co., Z lnenl'11 II, 0 • VE.:sl'l NG::l. '1 ,I . tI ,. J "' '''",I, i. 1" ',.:•. 5u c" n(. . . . rown"" 'l'HIMMINGS, ·" " ..,".•1. \l .i " \1' " ,1 f,, 1' ,\ I ,), (;"(.'I " ~)' <': 1,8. II nll & co.• 1IIuriella, O. 0 1 "II ~ill c .III""}Sl' fI!lIIl1d . , II.,'" I. I',i. , 'HJ' ·' II :" W.H.&E.II.Lllngler. Gllllipoli.,O. &r .. ",I,i"h hI) mnuulH cturefl acclJrdlllg lu .~,," _ " .•,,' 11' ,, 11 ,, 11' .11o'!. (illll"!,, by A. B,' .. II. Clul'kn & Cu., Chicago, Ills. I.l W LA'I'E::;'I' A lille ~ 6~Urt llll' lIt ul ".", 1'11,.· ~u ' :I II I< . E . 1\ ,, ' , " ,.11 . ,,,,.1,,,,, II •.••• ''',' I>" lI u"., I.y I'llul U N ION J., I N . iI LA l\J p~, ' 11 i " I. .~ " ., . I'll.· •.. "",·I..&U ,. ,,10. Pa,l Freigltl, via PennlJylt'ania R. B. ' ,\1." .. ,,, .; 11t. 1I' ,' I."",'""" I,y Adu ll ,h B.. /I .' Drond Tread" Caril_ pnJ pt IIIe LA ~ 'I"JL' It N"": ("II ' . I ' '' ' : U ' ·e nb. LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. U oJ, 11 ,," ,I ,,·u L," .c.·" , iI) I',. ul S l "ill(, "~"" ' P.. i... Wilich run thruugh between Ihe E~81ern I" . """. 811d 'V estern cilied, irrespeclive of chlln. I' CIII~I N E YS.. 1'"."".1" II ,,,. , ) "" I/O'II .,.i,,,·d 1' Ih" <Te l 01 1{0Plle. The Union LIne i. Ihe The (' nllh'l~ IJ IJ pnrtment I" .!CI,111'<'''''" ,, 01 •., I -....'I'"",,, del. I'", .•. :, )(0,',.,,1 , .. . f II ']~O 1. :i l'" i, /I . '" ' ''.' I',.".' "' .. ,f,."". \\ " 11 11,.,'" 11111 h or: z~d Foel f'reight Line, and III ( ~ ulld er llie supcrvlsiull u th.t t'xce P. 1I1 j , ;--.. "" ,'., I.,,, I".t. '/ """. r,I).,. 1 (" ,. Ih e 1',""o .lu"I " wurlled on All 1118 routes over whicb ie IIrli 6!, . I . / . .4 1_ , , ' :1,.. 11 . , )o',,, ,, ~ •. I. . 1'" •... 4U"1.. und e rlllk el til Iransllorl, under 'contraclll T TOO 0 SON -H ell " , ' 1"" ' 1'''''' i: I.. ( ', ' .. ··11 H.•·.·'·. ""W 0 1""'11 , wld e h sec ure to the pro"erty entruAled 10 "1',"!'~,, 01'./••III1-:1"(',1110 .... .1, ; ~I)-00",1,·1. I'". · flU,IJ)' ·e"I, the best fllcililira fur fOIl and I ., I' r , ' I' I I I I FL\ J:: CU T .",,~ ,.I Ilu.:lu.·"". J. .d. ite rhnr"ej b W 10, III 118 111 ('. IS gl' lleru 'y ! DC 1110'" A~D PLUO, I.. . " ""', I' ,. ... :.'i ,''''' 1.. . onilorm move me nt, thaL Ih\) ROllda o\'er edg .. dlu bol w il hol'l u <! up nri or! CIUA!{::) Al\D " " .~. I <II lJI' L,,," . Ii,, II:, .I I.) ~l. h cl l~l' . I',.in' \vlli ch it tlosses possen. Or-t. 2.1.
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Paris and New-York Styles!
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td til Lhe bluster of the day.
READ Y·M A DE CLOTIIlN G U Flo'. L OaK 0 U'I' FOil II IH - A ',ullf ber b Y III lurge qll Ull!lly "lid e lrlZa lll q ua lily "nl( •. , Ihll nl\rue of Juhn l\.umb~I', wh o Cllmu dlylp of hvlll C nlO ~ e " Iwllys ill ou l'lJ ly. llLACh.I11: r, . Cbri6tma~of 11365, wo wi.h, /lIb!! 10 " l l l A l T I ! \ ( ' B I1U " I J i"~ Lbis pillco a few \\'(;t'ks sillce , !lilt! Dt'l r nlliIl P. , I: " n.IOI".lll ili I . It I! rPI,"I"li .. " t a little nremaltU'ely, PCI'ualJ8, all our . h . E~:-. "T' wile in th e employ o ( hll'. CaDlpb~II , of Iii. hUll oc nl! 0111' III lloe hl' sl cI"",,, Mr. IC ., H;. era Rnd {rilliids • A Happy Ntw w ~n' lo th': shop 10 (lJ)~ 1l OUI 011 ht~t /)1l. u l~y uII,1 hill ao dislOll lIl will lipurt! 110 " _ _ :__ I ~ Ull d I\y mOl'uill ", ant I " rcp ol' lt( \ to Lie jiu Illd 10 g'v o I
u~I IIl"
" ,',.' ""'il. •.li .. " . I)., J:. U. B. II" k"' r. '.0::7' \V 111;: re lime Ie guftronte!d, lorl" ICllure ,', .. . :1., .'." " .• 0 f • ,~e cellie jler 100 .," ,8 bII a..1 '1" "" ' I,h,,1 \ j,II" ", I.,.. 1: "'1,,.,,1 11 .. 11'' '"11 fil. lo \\'l'u for delentiuns.foreveryuuy eyou.. ,\I~" "", I'" I~ " . 11\ .111" 1',. 01.1",," 1. :1:,." 0. IIJIllime 'pecified. I'nformoll'on, 8·'dre"s I'.,'.. .,,1'': ,.. I,lI' I",>,-.,,, .. (," II . · IJ)' I'" J • I.. L· • . thA..., , ,. v r furtl.ur V U 0 . 11 ,.1 •. h " , J:. ,' , ,,',. fulJu,vlllg Agenls of the 'Union Lino ;' 1'," I.. "" " ~ " ... '1'1,.. : (;II"" !' .,. ,,! Ir.. >""g " ~ I'I '" )'''1'11 ''' ' I·.i ...· ~ .• ,. " I. . II. 27 .., 1)W. '{'I Browll, I ' 39We N sl HI3dhSl.. Cinoinnati. C I b o I.iherlll HI 'COtllll. gil"" I,. (I", Tmdtl ,"" lolc ler, \I . g BI. u um Ui, propriclor Ihll t Ill e s h up had ,bel' ll 111'0 .Entire. 8ati:-;taC't.ioll., ~ l'~lCllltoe. i'ltIll O'I .. , .( ' t" .J "" '" 1'1'''' ' '''''', ,,, ,,1 ~d"",I,. 8·lIm'II~. Gruy,lndiD'lIll'oli8, Ind. ST.t.IlUING AFFIlAt.-On Saturday last k ~ n ope n nud the suw of l"n 01' lw"h' c Co il • \. ~ ~.u \,~ I. , " ..,il. p " ' ( 1'''''1. "" ,cce l(,1 ul E . 1'. BrylllH, Terre Hunle. Illd. ""-- Leen I\L a shuol - ing 01111 c h d ulla rd IlIkon froUl "sland draw e l' nnd - - -Dnd lilt II IIII'I"J I ' "·''' \V. \V. CI,unuler, Cltiool:o, \lIa . e meD hair -- " )(Onlln - -. o 610ckulld ~~I_ - - ~-~ _ :, ... \V~, 11 \" 51 SON dl r., e rAz ors . 1 ' he r azo rs w,,~ flfl!:' 1" I-IOl)l\.~ Go (1}) \V c . hnll ('uh ~l nlil I)' h.,pp 1111 It II no! n ~" " . ;1;•. :3", '" IJ u,~,,,i\\·, )~. J\. ,:.\'ork. 'l'I,e Penn8ylvanlu Roilroou Co. will ililbe vicinity of B e nr Ol'ct k,wbero WIArd ,; fuulld in no out buil ,li ng' nenr 0 ) \ , e rlll a."ortlllelil (I I 1'11' 1' 111 I\l t'll ie lllc~ . __ . _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ lIol USSUIIlO auy risk lur Baggage. except ' h~d imbibcll (rlje or illloJ(icllli ull Mr. ClIllJpbulJ'ti ho usf', by I,is I.. d)' . I DE,\LEW:; I N A I. o.jll!'!t r~cl'iv"i1 lro.m P il l.b urr, .. MonEL ~'AHLO lt MAGA. lur W e. rillg'Apparpl, entll1m it Ih ~ ir reU I.'UU I'!l Lul'Uing Lo Mou[1L " oC" 10 ebow fl OU1 hi S fIcti on Ihllt 1(1: In goud HIIIl w e l l · ttc l ,, ~t ,,· ,1 101 01 Z 1:\ t:: .f Au,a ll (/ I spOli tti bilily 10 olle lIulldretl doll nrs in vol. , .. \\' I I t! r .~: __ , .. . : ~ • . .:"i-::J>. .. All, Uo g gsge ben QsI ICa r ro Ul' - .cOc~III(JI' (:"I'sI l'lloll thly !1IuI{uzine Ol? in vulue will be 01l!"eeedillg the ris k ofthut Ihe omnullt owner oily, OI.I Bof Ih~. men, rorm e rly a re s i· ~uo gullLy u ne. hiw lie W'I$ 011 his \\'1\1' to Culumuu8.I . l t k b I I J ~ (.''' lII h i ll l' ~ "'" IH"Hll ls I Ie m06t III e rc~· ulllcdelU e ll y D Hpec a eoolru ct . OAI o~ Lhis ' placu. DIIUleu C risl, be ing Murrow J.ead~r. . AND ~ "he [It A CALlI, ''' ~. u.w lul , UI II I "" III1' live vl'luy 01 p"pU · E. H. WILLIAMS, WIlS unable 10 mo unL h 18 .uppOf" d tllst efo r.s8iu I ae 1(\III I: reij I.\'<'r " fl" ' , ,,d ill II OIUI!"Z iIlC . /l e n' l S""nri":l'flde nt, Alloun., Pa. orI one,allU rfq' UU61Cd JIlDl tli Alool'o til kllight of IU" ~ciHo l·H . corn II, p"t·luDl. HENRY W. GWINNER, II Anti ~ U\l CII""o l Ill il '" Ltc ~1,; lcd both j.. " ,,:11II1" ",,.. IlIrg '" II"d 1I1•• ro (·" . lly ::ll(:eI l ·••'III· m. "'oore W"S I'n n UL UI ' I'Y to - r\' /lnd 111 1' 11('1". , WB8 'In \\'O\·nl· ' \··III., ,) 11 . nl ., I I1(' ,Jlu ,., Klu nu., " II .,'I .I' I I ."I ' 10: " .,""'0 1""" " 11,'''1 on' lurt';,I,,·t! ill tilly 01I I G e n'l 1'1I'.ket Agent, I:'bilu • . III , rep I . \V llyn eo n' ,' quu I"Y "I: J prlLr. 'I • '·ou l " '1· b . n ~ ~' r . () ll ..lfl ll ld HlfHiC:f hlid t ,It ' fl l :i )V ""1 e 1-1 ' 11 • HOU:;o.'ON , .1 J C 'I' I ~, J . ~., . " .. \ vol lr.wu (l IJ ITI I" ,,,,II' ''lr old CII.lu",,,,. '''HI I J lln e 23--1. u ., u . USIU~S8, Bllu unrc I. ::; ,. t llruay .1 L' t WlIl'u., . ",""1 " 1,,"1"" 11 /I"II,,,r •. N~", ulIJ Vlll ll llu C r e n '1.' . II A ge lIl , Phl'la • o til ;; III ('11 I IIA Wlty Cons liI,~ l'I' s t ul tn tllllii ,"1 t l.a t Iil e), t.uvt! u !:oou I ' ~ , " ,. .. rell!! mount hi s hore8 directly, UUI Cri ~1 I" ' 1'(1 1" 11\ of l~ ~I l l J 1 1," 111 :\t,, "i ,·. Ly tlll'III U" \ pllpu lll r cO"'1',,:l Cfll .I .tr. , .• u . ~ l l l) 11'. II ~ II J, j l1r., J ,\rt'.iIlI Cl' fll re o'HI nl l/upJ l ; u'III~" •• wi'h ~i _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ out his kuire, l e o JllllUicll, R.EM C)VA L. "glllm >. F i"" " urt rail l!uf io'lIlillcnl to Luo .queslion as lO \, hilL he wa l .~ I' ~. '1'1". !""e l,i'1I1R , III e"pry dc pllrtUl ont 10 do will. it, Ihul he IVIIDt ~d lu On tl ltr 2 () i11 ill-tallt. Ly Elder S. O. Ills u. B. \' orieu s IIpp ly of Th ol ',l ~.Sl..~,1 IH, 0 1'" 0 7'11'it\I \~ '<f.1 ~ ,' I L "I,~.' n,,,\ Childre .. •.. D,c •• , s~kntli.!. A.GENTS W'\'N'I'ED. AfJ .;J,-". .:.J) ..... oI/.J ." WLl''\'!:;l.,.1, :V \1 1"Slr"I.' ,l lwillI Gil", n. edt'1 t l1\ll.chewof LoLtlc co,' Lu tin ~lll ali . SO\ith.Mr .::;tlu,U llg l,, ~ lIy toM i.~ RI\· · 'rill COI1!,(' r&S:I CCl-iI'O Il ,111 .. _ r .,sli iuu 1' Ib ~ij . hnunrlvnllcll t.l ouruMuIIII' II I1 RI1.e , · ' \ ,••". I ('rll ~ . \l1'I.iJ nuti Embroidery. A !su . Greal Sale of Jc'welry and Silverware . • .il(IOU~ ' ,I'ovoclltion, Iurned UpOIl .:lit· I C . (jnIY. b II ul \\' IIrren c(Jun t y. . ' A ll ~ H 'I VI" ~ r" IIIvV(l d IIcr ,~1 III III Pr y I'.b l\ollre. fllld iufiictut! a Hcvc re woullil Ou (he li.1i in RI .• UL tilt, l'I'liidt'ncc of lor s .. le 01 Iil e IkW~" 1 ellol , pllces. ~' tuull " illht'1I 111) 11m II II I"pl,,, ld )1 .lu orl! IIl1d n ec~' pl ., Wllh ·,'he ArrlllldRle greatGU\ DlslrlbuttoD. \lIO \ . b ' C' J I lllu I.rl· ,lc·~ 11Jl1~1~ls ll}' H,,,v J H . (~u lli II. ~ ul corner of. Main & Tyl e r sts. : .I",,"it! .lilli e'. '1\, 11> UII \\'OIllUII'1i 'I'up i(, 8; k' ( .... t '1'1 ' I J u 116 a uuDIt:1I fist was a!'reek ~ u . • R I( . . ' . . Age /ll ' Ilr" "'" ,nil ro", r ,,' C n I" J ' , . . . ' ! lrl' Mr . \\'111 . II. Full" r u l Ld'Jl nUIl •. OUT-DOOR "'/0 , I ,' . I I' arJ'l~ ClJr r"' !, ull CII"e, r.1':" l!',, .,,: , 'I' OJ ' /) ,01Ollr 111". "",. """ , 1111<1""".,,,,) . .. lIl1lore. Lat e nlld tht: COIlMllIUlu WIIS lflkl0 t: luna 1(\ '. • . . .' . .E .M .' .J I " tlilid '." Iorll' ,e r 11 11111 11 tl lI :I p""0" . 011 ,1 . UP, he r ""," u >l1(l' ('8'1011 01 II " .,,,,:,,, ·I..on":: ul'oI'U h" .. 8wull"d "" relock to 1 I J CIIIIIC, . III:; I " "cli n A /;:;. 1' UIIII• g . J{u . li e'11 'I. IIII'pa redI tu du ~I : I ''I II ' II '(11 11 t Nu v' ..llIr 0.· all I,> bit fiJl, ' ly !Iu d , V.I' Olle I\Io lliuli 0 .. 118"8. A "1'IIlIIII.' ,d, n8 ••II"I. ,"uanon W1lC II I.ua\' •ID" I'one part Uf luI. c 1' 0 hll~8 I,' I " d.llut,h lCI 01 I utit. n(!- . &C'" " dOli~ 011 1I II ..• j,uloil. C 1.1".1"1 . . • • t'l O an. c..:-tl, U n.U:-U fI . l'ih wlt l ,ullcC Ul.c.o II' l 1t3 uu :sl ll,ulluer. Ul'S t:1 ![HIV II 6 u l ..I I 11I1~ ry, bUC I :J!f 01 ' Ii 'ni l" illtl ~ lra l Pd Iintl tht' J\.tH~n7. r IH' 11 1111 1 n( \\ '1\ 1I' lio,,_ BIIIl!11 Lfl(.Ii~I· Ullu ~ UI~ CSw w"' I' I l(tJ u.1 rrum 110 I W/l g Oll, III . . ~J', ". '-'rl6L 111g On tl.e Ulh iU$L., I)f J lIil ll Fye, J. 1', Jil l)' 3 - 2 "LEAClIL[o.'(i. ' u1 (.' 0 c l,r, jn " ' J un 1(, 11 fill "SI p.1Jl" r. ",,01 11 1 .. .. II ·• J •." . I"J (0 f ' l kr I OJ I I",,~II. 08110,11I04"
Ao~ thug, wilb s food good.bye to
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II'e dl! k, Illid .. ~id ' ""ot! byo' 11 ~ LaK John KI~inb"ek '10 l)urOlu Y NuV\: 10\ ,,11. - -.. .' -.. , '\\1 u I' LtE~SI ~ G. n d I\,UI~ 'vr Io il.diIl l{ i III"" I"" U60111 6 vullI'lh' 1 t::"Jlt,ycrywlo('re K .--- e 'l' lll ••'J 1',1 1 .."' (', ,~,. Iur 1'0 I C'0 I, 1'c· 1 luulu (I t li le dUd · a '1• 0 f \,. IInell t;U Ulll ), . 1101 LCe o lltll\l'U froUl Biuce. M UOI'Il , II ~ '! 1I1'"I.DI llt u"elll , ... u{ th l' J . I ~ ~ l ' '1'~lJF\CTUnl~O 1' (: 1Ir 1lllOUght; ruay recovu. '=:10 sell our IMPRO VED '1!i211 ::;(' ,vlng ~ •. l' " . , ' i ' Y~nrly $3 (10 wit lo "pi 01 'fwD bllnll . C II £i. ,1 '"116 . 'I' •• rfC 1I0W lill~d". t)"d.' r '"111 10 11 "ho rlll ol lce, Dlld (II lhc 'uIC.1 llo ,h,on· " ,ful P urior I'>l,' ,.'1 B ll gro""I!!",1I' II P ack ·
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, bl u" IH ~ach. endyon 2.1 dure •• ""' ".H(f.rll "lil;" .O,I•.Iltdlillg , n lld at yo ui 1",011 .....Shul " "I 'II~tI \() ; v" &; 1 r", R, . c"-"li6cllle8, or1 rllllD $5 (or
; h i "l\,ornllol'~~f· f' "I .I.,,,,,lo r our e . ,
.\ .... ;.1 . ... 1"..1, are 01 IL e .1I0.t " ",,rul kllld.o'iv lI'j'J'o"I' lilllc! ARRANDALE at CO .• ~.~.......~~~~~,-",,-- -- - ~~~ -'- lI!,per le~tI. \V nrr UIl It'd (li e ~· e,.rd. AI:,:ve , ulol,' ~1 l' le. . . I "g,l ('''" lldlllll!.; ,(, ,,,,, Oullurd \,Vorlh 01 :3. No . l fi7 H'OOt.lWDY. N ew Yorle. ' , , •• hNIUlU' OF GOV. OORWUI.-ThO D 21' D . D Y \V 13 f! · I ·III ., fY ur :u'!,!e C"""I1I •• I,,"d . j "l' l o:::TA cl u oll'e 01 Tr imm ill!! • . 1 \:;.nru 1" lli l.• i7", U8 II prelillUIil lu (u&~ral oblil'quiee of lli o IKwenl ed I (ofc, 'jlll f I~}\rlon, LI I ') . d'~ , tllI l,Y 1II11 c1'III"~ ,,, IJ In U II ",·d fjl"ll'6 :or N.. IIV U 8 OIlU PUllq Arliclee un " " IIU. (' ",' 11 I:') uh. cni>" r. E lii'll addi lio nul SII II. er urmel y o . lIynesn" Rg~ oJiJ l , ' cd"~ , ('I I "'''' 511' '('hr~e '1'11 C h IrJ L I, , ~.~ II. U II ·OJ"40 • IV I.I e'!I IIr e IlIlIy Ii""n . • . 'l' ilu llklul II r Ille I,Lt ' rllll'"Ir""~'TC h!'r!:. ti c r" "' r '. ' I,eu ."" l '" . Y lR. ",,~ . . Oltlas urWin ·we\'e t' I\L 1#,,811011 \ )'''013,5 mun :h8 allJ )5 <.I")'~. ! HUllf'. \V"t' el!:'r At \ VoI,,, ,, , (l('(I\' er &: L111' ! I t~' d 'II ' '1' r I ~ I I'S he r I' U" ' I Jr "7 " U' fo' lve Cupil:lI lur $ I~ : ) d 11 It AU lu u n:! f'X e Uu e t 16 :5 ,Ir y IIJ d i ll 1':"00 \ ~ I .p HDvln2. hnd fourleell yenre' experience " . ' . estl'l' "y, \\ e g o 10 preas befoll; It Id On Ih e 20 lh ills t.. in 'V "Y ll O To wn· I I, cr. SII'I.: rr &. Cu,.' Ullt! IId"·. ll' r. I I ~u ll . I""t PIIIl l'uVnrij III IflplI"e 1\ II I rll~ure T e ll Cupif'8 lur :5~2 ; "1[11 the rlHllIUIII il\ tbe practice 01 ~lediein8, offers hi' I,olirible 10 report Ihtl ' proceetlillg~ ; !JUI ship, AlIll1b/lUl [lUII'IIl BD, Rgt'd IlG years . 1,t1 'l' r dlCllfl 1O " ('h lll l'~ IIrlJ 1;'I,rlll ge lllel: ~' I a ,·,.,)lII,IIIIfICt! 01 Il, e ~tllne. 10 escl l BlIh " :rIi>~r. , NGS DE"'ORES1' Profeuionel 8enicee to the citizenfl 01 It ' . '1'1 Ie Ue .1 ~t'Rse d r ellre ' ulltae\'. l:lIl11g , p i t<· I,,"d llo e sellt' r ur ocer 10 l I~' e 10 Urre8 ' \ \ Vu lIe ' vllte 0 " II 18 .2m Ad,lreSR W . H,N;"I;1: JU , -,'"afe 10 say Ihllt lJO occasIon 01 lu e lillf', ~ tl tl ilU pri ; ulIlIo en l. CIrClllar .. f,·ee- _ . b_ _ ,_ "- . • .1i3 DII OADII'Al', New YORK. . killd Was H e l' lItt eDlIiJd in \runcn "ioul. in Ilia u s uRI LII:n\th. onJ 1:\'t! II I A 'l d r"~8. 'or cu ll "P Ull l:)h " w & Clark, 1'l~ R~I)II{E!'O rICE. ::-l iugl .. l ; "l' i(" 1.1Ioile.) Irre on ~ecelptol COlloty \lith ogrClller uClDoDs(ratione 01 Rroae dUl illg Ihe lIig ht 10 rcpleui ~h the l BI,),h:I,:rd:. :lIN"II:"~'3tr6"C~ NfJ. 8:'3 nll~·~'~n';' 1 '1'1 ,1'1 8 I1H' klllJldNM in I'he \Va~nesville "rke. B3Ck l\IIl1lberol, 8181,eclf08ul, Iu ., NIlIV 'YorK; Y . . 'lfler .,t , II u e· I \VII I T ' ke COn, )lullY ore cenl s respecL and 1lI0uruillg. · fire; but in Ihe mOI'ning Itt! Wfl6 (ounu 'I,j li u' No 1,· I.olld.lllrd's Ulo('k , C hi(l/ll(o, ftlU ,. ".1 !fi'.t: l l!lI IIrn pl 't ' r Ui I' t:!I,iendid P remi ums era offered for G '· ' . 'f " ' . ~ F U· . ' hereuy 1101 1 (' d Ih~1 on EI ec lO ll ,or · . . r G hi I' All ~v. Corevin's rewaius "ere pllid',dc "'Illl h c eXlInc L, llll\' lng pusse d a Nuy , I! I.! Nu. )10 W e" . our,lll ~r,;, ln CII," " \ re!;lors ali lt! com llM rty •will be I'e l(l at Glo"~, COII ~ I' IIII~ 0 U . ell&, ,uQ\~•• r IILmost lJiuwr by tile . higliC8t meO!" in appare nlly, withou t " Qll'ugr:: lc . 1I!,Il, O. ;No 8 Spauldlug d F x~~o:'y_e, Ihe Store of A . .L" Atllrnm & SO li, ill I y~llrly 8~~i,r ll~:,~f18 L~rrr~le 'D~I~r~:~. tl '. . M r. Bowmnn \\,111 boro III ' · V·Irg .llllfl. . L1 l1 ifulu, • . • I II tl'i'V-ey.buto on 1\Iulld.y ;lie 8t b u( JUII' ZlIle9, . "d _ . .t18 nattOl1 . aL Waahiuglon aad our " "66'" .. , Ololhos.Wringcr8, .l\ll1l1le.D u xtls. IU4Ilulle, 1Ih oecDUntrYIlIJ. I ' d K k ' I n A 1110N 'I'U !---.'\I!P. IILII wunl' l un Y, lIS · s . lhchin.R it(l1I1the~eepeaLrcl;l , efuigrllt... to eUl uc )' 1n,·t· lf: year lu ilil! etjlur SIX EI!TfULY I!t;'V A.RTI- I ' Hy orullr 'or thp Pre~ident, unR, JWln g "1 '· Pla I IilO' ~retcthOetc' 0.' ingl.or :aorrowat tilt: 1; .. of !o · I1mi" CO. ant! fr Ul tLeDCc 10 Wurre n COUlllY, " L~S l' ulI' Ioul . AclJre~t! O. 'I' (it\lt~y, JOI<:L ~\'~NS; & c. I Anyb1o, ~ cr~::.ne:1 y IIccure o .e , • . • De c. 12. ' 1865 . buvo rdO .. . ' .\ ~ d. . ,~I. IoII : nv rd',, (: /(, 1 tl : 1\j GUlP. Ilellt I'tlatesUi:\Di ., . jll' 1 1G, ."'lJ ~ r c Iuc \,ua~ ,bin cc r~~lu e ll')' ' L!I - .
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L.I IGREENB1~Kll~....rA1tE ~oe~
~i,:~'~:'~l~~~{~r~:lt:~~~~~:iJ~:.r,,:ed~'I'O)ro, FocDlTAHl~_~~SL~~AYS " 1$2.
Jackson's Peetoral By Tb 1 !lnt 01 all COIIll''' 8y'Up' , 1o,
An<.l ,~.Io u . '9IgIIIO: alld pO, on ra, 'e. Ao.1 r.d. 1l'0 ) . wvrld.," . .. ,,1., I,~ .. flo.u COUll. lu ljreUIb)"'.· h"" -Ow BAU-AD
UZJl!UT'!' • 'KINTZ,
The I,OI\8e of n llu nquet. Slruud & co • P urie, hBvo Ih e tlll!o\!l.r8 01 1l,'lI lv un UlIIl!
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D e.cd'l l •• , (;nb O~U.,. (¥.' hlch co ntn ln A I>hologrftp u. cfl',11 our di fferent 8 (}l e 6 ' 1 t ocel ol ll Y/l tn prlc ea. t lo o ne s " o~ I Il pur C' l lI.v,e .r I 8 ~ ~ \l IUSonl «acti n.' tiJlD CUl n .. U .• I 0 I ogue' .. ¥ ~U.fl .,. )" ra'Q.t W itho u t number, hDV~ , ~ef,)1I .W llrdClld to the Gr o veeteo ll P ,
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1,,1 11"_ Ir rl Jrol l ::!ul ,llIlId e 'l n1n c llr uuu<l peorl " II •• g \\dll lJ lllHI" " I]f. 'I"t u dlf IIItJ tll~'t've lUII II,II!i ul t!lf' lIl il'l t
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UII .(1 " n J Wowr n . lJje\r }'hye lol" " y It'unCllon, Gild fle!'t u ml u'Nordrra u f kll'!! , WlLh ne .. ~ r.f'''Jnll R eml'ei ,es fo r Ihelr edy cu rl! , 1'hll pro c i ll " of Dr Hun \tr haft I ~ o :r hen, a nd 61111 II, unbou(ldod, bUI n Hill e. -r.~li t _ollcllal lon of nll ~lelou8 P ~r30U1l. he 4l lloK t)e c n loducI,t!lo .x lentl h i. mad". 11"0111111(118 IlnoliCh Ihe medium IIf !ail 'Vade Mecum .' It II 1\ \loItH.!'~ thlt ~ho'tld be IQ tile h antle o f ev ery frllldv i ll th o land, I i 1 prev e ll i lve 01 \lIce. or "9 • ~ uld e (or the ,lInl.llolI 01 olle o( the /ho .. II IY /ul Illd c)utruellve scourges that evpr Y1 811 e~ mankind One COI)Y. Hor urely on,!elopeu, will b Q !orw or.l pnrl 01 tlte 1'\1, free II I po.tar-t, 10 Uliited ~ 1 "tOI lor CC"tl 111 P 0 ~ tDmp. i\d<frCE!ti, p08\ p"rd, 1fR. HU N T E ft No 3 DIV, UIOII Strpot, New Yo"(, IJ- Ir
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JIIUO l. old J\ •• k fI'O<1 \ '.l CnUI". 3U(0 l . ol d O YIII BlltI, IIIIIIl,I,u ~ OOO (j u l" I.,I,,, •• dB •• co l<,, II> r .. tor. 2000 CIIO,el '"l1 v & G "M'oI Clon,n.
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~()UOuLol k 'l "doU I 'I'n l "
Dr, Harvey". Golden 1'1111.
A rcmed) rOI Ip~c l " 1 CI,tPtI (1') 11, IIf'rce:~ ;) uuu LUck 4l oJ l.r l\I, u"l llr. , ," ollg( 'I"" "lh •• I",,~ "lIIcc *~I'<r h o: ~ O IO t; f '<.l, ' O O I ' \ ' 1" . C.u"... &'c J\ l·r".I.CII,uluflO i, " .. ,c • • 1\1110 1'"0 a lia , ,~:;~ !J"~:;~~~~:'I.\: Ig ., . 1011 ' 1' .1 VlI l]; ra llllg., tum Iree UII ' " o. 'l'l 01 ~, 10 I (II) '" , . IJ"II Il<l "I ,~,'l R 11\ • rU f t tltltllvt, l oIi"-lIml . tHup lOOOO(. ... ilh.l " l1\lJ . ~\l I ,ull l \~II:. t; 'lIdl,;r I )t lfA n\I \' ~ I ' I, \u l fl. ud drfJuccJ t otelllll l ... . , lUO I II
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Ihe Wh,ch I hdl When f
BITTERS, \' ICIl or 800t', I'I ~ nL'. IIrrb~. nUl" !' Ant !IooI!~. IIIlltll baft bun foun t! hl o~ 1 I (feet.'" &1' Innl: lIledlenl n~lenn. In UO" ,., t 4u ' '"Iol.I' e Togi. pr operll n III r I l le \ 111;0' lIud fUr lnl tbe .bole /'lim , .I~nlll. 'fbfflo 1111 1. .. are Ill. !>OUr mAn'\ n/.tll~ aIIllnJ: IDSIlY dlJ.IOr8 S! well III Ibe rlClb mDD'~ ,,"I Gte lId
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Inlr:~nlla, ,he \I rl!k Dnd dr· b' Illl':lIO«. ' r lfll C ....., mri nurbull. m.k. In;l .. Uft .r III l'1tl'J . ,Ul or llba llo)rd tllllo) IIIIIDI, Tbeu Billei'll "lI t i>t<:11 II· I' edu ce". anti are belllG' u.t., nol nat} In lIle lIP VIlAI-. bNI Gmonl{ Ihe . \lldl< .... M BG c.;' pell~ep. 1011 It. liD' r f"Uhll. r or Ill e 8)llfelll lliJ'll8ihm'I Ib~ Army er Ihe
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i. 'Il.m .& tbi. L Lbe Diat
Sortk. UJ !lDIl IIl1b lb to!1!1tnt of Ibf bl"hest I:Oftr8111.nl .illboflty, In polat <If SIHI:11I I wI II '1~1'ftnr~t! DlJ ""- ' ! ePll ",,,tal • • larlf~r propo,lIol1 of re~ IRl'4 ldl\IIJ II ~ telll'D tij tlad IIPlllttI Iban nn} "lItf MlOmuth Blurts In Ibt taMtLel . ftnd " tomparlilon "nb elbtl'll " will be "". AI ODer. II..' IlItt .111
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IU(IUO Ut.!II , llll " I\ lt11 lt lh l hOI\, ,' • • v ~ .l H YAN, CO Ii SU/ "J W ,l'h] l ' tlOtl gU Jd Pt It 8 \\,," !rO ldll .J hh l :1
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"1I'tInglt, HJld UPOB Irl.1 "III br fo,,ca.d more ~mrle nl. th an 011 otbel'!; IhfT art .,S'~a b l~ Ie lbe tll~ 11', IlI fl!:'llrl\llal{ III rlTrd. 111,,40 of IXOdII !aBler ... I-. IIDII a1\, "rUde tblll all 1111 SU'tumrrM pU~tb.ur " Ie .rrulll1 IhllC " J Ib tQ,ua l ~'I . I.fBfl\," I tI enr11l08y tl')' tMia, "nil fllIT ,,1II'l/t> lu lly ('IllH lo~a or 'he trlltb or tlie &bon
\V.ebm l
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The " In r (; N)\\,fI't! of Ihe \\ rill hun .Is· rOTCI'l'd Ihn! oller Ille ( il ln lfbn.grtl"" i.a1 )Iddr' lilt dellclnlleWloC80 blghITprlr.rd: on r' ,rt4I .~I) line na\ o~d brnlldr..... >JI!'\I<I"K ret< Ol f d,lflllll III OP~Mll'I'. fall 'e eslmClcd b} cI&rcl\i l dt' IIII1\lI cn. Ht lnll' ne, fogrr 10 ulh nn('(' any .'s, cmer1 Ibllt tendK 10 un Imprulnaulo(
.tone ;' IHr, tha& that b.61 Ibo Orle and 1,0 ( IS no on plea.e.
!WHICK'S CIlUIC~ \\ mig&llijLOltS. lilt Ma n llnr, ~Ddilion or III~ pII""r,\." CUhOt, b\", rOD 8 IrO 'I C~ i!" !,c nq:l ~~ U, tl ll'lIll t C!OJllJt. R'IIIM, of 1\ IIt(U"'" nlodtl. Ihp ("Iawllll IIltil whltb be " "I1nd), lu 114 gre"llll\l pll r \ll. rel"lnl •• Ilil lhDMe med ical qUI\Il\"~ for ... l1kh II murh VllIUfil IIlId r~cemml'n de d br V ~lIth . fhrrrr, SII,dl8ll.aud
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from I ht ~t1rruUJuJfnZl "tnt') I\r~, "'nl u l ' tth: tHlI."·'~ l !on,o.(a.",," •
pro rnl r "'l
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IlI k., l l . " (1,, 1 J;ll li ls I ~U I), Ii dl pl " IEe ' ~~ II\ :"'~:fI')"l:~ 1,"11 I IIJ lle ·, 1 , 100 I" "t C III d ll " , p (. 11. I ' CI,r ([) p r~ . I' " /101 _ '"nrl'I" mo) 101' r"lHld JJ uullng L e v t!r ta, ond.re r c olly bnl1d somf! \\ l lt: h, O'll lIIo nd HIIl J,l, ,rUtl} '''I< . 1" ,," .1,/ (' I ' I II lI,rs ::;IIII\\lolrr\ J" all I~ . (r I " , 'I 0 1 VIII e.l llu l ~ "" 'P llt 'II ,e vereDIl . l~ n~ ,, \\ . 1, \ I \; J " . 1 \ 11!H (l IIII' 01 Ih p lr IIr,l£r I r H"'~ " \'\ ) I'l l·I·.II ~ rlt v I 8I1dt.lcbl rublc,blltleO £* Xllct on 1IIIIlI'tl()1I 1.l 1l 0 1J 1( I.oIJ ..... I O ho l l in , Iw l lt 11 ! ""' ~ 1 I , I t.c:r- [ 11~ Pfl~ t~t'1U tltlqul1l l '.Yo Ull rU(tlu ! lIr. ' prl li b ... .. " til, fM q lu ll tl'tl'~\ ' lbpr ~' 594 Bron.dway" N,H;-York G of go td lullotJ eft dc te (.ll o n 'J'I lh ( \ !.; l 'I ~U lhHI1 0 ilC tl ,nu:' " , I IIIII ' llltrt l ( II III Ul'I\III UPjll l ls ty - I '; l J8t.HS \\ !tv r fl ll l l1 t ltr lr 1111'11(1 \ ht' ll.cel I J • I e IH u v e .t I e I1 n ull c t: rlOI I I • I l U I (I I ment It! mO(ltafO( tur cu b,. 111 (' \ II I I II '0' ".'" r I It 1 411 , 11 \ • , l l lIlIu tt· - -- - - - _ _ _ _ __ _ _ t.: ( 0 I re et 1\ I' 1110 \ I) lillie hI! I H(j) Bn" . , II I' ~ ' ~ I ' I J 'HI.!"s I! 1\ ' I.r m 111" tIlt, St J \v ~ \ t1 dl0WIl '" H . 0 I}\\II - lie ItJr i I (" t il l'! 11 \1 I I f1 DU T Jill E Fill i\l ",.c r IIteh C vmpIJIl Y or Bllr o pt' .1,,," Ivrlj;2 " ",I, I lr $J ,,"1,. 10 11,1 ,: AJ.B01"(·S ('ILf,S , n 1 111 flNl 1111 v~' lI<t l'IBE and "r~ iUfl 6 rbl y hUI&heu, hflvln g o n t! r:lV('Q 11111 1111, "",X I, five: l ur $10 \\ lilt I, ' UII- "". "t In lll (;UIII})Otie cJ "i III:,! h ly C'onC: (l lllr I I@.I f' X __ 10 cllJ~,d ut 11 (' Pf P " 1 lit \ r I f pal le l8. IOllcy cQrv ~d urtdg es. UlllISI,", .1 1<<.1 lor ~II" .. ," ha wl V II' . 1"" '"1 10 l ilt d<l I 'rn c t ~ ('0111 rUU' 8 II 11J ,, _" '" " I t i" "" h," 11" , 1' ~ " c U l llli d ~ d"ur III II .. PI III.d,' I / \\' 0 JlOrl,~,tl n tl) tl es lle ,1'0 allcl\Il!un of regulat o r. I\lIh gold balance. nlld tl'e Iln~ Ie' up of II, . dult II lc dl CI ll UI \n lUI', 1I,I,dllui e III 1110 rll~~ ~: 11'11111 ~ tl lBUllY Ll e ll il i/!, 1', ,, ( a ll Pllll r r. pcove d Jewulled Dcll o ll, Wllh Ilile dlul Blld wh ~ ,~!cln'~ "Bnl ed ,,\ I'ry" h c , ". 10 0 II JI o u .c~ 01 1!l 1I LI\ e r, ur OilY " croll! ' P_ - rll l1 :,:c') III ",.lI grn I " III I" ~ III[' u n thp "r- :\'f TIlE LADIES ~k ele toll hond a, alld 18 WQrrolited I II I <II II1,d u""IlIlIlU ' ~" ll vr"d AJd , ,, . '" 0 1110' Ihp D lg(JS 'l veO'Il"" 1'1 /.! 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Cor odu l l/ els~ ) lik e Its ~ (, lIerld m/l l ~ "I' be ller l flO W rI/ E~TNt T) , F o r Ihe T il ti e I, lI /1 n.l kpr c hlef~, ~ 8 'n~Je on.o IVill bit &ellt In I hnlloaOll1P ulle pil i, In IhA morlllng. children hall ~ IlInn tl~ut 01 lilly P'l'er 1 hQ\c ev~r leen HC(l lltll1!l Dnm H~ . Warllf or~cco C080 lur 825. will r cal:ily sell W.Il Y N ESP 1 I. I..E, 0 HI 0.' pili. f 'om Ohl! to Ihree pille will ........ rh ,e! p. ure 111 ' halle" t sentlmenl s ). II I L D I:: II ) A ftJI1 r •• (,I" Alr. or llreo tIm es their enel. We are sole ordinary t 118e 8,aod from ODHo three ~ure Allen!. Ir e 1!1ffiLJ" I.'hero JVOIIIc t! ;0 "e~ Coli 11,11(1 exnnllll!! 0llr \<,arfO'tlr'. ~~"'~18l lo~ thl a watch in the Unl,ed TERMS, CA~_"DVANCE. e8 Will cure ony curab le CBRe of 11 0 IIlkl~X- "I' Ch!b~. wb t>.recl' lve mogli lfiCellt Prc~l' nn none are tenulno which 110 a how lo ng 81ftOlh ng PrlCO 81 b er ume 10 Vmes, PlulIl~ En(!rAYIlI II C I Svll: 0,/ J) ltOSEBEltR.y N&A1.. 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A Inoel ~1 \l alJle /;IlId wonderful publica110., A. IVQri of 400 PD llu. Blld 30 cul -
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' li t III \\on t uf IIclici ca of J " I, e " v l U ll llI l~II Ut Lu ,Joe. pu llll" . 1IIt' c~b} 10. 1 II l1d \\ Oll l,! p,e fe r ", il erWll r r , "I' IVI II ,,' 11.1 'C(, II'es I,ur .ule-, I I. r .'\~, c (' rll (" ule re w rI,e ,\ 10 ''' , I \ \I I' Y " c h <' II " C. ' 1.'.1 "'I o[ CII,' " rS OC Billie, ! n', 11 t I f Y I f) 1, II,bellu lll lIlIycil , sl.'tlulld r lultil U " " "rpc c l ptuIJ !)(' I,, .wI IlC hp u)9foc ~~" I A (') rTS II ' ,. IV TElJ ", rr , '1I0 n ~ I(, II CI' , p v.I"gC . e tc. \VII 80llu·" L ' • ." . , I t>l'"' ""II ", N -SIY N . .. \_O__ l~ C,I, , f ,I U, 1 ~ I I U r ., I 1 r I _ __ In e t l'r ) por f) II' II l r( ~llf'R nll !, 1,'rl Celp t o ~ 1.1\,l{lp8}I!'Orcnr - \Vlllr ol!lt ul,v 1'~I "rtll ll\f"e f rolll ,il cs}' , iJ~ I'r ' \lI leC ', ,",,1 to IIllslI c h \Ny I I ~ c I I I ~ d l '''''I< ' "c, I U"UI;" dc, IVO ti e uJ S l~ I 1I 1" "t,·tI,e lli " Wi ll h ~ o ll ,lnd. IIIHI, on I' lI utlC"I I Pm D"p I'{" o f l hl! l 11 11 11 ') (J ' g"'" II/I ~ 1'1(1111011, n CIrCUI AC II I l e n lli ... dl bp loc ' II p'' " r " Cl' l!'t o( $5 , \\ 1111 11 0 (1)8 fl. r c o r III ~ Ic ,' l11 h .1" ," 0/ 11 1~' IPI\ I(}II . at 11.t lp I' ~- , \\ III1J (l d ' V C pr t' rto: r I)lo n (' V tH' 11 t i n P I~ \ r p ~ p 'lI l d , fl U ' I p U:) III I::' t \ C . \\ U \\ I d 8e lI t! j.lP. I\ ~(I I \1 1\ ti! 0 r 1\ () l h ung' III t!u" I ;, 11 (1 lJ u 1 O fl, ce Onl p, s where IIII' Y C U ll lJU U hllllll~ lt \ 10 1l,.lIe_ 0 111111 h Ii 10 ~lIoHe lll vu lue .1 III \ I I o r I)v Ihlll, Dr uf II, nur llnt ~ r AtJ ~ ~ ' l I 'I "' I I I t XIl" s ur O. c<lmpit' ll'ly s up c r"cti ll'': \iI .. ,,, \ 'Vorl" oV<'r On 0 Mlllinn Uollnn 1 All J , < ' , "" eo s l ,"II " ". II. 0 8b 'll l' e U Oil' to be ~old , .. I $1 • IIcli, ,,"b"lt t n. ,oi l u ru e r" 1o (Iur .~eucv. Wilidl 11,11 he I ~lIn "I Ullplensnllt ~1lt! clnIlU ('r( HIS rrm pti l,'s co~Ilf(' til \lIltll' ! N .. t 10 b e l'Hld lUI coud ll ' I,'d hI' I {I " ,n cre"' ll t o f S I i' II Ill eil pn y~ rO I pUlbu "lid .\l,·rclJrv. III I II 1I f1 ,. Ih u,e UII ulltil lOU lulOW w bllt '<111 IIru \0 re· Mt~ 'R . JA Q U, E T . S·I'EH.I.I ~:G &. CIl C" "po ' M d, II CP. ~ 1J, t " .! " . ('1(' . \~ C 1\1 11 1'1CII~a ll ~ III1U tlulI!lNu ll 6 dI8t'a:e.o cOIvel I tsU £lrllaU\\ IlY, N~IV YL.k 1.( ," I I ', U ''''' ILe. IlIteIII :-;O L I U l:ilLVLH SI'LI ,NIJID J.IST 01' An'rIC f.l:s. 23 fI rn \'\ I L II.lrYI ,' I II ' " IlIlIl' 2:'0 Sh i lL! S .h (Jr [) I ltlll ~ !';cl " ~j6 t il ~lOn ~ " ~ I~ I I l l:L~1BOLD'S ; ')0 :>, ,, . , :>" IVOI Sl\lIlll ' rn, 'v 10 ". t" :111( 'U "C Il( or Ctrl , nr .. 01, ;\u lul ~I 'Y u ' I ,. :,,, . (o ,"\llel " aU \ 0 "petla IIU II llIICCIU(,Ut. A!! _I,," ol""H J II I"rr~ ( ,If It COII ""I "IU Il l a" I{.,.",u o"i\I I\ "c B •• c. ,3~I\ I' . 7 .. " & H T ANTHONY & CO U} 1l I' IC It ' '' ') Cll lI (l I ,ke$:';)l\~cl"l' 21W Mll h"Il"Il) 1\1"". IJ Ol ", .I I I"" JU I.. ' I A Jll r ~66 p hli ll V 2a t}U ul dlhUtl l llg\<' Ul( ih.:t i.J l u PI ' f'l & R t Z.,OL"tf IIJ. I' lI alll ( ,"' ,I\I " ,CIo .. "O lu \\IIUL ~8J1L E AJ< O IHTAIl \. , . ) B orIIEI . ~IIO (jell " lI"n'" ,o :',," ' Wh, e "c. a~ 10 ,llumcj'icl1lr erll I!I } ' !W /O!lIU/J!U C Jlute- 1~ · 3", U Ul( 1, \('1 N e lV-Y o rk C ll y LOIJ U plll(U C t:~ II \' l l \\ lllth ..: . :l!'J l o .. - - - - - .. - - In all cnPlS or tla t·U rl nnrvf} "g ln jt , \\ 111.' I III", •• ,111. u.1!'20 r"r
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Non-retenhon or Incontinence of l ~ ~o ~ 10 e p ,lre, 118 wt! pro. 1 "'''6, Ihsl Ih ",} ho ve ol'cnetl nn Ag~'hcy Jll ilhe Tltl, , ~ " n .. ",v N v k I I I ( U nne Irrltatlon.IIlflammation b (; ,,! r ffom 1'~1I bl. person a III elly of cw .. or. fur \Ie sa e o ' ,elc 1YI I' t 'Agents" J ' curt , NEW YORK '1 T:"RCUR'1 WIOel).klli.lW Il J e \\c l r v. \ VUI<l IPS . & c. anUlac UIers · . 01' Ulceration of the Blad dcl or I l hll ~ I:*,_hootl, lind p prmllt od It 10 11 , '. .1 I lontl lu r Ihe pllrpo s lI of 11111111 .. Ih ~lr .. vud . 1 h P I l urn t ~ Ir,,'" "n ')lif 0'71\ pr~mlR 8. .• ..., 'fiR' Kidn eys, Dlsenscs ot t e rosJj J:jo!l'tITT fa PRIII 'I' %; TWENTY·EIGHTH YEAR. .s pXleR.l vt) ly kilo, II Dllu nl'prellnleu II I ur .&.~ e'W .&.'t'~O • , _ _____ _ ~___ Ih~U llll eJ::;I~I"8n8:ll ey ,,,,IV nrc. Uilli l _~ I tateOland, Stonemtheblo.dd t>r · 1 T u! •• ~ 1 d ......lln Cltbl n et OrIn rO llllllen rllll{O 1' ' ' ' Y••,r, " h"h . Illl ltk. 1111\0 uee" Illr over 70 ypnr~, In Ellror~ One of CUll' G41I.1I) or "'ILVElt Calculn s , Oravel or llnckd 1St !;R"., ',1":] _,f " " t ••• ~ . ~.I. "I~,I 10., ,", r.d 11 0 III" U~" "I. IIIINI., e ••,o, :. III,d. o " r .. h\l l .. I h",) have tlet e rrnilletl un u plol1 U} \\ll l, h ""lches 01' lOo ll\' ('f I'va ~c l!j f h ... d .rt'''''fI''~ ' 1< : t ' ,,' \0 ~~1I0 •• ct,. lIqr g ll >1 <0'111111 I. e I " " , 111' 111') 1'" •••• ".1 1k I I d II • , Depo:nt. and all dIse ases 0 L e " t, .. . r-.7vl.lJ'l 1 '\ IJ "n-4 UAL\,\, o r ,ttu: r WI1,' eC' ''tH I 11 1 t he I'lo p ll r t JI"r I) ' t il .. I\qlll: "o u r II IHI TlCH 0 e rony \1I ,a t 18 U \11 - I ,or c,:,!, U!I IJcaO\~ ~ l., d. d d tl llSl cnl h"l pr_,' .. ?" . " . . ~.~ I: ' " CII " ,,,.I ,,' C"I , ,,lUll ~ !""., """ !,".'"cy PBI'fr 10.1( I. lYe lage tlf th e ir 61'1 e ,"ItJ 01) Ics A, a pr e ll - , bla.dd er. kl ueJ8, nn 10_ • kl .. ~u" .. ", ,~\I 1111 l ' t nl ~ •.) ,'; A II '\~ I to Oll nOdll., II ~ Iollo ". II. " ," 1.11. <111 11 1 ' m il 1Il l lIn,y. lillY \\ ()\lld r <' lllArk "lIll IIIPV IIIBII Olle o C nur t!'D SI.'t8 or OIlP pi ere "lour swellings
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WAYN ES VILLE I WARREN COUNT Y,......:D..1Jl:.L:--D...Jl.El.J..)lJ;!NIj...JE~'S).j1)~A~Y ..,,.,JI-i.A\:.!a:N"t1U l:t.llt\RRTY{--:3t;,IIt-sB616t)~ . )'on ;l1i£ ~G"Z"l"j;. .. Tribute to. Favorite old Fft_n ......... y Boree, JIlt. 2S Yeare. OjU'. pOo," old C~'a :U;:: al .. ! . lla I _ Ie . dead ! Jle br.eathed .his lalt breath 00 a cold, . wlnlry bed I . . n e h1Id JUI I re Iurne d to hII I onl:-cberlBh't1
'I had,' he said , 't he hono-;- ,,;d I P euure of l eniuJl "ilh Mr. Thomas A . Marsllall from 1133 1 10 1835.' Mr. Marshall, lhiuking he had rn et one of th e old familv se rvan ts wh o had ,!. ' run :""ay • Irol11 Kenlucky 10 frE\e· dO.m In Obio, was aboul to pI,' bim J wltb que stions, bUI found no way of gettin~ a "ord in edg.,w aYI · 'fb e coloretl man 88k d in r'd . . "r'er tb e 'iBriv~le memb:~~ o/~I~~e;lIa::i~ Iy, spoke foe llOg ly and famililuly 01 old 11 umph rey Mnuh"lI, Ih.e helld of b K k I e Il Dlue 'Y MIluh1l1l [amlly. And at lall, a.8htl LII. e ~l! nll ll maQ if h e WIU IIcq"~lnlli d "lib r. Heory Cl"v. 00 MlHlhall rllplying in tile a ffir·matl' ve I I d • ~l:o~:~oll:elllegll~J~dllemfoarn .blle~al~ll~le tcerlol'"idn
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$2,00 A-YEAR.
10 bp~in .~'~b l ub,ieC:la parluc ~ • ~ lly 1,' Ulple w·~ s occa. ·lo ned by y'I,'IL'lng the Lebanoa Rnd "11~lIn Lho reac h of Ihe mi nd or Union School. Mr. Kinne \hou hi .. I, gene~al11 kno"l1 M Qua- tile pu pil; thou ~h t obj ect-I eacb iog the W8 d id noLaccomplish mucbYin 'he ~8' ftl Jon g'dt r tThlH n II ny I mcn ns b~ tit ollicul illed to iucreaa6 the cuasion of lIuch que lltionl aL Ios'itlUes IIdltorlal Miscellany. t a cla8~. "I -erson8 In t .e wor . Ie v ~ry f b . .1 ' . ' N y f Q k b ' b 1pVWtr 0 seunLton an .. concepllon , a, Lhe .very pe rsons we wisbad 10 ruc ». I ' J. !'V · ORK. Dec. ~2. U K e~ . rll1gs up e /or~ ~ ho , "lid III prep lire th e way for wl'iull n ex ' " oro .elU um, if ever prelen'. He 'Il"'Ie pefllohl ' I ,. II I f prm.lng ' .' ,.raoLs oa .. ba st IS d lupposed . t WI t!J ' na Ihe. F rench em d tioMl . on d" of eq uan ,Iml :v, . pressions of Illo u.!l,), •• ,It~1 e~ Ie p "n 0 h~m.e ~ ~ noy uad ~y alhe ~M lln~l~n II 80 much ~ I\- cornp ur" . a~ q Ult·t Ig llllY '- :c./he Ie · By obsernlioo seemed Lo iRiply not tlle sllllj ~o~ and leating Ih em I' gloo Whe,.., ~ mJfor.t.ln l moidow.' be o(len . one 0 ~ n gr~sa On Mex· rll ne mmlUI ~I unce our ~on li ence, lbt! Ul ere IIICl8, bUI reasonin g . ill con- , cri es a nd aLorel. 10 b. diltribuled Wbe~:~I:upl~~lle Ilid down to ru ' on the :::f,ea~a~~8,w t"~1 f he ~I$palcl!td an "I- our r pecl, ,,; u our 10\·tI .-fhe brave ; ntclion with the aC lion o[ Ili a sensu. throug bout tb e counLry. pror. Har. • oi l ,: . • his mluter e~I!II:~I I~ &ttUC llon8 . from life II ; ne an ~~ ~~e g~«:,d .. I n . (lI~t, ,", ould lhus makt! the prilnari an a rlIlU- ford epoke of the eurpri •• 'of Directort That long .w81 the acene 01 hill glllllbois N Y k' .\ h ,II e Ie remilin a at 8~ re b. 18 our lIg 1 st '1: 1II1~' ; It 19 ouer. or in OLi. H wortl e, a ph ilollop bur. "lien IIIIOU a perUli,~ ion wu alked, ow· or untt 6 I:arns wh ether h<: liud h I A ud a~ \", sboul d allll Ie be Pror Tuft s of Mai nille f II d I . t l I to ' f [ th .lr ~dl. _ .. is to Will.ldrll '" or no I. S hoald N"po 'll nll.. ro . , iu "II qU lllities . poaaible .to rull .. d~tlli\i l\g' I"A '~;"" C"II"I6'u ,uow cb ~ oeo"nYvl ~rg•• t~,on~at~"aeLr LIIAIU Il!horuomb o hel'm Nur . c lc c~( C n t", we 10Irn he Ieon mnk e Ib e en.orcement ~ ( I ... d.' , ,,,~ u,m ~ ~ • v ~ vU ~,. g. 0 I Ie Mo n · milD. I. uur ulJ \.I) cu lIVale . ennuy. m .. t wil" in ~lIis fl ald ur l"bor '" II 1''' d f h ' "h h "I~ ralle d ; I h II' b . l'k I b a uti" it I~ro o l ' th r · . • ." u W" It· .... or "war '" en t ey 'fbere, .o r l c~n 8 lUre-IQncl. , I:e oft. times roe . r~ aly R ~au,u8 t I. e IS I cl~ to ~u . "" l ' Il ~ • . en g bO co ~pl"lU e d. \\.At 111l, .,ulllor of ll.e a,,· en;ag"d him La "".on their 10nol)I, bu' • 1~ \d .ltrlZ ' . preClpllate 11111 own filII. for ~Il e Mexl oa n ",. - h 7 " d II ap~lnelll. .t a,. ID qlleatlon had not 4Jllrriud tue Illb· if ba wn. "iI1ing to Admit tnat be WAS .fi oi iilJleep • k'I',., 'JaJtAeleep',on the'bltlk or war bae alwaya bOOll. unpOJlula r i o d ,Oti Il lie lowar J!l~epa~lIlIon for tllat l jeCI (lir en oug h; bad not g ivell llis no' Ih ey would have 10 look for some ' ~. F rance, . nu the Emperor IItand s 011 I he a ler • "'hoee dur ••IHln IS endJlI1S lind view. ",ith reg RfIl to liD "lin but ,I e 0 Ih t TI t . t ll Which gently ·alide. by . at the (OOL o( tbe of ·Ii.tene~ •. wbo h"d Gllthered 8rouou, \'e~ge of a "olcanic erup~io~. "hieh r,, · wb o , q~ .. lil! i• .lli iss r 'fhat aer~n~ty I'oundluion of tbe titru!lurl:!:.lulCl D~t Or~b8 te=:~i thei~(j!lIrWr~a o"IOuit~h~ hill. . 80q)6 ~ellllnI S C!! nce. of Henry Cllly,on6 qU.l ree only 1\ Ipark to IgnIte. If \ ye of ml I II a culliv,,"le charaoterlsLlc, com Ill leil Lhe odifi ctl . ( . . 0 e When frienda who lll\'e loved blm shill or "lIlcb h., began by Ibe remark, ~11l"tI Wllr, the Loarts of ha lf Ihe .Aml'.r . i~ .de ~e;ra.tod by ,Ibe .eristeDct! ur tile P~of. F. ml\<ll! lom~ expillnalor reo ~:lvn~1 ro:; g:~:~lIlh~I::I~!~~~:~la~~~~~; pu,8 where he II~ • When 1 wa. in CODgrolS wilh Mr. IC8 11 ,slorek~e?en anuall .Llle ladles will l'r1lln . 1!Ioo1~IY •. rhelr rounde.r. Wtl l'e ma rk., ~tlltiog IIIIH Lite lubj ec\ ol'Pri. Ilnd lSCUIsiug wifu tbem tbe uriou. Elllotjo· ., of IOrro" in tbeir heart. wiil CIIY-_o b.e fLIed "Illi eOOSler.nRtl~n, for from I . ~e~ III b,rlll a.ml, habtls and mllry Composition' oDI)" bad been Ill' metbodl of illl roviD thair u ill, aDd arile! • You ill Congres. witb Mr. Clny?' I:rllnce come_the fnsliulD s In remalli " I.. IIle . .. bu t CO ~ vlollons or cer· aiglled him; thnt ir Lile suhJ'eoL bad romoliu the p cod!r their P.thool. iQ Jo'.ru~~~~, old ~ha.rlie! We well know, gi~~::?rlt!d ll .. rshall-' You in (Jon· IIro . ~hl! fabrIC' . ~lId ll.'e tliouIRnd-and · oral nnd pracllc,,1 truths. came been' Advllnclltl Composition'be &bould ~ve ry rIl8~eci. g Tho d. i.en wOllld 1'hu wII" aeld na leen .0 noble I • Y ' . . M . Olll! llIok'(Ja~, WlllCh, Imporled nt out\e~. and thl' y emerged IOta a IUiVe Ir"M eu tho maltcr VQly different· be amply compen~llted lor ~l the re. Ileed I 0 8, B1~ ',res, sir. 1 namo 18 rRgI!OUI , prlCell. tempi money out o{ re, th oy PUL 00' th e old mRn Iy c.I I I . Tom Corwin . uOIlt'..1 pevplc 's poclitilS. 'fhese article! s dlled. Illtl therti upon (ra tI .p ntlV e z~ a I Ie LeRcber would carry PIIILU, '1' C . I' l' I' b mu rof. HarforJ. of Mllrro". next en· with him on his reLuro lo bi. acbool Wur,.nl Co., Dt!e. ~~. ~ ., , : om orwlD. txc.alllled Mnnllall iu Eu rope co~l a Ulere song. al'e Ullll e· S,I: . YIt'S a dne~~ gar, .~ mor~l terll d inlo thll di~cu .. ioD, in " mann er room. S~veral olll er.genllem sD made .Ex~ule.lIle. Ilr, but oll mll ~ d If 11eessll ry 8uperiluiLl:II. aDd if ranlly n e~ tI · \V IIC I ml\ e Il!J em st"Du out In rIb d . dldn ·t tlllnk you wert! 8 free nl' tr ro .· ed can llo a8 Willi mRnufllclured in '11 e the rlt!" ui~lincl Rlld aD admired 1pccu IIIf y ur aile an gell ll~rnlllll.y; ~ om~ Vl!ry praCllcal remarks OQ tho lubTBOMAS CORWIN. o • ~ . . I !Jut, " 8 WI! took 110 nolell a\ Ibla pOlnL. Ject. Only tile lillgering , IllS! j('sf' uf Ih e U . S. by foreign IIrtisau •• at lhtir re .. 1 peoR· 11'IIce I~" C~nd"Ull!lltlil flll4h WI! arl! una"lll to giv e the 6ubsLauoe of Aoecel.t.I:. Jllal~eP' aDel B ••lDheeDce. palt genel'adon will persoolllly remem· plue. lor tl r~. 1I1~tI p~IHle IS serene. El'en I that gcnL lenlan '1 ru~Rl'k.. '1'IIe di. . Some lillie lIning bllln t"Keli up ill ~; ~ bt:r l'om Corwin in his greal c1H1 racter b hould Nap oleon aclulilly perp etra Le \ hlln Jusuce LOW F.lfd all ?f h\lm~n cU8ijion WI\S Curlh er pauioipRled ill by the' dillcua, ion. and Prof. Hancook be. The-dealh of Ibis di.Lingui,lIed oil· fIB Lbe • WlIgoner Boy.' 'l'he lioubri · Ivar, will l!;r.gIHnd supporL ber 1I11~' ?_ lund .. the polar Btmr 01 tholr pracl\c ' Prors. Kimball 111100 I K' ding prueDL to atldr~ss Ibe mllotinll, ~he . f 01.ulO ' bat· "arranLed bqUIl. ' IUS glllne . d flit Ile T curious . Iy. '1II We I1hould rliluer I"y not. 'fhe F,, · a I [a c,nn d'JUIUce . .IS .8~renll. By Lh t! Mr. Furo"le, Qui . 0110Pofon. whom lOney,fail"d an SUllJ"C I.' t WD ~ I ' Uout aoy d e Ii nhe 11000 L e recur· e f ~ WII reDce ~o j}8culilr~ti4!' ~nd jllci~ellt., \l..ba· Ihe. mem orable P?liLiclil clllupaign or lIi~n IIgitalioll. Keeps btlr fully .employ · prao 0 of .Ibe~e le '~II~.ltlll! theDlselYtl, ill bia turu. lo intercsL the autiitlnce. IIcLion ' b.,ing takeD upon it. Prof. radler"'la of b'i. ~Yebtflll liCe t-ltalare 1840, wh en Harmon cllan~lltl bls • log eJ aL pr6sent, snu were silO to mllke a lind 111 '!lr Inculcallon upo" th"ir P rof HIlmpton ' ll.ti fo .I ·t I. Hllncock laid ~he wal surpri6ed to see o 11~ ouse, " wue . u foo 0 r Amenc8, . . . 811e c III'1 n. t I '''y IIliVtt .\Q IIII If a d OZ\l fI a good . purpolll toI I' Ullu I ' I00 ke d . or more genera I Interesl, pro ba bl r, tllan all bi n 'for.'I 10 • Wh Iltl IIIe very Cr1818 . b'I .uuaerye '1' auo,I II Iarge nu d'lence-IIM 'It aD .oil.orn. ot I .~. 0 k tO . . e l t ions m d 'l I t 'ID Ilent· . Ulilke IIi"ir r~que8L8equlrtl • "11'.(.... . ~II'" 10 C~IJ'" b'to,I Lhed WI' 'I' II'g battle 'Try wCas .,1" . • ppecan1oe SIIIl 'lsu b avler I - Ifore 'l~n .\IIvl\&longbll . • \~' le' I' 1111 almos of him ISin PUVIII wriling;0 10 Ilim more like a State Teachers' AsI. 'alDUilll' to .lm tery r~ader,lDigbt an yel loa. om orwin waa L II> wou e lastened. .Feniliflism ha s II e Irlu e. . II e we a .ou ltl eullurt! lhou .. ltt Ihis pilln VI e II J t d t ' ~ Ooilllioo LhRn a CGUIIIY In.tiLule. He alIbi. 'i,,{l pro.,-., r\Vilb tbi•• ia" 01 canditlaL~ [or Governor of Ohio. and 'Oblained \'lut propdrlionl in AlDeriCII . \ der" tyof heart Rnd Illind, fOI' thtl b.. - prov: Ihcir orLho.yra I a np e II 0 I~- [Illt Ihllt Ibe fire " .... lill burning ill tbe maller, abe , • YOI~ H,rald r.- ran more on Ihe merits of HlirrieoD aDd whalever it mlly ultimatelyeulmi . nign tluences \vhiclt it CRnnot rail lo 10 enall ' 'I .. PI'y as W~ aSb ~ tbe Iltlarl s of Lho teacher8 of Warrell I. I. ' ' J.1 ' so l1 waa nate, 18 . a' EourCe o{ deep perpltxill to I1a" ' U OUree I\'~8 all d on those "i Lh thoughts II'in writing; •• em 0 eXpl'IlSl 'eu county, an tI t IIe wor I... 0 rd ' . Wll. • .y a Wu b·109· luan ule ,?w,n. T 0 e Iec.~!\rn woul.! 80metimtls e ueatloo prodIlCII' a 1e tter- "na.en Lon correapondeD&- iD 18GO. After a 10 elect blmaelf, and CorWin tu.rned out Ellgland. whl) we a&BOCIIII!!, we 6110uld not btl tiud It s" .. vo a good r t d being carried nobly forward. Owing en LO the number pr"seQt be did not giye linly descriplion of a 'great day' in 10 .lump tbe SLate for tbe Wlug Pres · Wbilst lhese 'comina event~ CRst dele e:i from the neg l l!~ t of cheridllill " Lllbm ouL on ,walk pu PU dS8 l'O t 'tl Congr,~., dUfiptt.~ Ir~u" eloDle ~ime. idenlial ·C1lcdidale. II WRS io Ihatean · tbeir shadows before,' °the Court al a q lit}' 10 divine b)' keeping in mind OIi"bt g"Lherq~~ler;n;n ~r 11/\ b .. e~ II cl/\88 dtlllaa hll had iDttinded. The wben debate. rau lugh on tile .Iavery yaBI lha~ he WOII nol OI:ly th~ 60ubri- Compeign~ is like .th~ Babylonish mon0 11I1I 'II ~ which befall tho ;t! who g ive a 011 which ~h ey w~re e~II~:(etlo s~~i~~, dubject oC LangUAge and Graoomsr qUillian-wben Rober~ 'I'oomb. com· que~ o( WlIg?ner Boy, .but. hIS repU- arch, e~II~~, drinking, aDd milking 100 IE-In to the n,,~ura l m."n. 'fhe from nalul'IIl 01,jt:CI8. liulin the reo lIaving been luggestetl by the discusmanded tbe aileD lion of the Senate ulatlOn as tbtt most fa sclhntlhg 8pcak · merry. IDdlBl:reol to the band. wl'iting /(re illld good WaSlllnl:lOIl IS known mllrk. ur lh6 IR ·t spCl6k~r l~' f K' sioll of Ihe morning, b. wa. led 10 in 8uppor& of the' peculiar in· er "'eet of Ihe mountllins.' 'fhe peo.· on .he Willi . Queen Victoria too is LO I e b~tll ~xlrt-me ly irril"blt! in eRr Iluy-PI'or lI ••o~cock f C-:- ./0 '1 ' Ill' speak 011 thllt topic. He then proceed· . , aD.d CorwlO . . I.,e Itl tIll I H . III . about to mll.rry anal hoI' of hH' dllugh. • IY r • but he tichool.!d Itl~l . ' ~ . ,v IIICIIUIIl I, Ilr· d I I 'f lod alllulloD, O.UII: I p.'IU t1 lose days came to 1Icar I1I~ ~ clf I~ b ~ · lil'l~ d. aliI! M llil! clol tl of Prof. Kiu . e 10 8 lOW Ilat lour mel I • were '1'~11 bound In .0ppoSltlon-lhe wClter crowd s~ aud he oflen ~poli" l~ audlllno· tere. lhe Prtucess Helena. to a younger co 8S calm ns a 8Ummtlr ~ eea. III hi • . ntoy'l! remarkd made a bi hI elltertain' good our re8ult~ WOUld. be good; Ihllt II tht!re are eorllllt\ d,,6ntte ruulla 10 be allude. 10 .. JourDey he had from ces Wblcb, cover4:d "lib l!Jelr Wl\gOh. brolher to the Pretender to Schle8wi,,- IluI YClI rs. Our c1.,ldn' ll sllUultl be ~III , I' J' ill.d r I' f K g Yr tl 'VlsbingLon 10 New York in company Lenll, lOb clbins. &c., 8eYeral hunc.lred Holsl ein-a match which is said IOIl~ ~ I\ lnu ... ht 10 look cRlmly on 1111 I.ql:lu "I ~11 '1 :IC!l 'a nd Ir.~ . ti '\ .• rep I~ WII [1 ollLaillud if we would \II"e our pupila · I . ',to0 spto.Rk cnilldy ?( all Ihillgft, ill "po~~u~~ioll ',. I , .. W811 8001) 01 L beu" til Lcdb y Ilia I ' 01'.1'1 Y 0;h er b ranc h d p..,,,g.,. " ...~ b . tho! ",unre acrel. '1'1 Ie [arroers f0 II o~e d u,oy the Court or .Btlrli~ ellreolcly.- III of uQ tht! I!Lwo cumhM8llLa, lIe'i~'Ie¥~\'M)~~~\\all~-:\ n(\~:i !l{,'_ Pro(. UiulllIV LholJ~bt 1." .. 1 ... I.i "l I..... ~f IItu~Z' }le ,hen gllYe b~. mdholL~( pon tile IlIbJe.t. 'or bllD from. county to countr~ holdlDJ: For some reason, VIctorIa has sUlh.l6l\\y al) At Ih. conclllSIO , ~h r .e 11 I . ~, . 'j!l~b' lQ..amIl{j[&k.om. ~l'Ilr.""A .. f .}!KI . 1'J!II on•• lff1"'I'6"""''''JV''l:iiit.~i~-.u~ · cuuld "e J;--~ ,ho.,ag aha I' ~~~~~~i:1~'~~~~~~~i~l!~~'~~~~~~~ ...-.:vI"" uuaI' ptalsu. lIood . a' a much r " youuller "3 .- - age ... .. t b anA" .U •la . , • •. . • "1tfI1l"Vpell-rmTaml!ot 11\ PI:I" mtnt.. c0 I rlulCU it I' 1abd of tie· Mefvil . ~0 . "r.urllo. r . e 88 lin auxiliary in led ., , . • . t;-~or ..mt'lIVlll:i' . m,eaDtlme IU lhtlr te!llS 11011. . . 01011111 a ~ upen 10'~ .~ II~ I · 8 0 com- , pflmllry 11I8lTuction. should not btl 'cnerall If,U rll~: "nd III the upil adID at De to eehrl l 'o;I"IDal aDU log Cllblnl. 'Ihe SLllle WIlS cllrned When urlvlng, one day laslsulIIIDcr. mOllly prevlIll. lind \\ htch IS at once Ii UlIIU\l Il hobby of; IhaL" II lIuould CD ' g Y g b ~ b anll IDtereatiag opinion., his compao' in a perfect blaze of exr.iLcment for in the Boil de l:loulogne, our attenLi on i 'li' l:raee to Ihe hClld and heart or 1111: courngu 1\ ba.bit oC rt:llc.l ing ill order 10 ~lIn.c6dd I:. ere rer~ g~eat f ~~~ ,• .to , , Harri80n and the • Wagon 13oy'- WIlS altr81:lteli0 " ullique equipage~a , lIlul lilUdlls f; l\O art! cllargable ill tlli, gtnerlllo thought: thlll too Pluch giv. 08r"' e b' rom .lle s ub~ 0 h.'llIcl~Dce. tin rem.k.d· -· . . :.. It . d' · •. ca II ell 11\ ' contra . . d'15L"IlIcLlon 10 ~ I10 IoW'uo •. d 'Ie d PIlrew ... n d rawn •. ' .' I' I k" ur 0 JWc\ In tuc \I .clenoe uy " p.. .lr 0 r1r"' 0" ard • ID~ out anu too ILL e La IIlg III served h hi b t bl 109 ut '\1 to mlka , Y ou mal .11ID · am Intru Ing on Lulla tho locality ueuDIly, Iuppoled . 'to be ill 'log Ilabin eall.'JidBte '-was olecllltl beauliful bllle!. pODie .. , of high m~l.ll~ Toaohers' .AB~:7::n of WarreD La rcuder 1)llI'rt! 1l tho aoil of L 'he milld; • r:~licilioue: ~~ait.o °E~:'7P~upii "ho the nl:lgllborhooi l of tile • blarney O~nroor of Ohl,o. .• . and. fnst pace-I lie whole got up with County. Lhal w" 6ltuuld not hope 10 dl'aw from ~"tI studied r"mmar for an oon~ider.tene;· but you mu.1 allow m.e to say. \ Though Mr. (-GI'wln e reputallon was ullrlvalled "eoti tllble. and the Ilnver. an emply urn. I~e ,hou ght IhaL AI a bl I tl gf Lim b uli'be able t lIir,thl& fW- elega\lj 8, , re-linemeDt flDd chiefly d.ue Co his gilt of oralory allli " slim. ele~uQtgid, app"rently abou l The Trarhcn' A8&ociation or War . commuuiLy, we rt!IlU 100 liLlIe; kn ew II .~ fOg 10 " e j L~ , .0 Q that beaillif.ir.l1fu raLive illlagery or po"ers 1i8 a apecilll pleader. his forcc eighteen. looked beaULiful. Siltl wore reu Co. cOUlm eDced Il Iwo.day' .ellion ijOnle p~rsollR who ihhabi,~d line mllll ' w" II a gram.~aa·l°ti·ayeLel oewr, lecworrCeaoll dlo I. O ' . . h . .• ' d'd L . . h I II i "1 I ' I b' f' I 6 . d . I . I d d d II tly"ry resJ1llo.. 0 I., 'uO rlent, ID whlc 80 mauY.louu.ge I ~o COI:8ISIIIl t,lISe a one. . e W.IIS ~ u ue c 0.10 la It 0 Immacu ate t, 1\ ill t.he Ullion Sohool huil~ill6 iI~ Wayn. ijl~ I\ S , grace WII18X lun 1'0 0 ar iL I Why is lhis 80' Ie it not becau •• and 1,0 (eI.dum l$>.~ W BulLaln, tiline adUllr&ble 10 an argumeDt, qUICK at Ie · J8unty bla (lk beaver hRt 81lt Ilbove a l' sv llle purluant to adjournment 011 p"lnoe, &e., &c., who had no' fiflc ~n . II d f t ··'0 the sc'le·nce . IIl.r Iy U · . I.• ed lVa~er fa II • liD d gauut I~t g Ioves 0 f sU0:W Y:i F .. i J,,~.• DeC. Olb. Prl's id "nl Kimbllll , ill uO .1 II' P ro.f If . W.IlS lire (lUI bad? me Iv Mr. '0 Honcoek eaeul oloHd hi. re. DO on. 0 f olar pllbho . spoa II ere . WI10 par Lee~ an d . pa.rtl~u IS . ·16LlngUI~ al'l> wurL II? fbI. ~o"" ' . ple~le.1 mil 10 Ulilch " T.9ID CorwlD, of f~r bl' dI8c".~lnatl()n III. tbe Clt~- while co,er.cd th e tillY hlln.d !\ wl lll:/i I dl l! ch .. ir. TIlt) millu t'l:~ of Lh~ I~~t mee t · Ko rry .tu hear hlij f~lend h .. IIp!!lIk so dIS' marks by SAying Ihl\t Grammar, ri"hdy OhIO. 11011 of aUlhorltles ; but tL cso Imlts held Ihe hues. By her Side 8~t Q ill~ were rlf "d IIl1d approYI'd. Prof. ~c · VIlfHgIIIg ly of ohJtt ct lellchlll g; hRtI I It W kelled in till Olinda of our • Jlr. COt lo-boyri'd in ~\q9wledge. were but I.lIe relene fo ces of lIis grea. , grooul ill livery. No one knew the di · \ eC liulock uf WIIYIl<:. vill e 111I~n relld A rouutl it ~ 8ucceA8 In Lht! lichl/olll und er' lIu~ll. for pure ~nd e'egant lil. ment ot tile complim~~I. and remarked ter powers, nnd are only rpmembereu vihi Ly'a DIlme, tbough as Lo b~r cI.lI.in i5 , S8 n}, 011 tilt! 814Uj ~ct or' ·I\lStltul~~ II.' his char!,;,'" diU. not IhiDk Iht! ~lilld like ~I~~~:tl~ Ibat by dwelling on IIDd BludLha&cll,o '}loulI~a he IIlllth' ll~n.atly a~ · as s~cQndllry to 'he~. He ~Ias been It\tl'ro wne DO doub,l : bllt . Pllm prll l,t~ ,,"tl c!oslld by .a.n . 'AdJrC8~ of \VIOl · .. 1.l ol-I~ hc Hd '~. lllcl~ c.olliu oe . lili lld lIy ,iog Lhe writinge of the grea~ and good t It a •• uch, as he claimed th~t. IL desc."be~ al a. dramliLlc epellker. P'l8 ' l of liolS dllte 8 u~pl) the VOId. wlten Lhe) I CUIIIIl' Lo Lbo VhIILIII:; melU~ e u of th~ muel) lUlllbl.'n g Itl CRS IIlLO IL, 80 l"~t we lenfll 10 lov", Iheir leachlngs, and ':'aI a. nlllu~al ~ift, dClceD~ccl to I.um seulDg I.n a hIgh ~ogree 11,,, lliret! De ' l "nnounce th~ l1.ght .of COTII, n pl\rllcU' . fmlernilY pres en t. Thll hu!Jject or th e If one wa~ withdrAwn lh" 6p1lC~ ll.AL II al'e h:d to rollow Ib"ir examplo. 11'0 . . bls aIlCII:b( lanCe.ILOrS. mOILiteUilln o..~nllals of an oralor. - Inr stllr of tlte deml mOlld e. from her ' US 8 11Y was Lrelllotl of uLld"r thrue gen hllc.l UCCUJllc:l would bl! Idt vUld, bUI o¥o.u l"iU Il"y~ poticed,' he eaid, •my' First. aClion; &econd, aClion: Ihird' l crec.lilllr8 for the modesl litlle sum (1f : erlll heads. ~iz . ; rllLh(:r Ihut as nalure IIbhorred a vacuo Prof. ~lllncock WIlS rollowe.d by Mr. very uar'k complexion " Ilction. Ilia power a8 au ad~'ocllte was 450.000 rrancll. Tltu renl of her al'"l't . 1 hI. 'l'he purpose or luslitutea. um. new itltat w.. uld I'ubh ill 10 fill lbe 9yrul RlclllltdsOD. w~o dllhyered III .Our.cor.r~p~~ldliut could lI,9t but .d : his rortu~e. His rcputlltion as an car· I u ents amou'ol~d to. 40.000 (nwcs A 1 2nd,: 'Thl'il' u:ilily , plllce,. or those IIlready in woulll t"xV!lud, ll x.cel!eul IIdd,re',8: SUbJP.~L: 'Tlle T~ach: 1II1L awifiUllIL Le had noticod ueal plilader W"8 Iinown RII over the I year, IIDd she wore ol.\moDds and 1'''8d. 3d, 'file be, t mllllUI of cOII,\ucling "k~ air lind occupy Ihe spuca. II would el' d t)lIC.COtlB. Ibe ad.u let8 wal b'le~ Ibat. • '?:., counlry, and caused him LO bo r~taiDed valul!d At 200.000. lhem IIQ as \0 dn ive llie greatl!8& posli . be iDlpOSilibl1l to (011 0" this gen\leman "d ~o wnh proro\1nd IIIIen06 and !ldm,tle\l' oa": liy that cmnplexion !md for tll6 defe~8e. of some of tile mosL Report "'YII lhat N .. d"r monna to : bIll beneSL ther"rrom. closely in his tt:IM.r IIR. Piq u.a nt, racy, mUon . He set forlh the dutlel o( my imae;inalioll in tile ItIOO9 way, na~ ' despefllttl cl'lmlaall. It uled to lie " l "ring hii great b .. lloon. He is a fir01 I The Prof held tCilchen reapOIISibl"' li Lllrp Ild a quarlz cry&lal. hIS arrows Lhe 'C\l.C41:.r, and .Iheu 'proceeded \0 ul'Rllt IQ~ fto~ l,-ile "me : .ou.ree-my , common rem"~k among. criminal I~w. beli~,'e~ in Ihe pra~licnbility or .erilli . rur the nl.'gl~cl with wh.ch tb ~ ir pro . hU811~d in tv~ rs dil ection •. and Jlol ~u· show lliat If .rNe were flluhful to ~ur. aDcelul. Too tIl"1 relllllinbpr Lhat a- yerl IIt~t '0 gIve CorwlIl .tho c.lo~lng ~R'·l g atlOn. lI~d a socIety, IImung wll olll \ fession WMS lreal e!!, ~Illd for Ih ll low rreqllenlly. h~l Bomebody. On. motIon solv ea anu rl\lLhf~1 to Ihose eolrllsl.c 10 waf ba~k in. 14.5,~ Iltere Ii~ured among Hpeech I~ def~J\.e of lhe vlleal Crtmlnlll \ ld M~ns. DIlLIn!!t, the cel.ulJr"Led maLh · eSlimllte placed upon it; and thougbl ?r 1'ror. McCllnlock,thl', meeting au· uur ClITa, our ellorL~ "ould, Booner or ~hc RIl.. ganR~' ~l(jri /I gro~t c'h lmpioll WB.8 10 gIve him tbe c"se.. ,,"d ~a~. e· emall.clI\n, aI'''. entieav?Cillg Lo effect a \ mor., lIympallty. proJcui onAI spiril,Il(HJ Jvurued Lo meet altwu 0 clock. 1'. Itl. lat~~, be cr~wneu "Jlh aucc~a .. or Ih l\l "tiOll'n\r,:' onll Mathias COl'Ven ' qUIVllh~nt 10 an acqullal. cnm lli al prallIJcal80lulIon of bls th eory. DUl uniu~d and .Lronger allSociatlld effort P. M . FDSIO.. lhere be met a lar~e aud.ence prel· UI. or ~orl i" w~o, a. ,bi'lory 111$ it, ~ri1\18 were h.i' ( ,rt,. nnd yel he \VIIS Fi'ance cannoL lay .claim tu b~ the ollly lIecesaary on tlil'ir part, to oblIOin 1\ Institutl! met al 'wu o·clock. Pre,i · e~t. and .olhers Itill expecled, I!le 10· lD~de b.. cou I ry formidaule to her not a • trag Ie lawyer. c ou~llry wIlle!' gl~es allentlull to IbiS livId on the minds of Ihe p~oplo lind to d~nl Kimball in Ihe ohllir It WII! ,ug ' ~lItutu IldJournt:d 10 mile, at 7 0 clock, Dtlghborli. \ ell. 1 am dUlcellll"d from \ HiB humor would' crop out' on th e 8ulrJecl; Dr . Alldre", •• of Perlh An: · WHrm tlo em up lo th e poinl of ellLllu si· gll~lod by 011" 01 lIie mt!nl berB that Lhl! ID til" M. E. Churcb. 'ba~ Magyar; flinily, 01 Corunu.s . M)' mOil leriou!! occR8ion8. and Oftllll pro· b?y, N. J: , hu.s for some yllafl. devol ed Mtic conviction; bcli"ved that. to Ihe commillllil Ilppoinled to solicil a column XVli:liIlW 51I8SION-J'RID.Uo father was nlmed Ma:hiu Cvrwin. alld ducll, ill .pite or tlllI orMor, an 8111i · IllS (l1~eUIIOn to the conllrUCllon of .a \ tnexperleDceu 'eacutf, these 'InlLi · in ~"ch of our eounLy papen, to be d,,· ~rooo lh~t fllm+l-,..1 derive my complt~x · climax whicll woule1 injure hi. CR5~. rnD?I...lIl . no\" l\t8rly ??mplete(I. In tU\U.' ""re • pr~ce pt leaching by ex vol~ d 10 the IlducaliODill matt.eu, make Purauaut to "djoluameDt, tha Inlti· 1011 ~Ild Imngination. An cllbltlnce or luch " r"su\t to one of whl.ch h~ expecta to nllvlgllle Lh e uppu IImjl\o, preae llting him with rllCta allo lhl>ir report, Pror. McClintOCK Lhell lule me\ at 7 o'clock. in 111e Church. Hil .vory dar1& comple'Xion "all ofte.n hi. grand 1'1I1hclic apllt!Ills occurred II regI ons tn Ihe lame mann.e r RIl~ on L\1Il i!'u.lrl\.ions, \be I\~<:umu\"lcd \fe.aure> \h~u slaled ~111'\ \be C)umlUiuoe had After pn.y er by th" Re •. J. W. MII-ou • . mslle .the aubi.cL of juku by Cor~in few yean al.:o in u. \veel,,1'Il courl. II enme principlll I\s. II shIp '6Klmtl t.hu of Dlalln·minds; tlllllt Iht'ir leDllenr.y bee II lIucoelhful. L Hc,,1 ediLors wer" thQ Hon. K E. White. of Columbus. IlUd hll fri&:lItla" I tboml's , .... ~a~.hall . will be remelllbcr<:d Ihat Corwin, illih e oCeRn-by. t:mployln~ a pVWIlr bean"I' "S8 to remo\'" lhlt nRrrowlllind"d pl'e Illen Rppoillti·d aR (O\lOW8: for oducl\ WIlS introduc e,1 by 11111 Presidenl, and o( Kenl~ckr .cwl1o ltaJ a Yery rt:d :;.,ullle ill I U45 or 18-16. arguing sn lhnn Ihe "Ir. . judict: IIDd . iIlit"'lIliIY, 10 often nnc.l tioo,,1 culutnn of W"ynesville Gazelle , ~AVtl fln ucellollt Ind pracLiciiaddree8 eOIll~~~x.I?n 1I1~lf, · a ct ~yo .sed to iousl)' again~t the monllity of Ihe pro lt~ly ~ORBIS of n remarkllble (!I_co v- per hAp' 10 lUllly ch.,rged upon Ih" Prof. WRfrt,1I Mc Cllnlock; for MUlTvw uo 'Tll e R.. I<,tiun of tile ParenL to &be fte'lutt~lI1 lA!l~lll ~ 'IItory CODII.tCIt:1l jCCII:d war against Mt:xico, }5HUlill"d t"ry III sCIence. by \ll'1l ~,ch sound mil)' b~ !Jru[t!~aioI1, ". "'!ill. 88 10 deve.lop lat"!11 L('ade~. I'rof. W. 1' .. lhrforol. and lur ~chool.' 'fhe subject "as epportuntlly IherewlLh, WhICh, Ilk, lUauy details or hia appr"cililion of lil'olld "unwr to tr.AII ~ Dlllll: d Ly ~ 1 "C lIlClll currE- nl a n) power by "ont"CL. An efficlI'.'nL Jlloil Lhll It estern Stllr, Mld8 L. Julio. chosen. and eloquently dilcoased, And Ibe~lro.Dgdi.orcC! ,ca'lt, will not llear . leatl hilll inlo lheexluvngAnt eliprcse tllslllrH'O,1I1ll11WUpus~l ~.mll.vcr')I,,· t-r~1: oftophicalas well as educMionnl pulicy It WII81hen annollnc!!O thlll in ad · \V8 S bOLh inlcre ~linK lind pr06'able to plI~rlcltlon.) Ohce lold an adv"nlure iOD, 'If 1 wel'e Ii Mt"xic"n. 118 1 am au tOl:!elhel', tVen recc.~nlzlllg ellch olher s WIAB expreslled in th ele word", ·Let lb .. Uil.ion 10 the St'crelary'ij rllpoTt. a rl! parellt lind teacher. Mr. While began willch holllid with Mr. Corwin al Leb- Americall. 1 wouhl "elcome you wilb VOIces. luhjt!ot of di scutsioll lie earnl,lstly prac port be gi" en of tbtl proceedings of by sllying tb,.t Ihe mind of the child ~eon. Obio. Mr. Corwill's plllc" or rell' bloudy l"III"s to boppilable g n.t\·u.' A . Dr. Henry B~rlh. tho c.l"brAted A(· lic,,';' anti llgaill. ' Ltil Uti not strh'o lo c R~h 6essioll. Mi ss BUllting ~a. IIJl ' wal not born inlo tho world like" .beet IIlen~e.-Ma.r;hall had Slopped a.L Lt'b· f!!w ~t:lln aiter, Wltl'U this expre8siun rlClln In''' clll:~, IS deRd. Ht! Wild a s.OI! CO Hr pAuciLy o! thought Ly prolil:ilY p O lnl~d to reporL Ih e Jlruc~e dlOg~ of uf b:ank pllpcr. bUl thlll be was born .~~ oyer 1I1,,4t ~nd .h"4 nl{l"ter~d hAd bren quoLed by tho IICWllpnpers ur a blltcher III llt\mburg, ~Ild "li B \D' of \1 0 1'..18.' It IS nol loo much to say mOrlllllg 8~8Slon, Mrs. 1I~.rll)'J III Iho inlo lhll world wiLh ll11tlle human pU8lllM8elf at tllli~ hotel Ri 'Mr. t.brshall, unlil iL blld bllcome a. raruiliar a. lencl"c.1 ror Ihe 811l11e buslIle8s .: bll.l. or hi s rijuy, '1ltilL fo r "~Iicitl or eli Rfl~rn ooll eeu ion, Ibc s~ H'vurl8 10 b" iuna 10 cOIllA:nd willi; Iha\ hie life wae 01 ,\~lJtuckY.'-While~iuillg in IhO! • hoult:holtl word,.' Mr. Cunvin was Rho" illg II~ inclioali." n . ror ~CI~IIIII1C I preu;oll alld IldHptlltioll of purpv'" it 11' ....1 befvre Ihe ,I .n~ dlll ~ t! on ~he follolV ' /I continuKl slruggle between goou anti . ~ubltc rOOID ia 'he evening lie noLicctl retained 118 cDunlt1 for Il mllu chargf' cl purSUlt8, IliA f"lber wlSllly !'I'nt 111m lu ' callnot be ercell,," .· inl{ mornln". 1I.1.~ (II~CU Sdlvn of Ihe evil; tll"t Lhe (Iaturlll guide Ind in· • neatly drcsaed colored 11180 ~nler tb~ wi~h murdel', and who he claimeu act"d r.olle~~. and hi ~ n'll~e !IOW .fIAn Ii I 1I.llIong \ 'fht! ~ Addrt:8s of Welr.om c' wu mOil foll uwing 6 1~i.j ~cI •. The, t= xlJ€:di&:ncy 01 .truclor 01 Ihe cltilJ "as tbe pt'ren'; Lalli and, a p.C1achin6t' tlae regi.t.,. be· in .df dtlftlllle. thoae of Ibe mOht dl&lIllgulshtd dISCOY' hAppily rl!spontleu to by the Pruident. Truslees alluwiug teacher. 8" OCO.1I8 · but jq Lhe course of eveDla til. ,iIDQ glD 10 r"ad .ll. Whtn h. bad reaclled In bill closiDg speech to Ibe jury. (lren of Ihe "~e. . 1011 IIdllllf of tbose to wbom il was ad · iOIlR.1 tilly fur 1110 purpllse .o~ atlend\O~ would eome wilen I.he parent "ould Mlluhll\'t1tliatn8' he read 'ia aloud, and COfwin piolured tlte condition of thi 6 We rend Wllh P"IO of tha early del\" Ihe~~(· d . Ins"lu",s. Illtio a dRy to v~ ~ I .cllouls. need an atlFi.taD~o and Lbis a•• illint . ~.ked IblL~lerk .if • Atr. ~anba.1l "'" elien' a. enduvoring to avuid the dif· 101" rrom .11'1l 111'61 t of ,tl:al ~w~" t pOel, 1'1'01. Finch, ?( Franklin, n?~t re~d w~ s ~pl' oed Iiy Prof.. KIQ)~~II. He WI. the telcher. 1111 remarked Ibe In. th.a 1101~t' The clerk replied bv 6.c,\l111 porltllyed lhe D1urdc>r .. u man Rb AUgUHtus ~readwt-11. ~I.•e gool'. lI1~th . Rn~88Rf on 'Prlm",,), Compollllons,'1II 81lltl II WR& "?' neces !l\r} to ')10" tbaL t~e 6n\ dULy of the Slate wal to aupP.OIDltng him to Ihe geiil1eman in· que.· fort ing It UpOIl him, dogl:!ing hi8 sleps. I!r,tl.c 10 Yl 1111 and aO'ectl(~u"te wife IIC "bidl 'htt 'realecJ.~he 6uhjl'CL forcibl}' it IVI\B up eJlel1L tl!"L . to "C'uol~' Ilhould ply Lhe people wilb ag,)od8choolroolD, · 'tun. 'l·he · l!olC1re.~ m,n a;prp~cblod. dt'aouDcing him as a COW'" J. Illld ' a. In o ul' ~8 only DuwlJ~~8 nlll"t(' ~ n ),!' arb alld ju sUy·. Some lOr hi8 ilIuRlra ~ iou~ haye lI ueli a tilly Kivell' them. "s thOle Lillon fill tile oIBe •• with mon compet.nt M"'liab,p,lu cI.JlIm 'Jerj ....Pee5Culll. I.., IllreA lin ing 10 lI\.fi-lr.~ lliUl .• What' ! "d ".me monthe. ,Iho 0 t~ whpuJ Ib~ "erll velY hAppily 'DOIICl:ived. QuoLing prelellt. atlcl\a~. kue.~ tlUl b.e.nefits ~h"y Lo perform Iheir addru •. ~He lhou.b, : ~nd 111/ d'"itbel be10ng.d to' lhl) Lex· \tQ 'c!xclllioit!d,' would lou r.Rve dune to~~hlDg Illy a of. Mr. Treadwell Itr tl fa · the ae. erlion 01 Archimedlll, thllL wilh d?~i~' ed from a\tel~'~.rns Insl.u.utell and Ib"L chllrcll or party iafillenc. Iboulel JDlto, fIIlU~'" of "araban•• . lIarl!ball in .u ~h an em~rg(jll"y' \\' hal;' 'sil',' mlItar c~DnoL rllil to bo~. t~le h.t!Hd "uti '" levedobg enough, and a fulcrum on Vl8\1lOg ~choob. . Ihe q~f1.slJou .eeqled. hl\V8 nOlbing tq do *i.th ollr · .choo~ ~::~. he . eilprflp." F-~ · Jt .fterwArd., lurning to the . proleciJlilig auorney. brull, aSide a tear for blm In bll recenl which 10 r",t il. h. could mo~e thto 10 be~' '.tfo,w shalt we gllln Ille c~n.enl sy."m, aDd "oncierllli' ~b.' h " .... DO' nbl, 'jIut out by the Ilmilia, 'wh"t ,",ould yo~ hne 80nl:?' .ad berutemen'. II· •. world ~ ' thcJugh~ tha.l in educadon IhRt o! Dlr~cto" 10 allend .the• ., mee"n~.!' kepL ,01irel, fr~ frOID .. a"y i ...a.~.ml~rr o()h. "oll\\wi ae mlnAll .'" • D.o ne,' rfphf'd lbe dUI, attorney .... lner "ae lupphetl; Ih,,& 1110 mrnd fur 1 ror. O. HlImp~n .,ud Lb~' for ~II' SeooDdJ" proYlde ..,,-ble blll.1dID!p' bOt ..... ~ oiyn1,.•tiW bi "al.· The ,il~ gr~Rt sravity 1 • ilone-I ,*uuld' . , Forlunu made 10 no lill\e fire like ni,ltM lite fulcrum lind npre ..io~ 'hc parL, It? ~au galn~~ .lIIucb nluable ~IJ' for lIIe ACCOIDIDociat1OD o,f lhe cbildreD • •eolo,.d ~'~.l'cUli,h't!tf to bOil[ if bave ,elcoDled bim wilh. bloOdy hand ••ith·ls DIad. in · 110 . ~me-it·. It:u to power; ~Iie.~d 'ha,t the "r~a.t P?,nt of form.I.lOn 'y Ylliltl~g 't:bool... Tt.e III .pok•. ~ t~ _pttM.....,lbe 8t.a~ ~. ". ~ee hUd. . to a hO~llitabf{! STue.' · ODe .if Lhel.baDi tOiclhar. I\lOllt" til ~rJlm.rl OompolIl\on irl' ItIQUAIIl. b. rccelfed JQ lila work ha4 ~~ tD lbia-NlJI'O" ud wbat l~ . Ihr_eDlty •
. 'heand j llryCorwin \ya. convUletd " ilb lau .," h. Ing; lost hI" case.
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lhou~ht Ten~lTed al~ractive
lh~;v t1 J "'lo ~g ' r'~r 1f\\,~~·Il!le "1 ~ f\JID\f\lll~n plllrl~IIO. bchool'Ula~ers; ~11 ~el1ce ~' Id~ "ff~c" CutnMIIlUI\On~1 h~erlY lD~t 'l. untr~ ~
p releat day' He Ih u school . ( lho Il\Rna g menl of liD \lOIuly boy 811n . ougilly imprinled in the mind1.llre Il C'" In us, k i d -' I any arti cle nrnwn. Retnil Price from m ""0 1 ,' "il·. I bOIlSI and ·lehool.groun.d B shoul d btl Ii!l1f l lhll l Off B slJ iri leJ , 'Il ill tr lorgollc n; Ihllt 501116 rllil fJr. ow ge Will :.pro$10 10 $2bll d . O '. ' . f . '1'1 I I .1" 'Id 'J" work [ouilld ~etl <,u tlily I III g'1"1I1 I e ul 0 ' .. IIDd pl easl\nl as \ Ih!! SpMlU6 0 rronrnment Wl' rc IUJIl I ' 0 reV ie w. IO Og 1 r It . U ' 1 tl . . d t I All Ooo'ds Ws.rrante enUlne. - --u()1I!tH ' m-:- aD Il:e Iuxulianl lioust.) Ihe ' un ifl) rmilY noc u. ' should bearcvie w oflheweek's Sludy ; , gr.II,IIIU ,, · tll1I Uft 01 lIala I I" f L'b , I 'IJ . I '.' . L I II ' I tr I I I Ie d tI b hlckbnard Wl'f" II JU . I lrllt! lin s ll\ esmnn, rlCI:' 0 c,'r . ' I 10mM of 50me c 11 len Will luelr mi S' Ilfy III !til scuoo • al 1\ I Ie g re ll t 1111 I ,e R liD I" -r - ' I' , J I f I cru l Prrlll illlll lind cUllIlllidsion erably uncomforlaule schoolbuuses. He lJei ug ill It. ' pltlJ il It) Ihe gr III motl ern that wh osO. e ul1uenL. WUI S I \ nl luwed to . • " ., I were A loll or lor Jll8t1C lIud 10 ' Sample certi' fi cs.'1<e8 ten t F Uti. Lbou •.... IiL it WIlS no. wonder lhat. van ,jlll . '1 prope r oLI\ UJ llld . . 1.1u Iho uvhL. cltll\lIli , , wri'llln examinalion8 lint lIuml\nllY, our · Icue ,t:r,I wou ' t05SMS i d lh .. oc of i8m should some llme A Ilppel\r whl!o Ihe ness anot her rrq ul , ILe . (,oool'yes lil'e. A goou 1 e lllKinlen , " IlIw and Ihe dUI) I £o··' r circ"lnr8 And T e rms, otldrel'll · ' we C re I BO Iillill wo rth pro I lind g oud "llrI d . d IIt)w e ey es• /Hl II d lo\·t! .. tifor Lre lld 111:£' 1 IIIII oru r er b)' 10 In •. re s RII of ul. edl·,'nl·.o t,) 'liS hBI'u so 1I1 f.S· SRS \·\I\Y\"'ARD ('" CO / j' lIorroundings • • u 'ecLlng: lbat I llev wero elegllnL 01' Iseo not ::n o:ors ,\11 lelH nul. uen!! I s u , .' V !l'" I eyell neal aDd LlIsteful, chiltlre u would lhen gll\'C nn dllt8lralion of sue'l I The cOlumiLlel' 0 1\ reaolulio:!lB l\Jeu lhe whul u nll liG n. . ' 27 . 3m] 229 Droorl \,·O)', New.Yorle. , to kee p them eo, ,lind t hAl such a& ClIlll e ulld e r o wn in preeenietl Lht' : J , 41": J hnt WI.II11l In CO lli LiST -OFL lE'M'EK!!f place a alwIIp euppl ied Ih ei r OWII edu . whicb he saw d!srrde r 10 'I I 1st .. llial III. teachers, we ".f Lhe 'j\ hvl e cIJ Ulll r) 1\ c R"lOll ill lllg ill tho 1'us ro t \VeYlle8 ' 1 1 want. He spoke of Ih ree n "I. 1gre at cxlen I. Sa id nOl , hRI C re1l8011S for proud tl.II' we, AS, IllS , v, 110', Oh iu , 3 \st, liltla, wh.ieh, ir ltlslte.lleeeIS8ryforacolllplelll eucce, s but nn flllowCllIzcnlia will be l B
Itoldin~ ~lmliS
s~c re l
'~me ~I h . fact~~ 1.li~ pre~'ntl'o!,i ob,cr~l\liou,
I~ P~Ji' lI~ rt!..
ofl,~n lh~i,lIcJ
Ilfie~lesl)'iee ntBeQch
Ag~lIl8 ~
" ---A R GI \, A IN
palr~~ ~"d 8 11\IU~'.nI\Il, O~ccmb,!r IIcce8s~r,., u . nolg"lJol s IllOlllnl\ ' lIulUak,' n IlHlwilhiIlUII~II40tl.II, .1 '"' p,bU, 00'''''' , , ;" K'" , ill · 1" q ,',," -: ,h,p' ''''' '"'' """ ',,., "' ,h" P''''''; ~ .., "," ," .."""' ''". , ,,,"" "d ,om ,.,,,,, ... h~" 10 .. " ~" :"" ""h' G.",," I'~' Offi,. .. ,,,' 1 "", goo' .." " ,.,,,.... , ,,,' good ' '" m' " "''' p,,", 'oo" . ;d, .. A ,,,, , .. 11 b. h.'d '" pl.... " "m~b"'" ,boo10, ... 0 ' .11 <"''''"' ''" P' '"'.''' ,,, , ,." " ~. teBciJen-men aocl women-of charac. fur pUpI!A will ch shnll mRnlfcsll lRC lf 10 I by 1111 whu hllV e t: nJoyed the pleollUrll J"l lg hleJ 10 unuund Irum Ihe oor~R 01) Per.OIlIl cnlling for any or Ihose leller. ler conlCGraled 10 the work. !-Ie spo ke ' 1111, b"Lb tho Jisposcd to do RnJ of mill~lillg in and IitiLl:ning to Ilul eX' slnl!! and Ulioglo in Ill e rclllXIlLIOD of I f\'i\1 pleuse ellY they are it6verfi scd, H it
tn~lI , ~vllh\lI01e~Ih~ I
- ..
'I:! A'" 1G a .. ..
m l\lIdlllo:~
su'plel~JUSn~ss Ju~t . b~'ng.' ~~ , unculIsclO~S ~0\\'cr , lheIHIlID""18I1CCe68 whlc:llhllm.ee~lIlo
r _
.• ,
ll!ncl~ef ~ike
e( their wllnt o( enert:Y and lirmness, ' dIOse di sposed 10 d u goud. Tho ughl ,orcises . pri\,Flttt life, lUll) whose presence was l A. E.l\fEnRlTT, P. l\J. an.d Iheirf.ear of givltlg offensc, Rntl lh e tue mi ssionary wh o 2J: Resolved, Thill ill consid, rAtio.n or ' lh A j oy of' Lhe sociAl circ.le. I A,·y Mrp. IUnry Leo ply Jncob or Da'i "D 'M" " ' l lhe re- lhe IIIcaklll"ulu benefit to b,.denyed I &Ih. It."lw!!teOOerlo he famd ) of l AlwuodA&JG lIIullill hllic \ .g. ....... -...'imeB the 11e apole very uap . pllI_ive Af rican. The success of fr om lUI o.lteml,mcll UpOI\ Lhe fPll'eLings llh 'e deceased our condolence alld ilym· 1Antleraun S&ruh Morris ' pily 0( lhe leAcher 88 an IHlisl, coropa. . l.Ilachl:r on Ih e u{ 'I o( the • 'l'eacut!l'" .. 110 p811hy in Iheir gleal LJenlilvement. I AuderBon Mary Munroe ::Iarnh ,;,. loa .,,' • ;,b ,10M " ,h ••,,",',", ,II P"" "" ",.n.... am ... ,m ";'g ,,,,,h•• who m..... " b. , .. ;,", to " " \ 6,10. 'n.., • "b ,'" 00; · i M, ,.. ""m";' 0 by a woll . lim('d illu slrAlion, ', il lus lrali un by relalin:: lhe slury nboul I favornblo cOD6ideralioo of Li. felluw of our COUflS now in 'session, we ' Bruwl\ 8",1'1>10 1\1cCIave Mrs Kobert , , tbat if 8 purl of I)is mnll'rilll wa s WlUlI . l lI,e eloculionist, ,villi which he close tl l ICllchers, or thoso wbose iDlerests he is I " ,ill all.c od bis funeral ill a body. Illeeman Emonuel Jemel iog, his s lalue "ould of necc8s iry be 1th e At.ldress . On mOlioll of Prof. Ilar- , employeJ to guard. CIIil well all'orJ 10 li on mution, thtl foregoing M Qefeclive. He spoke ur the progrc:l6 furtl, Prof. TuflS and Min E. BunliGg I be "bsenl himself frOID IhelD. · w'ere, Adopltd. ! e n-pII" J(.0 blJ 'L 3 being mRde in eHr] deparlm enl of ng- I wcra appointed to solifit Fllb scriplions , A. H. PUNLItV¥ Ch'n. 1 G I 111m e D CP llt'mllrks \fe re Ihen mll.le by Prof. l riculluro and scicnce, 8ntl lAstly . .01 \ If) the Ohio Stllte J OUl nlll o( Educn I Harford, wh o urgfd upon the fritut.l s i J . E. Sllc'y. ' . Mury C dll ! of lite SLa ie comml1lll1y ltJi lion . . l ot eJ uCl\IiOll, lhe dUly of ciiol t I Sarah Smilh J> II t cIIl"Ing for and etl.uclIl1l1 g Iho i. Pro f. the Rub ' in euucl\lion , . ' Si'ECI"L Hnrrin:!lOn nIr 'J'hompeon J, W ., '"' b, .. , w 'd' ...... wh' [, II "0, J?" " M" ,,,'" "'. II, ,",""10' " ' l, \I , ,boo p,",",t,d " .. ,,,. ," . .. .. . .. . - .. H ,,', h,,,' D. J T" .,"'"" M.., J,", _ur blHlles we n!l!lht enJoy ItlJerly ' hrs L requ811e I', be 1\ th o\'ollg h untler . ulu ho n. I .A (;ough, Culd, or Sore ThrOlll, ' 1-luvIl1l6 \Vd ODO D \V aDd.M prospenly I. landlllg-ll Thnt. in 'consideralion 1MMI : lll A·r F. ATl·F.NTIUII .HiIl (( t{1I/! /::Y .IJ W Wil 1son L.ulher ' d' . .1 '1 ' I " k f'l il urtl IV luok. uv . cr .allo t!. . 1 Resdved, . ' of fl. ", £~\l l nF.S ' 110 I H I ' eetlDg a lournru unll 10 0 c ock. s ml SLI' ' es (1",1 An tJnwrillngnl'ss so lhe mlluy i.illt.lI1t!SSOS rec ti lved . ilL Ih e , BE <': II ECKF.n . . h ' e_ y llile __ _ e c I alilln.' . - ' SATURDAY SESSIO!'- A. M. I,odo, he hlld oflclIset:n. lI e 11l$.I,ke d lll,nda .0£ lha people of To <.:o Nlllu; e, I IN TilE BLOOI1. ' , l In8titule met III 10 o'e1otk, Pror. \lbe :\Uswe r pllln-ihou g h.l I!CIC'lo,lt li ll ce nuu Il,e hOBpllHhly Ih ey Irrltntioll of the a per 1110 n(,;ll I , 'T'he Perovinn supplirs Ihe blood I ]i' inch In lito chhi r. 0" mol lO D, Ihe WIIM IIbov/! nil In his \ I:xltndttll, »IlU Ihe comrurl8 cllJoy c :l by 1 Tbl"Oat Atfcc-tlnn . or 1\11 I willt ilM AIl'''''' '' I , Irull. inludinl! followingcomlDiltue, Profs. Halforu, ll'xp en ence oflen pupd s. de · Iht: !I 1\\1 nil pllscnt, wit 1"!!IUrtl J.Ullr.: lJi .. aud "ew IIl e illlo wlll'le sy.KinDey. and Kimbllll, wa8appoilltsd 10 , VOIlI of I lhl'm our 18 "IlI E H I:: - l: l.T . , IPIIl. ,ny,pf'I'"ln, J)ropsy, o::!' present ftlSo!ull01l8 lhe closittg eJ more d,ftlOll,lY 10 lhan any· mouon of 1'rof. foro' unOWN'S UIlON\' IIIAL ... O'IC. , II 18 R 611111Siou 01 thl! "'xec U. Itlullg clMe plan \ g ll mg l criolultOIlS were lIt.lop<ed. I ' fY P 'Irecl I' .II ,fl u,'lIce ull Ih e pnrt~ I"ple dlc.u~e lllllu. h".vp IweIrum ll rl1l1l1Uf'd · . ThA"... It .1 . Ile I t' Lhouc,:hl . I II I'al,(0od I 1 I I ' 1 <L"VIli by Ihe III :I"n."ds s rll rd,clIlC wellk crrulllll's,IO . &Iro,,"' .... I..we. committee theD 8ubmilled Ihe . rol . I 0 f i b 1 k unll WlI I III e k 01 nil MI. rtOlRlked I IIlL hll I lO n g .,II , e'".jYe rp llo, l. rL' Ur II , "n CIl I I I".' II fl" .uw lllg (o\" Ibo ' nc,d re 0 00.8 ,80 liS to Ulil e pu · i re s01UllOIl & 01 1101 net!ti eu, I\"t""'., L'u lnrrh. CVll.UIUpII VP 111.<1 'I'lIro.,1 hen\ ,hv IIl1d hupl' Y lIIell uno l'Ul lle n. .' • I U . . I J lng, to be he'd III Morrow, on the scc' pl16 I1IOle H e would grlldc : a s Lil ey fell qUllo IhRnkful thM tlll'Y ' Trocht'" urc use,J 1\ tlh A :1 :.1 I'Tll!c pUllljlloirt ., .', and l:3/iturday in January: \ 1,.11111 tXURlI',e9 II1fr6 e n" ' 1cu uld III\Yu such n IIH:e llllg ill tllelr ,:uoJ ::;lll gC'S .IIl1 Pub li C ::;l'c"h· 1 PIl Ct! $1 pcr " "1\1,, , IIr f1 1M $5 . iiI'IItt I book. A • • ", J . p, III N""UR ", E S b' • . . , he found to be In classes, anll . the wlllch I Ih e ,,\l eu lt do .c "' ''l.:II 'g" ''' , 3G LJey Slree., New York. (ii)1i1\rl\) (t" fR ' 881\y- U Jeot, DlrecL '.llflll enCI! , kecplllg togQ th cr. 11 0 lid vi se d Iii gl\'o ll ,c peuJllo o f WAynesville 10 ""d. Ih e on I.y Drul!IllS18 gunerully. 16'3 111 \ t9\w\w tP:otfl1ltS "Kale ,h.DaYle. t.. P'P' ,_ M"" lindolent '"'' h'" ,I,,", • ". ,,, .. '''''' "" '" ",." • ,," ,'" ".0<; ". ., ,'" , ",,,. ... , "''' '''' " " ., "," ,,,g, "' . , "mil; , lIod nul mnk e a sl mb t b d II t h' ' Ir"I·I,,'. rc("ollllnelllt pti un,ll'rescriJ cd 011.11. ,tlliIlEItS' IOllll'lE ,,.i\TI'.R, . Elocution-Prof. JolIn C Uidtrlt \ lin" bll 'ck rur oll I I'. 'In II I u tU '1I1 • Hl ebrs es· It ,· PI,) 01l"Inl15, SIIU huvc h::u I All invuluullie O·ECovery. A full grolll \ W d' .' " .' ,.. 'lirsl" ne essit' I ' • I'll Ie c IIS,IR. ID remem rance" ., moral Eucallon-Mls! Thompson. The lr rlIeel" y WI k' el'er I. I10 1u b. " Ir.JfR l'1II111('1I1 men rI,rUOlrllOlIt Ille cOHlIlry . I 0 I I uulliC III ell ",I oUllce of 'Vat er, '
a,udlh ,tcheapestlef\()herIlWereilOm':l' \la~Wlllt\O\\I~ he~na\O~1)for deare8~, d~pt: nde.}
II~e Mpll~n8 6:,"
A.~, ~·. l'!\bn:
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C 001-BookS; , '.
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Physiciau PrescriptioDl'
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0 V A L
W'DIIDO,.,. .. GLA-
en,,:, Ie . raRSon Lung LIIIII 10 (III\; 00 OlOI'e lhun Ollt lopie p e e I ;UI8.RY, dC· 21sl, 1865, to lllke expellcnce, call do 80 by ntltlred.in.. W 1m rD 1111 U II:' [II) I r 0 18 posscsstd o( pOW· I' He slIid lhll r . . . Ion 111 regal: d to ti,e d eath or Hon. JOHN B. OGDI::N II"" l!; 1m It y II'1II l!;, II\} er and Ihe other 19 of power. of Ihe lencher\vII SClphllu. 011 lho pnrt l J bomlls COl Will, A. H. DUllievy, Lsq , No. la Chombere sl., New alltl the bCdt bronds or IlnJ,HII{ou.nd splril . IHoislob HSlhll chair, aud J. 10:. :.l7Iv. ClTY MAXUJ.'ACTURE HAIR-OILS lve neCeS9RrY requ'stfe in the ten I All I C fiU aulocrnt, IllS gUHrn · S milh nppointed Secretary '1 . -.. ' t ' .Jt &chools elloulJ b . C Ifr. . ml'lIt Ruloclalic. 'The III i1s of II 0 t' . . s'I'n" _"E, n,)'I' 'I'Htl E. \ nnd w unOll1 tu u lion Am IClic hen I Willi fub · ' school fire 10 be I:y I'olle per i of live WRS I U Indy ftnd in Ihe \ Thankful ior the yer.¥ 1: p oss J C I' cs 1011 Ie pro . ' AU tl no I\lurc' '1'1 f I ,. ... IOU8 expre.s· \ "liP C,III he,,, very ror YPBre hee lowE't1 I I b ' .. · (' . lin lte teacher increase' Ih e I'l' ch 'r 00 • puw.:r 0 L.t , I,",' uf s"uso or meelilll&, much 10 th eir by rei urn 1111111 clu.e nUPl\lioll olld Inir d 'I' YI '. P ec liVIl po.wer in . tr'll sel,,)ol? lIt"b btl\ SQUICO of sue \ eUll\miltbc cunsislillg of tbe roiloY/inl!: (Iree ul loy udd.e'6illg Il,e IIllder· 1meril a generous tu .. tlOug J IlplllllOIl UIU Alto'elh .. 1 . '" m... . 1l t Lll e l\ulII ...l G,nl.l"nwn : 1 "uvlI'g Icurd of 1"' :11;: (,,0 .1. , .. • l the gltll\ pOWCI" J"Oll: s hl.i::'nlilh,J , Milt\:mWdliame 11,,"nbUl!l!:pd, will ubl';.: e hy notllulil·jn., ! T I k ' 1. A\\t:ll-eelccled,..ortmenlo(Ihtll!T I Jog. c ,\ CltnllOn.111111 nut L•.foll'. T holl " llt i l l A. G J K ON " tI'l" cnr,l. All ul"erA ,\111 udt! .• Ie mnr CI price ftl nlllllllc8 poi,1 for 3d • . Experi ence of tl I I proper Iu $ lcri6ce H!cil!lli ,) n Ilnll \ dis LnurO:II S mi lh. h · · .. ah BnLll their ubfti ie,,1 rCDB , (,rJer l1 Cu lt SkillS QUO Sheep l'clli. 1\ I \ I 10 CI\C lor n WRS oh illi J l I f ' . TIII)S l' ('I I u Y 3.-1 If I & 1U .\ I gpcllt lep . N . Il l" , II II I ti ,"dCulIllDllI ce l sporledthefollow , f)7. . • .. . IAI'''A:''l, -- - . - - - --.---' ed power tl) buch 1111 IhllL lh ti fl' (xt III oldcr, till, .. g l\ ' :Il/.: prramble nnJ Iy. 8 3' I1r"".lwo)·, New \ " r\l . I I Sh 8ccmcJ 10 nol liS 'I'he of tlte Uar WRrren [' I ,Rn ll1f1nony. bC 'lr Tnx I: 1l1ll1 .0 ti ll IJupll , CO llU ly hnnng hecld tllRt it plclIst:cI IlIl,U!!IIII, 11118", Ihtf qUllllljcAli ons wbi,cll fI lellcher Ih em I' God 10 remol'e uy dcalh Ill!! ' 1J<':!(,lllnn & Co.'. gClllllne l\Ictlieinol The IInde,reiglled wi sh<'s 10 co ilih e 01· 1hlcGUFFY'S & WlLSON 'S lJ\ust Ilccll8sIIIIIy pos sess, uro . lsi 1'1111 I tl I .C l!txL I lin g \'11' II " n. 1IIIl00K S Cvrwi n tile . IC"d L'VN OIl. Ily IrllllUII of Jonrmers ond nil \\IhOIl1 iL Koowled ' . . "C I ,e .PUl'l . I tlt' I l L IIwyn.t1't!UlIlllnnl . ' tllltni!nll ' II"lhe Inile I Iocl tlllL Il,ollleng>lll!din ' ' L &'C., . Ib ge .. .II bclIlglhl'll1S1I e'llIi lt l'. lessOlllliSi" 1 TI"uw Iu S.UIY Ollltor Ih I¥O" o lit ough 60mo Ruccccd I\'llh UUL lilLl,. III I "nH ·. ,u u!:I,1 enl lr e Cl'll1 cOll1pll.t.cd !:i llll es mlln lin 'I 0 ac cdy III US ", "" Il lloe UI St) USt> II l mUliuluclllre of on IIccount fl I menl nul III I vURbl . . II,II snllI loO \'p,' , . • 6S lrell!!ll,nU I -, tes I I'IOlh c llnll,'ul' ,' WAGOI'lP:S . 01111 b l'O "" ' f wilich" I"t' hL. 'lhRlinlheJ' I H'SO fO 1I!'le I rcal vI kn'o wlcd 'to they Tho WIIllt I,e 1.lurJ y IV I" litO gl uilL rault,-lin e Win uur ,,:I:lt 0 uv. Cor·· pure on<l 1I\11de fr l' lIl I",,'s il LI! ,'l rn lind rnllure lht Jefrom CAuse opposilglO' pon 1114) AIlII pll'Cqll ul'un nl'C UII ,'IIIC SI OI"II"n. OUIl or li s I vcr.. ::;010 by /) l!" ,. 15 gr ll erulil. 11l&ltcJ:?r. · nlld ill prepnrc I t I io bOlb BC I100 I lind dl~lrlcl .' . n . ' con~I Hn :l\" I LIlli'" oi il8 . Rnu our ctlunl I}' II f.(;f.. I.lN ~'" '. C" , . '}{ ('(' P I III IDlIllu , 1",. 1 sIv l1' AI', 0 I 10 I III Ihp Carefully and PrOlupdy }<'iUecI.. \ He said furll, er of lhe 'qualifi I' pr"ae ull'd Wit" g l t'1\1 racis cllnccillill:' ,ze llS J el 1U 05tpll iriolic Chllll1818 Mid Yurk o IlI o" e" ullytl"ng I that power 01 11\S ' ICII lon , ' 118 Iw elfi\re. NI'XI clllss iticillion wille'!; ' C u 'l we el' .1 Itt Ille Dtlr I,f OUIr '\ --bllrro\\' to Ihe tines l bUi'" u B Wlce • Old Drug.Store. ! pilB, aDd causeH JIll ' saved R d"A I of work. Thou ,. " un.)' hRs peculiar reasons for son09V 21i Cen.ta to Save 25 Dollars. . Io:l. t"rest. Skill' of In ' WI) shoulJ keep no 0110 UI\ck I nt' l lhe dcc.ellse of one for 80 mllny yellr ,s l\ e fllnqlliruled IIclizino re· F. UK'.n!! secured Ihe 8PfVicos or \\Ir. Ihe place of 'an ler fills tll,.dillSSS of alluI II l' r; lll"ku , . looJ lit illS IIeat! lind by Ihe G.r,'use &'1:., IlI srnll lI Itt" ft SltJHmur Ih e t:ectsfoflO thlltl'lIluhtioll i:i tl ' .1 IH lit!. y,prlll [ellll":S"k .. will III 11'19 connecliol1 one!1reaL8ulo eOI"f ,'., • 0 .. ~ >\luy Amon g pu .1 .. illig, cu It mllUll f II . " <,quo " ) IH) W. Only 2~ rorlll" P r I I ulI,ewnl ~u.r8nly Ih l ' . r . for d Oil 0 a , aud by j i l l .. ld by Dro" .. islS HEGE"IAI' N &1UII e, IIlun Will be II eilijacplls. If Ih. ipupil. aee tbe skill of tl IYIlI" Ihe feehng In teac;he In ness lind courlesy d IIImije . 'If "1 r". · rU • . · r th ey h 8\"0 grealer oou6denc "II! I""0011 J, indi \I.' d Ull I IIlt enlllln Ill ' .end v 1"llIlole ono D lrg'"1 8, NewIt York cu. J JOliN \v. l:OLLETr blln. The. fint 8nJ seco tl \"6e . 1\ liS lIluoh 118 anylhing else' Ihlll ) ' Ii I u IIFBOOlaiud wllh hIm iQ the Illy. 18. liona Ibought all L e,,: pupils Dtcd more IIlterlllon I:;ftn lit I "- ' p'lIc llce ,of .Ihe Illw. . (;laIlPped ,lIa .. cI!! aud Fare, SOI'C .e.. , .r lbey bu& aUempt ftDd .. I pos the 0pp08l1e cl"s8. IIe relt co 'indo rhllL we look WILli ptid,e ChUbIUI"8 &0. brood eastle.. ly over 8ctiool 10 thlltlhe words nnd lbe fIliI[] Upon Ihe C'Hccr of the deceasp.d IIIId Ht!I!!'1l1an & co.'s eo, 1:0' Ice 'w' Havin h "', . CODtli.\ed ii, the leacl ' orten ehaped the de} . t\le Ihe lustre which hi, abil · ro ureB chupped in 11'le ruurlcen E'Xperlellc8 Ibe •.\lLLor gave on a towlIlbg clllid. 'fhooghl Illal lite . 0 .1 Ie Illes· hue slled our profl:88ion;. me,italely, ".nd will kepp Ibe ekin"s ft I .. 01 Medi CIne,. .ulfere hid &n.d, a110. iu bei leu ar 8U • recila,ion .hou !d be de lime .we wltb pl.l!a8Ura Ihllt 110 olld In Ih(' wealhcr. mee. til" the cHlunll vr of book.. lie :hooependenl 11yely 10 II; lUIII 011 thi vo.eld a career Will ClOIllPioncEld by Pr!c(l Seu LJy WaynuYl11e and Vlcinlty. , . teaoller be dOlle t til OD Y • o~ lInung. Lebllnon •. anll tha~ he W f mel .lor 3~ centll. HEGEM A N& 0 .. . " . ... . ....o_ . ' •• tim.. lilile ' aCliuly eua'i;;d . or '111 0> ebl'lmlllil .lId dnligiet., New Yurk o co., emi ~~ICR on ,Ihe corner of l\lnin lIudlMI. • .0. 21·3m.. . . I /I 8. • near.}' ~ Plloel\e Hal! II HIIII • • ' fF.:r Nighl r ~Ha eroAlIlII, rClpon,lcti to,
good leacher, owon' which we . Y Ie I ror. Sc lll'fs 111 Ihe chnlr. Tile -\VIII I.lIl1s11l1r.It' 1'8t, The ttllCheri:8110 1. b erbt, II liar spc"kelS for lite occ:lsion, not hnv . , J. 8ANOS,& J . DREW 8W&TB, ErllTORS: Kill". . .LV.&. • , 11 o( u1 e. a d oye . tl l' les. K"Imbtsll reminu· , AlliS. M. ItITC'II1It, NEW yang AS, JSTA"T to ' , lacllon_bis t Rb I lUg yet IUI1\c, 18-3m . New Yurko --. tbe rllsourCII of bie ideas c leJ prestnt of Ih 6 duLy of wriliog l . -, -' .0" - EiiR - -.- - , ' - - -- -. - - - Iloke .t his melhod of illformlng killd of governule L w ld me Ifor our Jlllpers, lind upresscd VOl.. 'f, - -. - - - .. - - - - - - NeI, I. ' A G. 111 .,-as 01 .. II. I :1 Ill)" 01.1 fl1ends ond lite public '''0 sebo I ' n ou oot Rpr!y to lhe OP"llOIIS of editors on Iho slime 1 _ .... - - _ - - - - . _ . ._ ._ __ . _ ' ,-," ol" .. n' I:n\6uffereo (or yeQrR lilly. Ihot I hove removed my plnco the 8am vt \0 salDe ploco. l' rom A.rler lh e close of the H'ltInlks f tl , Proceedings of the LebllDoD Bar in or tn Ihe slRnltrormerly occll:Jicti 10m P" ... p"" II , , ,. ' ' ' , Rot.... ,h. D.... Gov. Co,. , , ... 'd' ,I , .. """"'''''', bJ' OJ ... 'P"""" .. • F ••" "".. ' erent feaulta anslllg. The exte r . dress' r Iv ored RII ntl I WIU, \ 1\ til, for lhe sake 01 8uffcIlIIg humanity, ' nal schools may Beem simi lar b ' " o. till B IOllgill. lie begnn I __ senJ rrce 10 aB who II fed ii, tl.e rcc-Ioe Opposite the Rogers HOUle , ' II, one , OJ" snJIn" tl II t 'bl d d' I f ' k" ' .IS Of. happy lind with I pHson Il for II At " meeling of the Memher. of tile 11,0, slluplo where I inlt'ntl 10 keep on bond I enenl -
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•. Iy.slem of Ollio-Prof. ClIlcIIlualllhen ex.pose of II,e ,cHusc or educilliou, aud oontinue tu )"PA IS. ellc ll yeur fiuo. Ih elll ill ""W 10Cllh· , kuowil Scrofula, :Sull Rh e""" Callcerp, .,. I loaehlO 01, A,rlrlml'lIC, III lit e CII ) , fan liS fir os, IIInl .Rre illliu III varil'1I9 parIS 01 lhe II'Vlld, Ulld Comumpliun, . lind many 1 JUl'e a-lit KllDbalL dl8cuulon of Ih6 6l1me,. g Address _ By Prof. HlIlcitlllson tiellool&. 5!'e mrd good, UUL IDllalt.l' cnlllll ' lhey I roehl'S Hre l'Cllcr l tJ l,rulllc &utl II cre dllnry "Isease., ere PJ'iuciplll of Columbus High Schoule. , I ",oold not "lIpl)' 10 1111 sc hool s. will ev;' r IllIV\J lhe I-!0od anu Ih ull "II.lcr orltclp8. I by ils UBe , 1I)l,lIs. noR (:0 11 Irllir,. . Addl"ese-Pro£' John C. Killuey. j'rof. followc,1 ill hi s roo gmillud u of Ih ose wh om tbey hl\vc Ohlo ln only 'Bruwll'1I Bronchial Trll' l C irCIllur 6 6l'II1 Irl'e. ('ri el', 1$1 pt:r bOllle' On motion o( Prof. Ullrfurd. Ihe In . I mnrl.s by I'ro(. IJllncol!i; who showed conlributeJ 10 make hll ' p. elle.,· " li d "v lIot lulle Ally 01 \\"orlh · or 6 lor Ovc •. elitute re80lved itself InlO all expcr. ,I the PIII(,lic ''d,i lilY of I ht' ro u"hnc8S in r e DI lld e IIV I' Ill f. l'\.ll1\u<l I /1 1I III . "WIlie ' II uffe·r .. ,}., S i \ l nil'l H .ANIlI.RS PhY8lctnn "we .; 1-' Ilhl1t 111111' ' 1be U 1 4"8 I' &.d Cu., N Y " .' 'I J.. g, MERRITT, • '. iedcG I I lcndling lint! Ihlll in cllunlry .1 I I I ' d 1- lId ' f .• I ' ",0 u p, eryw , erll 111 li e III 1"I"u tnles, R'" , ]1'11\1" 8, '" .rolO \\ nj' , e\\l• • I' mcelini . • Prof . ' . T \I f L,ell \ I • I ' . . se le.u I Ie 10 109 0 A :l-W:O ' /I rs nnlllU i:\,rullllI 3j l'eU I@ per :5old hI' 1!t:'lI erally 163m ll Y I e r r i t t , 1:.,41 lIa 10 aod t \{! ollg hAUlin g, @o long finu el\rn eHly S(·ti810Q every 81X IDOIlIIIS. Prof. Me· b"x : . '18. 1. ' -. . , - --- -, . -- . I . ....lIuded to Lbe Inl8[orlul'u o •• ". 1 lh... I recommtJnded ltv 80 roe .. ..••..-.. """ more I . Y S ; - -.... " b.. ....... . m'"''mt''''''''''' . . n,ougllr onglllll illy I good WRS- .,accompli.h"u in tlVO dll5 s t - - - _ ••_.. - • .,...... - , . , ' , 011 Iho oxUrC,ISQ8 wero post . lur pro.cess m[J ch tillle lhnn one, he coulJ nut Fl'e wby iu lhe . -_ . . .iJ . Ill.!' ....,.,.,. . ®IH> DItW .. 1_ ID or-der 10. IlIlw ul> the I III rh e plan of Si r bam" rlllio wu woull1 nul do Willi 10 : I!"ed hUVIIl i! b... e n res tored By E,,"roving" cll ro Photogroph8 "II T.I busiOeB8 of Ihe IIl_lilulo. Accordiu"- WID. 1Ilimillon, I, e clln sidelod beller by , hllve 1\ session in ste'\u of 'IIS , to II IIIIB lew1 we r ks, bV r" vpry nll,l O,; r PuCk!llR U, AlJ., ..fI. . , lv F"J MorlllOg's seKS '" ' fIIr. II e Sill Ii I ,r n. OuV. ill: "lilT 8 ." Lb e, r epor ' f 0 rl IIY. 0 r our pans were I 11!Sling only two O,,}"s. AIIH some e n se ve lAVing re lUll" ""IIIH~rell l!cllulI8evur~1 011,1 r.xcc l nil, othrr s; elicit- pn!!kn:.:o _.:.. ' ,. ....., ".d loy C.• ''''''g, ",d I'" Y '." "", " .. , '" <om, '.' moo' ,," ,,,' ,,;,, .. ,"'" " ... ,"hi""." '.;01 " .. , ,,,.,, " '''''. em" ;"""'''_ ,; •",. \JI ' :"''', E':",.," , Pm;'" P' ''', "". "." C HEM, CAL , approved, Ihen camo lhll relHI I scllools tuo much tim!! 16 bcf,' l ll the ExeculiYe Cumm ' ltee, WHit ' iUUd I" IIl uke Itlt Oll"n tu hiS fellulV 510 1Icr' I welrv I\ orlh 0 dollar. lit relnd. PrIce , LEAD 109 0,£ \he reporls of Ihe afternoon 1I1111 . Oil mlllhemllllC8. He founJ Ihis IIUI'ij. Lo rl?p0rL t II t ' Il ,e IlH'UII S or cur e o nly . 31,) CAll/A. We \VIII Rc nt! AI!ell18 Juhn . i' . . ,'\Yhl\li8nn In" a lentI Dl te t· , llllcry \V l':lrkn 014 , . .educnlion'!' , .,. ' 110 \v 'lll Srtl'.! . 0 u ::; IvrlulI:;;;17 II (,!'eIJDr, til"tln I SilverWnlch I J'. : lioll 8D tao 0 bOlh ntf which wcr u I 11bl8H1 g. 'Wha118 IIblI lUll lU ilkeR II 11 ')' 'On mOl j" n of PI'of. II flOOI' tf)n tlI 'ICOJ1Y uf the. I prrscripti oll. tiSI'd (Iree 0: I\ I'',IIgruvIIlj(s ": eOllu Jr,nvrlrnll_ 1ft SD Lith'll!'roph 1' Ill iu slepl ' . , Rpproved . I I ~ ) I .,. ,.d M . Ii motion 0 Jlol. Me . : : .'lllln or A nv C WOIll " " ?' Tilt" meeting n,ljo\ll"III'J 10 IllC P. \ nt Morrow c 1I111! . , Will I.e utrl'CllOll6 rlJr l"l'p ur. f' III,IS. 1'1;' .. vrry 0 ,.,Ior IlIlJ 8RI II I - ! .M t_ Cltulock, for I'Cllort Oll llCIiChH, wna not re spumi . on II lC seCU\1( I SIl tDrt III)" 10 . J Ilnll_rv ' \Illi g lind U" "ll wltl ': h Ih pv I rlm~nl of I'100 b e.lor i llUAe aiItJ, 1) fallolcJ 'I' r 1.1 f Ilit: Ihol",hl, .1.... 11lid u ~llre C Lhe , 601010, ., \ ' I wdl \Y"I I, ~e l\' I " fi", e J1 n~"O ' ll . Iho b time r InHIUC y ro, UrlB, WIIS occu . , ue "rL'llconulllollofsocielY. ' U'IV l'IMI3ALL p .. ur e 8 i :,: apied I b Eo l!:. While. He , I euu;,lIll1liuIO his fi8serUun, mntl t! ! AI. EREl> H St'c,.. ' fl'S. I &". \V ill'se ll fur pA V A:RNISH, began Y y SlIylO#{ Ihat no 6J6lem of I' 'I luslOn 10 1J11gh MIller, thal I!rcnl ' J Pre.l"ri lt ir ll . I IJ 1111 "'1"1 III).: 01111 thl ' a SlI o'l'lc 1,,1 lor $b Ihnt ",ill sr ll for 815 . ., . 6chool bgovernment 190Ult.l be fuund 8f.l- scholnr. an J hiS WOI Ii., hi. - . -. I rtll,1 l'llr :r 'll u8 1·I'1 '11 I II' III le le d, l:ieud rllr r.All1ln!!\l!!. lerm! etc . m R. 'IP't lEI '111 pile bl I 1\ I I 'S 1 I I I 'JIl w li e I Ie CUIIl'r,\"cs 1<1 I ., ,. oW V' Q) UII Ql ". e 011. 8Cloos-ullTcrent BChOO l' l' .. C IUOd 1\11( sch ool·mll.s lerS.' I HUllt ' ''e ill vll illubit'; nud hI' it"pus every 6 Uft·· IASKINS & C'l., . d,..... ' 0, m,"'" M•. ,'" ro,"; '. ' __ _ . _ . ' "., ,dOl '" h .. m" ' " .. ;, ,,' II ",, ' 2t··1 ,. D.. km,,, """, N. Y. m It. He could 1\1) 01\)10 !l"l\e B recipe adj ourned unit! two 0 clock. I thpm II "111I II g, Dlld IIlll y prove 0 pe for Ichool .t6llcbiug Ihan for I 1'. M. I W& f I vi 11.. 0 h i 0: I'lIrtle s lh" prl'scrlpllOn . \Viii 8 A 8 H Ali D P V T t T Qr Scu lplllre. Btl uext spuke of I . I ' , pleufl odJres8, I • ' al qualitications 10 be rJ b tl P III two o'cloclt, "EIlNESUA Y, J .\Nt' AR\' 3, lSaa. : RE\". ED WAR D A. WILSON --- . -::. -.- - ---=----TRUSSES
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Whit~ Goods, Shawllf.
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- - -11166; =7======-==:::::::========== ON SATllr..U ... y, JAlI UAIIl{ . . - GOT 0 RS. FJELDS NEAL \J~~I!II~~;~~illl~~ pu l)llca!luh -of weekly J e A. I R V IN'S
N..... L
' I .s ~ 1 ~~ .\! ,[ ,I t1 d f . ' It t Oate 11 .. 30 ':" -AT T'RB \ ' : ppe:e:..,:-..v&.Ul .:"'''· • .A J ournal (It Cho ice R.ading ' .. ". .. "...,. L ........ Darlcyifl " 100 IMrew fii'\fiiUIl r-,. ~rw [i\)fi::' WAYNES VI1.L E: ( cuR W I N B'rATIO N). Durn ill " 40 LCJftt!ll~· ~ 11 t~Ir.D SBLECTp> FRuM ·" :TR~llu\E~ CU llltUT LITER ' \ 0l'po.il~ Ihe Fountain 01 Pure W.ter! . "' lour 1il bArrel, '.) ' 60 A ~. II ~nu wllnt Colfee, Toe, or Sugar, TRUNS KA6TWA~D BOU ND. II1Ire of his oea~!l, we furllish tho f 1- · l" t.lU r ~ ew e, " 50 ! (SANDS. KLEIN' s 01.D STAND , ) ·Much ~I the h;81. .I! IN OIIlrf' of the \l sy ,' 11 )' u " .111 MoIQlJe. orl.'i.h, Nigllt Expten, I.ii~ A. ~I. . lowing: . ll ultt!r ~ Ib 35 !.ia lu.ulld III lloe hllgh h elld olltlnenl n' If )"" ,,-.. ,,' ClUld,., R, i.in. or Fig., Cincionati' Exprelll, 7,:;4.11. , ,,. Lord 111 lb 25 Beg leeve.o inlorm ln e public Ihnt they I nlsg ,z, ll lld onll perludlcDISj DOli II ' •. the tr )0 11 "' an' Chu.e or Dried Bcer, )hil ~lIud ACC{JIII ., 11. 26-\ . Ill . olUe oine months I\go, llis llelllth Ell!la 1P dOIl~ n, 2 IIiV e 0 11 , UII en I' XP "ct 10 kee p dn'rgn of lh e P ublis np re 0 1 tllle nolY Jour . l lf \'~u "'anI good Ale or Deer Columbus Accom., 6 .2 B 1'. III. Put~loe8 ~ bU8nel, 1 00 \ 118 1 lu rllp ruJuco lit ? choices t IP lpCl lolI Sl li) oUWfth lllvlvglla, t Ibeglln to dacliUll, but us oo ntinu" d to P iltsburg Expreell, 9, 02 P. III. Ip l'ltc tice his profession un'lil about tb e Dried App les t 1 lh 10 l~ l:l ~ A Compl 1.0 A ssorlllH' llt of fr ulIllh eso 10' Allle 'IC8 11 rl'8uerS, IO a lu,m Ii you want lI o, ring. C hi cke lls ~ 001:e", 3 00 III U II Ct' "Urnc llve IIlId inellpf> nsi v 8. T he If ),O U ".111 S.ll h) the tac" Ib bbf - . TRAINii WR STWAltD OO\;l'D. firelof Oclober, wheD he yielded to tb e Cuff"e 1;1 Ib :i8 j Pub l i~hH8 bl'lil've th nt 811ch 8 jo urnul. 1 If \ 011 ",aliI !S lorch R'c ' c: 'dor C ' r '1 d A d ' f b ' k ' E N O ' S ~ . .. c tl I I I I I ' I I 1 ' I e ,0 a. ream t ,. Ih i ah ccom" 4. 10 A. &1.'" • a VICO 0 IS frieods LO ta ' e a trip BSt, ew· r eon s "!!or 'rl nt 17 2:.1 , uu uc ~o up un t H~ P " n w lie 11 ,ley pru. "'a rtar, 1'~l'l'er, 0 in\:,u C",n.uton Bark0 Ni .... hl Express, 7.2!i A, Ill . 'I"nu .1 spe nu.• som e lime among Ili' S rt: IAN.·U. 8.e~ 1;>. gollull, 1:i5 i, 1\,1' ( ""1 (JO~P, Wi. ll be lI.ul lon lyb CIl'IC rl 5i lling Dndd I ' or ('1 t .' C I Ol\1"i. ' 1f~ J . "'I sp,ce J on •• Colllrnho8 Accom ., 1.3 u A. ~I . I un ,111 I!UII UII, I 10 1 ' j ' f1"lrU Cll vc III II b~ f, III IlIlere8 111~g ~n If 0 11 ".nl 10 I <l runk. <lon't "there P itt.burg Expres~, 3.20 /'. lIf. !i,e~ ; lLinking that, by 80 doi ng , his \ _ vll louu le as a rdl ~x 01 for ell'lI pert odlcal ) " g .. g , Cincinnllti Expre sp, 4,2 2 ... lIf. heal! h mi " hL be improved, IInu his Iifll ~ ~)J(rt\' -~CIIIC1\t"':J. - 1 P A I N T S, 0 I L S J li lt' rnlure 01 Ih e bpll er c l n.8~ i I ~ Yol U" .nl ' ob".cro 0 Gf len d,/I /l,renlillnul. ~u ' I ~ lIuE'1 ., 1fT - • DC! DOl' sto".' . ' 6p ~ red (oro some time . His Bisler, wh o _ DYE- S TU FFS, .:. VI'. RY S A Tt.: R 0 AY i 8 III or olVn I '' ou . IV onl ::iho Ylog, el'lII'a, tOSIU01 w ..1l • W II I 1------ - -__ 1""11 ( 'u~lIlry , 101 Ih l' For" ~id e ,lhe Ren,i dr , . :-< ,'01', " . . C LEMI': /lT, President. jACCOnlpani e.tI him: snitllhe \'is it, I TOILI::T ARTICLES . I lh e ondl he Sl'('nlllboel. plnu r .' O U wanl C''';A ... . E. \V. 'Y ooDwAnn, Sup't. no peroeptlble Im)Jrovement 10 Ill S " , I l'lII br u rl'~ l ucid e llta of Tru~el und "JV£'II" II I II~ II'QIII O)atc rt III the .btll/, eao, d OleD or .... D. CAOW.lLLAlJlm. Agellt. , lu re \.'.. ( . '1' I d JI I· ..., ,1,.10 n , , health, lind !.te told hill friends 'he !Vas n~TAII, HEALERS l.N I I ,c.. 0 11), " , n Icn nn esclI" Ive, ",c. CADW ... LLADER & bl!LL!I, EXP"fSI "yell.s. I ' rinl ·I'ule~. Short ::ll'JfieK, Poe llls, Uioj!ro. : If ) on ,unl Ink or Iliacking, PAIN'l'-BRUSUES.. plo ie a. Liter"ry Inl el lia~nce. e l(·., ill r.oll - , If ),0 11 ""nllluc.... l, ·or BAlketo, g oi ng home to tlie.' He came home 00 DRY GOODS A. ~', D'. ~.E, Te,lfyraph Age'~t. ! Wednesdar~ nnel eoolinued to gCJ about ' \ IIPctioll wilh judiciou!> selection, Irom lite ' tr y o u whul Cr"<~ery "'.,e, ' t 'l M d I I k I" b ·1 QUE L'NSWARE, • ~ WHl TKW' ASH BUD 8HES, odl\\i.Dble pOIpillar l)a\lO~e OnI a~l·ience whi Ch \ II \·o u w~"l to@;oaway<1",Ko lbere_tntot.i_ A B acc I11\ 0[1 I'180, 0 C II I'ben' an ' tJlJ I on ay, w ICO Ie too liS ou, .a:. "r~ -U cO\ llate,II1 rl y tlP\'~lIrtn'J I r II n IlrPilln Ite. ri- I ~M.U, IIARDWAI'E, The beal 'tluolity of 0 IC8 8. Ie VO lie ~ .tea .. popel's Ort~eB ' \I yuu wanl you r iug unt hoOte .mptl, ..11<1 i, ao ·' .ar' .tent antec· edents wae 00 New , lind ili~u on 'l'hu1'8dtly (ol:owin u_ , Dec . u ~ " ., Ir(J 1II Ihe f.ct 11101 6c lelll,tic SUb.lPCIB, ll ow - ! I\'il/'oul ft la.. (ul ordor~ 21st I far '1)' ' ['\ 'nt'a 0 (.lD,seD- 1 , flt fou r o'clock in Ibe . aftulIOOD. Rnd dry in. ·themsel.vos. nrH/,ero If .1'0" .. Dnll'oll,C'.rn, II ay, 1.·0 a bl 181 U .... . . GROCERIES ' ... •S l iver Iwr.Bh d v '.1' t d . II t tb Htl WilS cOnsCIOUIL up to wlthtn 1\ f~w i '· ~ ~ tn'lIle In 80 grn pillc alld plclurl'8que a ' lI you ,youl Pi," Combs Pencil. Pipu, 01 lilly 0 (eco~~ml-81p~Cla y 0 r 8, . hourso( hi. death, and gave hi, com · 8IYle~.tocharm thaf'eadflrwI1l1Ili ll!Olruc l_ 1 ripe' SICII'S, ' • , d "gars 0 rsplu ocomotlOQ on ft IllS 1 &. C., ,, For medi~i"sl purpo8f'I!, to wltich tlte ot. In o 111m a.. . t i t ' J (. .1 I .. . ' " . , If I() u WAllt lIIakhet, W llyneliVI' 11a h e I.ar f ' Ia d IpanlOn, .pAreO I, re a l\-e8 80 n enus, !clltion of d )hYRiciDll8 is I's .p~ciully colled j II wrll bp, III " horl . Ihe nim of i!s Pub- II 'IOUWklll " I , . ,. C ,. lI ag . S 0, rom I l .,reR' "ao~8 or r":oer. £'~ • t t' I very latl sfactory assurAnoe tbAt nil was W1 fA "!'l~~~V.717:7lT. mt rrr. an W III ever Ipertoln' to II tisher~, Ihot EV ERY 8ATIJnDoIV eha ll C{JIIl' 1 .' " . ." . ' tril ~ ).l J~LUc~ U /.l.~:\alC/lj VO j mend il@t lf by Hs freahlle88 IIl1d wllrit11 V II .' · U II ".111 C••lor Oil, S"eet 0.1 or 1'urpentioe fot ~J'''ID, a a mOB vlgoroul' pRce i L.ut wben entering tbe precincts of our we ll Wi th him, and that Le WRS going F ( •I.R S T _R AT E to nil clusses 01 Inlelligenl ond cullivoled f )'vu IV lt n' 8 roOIlIl • ..'. It.' c . ' J Invile Rit£'nlion lo the ir Stock or ' 11 I' t " wa l lOmeb 10 e ' \Tit luiS ollflour. he was renders. I II you 'V"II t'.... I' Ie' t IIlller vl,"ge'h IllS IIl1dnl sm ,St I " . noble, ge uerous soul, and in Ilia Ihort El'lm y . SATUI\DAi \V ill eonlain nch : II ) WRllt Coud le., Bed-Cord •• or Clotb••001 eqU.ll to I C tiS. IIDpose upon I ' . ",..m\. ~ .,g week IhirlY .lwu la r~e oclal'o p~110e, ho.nd- ! Lin es, . ve t d I' I I' !tfe hlld made maoy valullble {n ends. Bom e Iy prillled ill double colu mlls. with If )'oUI . . llt 111,~tgo, Shoe-nnllh .. , or Hic., Y lIe was buried o n Sabbath last, aod Sl!ll'c led Wilh cnr~ in the Eastern AI~o, a ruud, supply of mil engraved IiI Ie . I lf )UU " " ,," Paper or £" .. 101'' ', b tJed eS!ll ~ (ee ~ IIC .1 our r.ava I~r bsitro e; I Jore ore, I wall on y aoeor . 1. ' . IT 'I 'I' E R M A .: /I you 'Y811t Must."I, • h I r II ' tl t ' h . Ul8 remlllnS wel'e follow ed by A large 1M Jr.. m> ", ~ 711 ~ • ~ Ing to t e Da ure 0 lings IA w en b f I.!I! ~ Lm. .:c. LI:II :l ..... I . C C: I C ~ Siul!le Numb "'8 , l U cen ls. j lf J OIl "'.IIt 10 1. 11 or buy liutter or Egg>!. 1. I unnI h one al temp 1ou, .1 b y way 0 ( .I num. er 0 Lho 'S009 'of Temperance,' II , Subscripllon Prict', $5 pcr yoor, in ad. If .I OU "'RHt Li'luuricp &ndC" . .. i..... ~ue . DR lDLIIW'S DUPLEX .. " Gulll, III I~ a 1 -SU CII "'11_ \·nnre. If J O U IVOII' I:: ... "eo Pel'lterm int.or CiUhamOD, . to ' I' I I T I Iti l beSIdes a long proC'csslOD of cllrrtage! varillty" glYe a III c elp, om 8 IOU 6I d .. . . MONTIlI,y PA n T3 w ill be issUllIl. eonf oII ow IIUI't ,au u p I fair : ao d eIear I e wllh weeplDg relallves and 8y "'U"'. 0 . lng I ~II png••g enc l" IlonU80m,,!y b"und uoge ~ \ 'r'EA IllIn I ~u;" , . I' k th t U· pathizing frienlll. MAy the God of COFFEE, in 011 B~lr.cliv" cuver, price IiU r.enls._ _ __ I o"er t Ie anima s oec -Dor II I\S . ' .1 Our Slock of S b . I i "'1'> U · o:r P. f',- If you .re dru nk or in the habie . Bi t h Id tl r l!.te WluOW comfort hi s bereaved com SUGAR. u 8cr,p' on pr ('e, ",'. n yell r, in u vance. of .. t:t,i IW "rllnk, or can Aot beloo.e fourlleU.a leroballc e or 8 ou cost Ie perlorm · ' . MOL. t::SES CLUIIUIS<.:.-S ubscribera 10 811y or tile ~ " . 'bl'I' t' panlon, and coolole by HIS graco Ihe BOOTS AN 0 S HOES, J",,,, • beeo woal\cullcllI8." STAY AWA ! ~ er 10 tnaCD BI e 81 ence lor some Ime. I' d f' d S PICES, olher pcriodiCIII~ pu b:ished by T icknor U.t\m. during which Ihe. Dlany aympalbe tic re lllIYCI no fleD 8. -IS OF TIIEETC., ~nd F ield8 will rtceivc 'Every SOlurtloy' S. S COTT. ETC. ror $4 r~r Ypu ill B"VIIIIC~. per~oni .' who ~Rthcred rou,nd, thought .....~~te..t If~ TI CI<NOR AND rfELDS, . J. • th1\l 'fom's furtb ll r ellrlhly career was BPmlTUAL. Slreel. Boslon, I Wo ' ,ove no hesil.tion in 8Iyinrthu the ' A complete 8118ur l mcnl of MOD EL PAI{.LOlt MAGA - ' Itol was on lire ~pol, buL not, I\! IL r.P· I Mr . Gideon Le ak has ' receive d AD an . All 01 which ie oOerctl BI Ihe ,owest 'I' GAI1'ERS SI'Y OES ZI NE (j' Allleriru! FIN ES T PERFUIlBRIBB I I!ymp.&t Illzers; :l. 0 CIUOI'Cli 1'''1 I or . for, Is wer to tlte latter he seM to " ~1.flidavit marllet pri ce.. pured, among tie. S "onl 1I)' 11llllOuzinc j f\'N oucretl in t , li8 Qlarket, m.y b e r(lun" ., . "I II' tl . I Or.t. 24 , 2.lr I' 111.. Cu mbin es 110,1 presenls Ih o most IllletCql- 1 at our edluhlishment. They ara III wben olle of lheOl lIugges letl Ihnl An 'I Od . tn, .iuee;um; a so, III. 10 ol'lglnll I)f, "'!! , u ~e lul, Dlld ol' l nl'I'YI! IIrroy ul por u ' .... ·' on close In" Fpt!ctlOO, to Iur /eulures eve r uo·crl'u.t ill II m"l!"z'"I' , G E NUl N E I m . D . be ' summoned . ' Ihe 'cruel pArienl' ,• )e Uer was rounu, objected, .\lidln? th~ fath e rly ~?) ,bene' jIIB\,c be e n open ed. If Lhis is tbe cast: , Thp. be&1 qua lily o( Ilico Utllll!! lurge r Dlld II1 MO cIIs lly ~\I'el Inu competent judlrfl give tbem the . Let I d d I I B L ~~'l ~:lIg,ovi"g~ 1101111 ore fllrr, .ish(' d ill lilly olh · 1 tliClJOll,' IIOt Ie , -n 11m .. u I Mr. LeKk owes it to ltis fl:lIolf·cili zens i . pr o Oriaitlnl Hll. , ics 111,,1 I' .II 'IUH hv 1/"' 1 I.IGIIQT PRAISE. the d(!~d 'fom was not del\d, and IL iVn s l lh~t!.te make lh e fllcls public (hrou .. h " ,,~ n..u", I '""Sll'llIi",' nl /IIIII, urs. NelV OIlJ vlllw,ble l . Yo' Ileo 'I' om nrose the columu8 of your poper. co I F or Gen ll eme n's lind Do ys' \\'cur. AI~n, 1'I I 1IH1'<I P" I,u lllr Co'"pose"R.We particularl! desire the Itleatloa • '" 01.1', I,y III' • bit of a re8 ur recIIOD '0011 after, be(uro Lhe sp ec ~"lo J'8 - liS A A ~ u lurge BUilply of well-e elec lc d :\rC' llIl er lllr e ond tH ude l Gorr nge., wilh ili THE LAD I E S . . . RDEl'T ... PIIIIT, " l\ I ' I L'" 1110 ' " giu ll1 ~ . fill" P U rlrll il~ u/ Flllin""1 Ptl r· good a milo "a be ever WIU. , "".'I.'ll,wl r " I"' V \V A. I, I 0 , OI) II R. The F,, "it iuII B, ill every dep Urillle lll .' . - - -.......... - I , . . ~ .v '".. .., n ~ J , Hu on hOllu B splellulIl a'Hortmeut 0/ I~ • ,,1 LIIOI1!~' bllll Chilu r,w 'y Dre'~,ij I'I C uuiu - \ To \1>111 lea\ure 01 OU\' bUa\ne .., "rhe ' following - item of news, fur,: lDulVldual who was hO deeply BllOADCLO·fl.lS II I~ 111\,ISLr81 ~ J With unrivalled IlItI "' ctl~l , ALL T H .... TIS NEE:h ED I , - - - :.- - Fu ehlOlI Pln1 1"8; ural our l)"u.,1 Fu\1 8 11,P : ",,\licit i. goiag.. ,he rounds o( tbe pre8~, interested in my welfare a8 to drop we CASt:;;fM F.RE~. pntlerll S, IIrllid nnd Entl,ruidery. "1. 0, [ For the Toilet Handkerchler. IPlle_oo,dJo our columoa a wllllk or two 110 an.onymous leller, informing me of VESTI~GS, J " lIuu6e fwld llull e rs und R ecei pl . , wil" Sce{lling D;.wer., Ward•• ,ince, alld a. iL proves to be ooe of lhe luud of company 1 line kept of IHIM~f[N GS, of JIll Idllfl. "lwo"8 onhand. J~nll ie JUli e'. Tnlk 0 11 WOIJI~II'R 'j'lIpirH; robea, elc.,lItr.. . . cere II &' r .. WI'"~ h h"e, rna n utac l urep II ccor d'Ing t U I • 1'811\8 Ele iun ., To(If. '\ ('0:1 and eIIamille our nrl.tlee. those unaccountable reports without Iale, WI'11 p1ease receive my lin <1c tl,e r Curr1! wilh P I'olldence, 0 CQlIlllantF.1<l., li ltcl.t'ss . l hIn kS, an d WI'11 greal Iy 0 bl 'Ige me f ur· 1 Ihe LA1Ei:ll A fiIlCbB&llrlmento( ..llnlliant Nuvp.lllrs , 1111 tu b.. fill ~I .~ IIIlU fllllndalion, aod oalculM ed to make mls, • I 1. ROSEBERRY "_AI.. el' -IO tl . i Ih e r by' info mi to t I I I I LAl\:1l)~ IIrl i. licollj' illuwulell, olld IIII' Mnl!" :t.i llc ' . - - - . -- - . chi"r .'plnatr....- r '8 QII COOmlDAt on r nl; a 0 W 10 m am " • , 10 bc prinletl 011 llo e fill~RI pnp.. r. blllj III ! wliieh .bares our bighest . regllrd, WI'> IDdebleJ for. such unaxpecled 1I0d un · Illd at Ihe I LANTERNS, & n sly le hlf hiudill g iulo" htll U.;)II1C vulu rn e ' aro hAPPY to appe..Dd a contradiction o( look~d (or klD.dne89. It shall be COl\fi~ LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. I ~ ~'::or~lte conl~r-toble at Ihe r.lo.e of Ihe . D. B. E BE R LEY, thll elAtllmeot lu\ndetl oa b ... a "romi. dentlAlly recel,ed. . I CHIMNEYS I I V . r hi d h ' ' . ' . J r. . Tbt! CtUtllJjf lIepBrtnlOllt ~ Ynrly. S;300, wit I "~I 0/ ']''''0 henl) - , ' lslteR to III orm II pRlrons an t . neo! member o( the Orlhotlox Church RlIspeclfuJ\y, JAS . A. L-. I. under thl! 8Ullervision of that ~XCellf'lIl l lIful l'url ur :-il,'e l ~~nl.: r"vill!:e , U ' n Pu ck . . nublic t lltal he keep. conetlPlly on hind, . I ' 'II W I dd t!.t I 0 1181 1 J J , 8 g e cOlituillilll! 'I' w" Oullllr~ \-Yurt" of IlIrge nnd 8mlll uH 1111 \'1 ai~· e CAn II eo II a FIRB IN ~PRING VAL1.EY.-'l'h e ·W ool . r , - Extra FtJII . ~il':l' 1'''" Pro', as e prem illlO I" . n,tK-s .. AnE PLOWS. there bas bellD 110 'yellrly maetiug' reo T,. T. DOD SON, -suel" A8ellc/' i:lubdc-riupr. E.,'" sddiliolllli 8 1110- 1 d d ble and 8'ln Ie en Flle lory of GlJorge Barrett WA~ cle · . . . • I FIXE CUT 11 11 ou g eeDtly held, in Philadelpbi!\ : I " b fl 1'1 d I t '1'1 who, In hi S Iln£' , IS gPllernl,y ocknowlA"- D PL1UO .Re flh" r, IV he u ,;Cllt ill ClubA. $2./)1l ; 'l'hrpe i S t .. 0 VEL P LOW S s roycu y re 00 lurs fly as . ie J d b ' I . I I, .' , Co pit's lur $7 ull; Five C:u l,i llri (nr :jjI 1!.l ; . n _ , 'd~h. e dO ... tholdo~: . Q~Akerf8 atrebl ·lilk ely , flllmes weresupposedtOl!lIv e proceed ctl IC g~~~;~v ~l~url)~ eu~~;~'lllt-; G I C iGAH.~ AND T en (;ol'i,' s '''r~ll~j wilh Ihl! P",,,liulII m.,leof 81('e l. Hewilllllaom"nulflctur. l I) I" e on t Ie quesllon 0 es a IS IIDg ' . 1 SNUFl,'. 10 ellch ~lIh~r. ri h rr. ' nllli r!' pllir Plowshllre., nnd dreslillod tem. Sundny·ecuoola. Th'l question i.s aai- ' from the ~park8 of a lamp willch had 'II In,!(c qllonlllY olld e l('Jron'. quuli ly nl1,f : A,ldn'sM W . JENNI NGS DE iU OREST, ' per 011 . kinds or Edged Toola. lating t!.te ye"rly m eo ting in Phllauel· been cArned througb t!.te bUlltltng. ,I ely IE' , of home lIIo(..e,nlwlIY s III supply. i DLACIUNG. _. , •. _ 473 Bnl tAII\\,AL Nl:w Y u ll l<' (lO-Srnilhillg Dud Uorse.shoing.ueQd. pllia, lind if '~Ie friend.s of lhe proposuu Losil .$ 10,000; inwurRoce $5,000, Dt'.lcrlbined to mAillloill the n'I'~IIOli"" 1 Bl• .ACl\lIIiO . Bn,~!5.l1JE~' . ~i"gl(' Copif'" III1.i lr tl Ir ee on receipl of . t." 10 prumptly, (4-6111 .ehools l,rllVI\II tho mlnorlly who look \V I tl' M B l .I of hi . house os {Jll e of Ih e fir~. I c l~ ,i', 111" 1 Er e. (; . rrcie, Uuc k N","bers, nB 811eci men6, 10 -~ T W , from the II eflrn la. r . arre L " I pro ' Ua.1510n . I.s 1\·'11 ca.. nI S. IF .OU 'VAN TO KNO .pOb thll aCL ' as A dCj)lIrlure . I I) lIu"1 Py aliI I IliS I spare II U _ _ :__ f tI . 'lI'U d bably erect R larger Rntl more exlell .. I'!.' I)U IIl~ 10 gl~1l I ~p lc lIJiJ Prtmillmq nr r1 oO','rru (or ,' A Littlc of Everything relaling to tbe auP" t r B In UM 18m u 0 Ie 8~ct. WI WI I raw bl ' I Id ' E' L.... • • '\~ ~"l Gl ub ti, cUII "itil1 ul! of (i uld PCll ft, A IloUin ", mnllsyatem, mole end femllle; the caUlet esta Isilmlml on lIe 0_ 8Il_e . ' ulu'C .,atl~tactlon.. i .~ : ' I' ':) .t:>. 0 . I '. " I I ~I I rd'" and or(Too.iz a'uother Ineetl' ng,' ., ~ 'l . l l:J year y, Bllu '(; "I'I IlJlI 8 10 I l e ' r~l u "11 0. ollU trealment (! Isoelldl; tIe OInrrlal/o Tbe Et.lilor m~!.3 v~ been "iain · TH~ M. R. S'. ·c·o·cvell~d arr~ 'In on __Cu i_I lI_nd_cx_A~ine_._8t_ock_an_ d_._p_r_ic_e_ s. _ \ • , zill e. , \V rbri le ,t~ L,,,!!c Dil' llo lluy, ' cllstoms 01 the world; bow to mlrry \IIell, ~ • "'~ I . (j 11l Iltc s-\V,iUi!,' rs, 1I111~il!·I3"".8. Melolle· '\ UtlUII Ihouslnd Ihinge nenr publi8hed be. Jormttd I I to Iha above pangrllph. It , M d ' 1 t d f" II I PEn Y E" K I-\Ve \Ve ahnll on hnll li A genSewing etc., elc. ore , r. end the revised and enlarged edition bUl jUlltice to tho 'Orthodolt Qtlllkers' . on ay mg.1 ,an a vel·Y. U. a. Cn" . W6t1t agenld everywhere , t'".llIi.~rt01e llt o~ P"IP.llt l\lp"~ci ll rs. Anybody CUll rosily sec ure olla ur the \I . uf "l\!ElIICAJ, COMlllon SEnlll!:," a curiou. ance-especudly of (he flllr Clclltlon- I to sell our IMI'ROVJ;D ,,20 Sewillg 1\10 · AId ~o, JUSI recl'lvpd fr olll PIII sburv, n bove Prurn itlm . . . b'lok 'or II.UrlOUB people, and e good book S b L... I I I to B~ale. thllt . ft ulttl ' 80 100 ~ are . gen I 'IDterest JO . LIe I IIIslllu . . 1 1'1I11I'S I' 'J' I,ree new k'"1111 I ., ' al I dell ee lecl"d 10\ 01 - - fur everyone. 40 0 plgos. 100 ill UI Ir., - nLles te d!.t t at tIe . s.U d II t'r IIl1u ,,00 W tral1y c'i·tllbllllleu IlirouihuuL tbelr So- t' I d Ld ' d t I I 1"llper feed. \V urrallted five veArd. Above, P L]~ S P 1 L E S I' tions. Price 81 ,50. Conlootll lablel eiety. . 100 11\ no Ie O? among .lle p('op e ', SIII.,Y or lorge cU'"lJlis~iuns "Did. Th[" llJl OWUU. (aLIUm,1"S Bent free 10 8ny addre8l . . Baoke mll1 be " . • S· Messrs. Furnas, Bnlly, MenHt, Mnson, ONLY llIuchineR so ld in U"iled Siotel! for , paTE"" PILI!,' I~STI.IJM"'NT' hUI~ It tile B~ok8tore8, .or will be lelit b, . 1h08ewh.o IIcel!'jlt .tho . lIoly cr~p- Cullett and JIIDuel enterlained the All ' les8 .lhl\n $40, whieh ~re fully, licen seu by I ~ Give ts A. t!LIJ, Jl 1'1 . 1'.1 " , 1'. • • mftll, nnlll paid, on rece'pt nf price. turel ftl Ih.rlr 071iy outwaltl rule of fRllh die nee wilh appropriAte remalk~ cal. /l OWI', \Vheeler, I< WII ~on, Grover" B,,- , . ·Olt TilE RADICAL Ol'nll or Addre". Fl . FOOTE, 1)1. D., ,.. '. k"r, Sing er" C, •. , olld Bachelder. A II I And vou eannat lail '10 be 811il('d both in & :,I .6 m . 113U Broadwa" New Yode. and. practico could never divide 00 lhl! cul"led 10 InfuStl vigor 1010 the Sl.IGltlly ulher chcnr rnu('hlnes are in(ringeme lli s. j quolllY al:d pricl'. I C" . ' . . " J qaeellob of t8~.. uh6htng schoole 10. or· l and further the came of reform. Tbtl nllO Ihe seller nr us er Id lillble 10 hrrest' l June 23-1: Without on Op6rottOJl or Akdicine! WAY d6i iJIRt ·· the conteots or the Sacreo. . 't J d 0 ti"", ono imp,isonm ent. Clrcnlars free - I -- _ _ ____ - - - . -_ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ __ , ., J Volume ftlight be as widely disseminn- OCCllalon was very 8pln e ,lin. Kugure 1\A,ltlresR, or cull u(lOI1 Show &. CllIrk. , lfA8Hl(jNAnL~: This is nn nrricle ~ wnnt of ",hiell , ,' 0 n I II 1I E 9 Tn E I'It ACT I CI 0' to 'bl . ... well for the future o( Ibe Soclely. ll ,dd"l"rd . l\lllh,e. Of ut No 823 Rloadwn y , '\ hn long bee n I ~ II, bu. never Kl1l'plietllln- \ e HI pOBSI e. _ __ ~ _._. New Yurl;; Nu . 23G Cu rrer Hl , I'lIilo,\el · "EM C) \I A L. IiI no\\' ~ anll the incrae.iull ,lem.IIU wh~re D -. , --- -- - 0 E tl bl ·. l r hiU ; No Ulock, CIoIr.nl: u' l ithubeenunceintrodur.lld,ntle.t&it.8l1- Initevarlouabrllnchea;nottQbeexC'ell. y St d coL'TE"·. -~L'T~R I - SL'T~R 10:7. ve,r. ~Rft~ ~ 'III " ur AY., lO new Jlu I III. ,' Nil. 170 W e. l. l"ullrlh SI.! Ci nc ill- , perlority over bny \ret::lrn~nl herelofur e cd onywhere. NOlie but tht • . Cl\lIon of 11cknor & Flc 1.1 uS, i8 sure 10 I nUl i, 0.: or No. II SpuulJilll,:'d l' ..l: Chllllj! e, . ' 0 ~ 0 ~ There are hnndeom'e young dfUllsel& 'in I kn ll wlI. W ' be a 8uccellB. Soe adverti semeol. IItIH".tI O, N. Y. !.!_~. IY__ ~HQVing rptnoved her ~lilJinery E~. It will remov,! the \\'or~t ca~e in 1"1\'1': "!nesville-Rny 6ne dKY mlly con j JUINl ITES, IIInd Cllre lillY ell~c TER"B, CA-II.-Offica.t hilreaidence J tmbli8hmcllt (0 the ill 1\ ,'e"Y Ahor' tim!'. . .. Sireet. . llIce you _of Ihe rRCt, which brin~s . I d d I ,. . \.. :\" on I\luin 1-1, .t:rrVACRliolllsenle ,ao tIe \.Jill f . , , N .• W.comerofllain&Tylerats., r-nl [ T/1M't; SUl'n' F.Dn\"~ Ihtm 00 the stree l; or if you lIee thorn o· M DEALERS I ~ I on School resum~ operllllonil on . 011. ~ , Would inlorm hcr Ilumerous :palrollB nnd DE~IAS nARNi'~S @ CO., "" 'hm, go '0 ,h. No", Rdo,m d.y. ;,. 1II ,e Ih61 prepared to 00 ull 21 Park R"w, New York. Il\~etil\g, and yuur eyes will be oftZzl co !full Idescrlpllons of lfllltni'r11 such 89 . Soltl by lJrul!l{islS genernlly. Uelsil '¥ilh thb seene. There tlre also fine· ~11C\tdc~. !ND 1BLEACHING, prj,;e, ~ a 0 0. U~ulIl di scoUIIllt>. oeulers . J; . l' HE~S I NO. Selll nllYI"I, pre Oil rP"p'rl 01 pri ce. -A H Dlooking young men - gu~lting youths. I 'l'H,IWI;nw .It I' GILU".-;RT ~ 8UIWH~(;, Pr':p'fj" l1tDTAlliV IP"UJJ3!L.lItD, lit brs\'1l and i;IIIH1,80me I\S I;l\y, lLlld!V 1! lIsvRn", Hnron COlltlly. 0., DH . , 070 Ne w W8),U.,,,IIte, Obio. pre'time tl;Bt ncr)' ol;e iliele is rep 25. 1865, by Rev. 0 , Bur )!!'.R, lIIr, A " : " 1 At Ih~ old B'and ul1 3"'in Slreel, \Vayn.es. on sl,ort notice. olld in the 1" lest /u slliulI- - o::::r Desc rll' IIV 1! clrc lIl"," sellt .rce. l. 'e~e"lod in countt;lrf,·it by 8101('1"& un· r~ . L'I,plncult, of \'\'''yn eH III£' , 10 1\1' 98 vli lp,\yUll ld IIIlor~n 1I!<'lr Old cu, lIIl11prs blld ol>lL' ~'yle8 . 1_'_ ~n3 u~. __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ I 'rhe I1Ja.()n"nd Uamlin Cabin"l Orritalcd He I l I t:'lISU Il Franotls UIOIIU, 01 lite for mer I'he rp81 01 mOllkl ll ,1 II. al Ih ey "uva 8 goud (~A I . IT' . '~E' "AII~, (Ol'ty dl""r"J,t Ih. tet ,. adapted 10 a.cred CAm,HII. p 10 ogrnp IS l pltl ce . II~Borlmelll ur . I V-.J clt.,ce BBBo rlm.ent 0 rlllHllIlIgH. ~u 1 .' ",""I"rU!u .. c,fo r'~O 10 .r.UO ,,~cb . •'if. lbttnlruG -t.o life-no 8ueh pictures k ' I .·t Ille 1' 1 1 • . Nu\lull s Il"J Fuu cy Arllclclonltulld. ___ " .t 'v "eG<;lLD or SILV bRI\I";OALS, oro,her , 1 he printers or 110\\ cuge re ce r Sto~es' · /'i",1 """"'U,,,5 aWRr<l ed IherA. 11t".lrolcd Cuwere net' mntlo in WII)' ncsville III Sill. f I C k" ,' 1' ·1' I ~ v , 1 "\llIk lul lor Ihe I,b prlll palrollul!e here- . ACilEl\'.'!'i " i\:\ I ED. .. il ....:",• • ~lIt Iree. Adllreo., MASON'" UAM. \. 0 I Ie 8 " \\ I I t 10111.. lu lu re f'Xle"d ed "" ,s~ TNr.y h {JI' P~ he r ~ M SON BRO'riIL' ttr pro dUCf!I' ;.. an'0 no pe rson 0 rgoo d · I . ' ·d I r ' . . ' /' ..RS _ 11-11 . N• .. Allhe Xf'nio I1 o tl 3r , Xe nin, on TIlu·.II "0, a lone supp y \I c(ln~I"."t I'lldenvor~ til pleo se "111 ensure Great S,ile q/ tlell'e!ry (( /1(.1 Silverware . I 1.1"'. Yurko Ut'ItOO, or A , ED/TOftS G,uETJ'lt :-13eli; ying that . lhe numerous friend ill your villAge ' an d ,·icinityofDr . E.W.Boslrrwould l be glad to leRra lome or Lbe pULiCU. ,
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tKate will f"il lo ~ive him II clIl!. E, · dB)" I).c e. 27, by R ev. :-:. E. P."rr1? IIJr ery day mAke. IIi. Iia ehorter, I\OU JO.hn ~t . C Ar~l~n, of GreE' ne COllllly, to II ' Ii ' .. Y d MI~i1 Sullie C rll;>III, ot \Va ... e n COllllly. lIR ne ..weather sllOult.1 nOl be IBre· \ n: -...- ..... ~ ..... . . ... • OINCINNATI TnlKs .-Wilbur F. K . in.!' '-"'-'''--''-~~-'~~~~~~~-~ o Near Wayoenille, Dec. 31, Samuel 1Liil -:-1 '''' 'I • Ie Even'lnll Ii" Bellm, Aged about 72 "ears. . ' w'lll b"""gIn fUI'Ollllug Timea to 'such of our eitiaenl' all IDAY N F t Aoc'e t J of .1' th . ' )'t· d Ii ' . '. . eAr or ~ I D, Ulp ena, I • ~~ l~. 0t;1 ~olldH De'Xl, ~~e 8th In. tlto Ji18iDy Darrow" Ion or. J1\mel aod laQ&,.r.: ·.P.liu.·.• .,2.0. centa a .w.eelr,. App11 1"·Mry E. Darrow, Ized 6 "eare, 8 ~ _ ~ ~!~~ ~G~..,ft. ·ofll., . 1M.. _oDLia. IDel 14 day.. ......,...,~, ~:v,:!{...Q'd. !;.. .. '
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Tin copper &, sllCct-iroll \Varn'IlI'l! nIIIlUUn~tl
01 Illl! tiQITlC. . " f UI II ' . ' " , ' \Voyp~lIYllle, Oc . . 11. HI .2m . The A rrlllld II 10 glc"t G.' t :~ tr 11~~'OII' Iv r sn!e at the 10W!'RI CDBh priceR. A" 1'1' RNPIII -E NO l'ICE Ollr A ):,e "," or . ,,, .. k,,, ... "'0'" f II' " '" llllrt.\' ki 11 01 4 U r ~. < . • ll u ll HI' 5 1'<1' ,JII)', "lid,," ",·<\1 .1111 II ,or... 1.... 1' I, Slock lwlot'f8, ill lhe \V ay lIes.vilie ' ",.oir ... 1'1'''''' IhIlV • , WA· II "',I "", r "Ito"k \ u OUT - DOOR WORK , 1' allJThe W"tlmington '1, urnplk,e . Y · rOn.~"",,,"/) .. I Orl, 1..,(1 II' " n.. n rlC~IIIPIIIIY Dr.e ::t.~' t of ·Wutet, •• . HtIIJ;" 1..S"' "lI"d UUiI.\le. s lIch 08 Sp _ul illg, Rf)ofina, &e. , dune on Ilfreby ~otili~d th.lt an l!:t ~ell on for 1>1' 1II,ell's Jc,"c.'lr) or ~H kl,,,I., 01 . tit . IlIOlt h'8~11,! '" I ·t Ol'ce ano ill Ihe befil Innuner. \ reClor. In ... d eompllny WI.II be I·elll lit Mhlo P1lu er,u .• c." "!\:,It.l it ,:"cll. Sen.1 2t> cu . 6101 ." Ihe Store of A . L . Antrftm & BOil, in Inr" cerlifi~hl~.,IRntl yo u wllIt.•!'e J I PI 3 ~ (f1 I t",htll 11 ryou t5 Ort fI r UY - . , • . lIarve)'ebufl!' " 011 MC lIld.y Ihe Slh 01 Jon ""tit/ .. " to; or 0.' Ive 1:er I tf." ~ .0 ° 86" • . thirt! or • C,,"I ~18ntp 1M Our lur"" 10 A. J\lO~TI . I-Alle.llle Wllllt· : uu" 1 6. , Age,,;., .. I,tth Ill''' of tll" Rlo,1 IilJeral 1"'1d.~ ed (or SIX EJITIRELY !l EW .ARTI· D)' order oj lite Pres,dent. No" i! rUY' lillie! . , ' .- t ' AdJres8 0 . T. GAilEY . J()EL EVANS. &e. ARRANDAV: 6< co., CLf.ll, ·IU8 oU. . . I D I 1866 i33m, No Hl7 Uroad".lt 1'1 ... Y"'1¥. ~iJ1 Buildiui, Biddeford, !l.lIIe. . rC l . . , _, " .
$90 _"
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' .t Dy 1he kill or pound, of I warranl8" ,qlllllily. Io.r lIaMlllEbRYRITT 6_ ... R.Ju ... "". .... r
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PURE CIDER VI.N. E.G-A'» .,.a. TII'le ~e .. ,w e pro'•. " kaow to ' b"'" P"'., .. ,
cur-.J the Cid.r fro. reliabl. r-n.... . iD "U thi. oeighborbooll, In4 per!lllt~" , it '0 Iurn to 'in• •.• our own 'r. .'.... ~ti "lTT" P&UIT& _r. .::~~ _
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PEN ~S\ U AN U CENTR.l L R. It Doub le 7hlCk Rottle 1'AY irBSV ILL l!-" O H I O . rRO~1 l' llI LAD~L P lll A. TO G R "I'SDU CE. ADVAN T.ERD . C.lSIlI N PII
1 II,), IIIU". 1881. I SILVER INO, 1861. f GO-LD 11 1IJtJ3,
Y WATCB&S t FL DI D EXT RACT 00! 75,0 1'0 1 ' &C DS N O' LR E1ME IJ ~ , 543 > BROADWAY { 543 ., DIAl \l NEW VOIIK . BU CH U, $2 --$2. $2. Y S ' \$'-' A LID 0 H THE R FO AI;J:~ms .01: T il l (~.LFaH ATI.D Ton
• t'W. . - ,...,... . co. & Gllaud et, 'fhe hOll8e ur I\lIunqu .Jl. Non -reten ti on or Incont hlellct ot • pu rld. have lil e pIC Cl ""re 01 DIlHoun coIl J: - .l""\ .J..'II \ Ihe In y nc Age n n ned ope liD"" lI,Py ol U flne ,.. Irrita ti on, /I nllaIlu uUoh '"' lb.' "uIII" I"" ~ ... I< I Ih , I." • tlV Yur k , fur Lhe .a le 01 til elt ~ .. 00 ••,,7'1 hll" roe .. " Cit uf 1~r1Ii " l ',~u,,~u Ih. ,".: ,';::,,; I ."~\ , rUII e.t ~ Ihe m f,o all,,1 tr rlt, lll"Uu f' I A &.c.. or Ulcera t ion of t.he Bladder or 'Ii - . , ODe copy oae y ear, ,,1111 .I. Iru'f' All Ih" 1,.J'" n IV ,Jeh -k 'IVW II J e\\ el rv , 'rV u lc he~, ----;-dlle. l 10 Ih" UIdu ll UP I"'!. '~ ':t!r.1! P ossell' " d II" Ioi . it •• 1 , .. 111, ds uo g r 8 .7 5. ht" I IlIaklllg uf po.tI pur the .r " Fi ve ~oples one year, nu ~ Kidne y 8, Dueo.s es of t h e Prol. Cu. lllr ), '1I\01l~ "hum Ie'. ll~r8 IIrc trDnal!'t red 10lhl' J r ol1l8 01 Ihe I. n ",. "' lh.OO. T •• • plN ea. ,..ar, re cl bt e tl In ulltlapp \\JI kllv ly ."~M.IH es l1\". U1t II S }'R~SCI to. te Gland, Stone in t he blad(er II'Jl11I8 (;fll tr al Jtall\\ov . wlll c" S TII ALIHIl G, LIt~ On' ltl tI ::;tut~~ 0 8 th r y no'v lire . 611t1 IPD'E WOBL D' S STORY .TELL ER • I Ple.c lIvolIO Pttl.llIIr d IHtlVa lit o lhe r PU'"IS L M l.U IT.CIIALK, 1111WVUIIK &I-U;LT. all g Calcul u., Grave l or B nclc4u~ .U" hllvu ~e~" l ur o ver 7 0 ye ar d, III Eur u pll. One o f O U I' GOLD 01' SIL\' En ~u:t ~I II.ETZEK . \1 M II.£SIII' lltl , , h c follows IoicU, 88 will 'rcil by ll lo p Ii !!iilvf!r 11 0 1' d 0 e s. e the rtnlll h l! c I l , J~ a he ' " hllve oyde l ," II".), Depos it, an d a ll dli ealU \\ loI MASON, ' ·Ye M lrrou re oj Homauce .VII, n AY B H 'RE8s- LeBves PllIsulI rg nl.l· II .TJlAt:KO Slilt e d . below !J a ul'. ke lI10y have th e a tlvall:5;~. rlC/l r 0 lId ' II plIur .. b. il IUD " l e I',c loure "II IIAl:PT WOLLES opncal dr nd a b ladd er, kld ney., A s s pre ll .!U A 111 , Oluppl lI :! at Vrlllc,pA"1 J\s: a ll ~t'.'~ I "" I I . f t or gut,an le k lll~ ll t4 aUll 1•• I,e (.. \rd, II En~I A~ ~ ). . tJ "'}1DJ.,e, A rl lvesu t Ah"ulll,· ul 7 .:;) r 8p 8~1 I S Y ca' l A nd ple.sou r. b li~ht' , Ili tl 10 \'" ou r l swelli ngs . f o tI". laI" I "or o( , ,.. Am .. " cnn 1,,<11- loge u I lIn cll AI c pl M one A or ~2 lS sc III .. le It our pllcll'" of lI I Une J\I A 2~ 8 mall e hev run t t"ftl ..A nd ' •• ~ O '" .I ,h \ ~ a nd PO)' "I n} r , " ,k (;,1), Ueloll d , t~ o" ," I1'UI),. Ihl'Y ", uu ,d re lllllrk 4re I~ worth II uUbh ul or I Lock II """ I :J' I!J I '. '" 1 /J .rrl&bllr~t lul c, Iod.I ,., N ... y Ami re (tt: It l O)1t W (J rlJb~ .h,)ll~ t" . , ' ul DcturC 110 11Jl1l"tl uu J ewellY ur \ V'il ll h "p, G ol tl u r ::;IIVllrW rt """,,Ieol Ihc . II I ,h. \\ • , , M J' 3U b Judi' .. re/ t.1e HDIII,"u }ltIIlD) t v t )1 1' CUunu. 00 1 "' I OU ~ Jew e lry! lf li tlu cllebp Ihtl ' r; ' f G OLD - OLLJ I!IL '''' V ~u l I 0 t lUJ York. v, a ", IIe nlu \\ 1I , "t 1U 3.> ~. 31 . ~'J." l1re warra1lfed Ali , • " • , ' Ve have adopted Ihe rullolVlIl g m oJ e uf DdeJp h, _+ 81 :, ~ 5 1'. ;H,. DIIU N~\Y 1 Ur/l 'I el l H'o"mlUtl~ /!ljI. UI66. } ur , I.e best 1 WIIO .forte on .lxlilblllOli vi e PIli I_del ph,,,. a l 10 J7 P !\I Ou, cuslorne r. '" III ul. v lI uv e the g r en t , " '''.''ws "'1.' I , c..: lN r INIUT I E XI'Jllss- Lelll,·H I', II.bll rl? Od\UIILa \:e u l a cun slulIl su cc e~. , u n o r l S (0. ,\! ~l'. I H J . 4 (.1.0. , OIU' nil e.,'Y II rLl dc a uf vu ue ! lI t a 75,000 j o nil) by ; _ 61 B 60" IU 8lnppllll ' Prn Il pu altd AR. lt'~ Iy ~ e ch l c ch rOR ~ r d ull lic c:L S ellOul Org an s lI ew II U"A . J\II O~lIl1t I ~().., I' ~I , lI om . bur gl MelothuIIs, .A I.IOl/w N- - M d TWIlJrTT-E~TB YE York w e N our p kce .hall a \\ Illdl W 11 e. "11 0 ..... w ) e fil. lu, Our • ., 11111«1 btreu u A e IIl! V twp p , ICo., t TI , ~e Il 15 I' M. • orr lv I n g~ ! 1'1I11~ "eJ l'h l . III J . \ J. ' ~ lI'U,IfUII" 01, " po rteu1.' ~ lUle~ , rn emll . .. o""". •• N." VIID '0. ,.I h" h.r unl ~ , wlo I .. I'\ 30 A M. ~ h nlllil h iP 1" und h" ho nr t lll cs 0 g uo; , ar; Dum now le. sa ( o n pla llie J pte btill l! l' l,uY cl V 011 \ ll I Ut , . r lia ~ t: ,,,III, \ '!oIt! r p ." It. IUllllct.1 ,ale I ''''Jo< \ ,,, I.. ,, 1.",1 3 ,.lU CO II "~. I II I l: s \'llIsllUr g at 11 -to PrlCO, I from 1 up to 75000 ' Rl nlfor II II g chsrglll 01 , l l'u '' l' "u (O UIIII, bl..1 Wllh • I",PI'Y 1'. II c 111111 M .II1 TR AIN- L eav e arly ~r. a ""u _o". • Hnn1;," '\<oonl 8\1 Hl ull OIl S ne 8, Melooeo ll B, (jolt!, l uno ~tI)' { ~ ! Wille COll'fUl ." lb. p,oprlOl" " 01 110. "~ ttr' 1/1. M ' ~\UP\l1 1l 1! II I bl1U \ h l s 1': 'C6 Wi ll Iliv urlJ\lJ ly be @2 'or \ ot 1)&n00 l tj U5 l' M' o r n \ Jn g h\ lltir fl~hl1 r !! k\l kll',{h ul " tilt.; nud utlu ~ MU" l~ _I 111 .. ~tl.'\"1 II hla cl~I l\~S . 1u~~ &::; prl~'~~~ I ATl3111g (T orn EXct" eI or lndu CTdim• 8, \y.SLC~" \ ' mbY II tl), cos l enLI\\ ,. e . Ul"rlC~~I !'~~~"~:~ ~I~~~\~t'~~: \ ~;I:: Ahuu; ,u cr ho\'l I ~1~~'r·I"::ll:~:~~\'(.:'r 1;~~:I .. ~U'""IJlI~ euch It \l cl " . II U mnll ~.:;~:. , ' U .I 7 bt ~hIU .dl!l l hl ::>1 ver loa n IU P ntl ult II , M " ::;els. 2;) \\ ~ 12 N ul our · g All 01 II ~\lClln '1 ail. ~u:~~1u~ ~~,:.~e,. 1I0lUe S'o",' I", E ""r' "' U S1 " be 'I'ltl! expense s or CO l·e r 37,:' UOI 'fhe co n shill t lo n, once .trllcle,] by Or. ore pul.l by Ihe .o le Il f e er. 1I 11t! l·'orlls. e tc , t' tc ., 1I11t1lh e ot \\ ,I .11 .1 <I ~J cy ollen rlt Y ' v ill '''' ~Jl • • nlu' •• y" IJJ'U. ~ • • IIIOIl Art,. 01< I!;HS SlJ I L UB P s ,lt i' -Leaves 1 Vurk auu l •• an l'! W e lkne8s r t 'lUi rea the ai d O' liltj . \ REBS'!l I' lr)', I::X IIA ewe J nbld LADEI.I'/ lu P;II va of e, " ' l 1\ urllcles r) . Vfirl. 11I" e , lI u,"u ur. l'uo"1 t ... ,. lburne O f1 6 11 .. ~ A 1- \ I ~ IT I . 0. ,181\ co l. tl~C Oll' ; or coup uns represel lllllg lh 111 ruph ' Io.d. h,j1og P bl" l'u a8ca JU" C : det 11 1 ' l 1Ir1 l Id Dt y 1lJlll 8tOPP'"l II, ~. 5:' a al re I IC III" 10 st re n l:lh tl n Dnd InvlEou te Ib, • I tI f I t.e ll l~I' p .l :; .. n ll,.f\J1 lio" ' Jl . cur,,,., Ol d '"~· '''·''''''/':":II ·'·:;I';"'':' bu 0 1 51 0 l t r ll \ lIlJ lt h ."lbhJl \ I vlu es orO 8u ' b ficu ll L er c e~e h 1 A clpd nlll ~ ll o e lmbllld '. KlIIraet II H t b "" .1 hl~ 1< tu ~ '" .. 01" lo" ll I II ~. Cd lt llfl\l n I I I"." f euu nlllC (;{J rr .. itl p O O t C: ~ 6 , ~II ull cy urt ,01' 0 e ::;I\v Pf " .. eo nt '''' S Qliu ~ v: ,ul C " .'~~IJ\ 111 50 ce lllS eo c h . ur fivtl ror $:.\ . and en ch· l glnco I"",u r .. , . l ,101011 ,,1 . LII.,,,lur . fo, d, " 1,111 .. / c'IID I SA' IIII ~' ,le. lIlI:'o Il" :"'~, ltele" , Yl len. , \\ lU :;: ~ nU J:" a lle ur:::! nOl Bb .000 I..rr' I 7;.> II . ty I' IU vUlle 9 t IIU rea I,IIU pur \1, I' he I t c Ih er ltl ,,,1 \l • h • ., he t 0 ,1< ' . l olk• • uuU \ ArI, 1\,,. lIuu l' "ec- l5 u" , u. , ti!i Oell ' O C~ II "J onle \ \lll s how o l lllu n ab lyd ooll, JC 1l0Uel lm.ntb tIU\ pUllnl V," ' I lIt(d l (. r.nLUl\ 011" k, oled ll Yor er ew ur N .. 000 M A 75 7 10 · ~ \I,"or lrO"11 j ul Ll Oll . ~I ~ A dt e ' R6~ I Jlllt rOt RC: ' H\ . , d IIC lu r a rllclc ho or 6 h oI8e ., Drafll R cl e II ., I 1d , lp" ",· ,'17 IU ll .. ,h.':;1 U 011 on e l " lI lt('d 10, CO luum p uon Of m"IlIIJ IUJ fl I /I. II e ll III \\ II . 10" v M ,. I' hd u.lc Ifl fa< I . J be N . wl o rk M ~ 11 th" II r- ~e ~ c e u ve opes a llu we mlxeu. 1' 1 I " I I nll' nt uf an u"J 1l 101l 81 $~ l Pil , se8 lt' l l C r ~e E C l ldelod per· 20 s Ihe tu lll s61ni' .e Ea lItI I w il l btl 10 4. uwplcle a nd t l. h u u ~ t l\ t: III U " lhv 01 ul • n • II n !' ke " M., 8 11 t1 Now. ur •• ~ I . II oull e n' uo. __ t lI umod 011 Ih e ce rl lficate IS !lol ti e ul Ih e8eI Id lo •• 1IIf: d"". rtlll" ul , of oho,ce , .. ulI'l; . lha l lhv'c u ~ h 0 11 I II 1() 111I U , <..;:) 0 I'It'bl!. l ) 11 f0 1 ~ 0 PlltllO U llu., •\ 1,tLu 1'1'le eu ve r f X (;lIrs rl lll 'i Ihro d I r Will ou l'gc us, w heD It e SOil &e ll "l ng 10 us ~ ., ce nlS " . ub" rlue (0 ' " w,II ,I,, ' . nO olhc r c,ly 1" 1'"' II 'Uf) P M. S lepI'plOj.( holde the blred ullc cq II tO •• llt .(U a" J . "oI ,ul. VOice. V II U r olld t ll Ctl , delc " 1 II,,; tr U1I1 Irom IIts bllr !: 10 U IIm ure on \i;OPI wh ol ' pe ll., .e I (I I pO"lIuge l corr es ., ' he ) . ar Ihroug b 10 . 1t ,t ,nl(. ul C.,lo 1111 ""' . IIU re l ur'1I 8 lh e o~ rllli.:ule ' b", ei ll t ing g O()u1:f t~ UrrCI)DCJ II In ..' l'I, liu de lp lllo , UI J to New York , VIU A! lc ll 110 .. I,rol'o , art • o'f ""IIf1 "'ilt-,n!! tlilu. 1 BI1rI\ oll e , . 8 1uue v nlu e li t"'' or she UUu ta t! .ll l l C U o r . . l 10,"e ti of ,_"""Iti e l.·l " w,1I" rtal t 0r I " II ... 11 11" ar t 0 l t! l lIlU ll j(> thor 10 I t.I ,.. N h l une hut ull 1 ?·O Ih e nU lll bt'r o n Ih c lIu tl ce "' III ue Ih i - I.:. 1 ) .• II r r V \' f! l O~ v .. r , I\ IJlIII ~~, o r II, ' /u lf'l , llJ\\ Jl . IlIl1 y prefer und It "'III \)e se nl wllh r lea - "lIh a nu WI I l l t ~ lourg et 10 ' 11 1,. .. 'all ' , rl< C . ' c , ' -," yes -Lea LlIu l' ~ o Ihe h older of lilt! Sft m ~ IlIt lnedlote t 1'A nl ' se ~ I ry Cvt' ~"P'''''" Ulld ,Ivr ." use. ly plc I".k 10 ~ I-II I .. W lin II 0' 11 Uur' 1 1:.. I , u' " F orte Ca hs t henic8 , lano· l' l' 8. 1 tallo s l nc,pu prl 81 ly u" P"':': ho tlc . Jre o lo pu rcilostl Ih ll I rt le ll' ) I 1 slep , M IY(1 I I' ye \ etl. rl . beexe .I,k. lul 111 \\ ut< •• l e ntl 1.1 ,. ,;" lU I a"d Ih. iJ IIr o ll .r l ,o lluf~ IIIf I Il 'l>, '. (; h o ,d . IIlId Sc.t!. II\ ~ DII 8 L U lb. · ,s llrr H . ~I A il O 3 uOIIIt.1 All II'IOI two dlJllars. F or III slall et' I II rCCC on ' l\rrlVeS s , eotl I\U r ,\ ,\ ho " lle I HI:: !JJ::S I \\ HlflH S l l1O Al\lJ::HIC ol ) " " el" p"'l: Ib e """d" , nl ' c "a l rlu l Ir um e ,c,yo ct io ll s peculiftr 10 (I!m a lel l II all I bu, g*S I ~" " , Ull ll llllllre t 1~ 30 1 M. , , ",.,,~o' . l u r ·I"'ed 1,[ ~ 1 711l" \' If Ill e nUlllu c r Oil tho l' Ol 'ce se nt to yu u In affe nt itlo cUld e ul we 18 J:: Lil'. OI ·b Cee UII ~I ., I " c~ d 111,01 ",,;' on, oth er plep r ntlon , n ~ 'i '" 1 . 11 .. aledby " ' ll> or hll o .. n II I l~ " p ~I. udn I' 8 40 3 !iOU. , tI wn u"",· nto m e llll All be d VIU ,t url< ""hOlll \' \\ Nl' ••,"10 , I ' fl ' ] 1' 1" "" 1 . I h II L ",tI b. ro!;ul. r eOIl I"b u,oro 10 ,I ...O I,,",,, h.l o,,oI \II ul" llI) !!"1,,.1 ,I PI,"I""e I· .1 ,."" " 'l"tllIl k, or uw¥ OU. ll tlN De oll ld 8bt M, t ()~ OI· utm J.I H! l R e le n\l o n. Irreguil ltlill I,"'t 1111 or ' ll 1IIrll'IP 1I I ' . ""lIrrur ' h"O" d I P IJ I~ri.! 110 Illti l 't P4I1 lltl b l t: I u II ~ o otl 1" ll vr llll III hed 8I1dl" " IUl ltg lt UIOIliUllu 6010 rll0 wa te l B ou , ellum· chlor oBls ;, :.! I' r ' The Stock Compr ises , ' .'I\,, 11 1), 1" " . I"' .' j A nIO n:; the bott of u :at I1A Ulf f bdtlfd tu I II ll)I S:l. •• I ' Lor U ~ OU l ',,,"u I to " " 1 lll se be Will It ~I. UU. !l t· o4 ut!retl l IU,U , .p c hllol n . lT lo.\loeN . ",Y ra , "' ''Y h. "" "(I<. n<,I- VIU o ur !ISt ol l l a ll1fuln ca. or Supp,e . lon of cu.Ia. , III :'1l urllcle ,:,1 ~ r . v< e lor ISUPllt'r ull ~u , d ull 1 , tDtn71er clock! IlJ t, lIJ I,Ic s lIreal;jas , . e~ l n rllcl 8 M W ID Gilmore S..",. 1>1 A !! .. he ICoII . I. E V l1Cuall oll~ . Ulce ratloll or .~htrrij' .ltll cn I tI""},, . J'lIp oi s ~ II ' I 1'1111161 . by l, ulI I II llI ong . 1 oll. er td • S d 8 II I' D I ~l c h e8 R ' " l!s ~et 1\ IIh 176 0110 Ilr t lcl e~ lind II Cu d .lOn] R.·v J Ii Jllgr. t",,,, J\"I!JUll nll" I <D Lc Iii II 11, ,, ,, " Au lh o, ,, ' 1',,01. \t llll,cllUlo •. .I: c ui" nlld ollv l' r "r if It I I U c\r arl, 11 '1 creep e e th U11 ln" trams, rCCl'lV er " 0 ter Af U . y ;....~ 1/1 ~ " alltl -" ; ' 1 ct ll "tom ur tc,r. G lI.f I. Logo eD·. e P Olli u corr I I, R ub, e~ 1>r. J II ·n .UHI'OIl , I DIU III UI tI . , 0 I II' lerU ", .. II., I,o ll l'ull. .,.l<c I'rl ee. 00 <" lit.. u· lI v-J I lot ,~ N 11 11 111m '" J he • lll whethtr Ull st'x. Gre • e th to CARS nl NG e , II Cld I LH lI\ S ld I. pllllll I d Ut! ... lI . H It. C I MUS (l U cO li l e lu ru \ OU. ) II"1l NEW l~ p !\II L Bro d<.ioo. L Z C J ut! all. UI II doed "lIti r.) e rk Yo IUftl r III N~w " an hlO l:l l."e r ul hrr ::;tulIP.8, (o olr ul lo., 1' r ~llI s 10 l ' hti utl " • I PI ."ull. Geor!:,e 1\'Ior.,. I. all d " UII,.,,, UI d c tl , ~rlll R b~ i "l h s , uy ll P llo l )ullr 1''''" g Il' l. pr I COlll UM ill lry. e \\ e D clI~ 1IlI,(" . e t ~ul J c • • Ieu,,,,•• wh o O' c no.. I" el'arlll~ I I II~ U~ I\uH' '' '' ' IH_ L",. , .. \. L ba . ~ lIt l u ~uy ex pe n6e fr olll hab lu o f GI H81pa\lOn, ImpruJ 1 II, IlI ~ III l! C ~.) I ~ l l\u n " ,, I . D I t mus IOIore. Bu,I Ihe j o 6 " r.r\1l cll u 1It1 , cwl /or ll,.,"",e rululIlI' . II lIh "' U I" 8 11 0 COIIII.oI, ... '" 1.11' ellcc. tll,. UII olle ' ur III Iho decltoo or chango of L lle. Lla ),!g age c hccl\e tllhl oug h nlld trall s fer· No.. II Il,e 'JII,e 10 . ub« n bo r" , ~t y le_• • 1'1 II~ pi eC IOUd slones 01 ~ vPly \ 1\ " o f pus tu ge . cuu c. plJ utl , ., 11.1 tiua ' " II • • ,,11 .1' " d I " ~ u' I e. .'rl lice r~ r u lI e Oti dOrtlll Cll t 01 T He J'\£ W. YO rt K MI 'n Ct (. V, ;::' "~\:-' 'j~' ''J ~::~~lIrlu''' llc , ' 0"'; ,, fi CO3;; ( ,. rlt·ly . 10Ct':h cr wllh ft I.rgpea FO R Til E E<I ~1 ( ln cl ud '"g ll "S' mc mlt cr ' t ha t wl' Dleve r ur!l clo cor' l R" ltl HEL~BOLD'S /!u ls, e s rl and lled enome d ull ft' 'I lld l CO ",OI e n Ce th. N e", Y." , 0 ' lonr. llli i. Io n.I ICKRTS ld go 1" ' 8. II' ~ uv e, t ltl S 'A II .. ~, C 'I.Il . A 1 "At> IJ I\I" , yul\t II Qll eC ll ull). a r It e r o mb nu 1100\ lll tl lly wllb ds ll IICII po tl,. res t! ut O Ud I, III .1 ' lte 110 t I U r o !I lltUIIIO " I'U. UllU ~ /i<."l ~ IUR::III . Iud. ulII l ti l~eve ' '' "' I,.lIlIlJ lI ' J ~ 'H tl ::'1 "'" Io,ur n ' 111 Y TWO nO I I. An~ ro uJ . CO li be purclta. etl v t 11 11 p r lll U I ~tll &re llis' bosom n lid "cDr I ou C,. II h.ve II b ur Ihe LATE J H INOIlAilA M. '") P,.) . ' . .1\ ~ "'C . II I \\ ;,lI o( <.1'-'''. 15 . ,. , b ~ u llll f,,1J paltern11 1~ Y P) g I D I} I b di ll II II II 8. I~u le 11 ~ 10IY Ub by UIIY oli lel w Olth lji; 100 or ~tWU. ,n (, "'''\ . l ~ht lo)II''' . · l.ot'I, .,,) GQtI, 1 lont; I' ll e•• ' OrlO'}' 01 roce els .l fll r It. wh r lh er It be A uthor of 'Th e Dlluclng' F ehLhfr. 'Prln ce ( I roull'. I,) o.I tJ lIl fU lr lv " lIt l .,,, . , (bll ll II ' '''" PO« U h) !J,o" " p, n . , a ll ,,"lcal t U" ' res 0 e 1 ' IlIl uur (UI . III. And IITS ' . G s nllt o FIIEI c98eB.I· lr , kc "tI e 1:1 ll 11 1 1'11 xc~. H u li b t ~ t! tl 8h ' chulIIs,lII l1s cb. Bou." or Oa.it.l/ I \\ a l . l ~ I'" .c o.( " " . ll e arll cle ~ . n ~ It g ' V ~ ti , C hO rlll ~ , & c III ClIse HIIV o f our pOlr o ns l ,llld selltl 0111 our fipubli (w hOle wonderrul po we rs '" fi c t io n h n' ~ fi t \ .. r sc tl p. , 1\1) lIu ll ,,, H.uve,, ; Ifo. d I" Sp,nc" . " dl' 011 of s C, untl Ihe reby III' ~ht l e r Ii Ihe d lt: 10 lllll rOllte, ce e A , ll r) ti llhdeo nl' Ily cO " ; lry. IIvlIIK wc e n) J o by of ed pRst clc8 tl ur l ur o ee a III " anI of I be f" r. , CO"< . ,"U' II :') '- It ph. II \1 ,,''' 1 I n c.· ~. , I'•• ..li rll~d 1.111 n co K. ::;~OC ti E n se LIV g will 8 udlll \\ e. IIICl r , wa r OIl!! tl ve sil r prefe ill I\ oll M ORT I MER , c reu <e s I' l,r eo es \I) ,,"i> I., ull", · t .. ",e. SUII '; .lId CI ,,, , ,, ew .I brll e d to I1 n" rrom 1 hll udelp lll AI. N IMP ROV ED AIODJ ~ NE,~r 1'," e :3 , , . ,I l'l~yr ,, \I I" I,. , I ~, II It , t Iu r 1\ l'\ \' ct'rI, fic ote re lurlled 10 U:5 , D . OR.-T HE I1 AN " HUPT'S Ul. lIU.,," ' 1)\ Yur k • I,08 " ( 1 l u ,dl Il (:, \ 1 1111 t o rO"' 11I" '" ft 1I1I" l I" dln e, R I IIu . IlII ur J Ill 111.!I t or r ll lt un Ull r or rs o , eu • ur l .e I h vetl r. • u en chly ri U A nOM E 1l0MANC I . Ocll, r I' " , :1, .'~ II I, .. UI \\ U) E. /J \ 1 L lilly pUlnt ( II tI e .. es tt rl1 WU II rece lpl u f :J~ c t" • II Io le I /l uy e o r ... ~ed u lld p lQ tc tl . fro III 'h e 1"" Jl I d d Uit . " "" "" , SO Il I: U, 1111 F ,her, ~lt ll " D 1811. bra u lIl lll ly dlu AI.o. br,Il .. "l tolo, 11I ... 'ralcri s polld e ll c,' , l' u. IDli e. ('Ic , we ~o /l tl l corrr . IIee /va. (II ' II "II"I;"I'''C ' of H ame l~. Pr,scoll • • ,"1 ~ ci'. o oe fur• • ",I l lou ,.'" " " ," , .. 1 1\ u"d, ~lt ll' '' .t, ,,,,,, I ols on f I" tl tl ~l' II e (re,!! ull , leomers S TED III JI'.aJ ll 1. e lh JIRE 01 pell ·.r'l'S bc I UL A (roIU . IC" U h l It, QUIII.ll) ,II U I'r ll . ~5 ' ,," I' r I ~ '. t ( 8 t ,I I U LL' ord r d IU 811Y acce .~ IIlle I' ul ill 0 11 Ille rl l'· I I'O;' ,110 " ( He",, · UII II .d U) t:: J. " I L I,,,~ 10 ' (),u' g" Arllul.l . " ' IC 'p UYS o r c" - ' \ \'d lnJlc ally exlllrOllOal1l 'romth. IH"e. I vi rcce ,p 0 ICI V \ pUll \ \ , III nnd e. tol S ed t s Utllt \ Ve e e th rh 01 or Ht cs p lt ll 0 e·l e, Alltll rs "," e I w r I U ) /url lllIl' w, D . , IX Mlreury . olk lIti \ · ~t! ,"" 'l he.N",, D 1·." v ·U, 81 I C h vory ' lb(, 1' 1 r esp " ""~ lI ec,l'u • • ul;c.e' l c. , \OJ rau, l' l' 0 II'·1 rlllar) Itc m 'Menu lll l: 1' \ t..'. ' I(j Il,,, ,Io .. 'e ~l o,, "I' ltI ,, , " , · 0"0" (," th e \' rll" l lIceoJ Ql\utuRII'II @uc u",,,. olrea,llII gllla ll or, w,!l eol l' "Ull lol" " I \ 1I0\l c~. . b I IIpr ' 0r ., 8 oet d Olllr t . l(:l III • 'rc r 'u I 11,1<1\" ,\ ",, ,.: 11 tJ) ,.01 , p li II" Oil u. llIl hon,tI , 'II ~ "u r."A " w' J • ...:.. l ' ~lp er(' 0 u" '''''V ouedal ll . .. "II .r0l'y .,."tl I I O ue of ~ e \t II"., WI la ~ e lI\ Ih lll ~ lll ut Irll e r c g l1 " l1 I, lthe II l' r· " co ... ,lrp. fur atl s y U. ou " ~ 1001 h lc ly U v u 8. n)l(l $5.\\h uf ., lpt reCll!1I1 " ullleCf l' ~ U ' [ l lib d " [I I r h I . A 1 I r II \ I I u II rlm t . d weoo •• d ro" oulcaI d•• 18\o '" I\m. \ 1'l ' kl'U' " 1'., 0, ~ J .o " I ' e vr y n " III olIIl' let, S AI v Crlll 'lo o .., unge.n e Dr nt c u gc c no c'r r ~ o n Il\ e il, OW Itt \O II Cit ' ~p, n P ~ p I 01 . ~cn prano!! Il"· II S 100;, \V 'm C n l~ \\ t" lu r CC, _ t: ulll, ~g LJ SI ~O .1I , St r 1h:~ '' fl'I)CC 'I'om .. , " I"c n u. r, o ur ' \ pon es r I I d'o "S ,,\a P PI n I U1 t:? eenl g A ey on Ji·, 1u r Jr efe r p \un \ Ve \\ II r l1 ~ I' )I d . (' 41) t I 111 ~ C •• ht nodu\Uc e S Ill~ l a \ n p ll' "1. 50 U } f lt f t; U ){ lIl,'s li, e~ F~ A ffe fl t l; ,tU bnrl! 1_ 11 111:1 \I) J » 11 1111' prt' He nt Vft ue 101 l'lf PV8 11re , comple t,,'y luperaeJIlI2 ell ()r" ~ ' s wh e re t hey can be obln lll eJ , 40 IlOlIc ~ ... bl' 8 n1;; ,ueU~ Ii s ~rllrle 01 Oll t .. " t,11ree CO ,Uf'!I , $13, lilli e t " PI Io:I5, ~';!U 'I '\It \I H r t \ C A 0 rHpe 1 \ 1, ' ""'" III HU '"ell U. I alll ,.. 'e. I.) J ~ I o , il " 'b l)f1l ce !lu t, thau P ' A nolleda l I T' Alldrcss r. & k urde I uur C 10 \1111 I"" Draft vu~ remth H • • u" nk ,11. 11 f by " 0' lin I' e lu.1nt•• '"y IlInllM .. ho •• nd. u. i20 fo . 1\ dub I gu ods nls ,II . urg \ ,i'o ,. • :" I."P I.. • b !!l' II ~ p I runs I . co b e or ~ I unll.. .. .• 1, ' ~ II OM U, ,.nt:t.. :\ ll' . ~P) C "f " QI " .. f Ineurn ..fei.. nn add",on ' 1" ,,, , "t "'~.' HOlll nnc" I" . n flIru e rstlbu our Oll" e ll CI • \V II ~ I WI lI & co • 7. ."c.v lll ~ . O . • Up 'nlPcet pt 0( S I8 . ",llI ch pay e for I'UI DGnUIn "rcllry. H \V•. Br ow1\1 oulo,crll'I' ooo re""" cd e,. .. • • " ,II IdI8e 1'" n. I, ", II dlnger" , Ju". .I, IIOtl I t .) I'I0allll "'H.I " l li w we . ~ I'I , Ue U , ;,081ti ellll I,n <\Io r. o . nrl eurrt'8 ~ 0Ild c II CI'I G &. C ~ ,, ~.ct\" . rt ," o utd b.CD ,eful ' n wnl<plll " l l IJ IH ", I~ J AYQUT,'T S TERlIN A"l ".I ·I , ~I .. , • 11\ ",1 101 ~ h ) , ( •• 1"1 , 10) CI.. ' ~l 0 , ~ • l'J Lon g ley Gn lh ro lla. O. ~1 E'!Hi H S. " "I y a",1 ' I" I~ \ V. 1-1. & I!:u II (h I H I OIJ I t Il l ., I rill . 1 th . .... "'. Qf Ihe,r pOII.olI,e• • "" lr, -e ll d I ')U lIutI CI!~ . IIl1d a :SOLID SILVE R I 1~ 1 1 York. " w e N lClI atlway, c & Ilru tr b\l rkp. 1 lu t.; ~'\ \l " II' !Hh ~l'lC IW e D CO p l " . 'tt li t f. t e '- II " \1 ", I I·u tit. IV ~ I e ) . G .I luI' ") A . . " WAT C H.uY l cIU rlln lllll. I ' . V, I N I I It W & 3311~ 2 ELL I LIJW U CA .I,II , l r".:'L' , , " I. ""ellI S \V UII It'd. i3e ntl fo r c lf eillar. ti NION L INE . _ ____ ____ _ : <l\l Ann 'l.b" d 1l 3 ~1I1l0" 10 • • 1. ' ul I I \\ "I, 111 11 ""I <'," I:" . , .," G ,li ol'l. by P., " II ! & tu l<l u i f. R I Ftlm~yl via J.rciVId t ~ l,'u. ,I, ( YOlk .... Ne • h ll tt U " 1I 2o\. ~" I lltt' t!111 ' nj! e llia II o\V (' u a ~rl:~ CU S I CIIIIlOlls elOlI . 1 "' I lIil lI "; ' 1I • I rll . l5 h ll' du A uy , " C' rtIl I . I)l)" ~ ," ." , { v \l ' \\ eck l). ., $;\0 B r on\l 'l'l l:lld " (,',,, 1 b} \\ Illch tlt ey Cll llllluke • •• ~peelal , \V",eh lun I" ru llg " b~ I LVp(! n Il,e to; Is ter n 1' 1, " ' I .,., 0 ,," 1· &. UROTHE R D ~: ~R'~; l r .Atldress C" UII ' 140 I,' , ~~:~I: "~ I. .. u", " I I)) 1'11111 " le,"lIlIg'" ' 1·.,1t I ¥ k I' • 11 1538 N H., T. A B THO N Y & CO, 11 11 " \ VeSlerll l" I.' ?~, Irr C'IIl' CII VI! 01 E. 14 3 ew- or _lIy. " ' 1'1) 111 Ih l P, ... ",. - J r.".r , " ,,,I f"r oX I n nil cu es of Ih" UrinorJ f)rgAn8 • • h~ , . m 1 h e UIlItI II V II " IS lite I J (re s 01 Il " l'g o > "I ' r ;l .. , 1'" WHOLESALE "Il D RETA IL , lttl,' l" leo "" 1 ( III,I"UI I',hllu ; ,, 1 Olltl . t' L," ht ll( Frc t "8 f tl ~e ,or I I U u le Ma Ih e r U ls hn l: ill mole or Il!mQ'e, 11100 })ollRrs r All Mantifacturer, of } 'ltOlo[Jrap htc 1\ ,.1 111,, ' " ' orth ove r Olle lUi ""lel ~" ' I I" ., '"' Pit", r. II( III1'1lu II i l t;llc h , \\" ,hOUl relor :Sold l)e I IVllrk etl UII all Iho r ou ll's OVI' r, r\\oIllch to llt U -I 1U e "'h ,1 (. l cd rd1 lu\ ' II 1 ' I!! LIIII 111 . 11 n lnH \ S 0 IIIld I'" . \\ h.tever Cftuse orII:IIIO\llI&', Ind no u l ldc tla ke, ttl Ir. n s po rt , u nde , 1U ~, iii .. , to bt! l'uld lor Tlte fIIo~l E le ."?u IIlIl • til . 1/(fO}"'l Ij~ I:llul to \'alue I "but ID 0 .tl cl, 4 I". I ' "",1« 1 , .. rc",,1 to 1,·1 1') Itrc to lOU ed URl PIIlr \ . h i. pl .... '" rl uo\\' e ~ r l pro )UU Ihe 10 1 unUI UI' , "fe p~ r l! 1 \\ It lei, -.. lI t l it Ili W Il I HII It I " " 1' 111 1 jjOI DROAD\V '\:YI r; r. ]Jed .A!Jrict. llllrui. 1IoTt ,cIII/u ral. and 0 / how Ion .tlndlng L 1 "" I C " t.c " ell , 6~ 1'"." I I, ,," ~ Io "t! • • ( I" J ' "".'"~ t1 Ale In III 811 t.d Insl UlU hlllll~di 'or II" ollot, 1/1 llll'P8 alld ,er lur o P e81 nSte l e IIJ amlh . t' F ~ l fl IU t In addlllOQ to t ur RI ~ I II bU5111eBS o r Ph,,· liS SI'LJ :;,\UID J , ISr 01' AItTIC LES• I Utllel . Y. 1 Y I ", ,I, . 1'," " 1•• '"" I'e ' •1 " orl'" I1,.I,) J liL I ~ "" UJ IIWI!'lIlf'UI , I "u l ll, ~ R OD tl e lJ \ c r IbaR Iny of llllllC e elren,lh more l, e" Qnd • ~o e ,,, Gra/Je t ',grnph lt: J)hletl BI<I, we I ro lJ c~tlq uall ~I' UII I 6 1o","" I. , Crlllu i/in In dlO I C ~7, ,,, $Juu I S lates "IJlfb I IlU"~f'~ pt•• sese . I'" c' I ~~ O 5, ,1,,' ",I•• r I) III1 I1 ~ Sct. IlIr Ih e ro llowlllU . VIZ: t' llO I BIIr II or I ron. aut AlI gd v( III< '" ',1,,011 ,<111\ \1 h ,ll" f" Hl nd a Q fur Ills tl. Pia lee y oll U"r I! & 1 truwuerr S le '" t te "mes .. " \\ ~"/I (l::r 10 1) (, ,ttr, I II, partlon IC L. pre , " , 0\) "i>., ",.I.ell '" 1(1 llkrf.osc opu and :ltertJOleo . . I". "I, I f ,(. B ll ul... r. ;; U" ' .. lo d" oI, ", 1'" """ ' 0111 1'1", . !tU IO 3 Ul l!.TI[J ru vmy8, 10 lIlt VU/ llt oj '::'~b.YCrJJJ If' '1'ho~e ",tretln e from Brolen. do •• P ,v.. r e nl 9 Jlu OO lb d 1<1,, 1' 11 ' e ' 111 11, 1"" 00. 1,"11 .,,1 b) 1 . B ,x c! . 3~ ,", .75 lu 2[)(1/ ,,, Iu ~ ouJ " 0" 11 II ~ I 01 th ese we hO "e an Imlllcnee 0550rl - ~J . u r(' <1 ,," • •• I ,,'" I tl ll o llcnte COUl lI lution. rocureth Ufllrq e lo0y D uy J l6er ry v~ cr e lur clywbs n n!wlld. lo le Ilc rce j Ivl atlll ~" II IU rlee, ~ wDn , e !~oll meot, Includ ing \ Yo r tlr e lle,. A'lI I ~ou \I .. h U~ II II ' J\h", c U ''' c, , ~~al rs5'Jlo ~OU I •P ll 'lr"'BII I:"rrl HII 11\ . h ' " t l.~ n o lI"lon u oI _hed l \ puull r, pt' pa rurul . IHr popu 8 d 11 ~ 1 1 "i cc p 7~ 10 2. u lind F o reig n C It ICS Dll d L .nt.l6c8J' 0" Ihe , lI rn e . I 10 ' khll'· 1 ',." I ..! .,Il v vld I tU."I' "1( H bleill' ' , " III , dk onco. nt .,.,,\1 • ~ I UII A 81 j e 'h Ollth m ~9 n"Jre elldl r o II, .. ll nl lit l rm lu III IIlId r _I " I e rt" II leu Re- ' } ur lu I . ~ I 'I I \\ .\, lvch" l ~o lu ~ou ' Ih N \' 1-llu ~\. l .11l l I"h ' 11::1\l"0"'. 1'11 0 reader must be •• flre th.,.11I P Group~, S taluary. e tc e lc ~J b I I; ' ""; ' III~'~ , \I '-;- "V<tU'" C U) L J I ,.. lUU Illl..: l ~ i :JJ ' 0 UI IIl g' ~ l ~~ I •• IlI g Ag~ lIl ti ul l"e' U 11' 011 L .lle ' ..,~ 0' (( II II I II t" ,,0 CR, . . . ut .... oO8~ eur, le llowcrell tly volvllll1' S iereOftCOpe8 :or pub lic ur p~lY u l e I fullo \/S (o I U /:, I IICS C I '' '' ''' '' ::' ' I"I <II UV()" ~ un.; . \V 81 , I% II III I\ l' n . u . ( .· I,, mar be Ihe .u. clo or Ihe ·I • 1" , I .,,, ~ " '~ ' u ' . • llro\\II ,2 7We . 1 3,1 . , . C II'CIIIII BII ~:; lu l UU I c nlnr g ('d und IlIIpruvo tl , alld e quul III s ize er sllllht cvtl " v, ) OpOfll GI. ..e. e xhibitio n . Our C eui ogu ll will be lclIl ~ J' . "" ICC I" It Ie ,ule 10 e!fecl Ilia 11 N H' lI h s t C ulumbu s. (0) M II. I " It I'" ~eue. tll ' l· lIn I IJlht'r any t" 23 l'nle lIl her, cO f o holc e S 1I'l' :'11' 0 It II olld v,liu 10 any addreaa un reCP' l,l o r sl am p UU \I ,IIIC, ,., 1\" " Lur,;" clll ''' rod.. Ih. 10 1>"." it )).>(OOl t!ed rnl Ind L,bc A uuntry r de ". IIIl1 III n . ~ o h ,) p call n bll pu l"tlllI', I" 10 "U lar ::; "111 ' 1 l' Grn l , e nial pOl\er., h,ppln, n, ~ 1)::0 .. il . ll d He, u" . " , PIIO'ro c.;RAI' IIIC ALD U US L hurd" ,. lI . ' , II I1'" , 1'1"1,,'0,,, "01 1.,<1'00 1ul 0 50 11l 0 uth oll'Dper oflh e klld c ~ n• b e co m '· hIc allh.I Im' fI b nd 0 E I' Bry ulIl T " rr e H UlIt e 1,"1 ~1) 1I'''' ;, l e ulldlJ " u lo l e ~h oo '. ro ' 101 I fi I W ,e ,, " ' 10 , ''' 10 ' ' 1'0' 1 1'"''' . vllr.C .'v' Iu \ ' 11 11J 0 '1 [ I C gl 10 .11 0 ' II.I,u I l'U C " O \V I vI, '~"" I ur ee a J:: c8e '0 ;; Ih )' . ee pO.lenl UII 0 IIIlI r' ,.e. e weure tle r8t to ntr ouu 1lIIlllIlc t" value ,,,.,.<<1 eal r 111< e lb In II, S. Ill, '" , rcd pa ,ICftg" ~O II) 20u ;. ' ) 1011 e ,. I\U$" , &c ~~ O \ h.oI,1. tntolho nllell S IDlcs, Dntl we IIIn n ufuc. " ~I. 1IA f . l, & SOS. ed {row tbe.e .ourcel . I he I e lllls), lvIIII IB Rlli lr on d Co Wi ll 60 10 1 0 ~ 1 e. t a llachctl lu Its co nten uj and J\ 18 de . BrG support ~ J IlIJ :'lUo "<I H'"1>' lure Imm ense qunntill es III gre at ~ulle l". 1\ .\\ ...lrk , . ,,) " " .... Ult IJ ~ , 311 1 2. eV' rHepl kind . Ihe age of l' Bllgg r lo ll ,!> 10 btl clIl cdly oh ead 01 Ollylhlll{ rangIng 1.1 r" ce fr om 50 ce nl s tu $5U nol .. sulli e Rnv IIs 5.UlJU 1 hul" Alb"," , ~II IIX" ' I, Bll d 1III II t 111f' " If - I . -g :~ ~~ ! cr ,I:"blillohcll . ~.~~=::'· t'u ch. Our Albuma ho\' e th e " ' putOII UII lu r \ Yoall ll :; A p l' ull' ~~,~Iu\ll: ~~~ ~ ~ , ~I . ~ ;:~~~ . S E I LAD 0 T pft\111· local • III t r. no lin " 1M .t d ~ ncon "t1r ,, h Ame C OIl ural 10 R Y he 1 11l1i1I 8 ~01l ~ lv 10 ' I) :. UOU t; ul<l Ch... , J B,. odd. I' of bCI"1r superior III beoll ly ond c!urll" t1 N ,' I "1 , 'I t u All llll gg"ge tx ccetl ' " g 1""1 UlO ulIII I If 21l p<r, III I Just a6 vn UD\l e In e w ~ "!!IUII", ~ 10 rc Hlu t: l e U1l!u) tu " "t O I ~ , ! , UU V Cit ".Ia'"c & (.u n," Cha,n s 10 ouy olh Qrs, Th ey WI/I bu be nt ~,u " ' t'q ulrcn Jill VfI \II O• WI III.uO UtIl III ti Sk u f I I,e oW lle r 'V II l" OU '" tlt e Uo c8 l a ~t r c olh BPtl Il:e : I • rnn r.. 011 rCCClrl 01 pri ce I j Olill ~ v l , ,,,, .. "' Hovuh lll l; Urooc hu 5 10 IU Ih e W cs tcNrn, 1 Pill Dr Harve "'s F li s Cir e lli"" .. " ", I 'V e rn dke 110 Bl!crei at ' h, ing e w \'urk. 01 ft " pell,. 1 cll lllruCI 18tnlt! by 10 IBken 4'0 leslI un ~O UI Q II ull'" ' u 0 l I 1 ri Made L.,llull 11UIlU Album. c 8. 'w UJl ema e ~ . LM130L D S Jl'LUJI) L:XTRA J-: II \vILL.l A ~I S 10 I large r I h811 Ih RI 01 1111) uth ", )I"pl'r o ul 0 , c r •• ' d a;, _ I' II( 0 f u, " ', 0 " Ii alltJ 1.11,. ,,1" llo. 4 10 lU " ¥ rN A "" " ".. /111" " "'"" (0' ' he 1111 '0 ' " I ,"fll".. 11 .~ uUI) I r lu o J . • ''I'' d' l, lll l ,,"u G o,,'1 BlI r e ll ll ;p nt.l"n I. 1\ I! 'JllIIII. I~n l )e " U IS com 08(,11 0 ' Dll cho. Cubebt H I,,,,, C 0 . : ,\ll/ X UIUIII" <,u.e V 1,,.1 " ork. ew l u ,,,allu 1, .11. II . ' lCcll vlI I 0 II OUHr"'" ,o R a I' l'>N ,I'" r GW' h,J l ,J W II. . Y hll NR ,,"d HE OIl,I , ' p. I T I" , u" ,.«n ,,,' . u, . , II II I ,,:IIII ' I)'; 7 I1UIl(. C I " fl O< . 1 , C o~.rn e Il Co Jnnu ary ht, 1866 , ." " '0 ur,,,,, 11''''''0,,<1 I' ll" . llhrrrBII • O ur fltG ogul! now cmurace sov(' rFlv e ", Iu, e '" . , en , . .. I he) '" '' "I. ,. . ,1.. '" ""I" ~ 0011 (; .. Id I 1,11 11. 1 1I ml8u ve ry lurge 6lXle r np"l: e JUII' pe rDe 'rtell. le ltl·t",t!W 1\::~ r It. 1helor I I 10 n , G lO :l . ud "0,,,.11'11" eh 1"" 1 wili 10 Iuoto, . ' I>, ' .. C l'Jec O"U sll ~ I ",,". l Ll!Jlc;cul u l', '1 houn lld W'" I•• 1I. " kll ' " ,". 11 ' "'" uouul" Ih ~ ralldl ,, /! \ . lId rre por ... tl l lI va. uo by II '1'. HELi H , H. HU U::;I ON. a 10 IU I OCtll\ O. C"l\taIDIlI~ .e to ,:;"11" "" Uu IUUI ... :'luJ" UUO <llll(n . Ire cOIIIIIIII . lly ~ C II'" III n <l ~ o f \~' '-I c,1 1,,, ,Ii. p tl.~ " II~ " r "' I COlli I b"," '" II old e " \I &e I II 1 11' 10 a 1'11 sl "nrl chem .. ' Df "ll~D , t '''c G ell 'l .Fle lg l'l A"Cll UO !;u l. I III," ul. ' . I C'" ,I •• :, 111 11 r, . III CUll ,. 01111 III lilly ~1I 1\ 1 1" r I BO LD, drug!:l :) h' Dr . H arve'1 ' 8 Golden Pilla . • :l.U ' Porl ruJls of enllll cllt AllI e rt CQ I~. , e tc .. 'VIZ I D 1000<1 l.uck. to. duubl. gl.. " I tf t of PblirJl' (';>( ,ctl t nce '" ' rs 'cD 10 t ~ c b lllItc.r " ct hJI! 811 "very 11 0 ' ~ , ., I, l' uulleallOlI. • . r..y o DUt I ~ 11001.0' k. .. Ivr 1\1"" .. ", .. ~rcc. "" i ll I) . (." \\t"n~ L!rO e"'" o rup ,,.t • i! • ( ,, , , r~ (lH ruw~ g "01) '0,, frUJl A r8. e lll l\r I ~ • Jtu &C 'I h~ OlO,"C8 " a uo ,;o ld l ootlil '\lk:t , C ruuu , l . ' "~ I . . v.\ f\ .. ,~,,ft !>I ''TlJ ' X a. Olltl \\ hl ch Ie \II1'Y presCrib ed _J~r l\It ''\h_"uu pill "' 100 M.lor-O en~rol a, 100 Ll e lll·r.;o .'~~\ uce l\", o , . "\ 'tr~Cllel " I.ate bcru tGl u,,~, k uc I ~ . tl!(.'lll u!"r) II pUrl l Iu tH 0 ' S ~ re c I bO Hlhe r fl nH.: oou I',' "" ~l) ld H, "!;" • 2 0unn g Ge nerals, • .... , /I I ro , "" I '" "I ", ' 0 L.ll", lI"h ""0 ,"oa I 1 111 k I" ' pero pOlliryb 4I III US I t' UlIllenl phv 8lCllln8 • h .. ~etD .. lII d· .. ce nil " ~ r; u ' pon· )H nll gv ld Hll l~a ''' n.~ \',~ l'rc r ,.~\~l r,' 'I" O'UtilI. reeJ e r8 & c• lf 76 N ov ) UJl:I c~I8' I' Ir( v I 1 III 117 5 C olon e ll , I_ VIl ~1I1 1 VI II I' gr o u llu ' 1111 · l 0 11" , ' ' " ,, I C.'I' H llllu u .. er UIiU , y vII C I nn I< u " ' " '1'1 J;-. 1 II' () l 'UI to '"\; :I 1> " -, g fl I Slat!!S IlIll!. " H ' O ' --I ~ I UII ~ ' 0'" toles me n, I ~' ll Ilr 1 ~ 1I1 ' I"fl I , I tl rl ~ t ll ll ) 130 1\ II'~ 8 , 6"", II ~ e ell" ll t pDpe l 18 IIlu s lrftl pd \\"h , pJ 10 Ude IlItb !) United a 10 IV h"" . pr. n o l ,. t 11ft) ) t'u r ~ , I b \ I I\II ( nUd ,nfvl\clt)' l:O lI q U I,) ]'J IJUIl I .1 ,1" '" ,1 11,",,,,, ,,1 H,,, !; . , • A I I ~ ~ I' I I ll 11,l Cll" ul( tly U8 c 60 t ~' ' mo, e lu Ih uri" Or II e lll ~lJ dlcul 1 II1 S I.I' '''' IIIlI lite 6 .I~.r , uy cetl ll I ;!t'lIe ) lloll ll lI oW I'r , ' ,"1 ,<> J " " I" ' t . • IOYIIIQ3 Ih.1 Is ol .oinVHYI ", ,,Ie " I. d" 01 7 O5ulI',I . . 51lrSOllllll c III wome n. 1~ ~ Ollt u,". U. 10 lUUOIlI I,· ,H J. " ' d " ., "" ., ()II" I I~ t y , w " lter_ l. \ "p hl OI IO Hlldl , •• 1 11'" IS. uce . 1 10 '\ rllo A.h, .. , ".1.1, ••.• .1 ' " \o !;£'. 12 ~ ( o 1 'l mo ucyontl art ca lip rutJ I} , LOIU, Ie ull su rpa s.eu Ull u ~ \l'II " n"'l uul~J ' " IILI"luII 8 Ilid public ~Illillry lu.t. SOOO CO leS Or\V Ik I A IIlAtlli ' hJlt:i IU r t Ht l elpHl ttl l l rh~\ !! 1 5'tU0 5u L t.i ' J 1 r l ci lll {' :) tj , \lu lunU' fua) pur ll\l uflUlI lIdura_ 10 10 h i "IY <I e portrnel" (' I/Ibru c ~ s t!e ll e rll l 1'" ,"li y rt, t:t o V I ~ I:· · J ew. ,') ' nY , P ' 5~ f 1','1'0) ..... Ir . 11 ", , 110 h"!e r"" "'"Ul • "" I,) e. n/l I 1" ll through out the la"t1. '""" hee w e N V lI ue os Uur tll .. ~ ere. :lIt DI'II [hr llchln uti a wl ly I(, II " I" d' rI'B lel l ce :.O I ~o mOS ' i) e l Ih c , of s " ',::~;'~ In clutl 'lI g l epr ud uclIo I ,,,. ,1 i' u "' 1 2" 0' 1 " I : II.~~, =: J ~:~~ ': )\ . , . . 0 .. I P U 10.1 II " liru. ):; H Ihe) .lIl l b. ,, "1 1;, perln l Ir OIl rl ll IlH. ,' I'I''''' 1 10 I ,t. V ii r Ull ,,.rlll l t' 11 •..11 1t V U M n ,"Ifll 1,01".. . 1> 10 l U R"I It eI AIII li S coun t lj . " II ~rl l'f Illf braleJ E llgro v'"j!" PU IIIIIIl !!_, l-l wIII CS. ' l'rc II I,ha CIIO II hurl' lit """ lit . ,11, , I cCI I' II - U U'O,IU,,"1 Il J III I \ ' . C II. , 10, II . ' I I l'u. lIl1 lve r I dlc ('11 I I0lu ea .. nI u ll reol' lpi 0 1 tit.n,p 1 uv r r . Irun" ~ D' SB . " \I!II Uc I Il V~ rUSI' ''I\ utl 0 'e 0 ,I I III1I1 ,.( 1I01V lIIetl CIIII 16 III-,U l l ll '" Pb\ urD t 61u It t , ~ & . ~O ()O b'" I' C" '\\ II ,gOllho lll.r" I L ll , c al.IIJre "a ~lt Un I) "z ell 1)< 1l'lu" s Ir Olll " iu ll us we. lire '@l,lIillj! ch ,·"pI crl.j' I r' I II ' " "" , 4 1 ~ l1 ''' ' II '' n) . !\,,, ' v, . , lprO de mn" e th .. lJe to . "II} S ' " 1 lu IO ullr , , ,, , d l u lo .lId I"",'" ItI e I;~ U.I "nor r or I I cJR It A ll dh " . t p , It r " lIlI , 1 IH I I , DC ll hhUlrll C~ \, ho l '~U 1 1' l! ' f!, ~lu '- b ~ l l r ll ' k ln '''\: upl S lu !»Illil en l 1' 6 e m n " c lllh II o l lh roil PUtJ.H o$9()U 00t 1 turnl ~ ll t ul or'l 'pi r r"[ bll on uro llt u ltc c n UC g l1I 11 0 lI I J I our C oul oguew J uulJ :td \ t: 1 ", ~ l U I :J ~ " " I l' IlUi dt 1"8 1 J f., ' 1 7 ~ 1I ud . , ' 80 lfltl acn lb Y ru n II I f ltt. F. ~lli o 4v 'XIU III. F.v ery 8ub lcn b" r r ~c~I\(" tl"' l n 18h er e 8uld uy tl ny oL il l'r IJr st clues muke rs • ,'. " e->' lit ", 1\ , \\ \ I _ _ ~OOU " I IC '''UII " " '' t ll koiJ''k'' . ' ) l t lI lI ll,n\\ r ope a alld 9 IN ('n 1> ry. ocollnt lh !'i ll I IG lull v.l ll c ul Ihe p.per In cholle G CO AN& GAUGH II &: Ih otog rap hers 01.« ullt e r. ord pr lllll lli I .. , •• ~I II "' \' ,tl'd III sClld Iur uur T crtlbl c U ..t:loloure s- --Seci c i ~or U! B J I, IH1Wu.\, .N t: w 'V 1J '''tt: .. ttJ lI.I ''e lll~tl ll'{il l l llt t: r .. "l l1 t~. ~ tr d \\lJt·rry PIUUI A, t r fi li i:" E ll f,!ru y are os plDn guud ur l p~r relllll:!;, case pl ,1/ 1, .• D O. C. b U !':OO ~ iliJ1tun 694 Broad way, New.York, D Cticrlp t lv c C At n l og u f' , \\ lll c h COIlI UIII S I eac h ; ~ 1I11 1"1 6U Uti , " be,. c e ll1. of ,the IIlI OU II: o f th cl f ur de r '"'~ ,," un~I'" 01 '"'"') 01 II" I,.,!>"" ,",,1 lI. o., I II 'i:~. w urlh $2 1\ m{ls l , "lun Lle UII U \\,on u f I It. rp uClo slllc" t rell n\llH~y lr~ ' lr u Ille uur II Dllt .. rl' of o s I\h nruult Jtj66 holO ur ' l, 6 Ie ' . gooU ' r "I, ou l Je" " d nl ..7l ~:).':: I~,lc l~"','~·:"·JI" () lit ' U II 11I 1I1 " d D t.J c 15lh re CP1V C th e I The pr lce8 a nd qU DIlty f lI. \\ ur k 0 1 .j oo II II "~~ e~,~" °3"0 ,Ica, - ::~,:::"':~u • li e, I tllge tl7c r \\,1" p n CC 8, Nu ulle , "nu l,II" " : I'OM 1:'1 08, ) Vo u llle II rl !l65 CU .. I · "" ca nll ot le llLo ~ft l '8 Iy . .1 I hal c , •• ., h et! ul'0n "l.i ICU I IJ III !>hl, 1, _"," I UF. "A r's 11 11 11 1I I , J) llIg_ ' III P":;! r"u I) B~C lltU I 8t' al ll C THEY 1'lnl& E lH ij l'P II'~ III~ t FI\O~I Oll EE w,I' FR u /l ,u ' ul' ,u.e c ~ ,,," ;t" 'u v". " I'ILLS " g" " ''1·'!; d" I'" • , uule. DR.TA LBO'l lbi nl,d o('p ,,1 r I el,I ::;"I U I II H! pr c 6e ' ' ' } e . r to l ie I I , t l1 ll.Jlll 091 WIIIII'" t nUlll br r 1MI::111CUi\I. en nrh11l Ltll," (u l U l lflll lll~ I " r CIIII,C r (! llIIdl: I V d u t" ., Conlpoactl 01 Il\nhly Con ce ll\t ll le(I t )(_ Ilo:,:u,' I Mc<! " lol. IHIIII I I l u l Il C GJ ruveo E\ tcc n l )' l ht: lr 1'1 011 oll d ' V,lln Un I V II , .. (t I "!riled l"\lH \ lln H!'P ve Ift t i l . lIl:rl c u l tu~,.j edll ur or II r Th" b t '~': l, ~ ... <11 '"Il< " tr. ct5{rurnr oo t l alldh ~ ft Dlld S,, ~ u8i dI 8~ rol p r~~I~I ~~;rl ' O,~/~~\i:~~~ ;,~:~il~I)~:'::, :?~: uy Evelling PUtt (aU l! lIt lrf. :::luturtl p.hlD " ::,~~c~ : nll o. nnd n l I'le Ccl "!r roled W or ld' . F lI lr. 1 FlIlI,J,CIIOll lllllll Uy I ' ~'''"I f u l l' ': '' I\' dtltl"O lnetl lc lllUl y. l\le. 1II1 ~I " bl~ ~n '"'V. f1. wll h n e ve l. rlld lllg RCIOt'II ,c! rnpell l l~n \\ Ith uilll'r H' kll' R 0 ,u ll~er) IIl ( UII g' "IUl ulllI g fil e un the . p. .11dllea ae8 o( Ihe L lYllr .or ll nyd erall c. l ll lIllI!! I' pul In c v '1'11 0 pr UClIce u f Dr. Al. l. A HII CLI~~ " OLD ,\1 0,'\1. DO LI.A • spel' dy cure ~le" l the 10,,1; II .. 8 . W Ihe f o ts Dor all VCU ' b li ce 01 nl y II e lV (l8I'er. "ril eN: ' 1\, y om lr l ~e_ u.. ev hi I ,),h 10 .,,1 " II Orl:I!1I8 ul I.A Ll I. 1\ IIh" m e nt 0' th e DI!!08t lve .1 UIlle r Ita. I" "g I,ee ll. ! I,d 8:,11 Iii. u nUt'li lht! ) 35 18 I.SUt'tI It:~ . hB\C ! ' u .,h t . yo E [ 11161 . Old II II 1"111011/8 sl 0 he ' ft hlg I, ' rl: . ..... 1 01 lid b " .. 0 1 loo,l. I. ' Ll I 011 reee' l'l uf Ih. C., I,GI move all 1In puritI es of Ihe 4L uou atleu, \Jilt DI Ih e e arnA61 aoh'''111I G HU Vj',S r E I~ N CO )uUrll ll l- II" (l l) llIt8 COll 8lde rctl_ 10' the .. ' lu#\,I O Io UIL. ""./11,. " II" I! l lIour unequal ed III th e oure 0 [ D lurr ll Qlft le u f he lias bee n III tI II 01110 )U U "rc/; p n k or ~rsu p \\ I 'I rnllS " Ullle II pro!! ' I ko Yur \I ew N . luke uy 1111 11 a, Droutl" dvll be l 4\HI o6t111 ' y1 ~ · Ul'l,ulI CN to 111:( Irm er . thai we havII ~ \'er h~ d' I d i d 'I 11 Ice, D y sp.p.sl", S cm lul. ' Il tl IU;"" . ~~·. - - - -' "luelll tllfoll gh Ihe ur .. vi I,,, I"... r. ,.... ) d,u. obllll',7 :(;" ~ Id IF C (B£1,oW CU£lTIIOT), L' n. Ille UU lled ~ l l\ es. or 111\ w her., OLD E WE S- r..tlDF . NF.- \ V .- - cx e ll II. me I ~n utie ~1urum" " h. 0 '''''' 011 t1 Il, "~ .. I nil) lei 01 J e ... I" . \\ Ivur omp l illi, eve rs, H Clda chr .I' tlep. fl ,~ I It Vnde 1118 of tter m be e.lIu IlI til' e mu/' el'dlh s ral 10 ne gE ow h liS lIn' like I ltcc tl lei eldB plo III am ' P e j A <rl 110 , . III Uu li., . 1 .. e1 V <lse. fo r adult Hele,dll.a ry HulUors . I yul!!nle Ihnl Bho ulu be In th e bi nd. of I!V. U II our itot (or Oil. I I P Il o( uny I'opcr J have ev_r scen PHIL A DEL PIIIJ · one PI li 111 tbe !norrolng , clllltl re n 11.1[ 0 f" store lI a:h t and,Ill! e liI'd er ee ec:,e. wll '- e ry rsm ll v III 11"" 01101. a l , prc, enll!!" 01 Ihe) 'I e, I.·•• I ~'" 0 11 ' d..tJlur ·. wor,h . H II, ero tlto" Ih nl CI .t 01 Id " oul cure li e III . Ioone~t 8elll' Ole lll s . 1'hesfl • • . tlj "l WiC ee' t>}, b I"'c~ '\ ; , ,,UI, }', OD! 0", to I hree pilla wtli ~I fo;1 ~' , ' ~':::I~OI. , i' ;:::'fo 01 n;,~ II~n ~e nl ' entAl \ Ice. or a 9 8 g u ,de ror Ihe l " t Vllllon I"e Alle ul l are I!vcrYwh er. 'Na lll ~ d 10 g~t i l. ' 0 diner, h i d . and (rom one 10 , hree bOIl- mall. ttee , u~ r~:e~;t "Illl ell to r $2 . IllI rt) ' ~ r ' 6 c ·;lIh "iv e , • li ne of II,e mOlt Rw rul Ind deatrue, D li OOTE F B E drea. C.llIb • • wtll.l rl"cel l'e mnglll nc.nl Pr~nlllip Her I:~~, lIOnlR O( ~t~r;(~I','e caee on b ;Ih ,, cllrable 0. lor 81 el IIV tllcllre. n1 Drwgg i," E,~AfI" tllll ~ vl!r vllited man ki nd. On e II II Ulll . 8'M) Sol~ urge8 h. 8co eli , Y~'rll inlls et~ N En/lrllV nlti. ll Brootlwo Pl 08, 1131> Vln III a ulll 26111 11"1. lite bOlf. tu t per lic" C c !,' Ioow lona .t.lndllll:' Price 8r 111 , s ecurely e nvelo ped. 1\ ,II b., forw ,ud- ~~~.~ lor ~14. ond .bs",l.ulu cnp}' , , . y. . Nowllpa Wpekly zlnel. G old Penll .llleg~ Tr.de .upphed er l er.1 by mall. • ~ 01 file clu b I (J" C pOlloll e l 10 Ib , "arl 01 the of Ire~ d, e In AlII'ric I rn !tu .1" ·Buted ever} wh e r e, 10 per. &c. ~ttnplt . uf the tIiIon ~A::'BOTT. ~1. D., &. Co . AtldrHa T ' Ull dlldlled 8t,tee lor 60 Ce nla ln P-O atel1'lpa . ... b~1 ~r'<gel:t8 S IS 'fhll besl el III C lII u U e'I"~II I""ue otlur~d . Add , ... IIInl Iree 10 a ll IIpr lit'IUIi C," No NTER 6:U ulloa. Slreel , New turk. HU . VR. ld. ~ JI poil reS8. ASIC' FORHlilJtI~Ot,D'~ ' 8Qlo lor yrups. . I l t::OUIKY' o.n~ O'n'ida MERi 1 CltnlllQ lb' ER, "fiN . H .J I"'''M'' "' l . O AlII&(' ~I "Ir: 1 I,. .. t &' H. 716 . 1\ ' :35 .. ' 3D I\ l.ilou S:rt'el.N a\\¥ 0Ik. " '" • If f & PRINT Z , ur&. \' Nt. ) Ot~ \ tl " t l\ . ro.d"., II G II III J"'.11~ . • ... " ,,~ o
Dlt l G(~ , NE W l ' ATEN'l '
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D olla l.s '•
At" Manufacturers gen .s , Ou r N eW' Mod e.
Fust Premium Gold Medal,
Dist ribu t.ion
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250 000 Watches, ,chams, Dlamond-, Rings &e "" 1
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PhysiCIans) Please
& h c emical
MEDICAL D EP Or. '''ree' 10" S.• v.... Teutb JJt"
B eware of
Jackson's Pectoral S'Urup
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t. WAYNESVILLE, WAUREN. VOUN'l' llone5t .Iohn Tompklu., tbe lle;:ciarer
OHIO! ~YE1J~E8DAY, JANUARY 10, 1866. -
And DI'cher. fresh air. and fell ioto the Itrm. 01 *ur1l41\Orlal Mi8celJiUI'Ir rounding friendl' and I hlliced clIFry .. Rulea 'o<r Winter, A Son of Lord Byrou a Jllall Robber. \ '"L' ATIl: OJ' I' UT IIlER.-TII. '9'lelo.' 1 h T ' , - Honeet 0 n ompk ins, the hedger Illd him.8peecbltJSI, from the ch"m er "he re NEW ' YORK; D ec. ~6, '66. die early Til f 1\ I'k I . I It ...dilc4er~ . . Ilia lut audilory had J'lIll hung io 10YII Hllrdly ha~ the "I'I! of BIoo"lyn rer go 10 bed wilh cold or dllmp , Tbe ChiCllgo &'publ iclln gi ... a Ion.. tulD b l ' ey, ., ~ Ilaciow. or l\ t u'I',h y(' 1 P dId' v a l l i 170iog iOl o cold lIir hI''' 1111; ' .. . ' .- l e " .reclte aDd rUIII'lnto \hI K,.,e, o " 'eIl r oor, n' Wllb to bo anu IIdminliioo U'pOQ hi, lip., and Itoop- cO'lIrlld from Ibe ueitem l!nt of ooe res~1 t I I d I b I" I hillory o( r IIIkt'rton • Nall(lnal Poh'=t! ofleo while quite youny allDo.' be(on ed forward to geL bil 1,.1 "Liapera. I,!!ne of horror. the Ortega murd~r U to y C Oie • tl"t Y com· Agcon oy from wbich I I I" ~ lori" '1'1 . k d I~ lb ' h If W ·sIIC:I.O I a a eVrft'il' lie Ilw Aye preven Ie d A nd w . d I' . l I d 1 II II LI " I ~ , It I,be air 10 p~8' circ:uiloully . ' "e .x rae ,Ie WIC e "e II~ . a Dy a to r:ullIte hab it (.II t.eillg conl ellted . ~ e carfUl IllD III a t Ie "lit I' Illn Ie pu IC .. c lilled by anotber gh the nose 1I11l1 Luad, i~ mlly bu . , (ollo"lng: III. dRYI. Tbe ~oritl a' ooc. rall6e1 ohambe r, wheilc, a .oul, more eloquent 1"le 01 crim". Lilli Sl\lIardav•• "boul .. 11111 Iruth and '811"0' tbe ,e"OD b'l de . k H ' walmt!1i il rl!aclll1l Lhll l . ·In cOllneclion "ith the railroad bUI' !lCr!' b'109 I III d 1&80 ' "I ulO 1"... 0• I U, IDe.',T /Jau:: b co III·, was Iho weather alld dear II Ian P atrlo eor,.. more beaulHul r .. .. t I,e ec Iloel of quiet Cl inton etr ... ~t~ I bt,(uru . I I lb f d than 8 1 'Ii ' rI I C .~ . t IU' JHfYtllt t IllS!! ~h oc~ 8 III!!Md. Ilere o( () urrCld maDI tI,,,oge e,,· 1 I " .( w." e 00 , Icrt all I, more gract: u t I..n our onlfel'. ' .. rll awoke by rt'pe"led n chills w hich fr equtln : I,' rnd ' i ~oJtl~. Durin " the early Ilaau of rail. j t ''''I 1'1 Ibey . )jv~ C'U ~ 'he1 IpH~ .John nev er Willi lound (II II murmuring ~icero", we'o l back to Ood "ho made r.portt of A plslol, 1111 a ""oun" lad . .' I I ... . I ' . " . I"e ve loure 10 IIX g.Ullig Ib rou,a muod, . ' I'" . . laok bleeding '0 tbe lid.wRlk." 8h~ • pnf' umolll~ IIDIi IILhe r Ie - tOBI ellterprlle In Ihnoll. ,rUl ctlmes I th hid bee 'd' c! d He wadS hle nd ,ery otten In wor4. to When we laid him do"n be loon I ..id waa picked up by a ,entlllm"n "bll (otma of diwelue. ' " ol'e (requl!nll, p"rpelrated br ob · I . e w. 0 e d a~ ore ~~In ":... ro~· d e a ro) t b " 6 . d b er Illeep "I\h the head io Ihe t ltrueling of Ihe Irack lind IhrowlDl off l PtD, ;nlo a r,.D· " "Tube .ol .r. ar. '~ W lUi he c'lIlld not prev.,,1 I 'd d I 0 us. y a SlgDl C,IIOt Ict, "hal h e , " 110 II lie I e occurrencl.', and arloth er of an opeo .. iudo". Le ~ more lulnll. bi,ul), "II'" kmeel \t)' L\IuII I lit i ory ." C. I~ 1Il. elr I.D Roe'er to bear. I III en eav· (ou ~ d nol by Ipl.'tlch. 'One aide of chased Lhe IUlllllio, a " e ll.,lrelled 'be on \be 101yer lirubs Ihan th o ~rQeiu\le act.. phuuln .a. do .. " "uII. U II ,I' 4a7· And \b11 , Ilia II dud.' 'l'bi. be did bl' raisiog up man. "be laliy, "ho il ~.ngerouilly e' ~n elll", coy er within uOl&b ' . o all \\. "'''''Y''' OM diu beroN 1 !He .. ill Itfumbling'wollid .. ake clilam ity I one ~rm. ~ra8piDg Li"htly bit hand,I'IId wounded in Iblt loud and i. not I!XP""" l' dr-eper, Ih~klDg 1118. olenohed Set. 'l'bi. he did .,<1 '0 ~oo""r. , •• Wi .. Daytu", .nd dJU'wg Ilia tille way: I d Nevrr IlftlJld a mument OUL invari"bly robbed. 0 one of Ih • .., pll e pro Bul ned~ would hring bread and chelle IWlce. looking lit Ihe .a..e time, ear- Ihe wlluld ·be murdt!rvr a Mr. RU'8' . fo~llI:cill"'y nt IItrett COID~". IoccoI8ion •• afler a t.edioUi iOyelligalion lal, I\n~ yuur obscure and lIallle!.N eny cllllnper ; lIeitly lind ralher wildly 10\0 lhe f.elll bOlh clerks iD tb. M~.Iican loall ·offico If my oll e illjured or Irealed Ilim i II, or iwmediate bYllanderll. Wbeo he -tbe CRUle. AS ulu"I, loye lind jt'lllou.y . bavlng wRlke~d ev eD a ,110ft di8' / of monlhe, llickertoo ar r '&Ied one "Aoderlll.g It~rI, .. bo "ute Iholr lime Juhll rv~r wu fouud ,- "oud IlIllure I did lhil wi~1a bia left ba~d,. bis ri&1J1 !be re ... oo wby th~ City of Ohurch. l.n~, - . Auguillus St e wart DyroD, . o!!phew of ID hbertlne mdul,g eLce. tll~y call1lO' 11111. , one was lylOg dead a\ hll lido. This IS cbo~en a. Ihe 61t1n~ place ror deRda ~~er nde neRr the 0Jlen wiOdow of Aumi r»1 NAper, \\'uo wa5 lhel! l e rvi",g lau, IUlll IDU~l dl8 earl,. TbeI .pll' iI:' 'd I ~ I .. d act "4$ in8laolly read by All U l8yill" of blood. is 1118 loliludt: of the &Irt!eli a v ucle. fO.r 1\ ailll!. le 1IIIIt minullI, es . 1in Ihe Criolenn "In, 911118 cllnrrtetl ,,1111 ~l,D tl~am untlllhe, blow np tbe bOIler. , T (J r '" Ie, fJ!yenll nlllin Injury one 1 0 Id' .. d tie I num bfl' 0 f d I\r k n?o.I, I. • • .. hey rUD • L suo b a ra t \I tl lal tb • fi ,. W'UI mak11ll{' two b'IlJ, when d,aru lIoed to UI,.' ne ~ ~,I~ .po"erlesa, but Ihe lin IUdlf· pec lIy If It hAS b~en pr~ce~d e d by 1\ I, ob8lruclion, rollbery and lIIurder, by be but olle' olher II not. lhll WitS Ihe I"st oom - (elenlly IllChled by lampS-III som e 10· WII! j 'f'ahillbl e li ves "live IhllS been Illte ullslruclion. The former claimed gae. ?Ul ro~ the want , of fu!\. Tb. Mue)1 belle l'wo~I" bo if fo1u' wiur mUllioation 10 hialellow·mln ner made calitie8 not lighted at all, and not th!! 10 •• or goou heRlth permlluenlly de .l lo II~ ~ IIl1lurlll ~on of LoroJ B_noll. by ~~dcl~lIIerJ III deelroyed b~ rApid .peecl . . '\le] r1eher O w • by him. ullle_1I lIubsl'que nt grllsps or : irnmOr:IlIiLY of i18 , inhAbil"nlll; though .suo '!!t! . Nner vut on. new lloot or 11111 EJlIIllburg girl ntlm tld Mllty Slew. II eck,lesl, wenr .. .NotlilDg CIlIl la,. 'Vould copy )ul;1I TOlllpkill8 Ihe bed"er ftcognition mlly havtl iuuicated 10 a few Ihere I~ lin old adage of '~be neRrer Lhe 6b~ in b.. ~inllill~: a joulOI'Y. N evllr 1"1'1. He 1",<1 IIVO or lhree manuscripi Ihem. fhtllT .puYH,cal alate~ eaD~oL IIIHJ uitcher. that he kn e w ILfOl. church.' &c. WIl.a.t iudi" I'ubbrr io culd, ur}' wUfllh el'. : Ie III' 1"8 , wrilten by Lord By tOil, ill hie ::And Ihe Itralll. tllCl.r pul. ,10 II; "bile _.. And tllere aL midnight I parled (rom The Fellillns lire on lhe rl1mpnge A- If ';UlP~II''d 10 C"C" II biller colt! willd, I p05s~ 8.i un. '"Id II",ra we ra olher "u- ~t!18tte of ,Lhrl' mdlod IlL of Ie lib Iuab LaBt Boura of TholDaa Corwin, thAt Itricken IIIlIn I He. who Ilau monIC Ihtmstlvel in lhill quaraur, lind lhr" 1\ .illt hllndkerchief ov er Ih l! II"code docum!!n" 10 prove Iue trlltb of 1(" bl III IOU wboUI bodea, t.e IU k'~oe d . I I I ." • I the coo nu e nce of tl Icee c IIlIrges 1111 d f"Ci' t' t 5 IIgellcylH . WOII d III f\t I IU ' mtHh. · I,It ' Blory. ·1' he I'itler Nl\plt'r . 1 I I _ \ ouc Ie d "" I I Ie .ceptre 0f ullimpel'" se" alHo ·0 tIf e mOIL rof Ull f an b"ilia, .or A corre5Do~dllDI of lhe \'olu.,bus "lid God ·like iOlellecL SI8Le./ N,,\ionl. c?unler cbarge. made by the 1t!lIdeu al fSi tila cold. Ilurned out 10 btl the p~r60n tll'l\l he lise a war 0 nClllt" row I l!llIlGeUJouroal'g~'~1 a Ilrephio and touebiog Peoplea, Cllurt. and &lIaIO,., and mAde eHller 6illo is A grnnd d.morllliulion . 'f \06e who Bre oll~ily chilltd on go . I'l!preeeDIt!d Idmulf 10 be, allhough h. Aul htll of Itt own ~ ought•• acoounl of Iho Illst hour. oC Govefllor Ihem "II bo" to Ihe m"je8~y of it. lbroujl;ho~L th~ "hol~ rau~8. AI a 'e· Ing OUI ~I doors 8hOlll" hllve ~ome, col· OIKo~ged 6nlllly 10 ,Iuc.l. jUllice b1 - -• Corwin b,dor6 Ibe late aUack "bich er. n{lw touch"d by Ihe "ceptre o( cent meellog. rOlolulIOlI1 "t'fe plIssed 100 bailing AIl"ch,~d 10 thtl vc~1 ur olb- runDlog away. · He eSCAped from N,ew TIIB SHUEA B,BLJi. - Tb. Shaker' loon Icrmi9Bled hi8 mOrlal ui,IIlDco '; bit Lord. and iOllanU, bowed hil bead, b:rpre .. lve of" hope of reconciliation er I~Tmentl!, 10 a. t~~OIPCI Ihe Ipace Yor" ill a IIltiting les.!!1 bOllo(1 for En" . Bible il • book 1I0t 0(&' • • 11~.ed ·'o' ,be (J:om which ,,,e make Ille lollowl., ex- and laid bimlleJ( doyvn aDd died. lor Ibe lIa~e ~f .Inland. and a greal b.'weeR' lb. Ibdulc.ler bl~des lIod be- IRnd, .llhough Mr. rinkerton ""I io .eeo by ·&li. "orld'. ptj)ple.. h ie . .,~rIlCI. •• , ma.. ·meellng II In conlelllpla(JolI, _hen h;pd-Ib. hUlg. b~ing Iltlached lo Lu. Ne" York an.d on hie track AI Ibe lime. lillell 'A Hol" Sacred aDel Di,in. Roll 11 "ill be remelllbered Ill"t Jle "., A StraUor'l Girl h will be prupol"d to Mieci a commit · bodyal Ihiu poiol.. A lillIe thtre i~ Tb. Ion of the poet "al cOI1Yioteci of (rom Iho Lord (Iod of il,a,eo lo th. atleDdinll ~ad Uen1D& p"rly, given by ...".....-lee of uobialled Irisbmen 10 Ad.s a lVorab. he limn I.he eame over Ihe murdu by Ihrowinlf a Irlllio froll' \11' inhabil"Oti of the relfeal.d ia Mr. Welmore, our ~tale Ai:!!OI. lolh, A lale numb.r 'Tbe NalioD' baa Direlllory until Lh. general tt'mpllr 'h,1I chl'tl!n (r~II', Nuer .tiil for. more Irll.e ", Ib~reby Liiling Lhe engioellr. Ihe the Sociely al Loballoft. COQII~1 ColulD- ~ a · . IIe ~ 01'1I0aDI ID . \V I. I' of a ..elenerRI Lhan he mlbULe8 at a lime "1'1OhJIlCI lIelo" Ihe robbe of New York,.1 Uni ... d 1·.6tlllgU18 I)ngton' : ~he {ullowinIt aeCOUD\ o£ • black~lIIilb'. cool .ufficienlll I I to "umit G 'Ille " " '"y o( III. mlll· ll. iliA. 8L110 . .. - s..... ddaughlt'f of Ibe beauliflll 10"0 of con~re... nile' rep.n hie' ileelf Ihe back 100 Ihll 6re or Illoye .Ayoid ait. He !ellieneed (or life io the SLale of AlIluic",' II prel'DIiI 10 ... II I'When at list the pres, IIboUL him 8 Ir."or ' d ,one I . l b ' I d I . lb. 10Ylieel town. of e:rellelllen 19 neat y oyer, y lhe aen · tiog a." ~iu'l cUllair.lDl.ill Ibe blll:lu OI l [.·)elJit(lnliary • .ellpilal.pulJiablllena ha, ' floe reH IItion, Iln lie t.ltlmOD1 0 , lonelled. I 8AI d uwn by hie lid~ Wh"l C onneCllcut, . Iying upon Long hllDd I f0" eo . IIly ange I I I ' . tile. lue. Iea d ea-. to b ea'l periods pewllo churchet.: If lhe. uncovl!re!! lD.g b.e en ".bo\Cslled 10 Alichiaan. He ~ Ieyen mig a ~.ell. "" b 0 a I• be uRppeue d fi rat lo 811y 10 me (urni,h· 80 un d . '1'1 Ie lIory II . 1111'II 10 be as IIU' 0 ( I ' t d d .. I d d I . . f t r II Aa pena .erY~ U e. , b. oar. fettl. cold,llI.erect w. lthoul loueb "l\~ d In pnaoo, aaec1 "bolll lllirll-li, n ('I t! . I III "flIIDK 0 • o. as olle of lllo.e &lrerre. . AI . . A If' . ... U • I00 k rnl Iler Ilormy , IIIg IL. N~Yl-r beglo II Journey unlil yea,.. " 1 1" . Ji.b Oil""'D." 'tI ,e rtI .. coiucidenceR t IH:nuc It . 'lli IOlel'utiDI, IIlr.ln e~lco e ilIon Wll' prlnleD a which help to invest our lives wilh II , At the commencement 01 the pree- bot th!! most BigniticRnt faCI is Ibllt the b~eaUuI hilI be!!u eaten. • ••• • IIgo at lbe Shaker ealablilbmeat a' lillo"o of the m"8Ieriolll awful. and enL cellillry a Joun" mao ",.de bis E m pre.s,' CI IlIr Iolle II.'" ie.ot I A rtemaa W C Illlttr b ury I ,., L' J ler.'Je, Wt Is, . Aller a\ll'akinOJ', singing or preaching a14· 0 oWa E •• to .le" H am'rn ln ".. 'Tb, II W hie h mll"As UI supcorlltitiou8. One 01 IIppelltflOCe lD . thtl .i' Iage, and speD, I a o. a'''"~I.bl y 10 be. rep,urr d ID P I ' " b k ' ArlS, 110 10 A "IHOI room in wint!!r. UO 1101 J"II\'" 00 oonlalo. 101118 p •• aag.. (rom Itis tinl u~lerllllcea to me "RR 1\ 8tart· few wee". 1\1 Ih" tnern wbich Ihen tx . III .rea II'Y 10 raise mon~y to enable Ihil . i: for al I"asl Len nlillUll!B, RUU eVI'u ~ ~ B' . IIt1 "11'81 . ... , l'lg I111m Y oung •' 1'" elg •Scriptllre. ~hered. ameli de d , e.1argeIA ling d'lscrip'ion of whul 'l~om Corwin lij\ed 10 Rfford 8helter to stage-coRch wlser~b1e r"reo, or royalty to. dllwdl.e : thell close Ihe m(lUlh, pUl on ,olovt'8, be,idcl those whioh ,rv only -.. all:d,· or IlUrlail.:d, .ilb origiDal addilloDe i 1\ l e bhe II wrlop up ti,e nfck. lIud tll!:n pUI C on a lid,nol with him. . _.a .WIIS to be III Iwcllt}'-6ve I 'mlnules after . Lrave 1erl. HIt, .. utlnco IIe oamtl ao d whlll on ~ Iill Ie Iongl:r. .M e:tuw, .n d amen d lDenll, ., Lh el are d co ... e..., I~~ Ullel'llDce. b t Idwa~ ,1111: Ht! IlIld, bia busineu. none could guess. Di. makmg 110 pillasurc tnp to ~ ue"tlln ."nd, c1o~k ur oyel'colloL before pluaing out 01 He loy,.., not ,,"ely. necenary lo Iuit the peculiar 1I0lioai ot " .ou ar.e more .110 • t Illn \Vhe~ 1,111" rcclly opposite Ibe (nern .tood Ihe HOlldIH"!!. 10. en"bl" Lile nch Indl""t lilt! Jour. The lI~glcd of 1\t"MI III.. But too (huolirl!d) well. l\tv.'\iM)ip\ee of An" LeI. 1~ i. a }~U 1.ltIt bti: re. l .l~d f~r MYloo~ .1, awall cOlluge and Ihe lorge of a black. to cllhlblL lhelr 10YRI~y by mU\'ili"en~\ l.. id· ... "nJ7 I\,,good aud lAaorlll mllll ill II The Viee l'r ...idBI\I \"" 2 \.00 "ellod curlOUI volume. eveD mort!rem"rl&.bl •• 8al() Yell'. '. H-e"'~lU. wnh Ib~ Il'ml' Im iLh Damed Folaome. He had 1\ dllu h donalionll in bulliuu, wbicb ehll prollll .1 pr l'IIl"IUre g .... e. N eVl!r Ip'lIlk unlt"r 01 clilIle. Rllll :00 lJellu or' wh'e • .- l Ihouj,(h of 1.1181 prll,od.d an LiC)uit1 '~aa 8olemo, nml ·comlcal fRee "llIcu bas ler whn tht! buuly of Ihe l'illllgge. bly. liku ~ wi~e WOOlAn. I\' ill I"y alidt: ; II hu·... a~nt:.s, especially if it r(' qlliree l ollce t"ou~htJt:ti~IJ g""" a (limily tic~tJl tit" Mormon Bill}". A copy oIIIereli · raID.)' d ay Wul(; I. II may b u n!!lIr Rn ~ II"orl, or g"'l!fl alurting I ,. I... tbecome hisloriclIl. 'Bul tli('n, Juliu8 an d i, wall her fOrLune 10 captiyato tbe for L'ull or pllinful tv "n e Id ~r 10 1lltl:nu my Iccturo . lie 10 be sent 10 ev er y K'Ing or P0..,b C~e,Slir \va8 blll,i: : 18\1id, 'But CWll\r he.'arlof Ille young stranger. He tolt.l 1I11~lInd. . • .. • . . I-"~Iittg, for il of. t'm resul.t s ill II permR ' 1callie lind filled .the "."ole houae."l'WI\I in Uilrillendom; and on • •ent to tbe IlIld' 1i18.' 'l'hen )Ie usumed , a wore 1118 Io\'e. lind Ihlll he wa8IrAvelillginc('g . E. ng Ian d 1100 •'I I.e qU.1 "ve In AllliCI' lIeDt I08~ 0 f VOIO"; or lill:lulIg invalid . succeu lhtlllll~hl. Lu '. 1 diull ' l gl;l~ Uoverllm en , 0 f 0 ana d.. IIOme ,"I. . . . aee euious mllnoer, RDd said,: 'Twenty bul in COli 6Jence gllVe her hi, real nllme l pallon of Qu.ec n V ICtO"." '8 firal public . ism,~/la/l'1 JUUrllCI/ oj' Hell/lit. allY mOll ey. '''''8 ..!!Iuroed or refused. yeRrs IIgo, l ~''' . '')J\'''Q flill iQ .. ppnr· clilimillg thaI he "a8 heir 10 a large fur. appellrance IIIICII ~er Widowhood; bUl l ___ . '__,_ _ __ _ .l:il.vel1lct:n ,tifes OCB decel\sed Elufr, •••• cntly UllconSCIOUS parllly~is, whell .in lillie. Sile rtlurn~d hia love, Rnd Ihey Lhe u6ul\l . plIgeftnl IS 10 ~e sborn of as Slgne of a Pr,o sperous Farmer. I ll l" J to I\lIIke we 1\ MOl III 011 IIl1d mllrry WIIAT 18 A. DAaLuI01-A leadilll 'be lIIid~t of excited·discourse. He \\'IIS were ml\rried. A Ie" "etk,tbereML!!r much of II~ stille BI pOSSible. Instesd 111111m. They .. opL; Ihe}' bove 1\ tligh quetiLiulI, bllt berl:in preUilll1a,w."d. earried Oul by I}is frlllbds io this con 11.le. 61~'II.ger told his wife. Ihal, be mUll of the c~stomary c?rle&e. IIII.gllt aud . Th~ follo"ing '6i,'n8.', which we find i ('6Vl'n. lecn si,!{,h'-II 6i~h. 01 eon. iul'. r · No ooe '·ut. 'a"her or bro,Ler coulcl dilion, nnd Ilia firsl Rcl of coosciousness "lslt ...~1,ew 0 r Iean~; Ite dl d 10, aod the IIRo~,.a I -I II b~ IU b 81111 t te u.,10 In An ~l:cllllnge " 6.0UIIIJ 0 lU. ) . II ley I'ut Ihelf 80ft whlie • U _.,. ... .. v o.se one WI like Ihe "/'ilillg~ 1 II b e &I~ w~~ to luu~r J I~ ":01'111 rp ~ Il\.v~ ,jUSL gos~lps or lhe town mBde the yOllng elllllul~lI • .llIlle o( I!er mRJelly All pOIIIJlble ! of Dr. Frllnltliu, alld IHe "ol'llly 10 bt: hllllu~ In mille. ( sevellLeen hlllld.l) aur. have wrillen it: '1IId: . .. . . 1 ,... ( wife ullbll.pPY by their dillSl'eeable to. h"r 10YIng lubJcell, ,~Ild the rob". i put i'llo th" ticrllp book o( everl farUlel ' ruu lIu ing me. TlltJre I stood,. alone, A darlin~ i. a deet liUle beallliD, " .,i ~C~sn .. bBd file!' , hints aDu Jeerl. , Will be plac~d upon tlte 1,1!l'on~, nol 00 I ill our IlIlId: !'\\IIY frurn my plll'enL~ I luclru"!eu- Kirl "ho meell on. III tbe door.ll.p; In l",conly"five minnie Rfter f RBIII a (ttW monlhl lb, husband re- he.r pera~n, ". of yore. I he. IOtent of I When Ihe lighCs are af'en burning ill ' ~ hnp~ you 1111"1: no (liahonorllble mien , who ftiDIl8 ber fair a~m8 atOIJDd Obi', list~d in . cAf,rying .Corwio OUI in the turned •. bUI he fore a ""ek b.d elaplled 1111 lIe\ .. to ensure a IBrgu IDcome ror I hi» house before I.h" brallk of dKY, in 1I01lH.1 A~. 1 louk my~elf away Lbey IIt:Clk, and ~i ..e. oDe with her .0111 of precise cooclition ~ ~ Ill\d .&1. ~traoge!y he reC:lllYel~ a .llIrl:e buc!get of letters. her nCl)nd lion from 'he couotry, lind." I "~lIter espI!ci"lIy, iL ShOW8 thallhe dllY s-'Ii.1O Ihlm iflef: 11 II 100 m~oh. luye; "ho aeiJu 001'. hilt, "JIO re· de,crwe~ : J:f,Q, Ihe . ,,~ i,alolp ' and lold IllS "Ifll Ihal he IfIUI' at ooce dower for her daughter Helen", "h~ " I ifIll 1I1'\'''' bl'IJllk 00 Lhe brt!lIklD!C in of \\ hell c~plul.t'd by Ih, Illdlan.. I lill.1II ooe of 00.'. ooat. and handl lbe a:en'~~ '~ e .... tlon ~14». th'oR ~ t r"luto 10 ~na!and. Rlld mllsl go "Io~e. "boul.lO ""d a laDdie" . Uern~lI? prlDo. : Ihe "inler of I(dversity. ~IlW Ihe g ll~I~II\11g 1001."',11':"" dl!8cend· tu and 10,lt .0 p-r ellil11 ,!ho placel lliru; Aslted !\fLer old frit!lIds of Ohio i Htt> Loo~ bill dllpl\rlUre, and Ihe gO..lp' I\od ~I~e Ihe co.ulltry ~he prt\,lll!ge of l Wlli!n you .ee IIil blHnl IlIrg~r thlln . tIIg on. 0111 In Ihll ulollllnl: ht;ht. 1 h.d hl'r 616.h £Vrm al lhe plano, aDd war.lIud~d to his bill p.lr~neti, JQ~1te'JJl1D' hael aOOLher gloriou. oporlunity to protlc.llllg ~or blm. ~ he P"Pt!~. 'lllle · hi. "uua-tl. it shnws thAI he will LUI! I no ft:lllforcemenls-no PonIQOnl-DO bltll fortb. un.ollcited. ' Illcb d,licolI' Iton. of Cinciooali, In lerm~ . ~ greAI make a cQDfide~L womao wr!!teheu. To Ih.III, 'lInlng no f!arl.lcul~r dutIes, h~ \ Ilu~e protit~ and !!mall .. ffi icLion.. I ll\Et ditcl.'-wilh mt, lind I bad DO fll- 80nl:a; who cal" her.elf oDe'1 (001Whao you. see him liri\'o hi~ "ork , male ALUre, e~ 1 ~u boldly. 1 aurn:o · .1001 Alld CllllIp. one'l b.Dd, ADd lillie kinc/lleu IIlId a8 one of Ihe III os I po". 1111 bu~ Ia.nelf II ".:11 a c1ur case of wll~ be ~nllhl8d 10 reSide In Er.g.lllnd, errulll\ivoclliell ~nd bil.t int leet8 ht: ueurlloll. 1he Wife became a mOlhn, "".Ic.h IllDply IIIl!allll"at he mlltnee ror . III.le.d ,,( hiS wlClrk dri\'iolC bim. it der I l WIIS 1\.lo,,,,d to morclI 0111 "lib e"gtr. unueard of qU.!!llioo"Wllb Illcia e,er kne". \LuCila OQ~ "iLb which IIBm. lind for '''0 yean livf:d 011 in 8ilence a h'lng. ~-lo"dVer. £5~,OOO .iI ycar 1. 11 °"'1 Ihllt he "ililleyer Le urll'en from I my 6idc ArlDS "nd l:rllen cotlon umbrel bright e.ylll alld tlu.hlng fie., a~4 Oil ilion county w-oultJ-n~dol'tt lrersf:1I by and in hope. A.I the end of lhat time l hl\l fall~D, 10 b,Lll!t! delDls~ o( nlt~ ,Le. good rnQh~Jion~ "nY..llRI he Will oer' I IB whieb roY. Aunl at S~c~"ry bad f!iv· who,se ""bt. flo .. y ellrl, ~n. pI ..... stllding e\'~n '0 Ihe Ji,~gi.I"lure_ lit: a leuer "as rec"lved by' Lhe Slratford I ~polcl, who h .. 1 enjoyed lhll snug lIttle ,· llIiol y work his WAy 10 pro~pl:fily. e n mo. 1 uldn'l fel') a(rAld-bot 1. for one ,. band alld breathe., God bl... n'ked us whl\t C'lIlgrl!~8 would .to wilh b~uly frOOl hel husband. direclilll( her IlIIcume tor nearly IbalC ~ oeDtury. mere When you 8ee io bit housa more I hAd np ()~l'd my lare berore. I once berl .. tbe r.lf, fO'1II depar'l. Ihe ai~",.\ Ih~t'w're fyiug arouud looge, 10 go al oOCt/ to New York wilh oOlhing Ily (rom Ihe (ACI of hRVlIIg mlllly JUtS ' IIIUlp' Cor burnin'" lard Ind grcII811 thB'I I.lood lit Ccl1ler\'lll. and law \bolliaode G• M A 'd and. in' conn ection, told a etory of A bUI the clolhes .he w"rll, .nd emllark IIgone mRnied an Ent:li6h Prillceu. - cllndle 8licitS ror"'w ore up~nsive 'pur of bullt!ls-lhnt: lelAden IIIlIIleDgers 01 1'9'£!,. AN 4 H.t.lICK.-. "I e·."Iighl 011\11 in 6('1'1'(;It . o( milk iI' ing io a ship for her !lOme in Englanc.l. On 'J'I uly, aome fulks are horll "ith" art I)o~ee, it 8hoWH Ihal economv i 8 lighl' i dealh !- ,hou,all(18 of Luem pl\l8in~ wa~e mln.lsler, wbo louu~ bll CODr·· around 10U!lll," lie slIid he told lht' ber 1I1-rival in New York. 8ltll fouod a vu spoon, and the8e Gu~aQe, llome· 1t!llin" hi. wily 10 hnppine~. '"nd plelllV : clo se Ly we-pllckcd io boxelllotl wag' fall~ad~o;n.gl '0 sleep une :iDdaY:j o~o IIlen who 6w'Brmtld the C"pilal in search ·bip epll!lIuidly furtli~bed with cvery 110'" ha"e 8 nll!lk ~f bol.I!lng Ihe Wln ' l Wilh"".lla, lilo:hl whiclI Mhoul!! eullghten i 008. Ie a d a~ y f~mdD~B' ll~e~n IIlb!. of pnrdon Ib,l 10 ha4 Ihou~ht Ihey cOllvenience "nu ·Iu.ury for her comfort I nlUg cllro. One "III be 1Oc:llOl!d to boo ev~rl fumcr'io Ihe world .. -- ~to~pa . al~ .exc al.\II~, mllo r. , <t~i"l"1\ .~S\ 110'\1__°1, b.llt bad cbanged and (11'0 servanll reRdy 10 obey evel'; ' Ii~v~ Lhe f~iry , I~ . _of . ellio .ponlorl l' W h~n he hftll It haule so'"lIrl\te rrom KnpIXQ UP A I' PURANCIII. - Mr. ltill t r"lr. It I~b\fl'nll a I ha!' • 11l11nind, I\lId 1I0W: lhought none oughl \tish Ihllt she Iniihl Cl.lpreE9. The I glfl.I~1l theIr .murL.1 g~d'~1\1 "Ith lome I the ma:n building Jlurpos:?ly ror alhe s, Thochry ma~e. the (ollowing rem",ks : ~~:nl~e~o i~i'L":~'I :::,: ~r.~e:i!lc~:. g to b~, bCCICilssl U.-ey ".,1'0 nIl consum · ship duly n~dvcd in EllgllIlI~, and Ihe Invl.lul" altllbule "hl~h 1I11t>rt~ltfler to , lllld .n iron or tin ,euel to Iran!pOII 'lIl1yt! JOu mllde up Jour miud on 010 610e . bUI doo't be(oro I e. mllte foo l~: Ihey lold thl! 88me alMY, Strtlfuru gu! became tht! mlltrulor a bllllg WI!IIIII~ alld 11I6pPllle8l,In Lh ~ .h";J1: Ihem. il *IIOW8 Ihlll ho nll,er bUll, hi8 11he queslion IIf seeming and being io g m CIIC!c.· ive a mall'a cbance.' g thlll ~bey were dl1~t'\l into, r~be\liou. suplll'b IIIKIISlon. I\nd III Ihe ,,:ife of 1\ of " nch WIfe, hllVe Aome rtl,al.lIl1lY 1D \ hUU~t! for a (unerAI pile fvr Ilia family, lhe world! I mean. euppostl you are co PI ~ ___ . . . ' but he hU\'er Willi '0 fortunAte a,' IO a(!c bnl;ollt·t, lVII' 8111uted .by Ihe aristocracy Ilhem. ~nd perhap~ ate founded on filet. !lllli pelbRJl! "iOlscll. pcor. is iL righL for YOll 10 sum 10 be 6.T 'Oido't you IUPPOIC, lIir. tbat I olle who w"s a dragger. Hil lold DI(~ al Llldy S .. mneI8terhng. On lhe deAlh IA8 Ihey emllnat~.(l from Germ"ny,wberl! When hi. hog pen is b'lllrJeJ. out. woll otl"? 1IIIve peoplll an hOllelt ri.,hl Itenl a Bibl.?' 'No I dida'L tbiak· '. d II ow b ar d ItO ' (I ltor 1Iu 5(, Ll\nd , m IIny l'barl a !;O, II It' such, mlll'vel" F'III IrRmplrt!. l'llle and'm. .J\ I \loes \ h ".0...· . \ IU "'''''P \lop II>I ' PQl\tllo,~, '! An~ yOI& lila· .t> r ' God' •• • ord ••• 1 knew how I181' J IIe worae. ~ •. , "U I~ 'gom!; III",~ J u\l k.I!P~ WIlS tu go lip th e long 81l1irtl'llY or the Stral(ord boy Bu.cee~dcd 10 Ih~ IItle Rnd 1he SI~lr!IUA" 6 m mB1i11t hili lllli('n " 11hU .. hol." l.lUg n.r none.' in ke.pin~ \ lilieU ill SillHlIIg ),ollr tlllluer-lablil io lu"t you nner kepi your own.' 'freRsury buil,ring. Ho" the tilolie8 or the ."cllfth of IllS f"thet, lind I~ the IIISI , Of''' phlltil: III E~rope, IIl1d. 118 "mailer pillot.)' IUSIiJu hili "ouee 811c.1 poverly ord ll l' to keep R carriK6tei to kavo Bueh ._. _ _ his lIukilllf Ilirge J~IIS. ber" , w4l~e ullg ' ~dIUUQ of Pllol'llge ~nd Saronel.Age. bil i o l eOllrse, 11:9 <.:ro¥bed Ihl!' ~L\".nllc. ~ 0111. . . . Ian expcn,j"1: hou.e 11Ial you can't bY I IT JOlh Billings lI"y. tb., oper. rort\ti601: ' Ho,," he . h"d IbsI I Ol\8 fer IS ~Jloken 01 lUi Ih!! l&Sue Or 'MISII Fol· (t!~ yellr~ A.gO. the world Win. Sill lI~og When Ills 'l!ed 18 6~rt1y hou ~ ed in IIny po .. ibility h t lp a poor reilitiunj tu l'mu,le don'l have any m.r• • fr.e, ora due 111m in Missis.ippi !>f one Iounulcd som,', of Slralrurll, Nort~1 . Ameflc~.' b~ lh~ Inck~ or II few cha~I.lnnl, w~ln IUOlm~r, lind his farming impl@rnellls l ll,ray your IIHuglrtcr in c08lly rn;lIillerl' , him Ihno cUlor oil "ollld have upoa II alld liv-,! LbbjWaod ifo:(a,... .~p ..... ' Whe n the lilte Professor 811110liln \'i~I" 1 uillco,er!!d II ne" way to ral~e lhe wlUd, covered both .ummer IIl1d "illtt.-r , il W"It!H b('CIlUliC llrey ' Iil'e "iill giriM graveo imllgl. ' Thei\"l'it "118 invh .. d 10 r'e~lIlr 16 'the ed Englanlleome yeare , eince.... had i "nd Ihere are IIlw.y~ f~ol'. enou!{h who plllinly ahow8 tllaL be will h.,·!! a good who.e pRII:1I11 are twice a. rich? SoDie' • .... refretih 1111: II t I Q,orn. lIe Ilro'e "lid ft.k ed I btl pl~.8ure. of Rleeling Lady . Stelling hkl! 10 be 1"lnlil"d, II II ~s grllcefully hou'll ~ver hi~ head in lire slimmer uf I tiwes ilia !rllrd 10 lilly where boneal ~ T~1d Hood la!1 DOlbia, .poil. • me to iiccornp811Y him . wltle!) 1 did- I\t 1\ IIlnn!!r pnrty, lind ~IIS u!!hghtl!d to uo~e. Whlllevltr.ltaa an "Ir o( m18 ler y tIIrl! I,(e. ;"ud the winter of old "ge. pride tnu. [lOd h} pOCf\8y beginl. To bO!luay like a 8,~nday eO."l orl. n, .. ~e llAtor Wade joilling UI III 1}le (oot of "nll"',,r II"r mallY que!llloni about her or II .nvtloptld In ILe pr~lernatur"l. Wht/n 1118 C"llle Are propl'rly 1I11Ic1d. lobll'ude your P0l'l''',\' i8 111l1li0 anll .1,,· plllr of booll. 10 hu. lime'" .1111. ~he alnin. '-urged him 10 be aellteJ lIirtll.plllce in Cooneclicut. . however barer~ced Ih. cblcaoery, Iii lId And 'lid in" Oler, it Il,·incus th"1 he vilb.llnu It il odious for a begga, 10 your garlDenll mu.lll.'ub,,,xa ..p:" III A sofa lit tlie table, "bich he espress· ____ __ lure to Bod ~e!a~vera; bUI no" thtl men il IUliug aceordmg to Seriplure. which ' "Mk co.p" •• ioll by Ihowing hillorel.' •••• Id reluctnnee in lAking. owing to Ih~ iii" YounR man. II ow do you llpenli "bo fell a prldu an bll1Re( tlt:f~"udl:d ~r... ~1.'ba'· 'a merci/ul man i. merciful \II UUI 10 lilUulal~ proJlp!!l'ill- ~ Lte ~ .AnDA. iliad.. lb, la~oa. preullc" of.. Ia, din .tandiug. On t"i~ . • A f ,l'qu"lIy "ell pluud 10 liMe II uplKln IIIS' IJt~III" Wt!lIllh~J and luish Ihriclt a oJ"ellr wh-n (our "nd 1".lIIt, black blrdl 10 lIIuII.all , your eyenmga I re j ou" requen I'r d I I I rid A ' • <:{ . Ii Ih bak 4 10(" his 11I8t word I were ul/ereu in ' II of Ihe drinking .. loon or olher plllo ':1 e 10,'" I Ie c lelll waa ~comp II ,e . 'V,ht!n be is lleen. luble.ri~ing (or " , YOLI II>~ )'our fr ieuds. IInol (or lb • . rtl.1 . lYe 1.1. up. IIealllll. e1 ".... e ftw momenl" aftel'. l'he Bcene 1 hnt! at vice. or do you oecupy your leiBUre Mr. l' ay ~ho Accompabled 'he J),,~en ~ew.p"per and 1P." yln!: fo~ II III lid vance. of Ibtl lillie to muneb II crult anullt .by 10 a pi .Anoa. - ... alluded' ttl 81 o<'curring below, W.l8 here hour8 in IIcquil'illg u8erul kno"llldge, POIU 10 KnglKnu, h"l ~eell bu~y. In 1\ It showli rill" h~ I•• pt!"lung like 1\ blluk ILhe canull'--,ue the folk. who pracLlc" IPl'cdily re pt!3U?d. Eager mel! Agllin or in the compaoy Qf intlllligeol aod couree 01 Il'ctul'''! ahowlng the Clllz~n. r~p'ne"'ling II", 1"'1 mo~elJlenl8 in IIg- , LllIS cJ~cl'il !'urthy 0(. "PpIKIlIl ~r ,. " " Fed a lIobl, ,ride II liyiDI prl'ss\Jd rth'o ut h'illl and issued (0t-...8rd, .i ..lUou81\R8uciatl'lI. II in the former. l or Nl'w Y\~rk the .h.llaw m E: ftn~ u Pod "'~l4hure~ and Ihat he Will liner "el wld ppin~? :Sometime., 1t .11 n.obl8, I~ II within you'lIIe,n., ,b.o 1011 "ill 1101 lIud h"ld Iheir brcatll 10 clltcb hi' laFt we lIumolli 811 you ... you ulue your b, the.e , ~1I · kno,yn roguee 10 Impo~\' IllS " .. IKlnl: pRpen 10 lh. IIInd of pO\'- , priu,'; bometlmlJl ,wlr,dhIlK' be bUltled oil' 10 a c\t .. rt... iloepiial ill I' _ _ _ ~_. . _ _ ._ YOlI'r lali. licllaeslI. \ll.lerullce, OIlC~ or twire they shouted rUlule RUCCl'11 Rltd ueefuinesl ill lire re o or, the J1Ubt~IC aIL IlIr,e" "fn(II,. tbe t!.II~I}' .. rty. d l d ' I ' I und~ I' • ' "·R" 10 un Ie lIe ,,"onuer u .. n{lt "'IL I _~ ' . ._ - _ ...- - wllh IIIu"lll . .: er I\n .c lIJ>pU .Itlr I" a 10' ~ upon a . chBllge. Kee.p c1e. ar. 01 1OUl' II,e "id of all • 'Ir'l ts or .u .rlllli . - - - ,- , ~ .., &..T A IDtdlcin? m"n 'II. ,. Ihat Ibose . ~II boi!tc l"OliS n e .... im~nl, and e\'ery eye All .lIlk~ o( vice; shun Ihe IftloxlcalJng ' I y l P I't I ~'l 0:7 Tht firal eUllltln of Mother I"~i". who mike IL a buelDen '0 troii. " " ' I am a broken lIIaa." .. id a poo~ , a I I e Icu,lIu lOg, ID Ih e bl'illiAnl aSbe mbll\ge '1'''' dlttcl",1 cup. avo id 10" anc.l diehonorable a .. o- ~rII IIlStoellcl'y, edxc"I P hie "oods clerks ,,",I never bUY.II"- poet. 'So I .bould Ibin"" ~al 'h._ r.I G"oae'" m!!lodiol "a. publifhed iu J l ol to Ihe . 8e~ ., Ilere ,-,\,"Oro-· ,~ C er".n · "liS cllltell . . a true lIIy.ng . . a 1810 0 19 by a· B u~tllO prloter, . to • J I ",or I I h ave . 1L16 thllt he II . IIe d'lope" l lese I " ellplln"t Ii ' n8 , ." namel I FI.t-I. tiling , tlu"hL to 1J.' caUeu couoler lrrl. p" yo ur pi ........ ""vw • 1 plflyi .na: .,.- h.J ~illedt Olll'era up' on thllt d I " . mlll'ca e 'pm ua mllnl e8lalloo. WI, M II G be' 1. I I I ' , .. goo. DI~~ w 1,.0Ke 11I111II~le I.rlelldl aru cure prople of Ihe wealtne.1 or beill" IU Il'r ' . J o~~.e I IIli. • n "uuer i IIly 1,aol.. . . G r i .1_" L __ J OVar· m'y suc barp whose chorda aro humlln goou . ruorll Ity and Inlelha:ence lite '. , . d r .. ." 10 rellu~u III ~ lal cltl, 1111 "10, . ... ,J;::r "111 not 10-" •• 11_ vI .,.... pilS .ion. ' sy mpalhy IIlId mot:on, "lth rut bt!comi"g the ltand.rd. by "llic hied 1010 tnry kla 0 eXIUYIlII,,"L huu! joyed.1l 'he liti,lh of A gr .. ttdchild, 17 A~ old ~lIc~.lor·1I definition. 01 cOlllplim'D~, ben bl all,. IIIb all t.hO! wizard ~i~1 aPod po"er .,,118 IllS men ate meA ur4fd in Ihl, country. It b~&. a~d ~each. thelll to deno::nce IIII~ rue ~.ot 10 heir feelin&' in numeroul 1 1~'.u: A ~ltlllI IllChlDIl,. 1I1t1. cry,n" .ibl. toke., 10ar 10". o( ,otiL 111" womel\4 after.lUd. bi~ is "i dom 10 h,-,ed Ihi, Iru~h aDd Ibllpe 1C1~t'rllb,e IIlullon .. a moc ery "nd melotlielll .bieh the hall leuoeu when ,... IlIt!e dylnK' aDd a ""et deal or Irlog. < • • \'ole~ . IU ~n~ ~ to "}li~t8, ' J YUllr CODtluCL IIccofUiDily. 6"'lIIdle. III It. a girl . '1'hll b<ook wU. publililed bY] .. . •• ~~ i . . . .. ~ Th, • •ber. • f. braN 01 thell he .arletl' lludllDly fro UJ! .aeat, ... . t:J"'0il aod truth will set uppermol' httr ~on-iD · ltIIf. "ho mirneJ MillS El i.· " ,tJ II not .h~\ he .akel. \lu' birlS' P!.~' 10. ,eaoW~cL)iI ' ~.~chi ',.,ked ' lor . . . P'per i. no~ 01 a,I'8I. abetb 00010 in ' 1:71 &, wbltt Ii.t ..... tbat 111,11.. a IIIIID ·.ieh. all tAt IriIII,
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St'lre,,~d whla earO! in the Euterq
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I t'ur medici ... 1 purpoae., 10 which lite .,. All of ,,'bicb i. ' offered II Ibe lowe51 lelltiun "I Ph,~iciu. i. f'11If'ci .. lly called; /JIllrkel pr iCII" .nd whalever perl.ita. 10 • '
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PERFUMERY. We l,oYe no htaililioll in lIyin, lb.,
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JlIGIIQT P •.,uSli:. parlicularly de.ire Ihe .tlenlJoll ,I
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Dr,we,., W.,d.
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DB'NTIBTBY, In ita varlou. brltnehe. ; no' lo b. eXr,11tid .nvwbere. Nlllle but lb •
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::t 18lLVEB
lL UID I faAG! 1 TO 75,000! DIA1\lONDS &C., BUe U, FO A. T . H E_H0 LID A Y S . $2. $2. -$2. 82. , .JEWrELRY. WA
roa Th e house o f B'16I1,1l q ue l, G ir nud & ha ve Ihe plCMlI ure o r IIIlIl UUn Ol nJ: IUn.wet.DUon or tnOOJltill'DGt At P itl~burg.lra l n! from Ihe \V ~8l run Wnir ~ .r~ rre.ti ng Inegroa linl\" th~ ~,'n l . l l lh81 Ihpy huve up e n ed a n A g en cy In Ih.e One copy one y e sr, Uriae. Ifnt.tion, Inl~~\iol d i, e ct to 11\t~ U r.lun DI',oI. where Puseo· .... SU llon " ' lit. ,,,umu l " ,,,Id . RIIlI Iouj tode'" cll y uf NIIW Yurk, lor Ih o sale ul !lielr I F i ve copiea ODe ytllr, 8.75. T I h nd Ih ~ hi"I" , t ",1.",,0,". 1. (rDIlI"" Ih .. 11'1: Wid ely. k !luWII J"w e l rl'. 'V olchl'd, &c, or Ulcer.tion of 1.1l. Tea . .pi •• Me yeaf, lb.OO. cprs are tr8n'(ll rr~d 10 the r8 nl 01 ~ e ~rll'" III lEtc CD YIIIIY. anoo n& " holl ' are tI I r Ihe purpu~\l uf IIIRkIU ~ Ih~Ir lIuud3 - -Eidne,., Di .... " ~. ~. , ven to C l'nlrDI Rlillwav wl~leh s. TIf"LD ERO. YR" ~ C18 II DR\1 '11'='. I ~: ~ x~e' ,ul ve ly k n u wlI .nd 1Il'pre .-iut e d HI 1\ TBE \VOAL»·. STORY ·TELLER. Pennsy le ove Pilubllrg Ilid arrive It other POIlIlS >'-KLT. I ., U& . .. . tate Glan". Stone' ill tlat '11441! r.. 1II GO'TT;;CIJALK. TII A" OOOKK ~I A • III" V jJ' lI~d Sial •• H6 ~ ley IWW Ire. Iliu _ I I folioWR . , I E Urlll'e . One of Ollr GOLD or SIL.... Ell "Y t'l P-t ir ro Uft o t H'wllwre;' .. y d~ he. OalculuI, GraY~l.r .ricWlltt. )lAY EXPR EIIS-U!avel Piltll burll' al 2.· .... 101 . Il£liltf ),lIf, lUX )lAtin-XU, h"ve II!!,II tor ow.r 70 year .. , n .. .. h_1I .Iou. ) e 1""loure .U, 20 A M 8lUpp lllSl It prillc lpel .laIIOIiA. M. nIlA CK lI~ DU. WK )l A~O !i. ! th e y b..vp. deternlllle,1 UII b plan uy w)lI c h I W •• ,chtl8, 01' !!IU".!r Tela Se •• Depo.U, .nd .U clil~I'" ~t ~h. O f IO "I, a" l" kll 'gh l" a ~ d l.cJ) 0 (1IIre. Il EIlMAN 1. . "/:IL,-,lIJU4urT. pllur "11.1 rlcn altke l1l ay hne the II d van· &Att *~ , uS below .l"l~", And ple• • o ul e brYlOh te I nd 101. ', d .. p. ,.. , Arriv'8s 0'1 Alh' lIl1l1- at '7 2~ A 111. 1·y. , ~l.dder, kldne11 ••n4 4r ...~ A.t, d l • • lou . 'ghle and por,o ll rone823A . M ~[ npliefollte 1032A.M . • Atlh e la l" ra,. of 1100 American In-II· 5pu l[ th/llrllple lldlll.lyl~lOI. A~a ~teh' l . An t.! relit: at Lu) IS wu rl d e, " ' H)d ll l,fO' , Lo c k H .,en 12 I \I P. l\J ,1 H nrrlslmrg t I t Ule, I, pld III New \ ork ell). O~to b.-r. 1 85~' 1 m'lIar" . they" u\lld reOl ~rk thlll Ihey I~tan' One or o\lr \eI setl or ont pIece of our Iwellingl. F rDlU Cu une Lu t,) l e lll l.l Jeh .. " lut ll ~' 1 00 P. }I. 1J.:.lmure !b. SO I>. M • New lit .) " • • " ."o,tl .cJ Ihe 1 ulocture 110 Inlll~ 1I011 Je wtlr), ur \V ll ich ef, Gol d or 81lve!ware is worth a bushel Of \ • - OLI) UALLAD. York. yla All e nl uwn. at 10 3[0 P.~J .• /'1.11· ~ut r:" I lh o cheep dollar Jewelry! 1866. ,delph.o j a ll> 45 P. M •• IIld New York , ., . .. I All au warra nted G OLD of tIL, .I' " . _ vi. PIIII.delphla •• 1 1027 J'. M . ]i'or Ill' btlSt PlallO }ortr on E~hlbtIIOll . flllt Wo,kmUllfhip. We h.~o odopled the follo"'"'it modo or TERMs,CA;HfiYADVANCE.
PIA NO • L'ORTES '\ . . .lI. • P ari ...
Two Dollars '.
11aDuf:acturers' Agentl ' t 0."- .....eW' ]Bode.
First Premium Gold Medal.
CI I' CIHlfA'I'l EXPJl ES5-LI!"VI'. l' ill sburg A G t:-.T O FoK QUI CU5tOIJIOre WIlt 11 1.0 IIIVe t he !:.ent DAR 01 850 A." 81 t1 f'p,,·g ot IICl*rly all Ita · ('EO. A • ...tlNCt; .... CO.'S ad Vftlllolle 01 a con. l ant 8ueeea81011 01 I r TWDNTy.mGHTH Y • II " " . . Allo~n . t I.bO P . ftl. Jinrrl 8burllt Ml!loderm •. J!j1llumatic J: School Organ, new ti, lId recherche 81yl\'3 a lld plI\l~m. bylllio 01 '7f1,OOO Irllcl.,. 01 va UO • In conll" " nCI"!;,' J''' .·w ' ·, . r . "h, r h, u .. I,h 8 15 p. M . •• HIVlllg at Puiladelphla at 1.' (1.1 ' .~I1I1"lful\le'" " otla"ted io,6.ejea",. with wblr h ,"'1! .h, 11 k eep our N,w):",rk ~ d . h. " " ",.<lllll e d., ...oro . fill ~' ou, whll le ' 30 AN . . A supplll'u Oar New . 0 e. b d g rl ll \ CO II"I" dU I Wl, h 'IonVP, I' eur,e OIlU \ MAIL 1'RAIII-L~ayea \1i\\8burg at 11.40 Moll"U f". l UroS' 1"~1'~1't~':' o~ '~:I~e., I ~~~(~~'UV C odop'led Ib e piAn 01 sll lc, now The rtrlicles 01 good M are nnm. .~~e w,J o CO "I"nl .. \h ~ rr0l'" eIO'" 01 t h~ l. l'r~ I II \ UIIl"" 10 " " . ' •• • ( r 1 up to '75 000' 87000 COliol otlll g .-;a -" •• lIlaIl V • A",·• .,co" l.no-, rv 1'&"", "'-II: I,,"n A . M • &Itl~v'n~ III nal~! a "lol Otl~ ~ \n" I'.'. Aecu ••I ~u~... ""d l ~o PO 'I, ul.r. or chnrgil li BUill ur m prll;e, ro m ~ . d . G~ld Ind Silyer 10 .nnoun"" a II:lonou, new In t"lI.cIU" ' b. .. A!tuo". t 6 lit) l' M., arrlYlng al »,rrll burg "It kllldl 0 1 lira.. ""V Oln" . Mall cu' \~I&'''' nnd 1\1\8 llriee Will IIIVIIlrI'I UI, be $11 for 0 1 PI~n08, hlo e II8 j I l' &, ' I' bl A " n from Ez"*, or II1d~ quet of HOllla",u. 110 .... Sloel ••. T. I•• vI Ao . \ " t 12211 A. M, lind Phllodelllhl& at 1.10 .. ",,10 p.' ,II I .\I ~" I'r' 10"1 ~o furu l.l>lI'g cuch .rllcle. nu mnltcr how costly It may \Vutc h ll8, s",~l\Ig Ie Ina,. S u e \ nun., 1 nlllur~. rUlur ... k • • h,oll .... l,cl u . W,I UII\I " M. Dr .... III ~tr Unlell" or An 8. 0 \ be Th ~ l'x\len su of cQlldue\iu""ur New , l:>c\6. Sol IIi !Silver tell alld tllll e pu ull S Lllor. r) N ot...... . j'/IIl.A D RLrm .. EJt"" uII Tr-Le~,,e. P,,,.· PUDI,,181l~UB OJ!' fJlIJ!;t;r .l\f S~C . y' l o r e pOl'! by Ill e sa le 01 lI~r- uud ~'lllk8, etc •• t'te., Ilnd Ihe 1III'e r 37.500 The con.ul.'k1n ........ trected II, Or. HUUlour. "aclry. o, .0lIip.' cu.'leo u, a. ,IIIHor., lI ng N .... . . , •• " ~,,. I ' HI' "1 ' ~' I'1 L" I or I t "::eney I C I bl J I \Y k • h 'd I ~ u , ~ .. 11 L.. II ..... I ~urllaI3 .06P . N,~tOPpInICUll Y at prlU. JU i l pubh. hetl.·1 • ." r.. un eovr u · l tDc ,"te_orcoIlPonsrepreSl"IIlio .. thevorl orllclesu vau~ a eIVerj. IIr II nd 'i gonl~We.knees,re(IUlreit 1.10 med • • e llllllln e un e' l'Oll l . ,,(t . " A ' L b t (j 40 t r CI tl 10' Ih . , I !C~I" I S." " ' f.., · to 1 C PI I \ Alb Opell • • ," .l r uC IlV ~ 1::<l1I. ,r",I •• LII. ra ture ;V, Ih. Lilli _ elpol 81UII 01l8 rrlves ot olrO et te l","" J Int , V" lu"·la' ,, ... ~lu '''' . 1 ti·.." " , O ll ~ mrlid el. 'J'hese c ertl licDles are sui'] T otlp.t oses. 1'1 ograp I UIllS •. I I lci lle 10 8tren(:theR and In9IKo"t. tilt O lle, . T"Il.. ououl A,I . l\ <w n ouk •.• "d Ihe , P. nl , AllO~1I1 9}0 J'. III . , HerrlHIillrg:;l 35 1 ~f.:~~'~1:;~':' o:~.:i' 'or Ihe ~"' ~ 1I1I Corel . IJ~ 1 at ull CIl ll1 8 eac.h, ur liv ~ (ur $2 . allll. e oc h Inca ::)liv~r Wutches. and lon cy o rt lc eu 0 m whir:b Heimbol4'1 ElIUltLBlck Drono •. elc . . . ~II RCU RV(DrI8~6 A. III. ll ul ulll ore 7AM .. N e w yurk, v ia \" 1<0 11 C . -r.ULOlI. lJIIC~ - lh,"rtJ. , u:'c. nl'. l certl ll ientewillshowthchulder th e pbT_ l greutvorlety. 75.000.notlcee lIumbered , eY81e , 1 .1 1110. Altellt"\ln. 10 AM . • !'hiitidelphlll· ~ t '7.10 Ct" ,h " I I tlcul ur urll"I" 119 or " II " is 1! IIIIIIe d to Oli l lrOIl1 llu 76 .000 ore pllnt~d' and pilI Inlu ' llIvatlebly lIou.. If no 'r"IGlent ~'III" In (. cl . 1 he l'ir",\ olrk ' 1 . I " .11 Uti 10 C'o l~I'I"le am • J.. mU I I Vts III Y k PI ' I ~I I I ' \ ill ~ ~ t ~I I ~, d I . d op.rl", . n" 01 c ho,ce , .. d ll' " . d ",t 11.0" wh o A. 61., Ill,] New o r . VII II 'ut! P II ~. At Balun!'. 20 Melodic Exercises, pB)nla lit ul.... '"on odtllllunlli $2. II Ihe IIr- se nle d envelope8 anu wl'l ml xe u. all ulle m ltted IU, confUGlptloe ur IOMolt)' 1M, .ubor rll,. for II will Ink e ' 0 olher CIt) p.per 1:1.0b p. N, I:Jleeplng C M S rtlll Ihruu g h 011 . I' . r C; I JlI 1"le 11I1I1Ie,] l' n Ihs cQrllficale i9 lI u t ti e· ul th ese Id l oke n out and senL to th e per· . ' I II ( P bDl ' d I tl I O\lno (~ OI ., .. ... . ,or . opI\l\III)Un l ,Il" ,~'" en.ue. .he ) . al througn u . It Ihl 5 tr011i rom il lS IIrg 10 8 tlmore ftn S . V, ., ~'t. II tl cd II. 11\)11"., to arqu,re 81reu Ihe h u lder wllI.cbll"'C U8 wi e n I,e 8u n ije llt! llIg lu UM ,.., Cl'II18 tl' cover I'X' "w,1I ••• ·11' II) loa d I I ., N Y k & 'I o p, ., no v , e • . ..' d t , lona bU I a ll . e'l kll .d. ~"IIOI\I "." Phlln e PliO, DlIw to e w o r ,VIa o . e n · Il, e pw)!<'r .. r~ Of"III!III~. ~I Curi o lla..,u".u· ! retllflll Ihe cerlilkote, &\. "1111111 wl\a, pense 0 po ~taf.!e , corresl'tHi ~ n ee . e c .• and ~~I ro~. 10 • .,';~y 10 01lIe- 1\ o' lh. So utr. . l'Jwn. . Ih ut., ~~'I",'e ~rl o( .. nIl'I~';;:. nd Uu f ilolle.- , olh ... ur llcle of Ihll sa me vlllue he 0 . 8he ulld the .rllcle or goodd currl'tipoudlDj: £ .. I. ftnJ' W •• I-a ,,, .. kl) ,,·I\or d"l'.n'ln ~ FA8Tf,II'It~Le8Vea Pllhburlt It. 10Inl l¥n llOok ,. Prl ce . e "I" , - .50 . 1", I1Y preler,onll II Will !I8 altut \V\thplea~ wllhihenllllluer un Iho nUII~e wll~ be Ih e u• .t,,1 anti the beaulh .. 1 .lIk. . 1' . M•• Ilopping u nly at prlnclp.1 811111001. l'iano·Forte CaU,theplQI. BU ll' Our aim id til plebBe. Ind .'tery : s~nt 10 the holder of tl .., lillie IInmedlute' THJ:: nE.ST WR'.T£R ~ I }~~ I £R ICA AN IJ i\rrlv el al AllOOlia ot . 3 00 A . N • •• Harrill· "roli ec lion of rll' ~ F,"g". Ch ord. a" tI S<"I " l fil ean • Iv Ihol end will be ('xerh.d We : Iy (II he de d ire~ 10 purchase the. l rr lc lE') (,; .'t 0 • t. burg. 8.111 A. III, BNlilmoret 12.30 P. M.• 1l"".g ... lor '1••• tI,ly t,lel ,\lopIIlg lite "'~.d"l ~o llc ll 0 trill) Irum 8Vftry O'le whu reatl8 I 011 receipt 01 11110 dol/ar.. 'ur In l la nct' : . • ",ill be . egul.r conl..,hutort ':" Ih .. lI)nr; u lo ll. N .. w York ,t VIU Allenluwn. 340 P. M.. ,, ( Ihe fi ..ge,". 8 ,,11 ar quor"'l: lloat d eK ree of IllS nuliee DB we a,e confident of ,1\'1IIi: ' il the IIUlllber Oil tha notice IIl'nt 10 you In .ffecllonll ,.cull., to ' ....1•• , II U'" I.. heo anI! peerl ... hl"'.'r u",ror or tI .. "orl<) 1'llIllde lpl,iut 1,1t) P N. and New \ ' lIrk, 11. 1Ih' I ' I~. ,mlr po"d."," ft".1 volu ntl,,, . wlllrl, I 'I I ,hullid be IIl1mb"red flOO Ind I pi.no or . I d b i n , oth.r prep.",ien Amo"g th e ho. l of grt'.At " a"," ~drl.d to It, . ore ", ,,,,It . po,, •• ol. 10.1>"0" 1'. ,lvr",o" .. u" Ihe utmo st 8111SIftct on. ,rl·11 e Y • ,tan: lor ,h. N. .. Year III. Y be lIIe"llonell - vIe Phl\ud el phlu. ot 6 42 P. !II. Ihe I', u " o . ~ orlc. b) } ra"c,' II . Ur'", " I'rocc . · The Stock Comprisel diomund 8el or io ld walch .h!! uld be uum· eh 10ruRia or Ilelfntlon, lrrtJulafltl... W," y olmqre ~I III ' l\I A Eorli. kColll1O ~h) -n,tlJ!ifad. tDinner. 1Supptr. $350. . bl'rp,] 500. it IVIII. be sent I~ you , /o~ 82, . B QII r Carl" i>I! ;!t RIo':,• r.g ... ~.pl. ~d' ,,~hn ~ , D I aU ol;,,./rairu SUlIda". txctptfd J\ ... EtlIIIOIl . I'''~ ·. F'I " I P",,,e r. by fron · Imol~g8t olher Ir tfele~, s pl l' ndul rloC~8' l lIfld su 011 lor evtery IIrtlcl. III our !I.t of I PDllIfuln ... or upprea 8 ~U.tll'"'' Dr.! IT Rubl"'o~,. OI~Vti , " , r.e. ~p;un. III y. • , il II Bro.. ". AUlh or of,l''''' _ Mltlll.hahll. &. I!uld lind sl lv~r ,"V e l c h es. Rines ~('t wllh . 75 OIlO' nrticlt'~. EVICIIIUO" •• Ulceration or lr.htrrUI .,•• M. 1;:. nr",ldon. b. Z. C. JU'lon, lIa"'tl hE SLEt.Plltll CA Rli Ire auuhed l(l all N Il{ht H •• llolioO l'" lk • •• &c . toc."II. Dlftmond e R\lbip-s Pt!D.IR, Gnrnet and ' :.....,.. Alter rt'cfivinlO III. Irlicl" if it 1 II Ut.ru tl Leueo"hm. .nd.1I Ct.' Pre. ro U. Ceorjtc M.rlial. Mild IlU"u!ro u. 01 or Tralll i \U Plllllldllplllo New Yllrk anti NEW M U 81 .C • ' 1" . d . ) I Vol • • 0 If!, , c.lebrll ie•• wbo' oro 1)0" "I'eilorilli Iilerar, B ' . ' ulhl!lr 8IUIIAS, (80 !lOire an In ~Iust~rb . dUt!8 not pleue yoy. you cau re turn II. Ind ploillta incld.nt to , ......1. wheell., .. ltll\f , on:' lor til e u'lie cbl .. h,n, . a, Umore. 'CAST TII Y Ul' IW ~N ON 'I'II~ LOIUl.· Indie s' &e18 of Jewelty, COIllpt';SIl.g puu y our mon e y ah.11 be Rulunde d. • . . . ~I)W OJ tl.e IInl. to . ub. ctlbe (or Bill/gage clleeked through end trlnsfer· ,,"h Supr ... u. COIII, .il u. 0 ' '1 <II' 8 nd ear.nnge 01 Ihe mo e t Il5hlOllabll'l , !iii cenll IIIU 8f be S8tH Iu p"y exptOs8 (rum habltlof cfi •• plllon. jmp'Gd.DClH_ 'fHr. JIIf1~ . YOBI K M£ C!-JRY. \ . red .'r ... e. . E ( I .1' n 01 Sol". " 1111 Quorhll'. utl " pl ecJ er yl e'~, Sf't III pr ecI ous atooes ol ,evllry VII' I of puetllPe, clI'I'reepulldllnce. "tc, all vne or In Lhe deelhlllllr I1l1tDg, pJ Lll•• • , II ",II COl\'~I'f. >IIl.. c!" Y a :t>q8¥ w,ll, 1'CKRTI FOR THE .UT Inc uulllg u~· ~r""WG~I'I::,~ ~~,;,,~lu'~lu~r ~O:'I1'I'rtre 35 eli rll'ly. 10lCP-:hllr "'Ilh • . hrIl B I.al/rlml'nt 01 nollce. ~ • - ,• • IDa,n, fie",,( IlOl lt,UIII OUI II .e f,o II 16.. pOll ton. by nUlt ur ROil). p"S.lllg onr th IS 'H V C A I' n Id a d e~ omeilod lind OlQarl .els ,old R b h t h II I of lb. roud CMn be purchu8ed 01 ,,:I prlllUir a ) 'A 01. \1 'I , IAr~ 1'1 :-<1:, go n, ' ,. , t! nlem CJ: I a w .,e,., .r C e cor· LATE J H.INGRAIIAM. 'F I b 1l01II ~IIII "' '' I" ' :,,. • • 1 S," "I hur . , .Iud ·, alld sle"Ye tUIIOIiS 01 Ih a 11108 11rlld p"lIti. with Ihe number 011 )'uut notice Au't~r or "f he DaIlCi n~ Foathor : 'rrinr~ 01 slallull8. are u. ow U , an, utht!r III) I', II)' r:.W \ "' <0 ,,1 \\ ~ ltare; ...... or e 3~ r l' be II 1. 1 Hul patternR. glwl@'bosum"ndscorl ' yullchllhoveltbypaylng 1'\\'0 nOLL"JI~ • . & routt'. ·Lold .... , (.od . I I un~ 10 Kn .. .. . I"U, 1,\ III". , . d mil •• I I' , bracel-I II th e DUle of IT.'ill.· • •• ,,11 • • 11o ~ 1'" ,, 1.: ·r. F.IEIUII'I'S ., III"g »IU race C""'ch. rO"'l'o,.d b 11 rolOl < Pill S, all 1I1~. ell .ar e ~ 0 ~ , lur il. whf'lher It ~~ worth 8100. or 000. (who.e wooO.r(1I1 "on·... In ,ic llon h.,. nov el \ ' • \V . I.I. I'ro el' a. <."t, l· I,OI I1l8.1I111.leal buxes. lle.tMreuf'8. ~ombs. ' And II Is lor our \RIPre8t II) ,]elll IUlrly. r) e nl'lll • d By th lft rOllte, Frlllgilis of ell deecrip · b ....• lur pa "••• ,I h Y Mny l ,Y'II' I\" wr '11 o. ' ~I) Illjd "' HC.'~I1. · wo, d, by Sj'O. "Cf.'. w I: h arm~ . &~ . In cue ftlly \>( Ollr palrolls I lind Hend oul ollr ane .rliclell. a ~ it "Ivea M 0 R T 1 111 E R • 110118. includlllg Lr vE t;TOCJC. cnn bf' for· b S I AI I l' a.; I I r J I .. "'o r,l e " to "II " fruln PIII' )lId e lplllft, N l.' w C U" •• IIIUO'C 1 lep It ~' ... e . (ICI ~C' t. ort! II.Ut In wunl or arUc e 8 0 8we ry. : cO llfidence to file publiC, blld th e reby tnOR 1'11.' BI\"'K" "1' H" IRl!:SS " u • U '1\1) U II" HrO IIIt I ' (""'c. Sungsl1' 1,011", d lid pr eler ellvt'rwnrl' \l' e wlll.elld I ,. "U . ·S ' . York,UoSI'JIIorBnltllllUr~. 10 end Ir um b) 1\1 Kdl . r Prlr.M a; Cdll. on \VOl , ! CreUFesClur80e8. • • A 110M),: aO~IA~tE. UIlY poinll'lIlhe ~"esIPrtl Rui lwuys. lJ "1" I'", t II.Al13r .... llw.ol Thee: D.II.HI.u) lur A;'\;Y' certllicate returlle~ -to uS I AI." n brdliont Inl.,. ,/In' ', ,, I.. I. (rom the pen Rll tlroaJ c/" t ct. M 1\ " llIr. 1'11, .3 5 C' IO U rl ch l)' "nl!rn ve,1 eC I ul c09turs or BUlle r l ' o( Horne l f;.Pr~.r.o ll • •lIlfl " d,prllli/"" ,,0'''' . . '0" ....... 1. III" a !i" ,,~ <If ''')' F ,,'her ; 5."", 1)lo ill, bl'~Ul\llIlIy chued untl IllDled. UPOII recelpl or Do ct•. , whi c h PUYI for , 1«.. 1', (.rrl t ~"I .r rO", 11"'!Jen" a rrt llu lJv. S leOlll o rs, rrcia '" /'on "Iso 00 r",· ,".1 Ch, II U' , liS '""l; lit I" 0001 ·, .•'I ,".I, e I' . COlli0 I It.oull(ully i Ilb. _ "TED ('orr!!"vun II e nce, p.Dij loUe. etc .• Wit sulluI (Joor,," Arll pl" , IV 0 rd('u10 BUY 8Cef"BIUle puint on 'he riv · I'" .c d by C tt. II ' ) . I'" c, .: ~ ,." " I .A Gb'.\ TS ARE TV.I1. . ull t lI otice " 'lh. Ntw.Vo r~ Mrrrory. Wll h ,lu ro 'ly :tl>~ erH ~rltllllkc8 of rho WtBI ' ,\ W il l" 0 1 T h",.: bu ll"d.li) I: J. Fllthu glo \ U ' . r tu ,I ' t ~ I . U'AII' of re.~ IlIg 111811 M, w,ll "" " ""U e 10 be ". For ~'re ll! h: Co nlrocl s or Shipping Ill. P," ,,:JO,. IItS ' In cv ~ r)' I,n rt tlHI UII II ('(l Sinles HIlII to pVtl re ceip t li e I pay. orcor· Will r.dicilly exlllrmlOlta from the .,., ouod ot . 111 061111" 'OP) • Ii II,] .01<1 hy "iI"<I'.· rcelloll8 ~I'pl). l u or o, l']r c88 ~ I ther 01 th e C1\. 10 ''' " 110 " •• \\100111" II " "".' D".II 10" tbe l'rllvlIl <" ~ri. allO III "II slic h very HU f r '" rp"IJUudl!l!':c. l'u s,a{;l!, ell:. we se nti illX \ Il'm DIRe .. " of Ihe Urinar" Or,I"": Ul en and I]~no lh r. u \ den '.- , ' \1\ AIIII " \I n . • \ w n S u pa ul)ua, uJ ~nJ) ' 1I'\l> uml ' 1 tnV r, tiJ 1:. A. I it Jl1ct' m ClI Ht w\\l be o ffe r et! RU l 1 on np 1\\J'H.: l;~. ... J '• • T9.. llHU ,ull. e n " . .. <tUf l.rmS ur'· . 10 1lo w \lI2 A ge lll ~ of I h e Company: Pu ,ld u"l• . l' ri:e 36 • , "l. . ; . ""11 II l'i rcul lir 01 lerlll'3 N ill b e Ivr . \ U Ilo.lIl r l'c~ lpt ul $5. whi c h !,ayB (or co r. \ illg Irom h.bll. or t1i'lipllio~, ., Ilttll". CII'," III '"l h ncp. <:"' ~ I < rnv Ol ' '1 ;,0. y • • r . S. U. }C i l. g8 IulI . Jr. Fl. A ge "r . 1)1,1l ..,·o. \ " I''' ~ h" . Ihnll . I." IWII s OI"allo, 0' pica , . <I I ' '11" I' I h i "II t d. thre.e CO lli e • • il3. IIIII C ' "\Jl t: t. ~2U , 1 Lit pUT \\ l.: , 1\ . C"rpen'E'r, Ft A1!e nl. l':l,\tHbll'{!. TI Ul) t e , H) J IIn llld P" t..( H) ~· t,! ut l" . • l ,,/l,d,.,. 'V a prrfer ",o ney e ern in P"st ff d Jll) ll . j' ll ee . po s 'llg ~. C C· t \\ C \\: .en J po nae , ,n e or no can" n e t In 1"0 lIho len,l. D. t2() (or. clu ) or .. ine>CO l"" .. ,j! Clorke & c o., Trllll s ll'r A:.! ~ nl s. l'lttsllurg . ;\tll"""" 1,, 1{II" 'c ou.' ~alll" "" b) J ~I o, t:, .. g Ollilce Ord .. , ~ where Ihpy O~ ll bc oblnllleol, 4 0 1I0Il C.~. bllli - fiue pre~ c ,.t va ul'd ., I'xpuaure comple .. lup'erledioll Iho.. r cr"V' an ,,<l dl', oll,,1 COl') .nt.1>: S.. 11101111" II \V B & Z .' 11 0 , POI · c:'\1 ,. ,, 10. ' ur by Ilolll< Ur of ' lO uur urdp~ Atillre~f lI ut le.s Ihun UI a e~lJil'le of Ollt , • d'd ' ,fi ctl ,,,l,,c riplionl retclled . . r nw n c o, ~O l\e M \1 e . . '1 ' , .,)., 1' .1 "I ~.J''''.Rol':~nc ~l.•i!, form 0/ ft N o( . 011 urtle rs III our '01101\01' '\VIII~II Will be good s. \ln~ euant all an~eruuI. r.mehl I. Suh.c.llw •• • loou ldlie ... r" fll:lflwrol elll.,"lj Huil &'co . • l\illrlcllo,O. lu"lO. b) .. .. . . ...,,, •• , ",.~D cc nl'. I 1 . ' 1 D.I Vplllrl'ce ipt 0[$18 winch p Aye ror pelbalnti ·MllrclIr" IncutlOJ' 01. al' th e n.no e o( Ih oll pOII· office . cou lil y a"d ' t al. \V. H. &. t: . II LOllltlev . Gallipolis, O . . A"~,,d, ;\'Iu': (\\ II IL IOJ M ~). ultl,.I'. hy C hi I COllI III leu ,v SptCIIU." C"Pl"' " 1111,... A,lt h c.. C lurkn &. co. t: lllcol:O Ill s. F'r. de l. p,It .· ,,0 I I nil MESSHS. J AQtn~T. STERI.1NG &. Co., cVrrl'SllUlldencp. i1 U11 -1(t'. elr. w e \VIII pl.... n' .nd tl'nprOft .......... . t:AOLOWF. I I. &. WIll .. Nl V. . , ·!>III. ~I", ' ( ... 110 1\ ~)~ ) . (jullop. 0) A. n . rll 11m IlruodwHY, New Yurk. ~I' nd 1f> 0 1I01lCl'd. olld a 80LID SILVE'R , lJ N ION LIN E. . h," I' r. ce 5ll •• 1, 1. 23 3m \V ATCH, by relnrn mlill. ' t U AIl"' . 0",111:1 1 uh Ol1 " .. . . 1 . ~1.~" '. "I N'c w,Yolk C'I) Faal Fr'eiuM, trill P ennsylvu1.iu R. R. 'v. ul~rf,,1l 11 ... 1 ~c . I1r...... U' lI ol'e.l>y l'.,ul _ _ . _ _ A ..e .... Wu~.~d. Send for circlliar. S ' tlHhll~l: II . " , l e t', t:ttc h, 50 \ t! 11' it. • .J ". • • .' ,liD DaOIlDtI,meul ,. Droad Tread" Cor., '~ I",,"n g Or,.,' LOtleo,•• liy ~doll''' Ber n n~ellta nllowl'd a lu~e ~n.h cummlsllion. , ... tr ~· Whi ch run throug h be twec n Ih e EIiSll'rn . l.," 1'," ,,50 cellI.. by which Ihl')' CliO ul,lIke '~I) weeki)'. . , . ....111 E. &: H. T. ANT II 0 NY&: CO., 811d W Ollern Cllle~. IrreA peC live or cJllln- l\' .dd,"~ L."e,,,. b) rOul.slflt,hn&tll. I'lir c Addren plRln'v .W llii"U'l.c'~aJ> ' aETAI£ [!CB of I{lIoaa. Th o V IIll1n L'nA is Ihe 40 I 0"", . ( >t IlFlED &. BROT",ER. oUlhor,z l'd Fust .·rtl l"ht Line, and is H .• be 1111 ,on ",,:, 'fr1lIl,rril •• tI (or Ih . 14-3Ol Dux 1538 New·Yurk Clly. MQAOI"uc'"rer, of PlwlOfIro-nltic .Ma/~· .. P, p"u. lorlo hI C bllrl e. ~ " .. I ~ I 1', or. 5~ ...· "11 I • '0 .11 C•• eI 0( 1M Urlnar, n fl.nl, w'lI'· "\1' r workE'd 011 01llh8 rOil le a over IVl,lCh il ~w ..1 Sl'liit h U'b ') Ph' • • r,' 'rOil' W"II"'·I·· b 'Vorlh over Olle Million Dollnr,,' All •• ,tal,. unde rlnkel t .l fr'Dep t. rt. untler COlllrsCI~ Ope .. I.u di,~~. Ij·r&" ,,; rlt, ••p ru, Ihti p,. ,lo·luI·lo 1'1) be aJulel fur ,'en"h, willtout reAMERlC~ Iher exl~~inrdi~, mile or female. ffOll 601 nROAoW: • II. Y. which lit cure tn the properly e/llfuAled 10 b'C:' Io ' H I" I' " .. lei, I rtr • .IO " . I~ "lid 10 \ lIIu e I . Nol 'u be Paid for Th I £1 iT t in '/' I d ,', IVhllev.r C'~UIi! . " ,In.t , ol, and no llilt If • ,. • '\ A [. ilB rhnrl:l" Ih e lIe8tlHcilll'l'l'u r f! I d ' ''1 11 110 •. I. CO"'Rrr- l{,cc," "'w Ope,.. ulltll ,ou "uow wllnt YOIl are to reo 6 I1iO' . en.u/l. tI' /lOJ'I'~ an ,II , " ..J j ' ~ " I \n adolnon to b r IrIIi It\J T/lU8 of Ph o· I' I I R / all .rr.I\~ .,II" l h,"led " ' ,It·I ),,,,. 6~ ,.·,,1,. eane f Bea' Agricultural Horltcullluul and of how lon, ·. tltlltlln". It •• ,11'la'" n
'J 'J
.n t':
' rot.,
lh eh
w to
R 0 S E . WAS H
15 0, d 0 0
ne m( bo
W'atches, Chains, Diamond-
Rings &c
M lIIe
IQgrel'hll: &hl cr iol e, we 're He~tlquerlllr8 U~I °llr"ll rnove ml'nl, t lot tit! oe 8 oyer .r ... 1•• j.·l o,II ,. - Slnrltgl'I aoc IU''' •• ~) J cJc 8,PLI..:ND'D •• IS·r OF AIlTICLE8. G,n,r,,1 }'umdy Pouer in 'Jn, UJUJ. d 'lite .ild odD, ' I"meal,l¥ 11ft ft. I.doft, for Ihe fo\h(~ l)1t (\1 17: ' I • IV 11 0 I pneae. poaees.. Ja. If"" ' . 1'", . ~o .e"I.. . . r . ' • !lP4rtf/lcope. Q;;d akreolcopic Views WI,p.re lime 18 j!lIftranleed, • for· ",,~ . I ul lJr • • nl .lo.lIsJ by M. Kelt er I''' '" , ~5m 5 ·,11.1 Sd • • r ()IIII"~ Sr t, 175 10 ,3~O S'~rle6! (JNltUltl~~ m cliOt ttl 'Orape 'lid more .tren,\ h.nltlll Jilin 1111 .t '" , fell ure of F,ve I entl per 100 ft,e I. 01. ,16 n"U bOU ~JI.e l :;ul .... ," ,,1 v,·". 50 10 !l~O lillie•• Strav:berry PlanJ, and I£ltgarit ,rppetition.ol Barit or bo. Of &he.e we hnye an Imlll.n.e ouo rl - 1lowed rUt det t' nllo l1s ror ever)' d y be 'o tI I."., '. ~ .""lal,D", bRII.<l b, F.. G 11 Holder. bO.1 ~v llli ~ ,Iv~r T~" SO l. cOIllI'I. to 50 I" a.. o .};1I • ,It. Ii 1 ,. &bJt . . • melil. including \Var S oone8 Ameti"nn II Ii d ' 0 ) II I'",'" 3, . ell l. . Ku'e.. ood Mu"e Uuu8.iIlu trl 7510 250 1 gravmg•• 0 ~ VO UI! oJ cr.p Tbo•• llII'erin, . froaa Broken.to•• " 1 10 I,.d Furelen C Jtl e8 II lid JAnd_c.~, Ie lillie ftPl'CI ~ 1,,"11'11 • Mnrch, b\' n,r.harcl Hulfll'." 20 U .1I"h"I;II"Y I\lu'l e Uux.,. 2! Hlr_ . 0 10 200 , lioll price. Bent frt' to Itlefy ,UblcrilMr. ! Delicat.. 'tOu.'illllftlD/I •• oG,Ul' tit. r• . - , ' St I AI D' Fur /urtll llr Illrormntlun, IItI,lresl tltl' A I ~ . , 1.11' P" l k~. bl Ir. l'"rkhU I·'1. 35 <I•. t 2~0 Gv lll lIuII",,/( W . l cI, ~. 7[' 10 25\1 'I'lti. popular rural peper I'ubli~hed on OJ ~Ollp·'S · ftIUory, Poe;, e lc · ,,.· 1IO'I~e. follo","lgAgpnl s nl Ihl"VnlunLiDe·· . I.l c lIlI.~!'I,a"ow.-lIoclu'"eby I: J l ·II,· ~ .. Ul..,tl' C·. l!:II.'" vo ldWuI CIo ., bOlO 2tlO I thcldt 'l nd 161h orench 'moillha, Uti ILonCO. • . ,' VU VIII!! terctlR co p~ P•• ur pu b IIC ~ r pr val e H \V D \V . . ' . hu~I, I ' " c 3', " nl, . bOlO l;cnll '111nllll l: Si ll'" WUleh .. 35 10 luu , . - \ 1'1 db ' " 'h- " ,. exlllbl : IIJll . . ' QII C,tul"l(utt will he 'lP lIt eo l 3,lsl .• C,lIClnnAIi. 1"111 I.QII.II'" fvr '1'10..: GUllnl, ".111 .• ''')I'G bU ll UI'" " ....... :. ,11., \\ " Iel o<. 2.) 1o 60 CB, N. \ .. lit fl.60 a year, "now 1:",l1lly te r" or "l Ullt e I~, .. ,.II'U . • rOIVII .27 10 bUy n.jJresB lin receipl' u , ti ; UIIIIl~ 8.}) Thlli c he r. 239 N. H :g h 8t. CVIUlllbu5 . 0) ~I II. "lIlti>~ I' m' ;~ « '111 , I . 00 Il u,> O"or .. ( .1..... 2~ 10 lOU I' elliurgl'd And irllpwved. ud equ lIl ill .ixe IPo, slight me)' bo Ih. "UIC~ or ,hI. ,~" PIlO'l.otntA .. nlC NL1iUMS' ~uDl'1 F . GrOr l"dln"UI'" lle.llld. ,\ ),Iberrd PI~CClllllt ~ .. ~ n 10 l ht Tra.d . M' O "'·, Ih" r o' I'.. rl Lorgllt n. 6010 1'0 Iud volue 0 1 cOllt~nt81" an" vthrr ~Iml· dileBle it I• • u're to .~e~l · hi. ~1I1 j W I Ii .I • • . E.P.Ury"nt.",·rrerhnte.lnd. Ct."' ''It •• L·lrrgllll,,,.l'I\J'.,,,,o,,",,d~ t hool,. 3·0!i .. lJ~trtiIKcvo"er. lito 60 lor putrlrr.W1ion In lliia e"~ 'l lry llIllee ,) , . " ~ • e werA .t II! • rst to 10lro uco th ese \V . 'V. Chuntlll'r. C lnr.n ::", Ills. l\1u." oell l I» ~1I"il. I'U III'KlcJ, UII re ceil"l 01 ~ou SIII.;le ",," U v ~I . I ~ i:O hooten ;0 to ['0 IIU olher paper of Ihe e'l~ be com: heellh, melltnl pow.r., . blp,ln,.. , • 11110 the Vllllt ll Slates. Olltl w e IIIUIIUIIlC· The Pelln sy h' unlD Ruilrood C . v'lI Ib.lllUrk.d \,rll f . ~. U 1.1 . 1:" ,,1 0,1 Pn'''II''~' vOto 100 I d .' I . I •I I d. IhDlol I.i. pO.ledtr. Our dub 'Dd bINi Illr ~ 11IIIIIe n se qU OIlIIII". In gre"t VOlielY. 0 \ I " 'M. HALf. & 8~, f~ u .\ 1,"111 , ::; Iulu ... Uu.l • • &c ~t)I to ':.?OQ ' pare \\ II I I', In t Ie rei VII ue an. I."ter. , rUD"lng 1.1 Jlrke (r um flU celli. 10 ibO l llot\V8u~e Iny rl sil lor IJlIg~B ~e , e.xce pt 1 25. 3111 5~3 Ulu .dwU I. Ne".York. . 2 ,0 D,.luond H ~tI~.. bO to 10" l"s t nllached to Its contellt,; 011,] It 18 d". ItO .uppor~cd (rolD lh. . " 'Ollf"~ each. Our A lb um s III1\' e Ih a r-l" t I I lur e~ nng Appur p l. alld limit 111 ~ lr rl'· • ~.ul I' hulo. AlllulI". ".11 ".o. b to 5U cl,)ellly ahead 01 IInythillg oC lho kill" CII. fb' L I IUllion 8POlIylllll"yt oo ll e liundrrddullllrSlllv nl· TO LAD I E S. ~.UlJO( . " ldl'i LC k.lld \ "t(; ".,", ~Slo 3u l erpubli8hed o lJ llltr l uperlor III ul'.luly onl uurludllV ue A~I Bla n • I I a,UIlO l j .. 1 I 0,"1 UKutl Uta • • I". b to ]0 1'1 R I' • • toaftoll Dl...... U I:ltlll to any o ther s. They will li e ticnl by III'vnlu a WI .. gle~ lIcee' llIgllutumoulit Ii o U"'Ulr~ .. re ltuu l 5,OOOIO,.ldLh a'edB,u,.lel S 6to 12 Ie .ura AmCrlclltllnof Dlocalpe. JBIC&AMDf A'IIOIliMM" be ek n:a il. FRRF.. 011 rec.illl of pric e. I I 89 I 'k ,"u at th e ri III th.u owner l OU. ~." I. • '-''In.<I, 10 ,.,IQr. 2 011.1 Chllld~lllc &'U uD, d Uho"'l 610 20 p.er, hnl JU 81 06 volunblt In New Jt~IIIlIIlUd' l Ul"wc A lltum,¥ lIlnd., co () d , Ul e u e lY D ~ pecl a Cto "lrac I. Dr Harve '. Female P111.~ · 11.u1)0 :,,, IIl 'llr~ & Htvo lvlIIl!' Broor.ne. 5 10 JU 1,10 ""es te rn, a t' d olher Sillies DB ill Ihe . ,» r e •.Q) .E. H. WILLI"'llJ~, . Y , ; °1)0 ~"' ".lId .lulolI lI " .. d" . 4 10 1O , 8tllie !'fe w Yurk. Its r:ireul~li(III).1 W4I m •• o no lI"cr"I ' of ~he IlIpltllf, (jen'l SupPtln:e nd,·"I. flli ou llo. I'n A nCI" ,(., IIIIg Wil ed! for th~ ' r' " It. ral or .. 11 001110 Cor. I •. Opll l nlltl ~.",e.~"~d do . 4 10 10 large r Ih611 Ihnt uf lin)" ulh e r pr'IIN. out I r1ELMBOLDS FLUIf) EIi"aAO'J1 BU. ~ I I b ,. HENRY \V G W I NNFJt OI>OIru('" "" . 11 0 ","II., 1' 011' "1,,.1 ' " ,'e 110" 5 uoo ,\l U. OII. . l eI "lid 1"," I!:u . drol". ' 1o 10 I o r Ih ' lIN Y k V I X ur "8. Qg ue 1I01V em ro ces over Five O l'Q' 1 TIc ket AM I I'I 'J ~ . II " .e. T he) ' .r.. . 1I1~ 81101 l UI'" lIlId ",II ;tlIHr; 17.u1I0 C .... 01 . utl E'"e ru ld 1' ''''iI''l'l. ;\ 10 U\ C CI Y JI> elY ur . u ullI e. wltl \ ellU \11 compoeed 01 Bucl\o' Cube" ,ad ThouseucJ ,hfft!ie Ul 6ubJ cc r" ro wJ", ch ot!. • .lJ ru t U U. lI a ture ill (; ~t" I Ul!l t: '1II eJ o;e ,.I "U' tll \ af 10 11" 5 UOlJ Clllalu nl !!' OllHll u u d "I II!:', a to 20 cO~,menCd onuory l ~ tt 1866 . . II • ' CIt" dlli[1I8 Of e conlllllJnlly belllil mHd 9, of I~ . H. HOUSTON'J . "' .11 I .... . of ", o .. k".". WIo,l e'. I'r" I0 I"'" " 1\ 0[.1 ' , Io,. l. , IJ'K IlIO .. d 1""0. ~ ' 0 l(} , lhe lorm Is Il very lur!;" sixtee" phge Juulper Oerrle',.lelt1Clttl wl\h gr•• 1 , l'orlrrlll~ 01 emllleul AlII c rlculi B clc v,z. / Ocn I Frct,h! Agent, j 111111. &c Su ld ,n boxe, <"" t" IIIII ' 6111 ,,11 •. " "ce 81 1 \;) 0 ,.0 .~U ::;u!" .. 'r~ Uu ;rull. ~0 ~ I""'. ~ 10. 10 1 uctl<vu. CtJII181UIlig dOlllltR the relldlnll "ntI prepucd ill yar.uo br U. T. HELJI· ' ., '1 1· t(. D H " ;l O l~O ,old '''"" Ille,. "",,",1 . . &0' , • 3 Id· II matt~r Ihat b r·· . I . . .Ollt b r. alvey', Golden Pilla. ~O '50"L o.k.".UOVIo I ~ ' I> I"'" :11 0 :' 1 ' . con ~ OfJ~u IIIQUy 81milll' nOLI). druuialand chetni.,o(.ixl ee ' 100 l\hjor·Gencrals . roo LIPul.r,lIlollcll. \ Tlae O"oveateen V.ano FOI"e A reme,Iy (01' .1' ..·•• 1 en. .. . ( u . d._reo. 1 a ~o~ ~,01,,~'11' (ur 1\1111101" ..·• I> IV III pU~\lCRlIU, n .. on ('very 511hjecl 01 illtPr"SI )I ell rs· experiell~e in th cill' of r.hll ••• I. 20u IIrtg.·GelleroI 8 I !'I O oll,e, (llIi ee" S\l1I re~Ullla it" rOfleo1e • \ ."o .. It'" ,It.... ,"~ "touv " ..... c • • ~ .. ~. 1" /1 I lu o~ "011"", k • • Cru •• e•• &.C :f 10 li l l"rIllPrs. rUII grower., (llrape qroWN. In ' . hI' 2711 Colon~ lp . ' 7 1) N nvy Officers,' \ ~h\l\lY. 11111 IIt:r IIl1de;i;'I~~'~~:d:ur~~: A I' ro\ ",. ('II"jl\, ,',o LaOi"" with ,(," < ",," . 1~ ~~~ !\,:';~,7°,"~I '~:~"~.':. 4 10 10 i pnrl iru lor). Block rnil,,·r•• gurdeners, bee 1phil . all~ which jl n." pr •• cribed I Il b50 SI.I~6mcn, '3U 1)'~' ''letl, ' provelllilnU ror I perllld " I 1IIIIIy y e." I~ 10n'1I . 1 ~ " ~'l> 1 '"g" "'nl f,« I. <<11' 1 0 1 ~, 10."00 ""'''ld ~Ib"~" RIOI\" i~ kel'p e.r~. poultry breederB. &.c. I m OBl eminent ph~ BiC!llnl. h"l lIe.n Idmlt· 60 vromlllelil won.en , 12f> AU lhu r-, IIIIW prolloullce d by Ihe muelcbl 1V0rid lu 1 ~~I~,jdc;ne~lt· 'iI'~Rtv'~\".s 1" M\ Iv uuo " I,I ur" ,a 0,""",,,,, H'''~. 3 '~ wi 'J'III ~ elegAnt peper it Illuetraled with Ittd 10 URe in Ihft United Slatea arrri1. ill' 126 SIAI:I', 40 o\rtl.U . ~e un,urpn.ed and eVI!~1 unequaled 10 "d:,·;er.~:d"r~... iJ III 1011,.1 .. , ;~~" t~ ' .. d'~:I , 7 IiVO ".1 ' I.'HI ,<o: ). ... Iry. j,·I. · 5 I" I? nomc the mUllt COSily elliJavl."", thftl l il .1.0 in ,I!r ene,,1 ft'a In State hOlpi. 8 ,000 Coplea of Wurka of. Arl, nchnc<!I, volume and purltv o( tone, duro. I "'1: (ulI'HelrucllOlI ' 10 Ce n\> r~qllll~<I"lh; ,!f,,1 I ~.og~ " I. t .a':l e'. 1 ""·lr,. , a ryl. S 10 12 muney nnd art CI\II prlltluc~; .nd IU Liler. , yr: . lolil Inr.lulh ft a repr orlucll o n s or the m081 ct'le. 1IIIIIy end rh~ap\lees. Our n e w seole • • g • • If 'u. C"",,,, I \,urclt a.e Ih~ p,lI. froIU I o·~ou ::~ L:'I:··' J . ".:',. ~nyt. i~ 100 l~ ory (l e purtlllellt f'lRbnr.es I!enenl F~mil)' lal. .nd public Sinh." (ollIlUI br.led Enllrevlnj!', Plllnlln". Stalues l Frl'lI c h ftction. harp ped.l. irun fram" yo u 'l "ru~g"l(. Ih.) "I I be •• "I b~ ",,,01 . 1'0' 112 '; UU "I, L.:II::· J::~ I::' ,~~:~'C 0: 31) : reading. which i~ ~lIlereet hill nev~r beell throughout the 1l1li'/ c ~ t ' b • IHm c ut e loJtII ob,,"r' s ti lin 011 rer Ipt of t , 00 I .' , .. 0 • I ficlual d ' t1 ' c lb' elc. , alBlugu esselllon receipt 01 Itamp. over·s trung au.spveo·oclllve. rOBllwood O"o lJvl l.r u) Ull J 1111'\~ C 1'1' 0" gOo 1" '''" "I\h ' III .· holders ';to 10 ' e In 1111 ounu),. n rltf, tilt An ord~~ ror Or'e Duz e n. fU:lIlf~' Irom ' pi.llos we ere sI.111I11l chpu per by (rlllll 1,1t·'o" . in Bro. o,;.lj·. N.": \ ~rt"u III ', h)· ~ .~,~~ I:~ \~ I'ell' W'lh Ko lcJ hohl~ ". ' ft Iv I Rural A Ultric6n i. .,,,. ,,,hllilled, univer 0110 olJr Co tal ul! uo will be bellt 0 11 receipt 0" 1S 100 10 SfJOU thon Ih e en me 81) Ie Bnd fill. • ..... ~ I ,,011'"1 }'vll o<~ •• ' UI' I 10 10 Ja I n lIy, to be ihe malt prlcliclIl alld reilol.lt Ilrl).>IIlrro IUl'vllecl by Demas Borne. "hoI" J 'VV,' ICC j;Ou III'~ I roll.III" eUI" 8 1o 10 A I I d H I O•• nd senl by mull, fREE. lSII .re so Id by any mhpr Iiru·clU8 makprs ," I. A~ . "u. N ew Yor k. ·IT.I( a 000 .. Iv"r ••• tel .. & .. ille. hoid I 15 I ' bil l grlcll lun 811 o'ticulturllllllllll('oti, n l'hoIOIl ' "p l' l'rs 8r,d o lh"" ofllerill~ 1111 Ihe counlry. D~"lcr8 blld nil ill wont Il .U'Ut))'OII."r hlill alUll'akd h"k~~8" ~u I: .40 eXlanl. E very - auWlc,lbel' HCel\·('ft the lIoods C .U. D . , \Vlllpicue remil25 per l ur lIovd~lanosereinYltcd lo. sen,]lur?ur Terrible Dlsclolure •• -8ecrets for tb . 1\1 ..... T . & H C Al:GII\ N&CO .No IlA ! lu.1I vulueof III.pnpo, h. eholce Crapo! cenl ... I the alBount 0/ IIie, r orde r. 1 D escripllvD C~tologu ... \\ hleh COIII.lnR 1II.'UQu. . Ur OD"W,,). N . w \ o,k. ell.""ve " ,ullu f•• "" ~ " I Vilieli. Slrtlwlol'r,y Plant •• or 61\ e ():::J"' 'l'he prictA , "d qua ill)' 01 our goods phol0l:,aph8 of all ullr different st) !es. 1 A mo.1 VIlluftble Illd wond f I b'l ." •.1 IIII fI"rlor. uf "'lilly 01 Ihe 1... olII!; ,1110111 0. " lUiS, wl\rth 82 elt:h ; Ilid 011 .ubtr.riber~ 594 Broad"." B ....york, CllInot fall tu Inllsly. 1. tOlTelher wilh pri ces, N o ulle 81i01l1.1 Jlur. 1 li oB A work 01'00 p er u, nil I Cd · I.•• hlo, ,,.b l ~ .1) I. 01 W "it·h • • nnd J", . I,., . d. ' lor 1866 who re nJlL Ihelr mOllt b _ _ _____ ....:._....,______ _ h I I' . .. AgP8. Iliu 30 enl •• lnll g III IIIcru., e Ih " l1 hu .. "c•• 10 .,, ulIllI"ll~d I D III I . I I Y elorf! DII 'I' B c h O a p'lIn o WII lOut sl'ell''': I 118 Cn le. , (If I'd e "l!rnYin(!' Dr HUlllrr ' \ ' ADr. n" III. hUI . , •• ot- .tt "1'011 " Grul l,II 1 !:>nle. ' .. c. I I reCP-lve tIe vo Ulne fur IIlG!; . ;\1. 0'."."8 .tILLS.' lo.r ul'. l\Ied " ls 1llrl1Ollt wilhout numLer "IL' "V"I : I' .I 9 , . ul'.)' CI. IO II, . , wlI l"I"'''' lo·.I., u",,, ,, , \ rREE Fllo~1 THE lIlliE THEY luaeCIIIUCO'II"oeed of II I I a ' ' 1" L'.... ". In nrllJlliG nil populllr Ir COI .. v .. D ' I! I Y. conef nlrolleu eJ:- hHve beell Iwordell to the Gwvflre e n Pi. lill Mlln and \V.. Ife C~"l llti Cl\(d ~'.IIlIlIg ~.ch u,llcle "lid i;, OK lul to Ihe elos. uf Ihe pre4ell& )'f'H. ll'M -nn. Iract A (rom roOl l ul,d he lbd ~f th e h' (fhe6t unu , end Ht II,e Ce l"brll e d 'V o rld·. FII lr. : ~'1I0~II\lUII aid S \finn, t~II~lr rhY"l o l"~r. '"' I'I.t~cf ill S<IlI• •1 ~.IIHl ol'e •• ,"1 11I,.c,1 The A~rlrultllrull!dit\lr of the PI'I d 1 &:. ~A,I ml'dl8ltlal y~lu e •• 1II III Ihb ic In Ibe cure 01 thollllh put in competilion with olher~ ' k ' d 'i I I r xuHI dl80rtle r. every o,,'~ ul Ih ••• <1".1"" . . .. 011 " . "II I b) '''.11 10 phio SDlurdoy Ey' p l i O e· IIl1d ueos esof t hC'L lvp r. oro llyd c rung p. Irom ""oarls orlheU . ~ . . 1\ t ook the ' I I . WII \leV el . f," .I,IIII! R e' "Pd IC8 ,.,r ""!.,"It·••• O Il , . r . 'pl or:l~ I ..' 1< .tlilng u.1 (allerllirf. 111811t 01 the DI 1!eallv80rljll ll9. The v reo I i I eat Aiv rd [F: I hi ' 1,..11895 J s pl'e dy c url!. Ille prhcll ce 0 1 Dr. AL I. "RT H l.t S SO LO AT 01;1' DO' [ \R 8 rUlIll e r) III COllllrAlulullnl: 111 0 un tbe np. move oIl JIIII,urJll es or tbe Dlood. b lld .. I< I I I: I 0 G ItO~ES~;'EEN .Iunll'r hila "illig hl'e n. arId 81ill I•• un . J.At: H . w,lh oul r.~.r(\ 10' I ~I.~. • . • ! ve?'~IIr.~ o~ lI'y new poper, "ril es: 'My unequaletlln Ih e cllre of Dlarrhroo, hUll. fi ] 499 n .I N " 'y' k uou'lJp.d. but ttt Ihe "Mn"" eolieilOliun nl e~u "'·'1" ull he cO: rI, 6'. I~ ) 011 WIlt see ,wha l °P1I1IU1i10 III~I you hO\'e i ~6ued Iho bel~ ~ dll!C, Dospepilil. Sewl ula . ntllUlI s ne •• . rou "oy. CI. or. I "Ullll.r., UR perso'I P, he Ions bl'e lllll,jnr~d 10 lU.llr~ r; " 'n~ 10 111",.111101 Ih "" ' 1 .. 01 l o or J"lIrnlll -u li POIIII" con.idQrpd - r r tl ,.f)~ J . I tI I d I u pl,oll 10 If·.,d Ih u dullnr ,,,"1 INk " Ihe orllcl .. pro c lkal. ,~or~in .. furrnt'r II l Ot Ie • ~ ... L iver Compl"iuI, F even. H e. duc li !', P tll'ij OLD E ...... _" 0'" "'I~ W rx 1: 11 liS m.e I'H \I.~ llIln ess " ' rlln " h Ihe o r " 01 "u, ch." " '''.y ,hUI obta in ft vu ld .- ver l'IIId 'In II, UN • 1& lVe love a.e d I H D f d I ' • ."" "'A'" •• • , . . rn edlu III of 111 1 'Vnd e kl • I e . \\ t b D " e lIlIpd Snlt'll "r I • I (8 .... no ) H, .ry unlo'l! . . .se. or" UI~. APamphlet (h reCllll tt how tosp ee tl l l~ 1 I lJecum . t 1S 1\ at • . , a u"' ''~''IIII1. o r .IlY •• t o( J ~ \y " It , e l ~\! Ilik 'v llllVWler~ IllOw '",IIEaTIICT, o~le pil l in Ilu. illUmin g . child re n 1",11 a re s tore 8il:hl and Ilit' e I~P ppecucle~ wi:I;- Vu lillie ~hnt should bo In Ihe hande ur ey. 0 " o ur h. II,,1 " 01... ,. ""d '" 11 0 OM e (0;1 . I e lid genernl maAe up be tter , pIli. }"01ll0n810 thr, e e .nlils will cure olllnidoiduclor Cl f mndl"lnl'. d ' b e~" . lll1ltlllth.A I8nd. nl. pr~l'el\liV801 I llI!ye; ul (' '' II~ II O II ~ ,lo ll o'·I \Oo,lh ••o llo"' Ol llllIIlII OI Of unypap l'r l hl't!8v"r,ee ll p ... ....~ ,A .DE"~B • .• A' e nl j VICIl 0 ,II " d JI. . I~ ~ ~ .1" 110 1I11(·~Il Il I, ' " .. The I)tI CO OJ c .rlifi c .I~It+-'" * '" Tlreep. ure m" h t " • ".. "" ~ " , Ggul d I or~~jY. ~. e; " n fr Q ol ,,"' lo ~" r,• .bo,,_ ma il.fret,onrecAi pl 0110 r.ent. Ad • e ur Ill e ,1J P.Vi.l lon 01 1' ".~ fOll ulV" -Onc"or:l5 Ct nl. " ve lOI $ 1 Age lll ! ~re f'l'er'~ &ne8. eenU mentll.· el INII c ure any cur.ble cue of llu matter dre ~lI E. 8 . F OOTE )[ Tl • one u l ie 1I1I.ISt IIw(ul 1)14 dUlrUrliv e I. ' e n rl)r 5'2 . lI' lrl} ~ .. r $5 . wlln e le!:'. lI t pre U C b ). here \\IUllell 10 get how lonr It.A~lnll' 1'tice 8t per box. 2 . ~ ln 1130 Cr nd, y ., k scourges 1l'It Her Vlslltd lII Ank ind One IlIIU'". II~I~ ·r. .e Inr , 10 " ilh IIonu.: o no hun. p hi ~~ w ho. reCl'IVe rnnglllRcent Prcml· T i .de l upphed 01' lent by ma i l. 0 YOr. ew or. cOPY. serurely en velo ped, Will lie lorward . dr . " lor 1-1. 811d hw,O.ou'e Plet"lllto Ille ge t. ulllS In Villes, Pllnl8. Enarn\'illlr~ CU,I ..~ol<: by DrtI6~ E...", ..,," V. ~OTT ,!-~.OTT, M. &. Co, ued,yedtl., 01 pttllage, 10 IIUY pDn 01 the let .u p QI the-d ub. . Gul.! P e ll s . Megalll nl' lI , WeNcl t N'I\WllPI: ~ul Oil RVa.. New Y" Ta.· &._ ~ • \ nile .,t_11II iorOG ceolalll PO ., b Alellttl wBnt.etl evelJ·• • elt!;, 10 pe r, &.q. Stmpll'l uf the aur.1 Amerieln a I.h'. ' 1 T .7I' • or. b ~II ..... t 01 III COlllh Syrupl. lor ,.10 Ad~r'''r po.t paid. DR.. Addre.. 1'. • W lOUl 'p<c,ul,nd ue. tI'elll, an oile rt:d . Addr" .. Il!nt Irl'o to ull appJlC:IlIl8. ASJ[ · 'OIl"IIIWBOUJ"S~1 . _ ' , JlEI.RITT &. Plll~TZ. . 3- DivtlloD "tre't, ~'" York. IS.'Y\! · "33 T. & G AU G HA,N' 4 co .. I", I'}'l'Io,,; B. tIlNP:R, CIIIl\'l»D, ' Oo.lda bonnly • .. \14 Brood_a),. N~ .. " o r~ _ Ne", lurk. . I l8.a . . .
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Sua'. "'tl'" AI.reel,
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N' Jackson's Pectoral SlIrup
Dru~ " chemleal WaMbo.,
Beil;are, .tI/ ~:~
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eill!&led . who A08"or ed II ~ follow~ : tho Fisn I Dldll"t Catch, a Drunka rd was Cured. 'At Nt'w York, April 12;' bounty Charml nl; Love-L etter. -Insane Asylum Outra!e . '81,000 ; atld RL Philad.t>lpliill. Apl'il 14, . I re?l~mber my fir st 6tih ing excul'S ' ) I once II h opel css drunkll rd. II , My dl'nr E"'" Ii< : - By the relentle ss The midnigbt bour! All hu shed .nd slill 10G'l, bouoty $700; and ilL l'illshu r:;h, , IOU IU If It Anothe r case of conjuglll and insBM ''-t!re but yes terd llY, IllB~e poor t mall_ My friends mAde ey ery inlen e nti on o f th e invisib le IJAnu of The '8leepln glearlh in 8weet rerole' ' Api'll 16, 1064, bouoti' 58UO; nnd nI. l18ylulll opp re8lion b"8 jus I tome to l been hAppy WAUY IIlU~ S in my life, b,tl \ .. trert sIIve Ole, but it WAS of no usc . Providl TIle ell.dowe lie o'er vale and hil , ' 'ncc , I hAve h~CD p rcl'(mtetl (rom Ilijjh t iu New York. A man Cillcinn ati April19 Lh 18G1 bounty 'w' 41)O ncve.r moru inl~ l1 s"l y of some HO lh nn wh ,' n I 1 ... nd ~ICO Ihe calm BO llI kllOW8. ' ng nin anu ng-Ain, with m~r,y I pr~ c i f!il:llillg' mp elf a' yo ur lind I\l - ' . (rot fo r ' stanuin g in tbo commu oity, an ioveter. I r~ c~ l~ed lhM li r~ t lisl,i ng 1' 011.' fr om my I lCIl brellk oil' frollllh e cruul bOllu, , lit e en l ire nb.olut io ll of th e coll ~ clnoe· I Al e polilic ian, some 'Ell UU',' salll F e rnandy , and glnn'C1Il uncle s hAnd, fllld lru :;g~ 'l'h~ midnigh t ho,.'r I I cannot 81eep, twelro yearl ngo d ot\' wi lh hlln I coul&!u "t, 1 tuol, Lhe mos t ous cll illmny whi ch hn ~ 50 sl·lInderou down th e /il\!!, and secin nil th tl fll ces Ilt rough Ihe lV oorls " F or memory 811rl my SlIcrel 80U I; s l.v i marrieL lnn estimab le young lady. Llie " U Ill C'UI Il W'. lL VOI" ij th aI L tl'oul&! reform, 1111 , C(lll~l u l11 C nll e U upun tbe un blotted RDu j dllught er of II worthy My hcart il bound in muuiu"8 dc .J p tlere uv thtl same slyle nlld expressi on" \VII S a slill , swe et <l ily olt! genllem an of tiS tuo s tron g for me; 1 could ulI , opli is ti 'rllal spurn IIlghl . '. !lark ccnlrol. ,,' h_o IIsketi no more of them 1I0y qIH: ti- , mm er J ' th e 10llg Ilfl{'m oon ellrly ::i U1llcfl t('d :,ICO of my stllin l e~6 ' I.onh some $50,00 0 or g 60,000, lIer BIIl\d o w~ or Il ot st 1I<l lo lh~m fur 1\ mnUlen t III I epuIIIl i(, n, nnd .. itll "hlrh ll ll.v o bee n ' fatlier diee!, leaving her his wh ole lions, " tlto tree s Iny cou l nCI",)SS our palh; lh o . "". pni, L we llt to Ih o propThe Mare are high!; the pensivo moon Fi~hing n (llik s . so mlllici ously ci lcuml'k1ill lcd, IlIlIt I crt)', her mother Re ~RlklD tbnl Ie wuz weH enough to I l u ~v es seelU cJ. g ree ner being dOlI ,I. In order Lookl aweetly duwn, it lIeems, on me' .. tLe fl c w" rs T h ~ rtl Icl~ umwll loward~ II V'lO r young . npprl!ue e.slllblu h n churc h, he u(J sl reu R/I wL o bll ghler, lh u lli ruu D1 nll ll,u The "'umle l ligl'8 • merry lune, crncr th ll n C HI' li , her 1\1\, whoso ("CIl WI\II "cry )ll~ns . \ lll~ s l\ l, II rculen"nln .l U\oun\l\ino l1 ~, co- \ 10 ~e ~ hold of tbis, her husban d pro' wore milloll ers uv Ihe dillic\\\lie8 in \le tr~clly cur"u o.lloclo r and \'110 polioem OD to Gospl'l to step Lcfor~ .. My IIlI cl e, who knp.w by l o n~ iug_. And dance8 toward the IUD : ' h ~rc W I~S I~ worl,1 or hl\pp.iu ~.a s I JiSC~rcer(\.lillg. nlY_Rc\( ' f~' om fOHru. 2 1 st epad out IInu tlesired to eXP(HI ~ IlCe whero w ~ ro Ihe crimi lh o be ~ t hlluni s l in 111& , hhd 10 look tn It; he nou~ ma~hil\l\l1on 111 willch I have bepn- \ mnke l\~davil8 that ahe waa demenl ed Toward Ihe Ren, thp. rocldllll' eea, ex pllli? They cood IloL "Ay Iha\ th e y of pickere l, cO li sitlet":\le lind unlit 10 IAltke care of berself. The ' ly placed me III Ptilldly' how~d n""I& o 'v to li s!,. That lur,,"8 on and know. no reBI; At , ~ o unm erc ifully j~lmurcd, tlial I wa~ 1 hu sb~ ud .\V8S, indeed, were JU SI now in full cOlloection wilh ' lh e ~ll O' l 1" "01' 11 0 pOint. by hi9 shamcle ss I Ihrew 0111 III ' t, o~ l o f grrltllurlo for thl.' lilliu (11- (ellrflill y nI'pr W .. e aftcr wave goee mournfully IIny clll~re h,. 'fha .h.J\d.iJcen, butth ~ ir i my IIn o. "" I hr~ ~ I .o of e ll(· n ~ lI· e Ih nl I WAt D1 0~ t protll gacJCS allU brutal oppre.s ion, (118& tell ~e.cn olb ers, 1- 'JI ~, htl "ho w"u me, II pe r~e cl8trnn g l' r . lO ex AcruBB ils dnrk blue breaBl, lri clILly uncolIS lil oo lllnnl Abill~llIn Synous fllHl l fllld 1I'.'llt.~d unxlOu . ly fOI" a 1)1(0: mOl' lng I. pUll, l' ul my 1I".k ,~ f liqu or Hnu ol ' ls upclhum in~ oh' eu . Hut /l it! mos t! tlriving her .totl istrac tiQo, Uelore her nn fUlr one , I ho\'e bot n so I rrom hp- r child aod confill ed hllr Se Ihonahl s Ind Ihoughl s like apectres confe~-e n e es hed Rccoos eu em uv i r re ~- III ra.llHI Jer" ~ nn lh oJ S Ulf!1c~ 01 th e W I\ · 1" in Lue ' led Ul a.UIII\~i. • 'l\ ,,:' 110 snid. 'I ul\u lI emuly br d/lzzleJ by ui llri li~s, lind 8 ~sp e nd c d em, anti hi" t: I', 1 ~ lllll lt'L1111!l riso , Ih e lumill ous I 13I00min gdaie Asy lum for IWO yearB .?f Ih ~ , Jeapln:~ ,(ro:; _ IIHl'r SiC IllloXlcatln g- dllnk. Rnll l fI ~ k : rOlnn nlion lind s unlik c. efTul !;cnco of l t:;h" escaped six mOntb8 ACId fill my IOU! with restless nes!; lenceu em nuu slch, bccoz th ey wert! , ]l;olltlll:; ClIlI1 e of II. .lIgo, tint! with ' 1 ry 1\!JILIII , 811 1,1 111 0 L d J es us to hr lp mc IICV u l' tu y our Some memotles I still con prize, c hllrm~ _ th ll t notllilh alnnt\in g the ' he r sun, starte(1 for Democ rPlt s, blltI my unc lc. her only relRtives, 1:l udd cnly Lhu h:lit sunl. oUl ' louch .' I look ed nt him in . "rpri sc_ I acrimon Dut lome I cann?t blesl. ious crimin" li olls , which hl\ve in T oronto . She WAa tracke u 'fh e Pre si:'!ent shrugg ,. cJ hi s sh oul . ' of siJ..:hl. ' l.\01V for tbither it.' th llu g h t 1; l 'Are u 1\ Chri slul1n?' I n, ked. 'Y es , I b e~ 1l s up crillllllc cu UJlOIi my chl\rnc~ tiers, nnt! n~li~u nil who cood rend to 'li ere 18 n li s" J\t hlS!.' er, Rnd fl ed to Buffalo, the nce 10 Qlevela ud: T·he mltln,ight hour! 'tia past, 'Iill past! 1 mnde n .. r oll g ~ 1 h op 0 ,' he SAuL . 'Anu . d'ies. J". us ~ nm IIgain " tep out. About one .hlLlf nn ' wcrc(l, l p ull nnlllJ roug hll1\l1l indu ced Iu ob ll Utl 6 ' m)'sull wh ere ~ I~ e look &CTvice io lue family The clock 81rike8 one-- awoy, awny, :angleo fwccll; . l kl"'p or u from tlnl1 klllg Int ox l cull n~ l lll t \J you l· p"~ ,,c l l rt" \)u IHHforn mo-! "phY8I clnn. S he bad been there for \'0 mournf ullhoJlg htl ! ye mU8tllot last! /llid th en 116 rc que~t e d .s ie h uv lid , ' A'jllill 1111 ,1 ng'II in I cast out n~y lill e I' drink, 1 a.hd. '.ll~ d n,e.~, lind I n,' - m ~ I IL duubt th o l1l 0 v c l ~s " htnbi lity and Ia~ol\LhR, giv;~g oot numbe'r t'z cuou he prevadt.u u pon to , \Vllh !lchlng- I\l"ru ~ , fl llI I would It nOlVwcrll !loy. tho slightoa t sUlpil dre w It blL ck reI' W 110 luur: h It. 1hnt nn s wer fll t h o ml c ~N profund 'l.y .o f my love; for cIOn of ncccp L n small offi ~e, lind wlto bel e ved emptl'. Ilvuk ed tll IllSalllty, wben, In the IIbeence my un cle 'I'he midnij!Jlt hour il 8'11'eel 10 mo: nppcII I- ' ~('lllle 0 tltinkill ~. It ~ h u w cu me /I Il he 1lllmmifc rou ~ UHlIlI)(' ulllr Autoc'rR! of lof th e phy ~icinn, she '!\lIltS seized Rod theDlsell'o~ fil, tll s tep out ng ill, und tu I illgly. 'Try oneo mor~:. he ~" iJ, 'we 'Tis then I conjure up the pnt,nu w r -cr , Oll e t l, nt.1 h lld n~y e r l.r icJ ·l dl\ Y "Indl CCII S C 10 i,rntlillt my unutter able horror &; conslurnl1:ion, , LJ , I, e rmcll IOll s t hflV<l u the umbrn, !oarr ied bilcli. 10 Blo?mingd~lc, II il And lovely images I ~ee, palll:ncc . I I \Ven IIIm c Ihnt n)i: lt l , lInd RIU d to ge 'us I'CCI'sse s uf tl 'll everyo ne bU L livo 8lPp peu Oll t, (·z hri , \( I :5udd clll y S Oll1elllln~ fores L. the trans · lcxp ec lcl.I lliBI her frl (,lIds WIll mov\llb e '1'00 Iweel, tuo sweet to IlIIt ! l.~g !£: d ~I\vny at : m p.e~ 1\81 W( 01, ' \I uw do I ~n o_w b l~ t I ll1c~ lIt qu een of lIi ~ I , t . llIdl Cll n.o to tnllt~er to ~ Irial.. Sbl i, a8 sb mnny bees, llUUlediulcly tht'r e my Illlll IIIIU &W l? pt. 011 ~ tle~olu Gn_Wllh It 1111 0 ~lt e i Ch i 1st 'lIl1 ld kee p fil e frolll tlrlllklll g If I pl' rilmbui -Xenia Torcl.liyht. llt o .Ih o el'up hl1 nous Ilnd slc ll if- \ Ihollc" and by tillS weaos was In was an uprOAr. Tliem as cootlcn Lr O/1l1 , d~ e p wllt t! r: J:' r k l~ J It lip. some 1 SIIW 1\ lin~ : L nslte 111m l' As ~O llll RS I got to I erolls C? ---~,... ... nCavilY of the cHul enll hon'-I'n ., WII)' ~Isco.vered. awore vocifero usly thnt there .vas W)lh - 1picke re l \vrI ~~ "ng III t.hll Sl1n . . Un cle , I my 1'0 • I kn elt dow n, Illld l.olel tho I l~ llllt 1I4r. Wa.by Dreaml J • Dreame _ om o n o u s IJnabion of h CII \' l' lI' ~ hoI" in fare about lhllt III'rAn rre men t. 'r hey 1 Cried, 100kll1 !J bllck 11 IS ~lI ld Ihallhll re lire betweeo thirIn un com fur1ulJ le I Lord es us whllt; II POOl', mi se rable rlfi e ar lil lery sllllll ceaso to b",II,)\V never nowed Ihl\t n rna; wns obliged to cx.c itemcn t, 'l ' ve gOI (orth ty nlill forlY womeo in Ibe Bloomi ngn li shl' ' N IJt y .. t.' ! wrelc~ 1 Wll~-h o l'l' 1 fought agninsL my ilA lIB IIiWlGRj,TE8 TO MEXICO, terrific pClll s , th,' r'H"ky co, ru scRLion dnle A.yllim . who have be able 10 read to hold oft1s in the 5111<1 my unc.le. As been placet! ·ho spolt e th c r~ . IIppel l . lind It:ltlb'ce n nlll'lIy s ~v e r come. of hClinn shall di scolltinu o to lJhlzc ~h lJl'O by rlliativea wbo wanL UemOCrBt party, Bnu Ihey'd nerer WIIS nspillsh In the \vI1IH: Iheir prop' I. cau W UIlINGTON, Dccem ber 10, '65. g ht '." (' 11 10 11.1 illl. i f J[e 1V0. u:d t."IIU RIY"y my I for,h it s s. ul p.·h.lI r~olls i.!!neo1l 8tnnilth lll, Rnd lhcy all stepped out. 8 ful go l' ll' rt)'. 'AI,lll'li t is neceslfl ry 10 c0116110 a .... owy g Itlllm 0 f n SCllrct 1 hs II S I1001lllg Ilov e 0 dnl\~ . 1 710ulll ni'te I "as Ihe viclim uy anolber g ll' c OJy sel f u)1 fl om th e Ig lllvIIIl 01l 8 clouds -- before my a womRlI, 811)'8 ono of lhe Finl\lly it wns uCHiJed thRL 1\ e lecshull tI. lrou g II I IIe 8 Ir~nOJ ; my I k I New York 100 ' IIlllg 110 'I i ' (orCl'('r, IIn ,\ wou IIl eH I' SI' I"I'O Ilo\"e ~ hA I dream, Ef I don't. quit thil .explori n should bo held lit eomo I ue cxtin g ui, lwd . Could th e PAPCl'S, 'is Ihe opinioo 11\ fll chure timc. ' writing of " emp ty from the hu e, r huu los t my Llim, ct:1I 'he realml of Lbe Cueher in my slcep. I YOII, J U8 11 ~ too k ml" al my i O1l1l1ife sllltion of tlo e k C~ lI e st r mOl>e' phy "icia n, alld wo hne men 'fh e nrxt sl('p was tll dil'ido em lip PI"IZIJ. of tbat wort!. He did 11I1,e IIWIl)" my 10l"e I,f 01' Ih e ~ xl,iLi : i o ll of tI.,e .hall bceome a second Saiot John. Ef into employ menls. Th 1ll0~t compu o Presid ent r c ·1 W~ nrc npt to spCH k ~f th e sorrow s ~ tron g' . rinl; then ;~nd 'h ~ rc. So fro m tu o u~ p a.n ~s of COIl8~i~DC~ , clevnt ne - lillc here, who for a small lee would ~i'Il\~~~e :~il~:~::blo~;ar~~::I~!il::~ ques letllliem as prefe rrtlu o me ~ il' e _lilly ,opinion, or practice any frault to foli l' r Of clllld ll ooJ · t nllcs 10 compnr PlolI tl,at u ~s ell hour o f cll . tln ~ my ~c lf on melknn lilo e mploy ments til slep out l wllh lh oso ofas~rOlV (\ nC ' mdllon; h Qf 1111 ItIch III YOUl' f"v tl l", ' or CHme. tlllp p~op l e ; hu t his h ~ , ll llw e 1101 tn s te d ~ dr t' p nf ; I would imtll odi"It'ly tOt. sum COlllmellf'e 'pour- ' . . thirty .nUynnc ct! . Them - ---. Metl,,,,,' tbe Abl1she nts had assert · fe l"red fnrmlll g- ~bolit fifty Sloppas pre. l we mlly ~rpenJ U ~OIl it, Ih e youn g liqll M. lO.rdN i rcd lo h,,;to it, Tite Old j ill g' forth tenrs lit 511 ch II Ilivi sh rnt e, ed Ollt. Theory of 'Gossip ,· ful l! s. ~Ion I flgree w~th us. Our .gllc!' lui rs l r Il I ~ ed Lho power we diskiye ret!Ihey pon· The.m cxpecle tl to run s. mall . . Wlt (, l~ I g ll\"tl llly' that we l"e t\t l} WIlr\ ,; on tire .llt ey n:igl' I{roceri.c~ " l m oLl dl c d 1l ll(l,r~st l" fl lOed by rcason, ex ?c Ir to I'S Il ~ , gon" Cit, ~ fter the lale eleclhu ns, lind hlld 1 r C C:~IVl', 'l l lm 1\ lo wel' dlolV n Ihe wPllh of lI ellven, IInu 11 lere IVUZ 1\ 60nnu_I II I I pIC Wellre ortcone kod,'\V hlllisgo I8ip?' gODII the hole nigger. They hnd forc · of mnny \v1I '.C I"S, N 'lO I Ie t iC rus lin g I cl ~.n e, uu t,. se If r G~ p ,· c t , k·c.e p tl Ie pro 1111 my . Oil I "f( III1ISL ~Hry E:n.'~ m}: O.f ~I y (jlle," c II. t IIe mig III . \Ve anawer I Y !ll :n . ety -3 pel' ot!nt IIV pnotlcs , Ho ellf posslhl e I\V OIU Il ~ ce n e ; I <' IlI in II "'lInersl " WAy , Ibllt iL is VlL ll ,nlld 1'0 FII"t·S nH' 1I1 hi " HlhD ' ed Ihe South iuto the humili: uhen nv all-ccJ ltin Ihe omcc .Ever your I\J ollng EiQt: IGGs. rs-~pr tlllLing of per80ns rather th'ln thing N• u Dg LO the IUllt the WiTuW of chilJh ?ud , Unl" e lL~OIl1 ile 1!l" ' _- f Jmcri e<lII Pre.I,_: II"I'i an . a\lo"in niggers to teltily, "nd in lhe frollt, bUl wh en lhey snw th ei r s trength , tibIa !lId nil :lb s o ruJ[\ ~ , I ~ 1\ c o rnl' l~lc, Notlling 8howl the puua ity of ide"" NorthcfII ~tatl1s hl\d given em the elec' th eir fRees tnrn r u while_ - - - ..... . ~ . - '(j ood L ord,' \ IIbnl,d',) ntU e n~ 10 LIl Il pn~sion, 'rill' morll IhllO lhis IR'king abouL the aa"irs Corwin 's Comed y. tin frlnchis e. U .. coureo tbe edicntotl whi spc,rf! d IhR. 'IT e cnul [From th e New Y"rk 'l'ril.ulIP . j of your neighbo rs. 1\ is no\ ollly milk e, n lil'ill doll 's nose i ~ ur~ke\l, Rnd the WOI hi and re60ed Democ rasy wood never out uv th e rem~ inen The Profits of Advert iSing , I\\' o por Cj) llt. nnu brtlllk H up With It; tho m,ub lo rol1~ OUI licio ull peop\e who orig\na\ e aOl\ndl\\, it. H COllIeD' to b. c"rriell up 10 the polee a- 1 e oul,1 I ~~\" () malle n wOlluorfll1 ffi I l~' ' is nllrrol'l"mindel\ people, i!:(ooranl peoof ~i"ht nnd the solid "Ioba t 10 0 r oll& cOrs 1\111 olf ll'Olntd prllftc GIIglid. I c r . ~ . U. \\ C II cvcr SI\W one who h ,"1 T v llie Editors or Lhtl Nt! 1V lork oi"ger -Ilv course nu co I , ~ 'rl ... tl .' ., I ,I f . a" \ Tri . .. f I JlI~. stupid people. Persons oC .clIlLun wilh t he I DlItrule . . r Ie mR S8 Il'n ~uc I n pRy Cu a (I Y' SlOn cllluru 1111 1 pow!! r 0 J)em~krau(l oms I~eker ~ood 1100111111· UY lhe propen , lhut'mRnu LUIlO : Illnel in! el\.Igenee are not so bard rlln :l t mile s ta rt nl ik." I. So, on rco l\lo by my g reat and bitter \ uxprtl ss .lu n. lb' s "' or,18 1 lite lllm~elf. a tr.ealln a. ntgger ~fore .110 but upo n Illk el; "II iLlv ~I: tl l~\e ol 10 ull 8 11<:-[ n 1\ di sC1I9sioll to,ullY I\bOUl lopics of conver? "t.ioo. They oan ry ie Im ~ ' di, npp oilltUl e1lt, I Skt dOIl'n 011 tit " rl nlllllln~ elecshun-I~ bem a ~rllelo <?f flltlll wllh fonn,\ nol \Yutll while toentn COIl\~ " I1~lIry on Ill S crr.u ll t<'ll - d,e proD ts of nr\v erll"l ng , "~la of ~h (J ,l (or botliol" about ~I \ n tell" eH ~ Ilii saock , lind for n lim e rt:f\l ~l' d I IIn cr', "sURlIy find som~thtng I? 8"Y IIb~ut arC, lind \18 Dever to ~r1nk "lib a olgg er onle58 \ Llivision Ih tl hlL c.lIn e flum III. fn CI' pll1l;\ Riliteel ~~lll t Ilehub lll, 1 I ~ payin g . lileratu . re, lalhlOn .or loclely . 'lite m~\ Lo be Clllllrm Ln l, l'\·.. 11 by Ill y uncl'l ', ' ~n m ~ tl.m ' ~, 1(' I1 ;{ ucforo he PRY' for I t . . . , tl, o W II I"lI , th e l :llJun c '':;\O ,UUU per yl'l\f r,)\' Ad- , O1~ n~ peoplo Th'c n t\ c comm encel! murm e'rin!.! ' II S6UI"IIO C,i l lt lll ti ,e re ~Hro II1 vrc fi s h begLO 10 talk of tholr ill ",,"("I I<' u 'l'berefore,bo lit·: lI udll'n cli. fnlu)~h \\ C re m e tl"~l'r H I" I1 'HI~g. s,and rellolviu .1 'u \ Y t I s 1\ II'U" Ihl\ l IIny dru ggl ~l l ne~gllbors -of penona rather tl ' 01 f. tl \ l lil e iJrnok. Il u r ... fl t!.. tlnHI b ~it 111I ll '1 lll tl e . th.an nnu sal lVun colll r dywe salV Ilc ! ~d h I" IlI m l c'l nn (J 'll"utoplly 6 u oh sulll ~ IN I never to submit, lle t!vt uv tho De · Ocsh 10lS \IV E"UIRno ,e , ' J ' fu rlldv c l"' thlll gs-lhll ynreap tto degoner at.eln• • • • t' I I fl ' S L we lelt.' 'I,11 cood I fl f J ' pllllilll{ till! pul" 116':1 ill I . . , ill my hanu s,• HI moera5Y determi ned to emi"mt o in II I I I I I' .~p rlOg l ~ l 0 dl L f '" , !'~I r , .' . . . I II SII I!; ! AI' I' I b , t~ lelln e: or w IIt!.r e one spell k 90 f t Ile ' Blum Ive 0 Il':-}P WI\ S ;he mol'" l1t d l cro u ~ IroUl bell lg- 11llmy u I. l n on r ~ . , I) tu l,1 m e to lry- onc" In or u. botly 10 lome IIlnd where t>the Allglo- There A B"RTn~ D R(; Cl Ul ; T . , WA ~ rich men .' ,I vlItuea of an acqualo tanoe, II dozen exI in nur WArd, c LUI N 'Ih lt reOl cmh l.... boy.' he sn iJ, Wilh l pr"llse u "t l, u :n OIlIl' II1. " Sftckson cood rool-w bere there \VRS \ . I' I . A d 13 0Il tol1. ov . II. 1011". I .1 II . . tl '1 I pll. I . l IJ\lfl. on Il~ or Ilerslort I, i ~ 81 r ewJ d Fillilc " comlng ll • n 'mv ' r brll '" of 1\9 c'\lcl we leu II 10 Il mllJ orlty, ley pal ( I:X I . I . Wfl S IIdd rcsslng a crowue J h OI1'u no mlXler of the 8.{~.tln Afrl call " C I ' I " ,1t' . Abl I · ' . ·· tillS I brlllgs II " in" us .1' 1\ 1.0 Ddh IpeaLt I lill . 01 I he realoul is f 011 dll. ture, ' rolllld l·,·p ' 11 t.le 10\,\, 11 'II , flllu III 11 0 mll l t 0 1\ W li e I we SpOilt. - ' l ISIIllll s tS I, Mexlco"RII Ihe .countr y c~,osen, n'nd 1eM, " ·· I\ ~ I'LY. t isen. bllt it is well enou : I . . or ' W Il\t IVO COnSlutlr 10 be8UC b ,a LI eas. f I 11 lU hey e. suell uhler "o l k ~ L(Jlllg -lltg!lt ill . Illurl' tvuc I1I11f.{ . . IJ . lIIeLhaw tthe enllr~ parLy,: ID one soli<i l ~lItr uv em to Il\x I.' ' .!J8Cflpll!on 0 t,~ SIIUg' !~ II';; d . . I b' I L It 19 :11 ~llllt C r Il1aI C~1IlCern8'" aston A cn IlIv<\le anugRS IVun m a n wnyft lhlln on!' , IInu ~o maki ng f()"I ~ of ' Hn.! pcrso~, 10 1,18 Ig,lIS columo marehe t! Lh ere BuHulllI g ~ of OU I' ~a dl(:J" setders Our depar · u I l t d tl f' th cmst' lv l:s It's \JO U' O to bO I\~t of Ihlll UroUghL Ih e Il"1\S to I:VI'ry 4'y e , DrugSl et flnunll bU 9: II(!e~ Ol e ll, lind S(' nse of the term, II no' .aaerely one tur 'fIf,l' a oyallon 'l'he' peeple on our Ib a rcso vCf' to rei urbll nn III wu mlly I\S well ~t.'\l <! Ih"t " ,· Imbold ' k I" who CAn talk oC booke, plotures , Ind Ie cokn USIn nlly ll 'In T L'I'111' I'S .l , _ r ' th e 111111,'1 Ii t ti lJ bu ll Icn i 'r trotte d dOWII "\ pndll " the .TrilHlIl arose o l ~n , "Ilor tilt: n ~u'r t"c roule "uz ~Il dru81'd me III while l'Z 1\ 10' I ' at c over 6 IU .OOO liti s I oLhcr elllVl\hltl lubjoct ' or bumln iD'1 '1....I'om t 16 - rn blem awo 'e U 'f . I ' . for it I spg al;~ f"r ilu ' I If' d I ' I ; co . ,'. , thl1 f ICle I' .1 IS un", onque . fwd stlOoa 8100 " 'J k'n~ fit 1' 0 yellr. li e p"ld us ", \.li liU o r olle In - tereSl. 'I' b mOIR III k ell Uf ] oy, And -from evory houle hung ~ho "ision. Ez often ez yI a have t' ' t u . 0 a LIloruuglII yI ou Itlva " 8 etl llow oftt'n ~iv e llco (1) .h,,\'o bp.o n rem ill ' I 11\1 ' I Il' n ~ c b . I' . I '\' kl '1" baDDeR wiLh iDscrip tion. unto em lich r I D y JUr. (~,_unn' n .s 61. C. II_ oj sertlon I I I " L . · t II t• o . one p .. ge 11\ . lit' . " UC r, Y .f1 ' ~ . 1 lIe f Ill lear, n li ' ll a~ tlll\t 1 .1-(ln't cl\ lcll I "B ~ " littl e , round·hend~d. stump lad· WI , all or perpettl. ll ue In e 'I" emOC rlltlc maJonl ios u.u a bllne. IJ(!ijlu e ~ lii tl cO!lIlUn III th b Dlld_v ~hould be relined \lind • WI . 11"~ . ., I b ult' I ' eolarge d. Somef . k. ed doer , .wllh "Now i. our lien roost. ,-'e I' p n 'J~cIIIl" • - times l11l' '! r J"W, \ .. . I rllllIl\c. 1 lit'v 8umLtmes,. wb~n oubr party wuz RUllil e r unc" PU .',1 1- wlLuoU . 1- I eg 0 t~ ~\' Olt" d ~3, we aee I'I'OmeD WuO, ,l en d' u'ar pe,op e . 01l6 111 , nl' how .!t."' g1l Rtld eRr~ ad l~l. 110 prf)· lOUt) fur onc in st1r1i on of 'III f.Uusverti lucoe8s ful lind bIt! fnlr to 0 80 Iler III 11- ye un Olle, I\t\l LrYin lT 1 'CaDllda on its "ay to Muico l' ~ e · ucalion, yet haviof been boro IImillble, 0 lin ICIP" (: I w nu u 18t we \V o~ d do Ihe cre,!iL whi ch belol! ~a onl, to RCl" ,'1 "e ll t ' ,I~u ch 1\ qll t:e r .peclllr.l~ t~"ll 'I uwnto( Ihe 'Poor Mexico , we bewail thy fatel' n~oll Yj ~' ,:::r w ~r we . A Lc df{~I": I1 ~ knew t~lI11 by I Rre noyer gUI'I ty '0 gOHelp. oitlll't IO~I' IIchi evem ent, I CII\I tv ~iuu lhat s CI' ne ma "y In gal.n, "0 OurmR reh resemb led very much WllltlS re Lhe cl"owoIlull g lll" oI, fllr. Cllr · lu ,l\elou~ly 1~1!"urll ~l n g he co uld 'Y I I In.ure , II 8e6 h tlt e brookHi do nn(lthe wi <e Cilli lioll wIII , l rrOklngtlo wn.~"W women, . oot nnLurlllly amlf\~le, I lheCaI 'hRt uy Ibe chilrlre n Uy l srel. Ollr th~ offi~e~ oocn:~~ni!in~~ lSeo fllt e t l l\ruri unc g . llleoid g prr'Juoll co IIl1lon l homed ucallO nulIsla u hL to talk of c~ck~o ~::ui~~ or my ullcl u ill lilllL pArlicull~r in Nll\l!c<l mu niment , '1110 WI\ vi l1 g I,i ~ 11111\ Doses "SI t he piller tlV smoke by dny, ?L ,1 1)1\'; 1; dru ~:.:istsflnJ I'hp icilll1s n~'lil1 .1 1\\1 - lI lhings, t.'0L P ~ Y nu p lak es th o fo rm o f 1\ pr ovelb or I1 lliv cr.<,, 1 III thu U(l!:l!..6~·On ?f per8~nl.. Tbe pedc?' On oar arriv"l 10 Mexicq ; \\uL.JJ.a' l lllD or u,. I, ' k I shood e Ilt 1\ tllllC, m...r j vcuwllg--I' d)' lO ti uut, 111111 l"~y, 'U \ WOIIIAO, .111 11\16 like to liv e in fl 1\ )p li ca tiun : '~ e Hr I,ra r of ' 011 1' li,1I go ~~1 fcll uw.' res pect, 18 ODe who d II r ~on I I III . rntic commu tivet Ut lba~ country , struck probabl y w ~ lIl1 " oLhers, 5~(j tli llt lh~ ch':flpo s t \.bot_h nmiliblo anti oducate nit.. 1;~ l orc Oil Cll tc il tht' lu .~J. d. But e \1W/l il/ iel' . 11111 dl)~ rC lre llle~1 n few pI\CC~ to llll; ll\odu wh orclJy. lh ey .c ·." 1 .ilb ' ''te Ilt L1I,e nllljeslio and /ll\min ex· 1 Unl\LllmUS D~moc l>U~( 1It1lkll lhOlm- ClitIon d04;l8 !lo.t always el~YMe V N ~ . D;-) people rcaI', a nd dl~1I preuion U\· our c'ounlen ancc8 hn 8lily pall slng .cl)ckt·tI 1118 1"·,,.1 1 .!: lv e ~ I\IllI th clr 1ll(:I~IWl e ~ kn uwll tll the nbove the r.egwDB of g09'1~ •• A . p ET;O~ CI' I' ' t l - - - - ---- - reB!ly ' on one gathered u ~ide. nlllII·y tbeir linen al:d idver eti Ihtll)m L 'I)\ . nilur'l lIe lurc 1 UY Ir A'S lsn: ll.I GIJ: )'"T 1>.)(; -In.tine Lnften G,' rw in rflu rned tlte t;fla l' lor. Mr. puh :ic, i~ bj a wi -u IInt.llihcral K)'Ptcm I bad bel\rl IS always mBhclouS, 'Iha Ipoon. aDS bouts lind sich IIDd re - ! Noo Dl 8pc D8a~ lun, . nnd fll r HI, ,If nuverti. in.J. Il clm buld di . co\·erlld Ibelt at!vice '11'0 cnn g iye i. the homely bOI"lI~I ~' cl o~ c'y ,10 illll.ll i",'l\cc. Rllll il i- In' t" l1t hi" ('Loe n~ q lllm o-,1 th o silmo CO Lreated to the mO~D\niIlB. it WUE 11 lli ' Ihis f'lct, IInllllk cs nuvlIllIlIge of i t. ---- - --.. \Old 8dllg~ : 'Mind your 0"11 businu s.' . . noll'A') ' to lIu Je rsLnnd holY d (l ::" C" II k RI ,·xpre,si,,,1. I t W'IS 01lt1 of sl~Jli.'1 1 4:ompliment' to us tha~ tbtm fZ hnun't ElJl' S TRM;n CUARACTlIR8, N R~ O~· T il "; 1'1I111 UJ<I£, ~Irc Vl'ry (CW DC us ever, kaolf the .1Ibolo n gth of i n lc rpr~1 Ihtl w or"~ o f th .. i.. nn , I,· r". wl)lI de r, tllI ,hc, 1 nlt\, 1\ bl1l1 -tH II H . ' \ .lIytbill g rcm.ille d chnract er con slsls of two IllIngs- P\l IV -I " nl~ " s throu " h 11 c(' rt _ __ ._._ . ___ _ . tr~th aboul anythIn g con~erDlIlg 1\ ni ll mng nr liu ~yl\\ " CO Il C l·lI. l'in/Illy "0 reacl;ed B lain where we er of will 111111 pow er of III n m ulll" lIt M r. CorwllI self rrs tfll il.1 L !,II II 'c , 'I'h ~ f" llowill " i ~ 11 ca S" in lurll l· d 11ll'lgbllor; aod to speall. of '118 or he~ y AII U "'LI ,I.: tbe modern ohilrlrcn of i>Isrel, ul'cid eJ!' \ h r eq uire" tw o tl,in g~, J::irDo b COIlC, n .lIe wl1 tl ecte ,l : cu nduCL i ' U!l1ally Lo run th ere fore , fll r 11' \ p" illi . TI , i ~ l'l Il Clll ll g !;oI" ""' ". I'JI,I hy thllrisk ofbo' C"I.lli .,lt'll lillll y • my fr il'ntl s, [ bl·li l·r , AhHIII . waR tol ol hy th e to rem8in, IInti UY conf8e. tlto lirel .. xl ~ \c u ce- s troll~ f(:l: Jlld!.:" "'. I)p~," . iog unju st.. Much Ius ehoultl we tnlk "lll,~~ fI~d . st rll ll ti : l\ fri"II.! of Ihe Ia k ~Ir. Ilu U,. ,n Gur - he FCTlUIl ,l y COIII ,·Cll pl ;! I" . lell"Ill:::, th e , CO lin, ~ ob \V tbiDg to do WR8 10 form II Guvern menl. com mAIl,1 ovu' lllpn\.. e nL to thtl Il ou, I\UI lol Lha mt>lI ve! of olher~. 'Very fe'" ~OIV It IS. I", ,. ,· \ 'll' I" l lc S Kp : Melhn,, ! Fer11flllt!a \Vooel Ul' New W (J mllk e th o glO 'lt mlStlik "tl"' ,, d OH" >llId j .. ill l ll~ ()ur p~rly . " holllerl . . ~ ; we I' 01l sl' i k e ' , uf us know our o~n mOlt~e8 , a?d to . . " . York . ' Ko lI" onl. I P'I'"ll l", I" ok Ihatllc '! '1, e.1I coultl I cali CI. Url . . "tt un" fct·lingij for sl rong (·hl\raCler. A . , ' , .entu.ro on dIIC~s BID~ .a Delghbor ImoOll ~ mOl nln f,{ 1 " liS "UII' a; on l,u sl " ')1l111I1nict\ 111iCilli O!l8en as VIVI\ voce , ez ~ rt'ml\rk <> but liltl hUI\ ' Presiu,WUSCI . 'CloIl nt b W. f d I Ii Jvllt!S "nu A. p, MOOI U, \ lIv es IS IIlway. Imper~lneuctl, Bond or~ell . u f · lIr nt- )· wh,,"1 hell ...1 n I m nn who ucnrs all befo re hun, t! 111(" r.c s.~. \\,'I" I lIlr . ( ' .. , II ' e ,1111 Ie a.l eppe , . I ort!Tl. to \Vho~o flown d otne c9 tr~m'ble o{ IIdli,,~ "i l\c~ 10\0.1 i\6 I:lTcc~. - \ ' 1 t IIU lU( I . , IIlld p'lIt Pli ng of 1l'l'IUI,h illd , nlll i th .., door , ,\r,·ds ~~ . II/I/c,ca cheek J'rfs ~. w~~.e Ihe oath IIdmllll81eretl 10 III Ill. \Vllf'~I! bur' t. n f fllry~ timAk ' W. n. J,)II"S nud A.. P . lI1uo re- \ B re" crime. e th e chi l,ln' l, "il" nl. l )' np"OI·d, _ _.. , _ __ I ln rllPd h'. >1' 0 wl ," . lOt. w~s 2 b dun by the oi,i est JUg· _ _•• _ I. W. Ii, Jon \Jillll\u A. 1'. hl uOf": ycl lud b I I I' ' 11 b . I ","Q l,c""I1 11 '" !n U ~ I1l1d a 1'\rlv f"Utld II~ ' PeRce UY the I ' S - -- . (I\I"" . C\'Cl\ u Female ~e Ie I'I uv lie S Sociely "~W I . 0 ~ l ' " . \ I' ,," alL tate uV .' II 11 1' \ Z;T A vroman 10 N~\Y Hampab lre \" . (" I' 11\ 11 ,( d,'l' ' I"i"c l!)' lll", crctlll ,,· r"" /I), lIlloi. ' I I . I 11' N . \ ' v ' ()n • \I ~ ow u \\"1\)' III n . " er .. ey, W IlIC I n g ~ , ,c . " I I ~Z CODlmlll . ? elI SII' I aliI R~ II I' time Mr Flte riIT' snid who hAd b~ e n nbused by her huabRtl.1 '1'1 t II is !I'I' , 111 1101 "" 111 Iho: ' '''1, [,·1', I"I,HI' " (I ll 111\· 1 u ~ • \\• e tn,( orRII cHry word J ohn Ihn · Ih/\ judI"', Ic,de. H~"'j a new Irollbla f!llsul' d- IIIllI n st ron g m ll ~" l '. , · ' I.ciq rpl~l s~i I: g II :,1 \ cII ld i\" ~n , \ Oil \.is 11I '1~ II' r I,i n,il \". ·TI,i.: .1 .. 11'1, ' Istllched the bed clothes a roun d I11m at "u80't a biblo lU be fount! in the hole 18 lIe we illi In1l1ll , I I' ."' . nl" ,ut ", di r s' w<:i ~ty . It t' llu '()II C ~l 1\ tim e-o ne III II tillle.' cried Il i"h " , ... -tll' " ' ., " ,i I ·~i t wbilo ho "38 IIsleep, "nd tbra~ lJencllm plllell. I TI '0 u.I·rn IC, rnn~l e l '" "y "'111 . 1' , . . . I l u,h" 1I , ' is 0"1: of -m y nl ll bl wh:ll hl'-Q"Y. J O U!l /:: Dl:\11 lind IleL >lC ' ti l' . 1, l ill" l CU Ity wuz go t Rre ~tIOIlL!: , . ' ~ d h; m widlin RD ineh of his life. He I I l OYe r bJ N II \ (" I brill " f'I Y I·"d 'k .· AI \' ·' e 10:,' 1·" . IIl t! , I In ' I"I} Wl·Rk. m,' I ,1 "d ~ 0 ' \1 n" tntut I\" : m rn ~ Il ur CW 01 Il :':: • uurm nn)l! 1111 f b i ' ~\Jw you'!e fix,.,IIL. I IIuvAn . . ., I' Iflga of fc LIt le S1 rt'1111 II "I'I!II\~ d Lu IIn ve Jla d lie ' I, i. " ' II ,d IlIMIlI' II " VHQI OUt 4N . d tl .' I UIII II' " 10 '\• ou know my oplillon of f"IlI"I" sn l' L \0 powt:'l' 0 , eYer mID (.; . I . Ihe _I 1. , ':"i ce d,,'t " Oll\t' \Vu've (ix P.J il,' 111'1' Ilt fi rsl, lJ UL In Ie oat I1- \\' 11111 •S t I\I! III n nlnn M ,~ " bd J · ' l II , owelCr oft'l' lh os , , IiDu '\ sua lewcoa .. l II", d"". he r nlll llllH·d , 'j m u Inill- bd· Ci t I,.. Wtth OUl lt we hhould dl'~C II C I" dcro)nll1 , • youse uv IIny OAth he takes '? ' So lJe 1~.Sl; II~~' nu~ .• y b" ed Ih u d '''IJ I"lDiIl UII ij h ~r !ll. ~~l I 'r' ('1 1m up. lrp lJ !,. ,. to ~ 'I I" Ullt IInl mllcl,; (lll ~ Ol"rnin lIuz declared Preside nt. W IC ~ SU Th ere \\' IU uo COllrl that dllY· ull 11111'1 ,. I I~I" 0' 1'1 'I : " (' 11 \r il l-I1l ' ~' m": 1 _1 11111 1" , d,·ad.' l-l /lI e I,ke '"lltc~. TI,i~ ob ,e rvBUulI IIpP ree I \V I I .'':' I.) lit·s wilh le ll fol lI r"ree 10 " ou ll g men OOl t len proce~1I III 1 to or- SUIO IS Ivcr)"D0 .ftell tiC II"" IC. rU,1I 0 , . _ _. __ _ . _ . .-....-It iR rocorde d Ibat a 10"P pedlRr rl . T I'e J I d I!! . f\ ~ LI, " !I·, . II ez I d \ II ~tr~nn\ I iI (' IIII IJ\",d gan;.~O. II e rrqllcsl e d, SIC Wllh • hu : " lid <l103e who 010 In lLtl pllllHl Cl I lu we O-.t sec • III Ie I - ' . R . t> fl' • .,. ul k I I . never I I .1 I 11 111 J WIl8 ~~ce;l t!y !lAugh I at "'" dUring I " 11 . 1"1 11111111 , COIllIllI·•• ·IO . I ill ,"n r·t, "" Yl' II loI • W aVI10 0 1\11 . on ·1 ad tJ.-'-,I oot· ce nc' ll'e l11 " nhoo,L 1\ JO y A"rtillt re Jor,r, urneu In "U IIflH I, RO nil' n ' . 1 C~,.llllll UII Y f! os In t le IIrmy Uv tie \, uo· lllne '" 1 11 . l)..J I U db' l '" b If b'j I' ' ? 'Ik' 10 , d olont I I slorm, ,. I whuu hlted It I" . 'I" Ie " aliVe ' 1 ' 'llll(" iI,, lmse ' I I n f f hig ( d lO dler'I"ll'l' I ' 01 III 1:":1'.1 C {YUUI III. 'I lit e_ pu e 811 ~ It:1l ref! Y Q'II I 1&lI "e i li lc. 1 10 1 '~ I l\ry m,'o " "Li e 1\ s ,I ' 1\ "01. , blr . m, e em I lleal08 tep orer tlrCO pIlCC~ f ,. ' I''lII\ ' g ~ "' " . I. . t , II t . l '0 1. ' J""- l\1Ii1" ) .lO 0 1\8 o"n soap au d d WIIIU "'· IIJ\ r l1l·"I G'0. Mlckllllao, Duel, Fitzjoh n Porler,." I I e Hh,nl· I' Lo(,kll ll' at III' '' II Io11111..nd 1,,()fO llC, l ~lI n" o" S In n 'llkln a L' \.{I ''' ' l, 100 ull, dUd,·,t IS " n . m un I 'I'h esoap "plrllll" ~ I Y 8! ' " t1 ~ . 11I, h '5' I h:,v,! w" B hln ['"LD~e I Iaauore. cru ~I'~'l a til. 111\ :-'Ir. tilll,, ('y' ~ l svelcty (If 1o"lip ~. To n \' c,u ng m nn co nle ,~ ' d & Slocu m s..,p or . I em I \ve nc\'er IIttl n mlln In li ng mp l~ldlv~ \\'\':'YII'll 'ltl ~Lnr 1V0r~f )~:~ I Lho 810/Y mu~t haye lorer, 1101 I Will . d 'f I I I . I been ( ' r d' " mlLde from I('k Iwee' til " , 11 1111 <' , fll " t'd Ili Ol·" f .' n JI ~ noillng lij ~ o Import.llnl ns Il ~Plll ~ f trnn rep Ie ' some 4,000, . pari of '!\IlIom hnd held ~lIln ,~s II _caf\'fr'? Olg " lOll cltre I , 0 I . ' 0 E~ ' III II h' The verl8tron ~ I'Ie, _ '~ I; l!i rlll:lc'''' 1'J,lcell lh o o lllH Gil Ml' t;ur · jdC' \'Olioll (Ill'Xltl) his (;r elltol') to ~om .. do,- fli l In Ilrump tl qllllrtermaelera commiu iQna nud. who~~ m !lste nn"l 1.1,1118e. I' e~IL IILolh~ ',olili er I' ~D O lellTt" '[: - - accoullt ,llld lIey's ...---~11~uIJH d ~, nn.llit-k ill g hi . (nc(·. , flmiilh ltt woma n, whose iru nge mlly ·ou· urc,hlO "Aloe llope leu ( RI Y trln remrlln 81 l' n , .It mO , t tO I n ~om r(ldc nea; I ' Ii _.. neyer teHthe worhl whl\t cRnkHe d "i ~ <n·l1l~d . to pl1t IJlm on . ' dI 'f d I ' r l I nnc .blo 1 1 ~1l IUrnlng 0 ~ III! h"c~, Wllh Iln ;cupy " " .ellrl, • .,.., A WrI ,er, e s OT!' b'Ing f4.11·lon re the bllllle• ao n ~ulln IL ~Olll p o - b . houted out; 'I ~ Ry , lI il ', I.. nd us II MOlhe Ilome peRC d ? '1'1 t ' d' JU8tafo , t I I,.. <'x. l ) rc s~ II ' n 0 1 conn lennll ce ",Itlell I\lm us l l lulluU, whIch bl:an •r' eua lume,"~ h e S!llY tuem in Clte'lnu t III 18 , reng tl I. sets It Oil 1111 . Idll t \)1I\allce, bllt "bich 111111:1: did whti with sIron'" pR Y d " on 'I yc r" I've noL all arDl Y \ t 'PI -I d I II'a I·Y·· I h ' f Sid es . M A IIlan, sE ions , rcmJlin s SRld, ' C nm~ , cume. don , t Le do\V~- 1 r~".D , <> S ree., .0 II e PI, n •• oug , L!O c OO~le " . \\"1 U flS Idu.~ t after, IDd others who h"d "een chaste ' .he who rs. \ cootraC I., keenly 8l'n.ith •1 observe ' LI1I\L the prey"iii ag atyle 'e· , wilh hellrl (' d I \ 011 Rre Vl'l"y bllU, b\Jt)·o~ 11 11 nm,. ~_ose 'Illu I'!I\' d' b' . her weudllll ~ t:Oown'l for .. . . . . II8e lor emg 10 thll reRr, when rnllny "powers of IOdlg I u , tler uy,"nd .bye ' •• \ or Mr fl'M Lcr W'.3 blue. '1'1.Ie IlAla Ityl. of <.,urn eY!IL UI\a.lu tlat·" ellr nfltloo we , In hIm, g-e f 1: 1 th Olr leeperio ra d . d t ne tllng u I d '. . IJ aL leus t is Irue tl 8t ' f malrim D • I .' ony hils I '-"'l'bo follo .... ing ie gi.cn \U a' good hoops . h' (ront If pH (Oc l v un erB 00 111m, IIltre 0 lIoe Ib ~m I.'n clln b e· p~o,o ..I.e d ,lInu SllIce ere· I I' wbailln ab e d IDe 10 ma k 41 'hIt reS lrll," 1 Im I St: , I' I ' It' l no UKtl - 1.tl:lI .ou 1 slr811 its cues, cehbacy hAS O-.t., I i ,and 1\Iho . ~onlekently cOUIIldered aod forglve -tbese are Ihe b t" 00 pleasure._ A specime . n of .\' .e,slcrn e.oquen IIlron g mt'n, 1':181; " ce "nd 0 strVII IO \J, 'I)" •, 'A) Nen·tow n or mo re omiDoot loholor , wit: 'Wh ere II tlo ;i;n~;;-t Abh~bun war, "bic~ 'hey the IIpiritual hero\lIl.~Rtv. Po TV. BvlJ- ~~.e,,!, c;n~~n~ urope compllre,} \.0, A. . . ~~ ~~:n%flr:t:II~;_ prill;~' ml\y find 'eoj\l; llIeni in mere Itully; TI p~fove IIY, DO, how. ,erl,u ll . __ It i~ 1\ ~oo'ed~ quelll~n ':rll ~ • ,.' t 0 for I nm busy w ilh lh i. 1D1l0 of li~eral'y tRe, le CAn receive ,, !merica f N owherll . 'r~e1 er.lI.E~gl~D~ t len eveD alcer'-I oed 'be materia l ill Mietreu of •• Ihe . Ilea. fhe)1 11I818SIppi "bat malena l II bb'~' or · cO~dor D l lOU /lIU8 .g , or OOicerjn bis arlll! lIe ued aU ~hem k d . b k _( T . , When " Baltimo re lacly ill' ki ss- geo tl l.'man.' b t 1\ ako8 il aDd 1111 we've to db is to turnj". OI and cottoo The dog 100 e. ~t hi. 011 8 a POW!!l U I I\UIllfI efn, a a ~ho hed bin ill tbe ilenio~ eI priY&L~' r!: d u lind ~ e Miuiui i ihto tbe Mammo lh Gue reporL or a commil tee atname, .be say. ebe reela n~ tboug~ lI.he m".ster, lhen Rt me'ln d a illent COUll, Ihtn ~tI~lItl}. mha~d~:I\ hav~ ~ .!el~: :~~ri8b aJld ,,~d the ; ltep forard. 10OO() obeyed aael thl' " •• taking cbloror orm, Eo:lfsh naY1 willba and rem610~ 10' qUIU"li Ihe room. Ooulllle r. Iy fair setlled the qlle.~ioD . AI follo~l: . mOnl1 or 110 a C i t lbro~n . ".dellt ukell Lh~ lin' olle where be . tensib!s ulong III the ~I , C illa in tha lIlud' . <'pf ulion luLa, to r, Mr, (lorney waS a corpse. Be.~ bed·com forter, Kiea Ma'1 Harn.. sappor e rearlo.e n 0 aSe. •. . . --- - -. , . .
--- --
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U .. n I ( ,· d wi th H crl n old l , wh ich ~CE:' J to cl ea t I ( :l irllll I C 1111 \ \ Il "it' t\l"HY l) Ir;.PlI:<t'EO , lire 1 , \' " Suh~, l ilH I _ III ~ 1 LIH h , III \1 11\' ' I III lll11111\. Gt D. Gran' txpre ssee , ,Ie . or '" '" , c.,,": lse d iii. 1'1 cl IIglIl " cS by :lIll a ,II C "'r tl' cul,II ',O II I co , eu hI' i'!I II S I', 0" Ih "" '"lIlls ,·.1/1 ' '''8 '1 fr . •,' ." ,'U I' " ' I" , :', 211 1 . f I 'n I uJ) I ' I~ Ihl'oa l, 'lI:d left Ill S a I I I 1 g tlla~tho Decess lty o. m 'IID A:nln IHloIi cF . lillU lhosc "h n I llc l}' w e nt (o l~n Circlll""ij(' l\t I,~p. P, itt' , ::;; I I"" lull " ' 1 Il .. ~ IIIl,,,I,,,. 'a llioe'''l' I''' ' nl nl "· I,,,"' .. C L :::; lllcrn J (u ll nncl f'l' lft.· ct. ( t I' I I" . 1 111 1\1 \' \ ul tl".t .. ul II :I l p l" !) \'\ t t ~ I ) . 111 1 brof' e military orca ID l 0 OU II) !-' J.i l,R, h IH ' C n u l on')' Fl' l' n It " 0 n l JI{ o r ; l nr !lVI" 1 1\ , 'lT rz , I' ". "1,1 ,, ,11 Il"loII11!!. will lit, II , lit LJ, t Xl iII ":0. H. " , &»£J !l it . \I AI\ol ll': HS & (,,,. 1,," ,rI" " c . I I 11 St" les DO 10Dgor exis ts. lVII' es Ololv n ti le II1 0n ,' 1'111 111 ~ IlY 'l ulJ ~I'I'( ' I.I ...·O·I·.C... "" J ('I I'U I' ,\ I' n,' "IV Y"r\t . ,, ' I" ""', "I ~.7, II, Io , ,\ "",,,1' .t ., "" I. ' '''''I I H • ' 1' 't I • ' 1 : < • co,... a:.~. 01\ , "'1111-18, . :.." ,rll' I " I ",,, ,~ 1.';., 11. \ "I" "l';, ".111 "" I" "1 ,1 "I , ,,. , It is s taled I::aAt .ull.l IWI IA " is 01111 ' I,o w g ndh II ,e l\'ollJ bc lo w, ::: 11,' ! 1\ ._ _, :Su ld by 1) , \I!!!!!s,. ~.' "e rli lly . Iii ,1111 11101" ".I, ,d S;' 2:. I'" I.d"", . , I.. 'hlo ' "I " ted from l\ae Cat holic Sovcrigns, t (j lls ucco~siOIl of glll cH 11 5 tho,u fr om 0.,;' 0 ' A ('o,, :; h, Co ld, 0 1 i'ur(J ' ~' hl'UJ\I , \ :""'C ul 11I"1""i~'r\Hi; ;I.'II~';;·ln {(n JII :n", .1 .1 f Ill t' I' II: IS 1 ~1~I CI' J ,\'rr. ATT JU.:rI ON. ANI) 5;ICIttOK!!O 0.' 'OI · 'R'IIi. Po , I whom the .P .ope. 8e nu~ cus tomary bel' lill Janu nr}' . hu v() IWI OCCIIII l' U 1)1 , "~ lI uL" Ll\ nt: C HLI KF Il . ' I FA . LO\\ J 11 A ( l','tI . 1t ' IIl n" \\' 1III h•'" <,,11.,(.', Iv r I' ('tlr~ I .' "",1.1", ti'l'"'' ' ' ," .,,' I ' • _ Ch rlslmas f~h c lt:lt l o n8 . m n uy y~nrs , n Ul li S m llll)' fl~t n] C~ ' llltl I 'I u CII N'fI Nt:J:, [,,"" :-/,'rI' O'" n'''" llt)' , Pr p," ,IIII'" )) ,'1/11, ,_ i ' IIl;"n~ li"'l\Ibly, th e Iot' .t 'lI, tll ill eli " \\ '" I{ of Ih .. ki ud ill Ihe \\·olld ." I S11 awl-~, Irl'i llllinll 0 1 t h., I.UII ;;_. R Perll,nlll' lIl I 1111' I IIIII II' ' , 11',·, I. "I y,, "1 tr hlll i ",,1("1""" I"' Iy •• Neg roes lire beco ming t rollu Ieso me lics , 1· I \\ III, : l' r tl bC t;a lu? 01 1011 "ri ll!,! 1IIIIJlIIl . 1 'ln tLe Rod ltivc r P'll i' h, Louisi anll, T he ) P:l r 13G G is d csli nctll u form II ' Ihrul\l .\II.·('tlU l\ , IIrlllllllC;II II1U" II I I II 1/ ,(' ,r('"''' ' H fI. R:P E R ' S I 1 Ultlo{ l) ' H' U ~t! , -.,; !'<Itll1d I i t'll tn fl \\ 10 n"' (> , , 'fheyare reported to uave ri sen in nrm s c, lelira tu d t' I)f)('h III Ihc IIl1n a l, uf t!' !!1 t:l ,, " TEN TIll : 111:-'\: 111. "lI d dll " cllO)IIB I" r " "I I,II)e! .1 11~~ , . "'l\ oI.': : ~\I , aoti attempted to murde\' IIICJ· r over , ) ~ l elh\JJI > t (; hll r ..' 1o. i\. ce nlUIV I!:IS IIHO\\N'S BlttJ:,\UI L\J. 'tH(l(' lll:~ II' III ('(\ .V by I \I b,(' ' \o 1hc '" """""m.". Ih p .,, 1"'1'11'1';'. ( ' 1111,,11 ]\"",,, . ,,1' ,II<' P" •., , 1t'r·I~\' I" III1 ~.Hpr " u ~ . Tt seer. p n ~!'!c d fo: int'c l Lo in t r(l(lut: l IOl1 uf the ll u\'111~ fl fh:-l'cl I flfluCI l c c o n Iht' p :l ll l.: , l'~pCI I Cnco CUll UtJ:-!U uv ·illj dr ..... ~ ' l l !! It 1~ l i\ c lill ('\1I". t r\ I \I..!!'1111c u 1Ihefl" .r . !f~ " . I ' ll l1l f' ll lIl !~ r rli t! 1. F u rllrnnt'I IIl''', ! ' l l HI' I' n () ( ; Dt :N 11I\ " o I ' I " ,\ t r l l l d IlIlH l l l l d ll lq,:' IJ I Jul"Oll t pl\n ll ' II, An elltire fllmil )' /lve 10 num ber. III l e n ~:8 111 10 i\m (; IICII , nlHI l l, e gt llern glVo II I e . tI'I" ' .~ N , .' k "" .. II, " ",oil "",, .. Iv" , 111 ' 11'''-1''1; '''''1\,' . Iii" " , I 1 .1 I b 1 I A"I!illlll,'-"' tll rr l, UIl >tJntpllve(l I, , ""~ l !\ u. J J Chll ,"U CIS SI., c W I lfl · I "a,pt" " ~ h ",, ·,,"· - 1\1<111 ,11 " 1 l'I'ole"" "I , ErooklYll, bllvo been poisoned Ly tlit, Co n g r~s s h ks rl!SO \' Cu lo ee c rnte t Ie D, se n.",;, 'l'r llchl'~ IJ'C I"C" wJllo IIIW "l "1 ~ i J}' . \J" I III'U(('. ' b , f I fl ollr purcbnseo ot 11 C\'cn I by II CentenlJ lal JuLil etJ , Over · \ " "ou s ucce .s. ::llllgf'rS II IIU Public ::;pclIl(- --- -'1'1"'1" ",1 I"' l'ul." ~I Il lll hl.\ i,1 the \\ Od,I,- N. ~IEN'S us~ 0 m.lIs y . . , . f ' , 01 . " l ;r8 \\'i illilld Tr uc hes lI .el ,,1 ill c le'. ' "'!! I S'. ' U,\!\.H,.ln;oI",' IU f[:, Y,.r!. tlll ••. ", ,·,' lIelghbonng ,rooery. Olle blls died, tUl es " c ra mn d e 10 1\ r1 €n Y , PlIlt. , I , i c wh~n lul,ell ~ ~ro re 81 11 "111" u r i E\'e l\ ""illi g 1 1I ~y IIlId l!~ n ilellln llin Ih e l w •. ,,, ,,,I " ,I ' , III I,'r"" of. " h~I· l o II ,r I" c l, .. S I 'I I l ' t t ., . 1 Ie \ (J C , ~, " • J I ' I " ,11,,, ,,,,1 "",.1,,' 11",'$01 \1 '''1 ..... ~ I "~,, · • Cwo are atill dangerouily I'11 • nn d l Iit .InVllIn ,," out I<! rll 1\ H 10' I ~ S 0 JII III to l ' pPll klll J 111111 re'P II'IIlT' Ih e Ih rdal ui lN a ll U II :I~J ::;'".",; ';,'11 be,H 00 /11" 1 illi g v' ry , ", . " , I I ' ' 11 11,' "II,'ul ,IIII " ,.f ~. .., l ,lI ' l t - M l , \ \ l III, \ ' \ I I l U l lhil I; ~. I U'&l1IIl' remaining two are oonvelcscent, ti,!! c ~ ltb l ali\) n. But th tl d!: Il (J luinatlo ll 1111118'''.1 excniun 01 Ihe VII CII or.go ll o• T ~ c , 1111" II lo lh el r "dVlI lllllg(' hy f(' llIrn 1\1 '" \ "1,,,,'11 ,01100 " '1""_' " wl l,," I"'~'· """ 10 b e . 1 R biI' " L' ) l ' fft l(' IIt,! s n:-e r eCO l1 lm(,lltil' U Hlld p rcsc l 1:I L'd (I ICC 0 1 c tl nr/.! ll) uy UUtl re 'Hnn g: 1I1 e un t\p r- h"' I1 " 11 011 11 til till' I !t .. i(', li t h~h~ 11111' :.: t>lli I H l J\\ 'feDllyson has been pass ing 000 ')1 who U.UII~lg, llo <. ~ .,on. " p',u . I ~I ~.. uy Ph ,;"" ,,,"" , 11 1,,1 h,1I1' ""u 'I'tl8 tilll ll ll l.• I~ 1 " Ull " " , '1'''''' '' l"I " llI g f e" r~ ,,[ lll' :n;! I ,,"d ,u:.: "I ,,,, 01 11 1. v.. '1",11, Iff 1111 ... " ,k ,,. [D)1i\)rli\T(~ fi\ nod I ct uro cil scce r.RIOTl\s l s , n C' , Y decltnc lo Lc CO tHld r'O I11 CIH11J ('nt IH f? lIl hrO ll~hollt lh et.: UII II'l\ ' l h'lTllbl1!.:Uf' t~, wlil o b l i :,.! p hy 11 0 1 n l1 tH' "I~ I " 1l t V bl(1 l1e ' 11( IllI' (' " ll"!I ,tj.l l ' I IIP' I., . 1" ' .1 II I" ~~\.!J.I ~ lrlltU t -" o weeks I'n¥ L on"on, U .... ) l'' IH d .III1 \llh ll~ IHqlllf , '' II'''1I111 1 1t 11 1 In,I II b" ll ,II tl C IIII' St'lunul I. A II I)IIt .. r~ wli l p ,lt'n:, c" 1\lh{ ' '''t'!tf 1"",,, 1! Il Il e n " f Ih e Ih .. j l \fT llIl nni c ll' iJf trw"' m ~ rlt , dud 1 1l! \,1 11.! \ tlt l ~ r.,lr d ,,,,,( 0,,111 ". ''' I'.' 111 I'"):"" I l ~H , '" YesterJoJlothoI sleo fWi gh t. 'rll e re Rlcu)}, Ie / 1I1Jl(.'d th(, lr (fli~ 'I(: y by n !P S \ 1\ ( 1: !ll llll\> I th eir o b c d !~ n t f"f\ f\" u lt , Ill l ll h , r, n l' I" I, P,lIkh 1.\ ,JI " Iluc ld \\1l1h ~ (HI(I i S 80mo proba hili Ly lh nt ho wil l, in Nor lh . H o wev e r, as II cum p,. lI sll lIO II, Vl""'. r ",11 ye,", li",I . th ~1Il ill n elV 1"1'1111' : 'I'1l 0!-1 F. C II I\ P~I A~ , 1" " , .. , "11 1_ ,,,,, 1 ,1 ",,,d,, ,I, , '" ,,,.1 , 110., 1M') ti le :!i I y, 8 ;11 II ru:, dl\ II)" !\II'W \ ", Ic. '" "" hi, ,. " d . 1•• "' " '' 1" ,, 1"" '1,11'" '1 "" ' '' ''1.', A pn'1 next, como t 0 fpen d Be ve 1III Iho \ ' 1\1 iU II S b ronches of the ~ c c t in II C~ in "" ri" \1 ~ 1" " 1" "I Ille lI'ur ld , "".1 CALL AND SE.E. .,1,1, I ,d t d n tlh the 1.. ,. 1 II ,11 11 " ~ I) t ti ll tI ,rll pot., I Ila\' e slg nl' 110 ' d I IIr tr .,n! en I Io n 10 L'r nc lt e:-; h r p IIrl l \ pr «ll1l y lIIUll01111C ( ' u.1 l 't..:tll' l ~ C..n a ,ul' Illonthallero. , 01 Ill "" ~ " " II " .. q '" 110,01, .. , ", ,,," l',,,, ,, I tlllll1 ol l"' r "I'll' '. , r'Il ....', t"'U t; S ..~ tl1"ll " I " n' .",' I "" "" , f I lui",,,, • " u ,oIe ,,, I J IH' e 3-1 11' I, ' I.• I" .... u c"~.~ t ~'. La Frallce dcnies that tho French Illke IHlr l iu th e ovati c,n , 'e w. r I O 'II · ! 1I ,1:1I11 OIIlV ,'"\\,,, " I', r'lIle Ili' n I 'I' r,,· \"" OIl" " I ,." ,' UI,' , 1"" ''''' . Ll y , nl'e 1I"'f1 IC Il ,a t t be gr im wl"c h h ~ ~ rI,r,.' ",,,I ,/ 1: " ,,1 I ,d,, · "11\' 1'1 the \\ 11' ." . ~l u: \ 1, 1l'1 11)j\.-; - l";r, MillisterllttVasiling ton Ihre alened 10 . 1 I f ~ I ' 1 ' '''~I II'';:oI:' ''ldl l ''II II''')' bc''',!rP.T~II , 1'I"' i'IIIo ,. I,. " I ''''' I"" ,, !.. I, ' 1. " ", .1 lellvo tlle re if tbe .F"d eral C'rovernmcnl ~ Pllll1 g Ili in a C IUI C I \l'n , II > Inl/, " II , ::; ,: <.1 "1"1\'" 1, , 1'1' II , I I, ~ l ' I,' l~tI R'III '" J'.J • l) .. "" oJ,,~ ,,' "I", It ' '' "1 f'II" ' "1'1'" II I" "I,,~ '''I' I. J I\urez G o, e rl1 - cd II I Am t t l CH Lv- Ph dq' ·' Etllbul'y Ilf! d ', Inil III F''' ll ~ 0! II (vUJI\I.L' $ . lIl3j ,CPll h }I f' \ n ·(~ t:. C·~ t.H; , sent 1\ ~I w\Dl' ster to tue ' " ,, 1 \ \ I , I\ I\ ) q 'd 'l 'I I} It Il 11& 11'01 I \"1\' Iq·.~j , " \. t I..l ., R. pnU;ft, tl}' r \ Mnr lliR I l l' l'~, fI·M ()t lll' rill l " Il I' I.', Ii", !H. ll . "'1,, 11" ":""""" "" ,11, I, """l lill " h " A.R 'Mr.Rlt ITT. I, h i d ment or tuat e la seu 0 ' ran ce 01 lin")', 'l'lI'\\I' ''', l y "11,1 \\ 1" 'I,ly. " II' 011""",, . . 1n AII " \I ~ t. l\. GV, II ball J o f C,· llC· 11: 0 \ I"; '1'111: r;!.uob . '\ ' II " I' • ''' "' 1I1 ;"1'J" ' " \11" I."'" I' :.I , j. • Instrucllons, '. 'I' 1 JI I\\t Ctl i' Y() III ( f <Ir lll I ' ~, . !\\ \ e n!. ,,,' "..,.,,f ,1 "I . , i1i _htl' \'.g."IOllllilS III'IH: t1'Il\ ".'< Ow \. III,I T ile l" 'II I\""~)'"I'",ll' i''''S 't 1H' II "1111 '1lIlh ,., " I~ ., " ,I I, 1''' ''' , 1"1, ,' . ,," ,., " ,." , Thomas C!lt\:yle comp\o\ed Ili a GOlh , . I f II _ " ," ,'I~", e \ll, I,,, ,,, illl ll " " ~ VI~,)r" • h nm B"I" If: ~l\I o . 1 l! ' C~ Tl da ll l~ l' II Inc" ~ ~. I I I 'II" ( ' , - Trll"" ~" "'~ I\ ~ 11.1 11 ." , '. \\' 1" kl l . nilT on the 4tll inat. 110 oined wiil , I "I I tI <, lr" ,, " I" , ' "J n,' w Ii i., 11111' ."e ",hol~ s~. 'I'lo p H'~ V "' , I ~. II'",,, ,,! I",' ( II' " ., . ,. -. , . '1' . K .. TAIL DE ALBas l~ v f (, ('I rn Ii lQ 1'1 ~ ~ F II " J) r'"I"' r ... "I , n riP, :;)' . ('It r ill !! {' I rl tl r llil Il f " p lj. 1. ld '0 ! I I" Pll 'J I'I ' \' ti l t I ,. ' ,\ ,'f'it\. ll l ~ff~ S' I" n il \\' c~ " 1II 1 1r: ~ l t l -I" ' \\ 10 W el'e .11r11ts \ ~ \ \ 'I n p. t v ,~ m. I IlIr Ilfld " , II·.C l it' 1I 111m(l ~ I n Itt"' ;' I ('Illt h 1111 l ilt', '10m- II'lerary frl' e n ~'B on th nt cl ay v U ' l l iClSO \l l il ofllcl 'Il ' II,11l o ld ~ 1 to 1m U , ,, ,tl llI,,,~ ~ II I.d,! \V, ' "kllt,·,, ,"I(',,II"" ' ''"' " ''' II ('(' t)I~ '' 1\1 "" ,, 01 II ' " () Ir llp , '1 11 I. ' '1 • exec II C D t hea lib. I t l' S no t i"e f ' :;f.I, t l t',," It fit t ' ~~( ·'hH: I •.. ,. j ""s .n I 1) , b ~ ' ll Cl lll' '. "I h lJ lI"::!l)t1~ It 'IVI' bf'e ll rh:l.lJ !,!pd tdl\' til l I l ' U:i I" :! 1I ~'~ :,:1 \ e 11 4 (' 1!lI I /d, ' IH'" 1 \ \ I If' " r ,,1 u .... t XI" . r: toI \oJ U ,. . . .. , lulc -t l\lIll , 111 III J' . I I " I 1'"1" 1",·." ' t.r /Ji" ), j p"r " ,, 1,",,1' b u\Gcorao Oarlyle, wlto il nl cditcti th e pe ti e t he IIl lil e I of bv III('II -C " I ' I." HI ~ ""10 rr"" , WI'll I" Illn l ,"'r ,·I1" I'" III IIl, ' e' " '''''''III , b, ' II' I ' 'I -,I ' ('1 11 .. Ge J'llJ lln .y , The t\l\ A~C sny~ . ' 1111111 pl O . I I I I ,, '., 1""" 1111", 1\' 11 '0,1 I" - IUIo ' ,,", ,). , u , ne\v coll ect icn o flrviD~ '8WOr l{s. " 'l I, ly , ,..\l I I " " ';.! t l \ HiU I f'H , t o f> 11 j)1 1 ~ ' , \l tI' r t"l: "f:ill r t!upp l l:CI ,dt l l \'tl l! I\: a I IP ~ ~ t S l'~ f "" r l" " .!; !! " [)S\';\; 11 ~ , l ' v '11 H I II . p L' ~t CHEMICALS: poses l,uL Gnu Ji ' l'f' ~ " s " Ihn _, lill i" I" ,,1 1111 111101 I" ' I'!,'J " 't' ll "' "l I\u llle". 1'1110'" ' " ~' • I The London Times, in nn e ti itori l\1 on 1 " .U II" I ' i' '" I'pllil': «' II' 1\, ,II l "~ P ,,"I , Ihe !' 111 ;0. ,I Cllur,n 1) 1 1' ,1101 , A" lo ll' ~ LE AD, J(1I1~ -,OUI~ 1·1 I, I"riC, =", I l'l' l 11 ,," 1,., or Ii IIIr ~~ I th e 1" " i'lI,,1 1I'1i1 C"" ''' ''IO' I.. I,,' (' ''' _' .'C IlI .11 11,\I ' H ('Ell & Il R OT :Mexican affain , ar "' u~s thnt Nnp()l(!o ll th1 oug ht I theI wicl(ed I I " II ER8 \' ,I \ OlL, " t HI t W 11' 11 Ie (I o, e I ll' 1""' 1' rCMan l, ,J , I', I)j N S~IOI{E, Iy 1111 ,1 ""' '' '''H: Y III r .1 ", <;,'I. SIIIII I" ", 101 .. 1 '''' "1,1 ," Sq"" , e, ,,,'\I' II r ' . V .ARNI S})~, will probl\bly withdraw, s()oner or IlL ' fI O lllth ~ IJ' humb le I,U J1H's I, ,, \V IIS hell' :V; lIey Slrf'CI, New \' "rI( 110 \1 1, II,V II, lind I.. 110 " "\Ill will Ie"" nil I rLl ~ H Il\' ''' )\' I I ter, I\n~ urges .Americn , for th e inte r ing to " ,,, I. 0111 th l' DlPt~ I I" II S II I)), S('( N,.! J Io v nl'll ~!l: I . tA I,! enc rlll ly. It) 3, n pIIs" bl p. 11111 tu fI ,c AoI llll ll i,I, nllll l1 111' ('- FJ\8111 U~,A u ~ IlJ 'J 1, j~I'1. ~ eal or all cOllcerlled,' to qui et ly' f\wrliL , I' J " , I C S LI\~ :I"h , "!! Ihe !! J V, 1111111'11 :5 IJ r 11o C' 1'11 1' 1 . , IUVI "IlI'C , .:1111 IIl Sic,11I of c, ",llIng At. I1 ; ~ ·II'S '':or}~N'.' I~ I), : rt' ~ " "I 11 I1 >::; I"" ' SO llij '" l1 \1dll nd Ni '"I "il le REMOVAL &he result and ab stllin froru 1DCO U s l ~ t e llt I ,llit ollJ:vX IUUS doc'l ines , I:e If llS rl" ' plI' • IlAl"':l' VAR'TISH T u .·: 11 ortze Cc rtlllC't\I" [u r I b,I, I', 11<,1 IU'!!" III" !! th ai '1" 1" .. ,111 ' s 011(' 1" ' .." ,~ . i t:rpressioDs on Ihe s ubj ect. I illig . IlllS'l"n, .. ( I 1 I ul II,,' ""' lIle,1 C '''" P~. 0,"1 tI,"1 liP"" I l ~ I '1\J7 J' t ,~~,\ r;~ o ' , r 1I1~"1~() '~)17" lIl cS to) go ul l , alII 11I 'lI e" I J (\; ~ J ~ l ' ,' l, l~~ ." 1 ' 1 I. • . , I' I II I ' "'!~ _ "-"...... liJ Ll~.r;\.~ oJ. 7
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lho M,litary Commlt\ee~
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-.----- -UII . II. A l'i\lI . It~' IOul'I': \ .""II . Il, ". ,,', ,, ! "el lI lI ~ "1' ,1 " , ., " Jl I I" >lIl'l, II. oI " ,II, ' ( on bet ~een SpBl1l IIlld CIJlh. I tl 1, 0 f W. ft)"Il _n , ~I 0 . ~ ,,,, ,11, I . I,,, ,, I "'," I " "1'1 ,1" , "". J, " - J flsr er [1 • \\rI\,vor .. I I ' " I t, l ' "" , rn l ,'r )' Afi,I : !!",," " 1" "01''''''''1 , 1W • ~ 1 k . I I lo, t III; vOI ce Illlee ),e!H s Il ~ O w 11l11. ' 1 III ' III .. I1IU\ .' IIIUt1C"", 1i II",II. " 'C 01 \V " I.·', .I".,,,. rhcl 'II-IMl!f'O Il ' 1!IIIH· I ·'4 \\ t, I\ l r l ..... j)tl ' II ~ . Gen , Grfln l proposes 10 i n c l en ~c tl , •h I I,. , , lit I C\Plf U)\lIg (;Xc lrt :,C II S aung. W i l ~O\l ... It ~" . H ' \ Jlh II lIlU :-' ( IJ ~ 1'1.11 11 ul t ie &\1 1.; 1 Regular Army to 5U,UOO, Th c Ilill IS lli e nrm", l ec ,\' (-Jed it f\ f~ w nys'lIl1'I' , vl>, 1 Wllh ou' II ::l"I\"' III ' '\'10 ,' 111 0< ' 1',,\\. 1,,;. I., jIHc. il\ 1\ .in" ,· 'ullu wily. \\, 1,'" ni r.g flJl . <,,[,,1 \ 1\"I 'Z '"e! "II" 1I1 "" ,.1 r" ,:",ulI ve , IT !!\I'-; : 01 le~ \' of gr>lll!i~ous col t! 1/1\\11': no~ n . I ,10 '· II "'1" " ..\" \. 'I, $1 10 " "0 tIl e Ill\n u" s of the Chllirma , I 1\'01 lias 13OlCI\,j I.u('c n Wit \ IOU, III"'l " ' r l, llat ~ n m ~e , In \ , >lrr 10 l' fO ' IIIIU \\' 1\ ~,· ,,, tlll,,,:-;,, II· 1'1 ,If!IIII' , I ' " 1,"",0 ,~, h . , " II" .'''''' ' " . n ~ , , I "~ln""''' I'''O I'III'' '' I I\I' \\ H~lv'''' ~I,, ~ · 10
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,'1\ J"MorIR;;;-IOry 0(' tlW lfllltTI Vl!S, \ • ,)' lIlI l! .' . ---t ~ Th r \1"d(,fI~l!nl'd hll d ni! been rcetored "Thr b",I. ('hcn llehl, !'Ddtbm ')Ull ·1'Uu~~;.8c , ::rl)" Illt'atl\I' ~ ,. b . 1,1, I II "'Hllli\)' )'I\per III • \t). " ,l. ~ __ XEW-¥OIlK. 60 DIII 10 h,-. ll h in II lil lY W~C~ ~ • .v 0 very I!I'" ~' . \ ___ -_ ~.---.-~~,..,..~ ~ ~.-~ fCl r ~ :lIIin II", imm on e blildlllg noW remt',ly . N(t tlr hUVII1!! .. ufr~re" sev.Hlfl l JI,\ltltl~lC'S " 'EE.'L"l : / Wa ••••• l1111 , O hio: W eh llve h lldacult!s nsp. Jack Wnhoo & hHlI! llfi.'c t lll n, IX.'- I)II) !.\' It.Ll':'TH,\ '/'EU , \ Frost hn vin r (or long bllttlcJ WI lh the of f., If ]' utlllck', :,"nn f'1i Iha t d,eOlI U "ll'a~c . CI1 I1' \',lOpl 'Un-l., "J"x _ I ' \l'f'I~' " uTI f ' II\' 'f\l~: ril LS., .1 6 1".11' t lUll loJ 1II 11he kH lI I\'n til IllS fellow su i ~ r· II I~ Utli. wr.O~ESDA.Y, J .":O;I '.4nY_ ~ "f.. , J 00 • I I, f II ' ntlJl'r fur 6UprCtllAry, LJlJ\llll I' s11(.1111 ~ " '16 58 IIU. IIn U. '1'1 " I 1'11,,01 f'hl w,. I' U IJI.t.1 ' '" '" V~, _~ ~..........--.~-~ -C CI Ii 0 10 wc Jl lIt,r" ' 'I" . · , , r nlJ ' <' r~ Ihe . 11(':1110 " I ~urr. ' ,L " ,. ' I\' I "'1\1011 ,\ u l e lli , ,. s· I I I~"~ won th o dn\' nnd he "'!IS d e - 1'llir,1 ~lr'Jel, fll r the purpo&e U ',,', Tu 011 \\' hh ur",'€' i', h e lI'ill ~"lJd I ccl, "'I·Io··~I' \\"1"' 1",.,, 1 OIIl"" UIII.')'-fOIll ' J, IU )/OS .to I , DREW SW1;TK, En n oa . \ 12S 1\ '. " I b \' crLI.,,, it inlo n fir. t clllss bo(,' J. c ro l'Y 01 the jlrl'scri l'li tl " » ~l' '' «(rve 0: , '1 ,,~' ''''II ~I 7',., 1",,1(11' "I' .,f 0" ;\,,""'11'"" loi ns, M. Al 1'OIIO, tilll'l"Y I) IlK . AS ISTAST' l termi nt!d [0 celebrate I I I y n lire "lad 10 know Ih a t Ih crc ,..em' to be C"tlr j! l' ) wilh Ih e f'J r flrcl," r · 1.11,\0 t 'I': 1" 1" li,,,,,r', \\ I," ,~-/, ...........---""""-'·Jubelow.' 11 "'>I S A \'P rlIR SIIIIP, OI'lI" U ~ IlI O " 1l ill illM dire Ction III ill" u<ill!! th e ~'II;lr. \l' hi "11 IIIP), wi ll : ,~,''t'''I '~ ,,~ :: I;" II' 1,,1. , "A. ,Io,,,'u,,t ul l 'llIfj ~-;:. II,· • • • • • • - - - - - NO . II\, ll,c t!tClIlloll ete ' SIQod Oil Mo" d" y , II .~ ' " , '1'1 " il i. h i" h limo LU lI l uur li ,~J n F \lrC rlII(' lu, t"a.uuIl'l lul', .\ . lllIl\ n, , ., Hu,, : '- .\ . \, I. I' ~"'I> I ",I. . 1 . , 1' 1, lo, 1 • • , U ' " r ' , ' II & '1'1 (I ' • r . I" ..wil III" b" . l " u tll,I< N" as:: in tile 'I l' ilL J5l)l·luwz'.' ro,anu III t ht: c'i l ll. l 'll ~I I1J u : d Ltc l.Jlno n !i \' O 0 Lhl! al' t Uru1\ Cllltls,L"ug!tft . Lotil. ,~ l ac ,"' Ttl l'" '_ jl ~r\1I111: "1I l rn r u; h ,llIml',I'I'" GBNERAL NEWS ' I' " .' ( b lilll III IA I "!' Ivubjecl<II'1I(.'lIlht'rli,er l " ~I'III ' "~ II!' nUlI U'U r• ,I''''' ' ' kl I 1l11" " Il k" • IrurHl,h sI Jl C l 9 • tue mc: rclIlY W "ti .uol I~"~ t l:iIl C llln!l 1 11S1:~l'pl) l ll:' O~'~Cliu n ~c l',e srr lpl ill n bl"I"'lIdilll,,'n lllll'l"oi,O l1 d ," 1 "1 11'" 1:'' ' 1 ~\"\:I I.f, ': I '~:::'Ul'Oll" I'''';U'I : " : f ' Ji ll) i, <1', C',,,1 ," r" , nl'lliClll \\ I,ll'" lie n'III" ''' ''~ '~. ~,.~~ :;'''~',,'(I::'I'"I1'~ 1' 0 '1 . Tl e ord er mustering ou l RII \lolun· .'g l,t e, f. (lJI.!lluncs. wh tl. t Slllrll l,lllg t: 11I~ S In IIOl l·ld.,. ' I I~ I ! " rn n - cc lu 1111': uttl , 111l.: ,. tl l ,,, ' I I tl I I' ,' ~ "V 1 I II " U I III . ' 10) (' 11 fru m Ih ~ rn nin Ih,)r' IIf' Iliv a IIU' ('; nl" 1"1 !I f, p''S P il ; 'A """' II!, ill ,.tll ho,,'" If" .J>' I I ops in VirginiA hBs been C(JUII ' lhc ir ~Jilll;illg fc cl , Ll lj wln ~ nn 11I1,.; .,nl! I' . I ce r ro I I . I III' II" ' , I p,ur \I III Ir)' 1118 n'm ,), "" 11 " rlO:- I""" ''1 '1 \ crD3anl lct!, 6J1bCI~, Iuld a s IIII' Y brush" 1 I Ie C'} ~ ':II!!hlll l l' . ,l3 ~'i .J .. ~ , w e 1)f~'UU~c I la\ 111£'111 II n lllill~. nllil n\ UV pr o\'\! n t.lh' S~il:~. 'I. I' ", ,, ''' ,. ~ I.n,li ,,~ 1'11 111"',,1 ",."11" . 1." ,,, ' . ').T Y k IItR til l UI " P f, ol11 \ e lY bluu uoses , Ih nt It l'. \\'. ill lll, \\1111101 Ilot d l ~po ~e ~, ( ! , l' utlll' S WI _tll l'l! \III} JlII'SCrtI'IIO Ii \11 11 .. 111" ",01,.1 ul Ih~ ""I '"'' ' - (l ".Il ' " Ir,,,,lIur. II .A pples lire sc !O rr 10 . ' ow 01 I .J L '11,1'11 " [ II I wns t hc 6e ll' re . I JIl Y whi ch hn s brC: JI " ilh llil g l cll t III ucc mco, 8. pi,;,,'"1111,1,,,,.. . " N j ~tJll$Cn ll ' I IU ,"" - J HI:. r~ TcduC lioD of 60 per cent. (om IC pr : . ' II, bu s illc s~ is l)I'c ,lIllill " nile UrUI'I ' II! IlI llg' H Ev. E\)WA I~J) A , \\ 11.:"0 1 , I I .J • of la< 'N'o vemb,' r , I felL fo r ll,lIly · Ij\·o l eall e- ll ot 611IC U .e ," 111.'" 0", 1 11" ,\' c,,~ld not ,~~II SC' CU IC \\' dl'.n I\l81"I'~I" I ')' 1... P"I.Io.I,,'TS loti" r""" loti II .,.I,," " CC" ~~ ... I U III . !II I ' I,), \\ It II It \lit .' " UII l"tlP I. l.' lla,. i\l, ' ''';H"tI I .. 1" ICll t fill.! uf 1f3:3 0 . nUL Ih er<' 18 11 0t ,. h() tJ lo~ 1.I'eIVh,'rc 6tJf1ic lc nlly IIIr "c fOI l\lng- (; ..1\111'\' , ~ '1 I I 1\ f" \\'1". d. "" . I.. . I. 'l 'here are rDmora t I1111 pe r- c·) 15 nuo u '" d I I ' " 'I D llil' ''' \ ", k. ,,1 ,,1 II .·". Y "l v"'l ,I.' ':." ' I ,.."", ,I" ,,,rIO " 1 .1'1' 1,0" wlillollt nn nil It OIC, 80 L 10 Ice I. IIl1ifll'1l5e ltu ,, " es~ . \ I S-3m. ' ''''1,' I'" 11"," 1""" ,,111 "I. ,.. 1.·, .1 '
-----:--=-===-==-. Z7 'fhe G zcll~ &11),8 w;re crcdl' Editorial ' lI4laoellaJiy bl . f ro~d th~ ~ 1I(','uliali 8 lifO on - Joo , J J, '6' 6, (oa y In or. • ~ . )' t b of /lur I Iiding ICII.pIUllsts
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LAsLFridllY nigllt the wire o f J o), n tht' lll 0\('1' 'I va st C') nll ll ~ n~. "I' llte II ! L uulcb' J el>o i, y, D i n lll \l lltllllll l!~, ' i,,':':01I I1'" II ! Iil e III v , ~ ~ lI " \ j"g r" rIlC,\, C'11 he. ~1"lillel Y E, . Ruesmaul,o{ Caldwell, N. J" ar osa pClmlll' cnt cilurc!twollltl ll ll se . I p'''", e lt· , 1/"",,, ",,, ul P "p" lnr 1,.,I "c"I ' On,I I, r . ~t' lob li " llIl',c ll t"\ th c DO~ ·· ActS,' ·1 1 I I Ib 0 11 (; u ( I O, :'i J. \ ." ,",' I ., ' \\ I ' 1. I"'"d" r'oI l>! or( J(1I. 11 Ih eI 1111 ... ...~ f fom \101' bOu, W lere ~ Ie 11\( ec n con ' t II! g l ~ "t VI a to r s 0 r II IC T"cO · II : ,. I u,,",I,y 1\1 I I' 11 1,,1'\ ,, I" I ' N ,VI. eCfrre r of Mai n & Tyl er st s . fi J . b 'I I I' b I C (,I, D C ' r l!'u r aliI' nrtic le ,] ri1\\ .1. !l elali P, i"c [10m r l llV C'" C' ,' ~S " I It· I" "," ' : • '. ,,," , I ll . IUl l II, I. IIrnmlll g . , $ 10 III "" j U I v"" ,, ,, ; .'"'rI PIII P. """ l ' Ol' •• ' UII ", \\11 1 \Vull loJllI [l' nnI IC ' nll ln t' rOn s pnlrn ll Hn nd ne eom e lime y 11Iosg,clm c. t o Ullin 'I lholic S~SH PUTTY, tho lummit of the mounl ni II. fl om II is j lISt dend , ullil Iile COl pse, IUb t! u III I All G d \V .. - t G ' \ cacl , rec e Ive I h C IT prop er . IIIIIe 01 nlI Cn· I li d' jil lh h(' 11,"1 .,iI,' IH Prr P!I'l' oJ Iu UU Illl whioh ahe ",alked off, 'She ,ll\ Q oi .· "nIlUt'llla (I f • fIC" I'lI(J tn I 1'lIlp le wa ~ CIII" 00 s. arran e enUlne. Ii, .." , . . , d l(,.t lll" Il .II A"I' :lJ, lh" ..,.y , bll ell a~ TRUSSES, . . " . ' ['lic l' "I r..' rtd ll'nlps:li c[' '' ls rn,h. LiIJ- 1 r llc (' III <lC". ' reA '!," !! rnr ' h e 1"'"'11 \ BLEAC III ~ (; :::UPP ORTER~. covere tl ,R ttllo loot lnbcrolghl clo lhes , ' ll cd (' n blOll d ll ) \lllh g l~tll l cr l ~ m on:- , CIlt1I' f(' "\lII II~S 011<1 C"""J1 I>;I" " l e lh <' LI.', I." " Ul\i ' l', lh e S I,,, ,,, Ill e Fll rll ', 1 I ' L\~;-'i' i x o . froz oll 10 oellth. 110 ~t . SI I' l'h"II'S ('hul ch , uf wh ic h Lt" ,d lu\\ ,'," 10 I\gC' Io lS, I II lid ~ I '" 1. "U lI llIl g It UU lIl, wlil ~ \J l" ulJd 111 1 '1'illi\lM 1::\0 ci.I SHOULDEP... ERAOES .
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own a p!ltenL reCEntly &ecIJlell, by IcomnH" lda !IUII 11 11(1 fOI I\J l1C I:; 11I ~ fll cl' . ( 'UU l<> IIIlI IHi tlll . ~ .'I' o'ula, 11:11('11- "',,I '''111 1.., d, ·,iI ... r i( ,' "p ' " ~ II' C'II 111111' "". 'J' I I I I I Y •. I I lr,I',11j\1Tmt lli1Wnr® ~ rT'lm~, I III:tii""nl , Ac. 1 (1 11 o r I I e j lu f' rll pu tl O l l/J f' e H' r e · ~ ~J~ ~ LUI ~ ~ £\.~\\.I Ll - ~ , . , monos of which i, expec ls to mannf'I"-- '1'1, (, n lll iull Lc!.!, " ~ to Ill e u ( 1")111 " 111 111 1 " "J "f ~ h e ,';x"I' " " I1I III1 'Il .,f II,f" """ IIt' 1 1" I.. ro'PI li ",,,,.,,1(' 11 MIS" T prry hop"S he r r .• ' . bl I I . . ' ~ II, ::l' III I111 &. ell, ~ 1"' l1ll1l1e ~I ~ I II C ""I I '"l c~ III 1'1'"11,, ,'1' j\I",ch"llol ,." ,",,1S llIell , I' 1 . I tllre durllb 1e, uCI!Ir8 e, nn( Wllle l P1Uof \Il 'III"tTlOI\l ,,1 ad\,~ lI t uI I' I S , \\ l." se JlI'J U C "d 1. IY" , V Ir. 1,:1'; l:r' l l' d h) Iwr 'III' I '1 '1 ' I 'or I I" I' ' , I or" II III I , !' " " ,, llInl ('1'( '·"V'"S l .. r ,'n sc \\11 ~ n s ore l ' t • • II . t_l~ n \ 11 rOlf'tl ! 11 _ It I fl. f'n ll l lll1IU I1 ( 't;J o f the ~ nnl e . Ji)} [ii) paper hnls or !lny (orin lIu d colul'f IlL 0 I g allcu IS n pOO l' ad t,1l Iu 11 0 1I , (,"lll o , fUI \ CM_ I XPCIIClll" ' , lh e 1111 " <\ v alu 'I ~ltl , e lll- IlI lI y re' I' ,,!' L"" .1111 1 'I leleorr :o " llIr "'"lIlJllIrV \\ II 0 II I" 2 Ir irli , i I I . I I . 1) flf'e V Ie, cl., t )· In cost of 0 to 25 cen ts a lJitce. 1 1''' lIc" CI" i.II.,n i, ' Hi d " " l III 1111 It' ,III ) '" Y II I li S'" "" 11' 10 , t' II rllTl'. I .c .1 ,5",, ",',11 "I II,e j) " " ,!.'~ ,,( 1""' Vr" "< wil l h., 1",",,1 ____ _ _ _ ___ .. _ _ ____ _ . , . i ' I !,.!' , \ I'tl f'i tll ' ll ~tl l ;'lJd 11 1 .. 1& tl) 11 )1 ' pnllf'lIt I II (H lr (l dH I I! II .... 1\ 1:-'11, II'l' L,t ,· . . t rll r t~!~ 11 'lUI' HAIR-OILS, An affray occurred III tVdmlD g ton, (1I IId:; III II I ] ntl" ,; L'H UI.t' I ~, IInJ l.C' \\ lIrr ,)II ', 'd I'"T<' ""d 111:"1,, {" 'III l-', ... h Li- ' '' ,,,I j) " " I">lI(' 1\0\\,111 11 1 t :O ll U" 0 ul"""d .LY.L. Clinton county. on Tu es uay nig h l. be· , lIIllUds II Il be , nl £l ilt [IL 11 ,(' IIIII d8 nf ,,,'s ::; ,, 111 !.y J)r ll~'~I.1S ~""P1'~' "I" , IJy 1,'l t' g l."", ", .. 1 )\",, 1. A twee n a young mon of lli e vlil n:;e r1n J J\!/I.:..r Htlll , (n )' 11. ,· h" " i1 /' I) f I I I ~ 11 11:· , , I I) 1I 1, , ",)I.I~ ,'i: ' :" \ '11' .: Et ~1 ~ I tnl,I'! 11'~I" tl nf illfurmin![ , AUl b t;b . , / I • 1 CLe m l" S 11Ill ll1k!!.!I :- t ,.. , Nt: w \ L· lle )\ I\rJ. \~ l\1" UX\'X 1, I H ! H"'L\ L. i.e. 1.1 111 \ " I IIIl1.el1' ) I 1 Il negro , which filially rc~ u l le u 11\ n "" ('e , '\ "'I1II1,llI lc, L \11 Du d lJ , Ill' " Co ' I :<-" (j I ~ 11111 , II' plllo lJ{' l-:fl Il Cr- 1 ,l
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sLot berng fired from n pl ~ I (j I , tile bail , " ' " Je l\ll s liCit :lIltl III I ,I 0 11111 5 ) " tl i llfill 25 Cents tQ Save 2 5 D?ll~rn, -I ,~ U ; ::I1~ 1 " "II I'. ~ :! ., I " ' UI,I It , ~ U(' . : or lOr bIlSHI .... I,) 1/11' slnl,,1 (unll nrl), ',c"\ljJlC" 1 taking effect in th o tLi gh of \V illi .lln 13 bl lll,' , wLlclt U( Illenl $t lvc . wl) l1l ,1 f'" 111 \1 "1: ":""1" .C "',"I' " I.'U ' ~~ ,~ '~ "Zl ll(, r p- , II,,· I,';I" " " ,! r", llIl' r ,1 rJl I,'" 10 I·i,ll<,: III I, \, tIlrs . Th lllllOS n R 0 Frol\{) ~ 1 1lI'!, I A we li -selot'teds880rlment of lhe nUT , ~ • 1li u \'( ':o. 1 al ll\~ ( . r C,lsc ~pU\B . &{~ " In l:l l nlll- l ' I I P l t'" l".I' fll ll.J (Jilt.' :I tl d l (' ~ , I IIoUf lll " ti,:JU , Lang, 80 ~I"'llcnng th e bonc th ll t om · 'I hl11c c , d O\H I'. But "li e n ~I ~y \V, ,I- I) , " 11 ,1 cl"11" ~ ~II " ' , nli, I")1I<, G I I"'"~: ,'\:f'., :':11 d", I ~,I;() , Oppoei te the Rog e rs House. ~ ., putation was found n ceos slU'S, No IU ' l),.c~ ml,l'I', Ihe ft: Inll . l <o m c 1,"n'1< ''' " hI' ' ,'1 11 ,, 11'1111'\\, (l lI ly :,l j ,"':",1 '; 1"'1' 1,,,tl l,,. 1'1 11"1' II hi \' " ,I I" ~T'\ I I J" I' I" ' I . II I"' re I illi e lid to l(t'e p "" !,n " ,1 n gl' lIcn l : }i A~1ILY l d \, f<OU1\11 ~ < l' c c ifl lly \\' II(l 1\nll}"\lII " llI dlt< S,,, d l ' l, j) rll ~~ "" , 1J J. (,J.~I.\ :'<1&'·IJ"1 t) ~: Il' ~ l e l' lJ!"'''''' \' 'J\I' ''''I ,'' '',h'' ' '' '' II" ,"o~ IIOICll t of\V <, rI'. l. u',,,,,( rCB a WOle ana o . ('IIt' fH ,t; lh n uJ j)rll i!~ ' !ltF, ~ ' , \ York, 'fheHon.JohnEvt1n ~, l nlcG o ~e r n o l I lll e l l,,' llln Cc ~ ' lI tl"\'ld""lltll<'l'vll' ' -~ :'; '" JJ ' P 1 "'I,,' i l ' ~ ".!,,, , 01 r " I~, I" ' IU l{ 0 , \' N t 1111i:-.. II' 1(' 11 It' Hl II , H\ 11 ,'\1.., It l " '\ i l ll':-; ""l' ! l t ( 'I la S·IH ' •1•~R' or Col v·' I'n·lo , Qnd 1\1 0 lI on . J. ll. Cllllf· III 'Iuvll ill n CIIII ,,,'(' ,' Iliu lI ..: h ll,e l! \ill"1 • aIl4l ,. and 1 1" II'c !iiOI'C I' . , I III " be. t l, rllh ,l " o( U b " , . • t .. lt1 'q, O n l fl r(' ~ .. , (; 111" II IV illlt, :j :.!,J, :.!O cup. Olll '".; I , ,,-y fee , IlI le S pellkcr of til e H o u se o f th e , uf g' 1Il~ I ~ l ou r CLl IlI \'1l ~ alI O J\ f iJ I' :1:1 1.11''': ( h~lhl~" "7' (\: C', Il'~ d" ,(; ,, )1) . 'I Cl TY ilI.lL\T},,1 C7 UIlE, 'l' I.'rn. I 0111\ . I L e:,: 'I . ,',' S n- .lillJ I cSS I I(e . Ir qr 1l11 1l l~ c o oS Lnlllp ,ll)r I('f\ wi th I \ '1 1 1\! \. ( 111Ip ""T ,,\ TF J il l I XI\ T.. i McGt:FF Y'S & W lLSON'S SERrES, ISl\t ure, nn,I U S. ~ I It . (" " " '" I , , III I ' I 1I ,,,I '",,rolllt ii, Olv e Foll .(u,I'" n. 1 , ~t 'rll l,tUlr s('lI lf l llt. ""\~. l\I',1 11 11 ('IlJl}' I ~ l.'hl , ~.: :2, f)( """l ' ''\ I \I ' II'l n l .~ ~ r:. . d _ . . ___ ._ . . __ _ ~ I 1 &0., &0" &0, "te I! eet. Illve "l'I'Jye in ,\VlI shingl on, II,,' oJl"' el),. II l1d \I II I 1;~T'p Illp .1<1 11 ~ n ( l , IId" " , ,~, !) (, Il: IU ,Ill . IIi 1)0 : :.!U ,)", .IIlUO 11,1\,'\11,,1 Illr tile v('rv Ilh c rnl rnlronn~e ADd huvo presented tho pllpe l s T<·\.llill g P ERSCNIII. , 1I11I1.'",0'<lh ' " Ih " c" I ,, ~, t l\~"III" s .d,1 1 011(' "" p~ • XIr" I" (' I" h. "I t() U lI oi ~ U' I"r " " !'tu l ,' pnrs h". ,,,w pd,.1 h" p". by tIS . . I hv D " I :;)!'"'~ l 'r!c P~" (,P ilI F. He"l tJy 1\ "IIr l1 .,1' Iii " "L ' ~ C" L:l MI ~I " ' :I AL, " .. I..~P IIl\pol,o n nnd 11I,lr ,I PII III':!, 8111' 10 o t 10 lattl orglln,zHtlOn to th e ' re~i · - It I' , 1'llm ol'''(l ''11 "f' lr 1,', ,, 11 ," 1111,0 ," 1"1 \N •. . t (' I 0rLlU BCOIIl ' II I I ' , " " "' '' 1I I " r .,j '' trll~I . 111'(' '. , " ' .! I '" ell., ' b~ "I ' " III (I ~" " , ,.IIle ::ii I ;, U, \V , I I G" 1'''' (fl'" I "g k "I (IIICP 0 I.''' "n 'ne. l d enl, !lsking llis influence in fav or of ity Il'lIt S~CI'~I~ly t::;IIIIl I('I; wlii ~ u cccctl "h~' " i1"I' OIiU u'" i;ci ,s tS. NC!w \ uri" " 1' 1111'01 I,. ,1,,' P" ' ~ (J 11 ~" lIdlll !.! """ " ;IIb n ' 1. K rlEY S. S llIte. Thi81hoy did in compli Rnce I M1I1l Sll'1' Adum s a l Ih c C u U' L o t 'I. .l 1 3111 ,S lell BI,Io R( III ,r l> "",In r opy ro , eo~ 11 uJdll Th" mnr1, (' t llric p nt nil limf's r nill for wilh a joint I'eso\ulion or Ihtl leglsll\ ti ve I J IIUJC,B. T~i] I, lI unll ll" 1I 811 1";' TI"PI'0. I G" ><'II H"J ps, Cult S killS Gllti S hpp p Pelts, Carefully and Promptly Filled. \. 1. (kT J IIl v 3.-}.lf t , E. K, assI! m bl y 0 f t h e S tatc , willch \VII S pIlSS. -I'h e mellal for M , ~. Li ncnl n. for ' 1' 1 D Atlo , ~"'lId p,,~: lur ::l ulll ple C"p i.. ". 80 wilh but o ne oi 8~e nting VOice . w h ~c h ,>I r"p"L.r ~\Ilt~c lii't ill n 'VII. InlH lI '-.!l:l D, :' II!I./ '.'(··Y N ,ute, 0 CU .' IL\" , n ORY & S ~llTn. I'I : IU,: I.IU.,,,,.,)!' LI::&D, Old Drug-Store, Se nAt or Foole \tIlS l ecei vcd o· up "11< 1 11J1 ~ (! , I ~ 10 ue prC'Re nte ti ()1l II) ~~l lnL h llg, "\III gS ., CA I',I I'hotl'g rnplo s C"IIIIJ.bu~. O hi... l e opy righl ed.) 11 a , s . A "I'l l I ·lth lh e hnllil' ersn ry of her " :';lntl" IlN)' . Ollr S I'I IIlIl r. ry i' nci( et B - - -\ V" rrIlDled 10 r.ov ~r mnre . ur'n forlam~ WAynesville, Ohio. t pli CII f rom II LIn. G eo rg e Banc ro fl Rig. \ r I. .1" . . exce l 011 IJl ll prs ; e Ac h pncl(n'Te cnni ll ins J()~L ~VANS " ,~ ~ . . . ' IU.U 2I1 u ~ a SSO SS lDli \l01\' I " I I' ~ . .a;a ~ weill ht thnn nny ut he r ! P 0 S T D\(Y ll1g hl8 acceplaDce of th e in vitlllioJ1 ". , ' '' P t'~ ' ':''', v P. "p (J~ , c nc ll. , Pe ll . ,&C" 11 1111 , . • 0 F F 1 C E COR N E R.
:- .
Physicians Prescriptions
A·fJ.T TED tin
°N" y I
TbundllJ mOving II lighl see n Progr~8B. Di'solr in, er fentlln hncli on, ion, the ~ "ill be pi Album, ~ p'e ~e nl
Audience qu esti ons Admisl
The ge V81l ~r at urd~y ev
of tb e J oi n t Corumiltee to delivOl' tl ' -thc n? tulullS, lI e~ r)' WyuoIT. WI ,o IJ CII'e " v " Urlil u d.d lu r. ut reillol . Pri ce TRY IT. Mm YOli WILl. HA VE NO OTJl!ll! ' . I ~ ,IS no w In L UI O\le . , S SlucI to be engllg. o," 1y .30 CO llt F. W e wol l "cnd A!!en ls 1 0 0 ' i\IA"'U tA CT lJ IlEll UI\/.V Uy DdJr~s9, up~n Ih e hfo Dod charact er of ed III ' C cCl1 ng. IInder Ih e p!lLronagc o f ::;101 ,,' " cry P ac kngeR or,d B I:ll lVl'r W Hi ch -/0 N DZgIGLF.R &. !SMITH b fore t "uC t wo Ilou ses IJ II mrs ('' 01'\1\I II 13 enoett. R n ow oporn I' tl) r ~ 17,' W e nl .o pllhli sh so l ~ lId,u·lcel ",;:\7 ,Di7'.:.In &,,01..»,). l'o ~)'\\7 fr)'r rm ,-rrrr?l \VI .0 IeAn ).. D TI'!!" Pn ill t k G ' ~S8 ' DealerB, , PreSId ent LlOcoln . ,e p.lb ~\ I.> <U .l£).!J:J Ill ? of ( 'ongress, in (h'" Na tl'onlll 11nl l of COmpRny 10 tHing 10 th is couolrv , ~ n !!, r ov. n!I~ Dnu Pvrlrn i l ~, ' Li tlwilraph Nil. 137 Nor'h ','h,' r d Strn p.I. " , ) PTlnl s. Clr " vrry I'0p"lnr nlld BDlen ble,- .1 W"plc, vi\l c Ohio. < R r prClil entalives. 00 Alond "y J2th da\1 -T he report lhnt Gone rAllJooucr ia ~V~II f'p nd It (ine n~sort me tll of )00 for - - -.PHILADELPHIA. ' ' n Ilope I cas illv~litl.is cuntrnd icle J by 0 , I'ltiJ The ,'1. 011 Cl\bin t Oro f F tl b l'uary. proxi mo. That ti me w na J' :I .00 Ihnt \\','II rea IiZR 81iu, or n $HI Jot gUll S. 1"11 " "1)' '1 1/10alld r~"1 Il1.1nrnlin ' 1.'" .d"lled 10e.nc ".d II~ F or aDIP. LY P AII<T D I>At.F.R8 ge nM&ef>arl\lelysetapRrtfo th V, tllHnll rJ, his uroLue r .ill · ]I\W who I IUtllldl se lllo r$30 or ove,', \V IIIsetlll ,,,,,I. , ulnrlllu '\I' ,fnrS80I 0Q1r.I'OrAc li . F, t'. n y. ' 29,. 1y' • • f elilo ~e remon · SIIYS Ih o Ge ne rAl i ~ rll Idl c ' 'erin ,, /' D s:\ mple lot lur Sb Ihot will sell for Stti. tr, ol'" <;( 1.0 or ~ I LVEH 1\1ImA L~ , or nl lll' l' lei, It being Mr. Lincoln's !lD uil'crsary f . )· , p . y r~ 0 \ .. Se uti ~tnmp ,for cntoloa:ue, Icrme Cia fi rn P"""'' '''''' .\\'hr'l~d th elll . JU""rnt ",1 C'H' I A In ON'!'1I !-Alll! nls wanlbtrtbda ' ,om 118 recellt lliness , 18 looking very ' BASKI NS &' . "11I~u ., "'111 Ir.~. A""rp", ~ I A ~ON &. !lAM. ed ror SIX ENTIII ELY .NEW AJ\TIV. Willi, aod .woulJbe ou~ in a re w O(\)'s . ' 2 1 .2~ 36 Dec ~mallelre I I~I '.: \3('11011, 01' JlJASO ' U HOTII J::R~, New i c~F. S , iU8tout. AdJretiB O. T. GAREY, - ----'---- - - - - • e. . • ) II ,k. . 11' ]1 Glly.B\Jil illna, Biddefo rd; ~!nin(': .
\Vn) nesvi
Dry and Mixed Paints)
pro 'it
to erec l
of P
d ,}I! .. rs W 'he VJl I8~ lJIolion 01
r-4errltt &. ,Printz, I
11I" ~fJ
.. I
110 11
June 23-J.Lf
----------~- -----------~------------
FlitJIT-JARS I~~g.
Of a Breat mll'rty !i'ind, eDd in . ' lillell, ~or lale .by
)IERR.IT'r &.. P'RINT •
Union .Colee, 'pea .,coffle, I~
'Dandelion CtlW,.... -R.r e ·Cull'••, pr~ Bit Coffee eDd l:]rl,.t.\t or CC.ftfe. lor~' , lttR1U1'T ~ PRI ....~\ '.
-~ . ~
of OUr I pel (eel c 'lI i l~ble
ed at this Iy ne'W,
lI'eful. , IOlter tb " daly re I' OUr Jet
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~ ~~, \':P { ======-=-=======,-::==
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newIY'!lI!)cted Senators from
Colorado, Wll91U ono time a r Slideul of Wllrren (lOUnly, anu well khO wn 10 uitizens of Wsyn esville , 'but 'm orG recentIy 1\ pracli ci ng phy siciou of C hiCAgI),
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Proceedings of CounCIl.
'~, I
nn .WLI·;Y ·S Drl)I,I':."'
m('e til1 o" Oil Mun'!R)' e venin g , of th e u ll rn- illc ll' IlH: lIl , wCl\lhe r. Som o Illdi elo kindly s lin g n CO llI) Ie of beA ll tifld fiOIl[!S,'' Dnl'I's I,' ul'
it I, t'IIr,· ill th e E o, I"rll
k\1 -Cl.,;r 'A 11 Jf-..:J.( 'fi1
07 Th o R e form S oci" ly lind n 'I' QPJ "
DEALEIt ~ L...
whcrf lic had a large practice nud nn , allviRul o replHallon. Il.l! was apPuill,tTRUN8 EA8TWARD BO UND, d 'l' Night Exprers, 1.52 A. III. " e erritorilll Ouvernor by Pre si J<:nl Cilicinnllll Express, 7.5 4 A. ~J." , ~incoln, but resic; nt u in Jun o lasL, llI;d llh il anti Ac co rn ., l L26....t . M. / 6111CO llllS beenenllagl'd in mini ngn nu CulumbusAccoln., 628p.l\f. P E 9 prospeclin " (or IlIa po.~iLio n sec ur ed lU I · b 1I1~ urg xprese, ,02 r. ~r. / 0 TRAINS WESTWARD DOUND, him. Dr. Evnns i~ n ' rnuic ,oI o f the )faa ond Accom_, 4.10 A . nt ." , radiclll s,' and will out-S~c l'ens , :ev e l1 s
N ighmhu9 t Exprc8s, 7,2!:1A.M Coil: Accom ., 1 30 A . M .. p 111 ' 8b E~x pre"., urg 3.20 r , 1\1 , l; inci lllloliEx)lrCdP, • D(l Dot 6tOp . H • C {.F-IIIEliT, P re Sluc '.' nt. I'\ V " E. W. SUp ' l_ A. D. CADWALl.AD ER, Agl' l! t. CADIY.ALLA DER & ro 1 E .rp"c SIl Agellts. A ) 7'·(p'fj 1J,I A gfl lt, • • D' a NE , <
,Z E T T E
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-J !; OF TIJEI • '1'1, .; h('s t qu ality of I , J II" ",11 """"" ''''1.",,,,, i "~r ..'CII' \VATliES\' ILLli: , 0., Jan. 9 , 'G5. fol' ber.om;n g intoxiclt ll', I, wh iC h wn s I,,,, ,,, ,.tf .r!I""",· "11'1"1', Selld il -1-.<:;>~~ 1 Counoilmet.pureUll!ittoclIlI. Pre s - f\LlyJi fcu sReuin ll,c n(>gl\ li~olJy JU S_ I "~)lr5t 1t' ) '''' 'H' " ' i'"I' ' C'' ,.". a 1 ..... "<;;, ' . J "l ~ - I,. J ,, ', " "11 ' I',., ., ('u "",,. 1"'11 1" :., I'i I'e,', 0r "'ror:' .....d' I /In. ! f\r~ 111(1,, "rl ' )(leaolf, , Tonic eDt, Uudley , Prinlz, K e yA, Z ell, Au· ltce h.t:.v ~, ' Ulu, I II f101'l"'\J'ua 11\1' J Up OI! ti ll' 11 ', ,l , ~t ' 'II '''" (J erson, Haill ctl 81\d Hopkin s . On 111 0 ' ta"lo for fllrlh e r con.idernli on. F lJr IlIPdi "il",lllI" lln" pa, to \\' I,i,. " Il,p nt. ',/'" ....... ",., (>, , <!o .... '-.~ , . I 1; ' .~~~~~~ e tion of Kt!r , 8n order was all owed .on , UT he me l!1 ill a" Il dJ' v II I'ncd lo m ed Gil A, 1\ 0f "" i.-l, is 00'", ed a t '1lie IOl\'csl le lit iUIi nl )' 1" "If' " " " i. "'p"!' i"II r ('''Ii('J ; I, ., '''' " ,'"( .\I" ,,'!.o.. .r'<: 1'U'. ~' C;V' v the Treas urer for 65 cen t8 anu 3 mtlls l . In ,,,I"Jt pr ic(:s. c llll "IIu tf! I'(' r ~nt" i ll~ l L' .i II ~" II " ""111" ,,\1 . (111"',orrr. ,·\' ".. S.~7 ~~ . {a,o r 0 (1'.e b ecca S'I.nc Iair, ' t ~ III ' d em · II next MOlld!l)' 0 .-t. :: .1. I II ) V II"'"lIt( " "' '''' ()' I .~IfI''' I()I I,rr T"rl". "ltle ~l,r'/ ~o~ '" ' " C I' cII IIIg '. ' IlS USUAl, wh en n !),If F L1) I.•.,' rl' -1> A'I' I." _ yI 0nify her for AD a rl'er III lISsesB lIl g Ler pleasalll lim e IS IInt lc lpated. ', r_ I I ~ ""1\".'" 1\, ,, .. ,,,.. I ~"';(,_, BLOOD ~o lor co rpomtiun tax, s h o beino" A non - I ---- ._ J \, 7' I, } " II " ",, ' :\ 1'1 1." ·c..... ''v y A t.:CTl U! ,-,\1,·. \ m. H ')g e rs will sull fe.id enL. , , . • ~: ~',. • .... ",'iT I V 1 'J ! II '''1'.' '" ,'','',','' 1 1..' '," ,11,-. IJ .. :,('" ... !, . 01' (, I" ,hc.· ti. 7.,)11. com mittee nrpollli ed to lit th e Wl\yn (' sv ill e Au cli on III I f ),,, ,, " "" 1 ""II ". Ii ,,,_I ,.. , ""'tire, " n 1.. 1 of Al sIl, 0 guu J HUpp!y or " "."w" ,,, I'.o ,•. ,. ,,,. I:,,,,I.' I" " CURE SUltablo fel r u Lo(k · up (01' 11119 "ilIRge , I A , U! ' ' ,. ' ~ II."'" .,,", ' \1 ::. , d'! , 1, cf' pft'sl' IHIIl"X(' d cOlllllluni cAli on M · 0 0 rIC ,1 1 ,y.. "" "" r '''',II " ,' I II.'' '' """,,,,.r,;.;' ' 1> '1, il om nledthe 'I'. L'. B ,' ,k~, r .•- "0. , li B n 1'~ rO"I , 11 hi S J'S a rnrf' OPPOrt Ulllt)·, a ll d w o Arl" aln .., rrue , o~ ~, '!> S! u; v , I , .' ,, " " ,, " I 1."1''''''11 '' ,,,,,I t 'I " ,,, ''' ;;' c; " ' ''. 0 , ,vlticlJ wlla commiltee dis - : pe rs ulIJeJ th llt nil wh o d esiro brtrl£ ain. U' A I :'; . " I, E. , 0 III 0, -S eC !! ASI, .' " '' "" ",' 1-:· . , ". , I', 1';" "" ''' 1.",. ( '11" ,,',,", 1\, chnr 'c d ' I II f ' I t I, ' .1 I ' v. _.... e; 8 IO U ( not III 0 UO In aliellullll CO lit !i ns on hOIl ,1 1\ 8(>le 1l010 II R$IHI III CIII of i TEA, otll.e'l" I, .c..: "CINCINN'TI, No \·. 1) '1, ' C~. . . " ~ V ,IJ' u 1 ~ Ill e tim c RtHl pi lle" unm (' d, Ul{OA DC LUTll:O-;, COFFEE. 'c> , n, li<one',. nnd "" ,Ii. 0 GKo.M.ZIiLL,E'Q"iJt-arSlr .·_W o C \ ll I -0/0 Pl'ol'ose to mllk e two ,C()III' '' Cled col la, C\ ' ,o.~ ,~ " ...:''-· J I'' II''" I\14.,~ . t....: ( " ' "J}:" . :"' ,- 1 ,\ !l U:tlt' l l ll, ,, l. o r I II lht 11HI .j, ....c. ... ' " VEST I KG3. lit 1"1 ,,,,' , ,,,,,,,,, 1(11, 1-madll of barl of l lX t iron, nllu cross RlTLL OF TUG \V OODS. -!:illlugh(~reJ !III"" :~', ~ I':" !l '"'I.,,, ,,,,,. :- /' ,1 \' 1\ \\ ,\ 't ! ..l,.;() v6 <'(l"J' .Q,,~ _~ jng ellch other a' rIg ht anL/j loe, 31 inches Jun. Ih" !jth, J UGG , A mn1 0 cRlf ele vf'n 'lTD! !!!! ~CiS, tS l ' I lJ7c" EtC . ' -- I,,,,, _ __ . ____ _ S:.{21~. 1 ;s.~~ liparI, with boiler sltttc · inch lhick (or II td ' t It . It ns 5 17 &c .. wid e!' hc mnnu lnclllre~ cc eo ruillg Iv I()N ~. " 'UR '0 ,J' .d. ..' m Oil IS 0 ; I S ne w Clg I w II ,e LATB :5 'l" ,.,,\ I fl ,'\ r, .I "~tJAn \' Ii. 181]6 . .;. y ~ Ihe flo ors lind parliLion, IInclllngle iron Ib 1 I 'u . I d 67 lb '1'1 . _ 'j'J('I(\ltllt .11'1) F IELDS I \. r;p corneri,llud Joors IIUlIg iD benvy anti s , ' t Ie II e welg Ie 8. 11 0 : 1" ,1 1 lo rUII I l lio u( II weel"I' <?/ ' culf w.ns never (cd, wf\t r r c.d , n or Illln 'l , I jAill oek, frame., for th e ..&um o f ured li!l785with ,OO, guod d eli. dIed in nny wny, till tl 18 timc for IJU Ic \t · nlld ot lire ,. " 2. .\ -Gr, • ""_.yv~ suilRLle nt! sec SA vered I\L u e pot if? QinciDMti. c l'in g BenL thi s who CRn. LOWEST POS SIBLE PRICES. l J, l t Cl ' l' II- {. \ ~ b
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Fllllf.l fi N I! Rnr.NT LIT r:I1T , F. DUI>R & Co. IT!" ' )' ~.J;; ,.,~" . SCROFULA .~~ _~ CALlilNQ &; C" .'s Uni on D u ~ iIlC6 ;; Il rl l,I , ' ," " TI1I\ hp~t qu ul ity or MlI l' h o( l l'INnturl' o flllllll'llt,,1 tho dny l'"d «,1, nnd nil illl,,,"'o .Ii,,'",olol nri.ing A mO,lion of Rey. 11\l\ llha I'e l College , :l 1 Obe rlin , O h io, is IJ] ee t ing ' T _ T _ DO 0 SON, i5 11I,,,,d ill IIlli,ee I,Ere,,!,!li," , "lid (;O r, ",,, oool, ~." CJr' 1 tln ,1 Il ,e nmounL III CI'''III m ell , 1 wi t h ul rJ!l' isillg' SlIC<'CSU , 1"'y clld Ih e I'X- , ' '.', " . . ' " ' 11 '''::!"z ill r s II lid p"","lk"J,,; Dlld It IS tlte! 1I0ll IInfu "PIITu ' 1\ I,,) , " ' " "rlll ,y OC 1<111". 1o ( I/'<, P" bl, sl ll'l's ", ( LJ,l e II O w J'our . .... . uJ I( f1S71l5 II ) be ' prucured I ' , I JI" Clfl ll' " IIR of .lIS Ol llny ~nll/-: lJlIl(\ fll. t' n d~ "d"p d!l, h,' 11'IIll! 11 1", )\11I, n1.,' ""pl'rillr' _ ~"C }JrJlt tel 01' III KIIIl Jlurpo·c c ge ll lllg . ~ ' . F u r (;rlll ll' fl1 r n '" 11 11,[ /l OI' " \\'("' r. AI >" 11 111 10 r" pr ol1 ""o Ih e rl ,O;':C'h t WI,'eli""" 1 -::.. ~O It \' ill~ge pri son. W1\8 10~I, uut on mn , I tI II !) "lhn lus l i l u Li oll 0 t I Ire Ii i nd J u IU:: A 0 Y . til All S CLOT 111 ~ G II li, r:;\! ~fI ;,(, 1,)' uf \I' , ' I:-.<L' le cle d ' Irull) 1/, (',c lor A !l)e l i,':' II " 'olle ,s , ill Q I" rlll ''0/ .;s-Q!> ,t tlOIl of 1'1ItJ ' Z. th <! sum (I f (our h ll n r1r(l d I S IUt.!~flI S I'(' Ct ll'C n~ mu c h 1"'!'So llnl 1\\- ' In IH!-!e qll nn\ lly nl,,1 c1r ~alll, '1lla],ly :111,1 1"1 ..,,,,·(, (,lI rll" ' iv c ;If,,1 ill cX l' f'nsi \'l' . The \ 1,,;" "'-' I;jVCb dt)I!,tr.5 WHS ron.len',1 to ,be in ee J't l·d iu lent nin, 11 11(1 mHI;u in cU Il ,(' n llC IIC<' , "ll('I, ",),1f' . vf h,U'" ~ t!lll l, ('., "I ",, ")' s III ""l' ldy.. l'"l" i,I,I' !'H h(' li,·vo Il,nl ~""" 0 i'l lirn ul, -1> 'h 2!P~ 'he Vtlisge -I'n son Onllllllllc e fin d 011 I I I I ' 'I "l" I'III I/le,) I.. /11 11 11 111\111 11 11' !'Pl'lIl a" ",, ' • " ",). D S j • : ",,,,,llI" I"" "1" '11 llo e p\ "" ",\,i e" lloe y I,ru"" ~ l·I.. , . liS H( ' I ,,,1 . pfll lll. I II r ,1', ' I' Il " "', · '''~ '''"' ,lJ f II fJ""t ,' I'IS" , :\\ 'I I"'~'"I wI.ill be II'l1l,Iroli lyI Ioll.\crt,illing lint!I 'ilC'I" ', ,,\:'-S-o, , "v ' ,ol Ke - t·., th e f"Uuwin" " IIlollOtl O ruinAllc~ t 'o rou;.! .I SIll< . . r. _ _ _ ', ___ I ' , 1"1' una I'm J I I t ·, " I .1 ., we mR )' J udg-p. by lhe l e~ 11I11 0ny 01 ~: ll ' J) llull' ), '"111, Ill S 11 9>, S '01.l8 11'111 F l'al'e " " '11 , ril e II'C III I ' c' , ., " , III "res" " t.\' I1l1l ./,~, C? n ous y II( op t'u, un l Ol'uerl' u · • v,d',I" loIe n. II TI'Ij,.x of fOI' t' i:':1l pcriutlicol l -J,;", ~<t; lv be !'ublililltld in Ihe j/iillmi (jul.llie.- denl R, il!.I II S lu g"" , Iill' r'dw e ,)1 th e hr lt r r 1'11l"~. 1~ ~. ~o AN OH.J)lN A]II CE Oll l) 11111f I he u~ u n l I' x pf! ll se of t n\; ing I ':llIi l'(~ S'lI i:~ faC li nn . 1 E\'J-,RV )o;,IT[; I: IIA Y iil ill ' RJI(lr,1 for T owII ~~ ~' ....,'b l' '.' f i b . ( "CUflHlIe l"'i ll l C t!ur~e is 'IIV P(\ by th oQ( ' Cnl l I . I i ' 01 1,)I I,ill"o olw,,) , LJ: !IfII1 J . n"d (" il" ,lr)" I", llt ,~ )o'lr Pbi,lr.' '' c ::; P " "id ~' 1 ~~. .oV' Opr(1 Ylue or 111\ orro wlIl gn ,monf'.\' '. " 0 : )1 <'x om ine FI0C IO I" pn c(,9, . I IIII' It ,,jI "' '' )'. 1I1''11''1,~,,.n!l ' I,,,,, t. l l'" I' I''!I ,jo ~ i ll erecl A VillAge l'riEoll n ill t lt o I'i li 'ge who Illt " IIJ al O Uf- IIIIl. wl, ds n LLur. . A l!f le n~~ortm e nl 01 i rlllbr:,c rs l!l ci ,l ell ", .. I' Tr uv el and Ad v(, II ' \ (,r WIl):llesvilla. O,ljio: 10ug ll prepal'tll ion fOl' iH 1'!': lIt 1{ I:: ,\ !-._\\" . I I\J\tP'" C"iliclIl "lid H r1! r."pliv c , :';". AHE SOLD BY' ALL S B · ·I .11 i All t el)d . !!'r " \\' lI lIt nt'f' n l~ ('vc r ),\\ IH1n 'l ... ... .1 ... , Bin-gro '" , Drlt , ,,,0 " "" Itl!. I . 0 11 'O ruR1lJeu ly 1J10 c <l Ull ' 1 I' ",:~ '.... ' 'I ': ri 'I I'!'lI Il f'~\ SIII"1 :- ; l fJI'rll'~, PUll lI\~ , , l i . . , - -- -. . . I" F(' , ollr 1,\l r l" 'VLU :;:; :'(1 ,ww lng " /1 '1 L \:i\'T.FP!\,~ & " II i e" .i leru rv In lel l:';-I' I1 CP. "'., III Ca ll - I ~~lIh~J..n( en ('PI n ell of tile ItlCurponll.:t.! nllllge Of "'li l" 's, 'l'I ,f" 'C lIelY l, i,"I. . U "J er ", ,,I ) ...:. , : " III PrJ ioll \\'i tlt j".tlf" "u , .. r:;Il I" fro III ti ,e l-aee ... 1 Ucdidnes Wn~ne sv'lll . . LiJ \ c nrc Ind e bt ed to Hon. J . )j , 1 I \" I . , c. . " , , . " !' I"' r PPII. ,ur,. " """ (I v{' I' oll r;; , A I.-" ,·p l:Iil:\lj\j,'Y S 1I,llIlil" ,L" ' l' '';::::lIrp ''f'' 'rSLill H iPnccw iticl, 1 hflt lor th t! rurpose of !'Imlllg [h e 1Co ull l' r, Il ou .c o f fU I "" I,,,y fir :"11/0 cell ""';", i",, , I'" ,d. '1'111 ' 1 1 J -' k" f',II I1 -I,,,,lly "Pi"' ,or io:.: ill i,'r"i!!11 V'VHERE funus 10 1' the e reC lJon of s uch puLlic d oc um e nt s. "X 1.\' Eul d ill U" il cti :•., IlIlicu!'" T J". 1'11 1" ,. oj' IIo p.1) nrbl'S (or snit.! tho M nyo r Rn ,1 1 : Ih a ll w l,i('11 ure lully by J \ .' j Ir"III 111 0 fll l' l II"" 'I'i" lIl i/i " """J"I' ls . ltOIl- ' PRINCE, WALTON" CO., lltc onl er, 011 b ehlll{ o( said \'ill Rge .. \.- li"" ler, a. \ VoI;" I\•. Gr ol'e r I< "II 'r ""1', 1> 11 11.1 dry ill nr,' /' e re ' (H",'c,,""nr" I.. I", C, IV , RobOOk,) sum of Four HUlldr cu Dollar&, And for '''nynesvillc ll):II'k c I S, I( ('r . ~I O >C~" &0 1.,./ ,,' Ilf,d U"f'lI Pk lcr. A ll , -So CII ,1 5Ir"II ,,'tI ill B\l gr ,;"I,i e IIf'lIi pic lure.'I'"! u ' WI !.I': 1.ItUPIt IETO I1S, that purpo~e to iss uc I h o bOllll 01' bond~ , .. t " " r cl, ''' 1' 11",,' 111 ' 10 " ." ,". In ~rr 11 ~f: IIl P III ", I I: 1:\ E C tJ 'I' I, . y Ic II. Iu cl,urlll I Ioe rendl~ r I\' 1>11 0 i11,; lrll cl- I NOB. 56. liS, 60 & 62 Eo.at Third St. of Rl\it.! vill.IYIJ for BRid sum bell ri" " CIII'fju lh, CO I'l'tc ted E ve r.', \Vc~I;. '~IlIl lh(' ~rl lrr . P C lI<rr I. 11."lde 10 II rr":'I ' 1 A ~ D I 'L{; r. . , II'!.' Io illl , i C I N ' IN NA'l'I , OHIO_ 't" II; (. ' I llfl p,!llId'lfll"",ufl lll e ll '. (, !r ('lIlor·fr re FOUTZ'S IU "' t rale 0 SIX pe l' (lent. pl'r ' Vll ent lP btl _he I, $ 1 45 ("l [J.i , 1\ 01 ,"''' •• . " " (',il l " r"" & 'C lllr l; , ' f'l\U VF. Ii - I" ' r", Ih" l I':\'I. HI' t-I ,ITI:J:I, .IY _hll/l """,. / IInnum, tlte IntcreS l to be pRynble a n R ye 1\>" 70 ' lli "",·I"rd .l\I l1i l;l·,,,, :,1 N'J , S:!3 B' l)lId " a" 11 " ' lId :t. ,' lr by " " 1"', I,"c" ; fllIJ v",id\' I CUB.nun nually, nod th e prineip"llhereof be O uls lP " 31) Nell' '{ " d, ; N" , 2 % (; " l'I l'r , I'h ihllle:· J3L.\ CKI l'\r. . t" ,"I clu" ... ,, ; CIJ.ltiV fl lCd )18j'alJlt! Lwo years a(le r the dRte there· D url !'\"ifl " 1 (;0 ! "IIIu; N,J 1·1 ]." ,"L ll rd'" 1l !1I"1c . C III f'II!! II. DI.A C l.~l:-'; (j . IJ I :tJ :: 1 1 1':S, rI·"I!",,,. tJU o( RI uid Anti th o fRith of Corn 111 .. II ', ; N" . 170 \\, ,'<1 P,""lh .. Cin!'i ,, · E TC .. ETC. 1':I' I.Ii1· \\' i1 1 ,'oul "'1l rnc h \ 8aid incorpOJ'nted village is he reby Flour 111 borrd , <) .'i0 '''lil, ~ ).: ,'-'1' ~o. S SpllulullI/;'S FX :,'''.IIII!.' '>, \\' ,>I.k II,i".v 1 \\' " , I:oI'~ " (' ,.( 11'1'" I' rt :!"" , !w lld . This pre,.,"r4t'o". pledged for the payoH! llt of the SA Gl e, Ft'Jur ~e ('IV !., ·l :1(\ Bu lI n , N. \. _ll. l y ---", - I-U II II)!Y!!rllllf1d III d tJ u lJl c CUI UIllII S , With Jong and fav orulJly known , "'i ll t.h or· Rnd lba' the C()unei1 o f snid vill~ g(J Bntl t'r 111 Ib :\:j -11 ', 'lIJr l _ _ fi ll (':'~rn v c cll ille, \ oUkhly ni nv lKoratft enr hrokc lI ,down nn d. shnlllllY s lIell tAX eRell r ns ruA Y lJ e : I' i f) ;,, ;!J,> t ow ' Il>\r l t.c~\ horl'lce , J l by " ",, cnJ.(lIl4~ nh\K nece5P9 ry to pny SU£!1 prin cipKI R , n .i 0t'1I 1P 1 "" hpl, 1 0.. V E ,\ LEltS I N per ill DO· inP ul'1l terest on til e slIme 'lJ'l o live r Prtlvirr£'II, J)I' I'~ I A pples ~ ) II> 10- ',,' I ~A Bud cleans\n" thu eLom ach II.nd In\c,· 1 U' ' . \r,· , h,,1! I'n n;; lnlll l." la'''I) nil I,nnd n g- r l! ' I' ll "ro , , '. " tin rll , lowe'er, thRt BRid bond 0 1' b onds C hi,' lil' ns '(i) uoze n, :; U(l '\ T e rnl 1<1 » " " ' 111 1\I"rI ,ci ll<", ' ;\ I"NT llr,\' r AI1T< \\.1 1 ,I,c ,,, ,, <, ,1. con. ! ' It i. a I!UTe llre-v r.ntl ve of n11 el i!" !lot be soltl for less th a n the pttT valu o e nlf,' 1' 11' II, l" , t\ I, ,,. jlls l " . " 'iv,'t.! " .. ,,, P ilthlr ,,'.-, " I:fi n ' " g 1::11 p,, :.; ,., ""eI" "" " 0""," e!y bound I _ , , efi!'CI Incident tel ... N" ,v . l)'''.I' '' IIO S"""r ' , j II, )G (" -\' \! - 'L~ • • co:? , ll u" \I e II 'be I" (1"1 I I01 (J I ' r p, ,' 1'" ',0 ~nnl r. 0 _ 1 "1I" .. n"""I FEYER. GLA:;DEIl~, ,> -" I .....r'-..:;,j. . !;')c'llll ':' "" ":' Ir ," ' I,' "." I' " Vf'., .' \' I'; I.J. II",, ""ch WA ' ... •uereo f . SEI).2. This orcliMnce ~1.t1l1l tnk e (> (. 1 N .0 . M"i n' '' CA 11lglllloll, I :1:, :-> " h_rl'fp lil<n prl<'p, ~" " yenr, In IIll vunce. I Tim. II EA I' f :l'l , ' )lIlS6I1ge. j CUIII O il -.) gn llufI, ) 10 T ....:-y,,? -'~\ : , ee If rom nn d II f Le I' It" .... .. IV , I' I I " I In I Inny . '1" ui I 0 I t,)11 I', R. n, . Y Pa ,I LL ' ,.... I d t J , "I lo r r pl'r l'" " ' 11 " Jll! ),J< II" UY '(' ( 11 r 1'1-:11'; , rflUXO f:lt ne" IS ...·Intl "y 0 IIllunl .\ III HI F ,.. wi' l rHt'ivc 'Ev ery SUluruav. ' 'I'1l'E,\XO 1.11 ,-1 '; Iii' A.D.l06G_ A .',\11 " ITfAl• .... '\u\.lcr H3ClllCll £1 . 1'I11(' ,\\' lI l1 ld ill "' "'' '11t,or ulel '"I,] ale s , " ror lli-j ppr Y" lIr III udv;rllc I'. 1 t;:O:llliY .,k J," E }, r ELTON Dt.:DLU, MIl\' or. I I T/, ' I\ r.;O ({. AND FIELD S , ' "'" ill1l,,'o,'e' tlte J - - . ... - - - - - - - _ \III' "' , t " I Illall ,ill' Il.u t IIII'Y buvt' II I!o u,! , I 'I I ' .' I • 11 . lUNTZ,Itt'co.d\:r. I ,'1',"".', 1" "1" ul' , I " IH y ( ,U CII I I Il O I hid 10 If" vll li l ill J" .I 'r""lIl u ll l Slrr.t:' 1 BusLon. ! wlu d , 1 ~ , tl II'R l'p('t llu·, t:C1\' l!.'J ' I I '1 1l1t 11l.Y :.1I:U IHICC'. t l nu l --• I j ,,,,e :l:J-/. 1) 1 L l'<.. S I 1> I j.• .J:. I .." S. I ', ' II " m oo , , GJlAND "'i 1 \It " '''I' l\ "W rpc r ivil\;! (or 1\ ". -' , n u_ (;U.IlF.flT'S I IIIto .. be a d I 'b ' I I ' II II I ~pl'i"g- dt' I ; " t' r~' ,ot !,!p ,,,, ill e Li " n:C h~ \\" ",. 111 ,,0." \' :11':l' I\ H'I ,ply (,f \ l)t'~ltl;o U ~lE' grim ex II ili on ilL II)' 8 'I 011 , 1' 1" 11 '.. l' ,orli cR 1\ ;11 fj "d illo t l'(' ir ill - ', . , ' i' ,\ T VNT l'IU~ 1~8'l'lnj MENT 1101"<, 'l'bIIndllJ ey('ning, consistin" in pr,rl (,c' Il'II' H 10 "" II II lid ",'C ". l1p rorr pnrcl " ' s illl:. '(' ill . (' O'"l ]J<' 1' ..(;'", i' :ll'u:- .Iroll \\. (1('(" . ..,... • ItToill <l'e""'" thc of Cows lh\s ul1ell prcptu'lll lf)ft i, the inva\un.b\e. 'IUllDULY .. "ron" .. unltty . " cnlciuJlI " r T'' re"I , )'"IJII'-, ' g \ I,nl\'~ I ' Fil l< n ADICAL cnu; (,];, , olthe mill<. It hu fllOYllIgA~tronomiclll diA cr rnmll U il "" · IIII\·'· nrrll l1gl'mt'llt".,, . Al i i \\. ,. I,nve no I'f't "l\ I) I"III ill ~1I )"l h<.",nprovenhyaQ. li' l t>. 1al rell su nnhl,' pl' i.. ,,~ n/l'l liup rll l I p r"I ~ . lor S:, ·t) ot Ihc I, W"' I rn , 1t pri.:e8. t"ol experiment u. I l'I:,dso l I FINE ST F ' ERI!UMERIES Incre",ethequnn. \\' n l' n (l~vill c ,\'\''' rr(· lI cu" Uloi ,l. OUT-DOOR. WORK, 11' I' I ' I I ( I Wit/lou t (l/I. UJ 'c)'(I{ton 0)' " }/eJ.i riTl e I crenmt".!!t)'''''' Progreu, '1'"hlcaux oflntcmperaDcA. tlty of milk and I j ( (, I' rr II ,\'rr, In I II;; 'I '''r «(" . mnr ,e " UII I - - -cent. nnd blAke the I>SO I' in g 110.1 num ero ll s (}th· "11 . ,,'-J . - ' ",; - , -t ' III ",tr T I,l'v' lire "II 'f' 'I I ( "I butt e r fi rm unel '( "11 ,' 1, ,,~ ~' p , "i ll :~ . n "" fil1!.: . <'\- r .. ,! ,>I: ,' on I I"" '" nil '" ' ,,' I' I III wonl 0 Wol le, " 'cct, In fatten In.: er tllun ord inar y nt · · I'''' tll ll i... G E NI U N E I'll " 1""1-: h"f' 1I lell ,llIl, nCt' C" ""p plied lin. enUI•. ltjl lv.. thrm Irnction. At "loFe o f lile ('};hihit · .Il1'I' :\ - :.l , ' Iii " ''', : '" 111 II", ',,:rrr'n , ing ,l cIIlI/lliI ,II 1' <'1'(' 1 Ion. ll16 most \; cBtltifulllltly iD Ih " rOI,n) If ,),"11 \\ I/n t l he " e. 1 t; OAL 0 1I. . n' till' 1 conorC lt' nt .J' II ' II!'P B I!i,'c l" " 1ll 11,0 I t;-, 11I r:iI ' I l I lIl rl ,h (l(' 11 O ll l'i ' 1I 1 Ir ll dtll'.· d.lltt (>H mukt!J lhem Utrlva \,; l !t \"i l\'N. \' '. , , • " IH'ri "," ' Y' u\' '-' r ''''Y I rl" ', trn ~ nt ler e U ,' re muchf"v!r, _ l with a »I,oto" )11 I 1<1'''''"' . • • _1 IlI fllld bc.... or s .. I".,.uclIUCou''' •• tlcenlll Alb g lu 1 u)l j'i f'rt'nd u lIJaIl,tStre et. " I ,. \ I , .11, I It woJll'I'llIu'." lh,) wnr" ( ' lI .C 111"1\1:. : um, nnd lhe handsomest gllntletl1nn : If you tl oin k il '''I u J1p" rounll(,1c I" ,. .,." - - , til", Jill \ \'o pal'licu lu rly dc.i re Ihe ntl (, llI io n 0(1 ' .o.L.. ' 'I 'I>.S, ""II C II'" ""Y CII.O I pre~~nL Q Eilv('r e\'erla8Iing rcncil The I buy ",hNe br er i d s"I,~ , t tl rl' " "'1/ .1' IIf,J <I " , • , . 1 ' ' -I-~ II I ill It , ''' ,' )' " "'1" tlllle. ""t, "' ", ' 1"","10. R d' . . I "ood (n r I df'.i r" "~I)\,() "1 11'1". , '0 "'<'1' 1 I I>~ tlII U<'r ffgll'" 11' ' ' II'S II< ,' a I , <' "I· TH E J. A DIE S ,-TII:: TnAT':~ Sl' I'I' /,II:" nv-. , lI y 1"" 1'")( (ru in U IC!lce IS 101'0te on thcs o Ul' lic lltc 'I'" 'II ' " I · I II \ \ '" . ,,'0 I '<'l1li ll l! II r 1>' '' ''1 11',,< ,,"01 " II \\' I,nll' il III")' I olle."alf /I 1"'1 ' . you 8 In a lupl'l cr ;om e 11111 . ' n' ' " lJE:lIAS I:A RNES (ii. C O ., t n" I'''!"'r III or..r qUA eslJons by Lallot. ' I'ille. J , A. 1/t\'I \, Ir '''' I:'' ''',III I(, l' t"cl ll ,nt I, c IS clIg , )(" J In To Illi s reS1Urf' nl our ' V.., It nl' c , "ork. ·t • • Ille Ifl fl llll f:: cl u r~ 0 ' i' I 2 1 I' nrl! 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('0! 1 011,1 cJWlmi li e our vo rit'l iee. I d I ) . RO SIf:llERRY -c. NEA L 'f ~ ~ T leA Hall olc grcnt (~ In Di~lrJh'J1101l . ():'~ II :o~i II!!, 6<' cur('~ ,th e sp r v i." p;; ".1 1\1r~ ':I • • of OUf lody Who "ould like Il Our nre r"OIll t" T I'"'I) hl·, MI . II FUP' \Vur,l.mn <1 . tl .. pelfeet charmer of Il Sewin Machine Doll ••• /' .... <1. >:-o lld well,'ed , \)11 ' '' 0''0. 1:"l<- l melll " ' 11 of nlllll e lit t"18 COl/ II P-,(\!JUIl JOl\,T I{,C IUll\bl ( g wtl l be Auni clt'nlI,:UUrantyt!Jol ' ' " e or A 8DJall (am ily (lIlI'I be 8uiL- 0\ " r OIl C ~1,1I i,," J)u ll or. . A "pJ. ull i" n" '';''' I, • II be dven . , . e<lat Ih ' f1i . .' . ",.n l or ' Vll leh" •. HI II~~ Ladi c. ' 811" Goutll'· i lion \\ I II · . 'IT lI uvln a had fourteon r enrs ~xpene ll co I ISO ceo rbe arLtcle IS perfect' j ",,, n's J" .. . lry uf II!I klll ;I•. 01 th" ", o. l ",,1110 '" JOllN \\. COLI.E in Ih e prnclice o f Medlrinc, oll~'r9 lri n Y ne_, lind i. orDamental •• well a s nl> le pR II" .r." .• elli n!; (1 ( , 1 r. to Ju lv 18 . Pru:es6ional Servicea ll) lh e cil izells of. 11"(111 ''l' b- . . tor K cerllh colc, and you will ACO wh nt) " " nfl' l I 'l prlee ,s'only 8iS,-much "qtletl to; or i for Ih'I! r,·~tlficnl ,01' $5 fO l' t .1 WayneSVille nnd VICinIty . . O'll'&r than othe I' · \V Ihi rt)" or 11 three c,,"1 u ll n,J' I.... our to .1\ , ,\I . ' . I r mac IIDel,. . e CIln Age"" , ",Iu rh . rp of l/r " "'0'1 LI beral klll d.Oy Iltc llitt or pound of R \Vl\rru IlIl'd I Orrrcli: 0 11 the COfll Pr or JlIom !lnd lUIe y , reCO\l'llUend it • . It may be seen 'ow i! YO llr 11111 " ! " ' .' 'l"uli [\' lur UIA bv ' llou l nev rly oppOSite Jl ull. 'lOur lea',, '- ' Oil S!ourt ".. , b .2!treel, '" I 23·:!m. &. en.. J ' &. l' RINTZ I' I~e~oe, 1\ 0. 167 JJroU d WBY . Now \' ork. .."1"' tJ l'H,ITT \. , _, ll-/ N'Ig IIt .CD II3 promf II .,. r spon dCd ,t o.
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Our CatAlogue now embraces ovcr F,vp Thousand dlllc;CIII SUU)C CIP, IU will! II od
d'lirna IIro eOlll llluolly OCllig mndo of l'orlroll8 of ClnlllCllt I\m o n~QII8, elc , \ I~ I tr. about 100 MOJor-Genernls, tOO L,eul·f;,)I,lIIc la, I 'I.U' (_IOVC!!o tCt:u Piano "Ollt' 200 Bri g Generols, 8tlll rc tlllll~ 11" "re"lldl' "~I' ""d [l ' PIl I P"P
275 Colonels , 7& N.vy O!\lcurs , ulnrtty, anll 650 Stalesmen, 13u l)""IC., l' flJV C Ill C "\~ lor n liO vromlllenl women, I:!, AUlllo,", 125 8t0\1.I', 4.0 "n,.IS. 3,000 Copies 01 'Vurl(~ of Art, Ine\U(hnll rt:'pr od uction s of the mo s t r('lr· brated EllgraVllll!p, }lalntlng_, S(Il11W' . Pte, Catologu es K81lt o n re('cqH 01 8\OlliP An order lor One Doz e n 1' IC \llro' ~ IrOll1 o'ir C otologuo will 81,SO,.lId eonl by mllll,I'Rf E
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0,11 Billings on Haniet EllzabeUl Prescott. \ Btolul''' II." K!rl CUIIW I'e p:y, a b ig . i1lg in th l! :: Illy - I,~d -:·'~~:-;-{j~·cold -'Ove rwork. h~ lIrtt'd - good 1,.ltv'·II S!· tilll! fdl l o w L" hll llllh" duur. Rllt! ltlllllll$l.wa\'y ~):Ic k 1Ig" lill.L" ch~i r . pillil 11M dt'lI lh •. fIR g herd ""u lcb $!lid abolll ~k"I ' EI'f'rj'one \Vh o has relld Ihe 'APlbe r U n"ise abo ve many is lbe mAn "La Oe!. ! Kal"le"' l1~ ~ u rJinl: 'opr Ih e Jure; " I(~I~ UII ~IY'"lli ll llld"'dr. . . , Lilt: ~C l'\' allt hild hL lli t! g llH,alld 1 1110ud i' l n ~ . pll ~ . .1: Ih e gra l" rlllluU IIL IIV h ~ldl Gud. ,' Ih .... ' uulh Bl;!lIc h,' 'Janu llry Icon id ... rs H e ry bo ur os L "b ich is DO' "1'" D"rleJ·~ IIl uut ' 111"\ Fllnlll's , liS . blr . :t! ~I· I ~. . ID. 1\ VOice nf l rl·Y"lIlcd . 1111.1 III -cit! Ih"y W \, Z ilJ1p"rl.i n~ lew d Hl , Hlld a!n)'.' ur 11 11)' o litt: r of \il'r vil ry I spent in rCildinll. " rili ng. or in , tud l . 'T i~ J.rk !l ot AYI!YI' I, "1Il1 I'm gll re ' I Ut' g your pnrtlnn. m,,' m,' snit! 1. 1pre~ .. ~'· I1 ... ll\s hlln It t 1\ ~h l" Hdv llnStl cl" ver .lU li l·!!, knoll' S holl' ahc Rbo u ntls l "nd not more rrllioofl l i8 she ,"h o thi oka Ihunder·. ·Mr. :5mlLh IS Ill . lie 8 111 Y· Til e Clll lltld are tull u' I.k~¥ : c d 1<1 hu me 1111 dJI,\' on p U I'P~ ' 1l 10 C'III:II ·th .. w i1 ".ltiel l' lI l l\' ~UIIl O nll '!lIk (' . }\hy 111001 sL cu> L. i L'Ju;,;hl II licl;.t:L /\uJ in cII I'l r IIUti illlI'U ~hy, And revels in Ihe le vt- ry Dlum~nl of Ii er lim.. 10.1 ,. hich Fur grn"y dew·tlr ol\ri iIOs k Illy pale- . ~ UU. "n~.n'Jw uy J Upll41 l'. 111 ha l" my 1 Iliq u ' le If Mr. ~m ll l ,'" wife W'IS Me I IV t llt Ihin tilt: 1\:11.0 . i lulluJiallce of a p'losi unlile illllllli nliti on uU '~ nulund li er ~,,"i og. "'e onc. I'", I! :IIIII!! drllll'!.e J iUl ire ; rCVl· ng~. 111111.. Byrnu, t!l" el .I", L ~au ,'hltr of Illy I 1 (0 nli lile ic" in" el ippery condiMh · lind II 1' (ll l\jJIU tI U~ (HIl('Y' Yt:t sl,e uu~a . hean.! 1\ mlln auvide Iltllt " boo~ oCl ome Su , '''' \'1.' pl.ze , ji ';1 "re lhe I;B le 'H, r,' Sli id 1. 'Ihero DI ll t 1>0 som o fillll ~ r' ',,'t'''t un cle?' 0 li n co rin)! Llholi L5 .. kKrri .u v IHl y li,l lIlil nUI- wha l lI u lhur u u~~ ?-iUll'l'ess you killd be cnrr ied in th e poc "~t. to be And tlry me lJy the fire . m i~l ll ill'. AII~w .m~) lo t:uquiru iC yu u '~ he ~~ d lIu. 1t cli/illl lO the youn •.,. 11\ . 1"'Ii'IQr, which W ~' 2: OWU(;" oi A slock ' l\ "I I her ~'I'i ll llo~ do. Sho 11,,8 O~I\U - u!ed in eRSO o f so u noee upi,,11 Dl om ene /'m !life ye le,ve me, I{nlldecn denr. d Y ~ : hi'" 11--, Ii .. IVIIS lit' I""'ll _um" lis 1\ CUI\I p~ ' . Rnd [, ui:c L"" ord e r 1tI [ul bl'ow n toy" •. ri pe red lip s. tille 0" 1II. \- ,uc h If II~ Il is prl\cl ice. H II uied ear. KI t 1\,11..J uhn ~ Ull Il,. Dul "11 begi n 1(1 ""lIbl • •.J II In fu I' II) J Ou abo ut Mr. John I "c lu r~--all:l Aue "'p'J i~d .. ill, cuu n. Ull un "itl" uv _t"~ pond ",,& tn" - ' h .. it. "nd vcry \JIIlu eomple1ioll , .. iLh 1\ Iy lind r"tuOU". 'i' here are w ome~ !Iv twhile }~ 're Llll zi ll ' wnrm whitli n. ::lmil h LI1 II wil y Ihill you won'L l'('iI ,h, " ')' : 1 1 ~ 'II'\( ., b~llwl\~ · ""lSI .1.\18 , )1&111 ag r" olLloua ( , .no . ,w . • . Yo lu\'e me lO dr ll IVII whld6u l. i~ y un J uu'L H·llit cl lllJlHgt's furth", iill . 'S he WII B nl)t. Y III wi ll. I hope . t'x - w im ..IH ~'" h'~t1cho. Wild" th.e (,,(. , pI·e.sion ihuic.I\\'" "."i\rinbu IHlll ov" r - d own a Dd l ew by cl\1\4 e or II" C' 1'111 1I 0! illcl i IIcd 10 SIJO I\ cr.IIIl I Ii~ , 1' 1\'''. IhUI.lOll llti uliliurs I S di ll vtlry low . CJU.1l mc ".1 r Ih e liluild cl' 1 II l1ve com · \ I~ r~ ( .nr~ L1 with ldl~s ht' s L bllchcu I \\'U Ik. ll dr hg ur ll 18 lilli, .1t~hL lind I uolil lh eir eye. lire alma. , insu p p0rla. N" morc :u "lllher· rurl' : "'l hg lll' c - lind Y" u m ust I<:IIV" 1110 : llIilh:d . 'IN " lire e xp~c li n ~ Ol : bl'u lh ~ r , tht: m Ick 11'011 tel\' LIIOI( (1,,, 1. I'lO g ul ,tr, linu Ille r ClJUOller givt:s you Ihe l ol e. lind are only driven lo bed by r Ilul. 511 P, 1'lIi s\lIuthcreJ prrl ly well; CUII '" r y I' ' ll ellry [I'orn lhe 11 111\) . I\I;U y ou\' b1u~ f , II I . '~ tu vst . tlx ,il inli 6C!;! II!' : Ihe i d~.II . o( a JiI·IICliclIl. "lIl:'rgetio. r .. tll" r ' p ilpi cil l in cap Rci ly 10 wor k Rny longer. ::;0 , Kutldc en , ope II,e tlurl.'. '1 nit:d: '\YhAl do you tRk " me ro r ? Cllllhc~ il,·c,·l v,,, I 1111'. ' : un W III Ih" ~kY-lI l1 u Iho wllld W lill " IIIIICII I J1.r~"Il. "'Ith ou t dill 8v~I' Hge Tile sll't'p oC the Cll'er"orhd. like ,hal '1'wnll (l 'lly yi~l r r morn , niy dOllr. Yuu'dbcll er blJ . c,";"rul . or · yo u' lI ge~ I . FIJ I' " I,iqh 1 ~hlln Ill wR)'~ wellr l l~I!,It: 1I'-III1t!II,u UlI'lls Wil l' in Ihl' ti ug l't' 6o f st' llIiuH'lIl.ro01Rllceorp oI:'I I'Y of th o~e ""h odo n oLworka\811, is un 1 bu lll"'reJ PI ,eli li C(I" . ) Ollr 1,,, :11 1 CA v ~ d 111 I Lluu.' I rv p lil" l 1:("lIlInlly. ' All uw me ~lI ulh lind lilli ~ 1l 0 1V WilE on Ih o ' Lhul wom ,·o of cnlturc lind fi neness pos. , slIliKfy ing and unrt fr tti hing. Rnu both 1\1It1 ~ l' i kt' J Iho \lu~.· uf PII lsy Q uin n; ' 1'1 1 c.. vt: ) uur h~ll d ~o for S Oli , y ou to 10 ill Lr"d uce OI Y8~ l r-,-I fi lii ll t! nry ,,;':O UII 1111 .1 II,u i ~e I'I,V shi \' ering' I >c~8. IIlike Wilke li p in we .. rin ~s l. ,,,dnes8 s nd AII Ih i8 w us !.IU Il U for Y VII . you ng villtl in y uu! ' crie d he, spr i ll ~ llI:; 1I' II I' kwtlll •. of ::;111I '1,l\l'i :I,,: 1\l1~, in lUa· \ With Il lid Iwld-flnd Hn g~l ls ('JV bUII.1 I A.l i ~ s Prescott worlu . lIS her appeAr' 1 f\ ' ~g u or , wilh an iD ll1' itable rts ul,. boch An ,l. Li,r olh, I'u 0'110 Ihim 1111 B~'in i\L Olt· Will. III' cnn (' . ki ll g' Ill \' u,,~t bow. 1 sllImlJ lt, d over III) g l: nu~ ) ilukl ll llt" u I'IISIIIl O pro and , lI nC., IndlCa les. {lI r beyond hllr 8tre ng lh ; ! dy lll g p re Pl lllur<lly . T o pl uz_ I cr~i1 r, 1'11\ sll'rc; 'O b. J ulin. dl'lIr J g!tn!' e:t e l ,<i m ~d 1\ lILII,mRIl . tlll d f, .. 11 sllJR s h into" c llin n "on, I! .nd (, 0. h ~l'e Illiltle and lber ll a lind is. i nJe~J , wli lillg lI eari ), .11 her l L et DU olle wOlkin pai n or wesrinelS. Dil l I' d be 6q\l~ l ch~ 1I ill!irc:y. slll,'ill (I' mlll~ \·uice. 111101 ' /\ lltl l /i g ll rc ill , c l,)~e l. drm oli, " i n~ rlt It!/I . t 1\ d ozen g uud III. ' I llIlI!!. from ehcl'r nl:ce ' , il}·. IlR aile has ' Vhen a mft n is lired, he ough t to lie U lll c~s yo u upo lh e ullre. Ii Ioe" oi t! oUIICl'S blJ unued u uw n lh e I p l 'Il c~ an\.! AS IlHn) glasg lu mble rs. lL:t /\ n1 08t ex sili ng ~~e Il P ; i , KIl in vll ii d molh E' r , a parllly!io f'l ther. clown uo Li l hc i. fully res lwd. " hen. Oeh. ~ft l h l~l!n , cJorlit:.t: is it rigllt ' lIdrw~y . I "P1'8l1 g l() Illy fcu·L. sll ized- my ;hag. tu ho ller ··.u u lly,' or Illy duw n I l hrell bisll' rs lill d II uro lher, RII y.oullger wil h re IlOVBI {1U 'Ir~nj( IIt , th e work "ill 'ru ~ rnlP }' f' r love r 60, ·Do ~I ' I. do'n 'l , f~l' tl:(l luve oC hea\'en I" nd lI' illi u ut " wurd llltsllt:d oUl o r Ibe I m· e· . l lil/ln Ih' r, elf. d ep ~o(] e nl on he r lur s uV ' be L ~ ll t: r dOlle , don .. the looner. " Dd A~ lhulI!!" he WIIS a cubbago-p lun t, - tl lI lI t mUI'lI... /, IdOl I , liU II S" . kl?pL in II l 1 1 r\ Itk ed wilh g lory. porI. ::; htJ hH 9. 1M "Iwcral ),CIH8. b te n dOll e wit h 1\ sdf'8usl Ai ll ed ..lllc rilY.AIIII rll in WUI; ld II I1,fW h ill; :!rf'tV 1 '\ \'1.0 Ihu Ul: UC' ; l d O J :ou tako me (or~ ' !. 1 knoc ked over "m ... n who vr./lS h wlI:t:pirk turd 011 mon DY " ~lIgll~(' d 10 ~ IHw yer ill U061 ? n-l, er ! 'l'he 1:1ll6 laken from se ven or ei ~l~t 'I'IIi" SIII ,,1' yrr fuu) jn '. rur J ."uve •• C tl ~ U I.DIY II U I Jl>; r n .III~. In~I\L liI'1l10 1l1 ""l , II Il III ~ 'l d,; ( 1 uIY5~ lt l n oht' 1I b,ow. . tJ r " t l oluIl1 C I ~ d "lhcnl~J ! o I" r,u -b ut l lt ours s lee p.out of eac!1 ',"I oty ·fourl. St.1l'" 'w il l k.!y, 111,.,.1 ~II,I p llf~; ' I I Iflo kti IHII lor J un to R& k Ihll t ou my l,Ie AU i\1 II,Ie ~ u ller . The mllll Az 16 (C I\1 I1 ! ~ II n ~e 1l 6 pu t otll O V Ihe has .d,·fcl fl>d he r m"l'Ill4ge ag nln 811 d lilli e not glliroed, but limo muoh more B ul. ~ lIr c , II,e r,li ll will curJ:c iL qU f'Sli (j nl ~ ~n l'el(>(I , htt m lln, ' you {vit o ipicb",( himsel f u p. An d "'R~ nho ll l to I pon, l, Ide hy ~Id~, !\I;t h Ll ill III II It: an : I 'Igl\lI~, . un LIl she 1 1I'~ mll do more I\ ~pl ll ~hRn IU8 t; W I> olin ch eal ourse!v el . bu& Av I'P UI1 I1 '1 ope the tl ur .. . lt llve wun my 1~ l fll 'ti I'''IUI, I\ nd IlI'C ImHlie a db pl. y of mu"c le , whe n th o ' gt:lls . IY /IZ the mos L pu we rfu l HeeDt: I I' IOIII. slun fo r he r. famil y . uch 8Rcrl li ce If It8S IhRn Ihllt IIm oun t be (ur nish4ld, )'e 011 I,n \'e cnlll'd llIe ducky, den r; I b Ii J JII.I ·I t I I, A 110 pr· .ps l'e Ih ink jl"1 II!'IV , h~l'e !l 01Y 10 pll\lI lO elope wit h h e r I " lUll o f th e Sireet ItlOI I' reveil le" ttl m ~ c v ~ ~ 5 or "I II . Ii II In cessant Lu i !t re ~c ry 1I0u e on he r u eellY cummencn I II! nTy lour. l ' vl! fou od IL " 11 out -- y uu nell dn'l t he '1\'6 11 kll lW Il rnee of my ·J oh n Smit h. 1 h6 all!;: I'.n l la.pl3 (rom Ihel l' IH' CK~ PIHI. nuu prove h uw gen~I'O u , II ml mllg ' iR Ihe 8ame wi ~h Eleep; Rnd aoy on. Th nl. I'ke nil J llck_ , I '!II fUIlt! of rain ; nUl Ih ut I (' nn'I .llul'I . LJlu "h, JlII U-' ' Eu l,t klll' cr ied 1. 'A.ll ow me 10 in · 8WU .QJ II Ihe Brh2:1l, RUll th e rell Lhe rz 1I f1ll im ous ~ h c is. 1:)bo 61\ yS Hhe is lil'ed "' h o p"nil LI in allow ing himself lei. Well I l'~1 011 0 \ ill:': 5, f ll oL he r hllve , ·1 b,·g pR r<! on (or inl erru pting y ou,' qu ire if you r wifo was Mdi nd11 , the e1· in th ' J ocl;~ys tl u:tel'ctl ill Ihc breeze . Ito delllh with wr iting' , I\n d tleclllr(, 8 if tl~ 1I1l ~sture requires "ill onll ha81el1 IIIYRofrlY !U8f'Cllrf'; Rai tll, ' butl Illw e lI ev (:r eet n your de s I d ll ug ill el' of my falll er ·sg rt: utu o .. Iln dul i! l'll lIn ~ 9 ( le wmu lc h lO m"n, she hAd hfl r wnys he woul d lIev ertake Ill s Rr rlflll 10 the mild bouse or the grave. SUoji. t to ,.\'e U II Iri_ hm nn. wife. he fort' . 1 pe rdeiv e that s he is nnl cle By r"e?' abull >. ~Llt: r.llri i!l the b l't'~ze, R I}I'II in IIl'.r lr a~1I 1 Rllaill, U t\ I ~88 10 wrile -The Moralist. Nuw, J{ Qlhl ee n. O !, IJ Ih e tl ure. ~I dl ntlll, the el d ~ 'L d ~ u g b re r of m y 'S he w n~ ,' sa id h ('.g r8 ~pi n g my hand ) 1 d , I l l~ I ~~ I Il yer. WIIZ morc crllZY pO cL l y , . ~ ln c h 11I. llitl oo ly sp t C,U of - --_ ....._ _ __ ~ ~SlLburb"n N. "'S. fli l bt:r' s grea~ un ulo-'-'/lnu I lim ulll ig h led 10 8~0 yu u! Bu t be fo re In ml hl e-·on Ire . CO IU !;O, ll lUn she 11 h e. I3r The Hislory of Mexico .howe SMITH ' :Si r. do YOll d imy th at you Bre Wil · confounu il ,)") U uet: dn ' t coma al a fel . Fu r 2 10llg lIou lr6 i Hlo'od and gnet! So p l e~bed i ~ ~ I \(: uy perpeluallsbor. Ihlll du !'i n!: the laSI forty years. Mrxi. -rBE SEARCH FO . liam J unes ? Do yo u deny 'Ih at you are low tiO. ' ' wilh m c.u i t~ m eot. . "1I\t s he is II n"ble 10 d o jU K!iee 10 h er co hll8 had th irty -se veo di ft'e rent f'ltm s J uhn S mith mllrt'ied ml rl\lher'lI in 10Y II " ilh m y " 'ifc Y' BUI I mus t cu ~ my story short. . 1 fll 1ik" a k"nllll h ou turne d lU ll · I I'c ry fi ne tllient s; and il i ~ 11 g reat pily of g or er nm ent. Ibirty ·t'Wo of "" lI ien grelll uncl e' s e ld ~H t dou g ilier. Mdinu l\. ' I 81U n OI J on08-1 hnve no lthe hon· He Look me home wilh him. and I d llll y ull ew g r·a88. sh e couM not h,,~ e tbe re81 b ll r meo tll1, WI- rll 'H.epuoli.s· and lIe .. t)nt., live l.l vrue . Coouquently I W8& n rd ali ve or. si r. My nll me i8 PIIl'kw el1. Hl'o ry bad II g ood vi s"' ; I eaw Melin d/\ 10 my I d; 11 ' 1 kll tJ huw tew proc eed. phY.8ic al "n d 6piri lual n alUle requires Pre:;id enl s\ h e rO'loluliuns ~ Ilfing IllOt tu' J oh n . 1'II rk w.cll . of Sqll Ashl'ill e,' Bod willt a h e (\ r t'~ con t.e nt. NMY, mOl'e'--I mel Az li e ov tb e ~ug e l s. mU~1j i ll dd en fo l' 1II1 1'IIl'CI UIII p~ r(or mllllre, m01'1l 111' 01'- lim e huo amouhl ild 10 nvu 1.. 0 hlln . . Rnd WIIS properly inlroduoed to Hatti e I lhe I'I!. I., cum {) I UIII~ dow n' till of I'or. I .L 1&!'(' IlI 1l rklllJl t! h ~ w ad - el rod. Ml\ny yel11l l inoo R h....x i ,~p () J oII II·s {ll mily hnd oft en \' I ~ i le d li t LJuw I tu(Ju my self o IT. I d I Afte r II ' Rl J cIll/eu At the relldenct'8 ::) Dli lh Rnd - well 1 am lu\Yin .., a no" Lhe lr k,3 IljllgLllI1 II h!!Rd ov lI er mil le 1I111'8b ly ~ h e "fll cs. un ue r Ih e circum Protectol'''t e "'''8 urged upon th o U nit. our i d coun ll'y lome, 11 11 I' isi lCju /laJ most cordiRlI y p r esd~ dIL LusCRe10I of L hr~ e Ju hn S ll li l h ~-n "n A of Ih t' ln s ui! o f clullit's mllrle . I\nd in Liuoe cour~e I\ngdl 1\111'1 eyes W'II'O go r"i " rl" '" wil h hl'!' SifIIl Cl'S . t ho ugh s he irn i. ls hel' urHi ll iA etl ::)181.. S Senille b,/... Go n. H ouston, uprc luln Ihe ('omp limel\ \. wa s my M r. Sm il h. and II0lbiDg occur · Llh'y will ho mani c,l . 111)'801" in lhelll. hcn fl Y b ll ~ 1 ov sI' .. ed ; ~ lt e eeclIH'd Id ry , an t! Ih llt sho f~,,18 aK emply 1\8 An 00 Ih e Ifround LhllL Ihe Mex ican people Lati t OC lobe r, bu ~i n rsB cRllcd m l' le J lYul'lhy (1 1 noti!. to the youlIg Illdy ju .•ll\lIud ed to . •. I ,YIJ ell l lu ca fr(lm ell r lh, Knd WI&II \l1I'crl ed gllblet. 1 kil OIII' of uo woman oth el'l\' lfie wou ld rail a pre.,. lo lome I M y nexi Mr . Smit h I'e sid ed in Port_._ ___ __ IId t ou lil . luI' thu Capo uf Guml whu !'(IU "ls ht' 1' in l ichn t:si of fllne}' , europoan pOWM. 'f ile projec, Wid 8IId dt: 1l Y 10 .l!l etl cl lY .1.1 -.- ,' wllell'o 011 I' land SHeil !. T hilh ll r I bt' nl my sle ps. Who f- a Gentl· em~"; ? U I' ~'l1~" " ... , t wO\' 01191 . witl. go r· "n,\' \ ,u n ~u r" . if "ll (l \tI\U ru\\ \. i. u u oo""\ " m".. ~ ....<l ..\)"n~o'!'.o\. \1"'\ . ....rCI l&II Vtll rC81ue , HnU "' (I IU UI IIIVU1"1 . en tl). I. d ow - u·cru mhi'· " I'IC cr" l1 l',on . tl \1..' ._II(\ W O U, II hllp 8 in vi!:" of the Pile' and prtllen\ r '"'; o( I t I'I':lS a v ~ r y Fro nl l housI'-e vlrl gou r. s woup lor n' 11'Ie". Ill \{ Ior lin 1lr.1. l' IIIIlC to. IIJlp l'l. Se th em of my OO Itl I1W~ . L , . . \ I · · 1 . I . ) ' ltd .J{ uy tbe brilliall c" of h er . . . 0 \l ut II,e h ouse of we Rlth Rnd cl~ lI n hn e ~s A g l' nll eman is no L me rely n pen on 111 0 s Inl pH le ,11' Si ll Wl· lIl. ''' II ~ UII rt I.. rst J would hal'e bceb " .,11. 1l! WIISJ IIllend I I X Ul ' . ue/\ I lelll·: t'lr ",l. 1\ I'.' I ~ ll1. H I a VlSIL lu lli e family UJ I m llue my WRy up 10 Ih e ·(ro llt .d llo l', IIcllu a inl ed "i l h ct'li ain f01'm a of el i "q I\ III~ 0 1l E: Y m u~ ov c ec lUll. ___ ..............._ _ __0. I I rV' ~ In nil l i. . 1 ] I lit rll ll " h a w ild~llll·S~ of old rll "" uru · l qU"U fl uf life eROY e"d se l f. po ~8e~s l.d l (il s~lI,lru ~k ll'l li nd I" pul'ill g IIllldo . - -- - - -- - ArlemaB Ward ..y. eb'ooling'i. ~ lit / It ' HCC U~ lOmr~ CI\I'~ ~9~ne ss,. I l\t' lI '·~lJcl"·1'Y . ultl li oW IHt' . elc .~ 6~aller ' \ In ~oci" ty I\bi e I;) ~p(,Rk lin d Ret 1\1\.1 1\ wi !:allt.,.."d aro unu Lhc oursl e(1 W EALTII oj' MOJllol oNB. -L'eul. GOY . n'L 118 popula r iD N eudt6 1111 i& once I IBu c t ~1 8 re~l !e h 1' 6II~ ~UI II ~.'" illg 1\ Il"cli ul bens ,lU1 d rousin g 1\ ~ n )\ p · l lIl ove ill ;he world ",ilh oUl Rw k ~RnJ . IIn g"ll; I.I,uL lo! io A U1 inn il :'1 "pRce . Br ose oC Ill inois. wllo has bce n ~ishing wae. ACe " yel\f8 linee lbey \lsld \0 lIllYCUlIllolt,c ul ·'Ii uIII ' ~ ,.lU g III I 1 " 1°1 It I ,• I,ish lillie tl'rrie r (10m Li3 D4Ip ou Lli e 'I II"" to ; 116ye .Ida u," milo (or brc"'· ' e,er" I " a ~, ~ 1 y nu 11m. l I IO ll g I "' . nnd fre(, fr om I, Rb,' to 'Vlll' cli lire ht: 1' wi ( ngs I 1I1l ,\ill '11;111 . plum I . d, I lind I ., the Mo rm un8 , t: x plll ios Ihe l ourcll . or . . a u~ .... ra"'\ II J I I .; . ' 1 Sl l· p~. I YII I 'a r lind in bAO IR ~l e I l· r y cllt ll; r 'I\" '~ 1ll I:S Ilw lu p II. e; All u -~ tI morning. A reformed d e ~perado '0111 Dlp"l f. ~B I I ~ clI!~ r~ ' lll II lI:Jll t A i'cd - rllced womR.ll .an s,wcf8d m y \ ~t ge n llL- ru lill i ~ ~(IOIl ;" i n O' ueyond llll · on Mil' li ed . IlIfll nr like 'tine' Lhl u its -thei r p rosperiLY a5 olu IY s: me IhllL .be ,uppolled he· hail kill"d IDea th~I SIl\ II ·.tt Rill f bUSI eo I- ,'e' ' of ' [' 11 ! I'I\ P. bu t Lt'ffll'll I cuuld OI nke D1~ . ,c u. ,'Ilesc' II \l'l, "CI, II' ,," III IIIell I'oul 01 1III 't b ult' o u ~ LI !I ~ll" s ~' ) , ' . W il bin Ihe 1t4~t fe w yellfS the y bnye I k tl 'A f I 1I1(1'11I'e, \l r Illy re 1\ 1\ II .. ' . . .1 .1 "' I' k .• . . ~o • 1 I ~'.I .. .... 0] II '1'1 f l ' en oug I 10 aloe .. g ruc l'" • '. 611I Ii I .... no " tll Dllll y IIII.jUII Y, ~ II' (l pc nu on mil I e a · IIIB ('Uti Rnd rd m" men l Rnd tnct 18 \Iou el\ .. enu more IRppyoeRI g rown w o~ L1Y , Ie suurces 0 I le ll' iog of nm orle,' ,,,it! ho, '.om«lim •• Ii 6 IS~l' ·lc ' k'l1l 1n Otl 'n~ I rO~. RII· I wo ~ d ged IJU lch cl ·K nl fe . I lho Ilow~ r of pleRsi ntr- l:o w h •. li e ~"IY i ti' Kn ht1106,4: t.u tl:l '" .m c-lI nd liZ; i sl" ly I·iche. are eASdy ulld cl·dlou U. D uri lit; co mll l o'er me 1 But I'm iui .hered 1 C OV ' I" nt lllil ""I I I nn I · s u pp r es~ . '" . I J ., \' k I I II I C I' f ' . . .1 . " ' I · ' '''''''. 1 f II I I · Well of 811 the impod ent rll ~c III ~ al'oid hurting Illt'ir· ft!ll ling 8 Wh en hil i w e ll ' ~!.1 )11,1: It:.r( lUI lilme!l L 110 lay · rI I III II 1 01'll11l emljCrl\t1on Icure d, mlln no". I baint kill"d Q &:111 0 ror eU !!:l'In ~ ," II' I' PI! I I" e uw !lu g I ' . . ',. . - . : . erD i {u l ~- " ooll ' d. I l eI .1 k I \ tT l 'II • in r ill ? Tu ho 6Ule Illy clu thed Were lI u t dlll l e Vt: r 1 set' . yo u b!;!a t Ihe lot I I , IS III s uclel Y. hU8c rllpu luus.y 118Cl' rtll lO ~ I "' 0 ' " 1111 In "o mu YOll ra l Ull ' I' I. S IInu ,, 'I'HI ov er two "I!e 8 "laL 1£" POIIOI1 ol tl,c v" ..... 1.1 tI,s t, c u·t , III~ if it; no. I J-u,t I wn nl 10 lin"", if y ou. h ?nd ~. he. cllt·.t' k 10 ,' LII.~ p O~lli ll ll Rn t! reillti on. of H ery 0110' ., L..-,N. Y. "s(J l lIr d ay P re" . L hull ~l\ llIl s of c migr'lnt s would Ilniv c yerl elf wilb l' be added, dealiDg • .1 II k 0 10 Wit II wuo I. ~ 1It1 c l1 m ~~ In cO lllll e l , - - -- - - - . -. il L::)1111 L ll ke Wi lh th ei r tellm s bl' okt:n re'OIlID.• bl ow CD tb e b ,r. \h ~ Ih ing''JfOl Rll y ofll' o·u( of' (!I t. arm y I clime 1' lie k I1t! l'e IIg ~ln . ,~- a u u l1l ~l t() \\ ca r ui ut! wil h bri g hl butlon s' hUl l ~ 1' 1I me tlll oi ll er Ge l'mlln s I1\' eI'ICapoL. ht: mlty g ive 'e Rcl; hIS dU ll hO llo r. IllS I'rlends hip with Women dllll' n. vr l" IIf of Ih ~ ml de llJ, I\od •• 0 • • . wholll Rnd my IIlInt ' Bt:I- lUlu.. IIn o LII~··I I.. . I0 ""<If " . pl.opel. pO. .. .. Illy ClOli t W tlS u lllSS. b o~o m )lID luu n. II Il Bt IIIt·I ~S IlO W uI. O N h' I.' b . d l!t ert' (ore UM ble 10 prucellu.. O f cour8tJ ~ At Berlin ,be, bne diacoyerell .1 I 'b . I I ' Al'lI l11 inttl'IIu ul tl n' t yo u' 01 '1" a v lid 10li Chitl " in ( 'ouv el'~ l\ti l1 n O I!D g cou u e more se vele an I'h t! Mormons w"re n' . ~ d y. III lrue Y/\ n· a ne,,--of pre"a' r l'ft b NMer, 1'hrr Y U Iy IIII d s c e ur ~ u 1 10 u ltons ""It I Will · J ' ., ' • • . f ' k I I d ' I ( " mJ r~., ... iug Rad 60fL 'ORp UD ll llhl' y bhon e lik.· ' liy no IIICllm,' sil id 1; '1 beg le Rv l; on HlIy sul .j ec L \Thi d l may h et!c d le ~s l y , u nJu . t th Rn IIII ~ lJlct llre 0 lemlll' l (Ie ILty", lu Irlt. e gou alllIDK 8 Or crellm i8 put iOl.O a clo" lineD b_lI alld IJ 1 d t" 1 to iu/ orlll yo u- -' ·hun t ht· ir 1 ~~li n "R ho w he mlly IIhs Lilin in u friend s h ip wrillcil by Liltly Clara Lhuse Lhal WIHe aUOUL worn Oul. pock uu ried in lhe fround lit a deplh of ~o: my qUl!s 1011 WII I ' 01 I, you n eelIn 't b ~g I \'7 _I' ~ II : cl illIg 1IIlIindsowtI dltfl:l'ooce in haru \lu out a foot I\nl a hlll(. At the eo d 0 ( ulj,(OI ly. I'epeall.l '. e u.1OIl 't l fr·OIII lIlly 1\ 11.u s I·u~1 ~~. "I' c ll mlly CIII I li p .' 1 Cs,'e llul 'CIIIl you d irec t me to th e r ei lu cll ce b e l ie ~e ill bl~ gl:R I S I I s 'p ose you Ih u'l Ji s lIg l' ccllhl e o r o lli: lI ~ i\' e ns , oc illlioll . A I 'lJ eu ':"'thllt ie ml'n "ho Arc worth CIIS ). _ tw enly.four hOUri iL ia lakeD out. aD<I ' Il.? ' 1 SIOU I Id 11 01 I'd lUW ).011- b UL 1 IJ'd • ( II J 0 IIn S C) " r. mil I I I '""~ n"\:mf\ n Il. e l' e r Id luu e &111' 1l (J \'e1' Ill" Ra yL hlll g-lI re cll" pllble 01 II g ood d e'll 11 IIIdn r~w" mll nliiI s Al most. 111 b lhese f L brod found qaite firm. It ilt then only De· 'Mr. S 'I1l -i t- h ?' he s:lid &l o\Vl y. s huuld kn ow lhll L ol nc k bug ill Cal ifo l'n yl penfS conscIOus of lilly I'nsulIlII de f!c l" I . I' d f; d ' I ' f . lJ I ,' 0 11 onn .llllmll S wou e II aD ceRsary to beRt It up ,.iLh .. gla.. of .\. '. . ' . I II e (', I~R I ' ouL (I ( Ifly p' ·t'StnCC · · · 1·111 ' bou ily de(u rm ilY . illft' l'iori lY ' o f tld ell t u ~" I r," 11 ~ 11(.1 ," ellc OLIe!, a l s leek . (\11(1 M". Murm ull e ld e r wss re ll · -lLtMr Lo ge ' l'I'd of lil e bu',terml· lk. To C8•• ,, - !\II. J uhn DOIII l. , UI ItY I ' HII t Vcnlw Ih ey 11I'~ gO \'.-Tned uy II Cl'r d .• . I II t ' t Il t . . . • . ' " f I·all k ,0 ( rtl pu Ia t'Ion. 1· U 11 Ie pcr"o , . ll III . l · " BlAm.ed my (llther ' s grt:8L uncle 's ('1' 111 bl'lJu m h andl41 OV I' I' yo u. I f Lilcre IS . .- I rI j ' 11 y tu IrR (J~ " II I 10 nex e ml 0"fIlll IIId "revenl any 1\ d mIJ:.ure 0 r esr.'II, "h I' • I ' 1 I . . ' · dl _ _ I w" (le~ 8or.i tl ty he i ~ pl·lP,ed. II ln prlli Clp e 0 IUll or . I.,,, y ou WI Cll m l1 IIlung . Of cu ur ~e . mll ny !!!OO ~ " ol'''r 10 enclose Ihe 6,.\ bllg iD alMlc. . U I' , deo Ld HuglJl CI oc'... tI Indll . -_ lilly I illig l/I III , tt R 1\ pc e r cep"o ba rJ ly t:vt r l'l'KI' 01 unl.l of li lt! fLe rn"r I ' : 1<1 l . Ol u ~ "'" 'I dun' L trtillk l liiiu-w- Il J olin S mith I ia ll ~' n I Il~k .. ll lke y".u I' ~ gl· nd t' m ~ u. ne Yel' IIs- um p.s nny .s u - " rX " ld crla inilllY II pllrl or full of " lI es ls 1I\\I; 'tlflru vII18IUII SI '1'1~ rfo ISlor y eI\Or ~e ~I!I~rrelll :~ oad. 'l'bi , melhod i • .aid neYer ~ . w" .. I·lI1 ull. ., , . . 'A ll OIY 111 0 to ' . e. ' SAl' u.1 I . "If '1 · /1"1 'll)rIlY for 1, 11·11St'l f - I." ~ I . III '11 ...0n u·1 Ille bUltAr to be of a parlicll. " '1 II I II "110 IlI qull " I. ' u w n ~~ I' I' r 1'1,11 . · wi l h th e fll i ol ~ '" ~ ~nd (ll ilil\lf9 of h i~.. mOSl I ., I 1111 , Ie . 1\6h fu . . '. 1M v " I d b J I I ' " '1 " 1 J IJ I' ul ~s n ~vl'r lJOllstij never mll" es n til " to I ueell R gre llt I us 0 BUllgflillOn (J on I ar Iy Ii ne nUAII'IY ' '' rm·erl • J oI1II ::SUitt I se ~lIle 10 e n common I 0 I I :::S mll ll 8 WI I! WIIS .... c III n u y .. n ~. ~ . . . • il\ lilllllle fl'ie n,( 01' If ilh 8A l'CHS lic re mll rl;~ I I" I .1 I ' 1 ' b ., n . 'l'r y 'It ,J~ . I I ' f I I' I I IJ .• 1 ( f I ' , 1" 11)' o f hiS own po w"r or I\O\, lI lJ llIg'" Iftll ll all' ult 10, snu lie t. 0 lmon8 ave IIOUII WIll 11 m ('om IIC p!:c u IAr 10£11' I Itl l : ' t,\ ullu g lI er 0 .. y lit 101' ~ -. . . . . . . . (, II h is l)erSll!I lll "p" eRranCtl. \-Ve ",i ~ h I. " 1' ,II II tl ' \ . · ~ pel\ k' 10 ' " 1\ f I lI~ I m · 0 ·· . Ii' WAS I'IfIe d , 11 leAr d !I' I ~ u c h 'IS Iii R"' r U o f our own SI:' X' ulltn r"lOI . Lu U ~ ~ d In 11'1I1UII.I I '1'1II! I.u l'nO Ill ~IIC ... ,.,iled 111 Ildl c ul e • or 6 '1i' Wil cll ul d e"y Ihe S'IID I live. .to .1l IIf I. IIt lr surp . Ui gW U NIVltR9lTY 011 M ICUIG AN.- 'I'b'I" I , I r • S t' . •. 1\1\1 p lo YI ~ l o n fl llt .AUU !IU S prices. III I I t U ' 't ' tl un "11 \' r'·uI"('·"II"' / '11 1 ~ n tlle l u ·l s·1 elll lllll 11 1'(, Il kl' f) mini o Lu ll!!l . ond ·CII~ Ill, or Rh ust', a~ he ne ver ill .!Il I.." ~" i ll I t " , b_ . " I I. . I . I" I" 1 )U , a liS wc C:ln nol. lJ m ~ IIIl t:S 1'Ie oorn III IIH!::e to ~ IX d ulhrs " 1: ushel nolV I Ie R'l:ea mvenl J 10 Ie co • more th :m vil e of Ih ll L ll a WIl in tlli. \ FPl'lIl1g down Ih e SltrS iuto t he lil l' ~d l' IlU I OI~ , I~I. ' C ;S 01' I'I' C \I11111Ul18 ~ .IIC I nl"' ~ ,1" lIbt lil" ~ x i sl~ n ce ' . ffr i end~ l lip In (t m lin d ,v l"' sl 11 \ ei .. lit lo Le;\ uollRu IlII (1 try. contKin ing onlllhoU.Rnd and liftyell)" III 01)' b··-t paea I u e u en' lve 10 Olle rti, 1I1l (1 .. nOli 1"1' 1· ' I. I \ d I .0 t dant- ·'I'olr·l buIBd a 6 '0110"" " . . . ' • ' ," ., • I I r . I. .I ! OVt l bea l' ill " in so lenl or egoti tilic. !nl llt: u08u m~ " tug-~ ~ ,e l' , lin WOII I I!r il L l' r o y i si .JI1 ~ b( 11 11 kind s aL propol'ti () 11 one" u ~ u" . ~ ~ , I' . Il nlhe rl4111k lit el e IS. An II\1 J I) II\ RII 10 no t ICRI. ulltw 10 0 ' Ihe n:H la LlUll s wilic h wome n Dlll kEl ot I! I 'J I b Medical c.I epllrtm ellt. four huodred .and ,\Ter). we II " LiIon, ulrccL _. . I CA n ~ 1 " 1 l( I 1)e lIl IC . ,a D Rn~ ly . worn ll l\,~ 1 '\ -I L un d re d ; II Iil ll to lie tht ll' uw n mOll l1n ,'S! to el\ch OLh " r _ lit eI ug f llrc8 . I 10 I Ul'mon 8 ' I1I\\' (j eoume I IhirtY -8ix; Il\ w, tlree I er· I. • • D8Rrl' sl. , \ I" Ii I n il \IeI' (ilCU II rll lll'ln g I'100 . I Gt, LO ...,.-S. oon n flur t llC I !\te WRr b ro,,!, '\ \ \'he ll A u" us ta RIlt! Am elia SPt.k ('ar h rtC I . I " r 50u . n ~,r I Ian any o. ler p eop eon ar v , two lruD!lreu.J I\n d' .ully· Ii Ye. TI Irl!. "j' . . 1 I 'i\1 S· \ I III". betlo ap· II ~ nCRI't'sl IS 10 \~cs t slree t , fC C · . c,dlc i on t\l' L1. ln oru 1 r. DlI llEOUl , .l lI" ~ Iilp m ' IltS ~ f gol ,1 Irum C,III. I othe l" s SUC ..I!! ly CO I1 HlAlilly. Iwill tl thei r ( Ie c on lln t1 nt _ ne" IIssillAnt proleStOfll Och I Ka thleen, Ope t h e D ure.
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on d hlili d lefl corner- y uu'lI see IIi ~ IBlil l UIlSIICCCs, 11J 1 111 my 80 1l1'<: h. h W l\~ fo rm a I" ,1I1l Atl AlIllC ~el\ POri S urt)Pllild I\r m" .. round eAoh olh er's wilisl . kin al , .. , p oinled . one in el)ch de p"rtmont • •~h. o ~ m e on l he door.' . : ~" lli n ~ neM u ll i k. Mud I \Vas more snx '-(1'0 111 II UUUI II, irLY ti v.e m lilioll8 (\~ I\u l\\\y \ par l ill ~ . 1\I\.ll eJ:t.:.h ll n go' Ihe M()st IIITec. T IIS CIIURCH 111 }li;1100 . - T he (ol - ' iollituliun ill "ell elll\awed. and tumoa 1 p,.ased .0 11. c' JI\ gm lulatln~ my s.e lf IUUS Iu It' llc h IIlY ,OI.l: l lu ll llon . . ' Iu llb ou t t WlJ lv ~ mil il uns. A ll .t 'll.' resL liu nato li lll .. bil l"l" , tli e lI uppo sitiou i. lo wi n g elRlistics will be [Ol1n<1 illlereRl- i5 rr ee. Tho adminitllMiou o[ Prea'. 0 0 Ih e co rdlil l Wel(;? "I C llillOulti reOt; IVC I .M y n ex t l\l r. t) Ul lth W'I~ locnll.'d In W IIS 8t:n~ to f()rc lg o co un tl'l es . 01' 1I III Rt 111t'y nre frien d.; hU l len lO OIl P. . if ing; . id en\ llave n ball b een IIIlineDLI1 IUOflom J ulill Rll rl Mt: llllda. L'>lI ux SlI'C'I:1. .It 1V I\5 IWII lg hL when I u roll t: ht efls t by ol hc r COI IV UYA nce , 80 yo u meul AU " ust ll b" h pr~ t" r yo u di s 'I' h I · ' I I bl ' I t ' ces8ful. . II n~ to escnpc cll. plur0 by l IltJ E ng I'Ii II cU I'~ r to " 001' o "'· relit J ' e e cc eMlI8l! clIf e8 a AIS Ill': l'n I III • 1 I OO r. rCllcl,cd Lh e p Ince- a linnd· rRll g , he I.uc II fl i t 1'li S u·1uor. ~ lIrpl'l sr that her • . . I b' 8orn e I10U"1l WI III t1ie /l 1I1II !! 00 0. ,, !l . v"I' A Sru lI'lil t; ft· II uw" ". 1 ml' 11 e d UH', faI' r· I)\c I)t I pl'l' vat(·e r". '1'1Ie Iii' 1~ IHIS R!! "III . I OPJl ."l\(\ : 1I uf J ' '' . . • !\Jellco COIIS I~ts 0 one re ) 18 1r p . ' D' d A mdll\ IS uy nu mean s It . . d b 0 I . ~ I y ou preaeo L your .CCOUD' duor plalo - t ll'tl g tIT!! be ll- a serv anl 'Iy rO!'cill " ru e ill iO lb e hall, u ~fo \'o 1 : lUl'lI e,l, fur W t! A!tH in s~ e hy B reel' n l ,l hla h o nf' . S"e wo nrlc l's IVh ll~ )' OU 8t'e Il e ll:h~ Ill ~hu p! anI .R 0 ut .1 1,000Uol " rg)1 to Ilw d(J fllUdanl" inlluired .. lawyer or 1 I cuu Id uUl' " r a wor d . ' til bl e 0 f Sl'II pme llt6, ' "'°0 '·63 . U9b .8 I' t ry uf RII .o rd t!I'~,' I .' l' t t IIlil 0 4.U ' I.III ....hl' r 10 admir. e' .fleS Ur. \l8 )·OU ~ lttl 1 . l IS I IeIdric leal I I lure I II uU C len . ' f,Jlenre d . . b .III l ' .\"<lI lk II. " l IL10. ' sir ' .. IIP I Y 81.C (, XPOC- hll v!! I, . ' II !l0 1e'l 1 ·' ·d .51r ' .• ""r. I S mil u"e ll 6" nl I·Jy l I10) "1 v ii. '( I ur nl." s.lCllln 1'11 111 , lind " nler l " IO ~ you Wi. th aD aCCOll n l "s l a bIi 8 h ~ d In Ihe ",or I . 'ul 1 I. •.,o, " Al. r. MI'.S mlllll . . s .mlhearmy.' Il. ng yoa . 9, · ' 1 1 b I ' .. , Y . I ' I ,' roller l)' m" rl c 'H"ea (tnl rent. nro e~ ll ' A d I 'd ·· Ih lJ llld ll:S \I'1 C 1I \l 1\' 1l In ' urs, lO t.; e \V or" "" " II I IC prc9('n ( of ce rla lll'"1] s ter ieilo f hll rl uil" l "' 1, jCII I ' o"' h b "" JbU OOO ' 0 Wllh luue 8l\y .• "\ l: ' I ."' j " . 'J ' 11 II lli. C .IS 11\ . liI e b !l Cd... 'l l' l·llr. '1'1IC WI10 Ie Am oll ol , enl 1"rW >ll·t1 " ' u u oou "n 'L' IJI'(' nliun IQ "ny o n•~ bil l IIlRl ed 10 be won .11( out il:'J 'J-I e l o Id me.to, " 0 to tLe dnil· • r 8 . Olllil l-U S Ie . II U\ OLDc n t, ,, ' ~A . l id • '11.' • '1 111 I16 IIlllly '!- oh, n o-sho ,81\Lt he pu r l,, \, . \\lI , lk I'l.g hlln, . II' I.. ' .. I... ' O til IIII!E' "s le lll " ICldlv LI,I' i,lL'a o f Ihu~ec lI "9 bt' .ll\.f. her' 0. 00 ; . tu SHY. donl '/I. 011 'lIS I I d .:(1 YOII do theo . ' "rom ",a n F' rHnCI$C ' hln 0" 0 d l ie i unlo d Imi I' Lellch .' 1 WII" ge ully p.uslillu lowaru lh e uoor :Sl!lte ~ . (rOll! J"nu lll'Y 2, 11l5 ·1, 10 D u own: 'and lhA ~ .ol ,or.' 'fuere i. : 0IOe .l lun8. IlIves l ",' . lin eilL 1ItII rfll 8 AI\ C l ur c.: ·WL,. Llll'D I clt me to YOll." . ,[ " .. • " • .f h . , . . , .1 b I. · 6 " . "' 3 7 " 7 II U ' . T • cd,ticr s , w t i C I IHC a 0 111 11 mos t ~ o llu ulS IS IUr . .. O 0 Sm ith I hou se: Ie uf a ha dowv " PHrt Olc lIl, nou uL L e C(,' fi\uc l' 2Ll, III i.I, 18 Q 7 ,UuLl. L, I tI ' lII l\' hurnbl tl ill trc llch erj·. yo.; by ne ed d I i U ' 11 it " I t ntl'll lICtl I ws s a no ounced : CO UI'SO thi s is noL tltc wh o!.:: prod ucl for \Vomell bc fnl .o tu' eRch uther ? Th ey 11111 ClISI'1 C(blllISlrIlC I on, Rlill Rdl'lI BIIII'I 0 6T A paper c"lIed Lhe TribuDe . , • . .. I " I f I I' . )e &" VII ua I, 11o " M Ie II)' l ey pubilihed d ltill in New Orleans by tb • ·Mr. H enry . Ihe lim e spcclht:L . ru li C I 0 ti e g.1 I. II r" ~fr y COII.lll llt lIS a "e neral til lil a. b 'l \" ' I tl ' Id d 'l •1I IS. ' \V. as I118 ' wife'! name Melin eIft, nnd 'I' he gAS wn 8 nol ].Ig IIte u. .1 .. ", e re I UI t. d1" Il. I I. 'f ir go all d l Iie R· .L ~ se n t 10 f U rG 'I ~ 1I co ul)l rl.es to ply f or lu Iho$6 of th e (J ilie. r 8e x .'... d' otl/\n el vI'r llegro88. It. edilorll lire colored men • WI. · . d k 1 I' d . I I vessl:' ~ CRn ('6tll;". an . 88 Bue Il BYrtl o uc ful' tl s he WOoS mar · p/\\'Ime o, \Va s III 8e ml' II I' ·ne6S. merchllll l lSG 1\1'1 10 sell e exe IlIII Htl! . _ .... ., I b 'lr (f I ,er ' h orn II l\.· educa,ed in Pad I. and lire .pokon of II lied, "'001 SquRs hvill e1' hu rd n 80ft. (l ~ick (ootflill 0 11 Ibe cllr- anti II y a~ t d enl mnre i8 8en L E ~ s l uy me n IS. l .lOse• 'C I III g S M O ". II C I\l ol l'~ e) R~ being very po\it3 aDd courteou •• '1'1 d d I' I .~? It is II rnet wldch mny be ne w tHe IU U In t liC H\' u f I' XICO II . Ie Ill IlD r eddencu anu re,polldeu' pel, Rnd ~ p ~ ir of srms fell ruun my otU (!f mu el thll il rllg u /\r sU ll'm (' n ~ uY . d "85U 0<10 000 1'111 The jou,nal i. publ~btl d botb in FreDoll angrily: Il"cll ;"i nd a pai r of Ihe swee lesl lip! 00 slellman. In a recellL wo rk, p uol i ~ht·d 10 IIl RIl.", llt ltl ErllOduy·schoo l, WIHIl in · Rre eSLlm a le 1\. I'· us'll I:ocr-.: 1I0d Engliab. 'I ' ll . d '\ " I S F ' I 1I0d uc .. d inlo Lli is coun try in InJ7, lJy IlInded prope n , IS co n In Y , M (. nr,1 flan tl here to he insul te d; ! Ihe ~on L.LOII I ItJ uched mine ; Rn , g ool by ou r. t onlllD, at Hn rlln l>~e.cll . ' I II' ~ rr . Sflmue l !:ii ll ll'r, "h o CfllDll from ·n .. in \, lilu e io· the IIIme measure that ... 11.& 6 otr ~ il h "ou ne H, or III call Ihe " I'I\C\O US ! (ur a moment Ihe "odt! wh "ltJ gol d product of Ihe Pllclfi c cOLIn L' I t! I 1.1' P k I I) I " ' 1 .' b 'og more pro . ~ Tbe difference blt"eell R ell!j,,, ", n" 1111 • Rnc se ll cu m R",luc e ., ~. Ille al ver mlnel ArC ecoml v-.J , po IIce. I Ibonulll • 1849 i:f 8e' d()WD '" fl'om Ill e fir &t 111,a.L swu m·l lln d .1 'It C dlld'i·f ' l 11 iIdlld. becn 8tbrfl \V.. Olr y SIDCt: . _L S 760 •000 ,- [. .. Anlliou 8 f ur Iho mor~1 Aod re lie iou R ducti.. ". The revenuee of th e cle rllY mul". aod Fltbrenheit'a therm olr. e le l'~, " you WII8 ent ry Lhic f, bu~ you d on ' I cd 10 I.one y. a n 811 e Into L u III 8 00. • ••• im proveme n\ of t hll ch ildren empID)·.e d .. r 81ill , er1'.r<1", Ihollgb Dot 10 aDor. ill ~b~ differlloce of nolalion or Ihe r· pia\'I 00 gR meon 1I1 l! I' IIU d I.ue b /l1l"t! d l.u c ~ I III fJ I1:1 taVI ru'ct of ro-es w II. the y " er. .. ,., hen M ~x ic.o " a. a lDometrl'o61 marke. }t'lIobrellbc lI ill .. " ena . in hia m"nufacI()ry. Ind rememb t ring moult ~ Iile d;)ul' in my fllc e. <> Oh , lI ~ nry-my dearest and best I ~ A youn g m hn IUled lit dinner. " hat' bad been done in his nllti ve land. S . h I ny A, ,bl\' lim. lbe AD - erally used in this eoi18'rl. aod lives L'l • Ilt ien' If 1 hlld not bee n in Bu ell II Wlty UI/U ' t yo u ki811 me , Henry" cried Lhe ol her dAY • • "id to bit "ifll: pAnl'~ CJmu 0'( Ib41 Archbilhon was ;)'l deureee III the (ree.iDI point. ael lIurry I 6 d ' . I'k . 'JI d ' Elleo, if ,·ou are .,ood at gUII.ing, he (orml'd .. SUDd"J'lIchool .imilar 10 ntlll III co e r 0 1'" t t:, l..- iliDg point. . a 0 the ~milh8, I eu ould IIAve a vOice I e mU ~ I t: . a~e you .cease J.. Ihose eatl\bli ah ed by Mr. Rl\ikea. Ihe $ 130.000, s nd 111a\ or 'he fi igllt bishops, .... " uv g.'~~ n llial rRscMlly fllllo ... a 80UDd chas· to caro for me ? and asarn tbe lUll was here i. a conundrum for you, ' If Ib ~ rouD"er~f them' I-D Glo"oee.ler, EnalRDd. . '1 d ""409 000. '£h. ArehbilboD il ••• I 'ISing o.n the s pot. . rep tlRLeJ. · . . dnil.hould laal bi, 'ail, wbere would \& v . . . . .. It ~~~ ~n~:c illl ~. "ell arlh" eccleliA'lieal ~'A'iD" it wicbd &0 I'Ob diulhickQ C1 ~DqUIly' el icited tbe fac i .Lbat J ohn Who could re m l the &emptaLlon? I bl g o lo ge' aDother" A .I . I ·· ·· tbe 1 ead 01 ,b~ Ohareh "nd • •·bordiaa\e roolt. (Horge" ·Da'·• • lrea' .oral Climb rellded ' A ,. I • T h· I . t I\y, a dilJide maD bUI I After ',ome ti.m c .peD' ill g\le ..in, r;:::r gt'ot I!mAIl comp "Inlng e 1 . . . . . 0.. ' '. " , .1 to.r I b to rcu s ree .. II ler nm nR UTII . . ' , ~ a iOUI taae. III a he CI\Dllot put on '0 him there il a lingle per3Cla in ..oh que.lIon, . .m: we .IIl iO ~ID' " 7' • eDt lOy tlepl.A maid · Itrvant b ,,~e 60~ !,u~an lIalu~e ID me. aDd 1 ahe guo it up. b " 6 . , '~'I:i 1. - . . wiLlIo..' a d i·QOe' •• by _hom ,hi•• al' property it Iruo il DOW-balel .clow. ·....... 'palll~"~r.clIUY riDll, paid her prloolpal IDd IDterellt, 'Well,' P ld hi, ·wber. ther Te ·t"il ) 00.. ID • mornlDI eo.trolled . (..... . ~r. BllliLb illt· 'Oh, H enry, 1 h..d 10 f••n4 tbal be, Ipili". . .tamp. 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DR •. •• A. BOlIl:lII:AJlT.
1. XUL.
Jl":TAI~ DEA.l.ERS IN t :t:llb"c y, . DRY GOODS, ~ TUI: Ilolu W 1U'II: I.'f, by Oeo. . An E".y 'ol Wlrn ,n!! ~ntl I".trucll·," -4T TB E~ 0 hi 0 : Childl, Pbl ladelpbift, is the mosL . com - lor YOUII I!' }It>n. A 1.0, dlleuet lod Ibu· QUEENS\V ARE, _ ple le Ind Ibly cooducted paper In tbe I ta wh ich (lremo+lurely proltr't~ tbe vill i RT 1-1 Jtl86 pOW l'fII, wllh 8u;e mell US 01 rehe'. . Spnt I HARD\tVARE, WED ~1'r~E5 _D ~~~r_'_I_"....l'I_U~""""~~'~~~\QUakljr cilY i 'Ind as ~ul:h we rl com- Irpr 'o' C t18 rlre, ill "p" ll!o lpll e r I' ~Vt'llI P'" .dfl'~ all E.rptmt5 C{eartd. ~ . I'~.'DS • , . DIUt '" 8W'.n s, ltm TORI: mend it to our readers . S;2 a year. Addr~ D.r· J . SKILLIN HO UGHTON' j , . l/ in!l'THE F IELD, ( SA ND8 • KnllS 8 OLD "'ANIl , ) _ How .,d As.oeiollon, Ph lladelpbi_, Pat flv A 11 I !Itt • • In [ ; E '('A PE ' by AllJ .. rt GROCERIES ..... - · •.... ·YORK. AS81STA NT . ARTHU R', 1l0~UIIIII: com" to 30 . 1)' 4 ' . DUN.GEON. A ~ Y 1':ilJ UII~'Curre~ pu"Beg lu ve 10 IfI (orm ihe public Iblt Ibe, ~.~~~~~ i 8 Thr_t , D. Rlcli"rd.o ll , . '1/ d u 'e IIf 1 000 "Rve on hDlld anti expect 10 keep & " OL ••I'- .. ~ .... - - - • • • • • NO. I V. us for Ft: b rull ry in a mort: d ~cilled .Iyle A Cough, Cold, 01 ore , . - D tlen" ,]"I, e u,.,pll rbnJt'd "nl ewl'dtl ll ce ut' Ihe T ,, _ f I RSQI!IRES I III MEDIATE AT1'EIITIOIf, A~ oiea per dey Idll un • . I t A Complete A ssortmc nt of SUUULD BE .C O EGICED , I F AL£.OWEP I &~pu l nri t l' of Ih l~ \f ur k. II ~e I II! mil: W1 '" -rl'l':(~~ iJ111!t _ !1\1it fT'!:t . uf co ye r Ihlln u ul\I, lIll d (1111 of use u •.•CI]I Jr 11 a.A L If II W S, and .l!nler tftining m ll ltil r. 5 2 50 A yel\r. 'TU eu/lTI/lUE, r.llereSlinl( . nd rxril lllg ~no el'c~ pu · tIiJ J:A l1. .l !l JJ:!l~ II ~~.uWl'J \\'v Ol) .. T. S. Arluur & Co., P hi ladulpbi a . Jrrl\QtioD of Ih e LUll"" . P e rmaoelll jj~Iof!.J tlll~ br"ci!fl! I\lr. R IC!IBrllsU II 8 ~n. In vile 1\1 (('111 10 11 t u tltei r S luc k of The d eBtbll hi ci lOlera ilL GJ\ udal oupe . 'Chroul ",foc ll oll . or lin lo c urable I 1ra IP'lle,L ~ perie n ce (or.fon, y e .r~,- 16 , LUll"' J) 1.eB~e, I PdVl."tlfrC'! w ltil ~ Irave llng Ihruli c h th e GO()I)c. 1\/r a',e r.ge 131 per day. O UR Yo V lfGFuLK~ for Ft!bru8ryeon · ' IBUFT£;THE RE.. t;LT . . ~OIi1"ill ", c>ecrPt .c rv ictlu ll ~If'1"ibllne L 1 ~' lJ~ ~ , The reinforoements reaohing M~l:ico IIRins iL'· usual alD oun l of de lightfu~ IJROWN'S BJtU~t.·"IAL '.·UOCIJES 01 IIlL' 011 ' brea k o f th e Wll r, \\I "h nur ~:. I Selr cled wilh cnr.! in thl' E us lern P A IN T SOl L S Hovill ' di ~l'et i llUu ~ n ce on Ihe. p"rl", !f"~~ oll d t1eP I~ , bUlh E ne l And \ Ve.l , 11 8 , , D b ellrling mat te I for lue y oulh . aD from !'urdope tble fllbsl ,,~e k 0 f f cem er l ~ain tlti ~' itl repulal ion RS being tbe ,.i,'S i lll ~edl. l e rplie l. .f ur Hro~~ 'li l i., r.c>IlIi " f' IlIf'n t flO r 1\\'.(' lIl y "\t~nl" ~ 111 sfve .~ . ~\1 ,1\ lW lf7 '<II ;]]1 ~~ • DYE ·ST U FFS , .' . . tl ';'h l hrn ll Cn lll rrh. Cu nsum pti ve 81.d tlor".1 ,I , tf"'~ I1( R(' Ioel pr ,so ll s, hid eli c".pe all \ Ll/.l ~ l1'l. X:>. lSI( J -'J ,lIl1m .. ere I"e va uoureu. • . I very bea L pubhca li oD of 118 klO ext!t nt. D ,~ Trochp.s ore u. ed 'with ,I"'.)·s a l ll\O~ 1 mi rllcul o1l6 j uurney by mg hl, 01 T O IL ET ARTICLES, The Spotled Fel'er hn. made ItN np :5 2 a year. 'l'ic l,;nur & «'u:lua, Boslon. ,, ~:~8:I~c;e89 . l:lillll PI8 o"d Publ ic i peo k- 11I~"r1y 401~ no ile~. _ BllllDLEl"S DUPLEX pear8Dce iD Guernsey oounty , 0101 0. I - -- s wii l fi"d 'I' r;'c hes u~e l,, 1 in C, ·lI lIg Te u"'If'f~. ladl eR . e nt'rgelt c youn!! mpn. 1I11n1 ""uonl hare ditld 01 it wilhin tbe TII B \V ID It: W URLD Rnd A MER ICAN ~;,e voi ce wllt'n tbllllll be rure Iilullll: lIr ' nnd l'f ped.ll y retuT.ne<J 8nd Ih"Db'e~ lJhffil > , . ,~ ~ . . .• \ . ' I I ~ r 111\ c,.ra end Il.., Jult!r lll, III ~I ft nt 01 prtJh t 8 e lau teo day s. Mt sC&LU IiY , t wo weekl y hterMY lo ~r ' .peDkltl~. a"d.r e elvlI~" tit! II"ua, ,, 'fl..' c .. ,n l" YIII I' nl \\'l llfi ll d il pHrt lrulllr/y allBpPAINT- BRUSHES, \ J H B ' \ &. Ul\u&uol exertion 01 hie voco or" ',I r 'J S d ' I Our Sluc k 01 Tb hndredth ,ear in lhe hialory o( \ol\\a pllb\iah ed by . • rig law Trnrhea I ~e recommendeJ and, I. e, . ~ed 10 Ih ~' i r CUll illun. e n lor CUCU Drs. I WlIITEWASH BRUSHES, Meili: dl; m . eelebrated " ith g rea t Co .. BosLon, lire Lue beal of ,our B08l00 by end hove hlld T,,-,\ PUOLlSHING COt\lp,y. 1 BOOT SAN 0 SHOES, The bell quality 01 enlhusil,m OIl lut Wed nesday. in O x · 1 IInu deBen- 1) Ihe .llJeral paLA Hurtlurd, Cunn . -IS OF T II EprQV:d Ih t ir I'ffi~llcy by II Il'el . o!m ll "! I SC'lANTOII &. Rt:aa, Ag t! 1I1R. l3(. 6 io. I ronag8 el: le lld"d 10 th e m. ford ' Oh \ ' new oc. , ytoa" . eRch yeHr fi II dI I Ilem '" ~, IItlL'i, 5laled Ihl~ General D~ lllir Ire· GODEr 'S LADT's B OUK for FebrulHY,is tie . in vur itl ul pnrll 0 1 the world, a.f\ ~'~ For medicinal purposl'tl, tu which the It· 1 Ii ' b d b f l ' IJ f ' Ie 'I'rucloes are uni\er~81Iy pronounced . ct er All 01 II'hi ch i8 offered at Ihe iow est lenliun "I l'hv"icinllti i~ ('lIpecilllly c al lf~ i ply to G tM""\ 0 raUl \I n.ear y n.,a e. ' I A chl\ rm iDi num . er 0 I 118 0 avoll I M W thon olher attiC\ p.. . . I' T ---. , end whalev.er pertllina Il' a ADd " ill loon appe~r ~lIh lue Imprtnl '\ mag a~ l oe . . M~noo lllHlllnl, .ary . Ohluin only 'Br own'e Bronch ll rotake Ihie me thod or Informln !! mA rke l prices. o r a Ne w York publlluloK house . JanVrlD. Mill ioroH, 1115. Leshe, and che s,' 811d do 1'0\ lak8 An)' 01 Ihll "orth- I 1 m~' ulcllriend" and Ihe publiccell (!r2.tf FIRST-RATE I 011)' , Ihst I h. ve removed my plRee Ore :u . I les~ IIni:aliona Ihllllllay be otfer('d , The Kaosa, Blate 8eollle recentl.\· I' olher noted writet.' .I:o~tribule 10 lIe l::lo ltl rverywl,t're ill Ihe U•. il-d S I!ee. , of busillf!Ss to Ihe st.nd lormerly oc:uplell pu.ed relOlutionl r.voring t he trill, nu~b"r. Gud!:)' 18 indispensable to thtl anti ill i"llreign CouIJlrie'l II 35 Cen\8 per by Mrs . Thum~8 8B a Fancy Store, conviclion and banging of JeIT. Dnil. IIlJ IIlI. $3 a year, or lue Boo~ and ~~: _ _ _ _ _ ---l~ OppClaite the Ilogen HOUle, A I ~o, • Jrood .upply of Ind otber leaden of ~"'e rebellioo equ · GazeLte 84,50. L. A . GQdey I PhllaLlel· .... G E l¥ T S ,,, ... ~ TEll, where I nnlend to "eep on hond I gener.1
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G roc "c r i e s ,
BOOKS FOR THE Y O'C NG .- J u~ t the , L d'u ' Jewelry DiamolJd Rin, and the Ibest brsn,I8 of -SOUII .8lV j I ~ R t , i Jj II E , 0 H I 0 , laLtOn in Cln,wa looking 10 a "plralion kiDd to elente and do Ihem g ood. to 8 I P l n~: etc, , CiTY MAS UJ'A Cl'URE, from EnglAnd, IDd anneution lo Ihe be "ad of Messrs. J. C. GlHrig uee & O:.LY .3 EACII, and w.rrlnt h, &rive salisraction. Has on lInntl ft sple ndlJ a ~l!otlment 01 TEA. COFFEE. Uoited StAtes, or tbe formaLion of a Co. , 143 SovLIt Fourth ,treel, Pbilli' For eny article dr"wn . Retail Price from Th.nldul for the very liberal patronagp, BHOADCLOTHS. lSUGAlt, leparate go,p.romeDt. . delphia. For real el:celleoce aod ... orlb 810 to 8250. . ror &eVPlro I y potS beslowed, I hope, by CAS::; I MERE!'), A.IO L A~SE~. Lheir stock has not its 8urperior i.n Ih o I ~ll Goods Warranted GenUlJ18: clo.e nUelllion end Iftir .Ieilling, slill tu VE:STlNGS, :s1'ICES. ~ fe'!' ni~ht. before la~t Cb.ristmas a and it ba~ alrelldy acquired II Pri ce 01 Cl'rll/lClltee 2') cellts e.lc~ • . Llb- merit D Igen erous continoance or tho Home. TRlMMINGS, l:'l'C., ETC. verttllhra wlldea' WI. lulled In Greene couotry . dd ' . etal Prpmlums end COmm1851UD I. E . KEYS. &e .. which he ml~u'ac'ur e p according Iv CO~llly about two mUst southwesl of 'l lI'id e·&prelld rcputaLioo . 10. II IlIOD nllowed to AgellU. The rnnrll et price nt oil times pAid for Ihe LATE::3'l' , . I" II r collecGrel'n H iJes. Calf Skins ond Sheep Pelle. Spring Valley. Tltil fea~ WI. I\ccom- 'I w th"ir own pub ICRIIOIII, lei d Sample certificatel lent Fn~. J I "I -1 tl . . I d Ll very besl nn mos I d \ y ,. . . E. K. A co mplete ftlllurlmcni 01 pliabed by Mr. Z"de DurreveDI, n ooled 11100 IDC U e8 Ie . Fur circ.llar.jl and Terms, od reS8 _ u ___ ___ _ _ __ __ _ I _ __ . . ' '1 b k Ihat hB,e ISS' CO ' Bnd at Ihe huoter of tba~ Yicinily. IOteresling Juvenl b 00 S .' MusBI. HA YWARD @ ., Complete )'ictnrl,,1 lJi"IOr)' of the . uecl (rom the promiD enl pubhsh Ing 27-3m] 229 Broa,lwlIY, New.York. 'l'lme~ •." LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. A. Rlcumond paper 81lYS thero. "lire houses 10 . LIII' ~ counlry d urlog ' tl I~ p '" I COlllnlnll.lioli. Scroful'l - - - -Kbeu-- - : "T~f' b,e llt. cllollpest, - - -!Iud mo~t ~ ucee'8'fhc ' {'I\\till~ l)olJlll1mcllt Child!'£L; large ftmount, of Tacaat lands willin Ih roc or ( " ears Each book is Clare' .a,. ' I iul J~amUy J'oper 10 tbe UlliOll." our ~ . nln 'I~m ,. ,_c. Id untler' Ihe 6up~rvisiull ul thot flx esll ... II' thirty m . ilel of that !lilY. ' now offer ed fully eXllmioed lIod oooe pnsses mus Hcg(,Olnn & Co.'s genuine Medicinal \ IIAUPE"'!!i WEJ;;KLJr: nrll S', for lale at pricl!s ranging from !i,'o to . d Ii tl ' t: WRy 10 Iheir shelves Cod Liver .oIL hM rroved, by twenly ' "I'l FNnrnLY ILLU STH.ATIW. DODSON, ODe hundred dollara erlore. MIlIlV of ltr on D8 I. . ye.rs experleucp, Ihe most vlllu.ble rello" I- " '.. ' " . . . , r,' "'1 '\ .P . thAt Is oot o( Lbe h ighest order 0 cdy in USf'. 8~ while It cures the disellse, it ." Clul ,e \\. NoTII Eo UF 'l'1Il: PRESS . ..[L!."'. 'I ~ these traoll are IlIgllll prouu.:tlye aDd . p d' t n of the gives slrell!!:lh ~nd flesh 10 Ihe pn!icnt.- I - I h . LI •• I " .I"d y I'.~~r pu"l " h.... 11\ Iho Un,. who. iiI hie line, id glmernli1 acklluw I· . merit. areots an cnstruc 0 .' I",m "rea ' I I L'I- II. ". ::;1"1<', . ! Fur G I\ I ~ ,! ,"I: :f!' - Hu.1 ~l l } ~ ' \ ' I. confeoteollo markel. . b \V8rrantpd pure an d mllue - . - i\ . .w Lu "d,. .. , .Ad' . I·u . .... evgp d to be WII' Ilout 8 8111'"rlUr young mAy rely upon II tha' no eltl!r er S Id b D ua.'· ~LS l:~ner81Iv ! 1 '1 10" llI o"~1 lI ew'l'ap. '· 01 our.coUDIry - wlI,. R I .' ~D'" ... .\DE CLO '!' lll \ l ' a ltli'., l.: ~t " ~P:) td \\· I ·I : . 6 t.':l.:d~r. II e v s. 0 y r ~ .. I . • I. pl ele II, "lllhe "~I,"'lfll""I' II I .11 AlllfI'":O"' \ "'0. .. . H ie .I.led tbat the Trustees of Iho books enD be foun d to pUI mto I HEGEMAN & 0 1) ., 1 F" ""I)' ' 1 '3t", rll ''''IW I'', Wu kl )' h •••• or"." lu, , I I I I I ' dD . N V--.i. . . ' . . .. , tn ft r ,\.!c QH8UtUY n'H c t' l! UIl '111 11 IIV nIH " e CI lemlstll an Obio Mililftry Academy are negolilllin"b bands of Ibeir childrell. fUIIK1.IO, ew . ..,... . z,".d, 01 \.: ",11 ISty Ip , (J f Itu ln tt lUll I\e , " I wnys In , ·Ul'l''1y. ~'I"ita. '"l ""' t-' :, tio ll :' '''S" ' - NllU . Y.its.'nl a::\' ~ fIIl• l g"A P OeJour,,,.\ -to ~ ~l~ t "*' for 'be aplendid bllllding I1nd grounds ---~. 25 Cent&to Save 25 DoUatl. · ... Io i. I'" I' H ill rlli.h"' -Ih. he.1 ill. "lrati "".. j)(' le rn,in e,IIO mnilltuill the r~,, "I"li , " of thit' Obio Female Collegf'. at College TilE Ouao SltlfATORSHlF, - Bolh He2Pm.n·s concentraled BClizine reo OU"luluro l ' I~ l o " a n. wilt Cllrtch lhe,,". h e~ ul Ill S hUII . 6 as olle III lit e fir .. 1 cl,•• ". )1 , . - - - :- - v Pit Gre e Spo' &. . I _ , ,,UI ol .lla, l'ol" ",.·. 1<1),. 101l1( aller Wi'll"", Dudley olld his o •• i.tollts will "purt III' . lIil1, near Ciocinn&ti. Genera I I::llllm' HOUSl'8 of lhe Obio LegislRture aascm· mo e8 e", Be 5. C •• 1118 mil I ""oj I"·".' ... . " lid I'uui), he..",rc IUI'". dIO ou,t. . I • d h p'u f h 'r1 d ' Iy. ~I\fl (Ie"ns Stlk~, RilJbon~, GIOVI!I, &c. - i\.", York EVolli,, !; 1',, ; 1. i>"llld 0 c,ve mo~ bl1l.lcoepte ~ II re'l CIlC10 L " bled in jOilll c~lnvention on lur8 ay ('qusl to lIew .. Only 115,cI'IIte per bOlile. '" " owe •• ily in ....y bou.ehold : -llo, ' oll Entiro Salis \aC,lion. ' of ~II kinc! ~ ol"lIp olillall"_ Acad' 1D1- ~. l1ul. aod proceeded to Ihe elcction of Sultl by DrUl!~19t8. HEGEl\IAN & co., 1'''''"11'<;1'1 . Call and ,·xamine Block I.Ind prices. A lille tololtlrlmen\ 01 ~h' a-K- ;,ogl-lon, Jlmac'la, Sta"dlrd, o' ! United Statu. Seoa.·,or· The Uni..on Ch"misl8 end Dro!!~i~ta. New Yurk. 'II i. at OOCIl R le.ding pnlilk~1 and hi,totic 'J~ v .. .ll a n"o.ll lI~ l of ,Ia. Il lt tl o ll.'-B u»tou Tr a ~ t: lI41r.
Paris and New·York Styles!
For Ladies &.
T. T.
-'U .
, ,
C·. .
Frui f.-.Tars
DII~. 9111., in nOlioiDK the outcry wiLl! men 'Iftd' preVIously, In caucu~" nomlD ' Chopped IIllIld_ "nd Fltr.e, Sure ,
_ -. - , PER T E" RI-··W, LAl\I1)~. . wont 8l!c n1:t cvcrywlrt-' r p _bioh Ih. wbolliale execuLiOQa in the "led lion. John Sherma.n. 1 be voLe '.Ips, ChUbla'." 4:41. '\ , SURSCRII'I IONS - 1860. • 9 f TI Hegl'lFlBn &. co .'s CatD)hor Ic.. , with r~" 1?ublo.h~rt hOI'" ptr (ect.·t.l • IIltem.o ' til 8ell o\lr 1~lrR O \, ED di2U Sp'''iog )1 ,, · LANTEHNS, hland had been reeeind in Europe, slood--for ShermM. J; or ' I d i d .. ' 1118."",; b, wtllClt Ihy "UII ' upl'ly tho M~I!.lIn~ GIS I k lurmRn GI y~erlDe, curee C.lnppe In I, ~r., 1111- • "eI \\ • • kl> "ruIII ; II)' Iv Ihv. ~ who d~",r. 10 1'ldlll'S. Tltr.. e Ill\W kl",ls . VI,d,'r ""01
re"ffirml lbal the negro plo\ wal an (De~ . , ) 41. enOlrl\ c le~c ""I Ito rnerllalely, and Will keep tlte Ikln .uft r.. <.i.e tt,. ,r pel'i"di l' ol. rti" e" lh (r'JII' lh~ojlic. upper Ifed. WarFlt"led fiv e ye'Ir • . Atlu ve ,CHIMNEYS. ftBtoundin" and borriLle realily and was cllodldllle, but was ddeatetllD Ihe CIU ' Ind emoolh in thtt coldelt weather. S"ld o( puh l":.Ii"" 1'", ,,,,,,.1<,·, ,,;,d oth ..... 1•• , . "uhlfY or IllrgB c"""lois.iuII B p"id. 1'hl' • by Drlll)'glsI8. Price 116 cPont.. Sent by I'OUO 01 K~tlinr; "I' dll ' . , 11111 be .u~t)I,,,d ",ill, tJlILY mucl.illC8 sold in U, ·ilt'd Slult'8 lor oDIJ prevented from de,olopiDI: i~sclr CUI. moil, 'or 35 cent". HEGE.MAN & co. "h.lldllOllle pi tlun.l lbow . vi;t ~ 011 .ppl!,;uuv •. Ips,; Ihnn $40, which lire luliV licensee! b\' TOB.L\CCO~, It ' dd . N Y ' The rLl'I.~' 011 "'"'I,er , II •• LI) ,•• 0 Ce"I ' I by J:J. bll rlpid movement 0 f t Ie troop. PERSONAL. c IIcnl6t6 In rue-glslS, ow urk. " )'ur. "hid' ruUSI b" f, .. "I.1 Ih. l uhlc nhel", Hvw.,. Wh et'I!', 01< \V il_oll . Gruver k (1,,'-SUCH "'1, • 11·3 I'0ll,.,dke. kf'r. Sinj! cr k eu,. hlld Hnd,~ldt'r. All T[I{o\IS : FINE CUT fll)wr ch(lup tn tl rhin t' :" fire iU 1rin .q f·tr'lPt1leL In r('sponae to .. reso\uLion of Ohio _ CRpl. HRpkel Semmes i& kept in TO CON8U)lI"TIVES. lI 11 rl" or'. \V . okl)' , "lie yen,'. f4110 AND PLUG, een!llc, A communication wal receiv eu cl ose conliliCUieot In WIlBbinglon. "" .~ I ra ~o"y 01 t"hor Ih~ W •• kl\' or i\II"" II"d Ille ;c liu flr II s,' r i. li "I,I,' 10 "rree t, CIGARS AND ti"I', ~lId iIllIHi "'JI'III P"" t·,O'culll r. jrrt The und"rs'gned hoving been rtllored 0'"'. ""live . upvli .. d t;rll.i l f"r eYory Club ~, from lile Warden of tbe Peni~lItiRry. -M iss HRrriel Lllne, wlto presided to I,,'allil ill 0 lew weel'8, by a YI'rJ dimple ~" H S"~"' r',bo " "I '4 ,.d" ill 0". I'wIIII,.n .. . . A.I,I''''8, (II' C" " "P"" ~ Iou '" &. Clar/" SNUH'. liMing tbal tbere are confined in th 8t over lhe While HUU81l du ring Ihe ad · relr.edy. ) "lter hnvill" ~urr.. r"d leveral or ". " OV i•• Ivr ~20. Bi,ld.:i" rtl. MI,i",'. or 0 1 N" 8:2 3 B'lIudwIII' .. liH Ck nUlllb.:... niH ue s uppli erl At an, tilll e . BLACKING, institution lwenly·seven nailitary pris ' tJlinisLrlltioo of her uocle, Presid ent ye 1u 6 with B sev ere (ullg Rfft!ction. Bnd 'flu: ;t 1l1 ,UII! udu,llt" 01 lI ~ r". ' r · . V\ 't dd}' ~ ill New Yu,k; N'J . :J3ti Cllrtfr!':it. 1'IIIIa,lel: BLACKING · BRUSHES. thai tlreut.1 qisease. Cousumplion-i& anx- 1I.'nl d u ll! t,i "d,n g, ",III hf' . ('lll'-'/' t:~~J1'cil!. lr.· . ph in: No 1·1 (,,,,,,bll rt\·s B!ock. CloicfllJlo. flucbltUIlD, WIIS mllrrietl on Ihe 11th one ..... of whom Ibree are seulencetl Cor ETC . • ETC. (lI.j N .... 17U We- I l~... urth 8." (;jneiuioul< tu mol'e knowlI to lliti lellow suffer • • f "XI"' '' ' ~ ' "I !;I7 .''''10 . ,\ 1' 0 "'1" t. I.;d. Cu ", iIl RL., lit Wh~BIIRnd, to Mr. Hl!nry E . erG the tllf'uns of cure . I"i >u,g' E , ~hl \<du .Ile8, 8f"l1t 011 I''' l' t>il't of c' a ::, j l IInti, 0 . ; or No.8 SI'"uIJing'_ }'XChOIlI!I', life . '.I,'ltey arc Lbe Ind:lDa conlpiralore, - - : -.John ston, a B .. !liwore bRnlier. '1'0 011 who desire ii, hI! will p('nd 0 ul 110 . , ·.It, of '~25 I'u , olu, .. e, {r. 'b lol • 1 ex (jult~lu, N. y. ~'6.ly whose sentence. were commuleu by Ibe Vt'H:5e el f purcllbs1' '' ' :\ <.h .l ree lJ --Mlle. Ermzu, II. young Mexican copy or Ihe prescription uEetl (I rpe 0: H ARP\,;H. & AROTIIER ~ . Presiden&. - - - Intly of gl " "t b ~ lIuly, who hnl a dow- ~hurv,..) with Ihe .Jir.r.liOIl8 rar prppnrF,ankl;" :;'1"""£' j~," York . A Chicago p.per •• ye that at the liDle ry of D1IllionA of dullarR, .who 18 known lfl~ rind Uil lIl&: tile 800lfl. \Vhi " ~ thpy will ------- - - -- - . Senalor Douglas' decellse, hil estate I'n "men 'cHn BOCt' ety I ' n l'RI'is, lind who i filld ft ~ur.e rt!re for COnRumpllon, ARth",n, ., tJnqIUf'Ationllblr , th e lIeHt ~\I>ti\lned ( DEALER8 IN O .n IJ I C I (. I & w'Drll of the kind ill tbc world." We sh.1I (·.onstn"lly keftpon honlI II gt'nWRS 10 encumbered Ihll it WR8 b~l ieved 111\8 had princely till"8 otfllred bu in I r(J lI~ tlt lS, (lli g I e, , u IJo, . r. The 011ernl IIs.orune,,1 01 Patelltl\]e,lieil'le8. . . . . ·tI · , Iv o~J"ct U, Ihl' utlv('r"~o!r III BendlO~ the H A R PER' 8 A Iso, jllsi received from P"lebu r!!" • \ual tbere would ,be nOlhing lef~ fe r his mllrl'lage, I~, It IS Bal , g01Ug to marr) Prcscriplion i. lu btlll'fic"lloe .fHicled, Bud guod outl well·tielflrlp.d 101 ul famiJy. During the war, howev er, Ihe '8 )Juor CUU8IU. epl'eed IIIr"rm~lion which he cUllc~ive8 10 NE~W AND rice of real e.lale I'n CIJI'CIgo, ~IJI'''II A d J r 11 be invulunble ; .nd 11f' hopl'l every 8UIf'· Cril ,,,., 1\' "1;,,. , or Ih~ 1'1,,,", : v • y?ung ~In n.Ame u IUS er- \ er'!r \Vi II Iry hll rrmt>tly, ftd il "'iii cost P Window~Glasses. belonged 10 uim,lIpprecilited so in vnlue nil. bl' lit,tI AltclJlgAI1, thl'm nnthin"... 01111 m',y provp.1l blt-' hi. Ih e 10r.",0.1 Mil:;'''';''' uflhc da y. Th e I of Cit I IUk'l\ ,. If aCCIII~nlly }' . I . DSiOg. 6" 0,,,1 , ".,. ~ r h.d a IIIOl'e cld'~hlrul CO II'I''' "; Oll . , I e IIIDSIl Oil fll fly P"rtil'e \\'i~hil'g lhe prrscr iptioll will "or Ihe ,,, dllun ,. ",oO'e <IIlerl' ... o"'1: f .... ,,,1 .110,, 1 At II (' II • d u· S \V thllt ill sail! hl8 paid all hil debts and 8 lot 1111< _ _ Gin Us A fILL, ni~bt. while blowing inlo tht: lIIuzzle pleul' Rtldre~~. ' HII'I" ' " '' ~I"G"';".' - l\I <llouditl !'rUle:I."I, : . I O. A. on 011 .... 0111 l-ePI , nynesleft bis family 8 Itllnt!some competence. of his gun. Mr.1i·riuk, R ntigbbor, REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, U"h ;.. 'Clr~. . vllle,wouid III 1m 111 III I! II old CIl'tllln ~ .~ .,"1 Th. '"0, 1 populuT lIt onlhly ;11 Ih. worl tl.- N. Ihe !t'61 " I IIII,ukill,1 Illul tl, ey "uve a I:ood A ., I \ ~'• jJlinll,. hurgh, Tbe IDlineion occupied by tlte lale aged I\buut sixty years, "ho Wll8 senl lark OV6 . ... . r. UHsorll,"' nt or nil you ClU,"Ot Ini 10 be ~ui l ed bUlh in Ed"ard EvereLI, eorner of Summer fur, was 80 OHrcnmc by lire oecurrflnce KlngA Counly, SUUSCRIPT10N S-1 86G 'lllalt\)' 81:d price. ft Ih I I d d u ad t LI t ' I 18-3m. New York. I ' June ll3-1. 'Lreet lind Olie place, in B0810n, 1\8 well n If' roppc c ft Ie gil e JIl S -- - -. Th. rub l"hen h8v u pulp< led. Iv, l. m nl 0 .. - - - ----- -bdore he rCIIoClhed ~he Icene ot the ao· ~RaOBI!I OIF '1l'O'-1T'I. "'8'h" ~ "-' wh,"" Ih~." cnll . UI", I., Ih" MAg", i,, _ I IS the adjoiuing bou ' . formerly inbab. cillel\t. A Gt'ntlema" who hoft euife.ed lor year~ I .•IId \\ •• ~I~ pro'''JlII) 10 ~I"'". who I'r. " r I.. n "0. II vnritJd Fllpply or -A'" d'd I . 1 from N"rvnu. Debill\y, Pre.n"'ur~ Dl!caV I "(,,,I\·"I,h. tr Jle rood'~oll ,lireelll' 11'0 '" L". odi c. 'l','ll, COPPCI~ & "Ilcet-I' rOil ,('I Tart, hell ,by Lhe lalA Italeman's brother.in_ rua rt eller \0 \ 16 Poril And .11 the eff"cl8 01 youlhllli intli~cretion' 0 lUbo ".\1 .. ". I . .. ... "" . We Ilove no hpsilaliOIl in n)'ing Ib81 1111 IIIIIf, Dr. Frollliuiham, liTe being de· Temp. elales tlllll M. MonLuriol, II Wildllror the 81'lkchol "uffering hUlllbllily: • Y";~.';'~:;~~'~;'lfl~;~::"j ~";h~n:ub:c ~~,~ ~: lor sa!e III the lowest cBsh pricee, All killdw 01 molishod. and Mores Ma to be built up' \S pnuil\t.d , 111\8 solved Ihe. prollittn .01 81'11 reI! 10 a w 0 nped ii, tile rer.IDE! 1'0. I."IIi,·e. FINEST PER FD IIt E III E 8 .,' on tile lite 19bere ~ho grea~ sl'.holar and ~ ub ~ nrme 8le4lm nllvIgl\1l0n, by Ihe I~ ' "lid direcl iuns fur mukillU' Ihe simple (j:J'. Terme ~.me IS ({Arllerl. W.ekl · evt, offered ill Ihi~ m.rkct, may be InutS orator of 1\1".. aollusetLs oom oscu hi~ I venlion 01 11 HiMel. willcit cl<n rt'maiD rpOledy ..by. w~'iCh he wea curp,i. SII'A eOlnpll!le':SI'I, now cumprising 'J'11i~: 0 U T - 000 R W 0 R K I ' 11" P for 1t0lirl ill a cun~ldfrltble d"pllt, can ler.. n . \\ I. hmg . 0 proli l by Ihe ndvenisc;·. y-cnel Vullime' . in IIl!al ~IUlh ' lindilla .uch 08 l'Ip lIIillg, Rooling. &..: ,' dune on at uur eolubli"' .. "enl. The, are III .,. IIRrge canuon. /'rOil) I.u~ I0", an d I'v· .CKpel1t'nce, call du So by Addr ..... III,. . ' ~t f!xpend".. , Ln lan~ orations. ul8C JOH N B ' " WI'11 b,e sellt b~ "lIprp88, Irelghl .hort nolice ulltl ill the bUij\ lTlunnt' r. GENUINE, acllli Il ram for pi~rciDg Ibe hvU, N ' . , OGDEN, III purclll8p.r, lor $2 l5 pl1r volume Sin. July 3 - 2 The Allantie Jl1e!Senger gives Lhe {'o of irun .clad ships. 271 .0, Ja Chambera 81., New York. gil! v "llImr~ , by moi'l, p08Ip.ld. 83.' Clolh .nd competent jlldltell give thpm the folio" in!: odd notice or a deceAsed cil__ -.1_ CH~',", f"r 1:",J ,ng. 58 ce11l8, by Dlail, puSI iz!:n of tbllt plRce : HIl was lhe falher -H. Vi1liflrd, formerly a "1Ir correll' S"'R"'~GE, BUT "'RUE. I'Bld. Ad ure 6 IIIGU~T PO"IIi& E\'ery yl."n~ lady end ~l.'n\lpn'81' In Ihe HARPER & DnO'TIIERS. of eleven 80ne. fivo of wbom mArried pondenl .ol the '1~ibu7le, is to be mnrri~d We pRrtlcnlArly desire Ihe allention 01 Fllnklin Squarf!1 N ~ w York . fiYtl lis ter8. He bad one llUntlretl IIlld ill a fe " dl\ys 10 F,,~nie, onl! uaughl er U "i1~tI Stal~e c.n hear MtnPlhinll' v~ry Th, 1Illllersig.wo wishe8 10 call the ai---- - - . . . . of Wm . Lloyd GlIl'f1son . (,corgI' Will , much to Ihclr f1dnntoge by tl'lurn froil THE LADIES IPillio n "' f'armf!rs !lnd 1111 \\' I, n'n iL mn ' elghtY'Dlne grantlcblhlrcn; Rnd at 1119 Smllll ••y, one 01 the editors or thRl (~rl'c or cna,'gp) Ly uddre$8ing Ihe IInder. HOUS!!; AND LOT """c"rll, tn the Incl Ihut he is ClIglU~d i~ ~lgn e .J. 1 hose having leurll uf bein!! .... T PRIV ,\'l'E S~LI';. funeral, week s ego last SRbbaLh, journlll, was wtddud some years sillce To Ihia Ic.lure 01 our bURineu. We be'" h'lmblll!~fd, will oblige by not not icing or he va Iuab"I H u,,~e UII<J Lot, Silu Ihe m.uuructllre of two uonea were atung Lo dealh by belle, 10 lit e Itdoplcd ullughlt'r of Wt!ndtdl IhlH cud. All others will pleaae IIddre81 .. ALL Tfi.A T IS KEEDED anu Inother came very 'near losing hill I Pbillipl. lind Iwo more of the atlacitc s their obedient sen'l\lIt, ... "led on lite EU8t sid~ 01 Nurlh St. THOS, F. CHAPMi\ N bCIWtlen Tllir,l and Fllurth slrt'e ls - the life by the filma_ \Of Ihllt pRper I\fO now engllged to lit!' For .he Toilt", Hllrrotkpr rh l p l~ , 831 Broadway" N.. w ¥ ,:rk. (lr0l'!'rly or MR\I, 1)1. RIlBERT8-is offered ~"nd Is prtlpererl tn du 10 Ih p. dRughle1'8 of ReYI. Dr. Cheever aDd 271y. Hcentillll Url/ wers. W ard. ____ _ . __ _ _ _ _ _ at pr l i vnte ARle. . \)1.'01 ~Ivll', Oil" on th ~ ~ hurlP ~ t Tue Unitlrians ' have eueeeeded in 111!nry Ward Beecher. rohes , (l I e . • all" nit. 11. ANDEltS'IODINE \\''\TEn, 1"u'r lurtber particulars, applv to flOlic,·••·nythln~ in his lille, from a whe" l('Il!! 8\l11 (,X Dlll iIIC. fO ur \ uric lip. " t~cir efforts to ra~8e 8100,000 for An· . -;J?bn Slidell is a~ilI \i,ing quietly . J . D. SWE'I'E, bllrrow 10 Ihe linest bug&:y. An inva.luable D:.cover),. A 1111: IIrain hoch Cullege, OUIO, And II second sub· ~D Illns: His fllmily go.. wery little 01 10d.IIle In I!och oUlice or 'Vater, dlslQI. July 18. Wayneavllie. ()::7' JI ;lvin!l secured Ihe 8f'rvinp8 "llIIr. I. R OSG I.l E R RY <S· ~F.:\ l. ELI.ISOII KEMP n . .cription for the same Imount is pro. Inlo soclely. Mr. Mason ill in LO?'Uo? 'I!d wlll~nu~ ~ Solvent! ' rhA IOUS! ow : - -.- ----- --.e"enl ~lId r-. . ,8UperiOr I\lorkllilltl, Ihtl vltlllltine greuln". Tue intli,ur.ion bal uearly Jacob Thompson lind J. P. Bl'DJllmlo erful k S .. , turPSI'lve PU.RE OlDER V INEGAl~.. 1 rn~lItlon 01 Io~. name in this eOllnf!ctloll .re also there. Inti John C. Brtickin - no\vn . eroful •• Salt· Rheum. C8ncer~, b ' d .d . Thie we ~now to be-tHJr~ III we pro .Wt. 111\1 be 8u tlicl.llllt guaranly lIlel 8ftlierac. tl90 un rE: pupil. Dod len proCeuor •• ridge is .hortly ezpected from UaDadll ~lleu~atl m, Con!ultll>llon. lind many curlldl the Cider IroQl re liable perdU", in 10 WI l1 be !llVcn . . \ " .: "Ddn~c .• lId HetedltBIY DiJHIuea, ere thi. neij!hborhooo, alld permitted i! to JOlIN W COLLETT . Hnvinu ha~ fOllrlel'n yen rs' cx.perit'l Il C,Q For !lome and foreign miuio08, 8110. wi~h bie ramily. Major Houte, for. Julv 18_ • . IR Ihe pracllce (II l1 ' dir ine. ·o ifer6 hI. 000 ~ate .hein 'railed Cor ou~111 tbe merly I~en' (or· lite purchase of arm. ~re ,111 uae,a.tbou~'ndll call lellily . turn lo villeeftt nn 0 '" "wn premi~.. tent 'r~e. Prtce, $l p~r bottle llER·R .ITT "PRIJtlTZ. Profeuitinll Service. to lhe cil il<~ua »1 currellt year. -'S!"ee the National. OOD" for Conftiderllcy, i. io Pari". a8 i. orIrcul.rs G for Owe flollRfi • . 'l.r -:'I ' ' •• 'untioD me' in Aprill .. t, twent"-nine IIla~ JIl4ge Rust, of Louieilna. Y.r•• &. Co., SllfU, lU . WaynelVille aQ4 Vicini&', . • t' ,- .. b" • • 0"10 and her daughter Ire IIOW reltd· Sold b)' DrUlrl' Bro.d"'lr y , N.w- Vork . This bell 01 ,,1\ COlIl!h SyruPII, tor q"B{t I kilt jor pound l or a warrlnted ?rrrCl!. on tbe cornflr nr Mlln lOCI. I" lliTe ten 10fmed. 1D, in London . ,' I IIl!ner. ,. \6 ,3na 'r .MERRITT &. PRINTZ. 'I y, or .'); by . Iml al8 ,n('"rl, oppo.ile aa,'1 HIli. ERIUTT & PRINT?. ~. Nil~ ~.1I1 ,romptl, r"polI~.1I to •
Monthly Magazine,
Picture 8t.
Parlor and CookinO' Sto es, -- - -- -. ---
IS~'h!i~~DERS ~~i
Ph'~icil~' I Jackson's Pectoral .
. ERE L ,
"n~ · )lI.
E 'l'eaohera'laaUtut..
= -
ITo tlj' Offirer, -
WU"e"V1Ll& Jao . 17. '66. (Illlt,. Burne l if~ 1mu-
SATURDAY . 6. 1866. l\lj;SSU •• TtCK:.iOR ...D FJELI)S III begin . lh. publication of a w8tlilly I d J urnKI enllt e
a .ar rt'o Couoty Tucherl In .t lran ee (J.fllpany-G"ntlemeD·: . llita mt!lID Morro". on SIlturday. Jan. . 13dl. P~s. Tllr" io tll" cbair. 'flle I CHO but glalefully e:&'prul to you e e IIIlnlllt:~ or Ilu, laBl meeting were ru.d ~y arn,,~t .1lI1lDkll (or Ihe prompl ad· . . ., . Upper enil of .ain Street, ~ IInc! "ppro'etl, Mill KIlti" Davit! read JIIMlment 11111 dlly made. of tl~e policy \1' AW IU :;ljVILLF... ..4 Journal of CltoiCl Reading • LITTLE MIAMI R.4ILROAD. • n excellenl' easilY. whicu.... li~tenl!d of lllRufance Cor lUI! ,82oo0 eflecled JII ' W A '1'11 I. V ILL 'Z . 01'1,o.i lt .h. Fountain 01 I'u r. Wat r! Iy 28 1864 o n U elf f I SE1.ECTED faUll( FOREIG!f C(1RaENT LITER. ,,, witb much internt thll lubjtct be'· d • , 'I my recent ~I. )'ou WI .. t CulToe. T I" or u~ar. ATURE. WArllElH'ILLE (coRwrN STATIOlf). ' iDg, • Dir~cI influence' or Ihe ttlltcil er ' ~c~.led l, ulbllnJ. AblJ"h C. MOLlnL. 0 If J'ou want 1\101 •••• or ~·•• h. . .. h I TR.t.UII a.lnWAKD DOUliD. \\ hde I fllel th I Id l 'd C ... uo 01 t Ie b~1t litl'lrllture of the day a no WOI' .y C?DWI e r.- _ _ -1-~f -YUU- ... nt C8n,ly , R.i.in. ur i,;.. i8 (ound in lloe ~lIgli.b a ...1 C onlinenllli Nirhl ExprePI. 1.11:1 A. •.• UPOD a school.' Prof. J. c. RidKIl I ' fo llo"lId witb all e ... y OD Eloclilion , tlon can COmper:llAle me for bl~ I~ee, 'B .a. If you w.nl Ch ...e or Driod n.rf. mag.zinn and perludlcall ; and It III tba - '7.64 A. II •• Clnci onlt i £Jrpre '. A dioCIiSiioD of Ibe e,'.y .," pRrtici am f~e~ 10 expre .. !"y RPP'~CI8ttOD or . . .... .... . . If )'~U wanl &,ood Ale Or lleer, del'/ll of Ihe Pubhaher. ot Ihil new jour. 111 11 Inri Aco"m., 1 J.1I6 A. 1(. p.led in b, Prof•• Kimhall.McClinlock, ~.":lImely fo recal' In t,li UI wllel, pro· If . .. u ",,,I n ologn., nal tu r"produce Ihe choicest lelpcliona Cuiurnb ul Accom., 6 .28 P. 11(. KillDey, Harflnd aod '1'ufta. 00 m o \ Idlng for m!,tllr lind hlll",onel . nD:! 1 -aJ'I f you " ' Mil !le"ing', Irom tlwHe for Amer ica D rndera;in" form rllliburr Expr.... 9.011 1'. II. lion, the IG8Iitute adjouroed '0 .eel at I feel tbaL I? }oursehn Rnd RoYle. . If -, Oil "'"'It !-.h I,y Ih. uek, lb. or bul. It once IUrlclive ano illellp"naive. The TRIUIS "UTWABD SOUI'D. It o ' c luck. your genl,e maonly "ge nt. Al 11118 pll\ce. I j If rou ... Rnl ~I&rcb. Ric., Soda. Crealll or Publidhera btllleve lilat luch a joutnal. )faa Ind Accom.. 4.10 A. 1( .owe. d ee p debt of gralltudtl ror faCility Tarlar, P.I'!'.... Ginger. C,onuuoOl bark, cO lld ucterl upon the pl~n which the, proNI .. hl ElIpreBi. 7 2\1 A I( , P . 1(. laSSIOlf. . -, 8ffordeil ill lhe prblimir.IHiea of tett le Ahp ic8 or Clo..... pOSP. witl be lIC1l only enlerl~iniog and I DI tIt iAttruclive in il&elr. but int~resling Co..lumhus Accom" ) ., 30 ...." II. I U e me~ pllr.~.nf. I0 ~ dlOU,r,n " Dlt'nL. anil th.e prompti. llllie witb "hich If YOII .... nt 10 gel drunk , don', &,0 Ih er.. . . d''Ild P,ttl iurg l E J:prel., 3,~O r II . P I P K t> II II I II I d I I If T b f i l l ' '.' d valllBble II a refirx of (ore lg n perlo IC II III n , . re s. 1m II In 11 c llllr. Ie YOII I"V~ pi" tie U Him. Thtl rrinci· . , )IOU .. ani 0 " .""0 O. ' en" er.o lalll .' . Iill'ralu r e of Ihe be n er cladS. 4 Cincinllati E.1i:prelll, 4,~~ 1', II. e XIOCUllve commlllee presented lbt' fol · pie of Llffl IIISllrl\llCe will e'er be of If )'~u ... nl Sbav,ng. ( .. rutau. RO.II, 01 " ~' b l EVERY SATURO ... Y Is inl~ndl'tI ror Town • D., Dot alop. . ~o .. ing progrRomm~ fo r II.• e l!eXl meel- I i~1I(' n 8e !nter~8l to DIe; nel'Y c.on8idera, SOOP.. ond Cuulltr),. 101 Ih e Fireaide,lhe S"8id~. W. H, CUMElfT, Preaident. Ing. to be held In ~hlDllvIII" on th e , tl on "'lIch ari u eM III f,uor of IO suunce I " [f y<ou ..... nl C'gJln. , Ih e R.il ..... " nnd the S lea mboat. It. pl a n E. W , \VoonwA IlD, SUp·l. lourt.u ::3l1.tUttiRY in Februllry. ' on pro pel'ly app'i .. s Wilh d o uble force ' li l'o u "a,,1 0),1." III tbe .bell, ~an. dOlen or ell,br~ce8 Ill cidents uf Truvelllnd Adven. " . D. C ... DWALLA DER, Age nt . A.. K . 911:5bION . 10 Life In :, ur ance . I shllllalwRy a (.,.,1 At I. \ ,Ii,,,, ture. Eo&oy. Criti cal and lIelcllptive, Se' J u . )OU " " . , , ' \nk o r U\.d,\n~, r\.\ ~" .. \e ", Short thof\e ... lI oeml. Bioara. C~I1\\'.tLL4n£B &. MILLS, Ezprtu Agents. ESSIIy-Subject - 'But method o f l i tJ ~rty tu co m men yours 1\1 1\ &a fe ~nd I, you w""llluc"eh or Il... k ..,., phip.., Lilerary lntelliaenee, etc .. 10 CIon. /I . 1'. DAn. Ti{tgrap~ Agmt . , te-ch illl-( OrLhogrllphy' - Miss J urlt . : p".O ~lpt co mp"ny h~ dld~hJ\rl!(e all c,"ums II you " .111 Cru,·k ..y Wate, lI eclio n wilh judicioull ae lftcllon. trom thu ss-==~~=='!=======~==~ Di.r.ultiion un Ibe SlI m e. , "rltiIO~ frum polic le. laBUtH! by II . I I II IOU "'."1 10 Ir0 uwuy dry . go th ere - ["Ioli- adm iru ble popular papers on 8r.ie nce wh icl. Euay-Subject - 'H,ulali c n of Ih e Ih et:rfully anli cotdi~.lly recomm~nd . ore cond!a ,,!ly ,appearin g in {ort' ig n pl'ri. ProceodtDse of CouDell. Parent to Lh e School'-Mie9 E . BUDt. your eomp"lny . t? .I he ClllZtlOe of W8Y' , If ) OU ", . ,,1 ~ our lUI; •• nl hon'e emply, •• nd il 00iC81~. Thl! value or these pOpel'8 ariles ie/:. Discu ssion of th " same. De5v llle ant.: VICinity. , 1(" "",h"ul. lu\\')u l artl.,! (n,m rhe (act t llDt 8cien l itic slIbjPCls, huw. W ATNZIIVlLLIt: . 0 .• Jan . 16. '66., ES8I<y-Subject-Physiology- Rev . BURIItT B. MOUIfT, r' If lOll .... ," l'up·Curll. evpr harsh and dry in [hl'mselve •• ftrH here Council mel. pllrllullot 10 IIdj .. ,arD· L 0 1 k ---- .... - - - . 1( l"" ",onll'",. , Cum b•. Pcn cil., Pipe., 01' Irented in 8.> graphic 8"d pictllrelquQ a . ,or. 0:7 Bu~ineu EUucRlion l\ ill,in lite I"I"" S,<"", s lyle u 10 charm the rcatler \Vhlle instruclment. Prelent, Dudl"y. Priulz. An· derlon. Keys and Zel!. Minutea of tlle P '. lI. SESMON. • rel\c h of " II. The UNION BUSlNXSS you \\'a,,' :\lald,et, in ll him · " I l I w i l I l'P. in a .orl. th e ftilD or i:8 Pub. ISlt meetiDIC re ad aotl "pproved. Essay-Subject - Moral Educatloo , II ~ o u .... "t U"c.,I. C.kr.or Cr. eke ro, The cummittl!e on Lhe Village Pri.on -~Ii ~s Thompson. " COLLEOE at OBER'LIN. OUIO. ('fJen , a. d If l OU "'.". C • • lor Q,I, S" <o 1Oil or Tur"en"ne Ii. her". IllBt E I'F. RIC S ... TURDAY sha ll c"m· ment! il6e lf byof ils Ire8hness "Ariety ' Discussiun o r Ihe lollo",i ng qu es ti o n : I v"nll\gc~ 8urpa5se d b Y none. T UIIIOD f )vu .. unl 8roo"". to oil elasscs IDtell igent and8nd cultivBted reporteil pro"rtl" Jo' foll o wa. which. 011 If you w',,,' API" lI , re.J enl .• motion of Audll r80D, .as r ece ive d I\nd 'Boll' ehall we preV llot lurd,oeSi liDU lind hoard ca'n be had a t about one hlill ordered to be record e d . w itb J . W .Ktlya' truancy.' I th e us ual raIl', and Ih e large corpa of \I )011 wn,, 1 Contl l.. , Ued. Co rd•. 0" ('l olh... EVERY S.\TURD.lY will contain each prop06ition for a site: Addrel6- Rev. \V. W. Co lmery. 1 I.i " .. , wee k Ihirly ,two la rge Oclno I'lIl:e8. hond. ran"o"!1 16. 1866 . E xerci.s e 10 . EI oeu t lUll. ' I0 b e con d· uct" d . tellchers em,ploy ed secur"s much per ' aomely rinl ed in "ollble columns. with I I f r ou .... "II ,,,J 'l;u. Shn., Uru.h •• , or Rice. '1'0 tbe Council of W "yneui 1111:- by Prof,. J. C. KinDey aDd J. C. 80nlll 811t!nllon 10 6I\CU ~t .. d .. ot. The i Ii you .. ani 1'"1'"'0" E,,,·dope.. all engraved lill e . Yuur 'commiUtle on the 'I'own Lock up RiJge. I Teleg rAph Deparlm e ot, under tltd ml\n . 1/ yo u .... n. ~lu ""I'lI, T E R iU S : ( l i b . I. f II . , If JOU ,... ,, 1 10 •• 11 ur lJuy IInll .. or F:gl;o, 8i",le Numb"r., 10 cenls. would respect u y III 0111 tue 0 o"ln~ Prof, Kinll ey th e n. rcad an clI8ay OD . ag c ment of lirst clan tel e~rAph m e D. --If lO U ",. ,,1 Liq" orir,' otld Ch.'Ti n~ G lilli, Subscriptloll Pricp, $:> per yeor, in lidrepu rt: Schools. A diSCUSSIon of the s ame , ip 611 e d lip without re«ard to eX:Jenle If lOU wanl 1:: ... n<8 I'eppertnillt .or C,nllnlllon, vnn ce. . lat. fl1 hey "ould reflommend a plilin ""8 c ote red iot" bv Profs. Kimll~Il. ' . . I' 1l101lTIlI,\' PARTS will bo issued. con. frMU8 building. sile 14 feeL by 16 feet. Tuftl, KiQD~Y. Hadurd .0J Mr. Fur· Do not/all to lend for CIrcular be fort! ~,And !!lilling J:J~ pAglle esch, handeom6iy bound 10 fed hi~ h . weaLher·boarded and pi .. · nil. gelDg elsewhere, ____ in 1111 a~lr. c ti~tI cov er. price flO centl.te rt U. 'J'h~ coaL of ,"ch a buildiDg Pror. Kimb&l1 then discusaed the f01 .. .--.-, --~ P. S .- If yo u ftre tlru nll nr in 'h e habi t SubHcripllon pril'8, 86 D year, in odvance. ""'W e mu~.• rl'quee t IIIe cei!.8 Ch " t Ary ' of K.. t dn~ drunk, or call Ro l hflhH ... { o u ru Ir 88 ('L UBBING.- S UbSc r Ib era I an y 0', lile ( b' I'i"hed) will l,e ftbouL ~' 25() , . I n t b,i. lo-iot! slibiect·. • The presE'nt Sohool u-J 'll' ". IV uee,,,:ll, ,, ..61l1. k &ell ll." .. ", STA . AW A ' ! M I ' d"ICft 8 pu b', l 8 IIe d by T ''c k nor Iou illiin g we wo uld mllkt! 1"0 celie. 5 8"ate .. of JOloio,' giyilll1 a lucid u:plll - o( Ibe Teacher.' IDstilute lo furni Bh II. I' ol. er pe no t, J " _ _ ___ _ _ _ end F lc ld. I f~tt loy 7 {ell~ hi g h. of 2 ' incb p IIna, na~ioll of Ihe eame. and 611ggc8tinIC a - I with his reporL8 of the ses8ionl thereof F 0 U T .. , 8 ' AI>. \Viii receive • d 'Every Slfurd.,· d d I ' k d I h . I b d I ManE ,or V" pp.r yl''' In a nnce. double 1111 . ecult- Y 'pl e Loget ler. meDdments t at mIg It emil tl on t Ie will in 80me reasonable r a f t . t l · . I U A U CIL . . . . . . !> TI CK NOR AND FrELDS, 'fh~ COS I of th e LWo c"lIa. we think. same. . I. 1m. er leI l' 8 B " old,l be abollt $> 100, 'folal. $ 350. They .ere al folio".: tllke place. Such maUer.. wheh fiver ~fIi)fII\?tt' . 4\ IMfiTh S~ ~fE. I 124 remollt Ireel. ullon. Alle r Ihe cdl' lire pill in thilbuildht. 'fo hl\ve a Couoty :Commis&ion- one week old, become too stale io lhiB l!1Jl!lI\!IJ ~ • INInIWII ~h W U • n!:. i~ willl e ""e a Vl\caut "pace or 10 er wh o8t' du ty il s hall btl to tAke II g"o· fait dllY. Till. prer.~rouon. ee ~ by 1'4 feet, whlcl, "ill g ive room to er,,1 811perviijioQ or the s chools oC his ~,,::,,:~d "~I~.r:h'::;' FOil 1866. ul uP" atov e Ilnd mllk e ft 'comfortl\bl~ cOIIDty, IIIlIke a report or ea'c h scbool. Z7' The Moral ReCorm Societw ad . ouShly r.'nvliorale I- ce for tlle, ~hnb"I, ill clIses of emer· nnd bold ulImio"tioll8 (or tCllcltera. . d "d ' J. r.,. brok. n,dow n .nd DaUy, Trl-"'eckly lint' Weekly. n !d '1'1 b d (L I D ' t IJ.>lIrne on mOD "Y nIght. after a splr· .£J lo.... plrlt. d hor.... ey. O. M. LI>LL. , Ie 0111' 0 (lcn Iree ors II)' 'trcnRlhenloll Jtlake np )lour C lub~ for 'II" New Yellr. ,-, I . E. IUTI. to cOll5 ist or but one mt:mber iU8tead ; iled meeling. until Monday eveDiD~ of Jure 'a-uf ::~-:".~I~n~~~n~n~~~ .i. I nexl . week line, The lIeveral e dilion8. of the Ohio SIBI., wily 'l tsVI'11e. J ,.n. 14 . ' 66 . II f I"ulee. . It '1 . a our. pr... t t ruaneY,an d tar d I' ( I I d' ournal lire offered to Ibe public Our wit""'p_ till! I. T 0 preven __ Re lIb adveTlilemeo' of A. I _____ :::<~IVjn~rll,~n. ''::; "J .OI .. . lIce of contlnu~d fBvor. Ap?licQtioll llll\'iDg bcen lOll d e to m e I 4 t I Ibl! use of ,' rl.1uDd for II J .. il or Lock , Deu. ..,.. III e \ .hl•• nlm.l . o" oh .. L FEVlm, GLA:iD£RS, , ·j ·O"II. .. d , Y R I.I. IIW WA. idly iucreasln g listl \"give UI confide for , ••·d I p rop'lae tlll\ t 'I f Ite mRlks were made by {'lOr. Mc ' !!~ nlS W aole. tr b\ nce • ' TER I\ ~' A V ES that Ollr ~lIur\a 10 Ill""., .t aceepts e to il400n Walbr Street, that il Ihllll b e CliDlock. who fully intlon"d the reo _____ _ _____ A.. E . MERRITT. •. ll . PRnn " l:OUG II S I1I 8~ uurrcaOera .. rc npprecin~ed by lbe readln&: LOllt "iLl, th~ {ene~. nol Dil{h..r tbllD mRrks of tue Presidel~t. Rood said Ih e " ' uYllesvUle MOI·kea.. • \ ~.~\~;;~ ;;J~\;~lR 11Ilblic I~et Lo. nor more th .. n 3J fellt frOID, School Systt!m o f OhIO "88 Dluub b e ' · I t.nsg rHO Arpl':, A $ in the PA sI, the Political course of l n: A~D \' ITAI. . \. cons .•• tent, TJ>:~E\I(;Y amiLb ,suoJl ' L<J&s" Lo ruo te n Y""f8, t"r Lhan IhaL adop led by some olher Carefull" Correcud EVt"!J Week. , &c II. th o J ourn. I WI' 11 co ntlOllelo uO I'f ll,e lo,,' o "i· lltls to remove or stahll, \ u.e Imp,ovel tho Iy 1",1 e nrnes tly (or Ihe Co nstitution Ilud I • 1 46 @I 165 RET.t.ILlJ!t.lLERS11'1 wlnd,'IIcr..... theUlllulI u8il1 ~ io lells ~time. IIt "y CliO do 80 p. ror. Kinney als o m,ade 80me reo Whemt ~'1 11' b u. Ile, ,ho "!,petlt. Rlv<o . ' and tu thideno will lend all 6 ,I d Rye 1\1" 70 ~ a ,mo o' h and pOSSible aid to Ihe ·Admluistraliun 11\ reo O .. IS ~ 30 ~, glo •• y Ildu-UDd "SlHl.lishilllt ttie government' of the lite ftnci Dg II ... ~p:\ce afl ,1 I' a~·.ing tb ll mal k s o n U~tl, \l8ll,)e SIILJtlCL: 1\0u move t for tl ie wbllie ye .. r. In w illch they IliM Lhe Prll8lde~ btl eppololed 1\ comnurley'til .. ) 00 " :~~:~"":~~'.I<e\c~.~, Into.. .nd r~b~ltious SIMes Oil a Bound ftndl'quitllble Co rn ,p 40 ~I 'liOm. . II0 8 i ~, nol furgelting thaI 1'reuon i8 IIno use 8I1V ·pU" 'l'he building shall miLte8 ttl pre8"nt to tbe Legislature his be used 'pe!:WIlnently fo r I\ny olh£'r vill"~ cODcerning ameodmtlnl. to be Fluur fl bnrrel . ~ 60 -0LSI T o k ct'l1"rs or Co .... tid, prrp"mllun" 1",·.llI.ble, 01 th e gre8lc~t crimel, ond Ibet upon ila ,~nd to be mllll., secure ag8iD,1 mlldt! to Ihe School LIl". FltJUr 1\1 ~\\'! , 4 bO LEAD. It Ino.......,. L~e 'IU.D •.il y aUtI Im~';':~:'nl',\'~' qy~\~~~ Ut' rl'c!rotors ,,1"Jul~ be visited tile fullelt th e 10Wli to pAy alllllXcs asseSied [' A;fltr '00'" {~rther diacu8BioD the Butlt'r ill Ib 25 OIL ' Ix... n pro .. en l,y ac / P'1Il 1i1 IiC' of the Itl'V. Ih e builtling. mOllon was carried. Lord 1P 1b 25 ' VARNI"JlES I ~~~~=o"';'~':~~n~· 1'101' couscroHf Pupular Edducll:io.". ~he l'f ~lJ e y t bjll!. best. It mAy be put OOlllotioo thl! Institute "djourned. EICIII1)l dOE~n.)5 ~ " IIlf of milk nntl ' hUlld,crul180 u~b," ry, A t.e nn( ' W KIMllA.LL P PO,"tocs ~ bll ~ hpl. 100 c.... m twcnl.y ,"', ' pruvcmentB uf the l\lechdllic Arlsand Ih e \fO ntllr He nII!Y', liOl'. lind the chRo,gtl - ' . . ' ;u' ,tn. M~ved cb·un!,.~l\rd IImr~:<atnhd ' l vDriou8 Sc i.. nc~~ nnd Professi uns.· will ' 11 b 810 ,A H Dri ed Appv'e, ~ Ib 10. @ 12~ AI u" CW ~. ,'rOtiD d r enL.1 I! per annum. i;a.LFUD U"PURKr~, ",ecy. "1 ' k :-.) 0 300 '''001. In (Mtenlnl I emc h receive th"ir prop er share 01 allen°oac h 80d every 1ft,,- Yellr'l D"y. - . -- - l, uzen, 38 Il ulI . . ' J. W.Kan. J U R 0 R 8. New·OtlllnsSu2ar "l!l 1b th. lr hid •. an,1 1'hee hmcls t rutling . for the FAMILIC O • p. C '1 d NOM I ~ ,fl I 35 . make. them Lurln CIRCLF., tI.e OfficI' the SI,ol', the FlHm. Q motIon 0 rlnll. OUDel a , .. . 0 AIISell It' lg- Ul~ , ~ '1m ~ ~ fII ~ _ , ,,,Ucbc...L,: r.. I •• U tt,- Cuulltilia I·uom. wl'll be round in Ca&&'a OfFICE. \V .lRllEN Co. ~ Coal Oil -1!~ a.IlOIl. I 10 ..u 411) U W 4CI W UI ,_ ~ .. It L'" mee' Frl' day arlernoon Jan u. , •• " ,. Ir ,II ,11 ...,.. 01 or S,,/ue, .ueh " 'Cou,b" <en... uur COI .. ,OIl8 • . '66, to rf!ceive further reporte rroln J IlD. 41b. 1866 . -----~the Lunl', LI,er. It will be our confttanl lim to ,ive foil I. J. S . Totten. Clerk of Ihe Court - - - - , oIIc, 11,1 • •rllcl. E V'II e P ' - C mml'ttee I BC · L'n ovD ""~UC .. tl·t:lttttCllttJ:. .\ _ ....-,- Ilk ~lIdcerrect&larllfltRevort. fromlh~ ( 811. R P0 R. ~ of COlDmon I'leall. do hereby certify -*\U....... ;;I h ,eona"'. S A 8 H A" D PUT T Y By pllttlD, rr.... WI'SI Norlh and Soulh. lor the u. e 0 I e .,.. . 'U!iTS. Ihat Ih. following DAmed persons wsr" - - -- - --&'II • one·half • paper ' I d I ' d tl to • poper In .. t~rtll e r, mere IRl,t an mee 1111IC. an .e JOII. t9.-Collncil met, pursllant to tilia day dra.n •. Rod ~tlle cle d 10 serve J1l (f) ~ TRUSSES, barrel or." IIIII'ft New York C~ltlu '&Iltket lor Ihl! drover All II", m umb e ra b eing 1\8 Oland And Pt:tlt Jurors.... ut the neIl SUPPORTEl1tS. \ ~t;\'''~e~~:(rl::~: und Mille d .. al ~ t, keeping Ihem (ullyad. tum of Ihe COllrt of Cummon Plens, I • . nti ... ly pre.ontO<!, Ir *I vised ur th e Oo'X1C I condition of Il,e mllrket I metlllng tbe "'ayor clllle d tIe u 8 •• n III tim., ' ""rlela S k LO comm" nee 00 the 5th of February AGENTS WANTED, SHOULDEF..nRACES p ....veullv. and cure (or tho 1I0g Chol.... \ratts ul Pr,)dllc P. Ml'rch andi,s e lind , 10C _ ( t. er. aDd tbe minutl!l 0 lue pre · u •. ¥t. to WI· t.. 1 1'110.26 Celltl per 'apet, orlll.pontor 81, The L "&! is lalive Proeeeo.llltil wtll be n'etl ll' ng W~l'e ."prove d ~& 1'0 cnnvisa lur 6t1 melldDU elltirely nl'wPREPARED BY I' ~ ~ . .. . . .. .ILL TlfE purUL". I _ z · ,, _ a--=-0 fully rl'\lOrl~d, UIIO ,." leleg ul' l~C aum.IlDry mOli on .sr-z~ pIAn of hUII.I, OI\.I"D oIua089. Ih~ (jllt' Sl tlli, g u r Il, e duy. S!mp'le COJl\ S. A. FOUT ~ IU( the Doill"s of COllgresa WIll be fount.! .. V II P . .I H '1 01 k T I' les will be sen; fret' o n rerpipt 01 81,00, AT THEB .. IF' I IOll~\llOrll I RI:e rison Will R. . IImiloD, ellicree o"o ~ lIp. Adclre~B J .K,P ATTERSON. WBOLMUKIIRttIlANOM"lIU'IN!DII'OT. inourcolumll e. AI~o ,the Ilteel ore'l:lI ,,&8 n.·jected. lu'Id H "'" resolved Jlleob'l'''ylof. .. }rui n~\'ill e . Worren G(I .• Ol,io. lY I No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, )[d. lind Domealic new~that C81l be obt'lued the ,,"11. of the 811me eb,,11 be of C, W. Wilkttreon. WIIRhfnfllon _ ___ .____ I ForS.,. by DrURgI... and SIO",keepen UIroUlh- ' by lele j!rnph ond motl. 14115 rut iD the square. 8 (eeL F. S. A'cClure. FrllnkliD mtllNl~ mV~rt? '" tr1;m(l:'J , ou' Ih. Olllled S\&\'<.. \ TEll 111 S : Lite cllll\r. IUld eavflred ",itb a , Jobn IrWIIl. H' , / I , ' Il\!l Lll ~At.. u.lQl.ICI.~ LUi~), I J . lIlo.;CuW t:N, I.('b~non, Agent for \ DAILY ~IORNllfG JOU RNAL. !c roof ; tht! eells. doore. &e .• to- I Jacob llt!lltl'er. llHrlan \Vo 0' (' II"'" rl'cei villil Ordl'r 8 (ur the , Warr e n fllll llty. S" ld hy ~Ierroll hud Single cupy une yenr, $9; 6 monlhs. BimilAr ill cons truction 10 Ihoee de· ' Jolon HIli. Iltttllillon .. Sprillg' d"'lv"r~ oll!enuine Lilln~o. W," e 1fj}. r;: .1iI Ie 1111 1i1~11 WI ~,~~ ftno.l_ R~~e berr~ &._~~ __ ~9 _ 4,50; a mUIIU,8. :.I ,21i ; I 100olh. 80c.; or 'blld in the 'peclficllLion which had J I K ' I b PI"III •. pur ti l'. will lind it 10 Ihp ir illIr II:. II\l II" U I!:. IIIl II I> ILl., S 1 I> 1 L I.' S I • / Ihe lullowi ng rl'ouced rateB 10 clubs: 10 Ll re6s. Iinoll'h. It '0 I' Y, f lc ",.,' "&!, L L .. "" pln" 6,60 •. f I l' I k .. I le . e8 1 to en II till' I see u. bpor e pur ~ o Be nl lu 011~ a·uu , b tI r , een reA , lOr a rame lo,"e. Samuel J"(f~ .. y. un ecree 1/8 we h"v l' ftrr81lI!pm l' lIl~ [IIr Fre &h R oo ts. HAl R _0 I L S, OR. r;II,DERT'S : :.hJ do. 13,00 , he uuildiDg·commiLtt:e \Vere io!>truc· Geo. W. Hunl. .. at rt!1l8UII~lole rr;rp8 811'1 !ibnol ' " rrll 8. I~STIi ! \ TIII. Wt:EK LY 0 1110 STATE JOURIUL_ to ilDmetlllllely procure 8 plan lind Wm . V BllDIl. .... PARSHAl.L & KL~~ IN, 11_ P SllIolc cupv, 01i P. year. 84,50: 6 II.Ulllh, of lilt! proposed Sl one J<lsi"h Craft, WRyne " ' uVll e.v ,lIe. WurrclI cu ., Ohio. 0'& \.I. .·O/l. TIlK RADICAL Cl'RE OP 2,2a; "o r Ihc 1allowing redu~e.! ~Btea to lind Ihe Recorder WR8 IIlso III· Juse ph Chenoweth. \Vayoe" J mn.9 ,-'2t:l· tf. cillha of len 811d upwards: 11.1 COIlICll "C1I\ tu advertipe in the 1liami Ga· TholllllS Thumpson. 8,,1,,01 .. ., to 0110 odrlress, ooe mouth. 3,25, 20 copfor propo!al. 10 build the Hame. Daniel SLump. AllIlSie .. Wi/l,oilt an Operotwn or .Medicine! 1~8 tlo, 6,50,
MARK" Htlll.!lBr BfS
1'6 B.
8 ..... Jl
D OVlCS t- • G 00 d S,
I '0,.,1 .
White Goods, ShawlG,
Hoop 6h1k.· rts
Forty other Articles I
HOrSH anl1U Gattlu Pomdllrs OHIO STATE JOURNAL
Merritt & PrIntz
11 ED I CI NE S ,
R- - -- ,- -- E 1\11 C: A
D1"U' and
J!1 @2~
181 [) 'll'
= = lP TEl
P a t en·t-Ie deIClnes ·
i ·A.WCY 00 Apa0,'"
Look' Here!
Couneil Rdj ournt:d to d . J q3
PETIT Jli B(,RS . 011 uee ayevenln/l . . .11._. S. D. W,,:kef. lIf1mihoo Town sbip. R._ PUINTZ. I " V" _ _ - Rtcot·dtr. Ceo . .. III Zd., Ilyne - _ E. Ll'vi Cook. .. WAn NG.- Tbe 'IpeCiDlena of \,,'. W. S hurts. U llion .. Rnhs in ali lIylet; and pOllitiool E t - k 'CI k .. I· n08 LltC cy. earcrer b~nlt iD Slaler's gallery are W. H. T"ylor." .. worth IODking at-well wortby an Aqull'" H WhiLeacre, UarlaQ . eall of all lovers of beaUliful 'l'homll8 Hill. "" W . J. 'Iribby, $1l1em •• kIIIIl(1IL ip.· a- ·I tbe·· on Clt. no ~l·nduceDl.nte .,., vv '"' Sber"olld. co Can re.ilL tbe· to ' ''ave J"luuhao " ~ Jo~. Hagflrmltn, Turllecreek" like lIlem taken ' for lileDllelvca.- Mordin Willard. Frallklin .. weather is nreferable to lunny. ...
be~t COAL OIL, ., 90CC~IlH l'er~nlloll.1:0IuJ.A . IRVIN·S, If
• ...
.._ . hove - - - received an ALI '1t!: -\Ve mous h:l teJ in regard to our po OD Lhi. 8ubj~ct. whicb we Are to aeclde wh tl . t d d bv e ler In en e . ' IUlbor fol' publicatien or Ilot. H • a d D "e .re fav.redJ by th.t .r)ter', ,10 Lb,IIL •• lOlly be a.t urlld of good ralLh, aod a lIignification tbal OCt ia deair.d". "e .lIould 110 objectioo to ub\isb tbe com.
Ie d
auch r.ply
. I',
wont th e
uprN Plld 01 l'Ilu ill Street. I [ yu u thiilk il ~II unpardonabl e sin to btl), " ' here bper i8 Au ld, t urn o",ay Ollt! du "ood , (or r de sorc, .bove .11 else, 10 meel " you III In II l"ppier I:ome lh~n \V'P. es. ville. J A. IRVIN . --- . --,- - ~- - - - -
NOTICE.-·Village PrisoD.
PUes, Prolapsus, &.c
A well-.elected ••,olftment of the
TillS i9 en Ilrticlp Ihe WAut of , which hnal""Chpl!ofolt , bll t npv£'r&lll'pltedun· III no"': and Ih e i'~crf'Asing d£' m.'lo whpre it h .. been oncl' illtrodllfle d. fllte81~ Its s uIler inrily uver an), lre8lm. ~ lIt herelorure knuwn,. . U will rllmo, •• th e ",or~t CB ~e to FIVE JtI.N~ I 'I·t.:S. "'lid cllre ""Y c"oe McG UFFY'S & WlLSON'S SERIES. III B vel'y ~hllrt Ume. & & & r-THE TltAlll': BUI·PLIf.D DY-... c.. c., o. DJ<;l\IAS nARN.~R @ r;o.. k. 21 Par" R "IV. N e\V " . ur ---80M by Drullltillt8 {lenerully. Ihlail price. ,300 . Uaual di~coullt til d",ler8. SI'III "IIvl"' t. .. r" 011 r""eipt vll f, prpice .• , 1d UILUF.RT (i!J SURUJ{ (" rop r., Carefully and Promptly Fil c • 6711 Brl).o w~y, New ,York. J) e8 cril'I'VI! cin:ull"l lellt .r er . 0 l d Dr u g _ S tor e • lI'7, am
J cUl'Y I year, 82: 5 copies I year to 1 add r eps.9 ,OO; lOtio. 1600; 20 do. 3000. O'le rop)' PXlrtllo club. ul JO (wd 20 . A "opY or Ihe ," LINCOLN MEMU RIAL." buund ill c1olh. pr ice $1 bO, will ba pre· ~P llted Il' Ih e pe rsoll selldin~ III B cludbd~f tell 8u l.oRr,ribl'r. and I copy [or each a I liunal leo s utJ.:: rlhl!rt . 0:7 Rend [or Sarnple r;opie8. Addre8s: COMLY, ROBY & SMITH, "I b I Ohl' o• '-'0 um u •
Physicians' PrescriptioDS
emalu). . pilll 'mult luccllmb lo B,ugar Cooted .yo ' LI ..... ~ nic. 'th\le IDOW' lell here Blood Pill•• antl lIty fnend RubaCk . m .. ~e~ lhe. belL iD tb. knowD world.' . DiJlh!.blat 'be eleigbiDS w~. 'fllli la the lonse.t and {;IIe .peech. be I,m.p orarl. .ver ~G.
. d to re'fhe undersigneu" ere alii h oftze ceive ae~led pr upusbll ulll il 6 u'clock P, lII. Febrllorv \81,1866, lor Ihe build i n~ 01 II Villsge PriRon ill Ihe yillal!'e or \Vaynn• ville.Ohltl. A p!ftll 01 eald pri _o ll. w ilh e ~ A .. IYtlnel'al •• ho 18 nottd for t,h ~ peciti cal iu n", call lie 6~ell II the Po. tbr::,iIY 01 hid epeeehe., .bile .topplng Ollicl'. All hid. mllit be IIccomp.nied. by at lhe Uoited I:::iIRotell H(lLel. Ihe ollter th e nftmn uf lIut Ie .. IItln twu e hglble dRY. &eronaded by Lh~ Pal~ce \ Ta .. ,,,Ill re8po~l 8i b!e o. en 88 guarRlI1ie8. a'".J rietiel ( S lrtn g ) HIlnd. Upon RoPPU8r- \ l'eCh o( nld bIde wlll,.1 the above-Ipee. · War1lelYlJlll, Ohio. . ' .' f I' . . I tied lime. or B8 soo n thl'reo(ter as con VI'· I~~ aL tb e' wllnuo" 0 1111 roodm. In ttl ,e I nip-nt be opPIIPd by Ihe Council of .. id· PO ST. 0 F FIe E COR N E R. filth Itor" Ie WI\8I we come • on Ie . ' , d d b'd J'. , . I d ' vill" !!e, alld Ihe .wer mil e ur I II reJ 23-1 f part of Lhe CI linn,. In II ong "n WI". ted u .IH'Y m"y decide "Ilon. IIne·1 • ,- -----------' Ly Ipeech by the cc:lebrated Dr. ~o- Jet: , F.LTON DUDl.EY, Mav or blll!k. III reply he laconically '"ltI: E. It. 1'1lI11TZ. Recorder. ']o'ellow citilllDS. you c!,nno.l t'xpec' me Waynesv ille, Jlln , 20, 1866. to addr., .. YOII "her hllt-mng . to my _ or a greal mally ,killda aDill'n Ilrge qulft· \"aryeloqllent Bnd le.roed friend Dr. , lilie~, for .alt by Roback. 10 time8 of peRce. llade" IIERftlT'r &. PRINTZ.
J. 'V _ KEY S, . _
.JustIce of the ~eace, AND NOTABY' PUBL1C. (\" WA}"NES"~L ~. OHIQ.
(Copy righted.) \Varranted to cov.r m(lre lurface for IIIms weight 't hao ,ny other! Tay IT. ANlJ YOU WILL HAVE ftO OTIIER: -- - '-. . MAf'U F ACTURED ONLY BY ZEIGLER- & SMITl-~, " 0 N T I II \I E' T'H E r B ACT I CE 0 r Wtoolelllia Drull, Painl Ie <;"110 Dulen. No. 137 Norlh 'fhlrd Slre .. r,
Dl-t. S. J. WA ,
0:7 For .. lp. b, PAIIIT DULUS 2en.rIn itl v.riOUB brallcbe. ; not to be ex('ellally. S9·1J' ed anv .... bore. None bllt the BE. T .. " T E B I" LUll ED. CAaJ{.-Office at hid ruidence on Main Slree'. I-II
Union Coffee Pea Coft'ee $9'0 A MON~'n l• .:...... j!enl. wan I· SURVEYOR, CONVEYANCE& d r C f!i R' C fIi. prIme ki. ed for SIX fllfTiltELV AUI-
l':~e: ~~ F.:I::;.t !coCu~e:: lor lalob, »~llllfT' T a PR.INTZ C'
-:.A II D -
CLf.ll. JUBI 0111. ~dJre," O. T . GAR~JY , City H.lllcl illf. BIddeford, AhiDe,
N®~ A!i1l
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Waru."'ure, Qilio. , j
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~OB'&C K 'S PEN~
D P /14...l..S OO \ ~\-:.' ~ I SUGAR-COATED. o I1, PURELY VEGti1,.....•TAB1util!Jl.
I Q' LL .... [
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bClt reDr.':' • • • !:Io t FOR
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Je SSE 111l I WEA~N'rI \ J r :\ 1\ I U-\III IU, lI t! \\ S, i\ g PIlCY ~ \lpl'l' ,' " 01 /(uul l. ft ri) nll l11bl' rp,1 1 &:.I lt'~ ~rllf. ~ 111 '1 ,,,u,, ,,( Ilu t. 3u,. 1\1 Tho ,,\(I l\' ." o I., ,tl , c ' \10,, s''l ~\ ~ .tlll~ lnOr ltt",, 0 ~pll cv 4 4. 371) 00 5UU U I \"' ~ I II" E '"I"P IP "''' TnAls- l.eeve~ l'1I/ sLur !! 1\\ II I ' L \ (n 1111 e, (r tl 111 1up tu7 d ~t.II JHh: II tI .... m I' r lp t \l 11,HllI \",1 q; ~",. ll ... "" nrg 1\1 1.: A.. V ~t \ t:r ~'~ \H l l'ui lr, ol ch ti ll "I ' "u" . b /it,!) f I 01 PIIII IlI", .Ul,; IJ U \ crtlUAt, ~lutJt!ull a, I\ .( ordt JlI:tt1\1 l"'cJ r\ " ."'(l P P'"I !"II tt'ur l y or Il ·H rll e ~ :~" ;"9 rro,n E(c e"e .or lnd,8 , u 311U I fl ·"ly !!,tllf ~trr h,h1lrL! ".s ll ~lIah II I~\ H' ! r!'r\,:t, ur' I\' oI l .. , .. " utili u l ' " ., M r UJ Hdll ll t! K ,'l\u& l'uhl t1 .ArlS Ulltl \ \ I' S "' HP\ \,ll ll1Vu uit:5 ~J.\I ... I (HJll \.II ,,/1111, :::;~ '11 t\1I 111 uo.;" 10 Hh h 1,,01 \V ~.~ t 11 "-.... 1.1 nlll) 111 II lly I I " l it U~ l lit bOper:, ul1 g , "' !aU\\ 1" " 1 er 1. 1 I , mull II At.:? 1Ll " 1111 7 t" :::;P" l IJl q' -.; u( h II flll llld ,l phlU It' ll a lId I ubl~ a.., t ~1 do, b , ',rfue IJ,lIl d ..:. . l l :!.2J \. ~J r lllH. lJ'Hl ;~ 'JI" uu r N ~,\ , ~ { l ' . ::; " l ld :>,Iv u l1tu tJOn .oae f'aff eclC db, Qr. 1 (j>rlh e IJ ru ... lu .. tluII U! IlI'" lin oC " rpe l.'t"J "m.l ~ USI C b e T il,' I' XI" ~ " " " III ( 11111\1 ","ll' urcp r . tUltl l u rk too t lll, t"ll '. IHlc..I,l1 e ull ,t> r 37. J U'-' ! The cons,. hI ' l EE M \ 14 '81:1 OF l,e'I IA alu.1 0 f med• W'('I". ~Hti W.J 1l he 1!S ~ [lL ,,"'( C ""o \\' l' v llt"' m u"'ou.I mf! mll - LCR vrs ,II. I \ V ul l\ 'Ilid gaO l', IIU lk'. l o J t\\l, lr" ( I \ Ulh u~'IHyl t r()pulJb '.(J I .1 DI I I' IIIA F. ~ 1'1l1 :s~ r lIt1nn 1 Ylilu 11 1' 1 S111 11 I , L.:I 1\ lJ \ IIrI 1 rl 111 ~.. ' 10. A ! I JI ' hfl\U I :'P III IIIg' l p tll " Ih",e~, rouh, . ,n/il L •• 'U~ ly li t U(ll !~ 1 Jlll l "'~I I , "l uli l l ( •I' dt =i 1'1 1" tugr lll'l i " UIl'II~ gor.,e lht ' " I lt H llt :iHrC Uu' 1p tl ll:.r r l'rt I b\IJ~" :J~~P Mt ~ltt l'pI P ~ull r1 l HI"e 10 stre nglh e n Gnu lnVJ actl lorh u If l ll ll "!lil t' I I" I H .. tl I f' rtllltlll''' ~h r e ftolt 11I~lIll l lll rt !. lll Ihl', 5 I U , llllt I' hllhl 'l"' ,U'H Jlu'l l) Itrl" It.'~u 1 i1 \\ ~' l 1 ' ll lHil Bxtr r It I'\' r .. l' A 1 \ l'~ IC lJult !'!. . I t l v l (l Jrlm ll illl il l l'od ril f.hl! \ , C'I. II J "\! ... tm, wIU u r Sl, Ulltl ofINI al00 II li t!" P. ( I I, Ll r fiV t~l Ir lJ,r ,,,,11u rl:2 3.j '1'" "II~hlld 1.. 1\ I'I\. 7:ot .UUO Ihll dll:U d uJlull lu ... r~u j t'l ytjLnob:y dOe.l, If 110 Irea lme nl be aub. ~ :'tJ ,Al l UU ltll9 l 0 1 1\1 .. \11 11 11\ lllt 'J(I ~I (111 dt' r l ilt' ~Hr· ! l.!rca l\OI ~ ".. ' lIlvn "IU I\\ Yurl ' , \ P I , l i te ( 1,- " ' ltl,. , o wlil tilltl \\ fll ti lnd N, I'UI ttril ll\t lIlI tlll" i " l~ .. L!JC ur "" J I'"ll fB J I ltl rc ,lu " B lll.J , UO l , l A i' I 1 1'\ ~1' n. l 'I II ol'« I. ,. u lt " "M' I Iu IJ III CUn 5um ptiul l ur iultl nit, "11.11 l' UA!\J P I'1111(!(l1 1111I1I *1'1 71 0 I (Vllh I IIull l '"rI ' cl.: I," u, . , ,' I ~ lAl, II pI! III '.I<CJ . IlI,d 0111' 1till lieu I \ A II~ lIl~I\\ II'I 1,.. 1t "' com II,,' Ilr o" .. I,·d UII\' 1" 1"'· alit! I' ;:)2 t'r' ~ Y I1 " p 'l' 1 ' N I' the •. '''I'I' , h . . . tht1 Canh :u ,,.ht' lnnl """cg 11 tu 11 ,lp d vi 8t'ul I II IIlIa 1' Ill' IJlltJ ' h.. VIU nil) . I< ll 111,. , lI es, lnhli ~ I I'W o", rcis ",,· hem 111,--' Exe "lid l u dofl ic M. " t p. ,\ ti lod ul l1 Me . .. 20 W dhu l\! 13 l~ . enaU f. " lI" u·,~ h U ll II Bas slnf 's Il ll !" II t"hlJ lin 111(' corl ..... u t) !lt5 cetu sJ tn CU\ Or 11 11 41 f\ 1 II 1.1 Of} P III. ~I('PI) l fl!! Gil ' " r ll t! 1i "I' thl ll ~e l l~ l n~ tll ' 01 ' L, I 'r!.!. I ' " t , r ~ 'IIIHIII acts tIIIit ld tu Will ulJllC c U8, \vli l:IIlr C' t\ p OII(Jt :JlCe , et c • , In U " Hll1l Ur p 1I11U ( II 111 111 ~ g lg ' lIr t ~ ::: pOv.'.'fr _1 Veoehbl" Extr ~lJ '4 '1 11 \= I "' l((~ 111 tl l ~ hlJ t pu l l Ilf P t" (JI .. '" .. l:'e Irtot f\1 e p.u ),,,, l rlill I .. d ., ~ l hl ~. J , \ I II I ~ Iidl li d ll , u P, IJ~ Bt lLll.l !! wliI I I I wlueb b&••• d'lee taolJ ou CDth e .... N l!W Y(J rlt, Vln A ' It.: o ~ ;0,01 ' III 1" 1 S1h Hlul lll· ft4",IU ,II U I j'l l ur lll'l l . lt: cl'rll I I I P hl l.~delph lu J u. I.J Lu (1Il,O ' ~ 11f( 1I\K\I)l C il lo. B .... 11 0 ,,,lle l' fir :,r uud r.U'(( ,l ilt 1 ' 8 an tuIII vilu o Icv r 81 e nlll IIH t "lllle ),:,,,!' the p;" l It uf t , e n l ~ 1 ''''!,e e WIll b~ "111 'lrtll I 11,0 I lIr l 1l l ull n llu) 1 tl,w ,b" I llllll l e ,·" lh JII ER "~ "lIh ' t I tILIV ,' " t D hr " "1 l\lt SPL EEN AN nt 10 Iltl\\ . I {I ) k ", . I ' ... l! " "IlIP IIt111lelblltc111 11 \ I' re l"r,IIIl'llt"lil'I~~" .".\S T[,T ~I- L('III\(l R PIt1! -.uur v I "elll til tll~ ltulll l' l ul 11, 13 FtC 1 h tlil ' " P "'"' 16 lu (.II ~" .('. 111111 elPr l ","" Il 'e Hrllcl ~) l'l,"1 81111 '0 11 " 1 O"r pllll III Prlll ~ "" ,~ 'bo h" ,'p, .. trftf' tllf" hlr-h Cl\n I.u' yl\l ,It·o" ,"l Ito 8, ,,,,, II ( pr, enlc I)' 1~ & l' 1st M \V I' l'• ur 1I1 S~III1C t,l , Thor " . lano 01 e a .J ,' ,"1 \\11 1 ue • .~ r rt It' '' . I I ' " ' •• U l..~ ' OD .or l"od".o. rd. 0",1 5':0It l nll'lI 11 ' I v l lld A 17'''JI l'' III .l 'hi ,I ~I ..30lI .r,," l·tpol 01 lu;o ~(J l a,s, " I " " I" ,, " 1I.,o pecu ll.r 10 fe mnlp s. IS unl. I. I . M 1 " <011<1 1",,, \ I I} till \0\ It} r e li, "" 11)11 ret I}, t li1 I "til": IIle 11111 ICt \ IrU lI , . l lIIIlI h It lrlll I SP lit 10 YOI1 10 ftfT,'c tlOn B UlI 1 II 1' ce II ~I. ~JI 11' A 1'"lI 11 .I "' " 1-, I .. 11t~ ~ u,' 111 !!' pl ..... " It ~ lou, II, 1Upr 1Il111 hlll t Ih,' tll~ t II lI IlI 1\ ":; I , L \:IV' IIi ' d Rile I I OilY otho r prep arat ion. II lc llt elllO le til,. ·· ~u I' IU I II r I I" I \' PI IIII') or q~uJcc.L by 1.1 I, ,Ill" " " lIer. II H IVP "rc c Ullfi, A 4Js. I n,ge f1t.o n ' . . . j N I'W \ u r k t VIII AU< ,ptow II, 3 t' llCIulti bp. lIullI bt.n d ~oo, cnd I " " "n """ f " " '"I ,,, "" ,,,, ,n ,I,till • • ,1 l, lll fI YUil • ellll UlUu d! Nc\\ ul.IL tl butl .lt tlel. ... Ille ulmo r' \ P llI lll tl I'Ipl .l"t 1.10 I' M, 811U dlUlIlI'llI] 'P ' IH 1;1I Id ,, " tc lt U ' Ull '''r ' ~~ thlor ORl t or R e lOlll lon, lrreg ul8n I')IJI/I Ih'll llill l1f' 1 IJ I " .. 11101 ""1" 11. 111.1, II I CI,rfJ COlltiVe'les~, W I'he Sto ck Com pns es 10n or CU&t.olllar, W [, l J f' l\1 hc rt d liOU II w,lI be 8" " t Ie• l'oll llulo ea. or &pp ree8 ,,",. 1I i.l, ,,,,),. l 'ti<, I,,, VI U Ph'lut.l t.~~plilU, ul , IIl' . I, u, l e ''u Il' I nam II r el • 11", tb r" ' , AS IS" )pr / 'J Tn ft.c", (h"7 ArP, tOI/ In" , d doc "s' l U ~ I' v I' I U r ev l ~ II Ie III uur .l aL 0 * Rrtn ljusl, Bdll r,ue .1011 II,rr orll, lcR. ~ pl &"dl I ~ I oU , PI lf h 1111 F.vo cuot lo"., Ulce rntll ,tI or "d'·' . I••• ili. "' , I" I , '" nmOl1~ S I 1l~llvt r \Vut t:lt e@ RI1 1 " ~ tie t \\ ., 7 5, 01lU lIrll cl t·6. ,IIt,o " r "l'ti , F tr·1 r rl1"\lll1 I \ .\." IIlld d ' j "ul plt, ~\: tZ(f hu, lta l lll/8 l1 I Sund -:I IHIt I . eucq rrh< l!8, anll all roO). 1) I , I' Ill'. I' , ,,",ur ~ DuiJ!/, all oth.r tralr., ; d I II" II !l,m 1l \1\ 1110 1 01 i, llOl nnu l ()::"r A lI ~r r~"~lvll'g lI e nrtu l P, I( It o f Ihl! Uler u H I'rll 'U ,' ,, " \.U' IP@ a, • , II I ,11.,,· ~ r 'lUll I"lt " "Ilt O UlIlI ' II U ,~,) I " l8lP i ll ltt ,, etur N'OI r III 011 ~ \' 4U cutl Gllu rhcl lill llOl h esex .w ltclh eraf II' ~I 1'8 ( "i'ln lre II~ • tJ O\ n n ul.. \Jlellti e you, ~ l'1, HI' IIH. c J\nsJ .re • I l p lu lI1l81l1C ldell ~ I C I d ... Y k bUI N I I , 1 I Ilu ' }> r III r I I\.I E W MUI S I C · 1) I bt 1 U It r. UII f T I .... P 11III 0' U. W lhg enCI . w e u e. mp" , o . c c ..,c.: III1l ill II e Pili' .... 18lu plttlo n, unpr • • I~III M lu W Illllt es· se .B ol' J,·\l clry lf! l yuur~lII U ll~Ybll" l \)6 nac I I t>rn In I 90 Princ·ple. 1I tie lll tu fluy exne "Th e Life.Givln" . nll~a of Ih t: mua t IR::..hlonOb lIyH , ,, ,,.,, ,, r ml. ,,,,,, Lile ~urUUJllf11 l) r e ~ I!I'1'T CC liS mUrr or 1\111..1 ~f' "e r-t> I r ~han r 9 II I rljlc I· I f» decl II,J,I lJlI!!!! ".," cc l ec ltcd ll Irotl gin ul rans (t r· \\ 111, ' I ' ''' u (1IIII UI ,,, I1 l c Ult 111113 ur III Iho nnd 48tu fit'd ufev pryv ll \Illtq tll J 0 1 l''' ~lu'' e . corr ih p u lldel lee . , I Th.y ••• ",hi "t dI OM';. ~... sty l(' t'Iii" l l l l l "(!CI UU: ,, 1 ... I .. hUll q, IJ In, \\0 ~.,. I Ik tn ~t.h ft • I" I I OI II el ' rtm at.rikl ll\ III'e r rot)t,hmv , B_W 1ft" e ''''. ~I' eu r Ittrg "" 0 " _I v( hOlth... . II 1111 C; II " .,I k, ~ lul" ~,"..1 ,.1 II I 1 ~ t (1r nr11C 10 cor •1" e8 Sc i rI~ly 10 i:r1h p, 11111 'I' (( I{ It r~ f i\ 11m I '.A~l' ·c,n I ld'" g Bo. b 1t1~1 " ", In nl f) ull vluor . . .. ~ S1'''I, gold II lOllIce I" \\I (( U. · q,,,,,I ' III "'111 e~r li Ver lit ,s llll.d "nd p5c arl I L' 1U'~OT I' UICUI f' r ~ 1() ~ !lui ,. ulld e un'l of th o Ino&1 " . , on ot,ce UY 13",,,, "r • .J{ "Ii). p'5~ ' "g l, • ,. '" I~ t ~\ LY ~'~~l1E n " r IUU. ~Ull il" C , yon \ l' ... roll 1'1\. di,"' .\ nE , mbe unJ \~'l' (,,,, / "'Hch 11 ••1 \ .. rCb p"I, ddW llllt h"nu /i CIer I,P,\ N'I ,1 1\ Pro J d I "'1 prlnC1 I pe . 10.I JI').If I \'1 lU' (j 1l I II 15 \\l t' S \l trs t b" 1"',0 )lOL ['ARS U (LI )OU (lb. " hliVO It by llUyl lig P}H U UI Ft ~ ""tr P.r1,,,35 r l. 1J • unO (I ~~L~;;,A~ E CO:SS'IIll' U· , ~ I 0 II I",. d'a n ", "" Y, I'\V gli ll t>l } 1)~O Ill I II sc~rl l ~ O. '~ ll tlt:'r "Xf" pu I II r I bth~ alll \llli It ~e worth $lUO ur 8/jU e, 1 ,J ~ t h heth \\ II. _ 1o hll \\ JIJ lur I .. I ts d \. ccle UIo IJ 51llllOiI,. l'l.reD ~ tuW .06 by 111\ hr(1 ul I !d I PilI" . 0 " u 1111 rIlJI t'b. \ Urt ft ') our '1Ile r e. t III den l' "· lur Is 1l,.I" II l'j ftlld ' UI.tI 'I rl)Ul e U. '"" com '. , B ""Il I S8C o'r y. ' U" :{ " I . "" . • I c! .nll, s ,IIII ", c"Ib uxes .lteh ddre bur pot, o n s ~ I 1'1I E'G JI.'t S. '" .,-,rip- 11. l e H, a~ It ttlvc tt 1 '""0 '' ' '' '' CAse IInv uf 1\ 10/ ," de.8c hll( ~(> II OUl uur 1110 artlcUllt! Ih e reby III' y, \\ li,o'I IlH. & ... III wolr " e J '!'H ~I of I,y les ,,01, II artic , . lC uf fly ti ll A r Olltc , Fml j(f'la' of all be for: ""' l pulil II. "lin 1 o l III ~I, I " ',,, .• cont" lellc e 10 the II elln 1 :\-11t1l1l ~ 1 111/ , 3i 11' Ilr l~., f. I ulel II l'U1I 8. Iltr ludlt 'g L,,, /Sr" ,,». ( 1 11f 111 1"" " 1)3 ~ tt~l h t' 1 I1l1d Chu r,, Or r , \\ P \\, tfl' lIu ctt.'u l" c!J ours til Cl, ,, ,h., , t •• , r ~ u ,," " I, \ , I l.\01 JI pr f'. 'rRI \ CrW UUu N~IV , "'}(117 "llIn odel n 'Jlflh , I',) II r , Us ,/I h 10 ' " u,tle d W ultd f,alll 1'111 ~ 11\:\ , llcllt e relu rlled In nlld hom I' J ~ ~'t' l' \ od. hJ I lr I\~Y cr,. er ull ll ; Bull ¥urk ,lIos ton o rJln ItIIlI lJrc; r o Ilw. ul Hlrs ~ ''" " c ''''' I' u( I t !" !oIe 1.-" (ur " a i d) C'!I!! ro\.c tl ,,, )s I d.l'u !I' r \\lll •• , IIIlY cit 2:' RIII/ ur u t es\(" U"n ll rt~cClp I II f "L.;t" III S li ll y 1'01111 ('Ill he \' p\"lr ll \J J\III , r ~ U' oh. ~ .. UUll llllly cltu scdu lld ~ t c . \YO 6U lltl i R '' e ' S , ,' , ,, tug~ U" 1'"1 p 1((lI iJom l(/ jl l!ct, , "" , .. OIICP "J ''''~ s'",, , l """ lur lII,.",,, , Ro ~e (or. .J'JOE.VTS AR E TI'.' 1.\T ED U\ S(C8 Inl1' ., {"~'l!I ' 1 pon ol " U l lC IIIJtl Ct' ~u;~- .',I.','~' I'd" f lJ" '1 W II lIi II ertv . ~):)':. ~I ': v" t l'i~.:,':~I .; . :" I,~ .l1 ll u t UlIl I' l0 Ib "lI eo c ltzllll I yac J ot. (ro" , I t'l" ljll o f $1, willc h II U) 6 (ur Cn'- I fI'ce rmtn <1 pU pxle I\IIrt !\'dl Oun U Y ell "' ro "ItU I I Ll I I 1 1111 1 • ' lIdl ld I,) I . '''e \\ ' \ ~ ",x u e \Ill tiC IIU .. t rg.n'If\'. el'ce , ~o, :ok l' elc ~ I 'll e l ('q I,o,t ul'h " LaUlIll I era :tnll I I , k c~ 0 1 11,,) \\' p \ lemDI.e"'fruttheVrln.r~O nil PIII'h Vl'ry 'Ih er tl r eA t' llIlIl ~ . nrl~ t • IlIl'" ,nl! 0,. r" , ,II ,,,', .~q c ", D""t I . f" r ' Ih e pruy tnc" " ' llull ll I I1It' op II 'Ilel eu. ~ o ~l on, 1011 I'llr l'r o, ~h, C,, "lrh ele or S .01. pati 11 "111 "'" dte., III . (." hubl t e u( .... , . . IVll ih ellfl "rn,1 p,th cr 01 Ih e wlll 'r. onY8 for cn'· Int: Irom ' IIII~l l t" lIor,I )) ~ A ... \ " ,d l'CPI " ".... "I n" ree" " ,, " . nJlJl ly 10 9' adu, t'se °P I\II "'1 ,fH' lge in lliel •• lIti Upo n recf lp t 01 \,,1\11 chal ''-'I r li t"' 3 no (u II~"I or be IIl A,Ii hille to.UI: H . P ' IPrJ/ PI'lid , " C r ll 8Clld lll "1l", ,11 " I tJ IIU\\II I!!'.:,A gent riO (Ib e omp ullV. " ~" <or I pl llll " " " ,,, , ,,c 1 ,e.po ndpo e e . pos· "gtl .CIC , I \ "IIt ' SIll" 0"" " 'u ,' ''' Q SUP" lhl: Iholl 1'III Iao 'o \Vu p,pf l'rm un r vs e llt (II p"", ",u 1I 0tlcU :: , IITld U ti lle prl' tit' lil vulu eJ at e xp"S tlrll, """I .d com plct .'ly Bup eurd " " 111~rI ,10 • " ::; B KII. g810 n.]r, . Fl. A "e lll, uur! ! 1' OU111 I llJc nl n,II yc tlu~ lyJ u r ,, 11t! " 1" ..)lul c () rl l " I ~ \\ C f\llel~l, P,II. '\ UB 1\ 80,,,,,10 01 Ollr I s reme tll.ll , ,,~ . \II .... CUU, J Utlll1 '! It , I I., J ~ J u llllll~ e /\.C nrp enle r.Fl '1rA II nllk D \ /\dd res, ,. " t 1"06 11"," :::; 15, 1"lIp leas ont 01111 dftn1 !crou ~ ,Pltl 8 burO' :\l lI ltl lll,," \II" H ,ul, lO ,"r urtll ". loy I. '" . 11) 'I 5\1 t.:lorke&co.tTr"n8I( ,~~''rPlll j\ I~ Iho .. UQ' 0"1'. " d" ,1'"" ' , .. ('U"I boo co lu, In ,It , IVIII 1''' l, cu,y e ~ II CI I "I" 'l' It'\I ,I ~". r' "''"1 h IHY," , for l )luIUU au,1 i\l"r tJ'" II \V I Ir(\w ll & co . £.ull cil vllle , 0 1'11/ u, .I"r. I•• " ur a"" UpJ II rrc~Ipt o( SI S. \\(lIc . l:"'o n.dl s .... e •. dwb I' n •• 5 11 I t. ll h 1 ld 11"~ m.l I! M J .... .. d pl J " v\ , 10'111 uy e n ct'. t'08tl lll" , Clr. WP t •• ll r by (;h. , ~un d ", led 1J1I1I & c o .• MUtt e llo. U ' All o"d. \h.. ,' ' ¥. ., 1 I,,, II,,) TLR LlN G &C o' l c" rrf 8po0ltJIl tl l' C" ~ , Oll~ U ~OLID SIL~ ER 'l iI1 E~'"S. JAQ.UP.I . Suwu 1[, .~l\oJ PIt INC E, . W ALTON • CO ' I \'11'. H. & l!:.J1 Lan illev . Gall ipol is, O. I,ncl. 1 I" " ''' \) ' 'n '' k. Yor New y. IbtJ llruu . r" I k) CI~,kA &~O, C llIco llo,l JIe,N E. (8"" "'''0 '' 10 Dr C W !tob•• s ,'" \1 ,,, [ I " II 1\ \1.·), (, ,, lloll. ~) .~.Il W /\'1'l;1-I. IIy r r turll m'III. N LI IO N lt U 2331 : l '\' auu 'd. Spntl rOt ClrC 'ltnf l'ulI by , . A..-,· .. ts nllul" OI13 l, ' e'7e, R, SOLE P:lOP RIET I "u b IIlrgo f!1I6h ClJ nH1l1 g e iOfl, R IO\VI' R. a A t'oni lt.vyL Pe1I VIU Ii 1I.. ta !l1rl. !,!ell 1'11 1 (' ( tt, l. 501f'1 col.! }. S ItI 'II II1~t' 1i ' St. Fa st Frc ... It) "lllC it Ill r y cnll nwk e ij~6 \l '"1 u rllll lj{ I) • w, I_11I t; Clr!t hy A I/oll'l I B t:= rll Nos . 1561 158, 60 & 62 Eas t Thb 'd , O,on lt 'J'I C'''' '' ell" , lv , pl.II r06d J\~U CIN OIN NA TI, OH IO. tho EOl tern ' I<t ll 1'11 •• )0 RJ,t;E D A, URO TfIE R, l 5 1.llIlt o~e ll 1', " , \VIt ,ch rUIl Ilt rllug h b ~ lw(.'cn , . • or ChIl lI' >"1 0 ~~~,'I .d lt\g L.,,". n, 10) l'ulI /ve peUI IrrOH P, C",'~ 1[J3~ NeIV -):or k ell.!! r ,,,,,I \V "SIC '" lIuK . II'H ) Ihe Urtn n ry Org n n8, III". cn [ of I 1-13 ueil '0. aH'e II h. I in (qr ,I. Ihe C. flIJf~ 18 ' ' .r . ml1 ' l LIm gsl Ii ~un UIIlU ~O J 1, o " 1'1 j u" I" 1.'''.... 6 11 1;'.,,11 . l le (If fe lll al c, (,om CO , ;!CdI 01 !! II"I I' lI S I l' " '!If..I. t LI lie. alld 18 I" UII II "Jt'~ by Ch~rl ':. r hlllo. Ilh e r eXI~ t,I ~lg I'" 'I;u , ' . E. it H. 'I. A N 'I H 0 N Y & l 't I,.,,, "' ) l', n)I ' 1, 011' \\ "lI n,. 11111 '01 Z", All Spll f ~"". IRra DoI /I J.II. h 11011 w'"c 11111 ' llt{ IIl,J n o mall tr tlt ove r UII O ulilh /) r uule s over ca~8' e .orju1, II'!.ll ,I u rl,,' d l cv.er h, IVll hnD l r e ' ''U'~J rt''.'l'O(.jc,"1~1', 1 " '" U'lt.lr"'1 Wo, .. tlll.~~t'UI/t'I,;,~ I Wh. er/l til be lSuJd IlIr ii.1 (. l1c t;' Up .. " 1. tI,;,e . ".1 WB IIL& SAl. i AIID n EtA IL /lt. J .l·t" {eglJ l' smlr e Il Q~/L' ur p-'II tinIJ 1'/, PI"" "r ''''f! ' ld( ".n I. pln .. alill e .I, ~) CI •• ,I .~"n Nut lob cI'H d l ~ 1=1I 1<lt U\ II III"1 tO!lTOp/IIC 111ale· ,,"U ,' tlIII, , 11 10:l':. onll a lUtld ltlg . . It ,, "'" 0"" " se e tin' 'n 11,0 p,op erty eptrl lftle J1anuf,lClllrcrll of .Pll.O tlkttu\V.· wh"l)'ouluctorc CO II "". - II", Icul llira l. JJur llw ltur at. U11(/ 'lll/ 1.1., AYT tllIl ,,,,, tllt in Itl Itll~n, R e ("." l dilil ,,1. .~ lt' 00'0 IIlty ~ 1'",\ (~ III' 81,.".1 U til //11' Ulll ied 1I1slll IIn~ odor , 10 ", o rue Ih u ues tl nCI .11I 1I .... ''' ~ .dl'llItIMtI' 1'IIp I'y It) J ,I. / ,C" C I lUra 'Clllt ,,,,t j IIIII'' . fml I'I"o ~ .ny or tb. <lel/ 1II''' rtat . Ihan ' ", j( S. I CLE I '" ,I .. I'~,I nd mur e B',el tl!lh enln Js ove, SI ' • • I:NU ID I,IS T or _\. IITJ 1)0 1 II (}ra lUIl lt' 111 c/Wl ce Glu jM ,,,,, "rlt' "" ' I'III~III, IIIIl llhtl ltOftU ey! Stul 100 1;1 l; ".k,. I',,, " 50, 'illS . FJ n u" J rlro ROA DwA r, N. r, I. 'lko . " nUl e.e 1.. 0" ,1,,1 ~ I", (),,:, :-,; . dl!;'l lnu1 I1 prep li rOIlO llilol .. M. t-:,. lIor l TylJ (ulIl don of Pho - II Ii " h " 1l "~C " plld. S t/,c./ubcI'~ A "~ I 0(. /Jr. .",!, . "" -07 :'010 _J UI .l. In ad,I, .lon to til ' nlS1I1 bUB lness 'S Bruk en.d o,vb or lht ,,, ," 1 ' I"'O ~. gllu f/l n lred . n lur"'d Iu,,,, f,om ' \ V"io r VI "V :.' .'rtng O l ' r .ulJ'l ",u e 50 "'-,, II rler" t, II Tho~ rr , dqua c. rh\ I Hea Np I ... UI'" li d .... 11 \ I I ,u ""tl -t""co t l)gro p/"" l\1"l erl/t i. we Iru -lIfJrUIJJ II!I~. IQ li t VII u e oj (Ib~( lJr Dell cole c~llalllUljoo ... proc orM~ IhA~ rem-•Ito ,.11_ ;J lu 2JU ., uy uOyl lllti I)" . S,) t lv. I 4I l',e'..... · IoU I ""' u ,, ' \lu , ,, Uti'" 3J : III every Ifl6N Cn.b $1 ii'Ll j) 8. vr\,v ery ,nn ~fllt ""I1 ne. I JlI " .'" tI" f',V/1 I; 1'1 1 UO ", " ' h" (u \ I ,U w-r I. I " ' '' '1 (' III"·, , jj "" " ~ 1""0 ;;) I" I Ili d l' ''I",I .r n'rll I 11"1" " . I' ''"II~h e d 01' 'It l'II ~O. rUG I "" " ~" QIoo 2U (' \ 1" I, v~,,, ,) llD" d '" . elli 36 I &pi:> ~ C klllll , ttl4la ,"OI .. \\ I IIII' \I,. rt_"v ~ lJ. IllHtll l se 0880 .!J ill,u h b -, I, . " " .. 1', I ~I , e ~ d ~IIO I 1. 1 " "tl1 5 IiJ "I eucll IIIU\ltll III UIIU' '1'1 01 IheBe we hn ve nn IInlll e n I, . . ' r fll(o rmol '"\I, nl"lr~FB th I " "" - "I '" " " - 11,, 0[11''', I,) J.: J hIt tha ... how ". ~ o r 11Ilth •' u - I l,c N II'.. ",I" ·..· ""'11 t ,.Cu l,1 W"" l • Y /\nl e 'l~nl I e reo er n.ua t e ""," re Wor Soen e.• A grnl S 01 Ihe 'Un 'ull L,n p ' _• OU J f II now {!rp.oL1y t W ldc h ef~:; l l) lUU .. IS I~ . I mcn •• ",elu dlll" lIi oh' . I t tll l \ I 1& J tiUll U [) l" I ~ ,w " ul III" ., lhe .bo" ;, ",ItlIi. f' G IHll tll' \'11 11. • (kof u .. .. " ('II, ftllA 5u IItO "'" 10~;) L ybe d '" llll" t.:. lgh H~CIi lur \\ prel "" II,C S all Ir'l " l)e.. II W B \ \'e jJ t 3r1~'.Cll t O IrIl101i ·"I ·'.cu "lid F' e ."U' l), 1 \I I", . tt :,.1.". 1' US ,;, ung ' lltU\ I. I,DIIlI cqll llllli 8/701' llll " U Jlu, C tub g, 35 27 , ' IU 8 bodl}, lllur cr., c I, l J " rV\\I Ill n . .tree .. 1 ~trt!iJ 5 to l ~' . ~ . II . I)y 1'1 '" r 1\.1 30, Rfl I G .I. lu._. , J otc " , up" ~IfUI dis euse . IL iel lure lJ V II JUl ro] 2:i!J N 1I IIIti sf Co lumb us ..Irou p:t IJllll un rYI .. te, ~ CUfi b lllri ldlin y uLhC'r t l u ll"',I II1.. I.l I •• Uf. tt!l lJU "" II) C Ollll f t!.' If> II!tl l nt T" rl l lc 'J r pnvu ' e t:). J) 'l' 1t1J1 ~ "pr, t) 1111l vuu eu I I J II} \ I I 1 I t: ll h 1 c o \ ''' \ olv litV tilere uI'co ppPI :vr pllbl "II J"t!c . IIHI It , "I'I I' G rnv • 1 ,"1, Il 11(. lI lItl ""tl.u v l .. : ~ 1 t) :' jAl ' h!rr.lHt pOll erp, h.pp ints s, ar, scll l H" l~(J'puh lll ul''':1 III IIlld "\lII IIH! ll:;lt ll I10 np llbq lu' .lro n1l)1 011 JlVl II1tIl III, o""< I_\ ~~:~ ' l tal hOO l ( Uo I' 'l. len COII Our lltl'l lOu "l fh UI! l,~ . I ~l(hlbl 'uu d lh ek llld CII;I "" . '1'1 ,) 1 "Ii.' "",1 " " ,,, 1 1) " " 1.1_ ,. fleab Indbloo4 ~ P Bq ll llll·J " IIt' fl " lIl e. Ju ' 01. 1 ~~ , "u"II, c,paDe'ul 81fllnp .,,,' I" ""ti 1' ,,11 a," "" " r. , 'I,nl 01 1118 poall .'CIly . Our tV! " I aul l 'f. IIIIU tll., ,,,,, toon Y8l hhe8 80n rflCC lp\ or l", C·ltl( """ til . ". III the reul Vll tUC Ultd 1"lc e.elA il.lld G lour \\"It d , \V p.'e tbUG " ' ' \V. ,, "II _u (rulD I " d 1.,,1 , 10 :.u " orte ·,US ill t II 6upp Co will UIIJ 'I IS Ud' .re 1'1I 0TO OUA f>JI IC AI.I r.C Ih ese I 2 "1 II ,,, 01 ~ I' "'" Uu ~ • • &c rile l'ettl l 8ylvl lll l0 n~IlI'\lod ll' 11. 10 'IS CtJ lll ldll I e lll -, ,,, '", e- II 11til"hcl1 W~l. IIA r.l. ,\r RO~, ~o • 2 , 1 pi n' '' exce h' 'V ewe rnll oc fi, s t tu 1I11r1 .,'" v. ''O ", . .ie IJ ,,~"' B kllu , ~" k rl ij ll Itl , dl · ' XI s tulIg o' lil o 0. ' Ii ,o "I",, ) , :\." \'01 t 1 II I filii' A 11) 11111 . IV e In oll"I ',e IJOl llSS Ul lIC wily 0 " It ~ ~ : ~ .)1) l:IIt' YUH': UUf.)t uuy ' I"" :llnl Inlo Iile U" l\~a ::;11I1I'~. a"oJ r .! t lhJl , " d.l\t tl.lq lll\ t~ tln lll l'. , lu' \V e o","~, AIII II''''I . ""11 1t~I'''11 r IIII UIH ,".! e a LO I ' v !)( j I ll u i t llld4. .lf IlI , 0 I e "ltlO l' lhie qu u lIl l lu: H In g r e ul \' il r"·,, n '"c~1 pnulll !l!u lll rf' dll u llnn' IJ1V Ul It",,, I Am e r,,·.n i~ nnl V~~II l ..l l TO LA D J E S . o r, t"lJqUI II~ oIt! \..11, u" b.. 11" Q Iv 00 Cl' lIl a t o:i4> u r4 pu lis ILl l qytu .rllI,"J .• <. I,,, :-nll g lng ll JHll e fr o m "p, · · 0.·,1 " ,_, ,l"l t /1111, '111" Vu lllllbl{,IIIN~\ IJ"U ""n IHUb All ".( lltJlI b 0 ' e li pt·r, 111) I l ' t'ol:l r "'" t;. lu I. ~w ,ci,. n I Il Il Jl 1;1 tilt' AI" I I, \ " " " 'I'"r< U Ur.n I '0 .! lI~ttJ(II Ultld ll ' ~\:('IJ,rdL 'H' ltl\ UUI 1l91 0 \ e tfi AfP I'"tn ,. TII, ltflo utlu: r tS(llI eSIU i , . ' \)9 AI . 1", , ,, II " I III( 0\\" " ..' C I i,1 lilt! '\- tl"lt-tN r1 t u Y .. dl.n lf, und uuro ulllI V III VIII",· w,lI n .. pr o ltll( o nfrn fl / 1011 u , ' · .l\m,l~eA08Acretof :he in"n .. &n" vll\l ltf fSlu" ch el!l 1 t, "I' ll rJ"" ' I II, ," 1 ! ~l I."" ~"~" s. ~ 01 be '"!! ~ up c " o r III u eu lily I' Pill uby c llo tl. lUI, ale lu I u,I!. l /C:id re Fem u l UII "IV I t by 11111 . s C1· BU· v-ey l ulI Har TRA Oe seu\ \I "IIII 1 1111Jt J I ,\ F.X Dr, I wJJ UI)) f'Y SFL 'J'h 'lJP I OLD rt(, I\ 10 I\IIl ulhe Ito 10 OilY E H. \\' ILLI j,J I~, b d 0" v'( " f I 1 LJ )l d l llUil Itll t. td d clo. llllY '1th r r 11C'1"'r. "III , HEL ',lul llll D n l C~ nll.J l i , P" Of ,II ge l o( t Itr ll ,.",. lpl ,. IU t(IInn " VllU rcce ",I ., (IHo! ~, dl on ," .. I)~ ( .. A"" "" ' " 1" to DHIII, FUnF u uehu l Cob t • In /ld"t11 "'1" " " ,, I'n of lf ynf N c wY "rk. Vul uUl eXw N'"~" l J I, VU\ I'''''I ' 1"" ",,1 .,.1r,,,d , tl,t·C SIlII p08~ II,, t li ll'l com u-. I e ,, , 8 , t hil JLfl .. " r II"" l'1 , l1 t cr. "" n "UIII ~ t ur" l :t l. ) SO U ~LR 1) " lI " " ,- III1' , UllU ( 1JIId IlU\1 1 111 I' i1 1r 1 ~1'iaeA lb •• nI 8 J..'a·"U v'10 01"U 1I1I r\\,J lrul l l :U 1 CO l1l1l1 e llCI;I J IInuu ry [, l u l' P r neft1e.,ft~lcct~tl "ith grea IIE JY IlV \\' t;WI:\ ....., ' .. nh,, "d~llIf (l n pno( ' JUfl1 I l f\ ' )1 0 '"111 111 1' 11 1"1 . , II I PhlJU t llI nEL Th e l!lfl lI I tt 11 li e ry Ilr !;c sl~tc T. III .. u I Ill l lIl I lIJ .. oJ OOll C ldlll ) f iii I "" 1 II. J " 111 G e n ' I T l c k f l A ,fl)lf ) bV . II •• J I l t , vnr.u .. u t n \ I", , .i1 " ~II \ 1 I Flrrt 1h1 II U ' Il prep S ll no, • \ " \lUI I U ( I' lu ,, \ I'.. Ulll1 111 L.. a Iv IJ (J U~'\J'O :\J n H tllllll ltg t.lull ulo th t! r l' otilll \ \lllItl "" l-'ro h.q :- IJ" u~ O eeA \ 1.1 '1" ,\:.. ~ lu d", . CUlJ . . Uti (slIl ejl u r l , IIVO, l li810 l\I'.nk e H ~'J'l l u chen b h rive " .. U 8.11' 1 allu ( 0 over ~ \ ' l ~ldt f!l 11 11111 l t ' 1" 1 I i\I 1\.' I III 101 11 . .. , l '"'/II 1 1 ~ 1 ,,\:, I Our Cutn i()gu e lluW ClJlbl UCC8 lit lilly s flllil .r n O LD, d'Ug G en'l ,It-'r'etrrl'1 :'tJ l(1 In L U 1. 6i (1 .\: c II tl :11 L!'llltl1 _ ' 1 11" . \\I\ l c a • ~ 'I,II~ ~,' II\''' I",·, gru t '" " "l r.lh utc HIlU ,· {Oll" t! t o ~lll c h Ult J b' Jlu , , .... .I.~" ' ''''" Th uU8o lHllh f1't' Cll l fiu bJ cc ti ' p ry suhJ f1ct of,n t,.r t8tl ll l Ullfv lI"UJ \ O'I, CUII I h ncS lntt &tc u1 or Pbll.d.S. jJIJUI Pil tr 1 rre 1 1 den rxpe o :" 11 d lH:.~ 1I1g mlJ~ ~ , 01 Dr. Har vey s Gol rd t (u:rU flU'l row tl r s 1 \ YCUf l It t- Il ., I I \l lI lIl lI 1l!l owe ·llllO ~ llgr ~(h U8 DtC COIlU IlUOU y I'I ,. ,lttJ l t d rr' ltl 11 \ r. IlIrlJ r prea enbe d b,lh l !l' ~ t"~f lI l J ,z .. Afl 1(lI lI il y f l' I'P\I.: I'\ U n pili" . 011,1 \\ hlel, Ie 110Il0l OIlCf oJIJ O,..d l l(.I j lhjilt k · . (,; IU :OiUt ,W. •• O ,""u .,,, lurt,uI160fetlllll~IIIAfI)enCa" 8 ,clc.,v "r ll t ~JI I II h.JI. ee p,n" II ",) . BIUI k ru,.. "rI i!lI!O The CJh o,,"C SIC CIII -IIlllut! l" , 1" h"8beenll~lPll,, , I l18 ll g, I Y 11 ,1 1l11\i I\I ,u\:f lCI0 lr lVfo ~ qJ eutpl . ltlp, r llllu It,,,. gl r' 1e I ' IIl08 10 k I : '"'t! III . " . II~ ,"~ oil obol lt j IJ Still r l! l clt ll t:\ I1t'"r ("ctlp "ce Hcc uers ,& c. •• ,, "h I'" e ''''. e ~ Jt ~~ 0' Il,d ilryl l'l J" Lnd, U ! " .. l I puu " r;u ,; I r . III • p • .. I , I tp l I leut ed n',,. n tllr\) I lOOL oJ '1'1 Unit I , s ,\ ,1 u th~ nl I 'l II Hf' In Hlnl .. 1I \lrali ll" I '", . , l O Il I I • •, I II 111 ' " 1.:, " "'I I lit I II I l OOi\ lhJ or-G ener II lu"'lr otPu with t trlllO ' 11 1 IIU .... III' Ju lIll d ... I •• "t ..e Sll l., 1l 1""I ). ~lld In It e , llll,11 Ir j! II ' "\l ( II IJ ' tU ' • 'J'hl rl elp g' flllt' pdpe r 18 eflrY 1 111 111 0 utl, C' l1l1" 3l:; l lht I 1 ! (1 I"~I t l ~"~ fl",~ tlc h I llt! b rIlVl u ' "r~,l 1,,7111 t! 1 :.lUll ling -G Ie llcra l.' 7 1I 1y (Yj 11I { il N I II'UUI..I t h l o ro pt.·r!U l ul thlr y~enr,oltJlfJ'lnSt.t.l,oIP~ ~tl) ]fJ l flO llllulllt f' mu~lcu81 uc e ')- ~ ( ' J l~;lt\ <..: P 11 l\I ' ~ulflvcr \,,,t uvyO J1kc r s , I IJrU\l' tl la ll~ [) I " L f'1I, .. 18nl \\Urlt..lIO ! :S l lld tj o r 1:1<' 'l~l~I' ., ruu uu n cd l I edU HI ;';UU · 'I"/ ItIl I' !i J'II "/ IUlh~" 1I ;11 1(1 l ' I III U'"Y "llti urtc aup t\ IO lj \V IH()I IfJUl lcpd LJv the Utll dllUI Tl ic San .tary InIlI l 1 1111 . ... ( 1 ' \ ' · I . , ' I I ,~ l publ olu "'l hl , : 0. ll",l a"u th I 11 III J'\\t I~. 1>1\11 J ! h 0 llf. I 13 .. ll' Pqu . oO()"'I~l l'r"IF :1 1111) ) tUt) , . ... 1 \ I [, ra) ~ lal eS Ul C llt.. ' I 'I ~ ILJ''''r /lUi" III'PII J '' I~1 L I I UL' IIII ~ Ur ~lI dsc u lilid C\ CII UIl u ll t' l iliru '"~I III I' H!l I l lI l t .1JI! " ·lO' ~'UI 'I' Url"It "II~ IHb,nc~8.ell l .. ",yd I J I h,rtl Aull 10lu a"d 2a lheL j Y>' cn,1 " V'' ou\" ~ ''' twom UlIh o .1 60p r(Hn llicn 0 " ' I "" "~ J'n ''' I • IUlI1 o {!uU [Jllrl l \utl 12 lo fllef es tI1ll 8 1)t!v~rlJe p ' I l lhr ,. ,l l. f, o", I ) UOI TlC h Il C"'S, vo \ t!q, t ll~ h udt, 1" "11.,1 \'U'd ,n. 1I'"I :11 ' t."HU IIIl! , " l t lI l l l fl 10 '\rl ):o l :i ' I I ~ d :, I 01 I I I 1~,r)~11l"'"'1 u t- J \ I\I I I \ tI )(' \ 1I , ll 11r II , ,, " " I. ' \ ','II ! 1' 11'JUU 1'1 bn .. ' • II '( 1 1; 1. ' I h" h i b ' ·V 11 t' q \la Il! t I III I IIR CU Uhtt ) . r, .10 .. d . \ l I .. I _ -> Ut,J"' h l lld ~ ull 1\ , lIi1 Y II III .loe "I" "' " 1 " " > ( \1 .1 3 .0 U , OpIC SO( . u rl"o lt\r l, bl. r ~, I ) f.{lI h.ll" Il'\\I' h " l l" ~ lt u l dt" l oiI I t I l l r Ml d .. F I) 1/\ 1I1t1rtlnl 11 t1i uUW lldlh IIl Cc!,lIrlive r I 1I I I UI (.1 I III , ''',n lt'' III( 1111 I. II • I' l , 11Ilrp pl' u Jd, HII" Iru lll t,l I I rt ' lItln Ctllll nOLD'~ I ~ ' \oUTlI (I( U I ·, tlh l~ III ()S IC('I t' .. UVl ' L fI b8 , t!'I'\-U Ii It C IIl\P , rf) s u~o od l> , "IJt.. I, " '1\ 111t J II}I\t\ :\, l u ~uil llig 1'1 ,) 11 00 I1 ru I eI ) t" II!I \\ lllJ:. ll I h , l ll l ~ ~ r l,ulIgU I I'U u JIH!repro d uCll o n8o IlloPI prO! ;I" 8111"" r t 'I IUuI.J l J t; k Ul \ I IJ" ti l), I' , b e '1111' .•• q J.\ ' I'. " :-;(II'u e~ I u ' l(lltd 1 10 B ~ ,.u r llf E.:lI I'~11J.:l lIV llJlhl I II ' I ' , ''1 )Ulut lllHI' " ' 111111 ll 1.1,,, n I. Irif 1 Iy '1" "" I " "1 ' I r (" 'n11 11l8 .1 ualh . 1 ' rH~n " lJIJI.'l JO, .. ~~~ III~ ~ , L, urql P S tl 'luh lire IUrI LIlP' \~ ,... i\ tl tt l l "I'P c UIU r tl",ln u ( ' OI HtuI1IP ,, 1 I VI 81 \. I ~ "h ~\:. a II" I r ~ ~"PI IIt(I IJ\ D e lll ll·1I1,tll e. -1'fth r I ' \\lI\t h ;;d 'I ", 14110 btl ! ,gll "' ~ 6Iulog tl c t) ., ell t o Jl rt't:e ll't e 81} I., lind 11 " _ f'tc c'rlb cr rlIC4~ I\ P:1 til l' u 110 11 11 'h Ie .lllll 1 11 I j l'II U .. " \t: I t.: U!'llrJl ll' 8 100 1\1 $~lJ I I ~Ut .. -10 l~UIII. Lvt! ry HlItH dll "t:l'l l lh ~:\ I\" ~ 1 11 h t: /\o k l n l hJ h fn !l O r Ott C j) 'ZP II 1'" 1,,11' . tru tlll ll lh'r1' htJ .. I II ur e 1r1I I:H ... ItR8 /\11 u,u c , rlli J. IMo G rnp~ fbtU _ I -UlIO r leI C" U e ___ I} 0 1 1f"fJ _ p"I' ,YIH Ihe 1/ IJ '11 _ :; l _ lle •. lui 0 t l ,,11 ' ( ,. 11 J. V • "( 0 ,,0 elllO Il leCe Jpto . & II G AII( II"" t.·rfifle~~l1 ru .·1 "l cr ~II IIt.l OJI I I1I.\l Il1 l IQn'8 J) o 'i r 1{I(l 0fe!u e\\11 beb lor I. D,,' II ,' ry i \bf"r k lt,,\ ll tllllr y <: ~ e eS. r t;lll IIl : l s d .rl 1 l,(lIr '"u"' r _ ' J..; ''O'l IlIhfl 111 . 1>'' .or ll'llIt J,.H f c l 594 B )l t CI, lil rnul olk .cn J~lrt \ "lby "r '\ lIU· ·'·-" I ' ~ Il" 8 ~ nh,a \.I"; ,w .cn ,1/ ~JI~O ,o.lu. I" 81111 lPJ ' h· l,v clIc ·Yo r , o,el $<:! ri 1 " New i . PIII" (' \Il'1 Ir~'l oll. .a1 I!,ud "' I ' ~lu" roa ''O'' fI"" c "'ltl' I " ord " '8 1.II'I 1 ert" I 0litr ~ lllo, n ~'I llln . " \) t:!u I1 tl\lJ~t)r"plD'e ,. '"" IJe '''''' ''"'''' ''''' (1' ''''''' ) ','" he J ",, " J .""ci ') " , I"r 1!1 (: b wl,o rem ll' I L~ lr ',,","l~ " r I bl l r!P IV O .. n''''f lg uftl "'hl th cOllt A mos l vnlu oltlc alii! y d ~,I \\ \ \\tli pIC8 :iC r COll t25 p e r goo s lflo (u:~N6~f(Jre "I O~' ca- I ~ :~::: " ': :1..,'.7 ~ :~.~': of "II ,,"r dtll\· , e nl oll'e , e~ ~~ pl'8 ft p.~,,( I"~r 00 "' 4 l p 01 0110 ,k u l\ .\ r ~;: ;111::t~I.:rld D t! c.15 1h H' CPlv e the vulu h UH r' "~htr'.'1 ) 1;jl:I\': 1~~ "'l~7, , It cell' "I .be Ollllltllll o/ lh e " lIrd"o~r {!oo ds I llge lh ~r Wllh P" C"". No (l lIe Sb Oll l,I JllIr ' 1' 0 11 t~lt:I o Y ~UD8CR IU • 'D~~ llt E :i'\( rUl :\ tt'~"( THE 1 llll;l l'RU~ : Dr 01 fllEI: u ru\il lg_ P11 IIrt:ll £ wlI" U1nlulh, C (;~ T he II"ce o . nU qU." ly ... l8 o t, Ih " " I' " til ,I,. " g lll" clo"t! 01 the prp;u~ "t .ffH,r C I~I Kt! n Jll B,nu \\Ith out 8('f' lfI~ I. ""!: "I" I And vopl IllI' I IUII CI I ; nd 1: 1 \. ,Iup to ,l~e P L t- IICII l' lIl1, !S 1I 111111 t1K th dl ~~~l_~~ lIS IY, tllll 1111111Uro ~II. ( U II, all \V II'1I011 tl u: lr Ph r !'l~ell:,t~~ O he AlIl ltull ll,"1 ~lIilorol II' J ~",In ls AIII'0 8 \ ,,"I' H.I WI 11 . " llci I lo"u p u ",,1 ... b111 t\ 10" .. flIl ) 1" ' PI ~, ".ol '" r, l vc s tc P f! (~d .. (; ~I l~I~:,~~r~ tlte ~r "(a l) , t \ (1 t! 1'1111 tl~ II r ) n"'ftr l"ng n ers :::;ulllr~ lt y .~ve l~I:SENrl'S' t h"Ye IJf;(' li t Iho (fl ~b 'Ul c d \V o r ld 8 FII'r I 'IIIICII O II~ u"tI Sl!x u b ,' ulsu rli ,,,c~:~:I·';; ·~~ ,~c~,~: ,, ( I,y ",," I " p,I". 1 :·o~.IO :."r;~ b~ l"lll l III Il I (d: g,.,u nlltl , ('~ve , Illll ; , III I""U ' I'tne' R nge,) l:.! ~.rll rllllll -dt"e.;r with olhrr~ kll d. \I lilt lI evc; ,\I L ,I nTI I'Ll S " 0 1 U " j ;:' OIl ~ 1t I put In CUUIP (,I' I '~n 'J'he pt llcll ce 01 D { peM'bIH'e ul "'Y new papc~ .... dr~l~ II , ""h "\l~ r.:',1r<l ~o~~.I~OLL"' AG EN TS WA NT ED . II t llll k t lte Ih c ,r s Jle('~y c ure FAt' b Y S Ihll U e Ihe UI;' 'b811 o( '8. S ri ll huve d pa a I • yuu "d m o III"t lI'lf, l e r Iollg I""g 1t~ell •• ~~I yolO ,.. II . r. '~hnl OP "IIOtl I.all "hl!~h('r1 183;, ) [F:U pOlll ta cons ld e rft I - rlJ r tht:t 0 .. , ee"I " 101 Ih. '. rllli, hie ol1ll 01 "I nn CS I awa rd uu," J lnll ' illgh j ur ' ,, , .0lte re t a' s A II rwa {>llrn Sdtc Ih lite .1 and ftt ''' 1 ry HV~. I. d, btll I, II) uoue J 'hJ;' bo ~V ' ' .,, U I)rn J" I Greal Sure of J owel (';0 I ... ' ce EEN II 1 1111\1 " " .ndu "e ltlttl h\L; e ?)'nRIJOVEiS 6 fi vl nurn (' rolll8 J11'f6 0 '1~ ' l he /t08I be U vplln n ' u ,li d 'h e ch.llu l C I':., 1V0r.ln~ lar m!'r, Ihal ITII an wh r 4 ... ,o udw uy. New Yorl ; . " '"lty !ttl. "low · ~~ltll 'l or The A rrnn dRle grcl lt GIn III 8 •• ., es, ll , dld hre St:at ed l u lI ll. UlItt or (BELOW CII£ I·TIIt JT). the IIIHo tltp 1ft ugh h"d Ih'o ~ll1J ,I t ~(' ' t:;"~~ , : I'ver. I li ke 118 !!ell eral m Ii oII r II gentL t'lre IUfh:,. tllg(I OI1l f l\ C ' ) l llll l, Vb e it r)( I'll lIS m.e '''" Uti eIJll leB8 i8 U \\ ttt. h, 01811 11111(1 H ili ... ~r ~ else lllo' rni, • • l\lpr l' e» ~ no ~~t r '" ·Vud elle nnet I... Lot< ,. 'Up of il" ! l·u a lUOl "ore mt.td " ,0,,0 \l~ UWI! Ihftl 01 8 0 . II~nJs o( CV. V Ol 0111 1, "1 D ol!t.. ", ,Ia). h"t! \\ 0 " ec ,1 ",II' II tH' II t O(' )" I n ,~ wo rlh n.ltI PU lL .. DELPUI~. vo lume 'hit sbou ld be In Ihe lt~,1 .. r leen . • Ih) "U I••• , Ito" O"e .1 0 110" '8 , J It~\flll'" f HUII ~:\JrO jJt t liU c ! wd :;,) 10,,1I 09 a P' t! I p, , .. P. ' !lI ..... leI lv r'. " " lla. leml " r. ,d ,l Imel ery II 01 n I, I ' a I,.,Ce ,\ , 0 I" 0 : ' 0 fl. Wl llllUlI \) "11", /\ J!enl a are ftver ywh ere w t j ror 81 ' the . 110:\ B" tI Gen ll e - nc .0 1' ~ a 6 t ."I, I' he Ice , or 08 iJ gu,d e (0; "Ieh tl, 11",)(. , I til Itt 0 0 II I 0 : \one ~U gel E. L L 1 .( I Illu.1 d(,8tr urtlv e I""' tn lor '~ l ll' I t') Y S l E moa Y , ~11\l of W.7 CIHb~. whu reel' lv" mor.." II ~nc;e"'1 O"! up !" ' ~ IJ"2 ~re. o' , U "; n\'o; ll • ,em lE.-~-I-"".h ,e II" tl'O. wi "~I~~ ~~leK•:,~"~ un uma III Vine PI ~ e~ • 'ole: ~ One _ on _ lld _ , . nllki . Cuh m , d . ngtl i@lle v lru, ever ome Eltl l! , Il,al han 8n18 ,,~~-!?",.. Hnll rges I 10 "• ,.e r\J ti CDU·. IUH.l yo u WI\I ~'O "hul JUU er., ! :.' scou 1 (0 P E. I" d G gel( ADV ANO Ih. b N 10 ' N lll will !'lIiI r d p'.le '"I ()A. lope ~ \Ve MS, enve TEn D lnes ,ely copy , He('u u, u ens . ... agsz II orw .r • t ,.up o ( Ilte'c lu ' 1 for flu uHrlifiCll,l •• , or Iii for ' .,. J (\"'~pa. I.} I ' ~~I . ~~.d to, R IIed,l ree ul pOll o"e I ~,o par & . S 01" tU "" I" Ihe lor 01 p h Pftrt al.n, l r cen .11, q"n e eye 0 re e'l , • ," Am ,.. l or Jr" 0 l" A~eDU ''''n U ' d kind _ '0 ~~tl~8 ul~ the Ruru $20 0 SI' '''' 'e~0 llln PO e~~4 CeQ . 60 ou~: ror te. are reea r,," :::I1~ ~ gtlnl' .lVbl lJ Hr. of lite ilia., h ller.1 no copy one year . Aild c,wc nlll' l,. lttdu ,. app Itlu TE1R,lamttfl. . . ham 'P"" I.l ' R .. tour IUIlo! Flv Add r".., po. l "aid , DR. HUN id. COI lOI,. T " H. GAU (l1IA ... C o 8.75 . "RR AN DA IF. o. .. y I N·.:1!.NE",R. Cllatf»D. Qu (! copI es Ob. yea r, N. t ~'., .. t~;~ 8u • N.~' "ol ,. ~o~k ... a D"I ... a N~.C : Br ut ,d_l 0. Bro 16,0 , 1(.,. 161 ... .,. III • y . , . •• . . . . .. . 16 . pi •• or.. Tta W. I • or . ~
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quired it i. notan easy thing to 110 at · Editori al MIscel lany 101lIhtl.d. the d~ e d "'.ilh ll ~e l Desc.ri ption of Abraba m Lincoln raoge maLlers 81 Lo doceive bOlh p"r. l or II \~iD~r's m ~Dg he mighl be 1\ senslllt.e tioul , . reC !!I\'U8 UI S , eOls lIod lellcher , the former wilh Lhe -. I&en 1I.lklllg aDd "llling NEW'YURK, Jan . 20, '66 . il 10 Ibe mar. jusl of ~p pro bl~ ti o n: lhe Ho~. ". II. Hrrndo o,ofSpl log· . kel.houslI, b..8ke l on ulIl' belieC thaI Ihey IILleuGed 8chool, Ihe ExcitemenL is 118 nec eul\ry lo LlIE' ,b il old gra.y 'I' w ): car IS lo wItness a grelll 6!'Id, Ilhnols, who W"I (or lw enty yean 8hllwl wupped laller witb Lhe reprele nl"tion lhaL Lh ey dllily existe nce of New· I"ouod hll neck, b .. Y l1rk~rH as ('Iod, revl lil~rKllire: nt!w ~plil'e r~ ~pl ini ; lli e law parleer o( Abrlll'Rw L incoln, "ere deLllined al home by their pa r' nnd ju st now we are hll litlle WiUi~ ur Tad running ~Iong al ~il vinl! our 611 . up Ii 1~~ O IUS. lur lil t; pU!JllU .w~nls recently g,,'e II leoture on lue life aDJ ueels,. ent •. We I\re of tbe opinion thnt there Tav el'lI bra .... Is, hi!:hw" 116klng.a Lh.oulan d liLlie qUlok y Aro, in nearly e"ery 6chool, 6cholar s. gltHy, lire "II 8lRle; !J ut robb iFy-;" o'lii-',' ',: ;,i.~ 11,11.,IH"OI" , 1I1Id Lhe bool..puIJIi.il" , . qU~81 'o ns, wlllcb hla (IILLer hurd lIoLa nOI'cI LY, ill l' rs II husy . A nl.'lV PUl.'ru by ChKlllc.'er ~f h.18 IIIuslnou8 ,companIon, 110t lheo nen kno"iog who will not hesiLate 10 pr"ctice a lit - Ihe IIrt of oruellY, has Lbal litde Wi!. ~ome beforo lh ~ Whi't I'n ti tled 'Snol, · Bound ,' is in p,efRclng II wHh the follolTiog remark lIe oeceplioll (or ~he puq}ole o( seeur· public, lind for Lhe nonce, · Iie ' or T"d WIIS Ihere, ao abatrlcl Ad "II Ihllt public ' ;>rl'98 , ich i. unu"",l uud 10 be aulO· able dt;Hcription : ing ror themsel vea In occasio nal day hRS run rabId on Ih e Ihe fa~her. 'Wllen Ite Ihus mel a (rieod. subje(~ 1. It Wl\~ bio!,; I in chv.rtlc tH lind ,I ~ wcrip . AbrailRm Lincoln ""R aboul .tllt Ceel be aaid Ibat 80melh in, (or recreation, PuenLa whenev er Ih ev gellerlllly knowll lhllt PUI him iD. dl.cipliotl oft!:n Lil'tl 8c .. e~l'y lI~i(1 whill" Lbe I\U' Cour inches Iti~h, IIond wben he It'll seod their childre n 10 . aohool, expeci ovenlt' pping Ihe bounus lbe m.ind or 11101'" wbich b~ htarel in Ill' nd when tbei.lJlllnar norther n wind of hUlD floilY Ihor u ,It IS wh.ap" "' .} ,Ih~\ 1\ ne" Ility "1\8 fifty utle yura old. b"11 lhey Ire there, aed, if lh ey are not, was e:rl'l'ci8tld on 81\ilore dll\na, Ind lell I.t he wOllld.. audtlh ere WD110 mutUed ear. wi II find, Rud emiJ!'Rnl~ \0 b., .tan "d, WIlIt 13t.,~,.} good \,e ..h", and no gfl\y It..in, or hold the LeRcLers, iu a meRSure. res· in mid ' oeelln, yet, 88 it "ae. &0 e\l.erna\\ye bu\ '0 haleD. don't I conline mll mind. did 1l0t inl erf<:re "'\'~Ich \ho IIl\ng\lln~ ftl", in hi. be Rd. HI! Wat Lbin, " ponsible, 1\ow, in a scbool of lifly ",ilh Lhe comforl of wllulll,v 'lhlll 1 I III go Oul a skilling : • I'DOd, aDd ".IIS'I\]. ...&v " lI "rM. exptci will clHL Ih: AIIHnl1C lille"y, raw bonl!d, lhin pupils with, perbllils. no average or fo r · no Ollil wa s hurl. L ast mayhap, if Ihe ice I.> e sl1 wI!olt., how ever, , ly, would iL btl A lighl task for th e 'be lerribl .. ioti. . .fvtI• • IDd blimp. 01 cauliun Imllll, nL of 1\ poor woU:1an slle "i~l!I!~~!~! weariQd telcher to go ahout and I\~' Oll board lh" Lrelllme 1118y):\i,.t In awkWArd sprawl pack"l .• hip N~plUntl, whIch Idoubt: . aily burl her ~ .. lerl a II, ward-" 1I1 WhBI m~y certain if the remainm g Len baye belln rlli ulted in her dl! l\l h, oalled Sloop. loul lirejl of emolion , .,xpo~e~ sumo 01 / A ,h~3 Jus L. b ... en sllUulu"r~cl, inclining to the consurnpt- th"l .11 liteRe Nol a wurd of plaint they mike, pluying lruan~ or been detllin ed al Ihe tUlI.lrne nl poor voyager appllreo tly u"y (.alurea s exreri~ nco c!'l ~ l:'"l'l~, lll~1 01 th e Pi'll 85 iv!! by budd. Hil o'!{lInil Rlion(inring nut ror~'hump or Bche, hume ? Wi ll not everyo ne agreo Lhllt ralh. sprllng iuto orgRns oC bellllly, or lunk The N"p lune It l\lla lon g . tem pe slu , Anlill All il borne lor pleusllre'. fillke Willi Ih " I" eh 0110 do M ~ u · ' er Ill S !truclu re And ruuclion _ work~d themst: 1Yea in a it would bo wrongly Rud unjustl y tox, oue passllge , anu Ih e passt eca of inspirlt ioa that lll:t'ra BllfI" r' l ehy, WheD we iO uut • skaling . Rtr,m WIiS cd e br"l ~ il WIth .Iowly. HI S blood had to run a in" the enllrgied oftbe teacber Bnd lhat ed from s;orm lind colu; long 80molimes auoded the (ace. bUI in Addilion I gr~ lI t and cere lllony , nnti u nule ' I disll\lICe from hill hurtlo the e);treme ' an eqlll&lIy ealisCalory rerult would be il il s Rid the surgt'on nd 11, perchan e", the Ice II thin, t mploy eci 10 nl· IYOrl ' ------ ~--,----ieflv 101' [he s~mr'l.:e vici sei · I Iie8 of hill 1!'IIOle , and his ne rve oblnine d by requirin g a line fl'om ei'h- wnu Ihe sick n ~glecl('d (orce recklres chllp will tumble ,i.n, II is .duties, lIud IUd.,s Keepin g the Babbat ll.; tl (Ilmdy to whIch Ihe urld e hlld 10 lmv..! thr ough dry ground a er pllreDt accoull ling for the pupil '8 Hb· Mri Gilroy peri_lied frll ud Ihere llri.es qui'e I jd in m wllnl of oom· 1belon he grrmdf"th~r, I.,ho n Nil' 10n P)' disllulce h~ fo re his muscltls ",ere s~nce? Perhap s some will slIY 'AlllhiH mon kindne ss, Thu CIlSU is, Wh," lYe Ire out a skating ;: From I pAmphlet 'Oil dae Sabbal b,' ns it oug ht ' p()l~on d 'lhe be.t CIIVRIr)' oill cer ill obu~lielll to llis will. His M I,die. screlm or Ilint wilh Iright is very well for (}Lhers' childre n, hilt 10 I.> e, und e r ju'dic illl inveSlig lruClure waa ~tion, lind Il,e wo publi shed by our "orlhy friend and w(s the l;on of R \fII' f: I'Il- l looso and 1 ~ lIlh ery; hi. botly wne d comr.ulel work wilh ulil itei r mIght mine ~Iwllye tell the tl'uth. 'l'uey nov· we Irust lh ost: in fuult wi I receive COD- k"epu, OSe Slll r aru-" Wllh thll~ of Ish runk and sllrivelod, hhving nve lheir chum trom drow lling quile, er plllY truRnt, Why fellow ·oitizen, Tu(tlt(48 AIlNan , "6 d"rk rte quiro lin ex di:,:n puui shmen l. lhe Bu Ie urchins Inllgh 10 ICI! hll plighl. \'l\l 9. ..By 1113 mlHl'IlIg e _k n, dark IIn ir, IUllki ng woc ,slruck , mike the (ollo"in g eltrlcle , wllicb will cu sc of Ihem?' LeL us suppo Re (or II An inqul'st is al so goi ng for","rd ' Wllh a FroslY whi.liers, icy nop~. : r of Ih e hruperu r, htl Wll ~ Tile wh"lu ::11/l11 body and mind work. l momelJt Ihatlhe teacher does noL re- connt'cted wilh the muruer · be accepta ble to our readAn : ehlUerinll' leelh ami Irozell toea, of M'lchel L ' n'.'lde Lime Kllli{ o( ~aple 8 ; bUL ~ uo ~Iu wly, c r"iI~ in~ lv, as if it 'nl!edlld quire wrilten eXCIISII8 from a portion (,ff Hiker' s Isl~nd, by a river pimle All for pleasur e-Io il goe. Oil Ihe return o( the Clllillia n .- ! wllh 1 11 uf th e tHHt E~IP\('l" hl s : uilinjT . PhY6iclllly: he wal 110 very 01 hi~ scbool. HllW long woulll i~ be Tbis is II. caHe which When we KO Ollt e akalin, · bath, lhl lrue believe rl in tbe blel8ed eflecl~ every oav' l oon L lound lin n~y lum III HUl'deu · powerful mlln, lifting wilh ea8e four before Ihe cry uf p"rtiltlilY, parliali ty, iJ'ator, or mlln who ke SIlI' iour, in every Cbnllia n aDd eUD' ~ps a crllft (or \lOwn, , J urs('y , whe re , while 1 1t1.', "u I II Untlr~u or six hundred poun,h. could be I,,:ard Oil all sided I Th~ esti- phm.ur e sailing, lind gelical denoDlinltion, Ihould Iballin il is o( viLitl con- ~ad3 ducted a 8choo l for a Ii"lUg, [I'oa THE GAZETTE ., . His mind was Ii\; o hiH bodr-i l from male of lheir chilJre o's charact ers and sequenc e lhat such desperu manual I"bot (excep' in cales of does should . IllS r !,DII~ W :.9 uorn, . Su Iuw wO!'kll d ~Iowly, uut &lr(' nl;;ly , \Vh .. n necessilY), lind lrulhful ne8s enlertai Ded by a loving be ll hecked at oncl!lInd Par.nt e and tno_Soh ool. de VOle tlte day to reliforever. Mitch- \ were I x h .ln", ti cHCUm"Lf lJlce~, llHll I "~IYulhtl he moved cnuliously buL Calher Rnd molher mlly be far diff~ rcuL ell W09 all watch Ilfler gioua purpole s, ill IlHending plac08 for thc schoone r an- , wh " n l'olulIOll o( 1848 grtve hope l IiI'WI ; , l.iM 10llg Bl'mS, onu hllllda Durin" tIle preaen ( achool 'year the from lbal of Bny neit;hbo on rs Rnd com · chor!'d in Lonl,( 1511l1ld Sound, aud helt"· o( belle rlunll, I\(~ had to bOrlow lh~m like gillllt's hunds, swung down divine wonill p-in promoli ng and iD.cben or Lbe Unioo Ichool io thie muuily · 'l'here should be no ucep- ing a noise in Ihe cRbin whMe the Clip. t'mH~ Ihe, IUlld~ n ec"8~",r y U}' his sille. HI! wulked wiLh enn structin g licriplurll Icbooll for Ihe reo hl\ve require u a ~writlen exr.ule lion, The rule musl be mllde genern\ . luin Rnd PiloL were slee ping , lired by ligiou. ben~lil or the youth, Ind their W 10 rrllnce, their pupil, for e"ery oa'5e or Rb. You, l'ho have diligenL, sludiou l<e w fl\mdl~s I II'l1RrI ; Ihe inn er aiu eAor his feet WH~ s anu lheir duties , be de sce nded Lo coufrlln lll own improve ment in the dootrin . of mHny chnnge s in the same pl\ralle\. Ho pUL the IVhole foot and Llrdiness, lhe excule coming truLbCul children , 1'0\' lhe good fiut Chri·til\ llity al cont"in ed in Llle Bible, oC Lbe Ihief, who IllId RIolen on board in aboRt, ye(l rs , an d ,Ihll (utllre,w lllch , down upon Ib e grollnd at once, _,,"'InA " [,lIrenls or lome relpons iblt: scbool. (or Lhe "dCate not o( lhe coromu ' Fiuding l,imHelf cornere d, lbe rogut' thtl sll\b llllY of t!ltl lIew lunding' on Lhll heel; he likewise lifted snll in mainl"i niog ChrisLian order iD Judeing , from the tenor aud nily liS well !IS 10 lightea Lht! labors tbe fllmily circle, inoluding lhe dUly of o( urew a revoh'c r, ehot tile ulale lhrough yet \0 the womb of Time . re of several Dotu, lalely receive d, tbe lellcher should oheerfu lly his foo~ all at once, not riling froom Ih. Ihe ICl'iplur and g:ad. Lht! hearl, lind !:scaped in lue conrusion. e reading lb"rein "ilh medtbere il con8iderable annoy" nce Iy acquies ce ill the requil'em~nLs M . R. loes, and hence had 110 spring lo his italion and diyine worship oC Ll1i 8 Four weD lire "rres led on '6uspicion, , Cut off with au Aile. irritabililY experiellcl!d: by certain regulati on, even iC it doee calise \ulk. He Iilld the ecollomy of fill 11 is a .Irong argume ol in (aror of a lit- and let U8 hope Ibe right ODe will b~ Mall ICCOliot of thia regulaLion tie time Rllt! lroulJle. You, and lift o( (001, lhough he hlld no Ihe divine aUlhori above a I, found; (or unlf:88 a 8t Vere exampl e i8 ty of Ihi. io.'ituti oD, al the sllma remllrk l aDlI;rea~oning who have chiloreo ilu.:ltned 10 spring or apP"rtm t OIIse of molion 10 thst al on Ihe one hllDIl mischief, DladA, no vessel will be eaCe to Inchol' a eonspic aoll. equ.1I1 apply to al\ sehoull , the idleDeu and truliney bhould hie lread. He 1I'lIlkou Ulluul,Hury, up bleuiog rests OD hearlily ne"r th e city. the U8e and ,Iiocer. , "hat of it! bas Lhoughl belt to devote 110 and zt.lous ly co ,operale with It is, I aup - I"nu ~own, '''''It·hi.lIg and pocketi ng Lire, obsllrv"Qce the in01 it, 10 011 ~he otber, the Import ant topics 11I,'e lhl8 "eek beE'n I frOID Ihe be.. d of .. dead \ " .ellrt nil" alld palO,. "l1 up lind duwn the cODfioeration of lhia lop' Siruclo r in breakin g up nnd dealroy n"glect or penerei oD oC it never flill ' ,ince gODe 10 God.' , In order 10 abow the (eelings Lhe se ",.1 and pernici oul teutienc ing discuss ed iD t~IB SeDale, IIn~ vllrious IlI8pc\'~o~: pr e venlln.!~ , Lhem from 10' 10 be lollo"ed ie~, pro.pou ll brullel l-Ihe me8~ Insane of 'h is .It i~" lock of my 'own calillg. lhe IiI'~toplDlon of" alranie r, (ueion, tog&\\lu "ice, mia.,y and OO1ltiments of those wbo compill in lest some lime iu the persons '" of_you r wlueh waa a proDosal "r nOD ' llIterco urle hair: witb iolideli \, and un-. rull! the lhree rol\o"in g Dolell "wn oHsprlll1! you \8 now nl.' lUly SIlVe(l\V or II man who did noL obeervl' clo.ely , llodlinll wIll hay" OIlU.tI 10 with Engllln d, an<1 tile WmHlrllWll1 01 1yurs Bl, b4lilll! amOli.ll the 1I'llrllla o( all ~I D 1\1 8pllcim en., thtl namea of LJiuerly I"men' the Cruite of your '11'1\8 cut ott trom tillS ""i I.nlll III~ ~'1I1l ImplltlU .nrl!,"UII"~., tlJCI LU mor,,1 vlrlu., ahu to Llle eoell' OWII Mr. Adnm8 froUl London uDtil 8(Jm~ I heM!.' p,rIODI:"lvoe beinIC 8uppre ued: clInUlng. a l\'lcky mlln; but hl8 neglect \tnU folly. In regllrd to the undent anJing wa3 arrIYed cy, harmon y, Ind happiDe .., both 01 a,abou t Ih e l 'ilut wIly do you prize nlocko fyour l Wtl8Lhe walk of. " kind 01 nCU8e require d we "ould @II} Allibamll liquidatioD . cil'i!all d religiou l socielY. cnulion lind fir".'n6s l , lhppily , cooler , own hnir 80 mUCh?' Jill, 11 66 \ tll S\tllllg dowlI III 1\ comwo n chair, h.o tha~ thia, 'Plt!ase excuse John, a8 be hellds Ihl\D Mr. Uhanlll er'l The l5"bbft~b is the signi6c lnt meane Illid lhlll ~~ ' 1 'It 11:\8 " ~\lIl'y belongi ng II} ii, and a Wl\b no l\llte r Ihl\n ordm .. Miu- \vlIsd etained lit hODle,' or 'Jane WRS ollitions over ; for, wilh lippoinlo ry d iD lhe wisdom or Provide nce men. HI8 lhlt possibililY 'lr\\nge onc. 1 kept It lhu~ wilh cllre Ilegs IInU My boys has laId me Ibout eXCU8e~ ab8enL yeRlc rday at my requlls t: arrns .... ere unnatur ally nOL only (\lr remind ing Uti of th. pllil and of lin imblol1l io wilh Francll over Ihe b~cau~e it spenks '0 rue more of God long, nnd in undue proportiull to lhe mercies oC our i ~m 'ired 0.1 i1. Lhey "ill come A8 si~ned by eilher parent, ia Almigh ty Creator . bu' ~lIillcienl. l Mexica n qu;slion, it is well 10 bnve alld of hia special in lhe morDiDg and a8 lteldy 118 'l'hl! parlicu l!" thing for wlll~h Cllre ,han anytbil ,g I'cst of hi~ bOdy. It W/IS ouly when he (or kOllping lllive in u, 'throug b Lhe YOUr \ Englan d ne utral, even if of Lh e MOl e t'1 ~., I posless ,' eoieDlly s lood lhllt he loomed IIbove olher men . fl\ilh or Lhe operalio n of God.' our proachild. was delllin!!d il not reqUIred. bUL queslio nable kind 8S durin!t Ihe Rebell· 'I WII S 1\ cltild ,of IOllr yeRrs,will~ long, Respec tfully Yours Mr , Llnculu'8 uefid wu luog ftnd tllll pect of {lIlure hllppiDes. and glory in lhe Simple ract ~( your know}!,dge of, ion, ' BII~ we nre told sl Olles of Nlipo , curly locka, "lllcli. III sun or ralll, or f" om ---Ihe bltsc of Ihe bl'l.in alld from elernity : therefcrll, Ibe more "Itch(u l and con8an llo IllS a~s~nce, Ih. m03t \ leo II', magnnn imous resolve to ",,"h· wind , hung uneo\,c reu. Olle (lI.y my Ihe ey .brolV s-lhe ptlrct'pt ive f"ollil its . .. nd diligent we are in milking a rigM sensiti, e persall cerlalnl y CROn?t d~ - , draw hi. troup from MEl l icu flilh.., lhall (athel' wllnt illiO lh" 'Woods tll cut up II lIi~ hOllJ .. I"hool for to nomina le this an IILlem~tlo pry 1010 Illg \ offeno ran ,. bllclilvald, hi~ {orehelid use o( Ihis diyine in8tilulion, Ihe bllLler the U. S, I Mill g li' d wi lb till. lug lind 1 " e nt with him. I wa~ stllnd a DoLe ao It..-e \L II lhe realon Ihe Cnmily all'fiin , We bl!lluve riein g liS il rllo bllck alII low "ngle, like s ht\1I we be prepare d 10 realile iL8 f.l· Lbal nery pl easunL 18SUtllUCe cOUles the news thai I ill!: a lilLIe WAy 1m ~efo re . him.' or rill be l' CIIlY'., and uulikll' W~~ & ter's, Ilmoel flUmenl in the 'bouse not Dot corne 10 .chool wae becalue sbe teRcher wbo hlU eVllr fldopled m"de Wilh the plan ' fresh Frenc" 80ldil're have arrlyeu Jil l III his si de, " ,If .. tclilng Will.! IIIleres l. the Illlr pcndicuillr. The aize of Ihe hal. hllndl, elernlll io the heayeo sick IIl1d, WI\I not able Lo com.e and I of requirin g wriuen cxc.uscl! ," :"herl (or a~. Vera Cnn; who were ~ovin~ towl\l'ds st rokes of lhe ID he,,,,y nxe II~ it wcnt up mea. ureu 00 tho hatler' s block, "1\8 all those who li,e And die in lhe ok tballl elCUle enough wnhout sence ",ill lesllCy to Its ble ..ed efficllcy ID Cilibull lma, alld wh ich IV apt to CII!t find CKme dow'l Ilpon the wood, ~ced · un• . ber a IlllIe wa, h o~ e tll'ollgh 7 1 8 , his Iit.!RU be ing, (rc,m Ilar 10 e .. r, ~I\viour sblll] uoile wilh the "hole ' g prump t , doubls I , le8~ening tl'uAn"cy an d C lhe.E ' et:curlD 00 I the 'in~erit y 0 k mp~r' ~ I' 8 ing o~ sp iut~rs at Hery Bltu 0 'In II 6 l ,ot inches, I\nd frum the (rontlo the church Irlumph "nt, in pure lb, Ir you ~oo I heheve tillS to attendl\l\ce. C.tndor oompels tlie ad- I iuteutio It alld perp!!I' ns. Ilt! IS a grt'at dlplulll"lUl, dll·p.C llons. /5OOle tru& she can bung her booka Illd miniun tbat lhe ~1.jorilY , of parent9 ' and perhllps hileode Lo IId~ini8l e r cer· i\t my Ceet, lind of llie SphlltHs 11.'11 ba.: k of lho btllin, 8 inch!!8. 'l'hu~ ultl \Yor.hip : and where they .h,,11 ceaae I ellgerly IIlooped 10 m\l IlSllrt;J il was 11 01 uttlow the medium fl'om Lh eir con8ict And thuir llIobor, and bOUle --aT word Iheir eltcuses In II pollttl 1I0J ~el- laiD sedativ es to lbe CXeeUIlY Il aL WH sh · IJick Ih em up. III 60 tluln~ 1 slllmull!l.i size. Ili a Miu- fUl' cht'lid l.aa Ol\rro", but enjoy, ill Ihe prll8eDoo o( t:'eir God aad pect(ul mllnller and aA far allbe "rlte,r 1I inglon, ",hilill ItQ perpetl' aloi anolbe r I furwllrd ,and in a mom enl my cllrl1 head hi~h: hi il 11'1'0111.1 like to koo" whose bUline n is IIware comme nd Rnd approve 111m WII~ dark, I\lmoML blnck, Saviour , a gloriou s Ind eLeraal resl, tl1l9 COliP d't/al. 1101)' IIpon Ihe log I 1 hud IlIlIell JIIS~ lit RDJ Illy t\o~ting "llerll i. whal 1I'e Keep ODr childre n al r~l!ulation .. Would Luat 6uch hill lingers 0" an ell- I Th e Iroublp. in tho F, B. c.Amp ha~ l ila o mo~ent wl.lell ------.~-.----th o ue was cowing Lilli winu l\lfl iI, IIi led up It random ; Cor eepecially "hen their lit ligblene d "lew of lh~ auvanll lges ~nd , ilL length, IIflel' II long ' aword tI'8cu~s,on' l down WIth I\lIllS U- A oily cowttemporary Kinl the (orce. lL WII8 luo hi8 ch eek·hon e; , very high, eharp and iD school houri and do .P9L bl! blessi ngs oC educaLlon And 1?lIornlng , come to ao I:nd, and 1-htmlgh the mter- Ilfll e 10 N(OP (lie followinj( descrip lion of I coulluy edi110 Dinny hereaF er blo". own came Ie . pervade u lbe commu nity IIoS to. dlBpell~e I venlion of Ste;Jht'\)., the , i's eYlll.>rows h~lIvy Illd tor, I\nd remuk ll !'nd l lhllt be "ould DU~ b. Cenlre, l It-xij-l scrcRm od-flnd my fRiher f.,11 jUIIIII~ out; hiS jaws " e re 10nl1!, up' 10 tuese tbree clSea lhe childre n "ith all aue I1 ru Ies 60 d requI I' e ments 1·1 'I ~ II ~ d III ' I'II ~ pOSlllun ., one: 'A couolry edilor i, lin indiyidl lal . I Mah ony il IIslnu d In ' ler ro r.I II Id curveJ, "lid : 10 hl'uy, the grouu bis ". noal! be ,,",IAr ' l ll IIb8enl ge. ~ the COli Th" comnlOn schoolll are the pnde lin II : 1L is now recomm ended ~ lll 10 1011001, aCI I ' who reads newspa pers, "rilel article. IbAt Lhe VMlor, ~llIy Ihe slr oke, .nulh " dlZZIIII!G9 "IIICI, ~ d IUll g, and blllnl, IIIHin~ Lhe lip g oWIng 1 Gounlry,1l1I J Ie.'parent s l 'b t g s· 'Jea lind the I lOpe 0 r 11e IIII Ile rlo on Iy foun d " " nt on IIony 8ubj ~ ct, eel. t,pe, readl proof. which hilS II I I In th., ~UI ,,,n I"rlor cllu,e d , IIe lloug Il t bP.y, ::'IL Oil etbc':n 'fhe teacher s lind III labor fllithhi llyand "urds. should be I iu leu, and Il lillie :lwry tOW61d Iho works preas, brough l lold, and mail I papen. into 6ctiH I he had killed hi S boy I leo dome Ptrocur~ ~o:. "ell ealnest ly to increa88 their useCuln ess ticrvice, and righl e}'e ; IllS chin "liS lung, Mharp,alld prinla joba, runs euaDda , allwl "ood, escll Fenilln Ghl'!l forllt"' lIh pare-II e UOt en Wu 6110n rtc(l vcr~ll,l rrommy friehl, up·tun ed; his eye·blo ws .1 ffi' rerelllD Iliremen t oC 8cbooll lnd bad no snu e clency. cropp"d ~ut ' k IS' '1'1 tllcl.:le a 'WIC who 'I) I IIXUII. III Iu 6t< he fronl I ' tl!rrnr . II II c/tug IIL mil .III II lie " hU~1! rock on lh .. brow of a hIli: work.. io lhtl gRrdeo, talke to <\ ' , of Ille'lr own H-. 1o COIllP IaID II luomed up IU ll'd l'nd lhllt a 2rJlnd dt;· , 111 8 Iums \18 d call. recoins blame rur I b.ndre d excep_ IInll lookecl II' me Irum ••• he .. '! hi a fllctt WIlS long, lieu S" ow, ' lIyerOUI, things Ihl\t are no une'l busines l bUl L PI er monslra llon ~""''''~Uv an d ClUe Ie18. The ' wri\Vas II b J ut to OCCUI' on ', 10 foot, to finel Ihe d.'a lII }' WOIIII II VI h Ie ' I .hrunk . shrivt:le d, 'Hillkle d,caaud WANT OJ' K(6GI~K dry, eop e IIore 1 I ' 1) R Ibe6r'IDoto,,".e~itlelltly bU8i. BU· I I L b mi8lllk~n in lhisarr "irof Id·y , Chrt8lrn d . fi Ii N L hal'ing, hert! alld there, " hllir on Ihe hie own; work, from 6 A. M. to 10 P. R" ny, ""IIlH!Il.IS wl:re toll ' hfl WUSRUrp. III II \I) ,clt , about boull!hold IIlfIlirs, Ind (dt , Rpt lo ':h . are Hr (ew 0 1\ .Ullllrll ; hi~cht't .k8 wt're IOlilhery; 111 8 M, And frequlllltly get. chealed oul of men who cbllllge .I ,g-lIl1~ ~hflll\;d, g'lrrlKon~ throwlI ,drop 01 blood Iltlr a, SCI\\, cuuld be seeu eMU were l/lrgc Rr,d wriLing Cleueel was II di8llgrel!llble \ sure. er ~::ur of \bci~ time rlln out "llIIollt III half o( his unning e.' 10 the besl \ inlo (oriS, &c , &c" bUI \he ullY p"ued Ille klldt upon lhe , ground alll) gllve \'Ight allL(le s (rom hit! head, cRuRed br from "blcb IIbe would gladly frell , ~~~.ev OIlt'n Ihose who have •• e_ Ule lelLst ol'er ID 1:~l\ce-"1l "WlIt qUlll L 00 the \ thnnks 10 a "rlloclOus God. HRVIIl ~ bel\vv h8la, aOlI plinly by Dllture; hIS Cor lhe fuLllre Nothin g call ~0 ' A I confirm If d ed old blchelo r a'let1 tl t rttl wl,l~ I OCMge e. uriTed in eXleDliation' of Iho author Ito d~ on L ,amuso enlll" dune he tOOk up thtl ax(!, IInti foun tl. ed,o ev~r ' ' A pan .ic of a similar onlure, thou gh .. I"IV80, U un ' tha (ollowing argume D\ "iainl\ m"trih"irs upo" the ~dg(l. He turlled luwer lill ""6 LIlIu k , I Ih~ lasL nOle. a6 110 V'IS'll,, ·1 one of Ih?sc wlho nre,II , ll'II""I~ed' langlDg, aD e a ,,111"11 'II)- for a lhtierco t purl'o.se , a'Otio IlIldy "t "LO tbe I('I~ he hllo bll!e ll chopptn mony: ·C .. \ir.o is to great prompt er or ~u tltlllg tlO,ollg I y ~, g'.. all,u uer cun.,d, w\lile his chin rlll\cheu {or la:r.inIlFS. tellchen sometim e previou M d b ' ~ly (not : I I U . d' ~ lf young men "i.h to aII f m every d,,)"~ ex' 'I Furlrl' 6S onl ..e, s~1 10 c .I le, I ,~ r!l ' lh~re I f I I Ihe lip up turveu ; hi~ neck W!lS lIe11t WMS 8 sin g e cu, 0 r in lhl! lies' of moods ) Rlld Ih" \ II 9 l,r 1\11 0 II I;/n fO WAnt any Irnil' \I e. >oy' lind tr im, hiB hcud bein" well complis h "nylhin g oC momen t, eil her . balana milLi . e" lion o( Ih.ilt IIlmo.t forgOL\t'n II1 I\1 vldulil. , h.'II, ~hl1r\,ly cutth, ough nnd 11\\(1 up ell for the relfullllion WlI' '1111 IIn,l pellc nc6: 011 it; therc WIl8 Ihe iower mole on with IIt·ad or hllnd, they must keep clear you Inrit 'done ex ' J ~ ff DRVIS. Oldl'\S l,ttl'll bC1.'1I ~I'~ll l un Lile "0041. eJ:plained~ alld 10 his aaJs(llc wbe.".lcl oC pro~lwo:IIC~ (JOeY~oo, 0 nuL dll.t e\'el),on How !-(Icat the eRclI~e o( the insLiLuiion I . A pair of e. kn owll 10 hl\l'4I bel'll III II was liS If I\n IIl1g l' ll\lIU turne~ IIslle! ~::: ~:~~~L~hecll, lind Auaw' . IIpp e on FweeL lips, a pinenlirel, apparently Il~ the lime Now : pedlllo lisly, I If I' t' ,he II ."iSl, t ~c.!~ or i a I"elling rebel H!rI'ICe ILie to be 8umm~ll ly I lite ed!!e at lhe nlomen l whcn 1t Wl\~ 'e.er, IIfler :xpress ing hiol',clf ju~~ t? the, ma~ ~ 0 dIU, hi~s b~~~~I~el 'filII" stood, WIII:'I.d. 1I0ted, Alld look ClrCHt, I preasur e oC two delielle hand., Ilia ri"hl& an,l privilege8 had bee n 811a, With h 1\ lao 8 In ' dcOlical ~ Dck.\ R\ll~ peremp torily d iMOIb~e(~ from Ihe yi dc scendlo g IIpon my ,htHd. Wi lh re cd Abmhll m LincolD , lIe 91'68 nol a will do .. mucb Lo Ilnhinge " lIIan .. ~I'SO u Clllll)' o( Ihe pl'l~OIt; Rnt! If ,lht'~'e WR S , lIewed Ihllnks upon hIS "p~, and lrampl d upon he "1'0, ets, but. Lo Iho very hi I. ' up [I \!I I Ihree revers the meallel , a lari'e-.i led lO Ih e pl"t, It 18 likely Ilhe curlanu went bome Wltllhemelook I!, bt'lIIg a thorou. . uU8111 CSS lUl\lI, I1Y Coundlll\on III Ill, prelly lII1\n Ly finy mellne. nor WIIS Ie 10 aonihilllte the teacher by the wlto I d '1'1 I l Whooping.c~uah, , ' . k 'rl . Ihe nlftl', , 10 bll 1\llOp U ~M e. "" ugly nn", Ill! ""8 a , homtlr III I! itlietor Dinn .0fcoul'lle,hcrc l l.nl~"}1 propo~n man, several hydroph I plloir of lockj"" " , atw?r . . la~ IS ' re IIrds ' bring Ihe miscrRule rebel to II'I,AI s 0 l "rOl~. f I ' I obi •• , and the dooto,' . k I I keg and , f or , 'Thlltlo ck he l!ppL,,1I11l8 dRye .. ~SIl cHrc le ·so lIS 00., fil~bild illYb freo to coml! l fur }OU', An Idler flom hRlhl tI III b . complic paID 00 '1 bill. ilY ill the d,"\)oll cIIIIISS llsslnall on , mem ol'ml 'oaoll of God's relnw carl! e Rnd . I"v p., I It III plllilll4Cling. g • Illy P ealle, su bJec.' I no reo' eVHyth lDl(that r('qI1l1 't!8tl \lte ~ °l~: of Mr. Lincoin -brulill il), LII pri~oll c"s : . . l.:lckbegavetomeonLi8del\thbtd.' 0 " l " a's lin Bnt 1 0 0.~ . b H"I ,aln " pomp,d i.pl"y,o rdlgnJl y,' . t s u d y or cor.' finemen -Gov, Morlon 's health dotl Dot im, b . f , . of war, and olher blllcl! d~~UR, so ,cull ed. lit! ~I'pt'urcd ~iJD·oIe ID U'S lieW IIttlver. Ae ma.ny oC Lhe eX _ on, A mole · hlll-:-Il eee!Ds hke e ore ,- - -:- __ - --, -II ffi,olln ' the ~enllte, but is doom~d 10 18(unher prove. In a letter "ritleD from QU6SD'r I ~ NlIlure will, be reported.. All carri~~e and lJ~1I1 iug, lJe "I\~ em to con.v ey I~~ IdeA thAlte." tlllll. But An IIlUUslrl OU8 milD I 8/ld · lown on Ihe !3d ult.. which il \'II',. looks al debt Iholl uh erlUtp8 tho Slings Of l lhlllg S lH e engnge d 10 wl'illn!{ I re a telr y IlI q u"h" ve c1~!s, ~1!I~r- hie labor beforo him wilh tltt., 11\8 ' looking mllll; his m~\JlI\ch oly uropped the eye de ~ pondenl through out. he or II cons~it: oce I\~d ihe 8ieilehing f~"lilll{~ lory. Thl! pt.'Det, thll pebbltl, goes ilL · Irum I o \lOW I l Ibou~ I. e Iff"lre 0, t I,e ~An wlio is not ,afraid of him 11ft he w"lk ed. HII appRren l hll\'e ellLen bUI one meal oC ,i t. ~~d ~I e re oC uncer tltintv m"y bo " grealer PUll ' 1 ~ lIdt!u vicl\a,,11 Oil by i~1I shlldow. The rol lin g gloom impreu cd his frlllnllll "nd crellt· and lhe 1II!III.borliood, IL 18 II Lhe tccret spring of h\8 ablltly . h(' , I menl to Ji.I£ til"n n rope, Ihe VOyHgtl, and tblt "al the eUDiD i One rft . ' rl'c k lenes III 6CnilChl!8 on Lh .. moun cd" aymplllhy pe;ha p" Lo stlte olearly And coni ,Ioes nol loiter or bnitlllll (or him-on e mAllnl oC I started, alld I am ,10 , he act~ I~ I him to the In,,1 0,1' 1\ ruiscrello l , 1\ t"in, Ihe linr ils chl\nnl!13 in "eak and poorl1 "IY excuses lira demAn ded, anc promptl y at once I " !hl! soi l, hia great .ucc~ss , 110 wu g~om}',l\b' Ihat Ihe 1.:1 d • uees . I I 'd' I caD ecarcel ylLlDd OD my feet. I" I r 'he Hllim,,1 ilB ' bOIl"'1 in Lhe 8lraillm II requ,re ,WII h t IIe I lope l Ihe the otlcr elrttol mig ed, ,/ IIlId c J"You~. \'lither umorou . The - - - - - - -- -, ' I~ vate li ln 'III aII a Ill" d' lern ADd lell( th40ir Ullodel epitaph in• Ihe' "oyag8 III pAreDtl "ill give Ihe Iuhject a 1d done no good. aDel fAy ' k b k ew "haL CJ::r In de.crib ing a recepllo n lit th.c Iyr ; for Ihere 18 0 nut I IIIII e n n WRyS a OII S,l " lin 1111 \ III The (~lIin tiro makes ils Bcul ' by turlll. limbe Ire very mucb "eak'e r.' .' c.ao'lid "nd imp"rtia l-conaid erl\lion . White House, Lhe Star up: re,,1 'uy was for more lhRII twenlyIuree A pt!cult · morbid sympl\l thy (ollr II despl!lltdo when cluu ' 'In sanll 18 I Ot If!II'' "IPOne' not A (o~t \' ellr~. Mr, Lincoln lometim ea "alked • I ' I I snnp y to prneD u"rdin nlllnd tru ~r ely Ie 0 C "eanni re 0'11'8 - - ••• I lie Ilair liS, e'\ln- be,~ omes. to I. IeI ga v , Hunlh . brollier to lh e C;:l'PS h,to the snow 01' The Aboriginie. of Au.tral ia are 1I10llg Ihe ground ,~ur 8LreC\1 chl!erily, goo.... · h..amore dl Y, . All doulltle sl Ire a"are oC Lhe m~ among the ladlel WHI" lu. b Jeet , of ~ b h,c LI Rgedlll I is debul in Lhis cil' . I IHit IHinls ill chnrHCI ~ r8 more or leas o( bo,.. to pl"y trul\nt, es· much commeDl, lIud lho re mfllkll perhAps joy~usly, aDd. thl!n I' W"I, on :~~C~)!:~I ~~L t1~~O~C~Y J I IPiSliil "0011 were re~lclde, mAde h , eo;~:: :-.::.-:. 1 I ' Ii . of itll mllrch Every ac~ mcellng a Cnend be crilld, 'How d "b8ll bunling , 6ehing, ellAling ror lhe moat plIorl I\lloget her in its O l tv favor, amid grellt e~lhu~I~.m, ('I ,,"a 1l~ 18 f (Ih; mall' foscribe , K itself ~n ths vv·.... UlT bold OIlL tbeir faseinalioDs . w.m . cla~ping one oC bil (r\lod', bADda in "I a beconli ng substilu le (or l,he "I\l~r- App~IIrlDCedslnce tl~da:: ~:; I:,~~~ :~~U:~ DCe Ds!wer r:f:~: cil!::: t yW~1 ~ric8 of its (ello"., aDd in hil own rllce. or hia, giving a good. h""r loul·w hold LbeiJ compap ionl,no l r"n. .'fbe hlloir "as allowed .l· TI (all 1\1 April, AU "BrA bu 'beeD oDl, ODe ohild ...,. I The air i8 full or scound. Lhe Ikl oC oome, Ichool, eDl:aaed in tbeae pall - Cullle.D itb, wilhoUI Celter or tohand oC fellred. 1411'. BuL f the "or.hllla • Cd II? .cd~~~on .. l 10"ens; . the ground d ,,1\ " m'emorl lnda I nnd'l &matim el be mighl b. leeD "end- ImoDll helll or DIaD)' by ense to lep"rlll e orlme rom In lVluua .11 a .troDI templa uoa Lo any Clcflpll on, aD!! "A I Ihou"bL \I, ' . , 8 . ', b > emor of o~e .i 'naluree , Imnd every objt ct i8 coyer' ing hil . ~, the dulI. 180notolioUI Icbool mlDy to be Ihe mOAt grl,cQ(ul I,') •• I "p.y. 10 I1111 OlDe., t~ Ih e. cour l Ie tbe "ortb, tmd "llIlsl t de m b' Y . • '\b ~ onr with hiD'S ' whioh Ipeak Lo Lhl> room, or rallrolld for I".eae ' .. orite Ilid IIciling ner.cha nging Empre u FtlahlOD depol, wtlh Lns bllS~ Aa ,loqlltll8 ....~.r brolher ~ust descen ~ 10 lilO~~4""~em~ illltl li&e Q',' Uk. ,.. If wriU" eXQ,l&lc,. are · 00& teo r~L preaellLed IQ public pe.trQgago. bas bUIl4.o i""1 lookiDit. 1ik.e a raO hl brQad <llolh. ~ Illr:lIl1I, Gno er t& CD U the raoa&b. ,._ J ~ When wioter come. and freezee 'o'er Our crYIUI I.ke from Ihore to shore, W. ~lIte Ihe iOlle'lid e a bore, And ,11:IO:OUI .. Iklting : Ihen have luch jolly (un, 811011 lanl"lic trlck~ ere dODe lhe ice, thlt everyon e inkl nothing like it 'ne,uh lhe IIUD, Rlci"r io .hl frolty air, CUllinlf circles here &lid Lhere, IllnltllJeu I. III thought 01 care Wheu we 1:0 ou, a ekaLiltg,
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25 Cents to Save 25 Dollars. i' lnH \ , Gft' n tH'
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For Ladies & Children.
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Fur c i rC lI l lIr s U lilt 'r t'r tll " , lIJJr~ ;", H
LI'UIRAR Y NOTICES. " ' . " • TH E 1.".\U' S tRI E!\\). _ Jh e }\l.h -
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~ ~l£~'S AND BOIS' ,11 AT~\ \ REArrY,I~ADE CLCTIUNG l
~ lOlu ~ :! :j u. hdll:8. lito bulllllll';s ulou o e us l :$ 10, ' \ All GaoU·• W arran t et1 G en ume. . 000. I' rice . 1)1 r " rll' fi cr I f" ~1 "l' nl , rn rh . L i ll 'fll(l 8is tr rs, Alice nnrl Pllwbe (Jnry, \ ernl P "' llI lIlIlI~ 1111.1 r"" , lIIi ,,, iu lI 110Id week ly Roci al gll lll e rin gR III t \i l .il' .,I,,"t·.·t! IU i\~I'''I'' )'esiLi ence in New Y Ulk. C\'\' ry S Ulh\;' Y Sample certifi cates se nt Fr ee . .
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An d Ferty o:her Articles! 0:::'- I ' . " .- I I \ ,-.,-,-,,~-,I-'"-oI-l, nr in I I,,· 10 ','1. ' .
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NO'''' ' I IlI:'licul!l riDl p ' rlHnCl'lOe~cr\'ulle \l lto
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I. HOSEBEPHY & NEAL, I,:Ml~:ill .& 1lli~!~Fal:8!
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Wi l lt ollly II Chllll!;C 'll,"' d,ead lit· ",oJ. 1\''''.'"11 l'li~J''-;' ~'I~' ~. lJ£lIudf~CI~, il prt' Oll .l:ti ~ br~uI dl.nl luO " Iv jllol, .. kllu 'l II IOJ I". Ic,'u'" S l.r· 1
!l:E\\" .YOI ~K. ASSI STAXT . 'I,.tnl e r eS I _ . ___ ~_~ _ _ _~. _.
JlRS. 101 . RIT CHIE .
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F E\ J::ll, Ol.ASDE RS,
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A D, CA DwntA I IL tI , ' ~g p nt. d" or I.J I C ADWAL L ADE I &. .M IL.L ~ , E J.prr s3 .4gelll' , "I" II tltI A 1', U4lH;. 'J',:lry! up" AYell l
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():J- Tho c e n t c lllI l/, l 1IIl IlI VCI <f1 t y
o ' \ l h ,p l , l l !J t1p ld
Pres idclI l
Church p rc vc n l t d t ill S wed, '!!
Iflllllfll, l. l,·I ' I "
"1 1
lit II ..! .. "III
3 \l U
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lIfo ;'1 I nd AC CO'lI. , N'f ht.ExpretiB.
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1.1i!1 A , III. "
Colu m bus A CCOID . , Pu IsbLirg Exprecd.
c.; ' ncl llll Uli
IJ ltlY 11'I STATI UN; .
.l>4S' IV A1(1) Ul/V ND.
NigilL Exp reu , ,.... C l!lci nn nll E~Jl r css , fII l,,1 UII ,I A cca m •
Horsa andGattln Powdors.
1 \ ~nr , J ,o
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d ll. (1'RA J N ~
FOUTZ'S CILtaa.l' .b
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1" /l llI lt' ''''o rl l " , ''' . ! II , r \ 1 Ir I II :l lldl ~l.: l "l'50 t S "In(·,lmch rus Cullgh •• L1cerslD the 1IIl1 0 0ll Cl lUil o f hl Clli ollt ' lii I nl o " \' I ' I IU " ~ ' " 1 H ili , \ r ,.. t !i ~ L. Ull~" f 1\ " , .1 ' I ' v ltJ Cl lI llII lI, 'I 1I 1111 gt ulI lIud Za ll<: ,v Ii I. d ril l) l u lll llJ l' lI ul u I II ,.' or Nt' \ \ ~ \I I \ by I A lU ,.\ ro I r, I : oj ~ t' \V ~\: 1'1I :i Ili l l '0 , t ' IU Il 1' 1 . \\ Iii u \ IV. 1 A menc a, W II S C O Ul m l' rn O r HI ~ u I II I II' I' I I J. I d .\ 1.•1111 11 11 111 111 I II ' t /1' Il l l · ... ,' U\ ~C;!l I~I~t'~II~~.. ·~: :L;1I VII 'Olll IIIl ' (', I I OY "' Ih l! 11· 1,·[: . ,/, h Il l' l!'t 11 11' d , ud I lit" , !t I lt.! "I ('li t I I U l"( l llI IJ • • l rlll\ll !:,! 1. ' I II t'r til ' 11I i\~ 1 1 ' I' t JI~ I l ,d 1<1 1' S I ... . 11 E C bul ~ h 0 11 MUlldllY C \ ' C'II I I1 g' , by I I \ )" ..' 11111 1 I: .. ~ i \ ", . ~Jl u rl ( - one h.t lf H 11l 1" '!" B,, ' f r UII , l ul u dill! s l l .. "" lui u rI Z , 11 :0; tI' I : , I ' II . 11 11 11 1\1\' fllIlIl I I 1; ,,1 I \ ( ,I 1 \ . , 11I ~ tlll ll ".: tl l IlI ll Clit I ' I! \ ' I l l ' F' OIl I t o 1\ I 'R p tr lll :l \ \' h l' /f' I II' I l u It I I :!l f l it ld ~ U II( pu ur p rt- Zl lIg . 11 u tll .... . I vI II I ,J 'I \ til II \{ I I' .. "~ I p r r .. 1 1 ~ ~kl·'l lt. ~ . Br't ' IL ' H" llI f~ "t F L) " ' 1 1\ OI SC0 UI !! C o n th e "u!'J et t fl UID H e l I I I " l llIlId , ' ) 1 11 S It..' I tJnr r('l nf \\i llthc: I.. I (I I h' Y w. ilL to " >1 .1 " II0 u, ,', Iv " l\ , fll' \ • ' II, I t; , ..:) 1, '1 '" I nb O\ f' 1 1 1 ~t: n. !C(> 1 ,Ju C I IIIII 11I 11"'l ln ,til hil i ( . /llI l l fI , 1 I II I l l! I t: " 1\ fl . 111 Luwry oE-lh ~ 0 1010 (!" o ll fcrIl IlC{J . , II I. l, ,,~., p B llt ll. flc- ' \111 hc(; r.u l lc Lh:J I ( ) ILI , \ ' I! ItI , \, I , d l II W il li III 1' 1,. I I~ h t 11 "tid l ' lf ! I t U I A ·,d , ' I,r " IIII I)I"('1I ,1 ,, 111 ril le ' __ . _ _ __ u ll t ,\ !. lI nd CII I, 1111 .1 lI eli l I " " l id. ~ 10l
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u r l.! ti 1)1
(J ' ra \\ 11l1
d. ~ lI l1tr 11' 1' t. (Ii'/ . I ,
1\ , , " , , "" lit I 41 " It< I II P Ih,
, .,
1 IU\\ .
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11< 11 1\ I ii III
j, JlctVI~ t:t- O n ! C~J,. .1' Urullj n IH I I I • ..ow , I ItJ Y l ' l t!w iI, <, l:iIlIlUIIY C\ ~ lI ll1 g " , HI' v, J It :Slll hll ll, I 1( t I
Illle Ch"p!1\1n
t h .. USA, will I"c
lI a c \ , :lllt
(I t
ture In HHt M. E. Chulch for th e bene I ~, ~ ul' ptJs , fit of tb e Frt!edm~II' 8 Burell u. Th is l mClDn lll l.
gtmtlewan is said Lo be a (01 clble spt! 8k ~ r Ilud ~ II ea r ll!:~ l ad v uCa l e i~ I he CIIU SO r
he IS IlA botin g . - -- -- - ,----HI.•~ , .Jult u W , I'l,, "I~YJ pfI;, I \1!
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I uera tire troll s t errt" J '0 lhe lcd 111 1 UI'P,n:ld Slid "11 l) kll \CIY ijl ::"~~~;" tate Gland, Stone in the bladde r, ~s, DKn II Fllh!'CIR N TII ALIHltG, e lllr 81 Rll li\\t·, __ _ _ P clln.yl l· u,"O IIII"U ::l""~ d "~ ,hey II (1W or;. 811 ,1 \ ~ L" i LT, EI,n: IlE H.OO TII IIALK. IT'C 11 III I. d !'Ullll , Ie ot Ul Caloul ul, Grave l or Brickd uat .rrlvl! I~~ ~ e 1' 1I1.ibll ' g GOI. D 0.' s aLVEI " ,,11, 0 u,ell lur ova IU yCbr~ , 111 J::II'UP IL Ont' of 0"" MAX "Ai!flZE K, 'H I Il KI' R! fill' . •• nl2 Se 'J'110 , I b t'r ' U !!ia or l'!'i h Ulc \,' ftS (nllow" \ Depos it, and all diual e. of the '~h, e h Ihe' hS\ c dCIC"",,, ~tI un 8 pIBIIIU)' Quylll1' II ~I bloI· I' S. '1 H.I l:!i".D Il n vo I \I! s-Lp.V.8 I I ' I u.rl!!. 11 •" ~ I ., ~.. o Ik Ced. •• • I , . ))AAYJ\II::Hn£~ 1teltnv ,p Olt ~ $ lor 1 . A n "Y bladde r, luduey ., and drop.l eal ,c ' f'" IlIlU r IIlId fl CII" , t! III 81Uppille 8t prll 20 ' Il EIU IA lI.I \\ u LLt:\ lI AL!P T. " • P'C 1* I 7 <) " A J\I '/\1 [ Ih cor "pl"IIUI ~ a l} Ic s • I . .&J<D 0 IILIIII " Y IIII' 1'><"' ArriV ed " I \\, !l,d r(,lILllrk Ihllt swelli ng •. ,,-1,- "g' u A' , h, I", hur "f II" .""'PIIC "" One of our tea Scld or o ne plec90 f o ur \V t t l I j ' rune 8 231\ . n1. l ll rllcf"" l e J(J 3.! A 111gl 1""' , 1.. 1" ,,, -"", I ,,,. ell). V,lu ,." 1,IIJ · , m '''u , y l"l~' Id worlh 11 bushel u f rWUre S,IYll r o ,.ld G eo. , c U L k H ren I :J I!J I' 111 I " flrnsbur ur Iy ~ ()W t"IIlJil IIl1l flU , ' U I' LlU'~ I ~~ P ~I, Il ul w nurl'/!' 31.1 I' nl . 1'1.'\\ ' ,I" , ' "" '''''.' dc~I II'' warrallted G OLD of 1116 F" t he cheup ilollur Je- Iry! bUI !jl.d .}I. I' II I 103;' I VIa ko . Yur LED QUA lIrc U UNE A ARE " I 'W ohove mdupt~lllhc follo\\ l ugmolle or "ofl Jl'UI"mull~/(/Ji. .d e lph,.j ml b oj .'; I' J\r. , fllld Nel' \ uri" F vrtl,elu sl PtalloF orlooll L.rlul.lI/IOll . OOR cu ... o VI. Phlllldel ph lTl,9llU :!7 P }I g-eot Ihe hUI!' l.O u III " Ou' CU@IO'"IJr" "''''I' ,,,,, ~ C INNATJ/>; XPR ESll- Leuvl, . l'lll sb (Jr!.' IiC"Of11/~i(;~'j:.~~~~~;,,;';lj{~~/I::';.¥- CI odvulli oge 01 8 con.luII l S"" " ~b 'oJ" o( (;F,O. A . l'ltl.'l l : ,\t CO.'S IlD· oil ly neor TIL J 1'0. uy ule 01 70.000 arllclea 0 1 value' Blnppllli AN, 50 8 al ea;;~lIjJ('J).~/aul'1I Hti(J(JI!(lOlt, c & Scl/ool Organs lI ew ILIIJ ,,'chen' h e " I}''' ~ nl.,1 paUl' rll s All ou llu t 1.&0 I' ~I. 11 ",n,bur d lltlo<ieoll! A u(unlClti I lions . e i'lod NoW Ollr orll \ No\\ ur u " .. "u"l,d lor r", " "" willi \\llI r h \VO .1,. 11 k ee p I lTou~. oro nU'Db l'red I I \ 8 15 PM , ur llvlng. t l'nli adelpilin III 1 . \' 11. 1" Tl I f I A~ e l" V s lIpplled ("'I'o , ten of HultS, ""d , IU'" ,e ~ r IC e. 0 .. .. ,,,,, " I\I 'W e huv() nd"plP.d the p un 0 611 C. now 30 A ~I V'U"" ~"",,, 'ul"" \ ~ Q ~ 11 01 3~,fl010 CUII.I:lt llg 7fJ OOO! MAIL TRAI N-L eoves \' Il lijuurg 0 p u pll l. " ul """ 1.1'' 1: a 11lI llurll1 JH lce. (rulIl I up l O 1 iii errf E ~ • ""J~~; ",",. A, :," d . .. :, ",," Gulu .nd ::)d~ e r 18, all Hullull. M~,,,deuI lIeoriy ILL 1'I>'"UO. rp"I!! u 01 t s lor AM, $2 be mn, .,t.ly " .. eit/Hat \II, il Il lil w tll, lin a".] til .. "rice Liver Cmllpl( \ &.1'ubl" A TI~,"g ,rom .• eA,'I'eu " cILl ,.II'I!M. !! nllhrll . lw ' ll ,,11 1, ,011," 1 u.,, ·. ,,,,,I olh. - l\lu. ,n d 1"'lru· .S~ ,I1 he~ e orlll' l \\'. ~M I 05 ti ( 1IIIlUY lla 11y ou 08 ' All III)" r ItA mnllc l',IIU el .Jt(J1IC "ril l "ever aUtl 1 "11 ,,,1 ,,. ,, "" ,d lu fUrlll . hl ng euch l ea alld tnbl e ::)"""n8 .Ll:12;.o .. FII . IInJJ'JII I.dclplliU Ol 71U ' . ,.",. '-1 ,,,,,, £/LO,.,,'II Jo"'e, '1'1 • I.' pells e. 0 1 c~lIdIlCIII'" uu r Now l),"~. ::;ulill :Sllv~r b, OrIII . t,ull1eul ~ Cor 01O .. d8. .• nlld 'hI.' oll'or 37,500 \ The con'\ltution,oDc~ .reeted C i p CIC., , lls omll"or c~r· 01 hv Ihe 811'i~ Ih. aid of medU'(llIlrtl klle6', P UBLIS H ERS OF SHEET MUSIC . , ':~ rk Dl,~e l~'y ore pill" ea ,V gon!'! nnd Wurk welrj .. J luBblo A ::HlLA Df.L I' "I.I E XI'REIIS "-LcoIC & P ,t tS' vn '' I' "g Ih~ von "rllcl ~s ul •• 1 ' I II~ V~ i\ 1 II. IL " . " cu t. II tic "Ie: o r cuulIUIiS rep;('RI' 0 1'011- Iduo to atrenl:lh en and Invll:0n l. Ihe burlr III 3 Ii.'> r. M. " IUpP " 11! ,, " ly vt 11111'. 1 J"' I " ""1,.,, I e e rt dicH" 's nre suld ·\' ull,·\ Coal's. l'h "togrll ph A IbulILs. h~lIe '1 es ILrtld uU~ rVL til h r, c " ,. " .d ul' 1.1.'" e Ib lu, , \ 1 1,1 I b I·L, '.' ,," l" ul " ,,' , , I. oj? un lcle. 01 , ,,l>l'l fJ ot, fUllcy L .11<1 al , ee h "te ArflYC8 \V ue IJ a. ll .. v iu ll :S AIOl I I"e~ C'IH' h I enc <1 o,,~. .11 $.1, E·l'lIptl fur w III' I 1If1 01 0 U 01 t.J( 1r8C ", p. tiv I bl'red dyslem Erll,dp ela~ TUlllur t , a l [,0 C~ II'S e wd, ' u r 7 ~ 000 " I ... .. \\1"'(" ni lS,, ".'J I 3;) ' I" '''''~ ",," , I" "".; \ " IUIbe " 2 ur~ ~l> ,, "r lI • 1 M 11111 1'. e 10 Ico 9 IIU . " " AlluUIIO .... M ,. . I' v ' l :O-v' f' rt Yll lur ' !lreut ,,,,, I por. ",e' ,, , I I ( ,,,' l~E'r . v , h e .J;'its, ':.Iu ·uIl/loII St (,·uuth k .u b· h"w Y be 's lll wlil N e l tre~lme o 7 n re"'~II" If doe.. U:'«n'. ' ,y I ' ure pllnl l'd Bu d pUI In'O Invarlab o r . V, " \ 1I1t .L1 ( I AI LI ,'I- I'lL ce- (Su,,,,J., {'w A.M. A ~I . U,dllll\nr e. lI e u l" r urlld!! li e o r s h e IS l' Ulll lr u lu . 011 IHIn' I lu 75000 /lUlIIP t .UII, C C, lGn lt y ilia, in I ur h (;Iol puun III 7 cOOlum ., lO. ,"* h milled llIlu,lelp I' . Olle M IIlId 11,10/\ mlxerf. I lll,\\' e IVI'I ! All Il Il II II! II Ihe ur- .c"l~ d enyelup l'd Dlld II P"> m.. nl 01 un "dtllllUIiHI $2 nt's 20 Melod ic Exercl Ses ld luk e nou l onllsei lltolhe per- en.ue. I" \ AM, anu N " w York. vln PI"l lluc lphld, 11\ \ B I" • 1 1(I~ nll",ed u nlhocc r\lti,"le IS BUltle 01 lh e8HI t ,.<. aBEl 11 0 h l~ lll\lhrol r 8 "r rpllI"C e ::ll AI '~05~ 1 III UB ...... ce ll1 0 .II1 cove r ~x · II LL ! n" l lt I\ ~elL~ ud tl ."C,Ir"' SOli I,e '.,111111111 .I""ghl"" .... . JI h0r r "I whel ...... 1" obll"c U8, ONF.r...onwn h ulde r WIl l " Ih·' V 0 p I\lSMb IIII! II) II II I IlInOr H I," d l In 1<..1 1111 Ilf\ "'oltt'g' - ~ '" I~l ltCIl( I. ( I II · II I11\ IIf" IU I" fllIlI s Ile,1 t l' lIce. etc, pOllu CUHeS or Flht of nine yeAI.' llADdu,S, unt1 bl V.tuu \ thl.• HIIIII Irom . pO-loge 01 UII e d lI ) ~ H "'''II I,I .. hmll' ,. ··." ce 0( 1,, 0 y""" "II "rll S Ih ece rl ,lI \! u'e , ll \ 81"""1-: tI n .. I o r I!uv dIt co r rt'6pvlI d lU i!' \.I I e IleurSlI e Ull J 1I10 tullet! lo N c w)urll . vIUAII (· 1I Ii IJ" I 1" " " 01"" .." ,,, .,... 1" C"d vuu e IUli S the f o lC 11 AN O·l fU: lt"nt ••• h, ••on,u8c ur. 0 or ,! 1'h d'Hle lplllll,lI11d 'lIth r tlll' u I d~!ll li l oo n rl v l ~ llI,.,tllL.:.!llld U iln\ O Ilt1Lhul \Ii B",t('tI 'I"''"') er till Iho lIotico will be netrh hft(t "IOI(,,,t hla'Ihudn(\0 lIJWn I,rO tluunrc 1ltht' 13 "-8Int."rnl .ln IIl " V IH ~le r Hll\llt wall 'Je Sl' l\t IVllh pic". wllh th e I lIu",b tI I 18 I' u II, er u I Ill' ll lebura ot 10 I" I"" "u" ~ " I'" . , . .. ,1, ~1 ,11h I P .ves e IIDlIl e loleLINE-L }'A!!T ' \ "r ~ · L l tu .ndAguC eH, ufl .,1 cvpry 111 0 AN01H~R"a,cl1, 10 pl ellsc. Our .,lIl' I 6 1111I U"~ Forte Cailst enlCS. ~) Plano· arllcl h lht! de hu c " pu, 'I' c III ' ITI f' li l j lil t" 10 III:! rl'UI Bora prll, IrP . ut d" he only II ( l er I r1 l n~ fn , I)""" Iy stUppll1g Vtl .. \ ~I I' "h ,ch curo,1 of )e,.r F ANulHER J II ~, "g" Lh u,,1 1 ","I S,n l. mPII " s t ) lh"l ~nd "III b e ,x e r,,·tI • , I I J or lu stonct!\ rrlv e . ul /\ 1100 1110 ul 3 110 1\ M.,30Ih r ll s , /1 rl, IIII I 1011' • r PoD ti UII r t!Cl" lplul l wo Q (Jr8 . II I I \\11t) Oil'" ry p v f tH ru f l rlil lI utl .... II., lfoll rll·en j"'''' of p\uht ) t'l\r~ t 0 ll ,c t:nl to (e m ale., iaun.S l lt IIIU;,C U p \\t , 1'14 .... II:.:, . ",ltJrVpt etitly d t:\tlnl"tI~ ti le lJ AtIri{JIH K lL or lUl "ll m~tl"m~p<"pMI" ont l L i ver , burg*S J5A i\1, II I II P ntlmber U !I Ih e lIu tJce se nt t u yuu In "ffectlo n. pecuhar ultllnorl 't 12 Ipvllt ",[ nl c nfiJ lI c \! l n e " UM e lic J\ 18 11 ,( 1\1.11 ... 11 t .l COIiEtI! IOnum~rnhl0 0(1) 11 11~ olher prepara tion, . . i. by IIJ! 1 1·\ hllli " '1 "11 1 It Ilt .,al"d l q ! ttl or 1\J. PIGr'O IV" Il 3 und wll, bOU. NI AlIelito \lIU 1",,"tH-r t UL! Nfl\\, Yurk " \ dIIOllld C1ntn p hl.lnl " 0111,1 h4\ m pnl rr ,n d,lo ..dm'h Ihe II , U SI'." IIOIIL CII ,II' . IJL I I " " "I vvl"I" I,', I" I p ~I, nnd N e w Yurk. '1,· ", ,,1 ,,,. ",,1 '1""""' e 11I1I~- c hl o roAie or Retenti on. Irrel:Dl lrltiee. f 0 11 l l t! ullllO dllLlI'U III till ' u r gu u \\ 81e ",Ull PurlS.ran d PIli. work 1>1<e .. chara ... PI\lI .d~I I,I'lU• t 1.10 t!. :") III I (,I,"d l',l tll",I.11 \'1 " eu nd I'fllUI Wlltl('" ises Compr Stock e Th . ,e ' . 11 S .. ,,,,,, . U) 1 'I' O ~ "'"U 82. P I .. lur II I 'UII Iu llt .e ~J. uc l' iii IV J·L It . 01 d bOO 'I'I,lu. " bCr\'d n P"tl VIO upP" .. lon 0 euaWlDa ry Illude IIi uur "St uf l 1Ill1lulne 81 or ijl) Ull lo r e \ ~ ry 0 ' 1 .,,,1 rlor.k~, tSl/pp~r pl"nuld " . llleR t tDm1'c" nr N lo lI ol t ~ * nrwl.jU •d ~ ~ ' " 1·,111'011 1'111'.1 . ~II" rll,,, .. . I,, r 'OIl .000l1g \ Jo:VUCII.III'P\" Ulceral iun or 1"llIrru . ,til. : 1 . •. \ Vu l chep . nll'~" bet ,,,1/, 17 5 UlIU I'rllc l p~. II IIr "'". ""Illu . 01 1'".1, ~1 1 ",,,",,h •• & u u ld '"111 811 ""1 ,. . I, of Ihl! UleruK Leucorr nroa, .nd all COla. excel' It avo if :SUIlI Brllclp. tram" Ihe " ot'ILr IlU , r~CfIVIII Dally r T I ' lte l\ thol ;"""" , Gu,"e l "lid ., Ar. Lhe mn.l Aeh' • • n.1 Lh orough vllii I D'''IIl (j ''d~. Ru lllf". P e u, I.d ro, ,' !.O.,,,I. l , ... . . V- J " '"" .. I· " ) lIu.,'"",, t ",h olIN rhe<ll(\ plUIILL8 111cluen ilutheee x whethe rlrllina: ar08Ilo ll.Ollil .n~ SL E ~I'I N "c i nctoo ,I, illllhllu tvl c lI .IJ}UU, l'llUCftl lrClUrtl b hn•••• 'r 1~I·n " "rod, <(II1 1 h.y (."I' I"IrC61. III cI"s'Pr' IUIIAti. rS llll' u d C. to r ull g r o MUS flint. rd bt exulUng I r, NEW T;iv~ f I HJ tl 1! r ec tly "1H'l HI New YOlk Ulld l l.oeR. c lulll\ .. d. 1",111 6 ticillof J c w ll ,y, c" I11I >".g pili . yuurlllull ey~hlll .1Ic1,. n ulcn I M 'h"" h~H>."m.l ,,e.n .•t'" Tro ' II 8 10 PllIlodei plllu, IBllpa lun, Impru eIlC"', expens9 rum IS 1'0 AST IIII' BLIW I NO" 'B>.l u,w. I'~y IU lll .e he l .. lLIu ce"I~ ~~ I ,nllblp 'llllllfe h" BU: lo. apl too mud ,. e nt! fl ll-rlllll$ ul Ih l.r.ellllOitllformer C"l1Ih llol1. which \I"~ gllge elle e k eillhrol l g h and lru osler- \\11" "'1 " """ L Ull ll hl,,,, .. ' I,1.,,d cu r rC~llu IlUL·I\Ce. fl t C, 011 0110 i or iu Ihl! alecline or thlnge of Lite, IQTt::'.~':~e"':~uil~\·IUlPIY a !lurg.llve ,,11 . Iy Ie •• 'I' t III I" pc""" .I,,"rs of I'vpry VII ' 0 1 po.IU 'E', " I" "', ".1'1' qU "",! •• 1 ",. '" • g ., I ot aND LIVER PILL. r cd ir~eRT~ FUn Till EA"'r ( Inc: ludll1g D o~ rlt' l) t OL!,~,h tl'r \\ )tll 0 Jorgfl Dr.;oort lllent . .. 111\11 (1\111 .. ' h ,I ii , ' 1iIluiJt;1 "'0 IIg'. .;.n. nu l,ce "I 'l'l CK 1' 11 <0 3~ CIA.. b!uld II lld elHLlII CIIe d UIIl I p~or I ~e I ~. g,Iil BLOO D R u \ Remem uer lhat" hnl eve r orlic le cor· BII,.IO"I \\ \ h(.I( I" "1 , . 1)11" I'~"(f. A ". o " 11> nu tl ce, nYCJur o er nUllIb c and• In conJ unoUou wllh lhth dti\\l ll rehpU mosl lOll . Ily Ilu nl ur llnll). p" •• III J,l o ver till . A the 01 lS lt o l l f'lutb lilld ii lC'P \ e hlil t:. tll l lllIl . n It) :--'~\lt!lSpllltIH: b r ftIIIT I roud, CUI) he pur Ch UIH! d ot llllprlllt. :lpal b,,~um"\L d BC llrl ~uu Ch ll h" ve It uy P"},"rr TWO nOILAR s " . \1 \ ",,'"1 \\ .tl",,· 1',,,, I~r .. be 11,,,1,,1 pU ll e rl1_ g.·"l.' "" I " " "'800 ulh~1 8100 OilY It by Db ~ low us I "DU, I Fure lS. BlOII01l8 I\A • VHrl e ' } 0 1 brft cele s8 • ,?I\lII. "" v "r nm] 1 I 1>"""' wor e I·. J t Il r ''. ' ,e t I,,, 'f' ' " IV u lu r II, '1.",,1 ,," (. ud I I" ,,~ I il l Ib ' e ll) fUlrly. ruutl'. n. , " ,," ., (, r .. ,. 11"",,, """1.0,.<1 oy U",," e 1 l:IiUII18 ,rf'8f1P8,C'.IJ,m B. And It Is l Or uu r IIII t r e8 1 to d lPot! , "xed 'I"". \CU r\ ~I"II ,II1\1 d .l~ I 'll ' 1 r, ~ tll l " ~ arti c le s. os II glvea WI11 oure ,,\1 the Iltnrpmnnt lo . od ct hwM DtI , noll, ". III CH6P ""Y u l o ur I, n ,ulld l lllill se nd out u ur \1) lIu I," II " " . ", \\ 0 ' .1 . I,} "1' ,I) c" W cl""UI". & of t-h IlUD&eh ••• wUl ft!ll evo nud cure ""J Ihc r ab), InpubliC, tho to By liliA rOllt e, Fr e ll!hl s u f .11 dC6crlpl1tlllenc~ cO , lry ewe J ~ I . V ". " \1 "",1 p", " ~5 1\' "". ",,1 III \ln l)[ uf orllcll'9 "nfe "all .(' ntl cr~lI . e8 I' ur sul~ •. lIOIIS, 11l ,· lud'"g LIV E ::lTUCK. cn n Ile fur L . '''. """" I" rl' , r\\'n lve sl P.[N pl 1,1 \\,.,, "nu ., " bur C HI "' ung " '!e. , . 1\ 1) .. "I) 13 ""},,,,( \larded ( u "lid Irurn Phd"d olpl"n , N Ull re lllrneJ .lo U9 , ~' E'lT BII " b lor /\NY Cl' rllticUlC 1" · ' ' ' '1 DII tle r lIe , I lwrr . lt1 ""J IrulII l "Y I\IIII 1"I'u,l "8U. ) I licitly e ll!!rovc ,I lIeL II I C8S I/J ' S or . '-' York , Basto ll orH"hll I ' •• I ",1, • • 1 B ,nl I j' IlVuys . !J \I ",II. r I'" \,,, . , 3; c. ,," III t e ~1l1 e l K. will eh pU)'H for .uI geatlon, Upon rec e lpl of UIIY pu'"1 0 11 1' 0 .. e.lr rll l Lllly ch.Mr il Uilil piull'Li . 1 '011. ",," '''< U ... u,,~ u, ' ''J I """, So ng' Dlbll, b~lIull . . elc. Wll SUlid luge pU. ntlcuce. uu /lUI""'''! ({.rect. rorr,·. ED lY.fJXT AG"" "TS .iRE ,,,, ~,, ,.\\ , . ,,".~ I I " 'II'" Olle nulleu ll.v Ste ftlll e rs. (rc lj?h l con nl so oe fM. 1 a"dtt.. , ,,, II". h . .' .lJ., r " ( ~5"" r", I I 1 , AI "" f • hy C nale Crorn Ie., . · U U nlt e u' S lolea ftnu.• In I 1".rJ e.ll u allY ocr.e,s lul e pUllltOl lllJCrlv, 1"",,1 pun recc lp. 0 co , W li e I poy s or CU - 'VIII ulh cll lly I'xlerml • .\ 1\IU. " I ,,I II" ,," . b,dj,.d . bJ I. J F'll hugh In ev e r) II nrl uf I ,e · Ornln. arll· k 0 I II HI VV e" l !lub,ok " , e l c. we se uil ~IX I t e m Dllel8C! ! of Ihe Urin.r e ra "IllI I "~8 • ) Ih e l'rvY ' l\ c~ •• and lo ,,!I MilC h v~ry I,b e r ''' ' rE'."ullu e llc~, •• "~~." , ::,':,~ '11 0', Moo nlll 11 ou,.: Du, Ll. (u, IS o r S h 'p plll g D I' . lvt\CCA I COlllrnC up n o l"re,\:ht r o l' tlnd, t!r(:~tJ, uft be ht t! lI .,s· I lw .) ':Soplu n ", 0 1 SI pntlw und l ~nor, h) ~. ~ \ ltH1UCf!ln I"d. DOY S (urc o,. IIIIr Irum hab\ls or dllllpili un. ,,11111 of l fflp rP VIIUO lur· I re c.t WH S, "Pilly lo ur fH\l\re I!S ... "hC' f ul th e ."lIlle INIII" 1 0 ulnr "clfc 110 pill 1'!I,k" " ,,1 1',, ' . 30 • • ,,1. \l C " III 8e n~ p,· nst'. lillIe or no chanle in dillt. 11111 V etc. IIII'''U oge. r;" r. pUHl 'la C~. of " " lld U p Agcnld Cs r L!' I II' "S P ("lhllV III \ ' llt se :""~~~~: cv mOll r .. ;~ldr~fl~: ~f r lied • \\ e p ~r:IJ~~o":~~I~~b:h~~~'~i!~ I J at expus llre . complel ely luper'l'c llDI Iho.. . \ .'1''' "'I" " 1) " . . 1••b" "' 0 <;01"""0 ' . 0 , 1 Jr, F I A )rell i. Pllllou'o , g81ull ,·n !( 11 ue S va preMell1 I , t' lIt ·W ril lit o! .. d~"on.. D It\ l c l I IIl f ll I.y ,,"t'ru they CUll be ol""lIle. l, 40 lIulIc e~. ,,,"l ,. re ltal". c. 'A C I\rp6 11I.e~,.'~ I /\ 1!pn l. I) ,t:HVurj! I a II d I nr! )011 Ktll11(1vor r8 \I "",v' " I" I:u, "." u ,' I H" I,,-,<. I.) J ~ I () II" 'g Offic e Or d", . . Tr, lh e8~ mf'.l hmcl'gha l"". AtlMc s. lI o t le dS lhulL $11i. liS a 8~ 1"I,l e of UI1l "ho lIavo " • • " C. • n I ARk ) o"r" ,. I or lly 11 ,"I, Drn l. 10 ulLr o r.],·r . I!r.~lt mll~c,ou II M 01l8U~I UIIPI "I_ ,. ',11 ,, burg ~ \I 1l r"" s lp! All.' nl s ', 11 ullll' r. III u ur ug e ncY w ili e h \VIII be ' ""UdA. drcur" lncunn il 1.01. UII' 1\ N ot l "I fl,.m tuld L~~ " ,U ."y II", MIO GOOD C I"ri< e & cu. 1 r.,,,,, I'UI".OI " ' (or "'' paye HOII"' "",' , " which "',,' 1 ' (818, u l'c("pl U nr . J Up e.vllie "olllh"IC,lbv' ',n,,,1 r"" ' hO"lu lr) til 0111 1.0· \ II. \V Hr "w II &. co , Zuu I',,,, ,1" . ",. XE il IOlF lu, n'."jJ ,IIJ "· ,. ,,, k, llnll & co, \I\IIf1cll U,O I'Olld e ll':p. pOdtulle . PIC. we will i 1'1 .... lit Inu d a nGf:ront dl ...It!• • oregolo,IJ or"I) "·," ,,n M E~~RS JACI.UE T, S TERLI NG & (;0. cvrr~~ .. (I u> I·, I" .. G ). \1, , I,, "" 1\\ .' , u ~l . ""I'I " A . O l~, :SO JIDSILV~R "pol ., GILI \ glo lI lI L ':.11 ' 1 &. 11. k . W \ Y • CO., 8& ON PRINC E. WALT .~nu.~ ..O nollced. "IIu 8 " " " ,,,\I e) . (, ,, 11.,1" h> A 1\, ' nI\, (.,JII HS!) Bruodwu y. N ew u r. \ 1, S,1_1 II I 1 ' ( &. 1I,ow k ,, I I C u. ~I UI> Rol'"ck) W C oDr s.. •• on 'PROI'IlIE \ (BucccSOLE c u .• _ Il C"!,(o, or" l e lurll mllll. by CH, I A W Tu ltS. · ... ' 233m . 1. ,,, I P" ; LL" "" A".'uls " ' llll"·d . 8e ndfurct rc' llur LIN E. -----66 158 60 &. 62 E Th lr d Bt •• T.' IF'U NIiION _ 'Wnl l ,I,, 1\ .,,1 " • • H, .. ... . (;,,11 01" UYI/.,uI I R R comnU8 8JOU , I b Il1r :,te Clt sh ' l . ulluwtttJ A~e1l18 • I . " I' " kl .,01. . " t.' lU I Itg. + II k ""1l1> l t nt " ell! I i.I ennsy t'I11Ua I I I II ' ( b r e 9 I , V Ul .l·as ",_ OINO INNA '1"1 • OHIO • ;\10 """':: II. w L,,,,(Or,. I, y Ad olph Utl n wee}. } IV II C I I ley conUlU e'll! •. U,o'lll '1'1 CIIlI" Cllr.. . , _ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___ .____ __ ."... 11 • • lv ,, , , I, ' " 1' Audress plllilL E I t I \VI I ~ REED & BROTH ER. \\,,, 111 ,,, . I "' "." I. \'0,, 1 ~l e",I> n". II ['riO. .'S ler n 1, IIC I r ll ll I 110ug I )I· t IVer li 11 10 I 0 , ) ilpeCl 8 nDOUnllement. g """ HI. cllllll ul flve pCC .lrre. ?S ll.' e ll ler eB W Rlld Bu x 1538 New · y.,rk 1; lly . l\m 14. &'C, _ , In 1111 CftPl'R of th.Urin lry Org~nl, ,.hl'/',o "4r "I,." for I lIf g ll llge, I h e, Viliun J .IILII 18 111 0 . 11 "1'1 \ I.. Ih,(; 1",,1., l , u,I.1 1',,,. 50r, ,, ,, E. " H. T. A WT H 0 NY & CO" l l,!ed I lh a r el!IItillllg in mele or iemale, from nuli",r.z e,1 I' os t for Plght LillI', anu I ~ I I """' .I'"'' u, \\ ortb ov e r One lIII ilion Dollnr~ I All ",II." 0'" 11 ,' . p"'J" "') '" , ltIll:, Sl' """" II It c "1,, r ~ ov o ut r e - \ \Vurk,' ,j u ll ull tho r Oll les I I wh"leve r c8ulle oriainll ing. and no miner 10 be So ld , .. r $ 1 c llc h,to With /, WHULEBAl.E .AltD IlETAIL I ,. . I "''''', rl b''d f.. , lh . \" " " 0 IU, t. ." L"rI,,,,·!!"lt b e ) ' R,dlot T." Not tv Iron ap, .rt. ulld e r c Ulilro c l. ()"p' t; .HU 10 VIII" ,, ! e trl all( ,, , ,40 aphlc Male · ,I Ulld c rlllkri IlItUJ.~~t 1,,, ile l t . I , 1. egaut , l ,, f:1) ( I) m03( f. It ManufacturerB of Pnotogr I . il pl .... D~ In ulltil lU U k&loW whllt you nrc 10 teI ('''I'''' '' ~ I" L',,,,,,,, - h ,,,,, nl" 0 1'''", Beat AgrlCtiltu rtll. lIorIICI/ Unral. and u l h o w 10Ill·tsl iding. It \ will ch SlC ure 10 t 10 prUI, e rl.l C "lru ~ l e ~ t u co n e I na S, Imml'dil lie i n III aCl iun. .. I h, li,,,". _~ , ,, d t! 1""060 """ ,,,,~ " odor, " Dnd nlld l" s SI tu (u I"r Ultlted elill'P8 lite III t/l Sl ul' Ille P(lper IlC, hu' r Family lto Gmend 601 DROADIVAr, H. T. SI' LI NOID J,IST 01' AUTIC LES. 1 . IIn I", .I " 1' 0, 11, , - S IR" '.; I' I nocl" ,,,, III J de , (PI _ nllil or lll III 0 I UII, 01l1. tlonllhll llo ail a ovel J 1"t'II·~I, b' . e- I7J chot(c .Gru,,~ \ ~nu mure. 81reugl be' it Ihan .n1 of lbt ' I G,ulillll 1'1 11' fl l) 4 "'1, 1., ' lates S lOu ; ; ' lu -, .. ~ .10 s 5 ''' '''' ' posses \) ",' IH;::;CB ~,, ll 11.1 It , ~;o::; wlllch I )0 S. l" ~ I K, lie , l'rI(I • dll"l ., or Iron el"" Baril il, uf I 1 n I drill on to our meu n ISlnel.O " ' ... !onlof A" prepa"I n d AIl!g(//I/ and . trawber ry.r 1I1/I/I ,..,.,... \ VI ~ Illes , rlllrs , aO lu _a U , n • 1\ lor· togrlnhl c 1'lalerl. ld lY e are Ueodauo oOU ",I, " , :, ,,1,, I i .",1 U , II, ,,'re tlmc IS g uornnl ce u-J ,r S I . rtlO~e auO"erin g from BrollenI • I It. • 1 .1 " e"l · L' • Ib down or •• lU 3' 0 50 le I. (ull1I j' "'" r " I. 1 ~d\C, tI vl, " I ~O rll' "u'~ ,or ul lI 0./ G II ~. Lt va ue L, 0 b"II",1 llllg8. {or Ihe fol!owllI g. VIZ : """I,,"on .lJ.,ngrai I 1 o,,', 1 2"0 10 o· To IS "lrH B 3:. IUU ..... .. r 1\ e p Ilu'" J50/{v.e w ooll e nu ro u • ' v ~ ' ClltS ~ Tid Slereo$C(} SU 0 Debe.te co'"titu tlon, procure lhe remedy er. d.y boyolld I" , •.; J ,. " , , " Bub.crib every Y l Iur elle nS, (0 free dClclltll> sent for tce, rd p) low tum ou lew.,. ~ 10 P'C ~U 0 rr. scopes a 2V11 ,\ I"h "6" "> ~ I " ," Hux •• , 21 .''' ' I " " "' 1'1>,,1 ~ I "rd" I" ;n" h onl 11 "1\",",, Thi S I' " pul or rurul p.p er publlHh ed on lilli e &PI'C Ih ~ il ;01 0 :lJU ~,U l.ukl lIu " ' '''1! \\ ,," I". or Ihe se we olive In Imrn o n S9 as~orl- I hI'For l" lk" uI' I,. 1,,,khu, ' 1 I, r l. once. l """ ti I~. A UII e nl lh 8 ulh s u 'm nd<lrc , 11 euci l', I l .. l1 rm 0 Il.Ilh I\II r l"nd thc ~ I fur e lh 211v IlL I::""'" loul, 1 \1 ,,1,1>.0 mePI. Includtn g Wor Sceu llP. Am e rl ro l\ The reader muot be . . . . .. I~1It.- ho",,· I -"" I I " l'''';,:'; ''II'~'!'''' '- ''Ot IU,,,c L> I. J t'IZ- \ 1o,.U G"""S N Y IJ h) lUU th e 'U;I'on j_, n o' . ." I, H ,,,,,,,,!; "II", W 1,lo hco •. • nt II:' .0U" \'t'Oi, 18 flOW grRllty • and Fur elg n C it ies .IIaI Lnllilllco pa,. followlll g A gr.n!sol " , . J" "I, !JO Cft, ) l .. ~" ' " t: \\"~CIt hll ~l lal" :Jo,-,up~" 1l~5ung II1. d 1r!IIW R~ 8 'CU Also 1lIgh' mil,. be Ihe .luck of lhe .bo,t l "II I JlI ~III~ /...11 1111(' Slnluary atc ele . Group~ ; ' lu IUU ; e"lurg~ d and IIl1prUI !lO, ulill e qlllli III 8,:te er " I II \V. DrowlI, 27 We,., 3dsl, C ,IH" lnllnll ' ('''",e" ~ " ' UI' I' v,) " t 000 J . . III c. Jo c I,,, " ",eue . It 18 lure to affect hll bodily N. H igh SI C ululllllu ~ '1\]\ 1 II, I'"" I' . 011) I. II ' nnd voluo 01 contll lll .. 10) Bny uthrr "un I· , d II vulVIII.~ SlereoRcop~~• . ur pubh c or prlVllte , ::3 )) 'I'hul c h e r. 239Jln"o h c ollnt glVe ll 10 II,. 'f, .de , OUO 1\I'>l hu ul l ea " L", g ll . 1I1 l)lJ~I"crnl Jndeed ,\ ~"ul\lry . 8 d .. I lI1l , p,,". tLtlolllll c .. I lorpubh rov, G aO F. }., IO .ppinl'B I, I ' Our C alologu e WIll b ~ 8ellt 18 " 111'1 JO ::-,,!\ ,"rtlRc' ot..r, ellillbid on be com: hClIllh, menlnl power", e.l~ '"." I ro"'.o" "",I ""."ulo ~) ' kllld . (I lloe , " I of e' h"" u ( e, uth 110 : I [,0 I lu IIl II . , l. huo IT ::i l"" II \),:u I E l' Our ft •• band bloe' 111.1011 111 oalern loanynd ilre slollre co lJ,lof s l nmp. 1\1" " ' ;" 1 III ,,, ,,,I, vu. t p.,d. 0 11 , cco ,!,1 0 1 ?U" ~,,' ~ I, ,,,,, I ''lLll'''o' P P .O, u 111 11 r Y,n ll. :lI r e. ,, "I r, nL 'V .\' OII'~ ''' 'IU'' PHOTO GIUI'U IC AI~ n(; ~IS ,h c ' "II. kcJ I" " " oU In ~OU pHrcil wllh II. III the r e nl value ulld lliter - I ,.&c .. 13u UC. !:II" • . \V. C hnnill e r.ChirR Il".llld. ,,,uk. II tl , J loure. .. SON, & lblle . orled from w ~r. lIAJ.J~ The Pelill sylvlIlIlll R'lIlr oo d Co. will W 10 I?" est otlllched 10 Ils cUlllent~; IIIIU Il 18 d e . , .r.,IJPp t U \J, " """I BII':,' 'V e wero the firel to IlIlrodul e Ihcec " .,>. I\, w \ urk . UIO.d IJ ~ 3111 •. 2 l ev· kiliu CXCCp . Ihe of g Dng!jllge lor ullylhlU sh fi 01 J U cl<Jedly nh('nd " '0 " II "xes 5.'" U l1...1."loI, ,,,' All""". Inlo the Unlled Sloles. !lId w e mOlluluc - not oSS Ullle any bl' I .• !!, 10 ~I/ "c k "lid \ ,ot (.; 11 II II! ~. "IfO et v' l llJr \ Ve onllg Appnrl' l .lId Ilfl1lt Ih e lr r e. 1 . ture Imm ense quantiti es III greu l vl1f1 10 er ,pu IS ICU. lu b clcll U"" ""I h ,( ' " 0 '" ... l ,0 01 ~ 0 '"" l S I E I 60 LAD 0 f 0 T II . val· III e RurolA meric.n llnnl fh dulillra u Ol hllililred e ll 5 uoU' t;uld C h" , .dh,0" h l. ce n 8 0 '11''' I BI'Oll H'U llll y to o • rum rong I og 'Ilfll ~ lU 2U per, but JU Sl Ub yulunble III New ElIlZlulld , t," " ,rl Cho ' '' , OurAlll um s hOl e lh e IP p utllll<' lI l u e . l'ach If J OU ' . 'lu,re 0 r. llal, le , elll"ll Iu '<llor . 2 VUO 1.11" , . 1""," &. be sllhe rl dll of III,. Oil lI er chcs b 10 10 Ihe \V eti l e rll. ul,d olher Stllll'S liS 11\ tho U,uo ; I{Huhll,! .... . viII.,,, IIIIU of belH6! su pe ri o r In b e" uly unJ dllrulld ll V III v,d ue. IVIII . . . \V" m.ke no leere! ot 'he inllredlt ntl lis CIrClllal 'on I" >U U. " .• H ' 10 161nte of New Yurk . .J 10 ••• . • ~ 111'0 I ",,, .11.1 II 'Jre"',,. du Thoy will be senl by uill eds luk en Ily • ~ pec la l r"nlrllCI to OilY olhurs . a.rvey II Femal e 1'llle . Dr A:\IS I.l h WIl. I H. . E I 10 410 HELM 80LDS FLUID I;:XrRA C I ]J,, , hidd '~o. \. .."" I." ,( ""d ' 111.0, iJ U' U I\1 ,,",111' ma.l. FBR E. on rece 'p l o f pri ce ''1'' . Il u 10 orge r t In lll (II ul un} oth e r paper. uUl III, ''' ' " I ~ I ' 100 1 5 1.11 0 I"J l:L~ ",,,0,"1 Cub I.. I , I" clle ,I, nU of """ S I cumpu • .,d li e '" t"""' h _.'1 lie Alb um! 111 Itd II prrllllen lfp lIl. All",,,,,, I'n (Jen'l 1\ 10 1 I h e Cll) (I f New Y u rko Vulume X IVIII ell U 18 e to On e r •.LV _ whlll ... u•• II,,) \ 1 UVO ( UI " I ""d I " " ,,,hi I '" ,iL .. ~. . .1) to ' 18G6 1st try Icl·Jnnul COIUII\~l \ '20 Iu II EN R. Y \V. (J ~r I NN f. R ~ )j': 1 "" :" ;, • . "v," 'lie ltitl u IIUPIll ~ Berrin, leh!cte d \I It h I:r ~8 1 cure. t l )nHeRj~hlld ", uleIHu d wlllrcll( lrt;o b OOUt.;lIhl l .rll"LJ' r iC 10 I Th o lur n. 18 1\ very 'Inr e slxtern • e Junll,rr 10 G e u'l rJ' lck F tA~rtl ' PI I HEL~l' TIIt~ '". ,,1,0 effi cBclbuo 0 0110 l " I ' I" . t" D, u."",," I, ';".l"d, ~.11.. P C \ "nd re Bred III Vile u 0 b ~ lJ •or "" '" " , ,,. veil en ·, !: N II lI . T() t)U ll II , H. 11 • ... ',. P,ve '' ' r Bu . ove e8 "", P Sill" Cillbruc P Our Ca .. lo~ue nulY "• • Prole ..! u, .' IlIIl'.d, dllllbi n the re.ulJ"J! ,r w." k" " •. W: 6nhll"dl",pnc '" 0 11 c"" H oClnvu, cuntullJ lng Il v -;. : l'e l1lll .. ,I.\I I ' . hIUdJhol, l (\ UUI!.(!I ,II i \ S\ n,l. 1'J!l ct n h e of will tu • • chem!'1 l ec alld uhJ s t Vtl1\l1l11lc l ' I...qltllCl h l t~ &c ThOUSAnd dlfh· .el1 al"r \ 1l0LD, drugj!lI Gen'lFr clllhlA l;clll,Pl u\JL ~ 10 ~ l\lull Cr, Ihut con b~ fo ulld III ony 811n Phll,d.l .. 'VI) ,u. k. ". du"I .le K' ll", dllu.ne Bre cOllllllun \ly be ll1g Ulhlh~ 1 of " Golden PlUS. Harvey Dr. Intflr tlM t 10 \ ),cdre' fxperaence in.be cifT of 6111lJtfCl f'very n o II\IOI1 IC Ji"bI 1(, !I t u 111l1J.lUlt! l bed b ht POrlfllll l of emlllenl Amerlc .n s. tile .• \"Z \ ..l lf. I ,., I >. It:: IlIf' l \ y fOI "' PPi'Il' \ ( 1\ ••" , fn llr tI.~ree .. ~ OUII l ll l l( l l~ /1 , 1 \ lt' " II •. J I Ii III rlll ers , frull g row erd . (!tr upe I[rolVefa b l i' P lin. 11111 \\ IIC I I aow prreen 31u il 0 0 ~", . I I , '1'1'" .', L ro .... , &.c about ., , $' I" r I.. " "r" _ . k • ,1"" . .. ) III ' ,n II, ., . 10 ,,,,,,,~ . I III I o.tc I: 0 .. ''' I "" .. , I!'C ~ .· I , ... ovell.c ""11 J I" "" . " III 10 p.utl('U. tlf .8lue rOlbCrtt. ~llfucncr .. .. ~l or Gener Is 100 L Ie I It ' r..u I" " ~ I8' 1StiThe h .. been • .Jmll a. IIncl .. re "t P"I' 1981clln ce p ll de e • .J U\lU I tl'I~ I,7 .. ,It! I<I~ I, \frl" emlnenl :1IH\ 11ft A n HI'l moa, fl ol ret \\1I1i li , .. 1It!\( ) o t &C uh'l 111 ( l. I ureeUllr8 n, ' 100 !1 OJ t\ l • I'uullry a, . rA . pe . ke' , 10 , • I' r;I I ~ I r" ce Oni , . r , lv I HII .... t. 1t 1 ;t Il l '''q ~ Ht l \ tll g" 1U I bO ol he J, 10 ,,' IIc, u" ' n e'I " ul " 2 00 8n g .. General tt "ul " " lu '" ' ' " I, "~r."",,, U 10 U"\' \fIlhl! Uilited sr.leI arlll,.. III • ,., ... ' 75 N nvy l)lll ce r ts , • ulorllY. I,"d fAfler IIILll l' Ir!! "I II !! grlld .1'" 111 1 'l'hl ri eleg'l111 puper IS IlIu s lr'll'd wllh I tl'd ~ C 0 Ione I8, S 1/101,,, I"UlIll t ,.(" "'" .. \), """," II"'~. 1 .J blll' VI"D~t ,. '" ,,,I "",t ol' " "",, "" I' eliaro CU'd. } y "" ICOSII, 11 O" m ,\1 e , perlo a HlI'oflh or UI. III I• • l11d IO"" e Dill prUVelll ' IH a '0 In yrr, j!enerl 130 1)I\IIIe8 .. ) .. J"\lIr> Icl .. • 650 Slat osm e n ' \ I\'i 1'",. ,. ~1 ." ,,,"' 0" UO0 ·", Lh ::'""llu, IJIlIt IAJ( e, .. \ Lll ' ltd urldlll aud l\\ ce, 'cu " I n", prudu e CIlU dllvlh c, Rnllart llo"n ney 0 mu I Uwpro l~ II I I 8tu I ' il.lI... , ,H.II I' t 'htl .. 1 111 1 .~, \I 1 " ,.. ''', g il l ~' U ·t'~ n il " ", JI\\tl l\ ll011l1, 12 . A I I' •0 I Iftl . . . lid pubhc ~allllllr1 J 011 J eve rt 1J 11t' 4l1!1 IC J 11\ \" IF b u I Ill r". 1 , 1"1 t ... '\ III 10 b rv 1 n women. 40 1011) u I'romille 1 e un~urpu 5 :te t r I~ I .r "0'1 1.., '00"1 . 1. ,,1 ,,. J'\\,! ' J, "" )X . !t Oil Y I ,, ,,,, 10 """''' 1.,,, ,<1p dl" 126 Stl'l (c pur men em rHC~lt I!elll'r'l 40 l ).J l u purllvu ll"" e O"r • . "'~Iu ll,,,.,,,,,,hll 811d Jt\\ II I \ 111\11 t,,' l l ,vul,,"w H •• I c ~ hl1 c fl UUV"'II ! II! • U fr a.uf ts. t the he I ,out ll~f' UOU&; l, jl t Plllltl III', v~r lJ ee ll t I I ) II U I I ';"' 1 I ' P" t1I1l~ , \\ Ili ch In :n lerel' bl]1's nebri~f d I .. U to ulC I I 1 3,000 Cop't8o r Workt!o f Art , l I t III 111 '11 1 l ,u "l 2,.JO (J "I t .. I ll til1:! Jt' \\ t I I \ ulu \h ( Uur lI e w sl.: lI l,·, , . It (!rllh~ I " L t ltt) \\111 tH .. H,O !l 1o 10 f-quuled ll1 t\U8 count'} . C tC lIllIH Sd. lty "It t l ' I UUJ.;, u l dr!4. II1\\ 1111 ll l h l IlU l tl t:" tl l 1 11"11' II nll l~ inr.lud," r e roduc tlon e of th e mOSI c('lc ]'~ renchn oh~t 1111 It e l :.lvc r '''t'lI d l1 l , nllned,u o l1, IlUrp peuul, Ir UIl fr Hl u tl 18 IJUWnd n mencl1 lturuIA l tl :l c l o fit ' . • ~ l t d l ll l .. l l :j.:.ll I1 OJ ""\/ It I )ltH~\\I p g • IlUc lll\'~ , r usP-\\oot ! O Ilc: JI .. I I I,1 ,II, 1l1t.1 UlnA .... ( "Ioo u l t lll!; lh ) , .JO l U ll> 1 6 I M" ") .lo u e lhall1"" I'lrnClIr.lllulldr e llu~h brl,ed, En~ravlnlltl , POinting . . , ~(ntll el1, ovc r .8trllllgu u £OB ,IS .. ve JO UU ~ "ldl",,·r""II 'oI ", , _ '''I'' . ",,, ,, ~ 1_I,roll" \\") J\c" \ v, k Irolll porlty '' (I"' I"!r I1 .. s e lIr 0 \\ nos Plll i 01, 1. 1. ,\: <I"" k '''~ < III' S ~ 10 10 Agllcul turol (lild H\lrll<u iturul Ibl p tom H I o 6 ' " ," . " ele. (. •• l810i u essell lunre c~l~ t O U , 10 " ,,1, ".'. U.r .. DOli, "> PI IfUII " II b 'I I I" " ,"" . .. !,,,h e,1 b bil l . I F . thon Ih e "n lll e . I y l ~ nn.l fi". 111111 "I,", ' ""u' . "," \\lI' . hul"., •• l a lO A. 17 - 11 th e An Older for One D uze n II Cll1r Pd Irom $ 100 LU !!;200 HII 'Cri I e r Irl'CelVes '' ' .\ (;' ''t' ,:'..,,\u ,k . ' uy ,v ol""R lII ' onl. x llI. ' c I Iu prlir.t UI. lh Ju nYO kcU b.l ul~byn e uk G • ,' ." .hu,es ' I ull OI I. ., lpl I, .. I/. uuo Itlil value of the p. ner o urCo talogu owil l b ebc l\t o n rece I II I D ropt! lee ICO C II I) r PREE ll lll a m Wll 1) 111 by 11 .N" ell t' r s n i H B 'I ,80 • and senl Ie countr y I II , ,\I, ,, ,,, 1 'lit II C..\ UG BA!\ & (0, eEll groy • " I cHlble DI ~c lo.urc . ... Sc . ""VC"'.II ,Uf" ' '''' '' l vlIl e s.SIrH\\ bl'rry Pl o ll18. e rfin ",vlled 10 s c ndl, 'r 694 Broadw a... B ew. York, cr~hror Ib e \ Il,OU I""J.NCW \ U,k.n' JU II Pholoar aphers olld olhers ord e6 rlll :1 l "r /,!.""d r l"nl)S ore o ur ""' ". WlI rih 62 eueh • 0 nd all 8ubdCrt bert ... ,,, ""d ."'''6 ' 1 .. II 01 UU''') 01 ... 'I 01' mll2 !,,, c r "" " e ,, " leoa w,1I L I 1011 (oodee -0 D mOlle Illelr llLll re 6who COIIIUIII lu~186 hleh \I ':,. cil) e,, logup. o l l\\ .ltl ..,, ,,,uIJ pe r O e. erlpllVO Cil ~ I cenl nl ' II " el orR /\m oBlvnlu obl eu ndwund errlllnllL llcd_ 1, . h, ,, ,,oI,le' IJ lelu Y ~, I 81\1,. lll I (htfpro uur 1 l 1r. ufal D ph8 p'' " "l1lU~r. 1' 'o'''''I'''' lo 'r b." ,,, ... leamOU lllo Ilelrurti er. I . "' ''~ I ) "", c. 'Clh. l ie vo lillie fur 11<6"~ 8 nlld 3U s lo ouldpnr llllH I A\l orkol .IUOp""P I IIlJ '" I US) I\ .. 1I Up.ulll « IItl,\ ( .I11 1 ::;lI Itl , \ e c, ;)1 I recelvc co i:'.1 t X ltU, e pnCeRl lldl1uaIit Y<llour g(1oJs l ogP lh e r\\'llhp rlr.RB ' t Noone ~Th Dr ~HU .IIIt'r':j \AIJ r. FIlEE FROM THE TI~lE TII~Y SUB.C RIUF. P hgrrlvllIl! iiJ pr('l, · ",,, .. (;111'101 1" .. tllt8 1,,,, "1:"1" f1PP"I~ e ,I> '" ' fall 10 s nll oly ' ' wlthulJ '"''1 ~anllul coplono l) (hu l J . ... • Ihepr r8e" l} e ar • ~Ir CU M .... 'I c" " I" "I«,, . ,"'" ""Ch'"II.l e~" d ,· . , ,, lue 10t\,e cl,, ~,, 01 H~LMBOLD ' S _ __ _ _ _ _' -_ _ _ _ __ _ • Dn " "~lIlnln n dpu plIl,rl' e ull~o '~ nl ed ,d •• nltnoSl WlIlHlUl nll mlt pr ' I 0:':"1' Th e Aj!rtcult ur,,1 edlloro( IhePI I d I. '~" cll·II" ""d\l i'e. O "'.I : ;;'III"tl ,, , 1'1",,,1 il n IQIIIgr, vs Ph or , tl> e (l WOIllUII D " alill "'n l I'u 1'1 velllli E cpn l Grl)Yes Salurd. the to pilla 10 .r<l~<I 11111,1 n" 1 ; hn ve h ~pn . I" I''' ",II U~ ' c lll U) sl (all ellltrf. ."l1 e Il OIl S und S ' Xllul d'"I.r"l· r~ IIf eve ry 0", " I ,b.. , e", .C. 'I'I ul~, ' ~ Ill. g ) ' , ,,no . Rnd Allh o (el p bral cd ~V o r l d's FAir "III , . .. 0" ' _ __ llnlr e r Ineon", nlulalll LlFmeo ntl Ie .p1\lIh lI eve l l"aI' IIIY R~ lIlp~le A fur ,ul) ' ''( 1 0 A l O;'-ll.. DO LLA H s'r 1 (1 /( 1 LL pllt III ClJ'"IJl' llil n n IYllh olh e r. Kll'd, \ eu ru ' 'p'acUce 01 D, ' ' ·' . 1 I " ::; { \ ~ c ur p. 'I 'lle AGEN T8\vA NTED . lice 0 my new p a per, .... rlled: 'l\I} P fro m e ll \lons of I he U . IS . It looli lhf! I 'Vir s JlPe uy ~og heen ar.d" • II LA 11, '"Ilt oul roganl In, "",. . yu u hK\'e I.eueil Ihe ll e~ 1 Hunl e r hilS I [ E' OI.IIII " lIp, 1 1835 ] IlIghest Ilwllrd re, " 1" 01 ' he co ", I" al. > Oil wlll oeo .. hOI opliliu n 18 IILot 0" un· lA, d Sil ed p ~ r A" e I "" 7 l Ih I II but uudod, llo l POIiIlS con.lde tI rllol-ul Jou N r I': u u , I I ul )VESTE It Il( 11 ... tll IIiHI hlUt, v t l ll.~ ~'J rwar, "10 Vc UU l 01 n o Oreal a (1 q, .,ellJt ryan n 6 t !oltclln ll or lhe re ( • ~ J It. e "'I" Ie rrD c ll c ol wo r k ' Iuk. ,,1 ," .. ." ull II e lit ,,,1 oe u L '' "I'"'' 10 1IIIIIICI'd beell s I,n lIum e r" u. pe r.o·I ', he I IU"~ .rll~t'r. that we hllVe I d '. 499 Uroou\\, uy. New York. Il,a) ,hu> Ob i"'" 1\ Gu ld p " ' (BEr.ow CII&8TR UT), Pu,eh",, I ,,,, r II e Ih The A"a.d. ale crcot (;Ift Dl8lrlb ution. fi yl • Il>roll,'h CRS II CIIII u. PXll'lId 1"8 Uledlrnl ve r I. Illtle II11PdS utP8,ora nywheri t -:----..:..-----\\",.h,I)"'""'n'll{lII~ or."y oe l uf I. w. h ) el~e. I~ Our Al!>enll Ir< ,,,.k,ng frum r" e In TIIl,ly ---;~:-::---. f 1111 'Vade Mer lin ' belle, up dlumo e lII mat,e general 118 like I ~ can ~ll Hum, , I IS ~ "" (l U' h.1 lI.r Qu u I'uli.r, a"d D oll."I,u dly,alld weneed .IIUIIIO' . Lnl. PUIL A.DE LPII I.A· vulume Ihlt 8hould be 10 lh I I' \1 h. U. Lh .. " I"R" Ihftl ul .oy paper J IIIU8 ew .. r lee n ,,~,~\l\Utt e lUOhd of ev ''' e~ ~e ll ... Lh MII IIlIe <lo ll or'8 ..0vll InvO • • • f r l)OL ~;u rOI" h.,e." II~.I Ol1r alock 10 . , I er y lanlllv In ti,e I J • • • Thel" ~1 81 c llfi ct:.l 1 ce pri .. Th u ll l ,. .... . Ulittr'Uh Ilu nd,d H .trc 'pI A 01 un , n. a priuelltl ve " ... ., On. MIII,on Dull ar. lonell Il'ntline nlll . Ire m ~5 cen l. liv. lor $( roe.n t o f W.. l cb I, Rlntct , l "acHtHt' and Gentle. 08 a gUide fur Ihe .lIevlMl lun 01 .. 0. 1" 110.,, - 0". (orI·,. ,S. " 'II. ~I.g" ul " re.· A~elli. ere f!vorywh ere wllnled tu reI S V 1 L L E, 0 HI 0: vice. oorf 11,8 Iblll) 1i2, lor <le"a i\'e dl'ltrucl Illd meD'r.J. ".lr, of .all Kin"" v, the [IIOlt f. h;o'" W.Ii Y N Jj) "wlul mOSl o ne bonu.; 0"" hun up Clllbw, who receiv e magDlfi cent Prellll.,,,um , Ils l).6v " lor ,to, .. 0 • bl. pauern. , ... lIlng at ,1 ..ach . Senu 2· c t l. 6) Dng,i .,. E.'~tII"'TI. i.';8 C .. b scourge a II.al ever vlslled mallkl d •• nl to tb . get. uma In Vine., PJonl., En/lrni ple or. u yu •• " "a"tI,oll'O .. nde dr,,11 fo r{'14, alld • lOT acer1l6c ale, and you "11\ 'e . W k "N' I ... copy, eerurely ·envelon eal will b n f · Pe Guld A.NCE. A.DV N CA.SIII , TERMS lub c Ihe for 0 t5 or \lor-up, •• ~ . .. t\wllpa. e orwlr ee Iy ,.. enllLled 10. or tl ror liva c~rI\fi" ( nl .....gaz nee, I'd t "" 'e r A to elDClre 11 1111.11. Dr .,bree ce nt Ilamp lor Our l"rm. ' re e 0 pU!lage, to III, put 01 Ihe. . . bom. '.!~:II'~ ••~:~:z~~elf:' 10 per, &.c. Sllllplt'1 uf the Rurlll Ameril" ,~ 0 'd!~'J1e~ Itampl . P.O cenilin lI:.... "\ucb Ire of the ... oat Iib.r. I kLnd._ /)0 for ~L~'U Unltl'd ... T. Addr $2.00. II.. appllcII yell', 101111 one hee copy OS sent .... r dd r '" HAN lG GAl T "H ,0" ia ,ollr 11m.' ASK rOR ....M.OL P", Addres~. POll paid. DR. HUNTER, No rl 8.75. 0 1111 NF:R, Cllntou . O.tllda CnuDly , Five cop IS. 0111 year, 110 I$r~d,nJ \ ImC° : ". ARRAr \DALt" co 16-1,' ~t.11' 11·1$.. D IVI .IOII Slr"I, N•• York. lb,OO. r, . Yurko . ,. u. Nt" ••• Dr, eopi Tea .... , . Y.rk ... y.li 1(., lnT Broad ... HIe ,
AfI'ents ' , Our New Mod e.
.\ NO - ORT ES ' h.,.
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.• , .:\i • 'lite (ollo\\ill 8' IIrliele' is ~om Iht' . Street" Main of d Upper ell -AT TII~Wulerl f Fte~tfmeD'8 Bunt'lin , 1!Ie J"ur· I ' W a"~ •••• ill e, 0 h i 0: ILLF-. E~" ~I\ A, '" ,t i)1ie Il 1.( nl ~11J1ft \II rr;}~I1I1~ IMff:I\f. 111\1 uf ,he \V , sian D ~plll ' O\ t' ~ \w1IIl~D , 1I~l5. W . . " I UU . ·o UIII _w 01 I' yr. \\' " IO'! 'd ... 'A OpI'06i I L' \ 11108. '1', ARl" WEDN E DAY, FEOltU vomml ~Slo n , _~_~_~~ ADlI!I iClln r rclll meD ~ , ff ' OU' WOllt cua·.... , T eo . or !>u,ar, Rbulld,u,c.. the IImid ifficu\I, d ii h : X/lITOItS .1f&TI:, ' : .j.~Q S ,. I . J)tu:W If o• w'"I·N ol... '~ ~r. rl1ib. , ---08wi!es up nu u a III Ih~ If , fJ U WU u ' C""dy, It " ,,,II ul' F , ~, Mas. w. RIT-OlUi, NZ" r OllK. J,SSISTA~T. IhAl ~ver)'whtre " 1 I Brill 8~e '0 ill form- Ihe publ ic Ihnl Ihey wil,' ~ NOrLh. t:VeU [or LhO~f< 1'1108' fKmihllr ......._~~O('O"..".....,.,....~~ . • ;_u "," ul CI ...." o r D""d U. ~ f, If , bllsine. Irom re i r~l II) "live on hond Bno! ex peci tv kee p 8boul Jim A~ hi I'· little 'bul 110,,1, rt'lIlizll 10 r~CIS. Lltll I. ' , NO, or .... r; voa..:ll . 2.,"• .t .~. 1f ;'0. _01 GUOdd of Iock & ire nl e In! sell will • north Ilrll we thlD Ohio Iher 10ULh or If ) I' U \\' 0 101 Ilui., C"· ' A Oompl ctc A ~O l'lmCnl of of it, there are hundred a of bOlh whiteR Wllu l 11. , , i" S" ou ' Ii I\IIU blllocks, "lm05L dt:slilul e I)f food. 10 IV,,"I ~.h II)' Iii •• ~r k. Ib, '" bl:l. It thllt balf of our country , peeled by.ll,,' I OU I\ HII' ~' l.rct,. H, e,' , !:,,,da , Cr~ ' 111 n f tr of..... ing .J • ~•• .-coRsiH many sore judll'mel!ls ' of war, whef(' , ' ·Parlar. Pel'lle r, C i llo.... r . C,,"'U"' UII Ih .. k, celd s 1111\'8 bren (1II1OIT 1111 through the ""'AD" "fADE CLOTH ISO, " ,.' 1or ... ' or Ah I"ce .... tilo ~ canIY!\oZo E l'L'~. CA;":l" year "a or "U Iood, and wuch o[d, Ihe black If ,' 0 11 "onl 10 !; Pl drullk , don't K ~ I"~ re . "" U J. .... PAIN TS, O' ILS, barveals have bten deslroye 'you ... " r,l Tuu u«o or I." ,I iO', .. o" , k",cI " II S, SHIRT Gl'~'L' VESTINF~ in l balance with horse and Lie rider II ) OU wa"t Sh","", CcrRl&II. RUjll1 01 wu.1> DYE·S'l'UFF~ , '" • '" hllnd, L II: nppeKred, IIlId a I' oice i e ~"nl'" 'rOILE T ARTI CLES, heard in many [Jllf ts or 1116 land, iay· UN DER-S HIRTS , u w.ul r. illar. , yu Ii BRS. \\ DItA penDY, a for wh~at oC ure 01' " . . mtJll6 0 " A . can illg, .hdl. If I ' ) U Wllil l O)Olen i" Ibe ~=~,;:,,~========== Bnd throo Dl easures of bnrley Cor 1\ pen· NECKT IES, , 'O .B :fERA L Nil we, '" ",.h. \ aod ny; IIOU 6ell lhou liurL not the Oil , l( } Oll .. ~ ul IlIk 0' nt.fhi,,;; , C.lJ:S. SO PALNT -BRUS UES, wine. th., C, fI you wau l nu,:kc l. O~ B ,.~eI.. : QeDeral Lee i8 io Georgel own . D. GL 0 VES. I h hl \'e C ' G H u ",ul>l Cr.,kury W ore . yu If ' &:C. J;C., RS. COLLA as r ommll· en . 0\\,11" , \ e '" llITEW .ASl1' BRUSH ES, \ II \ " U ',"II\' c) tl 0 O.. BY de}. go Iherc- II>IOIoi, Bnoring may, be regarde d II unpop ' ~iolle r of llle Bu~el\u o[ Re(Ul::e~8 and . ., cule.l. I ,e . CIOlhiltR e n.!w.mod .. a or \0. .. \0 . My o[ lour The uell qUDlily of m..de .. c....elu\ II u\11' .bee\-mI18~' \\ \I UIU&\\1 ... bllose Fret!ol.IDt!ll. ba, q,ulllit)'. 0 my I( f OU. w o ,,1 your iug •• ,,1 horu . .... Illy, •• nd ~upe,iur 8 of ond large con·, repor' a mll"ep be the Soulh, and 1010. ..,\hou l & h,wJ ul unl.r \ or 5 110 0 r· f UIVIl lIlullu fac turt:. Tbe Imall pOX i. preniliD ir to In lirmfllory 01 tbe B.ddeSl tBlu I'U I" C" "II. ou II' INS U3 ' w .... l II I jog find deslitut ion ll,at baJ rOAch t .1 ,. I BAR GA AT 'I.e ,b ' GRE If )' OU 'N"I 1"''' , CU ,"IJ •• l·o"e,:•• I' , Pol, or Of r. maDYP course, rouguou I , 0 I gex aarmlD through othe r 80urces F"r ml'd ic il1ol JlurpOSE'8, to which tIll; III· l'il l• •Slew •• ' OLI ' 10 'd'IIPO ~ " I dtSlre . 110 t gl'oeraI, IUw k .• f ' . IS sue: h d tl SUIUllOn of 'he Soulh, o'"J be 100 e u or, U . t~lI\i"ll III Ph\,.iciena is ~epteially coiled; • •• l,·h t\lu WRIl' you If OF ,ecllon .. f the elllire atock by Ihe FlkS'l' and wituleVI'l perluilld Il' a The stalemeal 01 Ihe Nalion,,1 whi le Ihere i8 no consiJ~rllblll II ~ o u " ,.,, 1 'Ur •• ~, C.k •• or Cr.ck . .... . II» MtlR-CH Ihcbrll ~e. I IIbond.n o .. ie htfe wiJiollL ill &hoWI , d.b, :(or tLe mODlh of January ..
Si tt
' : :' .
Dll U'( JS,
:.' ~:~~ :'~I~\ c~;~,,~~ i,1. Sml Oil ur Tur". nl"
h . Id "I ~n"n~s. 0 I e.wlI \ rl\wa 'II
\ 1 unlcsl the mCllua of rdte r arll lucurcd
tihurc ul n a rllij in8 us Ih ey 1:0.
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BA R G A IN &,
A L - 0 I L
ilcr(~nnt [nilnr, Mai n Stre et,
tor I 'bt:a
01 tl
rnlfID~lS ffil~iID
GAITEHS AND SHOES For Ladies & Children.
Paris and New-York Styles! Ha ts
W6 kno" nt.t how mAIll' wilhout foo,I, ft-c1 anu con no" t couldo' '100:00 0. Tirey inti di .. ccl~d Uni on pl'isooe rH IIntl e~alud 'r.ro. It oa, taki,ng., bout wit do 'it',1i~1 '~~r, Who wele IIt'dog from Ih~ horrors of r lle R9 "",II R' \'iBil!D "ha" .h"lNIid bMlk, .ball· llav.no Andeuo nyille, GrHtitU us 10 gil'" prompt Wt." mAy ty eonoeot ion with t'be Freedme n'.,.. Bur. hunlltni pound~ fe" a or corn or bluht'l, rew a per. be elu. Ind 'tba, no peraon 1111,11 Ih"se. uve 10 mellL of ever Lan who miLlell to .llct al officers lJllny of th~ oetily "hitee "cr. 10\'111, lifO..! BOILO~, MISI. '
T. T.
rll t~ I ;:
1m IE
P'les, Pro1apsus, & c.,
, , 8 T ~,: E 8 ~lltmt :ilrhicinrs
Pat ent ltled icin es
rHl\YlI IXf !A
Parlor and, Cooking Stoves,
Picture & Window·Glasses
[P,lE ~ IF UfI IE [Il Y,
A: (,,"
p:a r u
Sch ool -Bo oks ;
Physiciana' Prescription.
rP 161
0" ..
btl h~oIlh.L wiH npl!dill tl! Ihe work, .. I;. ' . • . . W cllreful di~ · ,~ . . Tller. ue colortd delegalionl lind IMure a prodt'M And for tllo O,nlpre lv'~1r p. rec ~O\V , dr~ I' . donMlld for this y 01 g~",lIne l:.llIn;r"R Wine at : Wnhing loll' repre~eoting elenn IribUliull' of ..IIIIIRI is I hoe. k~ll or pUUlld-L u/. warraot ed' B~ "pJl,",n!! e p:1\f'r work cr relief' . i. to urge equal'l'lj KreaL IlItlfOS 10"1 find It t" Iheir , ill' quahty, (or ul'p Iiv I1nl8, SIIIt,'. el, 'wbode ob;"et . JV leltal to call ontleee O. bM",,. pllrel,uin"" • . MERk lTT &. PRrNT Z, be(or, tb .. I&.,,, for 'lill .A.mt;riClln cilia e n a . Fre&1o ROOII. r .. r meIt18 .rra~!!e hue we 81 1'00 were who' pen?lI11 l U- Nlllet~el 'Wi~~' '1'.ega,d &0 color. '/h. );)elell.' ~ MO~T" ! -:4,/CPllte Wonl , Mr, five a& .elllonai ll .. prlcea and Iibtt~1 lerml, cOllcer~ ~~a:L' ~Id. anEd o"ar, died, la" 1lbe tiOIl_, " , ael orgllli.l cl KLErN &. A.LL "ARSK five. , ed for.}", EIt1'IWELY UW AIITI. . , '" "I,e,!" 10 ngland'. ODe or , Waynu ville. Warrrn· ct.• w-u 111, Higly, o~ T,' G ARty, I Naylor, . ' Jobll ~~::'B~lt.tl~a111",'", 'B~~J:,"'d lan, 11,- gS·tr. ~~, ,...... o' • ..,a n.. .
- --- -- - - -A . JONES, M. D.,
------ -------------------l~l{UIT-JARS
Hnvinll hKd rour tee n ye~r6' elrpt'rle nell Of n Ilreal nlAlly kind. 'a nd iD larlt qua" " fur nil' b)' , .aUU TT It: PRINT Z . .
ta lfle prnel ce uf I\ledil'i ne, utrf'rd Id. IIliu, ~ro ~enIOft'8 1 Servin . 10 Ihe cll i7:l'o.,,1
Wayne sville . and Vlcinl t,.
ville, ' &0 dr. 'lead ingl 1 ery SE
Dry and Mixed Paints;1
1-'0B.\ ceo £8,
I.rl!,a '1'lonllly and' Clf'j!MIlI qu.lily ftll.1 dlylp,lIOf "o",e mnhe, olwuy s ill,uppl y. PA 'NT VARNISH. &C.; DNp.'rlOille,1 III rn!linloi .. I h.. rpplllnl i"" All 01 which is o[fer tI Dl Ihe luwest AntI loyal "here a pl'ice I\LtAchtd 10 iov ~ -SUCH AS., , Mr dOl.', firdt ur his hUllse us unc of the "y Ina) mnrk e1 pr ices, ~ . 'TI~· , Pren'i .. , 100 or Majpr General lor lh ll Vnion. HolV cheelfu :B~ D~tJle)' a 11,'1 lIi8~lUtii81an'. will spare I, U FINE CUT If , ~ O ct. 2-1, now ulend to them lho help illg PUl", 10 II'Ve" PLUG. AND B. )L PrenLilo, len Quincy ,ll1iDuis , 50' we hand, ClGAR S AND 1) I L E S r Entire Satisfaction:. PI L E S ! :' Mnny of the necdy whites- and we cen~I,., on ' lkateB, with a dispatch for SKU FF. re ion-we proport , wbat Dn. GILDE RT'S and examine Block Ind prices. Cull Lagrao ge; 14 milea above, and mllde CRre noL 10llsk SASH ADD PUT tY, III AhH;ricllIls, P' 1I1 Ect Fll' riLl.' I~~T lUUE ,..;. BLACK I NG, the' run up in fifty minule., II., reo encmi~8 to KIIIII"t "e, i N.l JlI 1 I~D ~ . ll.~ reo 1I0W TRUSi ES, llLACK IN G·nHU SIIES, maiDed &bere thirly minute., and then bold most dcar,-1YllO, 119 lu~y Ct' Re OF RADICAL THE FOR Erc. .. Erc woulJ U8u, CII 0111' of SUPPORT~RS. .tarted on hia retul'D, lInu ran dOWD in gret the lliulDph .' shnll D E,\ LENS IN hflve exuhcu in its udellt. But '~i 1 . lh food e lb lbem SllOULDEf.-BRA CES fifll·fiv e . minute ., · Laving made the 11', wilHoll l [rolD pt·rish? Gree ll Without all Operfltton or Medicin e! rllund tfip .• , ,weoly· eight milea in Bn OUL which llleY must .loLL THE 'POl'uu a ---sons nnd brOlhen hour nnd rorty · five minulea , running are Ihe I/lurels our TI.i. is an orlicle the wanl or I.hieh I . , • · I b I otlC VII, or; IIlld hn s 10lli beell le ll, bu, n&yer supplied un· 1~lr Pl\l ,lI" Lime, &lid • becn out only t"o hOllrs and ,al'e woo y I1 anu around Iii now: and Ihe ilicmftsillg demand wht're over HOW I may lI'e DOW We ohnll <'n n 8 Inllll~' k('ep on hnnt! a gel!' . • bilf. u.d. ulleslb itK 8U. , tbem ond gRlher Rhout oUfstlv es th e it ha. becn unCIl inlrodu~ 88 ~ t)rllne lll ul PUI PIII J\1.,d iC'i IIE'O , erltt re herelofo lL \lC"lm~I an), ~agn!llli Jleriurity over AI ~ u, jus I r r c e ivpd Iro lll j'lIt,bur jr, ft At Ihe ofd 8lunt! 011 M Ai n SireAl, Waynes . The anini in Pari. of Ihe mag-nili· pIe ,Idng Rnd luting halo of a OT~, l spirit, by Illuteuing 10101011. vlll e,l~u uld ...II"rm IIJl."ir old CI"'!Olll frs An,I \10011 "lid well'tiel c(I,'d 101 vi I)eo& 'j~.wela belonging to the Empres s mou s aud gen~rou E FI\' In CIt~C worst the remo"1l conquered ~nd dl. It '''Ill the re sl uf munkilld Il,ul Ihc)' buvs • &:o"d Charlotte of Mexico, ullder pretenee of Ito Ih.dnllt;r oCthose lUINI", 'I,S, .. lItI Cllre IlIIV ca~e If G u 1 eul of 1l.80rlm ill II "C"V ~ It .. rt Ihlle. us Ven 1;1 liS ' 0 ones. resse I ' . alteration and' repairs , h, III glveo rue 0 victor,. in Ihe season of hiu-ml'h ~IJall ,-IllE TIIAl,£ SUrPLIf.D BY .... by tllRl fo r~iving 1/1 .orta of .ornmen1s, People 811y 1Ie ndl'be IInimate d Gi .. ['8 ,0\ D£,}lAS BARN~:S @ CO,. HAIR -OIL S, WO~I WILli louks He eupply of vari"d 'bat a certail! great finllllcial firm hl\s Bpiri ~ upon which a aldo, York. New . R,J\\' Parl! 21 I 'lI,or nL Leell induced' 10 lend a conaidemble l>tnijJna Ilelail Tin, coppe r &. sheet-it'on ,"Vare An~ ~' uu CAnnol IAil It) be A"il.ed bOlh ill Sol,l hy DWll'Il'lsts (!eul'rally, . We appell,l to every (lI'mer to con '1l1b11l1 ••:u p,icp. IUOI upon Ihe imperial coronet whicb dll.lera. ttl ,'ount oj" unl U. 'E;300, rri"e, trlbule one Of moru _/C~ 8 of corn , Lei ' Juno 23-1. d " • II It. . rrire "I price.. l cosh rPI'f'ir 011 re lowest ~ I. ' '· the lor WIlle 81 r i ' Ii ncigllbo rh oou S Plit ItU~ II ~OQlPO,Be of the ."hol. of til" l'htm club togtlUe ki"ua 01 , GILBE RT @ SUIlUH UG. Prllp'r., .. nd 11I\U1 i , IUMd, ",,,,on " up mR~c lind .. Prince the 01 . li Y",k dlRm()lId New ty, wed.dIDl: Ihl)udwf b7;, e d I b' 07 D e .criI'Il~e circuluro 61:11\ lree. Lo pilL ill 811Ck. OUT -DOO R WOR K, A well·.ele~ttd ••• orlmelll or tb. 1111' IlIse,lIn l " lI:b Wal al\ Ille dO"tr 10 the Ill,ol; II Ville .icabla, · 3," 21 l'\~C" lhl! ut' Ih, tlolice 1\ Ih.l in:: lend ep) ll i ll bl\rr~l_: ,IT & hl'sitaliu &~ .• duo,e 011 We I,ave no King Leopold enr goL with hil wifl! · - - --- -- --'=-=~-:7------ . "el, 118 Sp uling, Roofin g . quan\ily 10 {;orr"'poo<li"K Secr,, dBU ,hler of KiD Louis PI I iii ppe. • lind PlJlIE Ll.Ea T'Y LE~D,. 111 E R I E II O. l~lIt,l'. D"(I"rlll r" FIN EST W~8h, th~ "f "'~lIner. III"y 'h~~\;'~I~: ill Ihe g II .) eu righl (Copy if mort uening l ago"du ring the en· Box 21.47, Chicllg o , Illiuoi~; or, rVN (,/I"prc.1 ill Ihi s tnnrke', mol' bl' rnlilltl of . th~ \\'orr nnl ed lu cuvu "'"re 6urfnce rD. sam~ ' Kry ~~cII't'cl Ill? I;) ''"I~~, WIl\' ann 'l'humb terlaiam ent given by Tom II ollr CJ lubl :8hllll'lll . They are .11 ! r ~ lh lJ y wci.gl,t Ihau lill Tllunlon. rhe t:' I\!1' Il ' ru' rn~1l d "QUIlU I8tiIVO , ' plirLy at Ol"lle OTIIER' NO \lAVE WILL YuU D AN TRY IT, CiDeiDlll\li, qllio. GE NU INE , , grllcefu\ little Mi .. .Minnie Wllrren 11ftd !lo x !)3~ Mc GUFFY 'S & WILSO N'S SERIES. l\IAI\I: rACTt.;H EIl 0 ,\1 ,\' ny '~e lI)1pe ,,~ lo~thcr 1111111 f"tlllers COt l'es 10 "alllhl' 81 . s wi lPo.\ ulldersigl The . SJIITH III. LER ZEIG • Ih b" 111r.m 10 givl! ee mOIl"y of cntju,lj! lll)n8 COll'pcl 80,) cOI~tflbu 'Plllioll 01 F.rlll"r" and.1I whom it m ',~ a Darrow escape. Sile appellrt u on lI ,e speclKI -"c., "-c., Ikc. T\ WI! may \VI,olesDI" DrU"&:1 P"'I l II k('1 b"",,IC, 11"" u IIII thll I-d' . '1r4t1 llel}ers ~,,"c.r", III I" e tuC\ IhaL he i~ CIl"'I:\! O in E. .DAIS • 'age ~o tllke ber part iu Ill" proceeu · cxpende I L~'I' .. IIIG ., ' • Nu. 137 Nu,," 'l'hi,oI Slr~ P I ,he mallur.c ture uf I~Rpe s l. fllld inse, "beo her dre" ClIlIJe in contlcl SCllu to W leFl .. ,0 U C I'I1IL :\ !>ELI'III'A. We pnrticul ar ly desire lhe nuentio n or ' ar ry l1eceua olher aoo torn e I~Urrhll! Wilh the fool lighlllllld b~caDlII inatant. PI.IIIT DEuEa o by salp. For CKT IIcllll. 2~~tp.r" 6 ) II Ihere be 1I1.cll a rupnnse III llie all y, '1' II E LAD I E S y Oil re , ... r. WOOllrl l, chemisl , lee· Y_ ~ftnd is prppareo.l 10 do In Ihe · d. calli the . of urgenoy lid .. . t n"IIHI: o p 8llely llUr' e. Ih imme4.i 011 d, n'HI beol ~ Iyl .., ~ng wha~ bad occurre 1 01 our UU" IIIt"I. lVe h",,., Cnt'efully and Promptly Fill«l· lP rEI (!D 'lr !!) (Bt ill A ty or Ih~ nllll e" "ny'hll'~ II. hi d l ille, Iroll1 U whe e l. To Ih'IS feA lure Jllmp4ld oDthe pll\Iform, caa,ltl tile Iii. mlllll1a, lind al Ihe pro~pni Iu Ihe liliesl bllll!;)'. 'l'tID I~ , Wllf[llIt, jt will ALL Tll~dT IS SEEl JED , uurrow lie IRdy in hi, "rms, ao~ 8110Cteded in ~orlh would ' auu Olll Dru g.St ore, 1(1"e to Ih~ Comml 'SIOllera a I'Q) 1\,,_ ,,f I Ir.". WAN' sprv DI'I' \hl' · "G£'N' .liocuretl I~yiJIl! I Il , I 0::7 ,. L.' ' t IUgUIS lin" 'Ie fi~e befure IIbe . aua· diffi c ult Inbo ' . YOI' Iltfl 1'oil ~r, 11,,",lhr c lli1! f~ 118 I ',ey (0 T IIIK ex hKft. u. r, e .lt n, wurknlt. . or g'Jperi • ' .. I' d 0, c.lnvIIA. lur eumtllll n\! elllil'ply new ..... ELLISUII ~~. NP, log,,'h er Ly ~ceftli"l! Dru\V~r~ , \Vurd. r W.,aet lfllle.. ~ CU lln p.r li uli Iloe !lony Injury. , ForLun' l.ely M"' I,iue by eiue-II I\IIi!t'd t 11111 g ul Ih .. dllY· SIll/pie ~oo. 1U~"tllll\ til .h~~ UII0I 6 ill Ild ij 1I""l ~ III rC •• f"M, el (: • AI(';. IIlId L pRrtmt-n l)" W"sttlrn Ih" of IIA m~R . ealidlac Ihal 8100 ' t;unrnnly l 1I1 in t' ferr IJftj"' @ (," be WarMn wla weuing a aiik_drf's., ollt. ... Ir w,lI lell: be IVII S .. I '. ' b . , ('a:1 an,1 fXUlllillC <J ur nril'lie •• POST -OFJ< 'rC' E CORN ER. J K I'A';'.''' ' fI ,. IIlto cln~., t .. I"lI un&, Ad,Jrces lion will k'l/ivert •• RSON ' 4 er"I" ~be eonaeqQ.eMe .. mlgh~ Lave III}ere y1 Irought ' " IC I' ·c 01'. lluinpv ille \Valr J';>IJN W, COf.LE 1·T · June ~3-1·tt lruug 1 116 11K lonv , ommll810n, 'WI~I, ). RO'SEBERRr cf NE .... L, II~ .. . . t il b oen mole ae.noul. 10lV 18. Ihe GoYtrnml'nL Iu-.ellu, f .. oilil.e8 ml&l __,_ __._.. _ '_ _ 10
dra" 1'lle ( aClu"
CH-E M , CAt. S' ,:
fillt "Borlm en' 01
LAN TERN S, & YS • en Ii\ll\E 4
WODl, . , fl.
whu, in hi. lin l', is gpner61 :y acknuwl . e dg~d IU Utt Wil hOUI a IIl1periu" !
bel'l all4 I .reo,
Qa" ( riDr cu",
--- :---
ana. Cap s! Me rrit t &. Pri ntz,
vI all kinds al"uJ' nrth ••4,
Un1tit ,
Our Slock' of
-IS' OF THE"';'
~"be ( 'uttlll g lilipnrt mellt I. unde r tl~ tiuper~ision of thaI rxcellplIl
I'ru i t-J'a rs
01 lin.
T Pri.
ley. aDd
DR UG - 'S TO RE '; Wh ite Goo ds, AIIO, a iood .upply or Sha wla , Gr oc er ies ,
PR IN TS , Dom esti c Goo ds,
AmI Forty other Articles!
ll.lpreu ed "ith wh"l ke F.l'enc~ trOOpl, If tbe UtIIled Stalel "Ill \\'ilh pl\inful Apprehen. ion ll leod hIm '~Pl to replace ,bem, -st:cu ,uF ••aklio College , now leeated in A · ~U81 inevi tably rollow. witli( TEA. P1' , Gen .. H{)wArri \IOS urged lIaH mOlley. tbena' coulity, il to be removed 1o Wil. dlale 8UCC ELTON DUDLEY. Ihl: CO ...... 18SIOIl8 III Ihe Wll ~t to .,,,'" COFFEE, . , . 31, . 29,1866 s Jftllllary • e quanlili ge SUGAH. IDIDgton, l:IiDIO~ ,COllOIY. , 1~ onler to nn appte.l ror {;Ofll in lar i:)P" P. ~, ·- It yo u Ilrt; til Ullk or in I nC' h Hhi l -he to Ihl' lLOLA~SE '3, 1)1 ~t! t~i' l:; dnl "., or rallnOl h~hllvt! , 'o ut'JIIl!1I' Ql' lepur•. ,be localloo at Wilmlo gloo, Ihe to be .ltippl'd a s 1000 Ita Ollly be:I' UI1I t'!I IJ. t;t: uil L: IlIt1Il, STA Y A \ \' A \ . ~ ..cG 'l'1~" , ~l'IlJ~:S. nced o~1 m , i. I}(lI:e ~, wht:r. places \ 0, Citilll&ll "ere tequire d to raile $20,00 22 -6Iu . ~1'C., ETC, y, to prubabl IS, un i d".LIlUl l j(t'eall!6 . prompl credible with di,l IN wbich tll_}' ItETAI L DEALE JtS Gll or~iR, and and R Alulllllll rlhern No lien lhu rt'l: ion "'hich wile ~o long the lh~ DRY GOODS, I , , . , alre of IIcli ve mililllry op~r"liuns . to a!lid il River North Iii. 011 Th'lce It. complel e I:tllur'mcllt O{' 111 punuKllce with lh<l view s of Gen. QUE1 :NSW ARE, .~ be: more'IOJid IhaD it lillB been before .. /IS wtlla. 01 for ' forly : year.. A drove of callie Howal~ and Gt'n . Eaton :::lecrll tJuy o f th ~ IIA2lDWARE, G~Del:RI d, .. Slllph MI'. on wn Tarryto 10 Nyack rrom ed cro.. We81 " rn Ihe ~n. ti C(llnDlI8 1l1l Ame110 . d ' d T il' . d aionfd L . .\<'. GROCE~'DiES \V AI ~U:~\ iLLE , .UIO . 't~rI "Y. an on.Bun a! parllea (rolD D ('pn lllllf'nt hlHl cou:mis ite Cl t vf" Jr "JDglon eroaNd LII. Ice \0 aLte.nd, M" llen, E' q . • B"creLIII'Y' of l Thp. be t l qualily of & ~ Ilrn() . t wurk · 1&11 and 3-lIl _ion. JUI" ComlUi~ laud Hn Olll hn nu 0 splendid O ~fio rtrnellt uf o huroh at Niack, · ,, mov ont bencvt)l greftt Ihe all in er CLOTHS, BllOAD JO,b~ ,(il, JewelT~ of Sanbornton, N. menls of Ihe I'Rlt four yf'l\lI, 10 procel' '] (';A~::l lM r:RES, 11;. drown,. J him"'f in sight of hi. "Iollce (willI .O'lle thirty h OXd 01 V E~TlNGS . Fur Genli emf'n·. nnd n Ol S' wpnr, AI .", Invite at.trlliion 10 thll lr' Slu k of d nt (JIHeIHnd) ' 0 A ' Ian TlinIM ING S, . Illher'. liOllS8 a fe" dllYs 111[0. He • lores coJlllctt: r llu g" ,,, ., nt ~ fur Ihe fl' · Il Iur~e 6u;.p ly of wllll·.el ecled A. t . WEJUUn .; la, an:! mlt~e IIf &r .. wIdell he manu'llclure~ acr..ordin:: ' I\\ a you'ng DIan h'tnIY'o no JeI\r~ ct-p.i '0 /IOU CRfllful di sltibution p( cnrll Wl~T£n , 'he LA'I: EiI!i'l' olel, of uublem i"led clJarllc ter lind Mnd "If ollll'r 1I11iul e s of fuod contr b .l di6. ~ gOI hid uC81i1ul Ihlt IhllL t, I IlI1 of p1'~lDi'siog intellt-c It d ,,' the Ilt't'cly llck. bl alHI hil" w , eflue,,· ," j. ~ an ,, r &I\n to trying Qotuil"e d io Gnt! at III!' 'fhe blllcks t.sVII 1111 been 10 e1fo,' ••
l OU waul l'ul'<I' or E".dt>p"'" )' o u ", . ,,1 I\IU, IUI'II, I' I e,,"', amI , liuy Ilutter Ol'r.g~., tI' )UU "",, 110 ,.11 a. 10wh1l1 N. 8 .· -.0\11 oer",IIB !;no,. inl! Ih pm· a " d Cllew illlO G IlU'~ .e 1H8 il,u"bled iu ,~e lOre rr 'l"e~\eu to : If ) OU "'.'ll Li(luuriro1'0"1' 0 "'"'01. or C'IWOIllOll . , ut Imme · ClO d alld 6e llie il1lllllJ~i u lrly, .d I mu , 1 If )OU " a"l £ .,un re
und lak ~ n 10 Ih t m.
8A LIt
L .IQ, UO RS ,
T. T. DOD ~h; an iDcr~ ... or .e~e~IeeD million . of ::~u:a:!l~:t!e:8i~~e:,,~~.ert: ~"r~: II yuu ", " IO t A 1'1'1'8, stuleme ntli of I 1.0 G~I1t:rl\\ , il is Cdtllill doJlan In 'he pubhc lodeble dneu. II ), 0 11 ", .n l C""Jlce. Ded .Curd" or (,I o lhn the at urau. ('x peelS 10 conlinu", Iho bUl iuCIi lIaximi liian .displlY I Itil Dlagnani. thaI Ihou ~ lInd8 will .8 ulf~r. immclIB Lin .. . of hunge r. o!ol dlu nt!, a" t I"rl,t;o. S hoe·Bru, be •• or Ric•• IlU»UI policy toward Mexico by upr.,,, - Iy. anu hund red. Will perISh r;:::r Corne Olle, come ali, .nd :.t your , If
11"'' ' ' '.
'V .... ~ N E .. V • L L •• ,
At Cos t.
Union Colee, Pea eofee,
' OFFICii on the eorn,r or Ihin lind 11&1 Dentlellon ColFe~ Rr e Cof'e'. prltll' Ii. • C.B'•• a.eI ~I,a;t fIr .for .al.\I Imi all" nearly OppOI;I . Hly' 'II H.II. I ..... N' h t., .. r".I'.all l, UIlR. 1", .. rR,"T t. It,elllpl I. II l III Y..J o
'elidt l
ing Ih i. inel ielL w RA I
tltCli, allli; C piny , (01/0" leD : ,
JOlepl lieD', I'ItOU5i rllll H ,eDU, Ibe
I)reaidl denl. O. A, \Vrigb
GI4UUND H UG D AT - '1'1 III id Uf F ., b . i' GIRAUD " M AlIH.IlTt~IN G .-·1 hll,' 11 1'0 ·uNIiVMrrl\,EH. ra.ry .... "Lilt i~ fa.miliAt'l1 I IIO"D ~ l ll""),, C:UD idl'f~ .!.Iynli.iu I,bfr. . - -, j lll ll ll1:r wit h tbe ir nei"lobor. ID 10rlDin~ moo, Ih. rur.1 dt l Ulel. &I Urouql' tUlJ IUD g The ulI~pql 'llnpd hYlIli! bt!e" ree1 0red cll1bll 10 lub.c,ibe lur The Seml.Wee .. l, D-a. WI " i· lO... bt Ibe g.real ......~HI-I---etnt;-by-. "'f"ifi1iple I 66. Etl it io l1 . It "III in tll.1 ""y b. -uDphed • • C I ~V. n" b'''rd Iru l~ . any m ed.um of Iuceen i. bYline. aDd pro!. rt'rr. t>dy.. .ft ,~ r linv ille ~uff.. r .. d le"'t.1 _ . 10 Ihl'lI! at the 10 "' p~ 1 priee Cor wbicillllcb good ,ulhol'lly •• UI whelllt~r II.. , IQ1e r. Iu!.lu Iu ~ t... hb Aut!' I ,. ,I ' t ye -ri wllh 11 Iseyere lung .ffec t ion. alld O ur most momentuus. ard no". atru" .,I(' Il poip!'! r can bo pr in l"d. 1 • • • , 11& " !P"ul! I Ih:il dro! tl d' C .. I I .• . I ' 'J'ERMS' ea ti ng ,ullnaI 8a" his ~h.dow Oil An iliVII . 1>1 I d " I a . !~ PUol, o n""01pl lun- 15 s n)[- IO V. II I! reau le u III I Ie trlUlRp h of Alll er i· . 1400 d" 0 . . :. • fll. ~ .1I e . tQO, 10 J\ Vtlrll!e In , IO llg tv IlI ll ke k' IOW II t u bid fe llow tu lTu. \ CU U Nat iollalil Y; Ihe 1I ' le .. discu mfit llrp ala il ,"blcri ben . I cupy I year. 7 uu Y • r no t . Lut th" 1 us"ar~" .. Ad v~ . ~he d u lle ~ limes. lo ng " xpl'ril'uce .b8v, e ~ .'he In,' und ~ f .cll re. . ~!.d o vr rt hr u\Y 01 Sllc('ssit'II .Qnd SIo v"'J, Ilu . :l co pie, duo ,,.ruaVILI.II (CllRWIII '''ATlOII). Clltl! ~OOII!8 !.lawn' upon bid groun" . 109 t AugllL m e Lh a l m u ll" liou. s en~ is I I u all who d plme. ii, he WIll ee nd n I HE 'f R I.BU profuun dl y rl'Julri ll1: in ;hl. dil l b co pl",. or o,er, TRiotNt' Un'''4&D DOVND. Iaogs ill p in l lie follo"ill m.nDer' , 111 . I ~ p Clory of lloe prr8cnpt lu n ut l'd ( Irl' e o l ! ruult. WIll lubo r to COII SP' VO Iht! le"i li. 'o r each cu"" . aOo g . " .C a l:" UU L; IS b y k ce pmg Illy bus . chllr~e ,) w it h Ihe dift'" li oll! for pre pn r. m . le Iru ila or th i. "rnnd ben il!:" o,, ' v l~IO On recl'lpt o( 830 for lell co pie••• 11 Cin.cip·ntlti Exp; e... 7.54 A. N •• Why Iue gr o uod ho~ should come l inen cont inually b e fore tbe publie, it illi Rnd us iulllhe .8",~. whi ~' h Ihey w il l : r y by r(,lIde"n\: L.be rty blld Op Porllloi'y exira Cl' py will be Menl.ix monlht. Oil .hil .nlt \4>~oom.. IU16 ...... out III 1\11 Ihal day-w by he Ihould J ba8 secured m p I I I 1 fio d Q lIu~e ('u r e lor Con sumption, AllbUlft, i ~ "e CUlIlIII Oll h~rilage of Ihe whole Amer · rl'c~ \pt ul .46 for fifleen copie~. • Ii exrr. Columbu. ,..C.COIU., 6 .!J8 P. lIf. leare bi, e 1' 1 I I I d k b" . many 8& .,. I .al 01 I· J Bru ne/litIs . Cou!:!!e. C o l<.ls. & " The 011 - 'call Pl.'opte lt uW '111<.1 ~ ve '01or ll. rU I' Y .will Ile l e nt Ollf! yeer. For 8100, Ni,bt ~~p';e:U-4 -,.- - 9,02 P. ar. . 0uSC I L 8 100.D po e II er.wl8e wo uld have 10It .- [Sl e phe o ' IV ,a bje.c t 0 ' Ihe n dv" r t i.~r ill send ing th e l . I.II.cllulll e llOIl Cllljr I .ll IInanlnl)' u il lu. I~" wol l •.eQ~ ,l~.\"y.four cop lei, .nd lIut ~A41P1i WX5TW.ARD IiOUND. Doae out loLo lb e worl.d , to Ihrow dark Olrard. Pre8Crlpt lo n Ie to bt'n efit t he nftt. cle<.l . alld lI~n u~e , or lH·e dl l.'88 IIIII 'C II OIl 01 pllIII ur cupy D a .ly I robulle . 11,. 0; •• H,jJ .~1\d Aceom.. 4. 10 A. • .• ,h.dows 00 Ihe bopes ra ised b.v the firat ___ 8P~I<.I info rmal ion whi('h he cOll ce iv es 10 I prlVall~n on !hll. uphol <.l e rs ufo the IO~1 8 DAILY TR1DUNE. Ni!:ht EsJl'l'e... 7 .lJ9 A. II. BUD .b ' h ' . I h' n"The Clinloo count R. bl! be Inva luable i Ind hI' Io opl's every s ulf· 1caulp-. II w ill lI .alOt 011 l he (' urh eel posa.· 10 per Alluum, cuh In .lIvlnce. Piu.b",1' Expri.., a.20 i. III. ti lOy weaL er, .. a qUelitloD or 1m I . Y . pu c.n I l'r~r will Ify hil rl'medy , 18 it will cuH I ble re storati un oC Ihe Soulhe rn St~le. 10 Drolls on New·Yurk. or POIl-Ollice 01· Cinelnnati Expre... 4,:l~ r. III. 10 leLlle "i,h his coc6ci41Dce . We pu, ' '''J81'''~ ~n eceentra c old. man named 1 lh em lIoth ing" "lid may pro ve a b le u inj.' . Ihe!r lurllle r powl'r end influe nce in our de ,., payuble to Ihe orde r 01 Ihe Tribune, • Do Dot .top. it lo him, on hi, uonor a s Il hog, anu ~ Crone, hY.lcg by h i~8elf, in R ellL in on P.r1i l'd w i"h iug lit., prol cr ip l ioll w i ll U II ~OI1. on Ih e bUlla 01 .... 11 R 'lrl.t~ lur .... 11 .bei ng nfer. a'e p~eler.ble II) Iny o~htr ' I .. . ' lhe roadside b et w M . '1 1 d pIC1l~A 8 d dre~lI. . Ih plr Pe up II'. IIlulle 01 rp.m illollc e. AtI,tre os W. H. (;"~UT, Pruld'Qt. on h 18 c lar/\cler RI .a ulgh mloded aD!· ! •. '. een arltnnl e aD !lEV. EDW:ARD A . WILSO N. It w ill ' " bor in hope 10 prove thsl 1111' THI:; 1'HIBUNE E. W. WOODWARD, Sup't. mal, wueth e r, coal nDd "ood Rl Ne w \ leona, 10 tlllil county, WIU W i ll in nlduu r .. Io , E"Udlirulio n 01 Fr ee lor :-;' .V8 L.b(lr mU dI Tribune Duildinl(!, Now-Yu~k. A. D. OADW..urDEXI" ASlnt. (T T H , , luch enormou. price •• is H doing a8 ht! lacke d in bis h o u se one eY eDing lasl . K ing8 C~'lJn'Y . IIPv ltIJ bly "lid ull i '~ rea l!-v ~on d llce ro I.Io e C£DWALLADER "MILts, 'E3:f1'YA Agents. . week by 1\ COU I f ffi ' Ill-3m . New Yurk. nrrr luc. ol Indullry . 111f1 11. I'r oe pProly wou Id be done by, unuer 8DY elrcum· . P e 0 ru 1l0 8, one Of .nd \V Pbllh, 8" Ih"t rI.e 80.Jlh, w ilhin th e ' A. P. DAilE, TekgrCJph Agmt. Itaucel, for bim 10 infl icL an adJi tioonl l whom .h o t 111m ",ilu /\ p i.s tol, bUl thll . . LI.ST OF LET'I'ERS nex l I"n y.,.,h. mll st I.. uk bllc k .m";Lcd lin 'rI 1:1/: nillober f . t k b" ball ilruck nnd glanced on a r ib wLicb R.eml lnll.' g \II 11041 P us t Olft,,1' nl \Vnr" e • . Iol'r IO Il~ pe ,.iKle li ce ill H prac lice lu bule· o . WID ry " ee S 00 a 8 lWenng I" " , vol le, 01110. J ~ ...,.a~y 31 S1·. 1866.whICIo, if \ IU\ u the chaHeli:tilig of Man. A Uig,•• colle" ond B rilliant Li,,,o1''' It world? He clln 10 0 bnck and curl him. lav ed .111 hf~. Ihe old man fough( @o , nul lak pn 011\ wllhlll ~"l' nll>ll'h. WIll 1" .. It wiil 1.1I"~ 1o, Dill'u.lull of Com· Family Journol. ' W ATNPYUU:, FEU. 2, 1866. If . h' r 1I h I " hnrd, aud made luoh .n outcry tlla\ ... n t., ot Ihe Gllnerul 1 UM ' 0(6.". . . uead mUll 8dlo.,\ t.::,lu eati " n, l\l:tnuf"ttutea ,Ihp C '1 l II Ie up 10 IS SDUg II II 0 u, enJoYing lelte'.' 1U. "',,I AIl S &.c PIC Ihroul/huUl eVl'ry EDIT.:.') DY N . 1', WILLII. o~nel me, punu.nt .10 ca : (bay· ils wRrm,b aDd quielllll lhe belle.- for ~he yillians go~ .Iarmed andll.. d. Ie..., · . Puoons call ill!! ~o, I ny or thE'se l~lIere , punivn or 'ollr ·'culI;;t, y. bur e'peci.lJy . (E.T"'BLI~HED "' 1846.) 109 failed to ~eet at the lime adjourned I lh. urief peep iUlo lbo IlCoid world Ing one of lhelr revolver' o n Lhe fioor. will pleue say Ihe} ~re ~ cverll. ed, Ihro uj£ /oou t tl, t! actt i"118 loilhprlu <.IevlI ;,I or THE HOMg JOURNAL. on Ih.thir. J.D. 19. III C:OO .... IU!nce of Ihere ' .1 b I I h Y \ ... A. K MJ;aJlITT , P. ~I. II:t' /II, beioe vlIlg tI,.t e\" er y Ioruud t'llri will .. outslue, UI L len.e all not 10 P"y a n . nu Iey &. ELi!! ' II b b t ,. J I ' . 001 being .. qlloru!p). Pre,enl Uud . . . (}:::r A "Ido" lady named Henrie tta Iv i" s J us eph .~r p y e su I.ervru all I Ie "" ere. t ul uf J ij llllv ry. comm~lIced a • . ' extra YIIII\ 10 ~he co,,\ ,.rd, or ehasl! . . Burk e F.tlw '.rJ ~ K in!! J "8 \1 el' erf ' ,, ~eful -1'<.1 worlhy c I8~. prolrllJled. V,·/um. wilh lfl'W J4Uractio,.,. Ie)'. PrJDtl, Alldereon. HopkinS, KeYI "fler a lIaudlul of woou on" earl IInJ WI\III, from DII)'loo, OhIO, accomplln · C lolwefl '1'h011lBi ~ L",,!! L ry It woll "fire Ihe I'r ott' c:ion or Hom. I\,n""g Ih~ t~.lur e " lor II!" corn IIll! Vl'lr audZtll. Minuleloflbe hl8Lmeetiog L I ' dfl ( ' . h ~ iedbyherchildl'en,anivcJiIlChiealCo l t : I"'kWmJ LplllzMrH Indu" I'yby<.li~l·r"ninatll ,gdlllit'.oIlFvr' lo.d and a roved pay ou a IAU u 0 gleeD ac ~ ID l on \\' e,lnnd", 0 tI . CUr$OIl Ri " loard C Lp@ D ~ ~ i d ~ 1 l!1I f'ru<.lu c ,s.lIIpurl,·d, WIth a vie w 10 ur. " N&:w S'ury II)' LAlIIA.TlftE; s Ne'W p.p . • co us("qlltoce. We prole.t asaillst Ihe y. . n Ie can gUlog l C'e ig!o'I)" 'VIII 11 ?t1"lIill I •• nc drltwill g !oither Ihe lIIoS1 calable 81111 .kill. ::le"e~ \II '~hl,illlo"161 1"lel,l'itlp._,. by The tlpecl~caLto. for .. Itone Village tjunlly '0 1 a cODlcmplibl1l litd41 animlli. Ihere she fOflDtod Lli e IIcqullintancl' or a EVOI!8 E A Me .d R " II~rl 1111 .r"Z U II~ 01 Eurupe.and Ihe natunll ' 11" l R\, GREY; Uri!!i".1 E.any_: Ho.rk. 111111 I'\k.·.rh ... ; IJriPI R.",.. ,,,,'''.: F.. rt i l!1l Prilon w.s prelented by Lhe commit. W d . . I I . I. d' d f mlln who, .ltu mllny illquiai". III to I Er~o", S",ilh 1I1i1IR A"" E ZII'I! . UII ut~r ol}l l of lIIany brnnd.c. of pru· r • • II to . plSll suc I lUgglsu Isreg .. r 0 I . , " gllgl e .1 1\1 P~ur.un 1.'", N I,IIICIIII" I"d, e'lu all bul cOllfln .. ll 10 Ih~ C .. r , p_"onll .. n ,,: 8pir~ l.""~ro: S"ri" tee, Mld on moLton A!.Iopt4:d. The bide the rit;ht. o( man.-\Ve demand lo bll l ll!r ulslory. prep08ed 10 Q1l1rry h e r. 1u FrIJz in L" vl P"II~r."n Err,,"da IUld ~VllrItJ. "ll i l~ il WIIUitl etr~lIl!lht!nl"tI Fa .I,iun. an<.l Forpig" GOIII ... 'Book R •• Arl Crll i ci~n.; E.rly EXlnel, from (or Ihe buildin, or laid prilon .erl} libt:rllie d from such thraldom. Down 1IIIil Ihe conaentt-d, IIlld ~hey pruceed . ! H'''"''~ Ell&. Co Ru~ ! e li ,,,lp8 t'X~t."t1 Ihu. " whidl I,bve !> Iready a 1001- views; Unpubli. hed Workoi Chu lcr t:ie'eClioul ,btll opened aod re.d, there being 1"0 " 1 II ., I A 1 C "I l ed 10 a hol~1 fur Ihal purpose. WLil1! Huwkln~ h. Shruck M"hals IIoo,.d 8011°' U U4. Irum EI\I1Ii~h, French, and olhrr Foreign • . WI. I Ie groun .. 109. '"" 'lnu II· . . Hed",.. "~I\Iloro :Slll~" N .. II,alliel 'V2 1 t \V. 1j! lve urtlul III .. nlion t('l pro. of them, both or wJucb were rt'Jecled. mas dUll We go for an amfnJmenl tu Ihere Ihe WRII by the practice! of 1018 111u'' Wu~loin~lion SIRlllpy J ~ I I!~e8s .Ollrl illl;lro. etllCIII ill Al(ficulture . Peri .. rJic.i •• rIc. In all. In faci. ,h_tlenda 10 m"ke In illu,ut'l\ve onll enll'rtoillinlt b.in.r couidertd bI the Council al 100 II C I' I ' d h I b I" I-ttalegy, !:o t P08St'Sliioll of ~ 250 be· Irvin C Wllkelpy Thol\lDS dOlllll :\8 bl!'ti l .1 on ce lu bring morhh 10 III'Wap.pt'r, THE HOIJIE JOURl\·AI. bigh • . III OUh IIU lon, an I II lolli II 011100 longing II) Mrs. WilliS lind Ilb8C U lld~d IJodel J811 D Whilo J.! lill I lhe d" o's uf our 'MIIl~" 811<.1 I!luch them will .,ill ret_Ill ils repulllli.", U lhli I•• . • or the grJ und hog.' ' . . . ' -ho w 10 IIIIIke Iha tno»t or the UPl'urlUlllllh yorile ul Ihe 1I~1I"8.Iell,e. "re... 011 Dlohon gf KeYI, Zell and Hop. lellYlng hn enmely dt:llltilte I n " S1' IlAI\IGE, nUT TRUE. 110\18 HIlu r<.l ed th('11i 'J'En~I !. -Fur olle "lIl"' , une y,,"r. 131 kins "ere appointed .lId eonllituted a --=A '11 b b I' d alranl'lI city. yN1Il1t 1.'ly And ."pntlelllun in the It will dovole eOnillallt ftllention to lor Ihro! ~ r. .. pi~e. 87./)Oj or onr cop1 Ihree 63T. 8 WI 0 6een y I lelr CU co j M k II I P building corom'lt d tI . d UIIll~r1 Slul"if Crill h l'ur fiOIllPtl,illj{ ver)' ' nr ~I': p"pec._ y lor A,:riru lu,ol ro )·e.re. $7 ,5U. _Iwuy. III odvDnee. lee, . AD 111.1 10roZ~ 10 elsewhere, Ahasn. S. S. BRinn and J . . IIIUI'h lu llil'ir "dvunl3ll e by rE'lorll n' Bii dutll. wl·.h '1Il eutlu IOV" bOlh prutllJc~r SlIb .' criptiuna, ordell, tem lllnnee,. eonlrlC' for Ihe pUlIlog up 01 ne Pri· Il ChllV mflD of Ilai, place, havil enler. \Vllfueliville lUBa·lLeC.. (Irl'l' of cilnrg'~ ) I,y u<.ldre~~ i ng Ihe lInder. l olld Cull HUlll1'r Irum lI .. ing vi"timize<.l by 11 11<.1 111/ olh ~ r commul:ic."ODI, 10 be lei· '~D al in IloeirJ 'ud,'menl " lley m"y deem J I I I lb ' . I>illlll''': Those hllVillg leurs of lIe' n " l lh~ Iptcullllor blld fure~lblle,. c>'" • e .t.Ie WIO sa e ', "rocery QSlOen 10 CarifulllJ CorrectEd Elltf":t 'V tt. k . ublllf . e by nol nOII.CIII ; "" I A lIu. " \I'I '.'Ill!! I II If ' fc"pe 10 C. IIfll'nt L'.t· <.Ires"etl Iv Ih~ I>ubli.herl, II ~ b, . . e" "'IOIIJUl!jtNI, w.1i or L e IU_lerelL Of. lhl to"n: aod i CIDClIlnall. . \VI;< learn thaI Mr . Charlt-s IId ~ ellr" . . All otlt"r. will pleoae lI~uree~ ' ,' r"ture, to Ihe procPPllings "r C un~re8:. ~ . P. Wll.LfS & !\IORRIS PHILLIPS . 97 Fullon Streel. New · Yurk. alill to cOlltratL tor a Ille on wblch 10 F , CUltpD1Rn is aho conneeleu with the ~yl~et~~ 'ill bu~hel. $145@165LiIt, ,, obt dlPllt ,~prVtlllr. . nlllilu II,e 1!l!I\p!'bl New. ul the OilY, II "reoL lhe .ame. I 'I'h I I '17' 70 1'1-108. f' . CHAP:\IAIIl, hupp~ 1-0 relb lll 118 old pulroll& on<.l aUrllct • . Icu,e . esc g~nl emeo Rte 10 llor· 0 . 18 til 30 27 . )y. 83t Drvadwoy, New Y urko IllbllY uew 10 bear thplII eumpony. "A Complete Plcten",' Ul__oryor tb" Oll.olloa. adJo\lroed to meet on call. ou"hlT anu fa\'oraLly 1;110\1'0 in lhi. B"rl c v ti? .. 100 - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ___ __ '1'1 ""'"" ." E . Il.. PRllITZ. Rec('1·dl!r. cODlwunilY. lhaL "ny recommendRlioli CF' vru ~ .. 40 AGE N 'r S lV.A NT ED. Wft rA'f'ly e01pl .. y Ir.velinq nRl'nl ~, ft~ I"ur )() bnrrel ."- 50 8 11'. "11)' 'IInll uSI," I nrf! II. b'lIual Iy prow. I I'The bed. che"p ... t, "tidh!tIeet !lDCce... _ _~._._ f ' r. r , To hI'li Ilri:l.e Cert ifi e Rt .. " 'or I' rom .ue IS UnneCl'88l1ry to our 'business,,'lour 1)1 CIYI, " ;5 • I' I . IU' "'l1wil~ l'l\lU\' in t .. Vnloll." ".N 1~1t8 A~ I C .. AL n "I' "1] '"11 .• 11 I II! us.ul\II'1l CAIl"C.ly ul eulir.illJr~ V ..... T.. - <I.e ENT l' S,.O.S .mtn. \\'1: wish Ihe "t:lY 611n the mOlit Ill'r 1\1 1b 25 r • ' ,\ 1\ ~ (; I 'ur J"""""~' We pre lt'r Ihat "ur 6uuscri· Il"UPEU'!j lVEEKLJ{ I CDe 01 Ihe old RomanleatiVlIls h~ld Llu · . L"rd 1P 11> 23 L •. I·le • J~ . I D ' dR ' hero 6hllil pny ,heIr mOil!!)' 10 pllr~l)n 8 Ihey UUt<jIYOCRI succe ss. E" .."s lI'I dur.pn. Jar. yU ~ ~\'v.P ry, .IIIDOII IU " ~ k ' . SPU:l\'UIDLY ILLU STIUT£D. ,ioa Ih. mOllth of F"bl'uary, it wa. tht' .. v It · I " I • , I""Y ~IIII ul whuM" "II"grIIV II,,· , Are '8' " PUI.tut'~ ~ bll " h~l. 100 .-" , e c ., u A I . J CIUTIt' H. NOTl" ~ 8 Oi' TilE PIIEII : cu.lom, 10. place tlie nRmta of young C OItIPIiTIl'ION DE.I~D I Tile T'nt'Ol' Drie<.l .... PP '()d ':lO Ib 10·@12 .l 0N)' \,li I!:ACII, ~lIrl!l' . I I IIf Irlelll IYI'I) ,llllll e .,,~ h .. Wi :,' 'Th e I,. ,) FIIII"I, I'.".. "uhl,"hed in IIa.Uni. , • V. ,r 2 F ' . . . : ' 00' )y",er(,.IIIIll' I IA careu "",," ,. women io • box, frolll wliicb tll"y were BUSLn(fI j,l.titule, Oberl,' II, 0., lifts ea Ctlidlens ~ duzeH, 3 UO or ony art.cle dr"wlI . R ll lUtl Pflr.e (rom , I HE 'J'IIIBUNE iN 1I111110rized ttl 8ul 'eit 0".1 h·d SIl1 I. , ,'- JII.w .,UII!lUII AoIVLflil.r . _I b,youngmclI k .. l;illlf "iH~ S" t:,,(f.. e ,'t1',1 Ib 38 810 III ..,. "") !lO . . ura"D ' rl'l'elVt! .UU. crlp.jO/l8 . SI,'''cionPII cop i.·. ·lhll,,,d.III,w ' l',,perufou,·t; oUII,r,_eom. '1' I> lalJli~htu a TXLEGIUPIIIC DEPART14ENT N e w·Or . e"n~ SOIao r 1;1 th 16 @ 22 All Good. 'N'o.rranted Genuine. ",.11 lit' V'U'"Il"Y 6E'1I1 will,oul charI!. I" "i o' a III .il Ih" or .11 Alllenc,," he cUMLum bill ehangeJ, bUL ~I. Viti· uII,urpl\8~e.l by anythio .. in tlae Wilst. N,·O. l\1vi.Kse8 1;1 ~b l lon. I iii» P 'ic" of c:erlificME'8 2~ cell , L ·I. Ilh ... e ,,,qll.ting IhplII. " ,,I we ""8\ "'."Y " "',,,.l} 1'.,,~r- lI arv<r . W.... ly hue".J:ueufof .nliDt'S D y I ' fll ' l' I 0 Cv"IOi' l? ~llIulI, 1 10' . I I fIlC 1. I ' \1 b d It I ' . 'lit' a 11); 11' 10 "·',~I. ",\ J .. u ... ,,1 UI l:lvi\l · M IU. I Itl ])tCU IAr e 11l1" Every receliL iml'l' ovcm"lI~ is introdu . eral"prt'mIUI,1I8 .lId Cll lllllli8 ~i.,n ro c III S WI e ,noVI! 10 Il~ , t •.cor nell,th· ","on." ·- N . V . ~ .. n"n, POll • • cler.,lica. Iu llloo<!tn J~~5 ill W,,}' ueli' - - - . . nlou .... ed 10 AllehU. bun ,,,.,d bcquallllullce8 10 JUIII III lIIukllllr ''('hill'eper hlr".. h~1 lila ~fl 1II1I.'rall·a-. ' .I e!!u. t:vllry aecid"IILl.'xplainerJ, lind mil' PU'·""·"''''''IO'''''L ""liDS liP Ihl'lr cluL.. . Ou I"~ bi-lOti alit",l'\'_ftC h ' " .".....~.~ .• , ' I ,'11 lb I d' va-.-.", 'OJ.... • Sam pfto ' oertiiioate. , 'e nt Free r """ ,. .. '1 e, ' e YOIlDg men or )'OUUj a IU go 0 y lloings iotrod uced, never befort: =============~== v. olll of ~ lupa,,·. W..... I&'I, lu ...''1 .n.~ , ~r" .,.t 1' , to I," I.,oril'e Posl .Office corner. 1'0' . . Fur CIrC'lhU8 BIIIII T erm •. udtlre.. ~ allrll'r"'.~,. . onrl"ubh. h"rl"r. t.r..d' IO Cllld. Schools. We ad. N V or.k~'••• nlllt; . l'01 t . at,ad 01 .. boa, .ad find there fit olf!!r. tHughl in ·TdeITt'IIpllic 0 "~-'illo4~ !\If.SSa5. lIA YWARD @ C O., l<UW II THE TIME TO ,uneR'B!: . .., . J 07.3] 209 D I " N '-' k 1'he ...Ye·w , l'ork Week/v Tribune 'A nor e ""y '" neti loou .. bol,).'-80Ilo. yiae our young lId ie, who aro 1001;iog iogl lor Ihose who are to be Ih41 ir Val 1\1 ,rUOI" a)', • ew· I ur . T,·. ,,",· rlpt. l\uuUL for Fomethiog to do to eOlls iJl:r l , ~ I' · , I is prilll ed on 0 lorl:e "ot.ble· medi.lln fthcet, ' IL i. al ollr.e .I. adiog 1."Ii'iul .. d IIitto.leentine.. lIe.ulreul. e~rellive of ev · the grcaL tll' mand 111t~re is (or operlllou -A N 0 CUIlS. . . . p •••,••. SC'ruruh., IChcu- "'IIkillg eillh l r6g~s of six COllllll1l8 each ... I ."". I,ot \If the uatlo",'-l3utWII ·lra._Ue•• ery senlimen.I.- pre LLily 'emblt'wirlg 11,1) I ~ ~T1"I1m 1\ ru"\\7' fI'l""~TI'!I ' nnllll,. .... A:e. I II c,,"t.in~ nil lloe illlpO,lftlll !';tlitoriald ....'Jl\,laA~" . . ~otl.w (0, Hl'a~mDn & l;u.'11 ge llullle Me,li c inat I pub li. hc<.l ill TilE J)AILY 1'ItIBUNr.. pxcept SlJlls rRIl''I'IONS-J8OG. IUld a &0 the !'life inducemtcnb 'oflered teDdl~ea. ~ion. 01' cOllliclllly mirrol" I\L Ihl: auon: pl.ce . Sunil (or: a cireu . 1. "'o)'uetv.lJe. Ohio. C .. d LIVl'r UIL 1,.8 .,rol/I'd. by lWl'nly 1110081' ul mp.re-Iy 10(· .. 1 iflll're. l; 1I1 ~" Liler . The Vubl i"h"," hue perforl,·" 0 lyl·.In.r in •.. the~errielllura. Iltt-ir aa801Im~r,L Inr. - - -- -- - - ' II Ie mosl v", I"u bl l' ' P R" I"r)' nil dIS C 'I~III ' IiIe I "te II"'gellce ; R "YleLV~.III.i ... hi1"01111'11), c hlhey <: .n ' ''l'lllytheM.~alina :J.!l 4" A \T - - P ' MJi- PlI Ileroellc", I'd i""uJ .... er.kly to Ihote who d .. ira I. i~ inexbauillable. Alld illCludel Ihe llir. _ _ __ •• _ _ _ _ , • • ....1. ~ , f' lly ill U!l"..... \\(h il.. it cure. tloe <.Iise~8l', II I "f th e mo st ill' erl's'illg olul illlporluill lIew l'eC_I\'U Ilo cII' l'croul'" ,I . ""'«:1 1> trv'" II.~ vlil"_ I' . h' I AllCTIOtl.-Tllere will lie an aueliou g 'v e~ st,ellgth .. II" O"KI, 10 Ihe pUl iclIl.- , Il ,)uk8 ; Ihe L~ lIer8 frurn uur lurge rurp . .. I l,ubl"'." ulI . Pu",,, •• I~r •• ud u,h ... t1~. i . gel varlely (lver 10 I 18 Jl ace. r: 0 II T I" 11 E I t H t pl\ ACT J CEO r \V .rranled pure! Dnd ",,,<.Ie Irom .·r~8h Li. I " I "orr p 8uoIIJelll~: ' Ihe lolesl lI e W8 rucal. '· uu . 01 j(.III",K "I' clIO"'. lI\'ill be .Gi'l'lIeu whh aL Ihe WBy~esville Auction ·Rooma \D ., m ~ ver~. Sold by nrul!~idi 1vetl loy 1'~'I\'gr'lph from \Vuilillt!'UIi ehd I h~l1d ,o l" . plcl" ... 1 .how bi;I, UII 101I,,lio:a.iuu. JQ .. .., II d j!f'neruilv & . Th o PU ".I\ ~ un H.rver·, W ee ",) ,. ~O Cellil 11 olher pllrt~ 01 Ih e COli II Ir)' : n SIlmmDry " Y". '·•.whlch IIIUI\ be ,,"i.I.1 II•• j,,,blcl'llIer·' day ("'-eJllesuRY). bogiDaiDI at ooe Er; EMA K Gil . , 1. R.t.tLIlOAD · ELEct'lotl. - The IInnulIl fll ill vnriOUI b,nnche. ; lint to be exrell. Cht.rnill. 1110 Drul(l!ial P, New Yurk. of all Impurl .. nl illi eliigencp. in llois cily jlu. l·ull.co. tltctioD for Direetor. lhe LiLtie Mi: o·c1ock. All wLo duile bargaio8 in ~d anl' where. No"e bUI Ih. 'lid elaewher e : a Synupg' , or Ihl! .. rocee. TERMS, 25 Centl to Save 26 Dollars , Jillga or Cungren nn ll ::ilote Lej!i8lnture ""rper'l We ekly. 0". ,ur. .mi; Columb\ll '& Xe'nia Railro.d Com· choice Rrticl~8, Ihould ooL lail to be io l .~ 011 DE 8T 14 A T 10: R I A LV" II: D. H, I'"e mllll'. tCOn celllral ed 1l"U"illc re o whpli ill Aeesioll,' Ihe Foreinll'lIeW8 reeei. Au .. If- ':01')' 01 ."h.·, .b,· \\'oek , or 1\101' IIttendance. Mr. Rugen will offieillte . .. ~ • .. ""u . .. .II b. ,up"I,." g,al;1 (\I, •• ~" Cluu of JlIDY came 00' on Wedneadallalt. 'floo T ERII S. r. A"n.-Office lit hid reAill~nee moved PRint. G 'ren se SpOI S. & r. . . il181nll 1- YCII uy Hery s leemer; Exl!ius iY" R e portl F, •• Sull.'-ril, a, I nl .~ eKch , III onc """',",U," on Maill Street. ).1, Iy. p 1111 C IlInllsl:lli Iko', R illUon . G luve •. & c . I "f llo c I'r"cpedi 1Il!~ of Ih~ Fllrmer.' Club If , , 1S "opie. lor ~ 20. ' followiDg'nlmed gellllemeD were cbo· l'qu 8110 lIe'v. Only:l 5 rrllt: "I'r b,',ttl e. I II' the I\mer iclIn 1"11"11111'; 'I'dlks abulII !'.",·k II.,,, b,"" 'Olf h. slIl'l'lied ~IAn,lim •. . SALI.-There will be" public 8Rle of leD: Clemeot, Nath.niel Wright. y o SETH S. H£I"ES. ::;,, 1<.1 by Drll".i l! ta. HEGBMI'I. N &" co Fru il, "flU other I-Iorti coitufli 011<.1 AUri. f ,. 1\'IIo r.· '"I"I"ul.o'"'Uln~, " .:·.Iu,IIWI · ·,l b(f!: H.,,,ebr It!lpr" We.' kl•• f•f t!III. 1. B. CHAr'JAl"., . ,.. b . . , IPlit Jostlpb R. SwaD, Jilmea Hiek., J ..., stock aud chattel properly al tbe 11110 Ch~ m ' 618 Dlld Dru;rJ! lote, Nell' \urh. l eullll,," IlIf'''III''lOn .. 8&enllal Iu co"nlr~ ..r 'XI',",., 01 *7 ed,·h . A "U"'P . 1" Sel. oom' rp. fI, j,lp llh5, Slnrk. Fillftllci"l. Dry GUOl18 . •" " . 111 1; EIIJ-IH V UII1 .lIel , 1l.!lIl 011 J·tu· eipt of c •• t; lIeDr" a.DDa. Jo.eph C. Blltl«:r, AI. resiJeoc(J of AbTll1D Bowman, dec'd, ChnpPt!d ..... uls auul F,,~e. Sore ! H n<.l (j enerll i llol ket R e ITort p. llI"kill,ll' it, . 1 110 .. 1'.1 .. or .6 25 V" \·ul"",., (ro'Khl ~I .a(Jlsoo!lO 'fuft • .G~.r.es U. Kilgotn. Ab. on Crosur'lI Cl'l'I.!1;, on Ihe 17tu iUBtant . IClal.blal ........ bUlh fur vn,icly nnd eUIII~ I ~ lrlleps alto. l' e Ol' u 01 i'~.·t"ut..·. ·, udren J' 1_ . ..-. . ' ~. . . ".' HAI\PtH. at "nOTHkR~. ram Hi vliog. John allcon. Joaeph 'l'ort.: 1~n-,..('''1' lI eg~n'.1l & co.'s t:Hlllphu,lcp.. wllh I j(eth~r '.I' p " ' ''8t vulll"blr, .n!freallng. "nd •· .. lIklill ~'1u.re. ~~ .. V"rlL. IG lycprolle, cure ,~ chupped Bunds, &r., illl. , lIl8lru cllVC 'V&:elLl~ Newepuper "ubhlihed ' reocc, Lar. ktiOerion-;- Tbe officers of ~ SlIlitrdilY, SundRY IIlId MonJay ,,' e,i illl t' ly. "ud wi ll kee p Ihe 8kill 8ufl . '" Ihl! wurltl . ., l.Jnque811oll." bly. Jhe lIe8\ ''''~',"h,ecl th8 road ebo.eo bY' the newly.ele-cled las' "I:re among Ihe coldesl days uf lhe No. 98 'Vest Second ~'rcct 1". ,,1 ~ o,oulh ill ti,l' oultle.t wcalh e r. S"l d TIot! .',,11 R~~ntla of .Ihe Amerlelln .In. Wvrk vf \bll .k'n ill lbe W';,rlrl." Baird of Direclon are . . follo".:- season, BIll! would nol have beeo out , I,! Drugll'.I ... Procp 2.S CI'III P. !:lelll by 8ti ' III Il F ,IIII1Pr'S Cluh, nnd Ihe var.oua ~ ""ii , lor 3$ celll~. IIEGl:l\IAN &. Co.,\ A ~ riCUIIUrlll R e porls. III ench I.ulilbet, are 11 A lI. Pit!. • • l'reeidenl, Wm. U. Clemeotj Sup~riu" of place iD Lhe Arclic r egio1ls. Bl!lttlt!ttl Yinl! a11d Bare. chellJilitli Alld tlrul1giaU!, N"w\.·o,k. richly worth It )'pnr's ~"hectipti(lo. DIaga.,~fta denl, E. W. WgoLl"ard ; Audilor, D. - ---+-.----
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' I\hil stlb6r.r l bp r~. I copy 1 vear, 8200 (;rilic.l Nollctl of lbe )'r ••" ALLwowrn Allnn. Ibe 11\8t n-ew work J2-3m EllHons ol' yo\iTII. !\111il ti uh.c, ibefl. club~ uf fivl'. 900 Jt i. Ibe 10"""01' Mo"ozine of tho d_y. Tbl \Vrigllt; Seorelary. · C. H. Kilgour. by hi [8 . Emm A 1> . E . N , Southworth, ""!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ A Gt'nllt'mnll whu /o8~ ""fft'rt'd fo, \'('or~ 10 eOl,',el adrlrpssed 10 lubecribert, 1760 fi,·..id. lIue, hod a llIure J elilll,lful compAnion --- f N D ""j ' I) D' t :l O 41" •• 11400 nor .lIr lIIillion ".more eUlerlHi.IIl'" frh·lId. Ih...i TO"11 II •• J h 'l.I I.' f I fl ' r . ~ ",,11 t"r¥nUA t;.' ul tty. ,Plonfo,.. ~ C"Y, / . • . • ,,-" 4LL.-",r. t) D .. aw"e i. 18 olle 0 I lO~e po,nr u ,(onn or SPEC." L NOTICr'.!f. '!lld 1111 Ihe ffT~ C I' uf y"III" ' 1I1 illdi.crel i"". , .I,en r. C pll'!~, .,O ohe IIdtltl'le, 1600 Ilnrl,''''''1 M.,.IIII', - .,1.lboilili I',olellanl. rClilitillg" p"per' ilmoDg lhe IlIrmere "hieh tl,ie aUlhoreu is celebrated. :-= = -._ . - -- --. . - ,. .will:"r the •• ke 01 ,ullpr ilJlf "UIII&IIlty ., I Wl'lIly cup.e o tlO IIIle (IIldr~... 3000 D·';"I:~I~~(~;tpnpul.rMonlh'Yill'ho"orld._.N. ~'.Wa.yne TIJwIIHhip. ~he objcc~ or , Fl'omLeginliingloelld.lh~re i8afll~el ACou,b,Culd, or N.ne ·I' hronl. \ f ilII Ireflo ,iI',I I,o ,, "c;I ii, Ihe rr rlU" AU"x lrM cupywlllboselilloreschelub YorkUb' .. rI·er. Ii I I R EQUIIIES hi IIIF.I>UT E "Tl·E JlT IO ". AM" ""tI Ili r~rli o " 8 fll ' I"" jilll!! Ihe Pillllll~ III , .. 11. . IC lie 10 R.c~r~io 11019 mlloy lhore nation ill the &itlry \l'ilich I'lIellAin. IIII' 6110U~D lit; C H LI ' KF Il . If ALLOWEl) I rpII'~I' y by "'h lc h he Cur~11. Sul . \ F o r tlllb~ of Iwenty, .l wn P1Ilr~ c(\p.e~l SUB SCRIPTtONS-18&1I. wbo (eel ioltrc.leu iD Ihe !:reelion l'atlOnLion of lile rellu"r ill UIIOI\f,:.!ing in. 10 C" N'IIIWE I.. r .. re w;. hitl S:~" pro"' by 'he ntiVerl iler,. \ "r Ull e (;"PV UI tho St!lIIl · Weekly.wlll be Th~ Publi.h . .. ""'•• p..leel. u a ,y,lem of I . . .r t>_ ' I h II ' Brill 11"'1\8 ,,,,,,i,,,!!! by whi c\' Lhey can IUl'ply th .. M~'ne (I I , T.l)wn II.II I'n 'VnYllel~I'IIA, and I ter'·II. n OUr1,1u I'll (lap~r, ft.·I, <JV ~I\,' ~Io'h. frrllotlflll or ' Ihe l.ulI,"' • l'ermaucnl e xpelll' lI ce, CUll tJUHN 'I'" Yn. ftl ( ' ... . '"1! ' nf n ..ly. t1y~ ell~lp'l ot one "II' I W,•• kl Y pruII'I'" I 101hVI. who 11,*1•• 10 "J '" ~ ~ i/:. ~. • .. OGDEN, .'Uf. clllbft w1l0 "llIl"nd till,ir .uppor'• alld l· o11u . . "2. a. P~L~rloD & Br08 .• PIII· I.. ·lul 'lbroatAIIc.• ,lI.>1I .. •>r UII IlIcllrl1bhl N I " CI b New vIi k c"n)' 01 the l)lIily Tribune ",ill be Me.,t r_ r. OI·e Ilu'II' l'triulJicalt dir~Cllv hODl ure odic. v '" ~ ., u~ l . lIUK I' ... ,' """, <'..., 11:1111 cr. st.. Iff ~uh l it· .lltlll . 10 lil. m"uure. We Ire bappy phia. IS u.. TE N THE llE,llLT. 27 Iv . I:rBlI~ lor une y .. ar. Th~ pull'K" oll Harp.rlll1ag.ain. i," el. " l II I i Hi I I ___ ... I. · , . . , ----'1'hc N,·\v.I'oa·k Seml-Wrek',. • , •• rlt!'l, ·lch IIIU II b. pMI<.I al 'he IlIblcrill.r·1 ono" NOS U .. ONt:1I1AL 1 HOellE.... lUarn"Ir'1 nlld Celllhlcy, T Ih II I " TUI'::;Ot\ Y 1'1J~1 ·~ I",· e . I e I at I'" ort. llUI lar .ue t\ au (I b I Man:. D!:},IORE>T'~ hlONTlIL¥ for F~b · Havill" • di'fC l j,,flu ~ nc.· UII .I, e purt~ An E8 ~ "y 0' \V~rll'"1l »lIti In s lrur.li() 11 ", 1,1'~Ir. hi p~ I '8' ~. ('Yr,rlv L~~' I . I f1:::rTtrml. 81me II Uuper l• Wre\ly. · ceet. u; ul,1 lie pt,ople art . . . ... J ' I }' I' ' . r Y u l\I . AI i' <.I b 8111 ' rluuy, allu rlllllulilft II t, .e a;.ul orta .~Iea.rn ll' or kaotl'iD'" what "l!diLioDal ruarYls II eh.rullng IIUm!,,,r, lind llie I.! "·S 1II1111 ~ IDl e f': ,,". . ur HV'.'~ I "'I . , I." V ."11 ull. 80. I .. ~. ti e8 ~ ,II ". 1I- l lIrltcierl . lIullll!'rely locol in CI""RI·ter; .... cOloolt'1e B~I, now eomr,ri8in, TI,ir· • Rid ' ' 11 " II L ll ' II A",I,lIIn. 1.01" ,,10. C II .,,;un lpllve 81 J I :"o.t l • .. 9 \\I'lch Ilft' lIlflturel), prostrole 111 0 vllnl I I itPlury It'''' ieW8 8nti Arl {j.i"r.18mM· Y·CIIIl Volu,"e~, ill HI r. olh Lin,IinA'. l. til", "ould be g'u'U·J· ect~·1 10. ,. 11:8 "'I uO W" 0 secure II! t~ce ·! II IS CII.,'. T,ue/, !,. ure u . ,·,1 ~ 'II, _1"' 111 . IH,1\\'l' rll,. wilh SlIre IIle"lI~ 01 r"lie ::;('111 L' I -; I s f F 'rel' " ' 11 . I t ,;rl'en,. • u I . . (I . \V ' 11 ' ~ 1 . I I ' e \lPr~ 'om our urgu corp 0 " I- II IV. bII al"ul b I .. JlP,•1'88 . Irltlll·11t I,Joel E, V"'I' ,lla g ~"~Ul.l~i 'II.' 10 tilt IIul.IIIIIY In 11611011. e WI I u ou<.l .,"·H·d •. ::i lll"rr d blld Puhl ic ::;"~uk· Irrp 0 ,. ''''Ile. II • •,." p, IPIIPr "1I\'~I " rp~' 1 ., D I C r .. pl' IIUI.I,, · up~·· il'l ul pllrch88~r, ior .~,Zb pi>r yvlume. Sin., n. '. .. .. r A II D J "I{llll'" IIUUCHTU:'tI "".. li lllP. , '~ , " r.& " . • '" • C ' • "~ y . furwilid lIubscriptions from thi. office. er~ \VIol fillJ I ,ur/,,,s u~ .. IIII III cl ... ,It' j! , " r~M8 r . . " , '" , . ) "11<.1 A _! il clnlfd Pre . ~ Telej!rnplo ic lIi8 1(1t! voluUll's, hy lII o il, II"alpnid. 83. loth I 11 • 1/\ call lin, -w5(IOO. the lAX Will l/o e ~ "irt' whl'1I I.k pu !Jp r"re ~ i" " .n" u' 1I " ",u,rl A8~OCI .. I' UII, l'I"llltleljlhl., Pu . I ' h. I d I tP" m .:ftBP., fur bindln". 68 CeQId, by 111.11, -At , _ _ _ .., _ .. _ _ ___ .... b 30 I p.tr 1t! i:J . 11 , . Ud"U nn C'-U IiP e 011 mury • rt"p ~Dd .. ,,1.1-(>08 bUI~4redIJ\a ~il! 8 Lon:LllI.e8 -What con fi litllt~s Iru ~ ~ PI'Uklll!J. Illd rll 'eiw.1C Iht! Ih'U.I.It ~,r ,ftli l . ~-. u i I',, 'tlil!n lind D"rT'I' . "c N ~ W 8 ; EXl·I". puid. A<.Idr c ·. I 'I'" I I' I I b 1""u811 10 1 X~III"1I III 1I1l! Vuc,,1 ur!:(l1 n ~. I t.~ 0"' 1' RellurlB 01 II,e l'ru"c,'dlll,' ,,, Ih~ JIARPER & BROTHERS, Il,e do lar ",,1I1'cb "e ·'.ope _1' 11 I • I U't: Illt~S. uol l Itl po IS It·t rolV. ' I' ru' ,I, . d i d 1)"'SCrt' LJcl1 l C .' d d' _ .1 1 If.' D.• e rCCllnltlli'1I 11' 811 i)uc~-ti~ClllCI\ta. FUIIII!!r.· CI"h ul .10 1' Am ~ ro c nll ... \lil,le; Frollklin, qu.r~, Nfl .... Yurk. UI6I ~rl' Immuuen'te: L e t e~e.r)' 1.1.16 .~Ruuy dft' HI nOI' Ihe IItOW /lll.~ p ~ . It)· PI' }' ~ki~II~. bll~ hn l'l! h .. d '1·,·.. l in,"II,ul. 1 ,,:,l ill. Til l k. ""uut Fruil, nn,1 ulloM Hurl ie,,"". - - - - -.- - 'il~' · pill I", llJ. tlill " ' 111. 1.\(1" (,I (1\ ¥III" n"LI IJ life . A ,,,,' Ilia II I frll", rnell " ,ro\lj!h vullhe COIl/llry . ,.1 ""t1 Aj!ri cIIIIII,.1 l"furm"Iioll; S.ock . PER ~1"orOUI rcsoh:e Iha' II~e llli~ .111111 m~y IIIII' e "II Ihe out"'Hrd lIunk s 01 U(, IIIIf"" ~rllcl@ of Irllt' IlI l' rll, 81111 } •• VIIII! r~OTICE,Fill.lld"I, Cull.I,:, Dry Guo<.l. In<.l GClln"1 . wllnt allpnltt everywh.,. e, Ie ' . g . . h " "llly. I\od y e l not p08 'l" ~~ " I"l'I:ly 11,rol'ed 1""lr t"/!i ~,.cv by • 1I'> t II. III.hl •. . . l\hrkp. It'' I'0rts , .\ Io ll·h n,'" publi.I'l'd ill 10 s .. 11 our INPRUYID ~!I{) Sewin, . . . eOlllphahtd. ~qd , tllt·'r . dful'l. JVIlI ChRtIlCtt!r. II is Lhl! Ll.'ne"ol~1I1 di ~ pu \ yt' HI8 . p"d, relr lind . Ihotm ill 110'\11 I.),·"it. ih~. tI .. de r8IGnerJ. llre "'~IIt"ro~c tllo rp· Tilt: DAILY TnlntJ ~~. The Se",I.\V,'ekIJ "'dIlCl. 'J'I,r ..e III1W kind •• Ulld. . . nd! rn'"rcled by. 1'050 Hall Lh.1 .-ill lIidoll tilt! killlillCl8 I1l1d th~ Chri-t l" II ' Ii.. , III vllri"l1~ I'll '" " I 1101' wII,I,I. bnd Ihp C~I . " .e ultld p"' IIl?~al41 ul.III 6 ". cl~ c k P.AI. Trihunr ,,1 00 j.! i .,~e. I II t he cuurse ul 8 ve.r. upper IeI'd. W.rranlt'd five VUI'Il. ~bol'e • .". J' . .' Trocll~! urt' un"", . olly rrv"uullcl'<.Il'CIIC ri b ' lor"nry lSI, IIHi6; llo r Ihe lIull<.l.II:I 0 TI 1~ ur 01 Ihe ' "'II.'yor Jnrgfl cUrTl!niseiuna " ..d. 1'ho' erewl' to ,he Del.:hborhood. e pUI'lD: t'nt. It 1_ III Ihe Iot'arl. wh e re I II t ' ,11' I Vliluj!~ P,i,lO" ill Ihe YIII_II" 0' \VUYII1'8. Ireo or v , J _ 'lIlLr rhllcl ol llu 8uld in UniletL!It.t.. tOl' • '... ' . mt:"I.IlO!bS. tIUal,. IIlr"clion. humili lY Ilr" 11~';h~/l il,~ro~~y,e'l~;uwlI''1' Brunchi.1 Trll' I " 01 1.. . UIOI.", , A p :nll 01 6",rl pri""II, lVi.1o Be.· t and Lult$l .Mod Pop" a1' -'ol'el,. "'81IhIl0 840. which Are lull, lic:enard·b, ~ At" meeling Iltld an 111 11 Melli . rou lHl, WI hl:rl! "'.Il Iv,:," fol'. IOHlint!~s ; rloeB,' olld du IIot I"k l! ftll): 01 the WOrlt •. I. IW.·llic.li .... ~I . UIl ue eeen al Ihe . I'u.. ,. li~inJl uUlh on. The eu, 1 ~ f I"P8e ftlo~e lIowl'. Wllel'ler " \Vii • ..,,,. Grunr iii: B," 'It Uhul'ch on Sunda" ni"ht lut, th e no t Lll) " ' 1;< luok III VRIII. '1 he womall le s" .mitul ill1l 8 IhKI runy Io e .. fre r l'd Ulli ee . All !IIJ., ,"".t Le "ccumpulIl~tl. by II bOIl~101 III bouk 'orm , ",ou .d bo from 81X kt'r, t:llnl/er" VlI .• Ind .lIchelrlrr. All " .. who elm loolht: Ihe "d.ing hl"llrl. Soltl pve,vwhp,e ill IIII.' f,it .. d BI~ll'IJ, Ih e !oHme .. ul 1I0t Ip~. 110511 two ('hlpblt' l tn I'Ighl 11" lIor8. II "utl·hK.led In Ih .. 'Ilhl'r chup mat,hints illf,io!fem.nl, resp etRLle "ubfcripliun of ninety. 'lI1ooth thl! wllll!!l"d bro",, : RII~"illlt! unll ill F"rt;:'i~11 C oulILries, Itt 3~ ct> lIl ~ I,er nl lll r ~. plI~l~ibl" IIIcn os ICU8fftlltie~, .nd Ellgli. h M HU81 1np8 Irom whll:l. Ihl', UP ~lId Iho seller or USII' i. lillbl" It.! ",..1. dollllr • .-all r.iseLl in 'b"hl\lf 1)( lilt' the nngui 8h of the min" nnd nour Ille bux. 18. ly : I'.rh o f Slid bid" ...,111.81 Ihe .bove·" p('cl · corellilly. aelt.' el,<.I,IIIA eollt wou'd bit Ihrpe finr, Ilid impri~ulllMn' _ Gi,-clllar.,frtere d i e I ' " ~ ,. I fi ell 11111 11 , (lr U 80o" thprealter II' cOllve· nr lour IIInu I hoi 8UOI. Nuwhere lOin Ad.d r., •• or c.1I Dpon Shlw & Clark. ~'fJ . . ~ ~~ D'S ClUIe. 1'hol6 .-ho .18\'10 bll III 0 COn8(1 ."~n ID I.'e w()und41d Tile lU'h,," & )laml'" Cabinet Or,RII8, : lIipnl, !Ie opened by Ihe Counci I of 81ld cen 10 Plud. current int.. lIillel1Ce .nd pro- 8 1dd"'urtl. M~lne. or at No. 8~3 R.o,d ••, .. , ~t. P"'I~ ,tlieir ~Qb"eriplil)n, a. wei brllllft. pllll~ e8Ie~, In "D E'mlnellt ~eilrte. FORTY dill' r" ,,' 111'1 " •. a<i""leJ tn ·. "c ' d" .... ,d Y ill ,,~~ , Rnd 'be l.w8rd !hllde ur b.d. re- maneul lilera, J maller be hlld &t ~o eh".p New Yorkl No. 13& CUler tit , Phil.\,. IIn,lo\h'era .ho .ay .. isb, to cODlrib- Irue 10v .. lIneu of clll,,,,cler. It 18 luch ' ae" ui" r mu.i,," I.or ~ ll lO ~6 00. ~.c n .. fiFTY. jeel ~cI , .. Ihpy m., ~~ride lip'll!. /I rale II ill 1'118 Semi.Weellly Tribunf I,hil l NOl 14 Lo,ublrd', Block, ChiHfO, , C,hRract"r thlll blll8ln Wilb waraub I I;>NE GO.LD or " II, t::R 1\1 ,,;11A I.5. o r ot""" \ ELTON DVal,EY. ~lolJ"" ThOle who belin. in 'he princiDlee Ind III.; Nil. )'70 W .., Fllurlb SI .. C.,hi· 1111' Jil .ra........ t.eI 10 If taTe ···.I ·r dOlla- " " d IUOII IIDt • .aD~.IID.... " ' h ear Lh 'A " r.""u,,,, worued . llIutit' IHA·Mt.lN'I .. I~d CK'E., ~ ... D ___ I _ -" .,.41 , er" -0 I Tii • ~I" rluun."' '" I'I. 0 ••. or N "" . '" _ re· II hr. .101 ~eI Cree ..A,hi' .... ,h~... MASON ..... r&UIT%, OOWrucT. approve 0 f 'Ii. e .... o. . '" _u· • , ......- e. .al." NTf.. ~i~ JACO~ '~Dlbltl thtl puadl'. of ~od. 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II .., I II I f: , J\ !!I ( rIC 11 !l" I t ;:)t rr ' V'I \ .I'" C." r.1 . . I. UII> ;I t1 l l l J "' (IiP ~" ""' L v, 'J \l 111 '11 , IlIc lutJ w!! C lll t'f'i Itl d ''' ; "U I Fo rp' i! I\ 10 11 " .... ... , l J , , , . \J \ .. lIl~ Oil "lt' ! fl .tom.aob. Ddlnt~1 <I lid Rr . \ '' f! (fie Efl!o..' t' r fl l &1 ", II h",; o ll ," Ir ' I ,., , ' " ~ run 1I1r1lU,:!1i b p I \''''' II Ir}, II( l'" L.li L' ... b, l.inu \VI ~lil I tllt u"I" ptlV ,r I r J I I ,' C• ,"bh ch, pn ' "I IIr gs "', l " It 10 l t ur. ~'· I (,r IJ ,. 0P w/\ 1 , r p"14 tnl n ' ~ SLe lrf ''. I i' ni' 4 lIl CII,' IV r,. 'I '' .. , " f , nft 't'' I I . UH I 0 dill I' ITO l l l (, ';1, d'W I .",,1 \v, 411I l·r11. 't'enU "e or nil 1-' d ,. I em ftl c., rom ll f. ,p~ O rllIt)l\'Ju.... l", '7 n ol " ' 111 li ' 1'1 \ " , 11\ hriItllII•Ul UII IIII I L' ''p ht Ihe . IlfP I\I I ~I 13 r / 11 , ,, 1, J,('" " III lou e 11 ., 0 I~ I (llI 1 1!"I ( \11 IJI lls It It-. lf l rt 01 .. t I(l r e ~ l l6 tl n!! "- v.r 0 DU Mi nn L' 'l!h L L 1tI.:a 1 MUtJ 1t' l l ltU\ iu 1\.11 ..... .. In. lllonl 1ft L' lt'r (N 'tlp l o f ('I I II IIIP .'" • • HI " . or t.o H,V .rr" ' I. I U /II I Y u'f(lr(l ~8 111 IIH i1h rg, lIli d n o mll fl ' ',ll"I .r '" t' r...d elh"'IIO 1It1 l htJ rz .. tI C lill \ ... ... 1. 1 , U r '• l • ,. e I , ",. ,o utd Ilur ~I" V"' S :'I1 l1 I \\l lr1I CVC( l'l4~ nrlU l1l II !jUIU 1(J,lt:: j c" \ht: "I" I JJ( "u r IJl . •• U'" '·I bt l't ('~~ 0 t! nll to u., l ~le I !I " " ive , Nu , Ie .. I J UI ~ Jr. . I''' tur. : II 'h c tJli .. u I !C. "II r.1 II \tlJ 1 ,u ,>" I k,dku" g tud I. L Pri C 40 ' \,lI ' 0 fK, ( u l lol l' IO OI! Nla IlJI fi ltrl~ tllH er C"ulltrlll.: t. ' ) (h I I , "' IlI#H ,0 C nlt') Ii \V IIr ".lr. .. ' t) ,, ,,, 18 ", J1t' t e .Ht r"J J 0'11 i rI lu II ' I "I I I III \\ .. . . " til" I... I 1111 111 1 I HU H r. u .. , ... )bu lIo uw W,. fi o II r ' II ~ " ,' Q I, • • TII UD, tJ"l rUI III ti In '( rl",J lII U r " t-;1 "It F 11110 w e 1 I ,e 6\1,."" l t HJ prU f" rl ) IIII I I lIlu llt ~ UII " I~ (j Cta v e J Q"J "d~"r, ,InJ TIf d,a , .. " .. ep 7 . pr t p• •• ~ (1, " ' I... . ~"d 1 II"" l li 'I I 11 n. W l it I ~t~ ureI 'Ifb " I f 8''1 . I.'' S. . ,.. '''~ " " \ l'lt 'lv J\ l U I lUI II\:, h) J ti ..· "lid TO Un, I~1. III 10. l"Il , ' tt I '''' # 0' ...,...~ !C ' 111 1111 ~ •• '81 "" '" h "I 'CII ~ lllIt llltl 10.,, .. t: If ti l' J I )11 1, • ,.. ···N UJ D IIS 'r I 0:. l urr 1I11111 t' 1J!; ~ </111 WU II , r "0' )(' I' Ie ll' . dll u the RU lt d tf IJ \ er I! ", f'15 ' o t l OIJ '''''I'''''rp ", . 0 ~ /a " . C"III. til iiJO .. mt' , ::~ I' Vt !iU "iI . '" HHJ 1" h, l [\" 1'<1 rll ." I"r llu ,,,, " .. , ul UlI lor '1 I, . "O~,II I !'''/!Uu '''''! IU 1 , l,r " III, " 1 \ nh II " h ll\ IJ r lit! "'Y Ul" I'U thf! .. .... ~I poJ U1:4 -· lb) 11"1 "ell 1\ \.t i at ' r J7." '/_l n ' II L'' , ,, le" ,." Ie, . , 1 " ~H, n., 1 ' U( \1 .l o 'U' rroll) ar",ke ." oUO "ilhe.f, ... \I••~".r .f ' ulrllJlV WI I I"r "", 'H t' 1 oi'tt S d , , , 1 1111 I ~~"\I'Y "," I tlur 1 "h ol P ""I 1"1 /!''''rit",p.d, a I" r- , A ";; '18 " , "'' b.lI . u I.. I (" ' J ~I' .. ' ~"I"j( . " p ~ " " r In J u lt t r l ..,U . ... v l J W"H ."8 r o:: e, " 1\ } t~ flo- " ,,'oJ l \ C "' I Ulll ltlil t u U. 1., 0" ... " ,,1 TI,,'~ lV,iI U~ .tn I, prt:\'JOO er) uy b 111 I ,,, ,,"V ullH rd . 1"' '' '''1' Iflll lU • • " 11I 'I, hi Hl l u".1 \\(t lln rlit lt"htIHlIlII lur II', ,·, ...16 vI 11I 'I" , . ... r " ,l1 1 111 11111 111 lolL .. 1 11 . ' Uti I "iI , _'II' 1I1 " e ~ " -1O ., I' ,h i ", / ' ln.t.I...t O W't"Y ";'1l8 t 111.~,,I ~.,e ' .11'_ ~_ ''Ii '' V" ltI \\u\l.h 11., I" ''' " )'1, (O rPII t I C rIll '-'II Ilnrl .plr J,.4 '10 U, llp r, "[- U lyO m., "'p t· cln .·d 11 IIlII ocl J. Itlf' hI I ' m, J 1101 •• bu l ~ •• IIi A r, "'" '" V,I dJ a . u,e • ' l ,, • ,,, .) 11, IJ J i !-o." t' vd r lI ,' o ", \... IIIH "' ' W' ''' ltI I '''' ftt' 't 'h , .h ... t: the II ''',; ... or 1 "" a Ul. r " (;1( - '> '. I:J ,'o r '61 11.d1t fn fl Y be . lI$~~h, 1 bod ll" - " I Slt1 Ih~ VII'UIIL,"~' l ' hllJ'11I ~lh lllI \\ H~ 'a: . llJre r l iMJ "ul lh .itl 1 "'l~tu ~ ,tl l ucJ oJ • •••~P, ,1 ' J1. sQye tu IIfr ett ... O(J fI"tUI~J.J([.tICCt!lt" f'o I' ,vp I.. I", ,"! ! A~ U II H· ",) IIIHr. ~r I Cl , "" ltl "" l l t .ot, t " llll " l A \ H I t 1 , \\1 l " ( n v r 2I~ I ,., I . IIp I.J . _ I/!, " \ ' I " 0 3 ... p .. ,3d II ',I D ! JU ", rC I I \\1 ll O , II 'lh n IllII \ \\fl tl '~ r PlIl ,n. Lu hl Itt' I "~ I Dftltcm ll k l li JJ L" :," UU.I 1,, / , ,1. ",1 h.p PIU .... , " " 01 , A N It Uh ." ('0 IUlllhU8 IJy .. II,. , lu\ , I It; hut J III " p, 1' ., , JItJ l\er I, , I H Io. l pO , 3w y" ~ l I . I 'I'r ,,, IH, I lllo . IVr ~ I, " C I ri r, mr uc, " ,. lI I \ , ' I " I U:S lill l)ro \ rnll I b~n l' l ~u"'IA v 1"" f " '0 '110 j l, 1.,101' ,"1 H" CO UII ., dblo,ad l'IL ,\ ' utl\ eXIl(" ilm ntt o J' ( j Ltl JilL: IH IUt" Ii I ~ I, 1/' r." " , ~ " u ~ II I tll l l1l l1l \ lrr. ttl y. OU I fls .lla II" " '"I' " I., . It , ,n, (h" , .I" "'r '"" '" 1 " I dll l\ IJ~ rat et t It. I , (III It. llt ., 1 11I .l'h , V I I' <c" II OI ., 0 I I "I " I"d '/. I '. ": ' h l CI CMt ! t he '1 "1' " ' - ' P l l , ,,1 \ .. , 11" l:. ' l /,, .tI l l'v" , iI'~ d _ ..roe l "'1 '', ,,," " Cttl IOU ''''' Ul l rt , ~ '" , •• uU' '', ,h tItY Orm ll l.: III lilt.' II v' \I u , . r ' ."I, 1', 11 1 ", ," '1" I,u II ,I u o :tr( ' hUp.' hHt nO 110m tlte .e IIr r"'! f t } '". II, ",,, C III • • "" c.r.a m I" l n t v 114.. r "It· .,l " , ,11 ::>1 , ,I " 1"'0 ~JU ~ , ,,"t C '" " It I,ll ' . . /I \\ \\ IIhl lll, Ii ... 11 t. III .. ! l ill ~O' IV UI \ U ll J ", e 1 :l l I \. ccn ' .",I Dllk ,," . II I.. tlllr c. ~I \ I OO LIt' ,il r.I I ,IIf' Ir' ' R ." \\ ,1I 1\1 \\ " ,P 'e ,,, ,,) Iv "" " • , ,,.U " ,'1 AI, ,,,,, \,, \ l "", lIl. ~> rl .JI, bu tt I f3tt enJ ul j t'pr 125 311 , O " h., (li t", " , J P"c i I tut gp , ' lkf r l -ulI l\ nS, "en Bug hi r lO · 'IIr ''' eel Th~IY. Oll ~ JlJ ' 1 ,/. If,. y II ,. .It,.m .Llii HrI f t b oo til_,( Ph~rSl'Cl'a: N 'h pif ,~. I / " uI .. callie h 75 ) 1\\ Ul (I r:" I" r "'. rIIl t,r'\ "IIIIrt'l. " "1I 1111,11 r '' luv lll .. 1 'U I.. I), 01 hi" " 11,",,1 . I, 0 J 11" 1 I I , C ld u lt Itl 0 ' llll , . . , tJlJ .:,, ' ,. ll,' J ~O I I\ " " .\ , li L! ' e."lln h, ,,,l ,.,,, l.u L/"\l'& ~pumH lJr'''v'uulleh l'''I.....lrpd " "101"I" }I U~I It I t'Ii Ol t'lI,\ uOl(~ II,]2 UOIIII'I "" m'' 'I,, ! 1 llI.lI 1) II ul 1 20U t ,1011 rli\ '. ~ " m.k ~ l1l... th rhQ.. JOl .. l" e! ,, Ih rtl I i 10 x.· h .. ' u) fll" II . Inl!l'pdlenIJ l'(l l e", !)..... l!ft m 'he I.l rl I1"! it r. \ U I\I l " ./r &. " t ,d, n Li c ,,,. "'td IUlr I t< 00 111 II If\ nll , IU "" 1, . ,. . 4'0 III TI ..W 4 I. t l ' ,' r "k u't hl' o" " er \ ) 11 II l' H muc hra ~l, ~--"----h ..... :--; 1 ' - ~, .. ,,,,.o,,,, 1,1 HE I :ll nO LD S F L'\J )D EX TR AC 'I 1" "" I11' II l1l ue nll , ul:o ug1 ",U l.t" 'ln' , 2" k",, ' A " , ',11do ' 'en . \\ , . " n lr n r l lls 1i1 1 1"" PI ( "' 0,,,1 ~peo le 1 r " . ma ul, uY II' ll ~ Fe tn An·l!i,eI\:,et rl,s ", •• , .... e ,d IP. e .. ' 1" u . 'I 1 UUU 0 p arv ey 8 JU e .. 1I1J 1t' !'4~ ' uk I Dr In. . rb. I" ub rU ouO G -, ' ~ , ,, II( ' lip mllS I (I-'I l ~ tll chu t1 l) "Y" lr. Bu ll I I "I( 01 ' dllr ''''' .. lO r .. " rIII }; 1\ " / llIll lIIh lt !! rpf1 oe d •• I I U UO I ' II 'IL I" I L I H (,II Li <.,,, ' '\Ii ' \trJldll~g l l: llIt.clJ ru .... thcIN IlI,t IlIlt llt: Ilt~ .. "re U urt l " , '11.1·..- - , I nil ' aid IU " """ .1!, Il,' "H,III, S"n,- nr . .ecl. . . <II' IIJU IIU1 ~'"h •• 1"""1111" ' , :--;(1(" ""O I.11' ~ .e''.''~t a t.t. &.' t,h 81'fC l(l c I,'nUliJ l.it l UI, .. trIll I 0 " " 1I1 1I1<f 1111l I n lill tIJ ~'J UUU\ll ,tlI r.u ER lpe NN IUlil e o! JI lI" I J ''I II ' U IH' ( 2 , ~ l \ rl I "" " \ J P w. \ IIIi " " j o r 111 u. \ ,"J' l o , h\ JI~T.IIE( ' IJ n ~.11 ' , r.u '' IIL " u 11'! , '1t1 " l OIl 1 ' , },n ~ l~!!-1 'U'' IP1 / r dll .. II I ''t II ,, vrr I II II 10 lt'' lrom ""1 ren I'tII . ')lI Uy ".II IDg r ' fU I IS!r II •I~' II ' I) Z", . I' " ' lI rt ri IrlJ lJI I r ' I ¥' fLo lO I "fl tlp /-If Ifi" I... " ". v" (I O l I ' IIHHI1 C UU IIJU. ,"-S tuu e A ,.. I ill 1'1 III" ".f 1 k I gl " IV .r. I " ,, Jl.l1K I , LD ( 1 III) k GO ' ( bult1\,(Ic.ll rln J M II one e 'P ' I I 3 t I \ II C) ' ~ r ;.s UO -bV .:St " . " " "') f " ' l i t .... " _II "II .• .I, ol S'Il ernI fJl q _11 ( o AP t'e" l II .. ~t. ; ~ . I'rH V (I"", , I I I IUI1 n" ' pl u o u h.l I hlH ll It .. , , d rug l!Id t anJ Cli e rl!J ~ lit.. h ,-x,..\\· I t U lll " 111111. (hI1I1("dl •.",~r r(!' I r. Illt l18 .:e ~ \ J UIIU H II. 1/0V~/ :I, ) · s ' I ' Ir /", h l /l If!! Ilt--" Wil I Jt' to~" , o f PIli tdr lJt .· Phl ''" , 1;' tJ18 Ul IoI0 III gt' 0U .1 e JIA nc '" 1" e hi h ' elg 111 .... 0' pen ' Fr , .. ",1 \ 1\: 1 ...tel I til G r uil III .d,oo '" " 0,,l vceeru " II,I ,y ", d 1 I> CII r H' .·x . """ lla 'v Pl ~ " llIb /lU ,w"u '" ltll n ~I prl lde lia rd n "'I A Go a le . . ' .r~ obf by , ,. , UIlU 11m l ey Ilh In i pcr l\&U rv n il ' prt lur IIl tIIH, alII 1\ "cb I. IJOW 1 l', " Dr Ha n 8 .. 1 Ifl glv ;J UUU :.i ll ) ) P hl llll! !f ltp1 l r :j l cnt or t nt" .lv p.... r (It: I' , u , " !e ,&c r fllu 10 C . ; .. l k 11 m : ", ll".. lt. lP' p' • lt di ''lt I nld ' u lg ' 1 lI "e' .1 tor llc J U 0 ,,"1 'H il ls (; U. 'c'8n8"'8 \ A t l," .,) 1 .1 "Ih p"' ''en tf ve an l clu" Pn.PQ". 0" 5 Pap era for 11 .d ~ ';;)l't r bll :\r:"1IUU ,1 . ", ;;ul,1 II" ."., l. r :' ... H' '' " n'"I ~,,, IUl u i /l1" ~ I PIltIlI~II IP"' . , .. .. '-'I &I IU FO I'" I'l .. t ItH ~ lllilH II ' h " I, 1,(1 \ " I I'n' wI, \111''',~UriC I lrio o 26 Ce,' ltl per " ~ P I I II tlw ItIM u'-\l " I'' \'''' IP ( ''I> I ' II II I' ur A O, " u Oll "' ul ;) 11"1' d t\: . ll J"JV £D " • "1 Un ll c d • p J!r~ "" Ih ' PBB l'AR Lh ri nnl ' 'Iun III "'" ,>, ,;' l , J\r!4 I" Pile 10 a' ., ~t I"J J Lo ~r., ' ():: I ~ "II to' d" " III .1" "" . , .. ~ u ~ , '"" l o o.p , I~h ,,,l 1<,. , O SI' I & """"llr'lJII_ "" ,, 1 . "."01"'1;... ,111 • • 0" IH ncr a J u. e I~ y A . FO U' )"" Z I , IJU U (; '" ''''1''' '' """r~·""!"!~' 111 ' ,8 " ,. " III \ pry j1e t ,II" ',ul t.,1 lu ." ' dl " , IIllIrI ' V ." h'I".rl , ) )"lI 1' OT "11 ''''' .A 1.' TtJIZJI .. " nltr tit "" ,,," ,,1 \p. lIu ' r) ,,,I I mm ' " I In. p',, Mr. l~ Jew ",d • -'. , ti I ) h: .. ,' , , l , UO" "b I1 II,,1"11,= I l'r" " ""' ''I . 1", l th\bllc ' Sa ntt aty 1rnD"'I~ \l\!ni DRI'Il ANI Il1 tlm or e,- d, - - --- -- -"'" " c li l 1\, , J t: " ... h) I o r lt , \/ - ./ ,. \,, 1 ...7 OUO "I III tv LJ tft Is .nt 1I1 I II \" P" " ,IpOX t4 1 It" " 1" ""''''''', ,I liv 01 (vr IJI{ It. \\c lt} , UII ) 1. t ~. I m l , I IUlt tl , I ,,1\ ... No 11 6F r nk llD St. ,lI lle ... 1 II! I.. IIKl tlt 100 c d .. ..01' '11I~ t OU 1'" 'lli lt" ld ''''' a · " t " 1<00' _,o " Ihl ' IRIII! 01,,1 n "" J,\.I . I.,· I tl:lI l~ ..hlJ ''' I llf o RgiJ utfl , h., '''' ' '''I'' --I ~d l' oUI ,UUJ .. t: l.. lltl lla" 11111 II 81 !'b . tl ,,,,, , 10flllr . ,r. .0 ' " .U &lid S"" ..k.."", . th'O Dlb •• ",II I ''') '' ~ II. R t: , tJt:: lil li e ' I U ll fI. Ilur 14 III~ J, • ul • ll ll\ _d, I nll . pur (II d U l '·d tl l' f'l JI j 10 ", ," ,,11 I" '" ~'o w ~l·ltl .. I I!; ' I 'll: 'I P""" Vo Utll M~ ()u r I1t" :II' "Uh .l" ~l llUl..uf;:: "1 :'1 1 I 0" 1 , h" ,,,II I • • ' h) 61 . 'l UI ! h l IJOKl.l lI"t , 111 111) nflt l ('h~UIJlII p ,,(' dlll, "' " " (rlim~ , I ) " '" " "'_ IHI ' ", (III r,.. .t'll ,un ll!J h., tllll (r ". t I II,, l~. / ]0 to t r tlf . L' ' t' I, C I ~, l tld ! < l r I II ud l I JUt wtl I I nr 1 L lt rll !~.' r .. rl l I I tjll l' l. l' S R J Ic'nv r . y C/mi Sd'c uno ~ ¥It, Itl' jIU ~"tll' b H;Q ,,.·1 Iu , , O . c LJ () IUI " ) Jl tu ( b ork \ l u vt' r !i 'ru\\ n~ , (. reol " Ie of J l!n .h ~"" J' j 1111 " U r Oi4t 1WH "4~ Itr..!J , 11 t' 18 o II 1~l l rllll I "h r) "" II~.'llI( ItI', :AJ lO "'0 h.H. Jfi ,..Nttn ,P ii ,.ljlf> 'Y I t.: 1 ( tt~l u re &"I J ~II' d.r " fl ll pp lt lh) l i lt Il4 tl u k .. LlI_ kt:l . I UO lu! j!lO Oth ulI lite k "- , ([r Ot'l ) ' trk w I.UU O,II ,,(> , ft ... Ilh I I \t In II,, ,,, S tJ rfi rtoo ' ft. l,l\ hp li l ft l .. ellt I YlJ " " k Ag tlII " II IIA NtI J(O 1\ l IG ,ue ,Y rt Ul, l ,(,t l I "'r~ GA :!tu H lllh iurp & ISM ltil 1 l j )11I \ j.!: f" l l ! lllt .,,, L. _ O Me _ 1" 0 _ 11 1' - -_ '"'" '"I. r l"" " WM IlI II "d "'I I (,, " (\ 111 , .. I Jlk t N.w yu, k ' ''0''''' . Br oa a" ay , New- Yi)rk, D J)t" ,df' rA IlUt ! III tn 10 111 1' " r ( 1;1\~u rh rllt l \ l;I'OW t l l lt! IIIJI IH' I"o unf ry for &h _ UIO",I" II) , ; on" II , OOl Utl rlt ar tJ I ()1"I_It " llIl h /l J) lll ol lo sen dlu r oll r'l 11I\ afl Er! )t1 j'n I! IfIH " .. r l , IIII vlte ll, ") "I 'he lut l'"f r\ 'L re 010 • " • 01 FIL s" l nl ' ,lI hlll ,.,, l IH 'E c ,,_ I ),,, " UP _ " 'l'I I r) er -,,01 ,,," Out: 1\l dl " ,I< I .,J nl' . "'I !II h co nrS ln8 .. D' ot IV .,r/ ,.) on,1 J. ".l ,," [ .. I". 1!!"l O l ; .to lng np, \\ hlc "III IIII "(I _ I ,.h, o""bl~ 0', I•• t'I" "" " " \\ " ,01,•• 1(11 A"" t1 \ AC . . nIR . ln R,. I I I 1rhl"ltl t •• t O" lllI ., " """ ".1 ,,", Dl·.('rlpIiV re lll . 1 II 'S "" OW l' Vft uab le and wo nde rfu l D"b llcd tUI" fe lb. Itt;f I , dll " l"t~ uur lrll f ~ S 1 'I aU ,, l 1I I>f o( cn III Ir) , I "!,u "" I,r • • I ,,' ,. r ' ., 400 p"f "P. , and BU rE "" ",, "., . r.l olv .u "I rre ,pI II!. """ , J . .. , t No S, Cu co 8 h orl ~P "., prI A" l f Ilh '" Y \1 ll" ,'0 110M N l!' '", .' 11"' I ' VA ) , ,"h l' e t I" 'h e "1; "'" " I lug~lh D It' chn dso ll, o n t 8 10 u l(I, )ur Dr Hu !. •• I , lllj J ,, 1/ . .. "h .( I "" .. ,,01 . of I 000 , III - I'.."1_ "v r S .. .... , 1" ehu 8.: I II ,,,1 ,1 . 0 tl (lre .. .0.1 " " , I II ,I" . Cu ln. 1... '110 ""1,,. IIoI """K ' lI r the / 1 , - ,',fI 1" ~ 1 11111\4 (t l tillt hl t- .. IJ r $.' (n t d e n'. Th e "," 1 r I MI<' C U1\1 ,,~~' Ireo "_e H''' lwdl',lI:ft np " n u ""I'lt ~w nl', ,"" ant IIeVlr,de nrl ./ll l ll" I " , nnS l W" " " ut "un ,b. , t '''' ''''d'1- 1' C1";(.e ~"olp. pe r oIlly , ell 0"11 111" IIr, populi" 810 1"g r, '" ~1 ., .. I"'!>.al. "t"''' U llr' l' .t"V ",, , 1"'' ' 1'''I'ti'''' ",,1 p" ork ' 1., H\\ IP! kin "110 l thI PhY ves ro " f '" ' ll' " G til" I .I" I,e, .. oil h. ,.,1 1 il) Iii!" , .", ''" tl) ~ n t! popultirtt ""' .. m Ih "le I , tli e II I!H \V • 1 .. , Itl 1 " ' ", , ... " 0110 • " 0" • "I ry . u l. evr ... h"v I At:, or ' ~ bl. l'r J1l1 ord 'eli Id' Or d'H '.!~ V , r " v ,1 \V ftle tl Itfn a hoo k ull ellO lll IlIt I S ..xu, '''Y .. Id, . .. Oil "f t' llI ) IIU ' 1' llIe ' u 8 I1J ut t' let' t'I, 'lrr Plit , I IlIt P' , ptit in:! Plod t XI " r H .'r , I ON I UO II AR , llll ll R eont'cl lc. lor R" ',.r J'u lI " lin- I t\ " w " l I NDAI.~ ,I;. c o," k IIl1 l AIlI put '" c um I I (10 1 ' '' 'd. wll h IIPVeJ Ift, 1 " " kll . ,J I .j he'M "_h ed, elJ ,b,. ell' !! lItr Dr ol A :' or '~'t -lli ce I III ' " I"e .r· Cll :." Y" prlt U r</ l' h~ '8 '" I fOI '1'' hil 167 of fur "" S i r\o rp lee ~. DOr '~l ycu .AI rl" rrol ll 1111 .~ 3,,, I p~r~I .. lltd"x tlofl l ", n" spp pd <i l. tlit I'III'~ Ih' " I1!!h Ihl! " 1\1 II .. . .. '0' lI, .lId IIn li Ie UII l (t rl l lh I nuv enl ltre . wl,oIe IroV ~'"lplIWo 10l l tl""' H tlll lt'r hUH I.. IIIl I. e(, SOO( ,' · on 01 )"U 11H'.r e ct' 1 'I' rllp '"r I C I ,I'e N "I E' I0li ~ ' E v,c 'r 1I:I S .er P. 00 1 VE tl ~~1 rr~ lIl l •• Arn Gl Ie 0 .. Sn ulh In II, e buuutJp.d ,but llr I (' II . nur lLF h 4 \\lI !SV . ", '1, N \'1 e" 10 A ' I' ."I lIV 4!l!j Br ".J "oJ ... CIl ES TtW T), ell he tln! h,p .,k uf lli E •• , nil" \\· ~ .I I". (n L "'I I ~~) , tr." '1' Ioe v.llleill ~ H"lI>!) ulI J "I, cr ."y "I 01 Jr,, ,,, II " ... altu tlf'.t~ , li ul" \ . ~ 'IT r"" Ven PIV Hf n n I .. n 18 It ' t we n ' y m u ntl lA n I ... I Ii . I "II ." . ,"1 ", V.d p Mp "tl m' II fif eltn firl ft m .... ' fur ,,18 \I f ev- '"0;\ p ... L 4 D .E LP ... " tl h, II" Io" " 1I1",u lu be III th e 1081 \ 'h8 lP lulI 1Iu . ... fic 01 l ••<rl, 0 . I" " . ltl, so IhJlU.!.P IIIIVP. R uDEKT 8-l d I I': 01 ,. a. full ul" ert h .. "l v III I h" IUl for I"" • tnl I p''' I''' '' } u l 1\l u< 31 " •oKl ,"II "h, ,,' . " I. I", Ih e LE , ,,5 " 1 lde lL V rtv Sll .' a S lI11 onI ne E le , ,2 rtr _,,IYll I Or l" Y l!, n 400 .. Vlr Ii •• l ~ .. • W 'n, 0 hit" ie ml n e .,I . I Nll }/ n/! I'II O you D", 10 e df'8 bO (, c lv h end """ l." epp "XI I ·he 10' .10 Te ort ro. I •• Io.o O"t lJ! o ne 'f ' II /e 1110111 Awl,,1 for 'ur lhe r pa rtl cu 0' S'V ET E On e t'J " iii· ma "kl nd Ih . go, J cd ",,01 ". 11,11 nor r VI .llr d , urv At"l sco . Dlld f'8p ecl olly rel urn wo nt 0 1 pl o til. hle '-}4 " (O'( . e d; , \ ::r d . \'V nY IIU IN III b.. lor wu,Itt I,e e ull IS , ped , Will 'ftr ' j 'UP R . nd elo E tS. T y eny ce II Ii Jul of t p' f ...I .tlu , rjw lle re . 10 " dll por ll ct" 'r ly IIf POIIOjlf!, IU 8" ,en llll dW lln ted en m" ,'ym .. nt, WI ,00 . l.,. . $1 pe. cu et, a'im .Nd . At ld, _ . Ivr GIl lr. nd PO . ... S yel III tl . e US lI n'W oo CPI On e cop y p.e •• In ucC u ti to t""1. r cor,J tllu I Ull llfd tll& Iea lOr 60 No , ER 76 8 NT HU , It1Iporter~ . CO . DR "r UG HA N a: • - • A dd- .o, JIOH paid, Fiv e cop ies on l,. Mp ·t, " ,. 141. 11 • •_T .. H . GA UI R_ <l ...y, M... V •• t , " ,k. , SY 'UP II, lor n lll P'UO Ll S III NG CO /' "" V. 0111 •• " W . nil . , 01 _t t a alr bel Te .... Th iS I DI~i.,o. CQnn . lla,OO. Io, H n,I HERR.ITT &. PR IN TZ od, tnl ., 30 ... Aa , III BI: . . . o Io .& n 'f11l.8
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we should most delir~ 10 hen"fH, wiLh in;o tho w - I -- -----------whom lI'e should love most to labor.- for lifll 'n~~ d. lhey ~Ry fe I prepared 8, he'd hav his 80ul ' tronsmi~nuo d l ap~~I;i ng treeBOII to Ihe Olu D " Manr. of ILheije are diamonds in L ilt! epent in 8eclusi~n. dUliea. by Ihe years bellch leg'tl lic.). lind bark Rt hi 8 ' Ihe mO Lher of lales and of W:~I:~~o~ Our Armies, Put an4 PnMDt. , IIr Kle. KATt.l DAVIa, roug I. CJn y remove Ihe ouler ooV~rl' n('f \':11 1' 1 0 , I' I mu les 2 OO() ycars 1 wandel ' too .• J fl' d " d' g TI • N and the tl'ue "elll will appe!lr v .' I b " 1 \1.,0 Ive, et UI end eavor so to " . '/ ' Ilnu e Eo n, an ".11 ISl)n, and lcre are an ow York to.da11e~erO~her eo.atriclI may boa.t of lordly I" • II 01' Ilat t may be 'd ' f . ~X?erHlOCe of Ihe 11\81 four yoars Allil shulJ , nnJ Putl'ick lJ enry and ' II al hundred relurned 80ldie-, h n some of lhose whom W~ call our w s ' SUI 0 us 118 Jl 811lt8(jI'U theao ~ II \ tb b h L ' ., w 0 are pa Iale •• I0.RT to wera, old minlten. oa- "oret bOYI, the true elements of man· IWU sa ll.l of,lhelHtfguen OI ICllchers, th nl a dan !7 til a va &t our oys , I e , ees" lind who ~lIve IIW (IY all Ih ", bomele8il, hou.ele88, and hllllgr,. 'rbe Ibedr~II, t.ime·h-CIllGred ,uin, etc., but h dr I b ' e so lau~ I~ Imt 'th I !"e rous set to be turlled l o~se , lormory IU t he norliJw t< 'I for nULhin! / hAYe no sheltt!r at Digh~ Ine lbe PI. A, merle a Call boUL' or bel-, schools, 'l'lle 00 Ie s. um eTlug : we must not look peop le "l d ~ Inll n n~f5 of t ie 01 ITar, Woul,Jeot you thin" Is Bhe 10 ue sCRu dali zed by Ih~ se nel\' lioe IItalioo.houses· no 'ood '·'e 'h'" 10 th. e 'Actlonl alonG, but consid-r Ihe II ,w ~re~", lflnge , eve n ~llerr COun. 1&9 11m l f I I • " ,,, .. lIule acboolbouel neslled in the woods motives lhlll impelled 11l6m ~ le~f\hl\cfcs. d~o m" Olle Sill'S, 'A sentellce ol<!r II ~el' ~ ,po ICY tltly . " olll~l , Ii :; "tchrisliRns ",ilo 111'0 cOID po unJ.,d cold yictusll ~Iained b, bet,iDg, It or ollr country distriot.; tbe impaling There al'O ui ,' . III orm e II ch arac ler.' Thl\L one ' 1U$ 1\ 11I11,e.. ar.d qUit l"clr I fr, 01 all Ihe Fk um of all crellsi oo, Rod ol\nnot be woudered at, wbil. IUl arm, Ilructu~e. of fllblio IIc~ool building', way, so wen. the~~0~i~:~~~aent8 In l~e sentencEI of aUI'II Inlly not 00 BOmllch~~In, {IV" d~ light for ~m, L,herll lh iuk L"lItl'lIul an ti Peler Rlld Hevel,'! of noarly a million of meD, .any of aeademt"_ alld college&, to our villAge" Ibe way of la f I gement, In may not be our g lory- fol' very few bone conolltlUn , CttI'IHlIl-th ~ y 110116 h"v tJeeu for 2UO yeal'B mll kin them foreignlu and .lr.Dgera haa be... ~wn. and cilies; tbese are the boa8t of 10 cultiVllle th:t rmer : l~n he b~gaD le!ll~ virtue in aile lesson, HU l RS 'Ih e e pUI Ith cr DaVid put Urillh, 6peci~~ Il lTlill gemoul8 fOI' recevin thtl il' disband ed by tbe GovllrDmeD~, lba' a A.eri~ JDd the prolecti", blesaings 60 prolifically' it W ~ow ywld8 continual droppini; of WOller WeMGlh 1\ boys mou~ consent to InR,kG 1\ 51"I cl~lier\ 80uls in 1'Ilfmli,e. Treeso" considerable number Ihould fiud their ()l a lree ei~il go,·~rnment. Let nOlle tient labor t~ removo t~on fI of P"d' 8lone,' eo lho preeentaliolJ of Irulh uey \WO behind em u\ \h., pmt 'or tb .. ,hc\i..msl Whu,'u your dik\iouaty' way \ 0 lhi. O\\y. MallY of \hem ha". Daue cf tbem be liabll, . e.te~m6d, Our boulders leLl/ll"e I ,ell Ie dro~ts" an a(l~r dflY, wee k IIfler w", uk. cannol f"il "Rllt yOu to lell me J I 'f I \h~hul'U r ! lYo~ster'l 'Yunea 111." beeu render.ed d..utllteb,.ok.'HOOU• s u tIIl8' an uraln III o t b no e ffeCI; R.l ' our worJe will nOL , •Ig 1lit atJ,out Lhll history " a In,bilI s- / Istory Amerlki\n revo\utiollt "" to'~:~'~~~~.!!~""''''''~''~4!iilia. I'u bl 'IC acboote ".re freei 80 free thBt marshee', Rnol h le of tliis No it 0Antthe lr!:eson or l'eeson-b ull·". -'almost are 'wbosoever wilt .ay come and drink. tllfi sticB ~hioh eO 108ee rbo~g . clarae· be re ~lembereu, uut more, will be !lC' In t IIIUt II I t J 1 JI d 'OC 'be COUDtai. ~r lcaroin,. 80 ' Cree properly checke~e:~o d~:cildlt~:~ WaheD comph8Le~-lhe trulh wtll rea ch Ih e I 'I II ' ' 1 on~ II OIY, 811 . evJisll in fe rnRI inbuman Ilal8. Whd oruel i , manv hau .till cllim. that.lhe poore.t o.r lbe noor iii country 'urDed I'n the rl'ght cIIOIlDel.P 001' 11 'be nodr Il ellrt' 'II,len, It t u~, pas,eve, re ,' e'cn ,,~en~ 0{j!0 WR~ 6ct< lit. Okl l~o lVrytRn J.<~o Luey keep Mr, 1111vis in i" il for? 1 IIpon GovernmeDt for' arrlln' 01 paylt k L f onbo Ily Wil l som o Slllp8, and I h,, 1U' aomu tilly It Rnt Mr, Juhusull's \' 01. which. "hen .eltled .... ill . . lUI Ih.... l or "l1a~ lIlay o",oy e<iuul advantageB great UBe and am I re <I ' tbe I b IJOUC I OUI "or at tlln e~ , III lI S weolD' loa .. a t: 1Y ell(16 and jucc· 1 J l d ' f ' wiLh those ia more Cafor.ble, or even for the eft'ort put P' Y a orer dP,edLoll U~8, mlly louk as unprolOisinlf liS bou~ht I f d I~I ps lin ; un IIry 01llg8; uut Ihtl tremtmgiuu! cow \trtable, aDd maD, doubtlllli hUll .u, I IlHI sc ulpl O 's A d I I I' I l~ up 1\ 010 Cllplul C uIl\ ors from preuurll of l.Iul'rOUllliiug circumstances ueeD reuuced br Iheir\ improyidenoe . wea IIh y .c:I~ ..aJltances. Every oDe That boy if he is lau ht to t I ' r .. . n I lO ug 1 ID e I IEl. ote ulot8 01' so rull olhel' l 1 d I lJ I ' ' d ' ma, ac •• i.. aDildlleatiob io thiscoun. find bl"log '1'lltO 8ub'ect'logo t1. atC06~rro ~POIl lI~e may seemingly mako: a~ IiILi c 8101 C 1 0 8, I~n Uill l lO clrcumsLallces . Aint Mr, lin IDlemperaDce, All Ibe agencies, ~ J u ~ Y I debII OJ "'I mOlc all LIO COlIst of Afrlky I' DII VIH a :,:roat a n,l t:!oou mlln! If An",' wbicb ,...re 10 zealolilly IWel'ID' dllrtry of oun, aad be Jilled for Lhe dllties Itubborn will "iii a d b ' Impros810n on 110SO under our ellre, n ~ un roug It em oved d u J u • of life Ibat clln tli! tl ue aY .. e a man warda writlen with acid on s piece of k' I f RII C UCllle t' 1ll unso ll ainl lID ili liollll, \vouldeot he iDg Lhe wllr. hue coased 'heir opera. , C cleo y conll'o I Oluete 'J.' hlit pap u' I Ii I Ii ~o war ' In lIe fi eld, and c ut wood, and I"WflP chanoe. for he/Wt'll Wilh him nnd lionB, BDd Lhere ill DO luociatioa to <KDowledge II power.' 80 great a one whoso cOlllu!lliveness is eo 1"11 J er, W Ie I la 'e, llo re 10 prove Ihat , ,~eer u~re nlld so fOl',lh, but Il t in clu · gi vIl nil his elll'llIly estute to boot') lC which Ihese delLiLllte mOD can apply ror power .hollld be ~I'operly directed.- villoped tLal a pereoD of Ver ~i!it cd lh~ ughts wel'e WfI,llcn, s~ it wily rtl· uin VOllli Dl) r musLllnn nor Ih e jury UiS' MI. lJllvi~'s hODOI' a nd inle" l'llv 'Rnd lIid. Under lheee circumstance,. the Wer8 tbe areal flyerS nol guided in l.:nowledrte of P"ren I Y, d II f qU1l1l Ihe fi erce ~I e s of hfe to de velop ue68 nor so folth. I" d .. J' '1' t f h F" . •, lheir proper channel. instead of bring- the tl oub"le I e ~II 10 ogr can ~u ge 0 whaL we ),nvtl wnllcn on th e InlmHII W II f . pl! ri OII.IO, 1111 lIue couruge wefe ru s ees a t e IVII PaIn II HOUle of . . • I WI lave In gOing con. I enrl' d t '1 l '11 d' I Id e , ' ~ :er whde ll,l ey (Ilund t.h ll\ ,tho 1 wt:ig hcd in a bllhlllrt! Kg-ain st Sume\"s lnduslry are compelled 10 appeallo Lhe II~' ~elalbt~lt· htlPoPflD,ehslI anlJd comfort La t~ary, to his ~ili, or in eneroachin\{ on t~ U9 'o:ro lif:,:r~~:o:' one WI I~C OSt! co IWI 8.' and cod(jsh ,airs. of Nc IV , lind St!:Hn s', IIO U all of his ene mies , Chri sLian and pstriOlio public for aid .e fa eyl, all t lley 111 9 I'lghlS, Will. If the proper direction EugJand did nOl "g,ree wllh Di g-er, and lV,ouldent ho Ollt wuigh cm nil '? Wont !lDd support 'fhe.e meD without inti. ue ID la I III I ~ow do. povert,. "1~rl and d~f8st~. be given 10 it Rnd other powers of the ,. 80 they beg un ,to shde em JOIYn South hid conuucL in Mexioo, anu iu Lhe lattJ tation congre~ated around the tloor. 01 tlOn would follow. 'lhe . electriC tluHI minu, btl a chflmpi on for trutb in times Bill AlP to Bis Friend. as fast as pOSSIble. Aftll r Lher bad 80ld I waf, and hi s knowlegc iu hillLOI y, \VlllitJ the inslitulion, and they haye Dot beeo em 8n u gal the money . th oY,JIn&U th e Ihe ~}e mor~ of lliu tJo,,~s thnt RI'Il bllY. sc nl hun",y away. Upwardl of ODe which 10 oflen deltroYI !tfe aDd prop. lind in pla~e8 wlleo na well mean' erty, a~d Gould kiDdie the world into II but maI'o genL11I 01111. "ould tremlCI~ MR. JOIlN UAPl>r-So n; I WilDt to ch utch and be~ame sa nclified "boul III him In Iill dunge on will ijiuk iUlo thouSIIDd meal, Ire dRily "iren to lhem Hame, I. made, by lhe proper control, lIud fail. wrill! to YOli persolJally abOUl some slllYcrr, sortel' IIko lh,e. womAn t"RI l:{oL obla vion? 1 thil!k SO-t1I11ts what I eay, ~melll~ of the most frugll and econotbe IIgent of tra.llllittiog importanl Anolher clul that Ihould clRim a things thata weighin on me. I look oonvelt ed and Ih en gl\e al! tJ er norv cls nlld I'll hrL on Il, "nu Charles O'Oou. mlclIl kHld-and temporary accommome .. lg.el from ODB Ilate to another- large Ihare of the teacher'lI attention upon you as lI...fric:nd, "nd I (e 91 like nWlly to her ~n.couv ,tjrl e ~ SISler, Wull, nCI' and all thtl womell iu lhe cOUIHr,y dRtion is being pre~ared to gire Lbem from ODe G?un.tr, JO another,. S~ wit~, IH~ ~be limid oneil. wtio 1I""e a poor ,droppin II few lines by way of uubllt'. tbe O ~J D,o mllllOn and filCh ?( hel' 60115 will go my ua ll' ca. sh,el,tor by uigbt, rhe men ezpre.a a k~owledg.e. ""e !t proper dll'er.llo~. II oplllion of Lhemselr eB. Bnd become ea. denm my sorrowful I'cBuxion 8, 1o'0r ~ /\ asiling- ton, R,nd JdI ~ I'so I. nnd DilL Ih ere II ln l uo partioull" pint in wllhDgn e~1 to work on 'ho mOIL moderWIll pro.v. a bl"II~; Ic~, ~ur~'lraliled si~y dlshe,+"l~ne.d •. One of the J.:rea& Ihe last, few )'t'Rrs you ha"6 traveled 1\ li on, lind H,a~d()J(, ,bought em nnd ~Il thi s, Mr. Happy. IL 's on ly my op. 1110 terml, and the Tru81ee8 ha" maile or misdirected, ~Ild Io.i.~hlef II tbe reo wnnls of theIr Ide. 18 somebody to make round I'Ight smnrt aDd InllsL hue made worke~ e m to;' 8RtIHf"kslon, wherelJPon lilian, Lhals /Ill. 1 mlly be n larllel fool arraDgemeDt! I)y whioh thoso ill 'he .uh. • . lhem do what tbey can. We mU8L II Leap' of luminous observations. 1 old ~Ol\' got JeRI.ouB and bego nIa prcach lIud I 80mcl imes fe el like 1 11m 1\ fooi vuioul sections of thu UDioll wbo do,Tbe eai"lel of power e~ployed In SIUUY to kilow their abiliLiea. no matter heal' you are now livin in NII~uville, agln It to tJrenk It down: Th e, raet is ~bo ut e verythin g and dont know nULh. Rire it, may help the meD who IOrncl &bll world fer Lhea,ccompltshmenL of how emnll tbe.y may be-induce the m "I!tre you clln aee !lll Bide. of e very. the,Y ,",ouldlll work gills 10 th~lr fuclo;· Ill. 1'111 Iryin my heBt howilve r, lo t b~ir counlry in Lhe bour of trial, and moral and meDial good are n~marou$ 10 put forth every energy, exercise failh lillng nnd relld 1111 Lh e pllpel's _ wh et'e torlCS If I~ w~renl 8C1 pr06l~hlt', for lh oy lilke lhing9 jelt " S I lind em, snu my leRve Lhew no longer unGlued for ill .lid yerr powldlll, No ono III more III them, and Lhereby iospire them with you csn 8tudy Psradi8e 10sL withoul a Br~ eonsc leutlOudly oppose ~ 10 , cnr~. , prillcipal LI S IlUt:~ {or LUtl IIISL Lwo tbe hour of lr~~Qlph. Y elle~da1 • poleD~ thaD tbe .one t,aken!l8 a theme cOD6dt!IICO in themselves. Such gl'catlv book, and &eo tile l>e vil lind hi8 Ilngels, IllIng lhllt dOllt pU,t moncy In their 111 0111119 IIlW u~e ll 1" oMin ni"ers 10 mllke gontleman ffom Ienue8sea apphed for I~r tllII e.IllY. 'dlr~~ lIItlUCQco.' H eu · need ,I~ bo .helpe~ aDd encouraged in wi~hoUI dl'lIwin 00 the imagination, and pOCk~18: Alter while I,hey wen t in lo CIU feel fl'~e . I put em au" out to take tWI!lve laborers, and immediately ableClrelel all on IlIlIdes , . llit! dlf1:ioultlCB whIch beset thelll and 1 thollgh' lOlly UO vOU could ass idt me lho Btl'lped almllnl1k IlI811O: S9, IIl fl killg' Cill'O 'of Illemsdves, uUI tlley keep hodied men ongaged 10 go with him T!u, t.!'ecl of a cause 1,1 .always pro · wllil6 Ih eylellrn 10 mllsler them,' Lhay in my troubled leelin!j8. I h""e al . bloo Jy Pl c~ tOI'B of the pOO l' ill>erKlcJ cowin buck to m?, aool it keops me (or ono Jear at le!l dollara a month a~d pOrtlODatlS.'n t.he ~l1ch produce. IUtI mlldll81rong to battle wilh llleitern. WIIYS, MI' . H"ppy. lIud eavored 10 lee !11~t:lti gt:lIIUII uund r~ ~IIK ~ h c9 for nuLl!, worklll dllY IIIlUlllg llt to provide (or em, bORrd. If tbe friend. of the loldier tD II, ,80 .uk Inflaonoe: " counte il8 1)1' realities of Ii~e. MaDY of Lhis clas8, Ihe bright siue of ,eYory pickler if it In , a nd ID Olliln for I he l~, lirst UUI U lH! \ l'l'e beo n willin a hng liwe lur em La tJe nny parts of Ihe country will only incaptu'el. who blel8 the powor thlll Ilk" plllnts, perish for want of a lillh had au)'. but there 18 one or two Bllb. CIIUdOIhey ",:e re not. I hen lbey. star· free If lhey coulu lI~kll cale of ~blJm · close lhe cos~ or trlllllport"Lion aDd a woce. them to. or cur.ee llle pow(' r IUllllhine, a lillie Iymprl lhy, II liltle en. jacks about which I baJ mily nigh gin ted lhe 8l~t\hn program,. Bnu wl.lIle ,,' e sdve8, IInti JOM know whaL Tuad Sle. do,cl'iptiou o( Ihe ILiDd o( laborera ,bal ~ondem.1 ,hem \0 banis'bmeaL from couragemeDt. A "ord of prai.e {or it up. -.,e ''1'," . ,,\I the bIg cuurt& uhtl vens is n (Il.sln about, un\"88 h e is jest wanted, to the Bupll'in\endll~'. 1\'\1\ 'he Circle of til, good and true. efiorts mllde, for viclorie8 wou will do I want you to tell me ir JOU CAD, ". liltle COUrl~ ,10 git tJl\ck tl lIC sick ly mel· IlIlIb becllu86 our boys burnt hi~ iron iOlml'dioltely (or"ard a fitly .eleoted Looking UpOD Powera' world·re· no injury, but on ihe otlier h~nd, will boul w,hat lime are tho uillck repuhli. ~tA r by tIl e Dumo of Dl'ed Skoll, tll ey works. If thlll. 1111. wo can plead thf.t wall. It should be remembered that DowDed Gre!k 8Ia.e. ~be mind will reo checr lh~ doubting one ' on hi, way.- COInll goin to quil perseo Dlin our peop,le? were stear III frum {he to fiflY a dlly ,unci I'UIUS of vl\ri ous similar o61ablisbment. mllny art! crippled, maimed, and reduo· ~er' (0 tile "me wheo It (armed pnt of Due prllise for earDesl deeds flllls plea. What are they so everhls~1n mild ""Ith CO'tlJiu Ih~ir CIII'OaS;e8 oV'er With, ui"lll' in Ihc se I'~~ivud. Rod get 1\ juu " lDent I' ed, !lnd Ibat greater charity will be tiI rugged mouu,*~D; the powert'ulagenls 811ntl, Oil the ellr oC all, from lh e hi~h . us abouL'1 Old ::5k.1!'wu811 s!tys its COl' I"reeny. all~ 8~llIglio tho, ,00U';I~LU l~01l .,;in him. n ,inoed by authorizing luch to be ' of fire allHater L b.inle amp 'oyeJ for 1!8t 10 tbe lowest: and I beli e ve where treeson tbllL wll've gone Rnd done, and 11110 an nhululilll ~JIl:;h" Ihey ?uill a But I'm abouL tln'ougl!, Mr. lhppy, 8t:nLLh~~ iD ~pp\yin" for able·bodied Ige •• ooly produced tbe crag~y cliffs i one te.acher errs in withholding reproof Ihat I am the 810w es l persl:t!vin man he f" nce Iu;oulld lhe IlIslullon II» , II!gh as "nh whaL I h'Hllo I"y. On by this-if Illen. Illul In a fllw weeki a\l lheae tben b,Wt ,l••1 powerful, hut not .Ie.88 tell err in I'\'.ithholding praiBe. • ever seeolnot lo have founu iL ouL. I lhmal! M gal~u~~ 1I1l~ he wmed IL In, 11IlU lliere erer was !III aUl ,kIOollJUopl., ItJRI Wllr ·worn aoldion can be pro'ided for. efficienl age8~ of .guJlpow:der and pick · Lt't us strive to drBw Ollt aDd develop }io" Treeson il a mily LIld thing, l lbld selg to IL JI~t like /iU army , woul~ ntledeJ fri ends il s us. If wu've gOI Mcnnwlllie the work anu lb. walltl of an, the 1I0lid rook. wal dislodged from Ihe good in olhel s thnt may heftl' aod ooy mfln found guilly or tree son l uC6cge a CI.ly lo slarv Ol,lt tbtl IIlh ll ln · allY fr lJlld$ ' al1),whel'c, I wnnt tm to ~~Ie I081itutioD ar~ more IhaD dou~led. iL. firm I..ilil aDd' gino inlo the handa Llle welcome warda of commendati on ought 10 be talked In by Il preaohn l la nts. Th!:y ke pt !legglD At U3 nntell ~l l ow' Iheir hllnds Bnu stand uy U8 in lbu meale now glveD eo~t .!tou' I!Kt, of milD. Then by ,bllrp in9truml:nt9, {rom the Grellt 'fucller-'Well ollllle.' right under a gllilus. ond then ou 1(1 . , we go t mflu-~hulV enu(f mo,l-llud we our LroutJle. .I reRcl1 Ollt Lo lh o live dollll1'8 a day, and lbll eJ:plodltiare _sed Iloti inil, .aDd persevaringly dill' In 8l1hool. learning and wiauflm lire lowed to &lanu 011 uoLhill fur B felr : I'tlso lved to eu' loo se from em nuu Jl 'lol· pillt» of Lh ll compass in search of sym · mus ~ be conlinued f~r ~ome .euke, l'he aflerdAY by Iklmul band •• we behold Rccounted Ihe same in nature and hours by the clock , Shore enur tro ll . l dt e our own Cllnoo, . pntby,anol if Lhf:l'tl is KII hon os l RLIHes ' puullc are urgently IDYlleli tocom.aand the perfectll·c~i.. led .talue upon which bring lhe SAme pl'ice wben put to' Balll' 800 I mean. Treeson whOle a mUll I .Now nil ,Il is timG we had some good mlln or II brave l oldioJr DOl'Lh of tile Hce the eiasl or men thul lupphoaoll all gal~, wllb admiration. Oou,ld ~l! ?r i~ Ihel'e i.l' a difference WIlItlO, learn'. slips Rroun~ on Lh~ sir in time of war, I ftl eoue ar,nong om--some who , s worll line w 11 0 lo v08 hi g f~l low bien Io:t him for aid. at lheir frllgal diDoer a' ODe 0'bllYI! Hllted 1(le ~ork.room during Its 1Il~ 18 always a lillie auove par. while Rnu tRkll8 81dll~ s31111111 country. J6S~ : 1'1''' Ivel'e unposed upon, IUIII saId lV e Upllll hi~ ~wal'lanu meet us on' blllf· way clock and jlldge BI well of lhe Daceali1I,I.Bgee or PlIYg .... lloJi. , we wOllld have wisdom fall9 below, And tlle pupil 118 though for tn&tance, I ehoulJ hllv I hll,d good causo to dlssolv o Lhe PIll'tIlCI" ground. We lIilll a(eered of bells t. or ty liS the economy of Lhe work, 1t,Ide dreamed 'bAr: It was to tJlnk so who c~n racile the m081 geo~rllphy re o worL:ed agin my 8uvrio Slate afle r silo ' silip. They 8aiJ thllt if Wb uiJ !luted varlU in8-of d\1 vils or dem ons-oC Sle· S, B, H4LLlo.u. Superintend'TII_ hlgb amollg ~e work._ pf art, wjnning peat the greate<ll number of rulod.II~lv o had fiUcceeded, and slolc he r pow der 01" 1111 01 Lhe sbolislJllneslls made war up on nils or Sumner-but wo lU'u a WArDl- 291h Ja.nuary 1366 lor the loulp'thr a Illme placir." bim the most problems. aod mlly be Baid to d!!8p.rlcd her in the time of pllril, \\I Idle I us, ,Lhey \VoulJ 6tliIRU lty U6, lhrow harled fiuol fOl'giviu pll eple, I\ull loY" ' .: amone l.be f' ae~iu" eI of the ·world. hAve 'a uu.hel of learllin!!.' is consid. sl.lo was defrnJin, herselfaorrain tho co m~ , lb tlc ll'hlives 11,1It! f<)l'\uues anu l"~ir sltk · our frienels. Aiut Wt! Anu uon't wc ? A OONTllIXNT CovxnlCD W1TR Jc..Look . I~g Ihto tbe IClb~lro~~, we see ered the beat and brighlest pupil. one blDl'd assaU~L of tbe world. the 6 .. 6b ' ~c onor I'IghL n the breach. ,aud lue You rs, crorinstiul!ly, DILL AltP. P Dot Inllilimale Itoue. bill bodle" of 11"8b whom lite te'lchel' is proud to OWD: ho alld Ihe tlevll, I wouldnl have blamed tirst, fi g ht wOllld btl over their d eflll P. S.-Is Brownlow dcad yil? I'm tl~::'t~gl:;~~i:~:tlllort;:!:'beo~~~:~~: al~d blood, .the d!,~l1iqg. , of immortlll 11:!lI:nl \\'hAt he is tBught, no further- nobody for hRngi?g me lor lhtl li~ e, bodlts a~u 80 fortb Rnd so on .. My wl'iLin Ilia obilUll l'Y, and Lhought ] waB once coveted "i~h ice a mile iD mlDdl, coming Q.FIgID.RJ~tOIb w.benee he II never the pareDl ot a thought, would you? DuL ~k(j\lball says we nluL j memory 19 blld, but. 1 rcrncmbor th'IL Ivould liko for t,IJtJ slIJ eve,ut LO come off : lhickncti8. Lhereby agreling with Prof. 'he matble comes, frOID the haud of The boy wilb 'Il lhimble · full of got DO 6uvrecn States - Lha.t Iho wllr lomo of em were IIRmed JaDlc8 Huell ltl I h Id \ God; blu .. much of it wns lef' til lhe brllina' who goee farther Ihan his books, hue sell led the queslion sCTin us on , anoo, and Dnn Dit)kiusoll, Rud John ~s 600n 118 p.oSSI e. Wl8 yuu wou Hitchcock lIod othtlr IImiDell\ geologioal se nd me Q hijl of your members who writers concllrning the "IRcial period. .. 0 \;, ()~. CaM too ~.man hADdl to mould. EO gets a thoullbt, knil. the nervel of his Lhat piD~ I daM Ihink so my frend, I 0 ' ran, lind Logan, anu OU6iJin. Rnd vOLed (or that resolution d~clilrio Gen. , In proof of thi, cooc:usion, he .. )'. wllh lbey are to be mind, KDd' live8 beyond books and Icach· admit thaI we aint lIolhiu ill partililer L Hutler, dsurnallled D' . fn~ous, W ltha\' 'be .Iop'.ls of the ,Alleghaay rlllge b tbe.e db d'ImDlorlals. 6 d ::; lUll ABellsl, U IIDI I! Mo Lee an d, "I J) r. , a~ls III • ape y Irec'.11I uence exerted rig!.t. er in the realms of original Ihought- now, but we uid hav luvrcenStAles boo ern~lI, lin . I,euven , oug ~18 ",1 10 arc g~llll\ up Il,b:lllllth~ U ~ orgy Leg' l of mOIlDlainl are glaCier-worn Lo the . The 8C1I1~tor Ie e~ploycd upon o~e only occilsionally titarll~ng his inslructor (are the war. aud Ihe sword lIi~t ~elll· , l:~l hIli comml~Blo~ Il~out ,the limO) he 1. II\IUre, Jccl ll nn lhem IIlClllnOUI who very lop. ,except which were abo.e pI,ece at a time. and If he shoulu fad , by an uuusual que~tlOn, or Buswer, I:ll nor unsettled no grc&1 prlnclpl,,!. tllcd, and carrIed It, WILl! him to par~ ,; "ol eu (or thu resolutiun.-l<'ighL the \htl level of the icy malB, Mounl WlI8hin,'Lou, for inllliloce, il oVir lix Ills 1081 may be, more Ihan compenl8ted which CaUlif'S that wise person 10 nmile l'htlre nihl 110 Irilll or I' i~hl 01' wfl'ng unknown, nnulaslly n man tJy Ihe nnOl e u~yil wi~h fin~ i~ my mOILO. But no' 110 with the because he hilS uever lillen it wrilll,n, by wBger of bfllLle nowaday s. Fur ,' uf An,l,y ., feet bilJ:h. alld thll rou&h, uotby reprochlcliiuD. h d J a nson, who 1 supp oso ar .. ._- ---lbou.and eee: er: be deall with many mllld8, is considered a uunce. mighty nigh a bllndred years thi s COlll\' l lI~mo I st~ nl r e ~nlian to the l'resiti enl polilhed sur{Bct! of ita lummil, COYered "~rlo~, ~the Ibapee of foresL leA\'tls, Lel Lhe IC8c1lt~r in afler YCllrl look lry hllve ltetln a bilt debaLin society a ll ()l Ih" ~ 1I11 0ol tlIRIC,8 of Amenky , llUL ASIlODOTE at' Gov. OOftft' IN ,-A sltort wilh loose frRgmentl. jUlt below the (j1ft'erln,"O alory ,al 'one BtRr rllffl'r .. th {or I,ia hopeful pupil, he will probAbly t"e~e QUC61;0IJtI; From lhtl time (If: a man !lInL rl'sl'on sl blu (or the u.. t1 Call liroll aftel' lile death of AnJrew Jllck· level of whicb «lacier m/uke come to fro~ anolhu atar:' Deverthel~ss. minda Ifind him behind a d .. ,k' in some count Hnmilton and J,-ITenon down to l8G I, \ ~uct of pllr rc l8~lons, onJ 1 dOllt Ihrow Kon, ~"n"lor Corwin lind II friend, who lin end, lelll lhal it lifted itl head aloaa deatlDed for Itappinel' or miscry, 88 inlt' room, or a cltrk in the t:stllblish. lue right ? f a Slate to t1iuolvu htl own I; up. lonobody., 1 6I1ppO ~" lllHL our wel'lI lidin).C to£(e l,he r iu a etllge coach, IIbovo the uesola~e waite o( ioe IDd meDt or ' ll mEl wealthv ml!rchant : wtJile pllrtnerBI~lp ' hbV b e ~n ar g u~t1 by pow . \ l tllOllll!UL al'o dolO Ih l! bUMt he Cllll, lind {ell into conversalion coucoruiog the they sre trllined here. H Lbo leaeher. makee a mistake, gives hia 0101'6 ploclding 0110 wi Ille fount! in erful n!iuJed mCR. aud lhenl hll' Mr. El\lheridge ough\cn '0 be llIo"~1l II~ \1.,0 or tbe H ermitage, lind after spell' 6u'i:'lbill Tegion. then. Lbe lbicklleee or a ''',ong .troke, the conlequ"nce will the Senate hall, Ihe world'elirrillg mnn been, mol'u ( U I' it lhlln Il g in it. More ' on hiS I·",coru. king or thll GO:ll ~ ri\I'tI indomi~Il\'\e I)6r' Ihe ice C1\1I00\ hne been much leaa ~e ~111l'l~OIlI' W:ho can m~ke ~~endB of, the tilue8. :Not t~I", t Ipllrnillg al~d IPresldeull - m.ore f:ll!Ill\lore, wore Well the wnr c()m~ on, And show e- ~e"el'nnce, Corwin'8 rricnd !lsked bim if dulU 8ix Ihousand f6et, and lb.i. ill ill ID hfe or In .eter~ItT for mJIgnldlng a "'18dom are nulllgoDlsll':: th ey /lct In S IRle ~llle n , more Judges, more IfI"'·y~r s. Duf Logon IInJ OUI~hrn sod McLernand he thought the GcnMRI Will ioll ollYen , keepin~ with Ihe .ame kindl of etilou,l, dra~ , I.Dg .It.1 dOWD to , , d."rk.neas, hMrlOollY, Oil" i» ueelWlB without Ihe 1001'0 p.eofr ) Ill. Ah ~,sl\)' cliu ~e L.18 IIiHI I lind DlILI~I' ,fllld ,Compnny buzzed a· ,[ don't know, tJUL if Ihe Uen ernl mllde d euct! In ' at Iler p"rts 0 f th e country,.o1' ~ I'D illilt ~hd rUlo. IQsa,ad of ..1.I1h~ H up ot ber, the ooe should 1I0t be overraled OOllneclieuL we re for Il Rl o n ~ lIm e ,rll~d I round a while like Lumblll· bcc~ 1111 up his mind 10 go to Heaveu, all-- when the mountRill1 are much below '() to hgt.l. lo glor1 &ad to Qod! Is It alld Ihe other underrateJ. bell ~ l'cd BrounJ anll paweoll.ltn Illllnill lhey were broughL up nncl thun th ey Iii cuulu not p ruvcut I,inl.' sil[ Ihou!and f'II,L, Lhe iceteelDllo bue Dot true that 'characler i8 mflinly Different peuollft have difl'Hent ca· lOI{IL?",I, bUL t1Jcy Iuu,ud out Dllrl;us l ol't!ron the othal'·siue. 'l'L cygot Lile ir --, plla8cd olircctlyovenhe~.whilethele" mo.ld~d by th. ol '.iocia that lur· pac1ties: tbe head8 of children Bre not Wl4S willin Rlld Ihey dlJIII go. I be · re wllrd and Lhlly IITtI ""ll lcOIOIl to i, 10 ZT'I'he presl!nt use of th e uRrr in pel\ks rising to thaL height areletl UIlroulI~ It' f ,:. " like vessels of ' the same size anti qUIlIi. lie~e. hO\fc\'cr, Illat vld NUlmeg did rill' 109 1 rom conccrned. tho: ch oir of ,1110 chur eh of ll,e Iu ly ' t'lucbed, The glacier. he argu .., w: a • 110w is i, now Mr, JIllprY ? They TrioilY, Urooklyn, give8gl'!l!l1 &atisfae · ' Uod'. great pl ow, and woen 'be I~e . ~t IS, lhe mibd. of the teachcr f'1t!r' ty IhaL mil} aliktJ be filled: "hile one SIIIY ,OUL I\bo~t two lJour<J and a, hllif. ciling 1t.,PO IIr In word, look and deed has powers to become IUBsler in Ol. e "c illh e :Solllh \V\:nt OUI roily UII ' conquo:reu u,. by ILo SIVaI'd. but l lle y lion. Thu harp i~ not ou ly ontl uf l lt,t: : vani~b(jll f,<)DI Ibe (aC8 of the land, ., thllll,*l.' ,tae .iDd of the pupil.- branch, lJe is ullcrly incapaule of ue· willlllly. Mr: Happy. li S YOIl L:1l 0\f. She hllvo:uL cu n,inced U8 of nuthin much liS most graceful of lIulrum~I;18, uuL 18 lalt It prepared fonhe baad of !.he hutEve . ~"r . il IIlie a Ipoking·glRl9 coming 0 proficienL ID Rllolher. hll\' bten lOlLy nigh klr.k ~ d out for Al l know c f. All is lust SAve hor.or, IIlId p.!culiarly availH!;l c wilh tb e Or ~l\ ll for bandm.n . , lor ,I ....,,~ ; &o dre •• by: keep lhe l<or tlv"ry ODe with hiB abilities IIINe Il) l1 g time, IInu IllIITe WIiS 1\ big }l1\l'ty , lbK~, tll..,y ORUl s l e~1 1 frvm II or laruillb. lI~i " hl ell'i uii tbe dr~e l of cburch u.u~/!'he illU'd surface of the rock8 wa. gl.... citlt}>.~tlllhi. ,n ot dull B.nd is a nich., somewhere in 1)10 wi~ e, wiJ" tl}"t, wllllled Ul! Lo go OU1, nnd ~Ll\y OUI ,I 11 t,J.IlY had buill out tho hllnd ~f ful· ie. " ' ground to po"def, Ihe elementl of tb. IiP~•• )V. ~ ...,. ftlil \! l!I1elll. wlilch world. lL bst KlwRysllcedcd Joubt<ri, 1<. ve r " IJOoly 1.1I0W~ we dlJIl~ g iL ,,,long i 10W!lIIiPI ,,yo: wou ld hl.lve wade (TI~IIU6 - - -•.- - -- - aoil wcre minglel\ ill (Rlr proportion I. '\Jrl c4en.h la roodly a. o~r li\'81. nnJ meclianicB, :nerchalll8, lawyus, doc· I!l p('acv. HO \I',1l cOllclude.d Iv 110 Ilk" A ·I '~II, d. burrl t! t1 lll,e jll~lchct. BUllhu ver) R . ' _ Ne v~ r find {'Iult "ith I!ralliLt! wal carried into tbe lime r8g10 '.l~arl, ,ar. 'bey the .entlmenta of our tors. tenchen, stflle~mcn, geniuees,lIud bn.hnm IInu (,18 brOLbcl"llI I ~\\I , 10 81!p ' I tUlln~ Lhey wUll' pe d us, they begull 10 . I OM: I:;~ 'YOUII I 1,;'1118 ill parlil'fllllr if , ions. lime "al mingled with lb, more Cint lRltraetot.';~'1qr pamt.llntl: lcaeh. always ':fill, alld lhose thnl il1Rll neKt arate our housuholds. Whllt lhey ; holll!r ~r"cson fro,I~'l one end u{Iht! CUUII ' ~1::;·ar~I~ l'cidl./rv mlJs: bUL be IhQ~k ' I' Rrid and, unproductive/raBite di,lrictl. lry tU Ihe ol h~r. JI ,t like Lh ey hRd mlld e fullhey UriV O tl ill htlallh and spil'ils nec. a~d a !lOll Willi prepl\re fit lor the a~ er,~ 1~1"', kft~"_ lIo~ ' w\lelher Wilt. tllke lh€!u places ill the severnl d ep Rrt· wRllled lO ke~~ UB for I never could tn ute llie pnll••• K». 'Of tbpm 10 our· l\1enl8, wheD IlJo~1I who Rrc now Mud cant lice Jlt . I woulullt hay!! a 1\ lJl'IIlI nelY dlskuvery, h sc!:med LO ~.~8a ry fur romping . Odtl'r be a romp rlcuhural u •• of maD. There .ar•• ,... I,.. 01' Otb.ti. " tI"pp,...r' Ihey who occupying them shall \'acale them. to nig er or a dog to stRY rouud me ll".t ! sl like em 1\11 of a sutlJeo like 011 Xpost thAn hllve a nMI'OW ChtSL and Aflus ht;1l deDoel al\ over Ihe ,p olll' re,lonl t. c ....~" ...~emhet 'bi Ii • • • 1Ien good reLurn DO. more for e\'~r, arc noll' At · diolot wllnt to, ::lome 8,RY lh~y wlIlI~t!d f"kto law , 1I!1,d lh,e, wi\nteulo go i!Jto f\I I , k show that at one penod the l1flat of Lbe thou,gbt. Were alna,. IhiDil. when tonding our I!~llool" lIud lhe more il;- us lO 8lrenglhe~ em agIO thllr e nem lcs g~ ller\'1 hlJn~1t1 blslless, IInu ket<p II up 1l11l!! , _~. _ _ - Lropic8 extended all ol'er tbe globe, Tbe Goc1. ~Utl~.at'l aDd requirements w.e~e 1"IUgllnL th«:y become, the:. betler lOI' \ ~n, c~wo of " fOHln wllr. DollS IIny II1l\n H.~ IQng as Ihey . oould. find rope and _ Mrs. Pn'lIid eDl Johoson has re o iCII period iN suppo.ed &0 be loag lab1I~~_~a~&i "hen 1...00' or trutn to l.hem8eh'el lind for o,her.s. Bu~ I,,~ the III Ill S SCnjlj8 expeoL us 10 hdpthtl blae],; limb!:, .."., from Sir-Murton Peto a mos ~ sequent ~hil, and ae%~ to tbe laa\btt~ ~.z~lI N /'. clli"t<d '9, WW'Cll i Mla tleed,. :w.er. 'nbt ill. Idoher ever remember tllRt ninelY ' nine \ republicanl wbip II!,! body? Hllve Wtl O~Y Iba idea of ee!eraJ ~il,lion~ of fo,e Lhe ad rellL 01 man, lUlled; 1f. b U _. I 01.lo',v e,.aad palience 01 eve.ry bunured, n'erbaps, are to 611 go~ any wOrle lIoemle,l llan t,bey. a. rll' Ame.t'lkan fl'cemaln, bOlllg gUllty.of lree c1egan\.JInd c')8tly pres ellt/ in the (orm 1fer r f' Ilk f I of a Chri'Lmal box ttf Illre lind u :q uls, .e • • .• • lIol plachc'ed, It i. ealY to in- the more hamble Ilationa in lire, and They CAlI't mllke UII lig Il ree on I W t: SOli ~t ouoel 'i'be ldcs of applytn puc I ile de,iet!, lilh:d witb Parisian bonbl'nl , Ii ' IIrliet thele the more ravered onea who lel noL neir minde be fiUed with (al,e ,dont wllnt 10. WtJ've fout tnuf and 1 A cillne 10 eleven ~re,,~ suvrell St~tes " ., Your charaeler aD 1fOlllcLclo .ell if 'hwy nerer cr~'lIe4 the nOliC'D • which sbaIt uDfit tllem forLbei r I' lnaJe Dlll,hin by. it ~ut glol·Y. and ,.,.. I l\'h i e~1 meL in sole~n conytln'io~ and i l l , ... ~ : ., fulDe .. depend upon the way 10. p~ portal. of ~ loboo1roo~; bll' th e poor pOllil ionp; buJ may tbole ,hioi!! be I\int a "uln to gl~e In another \\ IIr lil l lLe hgh~ of day ,hllol rcd a UolOn th~" '1 he LOlldon lmel• fdltollally. 1o.ur eveDlngl. ~ake ml w9rd . for It, lealeOlld "aiC, of .0eieLy. "ho hlo~L tau,*ht Ihat I>halJ make them 'he wiaer grali(, Olhljr pE'ople. Dotlda says .. b,,- had created, and whicb had beeD a dll' pron~uncee ~II~ ' ACrI1:on slave Ir ol de III la a you~g man. "linD,. Uaal • • . . . . .c\ .... aeDCe of the Teacher. •
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ATT F.JIIT10II, ..,111) naioNAL. \ pRrWic .l!ltrT '1 .. \', laud pApers lfi.e REQt:IR[S ': - -;-~1'~RARY ROTJCElS. _ . uf ont> of th ,· ma il IPrrl t' ~\l"L 0 Of. I'rI!:;c:nll If ALLOW'P Q!l)t (!Jn~cttt, -The Queen or ' puill' gne INrib to ud pee~lillr murderl on ' record. Frtd· 1ll Co ~TJIIU~ ,~ SnKn~rA"~'s MAR HilS il the litle o~ a 1\ d 60 Irrlu,tio'u of th ' I U:1g-, a P.umaftoflul ~ W . 11 e ~0h'i"6: ~. Ii intcre ·tln a son lin lhb 241 h. er lcl; Odrn, " ermRO r. ener, Tti ro ll t Alfc.clloll or HU (n c umb&.' & J •• IT 1 , . fel'y compllcl, Aulh ~nlJc lUI g IIH\" \\r~jle8 )111~ ord~rt'd R fie t ,r "' " .. ti, in~ foul' mal .. s (rom l .u"" Ui~c""" / I' I k I' I Id he vHlunul e 10 - 1' 01 e • ' ,,' WF.DNbDAY. FIEBltlJ,UI ! H. ~80~: Itt e IVor , .. IIC I wou . • lie olliol.' furililurt: . frum lhl: rc:m1l. 1.1l 8 o~I y~Kr CI'I.'I,,,hlnd, 00 Wt(rnesdllY nii:1it mur' ts onEil THE RE- UL; , ~~~~ ~ ~ everyont: who fceb AD IOleresl In reo \ llie ~hrc i Jll " C , I. ' · f olel womAn of 55. BROWN'S nnoNt;UIAI. fllCCIiER I,I..,ND " , . DIlItW swsra:. l;:n~ . f l 1\ dcreil ul WI e, lin . . . n II e p I ~ 'VOL II ' • _ • • • • • • NU. "II, merubering lhe cleeds 0 our grell t'ti p . Ollto Ihird Ion of tit. , b .1 (II e womlln WII8 fouod b Hllving • II' u e ll~~ "lin I I",r . , • • ••• _ • p ' lOs Ben(lIe & rlnee .' lue '1 he: ou Y 0 J ive inlluedinle rp icel. r IIr flJI)C I 118 , _ _ ~;;;;~;';~~!!:!!!!~==~~~~==--~G Q:ene ta1. ,, ~.IC~ Ctot. King of ItRly, dltU III Gcno1\ 00 tlle blld.i J,~ , horribly mangll.'d by reo ~ ~Ihm •. C:.I OI rrlt. CUlIsu lllptive n...1T hr08 1 • ~ Il N II It A L Nil W S , Co. , JIB Wdillun streel, New York , 12211 of J flO, , cRIe d LllI\\'d fl Olll "" n ,' . Tht! mur ' U'SIl'.;'., Troc"f.~ ure lI""" .\\,,,10 .,I w,,)·. • to ' 1.11' I I II K 1I thalllpio\1 fla r8mnn nf P h b 'ood 8UCrl~83 8111 "81 alld Public 8pe~k· The eatlle plnuge is slill on 'h e in· Fl om lle e um pll ;~ It'TS we lal'e I ·p ury I" y, I d lite ch"II t: llgll l d~rtlr rutued oULof thll OU lt' Ate 00 ' ~r s wiil filld 'Trucl~~' IIde lill ill cle""q . H II nd and h"a exceDded ' 10 Lhe Dun ELOC[JTloN I81', well aoapted to I EnglHuJ . ,1"( ~ IIcl clllPI t: P ilI ' uur" lur 110 I ~d nuu Wild tra.c"oJ vy hi. 1,1 .. til' foot lit e vllir l' whl'lI I.k pli be (u re sill!!ing or ere. e• MI ' 0 • . . vf J '''I'' '~ ,"n .. , U • 0' tl . , . II !! IhrO'1l OnPT nil le n.ovince.of 1'Ionll Brab"n L. the u e of "elillol. , &c., ns IL cunlalliS III lerllflli,HIHI Ul ulc h, , prinl s !'ome five m,le8 10 II pODd , when' , p,'nkllt g · Itll . re l'IIVIIII'll.e· v',eul or"hll" Tile Il f l ' I IV lis of ; II · If 1"lIlI81111 l ~x\!rI\ Un U , .. ~. 'rho Peruviaos hue rurmed AD IIIIi st:!tCl1008 n~t V Ull, I.n ol le.r or I _Prt:tiiUt lll Jll tlrt'J !,igltly commell<ll l he ClIl 011 1 " t.ol~ al1l1 .lrUWIlt!1 IIDl'~ . Tr ll rliP8 u~e rel'OoIllllll'llIll'd nl:l~ 1" ~8 cri~ecl . h eu·t d decillred wllr a- I ils chIS.. Stoli d lor It. Price 10 cen S Plr.lu. nl J ,.hI\801l·S III1 I1UIII UIC ri~ .. ~e. lI i~ bouy lYRa t"ke n from und V lhe WI! bv Phy ~ irinll. , .II~ hue hReI I t'8l1 mllll 'lI Is aDce WII I 1,1\0 I> II lI d ". p~c ull y Ih e por liim of iL wilich hort Oi'II UDC" frolM Iho: olJ;lI i ll~ The li OIlH!IIlIlIl'lIJ III Plllhr\l ll!lhou t the toIHII.r, . / gaiol' Sp .. iD. lllNTS 1'(lWAIID8 J ' IIY I C' AL Ellt'EC' It . I l th e hlulI lUC Uoctliue:. ~' ~ '1'1 B 'i "lf lIn "rlide of trul' ow rll. "lid IlUvtllll . 1.1 ' . rt' .. "s l ul llJy ~Xtl was found n~lIf . I" ' . Ii IJ I t Of mutlY · it ia IItded lfilll FrAnce Illtely BUg TJO;\' , is Ihe IlIl e of R I"de pliU IClil ion , . , . bot ll rt lh4l 1 o . " . pruet t! Ill per ci "".cy Y 8 • tl" . . ' I I . db F I . &: \\' "J1~ 38~ -v .. lI .. fRl G,nnt 1. ,IS conl l l . , etlu,e I\sslgneJ for 'il e deedI 8 J"lllou·), l v""'~ . Pilc h )' en' hltlh J\ IP IllIIl nP\V 101.11·
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I t hll lWI) of le n q Urll r,,\l etl, .• I' I if propHI:w rtnJ 8110 JlS EIois c,,/,"1 Chul eh , lU W ,I, hto, ear t. otllH of UOf!lllhlullll·6S. Oden IS l lhllll ulhN ftrli(·Ip. . . o::.Q.... uec IDeI • r r \ . . . . I "1 • n hlol Tro· :,> ' .0.: (III" du • '1 • d will Dol fail 10 accomplish , lUll . \ ~po k r ll oj " " hllvlOg b~t'n 1\ qlllt'l m"ll. ()"III,n Oil y , rll WIl S ronr ~ v lJo S In 1865 the lale 0 .lnOli pro c [Hflt Ice , \ . . I II ' rloeH . """ do 11 01 wko lilly 01 ,he worlh · "'oJ ~J> ~... edJ7,OOO ,O(}0 bush els of ""h cIII,B UO,OOO much good . -:-' LIS5 Emmn l1t1rJill ~ ....we ll kaown Hi~ fllmily ctllI 'lst"d of b~e ell' rrll, I leri • :lIIi'.liuIIS II,nt nloy be "lfer ed~, ~ l f~orn and 1 b' ( I \O~"I ~ C O Ulllt y li S :\ bl\\lmnl plluI C I\ lheol,Jl' ~ I. ~tjY"'Ir>('I'" 'Jh ll mUl'(l l' r t:;uIJ pverywht'r tJi llllt l' Un' IPJ S IUICS, ! \p. (I.(. . CURE :~, ... II 8 0 t rYI!, 1000000 b Ulle , , 0 '" FATHER ~I ATTII"W "0 III , ...... . • n R n~ nn t " llI'''\;~r. I, .III Lo IIII ,, " 1\1 PI t: 'l'Il I , I ~ crl!tll l.' tI' inl~nst: I 'xc i l em"lIl at H.OCkpOll, 111 1,,1111 F .. rel~1l C UUlllflC~, ut 35 ce nI 8 per ;.\. .,,:,v .... vV' 2B,OUO,0l10 bushelsofw heM, conci se lurm, M t:~s r~. Eu"l . . , &. W ~\I. urin" ull Arncll cn Wh"lIl . llI! 1'1 JDtl ' 1 . . . f \. \ . .1 Ib" x. 18.ly. ~l' ~o"5)Qi , , ..l. , d . J J '. ".. ' In lbe VIC\IIIIY 0 w IIC I Il O CCl.llr~u. \ ~. ~ ,vile psillioo five hUDdred IlOU8AD 111l1' 6 i s ~ u c J a .k"le lc of 11.0 Il f,; An , II ' In 0" Willi '"v ur. \ . f IIIlell~. " ~.... _. • ••• I C Olls nmpUoil. S t:I' O till'" r~ .;.~ pouod80f cOllooorgoodatnple. " live boraortl,!! great Ilpllsllo of l ~""pH . _ Li p lll~lInlltG f !) Pn\1 GrllnL nn.1 U-T lt eLllnd on IlIu , II'II led NI! " ~ I 1I1UII" .", A:c. --p. ' ~.... nu', lnr"lh~I",.t ToD i'· &0 _t C b d f \ °6 01 In tI.o wo rld. ...".. • been uillld in Ille vicioilY VI 1U on· alice. & nt posl pni or IfD c~nl s. M"j " r ' ('PIlt"1'1I1 ::;It~ rmllil . Wrrt! PII'S«'1I1 _11 \, 8: · BlIl'Ilum. who b '18 bee n nil hi 81 Hl'l!l'mnn & I:O.'d I!P1tllille Metlicinal "" , ... ' dale Jackson OOUDly, II/ inoia, llt t) pail - -1,,( Ih t Pre ~ i , le"I' 8 rcc,,\)I:\lIlII\SI wct"k. n' slrivill" aflH nOlorielY .1111 t'n . IC"d LlYN UIL Ita s l'ruHll. by Iwenly ,.r.:': ' ---~ .~ , TIIK llI' IUX "'''0 TIlA D1::S' AD\'o<:! n ; , ' Th e ::H'al CIIPIRill& Wcrll aCCOmp ltllltU 1\ I t: . n , • ' I I I ye Jrs pXI'erie ', r ", Ihl' mus l ,'ol ull ble r e~ · 1 <0 \I' . ~~ " l ellron. N Y k is A 'o urnal ti e,ol ed 10 th~ 1 by Ihclr wives. ,Illnn !! 1I0t m ~ t ~ly I·n\), Itlllrl'(, RU. clly ill U~ I' , It_ whl lp II c ur l'~ II ..l tllBeb se. 11 ~~ . , ~ 1,'here 8r~ about 10,000 U. S. pen · . () W 01" J " . r ' • IO lI li c~, Ll.I llin y IImo unt or cunlempl,ln ' l! ived s trt! II~l h ' "U il" dh lO Ih e 11I!lIelll.~ 1>.cQ · . Oh ' d'" I' led Lhul Inlere~ 1 8 of Ihe bone 11110 S11le w of lill -til', J ohn ZUllu el I' about to .es . IT I '" bl ' d l W"rrolllo·d pure '1I1d m"tlr rr:'m tn·lih· LI· :' BLOOD lIaotin ID . .IS lin II bl e CI'Rm tl\' , \ ' S\1 1\ .. . \ I n _1'1I 1I te ll l D<lYI OII " I . ' I~. t· uns to lie II"VI< . It ' IS 0 1!:It: (I 1J0.1"'.1> . .10, ' en t. IS I!S IWA ' · IKIllI , in which r.II U e 1\ mU SICIl ., vcrs . Sul d !ly Dr ug:!'. . l" I(PIINnl II' , "',p Ibl Dumber wIll rllllcb 14,OOowhtn all . .. . ' .• , I~ Oh io Wo;ar"g!t,d Iu welcllmlllOlh" . liv" tnCI,!,(0110IllPIII18 . I-I"hlls 'QDleII EGE~IMI&. CO. , r~~ . '.1 I)ton ' gIVing 110 'U.llcc rtam l. ounu. ," . \. " lan, lin d ' Iu Europt·. 1L ' set- IU S, 10 proc ul e 6p .. CI' . k ~ Ihc Ipplicaols ,bll II LIlive b cen conSlu' . . . \ Wt:S\, suc h R Ihuluu !:! II IItU ,"C ' Ctc£mlsls nnd D . rlll! (! ·lcll,,_ N clV \. l't. ' ":i! ....1" . L Nunll e, tlte edllor lII ·clole f, 18 H glln I I lit · Z d ' l 0 III ered ftL Wa~htngt on. · "xc~1 co t I\:IIC ler 1\8 I ~ un C . mells ror R n ~ w mU~t'um, wl'lch h" c ,n 25 D 'I ~ CURE ' dt:mhO {uorllble k no wn R1TlOng mttro · \ . 'I I' II S d . .. S d 25 Cents to Save 0'. an. .~, 1n i14 mearorilll to Ihe Hou'Se of Rep . . . I' 1 " 'd ' 11 - I t IS H' pO' te d 11,"1 .. r. ". . to· 1 ~ lIlplll lt'S e~lnbh, lllO l:: In Ih o IRle8 ;"1I H "'''' II'"'' '\! l'U I' C" l< l r ~ I Pd 1t"I<Zi ll l! rp· 0>. ~ polilan Juuro a I ~l~, "n. ~ S S"(: I R, ~ W I I J I u' I ~ 'HZ "'" . ~.-: SICK ,' re llenlali,u, lbe Pilleburgh Boud 01 . . . . I ,>\. 1'1 IS 10 ,. Il I I~ ltt·w 111 ~ . ' IS "u lig,eJ 10 Cl\lIltim,r,lf Brown , J"n "' l lI1hV I'rl P" i"l, Grell se Sp" : •. .Ii " ; ' 1118"1<11- ' 1.. «, , 1 I ' f t "1m IlI lhe {,clles lellres Ilep,ulm~n~ a l ' lItWI" AlII.! CU ll ll lr\,. 10 he Mh.lltd III R I· 1. " d .1 b I 1\' - li d rl .. lllt 8 S d k- HIl>lc un~ (.l OY" ". &c. 1 v,/, ...,j. 'l'ladelilutes IIAl I III llIallU aolurera 0 N IllU ee 1101 I 1 ~t:1V '" I ' . 1:1 JT ul v llo ~ o n - Hlly l ulO g, III t:eu, UI ' " I ' 12 . ." . Ih~ pAller. (He J . W . Vlln "tllrk 1rIII C. p\'lIl~. ay .. r .. y . . {',! ,, "I IU li e \\'. Oll ly ~5 ".t·"l, I" '" 1.0 1' e' l no(. \bal citY ,reach,an Iga:re"aLe VAlue 01 LJ Itl C phcll Ibll fOflll t' r (If whom l lul'~ nHme 111.6 BI~v bet D ,uunli oll ed ill l3 arll um - Io lIoVOIU hOlIO!: c hHset! """ UI , S"IJ "t. nrl1 ~l!is' ". HEGE O\IA;I/ & ell " 1 ~'~ '.9 LJ..if • (to.7 ~OO QOO pt:r ·yea" \ ug1\ lIm k ' d I dli5 cunnc:cliun. I by th e c ur ;otls, IIml to ' I\v e bim.e r ClIt' II1 i618 III1J DrU I!I(r IP. Nnv )'uol.. I 1> I .... ' ' .. . hAl been lont: nOlll n to our reA era ant . . . ' . . . I ___ I '?Ci;s I CI>· I IV~n ~,,,. nnd nl ... l1 · V CO~ 'T~~ H orllcultul'I8t lays M r. ~unhaw. Ihe public Ly bis lilerary product iuns. - Th e 'prill" ? f W .. les,. " 'ho :",111 . (Jll~ I.h~ pereec uliool of thl:! Irlbe a l l C'mpltf'd IIlIlId lii IIl1d FIiN', SOI' C <p . ' or IlMI,bo\,el., ~ , 'Clevell\Od Obio PIlY" lalleS on A I 'b t I' II bt e'lIJitl K"I'" of EnglllnJ If he hve~ \ cur lOsIlY mongH', who hRve g Olliln s. 1'-Cllllhiaills, Ac . \ 1)"~ ._ !!!2Z¥!l n eAr " . , . mong I Ie ('(llll n u on we 110 Ice It: .. " ' " . . d' . . . ~ .. - , . . , I. . h ',/~ 11> ' . w 62 ~B6 n:c ei ved laal 18'1IIOn,for g rRIlt:& f !II .. A 1)' lit · A ultul hl 8 mOL bel', Q.. ~e ll I CtO"~ , 1t'8, , dods, Ol"rmtllt/s. tlllkHl!{ ti~II, and tit:R Hel!': "' u" & (... . d I,II "' pIou' [t'. \v1 ~r:~n~,. I ROBACK ~S , , . D" mes 0 Illy . elli son, fllY . i~ SK id to hhv a Hi5 " .... Is of Gc rm Kn 1 ~ l II' GIY"P.rlIH', curl's clt"pped ll u.. ,I " &"., 1m. , LJ ' T Bold al 6ileen centl per pound, ra,,"d BUIIIClt, JllneL GrAol, C harll!s Florida, blood in hill uins, lIud unly one PHI'l lse rllell s ~ 61: , 1III',li"l el )', lind IVili kf·tlfl Ih l! ~ klll sol,! 'Y.l oil '. I Oft one lind a' half acrll or IlInd; Lu Li!:hl RIIlI olhe,s kn ow n lo fHm c. 1Knl,;liHh. ,,--.,.. N I ' 11 I d' tI P k'!Ii and .0000l h in Ihl' ·cult.l~~1 \\ e~ lhr t. 8 " ltI ·~v V..J a WI Ie 1\11 Ing III ec 801 nn hy Drtlgl';~18. l'r ' c~ ~I) r "I1I .. , ~ el\l by ...-: cQ. A {a8~ youllg .lady of BOlton, Rgeo We 'mh 'llie Unton every SUC8ess. . -.l be CUllt~ltc Are"~15 hop of ~al ' l l' l:preallion80( IIpOplllhy fot' 'he frtl(-d· rnoil, .:or"3" '·" "l ~ . . L1 EGEl\1A~ & cu., ~:~ fifteen, 18 on !rIal fC1l' ,bgRmy, Hllr 82.50 a Yl:sr . N tvilJe & Co., .; t 1 LUllol.e hilI recl'?LI y prcl\clt~d algal1.~51 1 mcn of Ihi!! counlrv inti ulged in by our chp-lIl1elS Iud drtlltgI61~, New Y ur k. \ ~ r>", . ct:ruuu IIboll'llOIIII01l5 of (lIslllonAb e I I C , ' 21 ·3 (1 <I' I mR Willinm 8ll' ~ijt New York. fiut hu.bau\I, wllo lind reao h e d lIe .1 · II I G ' f Ii fT ! En,di sh fri e nd! it is orn dfviog 10 kno'll _ _ - __ _ _ _______ . 'l' 0 . .0 ' unu cspeCI " y I Ie . ermHlI, I'll U J •• \$' 'of· . . ture age of fou rteen wben he mllrrlt , •• ,.b s olulioo HDd lite sRcrnDl eu L to ADY Lh nL there 18 At lust one A"ocullton 011 EICIlORS Of' WOIJTIJ. . 1:., Ii' Ct.TR~ · • SL t p . I 11 ' J I . . . A G~1I11elll"1I wlto ho~ t\lIffen.1 rur )'enrR -~ . 1810 a e rIaon, PROTICTION I'OR hWIANs.-Dr, Me will) 8 IO U, III U gil HI' IL, Lice olher SIde .1 the WilIer, Ihe ein<,er · frol1\ N l' r v"u~ DpbililY, Prl'Ulftlllrll Decav, Y(l/, SCROFULA' fJ'be PhiladelphiRns are ge tlinjf qllilo Go wll n blls pfl'lWlOSeU til" rLrmRlion o( PAlli hA 9 COnbll nl~d , to ~ing 'Lucie' lil), of \YU OS6 pro r~.sio n~ is pro,eD· by II lttl nil Ih e EITt'cl S of y" .. llllul ill d i~(' reli,,.,. 1~ " I . .. ,1 'In .10-.,,·. . ,I r S ' 11 • I k I tr ' 1 il /., ~ Olr.' nil excited over demonalrRliotls in It houee Socie ly for the Prol ecli olla of. Ih " ill M" i's~i li es HI lit e rll lt: of 1.0LO per , lI S rr~cFII"nL IInu lib"r .. 1 conlributillns In l WI .ur lIe 9" e u ~It '·".I'~ 'lllllll It y. '(~~ r:-.;. . 1r.~" ' '''''''''' ......"" . ' F'r J" I R. . I i.. lol. Tfte 8e are ratherl'"lullblt:noles, 1 . , ._ ,. . . Isp ud Irpl'l o. llwho n"e,! ii, lit e rrClllo' I' ~~ I· on I III .treet, IV IIC I alrong y resem· L"'C 8 nud Rlghl S of Iht: !tt;mnltlll or n "' IJ . U I I lit e Fr ee dm ~ n 8 BUl eau. 1 he SOCI CI ) , IIrltl dirHliuns fur mlll"u!! 1"0 s imp' " .j''':.( ' "1 ' ,. "t J d t' t n I but "Illo oe s nut seem Ie GAre mue, . B"IrllllllghllDl · (E'nS' · I rpcnelly hy \Vol I hi' <" .,. ue 'u~.P1fl UA emon! rAtlOO. a o· Lbe .A/,ll t:ricn n lnd i.ns. 'fhey""" SUU'I b I . . .1 J .. I· d 8'milftr lrelt rrcl1 10 IS lTle e 10 IV"scurplo .. ",u· '~. u·1 H uut 1 I ~ m, liS • I\~. t C 10" II t , . . . I' I r I r",prs wiKld ll fT :u pfofil bv IhA nd~ e r u"e r '8 1 ~. 'II . . I b I c luter all Ii 01 cr V leus two or , ree "l'In" Le rrrbitl wron". Rn cl Ih e ngenLs 01 ' ~ 1I111 lO 81t1" lit u /JrIVUIC ""Hy ~.,uU jil; 1) ltV ~.I I '· 'I ~ 'co" oCt ' . ,.. r · I. Ia ud) A.~uclI1110n, W lit I , or 60 111 I! I e "'pc l\(~nce CUll nUlr"' '' ''ln~ r; yeaA .. go. GO've rnmenl too ofle n wiok Itt, if Ih ey The marriage of tll (' Princess ll ck , mOlllhd pasl hl\s forwllrJ cd lo the Sec' J U B N U. O~ IH:.N, I :';1: : I , 'flie gambling eslablilllrncnts iD New uo not encour.lI !:le , llee c ru eliics lo w\,iclt nil is 10 tak e " llIce Oil lite !llh 01 Jun • . l rel a .y of War, (or trllmrer 10 tlte No. 13 Ch,,", ll~ r d tiL., N~w \urk. 1\ 1:}, 0,i. \ OrLeane blne been aupprvsled by 0rder \b esc declly illg lriue s !\fe !lUhj~clll U . .A. \ ' Wl\\e~' is " living 1\ new re.i~lenCll bUilt \ Freetlmen'8 Bure nu, '''· q~e q\lAnlitie. of 27 I y. ~SC• . I or Gen. SberidRn . 'l'JJlJ MRyor is reo SIIcielY eotnp06ed of promiuent puulic fN him in \v i lld~or G rellL l'flrk, nt:1H clulhing 1Iod other 810res for the d eali· ~11Ir1i1.;: .. ",," r .. lihn .. y, . .-: ?:i. 1 c}:r" mOnSlr81i"ng agains' Ihis interfertnce, I '.1 II f • I : i.J um b"" l"n ll Lodge, \0) be comVI Cl"d r' f 'o fl U' d S All E!I"u .v 1.1 \Vnrn ,"!! HII,I III Rlrllr.I I')n u.::; I . ~~ men w 10 1\·ou .... co ec l acl8,l<1V- ll em \1.uy l I,0 en d 0 f \leXI summe:r, lul e r~t meo 0 I Ie nlL~ lnles. iur \'''"1'''~,... M"n 1\1." ,li @I'," ~e~ ""tI "hu- \ ~.. '0". \ \1 . ~ ' an d . an .ppe~1 10 Ibe Presi den l is before lhe Goyernmen L, lind deffnd . 'fiJe liI~l invoice jUSl recril' cd by lhe dCd which pn'IlI11luretl' prodlrulA Iltu vi lll i "'~. 11' . .1, . ~ . •.u 1·real~De·I" I se poor peop Ie 8o; nlnh. ' 'II lel. r oppre si ' - A shol· mRker In Nl'w ns IWRS Wa r Dupnr Imen.' rrom Ih '1~ b ene ,0I ell I power~ willi S\lr~\It('""~ III rt!-lie l. I S P ill .",.". ,.'\~"""~ "u llc b i b' I fOrldpanug " . .,'0,». \ . 1:;0 oy¥rc (.ma y \ 1(1 Itl \ n a lft'r . . , I r pe 0' "htlr~fl' 1 III ~PIl 1t·d h ·ttf' r P It\' I' tlPPs' l C II A :'1iuouri paper . Rnnounced lh~\ on, "Qulu be A. ure~L, ble86tn g 1 0.l h o ~t' lilnt he cut out ~iXI('(lO 1"lirs or CO il' ASSOCIl\tl llD amounlll In value to over AJdrt'.s Dr J . SI{ II.I~ I N ll ()ll~; IlTO :'ol 1 i lhe 'W) fll ClOp in GU6connde ' county who ye~ remAtn, lhe lI uggnl loo Is ll{res s UOOIS 1111 for one f()o~ , brork e the $6,000. U ~\\,B"l , A S"'CIOI'OIl' ( l.cl uc! e lp"ln, POI. I I\ lM !: ~ ~~h ., i would Pf9bl\bly rellclt 15,000 gHls.' wor lhy of being Rcleo on 11\ once, Rnd l~mpe rRnce ple dge, I-(o t 1010 a ~tr<'el· &dr The Alton (111.) T clcgrllph 30 · \1-4 D • • d DMtI ' ill' Tho next issue of Ihe pllper contained we Iruat IhAt 8uch lin instilulion will fi~ltl wilh II slIilor, IInJ fell ovcrb oRrcl. 1'1Igg.8 8 R:~; J.."~('" . •. . G V n 11 I 11 lay. an 0111 aod el[peri~Dced horticul.4\~Ucrtl CiClllcnt5· ! Palen., " ....--...a e,. ' an ~lIplllnRlioD Ibal il was inleoti"d to be fiJleeddy IIDd efficI ll ullyltJ1 In op«a· u~l1\v~I S . r.\'o e, lie we· ." . ' . . • • I . >").0 , ... • u se tbe word w iots inllead of the word lioD, known En!!lcslc IrRKed crlO. WAR Among IUllst I1IfOiDl ed In lhlS mornlllg l\tllt hI' ~ - -~.' - .... v_~· _ .. ~ '-~-'- I EVEn· Y~HERE Ih ose who p ~ r i' I I(j'l Oil bOllrd " Ie Aus · had tnHJ ll very CAreful 1\011 e.llenM1Ve $ ~ e .. , 0 0 0 -..--- .r ... ' . Wif\! , . ' L olld on, IV Ilir II IIVAI ti'xnminalillns ,.> r lhe pl'Rch bu'!. in IloiR . " " . lrllliAn 61~1\1tI ' I lip t PRINCE, WALTON,. ,. CO.,. 'l'he 1i8~ ;pf marioe disas(cra llod COli. IHF; NIi:W PORK DI8EA EE.- 1he D~ wreckfrl within Iwo hundred mil es of . . :. . . I \"'U;'C •• ,nr8 10?¥. <:.\Y. ttl'!<",'k,) . '1 "1. , r I I L .1 ., I f £ ' I d vlcln"J, Rnd Ihnl, wIllie he round A mR' & !JO I F. PI'O ~1 E:l'o'Bll, ~('qllenllo81 of liro don not se e m to t rO lt Il ul1l1 e slIYB t HtL one casc 0 t IC I anus ",0( , 00 It VI),.l'lIge rom ",n g ltD . . ... }10Ut ' J. .~ '. , . \ .,. II d .. I' I' I I Io A lylrn li, l ur"y of llt «: m wlOl.i:r klll ~ d, tllere WHe II' I NOB. 56. 58, 80 It. u~ t Thlr'dSt. hue been completed. Seven persons uisenSCCII f IIIC IllIn , w 110 I ,I flR re· Worth lI elirly OI'P l\lillinn D.> l!u. ! A ll ' C:lr-;UI~l'\ATJ' Hli~ . I . . I . . . . . Ic nl'y e :.:·cilt' d much Ilh\rm in Berl in -EdWin Boo dlls pln Vln/! 'Rlr!tc · ~ nou g h of Ih e m spared, Irnot h".rellfl' r l t be Id r I ; .. ' . . , Y' . wero d{owo od by Ih e "rec k of lho brig 0 , • , 1 I" I W· G I . I ' d 0 ~o ur - - - - - - ----....... - ......I- • __ a, I Prussill', 11II~ 1I"lleIH<! d ill lhlll cily, nnd I I ~' U 111 I Ie cniPf . Arl e n. T he kill~l, 10 furnish " very IIbun a n~ 0 NED 0 L L A R E A C [J I F 0 U '" 8 . N eVA on lhe Florllla COAst, And fresh , . . WAft " 1. I d f I I r Tie \'I~tllU . n , ,' piece hA ~ be.' n produ ced In n RI)' I~ or e ra p 11Ie lip p 10acl11lg 8C, "80n, II' Ttl UT Rf t' nl T . . ·1, C1Laun" . ' CIIStlll o(Iu/feriDg lire r€PQrl~t.1 rrom . prov e Rn . ,: , : . . : I.l 0 u.g n:A!rnificpncenpv (' rb,·for t'nltP ",p IP[lon ! _ . ,., . ~ 19__ ,10 . . A , '. o IAr.n... . . , I severlll parll of Ihe CII UO IIY. l 0trmll n hull" 1 he 1 nch II \1\ ~plrllhs IS ~ l"l' ' l" I!F in thi. cll nnlr y Th ~ 'Prp99' - _. fj.P ECU ·L NO~,.CEs, No ~rIIC~" . 10 ~" . ~ nlll C'.I\' ."l1hl )' 011 ow~ar8 , .. . a ~mllil microsI\opic worUi OI'III ,i OlI\! CU' ;of New ~olk . n.n' in .IJCIBSirs OVI' r ii, ==.== __ ' .. _ lIu\\ "hol.1 I~ oud 1I~ \ lillie/ U~ Uq· " The JI,ou. o MIlitArY . Commlt ~e 11 BYe III, whioh is fou.n,1 in the mu scles nlld . nnd IlTfli Icl 101' 11 lin Imm enAC run . TO (;ONSIJ.11I"I' (V ~~~ -- - -Ll ~T 0 F' AHTI CLES. ' tbl. pt' • .,..lIIo~. ,oled ·to ·report die' bIn crealln .. lh e I lnl~.ltn \lS 0 f VIIlllllU ' · I I' I n t IliS . r p.~ I. · 10D1I and Ca,or.bl, " D IIUIWII ~, C~ Il"C -u'1 r. J,1l I,n 'r~~ 1 np 1l' 'I'" . - -. !i 00 ~"liol . ilver lell PP.'9 $50 In $300 "", .. n; · toiW lIfol· grade of General In lhe army of th e · II . a d r 1.1. t I lienee AI I Iln~l o wn . 011 II, p' Mll\m l RI\" Tho IIndpr R'l!ltP,1 lt aVl n" ~,'pn tl'slort'.I :lOO roo"",,,,,,, Nlr,1 'lCUh"gIlIl Y ! · ·b\lIl!!Yn. '"'lo~Tnl·"'.n~ :, . . . 1111 Y I)I~K 0 IIuul 9 . 111 8UC I cnOIOl OUS ' 111 I • II . I' -. . 1 rlI~. ... U'rilled Slales, 'fhe plly IS ,"cl e A ~e d .. . or, nenr r.1" , tlll "n, n f.. 1V ,I III" n~o. '0 .. " I I 111 I' I ~\V wee .~, .,v " v,'ry ""U[lll' 11l1I.i,·,,1 hux,'s 60 10 "0(1 ' 10 ......... ~-, LG I "' 130 l qullntlueSlhnt t1I 1\ Bingl e ounc ll ol l ~"l<d ~i"hly ," pn rs l\!r 'j'pmple IvnA 1", ,, .f',ly, .IIN hnvi,,!! . uff.' rp,1 ~ev~ro'I I ')5I' II ul.1 httl" i" l! wltlc!I PS 7[. 10 ;60 " . •treD'I~·i!~' · t over IIlilt 0 ( L IIl U onlln · eDera , ~ k I 0 COO fl ' I I I '" ... . I • • 'ill I <T , ' .' .not bleamli'llr''''' ,. . . . I IlOI ' 0" 0 I lescnnlmllCUB 11\\' " oll fl "rtlll"Alli"" .... I\"r ' inLh nlpor. \ V€"r \\ ,nsf'vPre,tt ng ",,'CltUII, 811u 2f:t0 IHt!i P8P",, ", .gu l.Jw"'rhe850 Io 2"0 , ~)'>n. e-..... I1t"dl.t,oo. p.r monLh, Ihere 18 no II IIIII'm£( . I Ih.1 tI"",,1 IcJ '.~k'8". CO lt .I"mpllu " It It ...... »... . lIICrenltl In AI · , '. uc.~ n lUll u ·'u. B y p,n r III"I. 'III~ l Ib l: mOil I IIt'I,' n 0 f II I~ (~Ji'efl 1'1 "I' ml. V ""V. · 1, 11lI- '~ , "")(I .'1 00 "rr"nl8 Ituttlll ' I., Bclve r eI,' . 31i t0 , IUU ' lO'WallOell or (\OmmUIRltonl of any kind , I' t I I ' tl ,.. . I '1 . J ''' " ~ I" '" 0 " ' ', uIV Il lu II~ " ulV built · " \)0 ,.p~ ". lu,· e ellvpr wtll c he~ 2 5 10 60 TtoUn of 11 dU·., " II \J I "I In ' f! \I CIIlI L) w le re Ie 01l' 1 l e r.. Ih e I"" UII" ul ('Iu e ~ ou If' I '. etIII<os Ineildt' ' 1. ! 1,"" ~ lcJ I\l lh Ih ll 11 LIIl;)' I\r!ltl'~lI ~ f~rr e · l a~ . II fCt· ,, " u 111 \1 1 le r tl pf: or. urllnp. lI e:l .BI\" 1 mo I6 g , .ll\n .1. ) ) ~nr" " U.. Acorreap.ndenl of lhe comm ercl"l l llllltC human body, C1\usl1Ig illlt.nsel • 10 nil \V1", eI ,'~ ur ii, he will Al' lIti n nnd ', oPr.I!I "~8eB " . 2510 100 ~~. I~~~~~~'~:!. " FEVial;.QWU; .. repocU Ihtl dea~b by han gi ng of AiI'M. sufl'e l illg, lullowed III w'lIIy CM ' ~ 8 uy It . -ll, e 1 " hun.· ~ \V I\<hlnlll on "peel I I r"py 01 lio ll l) rp"Crtl' l '''~ ' II ft' cI (I r' e II: I aoo .ix · harr r i rl'volver~ 15 t" flO : n :H. It EA t ~:!l , fD W D 1i! lv es II,t' ft)II"IVIIIl! n. n 1\lIP nll'A dIAl l "'"tr~'''') "," 10 ,1 ,(' Utr"t:II""R r'Jr prel) ·Ir· 301l 1'1""" 111 "ti nni"' i""8 ~o I) JOn l <:'! UG I!>i, Ill~. ·, D e b orl\l I D8:tler, W"IIO .. . AlIler, ' pllln ful d ~I'\ Ic. n"'I' I ' It ll (I II .. i""or ,I Ie "';'1'."'1'" II II,"v, \V III' :250 tnnrblp ~ I' ~ T h~II'l::fl. ~~.. . , . I WIt" 1" llIrlII'1II ')' n• r. I' . r. E ' q , 10· 1'!Il ~ l lI llI e"ep , I' USI-, 50 10 20U l n'.ltS,FOUN Ot:R d ice asetl, 'Jhl' f8Dllly re Sid ed n"Ar l _ ~ . _ ..,. _' , . , Lit'ul. n"n C;r " "I '~ ('nr lt' tie i'11Ji/~ 10 ' ("I<11l "''',. 1'''''' III r C .. ". 11 IIlr' 101' , i\~'h"'''1 I :.!:lll lIi " 'lI o, ..1 rill"8 50 t., 100 I LOS~ o.~' Al·P.;· 'I' IIfDly JIll " '1e S tlln, II Warren eoun ly, I1 ~ r C· · . I'l lli\ PI It~ " II", hon Ur .. "rI,·I,< ('"",,1,. ( '," 01 . &,. Th c all • I :l OIIO phlll"l!'"I·,III. ~ . '1'1 1 , I'II' rl'rt' I' I'.ll n: '(,en t . , ' I r I" " . 111II11I 9 {) t" !I I) I "ITE,.~ t:XEH(I\"n. ...V1TAI. e n. I . d . d J v-.l n IIIC IIIIIIIIlI on Itlr~1 ay t I I' tl ... . f L Iy "'JfC I "I , II' ., V l' rll '~ r III "1' IlIl,n!! t lw I I Ul OJ 'ohl &. V1'8' I' erk ' !.Kine J r. III 30 \I.e 1011"."." 11,. a l d lie l or '" ~c Ill e II' IrHP lIllll n 0 'P UI 1(, - . I. Ii I III ., I !l • c v I I I I IUIOI e Wll8 eomolltt e ou I IC rorged cllcck~ lor S 1 .1°0 tll ch " .. Il· / . G G 13 I r1:~ ""pl' n ll I. I.. u"lIr , I If' II 'tleu, " It' I 11IlJlJU ., III 11.11 hi ... I.ev e I '"he n""1'1..11,.·ne'Cglveo. A'" 41h inst Htl r iJu~b"nd died ill July I I ,pn Jlllnl.. ..n . II ' er hf\~ now 110 " p,p"d '''', 'rr"" li" " wl"d. h.. C" ,'CP'VCS 1" 1 :. • " , " • · \ 8 I &cl"". R m ool h anll ,pr Rrq' ll AlltlA nc l'. i he ,n v" I,,"lll ... ""d hI' hoop". !"~rv ,, "If I 000 l lt'U ~I I H' r I 'H! ~\ t!\ti tf'Ir.. 1 d a to y . kin-nn<1 h. I I . I prt:Sl'OL tI d fII r p nym t ll t 1\ t lb e CllmllH I. , I1"" r,' for f11.1 l I al t • An d lIl10e ~ at lime 8 III IRS g lvpn I'" I '11 ' . ·'1 \ U .. 11!"el, 1: 1,,",,'r. ""I ~e l or.... 'In • " \CIII ."\lIOIl~ Hank 1111 ,1 Ih ., hllnkln!! \ -M'lIe Par!'!)', f.:MVC' Ih rpe ["Til .... " p r~ ' w, or y I" . r~ l\I e ,I), •• 'l WI I ",,"' DltLl 1.loil old rin"s 3 '0 10 ali••:ml:r. .kel.: · I t up ~o the deep m elaDoholy thlll rcsull- IIO U5C of EVIID8 &. Co .• IIn,1 th l! forg"r , ~on c .. r'ft I" N ". y ... \1 on Ihe (ll h . 8th ; tlorl'll n,,1I 1, n!!, ""d I""Y pr"v ,· u ~I' s~i lt !! 1000 " N~ Ind le ." ;!l"wO'lry .. 5 ;u I, U -'.~n_n_o_,,_ _ __ " \ 10 . bOlh ca~c w arre.le,\. So m ~ <. [ Ih,' I Rn .I fli t." \ IS . , \~"'. C,I '''', re ('T""' I1<', I 10 \ I P",1I 1'dI 1V1. 1t "",.. lho .." 1('lIert I,tlO,I 11'111 \ IvuUU . . ~ "I,I pells ,,,. ti, sti,er olld Tnk.ep. r.of C••htl'I.Il"I!PA",II.DI.ln .. lo ~bll. o d In d "a.~, . ovp. l1 o)wi~1! lI ~ r Cf\r""I' in Ihi . cro lln "e" "~ ,It "r~ ... , ~ 110 " II Irl ' 6 " I II til. '1""" tIIYI\IIIl.[m ~rov.. ,ho Qual l\1 Inml\\;,ingtllearrllnO'em enl sror tho "'1U8gnng.huw~\'cl',obllll\l c u $~,2 '2Ll 1 · " 1 I If I I' I I R Ev. ~~DWAROA. \vIL~ON ~ OOU II) Jr" .'1 '0 """." I' 10 _0 . ·or ih. mlt k. lI~" o lr\" ( tl l' ln!! I If" (to; ,' W o) n nl lA ln~ )l'p n 1 \V I" ' •.1 6 1 V!l r KUu el ! Ollu uriU (IP~ heeD prD.-tn.b, . c· obs~ Cluit:l of tlte IRle Plc_idenl Lincolll iin gOllu Il'clls lIry \)utcs IIpon "checll 10 b,;lh IHillinnl ant! rl'mllnpr ll l l'v ll mo ' II ' A." ,"I"' ~!!h . \ Clip S 8 10 III . lual "I''''i",,·II. •• . • ••• • IA Kilt !!, (",It Il' Y. . . Ii'lcrblll! c ~< qu.... on Ihe 171h lQ.t., H 10"8 a~ C" l lAI!I"d wilich Ih ey Ie !ld 'or!!cu Ih e n~m a ::;~m I.n. ItlO FRIo I, ,1 1" n on y ~1I1~rpri 'e o[ 18-3 m. New \' u r ~ \,\000 Sil ver r.A _ll'"" , frll it nn ll ~ ,0'. ,..It an" 50 1 lImt lhe hllll of Ihe lI ou. eol n eprflSP II' I' ucllJ " U" hI OII, a p(' rrulill tn t pork dca _ Ihe kind sinco li lt· J""ny Lin,1 mlll'ch ' . Cn".· bo _IIP I., ,OCr., lW 10 ' ccn~... t... ;;.":,. r;~ , .,. I r I ' 1 h ' '1 I M 'II I~ AGEN ..·S W J\N ..·.~D, ~O\1C O "t l .. ·r ul' :lI!i,," Ir,'II' Ilu IUO .11 . "'ft ••4 \I\liv e. wlliaceommpdllto only 1.200 er. ThiS fint IIIICOl)!1 lor 11 "" 1 ~ lillie n rlllm p I. 18 9nl~ I,nl H Ilr · .... . . . '1'1 ' . I' • . . . ':.!,to1~~~.nln' . E I b S I, ,,, .. . rpll will I'e lu,n lo till S coulliry IIf!JI . " ;'I' li 0"7.e C" rlt ficlO tp. f,. r , I' p.ntl I ~ ' tI~: I ,·rt, ficn lp8 "" mllll! , ahl ' l 1!i~.. I"''' per60ns. 'liel mt'm ·t'r of Ille COIII" 111l Cl nCltlllllll, I ~ 8111d 10 b ~ wel l p:lt llll\'d fl\l\ . & ~ " " l evNy nrll CI(1 01 our Uucl. Hru pOll 1\)10 1 ;n , o;·'~ .. , I~n. lind llo. ~e will be enlilled 10 fi\'e tick. lind Ihe forgcri~8 well l'Jecu'etl. . R D 'I II h ' J It .""k e n\'t'I"pI'H, HI' II !",I, h'lel mix eJ· 811,1 th.I'~I .d ':"~~: . -rY. r'l\l\ le n l: rg~ s p.rm"nAt \ L.' · 'J · 1\ 'l e n d ·' k . ' ..ak ....,...... c l.OD ly~ for . : i s lrilll&l i o ll. Tll is Dumber I f I f tl I R" ' l < ' 6 u' P. e" plrv,DlO tn ,",dR li l"p ., or ('rPu'Hr'lu Pll fO" I\\lIh uulreg h rd IIIUcl\ -~ -_ r' tie un" .rn (I. ' C .ll e ro crt f. Mm · Pin ., e lr., • , '" "'IUH'C Ulld Illr"-,,rtl.rdoc s 11",'n,·,I . The. In nil will till the enlire hRII, Rnd 00 othe r OOWrKTITION DEFlli:O I The UIIIOIl I ,urn • E q, IS.llte .horl,·SI 00 r~oo rl l. ONL\' •.\ "',\(,11 1"",lpr " I nliV crr llfl "(l'!' I_ ell!ill ~ ,1 III Ih I 1 . II. cl., llu ~illtS3 butilute. Obtrlill, 0., hal! es . 1Iholl !:( h se\'e '" I Rre r(!cn rlll" .J I 11'11. II A~ : F ur any ortir le rlr ftw n. - R ~ llIil, Pr ire rro lll ' IV I t' I I • .ung., .1 . 'I,I Ofte lid 10 'Ini 11C '" (' \'pl Orll e ('; 1 lit ") lIlIml!, "pu" Ih ~ I k c, till. Per80ns, excepllng will oblaill admi8lioo 10 Ihe Cltpito\ " I f.. w .. onl.. He rp!\.1 1111' w o rll~ of 'he $ 10 I ~2~0 . , ,'''1 Hl Pltl It, (JI ll' \)"I'or, \\'1t .. ,Iopr Il,nl nr- ri'~."''' lII ult sh"d" 'l Et.I.:G IUP.lIIC .D KPAR'O' &NT 1Prophel M il'~ h : 'H e !tilth ~ho "n Ihee. All Goods 0 .. • ' l i~!ei9 n 6250 Wa ' rh . II S15 J> in mOld l l I ~uilding 00 Ih.u day. Illl b urpRs~ctl by anything In the Wes •. \ O mlln, what iq gnod : Rn ll what doth , Warranted GenUIne, I Rln g ... r ft $3 RU" '10 Pi", H'I"I"!! 11m The Oxford Citir.en reporl. tIl lit II ~yery recelll imp rove me nl is illtrodu · the J.. orll reqllirc or IIII e but 10 rio jU R' Pr,lce or r,~"dic~lt'a 2S crllis p..Arh. L lb- d'" "l'eI tht', Il'tI or twenlY Ce rt, fi c'll lI'8, ~U I ' U 11 I llY. "nd to love mncI' And 10 walk er.1 I rr",lums li nd r'''"l11lil.ion YOII rAn ~~k p. Ju~ 1 ... mnny or J'IOI"S few rUluroed ',old,illr, !leerge W.' Weldon, ced , H ry ".cel ~lIt .x1l81ne ,RU M'" humbly wilh Ih y God?' And lhen ad . nll oll'ed to AgNIts. or lh ~ 8'liclc~ Ih ry sewerol!y d".cri bo IR I ;::"~~~:I!! eamo tp thal place I'au "etk wilh lei. ny Ihl~g s, 11Jltotluc~, nevl' r b e fol'~ !led : 'So did he.' Sample certificates sent Free . Irou ~ , e " ~e. ~U\I IOII"t r 8 Y One l)ul\ur l l'ria. 86 'leiltl '1IIIf. • I · For circula rs oncl Tp. rm~ ntfdrep OP!rCce I?' ball) 011 se nt! fur, I",wev r r. 1'1l:1II'.1lli~ wife, "cultiVAl ed tady from Tennusee· tllughL In relegr"phlc Sc hoola. We ad - \ -Sp~"li!'r C H . I I • H . d d .I h " . 1 RX." ec" trlO !l tn. I It' . . tI . " rpl", \HOI' \I ~ Int Ih p C(l~t of print . S. A. 1fRO., II remAI08 1\ sy or two "It I cr, \U I! o ur }oung .a les who lire l oo ~tnl! ~r,"clp"l CIIIC S, the ~,"g le I ~cl ur e he rle . 1 ~ Mf.SSRS. IIA \' W ARD @ CO., 'llg. mn.ililll! and .uvPllisi nl.", IVO ChftrJ!c l . 1 . AT \be, deca mped, leaving her withoul IIbOUL for lio me tillng 10 ~o 10 cOll5ld er l \tv"red hNO. R II~wFfing lho purpooe, 2'.',3,") 229 Oromow8y, Nt' IV -Yurk . fo~ c;rL' fi~~lr8,8ft f"I\"" .:- F" r f1,I',. ~I : I WUltJ.lltU. IRII~,.", M""C!I.NI,IIFtf,' , mODey alld tak i.og wilh him the grelllu Ih e g rellt d ~mAnd Ih e re 18 for Ope1'RlOr R I 8flYs R W llRlllng t'l n lellf' r: 'He il ('n. STRANG , -- 1.'I,:v, n, ~-, t;1j! hlppn . 3: tll'e"'l·-· Ij[IIIIM: If~, 118 Franklin ,"", ~~e,,!t . . cr ngt'rlnf'~rlyAII ' . I' E,BIIT"RtJE. (hlr'y ·five8f.ifi · lv87 .50 ·. i ~l" 8 \0 ' .orftl.bIDr".gl'''~.8IMd~~ porlloD of ber wearing IIppArel, Her a nd 111 60 Ihe rllre ,uducements oDe red , ~ . I wln'er m 'III WAY- r }',ve rr 'y"lIlIl/ 10,J, 8Iull.lpn\lptnftu ln lite on\: hU(ldreu 815 " I 'I I{ 8." . n ot bl. UoIWI s"''''.. ;. ' .. · Il ""~ ~.t '~ . ,itulllion WRIIIIIRd~ ' ''nown 10 oiliz601 Itt lhe above pltlco. Sen J for . II circu' j hor ,l lCb HturJ IlY nig ll1 8-8nl/ so fRr liS Unilrd 'S'olt'B e" n hcn r lI!nn"llIinJfo ve ry , ,.111 "vo ,ulIdred 83\1 l£l llil til) ~ l ([j)' ~1 ':t 'H i 'be pllce and e ~lt Will rurnilhed wilh la r e IR S ('e n "ble fo get hnc k here I nlUl'h 1011lei r adVftnl81!e by rt'llirn Irail ('rO- An elpll"nl Pr"mium wilh ~.r.h , ! ,I • • 32·4" MondRY noon lIe hAS l\YO hundred l (~rl1e of cilo:-ge) loy a~dreli!i ng Ill e lmder. cluh of Four D,.lillrs or IIjlll'llrci \VIII be RIA6ECER'PJPIO . '.,. motley Lo pay ber pa.~ge hom., Let· ._-- - d?lIn!~ R lec ture, .1n<l Ihi.s will brio !!ll!n l'd. 1 ho~I' hnv."., (ellr .. of ~e! nll lorw arded wilh Ihe Cerl ifiUlllel', ' AGb·· · ' '.i.~~ 'r' 11· te'ti reeeiyed flOID her .Ino~ Ib", time ~ The 1'or~hliglll expresses its Ilim In" very prelty Inm in 'he cotln~ h'l.mbul!P:ell, Will oblige. by nol nOIIt:i nsr ' . ' T .. . , TIl . ~I'"\l' .•-,~ .' :'..!. IDIIo .. nc:t her la', arri,al a' her f Ih hi ' of II few monl hs bIll M C If . I th118 card. All olht'r. WIll p leale addr ne ' N n Dpe f I-I-,-,- f P 0 cnnv., .. for .• p",e lhlJ:lll enll!el).l llt"! i:. .... I' I • nOOftOIlOIl I aL I lere ought to be" new l co r . ., _ r . o . RK " .. thei r obedient eerv'ot , · '. . -'"l U 1.1 0 u:miullill RlIII the fill~s l \ 11I '1f of die ~I' : '" S.ml'l! r.~r • • r'.. Town Hall in th, cily of Xenill . Wtll l P ~Rnd' clolmp~r"bl!,ely, h"~,"1l ~'\rn'l THOS. F, CIIAP31AN . peclOltrrm @lo AvpnI 8i n ""t circulAr' . ir~ will be lent f,.e ' nrl rl";'e'ijlt I!f ' ~l,oo. d ' . f ( ' cry (1 8r 111 \I pO •• e'~lun.' ~'11y. 83 1 Orold"'~ Y I Ne" Yo',k. BRADLEY, CIIADWI Cf{ &. co Ad,lres!'! J. K. PAT'PJ.:RS()IIf •. ,~ CI 7-:Jw J . I III Broll4wRY, Ne\V York . ' 'hlnnille , 'Vlrren .G(I., Ol,tO.
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'" • f!, '" ~ I.,' TJl41NS WESTWARD BOU ND, lleil fot! ·Accom., , 4. 10 A.III. " Ni~hr Express, . ' '7.29 A. H. 3.20 1", II. C incill'n ati .,22 p . II. -D " Put BIOp. . nt. ~ .eUJlUT, I!ruide
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GL 0 J-E'S. II )'vn W''' l Buckels Or EI •• hu, . (; OLL A R S, d: e.. & C. 1 ' )' o uw~"' C r ~c k .r)' W ... , PAINT- BRUSHES , "'.". 10 go ••n )· dry. 1: 0 ,h~ r.- I II'o~', ~l k (R' I CI t . .I "'I uu , WHITEW ASH BR.USHES , " y s l oe (I ~ ItLy · m o' e 0 ' )ln g 18 ! cu l'~u \ . .
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\\ IlIltl In Lt' btlD oll rp.ct:rJlly, we olld of 8 Bupe ri"r qOllflly, 01 111 V \ 11 f O " . w a ll I ),o ur lu g "tilll 1:0"" e mply , .end II r· Ihe pl~A 8 Ul'tI of m ~e Linl.! this g!' ntlem ,," o WU "."nn ls ctllrt. " 'llIo OUI • 1""'J ul or"'.r . I I M L· QuRrery I I ,,"d o C fOl'mln" • • . e ; and eelna I0 0 k pacen 1" . 8 licqulllnl.lln~ GR.EAT BARGAINS '' Ir .\ 0 11 1\'. II1I' ul',CC"'II . . · k ~lle ' CI lurc Iles ~, \YO h a "e seldom, .. if ev"r, mcl R gt'D' wnnl P" ", Cu ml,.. Pe"ei:. , I'ipe. , 01' he Orth od ox an d H Ie . . II J( '' "1> 1'1 w-)Ok,,,. d 'd SU d "Y '1ast. nlll\' be luok e d fur, "S I des JrP 10 dI RpO'" I I , l~o r me d,c in _1 purposes, 10 which II:e ~ t . I n Satur "Y an deman who Impre s scd us more favor - 0 1 ·tl, ., f'1I1ir e s tl)ck by FillS'!' UP Ir )' 0 " WKllt I\lalch••,' t Clll iu lI of Phv . icioll8 is E'specially cul ll' d; ~-:~-.. -.- - ' Ilbly in 1111 socilll co o8iti t: nltion R, nor , MA n e ll, "~ I,. ." ' U ".111 ~,.cad. C" k ~, ur C,"ck.~~. and ",hotevl'r perlaind to 1/ W .e Ihat fr:_m would he be lacking io Lhe qUllliliclI '! S" e<l Od ur I n,ItCI\IIODI , ~~PI~ sugllr ~R. Ir.g-wl e lion8 nece ssllry for R IIlal esmflll All' . I t, yu u ,." "1 '\1'1 ,1.8 ,
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are ind e bted to Hon . J . H . J . ---.----3 C ou!tcr,H(' ua e ofR,' preseut8tiv ee,fot l W L b ' fU I I'It IIe Be w' I SOIDt! valuable "ubilC . docume:lls. ET e>uU.... ellull macillne lor ...
f . I'IVAL DU " & Ml /jt.~, E:rp~n$ Agents. . 1'. DUE, 'filegrap" Agrnl . ,
IMr~\\J.\I1 rrufillllll~
,I. , C,.en ," of
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AT COST, FOR CA SH', III~ you " ... 1 n ol"gna , you WOII I Bti , rlug. , I oC \ ,-co n8iu in rr lIr--., I( yo u WOUI ".It by. I h~ uck, lb. or " " If wnlll S larch. Hice, Sodn.
mC11 wbo: "e dflrtl sny, will le nd READY MADE C LO T IIISG, Tarl•• , G, II:;-cr, e,,"'O Il'OIl Ba rk . c o ·ope l·aIlOn 10 lite ~ ea~ure : hut Il!t (;A~U.l EH E:-;. Ahpi ee 01' \;10 \" ' , thtl p eopll: IlIlk abo ut i t- a Dd not o nl y VE:STIN <.S . I l f yo u w_n l ge l Ilrun l,. don ·l.g" . I a pe l 81s . lency I I, ll I P A I N T S, 0 I L S, t a I""" b ut urg e Will xL' }'" l ' E S [III)'I'>I ~ '" , II. f a u whnl r VIH I ... ·O o.•r lI' n ,Ii/l.,.." I kll"I•. , lJ ' D l IIl11 S I II .I o u W 811 1 SbovlIIg, l , l·r"'. II. Ho.II. a. \\ ",h Dl' E '-S'I' Iu' FFS , ~A .,{L 'I '" '~' . ""'1', . will cOllqll f:r llil o p pos it io n, the irupti fIl- 'I N E ID 1\,,,, li ve Dectlliity tI.a\ a T o wn Hnll 61udl l' L' C I'T I E" I lf (" g ,,", TOILET ARTI CLES, ~." I -' o}u WOII I O ' I h ll II olrnor be built in VYIIYD e nill e WIl!Jout d e lAY S lJ b P EN D E RS, : I l~'l~.~~."t )o lero II. 11• • • ,c an.
V E. ' . ' "• OODWARD, Slip ' I. II . D. ~1V;A.LLA DE~, ~~.lIt.
h esital e fo r a m om e nt to btl ltbe ral an tu e mllll e r .
P. "'1--
Oppo il t be Founlai" 01 Pure " .!O U ..ant C n lf•• , Tea 'l or _ ..... r , I( yo u "ant Molo'IeI Dr nih,. If l'OU wal,t C."dy ,·R i i"1 or Fi,r;I, . If )" U wa nl Choe." or lIrl~J f, 1f Y" U II AI.ol''lJnT,
1' 1r
~d Rnce, wo~ld
_"in Street,
'" A YNE:!!iVILLF..
At Cost!
Upper end of
_.nllis luc h an in SIil Ulio n ia o f 8 0 I TI L"I I mporla nue 10 Ihe' '' elfare and r e p"A flfESVILLE ( C0 8 WI1' STA TIOII ).
CADWALLADER & CO., . OSEBERRY & NEA-L, mARK '" ~,a;lflBI BfU., .
--- .
DREsg .. aOODS,
in sbonly-probably "Ilhlll a "et:k . Coulter do es Il,>L be ar the appearance II' xpl' cl P 10 co ntinuA tllo busilleijs nl Ihe I II ) 0 11 \VBIII C. IIII1 "" Boecl .Co l'll•. 01' (,I olh •.,.. • • oC II IOlifician nlL e it "iving el'ili e llc e 01' 1o:d 81olll/. I' Lill ~I, . I r We «;aIL' a\teplion' of 1111 dl!8iriog ' . 1 .. " . " .1 I II I 1 fJ::T' Come onf' co m e oil nlld get your It you " "1'11,,,11:'0, Shu.· R", h.. , Dr Rl c<, , " . . 1" E I • . Ihll r .. qlll" " nLdlly 10 ulSC lar "e R ti e Also, II !l0od sUI' ply of lell"Rnt ant! pr06tllbltl em !-,I"ymellt I . . ' . "' . . .1 Is hure 01 Dur,:ulfl s 8 ~ Ih ey 110. ! 11 yo u ... ,,1 " per 01 " ,. ope. , p " . , . pol 11 IlJIiI dUly cl e volvlnl; upon 111m, anu I --I II y n u WIIIII I\ lu . ",rll , •. In lIlI S p"per. WI) RrC much IiL faull if hi s tt:rm of 0 ( ' N, B .---A II "erH'n s kilO .. ing th E'm- I f JO U ",,,"I 1<' • •. 11 or b uy BulI « or I:gg•. Ilded '$1500 per yeRr.' • d I' I lb ' oplv es indebltd 10 ril e urc requ e8 1.. d to If l OU WAlil Liqu ol'ie t' UIIO Ch' '''III!; (; olll, - - -- •• ; lice does 1I0l 0 11m 811 ( " e e ml ' I cu II gild H'ItlA "tl I mu . 1 I I( -' o n want E •• ence I'('pperm inl .o r Cilluam oll . -S t:e H AI1 . . . . ' neen ' ly 8t1I1 ~ fllclory to 111 8 COD~lI , l/e nts . hUH mOllcy . At:CTI ON:-I...There wll' be li n n·uclh n I . . ELTON DUDLEY. f TEA, C clwice' RDd de&il'lIble ' goods, at ti, e I l'!: • Jallllilry 29,1 866 , 31. I - ---- . I I I ' COFFEE, ~ " ," • ~ 'h ''' ' '. . , L. " . , -- - - - - 0:7 P . S.- If y o u :trl! dl'uuk or In t I .. I A H\ ~UGAR, Abetlon noom s , beglnl!,1 g !O)f ,In",k. Dr c.. " e h lt • • ••'lf .. MOLASSES, I o'dock lo-illiv WeJlloSLIay . Wu·. '/' I' tl 10th ' t nt • I ' I,c.·" n .. '" g""II~ln.II, ._ 1 A Y A \, A . .J;:4 . .' l ' . " I I" !I,'. owns lip , a ll Ie Ins 8 • . . • !N .6111 . ' SPICES, "gus will be mllstl!r or ceremonies, ' E lo zllhplh. Wllo ot CI.rk sull Gouse, aged 1 have : 0 1.1 my ~1.'tJr e IIIIerl'st 10 Ihe -;-- _. _ __ · ETC., ETC. L· '. l here fore go. IIbuut 40 ycarp. Wagoll Q." d e "aGla to see ,.ou., pleosurl' ~hop ill ttl Dovld B. Rllerl)" him toand theelake 18 .\ .~ 7 ... _ -voroille cunsitlerulioD of my former pllDEALERS IN fJ::r Ob!e r\"e till" theC'e i, another Waynesville Market.. r<lIlR. A cOll1rlele Ua,)rlment 01 , " '. ~r ' lange in the ,",;r,oilil' 't·; me·table thi s k Nulicc to i. IIOP. hprphy givenlorward to ellIInllseltll' person s • • Careful/'v CorredeJ Every \\'u. indelllP<J to r.ome ~..:" e e ~ : . }f ~~ m_or.n.i!' ~ . tr~in ~l\8t ('oult! r;> 165 Iheir 9CC OUIIIS ot IIl1fP, OR my looks mlUil Iy. be. iladueed 'ro 8l0P.a\ Lll18 slat ion, \Vhellt 1ll bu.hel, 'il 45 '" be by Ih c I·'irsl ot March. AND Rye l ! l " 70 A lIelllert t o cumply with Ihi s reqllest ~r r Irue ling public would Itllve lIolh · Olli S W 1 ~~ , will aubj ",:! the p"rtie s interested to Iltl g to wi ~ h Cor. So mlly it be. Bar l,'v ~ Idili Ollnl cosi . ,.' 'I'lIA beEt quulil)' of ' 'Ill 3,) I I hny" lor A~le A (Feod I.EATHER- Atthcolrl s tondon:U.iI)Strcl't,.nynesCorn If d 1 JUI'e 3-1tr - -- - ~ ' '. 1II lIr '\Q b I . '150 .. ville,woulcl inl orm fhelr oltl CllI.tornl'rS "" c' nrre, I TUr llUGGY-c;lehlllur cllsh. d nOL MXli:;,; O AT \V.HN ES FI'JUr tv CWI , 4 50 I J . \V. COLLETT. the rest 01 mUllkillri 1I,Ilt they hove 8 goo ILIl('r lP tb 25 I \V.yneevillc, Pf'b . 12,1866 . 1 IlRs orlm ent of Lld,-A m !lling !\viII be helJ III For G~ntl e m~II'~ nnd Do\, s ' wen. AI~o, "yn~8\'ille, on S~IUI'IJIlY, tt'b. 17, to " I"r~c supply ul we ll-se lected i NOT I l A . 1:. WIRRITT, oft Wool Gr o wers' A.socifltilln to P"I"tM ~ 1jJ Il". hpl. 1 00 I . .11 ply of • . It. paINTS, Dri ed ApplC8 1? 1b 10' @ I~! I I s ,"pr e ll;- /itiven:n Jllco l; Rhlldnll, A . D.I · I S O, 8 VOrl C " sup . ( in conjunction wilh the Stll te Wvol Chi"k c ll R ';() doze .. , 300 r. ll llwllllotier bncl .J •• hn HUIlI, TrnKh' ~~ O[ \ Tin copncr &. sheet-iron \Val'\') v as \V"yn e TIIWII ~hip, It.ut Ihe CUlmnl~" 'ull , ,. . 'tiro"eU' Ae8o.ialioo. and to IranRRCI SII(!or It. 1(; @ 20 9 t JOHN \V . KEYS, JU81i cfl 01 the Peuce" I sn' o at Ihe IOWPElt c88h prices. All ---:--O tlter businnli th"l Inll'j come beI 3" will pXl,ire An. ril 17th . 18136. " or k,' II",'IOt N .-0. 31 " i" "8~~ "'l lr go I Ion, v u RETAIL DEALalt1 Ii' the m~elirl';. All persons inteles COlli Oil lI gollclll, 1 10 HAl\IUEL Mc C UNE, C. W. T. '\ WOR.K lire inYi le'~ 10 I:I~ p'rel.e nt . _ WnYIICB V ille ,t't' Il.I9.,ISti6. OUT-DOOR. , DRUG~, II ali kinde alwlIYB oDhlnd. PllOFhSSIONAL To Concern, 08 S[l.ll l i"I?' Roofing, &c ., done 011 A fille llseorlmenl 01 - . ~ -~' - - --:- _.- - ----~ " _horl IlOl lC e anLi III the be6t mannl'r. CHEMICALSt ~?' Thoma! A'Dt'u has slJld his 1'1'8 .\ I All SlIpe rvi8ots .O[ Rood DiAlriclR, "lid , Ju ly 3- 2 , LAMI)~, ~ ' ol hNR ""\,Ing chums d"OIIlAt n,ll Town, _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ LEAD, ce to 111'8. Mourn. , • , • : .I. i)1, will ["1'""111 Ih ' IfI .- duly ,,"1I,I'III1I'R I OIL, LA~TERNS, & 'co, $1400. I It'll. on til " fir~Il\I"ndflY IIr ~Imh rur ~DI- , DR. ( ..... m;ItT.S ' VARNISHES. 6nd . the (ollo'Viult '(tnmf.,ts - of / - A N 11, llen'!'III. By urcl ... r 01 Ih" 1 ru~.tePM. ~T PILL' CHIMNEYS. " ~ , ~ 1 to . t:;Al\1UEL McOUNE, c. W. T. I l' ~ l' II I'. • .eSlllle mel;'lIooeif In t,he f:;llIr .' 12.1866. FOR "'THE KAmeAI, crKS OF Hlch,ud 1!81'~ ml aod ,W Ifl) to J !lcob 1. \Val"le l ville. Ohio, - - - - -- -- - - I ,
DRUG - STORE· W"hite Gooas,
tt~e ~~" ttl~em~n~
imm ediRt~ly,
mll..,. .t I)
, Shawls,
And Forty ot)ler Art'1C1es,,
N 01"' I C' E.
Hoop Skirt~,
S 1'" 0 V E S GAll'E RSAD N SHOES ~oo)OOlrS £IN]) SOOtJ[ES.
For L'adl'es & Children.
TIN- '"'
~~~u~ ~) ~LlJ7.On ,
- ,"
. , 'Tile of oui rt'RJera wi " Iy neer' lie directed to the an · L ' f I It.! d ncemc~~ e., atWu!:'re. 0 I Ie 0 , 110 Ikn.own house, M(·8,8tS. BraJIt, y,
I\ltenlj~ ri
tI' ~J
Wick, & Gt)....' N e" l' ork, 10 lon, r",orablykoOWQ to tho jobbinll
,oJ I"
.,'' .
ihe D~ n{
~ n ll
t'lll' cit ·
of thfll plnce. I: h"ye the Connty
nrr~n counl~~
of \\'A w.
le,l to
DU, S, J,
- .-
Vi! 1{WIIDll:ftnl1LIm, (,O)o~
t Ilum
"JF:.; hi~lj~.af~4t4 f~ ' &.l\\)", fvijllwiJlg rCI\ lJe '~dg(b 'I'le' ceiil'I'e (jf -th~ 'co\lrity
S .. lrclPII willi
CAr ~
in the "11
JJ A. :a X ;:m
BIt.tDtl'] " S IH!PLEX
S It 1 R T S. Our Stock of
T A D SHOES B 00 $ N I
No. US \V cst Sr'cond Street,
'~, ...S
B ·tlDun l'ine anel Rare, "
tlNCINN ATI. - -
(Q !~~Jlt'(lll·tn,
lI~r "ccom~od"ted
AGE~'1,S"t· i\1\'1·ED. . Jt~ell'Y and S.lverWflre .'
Great Sulc .of
1' ~en\A
Patent Medicines
LlllEll'.,¥ LEAD,- -
""'"''' 111 1
n l ,. 1 \\' ~ 'dlt· ,.. HIII ~"
~"" I •.
I.JtdH ' fJ
n EltFU ~iEl-tY , .[
1Il:"I I'~-~III.""
~I· ltd) tIr~~.• I,tl:l '~ w r ll .4 ~'f' ",hut or $ 1 (01' Ii ,,. ,·... ld"·"I'. , ' II' 'S~ r" ,
J.",Ii·l of ,,:1
" Ide.: pR U(.r n" . s.- Il tllb" til $ 1 n ' l't ifka lt. , nad ) ( HI
.,.,I"I"1i Iu;
An d (" · I'.II ~·.
II ' f Ql r l1.
! !~ 1·" , Nol . ;~:';~O~W;:;~v!~~tvlI :;:P 1. :;,00 . . . Bgent8 ,('I'cr y whert ' to sell o\lr IMrROV JED ,2() SewIllg Mo-
A well-8eleC:le<l uaorlment of the .11'1
ever oB'erf'11 ill Ihi . mnrk c I, . may be fnUfl~ 81 ollr c,; tulll:s hni e ut. '1 hey ure nIl
I School-Books. ,.
G E NUl N E,
anrl com pelent jIHllres give Ihpm Ihll IIIGIIE~T
'Va porticlIlurly des ire tIle nllcntion Ir
B.,II ",., " ' 1' ,I.)' , ,,,,,I Wt: II t _" . ,, It'H o,·e, 1 \ II " ""i",.• I'r"ucE uro l"' I"" '", w,.".',I "" ': ",,,k' " Welonve1l0h". i totiollill 80ylllgtl8 Ie ,,"'0' (l" t· M.lli uli l)cotl.r·. A , ! I. udld •• ""I ' p'" R" U v E R I E S
A II of "h ifh i8 offt' retl 8t the lowes t ,a".) , Uf .111l·. e r",, 1 OIRIIII' " ~r ~ ~". I,,., ,, . , .. . ,,1"I'h 1 ..\ ".' ~ .. "i")nU r lllllHI"e! uf II,,: """ . l 111"" . 1HI . k,"d.O.t 1)4 2.tr I ARHA1'\ DA U . &. CO..
reCp.lvl~1l ~enull1e
To this fcatutt' or our bu . ineu. 'Ve hou Car~tully
o I Ii
. f Fllr Ihe Toilpt. H.nllkprc hll' " SctlllinvlJrnIHr •. \Vard. e ll: ., PIC. . . ('0:1 "fl,1 eXllmllle o ur V8r1ptll'l.
anti Promptly Filk.d. D r
g - S tor e ,
WftYllenl\le, Ohio.
POST,OFFICE CORNER. JUlie 23-I-tf ___ -:-_ _ -:--:::--
-- -- ( 'U"11I6l Or\;1\08, -}~~l-·'")...-U -·-Il' _ JARS , ~1I:IUlliI. ___ ___eKE ____ .L 1'11180'" . I A 1) E fUllIY (loIJ,'r,.",<".!" . • '." " \I·d l,• • ""~".I.•.'"t . ' 1\ ." , 1I 1 "~'1' " I" ,.( ' ULU ,,,,,.i,' . I UfS~lIl".}r.oO:"'·fl. fill' · 01 al!refttmftllY l"nd •• o!llnl",.qllia. or ~ IL\,f;K i\l b ll ....I. 8. 01' 'I b o . .. .' 111111 " w: ,-oJcol 11...", 11I" <lrllled CH I. tilles, lor 8li elleRRIT'r at PRINTZ
dell\'pr~ .-----~-----.-----------. PURE CIDER terl'8tlOellllllnl1 8ee uMbtforppurchR~8lnl!' I uOI~' 1 $90 •. "n'~h ~ure, pr~). n~ .v~ nrul~~ l'mellt~'r"r ~ ~b8000 I t1~e .[l"r. ~o~a a~ rcnSlln"b~eARS:IA,II{ "'.)'np~y
-.!_"_n_C_ 23_ I. __ __
I The Arrftud ..tHlee grcRt (;in Di~lrlbllt on. 0 111' m n lt" I' \; (t' o m "'1 \" _ \ /t Th p .... )
' 1' ,"I'
t"lnlllr!H:t!IIY610coVt'rthllt ljxpen~e, I \~III bfl.ve!n~.i~"' lhRt!lh" · pe(,pl~ att~Dlpt I~
AfIll VOLI cnnnot Inillo be su i led botll in . quolllY or:d prier.
PAINTDEALF..~~l'npr- l tillf', ~ndlmprt.ollmt' nl.
~";;d ~
Picture & Window,Glasses
mmr III m·.
IH Parll, R .. ,." Nt'''' \' "Ilrk . '1 S"I" hy Drlllll(iRls UPlIl'rlllly_ t'111J w~ .1.,,11 I'Iln olonlly kerp -on hnn,I 8 !lpnI llfir c, 'fi;300 U . uIlI d, ~rnlllll t" 1l". lers. "rHI ns_ urlll lc! f1t 01 P-IIlelll l\lPll il'illes. ~;"111 1111\" hl'rl' "" r~cl'ipl III prll'e . AI , ,,. j " ~ l "'cl'ivpd Ir"lII l'ittabur:r, n <;11.1I1;:Rl' @ SUlRBltU(; , Prlll,'r ", g()od hnO we ll,sl! I';ct"d lot 01 . 57f> Brfl"clwuy, N~'" Yurko 'I I ' c~ (KT Dcscril'live c.rell UI • • t' ll ,r ,. "73111
, i P" i"'. ~lt' "GI."~nealer~' lk
lB-1! il1
~atcnt »lr~idncs
I1 1II1lr<I e tl,,"· . e~,
32-301 - ---' - -
B1.ACKlNG.BHUS llE~, .
. --.( C ory righted .) 811t The IIlfders lglll' d WIsheR to roll ~he bt~orro~ thlln L~bllnoll by lev- IPlltiun of Farmprs snd all whorn It II\JI~ I Warranletl 10 cover more surra('~ ror sam.? dIfIH' S. 1'1""e new killcle. UlIlll'r ond f1\!\e8; ·' tl1e · town \jf ·1.;~bAtlOn;~ ~il fonc..-rn, IlIlhe lOCllhllt he ie elflPlll'd III wel!:"t thun 11111' other. upper teed. \VurrRntled five yellr~. A~!~e i~11 .five Dliles from "ny IRi 101l11; thllt Ihe mtllluillcture of TRY IT. -'ND YOU WILL "AVE ltO OTHER! I ~ ul"y or large c"mminlol~8 paid . ,'f' Il'l IlLV IIII1C,1I10' , . ell lold 81.I~a . 10 no I'ruApect of e"H CARRIAGE ~ LJ l\1 ,\1\lJFM"T lJ RI : D 0;\1.\' BY I ' I in reUllltcd lullu licen spd ,or by 'in, '1 d 'd' d • GI"'R "'·'ITI. 1"M~t1t811 ",W\lClift , B' . 0 du "Ilile ZEI ,r. &. Ilow e \Vheeler .. \I{d."n, Grover k g 8 : fI\I roa . to Sill .to:!,n, an : lherefu'ti!,,,\le"'tlhree ' (ourlhsoC I I IP "I 'Vl.ol ell nlHDrlfl!, lIud 13l1rheldcr. All Icl b' f II' ~be~1 .11, 11' 811l onI IIPF lOr " N h'r ' t S er. SI'ngeor .. t:u" . . t 11\ ItRnts 0 the counlY ""u l ')6 . II wh el.l. No. 137 urI hJrI TrPPI, .. Ih pr cheAp tnftrhillc e are lIlfrll1gemen 8 . 's' . II'" the pl'o poscd lIuIlC •. nnytlllll!l' In hb 1IIIf'I Irom PIlILADELPIIL\. I rI tI,e selll'f or \lIIN i. liable to urreat, fl ' ,] f borrow lo Ihe tineHI "il:Y· nil . . I' I r. frettIe eountysen(; Rnd, IIr 1 . I rt:r For salp.by :IfCIl" . CI k ' tl\1I1 ~hOllllltlte .. chIlD"e be mati\!" H""n7 secured .the PI'tVICI!II of 1\ r. nlly. • 29- ly """reqa, or call ul~urJ ~haw & ftr, s IMxn ' ''' for .ne'\\' to ' bulldlllt.: . . I HI' dd' ' . 11tl ,e\'ltll• I E LLISUN KEMP, IIPUrPrlOr wllrklllulI . ' Ihl' . - .- - e lOtl,1M IlIne, __26.1y ___ pnVnt b . . t! llH'ntllln nl hIS IInm e ill thl~ co nne ctl oll ' . 08U SC.rJp!,I<lOS.. CIlII b e l'ecuro ..: . beMlltfid e ll1 lInrunly that !otis roc· 11 " 1 . " ,' . . b " l'l' tlon 11'111 e 1I \en . • . 0 rdt'rs for tht' . We of . JOlIN \\' , COLLETT \OV e nre.n')\Y L· • W· e By thc kitt or pound, oC a :,wllrratlte b . JulV 18. A[lring of IlIfll!!Ofl. 1." 110 lit " lor nip by Plnntp. Pn'lie9w ,!lflnd Itlu thelr . IIl' q ), MERIUTT&PRINTZ. &COnwllIliublDi L lQ a remov,,' of Sut,if Ih"yclinpre\,en,it · antIa8 :\fINEGAn. . ,. , " , h Ji're&h - lIne It b or Ihe "hill we know to be II! '!Ie we !! nn,I Iibpr.llerlllll. lUolli'Jr.II--Aj!ellls WIIllt · Llle AJilllDi Rnilroad .run . c.urf"\ C ldpr Ir om rellable :n 1.1. & K LF.I N. . ad fur .,X I', I thle neljl:hh\lrhood, allli permlllP 1\ 0 • ill n co Ohio I c ( n , IU~I (,ut. Act.lorala . . , I Y 10 prove luccn.rul, tbat objec· turn to villellor 011 uur own premiIl P". (0, Irrl' ., ' . (' ;l' Suit"IIII. 1t1"1f."II''', .hi... . "'ill 80Q~ dn....... ',. " . 1I~IUl.lTT II. ralN'I Ja.n, ().- ~@..tf. • .
-S UC II All-
kb.nb~ to! ~(ti'tv\~n bf 1>101'
Illvile IIIlf'nlion to lltpir Stud or
le un( et8Lglle(.
DlRy lie pa ;5t'd, ~~lJDlit, Iillg 10. lhe f uf tI Ie {'leectofS 0 8 111(' I COUllly.t Ilu N ioll {.I , tilt: remp,v"l. Q,C, IlC, c o unty
or .Medicine !
C'U~n8 0 f \\~:ll'ren , OJ,io. "'~~~iecl(ully li S " Ihlll R
Dry ancCMixed Paints,
I~ "J''Qll olrSltlc QD~: l"n-e {t.. ~, , / .u !;; g
rtmovcd to 1
petlllOn 1.10 out to errc A S8embly, as fol
Plles, Pro C~PSUSI
"itnt l
1l SETH 8.
b~iil" m~de by
ICE'rAIL I)EAl.ERS I~ . ___ _ FINE CUT Hllvin/: hod fourlepn r.l'~r8' ~XJl.l'rier.c.• " ., TillS iM an article Ihe wont ot . whir-h . AND PLUG, ia Ihe proclice of Medll'llIe, Ilfll'rs 1118 DRY GOODS, hns IUIII: been relt , bill: nH er ""J1plled uu. CIGARS AND I Pro ~ ps ~ion81 Services 10 the rilizl'll! or Ii i nOI': Anti thE' il.cr.. fl sitl!! .It'lII11ud ~.NUFF. Waynesville and VIciDlty. QUEENS ARB, ' II 1.11 0 heen once illt rodur-cd. Rtleat, " " @Il' BLACKING, . .1 ,. I"''' ",rity over anJl heretofore OFFl CF. Ontherornf'rofl\fo,llIlIllu31 - 1 I klln..-" . . . ETC_.ETC. Imi .Is • IIc .... I.y opposite l-hy'8 Hull. i It will rcmovtl tbe worst cA.e III FI\ E r--"- NI·". llt eDII ... ron.pll., ra.i po.nd_8.d .t.' 1 GROCERIES lUlNUTES. aud cure Ilnl' CII&1l l}-.J.. r _ ill 1\ ver,. short time. . ,-TH E TRAllE S,U 'I'LI ED IlY __
We leArn by tbe Morrow LfUder \ sn effort is
I"'ST ' U-IENT '
" Wit/tout an
I)IRn~fo l edOIl\· whcre.
-'--~ ;'.I- '
1PiT E'
A • JO N FS M, D, ' i ~ ,
D' lE NT 1ST R Y
and Caps ! Merritt Ik Prints,
i P I L E S'P 1 L E S ~
I 'VHYII('~.illt', F~t>.
They l h".l'; . LL appl'Are, put (. 0 !\ TIN II E I TilE P n ACT' C EO F rmtire slock ofJewell'y in Ihe mAr upon the popular one doillir, plnll, . ' tf' . cl II I ." itB vRrioU8 brlllle-lies ; nlOt 10 be exc-ellI • ' 11 IpmClIea y 8 a .n NUliebutlho \' IIII!I FO.n!e of .b e lr expc lI"ve wor e ", . D ~. S T .. ATE R I A L USE D . n oUllaYi wlilell .c" ot Illlrtrty.,. be ff,'iI •. I 1'ERAI~, CMH .-Office nt hid rp~ iJpnr.e I t 10ije in circumstances lIe mo s l 1 mble·-iState Jotlrrtal. Ion M.a_ill _S_Ire_A"_' _ _ _ _ _ _ 1- Y
H·mI' A~1t' lP11reltsIIJl,
H at s
~ Ilch
~ i~
\VhOl~ -~~la\'
EL- EVA'Il"S ....,.,
illillm Rogp lind' Wire 10 Aclti'l c;s Clld"all"de1( 1(1111 N08. 6 ; 7. 8 snd in Ihe ·town or Clln,in, $:2500'.
k. 9BHYllCra" 1 $3.500,00.
Parlor and Cooking Stoves
Ie E-
on .l'1°t~h f\t{~t'
,, 01 ..·,
l W: ';': .e I\"tl,.~ ••. MA !:iON & H~ M IIN ~ 1 hro ~~;;~:" I .orMA$ONllkOnn:RS.NeW-YOrk. . ra1 Syrup, Jacksonls pecto, Ul'l~£LT lt~~R~T~' 1 Th'il beat 01MERRITT all CUII\lh Syruplll lor, r Ie ~ PRI NTZ, It,.
. • , .. Union Cofee Pea COllee, . , al• Danllelioll C,olfep, RT~. Culn!" "fl.. Culf,. llti t'X~~.:!..2:tr~"P;I.~' _ .... &"~ ,
===~~====~====~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~:~AX~D~S~O~N~ I ===J~8~P~L~E~N~ D ~J ~ D~~:I.:::::l~8~6~6~_ : .::~~. J l::~~~~~~~~ 'JEW'E LRY WATOHES JI L UIB I"'!"',,,,, tBE.NEW-YORK TRIBu,n~ ~ 'I ~
,. &:
. i8'CiG:
jUlnin::r with lheir nei\thbors m. ,o:min, clllb810tiubselib e lor TI,.S .. nll.\\eellly Ed ition. Jt "' III in tlllat I\"Y be to tllem at Ihe 10 1"1''' ,mce (or willell aut" a plpP.rOIUbeprinled.
543 l lIROADWA'Y r '"'E\" ....·on.... n
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f :LJ:;UR TI':O
-.IDIA'Il'1 0NDS
])ouble TJ'ock
B 'U C'H An' oIL
Ia ,I l
roa ur most 1lI0V1;';;;;;' TErms: . DRIGGS' NEW PA'l'EN.'f " . PITT.snURG '1'0 PHILADELPHIA. O " h t lump ~Ioil .ub.criber~. I curY I year, 400 The h Ol1se of Dllunquel. Gmllltl &. co., hlvln~ rcau1red nIh e ~lIer disClomfilure do. 2 001'11'1 duo 700 . ,Puns , hllvc the · plM s ure of Olrlloull ui llg AI I'i\t~bur~, traills from the Weel rl1" Hem·retentioD or ·{booJltt.ein i:an NlliOJl8hIY'le:tJIIIl~u.1UI Siovery, do. b cupi~ or ove r. \\' hI' " n l~ r rt'tlli ng the 1; ' filII"" III I;r ell' I ! Ih at Ih E' y h uv e opellet! an Ag~oey In Ill tl tlired IU tht! UIlion B apot. \V here POIsenUrine, Jhl~tta. ~~.Ioal and overt brow olo(oundlv rej oitlnl! In tllI ~ (\l r each CUP]" . 3 00 ~I1St\lI ull '" Ih ti I\",,".•t world. ,,"1 hnH ret,'I; il ' uf New York, lor tho sllie 01 t he it 'I'rs nre lrun~ftlrre d 10 \he 'rUInB 01 Ihe 'rlf t: Tll~,II,u 7:b!: to eon8en e 111~ I~gi li. n re~elpt of (or lell cuP'llil, l\n ~bt! II , IlIgI'e'I I.·. "",o",.1 l,.oIU Itn.lh '~.dlllb Ie >, 1,-1 ow n J e welry Walches I ' uniu Cantrll l ' Rallwnv, which or ~lcer.tiol1 of "hi BlaUe, or reau ,11' I, \1',. 1 of', Ih/- gran d' b",!lnlll JI ll 1 VI' v,,,,· AM Wlue} III IIllql uSQ . of IlIuk , lllg IhOlr'~uu dII I,nvo ennsy1'1\l8tillrg \ . 11\ Oller I . t8 !':'( lrA COllY WIII t.ue ~e III SIX mOJl . llrs On brl, Nl '" tI," cu un l,) 6111 Ill; IVhum ur~ tlllU lor Ihe BlId IIrnve pOlO Dbe .... of ·t~. 'ro.. ma~y re~crertni LI6erlY hlld ~OpportunJlY r~ cel pl o r $~6 (ur fifl ecn COpl~8. on NOra s. TUAI.II EIW, FltANC18 B . DRO\VlI. us \'l'I41lllslvely Illluwn IIml uppreclll ie d In as follow s. tate Gland, Stolf. in 'i'lle ,1aU., ~Le common horllngo of 1~le whole Amer· ropy Will be SCI.' t OIlA year_ For 8 100" L. U . UOTTrlC JlALIC. Tllf.OI>OIUl EI )lx.Or, Ih'3 U ll i, t~d 'lilIes us ~hey now are. 01111 n AY ~ xqEss-Lenves Pittsburg ~I 2 · iClln People now Bnd evermore. we will scnu, . ll rrrly.rOU:atc:pled . and olle \fM Il J::NRY F ll Y, MAX MARETtEK, hllvo bE'e n l or over 70 yeu!!, io Burope ' 120 A. 1\1 . stoppi lllI at prhlcipol Slall~Jlft. cr.lcullll, Orant ot BrlcU'I' lJl.countenancing all IInm anl r exulls- copy Dod)' 1 rrILbly"liJ'l,,{tID~ E 10I STIIACIWSU H. Wid MA SON. Ihey h.,e determine d on a pion by wlllCh \ Arr lV sol Alloonn'" 01 7 2~ A. M, !'y. Depolit, .ad aU elil'" ' ' tiol\,over or ne,edle5,ll infl lol lon tll porn or OA I' .,' U~MAN A. WOLJ.8NIIAU.P1'. Ill,or II II LI flCR alIke mny hnve th6 ollvlIlI- ron c 8 23 A . .l\L~ [ Urll Cfo nle 1032 A . 1\1.. ""I,n,"-rll of Ih o losl "'10 per u-nnu01, CUI I In uuvonct'. I i ' I .1 ' .' I 1\ I 9 I) l\r 1 II"rrlsburut bladder, kldaeYI\,aDd 4h.-tIl priv~\op 00 tl1e U '1'-"" . CO' ) . Ali i" l.,I " l'IU I " f,111l A",!'rlCII" 10.' - "geo l Ihc lr s p e nulu8 1y tis. 811 pre 1- Locllll lltC II 12, 1 . • ~ " I Drollft 0 11 Nc \\·Y ork, or I os t.<?fficc or tute, hel"", Ne w V .ll k C'ly, U~lolw '·. 186a. mill ury. they would remork Ihnl Ih ey ",Oil' J 00 P. 1\1., Dullimoret 6 30». !II .• N,'w cauac, it wi\! iu8l~t on Lhe e~r1leill 1'0851· .welling •• ble resloralion of Ihe Sou lhern Slft~es 10 ole r., pny uble to Ihe urolOl r 01 the 1 rtbUIll', I h~) " el ti u\l"rtJ ~d Ihu I ufaclur,,, 110 10I1IOl i01l Jew e lry or \VUlch cf" York. VIIl A HenlowlI, Ht 10 .31i P.M., PIIlI· lheir lormer po\V~r ellil Influell oe III ollr bei ng 61l10r . Br~ p:e le ruble 10 any othe r !'.lUt . I o.Jel" llIot II I 6.45 P. M •• uu d New York, _ . • I All (lrl~ 1l'a rranletl G OLD of tlte Fl· vin 1'11IloJel phio. ot 1027 I'. l\J, Uillon. on Ihe bui. 01 AlIlllgl'\j lor All lUude 01 rp.m lllouce. ~d~l~es8 their peoplf,!. I... 'J:B b 1 It IB~ N E· " For t lte (mit }'IOIIO F()rte on Ex/u bll101I . \ 71e~t WO';il/H~~/! ijl. CI !l CI NNATI E 1Cl'Rfss-Lenves Pittsburg Ip. ljlJlbQr ill hope 10provl!thot~le ]rlbl1ncBllI ldlngB, No,·):u r . "' l: .. "r' ~ u " Ollr cu5 10 11' nrS I\ 'l ll ul~1l hUl o th e!!reot otS.60A . nl,slopPlngo t nearly all.ta .ulldlll utioll 01 Free lor Slave L abor muSI --- - nevltllblyand unlurlnll.y conduce 10 lire ~ i t (;EO. 4 . l'HJ~ CE ,~ CO .'S odvulIl ~,rre 01,' ~ 0 COlIs lonl SIICCIl •• 'U~U or 1I 0ll S. Alt uu ll ot 1.50 P. nl, 11 orris b mg.t /lcreue oC Jndu.&r1. Th rlf,. Prosperi ty pee a UOtJIIUCemeu . . .tlelo<ieulis • .Au(otIUltic cf: Selwol Or(lal18 111ew OllX recherche slylr~ SitU pOl\l'rnB I S.16 P nt., arriving u! PlIilutlelphia at 1,' bnd \Vealtb, so Iha t Ihe Soulh , wllIr," Iho E. & H , T. ANT H 0 N Y & CO., It " -\11 ,,,-lrUItIOIlU w . .. nlll~d for 6v " y~llr. \ Wllh which I\C slto ll keep our New Yurk 1 30 A. n,. In k b k IIUllCtCIlOIl ' I A I' " lIlAIL TRAIII-Leove e Pittsburg I\t 11.40 el. y-O at VIIUL EM l. E AnD RF.TAII. l\]nllul II I. , ... "'H) 1"' I'0rlH. 0 1 luleo, I!uncy .upp I ~ U. II neXI len rears, her long..,. sisl.erice tDa practlcelQ bule· ) lI~IIJ v. , V,ollu_, GUIlU ... V,ul," W e hove ndop letllbe pion or 8a lo, nOIV I A . 1\1., s top ping lit neorly a ellll lons. ful BI~llJ1rchalteli:r.lng of 1I10n. J1Janlifaclurer. of lltotographlc Mate· ::-Irtlll\'. Acco«lcO "", n,"1 po popular of cllargilJg u unt ro rm Itrl Ce, Altoonot 6 .(J5 r n/ . , orrlvlng 01 Harrisburg will labu r lor Ihe D,ifliS101J uf Com· rials. " II k,",); " I lir ... hillt " I"c \\'U",CI\\ liI,IIl" .. lid thI S \l: ice 1VIIIIIlV .. fI'lbly be lfi2 for Ilt Hl2b A. til, lind Pluladell'llla at 7.10 • ( Lb 1111 u l l 10: ptlt': lit I fHtC'rl t h oll pilid to 'Ulllllbilt g' A r&,i nn tfrom E~c,.'."" Incliamli it 8011001 EduoalJon, Jhaou mclure" ilion e 50 1 BROADW AY', N Y. Urn- 11l.lrllm c ntM for 8slJlh. . ~uch ft rllc le, 110 mn\lur I111\\' coSI IY It moy IA. M. '-;' I' CII, Use/III if.)ts; &c., .,e., Ihrougho ut every III uddil io n lu Gur 010111 bus, ness 0 1 P I,o- P lJ ilL I 8H E H~ OF 811 EEl' M USI C l ire. T'he uXl'c nijCS 01 conducllng our Now 1'111 LADEJ.PIII A ExrR Ess -Loaves I'lt.tS' por ion or Ollr eountry, bUI especln lly. . 1\1 le rlli. lIe ore 1I 11~.J\uorter6 1 ... . York D"ellcy are paId by lite enle 01 aer- burU ol3,flb P . M •• sto PPlnl: unly III prill· The conltllulion,on.e-,ff.cltd IIJ Or. lhroughoul tl, e aectloO.llIlherto deVOId ~I Il)groph,c ", ,' , . I 111· 1 puhlr,h e" . ' THI : V~:N II I.' l\ ,low r" I" lIiicute: or cUUJlo ns re prese nllng the vlln \ clpo l eIUII0I1 9. Arrives ut Latrobot 6 40 ganl~ Welktltl- reqllir •• tb•• 14'ofml4. l ,' evj llg Ihat e"ery nood end WIll fu r tl. 10 IUI\ 1I11!. \ IZ.. V Itl, 111,11 ul CI", ,, l, fv' tI' e I.,.,. , " 1".1 S~ rr· ICll. 1" , \ I 'flo e cerllficntee are so ld \ P. n/ AltolJlla 9 .10 r, nt •• HOrrJs buf(1 2.36 1; S/erfoscopeS alld ;jtereo~coplc lelts. 01" ""'. '" 111 , Iv"" ' \ " llIlIl u" , •. I\I ". ".1 !:>u(·,· uus larlle ea . I S , ." y . IciJle to atrenllhen and '! ln,leonte tilt , bel II.em thereby be 8ubur,.d and lit e rnl ercst of . 1,lI r <. CI .... ". tI,"t" lu, lire --"" "I (;11' Ie. b) nl fiO CenlS eQah, or live ror $2 . allu .each A. nt., Uoilimore 7 A.M .. New ork, via every IIs8(ul alld wurthy ledl promuled. Of Ih eso lYe Orl , Inllllen 6X 08 orl · 1\ Illt,II C. 'I A\ Wll P" cc- uou ,d• • 85 CClih cerll il ctl le will sllow Ih e holder Ihe pur· Allentc>wlJ, 10 A AI., Phllullelphin'" 1\1 7.10 sy8lem. Whil1b Hehnbold·. Eatract Buth, It wll "rlt! ,he Protection 6f Home mellI, !llcludl"ll \ nr ::;ce nes, II\crr~u n (luI" 6; 1. lIculnr urUc le he or 6ho is e nUlle.J Ill, on l A . nl., and New Yor lt, VII PhiladelphIa, at iOYDraabty Il.!lel. H 110 tr.. tm~1t ~ .u~ Indu Btry by di.crlm inall ng dOllea Oil For- nn.J Fureign (.;ILrea ~Ild L'~ld';C\l~{ ~. Ea s61nl's 20 Melodic Exercises, pit} me nl 01 uu additlunsl $2. If Ihe Ilr- 1 ~,05 P. M. 81eepillil C urs UIII thruugh on Il\itted to. cODIUmpli()Q IIr InuDlty 'llI n I'roducil imported. with I vie w.lo Grollpd jS~tliluory, ptl·.,' etc.hl Isc! . cI1U III.,J 011 Ill e ccrlllicule is not tle. I tlll B train from P!ltsbur •.. 10 Uailimore ond enlue. \ In 1I.} 1111 (,c t:l,1(. gg: \ U'-li t .>1' !'-i u pnllw nIH r"11rf'l.1 0 Ii nio \,' .. e drawing hllillt I'le mp. t ea,p I lll" and 51,,1!. yol ~1 IIf te(eOHCo pe~, Jill HI .~r r,vlI e SUI'IIIIIO Vo, \.u. '"lfltHlcd Ct , . (" ,I' CK to . equ" ~ aired. I he ho lder wi II oblIge U8. whe n he I'hlludelphin, and to New York. vio A lien· ful arllzullS,dJ; Europe; In4' Ihe nlltun"· ex hlbltl OIl. Our el la ugue \'01 e al:ut Ill e p,uP' Ion 0' ,,"!;' n ~ , bl C .tl" " .""", "", , alu rrl s lil B cer llti tlote, b\' slouIIg what town. HELMBOLD'S zing on our lIoil of mallY brillche. o( pro- 10 OilY odrlrcs8 011 rece'pl 01 s tum\!. lh o' ti ll .. 11" ', 'ti l 01 '1 1I,,'Itl\,IIItU ll urt luII •. - other ar ticl e 01 lire s lime vulue he u r she FaST LI NE-Leaves Pitt sburg at 10 PllOTOGILAI"UIC A1.UVIIS. IlIlwe, huok •• I·l lce . enc lt , ~ 2 ,50. mny prefer, nntl il IVilllte S9 11t wltb plell. f. M., stopping only ut pnncipul e la lions. ducli on hllherlo III but oOIiOned 10 Ihl' Old World, while il would Itr.nglhen and Vv e were lhe lirsl to Intrud u~e th ese Fiano·Forte Ca.listhenics. 6111C'. Ollr olrn IS 10 plellse, ond every I J\rriv e8 nt 1\ II OOllb rat 30U A. M., Harris. Ulend those wtucb have olreldy a lout· inlo Ihe U IlitetJ SI~ te~ . 011..1 w e - muns fllc • • co\l ... 1,011 vf I ,11 ft I' "';;" . Clt" ,J. Ulld <;<n l" meo lls 10 lhul c nd IV III be exerl!!d. \Ve burg. 8 15 A ~J. , Boillmnret 12.30 I' . M.. bold .mo na us. lure immense cillunfttlc8 in g reut voriel Y, ~lI \" 'b" • • I"r "I>"''' ''Y <ltl·. 1 I" ";i lI. e '""" I.· 50licIl a trllll Irorn eVllry one who r ou Jd Nt'1V Yuril,t Vll1 Allenlown. 340 P. M., II will glye cllrerut IIttention tn pro · ;ungwg \.l prll'e !r om li u CCII18 to $b O " f II" nllg-b"'1 ","I, Q''1'''''"'It( Ihl"llI Il~Cgl~", UI I. 1111 8 " .. IIC I! os we ur e cOllfid ellt of 'Iving }'hllodolplriut 1,10 J' M. anal NllW York. In atreclion e ,eGvlill '0 real.te., I. UD.. I /l tJ 1i1,li lt ), H I( cp t:' l1 ( (: HCt: aUl v e, U I ho Y, \\ II ~ I I ' P d I ' 6 . i qUlled by· aUJ otber prepcrltlol'll II II gros8 lind iP.'prove!"jln,t 1\1 A grlcu lure , (,lIch. Our Al llUmH hU\' e t ltl re l'ulllllon I\r<~ eO 1I1l1 .. "",.""Ic 10 " g"u.1 p~tl"""\l'" " utI Ih e Ul OIO. 1 bbll s lncll OJl. vin hllu e phlll. ot 42 p, M. eteolion, lrreFlarrd., .dololI Its b.al ' l i"1f'C to b(i n; nI.r~tI tu 01 bei lIU superior I!l beuuly IIntl tlur obllrLV Ih e l'i .n".fo'l~ •.uy 1 1~~"cl. H . UI'OIV II~ . I'Jlc., The Stock Comprises *Brukjo5', tDinner. tSu~, chlor08ie OJ the doo!tI of 'our 'Irmer. and leoch them to nny Ol hers, ; 1 hey Will be 6ell ~ by :j;.1 .50 • I k D '{ It a t i S d ted Pllililuln ..l.r 5,I'PP,,"lon clllt. .,'1 how 10 make Ibe mOil (If the oppor,unitlea 11'1. nRE o n receip t 01 pri ce. i\"", 1:I1, lioll . Pupli' s Firsl Pllmc,. by F , nil ftmo l1lgsl olher arli cle., s plendl.J C oc 8, ~ 01 y, 0 0 ,tr TIJ 71S. un al/' excep . EvaclIalioll', UlceratiflA or .r.birrG'U'I' Ihu8 afforded them . rr. "F" i\1 d - , U 1 r .[lJ , .. It . Browli . AU lh ol 01 I', 'lk. M,"". h6hll, &. I!old Il nd silve r "It ut~he s, Rings set wllh S LEhPJ NG CARli are lIuached 10 all Night 11 . ,II ':deTol lI cO~I\ant ~ 1'Ilenti91f to " U ' 1II1l, 1l10l 8 1 II 0 r\ Il • Ilem. tr ull l·u lkQ9. &c. l·rIl e. ~U (lV III. , Dlamond~, Rubles. Peo~ I R , Gurnet ond Tr,ln810 Pluladilphle. New York and of Ihl'! UIlrlle, Le.ucorrbm., aod.1I c-. lfll(i .... a.peolall, for AlIrlcultural Pro Card P.holographs. NEW MUS olher Slunes. (soli lolre 01.0 III c ills terb). Bo illmore. plaintl incident to 'he sex, whether ari,iaC dUCII, wllh Intent to Illve bOlh producer Our Cnloi llgue nuw elllbruce~ ove r i"ivc '<':AS'r T\lY 1I \J 'WfN 01' 1 11,: l.llIllJ.· IIIllre s ' se lS of J owe lry, comp rls iJ,g pi ll S Buggoge ohecke~ througb ood'rons/er- frum habits or dillip.(lon. Impro.ndtl, and cQ.Dlumer fWIIl being vir-timlled .by Thuuso nd dlfi'u, CIII subjecls, til will c h od · \I,ll, i::i" I'rtl llo, C&n lll,l lv. 0" I . .., 0 IIlI Cllr-lI n"9 o( Ihe mosl fashionabl e red free • • • _ the ,·. ......~1'tor !8o'd , fore8t.,le'. ••. . ." dillUl d 'He CO nli)11l1l lly be.'nu Ill ll de. of 0' <;,,1.,. .. hd {~ltt"l 11 0, nd rt l'"<l J sl ylcf, sel II~ pl eciou ~ stonc8 of e vp,ry vo · 'I'I CKRTs fll R THE li'ABT (iDcludin<f Dos· or io lhe r!ecDne' or chlDI' of LII•. ""~ .. P f A lI u lu lI O t\~d l ldl' , :--lumlJc l ~ O Hc;', I I rge I , P And'ilivin~ lair .. cope, t.9 CupeOl ~I\· , orlfUlts 0 e llllue ni men COliS, e lc .• V ' ~ . b\ \\ 1\ U,,,, lo,d. . . . l'l'lce 35 el. rrety. tOl:c ther Wit I 0 do 8~sarlme ll t fd ttln. by BOR br R'tsll). 'pil8dlll g ove..r thiS eraltl et:to t~e l proceetll!l,9 (>f ,Collgre8@, ,bout " 'A ' HUL'r' G\J,jII .•\ 1'r:;,\I, J)",~.: , "old olld enomelled on pOllr sels, 11 0 rood, cun bo purc.hose d ct u'\ prilluipal 1I1lrt.. • the glib:i"al N'eW8 'Of <\he'; Dn'1. ' it ' 00 M~j. or-~eni'rols, 100 Licut·Gol'~Tlel s , " ·,,nfl'''"'I)''. In 1' ::: I\C~l '::i 1"I I ,, ~. • , :tUlltl 1111..1 s le~ ve bull ons of Ihe mo st elations. Fure os lo w as by' IIny other hopea to rellin it, old plltrons ond attrllct 2 01) n~g.• G~ n~rll la • .' 160 tOl~6 r Olhqers, f '"Y 1',.I)er, w. V'"tCIlI 1\ all,(c:of'"cn3, ell , b ~ nulif\ll pallerns . gellls' bosom And Bcn r! rout e. mnny Dew to bear Ihem coulpany. 276 Culllll e l ~ , 75 NnvY 'Ollkers . '''()I.I . ",) ('l/d~,llh"'bl' 10 I' '''' \\,}~ Ill"r'~""'I\ ' l pIl1S' olld nn ('lidless \larie!), 01 bracelels, FllEIGIiTS. S 13U J) 1l&8 1lI Jl'"lI l c.." ·U\ I! \:..o IU1 '~ I .(lJlllp U St:uu .> nO I dl . b 550 IqleB me p, " 1\1.I,S, Wld, h I'li ce ~.'" Ill. ChUIIlIS, m\ISle ol box es, Ie" , reS81!S, com s. Dy thi A r Olltc, Freights of all descrip· We nr~lreiJtpl1Ji thte1il'g ~genl', as liO promhre-nl \Yorne n, 120 AUlhor., '~ I ) Bll d III FI ~1ioVC ",' ,oortll uS> Sr. noe, . ,\ charms, &c. In cosc ".ny uf our palrolls lioll s. includlllg L'V E l:j'rocK, can be for· 10 mlny l'riI~OS\OJl are hllbilllally prowl- 126 Sto llP 40 '\rtloHs, C V II ~ , . lIU 5l0 b,li ~I tp h " " ~ t "u.l. .. ~I ce OJ d. ' ore I,u l ill wnnt of ortrclc8 of J e we lry , III" In Ihe aBflumed canacily 01 aolicitors 3,OUO Copies of 'VlIrks of Arl. Dil ly H.olh ,'r's (: " "C. · S II!; .,tli ChOIU', \ an d would IHefe r s alv e rwllr e, I\'C wlil se ll1l wartled tu olld from Phrlildelphi". New ... ,. 1 . ") ' 1\1) ~ I 1\,lI c ' P," c 35 / ,h I8 Yorll,llosloliorDlIllimure, 10 Blid Irom IMPROVED' for journul.. We prefer Ihll ollr Ir! ubscrl· inr.lutllllll r!lprodu Cllon s Qr Ihe moSI ee le-. ''1 h. 1'", 1 111111 Il,.,,,h .. 01 'I'llPc,' n.Ulld,uy lor ANY cerllficote re lurned til us, 0 allY poinl (III the WeSll'fII RuihvllYI. y bers ~hall pay lhelf money to persollK they brat ed Eligravillll@, Po 11111 nl!", SUltllea, ~I Ke lt, r. P,li e.35 CoulO. , ri chly e ng ra ved sel ul costors Or B\lller lio l/rood d,rect. know and of whoae inlc grlry they lire ss· IltC. Clllologues tiellt 0 1\ r(' c:e lpt 0 1 s lUlI11' ' U II , 11111" llI e II ::iollg ,,( 'lt1 F'u llt<r.· SO li:; DI 611 , beaulilully chose.J alld plaled . ll.v Sleamers, Ire iahl !'an olso ;'e forQ _ured. Any friend who belleve& he will An order lur Ol1e ])( ze n Picturrs froril . ". ( ho, ,,'. liS , 1111 " HI \\ 00,1 ', ~I ", . t,", •. , "III ...,. do ..ood by increslliJl!! Ihe clrculalion of C I ' 11 b ' ~ t I ecei pt 01 Ilu,etll,y (,;. lI e 'tI) ~ Pr,ce 3~ c"I1I, A ()E,v'l'S .ARE W/lXTE D wnrded to ony acc eH8 ,ble poiUl on lhe riv· • _ out' utD ogue WI e e ll 0 I r 'A \'\ o,tI 01"1 "IDe.' b,II,,". b) J,; J. t"l.hugh, . . ers 811d lake s of I ho \Ves t. Tn.il.,'l'ilrceuIIE .. ia.oufborized to aGllclt' oJld " ,SO. Bnd sc n,l ~y 1lI.!' II, fRLF.. 1" " 0 :10 «Il l. . . in every port of lhe Ullllcd Slares 8.nd 11\ For Frel ht Co nlrncts or Shi PP in Di· Will redie.lly e.termln." fro. I" ,,~ receIve lubsCTlpltolls. S pl'lCIlMn cop lew l'h(l\ollr8phcr' ond Ulh ere ordertlll.l ,u ,,,, Iu It ' " lho. .. lIlo" ,,"1 B ro m o,. DU <l I, rvr lit e I'rtlVlll ces . nlld to 011 such very labern l t I: I t d.J 'L1 ~ II e tem Di...." of Ihe UrinIT1 Orl'.. wil\Jl.~l!)o.tII\lJ)I- " .el\t 'W1\h-ou~ c\Jar~. to aoods C. 0.. D ., \1/111 pl caiJe remi t <25 p ~r Iw" ::;o"",,,u,. '; ' i:i~ I'\I' '' O "ml'1 ""u r, u) K A. Ind uce me nts Will be offe red, and. on 0P ' ~e~1 II)IIS. a~p y 0 o~ 0 h rgs ('I ler.o , ing Irom hablta C!I di ..\p.tiollt., Ii'\l. th~tJ!+t\~n' \Wem l arlll 'We (rut' ",,,to)' cellI. 01 lhe .mou nt 01 Ihel r llr~er. " •• "hulil. p"."" ,,0 <c"l~ , Iic-ollon n circular ul terms will be for. 0 oWin g ge nts 0 \ e Olnprany. . , pAnee, I'ltl~ or 1J0 ch~'1r in dip'; a04 It friends Will be .movlltl 10 th e ir n eli'" ():J"' Th e pri ces quu lily ul uur T: 0' opel 'We prele r money se nl in P"SI J g a. exposure. completely lup~r~.dl~c IhOlt bors ond to Jom In mull ing con nat foil 1. ~I Il Il')(II. ' 11\ HII,.,el'U.' I au l•• lc. 1>)' J ~1",\I' \lg Ofl'lcc Or~'" s Whe re they cnn bo oblollle",1 C'Ior k··e & co. p T'run 8 II' r i!A I!t'!n'1 s. P I tl 6 b urg. · '" acqulmt.Deers. J. , to S1l1l81y. ,I , !'lIle 0\1 eCIII. or by Ba nk Drof~ to our ortler. A udres8 H \V n " r. • 0 up th .. Ir C Uu8. unplellnnt .nr! cllnll.eru". r.medi.. ,.Cto "U~ ~amil!J'I Ne'l'D'spaper 'l' tI'ler at ~.!' •.'.R'o '"'llicr '" fO~1\) of. Noc- II urder a lu our IIrrencv which Wi ll be • , o!/ rown co .• 3:,allesv,lle, • 1 palba and Dlercllry. in curiol tho. . . . ~~ ~ , liiJ ," 1 l~ IUIl Il • by j. ,1. J.". II . kl Pll t ' all conb II " . ' Bull & co. , ])Iurlcllo , v. 'A""ut.l. l\l u,.' ( ,... ,1 fO I Md. tiu lup. by CI ... cOllllu,·tcd hy ''N. H. &;' I1,IH . .l.ong\e'y, Glll\iro\le.~ O. pleuloL lod d.n'.r."iII ..." .... !COW 18 TIlE TIME TO .UDseRt)lE. frlllid. Pil e . ~o cenls. , ME.SIIS. JAQ.UET. STERLING &. Co .• ClarkA & co. C hicago 1118. TI" Nt~. -to~k '"'~ekltl r ;rbU116 'Su" ~ I o , . ' ( holl ow ~1.'). (. ,.\lop. by A. Dern1119 Uroodwoy . New Yurk. • • :I A lligh.tullcd ond R, illionl LiteTary &; 8 ((111 1', tI 050 Ce lli. " 33m . 11 N' ION .. I N E. U~E HELMBOLD'S i8 printed on a lorne 1~' oml'Zll J U!t11\U l . ' IVulcrfnll, 1"lid ell I.!,., . T' FrB'Oil, : " l vta . P ' R . R. .. double·m edium .hoel. ~ 'P..' (. ,, 1101'•• by Pa ul : ~.l'ust tnnsy l vanIa milking ei"ht pagee 01 .. \x l toillmns each . .' !"1'·I1'""gell . ' " CO , t\lr. ... ;, ~,. "I. . I r~ . (I ....l1~.ln. ""/,f\le Important Edlloriols EDITED Dl.' N. 1\ ILLIS. '~I OIIIII'i\' Dew,' Lu" c. h .Iuy' .Adol" h n erlt. \ U,oqd Tread'" Car~, "" •.,. , '1l' P. . 1<11' I' ru (I "O"c enU , Who h II h btl E ubIi'hed in TilE nAILY 'l'RIDUNE. except '\ I La "P I SI I r IC run Iroug e ween tie o61ern 10·' ,c"d,.l .'"!r, ' P ( E STABL'~H F. O I_" 18.l!}.) those ot,'lIerelJi 1~", tJnure8t ;.~18Uj1-.i IOr. ,. ue, n, u1. IIU ,U'". 'OO", Il. 11('6 \IV an d W estern ClllUS, Irreapec llve 0 f CIJlm, , 8~ ant! 'Sel~iflllic Ilftttlligedct!; R tl'v lc l\lB TBE HODIE JOI:JIlNAL. on Ihe Ihird 1I 1l1'1') be Ihy /).rO"I".- T,."sel ,h.II fOI' Ih,' gel! of gunge. 'J'I,e Uni o n Lille i& Ihe 01 moet in erealillg llnJ1 new of J 'l lluvry, oommclfcotl I""ltu·lollo by Ch"d • • I' II.d",. Pllt . 50 celtl. I' uUlhorlzed Fost l'reight Line, and Is fn all CDnl or Ib;, U h n'l7, wb.. Doo~ \fie ~ idi t'raim oui lorge corp» !:oW. (I i:iIl,rIIIH'l\J "'Y l'II'la,',' (' Oil' \\'M ll nco'S ""Drth ov", Oue lUilJlou Unllnrs! All worked 011 011 Ihe roules llver wl,lch it ..Veto Vclumc willi .JYew Attractions. 01" " '\ LUI",,"' . Tra".r rlb ed ror th e I'lnllO·(Ollo " d t 1'1 Ulld cr llllle· t' '' ronsp-~rt, under COlltr.cta Iher exidtll\g in I m.le or felllall, fJ1l. U) (; ho, 1.0 J,'".IIel !'lIce 40 , 10. til be ,,01 CIt' II cue l, WIt lout rev ~ u u d enle; t IIe Iales t news recol. I correlpon ved by 'l'ele',~IIp'\f ftbln W8Bhinj!lon Dnd Among Ihe lealures for tl, (/ comlllg year CII' I1III O I: III C"motr, - Hucr's '"IV Opero . ~;II ,d lo vulllC t Not &0 b c Puld fOl which eecure tri ll,e prop erly entrusled to whltever U . . . orieID.tiug •• l\dDO.lllII ell olher n\ rt6 or lhe COOnlry; B Summory nre a New Siory by LAMARTINe; 0 Ne w "'"""'0" h (;1""1<. 1',,,<1.1 I'll' 6 6~ ,,' "10. UtllIl )'011 kuow }vhat yoo Itr8 to I e- lis rhor ge; the best (o erii liclI fur fast nnd of how Ion" .t.lldi.... h i. _I •••• ,. .. 1\1 I I IIl e IICllIcF, ' , ..UY " des · ! O ,lI c.-~ IIUI ';; I'1 lI"tlll l·IIC. U) J . de t:clve I • ..• of aLI t,!aP.CIrl ... t:-~lleltil!\e"llf In.,.tlrll ~iI'y ~Crle8 Hf 'llrlUlOIIIIl I' EU ull lionn mov e menl, \hollhe Roads over tosle aud odor. l-.nedialD In ...ill .cliol, IIn~ ~W*ti~ a Syndpsfe o('tlle proc~e- HARIlY GREY; Orlgln"' E$~nys; FSpurll- J" ..A,wd ell. k" l'llce bO ,.",,,. . !l l' LENDID "ls'r OF ADTIC;LES. Whi ch Il pU6ses possess. of l) • • am .u.,II,.d ~ , ~I Kell er. rl" C n, o ,. I I S I D S I (_. I ~30(l ,..,.... ' '' I d Inti more Itrenlltbenln" tb.n In1 Dr 1M c~'h. ' ' .J " ~ ,, "er '"11lf; c, "I~ o~. . \J-J '. lere tllne 18 gunronlee , a for· ." d inlle of C 9.n re18 lind SInte L ....gi8I)1ll1re IIIl g 81,e tc h es; 11 rl f' f .Oftlnn CeS ; orClC Ii ':vh-n l'o' '-e"si''II, Ihe Forel'''n 'Ie\\'11 recolCIJrres pollllcnce', S,"c.V Lellers·. SOCIlt! 50u. 11. . , SII)vcrt alld U.n> lIu lu ~,U t . f F t 100"I I • ~ •• v .. R .ov o" I an llluh ulI, ba ll aJ u) I: G B Hol,ler oll,' ~u " tI :-i li 'cr Tell ::ie ls eOlll"l<lc ~U '0 .\ ' U e nure 0 Ive cell 1 per wi ~ o· prep.,alionll 01 Baril or Iron. " ved by every steamer; ExclllS ivfJ. Re po~tB Ftls hlOn, lind r'orel!.:" tl 08SI[l; Book e- I'll' C S5 c"" I' fi'O Ho!CIvouu i\lu " c H OIO., at. " s j J 10 2~1I 1 101Ved for detc iliruns , lur every day bll)oud 'l'lio8c tutrel'l", from Broktn·dowa rI of the Proceedinfl'll of thtJ }'armers' ClulJ views; Art CrlllcI811', Ellrly Extrn ele !rUIll '1' "II" l'lt,, 1 ~"r rl , . 1>1" fI" d H"trltlDIt i l 2110 ~l a h ol!;" "Y l\'l U' IC Boxe., :U ul ld "ll lu ~IIII Ih !! lime specifi ed. Delicllle conllhutiont, procu,.lM ,... tdy o( Ihe American IIl1tltute; T-alks aboul UnpIIlJhdhed \Vurk 8; Chulce ::;c lec lrnna "" !;tillult Po lkA . I,,· :'II .. l'lI ,I,L" ' . I. 35 (' l~ ~J U Uulu lIulililtg Willet.. . 7;' lu 2,)11 1 }'or lurlher illformol iun, address the lit once. t" " t Fl " I F" I:, ."", w~I, .do"S-liUdulU. b· J:: J. ntl- \l~ 0o L ' I 1111111 t · Id \A Ie I ,..ntli1",8 • • ~ I ""'V ' C81 ~' 0, IO ".. UII fullo,dng Age llls 01 Ihe 'Unlon Lino" F rull, Oil d olher ~orlio~ltunl and A!!rl. f!OIl1 i.ng I. " ' re ne I. Bnu Olll!r ore'gn h" )!. h I '~" c 35 reu... ' 1'1. The reader IInllt b•• . G' I+(\1 (,I \\ nI1,a8.u,"0 I ~I, 'J()I \1. ,c11 llrr . .. ""Iltlg , ""., IC lei "J l Ull II. \V. UroWII.27We eI3<iet.,CincillIl8tl. . cullMal Informallon· esaenti81 to counlry Perr uulcHlij, e.lc. III ull. ill foct. thut trl ,·I, '\ III , r " " ~II' g " , u rllt "r,. ~U c!S .I ' "' ,\1..111C 'l~ III l u:;U be IN a" •• k or the Ih" J~O Iv" ,) 0"<1,, GI.,,·.. 25 10 lUll S. II '('ll1IAcher. 239 N. High II. Columbus. er aligbt re8ldents; Stnrk, Fmancilli. Dry Guuds to \ll lI ks 011 IlI slrllctrve Bill I Cllll'rlllintnj! ~Y i\1 II, Pa,e!,n 1·I' I.".:Y..t I CII" . dls ...e, it I. lure to Itrtcl hi. bodil, and GenerallHarket Reporte. mhklJ\g it, ne\v Rpnf\ r r, 'l'llE 1I0JUB JO URrt"AI. ,\ l.ibl'llIl DI~collnt gl\ c,, ' lo the ,'l',"d,. ~Oll \1 ·)1"<1.,1 I'tn ,l l ,'rglle lls bO Iv I ',,, SIIII1'1 F. Groy, IluiJn'lolltJl18, Illd . IlUth for variety. lind cUllIplclelle68. alto- Will ti lill relulII li S rep Ulnll'HI 86 Ihe la, C,, ",tI,"", CI.' /;J"' "". ·1'ru,,,. ,,,.,,, ,,1 ScI'our. . ~" I S.. \l u" d Hev(,lvcr, H tu 5U j hOlllth, mental power" hlppln..... rj ~e~lIt~, ~ll" mo",t , 411~~ble. inleresling lind voril e uf Il, e belles.le ttros pr ess. \1"." ,"" 1 11\ "'U". 1'1).11',,1\1. On leCc 'pl 0' 5111/ :' 1111;'. ,,"01 lJuu"l~ Shooler. 11110 5U \ E.I'. IIryenl, 'Jorre Hnnle. Ind. Ihllt 01 hi' POlleril,. Our 1l1.1t aoH~ Instruct! e 'Wt!'ekfy 1'I'ew8psJler pubitshcd 1' "r,jIJ ~.F<lr one l'0l'\', olle yenr. $3; Ih ., 1I1I1I 1,.d I"" ". .;110 1 .I'·~IIl' 1 6 ,1 1'111,,1,",;' .0 I" l Ull 'vY. \V. Chnndler. C llIl'ago. 1111. I . <II \VJtr. HAJ,L & SON, 2 0" "1,,111 , ::i llllll"o . !Just. , ,"C 6U lu ~uu Thc PellllsylvDllia Rllilru~d Co. \vill ia the or thr ee !",'-., . ,,,. vo. k. ~ ,U iJ,ullIo,,,1 H",o'" 60lu tllU 110 t HfI8Ume Iny flS' . I Ior II I",,'gone. excepl are lupported from lIaNe .ource•• 'h wo~ld II l R' _ f h A I I " 7 COIIlCS, ' 0 I ",,7.liO; ord one copy Ihree "• ,.3", ..",J IJ,o." I.".,). . [,,~,~O I·huItllo.., AlL"" ",,I V "II SlIU b 10 ~u lor \V eurlllg Apparl'l. alld limll ., Ihelr reo ,'I e F\I •• !p"~rll 'CI. o b t e " mer I can 11_ renrs, 'lI' ,u .8 wuys III u vunce. "0 , Bllltlte ;Plmer O:"r HlIbsc l·lpHons. orol e rs, rrm lllnll Ce", T 0 LAD I E S . I ~,1I00 h eckI II onl J "•• 1e nI..I". ! 5• 1III0 ~IU 8ponsllul'Iy to one hundred dollora in val· . I R II U, . 1I1l ..I I Ie bvariou s I II"" t.l " I 10 I . u: u, ,. "" .."," C C • v A II fleu un , epllrtB, In enc Ilium er , lire nlld III I olher . commulllc uIJUU8, 10 ue ud. richlY w'O rtb II )ellr'l 8ublcrlpllVo. • dressed Lo lil o PlIbliAla erR, If l O U "'1u,re II rel,,,"I. rell"d) lu rootor •.• ,III1U (;,, 1,1 Ch" .. t1 IlrD'," "~ . Ii 10 1 ~ ue. All Hog~nge eXl."Ccdlng Ihol omount I \. h" '. . • • I! 111111 CI",lci"I\'" &. /Ju trll Chu," s b 10 20 I III value. will be ot Ihe rl ak ollhe owner' ... TEn. J\I S: ~.P.WII.LIS&Murt!lISPHILLJ.P S I }OIl.lt'.{:~ ' . ;!lUlltinl ll '" Il&f{cvo h ll'I; Brooc he. !l lu l U I Ike b I , )hi\ Bubscriber.s. ,1 copy I,ear. $200 91 Fillio n Slreel New. Yurk Dr. Harvey B Female Fllla. ~,WIU I.II'U ",,,I ~ lorell l",c uu. 4- to 10 I UII ess Q \I Y n 8peClO conlrect. It' We IIItlke no leoflt or :h. illredltDtt. Mall aubscribere, clu'bs or five, 906 • • A 'It '" fll ,I,ugr""""'• (,'" lhc rOl1lo .. 1 of.1I ~ijliO ("".t.~I,,,lnlldl'"'.~" I"d o. ·14 10 10 ....'en.1 SlInCrllJ:e;r E. H.deni. WILLIAMS, .. LIEL"tBOLDS"LU'nEXTRA""'~V. lillU \1 ' Ir I I d I . l!: Ii I JU .. AlloonB, Pa c .. .. ". " U J ll JOCopl.. ~'Bddreuedlosubscriber., J7 CiO Ob,l r" ('I'1",y I' Oll,,IH'llInll. ,I, hurc.,""lw,lIH VII,wh,l IIl 11 9C sIO' II, cI·. · 7,I;lIU ( ''' ,. llO . .. .. 3400 "r"o. ," " ..tloo,"l "I' "'I''"''CII ''''"",.nl,l'II·"·J''''p·, '" ' ''1,9. :l l II HEN '{ W. GWINNER. CHU ilcolllpD ••llofBucbu.Cubebl j " 1 1 . I 1 ;, UUII e" 1I0llltll \)1.II,o .. d '11". t> 10 2U "en:]' ','Icket Acre 1 PI I , '1'en- copies to ono addre ss 16 00 IIBI," " '" ., ell ~ lI .e Iry " " " -0, I,efl c,ou, 0 0 ( I (I I 0 I I' S to 'U .. n, II D. Juniper Berrl•• , •• Ject.d wllb rr..r CArt, l' wenly copied '. to one od.Jre88, ' ull '.ie' uf \V~n kue< •. WillI"" 1',01"1" "" ., I' _ II ' , ,' I"~" u"~"O'" I;. ,~ •• J 3 10 ll! \ H . II. HOU::;TON, EiJI SO 00 &.c 'inld ill ""XC ' ''It I ' "t1I1 ~ ~" I'll\.. I"" C~1 ,l,UIIll .... U' \t il" UI'l"" " . .'u " 111 Gen'l .1o' reigl:l Agent, Pbila. Ind preplret! In vacllo by JI. T. H • An extra copy will be .ent lor each CIUb\ ' \ Dr. H arvey ' S G0 Id en P'lle J11l.OUO lll k,11"Ii.,"bltio. II ,,. 6.:~. . ;I 1 ·t r• BOLD. dru"IlI., 1 • I;OU!>vlou, 010111>10~'" g I"" :.! lv 10 ~ t;" • • .odl cheml· .t of .:-1111 ... of ten. . .Alld all E:.rpen8e! Cleared ( A. ,c,.. e,ly Co• • p~c\.1 cn.~. Cnur ,I ... rllo. 5 110(1 Lockrl. lv. ~III"'I"IL' b 10 11' [ -----------~---'--- yeors' rxperienc. in lb. ell1 or 'b\l"~ For clubl 01 twenty. ~wo extra C(\ple~ , Rv I\l!.ent~ , 1n IIelling'THE FIELD . t'OllgN Ill .. " Ihe ,,1,0"' , J'lrt<~ e~ P" bo; 1 1)"0 g" ld T u"I"t'" k•• C,o.seo, 4i.e. 310 H 'J'lte G"ovcs'ecil '-."10 FO"'e I or pne eopy ;of tbe W eel")" Will be DU NG EO N, AND E::>CA PJ.: •• b A A l'rll .. le C.tI ul n,' 10 J. ,J" .•• \I It h 0,," "" • . I IIIIU ,,1 .. 11, gu.I" 4 III 1U"Str II rl'tninll ilH lind great pop- phill. 01111 which il no" pr.lcribecl by I' n lIe~t ar'l.till 0 R I I N v '1' I. C Y 10'"IC,<I ""15""'"" ' . ,e lll i, • • 0 11 , <, erp l o! d,. 1~ l/l'lI d,n •• ,' gul d H," • .! III 10 1ulnrlty, IIlld olter unJ e r""1n1! gro~1I81IJJl' mlUll eminent phnicl .... hili been adllll~ }' clUbS oC filly fivlJ copie~ or one . 1010rl80ll, . • . rt uun e orres p o n . " 10' (IU ~'" hi ,",,1 ~ '''"<l r."' g' ~ to 111 "v ur f he DOli .i: ' b IV I 'be, ue nl. The unp 'lrlli e ll .. d sn \e uf I ,OOU , •• ,..1 •• " .101'. "",I "" '"1", I IIIIIIIU <' "I,'v ' "' 1 Vj~lI,(\1tl1 H", ~.. a lo II' prOVCII1 ~ lIld for 0 pe ri od III tltlrty y ou rp. Ib Il'd 10 use III thll UlIlled Stat.. arm" an copy. or ~ • ~ n . una II enl CU OI~H Iler doy 18 ouundunl eVIl)cnce of lh l' l \ S,Clld Ivrll.l H II,A I, \ I. ' IS I lr'~;'l c 1\ 1, d,e d I i ~U U ". I, Lnd ,..' Jew, It ) , Id . r, I" 111 "uW 1"111101111 ce d by I he mll sical world 10 is al.o 'In y- r1 .....'-1 ule in ........ hoI,l· l lJhb \ 0 1t'11I 1l I' !t, UVp .... f \ ; AIV · 000 l I I OJ graull t ojl "en.. f r i \UH' r .nI. 4r 1 , R I t . ,. .-...... ..,~ < _ ~_ pO l'ulnrrl),of lhI H \I"oril It is Ih e mn . t '"" lull ," ' lIltClll,l\' IO CClI lS rltIlIlCdo'Ir' , l'I J, " ' CH'd ,,,"r)., Oll'. 10 I! JC un ~urpos&ed alld .. Villi ullcqull ll'tI '" II I d bll ' S ' I I tlllUl~ 'I'I,c N~w-y~)I'k SCIl,I-'Veckly ' llle restlll" ~lldn:cit l ll g book eler rub. 11 yu" " ,,",,;l I'u r, 1''''0 lire I'd'l, /:'~''' I·:"~~Il 'C~' I Il,:, , >. j, \,c:') 'I''' Y'' 1\1111 1' l rrclrll c.s.vll lumIl8Hd I'Urllvoftulll', Uur" 1 nil 1111 pu 0 .OlarJ • . TrA"'..,e IS pulJhBII~t1every 'J'UI~tiJ)A \' Irsheol l!n~b r3ci ll" l\lr Rlc'lUr·1 80fl'" 1"1 , .. ur .1 ,111.(1;1.1. I'" ~ wd l lJI> , "I ~\ ",,,,I , ,,,,,1 .: 1111), " I' 1"'''1'' '. J ' IV'I'" ,.. II. J! 10 >0 htilly /lIlJ chcnp"es8. Uor n ew tlcnle, Ihtoughout 1It.1.i1I: \I F l'd " d I I Iitl Ie Edl t arlO I p ~ rn lel' l e d~xr erlc .. llccforfo . . )'U E'n r:; n __ li l ~' J;III. I ' . ) '., .. 1(" " '\It II II Il,· ' '1' .lI lu '11I en , rlllY,lln con onS6 ur , ..... ~ !u" II I,,11I O h .,~ I\ ft l" 1I 1, 1)11 l et: ~ ' r t of lU l tJO g.1 d tt Pili" "llli"I !\(' II1I J .; A [J lu 10 Fr~nchuClloU. h nr p ped ul. irun (rume, a~1Ic1e9, /lot r:ne.~ ely. lueol JO c hnlG cler j ndv Cllttlrc8 whtle \rovel illg Ihro"" il th~ "IJ,~ ,'2"JJ '.I I~ " J. ~,\l\ .I~ (;" 'Hd l l"~ I·h) . . UIIII gu l,1 I,en. \I ,Ii, 1-( ' 101 " v h~''' . ' Ii 10. I ~ \ IIver· tl trung \)ns~, sr~cn uCluv e. tl)s,a wuod HL'L1t..lthOLD·S Lllersry ReVlewlI nnd Art (]rll~cI8 111'; SUlIlhllIIIrOll"eerelaervic()ol,th o'J!tlbulle 1/,,," , ' OJl' \\ UJ. "\\ v" 1;'I/"rl~" ltl l 'I\" "lllh v ld tl !'''II' ' JOI" 1. ,, ""lOd we lire eellillg c hl'uperby frulll b 4,... n Leller6fromour JDrie corps of F~r(,lgII IIllheOlJlhreuk of Ih ewn r \\ llit oo rnl . Il r J) cll l ,' r"ul 'I, '~"J I ,yD~' " JlsU,.n e8 • •• hn lr .: UIIII"I'.. J' ~'{J II''' '& '' ' II'k lll!;CItI'' ~lo 1.0 :jj IOOto~OO"lhBnthedtlme6Iyleandful. r.-""'~. and Dome81lc Cnrrespolldellt8; tlPO e'"I \ dll b 111:' • o:IW I 1 ' ''I"A t;'' '' I' .f\'''\ II r~. Ji-II """q""el' "S I,, ,,&, \V," ~ I' v ld,,,. l u ,,) a" ,s horeso ltlbyony o lhprfirl\l"1 k . and A 'a~lI'led Prelld 'l'ele"raphic 1118 Illlr~ n\l ect", 0 I "oat nil . e~ 1. t1~ :l UI'U" I" r I, u,l nlld <oku h~e~.18 :.!Il 1>1 11' 1 ' D i e nss mu prs ..ar"' " ~ I \ ' .1\ ' I" B co nfi',eme nt ror tW Clliy n'" l1lh8 III se ve n '1'-lll"'l c D I S Me.... 'I ~ \I UAUC1 1A N !L(,O ' " II" III 11,8 uou nl,rY I ell ers olld ullin WOlll ~ ~ p~tC"". .,are ~, I' R BuA "I prtH01 . 18, IllS e. cll pe nntl I ~ u IS' O - "fI.'.·-- el'rets 'or th ~ ' Vn,·k. ul'"."cIIII",u . , .f",·llu . urRVI II rgOll d PIMIlO ' 8 are i • .' E I ull"rCIiI Dill 1"'11 Ilr,l a<twu\'. . Nfl. "VItCu,I I0 SCII d lor our " J . F d 11D .nu lComp . Nele ummory oII " orllUtO lin omCSllC e w s' , xc u· I D I' 0 I I I ' I . 11:94 oft :. ' ~ y a' 1" . 1 I P I' IIi ' I I a,",,", 1lI1,Il cuio us Jourll ey by 1I11: 'lt of A 010s1 vol lJl d d I ,,,,,I '"II"" 'CI' 01 u,u»y 01 Ilr e 1t;1Il""~"" 1 1/"' " s.c rrp lye n a ng up., "' IIC 1 COMIIIU8 II pJo.~W'a111 ... eW'· Or. ... II VPi ep,Ofla , t 10 uce? ugs O. IIC 1I1'nrl y -100 n·,il e... ' uu e UII won erru "ublicd- ",,111\)11,,11 1" " ) I, . vi \\ " " It OJ .. ,,, I J, \\, I, •. tI • • rh ulo!!, rnllhe or .. 11 our d,ifere nt 8t ' ''8 Farmcrtl C lub of Ihe Amencollln~trlllte; 'I'e cl e r I tl • e nr el II O'i. A I\ ork of 4 00 1)t' ~P8 , ond SO col · ""II~ tu 1IIl, "u· .. lh~" hu " " c•• 10 h >l u"lrll .. lrd \l)l!\:elher ;w.J lh P!icep No o n I 1/ ' . ,o~ 'l'lllk. b.outJi'r\lit.on,l olh e HOf\ iculw. I " ' dj,O IC, d rlr d'~ly a~f,l(!m fl n ' l tJrl" l P f'~rn 'III j.!'~. Dr Hunter's VADE . <1," 1. hUH, ,, 001,,·,1 u~,,,,a t., ~u l ( 'IIl :''' '' , cha eaplllndYillhol'l ~a,I?U purnlot\d Agficultur nllnforrnol lO lI ' Slock 0111 l' ~ p(,CI!l Y re lurll e Oil ('SOu ed .. m· ~J"; CUnI, 011 'H I '"IOI ~nLl 0 III. . ' ' ''''IN I 10 Ihe ,,'!> ul lll,on , lu l\ nW II'';. ' I 8eelllf.t I.. l. CUIUFinanciu l Cuttle Dr G ds ' . cera Dnd tlul dler~ . III WBIII 0 1 III ol1l nhl ," " II Milo III \ g P P , r lre ou,1) c, ,,,,,, .. "'"\lllig •• ell IIrllll~ ,".d ,,' VII I... loguf' . Metillls, "IIntlS I \\' lIhnul nUll,ber HI!:LM~U.>· B , , y 00 and Gellorol employmenl Will fi nd II pnrrll'ul nr ly "dn , ilt 1V"lllun, thelr 1 hy siol":n', .,." ~lt" .d '" Se lll",1 1;;11 " 101',.,,,,.1 wdi lltl""!. hovo "~en n\\8rdeu to the Gruve818'en PI' ~~.rketR (' JlO~I,,"h l eJj•• ot'e pu blt . ired in tedlolh e 'r~ o nJJllon. S~IIII I C I JI' f'II11'"0IlS olldSeXlJlI1 Jl s(",' ers rlf evcry 0 ,,,· 0(11" .. c""IOI" . w, lI h" "lIiUl "11111 I,· ulIo.ondotllleCcl"t>rnled \V Id' F" IHEDAILY1jtI BUNE.IlleSeml.Wce kll' Aid ur trC lio rs kiP", \\lIh neve,.ludllllT R e rn lld les for ""y,,d tl,.,,0 Il r~'· <ll' l lII 2rjl'cn" II,oll"h nut in . o.r 86 1r, T'ribul'le' aleo 1;"Iv ea. III tl lecouree o I .. year , AMERICAN ( rt'~S PUBLlSIIING (,Olll"Y II1(,lr ' sr('e(ycurl'. I 'j' !' 1' ICII..'";:, .SOl•DAl ., (lN, I.D . 01"LA, I' fmm"' IIllonrls ,. COllljlel'"OII o.lherij he - prllCllCe of Dr. AL I" A, oflheU S· With · Three or Four 01 tllo . H J • !/1I111('f hilS lung I, ee n ami 8tlll \s un ~ ACI1, '\l II",ul rt'l;o rd 10 , .. I"c. I l t d [E . ." tnol; Ihe JJ t d Af, P T arlford, (;0 1111 . ' boUQd d b t h' I ' • 011 rU<"1}1l 0111" CC 'lIfi '" le ) " " .. ,lI see w""1 III: les 1I\V8f • ~tn hll ~ I,p,' IS35. J " an ( at~Bt 011 opular fl!vo18, BC1'"TO" &. BURR, Age ilI R. [30.S 1 '1 , U bll e t10rnp.6t 110 ICltllllon of )"" .tle Jl Il'"!; 10 I "\v~, ,",,1 Ihl' II,1 ,s ul I (lit ' GRUVES'l'J::~N e o by IivltlJO II llaor8. Tilc co.t of i\hese II10ne numerous p",rSU!l P, he hns been Indtlced 10 " I'I, uu lo " lid Ih ~ <.I o ll u, nnd \',kc II ", urll( I. :> V) 499 Broadway N Y ' k \I bou/ll7 In Gook form wbulal 'b (r IIOUS 1.:1 e"Ie.nd hl f! m.ed11'81 u~erll lne8B thruug h lhe <l r, nol ~UJ'c" ... r~ "IY, ,hu t obln.n "t;uld ' ew or. L' AND LU'r (D&LO.W, c~ hvr), to • a om SI X meUltlOl ~ hl8 ·V.de Mecull'l , • • , is n 1\\ All h. {)"""Ollti Rill", or •• JI- l e I 0' J ~\Yel, j i~l' 1!'101~1l1' ~oll.re.' II JlUrchll.eed in the vulum c Ibol s),onld ba in the l;ol1rle 'oC e\, . (In our h' l lb' Oil. "ull.r~ '"Ill In no, lI oe Con ~ ng lilt I\hgaz lnol from winch Ihey are .4.'1' PIlIVATE S~LE· f r ' ' I ~ t' I 11 . Ih.\ 11;011 ... Ih AIl Olle dOll ar's wl\rllr . It' IherP ,, ' ,~l~t • ~. LA.' • • L r 8:1 IA. cer.(ulty 'lMIlet leu. the coat would be lhre • • 'rhe vDluebleHou~e lind Lat.lllu e . y 61111 V In t I.~ a~ ••~ a prlJventlve 01 .lrc·no uncerl .", l;., Tho jrtir.eOC ce,·ut,,·.I... . 6 ,• ofr6 ur 1imes that lum, Nowhere elae .Bn{ed on the E0 8t BI'de 01 N o~tb St. \lICe , °fr ?18 a gUI. e. or t e '!.1I~V1'lion. 01 II. III lollo"~ :-Ou" fo r :If> cenl.; live lor i l . W.iJ. Y HE S V1L L E. 0 uJ 0 .' clna'pi'e'; ' ore ' t ' _I\l ' · d ·· . • one 0 11e DlOlt IIw r,,1 Ind deetruCllte d~v.n{o. 2;llHrt) IQr $a: wllhel ~!("" l'r ". , ,L\ It-, 11~ ' r~ ,,.. . ~ c r . 11 Jlhe 'Ience an per betwuen 'fhird and F.lurth alreets -the scourges Ihll ever viaited mankmd One /Ilium; ... I) · fi ... for adO, ",Ih bonu • Oil" hUll . " I ."'ol(6 ~",.Aft.. .'!f'Dt IIterlrY matter."'11 had ~t 80 .cheap properl1 lI'J:nl. M. RO~£RT_II offered copy ~erurely enveleped will b f~rwa d. <I , ,d for $14. lind hall~,ollle pr i 111 10 tb. g~I· 1 TERMS. CASH IN A bV" -CEo a ' ''" '" In 'l,'he ~QlI·Wetltly TTlbune. It prlVlIlO ~ale. ' ed f' ee f e • e r le •• u\, of Ihe clull. . g Bewir'e of cO, ... ThllBf~~II;I"v, "i;.tbe" prlneiplelaud P' ' b ' 1 1 UI'i r d SO pl'f'n , 10 1111, Jlurt '01 Ihe n:r Agellts ", .. uted Mer''''ljcre 10 One copy 001 yesr, $,!,OO•• • pprove ~ Uie cllarlc(er of The '/·nbun. or .url e~ p,rLicu ars.al\ll v 10 A ',dle Ifllea or,d60 !.eRnt·Hlllu!;~· 8R,"m PII • whom 'peel.1 illd",:uJI UI6 Il\'e oneretl. Aldre., N I II i n ' t d' " 1. D. BWETP.. , ress, pon pa • v · n 1E T I< II ' Fiye coplell 008 year, 8,'75. ASK 70S .n~OLJ)'"'' IS cre ..el. pOII'er In JO II UIIIC. by July 18 . Wllwneluil... ' 3 D'IV' I Ion .. C! I'"new Y or. k . . (,AIJlllllrold", (; 11 1\1\ &. to , IIl' pO.t#f' tIn. 16 .J)' ' %I 3", ..... lli e... \'orl. • • ~ 'l'ta eopiee one yilt, " 25: 11. co ~ , Ib,OO.
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First Premium Gold Medal!
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For 1866.
2 60 00 0 tl1ratches, Ch' arns, 'n"lamondRings &0
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PhYSlelanS, ., Please I._Nee. u:..:
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·OHI0 : WEllN li:SDA Y, :F EBRUARY 21, 1866.
$2,00 A-l'EU.
"jUts. Now YOU 'juSt ,,"iL Iili onll ' of 1 ~o .. n h~"11 Itltllr .anolilllr ~"J , {UI ugh Ihey w""hl IIIJI lall" LII .. Iioll .'U" '1110.. G'&I. ~·M'''. I, TI H . C AZErrl:. your 1,Icna w8RLs 10 set. Ahd you pUI Ir"!II ulld tl r Ihtl le"lh ~18. auneyill~ I O,utlICIIlt' . RII II " oult! w .. ,I,111! ill SBABBY GENTILITY. NEVER A CBILD. ducks eggs under her. and YI'U'U h'He . wurld wl lb ruund .bn .' hL Wlld'III" I'y aY I , W', VAN ~,UII&, mu.' ltuJ \Yllllt;!r - lor Wh ich I h ey I ZIt ":;NA &",'''',.IID. a ramily of du?ks in a IW. Inklin~ You Illod ",radu~lIy. tit., br~uJ' Wert! II~Lci l It th, IO'll lvt'1i w btl \' tor )' u't ug la ly DT l ·\.'IU[EY 1l0Itor:oo. T o Ihod" whv havu nevllr kno"o Ihe c,an buy· d.ck..s el{ga 8 pl.t:oly , of old lind Mrs. }" .. : Iumo~ IIrO:l". Il prIJud Onel mllr. the d., 01 re.t h.. coml, uck.-y .. 1 IIt "y ~l'cW V'KU luU, !Inti JUP of chlltlbood. the pasL mUll be a /Sam uuder 11."1 hdl; ,b" ahuYI bas ltMPVY m ~lber. wilh ull Ihtl bu "l .J'btj 1It""lh vI Itle week, y. A l I.. ~ I UII~ fI"y !lie "'wit Ii i , 1I1Hlly pcc'pltl who cry Ollt "gAillSI L" "'~ lI Jh"n. ov"r wlii" h tbt: simooDS When we. Iilrrel our 1:1 rl! and 'gil. ' .cm"e hlll~, car" l .. killlf ill'lIncl~ o( hens h~lch h\~ duclul. , Il'Ib" w"dJ I. J ull JOWII tu tl", !."uk "(,,,1 I" ~y CM't '1Illltbby j,l .. nll lh y,· !.IIV" : ul IIl I.tlry CUD¥L~ I\ Ii blo". No brigb' A"t! ...... our !\Iulrr tneekr"' So Fr~duy Ihought It would be a ftillllly III" Wlt rm WI lIi ll It er brll'ut Ih" J'IV"r. h w~ e b.... ulll.11 lillY, I n,) l' Ull I,IItIlM of wliol\l \l01l81 'tltt! r" ,t! 11110 holy 8s'ouillllulI,S c!I1~I~raruund Il.e Wheo we wltb lither. mt,.. Ijln'in g.ood experimeot, lind illforml'd lliM Sh" ol u"kceI lIud ,cfi\tclll~d 1111 ,1 cut!. dl.1! I'Iv",r " /18 tI " lIllilig ,,"t1 IlIu,! ,lilll:: Ie> ., .c~~htlIlY. That p~r.~ulI who from I llI tl lIlury' of Lr, ~ ir '':Ilrly days. buL all i, Tu Iini HII 'prllilP8 loult, mol her 08XI morning Ihal he intend,,1! I died th e Jiltltl do.v"y bi t" 1:1 Lhl n' ~ .t~ Wl\lklll~ ItS 4 i1~ Itlttle b rl1t'zctl ~l!uv~ ~i1u clrcum,IHIlCt! of pU~ lIhHI or IU"IUII~' I tlllrk .. ud coltitis Ih" lone lomL. Ther. And leek lur tlpiril:lr4e,ld .. ~o III f~rni 8b ~be duck, for Ib e neil ' hl\lldily "0..1 41 C; t:"dy I\¥ a He.lln ~"'~I'_ From bbUiel beyood I\h. cloluh . ~ Irell','h ll t 111.1111:{ ~v"r It. . I I~ KLI,· ,'.) It,, 1'1\11 thru u~h II I'~~ular CII! ' : arc huudrtlllil 01 poor cbilJIt'1I who Chnslma, dInner: aud "ben ~"e WOI! al,I 11"0 co!'IIi havlI d Oll e. t.r.cILilll{ W,·II. ~ald 14" hl~lil: . t o f Ih e hl~ltl Il"l:e, 'Y "Iu . or HanRrd. wh t. re he 11 hllY" lIu ellllditootl pl eli~ url!s I Driven d~.red how b~ ,vu to COIDe by .Lllem, he Lh"rebY Ihe ,,011l111r of Lh e ~UQl lI\ll""y . 'Ye., reek (or Ipiril·rrlendl to-COIII. &1 DI·. 1' " pl. ~t c~l'!I 1 1o rea d L"tn ,,,,11 Or""k. I\tfd lIerQ IWC .. .,.il! 10 loil (or Ihtt And poiat Ud out Ihe lV.y ' ,!Iud. mYKlerlOuely. '0. I Will ahow tt Il~ter Gray Cuek calli" hoUl" . of . In whicli our weary leeL Ihould go you.how I' but did Dot furLitt'r expl.in hi~h spiri l8, "ad comp'"n"nLud ~ic:llswlllly-pl6.illll' dOYi,~ '. bimscllf. The neXI day he weuL "il" tul J htl tlhe w ... luukll~ ci , . gilt, lIre,. I'I:\urn To pll Ihe clammy dew 01 Ilriel Tom SlIyolour, "od made a IHlde with ullce mortl , and ."id •• ~ .. tj Iw " U. r.l'thlll~ th '" due_ ',,'L 10 IlhP'IIr1I1811 homell, "hllr" no kind v1)ire .'rolll oft' uur Ichiolt ~brow ,uld Sam, lIod g"ve him a mictdlt:-Rged UIC" !' I\S he bllfvltyed d~ bl'olltl . tll"Y Ihr"w out I/Iuir I::rlJ ,t bI'll " II .lI il III!! b,,~f of l 'rucr u Nt~8 I J{ "ny I ~ reu L 9 Ihum. lind go 10 ~Ie c p ",,,bing Oil, f C,II . lmOll lucltne luuch jack -kDife for eighL of bis ducka' egl/:~ ' tllIAt Mr •. F"" lhunYI' b~~ .. n Iv 1t:,, 1 lhll IU' cl"vt:l'iy a8 II tllI!y hutl tllll ell l' .. r,oll " ul dltle uf lit" rq; ulllr cdlle/(u . IIt.y, LllO, weru burid with IlIth l' l' Hntl or.I allgel-hlnds e'en nuw, Sam. brett" by, '"as a " ooly .hll .. ded world guiug 19,,11 wilb her-wh"o ti lld. 1t:!I" oll~ IIdll.h~ir "v_.. ~. R,.d dllll · I L" ~ till", hllu mpls II ~it<.: r,III): d!;"Il. th" I mol! It.. ... No my of light pc nclrR IU Ii lalulo., ree t lhe ~ h.'~.'-DIJ~ b.ru.tb old Degro mlln. wbo liv"d by Ihe pODd dellly io c.. ml! 0~1D1l ~ol'lttehl\rJ 'IIIJ JO>'illl.lt: rl\ «" . 1t\\'I) , IIw"y It. ,,01\1 nt ,I III!Jb> !l.1I111 11.)' 'd rHI'cd, lit" Ih"lr J .. rk ~ lI"d hvUl ~s. 51t1'O Lhl" "hidh Up'vn my Durn'iug chol'khttrd by. aud who IllId lou" III: ' ", I"Ihl: C"W.,d III d I't· anJ~. wlttl U II modl tl r,look. .. cut 1:01' " liuuJy K"rt .. ,.kuL LU milk., a WOI I II: rlls;, unu.1~ r lJ1 I1 k' 1.\:1: .. I'!>' S , cr ',' l.lcs IIv..· I' II 1" ve,U t I1Ie I"eH I II CII,, Oh.1 i. It nol n lJleued thullght injC lIyC8 on Fr"d'~ jllck.l.llir". b"clluse c .. II. II rt:"~s .. ml ru. h ~s , 11 11,1 11I'luW ,cr IV s 1I1 011l1d NI'mC .Ik lll! hors«·. IIlId lito{ I. vlII ht:r >IIIHY llbude, em il", upon Tha' lYe 11I8Y 'vmellmel mee t 'LeL's see Lite cuiokM.' said Dlimtl "lid plckt:r,,1 W"I:tI. Ih " hIlJlpi" ' I lonhwilh culI'III1' II C" to lJ id, iLill pi cc~8. 1 Ih~nl . Ah, IVl ,o ClIll luok upon duch it Willi or tXlm tille ~tet1I, hllVilll.{ b.elJ The dearly . luved and 1:0.1e befvre, .. Cltri i lm, s' presc nL ll", )'t'ltr be(ur" . &:utch..rJ. Lhllt "v .. r . w~ rt: burn j Hill! souu I \V IIt·n m~ o tlo ". w.· " OS they CIlII, : 'UI ull e witllullL 1\ leur Prum Ih o hOll rL 'l'he dwellers 01 ollolher clime. Bul lo'A'6U koe" vt:ry well Ihere we .. " ·Goodll.,ijs ~e" said Goody K"I'lar ' " Olll o( .Igh~ . . . . \ '\ccmdlll l( 10 Ih .. il' ml'''" ~ Rlld "bil il y, iL.I IUUI.I""illg .tllI' ey e. IlnJ "wish to "IliA. While we yel lillger, BAd Ind lune, IIny lIumlll:r wore of jllck-klliHti wh ere ku~, 'WIJlll a fikeuel>e LO ' lli" lr Jt:lir va· 1l1I . ~r8. FIOIlII." I lOp, 111.'8 Ii 1\ dl. ~" iJt: cl,m.. sIlUY UIl,t: :0 f1i1.eU1U CI·Y. 01 , 1'''1' II flO w klllli w.orJ'- It!IIII1~ Ihe child Upon ~e .hu ! of .illl., ' t1l1tt t:Hln e rrom, lind Lllal. io ol'ut:r 10 I pilI' • II! 1I. .. ld M .. ~. ::iCI·I\ Ic\lIu·d . 1 ,1~,,\J1l1 ly bl' l1 l e~l . 1 Liv e,,)' I> III) cntn u , tit ru !;!) lll1g I 1'0 1111 Ls ~" aliC31 yeHra WiLh h it pot bles&ed to UI herll, ' !,let" !lew Olle, hI! mu81 d .p08U ul lite '\V~II. but ble8s me, whM'. lhe maL· chddu!D lUll "II rowll"J lOt ~~~I. -l ti l",.,,"C,· , l"lI ~ ' I\ ;; . 'bo,,' wh u . " ~ v~I· 1 Ihe g rllll phKntom Life, Ihlll dl""" is II. To know they welc(, ollr leet, old. 8U he mild., Iht: trade aou C8m9 11:1' Willi Lh~ir 1I111. ?' Illoit! Dame SenuIU 1 kll""" liley wO.llld bll . I"" IIIHI '"l " i'I',It'lUlllly 101' all t tlll C'lllOlI, I ~ ohm.· !Je l'olld diU lidu of time "berl) And kt'e p lhem in thl! !!l1lh of right honi c '·"juicillg. "IIIHd 'Wlty, Diy d~ltI·. Iht:~" cltick. wu~ie h:ltcll llr. 'lIi.1st t:I' Uu l llru~.lhIl.L I" vt to b,· c" III I'i>,ill,.,1 .. It.-.UI- Ih tl :n"l1 I hungb r ~tlJ sllIruw "nler 1101, al:ti whure Frum dnngera we nli&rhl n) eel. Now .. bOUllhld.lime'MI·s . Feathtrlop, IIrll J"fo.. m~tI! I'm sorry Iur yuu Illy do"u III Wltl .. r U"clo; LKllc. SItW wh o I... ,jd. uu r rIlilrolld d. or CIII de. 1II Ic lowl)' w,", tl cler or thiS life "il\liuJ OIl, cume , bl"sL nilge)., fro I YOUf h01Jlf', hllvinl: h.iu ber t'g g6 d .. il .. with grut deal', bllt II'. "II Ihe result of )'eIUr illpluQ~p mlidly InlO (h~ WI''''I II,ricli . lui' Ih ,· \\,, 11. " I " 1 1 0~8"' .. i~ 1I0L \ ". 'l'i CtlU 1I111l ~hllll~~~ DOL Your home 01 lil:lt! nbove, . credit 10 bene:lI, nOlwi l ll.taDdiu!{ Mra exp"riellc"i you ougb' 1.0 h 'HtI eltltlll IIr Ih,.. mOI.1I1Ilg; Ihlll" . wh,\! IIU Ih' I" u l! h ll ~ .11 .o r "pol,en vI. II n h CU ll . N eve r n chtl.1l . 10 s uch IUlOOO there And che~r out Behill!!, a,,"dened hSllrlll, With words 01 peace" lid love. j Scn.tchllrd'. predictiull s . bt;~ .. n 10 fiud 11't:lJbll:'IIIOIIU ~ith YUllr mlllil when ! ~f 1I0L kouwllJ'; hulY 10 l'al811 .. t"IIlI'l-\ : c~ III Illgh I'IK c." s .. . JU SL ns I ~ no ~ ullny SpUI III memory 10 "hich . hH6clf Illlddt'o'ly all"ek ed ;'lIh ner~ou ~ you :w"re belluIjI, \)on" YOIl ."11, 11 . , h:1I1 ,, ~ Crime tllll"l1 ~ lil e 1011,,11118111 8 01 he CIIII lurn \V~ 1t' " bU'IIl~Ha p"" ... I.,Jt oJ~ , --:---"'----'''"''"~-. ~ ~ , ' symplom s . Sbe lo.t her gll1 ~ piris~. DOlan" Kert>lrliu,l, "hat billil Lh,,'y h>IV"'~ FcaliJelrtop g"u only ont! l<'lf(,l'uilltS. All hUtnll1l b.. ing''' hllv e wh"lll orl unlJ II'UWII8, 01' frien>;!. forsllke: ft~JI!!..! · It-;.~ch ~DUCU. I.' ., grew dumpish nod morose, Illck up 'l'''"L'1l incrtias6 ana Iljl~y' lJ be Irij(llI' nil __ fl~1Md dead - IlW"y, II lillie jlrld u , Illid WI,,, to be Ihou ~hL 11 0 ~"Si8 in th e .dCH' !'L or' Ih " ~!'l\aL f..om . , il.BRI&T BI&I£OUER riTO •• her (Illlhtll·. in a brisllj,'g I"'Y. alld lilli' was CIt .... IIIJ home, 011 "w~1I 01 by Ih.. ~ r r~ lI uw ' l\Iell; lll .. y will i whIch Ihe Iuclli ~Irl-ll m 01 joy ev ~ r plll 'ked aL htlr nt!i~hbor:j if they di.t1 so 'Wba\shall I do?' nid Mrs. leaf. Rod Mr. Gray . Cock " I'~ Ol " k , li very .. tl Ur! tv PUL 1110 bl!~ 1 fool I ll, WI . lind 011 ",' biola lI,auliflll Oowen Ooee ther!! was. nice young ben .mue. ,aa look .at II r· WIi&ltlr Gray tl810p. no" greatly >l1>lrmed, lor. "II '" u: he WIIILlII~ 011 Mr". lUI yonJ , 1I11t! II 18 II pou r (I .. lto y 10 cry : " "0:1' LlvlIlII . 0, wll,,1 ~ !!,!oURl1 w".wr thl~" "e "ill calildn. I""alhertop. She C(lck 19118 gr... l.ll COllc"rtIStl, .. ud Wllpl 'Nolh,n", a~ lliDow 01,' ,aid DlllDtI ~omb t.brolll,;h 111.11 bqUK.iI viu,,~. OUI .llbIJ UL 'shabby ~~ n tiiitY~ tlnll ~ r s~ch 110 "lleh Il'e chtldiloud UI " woril:~ 1 11 heD of m091 .. lcelleOI family,b.,. to old Dr. Peppercorn. ,wllo .lo\)k~1! MOl · SC".lc~l.anJ, 'iIQCII ,' ou dlJn'l com. W, lL •• st!rwulI LlIlI t: III .)our fllmlly. l!lrCUIlUlaoc~ s. 11 a IlturnoUt! rllIg Wh o lhlll III'~ 1)I\s. ad Ihe IlIdbyon iog • direcl desceod"oC of the Bo~n (lOin. and rllcolllmllDd~cl >10 lolu ... oo of me b"lort! you. Sill. 1 cou.IJ b.... lold • .aid Goody Kerl.itrkllt, '.lId you Itluk d w~11 tlll my LltIl)' 1¥ .. t1I1IQ, it louk" I (Ip.y~ III' cllihlh tlod . but haA Idt 11,,; Ora,s, "nd as prIlUy", young fowl i, ~n&le 'l'wouD~, aod ~.Id be wo•.ld.look ~ou .. U Itbout ."' ).I>I),u, I~ ".II1'~ k to btl al hom" .uppon illg yuur ju . 1 aR 110" I 011 tll~ tin gt' r of lilY cl!lllll- , Llighlin~ iUtlllt'IICII of eorrow In SOUle you ·s houh.l wis h to ... e o( a S. 'IU".,,~ ID 00 tlu, palleDt t'WlC* a day ull .be eID, bllt Ibey II II.ay. III! d~forlD.d. I &l,Id for .I)octor 'i-'ep'pllfcorll b ~r IIIl1itl or kilch~n gid! It i\. id !;t:II ' l lurlJl? -All.! Wt! 100 lIne 1l0~ b"lIn ex. da,. Sb. ~"', ",~~~~.r; ,a~ -~O"':IID'I .a,8 beLI.t:r, ., . And 110 Ihe ~uI.ip' ~lIpartlld, Itla'V·: ut dIlIM)'.' L. cl for Gcntll'lIl Grlllli to ~muk" " ci!:"r ! I: til IJl . YeL. 111'1\1'11 blildin', with Ibe ly ~i,ualed i ife 1&8" W>lS 'pos»ible ,l~ . GraCIOUII .e, Grly Cock) laid ?ld log a ItlOg uoller Ihll PIO Il!alhen or tbe ,aM thtt CIlM was 1\ "fcry dread . Itl .. II Liml'~ Rnu pIIl Q"~ , il is. 110 "ur8~ \ ~' I' III rell.liLit·a of lift! , W l~ somu lime8 II hea 10 be , !:lite Wltl bought by ~o n" Goody K I'rl"lkuI, .ho b~d b~t:? lolllllg poor lILIII) b.. o UIKwrnR. who b"gltn to Olll!, Doctor P"pptlrcorn c.. fI.J ,\ lo r J Jltn l$rown IIr Thomas JlltI"! I lUlU 10 Iliok bllck thl'"u,,11 tit" \'1«11\ of lhltt'r Fred LillIe Joho, with (our or lIt the eorn .. r a. he plll,"l!. •.. IU I JUu a ~"" th .. 1 her dildln~a hOld ouriulI~ litlle. 11011 IroUl Ih" bartl )'lIrJ or lite lL I~ HII uld mllXlm Iha ~ Olle 1ll'\II'd tI .., p 'I~ I; alld • our ,~. " .. e.t~ upou five family C\lllollclions of her8. and a rovl!-cock. al~"yt are fool • .. DVII', .poon Lill~, c1IU'"n:U1 f .. u~ lun UWI1, aod rtl,l"O miles ulf. Itlld It hl'l , k yuulIg' IlIOII"Y is ju sl II~ !,iiJO" li S IInu"lI'I' m /l ll' • . I tI ,u,~ J ll j B, un, tJ~IIt/1 ha d Htl 'IlI-t!U 01111 liFllly young cock, "ho w". he ld to he Y~II kO Il " .l:aL. lhe ' aLler "lilt your 10 wony IIl1d Ird .. buul II. vr Parllt!lt " iilP"Ilf\,t1 ill II li ll" bUlL ' ~nd hc I", wlli lt, III' loilie/1, pillJl' 01' ri c ll. I gu ld en lillk III tlt o chain ul luve, ur IIlbri.1i II acralol'tlr and an cllp"ble he~11 "Ifl'~ She " .. ol~ !O· IIt!t-IJ.al·. 11.11 •• nJ 'M)' dt:llr.' 8M,,1 ~h" to her sptlll_e. wn allli !:oLi.. will, t~al . I~ :' \ her. ":~lln~t1lphlltl 0 1' II lIknown , II wit OJ' IIdll~IiS 1I"1'I11!. ~ " Olle 1lI .. III~l cllllly slrlli'l' of a flllDily. al aDY bait' doz"u ',.11,,"8 you Jutt lei ht'r ~"ll A &,ldl"IHick for 'du t,(t!t-lh .. P\.'~P"ICUI'Uto CIHUu III >llId o;"l.,ur.. A bll'" yuung 1"lluw I", l "o C ~IlCilJ, we :lrt! bll "I,,1 10 Ilcel'pL , It 1"1 our '!lI r, 0111' hCIII'l~ tllnll "hh ~mucnuld d~ \l ire. . 01'. P~vp .. reotn! 'Vhy. a"1 good 01.1 10vIL ,,' lileir Lhlij, IWti 61:e If 811Yllllnlt\ lalely fl'9m Pllli~, with "II th" lie tlo" l.. g .. 1 If'n,lo'r ur II", 1" 011. Hul I IIUII8 ul j\l} ~ 1'1l.1lh" illlllrvcning dirkI can't ,a.y thai al first Mrs. Fellther- btln IU"l b .. brollght lip a' f"mily . <.:"n btl «Ion".' I'n 6cit:lltitic iIlIVI'ov~ulcnL. (r~bh i~ Ihi s Ii,UIIIl? JU.8I iCti "ill nOL R\W"y ~ \ lIli"~- lh" 1".8\ II~U ~'I\)I.I, \)YII 91",11111<8110 lop was a Y":1.- IIen6ibill hen. I::lilll w .. ko.ow\I.Wlore II~"Q a doctor about . Wliell U ... ~'~JlP"rcor~,c,,~e in, amI \,U\ ' , .\'\1,,1 .. hit ~U' I 'l'o ' ~liy \I\.~ peov1e or (vU'\\i 10,,,tl-IUIl al\ ror~o~ eb l 'l'~e yery prtltly ana liyely to "" lure. alld IbI1lr·. You Jlld go lao•• and u,1I h.r a .UJOlhlluus plllr 01 .pt'.IlIRolee, II CI'IlIl('CI 'C II o1"ny 10 IJlllck mall th t: in"1I11.lgillllliun 1\'6 Iive 'OVI! ,fios e"'<ra,,;;. a grllat laworite with Abaler Bolton 10 let. dle .all:. to, aDd b~l.tn e 81t1l1. 'Hum! H .. I EXlrtrordmary CltdeJ"i\'llr~" " /:rnn ' cd III wl ,il c. 1'1 '1: wl.il t," \ Ag"llI Il h"ppy child WI) rOllm o"ftir Gray Cock. on account 01 her bri~h' ht'rMel/.' vc ry .ill~ulllrl' . • . . h,·IIlII/,( \0 lito ·.I.lIbhy gell' ilily,' I\lId Ig" llIly eloJli ll ~ Ilill~ , or Illong Iho 10011 eY"8, her tillely IIh8dlld f"ILbe,.. alld . WLE:n Gray Cock :lRme bome, he ·UIII;.ou ,cvl!r liell IInYlhlng 11ke Il, 1I 0t llie Afri uA nw . (ill v. \3l1ckin:,;lialll cl,," L'llIk s or lli" lIIurmuring str""D1ll1t. c.~18~u....a\lcy, dall~i If. ;IlY ~' t.baL Ihe fOIlDd .'lIal 1I"''',r F~~<!~y blltl ~~n . be · D~<,:~ol • • "Id both p"lellt~ IU" bl~ath . . uf CUIlII' cliCUI I't~C" "tI)'. flliJ '- ' H,t: · \ Abain "''' ~1!1l Ihtl IU\' ely wild·ll"wl!r 1 VIl r .. IlJ 01 tiuch <.:a.... h II II Mr~. ~ "atllt'rIOP .. ORe up Ollt of II l' r III~IIIL~I. lh,,\ 1.11'''11 cun" s \ ~ 1I0L•• 1I c"l. opo:" it ~ ?"I(II~ MId Btil!l1lly smilo 0.8 i~ bail, ")lICIt Itlemed g,~elllly to lake 1110 for., bllD, "!Id nl~bh.bl'd lIr8 . FUlla. raoey . Bul ~"1 Mr~: ~I'IHchard, li.- t:rIOP. o~ "I"I.L nlCIl el<:g', .hl:rt! ~lle l elllc"l·e.. u ~ t:lIlllrK"UJUlU. 0" 'h~: ¥-M(;IlI,', .- ltlN Mr. tiny Uo~k Wti'l!'rt~IILly UI' II III in III 1'1 I!, bilL ill I! lt lJi t~ uf iudu. · g r.· d~ the kill:'; 01 !lilY; I\lId Ifc::\ln wo log in' [\le-nIff1;hborlng y"rd, aSRurfd "~I ~Illlnl: In g!l)omy grlllld"ur. li t' arbully UH. J.lt:.Lhrc"tt:lIll1!& u~~lb"al""" •. cIICIIg .. J. "y . in IlIldl<C IU,,1 .. I,ili ty. III1J murnl lltil~1l Iu Ihe ulllau~h' ~a ulr y aud 1I0ul. "lillie neighborhood Ulal ,Gray Cock Irled 'h} Illah 1111111. IIIf:.ble cOllvetll\ j ""IJ ,Ire duolor. 'Wlult do you mt'lIt! .ir, hy ~lIeh b~ cI,a I'IH:kr.' J\lI y pcr>1J1I whu I"'.· """!!'" iU 'pi till~ muludy of Ih u winglld d"u\l. "al" f01l1 fOf Ibinking eo mU,cll of Lb .. 1 ti~1I .. i~h h.-r, and 10 re\M,le hi, ifl~H '0. dru"'ull can it be , ouill!.: ?· h"'iur In lll" hou." of IIIUOrt1IO!4'!' 1i1"' \1 IS 1101 'bJ. .. IItII ) I,:I· n .. el' 1, i' l CIS 01 Lhc lIpptr det' p; uillil Lh e. !'IIP' tligbty young 10in,,-lbaL Ibe had nOI VICW WHII the Duclor Iud Guo,1" K .. r · ~hrlllllll" blnh p"relllll 'CIlU anyLhlll" , ',uy deltr _iI', \"lIl'd"lI lilt! . LJUI Lh erl: lim!' lIe\v ~ ;I ;lpl"l' wli!l'rS IIml 1 0 IllftnCl'r~ ' ~uul. rorll"lIl lII{ ils earlhly IhrlllJom (in \he 8111111111'1' 1l,o.IiOQ Ito, ,'1!~ ou iu ltHkgl.bllL .he "' ... III:lrGiH! .. uJ .ull,,1) , be dOlle1' , ~ i@nu ucc .. ,iull luI' II1UUfllllll;' ~Iy dUll >loPI,,·d , p.-aklllg uf Ih hil' ulliulplJl'I lUIL hlDcy) ~" "IS lO 'lttl fllr oil' clime (If un. liCe, and tlioligllL of DothlrtK but Ilcr ~D'" onI1.1,,,d;;od at I.IID n(lw aot!daun 'W"II. I .hould rer.omm e.odt'd" d"l .' m"tI"III, icL Ill': ulJlIgr .. ILllit IC) 0<1. Tll eru Ch"l'IlctClb It. ' ~JI,,'r LUI piou.,' illf"lIil1!; Ilttllllg b"lIuly io 6JJllrch of ~omcthing O"Jl, P~~lt1. .fe .. ~lh!n" 1 '!f,li~ till _Ilhe 1011 "t!fy ~ lihlrp, ul)plea~ "nL .~Y; .•o Iy 1011.011 lII.de of m l'"~U IIOd .· horus , l. flU 11111111 dUll" . Thu ~II\1i"c Olll ' I.... 11 1111 Ilt4'l'"or 1l1hlw III1'C, sri iIY uf VII' .Iilllllom gout!, Iru~ RIIJ btauLiful; oa. co4i •• ·~ .. C'I.. ~k,~8, , .i!fRid P'-~ ~fter ale" DUlle "f"rl' 10 8I:lke bllD Illld ~lc lubol"'''11 of frug ~ \t,e •• lIIgl'Lh . ~~, d,,"I' 1II .... IlIl1, Y"u I",\'>! IICI' II l;thlJr · lUI!, 1I 11 t! IIw, e lorc b" (' lInw "i"lI ... , III tht- rillg 10 Cillilll IIffiuilY wi·tll Ihe dwcllns Scrllcllard. " ThaD you .wlll lee. ' '1 nH IIgrte>lble. IJe I.. h Iter, and '"",Ill t'r Wllb It l/OIOJt!r. to btl lllkdll l11UIIIIII'; Itlll uuti " r .. hlilluCllIKlIll1I all .. 1011 " ~" I1I" lilll!! "'IIIItI~rill!{ II.~ riclt who mN.f Ilf tho eth,6 Ii .. 1 epberel. So "riJ{hl, to hue brou"hl up I"n .br.o od. mljt:l(.- out prolDeDltding Wilh Ibe eaptiv.linlii "lid lIi,hL. vI' GlurilOL" 01 il ,,>t. Oil .. Tilt! uei",hltorlIUI)J "11..1 my ICIIII I"~ 1 hll",p" " II/ lJ .. I, ' "~ 10 " ,"I u,ch I h"'"ILirul is 1111, Ul l! lIlory of childhood, allikely aDd 're,~cl..ble ~~~ick~n~. ,"M )Jr._ .R tll CUlilb. a chu.wing JoUnl( I Lhill!CYuu Inu!!l b.. c,',rt:flll .. bvut. Ih",. Il'it-lltilu" lluc(U1' hl\\'" "lImIlJ" M 1111" it i, Mid vI \3 ,," I,,"lhIlL HII U is 1\ pl'O ,11111 w"re lht) \\'IIV " . 01 olJlifiun 10'011 et.er ""re ~ .bleul g to ,oc'8l1~~a., 1 /::)l'aDld~ "Itl"., •.bo iI>I~ JU.I blll:ll 1m · UIUSL ~efer Wlft Iht!lr Itl4!L 01' 0 .. ..,1£ Mlly tMk." III ~hl"llin.: 111"1 II,t-" CIIII,Itt;1\ 01 " 111 0. 1111 ci ,y ill Ii I'.UI'IIICi .d ~I"I" . · widl \IV"" il. rClru~pcctiun "'Ill hllvu lOlL its 'IImk I oughl 10 koow, .• . "bod qal.b tl r po'lelllDto t\all n"l",h~ollll': )"Hd. waler. YUIH. ",.,r" 11<1111 "~ It I. TIlt'Y IHe IIi,jll , lll"' ~ . IH ", iuu., ,," I i,li'I'Y II CI·I"i,·. ,, 11I1.m . AIIII if Ih"l'u iti OIlU d.h fRrLh alld broqder , w'l~ell 1 111:8 ber; , anlt I '~Icj' DIy 10111,' .>11..1 he •. 'Y,OIl bavII 'l)ear me DOOlOI',' don'l know wh"l tluo:ktl.n~ .. ·"U1, ""i ,J..lll1y dud"" 811d , which tII"I." 111", 1 li l... r" IlII'II a\'olll 'who hllh our hCMrtfelt hymp,UII;.-1l1l0 koow tbal 6ae ' plece o.f, ,"uOJpery, .1~b nO,Hiea how c~o.. WI)' WI~: I., . I. sh,,11 t!~. for lil.,y ~~"QI . 1O h .. vt' It Pltf' . ,elY Ilh ll l) IUIIII •. tI duell, I 'I1Ht' "It)'. I,,·r. II Ihi~ i, ~II . Il.e 'lltl" i. "eai ll~ ill Ihe greKt bl'olllHhood to which we her "biLl! featherw. lIl'P- I ~itb gr,,;:; 0 ~- Oll horrlll c~t'IOlur.. _ a"ld Mr!l llCI,lIIt' (alley ("r g"tllll:!lltlIU WilIer. I AL II,ltI WIJIII~"1 .. qll "cli 1\'1l ~ 11""".1. up a ' MII"hhl' ": ~ lIlil , I.V' wil eh w"l "11011 b~lolIlC, 10 whom w" would utter a nuer will come down "(t. la"ily lir... Rell (ollib. 'bow, hnte yo. r".,II~r III" , ·Yeo!. a ..w.Lld Itll ,I':lIc) of Ie II f.lllo,1 lIod "t .. OllilIlIlCt: Ihtl wlllll" trill" w,.". lll " d.I,· l-o , he g'l,ulld. tp' aL ',nll ,,1\111 .. , kindly word. whi'puillg of Ihe hope of Sh.lcralob Ifor . chickens I HI.,,,. IDe, •• >lIUI"'ltit!8 of III P"Of &.t!u~l. . ill dl"~" c".tlt.,,( bony IUlllitill"liun uf ."ell cOlllill~ wlt,I,IIII~ ·IIUIII ., . tlo •. ir !'Cit cold IInu ell"" ,.",," ,n llae worl:.!, lik e "bn!!:hlu dKwn htlrt'. IlUd of a home .he liner did aa,~biJl~, in aU hu da1 '" 'Ou .my worl!. ~I~'.~" aald pr,,>" I LIIe ",.eul .. r ~Ias~, 1.11' tll41 IIII,ulili huL thllr. gle'''"''I" "~ K"""11 IIl1d !lol.I, . • lId Ihe Ie,e!.;, tup "I 01'1\ Nuvi.. 'l' llt'fe i • .111 II happior, huli er spla"l'e, it is one bUI run arou~~'d- ea' the worml Cock. ~\)U do We IIlJU~IIC •. UIIL .hcn ,Oil mll~~ r",.I.' II. - .. lid With that l)r' i 111\1 l lleuht:ht!"'iI~1 ~""d ~I'lfl l .. 1\ cl .. ~ ,; of 1,,,ul,l,, ill llie wOlhl ·who afl' who n~Vtr knew Ihll jllyaof cbildbood \ ••• whieh .omtb~~8 ICraLcbttd lip for a 1at;D II!WIII .a)' Lo '"Ulper. In.· .. DI.• lOad P"p~dIJUrn "Iutl.! ~loH" l lv ml Lilt! 1 ' ':Sl.lch .. 'pl.-lI l1 i,1 ,.... y Il,; w" '''IV,' ,ii i til" lilll" ""'I'plll)l "I} Ihe ~pi~nl, UUI ber I' .' .. :~"l. ::; , ' , ' GO .lyn,tl4lr Wlllel. hl!f hu.b.~J Willa , a )UUIII: Iluc~'. ~II" "'"r ... _I"04IL1l1ly !" .,k - ! hlld! ' LIt"y "II ell"'.! ill" lJr .... Lh. 'Alld ,,,"l1iIlUl<lIy I "tll ll~ \JU' 141 dlt bUIl~ IIole , BrldellDlalda Wi~(D . M"let, D6lto G~Ay beard tllil 8.lIlIlll-wll~1I tlYlln Jltlcli' at hlWl lug LIlli obJ \jCltOIlMbl~ !Illl" Ir,""ilJlII. I "" ku"lt lIuW 10 ~;d our UWII livin~;w,' We lIIay clIll Ihe.1I . ' .h .,bhily 1.!" n H'I'I' Some writ er. wlto 111\11 e~idenlly been la_ o,fO~ 'try 10u~ly. like a cock of .hom,lbe I bOIlD.! LO uouQr uti o· ouL frum unJt!r Ibelr mUllael'. fl:"tb . ellil I"~t eMI: 01 our •.,j\',ti ill I"Lll r.. lull.;. JU-I " o w. fur Ihl! purpose 0 1 ' lhel O, or therellboul.: thu:; du~eau\1I Iplril, "Dd' declu4l.d that old &Ire. b"yIlrl. 180 \'Oll ""ell UK V" 110 fUrLIJ ~ 1' Iruuble cl'''lln~ h.,t liquur. , lloplI, M"' . Ho hudc lt · 1111 lhl' inttreslit1g RubjecI; . Sorat.ch.rd w••; aU"0.8'; becaUIIe .be 'Horrid .olltterl lalkilli 'of o~tl · Arler this, poor Mrs. Fealherlnp led I "il'lt UM.' j , IJUL III~ io l u lC~ a b\·,i .. d of ::;'Ind"v Nt'xI lO bl'ing " bridtl her~etr, 8nl'Y bad lOll al\ her o""' laii ft!alherl, a.tid iene~1 1 Ihoultl 1Il1. I' iii,! Y"U C1111" I" W"itr)' ~If" of il; for th., lou.n~ fl')' 'AJadllm.' sI\id Ihe dVClO I'. m'lking R La"'., wl. ich 10 Il~npl", . , ut , "~ e of Ih , youn g lady lik". 10 1J\l 1\ brill"8nlnitl.looked more Itk. all old worn (lilt fea,h· ' Blrlllgitl from TUII.:ey, .~J Mrs. 1~~ 11 , ~er" •• h.: .. lthy "nJ eO I"rl)/I'III" .. I bo" "·llh .. 1I "II' "IUlL 'dl'pllO),II,1 I... tKil old U"y ' 11ILe "I tl thcllllillily ' l fllI..: ~ 1)' Wl·dloc k is Ihuughl by >I Iilr!::e propo,I:r dustAlr lhan a rel!pectable h~lJ. >lnd C~lUb to~~d It.· I' iatl"u wllh 1\ mOll be:- \ tJrV"J o( )'0'111:; "II"k~ ..s "y~r e .... lll1d ' le,u.I".,. III "dY04I1 I";,:tl, 'I"t lII e C'JII";flll ' 10 CUII\t'lIIplllle. Th., ol'j"Cl .. iDle,1 al lioll of Ihe blo"willg StX to bu cUlIllIgi. thaL Lherdorll Bhe WII5 filled 1I' lIh ~h('~" wtleh II, !llr. !Iud prtl!,,"df!J Lo ',lin a .1t !lc'·V;'Il' 011 dl" tlll·1 uf Ihlllr Q,,,",. I ul"'1: yuu 1111 llitl (:""flnillj( 1~ llIlly lUll lri " )4l1\1d ''''". Rnll we I,up'" 10 ~"',, ilac uu.~ . lind much Itt Ih t! credil of Illeir eovy of anybotly Ihal "' .. " ),oung ·aDu \ WlI. y , "ud old },In, &r. lch " ,,1 ... ,,!;tld 1 "~II . It,t:y 11I0.L u L~~rly ael lh"ln , elyt::I hUll r .. i.t:J . A tillcr bl'uoo 01' YOllllg , "UIIII)li81",d, bUl IIIHl: may II"" /.Iulll'l' CUUI'1Il,;Il. filii' IpillBkl8 11.1'4: nOl III loll preuy. So yOll;D!( !IIr... - F tfatilerlop OUI of !ttlr coop lad calltld to Q\)oJy "!<C""I~l lhllllocl"I .S I'r" ~Crlp \h 'II" IOlar h\llthlly duck. 1 1I1I,,,r .N.... 'ClIVe "'''y ur lIa~ i lll1lg- Ih" dl,gi ... ·d " lid th.1I "I TIt III of CHlcl,ing it. Sl) fHr 118 offici .. 1 c~ckltld ~"y deliltllce a: ber I)U8Y rllb· Ktlrlllrklll. . , i lllut"d 11111 .., m.tU"":" ut 8" ... "",i Llu: ullt". Illy dultl' ,,01lJ"< fri r. nd,' he said. llat: Oil\! which 11111< /.Ice n ltl/ up'I'd , Lei conducI iH ",,"~ell,t'd, ""h ell you ·bare b"b, neighbor. III •• ~.. I\lnned h~'ntJt :1-ouk bo~ Mr . Grlly Cock 18 IIlrllng i IHe.ublln .. lt: ~( IWII" LIII!'. "roJ ~,)<,,, "" a"Jle'"I11~ lh. ~Idt:r 10'111. 'In 0111' ll.l!'" 'db"ltltilj l("IIl ~" I' I .,"p l .. 011' MK" "tell onll lllid"unilitl, )'lIU ha\'t! B\j~1\ Lite uDdt:r lla., bUfheti pD a~8 , JJl,\e ' alter ,mb Ihat "!dO,:" , 1 IIl"ay. 1001;," Ihtl d)' 0PI,tlrLUlltty 10 wa,I"I.: Lht:lr 11\1111 ba'o),,,rd, ll!J '"rolly i, murt: ru"..ptcll'" O;kChl.l >IlH8, WIIO ""t tbem .el"fel up wholtl IMbcin aJ\ "g Ll'ibt:. l'hl'ir It:nulOg nOODlI, W>l1I II b"ggllge. ",· lty~ dVWII LO tho mud alld .ater lll.u t.lllllkll.' AI~d oU M,,,t"IR \<lIlllh"r I\! "el~r s cif ~oou t\"t:d •. "ml puulie u{lil\' duty .,,(On)e to"btl '0 'Til""" 'n 'uTi~","" . .....~ r F re d 'L' J . ".~~a .. I, ba d 'A - puor " ' 'r ' II ... ~ III ' I I'ell' ' ntl .. r "fICI"lly. . . . "'- lOp C,.III.: 0 If g Ioli, uu~ Ilt 111"1; .. ,," wh"., i"tl ', R<:l ioI, " (!Oll~\slett mllnOt:r ilL l"a,1. 'Il victim Ie:d wi lh gar\,,"ds to Lha SIIC' Now . JUaB , . lll_8 . n d Ilie lit! Ie (I I a I ,,',me a I one, ' I'" IIIC "'" bel!Q "Uo""<i.to have thue lien. ' by )liri sa.lli G, uod)' K.url>ll'kIlL. '11' Ihtl Ith."lr blll~ gn'w la.rIC"r .: l1d IlI.l'gcr •. .Il' 1l1',,,r Ihl5 lilt: UUCJ.~ ll ~eJ IU go ~ .. illl WIIIlL W" IIllIy Illiok of tlllI rulllJ\\'i,,~ rilice .' '1'h " y cOII~id(jr il n~ct'ss~ry 10 . t b,U IIe would Wit II ",m II III d lu' IIIe re ·t °I t I I" ..' ·uuultl l..1 •• >III d fHIIII) I III ~ uv Itlld JO"" Ilitl IIVI'I' I:"" Mil 11\"") I I ~III 01 II"W 1'ruI'ellfi', ~.lhort her 101 'che" r ur.' Her I",ir aa· I c(1l1dillOn mammll 00 lie • ~ ~ ,' III I'I~ ~ "oslon u blll' ld lb' I. ' It , ~· lIu·, til Ii (I II II 'Tile ~'Iil · ~1 ~ UtIl18 r"Io"i"~ Llu:m_lvea wilh pun· elr Ilouse ulms~ •Y,"I, Y"I, ' d 11111 D 11m. e. 8crll ICIl"r d • !lon'lllmC!1 I gr~w wea 1£ er II"' I. • ·" ....I. !!r . •I.. bob. ,,",ulIll ih'6 a li mirillg I.""S. U r. I'L 'I. ,un tl l~r ~ dilli,;uI L 10 8")' : th I) care 0 r It:, · lUlu, .1 " M I II".. II"" '" I11\ rt:a I I'" r II nuw. 8n ,I • v~Oll WI II " '.,,,r ole OU_,• CIIIIII r"n,),,'u P"I'l'l",coru u.tld 10 IvOl.; all"r Ih lt m .. nd 1'11' I.v'•.• ,!.. '1'11'111"· "ol,e, "UIIIIII fur M"" ""~I.t e81>~IICCM, lut " ht: sho\lld to '"o . "lIer F rtl d ·SI., U , , I ' I b("iIlL III ellVt't'1I justice. bo tJ:C;cuL4!d tbe ju,u in 8 Im .. 11 .hl: WOD'I ,,0 abullt hulding h.. r hud c~rt .. illly Will,' ".. iJ pool Mrs. !<'t'''Iltt:r ...y: 'Ah : 1 "ltd III" clue uf tilt!ir ill ' l'uI'ill, Alrie:t. clelHetl til ollr CUb'UIlI Ih" 'lrylllg mOlDent'. Wile" W'Y qu~tli . ,etc( dl~~ bl U ' II.' IlI1 d I'" t . " 'f' '~e c.Ilose .. ,,"n- so. I IIi,: OU .. ltI~ lOWII on. I11:1' !,rllc. I"p. I."D.cy!' IIlId Mr. Or'1 C ,C\( an ll hi . lI .. uI" Ihi~ IIflU II UUtl. h""illt! on bu·,nl yotl IIlItl me. she hil S nof dmorl! . idell I o( II Y sIoplng b · , I . ..I. 1I<.:1t I o"lg IIb b ave rallCu.1 ("1111 • l'Ion . - d' y~ offlle ua.,d 10 IIt'·,·1I W14. Oil" ~""I~ql uf~' 8u w,'n "II" • ' I' un'lrll!~ lIa 1 ""'I' II ,,"~r~ "nd duin,"" !UIlIi ai,,, bu 0 )'Ing. I 18 ,C,~""\lerl' d "iLl" I\lC on i list •Y OU '11 go t 0 d es.ruc , .. ' h eal .' t! C.. " ' W ~I'II' oJ(fI/()TlI ut' _Ye w. II'U ~ aile 80 1I",im .. ~ t~ll· th em ~lIe ·("e ... grOWt I101-. b IIlbn, 'an d creOle d II lU.,,, lit!8. . @,"'J" .... uler ul'll)' 0<:.. ~JUett.t100 JiJ lh .. d ·:..., OUf J'iJUII,1 JUJkll.I ' "'11 " 0 1/'.,.1.1.,,'1" . J I d II 1.<:6 l'ILII a b 611 IIOU"", ' . h i P . I '1\ I d . I 1)' I I f ' I I b 'IIY!UIIIJ rum u, ""ff Ctll!JV /' II . if IIhll wuuld .ink inlO I be "anlt. an "II 1.0 I!l "Sil • oor tiling. Pi 1M "" S Ie 0 "IL I a • II ~UII ".111' ICtl .IIC I · rI~ I" a. - - - . ' ••- ,.- - f U I LillIllh t. " rl!spund. 'PUtH d""r \, 1I0ti "llldo"., a liltltt dour, alld a good vol" (limily'?' tillil1 Guudy K,,18rkut. poor Mr~ . Ftl"lherlop hll. goL'!' laid Thll ,"crtJ I,Nt 0 "b lon , ,/ b I for hi, (alDily '\Q roost fJn. He iblld e , '\'Vetl. "hal hU5illU9 I,,,ve .'Ich U.. ml: I::lcrltldll",d 'I klle" "hl\~ "oul d A "I!:LL·a:NO"'~ CUARACTER.-There ::;" V~1l Mi,.it"' ''li ,'' ill u lI~ Khip j 81 11"), Ihe HllIl:lling bOlll,! ; ut Ie n",· III or j, ' ·'1' 8111·tlU 'H"" IC"trlO 0 I' Itt'r I'"till IY-IO II d .. I'anne d • "~ 'I 'I·o .."~I'·r·'lv ~ rv c",uulu"i ' I" "1,,, r ' Al l 1/11'0• 1111' ,al'vII"'\' . e~yer, a ro". Q ". Dlot , l'Il III ,.,Ultlll )'ounlJ• H"HIH to gl t ntllrl'l"u ~ ~ " J I'll wv ~'J v ~ J III NO 11' lllu rUin I '·I·tl,,,lell. gO~ij Ihrough her oOlltll\1 mu" .... lth blly iQ Ih"in ,Cor .neSt8. Rnd he: &:I·!l.cbttrd, '1 , don', t'XPt!CL .h\l'lI wilh a dleltdful liort uf m"tjnllu, wlt~c" '100 , ""0 aLlelld, c:lo.dy 10 t:v .. r ), uuc', A ::::uIIII,,>, la"" in .M,,~~ .. ehu~l'tts . tyrd uDI wllh grelll fortilude. 111 lIin. buuah' lhree 'jir (btH' Iittle "lm oth' .re1l1 .... i,tl a si llHle chick; !lnd Ih"rll'lI Grlly makll. Lh"m I'Jve Iu shovd mud WILlI ulllliDelll, "XCl'pl hia v"n . Ill~ wit'" Lo! t~" puor lU01811, lAnd III.., .Ntl~I·O Clt",,& Otll of luo Ibtl bri,ll!~room is morll na. (,I)"" IO'-"'u\"ib It; .1'8, 88 1-111 " wh ~n Cock tJil'lilll' ab'Hlt I I tille liS e"lIl' . Ihost' .huoll;inl! spoon, bill. of ,heirs.' dllrl)8 11t ~ childl\eo's br~lld" lind hill> I 'IlUl!tered' than I~e IrKj(iltl aud IU"foll ' u -t 1,'1 " 0'111"', bt" nobody Ihillk~ ~", t' .. ' mcll' "I,d III'" , - al.n hIS .heddidlliy.' he v mi,,11l cRrry oI1' IFol" . dl· ·I D·ldoso · wllcnlw" ."01.111" . '!L'lIa k,ud" 01 idilldL)·.'d nid 000 ," ,rocur·& '" Irr I 0" II rUI n n L drill' 0 I "rua'll V ~. r ~n o . ~ • u .. ' u " • b' l 1 . h i d . I ' k I ' tiu mue" rum lin 10 I 00118S1 nary . of 1,' l l"I ' llg 'I11' m, po,)r '.'Ilow I' lr one 1!l1I" III II .. poc I: B. I ~ , I9 J ~ el'I" "ithout Iheir beiog miIl.8~d . l r .m Mure 01" "u5 l' IIn" I· ue " wll,, ! , Kerla,r liul. 'Pour ,hin".1 HIt:y cau'l "I e I!: "It 'rtheir 0 .. J U U .. 0 , _, v' I I' II b 'Id ' f 0 ' h Whll~e i.· John B. GiJuuh ·. of 'he IIroomllm"n doel recommend IIi, ben· lao Ie lilooJ iD a Illtle uron' Irell: ..... nt a ·~LII·n" II~II OU.lIII 10 hti'6 ' he kl'p L from tlttl "lllllr, nor m .. t!~ IlJ uua" "a e lInK ,e UI tng ° Il tl1,; . 'I' A . t' 9 • Ib t I ... d '.1 . " . ...~ - '~ .. ~.. I. ,. d b hor'~ ' IIOU8e, or IIJfi 6 in~ HDolbllr holY AI"I Ih l: lit' " t!Rlpl' rallc o ~(lI'l lOll. Ilim lu (like a giliu of wine bvfor" Ihe a, Il()p~~ ~ W~ .lO a "lUI! rI'·~F • . Juft -pUOI' ulu Lung Spur-he De\'tlr min talil: pOWu\lr.8. "II . so I 'Y i~t wors, ,,'I R d l' U ' f f I ' I hll)~ ,c ove VdllCll d"tI II. pHk or tiq IIO~ >lilt! Ihll n I allel '1' 01'0". .• .• . '\I, trim and traill hi~ vines; or 'he hM Hul Ihe OUI1 (I 0 'I , 10 1I,0r 0 c.. remu.n y, to , 'tlltlldy lib nt:n' cs. L18 "hl!l'l! Ihtr., WJ' ~ t~lcll~d a1mollt (0 dIe h ~ n . J,ou~'e . I IIIUst ~Il" Iho~ modenl fOI~l' .lHe not '1 uoJt:rsIRn,llt IS ftflecllOrr Lltl'l ' 1I~lud of sir.klltlu ill 8 flill .. t!' .. f/lnti:)'. 'l.'uba cro. ..dvice is givrll .upHcilliulI , ly, ~~ "ho J " .. ' LI lert: to ~ tll~!!:1l8 1" IlUll( I I'" d flu,e. )\1 /,1 .. intt ·drin king "I ~o I ,Mlll"uld S"", Thi. MilU\ltioll in~pired one of MRI whitt fl. "I~ uEed 10 be.' rAtl 10 Lhat they CIID·.I Will". IIud II 1101' ,nd 18 • 'W hllt 1\ spUOlltl y ), /iu are, . suo rose 'Int! lei. nn" u' Hel ill gruwlIlg . b 31 "lien I Ilelr . Lo~ ,; ,lid 'v 'J> do ev"r~'111111 ,r bUl 10 Ile' lp'' Ilnu AI"- 1. I,~·e I' ll.lidt!~m"it!8 mAy be COliIe r rL',e d' 8 boy Ilt.lvi~u8 "il h a n .. w Melin wIlile the n J.. ~ . 1)~" ,, r"It'. 1111· s~ l· onurl·es. an"U old r.,llow ,. . I k' . . , I' ' II~ver alop ..... 1 · lld' · II" u ' tll tl r p(·o l.I ,,·s \)u~ , PIIII!' I·". ' >IIub l'lly trPIIlllel '." ~ id.,n· tllI. IJriJ,, ~ in whuL \aw)' erl c"U I Ah - . eme III f61111i91l tp hi. poullry ttiLu ' M"" Ier~F[I< . "VIIS 4liaiosl .the (/111,: :lti~ll1j wltl\l" H we 1Il~ VU. lltitton . IU... " " ~ .. L • . . 'I b ruu~ IIl II 011 I11!r".1'. If' '8a" .n8 ,.1I 1I11 th e Jllilvr "r OUI huu~" cull him 'J'h ll Linll'lI "I'll .lI d l~. mix ed, liL: .. \~nl diU 'illCholllll' or in"iJli~n.' 'fuey , .e. • H u II0 ! 1 SRY. T·ltll. Blli d"10m Rnd ,a 880011l'e of poo'r Ii tlo Mrs.~ tr': Mlh · ':51" , I. IIla\e, d f' I· ... rro"" 11'· · ~ I) L" r" of "~t'fuIDe68' POll ' II ' C' ' I U "'gw York C' I , t "-I' t I' . " "IIli I' lllt HI'Il 10" killl' forwllfl< to lu~L "1 0 I~I' • I WI d ymour, 'you OU"hl 10 r·. i8e t111cli s- ertop. "hum· IIII r.,d d .. il), ,,·ilh meltl DahIll SCI'IIlclo"rl I. Iy d I II L • I" ", ID r. ... " . . • • I " II . .. • , 0 r t·u. 1;'~.-11 1·110 rl!a\ rrOQI lhts UlIf811l, lI lru" IIIDllh .. III . welilinesl, "hen i~ Ihall ~., ,011" got .... ctipi18'1 pltictl for duck. Ilnil "ltler, .lId, unh"inltltroplj)tl h.. r lind COIllIl Itl tn tl bll "H6 8h a ed., "". ht: II I w."y ' Lb.."'0(;, -' J , .1 L"1J11\l( " Arlumu s W"rd u'lel's .cftl. ' ..~, rt ft ccliuns \1\1 pulling Ilt'r UI) occa~&i(u ' Wfl, 5 Rn "pstllrt, I f Ir ·co·n.e"Ilt!~ _~ .., n'' 1·ln.' it> """1111'11'1"oJ fr olll IhlH wbich iii bhMbby.- tllt'ir' lurn to \II! 'poor dt'lir creaLurel, d ~Ye., bllt I'.,e boultht Ilenlt."'ou Ie!!,' lilly Lo Ice ho" Lhe e'HI" Wero cOlnin. " but 1'01 ~\lIt' ~ " Ilf her:'. mllll!dlc'tiond on I' lown ill Wi.confii)1 WI' hope fur lit" bC'Sl, lind wilb livilll;( 11 \Inti other"I'''. • u.lained Ind lupporte , .ald .1 i '10 it'l• UQ ule trying.' J """ k II If~\" .. ,yo 11"I'~~ lIe 'I~clurt. 'd, 111'". . .""~n' 10(lk 19uiuL, t;i rupl e. Il'mper"'e • .ullprtlL~nolin· " »Ii lht! Jaw of IIl1pLi-.1 PlllteDUI • . • F r"udy ' 011. MI!IlIl"hl'1e II)" )'OUII)! due. '" . ~• u • C' be three Iii ... , '!\o ulel Qr coun,e ILer~ ilil J~t as AI 11181, 'Peep. pup, peepl' bl'gll" 10 "pflOe. Their 1"'011. gl't'w !llu~~y, hk · ' t 87 IL Ibo door, "lIiJe Ant'mu8 tlIO," IIfe,llapll to KCt ID~O 1000d IVC lely .. 1 LeL ua bope tbey m~1 Qol lip' IC 10-.r ben. couldnlt balch duel,,' be heRrd iQ lhe Qe", ol'1ld on. liltle elall"~ AliiI' grf\pn IIDJ "oil1 '1:111, In" ..e Inullea i.lid.: Itt. jlili.,.d. . __ _______________
. ~.;-
b.arl! :
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Tn. LAor'l F RII:NO.-Th e Afll t cb I (;OOD~ number of Ihil m lI.cuine i. OD our Tho IlIltlrre' lln ecJ h»vi nl! 11t'l!n rps'o , I J' Ru in' ,. 6 n e 10 .... . ,. .. ill 8 lew wr~ " ~, hy • vl!rY _1I tahle, • ~hll mpen IlI g . ' il\ u s. ff.Rl pcJy. ~ lI tr h nvill !! ~lIff,. re ,! ~ e Q1JE~NS\'·~RE. IIDd impreuive Itf>ld e o g~~ \'I n g. ),ellT" w ilh a .lIverl' 11I1I1l . ~~C I 'O ~l. . ( - I~ry of the ,"mn n.ml'. tl,.1 drt!u d dj~eu~ . o'\I_U n,p llu n- 'iI R lIA1~D'V Iratlve 0 a · g ,. I I ' • 11 .. , b '1'1 uOllble c u· ioll~ I " mn k f' known III IIIf e uw li U"t! le llds off t ile UUIII 4: r. . It: lHul 1erti Ihe mca n. of c urn . o red .Ietl FAlhioa P la In II a b.l\u . 'I 'fo 11 11 wh u u ~jli , e i/' he will Re nd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ d II dr e u es 'HIl Bueh,1 Itldl'" I cll py ()( I 18 vrt'~c, i pli,' " U€I',J ( Ir,·e . '! - - - - one. an I" r Tbe IiltrlU'! I c: hllrpl" .) w ilh '~'f1 d ir f !',liul' . fo r o'l,o nrl!'\ 1'11\' ~n\\· o f g ood tll l ie can W P II. P of ill jr HIIUII ~i ll ll Il,e A ~IlIl', wlt i 'h Ih .. , ~)C ~" ~. ( . cOIII~Dl. ,.,e elet-llp- Dt. Oil 8 fi lld II ~"''' fllr e ' ur C;" I1 ""I11 I"ioll. ,'\ >llh ~ ~----'- ~ , ~~ -O~ h :-"""""" .'1 "n (' ·rc'! anll Allguat B e ll ; 10: ,. ort' D"L • . A Br .. lll'h ' ·l i•• CU,,!!I .,,~. C ..I ld~ . '&" , The I' t W a 7 Il •• Till e , , L He), " ·Ztlhh ·' • L I~ UhJ fC.t 01 lloe lIuVl'r1 ,,~ r III ~ !'Ill ' " 11 . e hd l) ~ D'" "i: • S Pre~I"l pl io n i ~ 1(. h"IIf-fil Ihe "mlcled •• W£·DNEliDAV. FEDRU v _ _ ~ ~ _~~_~_ .. ____ -..... -R -~~!!.-.!.~ LlIsI ,' b y Mr5. J3 ~ 1111 Z . .. pl! l1ct!r ,' wItT I Ml' rPlld Inl " rm~II' O Il whll'h .I,t! cvl,,' P'V(,8 '~DS. I. DItI W SWJ: TE . lm n OKS. _ .' liD In diAn luJ Huw I cIlme 10 do bl' inv"luI1bl" i II"d hp j, .' p"s ev .. ')' fi I. 8 . ,Sell"cIptl wilh .. nr .. ill t i,e EIIRIern r) IJlg I ' 1 . '11 ' - - ~"-,,,v '~ - , -~ ' . .er wrll tolJ slory; Edilori" s . \ p,or w ill I ~ y 1. '8 ,pm!?)" U II WI ;OL~·II. NO. , ' II'· 11. II & & I ~hf\m n .. lhllll!, IIlId mny P' ''v~ 0 b ~ f.'ubioDf, [U>Cl!lpts, c. , e.. " " rll,t' ~ w, . h i ll!! t ho IIf>·Me. i l,t iull c.~" "r Ih t' cl' l1Ipbny 10allt!J E _ _ 0- l1li Pric.. ~ 2 5L1 8 year; ~ CUpll!!I 84 .l JU; : I'le •••> ",I,I ,f' .. ~. 19.56~ .7!) t:'n (,, \I 3 ics ( 'HlJ o ue gntli » 816 , N .. w \ R l .... 1::0WARl?, A, WILSON, , R ". I E-Itoll' \llI i"I'"",,,p'I',I. W8!hing 10 n Cit] It .. defca bundred co p , . \~ I Il ' il," ~ IIU 'I!". . build,ng. and lula ill N I! \V i, thll limll to gel up elubs for 1 n06 . I\ '"g ~ C lIlIlI' y. 76.000.(" HIIV~II. liquor '1IoP"8peciUl~n Dumbtra for Ihis purpose will IS- 3m. New Yur". Til" l.Jun ll, lind slorh own',1 Tbe Peci60 R.. llrolld will. it i. U· btl H!:Dl lor 15 cent!!. Wlu.-e lu & Wil· ---------::----~--:-"'::_::ttl by ,Ioe (,"IDpllny LI H P' " n70 A CODIDo CoJtl t ~I' Io,e TbrA-*. ~ 4~9 .96 J .SIS ,uUcllt','1I IIccumpDllylllll). pe_cle~, ,be COnil,lel.ed b y 1u . . 10n'lI eel"bl'''I"d 'Se"il)g MlUlbiD~1 RSQI1I'REa . 'MMEDIATE A'l'tttlT,\"M" ~1I BOIOTS AND SHOES. n \' hl ~ .Iut"lh .. ""11lpn"y .• e· New Muico is making prl'pllfllllOn .urni s hed lUI Prtmia ... in c e rillin CI\Ss UoU_D BE CII H KW IF ALLOWED - I S "r T If Er ur",J b~' 1110"11"'" ("" ,,"r 10 apply for admiuion iolo the Union . u : 'l'he Pros peclu8 of tlt.i . mllL!IIZill t ' u c"" 'limE. , 2" .,... ~"y,.. , nc collll'nl.) illl: v"lId,PfP) IrrihlUo,. or tI,o 1.lll1g-, a PerUlIUleiU I LJ ~ I ' I :! ,'ll i prwi ~1' 8prllrt' d ( 08 It is rumored lhat B'lOcroft will b .. fOI the prllse nL yellr elDbotll~s" ~pl .. nThrOlll Alfl ... tlnll ur'lII lII t: urnble I'l'r ""I1 ,·Itt" d " crntllp·.vi l U) )49633 !If, .ppoiolt:J Se c relary of Slate At 80mll ,lid li~t of conlnbullln. A(ldre!'1I D",,1111':': lIi-'·II-.·, . 04' 712 ,'72 Dpt)!. Ivr Pt.·, .. il1"'~ ~ H " FTE N Tlt E R&· U\.T · , 'lUIO period " OD & l ~ .. tO:r8on, 319 W & InUl ..,Ire o: l • A 11,,1 \\ hi"h i~ ofr"r e u.1 8\ I I,e IIIwesl i All O,Io f ' 8prur i li p·. "fRee II ' ~. nROWN's DUO~t ; 1I1Al, 'J' nOCn~ k 7.763.-13 tu'nilUre. suItt • • &e .• , will prob PII 'llu·' ~ lphla All lIe JD( I,'/I as 1'0 Kan.~. n aU. II"vittg • dl ~ t'l't IIInu,,"c e lIlI Ihp " " rllo, .. 111'" ~ I pron' d. Ibly be remn",d by lhe Guvernmen l G W " i"e illlll, .. ,IiRle rei '".. fu, RTlIllr.hill., O~~~!~4.~__ 2.tf Total Af8pl~ of CllmPA"Y. 8770.886.10 ... T rr',tory A LARGESUpyUtKltn R"TIS.l: \ A .l tlllll) C"t _rrh (;lIlt';IIIIIII II Vr lluIT:",,~t 4b no 0 0 000 JII LIAIlILI'I'I"'S i 10 I I18 BuilD C . . ' .1 ' , . I Ii I • '. , ' I I '1 'lII .. • ' u .:. • . . 'prccIlne IbaL lUll tlt!mllnu or I III rt D ,~tl " ~ " I! . I '\lcill'. u'e u"e.1 \I ot , ~ an ailerauoll about 10 be made In . b f 'fhe Sl\lurd"y E't'llillg ~oull .ucn'so. Hi ll!!t"~ " lid I'"hll e Sptl"~. I L.·~~I'~ lIu.,)ju-It·,1 "~'II 10,"" ;1 b S tin field rille it C"II be fired ~I¥ nuw "ra ~ . I!r~ wi ;1 !i".1 Tf lJl: IIl'o U d~llIl III riP",I \} ill ~11.,"'"~l! .... HIII!! 'er t. e p ~ ' " Po~l. coM"lnlOjjC Ihe openlllg chapter. 'he vu i,'l' .wl'l'lI n h,, (u,e .illl!illg ~ C'l 11I,11 ... r fl' ''''', . 8ao.9'77 .72 tlghteeu IIIDes In a mlDule, uf Emerlon Bt:nlllllL'~ IVltlldid 0",\\ ' I, .. "k,"::. "ltd re pivillj,; llo e Ih,u"1 ath',r,tI ... Worth lIeur ,y 0111' MoIli,," I)ullurAll All ",101" clal,,'S UIl"IIINI lloe Tile reviWltI in Lbl Melhodist ell.rell 'Tl PllIlIIlom o{ lbe }o' orllll,' IIIIU d",,1 ~ x l' rliO)n (II the y.. cul u 'g"" ~. :111 , lu be 001.1 fur (;lIInp""y, I'xc"plDlull uf, . r . '11 slory. \., , Tr,,,'III'~ nell r(,ClIIIIIII ~ I"I",1 "'"' 1"~d"r1!t, DOL LAn E A C H. ficl: ' · Jo:~CII . l!iI a\ CIArfl~vllle. C tnlOO counly. II ~tl hI\!! bt'en 10 great III to tDltrlly I:X by Phy o! i,:illll •• "lid hllv~ h"d T~~lilll"lIh. ,. progres.iDg.-One hundred aD" el¥h· bllUlt Ihe edition. l,ulII Plllillt'1I1 IIII'll lIoruu.\rhuul lh e t:ollnl~~ ","' 'TlluUT JlEGA81> TO UI.U£ ! ! Tul,,1 lilloilil its 142,061.19 LJ.dt: hl penoDS hate been ad~et1 to The puhliahera have thererore i~aueJ Bl'i IlU"" ~r'irl e ti l ItIIl' 1I, "."t. III1tJ ,h"v f!!JI A,tlcle to lie .',,111 for uillil fOU IV. Ml~CELLANEOUS. "Nlued ""''' I'ftkllcy by II ',· . l 0 , fIIlI,1 kllo.,':v WhUl It h. nod It" " n l n e l , . " ~ Lb. ghureh. one eD~irll number or lhe POlit "" I Vt''''8 . e,,~h yeu' tilld8 Ihl'lII ill III' \\' l'w8 _ lilt> "r"IIIt"1 'I 1110 1I II 1 lII.ure ~1i,OOO 1 1i nl .lit'~ 'n v"ri,,"s p"rls II' I I,e Wur IJ ,1111 d I .~ LIST 0«' AH'1'lCLES. ill lilly .. "e ... k, Th. Senatoe adopted unanimou. y lupplement-which conillin& the 'l'I '1l u,eu ' e.t "'111"1111 II'ow'd a . • ruolullon ' reqlle.II"~ " ' .. ~o In ':::300 " tI Colon\: I ' H"'UDgl Ihirlet'n chllptel'e of Mr. Bennett , I "10' Trochl's I II ",e uni\l'r~lIl1y I' I . p,olluullcrd bett .," bIlO ~ " 1'I' 1Silver len 81' t S .. 'Ii' b) Ih .. fI" .... lu I,e ·n.u'p . I lUll U ,er or ,& P~. 200 rU'I ~WuuIJ 111,\3 !"'hu,~ny. I . COD"r," 10 increale lhe p~o.L,nl 01 ry. Ilnd whieh will be given gratia Lo (Juluill'lIIly ·8rllwn·. Dron('hi~1 T 11"'-1"'111 "UXu.~ 60 '0 ~Oll n any UIII' ell). 'u\\,,, IIr ,. It ' u r. vii ... !! ... ftrl'urd"'\l 10 aiZl'. wi<Jo,,. O( priVI'le loldierl {rom 18 Lo "II new subc~ riben. We "leo Ulld,·r· eI,ee,' 8,',11 ~u lIut 1"1; .. 1111)' ul t ,e Wv . J 201lIlU,I,1 hOnlill\! wnlchl'lI 7[, Iu 1;)0 'I'hl' "rpKII'~I IlIIIO>U't K,low 'd . ''''0 1.,Ji~s ~IIum. uuld wS"'hl'~ l>\1 10 2u O .. I' . . . . . I lesp '1llIt.·IIl.lld Ihlll nllly be "rre r~d e12 pe{ mODlh~ , .tRlld thllL all'! one WTltlDjl; 1.0 lie. pru Solll f'verywh('r .. ill lloe UI ,i t~d Sill "u' .. d 3:'1 IOU 10 lie iIl8ur'" III tlnv IOnt' I ; I'IUO g""18 1IIII' Iilll[ Kil,er v, • to blo..\I. Itc.'urdillil tu lell!:th London co'ert ODe hundred antl prietors of tlie PO,l, an d inC 08IDg a .n,1 in Funli!!11 COulllrit'd, ~l 35 CPIIIS • 1iliO .,p, .. II_I,,·P silVpr \\'8I.-1IP8 2:1 10 00 "lui ~IrIlClllre 'went, .qU,.,8 mile R , . ooolain. 2.600 Ihree cent II"mp,will ba~e this 8~pple box. 18.1, , bOO ","Iher III Pt'"r! 10r~lIl'tte" 'rlte '"In''"I1~ ul ill! upit.! or _ '11.1 of .'r~e\-. Iboked by 360.000 ml:Dl mlliled 10 1111~m. The price 01 . I 8111t1 "p .. r" 1I 1" . 8 f!" 2:1 tll 100 !?"rll'"~.• 1I"I'""tllt'tl III 11110; ~ • CUlun'_I,Uen. S.·.·uh. Ia. 300 " ', .A~ ""'rul n'vlllve,. Hi ·t" bO . ' . ' A:e ,.lhrr ::l'sl II,e, .. . ad U , ,ftl)abited bOIl"I, whh a populliitoft 01 tltl! POll /s 8'2.50 a year. IWO cople. UUI '''111,. I 30U el"!!"nl oil p~illlillgll bO 10 10(\ (ur I""K"K .. 1I1 'l!cUrtlY . III COpll'1 . ( "nl I lIeJ!l'D\un & CO. ~II 'gt'I"Jine M.edicl . ...0 <)00 " rl,e' c . arl ' ,. "r lIei Of in· ".000.000. oIlI4. tour cupietl S8 • .,'" ' 2bO III,,,,LI ... 'ulue"e ... uus,". .. lu ~ .... I' • end Livt'r 01 L 1008 l·rllv .. ,I. by Iw(> 100 ...Ibe Ohmn conL.illi .... Lile remain. or one grllti. ) 116. AlltJrt:18 H PI1I.t:r' ye,lIi f'xpl! riellr-. Ihe mll ~ 1 Vlliulible r.te • 1I!>1l uill,"ltll,1 rilljlll bU Iv '·"ft•.anli" .. III ~b ; tl (; ' In'1' v • .., PI I I . I tI t 60uO I ~htl",~rllph nlhll1\l9 610 btl pnlly, "81''''vi,,"w l, file,l: )fro Li~coln Will op"IIed 1\ ft:w dllye SOD & Co .• 319 W"lnul Sln:~t. ,18' "lly in IIS I', 0" wid .. II ('uro~81 ... 'rie"Il' ., 100110 irol.l & V';.I 111' .. 1; d",inH 16 hI 3U »I'I'l., lt, IQad" ill Vh :o ent a iVE'S I!lrctlj!lh nuu tI,'sh 10 llo e pntt " I 'ouDd 10 b u~ u~IJ)bil. I rn,m L' I uuuO c"I,1 IIII",blrs ... pl!ve he' t'wi' n . •-*DC , •• aDd the corple wa. ,. W IIr,oll,,,,1 pur .. un d 11110'" .. , .. " II. ." to B
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~TATf; OF ""M ln eTICUT. , I". • B£ADL.·S MIINTIlt.Y. Ie 1) C"UNT, lO F NEW hAvt;N, ~ to.rcel, di 0 r~a'1·.. . d' I " d Yur ' Ollt! plHi .. l!ul,l rillg3 to 10 I). Ie. I::Istl .. r. r .'. l'r"r ill .... : , ,,,,,1 rhllrleJO Dumb.. r ollilis new penll ICI\ II la SUI: ' . " 1000 ~PI!I I"UlIl .· J'•. ,vplrv [) 10 IIU \Vi'II»II. :-:e,~'el_rv ,,: I". · Humt' Illllllnllcr S·Ir 'J n IIII H8nc bI! IIla• e om Pleted tile Thtl liUIIllll., bas become ,ely ' pOPu Ifir . lGuu\) .. ultl nl'IIS will. eilwe, and ' Cents to Save 25 DQllar.... . ~ i r 6 no ClIllll'''''Y' bl'ill:: ... , .... 11. 8",,'11 . d ....Ub~ 25 .., t f '; II d H trlDllalioll of the ' Ii.. mer re o d~I~lwel 10 ... ···.-'Ile -Mler. for r _ IIvl \II!"It!, holllt, ~" 10 ~. I 'I I' .' • . , ,. ~ ~ • "" 'u H " trrIllUII 'd rulict'1I1r.l ..d il~hzh,e ' • d If ' k' "ud ."'. 'I_llhe 10rllg.. I1II('A" D., ru .. obJ'~ol 0(cI8'.,·c,1 0·'. . f d I' " ~ G & 1i00" " i"' ~ r gubl~18 HII ,III !I!I{ , I t · 'I" e ' " ' , ..... ' 11'8 IDAI· ". I'l l" .pac,·,' ~ wU Ihe moat part, 18 0 goo qUIl ny. Hllu "'uV" ~ I'uillt. 'PRS" tSl"".' 1:., ",sla''!.,t,.Ul'~ 8 tu II) " '" r""ect .. ",pIIlPIi . 0 : ... . ,. v I . ,,",lieD wiLh Lbe "rililocralic aDd IIchul· IIbo,e Ibe "veUl~e or mll!;lIzine lilUIl ' 'Y o "IIU cllllllO S SoIk". Rilol'UII", GI"vp",. &,c. 30011 s i lvt'~ "6"t"rs, fruil 91\d dllitl G ' ·IIlII'\I~' . illdl \1·1' ~ ,dd 11I!8m,,,' " . ,_ f E I ., .' n,, "1 III II CW. Ollly:J5 " pool " I' .. r , hUll Ie, no 10 . 50 Cnllll'"IOY i~ ,II" b" l1~ fi,l .. uwtl~r 01 ul ullc C",lIIlIl 0 nl: "nu. Lure. .'fhl! 1>.·l\d {,l!Ul'r: Il slor)' nu w ., "G~" >IAN R. cui;,' bll ri k " ' ~. I'll' ,., 4 1 h d I I I ' II d 1\ . I II ..'''Nea., WALTO~ :& Co.,. .' S .. ltI Ly D,u l! !!i s F• • Ill!. r, ,;' "",, ~, 20000 .. Ih"r "rli:: Il'". Ir .. m I 10 100 I.... ~L , ..... 1111 rPI I." , ~ ." l' IIfd" r (9"00 ...0,." '" Ilr. C. w. J\obMlI.) Jolla '1'. Dtllllle. Il\tc editor·lII · chicl Tllllning lhroll~h il" pnges. i~ well C I,,'IIII.tij nlld D'''!!l!'~I ~ . Nt'\\' Yurl!. . . 1'lIsll'ndh 1'lIpllKI IlIv ... I.. ,1 ill ~1I"' kll Bn,1 .~ Thp Jl!lIn ie thiw: Cf'rpficlIll's 1I0n,,"!! I Ulllltl. ur III I\J r'~H L!ed "II R~ 1I 1 E"III'I,t' . BOLIII'ROPRIETORS. • r diU Londun Times. h". b~tn dill "tiLlIln and fMcinaLin)(. 1111 '! worlh the Chnppc.' IIlInd!> IIl1d FI"'~, Sore t'Vf'"v .. " i"lp ul uur ~I .. ck IIrp . II"!. , n'U \ I",rlll""'"lo1l' Ih #II,UIIII' I.. r \\11',1'11 lilp cbl\rg.,d. aod lhal l'nper "ill heredler pric e of 11o ~ hu .. II . 83 a year. Hl!l\dl~ , I~'p!!l, <'- llIlhlllhllii, Ac. • 1,IIIIIk elll· pllI!lP8. 1I1'~ 1"t1. "'1d mIXI't;. ,,",1 .UII,e is UI"ng"g",I; ulldlhel tit J "te ' h ~ NOIf. 88•.68, 80'& n East Thltd St•. • ..,uml a more rri.,ndly lone tow ald. \~ Co., 118 Willi_~._'t~. _N cw _Yolk. Hpgrulull & C".'d CUII."Iou' It·e. Wil ,h \I lot' ,. u,ut',pll n'r InkpII "ul ". IIhoUI 'I'~~rtl ublO~~ d"~Crlll"d "tlicl"tI 01 • •• i.s III.Ur..II~" OIJ'lfOlNN·A'rJ. OHIO. ~ _ G i y,~ erilll', cU'ps chllJlprJ 111111<1 •• &1... 111,•. 10 choice ,,,oJlu'wllrtlt'd"~ d ....',I .. d. 11o~ (;"mp"uy. ,bil colrntry. 'lO.,oIi"lcly. HlloJ will kePl1 Ih e .klll 6011 h.;I,I .. r of "lly. I~"rlilil' Ulp is ell : 'II~ d 10 D, R S TTI·:IlL(,;f. . P ... i,lcn, Th'l SlIlem RepuLlic describl'l Wil . , Ti,e CinoinDllli Times announ nno " ",001t. ill 11.1' ",, 10... 1 "[,blh,'r. ~,.t¢ wlt.tI'V," lIr1icle I' III"~ n"m A • IIPOII Ihe CH"~. WII.:,.O ,' . ::>ecr ... ry. '. f R b t C i 1 Ih "~Drll[,,'i~ ls. Pr'c" 25 cplIl F. S~ 1I1 . ~.,. p'"YIII Plil "I (1,,1' I),,\lor. wllt'lhrr 'hilI or~ lIh·1'I ,b,,, ~, .. I :" "1''' "'·'ure . "'''. I'''' 10<1, linm iJl',,1J, liD olJ QUAker 1I1'nl Iemail eel l h e' dUlu o. .1 er IIry. I . ~ '"'' . , . , "or 0 '\. I 1\ "1~ DI' ITICI''' 11 ,. • I J .... UM.). Ula, f I .. ;.i l• '"r 3 ~ ' · ~I I ' •. HEGEMI\N & c,\•• I.lc!e·IS h ....... • a (. I , V oJ ' , ~.~ ,'L J JO ~ ~: I'II :<IIELI ION . of lbatvicinity. whoi8over IOOyurll 1l011l, urQ1 hI6f1ge. one 0 llC pHI o'i,p.II,iilI6 ol\durliggi s l.,Ne\\Y u ,~ . Rill~.'.ro $3 8"ti "Il,P'n . H ·,YI"!.' IIU, inH:Ct;l\TS'I'A'' ' ''.l '' !\ " ,RI'! luhl,,· 21 -:J ' " .. ",•• .1 thp. 1.. 11 ,.r IIVell'Y c,'rl lli,·.. I!'K. lj Fnc~; ".'.'r't"'. -\ u ll,'r, 11,.' -·""h. 1 01.1. as blling quile 'i~rol". I'udiog nnr ~elller.Y 01 llllulifton ClIllnly,.nnd · II' I ' h r b i l k II ow tI wrIL"r. Y"lI I'll" lllkt' jll"1 .. ~ many 0' j'l, l "." tl'W . , CUll.... ""'. ~) . , J lin ,." 20 18Ii. \ I d It'tMlDioi' ",ithoULg".""au bls lIe lilt IIro t e WI' ' AGEN'J'S uflhp""it:IP~lh"y ...:v~r"l'y d"~crlb .. n~ 1. '. 1.......)"."'.1;."". " 'h, ,. ...,,,'''"'_ H faculliee. Alice lind Phopbe Cltry. He livod to W.A NT ED, u .. :e"~e YUII 11111"1 JlIV OIlA D"II"r . ' (L ' Poe ' " u P) ,'.~ " M ~I""" 01 ,'ou, ""'" , ,I I r Tu _toll , i z~ CI·flllic 'II .., fur Y P I I '1 1\",". lu." '·."" ~ c ..... . a"y "r I\~ .. II ...' , .. l'be Ohio Hou~e of RPpre8fnlativfl lif" of illtiUi : tiOU" use f UIOIlIlS ADll ~ I ~ 'I" e ,:" I,·, . 11 )'''11 ~f'1It IIr. ","ev"'. , , .,,''''. I" .. ",I Iii ,," "' II". vllk ". Iur 110" )~. hI d '1'" ,,,.",hur~ .. no I", Ihr rll.t 0' P'"' - 1$';6 ' blv. uoanlmousty refused 10 eater up- .polle .. an d I 10norll II I!:cor • , I"" . "".ili"l! "'1111 HOVl'lIi"IIIL'. '.Wl' I'h"rll" \ ~i:AI.) Witu • •• "" 1""11.,,,1 ••• 1 ,,!lid .. II). no Rn, Itfii.ltttion Jooking 10 -he ,elun..------ ---. - -~ Ludic.;' Je\\'f'lr_, Di"mulld Rill~P, It)~ (,prtif","tp" "8 lollll\\I!'C:-F.·r fh'p. 81: JAl'II!:S ll: GOUMA.N. "· d ():7 TOII~t by " p~rf"ct brutt': ,Yo"" Pi';' , elc~ • pl .. \/I·II . $'2 ; I' I!!hh't'II, 3 . Iwellly·,·I!!I." $-1; ( ST,Oll') AuO'lOr '" :;I.le, ding of money \'0 IUllilri I IU b .Cflu~ Dr I\n. nul\' "lid lorel e I'. 011" lind ill~lIlI",· \ I" ( ' 11 II> ~O ' 810 0:'\1, ' lhif'ly fl'" $1'; Ii Iy 9 7 ,. ; ,,'"1~" " x ; L,r1ificuie,1' AII/hl'Til!!. paid by penoDA 10 clear thllir reepec· abll'. fv' ullY article orown , Rl!,"il Price lre,1II UII~' hllllliretl ~15; ,,",1 IWU hUlld.ttl $3lJ ['I' I 31 • J 1867) tire lo"nlihip' or tbemaelvtla from th. $10 h ' 1l!;2{'0. ' ___ I II exp ,re Oil I ,t! ~I u' ilIIU.ry, • dr"rt. "D~'F~SS.ONA L t.'AIlDS. All Goods W"rranted Genuine. ~ro- A. II ~lpl!'llI P"'lIIillm wilh eneh om"p 0' the A "tlltllr of Sintt', ~~aJ~I::. '·ril.g~ ~-:::::,=-==-- - -~ .:. - -~-(.111'1> III .'llU' D " I, ' ''~ IIr IIr.\l'lifd wi" be I Ih."r~II'~ 1' 0"1'""'11"11 1• TE)lPER. fE· 'l'hree frel!dmco·. ~chool · housee lIA,·tC! 1'.1,,1''' r"rl iii ....... :! ~ n " ~ 'I " ~ II' It Lib· . ~"w ,lid"" will, I h •. C"f' l fi': II'I'~. , CO!lIl11ltIlB, Ollio. J 8 I> II IIry 20 11,. 1~6.-). r~~. ~~u::::' been deslroyed by" mob in Ihe pariab e'ol Pro' '" 'UIII!! II II!! e.. mmis . iun ___ WHEHA •• '1'1'" HUME IN~UH~NI'fI! TlTEANDVITAL of SL. M'HY. and in ThibodeaUi. LII . ,,1"'",f'Olu AIlt'I.L,\. N. 1I. -S~t' 1,,11 1i. 1 '~I P"'mi"m~ Alitl .\Y •. luc"leJ N,·w . Haven. iR I !-~Er~~;!:'~' tll~ L Sample certificatea lIent Free. .p~'· " ' 1 1"Till' '" AlI.'· "I~ "' ""~ ,·,rnol."" 1' 1": :::I!"Ie v i (;""IWCI'CIiI. h~. Ii .... 'I~' I ..... Ind. 1.. _ In the pRri~h or 8fuurol,IC 8 lady ,em, - A II 11f,.r corCIli'U'H '"OlI TI'TIII~. IlUd'P"d nR ,\IlLp.y . I 11.'\1)\\'1 1 1{ & Ct) ... tliet! n ~" .. r1' ~'u" 11, .... 1 .. 1 .: I~ '0 .. hi"", ~'."'::I:!I:'l;" = ~T:O~lIro.~r)· ,\r m'rr~· 1L Tr'i'l. V\V Pol) C' O 7·3\\j 116 1I'\llId.\.y. N!'w Yurk. b~ It'qllr , .1 uy ,h., n,.1 ~t> "lIulI .. 1 theec P:oJlld in leaching .. Hchool of IIClu\t .I'll u.nuw. l.I "~.L. lJ. ..v , Mf:SSIl ~ . HA I 1\, @ , .• I ,. Ireellmen wal r!:ct:nllv drinD Irom ber --- . -- - - - . ,- ' -;-~-''1'0 r .. !!"'"Il! ",,"r,,"CI' t; " "'I'hl"~~ IIlJl . 1. " 'RPIl',v,I\('. (Jhin. ;13,10) 229 Dr .. ",I" .. ~. Nnv-Y,.,k . £1. • iI,cu'I'"'"'t'd by II." S'"le III 0", .. ; II" ....' ,. work "y " mob. - - - -- - - - -.-- - - - - ' - - I I II I" I ~ I 'n II f' Ap'" /:I , 18" 1,, .. ",I "m~lIt1e,1 .'t'tHulirv 9 uun VI'Clorl'" lidS gl'ven to Ille 6r-t. 'U r.l·I!OI~S OF , ·0 . ..... 1. 1 ,IIVI'." '" "'~.' ' I (''''IIIP ' ''y I" .. Q'I vu n • 1 1.'8 ~ 11'1 .. • • , I ,"V0 I'll' IorP U .'1 I I I k" i I dtJ4; 1",L1 \\ I ,,11 b f I p . r WI L • , • •, AG~IIII('," .. II\\I"'lon4""fr_re,II",)·pnr" \Y"~,,,,:Sh .. pl" uv" . ,""V."1I1 II · ' \ III ' " " h"dlh"'"\1"" & il!lt',J~I"I ~ f."I":Y"Vorn 0 I I. r,nceae 0 R ,,' II lip ' Huvinj!' Io"d (oUrlt'elt ~'~ '.r~· "xl' ",if'IIC' ... 111 N,'"v,,"- 0,'1 il" y . P , .. "."III'" 1>",'"V, 1'1~II.ur'· "' '''':'''"',"1'10,1," , 111111 I .. tilt- 10- ul,,"c .. lto.t i, id '"," . .. . ... ,1 of .1 · 1~~h f 0 ., ,ismsl gift unuiulIl DlAj(n ilicenCfl, i.1 lloe PTlt"liCP u' IIll'tli,''''l' , .. tl u Ioi - ' 1111 "I . 01,1', lit'" ~ "I y""IIIIIII i",li" rt!liUl,. j v.. ,."h:l! "Ullojltl~'''lIlJlI III "'Y Iu,".er !'RI. 1-l1I1"lr~tI ')'1 .. ,11 •• ,.,1 1) ••11.,,. "I' Dclll.1 I'll ,' whicll bas beeR m"';ill~ for Ih" I".L two Pro:eul .. llol St'rvice. III tilt' ri"~ells ul ,011 I.. , Ih~ oj ,kl' .. I .1It1er :lI!! l' I"",,",ly \11I11 P. , . II \ 'I"t ,,,v •.•.•·,1 '" .'vl' I, . ur L,,",I. ur ill ' I· N .Iicc ,. hf'ri'hy I!IVPtI 101" !'prson' • • . II \\ I," 1I't'· I ". 's's of a -'''t''ulle 01 Illd W i l l d V . t " 'IId Irpp 10 • "Il h"l .' • .1 I I uf 1t',,1 "~I.'" . w .. ,lh du,.hlt· II conll Jelrs. • ~ ~ " aynesv e an lClDl Y Ii ' I t . ill ]~I'IP.I III 1111' 10 1"01"6 'orw",u 811' " .. II fI lIil"Ij1I1"I'~ ,.. . .",1 110" " '1,.,,, .. I", 1111' " ' ~ I,,, '11111" " . l k I .... ulII"lIlIl ".r wh,rll tlo .. "UIII~ I.. '"11r" .1 l\J' ., b I' I t 'u'''\ 811' '1"111f '11" ", IIII'B III """1'•.,.. Ill" ."., 111''''1 I . C I-te I'rl' nce COII"Orl I'n 11'lver bnd I" 3 " < • Crl' lcR 010 Ihe rn'l1fT II' 1\1 in ''''U ,. •rllleuy . Y. \Y .'Ie I !e WA,".C " ,' . ;. It '' .~d b 11,1' F,r_1 \II M:,ch. 1: " lIp,l; "ud "'I~,·r .. '''. ~"'u lIl~II'~IIY '0feet !it inches in hl!il&"" ..ui y •• 11(, ,' I~ ~ppo.i lt 1I "y', Hillt. Il'rt· ,~ wl.IIIIII( .U Pfllh' l.Jy Ille ullve rtl_er. ~ clo I Y I I' lil ~ tlllllhid "Ili,·,. \I ~r\ll." PI.lr""eI11 t' th {r ,. Ni." t C.l\Il11 n,nml"ly reinondp.] 10 . ,·Kpe"""l't'. CUll ,I ..... hy ,,,Iol,,,.,illll .A III' U, ""Ilil c,, ",ply \~" , 'lI8 '''quP-1 1' '''''I~' itd c. ,rn"r,,'e 81'111 .iClIpt! hI' III. 'l'1Ie C·· IDCIIIII" I p.pers,allnouDce e U-J" , . ,' JOliN 0 ()GDI~ N WII1 8111'J"'" Ihe !,"flled III'Crl!~ l~oJ '" lid- I I ' ". '1 ' . duth. 011 Iho 13~h in~l., 'or And,,,,, ~)T N. l:.i CI O~:I d; N~w Y,,~k. ,lili"\I"I" lJ~1. I ·n· ~"I"lIt ,,1101 lS"rtl" " 'Y , ,e , l' u,! ' IIlIlhull lDucllfule,. I .• .... . '.11, ~ ., I IIII~'P 'or RII Ie n I!0UU.1 IE"l' IIER · :tll'" lilly 11" " '" ,,' .':'·III~ ", 68ld C""'P" Innlld"c""",or8 .. toe,.~oh ... cou.",.\jl~'" II. A' I 01' B k D , • r . . . . . . . , "7 1~ ' . . 1",'"l. • ' SI ... c rL Iur, tll1' u 00 eR er 0 \ _. __ _ _ _ . _ _ . __ TOP llUtiGY -I!ne,," '", ,: ,,~... \IV III II" •• h!e I.,. nc.kIH'" II" ge , 8 ~ ~'''' ' ' tho Lun"•• !.I'or. Ciacino'li, ntilwlI .born in T.on~on. "01\ T I • I' F. ~ Tilt: P R ACT IC E 0 f I\{H~. B(··.".' Il(;(::. . J W. \'IILLETT. \ (11 l'r''''I'>II, 'or "11,1 '''I h .. h-II ut ,,,"I, ";""- :'~;R~I~·';~llg~~ ~.\ ~ Eu"llllI(l. In 1794. rmlgl"led to Amer., I'nI ~ F.Vl'r~ Y"''''III"tly '"111 c rn • l• 11,,," ilf Ihp W .. '''1' F"b HI 1866 !,""y. "(W" ' ~"I!l '" ' 18 11:'ruII' "I 80ltl U\\ . Dr pulUn, (Mill et Jat U Oh ! I ... 1.1 ~11l1t'S C.IO t.. ' lIf l'4utlWlhillU' Yt1r,' llyn SVt I I ' ___ Nuw, th"n"uru ill "" -,\1&,,('., I)' II .. cne--balt. paper f' L u':' ~. '1'" LE'I' ' I I".. rllllolvac ' .' I •• I ,J AM ES IIArrolor.wt\llh. to" p'''''' In II 'Ica 'In 16U. IOUU l'tmovtd 10 CI' ncl' onllti IniIPvftrlolubr~0r.he8; nollo b e~xre II · '"Ud,l(),h.ir .. .t\ . n ' ,, !!, ' by IPI"", rrllil lUB. oS', \ fi ' . I~~"II·.n .. I' 1,p.Il ~~ : . "!I , ~ ~ ~ ~ __ in \644. BOtiks Wi1h him were Apl!ci· ~d anywhere. NOlie OUI 1111. ( ' fp., 01 c:h"r ,!~) I,y ,, "d r.' "Inll <1, (> 1I1!,lp,. (ClIl'y rigt.ltJ.) II (J"I1MAN Audi'"r ul . SI"16 to:r 0" .. , .","vc dl •• IlIU - 0IfIIIa r' -il!lIt',1. '1'10" ••' h"vi. ,!! Ifuro "I h , ' : n~ ,I .. he,d., cd'i ~ 110", d",,11 O"E INHIJ · wlltbc eMldlcst.td '" a IlleA. D It 8T Y A T Ii II I A L \: S Ii: O . ellVN II,,,, .. " ""'"'' (0;88010" 1 H .\NI".~ 1;0 liPAN\, OF NEW H .~_ I .r .nUrel, p"'venled. It "",,,' In \ll""~.· , rll • will uLl ij.! e ~y ""I " " ,i"inll \~{urrlllllptllil I . I H '. ,m,LIIcg weigl'I "'UII Rt\~ "Ih.·, ! . ' "",VtnllY, an4 allre ror Ih. HOI IIW I Tlie or I'tI 'pfCla s"ys lhe ouse 'I'ERM~. CMlI.-Office al hid re~i Jpncf ,"i~ cu,d. All o llot'" w,ll Pio' IIS'! add'e!. : Vl:,N, ;" OI"'"u,lz, ·.1 lu Ir'or,~ .. ct II.e 11""' 1~rice 211 Ceauper P"pr.II~ II"aper.ror committee on Commerce hille' 8 prop · on ~1.1n SI'CPo!. 1·1, tllI,; r ub~d i r'" ~p"''' nl.. TRY IT. Al'ID VlIU 1V1lJ- HAV E .0 tlHI F.R! ' , ...~ . ,iI F"" "1,,1 Mu,ille In. llr.'''· ... i\llloi · nUAJI.ED:8T . o.iiLon b4:for. Ihem to reduce Lbe .mo . THO~ , I~ . CnAPMA~. IIL~I\tJ F.\( ' Tll ln:D O:"I.Y BV 8".10> 1I11'illlte Ihl - l\-fi"1 'I".~ 01 J ,,,m,,, v \ 8. A.. FOUTZ &. BnO.~ lu"'elil' of Cuilt-clora or Custom. 10 A SETIIII. IIAII(ES. 1 , B. CHAPAIAN . 27 Iy . 831 Uru h t!w8Y, New Yurko Zl:: IGl FR ~ l):\II1'U III Ihe )' ''"r u"" Ih"u$uud e'lI ht hUI,dr. d AT '1'B~ If.l~III"'" .,,11 "JI'Y'~"vPII W1Int~HIII.I1Q 11'1• •0 . rell,oollb1e figllle , \Juder Ihe p ..eSl:lIl \VI.ule~ ~I •. Uro, ... , P . illl !.: n '" O~~I~'M. lSKALJ III wi'"eRS ""hr ... .,1 I It - v.. Ie _ 113. UOI'raDJdiJ1. 8t..l&ltimor~~ \, N... 137 N"rlh Tl,i r ,Il'1'rp f- '. Fot 8111e II, Dnlttlltll 1114ll1ero..... IJIII'Al tbe , Ial",iu aud prrnlli silts 11111'1 011 I'Aero' I'I' d Illy 11811,e. II oUllhe UDlted 81&.... , ~ "Ml ~ · ' o( ~ "( ' EN'I'S PIIILA!1ELPHI.'\. r~II~,· d·loe~~.,lu'I"r .. ffi, ,!'ltj e . _ . - -- ' . -~ ... ..--re.ch Ihe enormous lum or frum fifl" '- '! I~r · f't:.~\ ~ , , . \. (t"t! e lA,ulI II !'II V". "IIP'~I'IIC " • , J • \;;.i" - JJ 4~ " V~'lwl,rre ("'.·lI u r\l'lItII"fI ). I"\Y""III We ~Fu,snlp.b)' P.\lIITDI: ,Itr.R~ ~ '· Ilf'r~ffixp,llhl' flov 1111,1 V"ftf Ri" ,v· ({j ~ ([) (11&£ u- ~ 'll& to DOl hundffd tbou8lDd dollars a , " jferpXIf""rdil",ry 1t"lllCI'1I1P"'~I(lIIIIg", 21' n.~__ ~\J-IL \Hit'en , JAS II. GOOMt\N , 7. ar• n n Ioj!hl. ~~III1lpl fllI .1 p'(J{j/"Me 1o,,8Inl'8_. N0 I C 1,' [STAMP) A,,,t:lur vi l51.1~. ~ , No. 98 'Vest Second Street, Sliolpl .. \Vi ,1 be "" wu,d~,1 np"n Bpplic.~ .lj J W KEY 8 "G'~NT$ W £~'fll'" Frederick HlldIOD, E~q. Ihe m.nag · 'iun wilt. slolliP 10 .• n Y return pu';I.,,- . IA hprpn." "iv~II: .. J"rt.1I R.II,\nll. A . D. ,. , ..\OIi:N.T . . ' . I .,,_ ,,~& \V TI} I'ftllVllti. Ifl r "umPlh!n!! ellllr,l', r" _ in, editor of Ilul Nt'. YOI'k Heraili. hili Between Vim and Rarl. Ad<1r~8. ClldIYHII"''''r 1111) .1,.1011 ~I'"'I. 'I'ru~\"fd ul ","e~Vll1p; Ollin. . hl' li, ... ~ 1 thi! g Ihe II.y • . S"I!!p'lf c:~ been compttlled. IJ, flliling healtb ~o 'e' ORADLEY. I;I!AlIWfCK & CO',I W.),II" '1',,\v"~llil'.llo"l ,)hp ClIlllllli ... iun - - -- - -- - . - - ' .. ~ "ill'lle 'I!II! I','~ lin ,,; rpilll (,I 8 ~ •• 116 Ilru3t1woy. Nt' 1V York • .•"" J '. lIlf \V . " "ys.JII ~ lr(;t· "I lhe l'etu:!', ,\,loIrf'~8 ' J : K , PAT;I'ERSON .. _ lihquilh his posi lion. He 111\• .lenC! of ' wil·1 O>X )l i,t' A "'11 171" 18fl6. ( II '" 3~ '" I;I\~ ,· : 'I .. W ~ ' .f\" (7 ~ ' .. ,:~_.i~ .b.~nce fo,t \WO rea'il. And &0 Mr, Ben· . -3m Marli... ~ nlad CeUbACYt . SAMUEL ~lc\IJN~~, r.. 'V,. \\. ~ Rrfl fl4J\\I rr r eivillL! (lruf r8 for- tl.. . crtdil b~ iL mentioned "ha~ h. All E!!~8'" 01 W.'1I 1111! " ",1 l " .lruoli,"\ WHYII~~"'Ii ... , FI·b. 1\1.. ISliG. 'prinjl dt'Ii.'"ry ul j!t'"" il\',. 1:.ill " IID"I' W"I" ,I .. \'\ I !J ! 1l It "li Ly . l)1I.~<" ""I~. ~ did nOl ,parl wilb tl., milD wlao hid illr Y"I"'~ ill!,'" A IMIJ. ,1i~e".e~_ o \lJ b.~~ ipUI -E CIDE '\;-I~'-EG -A )*. 1'11111'.. P l\rt i.. ~ 1\'1l1 , fin I i! ,.•• 'llwir , II · All S".,t' lfi lin- "I Rt.n,1 Pi Irifl~ ~ , . . . . At )·ou. own h"me.. Eltl,tr ,~tX 8'11,.bll'. ~e _ which nrelll "lUl e Iy IIr 81'" I.. Ih tl ' YII.\ , l II . I .J J 1 le'~MI Itl cnll III" ...... n. IIi-r"rl' flll,ch .. llla! "lhN" I!"·~illl: el~i ... "If"i~ 11;1.<':'~~:, 9 ,-er l!d '.tm .0 flllLhfully Wilhoul pl"cm& An AG I~NT w8,uf'd In pvP,y (a, y "ltd '\I)\\,pr~, wil II 1111'1' IIIt'H Il R of relle'. Stlll ' 'I'hi~ we II "IJW 10 be PU'P, Q~ WI' pto. GIl w,. h"~p .. rrall\! .. nll'I"~ f,,' F'I!~,,· It"hl.: ~hi" ..... 111' P"""I" Ih ' m. dilly ""I'hi"i'~i. ia hi, 'haad " ehtck for the flll\ "moun' '1'''lII'n ill Ihe Ulli,ptl SI.IU. La'II P pI' fit,1 ' rr '! 0 . I'''nrc p , ill ~ p.led Ipllp, rllvpl"~',,, :UrC'illh e Citl l'r Irlln; i't'li nble p ,'r.~ llli ;'0 lit re " "I ,,,,,hl .. IJr i,·,.~ • •'-1 li"o',,,1 I"'IIt". 1t'.I. on II ... 'fi,oI' 'l\!t,"d"F II( .'!lrc I . o~ whioh h. would hue received lI'ad be .1.PRI '.zfd . ,Eu,· ~lId rt'~pl'.·.\"b le. ~'I' lUll , J\,IoI.p~s D,. J : SKI LLIN H(')U~HTO~ jillie nci~"horliou'J i lind 'l'l'r{ilill~d it 10 j . PA R~HA ".1. & lCL~IN, tI~lM!hl. By "flfp ~ "f 'hI' T,u'~:.;t ~' ': . d . , I Il orllcu {uu. eddren fiR. W A ltN ER, 1I0w.,,1 AIIRlI Clijl'OI1, I'hllad~lpl) le,J\.. lurn ~o VIII :", ,." '''If own p r pfl\~"' . ·'V,vlle.villt' W.rn'" C\). 01110. _ KAMUEL M1:OUNE. l. Cl'OtUlnue at blS de!k. I 8· 3) ti4 Ell" l:llh ~ \I('t't, S Y. Cfl),. ~.o. Iy--a . . "FoRR''''' AI: rR'~1 Z. J~". ~. ; 2~ - f ' ' . WII'''",i.',I. F.rt-, HI. 1866.
10 much declII' ed that hie (ullLuru "He
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t "tOIDf
. , tr{h~n. ~ Oppeti. e Ihe Founl.1. 01 Cure Wal r! fri . . n '!L"" II you t e ntree. Tea, CIr-. u,ar, 'eDd, .or Yr. DodlOa. wbo all kno. It t' nu WI.t Molaue 0. f", h, b DI 10 be ' ""hou t a . uperior. if au' •• J( ,fou C" nd,. It i in ,.. or Fig., ' ~ D' D ' 18 r eounlry. "nd ... \( ) Itll W8lat,C:bu or rl~( efl, '1 1111. in hi. lin". in Lloe '1 wtlo' '~ared no pain. 10 .a.id, If )"I'u _I't ro.. d iAI. or Ii,.er. ,. IP' 1Itt\'nlI~' il<tnm t\1T11I!31mJt1& 11:l If you _ t 80logn., bia C ..l tome,. "ith Ihe he" Koode. the 1\a;ac~':I ~ ~ l.t' ~&tI~~~.mI(lCJ.ll. 5 ! If yolO Willi tteltihg•• neal••• aD,1 100" dllrable wurkmaoM hip If you WI .. I Sail by Ib ....d, lb. or hbl. and IitielL It"lell. and at tbe ,.ry low. R eopfc.fully infurml Ihe, I( 1'00' . ltt Slut: h. RiC:I<, So,", Crea ... or
A. ...
.' r. 91:6~ 02' A. 7.
If. If.-
If• .
t'ula. . . .II'W.'&D 8011I1D. and ",eeolD., 4.10 A.
\\'AYl'fESVILL ••
6 S8
ClIlu",!Io, FI;Om., . 'NllEh .• i1~p",~ .., . Pin,bur, E.p"He.
b Ulntell In the forlDer Ilaod fJr Yllyor Dudlel· , Tbi. aDIIOIlOCltlDeDL will be bailed wilh gladoeu b, Ihe many
'J..!" A. M.-
Cl nel.",ti,Elrpr...,
," ' d. .
Jt.~&I.'1I OLD STAND.)
''''''6 '8 ·infOr m
public lIul they
/lave on Illiud and Ur'C!
10 keep
A Complete Assortment of
M.·' people 0; W"1nenillfl & '1'..... ,. l'epper .. Giugcr. (;IUU."' OIl tl8rk. ell prieM poillible. "i";III., ,1 .. 1 he has pur· A).llIu or elo\'eo, Pill.burl"ExP'u" II. FrOID what "e know or tbi. gt'ntie. chosed Ihe p"t" bl i~h men . If YOtl ' 1" 0 r;<1 .Iro"k . don't):'" Ih.re. I ... n n r. II. ot Mr. DuJlf'v. "!.ere he . E Cine /mlll IIpreu , ....... maD', l."e in Itllecling ,00<18, .re c"n bas 1I0W un hindi If you:w~t Tobacco of ItI'. dilr.r~ul killd •• PAINTS, OILS, • DI' not I.l op. rIb I k' If ,I Soan, OU w'jlI Sb .. ill~. (;.mIM ... R O. III 01 "" . , " ·W. H. CLQlUT. Pr"id.ot, a...P. y 1"'_ 1 at lil_ prdt'aL n.ew Iloe IS " DYE·STUFFS. W. WOODW'Ul), Sup',. calculltted to plea5e 1111 f.·ncle~ ; IInti ." / New 'n nd woll-solcp.lod Stocli of If) vU wa ul C' gm. TOILET ARTICLES• . D. 'CADW"'LL"IiD. Apnt. • rl:commeDd our geollemllu friend., old I, '·UU ... ul O.. . lCr. ill Ih e . b.lI . ean. dOlrn or DWALUDtn &. IIJLI.!II. Ezprtu Agents. a.d, young. who desire fAIlt.ionable iB dilli. ' hi k '\ O . IS, If )UII "~I\. I I nk or tl l."~inlC. (I d d P. D.IIE, Ttkgrdplt Agtflt. Ie00 I "n " ~ lIonll t. mil e , u~ , 10 II yuu ...qt 8"" k~l. or O.. " ketl, P A1,NT-B~USHES. hllSleD wilh 8ee t purpose Rod 8uMh 'I yU" ,.,,, r""k.,ry w""". aye~. be"uli/". Jiull Se,,- poe'IIei to lee T. 'I'. cllllrminil Mr PLA IN A?! D FANCY I, "'" ... ~'" ,I.' 0 .....y ~t)'. i'> tl1 . ...''-l .. lo .. iWHITE", AeB BRUSHES. ' . en"" .. ·macLine ro~ •.'lli cbellp at lhi. office. ray or fabrici. Y"U will nuer KO ft· C. ' 1 . If yo'" w ... 1 four jug .~nt hOIll" emply . ,ud" • ••• uny UDcl"d if yuu hOlYe" :It·,,tt aU8 aSSlmerf'S, ",jllloul • 1"",)ul "rdcr~ &:r lt6" tbe Home Inllarance ·Com- cttplible of belluty and I'lt-gallctl . Mr . II )0 (1 WUI" p",,'C" ~fl. . " . I Ii'I~ Dum be r.. D 0dIon rlHllma, . l • II ' (j ~ w :O hl POI". Cum"., Pen t .... Pipet, 0' . t'llemfnl. 10 a d fir 10 '.o,mer to ffi CleDI PLAIN AND FANCY P'p".SIO"". mpdicl""1 pllrpose. , to wlJi ch tl,1' Key. i. "len' her •• to wbuDi corps 01 "",islanls, who, to apellk IlS If you WHOI M. ld,e•• I !clltiun Phv ~i .. i. n8 is I'spl'cially calle.l; should he lPade. . Ibeattical critics do. ' aupporl' bim ahly : ~1·lk ou ", ..1\1 U..oad. c.;"~,,. or Cr.r~_..? . lind whltcv~r pertftine to. •• Tlall De" hou ~. aDd our w'lI'll, y ~ Is' ) uu w.," C •• 'or 0, 1. ::;\"'~I Oit vI' 'l' utj,eII IInr ~ Tbe· Little MialPi R"ilroad Com - .. I ,I ' I If )UU WRIII U,.UO II II . FlRST-RATE ~ ... ayor who retires. Illve our corulll If you ... _". "1'1'1 ... are gnding and pi'!pIIl'ing to e.x .. wi shee ror tb\'ir pfo!pltri.y. IVhicil he is prl'per~d 10 [I yo u Willt Ckll,II~" B~d.Co rtl., or l'lolh co. their Jlouble 'rack CrolD Lo.eland __ . L;i II eI, FOlie", Cro88iag, COLD WHTIfItR -The roercur v ac. CUT AND M A K E UP If y o u .. alllllllhgo , Shoe.Bru,h .. , or nice . Ni,ht
'7. ~Y A. 8.~0 r
J.\tI E DIe 1 N E ,
I CI tl rOB(·
R G A I N ,.S't
Vest.- n"'s
e ,
DRUG - STOllE ; 'White Goods,
• ...
:lOmpHllted il' grand ftl' of Ih., .ell80n . " . '&.1"- W. are apin tlnd.r obllg"tionl OD 'l'hur8<J"y !lnti Fritf0l1 or I"" wet'k. lome fait frieod. lor • Ie~nade be· wll.,n it reaclUjd nine tit-grees Oelo" &s. UPO. D. illlh '~e .lDa· hours' ro-I dei,eee lo"er titan at IIny· time Slturds,Y nigll&..
H·-~· ,"r I . . ' !fill:lon•••" ~.Q(IfG - ,.. e elrn JIIII
If )
· '1
~ '_.l~D)1
•• "\- .!
. , e "-bl" .
parLle .. a,. a, I • tilDe.
are' J 'Iro.\'ed.
qc"ptioa. lhe &0 be ob· l mt'nta !Iurreplllruu81y IIIken wcre tbe I"~ aed ,AD l wbe... The people. lsDOW dicl~ellt• .a~IIinllt SaRlu~1 Coovert Rnd t!ti. 10 be lIM 'a.I, .keep .lit. '0 H"m'UI) lleNe.1 for Ihe mlll'd~r of the . 1, .mploled. that be could no~ Roo.a (&aliIl.~lld detailll 01 which hor, ••, fro18 '" i( he wo"ld-a,leul rible lngetiy are (allliliu to our re,.d• • bil. ,,1. &Ia& IbOit who Ipe"k cr.. FolU' Dew bill. of iudiotment "ill be IOOG••, aecolDodated. bne been roulld againl' l)leetl p:u:it:' ull .... ur... i.e your ,!M'der•• who•• tri.l .iIl probltbly 'like plRce • Yisl~The,e will b4I Auetioo al Wa] ae" ill. Aueli",. RtlOml nery ;ed.~e'lilay aDd Saturda, ~N,rnooo anti DB, Dutil f.rlber nOlice-begiDto · ~aj.
who h..e au.oded these berelo(ore bay. been r~rluoa" in
branl, on I I,a,n lbal )lr.lob. Ha"ke (who. Lbe way. il &0 be oOllllDendtld ror enet~tic
aOlioa in ~b. IUtter-) 1wo
""y ,ucoee,r..l . in ·hi. loIor'l to (be. ligniuurel/ ohiitisena or thv who. fuor the of~ a Town. _",,1.1. Quile a lIMe r.ttied &0 dll ........ Aod re iut'ery ""son 10 hope tb", Lhe
..4 luburba
eall will be acoo.pli.bed. bis'
For Ladies &. Children.
,.1.0,. uried "upply
IilJU ISo••
killdll "I
At Cost!
wt' fl r.
fL:Ecc:-S- --=}. 1 L E S
1.. 11.
b .. : "I'ver '""plif'd
w."r~' c:t~e
1II1NtJ'l't;!4. blOd
'Iu .. veo.,
AT COST }"OH CASH' I"".'e, Sul,l by Dr"l!!!i~'~ 9300. U'"hl
~lItCllt ~ltbidncs
@ (;0,.
cnre AllY ~IICI time.
~" .. rt
In I,' IVE
Y k
It,,'.i l WI' kcpp 011 hAn') "lItn· dl'.ler. , "rill 1I~ . "rrll/ t' II' 01 PIIIPlit M,' ,Ii<'i"e~. :S,.,1f 11 11\ v lu'rp .,11 r"-" f"i rt 01 JH I I'e . AI .... jllsl r.' r f'iH.11 Ir .. ul Ptll~burjr, " GILIH': R.1' @ SUIlBItUG. Pr .. ,,·r~, I!lIod UIIII well·,el"l·Ifl d lot 01 67b n,n "t!wlI)" N .. \v Yltrk. 0:7" DeHcrillllYc Cir.'UIIIH. dClit tre~. :l7 3111 I!PIII>ru,"Y.
<lI " NI""\. I ..
'" T" ""...
Pntent Iledicincs •
ra1f. . fPlElfF UMlElnV g V11it IXfm.A!Mf~
Picture & Window-Glasses
cannol lail tll
be soited both ill
FAliey SOAP'S, . &C.
HAIR-OilS, And
il.~r'·",.i"g "~IIIII"d ~I\!'re
It Will rf...,OV., the "
Dry and _Mixed Paints,
1. 8n IUlielt' Ihe wltnl 01 which
' IiI 110"':. ft'fld In" il liRA hl'en ... w~ IIIIrltllu~.t· ". 111'1'.1 , 1I~ ~ II· I",riurilf over en), tre.IIII~Dt herelorurl' ~
OperatIOn or Medirine! FINE CUT
Wit!.Qut an TillS
F~f Ta& "ADWH Cl'as OF
UK. (.1I.0II': R1"8
. . . . . . . UL
DR U G~, 11 EDIe I.N E S ,.
I '
1 ~'STj; UMENT
• .
4. S. liE RRITT.
Bats 8ndCaps ! ""e-';" ... p ...,on. . .
A B'le ,,,ortmen\ of
---.-...- - -----
Bn~8' •
Inrl:c sUi'ply 01 weJI- rie lected
.1 .11 killcl. alwlIY. onhonll •
Fcb. 21, 1866.
ETC .• ETC., &'C"
Fur G t'IIII('ml'fI " Ultl
~Ilch 18 8p usillg. Rnoll ing. &c .• dune on shurt l'Oli~lIllIl ill Ihe be" manllt'r.
PATEft I'lL.;
..4IUJO}JI on hafld in vnal tlorilty.
sale '~l . lhe lowest cish prices. A II
N ECI{..'rIES.
pE:r & Rhocl-iron W 'I\n'
Tin, '" ";
A w.\\-..Ie~\e4
11101\. .1\\
or \h. . . ."
U '
.111 :. .': ~.
Tis .. beet quality of
-'GENTS " ' .A NTED. f,ame 1I0.ae on Third Aye· . '!,I"ltty .cd priel'. June \13-1. to 'fIIOO1"S Arnelt. Prictl.' '900. Grtat &fIe 0/ Jel/'flry.and Silverw"re .' - ----_.- ._ ----- ------- . Joh. H.wke b.. pllrc !lIued "~I! The Arr••~AI~ ,re"l ~; ift 1)1 Irlbullon. corD.r 1018 F~lurtb and Will ..... Our Age nl.:IOre I""khr"" frolll .'j\.., I,; ' l'hirl~ COLLARS, tEe., tl:C 0 " 11 ..,,, I",r dB) • Aull w~ ,,,••,' 01111 IOIor... 1... 1. Richard Haine.' ,e.ide~e~ , lIOPM WttHy. ,,,voi,'ell I"rulII fo:aro",: h llVt~ -.w .. II .. ,1 our .tOI'''' I t . We hue no hl'si'Dl.iOIl in sD~\nll.hlll th. fCllIowiol traDlrer~ ~~ ·aDd n~lh· .- - - ---- . - - --.- ill" lJu ll ur,., ' A " . ,1-' 11 (11...1 "-'SIII' la My s.uck of Reldy·mlde Clolhing i& u "~r Uu ¥ IIt Wl6tdu' I', 1t1l'~·1 :1 .Allw' IUIt.l ~; t1tl ll~ FIN EST P E B F U 14 E R IE S larare end 01 Q 8uperior qOIlIll)" 01 my 1III' ia lhe lilt a'ar: Jlll\t'tic~. Hlt:I1'. Je w... lr) uf' ":1 kIlU'!" lilt' IU,()&L In "'~IO ' 1 uwn "I;ollu/aelurt. "hi., IlhUt:t ll " .... UIlIK ,, ' etu :h . ti~ utl 2 . .1 ,' l 1j ~.,. an4 · ,_ if. < to Samuel E' HI ulTp.rcrl ill Ihie mArk et, mAy be rOUllcJ l u I''' Ct' t lln«:utf', MmJ 'oU Iwli l "t'e \'Wh lt " ,"If UI" At the '''eitlellce 01 Rtbl'Cl' ~ TerrY. ill . G REA T B A RG A INS uur cd'ulol;.I,lIIelll. Th e y lire, all 1018 10 and II' in ThorD ' ellt ill.:d to , or tl tor 'th.- j'f'rlifu';""' , or ,,5 fOf W Ifll.,8Vllle. 01' ::IlIlId"y ","rllilll!, F .. br,,- ! ion 10 Wayneivill'. " 8160. l.ui· I~· or II Itlr.-" CI'ut .I' lIIIiP lor filII' it-rill'" In , \.'tl(:h "tt: of lh ~ lUo"t lib.~ rllt kllltl.GENUINE', MUllen "llIlwlf• .to NUllb Mills. arf 18, by I~ .. v I'ju III Ul' I ZI1"Imyl", Mr. II1IIlY be \4luk .. " (ur, u I dellre 10 dispo ... l\!A. ge'·ltt uW i!J your lHue! ~IIII'lIel P. Mllt"etl, .. I llldll." •• Ie MI~" "I' Plilire ""ck by the F'lkS'!' OF lOwa or Co'rtii ... 83JO. Ind COfTlpelen. jlllllll" giwe them Ih. ARHA 1 "OALE & CO .. A... I .. d" T"rry, ot WI),ue."Il:e. ' MA RCH. ~II N .. . HH ISnu,clwuy, l'\~\\' V t"k . E, Craoe and C. T. Crane 1o Ihe ruidencc 01 Jarkp!ln Cooper, in IIIGII~'I' PRAISE. B. 'I'hoDlp·on. )0' 4 alld part CIt .hi,Atplllcl'. PEl' I.' E" II !-·-Wt' till the 121" ill~I/lIlI, by J . \V. T. T. DODSON 13, CorwiD, 'Itoo. . We pftfli culurly des ire Ihe nllenlion of q;; . ".lIt Dr:.! .. n'" evp.ryIVhere K .. ,~, J. P.• Mr. Ju,llull Cooper 10 lUi., PXPPClf 10 conl inuf' the bus inef8 lit Ihe tn ,ell our IIIPflOVED 1211 Mpwing M. · ••• E.illl Luki" •. 'I'HE LADIES o:d " 1811t1. dlill(,6 . '~'hrpt' U"W k i llll ~ . Ulldt' r ","1 , ~IIIQI.G S'CUOOL.-W. a,. "qu".,.d In(oraS Our re.derl- .. ho oon81it'u~ -- - - --- --- I- v-J r~ C "m(' onf'. com~ II I • an d' ae t your IIpper \Yllr'8nIP~ li.vE' y eltr~, 0 le ... I"'f 1~lI'd. o,r 18r~e C"'"""6.""'118 .," ,d. A~':Yp III,' To 1111' • •" lIre of our hu.inpt~. We !lllve Wa,..,eawllll' Marken. t hue 01 8"r.Kllill' ... Ih!')' /10. "1I1.Y ""II~"i, "" eold in U , il.l1 Mil.',! !" r ' S :\- E ED E lJ pllblio geaer.lly'-tb", Yr. Pea.e. , I,,$I! Ih3l'l' X~Dia, propote4 to teach dliites of Cartjulhl CorrfJI:kd Eller.. n' n ttl', N. D.--A II IIl'r.""1 k nm. h," • h f ' 0 1. . . ,,8I40. which ""e tullY G 1 h: "II ~ "dBhy .11.L TfJ..J.T I . .k . J .. "/lyer 10 A IIFur Ihp Tuil. ', Ii .. n/I \V p~ch't"lp, el' lv,· ~ i"dcbl l' <I i.) ,,,e /If" 'tHI"l'''''·11 '0 H.. ",p, ," ht'e't'r .. \ViI.;OIl, II J muaie-Lo-wit: al tile .chool . hou~1! Il 60 @l ) 65 cull .lId ~ eltlfl ilUlllt'dililrl,' , ... J IIIU _t k"r, 8i"lI1!r .. t;: ... , 1I1Ie] ...ch,·.ld.' r. nil SCt'llIi/l1l DrllwHd , ur" lb, r'lula, dAy.ltCbpol uerciil.l. GO I , ' ,Ihpr cholli, 1Il 1"' hille ~ U" I"fr;lI ~p",pnt" . ."b p8. P lr. ., P' c. ~8 1hHv e mOiler· ~LTON DUDLEY . ~ "tl .lte .eller IIr lIser I .. linblp lu .. rrell'; Cu:1 11\11 1'}!801ille 'uur' ~8ripliel. 6() f!ent. per lebolar. and (at th" "" fi,,", lillal.-impri.nnmenl.. Ci .('III . r.Jrrf, ) 00 oj( nw~ if it ~an be obtaioed) J~l1l1n ry 29, IB66. SI. A,ldr"~~, or c~1I Up ullr l::lhsw &. ~}INrk' l I. ROSEnERRY 4' NEAL._ 35 - -- - - - - - - - - - - Hi d de tur~ ~, IU IlI ne, ~ .2f:.ly _ __ __ --- -- . : ~ ~O adult" pri,ce, " per lellUlllr. 'C"o AT'.·.. CHlIIENT. --.~ - -The 1I1:11UII &. )lamia" (Ilbillet Org;RUII, 475 Ibree lilll... ·• "eek ' unlil the twrlYt 25 ubn L. S c lieuch, 1'1t'1J '~ Belhre EI,hrqi01 lJ~ f" )H I'V dil!i·...·,,' .l, I.·t . • ~ .., ,, , ~, t I:' .,_, c ~''''. II''d -~,""'UI'" L. ~o~lld~~. 'II, ' IrUS l 1 MI ' J.' it"" .\ , '1'1,1,,,· ",,'./" ,I\lr .\80 III , 6uO ""en. F n 1\. :40 ,VIl. ' • .1 .8 . . . . : 01 n .the kill or uncll of I wllrronl f d ' O'~ I': ( ; 1)1.1) ~,r f' II. VI-:R I\I ~: I) \1 .$. or "II, . r . 16 th, I.ntlenian lItill feeein IIh~rll Peter Zedll'lI, tI,Ien .1 ' . ~I~"e I "' , ( . ' . 1 b po , ! li,'. II'I'e,"i " ", ..... "r" ".IIII ,,'" 1II11'Ir.\Ie~1 C~ I • . . \V ur r"n CO UII ,I.I' , Oh,, /. qllu IIY, ot .... . Y , " .' , .Inll"'. (to'''; A'I<i,I'.~" i'!A SO~ ~ 1i"'f~II..IN. ''''' lOO II 'ie doillg Wa},lIc8 ' 10 @ J:J!
1M ])
l1~sorlme'h' of ParI ,and Coolr;ng Stoves, ,
A cotnl'lt'te IIMtment o(
: I'IH·W~a.l\E, AI .he Ql\I s'o"d onlf.in SI't'Il'. WIt,vne •. , ville,would iulnrm Ih.ir old CUnUffif'r8I1'U'.• the ,""t 01 mllllkiud 11,.1. Ihoy IuIv" 11 jlOuu
I 'fhe Ullio14 BUlli"eIB hllilule, Oberlin. 0 ., 111\11 tlll;tablillhtld a 'J'EI.&OftAPRIO DI>PA "TURNT ull8urp"lllled by "D)' tiring ill ll,c W to,;1 ---0Elltlry rtlCtltlt improvement it introdu Cl!d. (:~{'fy IIccidt'lIt t'ltv"" nell. aud mit A. J 1m 81lnUI to rf'l.ire Irr.m bueine88. d,inK" introtluced, nHt'r befoll' I \VIII KI'll Ill)' I'nl,re tI.ock ul G"od~ Iltught in Tl'legrltphic Schouls. We 11I1· vi~t! our young Il&uies who 11ft. luuloillt: , , Itbout fur ,uD,elhing to do to cumill~,' .he greAt d'lJIltlld tlu·n. ill fOf OpE"lttorM HEADY ~IADE CLOTllI~G. "lid ftho Ihe rlltl' illduc.·m .. nt~ uO~re,1 CA::;! AI EkEI'. lit Ibl! IIbo\'tI pillce. Suml fur " circu VE~TfNnS. lar. 3~ 4" FINE SHIRTS. U~DER f'HlItTS. VRA ., ".ltt'!. a:r Wm. F . Rilchi~, Ihe !rua· Nt:.CKTIKS, bAnd of Mra . M01l'"tt, 11I'~ g"n., II) bU:'PENDERS, Me.xieo, Mr~, Ril ... hie i'~ now in Lon ' l SOCKS . don •• rilin,r,: II!ttn8 to tbtl Pbilllddl'ltill GL 0 rES. . .. COMPltTITION
--- ...------
4l .Jtl'=:.'. S 1'. () 'IT E~ S GAITERS AND SHOES 1O!(jl~?~ II ~ . _
durinl{ ,he preaeot court. Coollerl i8 now lelling a term ill Lite penill!Ql"'Y for perjury. Hu Iwore pOI lively a~"in •• It oi.i,,,o of Cincionati 81 tbe mludtlrcr b Will diac",ered 'Ih", Ibue wa. aot a fN'rticle of 'ruUi ill bil evi , denee. Ind (ba, he wiilfully aDd mlllic iOllely li"d upou oath. McNo!al ill I¥>W io jail in tllis 0011011-&"".
'G E N rI' S "
110LA~E~. ::;PIL:ES.
.he impvrtant duc~- .
0 I
Hoop Sliirts,
P. S·.- II yuu ftl' "",,,k or in Ib o h. hit 01 Ill'hiul' dl·ullk . u r I'Hn .. ,,1 "" t"tV" )'o u ... d 1' UI lJer" fl' •••' l\entluma ", 2;l·8m..
. -
~ Jo. Sllkor',
An4 FOft, OthE~ Articles I
- -- - - - - - - --- -
hop. I., Sp""" .." 'PP"""" Taa U. R. S.• weJl."Ueoded W... therwi .. pellple predict Iliat '0 . Qb)I~d.' ••ecrill,• • djourn·· hue beeo Ihe I,u', 'Ipell' of int~n 8' to melli' a' lCHDe futare tiDie • • ht'n, cold for th" p" .. iDg lealOIl. W" hope 'be cOllree of eY. .LI. Ibe EKe<:1I1jYe 10. truly. ......--·"11 mi,IChl tiod bu.ioeu luf --I10 J'II81ifl .. Tn. RooSA w·II be re o Ibe. ia . eomillDl to·• • memb"re,I tbllt tbe r~conll oftbe co urt O/,st • • po .~n mort . I Iu, ' coltn'y were recenl Iy par t Iy Ite,-
,uod lupply of
-S tiCH .l5-
STI\y . t\WA\, ! ~
-"-AT THE.....
t~l. of tbe atlDo'pherelpeoL ila rorr:e. aDd .g ... Saturday waa ballOy enough 10 bid , U'
au "'~1l1 Liquorit:. nud! Chewill!;' lo lIlII.
If )010 W. I E..ellce l'epP'eI'I" inl. or C .,lIIo",o n,
Groceries , ShaWls,
ill hie Ulual
during thEo winter. Everybody "lid 1 , ., . eve'.l',lain", wat in A stKte of feeUrg liIRST-CLASS
If }'OU "anI Puper Ill' t: nvcl0l' e., 1\ yo .. ,,"lOt Mu ot. r,I, Ii 'au or huy II .. I tO. or [,;ggl.
would nOl hRve been unheoom · IOID~d~opre"F"lll~1 k" f)le~11 'whlcb io ... NortbPole; ' butrorlunllttll. te.1 IIIg oil "hor. oomlDlI ' D 'd . 1 1 I . 'd' F b ... b' If I' . 00 rl ay n'g It L HI UlrelDe rtgl Ity •
Physicians' PrescriptioDs C"\I.ro.ful/y llnd Promptly Fith.d. ~.
A C K E 1.1 E' L
TuN_Sou 8-A'''ilI be 7l,~\)ttli6mlttn9. b1.hlerri., .I"where ia Ibi. paper.tLe I old W.y .....ilte fAVorite Y.,rchAnL· I= ' :;=== ' ====O =D = =S= O =X =' =,' Taylor. T. T.· DodIOD .. h.. r""GlDed I
. /,
iiapro ... ,Ii.
'foe.i ',(.
ei+~rillers., I'IId, we bope >UPlllOrIh... it. "ill ~....aiduoa.ll iDi ' 0{ GlIr.
" 1
. 300 38 16 @llIO 1 3,)
1 10
On .he!)I " do)' of F cimillry. , A". D. IS.. 66 flalil JII s l ir l' l,.u ..d III ordel ol."ltch. - .
'"~lIl if) Ihe .• Iouye .cl ion rll'
,h •• um or
MERk.T:r &. PRIN IZ. ~-----:- .
: IJO.lon. o r. ~U"ON I\ R011U.R~" New.iork ,
$90"pd forMO~'I·III~.'\jl,.", ,,. \v""I . I Jackson's
JCHN L_ KCONCK. Ic!....,I c.... '. II t"",'yFeb.D. ,.11.". U, ISH, • Iw l i.'Idllt&:. C i t~
Pectoral SYIUp.
O. T . U ARF.V, I This beel 01 .11
' lly
DruoO'-~tor". ~ ~
- ----- - -- F l{Uf!'..J l\'l~S '-,
01 D j!rl'rlt '
III""~' !dlldl'Rotlln I~rl' qu,n. t h •
~RRI';'r & P'RINTZ. \ , ,_~_ __ .oCo~e'.e, Pea Co.ee,
IIlie',.lur Be e
II, '
Dtlndelioll Coif"". &y& C..te", prim. ai. • II Ell ( C iii , ~.ll
COlli" S,yr"f,' !o, 1111. : C,elf4e.D MERR.ITT & , '~TZ.
.~li.iR.ITT ."P&INTZ.
\\'!) I.
;,,"1,... .II,h i
"ilh 1helr lIe lllhbo u III lu rm l ng ub!!CClIl" lor TI.., '111111 \\ . ekl~ .J 43 l BllOADWAY J f;lI,Udtl JL 1\111 111 UIIiI way be .lIllplle" " 5 r ). RON If!. })oubl, I" \l1t>fll H rhe 10 "'POI price rur WblC:llIllrh \ ~£W xoltK, 1868. II p"IIPr elll b prol""" AG t. 'T. FO~ THF. l"LP.HRA r nM 'j SRM ' DIIG:T ' NEW: PA.l' T PHT . . BGRG 110 P'J1ILADILPlilA O llr m(l~1 mom;;=' er dllOu. 8Irug!!le 10.1 II.)! rpslIII"d III I/I e IrlUI/,pll I/r .'\111 CI' U. tI eub8crlber •• I (O PV 1 yell r. 00 ~I ~ 1I'h& I ,j vf 8 .6 '''I~el, qiroud & call Nal /1I1I.1~·. Ihe ,"l !!.' il l ~c.)ndil ure \ do. :l ""1'~'. du> t 011 ~.l " .r:\. • I~ . Uta,. ~lIe pll' l>6u'o 411 .. lI. ,ou_n CII'" Al P IlI. t. ur /.t, IrUIII" rru m Ille \VE:~ ' rUIl 1 Uv"rI~ro W ul S~C(,B. ll· " nlltl Sluv"rv, do I) cupl"" or u'ter. II I II I ,,' , ... 1"')1; 1101 ~r.hl lll Iflt p .. l< 1 I IIoUI , hp y ha v/" up"lIed a n A:,!, n ,}' 1'11\,., I r I l u III , ,1 11 11 D l'pol ,\hl:'r" P lI8,e ll Tilt: ·1'J\rBII~r. pru lvulld ly rl'J ul"lIIg 'n ;11I ~ I,H el!ch Cu pv. 3 00. " "1\",, III Ih. " ,"." ul " "ria IIlul It'" n:c ' I elY Yurk lur I lle enle ul 'h"lr :.~r,," 're tru lldf, \'1'-d lu llop '1', /l IlI g' Lf ' lll'! leglllOn tPCf"ln l uf ~30 (ur ten cu p l!'e . nll l " J III ' "!;II< •• I.,.I"hO",,,1 1".,.II,llIoiokall lllf; ~'lll' ul k J ry W tI,dit·s &. ~, I V ~ II'. (1'1111"1 R ... t1\\I. win"" r •~ • ull • ",III lubor to e'IId,fte une l ,. "I,u,1O ute l "lc~ I- tI"Wl1 ' , " rOIl">1 • ~ nale frull ~ of 1111 "CUh cn-iJn81l 1 ~ IC 0 In c"IIY , w,1I lJe rif lll ~I X ·f)o Il Lh ~ . II ~ u." ... 11,11.< . vu ... r) , ... " \ MI ILI I:' r Iii.' p01\""" I)' Ill tokl O>! III-or !!.",II, I.. ,, ~~ p ~ 1-4ur~ IIltd ~rrIV" II~ ul\, ~ r Jh/lnt. ry rt/ltl e n" Iben ..... \'n . ppUr'II'" 'f ~l'l'l'lpl 01 45 fo r fiHel]1I cople~ " " r Xlra I 'JIIALDbRG . J'1U)iOJ~ Ii B~WN, • Il"e ll rd) k lll,lw n 11,,«4 ""pr' I~": U Ill Iu lu I u > ' . • I be- c olnlll • II ~rlllige Qf 1111' w ll llic Amer" rl'PY will loe SI'III IItiP year . For $100. L AI OUTT-ellA LIi, Tm:VDIJIl& Kl ' l' LT, ' II'~ IIllo!t!:::; I l o!lI Ill! :hey ~I" 'W ~qr ulIIl ; n ) ' . It'Rr.~ - 1",t, V"~ P r l loll r l! ~I 2 . Ican P eople nu w un d tve rnao re we 1\111. lid Ilml},IOur C'0plell , and \lll ll "lol li EI' ll I' fill , 1IA:': MAI;lIt'l'UK. 1\ 1 II " U" ~ II I, .r u \n ':'0 I, ~ r .. I" E","I''' 0) 0 A M I' II ~III" 1I111r1lll l p ,,1 I! utlOlli' I M .1 \lA ~ K "Il lf. " "' ) l'b Vt' U... I \! r ll l\ lI~d '111'1 IJ IIIV ) !,""C II -" r,, " - "' , AII""'\- , j< III 71 <) A l\1 • ' I'yV lilcuun Ie 118 I1CIIl".. -nl1 111l1n.nl .. eX lI llR ' COllY D01 JY ' I' r 1\'Ull e, li n.,,. \\1( MA' oN. III ~;) 1'0) 11 live r or II l1'e,lI "o! IIIn, CIIOII 01 pDllI o r 1», lLY TflI8 U~E, Ht.:I<MAN A WOLLE II A UI'''. I III •• ,r ,, "il .CII III k ~ 1I1(1! . h"It: tb" IItlIU'" P'II 8:!S A M , 1 " . I'e '. I\ IIP 103.2 A M pr~QI"'n ~n Ih l! npitultlllr8 of t he 1011 $10 pt!r nnllllm. cll@"lnDtl vnn l,p' .,," "I 110,' " 011 1, loti ..) ~Iyl~.s. A,,, II pr~l>- L," I H \1 I' l :l 1::/ I' l\I .1 l,"r! hllq;t I I , II" rLl i l r IJ' III . 4' m t! rlcall .(n ~tlit w~ tll I nil til e ur Uf'&l P OlS .. 'ffi At Ile t C ,.. I ' u~. N en ~IF, I II ...,. S Drll fr8 o n New - Y o rk ,ut P I/ _J-U I e fJr' luI 1. 111 " \ " I ,) ,~ CIII , Ocl" b.r, OJ 1I11n16'Y I "~V " 'III,U r"'" "' l lillll llot'~ ,,"111 1 OII !J 1\1 11 .. '"I1 U.. t fl 0 .-. ... ' t ' \l Ie' r tls iur al1uII of I he un tl ~e rll In I~d I.) .ler. p . y a ble II! 'li e urd. r i, l Ihe I nlJIIIlP ' II". ' ." r~ ""."1,,,) Ihw ' u .~lU l ~ IIv -111111" lIuli J ~ wel~) ur 'V U I C I>t'~, y " k ~ , II I , t II II " , • I IU 3 " P M . PI , II
0 T"OlJ rJ'
, ,,,1
on-retentjoD or O~~Q_", Vrlne. lrrltatipU. i"~I_ .L> .... or UloHatlon of _e Bla•••• r V"dn' e.... Diseases ' ~"''''I'''' 'D~.""
~ ~I"!'
"' _
t'!-te Gla~d , Stone in t)&, -.1&111", n. ~,. ....l,aV'P' U' ltrukdlllt
Deposit and all dlleau. of , . bl&dd,etac, :'kidneYI."• a1l:' .. ~ .,. ~.. ,
th eH lu rn, e r po w!'! Ht"d ;;, rt~:11C e ,"' ~~;~ bP ' " ~ >b rt r , are p -e le rob le Iu OilY olh~r ' loU I ' "111' 11.j,,"l III () 15 I' M , II lId Nt'", ): u rk , lIELl\~nor"J..,I, Ulll o n . Oil Ihe bUll 0 A '.118 u r 1 UIVO" v i lp.nIl1t511c:e A ,I " r ~. ~ · I I anle 1 (j OLD of I/' e Ft Ill n "'1" 1".1 .. 11,1",, 10 \17 P lU . Af':tL'lrtJ t h l'H Pt llflle I I Tli L TIU N E. I }t ur 11. , bt$t i ' l/no Fill Ie on EZ{II{Mwn I A ll tire uarr I' k C, ~C1~ N 'I I BxJ>n u;s- L ·" v, d l:' ll h!b»rg It w, /I lab o r I n hope 1(l ,P r o \le I la t I Ie Tribune [J lloIJ,n::8, N e\l· 'i " It. A' , " I ' .. It I 1IC'I/ , (J ' /II UI, JI ) I " M .' " , III " " ' u eu I ly ull .Iu ~fJ1ft 11""" "' ~'Iillillon 411 ,Fre e lur Rlu e. L R ~ur mll s l _ _ _ _ __ , G ll r , 1I.lu,uU. w d l " '", ' I \ H tli c 'nl "I ~ ,, 0 <I , I I "" I !II U u rrl :tIl .uA4,1\A1rI1j, lI e .. lllb ly lIud u'" v~r"bIl Y c o n duc e '41 lite I «'EO. A. P.lU~ (; '" ,'it utl'vu"IIIt(t! 01 II cu " , l lI lI l Sur, ,'''''1 ," 01 ""'" {\ ll u,," t 1 110 ; ' 0 • 1~ 1 \ t II c r e .. " u r I ndu ' l(y T lot ill . P ro " ,lI'ro l y n on , 0 , Mdudt lflLll Al/tumallC d; S dloul O,!/tJnd " .. " UIIJ r J: ~It,U'ulo tl "Iyl '1 ., Illll \ .. rl1 ~ I B I b P N •• ar ~lwl ll" .. t ' 11111. el illu ll u~ .~ , : . .n o\V " .III,, " ... II. ulrh eH lI u l lo ,WIII, ,"1Io e B. 4:H, T N'lH..o.NY & CO, J. r ,\11 ""I' UlIl cIlU " " nn n'etllu rflY ' "'" 1 ""h\\Io"l;w~""d ll ke~pour k I 3UA ~I. L II b 1'1' 11 :0 , ~~ II \ n ex l I ~ n ve"r&,lIIuil l I OVk b ur I(eUlAz, d L" I I WIIUL E@A ' ~ A1Ul RETAIL 1\11111"" " "" I 8"d Im!"tl len 0 ~ 1Cld AII ~ II<1 ,"p ~ l l ld I i1111 1J,. TRio 111- "D \ ~H I ", . 1\ urg11'n1 If .. ,/ 'rf he r 1011" p' e r",elo n"e lp II lltliCllce e U lIule I Of ," of PI t l ' M Ie tallJ u. \ ,v l,,,o. lj " lI ur ' V lui ~ It ll ve uU" I'I~d 110" plUl of ~Il lc. lI ulV A I. bWJlp11l1!' oi I'('ur y n ~ . u b - , 1Iilot fllllll 111", J:h~I~P.\I Z' f Mu n \ ..uanIlJIIClu,ers () 10 ofJ rup lie a , »lll lll\". Aucun.l .."" • ,,,,1\ • Il lU lll r' u' • "",..,,,,\! ft 11111 .... rll1 · "ri ce, A It Ul'b tal. arr , v,nll , t Qrrl,; ' I!' , , it 1\110110 or I Ie , ,\8lu n of Oom\ ,wi., ~l l Utlll.o, D.a. Il\lo!jot\l"r MI&'!e~' 1,,"lro ',e R \v11I~lIvhr"uly b tl $~ 0 ' II I 1:J2b A II, \llld P hil L":I~ b'Ii . II' 7.1° 1 . • .. ~ ' " 1:' J I no \ll Ill ' un ""Id 0 •• 1111111 Ill!' \ \lll ' 118 \11 ~l m o n Sehoul Educatlun . M~nuflltIUre 8. ll e 601 BROADWAY.)I. r. Dr" ....pll " trumeull. fur "8.uh" ~lI~h ' fill I ~ " u m,,\I cr 10",+ ' U~ I Iy II Il," ) A il"- L P (I \ Armn!l from. .l!Jxce 'I' pr Mllcrtlico., y U ~AI"1 AilS. &.c. air, throu ::!tuul In nud , p"n 10 c ur OlMIIi ~Clslnf8' o ( P ~o- PUUL1SIlh:H;:, OJ. :sHEET MUSIC hEl, Tlh' l\( p9'III~lI 0 1 I· " "tl\l " ll ll~ Vllr N ~ \\ 1· IH LA3n~I.PHI~ E l'ttRr@s ~ II ~;v:~ plr~. T 'I ' t1 ~ ~ pO/lIUO ull r eUllnt,y. OUI e~pe~I·'Y I,'r I" "~ IItue r j,, 14 we 're~ eooq u"rt " r8 .. vi II ~ I l Y. o rlt " ' ~ "') "" Illll,IIoV , j,p ,ol~ ,,( Clr- b ll r~H I a ,f, .,~ ",I JI ' "IS " 16 h e con,II'."l e n,e1lfIl'8 e 1O'f· t hruI,~huli l l lo e ReCII ,rh' 1"lh.r l u de v o ,u 01 i r;~ '~'P lu l/uw ln !! V'Z _ ' I Ju I I ulol , 10 ' : I II: ; eLI: '1,,, 1 S~r:~~:: r;:.: ' 1,ItC II II'; H CUUI." II . rtp,~ """"I( ' lI P Vll rt c'p,,1 d"' IIII I ' ~ I\ Orr l'e.. I/ I~~ L'l,~bl' ~ f "J llo nl n ' Welk,}e .. requtrd l he aid Orlnij. , I b I II t O\ p n ' ""ud ('Ilfj w ill VIUC$ cr:lI Il 01 ilh ll , 4.Ir I It t '1'1 I fi , ~ ~ ~ ttl l' M Ahuu ll n 9 1 P 11 n lrrll'" Hu rl,l ~ 3t,/ cI I t.~m, e I ~V II , g 14.. SI~'f.O$COlJe8 ond SureO&CO/"C VIH ' '' "~ II It l 01 1>'" \ v, II,, ' "., Il v·f~.. 1 S ,/I " II " "I\ ,cl"8 • I\Jp" I ... rlt 11 II .... I 1/ ' B I • 7 N Iw Y k Vlll i lcille lit Ilre,'''Ihen In Inv IfOhte lfir t her e by bes ub"ervetlollutl l tt rllteretl l ol .'11101 (II H~ II , , \ i lv , \ 1It:: .... v ( lld C Ull I 11) ut !JO t,;t H t~ f~.,ch I/r tn ... lor ~:.! UIIU f!uci l A 'M , II tmur /4M ~ ur t - L i t b \d' J!j B e ve r) lI .dul. ll ti " arl l, y ,1.d S prU III"l l'tl l 01 II.P d" we h\l\e a n 11IIUle rue "s~l) rl 1"1 II C IHL\" l·" , ,, - Uvlrll . , 85 " ,1, 1 Ii 'C \\, 11 I' ll 11>1' hll l,t., r Ih,' p.r- 1\ 1"11 1,',, ". 10. Ill. 1' II ' h" .. I" Io IIl .... 1 7.10 1., s IPm. wbllhne o, u • lIlralll lith. It 1,"1 urge Ihe Pr " l ~c.lo lI . ofH"m l' m C III,~ lIcllltl, ,,g \<Vur::l, e " I!~ . AUle rll' "~1 <..: 1'.1o!!i1 I ~,': ',: ;u ~ ':' rt' li le I~,:' ur ,Jlt' tl! , lIl"~l".Ull l i\ M III,tl N .... \ " rk vlaPlollnd "l jllll".III'If.ro"b1d ~'" Hliotre.lmentb'li\' J IIUU . ' L¥ b)1 ql.ClII1lIiro ~1 dUI1~8 ,oJ I Fur ~ n,,,1 I U~' ~ II C' I" R ""d L~';le t u~l Bas81nl's 20 Melodic Exercises, I P" "" III II I " " " J ,I.. " 11 ,, 1 S;l l i lia, II r- I' 0 5 I' M ::;1.... I.. Il !! n r ~ r ro ll , hrou)! h tl~ ~ rul l~d to, CIlD~U1lIptlOQ - uri hJ ••1t .... tlj!IIIJro'tlll c ISIII'1I0Tt .. d. w llh' , Y e w to G ro up " l ot,tl "y , Plr . e l c ,u': Ill " ,u l" ul,\; 1 ,, 1 .. " UII/UIl U a lltl ~""' ' f( I" ' " II '''' J " " al, e ~(J rI , h , "l ll I ~ lI u lil e 11" ~ 'rU II .l ro"''''"I @ Io U' i! ' tJ H ''"lOl> rO> II II ' e n e ' I t'~,. druwlIlO IlIlli e r 'lae nau Bt c apable nlld .kll l ~ 1. lvI IIV f:;(ereu", " PP_, ' lJ~ pllb\, c ~"V II ' " " I" ::,,' \ VII.' ,~,,", .. ', LI "' ,'",lid lu orqu,,, I I rpd Ih e IlUld' r \VIII ubl ' l(e U~, wh el, 1,(' P hd 1I1~ lpllll! 1"' 1I1u N 'W }' vrk VIII A,lII!II' 1 ,,\I "" f .. • I; {ul arll~ u ' "I. 1)1 ~ Ij~o.p ; lIfltl t be /Iuturu!j. rxh , ll h'" n. Our (;010 u:l ll e WI. P. sent " pru pt' "' 0' .1I' 1l " lg. '" C .il u U. 1111 .,(1 I ;.,lI lr:. 6 Ihe ., or lll\l U, C , UI 81(1 III ;: ..,.1\,,: l " " II • I I , :.I 8!,~R L'fl's ' 1 .j 10 %lnlll> lI out'.JI~. "'()j\J mlilly-britnH,~ft of pr o- IU,.ll lly lI.J:llre .. I' ll r !<ce lpl of 8 ln~p Il,u l I II' III, -, " t II I "" ~ '~' ; " " ,I Illirll u"" u II I.. r ur It Ie u! ~JIl' IIIV" vu l'W la ll f.b h\' PA ST LI NE-Ll'ftves P,rt . burl! , ~I }O HEL1U~U '$.f' " .llIc lion IlIl h er lu 8 11 bUI c u lilili PollU ri, .. 1 PJl010GllAI'IiH !\1.nI IUS '" I'''' h uu~., I,, " " e ,d, , _ ,J~ _ ,n,l v p r er . nflll 1\ I\' I~ I '>P ~ n ~' w, I, ']ilt' IC- P 11/. sW PI'"I11 vnly tI! prlnllll"" I!I Inll01l8 O l tl\\m l d . "h ' l e H\V O UI'IK ~[P ll g l"""hlltl l \ V!!wp,p t"e fir s l to IlI l r udllr. e Ihe.1! Pll~no·ForteCal18thenlCI, I ~lll f' O"r ll lll' , . Iu 1,1 "1,,". II l1 0J iV " ', \ rrav.· .. II'J\IIIIUIl!OU'ilOIl AM , HClrq " FLUlD extCl\ tllh od ll'lllIchhove ,O: lr ead ~, IIly ul. Ifllll'la eU IIII,a~I>l I·. ,Olld w e III IIIII,!"" ". ull , I'V"ul l ll,e tll'l;",C!.U III . aUII S<8Ie ' me '" 'o l ' IhllOlllf 1V .II \ b.. ~{oII, 1 \ V" h"r~*8 1 ~ A \ III , [hlllllIlHl' t !.l a O I't' f 110 tl "1110 ' t: U8, lur e IIIHlH"".e qU II IIIII 111 ~r.l!~ 1 <-. rI~IV. \ II .... g . , 10' -I ,e. 101, ", '.I I1 i''''~ 11. .. IIm· d . u lo 1I 1\ In d rUl li PI PI V Ollt' II 10" r, II,I" N .' " Y urk t V'U A \1!' IIl u VII , 340 l' M. .' " ~ " I Nil I, It wlll ' ll,ve care lo\ all e nl lllll t o pro ' -" n gllll! I ' I,rlle Iro ll1 6U CC lil S I" $ bO I III. til' !;"" '., ,"\11., 01' IU I\ ' ' 11\ 111"' lb Idl~&;'~~ l nl l ; I' l,cI' 'II ~ \Ie life c v "bal e llt Lf "IVIII" P hll~.Ll' I JlI" h t I III P !II ,I ,... d N ew Y ur k n H'trEU: iqne DecuI'81 ,. 41 (pmulel IIU, • A I AP' I I IIt ~ d JlI Il ) Il h,"~f.HmUt:IU': U ltll' YO U II J 1 ' tit I I d I ., C 1 fi, ~ j ~" -!'tlj., h "" g-eu alld lno pr ovl!lIlC nl '" " g r ,,"'"r!' , , " c l, Ollr vllm s lU I ~ lI P. PI' '' 11I1I1I 1I " ' 'U I " I I~.pti " 'I>I C lOlIg uuu l)c rlurllillIlC,e v" i llll e' 1I 10l U- I .U I,.IIICIIIl1l . -VIU 'h ,J U,. ... p l l,l. UI Y /t ,. ·1 -. ql« U UlI, II e r 1 dOlllg '1 8 b 8 t ul o ~ ce III bron ~ lIIurkel d 10 ul bl' II'g ' " pe rt ll r 1: 1 be. III) u,"1 du r ubtl"v II.. 1',., ", I v, le. to) I, ,,,, ... II UW\\I D ~ 11 ,," 'Ih St k Com nses ..~ etl/vul>f, iJ)III/1e~1 tSlJpPfr, I 1 1l1 >i uC\'~ IS or 6lenl1oil. ' lrre~ullfl!I '" Ihe dUIl'I<1j> ,II; lllimers I ,iI lehoh Ih pIlI li lly "Ilae rll , 11' l'Y Will be "e nt by ",.150 r ' \ I e OC ,:\ , D I U I' J 11IS S 1IC1 ! (~C; lt d 5J - . ... , Io n", l u muke Ihp rn l>~ 1 of 11r" uppu rlUllili Ct I II u I fRIU ou r el l" pl u l prt ce • 1\ ,< ~·rI, . n.h ' PII I" I'I'fi1 I ~'" 1'. l>y 'ro " Rmon,,8\ ol he u or tl, e , ~~~" did :tio t,J<s . lU !I' l a Olltr IQ r ' Ii ~q 'P . \ I !'ulll iu lneas .,pr _ I) ,pr a! I ~I! II I' A"( IU l l,1 I' rll l~ \1 11111 buht!,~ 1'" -' \\, . "I , R • ' r' l ' I I E I • I IhuR ufTo rd e d lI, e m " ' :J IlUe Aibullls Moll" to Or41e r, .L1l ,,. , ro",," &' I :0 ' ,,,,Ie '"III .,l v, r lIll ,p.~ " '!! •• et II , SL £I:.P'~ P c"ns Ire u\lur Ie I" ul III It .VUC' DIIOI' .. "e,n t lin" or • Ih-IlIl UUII I vl~~- C "(I ' " ul. . I' 1 G .1' ,. r: l ' N' Y .I \I Will dOVIl19 c o n sln nt Btt An t lon , ,, ~'O D III I/I ,"d~, Ruille., ell,., urll e t '"'u "r "It' ~ Iv Il oIaJld p lJl u. { IV vr unu 01 I I U lll rtW t llcdr 1m , l\J8rke.,tb!!lI CIII I\¥lllr ' :I'~ rlellltur .. IPru ' · at. IIlh !· r~'UIiAS . (.tolllfllre 1ut.tll li IIH o, pr . ) 1 Ie ' , • '. 1111111 11I 1! 1IJe'l\ tt I;~ s l/ ' dllcl •• I' ll Ml e lll Itf 8 'tie () lit prod" " N ,Ollr Cll l o l"gue n w "lll lJ rll ~e. (,ve r I ,ve (;A!TT B V U l! "" ' ~ u~ IIH. l lltlll. III ,""• •H! 18 u l J e ll'l' II ) , Cllmprl I' g plll. II ll~lIlle o ll edleil t hr~ ull b and tfl(l Sll'r- I) , . ' 1 I"d COII" um e r rru '" lo ~'lIg VII 1IIII ,ze ll by \ 1 h' ,,, s ,,"d .tltl, nllli .ullJ'" 1*, lu II h l" h uti .\l lh J lorJ IIU Ca "" .I,,, I <no 11 1ld "ltr- If'Il'' ul III!! .!. I J I••~ ""l lIul" , r l'u !r .. ~ , (rum r.ub i t~ II I Gllilip • Ihe p"culuJ\lr RUti Ur"8l/tl/er, tI" I(l1o ', r a 1" " tI "u ""~ lo fl " l,! 1I",de . 01 " ' ~~I ~J. hUq Qu.'tl'I " ').;' lid 1' 1.. d; SI ) Ie . b; l III p," 'C IOUS SIII 1I !'11 ~ f ~ vP 'l VII ~'I C':RT~ Fu R T if F E~.T I (I~ 1I0'1I1 1Y BIl~' urllt 1118 d ecli ne ot CjI_.DIIf"'IOJ . , .r. 1 u p"r, r .. , I S" (e lII ' ltell~1 Al\le'rt(wIl ~ I c V,Z 'rull ' (. h .Ik. t; UIII <I (J'I> ' I t' " , \ ( .. I Alld, "I~1 1I1( ' Ol t cv." 'OIlrre nt J'I • "" I.. I~ K 11 • • " ",,1 . !'rICI) 35 CIS r ll ~ l} IOj(e ,b," r wl~lo.. u .rge B"du,!'llIIent 0 101', lly n u jl' or: 'R ·III). 'P ,s.! , ~ " vc r t liS eralur e ,lO Ih e IHOI' pe llllJ!,ld CO" llrll s, .h ,,"l A 1I 1I1 \' ( ~I 1\ A I'EM'' £ I1lV1N E, , I:llld u ,w ","c l eil at p e r. ~ II il ~ olfd " C~Q ..be lIurcl",.t~UI, ot 0 ,I prlll u Ip I and Ie Ih e '/le e.ul N e wil iiI II.e Buy, ' II ! 100 M,,](, r-Ge nprnls , 100 i:1 1' 1I1./}u l,' " PI., ~o ",, '¥"'O il I" ~ •• 0<1 ~I'\'II h•• r ~I o.f~ o,"1 MIt' I'V e tllIOIl~ f b(" th llll lll t 8l/1uul!~ I F lt re us Iv v hy OIl Y ud er h o.... e. t o ret .";' II~ old p\tIf ro'he e nd' attrac t· \lOu I\CI ~ -U e llcrJ111!, 15 0 u l l,er OlhcelR, "" 1 , 0)", IV 1l 'l" co 'l \VL~ II ~" .. R':Ine, 13511 ' b Clluli ful pnt1 e rn l! g" "I . · b"~ll rn B1ld s cn r d ru'u tll , '! ___'_~ r ' 1 ' IP, 7fi Nftvy om t:c r ~, •• 'I'"11" o ,d "1"",01l,.'u,H1 lo u,ullg 10 " II 'IV, .,1 ')I" ". b r"ee le ls , 275 many !lew 10 bear th .. nl cllmpllny . • II' VI,, I\e " " ( V" ' l'u,. " by" Bruilic )l ,"ij , ftlld 1111 ('"d l "~6 WIHI Il '} u l . FRE.G ....·S. 1 ~:) O!S lfll .. 8"' p n. 13U l)")lI ed , \\ ,,1, 10 1',".3!lCt'" ' • , I 'hu", ~ 1I 111~ICIII o"l( e~ , IIi'"d .lr cs8PB,(om bs . B th lflt:l.l "t~ ¥re l'hI8of.1I d r8CrtpWfl rftrl· ly e rnp \IIY lrllv e l,n l!' ngpntl ,, 0 ;;0 ~rUIllI" e ut wotnen, 12;> Au'hor~" ' \ 11 Ii u" 11111 . , •• " , 11 0« 1, h ~~e llf.rr \1 chul tn" &" 1> In . Cl'61! IIIIV ~ OIl pfilCOII. J Y I I •L I,!, b I IIOmnn) Ilbpullll r" ar~ ' ''"bl\ufllly pr.:III_ I I.l!) :-lln . l',' .' ;to "rtl ~I R. " C,,". ,II""l if ll~S'I~jll)'l ~. i\~; i!lt lliid' 8r ~ ' U I '" 1I0llt of. IIr,Jl cl ~d .. O lI o \\ cl ry , II"'I ';I,II" CI" I' "~ , " ll ti.;I0t;I K " clDln q!lif.,;( • 3 (100 C I \IV k fAr' i\I I BrdthtJ'?""'I (I. ittle Sb~ nd ll orll~ I .1 \ un c ( u auu rll lU I I HUC J' 1111 , N, w I~I! In I lle os.ulll e ll (IIP"Clly " I 8u b e' I" ' . , 0pICS Q ur B 0 , h ,\1' K~Il~r I' r1C~ 3~ _. :.. 0 , ' a nd """ I.! p({' te r ti ll\ e r ll nrf' , II e wlil ~1' 1l" Y.urk , 1I 0SI uli o r [Jo f'i 1I1111C r , 1ll HUtl Irum i . '1 'u r Jll llrll lt lH W e p, e lf' r Ih olllllr i 'llllII,I ' "1! or 'he m ('st al e - ) 'rlll p , I . h., Bnnl l.. ul I h>e.· SI\II.". b) l l." AN\; r 16 II Ullf Oll lill e - \V' e sIPru Bullw: ),.: • • a hN' 4111111 pn ) 'h e ,r lu p u r.ollft I \a t) ~,.I e d tJlIl!rnVIIlI!". , .Pul/ll'":!~. SWilleR. \I /(,II,r I'''' t 8" , rtt;'h\ 11 2 tl/veti ~ej IJf Cl S)u 8. IIr [fm r i ll(l (i'l(ld d , oct ., I" , kll"" "lief u l IVhu"" 1Ill' g- rll y tilt>, IIC I'I 11 8 I PI( L"lnlc>gu ~8 0 .. ,,1 on fe, ei pl vI diu,"" Oh, .~.rl'e 011 b " 'wI( lo r Ill)' Fltl\l't,' SOIl!!; 1 I)I . h, b~ fl u ll l llily ch"~cu UII" "lUll d ::l1l'U:""~ '(rc ,"l1 t ron '81so oe (~~ ' 'U r .U rt·d Any Ir le llllwlw bc luJ\' IlH /0(' will ,\" /J n/,r (ur Or 'o J) uzt' n .P,c lllr". IrOll1 . "d C llI"uo "" ' "ll g ,,1 \\ ,,0,1 I\hll"l1 , I., ~u lII t J • r I I' . ' I~ ~ t'\'~ • '"." I)y t 11 , ,") 1'," , a ~ CollI . 1 E ' k' \ 1'$ ~1RE IJ' ,1:\-TR J) 1\ o nit· t" n il ) n c c c'~1 ,1 (' 1' " 1111 0 I Ie rlv· do glioll ~v Ilicreallll" 1I'Il c,r e n llll,," o i l "'" r'nl ll lllfl ll{' \I III bl! M! ul 11 11 IlCCIPI 01 I A II 101 II h 11 11 I 'I ~ -' "'I,oltu I ~ V4'. - • ' .1 I k I II \In t k I " 8 I~ I II ( I II "'I e r k J)l ~ n.-:. I'~ g 1. (' te i3 Uy IJ \lit 0 10 ·y t8 I ~ AI 'I l ' at 'I' IIIIIVNI I" QI.II,., uClZ· I,I '" 8'10 ( , I '"" ' ~ I l 0 nlll dr ill ly m il d • t'REE Pro r o 30,.lIi. ,~ '" \ I ~ ~ 1rI e, er) IJR rt ul Ih e U illt e " S II.r f>8 111111 'I }' 1.' I (..... ell. I rue t.. Of SI I1J1P~ llg .. D 1- Wt\1 •r ll <., I I I u r ~ rtnJ,: ' l TC Q81Vtl !111t1H r.IP'IO " S "1''' ," Pil "'I"Pw r 'It .. "".rn"h e~a ~I UI"l'r~ oro Prl ll g G 'C 10 1111 Ih ose 1\10\l IlI'III Il IlU, " • • '1 1, 1 1 l1H' 1''''\III C''b \lIIU tu U\l l!.Il I·" very ',b ~ r " A ' I ' IJ I] II D I e ll ij r e 0 I I I, e -0 I' I 1 , 0:' I I ' '.' \ \ I rC"IIU II'. ·11" y. 10 I!r II' rf'~ I I I ~ r 01 Ie l l' ltI I , WI, P epae rCllI " .._ _ pe r. '" ~' I "'''' O' , or " I'I~ It " Ult l WI II b ~ III Ulll pl Iv Re lll Wl!,uu l CI ,or~(I Iv .II" Il' I 0 , .nC!r~ J.. . 1I "l u ~ ~IlIC lll rl wall II" Il tT~ l ! aI 011,1 " " "P I 'I A ' Ir' I I , l ,~ h -", .. I I ' " I J l' .. ,k u,.~ till! l! ~"'~ I 'I" ~u t I" .., r O! " fIllig III I' ,"~ lIu we .flI8l mot ~ 1 e ll l III r I ~ IlIWlUllt II ' I I~ lf IIr ~ r ., ' " DaJ (" "I. I • So. ' < .• ,~ 1,IICIIII' '' 1 • CH c "l . r u l lrrll'.~ ... "' p., , ,, I S" 111\\ U IF J '" A ,,,,111111 'PI I d' ' III -" h n l\iJ Is or .:L I '-'II ' Il i "I '" r......... 'r .1 I I if y ~!<tI:" ~ ,. ' u . I o. \\ " 'r u, • T . .. • "'''lgo' ... lI r . , ,'·1, I!enl. " a II , . \' I .. " f r ... ...... e'.'w I ~ m v, II 8 " e ,r II k'I! I v-I h e p ro \ ~~ '"u quo Ity" v ur /!OlJ • I 'y J n il" I 'Pll C~ 40 c ,"I ~ \, ,",1 J 'iV~ " i t Fe r rlo u y' g , I' I' 5 1 l' • ,. • " ' ' ' f> pllt .e, "C or Ull Cuu i e ~ II lJh " • I I t' , ~ \ '-, I,r., QhIPr, I." " , ,"(' IIl.. ~lJrR'. , , !) 1 ' b Ilr,uuu8 c qlllllllluliCCH IO JUlll11llll U 1111] t llllll UI" II III B. I,s ly M llrlt ,," .I. H"" 'l!"II.,~"" I'.IL .U)Jl\Jo'Il \l' ~ I OIli, ()rJ" ~ " Io"'~ IIa~,cII,,locllu ' I"l e,1 "I I ' • • '1 ' ltl. n, expl ~ J culnpl ply e 1 I ~ ., , ---- - I r. ,:)' ~ ... I \.i 11 t \ L\l. C t ' Iliol t' r , ,, "t1' ll lS .~ Ill d Uur" • 1I1l1lt'1r C II, ' ~ . , • all, 111 1. I' i N OJ r "1 B,nk U rnl , til " u ~ \lril!! l. , I\J,It (·" 1-1 J " Urh'w lI &. c n "t1~t!'& ' I lie O · R ,t - ,, "d dftIlWrUO:J' e !'lIedl."
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I ' whfI! hi IV III be 1:\11\1 & O'll . ~Ioor ll' ''''. l!). . J lIai l u , ue rij I" u u~ o-ge llll', I p"l;bu :lui Mt.reory, ~ ' urlng ' Ibo. .• . . Itl ll d", . el ll,v \\ Ii &. f 11 L UII);-I, V (I"II I l!oll~.o d d \t o w II TilE TI~I E TO S UnSCllln E I l o"d. ~I" . 60 Co li " • i\lt.s~Jl". JAQU El' . Sl·ERl.ING &. (; • C lu, k.I .1t!, c'" '-III C'" '' <l;1Ii1lUl'l 'MII Jl ujle,t\Q. 1•• 111. ., 7'/, i\' . l-O;'.¥ w .... W~_Kli. 'i'1'Ii> lie ' • ~''' . \\ \' ' n ullv" ~1o ) ,Glll ol'. b) A.R e m ' 11:ll:l' BlIlodwuS. o:.W Y urtl ~ , U4 .. .1 .. ,U· Le ~ , qJ-,-;:-~"""' :I U flt!JIL lOlled Mid JI' llhu nt Lt{cl pry d; , 1<11' I'ro( e 5U " " 1& n~ ILJ '0 i' ...; . 18 p r '""'ll U ll n lor!:!.' t! Ull bl< lO ed ,"tll lu:;el, .fum,[y J OWI/(li \1 ,1" • .\1 ~ml S<II 13", t e . t. olIQI',. t,.l!, I'uu l ~ .. III " ~~ ,I Fl1 ~ t -FI~ 9.1,[, IR R 1Huk lu lle t ghl pog t:Bo f tl tX C'1) hllnn A ne h ~ lt!II I IIt t") 1 1I 1 11tt! f:lHh a U ",; c ll h ,. \,1 1 !' • . ,1 .. \ J Ii I " I I b!l I ~, 11tlll,, " ~ 1 .w l.,lIIe ... iJ YI" A I~h er o I '·UlblldT~Ht'''(,'It ... , I C I~'lu'n8 ~ l, e II " ,, ': r. "" I lI urlll" EDtT I.:ll BY N ,n. \lIUI I ,1'" 1" " l~O ,." ," • 'W" ltl~ run l lo ro "h b llt",!'e llh e EB51e'rn F~Um "lIblttih ~ d 111 Jiit. n A II.~ I H I U I) ~1 t XI " 1" 1 \\ ,,1 01 11, l ",or.lI\ bV 1'001 SI. lllb8!;"U" Pm. < ""Ii tll1l811 0 1 ", e rely Iv( ul l" lpr~ b t, "I ." Lilli (1l6PIlLI~' ~.Jl IN 1846 ,) ' IOo' " " IP . 0 'I ;. eS I awuR - I II li t! WC .'!! ( II C ! \ J,!~,,' lrrfl fl/ ~IJ "VP. Il l , c hllll ; • .' Ul 1I11t! Idplll h6· ..ht' '' ~t' It vlel~ 1! ,'H8 nO~lI: JO U RN~L, 01l1h81111r!! 1I1l1'{; I,~ .I!) Dre . '~'8 ~." ,I."ro ltll (o ..t l'" D' RIc 'I g., ~ 1!1Il1 g C T h e Ullilln LIII R 18 rh e of Ih e Ifl u'§t 111I\!, li's 11.g t llllllnp ll rlll I I'e w I of J I'l\u~ry. ~1)II,!n(lIICtl\l .; 1" . " 0 lu':" b) <": 1", 01 .. I ' odd I' Ie pll c 1116 l& , lngS) . , ' 1 ,- . UIIII,or.Z t·t! Fil S!' !-'r"'llht ' L ill e , l ohil 'is /, 1 ",,,I Sp" ,Ii'lo\r,," 1'1 ,1 )0' lI u'" ~ "II ,,, ". ' , • vtJ rk.t1 It II nj) l it!' ~o ll led over ",lIcl~ I L tl c.r~ In Jl;.uur Inr!;!tl ;oC'urp. -'~ W V./ume wllh .Au'actd n. 01'''' I UrI,", rr~"~/lh,n l .I' II," I'~II , "". "orth OVl r On e ~lll11 .. n Dollfil s ! All ' I j t1' • lher eXI~1101: III U l ok , o corttl'lloOlllle Il l! the I ft l e~ 1 11 0\\8 rJ tlel " ('jll' oI ", I ,,"I ' ' P.I C, 4()., ( tu b e S uld 1,,( ~ l t:!lch, \\ Illwllt H- I IIIII ' r : " Pr.~" I r"n~u(,rI , 1111 " r ,'1 u~I'r 'lC~ e~' I . ' l. nlf • , ve lllJ ,),,,1. 'ruph fr' "11 \<VUSIIlIl~IUIl UIlO A","" I,( rh.e lu nl"' t!. Ilir II, ,, ell """!! Vl'llJ ) C"'I' ''' '' l. I" (;111 1111 ,, - 1, 'I"" Il PI" O pel3, gnlt! 10 \111 li e : 1\lut 10 tt,, ' l ' u lcl for Wloll'h !'cure III 110, !'rulw rrl t'I'lrllA r ~ oI,o whnl ewer IUI' I r allia I'II;'~, ~ om'I" ,II ul (I c r PII~~ Ilf lil t) coulOir') , \I S UllllU ury ,I r e II Ne IV ~, u ,v", hy LAM A Hll·I R. U ~ e lV ," " ~", I.. I I,to ol." ~ " ,d, I I'll ' e 6u " lilt!, II " til, ~ ul1 "'1I11\\' \\ hill} oli III e III le- II. C'.nrllo> i I he b~8 1 I H, rllll " . IlIr (I" SI 'U uJ u l lIuw long iitnlldln~. I ,. pIe •• ill II I t lJtI • • II ,"' c'-~ "' II 'gllII\O' III",u.b)J tI~ oflllllolp0r\';; "IIIIIt'lIlge Ul lJ III II,,~ clly l !:!" "c. III 'Mu lr lllloll llll Ill le lt''1 l1P P, bv ~1:llJ. • • • '1 1J1I" U ""U'llVl'III~ III, thnllhu .R()Utjd IIv,r , t Ul I'l llddlJdot j 1IllMt'i1io1e II I ie\lO~, " S ; l U' ft/'i • I UAilRY (,II EYI Ong lfllll!:! .IlY • • !:!'I"r\I- Ja"e".k " .I 'r" " 60 ' . 11 " 5li~,E/'IiUID 1.IS r ofo' AH11 C LES. w lou h II P II •• e. pus- e. . ' I' \it all IUW!,1 re , y I r '. It eeII R F A,!; ,I or JJre'"1l lIullllll U) M Kull . r lind m re eU'oll/r 1k!IIIUt ,11.n .,,' UI dl ft Ii'ltt Cunjtr eu nu f! S ule III. IHI"re III' ~ ~k~lch ~e . rII'l URltlll' P- , II ri' lI''' 15 " • .~U ., hl) ~J.. , UIt " ~ ~ l ~ 76 1u"'1ll0D fJ::r W""r. IIIII P IS /!1"" " 'I' PI'a, Il lor'" " I ·. ,rr e_ oolll" '"I . ::In'I.I·, U'II'''' '''1), •• "W i"~~ , ' ~t/ " aO .~II t J.,, "ure "I F', v ~ , elll~ p .. r 1U0 ~ ill Il/ .. " rep I WHO IU ,.sCti8 1U 1"" II I,p~llrcl.wI' f~yw8 r ~ crl':l 1" Hl'u ~ I. .. " . r B R. :'v ...... luth.ll o n. b HlluJ u~ l' G 11 1t,tt· O Iu fr :'v u tW~ ~ Jl ("l~.l~ I I,~ l 110aup llu 60 , , / . rulloh tiii 01 BarJr>or I ron. 11, .J weu by p\l e rl Hle .th e r;' Ex, IU il IV j, R PIHtrr S 1 [. " . llI UII, ,,, ,, I ure llJ " (" ' ~· 'PI lJuk , . I,; ,. 35 ' 1' 1' , r \"tJ III,,, l\ uu I II" ... II 'X". 32 " '~ i b 'OJ l!"U II'" ~J lu, tI ~l""Il .. n ~ . lu r Il v"ry oay bll) Ullt! • hu~e ~ u I'rlnl: f,om Brukell..,o"• • or Ih e )'r.. c .... "",,," 01 IIH' 1'"rm e rs' C lub I' II'~ . An Crl r" '.11" E 'Ir l} Ex,r)1I 'R lro," II "''''ph,, 1 ~I.l<~'. b\v RII "8rd 1I 0Irma~. 1 ~OU ,,\I,ll , 01" 1'"1,,,,, BOlli. ~u , ,,0 I" .uo '\il' IltO l' • pl'! ih .. t.l n e l ' cll t8 cUlletltutiab o'cuitl tM , ........ .. U l l ' d \~ I k (I I ~ I I AI.,r"" l' I~ \I UI I " I , ,~IUI , I ;i lic," "\\ ' L" I , I P ' ... _.'-:'-i ur Ih e Aw e rll UI1 11l811tllle 'l'jl lk s ub " ul 111" " I. n e • or s , , IU I. ", ,-, ,, '''" " I P I I I ,.' J I. 2JU l •• 1 II II! ,[,loll .I q lh 2JU .. ' r Itlrl,"r 111 nr m fl t ·, n, nt 011'"'., , ., I, r ,',I - J_I • . I' I I F l " I F' " 11I 1'll" !> .. , 0 \1 ~ H O" IUI " " J> I> £ IIZ I ( I 1\ I '" Fruit uno o lh tlr I)nrll cullur ,U Ulld AU'rl 1" 11m 1Jl ll! , ,.. 1, I tl l e ' l 'Jllu ot I('r , r £t ll!lI IIU It l"'. lc t: 3~ (.:\! II~ i ... O I II i l " 11 111 1 I 1111 It!!; _t1U fu lllh\ ilia! Ag"' lJf8 ut lilt' -Uulln'a L .Ov.:-t i ' " , • P J I el .11 \I II IHcr II, lit" I, ~ G J I ) 5 I> (. 1- 11 , "" ... I.. , IV oI C' .. , JJ " ] IIU The reader, lIlU8tdie ""N ._ ......... l:ulturpl Juforrnnflon f' ,.e nHnl to CtH llllry e fjl l lt;lIb. c; II.' • II , 'ml v' f'ligivrlt,. t: U I.. ' '' hlZ-,o,t!U n" :.>tl \}I II I , ~ il l"' , \\ H Lll t::I .. l l ... U H \V DUJ\\II .!l7 W e t" IBd l!t .. C"IUtrlliftli. rf ,ltl""18 , SIIIrI. , FIIIIlII C,"I, Dry Gu"oI s IUtnnkp-.n ": ~tn'rl ' \f4I A"d p.II Prl",,,,,) !! h) \111 .1 ,11'1'" 111 ,3, .,,1. I " VII " " UI' (,I .. ,. ' J ' luu S III'h 'l\ll" r ~:mN H"I' 81 Culunlblld.llrllllllhlrtl'1~e ,.e.,(ackol anll Gellerul M " r\(6 L 'Repuct. " " k"'if II, 1l ~IV. Pl1 IlI'T, Ill£, HOME JO V Ill\:AI, \ Llb fl rlll nl.cOIf.t 0' "'' 10 1!o. T, ud, ' I O~ ,' I .Ii, . , " I 1" 11,,1 " ' e 'It" I~ 10" 1 IJ ~ 111' F G'''I 11l1""'UI"~II .. 1111l. iJIS(loae. ,1I )1,, 'U(8 , lu affect hll bo4ll, a u ~" I,u lr 11 .. ,,,1'<1 l ~ I, au E P I~ I ·..... 1-1 'I d Ilcl! !tll • •' m, nlll ~iP" . ',-, I" Ppl' II""". h ulh lur vllrlihu \llld elimll/I"lI e.s ull o will • ttl I telal'l J lI <replltlltllIl '\'l\ die lu- CI , " " ' ,10.1 , 1 11 ' ". I'r ' .. • .. " Allil SC l lJv l. 1 , ' \ I II I 'I 0. \I u II "t1t11 U) Wil d PO' IIJU ld U II ret;t! lll l u l 01 :"" I j 1) .1 ~I It I 1, 50 r~f' h I r A u '''p, " , . '"'I' "r ' T'I' gelh.' r lloll ," o ll vulllllUIf' "\ ' .'re ~ lIl1 g Ulld \ v orile I, ,P w "s· Ie 1' r,. pr ~.. , I I\ ~ < II 1 / . ~ ' H" ' IU \V \\I 1.:1 ul ('I • III k N • 'J' F e y I ' r 113' lire '''If,k .. t1 1'"1 e , ~, O I~" '"" 401 1"'''"''1; 0 I. I ,") 1 '" II e r, , JI""':", ct. 110., 01 hit p~'eCII,. Our Uttl II1 t1 rUCl\ve W. e Iy ~ wepllJler plIlJhelled EI ~I.- ur 011 ~ Oll\. Oll~ u, , \\ M, HALl. '" I!IOl'{~ ~~o · ,I I,PlIl ~tl. lll u. b U, I. , &.; du I" , 0 'I'1ot! Pcnll .) IV II IIIH R ,tllrlJDd Co Will I b " " IA the w urlll 10 ' \l1r ~ " 1_"pI U . $760 1 ":; Ollt' cupy Ilor~e 2,301 643 11' 0 ,111' "1 . :I..IY-Yurk. J U Il' '" J1I1 I I " Io' 5V IU Ill. n ul " ~~i:III1 P OIlV " ~II lor Bll!:l! ll l1 e ex c ~ pl' .ro 8upporLed frull~ ' tie ~9Iurcea • .;) 'I'h e FilII Reporls of th e Amt'r,clln 11I - I ) e IlI H, $7 ,::'\}. ulwlIY" III II vUlice _ ___ _ ill 0 II " , i\I '"I111 - 11 11 . ",1 "'V 50 , Ior \V.", ron g Aprllr .. l, "lid 111"~1 ;h~lr .II'lIle F.llner·e Club. uutl 11,8 VBroUIIHI fJ;:T S uh s cropllon8.oroJ e rtl , rl'llllltnnce.. :11\ 0 ". ,,101 O\~ck ," ,1 \ , I l ", ,,.. !~ lu a , ' 1lUll otl lllqy 10 OliO! h (IIIJre d dull"re 111 \'ui. D8~ i' ftlll '. ' I. d 0 (, I , h i " " II B"", I ~ I . 5 _u 10 1 " w A Illrolcu II IIIDbIR e p'lrI ~, III bene II "umul. ~ r. ol e 1':111 I n IId ul I,elr cll~mblll'IIII" CU l lUll ". utl • Ir ) LII ' '' Iutr~ 1\ rdlalol 'O W""> .0·• fe&lo r. I .lll .' \I ,IU L. ILl C lo" .. 1 brill , 101, 6 ", 12 li t! A II B "ggll~ e t'Xi't>i'UlIIg Ihul "mUII !lt lICIY'WOIl u >e n,r •• u ecr,lplItrD. l " rA8se '01.8 II 1,,,l'eI, '_ ) U u 0 JV \lv 1" ""dltll,,'< IJII'h' [,;ll ntnA ~,,20 '" Vlliup. \\111 lI"nllll"r P. kul Ih"uw he r ) '>t, , E R 1\18 - I P WIJ.LIS&t\lORHISPHILLlI'S IJ Dr' Harvey's Female Pilla 1 " "'U~ III " " & \t .\(, I. ",., U" .. , h c. I ' U IV ulll ed8 '.ke llby6 ~ 1,,·c'" I, .. nlr.CI. \'VIl!J) AAP oo.eerl!lo!'holriJff4l lenll• Mn'~'8 I1b fir.roher~. 11 0 11\ 1 VP6r 82 00 97 It'ullull Slree l, N e w ¥IJrk t tl ", '. I " " t lu ' tll ll"c tlu 1'0 1\" 1 E H WILLIA~IS ., :J 1 I , 0 I I r I 1 ,[ \I ; OlOt: , d 0 1,, 1/111 ' 1,,", 11010. I lu 10 ' ' HErM80LDS "'LUI~)&xI'RAOTBU" r I., '"I! rl "'<1yo , 'e n "',? ' ~ (~ l\1taol dllb.c r.lo"r t , ciUlla fiv(\ , 90D - ~OU I ~ -d _ l III 10 nell'l SI'IlI'rllI ~ 11" " hl. A I'll. ~ A; lOcople8oJd rf.'!8e dIU8Ub8c rl~ e r8. 17 60 0 1'""'111 "' 1111111'1"1., 1" "'" II hil I C\lI~i~ lh e\ l '~UUU : a" :" ,~',II 'II',' ,:t' :'l =:'II '~~: .' a I , H U I')N RY" W GWINNER CHl:J 14 cunlJlolieil 01 Bu:chu.Cube ....d 11' U 3 .,\ ~ I , l .. t' 11: ) h' 4: .. tJ~UIll SUl t , II '" \'0'1 11 ..:801 ,.G • , :OIl ' ' 4 v U ,1 ",III ,e lll " ",)"'. I lll l llr' I.I 't1 'lficlI"u" _I &VOlill'QI,onl "!," UII ,, PII '< 010211 , " 'I II Ck H}\g "'JlI Pllliu. JUI\I P., BlI rri ' JleI UCl,8d.\\' ll", ..e~ , .r •• Ten COPIC9, '0 one .£ttlrt'sF. 1600 11 11 ",' , vi w." k .. WIt "e' l' r" la l ", 'II IJ I " ' ,.. " I )","'0"" hils, I I" IU H H. UOl!::s' o ~, ' • d > - ',1 ' • h. , II 'T "£1..' 1 Tw e nl) eup'edll/ullol,dlJ'1' 8 ~ 3000 .LY.LOD , 1,,<, s " Ic\ I/, b,ll" . Olll" III", _ llll, ,,II. ,,,raut: 1)l ~Uo"oOo " 1:0;"1'1\" "1' UII " ,• •\;. :,."d., II" J~\ G e ll ' lli'rel lll'l A "~ lIt I'hal~ tin Jlre,,! r~I'. ln { "'IUO, .,~ • ,_ . fl I , ,1 <, "'c , • eoc II' I" b \ \ Dr. Ha.rvef" Golden P ill 1 . J l' , ke l,' "' .I:J ,u n& f e ' ' . mOLD drUIlI!I ~ l 81/ U C'lelllltil An (' l(lra cupy WII I balent lor 111 GO "l',vL" . Llou h'., V" ~"'." III 1 t, I !:. "f, IIlle'l 4 41/ len .And all E:rpefl8ed Cleartd I A , elllel\Y fo ' . "1u 1,,1'"" i 1i"~ l ee. ~ o~u l.u. h (, lUI I\I" ,IO'UI . . b 10 1u I \ ,, • ycurq' exp,flenCt; III 118 flity ul ,ftIl'~ Furclll~'Or J ~wen~Vi tW() 'lItraeo\kle~, Rv A pnll. III ~.m~g l:l'HB FIE&n 'IrO"I>"r lll\\\.\II~tI~D''I 'l'r'~ti &,10' nur.. :100 0 1. , ill I lJu' h ~"r. "'. ,t.;ru>• ••• &.c ;l l v I:! The G"oV4'I'i'ecu Plano F~...e . pIlIK ' ~ lIJ ..t tliclt 1. lilOW ~ ' .i:rtbetl bllh1 or olle COp V ui Iho Senll' Weekly, Will be DUN O PON • 1\ N n E~l A PI!: ' II A lu ' A I' ll, lIle e m ula. 10 Latl, .. \\ IIh fill e '"'". r. 000 " I "" II" 101 I " 1:1' , I I, 1~ oSto II I ~ I II I II~ II " I, rl" I' dPII CIl >llId Iir~11r pup• ,I, , " P •• • .d~ , e llt"fal \d . I J) l' 1 ' 1 ' N '" 'Ir' ll I fl' C)re ,r I U 'I' k l " , g ra"" I!' .""I"ce~ lI, cc~'Pl O l tl ' 1 50U UoUu l " <'·I !; "1"'a' I' I U u llfrl • .,......,., ld nit e rllnd."ltutnuerll1tnnti UBl nfrllenlpIV81~\uns.IIII~l:ee" , • i ~ ~ '* l.. 1 i .~IC "1ft sou, .1 'U h.- U r h pUIi 1 ~ i ll .. It UIII ~I~ IU t \IO J,"1f aII'I'" ~u d' '. t \! ~ I '.,,, \ a ' L", "i mY In Fur cia bft flI 1i ,I, . livil co",e~, or olle I I~ e'n ' . Tio e Ullp 'rllltli r tl 8" I' 0 1 1 OUO I'" " .. <mel0l" ","I . ' " "'p I I 000 ('; ,oIllu llI lI' IJ, " " ' '',u \{'''~'\ 3 Iv 111 ~r "y e ll"' IlI " lor a ll e~HlII :' 1 I~III1) Yl'hrs . I. 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" ul ll~g I' h) ,00., 0,, 1-0 II~'" ",(h ~,,'II III ,hl,r• . ' 11 \" I ~ l "ve r. ,lIr1lll 11 b 1l8~, IIP vell ue lt\vl'. r •• III'lVood " HI. LII.l nry R eV le\18 Bud Art (l"'('rim - S I I I III 'I I ""'", 4. ro."".y , ... VI JUUO~,hll""\I ' ''1 1 lei" . , ul" 10 lu I O I I" """~ " " "", 8'e 1hnl!' c:h~llperl,y f~,,"\' , L' ,,"III1 I'I (" "lre "c rV ' CUu 'e " '!lll t' a .J) I \0 I h)Delllu. ll • • II I ~ UO .J. , ,,, , ,,,,I, I "_,\;" I '''~ II ' ''I'' Sill I(} ':' 100\ -$ZUUlt' ,I I dfi ' L c t l PrlJ lrulMOUf .. lorg tl) rp s uf S" IJrt: IL! 1I u t 1h t"uuthrPn k ofth e \\lIr. \\ -i lil tHirur. J ' b ( r~ti ll ppvt: .. j.. a ne, \ ' Of !r OU I .. d~~f.( !lI UI .. 40. \\ I~/ tH~' t' ... . , law 51} tIi U tun ,' l' SU "Je ~ 1} p Un 1'H ... ~ Itll.! D",u e' f'e C"rrf>SpuIIIJ ,' nt . 1':;1",,01 " "e. nlldll,,l . bll ill I:JUK'''IIII\V.,.1 hI • •• " A l;c,. I" ~''''''0t- -I <17 -11 i/ OVO . ,I. 'II , ., t\. a\ J bll<\t'''I ~\I 10 'd h~rI'd') ldbYtillyolhl'rflrhlcI1l8s Ulult .. r8 Gilt! A .!loccl,led P rr .. ~ 'l\I,!,!rupl," IUll lllf""'oI 10, ; "' CIlI} "' " 11110 . 'II S~VP;' ~ I ,., . 1 ,1_ 11 (,A UI.tI .l \ &' (O J\ 1 111 J 'l\tll ec ~\ll\lry. D f lll e r8 ""dj Ulllll w utlt p , l r h.8. U Cllff llll.",l c" " II'II'I(' SIIlII lIIl1'Y ddl CI' lIl R,hl' l l)r' " 1)1I8 1118 "tiC "IH' ulld leulble lI, u",",") b"k ut .II ."~/u" " l hll '" I~r.I I,r Ill/ u ll IlIunuH ure ll,v ,t ed lo selllli ll rour of F r,lu n nll'\ D I IlI ,,",le N.' ", . I:x , I" . I I I • ,. It I 0,,01 ""I' ." " 01 ," "') I I ,la, ,..,,111, " IOU ,u\J ' 11 Ueo ( II~"V" (,~\ I"OInl'" " ~,, h cOIIIII,ns . " " ,v· 1111 , H ( II ' II ~ J VUrtl<) "y Iligi. u A mU81 VRlunlll e tlud woruJerlll1 publica. I I I I I ~\ i I J t\\'t - I1\ ,. (l e \ p II CJ111gr· ullI8 ~I - U 11 uur (Ine tr • ..... IIVO R eport8 ul ' he J1' IJ c~ tth ll!' ') . " l ll t' I 4 .. I '?", hwlI / e , l) , :;n ! tll l t ' lt tl l rl'lIt 81yles Fa '(' \ I 1 I A 1I 1l" 1 Y UU Illil ~ Ilutl A \lurk ot 4uO p"j.!oe. Ullal SO col • • " I"t! I'. II lr,o' ,,- . tll •• r 1","11, •• ' 10 10" V lt l .. ,, ' ....1\ 1 'e l l 111 P II N I • T efl ' 10, r. 1," 'Ie- en",<Te l lc YIIUIIU mt'll ore,l e ll¥r ll.\l l1'~. "Dr HUlll e r'S VADE " 1,, ,1 10" .. l e ... ll ed " I ~II\" GrU31 G ill ~III ~ IIg I.r IN riC , . O}Olll! Ipul., Jlur. • • rm l' r8 , II I I> I Il' m~rocnll fI . llllltl' , Ift l k~ ,buul Frul!, .. n,l u l" ~ r H " rl"ullll- fl ll t! e~i'cC I "l ly re l urtl e tl '~1I11 oJl ~ub ' ~ J offi ME ('UM I II 1 ., Uhl" II' , II" l' l:"h,\.o"o Ivol ' '' ''1 " cha.e a P 'Il 11 U Wl,hoUl IIce lll !: 1111 8 C,, 'arul nlla Al,[n c u lturftllltl ,ormltllon; S'I'ck , re rR lIlIl1 F,II. !, .. "' IVuIII 01 n rll iilllh le \ '''1' • ,,"~:.,'glll~ 8 It'I PopII","rl ,l1lf1l1 "(' CL,I,,"ru l, . " UIII'" 1; "'ICII 'I I"I'~II U .. ,,' oI u' l lllg lI P . 1\lt'i'llI ls •• "nos l Wllllnut lIulJlbe r 'I " II fi d I ,. " " 1' " " Ullu d. .S "IIlUII, I I ,,, S ~ I G rlj 'eSl ee n PI ' F' ''' 8n c ,u I. ( ,. ull Ic, f) ry "\.TUUI I" 8" d G Po ll e l"1 I' I I ' t Iy " ,j P F i d I"lr I lylW I"} - , " , e 1",(1\ . ,n I" I ~ l i l t I 1',,","1 " . II "" H'T[' I .. ItI?PII UWO' J ~ u.I t o lie lI"r~ "1 R e purtl ."hlc !t n,ll nubh . h Cd '" l'ly n, PlI,1V1 II I par 1111 ... U IIIIC1l 0 1181111 <xu, I.Uc!H"lt(e'~r)1 O",'" r l h "~''''' ' e ''r',wlli b" clo l bY IIIIII ' I. Imll Hl!~Ul heCel"brRl d WI'" F 'J' 1 ) . ' '}' I ," \V III .~ d 10 ' h ~ lr cur.ll!iun S t'll d 'or cllcolur8 kll''', willi "evel IlIilllIll R e llledie. (o r "") hlltI , ... o .. , (,~,,,I .. I !.!~ ~c lIl , I, e ur u 8 Itlf. UE Al LY Il lnllN £ IPSe m, l'p ld) All I d 'J' D IL "I l ,ouQ I Pili In C U lll ~ I'III,on 1\llh olh~ I T ~lb uu e o l.u J! I ~ I!' IlIlh e cours e 01 ~ year ' AMERI' ~!~~ PUJlLl8HING CO MP'Y. ~ll elf Bllel e YIClJre'l lie Pdracll ~e r " · AEAtCl I S ~O I, D A r I O ;"~'I DOLLAR [re lll 1111 Dllns o r rh e U S II t ook d;1I! TI Fl " ,)lIle r 'li S tllll!t ,£' e ll . Ult 8<111 " 1111 ' ,.Il ' u uI ,rel;~rt h l I" 11 0 I I ~ d [r . Iree or ./lIr 01 l, e Llurtlvru. Cu lll ' DOUQllt. d bUl III 'h e eurnp.&t eoh cl tllt!on I Oil r.,."" v i II .. 'cr ,fi, . ' e )011 w.II.f, .... hul >II.: Ie. IIWur ,-IHhll _hp.1 lB35 .Be. I and 1,all'$t Most PopulM .YOIJelt. SC~.NTON & Bunlt, AgelilN 6 num e ru'iI pt"rso 'l P he hn d be!:11 IlId""lld 0 )O U "IC I' 'I " ~ Iv h .. " '1\ ,(\ 11.," ,I " 11 \ " '" ' G It\)VE~'I'EEN CO " ' . ...., W upl "'" \u .. lid Ih. dulIlI' " LId luke lh . II I I" I. !i y] I 4!l9 I1ru.uw N Y k bl' Itvl n!: hl"h tJrs. The t OBt of tll utiq "Iull e e x l en d 1118 m ed lrul u.eroillen Ihruuah thl! ,1' 11 0 1 I'lIrc l\llV' rs , ...." h ln ObI, IIl II ( , ,, Id _ _ uy, ew or. ' • L II b U ll ~ hllll bouk or m, " Ilu'll bll fronl al" !..'-J I:. ml',lI uulO I Illif 'V"dcl M e~lI m / ~ s 1I WR(. I\ n'HIIII""j Il,");, o r kn) H I ,u l 1. .. " I'J ~ 'l' t o.l' ll!lal d "Htars II pu, ri, " s ed In 111 1'1 .T .. I:»IV .. TE .... L\'ul ll'n& 'hlll\ould lJe'lVlhehaltdi':~e v "nnu~"'I I<" OllOloIlM . on'I'"lIo l l""r". i En gl .. " M'''''S' IIPS I' UIII IIItil Iltl'U ure . . . . - .. , . . . . . ~ l er.v lamlly 111 th~ IBIlU ••• 5 pr.nelllh'fl ~I oJ",,, t; "tI' 18., IhMII lie ld ullur " 11.01".110 Ih" l I , ,e ~ , 'rl I bl H e Ilnd Lol Illu tI 1I (l" '''''"\l e. r b" I"' • ot. erhficul I ". c orel HIIV 1~l fl cl"ol . Ihe CU8l IV UII I.! b ll lhrf e II! VO U8 t! IIU" • I Ice, (lr ns 8 gu, C ' <; r Ihe lun 01 "Irell~1·0lollc,'v, - Ouo fo r 2,0; , e ll", liv ~ fo r I . nr f(Our IIInps Ih.\ 80111. N ,whl're ('leI> '\led OIlIl,C EIIPt wide 01 N yr lh 81 one u/II.I\ lJ\ullt -,,1111 IlId dpst_IIV ID d . , ell llJr$.2 " "rl.) " ' $r. Wil l, ql"l'/I"ll'r ~ W.tl y.V.E S V lLLE f>HIO: CAli 10 m,..:h ~ulrell L IUl r ll!l.c n<, e Dl,!d p r - 'I b~I \\ ile ll Third ftnd f'. ,"rrh s lrl'l'ts - l h 6 c'l\lr~C8 110111 liver vl~lIed maukinil Ollie "" U"" tile " Ii-Ii lor $10', 1\1lh hun" • U,1l II UII ___ / 1 tnanent IItelft, y rn ,l1 e1' he-l r~d 8\ 'O"''''''P \ Pr.'I) fl Y ... r l\h .. 1\1 Ru~B'I!8-1. offe red sec urely eJ1ve !lll'.d. wit' bl!" lu.,. '" t lo ~d (01 $a, 811al hn/libllUle 1) • .,.., 111 I" tb getTERilIS, CASU HI :.. DV A'N't.E. 1\ rale all In 'floe S 'lrll l-Wee.kly 'l'nballe .1 'I1r''VlI\ ~ule. I • ~ '. ttl, IJeo.l ul pU@lolle. to part till, l er.up or lloe e lub. ThuBe wl\o ljp \t p,e In the prll!CI~I.. tid I'or fllrther particulars . Ipp-h' t~ U 1111 I'd SIRles Illr 60 c.t>,,~! III PO. ,,~, b10' Ag~ "lti " ' Anted 411'1'1 ywhere, toO.IIC copy one "8IU. C! ~OQ; ,f 'ppro,\,. of Ih e clt>nolter of 'rial' 'I'''''lIn8 J D . SWETE. IAddrf'Il", "'h i 11 1111 • DB.. HUNTE I' " oIllJ'I,·e .. pl1"""u."I ..",, t)", rlt Add'''' ' I ' J '1("'" iDC"IIPIU Jlo~.r .lId I II!luelle.~, J lIl y 18 W'yn"'v llie 3 1>111'Il'II 81"f'1 Mo." Y.,rk. .~ ... ~ 'r. • II (1 11\ q HAN" 0 .• Inl"o~l.r., Five copi es one year. 8.76, ;. . ' r. . ~ •• "a rl( , T ••• t , •• !.af, '.,",
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~t.l", nnd well-selected Stock of
Br08d..CI~tbs, PLAIN AND F AllOY
ALL ,TH.E 'rUl'VI,All
l,.e IClnes P,' t en"t"" cJ ' •
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col :ed;
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.\1110, a IlIocI • .:apply of
G roc e .r i e .8_v, A well.selet.led assortment of tl,e
1;0 ORDER. ' , In hi. uiu.'
-s uell .1-
· U O FIlJEE . .. · SUGAR.
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0 •• t , H iD iht ell.II, can. d, .eo _ r
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ItR.USE. '
We pllrllcularly de.ire the attention
elc ., AI~. Callan,lrobpl. ell'lllllte, our nrl...le..
A"d ~ 3::)'
r la-"I '0 . ' ~,r
Ar-& '''8'~. .! I 101'.1. , ., I· r ...... "..nll (I, .11. Ita",. -.tV
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14".1011.11. I\USO,
J~ _1·"'on's
hRO'rH~:R~,I'I." , y.,rll.
" ., S,rup . Pectoral '., . .' COUlh
fJ~RRITT ., P IS1 z.
W ' h
',mavl'oncern "" 0' 001 I '" • ' All 8u;enl.or. of Ro·.d, DJ_'ricta, '1t~
tiwKrd~d Lh e," lUu'lntlnd <;:al. ~'Idrph. MASON .. HAMLIN. olb.,i
pr, ~. Ria ~U&CI lOr ",• .1I1 J T~IJ bltt.I .11 jlt
4' ,NEAL.
·.;beM,.";o.. &J: .. RJII .. tabli,etO....... .I\' I~. , .d" l'l ~d In '''C~'''~,.,,,d ~.' ul,rlllu,j,' lo,' .80lo~eOOfl.C!n • • ·.. IV. OJ I.: (1)1.1) ~r ·II. V.;" ~l~:OAL!', or (/Iher
Union CoG~~e Pea Co4r.ee '
,'0" ..
II aul MUllard, If 1 0U • • ,,' IL; . . 11 ur lit .. II, t ·u ,'''. r..", '.,4 , I, ,I ou "1"\ Li'lu .j,. '1141()bl.iwi,,~ G 1lIIl. , Ii 1011 \0;" .. 1 Eua"ra .,o.pper... ·illt • •' Clual;U. It-:
, UK"'\' .hll.,.ul
II ),ou "'.ut en<!I ••• Bed·Com. or Clo~ Linel, ~ _ -j If ) U ~ .. .... , 1,,," &,0, Slioa.8 .ba'.ol' :tice, • To thil lealure 01 our · bu,ine ... WIt hnn If ),Ob .. , Ill I'ajltil' or £gv"I"J"'i. . "
.' : " ,
Fur Ihp Tuilet, HKnd.prclti r '~' ·Heellr i liD. Drnwtr. , ,W .,d.
M.IClh •••
If fUll' wan I B.oome. IIf tf you .. ani Apl'l ....
)'OU ...nt
I. ,·ou ,,'anl U•• "d. t.; .. L.,. 'or . ~ r l , I. If' ;ou "a,,1 C••.or 0,1 , Sweal Oil or T.rpeDlla~ ,
nd con'l'etent judICe! giw. Lhem Ih.
• .¥-f(" ,l . n'"."f !\flld... uti III l;tr" qUill· lur ,.Ip hy . ri ro l pt'el1l iUH" '". ItB~~R\'rT ell. PRI NTZ. " '"gu~. II...
If I'OU ~anl eli.h.
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~.,nc iIIe, Fell: I" ~~~.
b.P. p" iled both III
,,·d ,.,, 1,""
Waf.ne 'l't/wI.. IhIL. lI,p, ......... d 01' JulI'" \V - """ J ... ULlII 01 Ihe Pelce, U~b , III....'..... will eJl"i rf1 Ap.ril 17th. 1861. . O.n,t.liull "'vWet', ,Rye Uufti!p,
~ ani 10 uperluoD, aDd "~ij ~~· l
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If yon .. aU I J.Dk o~ BlulinA', If you wan' IiIl~L'I' br 1I",lte", II' )'011 ,,'snt Grode.), "W.re, We 1,IIve PO he8~\.tillll in .a)'lnl that t'IP II \ '011 we'lL h go ''''''Y ,i~J ' CO ,ber_Iato,:- , C I Lui. .. . 1 JI8 T P E I U • • It 8 If vo .. 'W •• ,IH""'1.:; ",,"L I.o~ ."" 1' ••' .......: ., . W\\ .n '. ~ '.09,,,1 onl... ! , .' I pVE'r uffpretl h, this IfInrke'. may be foulld If you "lot Pop,Cufa. .- , al ulIr e~lubl :llhlllellt. The, are ,II If yu .. '" '.. , 1',,", 'v J lUbw. Puci!., Pil ....
:E' l UI'l J'i'\'1J8 . \
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1.., ..'..,..... ., ~fu.>i . II. io,:,~:.:il,~ , " ,:" •• P ,'-"'1 ~ , I ....r II~."
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'1Ir.ooi.~S~P ""':'Oor (rielld G. flinch.
"· IIIIItI IHill ..
*1' 500 FEll I' E .l'every ia !~ •• We REA DY<'JAI)E C ~ TJIN J. ! 11'. ' Itere . . ~ >l
Give 1:. " CALl:,
"0\.' , IIAT8,
If you ",ani gOQd AI. ur If yo II ",.,,1 Uololn.;
&tt.U, ·w n,~t ' r ° •
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Lu liell ullr IIIPBuvw.lIU ~e"''''g 1'tl ·· I ~~,1l)i~ I", il 'I'"r"" "ew lIilldl. Undl'r Kilt! I9lY,!lJ 1iD ·.r.i ftbll Ft~. t.. , ', r".. . ul'per It'ed. Wllr'r.ht ..d fin' ye , r~ . Ah" ... , ,., :"'_ .... bU' ~IIIV proprietor of Lhe . up · . 'l\il~IY ur IlIrge cU"I ..d~ .. io". ,,"itl. Th.' B..I".. B " ... . Merrill & i*'i,Op. "nel , we ' be.pt'~k for onr lIIacloiliell .vld in U, lied !SIM',,' :", Print. b.<lIl. 1~' , ..r d f I b'e h..'* r·y' lI.inpo" of tilt CCIOfOlu, It' .,l'Iha" ."0. Wille" ., 't' lull, ,,,,,.,, . .. L1 by I'" ye Ie L ul 10 lie ' " ." ~ " " , . . ' ' U t ,,,, .. . Wh~t'll!r ..' Wrl ~"n, Gruver •. D.,. "(,.0" .' ~ , , I d b dl IT', ~ . pb!fli/i, d.,.lr,W(I~·Star ··n . lIi~1 .. ~hic~ h. wt! UP 011 Ie 1 rr· ~r.~ . \~il!~"r .. Cu.• ' .lId U..dl,,!d.. r. All ' :. Fr01la 1\ f l ' br'ifit' \ '", elli"e. :. I ., ,nhllr cheap 1II...'hlll"~ Ir.. 11\ 1rll\"I'''' " 111 o, JUl',' 2~- UI Illllho • . I '. I. ' ! \.1 I ••• , . "lid lite Mellt'r ur u ... r I. liable 1.11 , .. 'r.... '. It· d, • r Ba ;,,·, .'will AgAin bl: /illl', !l1IU. 11II",i.ulllllenl. ClrclIl/ltlljntI ' . I , t 11\rI'Q g, . r.-'- ' " fir.'· r l,·r(W ·iT ' ~.) d &t, A"tlr.~~. ur nil UpUII ~ItIlW ell. CI",k, rite a,licl• . ' d ' .:..a '. '. , op.. n t o . , t'&:Oe A) an u Uldde'urd, MaIOI', . ' ll6.1y · _' \ , . ..,.. . ."!~, ~ . ',IM~u.e. 'd.y.rtironoon. '" d e\-~ain·iel ·. olluL -_. _ -'.--",' ' "
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"'~I:R_VI"".R. 0l'pol ite Ib, taunl.in ot Pur. Wlte'!
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l1;lrbtrincs · :: :;~ :;,; ~'~!~ ~r'~::1I"~f' ;.:~~~r.' ,n, ~
'lPP,t'f end 01
DE~IA~ BARNEH@CO., _ - - - - , ~I I'ark' R .. w, N o; w Yurko o-'floell ' ! ::.! . S.,lrI by DrIlJl!.( i"' ~ &te,um,\Iy. .It.' ,,'; 1 \ • CO_dt'a,or '1O ••,,~ ~MoJttl J IIf oar t'cet'ntrft trlluw' ci'i,,·n. &lr. J , pri,:e. i3 00 U~uIIIIII '~Ullnl ttl lI .. uil'r" . lIIelll. 10 pum ..... &G"'iliil.r"'; Til .t~ G1 .. kt"~. I\' mu~h I"U~h. :S .. III "II~" Itt'r...... r,-"pirl "' "r iM. tbe Gr.ve_·.,~ard Dear/t;JWjD. ." IIltd .. ~... , Ih" lIulli"ncfI in. It. '''~ h,1I GILIU:R1·@SURUHUG.Pro·iI···, .,' f 1. .( ,".J. f·: " b7a B,,,"tlwity, Nt'''' y ..rlt: \Nn A o oppon ... .,...d to lie · hia brolh'.,,, prole"\lolJal-"o"?III> De.crijlllvu CirCUllir. IIcut ile~. "\11 iJ [,£ " ~ I '" cur. 'be Irolllld. aod. aDo'~.r ~., GO ' Cli~n •. 1,;' .:,Jlo~~Y~ i,~ ~~ at! ' lord , be lI7 · 3111 ,"
,"'ilnd '
"rtr G. O T ,? , ,~, J. A~ lRVIN ',S
II you "a at Colr••• T •• , 'or S..,.... If J' " .. ", I l\iol ..... 0" .. i. I,.
DRE:)S -GOOI)S, \White C:;oods,
--t-~6-~'---'--+We . hll\1 I'I'"sta'II !.' ke"!" ,n hand. 1ft'1l" If y.u \\'al Hlrrill". · .', e rnl1l8 M u r iment [""Pllt r.:"dicillel. If))o ... ,01 - .It ~~ ,11. ' .11\ ' ' .... .or"·,I. . AI .. " , just r .. c ' vt'd 'rpm PIII,bu", • If \' 011 wa,,1 Slarcb. Ri~ •• !lod., ~r.,m cf U'uuu "lid )II.e ll'le , ('I,'d '0' 01 TIII'l il'# •• Pei'l!er. GiA .•"'·' F "D.~~" rstll; '. pice or (;1 " 0'. • Pict'~re W~~(Q"R· Gkt,8~E (( YOII"I ,w~n ~ I ... I~I ,I, "'Ill lb.,.. .. .~ If Y ' \1 W •.. • 1 , bacco of'l~ja difl,rellllIDd •• , ji ... ", i f yo. ',, I lil S .•" ! i. _, .Carlll" . itt.• ID 01 ~
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- tANiERNS: ' & .. ·',CllIMr\EYS.
.ime ago, had DoL r... i."d IIle .-y for; ~t~~", ~ ~,el.ft!l!bj'~~l tl'
.. t·
, : ;.1 .SUSPENDERS, , .\.,
. '.' J)'R A\,E'RSt, ~~:
Ul\'·D ER 'SE lifTS. -
- :.- --
'CA. . ~T. ALL.ADER& CO.,
(;' .. 11;'11
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"i!l ib . • I' . ,' \\~ Ne" .O".abll,8u~,,~ i/,'" , \I, @...~O Jt" Q. I' J'~
F'ur Gci'I'E'riI!'D·1I8 .... d ·-li"y ~ · · wellr. AllfII, " Inrl:~ , uj'p.ly u( \IIt>1!.ilelecled
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JUlie 23-)·\f
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D r 'u g - S t () '/' e ,
W,,)'aesvllle, Ohio.
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EII¥~ ~ tlo1.~n ; 1 \ \ PulMtuell ,t , bllilhel. D~i1!4 App·e. 1? ~ Chickell,! ~ IIU&0'1.
" (J
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L .. rll 111 ,110
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"A cOIIII, lete 8111'urlment 0 f
Physicians" Plescriptiots GAITERS AND SHCES , , .G,E ·N T S ,. For Ladies ~ Ch,ldreL .;Unr ISHING GOQ~, and Promptl) Fi!i do. 'i.i TltR be f,1 q'I,ililY of '.
F,,)ur l' cw., 8 ,t"r "Ib , .,
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Core/flU" COrrtx:le,J Ever~ Wttk.
h",'". ol.i.... . pin8l !fo••' ftll:~U'''''''I'''' lha
.hipi' wlll pr...nt 'hltlD, ted. OD .tt, .. II ...ellt . '
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William peelt'. E"fJ' • , ) "
lC l"cJ HeilV n' pPfinlt" b rc~rt> /I fU, N.,r !ru"blt'll morp Ih MiI. u.': A"f' btl'~~ tl, e IIlIr,int CHIll''' .. ill. reel " '" J!I WI " oi kjj' I1~N~ 1;,' )
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1#114 (i,1lI1I ,~ eMil" lllwytr willi . "IIIIi·tn:J( of court. 'I IlIlY e .'xpr8sft~ ,0 t! ~'" .or court,' Nllit.l !Fli t "" .. ; 'on ""l. tflH,Y,
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II1l1ko ber ""I.r
llo8llul"J '/ (.
• n(Of pt ~:ror Inti lin anpC'lu~ y r~mu'inll 1II~,lIuo,u hair . Uncl .. r , 18ke~lo kin ••1iiin1itt OubD JUlf will.
'AGENTS WANTtl> I $;2-0 ,0 ;.A: \IMonth, I I
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~Jf I~
If ,' II U,
(tlettttif !
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"quire n It: l mulc 1t!lII fltl } 10 rEatell',
Dr, Barvey'a Female tl'illa,
IIv Ag,·n ,... ill .,' IIo"Jr 'THE P'IELD IlUNC'IJF,UN , AN n Et;i 'At'E.' trv All)!, '
\ IU·\f,·t .Jati IIg
OIJ .. , rlU'l~V'I",
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rJ·t; , 11ay I". ~ ltJcUI,,1 ~ U" ' t 11 11 (1 \\011 rt~Il ~," It, "I"./lIdU II. 'N , y , ,/,,,11,,",' C,;rre"p"" ti l' '' . 1'1o~ ""p"rll ll' ll,',1 .ol{' of 1.000 IIu lu .t lu 'V, ' " CU~t: ' f lit) lilt ul " u, lli riu l u lI,,,. ~ uf " '.:.uk ll tJlJi. \ V hU tnt," l' I,1t t I'll. ,:ut,i"H pe r d"y i~ u\l ""d"", pvl .I., ,,~E' 01 I, •• · I~\:III ,,"I~(Jld ", ,, .bva..tI~ 4,·ui'& lI iII IH . tllJ. ,ull . prl' ~~ P"IHrI""ll Q1 1101,! work /1 18 , .h .. no,, " ' Dr. Harvey's Golden Pilla, IIII t' r" ri l'" l! inlld .'k,UII,.t b"" k 'e "er pliit. A It-Blt-d, l U I ~ ''''I ;11 1 t " ht:ltl 11 1111 llt'l.Lf hb\tt't\, lj ll,br u"jlll! 1\1" R "'!,,,nl." " 'R '"I s ll ..) ng li· \h""\ht!nho\'n~"rH·.,ift ~ a. ~ • \1',' I~I..'" , te lu ,>rllr I u ",JI,' lo,lt YI'"t, , - II A \ 111\ k\.1! C ", U'"t" \ (1. LHdfce : \\ III fI"6 II\II~ .!t' "r.n u! " · ,,,,~H u ~'V lil~l! ." , \r~h l ' H+ UJ III'\ M\ ~UJ;fI""I II);'" ... t"" lll ~u v u t" " (~ I P l ot UI
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tj"ul" ih \I.·'\r .... ,,~ ,\I' c.· II I h to" I fll \llt! uu'l.rt»o k ul , Ih tt ", It r~ dwph nur
If ·
"' '':" .... Iii 11 .... '_, \) .. Ih E,.a' '\1 \,1 \V '·. '- I,I' Illllfl IIPln .... 1 I!lr 1\\' l' IUY
,"II. rt'lil Illmtll'"
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1111' III 'IIi
hHI ~ 'I\ Cll'Pt. ,ll1d ,,111U1P
~. "li 'v r LIB
III th?\"· "
pfr., U. ../l'd "Q"Il" "".1
lleqrly l ~OO' fI,ill''':
J1Juru ey by n ~II'lt, • '. I
o f
Te" " ,ordd" ljllR, ('nl'r~elir. YUIIOU mPII (Jut! t" l' ecii,"~ "~I~lI'I,e~ ~1I ;lr ·IIi{.Il~ ·t'11 IIn, cerd "lid , ~ul' h('l dl III' WII ,I "I.fll' ,fi,.,lfh' PI1I1,III)' I1,""I , Will fbltJ II pn rlll' ulu r iv ",fNI" :ed I" lit 'rr CJ"Jil loll, .S<llIl 'Ot cHC II I",~. A.I" '''>R .
lI ••·York•
Am;RI (l; AN·, .l'UDLISIIlNO (;OM P Y. ,
~IIII1JrJ l,.el. HII.
& Bun'R} Ag
.IoI! .Jl\
[ar, 6
HOLIDA Yjj'.RESE~ts ! "'G£N~!!i
\\' " N:I'ED.. ,
Great 'Sale if \le~en·y u"tt ;Siluel.wnre ! '1' lae Arrnn41\Ie
.rWl~ o.lf_ Di~lrll'lltl(ml
Uu, A~CII\' lift: " ,"klli~ fruiu ,1-' ".,. I h Ti.l r L\ D ... Il 1t1t p. r lilt). I ud Wt: '~f;:~,l l ,., ItIl I"U I'U , L ItLI
tvA YNESVl..LLE, ,WARREN COUN'l'Y, YOQ rI (or lit .. 'L"clurf' &".(10: Ant! Goo~~bt!rtv Pie
HI0: WEl)NE~DAY, MARCH ~; 1800. : but a l ,hii.. lIoltlml'l "nil ad Ii 0,,1 I I. eouldl ~ot re r~"i~ rro'!' .j r'1p. on 1118 ellr. 10 Chrl ~ II"n !.ID 1ness.
4 " ORSI.
$2,00 A-Yti..
.Jacob'. W4IU.
Th.e rollpwlng, IO lne, 'i",. dI'ICrip' iru. word. of I\llullnn. of i1l1q rll.ou'" loc"lity "t! And in Grillo ! ""I i rf', Nr. 0 - , wllholll n'ord_, (rom I he peo or &, NUrIllll ' ~ 1x!,Iit!YtI YOII "rt! now "0 III. / 1hO It'Oci. D. U : ' . " 8,i,,n ~ r. 'rill: 8i1iril of G ..I is 'flit-re hu nf'YfOr bpl'n II Itoob, pntt.' ~1I.h you, Ilnll ," ou "re r". isi. 'lIi" ..1I hy Ih" Rl O~1 ~ ... ptitf_1 «J t orilio:OOp,rit . Shnuld you " 0" grit've tl·~\" .. I.. r I't'If"rdini( Ihe lIulh""li cir}' ., y. )011 I'Hve rtluun lU re _r h.. II" .. " .. II . U.. }'ttntl .. 11 q lll'"l ioll. j, I , tt'.ura t," Y"u ~j.("in. If YUII II,,: .0'"'' "t " " ie ll our ~uill ~ ' r-"~I .. ,I " n,ow I'Iwent of YOUI' ~ in.. I he J('u'n~,. .... " IonIC 'he rou ' e wl,i. , In dll' Lurd J" •• ~ CIUjo" you \t"YI'ler~ "t'''",,,I1, I'o\h,"" froID; I .. .. u. ",
" h ~ ,.J"D ...l wil' be, • ""u.. ~~I"~~"~l\llrf~1 'I'r41-." · , "'ken from " , WilllUUt YlY . w lu:llifl ~.or ,"OliO' 1 ht'~t: ~ .. rds 'lUll "0' IIIU 11 ....t!.1 l~ " ,I clle III " rlU, bIlL ItS lh .. hon , Y,I'lI" "M 0 , my owo mint! ill ul your pl-"Me nl sta ltl . Tillltl" ,. "h .. lh",' Ih"y "r .. I <'UI! ur 1.. 1'\1, t""I'''1, th,,". AIr C--. 10 eum u lI,~ .. \r '0 Ch l'id l • IIl1d UII.II" Vuur wi.th I.i ll~ wilho ut ,ldIIY. l' .IIY • \ ' 1... " 01 our t: Xpccle,1 ml!ll l ing Juli l!!,: ,,,.. nt M,II' 01 Ollri .. ,. lIay 1I11 \·.... II"' tel UpOIl YlIUI' lIuU!.' .n ,,1 1... 1' ~ 1,\Dft 10 lin , htl .,~" ill 111'1 (If (... ,·iln!.!'. H.t', c ~ II ... J I". IIR"';,: h .~kt,,1 I ~ e r II slit! wuuhl pr"y "1'1 ".y bowe d H'gl'l ll .. r, whilll ughter, ,,'hIlSt; "r/ly~r~ IOlld rt: · hlill of ell 1J~IlU 1I'1l ~ubj"o, oll.i. Itl "n~ uppu~id,,". c.lIlld upou th .. fu~ III •• ~JVHtlon. 11I111l1,{!I ' 80UII oprrad over to"n ,111' IIltt,l 8t'1I1 lor ,h~ m illisvislI ll,i lll . NUlhio!:: clluld h .. , .. ~lUr .. ullt'xp"c ~lld IIlId tillrprisill,l( I,. lleXI m ~' '''ln ~. II p'w)' Ilf hi. un.fJfllp'"11UIIS CIIIIIlII Up UII him . Th ... y n 01 WI'II"h Hu.1 intlul!l1c .....1I.. t· I Il earwlg'e ill which Ih"'1 iIlld ride. ~l' lir.' hll dtlolinlld; l.,ngLh ILlu,ir imporlllnill
DOli" II, I know nuthiol .bollt i l Yuu lin.,,,., 'tory ",,,11 it i• .,ue : Sill. ICsty,.. ,..., d•• ! ~ic\. V~ I,ll I~rn Tb •• __ tlltllr1 Ihal ~ Ie Icld )'06 1
entt'tl!d ' ihe c"rrillge "hile lIlt' pr .. yers 01 his d"u!{hlu bp,
I\L h",ue . Hi .. fri"ulls tll,",11 him II "'a'y. 'UlU did UI'I\ ul/lil ' lrell ,/clt.. ck 11 . .. 1 tl't'n WI, ..." - HWlu,1 IU ul l .. , -lht')' hl IIIUI hurnt 11\ IIllliltl of illlolti
II ,.IQI to "I;:I!lIIliu
G .. HI...
lEv,;,"')' itUu
pll'~1I11 ..1 un I~1l
10 .
Itlt'ft"""'V ~ eonl'lInlitiun wil" I'le ... '" lin ,of SHill'" /11 ; Ihl! p'"in of eo,,, fi ~l , ",hlch " .. r. I' ... n "a no w whll""ing I" Ihe h",rv"~ I; tht' moullIliin ,iiilJllabU,lI. ull "lllob ~h " S~",.uitlln t" m"I .. /'uilt; 1111, I,ei~"bor i lltc to"n ur 811 . o"t'mj Ihe SlIollirilHIIM ",u,. hipill", " " It'Y .. 1111 do, towllrtl 'hi8 muunl'lIi" . • n.1 I "ere ",,1\' ; "II "re ewi.lt-be", or ils t .. alh "P"I" lUI. LIII: cuwlllun lIad uulJruL.," ·
hi. h"" a .... b~",d alWOIl .T qlliltl. l '*l',· "CII'h aft.. ~., A. ,C,,'1I'-1_ \\ _h"., ob•••.,: tR f 611. " , -b . hou Itl think, "'lIbora'e/y uiled. Hi, "ye'."re tl .. ,k. hSI!d.olbe.16nt! v i'Y~ioIl8. he. 1111.,. bdo" 11011 .. bO>UL th.. m. Ilre ply I"lint'd; 'h ~ ",,, bmw. IIppellrl!d tIJiek ~ II" I ar,eh ••• &d ".millircII14ritr. :holllCb Lilli:! lJI.'ghL b~ hill mubill", ol " lIft. I IIrt'~ III rnd"l~ . Hi.. nOlO i. or. 00 p"'flCIlIou rellog'!;. d 'o rdu, odd and, 111'11 al Ihl' nU i ltil ... 'he ' lium '!roli. Iliite" I untlin, irons IhelD to Ihe eOrnM,. of d ltl mOil. h "re , .. r) mllrll"d IIbd Dotie•• . tll., H!~ eompltzilJll ill not 'ery. olll"r, ,.nd re d lh "lt abolll Ih. rather ' lllIrilu!n QI.t'eli. I,le dr~,.... in good Lllilt. ' '11I1l'II,. wllb d"imy linea . , 1
"'I ......
lIall"n,. O .. urV" S"nli. who. o.er. by ~om.. Iriend". hlld prum. I~~d 10 "in a public: I"ell"e. "fl.,,,"{',. """'CUII' • . "i'~1 lilUi,'it, 1I'lh. Ih0I.lI'I' " <.Ir al'~... nn., In plI"'li •• 'hut wr ,Ie LO"'" 'rlt-nd.; 'Y 'J,- 1t01lltJ b. obJi.co;li 1o n'"rel huinll eOb¥okcd Lh" ill~;j,r8 ~1 lor &h" pa'pu•• III illlr\>dQoill'~ a ' libiiiJ-l 1\l11! "wll "ar,1, p,r~on, wh" mu.l rail in fl.-r I,.rl, 11 y chihlrtlll 1111\1 my friend. w"re ol,oc: hd .t Ihl! "nIlU.DCII .ueM of I hlft I.. ulur.. 1'" .., (1)P0ilt! it wi th '1411 b.-ir flu""r, Th..y IlIiuw Lh., 1 b.... .. ",'''' in lilly .ilOlIlI'''~O"' beta able' Iq , -u,' nlOIlIlL OIJ elDbahall_lD"n,. m~ ab., ) , '0 Iule dd""ee of m,."... r. A.It, 4e. IUllllli ..",Ihine t:1~1i. wl,r;C! I ....It ·1101 ' b. obli"l'd h. V., .i a ptl •• o.. B~I'!t;"e; Mu".,.,ur, 10U ....J I". 1IIt:,.t,n. o( 1111 eUBllni" ... ",110 "1I'y. borior"d with Il ... ;r ,wj.i~, lh.I J 'C:"D olily eoololl. '.,. ~!:II 10r.J ' puw.r1 ..... Il• • •,"' m1 • /ail· ,... by Lt._ mrm'HI "I' Ah. kindll.e)l~" p"'~ II1I,I .. d
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•.' ....
~, 1~le ,r,,~i •
I "de ~h.)' i';.~" ~ "11 S .• Ibou~\l ' p 1~1l II.'~o"e hOlD hil protr"lll"d "i~hly' di ~ .,,~~) .II~ dt. fall .. eI .11 ~ aak. " in ,h .. morn inlf. '1'0 ....,s elf '0 pt'r r . . pUl Oillt II glt'''l II\::UIl)' He IIHd IIt!Yer hdol't' of nur vllllt. IIfOIl, ' 1II i Dlt"~ WII." •• illt,)xi c>I ' ecl,ltlhl Ih" r ee,III "tlli" 1I of M .. lune lwt'll pUIIIII',1 to .oooenl Ihill d'g","cl'ful .. in enllllhelld hi, diM fllr J "cll h' ~ h"vlo~ ,lUI: ouoh II ", .. II I"' r" Il·eoe. ,BIH Nlliltt hi, ~uul WII" d,u ..... h~ II lh., "h,. I,- w.. llt'y Ilf Sllechem. olily , U' Th~~e who .d"etli~. in ~ar. pub. IIIl.. III)' IlIll .. rriIlK :Llllller Ihll I""h of bit. tI. 'tu"r' f of IlD Ilou." 1I w"III oU' is mur.. ho I'''~''' lit, ••• eKe"a. . e. 'Ihe 'tlr rl:mur'll,..L.ia...comIH.niuns "" .. in prll' nl'I~,o_1 with ""'n .. ,,. I h ... lUI)' OIht!r in prop!:' l1e~ ~otls for Ih. JM'Clpl. (0 .fraidao a•• , $ullt:d Ihcun"lw" •. rllqu."nillg him 10 Pltlll ~ ,ln... But lIom~ 0'" dUI( Ih~ ... n, 1'01111.. 'Ule), are ~.~. f~ rI.ll:; alld Imllu!ll il ...... ly 011 4I1Ht!ri.,~ 'ht! lind who mo", likt:ly Ih~ .. JI\cob. nlll nUllflC. what., ~IUUd", ~"I:{ .. n L,O 1" "I~b "' 111111 fot IIUD' ,lUI, IU It.we un Ili. u.o properl, Whlll kuul .. d q... li ~1 of iqod. ~~~ b.,~ '"g Chtl~"'iR. • WIll in his lilll!! lI'Ioret ",luIlI1k! tba" • "' h.nil, lle.ir Ihiliel •• rfllli"l of ' \ ' I l'hdr ridioule II/III more illftllllllC" privRle ou,,1 mint " ollid be &0 a8; hili .toek, .. d 'he priM' a' . '... h the, are '. Vr"pllfl!d 10 di~fllI" of iI. Nor' .,. I "lin " he IIUI hotil.Y 01 Oll,J .. lid hii o"n it~dU for , Ihti mOI ..1 Pllrr"" of keepi ihl'l rf'IIIILilDt 10 ,h. pribler lbe ,llIn&:"f of ett!rllOlI de-hue ion. Lillt' 11111 family "ud .It:pllndlllll'••• lit! "U Ol .. ,,)' de mon~. 1I, .. y b.-H .. l him '111:/ aa .,o.,ible from 'lie d"prll,,,d l:ih.. c:llt:.- p'tre. of' an .drariilt;illt'ol w(.ieh '.,dl. , "It .... tion lO Illt-ir pl"o. of ba.i ••••• 'aDel ' p.. nullut!tI him 10 rid .. "ilh Ihllill 00 'ht' iLI:" Ht:oon~. "uti thlln IIg ain 0" ' Ihll Ih :,.". 'fh ill wttll il in.lel'd " holy .pol. On~ Ihe "d,uDt.,el! LO be deriyed I. deali.r~ lind e"cu Dig:h~ brou,h, l~iUl bu:n" 18 ,,1 ...1 IItHt lhtt cOlltending I:col ..ili.II',io' ""Lb ,IIt'III. ,W•• I."y. lad Lbe ad, 1/1II...Iio .. , 1:11. • III ll"l'lielhill the " ... d buill' IIt.. ir ""rli.!!r (0 be II Ji~,.l ..... H. "kll' A,'tt:r this ' he did not r~qllire the ehurche8 uo VIIlC"1 Willdl h.,e lillie H ".lbi"J 11'101" lhll... on. tided' !:u~rdi"n81,iV of hiM wick .. tJ frllln ,l" 10 11I~IUli 0 111 , .. ll,Ie lind 1/1"1 II .... rci.11I1 01 bll-i"e . ... ;tu~r. , Ill! I.' 1I.lJ/i., in I 011 tomt!r.~ H • ••·curt: hi'Q ill "cClur"e of sill. Thllir Prowillt'IIe!! '"'' pr... t',vt!d ,,"llIuoh· d, hi. d... lintt~ Wilh Wit .. nd ul,'llo.i lio ll, .. i,I .. " hy lilt, p~l ~r Mll,1 lIpt'n 10 th .. t')'e ... f h.... \ton. Much .. ope. hell.led atld rair i. IIll bi. I,an,. log iI,8u'-lIce: ollht! illllll:io"lillj( ",/lug!. I "POI8 U Ih"t 011 Ihtl MllUlit ut Oli,t'~. "eli..... It al •• ,1 psy . . .. blllip,.~ . tII"n 10 .,I'erlj,., II " m,,\ter "hilt hi. ~t''' III\:.1 to hft"., lIeHr~t1 hi. eUII'ci"lIr", 'owt'r III["i"8L Ihe T~llIpl~: lind '"It! 10 h""tI "Wl·.,t lOW"}, 1111 CUIIVIClior: .,11, J,c'Jb' e well . h I~ nulW ... i.t. Ito" - c.. lli"1( .... y ~. aad b. IIlIu •• ii. h.D.e t'nr. lhal Ihe (l,~.k Ch .. reh hUll pur he ella RIJ'unl UI Ite liber,,1 aneS ".U '. ul hi ... i" or dan g"', Fur m \JIIIII, H"t:1 lili s. I 11IW him c" "s.. ,1 it , U 11,1l.• iI .. 01 ,, ' eI,ul'eh, lor eht'lp" 1ft o,. r IlIr"• . cili.. ,h. ~1lD (t14I:Y ill lilt! '1\rt:"I ... bUI had 1111 opp"r 7U ,0,, 0 pi ... ,el.. UIII""r8&l Cllri.l .. n " , I~ h"l lh. l"r"eII~ p"lrllllll,(e "lid d~. IUII' I)' 'of Ill'r- llll ,, 1 CClII\·er.. " illll "ioll cl UIII. Iv which il lro:lUII"R, I!houhl pro lh. mUI' I)lIl1i ..... i~ Ihe ODe who nrlilt'. e.'~"&il',,I,. and ,be . P't'opl. ""11 1It1' II .. V", II ~ Hill \ i. Ii ".t ,h.. hou... 1,,'lIt "~"i"., buob 'J,ioulI ~ ' ptuflllll.~iu •• K""O!f"Uy &Yuill ,,\l' olher •• L"bliI.htbtnt • . ul QUIt. 1-1 6 1/11 •• ""owlI lu be II h,.loI "D,I till '0 hi.. """)'. IIIl!rc=~~qt .nd hl""I,h"'Ill"I'. He ~PQk.. publicly .. i ,.!. lIluei, "!J!Mr .. tllIlI.i.)' 1I.:"ill ~ ' S(lJ"l' RNER TIt\lTII, IIntl l' I' hl'r dt:lIl~r II'I Illp • I.r"" fo,'a". Cor wllnt 1111"1&1.",. of till: gUllpellllld prul.... ur .• L~tlII lI"n .., ',1 VU,'us, i~ '111 "II It (1 and .. f Lhe ,,~c~ h.1lr1 IIlont:1 iL rt''l IIi,.. to IIlId ... erohail· ul I .. hg wn. . will pI'ullil,' 1I1111'I, .. d I." "lorlL ill bt'ln" hi' ,uod., 'lie pub. AtJUII L lIino m "I 'Lh~ ,,(Ier my inlro, W ... I,IIIg "'"' DUI I 1t!ltr Aile will nul di8e fltOpelil tJ tbe notice ,It".lio" lo Idlli. 1 r"c.-i.'",,, " ,,-Ut!r 11'11111 ·Vr.. " .. il' in lhe O i, l,i,,1 majuriti.,.; she lie. • 1"~'7 ~ 1' rui.hllg ill H-- . ~I"'''.~ ' ltlll l' Iltd p,,,, .. il, III,"t:Wt'r, 1"'1 ,,'Md"1 ",. " "rl) "It., lIIf1nllllg M,r. C - - h.d IIr' ,,"i,,~ "I eI.tI Ullioll .... "lfue Room , Dllr 0:7 It · i. .~ewh.l {'at,.ordinar, ,1", ...1111,. cl4r,i"I4", Ihlll lit' nli"hl ri.l .. i,,~ hI" 1.. 111. D "'~lIch lhlll I'edullhl"blc h~" the ero".Ded h!lIdaof l!;IITUp. COQ· LII .·l'I~" ""e . ·l'"... I"y o: r Dot th'III': , retollll ' t'ueli .. oi,~ (Iem~le) ~.Ir" . t)wi •• -, ,.". Lo alii"" (orlllon. 'Il a lly It· IIU"I\ .... h .. "'I\lt-IHI:II, k'" "O:l\l he In l\lrHI&IH",r, IIh. d'n P""Ct A~el\.. ~.II ""~\)"\., ~ _P"~pe~ ' 0 hi. CIIl'li"",.. I'lll ll ' " 10 h .. bllll. cllbtl.l" ~i ~i~ ~lte mil" . OIlC" Il.,un " """". h" ~",,,ed. ,Q'ce. V\l\,~p". ~Ilt. n,,, ' un,illg l,u w"lds hiM hl.lII-t'. I.., It.. ell limt', ~y jl""l'lioo, 10 th .. l~r",.idt'''\ 01 d'l!~ ~m",to~l!l, raeh. Tit. 9~te~ her· !l1lt'.l.lo Ioi. brutl ..er . wltu W;ad 1I1,,"l/illK LI,,· (Jlli ' ro! Ol" It'l , Sh .. " .. nl Ull 10 re . Be".' 18, known to po••~ •• "lmOlt IDCIiI. '" ' lttl dUllf. 10 CUIllIt lu 1110•• MII ,I illl ' 1"1,, IIII! tellet .. r con.i,l"r""0RA ""d re,. C1II~tJl" "11,,~~h. Lt .... N.pa'eo., o~ae ", .. di"ltlly 1'1:11 OJ'"'' Ihll , .. nh. I-li. p~CIM .11\)11\'11 10 her by h ~ r ar ... "L nll"h , reduotd IU h ... on tlill p., of a .pllo",1 ll"cI~' ",,, .. 1.. 11 .. " kip. bilL 'he . p:riL IlIltJ .... ( ... 01 (;our.o c"lI .. d Ii .. r '''''My,' \lon_lllble 10 Ihe Itre... o~ Londo •• :Ja1l ,1'-JliUI.,t.I ()I.-ver. in lit" uj " KUllluck, I1IIIIIII"r.) "lid "". "~W . 'I(n ehllch ~or lIIt1hOtl.; .nd . I•• , ·U .. Ih"L IItlilljf .. h ,n r .. pro ..... d. hllr ilL ~omll 1t'lIgLh in h .. r .. U.. clio"ltle ,"n.i 0 .11. LII .. 1M .... King of Ih. Bd, •• II •• """tlh ,hi" II",C~ ... 1, .. 11 oUol,h'"I,' II" d." "i , c~lIl'e III 1/11, oce".iun. .A ptltliun 01 ,!hOte p.. ~.u •• III'l'o,m. "bt. he lIIar· "Iruyt'O. Rod til .. , "il/IUUI nlll.,uy.' tI.f.' "u i .. "e" g""''' .. !iul" IInziou~ "ri,1 fl .. d Ihe J IlDce.. Charloll. W.. on IlowbLlul en to whllm .he indio"I.11 b, .. bou, Olle dl~ ••"od dol'lu, ptlf a"num • .•••• - .. - , ht!r It"m 'Ihe P,... itJ",ol.' """ .1 lilA I II "lid who rl!'.lgllt.d Ih. IIllpeDd of. UJUURI\IED l-AUJIl~ -. The slnl(l" II.to: ' " If 'Ill.'1 It' roUl" , e fI.. ' d , 011, I qlll4",,' of a •• JliOft dell",. "DIIII"Uy. , ., " '( I b ' "'''Ct'. Ilr II . ' . . I. nu .. 1111111111,011 0 'Ie "/lUll". Mild t!'t II'" II. I' ',. I " ~ I t· A ..ellit'd IlPUO hi. ilL II."L ••rrla-."dl... 'j" ' " I I I ' , n I<Ie r"I .. ,n VIa, I , .nU" V. lin . ' ' D 1111 It'". (II I I" 11:111111" C IIo",cll!'r, 011 11,t' ~' . tJ I • I ' pnw.le f",luDe of lJlo CUI/lt.I" .ollr Vrt'II"UI Iile " lI ut.1 IHIl I? ~Jul"rn.r ~rl.f()(" ,,~. I~~ LhA .. IilleU million of dollar • • The l" le KlIIg •• clueh.\, Kentlee"D, ba. left """"Y ul thtl CItWiOrlR, "D,I mllc ••• lill",· I"~'d' I ''' ,qll"~'ll,o, n; '''''mn . .10, • dl. l of I ' b I I . I ",,,t' "g .. llI. ". II I u.u bt: . d IIi . b rtf ' ' Wi •• , . W ~"I III A Hu III.. y e... n"~ Lo ht'll' ii, tJ.~ Borne on. DtI"r her '''pe.t , blli I'm In a t ea.h ' abd' ri!.1 e.III ...... II · h~lo, of tI!~l:Iy of IU~I "t)', "d it 10 h.. r , Ith.r~u (,II\ '.he t'Acl"lm.,,1 ~'"~ a 'rille of .1''7000,000; b.lt oI l _lItJ .. y" b 01 Ihe prn'.I., home, ""holl' I .' k'l d mOIII~rl, .") ' • U ' LtJ w.lloh 1'0;1 Lo bjs lIuo~s.ur, tb. oLher tI III ul'I!,,,rrr,; 'Ii, f I'n1K Ie. " '1'1 Ie' ling" ' I Met, In Irr , , r' """J L~ ... L._ ' yilt" "soul"~ I tholl.9'" yo., It,.ol<<d "'lu. 1\ I\Ired bl b"'I ualli h,I~r fr OI," I " 'fI, ~. ' I~porlllll' II~ eleme", 01 ,til d, time J meontJ l" fllidf'" l .inc(J/r. "nd ~\)olld .u~. Lhe .I1.pre.. 01 Me,.t· ~OCI"~' .nd pra"'l~ : hflJol~I~I~H' a. Ihe J C.. tlLDlOI'r ",e." Clny {oilier l'r,~iJtn' co .'tid 'be Co.o,' d. }'I•• mllrrllld • l Itlm, . ' • 'J'I I"' "". el'hICI .• '. SII\ (r I _ '..- ' - fit "O~lIn . . 1,h.. IIl1huI!R of e.ch, ufl 0 I.", ttr" \ I , ~r~~ll, hilt .t Iii "~Ig"r lI on,s en'tI. rll~"D\ EI:t:cllli,e ptinon) ' 'lt~ "Lb. __ D Ch ' .Tb...'.... t ,III ,,'orfhy of 0\1\, Illy 11:6h"..:.""d dl. cr,ed. v "or. C'O/., ... k .., J'-r.':'. ~ r. lII1'DIDI ··IIY·: • ••••• Mouu "_ lrl I d • '" .AU. mlln " he.. hu eb~. "b. rid' I It" 0 0 I!Vllr~' J.lU l onll • . LO ' eprtlClllt: ' . . wil~ iIlYI!lcibl. ' ..Ollllioll. Ihll, uDmllrried ounlllilioll. •• ,. the .tlrl'.L IUIIPhl}jOll' (toa ' ",&h~ ~
.ppe.rlll"e•• bUI h"n; il i.: H~ .h"h .i'd~ or lIIiddle hei ..~ t"
h. I"'MI'
("al\lrlt>or ",~ \an" l'4I'ptt , ... , , w.' '4Iall ,d\." lIal'f'",i. 'If hi
'I'll" well is not Wh.L "e IIlltl"r-"," ' lJy II"" ""Ill.... It h. nOI A 'prin~ w~l l' r I.uhhlilll!f up rrtlnl the unh. Dor 1M 1l re"cll .. t! by .n ...c/lulion. It i" a IIh .. (I CUI ill Ihtl livin!{ roek, aloolu IIi It'll' ill di~mt:IEr. IIlld lIu.' upw~r~ - .. ~ .. illy I .. d dllt.D, A:!.II i"'''I'''"1141 q"""LiIY or ruhbi.h' hIt. fftlleo iOlU iI Ihll ori!,;i",,1 ,I" pih lI'Iu~1 h."e h6t'D mucl: ~rt:llttr , prob"hly ,aiee .. llIlL h i~ nil'" LI ~"" tllt'rerur. illwlIl.lt:d bY' illl Ii,., .. nglllt'er "' " rlllle "oir. ~.II,,:r Ilia. ae "m .. .. "w of r"ltc hing a 'prilliC' : '1'11" 0 ljo{Rill, if "")' ""II. " • • 01111' >lIpI'h ..·, OIlCtI ulrou"d~,l ill mou'll.. on wl.lch 1'.1< tray.,I .., could r".I. il iii nOli KI"II' 'J'htl muulh iii fUl ln.. \ ~hllJlN,l .1I1t! ile li.t ~ 1 Ilre forll'l .. d by Llll' t.bbio!l, ur old IiIJHdill,,_, " ohlll'ch b .. "i'l, bn', uncO! t'rl'cI .. d o\'"r i\o But d., "ollllii Ihia flillne!, ""d tob'.r a O"V., H ' iI wne, II ~.t belo. Lh. IUrrlle .. .. bicb i. Lh" [emilio. uf " "11111/1 d~ ... , IllItt ,I lice e,n'rted lit., moulh . Ot'"e",,,, ill!! It 1f.'1l1. ";'Il p"rlt"" '" ill "." 60' , .. " "perture p"rd, con~.,,.11 by II /t ,1 SIUlltI. II lid 1.. 1\\,1111: ."ftiei~n~ ~11.c, lhruul,th which WI! CHD luu' illiO d"l~ "es... We ••· lIl " I'IIIIIIP Ii" .. '\ .. "n iu\', lh" ""'t'r-wilh which th" .. dl leeollld '0'" "b ~ ,~' "'1 ~ ~"I) " J '"' , '"'" . '
G"!'CIa 8..~.
he.. ~ ?arI•• ioi.n. ' gn. oa'. of •bil rudl.,Ss on Wedftl!lld., ... t-'b~ 1l\1t' for 'Wo ''''U-lIt U'yd .. lltob H ..lI: ' rs,h"( I~II, in. ~id of Ihe (ulld, or. lqe,,' ehar"J. 1 he place .... mobbto,I . 1>lci. II. will be 54 yeate old nn:1 W".IIIIIII .' dot" H.w"lborDF"b, 7. 181t 1& ' OI.~ he,dl,. be D." '10 "pel4i ur '~ il
"rh•• :
or otit
a ••
"It. ,,\If
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I"""nac •
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.1 1
ler. w.the rep. o
..0 ,..Tala,
~ All Iris!lmaD. r.tu,,,,ed_'rolll It· . . . A "OIl'lAn iQ- II~rris:>Drg dIed 1&11.. ~' II' aelled ,in lIke ', lait,heD. '_ 'Pa', (rom fril'h&\ at being lold iD .joke, lli"t "lilt I. Lhe lava 'I llear Lb. ,al· ber ha.o.ct 'hacl ...... eccid.utl, kill. kill~ aboill~' ·Oal,. drop ' 01 tilt cr.· 0 n
bear, llbe b.,.,..., bur-
deDI elieerfll11f . . . .1.0.'1 oal.- ' ill .tol'm. -'Dd a",' ' ....1• • •
0. . .4
11., .....
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W. ii_III. . . ..
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'111£ GAZ/a're:.
loo"lily 4l~t 8Q~cttt. Remta.ae ~ Vlrgl.. Sraich·....p 01 Virgiil ia . ~~ ..!..-.-.. haaJ(,ngetncep" tori "way.bl"., W a J Jl I • \' ill e, () h 10; 'T"~"" i • m,.1 ty i!1 IIel'lfrlt<J> hl ng., i! the chimnt!y builL of Ihe marl or · __ _ ," \\!hirh rt n~ e l oh l"nee bea ut dd'\. ' • . I'O~ • river-blink, whi ch b.mJeo!< b-v expo WEDNESDAV,' M~RCH '1', t8~~ Re trospeclion i~ a d .llgMlul 1~lnt 110 th air And tire. Ih"t it hns ~urvi ad , I • .... ,,~. J. DREW tlWB'I'II EllIT:ORI. . It is, proli60 thenui . worthy 0 I Ie tali lhe ,efforls of lime • . Allo(bt!r 110\1118 ~ ~". pOe1.'S pen . . If B . man hl\ve11oom b~on is no,", a ltAched ~ thie ellio'niey, ~ V I U N.. JO, . , • .• • Whol e No, 3G, ' b' I'I ' S· be lone to be to C 0r 1m1 ( • o ' , ' • . ,. . , enSI I I IC. ' . ' prob'llbly tenrlll pTtcetling on':8 ~ a~1l It A L N el f lind 1118 r"ell lD fo~me.r ·da}: •. d1 ~e 5uu::eedlld Ihe ClrigillAI. '1'lle tirepilltlt! pA,l L is. intenueu fllr hIS . 6Igh~. a~ e 18 eig ht fe et wille', lour (et't deep, d . In .Chiea"o now before \hey ~at p'ork bould b~llome acqualDte~ ,Wllh It •. H leix ifeet lii"h. ' TlHt inmlltl!s of ~be · ' \n~, .It WI,~ .h ' e. .IS (l leASI\n! to hear an oJd man lelhng . " " . .. alt7 ,%&11' ~ ~i ero,c~p d 001 f hou e 1I0W. . 81Ll1 ng round tbe BaIne A IP il' tllinois recently went on of his form e r dRYS, a.o litIe gam I • 0 IIH"uLlislone ",hel'll l?YlfhK,tRD smukeJ 1, _ h d" 6-" Ii - boyllood MRoiomd IAVto "wap . . ' . . in 1II~f1i(C dlgnlty, aDd where Poc,," nI ~!U .~8 milu in a9 our aq tOlOl .... I". -_ .but... . . ' aLt"ched a p culin r respt' cL to the nnmo I . ... ell Iy g nlce. · ' _ '. b I itr \t 'up to m,uu A Ili~g~tcr of G. P. ,R. lamu, th e of enrything COJlollctded Wi t lIe p ll,,~ l. '1'h e POl omuo, lhl: R"ppnhilnno k, d~cea~ec.\.DoT8li'l. is tnohiog chOf)I II WIl baye" .uolI(g ten e~rc~ In ~evl!rllo l th~ York ana Ihe JAmeS, arti riIl'r. of , \ I • I. • H .. ' I, ' . 'I .. ' I whal existed be ore us. "ere I~ ome- I c - F~DqiJe.q. ' I . I t romllnllC mem ol')'; and If I IU, . spmt 0 . . I . ..".. Ihiog of veoullb e n es ~ 10 W IA ever ' \I J. "" \11 d -cent)y bestow. ed I ( . W poesy was IIblOlld In our lAnd, , ~tr 'I ~ "emQ' TAT , ~ IHau lbe 018Rl e 0 lime . tl roily I .. 'f 1 I ..Jon Mre 1eff DUl l the proceeds or R .' \ • f \' sprel\lltng bosoms nllLl hell ull II 81urn _I' ' • , lIbuse b'm' lUI mlly conl.p am 0 11m, . d 1 l' 365 .r ' . wl)ull1 now be Tenow ned In 8011g, Il 1. ~ q ~e, ~ , ' . we may Ie.gl"d wltb Ileel1le .. s cotatropl . : . " . . ' ,l T MR~"iR.. e Rnd C':ellbftct'. . , ' " H ~. 1 ', '; '. , J , ..r\a PriIIM,!.OI W.\e•• dWfm~ ilia,I"" l\le "dnnelDg alrldttl "'\Iien be ml\Ke~ bn~1It on \be , p,cl~red pllge, re . AlP E!ldoy 01 Wftrn'ol( lind Inftl!Uc1jllo .Ariring~ from .Ex.fIfM. 0'1' ~• f h 'l\i,l Iilte.tlon; " bo\ \we~~J-~11 'nOll' toward. ua-but: l,in he i. re.peclable, lIve man, wbo ..j)I\O rel\ll\"mber II ""Ie . Hllvil\1t hid. fourte~n y.P'~rs' eX\I~r\e"e.8 lor VIIUIli! !lp,n. AlsII, di8e~8el' DIHI IIbU- \ • , . , , "I . , • " , ' • I " aOlong the number, '" 0 clln III 118 1,\ Ihe prllullce 01 1)l~dlrlne .. ~11l~r8 1118 SPd which I'rolJlRlurety ,rollrale tbe villi The Ceftltitl1tkln,once alectledbJ O·~ pod pbeuan • Ihere are occaSions wLeo we quake I ' I' d I ..... I and . . ' "d ' generous IOSpllA tty, an l Ie 1 ..... 11l Pr\l:eui"nal Ser.vl\\u-t1> the tll.'z pn8 01 \ powprs wilh Sll~~ mellllA 01 roliel. . Stilt glni~ \\t'~D'nea. · ~q~irell lb, ·ai.i 'of IJI~'" . 'fll. Legi.tat1lre. of !lend", WI" before blm, He hIlS a rapl OlllllOO, "lei wl11ch I~ IIL a gnlce to Illl Lh'e eU~1' Waynesvllle and VlClnlty. In'eo 0 "I""l(f, \II ,,,,,,, le,II Pltpr "1I~f ' .. pe8· 1·· ,. •'rell,,\loAQ Ind ).vJllotl.ta \J.. . , Addrp~" Df J . SKllLIN HOUGHTON. 'Clue ,0 ',~IOjII .1 " .- . " " . .l.D.·,ii l'da Mionelota have pl\8!ed retl , beoauee hi' sen,jceB ,.lre' bespoken by " . d au d f IICII ' . J 8 , milD' 0 f . b menlS 0 (. k'Inur.~ CU .. , H(1Wtl,d ASdocini ,ulI, Pir iludllilihin , Pa. ?F FICF. 011 Ihe CO IIIP , r .. r l\~ , 'n lIud 6'11\"Yllem, wlllr.h ~,eIOl~otd, •.~\r~!l1 ~~chll.( fnIIOD' .usLainiog ' the mlljoily in Oon· all generations, and Ilia presenoe soug t I ' d E I I I. . b' d' whom HlVe palee aWIIY, og 1l0U oas amI 8 1R ,1Il'nriy .'ppus;le Hoy d Hull: O~ I ;10 . l y-4 in,"riab!y \loeit, If no"r.eJl~meJll ~e, "'I1~ " . b' ate OD' ~be TJ:lo by all nallons 'H ence 18 e IclS lire ,J;ell In L. el' v . . • ' .' "b' . " (I ' d h b~eft ,called FIIe'TT,;!, beclll1!t!, perhaps, ft.':r Nillhl Culld proluplly raopollo.l .. " Ia. m.iLl\ld lu, Go.lllumpLIIlIi ur 10.llIlly ,. d d 1 T precIous auu e 18 plHnr " ,an w a· .. , , . , , Col.' F rnily was aerena e on u~. · . • . f . Ishe hila relRlDcd tho chal'lIcter for oen · AI> " llr'''': III\ullle~ . .Eltl,prSI'X!~I\I.~le. e.we, II, l b L Her besra Lhe Impre8s 0 power IS an ' . ''v,. l ni8nt, I\) Waehtngton. y,mem ers , . I W . lurin; bllt ,here was R lillie when , l 'lr' , An AG"~N1' wanlt>t1ln ev,' ry (,lIY !)lIrl ~ETMBOL·n.S' · 'If' 'I 'd'" J d Q ' I • U' 0 lJeeL o( RL~ohmt'n' 10 morlll e, e II . i 11 ~ . . IT .' !' olJ lb. , Sol len ,liD ! pll ore nlon d f I I ... f I' I gilli" richly dcserv"Ll the eppc. IltlOa- f' 0" TIN II E ll T 1\ E PR ACT ICE 0 F1'I'u\\,n in Iho> Uuih,d S'"1E'8. Lnq!p plnfilS . ' . dd All see an ell I Ie lUuuf nce 0 IIllIl S • • in'" m 'i'f/ m ;('j IP"I ,zpu. E'Ia)' Hlld rl'~rfl('l lI blp. , Fllr full ff, I.eague,l ud made a 1~'V-ely 1\ ro... . d \y I • . t " wh an egery dOmeftliO ' heArLh Will .urI , mllglc waD. e see II tn "r, In nIl . . d ' . . 1(1 lit' • iA..., 1111. , ""rlll·ullll .... nt!ll,,,"" nit W A KNF.R, :'~ 'I~~e '~!lU'8t of Mrl. Li8c~!n. the lure, in lb e objecl of our deRrell1 afl't:c. rou~l:ed by ~ t:1Il:~e o~ ""I'm fmo III In it~ v"r i o\l~ br'lfIrhe9 ; nol 10 be ext·ell. 8·3) .b4 E061 Illih Strl~"I, N Y. elly. ': I ! , ' , , If , . {llliaell alatee T,easurer ball Invetted lion: we '(Ilel it i.p ollrijelves, in lhe fllmlliar c~uHr~e , - when tb e ,eT~lry ed IInywl1cre. Nunc but ' IIaa _....,.~ .. ;.: "~=~-==~~===~ \ n affeclions JlfCU"., 10 r,Qll1lee" i. unl· 'be $it,OOO appropJiated by Oongren Itor,tlll frl\ma which we wear, lInd ill of . c!laijle JIIY 1)lghlly Til!)!;: upon Ihl! liT. qh.'leil. by aOJ " olher ,prepuI~I'" i~·;t.{, B ,a 8T )I J. u: RIAL u n D. ib' 6 .!lO 'G b,er~iDent 8eeuriti~lI, lhat Foul which genUl\Les aud flourisbes nOli the ~pKrkl~g. tire cl~eered lhe tl. ch lo~"~ill .:: or . ete~lion, ."~~*",ar,j~~ , ' 1' ER ~I~, C; ...m ,-Office ftt I,iri letiit!rnce .. • ,11 l. I . , If . • ingB AB the PAl'lUllpallls III the glly ~I IJllinlulo~" ,Dr ., S}!Pp~~Jo,n or. ~~~lDIliJ l-Iy . \ i1renllh phy.iciaD .nnonnCIll .... SlrAIn . " . 0f 1 I'e spon d e d to t IIe ~II J'Iv enlna , \111,t , II wllb time 8 OWl). Ie .. • . EVUCIIBliOlie. Ulcer-lion or ~l\lur,u. ,utt · l ,1\ ck by ler 'COD- thu vlO\m . , IIIlilt. I,11 d "X III I'Irll ie d II'Ie '.1 "'. J . D. ClltII'llAli. . ' s fiN ' 01 111p. U'lIiru'l, 'ulit. f;~CIla ,'ddlat\' c'oll. l · 'o' eleotricity. '. gi'fen to It p"tlcn .Our own DR,tlf6' " . VI.rgIDlB, h If u- SETH S. " tll'lI,S, ' Ii. .r\ " I i J ',' ' . , ' d'lln(!' rro~ the eff'e'cita Qf chloroform. SplC UOUS po .. llon ID t e aona • .O tUlle, . . ' t ' '. , ' ltF.TAlL DI':A LER i I.,. I' plSIIl18 ilJl:i'dellt I Ihe iex. whFlh4/r arlllnl i~~~'fj~t~l! cc;>uOLeraC18 i.le influenoes, baa ~l ic'I (l:d th e admirnlioll of lhe world, dl~lg nlgitl8 nnd oll~t:~ lap~y U~.f!.,". m DRY GOODS,· · , ,, from habitl or . clj"iI&~ion:. iaprU!lttw:1II1l "V'IT ,., ' H '. e , i . d' I r Ol'd D . dAYS Ian,., syne. 11118 al CI~n't Jnalru illeS ~ J 8tQrea Lbe ,,,,lfere,r to hre. unuor her pr ou Ul e o ' 00110· . 0 i1 I .,j.,·t ·d · · f or I" 'h ...eelloe Clr' cblnlfe 'of' bl", ,. I. QUEENS\\, ARE, .1 1'1 ", . :, ,. ioo.' W" l';v'~ hCT bllcaUSIl she is veil ' menllS .ollsea r"\t 10 I Ie ~"atl n.• 0 I ,'lil\e ClDelllnntl Ga:tt/' anel Cammer · . ' .. .. h b b ' thousnnds who hRYe caul!ht merrlmenl ll~J..M~O,4ti'S HAllDW ARE; " cial 'bo~}l ,lInQo\lnc~d 'II;U.L'Ed .... in ForresL erl\blc:. w.e chqg lo el . eCllluse , U \1 from it, rnplUI'OUS lIoles, - It recllll. ' 10 •• J ,I • 'I Jdl ~J I,: I J.Jh!1 lI 11\ ( • • , " I'&' l ' , . ' u , I ilfE!AL In deeos-great In ' C Iflracler' • !~t), 98 \V cst Sp-cond S treet, ~QIJ If' appeAr" 1111 ··\Uetamora, . on t lli D • II I . \. • I '. ' I A ~hf! old the ollYs uf Ib eir .portiy,e r Ollth. · G,ROCEIUES , i I on h . d H I ' gr~lIt 11\ 1\ I Ie ,8eelll Vir ueB WulC I p ' ' . • " e •• nlDg' o, lle ' ....1 "an .. I 11m et: ,' . Ib . . . • . "Ilen lhey wt:re hnppy in bemg tl evo td "'I 11 ' r ,"')' 11 'F b Th dora humanlty-a Cit mRoy pOfllons . . Belw,<en V4~~ oncl Rare, 0.. ' at 0 .the ...\ tn.. e rUllry. e, ' . db ' b I 10 Ihe rn~etleR of lhe teulI l IHIII. tI I ".'~ :; ~j,JfD ' - • .l I .~ . 1..,'1 :i' }lc 'a ll 'R ' iI~l l, l l'~ I , . UI ller fllir omllm ave ten Lle~, enes .. J • ' . \: 1i • ',' ~ , -N ,,\., '( Sr.' ,rogl,leld t)itl(/"~ 19 uS Lllea~ reapon' ,! Ii ' I IVh lln bell'n'ly s'wAyed Ihtil' li ,'tles s ini s "t , ~~ f ' 'f', . .. o( bloodlhed IIpollalloo 110 rUIII-t Ie . jl,j,l \\I ..." , tY V 'r!! 'k{ .. 'ue lie-I!" I'! , ~ I, " ,~,l"me~ >" " 'd I ' r'll . I " Rnd 'p ro by its powCI'ful wilchery; ",heR die "12-"'m IMP ,~ ,9. ~ ""'1' .• , u'j' . ' sn resu III 0 Ie unre en,lUg . • . . ." • 0 " Invite ftftf'OnOn tu lh nir ' Slor.k or' l ", A·qlI"e~ch.t\'n'e' allY"' • ' John G) • Quig·. ' ') w.." r. H Rlmpliclty, ..........- -- - -.....~=~....,..~=== ~ 0 . trect. d CIVI prou d ship of loyely , . fllir Itvedln g"oIJlne . ' , . I '!fl•' rop,nld ,uddeo)", in Norwlllk, O. ) . I h d m v d'" mAJ'''sl'lcully c1I1VOId of the HffeCII\~I On of ' 1\0 prudl~h il'EC.' tAL 'No'J'ic,E!f,. ,~ , , ~ j' O*',-, ' fl y I tJ ' ! stale, W He 1 Rue '" ·L · ' lb. ,..,nlber cl,,t" "'!;Id ... supp08ed 10 b$ d ' r~ J II_ bebn age, and every belle mig ht hllY8 . • - - - - - - - -" • ' onWllr .or 10 maoy yell -, I q ~ • '1'0 CONSU.lll"J'lV~:iI. ~ 'ID Iler glor'louB career !-mIlY 10 character, lbe htr~lIe 0,'. rO,maqlle; S"ll'ctctl whh t.~rl! I. l he E elHern d.ead~ '( While being shaved iD prt'para .• I ' m ' ped~d , tloD'1o, I tb.. e, &he rlllor cUl hl8 bo move fOre IOl1g again on tile bosom when ev~ry heart WII~ 1\ palriOL II. ' l- d 'rhe unuPrs'lInNI Itnvin;! bel' n r1'8 10red, ." l <lcid ' i\M8. ' , every beal wltb. fr, ollkol;s., 10 h"_11II ill II lew weel;8, by 1\ very Mionple • it w 'Mr: i>:'Ou1ul.! ar,o~e. put on l1l8 . P", 0 I -'llb'l ','lie 1'I·m·l. of cnntlor, llid "II lhoae .lnhli aYn\f • rl"':rIedy. ~tt hQVinll lIulftlred 8evl'r~1 , ,> ,I , Pi .. " ', ...'" .. Il ' <" ' lere ar .• 8 el1e .n . , . . h ' I ' )' .. ~." w il/o a .,ve,... IU·(l1J . • A'er.lioo • • a/id Jnt~DLlil'8DIJP C{~b., aDel weR,L "bolH h,. bUfilu" .. , V',j' " 1 ·II·~" t 'b I Id a ' nd '.1 wlllch tieillog 10 I e, Virtu u§ all t e lhal dr\lud di e .nH!!, COII~ I!mpli() lI-i 8 Ilnlt. . ' Irgml" I ITI I,,:) 0 e 10, ' u ear .' ' .. . . ' .• . li is 8IIid that tl'ie'dbin miUee or Waya in every a8soCilllion which memory CRn J~st , Yee, V Il'gllllll, the~o, !erG Ihy iOlls Iv IIIUlle kllow II lu his ,reli ulV sutl er· I , t I Ll lh d f mtl'idillll era lh e rnr un~ or ~lIre. ~ • and MeaDS It"e p"'re'ptired a bill m~king bring 10 tbe mind. The lover of rode pa my !l)'8-:- y "YI 0 . 1'0 ull who desire iI, he will 8end II .' .. in lnLll'rn 1\1 , nRlul'e mAy see Ii her bellutiell en hel' I'plcnLlor, , .rl, corpy or lhe j>resclilllion_ ut ed " Our Df •.." 1If ) . ' , / , ," , , •• . • ·fh... ewe,·e \hy charIM. bul )olllt.•.., en.,'m. chnrce,) \Villi Ihe dirp"tiol1 8 lo'r prep ilr· BOOTS AND SHOeS Ri!"",n\a8 law,l " ! A~oni' oillen, ~ha tn. rOUKh cltffs, aod her mo~nLalD 81,.el\m.· nr. u.o!' il1!{ lind 'uKi III! lhe 86me, IV hi "h I'hpy will ' . II ., too ).;:;'1' ,. ofllincoeel will not 'l o below thOle of lete, lind ber "ild vBlleys; but lhe Warren 4:'0. .U't fillli u pure rllre lur COn8l1mplloll, AMlh mRI ' ' -IS OF 'IBE- , l ,I USE 'l •. 1\ II '81.,OOO.)L T InnUtii/t " "~' two bundred elMsio mind will rnert to II former pe BIfUllcllIlis , Cougha, (Juld_, &r. '1'be on· \ tI ii i 1'> t ., J' 0 Iv objeci 01 Ih(' udverl iI, lhe r.v;t,6 &A,' " ,·.',·lf"'Q ' d Ilats aO LI na11 ' for' It.o<Iu·.e· rent P rescripl io JlI~I"u" ' .. IW fi Ilhp ,u,.)Cl "' e.1 " " LA,'.lJIUl\i;& .D "AU • ""'t. ~' "111\ ~ I ' \ • ..! .. n dod-to ber se tllellle " III. Rnd ber ehands -..--A Indy wHte8 fI'om &dn\in. lIo" "r' .. ,BII d ' . t a . )com~s, a~P18( tl\&~ .q UlouDl, · l1ve pu Ul1ce trod by 80 mRny Adv~riLurou8 vic h>, lb e N, :Y, Trimme, ne follows: 8preuUIIlrvrmulioll which he CIl'icl'ives I" i . •. .: '1; .' - n "I t.' etl», 1f;: be .,oll~~IecJ . .. " lima .f. persecution-lie will , 6Qd, lbe 'hli81011ri is. R. bef.\ llLiful I'hriOIl, . N~' lJ,~ ItlVIlIUllbl,' ; Blld hft hop.es eHry Bllff· Allof ",lli'ch i8 offered ~(lhe 10wIIIII JII ,II oa",.f tllu'Urlnlri:,f)\'I-n., ,!,~,: '" , el:'!rwilllrYhfBrrllledy.o811 "'will ' c()Ht .f • '~ . ". ~ \ '. hI I c ' G'! W»io'b 'bRa{ be'eq ih ' litigRtlop "euDte and IIncien' , baltle-grouods of ~urfl hilS done her pllrL well; Rnd it only lh«m 1I"lhing, nlid IIIAy pruve " biesili ng. mllrkel pfIC~~, lh r e,Jla(ln!! , In I~I"" ~~ . Ie,:r,~ ",. !Oll~ I Ihe. rea m."B-"'ftnd ' lte ' ",ill w'Ilk Ovel' lI1'ed . on inlt:lilgflll, indll8lriou8 pellplc Pllrtl es .. g the lHI'8cri'ptioll will Oct. whatever ·CIUM orl,lIIltl0,lt .BU'1 n ml lijr . . :"""'1' . I 'U ' ., . pllllQ8 wlalch 81' cqn secrntcd by the no lo this oue of Ihe 81111111 in plea sp' or how 1011. Ilal)J( P I. :real•• ' .11""WID~ neArI y. . a'III) Ion aD.. , a blof' tJ ' h . "~, em , t. of•. ,'I crolc • .' ~he UIIIOI,.· 1 would.llrlvlsll any ij9~th R EV. EDW AR., D A. WILSON, '.. 1: "Iofall ' 'd"" r . ,m ' ,!:,d,I'~. l. }j"~'. •ill , Il t,C, .I~D,,, » . dan" . I loal ' ooor, ,19 ha~f. O'I~,O. ntl'~, W.'.II'11 noe: Il.~ .RIl I".1 J . ~~." I . II ' .no -I erq man IhaL is IpC?ki.n g WIjU ,,Co I' . :WiIIillllls hurgh. Kings NCO\llily. . •! . 'I" · or ,&ke• I tly ' dpeided Did Y k J • , , u~ m~r.e IlreJ'ilhellirut 1~., nail1 i , I of bdi~I· . ' 80m "o( 'Jh'e ill' I "PI sleu \llrrCSlown, recl! II1~ t \6 pltBli"n. L hOllle 10. C90lC h !: \'~. LU~."Q' 27-6111. ew 'l r. . DEALERS IN ' . ' "'I I r I II d bl .. I I prepiral"""" ot Bar kJOrslr.oa, , ' ',.,' •• "~ tl,', I~t"y ~~·, . d~8fI '~f ' ~"om nuwtit:I' el\ritest dAYS of the , ~etl eIDcnt 0 Ill! IJI't']U I.'C .. SI (I'tPI' IIID, '''' A Coogh~coj;l, or Sore Th~oll' . .....,....... !~: , : ~.,:c:: . E~ "I,' "1111. 'J.; " ..... ..., • f m lell ~olJceflllllg ~llon II g pl'OV I 8 ce"e l, ' 'j,'hOIl,'.uB;.erlil. / rtoW IBroh~tlow~' ..... ' I' , • d . 'ill . . colony wlIeu i, sprAng up in ils own I,r e IlIIC'P·· II..... III f UC u . IhQuIRES \J16M Elllol '[E ATTU/TlIlN , AN\1 .. 81!t.ra~ L}JqIlBAIL ·· e lUlL ,Wile to reo :, ' I d b' r' , The billel,s prove "bulIollllll y abl" 10 811UUI.D DIl CIIEI:KJ; J) , h ' AI.l.OW E!l Delicale 'C\)lItlillllloal\",.o;tvlb,Mn.a," covBflmodey. lI¥iLh Iht intereJ;l, bound prl~lllle sp ell or" ~n J~ cL 0 pure, t'.lie Cllre of lhtllme lves. Th ere Bre 1'0 C.I,N'I'lftUE, .A.NQ , 11100ce: , : " 'l,i " '),' .;., , " '-(jf'al(!lb'tiii • ' , p!ell~ ure lind w,lll'lIl er eOlliulillPm to cur \ muuJ hired in this pillco 88 b~1 VIIIIIs.- 1 rrllAUolI .of the I,u_gl , II . • 'erIllRoent ' The 'teeder W1.t be ·,w"'~' llIetl,bD.f~, , 1 . )" . -.,1 , mind tllllD lhe Ridge witlt ils cel AboUL 1\ mill! di . LRIH Ihe.}' h'llY,e n vii. Thront Alfe.ctloll . or IU' hcarllble tlr .Hick, df ,lhe' '•.b9" , icL \,,.,1 1-"" }l;r)l, ,~aQ8 G. SwiBlbel~ was dismis8' ebrRled Pell"e .of O LLel' I'n All Lllol'r mn· RITe of some IWO hunured f"mill'el . l .ullg lIi~('n~e" M Ih(' 0111 .'lInd unlJ,.in Slre~t, W.vne•• uiee.~" I~ jaur •' . \~ ". f,., ' ; \...., P.p!tlJ.. ed trim ' '.Ier potiitil;lO.~" Jolm Smith nnl1 hwl,ureb U.ley villl',w"ulu inl nrlll 'heir oIlJ , cU~lomer'lIl1d hc.II~, ~en~~1 P.°\\~"Et,.. ,.h~.pp, ilff',!'" ~ ,q,d _ _ _~.....:..:,,:..:.;: ---. olerk in 11.11!' ly and 8\1I".limily" I s upportI 1\ dlly I I~c hou l lIod . . . . .18.uFT . EN 'fH E RE;ULT. Qnar\efmalter.General'. office on Mon · • p' '0(011071 'l 'to 1 •.•. ,' ' ave I'UI L III ucnt IC lurob I. II onl! fe· J).~OWN·!!I _llONt;IlIAI. '.rROCItES lhe rl"SI 01 mlHlkil/d 11,11' lhel h\lVtI .allOud , blt~, .',,, . , ' • ' , . q. are eHE trlOeu 10 IIIe' m~mo I I ' H ' .1 ' . ft ' 1 . \" 1'-' nl hi. bOI,"ril v , { l"..c' dlty' ' ily .the QUIITtcrmBster-Gcnernl. . , . '" ,. "P~ct tley l"Y C C une ~U~r 111111 t lllir /lvlng "ulrecl H I uence UII Ihe pRrl~, u."ortlll~1I1 of . . 1"1 .,' r . ".7 .~ 1.""""1'''p/jJ·.h·llld '' ~..,-. , '. ,!, If , , r ' rWB of VlrgIlIlAD8. Never Las the wodd white neighttllrs-Ih~y have 1101" "bis- C'ive imm~diale rrl ic l. Ii'or RI·onchilid,. · , , . "." ' ," ar••1I1!P9rte. fr911' thll"' ~U~~" w\ll!<.\b,o ,a~.prov.1 o{ ,the S!lcreLar~ 01 exhjbiled such RII ,exAmple oJ pielY io ky sho;: in Ibe pillce, IIlld ' [ I'llve not ''l.slhmll, <':,"\"~rh. (Jollfump~ive III.d ThrOAI 1'1 War"lor. d".te'peetful, I.Dgua~e Ilga1D@tthelalter,nurturedin@8VAgelileorofseeollcolored milo drunk" io ~L8' '!,ix 1) i8ells"8, rroch cd 0 re Udell wit h .hVHY' . '. ,1'a .l ta' •.;; DIM .' , '~"'.'I _~:'ii'l I, Ui P "11 ' t ' II' rl I' I 'h I g:uud dUCfl'89 , 8illgl'rs ('lid Public Spellk. Ilao, a Ur'Il~ supply or 'I ~ ,~~ J."UW~~ e :e.~ ,en i.IO l e e"'8papet w IIC I tiincerily in olte of II wily 'alit! trencher mogl a hnve been bere: , e'rs' lVi~1 filld Troches .e1i11 1in ' tl~Mrillg , Till copper & sbeot-iron Ware' . .1'. / " \ ' " , .. 'I " \
JfW ;:-
W~sli~ : .':
,A , JON ES, M. D"
.," ' \' ., 4;
£mployment---$10 per Week!
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.lie · eu!L~,t ,~e fecO!"~rui;li(mi&t. 'i'hia OU6 TII·Ce . the vOice wh cn IlIk en berore til ll!!tng ur t ' l . ' , . ' il Crom th'" office 'flte firs L appurnnce 0'.A 8SAR8IN AT](,N, - The Presitlent . B"d the IhrORI Url .. r 'all lor su!e. II Ihe 10WI'sl e08h pr:lcea. A 1\ We milke no .eeret'of :he 10f hoatjJ i1l tQ ,Llie GoverDment. in Virgloill hi8tory is Ljllt which lllls 81ROd8 In ul(1rtul r"nr of his life . 10 his 111""811111 exerlion uliloe VIIC") orgllllS. '\'l'Ie !rindlJ 01 . HELMBOLDS rLUID hllrllll g ue 10 Ihe mob yeslerl~I\YI he 'JI'r"l'il f8 n~e recon)IIl1'lI,led IIlIil pre&cri~'eol . , CIIU j~ ·co.r;o;.eIM ' ''"ch~ 'rl~bebi ' ild A Mi,nll.eeole cQr!eepoudenl of tbe consf!crated her ollme rQrever. Ie "81 chRrges Ihe ml'n tv ho hRve opposed his by Physi";IIII8. ulld hnv e h"cl 'I'''.Ii\l1l) niol . 0 U'T ~ ' D 0 0 R. W 0 R. K r Juni".e r .~.,~;,rl',t: ~,)e, I~c!(f, d. *il:(' m'~:'l~';.k' N.. Y. B~ald advises penoDs .who iD- lhl! scen'.) of ber rollrc1ful inlerv.nlion policy m ~III,"enl mPIIor Ihroujll"'\ll COUlllry, . ill VIICluo.b, U· 'l' , with I ' 'hllvlO" L " aS81\8~ill8tilln hrocd frll Heinl! "" nrli cl,! Ir\l" ""' fll.Ihe 11110 hllvi\ljl "\lc·h I,e Sp",Uling, R" 09" 11 11'. & c.,. dunr. on _nd prep!lre~ T . JtI. " ,II • tend 8ee.~ing recr\;f~tion next lummer to in be.hllif or. Oaptllin ~m\~h, He ,vII. lug;n I lfl,l r o~om.:' ~n.~ lI~k8 if one ,,,,,,VeclIIlPir dIi"IICY by " !"~t of mllny .hurl nOlice Iud in the ben manne~. ~Q~D , 'd (~a,i'f .~d clleml.t' p( .il!!ee n go to" Mlllnuota mltclld of Sarllt~gll llle IirtiL willie mRD .he IIIILl ever .e~n. mur yr \ltli not Fuffi ce: .'t Ihe bl.ood 0.1 l,".,8 . ench } '"'' IIlIlls Ih .. m III ,,"W 10"'1110July 3-11 , , \. yuarD' np'e rience in the cit.,. 'Df Phil. d•.\-, l.'d t, . I 11" "". ,' 'I ' Lincoln ~"l\ not 1\ ~ UR1Cllo\)\ ."entlce' If, IL l e~ In vurin". p"rI8' 1)/ lite W'Hld boll Ihe ) . "I "h au.~. .01 ,er (t~' 'WIl,e noa' p acell. e 81v(!ll .L ue tIme '1'1101 'Ull ear y wlnle, 01 16U7. II\lNller vicllm' musl ,be slrlck "n d wn '1' I . II •. 1 I nl1B~~. LIBERT'" L-"" n, phil, anil -whicll ie . . .· p~.ibed ~" e ,.,p. "' d """. ' .. . . . . rliCIPRnrl'lInl\t'r~n )' llrurtuul1cflul,.'clr e r a...... ~ b~lb h\." ~,,,n e,¥eJl~nce an pili o~lIer" Ibe pl"ce 1111 WerO'lV,lCl1mlco , hlSr oll1ld· In hili placb.' Mr. John~{ln ml\y di~ 'lhlln I!lht'f Arl II' I"H, (C ' I II) mOil fminenl pbveieln": hlle "'eJl\,,.,.itr"l':tiQn 0 .q b.erl . ~q .proye LIlaL ,Ten ~ bood's home; 111e occRsion wnl the im mi~8 his fellr~: he hns p"8R~,III", POllll, /)ht Hin ,,"ly . Ur,'wII'8 nrollf'hiftl Tr". OilY fig Ill' . lI'd 10 UAP in 'h,, :United SIll" Irlll';' lnd ". .. . ., b I cllln ~ '1'1 I I rl !'~ ' 11 11 II k I II I W.rrllnledlocov~rllll>re@lIrID('e(orSami! . _d ' 1\' j.; a&loneeCJl. wlOte'r Ie beneficial lo' coo- pending SACrifice, y Ibe 10dil\[l8, of 0 !o! r. III on y m~ lIw 10 lire CII, ' , ,"." (1110 ,,'~ nil)' l' • e iVurllwei6:hltbao any ,uliler! ' 18 1I1p() In Vtr; '.\"IIII!r.1 v.,e In Sill" D.p.; .• . ...: . I'd f ' 1 ' tl· · fi" '\ I ' pJlhle of such (Ieed. h" CHII nllmh",r leg" Ifnlt~ll""8 IhullI"'Y be "Irer~d Inla Illd publl "-IIII' ~rv .In.tlt\lC~;d.1ioI sumplly-tle; .. 1\11, .lDva I 8 rom lIe east , lelr ' rs. cllpllve aDlong . ,\e co unlals, I'e,ren f '" ' Sohl ,wn yoU "!I "0 "U THER '. • DII •~l\'I . . . tH l nmong I\~ linn fr\~lIdM _ , pYe lywllf'r. t1 1' 11.1 . Ie U /01 IPII St 81e8. TRY IT, ~" , ILL' If'VE ." • hatiog delermine·d.lo rcside there per- rhe slury top well known 10 be re- Thb Fpirit tltlll 10 strive for nn,1 III bl 3') 1:!' lIl ri I,pr M'\l\'UFAf"'rUHED OlU.V ny l mllllently., · tI~ tidly '~1108e wisloin~ tu pealed . Smi~h h14.@RidL!taL 'Pbcllhon' he pr,}ll'clilill of lhe poor, Ihe · Iuwly. bu~ . _ __ ._~ l ~~~ ZE1(iLF.R. &. I:!lUITH. , ' , ' ,,f 'I I' DO' tQ Btarl Lill tbe 1118 lbe benlillg out or her 0\\,11 ".no lit .. \vt' -k, is nOI the IhM in OF 1I'OUTII, Wlooleso·I "Drug. P.inl " GIHB. Up"lera, middle u( .April. bfl,ins to 8ave mine' (hi~). The 8uv ' l" ltu 10 murd~r.-Cldcogo Uepulilican A G ~ III I"l1Inll wltlll,,)~ ""Ift'red fllryen... Nu. 137 Norlh Thfrd Slrp"., ' , '. ; f' " ~ .• , • ' . K' I'" - _.-_.- . Irolll Nt·'vIlIl. Dfllli lily , P fl'lIlIllllrt· Dec OV I PHILADELPHIA. " se " ', The E)eu~ld rep 1 til at Mr • .f!e wllro KII:e 109 gfllnltti .lo I liS tou chlllg lip· " . . und .11 tl, e f ffl'CIs 01 yuulhlUI i"di~I:ltl\OIl, ' j VI,i . r,A. p O . ~. • 1a 0 . pe» 1 !!'hat he hnd denied 10 Ihe cillimil ~- A Joke 19 curren l In New York will lor lhe 80ke 01 8uH'eri\l!l humu nilv . ~ For ealp. by PA1KT ;DEALEasl!"'nl'lr~v ~ Illows very umAl'kably tlte effect8 of I II r II . lilly. •• \l9·ly , • of mercy I alJd Smith WII S pllrdontrl nnd at t Ie expell~e oT MI'. Henry J. Ray · . ,," ~ee I?? ",ho \I .e~ iI, Ihe fI'~IUI' -. . 1e9 A Bl'oadw ' '.\'• ••" e" - ..Y.O,-~. •.· . , ago lAnd 6~tl'etint, , rfhe cI ar, 'fi·rm. ' . ' , d AI G .. "d dlrt'CIIOII A rur muklnl!' Ihe slmpte & TT&C •• n ' ¥-'-?T. U .. #... era~ \\o, 'eonl'pAci ," 8ud IIclive man 'I\e giH~ to ihe young mlliu~ n ,r?t a ,lnv'J. mon. . r. fln!<lO, Rn eX; II1(·mber ~f rpmedy by which he IVUII curr.:. Sli!, ~.. ~~' I, . . I . ' ,1.1" I,' .'" , 'J , . "/'" " ' " H ell, coui d the lern old King uell " CIJIo,g resI1 from ~h6 Bu(J.. lo diflt l'ict, the ferele wi~hill~:o prllfil bv lite ncil-rrii .... ·11 Juhn L. Si:hllll:k Ph.tt ·t Jlefore Ephhim i •. 10" ; " 1 ",as, b o.~ ~IV._~IO" P ~ce tD ~ co.ndilJ J I J P. 0' , ' oll (Jf h e 4 n l\'el plt CK di ll, III h .. r P), c " oller dllY inlroduced Mr. Rflymontl '10 eXllellt'nce, CUll dU POI h~ IIdllr~ ~" i"l! . . ' va. ' " "11 OJ i I~, I., ' , " , .• ' ' . '( J~ " - ' '1\ Ilil frBJIlIl QOlh hUfo\fed and ,ofeeble". I-Iolt "" ,,'k Ih, . w.el , IIl'l'l o.. nl< groce, 0 ' , . J O H N U 00 DEN Pete~ Zerltl~lI, d.'end·l . Dh"8ie T',p, . . 1 I H...·"LJ4BOI'~ , S·... "I.!." 1'bal ex ."VHnor Pfttker of New Je r~ev. , N ~ .... 1~ CIIUI' 'u~n '. ~ s I'.• Ni:1V ' "."rI k ' W IIrren countv, Ohio. ., I!i ~ I itl lllot unlil tlIO' warmth of con'l'ena. \ I brO.lh.d I ' k i"U<8U11' I .. Irum bo. fuc e . . . - (,""""!1' "" ·t· , · I " ' U , ' Jul , ,,I 10 ' ~ I ",,, "'g hC\' O." ,g . ve 'Tho 18 88 evert' bod" knolV~ . I 27 . 1 . 0 Ih till u f F ' ,,: D • .' - , v M_n baa atollltd him lhal • pl\l'llrul A pOI,l. r IO'O" lh"" nrl ' loll . uhcl ue. ' J J , ,1\ plO S IIy. \1 C \ D)' 0 eUlu~ry, n· .,18· tE:fl~ U')I.'!. Ihuu!t" huullJ l• .Bt n .I"ve, vtry Dem oc rlli. •Ah,' says J UO(1(1 P. S','Il" P\GE DII-T- !rliu E-- &6 1 8ui .1 Jutllire f"ollPd "I~ IIrdpr of ft\ll1~b· ' .tl'~,' "~ ' II ,' ,~ .Ii~,~gol Ii~It~f_ 8ym)'!,I.hy ',Iud appuhension 10 "'01'0; lit"" qu•• ,lly ft W"y .hel:tell'. I .. ' 'E • . "'tlnl if, Ihe ubove aclion' f<>r the 'ubi o'¥ .tl.~ , ;l;.t , rid of for h.. bel\lth. Ho i8 about Oh! l,,·i.f Ihe tl"ul>l~u it! Rtll, rI Ibo " 'do ; , 11m ,'ery glad 10 millie Mr.RRymonll:, '. ver~' Y"""/'! Itldy alld :,! r nlh' llIftU illlhe FillY DIIlIsu: . . ' tr fll '<:.~. \ , - 'Ii'l .In ' SI, . w ast h ll C" f" iYb·. lorfeil fi fe!' IIcqu~intaoce I lake tl e T: b Ullllrd S\nl/'s CM) hE'ar ~olllPlhinJl -\llIry , ' JCHN L SCHEN ' 10' a·'atli JII.-'~I 8tie .' ~iI."~" '1 " .ixty-five )'~aJ8 of !lie, LuL yeaTS or Smitli caused 10 be built for powhalr l'k . I. mlU, e- III11C~ 'Ill Iheir nclvan\lllle by rei urn 1I·.il F b' . • . CK: IJV '. .. . . . . ~ lhe' r. 'pfluence. ar for ' onen in bisll . RI a . . clluse 1010 see bOLh aides." 'Ye8,· (~rf'e uf chft;ge) uy uE\'~~~~>!illg" he "nder. e .16,1866. ' 8-·S" t,,·, f' ' .' 't' tIl. ' •. ; · ' •. ' ....' 9, g . p I , . L Werow~como.co a royal !lou.se, ~Rytl OnniOO. 'anu you gt:t botb lides ~ll!lIed. 1 hl/~o ' hRVi1l1l' leurl! of belnlt (BEr.ow-.caUTIltlT),' i ," . p!la~.~pc,! a,nd JUI pre8l;!nce. One (eel' durlllg tbe l1ut IIprlDl(, AI a ·b bltlLlon, io the Timea' . hllfnbullllf'tI, wl.1I ubige by not IIOlir. illll ~ ,ltIO,l II'l',n -.'\jlpo.'a Willi." ' ,,.< ; I'" . ' , . • & (!enlury In hi, (ace for Ibis monllrcb, Singularly' enuugh, ' . . " Ihis c_artl . . All olheri! will pl,eaee )lddreel \ jusl Ie;''' • JI • E", If " '•.'" ' .. , alld 'b' • 're' . ' ,[h ' I b h . . '. , 1.1[1;1., obedll!lltsprvnllt. · ~ C" ' 8 'i ' . :'1 re~~ " I . q~.n.a:., ' . r. (1 . . ' " ,: ~. f~ se~~e. ': Ie" 10&1'. eft. y ~ . !l ~be dl'lm \l~y ,of IIIIS bo.use i, 8Ul\ 8!"nd· (:dr W e \tIlVI received II pflmphlel THOS. F. CHAP&IA~;, rtf UI 111IIi. Bidtl!lJord. 'M.l!ille •• , .. " ,I ,. ' ';;~~.' ,'" \ :4) cr., .;'1 ldj o,!} lle r Ight. lido, or hls .Ja" 109. Klld i8 tan object Qf curlO: ily to Lhe eo titled 'A list of tbe Uniun Soldiers 1y. 831 Broadway,' Now Yurko I,. . •. 8wr,.1i".. 8 b'9,e,. n 'f... ed t 9'/1 York. riv.(. " h 'I) , h. ,,\n'dersool\ille,:. (,y . , )• ' D' ( .J.I. .•trl 'b.v.'l:'.PPMI a.rliIt4'-.. y',tolded re.lie 'of white in Vi, "in- til,. Nit,! Y.o,fk '1t.:hai,,, AllociauqD, aDd . s 8y the k'tll or , puund, of I 'LJeUJal'e C, 'r( "' Ie', ; 0 tbe /l1J'eq,~ "'8111101t. di.lorllon ; ii, II. identity' i. tal.lo.li,b.U beyond. aol" 'or ' 05' c~nt~ , ThIS beat 01 ~I\ COli!!!> Sf-rupI, lor 'llto nllllit~ 'fot .. if! b, ' I , I' I i' AS FOD ..,UiliA(! -,l' '. .SGW·L l'.· " . '" U I' • ~ •• by &IE'l ttllI1.q. -&. lrlllNTZ . .. • Jl-ERK'TT .. PRUfTZ, U-ly.
tb~ ~econd di~mi~BBI
EX'rI\AcT '~U,
g~ i~..thll,Jpring,
mo,~s III~n
F"r~ illll Cuulllrl~8,
throug~oullh8 111I.d,I'~"
Drug & che,-,, ·ltd.
,iii:'" ,
~ ir.oonr~ootiog · aR!.~8. w~)l )11l~d 'b~ Ibe'~lIr. , aJel,e~
$ 90 C~"S
Jac~son I
e~o.ur l'!J E5TI6~L!
M A'C"K ERE L '"
Pectoral Sy rup.
"',.11'11.'1 J>....
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4 ••. IIIIEaRln. . , . PRIaTI. th Pilat Odi"eo /01 . B. Jt Ord.laed bl die COllncH or til' vi i iI', Ohiu. &hrdl hI. J866. whl ..h. II IllCnrporatect "ilh'Ke of )V-Jhl'l.iII!'. 0 . , not 'abn out within Cln" 1II0n,l\. ""ill be -It Itppt'niDg 1o Ihe •• li (!lclion of lIIlid Il'nl vt lhe Gelleral PII.n Ollieo .. dud Cou nel . I lUll L • • . ~. lelle,a, ' It II !.'%peUII,nt or neceM a. p . aaUIt. DULaRS IN ry 10 .ell and Ih ~ II . d . enon!! celhnl!' for Illy of these letten 8eril.- d I conYl', e U oWl,ng ~- .will pleose lIy lhey lirA ~lIvPrlj "ed. U1: rea e.lale owne tl by tallt "II · E ~ WAr......ILL. (coawlI'ITATIO.). Iage, and ei tuale tller!!in. viz: So ml{ch '. , A .• .. ll1ERRITT, P. II, .t,ND " .,..... ·•• l1'wio 1IOtlJlD of the Publit: SqUAre of Ii/lid villlure 8~ ~ Allen WoI"am [\1'lle8 An ... P . . t' I d d . . , oM· ' B.t 8 Henry lle redlth J E CH EM I CALS: CiDcllUlltt:~"... '7.54 •• .... II DO !"C U t' w"llIn Ihe Imlilof ' ,un t Conwell John 1\1,;llill W," Silltf~~ LEAD, tf~I.f~f.\~"". ·I. L1.~6., II. and High ,lretolLs. "I o. eo milch of W", · i Chslll bNS A i\1ullill bllac CUrUID~UI ~~~~ID" C) .~8 1'. ~, Ie! Bueet I I li!.'1 beL " ee n Soulh and GOrlVIO D Avid M " li n ilIor), E ILo-,...~-:-: ~II,/ in 0 me...."'e..---- ;-- - Mllii EipN'ae; ' ". . . t.6lI ,.,...... Hlgb Str~eI8 • .And so much of S Olllh .CI"rI\(" Alice J~ne 2l\1"N"u L VARNISHES, peop Ie ui W"1 ueil\'illt'\J& p),tab_h,.....i . 9,O!l P. l1li• • Stree, a.liel betwe tn WRter Streel and I Culwpll Shmuel PUllt c vi('irl'hy· 01111 11 he h.. pur. ~.JY1!9 ~Tl'AAD· BOUllD. .," Ricbard Hainea' Wtl8l linu on Iha SRmp· I D "\'i s P par8un PrlllCipn\ Waler-cure . chnsl'd 'h o I~IlJhbli~l.ment "1..It'!." ...,.; 4..10 A -. Ilso •• m'llch of Third etreet 8S Dornn AI t' xlIlld"r Robb .J umes M 01 I\1r. Dudley, "here b~ NiC.II}l"~l'.'.' ~J ' '1.,~y .:,:: south of So\lth .Ireet; "Iso, 80 much o( El lie l\!ury 2 . lSAb~rillg H h~~ 110 IV on hlnJ 11 1>AINT VARNISH, &0. Pltll1Jv~ BpI' .... 3.20 P. l1li. Maio Ilrlll't as' lies Nortb of lhe Free E ~le n Elmore SlOckw~1I J oh n ti E prau, A.no , '1' · 0. b B .I W I Fishcr D B S IUW Sumuel C· I tnc IIna. ..,_ .• , MI : urnplae. y lbe rewery lin.. eeL F ilchett J o nnlhan 'rhUUIH 8 Miss E lizll 0 o! the ,XeDia, Lbbanon Rnd Cincinnati FAwce't EIlIlIlle Th om pson l\Ii :l~ E L New 'lI.~d \Vell-s~lecrcd Stock of • DC' oot .toe ~ W •.4t cU:~IfT) ~lljent. 1 urnplke B. DucLEr . MIl),,,r. F elli, Juhn ,'h" mlll! Ju li~ A E. W. WOODWAII 8~'. E. R. PRINTZ, Recuruer. G,uw S.,uuel Worrell ~I rd Muy /I , ~ . L.t • 'ellt'.·· .. , · _ • H.r~f'y J D , \ v'ou,llIlnry S ASH 'A N D PUT T Y • CADW;r.£4DEa ~·IIILL~. E.-.-. .. U" 'Four meD chargt'd with murde r Je.~op W.lliun W CRt T c . -roJ-'. • JOll es E A Whilnry Hut TRUSSES, PLAIN AND 'F ANCY /I. P. D•• E. n~~ Agmt. -Samuel Cooverl 8nd Harn, on Mo · Keen'! Wm W \V ~~I ()W I' Il SUPPORTERS, !!!!!!!!"'!!!!"'!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!~~~,~~~~~!!!!!!!~ Neal for 'ttie murder of \Le Rooea film · Kimm ll l G '1' Yeo Annie E W. :.t> ~!".I ,~, ily.. George Sbroederf (or the mllrder ....egg Lury G SHOULDER.-BRA.C~S dy B01, J" or J 61 ea" old. \0 learo the or WilIia .. V.SemoD, at Foater'8 Cro88 - - --....._ - .aLl. .TBII . 1'01'IIL4" priactii"~\" >~;.~., ':'.., • iDg, aod Tholll"l H . Liulelon lor Ibe LOOK HEkE!-Every penon wb.o ex , , ~LAIN AND }tANCY. • peete to hll"e the m"nugeme nl of any murder oC WUliam H , at Deer- kind of bu sineaa. be iL ever 8 0 limiled, , J In ! ... ' . ,-......... " , (illld, · .re DOW con6ned ' in lbe jllil at ehould ~p end " Lime aL 'the IHIt .known Kill. G~t'.i:~'Rbe , t~b aU. · Wat LebalioD. The Rooen tr!~lwas expect. Ullion Bu~ine8s Inslilute o( (JRlkin8. m:XfiACf~, eel (or :the : IT.....ri',d ....oei.tioD to, ed If) eODolude on Tueaday. The at· Griffins, & Co. ,located lit Oberlin , Ohiu . I whi~h he iEI prepllred 10 mee' .., lhilieti1le; 'TlHl Dloroillg. al It\ndaoCle hal been large, aDd the ex. If you Wllllt to be a fiui 8hed business allllnow ' wb'a ,irere out. wli ,ery un· eite~eD~ .in!enae. . J} milD, R belllltiful peDmnn, or R success , CUT ANDI MAKE UP propiLioll1 for Ib., ocealioD. The wind ' On a,turda! lhe testimollY rur the ful tdegrroph operalor. sC II ,1 10 t~" fl · ~AIR.:OILS, WII blowin,.. 'I 4 lbe mud ~tale c!oled, aod se\'e rlll " ' ill)e5ses were bov ~ In sLilule for Il circulllr-it will tell TO OUDER, -well, the ·cioD·leqll~~c4i' wla. a goodly called for the defense. FlOminent ayou 1,01.." aDd is sllot free 10 any nd · lIuarber ' '#,ea.~ ~ ,wbo C\1mpJ.ili of mong tbem .wRI Mrs, M'Neal, Coovert's dress. S5-illV. 'rui ae, .DrlardiDeil' . 00 the part of aister. She conlradictl Lhe 8tatement
Merritt" Printz,
trehant tailor
or oro Oondition of the 110m.. IDnra... ~.Y ::01IipaDY, .
() RUG t 11 ED I CI NESt ' 1~66,
. WUl!mISlBtll 2g
Dry and Mixed Paints,
Ii,,; '
mm'[)' mmlID m'
~ro8(J ..t:~Joths,
""",t.,. itt,,-
., ~
,~ee, '
Patent llledicines
S.Hk Vestings,
F41iCY SOAPS, &we.
" IO~o,I""" coDcluded
'bat · tbey t !i11l111 wilboat ' &h. kDowledlJtI ~'"f'tr1 1111~rD& obIai.. "at 'be A •• oci"tioD cia,,' Uld" ooDseqUlntly :·tlle, · took repo_e ' Dnder tbeir own yinel and fig. tNiIt: louctly' predicting tl.at th'el'e wo'd 110 ,.. BIi' tbere wtre 1011111 r·' ... \ . '\ bOlloraDle e~~~elJ'UODI, "ho, lo ,lhe hope' dlllCIl.~raIDi lhlir dulin. pUlhed forto tb. p'Jcttu~lgDed. ~ber. tbey 'be oililena bad made prepara· . ood'i.-,e. wi' 'llOcommo'·~or all tbe ' •• cbera 'in Ihe cOlin.
Of eoune Ihe~ w~te not 10 be dis · " Ippololea eDtirely: accordiDgl" thoAe the pr&teuio.~· ' iib'agoudl" lIum . y~ 'b~ Iri.od~., ( lhe o \ ule. proceedee " q tbel wt;l1~ ",, · ed ohurch: . '.. re tbe mellting w~ called ~ order by Vice Pre'ideol ,Tglt.: 'J'be Secretary Dot p .......,u,. ' the ord'r . of ezereilles I'
lpetl~...~...;. ~,~lbJ· l~~:1l ~AlrJl .COP1;~f,tbe f"tDiII~lnn1~.c, ~icilill· ••h. hiformillio,;, 'l'
~cil fill ..aa '':ap.
r~4 Oil he~.i( tr.'el~d ' 'r ' . . ... ' l i' . " I , a~~ ,,10 ,m a _ope ~.rpm ~".UUII. read aD excellent ellay oD 'Ed.~ ( . '. 'I'clf brougbl·CJII a ' ;• .d "I!UIIIOO_ IlIra a'od 0 II Iera 1\~:UclP:!'.'4DI--"~IC.h _I~- d &1 ,., e r' - - , ' II our ,bo~e' iD "'He~dAnce y .. .· . , -. . ,· , .,..··...
riel' clearly
demoDlirated that ate alive 'Ue ei:luc.iioo~ 'LIIt:1 'nte' .Iso jl~HT.- .f , >. 1 J l.. . .h / . .~ pr,~I~.KI~~ to adaitDlller \0 lbe comfort8
" IiI"~op'l. ot'l.'~iDnille
e'au'''' of ,
. - -,
D~ID"tJ. ml"P.r". II I;
or Mi .. ' Mary Shlle(er, who lesLified ,hat"ebe beard' COO'blt delail . to Ml'~. MoNeal Ihe circamstAncel of lbe murder tile morning ,,(tllr iL WRS oommitted . YOUDi McNeal testified LhA~ his Uncle (Coo,ert] wal at home 'o n the nighL io queation. During lbe enlire trialtbree ot Cooverl'. listers have bee n with him, 'rh~ prjloner is rep .. e8ente~ 88 exhiLit· DO parLiclll,r Ilgn of ·nen old inl1l'Y emOlroo . . ·, .......- - " " 'BIl lure your sins will find you
U-Weslern pRpers Rre (ull accounls of r"ligioilB re\' iv"I" NOlhing lilll' Lhis excileme nt has b e!: n aee n 6ince I !l50 . .
Thebo.I)d!, and BloCks own'd by ~~.e - comOlny \.18 per 'Yo\lohelil accom,a"J\nl)' ' ~9;9r,1. ' Delll8 due 'he c,'1mpaoJ\ ~,' , .' ; cured by mO'~RliI (at ",er, . . eCClompall},in&, yuuchert) jl4,,060,oo lJebts otlierwise eeour.e J (." pe r vOllchers eccump'ylni) Deb" (or PrelJlilllnS . All olher securities, olliee lurniture. elfe_. &e .. '7.?63,4a 1"
'1'otll AI.et. of Compan" 1776,tl1I6,10
1:1. LlABILlTH£S. LOIBl'e Q':Ia~justcd end lo..e. in IU8penle, wllhina (or further proor, A II olber elftlm8 againlt Ihe . Comp~ny, exCeplll!llU of. fice expelleell . Tot .. 1 Ilebilii.iee
186,9'7'7,711 , .. "~Ja,.7, ·•... ll,OfJ.19
The greDte8~ smount insurld in anyone risk,. . The grealest alnuunl allow'd b)' the rules to be iftlurell In anyone cit), town -or McGUFFY'S & WILSON'S SERIES. vill'Jie, accurdillg to .i:t:l'. The grelllost amoU'1 allo o'd to be in.eurftd in Iny on. . &0,. &0 •• &0. blllck, accordllll to lenal" ,, ,I and etructure ' ," TI!e Hmollnt of it. capital or earnll1l!l depolited In an,. oth~r Siale, 81 eeeurll, for luslee Iherel n .~,ooo Ca..~tullyand ?romptly Filkd., The Charlrr, or act of Incorporalion 01 811\11 Compa ny, 18 orevivUlily filed. Old, D r 'It g - 8 lor e , Depl'si\ made ill Ohio, I.erewith, lV.,oe8vU'e. Ohio. STATK Of CQIf~EC:rICVT, l II ~ • POST-OFFICE CORNER, COVNTY OF N£w hAVEN, D. ft . Sauerle(!, Pr"eldelll , .IId Charlet Jun o 23-1·t( \V i Iso .. , Hecretary U! Ih" Home lnaurallce Cumpany, be.inl: Beveral ', Iwoi'n, depOlO' and lijY, lhal the lor8gulllit I. a lull , true 0110.1 curre.et ~lllle..l'!\ent 01 tli'l Itrai~. of tho enId Gvmp6oy, Ihlll th fIIlil 'In.urancl!I (;omp~~.y id Ihe bona fide owner of,. ~, lent Olle hundred lhouS811~ dolla,. ur ac• ..I.' lual endh Clpila l invested 'in I::Itor.ia Ind BUlld~, or In Hurtr-,," on Rell Eltate. ' worth duubJe the amvu!lt (~r,,,which , 'b~ ., Bume ie mortgllgedi and tblt they lYe the W_A _ y:~ .N_E. S VI L L E • above t1eecribetllltlicerl of lIi\!ln.tl' aii.. " Company·. ·· _. - - ~ • , _.- . D, R, SATTERLEE. ,1"4 llieni. --0...-CHA .' W'LSON ~ Seore"rl' Suillcribed ..lid oworn before W!" tb" 10lb d"y vi ,J.uuary., 18~G, ... . ... _, [SI>AI.1' , JOSEr" SHELIJON. Wlvrd::Jo:I'IT SrAM,.] ,. , NOlary PUblic:. ~ OFFI~1'l OF ~.. £ AUDITO~ or"'STAn: I" -0P'<':plu"nblli, 0 :;, Janl'lary 20, ,8Sg, (I i. he. tl.ly r.nl,fi e'd lhat lbe (Drego.ntrl. a correCl copy of Ibe et.. ernenl of CO,,<lltIOO or
~ ~~~
rr S'
Physicians' Prescriptions
II. A .. !;)ETS. Caeh of Ihe company 10lned on call R eal Ji:.. t,te unincumbered, bui ldilllr1! Ind 10t8' in New
In We.v ne 'l"lwnship. I\hrch II. of dis. oUl. '--If tURt geDI emlln with tbe new p8se 01 Ihe IUllgs, AIIlU8 Cook, aged .bllut . ' hal 011. w~o pi~l.ed up the wLil ~ puck 80 y en r~, tit hllndhrchiilf which had jusI (1Illen ~ _==~==========!!!"'! from the cl(jtbes·line above. lind' 60 :;Iy . '''Ilyues\,ille llla.'k.ellJ. , ·f Iy, yet .0 quickly, pillced it in hi~ pock· WBITE SHIJRTS, Cart/1I11" Correcttd Elltr!l Week. et, blld been beRrin~ in miDd the Rbove WheR I 1il bu.he I, adaMe. lie ,!Ollid ~, hR,ve been 80 de· 'I 66 @ 165 /V NDER SHUlTS, Rye 1@ .. 60 eenedly reproved bl lhe young Ul'· O . IS II 28 ~biDI who.!' 'L:, th?~~llh ~~r8 earneat- Burlev 1Il ". 100 '~~. ,\'VEilS, Corn 1Il ,I 36· ~Dgaged .a Ul~rble. on lue or poaite F'lum ';!l bnrrel. 9 bO corner. • Ull~<>N' FI'lyr 1\1 cWl, 47.'> 8USI>ENDEllS, ' j' B"oI.'r 1\1 II> 25 ''-''''''' . Lurrt 1Jl. Ib ~(} ' ~ . . We can aUen· ion 10 tilt! ract IIl1lL ... R ..., . I' ' PAPER COLLARS, ~: j;! g (ll. "'ozpn , 16 Alessn. o.eb~rrJ . .t .I.,tIII are always P t.l lotoell '¥ bush el, ·1 26 in fu.1l .~pply of o'l~ic·les ~11 • th"i~ line, Dri~d A pp le6 f 1b 10 @ I~J. -:p\NI-JK~"Cb.jJh:~~':"~If.'II-JE~"i&,_ ____ 'irO~', Chicke'.'8 1.) doze'l. lind It 18" l(luree ~. of grallficRtlon lO . V .. ft'tl e lfI 1b 36 them to caler .atisrKclorily to the. ~anls N eIY.Orleans SUller f It> 16 @ 20 ' ETC., ETC., &C., of lhtlir OLlmerOUI! cLlst~m!!r~. Ifh~ LIN. o. Mul"e81!.~ , g. ilulJ, 1 35 Cu~" Oi, 1Jl1l.i1lu n. 1 10 din. "ill bere 6.nd an Ibvillng " "Rorl , .A/fDa!!, on lland in !I,'eat variety. ' ment of toilet, Dt'eeaEarte8l including the F tl b:,lIJ, )866 , mo.~ eleganl pe~fumeriel. Call lhere. ,
A well-selecled ft880rtment of Ihe BElT
Jlltltric~. AI Ihe reside nre 01 l\'lrA. G~dJill, ' in W.y',c . vllle, on "utl8dn y eVl' lI illg. l\faruh 6. by 4ev. J "V.l'laslln, Mr, JuuQthon Ogle ~ b ee to Mis. KUle Yeo.
mode to the Auditor of Ohio, pu,," 6uanl to the Rt ~ lule of Ihl Slat •• NAME AND LOOATION. The name of the Compl"'Y il the Hom. Inaurence Cornp~n" eud il 10Cited at ' New Haven, CI,"MClicut . I. CAPITAL. Theamountof he Ca~t~ Slock authorized by 1\1 Ch'nler, ' 11,000.000 The amount of ile Cepitll Stuck .11 p ~ ld up, ie (lh. CQpil~l-:-will be 8.1,000,000 aflee J o;lIllllfy 1 1 1866,) 600.000 .
.~ ..._
, 00-- ~oSl,,~er. requests uil to s"1 Ihal lte .wil( remRin wit}! u, a few days Ion.
1J.~! .I Jb~ ,; ~p,lo.!li'Ii.~D . • p,ept or the u..e ill d,. ' •• c•••ina lbe be,lt gel'. iD.order 10 'lccommo(inle Ih08e who . , • ha,e 'liot 'jet a.~i1t'd ' Iheplse Ives of bis ,~ pre".nt ·, tar~iQ'" ' aDd truallcy h . . . ' . 9~v'UV..~;Uld tbe belt method oC teaoh. p otographlc ,enlcee. 11 IS our RdvII:e ~ &0 all lucb lo go. eArly, as the opporlu. h I , ort ograp 11· . ' . . "~' , III ., I :b ' "'th e",mee'ID ,'vlJ ' o1~ i d" ..J.l>dt ' nlLl" eooopasl y, . Iii 10ll:D R lour" .. , 0 meel "
·WAGON"SHOP. J I~OVi'N'S DRY New Arraogement. .• . • Upper end
0': Main Street,
lituu e IUJlUrHll c-e COIllPBlUY DC
New H .. "en.
.II.de to aDd filed iD Ihilo O'tice. 'for the 'I r 1865 .' , (St:AL) Witllen 'my hind and ~eal O'IlI~i.l~. JAMES H, G9Dl\M.N , . (STA~IP) Alldilor 0'1' 'Stale.
Th .. snbpcrlber, ""ving purehnsed ' thp, bnHII,('R9 .nd stock recently be longing to W" Y~IE!!IVILLF.. of John \\T. Cullelt, lVi~heOi 10 cII11 Ihr ulen. OppDsi le Ihe t'oun.nin 0 1 I'u" e Wilier! (To expire on the aI.t of JanuI'Y, 18G7.1 lion of Far"lers ond ollrers 10 the fllct Ihol he is ellgnged in Ihe mAl UlftclUre uf II) ou~a" ~ 'I C" /l',,cl'eo " ' or "'ugar '' ' OffiCii! of the Auditor ~r. 8t.~t!' / l lit . 10 \ ' , ' 'I . - '. . I( you "8"1[\1,0 1...,,. o,i-, fiah, ' lnolilrllnce Dflpar.t"l·t!h." '. . 1 i? ():7 Lebanon bAs subscribe<I-,he req· If you "a,,1 <';"n<ly, II i. in. ur Fig•• COlumbu., Ohio, Jenuary !10th, 1866. .' At. lbe olcae. 10 far a. words .. .I'b . " ' II b . d d I If .I ou walll CI. '~'~~'~~~'~----lr-l0»--lR:-'t=-4~'---lIj-l-M e"'ti O'r DI'i~cJ BE ,f , { . ',~.I1 ->"":, " . , ' - 'c:!Uelle '60.000. 'ln'L} ele", WI u laIR ~ on is prel""ed to u, in I I __ e' ~~~:.!! WH.ER&,V, lJ'he HOMDJNSU\'M ROIlOOI 1Da1. .& f1liin-i1t-e'ldence, I d'l . , I UA;&bept slyle nud 011 Ihe shorte~t Ifynu wanl good Ale.n ker, " COMPANY, located ,at N.ew - Ha"q.J~ ".:r;- ( ' '. b ' ' b.' d I!" ong :covete r"~. CODnl'cllon Wit I lIulu:e , "nythin, in hie line . If .1'0'11 wlIlIll\olognu, Ihe SIBte 01 Conllectlcut. hIB' flled in thil came ~ l . ,o~nc 111100 I at we a Ibe , );.iUle Miami Road, We eXlend ()::7" RrlllllJinlt the serviCP8 of 1\1r. EL- If .1'011 wonl B'Hring., uffice a eworn Iletement of hi ,<onallloD. a aoqd ti~. generally. K. .our congratulations to our liberal Leb- LT~ON KEMP. IIod olher superior work me" . If you wun,! S~I! by Ib,a lOck . Ih, 'Ir 1.11.> 1. 88 required by Ihe IIr.' lIe<:tlo.. oJ 'he , '.~ Ii Iiia~-;;'~"'~I"_: ' aoonJriell, ds. OD' Lhie triumph or Lllejr he guar~lItces. Ihe IIIIDUB~ uti~raclio ,,_ If \'011 WRnt 51nrch, , Rice . !iorla. Cream of 'To ,rel"lste Insurance Companiea pnoe incorporeted by the Stile of Ohio,' p..~ -()::'T A one horse P!nnlllliOIl \Vn~Qn Ta,tat. :P~pI'6r . Gillger, C,nn.lllull .Ba rIL. enterprila. · ror dille, G, HINCHMAN. ' At-pice or Clove_,. April 8, '1806, and amllnded ,Februu, 9. . ~,~!D"'~I;KI'~"t'~b, 1,~ J~66i ... Wllyheevillo, Feb. 27. If you ... ,,110 g,e t drunk, <lon'lgo Ihere, 1864j Bnd whllreu, .~Id Complny h" ~I,ti,e~; f,t ~.~ . N ,r. ~.J~e~I'1 Store. - : M.r. ~e.v~ HoUaDd i~ ~cti,ely If you wool Tubac'c'o of len dilli.rent kinu •• lurllil~ed, the u,nd!,rliltned .all~factor)' ...._ Idenel th~t It i. pOI.e .."d of Il 1.lIlOlle .. ade "bv lhe eqg"ged, lD. lohclung ,and obtalllll1g 8ub PEl' YEA R I••• We If yon ".nl GenuslI. HO. III o. WII §t. n Pllf'Qallee to'. ' Hundred 1'houaand Dollarlof .clull Clp,.. of We Gr~~e: Y~~if~e~; Cor" acriplipol ror tho purqhl\'s~ .9( addilion ; \\' ont ogl'nl 6 e very where . SO" P, ' ital iDve81ed in slock., or lionde. o~ila . ,.., , , h 0 H h to sell ullr IMPRoVED ~211 Sewing Mo- If Y,"U wQntCig.". lTIorllZngee of relll ell Ill. wort" double . ', : Qn. moti~1l J, H,addeD. , . &1 ground lor t e emelery. e "" r.hii1t'8. Three IIIlW killlJd. Ulldl' r 0110.1 If JOU waUl Optun in Ihe . hell, can, (\ole" or Ih.. amount fot ' wbich Ihe lame II miftBaily , ..al ,appoin.led Oil,irman., and on already obtRined over $ 800, outeid!! 01 upp e r leed. W Imonled live ycurd, Auove <li.h. 1!8ged; and whereas Bsld Comp,"), ~at 1II0tioD '~ J.·. W~ Ke"I. · W~. ),laning- the t9wO •.. aDd will .Jou.h. Lle88, succeed ill SIlI",y or :.rge OO'JI"oiss iUllii pllid. Til l' 1£) 011 want 10k or BI.,eking, filed in thie office a wrhten Inlltomelt' T ,I . OIlLY l1IuchiuCA sold In U "ileu S'l nte8 :or 11 yo u wUllllluokeu 0',' 8Mokelo. ullder ilil corporale le.I, liRned ' b, \he too " " appointed Secretary. I the lalld ble ubdel aking'. Il's~ thnn $40 , whit'l, lire lully lic{,ll s('d by \I you W.. II' Cruck"ry WKre, . Prplident Ind t:!eereta'" di'leof~ aolb.Ola. . The !toli" "a. oalled t01order.· wben •• fl uwe, \VIII,pler Ie. WihlOu. Gruver & Bn- II yu u W.IIl to go $way <lry. go there- lI1IOll\' zing any IRent or .Ilenl. of ..Ill Coml!&.~ l J. W, Key. ' s.t.ted " Ilie 'ob~eel of th~ ~Our luburban re~dcr8, nnd lhoee kt'r,lSinger I< Cu" and nu che ldcr, All cult", ny \n tbia St3te to .cknow,l ec\c. aerWlCIl 'J • "11 "II r "Iher chellp IIlti('hi"t'8 are , infringemenl s, If YDU WUIII YOllr )'Ig "elll home elll\,ly, •• nd il 0.1 prOCe!lI, for lind in behalf 01 .ald ~om IllteLiol, "Me}. wa'l,o ·purch.'e ground r4lsiding in "dJacI'nl" Rglle, WI a\"or l!IId Ihe seller ur tiller Id It.ble to hrrcsl, . WillooUI 8 lawful ()rd~r! piny. ar.cording 10 the ·t erm. of HldJlw. . laid grave:)'ard Mr Ih. pur. Lla by leDding an1 ilf Dls or local news linl', ellli imp,i.unrneJlI. C~rcnlorsJ;'fie - If r ou wa,,1 POI"C"rn N"w, Iherefore, in pur.u.nce 0' the of elliarging 'be ·"It;ne. Variou" ,hat ma)' uan~pire ' in Iheir nl'i~llbor · Au,lr(l ~8 , or cull Up~1I 1:)11I!w &, Clnrk, If ,..)u ."nl "i,", Co,;ulll. Penci! •• I'i l'e., 01 firet sectiun of Ihe aforeSAid ICt. I, SAil" I I Ulddelord, [\111ll1e, :.l6.ly Pipe-Sle" .. , H. GODMAN. Audilor IIr Sllte for Ohio. a, Key •• bood.. Suc.b things are a wRye we -. "e"4i&cr·..ed.· . II G If YO'U W"UI MAlo-hu, BOY~' do herepy cllrlily tbatllid HOME INSU&lIddell, l1aw'lc ', Merrill and Holland. comely r~eel"ed. Elt~'U II ~'6u W8.lIt B"eo<l, ().kra or Crac kers, U _ ,RANCE COMPANY OF NEW RIA. ' molion Or J W Ke~., II oommit· · •• _ .. , I/' you ;.. U( C""lor a,l, S.eet Oil or Turpenlon, V EN, I. ftuII~orl.ed to tran.ect lhe 11\1.1- ' te~ 01 ~JOUf 1wtll''appolnt,n,.to ' I. ' .....a: . tee _Cllllrl'; ... ,'~ _ _. We III!S' of Fore and Matine Inlurence in thl. ' Afe . informed . . thRt Ihe II brulge We 1,lIve 110 he5ilatioll in S8} ing Ihlll the I( yuu wllnL 81'00 "'". SI.ta ·untillhe Ihiny-/iratllay 01 J.nuln .. Reed and C . d ' r over ~he creek lbll 81de of tlrHya · . If you W~III APi'lu. in Ihe ~·eer·one Ibous.nd. eiahl bundr.~ • ran. III regar to - price 0 b .. I, 1 I Id FIN EST , PER F U M'E R I E S II .1' 0 11 walll Caudle•• Bed.Cord •. 01' Clolh~.' .. and \1.0 lei U""he ' mone1 10 urg \I In .'' nr1 uo ... etl I Iy anc ('crep' b d Lin .... ""d fix Iy·.even . ' I' t eo"'d'll btl aDd Mllcb ·In nu £(1 of ~ome t'vEir offerer! in Ihi s m~rkel, mn}, e InUII LSUL] In wil nel' ",heNol. I h.ve herfP'ucha8 e .11·d) ao d eou Id be ralle . d . bU"~'" t our e d I6 bl ', 6 I'!lIen t , '1'1 .ev ur e II II If you 10" II L1.;<1 '''0 y, . • 'r • " ., Shoe.B,·",h... or Rice. unto eup.crib~d my, ,n.'P1t I.nd eub@c' ' -. J W lion (rom tlte , Truslee" II you w.IIll'av~r "pttOOI COmmIJtff,. . . K ey~. aileD . . 01 . ~lie urn · . or }:nvelul'." call8ed the aeal of .m, offie. to ~A P. O'NI Th Ob',' . h ... R pIke CompaDY· Tlu. bmlge 18 Dol 811ft', G E NUl N E, I. ;-01) ,u,,~ MU. lo.·". affixod Ihe da,. \lncl ye.r alon" • . Ifl. 1.1. eDO~.• ' ~ ath. . ~ II I"" wallllO Bell or buy lIutl~ r or 1':5'1;-, wriue... JAS, B. GODMAN~' CALL AND SEE. 0' ~ , . . . Rem~mber th'e Auc lion lo.day Bntl con'p elcnt judr.rcs givo thAm the II ) o U ';"~lI t Lill""be(' ~ IId Chewing (; ""', [STU.P) .Auditor uf Stl"; lt ~t .p n~ r I • p .. .'~ea!l, ~ C~DI: And S.Lu~day. IIDd make it your Ipecial III(;IIQT PH,lISE. . If ) u U wal~~ _E!,~IH:e pperlll inl,o,' C""".. II OII . W. K.EY8, JUl'e 23-Ur Hundred. 01 ' We pArlicularly desire the allention or olther ee of three~ ,,~, ,"Ppol.Dled to dra" bUlinese to be present. .'. W.ynenl,UtI, Obl'._ lip SOIll 1 ~ . 'b I ), , t' . Rr i~ ' " ~,t~re!OtllJ ~nR8 0 eho~ce bargainl /He made lLbre at eYer)' lb ' b' 'd~ f '1' H E L A 'D I 'E S Il:T P. ~,-II); u arc <I ... "k nr in rile hobil " 0 Y lJoOl A r O'N ell \I • 8ale. ' .Go IUld ,.harll . • mIUee-... tuem. 01 'n',."i'ng t.lruuk". or r,IRI"'ut bl hav e )' o u rulli a~ A. E. Mnri\i; alid br. Way. ' . ....... '. To litis renlure IIf. our btlRineie • .We hove bt(' v2~~:'~: gel,ll",""", STA y . AWAY ! ..(:G We,lere now receivi.na Ordl!~' for ' the On III tiOil rA.' ""1l.I ' t " . t : , . I " . or II Ilreat maltY kindl IDJ ,iu IUlle qUlri. spring delivery ul genuine Linne", WI •• .d~ . " , ~<o&lt. . . rr " L,\e "ee O'6"~ lte " lIot dE-cf,ind' by puroJl-asinl! .ALL THA.'}' IS .NEEDED . . ' IIIie8 lor IIlle by PIHnI8. Parties wO( Iflld illO Ihel' tq.'oltb!! quack ,rll)t!~rum. und!!r lbe JOllrlled to mee' OD' T'bu r,d,,), ne· . , 'M ERRl1"r .,. PR.INTZ, PURE'. CID:E~R VINEGAR ie,ell tb CIII ao~ '~8 UI !JfI,Q,I'e'plir'eTl••lnr.· Fllr Ihe Toilel, Ulln<lkerchie(., llti%~. lIareli '8.,t. lbe .. m~ p!ace .. "'rio.i11 nRml'~ o( Bilte,u"Pufclll,;'e ",,' Be we line ar~.nllementi ror Jl'rnb Root .. . ,ijcelll i"l1 Dr u\yer.; Werd· Tldil we know 10' be 'p ure, I. ·pro· Ir reuonlbl., prices In~ Uber.ll.lIDl. " ,: ". ,.,WII N."JlU!Io~, &e'Y. none ctber hll' ~,bl&ck, _ Slo\llleli, Bit· ClIrtld tIle' Cider "01111 reliable pertlOnB i l l , D' r.,.. .. 1 robel. tile" fI't;. \ ' ,;" • i • . '. tt'f~, whicll I)re cQm~l$Itin,)ed of 'fo o \Ju, . 1bor\.ooo, .. . d'It to, Dan u " 'e .I;on Coife!!, Rl'a Coffee, prtmo Rio •• 1 . PA"'8lfA1. .. Ihie nelgl. I...I peunJtte """1 1 , CD:J Dnlt e~amin8 our uricti~ .. druII, In.! io "bieb II:. L,'urn to 'joe,I" on our own premi!lee. C;offe. and ~xtr ..C\t or ~olflll'. lor .. I. ", Wa,n"ylll•• Wau,. 09/, VII 0. J, I.. ME·R IUTT & PlUNTZ. ·)tPlRR.,1T I'RIN!FZ. I' Jin,~,- II-tt.. • eJiOlll. " ". t can .nJI' \ . '.'
lebajj~D_ 'tb~: r?Ut,~ ,' ~at~~d"y
B .A R 'G A INS,
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DOlnestic Goods,
White Goods, Shawls,
,f.. , . .a. Ne"r
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~®~rr~ £NlID
And .Fo,rty,
S~ ~ lE$1I
Articles I
f!o",',~W,. &t~ Clail1:lf.H~i"g re~l
Union COuee, Pea 'C01l'ee, .
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AtlGO'lIl'rlD Fu.,-WlJil" NII"ll ....
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i. the Ark 'u' fon1 d.n 4.,,1 nl)!"t. it .a.... ~_). ,.... II,•. ",]i,HtI, '1I11j." tlv , no,' of ,be. 110' beill, (0 c ... b E), th"j, tIIl.d .IID unll ~ .hJod . \ iD 111. ",•• If.... ' "Oil. :lull ."~ lin!! til" -AT THErell ,,£ the .olltt'n "'..... (,fl nll' u lliy ,an b. ,he ronl of Ihl! crew -Air ' N" uu!'.!,iillg 'rrply ...., ,, ,Wi\'L ·,,1I " ,t: _ .. lfIr (It II ;' 1I11t.1 \Ie" lhe !l1)' III . ". know,i. WI,en Ih~ Ark anue" g rullnd Il.', It.... 11 ~o ;""" 11\ t"e p\lbl ic thot Ihey 'Jilt her 11~lId OUI of Ih" .duor ( ",,,1 , hn. un h.lle1 .ntl r:lp~ct IU 111'1', ncb II 1I" .. cll) lond e ach,iID .. ,1 at ,It .. A Cumplctc Assortmont of '"P of lier Yuill". '1, , hi. An a ra T' An I !hll ) n ".rt'l~jon w.... IIII.J j. ,III llai, dill, III". h h Yery Dll.lob Ii~" h. ]) It U ~ G
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Pt'IA'f _"8 t'ud h"J.·jl' ll to ., .. III "PUll the wllh-r lei DII,el .,ill ~hM le" M 'lId WII M
. ~ bout . ~illllil'~. ~1~AI (ilia I&"PI'liel",'. b.. "h t.I lun" • • lb. i,IIIl'o ,luCI iun of DOl of Ol&f lrtdll"rll pr">,'I~ _ b" 'Of" I h" ~111 th rough h" .. u"IJ h .. , .. bta'll ,lift)' {elll .under w"I.r . ~
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JII~.11 P. 8tltlj~ mill "". eomnit'ncrtl. II i__ "i,., 'I'Ntilllf hi, eli 111'''''. in II,,, 1'.,mr1t- w,'h J. wi.,,, or '1{, illil IlIflnitc,·d Wf'nr. AI ~(\, to EIIU1i-11 h.,.' fr I.... wo'ulch:l'·m ~ Fur GI!f1tl e m · fI·~ ,,".I ·B,i \ ,J 11M I'lluntry h.. w,oul,1 Ill! ,uimi It'd hI II I,,'go "i' llI)' ul \I " . ofi\!l,eclt:u 'be b,,~ , . ~ Olle", "j'lI. bi- dillul!f IbruwlI ill. .. "
H::l.ts and C .:.ps
'Jib. t,i .. ,,411 of l>h,llld,"'IJllill 111n" gHto' t1!b' OOO in .id of 1·1 II insti,u'e '.j~ od~reil YO,IIIII in Ihlll dl1 'fl,. lDllildle j ,,:.'ClQ Sllil'PH' ~ tn'(\11 lind it i. • bw ready)o be opt'D.cl with aocoanno· 4!~19.nt ,fpr ~ •10 p,upil. , .
I'rui t-J' ars .., LI ....... L 1\\ ••
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BLACKING. U1.ACKING·BHU81l r. ~ . f.'I'c .. I::'r c.
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A 1111 ~' ou ~ '"II1f1' ,.il It. I,.. " .iled buth ill II"""')' " ':U I" CI'. Jlllle ~ :-'1 :
$2.00 A-Yu a. .
!'ort Sumt.r . FORG IVEN E .S8 . . . A " ..oubl. portiOD of ..tr·e.tee .. . A namhe; 01 t~adl'D' Am.al ,..~ ~ ( '--" 0· ' ... "lh " · 1 ..... i car. . . .b-'t o( W_ O _H, IO.. . _ _._l b Id • • .,."oD e. 011 POIIe.!J. AN eorreepoodeD' • •York baYe j II. ' pr..ealed -Li... o( 'h. Pro,ide Doe ADd..e -;. MO'. . . . " ....t ito p.ep"". 'lIY lOB. G. WJIITTIE t.b R. pe~D "bo I. DO', bl.ned "ith • fair l.eua,.G .D.raI'OraDt with alar.. A' "~.tb'.r ••' d mo·UI ....r l.ft h _ - •• • . .~"'Ql ii.,.. ... ' UetliDCIIiI !II a followiDg . aDim.led 11) h ·-I¥ t .be (id1 &0 bohl. OPIIlIOD o( bit O"D .bili,ie . ud aMuire . ta, J -- . .peDd tlae ' aiDa d.y-tiD .a. erl hn", . d M.,hod "'~ tbon".~~ i., ,.0d dolol~' : ' --a It Sbould'~ " b· ..... _ leavy, _.. Ita lru.' had be.n c,ee th'l ,,"ra .Dd ,b.·r 'A.. 01 u.. J.ord m'D~ (~d~ittiDI th.t b. bu th.m), Aaong . ceDter in mid chauMI Iik. a A ulld,WI. ill klado ••for aa.w.re ~e , p~aeipe1 .''*rib e,a .e, d with '(001 0 ' 1:" H I Ap dl D_&h~ [\ull. -.' I • d F i.I ~. ·, _IMu t -iff - ,wiU1, ID DIO. ' "ron,· 01 &eD. tal'll ollt ,. m'IIUoa ar I.. eDry ,aD ....DDII-~ee A. 'to .&e"u l. W It ":'Iae • 'dl~D ·1 orl Samler . bo,,· 80, lurDlng ,)o~mi/1 from my OM ' ~1. at. _ ••d cbU~Jd.~ry ' I. ~e~eDd a1tObod...f. EYeD .pti.m (.lIow.m .a ill order or B. lb.ir Dam'''' ''remai A iiOr. 008liD.~O'" Vaad.rl lllt. ro 0 , .10 aC.. A .h~pele.. Tru. ~"""t~ ",11Ia.. l ODe .ltmlDer S,bbalb d.y I .trolled look oat for tb. hou.. aa. __ aed ~ .,liiob ,. by DO.".... ooa&Dea to per. }I, F. 1A.ler, L. 'W", J.;o... W otb. o( .a!lb .n. Lo~ ',.'~ • ~ftli.Il .. !'!lPtt.~.I' IID4 .~d .nd brick. 00 U H1 1f lODe d..oia of ..... , - i. tol.ribl • . ia e~ Thirll tb. ao.ne of lb. dlr. 'h. hoa.. ,&eat &boa"Dd doll.;' 0' &Ia. ... ~ 110 hkeD.u to III fora" MIf,- Tb. grNn ..oltao of the vIII ••• 108M . •h '1 h ad Or ,,_.. ta ........ . +-..... Ua.. b.- plead lturl.l. Gr. jut behind th. ... the on. b orca .Dd the ~ or tbe ooof.de .re 011 •••e OODu .DOI ...oa ..' ••re a~ to dllCba r,. tb. mort· fl. plan; boJI t'o....ltw...... -.Ie. ~ '" ~ ,be eo.,\ . ' Wborl, huU.ldll~ exhlbhlDC ,b. ob- , . CD ,b. G",.nI po ....... 1 baweU " .... lOft "!Jllpl"" , ·~ bou. .D W ..b. Tbeir c~' " .... ,' lalU'll 'ull DODO !Ie...., pauee... tb. 'relfr •• 1'~11 ba'cil,. tbe, bala-ce, ....... tl 4'0 .... ~' • ( , • ", f,*oe" to . . . 1& liP, allbolll b oat oil doll., •• ~ . . . . . . I. "M 1_ AIr:QMI~ ' ~~. ' be, . . . . 10 OODeeio~. 0( f&.a beia, a t . . .M , ~ ,I ""'~ ,~I' " "1 "., ' :. the • . . ,~. . ., Ba' .bere Ie lh, .hoo, &.Ir.'_'" .... iJtif:Q e-.t 1) .... B_," bJII. tlaf ..-D' who tioUeo&ed A • b b ' me.ken H '.oe, ' Ad ~~~'. . . . . . . . . ., , D, ...... 01 .Iad :hlJ,oa~ I&ld~ h &Dig &, I • p....Dta . f.tara.d.... ..k Del p&1cloYer dl~ .IIID... ¥.dilion~ a· .Dd c~acked. ita w.U••tem PI~.u:h:o~~~n~il::~~:1do~r :u:I~!!::~ 1111 "I.. ' ..... 'fA~ " li.''''t ; e,,:; w.o e.., • •• , • :elj t:ic~:tIl~b·~b:!la.~~ .·~ .d mOIiD' of ~wo t)lq....d dQII.~ belal '~IL. lhe race toward Oum. , Il fln, ~::I lMh Ga.rd ... of ,"~.red tb. Li4I~I.a ar . G.~r~ . ry uliD' ui~i.d tbe flam.. 'uoordt aD the ~.,~ . . . P?IDllI .~".b.r . l.Dd brokn ialO Wbiahe r.n (ootllep. leact,,,Ia.nc. Done &0 tb,lr !,on. ' 'And whas'di ,. D 4* OD.. DO• • • •am. tl......' • .nUl lu p.roh ... Thy pH ~Jae cl " .• • . , ~ . lull of IlIlDllled '.Dd aael brick ,H IiL.... • ... ""-"" ~~i"'" deparl. BiDet &li.a. I.... aIr.ad, ·t.fIiiec J Jo. Be ',. 'tel th 0 0 ,Wheoewld! ..... r aad .b,n. Th. face to"ard Aw.d lar my ..", .Dd pttt ln, .y rice, ...... ,: 0, ., t.o...r . . l-eIIfti I, perfte&ioa , .. bee. . . . . . preaeDI.d tIlthotit .:IU~I"". fa ...., to 'b~ lOUD.. ""'OD ,. · ' a' D Gid,o. repY, " el ObIDD.I iloo .. ' •..,....... ; ,. Our ._lIIoll .aorrow ,lik••• iRhly.ue~· ImPGllibily. U;":; d lJeDD~~ GraGI, ii... the .Joee oIlh. protlOle<1l by a IOlid "ork 01 ia. Poor ill M~' II,. .?~ .Sw.~1I ~ prl" • .,., ....d, tremb- W· • a, '. aD. Am.al ,.lap'Ye' aa o.er abaDd uet of ..If •• "ar.Gea~ral b.. beea' ,,""D& ed ,. foUo*' ~ palme,Ltologl. y.t &b••trnu. Leu• •in "'1 r~l~r" \M- ~ ~ 1ft}... hn" tor..., I t• • • wbetbe ! .oqilir" d or D.tural , Dot B, citi .... or ~' u ,. ~l~ of ::ran aet mea PbdA4.lphia" fort i ••carr.d aud oracked ·s... w. M "J'~ ,!-,' ..w tI,• •LaId, . 1i"le l!m~1l IOD~ ~ re=~ .e!~::"om\ thij ~" d}..,ree able "ltb • boli.. ud flirDit"re. "" Who lip' I. . . . . . ., - did " " " , abo...... Dd .rouDd ••od be. O. .A. 110711 llounatr, la I. uL.a. IDto enor. .... ..hl.d praltila ., l .m.o a~d. .0000D !bo~:~ 1·b.1 H . .1a l14.~i'~ ~'" ~ or Midia" add I1I0oai defeocII, Tb. . ~hlch to ~ ,re.t ex~n& defeat. tb. JOOd By &heai'ia4l.... of Q.Ie ••• Ill.. 6,3U.000 -.r do .Dltbia g for ,b, co "ee,. Tb . olOied Whale'•• 'beir .-~.I'I ,r-..Dd eo,.ered by aD J.I' .fler tbe d ••'h 01 0 tl& IDflaeDC. " "" d":ffned to "ltld. .. 1••••• 11 'be work ·to be' dID. h ri:~ • hCMI .., laraiu'..... "d 'Lhal (ra~e"ork o.r b••,,, beam., ~.rlo"•• &h. abeD laadlord of PriD.. God DeY'" . . 1..4h ·:t"....&, RuDi44"~ do •• d' ~~ It ~Ol :: ,..rl th~~h ,to ma., ~~e ,b. B.I· Mr. A. or ' iotill.atla\ lb. 'B,. !r in. ,ide"al k.' , .. ,ed.t . 1 o 101 ao·a••·~r d~'I';'" ,be y 0... •• aID thiok w"b .ear'b, caD be '.Ider. tanrD, Pe&ontill., ' II lo.tlon IweeD u_ W 10 w.ar 'fl' Whh •• ord. uel eqlllpmeDY to DO' telilceD' lira. C. Tbe, ar. DOl lita.&.oaly b1 wiDdiD~ paealjlll, &lee ,b.& about II o'clock iDbe,all .'~r Oid~ Ii pro....Nd "h ....io·er Ia. ".nl, boaora $rac"fu Jl,. aDd tbo... ~bo, tb. ror.· lO do much ror 'b. eDter ri.. I& to lh,' .alll'~of . . Wbil . . . . . God'. poor .. ".nt..u conl.at. drippin g "ilb .mol.lure. 'fhe nOOD, alm~' tlery day iD ~ba ".ek. ' a "ill hlYe throlls b IIoor.Dce nr ".n~ 0,' d!ltIma . Bo..... Ihtle "ei,ht i. pro!o&iDi &h. . , ODC' enlered . Il "ould hardly gentlem .n ID dtlep mournlDI. , lalloD, . caODoi keep tbe obJeolionable LibrarJ b, ait.iae •• or Bootoa call ••• for t~om' to do.t) tb. ee. ,. ' poet,bl BIll ,o&d•• , _~, ... o...... nll ~ da~ilu, . 'bat .DY humaD beiDg .IOp.t the door of tb. , ..erD. l... iol poor pl.a 1~1I1 A .ord olob.~" (•• llIre from croppiD i 0.', &0 ,be .lIrf,.... 10 o..h frOID the ohiae... .f t ban li,eli aD, leogtb of Lim. hil hor.. ill aharl' or bit glOOlD. ~:~ ~ '2!.r.~~~~:;:I1!~:~- of th!lr. aolloD'. Titer. are u IIIYe&er e•• r {ri.DdI, recorni&fon of lb. ~ .~rk· · N." y 9ft . 109,000 \b.~; A , 'tbe I la' ..... \aTM ...:c. .. , ,.,. ellD' w.... .limy t~e - at. '10'1.&1 .. room. cal! for. pipe .od a world OOIltal~ .lao ...... 0 I.. pel carra.g e. ".re .w.al· IO &01 al., aad I1l1ltll, 'Djoy tbOM n· "ill baYe ill IDftlllD.... Lit&!. M.'b~= • .. ar .... are .~ ~ . . . .ob..... ..~ !'Ot.. . · I. .,lltiaLlare. ClimbiDI .... r••w...&.a for ~b. IPac. of oa. !iollr. di., BeaDi. COIIld Dol carr, H~ 1011~1io.''., 1itar.,....., - f Oblal••" u ,..,laa,. ~e .at.'" ~ Of bidi. w....ri ba''', collld . . . .A ....t. ~ -The &oUt oI&hi . . . . Ia ' .... tile .toDe 'porl,bo PI.a ..ill' ......it........ ......1 .... pl.! ~eir e~~ le ••lId Ibrollgb the The roo••, ,h., .arly, bour "ollid be ab.. r ~ a .~.. OD hil br... 'broLb en 'lb. ' W aat "ab!1 al iacolDe of , tbe .. "'t.. widtll, expand ed ODe. iD &be pal· 'Poor i. Ma._II ,' ..a, " ..·.r Nmai., de..ned. The o~e or t"o ,rad••• cl ... or l.mperl Dc. men iD q~.do of . DotIC'~ i b al~ ly, b II. DQ:D. r 10 tbe Duke 01 W.lliD ltoa preee.&ed .' b"h. Bri'~ 10il. No. 1~~·.IiI"'I(QU pld•• filial'" )'OU oOllld 'look dowD round "ho wOGld ooolllOllall, drop ID oaa do a. 'mllcb "ork. lI.a, of 0 11I.1aD.... ., ., ,aDot !' Ilame or i.b GOYerDm.o& alld eopl.. 1& will ~'" . of tbll for'. .b.re ·S.rel, I "m be "ilia ~.." i l .Do~rb, tba oeaee· a orll.' ~f, ~read .Dd obe~. aDd do DOt n.D '1)' lbal. Tb.' , '~ •• lIe.\ 'l7olb~ :rC 'io'"m - IIDder dOllbtl... b. r'lD.m~red ,h.a ..r ..... DOl tId. bad !,ovtD o'.r ••oh of ~be Wb.w·....r lol, ,be'i'ft'! ottey._ ;h or .... ••, ,b. rlm~., ~~uld. be, bl~d'D a ... D al l.mper. Dc. leo',,", . ~'J' mante 0 • I~ I:f~.rde.d b1.1O. ' Ibe haUle of W terluo. cl Lbl bef.ai 01 'Faint, yet p.rII\i,.· _,il o.~"-' ..... ad road , II a:tJiec~ ary m.DtltI .'I .... Iblek, ood ii'IeD, "el, ac mOrBlDg, 10. Iltgb'ly for · 10llar lo DO I.mpera aoe orpaisa tioD.' IIIJuao., 0 ,gtfNlU ) IDO.I" N.poleqD ,,,.la,U .h ;arii.m eat ' Our ur".II,elll.od Will. UM"••'of God. ... ·It.gm. al. 01 .hell .Dd ellt DaeeeDI -by the .traDgeri b. D.ver ou ellDI are. aomml ll.d.-am oDg otb , eel aa e.t;.. 1 &.b. ltoa Dllke to holt.. You could look 10 tbe .otered iDlo eoDyenatioDi b. aeyer.they Cak. DO temperaDO' paper· ibl", \\' AW-*ILU;. J8M. R. H. H: t'hci ,b.L o~ b'~~r eJ:!'ftll Yt ly YU~gat, n~o hliDdre re DoL JIOIted OD the temp~r.Dc,' qaoil. d tbOta .. Dd {'Gaad. . or a .nd llee "bllre ~ha wall bad crum· r~.d Lh! Dewlp~p,rs;. 'b. bpt hi'Mlr . .. .• a~. eYelll~.a IIDg. la po Ite IOOI. l1; ..ilIion of doll&re (Dot ID lO lioD. A Iiquor·shop within • ~'a r •• D"'-" .Dd fallt'o ioto tb. lea. You bl .." If, Lb. waller laid. Bllt Ia. ~PaiftIiIiociaI. . PIiOUa er: gl"DI IIDllrldled ."a,lo abe worel Pl" b l "., Ibro" 01, Ib.ir dwemDIL doe. DOl proId) '1'b ' 1 > k g 10 I't , aboye , '. 1 IDd 1---.. 1118 lb. log. rent .0 pu natu.1 and 10 r"i uJar iD bil ~'teD' ,ok. th.m · • .ioll.; p',.IeDded (orgel( uID.'. for. or h~ ,~~ Be 0 I a • w; &0 aot ...D "hlg • aqod d aDd Ibe bric" "all wilb daDe., lh.t eb. people of Ibe bouee A oer, I; 11 0 .& mID j,ei..,·ctlll OD • • aC?D'Olo~.ae.. or, tbe commOD prohibitory dlldliS i. pro~ided Oblihh e1 I' eI r tb v!,a ... ere "bm, .earl aDd r"Ig.d orACks .Dd wide 0.01.10 look llpon hi. d.ily ,i.i' • oourtfDg ekJ"ldilioD one . SIiDd., eYeD. dlltles O! hfei .•Dd doiDga iD 'a 'would but .w.k. 10 dilly! Ho" ' cheer-" Dd Dot doiog :::~:e o~::lab y~D oldO::~bi. .::. .. thoogh . little more ' of ing iG order 10 ke.p bit ___ct from biB lY.rf- tbmg wblch a "ell.or 'Ili~ of •• bl!,; ~Dcl .n extra pip. "AI inK i, would be to lee ,beiD "ft,.f .nab ' youPI. cqa.IaD CIe•• d.tenai aed to be "OD d deem n.xt to Dnpardod.red pereoD "bo had two. aDd ~bo nrided him':.lr iron .bOot lVould bl" beAL iL laId, ~ 'peolll dla~ 01 to!-eoo "a. pre· ,oabl~. BUl on tb, exteDt .04. GOndit{oo of ~be ' 00. Lhl! lie.. You aould 1d'6k p.r.d, .ud • .pe~)lal chaar aDd 'plUOOl tb.ir .,eal lL "0..\4 be .. ,n ll',\,olarion- \I a' p~ia:lI' an4 ~ I OIL MOII4I~1 ,Madam~ OrllDd7 uc!.lm . H . . . ec· \0 ,~,, ; ~"~"IU,\ot UOl, tp htu, b. "ould b. 001 . '00 prnad '0 . ..brain • ~~d 'M. 'be cl~d port•• 'be anaDle d eYer, da1 for hi. UI~. Bol o.n Iii lil. &n. ' . Llte oeatrl.o I aDd 10 be~ IlIIm.c ulat. ey •• , "blcli lbem ha .boll' Am'AI .. ,h. Duke acoe &.y Tb. Duke ... rGasb rep~lnD J' 'be brokeo plrap.t . lummer p.~~ .ad oth.rr~D' in pro. ,h.& 1a~11. eeD&.IIl~~ klodl, went o~ for .mRRY weeki, till ODe '1'ha'i. Q"nb.d wllal w. "ant iD tbi. Oriliaowa iD,itod to axamia e .ad rOmieed '0 10 111. l~te~lor ,tb . . . a~1 e.rlh "., porlioD.be "91(11lted bi. bonlto ....d IOOU • m~h'l.d. of liD.. mornlDg. Jill' afler do 10. P . IIuppor&ed 10 ". irre",ularllY bv Dum · Illre of Ihe black hO,nem an,.Ih. de p.r· tb.t all mell .Del WOIDO who · balli.tt III'ri.ed 1M ,be reaid.o oe Qf IIi. iDamo' .~b.r••re, bo"",.. r, .ould·b OUllom(lr rllm abould haD, ou& tb.i, ft.,. Tbe1 ' Wb.D 1\8 o.me dowo from LoDdoD bt!rle.. f••o nil gablun" .Dd 1'&1" wbere I'e wu iliDdll reqei,. d "lid orltlO••bo deDOliDO...If·e.tee e a.tute duLled of Ih.e hou.e-~ ,b thne b•.wu a com · caD do Lbl •• . Wh4lD m almo.l f, th c h \b. I'...., Id I d h of d here th. boc·.{ proper l, 1 cared Cor "ing uu.rly, •• peeilllly i( tbay ,bll" bl dArk hole. which ad· mercl.l tra.eHe r. who bad JII.' r.turn fancy it aat. orb a purpole t • 0 .. °Lbapp tsol! milted.Dd · l.eeLot.ler•• 'marob ioi aloo~' 'heJ u. inlo thel dR1'k cnerD. What ed from a jourDey In tb. IIlrtled ,,,to lli. p..,ure for tile' Di,h& io collisioD witb Lbeir owo w •• , of Eng · CRn rlla up a 8.1 (rom·l.he li~.lOp .. Ir uli.Ged ~ ave, a lIe~ere .• L\.&C" -dO a go~t had b••11 t e p.rade wae Dow.Jreen aDd I.Dd. aDd wbo b.d The &i~~.a, ~D.t ,IIfH' o· a",ioD' . Baah p.ople are beeu eDjoying bit and .'ho"· tba' tbey iDdor.. th.'codtllol· gener.l Iy Ihe ,e lbxljt'ka &lop·da D 'dm~ar apo:' .limy "itb tbe .talD.U t moilttl ,. oYer pip. aDd pia' in lh..... Q:Ciety or tile Lao, clock ; .. lbe lime for bib.' 'lO de par; IArg••l eodo". d In Ihi, r.g.rd. W. "ould ,Iadly ".Icom e tb.m lii~ They glll~d l I u~. ,aD I;-~ ~.d. u b·e "hicb 1& Lb., h. -igh& ani.. bom. &.....lor; poallo IeaU.le d piec•• or ~Il ex' i~uru .lraDge r-calle d &b. laad'orcl OD o l •• pol". eeD.iti " D.'are th. who.. raDk. alad maroh OD "ith 'belD , ~O_\I ~ Dd , " cOh~e.. lmlle """ h' b'!o , lo I" , plodeCl It gua. L_ 'trap., L_ I ... · or Iron hoop. a Ie" one lide. •Do 1 0D' kDOW wh., &bat ch.1 .bould . • ... war or e:au m.D ~ I ow to 1m l i t Iii. comratlea ... re .urriag H. ,. Iild mUI r aDe may - .&0 lie ,r k) II-nOlI·I. r to vio&ory Ba~ aealDI{ • ID,~ , '1' • I 'V k d 'N II' 'd b D '" decayed barrel·l b" , (orlh to 'hi 'PUl'uUi to oR~b hi. borae' ,b. 'qaa-li60.doa iD whlab ~'T '" ,. ' . •• ot a I'. .D."er e If ,b.y eacel; ,~;~. hl.f er~ "; 'h .. I . ' ~ I dU :; .bol -e.U.,e el lanl. IrOD .Dd leAded 18 the, canool do Iba' we IDVoke th.m but h.r. " . lb. dllioli hy-tll' Ir..~ IIDd "ben wuallde d by gDja.' frOID .br"p." I, aDd bia. Ih. hOOl. ·Why. b)eel,~ur b.art,maD &0 cheer ori.iDa tbe column ~~I ID' b. an lOb march l . ~"ar or r ,' b' of foil.d clothing .nd broken bayoD.I. "Iivel hll" PriDc. w.. bigb .Dd Idlld.d ' wllb de" To liuD. ID au.Dlp& i. mad, to Leopold of Saxe· ·mo· HI .... h evera dOllr~. ~rd ••"ni Id· From 'h. ,~Jl fl'g'llal c l' iu cb. ceDlre ~ Ooburg.' 'J.'Ia. Dex' (orenooo. when triumph I nll~ure iD whb hi. paatalo on. 00 ~o.ld ll,"' aad jll.lify .adoD. , ,theexpl.iD rDe , ... , d Ile7,ar .rb'd .' • do,er .m.1I UaioD baDDe' r.,hllr La~. lb••taro~ Olll qf ij,J_ aad .~I.I"" exolalm••,.iDil crilio im· 'I'D itxoe.. ro:, ••. to O?fLtlb I J~.~aD b mil , thi. wtl. ',,11 lh"t r w.. "a,inS ' And Ih •••61. hor.. maa .rrind , h.' rOllod" ' RutQII 01' lo ' PICUIU &011 Ql Ta. remained 01 Fori Sum· roll of orimeoD baize laiil dO"D 'from 'the ~.. lel41 to bl. de&.lc&ion. I II "ollid .~t do of HII·.et .e•• • IIDWilliDg tbal General ~ilrol "ho b.. ~ lhe ob, aD ~ pao.tiog If' m l k• 'i~r ter! OWer lhe.e and behind bert w." paIn ~fo,. lb. &nun 10 an iD wilh b;8)1I01D'.';"Dabl•• ao b. ject 01 hil lo lb. door"" 1, .pendi~;IDlleb tim. ill Sm'i~h OOIlD', "Dom may b. dellci.D l in on .10~\ IdD·tole· ... · 0 J~nb' lor .. . °b' h d' ,h. ,b gilD. wbicb ' · • I' • baDdfal of meD were whiob "" Jioed by Amllrio"o aloe. in In b' l b ' . . ~xp aIDe h 1or I Ip , h Ill' e . quickl, lDad',h..,.,.IO I".8.....full, • "ry a b .tleoai ni '0 lOme mlDiD'g .od oii a,ra~ ... n!IO, " IC. d . ,"lila, ltarled witblhIIePuke ._' anclh' l orderl : ma.e # hi diarobed hi ...1f of M. "aluabl e whi' •• ollp.ble of dlltlllgU ' towlt.J• llaDd, butwh'lcbwo ke. Lu b•.."'b 4. . . . . .arc... " I I Ire. I.blDg rrom 100 great th . , 'd I r car· oper.lio Y OlI.iDl ormll•• tb., whil. ij, d b' D k nRUOD to tb. du', of IIODlple:tll and eD· paled,l o lb. atraDg .,. cliitomary plac. IDd pl~d tbem itt lI"t, 011 tb.·1eaee lDode. t,. Tb ... penon •• bould be mel' ·~d' ;"1 ~ Ii 'Id~~r d' L WatertowD a f." .IDM b...... 11. ' lire pr~plra'lioD.· "hlle be ·la,." oh'" '''il&' uDlGr....eci witb .gotilm equal to Wal a labl. covered "j,h a orimeon .ome r.ma:k abl. Ira,.. wbiok Ibeir Iud altal. ,brou"h the ••• '"'i'ala .nn biB 'th.~ "ill D... r ackDo"lek~.y OlVD, or etald ok' an ' I~D ,I~. or e~ Yb ~~D ' ••• " cloth, backed by a crim.on oh"ir Wilh been dilcloilld by our mer' ad,ft to efePh·wlllmd,lIgbll ao • ;'wilJ It ' 01 • aa 1011 G " ' . v _ ' h A I~r.. b t W,turD to A gilt iDI \0 &b.• f.DO, lege. I. aDCl 'l'b. landl"dy. her dlllgbte r, .m.n cre.k ill ita p.... ~. th{Ollllh ' '.a 0 Im •• 11 , at w.. •• l1 1 .. bere I , 10weYor muc may e ODg &aliA. _'fllll .. T. OJ' you . 'k lIIERIC A.h d I 1 I b '·· "eae. II ' h I J " II, bad ,......, ~lIp~.clad lIit ,niJ."b i" Tb~ word Modell1 i. DO' iD th.ir , r. • ler ar m.lu ID Ol.y 10" bottom. Th. lu~· ::ii~e:~:. :~t~le. :~LI~:: :!~t r b=~ BerliG. ~rr,.po~t!,aD'". of 'he BOitoD .0 11'1,,4 ••• re (roqa IIDmeDtioD.bl••\~:"&Ia.ad.1: from a COD ••nd UDlji!d" yo'! caalfbal altire, aDd wben lh~ lI~k, D ~"n ,.DIl lh. eigbtee n iDahea to two aDcebel~ elt iD llll"b. of Ljm wu hi •• bOIlL &0 me to tell"oa r Tran~npt ••y.: _ _ I ..-haL a I Lf • hi•• -Nt tb. ,ufJrom . con "DC. ID.. - or, beldl·htbe I·bcd/loi d hlm "lJr!lo " ~Iue ooalt :OOl~or them,of the .m.n.r .lar I rd b' b' b Id 'k .. ' " J' It don ' I au AlDuic b 'a" d an ~ <Yood h ioto .."bioa.w to an rAI' II 100', aD III aar II.W y " .... form,1i by ,0 uea,.)i~ . UMl 'hOiM .bad beeD a" ,0"'" a .no. _yo. m~y .1. "eII 0 Or.oL • IP' •• • "ou • ollr couDtry• o• •aboa\ . aDd lb. l",u Duke It. dere, ba d b rou~ bl ) . lh b ' · .. cermeD 1.lk ( . u • '.. of _allar. now. Wh'D .~d.' ~w once be. h 1cODteDt to remalD a C"ft • r I 11m • ear ID • Gr~~D l.nQbe, ~a.aLh tb• •lIrIlO I' ',: . N • ' I 1 . WII II bt!re . rourJI I ,,,r •• . "'0 : I Ib, th. ••••bty :..Iw••r;-JUDor. . I L ""nr taDkard, aal! a wu caDIi • • t wblch were ..1..-11 roar aadrelH •• iD lA D pecll IlIrl ..". ID commoo. , at&raoled l!l )"ar ·Ie., lor OtIr_D , you WI ""•. "illn" "IL ler • , r ... be Dot .. d Ii" for I to uaci,". I' b' b" Like aDee aboll' ,he . Dil6d Stace. WU Mar' w 100 by Lb•• hil6 ' r 011 ~h. renoe. bad be· hltle ,elee. L t 1'-d .1Abe • IS· " , pIpe. TIle ,bl.e k 01 rock. Oli' • . In tb, bottom WeliingloD. GraD'. a 1',,1. iD returo cely more .muiu g thRD th. OlD' pl&. I.ken Lb.m" ,"". IQ tI • •Dd. calf.lik .. luperoi li. bor.. m.n "I~ DOlbID~, dr.nk b. . .Ie 9D. Oft eaob .Id. Wltbou t al'to(! 'r .apxr.o l.boD ~r hi, for lh. if' prufrer ." tim, lIce aad O,DI Oil top. HIl& lbaL OUI coDtempt with which ,bit ..io D.- aa~ .mok.d bl~ lob.ceo b~ .aleD diea IIpl 0111, i few w.n· O"D ,po".re . aD Indl" UAI of brtlloRD , p.id !Ii. rec~ . maD ,klll.to n., l 'he':I, .l. it,' aad geel 011' at!.I ..bi. lion looked dow~ upoo WIth De.rI, .D ••• chewed .rrlpI!NJ&.a, ol )&hi. oeoe . talll~~ ~IM'. m~1 D... r reach II.. We were oOlDg.!!!ad. hll ".y dO"D .Iat~ .mld Ibe III... of bu.io.. .. Lir •• kull, f,nd maoT "iLh "ell d.~.-d DOlhi"1 b~' • Daduo o( bragga rti. we a prurulloo of bo~. aDd cur..... . .ad Lie. por,",_ 01 tbe .. w.rd,.b e rem.ine d bl •••plra&lOllI. ~ID. ~lter. ~r' boa.., .ere !o~Dd ~n lb.m. T~~ tlflh wbOM - •• , had no IOltDC•• no, arl, no Khol.u hip, -?e\'e r ~41m••g.I~. ~'J It few UI,.ad .-j,.. ..lloMDa lO .. 1~~~lMem I. . . .11. whIle tbear .. were Yery dlmlDu~I... bllt nalural WI''''' Eu•.-lndige tIIOD i. Ihe prio' DO po".r • . DO ,w.lI dirC!Oled .Dergy IDdlaa&e . w...~ '.. Oft. . bad ·bee• • a-.lh,;* ••'.h ver, r~p".table. bill : ,The:r. I. IOmeLblDi touehID5 ID the lhoee or an .do1&, E""h.1e"el'Dd y eipal ,"rOi 01 l orOl'" w ..... ,... R-e.D,I J, 1I0'''iu , J»IlI a aba<irUc. mad p...ioD lor plolure of &ll~ ~ pie\t. ~"l"i' ffor. nloe , _ , ,...,• .,e , • •I~ 01 eoaeen ,.lth. eD.rIY loOd,oa&D.re , oung "e:re allO [olllld wl&b,&be ...1.&011... . sal' Dr. Le"i., I w .. cone.h ed b, A '.eahb. and a lUil mil to ita u.I \slI.,.... aw lIaJ6 tb,_ » .....11 the. IDto a "pb~re G.D •. lIllroy coul.d ;4D4 - ' Dolbiac .hl':' lblll tad"a, eap,eoam.D .bo. heel ktaum. "retchf ld !UDAge wbiab. wilh .". ollr Germ .... broecllol' oYer. hll b~r.,... . the far ...,. ,. . . .,.' aad oar ~ bero rat Dlli lal adol'., la.Lano e. of It... kind 1Ul.Uy blind by rea4i", tbe n, ••pAPer. !'oh. Bllt DO" UUlD'. "ould pallke a. meD" yet CCIIUollo, blmlelf ID ~he ,e.peOtlD~ 'h.~e , hUI,lItiaa ira"I ' iD how ahaDgedl No" it fl'Olll ,bGale, "ilb,•• • Q.~ . . fuh ua. o,.r lal.a pIpe ~OVe,.alloD ,,"h , ~ o( ,b." old~1I for ' bie a"! p.lent to cl~ obeer.,er. in Lb. oar.. 'l'bou" Dd. ,,110 bay. ae- ",'-a nl t.o rold ,,~o.' • .ra' ·I~vel!. . ap~·.: fl ·.oa1d aod .heu be.r. . I ' do n •• orl4 De,e.r ,lYe' credu for Ibe ,er CODlI:lou.ly IUO'" ,ed .IIY iOCOIl'" lab.bil..." of ,'" ' ..IDI',. -.&HpC ,W Di. Ila... pe~pl••pea~ of A.lri~ ~DIl ,b. 10 10 1i~1l &0 ~ lieN"" of Ibl' lady. exllit'Doe .. o( ••• .~DIO,. or t.le~t. unle.. enc. from Ih. babh .re oblhted 10 ".ar . tb.... "" ~ larp a.mbeT11 0f' .\.ltv. gre.' 1U,,1. on "hlch ."uylb, Ing II. dOD.. 1o!", ~eilber :tq 10" ~ . ():T Mr. BottlerD, the .ctor. h .. i..- g"'.... p.r.bapII.hQU&Jlcb" ID tb.1 tom. maDlretlaUOD .bo"B IhaL Ilte~. gla .... •• IU'~'. prem.l urel; 10 coneal .D UO. tb.~e. Th., "Ill, I. 'r,~.,. w.. 001" Ollt rllOlI(oa No ~atter ho" gr~"t ~onder 8 do DO' ptllb " ••lltuted lega' prOCl4lediDg• •gaio.t tbt ~iIl., in .'be, lame l a IIIln I•• ceadiDe.. of ,i.ioD I,rod.ce d in Lhi. bebma the ' Ger~aD COIIDL,. "" ~IO, . Erigh.h 10,d1lY. It hi. SpiriL.1 '1'im•• De"'pa per. For the lall ~) 1)1.; ~~qru ,to ,eeqrite biaa.elf C(rpa61. 01 petrorm~ng. 110 m.tl.r hk. burli! irouDd a~ Lhe •DI~'b 8. bow WA,. Beadip , "itb lbe g •• ligh, berore beeo oD, 'o hb. I ~blt blt.l..... . ... tiID.; ~Dd it may wnrth,. lJe ma, be. unln., the.. Dob.le JOU i•• oother a.Il •• of weak e1 e• _ 'hal ,it bat ao& 'good tbingll orcb. war , .... And a Ia.lf. in Ca&eL....r .iDGe 'he SlOD,,'1 'I~er. near Lb.i' OIL,. Th4l1 OD~J r",..led a. to ou,· Dannp or'. rniYld IIl1ggiDg iDl.reel in "ere Im.ciDed Ih"':bi t lethD,a to"ard JlOII.....lon. bran,. forLh (ruII. ez~mlDed .bollt tblrS1 ,eere l~ call·kiM w.re Do& of ,b. mo., be lake .80Wfr~ boru lo blu.h 'bey "II! 'fbi •• hould .hny. banJr quite higll, Itl .... but 10.lh. world. Olle caD DO" epirit u.1 . .ni(••tation.. l ord Dun~Dd uUllea. aad behind you •• nd b••Uowt-d 10 ,hill. go OYer Kllrope .pd uc~ .. ~ a .I,rea& d.al 0 oomm,ol. rrlendly cba........ i. CIOIIlt'qUeDe" BIn aDd ."u,te Ibflr fragrllnce 00 ..y I am "D A , dre.ry. iD biB privale cllpaaily, bal rbe'l! dlmlDuU I.h' dele:~L ocrer lbe lelt .houlde r. If. 'lbiDt: kero. mericaD, "illa more ve bllmaD .k,~,'olll~. 10111 bit pride tbaD • Rom.n "aJed w.r ag.ln.l die JaulDbUII . . . &0 ba", d,taID. d to of bl.·It(•. - J. DrN Swtle, ,ra ..4""n· IIfn •• i\ i. bel' bllloo,~d to aD ,U"D~~ ' 10 enlplo, lamp. &b .. could her boa.t oC hi. ciLiIt'D lal,.ded .bip. We thiDg 'no (ell .. b CQuid be expeoted &0 raoe. Gen. ~llror haa ',B) .eI b, 'hf JI"&«eil;fI"" ..... hang OD ,b. ".11. Nchher .bo.ld yo • • Lway. bad rlliLh in Americ ilepOilte ~. . a ••Dd DOW beli.". ' OC RII lb. nop-p,o reuiooa l II~ lb •..boa•• ID " ' r &cJ. feed Lbe . . . A ,er, learll8l& aad oolllp au.,..d "i\ll lac. lo.ard . th. "iDdo the B~~ Librar r·".E~rope h .. HaIlD Lo do lO, klO~ 'fbey performer. "f .ligh'~"llIj. b. i. lbtl J tI,A,ill, nmao " of loa. . ".d•• ill T.xu. oa pAlli.g IIfD. ReadiD I b, Prtll and U"wr.. ,.ilillh t i. claaR. toal.- thlak tba' ~e ar. - Ilraoge IIILJOO, ~Dd _r.'D l .• hio~ .hld l , " OJIM .I"he , .... "ho bad ~Il Gradu. exrer&. a..d. a.tH~.ny, .nollih . .. ...11 , lly • accOlllm oc'aliDf . i&llelf to 1M 'h~L we h.te o .. r OWD WAY' of dU1D, lhe &UI 'be lo•• r o f o.r I.&e COA,ided uf marder, COIIolud.d ' Dd I gull-oelGhe~. deepll reT,ll: HlDnD L!n:.-A mollir th. "or. r •. r~lng li,~t. tb. eye • DO' uDcoa- lh!ng.; t~.)' "~Illd Dol They ...... ...Ied ~ .to~ m••ks u rollow.: 'l'b. fl4ll i., hi. wODd.r .l a01' leD .... di . ~pOlure~' 'b. trlCk~ ~b1o~. kiDg or ,he 'bidd.D JODClII. ,clou.l t .tr.laed , I hn. teen mo ... tblDg ~hlob mle bl lif. "hhili"l"u which "! dOD. br. A.m,erl. "'r.d"'·A.. iII"lI..a ·i .~ 101I••di til.' tbe eo.r& did noc inle:pd 80 lOok ~.hibt. l~ exblbu ins· .. m"y up.rieD CI bul'oun o&.upl '0 orlit'r ,h.D one all.e of gr.,. dilieA .. of lh~ elo, aiD. langl1 or aone,e tl"I, ••• IDdl"~II' AI lb. "CI,,", ,be ~I'''. "I b~,.owD beld 0"__ Ibem. ' SO., .~rul (al. YOIl to be ezeollled 1I1110r. n(.xt b~u ,t' are tb.r. aa1 more ·r emarka bl. tb.n ' prin". t'~4! produ(t 'd by liD ~!,dae t'ftOrllQ u~ .1, or a. 1& Republ ic; bu~ tbtl ,blnk .u~ .1100lIl of 1"1 (II~Dd., .pm&-r.ppID•• tho.e ,\~• .••D. ~~e a'llhbo~ but lb••••,b., i, verI ooM, our jllil, m,.~rioll' moral iofluoD _ con... th.L WI uDd.r.I~,ud, ollrMlv •• aod o.n w~llIog, table-tlrDlng. tkc., .•ltm!Dy....~u lb ~!!oh J~r~b. maa· lluCortlln.tely. i. io n,y bAd oURdilio \'1I10D lou ·Iung .t '''Ihgb 'are .oco.~- .I.D,I! ,,;a:ercleed, ,hber for ,a l".",io q n; . -_ ~ !l.o lhruugb ~I hOlll ,fe.r or, fnor. ph!hed by me~. D!a~ual daa&.ln y, ur r.pul.io corp ... ~..d \l",••. po"e. "Il~ dog. m.ch of lb. II!". in the "iDdow ll by one hum.D beiDi oYer . ar. TH. ~Ioi. _ NOl ' !o*f, aiDce. oarl~ .l "",,,rOF 'aMlli....t III ""h,an .peed. .T h. brollea; the oblm..y •• r. io lOch. IIi , "ere.o much worn tbllt ia led 10 Lbtl !D Europe., ~ maa CAn h(, up III' be.d H.D~, Ih. Sp,I~ILual flme. h•• aua~k- "Do,n~r! 'lft' ,he .imples& Ils 'lo l~' '!!ae& . ~w .ud ,baDk Gixl ,bill b. •"" 'boroaa M" lCOured, .Dd. ,1.pid_teel,iLAt. DO 6r. CD be made lum chroul~III~1! ' aDa!ly ... ~eadlall impiOf\aDt atfain of liCe. bow 10 inuDlioD of Lh. b.ir eUrlu. whiah be. tlllu. A.lQerICilo. .,artho g• h lbe 6ctj~H t"~e~ .lat,n Icr! r"~~.r 101l~ Iparttqe Dt comror .n bouad. ~y IlI"Dg cJrcllla,lIo~ to.a bo.lrne ilt.ible i. ,b.11' 'p?"er lable; inll heated "ilb bo~liol wa~r, chJ~1 ~Ol I· HoW' ero Will dn,.. rtOOl, . • .. , . 'l.tem~Dt tb.t .r. I So'III\~ra',,,:lti~(..J~ of". we r~.l ....d bo"•• iii. lair by belld••, 9WI~' to ~. "reat allmb"r of dry or burD lill h"lr. kteD 101 ' . f tb d nher:.,I ....r. _te Orlmp' ~ or d rrl.' , f>.A<p Got. Bro"pl ow iD hl. It procla'" New, '\' ork, PhrOlI!IIU ed d IK r . . . .bllor paID(llly, &1).' Dt] " • e og.,~, I •• ~a '.pnlOO en. ~ more UiaD 00. bl"aket IJ-.J .. , .0~jJ.r II lqok· Ir• • O dlum to, e " ••, III • hloD.6Ie DOw'. bo"... t, mauoD . • 'o ",,,"eD I upon 1I1.11P~D,1 A• .ezplau&loa C.D be .Uo"ed '0 eacb: \0 elwp .o~.d I'" the ' b br.akiD . I . m, ... . i~g .OD U'. befo., "t!{ ,." .a.ce~t.1 lhallad illl wbo bRve had 'be h.ir 'doDe lip of Ihe Tena'IM II La,ii.la ge~ , 'Ufll'III'I1,,,d- ~~ .t.Ii• .eaprp...of oW' .be· aDd co.f~rlabl•• t~"for.,." lq,.., by i tblt i. Olla or up' io piD' or p.pe" fllct with our owa ey... Ho" ot-, Di,blan d ihe rllip.,I OIl or ... mb.r., UlIl~' .....uqoe ..r.J ... Nyl: 'The: Ii': 'fbI LiYerpoo,1 T.imae . " , th. ten we propbecy trill, 10 0Ilw:ei1'" ,&Ie lId, lb.' qll.",o n. In co••lder.&loD of ,h... fOUDd LbAt lbere waa DO 'lOl, ev.n d.Dlt'r to Sta&e DlarrlOd .'be lady, aDd lI.ao. UfiD, oiroam.taoCe~ aad .i.biD I &0 .i. immiD'Dt. Should objlfa' of tbe SIIIpt!Dllon of cia• • rl& of .• pproaob ''lI0II of fri.Dd or ...., belOna ID ODe of ,he Soari" "D, YOIiY.llferill,••• .muoh •• po..ibl•• upo•• dowll, pillow. will aM, glad' to tb. oi'i1pYerDtDeDt fail. ,Jle mililar1 hablil. corplII in lrtllaDli I. to NiH, .. ,ber haY' hear IlIal • II.ir.cri mper Ii.. -J.o beeD . 1i,bori& lee.iIl &ab oODIrol reeUy .P..... -"- ~" 01 the withoul bn."D I to trial, a gre.t bUIP- .lrogel .1 aDd .brap&l lbe 0011". ID tb. ,zerel.. or i&.l bllmu iD\'eDled. 1& i. b•• led J .,~. with bolliD. Stal., .awI h I. DO' likel! ,b., ,h. GeD- ber or p.non. who O. .paeaiOD. ber,b" orden ,Oil 10 be wat.r. and llold. or ~•• ~ beld. coa,illoed u a ire, iD,rodao&ioD. ~ will crililp D •• dyll.1t lb. er.1 (}O" ..... D' What IeDI'b aa aa ••rl, dal, co~milllion.ID ,b. arm, of ,b. Uai ..d '" .b~l.r lad,'••Zeoll&ed &o-morro. lDOI'Dia,. ... IOOD b.lr OD lbe htlld .lODce, ia ell,loY. thi. ' ~ aDel ,10 be!"t-A Wdi . '.0 .f&er bnaktu & . . .a,. be nOD"••ie.1 u... and wilbou& injurin a r"" miD' perDlit a people. "bo win ba.. dilpl.y - Sla'." ADd who abudo a iD II" 1101.111 loath. 'h.t,be r.... ezper le_ Ii. pSdi it. - ...fflllCi .d .uob iaoapu ity tor .. I'-jo,.r ameill . aDd &a,.,D. or .11 &he priDoip nl k),,"QIl eel II. "iab a .1",1e lao, ill ....&ka &0 o , '0 til, 8berifl' a.d .P:~ to ;rou.· Q Rr1ptrmd. ill l't. Y. ~t7Iinr /'011, ~ alte.mrl ~~~ :~!;~ ,!~I~I~~~':: ~ !~ !i~~!! ~~~~tl:
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PITTSBUBG . ,I' FO. Wb lir:b ar. rr".tiIIJ lh Fir . lin, \M ....teel At Pilt"bur~, tralna 'rom lhe ,We.t r';\n. lfOD-l'etmtloll or Iaoontl D. R lohl.rdllOll, N , Y. Tribune Correapon· denl. "he unpl1rDlelled lIale of 1.000 ellllatil~1I In Ih IIIU iclll lYorid. 8n~ hllVe rec~i· direllt 10 11111 UnIon nClpot. wherll PI"e... l " ; 11., 11.01 Of cO!,ies pllr ~IJ i. abu,ndallt ev!dence 01 tbe ye~ Lilt. high".1 IeJlimouilll. from an.lhe )",.chni era IT. trlnderred .10 the . T~lln. 01 · th. .riDe• . IdltaU D. IulailD\~~b popularity, or Iblll \York. It 18 thll' mo.t arUIU in the COllu lry, allloni. wboUl .re ~eonIYIVlII1.- ~clltr.l. ~\lw!lV, ,,~icb or. ~o.r.Uoll \h" .~idn ' 7 interesti ng .nd uciling' book e\'er pub. s. TUAoLD~IlO, SRA!\ CI' 8 . BROWN, - lene P itlebur" and.. a~fIVe.. ~t oth,e r fOIDIII KiGner.., Dbea. . . of \11 ,,~ lisher! . \!mb~acillg Mr. RicherdloJl·' un· L. w. '()O'l''l'SOIlJ.LK, ' 1'B&ODOR. BIftJl'ltL1', II follow 8: ' • ~~ pnalldled tXl'trience for fOUT yelrll,-hie WK. II&NRV l'RY, MAX MAR.Tin, D.... y EXPRES8-LeftV" Plulbur. ~t B.· tate Olaall, 8t'DelD·~"~~~'f4.t ~dyent~rea while traveli llg throull~ the 1oI, STI~ACKOIBH, wac. KABOlf, " '20 A.M., alopp lllll a~ prlnoiJIa) ~Itlon.. Oa1oul~~ .., Of~••l ot Jnc~d',llt Soolh III Ihe !ecrel eervl" of tile Tnbune U&IDU,JI A. WOLLENBAUPT. · -Arrives lit Altoollu'" at 7:23 A, ' . Ty. I. l)epoait, and ail. d'~~"I " 'f 8t the olltbre"k of Ihe war, with ollr or· A lII Ii F' f I A I roneS!lS A. M., [ Bl'lIllfollte 10.3!& ·A . M., . . ., ,.. '~ ,!t .~... miee aDd OeetB, botb Ent lIod W:~lIt, hi . tut~: b~llI ~~, N!~ : o:tCilJ~eoo~:U~r. Hlns: Lock Rnan 1!I.'9 P. M,,] . tJlrrll~tSr.1tt blr.dcler, kLdueYI, u4 ~OPIlq.al confillemellt for twenty mODlhB ID leven Ih e) ",,,re awarlled Ihe 00 P. M., Bllillmoret 6.30 1,». ~ .• N ~.w IwelliD,I. ' . - I'" "., Ihff~relll Rebel prison8. hia uClpe and I York. via Al l'e ntown,el 10 SA P .ftl., PI,II· t' '·'loA a imosl mlrllculoul journey by nlabt. I . • sdelphi.t at 1'l .45 P. M., Ind New York, .• ~~ILl\{n , QT i".'v~ ' lIellrly 400 Rlilell. For th~ 6flt Piano Forte em ExMlJition! via Phil.delphia, IL 10;27 M,:. , " "" 'I'eacl,ers, ladill'" energetic youn, men, :"""rs }'OR CllICltUIA.Tl E.u aE8s~Le..,ea.l~iLl,burc and eepecj.lI, !~lQI'1 f d IJId ~I.. bld fti('EO. A l'RINCE & CO.'S It S .60 A ... , Blopp,lng at nOlr)y III I'.e cers Bnd eoldiers. III wllnt of profltah1,a '. ' lion., Altoonlt 1.1'l0 r : aL. llirrillbUrd I'A44~M" foI VIWt elRpluyml'nt, will fiud it pllrliculnrly' a«lap' MelOlcleom, AutomallC J: &11001 Orgam S.lIi P."., Irriyllli lit l'ilil."'e,lllh~a ,&~ J ,-. \ '." I r~ 1. ,. , .ed to their condition. Send fOT circulars. In' All inslrullhi"u ",arraoled ro r five )'eal'" 30 A. M. · , , I'q 'I Alldren I\'IIAnufoeluro n .nd 11I~J'0rttorl o( n .ule., MA IL TaAIIi-Leavt!'ll' Phtaburi lit 'il.40 A&lEltlCAN PUBLISHING CO~P'Y \ H.uj ~l . Violiu,. Go!' .... V,ul,n A.}f Slopping la n• .,I·, all .I,ionl.String', Accordeo"•• I nd . ~ t. " I . H' b H !In fi9Td, Coan. 1\\1 1Ii l ,d. 01 ~ r ••• an4 Olner .1 .. ",,,1 II,.I,u, AhoQII~ t' 6.0" 1'.111., .r,t Yin, I~ .,rla uri 80S411TOK &. 'BURR, Aaen,a. [8u.6 lIIenUI Special ."~ nliu" I,,,id 10 furn illung at 1:J.!lb .... II, lind Pb 1.delllnla IC '7.1J! , •• ;" - _ _ __ __ _ _..:;._~....,.,...,~- Br..,i l .. t tT .... eut8 for Baud.. . A. M. ' , .' . ,.,A / IJ,a!! ,rUM ~peClI.1 Juouneeme.... ' PUBLISHERS OF SUEET MUSIO. l'J{IUDELPHIA ExpaE88'lT~Lelv" Pitts•. E. & R. T. A. T R 0 Ii Y • CO., Jo"t plluliebed, 'TH £ v .£!'ilT£,' . n ,,~~ col. burlrill t a·IOb P. IfA ·/ I~OPPia''':Ll,liIIY b' \ p:i!'~ , The Clon~tit,un I!,o~.~ 'tr~f~ ~ lecli"n of Cballl Cor tbe £!,lIco pal S~t\ Ice , for c:ipa Ilel 0118. rrlv~. at .~ro e + .....,.., I.at~ We. an. . requlfu the aid of flied. 1I'llU~t.B jso ·RETAIL t openilD'l"nd (\01 ...'; Volunl"ri .... Mu. ic..1 So"i · P. III , Alto~na 9 10 P . .N-• • Hlr'lllbur. 1.80 illhle t9 .tren,I" , .06 JaJi-r I • • ,. Manu/acl",,". oj PltOloDr~pltic Jlate· elie., C1 ........ .and lor ~bll Sut i.1 Cin:le, by A. ... , Bal\lmore. ,7 • .N. . .NIl'" York, Y~ • . ~ ," ..... I. . I VIROIJ. C. TAl'LUR. Prlce-Isoard. , 86 ce"I•. Allelltl,\\·n. 10 AN .• DIIII.rtAlphis. 1'1 7,.'0 8Y'I,e., whIPP H"GI~4', E, II-"JII\ hh . ,," ';:i,OJ. na I, Cloth!. II. " ,l ' " . ., III ~r . ~ g;t:J . . 501 BROADWAY, N. Y. B8~ ..ini'l 10 lIelodio Exeroilea, A~5 and N~I\V /IOf.k(t ~!I~I~~:~~';i ~t Int~r~p y dop.l\ " ID~ IreaYD~Il~~~~ ~, ~A qf"9 'llon to v~ur •• ', " b~81'n~11 of Pho- III t01lm 0f Solt'"11119 . •• •,or ·Sopr. flO all d M. euu th'e! • .' Irum }". M.{rome Plltab"rlr ~ IIg areIq Bahlln.ore . u 11\",~ Iinltre,. n , . , to . •I Of "I.n Inj.""'I, ~ ~ nlu.. '0, Clonlll . ' ,r . II. addl II) ,uDMtul~ .&b.Ddoded: ~. ~. • . \... ~ • .1, "I'i' to.1i 1;" ., toaripllic: Material., we are HllQd~\lUt8r. Sop"'"O Voitel. inlended 81 olutlie. 10 .'·quire Phllade\phia, IIId to New'York.via AI~IJII' Dr.. ,8.el. (O{P"Jrl.y or .Gr.... t.iUe.. ~ ~ BLOOu ~Q for Ille followin/l. viz: Ibe 'Jro)"'r arl o( l ingin/!" b) CMr.\O ad · 'own . Ihor. • H"•• i"i·. art of ' lOginI\'. And iJlHitbol •. - · • Bou~ b.. .,tI·. ded °d ~ ~ #Ikr,oscopu ,and 8let1OlCOp~ fieIN. In 1"'0 uanko.l'rice .each. ' 2,60. F.t.IT LII'K~LNve. Plttebar, . It ' 10 • ' ., .J, 'J. n; '~rlv~ ' 10 1 IadJ d..iDS ·t.h. puL liz moolhl~ ..' d~ is''%t. ' .. 4..~ ~ Of these we laa've en imlllenee ' ."ort. Piano,Forte Oalhthenios, P. II., eWppll" yoly '.II .pr}I6C· ... 1 ,t.~lon.. . , ' I " t ' j II .• I 1 1I"', \, • " ' " DI tlr.' Lb.... are unv.rDllbed '0 ~ .~"i ment, IlIcl~dml y!ar Srenel, Amerlr.oll a rol'leClion of Fille Finger Chord . UII,I Scale Arrives el AItOOIl,•• , 3.00 A.III. \ Harrie'l E I f t . a = ' II IDI'IIIII·U faola, and p,..ilUL no n.", hllthl to lbe ~~ CURm ~ 1) •. ,M ' . "I"ll ~"'IJ nnd Forel,n C.tle. Illd ~nddClpe •• 1''' .gu, for ' r~~dily cl,!".l,.,;"" the IIlIo.cle•. burg e S.16 'A. lIl., S.llimort't JII.30 P. II.. aadie" profep iol!'. 'IL il .illl,1 Y • c.... ~. ~ ;).oQ . Group., Stlltuary, "Ie.. ete. A180, Re- of'tbc QlIgen B...I anIU"'II!; Ihat . ~egree . 01 N.. w .York .t , vill ,/ Allenlown. 3.40 ' 1'. M., ~ .t ..' • ~ ~olvilll! Starenlll!op~", lor public or pllrille Unibll.ilYI independence allll yoluu,l.,ty. ~hlch PqiladeJpl,\" t 1,10 1.1 .11, an~ New .York. In .ffeolionl pee."I" 0 ' ....In.·· 1• • ofwqe. or sutptDde1Inhlla'ioa,' 'l'be <2 ~ SIC I~ ~ uJllbitloll. Our OiluiogUOl will beeent ur... ,~. on.h.pell.allle I?8 good perrormallce 011 vii Ph,i.ladefphilll 1' .1>.421'. Ill. ., I aal'g d, b" ••" . o,be.; l.r.pdlUoa, .. , ... , ~nlr r4I1a.r~ble eircam"anCtl, perD.pa 0& ~ . . , ~~ , .... . t f I lh" II~uo·. orle. by • ralle .. H. Brown. Price. a.L f .. ' . dd to any a re .. Oil rerelp 0 8 amp. .a.~o. . "'B~·MI;J(UI. t~nner. tSllpper, cblqrolj. , o~ ! ".~Iq"., lrrfCltl~r"let, . . . . d.,allon of tl,. Ipelt, tbough af- ill "'%t. ~ .H01·OOK,APIIIC ALBUMS. New EtI;.lu, Pupil'. Fi rst I'rimer, by Fren. 'IT Daily, aU ofT'6r 'rClI1.~, 8u,IIIJ«". t:IXC",ell. Pallllol,..• •, 111;, ByPlI . reM , .' iun 0 ._, &er lIu pr•• llmed decu ..e lbe absence <o~" . I . We we'rft-.ttle firat to introduce theee cil H.. l:I rown . AUlhor o( Pride. M\II .. oll.h~, lit , "[ ~" or perteol iC1Deu wbioh i. pecul. '2 Co.li~.ne •• anll ~II ,Ii. ' QlQ~ into lhe Ullilell SI.te., Iud we IPllJlut.c. H•• II.IAIIOII i'ulk ... . &C. Prl<:e. 50 cellg. · .S~E"'IKG C~~ IT!t altlt'~~d II' .II,Nillb& Encuali~~",J/lc"1 ,W~ Or I \hir~"'I~i'It ' ' iar to tb. dead wu rem.,ked by ahe ~. °d -.e. or ,I.e '-el.. ture illlDlende ~btltiea In &rel' ~~riellJlf; NEW M U 81 Q. Trll.n . tl! Plllllllle'f bl " New Ybrk anlt or the Uttrura,. wueorl\CII , illl~i~tI ~. pb,.loilD a. w.1l • ber lIi.lld.. ~ i'~ !b :an r. ,lin i.1 price (rom 60 cenl. to f60 '(.!All'lr TN" l3uuUl:i'I o~ Tn.: LOIIV,' Ollumor\!. · \ ! .'. t. :lIi' plaintll 'lncldeijt 0 'tbe' eex. wh. ther :ri.I~, The lady i. no,,' able to lil aPo • ..t "'d "'at .' ', \' 4..~.;, I.'IIcl.. "'OUr~bU!Jll b"'8 tbll ~-Itiop wil,h l;j~pral1o. C . 0111 . . 11 .... or T en. BIllial e checked lbreegb .gc1 Jr,,,,_r '11• I. II b're .!I I Jot,I ' I . ~ " 1 ' .....a-.:.,... bain, iD Lh. la" .&agea 01 4lOn,ulDplion, ~ i1~ ~~~ · J~~br. ..~~.~ ~". "m of beIR/l·,1t io. Inf Heodly l"d'difr-;;bil1l, or Solo•. """ QUI\I'I ..le. IItlllp..,d red (r,e ,!: .. •. E . < • I '~ .,~ ..Id I" 1m"" a .. lhc hMlk. l:'IUlilber SOllg, 'l'lCX"TS 1' .... TH ••1.. (In I 'B 'Or n we lien e (0, c ••r'" u r PLI··~ It i. u well u .b....r _ill be. fib, reo I. .qj> to IIny otherl, The, will be 8eut by bW. K Ba .. lord. . . . . I'rice 35 un A.,~ C U InK os' • • f . ton, b, BUll or RliI)'. ' -.ifill·1 ovu! I"" j ·l'il,.. ·" IJ' \ • ' . . . . .ber. ver,liltle of bOl." ofhtr "Q~ I i~ mal, 'A fir... y CAIJII. 101');,,(,& I)IVINt:; , r.. i I ,Rllil. on receipt 0 prtce. &fallce, bilL e~rie. .d aD IlmOllL fain. ~. (ld . U l"ine Alhm8 JJhela to Order •.l1l COLI&II"II.¥>II I... ·Sw.. ~1 Spiril hOltr . roed, cln be purcl,,,.'r~ It" all ,r~"I"" 1 • "IftEL¥BOlloD!S .; Illy .....,.er,' W. V'lIceni Wallace. Prlr.e 36 r.1f. Btltion.. F.fe DB 101Y alt b.Y IDI , ot~e. t· '. " fill lll,"" ip tb. lirs. taO• • Il" 0 re- .~,,~ .$-'0. >b tari"otograp 8. 'L<lIrd.lllyGod.llulIgloK"lfw,' 15t.-lh)III11. ~oute" .~. _ " 1\ . r .. , f l J' , .... 4J" • " . . '" • , h 0d ~ . ~ ':;0':$~~ .. 'u'"g at Grlc .. Church. r~'"IM'••d by Draine -IIEI·".D-1m'D."'" . it . Our CUll I"gue nbw tmbracea oyer FIve Wel"" Price S!' c.nlo. . '. . .. '."'. I , 'f • I " ~"'.&IIau", · "'II ' ... tP. ~. ( ) . . ThoUlllud diffe,enl lubjecl., to which .d· 'My Bud in He.vIIII; word. bl Se"cer W . By this rout", Preiglilll! of. en ietlcrJp1' of ' • • '. I,;,' '1''',11 •. I'i ,(' ,1\0, ' I . ()IqGIJ p~ .tj&n..- -;H :n IT.t-)fuy '0" CURES . diti,nll IJre coothman, · be~ mi••, of Co"e. muilc by SI~ph,," MII ..el. I rie,, 'SS cI• • lionl. illcludilll L'~.£,S100K, 1M be tu" . . '. '·...'nl', lhe mAL pernicioa. habit. were COD~~ . ~ Portrllils of emiuenl Americ'DI etc ' 'Yiz' ' My Clllly 13 roll,.,. • p,,,,e,' 5011, Wltl e .... "I, "'Irded -to Ind rroin " Philadelphia, Nllw ubout . .. M. K"'Ier. :tb C",01 ,'U k Uos t on- or ·.. 0 I" t ' .. ..Id" rtlOl 'r..\ed ofilinilly for lba uke of h ..hb. '¢. ~ SCROFULA .-s.~ . "" • ' ''1'h" 1',,"1 Ih.II',ict: Hrulbe. l'hre.' Bllllati. bJ Yor, 1\ "mo. e, t,,·' In ..ville aD4 .di.tillld liquorl Ir. taken to ~ ~ and.1I dl ••••A ori.,u, ~" ~ 1001UnJor·General., 100 LIl'ut.Coltlllel., M. K.el\"r. "rir.e 35 .;.u... . allY poi"} "" Ihe W'jl tt'~11 .Jlellw.,. 'W .treDI.' ",D; lob~coo .ofi"m and b ..b. 0& ~ fl'Om 11II ,."ro 1,llJuu. ~<:i 20u Drii··Generals, 160 other Oftleelf, 'i7I"r "rile Ille a Song o( Illy rlllher,' Song RailrOGd d'rect. , ..' " .,' I > 275 C"lonel!', 76 Navy Officers, ..,d Chorul ... 8 IUlIg ul Wood', Mill.tr"I~. COlli Bv SleAmers, frelah' "In 1i'1.o ;,e for :' 0 eelb 10 relieve low .Jlirllll; card playing ill "'¥. ~~ ~ bbO Staleemen. )30 Divine.; po .•• d I!y C. H~~'rJ . . "ri t:. :1' > C~'~." , warded 10 In,. acceasible point Oil lhe .Iy-.I ' , ' I ' ,. 'IL, . .' • . :~ . to limase. " Bill, too o(IeD,. the penGo. 'Q oj' ~oli:l 60 prowinallt women, 125 Author!!, . .A V. qrd of It1l"., \)811.11. III 1::. J. F ,(zhllgh . era IIlId I~ko."f ul' Ihe Wl'It '.1 . ~ who i••oeeatl, aCIPii'e .aelt laahie., . "Q.;: Prl c(J1 30 cent. " H • Will 4·'.U · II "' ~ "I. i .. ~~ ~, T. b •' , lil5 SI8"I',,. 40 \,tlllll,. ;Give lO lIIe ·tho.e Moonlit Duell. (ur For FreIght Culllr.cta or ,S,hippinl( DI, '~ ca e~ ~~!nate ,~ro,,!, t ,;.,~ know II« how to limit ahe uteot of ~. C'~ q,~~ ~" 3,000 Coplea of W(lrk8 of Art, ..... iiiop.UIIO., or SOl',·.no 'lIId To.,o,; by l!:. A. reelinu,. IIpply 10 or adllte.,. f'ither 01 (b'e lem blMlM!81 o( lite' UnD,\')· Orl'~~ t.I&t ~"'II9.j IOr lei ahan~on tbem ep" , ~ ~ ::.<!'. . ~dudln\l reproductions or the mOIl\ cele- l'¥t •.l.\lY_l. l'ri.~":lf> "",,,ta. 1 Collowing Agenl1l or 'hfl·Com,any: ,... rnli,'lrolD hi bit" of di"lpltlo' , ae 'I f1'hiLinty wh'eb fOllnd to be prejudici~l. 0t1. ~ ~c buted(~I EnRr..,IIlIl' · Painting" Statoe6 , T,,,, ·"".per Du~lt. 1)1''''~:l0 f,!r 1.. 0cenl. SOI.r8"o,. or~. r. Fl.~ Agenlp" ~hil.~'a • PflIHP, IIItle «WDO " . ' Ilt .t! . 1 ~ \' .... bySlor. J. J)~II\el. . C B. A Ki,'gaIWi C ., J F' clle Ut IJlet~ 'II~ De l.'he dOle of eK.Hemena ma.t be in· -~ ~"" f tile. , ltaloKoell 88111 u. rece .pt 01 8tlmp. MU'rillurs I. Rui '"C8U,' Fa"" •• ie. b) J . ~loiUi"g . • ~rllellier. t. Ageol, IU~burll' 1 ltIt'et , • fltd· , , L . ereaMd. ~ habit ueJli it. ~waYi. we lire ~(>(.. I{-::;; &~ An order C r Olle Dozen PIClurl'8 Irom il'ri"" ~iI cellb. Clarke & C"., Trolllller AIfRnt8. PlIIsbur,. Pltp08l1re,· • •lIp ,. IU~ 1"1 h,lII ebolOl.d iD' iea Dit, .andbl'}J'y i'l be wbo ~ 'S)"i O\IT Calrilogda Will be lIeut on. receipl 01 'I":"j c~· III ~fIO.' .Rou'~lIce .i!'.fo~... ot Il Nut· H. W . On,wn· & cO'I ·Z~nenillt!, O. IIn.ple .. lnt 'IRlI ._nl!r'Qtoll~.rtDINio'j ' ~ ia able wilh re.oIU!8 .1I'0r t J&o ull'io_te "o .~ ~~ 81.80. 8nd lIenlby 1110\1 YR.t:f:. turn, .• 10) J. "~J ,el,!k'. I rlc~ ~u CG "". 1111 & co. lhrlllltl f,). , I PILj).a .u4, ,,.,r~r' "'Vm'" 111011 .. Ph I d' I d' ·A llelld. 1\1 01,' (W.,I ror Mc).l.i ul"p. by Ch •. W H' & ~ H' L 'I G II' 'II 0 . P 1 I .".... . ' hillllel( lro'm ~~ ~ t.lo~rrlp !erB , an ytlers or et'11)" fr.,'I"I. l'1"C~ 60 c<: nl . . • ., • r " .lIn g t\'y. ~ If.~ I", pl.allU~ and d'_lIe."nl dileaar ... ¥.\» g\,lods C. O. f)., w,1I ple8B~ remit 26 .per \ '~"i.M,?i .'( Foliow i\lel,Galiop. lIy A. Bern- CI~rkA & Cu., l:III CtlI;(O, 11111. .,' cent. 01 the IIROUllt of Ihelf order. sleill. I'r'ce ~,ef. llb, . .. 1}" N • 0 'K I " "I N B ' . . . 00- The prlce8 and qualit, o! our g(lode . ~V'ulcrf.lI . 8'i~ Sea 13,' ...e,' G.1I0pl, by l'.ul Fl t]i} ... irl · ....l.r. P ' lio4Olfty - , I R " R USE li~tMBotDS CDnllot filii 10 811tisly 1 S".u ,."l.1<'" , PI'I G8 , ellch. 60 celli. . a s " v • ,'1 tJl -:/ " , . ' -j' . Drllggl.ts apd Denler.8 in . . ' . 'i\10""'"~ Dew,' Lan ro· ... . uy Adolph Sdrn· ' . . ,. nr.oall ,lI'l'e.d ~tI ·c.no, " i lJ. \ J , '. ,,' • • {! ~LLE~ I-aWn. Mediducs F 0 U T ·Z '·8 Ite~~~d~~"~·i.:~c~~~~l.y Poul SI~iuh.gen. I'r~r,e w"h:Ia ITIl~ I\jlr~~lh ~.tween .tbe Batem J _ CBLEOUTID ·10 ce ll " . . alld Wellern,; tIM ' "rf~pe 'II'~\ 01 c~l!n. ' ,' , I EVERY",VH EBE. HapI'; be Ih)' D" ea lll s -' T''I\IIIr.rilo.<I (Dr 'Ih'~ gell y l g08Ke. 'J:he UIII.III Lln~ i. IluI ., . ( • 1/: .';' ., .;\ , ~ETAlL DEA1.~R8 IN I'inllo.torle.b) CIII.d •••/od"l.. Pricl' liO Clenl~ Q!I,h'orlted 'Fuel' }o'riflg"ht " Uill'e, In'd' i. In .alf c..e• .r Ihw·UrItu.r, 0..;.0••, ..... !SweetLurhllll,lrallscflbe,l SP.'rlt h~11r Ill y 1 royer. Iro,ul""lIo,/(lri., ~,Ulllce b Nor\Jfil on all Ihe rOII"I, ' . . " Op"r~ 101' Ib" . ",. , 0 en w.Js'IC b Il, '·IIet .a I .~nl 10 ,' male QI'! l.mDle"jlllll PRINCE , W ALTON. CO., (Succe•• ono 10 Dr. C. W. 1l0Lftch,) This uy II;h."'e. fradel. l' I'ic~ 40 cl.. \ll\~~flak.e ~ til tr~n.8D,C:;'I, nnder, ~1I\r.~J'" wlaltte'er ceu.. oriJit Itin a ..."DO " .. ltf 801.& PIWPItIETORS, Ion .. nu~ r"vol1lll11 e m"ioo I,: lit Co",ar.- ll.,c<:I·. n.w Opera, whIch .eCUre t,l the proper.y f'IItrUl!ted to .." ~ .. QUEENSWARE, :::hi~'''~I:::~ 81·I·II"I\.1I by. Charle. Fru~.1. I'rio:e M ,·.,,,11. itll . rh.~"e; Ihe ' beit'llIt"ilh i'~,, 'Ii 1".(.'1 ·ilild' .,.~ ~1I' "n, '1.1~~illl-J.r .1l'; I~plel.. ut ~iII Nos.1S6, 158, ,00 & 62 Eajst ThirdS&. " ID lu 1~11n. OINOll\nOJ,A'rr, OHIO_ broken·down aM ... cu dea MOIII ..- S,,,rhg"I IIoClllrll8. bJ' J . d~ u'lIllIrlll DloVem9Ul UIII1·t!)" &11 d. ~U'l". ~and,. , ' " -ml!!dla • ..". _ ~ I....plrlled honel J • • ,en. k" l'rlce all "~III .. I' h . . , I l OU" en ,, (J''l . ' . I. )" T ' HARPW ~ RE, I~U8!!e I PP8~1!1': _. t I " . 104 ,JIl.O", ~''''J~'9J I : t,, ,14 " ,a, or~J~ ' by 8Ircn.1lI011Ini ' ""gel of Drellm, ball"" tly M. Keller. I'rict> ao4 .I""hilne "'. 85 "0 1111. lJ-J ,eTe I IDe I l[uarlln eed, 'I for, I'ru",.lIo". 01 ~,It I GRO~RIES P 1 L E• S I p t. L E S .I '. ~~1lCb CUld la&e!I" Lo,',, ', l.omilaliun. Llllr"J "l' E. G. B. H... !.,or. leilurll of .FIYf! rent. per ioo 1>8 I. III, ' . . JI or roltl. DR, GILBERT'S li'i~" I' • 'fl"' I'ri.:" ~" c e O l . . . lowed lor delelltioRs "or ellury day beYOlld ThoeelAft'erinr .Irro. B~"'.D or .r . &c., ATENTiI'ltlll INSTllUMENT t, . venlh'e o;u::'1 db· 1 rl Illll)'h. I MHrch. by R,c~ud Hoffllla~ :11 . Ihe lime 6occilied. I ' Delicute eOlil4il_ro.. ~"u:r*,lfj"~edy m l l ...... Incident 1o Allgerion rolh. by :'tir. I urkhu .. t. .I[) "1\14 F' 1 "/ ". . ' . .. ,....""" • P thl. aolm~ .ucb II FEVElI, GLA.'1PBBS, E:vt>lIil'g SII"dow_ul/cl ... ull by E J. f.....or uri Iur In formh tll'l'I, .ddru. the lit 01)'0••' ,I,. '.' I.~ ..11.' 1" FOR TilE RADICAL Ol'RE O~' Y ELL Ow WA· hu~:h . Pri~e 35 ,·en!.. .' . , folio"" Ini Ag!!n .. 01 ,he' Union liine:" Tl\e nii.d.,I~t'; rwike 'tll~' ; h'O".' ~~RtlnEAvlB, llllLonglllg __ lh.o . GuardnvRllz.allung H W DrowlI il7 We 13' I C' I 1 \ '.L\' ,~} " ,", ' . ,.. ,~, • 1 , TE M t;l. HE, ~'. ~ES: hy .rvr' lI e I'~rc.... j ' .. ic~ ali "enl. . '" '1) 'r'l I ' • N ~ I . . . 1110 nnal. I1r lu,M ·....J ue 'pW.lC • lnv t'l ~~tl'nllon. to t'balr Slock or ' J'I • _ . I ",. • laIc ler, 2a9 Hlilr _t CulombUl ,. ~ . :.f ,I "'~ t' ~~ i.i or . illi., ·.botl . ; Will/out an Oneratlon or Medidne 1\ 'LO ·ESR88 ' o}·OFUA~pOl~:ER., AL Liberal DlbCOUllt gIVen 1o Ih"Tra,I~. 8"111'1 F .. Grnv. ,', IlIdi"''IRpO r18, J'Itu. ., . dlBeaee, I. I• • ur. t~ ' .oed hil boiltl ,. Chllrclu·...., CI"rbl 1U ~li , l'rolt:!1I0r. "lid Sc:l1uula. .J h . " ..,, -, , . ____ TITKAJ:lD VITAL Mu ,io "lII I by '''bil pOll "M,lI ou I·ece' .... 01 E. I . Brynnt. J erre Hunll', 1011. o. e."~ . ttl. ntsl POr 'erll, h.pplnl'BlI ... 1 I" II_,e d. it: tha Us . ." , .., r~ I·V "11. • , .... "ff "" . '6' \." ... 1's Is' un ,liT I'10"~ ",.Rn tt.' o , wh'.0;~ 1I ENERGY \lie Improvei tI'''"Il,rked ' phce. • '. , . "V , ..... Illuler,' C billaaro, lit•. ", I Ihal 01 ,,,I;my. . u, fta8I ID4blm Til hilS lone been hill. Dut nl'yer 8111lplied un • • Ind, Ino _ \VM: IIAJ.L '" SON~ The PeIIlIB~· lv!,ui. R~i f,ued Co. "1'111 Ire i'up\L-r~crrruDi· 'b'" ·'6b~ee.. Iii app. 1I0t U8ullle any rltllI lor 1 ·' 8''''.ge 4)tcep,1 . Inow: and the \lIe,.~asinll demafld whl're . aLbo1m 0 0UIAl"glvee th . liJ3 Ihu."wlIJ. l\ . w· ~ ork. . ).e • or .:.1. l 1""1 I. ' ·. '! .. I ' (' •• t .. II ,&.111.'011 ollce IDtroduford.ftlleal6 lid 8U- glo•• y lor \VeulIIg·A:PJlllf"I, ud' limil 'lhelt ft·' ' perlorlt, ove; 'Int tre~tn\~n' heretofore Lran,'orm. n • T 0 LAD I E.'8 . ~pO'IBibilily to olle hondrtd dullsr. jn 'val- Phai"IGIlIi \ Dfd~. .- ~~cel I kllOIVII. ::::~~'e .teletoo IlIIo 8 ue. All 118ggoae "xceedioa Ibmt Imounl av,'r.'t;~' rl~~r.,.-':"I"I' I~tfr . , ~~ , ,,'.! ~I"Q~~!'S ~UPLEX U \\! 11\ removll the ",orllt cllse in ..'. \' E . , If you I tquirc " r.li~I"'" l'ell",.I, 10 r.llor. . I ' It b I I· lUIN1 J'I'U, autl Cllre allY CIlSIl To t ••ponor Oowltl.t. JlreJlllrallon 1. lnuluaWe. yoU!. uoe III va ue, WI e etl I.a r.k 01 thll owner • . ,,:0, ",', .n ,/( .: ; 1 !,I'IH"(jl .Il~ ill a very 8hurt 'tim e It InCnlUOa the <IIlAotltJlllUd ImllroV •• lb. qullll)' , Dr. llarvey's Fell1ale Pills. ullletlllllken by I Ipeclel Clonlflcr: . ~ We m.a.AJlO _,cr.t:of· h In!!r·'''·· , DUb. milk. lnal E. H. WILLIAMS E ' , 'l\n '/ ., J I ~ , .. . ·"?r<~U; r-DTEH~. TRSAVE ti I1Pl'LI£D DY-. ~~f !'::.~':..~":'~ A n,,,,·er.tlliJi\\.:\· '·PIH ..:.' · fDr Ihe rnmovllI of all "ell'l Superilllendenl, Ahoon •• . I H 'HLU~.l!q~·~~U~~lJ:, 1i~M~' ~ :' Ollr Stoc" of II comno~ o( l n U le Q.n. Ohlltru"Iioll •• domud erfr","wh.I CRu.e Ihey HENRY W' G,n'IN'NE· al C ... Cubeb, en~ . IUA ~A aNES @ CO.,. " d urille. 'fbI:'" b\~ .~rti un (1 l ure, ano ,.HI reltCWt! . " 1 ' . ' ~ ,~ II" ft I 1 ." ..H 1'{"l' ~ ~ J' I If lIt 0 SHOES, ".. I P'rk R u.. "', New "'ork. 1 0 Iwenl, 11l II • .aD " . J un'~., . .... . ect:;'4 .~ ,w I......' '~~'. ~ u J. cream JIIIr IInl,u r. •III Cye,·y ,·a.e. '1'''''Y are HI-" cll\~U"'O\i. . G ell.'I 'J' ICk f. t A.tr;nl. P bUill ,,!!,,1f~es"le : Solflby Dru~"i.IS "enerally. "ellll"I \ OOIIL ............ 1he \11 oil C"" 01 ,,~u klle ... Whil~ •• I·rvllll"u, H H Hon::;lOIU IDdp· r li l .. Ill .~ II" T 11 "t i .. . n bll'\ • "4 '·c . S.'ol ·' ' " ,' bo .. ~. cUIII,""' · '''' ·0 ,,' , 11 •. I'r' l c~ "1. G •. F ' · . f". . ~"' . r ... pl ~u D y.r.uo . , • • 11 • -IS or THEprice, ,300. .1111 diICOUII "• '~0 d~lle-. .,,'.":'.~'f ~. ..... Gol"ell n " en rl!lahi A:"e 1.\t' PIli J .l O,lurlte' t L t ., .w _. Ia. Dr. 1[<O :.'"1e P:lll.. l,t', •• I I. BOLD,' drllljIK· ••" 'l!h.~l~ Sellt enY"' hl're 01. ~I'el,t ot' prl~e. _UJe,I~ J " • • ' , ' In i GILBERT @ SUR,8RUG. P'''p'r., ~'!':"':': J\ reme"y - 'fol' .1'~tilJl c••••• J our de~rec. 'l'1acl Qro Pl · ... yuon ' ,.,erillllce in tbe olr1"01 ~\lI-:t <. fI'7f) Blo.dwfty ~. New Yurko _ .. them UIIhe .IrUII& ~I· Ihao Ihe a~o. e i (I"':. ib lIer uo ~ . ve . et!1I 0,,0 ,.... !)hi~ ; aikr "inct('I¥b~ ..,,~· IIfeI.iI;.'\.~ ~. Jr. ' 00- Deaclilllive clrcular" lent Ir". , ........ A l'r'lI ale Circulllr 10 1.di.l. wilh ftlle n"a. Stil~ retllins I,ler illl 'Vrlil1>tdf'\lc~ ftlldIIr-·'II.1 ',rf.1I1 pOp.. . ph.Nlcll~. h.1 rbe.D ", -II~II r I aU ul,rIlY.lnii under""I,I" I'm- IDOl I .. mllleDt .. ' An 01 "'b'i~li iA oft'ered at Ibe low81It ll'l . 3m 0 _ or hlDe,.ucb 101.\11"0 eIlKra'·'''gB••• ,,1 free 011 rec~ ipi 01 tli. ..v ....... ___ _____._ I t~. Lungt, 1.lvfr. rer'led ell\'elnp. Alld 1181111'. 1,,·ovelDenl. fl) . , period 01 'hilll yelfll i. led 10 Ule in lhe UlliNd Stalel ,rmy, u4 m.rket pr,lcea. &0. • Ihll arUcla S~II" for DIt. HAHVEV ' Pri'ale Medir.1 now prOIlOIlIl C\'II by the mllsic.1 world 10 11.1. 0 In V'" .tneret uee in Stlleholfi· Oct'. tt. !l.tf IC oBn:'•. b:""ullar"na":-;';r· ~~Ivill·r . a<hlreued III lel"al.l ; 100 I'.I\'~" giv. be ulI'urpB8.e,J and eVt'n ullfqu~'I.". In III. . ·lId ,.blfe (Scillti'litr, ' rUth . ~.•_ lIIi; lull.II.,rucllOlI •• IO cell" r"1""·,,d IQr !'".I· Ikl'lIe~B, volomll alld purit, nf.lo!le,cful'a" , DEALEll.S F~ i 10" paper In a .,'•• II yo~ COllllol yure ..... I"e "ill. trolll biti ., IIl1d cllellpn ....s. Our ne.M ,clle throuah",,& tbt 111I'd, ': 011 I ~':~04'1".".II.I .th.e. J'".,d, u:~r dr~l',.t .. lhe,.' ob.r.n·MliulI. .. ,II be •• IIlU)· \i iroll" (;Ime,, ' ...cure Irolll (III "'Mil. I'e"uil'l11 01 l'. , p,"~ h rclloll, hnr'p pedal, • ')' ' • ~ ~,.11I be lradloaled 0 We lillYti DO helillUioll ID II) ine Ih.t Ibe a _,_ ,"e D"I';l~)Y Du. J, B"YAN, COII. Ult .. " I'hy- uver·,trulI, bas., ...,ell' ocIIV", rO'lIlII/uud HEI"'Il. DO'l'ln· ...~ . \ or eaU...I, pl'flYeot.e4. I.... YeClU'e aad ou", for . - - lie .... 4 ro o uwa,..1Iiew York. piUIIOI \\' ne ",o\) inl. ·el, .p,e~ 111 ' r"IUI ~~ ......, P .l lfEST PE&:rUJlBa_E8 • AND ~OIIII Oentl par' Paper. erllhlllr'ltr.. [[rOe_I ....lll'l'lic I by De",u. ll.rlle•• whol~ 8100 to $~OO l hln tbe lime 'lyl~ and fill' "'IL'I' 'Boa :taaPA.n n ••.I~ Ag""I' . New Yurt.. lIT'If ilh .,'a aold loV ·.... y o\III>"&rolt.CI.'II. nilkf'rl L.'. ...1.·..·....·Ioj'lf ' !~, 1ri. , ', M. eye, offere" In tbll Dllfkef, JIlay be (nund .a.~, 8. A. FOUTZ &:; BRO. in Ibe COUDl.ry.., Dl!lIlell.lnd III In wint -"0 W; ~~ UIIt '1' our e.tabU.hmeul. 'fbe, are III . .AT TBmll ' T.nr"'e Dlllclosllre"•••Sel:aelCl for tb J of Itood pia\luCI ere fllYited t d
rl Frilla, C.., I.ppoted.).ocI Mdr .1 '::. .f!. ia dIe' Dei,bborllood proceede. 0 the .Iepa ",..I 00 .uch occaSlOD. . The \ 00810 w.. OftMrrd, C~8 corple .broaded d: ¥. and laid Oil'; IPd III needful pre para· \ . If tioo. ool!nIPIP.",d for tbe fUDer.1 ce~· oi'(l 'lDouielllllt &.bbRLh. BLrao6:". III II '¢. ~ .'1.ppear. H is !a.id. lba', while '.he ~ \ , ".&cben i. an adJolftlug room were I. ' o~ .. dulging io Mllrul and bot coffel',.. ~'%t noise w.. 'heard io tb tl apartlDllnt "here ~ , ~ the femei .. of &lIe beloted> dllparulC\ ~o? repOIed. ~ ~ Suppoeie&"R c.t or rat wy pl~Jing .A"~ ·tber.ID, • gentleman went to I!'op Ihe <lQd. 'd> rerelrr- On opening tb. door be wu ~ horrified to fipd Ibe lad, . It .. ding 00 <%?;p lb. 800'r the very iO~lu~a&ion 01 'per~. plem!1' ,.be bray.. felro", hillily r .. · ~ ~~ IrtaCed. lU. demonltralionl excited ,,~ 'he reat .o f the partf ••all the wbolt) ~~.p crew, abdeking and trembling, de8eri.~~ ~tltiI 'u.... loi &~, Ali e\d.e,ly ~;(-. ~ more OOtanceo.' 'Lbai Lb, o(b' . . o~.erl, ,,,.Ii& il\,t.O lhe dw.lIing, ueerl.lmeli • ~~ '~e I"te of aflain. and, with ()~rl'liau '¢~ berolllD. admiDiatered 10 11M .ec:ell"ie. ~ ~~ of ,h.c1eId·,.li ... ODe. , o~ Bearohwu theo' made f.>. , .&laa 111- ill (I~, tre.ten, wbo"ring (OGDd·.L • aeigll· 'O~". bor'l, rc~~r'llf4 1,O.Ibe cloia\cil &"n bad ''h
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~"t ~ ,t PllllrnvlIIJ!~:. r. IIl1ler 8 ADF. chase. pilno Wil~OUL Reill ' Ihll O .. n \I" .." ' j ,.\, I ME CUM, In ontlllil aDd popularl!e.li'O lOIlUf'_ ~edlllll, iIIlmo., Wi"~,ut Dum P118£ all MIIIl and dW"IIlI1I1, all"'fd 1)11111010.... have beftn IWlrded t 0 tl Ie• G " 'velleen , bPJ'. .., F~ ell S I dl Pi. ..., H~X,~W1S T H LAD I E '8 .1.0, e vllirilld .uppll of (Cop, righted.) . ! U OP.'.II t'lIUII, . lor r~. IIr .yer, .no, and a\ lhe Celt!bhte'd WorIU'. F W arraDted ~o cover mllrll .urflt'l for aillle kwel. WIth lIevel· '1IIIIIIl JQrnetiifl ; fur thollllh pill in Clump.. if 0 .I b"lr, . Tin, copper & sheet-iron Ware . weIght Ihan any uther ! lheir apeedy CUnt. 1'ke prlctlc. o( Dr. from 1111 parts o( I he U ISa· :It I ~t era To Ihi. reltur. of our bUllnelll. We blve ' Hunter hlB lell, been •• l1li etiH ii, .... hl,hut aWI,d. ' rE~I~'bli~h" ;1 ao~.. . 1I1~ .A L L T Ii A l' I S ~r E ED lor lale at tbe lowelt clIshpricea. A 1\ TRY IT; AI'D YOU WILL BAVB "0 OTRU! bllpudRd, but "' Ihe .UIIP.Gl IIOlicltatlon of GRUVES1'iE~83S. J •r '. J. ED '. kind. ot . MANUFACT URED ON LV nv numeroul per80.. ', he !tea bl'l!n illdtlced 10 ~ J} 499 co. , 'TIl>IGL..... R & uU'TH, f'''lend hll medl",,1 u~ll\hlf'" Ihr",,"b tI'e' •. . rUldw..)',.~ew Yurk, For tbe .Toilt.t. HIDdk"rchief., . O U T - DO 0 R: ,W 0 R. K ~ -- ..,........ dl I' V.I. .. Suntlnl Drllwefl, Wud. • Whole .. l.. Drllil', P I me um 0 III . . . . . . Ihr.nlll.' h il a . t (tl '" ' . " rolin, elc., Mr.. . IIIch II 'f!Jp~tlng. RQullng, &0., dUDe on No. 13'1 N ' ~tT Glu, Detlerl, Yulumll !h.~ Bhould 'fle 'In the hind. of e'Y' ~ ~,~Ulmt 4-4:A Can and tlllllline our nrletle., I!lorl nOhce aDd \n tha hJt milllDer. 0p" hlrd 8Ir.l'Il. e!" flmlly In ~h.e I.nd, · .. "prewentw. 01 , "1) lU.' J I . HILADELPHJA.. YIC., or .. I gllidl h,r tile' .11e1'laloa 01 . . ' 0 ,, ' .ROSEBB~RY 4' NEAL. u,' 3-t ~ Forsllf, b, PAUlT DUL.U ,In.r- Ollll of "' 0 niOlt !I·wllI' 'IU d; ltrucllve W.Ii Y J.V ~ 8 rL Z$, b H I'O: . . .,.1. _ 1. I. U e~ K Lally. _ :J9-1, IClOur,e, tl,.1 ner vi.iled mankind. 0!le . 'I ~ . ~YtJltJ. J, ,f)n;~ .Ill t . A JUON"';ar-A · cOPY. aeeurely en,elope1i, will b, fo~w.rli· 'TEDS; cuu Il'I A-DVA!fCB. - , ed for 81 ... a. ,enta wanl- ed, free of pOluge, Iq pqrt of llie .. ., . • ~ the' kill or ' pouDd of a. wlrrl.nted lkt«tre (>,_0 II ~ fe r/ ~" Tbilbee\of all COlI,h Syrup•• lor 1 • .1. · , x EIITIB.LY IIEW ARTl I UnliedSI~leal 60 I PO ",' j. ~ i. • tt, IlERRITT & PRINTZ. I .it".lorl.IRby # MEUHITT &I PRINT? . eLF.s, lust our. Ad~resl 0 T GR . or ceol. . . ItlmIl:' vneeo" one , ..t , (2,OQ•. . ASJ{ ~OR ImLMBOLn.... City lJulldln~. Biddeford , Mn!~ fl EY" ~~r:~::\)~oS~ pII~, ..PR'yHUkNTER, 0' 1 Fi\'e copies ODe ,ear, a,?&' . reI: 1 1,tW \It. 16 . )~ 'fen copies oM yeit, 16,00. 15-1J.
. . ~0' · 1I1 '· ,J. r ,
. P 1 _..I C00k'lDg Stoves, We plrtlcularl, de.lre the .Uenllon of ar or lUlL
DSMcrlpli'B C.taIOBUp.,
vi\.lf~wo" I . : · ....11:.I " ' f '·IU\d I·'''\.ODleJ '' IOII Bo. U8 Franklin St., Baltimore, JicI A mOlt ,v ~luClble and wOllderlnl rublfci- photographl of all uur di/t"rent II ' le. l•1I 1114 Storeteepor. 1Aroa...• tilJR. A \\ ork 01 400 pl/lI'H. alld 30 COI_ \ tou411Ier wl'tl, prl· ce. N lhll leal n' ",. '11. ,'" r.Q ~..Ol.'j I' :''' 1\ ,"ood ou,l'or\be8a1e by Druu I I,J · , Dill"" 8~ .... ol'e I . D 11 'V.~ , 0 une , IOU II pur.
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H~O: 'WEllNESDAY, MARCH 2~, 1866. ~ /'
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AP"-" 10 Wa _ 1;;;;iil~ OUo: beprod~i.,mor"'Dd.,reesctia.. . .t ,J _ ' 00 bolh of ahe ...tu. Tb. l UI' lWBDlIfBlDAT, • ' f, .... / pen.. iOD of Ibe BalJla. 001'1'"' Act iD now 81I'JI"JI, JlDI1'08l, Ireland Lbe Ifrest oC I . U lfD• • I. ben of F eDiaDs iD the armyud among •• - . Whole Noo :J~. the Doliee as well a. among the citileD8 keeps IrellU!d and EnglllJld in A 'Iate of Nil WI!J. rermellea tion. An equally if. not more
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N.w You,1Iartb II. d.. .., 7. Du.QADft~.-Tb~. b~r . . . . 'lb. . . . perioillul, to be ,b• • ~, abl~rblDg lOP" Ia.re, COtn" , ' II to m.ke it • • ppunDre becauM,I .. II beoomea • per· 'OOD. By lba .. ay. UIM ultra·liler.ry l ooal mailer OD8. W. b .. TA. b. . .dorD· h.d 011. Dr '''.0 ID~IC.III)D' Of. III. .p ed itMif ill a De" dree., iD a s Ly I. ' a. p ro'o4 'prlag,.m Lhe. bre~IDg up origilll,1 "a. labmaelill.n a. it. 0 ,... l a · tbe ice m the North River, but thl dividllalily: and, if FOII.ible, HeDry proce~ ••em. &0 be ,.ery , low, and 'be Clapp, Jr " haa iDfued f ....b - b b 1 1 to Alb y ,_. ~ 1....oocl prOlPlo~ CGr • .truit ended .tate 01 (ee~iag prnall. in ~n' CO.I~~' ut at.y 0 ear uf . .n : ita nig.. Tile , Pru• . it Lhe mo~t ; N ,L n __ I; .1. ' ar . nd .da T wo weeks 11008, tb. au ~hol'lhel The 'Ight of mamlDotb cak.. of lee ftoa cham"a- . aDd faaeinahng paper 10 oftMlqP' or ......... 0 ,. . . ....11,. , • • ' T ""~ I - ,r:rrn __II • J '" ta ~ .dOJlI. ar Ra· of Oanada iesued • call ror ,10,000 ,01. tiDg in Ihe North, aDd Eut RiY.r. I. N nr .York . and reliah i't al beartily Ct. . , d t he f ' . L tb· bib . , the ' . •. J•b ' '.' t< UD~el'8 to' delen rontlers aga\DB aDy Ing II c armlllg 0 eyel a. we ~o Imy epicureaD IUDch a' T.y · ." ~ .~.,r I - ." d dll iDVIlSioD by tlie Feniana, Tb e ' call \hole wbo piDe tor tbe tro,lca\ brealb lor'. ~r DelmoDlcn'a ~, ' · r '. '1"" .(relcliDtD or ltiabmpn propote .., . . I ' . 'b d T .... • " .. .1 (( """G~: • t.bir4 oC A riJ. lbe . n· llaa beeo r~.pood ed to ent,hu8Il"tlqal y of eprlDg ... en o~r .tre~t; corDef8, .• n ,. lIlare anon. D I . VlfIUfOX. th . ·I"~ ~.~ rt.!f:. " f ~h U 'ted by ~n offer or (ar more t~l\' thllt lIum· steAmboa,·doeka, .Dd rallw., depot.. ,"""Ir, oHh. 'entry 0 ; . , III ' . j • .1 " , .\ bl L I. a It , I " I' ,,_." ber aDd (, om'All Ihe liltle 'lbaek lownl, .Da, an eeu, evct:yaul a 0 "OOIi, 1!JtU1 Otbel' I!Jtat_ ·.tI&aMU'OOnAlIDIo t .. a' c'1 ."",r I ' , '. . . • d b b ~,. b'b" f. 1.._ : ·d:- · ·-, '. A. wdJ A8 tlae plloclpal ellles,. "1'" I e I e pl!t·...x I I'IQJI 0 uOW.," ,",m ' . . ~~eJ:., of men lire pouri.g to"ards tbe rrOD ' whonce the ,u"r.by may illb. le tbe lie,!, MexiCO ~nd Neb~a~~A .wIIl be Tj I , boa 6 800" II I•• ' 01 ' . " ' ! 'b If.PIYlDg eborfly for 'admllBlOD IDto the '.'1 ,10 I ~rt tu:' • .L , ., r 'U r - , (ier IL. ,de,r ene.. I n Torollto, "blOb. rrag~ce of bell~t.rope .nd O~bOIlI6 .. i'Ion •• a.II"S at the ·•• me lime, and u~" ~, 'B~I~I~~tuy I~ ~.~a[fa, ,,~~, w~om , is 'li~' chieC,[enlieawou8 fo r \bo volaD' roaei . B(aeeHooled, dear dawnilli fI:in all ;;obabililY, \belr applicatioD .'~I IJ~ ~'~ ~.b~e~ • • ,,~ pf. ~"ne ~O' ,teera of OiDad~ Welt, men were arri. ol ~~prn,. will be graDled, \bey .. i~ .u~meD' 'he ;;: Jl?lklt~\\. .JIOu I. CII. of a.. Felllill ~iD~ from mwrior places. and being bil. FraDce. the Kfly and ' be.uti \, al· nalDber oC St~lea to th"t~-ellbt: C!f to riI!iIs.1I t",~/ y, ' .' ' 1 , liled' on tll~ ' citizenl, aDd tbe drlll~ni of ,r eadl 'catch,a g\ina of lor,. 11.,' .Ull. lbbeare 0 new tSt.tel· New I d8lt~CdO ~ ~ ] ' '''+ ' ' ' ' ' 1 "h ' , '. t b . y. IIr t \0 mOl popu1OUI. D ee :lII ~.~!~~~ . 'Ill , weill" yoang eo .. eb~ raw ma~e!1al , "al go~g on , 10 a! • iDO, .D~ lenua ~I prop. ,clell;O', Ion. mtJlob 10 III, Nebr"~A and" Uolorado .t ~·j .f !J;orquto, 'I ~Da.da, hue qUI\~efl of .tbe cIty. ' IL \I 81tunate~ 1y da1~ to come, ID rabrto. whIch ..eLi combined: In Lbe rtl.r ,1860 the C~D~
p~, "II~ e~er!
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• J . • ., H.,ia,'" ,",1_,•• ,..' ellrftipert.~1 in the pracl ice. or ,.edicine, 0 era ~ •• of , , Pro!enloD'al Servicea to tbo citizelll or rl cI V . • i NAILS,'" , tl . Waynelvill. an ' ICmhY· . . Hll~ GES. " 1 :<1 O UIOK on the oorner of Mel" ftnd Mi· BUTT$; l I ami 1\'. • nellfly 0pPoIJ1. Hlyr. ,HaJ l. ' . ,Tt' / IJ ' ,II " 1'_ NI'"bt c- II. uOlllp'l, rea'N\tuted to. ' ,,, SCRBWS.'I J: " J 10/"" / 11--1' • ...... ·r" . ,\ ' '~I .. no~ ~ I I .. ' , "'r ~. I " " . ... ' , ' 'II "1 "'U'lCBIs' I 'I • '1 1 I', ( "II! .L...1~I ":'c. 1
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.. A,& tbll rate ,of prOlreM, New MeXICO 9ifAfhOlts\tI~ ow•• aD,. wlJuld hRve in 1870 " populAtioD of ~~ . "' "
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e,d ¥ OIO~ at I~ ,D;l~omenL • ~~'Iee, tbR~ ~~ ~Yl8be , ~om ~e~ e} anye, n\P, . r~JI~ay .~ng,"es ~a~Jan~, '~Iea .., t nd as ...I.h w .atner f. iilr~..i.( IWwutiiDgtll\tl ,bUll '. \ 40,' . ,e .kll pt.oQnelutl71 ~rld lip. It 'lI nan c;bl'n e qf ~a,OIl. 8ceq. , or GlJOIIm'~'. .a' h- .'. 'hlo ,ant1oip.ted.. "li-at al1- Ufe tal1ilia 'Of the ~taDoe, iJl tbe .buy round of liC•• oomel ..DOO J no e••1111, cOIn., " IQ I.,,, ., 'I . ' " ' , u. 'r'J~ -~\,," I ba,e ~,~. L ;':'we 04111' proYin~ wilr ti.. c.maa ou t• • n~ '\\ia t tb. tbe impelling Dece"ity o'r ne'w femi· . rr, W· ~ IP "'A'l 1 . _ I • ~ , . " I . d . ' d . Habla, (,"orp'4 1 ~Q~ " ~111 be I" • •pended. . IDe .&tlte, earn !H ---r' ~I1..wq ' • . 1 ~ . , 'A In Lb Iue ~Ime, ~ar ~ la ~ t' ll . en' T~1··;I .!I1. '. { T ' ". Tjle Governm,pt ,b.... i~d tbe ).lon· de:!e,:..hilt, pr~Uy iDgl i~Yite , '011 to . J~lh ~l(1 ~P~~~,)Jlll\»o~~,~ ,Yor~ u-.~lt.el.gmaph 'liDe Ncilwith,taDdlng 1f,art}lem. , Fi~.",oo~eQoDne~. Af· _ ,. ~Y)a(~~;r~'IIUOQ. appto~lOg L~~ ·.U .tla'aexcilemellt,lIbd l' "r' preparatlOIl', ter ,h. Empire .Dd 'be at)lu,a Jitlle (ld~OCI~ 1000i"eae~, and .~ ~~."Dg ~~r .l o· oDll'bi . '6, ldi~~6~ er'~ " .;'11 III arm. blgh.orowned bonneta, it etem t\lat ~CI'ID'~be ~atrioll'm 'of Pre.a. .." .:.4 ", ' '\ f" .1 I. dB. 1 . ' 4,. d d oJ Id .p,paI onll,. '. B u t " e•..,. ,r eOllln ~u ,~,.e ~Qr", er. , nPIj otil lere 'DO' .la • rea. cou d'D~ .JO~IO_D _. .... appeRr aoy' pOilidn ' ,e,icieDc, ,hal. ,fo · lhe !l.totpiea w}licb fill the band- bOxti of ·'-lJ.'-\NeWI .ay • ' II . m. a1tatIH.l'I' . " and ,"a .....~lOn . ,hR. .,tbe . . -0 ~toD · (iIlez... , qllllmen aad emply ebe 1>11"'.1 .. 'toUt.&IM 'bN ·1i~rDleaitDe\I"baiUI\ .iLi· gained ground ,Lbad be ' ala~1had betn en.l,o .era,. are incredible' pbaataliel.
XENIA, 0.,
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1411.357. Of Ihe ~.grag.l e relurned Cor 1860 tl!e conlluallyh .. the lIum btlr of Indl. n, only 10,607, alltbel'relt b . t d WD a. white. ezcep' 86 tl\lngdle 0 Th L" t ' . co ore .perlone. eee "'DI e8"artl mOltly of Sllilnllh r.~ tbe Amerlelll r ' inlmi~ration ~llvID~ tblle Ca~ m'a de bUL Iil.tleimpreSIIOJl OD the Terrl~ry, AI a cOII.eqll.e~ce, tbe' in,titutlona. Ian, gua~fI, 'rehg.'on, . fID~1 olll~ma. ~re. al~ MesleAn. tt,,, belDg Lbe only organlill of ,lbAI kind iii the Union . Oalifomia. Florida and Texal, an SpAnls 'b ' otgllnlullOJl .. "'ilil orlgt a 1, . Ila'e beell'owe~ ... h~ICDeil by &bi great annuJ: of AmerJoane 10 tbat tbey bllve but fe" Lraae. of ~bil ~Id, eleml Dt. LouI8i. a'na allo,had beeo a fo"elgo 'colollY be· fo re co ming I*to Olll baDdl. IBut·1Ne"{ .Mexico alone 'remallla "itb Lhe old hing lI.g~ ' . •I" cLiitoms , Illid . in. 'i· pr.d0D!lDant. 1& oootllmi lo~e oC Lbo oldeJit 'sentement. in tli~ Uhitlld ~IRles, and it i. be1ievlfd to be very r~ch In mlll!!r.l rellOurce., tboug h a. I'et llbeae treasllre. remain neglected Rail · road. and nati alion .,alt inru8~ hlto b t ' Il ' t' , d t' t ' I e t4l ru.ory A new 'pl I,. an II fit II (orwllrd III the carellr or Improye ment, nUl bOlh are al yet diallmt. ,
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Worth ue~rl;~~:..llUooD D"~~~! All ' ,' I d" lei be .i"'I!f6r ~1 'Ill ' Ill r ' 'N:.IE ) "'D"d~ L :i1tIlt. ';' 1\" I't H
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BIJ(ltll.n '" (: BE'tCoJutol'£D, co\tTJ.u....II'.t.LLOWED' · ' Ir".uitto~ of tbe Loa.". Perm••"' ' ~.~" 1Ja."'J'~IU" aIM' ~1L1:' " ' l'lf , ... " " ,. 1 , •l • •• ba,.,'. 11,':t'~~;~f' 'Tha" ~adDe8a Iiea.'. Tb~r~ i~ L~e ati~~~ ~'i.~~!O~i::a'!!, ID,~" ~"~ ,e, No!,~"" 0 ....f. ~ Hrl!fn>r;,, /1 \,, ~~ ft ,~; ~ . "~l}IY!d bOil.' ,~eadel" ~,1!dw~c~ !-heir !.. orlte ~oheme. liule, or~wole.s bonnet "Ith II tl l1 brIm . " J. OFT." niB R Bl'V L:I'. DI ST ltTl6J..:l& 1!ak_.lJ '1 . ao.... I, por~Ii. ,.of ·the , An ,'mlneD.e F,enian . . .ting wal re- or alr.w, and a tiDier CApe of ' .tra", DROWN'S . 'BRONVUiAL 6110 ",,1\11..,1111.- ~• •~ {! ,.ht860 tn,. tllo "a .. ii~ "'U. CO"OD llai ·b"b plan'ed, cently held ill',Netr' Yori though POI- aDd only. f.1I or laci oy er 1~ hair, Havinr . ' dir.ct : Inftuene'erun Ihu ' Pj,tll, 'Qo rl'~W r ~ an~ ' m'~I'~ lu ' " ,. " . " " JJ ' •• ' . • • ' dl ate p" IIel. F ur '8 rone' h til, ' ) iiid' e.11IO." • 1 . '. f' 'J* DO 0 ''''00 .. ''wIlRe Iii' I'OClierl \Ullll th~ n*ua. " . ItlYely dIscountenanced by ArchbI shop Tbele .re daIDty and OOI\1y, And excepl g tve Imllle Id !au tin ' .·.Ib~IJ; ' ! tU!.',UI . I '," , 1 ,. ' " " , . J.,'. . .' , . A.lhm •• O.t.rrh, Conaulllptive ",d 'PhruI' KO • I wet. ,,10) 15t '1~,O"'j\i ~e\1 ~ .' ~, ,~ , McOlo,key. tailed toge~berl' to 8u8~aln that tbey Rre uol of the .hght.iil uae Dil enea, Troch. . ..re . 11IIec1 ,widi .lwI,' I~.. phi .tdle.,60 tOI '1lIO 1of ' War il reported &0 , ~~~, ~bt1on of Col. O'Mah~ny. IMoJ Tbe' ,AI a coveting Cor Ibe bea~ m'l ~a8 good ~U~e'.8 . ~in"er. flud PU.blio Speak. .,,, .II:~~ ::~ 100 ' l~ ,e f"'u. .., "f 'bec\ lliof ·t.llft ared m,e~'~g ad~ ra ..ed .by eloquellt uDQh.Uenged. 'l'here remalll Qt. f.· erl WI!) flod Troche. u~elul .1.0 . 61\0 ,~a Ici'•••&t~ . ~~ ~ ~ 'r.J~ II' ! , " '!' .,. ak b . eli d b b i d h W te 'rb the vOIce wheo ID~'11 berure , "II ,. "n ' 'J . ,I '" . I ~ ~ . .#!JId)'~1I'i. 0~ 1U!' ,'Fr~lIf)' De· Y" , e"', " 0 oo~tell • l a't e caase me a, ~ I e at . all. , e, are tipeallillg. and, re!eivinji the lhro.t I " Dn SOO 'IX.bt~::I ~~:tm~ HI,,· S5 <fh eo l 1O .... _ .... tQ dieLribllt, ••oa'" ·,bOIe oC lrel'nd, 'eeemlDlr , dark and de· tlballod hilt' a buuer·dlah, "llh pr. , unusual exerl,,)o ollbe vocol organ •. Til. I" l" I (II. 1,1 "0 J~ tt\d( ,j'O p" j -, .f] " ... , ,\'"'''d b ;t ' , h .' ' . ., r b 1 .! • tb 'ddl ( b Truche. are recommende.1 blld prelcrl ~IIJ e e"at 0 ~. n • ~ _, . 6u I !p ,JUl' ' .Dt.itW, ~.ftrdlior , 'tre ~r)fteh'Ji.loD ~,.UD e I ~~rrr t e surp,~es'lOn 0 t e pOI erou. nS8ure In ~ ,ml e ~ 'e b, 'Physici.ns. Ind haYe had ')'''8Iimonlol. ~IIG 'm.rbl.e ' lialu~tt6, i.ii\~! 6"\11' iflO .~) " ,Wilk..'! OOib qdj ih~ 'o!b~r' 90D' !", heal pner p!e~IIDll\d so Lope . (orehead, aDd an 1111101 ourle4 pro· rrom eminenl melf Ihruurhyul ~he eoo'otcy .' ~60 dfllDond'+I.fe ._ .. 11••;.) 110 tBiI ' 00 I , 'Llij ' "~r II ' - t r'J'" ," , f\ll ,a pro.pec~ 6f 'UCe1.'1I1 aa AI tbe pree. jeclioD 911 tliLberieide of Ibe lice;: '1'bey -LrUllvillt JourMl. BjliOllln article 0' true uit,l.nd h.. ln~ 6OOO ' plnlto;apJi:~I""" 1 ,~ , ' 6161 ' " " , , " " II'"'' J, . ' are aeeJl •In .lIk. olllp , and .tl.l .. lokI. ' '. ··· JII lelr · ~u."a "" : ~b YD .tttl.. , 0 f .. IU, lQOUO .....~ I4l&..w•• _- r,:.. dt.... l '!' ~ lUi , ent.. In th. 'JmeaD 'tim. ' Lhe Feman ,, ,1'rollCU , .J6tlO , ' ~ , ~,,~~ BitMlM'b\P'$.~ I' ~fr"idtj\bi nl.· b ndi ~tild Ib tli L r . I, r d d h' I' , Mat. SlI'18aa . LJI Lbu. rellpoods ' t l] yeDII. each Jeer,lin ~ Ibem in nrw locali· IOO~ '.v )\11\ • '. ,. ~ 'VI " IIIW'1 .. . . ,.. Ji " <)I. ·'r... 0 , , I l ' " D1 e ..o "~~qn', 0 ~ 'Lr.'f!, 'a,~ eao : II ,l Ig ~ \lie ,"'. O>o1'o......... ut In l,•• tie. in vari"ul Pllrt" of, the w,orld.ll11d . (..,W ~ • ~ n.~I T ~_' UA:ti 4I\IIIn. • ~~ .ml", l'~, \I _ thel# \> lterhood, kI Lhel oat l1l,eDlse),ee; pLher. .T bey ha.. DO OQ\liJl' whioh ,.' ... l -rr ' II . I kl\ . , .:' ~" Troe .... ' re uftherKally prulloullced ~elll!r 1\ l , ali , " ." ' . .. , , '. 'uUlmll6a om \Ue eer IDIP: , 'b ', :11 .. ' . ' If '( ,,'IT ", Q '.-'-' J"'T P'\I'I'P "" ~ fa tbe, call be ,prInted, apd . Ithl' conrorme 10' Ihe .bape ' of tb. 'tiuman ' ,.,"' . on ,at ler ~ rtic ea. , , " . 1, ill tw»4..,&h~~...... ,-.: b 'I a,' ,he .hit. " 'f . 11 d d b 'I " '1 ' Pef!loQ~lIy, we b",e 110, ~mpllllDts (.)btlln onl,1. ' Brown·s ·Brod'clllal Tro· '''I AI . _ I b 'l bfa 1 ,1 ' ,' . 'U p~ 18 or more. ,m'!re. , , ' .' : i ea .,' an l ey .r~ an ' IU'U.L ~o goo~ 10 mllke. Sileret"ry • ~ t.nton ,hai . al. ehee,' ~nd d(J Jnoti1 1~e "ny -oj the W'on:h. I'IIl~"~Ir'olct" "Ija",m maD c.~__ , e II ma.8 WI '. 1 I " \,,, " 88,n.. aDd .. rt!lllle8a wo~d IIi of good ays been, tl! ,C'O,Dli 4e rate aDa ~illd ; leulmtt. tlon" fha't>11la, be-oft'e'rd'.' • noL, CulLIY*",b"''''lIIIp plan!.MlOD. I, ,." . LI'f.mtART.. BomCM. la,te. T~e WaUeall hfl Ibe . 1/,(/11$ of Apd in ' ~li(, eitll ~r. ast••,de,·i .pepial . Bold pnry.here In ,h. 'Unit-dBtlt•• , ibenfdn . . . fot tor. oollpullO', hld~ " ", 7" ~I '. ..' "":"' 1\\[ " .' . ,I 'I ,· It ; Id ' ~' . ,' d Ii. 'If ft ord,t (rolD tbe' P.ie'ldeD~ 't9l' ,D acool'li. 1,,4 ,1110 F."r.i,lltCollotrlej. at M ceale'per t . 'adW"u, Olf\a "1 ,-) r.i ,I I (. """I . Gonat!.e LAM'. Boom ia Ihe 'fire' ,to' lito , 'p.y, aa tl ~ Qllcom or~· Alice wi th .'gen'ra~ rule. .Dd ... bawe pqx. :. I "!. , I :.; .;. I,. '1 18.", ;, • ~ \~ I I~ , "~" ..t· J ' ",~" I ' ' g"reet uI 'o[ ' ,be'''AL.ril ' bt-m.iiKei "nd ble,crowD, ' d l ., , .... _,. t l ' , ~ " ' . f . . I' , L_ oW ';' • L.....wi ' . I' • "~ '- , ' T , 'P • ' .. • ' t "" no eeJre-.o ~ • .Dp recllI"D~ 0 IpeCIR ...... ' 0') .- : ,,,u,,lItttolt I -r.'r~ ~lD 00lIl·, i~f ~hLietng pllge~: re 'Ir,~~~.til)J" ~"il)Ye· .' r~9~,1 DC .goodaare comlDg dowD 0 rilYOr~ yYe ~~'le~,," out f PPO:DtlllfPL . • ,.- ~~B~~I~. ' l .. . ;' . . . I "'~IIO".(I~.~11 ~b"" ~ i~ Yi~' tJl~~e ,wahl. exb~~.' aclj~c\ive. , ID.; p~j" . of 1I0rm~~ .ly, ,0 all . dre~. iood. e~ofpt aU be r~(neeL q~ e~~', '\"'~ly ......;. ~ nie uncler1!i~ed b~ , ttil ~ " ~la~1l f.1~~6 .. ~~~rdebt '(}oaey and tben th", half. '"oJlld ,atDt be .i1~., ",hicb allnllot 'be ·bovghl fDr Ie.. ,qf 09~gJ:es.l, , a~ a" ~koj),!le~ge · 0 he~llb "'8 few w ' . V J I (f.(;'4191~~~,. iijia~~e~. told '83 50 ". "L A G d 'Lh.D le3 per YArd, or good oualit,. t of, ~f~';ell yearl ot .• ~i'qrial ~if, 're' ~ edy! , ,IIrle~ ~QV ' .• .. . D' . I. A :" h • . .-f 1 ear. " 0 'y" . . .~ , , , Lbe triumph of the prInciple "hich' Y'eIlS IN Itli a aevere tift\lccthlil . ~....~ : ~.,.\'It ' 'b8'eUo~ ~VII~~~,~~. ~bilade)pllia. -!, Prlbnt.,' penbcl~. ~ndl .muah: ,. baye De.· ele:ited lfr. Lincoln. We bu, beell that d,.•• d ' di8'e'le i' ColI~ ump •• l~., uut'~ a' .w.gt'ea. ·.... t_e~ . _ , ' . er een so, eau'uru ~ III thl. lef,uon: but 'J:cused for much I~L' liai. oD aeCPuDt ioul1o IIIQke known 'tu bil felluw 110 tlad dlhbe:ail1J.fftct. ' , ... ' ,I , ;A,NIlil)Y SroRl:.~:L'lIa' n:eeedingly in· the bealltiful Irieb poptial "blch, ,are of our, hpspitlll work and tbe brokeD ere Ihe mean. of eur.e. "'I , l/! " ': ' II!l' '.\ ~.' . It .... · · , "1 ' J. \" '" . ' • •. 1,11 ' ' b" W' ,' Toallwhoclelirell be . wiII.eDd ' '- II ~I;'ot!r(Ji,..ld .'1' tilat' _migra. en·aUDIR. ~ aml ~ , p~t'~r, . l ~e I>3rtn,doV' really .ore dell ...ble Lban an, Idb .. e. \ ..coneeqllenl I ere ,rom. e need copy or' the prelcriptjon ~"d (Iree , pll[&>:" ' III,<>UI:;" .• ~ ,pcI~!!IPI,a:lfI. l ti • • ,tbe IUaile4 lia&ei hal '.lht.eIf ,~ch(J(11.T.mt. or PhI18de~~\a" I~ atrout, eIcep' the cOitlie.t, are eold now ,for abP,oslL\on IInder (tovernmenl, aDd feel Chlr~fl ,) w}lh the III~fll~io,;~ rQr p,ep!,r. '~~C~''oD .1"1'e lOll. It il 110' to pllbh8~ a very e.DterlAuuDg ,t!>rl for twenty ,hillini' i yard. and are or good t .~ w~ : bn, er: ed i oneb ~YGtwen', Inll Rnd U811111be Ia.mt'~ . !VIII '" ~hfo1 will 7c~~""'1 " . ." , , Ihe bome.· I . ~ h ' f 'd h Th d ' ,eau 0 "aatlDg R or or l A~ oyero· find. IIlIre ~ ure lor Cllh8UDlllt lon. AAthnlft, ' ~ Pf"'rer ,b.t .re d~pa tinl, ' . qlrc~, ~m t .e , pen 0 ,ODe WI I . e eheale .hadee, · grRY I , • buL "e would lIoL purcilluf Lbe Br~ ncl, i ti., Oough •• Cold., &r. 1'118 'O il. you ~I ~o.; ',IfJi9 could .In. ':~ ' ho,1D1t ir ~I. &he best ~U1t,ra ID Ibll cOllntl'J" It drab, pearl, I.youder. pale greGO, aDd I or ,ew.IID lhe N,e w YOI'" col . 11 obJe,ct ~I I!"~ .dver'i. ,,; 'I,,' ~(Ond j 0lt the 'D\.l~ •.,,1l' III ",CoiUd oDly b. taagbt', to ' be "con. "Iii be oonltDued ill c~aptlra rrom week blue, ana .almoD, "ill be tbe prevail. by . ,llleace w,h,lClb "e should Pre8trlpltOO II to ~,a~fll lhe _flllct~d. end .~ .jt~' lb 't I~f" " : ,." ~o week, nl I" tile CUstom in publishillg ing hup.. , . rtlsard~. belrayal of Jibtlrty. We lire ,:pr~.d l,nfo~r~ljolld~hl~hl! h. C~h(lfi"". ·Iu 81 • . " l'l ' " ', " , ullder 80lemll .,er~ mental oath tl) de tI 10VO 11 8 , e, In III r~p l!a nery .uft'· F rom Iilil, brief glimpse at 'b~ fa.b · vote \Jur lire ~ the C~U" of Ihe 'Amer: erl!r will I~y ~I. rllmelly, .1 it will "Ol t G.Deral Qr.at-.bM r.eoeind a~d (Oil, .. conDecle" n"r~alJve, and ,rill ,abound "0--.1 a I-ltal' Crom' Ga1Ier~1 Shsrmlln III IV!l,h, tllICul RDd. pr,.clic.l lellon••1 iOD', we turn to tbe.tricals.wbicb haye ican II'a ve. Keeping th,,~' oath m"y th~m r~l~tll\n'~' l!.lJi~d mt·b~ p'r,u"e I. bjleui0!r' no ~ .,."" roo ~ .. . . aRl "eloOllled by '\1' I d I 'I b d " I d II f " r ' " ·1'" n a W1 8.. IIi • prrlcrlp UII ",1/1 IiaLtwacb &be: J aLter reeo.mud·s 'be ' I a rea Y a~Ke OlrO e owever, un ergoDe 80 materiRI,change e~ to a ? ~1~ lort~ne t lit! earth ean pleup. addre, ,,, ' ., . 1, , " , _ ~'I ladi_ii 0'0 'Ihe plliries .nd ' fron~ 01 relld~n. Send 10 tbe publishers, J Cor . ome lime. A.t the Wigler Gar. brlog, but It md.1I be iept. R£v.. ~DWARD' A: W'L~~~, • ctlu~~!.~relnDlt/ f''''I'''''W ~W'ai\lII'iluc' ad ,cOIite, wbl~b "oUld t, Gurlguca & Co., Ind gtt a IImple . dell. Edwill BooLh 'lilI reignl, aDd his ~7-6WII,~I.liJlburgh, IC:ln~a Gounty, ,., IcirwardtHI j"IUi "'hl..~~illljj~Ii" m !T !)l!:lIQ /I' . I ... HI ' . 0;7 'fhe Salem (Obio) Advocate rD. New Yor.. ' ' , ' • 'J ' 1t('~. ~iJ"~ ~~~n,... • UendallL 'UpOII ' E ' ' E"' . ' F . alII e' rnatmtel bueibeCln 1111 the ra'ge. to\l8 a aad atorl of .• young I.dy beiog ' ., 'I "j ,!.'~ ~. ,~, ike~IIIIIU' orvalry '~ra l>OLAND, IfV OY", .' ENIUiI .- It 18 Hi, engagemtDL closes on tbe' !9LII fril(hlened to death under Lhe f9110w EBIIORS OF YOll.T IL I \ .: I ~ ,, ~'1 _ ..0' 1. . . . . . .. ~ • .~iie".. our : lolailrl , ~ ' ..~d, tbat lome d.,ya ' ago .t he Britisl, Jl)hn E. OweDI, al tbe Broadw,,' ing oircumstances: 'Two IRdi" liying A Genllem.n, wllu bll,I 'uft'ered for ,.-,. ep,e o" tfl'~ 10 A,··",J.qI"r~~ . ..",':".1.' t. ' m • MIDlaler aL WashIngton ,' Sir F. Bruce, I h ' b 'Jr' " , alone were prepllring to re ~i. re. "hen (rolD ~lIrv~u. Debilny, P~.hirl! ,D_., a 'fn: ~ij. ~,f (~,~, &::()~\ , " ~"IUI..-Hi. alld Ihatdll""doty. recei,ed ira t t d'I l C o,~ e . II rl lanL engagttmen t .borll,. Ulld IlIlhe eft't'CII or 1l0Ul/)1",1 " .. t?~ ';': ~'!: JI/I: 1:>'II"! "" I ' if, . ' .. ~ '. por all ISpaleles, rOIIl. tbe Wallack'., Lucy Rushlou'I, aud BarD' IOme}lDe rapped aL lhe door, aD~ , on willior ~!te ,l ike 01' Ililferiall ~.Al"""'fi. &, ~lUIdelll.nd. , l'JIO II .. li \jIDg Home G"ye',flmenl~ tllrou~b II geotle., II '.. iDquiriDg "ho knocked aDd .reoalYlng lend rree 10 .n'who need " ~.~ ,,~ ~_ ...~ . , . lin . . cabiD :.' ttuilCcird, 10- Da· ~~n hii~ . in( ~tl" coll6~eDce of, Ille F~ . fllBl " ~re II ,~ara~ulIg tue 'eye? t'eDor Do '.,uwer ODe of the lad~e~ ~tarl"4 a lind dlrecllODl ' f9r ' lttllklu~t '~ ,.11'· ~·1 1l '~J'~~ 'k~it ~ cctllitll'l'I~. "wr"... ,ba' tb'oll b (:eign om~ ill Lolldon b l 'tb t " h ~l thel~ "'ay. ,!bJle "t the . Ar..demy crol. Lb. ll0.0r to aD ~dJotnlRlI, 'I'~m, ",med! , b, \vh'c~ ·ti~ 'wi. ~h rRe~ • , ~-:'Q;"llJl~'!'lt1~ 1l~J!ifH!, i~ , ''b i' '~-' ,.\,,',' L_ ) 0' b' it , '. ,II a, of Millie, Mu Marelleck i. pr'MDting eQd ~ropp.1l dead frOID abeer rrlghl. 'eren·wlshloll to proll! bi I ur p" ' f~ ~»:w,p;;.,\.a:'tI.",'1 ~'f r~1 "1 " pD·of .~~lIt ,t,'! . " Qndr~~ " .o. TLbie lo aay,"lbe IlboY,e·melltiolled del· Lb~ f ' 0'1 . Vi Bal;" . At Till. brougLl •• hfi.,k rrolD Lbe remaiD. experl~nce. "n 'do '.o b" lil.t~.. l~ ',~fW.'T . . '~ , Un ID'~'; ~;'~~\ljP, •. :JM: .8IQ '\blUl e!;tate from E~gl,i\nd ·;ail1 i i, cie', oirl:'o d&.r:~a~: °l~':~'e ~. Kurd - to ' a:., i~g IlIdy.~ ebe raD to her lilter', as· : 1 l OHN B. OOD I ' OIlLl' :mllih; hti .4· 1.) ~. .' , tit · OD. hund't" ,.". 'J1.h,~.d ID the Uuion thl O'.~.buney ~e(or" proceediug 10 f b' bl • . t Et ~16c.aDce; Ju.t &.hen lhe door opened', and No. 13 C. .. mbe'. It •• 'N.w IriI til ....JOi'\P1iijti H u ~~ .~J 4l1,"," ~' war. . ~ " " . . ' Wa.hingtoll to the repree.Dt.ti,. of QloaL a. 10Da e and ,.tclurche RudleDe·· ID rUlbed tb, broliler ohbe l"o ladifl., ~7 , ly. .', 1 I '~I ' ,HOW',fIWh..,.. <1 . , -, . ". H M' V" , tI, who hlld beeD mourDed for ae dead for 'TBA~G~ BIfT kar . Binier II ' .N . . .1 ~" ~l~l~('l"., p~at;lte~: a,. ,e~~ibll-' iti:: :~::ty ue~~~::I:d r!:~lan ~Qtbor ' 00 W tdnead.y Diaht•• genLiemall ~earlythre.8leara..H& ~\.tedtbotbeEvetYYClundl.d;lnd . utherchll.Jt.•••CIblI. .L ~ .a~~~' ~'~~'..l~ theIr la~or,. COD, II . ve .to tbe or Mempbi., Tenll., elltered Lh. eon. IlIlellcled" ~Ice I.urprl" for hi •• isle!:! United BIDtea c.n hear rJli~fij;::iimMr'~~j~~t~~;S~i ~ :, t~,at. LOuil ~pU~Ii!laD lAY' mal.te~, do not gIWe "" opelJ denUll,but, ~lrl'81looD in Ihe buelllaDt oC LhEI by nol makmg hl!Daelr ~no"n until ar- mu~b 10Ih.!lr Idunls.e b, .... ia &Jte ociUlli.. or How.t~ 'aDd bI lonllendo,&ppear ·lo COlilitellance the . tl I tllr Ihe1 had admlLled hIm, aDd judger (rrre or charge) by .ddre.lng . h... ·.. _~_'. I' Biide/tlrol'It. . ' : .' rU:Dor pr~mlae. 00 Ie 10llL I·e•• t corner olr of bis gl'ieC on learllinK tba~ hil eur. li«necl. Tho.e IUlyill1f feara -~~=::m~*~fott!o"":'!~=-~ ~~~,;flegt'oj flOtory band~ (iD~n) .. ' •• _, Prance at. and Broadway ••nd while pri.~ had re,uhed in Ibe deaLb of Oll~ hllmbulf,ed, "ill obJlK'. by ~.re ,&t!~,.tr~1D toWeDty to ,,,enty·he . , . Jared Sparka .. ho" d~.lli .t there dr.Dk rreel, oC wine in COmpftDy of 1118 mucb tOYed lilters. ~hl~ cerd . . All otbere WIll ple'IIOI,.II".'1 s.: I,:;~,r:::..: d, ,f h d b ~ . . ' • Ihelr obedIent l e"'lIt, ' ~ per . ~Ollt ,aD o.ro .mall O"mbrldge bu beeD .nnounced, WA. wlLh Lwo of ib. 'pretty wlliter girl8' -The Sa d L Re' . h 'fuOS' F CHAPlH" ~ . , . . IIQct .. ~ • (.tem ..e.. ) are geloliDK b W' I . H d I ., . . ,n lIalil 'Il"ter Kit.. t II ~7 . , ri ' , • 4". , . ' , ora at I hngloD, Oonn., and gradu· . e aD t ie glr. were In II prIVate r~DI parlillul"ra or .Doll)er tragedy oaearrin Iy. 881, ur?p'dw,y, New :rllr~. , f"~ " 6 ~o• • ~~ per IDODlh .ud board, ated a' Hllrta,ti in 1815. He togeLber, Alld "hile there the l"Uer nur Shel\)r, in Riebl'Dd oounly.. 'l'h~... • " • Aa, ~, eo.~qQo~ce the bla?te .r. well· I!,ccasli,ely a leacher, paltor of.u were "en to examine hia watch. Short. hQulle ~t a wellILhy ola m~n, named '~: cl"poie4, tb.re I.elell .po'er!y. and th~ UDMarSaD Churoh at B.ltimore, editor 1y .rLer they lefl ~he .aloon together. Btlrgb~18er, w.ft' ent~re«l, blmee,lr Ih.ot We wllnt I~t/W", .n~r\!et1c A ' r.~r pr06la Oil capt.&&al - lll.ealed. largely. of 'he North AmeriCAn ' Be'I.. Pro. and.aCter proceedillg • •horL d' I lhree LIme • • Ilb a pl8lol, and bls "Ira e,erywh.re ('.I1en or WOmeD). to 'whom iDbMtl .. J , ' h' II " qhoklld Ind Imotbered aDd left for oft'er 8lllrttt,dl"", Indueem . ", " .. ,' Ceasor 01 History.t Hanard Col\e,e, t e 1I1f1 • aommeneed rumbling about dlft4 under Ibe bed. 'rheir criea "I' in' Iillhlo genteel "nd pr~lll:,t: " ~...re l. tll'~., ~ \l'o.','l;'i ••., lIye it b.. beeD .Dd PreeideD\ or H.n.rd College. hil poekets. BeHning th.t Ihe, the lIeighbora and Lhe two men S.mpl~ wlil be forward.,d 'IU~D . ue . . . , ~Jl ~'lbe FaDi.. mOUlDaDt He publi'Led , .neral "yolumiDoul tended to rob him, tbe yictim enlled m" II~ e a .. ault flt d. One lefl hi, Ilo~,,~lth .t_'."p 10 p.y returD poet I,••,. ' .J h'elld.fto •••ry eoIlD&y,' oity and d.ia· worka. alld .... mOl' ,. .or.bl, .~o.n 'Police,' wbell Lhe airl. ran a"Ay Tbe .. boob' tI and ."1 Ra trRc~ed by bia hllro, Ct'8~ DR~DLEY AT ••• /. " , ,1 __.1Kt1I\.llrl• • •1"IIM.li~.lr!••i' ...... (JU I ~ 'l ' a" d 1 .1. b E l' . I ' d . . ... " \lUI a IDI e 10 hIS (athu', boll.e ~ ',P, h1' I", K & CD WlubhU . N alt , IIQ , '~' .r'l ~g ,,~ .p. u . aD IIlLhor. H, dIed o~ pn.llmonia. F"ere ""eale bl.0ffiOlr KelUled, ohbta w\iFre he " ,68 arra.ted. Hii ~atne 'i~' 116 Broli/wIi. Ne .... Y.ork •. , FoOt el~"lIan pre elliloa. lb, pre..Dee 0 tD' 09Dlpl· .od bad been ill bat a Ibort ,i.,a. otarleenth PreoIDc', .nd OD reacbiDlt Sla,Sballgh The old " tl • " " . b ' --:, h d' f h &. H t . ,' . g~, e!ll.n ' arrl..e ••• Celllee, ,:'" a:~~, 1fI ' a &rmff t . 1,0IlJ")' 0 • ,. aIIOD' OUtS lfllKinne, fOUDli I. 80 Ieara oC age aad i. A E ' 'j ~ @pf'e ~.' .ioJ4i, ,. ~t¥.llt ~D,.,ecI iD . . . It i. npeeted tbat ~ohbi'hop bat h. bad bellD' rob bid or 'hil g' old Ilot uplcted to liw~ for Yon::;.:r '!~rrl~lld . lId Inl ruk,t 1iqro;m.h:lilih.~~~ i L. " a.- 1__ .... . , b ' Purcell of 0"' • '-_ ._ b 1•• ':'.1 ' . .. n. 4 I.e..... nd .I ... -II ."';" ,. ., w • • par' 0 ":"'" III· . ~~alltll~,li, "..., ...... ~D,qr wate • ~....... .t 1 COO, a diamODd '0;71t is believed that Kelcb ' b ee. which pr'lMtufel, prbetPale the .ltil i=:i~e:~~~2~~;: 1Dt~ ....... al...-,:ugl, ..,..a.' 16 ArohbJlbop In /Ju. coaa"y. · ... ill ,be bnutplD, nlaed at 8300 "101 .' . am, t. e pow.r., with .ur'o~e.1I1I of nllef. ' I S.lt All
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~~:tblt:Feili~ata~ "lilt ~ ·,.ta.ped
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m.d! Cardinal the nex, . m•• tbe COD.lator,. la R:llIle. ,
on "OU•
tiD~ or. pair of .leen.blllIoDI, a~d a .~~~I:; :~;:ef;;~:,y:~~ ;~~eb;J:::~~ O~I ~dd~~.c~:.'j: ~Ki.:t.'NJe::-JU~;;~· ~=.-.. .
mouat in cban t'e. 0
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0"1 Howard AllOciatiOD PbJI-.. .30. 1-, . J' "
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B-. )Iwg GAhmI:_Tb. WarreD I.QMIIlI17 W~G..,wm· AuociatiOI'" a,~n,U1.. Oil kudar. ~b 17. 186u. The iaterelt or the WooI.~.era ... • r~ued by M.~ra. A. P. O·Ne.l. alld D. FUlDa.. B. Bai~y. E'~ .• ud JOl~I.n. 'I r . ' : t , ., ' . "P"'I~!K' .~Jo.naad. ~
Olt ~he third. Situlda, ia o'o!o~lI , 'Pr )I;, ..,.irlieD. lhe wll! be ci~~lp.ted . fbr.
W.,,,.,_.. III
-8b.al'ln.... Ai EDW.... DB. • lune,lburg. O •• J4aroh t9, 1866.
" . ';. Ii.:'!
.-1l1. ~..e~;g uauI· ntry bOUle iO be engaged ! iT . Ctl' • ~ .: ia tbe "holesale m.oul..,i .... of good. j.~ leo. . '" ' .: to luppll ojty mar~ell; ,JHIY8rlbelen, '. ,I \ I ~rrt, 'atrei~enl. 8uch CAa be allid' of; M~alre. Roseberry Waft» .' ~.{t ' " Neal. "ho for aomellme palt b." B W" Gt '~u-r tY,1It .' J, . t ••· a - - · ...ufaoluredPtrfu ..... ivRdPom.d ... A• ~\l n.. DW . .,,,, ".r delllaod. sI 1\' L.t.D~ ~i · )'!~~;;';t whioh in Theae ~~ .~~~~.:~~'..I~.;. t.,,,!~· geDtlemen bave (av.\>red ua with 88m· ' , ~.·~.q~ i lJlJ"jii ·~ ·_'~~=-ii...~ii!i'~·~~ """" "~~ pies of "heir Iolle& arlicles, aDd we cln • !I! _ • " .,.. . • • 1. '. ad d ~lIr 0"1;\' Ie ~ .g..~r.L te.timony ". ~P'~" t; .ttlr;,.JQTtON'~ iI' lha'in qlll\hty and lulln... of'put up' • '!'l" " . ~) fll ' ''1 ~~ I . ,< .. tho] ar. No. I . "olf~.iU_ . . . .clfd.lor ll)J . . . \ .lhii-. ....·S:IJd.t tnilJpa'ftllami ·. Uti. ....~•• e.a.ctJ~1 . tn'· . J> . ....., \ I. . • W~IITK1iD ITO GO TO, M~BU~w.-~or. Gt,i.., row II III e to"n, 0 lome Importanoe
Dr. . . ..,.....iMa' plap.
~"~ or . . . . . .,. :-'l'roIa oar put • ......... I do DOl belie,. &ltal . .01. era. .boald h .ppear ia thi. ooaDtrl. .iII be 10 likely ~ &rotabJe N•• Ea,. , Iud II il it 10 ,ilil lbe .alariou. , ~: •t ,iOD' of tbe South aad Weal' AmOll _ A'. A!. _._,• aU the di8'erent relDediel adnrtiaef . , t MInAI t.bere are. DOa. tba& ..,& lO .t.GOlDpletel), .,.I&'ItI u u a~lido~ to tbie lIIalario". poilOA w~lt~4- t;l'.aiI~ CHEMICALS: aDd whloh II'nigound .lreagth than \!l..i AI~ I Dr'.Rob.ok'. Stom..,h BiLlen and 'blood , LEAD, B .......I....... h. la(ona the pablle th.t tbef OIL. ~II.. Th~ Pill. act directly OD the -~I- ~'o OD hDllaad apeot to • . . , 1. hv~r, c.ueln., it k> throw off' the dele. ~Comple~ Assor~en':ot .~ VARNISHES, tenQu, maHer. 'aa!! lli. Biltefl re.tore the 'ppelile and in'~ig~rale lhe "hole IYlt.1II thoroughly lIeepiag off cholera. - - .tbo larc•• t and mOlt complete a•• ortmIlDt PAINT VARNISH. &C,' ; Loolt HJtu!-E,ery penon wh~ ex· of peotl to ba"e tbe m"osgement of aay . P A IN T 8, 0 I L8. · lBmVmlB1I1lI~ kind of' basine .. , be iL ever 80 limitea, Ibould1lpend a time at tbe "ell.kno" . WIIfDOW ell, A Sa, DYE·STUFFS. . OlD
re.. •.DODS
Direct from New-York I
Unioll 'Bulinell Inatitute of Oalkint, Griffin8, & .Co .• loo!'ted at OberliD,Ob\o. If you ".u& to bo. linithed .buaine..
Jor.: ua
For medlclnll purpoltl, "to wblolt dr. '.t. leDlion or PbYllel.DI f. n~I,JIJ'Calltd; nd whlteYer ",rl.I•• to a '
rH11 UfIAC!'S,
p re Ia Ie UMiera y 1& III tr
To which he invite. the 'IU!ntloD or hi. DumerOUl cUltomen Ind 'he people
.F IRS T· R .AT .8:;1:
1& 1111
:.... " .... ,, \ .';'
A well ... lected lIIorlmell' of Ihe
' . 1-B 00k s· ' Ch 00
IDd J will ' • .1. ... ' D GlJ~TIlB
Q TlSF 1l1 TIO'" ,,! 4~ 1',
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. I !' '.1', A comp""te\'!,lOlt~Dt of . I
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For Ladies~' Cld14iv.
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·, ~W..n.: .
•~~'1~t.~~If'II~~;)'Dti~CI§.~~t~I. '., .,:~ ~~.' ~~~~ .~ /\IIM"", Gliilli'IMlW,.wi''1II''..,....lt' ... ·· I,, ' ' : '
~';I;;'. il.;•.·,,~.~: lir.·;m' Ohili ih.o••' \he. 'Nt .n,a.·, .~' 11\~ , 're ~.II.'·. lfGTUlClN. II V U~ ",_& ~ .
If YOll "' ... \ .•0 «et d..
dun'l ro Iber•• If yoo ".nl'Tol/_ceo of ten (jill.teol kindl, tothe.quallfied Ifyoo"a"IShaYiog,Ge ....a.,Rollaol w ....
_ . -LAN~S, &. ' . CBWNEY8.
TOB.L\'CCOES, .. -.uca
Bro., .l!:rc. . ,
_.IiR ' ~ GlYe
W AA 'GO''N s'· .Yr , O'P. ' .l.1.l
'White Goods, Sha-1v,
1M ill res.. JIJ~I&
0Ii~_'1 \en . .....iloh
tb., i& it .0& p.~b.~ .. '. • ' tbal lhq 'lm muoh 10D~J; holel oBice . 'OKet ber. .- ~
.~d Corpuratlon OftiTcen. By order 01 the
HAMUEL McourtS, ~. W. T. W.,~nille . , )larch IS • IHe.
ha,,\il .PU~ ''',
ilIl'le~ preDuad In lb, ..d OD ,hdo, ••hon_ notice. a",lhlnl 10 h~ line. _. 0:7' Rltaiolnf' the .nlce• of !!~. Er.LIIIOS KIM' 10 olber .upt,lor W..... ID.D. he gu.rQte~. tbe utlllOl& la,I.'~ttoD. '0 II bout PI.Dt.f1on Waco. &. BUlCRDN. for .. Ie. _ Waynn,iIIe, Feb. lI'J.•, ,
' . '.
.. . .T~....1• .- n. of Mr. fr~emao Clark OO.. p&iOJ1er of ,u OlineDCY. ' . . .Dd Secr.tary MeOatlooh., .nd thear. clitr.,.a~or ; o~ioa i. 6D,Uoi¥ ,ma'·
buamei. and Itock.receDtly be \!»DIIDJ to John W. Collett. wlehell to call1bf a.tteD. tiun of Fartllen and o'be,, ' to tbe f.ct lbat he I. eng1i,d In tbe ~'IIIII'lllure of
"lew lnUlt.tld .
y.I , ' HAT S J,
11, A"elLL, ,
And.you ca.. altt f.1l lit be lIultecl .bOlb In . quail', aDd pric.. , (. Iune SI-l. . ' I
tion for' orailll!l'" levy(n,1 ax~ op the Toutile Prbl'erty 01 tbe T,.." ••• lp ("ot to ~xceed the Bum of li,e thoua_IIII dol· 111'11) ror lbe ,parpoee'or. ent<:,IDI II T own· • hip HOUle or .,allin lbe lown of Wa,. nu,lIle. forabe -~ 01 lbe T~DIbJp
Bleb~~ ,.:
H OOp fiOtk.Irts..
---r:.... - --- .
maehOD OD Lbeparlof boLIi-,com ~olcelshereb,""en , tiril" b.. beea 'ott•• ry.lile for eleclors of the Incorpor.ted Vilialle of S6.p, Per. aC'd 'OLiili ' how· W.),l)elvilht,O. lba.' In Elentlon will be 'u ~"a w"ntCip". . ' &.aoll. . 9UIUl11I~III:" D.OItlC!l.'., ..l ....,I·~n'r1il.ll' 1. • I' ..t .1 " I" '" held.t the Ollie, of M.l yor Dudley, on If you ... "t.Oy~,,"1a the eben,can, dO~II or • tl voat nue tue \' pre(lar. Ion. .oDd8,.. April 24, 1806. di,h ,,,.. ft I 'D~ t~"e ,~r.llli~h r~i~,~~ea ba~ for the pu'rpole 'vr elec'ing one MIJor. If yon ~anl tnk or Blullln!;, reilll(otC4:,t tb'e ~).OO~AJ.i~g" ~ee~ a' Val· ore Re~order. one Trellurer, ODe "ar· If you _ l Itllclrel. or U~.keh, N' ,e' iy. .Liliue. are reo Ihll, and ftn T,u.!t'H, to Ml"e'" ~unl- If yoa wanl ~ruehry 'Wnre, . II I ~.' \ . 9 . elpll Office... 01 .. ,d incorporated \llliage II \'011 " • .,1 lo 10 ""'1' dry, go lhere- Illtol" F3 • bow",es. for Ihe enluing year. c.lec.I, . ••• Dr order of the COllncil. If YOII ".nl ,oor JUC •• ot hon;. enlply, und II T ... ~ u ~.Qv ••/7" In Marylebone E. DUDLEY, trayor. Wilbo.1 a 1:1",..1 order! Tz , Record.,. 11' 1 d 't h be E. R. PaUS If . .•..1Pop .c.. rn , MEN'S AND BO' OotlOll ",,-" wurt, III ..ng an • I AI en Wsynea"ilIr,March 1'1 1866. ) 'OU deoided 'hAt if a rail ••y pa..enger find If you wanl Pifl., ConI lit. Pencill. Pip.I, or •. • p.iN: br wa'tc4 _,ttiG~et. Qr a1;l1, If ).:~':,:!:~~I~h", .III ,imilar artiole for wbioh, if lost. the The qualified voler. ot Wiype Town· II ,·.,u .. a,,1 811 .... ·(.;.It•• or Crackers, rail __,.. oompaaf would DO& be relJlon ' liMp are b~~~I.. nOlined th,~ en EII'C'liul1 If )·ou ".IIl Ci<Il_ o~. Sweel Oil or T'!·rllenlln. 1\ IMfiil .. . will be held In Wayue8Y.lllo on nON· (f yvu "nl .Brooml, ~ISU\Y IiillNl!!I aible. he ba. a right to retRID 1& agatost DAY. ll.e S~oad d.y or APRIL nut. I( you " .. nl Apl,I"., I. . • lue all &he worl d ezctpttng o"ner. r,o r lhe pu~pm'~,of . .. IecllDg 1/ ),ou "a..l CItadlu, !Jed.COrdl. or Clolhel' .. One JUIUce of lhe Peace. Lip... N.w SUN"h1'~';I:'" it i. aa· Tllree Tru.,"'. If '0" ..... IIIIdlp. Sboe.Br•• he•• or Rice, CA.L L AND d b )( A iJ T - ' .I.' One Tr.al)lfe:. Ii" J·O' ".nl ........ or .!tnYelope" . ~n,., (t a&. ~ri ' • .!' M'l'le, • ~,'.I'· Olll! «;:lerl&, " ),011 w.at M..la1'll. -:111_ _ . . . . . ·.IIIJJiM'. LaDl8Uperi.tan'rUn' of:! Jlh, 01.\0" One .Go!l.tlb!o, H .)0' " ••1\ lO,.1I or llllylloUer or Egi\'" Jure 23-llf W,i;\lal,r.tIliAttlf1il ~al'l l'~ lI.i,.illippi Railroad, i. to .u• •d Mr. One Ali.,..or, .nd , h or 'bit. Roatl If ~ .... " .."l Liq,lIoriu aad Che"i"1 (l olU, , "odfioa> • 'A • . • f h On.e Bu.per.il(,r lor IIIC ml4tnal~r Woochianr .... 8GpetiDLeodeat 0 t t Dietrlct. ID Ihe Township. If lOU ".o~ £_Il~ Pe I' perllli 0.1. or CII,uamoll, Lhtle Miami Road,. r"/ , Allo. a vote. will be talren ~tt ali!ld el!o·
I 00. ha" ' P It I "In'TS ...... We .hlU collltintl, keep '.'0. , enl lllIOflment of PaLlIDt MMI_bee. Allo. ju., received (rom P&I).flIur" a D stic Goods good and "ell'lilectAld of '. orne . ' Picture .. Wildow-Glaaes.
Abpicie or' (:10'••
A line .lIOrllM.l of . ".
'Notice il hereby i lv • D 10 the qualUied "tv A 'YNIl8'V .....R. &II. mOl~ eOlcllcloU' medICine ·"llIch aler.tor.ol Wllynea,lJle School Di.trlot, Oppollitl FOIIPI,.ill 01 Pure W.ler! . '''Il b!J· lllpplied iD diphlberia.and be reo thll "" eleclioD will be held at t~e Unioll If you •• ni CoII'M. Tn, or Sugar. 'who :tf~en be "(~ .• dr.leor in I~e Scbool Houae. in 111\11 Dillrlot, ' I'f ,foa .aai"'~I_ 01' Filh, lIur'PI'I." bi.1 o"n lif~ . "~ ....,d. by ·itl OIl I ••d.y, April 9 18", If roo' .anl Candy, R"l"i". or Figl, 'Jlplicalion. gOI three dOl: .' b If you w."tr CIo"eie or Dried Bc~f. (oJ: tbe purpole of electlDi 00. DIem .r · h . 1 b III I ._ roal "Ill "r, the Scbool BOlrd. to eervo for tbe term If you .an' gouli .... Ie olr liller, "D d 1!\IIIJ.lq.u~."" II."IlI,IY~I-'DI a·, lIull! ., Ihe· 01 three l'elr•• in place of Emor Blilv. If you ",a","l1010gu8, III r to .01 on tll11 more whose 'IIrm of olice lhlt day eaplrel. If you W8P\ Herriog., deoBO'UBlted par~.. Dr. R. b.. nqted By order of Ihe Board, . If you "'811\ Sail by Ihe oack, lb. or bill, l·oI\l,......·iI· c"el 'Of complete ' lucoe.l. ob· E. R. PRINTZ, Clerk. If \,ou \VIO\ Starch. Rico, !:to,I., Creftnl of h.rdl~· Id1ii 'm6lbod or · lrt'8tm~Dt. W"ynel,iII., • .0., "Irch 19, .1866. Tarlei', ·P"pper. Gillger. C,OO.,IIOD Berk.
••• U klob 'al~'JI oalh.ad. . ' .'
IhAt It'm~n. juice' . h
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Bats .'P.4 .. -:.:--
'Iafi& .upply of Wo".I8I~.~
For (ko'tlemen'•• .• nd Boya' "ear; 4t~,
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8""''111:1 genenlly. HAIR-OILS" I"VA,~; A . ' '. ; ; ,. .~~ () P ]ICY SOAPS &c. AllO pod ..~pl', or" . ' . ! ' .c 'm IfJ. GENTI ~MEN I G roc e r . I. e,t, !J .- , r. , D~'I'7ft. '..... u~
~..orrow 01 aDY o\ber da, ,' W .. ,.enlUe Markell!. PhysioianaJ' lI ~fab:' '/ \. , ;: \~-'il.....w~. .:...w;.~!'O>'-' ... l { W • • '1 • , Oarefo!JrJ Oorrtlt_UG. Etter!! Wed. ~. aone bUl lbe . ' " ., ••• '• .• 1 '011 & 10a anlwer a CIYI que.tioD Carelully and Promptly Fm~~ ~~r:~~;;~:: ~ ',liIDO, oi,illy' WiII .,hil tr~ia go to.d., to Wheat 11 bu.bel. .160 @l170 ,. 6() "'''',.~.~~!!\ '1t.i.~, " .ay l[orro~J . ' _' ' l . . i Rye 'f. .. Old Drug-Store, BF~T 118 r.r'~retlMl."~ J . ) ~olt.mo. 'Nol enclly_ It wiJ) go to.day and Oatil" j " '., 100 1I!-'!'•••• ~\ IU. J.trl~. ;reJ(•. ~~I;I .~oet . d~. bad lo.morro".' ' ~~~~.'1!l19 ~ 'VllrlaetlvUlfl, Ohio. .re emplloyed. 36 ....·.'10 ...'8 .... .11 . " I , h i.,. h d ' FI ~ 'bar I ~ 0 ST· 0 F FlO E COR N E R. 960 -i::'i t • • L ! .'" J ; " ,,' I A. l e ItrA"cer w 0 "allle to go our 11 re • c t " 76 June lIa-l-tf _. l\ W.rJJ''-~':''.\\~li~:~ ';hri Morrow '"., ' .boat, to lea,e, i~ ' die· ~~~~!r : , 30 \d~;~ '~ .J ",~.....~:i'!'-\ .' H" ~ "d ' "aot'h er employee,'wbo tne",tbe ' Lard ll. n. iO • vetwHlDea 011 " . .. . . , . .. oo,en AD llad d" .! " '" . dEIl""ll dOlltlft. , ' 16 '1i]:~jl~:Wt~,.lb~~. '1.~!1 '-: ,. ' be .a '. e lOt CAm" ~1,ODI 8,·D P '!II b b 1 1t6 ':;:_?~. I. 1.",' . "biD!a the requitU Inlorma\ion. ul.'oea lI' 0 8 ' . & 10 @ 1i+ IMiIldl ewft!ltri!...lIIiliil-· il"'. no. III "'. Dried Appln • 1b [CUSTOM MADE] >i. 'J' , • . _! Chickena 1\J dozen, 8' 00 IftO!IiIImeacltt'lIeee Cosir O~ W'lNO. !.:- A U'oommiltee of CoWee 1J .11> 33 Kep~~I).~r.~~'Jtl~~ ,:~~"i~~ Boai'obi~na la\.ilv 'iahed ' Pililadelpllla. New.Orlelnl SUlEn 111: lb.. 16 @jllO A L WA Y SON HAN D I 136 , .. .. ' ..... "' 11..1 "'1 ' l • Jl ' I ' .1. N.·O. Molll8el ~ 1I,1l0n. Albll", aOIl ' .I.'Ie" I OUt willa a 'lew uf Sorghum , 100· . 90 inq... ·rjDgJnto t~~ C\~p~ral\'~ ~oat or I eOlllOIi 1J llln0n: WAYNES 'Vl LLE. Iivia-t In "thoee citie.;' ~M OD tb~ir reo l.U_'~:1:'.'!!.". tl!~J~ reporrte4. tbat hill \he ' --0--:",•• ~~~I...IIp.I·t¥!u t ,~;trj:~j" II'i_r.it1...d coa&"ni·,iDq. comPared "ith ~~ price. oo(ore Ibe ,,"r WAS 1~6 per cent _MOS OO~Ji.'I!I E8T&'J'E. G , .(. .' . .. " ,T .I1.e und~rlign~ h... beel\ confirmed ~~I~':;' '. t~l'l l' ~ Ib ~BO.I~ri, t~ ?hd.dillpbia It "b 160 'F~ecutor 01 tbe lut, \11'111 of .. Id dIlC.... d. ". ,i!1 ; •.1 ' : ,,,., . , . • "co ce'hI.: And 'in :Albany aad New Tor. I. , . 1. KEYS. ..4.1,;a~ em haAd in great "aritlg. -OF~" 'e~e;~ :6~r T . gr~ilter. The' illcreaMe ' ro 'PIlII,,- March ~4, ~66. _ _ ______ _ _ I"! ' ·jJ ..lphia.· "'benco.... pare'd ··witlap'rice.in NOTICE. u J866 T.T.DODSON. IQt•• ,'8.haa' paper.I' . . .: ,! ,.' NnS . warc ~. • " JI1I' '': ' "",,, l' I 60, probably II In aome caae8, . 50 ,All Pllraon. boldi"" no u against _ __ ,-..,,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ h• ,.~ . . " , u~ ..~\q'~ .. ,8r~I· '" .' Woyoe'l'ownBhlp rrlr BOllnt, pUrpOle~, • [ d ,til .. who d."hbfN per cerlt•• but ,~. ~el~vl'd thA~ liVing bec'omillil due In ' !Iarch or April. will GOT 0 li:.1'L.,· if a. che.p ,now ip Phila. A. in please "relent them r,'r paymellt lit ' .:.1 i.:l'.;...!....! ., - .,' ,IurIIV. JONA~ lANYEY, ~'iI" i"","""IiMl i. •~ .~~II ~ , .ct- • Eno. JmcJ: til ••DIPUTldi:llU.-Doc· Mereh 12, 1866. f Tre.~. W. T. • • , , • D~ "·.""n,: t." Revilloul, ill a Jlllper preet-l'Ite4. lait ,pptt 'en4 of •• iD Street, '"'u...."au, ira.}lt to abe French ' ACRd@my 0 ( •
'~~P;1l~~. a,,4
, W!lITRWA'U, ~~!~~• . ~ ~ Il-'It-r ,el '1" r •
loLL T1I&
Ever offered Ul Waynesville,
Campbell of Wlynesvllle.
C 0 .A. L • O' I '".iii
. L I .'Q Vestings P 8 t ent Md·· e lCIOCS ,..,'U 0 " R 'S ,
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'~.' , , OA Marcb 8tb III lbe residence or II e ~,~~~~ ~e' :M,~.l~J ~4. ,wen; whyln tbe tblaDder doo', 'you bri,de" pueri"', 'In Green.bllr,; rll., lob~ ~~Ic!'. "'.l ~~,o~g~, .n ".B till t9-m~rrp~ Ihen, a~d nol come the ~'Y. W ..n. Dick, D~, lainea A. LoI':, ;1&1(,.' wbioli' are bOlberiai around to .day. You can go or ?lDclnn.tl, 0 •• to Mi.'! Hattie GrOll.
Dr, "nd lIixed Punts,
B r08. d CI ot h s,
_Us. m'f "I".,;
·,,~'I , (\ ",1."',,/1
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milD, a be" authU p.nman, or a IUCcel8' rul telegr"p~ operator, IlInd to the a· bove Inslil1'JI for Il oircular-it wil1lell I _.I' l~ to _..I you 10W•• uu I. Bea lree any ...• dre... . .~:, 36-4w. " 00- 'tbe Bia,e : Board 'of Aaricultare oC • r~.~IIfI k~~w. 0J,l , &~e ba"e deoid~d tbat the Ol,io Stllte F.ir ~~""I .• ld~'ilII"~~ rO'4~ ~bq\l~/~Ol lXlile, f'OID .balt be h~ld in Daytdn \.hi. year and I A , ~~"f l b.r~ke,.m.o OD .the oext. J~JJ,o ~id kno" ~4e ,n"m e" pr " '. Itationl. wu approacbed by a . ,ftl(\~nt~. ' ~Miji~~~~~~~~, .trangertheotbf'rday, "hile etanding ~ .... -~-~ ... , I I b ' h' " '. ' ' lil .t:.: . 1 \ • . By Elder J0'8f!pli ' Plrker, It hi. reli· •••••. II I 1 II tralB a~ l e uwpOl, W 0 IQqllll' denee neat F.ort Allcient. Mr. Harvey. o.IIi ' . 11 , . lfia Iell .o.d; , ..., . . Smith to Miu IreDIj Phillip., hoth 01 ....rtIlkl~ Vohaa~. fi}flfll T "" t-f.~~" j) Ii,'t·tttlt '\1 ' for +...' the ·Doe. thie ittain 'go to ·· Yorrow to- county or WarreD. fDllllDOIIi ~ .,. . . ;0 1 • ItOak 1lbod. da ?, . In fI!turninl tblD~8 (or 'he clk" ",Moh :'M::~ { ijr~W·:~~m'~.·~t~~.- .· " !No.· i'~id' lbe 'b .... keaman. who tbo" ICl.(olJlP~nied the. I~Ove notice, we invoke • 'W' , 'I ,II 'i.~ .~ ••, I j. : '0 '. &h Itran ~r wal.lr in ~ ake ame th~ cholce~t blullDel upon . the . lIewly. ~ ~o m~ btppJ.· to " lee r~I:' .. , ~ .,_ '. ~gd wedde4 p,lr, '~rOUih • Jong and hippy ,- -V.I . " Ill'L I • ..1 ,. 0 ... 101, 'It goa. lu-u a1, yeater ay, 1\[, . llfeMW P.bo~apla ,... Jerf. " . . , . .e. ,..t!"~ . ) • •1' 't"" 'b ' .••ek ~rt~.r n~t!l ' . On the )61b instanl in Wayneevilll' by tl'"• oao. . at . d Ellqulre ' Jeftrlef, . . • IIf 'You don't liD d eralaD d .81.,' penlite 'lIr. 'Henry Sberwoud " • 1!,~' )O~ j '!» '. ' " 1I l,!~~t.e the .trarige... 'I w.ilt to 80 'o .Mor. WaBhiolllon 'rownlhip. to 14ft. Mllinda
VRUI'T, J'ARS, r • .
\Ve are .D~" 11II1,81, lnl , .QNen (or the .prlne dell'Hr, of pnoin. Ltn... WIDe PI,nta. Partlel: will find l,~ to their I... tere., to c-.n and lie UI berore pllrchIlIDJ'. ,II "'.
hne .,ran.emeatl (or~Ji'reeIt ~J!,
at ·realOnable ·prlcel aiJd lib.nl ternut. PARSHALL ,II. KLBfN. 'I reat m.n kinde IDd in la'le.qu.D. W",IUInll1e, WllJfta eo.. Ob1o. OT P. S.--If OD ""' dia,"k or ia Ihe babil .C!r a ~or .. Ie bY. ' Jan 9.- 28-tf.. of 1"'+;", d:::rlaor cauol beb.~.'0UJ'leI( .. lIliefl, IltRIUT'r &. P R I N T Z . ' " iiiiJl ' ~ _ _ _ becoIIIHI,. '11, S'fAY AWAlll.£l , . . Tile .~.4U" • • ae~_ .FORTY d,IeN.l '!1!61; .d=1!kI to _NIIaa4
And FOrt" other Articles I
i..... .
11&1& aut. AdJr. . O. • Aau.. City Bulldln" 81Mllford, .hIDe.
m..:... Co. Union CoAWVs p.
A MOWTOl-A..... l188t ~NaJ:rG~~c~:OSilV1:ta •• eJror am SlITIairLY . . . UTI. Dandelion Coft'l,,! Ry. Coft'., prfme 1110 In* pNIIII ... ~ • tJl~""" T ' G D"'Y C tree.nd Elltraolof Ooft'.e, lor Ille by allll .. el he. Add...... ASON ••~A 0
BOilon.orMASON ••OTHERS ......."
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" FIIOII A,eAt•• i . . .I 'TSl FIELD, Pll'TSBURO TO PID:LADEL1;»HIA. QEON, AND E~ , APE,' by Albprt. · " , RicbirdBolI, N. y , T.ri~une rr1'6pO>(I~. t Plttib",g,tral". from lhe Wee' run deG"- ·Tlte p"p~,.lell8d :elf .1,000 -dirtlc' to the 1,Jnlan D&jk;t.·where coplee par. dl!J is ~\lIll1t1!'f1' ~ Ge (the pr I , .~ tnl1.terred 10 lbe Train. o!_ ~Inl
pO'pularity of Ibie wO.rk It II Ihe mos t PeJln'yl~.nj. Cep'reJ aarlln1, " ""~Ioh inleresting and t'xcitlllg ~ook ~ \'e ~ pub- lell'I,~ Pi't~burl ·alld arrive at oIlier PP\JIt8 emQt.q.iul ~f., ~lchard8.on II. un· la (ollow.: ,t, . .. I para III lied ollllH'rle nce for four year8,-IPI I~ ... Y Exr;u!ss"':"Leavel .,Pilta"'urg a.t . ~. ad enture.e while Ir,ave l!.. g Ibrol,lll~ the ~O A. M~ aloppit/j!. at" 'princlp'al !~B~ionB, SOlIrll.ilhe' ,e.c ret aerVice QJ I~ 'f/'jbune An lvea at Aitoon". llll 'T,3b A. M,' ~y. at the outbreak of the wnr, wllh our n~· 'rone "8 .33 A. tr., [Bpl\efbnte I.d , 3~ A. M,. IIDd fl eets, bOll, EaBt lind W e~ l ... hi. LO lc k Hllven 1~ , l9 P·. 1\1.,] ~~urri!ltwrgt ment for tw ~nty m~nths in seven It .1Q p, M.', Dfiltimoret II .SO P.' M ,. N ~w dlfferenl Relle l prl ~uns, hI S e~c~pe and 'lor', vi. Alteplqwn, at 10.BIII P.l\i.; PIIII· .' , ' 1 • ' , olmoRI miraculOUS Journey by hight, or ~dl~lphla~ at li.ljO P. AI., Ind Ne~ Xprk, ' . For ,,,,. ~ nearly 400 fllil~I .... . , vial Philadelphia, at 10:,!.I7 '11, . , ' f ' .11"~· ,,' Teoeluj,a. ladie_, eile'Tgetic 'r ounr ~n, I'''1[J llIOlll/lA1'T E XPRH&-JLeevelPiUebllrg " f' GEO. nnd especially re turned ond di sabled offi· ~1' 91"0 ". N o, Ilopping al lIe~"y .11 .ta I d 'ailoil.alite cere an~ ~ulJli\lrlk JII WIID\ f{ prolilabl~ 'tio~1I Altoonat SilO P. 1\1., lhrri8burit~UI l. , .•' ~,o, IOAI, :.-:::.:::=-::..:::.::..;~::.::...-=~:.;.:;r-::;:..::;~I employm~ Ht', ' il ~""nd'il 'P.rtleu or.lY ndup. 's'.tio'i P. III:, a'rtiv lit Philadelphia III )., ,I :.' ,I. cIR , ' " , "r'LI '11.1'"".\ i';allJ'iiine\iil'-"''NI~ild "' . ..... ,;ed to thtlir cunditloll, Send for cuculars. 10 'A_ •. " 'B, this " ltlln'lpblHflgm. ~te I t . ' J' ~ , , ... ' I·' .• ~ Mi:~~:~~~::~ ~=::~~Z~:~ 'aI~MAll'I~::.ell • WI ~U G COi\lP'Y r.r!'II •.~er~e~I!l1 lll}iop; DIIPqlll ,.W''eT"t ~ll\f"- " ,.,.....;. .& . . . . .lrr'I!'Iea'l!'!C! Ill, 'l1IiIU. LC~U Q' • delohlll dlre clly tQ Ex rille , r.m or ~ .I:&oSai"'~ .~~ " l H"rtlord, Conn. iNI' W Yb fk ' reilchitJ,rthere ' a H ~~8(j' A, M. "'I' '.' . .' t , '. . , ~j~~;~~~~;~=::==~~:1 S lI.r. BunR AllemR [ 3C,.6 , ~ . ' ) ' I'ZL ' P' I. ,,~, OU.NT911 , ' j 'Q ' " 9 ' . x' t'HI1.ADEliPRJA 'EXPR SSt'''r.eIV8' 11!8' Ari1if 19 from EX""II' or indiscretion, J L on , ~ ,blllrlt,ll 4, W p , .. " IItoppill 0llJ11 • t !In.l I• . " lIDDOUDeeDlellt. ci l~.1l11I~01101l8. Arrives at L,(robat 6:QO ~ .I ~ ' rt ~' '. iii w{li. v. ' H. ''D. , T 11 0 11 Y & CO ., P. ~. ,Altoona 9 .30 p, M .. Harriaburll ~ ,'36 !t 'l:r.~~. c?n~ ( t~tlllll,?~,Ce a 'leF" :I ' f ' f "!' , _ WHuLE8ALE.AJtDft£7n '. ... M . lIoltlmQf • • 1_,M, N,ew ,V.oril. via Iranl'l We.\in~811 rCIlUlrell t1e 1.111 of e~, ~O".II\i'. tL .,.-\1 ..- " ·,,.., •• ' J 't' I • I ~ r ,-: 1(' ., .I~h · . t ltd" Ioi , . A, lIel!l~ Wu, 10 ~ M" PI"lldelp~lll· t\\ :pO ieln8 to .tre 1I111en apd I"~I" flit, ~ e ~"nulactu!Ir,' qj .flotoq~~·'c ~. M." ~ nrl N e~v Y,9rk, !t'i~ , ~\ Hlld I,ph-i., Dt B'~ enl !l~ hi .b 'lteli'n bbi'd'. Bitt.tid, .~1 u • r ,IT,: . 1.1 (,a I.., "> .. t ) ~oi ,05 ' .' M. S1ee plng Cftrerun Ihrou~1) 0,", J h \ b"" II eif ~,l rr'll(, tr~8lme~t 'be .~f.. 601 BROADWAY )l Y thi i! !fuill fruUl Pittsburg 10 Boitimore and lilY r ft ' 1 0, ' , " , , I ~ I' .. · f Ph p lhiTa 'eJp1tia, alld IU New York, viII Allan· 'mitled 'lo, eontlimp\lun IlIlal1lty L1i'~'la.!\lcii4<"19.'~~~. ,I' 11\ .d~lIldll. lO ~Qr .. a n.. u. n It 0 o· lIJ1vn. f" ~ . ,ellluB .!" " ';.' • "( '" 1)0; ~'.''''''''J''' tl)g~.p""C' IIU~etl"I"" ~& .• re Heatl-qu.rters FAST J..J"l!~ Leavlell Pihaburll It, 10 ,I I. . ~J . I I' .' ll ".C for 'he 10Iluwlnll,·v;lz , 1 M ,lOPpinl only lit I!rll~cipil etattplls ' d /SlArf.Oswpe$ oncl ~l.ertosw~e Views, '~"'J . ' ' ~ '~~ ~t Alto;;~ 1l ', t a,lO ...... :~ Harrie: 1;111' : 4""~ ,. ~;&--' , ,I " I t . t .,iff • '1 .,. , j ,.1 "T , ., Of theBB We..hILVj!.JI mnlenS8 aB~or - Ollrg 8.' Ii A. M'I BII t~Cl,reJ\: 12,30, ' ~' i "" I • mant, including 'Ynr Sce ne@, Amerlr.e~' 1I1 .. IV y ork.t "ia AllentoV1'n•• a.4Q , P. N" 1111.4 ,f;ore!g ~i~V 8.P Lln.d.,\Il"~. f'hiled Ipliint 1,111 tit, aud N.ll)" York, ~ . , ,.' Gr P', ·SllltU.ry....~ , "elc AlIIo, e- vlo PIII'lodelphio',' ilt 6':42 p, I\t, . ' J t1i' r ~ I I • 'tVlnnmtSuJiper, ~. ~ ac~)on8 ,~ ~c~' b'~~ dt~ ~map~e'ri ' ... un,volvilll! SlererlRCOpl'P, !CJr public or privale '."Hrl/f(Jkl'ad bib,itipn _ Our Clllulo6(ue, will ,be lIept , . ' 'J' " , • . ' 'h I).uiled by ' OilY ot er , p ~f1pl! a~ l.o ', as t il .rritl ;lll;tr~ '&" 011 receipt Or ' 8Iamp .' '.·II'·.DtJl~I/, aU ~~hef' Irolm, ~nda", ,e ~d, 'cl,16ro818 . rt>' ," 8IPnllu'n',' Irr~ll·ul"rlliL., BnoTOGRAI'IIIC ALDU~l~: , S~Ef.PI"(}C'~l\S are ~ltato,hed t(\ "j Nlghl Paliliiilneell 'QY' 'Sop'prelalu'li Jl cu~lbt\i ty lIi.. ,H.' tlrO...~f~1ii91~16{ b tl.. eU [I'e " '6 r,1 t....A Intr.oduc\41. 1hese 11 Trains Yurk end E VICIiOholl', . UI cera t "lun ' u. .~ 1h,~'I I I' ,u. '.II,e ~. : 'n~ , rv" 't" to Pilliotllllpl1l8, Now ,'
U··;.mr. FL"111'II EXTRACT " B ' "av';
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By lfIil rOllt~ Ftllight.~r ~Il descrip~ jI; lions, indudlllg LrVB-STOCK, clln be ror" Thull88nd uiffl',elll 6ubject., to which od~ \\'B(ded" lu .n.il" r\oom' ~h Ia.d&/)lhhl New diti(na gre Ceol' tllll.ltllyt 11eilli m_do·. u l'ork,ll08too or Jl ..~tifUore, to Gild from t A men' ca nl , ele ., v·IZ, Ilnp polJl li Ollilbe W.e*U'tll ' 1" •• 1 by . ·RllilW.,. P urlra It8 u f enlillen ubout i' ,I ( ~ , JRailroad d irect. ,J l~ IMP R 0 V E 11<);. 109 Ahjo\o.Genfra 8, fJ 0 utlo J tluel r lly Steamere, freij!ht <len aleo lie for· 'C' '"1/ '1', ·r ,,,It", ,.\ ' " 2000rig.• Generllle, ) bO Oilier om cera, w.urdad to IIny .acoessible' puintoR the'riv~ Il ,{ " 276 Colonel~; . .. I , \,6.I NavfOfficers, t!r8. nlHllalles o( Iha Wdt. f ,. ' .£..1,'" ,., 550 Stntesmen, 13U Divines, olFor Frai~ht Conlract' or Shipping Di.1:' ", .,.-' . I~, ,,\1 ,I ' I 1)0 vromin !~I'-w~~,'.I, 120,.A,ul.h.or p , IrectlllllR. Apply 10 or allure .. elfhar 01 Ihe WiII ltlldiellJ,' eJ1e,rmfllll" (rom ,tb" 126 SIA!!I', . .:ro 4:rUIl6, loLlowing Agen18 of \he Company: • 11 ' Q • 3,000 Copies ~r WCJrks of ~ ~I, " ;BJ J3, Killgslon,Jr ., FI, Ageo\" Phil.d'a. !g"l, ~i!r.e~~'Jo,I,'lha: ~.fll!a,'j)'l\'" rl~."!!J ..~~~ ..'::~~~:~~~~~~::l!t~~ .,,~u...... . ~....tI·" r,' ,_"" r -n. .o Ih fIl!0.t.9.~t.e l .Lfl A. C.rpenltlr, Ft. A jle'll t, , Pittlbur~. }~11 f~qW ~blill of, d",)p, W) 'J\!e~I!~ngravil1l1P, ~UlllliD~! ~,alue8, C\IITh &. CCJ., 'l'rb nl'lti ·A~nnt., PltlebOrg, Pp.o~~,IiM!~t I' ~, ~~ :e"'}li~. i\,.! " \II~ ,{lIll~ , ~o r ' .. ··:~:;~I....-I~II!!..."~....,I~-!:'f!IJ~., elc. C:alal~lt.ue8 ... ,,1 ~,~;--r~ce~ '01 atamP l H'.~W I J1'1fDw II & co. ZII.a ell_lIet 0 ,. f'XpOBure, cQJJlpletel, ' .uperae~lIIt: thoM ' '" An orde" M:\ 'd6e Donn j Pllurf.1 trom H,.lIt&' co,. lU.rlelll j O~! .,: " 1~ r reme lo?l c': h:"~,~h~~'i" il"lIi1111i.'~«'Hll"c,.ijuro""'ifli1rb~ olJr Cot~loglle ~ill be bellt on receipl o~ W I' H. &. g . H. LlUiglev, Gutlipolil" O. uO,RI,e'~!\'M ,II , t .!'III.IlIlU~ "' I " ; ', I PRINC',, ~' W A,LTON • ·iCO•• 81 ~o i 01,0 ,enb,bYi JllII ,~RI!E ' , ! , CI.rke &. co.\ Olli'''Io, 1111. ,," : .p ~ lb. ~n.~ l lIe' flu~~ • ) n c~rlnlt l'~ u~~"". ' f ...:. L. ~u.o'tlnote to tJr:'O. w.'1tob,H,,) ... j. 'Photogrophers nr:U' olhers orderlllll ' 11 N · 'I ' 0 N' L 'r N' E Inc!' d·"KeruDs dlle ..e~, j \~ v goode C, 0, D" will please remit 25 per al ' ' r . . --.~ :1.1..~Ieuu\ ,,j'..: ' I t , I, t '(.f , . , . ~.~." , / , ,180Ll!i~~I:~"Tf ' If cent, nl Ihll IIIIOUft (lheir IIrder.. .~~t Ff'.t!.ghl, via f,nw;l'llu,ma' R, R. , .. '~r' r.l"' 1t~B' OL ' Boa. &6, 58, 60&6~ Eut TbirdSt. 00- Th.e prlce~. In~ q~Qlitr or our gODd~ - - - ""Br.oad Tread·' ean,- - ' .' .l!~~, ,~~.Lr.... . 1.L. M ... ' 'II cannol ,., ~ B~lIsfy_ , ' 1 . . Which~ '\a~ , It,r~(h Ife""',.)l J~~' Eutern i!.L ~\;!,.. 1 I::" ',. ~'l "I'.lfl 1 liP • OINOINNATI.Ol-lIO. F 0 U T ." I lIud We.,ern CIIiell,JrreBpecliv~ of ehulI- ·t:'LUW . Ir':lw IlAll"I11·" L~Ml~!i\,J~I~iI~1I~.Ji·Ki I I ,..,-. "n ~ ,'1 , . ',' gee !J' gUII,a e , .. T!!e . RUI!,n ~I!le ia Ibe " . , " ~~ffR ~~" ~ aUlhorlzed ' Fut "'relght tine ;' Bnd I, " ,/. ' , .. I. I ':l. o>-1ir~8r81> " , ,ybrk~~~~' ilil 'th'~ , r~,utj~ Av~r'. ·~I!!.Ch Iii l ,!1111 enn. !>r,>,b~>,Urinpry Orllllni ~J po U ,'- '\, ,, " lll'fd,rflikel, tran~ IIQr , under cdlltflctl 'IJ,er exiatin" In m-Ie .·or lem j", ((om ~ ,.,11" !\ • Ii' h' h rl 'ilot"l ....... I . dt , va } y .~ r t n . , W , 10 cu.e ... lIe pr0r.~r,y e,ntr,usle 0 whatever cnulle orillilitling "lldpu.'nl, tlr 1:1111 prcl."ratlOD,. 118 C'barge' tha best fICIII lif;'II' for fUI I nd . "I . , • , " .... ; ~:!w:nd wi,yorJ,'::l. uniforlll m~-eIDellt> the ' "R"oads over Q! long Itillding.J It i. pll'll'~Dt , . Uy r ' ~I,nt '~ . .r. how , I ' •• J, ! ~)II 'll"~'H~lo,,'~ra~ which it .'pnp'~e~ p08SflSI. . • to te ond odo" hnl'ltedille !II i(e ac!tion l 1:~.:;i~::d\0=8, fk.r WIHlre ' tlme 'I~ lta~tontefld, 8 Illr- ; I\d (!lore ' eue~glllel\ln'lt Illan .IIY of lh. ~~ ;''I::,~~~,~ I~i,!.lhf''o~ F've '~~nt'8 ~e~ ~'UQ Ibe . ' III ol-l:prepI (ilic)1I1! 0; na,k 'or Jr~n'. . '.1 1',\ Il'a; nrticle "h~ wont of which' ItplDaeh lowed ror B'Jfecified.·· detenlluns,lor every day beyolld 'rhOle..·.lIller '" hi(I: ' ,rom ~ . ntb k f ;tine •. , ' lnd Intel' . ' thl! lilne I' :, I ' enI "I own d. I,.
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"r.- d •. Ite IIII'IS. rod U parlurlty. oyor any;lre&tm'!nl herelofore, knllwn. It will rrmov,llhe wor~t ClJlle In I"IVE MINU'I'E!!I, RIIII Cline BIIV CRle hi ,n vl'rr ~1,C?rt II O. ~ T' . u LI P. 11-- ., Dt:lIAS DARNES~ CO., , ~1 l'ark,R,Jw, New Yorio B'!old. ~1.l)r jrgllj.ll' ,enc!r.. If'liil Price, "~ 3 00 , U~unllli BCollnt trl doalers, Y ' I~ e e' t f • S e lt'. I "Y "r 011 r COIJl 0 pflce, GILBF.R.T @_ S,URijRUG, Prup'r., . 6'6 Bro8dwny, New York. ~ Descrit'live circulars eelll fru~. 1.
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'110141 pronounced by lhe millie •• world to / .,. :,' I ~",I '.,:11 H' .:" be unlurp... ell aad , eVllo unequoled ,In 18 .1100 ,in very lIellel'., Ute act. III a .peci n c ... • .,'" " '.11 ... _. ' By pnLllnr: 11'''3 richne!!.; vulume and purhv of. tOile, dun. In1a' Ilid)'-;,1.,ubll" I:Ish'hnry ~~c~ha~~I~rll,,::,,,~ bilily aod cheapnl!lIII. ,Our, new' ec~le, throughout lht' IlIlId. .......l",swlU Ih .. , French action, ' hllrp pedal, Ifur ,f,.lile ,~ .• ~t;'.'n:';~~~I::':;~ uyer'8trllng bQ~Il.'8P'~!I' oclnve, rosewood I ' , ~' "I(~ ·u:.nO · .:t or .enureIYprev. nl<ld. p,onoe wa nre .ellhll{ ch,(oper .by r'ltm ,.' ~ .Ji1~~iI.~... tjt . ~+f. , tJro,vc!lth e ""dOijro'or. tho , $100to$~OOthan.lhe •• n'I~"tyICI.ndlill·_. .... Pnoe 2b Centl per Paper, or jj PaPl!r.fo,r IL Ish a~e 801t! bf apy olbf'r fit.t·claas I" ker8 .. ,:,~, q /1~ I ; I , . , ,I. ,.," I PUPARBD li'f . '. itl Ihe :c~l~n'trh\I, D~n,~r' ilt'~ nil ire w~t Dmitri ~:~~~=~:=~:~~ S. A. , F0.R~I1I.~ ~RO ••, ur ~.u~d. 1',11111/' Ire 1I~~!te,d to aenu fur our • ""0 I( • ,! , ""'" I ".dlllll'. WDOLI!I4.L . , 0 ,8cflptl,/J C~n.ld~IIP., "'~Icr, coUlaina . . Bo, 116 Fr!::~fnA8:.:I~\=:UVict ~J1,o\0,~ap~8 .'all u~r .dilferellt ,81f,Iell, .Iroaaway; .'1fe",Yo~k, \~;~~&h;;kl9i:~~~~~~ For Sale by Druggl'ts and 8IOrekee~ra~I'; OIl?Pltlt WI' itll pr Ulea , ~o· 'o.n~ .hould It~. • ,11 1)'.0 , I ', . . ~,. out tho UIlII.u<l S"'IoI, ' ,. chdae ~ o~o'wfthQut set\ hllf Ibi, Cnt I 011. . I • _ ' logill'. Mednhi •• tmolt ' wlt'lililif' numb'er . ," I'''' Ot ,;:" ' ( ~ • ,," 'It ~Hll 1111 PItBF. LIDvRTY ........ 0 ' , have been D\~lrlled to"th. ~,',Glo.YiJJleen)li:: ~' iiL:TM' ~S, '" "" . ~"4" d I C I b tiid' 'Wo 'd I r.i j,J u:..44 . , . p~ " ( fOPl rigbt; :') .. I. " { '. nnu, an It I Ie ell ra . r "'a ~air, '·1' " , • ''I , r l" " .. , . thouqh pul in compel;tlon" wlt I olliers 1, I ' Warronled ~o covor more BurfaAQ fOI\.~~1 froRl all parls o( lhe U..B. ~ ' It' .took : 'thel ' i:\ ·r.f 't V ' fijl; .j .' , welah,lJlIl\n an, utbe.J.,l '" I( ,I hlahest oword. [E~\Rb'IM.\ il1895'.1 \ V Icr.l1l ,JU Iii .L I T RY IT, nm''You 'WILL DA;VE !lO 'O Tin:a i! I'.,'! ,,,it G RO,lr:tN3 ,~ .,~E~~ "'IC~. ' I, r. t1~ (;! ·i I,' .\! f , • i·,! H. ON{.Y • ",'N ...ijO..
& chimieal warehonae
AllAh all Sp·ou' tl·rr", J..bofl " g, ,' . une on ~ bAn shorl notice and in lhe besl manner. July S-~ I.' I
MA.C-K E',~ ;a' L'i
kit! or pound, of '. .rranted qU1hln (or "IA·b, . ' j ""'1'1 I" I I , . , ' I MERklT'J"4ri,;PJN.NTZ" ' I . ., I'l l)! ' ,
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PhysiolansJ ' Please" ·NO":C8 .. ·W
tho Lunge. Liver,"" ••.• Ihi. 01L1.1.
....U"',<l. .'1i!1 ' . TlWe G"OYcS1~'" ..~•• Fo~fij 19. n ' 1"""rl!A~· IJ ~lae' c),If g~, PbUladaLi 1'0,1- 1;,1_,,_'111 ,eI ~ mQcn I ulanty ,.and ·.'tel' uJ\d&rgoln,' g.... dulll im· mo.t emiollnt phv.illione. II 1. al\ til ....... 01 awtile, ...IIK u '06ulha, moen In prltvenlenb for. period 01 '~i,t, l ellr a; I.. ted' to ~.i ip: '(he {1h't;"d B
Al the olllsl ti nifoll }hin Slre:I,~Waynes. ~ •• ,,, \ '. ' ! villo,would Inl orm Iht'lr old CII~lomers II lid ~"'li t IlrO~' I~ BDylng Ih:t 'the Ihe rell of mllnkind tI,ot tlll)1 lltlve a lIoot! ,,~ . _:, ', • . " ,. ' oRilortmcDt, of !,. ' . ," r .; • . II
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Qllii c~l~ i~P!'~'!IUI~U'n"r pruc~rll tI/t.: ~e~edy IIIOIIClI , , _ 7" . -'I . . ",' 1. 1/ J 'I . '\"~ l1h41 reld~r m"l,! ~, .wrll~ ~I.. b~w.~ et 811ght lOer IHI~ tho Ittltllk 01 lh.1I ".tt.o.e , ., Ii 111,,4!odfly' '" . C U~:;:1~~~~~~~~~~[~[~:~ dleel~~, It I. lore lOJ·,.tJi healll',.' mental jlo""er", ba·p plht •• 'ltnd .,bot· 0,1' If~ posle;~y: 00\ ~e,~ II. ~r\a 'bJo~ s;e .Up~6tte\f fro ' tlie'e lIourt!e'II ~ " , {.I \ . I I I ' · u.' 1 ". '"''I''' ~. '(11'3 . / " " I, ' . .,'~ J' ,. , .. j
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Drull,. Pain.l ,~ Glus Deaiera,'" ,,', I Not la7 North (I'hird 8rrl"flr: .. ~ ( . . '.1 ' PH JL.('DELpn'I"A , .,", '\ -'
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OH~O: WEl>NES~A V, MARCH 28' ,1866. ~, ' 'io
I)WmS lWCit.F , OJl CIfoR ea. .
- r~. , ____ • ('J earaelt gue me, ward. Avenlle. and oaa prove my ' eIlUly UII InJbody bllird tbe bell' The1 LheQ "cot puL. , Choler a Precaut !oQ8. ". Ihe, most 6Lubbo rn "ppreciqJioll.' Ro~ 1D a SeQator"t~ Yuu bl" !-dear me I J know full' "ell . -.-A mioute aCwr. ·I .trolled c:ru~ 8180, 'I he mille ~0ll1:de I'8 shoo~ their bead ~. I'U Dever drell III &11111- ' and tl'.ere they all 1\'er. io a group 011 TJlC Ind ies., simpered, Wh~t.ev~r differences of opiDionl Fruer' . )"IP~i~e t,U' ~'·" ol1o~g aod eip llJl n~ed Por lII.c"a .lke, come help"GlII, Lucs Ill. lide·"al~, nideDt ly "ailing for IDe . !I a~ oe s thll said, 'Did eXlet 111 regll~d to tbe oQllrle. aDd ltory, bot doe. noC me.~(OD · ih, ' yo u ev er!' 1 18 l'U_IE . my t{4J,t ','1'y 'pruce, dID. "Tbe gentlem aD'-qu ile (\ ,,~lI.ar pel\riog plalDl}" 8a YOIl e ver did. o of prllpogatlon of tbo abolera,.11 b I Thll ~jk;.UI)!luhe lublillle I La ' f 1 b .. eh.ap' be was. loo-ca me up to me nuil now ag ree in ' Lheir observation of Ibil '.Come along my ge n~l e mall.' ~ aiu tIle ero." 0 8 a ~ I" ~' jO ~.' 1 .' . ' . '!lId! acknowledged (ac (, LbM iLl greateat pO." ccmllu, '1\' e 'rll up Lo all ~ut\~ IfOrL of 0....:. . II, " , bllllriit er lor Ule-do ; " . . • 'I tlliuk A, p pllcatio Lilia ia ' Mr: SllJith is ,it LhIO!;, yol,l know; it wo,,'t work. ns to an 'Autho r. ravages and mOI& fearful mortaIi'y . are . •A ,fA hole 1·~ you .ay 1 plnlue lake Ihe ,holi, DoL Y' dlshllKtlllbed pdhticlaa or Ilial. I ' _ _ " I WilDt you DOW. smong" thQ filtby, .'he ,iClOU', 8Dd ."the Itl ,bocomid~ ,inCere.kld ill ah. mo,ePIe".~L T7 Ind h!do it'I I " . ': .. ..J1IBt IbIDk h ttCIet1 '6tin_ Rd, my'lIou v010.:00 of L() ~era !:Iy tile", J'nte deati.tute . an.d, in (ao&, it il .aI:1I08& ", " soot, .IIIU J; '1.' Am (amlliar 000' m.1lt of ~.klag KID~III • .frM ~. .He too~ me. Nothin g easi.tlf. I OI,n." ,",,,, Ie *1111 ,. holeJt, . ' !3igOUII' DOY cout a'ds· II r(jeo~'d or tined to tbe Im~r~deDt, , wllb .Ib~ oalpe of · Smith, but I do Do b ~u Yllin 1 asked to lie tlliten the .ID&em ".(e aDd repllr~ to the' '-,,.to my Tbe mIn will lurely IPy. lti of the requ eu s wllidil I\er Iit"rafY aod t~oee who lDJII~e. tbemaelvea o\\'o It. ,. r esl d e uc e-Lll~t on e of my hi enU8 be , 1000., ,'Be~.JIIUUI~'lI cRused her 1<1 r~ei,e cob , '1'huo.J Iwpped wi tllin and lit a ci · IIl!nt 'Col'-Jud " fl ClirUiel the 1m . m~dlclle8. Rll l/erent! 'tie all IOrLa of . Some ~r, .l. ~ )lad JIl..'& com ~ aorOSH~ J ~ , f 'PeTcy Fi til pO~I, lhe H~norable blllU ,&beuCoM. it or \be ' the prlmest ilavlloa 8, up town, and 80\1 Mo otgome ry, /lny on·e ot Jog,' " ll'I~IIOIIl' I-lOll .. had put a whole·bllnc b of t"um in my • 0 :t 9U ~A9 ,ell Barn rq. orj tlH~ pooket. ' .. , F !'nandy WooUf1. nqllire!! tblt ollioer, o['. t-x"g!el '.t,iog {aoLII. It . My rrieoda 'fe'lrlalll d at lbo dool'.an ll uroaolioally.. 'You . , . a sel.' ID, tbat ll bb 'W1I8 io Ihe habit sprlllkJvd, and Llle adJololog wallB 1 olf"l!IId: ~h'VKeo\lemaD 1\ oiga.rl~' ",bleh l1a\.' ~WB ~l'a.y ed ou,musllr think ell II y6\l. " . ."if witb . somu •of tb0ll8 1'0' feD.ces surrollDdiDg &hem h. C Ilrteoll. ly .deolinM . 'fbe,'w,hole repeatedly 11m., .lie In tft o shaduw of lh o ('Illing '!lig ht be woilleS . for ' .. 4j'''II il~e ' men.tiobl 'a monod~ fOlr ~llltewlUiheJ. group Lben ap p rollchcd me t;loro close· ledJ me .lLw&oy. Lo ih a '~ m • 1ls. 'I of a s co~ U wife, (ortiti ed by . Ba o ~rolul. thlt Ihere 18 DO itagnaD ,oree. ~It. SeaQo r .-....d. no ."'.epIT. ~y. . t ~Ilt.gave. glowing .~'P'. 0,1 ~he1Jl.~. . 1 (tllL quitu R ,ohill Jun over mo I\..S I t that I b/ld compose d one "liter ollher 10 yoar cella" or !gJriaioly, it is Mr, S/llilh,' BIlla n W8I uahtl l'ed iuto Lh e' lung oOi-ride yuda,n Ollo mOtemeDt ia "hioti he borA' .a r ' of dlllltb of ' the firsl,'- Rui! 'i"t is ev. /lOII .I{ your basemenl.lr .are dllmp. "uabin g lillie crel\lurlj ill blue 8ilk.' ule conapicuoua part, Tbe Dea' Jen't 1& thn~ chtlerful auotle of ulurderllfs aud tb~t'It, i9' bot the filc' of the teo 61'e 10 tbem rreq,!ea1.ly and burn tip tIle receiYed '01 courSi it is,' said lIl1 0ther gus h . c UHhro a ts. 'J.'L~ .first thipg I "all from 'tbM 4l1.rlr of • 'Ciourt fouDd . bein '" made whicb sbe t l'gllrd s fonlair , and oaule more perfect iog little orell&ure io green ei lk. ,eolil. In.IndiaD", iDfolmiDg ' him there WII S nOlan's h:\od in my pant'" .,!\i. n'rka~le J bli, merely (ue ~~'s urlli. alion. 'iris 'usele~~ fOl: you to den>: your loons pocket. He was an qfficer, .He ,. "Ir. ~..d filed a bill, "it,b "b~tl1~rfro~ \\'blc~ sOPla of them 1\'llro. CljO' Remon al\ gllrbas:e at ISlIlt onoe n a lawyer oOerlng to defltDd bl.i ' Tlie o~~, Mr. 81i1ltb; you' see wo all rec· 'weot throllgh me,' wid1 It.reat ~~16rHY, , We~ IQ,UP!B . two pllrllgmplll dllY, .aDd Iwic~, OgDI&e ,Oil per(tlctly,l , possible! aad permh ~"a'o~ wrote b~ak &0 th', 11"t6r U 'oo,~ aj!ay m,}' PR ke ·bQo'K~Jl~ ... toh,! " It.., ",,·bluh u:tendl l orClf lIeY' uOLhlllg to remain on tbe premiere. . ',And in oa~o my Dame were Smith, SClutlDlzen keeoly I Ie ring to 01l0,,~. 'Dear Sir:-Y o,I lR ' to baaa • ". uml ergo decompo,itiuD. IIlr. may, I ltoM "bat ~itll could do to found in my ~o() ko' ADd of ke Ylilui . pageltof . ~he book: .,,, M' ," Ife a~1" abe t.iIl DO~ ~a ' Illy · <Ie.1lJ ~ued '«<' .'Epililp hs for .' R man .nd two chil. Keep your bOlllel "ell nntilat ed. yo_u ',aod rour fair oompaoions?r ¥hatply, ; ' ba's tllj " - :'00 rnipg !ong ab~e~a.. If I "ere ..he .oll~d 'Rp dreb, wit~ wll lrning that only two hun . .r Ba telnptlrl · 'A good dea , iir,' Bllid lh s geotle, ingenio'ua 811 er m AI'~O% lte in ,U thinga, &bal. • 1 ' lines tn'il8t be"allowed in lbe whole mg and dtinkin g. Be .umper bolb e.t. ftot I.t",n~ It eULer., ll,~an ~tr~1IO~: ~aa; '.s much, 1 bllliE!ve, 'Afrs! Jouee. brough ' from Paris, ate. in n· p'?1,III~a 10 her ~ult. ' Y~of • ~~.,~. aod which hit . "WII8 notinrg e . ' ercise; In I"bor, 'bOlb tpb,licl l aDd men- r,,-o Y.ln Jat.,. ,'W'h,u al 1,,-0 hUIl~red <Iolla H~ is iL nOI~" , clearly tLought "lUI lome- bur~II\'rlOu8 I th~ .llll' ')I\sd : ' piel: '10" copy Keep good bOUra.,Aud taiop~oper I~og bee.n ~r.Dteif, ,till. Se".tc?" 'I'?e lildy 'iil 'Lliick 8i!~ Dodd~d. . atensil. '1'~I ~Y p~t ~y name and or· ,r~u.rb. .a.-. l ac!f.',l of wboili ,h~d in reasonable quantiLieli. and ' at eC! 10 WSlbiO~'OD u cbe il~Dator ... ~'J:ha"8 , oo~ a gO\ld a),' a,alll,I. fenae co"n 10· a big book -atld tben a !1il,llr ~equ'l_t.p~ . by , a g~l bln')D times,. 'Blainly oooked lIleal., &~!I free. S~a e ': bf Ka~.... "lilted of ""I !l'Plln Ilflljl/ap.¥ ~ou: 1 ~ny h at .on~\ mao lnppud me ,QD- thCl~o~l bl. c1er, with , 'SR be jiII\lt ,."pon , AI, al\l\l.tQI l1.1jl lb. Smith. MPd fl llr. l'iee, bread ) and thoroug blr 0 d hOllle'la Jadl.Da, aDd ('\lDd JUs (ut.-b., Ir.o.I(11I«1.,,- geslura l.e lfollo" bitn. . . noon, beoaUIO the n ho had,mor pota&oel, should lorlll. 'lhe .ordl· wife 81i1I , bloaiaib~ IDd liall,diOm '.AlIsurl:!dly I will,' eaiul, 'w.b enl, I 'BUL I have done notbing ,' .ai~ I, lo'·/I~te.n'd ,.tu ··', ,· ',, '4' pUDoLuO re leisure IHl,.ild Lu &i mllnu- oury base of diet. OW.1i i ... • '. ~V·. IIUr(llllldea "by .dmirer a. Wi~ll tlie . , . _ .... meekl'y, '. . ' .v~Il1IIIe · :"1Chree ',Hundred 'Jfltge.a~ Abst~iD fr~m all ~n,i.~q froil', ant) rei I lie 1ililed('her from·ti~. "to' IUQ yol,\ \DellI) (9 dltny, ~ If,'j .I\HJ' toe 'Thedi nev~ bas AJ. collle ere.· Ii"I~ Lbe I\~UIcn' ~o ~\Og I\lwar' 'bad 8 diil lik, stlll o, or p"I·ltRlIy dt!c)1Jed vegetableiL became preeeat gll~L''lmal,l very , dAI)botntt: ly. 'Ihll~ you he cheql-fully, I . 'li Ibe ao.ep" a 1 ft. • _ '10 ,Ih? ~u'$t ea~ <\f PUD ~~~t! on; fi nding' ~ut 6~?,e aU, avoid e~ee.. ¥ra . .(qlloes 4ere,. &hat 6ll'1D , (Ilr iii i, D IoXiC\l. "ae ~arrie to.ller,' · '.'Ybat . ! ' '.::; ,I IIrl' Y · 9 0 gOlDg to do w~t lUQ!' t)ltlt I~ brIngs '00 1\ "pAID III Ibt: Luc~ of u,ng dnllkf ' .'D I. . . . .r. ~ 'Luee•• r.7 OO 'bUDd I' board; th., . you , left h.el· or e'lliry kInd. . . lI~me ;on ,r .1t6~ed Ali 110Ilo'l'ed. . • .,' , . , . ',1 " " I , " \b neck." .tu..., ."tdrn a:·lflill ) ., Tl(,;\raday ' I,gllt II'~t,. Il\d olll'~'lld Weu tt.1I~.1 ~eltl \~e akllt• •"d· at ELmOfJon.aUlo T.crlfl 8.-A. ~'IU~'LocI.;. yoU' liP,' 'he ' s ntd, ~l,! ' lilt . b'fOB 'Ao album 1 frOID ··b·• .• n1lie r~ 1I0W' ,' ou lmoW" '" 'Q clerk ill a store, all &lmel mamlAl11 the ,natu,a l"mper a .. glli8hed caot!idac., whu be'Ide& -liulte ~y mlltBktl,.r dllte Illy ~oI4·bJ.odded ~ah l)e t!~ 'till ,·i. '11.11 ~n bim ,by anolher clerk in IIno\ hllr ture of 't~le ·body bY.68ufllc.leDt (P.., ..... tile parat'Hlllpo",dOr Ihow -a ",Iuabl e rlllg belooglllj{ to tb6 • lIe put me 1I1t1>j\l' call m ~ dio'g ;',. .mOIlIl ' or and hu • keall .ppre'ciR",~ ' curne • J "r. ,I.· 4l'ja' ''h., loUltl 1 vaii ) ,1 to be' wl r itten in for ft yourlg 'Intly of alotillng I"d~ Miss Julia Jones"! ' ,.' . AVOId all tll W • of I' ' be' 6ig' bolt 00 ' 1116 , an", Lherll I . WRS; lJe · h ~na ' , Dame he WIIS no~ quite en. sudd ell cl~anglle or tempera.eapo_u ' i'~1·1. ,,~ ., J'" Tb'l; , , rll~d' luro. Rod if alloo ahy ha~ · tl,J ~ms Julia ~'od liD lroll.' ,loor "'itb no light " e . au ". w eD a , '. !fI01l1!' '~J1m' t,.ell' ~ I,we .' ,'m 'l~ d'~~t; t' a io Il hd "lb. e most he 'I'\. , I. knew IIb()ut her , . ;8. "'1~11 , ~" \l'r.I';d ~ 'Ibe 41l~ of rds~ . J o~,~" ' . . , . .J" acctdtl ntaIJl . ' a.poled ~ ," 10 I slorm, remote off 00 aD eleotloDllenDg klllr .1 '. " . • . . • ' t nL ~hr~1I cali'le ~ Il rollgh . 1\ ,gr ateu I' , ~QS , ~ I,at ilhe "'1\8 a vcry . "1 Co... oqry., un~ ilUlev,uj h ' . rich R,1I'l ,"- you~ we.,, boote 80".1 e IOlllDg ' ,I . , Jhe'l I Judge. la~1l I." "ha' J m~Sl op.cnlD~ .',n th~ do?r. _ ~~Ilre as .oCiu .88 ~Id to hll , "I •••. " 0 "all to acqomp llP1 , b~IUp no He ow~~t r~ II. 0, Iltl" '-' 09.t~q~ six, .canAfY · ~lrd, which bad p08~ lble. ,.; ulive beell 00 I\greeably lo tllDa~e Lerms lampa tlD he cOrt'ldor. · . ' . ,laUD (or pruden'lai rellO~1 , .. 'f I b~eu a~cldenlllll.): stlUt'.eU \0 deRth, .,,11. crpu)1ft ~,~~.hJve. to 1he.cbo !e,IR ~ 8 ~ot. the '1111)~,l "JOll~~ l~d.Y . BL \Ile uJur my .::,. ~ so.oo b,a.me accu8tomed r 'M . dl.,. iaulIl.o h .. 'hi' el_ioD ,-10' lhe Wllahlls some elegil\O vend. '.{:,; ~ .,a,,,..;na~\I!JJ,,e' 1!.b~"t!P I A Blran· f~tJ\1 dt8eR e: "ll1ol.l It 18. ClommoDI, llOllle 131U1,lh . i .. co~p1ioated. alldlth • .,...,a..owil"-'e I .. ' l! , light, and' ,u~'~yO!.d ll~, ~ell. , '1'he d . ~h~16 Bon died Bt t; th& age of hevedt o be, but 18 a dlu.ee. J!JIII ,I ,d , " ~~4 ' t; .. ' l er ~u?ll . )1npe l·~ 1 ~~c~ ? IhfH'e WI\ll1!o8\o~udlllg. HIOr6 )W!u·~ ~oth olu.. l 'am ·a.xioa . ~'t *~o ;'f1otMdg " v b.cn.. . .,.w.. KIlled ~ .... lMnt\la , ' J.ust \hirteen labl6 a,:,J ,curable . ,,--lit " • h \1 Jonol. " I II.-don. rough look men alrel\d .. w~uld " 0" lo'!'e poe· pre ~e.deu, b~' lIym~toms Or ' laDg~O~ . Is, 1, abd I "oald 'llroaIO\'e, m1t'P!'P-, .b04~ IJlll burdest CIISII of tbe IIl11'r &hCMfgb\ it lWOQld ' W " a iI apd lhlllg ti ...· debility,. "Itb .dll\rrb<M, ' I\ftd I~'· thlll ood , ~ jI'~e ~w ill.m, I\fll,'~.'8 1\ tl ,.Ull, (e'e l; wol·B I... ·'{ oll-.e fO Itl" a ' .... Mr'l~r . ko~p th e ? t!1er liI~g~ hI81-:v"yS curable ; bu~~f.Deglee~u ~he hlndIOlll•• 1~~,lIq 1f~~rU1!, CI4,~191l~ 1~ ,~1 mc: ~u't) .\,o~e fl IJ 1H" ,ia ' eYe r.\ I*,e . HlDg him • . SI>\tC}ta. At thls. perl?d, 8n.d diarrhr el III permJI· "here , 'I SIll. ~ou gooil.d ar, Indl"8,' SIIIt! I. bed, wltb. .. !iio~t I mt' be~hoJtOred("I'b1'.l ~tilio Ag1l8\m g. maltl' U8~ 10~. 14e W C81, ~ha~ I rwouill ted to contlno t' lill collapije comes on,. 'a d J '11';' sir.' . ',', ' bOD,,,,oll,tbinkla. .. tbu.td and. II hideo~s flaol,l el ' blankQt~ ' for u! .. wr4\.6, out". IOllgthy 8ktltdl~ of ~hu loves Is tllen almost (\\"'1111 ratal. I L"olled (t,up ' ·'Iie "' stre'e't . ,~~ o\cing. t,hree 10 l. ee~ 0' , y ' be . • ,,_'I L I ·Iel•••• '. '.1" , . I, I ' • • ' ". of t~o p~i'60.oage8, . ~f . ",bom no aug· IIIIIhlll~.JI"Iff,1•.",KJ"I!o'~ ,MII~rU:" ... vu m ...,. 1 ~ I' ..... (ollo,,;e ~ !11 6 , nr~d pr,e ~!l l;I.dy. ~, Cult .V.: t4ft~,1 91+6 C(lJ~ 8<ltts,t 'O;pt,rd !' " et~14imea dftoted . gll8uv~ cnCUDlt lt~Ul!I · "e,e I1a1~'od', ':{~ow Td 'ObMTIWL TilE LOWER N ""'1!RII. "ife. 'aDll lo' . make .t • ' "l'O'\db aD. uaod I,ud ou 111:1' sh aul 0/1\1 of UI walt a '!',llor. W88 1tI. of "hom wal.a journe'ymnl'l tllllot, f Ilod -,1'h~ yo r ' true b Cl\r~ o( moral culture u to 811fe thina, wbil6,OU *e r~.iDt l· a " I '. he ~aid, OQ.a uharge ofrobbillg Illnes~ · ' Ihe llllme pf tine olb~r, 'Sis(et '.be 8~~(j~l," tm~anao. ,'extrhvRgan\ teDdeDei~s. by haDdsollleet ~irlll, 'Bllg'-f'pRrllon, sir,' I"id- the proooc' mat e. 1.111 ki" , an eqllal ' o;S fa~ ."/1 ,th,& c1l1rogI'RjJ'hy: , could .be ll'Ul~nl~g Lhose Ihat a~e laniul d.- bumber of tb. ha-CIIdIlAt& tOl' of wunder.eel ~ llJi8' g.clJdeDJRn directs 'Anu <llu yOIIJ" r aske!!. ' yoaag , Iraua)ated, 'A 'fllther I'oque s'u ng ~lel:: lllc Growth 18 R safur JAcKna" of prot! , artelr..' . mSIl.' . . 'n I. look li Ke er 11Iio' ?'. 1I~ ,,,sited, liu I!8 on l\ youog cbild. 8upplyi • I , ,. ng'. us' .u,ilrmolly th ll n re pr~ieiol1. How , !' aniU I ! 'WolI, thie is in · wilh proucis (;orn. 'l'he di,Uoglli,bed' oaadill.tel ".' be- . . tl,o ou·t y·suggesIJoo ror· ~Il.lIfnt!ful muse, llllve I (t!lt and saId ihisl Qg. 90 ,wLat 'ch&r~u, pray ?' Yojl c~nnoL Iietll haSDO' ,hlOe relerred to' ~liill I ccrt-;iuly: luought he ldid, bull did· lb e ,{ac4 . tj..tat he ,was unfol'tuuati!ly de$cel!ld 10 Lue re"ioos ot tbv Ibwn lill plea,io lIIean.'o f ganiDg ·o.t!ll\rc'chY." ~l\id tue g'cnLlc·a uD, U'l say 60. 1 offilrlfd 'him 8 ~1I1.rl\y' aigar iu ' 'dr~ wne i~ a ~lIrrtll 'If aw ·.o ll'tS f9 0~.' !u·~o, ~ud wrc~il~ g wn'\l,ugu 'I 'puU lUII~Ii; to the (,)~c,er. " witH 8~oce'l· ·t bete. " Ittelld, •• ~ ' 1j. t .' I - -_ _ ~.!.._ I _Inlut go aliovo' lind 1IJ;;bt 'tbem, as 1 bH Ill',)' oigll~ ",.l11lJ" ,01l,1I'11Y. Atli rst STauo a BRlDh 8'IoA1 Tho o\bllt o~ ~8 WII& ,!~lfbr ~\\ ~plod "~ .'t.lI«e , • 1!l.p-:Be au~y 0~ .9Jt'l 'i>e·oPle, fought the dra~oo tha" w~uld iStory iii &.old of Llfo l.ilte"'ILu tcBlIllio I h"d bRIr a noj.lo... .w, P"YI thope 'POQ' bur;5 huy. . , _." . .• ' ~,lllve dc~ troy~~' A:h~rom~d,l\ on "lDgs Abolll· .bree ,....... .go pie Mhlll Illey demmnd bllol bill 00 seo' •A.ul! Illd youl . . I I: . ... i I ~ oDe ~8IO 1J ~ ~ and' "omen )mllke, thtlil' own ID the Ill ~. • 1 h,1l .Ic.wer ood thougb t" cOllelud bd tblll would be 18. su~du~ d ~Ol ):oUD8 ladiee " " !,,-..ed~ lIMn m~'WIt()? Me? Nol I~'B a blamll coo· I)(>l\lIly ot ,·' tb~, ir owo ughne9 ~9 . 'Sir by rOprtli SIOn; but by makl'ng It slIDpl, rlld, liul~ too riJibtllou'$ ,; but 00 tbe brld&! mOralag.beoame spirlUly.' " I.o:Jward Bul' w 'Err Ly tfon 8[>0o;k8 in one an inslrllrT)ellt of Ihe hit:her. NI> fasl· 10 iH th.hhe ,c onld 'Theae f,lIoplo )' .tiaill I i i ore mia!aken DIU ,o.';I»Ij ., 10 to Ho took a c\gtlr, also, tp?, ~Qli": My 01\'010 i9 DOt ' Smhh. Fortune novt:r quite tors~ke~ UI. Th91 Idf h~8 ,1iO i Ii or' a man '"I\~ ) ,,"~ ug · ing, fol' in~lanco, .ill make . the '0,*1 lbe cllurch. T e 'brid.~ ..." a Iier thAD Me 11I~d' ·.Dy·., bu.ioes B 10",bu; ' pUI'l~ ; bu~ a lI oNe attnchm ent will kee~ ,d ..irable·'OlIe, aild 'be . ,i~ S~i~tOl~r, tit! &1!IlY hlwe .heal'u lucky pRckRge of H")'lIn\, ,becamlH my rt.ntl,df be':coultl bu~ " " . filth> wbo,ll l'eRd ft, every hu . 1\11 bl\se (ll e:inge in 'cheo~, and eupobfe ,lcelDa, 1&. !J , had ao&' beeu euily . booJaid. spar ill Lilia "ide ooean of "disLl'el8. I lORn ueing elUl'ley ·his life ' in hie iOlce, tltem. By tlte by, thaL is a beller I'em" Tbere 'waB, 'Yes, I'n bearll ,it Q{le~I,'.:t~l\id Ihe kep~ myee'll 91take 'with thenl ~hldfore :gr••t dupr, in through Ilnd 'li gootllO<lking or 'be reverie "I ed, Ihao OIllO' s; Ihll' wal the '"y.e, · delay,lIo io.lead of .poetpoDill1 .the milo; ·if. a verY ·Dio. SOtt o· a all the ' long \light, during "hi6b ·l nev· Ihlll liCe 11 ... , ~e~n .£004 or .evil ...... OIl R<l nCe of 81 ' Pl\ol' l 'Yllem , thll~ "IMI mlrriltgel Ilme,itoo, nnd qlli~e: i. fuoriw WiLh er ono~ lef, Iby,ceot. Tbe lbe lecond~ illter , ,?onriu g bEld, g.o~ p~lllcc~rli ing La him. ome-o ot' the sharpes t ·.aor', L lbouHb naa'y eveo.·19 § IL O}lj of CpUrlft, was eo ourl fe.t"J·e~~)l)l:l tiDe ahiad of though t N,o' re o ber ..U inla ,loDg filii. penonileeS . ,U\e ~l,ld ~h c and IID1otioo aro eterntl ly III worll p'reBslo.n, coerCion, IAw-tb Rt ouly. pro- IIrlt. alld d.1J weD' lhrougb h's a' ~ittiu' "or~ -out!" ,',. ollly otbt!r eeal.;iD- tilo ,clI\1 waIIo.till naB ' ll'ett.\lly i:l not the monopo ly of ' (Juces 'dl'('nd(ul coofiict. 'Ye o"lInot do, aloa1. Tbe IDllmln' i' ... &he,. oere'Hit told me IIi, name 'wa'S 'Jonel,' lip: ~? ~ p8,ce~ \b~f )\ Q~ til ab. ul\}' ,b~o ku iog rouDi .men and bf white .811di IhiDg~ Yll \Vou Id.' 'W "l~ in' Ille .•pirit' .'r,an,fllrred the. bridal d.re... . ••101 'tlnl l~dy in tll'e ;,~lac¥ ~ilk. ", 1 cnn L aay I 'faa e8feOll.llly dilltll.l'beu U1l1it!s. 'fhe l'll is a-B1uw' Indlll~nagl'OivID " beau · -the higher lIfo of lofller motlVI!II- menta. lo her IH.Ur•• bo ill her.' \lnbo• be did?' rS'lI;Iurkea tbe pQlice. i~ a mentRI apns!!. ' fll£bor -upon 01)' ty ' h'!all on ly tlOmes to perrec~on in '\lntl tllllO yt: ,WillIlOL (u1611 Ihe IUIIII of oence, "I\e thul 1I000Iidet.ect.1o ' btl , , wOl'tJ- 1 ralher ·lIkj,ll . t he. jde,a ' ,'I it, old -ac'.': Grace belongs aU to" ,Potiod lite l\e&uj' and thll\ ill ·true pluLioullrl" proper Glaim iD lhe 'Jonea' ill a nicv name. ·(00.- vie,!ed as all idea.; Bll .. hu.b"c i ' I~ Ii,,!' \'!!ry' ol ,' Ii' { cI,' Bn' d " goo(lllet l's'lm~r oves ' hlllon· 1\9 well 118 goneral ly. No courL·m artial, tied by ·prQx1. ' 1& you wanL him shut right lip, sit? tired in .a physical. a e ~6e. is ODI, reOlnu1 !aMt · g~ r i ~ '1 XI \ll8r ~ l~ ' ve ' ~IIQ~ ~ w'e e\er or pr o~oa~ mapilll' a coru ,,', &.00 late t.o.take him aCore ' ~'hejl1uge wOllld atop a di8COYJlry h.. bflellm .de. of &hall ..l 'l'\l9,f ,p~c~ three Ilu 4i,bea lpll of ;m'i.I~a.~n.",*, jIP~ 0' .. noni , tbarl' i Ilyer dlievin g io a rcgilUCo.l, .or IDII,ke 1\ o()w· f.el" .n~ prOojj~~nl' , ,roll. ~t\o". . . • . ~O?lll D~u8eaLtng 0108B lbrQ}lg~ 1 !~e . Ji<4-on IWiti p of "bvtln~e y _ &.o..be :'aabll tln. m-T~urcs i3 ntJ 1>ravt:; but nJ~ e.,p~lI .du wrp' . and n~', ~Dly "No: did ,be geoUeIl'iIlD': 'gne blm tlwr 60lllewhel'e "bOIlL Meven Ill. lIbe cIYll. ,~.~. 8110 la:' "ilo o'clock, 1 Llle beaut1 of ),oluh, aDd tbere .. hun or have done It R!t1l1D aod agulo. - crtmlnaleo",'a),,' ,Be\'lhfh o'l,8r1 cbl\ll~. ~L is' about dioner time judged , (1 badn" my walob,y .. J ... 1. oll kuow) e "ill 'gQ to ' ~be , II OUSI! alld ,one !DeBI ror each' or 11.11 , lob ('o~ pnn. Ib'lj be&·d~y, l)f lioline u-a be8u~y mttch Rober/' Oll' 8 L lf o 'orid 'PtlpIf'" : ~ AI . . .. • " , () ' .;Ii~: mbre .,eldom' mll\<: and mOre freq'u enl\y 1 - .:.;... m wilh the other . Loaruers. ione, aLe their mo,all8 "ith greetly 0:7 Q\~ ,ar':JfI~~e••• , -w1l, ~~~~.o ·ro\· fotiM ' !I' 'U llmv-cluur,1iy ,lr~' l\r~~~"Hb t '1. \ . l \ . 'Ii" , tar.' ., ' ,.i I in \\\8'\)&\\\e 'h."oocu~il i\l~ i'h. 'rheD tllllY at!! mine, and Ii relieve!1 gl'au'ui:11 I<he tt"'lr(\~nd -ita ' "ilt.. ' Liilld' ill 1', ~~Dl~ O 011 . . ' " . ': N '1L.E~Il.~_NT ; -t fO,~ on ,• l ' b-"f l\!;.\O'if .hll ne\ib.r1o ~'l.o.~, ,;, . , ! ):ou .tll have Il ". ' "I~ ' . .... air, ,and &he ,erY ' w~olJ , ~y dOIDg hoar d WI~ shlp 't:'dmet tu. Grl'l\nel ~o, t al\ Cap. was a "" the m Iball· . 0001 " Or ' ' : e ptdfn 6~ ""~l"'!:' ~o . nUR ' . '1@'" , I ' laid I, 'I suppose ' I WII" aa ,DOC eo~il'ely oerl.f\in hue ~hat prilOD . ~ I tbtl l L 'u ' ~ 11£ . ' The mo'roid2'10fJG'Qe 18' 1861 toDd 4i.· "i\u ,Oil, eSJltci,,!ly AI 1 hllf8 cipline. w091d e~lJ,lpol me I~ \lat iI, . aDd, bAnd, a~"l{a ,,,up h . ~ ~ IJllht th~ tRill . l'euc~r, one 0 ' . on 00 I'a~ MIl·or.' G'Ko,i.rH lln\er ill" full ''Y.pd~ ,lijd, ~1 ~iJ~; ,,1\0 ~~ve ,lPllue I .ijl ·lan~ed, OD :~lr 18th I o~ YA'O~, rr'o~ l "'I~I~.e IJlory of leilure. BUI I pr,,{er to take. ! rl,lQf It wal Il 'ILtlQ \00 . rlp~ Lynchb l"g Cb"~rd ' Ka~airh V~lIlrgll ,Q I'P :HIJPt'I~1 ~ 9. 'If?.'1 tl D:::ea Ie. AI lie •• arriage, if JOu .to not ohjeot- ot my stomach, aud should oertALO, (or my c,<!auqo,~ I\IO,c~ I?i JP1 apJ 'tOrro" lIod ........ed ,hr61lI:Jil:n.. IqOlet I,. ha,o , "iCed to~lh_,. aro no~ ,uu(reqlloUlly. rO,\1r lona . .. ' I; ""'10 r.~~,y lu{~l t ~'1 ' It extfle ,·'Of Ilouree,· , '~,'I on tbrowe il u~ if I bRd enr ' ~ot i~ fuuDu .tlu'iou e,I.Alike in Eaat aitd I 1 , b 1 I' , I ' _ ~r"oa6 I ' . 1 ap .- I Ie voy~g.f I~.~.'·~~ 6eo uhilol" , L' ~~,J"le~ . ,' Virgini eRallro ad oaeo'1'e~~ •• , .1 .1 ' OJ , t I~ JlO tceman, t III genl e~~J1 • d . . ~., tb'e ' 'bo,.<;'i n , ~uu , "OWO. f ' 10use-u Ul ulIlII",, -'" , C I WIll CuD I,, · . ." , ve~rand u an 1flll}lltO ' '1 ally tOOl , 0 'Y01oe ~ erabl hel bl"ned {or 'bls ..ccoilUboda. blu,,' o"lIeu out, r. ~er rudeli! mYlelC rode to. Mu. Jones' bOlll'dlllg Of OOllrs o, wire .. l'1\'1!' lakeo ·l bl!!ore .....j-u.e. 'W. ~hl ~bbl II ot!' lll'e' ~•• labeaC'b ex· . ho~ in .B,BDqlle Btr/ll!t.. ~l' g 111 l' l • I the mllgialm,l(! , it was 1l limp-Ie tpl\'lIur posec1'1ij tbe" '(t', 110011 AI the "judow ot a ijOIll6 Wie liihli iufl edee's,' art! tIOO. ' 0 °ll\~ e 11m 0 r~ae I'I thO lVile shall take Oq: uD(~ir I\dvootagc tb1e tablisli mv ide'ntii'y :" ·:r f, f" ,Ie III'" by \he road.id e' · . 0." • , ..., ~in' ~ L.:4 it· !I/IO: 1te b T 'IOll~ IP. ~ rmr ".as IIr~~ngef'~'o oaa"l ' d" • ~ • '1 -ay ~woul ' ~hal .0.... lachil'" '1 of ,"OUt Mr. Smith,' laidJlll t geolleml\o . r~, "1( . j,.1 :J .() \ l 50DIOg rom LlIe 81u~ 0 'flU ve . ,G.re gre..a' Iql"l~~RlIO Ill , our e.d ' I ' ' ..'1 ",J a. " ."~ ~ ". s.s?ttlUJDlug "mCD bU& lL re uired '1\ '11lte omcn will rem'sia ill Lh.e haH aod set ,(or " ~"w ~~Yli /iboUL IL,aD 'de ~( of -Dii Lick, air,'.aI i lh.' flip \ ! .... ' ,ui ,. ~A,,~~q '",tI J J~I!,~. " She n to indu~e bim 10 rfsk bie If .llIe ....arder.. r*IVO vou ari- of unge tul ,Ihe t8' w&re milt! . , \l60rl.9 IS.. uL . '.Big LiOk. eb1 ,,01,1 •. prlnl"l' g'110 1! a wallllUhne aomcsLluug wb It\~\l& v ':! J: " '. ' • I ' ,j" I .g ~ "~jI " b < pL ' 1I"~O,er. rY1{eiJ; but 6lhef.w.lill-;-' pl\l y" by 1 .~ lit feLJ.ow~ , j ' ;.J t b d .' • 1 I. u aa e seom ed to h a.4e. p r t! aur• ;Lic"" ,k ~ , ~ ~Ir~U @ I\C'tIl\.1I a.l'~I.· " ,~Ol: be r vr 0]!1.aD 00 • .. k.-l. • ence ro~ the "n •. p.lanll, 'll'hicb " I.obeyed Old".; eDlcred , lh~ d·lO · Porter ,Jr,. ·",ho ,JI':>uld D0' ooli 'JIl'& t,o milo~ Aad .;"Qa\~ 'UII {rom a ,c.mL lhll ald. ' --~=--. " 'd : w~th oleeta b,.1 81u tid of "LYObbtilt"jE' 'iUfd Ibe ' t_;Qtd! ~'"" ~aK' .wm an~ Look aseat at the'ta~le., erpil},;,r "it,ll it~ ll,,1:lk, \I,P.; , ' , : I ~ . ,1..'i~~,t' " rL,~ ~R': ORrljDt ISAr !'~ :~:Kr1 ~!'8~ The gl\ng~yal e'rllofed ,!H)i~IW' ~aiuag. \~ ,.njo~~\ .:WIlT; ouer' lback iloou,'Ak 'Smith. One waa- g/)l~" &' It~,e . 'Ae • ,.P'I~ Ou; ~ .~}6},~ j.Il,I~(', . Lb~r~ arriv~d ~p~, ~r~~ tl.e 'oin' nouMy UpOIl the piea8ur . or uno (oo~, haii~ ",db ~lilah lI'1If \' ii· "I~: ~.:le~lle~a~' 'D ',ap~t~ote • .at my ch~rge I~a~ pohce~a~ olf.. ~~e ,f1J ~~rdMIll fn~dlt'.. Plln~Mi,tQ, ' Wilder 8\lntt'1I9~ . fOf one 'Rill! th erefore lhe ell!pban l look courRgi left. : ;::1 ",', 'f! )" l 'w"1 rec~"ed bi, all ~.~ o~i autl" 1I~ l-aqll!D taloDe. e,flld I, .. h~ , d,I,4 ,Ulr, JIl .. r l>" ,'guUt> toall!of oq)\)r' nl"lled Fe·. allu ·'walllt! dthe· plank'i. nperfllc tlale,1. ' beara&lie .Dameo f D. l~elifill.•, tiOllr~~~s.,!!,!.ab ~,u, tltd dULy. It ",a.a L'n1.... DO ~R .. II,or 1\t8, • v ' to h,lt ~r~ad, W.b~tlaer bia mother bo",. followed ~\Iro~ih Ihe atreelll loo:¥e~; uB ,lWd 'D9a'aQ,d thelr, .BII lu · ADother wal gOl~' b, all_If} dar, , .' , :;, Ide " th~l «;I!bx. ~ .. o,at or tf,: ~epo~el; ~~'_~~.-" m4!' I (" r' young geoll .. tb~n-li r~. ~ill l MlI~tI buL Il;ill 1be q.ieelloo 18, lt Illle"h D~t, miril,lg crowd of meD and boys, ~boJ I Il~ D fl d' t' 'What" wllI 8 rD ~Ihiled iD hie evident reli~t 'ft, aU rigb~: .,id , ~l&e poliClem~. w~. He ~I\a eng~iel1 _0 ' ea a J. . ~ Ifr' .. All", Marl" Lira, Gr4DdYII,,, 1'--<Q. S. Jwrna l.. /eUi~g llpbn tm'a fjrlna once'more. eoLeria,., olhill, coulli be In)lga er Joaolj apolog~I~ 'tD th';\b~'D~lOme ' ~o"'.!ld'.~~aga.&':~ a:~ 9t " .' !~ ... , . ' Gom. 00 my maa. Tue D"me of lhiulep hllol i. Abra· BUI::i l BiI~~ Eli:' -:.~...... .. mllnner abqUt I ~ , " . . . ....: .. . ~ , 'Ooe ~omeal.· laid I .~.ing " o Be "al brough t Irom London , . " rOobl' 9~id I; ht' b m.. ,ilooe &00 .. ~'Th. AI•••bdnl'.CV • 1-. • .a.) ~tanda 9 fse' 6 incbel ~igh: oo'n. . '1 ~ppe" ,to t~.. l~dill" ,,~4. IUDI'fIlD oC ~ .'t ~' It ." ,Dot bl' Iftul~ ~d.erdted, '0 OP&~ 10 . a. flw , 'tll_!ft hele ,i'eIeDl 'lb 8um.' da~!y hundre d. "sigM ' of hal, Iml"ta.ler.me ~' ~Tbell. ",.bose~{f\ul' .~ d. St. Clairffl , . • flb t TJ.. e~~ .... .r . ~ boa& '0' ,0rl08 ' "'JIO~: lind driDkl 'ell galt_ oh'"t. ,. c.ref~1 aJ~i. I _ oot Mi. S*.I~'~' demaoded P,rlil~l~rter.• ·1,, ' / , '; ' . ~ eS J 4 . ~;..~ ~th "~' , ... btel' ,.1Ii'e~ ~rlHhl il .000e a,",D.l8 Ibi.t"h ·' \My I . -WIl,. Smull'I ,' ,"'Id ~" i ' " . ' -Bt# . :pn". W..1'Iu. II) "I'!"'a OIl'r . 1f~ t ,_'-'_ o~ 'hi ~~'U Walb\Ogloll to .f 1. Jj:dward L. 8'- Olait: Her. ie .And this ia t9 ".m·Smitb, io I fPialld· . iT " I,.,.... f.J' . JI\... , _ _flit - - r . r~t,Iqi & • • "~11 b tli~ (06, ic . ••• 51 • ~d. l' mlele . it Np.~ ,, ' ~ifth 11 mSIlD'er,to keep ..... ,~ .nlel. ~ ~ 'b " • GraIn "" ~rtbJld • • ia .·1... liicJ1 ~II 1J~, ~'h'd'teo.d. . . Do \ai1...."r dIe of , . , 'he plQaI", " " ~ ......,.., .. 1. ~ '1' "
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All OLD A i. their embrac e •• od tbe work of d..• , ·IC:~;; *0 WahOD PrIDCI. ,.. .... IdYiDoed 'brOUlh Uuclio. Wal 1I001I a ..~ III the job rooate. "b.,. "ere eto".d dellleD~-Ae YOIl Ir. I"ar~ .....a~ . - . JI - 1t'l'n'Um ~ Co tIme Ihort • to tip d ~ engage through cut.; or "orth ,)00 nerl ~~~VA_ iii, ~ lPVw l'· ~. . Warn •• yille ; Ohio: job.~reelee: I.d eompoooing rooml; IraYelillg a,.D' I~r J. ~. AJe~liol WinsloW's Mystic Pills ,.,.. Obi,. yl\lc" Wa,u. now reoel.II I' tIalJ, . . . . . ....;, 1. pf ~~k ~I~hl:e b Blale • Ar.Bprln, . ~hrougb 1M engra,i ng room. of Jooel Wal lall~D• .nry JUrs. 'Ui WBDRB 80A.Y, _ARCH '8, 1868. St_ tb.lr be. ill. • '~:O l'aYem "tul I.ck Are prepared ouly for a 1'1f1~lm~:ef~: • Hln-a U t.9'III, de8lroy ed. .eD Ayer))' t"iLbllO ta bid I . Indilnl of million 1\ OYer • il ,1011 e Pike'l Dle," Mr. .. uI\ly laUD I. I. DUW IWft., BnnoJU. Havlnr bad IoUrleen. yetire' ellperilln~e pote. alld are \he bo y, r ~ d .ILh. IIItI 1M' , dollirs. OD "hioh tbere-il inluraD ce or Cor. for tbe lime dlfticl?h Ibe ,"Ic'iee 01 Medic ine, offer,. hal medicine lor Itmll.lel f\:~~Il~; in ~b~ I ng lra~e!h A il}eon Co geod (lirect. e. which mt't1icill !~!UI ~I~:M:~ ot Du I of V... D; If..... - - - - '\'bole No. ae. not over 840,00 0. Nothiog cilizeoW the to l ~o ~, .ome Ro- Profe..I,.,.1 Benlice ('oOliad.., bi PI" of" him. of alllba~ .ltgnifte enc propert y. lla'p)eDed to be :tdP~: recom· will . Bnil Dlre::gI6~: h~ve bought, and V1Cinlt,... enille Warn I t~~~ frankly ' :oore,, ei rep~l~m ~Ol~. nr· fire·co l. la" tbe Imoking ruiD~ and mBnd beillil il:norllllt or Ihelf qUllltl., n. Great ru.1D 9'JI()blDaU. . th III "' Lb. ci ; ae II I '6' ,. TlJR~. W'ltBLO",, '1 MYiTIO PUI],I OO'!4!cl NAILS o( Main lind Mi· corner groll.d l. . tbe on OrFICR of 'I'U e, t deltr;'c tiYe 'fire in tbe bil. ed When D I . ueDce con no ·l1IN&:ES. Mr.' P ke beard Ibe alArm ba had nil irregula riliellin d plin(uIIOeOIUU.'IOnj Th. 1110 tUD\1 ke tb ' . ami s18. • nenrly op,polh . Hay'll Hall. huL through tbe BUTTS. from wheth.r tiool, obetruc .11 remove to. ed relpond ), .1or7 of ICI~tiDDlti OccuUlld in Ihat oit1 "I' in hil room io 'he Burnet Hou.e. ,romp,l ~ Ni,.:bt cIII, ".1 pe.fI~ e Ii 0 d~ eDlde! ,I CrieDd SORBWSe out: LOoking ,or .treet. wlf'. Vim: on ' maiden. ,No rroDtiol t'. to· tbe olhe.rwIB io or g culd " qil Tl,1I111411. ,»igM. relliltiD .0 - e~lled LOOKS. " ,: eCL e !Rg IIltolleh wub I and . Ihro Ibem. Mood a Wl\hOUI iu be h ... r .. ahculd lam Ihe OIOlh(lr U I III cl8ltrDction of Pik .... Opera HoOle he law .• .p IIRd blla, the d ~. ~emove Iy dlreetlo to .he lil of Dccordll rkood se .eigbbo them-u Try roof. in lhe , In " , ~\I., • 10 ~ u~ ~ L;A!TfcBl8; :bey aro th'e LA'Dy a imlle •• taok. W~ile he waa OD the ~he liver a~ ei'el!tnal!y tbat bIJildin g IDd adjaceDI "ructu~ee. ~h. THE P RAe If I CE 0 f and be cOIlYlnced Ihat I ... IIHI 'I' 011 ~ (. all uoha''ll I UIDIlI. .1 "ell •• wat .ooua· " :" ~~ .ome .. . , ' m;aule. Ie" a f~' Itree' e:' PILI... t If balf·p~l • FRIElIa. fir.e ".1 dil~Y8rfd abou~ I " -;"I'i-recomm eod Lhem 10 be the I~e.t ,,'.atcb. r hia takiag YlITlC . pocket. w.a hi. WI"~L~ pi'}ked MRI. drel for b ori,i' Ask , , Ihought II il 1.flD 0'0100", IDd. JI Th., b~WI now,._ , b.NI :. I~ W OJ. 0 io tl~1I ma~ket. Y.ou.ar~ at I e,r,? e rn it. nvlou. Mr, Pike dlloribe d a. 'adding io· publish branche l ; not to be elIl'8l1· 'fukfl' 1I0ue I'll her. l rice ~ perdrol!I.I D."d ia lb. ee.....' back o( tli•• t.p. Tbis thle, a. I dec.>m I~ a dut,. •. compl.t e .lock . of ,' tile B." PIt\a:Mttlt .It the tre· b, le .. , viewed Fur Be 85. ' tu' 'ur . lose. 3 I ul . Ih. but , anvwlle re. NOlle I r 8 d• 0 I " 0 b' 1 a million &f 10 tbe publio to give my (unloli eit.,) dd y. , • .., • • ,. ,J rail ... The gorleou l 'pectlcl e, 'Mldaum~er s t 1 InJ .cene. . • f A L US Ii D • I R II T I Till. " III • w 11 ID OUt , meD avor. atlrael their in ny ' b '.., b ee ollIe telLaJDo ;" t1le ". D r..from ""1.!lilt!' g, ,aDi.bin . rly"" prope • . bis t,' ~, .u · ~~ '--:'1 ~ . - v,.., Cuu. E. OOilU. 1II0re witb _ Houle. e Burnet Lhe of reBidloc hi. rool Op.ra HOUle, TERII". C~.B.-Office .al ,101 lOme · .. .. •., , ' hI 611. 1m· calmn.a . IbiD the majority of Ibe mul· , 1·11 ; ,. ,blllll,jUL beeD ....... A f , ~ SI'eet. ~'gqJ~ o~ .ltfA CllJt , " T . all'.I..,, &Gte or' ', . Cold Coa,b, A adau~· ra. W. hal.ever 'I ' 1 1 '," j " r·, ', ." .. 01 aLoek ,in I · _ _' ..11-.• . Tbe \b.ller " 'be tiLud. ·ofI'Ipeotato 11 eel d. , ' II, ---.. TII ATTERTIOIl. . energy 001 I. REQUIRES JillIIEDlA . n n l lle...p n& an .0"':'"hll 1 ; , :;,:'a~t~,. I tN, ... " "'~. ,.~I ' '~ Stee BE CHEOKID. IF "LLOW~ C • IIlOULD Oil, ' .. ,r rrparr to do. ' caD, , pari be . dId t b ' '10 CURTI.VB, ~ "ill cerlainl y ,be dOlle. He i. enlirelr ceP,l ~e "I. c ml~ Ob 1l~1. ID , :8at Per.alf ,. Lau,. t , 'be of on .~; Irritati aJ.ml' great.~ Ibe , (or accollnt 10 uDable o· the or ouD\ orYlco . _,"fact ,1'9I1a9 on. or I'" ••410,,, ' / " ' Affecti ~ ' &0,. TIIlIOIII a/tl · un I. l.aat,k h. tha~ V1Ue not were it iC and ty, .· , r p of 'Ibe fire. , Ftom the CQmm" Ba.t KaiD. St., Wa1D .. LaD,D ieea6e, '. ,.-v , ~~,.J '~ ~I,JI . in Ibe MRS. WInLO W's Q,UERIt HAIB RE, TD' ~" deeotipUOIl w"mak e the 1111'0". cooacio u. oC hayiDg 8D itenelllY t.\ ~ W'"' 'Im7' ~ n'~ fI'IlL1D . ' I ~ I . 4 BEI'ULT. " THE OfTE! 18 , III but be tbe , nal/l~. ill muaL ollly nol tbiok EEN, would U Q, be is nlm "orld ~ 1I'~:.l) A.\\UIII ~\j .nI.U\lI ,J t • " JI'F_ ~-" lln IIUON t:lllAL 'fR<M? IES III Ji(a~." e N'S CtlJ1ll, BllOlV for printe ~ ".1'be ary. iDcaDdl an . 'of ES. \\ork . , e H ••dw.r. Hou.~, r.c. Repllired In ~nlkm.nlik~ 81~' le, lit the VIIITl; ~r~p. .. Ihe on e i~l\uenc ~i:ect • Hning I'rlt a in tbe in duty til, on It ly m II U 'N t ~ I lire ",lnch prea· "llebm ln. cOIl.tauL ,':file ~,.t 'P,I'rk casb prace, a'ud nlisfaellon \UR· luwest lis. Ilrollchi F~r rehel. lte immetli h'aJL. ' give iI. for ' IUlcounl ......,.. ~·ll' l '~d 'ei ' 311·tl .• ,e,4 '\les,r~bl. oltlltro pb. w. ar~.· buildio g. il uDable to '. " . ,111. \ 1. II .ra.~ ptlve ... d Throat IlAlITG. "'f .. ~ ,r Au intalhbl e R£nu n\;~ ft nd l'KIIBR.E~ Ihe lirl~ appeara llce of- lbe Al thm •• C.brrh . Consum IIn se • wi~1t rr· "\ ,. ~ OR ,·,ll'·, " ). s' ibp.t '0 qlJroQlcl.~. the m~.' d.lIl!UctIYe He tbioM used ellewhe lore ' Troch~e e. appli~~. Diss18e y hou18. faithlull if the of fluir pa'i Ihe er of II li. tlte i CHUIU 1I. , J nn ptlrhlpl! ... ~ wltDeaeed ,to tbll Clty,"1 1 fi re wllb n , good luct"n. Slhgere Itld Public Sn1k. nIH a. II"IN£I. ' .';' ~ '. '... . "s., " 'Il n ,_ ' It i# 710 Bai.r d,e; fJODfelllnio l lA!i4 to lba Iccllerf blck of ln , \! IttD:ft.'lC cle'r .in ulelul Trochea fiud will It ere ' . . :r~ rool: • I Dear :L. wliilh, " 01 mue Ihe roote 01 IIIhe to"'" .l-. " . illt..e... It .el .. direcU, unQn CIt before ",ken when .olee Ihe . ~ fl maDa· I h actlDg h dl. i I SlmmoD Monll . Ih • Mr I onr 'In d • III V -al e II'D' re GnIIIr H . . er.n . . • . 0 . . :J o'lliod 1 rOI .. . I o.,. " 'c t r.!f , n" 1" .pelkin g •• nd re.e/Y , a. e • t , Q hnlr, chl1nj!'iug II y lll.ir 10 ild orielDa Ie e per. oal. ger ~ • t tb \ I 1I .'. .. ) , f A_~ i l'~ yocal ortanL fJ'lle ~h sI ' eulur; ,arreali .. , prem.1 lire drcRY .lId atage after 'be IIJdiaoC18 had retir· nnUIIIIII ezenioD 01 Ibe r~c tent ~ ed l "~ 0 ~'I 'Db .": or br,ede IIIlnu ead· tbe pr~.trl~ , ,.ud ,,, ~, ended recomm !tt ~e •• Troohe He .. ire' leu,'I, 0( ~tI¥ ligne no ~rudic.' .. "ere h~i'; th6re Ihe or and UUI U , inr i.1'\ ~ ,,~,,~ID.&e1 • a .UI~" .1 ,!rap~ ed. I' I~"'~ ~ " bearing b, Physici anl, .nd have h.d TelllmoDllle dundruff, and curiUM 11\1 buUluU or Ih. " b. ~~O!.' ~"Dlficellt IDterlOr ,Ilr I~I had not I.C~ the b4aihli_g. "hln coulltry, the ou~ lIt'O\lill meh' emillent rrolD migbty of. 4oli~~a~.Ik' 1td- i\!j' ~T'i. ru.hins lb. Prof.,.~H like .oft noise t~ a h.ir the . ~i", alld through ar1. bural : ~d IlIdl~Or!lIm' 1,IId J Street, scnl~p:.vill chan~e Sccon \Vest 98, NOr -ha,lllg and mertt, t.ar of artlele . ".~~_.U, ~1J~ ' Beinll.n •• Df to ..•. n ulD .,; 'M alliito.i . IIlld luxuriftlll treeee.. ...... por~j)D of 'hi r~(; lD ~h. "IDJI ltor. 1t...1 blt.o tbe - , N~ . "r. eft1O:lcy by • Illat of ml", Ibelr prowd 01 od Barf "hirl"i a and Ii ,''''OJ..,1Il 1861 IDd ViM fllaiet B,twm In new loeali· dran Iblll PfOYld" • &be , 'ot .. d~liglltrul ' (ragrIlM!! to tl>, Th, natiOftGI im""I,, II • I II ,.(,111. eub·ye a. fi~ tllem • ' . lapped IDd Ihe Dn~ ~igM. world, rile o. .. pMt ~ol,tip to .~I~ '_~..i I Iii' ' ' Vlfi1)u, ... lit lie. ,~n:, ., II • ra ye.r Oll~ Six were ent reiwe tu . ~b" fir.. deplrtm tillr. 111 short. it you wish 'a D. 'oiDin ' : ~i'tlip.. 'l'be .. Ire uni'vel'!lllly pronouDc~eUi"'l~r Troch UD' . 0' cun dr, e,ery' fOfa\ '" Arln,~ " d"'''''\",' III Ollr worked ,lt rel.ln ~OD", ond four for routh.1 in aDd 1 •• rOrO!, hlli' the wilb 1/JI ~ Al .... · lIifllt'~kn.J .1. iftu~jna . < , ' ' ", 101. i. 8I~I ...t· tbatt otller arliele.. , cld~nt 10 elt~~.r!!fr. 'lJtGl.-. ,;, . ' \ <'f> ' 110. '\!Ile ' ..: ,L..&I o( Ifaai.. :w h~qb hung ceillngl y. The eollre j imaiTt ~lt,I. ,' ti-~m TrotahCl'" .1 SCI/mc. Bronchl . ', ~~tonr 'Brown t ~a onl, Obtlin ~utm m'lI 5{nll~o 1Ilt". ' · o~ ' "oom.d ~MlI""';l\' ' It;e cil1 ed a' OYer 2.000.0 00. . ...J...:..i.....wIo.i. ...;i'~~~ .-. ch.. • hd do nOl lake -Dr ot tbe worth· Price 8. a boltle. 'EIt.ld bJ til drll,~lIialil II Of ' rr . " . ,. , . ofl'ertd be rna, Ihat n. ~'f·,.ri.'lJ."'':J;}'~~''{ '' , imit.tio ,~~ Ieee ' " JOHN D: PARK. FuamER PARtICULAR9, . " . e1P.~k!t! .,.~ of/" ~" ~raml apd"of t're in ~he UnlV!d &ate s.. l, eUrl 8yp1l11lr.. Ol~, pverrwh Sold inlllllb W. have y , q. Compan ati, Cincinn Expre"B Ag't. Adllma on'l G ~Ie ," I?laek .• , 39 f ..ug• . lUll", ,o 111"1.. celli. per 1135 e., Couolrl ~ • .., tlNlu ',h".j.~. .. Fllrolin ID Clll.I and (loliorth 112. No. at offioe ry tempora J O. Imok. bor!lt fro!D 'h~. oorDlce o( the opened a ~o.plaia.. ,.ctllli. 18,Jl' i~11 ElI)i'l urilat .. • '" box. d " ,., vreparc ~. Ire and , .. CAPlTA", ,10.000.0 00. Sf ARE' , '100 each, c;rlll';,of ,..lfttet llt!'" e.er,. end ¥ptartb I~"'\ !r~~l "IRdo" .. Gradu· Well FODrLIl.ltrcet (eDllle~. I ~ ~ ~ Ii " (ooda ... d I '''1' , ' b" !)~Wt. "'1'oC: :K OtJ .. R~NTEED. fI. ...... of wh.t"~r .• '~r . . . . . .'1,' llle hgb\ lIke the rlyl ofth.d lIIorn. • JlrrJlVE '"-+ ' CO:NSU 'J8 . g o l 011 cllr I(ee .... . h ,lor Ullne... "' 1 ~ iifd ~ I .hllf ~ ;":Jio.....:..&... __ a.'U.4 or rhm. 1 . delloy. OJ 0 ~ere . 0 0 Q 8Ili.000 ~ • abont at talued thE' . :1(' - Share of Sloc;k "tuaed 1 "' ID~ .~ tD ! lammer . ~ eam.. 'ro " • The undera!anetl havillj! been ~&Ib",d For eyer)' , Jt tfundr" d I)nllau tnQftICN il. filII, .. II.. 'fP8")y :fired .... Value '((Jne u,· e'll bY the 6re. 'I'heir inlurano e on of· .. · .... .1(lIldo" •• IDd told tlie.llor y of they Ih. la , ed depoln be wlli ~ liniple en4~ very I e~ClII by .. weeks. terrible oD It. few every trace of t .... 1';'.1 "mRle. '" d8llrueU ~ tice lind fixlures i. 835.000 . All tllui\" 10 heahh in D bavillll Boffered 8evenl "I" . ' ~PI!' .....W\, r'It~!lirI' " ) e"I~",. lb. ftfler 'lroDl led remedy. &C" "ed, .. were "agonl 0 · ''n'l".~! ~r9u,h Ihe ,Iall IIn.d .bot \lut horees aad 1 10" abollt years wllh ~ levere luni a~ectio~. ftlld All rrom bo.lau•.·· Youn, ••••. ~~IIi1 m' t~e~r rorked-loDguel aDd 'p/' .out. bug~ , The Enquire r C(lDlp"n all II"'J:STW .ft IIUXptlOIl-11 COniUm dleease. druid ~bat ",lnd,l h.' w. I f ." 1-· ~iitbft pll~' 'fh.y I . Dollar~ 838.000 (up Million One ill8ured 10. Ilenrly 8'00,0( Wortb cbq I~ 1i1gh lTIES (je RNMENT' E()IJR - , ~11l'r or aamlng 8ub.CaD GOVE Secrert recejpti ~til ·met'W~,.eljtt ' ' lOllS to mDIIe known tu hie fellow IUff~r· Ill for VAlued 101<1 be lu mM'er printed hllQd l on blu ... , t".· ail'. A~~ qll~rter. o' I".lre ihe ,oe., cure. of mrana the o( Cul.erl utJ, Lall......., er8 . H" ~ C K I E R A. L DOL " ]foE 0 I,WU .a:O&Ubg.JD.lb. e&&r.eme. Th. -half ",III' he will aend n ADd InSf 1t8 '\,Uhd r. __~ ~'. the StockIt, delire IIIIl' who 1111 •• To !d,en puu. 001l1Clg. be 1 ! 8.000 ~J V,\I,VE 11 ( l~g 1' lb~JUd llEO'Alt1l WI'f4IOU:r Ito), 1 i.e, .qurel,bp-.djl d .by j'.our~h. ViDe, . BIl~ '~'~OR lIoldu8 01. e, (Ir uud ",ltd.', • tion for" : prt'lcrip Ihe HieDH or copy 1Il1Hl1ee1 IlIodern in yoa ---:-O~u;sHA A.. GROW No Anlctc to be 1'lIld lur ""1/\11 ,k., lad "I.llb e'rlllle. hacl" domi of to , 0 JI 0 10100 d ~1~01l8. , , -put...... ..... w.lIh the iUrectioll~ for · p~pI,r- Ilrelide!lt, lre.tl. ChUjlB.) .t:r, .Ihe ,101t of SalOOD Villnot B~lbard Its e ftlld ilia BueJ,.ey. wbat Tbe koow lhrough clunu :s V (:ULV~:R l.,.dl" , sl'lmil )I .lam.. would .... '"' ••1 , 0' I"h,' c.....' ill" 11111 UBlUtz thl I.ml'. wll\ ~b Ih." Will Vi...,.P...,.i.I ... t, t20,ooo ; ·pa.ftlllly IOlured . WII.LIAM HRO UlllI wbich ' colllllln.' o~!.mob.Jbot Up Inlll I'Uon. A b .. l. lMel'c\lr ~QJ\jIum lor h•• , CI . . .IIe-,h~"" ·."'OM.~.I' cure lura ••••• a / filld in· ';'t~ 0: GiflE 818,00 loal .No n / Alkinlo & Lot/try ~ro Nibleu k·" f ROOI:!R'r .'. UROOKE .. ....._ b' b b:'" Th. on· Trell ....er. I If· 1ir. •• Culd •• h til.Coug ,,. of." h. Bronch1 p'~Iell4l &: Jow Oarroll ~'r;' W. R. . 810000 .par fI an .. Ilired for ' I/) I>JRECTOR~, J .... , .... W, &4l ' I ... hopa to'r.medl dae aen.lling. I In d er ble adverli~ ' I~O 01 OLER object 11 AH~'l .. 870 OF Iqr LIS'r RENO. P~ , ~, , . -:'<r" ,.- ' buqch .. of flalbe'1 00ll.tl...p"~rd, lad Ou. 101, '8120,'C oo; inlured P"I"~~I': .17, 1 ' i " Prelcrlp tloo II to~ lJ!Lftfthcleli, and Hon GALUSHA A GROW. ... ~ ..k""'(ll ~he U. S. 110 ••• R.pmen l . L.le~ 'It! · tbea deItMlDdiDg....pon tbe bllrnID i.ml\81 00 eto conctive he which Y tlon • In(orm. d .. 85010 '8pr . Icls . tea ' BObTOr-:, MASS 5(10 a"lid .lIver a • .o • Hoo C R RA"~"'l. . auft'o eTery I .,.Iow, \lDd uPOll tb. briahl11 ilhimio 1~~ ilOPel .. he ;lf.l lind ~t:.:~: ble; r;::1~~ invalua be ~u~1:br nd entire ~ ' gOO ~)lelr to ~Olt , 60 A. C. Pet~rl &; Co. ,.d .treete. "bere k ..1 of ~holleaDdl U. S. U.Q~ (;on,m\ulI~n.r (or .Nllw EII,I.",I ~OO r~~!%~~db~::81\1·hOl:anJ '1 f'. ........ -'' oL II it wl1i coat H .'un' _L I·.... n. 'J ''1''~' nllt.. erllr will tr, his rrmed" prove .. Wi ...... .toe~ of muslo ~nd mu .. c~ll!LItrtmle, R..I 25u gotd hUllllnjl willi Ilee ICK. rlrtovlll~I . Dl:AN. ti to .60 wr te Iv EY S\[I.N ,~,,, GOD tea."d .' gtlin ~ftI ."we' upon H01l . blel.iog a I\IIly P.e .Ild "ce jf..-ovld. nothillg them . -[<\Jto. COllg o( lnaured M~m • • Late ht:.yy. khM ' . . < very ' II ,~a , leta", damage o.,c. Their a' · I " , l~ " ...L f. • L g t'--"-.. . 0 lad Ire enlln,. gold watchee 50 10 ~VO 'who .lIi ~ , _~le , _,a 0 ...e del rOYlng • e· f cl!,30 000 r L.dle~...'" , preecrlptloll WIll HENRV A SMY.TFlE, f:'q, .NE" Yoruc CITY. er. the ..... wllhlU, ~a:phcll atld Plftl(l' crtet' ')00 10 ali . . clo " silver • , hllllll~1! "" 5t10 gentl ,.ellL, ~ ..som• . Ind .ceiling. "itb or Prelit!eftt.1 Ihe CenlrKI Nalional BRnk 10 ' 60 lor IHlr .cltelll" . '''r' Am.onjr the articles I~.l \\'e~~ pl.le, pIa .." .ddrell" t;ULVER, .:' q, Nt:w VORK CITY bOO 'open-ll ee Illnr ~'Icl,ea ,2 6., H '.h.ir 10rgl0t ill. d .,Ii.tio ornlmn ta. LUCH~N , : -;,. W1LSOr A. RD EDWA REV. Dr. J:1\~"~n1 r,l! .. ~I, Mr. ~ wl'iliih~ e8 musl? IUflld'I\U \theet pear: of prlotlng 1U1llher for 600/ oiti. the or eyel HII.ken 1b. tieD, apo , wbiPb or Cul.er. Penn &. CD; Wjlliamaburah, Klnae COUIlI,. , ~r bOjl; fa;,. lall ,lie prle~.1 for hg to, :.15 iRLherl .. beln bad s (lIAise,Peter opera 'I Bnd ed'n WAR~A", NY '.eD. IDd .traoge re hl\ve gil Hon AUGU STUS m.ANK. New Yorli. l ,~.ed1 for~ :l~~!~t::!,~W ~lt~ctlN' 2'7-6m. ftnd Oo. 5.000; 1610 108181 1 e H<;>lIid" revolver P. F. ... "'(l u.e of Rel' . , 381h. 37th &. J 8lh COli" 3008ix, barrel ~IC .ad_ir-LiIlD 'fell, ,..lth tho r~r I W~~len 4() yeara. " £'01 tlon.. NT olHilruc 8 Ilia )01' _ .E"l,·T I G 60 A Co. i~11J1I & Plilll oil Holmel elollnnl MADISON, INIl 300 I II inlured for 69,000.. .' . ' ', ' M . j JOB N L W J(:SO~. • l"' D, A . . !liounlal 'rle ' <to 60 ' , .. D bUSI e~. 826000 I!latuell (. d 8 mrirble . 260 Lule or Ihe United Shill. A.n" &ernie ~r.,~ nd l~~r? b~r~t up"ar~ I t 840000I'' 10 ure or 110 ~1I'!,rlw:e Ccrllficst... ror. ~ II' , l1d S S STANFU:LD, sou'\!A'tb :rm \}bO dil,"olld rll1gB TtJO:\1,A . ,druslUII J 1.lfth'.bhDdl~g ID ItlID~eD81· ,,~8 BId'. Hon Iecl,u1" II 60 to ' . ' Y pllrU, Ue\lll 01 Soulh 8.nk 01' 22 'P DOl; 10 WID , IC~J a ' Nftliollftl c:1I Firat ~' 6IJ ,,1 .. 10 ponioll Pre.id 6 otal tlll~ ornawo alboma ,h. n nllh fe 1i0QO l)holOjfr I,.. '{'hell Han . Bryan.t. Slrl\Uon '"It De II 30 -III and ID&ured of 'II, rroD'. . , ..... ,.LejllrIllOIID.'•.U<, PA 100UO gold & vp~t n('ck.chblnlt15 to FRAI\K . 000 CULVER V 811 .;S I c;HARL . . flon . Rlne,,> . d . Diamou WI '" Ladlea' Jewelr" !lrp" Olt ; flO IDluran ce. • 10000 gClld Ihlmblh , Ileove LIae,tDUfI.dellorllelioD of aU WII plaio 01' ~:~~~,Itc~,~~::,:.~' Go. IIOt! 1\1" .. ,1.,... of Pjn" elc~ Thoro, ~el'e a e. in.ura~c no ; li to 88,000 do,,~ orep' fire b\ll\ohR. lockel., ('IC. Ihe lunly 1'" bll~ RO, PITTIIBIl r, SIow1, At.I.X. BRADL.:Y, ~.q, 0IllIIY .IJ EAt:K;" '.•:' (lm~!lr" ,"~Iud. clll~ler , c11i1.ell! sigllet, 0000 •• burgl I·ill. of BI"k ,N"t. Q.n'. ,1·r~d4!"lI ,I broqb' lb •. .,.riou. Itori81 of Ihe edi. !arge number of mlD(lr t 1·'·CI·, (rom Dally Nallona l For any article dr ..... n. Relail Price 3 to lilld pillin gold rill!:' • t""""Ip rotlp, oIBoII and studios -at... I~ng. the o~ce . or the JOSHUA ,A DOUGLASS, Elq. ME.\DVILl.£. 1',\ : 1.0108: .150. . 6 10 : eetll ladie .. ' ji! wl'lry UOlon. (;u Ilor.. Cr,,",lord uf lIank o""1 .... ~ .. b ~ of ·t ... ~ dil, dd"D '0' Ibe magoifi cent I·' e. Genuin nted ~ ; All Good. Wana _\I,er I1l1d • -.. ' CIIICAGO. 11.1. IOUOO /lulil pells., Wilh Col JAM ES JI BOWEN, . , . . aiD. Ihe ,nlire'le ngth oC&he b 'Id' ' 610 , . 10 Rulid tuld·hu lde,s r;tTER AR7 IfOTIC JlS' l're.i,I. "I.,(·Cblrll N.tioonl tlallk o"Cb ic .~.. 01 .lng h ' F t~",j5 cellll ench , Jl.ib· eerliflc, lUi jf ,11 of Price I" .' ,,,1,,111,.. 11'. ST. loll IS . Mo 50ClOIs ilv(lr aCt'blets nnd drink!'!!, ,011 • re oo.r on ourL Itreel, Iota GEORG"; H ,1U:A••:oq, . cral Pumium . and commlsaion 8 '0 '. 10 ('ups • tUB AX'RICAN F"Rln:n ' publilll ed of SI. Loui . B8"k ion.1 .Nul Sc~p"d of t ..... J' lbe . . .1\11 01 lIIeratu re. tb. ten. of Allowed to ",el,t8. N Y I. h'" 3000 Illver C.~tOrl/. rrult .nd 'hOll'lD d• .wor~ of , book, of ( 'Irroll·. b J I T t R Tru~trQ of Ille FaDd. Sampl e certifi cate. sellt Free. ' .• e.~er. oc to a gO uroer. I In IC .. 0 y ble!!PoIII, r's .. c8k SumDe of .took cln .NEW VallI< .&Ora. ahe ••I,able Bon .JO.N J. CISCO, allricul tu,.1 fa · For clrclliars and Term., .ddrell " 1.1., :.10000 ulher arllel... Iruan '"'-- 1.to 10,0 & Suns. Oallkel'll. ~nwYnrk Ci.cu Juh" J . ru or , ••"iag aaaobin 'l.lbe fine mUlie .tor. of is 1\ 011" oandida te (or Y H 'U' . S.II}/ roflbftU line ur~ we .. s ,"I.IIIT ~ number A lb. . pi. vor; aod (rom , A WARD @J CO., Pbilllp· in, mUSBS. Pe&er., Ind PlIilip ,W. O.tbe'J'he plan II tilil: Cf\r1iHgl~1 n ....in~o d t d' ItENNI RG OUER, E.q., NEw VallI( Cln eve,y Nor. .. ". !J!J9 B article or our ,~"ck .re put lhe publiah er !J73] think "0 il. IJallhr.. •• o( Spn received Killg·. G. the ID J."I'" 01 ore •• · ... or goo .. 11 ew· ..... , ·.,. ... rODe aDIM, . m bl.llk envelup es. lIeD!ed, .nd mind: au~ Adl.1 Ea:preu rooml. lhe Oollege i. printed MM, Wll~'Ii.O\V'8 !JY8TI C PILL8 . Fa,mtr The . sueecn loken out dWllhou,·.1 r'2"rd s deaerve or.dered HID'I whell De .&; COMPA BLra~ton TUE OF Bryant, 01 'lir he roome TOIIlt 01LANDS ~co"oi, d Ire h ~(1 Acre.. III Rt.. und U are .. , 'l'wtilv conlell.t" the and NY' e,. , ~}\J l bt'aulifu in lit ilflclrjJ. l d lf. ediloria rorwarde the t Dice In ,Oomm erci.1 IDI'itll~, ' n, ,n Vn nlll~o coonly, 10. I. entltlrd to bII All "II I18U)' .... ceriillcu Px. · 'd, .ny or luppre" hulder for eura certliln L I Are wor t u8A(ul 110.011 s excelltJDI. It ift .a vorl' l Union. Hlrpel' ., lh. NGllolea v roo.III of ~lIi.-alie Heart ill' tho 011 Dbi· 'b . bl' b '.1 c~8Iive IIl1d p.ir;ful menBtrualion, .""en Pelln'l'll' i whllewer Irticle it 1M) hIlme. upijn f the It I and we reoomm end it"., "It 'hRt ~I.te. ID trlet lck .. l'ectiqn 8l'inalef and job prla~ar .." '1 mellt. nerVl1U8 sickne." rear. a _ fol mi. Dollwr. wltelll!'" Ifllt are paymen S dOlen O:NE TJlOtJ l!IAND WEU "1.&b1At machiDery. and all ahe he.darh e, glihline81. poine III the b.ck, tiale' llo ':.160 W.tch, a 176 DI.moll d I 0 "'UNK .A~ b J( BE CAN beald I,r.", oil rom -n.rl·nt>l which l'f THE PROPI !:RTl' R. ., Fot.llS lor. April il lack· Ind 1111 dll~lIl'l ~. ~ OUIt YOUNG the a".. I ,p"'& I"e " Tbe" .... ing.or a '3 ROlom 1';11.. Havillg ~'ur Jo_ • .a' ~l 1' , Ihe c'IIRe and ." the . WITIIO (lT INTEIl PEREN CI!:. removln _Cr. ..uoa . . . oomplet e, i.deed. by IIlftrlly. gem pe~(eol a It lIIalte 10 nolllug In Ing d five. \.I'n or twenl, Certilicllle'e. chosed nnd .:ttnle tho On .ullk beell ....... 01 ftame bid eDtire/y repliloe hM'8 well. Ten per. .rlt It. 'l'hey a "ellr. Tick. ptrecl8 th., arlee A:OIll 82 I')' lI\. t~n c ., yOt,~ Clln. Inke, JUBt aR many or" eYe in ... relld"u. 1 <lU8111"i "g youlh(':I p.yi (or ill of d loulld ~"'I remal'oe lor&.bat wilen _II r2Cept . edifice eI8P11' noble In.lI lb. (ectly eafe ~ artielcl! thry .ever~l!y rI".,l'.rih. , '0" bel)11( 11"1 dO"'n 10 be of IhapleoN. biddon by direction •. They IhOIlI. be ill J" ~.·TY W.;L~S Qru ' l"I'i1111 :Iuu lIluftl pay ' 11O.. ,b) . 10 Ih. you ... •• olhora d,by, ollow f I Pib', Opera fIOll88 WAi &h. grAnd Dor'" Field •• BOlton. mo. ....... If ... mliden Ihe banda of every --olu, a .ple ce 10r II II yUIlIt'1I d Iur. IlOW pro tb~ '0 fu"y rl.hlllpe t~ 1 ... ce ~ n· nt eKI~ " .... WI :.. froDI. qr ra,her hair of It. wbioh. Itub. I \)11';.11 L .. " _.1 01,1,. I II e ,. I" J 111",'11 " 0".. ""Durell ."cllt yldding ot ..n. t::r_ • TIll: ~.\Aa b ld h'l -I~\. .... .. LD 01' H E.L"l'Il' ABD ..,OUR. \ r n ne 'I'D reirnbllree' u.. lu; Ihe t'u .t ch _ _ .. _~.--:: n ,o 0 • • I e I e ~ earill"l let "aem at day ..tb .t.I".d.o ll.r,8 a ~nrrel, a I,ri c< futljli.e '-ou II ~iII.. MysUc ita rlJr haa ll, CVLTVa ..... illg, mmililla end .t1verti llni; we Ponlo OY' .. " •• at Reno, . 'ould price ~.I. .... I'" .. b.lo 12. g MiUia II ~r. N-""ieli ~'ili& 'braa,l l (htb. puclu.ln m.U b1 your diu"'al ••end f \\ . .. 0 for cerUfic.lee .. rol\uw .:-F"r ft~ej b' L \ 0 ... ,,"lhoo ~Ig.t hu .. d ~~d ehoa Blld dono ( , ;~ , 1Ik81"o.. wlnll.owa and bUtI"ed " 9 O"IDI: To teloh \he • ~j eighlee n, J; IW.III'.... 0 ~eo I ~ ~e lif· l.l' ofp.ob.b profit • Ioing ••• , .. incu", '• •1' .. \bou~b ' pIRPlillg IIh ~h o( , .. y n-. , ' a'RBO RS .1" TOUTd ( . bellltb - the rules aDd ami tase. of ti\lerl' thOr''' .. e 8ft ; fl".y t7"0 h~." of ~.ptsUle, la". O\'er e~: c.:e!,' r pe The l~en pIlle." ... ;: IIlIty.alll "om .... Cbllm I 0 ,rtlicb wi I,· ta'. ln " II ling Ie A Gentlem I Id r 1111 'u"erp or Jearll kUld. H la,ge ~o"lng "'.. II.• ar. lounrl, I. tlaem to ..~ 'r. lecure to RI in rent " . , orDilpeD~al.,ob endured to tbe oare 0 C II ~~!~;~!~;~. ~,al yl~hJ Ihe .."Iir" cilli . UIl" IlIlIldrfld .~i j .nd- twu I,undrel\vigorou s CODlti . !r;dm.~~~:~:r~~:~:t:~~h~~~~~;i:C~~~~!' :~t~il~: • :rdt ID~ tbr~ugh it .co~d be .een iD- II far II' pOllitile. fine, ~. A n e'1~'2IPt Pr\'mlum Wil" ~~eh or Reoo like or lu"rlllg hum.nil y' II:r Tbe CUlllpany o.. n. Ih. To','n Hue.: cluh ot Four Dul1l1re or ,,!'ward' wilt" be l ....Of bUflUlg timbers IDd ",1· tution., lind Ireed.om Ilo.m .ickna es- will for Ihe .11 lor Lot. UtlDdr~d I •••• S" wilh 10J;~lh~r ret.l~ eb~"e 'Pood Ihe ii, nl'ed who • IPlld free 10 lilel. h h I D"nd Owl·Co'llng 1l0Q'~'. 'I'he.~ i. an Jo:Xle n. lorwarded willi the Cerlifil { ge Y!lI~De. IDcludi o, lbtl lind directio o. , for mlklolr Ihe 'I~'l' ..~~Y'!•• emlo,. ' th4!lU. and Ibe Ruellull 1'0111 ation " . . .0 00 room ', ... An ~il time the iIllimiD uf. Ih~lr Sale "lillie \.~., ,.eal. .• 0 dirk. health or bo~h pupil. Ind ,eaohe rs-the reme dy b,whic h he wal cured. WII. ·There ..... Dd.. I.tilll, " N. B.-Sr . !WI lilt of Premlu m"1 -. THE STOCK II GUARA RTE.l!: D. r'l Id,er~i.e the bJ :o,pr,ofil wilhlnl fllrerl l.. remedil o · I/rgieni by lermJ 'Io A'v enll 10 alir circu 'peel.l RI '!bed bun .. h D.... A 'boll"o~ bon-tire . could no' cure of ·diseaee SloI'k Tl)e .,rice of the nce"cln do .0 by lI\1d.re.i1inll' experiw , IRlp..".,.. "1 clothing food. 1igh~. , tt ! ldAU .HA.N « .• uerciae T air, al S com. DOLLAR more ONE HUJ\DRJ.:D AND FlVIo: hat • .made tb. ~rlgblnel8 JOHN B. OGDEN 1~8 B.old . ' .. b 'h " 10' I~IO lb. ' 'f ..... "r,. 37 la, I)ollilr. i\le .. Share, per Yo~k, ,New .• piMe; aDd Ihe atr for ml"~ Iquares Il' I I' rl Chambe IS No. m.teRd of by • Conlributin .. to Ih" Work· ~ wu hot· wiab tbe lireal" of tbe I ecp. ~. IDg. reereah on, 01 dl. COlllp.III, •• '.ltD ... fa .' . 2'7· J)'. . in, .' and , ' Tb. Par V.rlle,of tile 810c"~ d.rug pGllon and qJltlck dledtci n.t-pb:w ,,'ltla .lDderl ;I eon~.,.ioa. lind cro-ded w.nl .gfl'lIti · e vf"v,.h,.J.il . pRill 18 . ~ Doilars e .... " d •• e" HUDdr Olle S STRA NGE, BUT TRU E. the .kin. or (0 • 11 CII,. tbe 'he tu ted ('ulture Depo.l 810al 'e 10 de. eteea, which """·l'F. "ood. tit ~urniQg of II ItI'" e our IMPROVED 4t2U ewlnl • or, hiYC'luna.llt!)!talld 'llent ,Ir III all In til Tre .. aar, of tile ,Jolted Mtlltu,e., AND chine.. Three new IIllId.. U"d"r I Ii d d 'dIIOU. tops • .Iungs, eyes. lIIuaclee. stomao h. lteart, Ever), 'NDdell" UDOIl f ' • 'd UD , re ve.tell In Gover. ",ell' lIecuriU . ' Froia llie rr.... fiye ,oarll; A upon wbC"a oad UlIlll'd SI.lell c.1l hen lomlllh lnl Ter, aNY bE ,,'l'l'JlD HA,,'R BY Tnlll upper leed. Wl1rflnlt'd · .....r -I n west II II or the and every villll orgaD m.1I return by ge advanta Iheir to much ' . • n II I io~~ pt,id "itb eoj~i~ mlrched :~'re ~~ flamo. H I ~~I:i ,O pera olfle tie addr.ill llg tb. tlDder., ~~~,~~~t~~ ~:~.~~!!o.lb C 1111811 801 10 UllIted Stalel Ye.~ e leadt I ITeh~n~ b.PPln1'''blelo. mukcb de- (free of cbarge) hy "inl Ihe' of Relolt illlibe ... a 10 ire •• d ~~ebrlwli.JrmiDg strength to liJe utendt belni! ThOle ""int reara 0'" "or • •~d BIRned. II II a YI ua of ohlain: ~al. thawll140, ~ hlch ~tre lully licenled .,' II 0 the Adawl Kapresl Co • pen . I~n.enl. cen Seeu.,,·t h. RI,ht humbugg('d, ",ill olilile b, . not liMliloln., pe.eln p.r 1.60 (amil,.. e~d owe, h~e~er .. 'VI 80n ev.r, Ga.r.nt in 01 be. ,.hould 'SHARf! PAID Oiac::Ihe IfUl.L • oC Inl' PI~~ ~.n;d ~h. , blJl.' ldinga tfiil c.rd. 1\1\ oLhela "ill pl..... addr .... Stoe~ for ODe Hund~d Doltall addition.I, ' IIer. Sinler .. CO,. end W )I Ao_. DIU -Di iI l are ipfrirlft'nUtDiL Iller. ood'" Co •• pllblisb efl their obedient llenlnl ; year, T ,I ~ .&nOjf .. lTer. ~at;;it b.ro,.., ,b. I'll'll d~, nr, ... "ril. 18U7. olher cheftp mar-hille THQ8 J' CBAP"~~ YorJ l..' Ne" I. lIibl. to . S~I'fOl, UBer lllglli 16 aeller N,o. the Illd w.11 of or 1Il1. Cbance. .. th lar,e: w.lb Ibe ol. b.hra La~e ..;:.;.n 831 O;o.Jw a" Nit.y'; rk. l)'. ~7' IrCDil1'll •• areDI. itnprltllD end fi~'. . g 1". a buildlD r 10 CASII, ' ~POD _~ ~ "dar of UIB &lq.ire • . .; , I call UPOD 8bl. 6. or IOOIl &lui . dr.III, d A. . . . .fCIA Ill. ~\I1l1ClioD, -aad LEGAL '. w Oell"o , in 26. tl.... w.re o.omtauJ1ioated &0 tb, relr ' 0:7 Qlleeo Viclori l bel Bldd.ford, Mlifle. . • g and' In~ruClloln So 1.,,1, \vorki"ll' !~~~~:~~~~;~~ Warnia of EUa, An Ad. )Ire. dOd !dr. f I~ fi~L an~ eeeoad Ibor!~ IDd rlllb· , on Lhe 9th. 08D.. .... AIIO. dl ....e. Ind Ib~. :::~;r ::·:u'mitd~ ::: d , ~\ am. "." preleDt . and lbe lAuell· " . (or = ;~d rw~_~,.':ct ::rollg b &b' "._,,, .Iy proal,., . 1II. yfllll "ill b. roe.' "",b "h~ ..I . ' Al ,oar own hOIlJll. U Q tl I • 1*' 0 lb~Jf preHn ted O!I. ___ ~ wltb lur. tae.D. of rell., e.lll Buh aad 81.ke~ ~':&t~.1 re, po Al.-lra· arl. . ueen. I.I! Q , . 0 A&F~T 1'.lnl•• III ' Ali COantMr._ eD i.lorm.li other d •• et_ pow.r 40 lIM aN_ . who Pro,pe l\l .a'"loP letter free 01 cbirt-~ In ...Ied l1 Illth. Uilltr.'-;;;',i;'i;:.'p~,vl~ii~"'ih jlf To"n Ihpp'- "'k,,* -. a.'wli h 'b...... dll, the "if. of Allietll l\ s.ere&a ~~~j=~ . ._iir. .. D,. l. 8KIL~lN HOUGH TON: .ilia.d by .. ~~t•••• d b, Add,... Ritcb, . 10 dn )(,., . 1"I.n IDd 111 n. 11001 ".Ilnd' ~ Legatio tba RD, . HOWA L T· 8A~'Q; W po".r alnaci1 10 &erri.. P. • ,M. ll"•• dalrflll lihll.... partlclI tlon. AlIOcll . Howard AlJlbT nOJl d .Ol&ClUP alio ra w "i • N of ie Itrllcttare I ' ., e 30 •• ,-4 . . . . . . 1."1 wrappe 4lbe .preaell ie . , 8·3) 64 Ellt It'b Street. ___ a N.... u SI .• iIIe" York. St·4t~a.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.:....~___
(fibc Aliami QJa1tttt.
AS. .0'1' 1011 1
N®'l l'BY
D N1jlC! A JO .l!A),!li. "
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ALBERT THOMAS, 5tlut t .. 9tn,U),
, ~"'.' , .~" \I'~,. ~ THE QUEEN THE QUEEN ! W!D,', ~
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~ & CIIA!l¥IA;N,
Jr. '
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fth Un!ted States e Treasury
Watches Chains Dl'amow..1s "" " " Bijouterie,
'IIU., ",••
.rep_., ,1' .-.d. '
tI.,. "it," ,..
t~ -.&-iIDPOnu& oocal'ft....
- B..t/~RO..tD. , ~~.. &. MUMl , _ .,
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QlI!Dl!lIi~tl• "'~. Ptr.~ . JII
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~D"'"b.""" Pii'tibu,.Ib"....
~ P: ri.
D~t""'l~ p.
'\ " .....1H ;
E. W.
W~.,. ~~,o,81c_e. AT ~, 't.,. !!IIl'l!!'" pId.
,ria~,' ,/~.:~ ':.".. " '.'
aod thu. r". thot. b..
ho.led,e, been DO cHsteDlio, '\'oic(, aU 'h.. .e united iD cODcediDg tbe u,rgent .lleqe.. i,t1 that ,we .bould bIY4! a . " , . ".. '7/""';l';,~ -; " " 'q" . ,Co. in, 01 tbe kind and now to GODfirm Un . . I.,...... 11Mt.~..." 'I' ."berliD' ' ' , 0• .their . wordl, we, " • '\~t bope. th.t on Monday 'for '-Ii, ~hioa U di.poped ~r ,e., DIX~ lbere will be • unQDimou. vole polled by eyp.ry that no con. .rr,cCT ION liderfttion of In additional weight to . ,n , P , ~ It!- .... '. • , • -.ll I" ""Jl,r l " IIX payer. pookels .111 for a moment 10N. . 4... ..i11 be ....ndidlte lor be permilted 10 influeDce our . liberal .TreY(lrer lh. Cello. ohi .. na.
1II~"I~ n;;,~, · J'orila~·.~aYl.:
"',, .. p;.
....\II!!! . . . . nIl_.
. .. ,,,'t a~ " IiIAuaA iii ' ~ J' • That we ftHd ,,"ublio hall h.. be· "U lit d r • f • at ·, " a o.n I. come 80 well Ihat nothing it ••"ct. 'A.....or.' lbe would 8eem. 19 .reqUired . • 10 be Bald . CIU' ' ........... . ' . , " ' ", .... 1'I'r"~~ " ' . ' ••
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al!eged lba~ UI~ele~,~on
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;ro~ •.Slat~; ~~1l nol be a
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!8 Ii 'd
q"~PIU ",!M~J;'JIJ~~
a: Ia.r 11 $.~."'1
C 0 A .L _ 0 'I L '
, atent Medicines U '1 'Q
,0 R'\' ~B ",
P [E IB UM ~
D~TrG 's'" ,~u ~~ SOAP'S, .~LI G roe e, r e·
C• ,I
GAITERS AND QllQ .,"',,.a ." . ~ For LadleS ... ""ml~~ 'l Filloo!> v~~ ,
6liAa»JC,.~A':I~.. Physicians' Prescriptions '
Carefully tlhd Promptly
D rug _ 8 tor e ,
0 ld
life employed.
The belt ClQ,llt, 0(' - ;
~OO'2 AD ,S,.'0.lB
WaJ'aenlUe, Ollio. ..,. POST-OFFIOE CORNER. For Gelltleme.n'lInd Bo,.' we.r. A 110, . June I larle IIpply 01
~ do~ptl,
NOT 1 C E .
_ .A Ui" UOl.fIBt 1180,
M.r~b JlI,~
Vpper ,.BCl 01 •• iillt~eet. .- . "",-~·V.LL" ...... ."... ....
' t ,,,,' F" . I l' W pr" e .'Dt! olintalO 0 ure ater! If )'00 • • nt ,Coj(ee, Tea, or Sugar, Oa lIon.'J, !p'i'll 9, 1868, If you "'.lIt-Molnale" or Fi~h, you ·",.nt Figw, (or Ihe pllrpOie qr electlDg one' ..ember IfII' yoo Wlnt ~nd1, Chu.e Rul.in, or DriedorBeef, of the Sllhnol Board, to lerve for t'he lerm If you ~.Dl ~<ood Aile or Deer, of llifee In pl.ce of Emo.r 81111" I( J'ou ".t.t lrolo,nIJ, wl,ole term of ottice th.t d.y, expire.. If you ",.ntfJerrin@l". Sy otder of tl)e Boarel. t( 'W E. 8.. PkINTZ,4It:Ier.. y~o ",,,,,-,~.It by tbe. ..ck, lb. or bill, U I'OU " .., Stlrc:b. Rice. Soda, Craam of .),pe•• llle, 0., lI.rch 19.1886. T.,tar. FePIl..r, Gin 6 er, C,on.mon n.rk,
If ),0" ".nt~Toblcco
If yo. I(
,011 111:••\
, .Bro.• Ere. _:-'---0\
• •
PBINTS Domestic Goods,
We ,h.ll conltan\l,.lIeep on hand I ..... era\ .'lIOrtlnent of Pllen' Medlcillee. AIIO, jolll receind from Pllta\)U,," • lood *bd weU..elected 10'. of I' . .
DR.ESS-GOODS, 1t'1t'
'be ,bell. can, daten or
81.~"lt.~, III
If ~:: ':"nt ~::~::r:::~' If IOU' ".nt to I""w.y !loy. "0 there- tutoll;. "
Picture &. Wiadow-Glasse& . . . Glle tT. I «llLt, And.yoD c.nnot fin to 'b, ",fted both In' qu.llt, altd prioe. Jun. _i3-1. · _ ,-
w..."'~~,. te Goods,
If YODJlfaDl If !itf411t Ink. or
R' . GAt' N ". S '
..l d
or '''0 diO"rent kind.
"" !I~"""lDlr, Garwall, Ro. 1I1 01 °x·\e"
'~lL£llE ' IiILBTOOOlN~ If to~I~~::tl~ltO:;:nk' don'llfo there .
N olice i. IIere b, I§tven t. to tile qUlllfi.d ele~tor. 01 WI,nellvllle 8cbool DI.triet, thllt 'l n electloo will be beld It 'be Union School Ro".e, In ••Id DI"trlllt,
o' ••
' . ODb.Dd. , el .11 klnd_ .• l," .'. A line .Hortment of
All holdinl( BONDS ilI.lnll, leoo. Warne !J O"Jf8It\D 1.1" BOIIDty . purpoeell, -"--:""5""...,..,M11--·~------bel eominJ due In March or April, will • -i 0 '0 T 0 P ell.e preaent tllem ror p.,ment It ma. •... turlly. JONAS J.AN!IIEY. ".rch It, 1866. TN.,. W.7. • e ' • . ' . "
'JI,~ , !}&A~lo.-~be
well-~J~" 9 60 Ba. a ..a '~~'p . "8 416 llEAD . Y • uDI: CLOTInVG. . a.-l I D . . . . V. 80 ' 1U.l.. '. ,,0 -·to . CAOWALLADER & CO -:--~i6 ~' tCUSTOM MADE) · ' ., ~ , .
M.rch 14, 1866. J. W. KEYS. .--,.--~.- - - -
c~. 1,"<,>011 e ~a 8 or ap D, I e ,IU-C,. We bop. DODe will fail 10 .it· t~. \ ' Ul~. "\b, ou bt 10 be Ifelt :_'1, ,''!:; : 'D!." 1..-" , .,.,. e a ' 'aJ.' I . ••• •
I '~
I!~kl 'heIOfti~
--:Ii~.'J)CI.lc""'irDit .. ~riend; 1, ..Wr'~••inei,UIe Ajder~eti Rod olb.r offio · 1f':1.,&t'~~.I'IEI_.M1!CG!tJIll.,I;ad~,t"t.lrD.' i.l., ,.I~icb, if not blngiDg ill hi'llio. , ,, Id b II d ~ i h
-, 0 I L8 • .
a. nonl bUI the
60@1.,0 60 18
poutOel buehel, . I 'll) j)ried Applele1\.1zon, , Jb 10 ® aI~i Chicke!,lll 00 Colfee 11b 83 New·Orlean. Sni!ar:ll fu 15 @ ~o N,·O,. &101 ...... ' g.lloB) I S5 Sorghu:o ) 00 Co~1 t)iI 111 If·llon, 90
'~b ""' , ellqD~I . ere",
.il'" ' ,',b1~
P A I NT 9
,.C assimeres,
tnWiMm~w. G A~
No:ice \1 horeby liveD to tbe qualified lte or ~yor, or aD, ocber office al elell'otl of the incorpOrated ViII'll e 01 • l8. ,IIt! eleclioD nexl Yon.day. ae.hu DO W.y.nelYllIe,'O,.llt.t In Election will be in tb&t., direc&ioDi ., Deicher at of ••,or DUllte,. 0" AI....." i . . b ·d.l L Monda.. April 24 186i 1<1 •• a:• .J..J!i; K"1 ..... , \8, "18 ••. oaV' . •• . •• , . , ... .... ••.JUilldal. · ID 'b't., toll'atiJ on tbe C811. or.e for the purpoeeone uf 'J rellurer,one I" ~f' .. 'ulterior"Mli"nl 'I Recorder, oneMayor. Mar· .,aapr,oi .lDeJU ' ,i"-.alel. )1 wi.hing pbotogrnph Ihal: .nd lI"e Tru'~fe., to aerve •• mUlli. i '1'~\deDoe IJI IbllD (or' tbe bendit 01 tbe YO Cera. wllo cip.1 ORicer. iel illcorpor.lod vill.ge ""'~ , ' . ,'" '. : t f t' ( " t · fllr the enluinr year. ' . :. :.t.:':~J~~~!~~'~~"'. ' ,).., For,,: ,~xpe~ , 0 .'~our&ec' l 0 c ec /e~ery ODe;. Br order 01 .theE.COllneil, I'. . . . ' . . ., . ' . ",ilL 000 of bia preleDL "el.nel8e1 ii, DUDLEY, l\r.,ot. , .J " t" ,iT" .! ." be i ••nxiou. 10 exhibil tho.. mllg ' E. R. l?RltfIJ'S , Recorder. ..... ~. .~lI....... P.......Lbe , __ eyeD- ", ill~e"l, life ••i.e pbotograpb8 of Lhe W·Ylle."llIe; March Ill; 1868,
~ .~\t:~~~m~:i;.:j _~" ' " ~
E ~D IV CCiI 8N, ,"(E
t "
n~ of
Lard;P ttl
Pfl·,'ofe by I>.llni coufined to but a baDd· u voter..
i .,
ttl Tm 11Il ttl • UiI QI
8 A 8 H A 11 D P U' l' l' Y •
Ut08 coo... E8TAifti. • TM, unllerligned has been ~nfirmecJ incoml. FJrecb\b~ 01 the lut will of i.lcidee!!... d,
•." II. 'leDte, 0:7 A. the lerm of office of our to bcl'1lici ..i ("Ii P'''t'OIIl~. ' . We bope T .' T . ,' • lilt hO... -wilt "' .ro.,d~. , ,od·?·b1bP rda.tl~" II abou~ 10 exp,l re, • ••• , " . au ' a. t ey ec IDe to sene (or "DOtb· 1 " I ' 'cJ.~':' lW ,I., '1' ,1 er term, o".i'ng to lhe coofiiction. o( . ,.. . .."'... _orM"'j~ " "" th"t b ".:. I 'l'.~~'li.~ ".b... ' IIp. 01 er vUllO.... 'ltia, 1M be iDappro ' jtdi.Ni Pcil&ilalUlir ',' F--t'. ' '0;0fII. prl.le 10 fllpre'" rhe obli,ation. of tile • -, ,; • ,1," /' ' .. ,9( l .!I' . ~ fI".~",,:J. - 0. K. 'r~tfDa'bip for lheir ""luab1e .enices ~' Gl&iI'd';'ft': -Iia t.It..~ _ ;oM_ L....-d.ToII througb a ti:De -when peouliar bUlinelll " 1h<o lJ..~ ,.'''{T vva \ • '~ ;..:. 1 ,' : ,rcDdered lbe pOlitio::e more re.poD.• i· ~ /~,f/ P, . ~,tbe, ~,.ye a bl~ tba~ U8UII. . Tbey bave conducted !iDe .• ~.of ~f1o.OIrriiDO JJo.aJpo1lDd',' the .a-lln 01 tbe To". n.hip witb ,bili. .h~ itehl' ~.ID8Qde'4· for 'Ioilet ty-:-ad.jult~d All ~Qnty , ml\lt~r8 wit.. IOIp~ ......U ~ lor ,~.It!""~1 ,"~e., aDd ~r,upu!oll' 6.d elity, and ftrqllilled them'· ." • .4.~. I ..pHatul. ' ' . .el,.e l II 'all relpeol. ..11,' lor .hich It ~il'l~ ... t;'n " . . the, III~" .. h 'ftDd will doublles. hAve tbe :'~iliji~lll.rjal · 8oeht~ 'tbftnka of Ihl! publio. 1OIMIn'0• • • 'Dial'
Wheat 11 bUlbel, Rye "l 1 " Oatl11 ..
1 . 0
Bo..J. "....r
, ' •• J
~ W IR'DOW Gl. A 88, m "..
4» IY
D •
Cllrefll1lv Correclell Evert. WI!IIl.
the public Iber b.ud .nd up.ct k.ep
A Complete 'Assorame .'
SH. &C.; . M
'W W. call the aUenti()ll or OUT reade,. to lbe fact that aD electioD .iII be held on Monday. April 9 lh, to ~ »apt• ..,.r..... I; cbo. . . new Scbool Direcl.or. H "ill , ,I. ~.!..;;.:.:.._~, .:.-- 'l.-e -:; be obiened tbt ibe Dotioe Ihcr~dr was &r~. ,,,, , ~,, naadell and S. p'ublislled iD oar IlIIt iUDe, with tl.ft W. '(ba,,' ~cl., aD ' eltc,b~oD'~ u" ......l'CICIIiIa'llilii . '....-.lM... Hadd:D yil!w. doubtleel. ,or a1\o~ing, lhe idor· . . m.lion "iIIl"e time to re.eli all inures· laid", ........ 08J •..,...,1, ooo.pied bJ ted, and prn'ent an'y complain' bel'ng I
n-. and mu. Ml-ed ." ~ , PA1NT VARNI
~"e'lo In(orm
cho·o l-Books.'
W.,oW; . ~__~ otiU,,,&ioD' 10 our fr'" ltd 1• 0 • F.ltli!~.,lir,'for ~j ~ . a Dioe plate
. ._ . )
Abbio L E-AVE YO IU '" 0 RD ' EI\S TEA. On' the IlSlh instllnt, by Re", W . N. n COFFEE, Mu'.!y, It Ihe residence of ' the bride'. S . SUGAR. m~ther. AIr. GeorKe V.odorem to JUlu Ind f .m MOLASSES,,' Lizzie V.hdllrvoort. ,II 01 Warren counl,: ' SPltJiCS,l ,On lhe 14tb in.t.nt •• l tbe horile orlbe Gt11RlwT-1l' McGUFFY'S & WILSON'S SERIES, ETO•• • ~"Ide. b, Rev. E. K. a"uifl, Mr. 1".I.h ... .l'dll' !, II ,,11, R . . . . . . . .....~..L , on. ~"Ier .to Min Adrilno, d.ulrh1er &0., &c., &0. ~" of Wm. F. bill. ~'1" III of thl. county. bci.,lIln On Ibe 16th In.I., in Leb.noD, by lhe . A eompletei.aorllD8nlol "Ime. Mr. SlIIper N. .Wilkenon to ')fi •• .!... W111f?"il\VIf'( .. Mar, Stubbl,.U of Ihi. count ". "'''-'' a;
I. r
N e1r-Yorkl
".'liOeof,he Peaco'. and from the ingloriou. reputation' lhe'l
Broad.(1Ioths "
(u... ......·.0.0
~ larrit~.
,~~l'" .• 1.( " "" ,. ,. ~AW1;YC).ri". 1preMDt ,ultain. lrolii ha,ing no Hall ~~~~Yl:1J ," I,GUnnr,,~P1eaie' '''y 0. D •• herein " lecture,or " p'oliticai ine'etth g Flour b.nel, w~ w,iJI' ~ a~¥ld"I.'lor~ultice oaD be be\I1. · Fll)ur cwt, 01 aw,Pe"', .Dd obli.r. ~ Butler 11 1b OJ"
'n~. ImIUS· STOlE
~~ ~~ft"".'~lco .Dbounoe d"iII'hu~,edlheir ednrrandcbile~.:rieDd' 10 :n."IIIUADpI.,. .... LL4D.a a. a 0 elr uty aD re eem "aynenillt!
Ev.r offered in Waynesville,
]('EDIe I NE S
6~Dti~eDt atrecli~D f~r D;:!l:'~ .uf Fort ADei8l,t, to Mill.
cbe,ri.hes any of ·oJ , th. place tbey h"e 10, and any pride 10 I telor CdD: iLl progre',8, fOl:ls only to keehly tue k 1,01 , the they bave been ' .11 rvan.<WiUlloi, ,,'1i · oi1d Cor To . p.-a,.lug (or UDll1 111ey ha"e cried Ollt "'1''''-\ ; , ' V,., . ·D ! in lheir de.pair 'aow lopa 0 Wly' ~,;..."'-li.::'" tf~. +1Il' , I . . 1" . 'be8 '\1 I b b I l' Go"~~. ~nl 'be It, baadi" e o , 0 .. ong We ••nl .t....i. H.I1. IDd we be.eech , , ·1. I :.. :, It,. : • • ,I V01'X'b . lhe dear to be.ar \aa tl,il once. aDd WILLIA. be a caedldale irant u. our petition. :{Al nery miD .J'17 '. tlectioDeer iD red·boc earnelc for Ihis •• for object next MODday; '6l'ld it is !:n·tltll1li!l!l'..40, "" 0.1 tbe to' be hoped th.e, at home, Ibe ladial
-u: r .....
the eer , A.:;ND !lANCY ALt. 'J:Jq t 01!'UU'A ' WHlTBW.ABH .ecurity, IDd t.h.. . TlIebe.\ q,IUIUtr 01 " of the ",aa .. q/ l' J in tIIqI'ltl. 1J i t ' . " . " tlO IIy a, ~g r __ • m ~ 011 ~.--It.and , F or ,medicln.1 p~rpol'" to "bleb . tlte I'. vir .... .t meo'" . UO(II; ,"lIII«:!I •• Buoh .e cQ~mead it 10 Ihe pllblic. lU~nilJ7 teoUOD qr Ph,lIoJID. I. eapecllll,'caUecJj See tbe aclTerlisemeDt iD aDother co)· Ie R , IDd "hltner pertaiDa l... umD. To which he in"ltlll tbe ellention of hi. II' l!:. IIIl FIR S T ..'B AT E ' IIlllJlerOUI cUlto~nera .nd lhe p.op Ie rl _ 25 gilDleraII y. ' H A I R. -0 I L 8 18ft .. e --0 1'.P a. 1ft'18·Y On Ihe IHlh I t b J F II: &III" .'" AIIO, I pocIloppl, of . ~I., Y ••• .f!fu~o, J. "A"I' IN . P., Fronkho Smith lInd Lydi. "Jie~ek, ' 1 botla of Butlerville, W.rren count,. . "aw" , Ie .:i. 'lr , On 141ft 131.1i iOIt. • . Illbe reeidenee of A II th b Id • h R we ."Iected IHorlmen' of tb. UtT .e rei mol er, by eY. Hill, Mr. Cuo. EXAIII:NB. OOO:D S AND PRICES, -SUCR ....
~uild· rttl{ema~illty
1II00~~omp ele 1••ortmeDI
re.gion, is p.ut OD Ihe
' ,
.... j ..,
~hlch lb~1 ." ....d tD tho h ..., or.... P,,,01,,,.
'0 ou.
.. •• Paam. Da. I.
aaT.uL DUL&U . .
. "',
(rel~lit, I~d bU'IDe.~.
~,~j,~~":8.!....:_"\\ 11
~· th",~bt. 'f~.aaldp
mor~ lb....._
jeI .....
~" B ha tr! illt ~aiI
of &uDcien ud
CL.im....., PrelideDt. SUp'I. A. A·,ent. ' cr~..r.i*-'''lru....~' -&prr_ AgtIW. people, hate ordered IbIll a 1'ote · be mOll~ CUDl'eDleDt IDd ea,ny reecbed Cil, /I. ' Po iD..... .,.."..,.. AjeIt'. taken for or agllo.t it ., the .pproaoh. of a •. "ell I I the .. ater or ,! .,' ( : ,' I _ iug elactioa. The lo.nlhip baa been .The plu by a good, Ilea. er Ie.. oftansled iD regard 10 lhe to.D aDd It.IOIm.II....l.le.
, •
& . &'
i.. •
..bether Ibe .hlll in a .tat. of bu...,_ m4!n, who are now baiJdiD8 ''1\&--_ L.. Ri V lb. to.n .f Re _.I oUInV. uuJDl p. la· WiDkle . ila"isblle.~ for a DO a.... dnelopias tbe . fe", ,ear. more, until.he i. hooted out lar,e e.lal••• anoaDeliog.it. X,el'1 lbel .... I eI oC lhe pale or proCH_ion. . care i. to mike th. to"n colDfora . an 't.he aD iliorlliea uf t.he TOWD.llip. lable, beallltful, illeS .1 Ihe .Ime time baa 'l'h (llelitig lbe illlpor'.nce ~t the proposed y. ere . •re railroad (acililie. slep, and re.pecting the 1'oice of the tbat mike it, ID .Iny reapeeta, tbe J • I
, .",. afo~':'
...QlIi4I Au•••, iN~IiV t.I~...
, . a compuy
1866. 4. ... Quan.. . ~ -..,I, A.~~IONS ! .....8&&&tt
ber 11.ler to.al tIme. hoaored COUDI, of Warren, or
bl~ aad blOllOal u'••
pooi~.... ""'.od .~pe.""... ·or .... b....L l\lrqaghoal lbe bAD ,Worlll belDI mad. to "'(~r. 'Iri,
us· A. ....
w'" 1 p.........
Man, or tbe to..a. ""D&I, bail' Ibal "oDderfal ha. . .p.... .bile lbe bad. were lMantfD" ud olLlee ,colII.e lI.a"..d1y ....priag Ieay... Tbe.. l'Ip'ld tOWD. h..eeU 'U.e dilOOlD.
.b.n ......u...........bl.
~~, ~t'W~1 Boon. 4.10"...
''1.6' ... ....
":,;'• C
of &lae dlilrict
lund thai bal bee" in Wa)'DI TowD.llip ror a allmber of ye.r.-iaUID_ &I i' iDvolv"lj .lmoDg dther eODliderltiou., qa •• ltoa .. to wb.tber W'JDe•. Yllie alld Wa,De TO.Dlbip l'"e.11I1
~11''''fB40S (00."•• ",Aft'Ii'.
, .
. . O:: ',.. "o1laD. _ ·&OW. ..: ~ a...-TIIfeI The .leoliOil "JUob "iIl~~ p.... OD...... the .... of MoDd'T aed wm probably be ODe 01 ~e. detel'1lli.ed 10 aak. abe V......
Sha....ItJ:, ,,,",V
' ' -"-ha,laa -.: Th.:lubauiber, "IC\ue.t bllllnea. lacll~~"oe~\\.l ~,-'DI\lIl to' J~hn W. Collett.. wi• • tocall-lhe a".n" 1100 of FarDler. and ethen to ,tat flct
H'OOp.,' ~klrtQ . f:'
. ... ,- · ~
YOIl-wattt tour lug .ent hOOle empty, iepd iI that be i8 eng.,ed In ',be me,nu'nhJr, of WithOtitl' ..... order! If y08 ".Dt Pop.Curn. MEN'S AND BOYS' S, ~Ind I.. pren.....d to d.'" fa Ibe ". If YOld, •• ' Pi'll, Combl. Pencil., Pipe •• or ~ r ... Pit-oS" ", noticll, 11Iort.., The qU.IiIl.ed yule;' of \'hyne Town: H you tf~n. M.uh,.. READY-lVIADE fJ;:T Ret.lOin, tbe .e,Yic•• or Ilr. ELII 1 08' " nt 0.:.1.1 " C.b. or C..~ck.ra. LIIIOII Kt:JfP, .lId Olher aoperior .ork •••• "'t.re II,"_"J aOli/IecJ tli.t lI.n ' Elerlion If yo.i ... t'C'allor Oil. a.eel Oil or Turl'enllne !ti)~rlI\"~ m1Miii' .11II11l re~ he guer.Dleel Ille utlDOIt .••li.IIC~loD._ .• 11 , ~&I~) ~ l'lI,aelYllle on UON· If JUD " ... , Bro/)ljl'l't. \D1!iJ\Y II. iNlIVL!.lI ~!IlI.wI£I!h ,....,.. A -one hor..Plaftl~tlol\ ' D' DA. tbll eeo~ d.y of APRIL DeXI, If ),0" -ran' Apl,le., . V'-I G HINCHu. for0!he YUfP,?H .cor"'.ynel"llle 1.le. , ,",.' - . P II y<HI "~nl Cndl,•• , Bed.Cord., or Clothet· Feb . I 01 f electing ne Ult ce 'be ••ce, ' Li ~ , ,n , .' .. " , It,~ ., ,
1l0y,t~I~~ ~!'.~~ct::::::lQ."ie
' ~f 'lX'
'A ;\'u'o;" 'l'e1e g ra%l'ioC De· Threl, ,·e ; •. .' Ir .t au ' ." ... ~ ndl8"~, . . TbeMallOll&.BiUD.la> "-' - " • ': n_ll. ' 0 r Truit • ... .., or Rice, CALL AND SEE.. ,~ ....,..• •• 0.• ,.ud ' plrt...olof,:.,. ~i •• , Griffin o. • De r .lUr r, ' r If f!JG "n'~ ' ,. orShoe.Bra,h" E;.yelope.. H)R'l'Y dift'ere1l\ it~le•• dl~ecI tQ .c.....!14 ~t~~., UtiiOil lik~ille.. ID'lilllle, .Obel'IiDIObio, 00.D~ Celerlc, b'l II Joe -.l Td. " .er."I.r IUII. ie. 10r.'80 to fOGO...,~. , nITY· r ... ~~~~••iIIa.... "':loIIi.. d . LI: J I Olie 1111 OOlt. e ~ sa ONE GOLD or S(LVI!:R M£DA' ~,ot'''''" I' .~. ~f1,."b' e I • •on, , ~ Done,.. tlli • . COIiDlr,. A.tf.llor. ~n4 J( 1011 ..ilt &0 ..11 or be1 Butt'er or Enl. lu1'8 ~a-H' 'int prerniuall .".rdee ibem. 1\I~&I8l1d'~ . M .on thorougblY' aDd fally ptepare. the IItU' One SI"'r.ltHd -Iffr '01 tbe !load If 1°· !II""! lticL,ac,ric. aud ChetlrinIP(ill'u', aloguu free. Addr.... HAMLMf " be ,aen' [0 take of ,aD omee. Di',lrict • ii, the To" .. " If 1011 . .ilt:E_ocePkppirtJllnt.•orCilln.mon. _ 8CKton.prMASON l bo.J Ilflotioa 1." aa'IDI,.d. Do "ot rill 10 AI'&I. Yule wllI ·"e l"ke ••t 1.ld elee· A_J A_I , . ' .,.~,_ ~, ~d~ ~hell!. f~r PJf~calar. ~rore 10' tion fof or .g.IIIIII Jetyin,a ·r.x on the ~. ~]r Owavf tIt' "IP . .EaV . " ~ ~""W.~~~ W. ~~.,. t1i-.' 'Dleleewbere. . . . • 39 4w. Tu,xable Propett, ~I the 'To.n~hI~ (not .1:)-' P ' ~ . . ' . Of. gre.t ma01 kind•• Dd ID larae qu.oWe w.nt .cli,,!!, efter,etla ~n1B f .i~'&L,. the . . to 'exceed tbe .IUIft ,of fife ' tlrouund dol· f .' e.-If 108 .... dnaDIt . or In Ih" IIft~/1 't~ ~ .lle by. , .. on .yerywhen (m.n III' womeD" to ....... . JUt"' \- . ~. - I .. •. . ' I ) ~ th f I ..... 0 ,e}lll( drank,. lor ceOROt b6bne l'_oureelf .. U ,8"•• or ' " - - - . •tOi we ..... 6:)"). i,e tter from the iJrl TorlGlt1l8 ere .o.r e pu."cae 0 erectaa .~:DW" beC!lDl. . . . .d...... STAY 'AWAY!~ , MERR..T'.. · &. PRINTZ. oll'erextral1l'dl ••., .educe. . ." ~ ....... ht Li L ' th., lh. "coD.Diralon 'Mudd .blr 80u,,'or HeiliG tbe 'own of Way. .ft ....· , · ' , in a lIa • ,enl..1 .Cld ~"-J""" ~ ~~""..reopp,vr. 8 ' Ie A. ld d"O'T.-!hltU 'nenll,e, for lbe Uiel 'of the TowD_I, tIit';"'~ " .' , , S.!Dple will be (orw.,W ,. , . . a,.u.a. D1OD tODl..whl.-1 . , P"~I r. " . ~Il .ere Ind C?orpor.tloft OftIcer.... ; ' . IPV\lA _ .4 1t1l'l'RI-Agenll want. IloD wUb .1. . . 10."., r........... · ' ' - ' ...... ,...... .-...~.Ji •• ~I.~.:..' .e!~L.01i tbe 2 Dlh " ...';, d'.dDd ",be nOQdl pul 81 ordf of the Trulllefl'.... .. for au ..TI•• n • .:. ARTI- n.ndelion ColI'e •• Rye CoWee, pnme Ri. Add.... , ,. h ' , .. -... . - _~....e·1 00 l~lem ft rt.r r •• D a t.~pte to . SAftJUEIo McOUN!, C. W. 'a. CLD, ..... oat; AdJa:.... O. T. GAREY, c.I'ee • • Extraet or Cod'e., tor BIle by BRA»~Y. CHAHWlQ)4; " Co., Q ~. r .e~cape hive beeD reJDo,e'd. . . W.yneavllle, Barch' It. 1866. '.City ,uIl4111" I~idderord, Milne'. . BRRRnT &, Pl\IN'l'Z. 116 Bro.d ..., ; Nlw YOlk •
~,,!\'M'''I~''!Mjtgifitl{;d,'.~ ;, ~IW .
tee' ~I.. .
i: ..,•.
p........ .'
F . . . ...._
BRO~H~.!{.~~orla. 4It5 TO 4itlO P~D · DAY , .
1'1... pea' .,Co".ee, "".ee,
.. a
Mu.-tDC SUnda1. )lr. ~peelal .lanouneOMelt. Willia. Obte died in SIr.cule at 'ba. B •• R. T. ANt H OilY" co , ~ ..&~ t061.a,. -t;Id 8 il.y" B'II wnu~s.lt.r. AnD nJ;TAIL, lDlMontreal, Marob 3, 1760, Manf,/f~tu'~Jj qf.Pkolvgraplnc ,Nat,,A.
""'Ora ,
)earned the 1Hde of " iDnlollt , la . " went to" ,,1I.t it DO~ ..... • : ' I d'
' . . ,60 1 ~RO,AD"'AY, N , t, , In IId~iti() n to our muin business o r Pho·
a.&6;cij i~i"pPt, ~' Ian Drill trad.r aad &gilD n'Uflle.d to llOf:llreal. w};.re:~. . . ~rrjecl, Blllio~l~ ~~~or~ I,u' . ' .Y~rl6Ok hi ..,. Ap,q b, el,lllgr.ted • (j " . , " , , " , 10 ab. tr~~t~~ Statu: _D~r\nK ,the 1'.&1' , • .,rlie"', • .~lch.nft our arCDY , • d' h h Ur Af~r h.. vII'! '0Willtl. , '0 ~ea
lo~rnll.ll ie.l\Joterr/.l,t 'Ye t or~Jie~O (IU'H\tU1i lIop.rF,tentioll pr -~l ~~nce. for, "I~rollowinlr. vIZ ': . 'O't'itfe irri atipn ItlftMnmatlon &ert,()soofJC' olld &erro.scoplC YL'nqt.." , or Ul~er.ation of ~he Bladder 1.1&<''''''''''Of theae we h"" en Immenee U8 rlKid ~ ...'" , Ift"dWtlft' Gf the pros.' reeDI 'inchilling War SceneF, Am erICan De ...... -u. 1;" ~nd ' 'tl/rei!!n Ci Lie8 an~ L. nddc8 k'~ tate Gland Stono. in the, ~dder Group., St.lullry, f tr" e c", 1$0, . e Calcul~1I p l ·' ckdusf .' I ' 8 f:CMlCOp ~ 1(1 pubb pnv ul e ' ., , ~~I~il~iriO:~~ Our C'OIIIlouu~ will b..~, lien I Depoait, and all diseasel of the and .o~ ed at the .. "~II'lDak}og b~'I~- IO,~n)' a,lIarji& 9D receipt of ,,(.II p. bltidder,' 'kid~ ,l1 and:4 rO llslcal
30 e~•. If. "&I ~ ltill Ii .'JlO1'OOIUPIIJC ALB, IS, ' "nrst to "IOt~\I d utO II" ,be ,ag' ~t 98 ears. H.e We wft;~ t'h~ I"S e y~ll. "fb~ ' HYlul years into the United SlBte~,_ D,nd we IDnll~fl\c, , - " . w , ' tUr,jll)1I'I6niJe .tun,!!, n·gree ,orlOty, berore hi, death. AI .lie of 100- rangIng in price filoni 5U ce llte to ~1>0 hi.IWt' 8!1. "bl~' blt,C .sllbaeqll.n&- t~~• . Ol1r~lb~~ bova tloe , rllputo,l1on d a dark, bro n color, lIe of lbeilllr sbpericff tn b,cout, 80d durubllltv 1~ ,"'JI . , ~ 10 OilY olher.. Th ey wl)1 be· len I by .""
• .~ YOrk.qaap
awe Ings.
' ..
;alit,. , "'it1101l1>""O&..i~8. ·
. ' I taM Photographs . •~ t8iiftja'o Iltio'· H v.i' 0Ii SIlOUL~K.8"Our ntalogu61\ow 1Q\broeea over I!'ive -,' Tall, t.~!> ~ ot ,,,Dua. be.~ Thou8111.! lIiffeTel\\"&ut)J~CI8, to which 1111· Arimtg q""'i~J ill ~ ' ~~., • . <luu~r, of a dlt\t~B Ite ~ul\lil),?Il\.)' .. b~inK " 10.• de , .01 • ,
i1O, a
r~T'D4D! , "'~H
mall, Filaf-. 0)1 reQ~ipt ~ f . pric u:::r Yillc A:lbnm s ~J 'd ~'t Urder ..[]j ' .,
, To P.BBV'.&N7 fji~.o,:8 oa Woall8 no. j~ I.'.', '
L~W4""1&D W.tll~t, pI 4tJtaU. oLeruluont .I~h witb lb. . . t and abollt r.~ treeit"ri. , -beforo 100 htN"r,Gt)nllroJel
VIZ: '"
"1 "
'i r ' .
TOfn EXce81C! Qr , faill~CI'CijOf;l' ,.
1'bEr ', ~oJ!' !Itulloll,once affected
by Or'~
gB ~I~ We; J{nes's requires Ihe ~id of mll~l· IIU IU stre.llgth ~ lI( and invlj(orote tbse. . aiem'; ?/hir.lIlfelmllOt' 'i.,m,ne DC!II!
,JO~tl" r.t F~~ue;:,
eCc. " '''' and ~~~ ~~J~;l~~~erlll .J~~ N:~v~t OmC:~8;' ~ , Q... , "', ~ I ,~ ' ,.~ 'J epWDra cUy1__ • 1'110 daoier fJ60' S IlClimen DO "/irie ' inv ll riab:y liVed. If no trea tment be I ol'ulporeon ,lTrltG4,.1t r dAnght.,.".. enrod of jp~t'l ..-i ~, ~ '!1~ 'becomes. \I r9mh n 'Q r ,fS6 fAlJ\lior~, , lJlit.t.edl.w," COO.UU1tHi~Ol ur ' iOa81111y lony or F IIB ' or nino J'e,.. . ' .tlmoling. aud 8~.•V'.'u~· lultq ~.diIIiIIJill"I... . IUmml!f,. 125 StMIIP, 40 .' \niets, I,. I • ,J -!' !',!l<l o~e! '1~j;'~Pt,~.ke IfC ~a1!1 ~"1l1 3,000 P lee o! Vi ~t ~8 of Art, , eQ i uli. ." ,~. '
:~~;,'il 'prope"'rllook~d .f'et~
F: ,
i GOD • . ' , " ~en incluuinlZ reprOlluctions of Ihe most eelellELMBOLD'S \.. , e .IUD~ al'O IaDg \1~, If aD1 appl'e- b~led Eairl', iDRf".\ l'iiiJtlll)::~, Sta\uos, _' he.lto . ~ ..... ~ ·" DM.I, make ,8 Gli'l'.ldg08ll..i."t on rce\!\pt ,ol stamp. thin p.. polUld'of whll\t Ollr An ordcr (or Olle Duzen Pictures from • • _e <l el\ " 111, OUT C~tBI02~~'be be llt '!II receipt J .. ) , .ad '\'Wo . POUDct. 01 IRC pepper, $ 1.80. and eonl by mmll, Uf.S . _d .9..\1&'&"'.01, a pollnd 01 cayenue; i :..llllolol~§p!rllr41 DPd ,lIthel's,,' otd ~ rinl! "itA tlill coyer bam. well, a DO aoods C. O. D,. will pleaB~ rom it 20 p~r , '11 b h " ' , AI~l~ ,~ .. ~n\of · elr ~rtJ'!lr, lauct WI enr to.e ~ ,~~ " •• : l{}V' '}'lIs IiirU. ,hd qoahty..u:o.. r od~ m~l'IIIIlilWlllleWl"'U'rn~_""""'" .' l. ) • , f 1' '(;i ~,•. ' connoL fall to sOliS),. ,
"o·t ..,
To .......l¥o~i 1i~I
... ho• •,; 'Q,.le".
...-'rake four
mutLon, iood.
.. . .r4.J'I:r. tb .r fat me.~, aDd mix 1o,7iLe... ur' 01 .•aH. a q uarLer or
iC'J -
!D:::.:Jj;;~ ~:A.N{'T'" -'tN'1'6 W
$ 20 0 .
iA: \
• pound of • 1r0 Bugar, and .!j, J, I.E:. . 'i' C'i l/ . oae 9110M o( ••I!Pt.~"; DJi~ theslI well Am, a I ' 'i1>e718 ellre, dl'er,1&1 fJ lUI, ~aml wiLh the ny An ellls..-il Ilellin~ 'Til E FI ELD, ~'I ~')6.id~brllr h'~ ~lteD DUNG ~ON, AND B~C.APE,' by AlbP.rt
;till w,
lIl..i iiafo·.... M'(f..'ft.1.', rUt) bem :9 rltJ .f!W'~ f If.¥.lI.iGIl ~e? spol)' . e ~IoIl'''~ Id e'8~. other ~ j{t~ .Ttl'e onpnrale1.1eiJ" 8 ,0 0 1.0do ~lfIl• • • yiJ)d:· wllp. ,hem cupjqs per dey ie ILbunI!" It e ,i~ nee p( the
"': "1:;' d
6r:ruill W
' .. -.,1' ~ • maD' wL-o L.d'~liyed o ' • . ' ," b.D~"4~4~" loJcl:~e~~ CO oDe wb~ , I{~ tlre,oUjbrelllq o:llthe lAIurj .w,itli OlIr /I~' ,,~~"'fIi Io~ h. I, b" ·1it~ijDed ,u,ch miee oud /lcet~, both Ens,! ~/)U Weet. bl~ a II; II • a wa!, b.ea IUAld ~,d , o· confit\9{l1cnt fur t\Vonly'-mofll~8'· 'I" sevon .8 ....... . .r; q..,glid itb ,hff~r61l t- Rellel prillHns, hie escape nUll any e; lave ,atea.and ,irank only to almost mirnculouB journey by night. VI I.tidy hWliu .anc14hiret,alld haye,JIey· Dearly 4qq milell. . i I -',' I I .r 'b.eD idl,.' I ' n'e(cl lr.., 1,4iplI. energetic YOl\l\g fPen. " ;. .,. B'ld especiAlly relurneu Dllt! di sBb1eJ offi· o..~ MCO' ~t I lhe recent mllr- cera and Huldi e.rs, ill. wnlll. of profitablo . , '!!"'t"~ 'In y.'r; ~ It.r '~ M t ' lH'ploy m" ot, \1(1)1.fi1l~ It parl l'll,ul,nrJ¥III.9-a pna ",Iue, r-r doesl AD a urR say~ ~.d ,to,~hll{i' ·conditlon. selld IOl'o()ll-oulara. ha-t-tbo" w.JpIO{. b• .. IIlQllobmlin cost A(ltlr~1i8 'W"D~y dolla" e&ob, and t e iJk ItQCk- Al\lER.I~AN 1PU 1~i'II~Gl COl\IP'Y. 'D~I or the f'lotmen Lhi'r j. Aollu. A .',.. Itor'tford, COlin. patr. . r5'~. SO:1Al1TOa AgCll [3(,·6 -' r• \:\ ". l , _ _ _& _BUlin, -'1 ' 1_ _ _ __ tf._ '~.t~J
~! '
, .,
/f, r- ~ .1 .:1 . ... t .
.. .
ALLENe'&·!lJRANDALt, nmA; ltr~Jf~E\.8 'i~1" ' GOODS '.
~'Ii:f. ' y.~
, nl;'r'Il L'i l ~ " QUEENS WA _
"H fl U AND
Vl.:d 1 Mi
R 0 S~'E'" W A Stl Wi ll roelleaUY "e'x'errJ'itlfar! from the Sj ste m Disc u; et of the Ur inor' Orguns arj e,
\' . ~"" IlIlts.qf ·~ " ~o pense, lillie or 110 cloulIgc ill
: . liille'.ex. "<,...."'_..-:;
~Iel, nn'~ 1() , ,!flpl,,~, I",. ~~ sedi,l\1t tholse IIlIpleaa~llt nnll tlanl:erous rellledio!s, (1 -0lld · hrcufY, in ' cu,i nll" t"o,}o u\n · I,\ 'II"'IIIIIr.11I=' !' \lib .A ~.. f' ~ " .1. ", .. f 1,leu8onl lind dirngorons llise useB.
FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU [ '~" J ,~ l' Ir ,I') I, "., ,') (Ii1 1~ ; r 1.1I~ ,_ ... I
·!; p~pDln rtty ~f(II l(\ Hi lAos! 01.. , interestin end Cl:Ciliu ~oo.k C\'~~ pub. li.tl~( !lip\Jll£in ~ IC!lIlrdson 8 1111' ps rllleJlcd t.'xpei1once for four y ell r6 ,-III~ b. Il odventllfttSl' w l\iI\'l lr8l'j!!i"B thruu~h th e _ Suulh ill the sccre t aerv/ cll of Ih e 1l1blln~
~I!j\ b.~g}~ ~~.~oae 'be .,hlOlt 1164 ~;t'allJ..
eUII 11,II J,
n. d r In nil COBes of Ihe Urinary O rg. ns, wh .PATENT PILE INS1'IlUMEN'!: 1 tl.let' o~lI,~illg. i ~' ihcq J Ml9~ , frc:rri wli 4tever cnud'e orillinotillg, »'lIoJ no mnlt.er ~'Olt THE I;~DJOAJ. Ct'llll OF : I(,Piles, Prolap~, . &~, ·Witl, Ie an ' Op t.on , or --
~lec!dni1 !
. }tow .loog, talliling, It is pie ~S. "t II tnsle nlld odur, immeUlale , lin ts-' JcliOlrl. lind more 8trellgthening-,thlln any of the prei 'To t\..o ns 01 .."rU>r '1'h080 Bulfering rrom Uro en-,I ~ ._t ( elto to ODst llllt\l9~, 'the •.w.""r .... -""'rr--_"""'ll. \ ;_ R!'0eur :1 "'" ut 01l1l0. :11Wi!~ rBiader .. nlllat tLo. .... Q fdJ 1!1l • er slig!\ ! ~'i be .lh~. tl u ~ of Ihe djs81\sa, it Is Bure tq ~ec t hi . boo.!
This i'a on- Rrt-i"lo , -tho wnot 0/ which hOB long been (ell" but neyer Bo.lpplied un.p~, !.:nlHH~:iiJjWl\RE til now: nnu the illCren5ill~elen nd \Y ,o r. , . ~:1 ' • h" ~ eo~ ull io, illtrr o dur~!, nt eet6~' --: -...-£l.DOCERJES -pori ority: over ony .rrebtm~IIL heretofore kno\\'n, ~ , t: .$ It will remove tt!" worllt c81le in l~lVE ~ '\, j 't t C., jUaN UTI'S, " lid cure 811Y ellso ' + ~ J :n.. ill U very II hol" time. boolll;,1 '1~~ I\tul ' pow,elr;' " b0r.PIIl~SS, 1\ ut&i "" La( \/I~ ~~ ~.,,. 1lF. !l'fn'r n\(~ ' IhM 011!'1; 18"p~8'ieriIY : I' "'.'Jln", . ,u? f1 J;;'It'o'llil'l 'opd - "I n .1\ ~ '1 V,I 1,' " . • II .~ 4 DEMAS DNRN B @ CO " I 1 .1iA1OY(\I,iU.ntlclh lo lbal, .iltock >of- I nrc .8uppor~ed frolIl .belllj , ,8quro,;~ 8 • • I (t" f 21 P~rk R\lw, New Yurlt. ,'f 8'1 141 b,y \ . jlHc~;" i\!c~ 00 : U!!ulIl dlscou'ht 't,,' ~ rer9, Sellt OilY "'hf'ro un ,e ~ oipt 01 price, , ;.lIt I t • I'IJ I U ~ ( • \ I G1LBlm1' @ SURBRUG, Prup'rQ, - 6'7I!- OrontlwBY, New York , make no B!le~et of 1~j1o" iiJ'kfedi~~tl, ,I Itl~' ~ ~ Descri ptive circulRrs sont Irell. .1
. 'd "'('--u.....
\NIJrJpJ'l1,rr 'wi
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;¥ Ji[ .. _ diiUI 'f'~LPJ~ DVfLp. !II. I , S Jt.::t' 2 ':'I'1"t S ~ .', ,- --,.
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mos t emillent phyaie\Q ll8 " ~' ... ",u"" I' le d '" use \" ~ 11.0 ,Unha4 ;8 ,,180 In v,MyI 'l~a,.1 OIM"'.,...",. In\s 111111 pubHc!' SU~ltu,,,,. "· ID~'.!lIl"""'. lhthti~hodt ' ihe (IInl!. ,. , • ~. '''' 'I ,
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OHIO: ~Dr ESpAY, APRlL 4, - U~OO. I
A ,T aDke. TriCk;
When aplritualislb llrat maa; it. "p' petir.nce in the "iIIage of N., old Dill' COD Iaeaos ,'. wortby man, who' had .tOOd by tbe church for De arly tbree· acore jeltr., "as ex~elldin g l.rbiuer a/rainlt "II believers tn t11e 'devir'8 1Vor~: liS he called it, aDd' ~ eno\lnced ~ piritu"l. i.t~ ~nd spiritlls li,m ii' no 'fery gentle DgUI!$II. Imagin e ~~'e dcacqn 's lin· ger, thtln, when. 'i.E ~onth 8 afulI'wa nl, be loand it had wOI'ked iu wily into lhe DeHeon', ("mlly. and no~ were on:y his willl .aod dllughters_ ~ul one of tI tom was Il medium, and p08ses811 d hili POll" er I~ converlle wilh tho l'piritll of Loose "llo had dep"rte d 10 IllIH 'bourne from "hich no traveler reIUnl's ,' De.eoD halle, .wa"'Di\d~tlre"drully mad. bUL he hlld wi ~ enough ' 'not w .lioW'h: and he bore the 'lllunii of tlle ungodly witb a mellk Ririt. H ~ li n '. it "quId bf! ti.e~R88, IO decr~re tlpen r. for Mn.isRa'<lllti one "ltd ,\hny,s prqved mo e th ill\ fa mMeh for him , 80\1 ht: 1'1'1\ lun to &.e dClft!aled. ,H. OIulL " cirllum , VI:DI lhe critters ,' a. , I\..e f,xpl'e.ised it. IIn.d lO Ihi, end he eeL hhn~elf III ~ork, He ""' " Dlfth d( 1I0und' judge ment, flnd bit woddly e"parie llcll IDf 6f,,· • J yelln 1'1'1\, no\ Lhro,wn "way. \ . FrOID Iht! day i~ fi rst Ollme , to his knowlt!lJ !o:e thllt hia wife aud cAughtera were .... piritul\li~b, hll' 'never '8poke a word ng"insl h. nor diq h,e evel Allut! 10 It. except in lten ll r ~ 1 term in bl's morning 'rrrll'yu're. bn, any ~ o'n~ oOIlM~ 'tll! t",~t it Iro.II?I~" .h i", . r?~ be .w ab sen' mlnde :i. • '. 1111 ...... e~ wan·ler ed, reat-, ~ "'. "l .1lDd,bia oounlen~nee looluld qare·
Tllking o( Vankee lril'''', Iilte. tbis oln" one, rrom the (ftrmaa : A well-dr el sed lrueller one brigbt Sunda, "fternoo n entere d A welI·fre· qllented tavern alid cBII'e'd for ,'chicken tixin,', lnd a botlle of lhe bellt ~ine -' 'I'he 'Ltlble waa eool1 .p~ead, bu ~' no 800n' er .bad: lht: hungry wiln taken Lbe first mOlJ th(ul thsn be chipped bis napk in II> hi8 111ce "ud ~ho \"'llIl i/{t1s of lhl! gtellt, u t pl!,;n, ·Oh. oh, oh !' ext'laimed. he, '1 ha\''e hlld 'tbis lootbac he now for" fortni,;ht . Bod I olin get no relief.' 'fh e' oeOup'lIl1tll of Ihe· t'ftvlltn all .ym· pAlIJiltd wHh Ilim ; 8001& recomm ending ODe thing And some '"noth r; but be se med to' laa'vl! lried ever{Lbin". ,.' '1' _e b d tllr e ut, ltiu it'll 'Do" lie. 011 (deAr I' """ . ill'st 1\\ 'thil junclur~ in C~_lIle " sj~b·., ~\ded fell9 w ; 'll)~ ,at dOWII, c"lli~g fQf a glllls ~{,old rye and R couple pi ~O \lgllllll l.lt. . Per.ceiving 10m" OOOlmotilln, anll C f\lc:.hin~ A'slimp ,a o( tbe \'ue· ful (I\ce 0(' the Buffijrer. he _illquired w /illL 'W,RS ~he IDIILter. " An IIwlul LoothAche,' rl'Jllied some OIi e, '~h~t'8 beeb torment ing him for 1\ fortDight.' . ' Oh. is 'li,at'AII lasl com-l t ~ Y' If I 6~~ 'dIi tbe I~ e.~, (~Q1hling'. 'i ~ b,is .po,ck~t. "nd 'l )Jrq~lI ' ClIng" box bllel~ >J "lq\ \ Ill~le" packllg ea iu .(!ilt pllper. Qpeninil.lg one, he ap. profuj lH~ d ,lilt' >eu.fferer ,'lOd lIIid •. -Be ~ fo{ood I\S to · wet the tip of your fing." Rnd ' tMIllh it-Io thl! powder', Ihen rnb it on ydul' lob!'h.' "fhe poor fellow lookeit i~~repliloti8, but t~I:lling ,10 try .9ny(hipg. he p(6,tIim .1\1 followli d' Ihe "dVICIt, . tv. • I ookeu .) .! - " t " I resu'It.- ,11 ."y Qne on lor lie ~ , ' prn." -How's this?' txclaimed Lb e sufferN; 'I '" 'i'he .deac.oR "i'lneR~ ed 'oRe or '''0 'Ihe pi\i,(l" gone complettlly ~ this i.• -"i1linge' at hi. owrt house, and "ilS m"rvelp ~. J 1I ne ~ .r 88" ,Ille,Ji ke: ."UI nti.ti"d' III.~ if. he l poseesse,l A Ihlle II not return. 'sir ?-begg ;ng , ),our par· roans kno'wledge he coulll get rid qt rlon. but lIve beeD{1I1I bllrobugglJd 'witb lhem. (01' qUlluk.. . ' I ' ' '!J.'here' s no call ' (or you to be humIJ ugged," retlJrn'ed the firAt; :j·{lh trl II Lbe powder . IlDd ellll tell iC itl, 1\ 01\ ~;I Hnd lie put bia: pape~s; ,,,tber, 01J /}d:
.WH' lil" .. n, IWtet ,iXlflelJi I'reqae a' .mll•• Illd' Irl /btlh... nl If-''' .1 "Ive II tllou,btrul " prilll, Now like ~e~ iii' of al,crlome lillht. J reid be. fellVretl like I book, J'ilrJ ~ulj: ot chaole I;u'~ ~u.". .,."eeI;on the rutile .tile, .1~ln. with ber do, lhe while, ~ "OD ,!Ilb ,ea,er ,eac, . ,,~ . , thru!!," lhe eyeqill, bue. • otl. I 10Yl.trYI', lure,' Ihou,lit I, P . .III 0 ward h~tliedll r .
(, I
: dh" II cqre y' replie~ thl! g!lnllemRD -'1 (elll M fr~e from toothllclte as ' 1 'i v~r did in rp, life. You must,$}i ~i.t1{ '91~ m~.f lend)1 bo" ~• . I ....ro.;..• . ·1'· .. :.. ....... WlIsh ... r. ~I~C,? T' I II ~ I\A. RO d III! ...
; " b. ere • ho& him Wlih A 'h~.\
Ingle 1 bill rei pillOl, PUll" ~G leave!.. h be-
.•'\lJ£' ·t'had ' ~erl" 're.olwer
,hOle ill' tbe bo~ ~bt bave uIl:d i~ , a· • _ .I - ~cpor'\lln,,' cO ' ~ . \ I ept; ~. Wllti.' lI~~'h illlllla waalhe ••rderer of P .... ident Lincolll. WI\S
P"" ..i81.
,tAte .
Illion wer in tlll ill'" \"n 11"U oo .e ceed'tIlw · , 'c'o·ui.&i'u . lIicKLIYI!. lila' Lhl! dc.rcoh irll ~nduced to A8k, l~ 11l~ ql;l~~lion~, wI ich. "lire r~I\(lily 8o s,.·e ied. and wife "nli d8u'ghlllr~ w're il ,~ c.t"ciel' ...: Ihe:i1qoullht thnl 'falher' would yel be 1\ believe r. And Ilr'illd, Ibe dellOoll.on in. hi .. inqiliries.
9 ...
Imp'liOnm~ht, 'truJi'" '''' or wrong~ ilone ... Clolbmil4ecl , V· virtue mo' 'e ride, " I. I . l eolor of Ifll,hoi'it; deri..ed rrom ,hil,III1". --~---or Ibe lIe\ eSlAblitlbing s .Bui!iIlU fortlttl ' bOJD.~ -----T'O~ TUE-----LI.j.J~E ----~uK)'R ~~~ rtilief of, Fr,eeJmen I~d Re.(ujfee'e, ~lId "o'l~ ,-011 Frid~y ·R'/I.i~~OR. '~Y' ' Ibe ~ \ . ,. . '\n ~ • • 1\11 II tl "menit u1ry thereof, or Cor're· OinciDn ll, 1 I Enqui~~ r. e . young mRr~I!l~ I "'~r;I" " "upon I ,I\'_I~ BrOlin. IUsin .,. d coupl,t', (roOl th e:count uQ" Any .!,c~. ry ~ "ere . oll til ~ lhilt I ollid 'be Illcon sititellt wnh lhlS eXDr'" t' r Rct', 'I olh ~efe'ndllnt ,abRII hllv~ lI,e 8in on ' a J\'~.i1clil lg I'o ur III .r ' , to real,o'fe suoh chit · to Iri,1 10 Oincinnali. Wht'n within" (ew miles pl'opet' Mattio&. or 'circuit courl~ in 6r the eiiy, SenoraI' S\rllder 's o'Dllli. • J I • .alAnla!!} pre cribed' by Ibe ICt , ' bus checkmll~, in bis round througu io lhe A~bt(U ~b,pl~"'lDd reg~IR • t~ j I ' , I • the ' ~1H8 101' p~88~ ng~~d l ~pproBc"cd ~I~ ~ diel,81 p~oo~ e~Hlig" in c~r t"in c~s~~. . , Uniled 'Slate ~ MArshals and )..)i. lrlcl newly.wedded pi\ir. wuen the (oilowiog r Atlo~n ' v'S; ,,~al AgJHlY U ' th ¥I'tiii d · colln.Cluy. look place : ,I men's Bur'e'iu arll' einpowerea ·to prose cute' 0.,';/1 UI\der the bill. Adiicl IIAle tines ADel peMI.ie s "re pro,ide d fat ll\e e"olrjJlll!JllI.U'j~·.. 'oree~tI'~ .'II(.· tit" ~ICI.~----r--+~~~';'-T.~~~~ i:::~'::~ I
ANaOD on /rg JOR'!!' P.HENIX ...... Ooe
the kl!~\!' . ' hU'Jhone~~ ·known to Amer · icall' litn",,., e ,,',," dLieuteollnt Derby-,' wlloee -""_ de plume of ·John Phmn'i?,' "At! the . • yno"ym · ~,r otertlow ing " good
iGmi e";tllt.
y..... "ti.. pua.
IB .J"11 S or P B
h. ~ for le,e Oeorce. BollaDtci co..... • ..., .a"~~I~" 8aIIr.. rllllll A . Rnilfd, &. I J.diaa "'ept_1 in uhiDaWD,COIa- l'Walia ' .. ia 76y.a,. 0 • • .. arere lun, alTfttloa, end ~;d ••teIJ "bON who [oug bl io -'1·h•• tory that (hD, ~r..,t W di.u. e, Con u18pl ion-i • • nxt ~be CODfeder.le .rmy during Ihe lat. , 10 \·i.i , Europe il cuolradlel~d OD io... make known lO b I felluw .ulft r~.. }'Ilrotillct'(ltl 10 th, Stlldy of tJ.e WBDlOSD Y, APRIL to , . . . . I ' . erl Ih1t muna of' eure . . SC'fiptll "~'. d Rebe llion, All Ihu. alega tlons .re Ilbo rJlY · 1 To 1 .11 wbo deaire It, be will lend I J. 1A,.De. J. DU. . . .Ta, )InrroBl. r • t A d daughler of Gunt DY JOaKPII " SOI1B, D. D, "'_':'-~-"J'___~"""""""~:-:-::-:-"~ Jbere (or the p urpose o( con,emng grlln . -d" ropy Clr 1"_ pteec;rlptlon uud (Iree 01 ..YiL n 1'1..... _ ••• Wlllole 'No. .co. with Ihe (;omllli .loner ofl nd IA " O.AU,. .., Irs . , rae1 PUlmllO I. pu. U . I IDi' III ) I b I til""" (r ,re-, Cro .... 8yo ,,' 72 7 p',.'i C It" r Type . I ettarJ!It , ., I lie r~'1OI'1 0 ,..- ~ u • .. ~ue 10•• · ini al)d uli"" Ihe n me, whi ~h the, w ill P"'e~. 8 2,30. ~ 8 relaliv.. /0 Ihe form illg of new trta I~ , )I J 'f f DAY[' it uid to Iin4 I "ure CUte lor Conlulllptlon, Ailtb . . . . . 1I;A" l' IJ , wi t b Ihe U uited Slaltt, li nd tJie IIjCU~' "W:.h'ioi'IOD, in h Bronchil l., Cough . Cord .. , &,1\ The l>'rom Rev. Hellry B. Smilh. D . IJ.~ J>ro. . ronJii4(W, fn I'ltt of - .. .. bie1l ttier oald roe&e 10 • i• • iall bllr IIUIIDIID. · Iy obi'eclol Ih ••dveriiwr 'l~ .en.ding' the . Ie .. or 10 the Un io!) 1'hcol ugic,1 S emi· . .< . , . , ~"""<;'~-"-:--"-'-:' 11'''_-......t:aL.d til•• rp ..r.De- or the lalf, ef ileCa HDattln" '. . 1 lai oioll' perlll lOtI WI v • m d II n ll r:y, ~e w Y'or~ . ..- - - -"" d h t oed lOyD F t .. Monroe Prelclriplion i. to benefit the 1\ .cle , all , ,', NAILS. ~"Alela .., Atobile are belie\·ed. to ~ in· blf' r,sei nd ha I ey emil b iD prison at or re , . I preadllnfolm.l iou __ hith he el1Dceivea to 'I rt>"tlfd th ill" Bibl e Hend,U'.Jok ...be .H i NGES . ."", , 10 Ihe Go't'erDmeoi. AmoDg Ihuse W 0 , _U'ose e A . D9W, En .• pubheher be inn Ju"ble " and 11ft hopeI, ~vuu~ l uff, best popullr, · ~ fOrt.., I . IU' 'jI .. ,. cooci e IllltO"J ,!Cllon' t o . Ih t\ 'B~~TS. " . • . ht 10 receive 11, immediAte ~lI en ' tbe W.'Il ,Iel '&f'flgA,ine . propoeel ere r ~j iU Iry hla rtl ll)c!\" .. It .,ill COllt S oriplUr't"8. II o UIl I1 ~ to. be w lde l! Clrc\!· ! ' SCREW$; ' 'bo 'J{ew Qrlellol Tim" 'flY' llllit ~ug f l O yt rumt:nl lire f 1.e Ob ip ' l build II Illrge holl:l io Cba rleslown them nlllh inll, q,ud Ullly pron., ble_ i0t:: lo.ed. Your new edition i. uc~lIe nt,: ••' LOC~, .. \ *l1.re are in Ib.l c~tll1olle .. Iha,n I •." ~'OD 0 tl.e . o. " Dn r," . . -Q.te rnparl ' IICCoIDodatt: Ih'e bundred boluderl (>Rrllea wi! hi"" til. prescrlptiun will . RID D I¥S " • . ' . ' . p, w,I,restdlog ID , IU ".U"· I : ple.an ftddrelll, I F'ro m ReY , C. V~ n . e nsse ear, . , '. LA.'llOIlBlr~ ell.l~ti!• . tbou ea.ll~ hberaled .Iavel. o( M io~"OI., '; ho come 10 re lllOoslrlle II I guel!lI. . Il£v. 'E DW ARD A. WILS O,N, -Tld8 v" lume is t'mlnenlly 1\ Illmlly hllip I: '.0" lIUilh1.pprebcn.,'oo i. {elt in Ceolra l A,' nll ·tb. incu t.8ion oflhe wbilt.s ; "I~o, -~o a (ew days L. ~ . Godey! Willilllllllbur,h, Klngtl CoU llty. in sludy (Ihe SCrlpltH., .. , a Sundlll Bl'hoo. _ '. ..' ,I 111 " " . Jal. 'lo·D I" tile 'roil crop.- g I . btl r.c~nt gold dl . - prOI),le lOr or Ille L Kdy • BU(lk, twill !J7-·6m. " New Yurko Refere nce IIl.\u k, '.nll Ihe eV IIt1 &!eh c~1 ftII.. b ncfl t .... ueor" la 10 ~ . .,. ,. d 10 , IIIL rl' l>lOO ~ ~ , I .I· ~t & nl 01 '1111 priV!lle Chri6t in lr. W e The9 hnll IIOW on • ,Ii ....... . • , ' cj rall'D .. I for Europe His MIII"lioe 1111 Tl t ... h h d a ('orlllll' te' i ,oelt .f tbe ».tt .iU, • ~ r~q.lIJi.e o( a &00 c~.. crop oo,elic', ~re (orc i b~y pUl8eu ipg ll~ ~ ' ·. ouree o f pieasere to. ollr " A Cough, Cold, or Sore \foa , h oY!' oi '11 0 ," ri rer w 11 ft !HI> lree II' llrllnd~ 01 ' ", • .. j. IN' ..I, .. lt,., • . . 8e/\·e. 01 la nda wblCh ,.ere y ellr8 1I1.lIce I m en for. Dsarly forty yeara, RSQ tJ IR£8 hlM SDIATE " TT!IITIOIt, "ItD Bible Halld·Book equnl to 'Iii~ "ne.' ~ , . , '11 , f) p',1 LWa"i1onll ret/end, !ltAt.ed In a ceded 10 t bis tJibe. '1'be GO\1erDmellt \ Ad' e I III bee n t'rl'ed lI.11o ULD B&'CREIl)U':D . IE ALLOWED From 'he Bibli cil R epertQry . .le8;'. /' . - , , I ~ . .I "orce CII I 11 0 o\I"'Tl"t7~ 'ihi ' tor £UDdeD8II1lon lind lor t14r ~ ~ It et'ure di.,'!f' I~" I Ion orll ml&8- oo ~ propo ea ~o form Il ne w tre~ty \VII \ L ondon. Th1! pdilib nrr w"s Mr. irritntioD -of ,tJae Lllu'. . . p.e rmanenl smOllnl 'or mailer comprpued inio 0 ainr le . ' I. I • o.a,./jeelllccucabed to tlJe delldly etfe~'S Ibe Indi aos, prov iding for lhelr re mo I epdisb, w\iose "ife ." dllugh.lt:r o f 'l'1",oat~lfectl.,n . or an IOClurllble ,0Iull1 l', i9 re811,. I wonderrul buok. J I allll%e' eat wbeal... qalr. Ihe eli.ate or Africa before a ltD" \' 1\\ Iltill (urlhtr W estward. ' Lo, the · Oillre, eloped willi Lord · (;~ cll., LQII; I)be"~e, , WIll be tODud a use rul buak of refe.-ellce l iYe i look. 01 .i,\itftoo.,e'uion took ~~aee. I d' Rn' The' jury gllV 8 Mr. Cnvendlsh a v IS on E\, THE BES DLT. 10 hnye cOI1 ~ta'llly 00 hInd. a I . ~'" , d d poor n. I , (0' £10,000 "erflng daIDa~t' . DBOWl\'1!J BIlON CHlA:L 'rnOCllES O;:r A liberal dil colll\t allowed wben that ilie ,Pre ll dent or tireJ -..... d'I~ec t 111 ' II uence on II III ;pnrt" 1 , ,"em. ~, ~,.. ." I hlll t e. a l ' In Pierre"Soule'l maosi,," on HUIVll1g p . ' i UPPI':eu. 1 I0 B'bl I e c aues. . il~. aup,rtitioD of) Ihe prupoled f,ee ' 6T 'flte Ill\sttest c lin, 0 .r b '",we illllnediule raliel, , For Rr ollcl\lus, * .. * Sent by mall (pll&lpa.id) o~ receipl s ireet . N.,,, 01')8IIU., (or a. ou, It " • d'l'l d I C rll' s d1f:brlitioo ' r Ihe anoivenary 01 !bi~ world is tbal between a 1\11 an F I' Adlhmtl, Cot,\rrh, Con8umpllve aI. \roat oJ Ille price. , Dl ~ " I d year. occupied liS . areet ,meD • D I.eucs', Tro'ch cs o·r. used ,,\th .. Iw n)·s Pub)lalled .aod (or tale lty , ,ni'e,r iiberalioll, 4' RiolJlllona.' The Dov~r.- Thoug h io a c ea, -1 ~oe oa~ pbao Aaylum. UBI been r.6wred to good lucres!. !:lingers and Public SpeakJA IUES S. CLAXTON, lor Cmiag,! M.~e""l ",,4 ,.~~,'~~'IJ. $iJtrl ~g~l~r. jll'v e beeoordered ~h e re. &ee Acronil, y~l. it i. almo.at l~pOSSI ' III o\'d~r or GUll. Htt"afll. . ere wlil6nd Truches uselul in clearing No. 606 CIII,'BIIIIlI ItP; IH . Ph ilHddplaia. in 0 I ari e Har4-~.¥e Ho,,", .' .It· \.t't . , . h bl 10 cros. w.lho.l l'Jpflrl~ DClhg Ibe c1 K' f I". '''II.ice when lailen before lin!! inu ur - _. - -.. ..... . ' . k" "11 fi I - The 'SIlCOD log 0 " • e '" l S. h 01 _ .1 I:' I I 'fhere lil .ome talk , of ' eendlflg l e e ():7 Ca\ll~~ ~'Ii)1 b~ b.r~' ~H, ' ' peak ing. end rjl lelvilla.:' the throHl afl er an " ' .s<Of" 12, /: 0 a_ .r(llllt y , NewJ York Snentb. ' RtogimetH 'to lhe mosl 'naUleAlIng ee" ' IIC lleSlI., Ie ra oil Ihe 20tb of ""?,lIuy, Hill unullu-I exe rtioo 01 1~le "ocnl org"ns. 'rke o;::rN'ow illlhe lime to Il1rm clubl. ' el"t'wber.e. ; t' ,.~ . E < tilion ' ~ncJ· lIi'e proposition sight 00 enlering ooe of LI.l e (erry boal. WIlS P'r" "BurL S c'iarltfel P'ra P". Trq'cb,•• lI ~e re ,?ommerided I lt,d pre. 6cr.i ~ed '1 't U'O)" P I TIll Xfo ' .. I lb ' b nAmeW 'Mabi~1t'areilr ' 'P'rlt Pio b.v I~hy' tiicien8, end hove hllli r ..8UrnulIllll. Oo~ lSI V, • At iilllll (aYl>r.,alD~lIg ' -\I • ."mercbuta a nd is a "Iller w ,~ . rJn~8, ello. pneat!oger CIIU Yu l:1ua •. . 'WI' II, lI" cli ' -' I h ' i 1 ( , b ' d In' Ihe rueoo of ·U front elpill ent men throug lout l e coulllry. TrrlJl8 70 cenls, ),el, r. C lub. 50 cltr . . l.n~·ln "'.1." b. Rt cily" .. ,.1111111' Il &S.a, •. r. 0.0 IDq.UH" t: \ • . a "'ood.r "uell:lg , • 80 artie 'I e 0 I' IrUE! m.~ · rJ·l , III d having ,.. .. , · ;II'~ r, ,.., .O ~ v . ~ tlla"• "e .. ' ' d,''' u ,noL 'dl'8 1'hi. Youlh's Magazine now hall till' lar• lt bel.ng ~111~ebD 1.0 eaod ,l , I,. ID'd' , ~ , . e "-'01 Ih.t're"ilrleot. such a glb .,' "'r "t PI.I'j'IP '/'~ I'e~{' I ' n' D Q11~s: protled'tlll'lr effi eRC' 'by 1/. I'IIlst of 10~,,1i mall,. gesl e".,11 . Iauon ' ' t'IUr. al Juur· ' ' • .... ,.. co d _ lin jU u.1.'4 'l' , . YDal . I, e"ch " e o. · flll'd ~ them n nD \V 0 f Illy Ed uon d I, " ," , ' , I" '' \ forDle ,I a. 'It WI e nee e, "' ~ u u r .. I III' I. !dtI!e l"'Diilllj!r . Comollov lAYS pur . . , . I b 1 . T,.-O,n n ,) be . l~tc., l-t n. . I I Id d tl'l1! II. pull S IOu. . 10 .r. ~ • J" I 1\111'0, 'lbtl _I.'" It to I, e la8 J ,,'" ., '<' r" tie. In v1lorlou. pAriS 0 tIe wor ,on It COllll1 "l 11 Orl' ''I'nal Slorl-R, 1'ol'm. , fJ i" ',; _.. . .,.. I l ure enoug' I' ""I :in . II d belieF ;.1•••• -- ':'1 ",;., properLy 00 · Y IDe elree I .1' 1 '~ died 0 ."'hi'rS.(i ,~ /'t, 'J I are unl\ er~D y pronouoce , EI' ,, \ogllell, Letl p r~,Ib S- ,ke. ches ~ul Tr ovDl, '!tt"':"'- '!'!I, ~. . .' M &ten io lhe cabin, among aulet, gl'ol e · In lb~ (orlf'6rat.y " ar of hi. ,h8111 olher IIr licletl. ~ LI I ~ Ml.ee.a lb. O~e aDd ourt d l ' lll b 11 ' 1 ,<" . I "," Ie , . h Obt.in O/I ly '8rown·. Bronchiol' TroIIsic, Nuluul Hi slorl, ",i ugr ~ p IY, tl th, . . . • )" '1/ ' t ' men ao C \I "ten, W CD • gen r~ .~,I a, ~e.." IIf 9 . II', ,"\ar.1 , I I e lll sli.~" Puiil~ p, , Phoot.ti,C~ " Engr,viJ" . , ~d~lI, DO w",rcb Illt7 . 'WI , .. rrec ,II eickne .. linea all Rl!o.r4, ana tlfe bill: till fJt,~.I,.r ' Y,~Hbe ,.AtlJltrICRn · clies,'. • II~ du IIP~ .ake ~n)' 01 t ,e . W~"I I· &.c .. frurn Ih" very br;S I ·"u riro rd. ., #,a . gQ.di~elll ,nl'~r" 'A'. n,1l1 ._ Ii~beJ''' t Secrlllllr1 lesl.lmil"tiollil 11111' ruDy be o~rpd, I 1'he V isilor is II mudel M 'iypug'r npllicnl '" ':i 1 HOUle, ",Ith theIr '1.11 RI.,brougl,' , ' 'In use, ,' _'" one never ,tq, ":1 p , 80Idl'veryw'hl'r" ill Ihe Un't~ d SI~le 8. ' 8.1 .' R~!qt~ I\.o,..~ 10. 1 Ie. ,rea.r. . . , . forg oLten, T"'lqualil v Ihe e,il. 01>,' ~be g.'HlOP ·r t ~, . " >,1 "., '! enal in '}lllril il!" COUlllrie", ~t S) ceh l811 er b huty . Specimens fllrnl led fre'l'. ' L lEd ,. ., Tl W b l:U abo. . . ' . IS.ly : ()::1T Look' here. An '''!! enl' wented hI II O " lfb~ a.'on'of flo "".111 I, CUll or IIIll1ge, tbere ill "WO . ' profec'tll;,!' Ooe ; t-"7 ~~. , III Ing Qt . a" " even School! In ord!) r lu re nch _1\ perIl j~iI ~ ra·~gllio.t Spain will o~e:r A pP ro"'osel ' purchaFe! t1~e G~~.t "Ea~,. lphe;rJII"'.lfll the ~~llte ' H,o ule , : h 01 the euynlry. the ,V."n·1I1l , will be .1- 't . I' 'If' ~ -1 J ,. ',. ',. ' 1'111 ...... ~ I recpptlon on lIe l4 • ,. ON ~ YIi<AB ,.rn a: '0 to I)M pe rson ",h o. will ~l~-loD,,?( .·~ 'fD ~\ Ions 0 p~o~ e an lern, 61 her up witb ' Jl ~rel cl" .. ' l,?~el,· Li1l1tJ a'mong tho e preseot were act 118 A~ellt, I~ /Illy P, 0 ., i'l. I,hel U. S. , 4.' ~errl')~I~i ,aro~ 0( .' Dllillun or gl\rde;l, Cil 'pq,~(ot,gib~lId, re.adil)g rRP,ID:, :A.~I1.~: Sll'pl~ell"" tlfo Atldrcds, (or lu : I"er r~rti.:ul.,e, \\tilh I) "I-uar. mtles lo.r the ol,d 0 , Oil, nl,'Y , to cOn" 'od ,.I\. Ihe applillucu. 0' _dnn,ang ,cM· P- rerpoot I~t\ poet • . ~. , ceulS [ur return pO ~ l" l!e , .J. 1 ~.,I ., I F' k L I ti ,. I.' W. DAllG I-lA,DAY , \eDw ""lM"" " ~" iliulioD and, keelt Ifill" ' oonlltanlly .ply' Rul 101',· . rnn . e8 I , , 1308 CI.le81 11 ul ~trell l , Phil ude lplllll, ,,, ,;~ :,1 , . ' ; \1 d~ . I , <;, . "\ r l !,'.." 1" ,N-ewlon. IIIlro()llclOg" dele!: _ _ _ ~____ ., , . \,.qg lAdy of .ScJ'~our, In lana, i g a'li S' hm'J: ,boat lJetw4!t/I • I..1 Iei ( J) renc'b- I., tld. in" QUII "ertl or tho t II t o l l 4J •• I _ Ii ~~,,,~.,,,,armly ... ttl\c"ed to It, -ro\ln,~ in~ ' 'Etf~IA'~~ ' epll~tf. roughost gnllllll.t Utl~e r"l C:II8111riil 1Ier lou.II DoL l'e,u;nlld. She c1.!"Da\~ WeRther "Quld blly,e nO ,Rppl,\!' Rnd ".1".1115 110IVlIIg p.' ~bw CD W e li it ve no hl!ai t'atillil io lIo),i ng I:' tH tht' , . prol:ureil:' a ' p~p'arliljo'n . c~fled 1 vlt cia~le .tI.a~Cl-OIl ,blll~A'diDe'8 'of motio,n'. r(i,!uced ID ,olume;' "IIIIJOI' ~el).' oJI.J; .ntf' ailled the~; willi' ;\b~ i ;be rl .e co'Dll 'Ptlojecl is'l Ulu a IUti W.I~n w hOG cllPHfur~.~ · J eff. lUll t'i' ,I <.Ill ,f' " 7t"':~~ ", " . .1 <'d ,. ' , ,I '. ' ' : , . 'D I pellll' ollts; I'n. 'IO .. s . muc I ~~" Jt ~al\ .~~: ., 'fhey,~o~~~~ 60 flfl.e ttlll\llli t)et.",el' ~ Cal~ .. ~n~ ov~r, lIlellted every"here on bilt lllte lIe~111 .iljl.d hlDl, .~\l be .'1 ' /101111 \0 ,pul.~ o,t ,~ Ji;Dg)\cih, com· Iand ~lbany tlLbere, h is brflig. luf&agaiolll tbe yotlng, lady . ~"oy_ w,)li'cJi prop.o," to ,Q naerlllke Ibat ,Lh.e W~il(j ~ou 'e "-D1laS., ' . • 't .. ", I • t·~, ' «IC11"e•• 1- .. 01''', il 'DOW"ip Pllrit,' lInd 'h88 Will close 'abortly,
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Empero , , r ; ichinosis. tl~e ~;;~e, hi p,ermi_sion tp ~ppe,,,,ed i~ Ne,! York city. a.o~ por;k , iG~,j Ii G I , . ' So tl o9.l1)~ence cl.' r,t"in Ilx,v.~~iro~o,L.". !l\ll(ifig " eIllll". Kr~ .I..oII.lOg up .h~p. l .eL"I~rk urotlo,J. OQ l~v!I t e rleeo. . III .' • . (j I . . ajon l' or, If you mull.' 8"lll bill I " hku _ _-"w ~all'_ II.dH,iri'rlff tllla.:ni\rail~, ' 'b.~ "I e \lDder .tbll _)Iore M \I lUI. blltle~. bot wIlter beln". rA,"1 to thJl in,~v f tdD;f I uo r 1\ . ,~, ' et · "or~ 'lI ' ~D~j p ~r"I~~ , ·D , ~1.P~J t? Jmr~i~ • . . seQ.La ~hRt ~OD~lituI8' lh~ diMa.e, 11 ~a "I.I~~ )11\.4- lj,eJll palted_afiu_ tbe , eIAI~~ PA';'atca~B. D,d.-~ ~io~ular v~ry _bo~gl8h lo , tbe pIgs' 10 I"k~ lbll lask lWOrd or" tbe ,1D0'(4) Illui oh tij do'ctimlln~ ".. i9~ued by ArchbislJqp dll"aP~ Jk~8l °tOW , "I:~D :e~d 0:' :;:,1~".: . . . 1 d· ' Mnnoing ill reler~nce to 1110 Anpinr. pelil, m. u I ,ell~'" a ral In . __ dll tI~l of ,bo' ro~h,u 0 • _I ,'1 . . . , ~, •. TII"Y'I~hqllld liav. waited un~iJ ,be.ollt· ' ~ ;'.1 ":.,, ~I [· t . : I~I q. n , . . ' iliff !If St, Pattie", aod bas been lar· tl r ...1 ~ 1 The D1arria", law of • .Rean.ylf1lntl'III If..> .. , 'I . ~ .' . ';,. I . l e , ~e e, cure... , ;,," ' . , • . ' ... '71i. · I Ii ' , ge:1 clrcu IIleu among .... Ole, It m!)re , i , , ' ,I iI' , ..:crlae ~~ ~lM~ .. • ~.Iurl4' Hree. \~! ' " , It I ),t. '" 1lid 118 fpU,?W6: ' lit.' ~ .• ~ It::2- c· . \ b' I I' v ,&.,.~.,,, "a v ' D",), , \oi 81edrAlety CODcerns. ;~lIv!l lle.1I !lr)l 'II' " lt~A .c~,l)a. I; 'feN . ~~~~fD ,f f.P!I!" ttf~'b IIf l ~ F~lcC! Illidulgk nce oC liis Grace the Archbi~h· P,RIIO?: r ,~IOIP=l.. t~~'1! rllffiIClJ.ons,,,, ~fl8C! ~it-.e.~ei ~a. b~e li'•.,~"'9 \~o" ~ ' . t: • {1, • " lD~ny 0.,., "ll ~I Ing. 0,. wRn:., 'Y1!~ellr , <' : ' . \ i I tr ..ba~ \ hill> ' lort 0)1 0.( NestmlPslor. A truce In ho~~r dlllly, peQpl1' OOD\pllllD ~f '~o"4aell~' l"l, lDa~JI.I~ ~, R ~ ,e:" . ~. I d SL Paltrek, 1066. 1 promise to !lb· nen-f.U8 t,l,t6il \IY., I'le" lind g~Derli 11 .f, lbio. "illi..., 4.n. awa1 ''''It I, lin ,' - , . . . . . I. \' . r J " I . !.:.;: , . . 11\ ~ • s lain rrom anto llClllln~ Itq uors fr om ~IX tIe CIIU 8 0 t I~ ,comp IIlf.\ call, "!'! t ~a. '1 . • of a elerg"man of; mllgl8( 'I i · d tO h \ ' . 1 h b' . 1 .U) aervlce , _. J .. o'clockon li'ril.IRy Ilv eDillg Ibe 16lb \0 ~ I! . f , e, ~conltJP"le~ , I IlI. ~, OJ' trale will DOW be requ"lec1 • IQ 'I i k ' S I .' Il I 18 I ' r e~y . r~r t"~ cur~ of , IhIS Irouble 1,1 ~hl\t 1 \Ib I! d lUll. >'11 ' .1'1' It! ': . . , .. 0 c OC OD . UI\I Ay ~'g' I Ie t 10 11th ", HOt. ' We. recommend Dr R.,I n . l y 1/ • • IV 1 L L 'K • .~tt~ ~,,' ~p,~I,'1 G~. rU8 tF 1!lId II wor· Ma rch, and uffer luill , ac~ of morti6ca· b&C'k " , Sugllr Ooated , pills ad , th~,I;'best' ~--I ' . k!DIA".trde"rul'y·in bebalf, I ~f a Dew lion for the guod of my soul, all11 to " . remed,v we know of. '{'lltV cODtain n9 41"~le:t~b',~~~I.t)', ~ato or til e' blOne! veil Ihe linger of floil f O justly de8crv· m.er~ury.'~r otuer ruiner~1 Plli'OD,. lind CONVEY~ , ~r i. ;ag.~~!I,lilm • . lr luc.ce s 'wall ed 00 account of Ihe 'in of tlrunk ~o . lI.e .t ;h~II" .chllrm 'on th~ ltv!:r IIncl ~Ille~· RII!lI(l Cui J ,W ~tlld tl'J1" , Annll . vor l'!yrul WIll y.et Il1lmol·lal. N T1 '''I . ' . ' IlDes, \ Give Ihem R IfIN. - A II DC,.rller 31r (; P . qt;a ~ ,')'[ . T . DOH~. . y.-n 1gev ~ r .requlrefl It \ ~TIT\\ImAm'\V' rnnr.rrn:n'lIm. Culwell'l'hvmft8 S tt·}.I ~ I' ,P. S!. I '-~.Alyjll , ..,s..~,Jl1 J ipkiDg Ihe .old .• nd N.ell' mBy kt't.p Ihis .truoe and . 8~tIL lake a 'l'lILaoIlAPfllo.-'l'he 'l'degrllplticl De· '\\1lWu..cu.~ u U' lib W.l.l!l \U', , C~l1y J uhn W . S!ll i %~ " Dr . W~"t' lb'~tb.r. lIe delffveB, (or \I gInn o/' OII1IL \illuor III meal.. Hi~ pnr.lm~nl ~I' Calki."~, GritIill ' ~ , CO ..'II. 1. W ~f'leiwltle. ?~h). Dlly FUl1uy SIl ~ 1I JlIcnb Ir cid"~j lU dtI':'l, ~ roi.,~ Ihar iosect cAble·layer G I A ~ b' I -, r \V " UnIon BIlMIDUllln~II\ Ulu, Oberhn .OIl)o, FDI'e,ulgclll'~8r~EWlum~ B""t1..er~ /:iI '. h', . . I rAee tIe .c I ISII)P 0 ortmlnsler 18.8j!cgnd to none ID thie counlry. h , .,' < aud, "".toneal type oC per5l8lence, Bru, ;1I\a been ple a.ed 10 i ',lInt 40 days' iri· tl\orpIIgbly and (ully prep~l'ea Ih~ .'11_ " (ieno llhrrftrt't E TnU,"" GIIO ' . ", ,. " " Hoving hAd (ourleP'1l yenrs' expl' ri el1ce H8nrell! Nomrey ' 'I'rety Lu .. ~ II: ~PI de,r' t1ulgeoclI to all who a~ce!lL tb\~ truce ~ent ~Q t~ke chllfg e 0£.1\1\ offiee, '8 "t· I.A Ihe praclice oi lileoici"e, off~re his HIlfVl!8 Churlet '11)orup@ on 0 W q mbe treat1 wilh tile SiOUiX Indilllls nud ke t'p thdr promise.' - London IS r.IlCU~1l 15 gUllrAlltee(~ . Do 'lot fail 10 ProfellionaJ Service. tl, the citizen8 ul LAne J"hll 2 'I', ,~vlI ,p n~ !Uah.l. V illers ,IN . , . b b I'li (J .' '1'1 ' I d' b' d Gl.oH IIddrtS8 lhem (or pur\lculllr8 before ,,0' WayneaviUe ~ftd Vl(~~l~Y. N.,rt!)11 N; , la8 e(' rA I e, . ' Ie n 1I1D8 In ' __ ..____ iug elije"here 394w ,.. N, wh. ntl E \V,\ft J r Oli v.e 'p., t~e~8e1'f' W t"I't~dra~' Irom Ih~ o\,er. .. ,. ! o.FFICIP on Ille corn,!r or }1nin lind M~ P al terson'''1 J W 0 l'~ h H ".)IlI', ~ 11 ' ~" I. ~ • STR.l:fGE R.llWRT .ID~ UT Q" UEEN ,T,C_ " ---H HID land r0'lw,. at.abli.fuld Ibrough lbe Si·ECIA L ~OTICE8 olmi . .., . nellrl, Jlppolile .y.. 01. 'Perkill! l\1Hry Whitllt'y Fhlt le Yuill! PIli II p ,. !. '/ ~ . ,~. I . TOluA.-A p,atis leHel' 10 Ihe Cin~;nCO-- Nil/ht 'c all. prumpll,- reepobded '0. Pl'rkinll J B 'fertilO(k!I" alld to d~8conljDlle 1111 fu· nali 'CommerCial ' . cootaills II,u,,(olJo,,~ •.,..·B-.... • "0"', au..' ·I'RI1E. · R Ilily Michae1" . " .1 a:.I .--" ~- .. ' .' - IUN aUll'ck& on }lerllODi IIOu prope, ~y. . . Every yc.ung Indy Bnd gent Irlllallin th' ~=-----r---'---~-,--,---Tbe Goven'l:2iel)t is to plly them len In" .Ullited SllIea Cdn hoal' aomllthh)". v!l" ' , " ". ' " ~HOT) .': ~ , ' 1" ' , It il said lb"L \'Ie Queen hR. LIlkeo II mu"h to Ihllir advantage I by.(ti!l.u~", lraU ,r 0 \{ T I" tJ E I THE r R ACT ICE 0' " ,0 L .. thou.aDIl doUare p~.' IIODllm fot \eo prod1llioua. liking ror 1\ " ,r! good look. (I.ree 01 cllMg~ loy .~dreil8ina ,he!tmder. g JeaTiI ' ing buL , 'Ign,oble' SC~tcIIlUU, DalDttl tllp,netl" >1'lIolle hnllli teurl of .bp, in~ JD 0 { I' \ r ~ , BrowlI, "'_lI,n. "al rormerly a sorl.or h'lmbukg~d. '!Iil l oblig, by 1I0t 'olicillil r' , b .L b II , lP,e,Ltgl io~ ioto lhe Dature or ~be 011 I-door b.~dy aernnt lo Prince AI this card; A)' olh~r. will pleale add. ell. '~d ~l;v';rl':,~~ rN~~~e.:~t ~~~ 1o e e;w:re· Till! .lIblcrabe', "aVing' .p'ureha8etl Ihe lalo ~~ bave , b~Q~iut to Ii trill Lhe d . d I b lheir obedlelllllervBut, • bU 81I1e ~~ BIlII stock recentl '; ' bp.101'l"illg'r '0 " bert. all 10 ec! til'" lutroog re.~in · THOS·. F. CRA PlIIA"', ' r .. (lIeL Itllat it i. ,etellled lIy insel' t. im per· bla nce to Ihu Prioce She 80 dOllltl I 83 8 ... B II • T M' A T II Jl r A L t7. ED. ' .J ohl1 W. C"l1eH, 'w ish ell •0 'C~II the ft it ell ' !. • ' 27.1y. 1 . 1 ro'.hV8y ~ New 'Yurk. ' J I ti"n 01 Fmrr.. en snd olhe~., 11J 1lhe ratl . , T enMs, C.AeH ;~Office at hid resilipnce c":" iblll,llo tbe e)'o, ' b'ot inuumullIle in UPOD him Ibat 8UU ktlepil him CQ\lstanl-r,) It'anj,,'''c 0 d C 111._ "1 ' , " Ihllt he is engmged in \ Ihe mal ul~ulurll ul ~ li~ lit l which"11I1, their t!. S in thtl Iy nellr her PllrijOn. al, .111 her ' palaces, ,. :u ., .e -l1f, . ' Ion .. 1110 :Slre~t. . 1"1, "'.. !}t ' 1' , " d b • ~ d gg I lind at all hllr joul'neyinl(1 10 _ad from An ~.ay , or W~rlnlOg MId Inatruc1.ton ' litem aDa len l 0 VII UI own to t ie Ihem She 'c;"'sults her pet 001111 tub ., lor Yo~ng .l\Ie~, . A a0 t' di~e. ,e,. , nd H.b\!- ~ l'OOC, • .A. Jiltle lblKck .peck tbe size ora', ,_. d ; k I.' d j b I I • eee ",hlch .prenllilurely prU8lto' e Ihe. vi.tal ' : ,. I _li;:atftnd is p.rcl'nred to till, in III~ . " Juc..".n .a all uill. "ce so 1\ 80 U II powtrw, wllh Hure ",e~ lIn or reliel ' SPlit ' .. bl!F~ 81)"le ""0 !,II Ille 8horlelll pm bead andOl' Lile Dlu:rllllCope tlll'Da Iy lb"l Ihe resl.of · Ihe rOYRI 1I0uteboid Irte 0 1 r.hrir"e ' in lieelf'rt lall . I ' .! ~tllJcW' ~mlth 1I0tll'I' , nnytl,lng '!1I hi~, line .' , I. • I r h" r .. , , ~ er pn", "vea. ;;U..;;U 'It R h r \\Jr. Et..· uu~ to be (ull two- Ilundred ferocious hllVO Uti~om" \' ery Jltll QUI 0 , 1m • . 0 Addrt." nr .·J . B,KiLLIN Ho'U a9TON, .' o::T' elallling I e @er'vicps IIliilD..te 'Of ·tbe'·beetle and sbRpe. 111 l1 rry 1.101 ~he CllOl\ot, for Lhe IBW of Howard Asaociallon, Phill1delphil, rPa. Eatt 1[ain St" Wt.YllelViUe, LIIION KOIP , "nJ olh er 8\lperior workmell, A ~ ~~l'v ·" " d ' h" be ' d' ber 'l·e.IOI fQl'blds 4el' 10 mlll'ry 000 of 30· ly-4 "" -' - , - - -hI! gUlrenl ees lhe ulmOSI eRli ~ IQClion. 'f~~-;,' )' ~ru ~o aTIl e~ 1'11°" her own 6 ub~eell., It is v~ry dislIgree· ~G E K T s w ~ E'D ' (DILlO«rKj3 ANlID W-f.\!\DillIWm ~ A one horulPlnn. 41ion W n'/l:on e,~,~ • .• ' . ' , " I' IIble to, mpnllon- t'le811 tlllogs of onc, T ' I' " ' . ., ' R t plrred In workmonlike alyll', lit 11\(' ror ule. O. HINCHMAN, " f, ' " ' . l'· ~ d Q ' 0 6t' • n",e Certl6cotu ru I 1 b " d . ,. WftJI I l!svi1le, .F\!.b. !I'i. 'A receot attempt w s mad"l ELOil ,.. I10. 11 8 ~I OJ on .. n~. ue,·, "0 lIeen, l~ UWl'dt cae p"ce, lin .a:u sftlc!.on WAR' I": b" d J hilS 10 IIIt{h a plaee III the rti'ler~octl elf IlAI'IT£O. 311-11 ,1I ...,~III1, Y II. . man D8me ere· LIIII wor I"u. I '"Illve r' .. rTIlln" ' .,}.~.. 'ftOOl epila. '--+Q,UD. , ;,\, 0 " I ' : ~adie.' Jeweb D '" 1.1 k ' ,. • iab ,.1lH!,a.tflD,lo poieoo bia ,.. ire, ' ,0 liing of Ihese .'telri .. tbey Witte ' P ' ,': l1ImOIl m::, . ~~TIJ.I.IiAI"ES. J.B. tlluIIA~. At )',"if Oll"n hom0ll. f}11l.er' eelt'tllinbl4" All AGF.'N'" . lba' b. ~Ota'd,lt,ell.r enjo¥ Ihe compAny mAr~IJ fulked 01 tn ' rt!"'I~, .bitt · no,~ .' O~L\~n.~ e~~~CII. ,i·· ' of . ·tli.1I JlsrY -Apn. 'bOld 'of ' t\i II I lher IlIIY~. bjco~. ~o UOl? "0UB. Rn,d For ,Ii), itllclel'd~Bwh. RelalrPrlce f\IOlri .' J' , " pillce, Tbi.lfi .. lloyd "SI Lis Ruis · al~ 10 poslllv~ly menll,9 ned ~n \th~ En · , • 810 to 8260. : ',/ . I ' ~·" it "'r~.Il t h It ·· IQ~. DI~I!t, • ~ ."U ...11 a D r. A'~I'Ine ~hsh papers, that 1 0,"0 ,~ o 10llger ~C!' I' All.cfood. Warrant "d 0 I 1 .. . " tan "ard tl16m 6* emp'~ lille. . p O' ,· ft e el!u ' n.., ,t~tt f.J". ' \ jJ. • rJ" JI~I .l!•• V I.J r: ' , C) 'U" II • , ( ~ 'Will tkeo' Io olllfl' eonudeoee" fQr a ' h ~ " ~ flce 0 Cllr.1I e~lee~, cem. ellch. ~bI ' '1 . , " I':.'..,'. ! ) ',. -' - ' \\i' - . " erllr Prt>miuml and conim:i8a' D ' N AD-1U , l~~e tUm of, m~~Jl1 IJI~I~I Ibe~ t,lte TIl!, Supreme COQ~t ~r ' tl8eon~ln lI!towed to Alsi...:' 10 1 0,- ;)0 , ,,-est Secoud Street" I
~IIifI' .i1.I' ;e~poa~tL lbeltinlr i \be (0 ; olici t· IJllil ItpRel:i~\1 t..
da cit
nl e~
, !
'l'tAGON ':
New ArrlogeiReat.
o~ t\l ·re til
G L'D S'l'LV ' 0 & ER WATCI1ES.
I po~D.~ -r."~.l{e~,.~p..~d .tbe. ,dllll,D' , ~1II''4~cf~.d IhaL Ibe Yol" In, :1$4:.. R!~- I 8ampl& certifto'at~, •.ent F lee, otal "ltiiM tidJr• .. t\l.,..,.,.- .... ad ·, log Ihe *elroe~ of. lhlll--Stal~ tUe- tlg\l~ , Fur circlII_rs ."4 Te""• •dd . D!!~\~Lt. '~, • •~ j~!f').~ ~~pl, are (t dffrlll~ i~ cODt1if~\ii101l), . nd t!le':~' · M~lIa, HAYWARn, ~e~o.. .1lOW.ID llb\ . •
, }i.'
.' , ,...
han tbr. flgh~ to Yote. . I
Employment-$10 'ver Week ,I
27.301 ]
2:l!) Brulld"'\lI', New.VLr k. •
' .. e ' "IlJtl-r ,
B,'lllt!" Vine u,!dRar.t,
32-3 111 ,
, JI
1886. " .... um. .. LnDft· ALLEN i RA DAJ.t. ~"". ~~vNS r lIerrltt; " Prints, ~"'L DII&. . . . . . .
!fill, 1866.
PI ••ide.1t Kimball io the oh.ir. The meeling ... opeaed by pr.,er heiDI • offer.d by Rev. W. W . Colmery. Mis. Jura tbea' read an ucellnt ....,. 00 'Tbe Yety be., m.thod or teacbing Or: ibQlIraphy.' A diloussioa of t~1I lub.
ftAI. .
h •
.,.".ul» 8OUIfD.
Ciulanlltl·B.pr.ll. ... " I~AcCl(jill., Col.. _,. Accola.. .
'7.5, A. M •• J J'.28 A: •. 6.28 P• •, 1.62 A • • • • ~ r .•.
Juti.1e ~••, 10 o'cJook, A.
no Sprtoc m.oUoD. Tb • ell!.; i ""{J'on' un .. 11OD.Y." d • 't ject of tbe. ea. ..y "" parlicipat.d iD by aD.II· u , d tIi· Tb dt., b • b& d _e.lr •. Kimball, Harlorcl IIDd Cormery. l
adlr~ t he
~as ~Ig.
aft41t. DULUI 1.
rllu.iuJ' reCllI'ed, iV ARNISlllS, •, " • • . / The of Elocution W.I introduo. . ' . ..u .... . "r"UJ) BOllI/D. ed bJ ·J. C, Kioney •. • ho drIlled aome lila ."d Acbom., 4.10 A. 11.* of Ihe member. oC the loetillltll in EIInvite ,Ut'nllon to of' f I ~ Killik IbprH8, 7.2!! A. • • oOlltion, and read lome for tbe edi6ca. til. larr " Ind mOlt cOlJlplele I ..ort Pitt.r, Expr.... 1 SJlO r. If. r ' f Ib ' t'd . ' e . uf PAINT VARNISH. &C.; Oinelll.aU EJEpnu. 4,U p. II. lOAn 0 ellmete I g. Tb l' I Belected:w[th care tn the • Df tNt ••• f\op. , , ' D exce eD esll, 00' a ra atlon . " P d ' of Ihe parent to the Scb I" lOS, " ..H. CUIIIIIT, ttllll'nt. . , 00, wali read I. W.-W09D..".flD, Su,'r. , . by MIIII BUDhl1g. and was li':eocd to ~ e' " . .. D CUW.f.I.LUJl& A,ent ely. hilt tamely upre'le. the IDLet~11 . I h . O' , A. •• " . ~ • • wll I mue IDterest. :I mottOO of W. BRADtEY'S DITPLII C.f.DwArlLIlDU It HfLU Agmb mADllule"; perhaps DO mUDlclp.1 elec , P H ' d I I ' d' SASH AND PUffY. PLAIN AlN'D FANCY . , ~,.." '. . , 81',or, lie OUllut" a JOllrned to TRUSSES, 'nit"..". .tgtal. tioo meet at ! O'clock, P. M, • ~, " . ' . , Animation 10 aynenl e,.' I I II SUPPORTERS, w,.,.~, .l \bll oftiee, a good, ~ea. one, both on Ibe TownShip lod Corpo. P . w. nESltoN. , Our Stock 01 I , ' l~ , B SHOULDEF.·BRAcES dy 01. ·1'4 or 1& lean 0 Id ,to eAro t be ralio'} tickets. ' loalitu!e met at It o'c/delc, . A'1C1 'vas e,O~!8 . A~lb · ~'10E~~.: PLAIN Al~D F ANOY , ntlilUOir bUll.,... tTlJere W8I b T l'lip · t'lo"e, 1, t called to order . by the Pre&ldent. A .. fO· ut one o.ne d . ' I . -I • • pI , TO- I " . " , . verv lArge audIence was ID allen "oce, SiiliorlAaati1.p 1'0. S~LK.--WO bue a bllt the t'leolloneermg "as Ipmted fe.r owUich wa' called,' Qnt, perllapl; ,(I'om ..lltiQ'I' ct:, Co.. 'I tbe ,opposing 1:1,le .• 'be faCI beio'gllDowtl ,bat 'Hon. E. 0, 1,/ H' Upi,oll B.-ia... Instil.,, ' QberJln, O!. datea'for JIlI&loe wer~ bOlb stronK Oleo. lf~il66eld' wbu'ld deli"r IU addrel8. mXfl!(o~~ • All or whicH'IWotfered .at: lb.' JoWelt for aale; '.hio" "ill be di'po.ed or ver, lind - tbe coolest between tbem "'AI Tlili E~eclllive Com'm itlee lilrougll its Wayn~sVilie, market price,. , ~ . i" , I'. 11 j • 11.) ,I ,.l..b I . "" ShRI'P' .nd Ihe queslion or Lhe Town ' l . ' ' ' ~'!r~~,I... Il' y. ~. , ! '. b' I, ' d cilallmUD preseDted a report on pro. Oc,t . j~: , " '.', shIp HOIl8e, whIch was I~ter J oppo~e f ' .• . b' h ~h he in.hes the allenlion of hi. ~ . 6Ir •IIr.:.6.. J'. :fhorige b al 'm.de tb e by lome of tbe outeide tu·payel'8 WhO Igramme f II" or Dex. meeLlDg w •IC Wtll ae .Ulme'·1 101 culloltlers lind the people DR. r. 1. "us.BEBlti. ~ ...w II ' .1 ' ( 0 OW&. ge'n!lr.lly. HAIR.-,O llS, . ~!' (Jouoo • preeent 'r t h e' l eaa. 0 f looked Rt it more . as a conWlutrRtlon 0 'j.t t ' t' (11. I t' t t ,• , " . • . , ~, . , 18 nex lIIet Ing 0 "', os 'IU e 0 bl! cOp1~cidIOIlI roo~ Qver: Ihl! ~uc!lon private greenbRcks r8ther Ibao of pllb' b I Id u ' th 4 b S d /. .' ,j, ,), ., I ' . e It! al .ru&80D, on e I . atur ay Store. 10' onl year. ' .Lilis II Iber.. lic gOOd, made- II. mRUer of ellrne.,. . , '1 ' . , , , " -AT TB~ _
"-11,1. . . _ _
mate a .arm, an
e dd aD IU eD ..... enIDI' W b N Cr' t" I b ol ..er .lure om ile 'Ioy I am e~1 of wlllter, put the people geoerally ID good humor, aDd at .\1 e.rly bonr lhey aSlembled about Ih. rendt'lYoal where , 'd I' f b' ::eolere ..1 Ie loterellt 0 '. e OCC ... OII. To .ay that the election itaelC was
A.'~~ D~II!
W1YDBl1LY, -0.,' . l\a~lr' 8t~lt FALL,AND WINTEll ,G()ODf\, mmummrmm. Z"'''Q . WDIDOW GLASS, Jl All I T
Direct frO~1 Ne~·Yorkl
Dry and DIixed Pamts,
rood •(~I th
. COlssimeres,
.a~OI,..ll!;' hl~O
Vesti~gs, Patent ltIediciD~S
fl [E!tl fF UM,rE!tl VD
--"" •••
U s.J. 11...,,,d .1 D,. L, S, moo. io •. Dr. ,Rice h•• III\tled
~bi ~.lIaiber.
O.,,,.'~d.";'h" wo<.
,8'." p;. ond ,...
T •• d ;,,;,,'
in the field: oDe compo.<Jd . chiefly oC was 'be aUtDlioll . of Oll.f', reader.. desionated Council. and ".' .t,.." \ ,.. . tbe 01 her. made up Or.DtW timber, bap· , II -- j" IIlr. I 'lli, " '1,'. L •• , , lIe. renched home lizing illeif (not io 're d 'eye, ') • orm. ,
IIII~II' ,U~•. ,"I}~
;oiil.iod.'00a ..... f...~· lhal •
.... lb.....(0. Sot..d.y.
~f 'd\II
"p,I._____ ·follO. ' bLo _
.&hOl'llk "
" . bespeak Cor him the old board o( officials,
f......... '
l ••;. 11..
CowaD. I . E8IRY _ Aritbm.'ie-:W. P. Har. 'ord. . Els,ay' _ What i .. the, proper 8ge lO " . enter aod le",e Ichool?-Mr. W. Mc-
I , ~,__ INE GOODS
Tru,Ut., Gord. J. WrIght, Dlivis FUI·nns. J~~I. Eval18, WO ' Iham ..,Bal"""le y ,
sold Ilis !le'utiflll ,ilia to lit. W. H. HeighwR}'. 'or €iocinliatlj (or '4.500. Mr. Klt1in ..r~ ij;1~;k... t~ur qf eb"r'l\iioo -'
:b;:~r'h "4M '.bOld~, . . . 1. ,I
SA~ ~lf;. j ,'E. Killin . will ,I -
.t62* 225 252*
. 139 A E .Herrilt 106 ", • Ole{!.:: . , Barnuel lIcCu~e (n~ oPpJ .58* ~"t"or: John H. Barn~I"t. IS!* WI!II. C. CorDell, 162 O. Hisey, . . Jl9
bAve II ptbIi..•·• • a' W. relidenee OD Tbur.. . . .' .. , ", day of !lezl-we.k, ~eglnDlog a~ 10 o · Clock. to ~bich tlie 6uette reader. are cardialty'10YitJd. There "ill "ill 1 be '" Du_ber ~ deairable ahlclt!' '801d, a~d
e~•.fl~'II. to'. ", t here. , • " , ••• , . S~B~~" EUmloic-DUIr'ict .No. 5~-
Joltn H . 'Bllrnh"rt, Well. O. CorDell, 139 C. Hiley, 7ft Johit SLilDlbury, 86 Townsbip HOUI,., Yes, J 84 There will be .0 election in thb Dil , 'fricc 'for ,to aerve ro'r three ., 299 ,"H, OD )('o lld"y, April 9. 1866., be· Tils Totrnlhip House wa. nlnad, 88 ;rnnlng-'.t' on •.o·olocli:. will be 'eeo, but our flliLh 10 ' it. ulti. • 1
"B, 014el; pI' Qle, Dir,etor,. ' '.
''; I '
. -Apri). 2.1t886'1
IMPROVEMEN'f COUNCIL,' Moyor. tlton Dlldle)" 66 RtcorrItr. 66 E. R. Printz, •
V•.' S•• oo h.. ju.t recei'ed a· new IId' ttet"o' I,dek rif' millin· it," '.'",',' bieli Ihe lit· " pr , ~"di - ... , Url'J Si.oo II IlIIO "aLioo ed . I" d f I to do ~ • I .. in I 0 I,' r () d
("lhio~IIbl. ,lbe. IDY.I~s
1l.~ , ~~~,
"'!ing, .lrj..,,,iDg;,
I. E , Keys,
H~D. 13\.;';')/ ,
, ' ,t· , , T " , .u' ' .. ' cJ 1I>L&vrlo.10r ...l.!.L · l..L ; , L ·•• . ' 1II8ml'sr 0 f tl IS
'~Qllbe\dal' ad.el'li.ed ·),·"·· •• · 1 1 · : ; ·
.... ",".. • .,• .,..,. I ·rdr. froDl,comi(D , tp the polll al tbe ' tilDe .peei&ectl' . , It
"1• •
' : .••.. '.
0 .. J(I'. Sla'n, l!;Iq.,
po.f1~Hlll DO' "lD"io
' from Ihllt hit
.Dd haYe rome or 'he vArle'Y 'of bfe, thll' lhe biftiog of tarillg up Rnd put. thlg carp,eels. ato,vel ,.and, blld· e/lafed .flll'OItUr.,e, broken ""'T cbin", .nd" hundred olher 8musing
m,.tt~ra do,,~ I,f~ad.,_of
. r
",,;;;;;;1' Wod,.. ~ "..... '
~ bUllhel,
O!~ l' .. U"",1II' Corn 1ll Flour " FhlUr BUller
~ lIO76· 37
~ n. Lard ~{l\I
" 100
~ bAl'rel,
100· 107*
'160 (ill 1 '76
~O 20 ~6
I I!1lFlJ. d07.f'n • h I ) 15 here Jonger. M. Tbomplon (b OtlI I' .Ie ketl ) tl'-, p.... ' h ' , ' 010108a lI' 08 8 , I . . . . . . . . . . I"'OIlhl.d...... dw. . .\ , 'iI a \0 ., H;.' d.· L,UI·I·h ••.•f •• ld. Ifalltlech' ,bo-- 'and ,be .IIDool .much ceOlly and \rll!d for the mur S @"0 " ......",..I. ;,;rb ...•I··r·, , . ll, I d eN w r.ellllJ ". ..,\. '......io It. b.. boo. ",.,. .'''..... ,.....'Itfl' ... " ..IoU I 36 , A·ltrt' "· .' ,,"1 " • ,', d" bail. "." Sorgllu!u 80 • '1'. C••, "" 'iI go aU .• ..."b.... ".iling BUI\t"f . A rjeultutRI ' order of ' \beir. , IJ..f . " .' , Y Ilb I ....,. 11"4tnll1nt9 'II ", W0 . ' " A8Ior.illtiQ" ha', decided , to 01 te '..au .. III '" ...... ,,, W. DO,! 1 . ' .00"\ , • t IAnlla' Fair on lhe 261h. 27Lh 'Aod '\ ...
' ..
t . ooAAt·
'f~";" ;,
u- 0,:
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AJ,\Tl~~f\ ' , 'IiG ·~ '~OI.~t'L.' ,
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lVllfuenjlle, Ohio.
- mAD]~ . [CUSTOM: MADE] llA.NDI
on'lIalld ,in gnat variety.
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M.'ftb2\, ' 1866. ., . . . .
~r" T. DqDSON,
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J• ~ l~A.,, I R V IN'S BAR G A INS, • V.per eDd of MalD Street,
A eomple .......rlm.n"f .):, J1
To. AI
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G4ITERS. 1\NnrSIl9~
For"tadies I:... 1 &' ChilaM1t"~ t'n .:>-d717; n
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Pap!'e. , Ginger, Clotiln" OIl. U.. rk. •• c,.... ,
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I' rou "tat to ktl M".Y dry. go thel'c- IlltoxiCMte<t, .
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If yo .. ".nl 10 "" I cI"Ullk, "OIl'IKO Ibere. If YOll If yo II
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\\'o,uetlvllle lUoI·kettl.
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CUl'elully.and Promptly
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• A. se erry, L,,'i Hartftock. JOIII EVAns, Willir.m Jonf'e ,
:'I ;' H. RoHarrb••
W.n/~ou,'-U~iI~ bll~l~hlli ,bi••eek.
,~ "
D B ,1r ..... ', ,J, "
MoO UFFY'S '" WILSON'S SERIES• . ' , , &0.. &g.
dence,. Th. "eafJ1er bl:inl all ,bRt could be desired, we to pre&ume 'b8~ ,,11 who I,"d tbe '. feliei~y to moye, enjoyed tht'msel\'si aUhos., on.
''' ..""
, Moyor: ' Gorden J. ' . RecOTder: J .D . 8 we.Ie :"',ta,"-,r· .'
...bIL.".I_. . '., i. Ur2tDdl dellil'!!d by tb" frienll. or' .eCldeahoD h&"eYer.y 1 11 ' . .i;voler ,hould , ,,;'," I ' J ' " •. . ' I.e . WiIIiRm
PhysiCians' Prescriptions DYE.STUF~S, ..
" ,ft' .. YNbilVI LLF... ' .'. P \" , Op'polite Ibe Founlain 01 ur.. ,Iller. ., ' If you '""II Cuffee. Te." or Sugar, 8J. ioto in&igDificance wilen If yo". ....mt Mol •• ," 01' ,Fiah. the charm. of chaDge, al'e cortlidered. I( VOll '","1 Candy. R.. i,i". r Figa, 'fbue hal beeo a ICllrcity of hOIiPeB If ';'Oll ".UI.ell.e •• or Dori. d 8eet', 69 6"u ' to. re ll," ,' " lIS l~r,~n~. , ... hi.;",Jl."U.""",SI/1 lile Iff you ",nl"II ""t " "t" or .... 71 whetherll would proSt;:. able '0 . lom,tl,' pe,ra,og""of Dl!l. t,o ..,rect IC' y ou YIi lIt Ihe 'I!Ick, or bllt, -r .,1Q~llo!l.esdll'l·ng ll·.e ,,·c,om , I' ng lum· tr ,'oti • t Starch. lUk e. Soda, Crea m of
R' E FOR "
F'our·lclOoIt .
G; HiDchman. . JoDa.,. Jan.ne,", J
~~ jIli~Dl.I'i" iom .. be14·bia~.~o ,..' tb. bouf' ' of One and I
Trullttl, Richllrd HRinei, W. H. Anderlon.
Rlv.ot• ...- 1."111,0'100 to ....Iller J)lllom· • #. . t b.r It.n d 'o n
. ' B....... aDd ,n.
•. ,
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• DNI I..NG GonDS ,dRY for Way~enllre, Rnd quite ~ DIl~- FUn :,SH " u , G B II AT bn 0,[ our cJUzeol oh,' ,n ged 'bea,r r~II' " ' IJ.'J
'1'1,. Corporation tickets elRDd . lha.·· It ill '0 pleRSllot .to
, ~-,.--'---:--- ;,
PAl N Ta, 01 l
io Ihi~d
mille triumpb il unwaveriog. :Nil J),,- Iy can. enjoy, whQ .re privileged ' to ! . .trike tenls from one .pot &0 . another.
W .. BARt.Er, Clerk.
Rddre..' or ooe a~d. . quarter bour.. length, Upon the IIlbject of Educ.tion . Tbe Executive Com~ilte reporled io ravor of holding' two .ds]. aenioo. By 'oto ;dr the Inltitlite lit. " •• decided . bold tile IU8ion al Lebatlon OD "'ttle Fridel' ' and Satllrdll, in '· Ma, . After .ome iemarka coD~erning Educa. tionallioDthUes tbe lostitllte adjourp. ed to .meet ai. Maeoo. 00 lb. 4Lb S .. tur. day io April. C. W, KIMBALL, PreaideDt.
A"F~kJ). Hll"'B~l"
('A~D'" K~.rN'iJoLb ITuD,)
--'1'<"___ 163* , ~ }fond.w" April t; ".II' Mo.jng. .
I!m III· ' • • "IIIII:J
IUI!:i W
'The Damel marke.d ball.
[J ouRIJaoDt.y" .( noopp.)
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IjlIilIU' ~
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FAMILY GROCERIES! ,,': A V E YO 1I R. 0 ROE R a Be, I~~~,!~ io(or , [hI pulll!1 1/1." l~,e, I II AI"ive on lI.nd mInl expect ,If II School-Boo ' ks ' . , kelp' ",'\. .., and I wi " ,Complete ,~~o,r&meAI~,
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A w. II... '''''',...., .... " .f
__ Ollr jo1l1;'lri~bd ~illlb·, Hinc~. with a star ara lbe luceell/ul eMdi. Addreel-B. W, Brown. of .Lh. ,.hhlens are d"tell: . ' • . , 4ddre ..-&e.v. W. Wener, ··r.nQi~" hi .. 'bee.u.. he. • AI ddealed Of 1/" ,PtaCl, BI\!1. ~ . '( ' ' ~clliD'lil bal" "I ,bee qi 10 J , W. KeJI. . 203 ~he President 'then introduced thll ,,2r ,~ !ft,~ . '~~-Bles " , 100 .trong A. D. C.dwall"der, . 266- Hon • E . D . Mansfield , wbo .n ,wer~ Trta'fir£1': ~
,-o.A.......... "pb,-l'J ...
Th.·lIofo'm' ,;, ...... ';"'';." ..;'b CU.....: ' . I "" p"",.f P.........., Th. r.u...;.& I. .hoc ....\1 . • f Ih. . Co"'y E....;...1"",- 0, W. Kim·
• ..1 .,YIJllatlQm.
,~tst O»JtnJitrt~~,.
offered un
ClIfMN"Et$ :!t.: \ • "1
TOB..L1. "CCQES. , ' MEN'S' AND BOY~' HAT S -ltlC,1f A"'I J. ., ~ •. I ~ . " FIIiE our " " h . " ''',' IJ
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Selloo]!, EtEC1!l{) N. :~ ~:: ::~. ~.:'~,~; 'oJ s. "" ., "r, ', 1." ,.....,,' . . ' , h b' "1'/1 d ( L' '" d CI . G Notir.e I, ere ' cJ"t'n lp I ~ I ) '~.IIIK' Ille'11ur. WAy,nielVlile \tllol iJDi8rr.illt. i( p"p'perlUint.or Cinll.. mon. , " UIT JAB'S
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Th,n ,n Rid ; ; 40,~~'
Wa+r..hes Chains Diamonds
PAotogrCl •
lee bai II aUt a' sa. :Paal, MID 1I\i" " , ,i"l., Fin .nota, Jlai rt1,oD• JDCbu hick. • Bijouter~e! &C" " 501 BROAOWA, 1\'. T, ," I n hare petillOned Worth nearly OnQ MllhQn D,o \lar:!! All In IId,litlOn 'to Gur ma in b\lsinen of 1"hoTb. woo .,rowe til be .old (IIr (1)~8 rJlic ale.rial.: we lire B''',uartert NOD-l'8telltion or ~lIclJn~iDeDce ot Urine Irritation, Jnf[aJllDlatioD ~,,* ...· ~re ..e of the. duty 0 NED 0 L L ARE A <;: H. (or the Ibllo "it1ll, viz: '
or Ul~eratlonof t.he 1I1adder o~ oa .. ~ WITflOUT REGAR!) 10 VAY,OE !! • I ~:h·. ~·eYork 'Ilr.i b,u l!e i, con6J. e.nt Of Ih eae WI! IIn"e ~", immen e 88~or . Kidneyll, DiB.bue. of the PrOf· 1l ., . Jl/,.. No ArUele ' to be "uid for Dutil 1I\P menl, inclluhng Wor Seellep, Aruefl~ln te.te Glali'd rhone in the blad'd er, &b '. Dr. D.0,' .,dj.oUl'IIW~ bdu, know \V1a"t it hI aud, lts "IlIU~ ! IllId. Forei,Lln Gilles and Lnnd~c.pe'l, Caldulull 1Gravel' or . Brickdu 6t di"!cliD(. relur~ to 'p'ecle pA. ym~lItl. lIT. ' LoIteny I -;;;; Gtfl ElIt"""rl,e! ! Grou.JI~, SLAlU8ry, piC., elc· : I 0, . Re· o .. . .. ~ol\lilll' StercOAr opps, :vr pubflc o r pt lVlle Deposit; and. all diaeallei of the )(eli~d& O.r~I\,. a coloreii' w milD, . LISr OF AR'fICbES. " t'lthibi :l nn. OtH CU1.n lvg ue \~ill . b" UDt bl·a.a tl~t bdue"lI, and drop'leal '~;iId to ~ 118 yea" of. a[l8 'w •• !illO snlid lIilver ~eo 8~ts 850 tf) $30Q 1'0 an y llddress on r~~elp .. or SLimp. · . barie4 ill Qe9!gelowu, ., 0., lall ~Oo rO$e wood .nd nl.bogf oy PIlO'I'OGllAPU I C . ALnd~IIJs· 1 8wellingll , ' . , mu illal bl:\xes !ill to 200 \ Ve werA th e first to mtro lice I I ~ee week, ,.~ .' < ,,', 25i l .goJ4 h UIUi ll1{ walch8JI 'If. tQ ~50 inlll the U ni 0 Stlltb, ona \Y~ mQIlI.I~c· Pbiae.' Tr B~,allm i8 ... t Wll~\l ing ' !lOO ["dies e nom . guld w.ftchel 611 II) !lOO lu re illlm etfll e qlld'ntil il!B~ ill grell t uflf'~, & a eo.t..a,o ,(oi t:4' "e.t. bimltM Ap . 5 UO genl8 hU J1 li~lg s ilv er lIu .•. 31i 10 100 'u n"1110 i.1 I' ri "e fro m 60 \lenlB tu :>0 O. 'r. . ~ ~ . 6UO, Il"pllO.(lI 8J lver wal",h e" 95 to ' 50 ~uc;;. <'QtJr Al bl' m~ hlll'l! tile , rI' llutali.o n polaled ~"sioaer ~ t1l. Parlll Ex· 600 molh er of pear : lur:; IlI11le~ 01 uei .. !!: ~ upB ti .. i'n bilu l . II n~ ilu fobilllV JIOI"i.. o( 67, olld ope r. g in e8 . 25 to 100 loony ot hers, 'J' h ... y \V II. be sent ily FOR ' . . 300 six · barrel revll lv crs 16 to 60 11:0 11, FRRR . 01/ receipt of pr ice . A ItroD, feella,.lD (fttor or tIle 811' 30U eleITnn t oil 'p l!i ltl inI;8 50 to l Ot' 3:rI"ine Albnmll JUndQ 10 Urder.a 11. :( Jamaioa to be .Uniled \Ill\) mn~ble 8tallltllte', bti8l~, 50 10 200 nhAtograph" d ~ I. \ d~. '- ~ d· d · 00 t )00 ~ 41 r v " " ... ~ NO IItreog lhlllg tli A .YllAa,_ Aud I -hht, Sfat.. , ....oileiling itae\'(I' among lhe 2bO ia'nolt rtngs 0 , . u' A I"". I O l h.JI~.". 'IvOUr"" " .'II"'" ""yolh.r "'" . . .. 5000 pholollrupb olhuma 6 t[) fll) Oor (!) .. lftl ogue h'Ow ~m~lIee. over rIv e ' E ' ) d'$ etion k"nwu rom .. ll. Np... \I 'Ilho I. "y". -r--"...1. of thal. i"aael. \OOuO aold t\I.. vP. ~t nej:k chftlna 16 to 30 ThuuI811tlllifl'",elll eubjecII, to whiel~ ad.. Ari:si71glro'l1l x.:e86e8 or n' c r . lboI'. "III L. ,1•• "..,uJ ••••k.IIII: huw •• III .., . II b ' 11m 01 .. .. . lh .. llo~lb, No I)4trIOI~ who yoJ".. hlllll'o '. • It ~r·l.h, " O))I'~ aD8, )tI,' 100oo. 1101d .lhil/ll.tl c., e.le8VB. ure cO llllnue y ellIg m. v, . .. .1 b 0 ,,, J.... 8 dilitOB '" t A m e n' c a118 , elC •• viz'. The con.U t1ution.o n J8Itrecte.. J I 1'1 . . ' .Jt.. . 1 . 0 ~ ,. titlltllnp, lockeI8,('IC, .~ 10 P Otll'l."tS 0 f 8!111uell 'liCU14gotbel'e . "llh on. tha,",con~·\i·'T ' w~k enln. tale, ,IX Iin.e plNla. 10000 II(lnet, CI USIC,r . .chased . bout g8n1~ kn\\88 re<\u\,I'.' lhe- aid of med· at lI~n<i \hli Iln·I·SUS ... • .~Iog ...,,·d e I 00 Li t C! I I " b ,plllllttplll&m1e ,00 mlll..~I"" 'llIIf .,d ..... ct JiOD.\ ICI.1 lor aboat wb8t the .llborate aud p I.ir. !lold r1o~. 3. to 10 100 Mnjor.Genero 8, 1 e u • ~ o lI.e•• ~I, ioine 10 81~e ,o a.t~en an d il\>,i~orate t e lIy \UI"' HI~ and pollnled ","lor. '1'", ••1. ,', . .. r : "'~ "' . ' . 1000 eetl hdie"tJeIVplry Ii 10 20 tOu 8dg.-Generlla, - lliO oth.r Q!Bl;er ',. .1'.... I B hu ..u<l al~ftf"", .. tooOh. r"uk rh.t,botlOIl" ' .. lDacblDery orJ~nall1 CO.t. • • IOUUO I!uld peu wilh eiher and 275 Col~lIel', 75' Nilvy ·Ofllc.rB, sYllem, \Vbi"h tiellllbulT ~ f"xl\ra,c uc .ooN11ES or Ih. W~I' .lId lIo"lh . 'li nd ' ...... A."aD~ papofl are re~lclng' o· Rulld auld h. olden ' . I'l to 20 560 Slatp-smen, 130 iJl\'iIl68. i'lIv,oria,b:y d~Pd. If 110 trealll)l.I.n.t be sub· ,h" ,,,11'1 of Ih. MI ••W.I i'I'I"",III. 11'11, .... ~ .. r . I nA- A tt • • 't lOfty tn r lef'i l "hould \H'oy itlll ,u.ijm~d(' l yea "dl li Ih. ,ref oroou".• ' aDd."J' oooujll aDd the odor \ 6000 g'ilv ~ r iob1et8 1I0d drlokl\!/i 60 \I,nmiilellt women, bIT ' 1)1 IOrB;. l\liLte<~ to! , f~n~umpIIOO . J'~ I :I~~III ~ 811:'1' \'; 118. 'f ,. rl I. I'r.. I",IIly "" "". dlo,.n:, '. '" . :a . l . cup. I _' 8 to 10 126 Stn .. !' . ' 40 Art.i .. ltt/,: ..... wilb wbl,}. UI!Iuu .... "'" ..mle.!d 3,000 Coples' of JWprk~ vI' Art, enl~8. . ,comlag rrom \h,_. bud .. or a;:ple and 0000 Illver' CIII ohl. Iroit1lnd ' ~ " ",bleb Ii tll.lOlI.CO or.o mo ..)' ,.u.... ",. ~~ oh bjo••oml iu,t abo, t to, open. Gok,lI b08~ P16, ('Ie , 2ll to 50 induuin!! repruduclions of Ihe nlost CI'I, e'. dJ·. I'"I'~I. or " I' I. '.UI' . ",,,.,,,,u,,Iy -r- . 1'f ~ l ( "J ( . 100 S "1 " ..n ed :)l)I1t' SUlI.» "uh, n,lId lb . .. ,. au, mu re J !l...... I d ~ 1.: ' ~\ \ .i""1E'l ~. 20000 other articles , Ir,IJ Ul . 1 to brul ed Enr:ravina,. Pllillliil~., • (.lillie", .. • c"rl.ln ••u,ody 11,." Uoy,..,k'. 61 ,,,.,·h T_ ... ~v .&0 w.om Uo 00. ."or.L'u , Th e " " ,,11119: l ' C, prllnCD ." t1'8 nsm,"!! • ~t"mp' ' L 1)"1"01' •• ' n' '1 p .nn f'l c. ('. UIU I ogUp8 ..sell t Uil r eC"I' . pt 01 g 'l\' ~ bf1Y - noyer ul.O",\·IO flu I .he Iirt"UalOQ..~,r' . or lhe' war, "A~ every art icle of uur fit.ock artl put illi u Ail order (ur . Oll ~ .. D.l.\ze u .\!.icluree IrOlll1 ITOr. tlltA II\"")'S been ml'. h ,j L.-~\L.e'l -a, mar i .. d to 8 Boat n blank eny lopu, Hca le d, 'HId mixed; and "~Ir' ·o Lalogue .wlll be· he lll on t.Je~lpt' OIl ll",,,d,·d by 11,· 1,"~Ii", . lId 1.... 1.1• I,,,ve ... II~' 'ft' WI , .1 b II • ; l'l!Jorhtd, Ito ,,1\ ulitUtu:\r or mCltlldlu H •• IA ~' . :...... ; " , ' Obi'e' '"0 ' when ordered ore token o,ul wlth oU l rel:bru .$ 1.80, 8nd se nl y 1Il 11 ,l'REf; . • 10' etrec.tioos pec ulinr 10 femml88. 1& un p, ftrrOll ' Ih. pro.'·....; IJ"I wllh 111I1"."co.·••. F~ m".... .e .•• ! . all)! '. 10 choice and fonvdrued ~s dlll! ctPd. The PIIII onrnphe rs ollll u hers, 9r~~flDil! I.t I' t' 1\8 111 I.. l\ .. tt.c"r.udl'I'II·.u'iY.I"lU . ~.rutllJJ' t mif' S6 'pe,r q \I.led Y uny ol,er p r,' p :ra 10Q, ' . . N "I ( rro.m tbe I OaJ)adiRO. floDliet huld f, r or any certificu l8, is ntl,Ll ed. blo ~oods ; C : O. D.; \vlll ple'use I ' d l'loro",·' nr ~Ienlion 'lrrelfulanties, ·'o·lh.' .... "fDI·. , Ulilll ... 0!"S I!CAN1HIl-R . r" . d,I" t t tb ' -F'.lIii n ex. whoteve~ ~rlillle•. i' 1/1'~ n_f'(1 , UPOfl I . e cont. 01 I hc omount ul I lel r ur er. . • . ~ "" '\' ~:. e • AVIA N n "7IlIi DI .KS. ""'1' Ih. ~ y "· "I • • tm, ',o,~ ,IC. ,~ , ~ I.Il e , • .. ! ~r poymelltor Qlle b ol lor, . \vh~l" p.r Ihnl or. ,! ,o:::r.'Ph,1i pr ceR .Bh i'l\l~ i t .J ,<,. tJ~ ,y ~dIB Pninlulneas or S\l pp", ~s\tJ" of cU Etomllry Ot\ll" will, IlIli t'IIl" .lId h'.I~urnlt. Ih • I AtG , otENstntsl.5IY,w,' , J. or . . II ID .b b 'p e. "'" . " o~~ hp. Ul l'ru,..~ l,.eU I!OHhQ!8, llild 0\1 ~!' \11 ' t lin 4n hlTtllllftblere", ..lYuh".M t .... ~~j>l , q' '''' I ' ,t. I ,<-I:: ,. I I chased five, te n ur twenlY C erlificales, " . 1 .1< ·'" ), I" I ", It v Dry r"",Il •. K•• ,,~h~ 1)'OID"l 1 11111 · . hl6" u.ra to' 1l~ ntltn'e of In ~l'n. s8. , I YQU CUll tuk e ..ju ~ l u~ .{t:III',IY or . j'18t ns Ip>v plalnte I11cldeut to the sex. W let ler art~~ nF \. vl ti~~ 1111 ,,~tliln~!. I!"l.o .1\."r~1 r;~",: ".'''' 8ootll1lcl, died recellllr' at .Coromodl. of Ih~ arllclcij' hl'y severo'lly ' des llrlhfl ' I S H b~, rroIl111~bi .~ of Ai;s,} pHlIp'.n , impfUilenclEill, D~"~:Lc~ld~l~ll~JO;\~fc\:!t~:~~r;; ...__ • I Pictou ~,l:I. in ii er 104th you pleu Fe., ,You mY,sl pav Olle Dollnr li or ill the declilie ur chenge uf Llle, , ,, ' .•. ~. r 1 '.r . ~ .' '. tl. wpl,eco for II~ UII send"for, ku\ ever. . £0' dI " 1 , 1 ' I ~'" • I, th.",I"Ckll~t'"nlln'''l.r't\.''I'IOII. ''on ..,.. I }I • ~ e. . -;,1"e( lIM/ ' ~~ ou f~O 'ru reimburse u, for th e cu~ t of prinlAncl aft Brp"I'~s ." 'tart . . ~¥O'~~ l~o:h'T~lU;,~I:!h?~i ' I .' . in", mnillrll! anu advertisinl/', we charl!e TIv ill Re il ing 'THE FIJ!lLD, II "ro co,nDulul<lo,1 vI Ih. plli-eal d'.\1I1 + ... " ,ea·r •• /. ' • .. F Ii "" 0 ... •• b ... " , ~ .1' I" ' . " In wblolil lbo iftlleleaean ",,'\,." . • rt.:. _ .. ..!{ • (or cerliticOles 88 rullo,\Vs:-. ur v~' ro:lll; DUNG!ON,'AN 0 E~I '; A'J , ,/, ' Y ~e1.'!ArI iI.arri. D, .r.;'!b IlC '{erre e[ev.(1 1t9;.eighle4h,3; 1 W\!lIly.. elgIlUl4; D .' R1cli,trUSOII, N. Y. 'I' ribtJ ntr eorreepom. An. !, llallte, IDdian" i. ab(1tlL 'tl\ke poes . Ihlrly.five Sr.; /I lty $7,50; .ixlY·SIX $10: <l e ll l . The I!npurlliellell 811le uf 1,000 BET~ER ! ~.Iiotf. f _fi"tfik ·tJ\~ Bum or ij6,. onuli updr.~~' l.o; " n i~~uhi\lIlJre~ , ~9() coo ie~ pe r II Ay 'i~ 'lIblllldft'lIl videllce.olthe , ., , ___ pojlUlnriLY of Ihiu work. It the mu ~I " I ' " • I AND J ~ r.\ . -:-;I;r , ". tI ~ I fj:7' An elpgont Pr~,mium wil~ . e"eh inle &t1 ~g"n:n. ffrl~ hrg bo p k ) ~rat pu 'b. , i ,: .1) 1 ' PRINCE. V\?'A:r,.~ON & CO, cluh "I Fou~ 'D\llIu't! or IIp\l'ura! ' will be lis hetl, embr IIlg IMfI', Rlcl! rtl9b IIIn· .' '.1 !1, M iP A lO V E I), <. ~(8....,.....,n loJ)h q. W JI~~"C K.), lorwarded wilH ' lhe Cerl ificGles. p'lrn lPlle d ~xrprience (or four yenre ..... III K . , , SO .11 ~~.. !'~~&1rOltS, f Gao,·W•. T • • 8hemiall ' Ji., ·I 1!isD ",II, ~"," tldvenlUres whii,c ~~lIv.e~~I.~:: thro\I. ' th e " ",,, I "' I.' '1-'l'7'....... I1G,68. GO a .... jE...., ""~'tl s~.~ , , ~~M ' Orr~,:.$ef"la!'1' 9f WAr., in N. B.-Spe rull II sf of Pr f1mi;lms 8011 SUUlh ill. tlle ~euret service 01 the ~I bUil l' If ' , (JIN(,INlV.t.'l'J;,ORI..lai h PIAl A..aIAr Sberman i. likely ~pecial te.rrnl /lo lA;enls' in 0 r 'ci rcll'lurs. UI lil e oll ! brcull of Ihe wnr, wllh II r ,!~. .':f' , " . • e 1,1 -vr:ri'i'lljl" •. , " l . T. & Fl.. GA U(;IIA N & CO!I ,,1I1JP),J 61i . mil'S und ffe t· ,b'bl'h 'EmtrA1ld Wi. ,boiS '\V ill ~ <.Ii ' 11 e I '"ole rrom the 8,6' I db , to,' e pQIi I]f the Presi' 371111 116Ilru.d.ny, !~ c w Vul·k . ) I'on/inerilent for tw enly monllis i-,I!n ,.;,'1/ .f' ~11-1 YJ (C ,. WUl, •... , . .' f • ~ ..J Ipln D'I · e· " ~ p. 0 r IIJe 'O'nnn." rg."'8 afl ~ ' Slerf'() copes ond lereoloopie Views.
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I I ~ J ut .' . ' . nll nrly 400 mil e~ , . p!lllet;' llllii or no eh ll nge III olet, Oll~ n AlIDlle,&. pby,icia• •/ oC PIIUade)· · 'Gr 1\ltr l'ablilb~1 t TeOCilprd,, ' ,-a.lI:i~~~ enerSl;!l~lo ,ou~ aum, ~xPo.uro ~ eJ mr\et'ely I'Jij~er8eU i i.I'1I Lho~ (' T hi" fl rt'(lIILfnllon ,. pbi.li~'te~J"e'd· 10 pro'f/! tb'ilt 't\Ie rin· P"b'lftor'II"\i'(\ I.TllO find e s peclUIly. rel\lrned IIlId d.-SlOb -'fttOlffill' Ilitpleo'lIunt Jb"d IIAli"prl,u s ·tcnl Jdi~s. C1\. louti ~11'1 r~~ "'I'~l.~ . , loltor " ..",.• f,,. Iwu c~rs AI d sol ~l e rR , in \v~}lt 0 pr a Ie ,' ~. : . knotnl. IV lit' Ih"r' derp., i '''lIfe~. 1v pA~., "e growlDg ". CllUHtIIJlI»S. " em~il'Ymf.n{,l wHl ft~d It phrf 1:tl4~r1 dup . pli i'bn !rnd Mtltcury, 10' ounng .ltcIsl\ un, o\l\thl y Tci ll\' lgoruto (bl"OkcHO \\' ll I rnul.. .• ~heckt:d hy' Prof. E'OBER'T J'A CKSON, R"D ERT' li i:Rilli RT, ted 10 their cu ndill on, S~1I1110r circulars. pl eusallt nlld d . llgerolld diseules: l~w " llIfll'U ' ho!.oo, by $t " ~ n ~ll("" n~ i \ · ~tli ~I . D., Dr" ~i UGI' NE VELP EAU, Jr. . Allllr.. ss • ~ • I' j "'~~,.,!.~ ond cl ",,~,ln ~ ,Io u . Tflellc.t(ndhfi ~n'sariJ. t~tblllltdla59 A~lERICAN PUBLISHING CO P'Y. ftl Om Bcti · aDd 'n~ s lin ... . • SIx yeDra lif unriv.nll~d success In Ih e t ~ rl, .'I;i~rllonl, ~onn ,: H i. A !lUfC' , ('rOo. Col. Hiram !Falter, rorii\ ~ 1)' of tbe cure of everr '{orm 'of Jl.rivlliti di8eQ~e ill. SClANTOil c &..!EuBR, Aael1tS! [3 U',6 'Yent.ivo of 811 tl l/C (!I'I' CS inc icll'lI ~ to Ne ~k r..... d . ,I,i iN r fdi!QI' eluent 10 either@llx. Fl,mn ~"'EXTD,ACT ' I I ' FEV ER, OLt\XDEJI:;, ~.., • z;.o ' ] ) ,r.: 11\ • D ' I~ 11 \ _ ~ t' ~ &'ffA: J U is ..nn l mnl , I nch lU f e ' On.OD \,Inlmopo!itall. tS repor. Cl'Il1el all ""air eU"r,1I .Ie",,·tpv~ :."~f ~!,&i!oI." ,.... ,;... d.. ~ I " i .• ,,11" /.'" I.' . " '""," f' .' y ~}L I. 0 W \I' A· • , o»er,.lftitpiricillfli ,,;;4 rill ' ' 1)11 GILBEItT'S . l' fl ,' , Tf.1tt. II ~: A n : s, teil t. cOlllmit~cl "8uil'ide in Lon· • 1'1 '1111 c~.e8 ' f n'irUrhlli~t Orgftne, wh~· coua li S, m s· We Infallibly cure Syphillje, Glee l , I~ Uur;t'''r"r' ·L·F.~~P Ell , n:. < Darin, thf wRr' be "88 aD. ~~DI Gonorrl:lDn,llllpotency, NO"IIII'II~IIIII~ tli. BlJIlil.'J , ' Ih'fir ile'xil!li nl! ill mole' or lema·le. from \'Ell:'! , l"O UNDER~ oftbe Confederate gO'!lr~e,a ~} urnel Eml8s lons, Comuluints pe,:!)Iiur 10 D'tl~ H~ It DIOA. L G(,JU~. whuleyer>clI~l!e 'oriaiholi'I'g, "nd no ma'ller ·Wi~A~i~ ~r:...t · . I d r. f ' I .11 .I • t . h ' " '1 'I' I I. . EN'ElIlU Y, !.:c. tu u , b I d ! ~ma i'n, 0\1 every ~I):; . 0 _prlVU ~u ~eue . b! ow long 8101.lu nll4'. t. \I p.euuot.' I' \ A • ma II "e\a~, .. pola,ol WI~ t Ie en uf W'b atrQ, r ~"., .e 01 Illre. S , ~tmftlor. ~j w.~ IIlII'I~,VII·ol"'·QI!!~.~ .•~~ t08l8 oud ·odor Immrthole !It ItS . ICllon, ~· ~ .. Gilt oAt· i ..... , e .... · cODyebieot medium rnlD'.O S.I ·ADu~e, IIimt ell s' tif model'1l, W" 0 '" J" I Lho uPllciite-·g(VCli ~ ) ~.II ' !. d • d Itllout (In perotlOn or ~ue... tc&tle IIlId mOfe B\reltgUleninj( lhan any or lite ,, 1 m,oo I h .Rnd IO.~J"'.Dlf ' 11.' ',." flc" .'dult lo ~oi,e8, keep. rTI/l1I W6 ' , "DIlly 611 speedily cureo, nnd " -&+t. , . . "Io;oy 8kln~lIn,1 -T .<r r eve ry Iroce of i18 rerrible e1T~cIB erud icB· . . ~ I l' I prep~ rallull8 o( ¥ork or Ifron. W""form. " e in, it about tbe rillbt moisture, "bile led Irom Lhll syslem , wilhollt de'elilion TillS 18 on arlin e t e w,tl1f II W IIC I '1'1 'm ' · fil l rI ml50rab\C s~plel on Inlo 1\ fin • .lnnkl"jr "nil 10lle 1I .,~rlllg rO,m ,~ro ,e~f. ow n or • bu..." . . , ' ,._ .. , • I nslollJ(bcen felt, ~u ;. n efer sup,~lied lin· I ' tb, • ;uioe lit &II : p'DtltlO A~9ists io fru m busin 9-• •YIJuog men~ be r tlda in Iii no,': .onl$ Ih incre¥Siuj! II II "ba \ h.rre Ddicote C?,,/stiWtionF, procu rll the recpeoy 0(. COl•• ~hll pr""nn>"'ou t.s 1"l'lIIn hf'" n "IIIOYi""'~lIioa,lroDl JIII, lurJace. 1II1.nu" ll~at ~~ ar~ i" o~~ as i n . 01 I.lio it I~n. "eoll once introd u,,~ o. nlleB "ils !lll. '. ' ~M 'I uu tlly lIlltl' ltnpl'o"H he 4"'''iLy :Secrect recelol~ lind mel hod of proc llce Il e lwrit.'" overl.aD" llrel; tm ~ o ~ iJ to i[ure at once j . f' ' " • , of Ih o milk . Il h". r'.,/ r. l' -hortl.'" " to ' .A'·) .r""r I (; 1I Iverwell: L ,I ll pIII 01 IJ, H l IHlor V e l• Iw ow II. ~ I '}'I>e render must be Iw"ro Ihnl , hOlvev·. . , . 'fbee. prol'l'" hy ft c· .,. 1\, U ". I J illli <j.~pt!ri!f.hl In fE . .-i aptain' Alnm'eh : b Id peDU, ::len., itH:l1rd lIilll olher grellt lights' It will ..em'c>"~ thM\' •• ..t €Ii!le In ..'IVE er s light mny 'be II\~ fttthck or the above nor. , ." 11,. 'I ""n· ' n ",od er .. n. cdicli l sc illnce; lor !t is () I. ct JUINIJ 'I'~S, Itnt!. ClIl'e RllY vaso II eO'de, ' it \s sure' i ffect Itill lJhdily lily of milk nlill lOb•• '.... uter of' ~~8 Gen ra)', lind f l ' II ' i a v ' b i t tim r u ct:O~8\ L.·~II ly p< r T.J1' '. \ ,j ' \ , • . ', u lie very Il.re l!tes~ Imporlflllce, .~~'. we II CI'Y 8 0 C. ho"a l ll1, me nlnl nth erp; ';lIppih(,98, Hrid c>!nt. and make 'h" DOW 01 t e fron C Ild 14oDt"nA, II to be wou Id 18k- BIIV 'I1-n of overoge aUmOlUU ,-TR E: TRA'oi 8UPPLIF.D BY I , '' b" tt or 111m .nll to ' tbe lIIan .lOf,wllr lhat 8e nsI!'1iuw ' C'on lhe (hllU88I1(J ~-nd on~'shlllDEM l s DARN'tS @' Ih llt ulrhilt pU~ leril'Y' OudlE'sh o"d "Iocld :;'t1~~i:~,f~!;~n~ low prete"deril of th e duy, Will! Ih e lf fee.. .' J • '\ ' 'ife 'lIpj)(\s-Led frOID thelle ·source.. . ""UPI""I It'. loo,.no COI" and inelfillieot remeditis, Iwpe to ,COUI' III Park R..,w, N·elY y,or~t. , " thcl ~ h id -" "" .. r. ..,-l!l J\ lhe mili....T, cbleh~iD . "cross ble 1.. . . "'1 ' , • '-'mak.. Ihom LhrJve 'be oe'lD~ . I'ftl(,: W\l~ u.~.·. . ;'.. Solrllly Dru!lg isl8 !lenerllly" He'llIil .J \ it. Ye unforlunates.ere IrUSlllla your hel!llh price, 'i113 00. U~u\ll di~count.\o , de.ler-a. ' Plea~ . NGti~e! 1'; oil ,1iscnses of S"lno, ,. ,.tlll.'" ." . ,. I,' .- ·.lIe· n,."' peoplewbo rermerl1 be· ondmol)"ytoh car lle88 choriulllnl,6tJeA st ~Plttf\lIv"· I.p,e on receipt 01 price . ,;.~ ."' .• ' iJ J k I tbe 'Llln lls, LlvC!r, loagea to G. W. ODsd,', 'b8ve petilion. IV 7i10 I~ n. ftC son, ierbert.&' C~•. , GILUf,RT ® SURBRUG, Prllp'r,", .\c; .. lhl •• rllclo dO eu: tt" r, tb tb fa" who will nt OIl.C? lelUrn you ft • • klllll, diS. . 676 Brl)pdw.y, New Yurll, ' \\r'~ rit'J Ue!l\o 'i'ec 8t' of .h'e iOllreMenta. ~OU au specifio. " • ~ fir : I~; }n~ •or . ' a.' .• n1o'er creet nl~~ ex~hclt ultwer. L,~dle~, w file fj:7' Delc~il'l ive circuillr. BellI Irlle. Ifl'ELMtJOLbs FLuttl''EX1'RAiCT BU. :.ic.~~lt:,~g :~~,~;' lUI wi~ lb.y were to receive 8 oomrort. lor , ut ~lrclIlar. . ' 27.310 to a pRp"r In 11\ able lubei"eDoe .d)&riag life. aDd that Dr. 'JRclllun's Fcm21e ' Monlh, I Pills. '1 CHU is con)pofied oC Buchu, Cubebil lrid ~'r.:;~ ~:t;·~~!~~ th .... IJII. price $1 per bOl(; ex: .. u fine, ISo; B B'lle rurHper~B e"rrlei, ·eerl'r.tld 'wl 'h l,rreilt care, will.bcp ndlcnlL<1 ey are .n~w .~~8t1'~U.tE'; , 4ue1 conae· ftlld ~t1uctu~1 rll medy for all irroguluritipl! ' . .~ . , nnd pre'pll..edoln vtHio 'b r' .1I ••er/ HELM- or onl.ltr.11 provent.;d. 'l1l'Dtly Slr'l at lbey '8 d · · their ohil· And OboltrUeliolla, from \\,hnle vt'r cRu8e: " •,,,. . ( PruYCnlh.o Qnd .uI·~'fi>r . '1'1 'lI1 . IL I 1\1 d i P DEALERS IN BO~D l u~ "~F· s \-i~t~ emi~t o. sixleen lIri~(j.25 CeDts per Paper, ot' ~l.'~perllor Ill. dren, lOIDe 6rty all lold, Dilly' respec: Ie ' OU III 01\1 0 'I: It or C len roo yu~ r .i' oxperlenclL In ~lte cily o ( P 'iled ," " JllUIIPAllED BY , . 1 ~~.-.../-;-1I"i't-h--:-r\,.-;'~r.Tr:"'/1r-rnm-r-
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1100 pogee and 100 pi'l II. ~"l'II\ft' i@ 'G G • h' i ' 1(!" buuk' you W.llht-price flO cen\ei S · L tell.. eD. rAO. w o. urlng t e THE lor on9 doll l.r --' , o! td " 'I r ' , • , Wlr, .a• . ul.' eo ' ille ' a ' p"rd, Lut Seod ,lor l,Iur,lIplenllid llircular, .contBiA' I . ' d ' .".~. wbj.kn, 1wa. Invariably kepi .ng murp ' n qU~lltt~Y ,n 01,.81 Ipl!rior quol· .. ,f' A II.y Ie 8;'y 01 Ihu so.called 'pamphleI8' . beatty cropped ID IlccordaDce TIlth tbe Remember Ihot \Ye Be,," 0 wrill e n replv JIIle(,Af ~iI~tft" el i lie Ie,' to ' ORY .p. 10 e,ery leller, e"speci;,lIy e,llIpled to !I.e • i 'r,' . I ,I ,.area 00 lbe .tr~el completefy .horn 'Ila,.•IC)~ ar ' IlO'~ u" '1!r f u!,a; der,a lipn, be· • . ',• . h . CIIMO ' IU "the IIBluri. or IhlllgB eoclt Ollst' hll rloll1 lraute IIppe!ld~ge. J:ho. diftilrslrom every olher. tograpber. wl~Lap~ou~\Cld~y be tl'Ioic' .' Jvcklon's Qrielltal L,inimtflt ed to l~ar(D oC~, 9~.ADg8 III the per·' Rem'OVtlB III 'cO(lO e88 'olld dlsn\Jilily, nntl
S ~r,",:', .0,. 'l<N¥D
I (
° .,n, r~· .Anli,klcohol~e
1lO 'I~~ ~1' ~Id!"U\tll"iiP
~I' 'iMtiO~
'.Pec.tCital Snru'p'.
::., E.'.
• ,'
wt)i~h I'.~W!
FO~~~* ~~o .•
A" ..... '
H 1"LMBOLh,&!'I
.Parlor and .Cooking Stolres
Drug & chemioal
LieuteoiDt· rl'juven'I~' orllftnll 'which have la,ill cor. . • mont I(lT ', 1II,8ny y~O!" . ._ Dr. locklon's Frencfl plllent Jllall! Sa·re. : ~",,' • •• , I ' I II ( .1 ' 0( L' . , - t 18 per er I u e .Gllu ueVll r IIII' 1S lu • • ~~l'~ ON IHEa .... INSTITUTION8.- I:ive InlisfaCllun. It hllhe o nly Bure Bnd I d .. r oar ell .e preVenllY\j agll1081 cOlltracllllj,' u1Sp.1I8e 11 r. J80,.. ..101,. co ore mllllller 0 . . . '. ' .• p" IIIl" I I. I · elty, mad, bit "npearlltu:e "ellerdll 1'0 ·ever Aflyenteu. rlfoe... etc t, per 1111. I «. ... I i .' t lIoz~n 84,1100 per uqzp n $7, Renl by trlsl!. • tbe ~~'f". llepr.:eol·"'AA · eb,lrJlog Inebriule& cr tnOdflrate drinkers \11,1.0 de· . , ia hi. DlDc1 ~1"~aoo.al\l "'~o~ or j tbe 8.i~e II) rp.lorm.' bill \~ho have lo,.md il dl(. fie It I ref 11 can wi filly er I I 11 Obio. A ..mem"'er of the u~,w u. r. IRr ro "klll~ . . of liquor, I IC.n en . ' Pebitebtiary. ;:fn " j . • " ;1; : .. 1 ••• byalUSlfI/! Dr, Hpa.. a4dte lled blla .faUNI"nl" ,. ,lId liefb. • Pom pOIlntl. 00 J., ailea:bla i.~ l1e wa. ·~ .Itt;fdjlng ' tbat unh!'l tI.!I''¥elhedy for !"iemflern.nce; \Vrite ••euDlea' itHb·. 'iewl OfI lli-e~kiri' " 1'11 " l!)r, p.!t!cul.rB • . ,1 Iedlclpe and IIllllr~cllon, . . . , g,l 0 ' .e nt promptlv 10 InJ p&r~ of th'e r.ountry. ~ ...~l..k~1 "ritP.~~~, 'N~, ~'allUlllb'l Roolrui' ~l'~e m,pen8lt'y,' H;7 .Ir.; "n:<\:to~a~I "Ior,.. ~a"" I 0~1i .....,..c.lI1ore. 8Ireet.t:lmClllnaI1. · ' . . • II. f,J~ 11ft ,L . # I . bo.L • pdTfor 'litenln.. • r3~ I~' ~~. IUO ,'~ &"'I '~DUary,. ,,"aere Ii .00 . " ' '!:i,J • ..' r lit' 1 . 1Ia.ool, ODtl'l. l~'ih&\jQ~' jJl lbe' ' t . , I· . , &alt • 0 8 IOtirn t ' .,' li ' ltij;b'e,t '!l' all Oouli~ ::lyruJl~: lor !1I1e 0:7 ,~ • i . a. y . .lItEllRITT & PIl-IN'I'Z, . Iftlly. . · . t 'l tppearaDce of Oeoeral.
pb'ln \ IIltd Ie pr/ls.cribed .ltythe S. A. moll l e minellt phy siciu ns . h~8 \:'e en IIdmil. WnOl,ESHF. DIII1IJ "!VD llJ:DWIXF. Df\P01'. l ~dIOURr i\lth 'lU \liled · . Slute8. "rm.+. Aud Nf)"U6FranklinSt,.Baltim n 'lle, ;-d. J . ..., J!I. T~"" " w · I'~ .1- I' n I' 81 I I", . Fp',S.le hy llrngKI. ", aDl.I ·Storeltee\lem ·I.b';'ugh. .1.L~!!I .n ' • eO yery ""eller"l~ U··6 b II II e . .,.81' " QulIn. UnJtcd StaLe•. . i , . > t 1 .. . , Inh. alld p'llblic Sanilur,y IIII;t :IUlioI IB ---'-----___ _ _, _ .....(' '_ _ _ . At th e ollisiond on !II' i·n 8I'(' AI, \Vnv'ne~. ' throughout Ihe lond. 'I"errlblo DlScl"""'''Maaa!!oecrets ,ror 'h e villc,W Oll lll inlorm Iht-ir old cn~\Ulr\erBI And , I il~iltlqn, ,'", " lite' reftt 01 rrinnkillllll.~t tl1'I)Y bd\le :a1l:dotl A mURI "nlun,ble O~~"'Wllntlerlnl TI"ha" •• U~80rlrnellt or ' '. J . . ' ~" ~.L . U ~ Il oR, . A ,'~P.t~ ·pl,.'lu " "ig(!(h .. o.nd 3q, cnl. •t IIfI,,1 P"ur.VlII!!a. r. HUhler's VA DE l . , . ~" ,'~, M~CUM, .n· "rI ~6n.I· Alld popldllr lreuli~~ 1I1~o, II varIed etpply of , ware~ouse, (1,'1 Mh.n! anti 'W'lmll • lhi ir ' VhYllio'h n:, ' 1", In, 0 opPer &, RIlCOl-ll ' . " , FW,e. ~ IO.n" ~lltJ (') l Uft,1 dl ,\utderK"r ev~ ry on Un 7'are I:: ' . ' , : ' ~il'd. Will i:eve r.llli lill!! Rp.lnpdie~ fur for Bole at the lowest cBBI, prIce.. '£11 . ' ~94 Bf~adwar " II eWa Y~rk, their spee.dY t. urll i. lJ'he- Jl'fllcth:e t Ofl Dr'I·~;~~~C~~~~~:I;~; \t"I,'WIII!f'1' \~YJl.•~~r:~'T: , oR H I I , killds '01 ' .. . • linter '118 "nil ,eell, a/ld lI:i"' . 18' U11~ O 'b bouudfld, but 1'1.lhe, tlftT/Iflp t lIolic(i otiull " 'U T - D' O O R WO F\ 1 < "•." , ~ .. .' • " ~- -. nuru~1. op~ peTlIl''', hll h~~ ~ee" IlItI'DCl'd . h S " ~LMB@UJ) 'S pjUj '. nd 1 1i8 medil'lIl 'u.ie . l,i lrie8~ , IIi ,tll','II''I,' Ille ""C .,IIS pout,inrr, Rooftnlf! ,&n" ., du nle pn . .' r ' , .,. . , . " rill' h III of tHe 'vrlde Me uln." It " I,' n short nOlic.e a~d ill .! he ~est ma.1lI1 r· I I I .July 3-2 ,'_ . . . ".. ~ ."-" '.-. " ~ vo lIm..,' t l lt l ltl ould ,be ..j n the~I".DlI. 'If e1l" ". I, " . , MtEll>H~A.L I D '1 ery fmmily 1~I,fl .If!.\ld,. 01 a prol\''' "I)VIt . •, #-1 vice, or: 1\8 ·Q.g\!ul.fo 'Itl-' llie ' ~lIl!vlHtlUn !):om. ell p.~t.: ~'(JBR LI.E8TJrI ~ .. II , , . , one of II,e .1II0SI nw(ul anil dt'8lruct !(I~t'~W. d. . ( Copy rl·gllled.) ." IO'·.. ,. ,' S'~utL · I~~M "'iI~()~~. ~iI'JI~~'i! u • .Te ~.., eJ.e' .eoUf((e, l j '8IJ ~ter ' ·l'.. L~ed lDnokiQ~. HO ". "~I'~I. t ~ UUt fat (Orllmel 1 I ' I ... I' ) ' 1 " " • • ' c,:op)" wlli ., orWord·, •Cl ' ,\' e'lglit lhnti' lilly ·other. ~" .1 (BEr.ow ,CHEll.allT)'. ;.1 ed.' lree dl pUlloae,' io . o'("tL"~ ~: • '. .•. ,. U:RiIPd) ~hue. (o,I'lO ': ce.a tll'tn Tu 1T"'.Aln~..!ou. WILL H.k"ff! . JI~ oTlflm.! . I P B . 'ti ·:t DB. L p ' O ·. A . Addrell8, p':'J' '';U~''J MANUl' bCT'UIlED QNLY &'11" ; \,j' ' ' ' ' ", ; : ,-'" > ' 3_ _D_iV_I...: 8i_O.....:+W,;.t:I1,!IJ.-i~C!:.L:-2!L'1till/ji.2..:L ZEIGLER & SMITJf . ,i, ~ I.. A " / .. t • • I . " , Wllole'll.tlltlJll. 'P '!inllr Cia..- Vtlilere d~ 4<;cjlC: Ity "IinigJflU ~iirtp/i,fre: I
' t, , (,
W.rt~Dted~to ~f)vc"m(t
1~! N'O~~ ~~ir~.Sr1 "'1 1 ' : I B'e;;,are '~ ~. ,p.EnLADELPH~A . .'or dl1!1IJ i'.Altt IhA£~' .1~1Jer
29:ly, -.
.,. ,."
t, '
Ile~ure!y enveJof1I!.~,
FiVe ooplel cpt ,..r~ TVIl c'pitloat ,.~.r.
W:EllNESDAY, AP RI L .l,l , 1866.
lOa '1t1 11: CM:&>';TI'IL
LI ra .
. . . . . .bl. 80014,.
-- -- -
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.
Am oeg .1I C1'lti~" in wb o. .ool Whla \Ii... ... .. ',,,, UuIe ... iDg II " cbro nio .ilm ent. and iD "bod.,. .. girl . hne ...s. __ ''''1 D~I .. re Ibere i. IlIO N yinelt'" tha " Broad . ., • . The , ar. t lb.... )iltli. ',,,,c ia, none lI,e more CIOn,picuo•• e lb"n bane.... of ..iolet8. Dr !Kit.. 'J'homlll C.. ,I, Ie. Ihe f!!col. H. ~It\, 'to" . · has ton••ad CICCaIloaall,,, W,iUIID' mucll, Ind writ ten w.. 11. hIt•• poken· onn , end to the poin H~ blalla I'OIe of' bot·h~ ~.~ 'OD ~ t; lIud I, 6y, ean u, AI,,'llIIr '00 1, "gllio, •• wildly .1' 1101 UllI n eece n"ie '00 1,,, qllllrw!. alrl' .. tbe , t\ ~i,..\· "",,,iuA, one or ~bom h•• I',la inl, L.scl out il. buo b 10 lbe .,.. ..,. AW VDg Ihe mOil I1!D.ible ,e~"r•• - 'hi Hule IU: lad 'r~ to "'P ' Oil .to • . p.r · tribu ted him ~h. We.,. IOr r, &0 Whea lb. ""r, ol., . w ' ., Ilttl . 11,,_., ,Irl . h." ny~~ dt~.. la ~II' l>llm(, • SOotI.M. i ,\ bea rd.d Ie be be-
tee-,.. ... •
""0"'"' :
lDrl ~ W.dllllloal!l;
brlHliblUllled reefataDoe &0 tbe ••• -Tbjrtl!,n ,bo ••11td .opie• ., W i o."r Preaidln,'a Velo, b, Lb. decl' __ IboriL, or lbe Uoion to Iii tad, ia im' Uer', '&0.'&11011' ba.. beta aold. ..in of 3S 10 16, •_,, .~-Dl'" ,~ pro"" f ' e rell 10& aa a lime lor , , BIlrnlUll ia I m .. be. .1'" Oil' _oadlY o~ ahi. w,,,~, Ibe ,..,Ie I, 1tn1'.,,1DJ1'ORl, db' h P'd ' r P T ," .. •••, D, Net, . . . . . . . "'Il." .Ko, ...t, dl!clluiog .&lle iOlurreclion In the South- 10 the Connecticut L~gi.II'ine, "'" u.hn in lilt Hou II, 'ft'h~\ller &Ill! " ern StaIU 1110 a' aD end. I -TIM ,,1M . • ' C:I",I Ri h Bi hf p..u o'er' tbe 4t. L It_ . Such IIloclamatioD been n - the .fi.dy !tide, 01 lorl1 . .fll!r 141, feLo of Ille .• nd Ihe biil ","8 WBDlIBIDAY, APflIL tl, • ..,;
t~I' ~tllberli !t.te~
.K1II~re ,..Ku~eni
lit Cao,d., ' , ..aback, ar "orLh" 7 petted, Ind if condilion or lbe 6\'11_ " .11. per .(.- J.>... .. . ! " 11 lOch liS to warrAnl . will • • . ' ' . , II, Ihe dey fOr'it " .\8 'well Illlecled, 'fo nil IOn , lUI per" OU i ll tlle pe?p.le:o( lhoslI &LI'te. tb.c\eolnrl\; ;0 11 ..: 1:,1' ._ .: " • , Lion, "m Diye almol' a. milch .ali.rl1o , -fo m 1lum" II TIl lIIbW 'i. (ro. a loot 10 a U'ft.. t LD I" t lue all al lue,r • qUid
IIDO:::~'c7:J: :i:~i:Og_D. I~Dd A~·
, r,
r* ID:1
7S,~: P.k~
r ~IO~ d'.~I~
ne". 0 •
Yor".;,t)I ,~y. ~ftd1. BrW,,~po'"
co:.mene~ Ihe
,' ..
beeOllflt!" \""', - hen "
• h,1f ~~p, 'P Ih.~ ... Le,. plrL or, ODe ~.r a'go, aDd a. our ~icto{1 Illen , ,\ ' , . " MaiD' " '. .. . h' d . -Ed"m1!'orreilt .,III!!ue (or •, • •• , "1IlJ ODe 11' loll UJ ] bll e.a:Jlool4Hl lod i. on II I" 10(1I III ' tlIe p,urll,P!'.. , ' . ' T ' ., " ; . ' . The ~~'I' "1'9)' ,.8 ~~,,",.ea ' prom ' dl~ Dol v~r1 . b4l,.rll.l.Y "el!lo~;lIt. so tbl.s '~"8ILb and 10 I'ullill en~.a,K~ D}enf·' (H. all. 'a"erliA to ' r-'" uadlllll" ' ,'\'. " Ulhift'atllil. . , ", to Il. " , abollt , . ,. one ,hi. .prod,uullloD wilf 001 be .,ud.clory , e .,J,Ullrtli' I fll a. ,1.. • ' ml~1 loyal men wllo koew H mUlt" gueu lit tl~e Hl)uSII or ,SSM)! r · Tbe UDiOIi,lDtjorlt1 in ~u. Hllmp' come. ; " .", t .ilHlr~. !<lIS M\Qiwler of lb. Rt!pllblio ' 01 .bire I. *\Iliin '9 0 '''0111' or lhe estimate '?'be) lJulimitted'to defeat a8 ;pevita, W"ZICQ, ', btcgr. ~ ·.l.~iioD. " ,, bte', u1\feti lingly no,l .c:~e8{rul\YI and ~Tbe property in the mL.. 'U 1 j ~ 10., .ball lubdl ! .001'.• . 0.. 'fear ".emine. 1.00\ llin~, UI:"O,QI.!~1I1E
Pr~.iden~ . ~,ne r 1111m d"oltll'lld
" .. e utinutlQ
low~d by hi8se "djol~rned" "
I ,
' II
' . ~'~~~;th.~l~e~~=:~~~~~~~~
rJ, j,~Dd
1 , 1
8~p~II,US6,W ~iyen. Col••
Ille bill
1I,'xed PajDt8t
h' b 'k H W Ie II OUIII '
DRU (}, , 11 ED I CIN'E
.ic~ .
u_ AI~:::.:;,:,::, .r... L....... P........., '(C::olI:
NEW S lRT FOR 1866 1886.. ' __ 1866. n. r;",t .r..,... ~ ,. .l4~ i. SPRING FASHIONS!
SI!. ,r. DODSO
I.ear•• a.
Itertpit iraillrt. bl.IUll recel,.d,
u.elul i.n cle.ri~,
tlkl'lll beCore 'inllhf, lit .,.llIin" III re :el'vh,IO Ille Ihr01t1 .rler an u"tllllil t'x,rlion 01 Ih8 vocul organa. 'rite Trqchea '~e reCO!Dlrnelldell and prelcri!lcu bf Phyaiclanl, and' have had 'r~slll1lu( :ala (;0. eminent men Ihroulhout ti,e coun • 1" .\ ~ ~ Beln, all arllcle of ' IrUt' merit, and h TELlimUPUlo.-'£he 'Pelegtllphio ~ thE'lr effi.:ac', by I tllit of yH,I. ellch ),ear /l\\de Ihe m in new locft lI.r.'")l·.nt ~r C"lkin~ \ ~.riflin ,& . 'lion D"'IDe ~ lotLltqlv, Gbe,ljD,Ojlio, tie. In vujoue pnrul 01 the world, and the lecond 10 DOlle in Lhia country. It Trochee .re uniwsally pronounced l-eller
, ... foic.e
IIdtlreslf tl\e m
ing elsewl,ere.
lIt1jcull\\.~ berol'e Ito·
39 4w.
the I.fee', t IDd> niOlt compl". , of
. )8.l~. If lJlI1t'l'1I'·BH.
The above Skirt for sale by ALLEN & RANDALL , 1 . lell.. Imilhtiqn ,hal m', b ",f.eJPu , · , &1.1 p¥e,:ywltlm. ill Ihi! ll;~\~\'1<l Sla,lu, WI"~1Mg'llrnlF .W..... '0 811d i~ "relAl" Co,+h\f).a, ~, ,~ pen.l . pit 1111, ~.O~ 11 '~~ .t . bux.
t '
Direot from New..York I
' thoroughly ROIl (ully ptepllres Iho BI,,- th.n uther articl"B, Ohtnin only '}lrulVlI', Bronchial Tro· dent 10 lithe clJRrge or 110 office. Silt ebu,' .i,d' dv"uot luke any ot :he woob· isfAction i~ gUl\r"nleed. IJrl10l ail
DBT.ot. '1)
~aSsilU~,re •.J \I
' P,L AIN 41!U) t'UOY
Ever of'ered ·in Wajnemue, •
To which he invitel tlte 'Itten foa 0' ....
h"merOUI cuitomer. aDd till ,herelly,
,, BFBT WORKMEN"', ~ •.
Ire emplol"'"
W i II~ low'"
" ~
YOll n~ meli 'end 'it.llidena ! ' heftrken flC"l .10\ fn blell. ' 1'he ule of lb •. Win", low's prl'Jlultiunl in ynur !emf/iee will rromo,J.e ~I' .. hh, lIunly pumfa'I. ,lnd h,n? pi neel ; 1 lbnd I he' .dvertill!mprit "f Mrl . n~.torer .ip
MVI" ie Pill." .~~~~~~~~-.!il\aft1eflt-i&t" l1ttlltt£j.':"'--
IInuther column .o f I thell bu)" UIC•• "d- bit' Donvinct'd Ihat' au el",pmeutll ort" true. Buld by .11 druj!gisa.. • ,;)", ,'.1.'1 , . A (lARD TO .INVALID8. '
;, ~T¥BT .\STYLES, " ';
·t,. ' '
the '
l'.lost·j tdvaDtag.,us' Prices. 1 .,
BAm Bl8TO'mB~' ,
f Jf'l
ilia •. W'N.LOW'. Quair R.,. JU~CI'I
UK i. QUEEN, Dol ollJ,ID 1141", bUlla Y\l'~UBe.
, .1 .J..
•) -
altf .•• ,
BUCHU, 501 llaOaDWU', Jr . y, All . 1", 1II.lIpoII til cor lII"in b~il"p", of PlIo'Worth lIearl, One IIl1liuu Doilllf~ ! '''I'-rlll e )btt'rtDI~ , "e are Hndqua, ,rw.lt)I' lollilwilll, '!!.'s : ONE LAB. EACH. rol' lhe "r.oteOpP .lId &motco. ic Yitlfl, . w -TO yaua!· ! . 01 lhe • we hn. an Im".lnte • ...,f{No Aft'" .. lie P'" • • •m TO. ment; Inc:l\ldanl -.l~ar Scene!, Amerlun
Foreillll Oiuea and Landdell IiIt_toory : /' Il", etc. A lao,
.oll-reteutio1l or Ia.oatla.... of lJria~, Irrt.tation~ /[n!ttnrll$tion olr trlceratio~ th. 'B\a4de~ or Bidne,. •• \ heall. of the l'rGe· tlLte Gland, ,Stone in th • .lI1aa,d.r,
8lerell~edp .., ltor public ~r print. • I',xhlbi:iun. Our (·~.'I.I''':,:1I11 will bill lenl
vII rl'cl'ip,' 01 I'amp, PJIoT8GRAPlJl~ ALDU ••. We"werfl tbe liral to illiruduC'~e Illel' into lhe UDited Blale., Dnd we InDIlat1r.. Ilue iDlmen'. !t"'Ollliea in are.~ , .. Jie.y. 100 i_II,ID" I.. pr,lee 'rQDI' lHi cenl', to 1b0 60 elcb. Our Aibum. hal'e lhe "'pul'l 0' beillll Iyperior in ,beDU'r I.,d dllr~billl' loony oillert, ·Tto.y Will b~ . IeDl by mlit, F....... UII receipt "t "rice, . Urian: A" ..~ ~ I\! IIde to OuT.. (0 aD)' .. .Jdr...
Ca!culu, Gra vel II BIi i:k~" : t I~'po.it, anil all 'CUlnen of' the
b,l aU.". &ldQt.,.I. ~d 4~op.loal
'Ou, Cata\oIO. nu •• mbra'" nv" ttilf'i'iel\t llibjeela, to wbl~'" ad· ... CD.IMw.I~ ua " "IUI ,of ... W'DI .Am"leln.. lC., -yl.: .bout 100' .hjor-Gene,.II, ' 100 LI.ul.C.,I"iif'I., :20" "r" .•Gener.i.. 16() (I'h", (~lit.er., ~76 QuIUII!!I." '76 Nny Olfleen; 060 S,e'Plmen, I' 130 DlvinHl, ' promh..., wuOlen, 'IJ6 A-uU. r,; 1116 S'''III', 40 !\r\I., .. .j 8,000 Copin 01 W ur". of Art,
·HEL~"Ol.D'~ .: .
flUID .EXTRACT BUCHU " ,,- J { " . .".",
,h,t,.P. ROY ED ': III
. '
... ,
J1 Q,S,,E Vi. ,1\ S H Will , , ~clicI1l1 , ex "o. f!nin~~e fro ... !he a,ahIm DII~~'!>er () f , th, 'Urlllhr)' (.)rgHJl g ari •• illll Irom habits of "i ..I'~n ili., at H,.I ;;x. P,I'III" lilli. o. "110 l,ljhnlI!\ ' ill l1·et,. 111111, 110
rlu ~e"eai1\11
e,ltp'olln,,,, e,;mpl'I<,ly
those ti~
,. : , EVE~.Y'WiHEBE . III all'e,.,"8 or 'II~ Uri'" ar, Orll"n8, Will. • ---r ' '.m .. I~'. frotll PIIINCE, ~ WAL1'ON II 00.,' ther e~ill'i,ll .i " JIllle l~t1Ito D~C. W.' RoWek,) " \I". whalever C""~t' "(1\' (1I11t, I1J 110 m."}er
uLllo \ ) o"IlIl"III~i,!I.:."
i"',;',,.,.·, ..
1101,. ,p.RopaIE1'OR8• .
'1\ t',icl • 08. 'l'bil'cl.t. ' , ".ut, t!lnle Iii It. IIClliun. , . ClN()INNA'J'i. 'OKi& · . ~ '\ " Itnd .lnor"'llretiglhe,,in« than I"Y of the I • :)jo tl,st.." "hU t Id, "
p'''p.I'f.li" .... 0" Bark ',,~ Ir\lll. "'"holie ~I'ilferia,i. \!
Ie, as; 60'&.. 82:BUt
.. "
rr~rl Dr~k'I ,·,:-(I" .. n' ~r
Delil:e~., co"chtuliutl~, p'ruclUr Ilt
'l'"u reuder. muet btlllw'I,e (11 ,,1, 10'" el' $1;1: 1" lO al bu !hr nt'lock of ~he abut. di,en., ii I. lure to .freci hill budily hClllth, mentlll po"er~. h'ppiIl1'8It. Ih ,'( "I' I,i. po.,erii" . 0 .. fir·.1t It,il "'ood
. f·! ,'.
Drug & ohemioal warehouse, 69'. \ ~t~a.w~~. , N.....!ork.·,
,:~tl.. MBOLD ~
~ . :h
i{E'PlCAL.: 1) E P <) 'T '
.''o.t ~ .ut~ T_' St...et, ilo
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,P UI ,LA "'ElJ~ ' H.A,' . \
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S.1'mi1 &.
Des. UDrds.
·L. S. RICE" M. ~. OIIlee 1 Resl.~~ee on North 8&., A few doors above the M. E. Church. \\>;.4rl'lIiSVILLIi,
U®WAIm.V lPVm~mD, WayuetVlllo, Ohio,
A, JONES, MD., Y.I,.·
Ha,lol b.d fourteen uperlenae I" the "rlclle. of Medicln" olrerl bl, Pror~.lo.. 1S.rviceaoto, tbe cUl,eD' ~f Wa,neitille and Yicio.lty. ():70IFroa,on Main Street, three doore Sou,1I 0' Ibe MIAMI GAZ&TrrB Ollic., Nlllbt oalls prompil y r8lponded to.
DR. S, J. co!(TlftU ••
DBIlTIITRY; In 1&1 vuiou, bra hebe. ; not 10 be exr,e11· tId InywhCfe. None but Ihe \ ..... '1'
'fEu', C~e","':-Offiee
at hie resideoce
on Malo Slreet.
~ ,ALBEHrr
~ 9iJutt-9'mitl}, Efo,t Main St,. Wajneaville. ,
:&.NlID WI ATmmrmm
Rel'Dire~ in wnrkmllnlilie sl)'le, III Ihe ca~b fric:~. aUd • • alisfllcliOil WAR· .....rlm. 39·tl
. IIj.",.,.t
ill ~ geblt-~ eIt,fi sit
, Do a ~ ',rarQ wheD
, $2,00 A-YEAR. .
'}frl. Oolebrook wo\,\4 like to you,' he aaid, II. be .ll "cd me parlor in fron& of the room in whioh ....'_.J corpse IllY. Sbe IIppeared to be in. the di~tre .... lind tbe f"lllily flby.iol_n lull preseDI using 4i8 ben elforL. red uce her to " Itate of cllllllneu. IJlld 8uc'ceeded to some 'utent' lind .poke to me' "iI~ tolerable ' . ioo. 'Yqu will' n18}ce alllhearraDgemenla Mr. Mor ltll.' .aid she, ; .' Some bo..1 or Ihe!r ~1J.1t1i aDd CODnec-I ",ill mllQam.' , lions, ' , ·Ob. it Wll8 terrible.!' grollned .be. And look . wilh c9nteIllPt .U·P o" lbo.e 'Be oalin. M • Oolebrook,' Horpa.' 01 lowe.r de'ree ...... qull. f~Il.lIln' ad Dr. Rown.. . , ' Th. m,S"8 b,. w}llcb III',.. perpap',rolfl, 'I 'allnl\Ol, D,~tor;· 1 feel." thougb au b, kJpd to tile poor .II~ Ib" low I,; .bould' be come diatraoted.' Ne'er uller a ,.'or«\ thlt·. !lntr'u,; I 'Nay, IIIljdam, c6o'trol youraelf.' ahd Prlu tlie ".zitn which IIl.y. act to olher. ,... yOI.t would tbey Ibould, .~ ullto' 10u. the Doalor, wbo was a young lind Then Itrelch fortb your h.nd like a brolher good 100k,lng mHn, look her hand #ill Dce 'Iifl!" Ihlll all but a IIpln; ulter,d ,lIome Holiment&! r4lm.,k,wbiob Let .. trf.to ...llt one another. 1 have now forgotten. ., . Aod d... I good luro whell we can. . 'Wh~ will watch bim?' _ .h. ' almo.1 sped, looking eage rly Itt me. ,The .ildolght ApparlUoD. 'W"loh' with l!im?'iuked 'Dr, Browlle, in 8urprise. o II'fl:;;';;oue nighlL! 'Yea' Thou lend'.llb" rUQ,Y veil lo eYe~f 'l'uIC/n! (J L·r; entir~ly uDt/ecenary.' ~Iod • au,i", wi.cblef Ibl·ive. b~ocltlb Iby 'l'be oorpse mU8~ lJav~ wAloheri," .hadel, -AARON HlU;, all e added ,' mor" ola lmly thaD she h d Yr. Ooleb~ook wal , dead; He ' ';'a8 yet epokeo. I a ricl1 man, yilt a alight acquaintlloce ' T1!ere ie DO peed of them, oall--·' .,ith him w(\uld have convinced ' neo a 'I would not have left him alone .uperScial oblener lbat he. wal not all the world,' lAid abe. wilh 'a kiod b~,py mall. He •••. miaanthrophio in convulsive shiver. . , hia viiiVs. thougb he ' bad the reputa. 'No pOlsible bRrm cOllld befalllilaa lion in the sneel of. boing a very kind. 'Bul it teema eo Ileglectful to hearle~ lIod . benevplcnl ml'0.-Ew:ery L~e b9dy aa .000 as, Iha spirit liay 8eem,od 10, ulhe,t him ioto Lbe Ar. fled,' n~ of n nllw strife with l~e po"en of 'It is eolirely a mat!er of choice,' add'c d, mISery. .AppAreotly he wal .tired life. lind impatiently " l'fniLed " for the " Couldll" · yoU wlItch him. At-r. hOllr th"t had. now come, and whicb tal! , would rlnce him ,beyo'Du tho triola aod 'If you parlicullll'ly deaire il.' "oelO I thi' au~lunary ui,tellct: I 'I do; I could not bear to bave And y.1 aov could 'remember remllins gUArded bY 'R mere ·.eI'Yal:lt. Vohn Jie Will ".gaY and cheerful' per. ~ou wiP obl,ige ,me ye,rYl,Duoh.: " 80n. BI\~ore II!, alarriage with a poor I c~~8erlLed to the arr~nge"!eDt, blH he .. utlrul Qui I"me leven yeara be . proml8e~ to retlll'D by Dloe D alock fore his.denlh. lie ball' woio a luaDY I ~be e~eDlng. . . .mil,,· abu ·bls Hfe .eemed to him' II Arter 0~deri9g .the ~offiQ for plC8sanl tlrtlllm . oe. ed~ro~ ~t u'mt Ibe] Tbou only Lbi(ty.five "heo kept on hlind c.o
and Lb~ew it , over mv her, but all in nil), comple~1 enveJopsd 'She wtl J.dio,' he said aa'''IYely; 'foU and I feU q\lite COmforlable bave. killed berl' .. 'Which will did 1011 daelrl)"doDlor?' I asked. , . He staggered' ioto Ibe coroer of tbe '(10m. unabJe to reply. Ho _ouM DeV , er i ocuse 'me ag.aiD. and tel, l ptomi• . nol,lo e himj bll~ it ",a. in de· , I' ~of tile d,,· tci be ,ileal l.
1I0IY lillIe we Ibln~we tru.l Tltro'lifo's Upi .nd down da, by til '. Whllt a»od each mlrll, do lor hla neilChbor, Llld all ur 111,0 Ihe rl,bl "8Y: \¥ many I ' pOOl' (ellD" wboe. t ..lekta To ele"," e lal.nee wquld ttood, ' Is I,*" to th~ ~rld'i liZ" (of8fllr, ~11 tlltoujlh tile want of a friend. Then l.relClu forth IhrlaDlld like" brother, For ,.memeflll:!er Iii at lire's bUI II tipa n; Let ue Iry 10 I18lilt on" .nother, And du I ,ood 'IIrft wben ,we call,
. ,!c .
.Tbe Ledl. . . . . .
By bit air and 'be wtra.r.lbi~)ll' abl. 11yl~ of hi. olotllinll. t.h e Il.llliDi outl of hl.1 'JIlolI.ljItbe, lhe 'Ioo•. andd~b' e%prellioo '01 hil Ii_peri., t.ce, IaIS .(r~am· of amall talk, .ud sODdry olh~r IIgDI and toke •• of pl.lhora of vanny. aid alack of lOla)' aDd braiD dis . at a , _.. tbe ill: ala.
two moolhs after tblw • . had bee.i killed by t~8 her IS iudubilable tl)al iirla do 1IORI.&imil from mil ohllir aDd weot to hUlbs/ld'. deatb , . fnll JIl loye. or wh~' tbe, I.P,9M &0 be 'rfAU~e e~d will juali~y Lhe I buried Ihem both t"o day. ~ arter, 10fe. witti. fellow. '.JIll> Jook ., if ttiey 1 do nqt Iblnk 18 sound loglc;bul and I had the ple~1ure of setliog tbe had walked'out oC &allon' r....ina.pl.ie. a poor. 6ulTering, dependenlllfo, Oolebrook forLuoe.p1US iuto thl) band. -crea~Qre. tba' .II! 'be aW 01 'be yarf. ~atl in dllll~l~ r 'of btling Ollst upon of lbe poor and deservini sislor. OUt .rtlill who cODlribll1e to _be ..ak•• lender ~erOIE'S of a cold world, 1 I bave nev"r lIeen or he~rd from Dr. up of ~~aa\. it ~p'Dialt1, bayelMeDooa. CQO\eo, LO bel ~laDled for Lhe mean· Rewoll from that dlly to tbls. verted IDlo .uperb enapl..' of wbat or e.,e~ dropping. if thereby I Ie "aa lAid he weot to tlle Ellt lbdl... art can efleot ia si,illllDaD. aD aaubaaJy 110 roul " wrong. If he did. the e,il i, wilb him Lbere appearaD". . . . ' . djd h., ,<old not but . l'~clIlI alwaye will be. . , . Th_ welDlIl wbo .urltl ODe ~t ...... pUled character of Mrs. Cold. ,.. HIIUere,. Ino be Jii&1ed w lor. 'if .he faa. \vil'b out ~ttlie'ill~ much of tb. . 'Flne Wr1t1n~.' IIn1 ~limmerlnl. Of "Ii.~ aDef t1l1lt bad bllen oirculaled oonce1'OIl b.at' uDd.r lair ~. ~ _illlOOtl I 0011111 et~ilily lurivs . aL the As tllllloYeliest women Ire Dot gsudy l.er dUD" ...btI,d baa 00 tbat ' ebe bad been lho bRoe women, 80 Ibe most excelleDl writiog alore of a min'••piriL ia bim \ball usband'. bapplne 118. • ~i1 nOl 'line wriJiDg.' -A tbougb l lha~ a tODl;a'io fi,UI" oa a S.foflrd'.' . ' been penon ally Icquainted 18 overdresAed must be of tbe 'highe.t b ~j'rb. Bu& a WOlD.. worth a 111m who DO'" l.y oold ill dtiath worth not to be meretricioU8, Spleo. tr.lle ,~ao'.lof8 i" Deyer oa_,,,, ~1 ~.6h lUe~. 80 tb was 03t obliqlld to Byr of diction muat have the big brain a specImen of orA'lDen~a1-:hoUow.w.re. at the fact. In Lhe C?a·se. My own of a Burke or a Milton back of it 10 A teosible womao i., in ,."" a terror itlouUb I'moved in a ~um· render it admisAable. Tbe great mall. to ladies' meD, ror tbey a,. I"arethat " pbere Cban Ilbe. was euffiuient to Len of 8tyle, as HQlller. Demo,then.s. her pttnelratiogeye looh throogh·tI{em. . mil tbal aU was ' not tigTlt. I D(lnto. Sh!l~speare, life spleDdid J>y aDd eo II Dd., tbe depth. of JJie.ir .eIDPli. ~y e,r at ~be !teyhole, virtue or lhei,r magnificent naked neas . She hows \b. maa, iodeed ' n we .are maujlld--' thoughts. Their words are &bu'nder fro.m the lrumpery llolln&erleiC~ IDd h~ • laid MI" . Colebl'ook. lJeOl\U8C tbeir tbought. "re Ii~btlling: no Couob of mackerel prop8o.ity Cd spoke 'i'n uohi8per. then. and t Bul 1\lere ie a VII8& brood of writera at " ftl.hy haU, iil hl~ wboleaome doguisb ' oothing more, Nt'ed nowaday. ~bM ' .• p~end lh~~selr6!l" on oompo,illoo. The ladie.' _all aboDld beard morel ? . language. Tbll1 are (I\ltltiog if not be permitted to Uu ,Mil ' d4e an old VQI,,,q'-lIngel or devil, magniloqltenl, Rainbows, birde.of. bachtlor • .Hi. YeOatioll i. &0 dangle Ihe who bad wepl groat tenra paradisu, nod ~ellcook8' tllils are their aCter the .~z, to &al~ lOR .0~Hn.e. to pr~~8nCej ·who had ~remblad in staple colora. whioh lhey IlIvi~h oftr' ~ftI!ry .b.'Wl.~d ~lIiItoDi.b botrdof grief, before me, now all oreation. 'J.~hey ill.lLtlr up Ibe (our Jng.lcbo,ol DlI..... &0 luarjl. 10n-lI.me. ng w.iLh btl I' pl\ramour, IVinds oC henvel! aoll bloweverYlbiu'(' &/1 eY~ne8cent &lid brmle.... &he ti& DC 8"")' Ihe IIffectioDs which ~ky· high, They pile the IIllony upoo "squib. ~(. ho"ev.r, ,b. Deed~ lingeroU like n wuepiag 1111 th ey btlhold. 'l'bey delcrihe a dog. becDmll a Ben.edlok. let bi~ be . yoked the couch or him who ",aa t io IlInguIIge "tAte enough &0 de. wnh lome VIln .od .iII)' fltn, hll nat.. • sd oul. WaI .1I lhe SaLlIe· or lberamids; ' .h~l ,Ule , 1." of
ot hia bo ,b,foo14 maDsion. ". . , Womlln, se R8 fair! Yet she up to thi .. 'in(t;nse ly strained bout twenly·two. From .o n, e%lrllme . ~t Willi ,c~8t~mI\I'Y at tho time ' ,o f ~ woman; ehe 'Nil! a/tIomonl eyed pitoh. , Indeed •. ihe6~ IIlLler lire ,P ,Uieooe ' m ...'t 'be leaflled 10 I~. 8he , .,'eo~ to Lb e oLher. She hRd bee n wlH~h I writ,:, f~I' two perdons to per, alock struol( Iwelv(l. and llum. always el\ting fire !lnll IIp.ilLi'ng ribbonl Iissioutl of mao .with DlIlD. No ..aD CIJIIi poor, and fbrced 10 conleDt hersQlf Wilh form l be servIce for whtch I 'Willi en. my renec.t.ions 10 Iwend 10 lhe of chain·lightning and blue bI8zu •.- go through Ih ... eodle'l pe,'J cOlldiot'. ~ut fll,W. or t~o luzories and g"yttie& 0 ~Agtl d • .1hougll W~lchi~g \VAS then rllp· 'fhe alool~ ol wbich hAd beeD Every oae of them /llauti8, A' jt , were, the endless Dllauder.'auiS1Dg. whloh IIfei but nOI9 ahe Willi rich, IIDd be{ in· ItIl 'going out of fuhlon; but, at fac~-W&I-&\i. used, constAntly with 'ooe fooL on tbe 4nde8 iae from 'be· d ..blo·g. \lpbIl Datll ·by. ' nt. llu5blln~_gBvll he\' fr~e 'IIo«:lIa9 was wUh..!he dead, I W4\& par' and I 1\ further Iupply. 1'ak · IUld Llle other on 't he Gan8es' IIDd howls Q!en, wilbou, heiDg hilDl8Jr &lied., So~. , , . to ~o~er~, Wealth ,fa tared pride. fectly .a t .h ome in .Lbe chamber or dealb. iD~ ,tne di.h iu tIDy hand, I wun, ,to Ihe biB RlVful eloquence Lo Lhe ·nationa. .. met;l Bf!l di.~llrhed beca~H' ,~h'J, a,e 9i}i.r~olt. tt.aI~., fti.t"trf't-f.tJ.. ~o~ Nr• • ( 'olebrook became a Jeader aod was even better 6alisij"d to be a· dd'opvnb Lbe il1~(w!Jou of calliog upnn :Youtl! je very much ' addioted to Uli& wrollj;ed, or think &h", &bel art; be. ~ R~. '!I;'",,u,, \ n ~ fluhion-the "Ryest of Lbe glly. Her lene }h,~o . witb ' ,CO!ll,P'D..¥ . .1 hAd rook for it 'SlIe writin-g: It is oalural, Spring C1\l1se they are glining I... tbaia their hesl4t)' nnd hllr j06ue"tial' positioo in tirought.an IOLere8l1n~ liook from home. on tbe door, 10 as . not (or flowers. BlIt it ill not tbe fruit . dllej or because the)' are made aD ob· N 9Q \V S dS sociely made laer a- ql1eeo. and ber and lfn .. <?o)ebrooK h!ld provided ' a them ,' I opened it aod liep. bioolllil lhnl fluwer all summer, The jeet of oel,llorlQuslleaa. Eovy. jealou.y. o. \J' t econ tr et, smile Wll8 oourted by the brilliant and ,,?r, invlllDg repast. lor ine in ' tbe ped the toom. ' $Ly le 'wllich · woufd yield 'inlelleotual mierepre,oDtRIIOD, iojil.Uo.-th.ae aDd &he dissolute. 'rbe bouse when ahe duung room bl:low; 80 that I 101lked 'I naed. little OI.oro alool1ol •. Mn, food must cnel lhe paiDlell 'petdl lIud a th oU'GDd 'olller th'iDg'. brlDg-meD 'inlo' at hOOle. "'ras alw.y. filled whh !orwar~ to/\ very., comfortRblEl: nigl.tl. O~leb~oo~;' I beglln. " betAke itsolf tq the g reen leaf. Bio' with each o~her. And .ome gay gallants ond lordly la(Hes. ThrOWing myself Into the Il\rge rock#'h~ rfae from ,h er ol,ni!. lind wilh You must quit '60e writing' early if 1'8 Are iJi.'t ·nev.er -;111 han Ie.. thllil All ~he world oouldsoe this' aod ing·c~lI.il'.. whi<;h blld heen pillced thel'e line 101lg, 10ud ian(1 1ll0S\ uucllrlhly your IlmuiLion i& to "ro~uco anYlhing ~~e w.bolg Ol1t 0.1 ~belr . trqublo.: buc III. Ilut thlng 'it law • . wae; ,thllt: Mr. rOI" my ,u~e. I .W81 8'1on engAged 'lo'. lhl: tibriell, .he ftjll upon the Ooor. acceptable to n.- fined taste. Strip your Ihel e nro ,qlbe". 'ha~ha,a , leafned to Colebrook grllW and nui! melllncholy; 6l/ le r t qlDllIg pnge8 of roy book. A8 Dr. RowDe's knf,eM smote eAuh olbor. thQug hlll1l8 nllke d. llft ever lbey were dusl,Che garment. of Ih.oir loul, .. 'hey ~4at 1.lill wi~o "as cold to him.aod tilep' prteo ,118 thu oJuck titruck, I. III'o.&e alld and be ,8hrank"back 10 lhe furtbcree & bllrn, IC you wish thel1l to light welf iu do Ihe garment. of tlllir body•• ' 1.I'en washtUB. If IIUY 8Y'PPRlhy bel ween e.laml~eu the ' cot,se. lUoltlteolllg the cllrn.e r of the room. the world. Go ,ns tlirect to your theml.1 do not uI,ually ,t'k~ aU , we ldlr' ,'bat tltem, ~heo people said lhe pllor DlIID face ~lIh nillhohol. and ~Iped ~W8y Ibe '\fI,IO, are you?' he ,gnsped. as n etrenk of Iightniog. Ride right 'bo~ CRD. find on th~tr hal ,Dd, ,bOola ba~ ~arned b illJ',An~ Ihe croakers .11 purgIDg "I tbe. mouth. ., , ,or litke, I WAil vtlry much 8ur, down upon, it liktl a chnrging cavalry' Rnd COllt, and ..fe II. They "Bually 'knew thM it would be 80' A( eleven 0 clock .ome oDe entered prI8~~ a,t ~.hilt. iingulllr recep~ion. Long tllnn. Fill YOllr wordA up wiLh tboug ht, brush it off ' lIo'd .,.eep it ollt doors; " Mr. Oolebrook WIIS de~d. Whatev. the houst! 'BDt! c'llme u~ stairs, . They fll~lh~r~f1 WIth th., dead bnd mnd~:::. 1 $ 0 Ihll~ they shall weigh sevonteen or an!1 are glad 10 ee' rid of it. '. 'ADd yee AC'l'IVE. o\IfD '. 6~LIABLE er \'JOel hlld "~igh6d bim dowll. · he w.ere the feet oC "milo. aod 1; beRrd 80 ~D4Ifl~,e~t &0 thrua..druds and eighte~o pounda apiecll. Weigh ~aob lIIen .are slow \0 10\,g.Uhelhlle ~pe~o}1. , '. AG&NTB. MAle or Felnnle. wad be10Dd lhojt' roacb DOW, Peopl., lllm ~nter th~ parlor,adjoi ij}g ~be room winch dl,ltllrli mnoy per~o n •• thAt I wqrd IIlId 8ee tl.tRt i, comes up 10 thaI e~ t1l1d .ar., ~a.de abo Ill. them" \be lIttle Il\a 0' .11 'ge" ,ill'ewlnterl to ciln~1I8S rv lBi~ he had died of a brok6u benrl; tfuu o,f ~e,+l,h.:-'IlIo~gll tLI tieernpd " ralher hAd I~t~le c~o8i~era' lion ~or ner"qusoes~ stnnuard bMol'e you say ' h. Nobody 'rrongl t'h,at have l boen do~e, ~h.elll. ~,he , IIfJ City, Town. VIIIIge, flilmlat, Wt)rk· Ihe whirl of pleasure in his own home , Illng,:,lar clrcumstanoll ~haL" m/lll should 00 tlnl .utiJecl. ~"n,ta your worth. You,r tllougbL'~ llUla ~onlllc,l ~hey Ua" b.ailwltb each Ibop .Dd .'actorJ (hruI!ghout Ihe eutire bad been. hell to him; lind . th,,~ his e~ler llle ,bOUie, at l4~t bour of Ihe 'Who Are 'you.' Erroaned lhe doctor, your 010tl-flV cry body i8 inte1e&Led irL ~tbert L.be Imle fren ,to" &pllof.alloea of "orlil, lor the sale of nut wif~ bnd bee~ a Icorpion who D1ght. I th~uibt no\JJing. more of it his teelh chattering "ith lerror, Whllt do you think? BaY:-Bu4 quit hf~ . Th y R~oder 9fer &b!III./ aDd W~. J~rJI, ,,'$il~r': J/umal him to de.alh. "L I 'beal'dYOlc8I. eDgaged ID earnellLcon' Tlien.it flashed upon my mind that your froth' Rnd fuet,in: ,W e de.ir no ma~e tbe molt o( the '\llr!trln/f '~a~ }JOZH. A16Uml, 4.111 other Artiel.. . For my pari, fp"y but Iittl~ alt.n , ~el'lation., .In a le!. ~ioutes the~ grewtbe qllilt ·. wbich " eD',elopud my hody more '6ne writingl Jobn S : o. Ab. they are .able t~ UL-r~o' from lb~m,Elleralltlo perlOna of lood 'blbl,,, Ind ' 'Iir lion 10 the ,buU ,0Diue .of go-aip. loudel' Bnd more d.Bhnot, sod r reoog· ~ .. :oaule of 'Lbe misobier, 1 Wiltl boll, for in81anoe. ,b .. Curni,bed enough Arter a hU\e e:zperielioe. ' • • ao, m.ay bu.il\e.~ 'let. CI'n ale.r oyer ItS a , "eek acaollnL ,,)) illa'y., wbeth!!f good or niled tile VO~te .o f Or~ ~r0...wn.e, ' ~ef' InY~luntaril.t1 peJ'l.o laatio, L,he gholt. of to lalL 10 the eDd of tho world,,- Xm;a oO,me to. &bat .t~le Wh.D be od 1II~~ne in tbe coulltry. lod n Jnuet. Ilrrer IImuunt bad. as mere alander. Whatever .'or. haps M~I, Oolellrook w.. Ilcil aQd Dee· the deo~aHd ~ r. Op1t,brook. lind I do Tore/iliuM. dowo 'be~e LlllOgJ,; ~,v~~ " ..q.lllye in thlck.I , leuled lo~ It\H 1 ... Ie. I bAd bl'lIrd cOl\cerning Mr8, Oole. ~~.d I~i' a,sis~lil(\e. But- he -'P0k~ noL not \to!ld , 'tba" tb'~ guill; wile an'd her' -,,;. ' men caD. If . lb~1 b~iln e!rI1' .~l!d, b~Te , ' ... &.,.,0' Br.qnlred t ' , brook-alid 1 hnd l)eard · ... ny:,..r.p~s. In tbe tonet or hi~ profell,:ip~, The mor wr~tched 1I0CiJ,m'plice ' were terri. A DSAUTIFUL lDu.-In lite mo'unt. a ~omprel.len~"e VIIIW of tb~ tuli, and Simple. uur .rlle)e'a tp the Imounl ed ild 'at one e'ar aDd out a& tno olb· olber p!!r80n,'poliu In a "Insper; bUl .tilSd .... hen ... .uduiglt.l . I Btll~.d iOlO aiu8 of 'l'Vrol it i. the oUltom of "he btlog real r'lih. ,~~ oon ..lo...... to IS. wilt <be ..eJlt by. m.Wlor inspecti er.' .', , \lIe other .pOke ,in,; hia nalo'Ill,,;y.oioCT ~ha rOom. . . t'" women and childreo to come oul W~!tD beat. almo.tjlu~ 1~ ,0~~ ~t .~1!~ pc:I1r tr of Ind If oot perfeclly BIlt tsraClor, no cbarfe. 'Mr, }lornl.' la~1l a mao "t my and .eem~d 10 be ~ildor a reILriun\.. , 1 \)Ia ·"iuDed' tbe counlerpane it i. hed.l.imV' and .inlt their oation.l aoy man lO lhtar~ . h~l8. .. ' S'nd JOU~ Iddre... lf YOII are ur ,an 10- -door. ' . The. lloule was 118 it ill 'as 'he :tomb, arauuil my ~e~ll. io tha" nOIMng ' could Bong \,nli\\\ley h~,ar 'tbeir ~,.,ban41. I If' II: Ina~ ~ ho.... e w.~ . a~~l&.e4 by dUelrlou. tllrn of mind and In !Iuet! of im· ·'rb.1 "8 my na~e • " and I.hough I made no effor~ to henr be a,e en of me buL. my fRce. ' (.. rll~llera and bi-()t\ui'ra aDlwer (~em frOiD atia lie ~ao ~ l~. UnlCl ato.}. " . • )f r . .Oolt.brbok 'ill ' d.el,a. an~ ;,11rll, WIIRI lIledip~:~11~803i&:C~~., .,sald, ,the , npreBlion , .. 11, r as • "ba.tly· 'peClre, c'omiDg- Lhe hill8 oll' malt return bome: . On tbe aol\ tbey 'lEep' 6nll~ IQ~ ab. lo".r "0' rt4r 89'13tJ g08 n d N Y k Colebrook ""Oll,you to come up to the 'three wtlne"~I. ·thl./'l1, dap;'IIhd otL· 'How a~(ul 'in tbal 1I9ur when cO" I"ien~ short'S of the Adrialic lIueh a cu.tom r1, ~e ~o~jd be ~~ 1l4l1l.0Ilab. B~t tbere . rOil. w~y, ew- o\r . bou.e aqd hilJl . o\l~.' I en of " .!liinlJar chRrllcter,calD\I distinct" • , .Ihl~.-, I . . . prevails, There Ibe wives of 'bo fisb •• re, lew meo h- h 0 .. D.OW li~wd'to IROhuP " . .... I k <1/ I i f t : ' TI . ti ' J,o I . r i b h i ' .Iatrs f t ey h .1i1EDINGToN · .1'D 801'8 ·~r. <?o II too I' .l axe a me ,lor o !flY eall. I' ,e1 Ilr \l8e IDI curl' cu~e ,e",o~ I If! ate treao er, ..11 It} erOletl come down about su08et aud Itt when t eu areb'a&tao h '.. e. b Id ",' • f .~ tbe l!llell!gence waa very unupected . Who "aa 'thiw Dr. l:lrownT Why was ·C;ODCoclling. No \,onde".bo fllipl •• il1~ n mel~dr.' Aftel'sing\ng' ,be' Sut wou go one' ~ orl IJ er.,' ,ey wou .. .uI1"'O'l'tJRlla.,oJ' . to lIIe, ,a. well .. to ' Ibe whole ~itr, Wfl8 ~'lle, lheru at' t'hlll ' ~nll(j.aeonable ed; In~, w'f.Dd~r Ilflil~ thll dO'clut lIembl. atAnZll they 1111'0 a"hila rorao an.wer. ble out of ~iDg~r. IIIhID &heir 1I00drance wheo i~ was anDounced. " hol\l'! ,• . ' , / . '. " . edt • , " . , ' ,. ing melody (rom oil" tile waler, and t !~y, rdm~,~1jI ,!~er~ 'd e1· tor•• l aD' a~ " " ~". I beard lbat be WAS ,suffering 'from Wt'lJ. II WOII Dono . of 1n1 bla t.ID",a. 1 tlJre'lf''tIft'ILlIe quilt. "nd tbld Ibo . oODlinuo t9 jog and Iisleo lillihe "ell ~ene W~ d BOu~ e o~ .,yerYlldo. Ji.U SXkTS Ju Ii C~RBJNE$. an aUlck of billioull o~olic; but it bad an~ h~I (f,\ d p,eeo ti~e. I ' daterD,l'ned doc.tort wbo I wa., ~ , known voicI' comee boroe on tb.e water', mty ! ,. I"." " For tll~ Unlllld S', t ' S I AI no~ even beel1 rumdr.il that he \\'811 not l.o, COI~ee ...u WY',eV."JIout i~· Bufit ~~ • •wb~ YQU ba,e deDel.: , .aid 1,Ie telling ,hat . tbe lo,~d one is ,alai~,t '. ' . • .~... ' • , . I, , ?~, erv ~e, . , .0. , dangllrouII,1 lick. . ' w~"lq Y(llu . thl{t Ilrlj:(! l lo l (,lIIlen illY pOlo'mg to .&I&e proalrliLe lady. home. H.ow IIwoe\ I~ the weary fi.b~l- . ~ I~ ~Ime... ParI. ,~111 .~ U~~. ~oat 'Jrcs, he ia 'd~"d,' replied the m"n: LU.lOd upo. Iba ,b ook agBin~,, 't ,baa. lost 'Ilteal'd .ome 'I)ioel here. lind J o1an, a8 llie' evening 8hRdoWI gather beaullful ~I'ry In tbe world. but aREPEATINtJ. REVOLVERS I 'Mra, Cul"htdok wi.lws )'UU to make II e p-o'lilf to iotere.1 D'Itj. I glane· ,camfl f~r ~1D8 alcoho.l.' , • around him, must be Ihe .0n,,1 of dOrD~eO& II alle"'.ltpe~. T~.II8. • , '" • 'h'lllite.' e'd. I ·the %10' w'b'ie h ~pe"t!d illto Ihe '¥el!d yvu b,IIYe ClQIIl~ in Ih,,& gnrbT'. ,loved OJICI a\ hom~. '.hAI Ming to ohller pr~veme~tm,tde by Nap,oleoll I. tbe 'I didn~L ~np_w , he wa~ eick:' , w'b ere r. lhb ~peake ... ' \Vel'e • . It .~ had Ciui'i! ' forg,ottAD Lilli' I haU the him, Bud IIOS' Lhey m. U8~ s&,eng-then .Ru~ de. Bi!o~ i:lo~'. tap &orthe Jear ~~6,~. RII. illl' 'DI:. • . , J;:e&1ve b~d IlIlt , nll,;h(. b~ ID bllh 't o , 11~,ten ~ "and' !i>uld quilt on." ' . J I: . lind tig htt'n tbe links IbIIl bina logelber tweoty mdhon. ef dollar.; tbl .9 f ~"e . terlll,. I-~ OUII nlrre.l•• 1.. 11 ~Uft Ma· grew "orae eYer lIinoll, iill' hreniy Iljin· Dot iI(l 1(. It W,'III tit!! ,~lJopLh 'of "~;", 1 'YIlIl 1I.Y., Ioilleil her, 1 'belie've;! he thue l.Iumble dwellers by tb~ seA 1- BouleYArd E!eb..,opol. eleYen mllllO~" ....raU;.d b, GUD Dealer. . ntl thl Tr.de Ulea (lgq. when be died.' ' ~od , tll\l , \\, ~".ltl(!r ,w' • . q14 i1e obi'l, ', , I j:ODli.,u~ beDdiog oYer "hIS idufl~t.,.~e 'fruly il i8 Amonll the I.dw ly 'irl ,tlri. ~ife IUId .tbo" ' of',\h~ Ha!I~. Oeol,a,I'I, or In tbe" ld.,. 0" HC/tI~ebriDldnlr ' ..lb• ..~Iebrook·. hd~" . WA. not five bad ,lIegl oled JO brio« auy, fZV&1:1pth: (orm.,r ~ta. OJ)~(!brook. ,' ,bilL wo, lind 80me or llle m()6t, b~tl\ltlrul . m.rke~ .lX m;~lbo~n.-w~I~1l &~O ,Rub,-" ewerl Ho .e, Stpre. BIl ,,: '.mlD,utes walk from hqme, .nd I hR.' illil itill,l ule•• ,,)(.1 , b,gao: to . {.,e 1111· ' ,'Ve raiHd tlU': UIP' a~d pllct'd Iter' custom6 in pr·actice. rehnn w.. b,IIUIIUe °ler.. oDe·balf etYiee .hOllIIi bate oae or teo"d Lhere ~o l1errorm Ih. officee or Ille uonlfc>rtably oohl. I ro. e and pace d , lipan \l Idll'Uge. ' Sbe was not 'd ead, _ __ • . ~ 6lt~.~ded. . ~lb,r greaC Ibl_TOm,. D'"'OLVI' \leid. I WRI .hbwD iofo (1141 rooQ! tho room 'I!C)vfr~l milll"ei,' , lI'ud pr••eolly her eyel opened. J:;T I ' B 'k h:re En land ' i •. " b~eD 10 proJ.t~ 'dori,-:= l 111 -'.. where lh.e , c.o rpee' . I'J. ju,t IlII delltl, · 'Holh wllls< cafile .to 'm" hellr'ng in , '.!Vh.re ia bd' 'gl\sped ehl•• bllking' r I . '~h :~Il~~ e;woo~ c~~I.iD' , ' ~bd ~'h.ra "II~ .,e.pr~0&be tlleP i., t~uaU lhe~l8lye, "ta ~o.k, Tile IlIl1'erer hid the urigQllcdt'd lOilt: S of. Df', no~.. convul.1Yely. , j. 1'"11 part I lion ~f h'uudred all~bl\i , '-:» ~lIe , ataLi" peri' e · ~,rove ..eDI.ln PIIlOI., • dl.U ia the ,reate.,' ."on'y , r i>"u~ed una 10Qked .1 Ule itoQr 'B&.oal I' I ng Ii popu.. b tb b I or obJl"ral,I~"" ot lbe .Id , 00 Of worllalliD.blp .nd form, will bed ele,he• •till efid.lloeCl· tl~'! ApPllrently the', o~ht)r p~ o~~. who j i1iJ "UlbI'UDl !J~4!' all mIli al s .' 80d:~L'brrl~:~~.~mIllO:::I: at DO Ib~bby. qouterl. , ..II biDed 10 ,be New keD1iDltOn .~r\Jggl. belweell lhe t1rao~. "'od htl d~ubled Dot W8I Mts. COlllbFOOa, apea· ·IL ... only Mr. ,~orlaJ.' ,. \ . ..: ) C~ flCtlfti. k'!\I./ blit I could he .... . . ollllnl, I Her' eret alated "ltoD m•• itnd then ' ,h" . '();7 Black'1I1ed lad,.. ~ ..~ flo n .rnnDI.tnt' cut" .i1c1 dflcrip. With ,b. "llelaDoe of ~~. 18. . ·.er- lhrew myeelr into tbe ob.ir and "".1 "0 roll$d p la"li.r lind. H~lIhen arlnt n- Paris i. at pr,o.eDt *ell.upplied to be. pUlioDale ID'd , ~oa.. B... • llf 1"H... .r.. .. wJ rar.lall.ecl UpOb Y&nt who bad gODe to Illy tlo..... 1 laid to "hiver with cold .g~ln. 0". table lbal' .a hideoul u:· "itli fruiL and vege&ab18lirolll Algui.. lootr..l. ad . t, RB.llitG'tOK &. 80~8, tJlon, N.Y. him out aDd PI,i t the I;oom In order" I' cleaD Marseillo. qwh • ..,hif!h b"d pre•• job "Pin. Shll WII ia II lit. ' Green pen of the prel80t )lear'lllrow:&b ,. Grey .." " '~laioal. 1IOa&", NfCH lA Ipnl. I wall about to ctepllrt -whllo (lie min lert UI r41 by " ~Yltnl, anl\ io ~he 'fh. hOllle *BI ~ l.flDed. and 1>r. aro J,lltlnty io all ea,lng·bouael, Blr..w· reaolate. , ~l~""'. Baa· 41.1,) 1(0, 40 Cor~I.~d Bl" New York. IIfrf8r,~ eal1~d me back. I "bs\l.ocv of any.hll,,, belIef than tbla, R owoe uled eferY.;l:erlioo. t'o lItllON) bernes "re Belling ia ,h. ceDlr.llDal}.a. 'llliok·Lempl~ IDCl itUe. ,II'
.'' &1
'JI'pu£ Mone:; in Thy Pprse!"
5 000
POCket and: Belt "Revolvers
lUfie Canes, llevolvirig
as. .
i1 deeli·i", J" f
. I ••
D.t., _
TH E ' M IA ,
COove n-JI..., '1'da1.
of BOIl D.. DieN.. .....
TO co __ .. The uoderal ,ned blYiD, ....n re~torwu to health in a rew .....eb, by a TerJ II,mple remedy "thafl:~v:r~'II~~i aua'r;::~o:.":~J Yb;Sd~~d ~u .. e, Con.um plion-i l anx~o~. to mllke known to hi, fellow auffer·
_ , P~CT ow WAIL IJJ Euao•••Oa FrIda)' .. I.., w.e. Coo"r ' WII N w York April 13 late., achioe_ r.om Europe indio"te lbat motioD oC HOD. Daniel S~ Dicki~~D. UDi;ed broa(gbt iDto Oour1 alld L.be the A"ltro. Pruaaia n diflicah y in ~egard ,,&I tabu . trill new a for couDlel bil lbe ~D claed y. ALtorne ' &0 ,h. occupan cy of \he Duebie l il Sialet Dill'", Harford , '.John ~h ng ce of bll 100~ up. It appeari likel to end in war bet""eD lb. '..,0 .12tb inlL, at Ibe reeideD be will Ie lid I hy ope or the of pow!rs . The ladepen deDce Betge or the uelld (Iree 01, plio~ pre8cri the of py co g to buli- be . 'n tried, had, . at dIfferen t tlmn ror pre pai1i 29m "It Itat.1 tbat tbe King of Prul. 80n wal dowD to"o IILtElndiu b~ direcl1o Ihe Wilh lI"ar~Il,J the ed el'preill tnal, but went home ill. PbyaicillOi previou . to lbe a .. n mil· cerLaID to conlent his gi'lln has lia 4,8. No_ uilt1 .and loar Dnd usi~;r~h,e ~C~:'R~~~~~:~o~h~~\I:V Vol. II. If.. 10• • - •• Wllole iDion thllt Coo,.er t "as g at'aok of bl!" itary arranl'e menls, which. lhough on· p~on'outiced it a Iner. CODY lace ~1;~nllc~I~;i: Cougit., Cold., &r. 'fbe on· 10 hll trgume by iDdicate "ar AI almo.~ OIl. ~I 3 o'clock yelterd ay he .becam~ I relimin a .. 11 r8 of lhe llame opinion . :. . ' .. i. haa r6r"ard ed a ,0 III tion Prescrip tria, new a grant to deoided which he conceive. to il lion Bmi'lh I )(uieo Inrorma iD Ir d "'11la pu . In.h . Tbe wbole Paoifio , G armall' mained .' . h e mmor h . con,eIO y . perfectl t lo . and htl hopes every Buff· laaoda or· the Liber· circula r dlapatc ..id to be iu litLing up iD 'I.'h. chief affidav itl 'going to Ihow lbe ~~rr:valunble , , Stalel laying alre.s upon the ine.flioi· 8 o'clock laal night, "b~n, rt'meJy. D8 it will ~061 Ilia try clplI'eseioo of RU opinion by the juror er'!r will Hf . ,'lruggl~ a, without " died be I~ bed, Federal tbe 10 ti ~les8lnf eney ~f lbe appeals ' . " Hopkin . and B. F. them nOlhil1i. lind may p~OVII ... lOIl all. Y/ Tbe WIIB 66 yeari of age. lhe dulles II. were by HUltoD I doOie& I b Parties wl.hllll! the prelcrlpl H .... 'Ehe railroad brldg••,rol.. tbe canal D' olBee his wilh ion eooDl!cl in to d attende . c . preeen e nddr8ls, I e selt pleos til ~rlet r. ' A fire . by ed CoclidingloD, ,of morro" t DayloD W~ in parl d.luoy ' diepalch furlber POiDtl out Ihe nece ..· "'Ill that or tbe Meteor. . REv .. ~DWARD A · VVlcLSON. . . a IIflidavi~dellying all recolleollona fOld'l .-'nIe ADri15 Y. N. fPTON "ounty. DINOllll a up lakil'g WllhDUlsburgh, K11I1t' New Stalea ,.rious ollhe . ity r . York . on, afterDo 18 . . of nle elIpre8810n 0 any oplDlon wa OD Frtday .DaD!e 7-6 , . be closing ob~eqllilla . Illte lhe of GOY' eleoted Wat ' t B l or G enera -.:...' _ delioite polilion , OD ODe IIde . m. I II urnll read buL the evidenc e wal lao ati'ong 'he arma· Dickiu80D were conclod ed bere &1111 IDS. INVAL TO (lARD A that and • rDor of Rbode 1,raacr, welk before last. otber io tbe straggle which uuderet We pa,~ed by. t.o &0 reader more ternoon •. Tbe dilLinguishe~ .talElI" "hil e-l·dll, .. ln South A CI •. d 0 tller Tb. Democ rat. made DO nomina lion. ment: of AUltria leem 'r.1 .be coltole llor the d" the A . ergyma n, '." . e r nce wltb aecorda in burled elena "R WI'. b . . T L ' b I ary, '1i 8cove~ed It r 'd rnllSlou ac· Il •• dllpatc Tbe Amerlc" Y Dt. th b' I . I . "" Tbe Genlne l are lal to e pourlDg and more immlDIl . , . e ~are nnd simple remedy ror the CU(~ 01 . '- _.. h o t 1e {or L Itll' moliOD " IC 1 s grollnd Tb'" l.._ looli \ • • \ Decay. DISCS' .~ cnl•• A,... If b'''DI "IOI&\eu iDto U~la t. .,... . Dum ...re. tallBUdeu LO urge UpOD tht' Court, bn~ NervouR Weakn eu. Ellrly . aDd ..sume8 a Ind the wh~l~ Or&DIIB. Urinary the 01 8ea WilllGoD be~ a majorit y in lbe Tem- ConteDtioD of Gaetei'D tbe reat to it wae tiDally dllt'!fmin~d u d t·8111 or disordflfl bronilbt on by bane tbreaten ing aLtitude. Tbo languag e of wal witneaaed n ' b h tory. d' t peor,le 'd . , a on mebn I?lole ~tld vicious habit •. G reat numlbers h'dYe e, t uT~~n ~"6e "bolt! was corlege (uneral 'lbe' eOI~k III a y. d The New Alma~eD quicke ilur CO-d· Ibe Plu.~iaD pre .. , by ~VI ue molton "a8 IU mi. been already cur-ed by tbls IIOb e remll. affidavl li, II war I e, ~n d of many distingu ished Ind ~pt; I ~~. ~::: ~Ienef~ 10. dellrIo a by plDy hu on hand ,hirly· lour tbouuo lion of ,be Govern lllent, romPdlc.1 F witbout nrgume n I. aen are helDg ielltlem en rrom 1111 .ell~ion8 k h I b II 'U ed lin IJnlortullllte, . . proper to.rema I t II ila~ka of IluicklU nr. Enougb 10 BUp' great military prepara lionl r'l I~ BI' be l' t a o I JIlr. for prepllrlng and using tbis ITolldicino. in a In d 1.' no,. b ~em try, h om., .Iog h e I ~ d ou~ who needs it, ma 0 I roull ]>ly t~e world lor Dln.ty d a,l. H()pkin l RDd Mr. OoddioglOD in theil' ten led envelop e, to anyone il allo taklDl the !llIage authorlL le., A Dew Ollholic SemiDar1 il ,about &0 Austria tbe Govern menl ~e~f. PUit. t~n;~UuRr ~~d e·lId!~~ alflda,i t •• and Judge Smith in deliver . :~d 1ny~:;:. the coming ~;:;ty;u:~! b~~~ of tion anticipa iD 8 . meaaure INMAN edu· T. tbo H for JOSF-P lpbia Pbi!ade i~ AdJre!iR 11. Irecled Il hil. opinion , 1111 expreu ed lhe bebe tbe relal~, lICuse roadl for lhe City . York New HOUle, Bible D. Slalion calioD of Catholi o Prie.&S. Accomol- ItrtJggl •• Should war honorll lief tlllli Mr. H"rford wall an ' all Europe will be iD danger of becom· relative l and friends uf ;:-; ::-:--:;:; =:::--::: ~. mad. for SOOt :-_=-=-,-",,_-= : dalioDI .ly 1:... 4,... .."..., doubt milD lind tbM he had ~ithout me of The hody .of 1~le IlIm.ente~ Ii ·. . .r.lII .. king ing iD,olve d iD lbe aLrtlgg Tt.-so opinion ~Tb b be of.o. rauion . ~xp for, gOILen hia fd In a qutet httle othen by was depoEll lbe po"erl "illingl y , 'and ere al .~ ,a a, '11 ery on the outskirt s of tbs. ,il b . We want allll,p, IInerl:l'tic AGENT S HalOD in V'l'mDo t. , Maple mola.... of wben-. along WHit th. , other ~.u ..y~ert I at 1w~ . kno'wn a~ Spring Grove. allone • comphc tb. or realOD oDe al IOld ere (men or wometl), to whom \\Ie blling i. everywh . Dt. qaalit, r '. ~.perio -.uaml ned under ol\\h upon ~ll1ltpOI _ the great ea I S ~{EN' ellgmge to enl8 Inducem ry lraordino dollar od 'weDt)' -&" Clntll per saU- IDlue., We bope tba' oO'llreX he tbat And we are requesl fd to _tale stllDlPS, "YI t6cent Dew TilE . averted . be l,usill?8~ may e "ar profitabl ' lind geDerd • of ~entecl ily 8 lil/ht. , did Dot expr~iS an opinion previou s 10 In d' . " SaIRpll' wid be forwarded .npon opphct. t'.' but tbe lign8 al. III "arlike . , fire DO" In rea Ine.... OD. Mail. S. U. with It8mp 10 pDy return p081'ge. lion .. •. 'Xbe rlceipt .of, crude oil ' a~ the trial. He doel 1l0~ chargeI Mea" " issued on tl\.. rrqulili on of Add I' I -- • . b .. •h d J rl'l' 1l· 'g BULION IN CHIN...-A die· ere. They are fintecl in blick Hopkin l Coddin gton WIt lie 6 . Tu. 'D& eo iOI Wit burg for ', b. tllre. BRADL EY, fllUHW J CK York. I' xu; d .. . ' . ~ew ay Broadw 116 b 0 ar· palch rrom Shangh ai,of Feb. 9,. eayl: InJlllllc e. d eet fl)tenhon to h 0 11m , Tue.da,'•• t., ',mou. Ole to .54,17 in an oVllI, an eXCll!lIllnl h' h b I' OOfll\ fiill(t' fA\ fM!iIlI . " 1..1 h I. CODII d.erabl1 III eltce.. 0 f ''''be NYD' reI' rebellioD i. becomi ng' more bear are 0011· ey I at t levee Il e 1 19\!l1\W 19 ININI!! 'ilD ed . lupport 'l'R1J~ Lincoln BlJT m ilB,. Abfabll 1.e I, Wu CO , ~RAN( I' ... . I k . dlnger. in th ia in Dn oag Neroch I:enllrm , and g. J,llsdy" Ilarmin ye,un Every . '.D1 corrllp ondln, tll~'. iii en. , or atic' I!mblem fusee, tbe by wory lide ing HangBomAlh . hear drilling c.n are t. Sllltu 'l'belnu t term ofVOlu ll com,m~ncee Ullited The Da,.te..'JourIMtJ "II a lot hal aDd tbe re.itlen ion. 'fhe desiin ia tlllterul , . by return mDii tbe 41h of Jllne, and thll trial or mucb to their. 'HlvenID,,! on same the of o.hip workma beina rebell ihe eel. tbr.alen allo i. ng Ihe IInder· kow Com· addre~I lIy , COUDty chllrgll). of Ib'll (rree edby .. lbe of been purcb CA.LL ,~ND SE~ C',oo-er' I'. 811t (ur the second day . fears 0 r bellrl! ' • .1 TI 1080 IIhVlIIg d. . • • ~ Cor 'he looation "hbin '"en'y mile. ()f thaL eilY. burn. which lin IIlreau,y "Iyen 10 slRne , miliioD en in tba' oily 'd nOli " ,not . e by Th b oblige 'l f will ' . ged. "illagell e price pat I'ng _lie nrroun din" t~"m-lhe 61h of June. Coover t in h'lmbug of a n.w couDty j poalage atlmp' llie rcpulalioD ~ill plcose udd'rell8 • 'b I' 6000 Tb tbe mennti ..e will Dol be returne d to tb" this card. A It othllr. lboi. LO reep9cL thi$ in y perioril o re to ng 8 prepari are t. reliden foraiaD' en w , eo. Rerunt t II lal e ubedien • ~helr , wal will fe'w aio in jail ,i.t RDy attlck. The English aod olher oalion. 'rHOS. F. CHAPM AN, comple " '80.000. . P. 'CO'" · arrange making 831 'Broadway, Now .York. are ~ {Jo.l~ 2'7.1y. FreDch hog tbe like Dg .6. di ..~ IOmethi . , Caroh"" Ib ~~tb The N 00• ew·A any. menta for the .afety of the resideDtl. cbolera II preuili D' iD 3~uerti£jCU1ent9. • nounce the duth of Gen. TIIBCin cinDali Enquir er' "'YI t)lat aa· render to ready are " 'tuoboa Ind lix ~~lFim ~FSOt or fin of lad. Wilbin a radiu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _....._ _ ...... _ _ bur 00 Friday afiernooD the big black ~o long defeode d ForL Sumter _ rebel. tbe Illat reporled i. It . aialance fouDd sioner (!om';. .qalr~lI. the Btreet' The rebel. the }t'cderRL (orceM•• Wh"D k.epl "I Ihe Sixlh etreet Mllllum el' 110 I•• tblD 100 lJ'illi dead "iLhio iOlelld to atlaok ' Pc:kin. W A l[ N Jt V' I L 1. E. iD e hislbod up took he closed cnped rrom lIil eIIKe, mad8' bia way oear 8walow are laid 10 be org8niz ing tbre. stolira and ru.hed ioto tbe Itreeta o,,· Foo. The erman' l IIU'I, in Porl Royal Tbe Jr..llm.n·, Bllru" a' W ..b · • flotilla &0 aU"ek- Chowch .. l\OO; H. auaeke d H1lrr-' _.\1~ ~",., b\." ~ aap,u be wb~rtl ~ai 1i"D .., ...Lnn .or.. ofFlen ob Munici pal CODnci1 .~baQK ini \tllti\ tbe wir:ter leI in. He ,OM' of bil arm. _tale to • lin.. 1Pf Jr, ha', "'n, impHl'OrI.a ro~ ' refuling ' to Ar raiholld a on n situatio .a 8~curllld The nls. docume colored , 'who h.. had po.....loG lor d,lIver up' cerlaio he .... IUlldtnl y cut off in lhe ed. ,blrl>" yeln. n il .ald Ib, il a heir particul ars hav8 not ttanlpir .ixtb year of bia IIge. , ' -. . ' :. lilter to General R. E. Lee. E~ - -. - - . Nor· iD crop TUE C~0P8.-'rh4 fruit . ludgl Uqder:w ood 01 tlle trnited :r... A cOtre8pondent or the d by Ie· b, R 'C H AN T- !f AfL 0 Fl, ME stat.. Dil~ricl 00." ia Vir,ini a, bll 'bern OhiO lIB8 beeg dlmage _ _ _ _ _ ___ that slatel an Btalesm .) (MinD 88 much '0 DOt tbough . "ealher ' ,iyin a d.eilioD in wbicb h. .ffirml "ere SPEC. A L NOTICIE!!I. n· oe thll has been receind from a cawp of CHEM IC'AL :.S: ,I lb. Re~el\ion i" Itill iD ' exi.leDc e, apprellcBdecl:. 10 EIII~ Tennen ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ", i.C.t~ MiS8our arthe illll1le dlylod are falmeu y,aod ee.badl rolllia b~caD"'lheJ»re.lde"t'liate procl.m a· wbea.~p ,, 10 HOIU!J' :IIElII.-W. have procure d a LEAD. to lhe effect tbat lhe male porllOD oran Maio Sll'eot, 'Vaynea villtl, OhiO. . plOWing up &h"r fields 10'• lOW . ' oatl. , . I c1 'I" • , 10D pre· are I\nd ul, Horse·o new OlL,in .carch: of nry Dice .XOIp. AU". Tbe Maple .ug_ le&80D lit 1.18100 \I entirel> and. while out , I hne now on Illud 81"g8 Gnd elegallt 10 priDt hone 8i11e ilt Ule b.eat pared IiI.Ow terrible a in caught were b.uffllio. 10 free. i. alock, of ,)be ~Iebrate~ Dr~.Rog.ek hal be,8D late. but thi rUB of eap wheat,i . w.lI slolm lod but ODe returne d to b!ling style. , , urelted 10 OiDCln,atl, cbarg.d WIth 'fUll, the orop of wiuter " I ' ., ' tb '.ADIE a AND GENTL EMEN. ' d ' d So u.rn nUDUe law ia practic violatio n of the• ' I paperl .re uri' llollngs of the aad lata of hlw comr" e.. • vaDce. . . ~. , • . ht.w.tb . I.d . d I All give not RDd grain e planl ."TI 10 l nlg plaDt.r one ing 10 14: maDurao· pen8 , .. la Ilc.n . allo, B beautiful P AlN' r VARNISH" &C. WIthout n . cture; . ' meOICID Ill.n~fll log own my 01 to d I' . b' YOllnl mell .n.d inniden .!, heftrken . . ' • , lhe parly nU.1.ber ing 80me forty 01 fifL),. rable.. The UBe of lira. Witls-. .ortmen t ot not fllCl8 turlD~ m.,dICIDe ,WIt oal.• loenle: aD up al\ Iheir land to coltoD under •• __ _ _ will ' lamilie. planter your A In iomJ pdces. Itfe]'lllri'l high or low'. liR' iocitem ~ .. WUbOUL lBItI: ea 18 'itJ wlt.b lellto, paten& medlclO . IN PARt_ .-, promote heahh, bIlDUI)'. comlorl .llnd hop. CLO THS , G.NOJl: EURAVA Nlw A crlJp the ~h"t "rilea a of SouLb Ollrolia ]'Iineas. Rend Ihe ,dverUSelOl'lIl <It Mrs. etamps_ U''''I!AoIii~1 ,, CAHSr~ER'ES noL exoeed A letter ~POID' PlU"is reports til". ,bel Winslo w', Mystic Pilip. nnd Q'leell Phir" River Cooper oa , rice or Ibe OD erected bave Works C !, l , ' ;lNG" "ith VES'I , S, ~ " thiB 'year. B. fllRhionable""'owen, nQt contented Restore r in another colullln 01 Ihi. pnpQr, •. Schuylk ill, near Philade lpbia, for tbe eight bundred tiercea Ihell buy, use, and bll cO;lwinc~d tllnt our w!licb ~f 'pri,.gl the e" crinolin wearing , pro aDnual lhe pllion, Emanci Ibe dnig. fore ,II It by wood. Suld from ~rue. are paper nll 01 ture stuteme manur.o 41.4t about twen· 8re made of pure A:old .. nd ',ilver. have !lisis. which he is ~f'pared 10 inake. uP. in lhe ia .aid 10 be a perfecl lacoell . A pop· duct of Cooper River wa. htlel" witb boots to fMC), " 'taken Dow lar t .... takeD Irom tbe bill 'lidfl W81 ty 'hou.~nd. ERUO RS or YOtJ'I '". plated with the 8,ame precioua •• cODurl ed iDto clear. w)Ute, 10(& paper. an who ha~ 8uffered lor yenfR Gt'nllem A IbOI) Ibe in leeil be may FIlOODS 1M TEa WS8T. -Tbe damage Thette &llIOtll Debility. Pre,OIIt'ure Decav, iD tbe Ipace of b. hoar.. NI!nnul from aQd ftl tbe ltorm in Wilcon lin b 1.._ 'II by the recl!o( lome of tile (allhioD.bll~ Ilnd.1I the eff.. clI 01 youthlul indiacrelioll. of l window , . . I.· r S b y, 1111 A cor ....~D d en 0 I . t.awnY humllllt g sufferin or &ake lhe lor lbe ~all"aJ8 ,boemll kers. Henld ~YI Ibat iD Blue Rock town . . . ry ,exten~lVe. Mo.t III free to all who ntcd it, Ihe recipe - -- - - rlfer reo The pted. IOterru eD have:;be h I ll. for mukin" direrlio Rnd l( k' ' b' ru.".-A C'IDo .. the Ilmple IL" VaD9LT A · · lire oor· So u tb ern W -.......... are. y.'1 t ere Suf· ..consln W88 cure~. UI lOilum coun he alp, which bt Ilonl arOUD d rllmed)' h 82'" · ' r d Genlleme!>. cail and ('x.mine my etock d d' I proHI by the .1I,dyerti.e r'. !o >5 wis!linor (e,erR paper 8 ' rehgiou weSler.n a lome I.D we II I prod U:IIDg 01 "or& 0 eot • re.poo tOWD9 lenrll an water,. I /luilo' ellewhftr~: . WIL belore ooyere I b 'd . . . , e eqaa do 8,0 by oddrellsing per b arr.1 at tb e we II ,Iat April 10: ' know. of" preacbe r in , one of the expelfence.cl~1 Wl8con on OGDEN n. lIood The JOHN ed. ' Inundal are '1' t' ... 1 . ' . 'r 0' , " orfoa IDpertO r.o .oy uurrea IDg 01 In ..•n fIver J n ,.' Will pattl/lul arly levere. 11 is loalher a SLates who hal charge " t ... , New York. rs the Chlllllbe JIi No. preail' i., per, new'pll n edit. 8, 6ii:t 'n Ho~:ve filled for milee "ith bridge. , outhous e8, charche ' ~, 27.1y. oo.aD'I · . ..,. • Amid aII" • . ,rambl ing ja.e .now il\ dead cattle. Iheep, e&o. The total dene of a femllie college. runl In.rlll , ! T'.41IU , e'·.1!krn Col~, Cou"h,. A 'allO ,. alarm up lI,up. . ' wallona ., !allr. p~dlar I.. bion abou, crope, it il gratifyi ng to da",age thropgb oul ,118 Stale clln Allll OII, ATITEIlTI 'U tI IMlIIlWlA 1'1 Amp , rl"ule w"\eli lie REQUIRE of dollarl owu, several Daten~ tiUUULD BB CHECKED . F A.LLOWill # Alii" ,. " , ~ l,arD from the Saodall l,. Regilte r tbat dl ~.. falliho rl oC two milliODI I • s, cUII:nwu TO .\.. 1.1._ ' t. (",mIOU "Nor· to d e~l~nde allo .. h be, .. EII6I. (r the Tli. \1 from cro~ tlally j Ar.e now receivin we ...... 1l~01l and. ~a'.I1~ grape . hrlt.tlc ", of tbu L.ltl~t a :Perma aeot .... _ Ota, doiog ' their Spring Slock 01 ftD JDCllrblltll or ll, ID a ".n-IDg condltloD: and tb. prol' therD aod Ca,"ral J.1iOO4!I A.fectlo Tb'lHtS OIl,"IS, at clllid lIT.-A. VER' SoIlNOLK pect of aD abuDda nl YIeld .. good lor lIIaoh damage . e, .... e s Di. Lune Me .. beiDg lroublesomA from teelbiDg. .. th. comic, ....on . 18 OFT£1I THB JlEo!ULT. " . , . " r' r .' d f • lIlAL 'J'Jt()()I IE8 • Righ" wa~ gIVen.a ra L 0 , 10 used pOpPI" . DROW N'S nUONV Civil oCtbe puuge Tbe 6:7 'Upper tbe 'bat Itatel A , d"patcb H ' "Ulrec t 'In ft uence un Ihe pRrll' I .ton~i.ting ill, pall pul It to .Ieep. 'fbll .a. II)n second in· wlucb ClIe awing .. ' T Houee of , •• Pro,ine ilr P.rliam ent of Bill i. aaid &0 be onl" ' J lls: Rronchi For rHliel. le immedia give I,CI"st . uesdny Dlgl~t WI ek. lI~d II Ne" Dr.Dlw i,., on Ihe 61h inal., a· alaDce iD 1h. hiltoty of opr govern countl lbe clllid was ..tIll ,Ieepin i. in A~lhma. Cn,turh, Con.umptive lll,~ !hroat NAILS . yet~d beln" .fter bill a wherein went are uled willa Iilwo)"11 Ut!iGE8. . Th DIR8Utlll, '1 roche. c!opled ·re.olut ion. urlilll a cODftrdera· . rt I ·'1 r 11 ., e good aucteu. , Bingera Ind Public Speik. h d' . a Jaw. Ipl e.o, a t 0 ~ 0 aro.ulI It. '1"1'8. , become ball ot Pre,ide the by . acbelBe Qaebeo e t to Ing llo~ lcoor may re~Qlv· era wi!1 6nd Trochea ulltul In cle.rlne II bope S "nterlalD n SOREW S, physlota au. Ihe il le Cbrocic gtoD wbJcb toaeLb•.r willi aD addre.. asking The Walbin the vOice wbon t~ken berore alnging Of LOCKS . er. Tbal &' IlalemeD above the (or DII tborily Irler 'he of Ipeaklng. end re!elvinr; the lhroat lbat th, queelio n or... uDion , ". . LA'l'CH~. ' 'Dlae lne. • voc,lorg the 01 d b' b • N ~b A ' CURB FOR SMALL POX.-W e are ah~ unusuDI exertion veton &c., &o. .l pres ~erl.an provloc e ~ IU mlu~ paper lilY .. tile follo"IDg .hlt of ond or mended Iferecom Trochee • ffi I u of th. gOY. r d . III'.lt" Teetl,uO bad hllYe and anl, '0 'he &olton or tbe Imperia l Parha· illaed .iDO' lbe formalio PhIeir.i by .ft orm~ . y "geDI eman, In (\ cer 1'hey hi'", 110'" ,«:'iI ' l'l!nd a I'ltge Illd labmitl ed too tbe Qaeen of erDmea '. u.t tho . meot, ~he United B!l\le& army. th' a d:>c1lor rf,o!'! emillen~ m,en throullhu . pl,e te stock or lbe }Jelt Pillibur ah having and ment, ... t, of ~rilcle ~,IaDd. Bem,ln won' tb, ed baa'cur ~ 2 ID Welterl y, R. I •• "d,;.o" By Georg. W•.'bmgtOG II tflat 0' 01111, by efli.:nqr , lhelr proved I' . d ' b II I 6 ' . _ 10CII,II· ~'a Be",' iI. lhem findl yelr A New York !'ener laY8 tbtl cel.br. · 8y J_mea M"dllo n each yella. :'!-l I CIII.,.. 0 Ima p~x y a ecocllon of 'he worl~. and the ¥ y . ted Mri. aliD" il 'pendiD aOllle time By Jamel tkDroe 9 the roolof lhl plleher plant. W. g"e lie. In varioul parta illy > J'acklOIl ..' Andrew By gf ,prooou ncH bOLler . h ' · H Trochea Ire u!llvers . 'tb t " iI.' re~eited we .. Dl alaleme lb. " , artlclel. In a cI~y, 11' er,rli I., a &er 8 IIrlag. By JohD 1',ler ' , other thin I 3 Lo ' '11 '" gle 01 thlrtY-I I,e y.a.... are at I..~ oon· By Jlmel It PolJi Ob,ttin only 'Brown 'l Bronch ill TreI " ... - Oll~ ) an B~chan ea Byla:n &0. , ~he worth· tHat . ' Oour., .... p u 8, the Wa, • •vl.-by ch... Ind do not 'Ike any ot firm"e,d ' .... . " ., ", ofl'ered. ' be J may Ihll -d nl B'" lmllatio .• •• 1 , rrom dllPMCb al epec A . . . 2 ( B Oo'R~ ObDIOQ : rew FlQi ...... y T-dr' pOS' 8~ti,DgsJ tua' poeae.i on 0 lb• • aDY mrHlonl Adferli..~ .aya: , Soldmrrw~er.ln· tll.e.uniltld )BloD 'tolbeB\ ingtoD . ,-, ., ' ' ' " ,' ~'f ril IbeiDb eritt". ,., .Withheld._, Bh, i. Jr8la..ttColI,,~rl e t n u ,n.'1 . , . tll.Jat. pl!aC~ P~~pa(aliODI are beiog mid, to hoTc b:!.I!tF.( P \ '.LA A: ... J Raing ne~' " ..It: to , N~w . Orl.aDI to ' go T~. ilauing of .' . tlr. or the United SI,,*" ".galar the \qllop etreel ' lbe . bad oUill elamau •• p ' y, properl , • ~I ~I , com~rom ... for . . . o( ber ~II~ ••~I\ &. u ....... ca••• et Q...... . ftoi"L ionl tor ·'ft.idoo " lb, C'ucai& Colllt in mohmo nd De-' and L.. C d'lpted 10 _lid aDd Ir ah • .ebtal.. . ' lillil of It Ibe off the applieat ... ; Illd ..,itr.,lb i... r~ AO .~ . . , .OR fY dlll'ereill I~t ••• ~ab . erria,e r .... FlF'TY o. r: i ' '. ..... , __ Ihe lrial of J.ff. Datil,.~ , higb _ala • . mW!ic. lor 80 to aflOG.aac . 'Id aa.per b h ill b.I.a Hardwa r. Hou... e ... II\ a •Oll.. ,0 8 ~'.Lr. ~Iltb ha"" ,eDDIe to Ihe. lloDcl.. iQa, " ,d olhe<,ID or ALS. U MK. . L\TER S W or C.O.tD E ...1111 k'" all.. Pi' ....~lN ,reat • or" • '-d' (''Ppe be lDay ' 're"(>8' "un. an'" CHI. lrolll' d aafe Illa~!"la the,. are DO" ....nI.. them. •. , ., c.., In ".0 n~t pnmllla" l Addrno. sln, ,itle. for ,.Ie by Plrk. WlaiCIa sa arcbitee tare ,,-,lJ Itlr•• , ' I' J 0:7 Cllllnli oxsmiDe L~rore JIGftIhl MASON ok HAMLIN alolau fre... E. R. pBl" . h a''''' 38.3 m." mODth.. ,. r.. el"whe • York, t. lllameD fiJ::,l'(e1\" DROl'HK , I'IU,SO.N ~r . 80110n •. P II IDJ~lII' til' • COUIl'rJ "
'ibe .miami ea;tl tt.
~n4!b~~r!~ CO:r~~!da:oMr~i~ict:.
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li~~'i~~!' O~~I:pf:~~ ~~:!8~':I;O:!~
i~.~i&able, ~~a
Dom esti c GOOds,'
DRESS-GOOn;, Wh ite Goo ds,
$5' TO $10 PER DAY'.
&I... ,
CADWALLA'DE'R . MAR K' , . Great Reduction.in Prices I '
Dr-yanCl l¥iixed Paints,.
m m
WD lDO W .
X E N "I ! .!, '0.
md ow •
"""' '''''0 .
Axles, Iron; .Steel, it. Bent Stur. . Enamel :
• ~e JDl4mi
,iii' the .bool
a& leu& 0DCe . . . .&Ia. d ... Ix &heIDHI,.,. bow 'hiDP are goiD,. !HId 110& _d epeod OQ lbe '00 oneil Th• • IDurlcturerl of ollr 1'iIIaal faI.. report. 01 olb.re. Suoh & oo..r.. aad of Corwia who pal Ibe MortlAlr. wOllld preyeDt maDY di8lculties aDd -!",,~QI.RI1I'flu, 1b.Z will b, iolerel',d mach ill (eeliog. FrequeDt , ilitl (rom 10 kpo.l~g thlu hereafler. OD or aboul pareell hIVe a leodencl 10 make bo~h Ihe i-Ith of elch monlh. a Ii, t .of all leacb er aod l obolar. do tbeir tlaly be,- "ho are oharged with moothly tixel. ter. 1 beline wberner we aee & , chool togethe.r with the amoanll. In erally Ihat is frequeotly vil ited ' bl a ia.jority dUe. will be seot to the office of Elq of Ibt! parella. "e lD~y be nfe io IIY' J . W. Keya. wbo will recdve aod foriogtnal 6cbool hal a good Dame. ' ward the mo?ey 10 Lebanon by 'be tat .~ 1 know Ibere "iro maoy who will ely, 0(. the followlDg mont b.-Tbe recei _ '1 oaonot aptod 10' much lime in tbe Will Ilao be r elurned to him.- Thie I r· .., ei:hoolhotVIe. I dOD't k'oow aDythiDg ra DlLemeot will eoahle all 10 e.o~pe tbe abolll .choola. S~ch objecliool are penalty, a~d do aw~)' wilh Ihe aoooy-: .. 00& ulid. Any iotelligeDI peraon oaD "o.ce of gOing ' ipecllllly It) Lebaoon for ~ !ell "bethe, a lohool il in jtood or bad thiS purp ose. • • ~clition, by ebl erfatIoD in the lohool- /};iT' T - T- D-'--'d...• ....._ -tL, room; lind tbepre5eoce .or'any dig o i6ed • , - . 0 60n . h.. every ~bini ~ :: parent for halr a rd ay fii a lohoolroom I~.t a ge n.~lemao or IRaie could wiah al c::a. hR8 a 8Rlutary -effecl. lhougb ho mBV IllS estubh silmeot. Go and lee hia - . . , . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - not apeak a word, if il CIO be se41n b; goods. aUd. buyio.g Ollon ot h elp but the pupil. thRt he i8 walching Iheir op- follow Ibe lIIape.cllolI'. . Go early, lao, oraliona. Be,idea, bow oUen do we for Ibl'l are rapidly gOlng ,08. • •• see Ibe iDdividual who makes luoh aD z;,- Tbe communication of D t"il objeclion . pend hfllf a aay in idle 000· FUl'na~, in lbil 1\umber will be read (er UiiOD 00 tbe slreet·corou. 'inslead wilb profit by a'll. Onr tbanks are due of tbe IchoolrQ(lm, wbere biB "reateel our fl'iimd for 80 ably presenling earthly cbarge il 'entruilled to the clre 8U b'~ect b' may he flltmd a g?od stock of ,elore tbe p .. blio • of perbape an entire ItraDger. wilh .. ,
============== .. i-
· 1"
• ""\
(CO.WllI Ir ATI0Il). 1'&41" a4ITWAaw BOUBD. Cioclao.tt.Exp....., 7.1S' A. ' • •• If.iJ aod,Ac:oom., 1 1.26 A. •. CuJutabaa Aecom. , 6.28 P. • Ni,irl !apre.., 1!6:1 A. M.• PiUaburll Eapreae, 9 .011 P. 1£. W. "WABD BOUND , IfIIl, and Accom.. 4. 10 .t ••.• rJ illht Eaprel8, 7.29 A.•. Pi[tlliur, Expre.., 3.20 1'. ' If. Cincl,.lIaU ,t:llpreu, 4,22 P. '1(. • PI' not atop . W, H. eLE.l IfT, President. E, W ..WOODWAfiD, Silp " , A. l). ·CADWALunp . Agent . CAD~U.tLADEJl &. MiLLII, Ezprell Agetl'"
A. V
D~.,..E, 'nMrfJp.~ Agen' .
VfA)itli/): a' &bit office, a gooll. atea· dy BQY,. ~ . 'o r 16yelrl old, to learn the prillti~'1 b",aioe... I..
. r.
· So~PUJU HIP :roa Sui -lYe btl,.. a cho~i1i Calkin'•• Griffin &; Co.'. . U~i~hl B1I1 ~~II?ti~..t4)! , Ober liD,' 0 ., , hloh Lwall be diapoted o( fIr, lor 1_1.,,\_ .. (' 'Y" • d ..o&a~oll.ll ~
' ~B1JrGS,
') '.X1'U.A.~ON W~Dt w401~ q'ul\lIficalion~ ae reach~r be'ko~"s 0:7 Mlldamll Reavee' C.,neerL TrOapll In a DruJ Stoi., by a young mlii w~ alight Illy DothlOr· Bu t It the ,.me fa vored our 10"0 witb
"ho b.. had t.,o yeRrl' upfl'ieoce io Ihe Maine .., aDcl _'bo can bring Ihe beal of ' t1!comml/ndalioDI allo emcieney. ApplY"lo or .addre.. Jliami Ga.. zell" W"YDelville. ·O.
To Ih#'Boarcl (If Edu(Jatiim for WaY'll TotDIuA;'OI' Warren Oounly. Oltio:. The great aim o(,he true philanthro. piatlbould_be to mRke manbetler. Ba_. lie~iD' &lie ,,"erlion to be lrue. and tbat '&'pi-o~r ed~cation leDda to ~1e1'ate •• iadi,ldall ancl. make him b~~ter IDd
aten! ~~tthitilles :
indiv.i~~'II .ba~ ~ little bleating lli~~ or rruesdR,f evening. Rod ill reputMioll
"~'rUntlng pIg In 1\ 101 Rnd he did Dot lo st nOLhing by the l1 harmlna mllnner kno~ 'blt the eDclofiuru was all,m cient in which Ibe' audience W&I eotertained.
1866. NEW SKIRT FOR 1866
bu jUil received, I
, Direct· from New·York! the larveel and molt complete l .. orimeDl . of
Broad.Cloths, PLAIN
The above Skirt for sale by
Uasslmeres, ALLEN &, RANDALL, ' . ,
.WA'IOITilLY, 'Co,
Ever olered in Waynesville,
To which he invilee Ihe lItteotion or hie mun e rou~ customerll nnd lhe peopl. generally. '
to keep IbelD (rom I!lrRying away. think YOII' be would noL find time 10 look 00- R ead Ibe new I\dverlilement of arouod (or boloe aDd bre.Rohes Ibrougb Roseberry & Neat 'I'bey are C~J)y up wbich tbe, might blake their escape w.ilh Ihe wanla of tlje people in . their and be lost? O( co... rl' he w01fld,alid .ILock. 'AIl, Ibey 8IIk il. come ·and lee, rtpair it too. Or · IUppO" hi. iO~dtl ;. . . , ' . R~d .treasure w.e re upoaed 10 thOle of ' 1:1" p,.o ~OIlO , PulJl."o. A g~nt1e. aoubtfut ~oDelly-w~~ld he not aeptliat ~an of ..upeflor. p~r.ceptloQ . aDd J\ldg. they were properl), protected. ~efor. meot s~yl thiS 18 tbe ,watcbword Lhe 'leidng of lhe 1"0, with boltl and of tbe nllw ·Council. ~ 'I all W~riihl.~
, "
"00 M P L E ~ E.''')
Ind J will
And we invite the Attention
Our Spring Stock is now
of our Customers an~ Friends .to' ihe Styles ,and Pri~~! !;
both iD wiRer. "be r~tioDal c'oncluaipo . must 1>e locke? ~ow much mor.e, l.hen, .bo.ld oo-lton. Robert C. Sche.ock hall o. Our, Stock of th"t i( ,oU I,e properly educM(ed, til en b. e exam IDe - tbe 111. rroll.lIdlnga of lbe bl d VA,RN ISHES, I h h h ige us witb a very inleresling Ag"mlocie,t y io g~Der~1 be nobler lI~d Immol'La II w 0 are ~n II c ~rge and ricuhuraJ RE'port. pllrer. HfOll1 the wisdOm ,ot estab- (or wh~ee preservallon ~e Ihou,ld · feel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ DI none bUl the ' BllIioS oar pllblic Icbools aD a9 libetal b,ound (0 expll~d botll time o?d treas· I:1T Sick Headache can be cured , .....'1' .. , • blUli. that all, from tlle lell.l to Ihe ure! rememben!)g that (or lbelr weltar~ How many hundreds, nay thousandl C~eys:, degl'e~ respons ib'le,. and lhe buml\n ("mily allow lhemeelvel g reate.I, · are in\'ited to draw ' unt~ld .ho ie in ~ large I. d dulf~I' witb Nervoull Rnd Sick HeRdaoh41 f b (rea.are. die ... . Irom, wilho·,,' 'et or hl·n·. I an.1 reacuell appear, ep eavor to I I .re employed. :'I"" • I' h b' I w len t III greal sovereign remedy, Ro· dranee. Theo , we muat I~e Ibe. blealliDg repair t t!~ elore t I~Y g et so .broa.d back', ' Blood Pill •• clin be ob~lned of .. Wfta~. , i. Itore lor every C) .. wb '( d Ihat malerlal to Fepalr them With ,18 uny respectable drugglat. ' . - --:0: - - ,J Also, 8 II'I)O ,~ . upp ly of n" ,0 a. eo 6 t.· d I. AT REDUCED RATES. ·thol, iOItitUtklQ8, when tllI!Y ar& 110 IRC~lIlg, aD . Dot ling 10 prererU their T EL\ORAPHIO.-:-'fhe Telegraphic De· oondtaGted M to ' . h' • tllklng Lhe broad road to deatruclio,n. par.lmen ' of O~lI"o.,· & :~c 8oln~ 10 aht. Wo,-&d, Ik~' ~~ '&,u. ' "ila...•.. U'Dlon 'Blbiocea Igeti lUnt. ' ' , uvDa 'Of' t l i ' • • ' \ 't: , , 'I t could be appreclaled; th"t tbu Doble i8 second 10 Done in tbil cOllotry. It [ CUSTbM, MADE] we lat 0 lee • t. Id; h . & the grea\ impo'rlaDc8 ' . , r. mell'uctore W uO are mo 109 L 0 mmd. thoroughly 811d fully preparea Ihe Ihl. ..llDi nery e f h .. . dellt to take ch l'rge ot RD offioe. S",· rort II gliareClalil ' r 't h . t '1 dOL e rlsmg generallon cou.ld feel the ALWAYS ON HAND , 0 I ID eres • an ' b'I ' f" . . ' )( Qf t1.. g , l ' 're~pon81 I lIy 0 luen prorenlon, and isfaction i8 guarRolelid. Do not r.. if ·to April io. are 1 Ie r l810 .genera .OD, 10h~eelP Lhal 'they cO\lld have ' lI;a, support ne. address them for particulars before iO' ALSO, . .. . ing elsewhere. elell Ieb,0 0. 110 der our care In al ea . 394w. til d't' ' , tpOi Iibw.-' \I ' ceuarv to . eDable lbem to proceed 10 O. G t) T 0 , a coo 1 10D ~ 01 . , 1I0t a 0" 108 Lhe good w~rk, witb a reasonable hope tiT' AN E~'I'ElIfSIVE SALE AND i)u~elvel 1,0 olT~r aD eXcule [or De"lecL r I . . b d" t. I . • f d' t · "r . d' 0 leanng lD t e eo tue we come la . . Iiir DIST.UBl1TJON of Pillnol . Melo • A co~np.1etjl aesorlme nt 0 f OilY, on accouD~ lome mloor II ·' d' \ " II d d d f' br~) deod\, Gold Dud Sil\oer War.e, is now going on ·ti 1 . . . . lOgS. " ' l' one. goo an lut u ' . . • B ' h " n llh~ S OI~IfO O Ill of l\!lt:s~Il~. H a.:EU& Bllo .• No cUly or IDlluD~eralaDdlDg blltween Uppe.rend of Kain Street, SIIOES! olBcera palrOOt or teachers' ~t lttt eel vant. , . ut ow leldom II IL lbl\~ 34 Ll berly 5 1., N. V. ,[ bH e goodsareaold .t " " due bonor II .properly baa owed. We TWO DOI. LARS EAC H, RimARDl.l:lja OF WA Yl¥DtVILLfi• .Alway on IUlRd in great "orielv. eaob ODe pll& ",houlder to lbe, wlleel It w bl ·· db' b d VALUE ' Send TWENTY fiVE Ct::NTS (UI' - - - :- io (ull (aith Ihat by uDiteil effort we call a 0 or e"ID~. ~ n °dDOrlltl a uo ' Olle nb~lb.,e\1 N~hCti. or 'ON~: DOLLAR '01' .' Opposite llie Founlain O. Pure Waler! r " . u po T. ·r. DODSON . 'n you want COR'e e. Te ~, or SlI'gar, m'a b thi " &.. , d· ance upon our u eroel an I t a te amen' lor S IX , l'h" numher on eneh NOlice corr~.po nd . grea .. p.1' a "ailee. I• • d d dI 'd b I Jlfarcb lU, 1866. If ,'uu want Molnliel or Fi»h, T IIi tl " ·' ' f tb • . ~uelr ee a ao earol g, III Icarce y with the .oulUbi)l· 011 SOUl e ul'ticle of g<lod . ... hich • D.' III vlaw ,o I malter," IS 1vU • • ' h h' t b h 'l'ill be ."nl 011 r:eceil,t oi • .2. 1'he 1110ney will . . U ~ . If you l:vauICllnd,. . R"i8i,".or Figa • .. caal. lor . ' f I ' 'h h ' I'" b . 8. h a bpaul.og. .t . oug' 0 1 t ,a t mOl er be r"fuu~cd if Ihe . good. do not gh'e l~tllf8C tiob. . ~ ~ If ) ' OU wanl Cbeclfl or Orieii 8 ~ef. " I' Irte ( I . e p I aul. roplet " . , \t -t , n ' f' . " 0 Y UDtJrlOI ellerg" "atcbed io . . , n-o-W. are coostor,ltl. v RIskin" additions. '01 , If )·ou .... nt ~od Ale or Duor. '~ ,. mlln.·. "atroDI 0 .cbools •. from· al· 'l ' ldt~ d ' d" • b W Age nll make ''fW':NTY ·F I\' t: DO'.LARS per IJ-.J , .. 'J t' uoo n .. d lh r If you wa~t B'olo,ua, " BlOI& "aouleel ' iII ·feoling, ioaLead of c 1I ,a nOb fibI e . e. ~erm ~ W Et:K , Send (or a Circular. 8':EO &. 8110., ():70al1aDd eXlmino. cf compare prices. If YOII w. ot Herrirrgl, . f d ullltiDI'" .. .. h " ". ,' d ' .. 1\lFe grealneu y . e SIDg It In, al It P. 0 .1301\ ~ 13 8, Ne" York, A ' p'rl' '17,1';06. 4" . f S I ,-. ..&boa t 0 caUIe 0 e ucar .- .' ' d I ,' • b om 34 L'b I 51 42 I " . . 'B ~ I yo u ..alii 'alt by 1;41 .ack. lb. or bhl, lioD baV~ L.ie"'~ " , were, rom liD, ao. teaculng It onelly. Ice:. 1 er Y . . 11 •• If I'on wallt 'Starcb, Rice, ~od'l Crolull of ' . u -totate III 10"lni the dI h d 5etd. or cUIO rd . \ b . . . lrUlbfulnel'8 "n ove; or to 1 e evoted 'W.uvue, vill'; MllI'k.e.. ~ 'J'nrlllr. Pel'l;er, ,GiDger, Cion.llIun Ila,rk. lho' -110 _ 0 d' ~\er. If dPr!_VeDIlog leaoher wbu, ill laler yeal'S. leads t~e " . • l\lrs. Winslow'S l\lystic Pills AJ pice or Clom • .... w · .. Ire ellroalO 010" "ood ' .1'. II . . If YOII wautlto gel drunk, ilon't ..o thore. (10m '11 III ' '': lh i · • ,. . 81lme child on in the Irue road to greal· Ca r t:l u II Corrtcted E w r!J Week. Are prepared only (or IJ legithtlllte pur. •r f d " I' r ,rlul ' e r WI!·nlMl. II th.y . d' h . d d d" • are lile oilly ~ .fe I~ctive If you . '/ll ' obacco? ' leI' iO"r~ 1I1 kiode., 4ltberwi.. :-would ' . ADd: i b ' ' oel', up aD Ing} 4f mto aD IreoLlng Wheat ~ bUlbel, t l '70 @l ~ 00 . eUled . t ho reI metlicill& lor (emole. 6xtant. 1C Y OI1 want Shaving. G~rlll.D. Rolill 01 , W:~.b • L ••• t . of' h ' ma~ lire il 10 noble «ad pure lhoughtl, till Iho R 60 ' :Btir..ltt, . lInd the c8tobllshmenl . Soap nlDar......... ,Olle t , 'lDot' potent cali. '.' d ' dd I d' ,'r .' ye 11 ,", k h Old D ....,_ , '1 1/ ' - Du nol trille witb your health. and u . e ' , r' ',d' ' t·b' '. '" I I I worl . IU en y", .~oo!en, lUI I by ao · O. le 11 !.IS nown 18 1 e • . rt1f - Qwl'f , WI lere· cheop eod danileroul medicine. whlcb ~f Y!lu. want C;:igara. .I ".' • I) al.ll. a,ncI lb ICuO.O · 11 & II habit · d ' . d d ' • Barley qg " ) 00 allP,r b• ..:onchlcled 'by ~. R. PUIIITZ., wite Dru~iilt. have bought, lind will recom. If )ou 'll/llot ~ntorl in .tbethell. c.n. deMon or 'l \ " \, . dl '. CI ent. a gl'ea~ Iln goo mao hal arllCorn ll. 4' 307 hopei ','. by clot e !l nd perstlverin g OIlClltillo mend. belnr i~norllnt o( tlleir qUlli.lel. dilh, '. ' i II d~,,~,~ pa;:~:. III" UlI ,~D. ~f bap'etak~ en~,' h~w or from wile~~e i. l~el·dom aak -rlour ~ b.rrel, 950' 10 biltllne .., to. recei ~e Ie lib eral a ,hore Mu. WIIISLOW'I M.ySTac PILL., C)(mect (f YOIl .. alit JU k Or ntacking, t~l. lI~lro , .. ~~ e, 8e ~~~. e ore ed. Shoull! Dot 'he children who have F"Jur ~ CWI , 000 public,patruDJt&:e ill huwbee" heretofore ull irreguhuhieB .nd PliinfulmerilltrulIlioil; n you ~.nt nuc~e't . or a u k II, ' ' elf .c.u\ ureD. ,.,. .1.'10 par~D' Illould com· tb b : fh f' ·it d h Bliller 11 .& 30 IIwarded lbo old timl. . remove all obetruel\onl, whetl,.r from If YOII wBul Cr""kery Water teao'he" r' bl'o'" bOI·.· 'b 'ld ' 0 eoe 0 IUO p. ren.l . aD 10MC' , ·rel. \ lb •• '~Q A. E. 'MERRITT. cold or olhllrwise. No .:melden, wife, ' or If "ou waul 10 go away, dr,'. go \bet'e-llltoJ:i~ P l~ ~r .." . I'.w C I rell. erl alaJ'lIlt Iribu( ' I Ih " """ , ', ~ I , E R PDJN1'Z (or ~tl tM ob'id I "lb . ' I r, e . 0 elr mtJ;Dory , E~g~. dor.p I. ~\' IDOl her aitcutd be wilhout..them. en.led , ,: .' " P'Ol ll loel1f buebel. " ::.a" WaYloelViI e, 0., Apr;1 i, 1~66. 'I' rl tbem-U8B according to direction, If 1011 "anl 'yo ur Jug lent h OllIe ODlpt,. lend,ll . "/; .\ ~ I I, ~ a. re P'9 or e pa- triie .p ,aod aalllhelD blelled' reD , ;1 ~ ll c:.,... ·1 to ~a'. relpeol for itelpt oL(uily'-IUb.i',-d;,,, . " . Dried ·Apples ~, Di · 10 @ 16. N. 'olJ.--parao... , knowin" themselvee lIud be convlDced thaUber are Ihe. LADy'l ' wi/bolil ,,' Iaw'/lal ordor! I Ibe ·telcb4lr. &~d will 10M ' iolerest io ". ' : ~' D -"-.$ m " Chickenl 11 ~Uzell, • (IV ludilliuOII to 1I,e I.le 'IIrrn of Merritt and FnIE IfD. . (f you "anI Pop-Cllrn , b ", . , \," I •. ' 4."18 £ UR).'!4.8. ~off'ee ll ' ~ , ' ,. 3~ "'~il1t1·, eitberl by ·ilote (lr book accounl. Ask (or Mit •. WnrlLow'. MYeTIO,PILL!!. It yoo W I Ut "inl, Vuw'" "eneil•• Pipe •• ' or IC 00,1, ~d had:.belter D!)t bo in attend'. - '" ,~. ~, New-O rlean8 S Ultar il \Ii . l li @ . ~o w.ill c9",,,,(orw,ard Iml!!.!'dlue lf . nel 8~ttle 'I'll'" none other: Price ~ per Ilox, or ' Pipe.Stem.; ,< QIIt:e, tbe. t.aober i t ~O. becomel a N·.· U. Aiol~e. 1j.J ".mob; ' 1 86 1 1l.~"'11I., all lll, b~""'e~~ ,"U,U b. clb."d. 3 \;UII8I tor 86. Por tIle· by al\.dru~'I'le /£ you wllnl ·M.tcbe.. . tyrllfll 10' 'bo "eyel of Ih,' ch ' ·IJd. aod 'Il Rr E. R. Prinll,.-lo lon•.. ·'o lll of lbe GSorflru~n . r 11 ' 80' 1'1,0.8 look OIJ~ lor ~ .' " •• Dr Cr al:"an. '0 '1 eI!} 80 I Il,avIl.'tr·l em'aude 'wlll . , ) _ '" .... • U.)·ou .. anl 8 re.",.",.\( to.~. no OP~r.l.llity \0 ,tb"ar&bi~ 11\0' unttlrrt6ablt' p~ IJII'rS oftb,o ol<1 P oltoffice Oil I ."., ,a on, , Ile .. aa ve....· ' ;4:1· 3", , , • ~ . 'I~ you "!.• n\'dllllorOil.SweelOil 0f.l'''~llCuli~ ti,.... 1& tbeD b.ide'!I ita ono ta'le~l iD A cornllr, and DOW tile only aDd ',ttfficieo~ J1 , t,r yuu ""nt ~tQOID'\ ',.. It"pk,io, aOd.· i,,D,& .111 'I'ld bi. I notblD. a ' 10 one. we ,ar.e', prol,'," wel.1 a" llred . '. Jilol lJllbn.Il." • hi Ii .eared Iltl vtll'?pe. P:i"e . , Bed.Oord. , or C\olhcaI a I, b I . I 6 "cUla. ; A'Leoture on Ihe 1I. lore. U'eatUl ~ lIt · re uro b~llbe on. .ril l te4 aD" tllroilbed to ro.{O .\ 10~1 w,or•• I Ion nel', al fI e P E' T I i ION. lind ~Ildieiil cllre <if Sl~el·ruIlIQribooM . or iil!lllin.i Line., Went, will~ Ollt enD &Jle increaae of tbe old Drug: bl~re •• i '~n '. loai,or tbe JI,r , W « !tne.. IlivuluI!t. t·,: i!;oliA8iollll'. SeJ.u~1 De· ltJlE QU£t!!N OF If you w.nt, I!,dl~o. Shoo-Bru. be •• or Rice. , • r·'I.e o;Jt~t. ~ f OJ ' W; . o,lIt,· and Iwpedi"I ,,"I' 1(1 \\,'all~i"l(e geu,crally ; If tP E l \l • aiarer. Would lbal puellte co.uld 'r~' rid it llil.1 r.el ..io ~. ill P rimz ipal,' III 0 /~'Oj (1'1'''' Cl0., SS• NtlrYou.lle ... ·ClljUUIlKptioll. El'i l ~ ,..y alia Fils, '0 '11'0 you wan lIVer or avo 0 e. • o IIi .. tb. rl'I'p'"n,l·bl·II';... r,' 111' og' UPOD ~OD\' p ..'OII·" b .....e io tOlVn eIlY • •' and WJI EI\R.lII, ICJHrlwriglb,t &.. Cdrafl, .III,D. Mental arid l'",~lplIl IloCap.ellf' r".ulling (rolll _ _ _ &t.DO A,Il, Itt 1·/ 'y~q '".ut Muttard, ~ yr .~ , .. ..~ '" fS t Sell:.. bu'I e, 4\c. By h ,bbert J: Cui ver..." II , M.D, . '" If 'l OU " alit tu sell or !lu.)' ,8utler p~ Erg•• tbem III . .. d ' h 'I th''''(O''1 '~e may expect no docrelse ee.o lImue onel, u Dine a , u,tl,Mlr. 0",10" '(O""~ D jl1ooll·, ' &c. ,,_ If )OU W~Dt Li" uo.rice and Cbe.. i,,1' G ulD. , re~! t.o~IO 00.. , . " . . . ' ,llIaion AileD Edward" un Ilie !be " l'rlCj.,reoowoerd aulbo r, in th i' .dml.... ., ADOlbir callie of're lh " l !>r tbe e'Dt,rpl'i.e 'a nd IblDg. charaCle.r- Decl' mber. A. U •• 1866. }~lIecotion. b:"~~lllia •. rle.1rl, pl~ye~ . (rolll hi, own u pe Mal.. WIIIILow'a QUUII Hllra ., RalTo- tf you wa,,~ E.llence Peppermint"?! CilJ"Jlmon, IDa " ( ' , Ire '. , " II i. tio of " he late Ipro:' rietor.. by J . C. Collel t, E~qul ~p, .nd deliV'ered tlMtll.llia. Ibll.wfu ~,,,ollaeqtl .. ncrs or.e!f'."~u.. II QUEEN. nul olily In name. bllt In 0)' I no' aU 01011, Icbooll &bere bAI " r 10 ·E . Dodley . ,(;onlt.bll' ExecQtion re- ,,1&, b";,~~,D ,, IIJ Nnllo.ed ",llIlout M ed ,olQ ~ , VUlTUE8. . bee, i~" . . '. . . . " • . Ii ' d ' t .'" and ." ~J~o.l diluIlU,<)U. lu",;ul. 1 "perlliioll., N:lUI I " ~ I t r . lurlled, !"Il a,,11 6 e . lor wall~ of prQperty b.!lU,' .1. 1!1"r.Dfeii t~. rinjt •• or ';or..,i" I. , ppinl. ' ...,.. U • , . ~~D !II' a :lpltlt . of 10Iubor,!tna· tlon 10 an"di' r.lpeet ' ~ . l b . 07.80m,~~od1 w , i.bu ... to say thaI 'wl,leh J!ldf,ment I.I II! 1.ld 1.11 balf.ed by IUA "lot II DIode hf I)II/'e "I oneil cerlai n .. lid . /: ~n l!lfallJble' itatTOIlER "lid PRESERva. llil . b ' " . . ~r eac era , , .. ' stllli.\te. 1"18 is to . I k Ilfr a ' revival 0 I f~olil",l. ~J; whioh .,\,';wy iutrer 1', nl! hlaCler ,,/11, 1 .of 'lhe Hair if fallhlully lIpplied,' . . ODg I "~ .~r,et 01.", 01 bo, l, macb tbt'~ should Ilo.t be aurphacd If Mayor laid jllll&mflll, . e~ordill,.to all aCl p...sed .h~1 eo.Ddt'!o..."ay' be: ....y f ~ rti, hilll..,lf "b... W Manla.c Gild CeUbacy. . lOote tbaD h.ri.oror.~ · Tbe cltf68 tbal W fI¥~t .w.e re oalled upoo btdor. very ,1a8~ year, /o.... ll1e ·pirr~o.eof a lIew Exe· ~r~~~t:-~1n ·t':,dlt,~I:~.~!r.: ~~~~ ur:..f~~~:aii~ ' s ."0 Hair il:"e i ' An ES8IY oC, Wamlnltlnd tD.trti~tion pr",\uced lbil' 1I1i 4ilppy ·. &ai., 'Of afl'ajr~ map\' IDOOQ'~, to m'ltry '. coupl •• , ill cu~~n. db 'JOSIA " H CRAFT a"1 .d~rt:iI · '" io III "lal1l, ',c~I~1 .. nye lope, On ~e· It . ct. directl, UpOIi tbe roo'l 01 th, ~. b , . . .r. ',' . ,' 'b' ' l b ' . , . ~.Igne . r .A:I.. ' , . •n • c'''l'lo., lllla"t, ••;r 11"0 poMace • 1IU1 1"' ,A •• o hair. cIJ.n~illg ::re, hair; to ild origin. I II Ie rOt YoUng Hen, Alia. dialllleel end 'liJjuY Ifa 8rOWD O\lt of ;the UClleDleD& • .•1 P ace, ..w om f, w lalpeel of hUlDg . ' , " - - - - " , ' . Dr'. Culte"'.tl'. ~.r.. age G U'iCl Q, PI·lt. 26 ct•. culor; .,rrelllllil premalure dElc", 'e nd, (all- Bee whictt' premllturely proll' . ' " die vllll '''-1' " ' 'l. ' ,; ' . ' " h I ' I . b T' ' C'Olt ,.; 0" 117 ' r L SS Alld' . 1 CHA ~; :I.t.KL'1Io ~:&CO. t dl I ' f d Clflh ' l ~ ; I \, re~I . !~o" all4 a :f~l.e DollOIl a~Y".I~c " 'O,.~mD DlooI,onl; u\ ,Wf: ii' ~, " II 0, iIl~. " ~ ~"1 . .J2'7 ~~ ...e,~•. l'io" York. P.. O. boJ. t 686. ing out 0 tlJe 1t ~lr. ete Clll og leur an pow era; with .lIr. malll' of reliel.. Bent ea\er~lIl.e!l 'b,,~ q,.III.' boY', tbat iO" o.rder bpP' J~ m~~e Ir1t19, for of coune ',L' i\ Defore me . ~. DUDin . I JIII,h ce 01 the , [ 42:ly ] , denMuff, Dnd -curing .11 humors jlf tb. fre~' 01 c\llrge, in .ealet\ latt" . ~\1iyelo." . Addre,.1 Dr; J,. SKlIMN HOUGHTQPJ. to be '''' W e 'l' Ie-Dip. ' r, bra,. th,; 'mlill b8 ·ob.ti~.t • .:.- aU. W....ighL.' " ~. Peace ilt aud lur '),11 . owasbip in PURE CIDJ~R VINE'OAU It will change drr IQd wjtl hllr to lort HOWI.d Allloclat19n, Phjlad.lpbl,; Pa. Blll,wba•• · · , . . ". . . ., ~lIid Cuunty, anel ,~lall!' per!l~lIally call1.e ',' : " ~ .. I . " ,1,.. , ", ••" ..')ar the, ca"l. IDa), tie; It cer· .' JOSI'AH ,CRArl.QDe .01 ' Ihe above- I' Till, w" '~"ow t,o be pu,~ •• w' .· pro, a~lu luaur.ant tdreBI~ela 't' If ' . t ' ." ..IDI, '· lh I J.....'" . . •" . ' . .'. d , . ees ... ... d J' b' AI.. od ..... CIA" " I' bl. "' j t mllarlll a II Ii I ,U r,agrance 01". · c. " ,!or uur" .. ntled·· e,fFo'14 . to . . .· /oi. Sllt.r. Eeq. · took bit de- oim,e a·_'lll I Ii l II 'you wllh' to r I ' , 1:'~ 1D • DD:lI ml e "IO em a~u: cur " ~" ol-:,~~"',<l'DI ~e .. ,e perlonl, '. D h ' 'rldica'e ••. '1 I " . .' t . , . . , . lnatlQ!) liuit .h~ .. '1I9Ia, .., rlirtb in tlJe ltal' o.l,hllOrhOOlllj, and permlued it t'o '''' , D s U! ~ . d " e~ ~f~ ~p ovme~t.-.pA p8a' . ' Nle ."1 ...ar .. POlllbl" , al par&are Irom here Oil I'rlda1 of laaL b'b peUl!'un 'are cor;,ct at b. Hlilfe; turu to ,Inelllr 00 our o"'n p,"m la8. yoor halrj }uulh, ao tet.ln I~ tltro A . .6~h . EI&L ' It ' bl 'd" . " . U" . I e , . ' . , .. .. . ... • lire ' ut e '. " . , rour o .. n ome.....er Ie. au I If. 1111. 11 ' ,r,ea ~,.•••, to our~ IOhool•• wllell, ~or \lo,m,. De lotend~' .10 anga... . •' . . JO,B IA.u, CIlA;},ll.. _. _ _ __ - . . - . E . R. PRINTZ. ~' If. ra ..,.lob)'.Out na ftair.lttJiri.(. An A«?ENT w.ntld hi' eyll'f Olt; lad '. •reo..... aaeaeralthIDI. ar••n - ezt"nIlYfly , ln ~ll.e WiD. bOtlD. .. llie .ApflIJ6,1 86~. . ,. II ' I' Town In the United Bta.... Lar'pptofi.. tlrel,loo 'De iD ' n" d ed ' I .d • hi ' . ti wurn IU GIld .u~lC)nll!!~ lin. 161h d'7 ~ac 0 .. 8 ., ~to~a J ruPi ' 1 I. bottll.: 80Id by ,.11 drullillt•• lealiled. Ellr .lId r.....ol.bl.. Fo, fllll ~ tio ~ ... .1 . re.ar lo uca· cOD) f!' lammer•. In wo 1m .1I1n t e or A pril. ~,; D. I ~f). . TIai, belt.ol a ll Coi'lh Hyru ptl, lor ' ale . ~ OHN D. PARK, i partlculllr.; Iddr". DR. W UNER,' , J•• o~d .. Ue..to lChool.; '~hfpbollid Alo.UI)\Illd.lI~ iJ.Ic!,1e~.. . 4!l -~\V ' E , D U?LJ~ V.I l .r : ' b)' . " . &, PRINTZ. 39·, ,1 . GlIn' I AI't,Oloclnnlltl, O. ~-3}. 6f.E..\lllh~,tt.."N.Y ,>Cit'.
and 1Window·Glass, Lant,erns, , Notionls of all kinds
the Best Q.lJaUt.y ,I,.
--- ---
For Men 'and Boys'
In endless Variety;.and·at gr.eat reduotion in prices,'
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J. A. I R V IN'S
·RO.B· li'S
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A Lecture Ito Young,Men, THE QUEEN 1 THE QUEEN \
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,And Forty 'Other.Arti0I8s !
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\MUn1t/t.lrtu,m of PMtographic MoU' rial",
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0 D P,'- I ,0 ' DouI,. 7'Paok "OllIe C':2.'y c...8 .. Y :d PITTSBURG TO P HlLAD'Ih,.... ~ T fit' SUGAR-COAt ED. ' -, """ PU REL YVE'GETABLfilfJ 0 ' bI, ".0.
l'~ " ot' l a cont il1en~e 01
If. T.
SlpEI8IJJ" "-"11
m o< ' ·d • /. L. ' IN . A t Plnlbur" ." IIDa.lro" Wett tIa , ,&her rorbid Rol . .t!2N:~~~-, ~ tflgre'phic Ma lerial d: we ere H eadqul!Ph.' n e,. Bo,n -r etention W! di rect to the U ll ion Depot.""b.... ' " m ~ db ' @ • •_1:_. II'_.... r l f l l ' tlV .IZ . ''''rlD ' e, 'lr rrrta t l' on. Inflammation ... _ j . . . , nefS IIr. tnn, re p,ed to ·tb. Trella Of ,lo' liDe tbe bou~.; . r •• ' ''. Ii 'OTe ~ e'IIUIQ~ ~ ~..-, or lIe 0 0'1'1'10 .. , . w.l W ' W .. C 1 ll& ... 'l or ' (,ther shil' up m olber a lld daugb- ' Evrr l'Ib\ilb4. I SWf.fJfCOPU and Stereo co,nc Views. c)r Uloera tion of. the lUadd'er 01' '''' ho. P e llney lnn ill , e ntra IIwlJi • ' ...sln..n.... IIJ'lO 0 h' ' 01010010 ss!!Orl . .... AND . . . leave P itte bllrg and arrl.. a' othl, .....~ '''r 'or 'wo dayi. Bo,n ,i n. e YeDtuillIJ ,·,t., ~ Iltr t.l> f lh ele1 .1" we Ive 11 0S I e. - Amerir.. - n•. ....... :IU d' n e y s, n"l se 8. 8 e 8 o'f ' th e . P r os - """ POhtA . nil ,r 0 IIowl : "'J go, a Ii dy fri 4!nd ~O b and a lette r to " ON\UIIIIII~ , mell t, inc u"lng 'y or cen I ' .. ~.. 1I ImJ D E I.e Pi b ' Min (1'. Father onrbeard conyer sa , P rof. E ciDEBT JACKsoN, ROOERT HEROERT, and F ore1i ll Cili es. und t;a t e Gl and , Stone in the bladder, ... '" AY XPII £987 ave. U. arr I .. d b''h I ' M. D" Dr, EUG&lIB VELFBAO, '1r. G rouplf Staluary, e tc.. eto, 110, Ile4t:a.lculuB, Gt'avel or Bric"kdus t " And 8re, undollbtedly, tbe " 20 A . M" Bto pp inll at prlnolpal atatialt, '' ion, III d .trao ...11 aug Ulr ' Wtt Iii ~ vo lv-In a ' S te reoscopes, :ur public o r pri,ate \ .A b ' d t t , JA A rr lvo8 lit Altoo nll· " '7.S~ ' A·I(I '" fi at. Lad] fr iend iterpo.ed. w'b.1I' out· Tltl MtioTlaldispSTl8ary. ,,,tol;lilhed 1859 exbi\)l~ion. Our Clf nlo/lue will bo ionl JDepollit, a.nd 0.11 d i s e ases of the w ~h rWle y u: IlD W rone 8:33 A. :M ., [ BI'II ~foDt"10,1I11l. rage d pl n eDt Itrue k lad.,' (rill'Dd wit h a S ix yosrs of u,nrival l_od 8ullce8,s ia t,ho to a ny nddress VII receiflt of Slamp. lbl 8. dd er, k 1d U e Y8 , "Q ' nd d'ro p Sl' Cal 'V~ A Lock 1!1',l9 P . M·,1 ~ OR , , ~V 1 .) 0 P. M .• Dll.lllmoret 11.30 P.II"'~. ·, K.. " L~au" "l "r i",lId'l (rlend. h.d laLh· cure of every form of private d!Bealle InP1J OTCX.' Ii"W1I '~ I"D IC A L DUMS. ' k , vi a Alienl owlI,lI' 10,15 P.II. Plill v " law ellings. ' "or Chl'8AI. er a'rretted or . ... ult Rnd bauery. cldent to eith er sex. We we ro the fi rsl to introduce th!,se, W' .. Fin' wiln",a (or prollcll,tioa w•• Mi as S cienc, and Fair Peali1l!! Vicloriou, into tbe Ullitea S tatt'!', and we In llnuf1l,c, }-l ELl\'l BOI .D'S nde ill hia t a t 6.60- P. M., Ind T ULtle. Het ez"'illaliQa o n r, ,he lefl over EmpirUiim o,.d Fro, lld. ture imm ense qUll otll ies in vorie ty. V" yia P ll pa delpb la, P. M. the court atld her 'atbjlr, Bod Itapped We In laJJjbly cure Sy pbillis, G leel, ;ungt og i.l priee rru m 60 , eentl to' 8bO C I NCI NNAT.I iDto a Clarrial,te iD wai&iog, Im pote ncy, Naolu rn,, 1 aud 11 1- each, Our Alb ums hn\'e the re vutation :.t ia' J'oio ed her, Ind' tb. Iwalo, bebJOd urnal Ernll8io08 , Co mpla ints pel:u ll~r to of b e i ll~ 8upe rior in beo tHy and durobillty I Ph'l II Tt"lt Ii & bore.. we re .000 fiyiug acroBs romlllel, li nd every rurm of priva le dlaeoRe to ony other. , 1' h cy wi ll be 'llll by , 8 ,liO 1'. III •• arm lit. I a ,Ipilla it !., ':'ririe. ,to'RobiDIOD'" J· u.l over lhe 01 wblleve r lllme or Spll rma lor- mB lI , FB IUI. all recei pt or _price, ' FOR 1Q A 1If. By th lll traIn p........' ... p a, ,. 'I' Tb J _d , . rhcel ol' ~SeU·Abule, l,h lt cur3e qf modem ....... iu e AlbulDS Mnd.:J to Or,dc ••J!1) , .J&:"'~" rrun,r~Tred o~ Ullioo Dep,ot, Wta.l~. WI.COOI,ID IDe. , l u ge no a. ,trl4flhoc.d, ~ •• \I, and , epeellily cured, .81)11 ..... & no , A,,"'lI' ,OP,frAtfng . ~,... de lph ill, dlre~t'y to Expr"l Tt.", .. home-eo ',he tDroell. ".te of \ta t e u 'ible eft'e c" ,enlhca., ' tal', u tbey do. by Ne w Y ork. r eachlol( tllete 'it &.80 (.•. v '-)l t bto el.", ~ , t of • epeal,,1 ntll nlty- fOl' t h " '~UTe'O, ~till a~I"" eanum. at er le,d Irom the ' , 8tem, wl(bout dete~li ~n ' Ollr Catft~l)f:u'e n ow embrllces ov~r f ife 1 d" m"ooll' m~ll\b:'llllo' of tbo bOints, r Ut LADELPHlA E xrRESIIV-Le.... Plu. ' TlUt1e .lIIe~ d..o,ahter, ,o,t a (a.L rrom bUllne8e . You llg mOil, he.n r t OIB III Th.ou88l1d d l ll~;ellt . ubject." 10' w hICl~~ IlJl' .A,ruing f rom E.cCC8Be8 or n IscreilOll. Ihoreby removiog 'b'06ga~9. A$ I! burlf Ilt 4,10 P. M. , .toppln~ onl, , aad $1&rted ill vunlllt. Whe n 'mi nd. lbal we Bre ill posse8sion 0 ( the diti t ns Bre cont inu ally bel og mode o f .... cipal 8Iatl'0Ils. Anivel at La'""ld,_ ' ( ;0 m ile. ftom tow. be met 'lh e 'raant $pereet reeeipts and melhod or practice P ort rails of einille ill A mericans, etc.. Iz : T he cOlls tilut io n,ollce of!'edod by Or· ~ T fill 1'. M .j AltQllna .9 .30 1'. ... .. Hlrrit~ ... d g'bLe.T and' h er lo,e,r , wbeu the d r\" of Culverwe ll. Laliem and, Hunter, ,Yel- obout , • ' ga nl,) Weu kn eaa requ iros the nid of med J..UlJ A . M. , Bullimoreljl 7 ,A.l){ ,. ~ew Yot~ '" r Iheir .a.e.m J .tIUed O U' a t \be top pel u, S en" olber gr,ell,t hgh" 100 J\lt!Jor-Ge nerala, 100 . -Ii to s tre ulfth e n nnll illv igoT6te th o Alle ntown , 10 A, N.; Pllllalllllplii"lt7JI fit ' . • II Id ~ 11 in 1II0dern O1edloal ,BclllOce; (or n, 18 a fact 200 Brig.-G eoerl&ls, UiO olher Omeera, II. Ie , ' , h ' " tho1can ,han n,nlvru, being cam· 'A. '!\l., alld 'New York, y\1 Pbn.~elp""lf '0 tI YOIee • . e " 0 , ~ QW, we of the very areateat importance, and we 276 Colonels, '76 Nll vy OtBeara , Sl1slem , w hll,h Helm ~o ld B E xtroct Buc u Will \,Plod of t be malt , ~. 1~,06 1', III, Sle e piog Carl rUD ~,~. ba , e"-, eochred Llm, e-y01l't 130 Divines, invarillbly doe.. If no trealment be lub· ' [ roUl ... P I' ttsburfl loBI111 lIOn 11\ ;a h L . .yoa th.l' _.I t Lh I l would Ilk any man of avera"e .. cummull 6~0 u Slateamen, Powe, rru ~ Vegetlble Extraot. t h'18 t rall1 Qa . . ~tef .. Dft'a ..a r' ,I _ I~r e II . leOl e how eID the thounnd 6nd on~ ehll\. 60 promill ent'women, 1 ~6 Author", 1II1~lled to con. umptioll or insQnity rnny "" Phillld elpbia,lIlld to N e w York ..YiIAIJta; , half ,ti.ur; 10 tb.n'. no uae an ~roub - low prelenders of lbe da" witli lheir fee· 1~ 6 Stake .&0 !\rUl tl. ' " hloh ,t),,'\'ell dlrClCl aolioDonU.e h4 t'jWlI. , , ' 1 \ ' ~,\ • ling 10araelf fur&ber abou' H.' No' ble and InpfticieDt remedie., hope to com· 3,000 Copies o{ Worh ot Art, en. ue. ~ SPLEEN AND LlVlIBJ " ' FA ST L UIE-,-eavea ~ittJl~Q,r.« , " ~I ~o1itrraifl Lb. ~tb of 'th,J, 'IO~y, '1:,u t Lle pete WIth ua 1 ' incilld ipil re productions 'of lhe llIost' cele· HELM , BOLD'~ ~ p. III" etopplng 00lY8 tp tnclp.l It\~ Jogged ~k to, \Owo, rd,cllng uponYe unrorlunalea,er,e truBtiOa YOUT health breted En'llrovill llB , Pointing", .Statlles, W ~~:.. ~Yo::-'i:'/ t~~ d~~c~, MTh~~ W Arr ivell,aC AlloQna .t a.10 II • ••• B&n.:. hia ill lack in court, where he had beeD .n~ mone,1 to fl eanless llhariaLanl, at leu t r tc, C atalogues 80nt an recei pt~ol atamp, bllrg* 8 ,~6 .", Ill:•. ,B.h,i!l"~~~t, ~uo. ~ tiDed Ito _~d coat. , a n d hi. IILil1 " ortll wrlle t~ ,Dr. , hckl oD, H er bert. ~ C~" An order ror Olle Duzen ' P icturl!l : tro m J~UID E~TRACT R emovo tile B ile, , N,t>w ,Y orl' ,f VII " Ue lltowl.!. 3.~ P. • Qok in lhe aUemp' '0 d~fea' the planB who Wind' at on,ce l elUJ\) YOIlLBdlklnd, diS' our Cjllalog ue will be bent on tecel'" 01 .As8kJt Dige8tion, ... Philade lpl. rHt' 1,10 p , III , and '1)'-11' d b' - d' hi mb r lk creet an &xphe lt an "",,,cr. n es, write "" I 80 and sent by mll \l rR t."E ... C;t~e C08tiVA>U8R, W vio Philfld el ph ill, at 6 ,4l! ~....-'t'" 1 o t .w lil' all II all, efl. -~ It.o a { 'I ... , , , ~ . , In lIlf'e ctio'ns poculinr to feuIIllee, Ie un e· W -, ... . hill r ied to Iowa, proollred a clergy" maD, Fcm.le Monthly PI' lls, Pdhoctogorup'Dh era ,' lul'HI othe_rl .... ' I " W , In fuct. tMv, nrf' , ,' " U;cir Mblo .. , IjIB ,ealija.d. tDinll".. ' f$lppw, .. I._' 'b d" b d ", U fi goo s . . .• \\ I PIensll r o' " . " G[:J oled by ony oller pre[luollon, liS !II lti'd lOAi<llI, t he "-DN,'I" Il all lrai""a.,nJ" 1.iI..." .• !'JA...,.or.. .. I eDrage. s.rleD • . I ,r- price 81 per bOIr; extra nt'" 8 6 j a ~ale oe nl, of the amounl 01 th eir (I(der. Clhiljrosls or etenlion, lrr~guI8t1ti e8, u ~ ",II , rt'l' ,~u , , ~~ ,b~m.,. we ... )lDlte iD &O~ bOOM Bud e!feclulI~ remedy for al! Itre,ul~,.ti(>8 ():7' The prices and qllality ou..-,lIOda Palnlulll es'6' Sup pression or CUSIOrt.iuY """ SLEbl'I ~G CAB S are allar-lied ,a ~tllicll 01 malrlmoay. and oliBtrucllo~s, {ro"! whatllVl'r cause . connol/ail to snl isly. • 1. 'W Tuiu 8 to Ph illld.lpbio, Ne' ,, 'oIl ~ Tu&&Je' VCI eaahred .are enollgh, The Mountllio of L ight or Medical Pro,~ . -, g Vllll1l8licm w, Utoeration or 8C1l1ifN~ Ita Ie W " " ~ Baltimore. ~ , ," , '. " ,_u ' Uletor end I\lirriage Guide, and on Exp ll , o,f lhp. Uterue, Le ucorrhiBa, nild nil COin' '~"The Life-uiving' Prinoiple," Bagiag e ' cht cked tbrOllgh .nllln.., cil Xey to Love end ' Belluty. COll1oining .,jolnu iholdenho the !lex. wlieLher ariefng ' i '"b'e', ........ (III" . 18ftft .'; .n~ • red fre e. ' " <, I ,', ' " , r • ~"'" • n ~p "lCKETI .FOil T~ BAier . ' A a IrO.tOB, JIli'lOuri~ , paper aOO ,pI,ell: and 100 plBtel. (f:r .ThIS 18 nyi:' ' 1IoL 'W~sl" mile. fro. here a THE book IOU waht- price 60 ceDtej 3 f'rum habite of -(JissipUlioll, inlprud eocies, ·:;~re~n~\~",'t1..:_rl!r~7:~:e~n~~~rl~ ; ton. by Buu br " . t b' " d II ' clr ill '110 ,L..clt' nc' or chaDg/f or L i fe . ar_ r E R),ROTL1! l! A ~ MLESS /1'0 d I. • ... - f young ,I , , , 'c;> 'J oar clY I. eac log lor one 0 Ilr. • "" INFAW1'll, OR li'ERSO NIf O~· THE rQ B , ell il ,.e \>nrc at' aohool. She Mild. lhe' followiDg rules Send for oursplen~ld ,clrclllar ' cootaiA' .And all E .l'peWJlJs (1tar,d I Mos'r Dl1Ll0A1'jiJ, (lONS'fUU' s ta ti o ns. Fllre a8 jow D6 bl provided ber by 'he trllsteel, for Ibe Ini moro in qllllntity and o( superior qUill, Ry AII-ents. In ftC lling "h ~ Fn~i.'D, 'n ONs, Rnd Ilre 1\ rout e. . ' .:...:..:..:... loYernmen~ of the Icbool. : Ity to any 01 tbe 80-clllled 'p,sm pblola'. DUNGKON, AN D ESCAPE,' by AI' rt SAnla, St1lUlR AND BETTE B FuEI'G DTS. N R • Remember that we eeod. wrillen rep Iv <, ' , 7"'~LD to every letter, especially adapted to the D. ,R iebardsollo I>; . V. Tribuoe Corteapon, By th I1l' rollte, F 'relght s of all~'dHeri;. Ji~iil ' . particular elle uader conside rati on, be- denl,. Till) tu,pnrp'I~,119d sale '-o~ l~ , W ti!l IlS, illcludilli LIn STOOl', ' can H r. , CJ:~ar~.ua. Oe080 in 'lhe Dature ' of tblllll~ eoch cose c0!lies per d8y is ubundll nt evld,Boce 0 \~e < ., ~ \\' urde d tu ~II,~ (rofP Phtludelphia, NI" Dlc,lIl1amtn " dill'e.ra fr,om every' 'o,ther. ' populnrity of !hill \V'ork. It· i8 " tile ' t AN D , lllllD"h M e;j\r before been 01(oilll\)16 ' Vork, fios ttih or lIo)(hIl01" , to i Dd.lrOli 'Ir t I' -, ~vc't ' g b ok .tl·er· IIiIb ' ~- . to nJoDklnd. tUfd. billngllll'lkty su, ' " 1 'L ' W ' • ft _ ·,,~' "OID.'"' iDLU .' he ".ater ]),. "ac~-"""~ " a",·enlal Llnt'ment I c res IIIg Rnu <A I III 0 .. !",:" • GA n..oOA'-e n HO ~"IJt!Cl~tl I to aflY pOI It (III t"e eatern ' JMlIJ.. ~ ' ... re.!l... a ...... d ""'p . ," ,. ..". , lishell, embracing !\Ir. Ri o!iurdaon' " I' M ' P R. 0, E0 lilt ed;';.. JtIll~trroy FO ~dHU!D'H~Jk JlaiJZ;41a~ d&rec'" '. I" , I , ....... J",- !D I' J Removea 1111 coldoess and dlsnbfllty, Rild p ~ rll i~lIed .!xfl'l'rionce for four yeara I ' .-.. IUId pC I'IIOll~ who hay .. dr""~ o( D IDtll aDY.Jenonl Y De ,pafc Ie_ rejuve natell orll'IIn8 whlcll hove loin dor. adventures ' whi l.e trav elillg lhroua II1II , or orob4lrda ,WI ou, COpteDt of tba mInt for many years'. S oulh in the Sflerat service olthe 1'", 'fit' .lItl.~ tory CATH,~nTrOl!, ' ~ e re ftlld lokes of the' Weal , ' '" Der.. D r. J 8Ck80n 'SFre nch' pRtent 1\1 'I 0 ~ . IU1\1.no hou hold , ~ ~, , 8 IIl .s n e.r at i t 10 ollt breft Il of t IIe wllr, \vlll eb(nlti'l ' \le ,. Iteh. ,V ' .l~or F reIght 0'" lfo picolliD . -It is pertertly sufe und !l eVll r ruil s tu mies oud /l ee ts, both E as t " "d ''IN ' W ill radically eX I ~rm;n818 from th () i'y & ..~ • , .out UIOID ., ~." , 8\i~kio J1ia~ intu ~.aoh oUier lIive 8!llleflcliun. It is the ooly aure and confinement for lw()n,t y mOlUhs iQ n lem Di MC Q8ee 0 r the ,Ur ioil r}' O rllllns Bri.. ~~ ~." !alID>Or. iul" dllllD book. eare pre,e~tiv, allaljlat c<? ntractfnll' ~lsEi'I\.e Ihll'erent Re!l-el pr.isonB, t&is e:tca "01 ~~;').., , .~ Y , , .' ~ .koo' eve,r Inwented. Price til each, per lin I t aI'molll <m,rll cul oue' .lourlley by n lnl·'(f') fD~b"b\t8 or Ililllipatitln, 'lIl liHI e " ~ .... ., .. rill ... ' r 1 1 tt • .. I dozen 84~ .nd per dozen ,7, l enl bS meil. neQrly 400 miles. "pe natl l lillie o r no' c:l\u tlglJ ill dllil , ftrid no " , . . . . 0 oy~ 00 ' ri "' • • , Illebrl· .te D ~ or mo-' 'drl' nke' ra wl,o U"e, 'r e uc I,c,rs. IUuleA " . . energetic . ,I oun. 'h' e. et;1 In .. '1 " p,-"te .11 n exp01lure, completdy sup e rpelli." g, those . . 0 oae pupt ,:, N 0Lir ID0t .I d mUI·t 6 0 v ... eire to Teform, but wllo li fi ve fotlnd 'It dl' f, lit) d especlU II Y, re LUr~l eu" 811u" d Isa bl e d , • l.n pleftS~lIl ond dln':./orouB re l\ledi ~B , Cl)" , Ih' me. uo ell ,lor woo 0, wa er lieuh to ~err.hl, ean ,wholly er",lic~ te nil ce ra Dnd suldlers, III wont of prull Ie " .J l\'l. ' , .. I o..cn~ILOL1ul.a'. ,1I1e .. dried deeire for Iny kind or liqllor,lIy usinl( Dr. employmp nl, will find it ~8 ttICI\ IIIrIY~. lp- ' pOI~O o?uroury , In c~nng 11( 81) lin ' PRI"CE, W ALT,0 tf, ·... wbl'pernl Herben'l .\nti.Al noholic Compound, lin ted 10 l h,li r COlllillion. Seild for circll re. pleUsU !IL !llId d. lIlleruus Illsco5el!. (8U'7~8.o,r8 ~o Dr, O. W. Bol,"ok.) , , I tbo.. roo1. mUlt be obsened for a unlailinll re mody (.or Intempeunl:Oj write Addrl'u . SOLE IjROPRIJ'lTO.lU!. 'V\o alion of lho.e 'will ,be punisbed lor particul8f8, I\Jadicine and i,natructloll AlIlERICAN ' P liJ'3LISHI NG CO U' E HELMBOLD'S Nos. 58; 60 , & 62 East T~ird' . ""I'h' l..b accordillg to th' verdict of lent pTomplly fO any pllrt of tllo Clonntry . , Hnrtlord, Con Cons ultlnfl Rooms of lhe Dispensary, 1M SOU llIn N & Bu nR, Agcllt H, , 'he 'ru.~e. 9lN OIN NATI 0&10. , Syclmore Btreet. Cinoir.l.DBtl , O . P . O. , " . ,- . . ' ... , •r , - - o - - - , . . - -- - - , - --"--'--''---box, 4S6. Send for eircu~ar . rSg·1 y . , . A dlal,i nguilhed I,,~y of PlLris $ ':J 0 0 , & 0 0 ' . bRa JRtely made a CObuDDoicalion to 'be DEALKRS IN In flll Cti~C8 of II,,! Urinllry OrllR'nsj' wll l!l'lreoClb .Academy. of Soiena~, iD whi uh the r ex is ti"g _ill male ~r Ic mal'ul from Ibet declare. &~M .be ball' ctisQo,ered 'V p whntever cuulSe ori" inut i'ug, 01111 no mine r rr ' ,be o.u.. or cholera in a miero8copic Worlh IIcar ly 011 \1 lJillion Dollors ! All of how IOIl I:t ,ilt a ndin g. It is pI UUS'"l t ill' JDIICt, whiob .lIe ORU. 'the 'wiDged th l~ prc!lllIroUpn, I ' , .AND tnatl) und odll t, ilnOlf!din!e In Its 0 ' Iioo, long u"ll" r"v'}I'.My tu be 80ld (ur I~Clh\' aDil whicb, .he illye, is de velopkoo .... , 0' 111 ,lhor, e!l elpeoiaUy. jo maraby IIIDd 6hh1 10- O N E DOL L AR E, A C H, nnd more 8t rengthenin g Ilion any 'of the tiflgilly i.lu vl~orAto brol<cn,01PlVn .Dod o,lilies. 'l'he d e taUs s be givee in rol;'· WI TH OUT ltlWAR U TO- YAJ,UE I ! if prl' pnr utiol18 01 Bark or Iron. l o,,.·enl rl t et.l hOfftCI , by alWllj,ht nlng 'ion to Lbl. animaloulm 8D,d ill Qonneo' No ArUcl " t o be IFllid '~'r u· "'11 "0.1 A: L lhe old s~ nn · 011 ll nio S troet, WaTtles" 'l'I',';Re EIlII'ering' Croln Vrul,ell· rlo·"I. o r vllle,lVould III10rm Ih ei r old cU8tomelBandl u .. nnft clenns ing UID tioD w~th 040).rl, lire 80 minute tbat OlO luuuh Au d Iowa, kDOW wbRt it II and lUI Vftlqc I th e rca t of mankind ll,ot tlief bovu Ii 109 dl D eli cnte C O Il8 I i lution~, procuru t he ,'umed)' 111\01, .he A.,cadeqJl, ,which , commellced by u ~8 0rlnlcllt of ,_ ILt onoe, _n i. 1\ . ure llr6--laIJgbipg- at Ihe,. .aut para~rapbl or the Nd Lotte.ry '/ No Gifl lJ.' nterprise ! I" C'nll ve "f 1\11 d ill-, 'l'he rc nder must be n\~Il're .~ " " I, !to we" , ,011"'" Incld. nb . to ,eporl, lia i.hed by deoidlDg ~ iueatiLIST OF' AR'q OLES. ll F &VEn, OLA.'1DERS , er slight 111&,. be the nU llek' of the "bo\'e i'le tbe , maUer. I d " I I" _ ••• OlIO so i 81 vel' ,lea s ets $ 50 In $300 , n RO, a varied supply- of ~ diseose, it III BurO to all'ect l&is bOlli ly _ .A. P I i t' d 200 roee,wood end m1hollnn1 & I ' ' .n,. ' ha aith, me otol poWl' erp, hupplll('ss, ,, :-d . _ Atlbll'Y'~ alwyet, liBIDe DiUaloal boxes l)O,to 20(1 In; COIl4'l'f iii tee t~lron 'n ~J:E' lhalol his p u~ l e r i ty. Oo r fl e,slI alld hlood )ltlmaa~ 'uoitld 'gr.!aL attentio~ a re~ 260 gold hunlin, watohes '75 to 150 year. ago by tbe 8IDgular a;aen' .f hili !J6o-lacl,iell enam . fl old wltche, 50 to 200 for aole at the lowest ca~h priael. 411 Ilru Bupputted from tlleije SOU I'IJO'" 1ill~ar1 e"as., delCltiptiYe of.cenery, 600 Irente buotllllJ Illver duo 315 to 100 ' kinds 01 , -'l. &0.: aDd wrill4D ill ~he ltlcid intenlls 600 open-flce allver, wati:hea 26 to 60 0 U T - 000 'R ' W R: K . of an iD,anily. frolJl whicb he WB' Dey. 600 mother of, pearl Ibrgneuel I ' ,J et; Iree lor more lha,il .. rew hOllr. Lo. ' ~od opan Jlllaca 20 to 100 8ucll 118 Spouling •.Roofingj &e., ,dilut Ion " getber ' SOO ,"lt·barrel revolverll 16 'to 60 8bort DOlice aod ill, t11a ,bO/Il mllllller. I , ... 30U elej!lInt 011 palntlnge liO to lOll Jul~ 3-~" ' i. • W'e mdke no secret of : he iOllretllents. , _ _ 'lIl1ebaal!. I "l_b you would ~60 ·marble al'Bltlotte~ , bU8tP, ' ~ o to 200 HELMBOLDS FLUID ExTR.\CT 1m: ~bO dlamol1d rlo,II ' ". . 60 to 100 " 'e rribte »ncfuAurcH ...Sec rels for 'hi; ' b 111 Ole 80IDe pretty lelltli~~ • .' 'Ia. 6000 photoilroph olbum" IS to 6u "'111108 _ , "" '.. ' QHU la cOlllp08eJ,o,r Q,UellU. Cubeb. Dnd deed" my de .. r wife, "Otl Jook bel- 10000 ,old &. veelllook Clhaine J6 to , 30 A moll VAluable ,ond wonderful Jlnllllca" Juniper Berrie8,.ee OCled wh,h g,rell t'; Ill\re; ter wltb'oa& tbem,' ·Ob. no, .j~; .fQu 10000 gold lhlnlblel, ,Ieeve lioa. 'A wor,k 0111 400 plJl8ll, Ind -80 col " and preperell in VIlC)UO by U. 'I'. HELM.I"ay. calJ me your mIle , bird, and ,,' ~ J bllUoiJ8, lookel •• etc. it to , 8 'ored enlluvlOllA: . ,Dr" Hu-n~er.·a .YAD1: BOLD IlruK .. iB~ Slid' the'm llt ofi.lx leell how doea a bird Jo.o k wit401lL lealbera?' 10000 BlgDet, clulter, chand ME CUM, .n,11"glll&1 Ind ~ pullr ,,~i"B . , , ! ' ~ ,.' i . ... , _ and plain.iold rlol:' ~. to , 10 o.dlaD !lod, W,""lllh \h",l ' ft..,.loly·, yu~r~ el(perl~g E~ I" the ~\t1 ~! ,1 I,il.dQI. 1000 lela ladie.' jewf!hy Ii 10 ~O FUJ,lcllon, IlIIl'S eJ,u,,1 .alil/rder. ,of 'eve(y plua. and w Illeh II IIOW prescribed ',Ily t~e OO- 'W hy art iOUbg ladlee a~ Lbe Ul\lOO 110111 pena wilh'i lher and , , kli!d, with nover./aillnl Remedies rOlr mOI L em inellt phv 8icialls. lins heetl admilbrea\inll; ap of A,pArty II"~ ""010" B.· Rolld Kold holder. , Ii 10 20 Ihelr apeedy CUftl. 'l' he pfoctioe of nlr d' 'b' dS caule lliey can', 10 oll' without': 'brau !iIlOCl 81\vu gobletl! IDd .llrlnklnjl H,unter hn leng heen. ar.~ still isJ uo,: ~e to ~8e an t lI'Unlte t ~tes army: lind _~d are in' a ,glli" " tillihey &e' 001.' CUpll 8 to . 1u bouoded, but ot tl,le t1ftrnPl5tl0licilatjon Olf 111 al80 III y~ry ~elleflll i110 I II lS tlll &' 1I0spl_ In alt4ll1l!111eJ1l1f !linne, ... 3000 eilver cutflfs, frulL • nd nUl1\erous perlon~, he Iils beeo Induced tiD till. olld ~'U bl l!l Sa lIilbr), I nst itUllons the J:. \\n~" l,lv~.·, ko" lbl~ ''''tlut. 110"'- Boma cru.tv, du"y. mUltv, ru", caKK bnake tl, etc, 20 to .60 l'x t.c,nd hift ,m,ediClnl u." llllness,throug\! th'B tbrough o.ul the land. D.tJUI &A a 1 [loolfta. "..., , f' 20000 other articlee, frol'" 1 to 100 ml!dl om of hie 'Vade ~feenm, . · h i. I~ , By puUflll fro .. Th I! plan i. thla: CII"ific~ fea naming vo Ilime ,II 18 ~ S IlOll I,'u be in the band, ~' ev. 11, (DIII old bachelor h.1 .aid : Ou', one-balf II pn[tl!r to II p&pCr hi .. of olle Italldred _ir)., DiDe~y·fiy tl eyer, IrtlClle or our atock lire pllt Into e~v famllv III th,o land, III a prt,elll'iye ' 0,1 barret 0,.,,111 t e would prller Clle.Calloa '0 ' bapptaeu. blank eovelopes, Healed, nod mixed ; Vice., or li S II gllule fur tbe alleviation ~II " Allrova d h e n a ol " t(1 btl eradlcate4 , when orderlld Ilre tak,t'li out without reg6rtl one of 11.0 most nwrul and deetructlve f nr enti rely prevented. 10 choice and (orwlrded as directed. The scourges thnt uver vi 8ite( mlnklnd. ~'O~.' ll"'YenUve.nntl cflre for 01 the tlne.l qualitiell in 0 hulder or Iny oerlificnte ia entitled to copy, 8l'fUrcly cnveloped, ""III ,Jie fot ar~l · )lIlmtdl heiDI i, Iba~ nice .en.. or deli · whateyer arlicle it m." 08010 IIpon the od, free of pUltage, to ii I" p.,t 0 the "94 B d 'D Y k fl~C)' wbieh' rend,,. i& impol.ible for p,aym.enlof One Doilor, whetl;er that or- Vnifed St.tea ,fo~ 60 c:ent~ In ~.'O, .. t~P! s . ' " r oa. Wa.y, a ew- or • 'hl~ ~\"er to become an ill'rader . or a tl~l. IS II 8 260 Watch, s *75 D.iamond Atld~e~, poet paid, DR. ·, H~N:rE Ill N,'), bOI•• Ol~ RIDJr. or I '3 Bosom P in. Ha, ing ,pur. 3 Dlvllllbn S treet, New f,Ork."_ _ Hj~ IY_~ ........... c hesed five, ten or twenly Certificates, __ , , ,', , ~ IIiIr Some ODe ba. a.ked how the youcln t~ke jUl t II mBny or JOIst 01 felY PIJBI! , L'IJ,;HTY LEA,~ l'e,n!lI!n. are goiDlrt9 lit aero •• tbe At- of the articles thpy eoverally describe DS ( 9 0py righted.) you plea e Y • , , , lantio to ~ Irel~nd. Wll.f"don~t 1 0U Ip.ece foR . 11 ou mU8t (,poy 'One Dollar Warranted to, eot'8rm(lr~ surtooe (ora.ble 1'\_1i' know, lhey are goiog 10 Bridge!. . T I r bl you *011 d or, howeyer. , 'WeIght thin IIOY ol!.!!r ! ' ....~ •• , • 0 t~ m urllO u~ (or the coat of pilnt, ' . . . . .10 .oml ,of the South & Merl'- lng, malllnR and nd"ertlelng. we charKO TRY IT, AlIlf YOO WILL RAVE 1'10 OTH EII~ ! b A.., (or certificatellll8 folloln:-F,oT five, I'; '-, IU AN UF ACT URto:D ONLy BY caD ~lt,I8I~ wen, thel ' wanl tQ iet ' an e l ~y en, 8 2; eighteen, a; tw e~\,-elliht . 4; ,, ' ZEIGLER & SMITH (B E~O W CREaTIIU1l'), old bOIlM' Ollt 'or the 'fray, they wait thtrly·five S!li lifty , 7,60 ' .i~ty.ai:l[ 810' ' , for ,an ealtbq.uak. f:O IIh~ke H down ; one bUD~ed $16i_Ind tw:o bUDdre" l ao: Wt.ole8ll1.ulrlt" Paint k GluCI De.tel:s, •• , ___ " '.' Nll. 137 North hird Street '" P JI . . . " D E ,LP Ii " ,A , ' ""'- 1 , , ' , ():7 An elellt nt Premium wlth', elleh' In\DELP, Hl~. · ' , " -----<I. _ 11'-,, " 'm OD lh. t,aU of • dear," a. I I " F . D \I ' d ~ III b ........ F the young fello1r .aid when h, e, step' ped cU. ~,' 9ur 0) ars' or .Ipwat w e VoJ or .,alll by P AINT D.EAl.U I ptlOir · Oil tl a dre•• of . ' b.-Il'.y' . . lilly . 29,11 , l,y ]) • I. ~'I! '" ~J'l'Ill1r(J. 7 • 'I'n \he air.,'.. : f9~w~rded, With thp _, pertific'L8, __,_-. : --r---- _--..:-. " '_ . ..., """ .
bAll t in W,rrea.
- """-
Free from Merellry I LL M ' INER-L. N,
.~ ~' Q ' "
O~ , :..&.0, _,
w~er(l R,~II' GOIIO~I:(JlIJ,
~~'lI' ,
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~~ ~0~'7 EXl'RESS-Lelve'.il~ 1 ~i~~~~O ~'I l~~n~trl~~g )(~,'~!ni:~ t . ~g
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R .0 :S ,£ WAS H
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n \v ur5e~tt~~~;S~:~::~1:"01~~s:Q~~~
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Watches, Chains, Diam'onds, , Biiouterl'e, &C" ,~ .. ,'" S
0 VEe
T iN'-W ABE ,
Iv . . .
' .v
Parlor and Cooking StofeS
Physicians, Please Notice I
... nne
Drug Bi chemica.l warehoUse,
- --
104 &lot" Tenth Street,
..... 'I" '
$90 A: MONTII '---Ageltls a t ' 'lur cirelliare. " ed ror srx U T;m;:L1\' ~R~~l:
" N. D.-8f!e tull 118t of Premiums lind
Beu;,ti re' 0if co U 1& , e r f e z l IUt w T. (T A RE '~ I .. -ARK FOn a~LMnOLD-
epeell,1 '''rme ~o A~eo~a I,n ~ Call- a "'all 'ketp filet dry 1 , '" H. ,."IW HA & , '0 ,\ 1'''I',oJlr':! , (, L _", III!t (lW. AdJ resCl O. when la.'h•• ~ ere.1I ill 'h i, boo~aT 37 .1111 liB ato '~ky . e ", York, Cily JN Hrl ln:;11 Rld ll erord, l'Il l\ine, ,
$ .
2/;. 'l y.
I~lld ~h e s~1I 6r
or neer ill
' l imp, 811d Imp rldonmenl . AddrOslj . or c. 1I opo .. _ I Jlidd.e(olu, MaiM,
Bal.uMI Curdl.
L. S. RICE, 'M. D
.A few doore Ibove the M. E. Chureb. wArNE.tILLE.
.J01I1. BVANB ~
NaDVWAm'Y lP1IJIElLUill, Wllru e, ville, Ohio.
~e il delld, tb. bllutiful youth. rbe heart uf 1I0nt>r, the Loniue ~I lrlllb.He, uti tbe life . alld Iillht .. of UI all. " IOlie vOice 'wa. ~Ihhe . .. a bUllle c.III, " j'" •.• • II '1WI ' I'.n l...... II II eye •• o ."we.., Wit uoe COllaenL. f I I e el .. ~. 0 W 10le aua h • 18d \V I108e . ple"lnl word. lIu~l.t ed ,II murmur. of 'dl'8CODt t . ~ en . Only loet aight, at we rode IIlunlf Dowflthe dllfk 01 the mountain &top, Tu vi,i t thl;! plcke t'llu~rd It Ihe furcJ. LiLlJII drl1am ini of 8ny mitihop. UII IVllti hUlllmiui tbe warda " f lome Old ti Utlll:
. •
'1'wo roeea A drqd b ' I heI. hlld on lila cap
Hninl h.d fourteen r.enra' ell perien ce n .1101 IIr Ie uu.e 11\ the puint o.t hi. IIwurll.' , III tbe praclice of 1I1eilicine, olfers Iill Fro:enionll ServicOI .io the ahlzell. of Sudden lind tlwlft whlltllng ball Wa)'~enille and Vlcinlt)'.' c ~on:Il~~.,t 01 the . Llod. Iud tbe volo. WII ~OrFlcE on Mlln Street, tbree door. 80lllelhln: I h'llird Ir. the d.,lInes8 (ItI.· Sllllt!. of tLe Aluln G~ZET'l''£ Office. fij- Night call. promptly ruponded to. t~·:II~O: I~ ~o:;~:~e~~qebl~:~~:e~;eC~~!I; 10 a room where .ome aile Ie Iyil!" deldj But he mode no GII8Wer to lI'hat ( IDI~.
DR. 8. J. WAY,
OF We lirted bim up on Iii. laddie ogoi\l, Aud through the OIlBt aUlI the wire Illd the rilin Curieil him back to Lhe alleot cnmp. In ita ';',loUI br.neliea j nollo be ext'eIJ· A.i d laid bi.h'u.H asleep 011 hi. bell j ..d .lIywbere. · NUlie liut lhe Al.)cJ r BOW by Ihe ltghl uf the lurJ:con'li lump u ..... MATERIAL VoiED. Two while roacl upon hil eheeb Tu .... C.\lR,-Office lit hid residence AucJ ulle jUlt over hili heert bluu.Il , ~ed! GD IIllin Street. 1-1, An.! I 611W in a ion how Car and Ileel T -1I81 fatlll tlul'let woInt .peeuilOlI' 10r;l1. ~ 'rillltreac;hecJatow.nlnthedialumNunh. m' II ' . -I d I . ' • 1 It resc Ie \I IOU88 III a lIuntty lllreet, 'rill il '.eat:hed a helrt tblit cened LO beat Withcl'ut 8 murto),u" withoul a cry; ~ Ea.t ·.aiD. St.. Waynesville. Alld 11 lIeli 'W • tolled In Lh.t raT-oft'towb, Fur one W'IO h:ld pUlled from cro.1I to crowll,mll..1D(Cnlt~ A~lID WUAVWCCImlllm Repaired in .wnrkllll •• like stylI', ut Ille And the Iteilthberl woodered tbat .Iie si.Juult.l die. :"""r Atlalltic for 'April; luweit cuh prille. alld ~alisllic\ton IVA~' IIUTED. .' BU-ll I • . DR JAMKS A. LOAR, aolaUoll of tho P~ellt. to th. School, COif. T' II
~ltrgt DU-!I tnti.s it WAYNE8VIl.LE, OHIO.
In the formAtion oC ~bllrlloter. wbetb· iudividlllli "r oationtll. the .. e ~rtl al· "lIyo; potent brou"hL La bur \Iud thIS thOle CIlUlel
'h e !l0mmoD IC b 001. At ~be fo rma, -«or' of til. "Icher, Cor dOIll people are !teoerl'U, more qllick , i !tIn. ... 'I'M ounn. .lIould be iooulcAted .. a " .. i•• II po..... Ibe power of ~omanloi· ed tllin where tb.ir ietere.t i. io,ol'od, A VW' ~ of W r,garcl for tr,"J~. implicit iWldin.c. ~9i10'.'hldg. Ilioder ad ,e~.e cireum . Come Iben Ind let u. rea.oo . wgelh. .__ ~OA. au~/,ority! habill of indullry and I . Ie he nOl equal 10 any emer· ere lod Iry Ibe force of b.rmooioll.IIO· .or ......011 . . . ..,.. • lar.'ty. lod Lh" ooble principle of 'Cnt.inly. ADd Lbe ,(.el of lioll ia remo,iDg obl~clea and in rem. '_ reh"nl)~': .ad frtlllHhe lauer, wbl·l· 1'1 . ' 1 'b 'd glDIr . l ' • d' . . '. b Ilse., . 0f C lIuml. IIDg t:ZIIIIDg H Wit a brigb&. aallll 1IIlO-\0. III 11.tbe ~ e.· lIbould proce.d brOid , r a g ' d ' .g o'lIr • Iyllem II . ruuo d I d 0 nul mean lhi. arlicle AI ao IP- lummer of .ia'y-oDA, l'IlI'..... IfDfol'cu.U b g ln b.'orfl '''e i eral lIod s olid kuo"ledue. ,. ..... ·om .' ..... oil .. ilion. 000I11'1d ; tucber. tue d o~" ror lbe .b~.rtcomintr of Leachers: m ..rd.ro,,1 glln.·' Man ·, Bul I ~ #-" .... . . " .. f i~ r i. ur£:cd our 'com mall sob ""I. ~ lelr ~o".n; prog~"1 r.tlUded: ~eiLber do I Dltl.D b, il to convey tbe Clld ~be ir. of tbe. w.r, af? ar rom p! rfeOL" N~ qnlt regret. 1I'ettrled. aad .dllault.ed; bUIld. ell. Ih"l tbey '. re aD ill· tre." d p~r· tha&.le'''i!:nte·d by .ome ',,"'" hu w • thll lOore tbao tite e.rDelt teacb .. r. 1 ' .gilDed by 1100 of cOllImuolty. By 00 me..... 8i11 dred Nn· y ' U .. 'hn'r8u"," . undentaodln, Dila8d .oldier., led by. lb. tbtlro of tbis ellu., OliO "bo.'8 be .hutt wbolU all Lbl. WIll elldur· I am pleldinll fcor Lhe childl'eD, CPl' tile br.,. aiel li.roio Bo"ard r Ie" tb. Lhe door or bit ,ohool 'roo•• afLu tbe CIU~' ol Eduoltion. ull III tbe .n.... p••nl of &be WaiDe Third to "i, ~ t:~e l'ci,ee of the day are over, oa" .ay receive lIublll lao&u.1e of ,haL 'o.u r It Vernoll 'D,I 'he T~mb of bill miod 1'IIVel,l8 to ill I.bor. aad ita~ ii;"i~~iQ;~~ baa 'fo oidllml, that h~ (lleia perfeclly willa llie re.ulta1 tllR~ he ne ~!!!i \'' -lied w"b •....... m .. nce" m·DY ' b'• . I' Ie dge t b " ,' fa' . al . " . II.I ,e .mlg' IQ e trlOltd «tZ- l' e Loe.le. .ao' we' "onr lebool a .uce•••·.~ WU ODce .L Ay m.t ...... _~i . L_ i d power 0 f our mind •• our ieoiul••ad laid ia ...ee &Qe '(.ir J."Id., teidaoli . 'Ie ~... -~ ,,-":fIll ... . ~.c.. ve dlito liked by a memoor ofth. Board 9f.Ed· llJeu.a0ry y, the c~mm~ag pro- and our jud"m.f:nt.· ~nd ,,110 Ib"t 'lllliL .~o~~~. a~d beilluflil aard~n" oC uo~Lion of Jpll. ~Wlla"iay thl! peopltl bUL caOOOL tlt~. be InCl>rpOllled p.tent. who (HilI. to Impl'o\'e tbe ~U!lO' Vlrglol'. Tbe, "life rioh in all the witb IfI·,ard to ~~al" tt'lIj vely .aid ~.. the uDde"t~lodID.g. It i. ala." .Worded by tbe liberty of lb. 8111e for varied loftage of 1.ID.e~: rjob in w•• 'No tOAlter.' "al tbe tl'joinder. 'r have holda gooo •. le mind al I I ao th.e educe. lio. 0. or hil children. il rob- via'" ".iD a' lld rilo.ll·og ·~r.I·· " rl'ch :.. . ' d Ib ', J b ~ aDd J. ... • Iway' ruun a twl leo' tue teliC ber t h a.L .lflord er'~ re~. a p~rI,!, tbaL Itate of a tualture' · whiell bel\uty. magllificeDce , OIpleodof.1d,lIJItl/ lalidiad with . bi • •5chovl, . 1&. ~ar,tl aod lrlBlOg 10- " ,ef\lL\) CIDOOL purc~a8e.· aud Lh .. t 'it Tbe bro.d ••letl (If ,be POlolDao roll. ,bilL IIcllool ."II' vClr~ , utc>a~ perfllcLio~" 1 . por\l~o, ~"'I.b. perfec~ ..\~o. ~atler' Dot "ith "baL artifioilll nothing ed quietly IIODII iQ their aecll8\omed wall .tI~rLled by tbtl ~lo1DII8!I h .. mla mll~ " a OOmbIDallO~ of CorLune may ador~ Lha nllme. or de.~or- obaDuel, pr8lIlDti." a lceDe.truly lovel" nRlity of thiH positiull. aL 'lhtl .~a:lell_I.· alm,o'L~"erythlDg at.tl Ihe:plreoo. Lhe ol.lilt! oC luwly liCe. Hnd ,ublime I .In far baek to tLe . t~ I~ ,bro .. gh' 10 ~\ln~.ct ,!lth vlfIue and knowledge for it~ por· Npl't\Jw~rd oould be ~a tbe mlgh'y rt:lltloliuu aoll bbsctv.tlori lIav/t' IlviDced m6 ~ tbaL tble i ••.iodeeJ~ a !lS . lak,rneM8 upon It; bill 1L0n.· hol.dll 1\1 ~roud . a litlo Rilhe bl¥h- dome of ollr D.dotlal..,irpltal, ,riling ill • ~ .... crit erion. 'rl!.aL timll! hooored mazim d Itl ~cLe~ upon by tIle Ihre" uL. aa IIcb lin lollenLaoce sa t'he wtltll· Iwful grandeur r., lbot. '''....unoIiDd. •Aa Lhe leAcber. 80 i. Ihe .ohool' edueall~i !lIlluebcea of tbe ·lire· thy.' 'I'be ollly lrutl nohility il I hal iog Itrualur••••ad repre,Ie.Li0l(. at i~ be ' true of lbole oouotri6a io wi ioh of a.. OOlllllOO, alld ?f the .choul. 1'0nferl'lId· by tliloota allu worlh, anJ wer•• lbe powJl" aDd It~rl ~(olar )"olanle . ii ve sled with absolule powllr. I m.y .al~..!t wlLhou~ fllal' . of IIDy oLlier distinotion is merll ·tllIod!!y.' Republio. We C9uld leo nOlhil1' 'ha' hia \fill ' i~ the law; ' but hue. LI'A~,I~t,on Lh.I the ii.r'L WaY"~itlUl" O. I be~o"aoed "ar. ~a,e ,be ~DiforlJl, wo il rurtuoate if he be not the ' OIJlN'l'llMtt tbe greRte.t poWIlf. Hete •• "ore. Iliad . the .hlLenIG• •-.Y0n.u) wi inslead Qf Ibe !Io..lI~rni"9 plitLy. it veo to lbe Itabila 01 tbe Child; ~. A!lsel in the Blook, carrit:cI. AU '"med 00..1. 0" bave bl,lt a ncr liQlillHl Ipvlica~iIlD. w ~e the i~lpul8811 .r~ finl de· ed .nd . bappy. • " '\: , Here 00 eystem. howeyer pt!rCee~• . ~o ·" ,.paEld. It tll., .,lllo. to bllg.ID II ie reliilfd or 14lch"el Anll elo. tbl\t A. we neared the lIored· .nolosur e eo~o'meot'. 1.low~v~r wl·ae. Mod no 1.1caL' t l. ., d'Irtl ..... p" ang 'I•.Ie. ~ WIIIIe wa Ik'lUll "It. h lome friend. thro' w Ilere r<:lta ~ L. 0 ountry • • , w ~ ~.. . ' lug .. ':01 _ou I'b'" II .l'al hIr r al. leoLa, howeve.r . "rtlat, "lin a'I' j , " • al'o ' rlg'lI. L C h. Dome I . If tue ~~,ocla- 110 ob.cur~ IIreet ib the city of Flor· we fou~d oo'lliog' to im.,.", our ad•• noe \ ful~ aecomplieblllen& of theil' or 'hom,. hUltDble ..Lhough IL ml\y ellce. bll discovered 11 fioo block of mar- -~Iotblpg LO 1III01.~~ <Jllr p~OIfal "yili. howe\'er pr.iseworlhy .od h~PP1. Ollel; 1~ old~r and." b!e, Iyio" ollgleoted in a y"rd. nnd half ..Hlon of Ih. memorab~. , ,roullda W9 WiLUOIlL IluI ~moieoL ...nction oC LnttllhgelDce rillgo, hke pUlld· Illd in din and rubbi.lI . • Regal·ole .. or had eo mucb de.ired 10 lee. ' camlntj lIid~d by tbi. lIancliou, rU. oVf!r the h~u.ehold. Ihe bra Iioliday attire. he at 000' MI' 10 PaSllng lo til. froaL of 'be-' bUiltlin'g LnDt reltu(t. may be iltcured from . dr~w~ do'wo to hll goolla. DI\t· WOI'" upon it. clllllring aWI\Y illl nhh. in whioll Walhiegwn ~acI .l'fld, w., . er (~ct <>rgaolza . r1001. ' B uL and Itriving to lirt it rmru lho alime Ind .tllcbd \lDr. !ll ~ PI ao L 1.0 t be eUDS b'Ille. .rma •• ad tbo ..' lb. til ,.110 \la,l'he reDovatioll of ollr .. w~nLo.hy.ltI.~ in aoyern~enl mh'e io which iL lay. \ Bi.~lid iL prepared ,t'o viti,,\b, tOJpb. I school •• their blevalioD to lIIe." .h«,>II,ld tue evenioge, in,tead of Hi,compani<?J.l. ..ke~d bim in aatoniab· I ollall neyer lorgu the tltliogl bat constantly inorealing otlmand, of dhottd to study or 'inDoc~o' 1\ ' menL wblL hll II, doing•• lId whal bb 61led my mind II I ,aled ,ill Ilpon tbe progteuiwe IIge in wltil:h liv III bome. be " pent Ilbrolld. "I\ottid wilb ,bill wortble.s pilloe of vallh where rell tbe 1III0rial rebaain, of depeod maioly OD lhe in learoillig Lhe IRnguagll ohhe rock 1 ·Ob. thettl" , an aDgel in thi' lhis iIIll.triou. mao. Ao ."ful. IOlomn Iltou~d thll,re b. all uaden,III' .\ooe.' wal Ibe .o.wer, 'Ilud llllUI' 1:0 ' .,llIoell .eemed .to r~ig~ .rouod .. We fll\'or and bffici.Dt iaDotioo aWoL'dfid tbe pAtrooe or tbeee ill.lit~tion.. . ~uty of .ohool; ,or .hould a iL out.' were Ibere by the lid. of.··t-be mlghly Lbo lichool i. tbe alembio in ' "biob .te illtllrrllJ:ltioQ of Itudy be perHe b "d h tebloved to Ii is .tlldio. and deAd. and Ihe virtue., the Iction. anti. lo be distilled Lhole lelloll' Lbat in abou, Ibould ' Llle wholll wilh plHiellt toil. with mRllel aud cbi.el all the great aehi~vI .. eD&e o( and or educa.Lion. in,tead of.' 4e le~ the an~el OIlL. What to oLber~ I.on rUllled . • .• melrial. ut.:slin"d to ..'''!be lbllt
W. LOftOUuow.
811ee. lesldeDee OD Nort. St.,
~vr.~DNESDA~APR~L_2_b_,_1_~ __. ~__J'~'_ _ _ _~_'
I..... ,If'
,...,.,1&.1 °
~rllde, .U~K,U" \8 wblllb ~ tie progree.· rew will oh· ,ucc'e n or lhe . , t~ tioo auarlule.d. 41 jeot Lo tbe puliLion lhll' education is to the pllft:nl., wby ·do Ilol '(or pllff:D' .oldierl~ Ilor' .anto6 JOki. cOIDe . ----Ill" gllla~ mean, ill d",e\opillll that parl'lIt lOanifest a deeper ao IIlter 'lIbveflioli of PUI it' iDto 1\ Ilooe '••11- a cart. rrom 'heir lipti bll& wi,h bead. \laeov11TH a. IIA1U8. J. D. CHAru.U .• tr~nK' self·8u.taioiDg cbaracter aDd reo ~ru ill the mallei '? The Ich\,ll.,1 roolll. aut·horiLy. mao wou:d have UMtld h ill filliog in. or ered and tOIlll:qel .ileDL .. llie Kr"'e • ~ ~CBAPlYIAN. epec~ whioh dillioglliahe • .Lhe free~Qn 10 mlluy of them ia a .Uanga lalld, and Wh.t a 6De .took ie .trade to b'gill ' the Itreets; bllt be trAnsform. - .lood \bere in 'be pr..eDce of thlt from lbe lerf: Iha' it i. atrll.,urll wbo~e it .. "olkiDg' .. 'be mI.tery of myetor· w~-b·H)phtndid-mtteTiat; in· alld ,a,e lifeles8 obieCtain. £elIIDI 'wiLhia our ~h~I·/}s :Ye '1i.'t"trf't>f , re6lliD': ~nd tloaobliog 0wer ueallti· iea. Pdbapa 'twtlrJt beL'lel' to m()d d~4, out of "hicb 10 mloafl\c~lIre ODe 1\ value for ale. to cOloe. heartl ~"a:\ we w.... in ,ha' pr""ol'e.of l1 tiee aDti enlt. COlOlnO!) Ii a apd 1111. iL tbe la,' a..arLioo: .1 Lilli". Ibey. ~ II '" tU ~"' .... \o" lJ of ollr citilllo ·kio". I Aoa,o it I. with limll, Some lee it 10nle,llI'g more ,thaD Lbl ~o~Lal. relDlaGI wiLb joy: th., ida Lbe iustrllmeot, sec- learD by report. Ilow ', be work gae. all. Th. teaober tak.1 Ihe child at the only al rllbbi.h to be di'poud of. OLh- of man - th"L angels ,,:ere honrin,. . und iu I'auk to bllt olla olher.· iD im'l'be Lelll:her mu.t u, re'pl!eled by ..." poiot to which bome .in.truetloa ere kuow ao u.e for il bllt lO 611 up Kaps otlllr 10 gllard 'be 'leeplDg lUDIO' of No. 98 \Vest Second ,sfreet, Dg tbe (loDditioa_ of mao. It il hia pllpile. aDd to iOBure Ibis it i. lhe bit bro"gbL bim. IDd il required. DOL of loil 01' plel\lure; bUL Ihe traiued eye lha' laered ....It. Willi mild. iDlaoLly , .ppuitued mean. lor .. tbe gro"tb pro.inee of the parent lO .impre.~ lbe IIDfr'quIIIlLly. to reforlll hab;l. inoulca· 'o f tbe devoul 'Iudent· of Prov'idt'oce, hed upol'! Ille ICfDeI '4rougb whioh BttlJJe,,. Vim andl:lae" aud nourillhment uf the mind a. propll! ohild WiLb th. cUllviotiOD or-hi. t.. llob · ,!,d by bad enallple. i!Dpart i'!ltruc- ..elln it lbe Ile.o.p ing 01' buried Rngel. he pIB~ed. w. , comp.red t\I: , b\lrtA~~ food Ilod o"re are ror, dt. b~dy. ADd er'. authority. to goyero bim. 10 all ,,~.-J ~Rd aIDllo,~ .ald capactt, .l I\ad bow. thaL II. by Lbe grace or God. ground!! of IIII1n1 of .Eag1aod • iIltll,t,,~ A1 ,.,&1 ehall we COlOpa.. I.od aud lea to .up· oa80'. a perfect uaderat.ru1iDg .bould Lb••• m. lime. Here are mind. he haodlee it riih1. he clln bring tu"L Oil. dead lo tlll)l" wblob lurroLloded UI, 12-:-3m Illy the w~n" of the fr .. i1. periablog axillL laelWe~Q Lhe tWQ - p.rLitllt, pl;lrcot "efJ "ade: io every It.g.. or dev~l· aDgel' 011&. H" cao (jar,e il ' inlo tbti IDd marked 'hI! \'lIic.ditfereoee ui.tlgg tlll,mlfll,' and yet luKer tb. lije·givioi . .d te.cher-buth l"boriug fur- lh. 0p •• Il'. aad rrOID nery coodition formll of angelie eenioe-he clln .bape b.etwe!lo them. While tbe greal. ".r':l\~Utrti£;tln£nt9. pl'lDoiple withio, witb all it, glorious •• me o/)jecl~Ibe.. g09c! of Lb. pupil. lit'ej ,tbe riob aDd the 'poor; lhe higb it ioto " lifll or hal), defotron, liIl, like rlQrl, .overeign. aad .tatelllluq of Eng•• piralion., oilpabililiel aod ,u8cepti- Tuey ,lIould cet:Lllinly bar.ooilll iD an,~ lb, ,1 0", Ho" full ur diffioultill', lhat wiliah 'l'beodore Parker admirlld Illnd are laid ill cOltly tomb •• and havi ~ Po ""'-~ bllhiel. to r,,~.io mengre, l.ocruishiog .olioo. A "iae p.rent "ill ' oot lUake i. tbi dnling wiiLh all 'hil chao,1 o( in the missioolifY Judlon. il wor. lh mlln. Y magui6cenL mOn.lDeDLe rI••r.d. 'ro II t a _ and unaOOrDe d '1 . ' the d.,ml!ri ... or • leaober a lubject of t1lou"hl., tllia " ,. i1deroell of intelllloL. more than Il 'temple Iik. Ihe Par,he- LIlell mllwory. ollr WI I hI101100 Jle.lo·a una.a Y '1'0 pro\ iJe a lyatem . of ~eoe ..al. io · Ui8?Ullioll ill ·the 'pre.enee ofl.il pupil •. Ao~ ~ere pl!rmit me to reodtlr a fa~t, oon.· . 00000000 .. uIL. with DO .u.tely 1lI0~1lW ~ ~huolloo~ a. nellrly. pl:rlect. Il~ pO~81b1e. O.hll~re~ .I·I! "ood obaer._erl. but poor 11 hlob ib fllw .. 111m '0 koow. emph.taci _ _, me~t .ro mark tbe 'po!-oo 008tl1 LIIAC'l'IVE ABO RJ!lLIABLE II bllcomang Lhtl. pr~lIla'l. ob~tle, III III · JI6C.r1111110Iltor ••• od~ooll ruel themllilives IAettocJler', I/IQrlc i. not all ,ary ta.k. How TUB EOG Bao.uull A S8001ATIl1) IC(lpllOna oor eOl(favlOg',,'O tell ~h. e~e , ~OENl'l:J. Male or ,!'I!mllie. moilt nery porllon of ~bll mighty oo~ · III IIbl:rty to blame. 10 a w~ol~'III~ 80rt .!le Deed. aid. -••~mp.lby, Mod OCCIl.· W1TIi EUTER.-:'l'he IIljg': which ",U~ tll~ h8ro reaLs. .A~?u~d Ull tomb ~h Lt. _lid 01 ,II I,e., lrewiilleittOclnvl.' ev m~o~e~Hb i nud .10. ~~Iog entry cllll<l; of "ay. wbere ollly an &flUmaltOn of I.,.nally, ~ word ()~"'Igem~«t ~gurell 10 OO.D8~Uoully ID t~1I r"IU'I: qUlel.. na\u~al, dlgDlfi.,d. . ..ry Clly. Tuwo. VIII,"e. Ulbilet. ~Wor~- 1\·!t"lll Ita t:Dllobltag 1I111uenc~, . to 19b· cell,8 ur. ba. elCaped lh. li~. ' .0r,·lhe ' ~lIoalia porLion or ouwDlunity bllYe ' LI~II, 01. Eailtllr, In ma.IlY OIl!IODI~ anu WHb mOlltelled ey.. *od ·.U\robbl.og .bop Inu Flcwry thru.u"ltuut Ibe III" :re atllut6 ao educated . commufluy (or ao pueot. In4lte ueat pl.oe. ., /I the lDueli- 10 do wi ~h the formatioo of pub · w bleb II not .wbolly dUIU.ed 10 tl1I8, wall heart•• we . tll'ne~ . frolll tb. ~lmp,e,slYII world, lor lbe 1010 of ~ur I • eduo•.ted dIU.. should be, humaoly dlltl of paroDII ~o 'ie. ~hat tbeit ' 04i1- lio.opillipn; wby ~o the, ·niueliluch. the Iymbol of dltl r~a"lImptioo 'or life sbade. of .. 1I\»1I~\,V elno!'. leehn, Lba~ Wale/u" JewelfY. Sillltrwor" J/u,u;al 8pO"~log~ the gre~t ooneern of tbi! ~~J" drea aUe.d ,0hoo.1 reg,.l~rI1 ,~d ~DCl' obdlin~ apa,by wlLb regard 10 popuillf I\IDOIlI{ Lhe mOil oocu~n.L o( tbe )leoplll we ball ,paId A tlAt& ~o . ,lbe "'01,' DOled BQZII, ,.Alba~. 'and oll••r .Articl •• lave, III ~ pUJQd r.,o~abJ. for . ao, l .rrei!!artly of "taodanoe i. iD."..a~ion1 Pel·bap.! Lb.,1hiak ·com. -Lbe ,Uebre~," the Rllldoo., IQd Lh.e groundi .OD Lh~ Amerteall ~oDtloent.Ener,etlc ;erlOlIl \II "ood hlbitl Ind fllir lIOD. 'I he blooll alld broil of lhe b.L ODe 9£. ,be I .r.atea' n .I!' Lba. ·.IBiet 0111' .~ ~~'1~I· ~q.o w bulDbl. a 'heme, for Eg.yplll&DIl lhe .Hebrewl f'iar!1'~.'1 aot.d .be~au.e 1114 I... L re"IDg.ple.ce 01bu.lue .. lliel. clln ,cle.r·""r '~6 • week tl/llielll JII~,e pa.led oYer aDd I.n U' lobooll, . Dld .par.al~ ollly rt,li.. ho" talen~ ,Il,o b ~I , ~belr~, A FrllDIa)in 111/1 type or .Llle Wb.tolll ~umaD world,!u Amerlo ••, ~!»', ~Oled. DlAIl. . ' III ~Il. country. Ind" Iri~ch 1I'Ior aOluuol evell I&II\lDuhtlr ;Lbu' befo"ei w. 'bave !IIDob ,~elt Cbl!d~D 10 .... bow Ib"y. reo wl,Ill~d b~rcUy ~liink tbl.: Th. Swl •• NQa~ a~d ~." fallllily belllg .bll~ op IDSII~l!. ~ ,Y\~LL .t1110~g ,bl re~~lIIb~~iD,'~lckly ~eulfd luClUtHl, : . pro~t:d, I I ~ D~ItOll, ,b.L.e have lbe t .. rd cbe"progr.... ()( theu ol,l I.mlltel, patriot. wbo " .. oontllDt to r .. ~ the ~bll Ilk .... 10 aD egg. '1'lIey. regAr~ed ed. Iher. Lllo,methtog.~~u~ II ,b!OIl . , _ a....... Beta_ire:t'I bratD to proJucl •. l~e ner"e \ to alt',mpl, ~o "It.t Idl1tli~Dallabor .lId iDCOUt •• • lYl'i9a oj bi • .eoDDlry. 'oD ,b. regeu .' 'II) nloreoyu, a. " 'typ. or Ihell lIa"loi ~itlte. olle. febl more like a man-iIIo~e JJIlDpI. . /'If ~r' 1 .. !lelM. to tlle .mount ~nd ,Lbe (lo\lr~ae LO 1\'I~lne~ !lLuae leaoll..tbey 'lIbl~ct tb• . theb.t, · -lb"y e~~pg.'.iilJJlI'il.ae ' of 11"r. ; ldhool•• did pa.~d ~bro.ugh th. H..",d ~II~ aoll a.- like follow!Di tbe u •• pl.'o(Ihe patnts, w~IU be lie", b,. mall lot I tmmeDie ma~ei o! lellrDtn.llb t "e e rely would) !:L ~Q malL"~ ,hort 01, ~O, ~hlQk 'P:. Jaj)l 10 lboYi~lt De Wjt\ c~ude4, AI I~ 'wer!:, ~o.~ ~ew hie o~L uf ~I!.h W~088 memory, w.! are .0 lull II aol ', .rfeot1, .,II.r-ctorJ 110 forna rl1 l.ocke4 II! ~Dderota' toll\(I!. dowDriabt .oen,,} i deta r( tb'lll. OI!Dton. ,,'lieD ,b. 'lli~ .'c9IJ1mOlllCho,ol. h: 'l~h"y ,~bere.ro~e .laId I.l, A04 P!()ba J ID cool.cl. ~od. mal e alad Jour ,ddrell.1f ,uu are 01 an .ad aceeellble,ODly to' tavorlld fe" '1'b~rll .t~ .ome pareDLi in ' 111 .id" itlp~rled 'by ' l,,'w, aild ofeu .mi ~ 10 bl.r .tlll do. 011. the table at tUe reaet 01 th~t time. a. we were ct.uioul Ulf~ of, mi~d amI in que.l of 1m. are; 1>7 t)all mean. of ehelS; pllblicatioD. wtio bitn l.kfo· tbl. polI\tio~, ,and .110 He\i aM PQOr,. ' ate ,bOle monument, 'the ·P4seoYet. 1'be Hindooi1celeorated . COID . .encmg Lhe ' i naL ~ork of _iIl~~ b,reol, to , PII&16" 10lo ',~e , 'r.paullqlln •.implit:il,)" lil'lijly "llh~re to it. ' Would ',bllt. ~bei~ " icb :ahaU renal,e*" v tbe • gtorr of ' OQ~ \be .amt! 11,"L IlYeU\ 01 \he ~hlu"e aDd \frelthoK (~om t,he b~dl o' ,Lr .. ~o,. l~e ' le-l3t A "I~~~~ & (;0.,. l"'Por~"k .f gene,.l ~!'o~loj",.' 1 ·J.'lli. i. a_ , it n~,triber W4!" lIIIucb.!~~roa .. d; ~"ob.•n Inlli.YI' hpll'li'~la,b~'i' . r J4,.artl ' ~, ~ ,~b~,~tl&, \anel., "\~ labl, .~( ~)L~ . ' "blob b!~ reqa~r.ka~le .wl~· , , 8~ Brual\wI). ~ew Yor " shdild ,1M;. \" lrf~'u,~, of ~no"le~ge, would be. apt to ,\~t"I" Jhe. IUlIlallluw ~nIU., who rel;ler.ted. 'Lbe glory of: l.L~~D~ GUClI!.'~ ,.: ,cJ~\" ,.'De\o"~L1~ ~\\ . .0 milch LA 1~\rb\\~b\II'. d\~ IS. MEIIINO....11 AND 80 I . Lberla~retl, " !l,~II~l~o. ,or ,hY'I.CIlI, .pp~OllC/LIOi~ : ~ l~~.,.~~ chIldren who N"wEnll4'od Itllaer .(lomllli/Ii Ichoul • .' ~be ~elld . wltb hlm ID an eg~. .~d . • IW~ .lo'~ d.~erD'i natIon ~f. fOI . . N • 'hal relt dowo with the wCllgh .flt am'ltll.r WIll !lot Improve. 'l'he>: Ollr comlDOl1l 10(10</1 •• houltl be em- ,l1oatlog OD tblf oceaD of eterul~Y. lIlI 10WIDg 'b~ 11~'IL ~f ~II noble patrlou.m. , • 14.. . t!~AOTllllJ:a. 0.. iJf a .arand mUllnLllio. in .omll f~,or~d lJa" L~" uODoupLlon of Iheir .tllcH~., rllll. p~.'ioaIl1 t"e peopltl'l colttfgta. alld tbe lim • . ClallIe . to ~lIpr~duce hLm,.~lf, After blddaag adieu to 'he lIIemora' loc.ht1.buL ."ollid be-rellnd HO'lIog I~\ bqlolDd lb~ir cl'1llle•• become ~IBcour 'be "uosiioDal .Latu ••• ltould be .0 el. aDd.1I LbiDg. wllb III~. Th.e EuplllO ble enclolure. of llollaL VerDoll • • e ..1\1:), a •• imi:atiog 'with the .~mOAph8l"e .gild, Jod 'lbe ii Z~ " • .Po I." 0~1l' rllbt:lJ, .hk-a, ... to ..1I'l)rd .11 tb. facilhie. or .ymbol of tbe w.orl~ . II • wloged egg.•.Iowly ",.aded our .ay blok &0 our JtUSKETf( :AND U,dfllJlNES. daily Iirl • 'I!urifyiof "n4 t:lev •. iUA ,~F. trua,O):. !l.~il" ~ 4~I~fei~larhl ~Ih~iabt!d ,,~a.D.tioD •• O t.bat io after ~ence thuag LblOUfJh 1111 ag,llaa, h~rd elle~mpmeD~ •. '0 r ••u.e .'b~ ~rduoul Fo ". lbt', moral a.d an'~lltc,".al,!I~tur •• caUl' .qtl la'lI~qrdloa'lon lhlll ~ormi,d •. La 10 . 11(1, ollr..philOl~lphea:"Dd 'l.a telmeD ma)" II) .Imo.• t e,ery na.L1oo ,tb~ I"lbe .1~lgb dlille. per'a~olol a.loldler • hf•• . i' 'br United BIIt.. Ser~~cf. Allo. iog iL t9 "row" •• Dy' 1.,1111'. a la" of Ihuna t,~e. becQlD8 10 d~epl, rooLII.J -I be a~18 \0' ,a, tlttl' rl'C!8iYed their .ymbolla cllatAoter. ' 'Iha EgyptiAns Hound CiJg, 1111110&1. a;'welopmllot, diU. bringlog for,h IQme th" L~' "ork O(lalite·\imli c~b .... 01:. echlCAdan 'iD treil rep ..blicall in ... Uled to dye them red~ beelu~e ~hey •• u . , " , of tlu, ~o., beallliful fruit. Lhat grow Iy .r""iute ,laelll. BIl' h•• ,\1 i. nol .tilatiOlll, .0- pecan.rly A~ric&D. 10 ~~id l~e ~~rld w•• 0 .0 tire ,,' tble ltlO~. .......' traveler ill> Lbe E •• & ,hll' de. REP.ILA..r~~G. REVOLVERS. UPOD Lbe tree or lire. If it .be 'rqt: UO , nliDed 10 tbe ,,11 doer •• ·Ool~.iDoer pecuU'''1 oar "... r" II•• Chll.~I.O' oODtloued Ibe ~olor, 10 VoJ ~ Dla_ If__ .. & b..,:, ~ , .I' I ood f I bl l f 01 , b d Icribe. lome of llbe, 'DoieD' worll.con.IUIW 1ItUKli'J Lh.• t ibeolllLllre of lh.e morall and ill ' "I"'ttoye\b mlle,l I ••a)1 'be pro.- _.'" •, I)UI 1 ftiU,. admit tbe wor,h of m~mor)' Q I Ie 001 0 IrA ~I.II J R'II ' , ' " ' &ellect giYeI iotir,,~.ed c~pl<lit.Y fur .. rb. ~d "~cb~t. trlld ,i' ~")i6I1d. a.1mo'f ~~D1 · ..lecL inlllth~Ljo'}e. } , IpUI&.. ~tiJl. ~or' tbem on tbe Cro~I.- Wm. O"'~". ~:~::~d ~~;h:u':r~!i~D~ ~-::d:~~r a~~~~ ~ I I.,. t'bu, GUD BvreJI. 11101 QI.I,n M.- jplm~~t; aD~ .Iblt I~e bl,be! ' I~' , I?o~· d,,\ y. TO( llIu~~f.~~e •.a .~aobel'1a~ ,.0 ' ooa14D!1 (b~t ~,ur p~bho lollool,! ~el~g - - - -:-.. . .. , \le.~eler.aoIll,.d.II"'Gull De.let ,II,", JII' rr.d. ere the more Iqteoie Llie el~b"'bl. 1!,1",d. Ulro~,b ~u.c{a I~bo.ri .•..lId•• p.... ' dill. D,l'l~re(h,.t.m of oar beet. I'gli.' . ' "M.- A'a RdYlrUeellleot IRlelr _.ppelr. era'AleeD .r.·of, wODderf"l .'ruelur •• • h I. l b I.. b I ... ~ · .. b h b VoJ l\., Qoildhe 10"lIr 1...1 aoodllit. (oJ.lIled l~e.. d.,a or Bou18breakin. true, .lha, muoh of tlla IPI'I: ,.ap•• '~ nl a~~I~D •. ID' rlDgl~ a ' -~. ta Dr. , 'be. lIIeaa' w IC . , e .diD a ~.. IlW Vbrll paJlIII. promillo.g. ou I be b ,l1ob""rl.' ... r, Huu... Sllite, 1IlIok. ,Heb IDI,li"d~l a.pelldl OD lll~ c\... IIp.~O a ~~rt.ID pOIDl of IIX".UIDOI, •• ~.\I.4Io-. : ~'o.. ~ Go'lrll~'o' b.~ 'be reC!elp~ .~( IweDLI.6,,~ OIiOtl, to .eod of ,tooe, fo' ,0 D• t C!0lDtoll~ ' of .l e . qllll!f•• huuhl ....... olle pf . P'U"~I. opl~IOD' ~Dd alln~oe " frolll willcb &bll, C.D all ,prollna81 to- pr -,I:l,c;l f~r r'~~!lDg.Lb~ !X110~~ CIII,e a recipe lO nep ~aLer In weU. ~~ub t!,f (Ot 'JllI ,Ll :fiyl mile,: r~·i~, -.~~G' - .., D'Pf LITPIS miD' C!f Lbe ICI/.I I'J III "hlob ~e }I'" ",lIthllr.. bUl ~I~.re nchl '&'II,p \0 hI!! , &t. 01 ra~h ~od pilor. III lpe .cqU"LI(~o , of cilter,,' fro... fr.\!zlol' An ho~esL far· a a " tl,. bea,d 'of" depre ••lon In ,or ,. ..,m Tea.S DIll 0 "I\j, • ud ..l.ou•. ' '1'bier,Dd.rl i~ bit k.D i.).D i.dl'Pelal1\)l. pr'p,!raliuh for ~Qo1p'Iicli.; LI~e I"a' InIlIiDIt, IIl''''Il- mEtr, .nsiou. for tli. informatloD, lor e"•• 01 66 ,~~t ~~t!~ ;D.~~a:'IDg~h II l'1rt.. dftlrlDi 'lo ..aJI them.el,ea 'lil w«tll •• d",t'. Lo aeueleral.e by Llle ne..t ._cc*diol I"p.· tbe' 1...011 \0 oUli. da¥'~ (.!elinll nOl by pial: "",ded Ibe 1II00eY'lld by retur.~ .nail ."L .•• a U~u ~ ,0 I • . , e~. , e tb. 1.... t. Ip PIILOI.. Ind .u~ ... rYI meaD. ill bl. pow4!" Lb, prolnel eD.a~ tie ona G' ..ot. I....'" ordi· ~!o••' bl/i~ by r.iai0l up,) .r. e. ·recei..d tbe follow i., anlw.r., .biab~· upr~r ~il'· :qlt'l~p~~, ,erlor "~lIIan.blp IQd furlll. will find IU ,eD,r'lIIllJlto eIDIDL,ti1. ,"I'.ork • b. ,reparel iii... \( to tb.....CtiOD UA .tlpporL of " .• prioL, fot lb. ben• .ti'~ 0 .11 ollr rea· t rou, ,a i' "14 ~ e, ~~ COmblqed ha lhe N.w ll'IDIIII~OD' Rey"l. of .dpealing .Ild·.....bUIII aM ma...i . or ea~l'iL1 it wit.h refltr.~ee ~ 10J& elti..ne, ~ )(y Irhlild., i, will lIot d.r.:~·Tlkt i. yOIU' ••ll alld ci.t,rD oQ ~ba bloeb .rt ~o , :..~. er ai io _.r!. . : . aDd elnatiD, ,11111. 10 \he OODditioll need of lome iDdi'idaal me:obtr or dj &0 o.,r ID ~.clU'. Uaa~ "hi' .... DOt .cold Di.h'~. aDd ".~p lbem by Lhe orm. COIDP e , •• ~ . UIi~lrca .. ~a ctlo ...lnlll.l eutl 'DiI drlcrlp· being-. '.lloM ci\ri'd .njoylR.Il....b.U ula... · AL tb. DesHeal'laliuD, a.,d thll1 Ibll)uid tie;' r.&ber odme alld 6re.~ · "' . ' . : ~' , ~!U' Ir'" will "I lurul .. lled UpUIi btl d\irj"lIt.I {rom LII_ir ,aLioolll Ill ....' . . ma" be Lhe IItl" and sh. ulllU, til" hlp Ii. i .. prcl.e 'hem " J.'b" are YOllr ' , .... 'lb.........., acbaplalil" iD the ~ . ' '. .....1'1 .~ . ..W ho. i P.en &is COal t ID . .W U·..• 6 aEIIING1'ON II. SONa III · N Y UUlIJy wit"L meau •• b,1I1beae wigh·. wt!ml!t:r i. ab •.,,,,, \\ bt!lJ " ... IIUI II~' 0 /I r,rlil'l.jf~1. eocl to depre,,". Whlll v-.I II:' .",. . wb... 11 u .,. Bpiaoo... r-:~' .PllGallon . 1100&'" Nrci UI • I lin. . , lu·u h. be ubltlillet.l1 Hy Lh. uohe.d , ..... LIt.r.~•• c:hlll,lII "bilJh be clla j ~Q "IIILI"I, )'uur 0"11 i.,. 10 .Ill - tlllI ico i •••lId k\l be in Ibtl band, of Lb. Mt\boch".,6. ~r~by"ria.••• PI&JI~'" . '~'IJl No. "'0 CII~:I.~dIA7~: New Yutk . ur Ihe domelltic IIUIUl lind nllt lel''', \u be 'brid-,ed 0 ..'. &.1 l, ......ili nl·, . CiUII.Li\lD~bl. tuL.. No Lt/b"rll.. aDd 1 Oonllr,gaulloa1.1&, .. ...-'- ~. III t hage
():7' CI,.r,e, rea.Dnable. Ind .rlLlllrac-
in Th . lIoftol:l>J . y Purs'e .'" ROAD 'TO. TB I.
5 000
It-i1YOLVE"ho 'RIFLES :r..
POcket and Belt Revolvers
a.volvm.g Ri1les·
I' I.'
l fa
. 1
/ ....
~, A :r.AIlU.W \on - d ..... h ~ 1\ PaILU~OIl ~fJ. QaHa • ., ad fli ' e 0 0"· WednlldAY. &be Illhlh. ial'.,· j$ . . .
.eI' .. I Jere1
" ' . . . . .- · . .1111. . . . ,
&h. world, 'he ftl allderel,nld bew' nllOrec! ' Ii';pla lad IIDurtal c1INcUou to h.. hh in • few ....... 1 a nrr limp Ie. JOIIIO"WlII , remedy. .Iler huln" wlrered "'Ira Wa,.""ill., Ohio : iDa' greoICulIa"'r ,. Mr. P•• bod); coyered tb., • f.lllily of .n.. 1HI1r.-1_. lor rYiag ,be he.lth. Tbe! 000' ,eers whh a lewere Iuui .f!'ectlon, and C M h" 1868 t in the .UIII .nd lub,taDce or hI. "aaL that dru.d disease, Con'~mp\lon-II anlt· WBDlfEIIDA V, APRIL 15, ItMI6. 'WI PSOIl AIt,.u:, ere • ! cOllaisitiag Or CbrilLl)pher A, 1kId du 'ag a long 10UI to mo,ke krtOWII to hi' Cellow .uIJer. _ ••_ I I ~ ~ • -Thl Qlleeh beart tbat lir. Peab~y wife oieee aDd 'rour chillirea, pro(.lIlon. 00. e ge. n . ere ihe meinl of cure. I • • UD.;' I. DUw IWKTa, Kl)noaa. InLeDd. Ibortly to relurn 10 Amenc., ' Ill8fullire: 'Keep tbl (eet w.rlll, To ,Il ~ bo delire It. he will lend a ADd ahe woold be eorrt LhA~ be ehoald Deerillg'a f.r~ •• , Poi., 11011.. tbl bead cool, aod Ihe lIody opeD.' .If oop, of the pre8cripLion uEed (Iree 01 Vol. 0, }'f•• 11• • • • • WhIt: No •• :1, leRVe. Eogland .ithout beiDg oaa?red and Jaoull Lane. bad been. . • II t hd d 't , tbe oh.ree) wilh the dlrelltlool for pte pur· £ZE2! by beraelf bow dtleply aile 8ppr~cl~t~. mllrdered •• nd in an probabRi&1 &b~1e were ~aera y. al e e 0, illll' Ind ueill: lhe ,lIlIme •. wbi~h . tlit'y wi,lI V ca II. II . . . L 1111 lhe 1I0ble ac~ of ,t;Dore Lblo prlDc:ely Saturday preYiou,.. H~r ... Ind pbYlician'l.ld 1'ollld be . leldom re- fiud a aure tur9 for OOn811J1lptioll, ABtbl1ll1, ' ~..L - - - -, -----~-~--:::-1"MIIIli1h:.DA, by "blab II- blliliolight to # cl in lb •• tabl. in I ited Bronchitis, Cou"hB. Cold" ~I) The on. ' qu -. .... h. object 01 thcl°adverllier In len.dlng .the :I'ber• •re 1.660 N.tioaal ban"', telieve the w8nla of Ihe poorer ,claillel, were.l.o~~ ., ttb ID ",'llre cr .lAlllallila1 of'413,677,· .of ber lubiecls 'residing in.Lonctoa, • It co.ntll1,loO. 'R, he bDdle~ of _ W 11 Ibe attention of , ollr Prescripl ion i~ 10 bODefit the ftmlct~dl end •• If ~ I b II d J b fD e oa spreld InrotlDallon ""bieh be COOCf1lves to "236 i. an Ict, All tb l! Qoeen be leves, .W 0 y lIIece "ere I.coverec 10 a I , reade.re, aad more ·particullrly . tbo.e be ioyoluable ; olld hE! hopes. eY~ry suft'· ~ - '. .' WitbODt parallel, aDd wbioh wiil carry ed with hay, and tbe who aTe tbo ownerll of Itock. to an ad. will try his remedy, .11 II wili ~06t '. Tbe 1I0hile (A.... ) p8p1t8'jll,port tbe ill be.t rewlrd in tbe con.ciou50ea. of a corD olib .imilRrly coyered. " . . 'b' h d d H 6' em nothing, lind mly prove a ble9lllng. arrlul_, &ha' tit" 0( • . nllel mad. ba"ing contribuled ' 10 J~rge l.y 10 tbe db ' . ce ...e , (rom home f8rtI8~meM In I ,. paper eat' or.e Parues wishiug the pro8cripUoII will elltirel, c.r~ .hich-it l,io, a' olle all8ieLaoce of lho'8 who can Illtle h.,lp 10 18 nle . . ,r d . . Caule Pow~er8. Theae powders plell8e oddrolls. ' , '. " . thelllselves. 'I'he Queen would no l , UrtIll] D:lOrnlog. liD It 18 IUP I 11 ' 1 1> 1>'DWARD A WILSON . of tbe wh.r.... . bowenr. han been .ati8·Ji~I1 , without wite aDd cbildreD werb murdered ha,o beoome popu If .a . Dv.er .t 111. ' 'Williamsburgh, K'ln,1I Coun'Iy', lh ,"r mtrtnllC merll., .A.lltoinl Proba' hal ·bean foIlD.d.. "uil, gi.iag MI'. Pellbo~.r 8ome. publJo mark iug hid a~le,!c&. anillha' be try. on lICooun~ 27-6m. . Now York. •y o( lIIarderilf, 'he Deerin, '''lIlIly at bf b~r .110.41 of hiS mllndicence, a~d oieee .wE're ~Uled 00 Ibei,r r~'urD. (or it haa been p~'ove~ to a . dem.ons'II'Il' ACARl) TO INV'At."DS. Philadelphia bI ' ,be 00ro1l6,,'11 jlll'J' I~e "ould gl~dly hue conrerrecJ 011 him b d' d b Ibl lion Ihal Ib~y will aooompllsh all ~, Iat _ . either ,,' bnronetcy or tbe Grand Oro.s 0 lee presente a orr ~ Lal been said of .Jham by Lhe proprie. A 91~rln ma.n, 'YH!10 relidin.1r in Soutb . ' . . . '~ or lhe Order of lin! B,llh. but.lhat ahe llavin~ beeo rear fully ,mulllllt~d ., . . . I IJ AmenclI IS miSSIOnary,. dll!)otered a willch h.. Jll.UllJg.l.d III .. CI II. The report of 01. Bull', d••tb a' unal:ntan~ Mr. Peabpdy to fl:el ~rm· knite and axe: Only one o~ U1~ tora.· A, Lhe price aL willo 1 t e, .re "ale lind 8hnfle rtmedy ror ~Iie Cu,'s fA · QDebeo II oo~radicted;. abel lh. aell ~,b'ired' rrom ,oo~p.lin~ luch ~ia- ,. . .,ed,-a ohi\d ased \en lold il modlfllle. ie would be well ror ~erY9U8 WeakDftBS, 'Etirly nepa,YI Disea· i. _ . I\;' .... WD u.ohou, tl on11 ~_III', rOYEl. "ho il. oll • ,i-It &0 • dlll'u' ; to give \bem a trial. Fbr lale by ses of the Urinary Organa, ana the whol~ ~- ~ ror ~hll Queell 10 . lIi,e lb • .p , R 6ody " III 'U t:1I11I of dlsorden brotlllbt on by bune{u ID that city for ....raf.year.. ' Lhil aslaralloe- of ber perloDal ("liogs, Th,e bOd, of a boy wbo ba~. "'CD ~alnellYl e , rUigl1 " . aud vicloul! h.ablts. Great ' numbers have . • Ii t k' .. h N D ' d' 11 • '.. , been- alre.dy euredby thle nOble. r~ med). ., A ,IIQ\le.a.. from the Like s.perior w.hir:h .• I~~ ~o~ld further trll •• o. m~r IDI,ra' r, ••,rI·uf,·\I " 0 (J::r A widow Illd1 Q( nln"lIe"Ky., Promp'ell by I dlllire 10 benefit the Ittlll.ctcOllati y •••••fri. th.I.DO" b.. ~11~. bY, allullg Illm &0 Iccept a m.lDlflfure 01 W&l81llpe,owcl of belDg aD • " r b ' boy' t.o rilie .Dd wben ed Clnd llnlortunale; I wHI.le~d I.h? rer-Ipe ab • Lbl Ntl' . .aiou bl ••,gal iDeu· be!ee~f. 1'hlC~ .111 Win de8tr~ ~ haye in tQ4I mllrder .OD acc;~unt .of bil an 0 p ., ' prellerinlr Dnd ",.Ini thlB mlldlcme~ In a Ir ".. ., ,' pIloted (or bun, Ind. wbieti. wlren tio- : . b~d arl'i"d Iii. Ige of 18 I~e "1!lIled envelope, IIny one who needs Ib, lU"III'edt, ito • .101.1 d'pth 01 M.ln. feet. iabed oln ehber lle lenl hilU Lo pelran", W ' t1Ibl8qullb,l, married I!im, .h~ then beipg in b~r Prtllpf Oharge, Pleale !lnFI!).. a ~\).• t. . Two DieD .a:.peeted of ro~bery, ,re~1 Ame;(ca', or gl~e~ to him ,.O:o, lhe retur.n tbe ..~e cQnditi'oo', .mlkini' ill~' 50Ih yelt They 'llyed mal\lyl",a~. p.11.\ eDvelope ••ddreased .to 1.~urselr. , W recIIIO, taken a' lIillbL Irom &b~ir bedl whloh, abe reJolcel to llear~ be .med.l· who 1'ilre .Dlurderfld. . g.tber;' h;ppy ' 88 I.Dy couple. Ten St~1:~e;;, BII),teO:~~r. ~e~ ~:,rCil1.' • " uI·IIO',-:lIo.,· ~lId bUIlIr. 'Sab.equen& lm8te llclb'to, t.lI11 cOllDlr1 tbat 0"" 'bi~ 10 ,.00. Frida1 '~ ma,D WI. ' , I I D yeall ngo they t(iok an orpha gir to 4 \ Y . , e"ote prond Th"e Lo nd~n '"' ' tl1e l'e L ')ter: Pbiladelphil. 'whb coor' ... raist. Lal' fall 'lb. olel .1.adY died . ' be· ' . " &bela (0 , ~ Jm". '~)'!1 0 C . , 'd f '81h to ; A qll.' rtl- 0' f ·D .·re 0 'laDd' hu ' LI' the weeki '.' .. . .... .,.. , . f Llltoln A marlOla la we are .In· commlued . ' mUr er .0 - It . ,,,0)111111111 g .96 lear I 0 r aae .' and ~ , In ,I"'y.n " . ... W , .. · . GENTS .:...-.... ,- 0 '" ..... . b l II He had been 10 tie . . ., b " I' h' , e wllnt Bellv.I', ener~ellCl A b,e.. _ e ·.. IIl0,& l0 .IWlIIl a I orl debred for tbe greate,& b~on ever. given am y. . " . ' . after the old man mlrr~~d t e gar . l ey ovorywhere (enen qt wOl\1en), Jo.whom we Li~. bl •• ptyin, clrl lo-*dl of aahea to lhe poor of Londoo, and it 11,10 A M~. DeeflPg. HII nlme I. ad railed, h!l beiDg 64 yearll 'old And olTe,i~xlraurdin8fy ,!nduceinent8 to e'!gftge iil~ &hl 1.k.. It i.· 1114 to be worth citilen oC the Unite.d ~tl\te8 lbat the Ganter. He rormerl,.belonged to abe 18~ in II li'j!ht genteel l\IId prontable bU 8Jn~8P. 110·:009. Q~eeD ball thought It.rJg~t to a~dr~ss Firth PilOlleyluoil Canlry; 'Jete tn ___ ._ ......_.__ Sample, will be forward".! upon ftPI'ItCIt. . • tl1l8 pel'lIonal ezpre.lloo or gr."tttudll. h S' d b t 12 I 100'" 1 . . 11011 with 8tam~. to poy J;eturn p08tog!l' I.-I 'iol~.~.a1~ .hich reot.,t!., took Wf't cao 110' bllt believe . til" euoh an t. aL on . a.ur .ay, a o~ ~ ~ ~. Ie ~Tbe Albany Koipkerbookel lays: 4ddrl'ea . , , .,la",· fD BcetllDd•• 8r 1'''' blo';D occul'f.el)ce "iI! ha',e J IO littl\l ill.t1 uenoe kIlled. the boy, Oornelru8 C~rey., w , lIe. AllloAg 't he in_matee,.or o.ur almluouae BRADLEY, ·C H AJlW!C K & 'do1'11 _hicb IIIMI bel'" planied in 17· in lIugmeDti0!'t tbe goo~ (eeling ~Iieh be "' •• on Lbe bly-Ilack~ but ,'lla~ a 'is .lhe ",ire of II once ; ,ell.to.do oom. J 16 lJroDdwny, New Yo~k. "' . I ',1: U ' · ' be ' , IhOlild III belween Lb' e two ooun· 'olher' lIIall, ' b , the nlme of Jaoob v,tH!. merohant ' " r· , lhle cit". 1-1er 8'l'BA~GIE, JUJT TRtl'~. . rolf\ltl\\~ 06 'f o OOID .... ~a ....e olon .weea , . P b did t . ' v I mJ\!lII!II ·!t ~ ," Boo 'd" • I ,lrll'l, r. eD 0 y la. pne mot~ a der formerly ' of the 11th PeDD.yl~ n· Ii ' · I" # • ,( I. Ever" Y(lun" lady. '1l'1 , ';p~tll!~lIll1ill , I !1 . cl ED'!. . . .eI I). . . A& .,.. elgbleen foliler amoog 118 a kindly reeliDg for his.: . , ; er·ln · "w, a lew yearCl uftOl', wae I II .,..
to ...
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G 'A INS, ., ,
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~. iDaoeeDt~
.. ( .
GoOa$; . ,
..&.., ....~-f--t
'Wh , it,e Goods, ·s" h 'I , r
$5 TO $10 PER DAY 'I
t ·
ftWl .'
, ,.,. oQuntrymen Ihao obllJd ' b"Ye been ef. I~ Ollvllry. lulled Ihe r~.~ or tbe: '''I' nom'ipar!l~ 'o~ Goy.e r nor • bll$. WI'e .ub· ~~~~t~II;!r: led~~nl:::~ ~~m;!~~'lff ~~:~ ". ,.,.--reo led Ily, '. '·generalion of ~ba' the, il'ebellion. or charrrp) lIy iildr-Ina tbe.lInder.. .Iateamen, Iy, Money WJlB the lIIot\Ve, 'v , Jed 0 .,e queDtlv " killed,du.in.... e b . Ind tbe QQello'. letter WIll. we bope, Lhe ~orriblll orime. S,he b~. weaUhy- relallves in LI,is ehy 1'h08e having fearll or ein, CA.LL ANIYSEE,. be ree.ited by 'tbe Amerio/lul .. a oon•, I hUlllib'uir'red. wiil' obU,e, 'b,y "ot nOliCling -inC! 'lurroundlDgEl, bn$ none ' of Ihem I I .... 11 l~ III I d" . . an)'thiog .for"her..' ' p ease ,a ureas -. -. , • d II Ib B" , THOS. F, CHAPMAN, . '), &i9D, P'a"'ylunl. p.lroleum. e . ,or. oaare our (rilladij. rell'IOOI more ., TlllC MONtRLf • J '.' , • • cOUQtrlel " :AIL,uno . . , . , . .. tor,,~'A.o:ril .... , ~Ir " . tId' _Ii, ' •I . ' ' I 'r ' • ' D. Th. Stc~"r1 ' qf W.r b.. In1 tb Ii tw. E I d d opens WIlla Ip .Ilpprt>O,auvl .)(~olj of IJ..J t,ll 8 8 ,e 8,1 I. reau t 0 rtl· nalurll 80 Wee ir.at Ihat ng this AD slory lin Ihe late WalLer Sange, LAodo!;'; . .' t"fi' ' ·Iq .E urop,e, ~tlt,~,.t.t"'lt4' I 1I0.... fed tb.l he .would Dot .confirm the Amel·jqa, ADd , II .• lie cep t eClen I ,u Inv'If I~atlon8 ~ ... ~ " ill , ,. IIle olltie IDlinitice., c... · thac 'bore of, muoifiCClnoe lind of grl\tilud? nlay speoimllD of ibdependen~ manhoQd. . tha~ .Lb9 pbolern ha" rRge4. !lh!e,fi, In , ~ i!!A~~ H~lflB( ~~S the r6m:.ib~ orlir. Liocoln rro.. WI.h· /pDg be I'emtlmbered ,b, ~O'hDlltlonCi Ka ·"boee worb lire b u fllr 100 little places. "bel'e the ioh.abi'anlll ,dl'iok i,m0 t' .' "p' ' " f ' , ~ . ' , S . .1 .' Id ' . II pledge of peace lind (rJeDd.t.ip" .; . . . ' i ·:I .. ' I &. UO lOll flces, I , . .' • •. ':'." JogIQP·;Io p.flp.a:Be~ , ' Tb " ")l . " ' l.o. t ' I ' L d InthI8C(lUnLry.~)01~g~lnot, we·· pur.ewller. ' . WA,YNESV1LLE, • . e, IV 0"'111 6 III 110m t lil 00 OD , 'I' .. ' . .. 'l .. Be.po~t~ ee.tiilu.·,O, flaob .1 of ,reat Star.. . qUI Ie"8.0 unfa~lh"r 10 ~mert(\l\~l I..!I~~~~~=~T~==~=~ ,.,. Ar nn: , l'l~\"_ c, clol,iLu&ioa l 111ti...1o' lilli' hu,· u ' P 1..~,1 "1 . , b' erl I. the .wlllte.r · of 11111 bIOIl"',Jj'bil4al , . ~ I , '. ,\,:"r. e._y lV't . 1"1I1r ll ~o 11011;0' k b . c\le 4 'rU." ,~t, ~aad. 'h'?'llal!dl a'..ald oouDlry lIa iJmbuI~do., of loo\l •• Ul. I tile .. ~o be ,ott D ~., of I.,.&loa, bl~ial~ hi,) .kibdrt cF,iJ'nl/f\11 ~rpl\llb.e lillm~eF Ilj~D,aUe'''.tlp 'willi 00 :pl'CI'pea&o1 telM. Sovereign of ~he .Jlot~o~'he. fl!l~ ~,DelU~ !l~IIf1nt '... , _ Tbe PUll lfooitiDr 08lcilUi con6rm, 'ed s~ much. ,He wl,I1 I,ell ! b18 , pe'WI ~ .. be aufa ill liter.luql .Liould \V~rronted ~o covar lJl(ltEl surfuco for anme 'b~ .w. '''D,r A ' , iea ..hauL ,b thaL ~n all lanka of 80~HtL~, . froap ~;ht to do witbout the Atlantic . .$4 a year. \~el,g hl thun lOY utller! , • II !I por. " l16b th.roo~ ~o 1!18. 1£ngheli cotL'lge. " . k cSt F'eld ' i I TRY IT. AND YOU WI",!. HAVE ' NO OTI/ER! riC n.or I 8. oe on. , , . ., IU:]) , BY ' M H l-t-t=t::H'I:':'1 · "\ '11 I ·r b W I.) tOQ' G 'alli M but i.nlaI. fraternAl reelin" to", OUR Y01JIIG POLKS, for Maf, , . ZEIG.bE'R III. SMITH, ' £~YfI'i, 1. tu .1, .1 '1' e .''llllr oJtbe n, 'ipn,' IRme house. is Vi.VRCiool and full a. Delllm, ' er~lIIe!ll. ", L gIrt ll~ has glyen 18 • .Jndetd. a grel't oj life All tbe youtl,(ut~e~clCln are " . No, 137, N',orlh 'J'llItd Slree l , • .' .J. " • . The barrlob. of tbe · oolored troops mati!r\al 'Dlue to ul-p~r.liIlPII, we c~o. w be ,t or wbole J)elleJit it i, ' .. ~HII:.~!>ELPU ,IA. JlainoStreet; \'h.TDenllJll' 0."0. LEAD, at WubililrloD " ".. 'ttacked '1I'ilb 1I,0t remember boJ'l' great , vilue is 8'" ", . ():7 Fot sale by PAUIT DE4LUIJ generJ' I ' I , b ' d" I . .," ,. OIL, r' .' .\. l , ". 8\lD8f1 ' Illy. ' "9-1' . WI' tIOU lilonel, .and •,Olll' of ~bil bou"l, .Inhlbl0 f' . h U~I'1"lallon I at ~ a Jelr, . ~ . , ~ Y stookIllve \if now on a,1I ,. 'IrgCl Inu elegGll1 ,_. V~ltNISnES. I ' I,~ , . t. I " Englllnd, ,,"h all ber ,'I'lIalt,h Rlld power, . . , . . I , t· , 1., t~d .1)" ~Jllcb,,,er~# ~rect, atl~o, lhe; sho/lld n~ed the ..!I~n~ of A 8trllp.ger. '~o\ , ~~~ .. DlI:!I;ARII:~~'~),{i .NTltLT.-:-:-l' lui, 1>.. , , ' I.A.DIES AN~" G~~TLE• .EN. , P~ts, tIme of &b't lIeg~o ceJ.~r.ltOD lut IleJp lIe~:ln'proy,dIQ~ for he~ p~or. ~ut pn' .'~4 M."Y number, ~re r~ce.lve; , \r011l1; mlnl .and ht'.i.~~nB! I' enrken to. '/, ( ' . ", . > , I'" /;. • .-J, • " "eek. WU ~Ry ~q ~Il llaC~I.ltr ~e , ,'b~.~k lh~/orm,r"e hd a ,~e~!ltlfuH1. Wf,itt~ lIot l~bl~II" ~he ~e~' ~f i\...r~: ·Wlns. 01 my own a:nap~fclcturei Ilso,l1 be.8ul'j ~.AJNT A~NI§.u; ,~.~j;. , Some tblrpe" ' Ih'e 'lId rerti.iDJ( ex- fir !ea~ O(. I~II, m,I.e~11 WOYLh t1IBIl .91 I,te ,ketcb lIy GIl]" ,valul!d conbibutol" AlII'" "aradoM In your laml!Jee ' will oe'ortmiliit 01 ' . 'I, , .. .. .: on ' , . falue al a. 'Imely 19ken ~f Qroqlerli(lod . '.' • \ heahh, 'beatHy, colDrorl, lind hI.,. ., ,. ., teneil'ely a 'c~ke~ Time,h oper,' Bont appenlihg RII that is Iq of geoe~': Rftym~mtl. b08idee th'e usual ampuol' ?f . Rend lI~e 8~yertI8iICIU! nt eof 'Mrs. CLOTHS, ~· m::;li b, mail for ,tbe Jow ,price of 'lIlB doll· 08i \1 ftl!d gratitude A~d' clilliol119r Lh rahil>n·platee knil ilivers , olher 'il,uuc PIlip, :eutl Qu~ell Hoir " " ' . 0} . I ' a past boerd· d'la I wllh . r om u~ ~ re~lp~oc~10n;f ~. , . .I , . Q " ' ' '. " In,another 0/ thll. pltllcr CASSIMBUES" ar. I, 'I. ".p, llboendllm~q~ o.. ' "~hiDg8 ror Lha ., I.RaleS. The Mlly .No. ,U!le, 8nd bllcohJ,nu DOily/need IJII.\ 1111; .., a .lriDg peDdlrn., lor telliDg lime by ~ e nR110n w IIC r. . OR Y repre- , {oil of Rltl·aclioIl8 . .. W, J, Cl'/'~ trol!. ' lilold ~Y ufl drug. 1.1 yE~rrUfJGS, &0., the IUD. 001&1.1 110' COlt over two eeDII, .enl~. SCI, too, w.e pr,l~e lhe lel!er of N. Y 41.4t ' • J -; , • • th~ Queen. not. n. aD Ret of ,.t.~gal.· 09.11. wilich he • d k ' Rnd would bl dear It ,hal pflce, a, It de8ceD8ipo 10 on untitled etl'.,n"er bUI ' -" I. ,rrep'ar~ t~<mll , e up 1\ th,e i, or 110 Il,e .t tbe ha iet\t Rlld m08L i p,:e,.@.i;e"8' G ODET" LADY'~ BOOK for" MRy i.Ou1,' , .....,..--4-~." .' " <~ 1. - -Si~tYmil.. 0' lHe Union ' P"oific e.UraDOe . wbicb 90u~d .bt\<-g,,~n 9D bflhllJf /lnp .we are a~ i 1018 how to up " .1 ' ;l 'li~, SHOULDEn.B~AqES R.ilro.d ·'we,. ' of Om.h. i. finl.tied. or ED~IADd 10 our IUlI'Plea .lcr068 the a,d miralioo (or ill DUlny I '. , i" , t , ,{. I, .1 ' . , bela" dOlle ' ~".e . hua- A,I.nllo. "M ' '('IIe J"." d' , l!hOr'lle ~' ... ' ,B'OO~L -..'~ .' ; luid at Ih.. . ~:r.~" . rUE '1'!?lwr..t.'Il;j" • • iii' Tbe ir.elt", ba. I ' I'Hgb . .. . , ,. .. . " ' I I,dre. d milci: fartber, to!lhe foo&' 01 tbe t. II b lime thl" ,tlle old .,ulg.1' beUer ewppotlAll .nd .,..er ' more :·.dvan'''t~'~ ·· ' h'ii '" I' .h , "'."\~~. ' t, j' ", . . enmity .t1'een the two oountrltl had' • . ( ,LI.L • ~ '"'O...,v~JI ;' l,.euIClheS monotaln, .ad 1$ II' tbo,u'g bl tie iron d t'o . i I I ...... eerYIDg 0 8UPpo.-,C, tllii*, now. ~ .088 . • -;8 n _ill' be I.id dowil 'bi;ty furlher cefa;e 'b ell: ~.: Id a.':lnlte'~l~' ~e~li?dg 14: A God~1' ~~ii~delphi.. "" ll' : ~ .orp. er y ,alII Deu p.reval la8~el\ . . _ . '. . • " to F b 1 J, liD" alia , O(t ....e.~qel. QDe Y l tll'U '. .~ d L " , ' , . " hundreduchiDe',. mile.• , Ja~uar1. e. e J :olt~re Dllnl eAle , .'" .both . B".A~U:' ~~~T:'lL~.::""The Hay . . " . ,. I. Oa!I?1I1 ~I~ D~&.&leen br.-'he. _I .. ~t men of, Lbllf\ltlgllalri.~ I. 'tiP/top. :t Tbii .A. ,.orre,~g~dent of tJie :Melllp1i11 on eltber .. dei-tho.. , ..bo 1~1i lipon impr01erlll it grJ.-I 'ol·' d . ' b h b ' :" ' . ,. . . " /1' Un 1 uer,.n II .A rgul Wfltel t a& 'e .tul-pollDd ·of tbe ,w,orTIi and ile, morl"l ,illlpe lC;lllio,D8 lio'e41 to aoeu'pr ino Di . fl ' , " Sbiloh ie Itre1'D with \bcnet of the ~ilh .c~.~iI'ble !lye~;'bRY8 IeeD .~he folly lilt! '~j~re oC ~e.coM;~:, . ,' IL; iI.,i.rwilllnl" Confederate d.ld. hUDdred • .of .h~ ~d InJ~ry :of !.oetermg tblt lpitit ,,"iob .uac,eilil urel, i. ra,idl! ,a,ia(~iDg . . . .h.", baeD I:OO~~ .bolll b~ , bo•• ~ .~.d b~l. ~I~~~~~o.e a!teld" CIa\'· d.~o~ year, B.acU. &J O~ •• 1fe. York'. ~rlta~I?". ~r .t,.~ LIlII&"',~ ,.r.~Il.~le" '1 fe • •ppear to b.ye beln properly bilr· POIIIIOIl ti~lW~ n Engl.nd .rid AmericA ' _ _ I ('... I T~r~a, 4Jlecmoll, or ao JucuTII.,ae ied, m.klng. horrible Ipeotlclll .ith for yelre. T11I!,.. liberal ' mea a';ooll1 .T aB AMDt~N MI8oa~Lo"y bagl'nl ' ' J. nllar Di.ell!te, BU "UJ);'''' . ' '. " ," ,,' , " ....." , . orTEII THE BBl!ULT. ' J:aJ1R • 'n a n1l1'&,nil:l tbl 'rtel deadeaed by bull.t IDd Ihell. b.~~ been reaarded 'he I'eprelentative n~" vol.u.m.e with th. ~o. for April 21 anO\\'N.s ' ~llONc.:~IIAt: . 'I'JlOCIIE8 .' . I, I --t, ~~~.~~I ' A Wtl/:.ielet'led ·.....,tm.ri\~o II~ lliST' 1:lte ",11t10,. of. Au.tri. aDd Prall' IIPlflla oC tbe ag., aDd not thote wbole ~Ith beaullful new Lype ~nd . ·new IIr: , Hevlng . ·diFl/ct' inftl,l,tnc 41 'on tqe .p . . ' . ron~iilinii)g . 'h.o! , . . ia are. o. &bl whol.,unob.llged. Prll .. ' oa~uTl\I bent 8e,m, ~o be to engender lal called 'Ermengarde, or tile WOrtel immediat~ r"lIe'. ~or. . • ," , ... il h.. replied (0 ·tbe l.te Dote 01 AUI- Iblte. . ., 'or Ihe Blaek For,ellt.' The Aii.etll tir," ml"~l~t.r~hb, COD.ump~iye( o De ,IUO b all.t ,~ M~, . Peabody. . , , , " toc ee ..re ,uBed ' wl &ria, Ind witb tyidoDt ,elllctaDlle de· hal II well ~dlted: and ~'r8.enta, ,weekly, a~ . '. ':Sinllerit and Pu~lic c1lret tb., Ibl dOli IIOt iDteDd 10 .t. dODe "Ill do "nfinltel" more !loward. ar~ay of readlDg ~Itter wblob wllf.!filld · Trocbee , olelul hi "elelrln" ilck A.'lril . Tho majority of the produeiog ao amiolbl, aeulement of .fajl to· pie,... ,,,. vear. l.mel ,oloe wbden Italk,en b!lfore _.Inain, tor " i d 'drerel~'" than' all Dri g b aID, ~,8 S,.te8t., • r BOitoo. 'all .re e01Yin!; Middle 8tlte~• have \'8ry • eDfl>~lItieaIl1 Rny .ID~rnl r 10111 til • the . ,lhrolt declared Igainlt Ibe Pru .. illa policy. tbe ladleal epleen tha' . couldb~ Iplll-' ," - , 'Tb)( b' B n . . lered forth in a century by blue-blllts , BAlt.O~'1 'DoLaa 'WOJlTBLY_ I. 11 lti,ll I&Y· t.bal the politioi.DI. Mr. Peabody h .. dODe UI oheapellt ".SI.ine in lhe "wId bod1 •0 f aImp .IU ••• OUII. lately iD •. . . ', . ' ;., ... la· • II to leln • DILlooal "11l8'1.III~e .. emp'b"I. ID Illeb .• eOuultlOD • I ler,loe, " a•••n·... Ecagland a :popolar b ' and Widely elrc~.led . . d 1)& 'b & h h . be III.Ierll onl, And ·wheD lba' blelll8d "I now re~bed 11ft ed,Uon uaeqUII'&d :~h OIlU ;.,1. I • I en ...1D~rd~red~ time ,bill d.wn wben ai. 'S,ulphtuioll·1 io Ihit eounlry. 'EIOh "iumberl, ' ~r;.....I .... ' ... e ,PP III IIDlng no 0 ue, ueclded on H" b ' " ' .2 ' , , t",ing pbolo,"'rlpb d " d' I' " Ig oees .1ilr)l b,e cblllleQ, 'hil phi.r.n- meDte.d by. Dumeroo.. .ne 'engr"Yin·s'"' ." It y,.a . IOOOl IIlgy tb OJ, 'llb th ' 'I" " "'f ' , ' d" 1 . . ' .' ~ 00 tb'e d. ' of th• • u~der · h1i tile' . ropla "I . ~., I~ 10ltY9 kuo_- all .. ~p ,16,. 1(1 . ilMlt,· V,~UI.IYII!'1l r.•Ii.......".nd ,," . ·, 1,' ib ' lId IDg tbal he h~'lened Ibe confiDemellt. gre.t va lit)' of . ta, Ie . ........ h,• • ., ~ . o f • ~Ior~. • ..... III OQ ere· . , . I' ' ,. ' .. __.::-",., · , ., h ,', ."e 'ii' " .' '. ..., ,. l ' I .Dd II ustrated artioles; III w,i"e" ~Ial ~f ~ • '7 of t~., , ael. "e~e, tr,l n.- AaTHUR'. HOMII 11401111... . 'Ior ~al p~pi.red e:ipre..i. 'lor iLi~oolii&~• ..UlIell O1I riOU dde- tlllly repllt.lloD 10';1 . ... ..' r - ' PIIO.. th . . hD "II a II " d ~ . b ' .' . , . ' , by all: to 'b. . ,... cu p~rL of Ibe flCI of ih~ .ijl. "bo -eo~. cq~~re . or It . y ,~bc ~,gb .. aIm, and ,mClgllioe iii lh,e, ",orl~., "1;60 a feea I. oiro.mf.fuoe .nbe root. ..... . ..arelle. ~ ., ' mlu. .. fi" ~'lIe rl or Ell"J'In ~ ",u ba . :11 i: I' b I'; 1..01 •1 h.,~p.ro,"~ IDec.e"IU , t ,e ".11 ,~ II, F d TI
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& Talbol, ,Publiaben, aOl.ton,' Ma...
rt:r: C!l1I 1In,1, ('umiDt bofore pu~".einlf ,. as. 3m.
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ED" _G~ :- h i. UlloUllotd by (b. p.per. 'ba&' tbe ,ery unweleoille ,jailor. Oholar.) haa arrl,ed A' 'be lIIe. tropolis of our nalion, N." York, HaYinl{ lDade it. appearano. there thl e.rly in tbe season i. it Dol .-aiD J.9 • 'Up~OI' thai it will be cODiDed t~a& .eellOD aloDe? And al the f"ct I, w.lt
• ."1),8040 ,.......,.. .wr. -
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• • • • O.AL.
(coaWlft IT,UrOIl) • . TUlJIe .....r".ARD llOUND. CiJacilln'\i Expre... ' ".64 A, III.' ...K.1l IDd.Meum.. !a6 .... , w. . '. I known tbat ~t lIeeke fint the III~' 1011 , Columbu~ Aocom., 6.lI8 p, . . Nill:M Eipre... J,(llI A, w,' .n~ tilth, oitiee. town. and .ilIagea for, Pitt_burg Expren, 9.011 p, III. ill operation I. w~uld it no& he ,.-.11 Lhat 'J'1LU1f1 ,W .8rw41lD BOUIID, Ihe .uLhoriLie. of our "iIIage, at ae end AecoDi.. . ,10' A. III. ' early a elale 01 ponible. ,.ke suoh pre' Ni,hl Expre811. '7.29 A. DI . ollulionary meeillre. a. would. IhOli1d Pitlibure ExpreBlf, 3,llO p . i'I. Ill e .courge reael! thil re&ion. cause it, Cinclllnili Expre8l.', 4,~lJ p, 1(, • Dtt Dot IlOp. .tny to be of Ibort duration? . W•.0. qLEliENt, PreeldeDI, 'l'he coat on a .coupie bu,.hell of ,lime £ . W. WOODWARD, SUP·I. 10 Ihe pre mia .. of eaoh familr, wO\lJd A, D. CADWALLADER. Agene. not be lDuoh. wben comparlld wj,h tue CADIVU.L4l>ER & M~~LI~ Erprtu Agents. health aud.life of ~lIr itileM: A, P: DUE, 'l'rtegrap.'I Agellt, 0 ' " b ' d 'I _",- I) b ' r, wny a ow h r..... 1· l'com"1 ne-, To HOJUJEWElf ..... We bav~ proCured A ces'!',r y th., tbe autpo~iliel b\'o~e to Lake , , • . . "h" .. D 081 DO.• eae II fffy Dice new Horae·cut and are pre· aCtion 1ft L II maltcr , • . .. • l' ' h to' b pared to print herae bill. In "'he bdl CIIJ~eD leI! IOle~ea~, enoug , .ee I a,I atyle. .. " tblHr C¥'l\lIr and all I~nre , .,11l.~.&tibuL , . Ibe premilH!1 be so oloan.ed ' a. Dol 'to SoBO~'~rr :roa, ~LII1'-\ ~ ~.~e ,a prodlloe a' toii)- ~at~OIp~\~ ..e. •: cbolarahip ID O..I~II) '. 'GrJllin ~ Co. I We bave ellftioillD' 1'0nfideDcG In tbe UnioD BIII!DII.S In.tillite, OqerhD. 0,. judamenl aDd good liD" of ollr o8ic.re for ..Ie. whic.h be diepo'eed of vet, to belieYe thM if lhey ~iU I bill ' pais adYlD&a".ollely . . • • around the Bubul'b. abd tbrough t~!! SITUATION WAK'l'ElD. Riley •• Ibey will lea Itaglllln' "aler, ID. D'r ug Store. bl a ..young maD \log, wa)\owl, r&o., enollgh, at aglallc6. Y",YIUVJL'LE
-&ralIiD i. bllUdiD, hi. .aDalD.a' ill tb. B,ida,poll .,rneyard; il il t"'D~1'&" fed bi,h,aud i. 10 COtt.
• '
-Maximilian h. ordered • 1D~!Di6. g.rden 10 be ooultruot"d !leU . hil palRee. al a CO~ L or one hllDdred twenl1 tpoQund doll an, t 'rh D ' ,' J I d &; MISSES' .e ay on- ourna Ncor I dealh and p~clliiar funeral ceremoniel SPRING bOl just receivud, of tbe wife df Owen S tanley, one of g"iiIo'~"'I"J, STYLES, Ill. leadiDg men of the Gipli81 iQ thAt ooaoty. -IaformatioD h .. been reoeived e( tbe arrival oJ D~. L ivingalon9 al the Illr\re81 Ind moel complete alhortmenl ~ Bllyerl·will d() well 10 call aDd ex· of Zan.ib.r, He Wilt l\b.ouL to prooeed on hia int ended exploralion of Cenlral am·, • before purchoEl illg. Afrioa. . Street, opposite tbe Rol'CI'S -A C"liforoi. j ourQalilt, iii orilicil' I.oluee, iog Ihlt'.caoline81 of apparel of Adah .YllellVille, AprIl: 24. ' huq, ~,lInkeD., ~ue aOlres., .aid : PLAIN AND FANCY 'Wbaleyer mat be her line,iL ie 'oot tbe' clolhesline.' .ClOt
Direct from New-York!
._- - - --
-D.r, RobAck bas boe~ .bound ov~r by UOlled , I!hat.. COIDID"~loller ~~III. .1 'OJ' 'i ' h r e' 6' uay, at DOInO..". lum u .' 000, to Appear befu •• 'tbe' Q;rand ' Jury ., h .. n.u[1 't.et\b •. t anlwer to th. cbargee ag•• i~"t blm. , . ~Io 'be 'li,nqe ..~e. Legi.lat~ro o~ ~~ndAll,st, Wllhaml, of CIlrter ooun'l,mRde" 'iole"I!, ,ab!lliv. 'peeob ai'ai.n8~ Gov. Br~w~ro", , At tb~ COD' olllllon of tbe 'Reecb. Gen. Jamll BrowDlo-w. 100 ' OP Lhe Oo'YerDor;" de, oouoced.bim &I II liar and obKllenged him. " "
0' •
Vestings,. DRY GOODS,
vqu A.
, bnd
r wl.1l
bo~h ,
C&&WIll ..ch"'''eys." ' . u t' DB of all kinds. ' ...,9 10
():;T A ohild
Drc employed. '. - -'- :0: - - -
For Men and Boys' Wear:
A pn'L III .
Alway on lland in great variety. 1', T. DODSON, )866,
e!p~"'r A
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I '
IW" .0:
O' . T () It ., , J'. A.·, ;T" V I,N':' .8
E N T S'
i .,
."'11£8. .,
A)llE§' ·ij)R S-Q09D~1 ", Tn endless, VarietYJ ·and $ia . great reduction' 11;1 prices.
upper end of )laiD Stre.t, '" A11'NESVI.LL~, Oppooito Ibe flouoloin ot P",8 Wotet'! you wallt CotTee , Toa. or Sugar, Ir you wonl Moll" lel or .' IIh, H , . OU wont GPIl~Y, n~ilill$ II' FiO'F' •• U ,,.o'u wanl '{1hce,'" IIr Dried Beer, If you walll g,oQd "I~ or ~o~r, jr you lVo .. LOulogno. ' If
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the:Je~t Q~\J t
'I~ ! . _ _
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I, •
• ,O ur Stock of ,
of ,Jo.ep1l~ W , ,a 'kiDI~n. , . On the 281b rnllllnl, Mr; Hiram KiI. , 1.1', I ~I ,uPfly of . J 'l'OG Iquob b.ste. o&nnOt be mad. in 'I' , S • b wu 1..,.Uy .born 10- .1,"1 RebeuclI Ihaddook, buIlt III . .' • elelolrrc Up .: we baYe Do' ~ime to .p.re I,vmg De", . prlug oro. . II .. WaYlle.vllle. .,' m;J~Grocerles . ',,, " burDed last week'. by oomio","ID oODlieL .. ---I . b' ' dd. - et u. e up a~ oiqg,iememberilig. . '" . with II tire il!. ille lardeD. I\, .el'frioat m • '1) .9 . , . ! that 'all ounoe of prne"Li,,1 "ortJ,a II.Inr t b e 0,,1 I. 'Id I. t"" ' .' JJ4' • • • • • "' -eUCll 48IrOIll ".m.e .ole I.. • d poliO .of CII~" . A 'f , • " • .j " " ", . , " 'r EA • ... ' • Th• . Coupoit will take'"1\i('h other er, " . . .1'0 , IItlO1l81y, I DOl , f~tally, 00 tbe lIIU In,t •• lIear Wlly.neavllle" O' OF ' FEE. ' • \" burD.d. " . , .'" !!rln. M.~J E III!.~eth War~.I~,d 86 ,ellrl, . preoautlonl •••h• . beallb of ,t~e publlo ' ... ' ,1 . . !SUGAR. . A'lIl11d •• ,I will ·e l.le. ID 'thi_ t;lQnnec· . Nroa"" B..oolll-O '_ E R " a III ' )i , •
and Window-Glass,
And we'invite the Attention , of our austomere' aDd ' Friends to the 8\Jle8 and rncea 1I ,
•• nonll htlt .lhe " ,
Lamps, 'Lanterns,
CUT1ffU!IG,. i& ~AKil~~~ '8001'S 1 ~
. 'Intent' It£~iHne~
" .
, Our ,Spring Stoe~ is now , t
DR 'q G'S,
soro. .. or whloh i. tue " . painting of • yery D~.~ .ig.n o"~r the ' dowa,. a d ,,110 tb. r.m' o -al 01 "I , II bo",wln n . . • , On Ihe 191h 'natoll', in '. ' rank in, .by tbe' old awoing hame. Oall UpOD them· Rev. Mr. ' 'J'~J'lor, ~lr. John Stale, 01111 aDd ... o their:Dew g\)Od.. '. iUiss r:ucilld<" " J'li;~De. bOlli or WaY',lea. ville, I ,
- '--
~baDg~I, ~Ue '
HABDW ARE, :~ , ,
th,e le ,I hould I>e olello Ind dry.' .ud " liberal qURolift)' of lillie , will"eep,t,hem ' pure and ."eec, ERch .. IIDliI, ,hould qle from two tq live bulh. ,II of I,·..· e ' oD or' , abo.' , th ~it' . . , " p," ,m llel hrlo" ,be,iummer," r
To \YhlC;h he invilee Ihe attention or Ill. lIumerous cU8t~)lller8 Iln~ tbe peopl. generllli y',
wbo haa b.d two yearl' u .pt'rieoce ill to cqpvi~oe them, of Ihe importaDce ,of " " 'Briog' u~ Il ohlld 'in 'tb~ way he Ibe bu.iDe .., and " 'bo oan bring tbe some prompt aotion in tbie' matter, Ibouid go and wheo ha i, old be " will . U ISI!?N. DoL depart> from it.' ' Tbe toundalMn 01 best of recommendaliona, .1 10 effioieD' oy. Apply .to. a.d4~e,~I . J(ia'mi Ga. .. ,•••• _ ' . many ~ ruinous .ice i8 laid in youLb, T T D 1'h' I ' Pllrl!ntl'lllould' 00 o31'Mul where ,they Ittt" W81ne.~iIIe, 0, ' , .- II ' g.nl .e~ao I' , co,!!: .end their (ohildren for eduo"'tioD. Ober. Iinqally t'xeroisinll hi' weU'ltoo)in a . lin., Ohio-. ball n.r belln no~d .for 't!be '.ro CI~liIa of WaYD'.v1l1~. tietiq skillIn drt6~iog up the \ . pliblio, bigh oulture aod, high moral 'ODe of it - -. He ie a bonllfaotor of' hi. raoe. ;' for chileQl, I,O.LILI.·•• GIUFIi'U' & ( 10,'$ b oonecqueDc, of the DUt, "pp.!o.~J! a man ' wiLbou" ololhe.- g~od \]NION BO/mula• .b8TJ~Ur& " loat&ed of jha' 1D00l ler~ible loburge. the Ohol · cloth.. ! And Mr. Dod,oD n~y~r "ea,: the'r~ a~d, ott;er! r.r~ in~lIoeme~t. to I .~ erl I d.eem it·,my dllry to request tbe, 'h' ., ' t ' t d ' thOle loeklng Il bUlmen .duoah0lt RI . ", , . lei In 1~ f\~er.lon. ,0 In '0. uo. D~. 011' ab~ilt ' haif tIt, ,"ualratt;, De lure' to &' . . .' Oltl"n' to p"r.apare their bOUle. .nd Iy the DeWelt mo"e. 91 dre.. bu~ he d I ~ "I d • ' I't ' . .\1 I. ' . . d'r I t ' " , IMI lor" 01l01l ar An 4nl I ule papl'r . . . 4~ 4w ' ' " ,. , preml.SI-:-IO 0le8D S~ pun y :. e UII haa "be IBe.' elegant.·.8l1ppJy ' r lllbriqa before ,0iDI e 8e~ber.. olfl!r DO todaoe~e~t to II l~ lDalta a fro~ ;'1~loll b. naanufao'llte~, . Go a~ • ~: " I-! ~t" Wayn~sville, lodgement l!l oar mkllt. ', 1\ 18 olear)y be ~loLhed. , . " . , . R"bRck'. Blood Pill I arli m051 ', _ lbo daly' of ntry family to k,eep, lbt'ir _. , ' ul!~01l.6i~<lly ihii: ~~lt l" ,lulible j, pf 1111 W~ere' may be.{0u.~4 a good Block of PremllJ ~D &bdrollgh ' unitary ooDdi . ~oo·,. UD S~oB8.'I'Oa Stlw",n:~~e tb. Cathartic 1>ilIs otferea to tlie pub , lio-operating by vi,rtue of.. epe::ial , k d h Id tiOD. No bllRace or- aDJ 10 I 011 Mr, I. E ..Kt'ys· adYer,tilelllCl)t '0 thie amnity for the muoou. memblllie 01 be pffmilled;to remain oDe bOllr, The Dumber, andcalillpoD bim '(9r aonhiDg the boweh; bein!f 8ugrzr co~d they are free uee of deodol'iziog RDd disiofecting yo~ mRY WIIDL in the way of :g90d Sllb· especially .rlIlJHeCl for ,Lhl' u'8e ! of chi! agenll. i, po.hively necei.ary '10 ·dQ- lIanti,,1 "rticles of /lootraod ./i01lll, all dl'l!n and lire unquestionably one .of PUt eLroy nozioul aDd. uoplea'Rnlodor8,- mflde id the' beel aud la. test &I~'es: Mr. ~ost' 811iefllelory oatharlics aDd, ebould ~ be in cODstimL use in domeslic prllotice. ' 'fhl! fl'ee use of diaiuleclAtlte i, Deon· Key' i. pu.biog 'biD"•• and ,!~h,. ~he IIftr1 10 , P~9,fDQle heallh Ihrougl1 aoy or · people tl) .sslst bim in 'P\1~hillg. IF AN EX.... ~1'f81VE filALE AJ!iD ... .. le~aOn" H II ' • ••• • 9'" Dls'.rurDU·lflolf d·IDlt1 lum_.. 0" III,UO , "" _. 'S W " ~r fi."o . , .Milia ~.....",Jl" . " . .... B ' deo ,,", Gold a,li:! lI )'er . ~ ..... " ,DO~ 19m9 on , I more Dece ry ie it; th.II. , Ip.l ' ''f> ~ The elle.y .b , _Ie~ uli!U{0j ~ on . t the' Sale.roolU o( Md sR , Rf.'£ u.&: 8RO., 0 thOll14, .... them un8p~rin&ly durillg our olll.ide. wa. reRd ,aL tbe laat meel· 3" Libel'lt 51." N . V, ! J'h( . e goodl are .old nl Ibis oomiDg "hen we , are ioe of 'he '1'81cbera'a AllIO;Cilltio~, .t 'I'WO DOLLAHS ~~ A(; H" fI~(lAnDLts8 , in: 'DYE S'~lTI FFS, I , Mint ALV E, !:icud 'l'W 1,) 'l'Y·FIV': OI!:NTS {UI threatened with thi. U.DooDqubr.ble fID Lt!h.,·noD, . It ill 4ecidedly , iije I'" , ,u ne. num".pre"~ .NolI1'8, or ONI!: n.oLLAR {o. eDlY' It is_'t~! ,~uty, of' all. for tbe aod Dle.leobolai'ly produott,on that hili !:i IX . l'be number ou ench Nolie.. PAINTS, pl'eaenalio~ .btlalth ot lhi8 4lom· Ilma~.ted frona the IDILitl1le. ,nd 0111' Wilh &h~ lumller '/" ,olll"lU'\iGleoCgoo~.,whicl, mlloilY. for ~JI .r~' alike ' iotere8l~d, ~o reat!er:e "ill LhaDk.ru. fdr ·ita reprodllc' ' will be lel'& on " ..ceipr Of tit. ·Vh. 010 ley wit . 01'8, . be refund ed if Ibe guodl do tlol,give lalll(oclion +" assi'l iD purifying tbe tow~, lioll. Agenll make 'rw I;; NT.'Y ·n,V,E 1J0I,LARS,pe, ~l Let each bO\4t1llholder be relpoosible •• - • W EI.r)K. ' 'end for'o Cirelllar, R";~D ~ !lBO., e ,:" ;' V (or Ille olearrline.. or (be premises tbey R" At the New Drll, · S~or~,lfes,~., P. 0, il ox bias. ew York. , occupy-1M "'r~ft, aU,y, 'tOg'p'''. and Ro.oberry & NeRI hav.· bee ' a.aJlillg ,Olli ce: lH Llberly I, ' ' 4ll1Yi
th~ cellarl;
Ever o1fered'in WaYnesville,
H \.
e' ·In~~. ."., I ' you ... lil S.lI bJ' Iho'.nck. l h, or IJ ,I,
H" vO"
WIi ,,1
want iSlnI'ch. Rice, Sod.\ ! Cr"sID of
Pellper.' Oiqt er.CIIIDtimoh Bark. ' I 'c "Io.el ' 1\ liP' e "" , tr you want to g e t drutlk,' don'l ko ')Iete. Are rrepnred oillyI (or B ' .1 ... 1 purIf .00 wont To))oo';o of teo ..'ll('lI<Ihd' • • , . . I ,., ,. pOle. ond are Ihe 011 y Bafe Inu \l1~('ctlve 11 yon ".lIt SboviJlg , GOrlnan, Ro. II\ ,or ...... medicine lor females (lxtant, !:iOIt.,. ' , ' Do nollrlfte wltlt your hea,llh, a\l~ ~.e H ytl ll WllIl' Ciprt" . ' . cheap .nd dllllilero a medlUiJle, wllle}, IJ '\' Il want Oytter. ill (bul1ell, can, lI'oo,or have Mid Wil.1 ,recQm- " ", ' I. • .I ' I '1 " II" ' I ' . ~ ... ",' .' .. ,OHWO e , . SPIUES me beina jIYhbruut 'of tl'ltlr quohtlllB, ' . " J' k • BI k ' ilOlI, th., the O'!IIUOI WI eDao', .a .or· PriD'I ·wi..... to tb., I.die. &bal _ -;:< " II"I" C" M ~ WJR8~OW " )lYIITIC P1Lr.. cimect If yon l'falll n or " ~c 109" .• ~: 011101 m.alDg I," ". . ,lhia .I.... ni, .perrulller1~ '" , C ':1:1t11, •Ctir+.efIlcl .... "Uk' " , ' . . . .~.. ' nil ir'regul~rlliel R , ,.' . , • I .f ,you WIID~ 'c Bu~kell, B",k811, •\ ... It., bl'Igljory ,OD a II . b. ha. lom&-uf • , ·Eiw ~-'. •. • • J , ,l.Id 1,l lllllfuluUlflalrUAllon: II orW 'e ' , .II L ' . ' 'b b . D" -• n ob ' ,fu '- illl~n. ' wbelher (rom If you "811t roe ery ftr. 1 , :lIlt lau aMp \heIr prem,"e. I.p t r. o,~oug "bleb j, t .....filed br' th~, • • C..bioDabl. Wheat 'n bUlb. I 70 @Ill 00 A c!oair1llle ,lIlUrl",eo' ~.f. ,.. remltf°ye a N0 m' ." Ill"n w'lfe I or Jf, oI'OU W!\lI(,lo go ""a~ dry. I ,olthe.. ....... ~UIOJiI I" 4 "1'. I CO 0,.. 0\ hetw ••e. .. t:: J j " I "llIltarl ·~DQI~tOD. world ... nec ....ry'olb.per(8I1lio.of· . R.'.: 1I , " " 1",', ,.' ', 60 I'". " ouldbewhtlunllhem~ ,.; eliled. " ", " . ' . l Reapec&{ullt. I 'r , : ' . Ihe or " tarllacl, of &ute.' Go ' { tj.,~ ,~ " .•• , ~'I •• •~ ' , '-' .6.N~ t, , S·~O Try them~ u•• e ~ccfol-ifilJll to directlo? If ,You. wa~j YOUfJug Menl ~owo elJ'r,ty. ler.'d II Go• . . I WMpaT Mayor, ' d .. . U ·· \' ~ '. " I , .J)B~~".b~' , ~\, ~". " , : , < I~i ,. .i, . , i ' lid be cllD9inced Iba' ~Ue~ .re t'16 ,L.tpY' ..-,Ihoul . ,16",(ul order " . r ~ ~ 'j, ' . " ) ' 80 ,,~· ~om•••J' a ".al. CprnT''' .t . ,.....-.•.....,.--:'T ' FRIEND " I, " " _1 rr you w~,,1 Pop.Ctlrh, • ... ' - : •••; . • ':. : . -:II ; , :' 'JfI611 .: 'f< blirr,l. >t . 111', 1060 Ask (or WIlIILOW'8 M'nlrlc PILLe, I( you W81l1 Pf,u. Con,bl, Pipes, qr 'Mleari4.-. , ," Elliptio SklrLI .Flo!oM' I Ii., I '. 61: ,7+, , ' . t . , • ,"'\ . , , 'ruk" per box .• 01. • '. ,L ' I! \ '" d' •.Bu"erJ,.., Ib ,.) t • JII " , \ '\ . ' BI~1)OUE I1ll1U 1:0:IL8I'\ur 15. 1'Pllr IIlIe ii, 011 dru~CIBt. V,),OIl waut MalC hea • • 1 EDltOItJ. !l.UTU : , " , .r~' tb., u~'l i'l l ,b. ~"'i'k.e" ' AO : ~rd ,i 1b " •• I I' I r I .r . ~~ UU.vu. . .lJl · 'U'lJU , ,.'\ , '1 \ J'. ' ;.. I ~.. , ' )' 'f . .; , ~,~~, w" \1 B~.,.!. 9'1l1n,or.cnc~n, ,~ ~ The Wool·Gr(lwe'... . A ••ool"tion"'m.tt ate proDo•• c·4.~" b. Jad!8- ib •. ,per. i~If'8 ~. d~07.~n ...... I~ .,.p,', "J'Uo . ' " I ' "\ "d.,/ ', ' . . . 1 " If.yp ~a .. \~~\orOI' S,,4reet,OI arTy ~,I nil " to adJ' .. onrnq,e " nt" a' ,b. QOice (eotloD , of .rl, .ap d ~ 'COlDlort ' I ' , ~ re cO\lltllol\ , " mIl'" ng • ult Opl, OWO"'" lq" . L. ~ .,.., I, "ot_,s DI'led"App ofoll.ne fJA; ~ J,I, " ~~, II',. iU " " , ,> ' QDE~'II' U ,r.tre!, . ..w..... 'l'DL ~u :.I H. JUg ~aD t.. ' ! .. ,,'. l' . aacordin, l il I ' II .to. 'n~ ' d Il h ' "r I . ~ .II .l'.: '1 l ' 4 00 ~u '.II " , dol I' . 11 you wallt Apl,le. , . ' l of S.nllire Key. - Viae PretldtDI 0'· me.at•• A "n. nan , a .,. a . ne . ~blckana T' .....ell, I . J; .Q:)'"VII, ,~,,, eXlmlllb, " compare pr cea, I J. .j. '"., ( ,' " t'C n" I~1 B .t,Cor~a or Clot",,'1 > ' • " .... t . !f:A1 j JI) , , a, . I 7' • ' 41& , you we I • u ,ou , " Nti}' ju tb. 'cb.it, " DaY.lIi Furna, 'W811 I·Pply_ • Y, j ,. ;, . ' >" 'N 0o:'\'!' rl~ n ~1I;~r' " lib " 5'(j lIO' April. 1 66, ', ' , -,', Lille" . 1 , ' , ,: ' &cr.ta,., '1. • . ••: ' , .. " .. ,II Jr N:.O, Molt.dO. , , r ' 86 I • :.;.: '£ I' 0 I t UE QUEEN OF , H fUU WIIIII Ind l«o. hel, O " ' .... 0:7 J~hD '• •rcin Will hays a ••1e ' of Sorghuw "l' I" , ,, l' 00 I'!', ' .I • I( J'oJ w~ nt Fa.,er or l:':nvolope.. 1 D mOlloD ,I wal' NIOI"ed (0 .... ve a ., , ' ~ "II ':10 11 flU T/~~" of" Qhio, Warr.ffl ,Co.; 1/ 011 wallt MUlLarj/ Pllblio Sh;ep: a~e.riDi,,1 UDcJ~"': tbe ' di · h\o~.leholcl ·ltood~ ,.~ b,11 re,lId4!D~~. OD Cu,,1 ~t T' gJo on ~ I ~h a!u.., Qmwrlght F B.p1l.J1. , . If ~"u ''V81'' 10, .1:11. o~ Iouy lJ,utle~ or ~~" rtctiOD 01 lbe AU04li.UOD • •to ,b'. b_1d 'I bud Str~et, beglDnlO:i. al , O' ,o lock. t 1 < ~ . ;. ~ :.! 1 'e.i 01 , adiUel Jone~, ub'lilled. • i ~ <. '" IC -,ou w~Df ~1'Juo~~e and <:b." ~lbg ~,_, , 011 tbe firel dal of ' II. · .t tull " reli, 00 ~~urdAI ,of t!lilt "eek • . ~lJe , pllb , -:lbUtt It.6tlnclltl. 'II~ ~I etl Edwaflle., on tli" dl, 01 Maa. Wt".LOW'S Q,UEEIf H.t~R' R~B'l'?", If )'ou '''illl ~..eoe''' P.p~[G'ItH.or Clona"!on.
:n t
~ Bracl&.~'. DDPl~x
,g" . .I
l\fr. . Wmslow 's l\Iystic P il Is
~al)/,:,'i .,~
~. ' Cl~IIPQ{~~ o\le:ha~r\nile ~re
!r.ip·JI ~'1"
~ ' I ' ;; )~~ . " '~,'1r·c>, H8t.~~·~~~~~ir~X~~tI::ll;;~= ~~:T~~~U~~N, nut on.? in Mnu;; b~' '" :, lpd FOatJ.,o~I1,~ Articles.1 uTe Ei ' lo!l.1J&lley, ' \)onltablt', ExeclIlI~n l re. . Nt " Iu '. Ultra. , . oC" 'wl>,S "': rfyoua~ctrunk orin thliblbit 1 h b ,ren ill, di-nt ot~errlt( LUr'D~ bOllieliaHedlor ' wlnt or Jlrol1~rtJ . J, ge&4l ag drullji or .. ".... ohbeb·... you ...." as &. :rI:'~ !o._ ~ble dly dillolved bl mtlill ' ' wl;lch dime of it.. ' 1.ld III) <ha"lid by' ' ;AII inl.~h~lo R.B'T,!nJ/l~ ~nl~ '~RE'''VU' ,/) GU~I"" "Il~I~tD.~u, S'F..AY. ~ '!)' AYJ oI;:I~ I aenl 'fhe ,.hira or t~e I,~e /irm taiut,. ''l'h1I-li.''to< 11111 lor a re"IYI j ol of tbe Hur If fe"blu y apr e , • ,. ~2.61~. . . ~. .l"i
" ,
»rrr allJ!.dll,!',Lfd,l~~lj'hl,!'~11 ll-~~ ,~, ~ b,e, ll~nducl.e,d ~r 1:~
~o,. " P~i"IZ,
" 'j
~r ~Ie.~
• ' , ' I"J 4.w:..,.-
' am8 B AiR D'I1!i"QIJlO
))~unJ!;~r', J~I,tice ~r
"AI __
':'11I\le .eL'ded bi llie rilll'ri;ljf Plrtiler, lit: ·•• Id~ in'.~IICCO!<d:r' to .... act"p... ed (II ' It ' $ no HQir , dil.~i ,. ilf, . A, E . ,." .• hf ," Ii UpOJl t)IO pr lhe knowlI ,.'i' thle 'l'1tcl. vr~ 1fI/W(, will her ' cu~~o, ttl b" ! OBI-AD OR.AFT boir chDnll'illl-:re,y h.ir tuilurlglDsl hIe .uer R, PII!'U•• wh. ,', ,I,P ", ! . " . ' coldr; cit-cay and (ull. b "e,8, liv clo e .nd. p~rltty,~!qli , t.. tl~n ,m i~ ',0.";'- ::..1'1 OA ' " Wi "-- 0. SS inll oul of Lhe huir,. erldiclliQQ: .uu~1 ".lId to btlilinelr; td rece.. ~ .'-lIb~'Pal I Ih,re .L fI~ " ? f - '!I i ,, ~., " ,,-.:.,.. 0., • dandruff Ind curini .11 bUDlor. orAlie. of public p!,lrulla,e a_ bill bite" bereloror.e a •• E. I ihe Icolp,' - , ., .T ' .: :u . ' day Dl,b,- "Ill ~).... .~p',oar Irati. lI\Vtll,r,de~,,~e oJ~,:~r'l!', : ' . J'lIllce.lo: 1lJI~ lu~ WaYlle 'Iu,~Qllup III ' It ivill c;'lnge dry and wiry ,III' to lort - I. &11. '~Ie · of n.hDoral •• w. , t dlt. Th.ir m ••lo batl"•. · ' .. A. E, ME ~~TT,. stud C,p,.lJJ'ld Sll~'. p'er'IJII.Ily', Clame luxurianllreuel, ;. ' obtef'l'tbaL II....... O~"allader & a . , ", . I. - ' t Ji;."~'fPRlNJ.~, .. JOSI4t1 GItAt1'. {~U, 01, ,lit. , t II im parllt a d.n,b~ful fragrance to tlte 00' b ' " " '. ' j , • .~ 1 ,- W.ynel,yllle. 0., Apr.! J. 1866~ , , ntl9'~ '.ltrll~ und , ¥t,de' 80lemn amr· ir, 11\ Ill"r'. \I you willi 10 r .. ro'e . 10lle of, ,b. . . . fl* 'r ; a llatri,lllOliJ. perfor.td ' b; our -N B -Per.on. Jlnuwlir, mellon \Ml '.el:l , eet fertb jl-! Ihe your hlir ' .. ill)' ulb, and ret. In It tbro' aalDlDe b' b ' I I' 111e . --,.. " , ... • II · I b I , , ' , . r ",ar. W' " , ...- o.tJaaD 1 ' Dew' M'Jor. lDiaM •• r,' "p~ri."ly inclllbtcd!o the II.lefirrn of ,",e~rlu Ind .buYII pel t on are.oorr('cl,'1 Ie e Ie el, We, Ule ' . . , . ..tilale, Thel ' ate be•• •• Dd. w·b., b. telllle4 'JiDg 'be O'oN.(.'..iaQ IIthe,r by A.1.,llll 1." tJ4r •• aUf"' 1JPatz • ". of aODfle of ~""Dl imfiottaDce ' ,. Will OOlDtI ~or.Jrh"t tu:,,,,e "l~,:,: ~l!t\ dlJ ~orn ,~ IlIti ' b"cr'b'd tI i. lfjlh d"y rrlcl ,t l . bottle, B9ld by .11 drlll,I". fall I d ' ,' d f< ' • Ihe •• me. B8 t e til' en 11;1111 c oee \ .' IU . J C I , I' .JOHN)) PAltK Y 0 oreed by tb. Queen. ':a.blon. . . 'l'b~ prolpeo~ ~8 goo or a crop Tit" •• ~8Ifinll demuU. will. Jouk 1M lor , or ~jlfll. A. D. 11\61", ' , '1 Ge .( A 'I C~cju.Dall '0. Go "lid ,et ODe, nerll.d,:ef""u, I"of a.pple8 In .lbI. etClton. Ihem.el,e~. 4Ja. b. I oill,'W 1:" DUDLEY, J .P. Q!) Iy II" . ,
lI~p~1I1., .~ ~".,! ib~ ~!l!f~:
d,lIct of O. lio ir,iled.lo be _ iuL 01 Corwin. on tbe Wilminiton . ,. .... '1 ( pi" All 11 " d/" I ' P" Wh~ tOl·ft. lillie II '0 ent)' ." w, 0 , ~te 1D.'lIreetc , n ' woo,' deloflptiuQ. "'aDd' indeed e'i~~'lbiDg' 'Ol&e. ~ro.IDI are IDYUed ;~ .l4eD4'. aDd II E R P' ' b' If fully i. dllirable Ib..& ." ... D1 .a. oa~' brinK .. ' • ~'Dt •• pro,c Ilml ~1D,e . ' ''''''me•• for ,baarinj' .bouid ha"e' .. \D' &be.'011 tb < 9 · '1" k " ' . ~oree, blm. • L .. . ' .' . y , oo,oc • I ". ' , . . . ." '.' • , -., .A.. P :JC?'NI,lL. J!r~. ~. _ The eiereDadefi wllo 10 oharm· 1>41'11 F ~ ,. ' I VoJ I' t . • ' U••"I.. y, " , I , ·OI.ly ,9 11 f Irllmbe.fI'.OU ,
~ilh '
~ltI. ~one'l1the~: ~r,lee'l\I
pr~' 'l~~. "' ,. '
,t' m'
~ll'f1m.el'el ~c::",a;~oulllt~
,.fll'~OI» ~
8.rf..e , ~ .. ~elibaG'. ' ' I '"
An ES8IY or W ernill( ,iDd lor YOl,lni Men •• AI'o, ili,lIeAlea Ihd Ibuae. which .• \llrely, pr06lrlll,e tho viltl pOlVer', ~11i el,lrll lIlea II ot rehel.. Bent rr&e al ' cliarr., In ,4f.le4Uetter "nvelo"", Addr ... DrJlJ, How ..rd.Altlloolall~n. Phd.de'pbl., R•• ,30. ~1-' ., " . . ,
Enlplofrment-$10 per Week t , . h Elt} er' .aK eult.l.le
At your own ome.. I .... U , An AGENT wante4 il' Oil, and .Town in the United Blata. , Lar•• ,rollt. realized . E,er Illd re.pectIDle. For foil pftrtlculars Iddre.. DR, WARNER, ~3) 6t galt 11th 8'r.ct, N. Y. eiIY. . <
~~~~~==~~~~~~;-~~~==~~~~~~~HE~LM~ ' ~Bo~LD~~~~~D~.~~~~~=r==~11·8r66~6F.~~ J.:i.::~'~;~O~BI~:::·lltJ::f G~ WAGON . LU D ·£ T £ m.oo; BLOOD PplLILIALS. r.NSYLfOIlIlEnUL.... l "llIe~ I ~~~ New Am.... BLOOD DOtIIJI. TNt'k R...,. ID a pew adjoiDia. ooe iD ... ' .. ),ou,lacly lor "bo.. ~~ cOOCJe".d a ludaH ..d yiolenl p",'lIn. " ..I tIe.l· roan 01 enteriog iolo co.rllbi, 011 lh. rpo' hl& tbepl'" Doe "'"'8 a.iltl"le or ~ rorlDai d,olantilla. the eli,.~y JI tb. 0_ . . . . . . . w.., follo"tllg h~ Alia f, i, Pl.o,"bor H.po)it.l, S·Lt.. --.I ' th ' . Df'Ll~. ope-- .• ' .. .. ~ pin .cueA III t_ lUi ow,. . . . . t: · •A'" eow ..... , Iii b I I beleel b lh•• , I" laO'·... wrote a . . . COID. . . .IINM ••&o ' lhee, bQt tbM which w. II" ".. .... ~tio· DinSr l~ . ,e loy. 0 . . e.OlIa".' She r.tllrD.' it. POiOliD, &0 ,be tJ Epiatl. of Ru,h. n .... 'caolll: 'Thea .b. {eU 00 h.r I~c• •oCt bo.ed , 1I....ell to Lbo
r.:,.... ..
. '10. Tb,,',"becrlber, "ayio, purcb. . . . ., , BLOOD PILLS, . ...... I bu.me•• ond atock receady beloD,UIf 10 . BLOOD PILLS. . P1Tl'SBURO TO PHIL-ADELPlU4. Pror, EGuaT .I",cu o!'. R OJlSRT HJ!nuIT. doh n W, Collen, wl.he. to cailibe III.,,· roa BLOOD PILLS. --.-•. D ,. D,. Euca..: V~LPU.O. Jr, liun 01 F"fllen .mJ olhet. 10 tb. fact . . ' . AI fitt~bu'K. tr.lo. 'rolD ttl. Weel r~ Tlittultio1tiil di'pnuary. tllublilll, tl 18S9 Ihal he i. engaced in lbe lIIer,~IICI'" of. l!rOD·reteDt1oD or hOGDbDeDce. D BLOOD · PILLS. tlirellt 10 I"" Unio n Depot. -hlrl ...~ 81. ,e.r. o( unriyalled .UCUII In lis. Urine. IrritatioD, Ida_aUo lU",OOD BLOOD lIer. IIf8 lran.terrt'd Lo lh. Trlln. 01 lhe (f ' d· . ~.nd .A n1 ' t1 f 1.'" Bladder or Pl'LLCI0. POlln.ylyanhl COllu.1 Ral h.., -hie• e~~. o( n~',.I ..orm 0 prJ\II\e 11••• e II prep_red to 111/. ilt I"e or. .,.&cera OD 0 Jle 'D BLOOD. lone Piuahr, .ad arrl"" otbe~ ....a •.•~ lIIU!"t to ell ler .e~. , '. ~b lit I d 011 Ihe .bart"l KidneYI Diles"l of the .dCIII- BLOOD PILLB~ II follows ~ . ro .. ~Ctttl1C' alId Fal,. J)taltpn Victorlou, ett ~IY ~ ' . I?~' , • ttd lIoliee, IOnythlng' lI hi. hne. .., tate OlaDd StoDe 1D the bladder, BLOOD PILLS. }hy ,ExrJlus-UDvea.PlttlburR &12 OfJtr 4"I'''y''I~'m 01 r. . • R et.ln iu" Ih. _ervicel of Mr... ". , B . kd ·t A NlI QO A M 1I0ppillll It prlnolpal lll" w. inlillill l, CUf~ 8yphlllll, Glel'I, L1~ KOIP nod olher 8up.rior warhleu. Oaloulul. Gr,;vel or flC UI Arrly'ea ~t Altoon,,' III 7.33 A. GoOOrrl;~I" Jm~ellllr. N.ocllirntd Illd dj· he gu.r.llle~. Ihe ulmo.t IIti~'.cli• .' Depolit, and eli_e.lelof the rone 8.3's A. M., {Bp lte!ollt,e uroll Emlll.unl. , Cornpl'lntl p, l:uliar 10 (t:l" A one hor.e p!.nlllioo W.goD bladd8'r k1dneYI aDd dropl1cal Lock Hnen l f1.l9 P. 1\1 .,) H'~Jiablllit (em.lu •• nd .every (ur'll of priYMledl~ • .,e (o, ... le. G. HJNQH.IlAN. • • , ABE UNEQUALED 1.10 P. 111., Bllaillloret 6 .30 P , lIl,., Ne, 01 wllll ll \'ar lIome or IIllurt'. Sperm_lorWlynenoill •• f\eb.1I1 . Iwellingl. York. vii Allenlo.wn, at 10 .36 P.M., P',II, ,baa or S.. II·~ bua'. ·lbal e llrl! qf tmXltr", . ,...,.. 1'01 0Jl" tl I hi • t I) 60 PM ' d N ,rouaPd ..-d- ~idl'':!> bU.: ' Wb.y b'I'bre,II .,anl!wJ. e..iJ~ IIld .peedil, cur.-d, ~Ild ~pe 10( A.DQUeeme" HELl\{BOLD'S 8e~'Oful(l~ SIlPllflllJ, 81"'110 DU~i': Phi~:d~IPhlll i ,~ 10~27'~, K:ew, .YOIk, lOUD graoe IU u'D' e,e••• UllIg .. nllry Iru. of .1. lembl. f'lJ'ecl. erell.c.· .,1& • fillS", Ol(l t;QJ'tiJ,$(&lt MAtJUtn., E I.e aID •• 'ranger ,. . led 1/11 .yele m. "khou!' detenlion B. & B~ 1'. .A Jl T l[ 0 JI Y -., Dy_pepll'GoJ' ,ItuJigution, CIIWllUIATI XI'B~S- .ove."I"",,,. · .He "t!irlled bool poioling 10 tbe from bUline"l. Youllg inen. Ioear 'th.ie ill WHOLJ>8.A1.l'l .. liD lIET~". I' ~,IiO A. ·.III " SLo pping ol lIelfly IU' ''' &hii'tee'Dlh Yen. 01 i'bird Epi.ll" 01 mlnd,lhal we are ill pot!liouio ll 01 th e I I ' "~a I~'t" o~ Photonra'fl/iic 11.0'" . 1 lion.. Alto.ol~·t· 3,110 1" , 11" Uarr)"ltlrlf 10bD -'Bnillg lDaDV ,bill,1 lO wrile S.crect receipt. ~nd method of praclice ~uan'V C !J . I "C: V 8.bOt P,lIl" ar rivloa.. lit P!i1r"delphi, I 1., '.. ., . . 0 I I L II d H V I flO '. l'OR 10 A III. By thlll train puae'I'ert .0&.0 ]l01l. 1 would noL wrlLf with Dell of u velwel. II em.u. unlM, e· :It" tUm • ( d' U i D b W · au \.k btl" 1 'fUllt. .bo,,'''J \0, ~lDe pe • ~" •• n.\~tlrd Inil otber Ifdl liable 601 1SUAD""'YI.:" " L',"~O:;=i~'!!i'l,,'';~~1~~,_., drr~II~,firre..1 a& I non ;p 1'. TSlt'}lhll l' i ... " .1 ..... .t L. tb ..' in 1II00e,n m.dlllll, r"'~u; fOJ h II I I.el 1'0 .d,\hlon to Clur m.·ilt bUilD", PlIo-v ~, ~ II 1 .\ .. reel y .. lO ' i xp,.,.. · rt\.,'" "Ow •,/011 I0Il11 Ip". .•.c. . DICe• • of the . , d w. lo,r.plli, lI(a,erlol. , wft .r. ~e.dg,*"lil (8 re. New. York. ,ellcltlllr tn.re Il 6.30 ..' . . Yer, a tea tea Ilnporlance,;an our l 0 1 ..,ay b. ful~. . ' • would .. k any m.n ot nerogs commoll 'or II.e follow ln .. , vis : '. f " Ii' '1:._.1,. .••• P lllLADELPBlA EXPRI:III,[-.Len,a IUA.rl .. AliI . ing rom. I I t Pit'· ... F 'OlD •'h• • bo,. Inl.nw.a . ' len•• how IIUD lhe Ibou,ond . nd oue . blll· " .t.0I~ ond &m~ litftlt. , ~xc,.. ,or _er~'91\,' burl III ' ,1 0 P. lII ••, .topp Ililt 0111 urih 'I' look place lhe " !I.lilo,,· "eek. low prelelldera or l·lie day. wilh lheir tee. . • . , tipal 1101.lon&. ;Arr~ve. It J.;at.rob~t'6.!. Of lh~,e we hue In amulea.. Th. COlllliluliull. once afl'ecte\l b, Or· E ... . 9 3'0 h': b' · •• ble .nd I.. efficienl romedi" •• Ilope 10 eO~ll' melli. including War Scene" A ' . Ef'1/.~ ' , ~,m~, l't'p~.01t8. 1'. M.•· AIIO(lIIa . . P. ¥ .. ~erfl* ura G30 . ,. pel a with us 1 ," .. ..1;; W•• kne.. renuire' d" . ·Id, of med· .~, w",..,ftllou. 6'1..,,_ . . ..... Baltimore. 7 ... 111,,: New y ....r~,\ ." Ro Willi B •• and ForelllD Citiel ... d Lon" ~' ... ~ Ie vv .. .. v,. ~ 0=7' Tb. I...· Y. lID arnett Yeunfortunlte.;er, trulIlinr your hellth Group•• St.Lual')', flt·r ,., eto. , A I to 'Ir.~ltbell loil l lmtllt0rlte Ihe ' . ' auIII,p t ete. • A lIelltow!l. ,0 "' , lII" VI,II.tlelp.!,!". ~i 7.10 .r Pbil.d.lphi., "a••1 ecc.ntrio .1 b& .rid /mouey 10 hurl Ie .. ch.rlllnlll,.t lellt volvlUe 8tereolCop88. IlIr put.lio 0 nl. ,i ,.,em. '"rHflll-' H.htibold·. Elftr.ct Buchu II Ii II . I!' a D . It II ' , . ",. ar •• '1U1 New York. vi,~ Pbil.delplill,l\ w. . . Ioq\le~&••liel alt'l!lug.b ready wit. write to Drl. J ac~,oll. Herberl &. Co.• l'xhili\:ion.' Our Cliaalogl,le will "IU ~ ~ l( b b' , , , , ., , r lR .96 ~. II. I3leeping Cllrl rU11 throucb 0, &ed aDIl aeldom .1D1I.rr....ed .by IIny of who will at once lelurn you \l kind.' lIil· 10 auy add,e •• UII receipl of el.I'II,. ' , IIDflrl"r ~.. • 0 lr'~tme!lt .'U· oI0~ ~~:r )!:n:i~t:J ~'::' ~~::~ thill Irain (rom Pillsbllr, 10 B.ltlmore'N die IlIrro\aDdiDi'~ th.r. "'" 00. oeo,· creet.od ezpllcit anl,wer, L"dhll. WrlLI! I'BOTOGRAPUIC ALDU... milled to. co\,uumpllon" ur Inllnlay danceoltw07eHr", ' Pbihldelpbill,lilld lO ~ew ~(jrll,Yi'Allea. -joll I. wbiqh b., c••e air. OQL of a (or our clr~III.,. . . I cI b '0,111. . . . AN(;)'l1HSB wrlle.,his .1iI oured DIler t.,wn. ,I ,. ';,ordc6allie& IIcond .bt.l ODe evtn . D, . .hehon·. Famlle Monlhl,. Pille, We w.re the ·flr.t 10 n,tru uc. I e.e hl~::'::'~~':':'~~::!.d\~,;a~",e lno"rabl'e, • F.a~T LIR"':-Le'yel Pm.tilr; II 10 · , " 'M '. !)rlct' , I per b,?z; t!lll'li fine. t6; 6 ,,10 inlo the C ~ited ~lItet. 'lI.d W.ln.IIUr8C. ilELMBOLD'S A-NOTHl:lfwna CIIr.... of f~er ODd Ape 1If~ " ••• Iloppln, 0111, It pr.nclpol . ta\loll. IPr. "lill. ~.1arD" WU pre.chlD" lo alld eft'eehIP\ remed,. for III irrejlullritlca lure Immen •• quanti tiel In ,Nllt ytlrlety, ' . ~m*ft:rr~:~~.l'~~~~v~~l\CtC;re "bleb Arrlvel al Alloon. lit iI . lO i .M,. HlIIiIo a c,rQwd.4 bou.e ill lbe·lubllrb. of Lhe and obilrOlllio08 ir\Jm wh.tev .. r call1~. i'loglng 1,1 "rice from 0(;) ~enl'lO tlio ..",rw,.ln'_1 had u l.1ed fourleell :1NrA. j . burg' 8 ,116 A. N.• Baltlm!'ret IIl.SO ,.1, chlt1. "l'--(lIIDg ,.,olDlie ..n "h).o ," .. I 'dillinr&: ,io '1'.he lldouillt.ln·'ol LGlgli'~' or Mdedui'EI ProII' eOfCbh., Our 'Alb uro~~1 ~l::I~I'It~~/:fr!':t;I~~ ~~:I"~II~r.!'~tl~~tiJ~~:tr!"ner N~~ f or" .t Yio AIlI/It!oWo ; 3:40 '-I, t ~,. 1'1:[" l18ar: \ pu P1L. e~ 0 &Ie leelor UII ) arrlage u ue, all 1111 xp '", 0 ellt"uper l 0 . . . . . ~ C<tIDI,lalnt eOllld be 'Ul61'11IMe<l;11l which the Pbtladelpl,i*t I.U) p, ~ • .1)ld Nell foil obllrcb. aro•••nd ,lowly- lDade her WAy CiL Key '0 LovfI Dud Dea uty. Conlajlllng to II.I'Y <;Ilh,rl. They will. be ••0\ uy In .ffolllloni peoullot to (eaul'l8I, '. . Purtller aad Pill» work 'like a ch",rlD. viII Ph,iladelphia. Ii li .4!1 P. II. ' to;;y.rd ~b. 4oor., apparellily io iodi"'n,,' aoO plgel ond fOO pillea.: . ,(;:3" '1'1111 ill mall. FBU. -OP nceipt 01 prlC'. .Br · ·akrad, tDir.mrio. ta.I~, • bo uk ,.01,1 W.I~ t - price "60 ceo IIj 3 -~..J ' FAue A.,lboml lQlMlo to 0"., ~ qti.led by aliI Plhe~ p-repir..liolli .1 '!.n ..1ft..... • OJ' .,11...". tiqn .~ IOlDe r ...."1rIlID 'btl •• rIDOII.T.SS . , '. • . .,. Dail" , .t ol~,tr tra im. &mdo", ,,,,.,.u Th. preaCher .torp.d .udden)y. lIod 10rS·llne d/~UQr. I ' d'd' . , I t I Card "bot~grap"8. , ohlorOli. or .. entlon. hrelul.f1tie.. • . y ~"i" II ..... hi . i b .1 ' en d ur uur sp en I elreu ar con. II· P I I I or S '" " on of •••alO-.ry. . nDd .horounb I'IIISlh..-, IItE!:.»IR Cals 11" n.r-hed 1(1 ell NI." .~ • " .' UDt . S • -otl,llle rO~lIu to Inll' mote In qllami!), lIud of IIUp~riO' quol. Ou, C ~t'Jogue oow ~lIlbruee. o,~, F.i'e a n,u ne.. ~p .. r~'" ..- ,.. . . i ~b~r9'l"".9.etll~·" ..1'l'h6Y «cl .~ .II Trains to PhilulliHphiu" New Y01~ :~ &li~ .h,.d o! tb, JOppoAlle ~be, ily 10 IIny 01 die Mo.callee! • pamphleta', ~b.uu.alld clll1i~ i'e.!t lubJetl,, · 10 whlGl1 ad· EYlcUaUo"l. Ulceration · or .~hir'u. "." . l~~!.O~r~~ B.llimbre. .. : J . ''. p.lf)i&, "~,,,, all oould, HI· bOlb pat~lea RemfDlber Ihn we 8elld I wrillon ,eplv dlllllli ure cunlUlu.lly beinll' lII_d.., ,of of 1·lIe Ulr!ru~, Leullorrlusl'. Ind.ll ~om· ."On'~'\IC'"' whl." 18.lon .• ,,1 'BuRlo,,,, c; lieplred lhrol!gb IDcllr..r. -Lb, o • •ded .ip.... 1.4 th,offenJing 10 ever, leller, "R•.clolJ)' ada pled to Ih. Portrlill!,lf ewillenl Amerlc'ge, elc .• VIZ: pllall'lt. illc'1~ent to tlio lex. wheLher ar!.l illlt 11 purpU,e\ ,I., 1 red (ree. · , diy.i n_wh •• 'hI ~led o.. &.r~ hi. Ibtill · pWiculu . cue \l1I~er lIoll.idenli~". be. ,bout.·. , . f~om I..'bit, '!If .uis!'lpu.t iorr , imprlJdeoelei. 'I'ICKETI Pull Tlfl E.A" T (inlllu~iul 81"' voic. 10 he,. -GoOd DiaM, daughler of CIIUIO ill the lIalur.· o( Lhln,• . each ellc ' ,100 1\1~Jor.GenerI18 • . 100 L1e~l.~~I"Jlel •• or IQ Lhe il'll.l;lli\l~ I/r. c~.n~e of LI fe. Ion', b, Boat or Rail), ·poI.ing o'er th~ ,b • .d..ill· rEb'JOUDI wOlDan with dUrer. from eYer)' ulber. 1l0u DJlg••Geller.lll•.. l~O Illber tl1pe,.. . . ' C:: . , , ,:old, COli b.e j pUfchli,~ d .' CIt III,prinll,.1 'b.' "re."I~ dlaaitt iai.a.ubl, (~r ,uoh .Dr. JQ~k.on'. OrletrJal Li1limmt 971) Culollel.. '76 ~'!7 ~ cera. .1JET '_.'. B~LD'S· 8ladoll., }'"re III! loW '.~ by • '1, ~li&l) •• oocuioJJ ,u,"- &olfard him bo".d. Rem,ovtll.1I cpldn~.. Gild dl.ability. DI\d 1\60 .sL'le.me~, ISO IV :Jj -4':\'.1 U I'ou(e. . ..........!.... . I • _1i~liIo .....,..,~. loaet •• 011 'for .11 ' "juYeo.lea ora.n.· which Ia.ve I.ill dor. 6? prominent women. 12() AUI~~ ,'.. ,'Ji'.·E I4UITa · " f".-' ; . ; II!' • • mDnt for ... ny year.. . 196 8ullt'. "'0 .\rtl.&~, Will OUN allihe .rol'f!lmeotlQlled dig..... _d, tb., eo~,r'K.ti~ &0 b.~r. Good 1lI1'-";," Dr, Jackll()U', )'reocn 'patent Mile S.fe. . 3,000 COp III of ·Wurk.' of A '. I ,'. ~. . : VII " or 111_.."". ~1tI reU....ud our. f.lliu, l~.~ .• dUl't01l1 ezJMIr~. -It II' perletlly ' . . and' nerur 'all. 10 (Mlllcllnll' reprodllciloo. ~f lhe "Del eel.,. Headache, Oostiveness, Oolio ~'Dt ror ~II&"'" .a d . beo."118 ~e 6: iv, .Inli.(~cli"n. ft 'il th. IInly IUr. IIlId br.led EUII,.violJ@. I)OlOlio,_, SCIIlueB. .AND 'D' , Oh 1 ...... b ~~d'4,, ~ltJa worbU1 ,,)•• pqlli. be ur. proYenl!". 8,aill.r COIlIIlCIIIII di.e.aee 1110. Call1oiuel a.,,1 0lI recelp(;bl Ilamp., ~amB, 0 era' JIlor UB, ~. *or.AICl beyood OOIDP aill~ or reID ev"rinr'nl8d. Prlr.e 81 Neli" per hftll An order for O/le . Duzen Plelll'.. frOID . I"M P R 0 '''1 E D lildi~atiOn, Pajnhi the. Bowels, I dozen 84. IlId;per dc~en fjl7, 8t'IJI by mllil. our 9Ql.lt!I[u~ will be Ioelll 00 receip.t 01 ' . DizziD98s, &0., &0'• , • . ... , . Inobri.tes ur l1Iol/erate drinker. wllo tle· '1,80, '1)0'''\ III 0.1111. FRRE • . ' " , S ·~ A' b.ittc.t". QU"~lo• •-A fla.Mul Blre to retorm. IIlIt IVI.o hare /Ollild it dif· Phulograp.lterll Dlld uthert orderinlr ~'B", B.O'BACKJ~ y and '"llIer ' pell ) O'~OfC feJlow liovited fiol)h to ra/ r'in, C8» Wholly eradicale .11 ~o!)d. O. O. D., will "Ie,.e romlt!lli per • YOUDlLlid, &0 .'''ad a bIll wiLLI him del.ite (or allY kind or liqllor, by u8illl( Dr. celli. Ilt the '"luunt uf Iheir' tlrder; exll'rmiolte from the 'I,S. Stom'~'ch ' 11 ....; .., J...t. '. .... . Tti . '\ ' . a.tberr· AIIII"A'ICQbol\c e\lm~9Ulld;' , n ~ The 'p.rlc~' lInd qualily III *.lQotl• Will rlllll~~lIy '. . . . loll ~ . . . ~ ..,.,., • • • I.. ~ ID.~I .. lton qnt.~tlnrc r.mildy for l nl!'nl\le, a" , e: write. 1l1~.nJIO\ 1111 to ,..,1..1,. ' 1. • '\1m DillellC!' 0 j 'II~. ~rl~.~· Qrgons Iris. lIhoul4.bullIft\I bI',a~nvftl~.c;ent. to .t"aath~D ~ .'. ""''I;- pHI t~d. . ."4 .o~ple .t...,pe.re~ lor iarUIl,:,'I ,,. ; Medlcioe Ilid ·fnmUtlloil.· , . . ..' 10'1 Ir\lm·".\'11I of .tll ..lpnlon••, Iltde .,.. tM.,ulilll · 41 ,M1tMU lOll" .t tbe b I• .•ARer , .".. 0001 fO,r 'IOIDe 8ellt p,omplly 10 In" PII.'n o~ ,fl' ClQ,DllltY. peil''';' little or 110 ct..o,e 'fll iliet\. • ).1I ~u dleo&"~_ IIilldlCl_.· IInc,t ;~ ,*llllb.~.,r fa. 1i1D1, ',re.DI' I'w. lit. p.rtDn IIttlng 10 Con8ullir'I: Hooma 01 the Dl8penl..iJ, 167 .\i . , expoaure eQmplllle·IIo ' luper.,dllli Ihole ...t~,t. :A_,k your neighbor, who h,,,O " .... 011". C1Oro., 01.•'b~, r~ID.II· ..100.. ... & Syclmore 81{ee~. '::Incillliali. O. P , 9 . , I ' , .1 .. " '. lli4lmb and '\.be"..,,11I ~ay ther, "'" GOOD · h. walked Up' wber. ,h. lad)' " •••Il. box, 436. Senll lor cirqulor. rS9- lv . DEALERS IN . IIl1pl.oIM.nt .IlLl llllll/erUllS r~oll:d'~B. 00- ~lIol~~o ~~;1l:. 8~OU. d lry.them ,be. 'iot ... do"u be.ide hel'. AlI .... ell. - " , ;;~ paibl .lId &hrcII'J ·.J~~.~~~=c.=......::':':'+-1I1."""Ie. WALTQN • CO~, .0 liar. b~\ lb. b•• bfu,' )'Clung ·. fellow . • II 0 0 ~ ~ plellulIl ' Illd da lIg'erunl cI,. ...e.. (lu'!OpaIOI'l ~ Dr. C, VI. Roback,) • '. ~ .....t. .alOl. for 1O_ILblll.~ ~"J. H,\ ~ ,I ' , . • : :. 801& PaoPBIJlT01I8. tida.,.d .bo~t, \loD.i~lra~'j, aDd .ANO , • USE HELMBOLD S .~ Ie, 18[80 &i 81 & ~ lit., "DI profD.elr· 'Iuel.r. ' tailing " ~'I . e~Jti.OUiN"TX, OH10. ~eld orbil ;riUad eo)JII "b C!)OlIDeDO' Wort1~ be,~ly 0/10 .M!llton Du! l~u ! , All ," " ' " ed co"re~...'lo, IlL', po"ful " . L obe .oid (I)r/ . At the old,IIIaud,oJl :th in Sireet. WI)'D ••• F 0 U T Z' S ~~rm in, tllil jrbolD-;-m1 ·ihirl. w~t: O ·N E D' 0 L L A R A 0 H. vill.,would (nlor!lIlbelr oldcu.tom,.rl and " I' . , '. , OILaBtA.n,ll , . a,in 10Ilt'?' HII p."loer blQlhed .. id , Wtl'HoUr IU!GAAU '1'0 VAI.UE' ! I the real of munklnd 1l1111lio, Lave.. ood I II 0 JIQIb.in,, 'b,,' ~k bii lot Ib~ De~t No Article to' lie :l'llid ;~r u~tU ..,ou ap..,IOrl(hltlUI 1,Iwi... '.. .' .. Jo ..lIli eea,~ or· I III Urinary ~lrg·IIS. wh... . 11 .,. U. danc~. . kD~W; ."'lia, 1& I\ud Its Vplae f oo~ Lher exid'lilill I,ll 'PIle or lemnl~. , '1'lill··pr~p".all.n, -:-__, ......"". _ - w. " ! Wbalever ca II (lfill/'liling. alld DO miller 10011 Autl fav.lIr"bly . . : , Xo Lottery' 'No f:.tift Eflte~;,e I! 11).0, I nrhltl ,luP,I1 ly of of hoW Ion" lit.&Idlu", It I. pln_lnt III IIl1Own, ... 111 lhor'• . v C~IUI ...... 01"1 ~a. wrlllen .. ... . LXS'I' OF A:R·" . '.1<' . ,,,. . .fl: h " > . . . .....Illy n~n·'I""'I. leUI&' '0 GI1Of!' D.p•• nUce w.llinll . \ ' . . . nC~E8. . ~Jn,.-eoppei """ 8Cel<oll'On Ware ~Q'I" '1Ii1 odor. I_,.nedlate hi Ill. Delioll l I>ro!ren·,I.wD ~d , ' .1 . ' . ... , b F' ' . I, 6(10 tnlld Illver leo let. • ... ll) 8300 ..• ..0' d m re .·lrAI II :'nl' eh i i '. r tl' . !,9'...rl;lI~ lfoNell ~BI .l'pr~B'~I·1 t 'dYllo ~I I ,~ l'e~d.ll'Ie!,. ~oo ;~"woc:/ll ."d mabolla, ~u ' . .for 1Il1 •• l the 10~elt c.pJa .p M". All 0 , t ~ I~ I~ , n~ . ~n n~ ~ , Ie • . ;ld:· .~t:::I~~n JI! .u.r.aa I, lIn '1:),' 'h.~ whurp lhcfll ' mllslcal bona '. • ' 1)0" go/.\ . '"11i1101 .., prep.taLlOolI of BIIf" or Iron. fl6m..,b IUld bltcI· I. b,ut ~D.e 10y.aI millti. • SIaL. L~e ~ i, ~lSu l old 'huolillil watcilel ?Ii l~ 160 nUT" 0 0 R: W 0",11( . • ·~bo~. .ull"erin~ (!O~ ,Bro~el1.t~o!N" 'or "lD~·I.' . lUre r:-e,btl .S.~I8 :i He .,r~ ~, t.h. Sl ..t~~, 81YO, ~I)O ladl_ ell'~.• ,old w"phe. 6U to ~ 900 T .' . . ' ,D"lit!l!l' COllllllul·ionl'l prlJllurtl tbe r.m.dy < ~ =v~!II ·tlltS; &~. ("lI d.m• a , ~1I Gml rlcbtl. and by 1I08genli hUlIlIng l ilver d . 1l1S lo ' lop 8~ch ... ·Spculing.l\!>ofin'. &p,., . IIu~ on ILL OIlC.. • FEVEn, ClLA'ND£1\S, d'lreea .l~i fight 01 'jlJIr.aeei t O~ el5e 6~OJopell.lac. elMr w~tClloe. :US to 60 Ibort DOllee lod in Ibe ~~lit IIIII1D". ' -'" ; til IIID.odpae.u to,. til'. COPlliLlilloli lI(1O moiller of pear! lorllllenee .. July 3-~ The reDdclr mUlt be ~wlI~etb.', 'lOwev , ...IJ,., ~.e ral" .ulfrage fo," all the " f;o~ upera ,I ..." , .. , 2~Ho JOO . . . er In"hL mil, . ~e th. ilUIIOM 01 Ihe abo,e Sl.te.. 11" . ~?~ '1Ix.b~rtrel'lrllvui IV~'I , . !~ to '. 60 0 diseaae; it. I.' ·. ur. &0 .ffecl bill bodily , • .... . .,u.u e Illlnll III PI ntmgl . , Uy to JO(' . ' \. . . . , . . . ' - - - .. ' . ~I)O wllrblfl 811!UIIU ... bu~\~ 60 to 900 ·Ju.1 "ublltb~.J, 10 a ' luled e"y.lo l :'1". boallh. m1!l!ta · pow,r;, h •.pplnl'''. " od ~ w.aggllih .. pprentice, !OD. d..y 2bO dil,ii~lJd. rl';,. " . , . 60 I ' 100 8 ce"I~" A Leolure on II,~ d\U'II. I".t~~ nl, Ihat 01 ttl. pOII.e tlty. · Our !leab alld /blooil ahTI" d,aDe'r ,d.libt.lte', ... d t ' ., .' ftntl rad"al cu." o( SI.. rmaldrdo<e» . ." §8l1nnil' ' l' . " " , p p e . up - 0 ))001) pb tl\ujlrnp,II ,I! llil1lt1.. I ' 6 to . lit) We.k" ... Il\vol~Dt.rr ~",jui9'!'\ Sesllill P•• .1~lf,uppD;tOa' from tfl.eal .ourcel • • . ':' .U' m~.lu 110.11 ••_ ... hI" "ba' II. val· 10000 gold & ,velll neck 011&101 J6 'II ao b'.hl\' Bud i"'pt:dIDlelltl .10 MarraaJte ".D.,.II.)\I ,/'" .. 1 ued hi••enioel .l per d.y. . 10000 ~\jlcllblm~lei~ . llIiI 'e .: .N ~r,oulne'l. Conflllltpliou, .:tiiiftP'''~lld . 'jla; '.' .' \ l11tnll . 'Wbl. aboat itllt oeDC. • 1.ld· bit mb. . IIlIUIlI' locllei. "1'0: sMellt.' .ud Plly,ic;allllcal'Aci ty \ retlilting rrolol • . 10000 i ' 1" t " 1" I , ~ 't~ ; . 8 .ulhor elf.abule. &C, By Rob~rl J. C.,lJlu ·tl~1; MID M# IN -, (l,O "" . ' . . .. . . .' .go~l. ~ ua , ry.~ lue~: 01 ,be,·pr, ... Uoo •• &~. • '.. . ' •..:. : • ··Well. th.n.· lull ·' I~e boy; pliltioa ' I"~ pl~lr~ 11 0111 ~I"" ':,' ,8 .Iq . 10 The W....ld·renll"n·ed "ull,o,~ in, th ..dOli,.. \. ,..... , . •"'/ . , •. j JII• .habd iDeo fait Ilocket aDd d '. 1000 leta l~d,ell Jew~lty . Ii 1o,. 29 b!~ L,clure. cJnrly provel, (roll1 I"t oW" IOS~ 0:, We m.ke no .ecr.l.or ~h. IIIRr.dl.ntl • .J ; ' .' r"~lDg U)uU0'Jllild pel\~ wiih .Il,er lOCI ': , . rlellte, '.l!al Ibe ."fulcqliltq'Ii:ll<lfhr ,lIute HELIn . "'E' ori ~~ O?' IOID. oopp~r" ~bllr.'f &bteo cont,: '. loUd 'old holder. ' " 1I . ""I be. ii1KIU.lIy reliii.ei1 "i~lIi.oql rcli, .. , BOLDS FLUID.. I 'RA~ Bu.~ 1m 06 pa ·. beDd.r,· , 6000 .hiler ,,'obl"t .nd drlllkiull' ~o 20. Mbnd .W,'~out da"lelO~. IUl'Jleat. ~Ii~nl, eRU III compoted.of Duchu ~ a.ilieti. IItd . , ...' OU, Iea, IUllrunrODIi. fI\'C.. 0 11 oo ~dl.II.~ 11°1111. • I 8 I ' 01 ~ L I! ' ,'., ~ ... , . ..' cPP,I , . " • ' . . 8 ·tu Jo iug' u"ul a modh ,f: e..te ·al QtlcO! c:erllol. Wild tifl ~uo ~e~ errl~, I. eet~1'I wl\n 1mI'\.,Cllre, 0;7 A lad1 1D ...... i)" {.l'ired _ . 3000 .IIv.r al~tor., 'rtll" Incl ~ f.~ClUM'. ~>:. " ~i4h e"~r,. 1.II'''h:~, ,iii ...U~.. ".1'... ."."',r.,"e4 in ncuo by ,lI, . • , t, • • .... ",.kit bD 11 '1 I • nO ' . lUI oo,,,h,,o,, """y·be. "la, co... IItI ••pJ "'O.~ d .. ' I. on bu "al to ~'" YOl'i~ 011 boatel 011. i M ' "' , " , !, p. " a, , .. to 1,,0 .Iy. pri;,.,,, I.,".II!Il,Ii'l\~iaa\ ;. ii~.' wjlll '~ • ."-Lt, . rUII.t ' .D.. . cb, .t '.n,·........... 1 or HdaOD-'ri.., it bt.b~\' · IlIL, 'l'VTOO, otll!" llrtibli.,I~.• troml. 1 ~o 100 l)ro1;~. ~.I. lIlo 'tal ,~,..•••,.,Ieace In tkoll, ,t ·1'11111 ...1011. , I' I i .' ~a '. ,' .. ,~' II P ell" nO"" .1" add ...., ·1" ;. plllip;')alt all .. ,011·" ., L' d' b ' hI" " ..., ,D.t J .~~clill' '.1h.l.~~ ~b'l\ •• "er""llel. ,ol OUt ,toolt. 1I~' pllt . ~nto ll~lflj ",t .iu.II.~... ~ two t><*~~t.'!1,,". Ai", p...I., In Yil~ ~i ll~ ,\preecr~ed : by wb.n .. II,.cI ...... it. ., "illali\II.· 1I\J1I1i e'",elo'cli ,.,.led, .1Ic1 ~ h,ed' _lid 1)r, t!'lyerweUIo Marriage OUld8. pfl~. 26 cl• • 1D0,I t emlpeat phv~l.n •• h•• beln ,.lImlt. h f a ' . ,_.i' b . I d d" ¥', Addr.' 1 . CHA'S J C XLll' € .• l:U • . . • r .~or ...er..."" aeo~~. . f • .hb, ·w .eo ~.f .rll are I~ .. en OUI wllhou~ ,e~ ..'d 121 Do"n,,.: N.,,, Yqri; p. O. ~II"" 'lecI to Ule In 1hlt Unlte4 81alel army .....,"" .... ' L .. ..:.r·•• ~ .' Do ),ou.how \b.. O."ID ...fOf' l.tIk. I' 10 ehol~' bnel forwar.de.d I. ~het:t'", rhe · . (4HY1 · ' , : .1 .' . , ', J... 1.0 i feu er..1 ~ I '. S _I ' 1 1 'OerLaioly I do.' .... Lb......r, 'and huhler or 'II~ _ cerllfic~le \I eotitled to _ . . ' .. , , 0 t. ~ I~" , 'Olp. h .... b.eD· wonderi., tor .OOUI 'iIDe whlle'er article il m.) nlm•• upon thl! Tcrrl~le DaJjCllolOa"~ ••..s~ .. for ' til " "llle .nd ,1~ubllo :.San't.". ..ltltulloDl wb,),oll Were here .· · , paYlI!eot 01 011.1 DolI.r, wheLher lhll ~r' I Mil 1l0D. ' . ' tbroUlbout tb. I.nd. . , ", _ .;~' . ' tic Ie I. a ,1160 Watoh,. • ,'76 i)lainond . A mo .l v"luible .nd wOllderfo~ .,.~IIe.. . . ,'_ • ' 40 ' • ~ ~ I '. . . ,Ring. or. BOlum Pili , HIVIII&r pur· 1108. It, wor.k 01 400 ~~~ .,~ col . , 'H L'LMBOLD' ~. D 'ODu'~lio. , w.tb Ed"lo chlled fhe. I~I\ or twelll, Certiflelle'j orecl ,,"araVlOi l • Dr. Hu,.iler I X~D.C , .a;. S· , '. lICI&b • ,r••' ,life•• ,i. , New .:V,?rk, 10U ClO ' l.ke 'J~t ••• IIIln, or j~ln •• lew ME .0 nrl"llIal .rid poPII"lIre~~fI. ' . ' > ,":. 10 Bllhrer" pia" or· ·Bi....~",' It II • ,lIf lhe Irtlnlce 1"" aen"11, , d'lcrlbe I I on al.o Ilid Wnw,,",. \Ih'ir .j».lll'.loIllIU". . ' " . -aillgal.r faet. 'lada.I, of . B.I. you You mUlt PI, One , ~olltr FuooUQn. .~d ,Sexua I d~lI.r.d.ra'"' .."', .wer 1.,&loD ioJleri~.a.t, ~.t "_I. IP!8C. for ~I\ fOU "!ld (ur. "9wever. , kll!d, wilil. lI.yer.(.:lin..·......'" rJr . . \ .. \ ' of. fe r~lmbur.. ·u. ror _h. eoet or prlDt. ~~elr .~,d1. core.. . 'lit. prlttlca of nlr, 6t4. lroaclwa, • • York J{1l.bworLb MloIIor .,.... l\ooLb ...nd iD on. of &lao ... roo.. ,he In,...1111 .... nd .d••rtl.lo" , w. Ob".. Qat.,r hl. · I~•• bee'l"lrld .tlll ,.. UDI' ,.: LJ"~D "rm) ,r. qu.r.... lilt' (or cer~ilolt" ,. foIlIlW.:-Flfr fI.~, t' ,1 ; .cle., but .1 ' the •• rD"~ ,I01~.e,lon lit of Boo b 'lll ( T · .Io!lto. 'Ii '.lcble.o~ Ii lweDI,-ellbl'''i' U\lIllUOU,' pefIQ~~ /I, hilibean ~:~p "b .t , , \II '.It.. 'lI'rl,•• " ... A"l t'7~O; .1.ly,.,. 810' •• te~d bl • .1D"U"'IIIIiII.III",l~*b the' ' . 1 ~ar.f1"p. ; , '~... '1IIIdted.I IIi .. od'·· two 'h andre. "30: medlulD of III • . ·V.de Mecum.' .. I.' 'Il . • . •••• • " I --...:.," . .~Iume ~h" .flQUld be I'n tb. h.... ~( ','. . I ".. \ O::T At • .Hoelltla,iulr 01 a eorller. ,ro- All ".I••• nt ·Pr.mlum Wilh el\eb..er.~ f~mll, In tbe I'll'•••.• pre aUve (II '~D' for .. 0 Alrie.D Cbll ...11 at 8e • oluh., Duller. or u,.rird .wlll be ,lee, or II a.guid. (~ lb• • Ctf > bali. 6.. tlie - . ·p p'.r'.I. of '11ft for ••ntW, lbe' C."ISC'l... one or lI.e moat 'I"(u, Ind d.Htrucll'·' ..or.' ,a D.W .. .;'. ,cQur," th.l ever.,i.lf.d m.oklli': On • .i ..1 or r 0 D~i~08I In thelf regiat· N. B.- see I Cull 1111 or , PremIum I .nd cOPl, lerutel, en,eloPed; .111 'e '.rwerel • . , b m~do a .en~alion. Tb~f · are " epeelal ~rma 10 A,enll In emr ·cl.reUI.,.• , lid, rree 01 pll.t'ge. to' ~ .., -"~~ '; of "hI! C (Bu.ow . o[ tbe Pr.IDce 1l~!.J Jr~Dd lodge \ . T . .t. H. ~" trO HAN &' ( ;0 '. :-111111(,... " , Ullil.~d t:Jt~le. !or 60 eel'llt! In ~.O ...t.mpli, Cao"• .I1'1'). ' , . o '. QBI.l>a. . '. , :.0.... . 8 7 1". " I;' ]1I ·B~~,..)'. J't/ "If, tork . A~d~.~ul pOd pilei, Do..: HUN'rE"'; No. PH. L . . . aL~ .....:." . - I A ,~' "'0111-.1+':' ' -''~nl.19u Street. 1I.w'Y ,' 41'If,, _ _ .L' ''' .:. ", . -&.' -:'n . .... n t • ...... t.... ~ • ~ • ... r~e IJQlDbe,. qr't'al'Oli •• 1/" H fUf I!~ UTIUt,T IIJW ' .iRTI' · .' ,.' ~ rD. i. cb!)Cl4bi~., ip 'N.Il,W, • .baM I!.t~l . ju.t clUt; ~dJr ... O. T. GAREY. PUBE CIDER .~oQ.r,..ted; bDd,..r ord,ra frOID tlJ~ Clt1 Bul'dllll, Biddeford, ,Jhine. Till. how lO " ~~ Drttgglltt EvtrflVlttrlO
L': i"':-I .
0., .
U .'$'
Blood Purifier!
,b. ,b.
r, I
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BOltS8 an'u 0Ii:1t1110 POW"OfS
A Lecture to Youg lieD..
PIe,u'e Notl'ce
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U,",.lon ¥ED~CAt D E. l1.QT
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' . a!w:kar.~:t·•~file..r~;~of aDtl • 1D~~fld 10 l:\Oklowl. '!ectoral, 811rup marrlag. ID tb. 't" \ b ' II ' ,. 3 • proper forlD.
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Che.cal warehouse
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clI.r,d 'lie Cider fr.oIII LI". lIellliborbOCicl, .od, permitted It 1'0 cO~"RSyrup,. 10",,1. turD lo yiner" O. Gur own pr.iaI.... ' , • PRINTZ. · E. ~. palN'rz.
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S. RICE, M. ResIdUe, on 1\'orth
A f.w door. aboV'. lhe M. E. Churcb,
bird. ',e .lngic/( oheerily,
The Sprit~1[ hili corne ~Iill • A obI d(' : c~ DIIc! fllP-le' i Now deck. lhe jill! and plbln. The Oo~eri bt,,~ to blul ?Om.• 100•. Aluna 'the wiliJw /)(1 h age" The Ore-buMh wilh brill/IIDey" -Beside the Dlvulltaill led~e• • ) •
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R«D'llAmy lP'IIIlILll(D,
The Ilold.~ .d~1l4i!Ja. 0 bril{llt, Th" .,,, Ibilil i l12:ure \rlue, e Jllit.n)~" ,IV.:e) ,nd poerly WhIte, And lillie. pale 811d lruo, t~~~~~/if:~~i't~::{f.:i.'::~~r;i~~ p Ilk
,ta)'ue , ville, Ohio.
lI~rllen.bo! 8, 8nll on
heel rrllV'!'s'nce' pllie1 11l wileet', ' And.Yl'lluw bUl er , ~I'. qr t ud . ,.."....Ih'· II' ~tue ~ feet. ._
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~ii~~f,i~iiiiif~~iji~~ Dtlll. ~"II.~l",hOl& e~ aDoealora .. ~
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cn.1D~~~ ~AQ:~ ~A ~<DlBIlim
Rep.lre d In, wnrk"!.II11ke alyl~, .8\ . Ihe luwt'8t cub price. Iud I II.ulafaclioo WAR • AD
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'$~r S~f.~~~~. t,1! tiJs'tt WAYN ESVILL E, OHIO.
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O"rOI -On North Sneet, In nt'. W. H. A.. dltr.o,,~. Duildi"II.'. Cew dQOr. welt
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D. CHAl'MA Ii .
No. 98 West.Seeond Street,
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'. 1ilhlHr t P"" and Bar,.
!.mat :; O'IUI
hut ~all.lr~a;b iMogd,ta beir "tint oyer • . You may nol be awai~• . ~r t1U !"ily
,haL I've biD a invn'id be \ 1. lImt! ror·l~''' Yllllil1 Ihlltf l ·'1blt!iI't1loii'i eey'ril And i~'"J aU b"io' 10
""1 ~ Melt A. d' ..._...~ ...i..... =======================~~::~:::;~~:;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=;
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,I:iabWor &eb••,. n ... llioll., k,. . .'0 .. lpeaia1 . aMd. ia w1aieb Bey•• B. W. ;.t1i' r•.aU4'. eo••rai., JO••' JU&lb. I. I. o.u.al ....• 001i1U1J. L. G. I-eo.... WI ...Ie ,ba' h. il ..,.ial u book' At' \ ...... , . ' •• U1 •• 0'1-: oIa By.t.... 'l'he reporl . . . a· leul••• 1.1. Ca.hlllla.l. H. ke"periD Lh••boa-hop al Sin, Siog \!l) g-~ __waDll,iI~1' .. I .............. m'Dded. IDd ,b. rollowiDI b,·I.w...... aDd lieu,.. Tbo.~. ArD~u.D ..P. SUlt. priloDj ,bal bil "bayior bu .OD o adored: D,tt. 8. SD,dlm IUId UaJ. Colha Lb •• ,ood will or all aroulld ~im; lbat J: .UDI.'. 11M" . I. 1& .hall be lb.. bll4i~ 01 !.he toek. pari. . b• ."reakrutl in hi. cell. but .. Illlowed .. . . D JIt.. I . . . . . ,,; • • • • • •0 ••&. AIiOcialioD to dniH pl •• 1 ~r tM 1(11. K.te D.n. tbeD .read aD fit dioD.r aDd lupp.r i~ lb. wo~k' • , man efliollD' 4;lrpai..tion: aad bet"'t UpClD 'Tb. 1n.tractioD of Inr.nt rOjDm "lLb tb. (oremea and o."ide W'ai.- OoUtJ' lIchool CoD· reiulatioD aad ,uccellrlll operatioD of ia Sabbatb S.hooll.' A' &b6 COEICII.. helpers, wbo brin, their diODe rt "ilb .'Dtio~. Lbe .abb.:tI .eboola lbroilgbou, th. iOD of " be readia,. lbe ~Y. H. Ib.em. at wbicb m••I,' b. h.1I t~. beat AND GENTS' .FURNlSHER Th. Third ADnu..1 CODYentioa of tbe coualy. IUId &0 dieeD . . .1I ,. quIILionl T.ylor, ar'.r lome co~phmenta'y of rarej that hi' pareD" aDd ~If. cO~d' Main Street, ' Waynesville, Qhlo. WarreD CODD'Y Sabbath Scbool UDioD • • biob m.AJ com. b.fore H. wbicb. io ••rk., maud . lb.I IInl lban~. ofl~eD to ..e' hilll; that II' rece"" aD punaD' to adjOUrDmea" at tb. it. OpiDioD. tb. ill"re.t C!I lb, i..ea. COI1'eDli~n be IfDd~.red ~o Ifl'~ ao,.were ~aDy. leue,,; .od tbal ,b" I have 'now OD hand alar,•• nd "'UJ~."'''' But Bap'i.~ Ob~IOh, ia LabIDOD. OD work dem,aDd.. , ,: (or ber 1~ltblulo8la ID d .. c~ar'l ,roepect i. 'haL h. will come , Oll& bet· stpe" of W.elDe.ell,.. 4pnl 18'•. 1866. A' lot 2. Ey ... member of tb~ A~ocla~oD dUll ""~D'd ber by tbe tn tiued fo! .bulioee. tbaD eter. .Dd J)'olock ....... ,be Pre.id.D' BeY. W. W. Ibell, upoa all '!lbjeeta 0' dl.C •• lon. -.be b.lDg Ibe (IDly 008 wbo tbea bITe bit rneDge 00 Wall Itreet. . • 001.",. call,. Lb, CoanDtion Lo or- baY' lb. ri,bt &0 .pea.k ~"ic.. but DO .. Dled .D Iba.L.. copy He i. Dot 'coDfin~d to Lh. rule of ailtDOe my own manulacturej 111.0, \L beautiful d.r. Aller the .iD,ia, of .a ... appro- more. uDle.. bl penDINloa oUh. A ..o, e~.~y b~ req~e.'td lor 1.;Dara1ly lIl.iD&aiDed iD prilOo. bUL. i. 1II10rlmeulot . prilte h,ma, b1 tbe conerel.LioD. the cialioD. 'Ibl' motion wu olllled .Uowld e .. ~y po..ib~e .pri" Uege, belDg CLOTHS, Pre.id.iu read ,a portiOD of .criptllre 3. Eaob .peaker ,hall b. limited to IInl. lQoOkea UpoD u Ih. YIOIIIll, . of ciroum. CASSIMER' EQ . ud. in prayer••oalb~ God'. blelliDg teD lDinUle••,·, aDI,"" \b\! ANoeialioD 'fbe CODYliDUea took areca.. el Ir ~ , :~"rn. ell "Lher tban." . at..dl. ID. a acVES'I'lNG'S, &0., .' 0POD Lb. Oo0geD\ioo lod it. work. .ball order otberw,... .. otc1OCIr. • • M. .. Tll' ope_tug, addr... w__ read bJ lbe t. orb. blll'U'" 01 ,h. A...i.~io" ' ~ftPJloO. I.no•. · . 1\f.·. I. E. ~Dowdea~ It ... 10aDd.d tb. Preeldentt• tAdrell~ .hall b. At 1+ o·ol.oeIL .h. PretideD' which be i. pr'p'~r'ed to m.ke up in tbe 1& Jt1 th' .!.mODIl wbo. y. die ••IIiD, OUL of lb. roll 01 del'r tel. L11I ConyeDUoD 10 order. Arter • , ..:~ a. 111M, io tb. world,' Phil. II. 6. Tb. nexI bu.hl.... after tbe eo· iDg- , . . , . ,' A. C01l1b, Cold, or lore Thro.'. f:. Afler aDitiD'" io .iDliDgrollm.nl •• h111 be tbe eleoLioD 01 omoe,. OBl"-h d :. ~b~ct'b~ . ~ b,~1 b'lnd IIlaQl11au IIIIIEDIATE ATTIt.Tioll j • ,1IID ' • I '1" , • • , . , • ~r ...... on rIO ,All 0. e• .uau,,!) Bli OHICKSD. IE .u.X.OWIW aud 1l11be 'Tb. 0'0"1"'1 .bip it •• ,lln" ete : •• pro,ided In ,b. coa.tI&ulloa. b' : ad . f ",b'Rev 1'OOUI'ITJal1E, . the CoDY.atioa .• peD' tbe ree' or 'be '6. Tbe ,el.~tioD of officera .ball be t ~y 'unll ID praye I • l[rrlWlo .. of 'lie..:.... •••,. "erillaaftt 'IO"-DOOD iD .. curiag 'D . • roU.eat of condlle"d .. folio... yil: The Preli- Sao.dep. d ' . . h 'h T~roa' AUeello., or all lDe1l,r.~e .. .I • 10 aeonr IIIC. Wit •• .. I.a •• Diae...e, . . ele"iD, oaloere a.1lI p"p.r~ dea', .b.lI ·oall for Do.iDatiou.. ~fi.r d ' lb' , Gentlemen, eallnd ellOmlne m, ~'oek id • . ' " .LIOD 0 co.mll OD' II OFTBIf r~B • .DuLr. . . ill buiDlil for ·' ....,. IODa eraUoD'. wbi.h tb. rolla~ll b. c.~I." IUIQ Ule .' , d lIiROWl't. BBO}¥t;BLUr TaocllES belore .01D, ellewhere. . 8 a .• lod ' D. B.DD.n.Dd Dr .' . . . and c of the repllr or If " r April 10. • QUI am. • • • Yotll t.ken. • b b" Having II direct IDftutince on lbl' port., L. A. OoLtte.' 'we,. ap~hlted ~ com' '7 Tbe .A.aooialio. ,ball b& lO,er.· (or ,btl our ••\ ,;coDYeDtiOn nlYe immedi.te reUel. For, Bro"chHI~. , , 800$, ,i ii .11.&101. Tb., npoia,ed ,tb• •a iD it. bu.in... IDd dtiliber.'iODI by .d Ihe C~~,uLalio" of lbe l\ilbm •• C.tarrh. Con,ulllptl~. Il.~ ~ltr~'l · om.. f ... the" Stbool UDIOO _'. "'_ lna Jt)i...... , 'frochee are u.ed 1\'ltli el'V.!. ~ lIM of re ,av-, ' . .. .lIlDl plrliameDta'l rul... . • . Ohio 8tate SIlDellY School i,ooiI .ucen.. Sill,er•• ud ,Public 8p~~Il. X~NIA, , .... : ' .. ' I 8. A portioD of , lh. hllle of ...b , 1 .L . 000 n Ii 0 II,. willllod Trocbe'. UIIIlul in cleuln, \ p _ _i-lIat. ·W. W. WUIOD.l.eb- ....ion•• h.n be 'p ••'iD deYoLioDalez- plac.o Wle T • laldu ~de'd I~b. Yolce wb." taken betor• • in,lng or ~re oow '~~I~lnl daU, rrom the E.., • ..:it_... . .' • \ " . . • y.ar JlIO. »~.o HI IIP'IIlIDi•• nd 'relelvin, the thro.' . , MO....... _.. er01H. ubi . b Id b &OJJ l~nu.u.1 e&lrliGD ('I tbe ,ocal orr. n•. .TIl. their ,Bprlna Slock 0( I V_ p;..i4,e.&-Rtf. H. W, Taylor. Th......" ., . I. Bl~ ..·t&. •• ad'i. e to 0 • !:.L '1 " b' 'l'rocbea ere.recommeDded ,nd pr~BC'ri!led __ am . , f d ' M nOIlOD an......, D e Iby Ph,.illl.D., .ild·ha." b.d TetllimoDi.l. IIU:' l.lI o~d.'r. . u ca I. ~. IIId holl! ,0wD.bip ClODY.Liolll ' th. bOlD eiDillent men \broulbou, lbe country. , _ 1~J)· P. Jk,~••&!. ~_OD. Blodif" beiDI prepa,.d .lth .n ., .n .rticre of true ••rit, aDd -bavin. . ('onai.lln. iQ perl' 01 Sinlll'l--..... J••• J'Dki••~ Le~. ea...;" .dd......d ,be colYlDtion lIpoD FaU. . . \ . j • ' Ibe~ ••• c, by • 111'\' of 1111", , . ~' . . diS Tbe IOm.ltlee OD ltelD \ /I b ,ea; Boda \hllm la new 10cIII\· Il0l. ' Lb, topio ... i,Ded bIlD'. Tbl. are.. 11 b' \ porWid Ilie• .lo varioUi puta ,lbe wor"' ••a. W NAILS. BpolltiW. icc. - ~biU... WI. foll~ •• d bl .. .. DI.a,.d di.Clu••- ce ~Deo~. re , 't,ocil81 are UlNur.I .U, ,lopouc.1I1 lUNGES• •••11. W.YDII.m.; .11.;. Collia I'ord. iOD iD "bi~~ Be... W. ,W. Col~er, • .J. lo~~, hi' of I~~lc. .o~ . 1Lha9 o~r II,icI8l. r " ., BUTTS, ...,. 'I: B.1Mo'tircl'D, lA_OD;' Be.y.l. H ~ .1.DL,'ID •• .J,' B. SaO.deD. A:. 8. Ded. ,b.; nIXL CODveDLleD, which w", . (;b,.ili ,nly ·UrowD·' · lJroDchi.1 Tro8,OREWS. o L I. ) • d 'e'he...• .ii,d du nil, like Iny 01 th, . worlb· ,LOCKS• . J. ,~...b:a~. ~~b~I~: (f: . · 0 " . ; Ie, and L.I. Leollard, Me..,.: e : . 11~"lmit"~uI ,haL lie otrerf• . LATCHES• II; I. B...~, ii.uDI,tll.. B~ lrwi'a. ·D. P. BeDoeu ilod Dr.. I. L . 1. Are ..b~Lb ~~bool , $old '''''r1~h"re i.o ~he United. Stalea, . &o.~ &0.1 , TbiI·ptOf& ... aclOpMd-by, th. Cola· D. L ' ., '.d preHal .upph.d ~nth ,and iD Fliteill. ,Coulll,lf., .t a') ce,nll per > . • . ' r_e. paruol,,,'!'" • . . bl' hi . ' IDUll. . '. 1&.'" ..... 1.' . DieeUllioD DDOD &bia. 10piohIYiDg by p•. ~~ ~I • . , A 'B••la... OoIIjd",.·".. appolD&; ed br 'I'" 'b.' topio .. . 11.1 or JDJ4Irioa. ID r .lreet. i 'A. ~ARD 1J'a~ IRVALUJ18: , . • . ' . bee. a"eit 1 mo vII.. ' . Be L " G Le . ....,... , III oo....~a. 01 BIY•• I. H. J ••kID • . . d & I ICbm••••• taken ob,ldrlln~ ' , . . OD A ·Cle.."m.n; whlle Hiidio, I • . 800lh i : H. Oo..Ittr" _Del Maj. Colli. II,D' u CY' . 1' • U. 1".1 ,be lub.. t.' Wha" are. or .hoald'·.,.. .A ... rlca II a .. i•• loany. dllcovered II up. ·.-r.· lie ImaD presen - , l'1i' t Rale Ind _Imple r,med, for, ~ho . C,II·. of I'ord." I . , " '. ) , ; " I eaI' add,.. aCler oe..ari>' qu., OIUODI ~~. NerV"U8, Wel1knel&, E.arlv Decay. pi~p.' l •. '" IV'''',.' ~p"·.. ! 'i-.l. 01 tb', .uroll· ,a nr ·.Du l...·b·J ' 8. .__ a~'ydaw. v • J , . nl 1""\ ~ ~ .. . ~ • . , • • • d'.011'" _ .ahool t . .cberf . . Hey. Urinllry Or&lI • IDd the wllole IJr.1~'e~. 'cut ~hell r.. qu~r'3d : AlIllxlen· ,h''''"e" .ax' ) 8., D ' _.. a.... S. Th. aDd broullbl on by ban.lul ,Ivlt IloelL 01 -..~ __~', ~,v"..., ", Gre..,\ .. una~l!,r. ~~,e ' ,.,. l • • -~ by dri.1 1Ioble rllllO iRl, .. ' ......,.......-- at' _b001 by a dtldtre 10 beDl1lit tbe .tHICt. .~ , . JW , J . ,. I J .......00. St· tl,~<ear ,,-ah!lja>lichr)liUldl,d~a'a ri~•• aDd o f ' . , tort un ate. 1 will seud Ihll r~"lpe II, I , . F ' IiU 9' 'he' boar 'ppoiD&ed:.or, t • h r 'l\'e J' H .nel uIIDi \hi. ml!dicine, ill II L th & &. . "010. '· 4; .YIYIII•• 1;- r•• ' . " . ,,' 19 00, \ .Y. ,. . · ,10 onlll whone~d.itJ '· . ea eF, C., CiJ If.kuma, 6; 1I0Wo., s: B.,h.I" t; ...tlDg. J:VJ:MlliG. ,. , . . ~', The' ~. Vil' prele~~ . ,I , . , , - -----.-----;iL..(,..tn..... .' , KUOD••),' 1\14 ;Uo~. J ' t' , t r ': .' ' lb' p' .,1<.,; .; i of ..1»baLh ..boo.... ,Re.•• W. , fOf 'Oerriage Makel'lj ',ul d"eve'Ylhirill foulld ., .,.. ~ , • ' AL" 0 "Ioe. l' M • "ltuID.. . , .. " in a larae,Hardware ,H (iuse . ' \ 1..1; ,.,\ &aD.....",1; . . ' .. r U~i .. Wil.o~,.c~lIed lb:~e.iiDg. meory • .' I.... J B·l~',..,'~''!'\'D· I .~ j ' . . , • Til. ·C.".tion look 'a I.. t D mollon 0 LWlY.. ~"~" • O::r 9.,U.o.- Fxa~ine b«;I~,re purch.88tng o'ellOk.l'ra.. , Lo order. 8D~ .D~ou~ced '~e hymD p, Be\lneu.,E.q .• ·wa.~~pp,~iDle~., ~" . Pllat: '-LIBEBTY LEA.D, eI8~'r~~re . ' .' . .' . ',SB.am. UHUoo~ '.llO1(; oom~ea,cIDg-: . . mil~iODar 0': S~a~i8tic, &h(l, W~~AD . 1'bt., ...i••• t beiDI' ..... D&, ~ Il10' 'We're ,... ",.hill&: l~ t.ht"p~Q"IIt4ld Itnd, OOua', SUDd.y\ Sobool UDiOD. r {~he .' '.' :.: (C~p'y rl,i~te~.? . r ]' . '! ~ . ' \' , . A laud .11 linr ami lmr bl • .• ~ •• \V.c#boted ,'0 cover,..ore surface ror same ' " tio. ,be Bey. H. ,W~ 'l.'I110r w... ,ltol·. ' .. . . , l b' h Ib d' Report of· BL.H.Lici. for 1866 i. nOI 'jel " .•.. · ~.'·l", b-'lbJD' ~ D' j o'''er .r • , »AI:IUF,\OTuua OJ]' ',I , ID Lb. IIDglDg 0 • W 10, e ..... PGe. , . b "" 11 b 'bl' h d Ii '( . ' • • 4 ... 'eel P"lid•• ,~terii.. '. wbl'ch SlIecl lbe bOD" ••d wal .oaLly ·ao.pl.te, UL "e pll \' e ".e.r.~a . ;, ",,,,, '1 T". 1Il•• . " . OptDeel .J»1 'IDg· 'Id ' .. d \ b" . "1 ler.) . '. . TRY IT, AI'ID Y~'u WlllL, ~VE KO OTBEa! ' . ,If J ' , oomp~ed of cbl reD, lOin. e.r IY. . . ,'I .'. ID,- , . ' .' He 'J BI d ' u tb D I.ct iD p.. a"'ar ,00 moltolLof Rn. L. . G.. Leoa.rct, "f J' , t ,.. 0 ge e . . .I.'I' W B I . E' , &lid a; ·;\u h~illb. po~~? ' HD' ,,·..... J"elc •• .Dd .gaiD th •• udience aDi,.d ill .iDg. ,III' • r~ID. Iq:. WI' req'" l ' I .fter ~b,eb tbe lwul8DOI "" ~ ID. . . lbe OOD,..."oa to ,a,,. a '~lem"~~ ' 9( prayer b1 ,~" ~: BIOO,.U. fDg,b. eaperieDce .Dd ~blet,~&ion of '~e " ~~~ ~ali~~ ,O~~i&&e. 1D.• de • rI' ~~:~:~I\;IJ~rC~,j~r::~:: ."\~II 6.rty , ..... dllriDg .Iltoh Ii.bu been p,orl .• hioli .~ !,mueled. and at aclop. Jam died and p.id it .U. . aDI'I.d io landay 8011C!Qllabora. Hia ____ __ _ _.........._'---'-'_"-_ I.d ,,,....·Ioliow. : Ye.'aU Ib~ dehll ,owe.' lite. experieDee re.ched back to ,h."" 0..0' ta 1. ReporL OD B,- ••• Re,. J. The Pre.id.~. ,heD lntroduaed ding of a.bbatb li~bcioll· ic;tbi. 0"D\1. ~1I.~.a•• ·, ..; '. 'rhlDe Willer. of CiDcinDati. ~r. M~l. ,and bi., ,~couDL q~niid ~p~o~~j~':',e ·t .. l!iaaIJ~JI~. lI~o"ld • eabbalh ler eODlIllfd ~i. ...~a~.~I\~ , Lbe,..~". liDIr featllfe. of Lb.e ~ork iD t"~t,ja1"" . thoa.blrull,e.... • o~~l ~ ~r8.DI..d' and .ha~ ~mc.,. drlln. BJ bll blP.PY,t~IDn~.r., ~~ held wbiob' dlller" ,a~, ~~,:",~ry \0.- " ~ org.IIBllion? ,he..', DD: .yided, a~uID"oD. ~hll•.byapL pued wiLli!J rt more mOdllrD. ",b' ,Re•. ,. )~~~ •• ~~•. '. '. traUoD. ~., eo fo~Ofd ID'D~ Impor' od.. , I:Ria.,clrer " 'I ~ ~""7~I"IOD. 01 ib. . .bb.tll 'alit l...on. ~OD"rD1IIg the Bible aDd · OD mo,ioD.of R.,.. J. E. Sno" en;. • boolto,tblO~~rab a!1I1 !laaiI1.', , &~. the S~YiOQ~" . , ...., \ ' 'be Prel~~eD'. ~aJ' W. ". Wil~ . . .. .I I'·U'te~IICIl'. -1.1. Ou.bIDUI. :... , " • Tb. au.dlc".. ro.e .nd, "D, the r~Qu.... d 10 dfjh,... ·.D ~~D . ~::t-~r--::-::-J':--::==~c:-t:r.ril:i~ f. Be,.,r~ ~I iWlpbatb 8Ob~I" I:' ·S.bb.Lh School B.~L1. SoDg.' Tbey tbe ' COa"'DdOD,.,.• ' iI. Dul . ~lD'lJIO :.~o.. ' Ib'JD li.tened Lo a· h'M' .ddre.. by Dr. meeling.oD ,h••ubjeot. ''l'be We .w~P' ,ct\yt:. enfrjlellc AG!iNTS 5. Cbildr.ai·•.• L.o,.~. h;ld ., I. L..J),.ke.~ 'l'h, .. rnee. were C!JD- M .abb.tb IOb601."o lb. eyerywber. '(~.n or WOnifD)j'tO wh.om we • " . . . • .. . ,. " " ,, offer eXlraordlDIfY IDducemeo" .7* otelook ••• 01 al... ded ,b" 111,10" ~We (e Deuer pn .o~op, Of~y•• iD>_' Ii.b~ .ellteenlll' )~ bu.ID .... 'l'SVIlUAJ, uaa. 19Tu-MOUDO ' ..... HOlD',' an.r wbieh 'be beD"ioUOD ,&be 'baDh ot Co.'.D,;O•." . . . . ." ~'''p,I; WJ'. b• .rqrwarclitd' ...~" apPlllI''' \'?'~:JJ:o~~:t~~~~~r!:~ f ~!~!i~~ 10.. prou.leel bJ ~Y. H~ W. Tay. \lIr".d to 'b. ohiMa. ,01 .r~ ' folr "4~~~'l~' P~J ,~~~ p~t" ,e. " I • • • •..,,,., ,.:. . .".,.r;, .-,4, co.9~ \.. ", . -. ", "'.'r \llo.piia\hl ·tiDc1· I~tt.'l" ·~~1'· : . B~A~LE:v" CI:!A1JWICK tk Co. .mfD'li~1ii ier~. for., "~r, rro. \S kh .' :'0'. 'r.~DAti' A'l'an} ''tO,TBf'~ORlIt!G, QU. " .,.il. ~q~••~ ~tl1. "sliitd'J' . '. i16' Bro.d••" ,&ew . York;' • of ol~k A. 'M . . • 10.. . School U DiaD'••I~. appointed ~o 8TRANGB, HilT TBlJE. " awarded t. EAaJ~la .m••io '~"D&ial to t.he .Th. PrllldeDt call.d tb. me.lID~ '0 " WaynelVille. on th. third WeiD•• ' EnrJ Y(lun.l.d, ud aeat lelhlllin It. w.lI... of ~bb.&b ..~".l.f ir .., '",bal order .h~rd, .fler ~ o·ol~ok. 4. M • •Dd da,lD ."" 1,807." a& lOt o·cl~k .'i, .JlI. Unil.d S,*,!, ColD b.. r 'OllllllhiD, ".r, kiael yOIIIIl or ~.~I.41 "iLb ID\trll' boar .al apeDl ID IIDilal. P,a.ler The miau'el, were Lh.a read ' "ell»..', m~.!lh to t!,"r .dYan..,. b~ r.. uru m.U u . ' . . . ., . ' ;. (II" o( C!!"'.) by addre.ID,I,he uodl\r~ . ' n' I!I'"~ f !WY,. I. B. SDowd... ~Dd co.f~reDce. , _', re~I'~ 'Dd,apprpyed ••~~ Lb. ~;c"w,;, ai,ned. l'b".e bninr Ie"" of, hin!! 111~•."u:d 3. "'~-Tb. be., .etbod A, 9 0 olock. Be"~. I. 1l1~",U~ ~ . " .. IDltrllo'td tq pllbh.~ aD ab.~lt I"lmbuued, will C?bll .. ...". P.0' ho\icln. Pdn,a~ ~iII" .fill' 01..... Mi•• ' K.ta H. Co.lLer ••d LuOI.D Ole~k •••,. ap' 01 thll- in lb. CO"'Rlw paper. . \hbl~ cabr~'''l All o~h."'. will ple• .,~ ! re.. -hill ~ ent 'e"ant, , . , , • .• • m•••• D.ria. ' . potaled. comml".. a~n I~. mI.k.d . T.b.OoI)VeDlion adjotlrned .Del , '~, e . THOiJ~ F., OIL\PUAlf; Tho.. , jl~y'n" demalld. will 4. , ~.,-Are Jibrari.. e ...otiil to '0,' UDder order of Mi.eella~o~. a••- \e~.~i'.1 el~cl whb .i~aioi I~' " ~Jt- 11·11, . ;Sal Hi-oed_a,. New'Yvrlr~· 1_h~e.,..III-I-el1i';;;""'~'h~'i1;;;;~;;;-;';];;'"'Tr;._ tb•••Ifare.r .bb.,h eellooll' or "ill inei••' .nd Jud't! .J. M. ~Ull and ology. The btDedlc'lioD·W" ' P;Ollo'l&~I' . •• rri.. . . . . . Cellb8\:t~ ' .ai~bl"pa~,. lot r,.diD, iuder. be M... ra. T. D r ,Walker. ~i1u". '~jl,oD .cld b1 Ray. I. J. d.. llhman. I " .. An i!!i••y or Wern'IDi .IDd ' Inllrudltln pll1oi,." .JObD H. P.IDe. .Dd D. P. II'Da.U wer.appoioted • J H .JiNKlNS ' Be .. lor YO~~1 Men. AI.o. ell.e.,ell un" .bu-, . " •• ,. .•• • , • c ,~ .••• wbulh pre.lturel, prostr.te 'he vlt.1 co..."'. 00 lie •• , " .ad , uader th. : . .... .... , ""ren. willa ·Mlr. lUeth' III relief. . 5. Mi'-'naalOllI ,B ..ia~... ..ID. otder. Bot.b 00ID.1u.•••• tlrO Geote' C,aikiblUlk, 'he f, .. 01 clll" ••d u ••aJed leuer 1I ...'elop.... • • . ', . ' •• .1 ••: "..... t h {Le "t . • '11 . ,'. ; . , . Addr"•• Dr, J ; 8KIl.L1N ROUGH'fON . G. ~I'CLIO •• of \UP1Cl .~4 .ppolnt- ~a.tr,uc"","":,, "..-:r.,ID , IIOOD: 101 . ~,ra&lD' !~L., ~t J"e., ' AIIOGI ••19lJ • •Pb!lldelpljl.; P,. ' : ••1& 01 .~1&1"{" th' \ ~ 8OIl,eDTh. ralllier ~er 'of d.y .~ aDd "goroll', at '761""- oid.' . &i0ll. Lhell lai....p. " ,. &ale,'.nao", a aa'ioD of dfiDU.... • ,6.~ . ~ ~~~ of or~iliDI . 'O.D~ ~fj J ~ E~ : a.o~dt-., '~!lreutd ,he Iy oa" \0 ublbh 1fJ1II' 01 ( ~1J1, a~Uf.....-:~d. the ,.",netl '. ' Il~. th' '~PI' eu!_~ed , bi~. t4l~~ 19, ~be Q.e~~~ bT, lC!" ok· 9~.uil~Q ••plOJI" ...." 'o. a~ak"I' •• iDler~ , the 4?r4.' , ~ p,.lOb Lo~l'~b4iiD'D" . ~~ I~f~!!i~1':~ft .., ia tb·. Abba'~ aobool.; allO .lb. , ~nd ,~. "pie. ·rb. "la&lOll ~~iII. keep. 10.!bLEDJlI.b jalbiLi ~eIIibi~~1 ,CtI _ ...,ar~1 Lb." d"'Dd_ ,he ~b.4h ..bool ,to l.~' ob~nSb for Lb.1IIIMIer "ii, 01 al. or .&o.f ;of, ......yIOW_1aoJana& 0." _ ... ~r~\li,· · t~' ~.':"~ii of ~hiob huaClb.aD4".rryorporta'd~~fa • Tft&lGa. ,. ,- ~ . ' , b~ ~.I.'1lrap'tA, by' lhe .. . dJoam· collfi! ,.be took hi. te'Jk ¥'Ddlr. b..& it . e.: Prep.rie\y of bol4ill \wo ift.le~ Ill'.' (.If ~h. , V,,,,iulla' aflU"ooo, .... wili har~ly Y~r.I b,r. .ea.t.o., . I '" Ie
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Most Advantageous Prices I Shawls,
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...,...••,..... ROOII NEW SKIRT FOR 1866 1866.
th~. 0 .• Apnl
H. Behol. I I b.. " ' D ED&. G£Dfts:- Thi. pilOt ie.e11 ~_~----=---=-----4----DL.f'iMrL..lIIIIIlIIica.t!,....~.. . • • • -Jfiari. a..... ~ u. ~ lIDowa by .~.I . u l of 10." read . . . " - Bo·! J' IInle wlldUI, urclal.e, wbo. while 'lOldilrlDI,' plleecl iJrru JlUMl B.4.UB O..4D. Atlt from 10011 .... oora.r Ulrou,b it. For the beDe6, of ,bOIl . , Of .w ••• ,W',Delylll•• ad 1IIIUlMar••.. . ' . "'ATJrIII'llLLa (ooa1"r. 1T41'1OIJ'. TL.. oua' b Jour i b0lIl . . 1D'1 L...... .Iuo . . leDt who ao&, trl a.d gl'. I . . • • •. YUID "'1'W4~ 110111». Of all,* p..... '.1 .,raiaIDI. . . • hgbt delorlpLlo.. lL 1Il1l1lat.ed OD lbl allCl ..." £apr.... '7.6' A. Jr ,. Tura ,ollr (oolite,.. ao;'.rda lb. BcbllOl baDk of ab. Ohio riter; eboliL 200 mHili b. told .1 1.,10D. oa lite prelDiajta, .,.II.D4.Acoom.. 11.264. •• HOUle. . . Ibon Cinema'lli. .I t i• .• • 11 laid ODI. 0,. Saturday. May J9. 1866. Col ...." ... Accom,. 6 S8 r III, _x Nl,hL 1::'2 ... : Jr.. Towlrd 10D·. hlDdlOlll. UUIOD ~cliool ~itb ,b. ,tre.ta ~i~. lad rDnnll, la .Pilubur, Eapr., .9.011 r. •. Ho.... • rl.&bL IDgle. equl-dl'''I'', Ther• •r. iI.J . -_ .jL1 , I'UIJI' .....rw .... D 1I000D, You1h. ud lD.ill.a" b. pot b.ckward lour et eets r,IlIlDiDi p~rlll.1 ~ilh Lbe T Store Building now occu~ !ron. •• n ... AccolD., 4.)0 .A. Jr.. To .flU 1 0ur",,- wiLh p!euure rinr, wbioh are' ov.r 'oDe mil, loag.- pi! by . ~lessl·S. Ro~berry &. Ki,btLpreli. '7.~9 .A • • , or .dnD'IC...0 DUlDlrou.. Tbere 11'. I~rlell ruonial perpeadiclllJor.Ni I and, known , as ijJe 'New lhe larcelL anel moal.complele l"Ollm.". .. . .. , o~ . .. Pittallur. Expr••,. · ' .20,. •• Pouad and lrept within ,bl precioctl , with .tbue lbe wbole'leoalb tbe towa 'I"Store~, .Main St" W.ayncsVindDDlti.lbpr••, • ,..lIS r .•. / or W II U ' B b H I · · .. DOt .10,. . oar .ynllIYI II IIIOD C 00 0..... (or cit, •• I~ bll • cbarter) at 'Lhe V For tb. rudlmentl or lur u I la · ' ' his i8 by filr tho mest spa~ . ~. H. Cr.&.SftTl P~•• ld.ot. Wltb lp,prorelDelil. new and IJu:ient, re~u.r I.' .nlt 0 a Iqulne. I. W. :WooD1l#.u1l, Sup'r. Ante.cli Irt oF ulcDlllioa fbe hUlldlDIiP .re cbre8y old·C.,h· 01 • -eligible and "desirable Th b 8kir fj '1 b A. D. CUW4J,UDU. A,.Dt. DelDoDltraled to • (fI~Ilon: .ioued, _la~ ••• gelle.fal tbiDIi bay.1I b iri&is s~ond ..in tho place. PLAIN AND FANOY t ~ i· CADW~ & "'L£II, ~. AgM". FiIllb.. 'Wllorl with woa4ert pleoLY oC- room, or yardl. The bUll' 80, at tne same time, will -~. P.O' ... 1\Ieg,Gph Agen'. " And the 'Dellk' upholcl•• " ...Ur. Dell bouI••, of whicb there are a grut be Jft the commodiolls Dwell- ..11. ' . .' , ()8ssimeres~ m H . W b d 'Be.ldl wbich Ihe "old of Oplur, maoy, Ire .itua&ed OD Court and Secood' 1 ' ' -... 0 OUUlU.- ·e I" prooar. a . . , .. . . ~oinil1g~~akir:tg D;ltog~th'iHlI'a'fKLl1.~ ((j) " . u_ __.1 Or tbe dl.moodl 01 OUICOlldll, ,Lreet.l Ind Ire .00Uy ",ry InferIor. er e m08~ ~(~su~ble pro.perty . 't . GICII .ew ,uune·ellt. _.re pre- Sb . L bI 1 I ' ~ . . PL~lN i~PF4-NP~ • • . fib ,10 oolnloe•• "" u.. .buiJdoinl': _,till, w. b.", lev.ral \lU.8~. ev o«:~red ~ ~a.,~esvme.· l\Ji:1''''IL DEA,...1mIl1.N ,..... 40 ,nIt. hon, bill. ia the beet W IIDdroUi BOllk of Buoka compri.iDIl ' . h ""'11 ,bl,! f, , J . ' ' . . • .' . ' mI. . ·room., al.. ~ompare ..,or" . \e '9. tj~g~1fl at 3 o'clock. ". ,I Knowl_•• of tb. wboll :c:re.t~oa: -wlth ' lboll' ln OincioD.ii. J. SANDS. DRY GOODS, , ,J &aOIo4.'~P J'O• •~LIL-W. ~~!~. Knowl.~& _of mlD; a '~rh~l blllory;A 4..1 b~.illl" i. done bare QUE:ENSWARE, cbci1anlii, hr Calkhar... Grilla • Co • K~owloil~! PI~oPbb"lc "111""on. by m.rob.Dl. Irom ,m.n town. along . --t--...:;...- - -------__~ • wi . • • 0 8ull uafo .. la, D L • .un , , . en ~D VOIO. "'D.l~"'I~.tltW\e. ObullD, .• Of Trulh'. d" •• tu, brlibl .nd aiorioul.: tbe flyer .nd up .lhe KaDawb., a. alMO W .lItll.l.a.:V.DA. • . 11 HARDWARE,I& . lor .al., whICh w1l1 be di.~.. d of yerl Know I"'" a(.our lA~d .!Id B.. iour,-~ Crdm lowni baok IU Ihe oOllnll'y. To wbleli. he il\vi~a ~he -:~'lenLio" of ~ nlllllerou. Gu.toqJeil .nd tbe ·p.opl• • dYlD,,8CM&el,. I. ,. Knqwlede'o( t,lf pr~pt. holy, Wi bawe ' loU"r cburohes, Methodi.t, . . . ranDfllly. ·· , .. '. • IlU"D'A'ftOB W.&HBD wbfch, if (ullowed d.lIy, leadel4 Bpilcopel, Bllpti8~, aDd Ubrist or UniJa alMa, 8&or., by • yo~n~ .In To ~ '(OUDL Llj'e I1tero.J. vera.li,t chu~.b: three Iwe. fi(HJ~ring ' wbo .... b.ll ,wdyearl' ell~~heDoe io II. 'he vol .. me ... I.d 1 0.' open ! - . .i11I, ODe woolleD factory, .LWO .~am , •, IDe bUline••• aDd "bo' oaD bring the UIIII ~,'Y .~~y~ .near bJ ~her • .'I.n~.tb pl ...ill; ."b ."ad door ••Dullclot"!, '. .... f NeOIa ...Dd III"ODe I' .0 e fti· - VIIUJta cont.mlnl >AA Sp.PinD' l'S ""'1 " Ulltbld tr.llu'r.. J d ..... ...IOY .. lnnD. ."- , tw.nly ·fiYe or forl1 . B) ~ "--0 · .U ·· clea T 0' t I11m.I IUOaOOW .... unu UI.' • . • d b ' .. .bOI&le. of nth.r . . ..IV ' I .1' A,pp,~ to .0'/ ~4~tci.. - tarm flo- -. ' th I f . I.d J 'or open 1 _.\. ,~ooerl •• .aD •• ,oe . . "-'I II Sewtn; ~acllh)t!•• ailver Ware, &c. . AAAMINB GOOpS AND PBlC~• • "U 'W. a."II., 'It /' . .. e vo urn I ~ .. . lioch; eoo,!"b"rar C018petIUod: . r ,. . o-be ~11"URd uf II Two • Dullar., • 1 Ar. tbge. pl ..,Ie: mlDdl ree."IDr Tb 11.1 " ,' .' , b a ' b • t" e. .rllc;l!l! wlthoUL re,ard to value! :" • . to Ii •• prec !. InCII ·1 '1' uW'eYerIlDO' au, u. ue . • . . .. lion ~" IN.,' . LEAVE YOUf\OR:DER,8. 1•ruth, or .rror, 11\ o "' .• , . . ' I , .. ; , • I · '. '~' • ~..I Ifll. A~ JI, , , ~\ , Pro 'Bo*",'rilJlkol' Da Ibe lound, which rl•• to beavea oil'fner·i.• Ng,~ .'~ auob In .xt~a"~ ,mo. ~ " ,e~,.~"J I an· . that .ao' peopl ••up~o•• aliat Uli city - ' acltl"" . ,Gte U '11. IDd I will ILIUIITARY O~DIIiAN(:BI Fro.OJ ; lb, . UIIIO~ Sc~ul'l- .H,ou,.,. , plpJ. . . . :~ " .,... . . ' ~ . • e foliowiD, bllt been r.,ol~ed, thai 0 · "3 : .. .. " 1'. ~' . . ' ; ' . rrblliidl. · . '.' ~ wi)l be o.,.,.~~.'te~ . wILh ~eal~4. , So III Dae'quence of 1~""",..t'-St.r.lItion 'F ' . th St I . aD MI" ,. ;:il.,i,& ~td~Ded :Io,d ·.ellael~cl by~ B.Hr 01"1. o~ ~Ibl. 1 fir, lhe ~11~ . .ellll ra.sed .uh>.~ f,:,-~ ~f d~, aDd in order lo relle".• Irom peto, GU1IINTIaI!i JJ~,: 1111)101. ReGOrder•• Dd Trulte.. of Lbe Or of Due. ~bo... cloJe.... led precept. ell'lIo" b,IIL .'!lY · b~~,.· i~t OV!l! . I' '.l,t~ Ca r, I!mt;.'r,um,ent. OCCIIloIIl.'d by II ! boor!?or,.... Village of W.'!Denm., N.'.,r ••11 be.rd wl~blo It. 'imit;: :'. their ~keL,h,ok' lined. wjtb giU. ~ _ ': Inr . er::ad to avoid.. . 'Our Stoc'" 01 both 10 •• ." r Til.' lL " WI !»* l~~ dilL, o( l)le own· . '. : ,R. H. H. I'b. -6in1w-of thil .aDi. ' • •itu.L.d· . . BAN ",-.1\ V.P, ~ C Y , . a ~ . ~ ' .. I f W l866 , ' .. • I ,ouo.ooo worLh. of ,oods from their aJ.jflTWf.!.· er .... o.D.r•• oCcO,-D _or.oc~up"n .AVlElVILtE, .:. filfbl milea ~~oy.. b~~.,OD .Cb~~p"lla. • t. mllll b. in . tho coun,of.1I is ~~~
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BOOTS AND .. SHOES of CUTfRlliG'. 16:. ". .. the Bestl,Quality I ' . . ~~ n~n.',b~l..'~~l H; C A'S S 1M ERE BE~CT WO~'K·'l'~~1Ii.T. I '
::~~:~:r1~::;i~·a~~d. ~~~bl:i1;!;e":~ G~~~~N~~~;-:.~o~:~l';:~;I~~:J; ~,,~~:~ ;:::~ti:~. h;h~~:·:,.lo:n:~: : ~•.~ s ~ i) R W.,n.~,ill;, &q r••oYe 'DY de~o.,.po,'
.1'ue ldllY lIIuro iO April U, 1866, by 4!d or d.cO.pOIiDI lai ...1 or ngetabl •. Re,. Dr; HDUI., . W t ~.All NA:1>E, or 'maller tba' ....y .IIMe .• oe••• I.Led,. or g:c::!~it.~.r.:~q~":r·A~:~1 LII of .. I ' 'd Iot - brid.1, pair Ivl& . N. Y.. · i. . .di. ~1 b.real, er ICCII"",." on ••1 Til. orlol'; al,?, ~ tb~~a,bll ol~ ,be .lely.J~f' ,a tOllr &0 ~. W~e.' ~~ .... at 0111.... . • drtUD . '. pIiYI~'; ud .ly .o.tII.r pr•••·D · I ia W · .-aHylll.. ' 011
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' pr.l!alo.r, tbey wOllld Ir.lDlrk ~iI, mloul'Clure Ifld wll DO ~ra'" ei or imitation or Jewelry. ',. W'~t,d (hid of 1M FiftH'
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m.DY "eU. goi"l dowo, .nd lbo.•• 1)0', or 100 feet de.p hu•• good .bow {or iT oil ODII ODe ~ell 'i.·belrl' l pu.ped, ..,' whicb ),i,ld. 30 blrrel. daily. ,&.neJ,h· ·in&o .biob ;. pump i. b~jUI plaoea . .. teDorteci to b. a miloh-. bett.r oa•. ~ :Jo
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,r, " "') ~ . , ,,~ h ••' long beeD kaoWD to lh. ~i&er.ry rlY.r In ·Varllnle,. whe) own 100. acrel, -" , WorkmanlAp.. )' ,. , .. ., , , . lOU6TO~ lU.-.-'*'t · , .~ " .orld hi• •101 '.ud ,-ble ·eoDtri.- :lUld ,be~ :011 \,0 .17 \(••1:, bq~ ·DO& ~. pa1~ _ "leI 'to .W,\·~ 'rr~o·D,o~tait",.Oh. elldl. Variety alldat.·a • l ~.', .. 'r:-< l '(1 4~ l-' baticill. to ,iii ll&lr'"ar.· ~, '&he ' d. IDg q1lUlity. . ' I At.; . ~t',' It ml, tie,con" .' l 01 t . ·"·l......a -.\ "'ri ./. ~ · '. ' - • y, 14 t 11 tI t \he ooub&ry ' lioDtiD, C..· .:iol~ lind .. lver l-~ucuon ~ ' l' eel. A L \y A Y .S <tN ,H A..:N D!.l .aDder Yan.oue . . ., tJ. pitt••• ud to I .11 , I0Il. ,p ar. 0 " .. Wa~ ... ~rench. C 'DCIla, RIlla' ,.~ with . . '1.,_ cirole of pri,.t. rriew' . . . gen- .re h.r. lookiag for 'de,:. aDd a ,~,.i,M' rubl~. p••rll aact vtlier ;precl. April lit " ". ...• . t · ia J ;. !I • , .d ' d I hie ••ay ..y lhlnb.,. Dner .IW be~&er 'IIfi. e. ' lloillilrl~.nd .In clu.,,".'), I•• ' . _ ' . .. A..o, J ! " " " H -. •. d' , ~I, war..-h••rte •. AD on . oom· • . diu' "t. of ~.ew.lry. comprlslna Pot.lud li'I\.lill"'~. ~'iP ~!811:' \. , '01' .1 . ~D~",p,I~ YlollllDi lh,_.or I~oe, paDioa' for ',lira b. ' b •• ~.D oar ObUOH I~ uJ ~f la-. 011 r·fo~~. Ear.rln,. of I&e mOllt f.shiun~lil •• nd re-nl&""-r-.\IIIftUlII . , I!:l: n\&.jJ afler . ,Dof.it!Ii 01. &,ep l1 d." rr.,1D lb. . te led friftd aDd '''~ i.-r. Kore lDOIt. ·lu., : tbe~.ba .t,l. ollli in n.mele rice. . ' ,.' . II lIanbal.~.-HaIIte 1.0 ".y I pe_l • .aaUI rrllP. > .; • • . 1;, ,Ietl _tid•• lId 81111\'. Blltt6n~. CIa.ins 01 ~ " ~ ~ " •. II .~ f" " 1110 110 'ci Ie f ",~at .. -.;. hf•• w. betto. oar \ III !lJnCrlptlonl,-&c. etc. 811v" , WI'" GOOn--~ ·t 10.'roe . : In O!»~ 0 , proe: "o.&' (er~.o' .i.h•• Cor ~. area, .. t (l'xt~ ,I.t.~>, com?'i".' Ca.tar.. B.utter . '. . .. ;-: , , ,., ~J _atlOD. ditontioD of tb. Mly~r, 'bl .... '( ',._. 6A .L... ' D......... u~lIall' oll ..ed and engrmd. ,i , ,. • POUI • &lDO.... 0 ... pp, ....... va ' ae 10 ' . T b,l. T S G bl . ",.•_ • ._". , .nd &hI! ooatillluoe qf aai4 Illliaanae • . . • At-PI.lnaeIlJ. Indi.na, on the Sid ult., .':- Ind •• poon., o .•t., et!!., etc. . , .• i , ~'1IlW!I (11'1 "ti"a &II grlat I'ar••• Ii . three ar~ the Ie' 10' or our' frl •• d .0d-=lIl. ch.r.,D, by'Rey Ib, Edw.nte, IIr ~o..ph Brown Pi.,... J(.lqd.o",.nd Sewlol ¥lChlne. ..... Waynes~lle, • or lYe., II' r . 'YID, bride )'. 01 W.;nenill. Ohlo'vk»·lIi.. ~o",,' E: of beal 'mallen, -Th. price nr' .Ieh IIIOl Y'U T. T. DOD80N1J (If &h~ ~ ..., tII!.~ I be.,.. ~~~~i,.~~r.d , .• ,... G I.t, orPI.in'eld, ~ .,~ .lIi'" .,"yiJlI. f~um. 81X lO EIGH'r . ' -March 111. !iSS . .. ' .. , ',. ' I Dew 08'.pce, ~Dd ,l it e.. bJeO&,to hk. ptD.81'.oTA~.-:A. will'" 'Na by )lr . .. HU~DllED doll'~I. . Wher~ mllY be fourid I ,O::od' stock 'of ' U .Itl... . '. ' 81J"".I ..,·..... d.\.r~P.'~~ l\1I.b.., ob· W.J••YII~e Ii.rllea.. BfJ." W8 8B:ALL PROCEJ!JD: . D '. U' G '8 I , '.~ BI dtder of 'tbe''t'tAliaeil. ' • 'tal ed .... 'pi, of .rP.No.co·p·~ Gla.ie., . ._ . , W b.....0pLe~ ~he "Iall ~f 'IJ~ l'~W " , " . \' I ; ' Y. , !>~ .~ ' .~ , . • 6ar~ COr'reeltcl Boer'.;Werl. 10 ~pul.r of ebllr,lnll • Ulllrurm price , . ' . ' I ~.' I \. 08aJ»a(J. WalGa.... Yalor. wfilcb b... Frej).red to ' farnll~ &0, : ' - '1' , . , ",llI :lIi••rl• bl, b8_82 lur each .rt~cI8 rer ) W.,.e19me, April~, 1866. 1 ,< alao•• who ••, a"cI ~hem. Tit... Wh~.t 1J bu:h'l, I) 7~ @ 1100. r'~""o1 ~'h,tt;\ ~ppdeett· of eOIl- .' ap 8 ....a . , " ,. ; 1 "" b '11' 4- &b brOa M to a,e ~ 60 ductlD, 0,11" lI,ellll1. ar~ pel~ b, the ealll of t' ~ ... __ _ ....... -...-AVilii ':stu. ~. ' .r~ t • .~ ..e .'D •• 0" ' . ' , 0.1. 11 It "s ·clrtl~'.~ oi C:OPpo n, 'fel1re~eD.~i n, ~iie 1 , . .______ , , 'I, ,J I ., , lb,. plece ·IMI.e• .bl .~. ,w,ll.:~ D Baril, ,1J- 'f 100 , urlou. "rllolel. 'rheee certdicde. ere Mrs. Winslow~s ~I'y8~o -'PiJls Allow ... ., Id'&on &0 . k b"'tiolaar' Cadw.n ud "''aelolltiied. · COfA"l .!' .' 1'7.1 dold.t FIFTY (; ENTS elch 'or I) ror . ,.... / , .~. • I ,) . , 'pea r . . , ' • . . 1')ou;' -blrrel, 1l) '60 ~'!IP .nd e.eli Cerli.Ilr.'ale will .how lhe .• - Are prop,hed o,\l,y ror llleJilllJ!'lli purh tbroua , y~., oOI• •~( ~~" ~b~ .bov. 17 UI. be .,.d u!wh.n. Our .' Fluur cw", ' 6 00. 116'-111. tM,UCl4iI." Af.t.1c:le he or the ie HAIR oj L ., pust. omtare the only ear. _n4 ell'ec~ive RaiIroacl, .0'.; I I.e' WNk 'raT- ·reJder. 'will do w.II ' k.' ,Ive :)(r. 8b~ . ' Butter • ".' .., ' . 801t euti~ w 9ft ,a, IDeAL of ,medicine 10'. r.mol .. eatant. " . .• 141id Ih. ' . , d'" T. id8\t-ia walter. oall ud 0..,. bli enUre La~d 'fI, ,I t ·· , ) , 19 '''J,GJ.:''' ' H ,. , F'.4.'NCY '-lOAPS, Du nut tr~l& wi~~ )'our be,hh." J~ .. .. -.. ' ~ PI t,,1 ~ . " ' ~ •••• .~.. • Bt.. 'If . d~., I, • .,6 0::)'" 11IIe llep... Of f ... lght IlId plckn. p che'-' " l\ld d'DI~rClI!f,'.ml."lcl"i lJW"l,eb ~D. of, tiid .~~d. Uel ' .OIt .Cqok. .. , __ ,.,j.' • . Pot, toe, , bUlhel, I 80 , lall · ~...b. 'o~ .;tW~DQ! fDuhlnel will be : ., '" Drualll." ,~.". boullbt,r.lo41~iJ1. .~Iy GODil. . . . ia tbe oo"rl. &b.earI ...;... 'B ~'D _ lobUd la tb. ".y b. Dried ApplH 'fI " ~O . p.ii .,. ~'. ,artl•• wl&o ere 80litled to pYE S'fUF.~1S, .. .' ' IDell~"belnlllllnor.n~ Qfi tAl'lr ql"lllle, . . .. , ·b'l...."'~L II ' .-~ ~ fI~·LI ~ ~I ":'t:' L , ' d' b '11 Cbiclell8ll'-' · • ," - • . 00 Ih,, ' • .' . ,MRI. W~III~W." .Y,~'1JJo P~L"I.~r,.ct ~~~~~~! . ... ~. co~ ,~e~~.,._ ~ ":" I lbOuld i O !~~D' o. ~e 01 ~ , WI . Uo1i'.,e '" t; •• . • , .. 33 ·.G'l'WI'IrIS W a NfII'l'n t· " i III ir~e,ul'flll •••"q~.p~IDr~l,m!lo't'~t~o; ud polh,. ap,l. .•~. 008"~I,., \ll..q"t. Dot·d.p.1i ftOlialij. Th. (I.ndaUoh of New.Orle.ne 8u.1f 1111; 16 (J SO ' .a ~~, ,D4" Arid' ' PAINTS, ' I ' " . remo~o , .111. sCl~.trqc iOPJIj . ~bl\t\Jel:' ,,o1P wbiol' if .p..... d ' piobar_eqlla ud • •, a ralbo..- .i.. · R '~d )i. JO!ltb. . ~ .• O.(llol ..... ·lI.~IIRP.. ,., I ,M ' ·. 1 "'Jl' O~ lite UI'tt8d .~M!el ,00 . ~". ,:old o~, olh"rwl~e •.• ~o, '~'lidln! ,w)". or .' , •• , i ,t~, . d " .' \ ' , Panale, IbOli1d .,. ,arer~1 w.~~... 18wC~u\A-.L ( ,l ' ... . , 1 00 Pr Il~ '''.~~ ~Q, all .lIu~h YIf, ~ J~l, I.". l, OlL,C\" _ I I , "!Ill1e~,'houI4 ~ .. wilI/INt,lnltm • .', "u I, ~I.~'!~. , T,!e u~~ ••d. 00 '~I' ro.d "D~ th'.ir Ilh1lc1reftcfor .daoaLioa, Ober· . eyel Oii l" ~.I~n. ~ {'.:.. "; • 'fit d. Qt, "UI-"b.,o'.rell. lud 'oD IpplIC.' <'I I ,. 1i:7, \ . .... , , ; , _" Tr, ~b"IJI~W ' ''94X'tdllPl.r ~.~t8C~n. I, ....,.;..t~i·..A ~i' .aaoy~ by \1 01.: L h beta ....teeL ro~'. 'he -> ., ! II I ( 110 'CIircuk, of term... III be for~a,ded. . , .... ., . .• . . J!n.d 'ite eo@Y'I\~JLh., .&b. ~~" a""" ~ . , ; , I a. ~10. ~ ~'l. :~ ( ,., • ' , , ! I , -'\.0' . &..i " " '. . 'H'fJJ .... \aronltl( ~I ,11J ·Po'it Office Or · ~' ~ ·.4.""NIdHT.oS F ' . d,tlbdoi,,~ ,. • a"i 'W hloh .... cb.r- lap .nha,. IDd b••b lDotel '4OD."ot~L' I J 3\~ll~tJ'I)~~,,~j. Ii' : 'de "~t. './lt1. d b. 'bbllh!lI~d or by ,~ , AD i;,.£.!, R~~~1or )ia. 'W 1,rILOW ' • ....,.iI~ ~tJ... L e.Cte~"lll':.tf j· 01 b. ~.t.r~ roade. ,:t~II1l"'''' ... C~~i' Q~vW"~ ~ul't:· f. •• '\, .. . I " . , " [Ial : ~ ' Jie,' Dralla ~li 'o~,!ov~.r'. 'Ple. 'e· writ, , -"'" : ". d ,' GIft... 'I .lIenou. olb~;' ... Price,,· ~r ~JI. or "I'....... _ _ ~Il and wil ",R'O. ~1J~1I! ~. ' ." < ~ "~Tlt l ' t ~E J . Ill1me. TC"I~D, (Jqunly,'.ud IlIta'.' ~.a.ui ~w- ,~, I:OJl,1I h~.~ jl t:or .eAle'"a)}I!_". ~ J ,"-' . • JJae,. Illii' -oCr"! ,.r~ i. aae In~ to ~1 ~ • '0 . h :,.y Jl.h'i:1 ~ pll ..,~, .n4 II dd,r....,11 ortler. to • '. • I +... ' • , j _.1. . t,- . 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""~.: I~~~~~ ' .• tilhL _~ PEREOl;OOPJO '$PBuT.40LES!, Ob"',~. .. , ',P8m,]yGroce~es 1 ~(!, I) .. IJII~~UQ t-!It :aUdkilude.• "cl fll~' TWO DOt.LARS RACH. RroAllDUil or . A'n 'axilellent ••fOrlm.';t J·,:.t .r.cely.cl," the'19ah orK." ISle, ,"" . . ' M" Wi ,r·,." Q' _ H ~~-' , ~ ' if 11 .". . &t. hi d' I ' f 8eifd TWENTY FJVi! C£N.'l'S lor '~ ,- "" . ' ./ . ' , I ~' 'r " . , ••• I . .LOW' lnlln _~vII. ~ ~rIOr.1 w~ I Dou.e . ~~ ,a, 0 v,~ . . 'Oln:' DOLLAR: (OJ' .ul ..... ',O~ ilt a~ ~b!&.6"" -tlil "" for • p~.,.." of, .,'rq~J!,' o~e ,,1I.l\C~ of , r -eUCR .AP • RER I. QUEEN, .It'oD1X ili·y.." bUtJ. ,IIi. 0_.. I, W. V A. ·}(A~_ 0 ... nlllllb~1I Nolie" or . d IppctaclMi la tb. mltllet. C.i1 iii. ,lbe . l-~clill th., ~'ClDC:Y. OCC.Il!IOD,tt . /" . ;' VIRTUES. . •• " v n' Sill. "be Dllml>e~ 011 eacb ~o!ICe co~po", . 11.,1;,1.,.. . ,:-0 . by' I e of ,th. commj..loD o! TEA, ' I ,.! . ·N, ·" h • .,8. r r....';: ~ . . . AlIOoll&', Ed. No .. -. ","10". wilb th. Dumber on 10m" ilrllcle o'·podt."blch . ~ '. • .1.. l .111~.. KIJ~ .,,11 ,b. r.rulil 01 Achlllee ' OOFFEE '" ". . , .' • , '"II)~ "'. ...ill"be leD~ OD receipt of te. The a,oaey. will b ,' fj~~lIiii1.; tW:~;J'"'' el,c'e.d). 'O~:.c~. , stHiAR, . . ;. At! 10Ia,Ilbl. ~."oa~a· ..d ' . . . .ua ELl:CTI~-t>"" AU:Q'rI~ ••-lIr" 8lad~ be ~ (l'lIdc".l(tb~ ~~cli do no~ ,.he ..tI~.C:Ph' ., . .' ~ • cep ~ <~m~""11 II jUilic. of ,lbl ' . 140LAYE~. • ~f the Baar ~~ ~l~,fuJl1· ~~lIetL 4 .~; ~,.rli"'e · h.D'-. ban"iDg> • . A"II"II\,,~e"\\"NTy.r"(\EDOI.L~R.jler ON ' ''UB Bt1.nO~I"'.&JIl PI."-N. P'B·~· =~ ~PlCJi18, · " . It $ 'I,"0 Hiiir; tl~; ,'. ~ saul r ~ RKt S d f . Cire\ll( r ~ Rt.~D a Sao.. ~ .., ~ , , oru~ a ''1I.l''~. l!J'j'O ETC , ' I'", ., ~" ~ 1 ~ 'a~oil '0. . I". " 19th)°,' ''0 . :r:~. B~lllt~:el :~;:. York: • . o,~'OIlte li. Jilt;"-! !.ll .I" Bt'U'£~ '~ciCYNJ1:, ~: W; ·b.~: ~b~':[::\: ~l.!::;'~lt;~: '1'Wa ~..nJ 1e.....rallJ, oqa"'~ to Of&cel M Li"erty Sl, .21, (Gor, r,.~. f 8~) ' . .N~ Y Ill(. " ~. I ~ ~ ',' 43 . . J\ Colo'r; q~...,)q'i~.~"1IN up, ,~ falllete "lOr"'IIe 'l1tte ~ iDM& b~ "'a.. ill towa, . . -" " ,I ., • "'lJ ,.it; . • d . r $ ,. ' ' . ' • ' • • • • ial ou~ ,t t~e b'~io).""'I"'l'" .... 'I.ad IIcl.,~ ....~.':do.b~. I.bl( ' Ih. ,ale '. BY.• d.~ aao'r.d. D•• ,proofa o~ B.~:::~: ,kftl~ctor" It ~m, 'D ' .• ,,'(~ ~ .to I' (~ ~.. ~ ," .~ .A~D I •• ~,o,ft', ~~ FID~'/IJ1:~IIIPIKI I o{ ~b. '11'" 'i'T', .'1 " rL ' • • to ,h. peool r eft'eiICI of Boback. SIOID" ,'-, P .' , # .. , . r' " ...". \ I • • . I • Iw, li"'l _lUi ' eoapeUUOD ,~ " b 8Itl.....10 0"', whe...-adieordend. lI:rSenabta 110\ .n'oblJ \0 ...eei._ p..rqoilllell. J'OR: A~ ....~I ..JO JrAU aou, I , : _ :'.: .,. . 'h oI)'D,,' ~fJ.qd "I" .....JOlt whowilM•• k,pa,r ohuer. " ::.dI&I08 of ' b. ', ,&ot..ela. li,et, .nd DOUDI'\:Ii... a.... n",H".elllu... 'S'0 .. t fro "'D;;;BB~Cl.1 J, . , . ..... !\\IJ1U[i!lD.' r~, ' : "~I, ,d:" , ,, ":; ,.-~,~ " . L Y I '" cO bl.t.d.rUli,' reardebUity, ...... ,ull. l " 11 ..,. ', , • '.. 4-"V P -, ' hl~"r\ll~ .• I"latf¥li'-'4,,"~1l!e ~ 8i.. utI" -~ ••, ...... or , 'I . " _ . ' . '1 +~ ~.Ir. la ~~dl ·,op
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d.1 ike lile lpolel• Jail. prJ R ro,IIE GBUr 08l!lRT H ERB&aT, _, 01 . al... . I lib L D ..DA.&OU\I S4U J lDt", ClrJ'.,aJ. So Q2. .~,e ,. II. 'ua' ", • r, ~.l& in tof.ali' I'. tPfte, ,bout flu nalio"Jdl~ , RId 1859 " ..~ .hip' Iike Ii .,thillal, ,ad ."e.,p' Sia " ' " of u"rlValled.,o. ID the ",' •• Ind fore ..., lik. Inowft.kee 1.0 de. cure of ''''1 form of prlw............. 0 ip. .. ... i9IJ CI IlructioD belqn' I&; .Ind yd it. i. EO cid~"qo ,lIb.r 'I!~. 1D0bil. IbM "e may b", ' liye<i yearl Sclllnc, fJIId F.tl~", Dialattg l'ictor,oll' 10 ilIMrO:N C•• M penlal\ded (lrat it' , 0"'" Z ..pttU'If/II .hI.( .I:ro.,eJ. .xilta-a' ' .11; lind lhe "reat bulk o( w. in'I.IJlbl, cu,. 8,phpu., Glee!, .Inkiod aenr rellilOl Ibe trutb ~hat GonorrhOlI, Jmpotencl. N~el rll I end II i. , . ; I E I ill ;oj ' I' II they are bathed In 10 oc••• e( 'Ir. 118 • m - lilli, '-'Dmp '.11 • " '111 ~r 10 .eigM is eo eoormolM tbl' iroD, .bivers (e malu, encle ve rl IcJrrq of p~i .. 'e d's, u e " b bbl o ( )N Ita(c\'er oallle or n.,ur.. SP,ermnt or. b e for. IL hke ~Ia,!, y~L • !oap' u e rhlJlo Ot S.,If',Abuee, 'hilt Cur.,; qf moJ_ '~I!' thro\lgb I~ with !1Il?II~l~I' a~d l~e manhood, eDlily 111111 .pee4l1y cured, nnd 11~le.t Inlect ~~". II' ~lIda "Ilh Ita emy Irace of ile ,err lble effecta ered1c. , It mlDlIler~ ullblYl,O '1111 th e led Iro m Ih. IY IIIl'm, ~Wililou, dctenl joQ We t cb t I b t • t h f b i Y , elL Ii I .eD~e.. ou , I ,10. \I h oue ' rom UI nefta. ",UII/: men "IIeur t I ' II •• u.. Iu WArm IOlilb wiod, bring mind. L/181 we ore i,l pOlseil8lon of tho baok color to lb. (ac.'-of Ibe iunlid- Secrect receilll8 .nd method of p'raMiee Jta ooot "ut' "ind. refr,'h the fevered JJ ( Cu lve rwp ll, L ullementl, HUlIle r. Ve l. brow, .nd DlIlk.- tbe blood maotl. In peau, ic urdl and r grellt . d!:len" R. d' . ol e he ft» ". I Iightd OQr chub: even i", northern bl'lta III "'II ern me Ica, aClllO ej .r h 111 Inct ' , , , 1 \ d , o f the very ureateel impurtallce, ~nd we ou, "gor tIe Ilr elled c:lll\ ' \" ould • • " IInv man 01 live lYe b.II r.ce lIito , l' Tb " db" . . .. ,. ro .. cll mmou -bl·'...... u,...." O~r-' iIIW iD bil ,i.i.olI, 'a .ea
' 'Dge.
1-"._ II In e ~. - ens'e IIOW tall ,lie ,llo'I'oo,n" "I,d ollo allol. .!l'}~ i\ "":,,U ~be mlgllifi~e~ce of lun. iow p,elendera of lh~ tI: y, :'ilh lhelr /lee.
uren 0 ollr ClUne.'
.tl••• ;&'\te' faU' brlgbtnell of
lIudday .~ 'he cbalteoiog radl.noe of lhe glollmiog', aDd l~' c,luu'd,e, Chal' cl'fldle 1IB8~ 1l,Ie eel. ' llog un. Burroti' 'be' rainllow would ~Iut it. trluOlpb.1 arch and Ibe wipd. ...iou ' ld DO'• 1. ud III-t'r 'm ' e"'!.. 1'8 U.1 .. ~ _"",. n e Irranda arouDd Ibe 'hufe . :"",,/I)ual1ero
, R . IJI tlltlUl.
00'""D 't '
Tb"·lnbl eribe , hi ting ,llrehllei tb , ' -~ lL ' b"~::t. n~ lu~oe .. l IJ be loll 10 It 8 8T(l')l ,I{ J'IlTT I!; Hli , 11ft" • C II I, ,D t. t lO rlill ,"_.,,_. .... ' II . , . " , • • jio, lel _ _I'dU'lt" " un> '1,0 ~ u~ ,...•• ~, ~' p v. lo cbe,he JJMl r"medr.t'Jlhl h r"lr . U Ql · tilln of !'lIr ~n anll oilIer to '11* (lilt , " ' " IIlal,,'- wt/ill'u to tun 0 IiW nbi tI t .... Ih~t he I. fngt eed ifj- Ille mar, u!tlclure,1I1 :N'on.retebUon or In 001. Un'ene8" of ...Ilulrcd. TIIf,1 ym r ~I t~ .tr~u t\",1l Tn J& riO~l'dl I d ' "Anny AGES ' .1'.:: " , r ' ·' !li.II "''!4k. llIIJII'et. 1& r Ie> tile elrOll", W AU' .Lli;1\.I I\l\U1 J Urine, .ll'ritatjon. I"""thl\~lo · ,••,n.. orOlh.( a h,,,11Iubrult .u· ( .. '''' , I an • ~ UI .; . f hInllammah (\ ..,a. J z ' n tiI..ll "A 'II U .... C lIi Nu I.\ I'on \etly b~ ,I
~1Ind ie prep'ared' to do, lit lite - - . _\J"~l , IXI~ I~d I' ,II ahqr18.l
hortt:e. lilly hll1l1 '" 1118 1111" 1 fJ::T' R elll,lU l!\M ,~e ee, IC~~ of lit. EL' ~~o~ ~J'Nt~' 1I0jtJ ulm dl~rl·llPefl~rr .w"ir~ua'~1 ,," /:UI.,.II e... lIe un fl' I ' .'" u'U.
' ~ A NO-lion "I' "
Cor ., 10 . •
.. I
Wa~ nmiJle, Feb. 27, ' J
' I.
'P.dlllolh.rI W.gOD
H. T. 1All T Jl,O BY" CO.~ WHI/LU.lIr., " • ., )liT"'IL Fl J.'
e .D.laa.ue ~, or
Xidn. ~1'1 Dh.ana of
tat. (na;d; '8 d~J'ln'the bia,dder.
Dao4J)wAr, . . N, T.
, HE' ,l\1DOLD'S :t'";, j'"
or '~I~ae
,, ',j
-IIP' e 4 of Ka.11I tltJ;eot ;:'" • ' rT ", ' • .~ ,'
O"Ii~'ltllfj'\\fol~ R '~lo.Itt{M;~lh,~~ lIot~_ ~ ~I ' l' II~\~;1 60,(01)
, •
wore '.ot'"
" h l<" ..III'~Y· 1\'110 \ '.
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'u lor. Mil, "or A "'"g' .tille,n ,,,,. m \I\IIi· " u... ~O<l .n~I'HcJtO ti,1'~1~1 ~ 1I,~~' q; llll,t II
Ir\la~~":.t li 1,,'UIIOr 1j1l" .. tIll : lil a .' It~r'..,t.1y" .(: or Dll loll' V. vdl\ , VII....t ""~ Agn_\ C<l"'VI~lh'. !)1~V·J1JI.! I IlJI~"U<lJ1 JI~YV '" 1 whluh,
a\ 1"0 ~"')1tr II&J. "'I
"jlU ,. .
Ll';ftr T ' {
di eD, Kltltioy OUII'I·hlll1 lo' , .-..1 AI I·llI.\!hl,.. or . hu l hu 1I1"1 1 {~ t 4UI" "'r.(1 lK!t.t ... r i.¥ ~' li r~",
I ' '.1
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A ~;rc'4':' ~ 't",.,crc!I01,I,' ,tl~,ur':;f :"~~\,t'; ri"ult')::{.,~II"~{1\".~o:'\tI
"culo}I~~~~ lJ' , lb~ ;,:
BJLI-9US tl\.t rl~I' of \II••WI/IL.11~, "~lll.h
••ullvo Jur 6mou.d~..hlluli'. hl, rell llll1tl ulr "I "d NO .lrel\g'I'ln~ 11 ••
oJ '., (
IUllu td tnu tll~"lIn.,r~611, 1 1I""AO(.Ot~U' ~ "II\·no. nnd gl Tlnl
T he eonstilillion;,ont eft'ellted 'oy Or. ,he ~ou!lI. 'N ~ \I" u, ~. ~~ 'tI'f. • • ,'\ '" I • We.kne•• Te J uil'eri th. aid ,of med· .11 I,er. Ill'l''rll wllhq~11IS, h"'h1C; I ' I j' "anlPo "' 0"1.1,,, lutUa 1,Ih~ ... -"'~OI\fI"'ltII(T ." '~g'loli'll • 't &II"lu.t.I'l'I~ .. to lUI!! 1~,.""'IilI I" \\I),l<I r. " , , ,1 leille to "Irellillae lhe aull "Il rc. hloule o"lII, r....t! ,.unor.l'lv.. ",~..n o," .., , bi I fI I• "•a041l d p 1 0,W " I e m.,ot " l""l\'~II,c\ ~ucl} u ~' ,Ii_· i nyarln ' b'i8 d If !Ill ,', ~\l.\'J 'PFlll, b., IU b• dUNTTIlS or, tbe W~lt ftl\df,l!OUlhl' .- il 'OI 'L\1O VI II~ vr Ih. MIII,,1 .11'1' " .. , 11. h I~I\' ' d JiMI<:\!, 4hutlld f!b~r'I' IIt t'''jh~noll Ill! 'f I {. ' ii :.... nlille \!>o lloD.~m,Jtt,ltJo V , l iq~~lty ",nny IlITTli:lt , 'f,T " ;e. I' I:\i:1o ~ II, «Ilt tlt~. " D~ II. ~on"l , - . ' Votl\bl~ ' jti1l~, W~ wer~ lhe ,l)r , , t~ hl~rlld !'nlue. '~I ! .! -Ie ~'I~ "'.b OIi.l~~,\ ,.~ ,,~o~11 ~~,~ N price'" ~,,!r bOll; utr fille" _b; I l8(e Into \heUni\i!!1 SYoft, Ghd we 1l...... I,.e. "blebl. Io.IO'IfCI or •• mAn .n Bud elrllctupl remedy for nil irrel,(ul,ritl0s lure.jrnll)ense ,q~a[)\IIIIl' ,in HELM'BOfJD'SAI ~:I~!;'S"J::"81~~::i'~'I':~'I'r.:I~J ~:l:'~~r.~~~\ ' I T lin,) obstroctions, irorq )vhnt"v~r cnU 81l. :anlllDg i.1 pr1(\~ \'f'l'U III '61,, , . I' 11",'.". ,·.,uody 11oa.. lIobac,k "1I10JIUU' h ' , , : ' The MOUlilain 01 Villil or MedIcal Pro. ,~lI.clt. pu,~ ,>\.I~u-W '. ,h~,'e, ~l)e EX~ A,IlMI'I ,Dn:f!llI'Trr ,>"n~:!'~~'i, T~.,1" ,~ ~ u,o r. r ~~~.I\'I: ,10 ~..II: II II" r. teclor.!'lltl Marri~ge q~hle. a~lIl, an El'pli. of \lB'I;, .uperi\lf" in , ~eoul)' .nd ' ''.... '' .I.l\AV'& 1 KJ~o. OI1(l.l. baa ~I!,,"y, IIHn Ulq, ,, cil e, to Love 1I0418,,,lIt1",1 CUDlllihioi 1\1 "I1Y olbers, , Tt, LwilJ",b, I,D" '" ,;', ... ~l I, i~' , (I'ra ( j' dr.AU,4!' IIi" 11 I'IILllol 'R,,\l' 1 ,0\\/,1. lIitW \. I aOO pagel ~otl, !OO plate,: 00'" Thll i8 Dlail ~ ,JIlI,X, 0'1 recll IPI,01 I~ I!' ;,' , ', ID Atr.Cllo,n . peculiu: to,fe-malH, ,II uoe· ~~~::'t'!;. :J~fr.Jl;'/,'3t~I~{'~II'rmetll~\YI' "fIB bllllll')' o~ wlht --.prl " 6 eal ' ..8 Fi.e,Albqm, 111040 ~o 0,•• u::n qaoletl~)l 8111 'otbN 19 re p t llation, •• 'ill :A 1~,pll\ll&~'\.Wiew,ull ,~." til lll,eo,,\": · lorSenti one dollnr. ., 'd P.ILA' .. ' ~ III OtlltlS. ' .~r .elelltj!jn , 1~~e,ulllr ~'i88, AVIAN In'h.uoe~ ID r,' JtOnAOKI8 !or our I Id, clrcula _",grap.s,",, lIE~lh:;g n:8 X ' I' BCMU1lN'R III. t,,"Y~I. ' . '0.\1 ' €otelb.,ilil nuw1 eo\ . bru8. OVir Pi.s I. ... .,.. '."u, ~UD o . custQOla , ~y 0l .. n "Ill, tI •• ' p)Il.,! ult { .... .,.r~t& thl" ,," I' A'" ~ , IY"· 'n,.I!Jt !roe. " ...ufLII 8!om ••)1 Ollh'" , ( Tholl ...ud tli"" ce", ' •.uIlJ e~I', , IQ whiotl at!, or, ,n~lir or, If tliO' I>iood ~ Ibln , .. tl" ruHiUl', • ", , plv ~\I\l~l: ,Mre FU9 V!lua~r .~ei. p~ "m f ,or DOt! UdR '~~ ;nv flllibJ"i'.rn~'\' ~l..ll\tcl' ~ It ' , I ' l): ~,d~pt.d to the ,lIor,lrlllllruf e~llIeu~ Al,ITerICpn,,;, el~fi VI~: In ... r1 f1trully', Kuel' Ih. InU' IU .{ 1;1.11 I C~II l\fi!hHon', be • • bou~ , ' .. 1 " , . , ,I, ' vl,oreud 1\(lIh fo, tn bO,r,.. r.!rl ' (1'~111111 •• Illln.:l' each elSe , ~~Jl!r~Gener.JI,Js. ' ~QO +i~j' J r,Co I', ~~·u~ .hUIZ~~~I~ .f'l,0~~ II!~~~~~~ r~ hrlll'•• G ~ne,ai ., ,16~ 0 ,1 I ~~).~ er," rli'( ·,.,r I '~', ~."l if , ; . \I, 1111" I I 1 • I 275 CutOI~ Ie, ...,~ No ytV rl, ~~·ri\,::f~, O.I~~~=~~t~Pt:t~~· ~1'.'8'i5t:·~ , bbO Stlle'lnHin. ~ 1 1~ Dwinll8; RQ¥A ~"'S s'r~3[AOIl BIT'I'E IIS, whlau ' 60 \lromlllen~wOmen, 1~6 Aillbdt." are a~ml>,"u\ft.d ur I~. l·u... 1 dru g•• aud 1116Stl eo' ~ ~ J ,'1 ' 40 ... ,tillll,.) '. 'll"bl.blll• ..wlgl.d"'~ ;1'!'l7( rJ ,.< .. 11 1:/1 8,000 COJliea or W orke of' Att. 4lUl- i"'!lloJin reprbdoctioll8 ' the lItle. EII2rovilllf', ~ainllo/tl~' S.t~\lI. PIC, C ,\,,,ICl~U!,1 al ... on . reeeip~.o/ IIIPt An order tur One 1) z n Pillt url!l irQ I" oo'r c tolo(llIi\v, lI "be ablll' a!' rec!HPt ,ol'
ble Blld inelliclen'• remedlea, IloLe 1 to ' .c!o-. .. ... ' we bllVe.n W '" imDll'hetl' f rl. "'Pllt IVllh UB! menl, 1 elll Am tlr.il ll ,1 ":1.. ' lng'C ,, , or .. ~e~IC!'L d Y eunfurlun.tett,ere Iru.~lnif.opr hellllh an d F oreilln I Ie.. .11 , ull ..... pe' . Inti mOIl"l>ltlh earrles8 cll"llllInl,.1 lenet 8\11\';"1' Re·' p Ibli... '-III " ore\e. Wo' Ile to rl, J t o kson", H erbell & . Co" ' , I .~ 'Jr who lwill~ oi oll,ce, lefUrn youL a,.,ki tlll, 11101l1'li willll._nl I lo anv atldre",Our •• on receipl of alUm" cree aOu.txp Ictt .nIIVer. 'ulU, WI tte ~.... ~ • r,' for (lur lli~511la .' ( ' , .. ~,APH'tC ALllt] ,
,"~n"' "H'''
ill> '
I' IIIN '., .. , .1 .. :' c ,. ' ~r.~, .n4;S.~~f~P,~c , 't,
W ,'''I!I A . . . . .'I'''I!IClS''l!lS, ~"""• ..1i\18 ~ , ' '" A." f - !:" ' "J d ' .
0' ,I
b"" ("-
. f
~ ~YI~ ,
In' addit Ion \0 c;ur IUlllin 'bulin~.. 0 • "1 , '. \o~rel'hill III,. we , .fV Hud'l r 'I e '01\'.. _,er i"" ' . ,'
, ~ ,~ • Oalpu~u., '<ha.vel or lh;U:kduat II... p~< l WII(, Q.Ii ·S [!I1'.VIIIA Qil , ,l!.ll~noe' p'o' t a .. . 1 "", 1 ' , • f' l.h ' 'l'J>!IlS cO lolu6 t ". I,r~l'Ol-rl',j or It il'tDitl 1 P 11, nQ a "18e ~Uel ° 1. e '"~ \ I "111. ;' ",f./ •P bladder, ' Ild~ey' 1, 'atiA <lro,' s'1'ci~1 I,•• tlv~, an .mol.nt 10 ~" ,. , 110" 8 .~6 I All r ~o ' "I 11•• t,,,,,,,00l0·9 WOlf" lJu, " orl ~o- I, "! .w:euingl," ' ~I ,\ () '~J.til~t:.:,,~\~~~ ~.~.. ·~~tl'tl~ I:,;, ; Id
'I!'1'.,' ITI1\
oj . iot09"QJ! UC~ rial,.
,....... ,' 0<1 ...lIb
tn. ·Pros. a,e,,'. BrOIl .."..
~pee'aI. IJD"(IUDee.. ,
or .', ?er,t.lon ~f'1
1'It" 'um
inn,fr,. ,an. ' Phl>lu,lirllplo erlr ."d olhers "'o o ,0 ~D :: wtll 'J'It'6Itiee1f NlPi ceill, '/i FI lfie 6i11oUlit"l ol'll'flelr 'o''''r. ():7 'Phe prlcs i'r(d'qull'lity 0 $I ,80 r"'h'd~.en.I · ·by
. ~ Ii.ry. ,
i. 1\110 in yery 1I1"l\rll. )lIe III SllIle 1111. ,r ,nd l'u~lfc: ~ani\lIr/{J: I,.tilU ~br~u&hout lhe 111", , f
1 llJ. f'
.~J".MAO~~~\.,. 'i ... : ~nig 1&,ohemIcaI~vtrren~ua~ 1> 0.1:rZ':rll.c',itl~.. 'liold , :'" \
,t"'1j1~I'1 'l,1I i,i e"':~II"'r1
694 Broadwal, 'lr~ ~
, .'
~ . " . ~uw...."
Yo'ri, ,
t. OHIO :
S. RICE, -----
A few door. above tbe M. E. Church, W A ,
Mill. V 1 L L .L. _
. . ' - A if D'N .11'!I1m IJ. TN V ft!>1I'ITfl .
much 10 tbe lupri e of , Ihe "". who bau never known his bau<>hty ~ be .. to be guihy of 10 much oob liT J. w. v.t.lI ftAlII.EE. loen.io n before. ' ~ A. Ihe C~untel8 tnter~d the Ililll41.o'8e"'1~"'c The 6lra ~ are elnlfl g In tho tree~ Jow room, tbe pr~lIy .flower girl The dew.dropd flem Ihe 'fl uwer:; played ht'r bef\ulI (ul u olld~Lio n of bO • •CSB The 110Iilll'-lieq. are, now III work, q Ul:ts wil\l pardollllble prill •. l\ri lelllly,.l u\l \JIe-.l\p . .u. 'All or any of th em 1\1'11 &l your lar. .iut.beDms kiaa Ihe m<)unI8~n Slreams , vice. wiLh Ill e excepti on of Lhi s,' ,II 1'he 8un beamuv nrlll nlHl bri£hl: nid, poinlin g to one complo/scd of gol , The aquirre ls chirp .miJ Ihe (,ru811dl!n lilliua "nd whitl! r08e~. anti rwl ' '' V'''' 'Ti. Ahy·tlOle, nil is Iiahl.
'J~ ".m~ ~v.:'e , :::. ~hIO. ~inr!ili~rn~o~~in~: :r~ ~gb~e; --------1. •
-~----.. The porflllbe 01 Ihe Ibl1l8 blul
•• A'lId barellel lilow I, bow - " Upon , e .~hly.",etin( ",,(Se .. Hlvl tild (ourtilen YUR' experience Thet de lira 0 er file ca . iII t!18 pec:lice <!' Medic ulfer. hi. FII1.II i . ",erry.t~priqlt'~ime, I P'o••••loal Sen ee. '" lb On...bj~l, .nd ' 1Ii1 '-ea.
Waylleavl!l'e and Vlcln ltl·
D . S. J, WAXj
.o.~dlu \
pa.4CT ICB
D B K T II T BY , ,WIIe.'"
In ill! Y~loUl "rll CJq.. ~. ~o to b~.exr_lIeel 1 .. N~ile Ii t th" · ' I . • III '1"
. . If 00
T ...
&~ Ollle
. fi
&1aio Street. ~,llY 'D
U. al 'brll
I .t. L
Ba'!.'''~J1 !It,~ m\'W' .~ £. ""lID
an.1DlWa~ q~\1 ,
atne" Ule.
'mlT iii ~mTm'll\l~ '3'JI
~u 1U000UllW
Repairl d In worknlanlike 8tyle, .t Ihe luwe.t c.~b ,!iC8, ~lId _fa\i'!II~tio n \V +~.·1 I I 89-~1 , . ' ,
DillAM ~S A. LOAR, t
.. , '7\
QL n 'r" '~ ~ ft'
. ~
l\IAY 9, 1866.
Gllee " Besldelee on North St., • -,
t 1" tte it ·t
" AI ,~, ,I .t ' , ' ~ . , WAYN ESVILL E, OHIO.
Alfd ""hl1e ,II ;i.,lIre Ii " "' ,' Jod, Ohr 'hearll ure' ''1I'11I ani! !ree', We ecl.o buc~ th IIlIlIia of blnlaSweet natllr,'" intllBlrelsy . ' We le,el thol sunshin e in ~ur tle~rl" , AnU bIt .. 1.6e G-oU .bove evory ing rich Illd pureFor bir4~blesB .nd fh.awUtr; 4/0 il love. . 'd - , • .I Wa!Jnu lJill",- M .._.l ay_ , '.6~__ _ _ I '!'lUI PQI80l fBD' L'tLLY . -' / All IN OI DENT IN TRR LIFE OF ON. ElRL\, IUNOS OF F RA·NO&. •~ . 1 :fhere • e Var lO"' , ~r,dilio~. al to the rigili of I Go d n' LiIly upon lhe tluiehl of Flabce . _Am.ng Ihele i. Lhe following iae'ideo t, .ild to UaYtl ocour1.ed in l,he eley,nt b oe l~r1. durioa Iho reign? , ~~I1i, 4~u, Il'~ t' l The PrlDCe 1'11' alily fifteeD wbon be asceude d thl! lhrono; bUL ' lbe IlroDi hand w.it~ whie!1 be leiled Ihe reiOI 9f po'~r!l~' t ~,!I~ ,~. lUI'~ulent DOplel, .and ,roteol loi the cOlllmon peop ~~ ga'lIlt I tlj.ltjrr ,lII:Nreuiona, .000 eObvihdea the m th~~ lie w•• pot Lo be delr,iaed for hia y6'Ulh. '!boug.b b, hi, .eoune he grutly en. iJe ... 4 M.~I{ '9 Ule ma.. of hi. IIl1b~ ject, 'bil tite W.I mO.re 'thaD ODce lbreRt.eoed UjlD aUflmpted ;, blu tb.se plot. 6rigiD"~ lI.onB Ihe bo we II ru,in
bY,."a".f~w l. t!!~ of sr~eli: ·~I. i!i.
!!i.a "io,¥tH~ in"l~y
buy. 'he
.Iaved w~ile po...... d with of manbo od-tha l ere we would beCIODIle subjec ted to Ure will of tY'''OLl, or Thy. wllli n, hnllt! wilhin min. genlly u'll tbe blelled '· libertiea oC a flo.. ~ , - pres. lnl(, eroml!.o.t, w~ w.ould peril lifil lind .U Love, did I realize tliere I I . of fe-we w\?uldJ lIA'~p die, if 'rhe drnrllf ua ant!> sorrow of dp.rellill/!, we Dlust; wll.h · ~he .... uraoce ililt ~e Our uil~pf~rre~ guod-byeJlJ would not a le in vain. . ' . '('he wlli le Ihin e l!u\U e.L ~ye~, Whal·i . !ifd', wilhout Iiberly~ blU tb. Wllb ' llIuurn llouki of tcndl1re&l taren· mOlt. ..rvile wretcbe dllllli.? and to.die , i OI," . for i. ODe . 0LtllJ ",01$ BY \\'. II . VE!! 411.1.1;.
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,lf1a.d"o'l~ ' . ·~I. ml\ul\01; I bave ofder.el to btang' Luem
$2,00 A-YEAL
QU L <lli. ha n I ) , \~~~llIaill~ ~o' ieu at ni~h ;; wa·, . Itruggh Hbroug h long 1\I,,,m . • .A. lIutluen Iho.u ght, IlIruolL t:W8s. llke lI.e ilnrknclin8 Ihth" ti ucceede lhe ,car. will,ollt "ppare.D~ ."~lie .. ~ing ~" he Il beuv '4 Lhi,: O'f~urlllng t b '11' t I' I Iriumph will (:ome all"lIt; . how elIgt,l'Iy Lou i. ia regf\fdi ug • eo me mos rl Ian IgII,. , I' h~ 8IIiu, turning 10 Iho COUOI . It \\'U8 I "I'irit blight, t
to ,be palace daily. '1'1I1l golrle.n lily i. br.\ f' voril!! ' Bower; and there fire only thOle io bloom 'lo -u8".' 'Fur Freedom '. "att'e, Onc. "1Ij:un, t him have tb ~ m.' ~ blllllll disenridfacliun . and a yearn ing Bequeathed ~l_-bleedipi .ire t9 tqo. ~ W '1. will lake this,' 5IIid the Count OS", 1111 a fond emile lue fa lher took tbe •. ur Lbo fllr dineo" lilDe ut Ihy returu illg. Thoul1h bailled, oft 1, ever \Von.' , . ' , seleolin , OOIi o( the boquo ts, . lind 1I1k • ') I ' . • • and held tt..~ b~fpre lbe blly, Yel tlo I kllol, tll.llim e Ie swiftly BOBting. l ,bus wrote tbe rre~I poel, . BlfOp., iog (rom her pural! II gold piece' of 'old.. cUlching th,e ra whh bOLb hie dim· , 'A Iwelve: molllh ie 0 0 1 lonl' " aDd histoly ,proVIII hi,' .... I!rlions to be Ihlln doubl. the ulu e. but li rat brin g· bal{u8: rl\iajj!u \ Ii ~ m wi\u a iloeru l These .. re I h~. cheerl ul words J keep reo Irue. II I, our .acred dillY, tblfD; , IIII! " oooJ dfllug'hl of water trom Ihe 1\1)11 lips. '. peat i"II' , eultiYale within ollr bin s l' Ihe ~O ~II ' of .pring yonder .' '. Iltullbl ly .a· uE'lId palor o"er pread As bird. repeal R 8O"g:lilJerty. Rnd 10 Walch wilb a leRlol I.'''. , With ji"ht .tep tile 'y nliD!! giri tooll (RC4t, BOil wiLh.a raiu~ g~8P be Cell Th tllClltlnol1 defl lll III wrung, b I " bver y en"rollchDl8Dt apon lbe rig~l' in 'Ii. rf,\r,t!r', arma, 8 pilcber Ilntrpal U ieU i OUIJIO ~· the ' eprillg ,.3,,'::,lIU. tile Ulle~I)lIl". Dun C IIIIt- wbi'lU ou r noble ~ '1 goverum eot vou'cl ••• r•• .. Iual wee bUI a .hort ·dilllllnce frolll HI. d ~ CouoteAs bad ~ept a rurliv E! In fond IUlicipDtion of our meo!tin(! l door. :a . .,\,•• 11. gl·t·tJ •. L to III, .an 8:8Y, .. 'Drydun ui~ '" t':e ' I 'b tl" K'm." .... , J moum " ~ d Il,. u t f I'o~ y -no.I'nd'ow ,\ In. en. . me Iillerly -New and Educa/or. ' 00 relurnin g. aile glRDlltfa 'lO fln~ 81", 'Oh " Iive l rillr~at, aDd lorgoUing eyery'h ing • .. For' wore even Paredile much ttl bet lI~rpri Je, h~r .\'i'lilo r beullmy pri.on, 'J r terror, 'prllAog forward 'OIHrll t rOil 111& GAZ J;'JTE. Still Ilhould 10llg to leap" tb' '' ~t1'lit in~ ~ver 'Ihe 1\"0<1 QC 80wlln , alld '. illS. • L IIlE R l' i . wqlll !' plirentl y , .p~illkli!lg someth ing (tOlD .I • ~ e. expillim ed. s'ari ~ hftnd UpOIl llrC1le ijbe ,had J.d.'.li d .J.(ouftd Cit~, /lIino ... <:. • IIgretis fobbed of BY 8. F~a EM-EaSO N. ,I I I lhe king. When .be look. il '~R~VQ deltroy ed , _ < ,'011 !I'IJ&WAZETT&. eyo cbugM a gleaDl 'of " ImaH • •I :No lIioiJe word in Llie Engli.q JI~~ A yo( 0 THE Jt YEA B : nll.k, .uob at tbe l.aiel of tliit you,' ..iii Pbilip, 'Pointing lig_ g'uRge cOD veYI wi thio ilselt' a greater uled · for cOlmol icl aod ., n,tly 10 ~b!, ~owel" " 'liII claeped in amobDI Of lIl'e~Ding, nor Ie m re ineor· wheD ,he enlered 'Ibe room; .\le Dr ,~ w. ·VAN lI.l.1I0. _ , cbild', riaid, ,i60ger,1i 1 'you w~uld por.led inlo the fe.,Jilig. or man\iD d het in Ihe aame po~itiOD in which Ive lDurderMI four Kinalj Iba~ tbe "ord Liberty . E.~,y :blSiog Anolb~r , loar ao~e by ·...,:.. another. bali Jeft. • I 'II Lhi. tbe lwornln tha' called at OD carlh t:ndo~lSd WiLb rea.on aod Ca· twehe.m ontl!' ,ree!ion!d wilh tbe pa.'. Sbe could not (orbel' an excl.ma tioD ~hi. Ploroin g.!hll inquire d ', vor.d with eduoati on , roel. lpal liberty '''Iolher flower tllded Iii -lhl .reatb or of lurp1 iRe ae ehe oblerve d bow d.ad! • " !' ,., iI, bit li'rll gTeM bl~s,iD.i·' giv,e u bim by lime, anolher mil.,-.to o. Iy pille w.as ber counleURnce • . ' p ....d on ,lire'. I 'I~., YPIl,r hll Creator l\t Ibe tll\TheaL momelll 01 olJfpeJ•• nq\be~ 1110'" IipOO ,It i" bUL tbe odor ot tbe 110 lb. oh.... A', loon a. Ihe Oouot c9!Dp,reI18nded lJia e:ii.. tenee ......a· bltllilling ~hich no olb· d of lir., aDOiber arlU m~o 'D . I"id the Count., .. , a' drawing b ~t full 'mcllning' of Ibele woraa, be er lllliui ,hl"lhe rigb tl lo ","e ,{rom'hi m, arolJnd her fibe turned to the door. • look botl'or And detesdu ion or eYeD to 1001811. In order to mllintai the bllTiil·grouDIi of tillle; ano(her n heaft,c tlltndar Ij"d thr~ugh', BDd boW" "P"ke my advice, my good girl pJru,e hi. wiM Ib.,11 ' lakinll Ili, de"d a~d .pr~.l! rve lhie Go<4 ·gi\·c~ right, he m"ny Iielirt-l hrob., bow' lI'IaDY carel tha IIl1lDd nearer tb. will.d ow, and ~e he laid )1101 un, 'he p~11I oC (l1l8h· will (roely work aDd · slave, toil alJd lind di'"ppo intae.n ll, /low many niDed Dol mucb OYer them; theIr rerrum e II a, tue King'lI fellt. ' . Itrultltl e: evell 'lo Ihe list eLag. of hu- , ~1I,d "ro"eo .Ilfinlll . bow mIlD, quite loo etr(lD~ (or 10 amal a r~m.; 'I can he fore you DO ' .tronge r mao enduan oe, before. be _ill@u bjeety 8 Iloa b(el8i,n~•• bow!Da.~, .r.iDbo • . There .ome aboul 8ire,' lie faJlIlred, 'Ihat I was ig· him6llf to Llle l~ o,C other. Bod give Imd ahowen b.. _,wo Ji.e<i Lhrou%b, or . . , of lh. exi sleDce of lhi. ba'l! lbe boo", of wbic:u all mao · tlfjoJot i. · ' . I'·' , 'O · I,\II~l1Iy_•••
¥"J" I'
=======:=::::=== ;;T~-I"~"~'Wi~.~k~;;;~ a. "IM _ ;=;~~~~~~t_~IO~fD~Il .. ;o~r~joJ~~'~ll_~~;;;,,;"r.L~";·;'I';;KD.w~~ t!e!~I ~c~!. !!!:.~G IT! V1f • U~
••.. d a«selio . 01 a. 'KNOW TaT .. ty"..,wh ere (m.n or WO.. IlII" to wborn we u T,,,,--. tSe,' -nlr.u relin. r, hidace ml.l.to lllr,e I , oalla• .y apoetao eau • ,boa"" .a • 11,u) .... E £. F. HO.'IO II;.:-:a'i Pi cO. 7:~ IIlht. genleel lind pro/iUlble bUlinll '" D .... Gu..... : - Tb. I,., aad. 'bat b.r. iod..d wa. a reahaa Ud . llah ~trol\l,I'\ ~Ia!r.~~~i.hed th ••Jen. Sa'Jlplll ' wlll be rorwardlld upun .pprebe Dd, \0 1011 mo.t .iD,~re.~g Sbaku pear.'. ideal"'EDNB lDAl', aAY .. .... . : Cilin. wh: Ib~ Old Wur)d. h .. pow ,100 with .t.mp to pey return {' b 1 lIicl. tb .. lime .. a po.II,e . IJfi~: e ..se. 0 .yeal. ave lo c Iro d N Y Mldlm . Addr.... ' ' ' I·wo ' oul. wlth hut. lio«lo thougbl, Yol.lI, loelltd ID. . . . . . 'UIIII .o.~. w.ddio . I .".s priviltiged hereelf I l Hu 1"1 n'wO~d~, rDI - crpow, BRADL EY. CH A]lWIC K ~ Co., 10 aund ~n T .. u bU.rtl tbat W!H t oU.... Thurulol1 p081!e1~eI .u,c I "Ie her 10 116 Broldw / 'rueada ." New 1I10roio ll' 00. o. tb. par'I.u \' ork. w 41 r lind I hue exhau,t ed :::::::;;;;-I'ao- .... TOJUt. era 'or second .llhl ••• to ena . J b ~ ' LJl~.imp.rl kDow!ed being•• s I learn •• frieDd all d ,e of lhe ire~te' llm~grt . contrl . - allo,tt~d space, and will derer my 8' '''BAN GE, UIJT TRl1E . \0 Ihe ~iDale O. marned 01 ell her I Yon. May 5. 13G6. IO te· ulor oLpult.., and tbe UU;'·"-" !"-L-"-''+'t'Srirel. uDlilli m. ra,or. I de· Every Yl'un, Iidy .nd Ilollem in fnlh IIgalD, tX Whil. in ft SIBle of tr.noe, 81e J lit Uniled Slate. c.n h.ar .0.lIlhl ng ,err. bring tbe D, ED ' . G,u&I'r&:'- Thll bow bar me En'. raire~ d aug II ii n~aleB Ille ye~y I erl,' "I lealllfeof lbe fer,.on •• ou .re to -erry. Illd by 'he aid 01 an IR· much lolileir adv.n .. .."e by r.lurn mall Or V.,lpara i.o by Ibe ~ni 81I gonrD' &labjeol 1II0re . Y '1' . 0 IUleIY t yonr rag~ rd of char"e)' Ii}' .ddr~J.inl ' IIe un d.er. ,Irumeal er inten8e power. k new. I. tl Ie (free ' e.'.'I'. mOl' ·cold·blooded' out,.". , ,baD aDY ordinar y nent IIi II ned. 'rl~ole "nlnl fellre of be ~ n, of tbe kind lII • LeU.r from Jl_ Orle.. . p"cllomotropfl. guaran t.el to produce II 11"mbu"aed, will obllj(e by Dot notiolRg .0warr an..,ly 'blrsb, if lbe cause ute-,Iike piellue could do. 1)( tile. Cut"re bU.~lnd or , Naw ORLUJ lI, L •• , April ~. ill I .e willl o( Ihe appnc.n l. togethe r wllh d,.'!' thil clrd. All 8pai. were jUl 'aad W. CbiliAu· lbe 01".,,, w P e. oaebo Beio, duly oolified of 'be Dua GA7.HTJ: : - I lert O.iro. 01 maull,e , pUlinon in life. I.adln/! Ir~ II' Ihelr obedle~J~~o~., CHAPM _ .... defiaD' of inluHleDfrI. H eharac.• ill" .uptiale , a. tis. tim. AN, d.re" ...r.1 00 Selard ." Ihe lilb i.,t•• on lb. ....... • .., of dlarlcle r. Itr. Tbis i. no humbug. a. n7.ly. ' Ik 831 Brold"' IJI New Yurko min. die Sp•• itb 8 0 thouIIll d.ol tea'imoola" clln ...ert. S.he .. a. 001 "AI buildiog mucb 00 beIDi t re. '1. latial steamb o.t Lad1 G11,' ODe of .... lIIlend when duired. I certified certle· far bebiB. \II. 411:' ill I~btrty, and al good .... 00; bIH.D .og_ge meot WbIC~1 A,laDtio and Mini.~ippi S. S. liae. ellt!!. or ~rhte'n iTuaunl ee.lh.1 tbe plclute ' . 11 cher· l .bin" tbe old • form. of dem'Dd "d my wak.. rul preleDo e. U.DIII 00 Frl' b.y. tb. al IOtb, IIrrind i. .. i_ wh.t It purporl . to III'. gI ',rIDay . Tbouab tb. tlipTolnrio rep' bigh midoigb t precedi lS .111111 IlICk .,f hair. and ...ungenclosin place , ul the .U 1 pICIOU. ~re.oeol Oily. Wbea I left Cairo, I -AT TIlE IO:wbirlb. .Ilf'• . ~ilpO.itioll and oomplu lon, "M_" li".of all ciyili •• ' ·al.t., pro' day. ju., CUTly c\luted .1 OU~ of my enclosi ni ~o ceotl .nd 'I~mped en· '-'-d --i••' 10 iDbllma . aD • ai, old'flu r ' . fo ' J.,u.... ~ , ...... - Dddresned to youraelr, you '.VIII !e. . , . "d d t ,b bombardiJII • ' . . 'J ft' 'lo if Olle. 1 '1' e anti duired hlfo ... tlO'l \!.lJ 0 e . AI. '. mail. All commu nicatio n,lI' • hillen' .poll hi 10..' ......,. ·bec.uI . drowlY god. BaQ. I ..t. tbrollgb \be bal· 011 tRb", lide we", green cOllfidentl.1. Add,.... '111 conti· OJ' . ~ ',' wOlild DO\ ,b... pal", f or ,0 i"SIl\~ F' , .' " .. , ance" 0 t be dITk De.... 0 'a.. to bll lure forward (or' III sellea. ' A'b bh·t wai • dence.' MADAME E.NF.Y'rno:1t1'lol'l. 1:. O. d ~ e.,.. , "6 ,I' tbeir pro...... . di.,.ga~dt.' aD of tbe early he,,' (or AIII.ona L I b 6 , ... m. , . . - detaine d at Meai\fh i. (or a fe,,: oura. Bolli ~23, HudlOll. ' • . • " Lbe princi,a l eo•••roial olty ID ,h. ThiDk o( my aelf,"abnegal lon I and yet dischar ging frtight. Ibo ~t V.lck.bu~ --A' COUlb, Cold, or SOlie .Tluoe' . R.C A N.T. - T A I LO R., ..ft.n...... Ibe watelling WAi IIIl1de Ibo~t by Ihe and N.tchd ••0 Ihat, ,.king So uth ,puiio. an' ••tll deat,oJe~,. I IL .11 III REQUIRE S IId/gDU TS ATTEIITIOft, All» ~ . K 'I t k b k d ODr OWD ..iDisler~ YY 'I oI&. ' O'D, I pa rIc • parulal of J.da Clar.'1 aew 00.. aD all, it waa a deligbtf . y 'IIOUJ,~ B& CHllaC£J> . Jr .u.LOw ~ 'I'IUfltG I ~'Ulatftl1) ul trip. TO CUl'ITIIOE, . .,er braY' in ,b. a,ld .oa· raady to act. my upecl. nt ouriosily. &g UIU"U~ " After leo.viog a Norllle rn bo.e, lrrllali o. of tbe LIl ••• , a P .....aeHt "'u .bon III.MIf , in' each It."e. oC tb. ·' Forl"ae fuoTl lhe brue. yOII' kno". Cound 'he .,,~ther very w.rm bere. I • ~rbroat AJfeeU on\ or a. lacar_ le i Maia ""e.e&, Wayae .villtl, OhiO. "ir. u ab~ ia4iplo mac" b , IYlQg u· and, delpil. die d , ' l.uu, theea.e , weepiog c ou , "n'I the Brat f.w' li;1 acclimaled me; ~. 18 OFTE'1f THE BEll/LT. arted ..i... aatirilll lfJ to pln.DL 'be boding ,kie., I "a, , at I have IIOW 011 bind I IlIrll .nd elealnt Lhe neat and now I •• al (olDfor'able a. tboUllh N'8 BRQNC HlAL :J'Jlo(:~ IItock of ~.blr.dall'. ,; . ~e.utiflll c.b\lIob of St. Ge~rgt:'.I" ia Lhe hlld be.n her. for yearl. There ' is Having" dired i nftuenee' un Ihe parll, 'Commodore R~ger •• ooa;amaadlDg charmiDg .mal1' of A.to~la , 10 good delighlful breese bere at ,,\I lim.., ,(rllb glvlI immediale r~Jiel. , For Bronehhl •• ..... Americ a. ftee' lD tile Paollro. acted lim. 10 have a Lboroll"b Ylew of all the ~q A "" d co 11'0 ' aDd th. enDing . are w.tm AetblDlI,. C.tll,rh . (;~n.umptlve • ... d t .. ~ .. d Thrpa' an Di98,118~a. 'l' ro llhea lire used Wllh hOIlOrabl,. aato. baYl~~' ,rOaIl141 alway. of my' own .... IDaIKl ur,; a I10, a LvOIU 1'I (II I 0 prl!c.ed iag.. ":"ind" d. Ihe .bo~lelt p~r' of th. day : good lucCel5. Binger. IIntt Public Sp.eak. . .,orlmen t 01 oo.oper ate witll 'tlle Brlueb and FreDoll Th. maTI iag •••11 YOll are doublle .. and tbe .. orniogl Ire quiL~ ,celd. . era wi!1 find :rrocjlell . ulel~1 In cl?1f '-lIImaDd.iI~ , p.r eno!ill l .t.Ia. ~om •• war., i? be lIol~mDi~ed ' belweeo Tbe streetl Rre n.rrow, ,~ompa.red ~~:IlV~~~;, :::I~e!~~~~:1i ~h~o~hr:~~~~~e CLO THS, ., '. " . bardme ll' bl lorlll. Th. toliabltlDL. Mr •.J. W. Vao Namee. ~:~ of tbe Ne" with lbo.e Norlbu o cltle8, bq& unu8ual ·elter.lion ol 'lh. vocII,organl. Tit C. A SSIM depe.d .d ,.po. &Ia."; b"t ~ne." tbey York pr, .., .ud bowo •• ERES , 011. 01 tbe bea.ulifu}ly pllved with 'Iooe, and very Trorh~.,.:' recomm ' ended (an~. , wer.l.f L &9 Ibt ',I!bu .... IDlt1 of the mOIL promisiog ~r onr .i8ing VES' flN GS, &C., "ulhorl . olean. '1'be ,treet'eIft"IJ are Imall, allCl ~i~!~~:il~~ln~I:n~ ~ldll::::i~:~l11~:'~~::;ry. Sp.lliar d., wb •• &~. 811&,,4 Iflllaa,o n. aDd .Miu ADoa B. 1\11'... I 11, ad act.om : drawn by.a, ~ule. PlllllfJogeri, i1~e an .rl~Clle o( Irtle meril, Illd Ilninll il prepared to m• .k • .up in Ih, uDd ... Ad.lra ) D'IIIDO•• wilbdra w, and pHsbed young lady. formerl.V of ., Yon· .ol.riog . pllUbe ir fare in a liltl.· their t>lJi.:ac, b, • till, of ~ ' ~ fi d t 8 IDO hor_ .., I u'd• . 'lli • l SP'loilib aut ' kUA: and' •tbe bqur "\ each ,ellf find. them in new wa~ xe ~ , .~. K. in the IroDt e,Dd .0 I t 1Ie car, or, ·f I. I • v.rrllul ~ntt. 0' thll world, D Oomlllodore Rod"e " r.tt tblL he , co"ld t~e Altheu s" I bew qUite a qu.ntlly , cro"de d and, tb~y hav. 10 rem~ID lire uniler"a lly pronoul lced'boU er 1I0t ao& "Oil., 1" hi •. cOlin. aDd Lh" iDyil_tioo. bad beeo i... ed, 8D.d 'mikht tbe rear end til., pllli tbe ,CAL L A:rm . SE~ ... i ,.,., Ibln otber artHilea .. It Jail lIIe& Ib.e aa· · d I. b " t of O'~'!~I AI p.,t' . . , rae h . . 'Obl.lio ooly • Brown' . Dronchill Trobue kDewn, 100, ir I ,ha to?iJ~, t. 'lla Irom one p...eDger to the 01 er. . ' and do lio, I.ke Ilif 01 t"e wor(h. qaalii. 4 01 tllOM' ."ho . .'fer.:.. ao ODe favored ,wiLh • <:atd wo.1,4 wil· return Ibe ';h.n~. ' ---:-o~' ,. io Ihe ..... wI1' : l8BIImlt. ~ioll', th.1 OIl, be oft'ered. • \,' ed il0l' bt 1011 '." ~N~r't~ Yel, b.d liaR rem.in ... . IU~ wallom ewba' .ar, The New Orl."nl OUILom-lIoDI. SDld l'verrwhr{e 10 ,Ihe, Unll"d Stllell. Rodrn "Dk'lh e Spill ~ fr..l it wo~14 pri..d.t tbe eAger congreg e' l n .nd Ixomin . m, ation .... m· ltill .nco.p ""d. It wal beguD ~::"In FllrellD COUOtrlei. II 3~ C::,II·,~er belore goln, el.ewhl re. " h~'. belD • lOll Ip Ell,olle, , h~owaag ble~ io the oharoh. .' A~ril 10. number of ,ura "go. aDd the 10U,DO"',1 ~ ~ 'I t....1 ' ber t~at Lbl ,.,.,lIcr~.GOaJd .ol b. al- 111.'" 8 o'clocll, I oommetioD . ."a. Dol being good, i& b.. beell lelL 10 "'0 CON8lJ JlPTIVE H. aNk.d whit impuh ,,) ••d l.rel,lD ult ,i.iMe at 'he do~r ' or Ibe ••DOluary·, tit.. The Pel' Oflitle lind qtller T~-.tunder.!aned hevia,' been lin. m.ri"d tbe appro,. 1 bl'.11 10f' aDd tb. blTide,leanior gr.cefu U, on I~ Ih8 howeve r. a;~ 'in Ib~ 11,.( siory. j, ',,'I ' '~.l..J "-- d r d 10 h~allh 'in a lew weeks, b, • ver, ' .n of ja.'-....-:at ' Me !l0~: . ' . I'XE Rller arm of tb. iroomlm.o~ followed by lite hll,in~ N ' I~. , ' lIutJllrl'd leverl \v,\ A& tll.a .T heater, ,lie otber .ight, l: NB8V ILL wtlh • Bevere IUIIK '.lI"eot)on, '11Id By u~ of \De LOllill. ture. ~8W bride. lu'pporl fd by ber\ falher, ,lhen youai IA~' i~ a Conf~der , 1l: k rllld dleee.e, ,CoIIRumjllio n-is .nzb . or , now r.ceIYloa . ~allj· ,(Diu the Ell.', known tq , '.1110 \1Illf '\1fe~",of the Gr.,,~ nl uf cure. bls fe\tow. "lIet,liIp·'n, Stoc:k o~ :"\ • ti~ Lll. loudly -eppliluaed aDd encored, . .'1'0 .. (\. who dellire iI, he 'will lIond a . ' b relali" l . groom -entere d IQme one in ,the gallery billed. al copy of Ihe prt8ll~iplion uled (tree 01 W. ., .lip1.. .. .. ,;.10' e b d·6 IV ID\__ . Ice, w"·1 101 e . h'In II\8 Ch IIO.C";.1 sev.enl '.' • . I chnrIJe,) If ." chft1aZU d ,11 eou,lt '"wLie rt , frOID the u,l'(l81 Clrc a e .. wilo .the. c)ire.Cl~i\lua , lor ' pre.,.r. l . .. IIUIO.ln W,.n • Illd usilill Ihe 8am~, whi'.:h 11,.!!y wll I ,ail, llie venetllblc narn,_" •• re.· Icft tbeir ladie8, r~lbed 10 the gllllety. ina find. ~ "'Ire cure for CunlumptIO!l, A'.lb~lt, d, to receivilIh,m. , " ,11 and wo·lld ha.. killtd tbe' mRn if llle Ikonchilie. Cough,.' Cui d•• Aead, ., W.... befie...hll I"a' ]lO.p & ,0 1'he on· NAILS Tb~ brid~' ';ore a moonlig bl.on ·the. Pro'o'I~ O. lI~rd haci' 110t illte.fer ,d. d Til \ d " 'I c,bject 01 llio IIdverti~oJr In lending Ibe' A . • " ,. cerelllOD,. , e~ II,." \ arr~Dg' I"k" .ilk. wiLh Aweepiog Prescrlp lion ill 10 bl'nellt the .ffllcled, Ind HIN'GEB. Irail, a white ' BU6i'oe .. 'Iiere i. gelLiog ' ury dull .• prE!"d InforinD •• tb.......... ... iD.. lion which 'he conceivell 10 \. a "Itte ·Bl!T'l·TS, ,.,..I' b '.Dd . Ir tne "ror . I I Bu8Iae " .... · pllltb 0l'era'c I 01\1'. . ...... D are . . ..' Iua ble;.'1 d h ' Wit all complaiDlDg, . ,. ror be IIlyO sr'REW S, 1\ lIopes eve,y. oll" e"D ' bdrea~e, d of at" r thll1 ",.~Iy orange. blossom s Rnd bridal onoe~, IUny Yei!. Tbe Irade ha. not beea 10 doll for le'tral to..: \ b I if to th \ wllliry Th h,I • . rftmed" s. it will C08' ' LOCKS ., -p t '. . ow'. LEAD, , f •• ee ':;: he bridelD!aid, Mill Bolle Moo~, dl!lUlb~ nolhin" IIlId m.y 'prove II bleuing r ve.u, Tbe Iheate~. aad lalooDi ' 'LA1'd HES ate "artil.'l wl.hiu, the prelcription wilt. , ; "', .. U; oe,."o~, chonll.'be ... _0 a · lor . 1& ~ or Profell or MODk,Ib,e a"i.t, w~ra Ii ' &Q .• OIL, ; \ .,. k.pt opeD on 8u04s, " tb •• alll. al ' p le"R IddEeD ,rooe'lICH'l Nil' t_ Upplt, par' 0 ~ ARD A WiLSON pluth ~ I Lb ' VAlJ,N k' d 8 t d ' lSIII" &bl elL1 ,.1", ai bad '0 1."11••- . fliD' pa J. gre.e0 .ilk I .~ile BV ..,. , , , . The, hevlI 'now on hInd .. I"rl~ , • , ' IIi I e wn ; aD • ~r flJ ' ,pro' _ "i ... '~ - WilliI1IhBbu~gh, Klni ll Cilu'l'Y, .' 1 t::" a~d wblte bODne&. The e,omp·llle, .. to,ek of 'be Be.t · Pltlabu rlh, bespoa '''~ era' OC ullm·o r..... .,.raete r " mflny Indllllem eots 1'1-6m. ' ' New York. " . . Br.udw 01 , I . , • &i '" ::'Ii . cl , ' _ r grooml I m.D were ,uteued In (III ' ' ., Cot SDndfty.rternooQ and IlYe'tUIIg, ,~. Nelata 10D VI a ,fOG m, .. " .. pr~pb. or bilek, A CARD TO INVAL ID8. witb tb. ~Iief or while ~Iok.. PAIN From here Ilene ror Ne" York, per T VAR NISH aCE" q e9'l·f l'lle .. tb ' D.W till Ind glo".. Th. toil.tl of ', .L ,t . ; ,a' .t..;"er wllto ."1 upeot 10 hear col. ""~'" A: 'yb!le r!l.ldinl in Sou t • AU d'18". I" t: j" I ." 1 d~ • -.. ' ! ' . db b '111 r b III ' merie. b'l I • . ~ , mlllu>Olry. clilCD~er - .11 .Ize~, cut wiler. req~l;.t ~ A"n utennoalrel luYe •• pl~III .. a .,r, frollllll eaa·ID. TUliODO U. ~... t b' UT"h 0... ~ I d' eo beD II~ Ilia.dO .0' were ricb. ndlilmpler"metly for !he l,;\li·.ed . , e 01 Ilve.lo cko' , aod b••poke ele,,"~ ,ute. , I . ' W~DOW • ' -ft~.S. NIl iii ••• ~erl,oua Wea.IID • AOI. 0.., eas, EllrJy Decay, to , " !II Vlsea· " . . d . ...... • '...... liilI! -~ 1.' r;qlll.iD , .a~ pt;ifli.e IJ.' lIIidDigha tbll tee (~I ·ti.e Urinary Orllllli. and tI~ e wholl Am~ng lbe, 'pecue o,. I recolol le. , &--1 ' .~w'ln A"a &_1 A ... PHRUeI.OGy.-),fe~I'I. Fo~J.lr IDd Irili .. of dllurde~. b"'''aht ·oll by baneful ' • I " .. , , " I eo81. . . . low.n4 . r OB, uwv,, · a~~J ; .D AlVVJ dil&el, .rter 8 A 8 HAl f auac/I~' 01, Ibe ,metropolt. Weill. 389 Brolldway, have jll.t i••aed Iud vlc\oul P.~ T T l' • hulnt". Grellt number tan . ,h... pre •• · Frederi .' ck 8 Hln j of the ' TRUSS t'S _ . luui ...... or ,_ ,~." I· been alread, cured by line 1I0bie rfml'd) , ·.ollege waf .• . .• , " lIew aDd ImprOYfl!1 Ph rene °lttctl Pronip'e 'Aft JL ... , 50 I ll by • .I,:alre 10 b,neOll he ,tftiot· .lbllred' ill.Jar tIM! ~,.~I~'" ritllliDI of WC\ekl' ,~!lg"lDe-Jobll ~. W~lYtr, BUll, IbowiDg' lb. lal ••t "Iaui~eali~o e~ .nd "lIlortunllle,! wi~18ell' ~, SUPP~T.aRS. ,. ' ' . 7 ,b. btUla" 'otlila: .joyful ~emODlka. of lb. 'Ilmel - R. L. Neville " 'h~ rc,:ipe ' J • • • ' , or tilt' lind uact 100"tioD of 'he Organ. of Ihe ',. " • "" ,' . '.' n, .lId uIlDll thl. medlollle. IR I , C.tfl'ge Ma!rer.; and, everJ,lu ol (o"ud ' UaloQ -Katt J Boyd or the ''Boudoir B . d ' laoDI. ..,. SHOUL I)1t'B.- BRACi I I d' I . All b envefope. to fln1 DO!! whu needs I n . IlIr,e Hurdware Hou.... . ' .' . . raID, oargoe ,01' earaerl . I e ,~ nL_ \ The choJe ... It Qllara. liM ~.. g . -Orpb eul 0.' Kerr (R-. H. e~I:U). PI '.... I ' I ,of no"ly disco'e red orgADI .a" giveD. II p:'ld ~nv~i::'; 'I." 't• . . I'OPU~'. .. '1 . 1 ~. !.e·"ddre ~~~~ ~on;ou:~ e~r, po.· o:T C.lllol1 IIUDl4 a lIlilder type. Tbere examine berure Pbrchlll ina I , fc" Delr. tbe ,SuDdllY Mel'cu~y-~. C. 0lintoo . ot is divided II ~ . Ole, ' .0 al 10 .b~w ~.ob Orl.D foddren . JOSF.P H ·r. I~MAN" .r beta .lIeb IIlci". eit '.bbill it,' a. it Ih~ l1er"ld .-R. Hlne" of ~, !lOO ah~ BrooklyD and all the rroupl- BOotal . ExecDt in. 41 I, D, Dible Huu.e, New, 'ici ~';· York City. , ' ., , g1 w •• tllolilb etb • ; ; : d , f t , · efhtbe. 001le 1l180bem • IIIIt:llectual, aDd Mor"l- cl"'lifie d. It UB£R T. Y L. a'!.d....~ ilo .U~ &b. ~r.t of ~ 10. we , InC oD~r~,. were preltlDl, il no" utealif el, uaed iD Europe , aDd 'h~ oboltr.4a .~•• it1 · l.rmiul ltd fl' Dod M..8 1Y·ODI, le"Cltng lady 1& the i. t,. almo.' Ibe OIl, o~e iD u.. bere. '~ , (Copy rlghle.d.) • taUy. OD abe aoraiDlR>of Jlal ,l . Tb Bro~dwa1 T~ealr., 1fr•. G. , F. ),fao There . . ~AI'I~UP~ O:b.lUI~ b • . ;, ~ 'ra ' li! are two .i ...-,b. lllrge., n•• r WltrllDtiJd t,o cd,er,In(lre,.urra ce • e Do Id Ih I bId for .. me ,_.n" " --"'." -IOolr ....!.o. . , • ao&l. wu • WOlllaa• 'I i,h.,. la '" . .. ,~ ,\IIl .!" ' " •• old a a . . e. e ra e ac t rell•• n d Ibe lh. lilt weaght thin an, utber I . .,.._ .. f " " - II<' a of bf~-11 sold at '1.00. 'rb, '" Vlt" . , " •• I, ~ rooker1 9111 ' Tlalt. , 1 > ' ~J 'be,. ,. I Irao.rD I poele.. , lira. J. SlremlDell, of Im"lIer one whicb i.. Ilot mort thaD TR~ IT • .AIrD,YOO. WI>~t. ~AVE 110 ' OTHER! • '. ~, ... ,ID '. to· , ' . ' 4' 00t8 tall! , n" .s ... '. NIIII11·..cO~~ ...... .tJ'LliI~d . '' . ~ NUFACTU~ED ONLY 'IlY 'I':~ , ' ~'. / . ' lilt aoobu ,,.~ ,hlgb,' aDd, .a, 8 ~..... ,'" o~rr\.d ,a , " ~EIG· LF.R." S;;"lT"" T , ~ ' I.e L IIed ' , • ,I o a"ir.Pb' w~~~~ :.' •• ,1•.ot1 ~ \ . II be IlY ~~" °i,III",mda "\".~'Lh• br!d~I Iood. ... n • AIIO, I Ilrre . niJ :'hri',d , ~h., pocket! i8 •• , , 1'0?'b "A'''d ' . ~& pu., • . DflItr, 'P~int. GI.., Dealer~ wbo b.r. ·aa · ...,atl' u I. on 110. expre... u~ etl I'. by Eltpr.... If ' j ' '.", I 'r Ire'I" u re .. " I Kq" 187 ,Norlh 'l'blrd ' Blr~ft' ,e' 0.1" m.til' ,.,UI•••. lher, LAIH B8'.' MISSES' ,be WII enobln linl "nd \he cynOll1re lar & Wella,3 83 Broadw ." New ' PHJLADELPHI~ K . ' 1'1< ".' ..aUo. ,~t~~.}~ to ,i.t'ell~ ' .tbe 01 all" e., ,aDd )Ier .b~c~!Dia " . I ~ t'I'. " g eo.tu~e ;York. 0::;,.. For .. h, by P •• n DUL1t u'rener . .plUCl l.,. . .41il.ia 110& probable lbe'ri Jeol, If pO.. lble, addlLlonal! .P.~ : ·Ieffect Lo ber • ... • Il\y. , ~g..l,. . ' .• .' ' ,' ,'I" will be,otb. r OC•• ; ., t"o~,ht \Ii.' aati" ch.rm.. $be w•• ' al~ to be de' A IIltlirll ilt la,s: 'Lalt 'Dlllmer, ' ..,ortaot to Ladle.. ' , lb ••tI~oriLi'iI .. m 'l. O'!I KnD. n . II rid ia a brirle. '.nd with ber gifted wbile w.lking in DIy yard, I obeerved toil'll, " ' in.lo,,·, MYltic ,lill. are p""por: ),. " .... ID;~~ IIan. aD,d I l.lIt,' roo•• ia,,b• •Dd h aD d~me b asbe nd ~ f n•• it bl ! • for u " .eDeel a greer. woo d' pecker ali"bt 00 tbe "Nuod ed onll I'lIfpu.el ."d Qre (be .!Iar......- 'legilhu~ cirecaiye t,IlI.dle.D. rD. r.",al. u. Jo.erp lra of ,,~. ~t" to 'h. ap,..r part 01 ,he aaloD .... indoree d \ . I . ' ' . , ' , by .ome finy fae .. b.rore ",,,,lbo k ilrOUDd tIIj):; ~o. trifte "ilb )' 00' h e.llb,' of ~b. ,. ,'- d 'lb''1 d'OD•• 10•• will .nJ Ille Tb• ceremo "y" was h ' ~ bBu,e,r I Willb~o well to call Ind u· ' I to LIIe 10 •• e I'1 l b · -.I I Rt alu. h ea l'Ie ,_ .:.. d.es.,oUllltedulIh . . •• wbleh I. WI. . 0 .. r._, . line ImiDe t efure PUIC ,ainl" • nl'llIl'I'1 . breatb. more rl ..ly, bDa 'ur bel u: EpllOopal Oburob -.olelD ' n, beautiful. dowa IDd lilDulat . d •••h it, a"teebi _a ~'1~';~j':;\~. ~eilim~"". ~in.. iSQo....ol 01 1'Ii1I. S.reet ; • il.ment will do mllcb to Iprea.. 1;'0 and impre••i.e: and the .b~ ROI!e ... OCCilioD wn eUI billleelC motioD llii •• d ' ' MRS. WINSLq~'S l\IYS~ICl'ILLS . ' d ·I..... ; t h ",.~~. ' , ,) ere ere lIeh 00• •bquld Oil.\ • ct .lIlr~aI Ion, to b. remember&sd by, ,,11 who hi, toDgae Qr,u6.. "d ",,"'ID~men'I'u. , W'y,n.n i,lIe, Apri; 24 • . oal al far .. pOllible. He li.on; i'!vi/lorat. lb. d.bilh.te d,...d.t ... to .... foro '" tr, ,t~ ketp the raiDd pe ..., and 1;Iot wiloelle d it After the olergym ' ,i, ao bad woald oeo'iioual!~ pull ~ .. ia ) hil , b,m...~:'.::Id:~,'~ir!.~~~,j~'ili :~·.hoald be "ilb. IIltilllP ltl daDI'" ' C B '· & • T B ); L ... R ' • All •• RU.Oll D. bellowe d lb. ble .. ioq Dod the coog"" He had telected a pla.. ee a."" a. aot oal'....... ' • , . " • . : WBl~' . Tbl CI·••·I.a"'t·a 00 ••• Trl' Ibeol-uleaccomlllg tod,nmh ._, I ulahoos h.d baeD BinD, the Plrl1 bill. Tbe a~t. 1~I.kIO on.and ,au ' I · him dead, con 'll~c'" thot the" a,,, I~e L.dy'i .·r.lelld. .. millerel .. ea!'ol d r I Ii b ,,' thai .~lIli&1H or the "ItD.er ' to..4 . b' I!rh-e I",r box or:l bo'l" for Elf ohor mo~e r~e' Ie cure, 104 eo ~~illi wou ld .oover b'I~ \0 For lmp~o'I"" and-' . 8••011111I>g'· tl••' Coin. k ~~~h~ oil':' IYboar IDli •.••:•• bi a" d;UlIlill, 800i"1 i. 00' .:_ "b ' Tb their o.rraage \ , brlnlun. e, were cooye,e d La tbe wbea.\ w.. blae W)'. a!l" • would ! i ~ DJanOvva WI. a 00.. I f b· 45.4w. ~ '!Io,I bYI IIa 0 and fH: rf• rt prep.rati olt ". 110 '-miUet 01 w..Jab, wboJeaa d • b' Ji t' L b pace 0 em arhuoo [or lb. wl!Cldaa , u g .wa w ,_m, ,a.. .... ,'YIllI,t ... III~ ' ,b.a .. llful [lutl·lik .. lIllt 181 TlCa, liD· ci,F Y01JT R. 011 1011 rid lit ~Onlh It ~i hi)" th.t OODIt. pI.tilll ' lile re! :fa~. \il bit m~Jr\ collld bold ao Diore.' 'GeD\len illl ' w"u Butrcred ' 'for year. P:I~b~!.S~lro~.,.:!!:\:~~~t::;, ~~dl:~li:IIl\~:I~~ D It wa b cod h . ~b t • ••• Opera 0 .... 10 be ·Joe.lld lomewl a.re N.lfoUi Debilit" Ptellillture Deca., 'i .. of the . kin. kil1dl, hf.lillg Ib .. ·I.. . • per Ip. ~ 8 .' _ • .; ' e f. ,y • btt...a lIalaaa 4 BIIIl, aDd SneDth wbtle OIOlldl ob.ca... ~ the om.~,. ' • ett'ecal of 1outhlul'lndllcrltlion, inl t,~.."in wHit.. . ,,11 clear .1 ' al[bftUll~r. ••D·a dl~ I' , Th. ,P relld'l t a .....' . w.. read.1D I!.... of lutrerl,n l htll1lenit" .~ CA'llno.' .~ d~tecl.d, b1 tbe ()~••~t • tnt, ,od Ih. eaoll iia Ulai eily\ ,c'·Il I'ny • tbe' mlrt. or ,the bridal'"par&1' the !Do' phi••' fo~11'lhne dl'l7af ~" 10 a1\ who n~84 It; tlie "b ' N - . " h:r,,:i.II~~ 'l~i~e'~:~~D~:'Cti:::n tt'!,'"rt\~~ - .'Dt lher'lII ergad f:roaa' ·th. au...d 1~'W..bHlIIOD.~ 1& "'III it W'I ...ad t.legrap York Ti b,d ' . •• for hm.ldnl · ,he 1 ~':o1lbe ~ft,!cb••nld II cOlllid.rad ,hi lb. oJ: l.. ___ ' w b' .. • . . . . ,lQ DOUtilg porIa., ,h. naM ..... r.n •til ""_ F • , • "U c~""_. 'IV. ..ar"lell •• IDd ....... hi .. 10 • ~ lDgioD to QIIa rabOIICO ;.DIi loild ' ~o prollt.br. _.I uriyall a tbi. OO.D~rr of Mr. P~a. brim••e,. )b1 ~ Upward, 0' 30 OOO-bottl•• we... ha'e ,~~ ourl" lbeDCI to' Cbina by a eailioll can ao '. 0 by addreA lul ~.i!!_r, ':':..'.' lbl .re,' AllU&:icall ba!lker i. or nre-t<!•• II.ppia liuo the alll.cieDt r.::n"'.~ • .....1. ihat ald. lbe u.arka bl. qQiok N ~a Cb10: l'I~. ~qD~~ 11 91, "1~; 011 rec:~ !~ ::fl.:~.,r, -:'{t b ,.MI, . , ' G...lnlf oa til... , ,;ho, 'IIte.ia " .Ilpoo _ ....IPI! of for. 1 day.. ~ ~ _. 1 Wf\,),.u. ~~ , , ~.m era •. , e,,:, or. • rBE~Of;~. S~Jr';T t • c!l .. ~h ...,,· '-. ~ - . . 28~ BI,er S,., l''Or, . 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EDI!'O" C!.aUn. :- I be, I.. "
to --=--+lii~" . iaro,. lbe Cilizeal or Wayae lfille and 1\1rD!e Kltl GU&n JI:-PJe a.. IlInO.Dce tb. \!!J.\I\l\l:,. • ,iciJlil., tbll I .bue beell b~lel, aDd nl •• or Jo~n W. Key • •1 ' c l n d i d l t e . u n ~+ ml1icio lllly miareprealnlA!d in reRlrd (or tbe JUIlJce orthe Pelce. . . ' . ud oblige J£I~Ml R~lilR O~D; to tbe treatme nt .Pdrl. WArd receive d • MANY UNION VOTEJLB. from me; IDd rurther. Dr. AdamI and May 7t l B66. . • • "& :. Lis (rjead. II,e wolully j"Doran t of the _ B ,~, . ' ~ A\ • (ii) ~/ " (iI\ 1M 'n ___ • riog up a child ill the wly he IN IN l.!JI II, U ~ IN ea'I, or 'b.y hlye "ilJr,ully and malici· ~bould go and when he Jold ' he will ~u.ly told barefac ed Meebo odl ror tbe nol dt'part from it. ' 'fuei. ((\UOdal ioll 01 Will be IOtd It IIUNiuo, on lice premisu . Where "'Iy he found a ,ood Itock of purp\l.e of injllriog JDy rcpukli on II" mlln'y. ruinous vice il lAid in youth , O;a- Siiurdoy. May 19. 1866, JllJysiciaD: And I calf upon them to Pl\rtnll ~holl~d be carerul where lbey I .. . . lend ~belr chIldren for educ"tio o. Ober, hll IU8l ree~.lnd. pro" L lelr Il8Serh onl: {or In.laoce , lin, Ohio hili ever been rioted f, • ' , r tI tbat I w., tbe CILue or .Pdr,. Ward.'s big h cul(ure Rnd hiJth mor~ l lon: aliI,: The Store Building now occu~ ~alb. by mi.t~eat .. ent: aDd ~lIm rndy Icilizen l . CALKIN'S: GIUFFtN , &; c:o :S pied b~ l\Jessrs. Roseherry & to prove l,bat I lID compet ent, and tb.t UNION S U8INESII IN8T/T~ . ,, ; , T£ IS located 'Neal PJld Imowu llS the 'New . b lhe Illrieit and mOlt corqp~et, ,.-.orlDlent . I d I'd not Iling . lht:re aDd otft:n rAre Inducem l'Dt. 10 ' ut what • . IAe'" b USlne . ' ss • d uO_llon " • wal 'gbl; ' nel' '1lose St.orc .,~ .. lOg of ,l\lam St.~ lit Drug. '. 1 ' W.ayneslher dl~ I leaye <.I\ ~ t lllng u~don. thA~ abouL lwif th , Au.,uol .\ • t rattl. Be sure to "Illc. , should have been ItO_ft!!, uQder eire .lcnt! ro r ~ circullIr "'Id Institul p naper This is hy r the mt'tst · sra~ HAIR OIL, cum alaeces .. '! 'Iii. I clln. plove by AI before gOing elsewh 'tr8. 43 4". , c ious ~ ~Jjgibl e and d.esirablc • FANC Y SOAP S, '{oud lind rphable aUluorllY al Dr. Au · £ H . b busincss stand ill (he plnce I\ma CDn hl'oJ ucc 1C'f' A . afll S ,!rg pRper PLAIN AND FANOY lelle or 1\ AI . .' . •' . So." "ho same lime. wtll ~=========:I:=== I conside r it co"ard ly Ind unmRnl WAn wloo hlU ("iled in bu.ioe. 1 four DYE STtiF FS , . ' y Lin"" . be~ Up,liL in a ,tage coach lIad be sold Co~unOdlo.~ 'Dwell· LEe T U R.E.. ill Dr. Adllm. to unaHLII\ie to ' break Ihrown down ao embRal lment or ~ixty ing a~jwniflg' lJ~ak.~g ill og~th;PA1N TS, d ''''n mY'- reputill ion in allch a me . . feel; fl\llen. heAdfore'!'oa, • thr,o ugh J A PI" ;' the most deSIra ble prope rty S,.r_li.~ T/'tolog ,J : nndj DDdelh re l Aeded mlnner . Hh. "ieh. hbalc"m",a, .'"daLh· • , ., 11l .ReAddlD~I.; "tl"lell • .. ~, PLAIN AND ' F iNCl' " ,;ver offered in ~ '~avne svjJle . '!en .'rlt: OILS, ree" me , at\: W. VID Namee , Trllnc. Medhlm : e. to' .llfer wiLh me, iL i. hil privileg • e: fAlher "f twentY 'olle , children . 'He . Sale to begin 'N•• York. will addr". Lbo chiMn. buL ~ .• ould .Iak you, Doclor, at 3 o'cloc k. .VARNISHES, ir you .till live.: i8 In biatin" " IU Barri.b urg . J. SAND S lATa"ael.,iIl. oa ITbdl'e dl, . e~eoiDr • . Ii.... ~ .parl! of m.nhoo d. to Clome oot "nd keep. R obllck', .Bill4'f.' Ind Blood 113Y'1, ]866. L...... ' 8 ' I k Ad, like. maD, .all t.t 81 realoll loueihe r. Pdl~ eQnSIRl • Pi 1O• _&,nDIDI I . )tiy D 1118 fllmlly. 0000 . . . < . ... D - ' _ _ __ .. _ .. BEAU 'I'V.-. AU. wft/ 15 c~~la. L . _. If. I ca~ .I,ar~ aaythln g '(r~ID you, I u.u. nN W 1 - IfYW tif" AN EXTEl 'SIVE SALE AND burn. Gull}, n • mllDy1eot1lreri '011 Spiritu lI · Will recfl" It Ih~nkrully; If 1I0t. ,we .,.- DISTR IBV1"O N of Pi. "b•• Melo· "·'o'xpn.ln d IIlIken II . VaD Nllmee il Dot ultr~ "e. "ill agre!, to cli~nsree. But YOIl t .To which he invite. tbl Iltell\foD or bl• . bue deo" •• Gol" unu Sih'er Ware. i. now goihg on r . • • • I CURLS produe~d :~ I ( 'd' ~ \ . ., the S.lelr<>? "' of ME ,saRS. lIumerOUI cUllomel'l and tbe p.eopli· : ' REEP&.D 10 bl. no .• No Oil .. 11111 lull'er-t. I by theuBe of Prot. utler y re ule to meet .. me UDder. aoy 3' L' " J • ., .verty .~,;: t . , N •Y• Tb f ie goo(' II Iris .0 Id at. eenerally. " D~B.E F.RI i.1 commll!li~lnt i.n · the' Kpi,copAI 'clrculD sl"ncei. Why i. il' n ~ ux"8 • • Are you TWO DOLLAH S EACH, RliO.• ItDU:1I8 OF SER LE CHEVE UX. ODe ~pphellion Ind w'hile .dvocil lini the .fraid to do 10, or do you think lIIe too VA'LUE. S~nd TW J,;NTY·flVJ,; C~.:NTS (or \v1I".nl ~ to. curl . • o 'Jrl m08t stralghl Ind f' T bl' I d one ."umhore,1 NOlice or ONE DOLLAR ror Blubbor. h.,r or the of moderD Ipintua lialD. endeay ' I I era e . ellher leX into ·.yavy rl. m~ pu. IC y. an . . seo. S IX. l ' he """,her on'eAcb Nolice cone'pol Also. I lI ood lupply or lda ringlet. or h,eovy ml68ive curle. Hae been 10 profe it i. 'not ' inconaiat1!nt Sewllre , Doclor Adami I tIte cltlzene wilh 11, 0 "um ber "" ·~o'm .. ,,:licle orgoodl.whi ch i Uded b, 1!1t' . fftahiunu bles of. Paril ftnd orlltodo i re1igidD. ." know lometh iog of your practice : efe,! will I)e lent on receipt l ' he ",oney wil ' LDond'l 'Y'~h Ihe mOlllt 'hr'~ifY,"l!prle.ultb·· . I' '11 d'd j I d d' VAD Namell b.1 lect'urtd cODlid·, In b ~ d II ' { b d d . EV'" ulNE GOOD S £ vD PRIOE S. , r L 1" III" aie, I 110. Il' "V Ie Irom l' r~~ " et , I e goo • Ollot K" 'e •• ". ael 110 IO~U ~y t II~r Rlr. r ce )' , -.' ., . MC Ion. mlil lealed Rnd pc,elpllid II n.n,Dpecriplive .... ..., M W 'd' d 0 AgQhLl nuke 'fW~:NT.Y'FI\' l: DOI,LAR S per ' . ! '10 lhe 'E alt '.ith muoh .u·oce...... l h!' IIIme CAUII ',. ' tual 1'1 . . ' Ie (rom I WI" ; K· S .• f .' • .. ' ' C' . ' -IUCR I MIlL'ED" n _ _ _•__ clN'I. l le", enl (reel • • Adilreil. R, .r.. e"u o.r" IrGU !Or. • '" ... no .• Sf,IUT TS & OO.,-Cb~I. BEn.r.E lind you were thefe ID hme, and "ltll P. O. :l8~er 'rEA.. LEA VE YOU R O,RD EFlS , 1I0x 5138! NE W Yorl<. _ . ,•. Y S 0 Ie lafn I r h US " AI...." D. ~~llarc1aoD. til., T roy,,, < her ,,1I1be time. and dilferen t other Offi ce: at Liberty·S a, ,or I e . . COFFE E. I. 42 1y ......,.....--~ . - - - -,- - -- -, '. , . ' cae.. yet frub in the mi~dl 9f, tbe peo. A SUGAR . ,lUI r "Ill' • WHldS!~ERFI i.iI'e to 0.11 IlUeJition · to Ibe pie. Who WII to blame ' I MOLA SSES, am ~0.Jd . WOJDe .~II.e Morke ts. r I· · d' t' . b d' wlr correlIn w.uBl.SPl.CES. o '.1 I~~~" e GU4RINTEIC BITISr!(JTIOlV,: .- ' che. forced lO I(row thIl1101l 'mighl: perbllp l, be cenlure d. t· c.t: U r I' C e or •• J bllll,xp E e I .. .. n~~ I I" . " upon lhe' smlooth e.t J !C'I'C., ETO. , Mv" ~ , orrec...u , . - ~Ul the mailer is bere-I wr!J w--'· - • hey were in l.ce '·ln IfO rn thrM Ind O~I~",ldou, dllrln.' ~be eu lIoientific band., 'a nd ),011 • would both i. ' be Wheat ~ bushel. A complete .lIurlm ent, 01 '70 @) :I 00 d II · tlle mot' arliltlo .nd , 10 fi\,fI weeb; bi , ij,ye war, aD .. 60 J usinjt' Dr. SI!\·ilfne·. Re••o •••..... r • read,. to '''y "'The Lord.. giy,etb "lid ,Oatl ~" 11 .. ' IMWIm\QI111roft1' ~S Cnp..... re. Ihe muit \venil.rlul di.cov. BOO TS , L U a wnw " " .,t'S\\',1l eOlltrilhl~b,n' lb"'. tl~S beeD the Lord "kel aWlY: . S~0E81 IVU It u.~..l . '" blelled ' b~ tb~ Burley 1l? .. ·_~~ur• ;ro I 00 ofr, in mndern ' Icience , IIIlIne: upon the ,to lhA\ elM' . or boo}ll bowa . ', 'DAme of the Lor~ \' Cern 11 ." .. 37 Beard ,l ad Hair in In Ilmost mlneulo us w ....lit.erl'. re •. ! 7 ' N - - ,- D r' 1 I IlOn.hl b Flour \., tb. f b" nrrel, 10 tiO mIDDHI · d ' I It has been ueed by the elile oJ ow. oclor. ea.a- you .or t e FlolUr ~. c\Vt, IDODlb. b an 'II Ia~.e I Dce li 00 Paris lIod London with the mosl /lallerina . . • ' .1 lJ' Ih h 'bl' : presenl . b oplDg .1J 0.oon 10 beAr from you, N Uutler lIlb to 30 lUCile,.. emlll! of.1 I purehnl crl will be publ~eaU9D.; ~D'" a (~u~ po 10 persoua lly 9 Ih~ough our "j)Jag~ p"pe, Lord r ~ Ib 110 re,isl ere~. -lid if e..nLire ,alisf,oLiulI i. flot ,oa "'"l 11111111 exCIted at once, , P G A ~INIMENT! , ~g'" ~ ,Iloxen ;' 16. , \glvlP'~n, ev.. r, inetlnce " the mooey "'ill . II k . ,~ b'l ' . ll ' w. • • "DEasON . Ire employecl. Potatoe . 11 buebel, bll ~e .~ .o.,.~? ~r.('""r ~I • maO 1 50 ~e c~e.",.I I, refunded . Price by mail. o::rWe are cORltantly mlkin." .dditlonl. .. '. ' Dried Apple. 11 I> , ' • ~O Belled pOllp_id. II. DeRcrlpliye ('ir. , i.terril , "Dd tr,lb(lIlle~., .. ,,/~lIll1 'The BlIDle. of the veee Prell1lt J \. .. I .... .nta of Chlckene'.jQ daze,,; 4 00 cui"..... IKI,cte.timQoIIIB. mnil .. d free, Ad- a:=rC.U and examine, ct jbllrnlU I', alld (rolD lh. ~lt · compare prio... Ul. U1dt.e4 etata.. ---:0:Ca,,!fee ~' if, •. . as drea" GER. SHUTTt:J & CO.. April 17. 11JtlS. ' . ·4i." " . __ tan ·of bil ImprilotllD.Dl , ' 1It,,,, ' .' ---' 0 , etCllpe; altboul h • bar,' of admi. I . Joho Adami (MI". ) 1789-1 7. = Sor~hU!u I ,0 0 from tbe 'pJ'eHla n oyer-dfe colln' 97;" Tb ,~ U J ~ (V ~') 1~97 ' ~Q. Oil ~ ,Ilion, ' " . SO ) .,.. PET d"~ ' T 1. 0 001"1 euefiOD N . ' a· I . . ' : . , [OUST OM rollo~~ ' UI ~r"".p'pear."'le; an I~', 1801. Th~ Stat. of Oldo. Wa""tn Co.. SSe · ¥AD~] , TIl. arta.t 11111.1II10n. 0/ 1M ~g. ·.It ' ~~~tl\a" . 'Ult/n • re.ch,d ,,~ ' !lirc.I.Lionllll. WOFJIiB AB, Cnrt.wri U ohl & 3. Aaron BllrT( N.Y. )1801- 180b. Cra A L W A. Y S O· N ·J· AND· ! ' . "~" ~. 11 fa ,inee Unole ' TUm~' Oatiin .IJ "', . d 4. George Clinton (N. t.) 1806'~i~,~Sl ~111~~'E ~~:;do~l :~I1~h: ,de_MId fbt 'T"'tFifld;~ the Doo· 1813. . . .8& ' lL~ IV!III Decl'mu er.A. 1J,;' 1866. Jo::xecution i~.ued • . 6 Elbttdg e Gilfl'Y (Ma". ) 1318_ _ . t.L!!G, '" lu4 lh~ Eeeape , c~elID.fI .~A , Died jiiIJ by J. C. Col,lell, Eaqulrl', Ind delivere in office. . , S ~... to E. Dudley, Oonltab ie, Execlltion re-d II ".11 ,lh• •bealID- . . 6. Dllni,,) D. ThoQlRkias (N. Y.) S;l lIIroed. lIot ".li.Oed lor want of pruperty _ie" 0.' lbe rebel lI~on, , 1817-1 B26. D"" • ·1 which • ~ barred ~ t....... ~ • I .gl~l" WayDI I"iIle will .OO~ IB~3 Jqhn O•. Olllb0!lDr{S C) 11111 lite, jl/d;meO Tlli. illl tohili .8klaid lor till 'CI~ a reVival by " 01 1825- .. ~ ~ Q ~ ... :0 · Iri'~ , uid judgmeu ~ t, IIccordin lf to an oct pllard '~•. Joa• . Do aol 'all to i sl ~t 8 'Marlin Van BllreD (N Y) Ilt33~ ' ~ a ' ~!:d ~~~::.~ar . (or the purpose of II oew Ex~' rea I~ •. i , .. , 1 . .A,lwaycm ~an4 I,. ~ ~;;etV' 11137: . ..,. I =~ . I'! ~ == .... () . Sil/ned by JOSIAH CRAFT . If ',Oil wan& ihe' b~.' ·Oookio g. 9. RIchard M. JohDso n (Ky) 1837., i "' ·· -III t'.I :;. ~ . . . ~ • . , T. T. DOO8f )N: iD UI'. go . 10; 10;11. & lJiDgO:I.\ '18!t: (Va'J 111411, 99 ~.',"rr1 8,., tebaDO o, OhlQ, Prelide nt bJ 'be de.th of Prcllde III. 186S: lI ' " !. •• Dt .. r:" ~ ~ hi Pe4ce io and lor Wilyne Tow\l8bip in biI oat th.f i~proYed Sto\·ee. 'tI~rri.l)n. " . ~ . , , .! . . ~ ~ . iii;: t:I tI;c.I ,pid Coun!, Ind· Riale, pertell.lI}' came • re prollOGII:l.d b, .11 who hue l -ll. H('o l'ge M. Dalla. (Penn) 1046 _:01 ~ ~ ~ . . . ~ H . . JOSIAH Cl.U F'r, Me 01 L~e , abuve, ' H14"9 ... .. ..., ~ --w I: named 888iifoeell. hill) mlde "(ltemn effir. ' .1~e. '·~be '.tb~~~faDdcbell·p.e it -1~"bHllatA"F;illmore {N Y) I 84·\}. ,~, GD 0 ~;, ~ L, .,-; hi! mllLloi llitll th, ' juI8Ile t forlh in the ID Tb" WIll 1',1' a BeoAme Prt!81l.len' by the -dtlllLb or ',. . ,.' I; &I IboY" petllion .re he behevel. 1IiIf DO~ c!lnlWl leaot'fl thin. Pr't,jd,,,~ Ta,lor. by . 8 , , ; ~, ~. April 16. 1866. . JOSIAH CQ,AFT, the , wood other It09" ~o.- : 13: WID' R, Ki", (.AI.) ,.~63. Died . l\1~~ Wi11810W'it l\[ystic' Pills Q. ~ " . .~ . ~. , Hwor 0 end .ublCrili.,d lbl. 16th d.y ,'If I"'offic .. • - . coDltrll ~ O.. ... .ua' CIli ~oa call I..... r" '1 0 '" B D ' I. .LIrt 10 IS6'" ' "d • lobI (K) t' • ., ' . ... "h • ~ _. ... ... "OnD • relalnrl ie • 42,6w n pn , n , . , y 18 . Are prep.rld . for.I I"IlI.a te "D" Q. , .. ..... Ill, ~ .MIII .lr ....00 ,w " 'Alit 57-IH I. ' '"E. ()UDLEY, J,P. , · r ~ pot~, .....r. lh. 001, . IIA IIr, lod .....e'in i••DYlDi.aoe .froaah .a'i ' UI {.c~, . IS. aUDib al HlmliD (Me.) mediciD' lor {'..11M eatant. 1861, ~ ~ ~NOT all'4,I,' ...11•• ,.b•.' .J~,liaYl a 88.6. ICE .' . .... . ponot lril••1tla,oil rlaelltli .',I\\clu l. · It hereb, alven to ,lae qUllliSed fllectar. .• RETA.I L DEA.L Ell! IN che.p Ind cI.II,.ro u. medlcinl. which' '~'·. ~411~"· The)'. all', tie , 1 •• AII (J rew Jq1\OlOl1 (TenD ) 1865 r W T ' hI ttl, ISPECI AL • 'I" Dr"III. I. bu. IIo"IIa\. la4 .111 rec\lm- • ~ !: • ., . ELEct ibNo:'I~~ b!i.eld1iD 'Wa,a. nlue, DRY· 1:100 In tbe WiDI,. ', 'e.loa. 10, a, I to, .RP·,eCl·"lmll~nLPLr~ID·ioodel,n ,., b, " t. ~e death of · DS ",end. belll~ Iraor,n , of Jb,lr ,ulllll~ •• ' ;i . ~.. IJ!!l _. ~ , " ~ ~ Ohiu. 011 D ~ ' . l'J! , ' ~ ~ CD IIR". WI.lLOW~' th.llc Pit'Ll 'correct ~. ~... -... tb' ,ro_ !l!:,,~ . T.b., b.,• .. ahy. 1& tbow Ippea, . (,op:l ~ \be .• organi ... ~ .. ~ r..." 'I!S . I IIl1lr~elulllrJll"~iu! p"Drlll aten"L'D . ~.' is: , 8.turd .J'. the 19th of M." ·188$, I\lo~"'1 cOIIY.DieDc,1 aba' DO o~er Ito,e lion of tbe Got.r1llD4!nt we QUE ENSWARE, . relDon III eli ttrllctiOIll, wbetha·r . fro", had Ii., ...--... .. ItII &&J .!Ii 0 fur th .. P'lfpo'" or eifel In, one JUlllce of . ... ~ ; ' teeD .Yiee Pre.lde nt.. or the" tbree 0 . .. cold orolhar "IH. ~o:)alld.n, ~Ir, .Ct., L. ,.; ...... ... ,-;;: Ihe fe_ee. 10 fill the wacIllcr oceulan ed t ..... l! ! W ' l:r' r'I 'l1' te i to "·1'_ bat. Mcadle .l'rt'lidear),ftL~ dllllih ot tbe HA" ,nw'ARE mOlher .hcultl b. ,,\tholll tbelll. ~ • .~ _ .!~~ ~ : , rl :' 0 ' '~y i ". " ~ li'e PJlpl,.,.i un or Ihe' M cQ~lIiia. iol" T VI P Id AU.f _ --4 , , ~ _ Try dlllll::-U.. . . eoord.ID' til dl~~lpb, t -. 'lIi.t~· 'lb " Julin W. Kr.,'.lIn d lb. re fus.1 of Achilleull tlte w Chiel 'jie\r'M e. "oce . ree eau . C Ind be lb , c;oarY' till , , ~II'~ ,. \jI1' ~.. tfi~J V' , IJ~T"·lt . 10D . an~1~ , II, ,e. D., CldJllI ldflr(w bu ,w.llelllCted) tOIlC· ~ hnedie diD9 4iI'-:'~oIl QHtJ. .lld"r. , ~ ,:;:: t:> ~., f ~ t FA/E.n. . . , 1;;)., -.;'" C~\ hi, commilliull I'" JUltice oflhe . • « ~ .... I " . Ki,~ .. ~b,re~.... ~l ..~be , ;Vic'ei Preiiiaenlll >4 CD ~ ' ~ &&J i , frtr it '.Slti'(6 ~1I& •. Wt....(,w,., 1(TntcrJi.~ I' '~ Pene. \.11 .• , ~b!'.. ~oIDlIlm...~ ~f 'r~r"',.t'daP.re.ldenL.\'is;A.dam.. · 1.11.111 • Tlli."o neo\h. ,. l"ie. . . . pn&bx; 'b; '· ;ct ' ~ ~ !, -i::>'- .l,~:. BfOr ,0fL"eT nlllUI! '1' .ltell.i~~, ~diliOllI.o our " IIOClk of >Jeff~rl~t1l1nd' ''V'.n Borin. Three ;,,', ' ', 3~~".. ~orf6. Por'III 'bJllld~"II\A1. · ~ ~ I . , ..: , ~ ~R' ....,: .... ~. ~l . UEL McCU1 'd 'U:, . .C. d:' W. T.' D 1 I,pe. IIlld witb oUler ,.ellitie i oan 'h~ V!C~ . P rell ~nt', Ilgne ' ~II! : Q ,. , " ~ c) ~ ,. ~ • -.: " " • II •. ' . ' I 1866 ,, ec IIr' lh --a ~ , ,,.....- ~ I 0 ' .eo ~ ' .h' t~ ')·' · .~' , ld ~_: I CI' OQt (10.111'.; or aD ' Iii 1411,,1 IItlOD . of .In,depe ndence. VII: , I . I '· AdAma " . \ " . I • , '., , f . ,~ , , '. L .. I.. T .... II a ... on E J lferl6l1 an~ Gerr,. Ne" Yo~k )o'F a.; , jj " ~"" ':: ~.. 'J.. iItIm·,nm.,I 'N ·" l\WftKIe - ~ ,. . ..ii';",. " ........ " . \lonAr, ,,, om,. lIa, ·· tb. , ,Ill", blct l'h'e Vice ·Pre,lile ncy.'~ 1,," .&u.a.. ",",UW -. ,,~ f ,,~~ ~ " R ' . ,.~! . &: " 1 .' B . EOa. OD your orden. ' . . .AOTNa .AOKt.'T8 TO IUD 1I0M&Y! .DJ otli~*,·, St"te. ,Ii: ' Four ye.r. Illlder M " !~ ,T' L ·.!' I . ,.." .. _< ! " l 'lfurr;ellh~ yeata allder CliDIOD. eight , FREE TO EVEJl y.wDY '., ,. J U 8 T PUB L, ISH E D ' I 809"a &' SC:DI, Xeaia, kTSB Ql1UK ' 0'" uDa"r Tompk iu•• un tuelolnOl\ co",pl. t", lIook' of H.rd- ~~r Van JJuren. "n~ ,ODe ' year , . 'ai Td! E! W . ander . fUlt Publi~bed. ..... B ,VD , Q.• .. PEN· ' C:'01..,8a r i l l Dt 'ID , b.·ID'c·I,"1 Ilor.· '\'0 ' Lhe Flllm~re. ;: ~olal. IW,~ll, fi" , '0 ' w_ )'e'r~••oi , It telchell how to rem on Tin. Freck& ~a, •'1. p.~ •• · .. · . " IIbout oDe.· thud or ,be lime. w "Wt . . . .. ' . " , . . .Dl!iJ~.,1 .AIJlUD~ 001'11. . Qp '''ert Cor aliI IbiD, .11 . 01 the Inf'uty ·,nen yura tbe qm,e,e Ie•• Pimple .\ Elo.cllb , }tOI'11IIChe" 8.1, , ' , Idwnetll Erup ' tletls IIbd '.11 linpurili iR '01. · ' . '1 ' --, \1118 bren i~' ~lti.tence: lhe ~orth hal Lhe skin'; . ! WI: Wr.er.o w'. how 10 e~.m.1 th~ .kill. i.. yill Apply to H~ RI~~. ; ,f . .. _~_...t.' . i • h"d h IIxtl1e ari \0 ~ho lSou'h~' "yen· II whllf. .nd...cle il CGS . ' KEII il Q;UEEN, no~ oilly la fIG"", b~t ill , l'" llbl'te' ; · how 10 LEDV, A RD ,. ~IL~. ~6 Fulton the P~rll~!lpIC teln re~rB. St.. " " . VUiTYU . . ' . produce tho rullell dcvelopme(lt or Iht 43-lm .~ . 1" . ' , . . . . . . .' . ;. Ne~ Ybrk. 1 10 Our Sltlclt or ,..ell < lad tavor~'b11. I . 'N, PI U II .8 1 t r I ~ . ' G " "'" , fem~te rorm CIII pracli~'~ by lho "'rellch), · . .. ,. bl·· · ' d ., ••• , lb pa 10 • •, YOIl wbo O.UI"'" Ihe bUlt 10 grow four d Ind (ulI, All inf.lhbl e ...TOB•• '. Ind ~nIlR\'Ia ' .1' nee ' ~ • A,u n Ind if Il ie fo ,T. b,e/ n JOlt by; p~dJillg, o· o( Ihe H.ir if fllthlull " y .pplle& " , ere.. p ID'd mlli.m in. hit - - We deY,ote !O~liderll.ble 'pAce. Inciog. or mll .•.haa lU.-'U III 'I '" rnIIY : 'nlelrln .. , ilto more ON T JII~ BURO PEAN P L "N. •• , , I I the Ihis week, to c~rrelpol\,cJe.~oe;·; wbicb 111110 itl origin! flllllle r . t' ,. I t ~. 1"' !Jytl; .. ••• IInnnpu •• nd Qpp,..t te t1Ie 'C4t:' Btlll aa. Park " I . wilt b. fa.D.d :w.rf ....d.bl •• . ~., '. 11 .cll,dir eoll, upon Ih. · r~t. of the · henuly . • rqtlC.bc~ !low to rtdb"~ \" alie (Gor ••'tukror t St.) . ' ' Naw Y;JUt. .~' Ihe heud. nnd (MI; produc" eOfPlllenrt'or Dir. ch.o,in e ,rey bllt lO It. orl,1011'1I(. " .. '. I.: ". , color; ·.r"tlDI ' f'~¥lra dlcay I,d 'all Ihe revprael remOTe' Iuper/lllou. h.ir; cure 'Spd'cloaa ·"f'~JJ~tb.J .. " ;l.oom . . O.r.fri end,H. T. Wi'.llIbt 11111 Curn •• n,uolonl, Wllrt ,AUA. and i., ' ing; out'o.' tl\~lI"I,; er~dicat'in~ .lcu~rIDd ' - I. . ; laid .1 ur~der" obl'allli~n" ·for 4~ Iilel your lI'gp : cure drun~e.nnu';· YO)",· r.enew Barber 8h'oft d.IIAru " IDol CIl"" J, " 11I bumOn Or tb. d~... ' s , ,. • • II d't . , " . r .,. ... y8 per.la Nerv0 1'1I D.blli~, &e.tatarr!l, ~., . ,eiafp• ", ,_ " nn Jluw 10 fl', ID" U'.IIta.ot pt e o",~ 0 fl,ee,•• p.. rqulltte .....,' .. , Ne" . Orl . •• D' pape.... _ ......~~____...,,'. • . _ clo ..... ·llhd I a.ln It wilrelie D" ,d". and ,w',,,. b~,r to 100 Ihe ' ·loVII· ..IJ.l ' Ilfecti flllIj 01 -weDo . "ot... Ile~.' ~II...rt or ~.ekllleo who lIy . . . . . . . . 8h". he " · T B ' E D -I1()ED .... lUlU • .iTEIIo ' . 4 1, ' " i" '. .ny pOrion Y2Y.lDlY cllOOIe, tOIf' r lit til . IOu.I I uaur luI "IIH'. . . • ., - I' ....Q. . 00 uU , , ' ID . ele,lIl1t ' lit P••b9d, cotiliDellaed .,Iiaial n other ulliful .lId nlualile 1 '. It Impi'Ja I d.llpllb l to Inlorm .llon.of IOOdI for tbl 'Rring . w-",,~.-' . TCa! 'W '" • No yoonl L.dy or G,ntiem llD'l.hould fail Empl.w bllr. (... hoft, Jt 1001 .IIIa to ,..tqje which b ~.r~"-" . ' . J'\!I' ~for. . lbe '. ~r of , I8lt, to "lid ~ ·1oJIJ tbelr Jour Iddr~ liair. I. i. roatb, IDel NtalIl' t 1Iafo. , •• 10 Ihe under~il lned, At yOllr o.n bome.. Bltber .ea: 8b1l.tile. lIdi... I • &".DIIO, " GlOrl6tow~, D. C.~ Irom wbleh bl and rocel,e bJ . ' . IIf•• U" . . , let"rn mlnl:ctJP, 01 thl. A,'A~&NT .lnt,d. ID .".., ,~h, .DrI " <we.t to Bahimo re . aDd {re-Ift th.ncs to ",I"lbl e wor-II In lIated tRrt .... . lD" • . ~lIf,.1 fIatt-...crr. Weafelo. •• ,. free ~f 'TuwD In tb. . . YDited Stllell. Lataf! , .• Plofil' • • I chiI'll'· Addrl'i. 4.. Price ~ I bOltl.: Biolcl b, .11 cl~ I are la..,ble" 10 HoD, R . C. LoadoD. Hi. I••, n.t' (0 tbaa COUDUY " lellllt'd . Ell, IItd re,D~lable. Fur full w BERGE R. SHUTT S &. CO., [PAtlieullrl. ad4.rM. DR.. WARN F.R, for l.,or~, ' W" io 11166. ( C hcmilt. , :185 River 111 , 'ffn" N. Y. JOHN · D. PAU, 8-3) Ie BU, Itlb S,,.,t, N, y , Cily. '. AprlllO. . --. , . 39.111 . G•• ', ~." C.,.DI lI, 0.. ::
186 6 SPRING FASHIONSl D 11· H ' . .e Jug " .,oua e ROSEBERRY & NEAL, . •
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E LEe T I () N DAY
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Direct from New·York!
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IJroad~lOths ;~
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Tpptt end of KaillStreet t Tb,,·.ubacriller, h.,inr .'11 aD~ b\lslnl!tls and IItock recently lie lon, og 0 ~ ~ , L.'~"'YNDfVILLF~ John W. Coliett, wi.be~ to call1br IIt(~t' ron °d ~ In a '. Irikin, ftNlDbllDO. to b.r ~ b N P Will' OppOlite Ib~ Fouoh,in 01 Pu_re Willer! iio n of Fanlle" an~ Olherl 10 Ih. ~, "o-•.r ,' ltentl· o'n or Inoontinenoe in"b~:. qj?, ' .,rol fr. . , II. Ih al be i. enl:aged 'in Ihe m~t,ula~lure P.., "';;. ":'" Tb. Prot.'~D' EplltDpa' Obllrolrre· If you Wlnl e ouce, Te.', or Su~r, lJ'rinllt, Irritation, Infiammation ~orlt a melD n ' It 0 " 4,00' III • -11.,-0" "a". Mol'ltu or Fi.h, I or Ulceration of the , 131ad~er ~r . ~ojIco.., r Ii )'00 .... nt COlldy, RII I.i". or Figo, ~Dnd is preporell 10 d~ in the p 'Q'! v 68. an iDoreue eioc. 1869 of onr .26" If you, W""1 CI, e.e or Dried Buf, A Z Z beft ~~yl~ n,~d 011 thf ~hOrt~tit ltidllleYI, Diaeal! 8a ,Pi" the rD.' ~-"'i 000. If ),ou WI ill ~ood Ale or lIeer. , nutice. ullylhlng III b)" 11nc:-' 31 Er.. t&.te Gland, St one in the b1&4der, ' % ~ 'rwo oC tbe meet skillful engioeer, If y ou wahl noIOl"O . r;::r R el,lll lng Ihe' fiervlCPS of r. ll Cil.lc:ul'lliJ, Gr\lovel or .13l1ctd,ut .... '1r.;.J • E 1 d' f r It )04 Wuul Belfiot;.,Ll ROIl K ~M P·. lind olh'e r 8uperi?,r WO(hmf , t" ,~ 'l' OIi 11l DB aDd han proDouoct to &for (J If YOU WIIJ\C Sail by Ibe ,"ek. II>. '" I1hl, be gllor"lIl cee tile I"moe l ~aU : 'ICtI • Depoait, and all diseases 0 ",8 ,vt.; If 'be ),follltor .tyl. oCirollcl.d yellel. Cor If rOil "'8nl Sla rc h. Rice •• 0dD, ere,,"" 'of ~ A one hor ..e p !o nlftli r:i ~ W I!OI1 ~~a.ald er, kldu'8YS, a.nd dl"O'jlB I Ca 1 "~'~ an ,b. circumll.nu. or eea 6gl11iog. Tarlar. Pepper. Ginger. emn.mOIl Hark. for iu le. G, HINCHMA • lU a .... .... Oh I F B ~De (Artemus Ah"ice or Cia.... " "YoYlle&Ville, Feb. 27 , aw,~, ng. <p.. ~ .lDr, Ir e. • ro If you want!1o get (lru"k. dClII'1 r,o,1he.re , 06. ~ Ward,) ilil n id bat been olJ'e r.d 8·20, If you ... ,, 1 T" bucco of leD dlll'6 rMI killdl. ~ puJal Aoo uuneement. HEL~1 nOLD 'S ill '?01. oooiagold.~,.~h.r"ilbbi.tfafeJling lfyouwanI Sb •• iDlr.Gerul,lu .RoIlIlOI W~.b E. 4 H. T. ANTHONY & CO " '0 ~ upeole •• lor a .i,; JIIoo~b'. lecturing SOIO P, . WHOL EI,U.E .AND RETAil;' ~o? • If y"u wan I C'ga,.. \ ' ..I . jo, ~ tour III Eoglalld. If you "alii Oy., ... ill lb. Ih"lI. con. dO&_n or Momifucturer., qf. PltotogYOpM_ C -. ~ ~. Th. plyment 01' 'b~ Y..,. inter.,.t OD <.Ii,h , ,ia/II, ,.01\ ~~ ,~. lold.beario, co. pOOl known a. \be !( YOII W~!ll luk <If nlu:lLing" ' 501 InL~tDw'&T, • • . • \ _, ';.;. o~ ~ ' L. •• t d · u 'ou w.n~ S ..,kell or B"''''''e. \ ' ., 1\\\ \ "~r Main bUllln-. of r t,n.....Oft A KN'BSS....s.. ." ru. ':dt1n.m · F'l••l"'a\'.... ",II .II'. "~ an\lClpa. , If .,0.. "an\ t!:rllclkry Wa,." ' n au' on ,~ . ~~ , "'W ~ ., \J,.. 'f'di ~ J, 'I ,~ I {M tog,~,'h'C U~,e \0 .," we .re HellhlUantlrl • . I ", 0 l lial will b. paid on tbe un\ 0 I\Y. 11 \' Q U "'alii 10 go I .. "" dry. go thel'e-llllo~i- fur Ihe folluwlng, VI~ : •~ ArilliJlQ t(QIYl .E;.x:c~~e ,Qr. llldm;rl~iull. I~~. lbe period at w~io~ it (all.-4ue . • 820.cUlcd. , St8t""ff..co~,· cIld· reoacop {c .Yiews. ,~ \ . a, l i \ ,; , ,,' I • - -. ~. ~ j_'. l.i.4)ld' 300 OOO·i. "bolillbe' amoulIltobe paid. If 10~".U I yc>urlug •• nt hOllle ~mp,,' .ulld II Of 't IJSQ we h~vr'l on ' imn~e~lIe IIU rl· 1'he COMIlw\hlll,.on q lplf."cte~ , by, .Or• .J\"~ ,,, 1'P'" I\r6 ~he Il</st TQflL • d "'lthOUI s lbw fu l ol'du ! mene, IncludIng Wnr 'Scellep, , Aril~ri 1111 ",~,I) It; We ukl1o&8 , re(llihe. the 'old of-filed. , :'oJ.~~ in 'tho wort'" e J.iA eXQhlog', b"rified Itt rea era If, au waDI Pop·Curn. , and . F rlrei ..·" Ci.:tfti end LD"d~ c8pe., .. I I , '2 J If D . Ro . , C bPi" r " . ... . .. R Icrll" '10 , elre " .. t!l e-.n und' III. :;O~ II-,to Ihe, '!n co./. • ' k .1 "lib cbe beidin~luo,' e. "'II a. · I( yo.~ "'.~,II J'ln. , aliI I. enc l.. . lpel, or Group •. StAtunry. Potl',,. ;eIC: . ,/,1'0,:" .. u : "" led' bll' a perll ••l of . tbe p,ragraph" Plp••~it"I~'1·''' ' vulving Stere ..,copeP, :!lr public rJr IIftVHl e 8y ~t l'lln, whil<b H. lmbI)Hl·s Ex tn 6t Uut!hu ~ " " " , , If you ",nlll " atr ue., exhibi~ion. ,.Our ,Cet,.I0ltue will, be 8~ lIt (nverill bly doell. tr i,o 1 e Olrnen~ be su~- . J. "b.J .)low.d 'bal I' referred oilly to a ' ree.eot 11 J~ou ".111 Sre d. c"I!~I'or C'r"c....' ••, to "any ad·lres. un rllce/ pt o( ,tamp. ." i' v 10/1'1 • v.:.;, r . ", mI1I dl til, ' ""onlu"}-pt II) ~,<' , I . ~ lllJlJ " 1I ." "t,. v BLOOD iDOid.IIL io Mobile. and thal , h6 e d llor If you waul C",lbr Oil. Swee\ OU or,l ,urpeo ltnc .UO'rOO1UPJ;lIC ALBUMS, ' ensu, . ~2 ~.. to la'1 "t.olired.''' !, • . ,' If yuu won l Hroo"" , ~. We were the fiTl~ to ' intro4uee ,heie " ,!. CJ. '" " ' • ,l-, _ I If ydu ... hl AW lt I ~ . . Inlo the UlliteO 'SlalC8, ond we ",en~r.e. llEtMBOLD'S ffi·~<-. The Londoll aonelpondent ~ ~ Ie II you WDul C.lltUev, Bed.Cortll. or Clolhel- lure i'nunei18e quaolltie. i'n arell v~rtety. ~d. If Ii.w York Time •• ay. Ihat crtDolloe Lill el, , .~nglni\ i.1 rriee from 60 cen .. to ~bO v~ Ita. lon6 out of tbe 'f..bionabl. world H ;,t>1I'ltlUt\ Indlgo.~gh.o e. Brll~h ••, OE Rice, I.'aeh, Our Album. ho\'o the rt!l'u'l.noll <f 11 \ Ii" a mellin Ino" or A II ) ' 011 "'a,,' PalMl r or ll:1I ...lo...... of beitlllsuperior in beuul, ancl;p.ur.btIlIV ..b ' ~ $:I.'(?' J;~ a a nnoe. ~" ~,. _ II YOIl WII III Mu.uml, to IIny othere, 'fhey will " be ,aeDI by In ".lfaction, 8 pecutlnt to' remolel .. lr unl!' ' !ad '\ n~i'''iD' raiDbv~ . ... He &411. ,U8 that If 11/U "". Illlt~ tell" ,.Uti'! ilutter or Eg~, reli!. lARR. on receirl of price. il> 0 II r ,..n q!lllle.l.tt by IIUY Q~ber preparlltion. o. ,In \J;' . h "C'~ • and Ch'cwing '06n" only 'UI' IIr'lo\, an d very eommo 0 It )ou' wall' Liquorice !D",FiDe Albome Mdt II ( l o r (l •..." P ' Ci ., • Phot II8., ." cblor()8ia or ' etention, ', lrreaularltlell. ..:0~',,"~ eop'" .ow .iar the wooderc.l'e'J:pan. If you walll t:. •aence epperlllllll.or , Inll~ lIlOn . P F Palttfdlne.. 6i- 'Slip p;e.. lon of CU5tbmIfY ," ':;" "'(I..J• • ion.. Tbe I.sbion il 1I0W '!lored 0 I '. O'url C~talolflle now ~mbr.c81 ove.r ,ivci Encltatlo"., U Iceratic.r\ or .hll,l rrul t.t~te v. v. dO.ie. ai4 't ;aiot 'of &tae' ari" "'empire:: ----, ' ' Thou,,'Hldift'erellllubJect.,' 10 whlcb ad· ·1 ~~ ' I' !!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!! to" p, !;.- 11 )' 0" ur~ u..lllk .Il' in Ihe 'habh dititnl" lIre cODtilIUIII, · belDi '1)I""e.. of i h;; Utero!, ~uGor~h,jil;~; Inti' all , ~J' ,~ g6111ng drullk, or ca~.n o l beh •• e YOlltftlf at PU'nraite of elUilJell~ A,merlc,p'j etc .•, VIZ: plailitll Incideut 10 Ihe aex, w/lI!I'.I\~: rAu~.lUlr,I ', ~~~ _ Tb. law. of cute .,.'0 ri,idly en· 01 becvm ••• l\cnllcmau, sr~Y , AWAY!.(;O b .' ,r. " " , 22.0... • out , from ' h allitt or dissip,ation. hnpr\ldenci ~I , Y cQ loroed iu EDil.tid. ' Ib.l I ereD Oharl.. . ,J,',,' , 100Mojo~.Generalsl 100 Lieut.ColoneJ., orIU\be~ecli~tior ~h,. ID"e 'or 'l.i~. , • ~ \Sl '0 7"\ Die..... ia ... i.,U.d lo·.ba, h~jlD tll,l; r/ 4 ~ ~ 20u' Ori e,·GeDer.I" 160 olher Ollice", • ..I ' ~ BLO ' ~ bert ohoou 10'..11 ·,he 'b ill .ociety" ,t ' Gr.....edi~ CmJar 66p Blele.men, 130 DI\l.il',e ., H,;.u ., •IIe " ~ ~URtfl[ H. i. mauMI1 i,ocl.• ~~deD' of 'Mil· 'I,er NlilIIMI ' 60 prolnillent women, 12b ,AuI.ltorp, r' (1 ~ ," Old •• ' bowner. and wbe. b. wU reo ..-.Ift....... lars. I:Ui, Bl'el'" , ~o ,l\r&IIII.II. I , ....... ,&AI ..... Bril.'WDft ,',I ','I ' \J: !'II ~:'A:~ t, ,• qll"la~ '" tb. ' Queel to ~a". , pan' iu . l.tter""""OI'l.o :, . 3.000 Copjee .of Wurk!, oj Att ~ 1 AA U\lDU or !..l.. ~ ,a .... u . .~ , , ' , I iQ - r ~uH'ES ~. iOl:ludil1l!' reproduction. of the mOlt ce e~~ 1 , lOme ilD"t:eilt'" dratiltio perform.IICe, Plof. EOBERT JAC,UO", RnBIlR~ HEReERT, br.lIld Enanyinll" 'Pllinllna"j 8tlltuell, AND -"c> h. ·deoli••cl '~IO ' ~~" ".r(oJlDer.wbere M. D .• Dr: EUGE .. E V:ELrE~u, Jr, elc. Ollalolluel B.n~ II'Heceipt ",I etamp. ,~ h. eould *,ot aa a private "eolleman.· TIl, nllliono/ drrptfl.Dr'!I. e.taUI.k~d 1859 An order for Otle Dozen Plcl~rf" I MIP' R 0 V &:' D ~ Bill ,eer. of u'nrivalled 8ucce.. in . the our CD~8logue will be belli on ,receipt , ""~" cure 'If eve".form of prJ,u te d'lie •• e ig. ,';80.".nd .enl by mall, FREBI " 1\ A U ~ ,,*.1 elden( to .I tber ,ex., ' Phologf'p'her. lind .olber. "-Clrderln, ,V ' : ~ , ~~ '0 .. , Scie,ne, tJIld" F~ir DlDli1l!l ' V'lfloriou. ioode ,C. O.·D .,I will ple ..e , rqinit !ll) 'per , • r, , . :, • I I' "" I ~l over 'Empirici' m' Froud. ' cenl. I)~ ehe l~o'Ultt' UI ' Ihe!r' ~rd\!r. , " . Wi~!;!odical\y I'xe('fm\iI~ ~ , r.ro~)he ." ¢,~~ We Inrilliblol, "cure! Syphilll8 Gleet Otr :f~e price•• nd, qulI!'), 0J, t ~r i~~da tem 11l1lteo16ce 0 f the Urinary Orlilo. arb- . ~ , Z N " .' cennot till Lo elltsly.· ," 't ", .' , , ' . . I· ~o "(9.., Wli'UT . Go~rr~Q)B, Impotency. ooh\r.OfII' tlnd dl- , . .f , t ' ; \ ' : i \1M I '_ 11111110" ha.b \t. of 4t ..1.,.,,00, a' -itt.1 e 'ex· (1,p .~'J.. ~ , ~ . ' .' •..., , ·\lrllal ,~l)\i•• iu~. CODl!»4- int" pelll!li~! , '13 . i ' ·S~ ~~ 1 P' pllnle. Ihlle or nO' chlin,e 'in diet" and DO ,"P4, • "B..lruptoJ A.olded, , 1:f84.1fnl""I' ~t1\) ~'inr'l (~rllmto! ~rl~sete ~ 8~t~~e : ~ \.)1" , r,xpollurh, cOmpleltlly IUP. erledfn~ ' ,hoel ~:fd> wll. yer . .. e'or Ure. pe, mu or"--1 ' " ·1" ",-ii' ~ . ' "'6.\'" _ Eu:t1'Q~iitGrv r"IBm or Slllf·Abllse, thllt c,+rl! of modem , , . ; D'EALEttS IN . nnpl~D!l MoJ I\n dll,ltuerOUB femedlte. co. '\Ii , , man/io(.d"edi,j,. alld ~peedlly cure""- ~lId ' ~ ,' ' . ,~\ p~ ib l! lind ~~!c,ury " in , curl~ , lhll~e I'd> - ---."......,OrnO..."".p.,.,omor-nn,olla,. W~~lh or ('!old' tlod erer! lrace o( It,1 terrible eft'ecl. er8.,lIlea. . ~., !"V 'CO" D plenlBlnt Itlil' "ron. Ise1l8CI!; ' ~\lYlr( W •.leber. Splendid J,ewelfy,.~rlinch le4 tr~' the "b etltem'"; wllh()u~ ' dete1i'f~it· ~ " ,.JJJ ' ' . _ - - -_. ..clueh, DI.mol\~ '!olnKII, ~ .. nol, llolode. Irom-Ii"II"e".. :I. Yount:, men, bear Ibll''''I! ' ' , 'j" . .... , 011., SewlnlC IIlchlqBt ,itll,er Ware, &c, mind, that we lire III POes9BSIotl 0(- the I " , " AND ' " U~E HELMnOLD S ARE' SOLD ',,,,,'LIlt · I, &c., to b" dllpoled' uf .1 Two Du\lll'r., 8ecreet recei[l\i1 lind metbod of practice I ..........wAftOfttl" , "-, " eaoh .rtlcl_. wl\bout re,lf. ~o valu. ! of Oulverwell, L.llllm,81t,i1,. Hl!llt er, Vel..-&.It~ . .. L " , , ' .' "r .. ggi8t~,~AA41 I.,e~l~r., ~ G1'Qnd Int,rnaliorial " M~tirtg of Man. peau, l3en., Rico'rd, Ind ,otber 'g re 4l t liGhts At the old slInd ,on )t,Aln.SlPeet, W.ynes. EX~a.ACT · : Patent'lfIedieipcs fljaclurlr; of Walcliu If J'lIlfiry. in lIIodern ,medieal .cieJict'; for ,~q' " a loct vllle,wouid ' inlnrm Ihelr 0'1t! cupto ellllllrl ': • ~ The r~lIo"iot b.~ lIee., re.olye~ tb.t uf Ihe ver~ IIreolut. Im( porlllnce • ..-nd we the reet of mallklbU tll~t-tho1 lIavell lgoo~ JII n,1I CIIBt." 0(, ' tli... Urill;.ary ()rgft oe, W I! e,: EVER "YTwI-l E:R:E '.'. to' can.equence of Ihe 'creu BtllC~ltion would o~k an, man , 0 .\I~r~, ge; cummull anOrlmI'1I1Uf t , . CIt 'fraJe .lId in order relillYe Iro e- lenl e how ~a.n Ihe thou.lllli"ld oll~: shlll:.:I ' ther , ,'c'isl~ng \It , male '"r.-,Iem,de, -rom PRI~C.l WAl:Tb N " , (Sue.eo..l,. 10 11'" c, W. R()lJjIc~ .) . lllial." ~aibtr"'ifb.nt. O~9"'IOiJer:n,: I low pret.el'der. of tlte,dIY, witb lbllir loe.~r ~nu , ~O ;:) \Yhldt!v~r ,"UBe ""gjllllilug, n~ lIo maiu!r· , OJ,.JI flWP.~I~'1'OI'JI, ,', . ,:__ w J ''''''''old , ble end t ~ elllf,.Ie"t ,r,emlldl"1 ho~._ t~ ,om· .110, i' varied supply of 01 Ill ow long t ~'lditl!l. ~t is ple~lI~ t II dlltrel.m • .l" " ,11\ .. , "PAl with UI f . . ' . , , " "' . I ' , ' .' • 01. rie; 58, (Jo & 62 East Thtrd8t. K F\U P ;rey , rellnf\Jrfun .. le.,~te /rtlstiniYo~r bOll.'th Tm; copper &, sheet-iron ,tnil t'" ~,~J d 'r. JII. l~dIQ ~e .n Its 11\\(101), Ii, ~lNciN ~A..r:p~ O~J,o, r ~.O\JO 000 worth Qf ood. fro~ Ihplr l a"o ~~Qq t~ heart Ie.. cfi,rlll.l ani •• llieust . : ,: . . ·0' nnd more Slren!llhclII~I( ~_thll.n olly l or the .tock mU~I be lold iQ tl~ coune 'of !I ll[ w.. lta tv t!,~", :~tlison" fJerbert & ' 00" f~r ea!e 1\ .~ he lkolw ~8t caab p~Ice~ ~)I IHI!I~ ~rll titlllti 01 BarlL"ur ..tr ,t.". ' ~ , I " iI. II ti' . ' , nul 01 . I .. ! montbe. ~t , wI10 WI' 11 a.~" .ollce leuro I ' . kin" ."" die ,'"t, 'r·!tOfte suffering ffl)ln ·Utolten-,!(lw 'n or A q ,Y S ... ell I FlO" B t creetlnd'UP\jcl\ln~w er, Ladl.. , write OI,I:r .. OOO,R WORK I 1> I' 1~ " ' t' ' 1 ~ 1' · · · ·1 (or our cirenla; . ' ~I "'. I, l' • ' " J e 1«:1,.. Co.lIl1ll ~U Ion:, pr,(lcur" t II! rem!'uy aDd .Jor .&h.I purpole the, hIVe ele led Dr. J"cIl80n'. Female Monthly PilIlI, 8UC~ ,a_, SROtt!inr. Roofing, &e .• dune one... ' .: .~ .: . ,DtE REY ". ,CO,.,: • lPr\ce ~l pe~ b~t"1 extl'a (ipe,. 'II; ~ ~!,f!, lIi1orl ..oQlill,e ~pd .~l\ Ihe .b~.L, (naIJQer·4 ,. , "Ile reaaer '~Irti't Ii'~ nYIIIf: thft'l, I,o·w,ev. rHI."· 111111 eftectu,1 remed, 10 ' Ill melullilitle. ~ July 3..... fl . '. , , II '~ • ~b I ' " k '( ~ _" /l hR ', ·' ~ ,/ Gnd obstructiolls from whatevl.'r CI\UI" H , I er I III, mOT I f Iy ttltl' 0 Ie ''''In-e ~c ,~~V' \ , 6.'~ , _T 18 ~IOUIl'Di~· 01 I,.llIhL,O,r I'tte~IC~" I pro. , t!i8me~ , it J~ ' Il!.o ~u , ~fl'li~1 .lillI ~i1~ Iy A.,.. a ftt.lImlnuy , th" i'\/IIpuld rem.l;k tec\or "lid Mlrrllgl G.ulde, .nd In Ekpli. J I b-'" . I' j" 0 hODltll, -'menUI{ Jlf l~er ..,· htpfllll ea8, ill nd . " r ' ' .a II I. It K I L e Slid Benllly Contain ing u. l l''i' II ,,,,,In.a, ,cMI,' ell' ., ~ .:l th!lL i\~9 JlI.nUIRj)\ut,e ,'~Il,,' 1II IjO ... r~ c ey , 0 ~v I _ • ~ Tli ~, . 6 celli' , A, teetiJre brr Ihe' now ,bllil ul !rid pu fe rl y. CD) I 1n'~1t Illuilitbod w.tches or Imil'1\t!otl .of Jllwelry t , ' !f00 p~g1!' all~ 100 P,',t ~'i I . 1= i1 ild rnl.tl"Cnl ~u Gte lupp<irted] IrulJl thilse' H~UrC\)I. ,~ .AU 'Clf,:~Wc"+Clnted (}«d of' Ihi FinHI ~HE bil'oH you Wtll.t - pr ce cutll, 'Yea klle.. . ' ,I." Wi"-kn!« ,li ' lor ollef,lIoll ~ r. ;, blhl\ a!\~' " . ~ r" , ,, . ~. Send' for our Bplendm circul.r, cl)ntlliA' Nervoulli,";,., J.;o'I' Il~IIJ>llon, Tb'( a;Uclee\\I;, el,1 T~~ D?II~r~ Il~Cp . ing mure in quantity olld .ofl.up ri.or q,ur l• ~~~r.~~~.e. "&'0. no, .....\ter.h.Q~ . lIolJly HIll., ~ . \l~II.ltit ,01 ity to any 01 Ihe 80.c~lIed • palnphWllll. ~lIlhor (>1 I"; Ipl~l:dltl H~nt,n, C ..e co!d , 'ou ,.-ily,or. Jtemember Iha\ we .end a wrillen ,reply ~"'rlq"l",\lll,o"!~,,d W.~~be.. }'r~iI~h «f!oc_~ j~l tl" .~~ t ~I~~. ~o evt'ry let !i. )1 PI! '1.11, ' ~~I\Rte~ tp the ble dl'bio,~" tub,!". pelir,. and. oilier. pr cl- particular cDle untler constderation, be. <\OIIIINIQ.ualll".,. OUI elon .. teoll'l.I", ~"d I~ cll"ler~), In- .caUlo ill the,lIltur. pf '/lilll'l each clSe dlel"M~' 01 ~,e "W" CQrit .ri~~'1' pl .. ,lid dlfl'er ...."ro'.l evi ,y J lllef. 4, ' E.;.,lb'" pf lbe ~"'I 1,'hiqn~bl. and ~e· Dr Jack,01l', OritnJal L inimmt ch"rch~ iil'l'~' 1001d ' lDll B,,,'ce- Re~o;~.1 aI, coli£Df8e.la~d. dlealJ\IiI'1" i nti let,. ~t~dl,~Dtl }'!".lI~, 8I&,l "nl, Ch~ !n~ ~~ r"ju,en" I ' ~,t('1ia .~It:~. hav~ : fal~: 4u;-al~ delcr,lplIgn., ,l;c. ~l!l' ~lTve~ W ar~ lIIt1nt lor't'it6if1 ,e.,.. . . (elIr~t- p,l,\e.d), Cl"II""I~I \C••~r~ Bl4tter', Dr. hcklOO'1 French palent M.I., Rale. Dlill. <.... II(lIul1, 011 ..... ,.nd ilD,, ,,.,,d, -It'l. petfl'l'lIy ..t. end "tI1fllr (aill ty , 'Tabl. Inll T.a Op"~ Gpb~t., ete., ete. &:\ve .ali, factlun. It II \\ie olily lure Iud Planol, Jlle.l04eou • .ancl sewloa '!I'.~lO.1 laf. Pl.!1.!Dtly. lalh\'l.¥'nuactm dlleue of t __"'." Iit••efc, "II';.;,,,.,, of ..-:c.~ • yer PriM 11;~ ~l"r'j aUI .Itluti arY\"r 'Irolll 61" llf IlIGR r dozen '4. ,"d per dozen t'7, lenl b)' mlil. HUNPREb doll.,,~ " , l1feb~llle" br lodllr.le'dtin!teti wlio de\ Tenl"e DalcloeureM--Seereu for 'tb.e BOW WE SHALL PROCEED: eire<toreform, lI,nwhoh •• e ~o\llldoltdi~ MUlioll. We have·.dopted·tba ,,1'D'of .. Ie !lOW licult to refrain, can wholl, eradicate all A Olrilt ,.Iu.ble Itld wOllderrul plibUe" 10 POl!u!' ,r !If cbftrlinl a unifurm price delire fonfl'l kil~d>()II!1Jl! r, .~,u ia.,g p[j J IOII ,. ,A work 01 400 ,.I'lgell, ,and . col"ill lunri,bl'l be p,Ior "each .rUcle r'& Heibert'l .Kn,l t.~lcoJ,pnC . CO~20Uod, an ('rll j!llltruvl.n l_:. ,Dr. ,Hllnlerta Il1d~... of "llIe. ~h. e..,~n"ee 01 COli' UlIlIlIio,jUemedt 10' liI.temper","'''' w~lle ME CO~I, In 1I1111 1) lal l!Dd pOJlill.~ Ir.e1ti,c ducliol our !lirency .re ,.IJ b'llbe sail! 01 lor parllcull.f,' ' M,ed1cl u~ .lUlull ruollun un Mall .tld; W"Ul.ll j lIuM Pb111~Jo'r, c.rtljlC~II'" c~uP$ln., re,pr..el,lt1nl~ ! h. lent prom~Il'l aliy \!tI~ l, ot the cOll ttlry. F.uncllon.' .lId S l'xua~ ,dl.order. uf, ~very •• rfo\ll.,llele.. Tha.e .certifti: ..t~1 ,re Consultllll[ Roolnl ,,1 the'l>j.penl.ry, 167 ktt!~, wuh IleY8l·1.,ulltllr Relnedte. (IIr .old .t FIFTY CEN,T B .let. or 6 for Sycamore Ilreet, Cinc:\nllll\l, O . ('. U. their &Deedy cure. , !l1,e . practice, or" Dr. ti,Oa'. and IIcb cenificile will .bow lhe box, 436. Send t9r circ\illlr. . [39-1li Hunt"r haaJ.ul been, arId stili " ua' Iiolcler lbe plrlieular .;ticle h. or . he , Ie " ' boulldnd !, but II Ihe llaroQ~t 10lieilahol! of 1 entitle4Ho on p''1 D1ea t· o( aa additional pm Y·~t..' ~ ~We Qumer0ll.S peraun., he hal been 'hid\t~!d \0 '~.OO. extetld hil tnedll'lI l'udelu\neais IlIr~UJh ~Thl up.nl" or fJelgh, Ihd pock• ' .wlnt og~nt ,e,l terjwhere '!ll!~,ium of: "i., 'Vade Mecum:' . h , 10, planol or IIIWiDI mllbblnu will be tq sell our l'IlOVD f!lCV8e',.,'ing M.' volun)e Ib~t tsllould be In Ihe hantle p.l.. b" the p.rtl" wbo art '...,hled =Q chiors. 'l'llree new kind,. Under Illd Iiry ' Clniil, in th .. land, III " D·lf·~,"el~m'." cil,i lb ... , . , . tip~.r fe.ed. \Varr'~l~d five yellr•• A~ove vice. or ai. '\lide Cor (b" < wa~ : , eal.ry or I~r,e: o~mi.,lun. 'p',_I". r ,hc one of till !IIOil " w(1I1 and d _,' " ,~~ ,I1<ttU.. , , OILY tlIachtnellofd- l~ UII \led ~tlll!l fo' scourge. tharever vielted OIllilU~alll:UC""U, In ev'.r, part of .th. UIl'ted St.tlll ,,1Ic! Ie•• thao 140. whlcb .re lully ' h~a.ed ,b eopy 6erurely en', elo d · ill Produc.....cllo .1.1 .lIcb ver, liberal I'!. How" Wheele'r ~ Willl4)n, G~over, "~Bi· ed. I;ee , 01 ui l ' • ~: ~~, d,uu~ea~ wlt~ be olr.r~,d. arid ofllpplicl'c, ker,SioKer .. Cu., ' and: D.cb("ter~ Al 0111 " ~tl\t:. ' ' 11:~~:~~~5!rll~.iIi!i;;~; ,tI 9!i • elr~ular oUerm., will be for. ~.!ded. uther che.p·.ptl,cbllllll r ~' J.frlolcm.,nta. W\ Rr~!epl!!!"~1 a.~1t I• .po~t Oftic~ Of~ atld'\110 Beller .or u.er I. 1\llIle \0" .n'e.t .~ - "'...-"""'.. d.,,'!tller•• t&~ ~ b. ,0~t'lIled. ~r , 11; 11.,1'; .1I~; !lIIprleol;llllej.t ' Oir~I'f'~BI~1i . Jjr~~ to our ord.r, ";,Ple~e ",rhllo\tldrll'" -o~ I1ln Upob. 8~a & Oink . ),our ~.~e, ToWo, Coun!y eoll' al.'e ~iddtilordi ~aloe. , o~ Cbic'lo" lll. [26:1 PUUE CIDER , V ,pl~lnl,. ao~ .d!l~ .ll'tl1lt.~. 10 , ',,' ,' '} .' .' Q " "' .' ", 1~his we \0 lie ure. ,_ " DE 'T £ y, .. ·C.Q., t CltI., fro.... ria'lIl. Jackso~l. \' ,, , . 1111. ne l.llbo,hOod~ ,alld ' . . .II~ . . aOllr.c\ur.,. ......:"'1 ... ,ua.._ ' • . ,. Bjlhe' \lhlor pbUDd. uf I w.rrall'~ l turD to yln'e "r., .. auf 0.,-" nr.tmil" . Thi.....\ 01 ,an Cotl.1\ "'1ntPl_ lor .... -'-~ - .._,,-.., Nt. Yor_. 'l1l.1I'1, lor ••1. b, B. ~ . PRIMTZ. · , .' 1: .... - '.....bJ E. ,~JlINTZ, ....
FUIlI Faro i. ilt1 1e.... .0
. ,_ I' DYSP.EPSIA".
A....wCIeS' 'And F rt'1 -0therA
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$2,00 A-YEAll.
B • • loesl Card ••
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ltiviera lIun' and ek, (cHlld . be; the M.diterr.Dean blue. a. ooly lIediterrRoe.o could be. Tllal wonderful Oornice Roadl ] bad o(len Iravelled it before; U.ll\1 ou}y mll'de ru..e better able to.admit· It then. Now. high on the bill.. wh you .eemed &0 bave glimplea o( a whole
10111. EVAHS,
&\1I&11"A~ II ,"v,w.u ,. A TON:ES ><.,.......... Ob'.. Swil",l ..a 'or '"0u .........i." wbo>. 1\1 D you had btloi\' l. blly after. bay glil· • •Of . .'. ,', " .~ ' ....." "' . ,i.I.,. t•• ,. .;U.... H. Inl G.d fourteen yenr.' exp~rten~e and tower, apd dietan& expan • o(flea; Mtnlilm IJ. ftl'U'
.mw·m1TlI"'.. \II,
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pr'<;lice of Medicine. oilers III. wherfl ,you loeke" upoo Ih'\e
Waineaville and
~hb1... " .., Ih.~
plen~. ~ere,·
~f O.fI~.' ~", Ih".
Vlcinltt· secure. impregnable; tll.en D BoO:I. '0 " I 'h Ie tbe door. I .al • III, ,lIe '! three doo,. down 'ea' . l.La d the shorea. throug.!1 tbe qualnput opened A ,Pft\c;e. n" 8W b"u'llt" and building De,cLs, bet.eell I gay._ the w'Ord 'Walt) lind
"g'e'eft.~ 'ot •••ll~por'a,
Llbe~ty ~'he n'llr~ llr~.ped
We bad IIlopped IR one or the ' 1\1 1\ maHer .
.Ih.,.~.n ...
';L."~.r 'I" ....
~o .havo '''1''\1,,, •. .of
N•••., ..b
bim.' .be '''d.
·Thl. street is enough
.d .ili... iuin, o. 11..1, ......1 (."'.. .\...
. • •OO'?FFJC£ on HI.1n ,eo"I" of Itle MI.AIII
r.- ."...
iog dlly .fter day lila I he ia i. wh,.-' . 'Why no one met rod' ·Yea.' I . ,] fenr, poor ohild. you IIlAy rigbl. You will trr lo bear up lind rOll will IIlL me be a broLller till-'
~A Ihe
BwearlDg in a .Cook.. MlUlufacio.ree_ne .&.mert.he."ld.: <'L , cau Watch Co. of Waltham, KII... 'ODe .rord of )'liars iD loor lilten's 'Of'e nere. Dixie,beforo you enter tIle _ , ear *jl1aake me-' senice of tbe UDiLed 8lata9. you mu t Every onelr..nows tbat lhe meCh~Di811l Sb. ea ..e iD 11& tb.1 momeDt. Iwas be...~orn.' 'Yel, ma.slI. I do th~t.· b of the beet manufAOtoriea of tbie co"a...., " I.... Ill'" ....'h". b., h. "ph,d •• 10•• lb. 00'.....1 ..d: '" i, ......I..! i. . .y p"' . of be...d In•••, •• -·W.II. Ib... , ••• h.ld .r 110. B.bl.. ,h. wOIId. TI. . ... igo .J ,poke A mOJ;t.a1 faiutnese surprised Holding ' out hltle eoyelope upon mechnni cI prod uced tbe cottoD-gin; the him. , . "'.lIlcb wal de!lO elllod Ihe of mecbanicnl rellper anU mClwer.llle sew. ,pl'lIed" ho"ever. Be A&ked ,,10 IIlandmg' upon R Suffolk pIg. iog'mllchine, aDd last but not les81, th., be lifted up: ,hit recomben' POlilion we~rlbg tbe emblem o( oar countc!. wondcrful Dlaobinerl of lb .. .. Amerioall 1JU p,inrt,tl to lIiim; ' be Jay with hi, tbo eD\'e]ope cau· Watch CoaiPl\llY of Waltbam. ' Till. ' beadloD. It.thIe Illhouider. brillht bair tlOl..ly "ILb bll thllmb and forefinger, CompallY WIU elftablisued in 18.50, aQd witb bair. wheD the oorporal prooee c.d to ad·, haa growo ip propcmjona " ntitle . le " . '. \ IUo ' f.Dl ' Dk among tbe clJ fact _ • ••• w.. ••• C.... .M.'o}, .n . not to be tor. atel. and .see tba' lb e.f a al'o no of .upetio skill .and charaoter. lind a H...i h. did ... .. U" .,",nd. pon Ih. ",U" a' .11 I". ...d Ib,i.i'g tow. h.. '."•••p milch: tlO1\' lind arain he lalked: and &Imlls.' . , in ils 9icinity. 'l'b.. ractory coven our ",hen be talked wlldom not of tbil 'Yee. mRU" •. d? dat.' he · refhed. tbree acres of gropnd, and 81 an iIIus-
prep",ed ror a phy.ical bear isl I kDOW brave mind will. I lIlellll it brJther IIhould be very, verl ill. dead.'
w. ..., ..... I~.
. witl~
."Id ... I. b iow"dO.
•hll.,. .. nl. h.m
Ruth did Dol abed a tear: abe lIeelD. e d a b lor be d'In 11' 11m beyon d con8CIOUS' nels oC .elf or ,'orrn",: .he moi8tened his lipa wiped m.d his brow oonlinually. ond hOI or .,..... ••• Ii'g to 1.1..
. Her. he leL go the eovelope 10 thlll it is'1IUpplied Dlore. Iban 60 d.own..wllrd .Ihtust of 1118 of irOD pipos. tLI.C,ulAte fi by" tI. dll'eCLIOll would be 1mil"8 v ( I ' ""lid p.oduces 0' b"-n .ago.re nger Ie . gregate 0 noar Y 70,00 watc e .. :pe.r glyen. I~ Iheb.w collee roun.cls, Joundau M ,d.li"I, thi. Oomp 'N •• "md yoo gd. n. for future ... aDnum. h.,;...'flit! d .h•• ,b...". ....... .
c.:r Nlih' •• L1. plO.. pll, '"pon'''' to. bo••b. )o.d.d .hh I....... 'h"'gh be, .. I. . . . • .h~ ~.y . . ."b"d••r 1.18.... p... ·lb. · po'" Up tho d..\. ,'dl. d"l, ...... , TI...u...' .b";,i,. ,b. " ... I."b. ,h. '''p",I. 'S" h.ld .. to.'h. B•• I.I ,h ..i,,1 plO~"'" .hi,b had p..du"d . DR. So:BEl' J. W AY~, g"'" 01 ••",i.h",-.I.., on on· on••p. All.., " "...b.d • .d ,h.." ".. Sh • •~. . . ."bi'g hi" ·Lo,d,. 1I...a. Ir" ........ d .h. ••. .gob "m~'kahly .p"r.ol " ••1.. i. ':',. a '.A '() chanted world jt seemedl Medimval _hicb ~be ellow'. c~rd " iotently ~ hil eyell olosed. half opened. 2 TO be darl.ed Corward and g raaped ger mnehlDeB, mIght be apJlhed WIth ~nd romantiq, northero, 'treDgtl!>·a~'b. e~~ ' . ' 8e80).(llo 'Jook Ill , ber liTe"inily. like the envelope WIII~ Afi"'lIe~ elutoh1"when even greator advantl2Q to the pro~ucD B If T II'T R Y ern grace: but It is not of tbeae thlD!:a Shl , ° gltber stftingtll lbl, e 4){ p.IIe who do ..e off to eleep, tbe corporal cOlltlDued, AD.d do you Lion of the watch. 'l' ~e foreign tlme. . , I "" to 1,Ik no.. . Sb. I.d .h•• a,. '~,,!gh • ....11 Tb., r.~ .• "d.d, .1.. . d..k ,"b",d ,. ..I.m~ Iy .~..~ 'hOI ,OO .111 "p,oll piO". ". m,d. pn.,,~.lIy b, ba~d. ,. h. ,.,,.. ";~"" 'l"' b... ~IL· W. did .... LOp ...ro IIwI. • f.w 100m i. wbi.h I p.... a. ••.did,...... , be...;••• b" b..l,p" ,h. C......." ... "d all 'b. 1.,.1 ..d ....p, wh•• or high "'4 .'•• ~. ,.a anywhore. Nune but t a boun aL GeDOlI, How 10Dg we were llislened. . '. J Stales, and not ~Plt upon tbo plRtos perftlct article, often out of replllr. aod ered ' .J." .M .... 1 E lP,-+ L ., '1181:11 • UPOD ollr route . 'altogether I. ' cailDot '1 hli rd • amot.b " [~ON0I1tlJ[)~D ~~~~ w~u. willin cleaning thom', nor "ipe Ibem of little valuo >il Ibo relluil. Abroad, T~" ," CUir,-!.Ofll~e· lIt ' J{III te8rilen~e dIstinctly remt'mber •...:...W. had, bId her; from 11i'm • . --r-"'- ' with your slene.' Hero a fro''f,ri lo~. t\lel\e llIysterious Bod infiDites8imal pr.,n Mlln Street. 1·1y weather at ODe Lime._ cold ~a~d rain a. ar~o.' to b" 'R , ' ., rea ered upon the brow o.r the ~egro! gnDS which, when agSI" i ., produce SDOW' "1nd ~ l lAil ij (h~",,!,.7 t~, 1 .al~ed to the be of the Wric1r: af 't h'e Geilbral ~YOD. eyea expaDded to theIr IR 8!men,' tbe "Bleb, arc lbe frui& ated of elow. and Jr~;.lDg the Apennines bet weeD .I ...:l....:... ei(j~', 'wliill hi. eye protru.~led " .WlLh (oillome manutll procel8ea. III tho re0m Sel- aDd waited .there, perhaps, Ita and Spesja, ~he nE!~.!. 9 plaiD' hour;. tbe.n lb.,. tam'. to 'til.: :.st. B. ·nlwLlNe, rOllnded (o~m. a, he exc)fllmod:, lIults, Ihoro must of cou.rae be lick of
•• 0 . · 1 • U. E. ' 7 ...
0 F
. 1118
'afl) G<lZE'rTI?.
ough ebe got 10 benumbed with oloRe to me and iter thllL ,he would hn faHeIY, my arm-the Ibat I caught her ID my almll. plle .. eY· eye'furled to mIlle told IDe t.bere
'11 ~.,... •••, •. . ..;" '''n.1J)(Dnt~ &.KlID 'Wl.A\'fr(DImtm~ .
11.... -
Iln •
,.atllf.cllp , . ... ,
. ; , '." J
:.'t' ~:..
. .... .
I~ ' m,
"".;'W... ....."".r "'1 b!"y gil I..
fol1o"'e~,be ,'o~~.':J.e 'l'J e ·(u.l1lighH)( r!' IlDln· 8qullre.
. 'Y".
~ d. d,'; 1'0
• oood "... 'p ... ", ••• ' g'" ., ,,,, '. ..d
Iud. rough BOf', , and 'our veuel wae •And laeLly,' continued 'the corporili' proper comutnl\t!on IIld I cfJIl. tme nt b,: n· thrown around '10 A lI'I11nner:do 10lemnly swell r W\'l'H aki llfu.1 wo.rkmen hl\\'a n tb. Com.
Rail from Spezia 10 Leghorn: pa.'
o~r r~li.
•• •y OIk. W. p'''Md ~ .\00& . '01 . ..... Lb .. ,ou _i1! pHI .. ilk i~ . 'h. 1V b"I•• pl. I......p,! .... """. ab... '.0 d., • ·With '.u, •• I.~ •• , .b. . . .m...." ...." ... ,,' ... ..h.. II.. ."1, ••,,"'.... ~.Ighl•• I"'mr,,. we arrived' off l:he 'COI8t of North H Oar- hrim and egg. are DoL co.o koiltoo much enoe, dimenliotl a, aDd \q ' ' 'y nOlllbl. Id ~lina, 'abd' lb\ltlr miles off Ollp'e at· or too little.' partioular, nre turnod . out III myr A •
MI8IA~ (,,~&Il\.'
' - -< 'Lordy, I n.elJber,">.. neber. do that uniformity wh ic h i, The ,oldiera of dat. hIm Illce . . uld mllSU Ii for correct time· keeping. 'l'hu CODltltm.nt, lit sannoab. Mter Sherman", miglt11 'ticklor 'bout .dat.' 'Nner uent parte of tbe American watob; 011 • ............Ib..... w... "d.ntI ............Id min••; .b....d .....'p."I ••1" .tb" b,.d • •to d b, er .on the Itellmer GennAI LroD fOf! .. he .relumed. 'and yoa ,do Bolemnly tIIoet- deliollte lind IICcurite mllchlnerr••
p..... Ii''';' ..Ii••, '''loll' 1 ....1<1.:. ".K.I, ..dl bl. !.i"., . . • help it. " ..11, " J ... rOOql.
~~ ' . " Con r 11·11' It- •t 'l'..tIS 1, ..., .11 • 'I . DR JAM KS
With Il calTellllsR ,"ord I pI".. d to ... ; ... I..., ho, .,(......od O••;h'I.... "18' I , .. ; ond mf".. • .,:"'".,.. Antl i kn-" 'Hllrold ., it ltad gigenI"her" 80rt Y . I'V k ".to " , 'b cOInp8Bsiouate hug, ello , ou wallte· to ·t lIn yoo. , e
ptt~,'m.....! ""~...9-\~4fB'b~
IJuwetl.,caab j i , • .lI..... .
.. 1 .....I.i •• :>" Ie ·. bgh,- .. h?p..
Ihat wal aL Spclla...... h• . lluQr oom-
R •••n I", I.
I~ h~,::d e~pl't18I1on ort~e
~ w~"h
p; ... ,...11'/ ....1. q•• '" Caw.... d••• (". . . on. . . .ld ' ' ', •• A,I..... 'P"'g .1.. ,. ond .... llOld .., i. ''''. '00'11 rna', " .. k, (" A(. p••y ". b"b.' p"' 1IQU. .. .... ;.it .. 110.... • 0 .. j"'''y Tib,!. lb. O..d. · or S< ••••1.. >ad ....".hi.h ••to,. "I.;'b '.p. pm· ,i, . .lml,lII, foOl" no ...1yg•• 1110 .1...,IId...d g. In ,b. "al 00\ 10ng,Iince YOII Ie.. . the bDe of 110.1. 'Ilaliicuhll,W" Itre 'Yes. PlIlIIS, I do dal;, allera wtlllled docket. pC 200,000 people. bUl tb.y go
Op'ICE-On Nllrth Suee" in Dr. W. Bulldlne, a rew door . welt
Wll1!O •• reached 'Rome, 1l0J ,... "".u of "
foil ·
1ft ·
to &to to Obeo. cari .' \ 0
r.igM a,D4 fl-
eyery~ber •• _
.ITR •. OAIIII*. ~
girl, Dot . we 1'181' , appeRranoe Rt ~he ofllce of 'be of lhe poor. RnU said Ihe wt\i unmarrted. but"wu ' thll motller of t\ cbild three we~k. old, which ahe poor to of luiheU ' IDd demed '11 ilL the CQllnty 8Iio!lt~ Illume its char~o. · She gl\~e tbe 11 . me <!LtLe 0~i :d'9 fllther, Rnd Lhe mlltler WI. reterred. to tall ,DimicL AttOfnev (or ' Tl\e mnn wall fo;': nnd round to
on •• I&~O~' eY«In,olf.mDg to h~lp UI.J dley .ald ll .ws_ all over. aud It ~u DO u.e tf> and, lLood lren1bhnl OD 'Poor; , '" :A.~ lA~t t11~'y put am out on,! oC the boal~. '.111\ oHler I?elp~ 8w ped., aoel b.eg"n ,to P\~.l1.~r!lm Ihll y~uel; but the W_RUS "1.\1:'- Lhe aLrongllr, Knd "Rshed them ,pnder .ille wheel , buuae.. ,wLaere- tlley
~S 4-~lWf, '
.~olts,a1t ;~rg~~~~J ~lI le'I"""UIC
Supetiotenden~ wa~ t<;'~
~~}!.~ ~'are
Lhan! lll6. frui~jllelf-a: Boft 'deli~ate
aite \lush Lhllt o"erepl'cada It. , blll'8I110g , cheek, Now if you Btrik~ you~ haud over il 'g ,n'eJ is gOI;lO forover, (or gro". !jut, onCIl.':£118 ~o'~. r' tl,!I\~ b~rtg. iu ,tne moroillg, impeilrlell "I.th dew-arrll.r~!I , 6A ,no queeni}' w6milQ .eye~ ~1i8 a~r~ycd WLL/!. jewels-ouoe shnke n. 110 th.,.L tile beads roll off, anti YOll: mny water
t~'at, a~~ i~ ~nae I~ n(\'~r
~ . . ' . . f '. ~O" ~ W~t Secl1nd Street, tIll' Itranlle. 'Walle! bOI1! 0, 1"0 in~"ltig"lioD • , , deed~. thllt c~~"d:~I"~~~:t .h B(\n~ sp~it;lkle 'JJ~. 1"... .,., 11~(....., , Dey' d,,, ..... t ,,,bI, ,~ .. i , .,.. ,ro.l"d. . . . • ,,,' i....... I...... Y"'"g"". " " it~. yoo. pl~a" ••1" ........ "'I , i done! Wbat .acr~6oe,: hRti, i b~ade '1'he ' w."ea by UIII 'lIme wel'e w,alll~. who loltl IIi '810'rt l'il y ' co n tle!ly nnd be mAdo again wh4\L It waa ~hcn , lllu I A,. I. . Shoold h......b" .bo ........, ."'lid! ••d h•• II.., 'b""1 ~•.k .';'.'d .,"it ,h. d"" "h. .tb" in,..; ",,'.,,;.,.1, H. "id I.. " p,'''d d." (, II ,il• .,l, 'Po. it fiO.. l..a".1 ... -J":'lro "~ . Fri~ndle ... mOQeyleu. hOlDe~I', '~, Rlet ~t!'Wilh !~is di,tJi,cu ty 81q e: i~"~ wa~ u8~leR~ ,10 work ~ny long· if the girl w,,~ a m~th~,r he Wl\8 Ihtl On Ii fro h y moriling y?U may see 'lIe --------~==-::-::-::=:::,::-III , , ' " "'. . ,\\ ~r~~. R~~ ~l'It~ ~er ble~~e el? 1/ er. tho ';!It'n to tnk/! cll.re of them- father 'Or Ih~ ch.i!d. Hut 111.e hlld' lle\'~1' ptlnea of glASS cov.ered with landsoape.a. E · S SHEw AbTER: IonWhen WA .topped once ahe ~l rO,u I' 6rmlDg' hI!' praIses. . ~ .el,1~. " . I wen Lo the c~bln, when. 1 Lolli Ilim anything t\bolll It, nod thIS mOIl"llttlins. la~e8 and treea, blended m 't!d; ahe.looked IIp, ip .my {ac• .a. I btlnt A (ew words uplalDed I~\e clI'e. ~a, ,1'!locked.lr0'!l Llle BJ"rb~lItli to tbe ·WAS Llle fir.t be kn ew of ft. Only a bell utiCul fllulasLic piclure, Now}"y • • " down to l,er. • ~ . .. H.e bRd rallied ,a·l ter ~endlng the lint larboard .ide, wliere 1 remnlned sense- few wee'ks ·before he hAd bedn mlhieli your band upon the gl88s,. And bt tbe ~o~1(s 1.\Jat(b£s JcwtlrU "I am 11i:aid of w~arYlllg · yOg~ sh~ te1egram. Ilnd tho.glll nledle .. th,at (or Ilb91J·t "q\l~rt~r of an)~our.- Lo Anoth~r lad,. who,. fl~le ~pufd scralch of your fini'er, or br the warmth ,.,1. • '. • . ~ e . , • "id. ,,[ 1.··•. b!;" ",10m ... "".1 : ".III.b ••ld .......: 1.. h.d. .., ..I..· h•• [ .... blol••• \. ."..d. "" b", i': .... i. ,h. ..m, .",""00- or lb, . ,al... .11 Ib, d. h,,!•. ''''''1 eifed •\ f!C., Cf;(J.. "• Ibe ,_. hl'l~ Blllr. .'!kh r~lIpe:. ,,1- Ja'ed t!,e pO"lblht~,of berl' at~rUng bRd· beg.o to &11 WIth wllter, ~ftd thlll lhe first Ildy there, (}fln~e!!, will be oblil.orate~. .So there In yO~1I1 .ala at, Warnenille.{ , mOI'l''blifote ahe, lad filillbed lpe.kl. ~g al immedla'ely al Ibtl' ~"'d :dODti. and . rellorl;;! i t-ot"e. ~tf one or Lhe lIud "at very hllppy, n,L tIle wnclc!lOg. n beAuty and purity or oharacter, whlcb
.. 0"'. l
' j'
DK • • JB .
~y ' o n. plOm,d, I."...d bel ,10.., 10, ....". Ihat _ . h.~ no' ...,h.d hOI; fi.~'l·el~~ ' ~tI!~ " "" A rfl. ~ay afte~77.. w6 ". "
') ','
ber h.,,,d dropped .0/1
&'p.bl•• of .11 kInd.
.\louldar agam. the ,.cond lile8sa«e WblC.!1 ,bld :l1,r u.o l
•..""r··,:.~ ... ..;:.., ;• , .'
all. "Your uite Wdro
. . ". ' ... , .
• .
.. alit-
~ re~lI,nlRg the sllr· " ....."d .b. 'oe,.•• wbi,h [ t, 'wbeg,
RlIth', story. and olRlmed womall 8 pro\eetioq (or ,a womAIl; but now- well I wlla leIHIl. , I . her All to .'nted he.r fo be oarod Cor ,mI. only . . I IInewered simp'" I. " worb but; Ihe 'ball t.rIlnlled (rom.LondoD DlOI\ .be b •• a t d" iD Rome. • ' " ." ,
dIe hUDdrer1. " baus\ed1!rth efTort long rU8tlDg. I by aud by, a. brle "a. l<,> despaIr, when while ,.<>mnD l"log 10 'elea wero by the IIghL rooml below, wbo 'lind ,e"lel to HIlr .Iii. ll\d ,l aktlll ,be'f ,'IV'y./to . I eo.uld "CI.!' rl gm my ... her 8umo feCreshment-1 1 all rtlmaln!ng up1'-ea' olnet\ling oEl and WRI by lelllng aOlwered. is beuer a, of vealel tllrned tow,Bl'da Ielf la,m oontent. _ .. 1 called" booa 'more to .her a o\be, wo)\klDlJ "Mid, wbtr. running'mti'1lowa, and ID. hUle
) ...,.J
an~ ~houSllndl. Rai~ f~'
~ ~aDtf!tl
.RI~ b~olh.
8~ltl\t.,.....a. ha~ be~q v.,~ ry ~he
~rell-:allmlne. "'~he
did marry
He would do) anytl\ing lie broidered. A man who haB Ipolled aDd .
r.,. ".Id •• 'h•• i... mOl..... ' ond ..H,d hi••"".... i. Y'oLb. ,b...h 'bl'"", I•• bi,b 1 .1.., r" • d., ond ob .. h. m.d •• p"p..hi.. " Ib' ha ..., M.k " mn', ".m .hi.. ago'•• I' [ .Ib."..... I I..k.d ... lb. .. .i,bI. ·By Lbl. Li....n b r .r ".. ,hi;'1 . . .d bol.g hp with .I""r ......... b.li! d• .il. ..... .". b• ,oom. ond .b...h, .f on) ......... "h ........10 ••• oz· hi. ,,,"nl "if•. on·d ..11 .h. tw. 'wi••. Ie w..h ..... ,"b h." """. Wb.. a
....i.....1' .h. gl••"" ". R.... ... r,. d.y. ,,0 t II? 'h., .... 10lP
t a~~~~d ~~1F,
I.,.. no m~rI'ying ju.,
llnd threw ,It Into the leA. I Had' bellnown how Ibe wal wh n onca touohed. and difiled, ca!l iI " I'b I,.. .....'''''b'd ... ,;", h. w••ld h.d '"i'ali,. ..." '" ' ...."d' • lri......" ••h • fr(iDl " inking too lar below in ber, and 'Would bnre done cate than Crostworlt. And "hleh, wlNn of "Ater •. 810k abouL it a' ,quick III he would abe girl he lorD Rnd broken. will ne.'fIr 'be re .em-
wj1~·1'°or fOU~' 1~~lDg: ~eem' Dow-he 'lad brok~'ti a, ~~lo~ . - _. -:" . . d ou~.'" 1,,4 a ' ~"Dal", tU11f aDd \ad , beeD .pr) ooull'Ceci An "~jl"'. """~'" I'" ;•••••; •.00,,;•• ·looki•• \ad, ;;111•• ep""", h.p;. . " . .'" b~.; ~.. (;~ i. •. ' . l h'~ ...i"d h•••~1.....d,.1!" "P" . III ••1, ! ,, ~'II . ...". ..1.\1
.. ... !n
8!n~tlenM b,l!.m~g ,fO~ar<!a ~he. wrec~, ~ee(, °'1 r~wllrded
c~lI,edl :t\'1.~.b
·~t .,el~
the proposition wnll I\ccepled, . Bnd tbo whole mRttor tbu, nmiCll\blJ 'l'he whole pllrly. except clllldrfl n, npp'e ared bfl a of simpletoDs, honeslly but 8tr,mge ly IgnOl'llnt. '. ....,......-.. ,... . TVNNZL.-A Part"leHer, date.1i Ap,nl S. IRY': tU,II' tiAlween
~h8 lIe~
young maD le.Ayea bill, fAther 8, bouso, \\,!th the or 1118 mOI.l.Jer I Leartl still UpOD ; blq, ,If bp OPO? thAt OA!ly PUp l,f of It is a 10"',) \lat r:o \lke wbole tlgllln, Sucb IS ' lhe . 4(pp,aeqllop,:e of crlmo. tta effects capnolb , it can only rorglveD.-!1.l Beec/ler.
. "~' 10~~11
be,~~~·. q1\Y.~r
Wt _ _ _....._ _--;:
lIAj1t7F"'~OTUR:&R'(1)' "ithl)l1t, atoppln~, ~I!~P ~ ,"bm"'l~e . V t'tTERS RIFLES ~ nells '<\8rlotl~lyoonte\l)plnLf(l ~. BE 0: ., t , " .•:1;1.; p.OIy..... Ib;.gl B·l.•~~;.' .'11 bo • ~...., U.h', .• !I""" HtI'.. ~",I, ·I... ...... b~ bo••• . "b~~ " 0.1.;••~d, D.",. u.,., •••k • ~"f.~. II•••.-D.... ' bo :.r..ld .r • . lilil. 'ltIU8871S ~ND'· C~U~BllrES, hIlRP' t AD ilal.l.i'J I • "iij •.q·..' or· more beaut1 tb ·;p'r.ce ..... . aad'!-punr .allot t~rew me a trope, willohl eRg~rly brig~de of' geometncll\QII and ,n~~t\l Cun lometim~8. ' ])'op"t' ellut up your I I.D with on~ ~y ' her wh~ lo~~. ~I~r -Ieneell to r( cein i~. "':' , ( , gra~~e/). " .,.. m.~unlaJn ,·".flv,e ",.h6~ men we~t dowll to ~It\di ~he pOSSlhlllty bou8l; lea~' Lhe lun sh,o yld fade your I'qr~, j'l~\t" ~tlte SerYlc,. A '\h m~m! than tbe 10V! of ~, b,oib'lJl.: 'Ie your .wceUiiter Jree' I a.ked. lo".ia. ~jllch clrned , m,e up tb of c~rri'lng ou, tJlIR proJ ect. Levels car.pl!" and hllart, le, t a l.JearLy laui l'OoG, ilI4 ·Belt Revolvers, "'11 ' .•oo ... "."d· .....r r,.. r.... oni .........nI~I... 10..11 ., ,, ;';1. ~.. i\,..... ""d,d, .,,' I.k.,. pi", d" ••. &0....d" .hak. d.o...m••nllO.;.'" .I~ oob.h ..
' I"OW
con'~I"ow.t.ravellera .. o~gld" hear ed~' , IIJPoke 10" &ad, hlUlti~,..~ alld' fl'it ou~ ·lI~~~ 8y ,,\jld het;lto~h'I" totyt' and \n"an tDf ' berIlJ ' bo....·.u Ii',i b~n~;On
·unt.l~r Lhe direction of M. Tbome tie Onmond. web. tliere. if iou~ ..a,S, t,~ fJl\n ~Qur ~nd ~hell~uH..r~pe.1and.Iipped had It wil~ ~e reme~bertld thOl R, 8pec~~ let tbem think' that "II mirth and u.~ . ':Ie ,' klll '·· 'Ate 1~ti goibll ' W AD.we" OJ! " "~;' I ." ~ .. , ~not ~t .'h~, ,ad. 1 commiSSIon appOlnLed 'by the ~~mpe~ol all dooiB.l,njoymen~ muel be lefl on the ~ ...h,'~ by ,;,. ~. I '\1'.b6/. . .'.1 'a"i. '6" III/OW' .•MY 1M, ~tI HI. 0' t~;' ~. ,',' " , . hoolll.f"l.inl ha" :10" '" .".. p mad., ." . ~" ..~, y~'!"~" .. III.h· 'h,.. b.ld . wllb" '. .b,. ,h., ...... IIa1 n Rome ' abd llbe baa qOv~~ ~~a aOT IOf an~ b'lIo drowned. I , WRI drRwD upon the 'feaRllllh!), octbo PJr\JI'CC was proved, hcme a~ Dlghl. When onoe a hom .... :>:", (,,,......d .. , ~.. ",I;r"m md: ".;,' .• ," • lb.' ...........,. d,,\ ; ......ibl.. bol i... m."b . MIlo. "bmlld.. · '" ka .r ".".I,d 00'"" pl. .. . 00 ... .d'i••• ..
Tit ~C;, ! Eyt>LY~~
,Ill" <lt o lhe Qf/ l,he not 'beeln ;
~'b~, ¥\CR, b,. !'...." .. .~ 'b. d. ......11.. . . b kl ond .h,,,,,, Ib'm" I'~'i " ..i.:' '1 I... bOlo' .. ~ ,"p' ~'~, , ·rr • ....... ",.,."d '1.1"" ,hi. "'goon. "I.i,h ,,.. S''''I' ." Io.·m.d . • W" on ..d ,I... ill •• 10• .• "k be.....I...... d. J. ''''.. d.,••r U1:''' '"j,'f ·Y.. ..., pOlio.,. be • ·' ."'d I ".1... 01, dp.h •• ~. To hi...l .....b. roll ..... . or ,b• •O'"i.... ....",,,01, " .10.".... 11. i, g."bll •• b.......d ",kl'u d ..... a.b'-r...' " U..... "". .... .. .."iqe" . 1 .... b.~' .-y '"\ on. .,~ ;m•• ',,1'1',.0,. _d." ...... I. . d b.. m.d ...... y. ""y , .... p"ion. Y , ...... ,1.....~ h... fu • ...... • I...!".•~.. ~••• , . ; .11" ... h.... p....lh••••. , b" 'U n; d;l ... lmm.d;... ll ......, ,.. ' : The. ••~.d. . .i., ...1p,i ...on i••i." .;.;, "poll .... d.·aw, .p.r ':" ond ..Imllo••=.w'"'' .r ,b., d. U 1RTft'li. llEVotVIC1I8. .".. Rom.. . • dd ,. - i I., .;Ib .I ...d •• , .. , b" 1 r.;. '... ,I•• hold w." .11 I...: Tbill, ..".r ."und. on' I... d",d.d .h.. ""'i.~1 5.d ;, •• ""i, .", h""I"Io ..... II P. ~ ~. ~";io~e, tighl~Di.1l cr"w~ b~L _ill ... L~ ....~.i. pi"•••; OI.' .......~ !,'n,...... '~P''''''' . '1 ..., "II he, by ••d'j .... I . !... 0' lb. iII.f"'d " ....., 0•••,,1 .b, ......1..... "~"'b"~d ~'.lIroo, I... r,.~"'I. ,pl.,,,.-l'b~,~r.,, I" ........, . .~...;. '"' r~ .m. "~.p~. ~ .Ii· ••,~ "1·' Wb,!r "UI .0" "i,h...'·· , " . . L,o':..... 1001. 11••". II... I.......f ~ lu,~.. 00' ... 'i'" bu"'.nJblIY ~, """'. our .. JUl.
Rift. Sbo\ ...,..... W Gp.
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\0 tv It themae e" of
"1'hl(l your , brother, -I
p'r etllll'Il, of hit. hand.
among wbom w8l ,the,gallanl i.II\Dds will not be reqUired,
t Rl
be eoul:M at other, an,dperLape
q. 'I",."U b.... ~• .I,'I!wI\ 'J" 'I'h' ; .' . h.d 4op",.d • d., ......... ~.I.,"'~''''. . ...b 'b~ hom.....~ d,.\gh\r~1 ,~. ~ \.. ·Tb.. ~ ... ~h.. ~... ~ . •• ~:".1".,. . .0I0ii"" ..,.....01 '.e ...,;,.' 'n~-::7.J':; ..... on . "'''Ir ••~ . .~' . . ' ,h... II~'I' .,~ ~h'l. ~.".'.b~••f'''~F :." ,\ - 'Q. b. I~ ny Jloor. . .. l ·clrI'Dk, ... 1uJ) .of happIDI!"/ , (, . _ d ~t .. tfinding . . " .'me!' 'iBbed ' Mrl. ',Partlng- 'f undersland. ))OD, t I:epre a he ~o tI:;'l~u~:·f~:~a:m,'W~ut:lIr:i'lied ~.Jp~" , .. ll1gbf·eavl,ngb·· to ~ a~~H:o::,!, ~~I :~~. liniDIr lbat Qlltdiil'lirig~ mJ IitL~ ld' a... Dol :;;a::' u:o .b~ to:: •tbe back toa jberjj I b~,e "'b~e '. ,'uffering ,Ul'e- y4nt Ipira. o~ you.,c~ldldtb.n>'1 ha1f all . , me 'a ome, ', e ea.. . ' , ' .' ,~we·la.b Imr peL ~.. wua ... , .. iO~Or' _ ftad b'" f deAth for ' three' morl, 1 hour of OlPrrtmenl r<\uo t e amp ao . ~.p~lir.iG'tOR" 80N8" IIi••• ·N. t . ~,~bOlI 'Ie ~·IPPl', U •• go..,~~.". ~•.t l:\.;i; ...In/;'bof!fI ~ ....~, ,; , ,/;0, ~0.1~'~~ . m& "'0'. .. ~:::::.. Fi", 1 ... "iud .11. hi,";" fir,Hs" 'of. • .... l bl... tOO !". .. '_
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he nee•• ~, ,. ~'.": c..J:~ 0 _ '" ' " ~f., lUIll'" cart' &lid St ~1\.. 'I'~ltiD' b'l';~.::!ti cal;~tI ~Y6il h.~" ~ ' I~il .yoa~ ,,~aexceedlld "_O'.Dcl'-durIDi~e. ~J~ ....b~ b!,,' . . ;, I ' ~" .' .- ., . ,h",1&cI! ''''....... .. • ·1 b.., .. d .......... Io! ••ot, ""110"......... '. 'p"..WI.... ·r...""..... .. of ... h.... T..........r.·gu... 'h.'~ ~. \ ko ~!h' ..,. I ' 0 ;i'i.'r' ."'b',;. JOG 'hI r.IIo• .'l •••~...a. .,.. 1Jidai CI6e; rea Co/l' e e. . 1 "!' ..... ~ 'I.!'!... like h••lIb ...I\~'I" .b... .. lb. _Id •• 0.1. l~!O"" e ~1iIi R ''';IMRte . 1 nO l ~_ 'NOLlti~III bu. 0' m.J IOId! "bRl,b .rte~. ut 6r.. ul•• r ~ 'i •
".IIO.B'.'''~N'ic.. L.... '!left(l;
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to CortI ....
Ne. York.
f\ I' CoM ~~t le' CufFe_ ' lor "I~ Ii, , '. E. R. 'PIUNTZ.
10 kDow . . a. 'b"
to )1, r a, IDg to II',ak 0 t ~
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tmAre :011 friend, my plo,ector, my b\lDefllctor. bod, can hollel, .;. .
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bo yoa are .ick.'
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brenoiogyin 'he lefl Ilom,iaphere melD'l1raDce :.'}'t:e brain wbiela .by a
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UD , 'l'be lI..de",P" bull', b..n ret'" .. ADE AT W A L T H A II. 111.88. to beahlt in a r.w .eeka. by a Y'rr .ilJlpJe Ia eon ..,ulnee of Ih. recent ,,'Il lie~ .lri.. ___'~.ln'ft'f 0. . -ornmedy. after h"inC .ufl'''re~ " ..Irll cline In ,old .nd .1lM' 1 ••• 11 ,h. . ... n ' . I • .... ye.- w\th .... ere· IUIlIE 1fr..ICtIO . • lad rial. OleO ill thl ... au"c,... re uf our Ilod... •• Tol.n,.".' to. - - _- • W.... .....'" Ihat.•dr".d di ....e. Conlu;mpllolI-:-1I anx- !nd in .nlicip.tlon Clf • • till I~ rth,r d• '0 . AL" iou. tu makl Hawn t" bit fellow ... lfer· eline. we have Aduced our pUC!, '0 , ' MER,CHAN T - TAILOR, '. B llll erl the mun, or cure. • low. poiut .. \be, c.D "_ pl.ced • d To"lwhodeeireit: b« wil1 .~n I With GoZtJ at Par. ....1Itt1~,'~~~.,!.~i.n('orou. the c,lltenap{ ;, ill. lid • vlC'illil1 _ D.teCt.... DUn ,,-.at. co y of the prescripuon uard (Iree b - t. to ~ I ho, ha. "jr",n .Iar. •• hi' ,her, of tbe ,.ward for c'plur- ch:rll".) wilh 'he direClllon~ (or. prepl.r· .0 tha. ~o one ne:d exe~:.tloP ,h.t it t,·.d •• aJ,d roo 10, Booth. He .getl '3.750. In"lnd ulinl the 11m', Whl Vh, thr, will w~tch now tromt'.:.1 f.tuttl time. The 'Iu,utt all to Main Street, lVa),lIe ylIIe. Oblo. '_TboDlal Carlyle is 70 • .but bit bair ~nd a ft~r.1 cure for Cun'ldllm~~lon, ':~th~I~: WII! bf' ~~I:'~f'e~rr: .nd the G1allulacture . ' EXAMIN~ I d d l \ rabry black Broncillt .. (}qllgh •• Co a, ...r. e tel 0 . "on 1. 'Irta.ad w~1I, ~o"r1"ct stook or I hllve'tlow. on hlPd' a rar,e .lId eleaallt i, .till aban . IDL ; e • 1i' 11 object;1 Iho advert l.er in ,endia, the .J{ur, tJlim tOO. 000 "'atc,,~" J~ and tbere 'il coJ\lrd,r.bhl color lD II Preecription i, to benefit tl,e amic,l~d. III~ h'nve gifen our production. lhe flry bltt h• Iheek. , IIpreld Informal ion which he c" .. c"vel' .. t rank amonl"me.kceprre. eUlam,,"· There ,•• fi.1termaa io / Hillirn be iDYDlullble ; anct hI! hopu every lufr· nJ with tbe determilt:lt loll 10 r.ake ~lIly , -h' nid to hue ea. bundred pod .r'!r will try bia rt.med" .. it ~\" ~O"I It)uroughly exr.e,llpnt wltcleetour bu~lne.. of .11 . \8,,1•• rti~ 1 • U "1111, found . w 10 '1 d - 'DdGbil- them notbing, and m.y prov,I . e"lng. h. . .teadiry increu.d .. Ihe public becounlry .Iore, iocl"diog of my mlnula~ture; .• llo~ a beautifUl r aa twenty.i.e cbl d.r elli PortiE" wltbiUI Ih. prtlcriptloll will C8me IIcqullnled with Iheir VOiull, ulltil D810rtment 01 . I ,. " dreu. please nddresII. Iur ilion, 10 II tOjlNh,r, ,we have beE'n unable 1~ IONS A maD ill Michigan tb. o\her ililY. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, 10 lupplr (he demand. We IraV' reop~DIMEA bi8 .ife Cor .eweD d~lIan .ad Dye WilliallJllburgh, Klv,.~~:r~~k. edly e'."lrgf'tI our rlclory buildings un:il FJlSH, HA~l~, E.tc., CA~SIM.EltES, d I I lIuiar takiDg "Do~e 117-601. . .hey OIlW eover, uver Ibree ,~rlla 0' glOllOd poun '0 IDIIp e . A 81n,I I DOll of Brand,elh', PJLIJ,i and give ICClomrntlde,l:.n to ' more tbln '·O"·HA,CCO, . I &C .. for' be 1JI0D.Y· cenlu.AB rr:ore Yf!getoble exuaclille mallU eillhl huudred work . ' .. _Y. Blo~ "yl~ that in France .the thMn Iwen.y boxe. of lin}, II" in I We arl lully ju i.n 1I:ltJr,gij,htt 'If. NbTION'S, DREsg\~GOODS ....·e ete.t 'haL Gao be paId a ld be. ldel . CI~' 1IG!( 0 ,a,ll t_ which be t. prepared to mike up .In the .. ' . .' , ff1ad. ,ft the VIII/ed 8liJ1a. 1be , fllmale elution' of olher lI ur g at\veI. Tlie . fira" differ41n~ grlldes ITe dlllllliu\e)\e" by L D C. .pbeU ' bas bellD letter of Iheir ~alue III )'1'1 lIearcely appre· lulluwi02 trade G1arb e.ulI.Tlved on th" - H .n. • • . . cialed. When tbey ore betle!' 'IIIIOWII, pl"le: • ccn6rmed ~1 lhl Sena.te, al loIlO,lter ~o lIudclen delllh Bud continurd ick/lf\eI 'will 1 'Ameri •• n Welcb Co., W . lthanl, M... . lti , oll . T"Ref lit. Co,, ' Wahb • .." M".... tb.1 Republic of Muico, Hil ..larll1 b~ of Ihe pnB!. Lei IhoN who know 2U" ·A I I P I'V S 8.,·lleu,' Wallhalll . M.... ' FiLDOY 812.000 a lear in go!d. them Ip'eak righl ('III In .tllei' (nur. I I • 'W," EllUl': . ;11';"rt bIb,•• thi_,., all of which h. pro· -Ad b I aaci ),ren1cen I. • du.y which will ~~ve hre. J 6 OUIt ' (.AI:>JES' WAfOH or fint quality nil . a • Our roce are ~ubJect 10 I re undsne,o i, oallled 'Apl.letoA.l)Il'Y <It Co: Wat~ Gcntltlfflen. cell end I!lI tl liline my ,. tock • )of Utlppa· ·.t tbe Broadway b'le It thlB aee.on a"d II i, .. dll"'lEe'~I).I' lh.lI" MftU, aD '(0 :NIW York. It i~ .tated. tb,' s, ' n.l- a'. I't "8 ' preulle .. t!. bUI Drer-dreth'. ,P ill' ,; Our lIel1'l qUAlil1 or La(hea' ,Valch i, 111m· belore ,oini ell8w~"r!!. Iih e L eel 'P Ii !:ierllell.' W.hha"., MM",t.d 1·7.QOO POUQdI lrer IIIlg by ~r on· nfford In 'Invaluable alld' efficleot prOll'c. Thea~ WB'ohn .iore farni. hd In 8I\r".1 ,Wril ,lO. dOD eDglIge~eD&, and 'li5.000 10 gold lion. By .heir oecuional use we .,.... ttnt varlelY of , i... Bud It) .... 01 C8.~. . , . , ' I by tbaL played io C.IiCorni,. . the collecllon of thOle Imrurlti~. ·whlch. The Amer,l cln Wllch Co .• ol Wallba.", L,""...);::.; :!"-:'--':"-';""---f,M~r."':-:--'-~ b f when in 8ufficient qunntlliea, CIU'" 10 l\he......./lthorize 01 tu Iiale, thlt :withoul ., , -A large Dum er 0 ~parrow. are milch dlnger to the body'l ',health '. They d{",lnc.ion 01 \rllde markl or price. II' .he .bou~ to be Itn' from Vlenaa 10 Ibtl lo"n . cure Liver COR.pllllnt. Dy~pepwi". protlne"" of their Ilctnr, ' .re fully WAR· >/;" t· .AND ' ~ENIA, . O., Acolimati~aLioD SociI11 - ~r. ~elbourili. Loea of Appetile, puin In the Helld, h~ar, RAN·'1'ED 10 be the bc'llimekellpe·"ul iD Au.tralta. (pr prop.sahQa 10 Lhe 001- burn Pal .. in the Bre"t.bolle. ,SlIdden illeir cl ... fOyer olllde In tt.l. or ,.11, 0 her' Are now rf'oelfinll dlil, 'rom the EDat, on1. ioordllr t.o de&lrollbe cal,erpiJlnrt. Faln'tnePi end C081Ive,lIel" Spld by nil CUlllltry. , Buyerl .hould1 reml!lnbl!r thai. which commit greia" ra..,.. in ~bal respectable dealer. ill medicine. [46-4 IInllke Ihe lI'ueuntl!le o~ Q Corelg!1 maker. ,heir' Sprl0i Stuck of , t',1 • I' . , 00Dolr1. Claole'llt DihrrhCll" .D4 O,leDter,. whu Cllllle'lIr tie reached. \.hll wllrr.n •• e ;d d tt. ... tt. W' g A cure ia warrllnle" by Dr. Tobl • ., eel- I. IClod " Itl limel _2alnll Ihe Cunlpllny , J _ I L b'I I b teD deCI II UR ue .alII U or lhtlir ag .. n... IDd Ihal If .1It1r rhe moet . , ' . , of Greeoe eball be. married to ,h •• brated V£II5TIAII' LnCllllENT. \I u~ed w~en .horough !rift I. any wI~eh alwuld "rove ton.iatinr in pi" 01 • OraDd l>~h ... ·i. Ih. daughtlr or lbe lir,t tak.,n by per.oJIl 01 Lemperate hablls. ddtlc.iwe In anr- p"Ujculur.1r may Rlwl'" W Il be .old lit aurti"D. oll ,llle premi .... , Gr.ad Duke CODII.OliDC. Sbe Will '1'lIil medioine hll ' b~en kilO"''' 1n the be pxchanlled lor Rnolher. A. the Amera. a t 'I • . Uniled SlGles 6.er 26 yeera. ' Th"'II"'l~' NAI"LS. I borD on tbe 4th oC-Febru..,y. 1848. IilVe used It, analouOld it never railed IU can Walchf'ft made II Wlllillam. Ire for., 0,. Sa'~,rdny. 'Mar; J~. ttl.6~, UING.E S, .nd i. coaaeqa'eBlly. ia ber 181h year. h' hi'" IDle. by de8.lere seMral!y throughout tilt! cureanycomplnjnt(ur\v IC ' I ",all'e· , d" I" d r ' I I BUTTS. ~'llil Killg i. il yeirt of age. I comme.lllled, Ind..11 tho18 wbo flrat tried CO~DI".; we "uUo IClt or er. · or I DIr' lJ .L\, >.. • J I I wa.ol.ca. . ' B ' ·ld· SCRtwS • • ,\ -Tbe ij.RYenll" (u.) 1;)e~oera' reo ii, are no\\' nfver ~ithout II. n the 11·0.· CA11T,oll.-Tbe I't,blic ere clutl lied St()re~ . UI Jna\ DOW OCCUII II LOCKS. , " a-e • I ' I .' . l era ill 1848. Dr. Tobi .. &ttelldtd 40 Ollie. ' 1I0rl. , m •• nam.d T ay D.P. iVl"" wat I"d lOlL 5. being called too lale to dO (JI ny nly or relpeolublt dealer •. 'AI! per- ~.ed by lJ\'ll fisrs. Roseberry & LATCIIES. ~ lhirl~eo ar lbat plac•• for lor· 1I ,d. Dlreolionl:-Tnlie a te06pooDfui scWni cQlln'erfeilll ",IJI bllllrtl~~olU. · I ' d khO''-'r~ s' th" 'N~,tI , , &0 .• &0. '1 IY'LlIree Jear l "bu, until. few ,dayl • . 00 ROB.B)NS &. APPLETON ell , an .... s 6 ..,.~y 0. b.d 1.l ever "iited Rannllal"or been ina wbll!gl"~1 Ddt ~Iterheverb'!d half ~oudr I!'I!Cltl lor III .. A,"rrl<'ull W ~I"h C","pauy. Ofu,g.Sior,e~ .1\ . ~ain. tor t~l>. ~~ur". an ,rub I 0 8 .olllen n,!l , 46:lm] ISla Droldwav 'N. Y. · ... The"ha';l1 n&", t1\l -hand . • ,IIlrg'e Ind ' • .i- I .... ·• ,l '. 1 al rar away , (r~1II 1'0.... HII h.d lIe~er extremlUU w,e)! WI.h lire Linlmenl. 'J ,O , .' ," vin . ' CORlpll" .luck of Ibc Bell Pilliburab r\ddb on. railroad. anlf ••• .• prlD' illay the thirsl, lake II lump of , ice In th(' A COllib. Cold, ." Sore T"foaa. This is hy 'he . m~,I 'spalitig-p~llB. Il.,er lJad • pbologr~p'h. mouth •• bout ltie .Ize of a mlrbJe every RIiQulnts JMMEDIATE A1"1'£"%IO". Ali» , , \' IIIYII bellu '"rdted' iAlo ibe army,aod ·minlile.. II .il wsrroutl'd perlectty IUUUJ;D '8& Cfl&!:KED. IF ALLOWED . ond IlIYer .d OD a jur,_ I"ntcellt 10 tllke inlnnll!y. Rold by nil i TO Col\TlIl11E, business st:!lnd in lho place: • <I ,~. dr1l1l1:18", price 40 Bnd 80 cenle. Depo.1 IrrltnUon .of '~e LU",MJ a Penpallent , l', Iso al the same 1ime ·:will April 10 '811' "Izet. ;(lut' when tequlred. , ( An ulen-lira. SlddoDI, '1l~ relt'l"ned ' lie' 116 Cortlalltlt St, ~t'W ' Ylltk. . 46 110 Tlaroat. Atfeotloll. or an ~lIClirable a , th ' .trelf. ,ook )•• v. of 'be pubJj. al C()· CARD T'NV ALIDS- - -' . LUll, DiHe,aiiet. . · , (3 ""....', . .u ... at~~k "I YenL 6ardiln Theatr., ··LODdoO," in ·t:h. .A , ,,,' 0 J . ; 18 OF'I'J::lY THE 1I&'~11LT. charlaler of Lady ' "14aebelb, . on ilia' A ' Clergyman, In :rJ~g'I',,:E8 19Lb or June. 1812• . After ber America I. 0 iD,IO';'" ••i oOD·olad"d~ ~. ..lle·lInd · 1I. .iIt..n,1~1e4 ,o~ ~b. Neryoui W ,.,.ItI'."',e·lllulv .. d 1-' l II tl I lea 01 the • ·rroch .. , ore drqp. 'IIn ,WOII Q DO • OW Ie P'Y 1:lIln pf dilutdul S' n4 ' . hi,b,,,1 a marked Clo.plimen&. il " •• 'a n" VI'cloUI Ilab,' 18· . \luod ''il0jjee~I'T Inllle" a ' I I I - ~ay 1 18t!J!' for. Ca'r!I'ge,jh.lr"l; lind, e'very,II,ing 'd ... fi . .r. B" 1_ I' erll will· 'III. ro~ III .,eelu n t C e,"'ln" .LU, ' " '-n'. I H' d H .11 • 10 l~' nelt &el,... ou. rltllu been alreatly cured .I\lilllollie the voice 'wlleo . ta\len b'e(ore .llIlIing ur - --"'-----.------'---.,.-.,.,-,---,--......1.:.,. a .!&.~' ,lir Wit!., QUill, - , 1''1'' IYer pOllenld. F romple.•1'by a dOllne 10 benefil tl,l king. anti rele\vloli t~ Ihro'l Irter 1111 , P E T , 1_ 10 ' N' ~ C.nen" ea8IJ1ine :b.-ro" po,cha.ing .... 'CH M 1 -Tbe murder of 14r.' Ltnctiln b"l ed and Iinlorlunllote, I will Beod 11:11 rel'lpe II11U8unf exertion 01 tile focal orgill'. Tile ' . el"wber." , ' '. ,B8·Sm; bIen drlmaL,eed, aDd performeCl a\ for "re"'ring.lnd ulinlllhi. mf!~icl.J1e.'ln" Trurhl'l Ire recommlluded lind I'r~.cri~ed ThfJ -&0" of 01io. ' Wari'lft Co.; ~ SS. LEAD. "'lIlb •• n r 'b e' ftl' eoe 1'1 en'I',led ·1'e seDI"d envl'lope, to Ilny one w~Ql l)~ed·s \it. br PlIysir.iftol. aiI'd lIaYI had TI!!.li~onilil. WJJ£nA~." CI"'wrt .. ht &' C,,;t,· I ' li;'':. Ol~. , ... II. d'Ab · "b •I ' ~ d Frte o~'J Charge. 'Pleul' enclll.e~ " ,pll'l. (r.om ""lIIell' ' , • . ,. ••• . men IIIP0IIJI'h out lie counlry, Udi 01 g.muel JOIl-a, obllined a J'udrmen" II. · ' ra all) ,.eo II. ao p.ld envelope, nddreBl!edlO t 'I •..-elf. . , I ' . db i '" ,. J " V II et .Or. il di'ided in~., 'eYeD lahleaux. In 'bl Adclrell JOSF!PH 'r. INMl\N.'" ,n,'en ~rllc e of Irue merIt. In I~ nl! .grll ., AUf.n Edward". nn Ihe 81h day of ' ~. . , !!Ielr eftlo)~c, by , I tlla1 of- mill' D,e"m.bel'. J~. !J.• 1866, Execution. i-.ued rourth aot 'Mr': J.,ft'er~on. -Davi" appeare Slotion D. Bible Houae. New Ycrrk CI elleIL,lIr 8nd. lhem In nilw lot:ali- b, J. O. Collel1, E olqulrp, and delivered ' upon the Ice... and KI'E', h '" I ••• · 04\ ·ly ' ·yDric:>uI pRnl!,l1 Ihe world, Dnd tl:e lU E. Dutlle 'v, Con.tlb ... ExeClition rll· pinion ~h.t •• 10Di a. Li~coln i. p,er· D E AD , II E .A..;, 'n ,8 ,., are u~i\enolly pronouQced bcuer Imneil. 1101 ,•• li.1ied lor wallt of prop'Prl)' 8rtlC~ea.. ' wloirh j,~d'llIenl "I" .I~id , ,:11 h!rred by' miLled 10 Ii.. Ih. ·o aul. of &h1l SOuLh i. 101'. aDd .zolalml, 'Who' wHI 84it rid of or, In olher word., head. ~~o.. (loce" loIy Brown. B~on,llhlal Tro- Ilelutl. Till. II to Ilk tur .. revival 01 ibll mIlD for uiT' '1,· repli.. hii flllur, rlou. luck. 118ve 'I" ". do no\ t!lke 1111)' dll worth- .. 14JUdllm~'n', acool dln" to ,,0 I.et l"lale~ ,....... m"rd~l'er. . Withered anel Wb~'e.etJ, Imltatlunl Ihal 'IIII, be oft'erfd. . IIIJlI yurt (or Ihe purpoile o· I new En· r b ' I t.L~.1 III' . B91d tverywhe,re 10 the Unlt .. cI StItes. cuticn. ' '.' '. Alao. a lir,e 'nd ,aried ulorlme,nt 01 I :"""Tbe D,"..ohl•• de' MOllolly J,al J'Dat all can their n a ItJ\V momelltl A'M'RACTIOIlI, e re-c 0 ,n ..... w, YOUTHF11L by aI Ind In F lIrelan 0 oUlllrIn. lit 35 cenll per I/Iilnl\l blr JOSIAH CRAFT. ES bt!8u crealed b1 the QueeD 01 Sp.ln tiillgle appli,cIUOD 01 till" wqDtlerlullllll' box. " 18.1,-. ,. I.ADJES· '" MISS • member 01 Ibe Roy.1 Order of Mar. mao . ¥-IliOW 'TBY ·D*I'lNY. Qf O/.io~ W,CI.:..m 00 .• _.ri: . TRUS~S• ., ~:I " i. LOlli... 'fb. inlill'""of thil' , order Chiiltadoro', Balr DJ, e , , B let: ' L . ml . I II d ' b' ' d "1 u',n 'M-E. F.TuuRTO"'j'the"lrelt Ell": e , :e hE.Dl1nL&T,I 'Ju8tiaeoflhe . 8T~"E8. COD"." Q a rOil w ttl aD .10 et Gr'II,,'ed w1118~Ar8 a .. ., .. " Pelc-,\.In ,.-I'd " . '\ " , . ~V~~Q,~:r~ns. I I " II' {! ~ .nd Inult,achll. lid'lei' IishJ,U'Aolrolu .. iat. Cllfinuy'bllt .nd P.-co. " for W'YI , Ie 'r"wAIlII' , v . I I' I'n , _ ribbou. worD acro.s the right Iboulder. curfa Inlo which lhe 8now '01 IiI bOi ~rf." , "id (Juk.IIJ" "lid .sllle, peflutllll, come 0, BUD. . SHOULDEr..WCll Io. · . f ' I' ay of I .1 ' I cI .1 d .1 ' • Ifieil", who hili Ulolliehed thl licieo, JO,QIA (.,·"A'1'.,' onll .. ' tile abuueluppor t10lf a croat IJg" r I, mature, "" Ie • ellu re .',lInuy, or 'I' Ill · lific cl ..se.8 of tlWl Old World. 'hils nuw ~ '" ... ~ • 1.\ wbitl eoamel edged with · .iolel .. oma· e)'-brown h~lr, receive, It by mlgic (Dilated h"r.ell al Bud.on. N.Y. }iurlame nallled a.,iuaeel, nnd mode lIull'mn amr. D18u&t!4 witb lwo 1i01l1 and two towera the rllreal shadel oi hlack 0' btd'lln' lrUm " , I ' IMIlIin tllllt ' tbe II"t8 Bet forlh ill Ihe Buyerl )'VI,II 'dp. i.o' At aold, b--I'ng ',be li,yht 01 SL. FercH. Ihi' hArmle!8 botnnic.. 1 bllir darlr"npr.- Tho~lIlon pUIlBe.aeehtI~cb wlI,~derruhl ~ow. IbuY·II.'petitli'ln Br.· e corrN~I, 081" behplle!l, v _ n. • .. J R l' D RO ' ere of leeu .. d sie . ' I I to e"able er to ' J Imlnl ,ber"" purcbl.ln,. , nud iD Ib, ceDter• . The ,huliu of tbe &1a .. ufectured by • (~H IS A 0 ~ II Impn't howledge of the ,rellteal import' .. 'J OSIAH CRAFT. .,,\ leilit QDO. a month. "-Blur HouBe, New Ylork. , ~oltl by Drug. I I! ' . d "I I h April 16" 1866, orller are bound • 2 11t8 • Applied by .11 hllirdrellerll. Inte 10 I Ie ~ na e or marne 0 e I tr Sworll ' lu'\Ulti 'Pllb8~riblid thil l6th dlv to visit II "olpH,,1 for womell, or Icme eu. Wldle in " slllill 01 trllllce. ahe cle · '1 lJ ' • other cbarilable IDltitUtiOD; aDd. in .• d· STRANGE. BVT '1'RIIE. · Iilleales Ihe .,,~y le'lo~el or the per.on or Aprt; A.. • 1866. ' I, • d t b . "ou ere to marry, and by Ihe \lid all in. .~.;6", . E. DUDLEY,. 1.~. .. d ILIQO. tuey are requlrlr e pre.lnt. Ewery y ~ un, lody Blld i!enlill man in th ' '" ' U dS 81rumeqt uf intense power, known 01 tile .ooce io "very' Yllr, at am ... lIid b I f h lIil~ 10'1'8 eMn heu,r 101nP.lhing ' vury P"ychoOlotropl'. gUBf~lIteee tu prndoce II ..f Pqllr fur Ih,' Sold;~r. ' fIll ' Sailor, \.be repoae of t • lOll I 0 I oir de· much to Ihelt "dvDn,p~e by relllrn IJlllil IHe.like plCllJr,a I)f the rUlure bu~bdlld or IUId lor . FCI~/" Gire/i. . " r ---..L " e.... d slalerl. .«r.~11 or chllfge) I,y uddreuing Ihe under. wile or Ih" .pplies .. I, 10l!t.her wilh d~t III A lR.k H A Z E L '8 New -Arl'8l1geae". -Proh.t. Lhe murder of tbe D• .,. 81I1ne". Thollll lining leura. or beinjl 01 marrla::e, posltio" in life, l~ftdi/llllr .. iI. iog r.mily. hili aoofe•• _~ hi. ,uiU a. hh~mbug1etl'Awllilll obligllllblY IllOt nOdldicin lZ of ehllructpr, &tt. Thi. ia no liu'm bug.18 :,t" .,-{I\ Thll. ~lIb,c'l\ier'. "I,inl p",cblled ' the • I ra car. ollerl W p eue a reae "'oullftnds 01 tellll·moilial. enn ,e.ert. Slle lbe 10Ie mur derer 0 f . elg Il perlonll••• Ibe'It 0 bed'e ',' • I, ~ ~)Ulllle.. Ind i\oek re",ntl, belonalrlg to • nt servlln t • will,'lInd. whell ·d e.ired l , c.,iilied certitlws).au.T. · John Wo. Cll,llet(, wilhe" to 'cull Ihr a"ep gain.t wboUl be bore bo ·... ite •• "d '(rom THOS. F. CHAPMAN, whom be aot no boot, . • Olle by onl 27.ly 831 8r cI ' N Y k . ~at". or written fltlirelllee. IhBt the plclure , , tio!, 01 Fllrnierl Ind olhe,• . to Lh,l , t~ b r d-b' . l' t ' . 01 \\lY, ew ur. III wh.t it purporle tu ,be. .s, enel08h'8 FAGTfJ. ,FICTION, Ihlt III I, enga"f~ in Ihe Qlftrul-elu.te • . " , .. "0 Iml 0 II barn, and. , The GIOf, of Maw 11 8.t ren,th. emnlllollk .,1 h~ir. ,a nd " '~'Inl ,Il-\,ql ,91 e en lie ~:P. ,TllE RO.~~NCFhA , tfD OARnW:AIK"Cl • A ".!I~~".~led a..,or~meritp( I wiLh " l,eal\l, .. rerooity 'b.~ 'baa few A , ' 'I . "h 1ft! ' 11 ' 1 I \l~ .• a..,. ~."'1lhloll c mpltx Il! sr tCE OF '1 HE UNl·." , ,W A . . .lUAU:~"1 precedentl in tbe anDal, . 01 ' b.~mab . fle,,~ \lman ,w, 0 1\1 re ~r ~eat• • nd enelulllni ~() cen" ... "''''pe'd ' ell" bluehery. backed tbem to deatb .itb (rom Nervcu•• nd .Genh~1 Deblilll'-lhe v~lopl add,PI.Rt'd .to ,ourself • . yuu will re' V~RSA~, YANKEE ' I -:- IIl1:iCMfll,nd i,llpt~ .. md ,to Ileo• . in th" 11)!V~l NAHON. . _ _ tie,,"Yl'e ,nd 011 the .hortlat ,,' - , ' ~, ~;j I .n ax. AccordiD~ to bl. owo reeh.1 r.. ult of , "Ul" 1';1\ Incl.larrett°t). and ca"e ceill' tile "Iclure ai,d clelired l'niormilion n~.r endlna bl' daYI In ho~ele.. miaery, by rp.lurn mail. All cOllImllnieathil'l1 IAEae" ,nll,mber of .the BI.de will be ~ , lIutiee. IIn1lhln, In hll lille.. ' • , , ." '. .,;)0 \11& light of the b DOd of .hil firat ,io· Will. (or the .. k~ o( IIIft'elln( mIn, te,lId eredly eOllfidentl.l. Addr,". In ·cunti. ed ,,·I,th . • ,~hoic:.e eol' .. c~i"n u( Interesting, . ();7'Jt~tllninll. ':"~lervle .. of 'im mftde bim druok. He lelma to '0 .ny "lie efRloled•• he Ilmple m~aDa tlence. &IAOANB E. F. 1'B0111TUlf, P. O. amulla,. Ir&cltll!ll'.,. Inatruellv• .lIrei.el." "IMO. K t."p, lind Oilier ',lpe,lor, 'l!'urkmflt. ' . ...., " hftve rlirly reYlaled in llle hid.ou. uaed by hi .. , wllith eft'~cted " r.ure In, I Box ~fJ3 ' Hud.ulI N. Y 4~.6 Sturi.., ~.. I.. 01 B.uln alld Adv"DI he.guarlntee. file "I,!,OIt ,"I~/Ictlon. " ' ;','" ,a'r."'! J" work 01 ......iDatioD. few weeks, altllr Ihe. IRlillre or numl.'rOOI • ., ml II I.. ~nd un lind. minella'll I.,.;e Bunlet lad c.rrl.,In repaired 'lid l{oGUFFY"!:l ~ lLSQ~'~, ~~t~I1·1 mpdicinee. Send a directed el)yelope .lId Impnrtallt Ladles. , ' L O.,' ..... .. . I ,on, ,:,';1 ••• J: .tamp Rnd It will co81 ynu 1I0lhlnl, Mro. Win.low'. Myotic Pill...... prep... Dr\l'9~ nell~ So>rmon ... eO~lic li,e rcllee. wit ,,,inted in iPO~ "lie. G. HJNCHMAN. &0., '" ",0'EDGAR TREMAIN. 1ll8th ell only rdr" 1~!Cilino •• ~ pUr{,oI., and a.... the ud hamo."; Potltr" Newi...nd Gefle,,1 (;3" mUlt be unanimou.: Db- St Adolrf'88 " WlynelVille. Feb. ~,. •' •• New YOlk City. 4.6-1y. ollly oa.e .lid eOlclive ",ediclne (or rem,I •• ell· IlIfor~.',~'" ~r Millionl. aened Haneock. 00 lhe oeellion nf Ibe lonl. Teor.I, :88 a year. or .~ for 8 1JI0Dtb.. .. ~ ----- . I 1)0 not triOe ",ith your bealth. and UI6 ch.ar ligniDg Ihl Deolar.tion of Indep6n.. C II A S '1'. £ L ' L .4 R • 8 ' Lovely Girl ... ad "elth'e DOYII, lind tlangerou. ruediel lie. wh,eh Dragr;i'l' blve In .ddn'c,It. denle; 'th"r. m·u,' be 1)0 pulling ' of Send an Iddre"ed enyelope and .l!/i ete., bon.g hl.lld.wi." reeonl1l1en",t. ~ ing il\'"oraul 01 fJtT 8tll'nl'l~ eo"lee. will be tent. pre. A ditJ.-renl W',I" ·Yee.' ..oblllrvld Frank· Mnd ( will eend you laDle valulble ill'!Ifl'· Ibelr II r<ljl"tI'lel. poid. ·'Un fl8C8lpt five celli., ~ A.UI..(, t . lill. ·.e mUll bang togetber ,or moat miliou thlt wHI pIn .. ,oil. , Addre"l , MR5. ~VINl:\LC?~'S MYS~IC PILLS Addre ..I'." JONES & CO., For lu.proying "nd . B~Rulil,illl{ Ihe Co';:'. " ... 831 B d . N ' 'Y 11 " <;,.,~;ecl .11 uret\ulartll.$ Ano l'olll"'llIIen'lru •• auuredly we .iII .11 11llOg leparal.,},.' " AaT ",OUIIE. 3~ Congr .... Itreet, ,B o.lull, M"a. pt..... OIl . I: roa way, IW or. lion; luvigol'Hlft Ih .. " .. t.llllet.d.lintl ·rellor. for. !, The (110" ... luI1)16 "lid p,jlrr~(',1 p."I"'",'ion .I~ bloo", to .he V.mll cheek • u. e, &i.i"r;. I~' Iklll a ,b·•• l.IrHul l'eoH-lika IIPI, ••r9 . .e aDd CeUbacr. . rt· ',N,o,,,,.lden, '!ife. or ,"olh.r,.h~qld b. with. 'hat I. only I.. untl , ID )9.uth. )1 rqitickl1 reo 0:7 H you w'o uld ,dd a lUltr. to aU An EsalY of Wlrnln; and ;rn.truct'lon oullh •• n. movel 'fa~, Fre~kl •• , '""pie•.• ,Bletr.hel, Moih acoompji,hmentl. Itud, II mode.' be· lor Young Men .• A I.,o. diaell, II,' I nd, I .bu. T"lbem-".e .ccording to direeli'on, and b~ 1'.lcbe •• S.lIown..... f. r'!plinn.'. Ind III impurt. tillil tbe~ .,.'Ih. Lldy" Jl'rlead. ba.ior.-TIl eacel ia aDytbing "Iuable eel which premlllurely pro.t.... ,. the vltll co,... nced t2 P'!' bd" .. Or3 bo~.. (ur~. youU,'ul h'll!liMrllln.,·. llie' of Ih~ tllin~ IIi.,dly trf'ali~ Ib'e 'Ime, laav. Ibe .tln Whllfl ft'ltl cl.a a1.bal.i e.,' Ita II gretl; bQt to b. abo... CODoeit OD powe". with .ure me.i)1 of rlne'. 8'lIt .. I. liy all drlllgi,lt. , e ' ,',' " '';-4". acr.ounL of OD.·, acOO.pliahalDti il rrel ot eharae. ill .... Ied I,ll., ••Yel~p.., Addr..a nr. J. ~KILLlN HOUGHTo.Jlt:, ' .' .' \ " • arealer. How.rd AUODI.tion. Phlladelphll. P.. A~ -'AlC .A~Y BAP•• LY, . b s'o- Jy.- t . . }1:reapee&lve of wealth. 'ae, o~ 1~"t oUihl \haL Tezal ."m produc. tad the -or t!li-oppollte "1.1",.., .OOiI01l erop tbe oomi., ..... y, :L-~·:t; b"-If)Ho,,,-iltlP . tiDlpl. OD of any of &Il. eo&Coa . - . ,~ .. ~ ; . '. ' .<4ilretl,.-d .Ind ltemp aat\lou\h Corolla. hi. ,u!r.~;~~o~~!~~' _.:~lIi' .k~·a ".I~r'ih..U 8t.I'ie~ ·D.
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nr-~'u COIItlD••I.1 Rniewi. M.gui.... ......VI:[.L.-(-QO-.Wl • ..rATrO!.). aad fir.t·cl ... WeekJi.I, wbich lileir •• niCI lb, abl"l, wile.t,ud , ...., . . UITw"aD BOUliD. willie.' writer. of Europ.. From tlli. Expre .., 7.lI4 .4. II •• .Im~'l immenae .Iorebollle, h, .. Iect. ecom., 11.211 .&. II. ccom.; 6 .28 p, II, : tbat wbich be jlldge, b•• , , .d.pt~d to Expr.... 10.01 P. II. .ui& t~. tlllle aDd iotellli enc• . of the nlil II Ill •. and I eordi.lI~ ,ruommeDd i~ Expreu, 1.62 .&. II •• AmerlcAD people . .. on. or the rew medicln.. tbat will rUllfli "ZITW Al&D BOUND. : , ., ' do whIt iLl I.bel, .od circlilan I ' TI Ie lell!cttonl 10 Ih. Dumb.r.· .1 ·. 'ror il. e aIm Elpr.... ~ . 3!i .4. M. Accum.. ·).:l5 A. '11,. ready iuued hue embraced A wide Be. adnrliltmeat. Exprult, 3.20 P.. III. v.rioty o( topicB.-all gf inte;'eat to Expreu, 4,:.12 P. M. tivaled minds. And .11 or a nr c. w. or OincinDllti. i. Accomm'n, 8:26 ... M. oitaraoter to be bighly attraclive the making Ihe beal' arliele of Blat-r. now mlljorily of Ame~ican rudera, . There mRDuf"cturt:iA in tbe United Statea or hllYe ht:eD e,xc~JJent Ihort stories,thrill. elluhere. .. iog ~venlu~es, e:i<wiaite poe.s. gnlph. W. h"'e uled tbem Cor tllFee yean. and would 1I0t be wilhout tfll,m for ai , ic bistoriclil sketobes. popular leienlifio mOllt an", mon . h'18 . e y . I 11 tl Ie .prang ===7========~ article. Buoh a'rappear originally h Bltlerl. nre worth bunur._d. of in Engli.h .nd French periodicalB, racy dollan (or heplng die lIomach In or· > "!IIlly.ia biogn'pby, criticillll'l. and ' an . der. and e)tia~eing .t~1t bl004 from it. I I .. ted Imp.rllll~a. P G. UKrTE:- ",1.·lpnouno. tIe ecdote. lit C.o:, it cont.io. ,h. cream ~ccumul h i8 lIut onci In two yein ~bat we
Joha W. Key. ~I candidale oC Coreign cureat literature, .nd is off· of tbe Peace. and ~bllge; ered al a pric. lila' bringe .h witbin.the MANI' UIIIOM VOTlIU. , r... ch or .U. · 7, 1866. '.' , Each number beln, complate In ill' Re d tbe Dew advertise l (.If. is il jUlt tbe thini Cor tf&v.ll~r8; a C. , mell 0 and eaoh numtier i. of lUob aterting & fllplO. . merit ~hat it il jllit lbe thing for lhoa. . h t y' a·t > h om.. . Wb O8n~ WII Sa,t ur' w bo •• ~. th. '(rlibeeL and. C110ICllt foreign perl' odic,,1 Iiterlllurf', muat lIe' ,'Erery Sat· ur<.lay.' It il publitb.d by Tiehor & F'i eldl, Boatoo.
. ••.•
Blain St., Waynesvillel
Iltrt~ant ~aiIDft
. Whe're mly , ~e found a ,cod Itock of
S T" 0 V E S
I w.II·.tlect.
hal lust recel,ed,
ilrbidncs ·
Direct from New-Yolkl tbo IUi'lt .nd moit complete ....ortm ••'
P~i~L~iTS.P ~ R fUM E R Y ,
nroad.CI'o ths,
. , HAIR OIL, 0 AL, CAST-IRON \ BOlr~EllS. ,' FANCY SOAPS, 'l'EA-KE'TTLES 'D Y E STUFFS, ' . .of 1111 pizel, ENAMEL KE1'T'l ES . ~ .' ., PAINTS," l , SHOIV~l18" ~~ J1P,)ity, . "~ " OlTl hSAD ~. ' ,. ~;:" ~HON 8.POO~.s, ' l ' ,,/r ~A &, TABLE do. VARNISHES,
.(/8~simeres, ~
endone 80'olllltld patent medicinel. bu' Rubll~k·. ,,~.. worth all the" praiaa we' un be. 'ow on ,hom._Lea Oro... D.m· , 'Ocral. .
CALL IN G't'U'I'IY 't'M1:'U I
T I II ""'l Il ' ,R BFamilyGroceries
~.. ,... ~..
00lltain8 .ome reatur.. of IIttraction •• d popularity. 81.60 a year. New York: ~ "~ not ulu811y (ouncl io otber P."Pllfl, aDd J. SleAras & Co. '::; .:: "Iough resel'\luling tbtm iA 10mvt~I' ~============~ 0IIot:J peels, pORleslel cltaracl~~illica : :peclil. Wa,aesvllle Ma.·ke,.: ~~ . iatly ,illowlI.-Termt of ' lllhlcriplioo O(lrerull.. Correc··.1 ~'~r'. Week. .. 1It
cal Illil"dv.nce: SiB"lo ~o.piea •. 12 5~ a , year: l ree cop"', ,7; lIlt COplel,$13; nio. copies, .820. The party "ho tende _.20 (or 8 club oL Di~. copin w
.a e ':':., ~CD , - ~
" ' . . . . . :1
Wheat .~ ,bullael, Rye f. ' :'" Oall' Barley.1\? , "
ntI'";h~ , tt,l',' C~ \U1 n "
' ~.;' I· r
M .erN A R
11· J.. .. ·<
. ,
receiveJn additional e~p;' " I'e,. Silt ,~t;~r ~ bAr;;I, montlal' lubscriplionl receiv.ed • .Ad. , Fltlur f cwt, dre81 'The Peopl. PubliaiJiol Bllller, l' 111 No. [; Fr.Dk(orl 'lfe1t! New' York! Lard 1b
;; I -
al nonl but the
. ~,~
':'p"~~OR. CO.<?KS,
I, ' ,
botla io • I
SnGElI IUUTfRIG , . ·ill111IG,
~c H •
A ,campl.'te ...urlment of •
P.arlor ,Stoveis..
.re conltln}ly maki,ng addilions.
elulnine, 4',compare prlceB.
42,, '
·~KIRlFO;R 1~66,
19U8~9~ _,1AA.l)~t
Coft'ee 'fl ' ._ " '8a New·Orlean. 8111l" ~ II 16. @!0 ~. , O. Mul ... " "' ,11100, 1 83 Sorghu·,u . I 00 ' CUIlI'Oil i ,Ilion. ' • 80
1\~D crli JftntrttS:
o.n1tiOme-e--unanimously " 0 upon .tbe epenker. Tbe leclUre wa. a carefully prepar, Kleill'three times lliree, Ind. ed aDd elliborate pl'odbotlon, .nd tie. " ........ n wiL,h a '(ery Cllf!a~. diltinCL.~a-q" , GROCIi:RT.-.A.- wflt' be .MD I moreour, is containe,!l no I lement, Mr•. ~uE..t~a~ 0; rllnlive lhrullt~ al .per,ona'ofdilf"rent new grooerY-ltor. 00 Main opinions,no .ulg.r IhIliil poiQl.e d .eQrn: door oorth or tbe ,uctioJ" fully at tbe eM·r ehel,.1 !Dany ~ api"ithe int,n~' .!4:? ke,ep . ~ ··b. · ~Ii.~ leCllurer8, ar. woo~ to do; b!ft i~~ of ever.)'Jllln, aecea.ary in .Iead'; the 'effort "al an endeavor ,0 Hil alock il larg. ' .ud ~f give an 'XfJ~ of the doelrioe.' .pir· qualil~. aad he ezlenda 'a eo;· itullli8in~and prove tbat ' t~, 'Spiritual· to all. Ganl." readerl to i.ll advocllOd nOlhin" inconliltent with religion o( Obri.~. . .post themlleln.... to ' hil . Mr. Van Namee, "' a apeaker. i, ell' fonbeir w~lfar.. :~O'_l .' , sy and ~aLural, and' ·..e predic, for him ('for ~ who 'doe.l," muoh .llcolli in ,bit I'e ctllrin, field, if a.t eorwin', al'pri.el · u. be purauea ,il.. , . , clilinge' io Ira..ling . ' ••• ,
~ ~ §
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g. .. P
'I ' d
: ,....
.1 ' .
' . .
: "
FJ:iends to the Styles and Prices'
BOOTS .AND SHOES . the' B'est Quality r.
For lien and B,oys'
, ".
FeRTY .dilf.r~1 ~Ie•• Idapl..d 10 -:c:....d and ThJ_ ". kDOW ' M' J~ )".1,., , ,~fo' _.IC:. , jot 8C! II) ,14IO.,ICA, fiFTY· 'e1I~ lite CI", "-_ nlht'l, perea.ii l ONE ~OLD Qr S LV~~, M~DAU.o. rOlllet .hl••• IJbI!Ot1l'*, .ild 1~"""lt. i"iI ~ lt '10 I • "." --:~-:'t t:{;o~l.tm:4li':. tat.. t\J t:fn".... ~ . . ow'a lh.. ton,orMA~N BRO"fm:HI' l'Ir",York. . E. ' lit. PRINTZ. .
_c:.... !Q;t::'t:"
our , U$tOlj1erS
.••• - ,
the Attention
And we
0ur Sp..: .... Stock II' ~'oTHE ...v nnv~'N \ TOE n~t'. t , ulIfI. . ~. '.... ......' . . ,,!,&ga,,: "C O' M' p' LET E' , ' "
3... ,.'
H_I&' Cul.n O...... ~ :,
.... e JlBIIOD &.
Ask (or Ma•. Wrllitow'. ~T''.l'IC;Prtr... 'r.. ke nune uther. Price t2 ptr. pa:r, a, a 1:0.81 tur~. For .lIle bl,al'4ruIII,,, •.
. . .
PI1BR' L.lilnT'tt L'B.t;~ (~op, rillitecl.)
,J '
Wltr.al.d to Gover m(lre I,u,faee ror lime ' . ' 0 - ::! r:iI . , ,,,eighJ,thln !'nJ "utber I ., , 5:" ~:. ~ .....~ '. TRY 1'1',., uri YOU WILL HAlVE mVlte IIooo!I r~l • - .. ., ,_0 "'( OTJJEa! 0 f C ... .:11 • '0 . , . I .. , ltAM{f. 'C'!(JRED (JNJ..Y BY auu ~ ~:::: ...... ~ 'ZE1Gb}Po &. I:J.!~ITH'I ' ,e,' " - ..- .. " . Wltoh.,,"· Dr~, P,inl" Glus De, ! N 0" ICE' NII.'ll'7 'Nonli Third Slr""I, • 1', • t 'hto PtlJI.i~',!)ELPHIA. Our Stock of Ie hereby aiven. lo tite qllll1ifi~ .. 1~.r.tor8 F I 'I;' p ' j of Weyne 'l'ownrhll', ' IhRt II SPECIAL 1lI"-o:T or .'~ II .11~Ii1T ' P•.AL~1l~9~"e]"!r. y'., .. 1 ' . ELECTION will be b ~ ld HI Waynesville, ' fl' ',' '. . ' is 01 Obli).oll >, , FRENCB~S Baturda)', ,the ,19\h, of; Ba)" 1866, , ' , ' I,. ' "."', .,' , fur thll p1lrp08" or elecl ih, 011. JlIlIli.ce ~ N . TIlE ~1! R 0 ~E!&IN P.i. 4 N. ~{ 'E Ihe Peace. 10 ~!I lhe VMc~l\cl: ,0 o,a,lo!led 0,,' lte nae vat Halll a.a ....rk by the e;xIlI~ ..lion of Ihe. commi.l\lqn 01 . " . f' " Johil W. K~fS. an~" he "etu-oil of·Achillea (~ar. ,Fr'nk ~c)It l!.1.), ' . IN..¥( Y~"!,. D., Cld~V8\1~der ~who" .wa~ el!!CI.ed) to IIC' BPICioul aertclol,. IIllb.]\oom" , .nd we~r. I'ept 1\1. ·commilln.h- i. \ luillee of the Barber Shop. ' , "." . ' , Peace " , ".., . . B ~rder of lhe 1lrUttlee•••,' IQ"Se~.lnt,' !'O IJo,,~ to:...c..i,.a AT aEDUCE!) B.&TE8, ' SAMUEL McCUNJ:: C W or. 1>0 0' belie, .. ·.ra k'll,R '1'!'ho .,' " . ,.' ~, M;" 1,.'1866 :',,· • • . 4$ w"rel~lI! " , ;. '~( ""1$.1' ..... .' .PU.DE CIDER . " ·INEGAI'. . ,'. , "'.
iii j. l(el oal 0 au1 . I, &0 118, ,.,ofl!l")' 0111•• ,I• .&b. Brla. o~ 10 ~~d.n. :.. .
"o~e. and are lbe 0111y Illei eft'eot!vl! medicine lor (emAI"I . Cltt~l\t. , .. D., not bile wilh jour ,h~lIltb •. It,d " •• > cheap .• nd dang"!'.\l1 m,dl~l"et "f.'\I,\l~ Dr,uUletl- .h lye blluabl, ,ana , will ~ec~\Jl' m.~"d, b~![ll IlI:n~r"I\~ iiI ~".Ir qll1l\jle~. • MR'I. WIIIILO""'. Allr.rlc PII:.LII eorrect nllirregul.,lilel Ind p.lln(1I1 i~eJl"tru.lion;. . ,b'etruci iqn.; w"etb., from remove, culd or ol~erwlle. N;o m,i",en • .Wife, ~r , mol her IhCl.!ld be ",ilbllUI tbe m, ' Try them,'-:'ul •• ecordlntr to ~Ire\ltlon, ~ and be lIon.lllcl4 tbat tbe, .re th!, L.A~Y"
. QUEKNSW AR~, H .to vDWARE &.
We hi •• llUr,I"., tlic"i'Uaeful Sfli. tI . . . .. . ' cle., "hleh 110 "bciu-elre's,er whn' knowl ~ r value wuuld lonlf' ba "lIlaour. .Q •• '. ~ We aJe ~It~ f,,:t 'p••, fn,or., ~ ..... , .nd hope by. at riel Ittent10rl ~o bueine.." ~ ' ~" . • rilll _ild "elr:,.leclt.d Itbrk, ' io ·t mf'rlt • ilill more lib,ral tbar, 'of Ihe public 'p"nona"e. ' . ~ W'.,..lf!,. ,IUe.lIl, 15.
~ .. . . . . ~ H ~ •~ 111\ ,~ , ....
~. ,~ ~
'11'" ud '.i~b o~b'~ f ' ...
'Eme.rsOl1!8 ,U tilel ,Giant . OL011I~~, ~)Ylp.l:NG~n.
,Il; , :: ~ .~ ~ .....' ~
S ' ,"
. Ie ao.Prob~bi~', 01 a . Fe ' .L . ~, r ~. ,~~, erop
nllmeron t~ b~ .11111 e "~o ~nnounced for nJd'l: n~uing, .fter fa The ol11er ,tnftll' Il.~m • Mai o-, ad~rif'· ·'Tb.,. ·mtftD.· " Bulated ro, ,~i&.r , 'raulin, good 'lOci~1 tim. "eoerally. The teacb' ton o,f no cOllnty in lb. StAle uhibit ' .ore spirit' in tbeir meetings_ 'or turD . WOUT 0 ROP ·T· , ~ . ~.. q .ia lar';e. ,' " . ( . - II.. reyO! r numb4lri. The cilizeDI of In 0 ~be I' t·l· .prolpl!Q l"e •• 1 ure LebAnon will keep open bou .. 'un the crd~p .rt! 'I.oo~lItl! to de· oc:clilion. · cre It. It II dOllbllcal trlle • ••• wbtl" l~ Ohio is ,.ry bAck . " . ~ I I Sat· 1118 uacommot\ly 'oold 'plin" O::T DCallot orget t 1. ,InNe, onD , • d tb II k t{ rug I more '0, bu~ a ·' "vor·. ur ay, 0 e "., , no.wn a • lII'y yel make i& a' Cak SLore properly, "~Iicb . will ,. take plAc~ Yerl'litll. of ,b', · "bea' , haa at 3'1)'.. lock. TIllS Will b. an oppor winr ' ,"'il d A,' , tunily .lIolt al i. rarely pre"ented, to . , er I e. " . gen . . 6 • -I b' _ " hI' I , hit Jill' r"urGed from .a obtalll IIl1ne.~ 'lila , III lb." Wee' •• a lha' Iba cenl. and whio~ oan.oo&}aU ~o 'be I kd ' •. , , . t proilable inv8ItmenL to Lb. parchuer, 00 e more pro.nllllg a . B d I tbe IpOI \ 01 Ihe ,ear tb' " c,j l e u ,! . 0 0 . 1I~' . , .... ~I . ... 08 ' ... , I. II1f1' ~lItb.rn IDdlana and ;0' , I • ".'he .D9ttli part O,r I~~i· JOD·WOJUt.-W. ~I!" re~eotI1 ' l1hDOte.t~e .rop i, · b k ' extenli" addltioo to oor. '
t, T.
.I d
for sale bj VIIOI.&r.. ~Q~OIlI ALL 1\1rs. Winslow's l\I~~ic 'f,~lls ALLEN & R. AND ' , Are prcp,red ~nly rur legltlmel. pur.'
The above Skirt
; 111'
/~' . . . , ,
.. . . Th. tellch.rl of WarreD .. tl ar. to .bold a meedDIE "' Lebllnon, ;,:~ ' Q, c6mlllln6ini Tllareday ..,e~iilr, M.y M! <:::i ::' ~ 17..and eonlinui.DIr tbro_lI b th. 'wo ' !ll' ~ g ; hlo4IOme;. bll'.' tb~r.. 16 00. followiag day.. Hoa.X.E, .whit.. , .. : . ; : '~( ;. . , We apinl' the rOlld: tbe 110ft . .John N,orri.,&,. Ma,o. !:!.. iii ~ ~ E'.l doe. JlQ'-alop, !,hiell Prof.' A~ Holb'rook." a-.a Prof. ' W. .. .: " ~' Q 'til · I. .. . . ,q eo', ~ & o IIICCll'lfellieoce to trattlers H. Vellable are .nDoIlD~~d to take a to" ... .. poInt, who, by the w.y, ara parl in ,t he proo~eding.. '1.' ~eunlob ~ t:d ~!" •
Marcb J I, 01866.
M. R. R: Our will Lh...lter.tion In oar lilD' ~.Ard. ••11 Lbe genUa~eo e0l!~c. Ibtl ROlld are .bm~r I,-.nd
A L W' A Y S .0 N H ~ N b I , '
I Oil TblnldAY eVloiDI la,c, :wa. at~.n" ' M J E ' ''~ W111&.r. . • A.L.nr 1111. .' . ' 'tb I fl' to by us "I a samp e 0 liS mAnu 'Ively • . hsten.d . . ' " lelect and. I .p. . I --Ik' .J 'of '. I' preolatIV'8. \bough not larg•• audience. r IbII' mile I ' .. ell' 'arlle e, . '- . ' , . J I d ' I'ib tbelr by Gil Y e t=ra t"Ing upon' .Itt who ' maDlfel~d . . . ~ lall.raoLIOJl ' . •. '· __ J lb. undIVIded Rttentton they b"L,owed we pr onoll nc e g, 'Od• dry !/UfJa; , ,
I ,
Ii rew more ;celeior.""u PerieClopic Speclilclu, i, res.rvi·ng (or eome
· estlogs,
Picture aDd Window-Glass, Ever olered in Waynesville ' Lamps, Lanterns, .. , ' Chimneys, To whirh he invitee ·th. ' Iilentlon of bI. NoU'ons of aU kinds. num~roll' CUIlumere aolilhe p.opl.
¥Jr 'Bring up a ehild in th ...., lie ,C HlLDREN'S KNIVES should go and whfln he i8 old be will AND FOR~~S. no' dtopart from it. ' '{'be ((lund.uior. of WASH BOWLS, many R ruiuous vlca ia I"id ia YOllth. ClIllin.J 1)1 • I 7 __ ~ r _ Par~nll .llUul,1 be e"I'e(ul where Ihey · "er,.,r, elrn Oft( "oll'aa..... ~n· ~end their children for eduo"liun. · Ober. 11m•• 100r c()Ql oil, cn'lIdl, and "in. Ohio>. has "'lIr bl!en noted for the , ~ ·l;r.~' oil; QUo, a/,, ,rg, hi.;ch eullur, Rnd 'hikli moral lonel'of iLl ', ' CNlormttltl of AIIO, • ,Dod .upplJ '1f citizens . . C.4'LKIN·S. GRIPFIN' & I. • UNION lNSTIWT& located ... there "nil offl!rs fIIre in~ucem,.. nll to ' ,. TOB PEoPLII.-Tlli. ill tLe title ot" thOle 8cttkinjJ a busine,8a ed,llC1lfion lit . '. ',~~ ~ '. , , -IUCH Aet 'Iy pllp.r JIISl . about "!wl.!" II" fJlIUO[rat" • • Bi',ura ' lo ' or tb. fi,if'materlal'nd Ilyla, or ... .. ee kl y, I'11 lutr. t e d , .Rml . • .' • ' • et:utlld devoled to poHle liltlr!Uur~ eend for ~ CllrculAr ,,"d l~ •.mula ""ppr ova ·OWIf I1AlIJU'P~tOTUllE. TEA', .' ' . , ' before gomg .elsew.here. . 43 ,4w, COFFEE, stora .., nl'W8. (asbloa.bl. gOlllp. eporta, ,••• havo • nrlety DC SUGAR, Bnd pll8tim~8, illdu"trl. aDd milcelllln· lh:nltT'1 MUl'EUK. is • very,.alhaotiv, ot:J 110LA8SES, SPICES. eo ... artioles, lL it a good paper, aDd periodicill (or bOYI ilDd gil'll, IIDd tbe:: 'n'l"'I~I""IL. ETC., ETC. a1ready-met with a wide 1.1.. II M"y number m"intaiOI' ill well . deaer~.:. " '" :I;;:::=:.L-~J.I~~-
rly Meetiog wal lleld at lIod Hick,s ite ch.rch.. on Salurd.y and StiDd.y la.t. Tbe WRS lArge.
who Dlay need them • . : Call ••• alrri"ge "nd BUJlgy paint. llIylbing el.. ill tb • . wagQII t bl' b I G H · db ' . 0. In lIIan. .1 a IS ' He ' guareo.
D~SrpOU1lS. " A'
MRS. WIII~LOW'1l QUEllt H"rB Rl8'roIIER , I, Q.UEEN, no~ oul, in lUI"", but-I. VIRTUEI. ' ~Iu"
' 'Nt
a~tu •.
An inf.lhble IIl1lTOalB .. nd .a,tn.... of tha flair If Ililblully. Ipplied; , . • '
It is no ,Hair dye; .,.
ha~:, ~f.~n~ir:!'!~e1UPbl~,l t~~t::~:,'ln~' ~t: •
colur; '.rreat1na p.remature d.c,y '. nd/.lJ<; , iug out of Ibe halri '".dloaLinr' .Cllrf a.. eI d.nd~uft', end curlnll .U humor.- ~r lb. Ico.ltpw· ,'11 chio- do:. and ':'lr", '..:..lr to ... II '1 .. U •• 'nl. lu.u\'i~~ttre..u. . .' It hnpI"a a d.llihcM lregr.nc" 10 t"l . .hllr. l.nihDrt, ~1.W~u. ~i.b , 10.,,,,,Q.~ . ,0.\1r bllllr, •• io youtb. aDd filii a h Uaro . ' W
'It"~.' _ . 'r " - , , " In :e'neDeII' ..VarietyI,aQ.d, "at " "~tJ: lllha.' ' ' • .;eum, ' 'afi.. , great _cuon .... p'nces. , ,t'rI...... \. '\ottl". I <~I. b1.11,~""' J
c ..
.,JOH!l D. PAIlIr. GlB I ~ ~ Ola.I..."I,9. '
.~\..OOD PIl.I.S
LUID I , ...knp..,
8zI,.."rii,..., ~*..... !
A t P ittllbu r ., II'II In8 from th, Oppo it. tbe fo unlli n 01 PII~ Water ! .,000,000 nollin Worth of tIolllland lIron-,.t.nU'cnl' or Iaoontin.DOlit, W ' dire .:! to Ih U ,lion DepC\t, 1/ 10U wen I Colle., T a, or SoP" Iver W atcbll, S'plendl4 J •••lrr.rre llcb lh, lJJlJ UP r. are tflnde r re d to the Uria. ImtaUon. lDJaama.QOD If ,Ull wan l MollI' or Fi.h, Clook., D ialJlload 'alllKa, Piall., )I. lode. ho. fro • • V'OD n@ylvftni. Von tra l ' R'lhhl /( you .. Inl Candy, RHilillJ or Fir , ODI , 8 .wi n r "1.hloM. tfilnF Wi re, &0. or UI~uatf'oD of t he lIladder or ... AND ... le~ye l'itllbtlTg I n d a rrive at Otlli~ 'l'bllII Ihe CUJ'ltJ>a' kJ • If )'ou ",ani Ctlee... or Dri.,d Bed, Ike to be d i.Doled of I at Two Dollar ll• ",' III followa : Kldne),s. ])il8~ ~ ea of the Pro ~ A Ja&lla'..UUIIWIU ~ Dc IlJllle, If you wallt good .AI. or Hur, ea cll article; wl tliout re.lr4 to ..lu8 r III. JlAY E~mu:sSr- I.eavee tate GlI,Dd Btone in the bladder, r you waro t llologn., Grand I nt"natio"ar Ket ti", 0/ Jill'" tit And 'aro, UlldOll btAdly, the . 20 A. M., stuPpinll a t pri nci pal -' Gravel or Brickduet " It you "8nl Iierrlnr, ' " Ar rives a t Altoon n· 81 7.Sb flj'acluren of FM/eMI ~ JillJllry. ~et' remedy . extaDl ... rQne 8.33 A . M -, [I\pllefollle If voo w.,,1 ·.Il b)' the .ank, Ih. or hbl, Depolit, and all dileaae of t he Th e 'roJ low i n~ hi. bee n ' re. I,ed, . II.. al TIll. I. the MaD.wbo ""~ bald aud H rOil want 5lareb. Rice, !:O1l11", Cream or III co ndequellce . , t he iru t Siain allo n .~ ~ A~ Lock H ove n 12 ,19_ P.. III.,] -bladder , . kIdney I , aDd d~ op .~al 'Vj FOR ~V 1.10 P. ~l., Qnlli morettl .so W1,k~l~ htl. r.,m teeD. thly.ay. ;' 'Yartli r, l ...... pper. t4i.<,:;er, Clun IUUOU U.rk, II r 1' rade, a nd in order to relie w. Irolll pe' ~O York,viu Allelllo\\l n : 8 tI O . S~ .,reUingl . He ulCd ' he Our tll.tI", mad A pice 0' (Jib""., cun ia ry e mbarrallUlenta oj:C&laoDtLl b, I lil tlao "uusIlO 1A tbar~ c, If you ,...n l;lo tJ ~·<lron •• don-I go tlt~re . IIdclp h io t ft l 1).IiO J'. M." enl!' Ne, dla trel8i lle Wert 1 114 to n id If you WAn I TobACCO or ten ,lin"renl klnd. , ~ BOLD'8 ~" . vln Phlllltlelllhio. d 10.27 P. ai, BANKfl,UPTCY. .\ r NCIN NAT I Ex l'UI~ttS,-:I~llveII Pl",~ TbJ. -I. Qle )[aideD, hUldaom. and Jr you wonl SbevlOg', Gerlllan. J~III 01 ":a!b ~.O 0.000 wortb ..of goode frQm thei r (' 'l P. .Ioo k mUI' be .t>IlI hi , lb" COU,.' o r all: au _ a.Jd and I( y(ou wanl Cig _ • m~tiq • • a t I' 1 , 8_fiot 11_ M., ~rri~ll1g ,ut Wljo ,l!,., h all FAY"" lock •• U\fl7 ~a)'. U you w,.n' Oy.len in 1I".. ;.,II,.,cI", dol or A N 'y SAC R I I' I C Z • lie lIIJIde. deCI tbo AJl UB091A Iha~ 'C""~. \0 A M. Dy Ut-h'i~ _ ______ _ JIJIIIf tJi h, , .. ~OB ' I 4 4 .~ , • . '\-rn A.~ rrpnele'trr d nt nlO Il D 10'" tlt,ltt _pui po..· 'tb'Y ,I.e td I( YOIl ,van l Ink or Black ing, > 't , , A.,.. Opornllng. ~,Ib. delphia. tliroclly to If you want Bue~e l . or UK,keu. DE TREV " .CO." ~~'J" IllI Ihoydo. by virtu .. . ~. New Yu rk.rlloching lhe real6.3o W ....... 'of. Mpeoln' nffinity ror thn I f ' OU .,In\ Crt>c~tiry W.re, ~ .arM', mU~OII8 . ruelnbrane of Ih¥ \'O\Ootl , . J'UI 1.A'I)I:.'M'I/I '\ EX1'llEliS, II ,/0 ......., ' 05" ....f IIry, go tbere-lGloll\Jl. ••lwar E:ul..... ·•.A,elll. ! 4 riling Exce"el U; lf11l~crltiOu. thereby reDlo,.rog t ha ....lll\••• A.... bur, ul 4,10 r. DI .. RLOpPhl1t c .. ted . ' "- ;r-::.' I _'. .' ..... ,! cipill BiurlollS . , ~ rrives If " ou ..anI )'o,~ r lut; !~pt hl1ll1e ewpty, ' ml A. a prelim nkr, tbe, ~Dl&\d remark The con"i\ution, ollee atreated b,. Or. ... fl'#o I P. M , Altoona 9~30 1' . M .• wil~ou l II lawful I5rded · Ihal ,ll)e y Illalllllioturll.o an•• e ll no bra.. lhe li id Of mod 1M A. M.,.lhl tim(,1r e '" ? A.ilI'•• ,. Ir r ou wan t Pop-C"rll. watcl. e. or imi'l8tioll of Jewel ry. . "ani" W-'Ou.ne.. requlrea A lle uLI,wu, IOA - nl.. l' hrl."'A"J:,-, IC YO<l WMp l ~·j," ,,,C.o.ltJI . , rancil. I'ir.e/'I the hell th.. "11£" a.&y , n and invi\: orul o Ihe .'c:1UI h Ava M rioal ., .' _ L' I N NV v~ or k ,v,. i art WarraPlt,d Gold 01 th. Fi7l~t "C-Ille to IItren"tbe .. W the . bclnll/Com. A _ ~L ,' 811l ..,..... '" .: -~' ",. JIO!IP'. " add /lay , Pipe - S I~nll , WorkmanshljJ. , I system, wl~r.1I Helmbold.'s B,Xlract Buchu W po"C)~of Iii ,,,0,1 ' . I!! ,01'1 1'_ J\I. ::;Ie(llliu~ellre f.et, whiCh lIeredo.,l ll Y.' _0' ~~ 1 t Ir rou wn llt Mo lrh .. , " flOC be b4ld 01" II mIlo Powerful Vegct~bl<t Extracta Llll" l ,uin 1'0111 Pill~ mil IQ The artI cle. to .ell at ~lfO J')olla r. ~a l)h , invariably I\oell, If no tr eatmenl !Ie s ub - . ..ur...ItO. 'A IIlid Jl "'ll _ ell . It you W"Jt t Ilreod. C" ~rt or Crooke ••• no matte r how eOltl, It 1iI1)' be, cOll slal 0 1 mlU, d to, j:~ 'n ump,ttoll . '10ft), - III. ' :Whioh b,nea dlroot-t,,,Uonollll.e dill. uuc lpl,iu., Ul id lu N . ur " 11l¥~ I\lty ~ \ I'ldl tlJ IV 11_ Ir you wnIlI,C~'lI>l Oil . S",." I Ojl or Turpenllne epler.dld ' H im t ing l Ca. " , old. Dnd silve r Ir yv q wltn l " ·/jo,,.., . tit SPLEEN AN D LIVER, ~ FAI>T LI N .Brr L 8VB6 ])illl\lwr Wa,ohe.a, .F!!ll,lch .cloolll, rKln , . ·eet wltb enlue, t ..TUIIS. 00.. PMlPlnm.. PmRBORO',I.H, Ir you "o "t API'I•• , T'. ' ", v' .,. , M. , stuupl ng o.dy nl Prillcipal diamontl" rubl" , pelUll. II • • Il tber ~rec l ~For .. Ie b, ROdberry @ NeDI and 1/ you wan t CblllJle., Bed .Cord •• or Cl otb~.· OUB BtOll e.S l ao" I.lre lilll 'I• •cluIIIlrs), 10~LMBOLD'S . th, " O/>"Y .11'001, or..-hlch·Mn he . It i\rril'rR o't A 11 OO'i1h '013 . 10' 1. M ~ nailer ono or ' wo..1o Nt: 'l'hoy Vii . . ' ., E. R. Printz. -, 46·6m Lin.. , . , , '" J ,,_. , ' , hllrglll B.21i A 111'.\ Ua ltllnoret 1 2 .~ dies' . els 01' J ewe lry. eomp~letng P iae Inti \C "ou W U ltt I n<lrgo , Shoe-lI~ . lI e. , or Ilieu .. ., R tflllOW8 fit • 'N ,-\\' Yur\l.t via Allellluwn, 3.00 ' Ear. rin,d of the Qll,lJa\ ra., p ioAlbl, an~ re- - I!'RE£ TO E V.EllYBODY. Ii you ... nl Paper or I!:lt fd opu •I .L' ~ : .dSlJl st DIUc..~tI()lI, ,Phi l,,,I ,, lplti l.t 1, 10 I'_ !If , olldche rche It,I., aald .. d Enll.,ded Brice .. II you ",. ut j\JIIIl&rd, • • < • '1' Siudl nd ilillve Juttoae, Cli'alril 01 (Jure Cost ll eltes.", viII Philud e:phiu, ut 6.42 r.l\. dAI,IIUI.lol.,.Ite. elo. Iiil,,~ Ware n affection! pecullor to fe moles, Is iJ~ I( ,0u.,.allt Ii> tell a boy- " _ utler blf E&tt • •• j *'ltrth/;!tr.l. t"Di111i;", Ir ),ou won t L;"uoric. ....<;1 C; b~ .. irtg (; u,.... (ex tra plated). clImprialni Cillore. nutlel~ q".'ed ' by . ~ ny ath e r pre paration, 08 in, 'II Dflil l/, oU otlltr Ira i"", Sitria~1 tr yo u wanl }~ ..ellce P"ppenn;." or Cinnamon. Di.h. beautllllll, cbaae" 'lIir.,~d, chloroll, or . '. elentiou1 lrreKullnties, . l.U_l'IftG c",n8 'Ire 0 ltnrlled t~ Table Ind Tea Spooa., etr., etc. Paiululn'ess~.r SUpllre88ioll .oI cl:'stomory 11r.i ll s tu lJ hi ludll lp hiu, New Y"I Pilnol. Mllodeon ••• , ~etv i_, Il ileblrn .... , Evacui ti81'!111 Ulceration or I chirrul "Ule Uullicllorf'. of Ihft lielt .,Iakers. Th, ptlc:e nf.a rtr P. S.- II you nrc drunk or in Ihe h~blt Ilticle nryini' lro. SIX to E·IGH·l' or thl'! UterulI, Leuoorrh ml ,- anti 011 co m· Ii IIggnge checked t h rOllgb and 't red frf.'c_ · ., of ge h lng drun k. or ca nnO I be hove yo ur.clr 01 HUNDRED dollar.. "Ialnts Incident to ~he lex, whethe r ari el bccolII" • &enll. ')1I", S'rAY AWAY! ~ .. , TicK F.'I1!1 }',In 'r il E EA6T I , 22-6," _ BIO W WE SB.4f.l/ i p~· OOe.lfD : rrom habits of d i88 ip~ tio'n, Imprudenci'e &', 1911 , by n un l U1 R llii). p U~dl nll • I ' , W. hftY8 adoplo'd the ,,11ft II eale ' ~ 'rI/ or ill . e tlecJine or ubln/e of , Lile. ' rllll d, 1)8 11 be ,Hl rcl,"scd 0 1 all d . " '" L"' f)y "pop,l" ,I ""~ ( " 81l1 1io1l8. F ure ua low 81>. by ~~~~....:. . will innriabl, "e 8 S)or. each .nl'!:le re ru UlC• GntIIIiI& ItdIcaI an.IIt ., 01 val lI!!. Tile -u jl. n... ,of conF £'' '111'8, 1' _I'II)IiIWI:t iog' our ~C'fnc1 are paid by Ih~ '81le ~t~~~.fbr~ tertificlIll'!, or COY,PORS repre ~~lltlne .Ih " voriou. arl lcles. Thetl_ ~rtlllclt.. &roe Prof. EGBERT SA € KIIUK -ROBERT H ERBERT. 1Iold ,lit FIFTY .CENTi .eeh ar 6 (ur " AND M. D ., Dr. EUGIKg '.V ELPU U. Jr. ,2,0(), anti each eertift~atll ",III ,.how lh.1 ""f I d' t U ' h d t B69 holdef.· the pirlicultir. artlcre he or .he I . ~H' ~ tona ''Plmary, flI a II e entiUiltlto' on pa,_it of la addition I MJp l ROV ED 81z ,ear~ OI ,l1nriv; l/ed 'UCCf!'8 In, the .~ 00 . cure' o e'~ry " orm of pi lvate ' diee.. e iJllo ~The elfpe'lIf~' rrel,bt ,"d .pack. cld~nt 10,eJ \her II!~. : ~ . ' Inll J!i i nol or aewlng mltch lne. WIll be Selene. and ·Falr D'abll!J Victorlo"' paid by Ule plrti.a "M a,.. ..title" ~o Oller Empirici". aj,J -FfldtuJ. them. ' ,' , Will ; olliclny exlarminlte from tIle 8YSW.· 'Inlallibly cure. 8yphllill, Glee!. tem ni~e88er 0 f the Ur inary O~g. n. ar llGonorrhmo, }napo~ell ~l, ~octurn~l _and ~IIn e~lIr, pint .r the hli Irelm ha,b lts or dlt8ipatio." at little N · • urnal. E.~I88lu'o; .,. ~, ~ pl.lQIS per.u,lar \P Provillcea, Illld to .all ...,.11-........ n"·I~ " •• n.,. ,_·tiU, .. Ot ~o .banlta III ' ale',) Ind'I I'I~ 1 "U'TH1SKEJtR' J remll,e" ,'lid' fur m" o'f"r~.te ~'''~ dUelltDent. 'wlll "" ,",WI. , ';' ' 'I.,I JI.... 0' Wh~lcv~r ~~lIIe or n(lt~~. ,: SpermatoT' tlon. II roul., '01 ,.,. ~lId )lultaunpleaa,,,l danlleroUl r~ D\edl .. ; ,lien rhjlla lOr '88\(-.:&1;u.", tb.~ G~rae 'qf 1'Iodtn W• •pretei plODIIY '~ c~~. (orC4!tL \0 po"" mGlIlw('d, ealily 81~ ,~pcedlly cured,' nnd wher,,' th.y.c,,1' b. obilined, 'vr, ' .by palba ud Murcu", in c uring t hOle un· PRINC!!', WAi..TON II co_~ ' upon the .mooch"t every ,"" .o f J's terrlbl. etreetl eradloaII Draft. to oun ordllf. A Pleue wrile I'lelldinl and .donget n. diu ' grie ••. • (8tcees~ora 10 Dr. C. ' V_ Robo.ek,) race In rr01rD, lhrCle ted Irom. t!I" • • ,etem, ",!t~OU\ . detentl~n ,our Name. Town, Counly and Stule , . ' "'801l E'PltOpnrE'rORS, •__ to five Weeki, rrom liua,"e~.. YO~"11 men, bear this III plainly ena Iid'dre,""'T1t'orderll to 0IIn8 Dr. , ~et'ii'ne" Ullnd, that we ere III poaloa.lon of the • ' . • • 1 \ \J~E ll~LMBOLD .08. 88. 88, 60 & 82 E ast Third S t. aa.I.~lre, '- 'b. ~o.\ If B,crect receipta and me~.hod ' ~,r practice DE T RE Y. &. CP-., , ,., , . cntoTNNAT'x:' O.H,IO. . " In mndern Iclenee, actlnK , of Culverw·e ll. x..lJemlDd, HUD~r, _Vel" ror ManulacllI'~r. Beard, .ncl Q.alf in. an _Imoat pesu, Sen., Rlcor',.ntl o\her ,reat I\ghtl . en _" _ ~oT ' ~n.~. ' It baa b',q uae~_ by .I a 1II0ciern, lIIedlcal ,cl~lI~e; roi. ltla a (lIcl «"mJ U <Llb.rI, ·8t., Nitw Y~dr. F \O~ U T X ' 8 Pari. MIl J,ondoD with tbe o~ the vetW Irea,eat Imporl_"."" ,'~~ we . ~ .; 'ial '-a ' ,, .uccet.. .\1 "rcblller. wl,1 be would ..k Iny maa 01 nere." CIOmmou I: pee ,.aDDeoee_Dt tn a\l caN. or t,", Urinar, n " .nll. wit !'" II~ " ,!~~"""Tn ' ~ " . rt'l.t ......1 ... cf.1f _I" don I. Dot .. nll ·boM{ Cia tb. tbou.anelapd . on"'~hal. E, H, T. A B l' 1" ther existing in male or lemale, rronl 1,.~)n .ver, In.~~nce, the-, 1110118, w~1I 101'1 pret~ncltrl 'of the d.y, "Ith lta~I" lee, - • 'wifuLEI.~\ ~.D ~ i~'Ur, whlt.. er GlU88 orl,ln~llu,. a ncho malter e cb .... rtull' 'rerullded. Prlca by mill, b\e nd In.dlcleD' remetlltl. hope &It ~ODl' - ", . , . • • • .....ca. aDii pOltpald, 'I. D.lCrlptl,. ('1\1. ,,1111 : Q. I lJanv/aeiurer. .of.. PftoIQflt'OP",'.c ~at'. of how 10 II Itaudin,: It i. 2Iel~p o' . in . 1 h l. p""fW'aLlpll~ tontl' .nd fA.ombly .endll,. Illel teatllDoalill mRillld free. Ad· eunfortuil.le .... 'e lrultloi'J0tll'bealth '~ll,·· . I.' teltll an6 odot, Immediate ID jl' "action, 1I00.,n. .,111 \bor-, o"/llily roln.ll/o"'ro eire.. B8KGE'lt, . 8HU'rT~ &. . gO .. and moaey to bllrtle" charl,lIlI'; iti: I".at ' 01 BRO.1D~~',., '1'_ and ~ore ~}rengjben~nll ,t~ali 'i ny; or tile 'brokCI'.duwn nnd cbeml.l .. N". 186 River lireet .- 'PI ,'!) N , w~he to Dre.' :1Ic"00, Iterberk &l Co., ] du' I . k I' ..( l'h -,atiol\lI 01 Bark or IrQJT ' • \."-lPlrlleli I,one•• y, Sole a,entl 'or the U.,8 ·, IIp,lim who will I ' oneil lelurn IOu a kind, dis. n I . Il;'~ t:t~~r nl""'t'llH~': :o I t 0, Ptep,;>_ ' " _ . ' " '1T~l)tJLh ~n lnll ntltl cl •• llolug Ih. ~ _ _--.,,r:.,- - - • creeh Dnd-upljclt .Dlwer• . L.~I.., write ~o,rt8hl'h'rC:11 tj fll~' ~e re . ee '1~~ .e r. Tho8e.i tlfl'erin" fro m Brok e n•.town or ~ty",o.; h lUI" \1)111.Terrllll~ Dlec:loeure~.-8ecrc's fut' th a r r 0 -1' Jj!, ,or e 0 ow II ,VIZ . Delicllte ~~n61 t'lution~, p~O'Curtr the t e medy Ull~•• ~ " , ' ,~~I ~IOD 0 J) ~r/~~I. ~. F I .1\1 III P 'II ' ,s'erto)cOpel ' ond ,sleNlim:apic Vi~. , •• I • 'lour. "rev nl!.ve or "II dl.~ aott .. Jkulb',I~~d wObilertutll 30 I prIO:·":pe~o:o~ . e~~~ efineon,r/ a ~I ~ or tll~Be we h~ve an imm8~.e IIsort, at once. ' , 0I1!¥J9 In91d<!ltb \.flI tl08 A wor 0 'iIVV P"" an co 0 , ,. • I dW TS ' r . ... 'rl';e ruder - .... t be IIw"re t"al ; l,olVev. FEVER, OLANlJIiRB. or.ti elifl,.YIII,.. Dr. , Hu;)ter'. VADE and effectu~~ remed, l!l' all irrel:ul.ritl(le me~I'F'"c III illiCit' 8 _ce~8I.t....,r ~.cl"~an ,.•.". ,• f ,. • I i ' I . ' I Dntl obl1ru ulIons from ",blt89f1r CIUse. onu ore gn 188 uUu l.lllnud\= "pe9, er alight mpr be' tho ·lItt.C)< of th e 0 • 1 cO :&on~MaD" an '1 DW "t' I« ~~. ~"'tl ~YPPl\l grt!el~\~ .0 The Muun' nln'or L " ... llt Or Medtcal Groupd , Btll.t ary', etc.. etc_ , :A Is , R e4 d BJ ma'n dlIUlr ,,'10' "'to I . .' . . d·leeaee. 1-. " III au- ,to BITnet hi- bodily OJ ~ d • leclor IIlItI IIbrringe Gui"", IlIltI an Expli. volvin!! B'ereoftcope~, lor public 'or private .... y' v . Pi .~ntlct\0 n~bln , e:r!1f~111 .0rRer. ~'I eYe1" 'c it Ke, to uli iellllt" '€ onllioing exhi1>I:lon. Our COlarogue will be ~enl hea lLh, mi ntel "owrrp, boppillliss, ~nd .m WI' never, I '" etneu e. ur · < • " • • ,-. ' 'j ' . I 0 fI I d I 1- d l liel: ,I oeetl, eyle'. '1'he _practice or Dr_ aoo pIe" I 'll 100 pl~lel: ~ Thts. ia to any ,;lIt1r,e u un re.cBlpt of .tamp. . lilat vI lila paller ty. ur eij ) III 100 KuDter h, .linl bei!~ . and atilt Is, ' un- THI buok ,yotl waht ~.prlce 00 centl, 3 PUOTOOltA,!DIC .ALDIJM'S.. are aupporteu.from tlleile l ource •• d, but ae tbe earliMt lollchatlon' 01 lor one . dollnT. We l",re the fint to IIIlr941ulu~ . ~"'a" I .lImeroli. penon'hill been Indpced 10' Bend for ou t splendid, cIrcular; ~ontal,,1. Into th. Unite(! Sllte. alld we. 101,,"87.0' •. , d t end' l\iII m8tJi;':. u.alullle88 t Lruuah the Ine more in qu.",lty alld uf auperior ~ tfal. ur, hll I,Den. e qUlnllli, . in al,.lt v ~riet.v, Ph~Cia.DsJ Ple!se~ ~ce ,- t .-dln Dr hi, 'Vlde Mecum .' h Is n ity to any 01 'b~ ,o-ClII ~.d ',P,am P,I\ leu'. " l'iltl)g i.i rr lc~ frgm -.1\0 ee~ I Itll 150 _. '. "lJ,,1IMI ilrtt ahollid be In' the hand, Dr ell. Remember.th.&! .ella. wrllten~ h plv elc1i.Our Album. blVe the reputalion . .,' ., .:; family the lind,' I I I phwe ntive 01 te, e!try lelt.er. e8pE'dolly alillptc.d to tile or bein, ' "pecior In· beau!,.lnj dur,albilU , W m~Jce 110 a'cre! 9f !he illS!,edlent'l. vice, or aa a ,ulde 'for ' tbe IlIe' I.~ ion 01 par\' 9~1D ( ell. u,,~~r, ~c~~.ldera\lon, be· to. any. olb.... TheJ .wllI be · ,eDI b, HE~OJ.Dt:J "L~Il)- EXTRA 01'· 01111 ",' tt,e moet' ilwful 'tt~ de.truellYe I)~UIO In lhe IIllure of thtn". each mall, Fua . on reeelp,t pri"~..." ', ' CUU I, comp~ II f Dl,lchu,60 ' . cro urpalhat ey~ vlalted m.l nk lnd: One dIW,![)" rr~"'lu"er:t °oth~T. 1 Li.' , IlJ" FiDe Alboms MIMIc to Ord~r .~ J niper' Be'rries eell) tell wh h gre ut 10.!'1'f ,41e ('urely envelopetl, will be forward· r. ".ar on, rlD1ila ,,+I~tn, ~. . «iard PhO&graphl " ' U ' - _: ~i _ . ~ 're~ 0' pottt, gei 19 ally port 01 the R~moY_; 1Il1l roidne B8 ~ n4 dl'4 ~IJltl' lIud '.' I , '. " lind prepar.etl .ln" nc!tio ~J: H FU-~ Ulll~' 's,ttet (or 00' oenta In P.O • • tlmpa. "JUyenOIOS ' or"onll wUlch btl'e oln dor· ,. our. ClItA!Ogu\l now ~mbr.ce8 o)!~r VI.• e ,nolJ), d rulIIl.~ .iId &!IC1&1I1. 0r i,fee D Addre.., po.t paid, ·DR. H l:1 NTER, No . mnnt (or ma nY,Y l1l1rs. ~hOllIl.Jld tI,lffeient subJecl., .1 10 wlllcb a)l, yvar.' xperie nc, in -LII" city df ~hi\&del . B DiYI.lon b ,treet, ~!I\Y York. . 16·ly Dr: Inckllon s F'fench pIUentllhl,,;Snfe. dllKns. are CO~ltlllUllly b~lhll' ,lI\a~e" . q ; hln aid .\v,,!ch·"''' w. prellCl'lbed !i, ' lhe -It III I)' u fe ontl ne,ur lalla lu P ortU)la of cmlllenl, A ~, I~~'l' !~.• 'y": P .r I .' , . - I - b' , "'-- I ~cture , I~ b tIll) poly, aUTe,-tld about, . _ :_- . , : . "_' mOil . I!'"\e n ~ p lyslc~Dn •• I ~!, een Guon t, 'l!llnbt'cOntrac"n, dlllellt .. 100 ~r~,~ , ~ ",II ' P~1Ion 1li els. tet! t,!""iJlleJ n tbl! UIlI_ted Bt~ te8 ormY. lll1d 'J"'t' p. blillf.<I,'in . l eal6d • cen... A. Leotllre 00 tbe POItur" frl n,t ~l each ~ l>~ r halt ~O,U nfl g.-Ge tVe, .I~I \, 0 ol,l~ er V i cer., ia alK in yo", , eneral uee:j n Stille hos pi", •.111 ....dic.1 eure oC Sl,ermatorrb", • • or par t\.osl!n t 7," 'III 'Ii)' 27() Oulone l. , '76 N n ~y O ffi cere, " d bl' .... t '¥'I ..ktlell\lnvoluIlIUl· l!:mi ..lolIl, BOltonl Do0 moesllf.'e drinkers who de. 0601Btaleamell, ' 180 D,vi'n ea, ' t .1 • . a II pll I,e pa n lury ,111 ~ tll u~ uns througlloul t ~e 18nd. ' ttftlh' I ltd D,\'>edl",u tt to Mll rrll!i'e gOllor"lI y; .Ire to reror~, bll' who he" JOllnd it dir- 60 pfomil18Dt WOIDC,". 1116 Authoflt, ·... .,ou.ne... Con. umpli on. ~:I'ilel"y end F',"; Ii 1-' .- j' .1 ~ I~' "-ft" J " 1"" B • '114" 1aDd Ph , iollillce,,"c;t, , ruuhillg (rom cu. t '() ,e . .. n, cia WI~O 'J erl .. IM' I 't __~ . "_. ta, r, • "'0 ." rtil,L6, . ~, •... b~. ao.' B; Robelt J, Cul •• rw~II, M.D, dE'slr, ror lin, kind 91 hqllor,'IY ulln:: Dr. 3,000 Copies or Work. or ~ rt, ...' H "'tMboLD'S .... S~;h "01 the 'Gr.en oook\' &C. HerbllrtJs Anll·Aleoholic Compound, an includlti~ niprotlucllons of thA 'rp cl s1 cele~ f'" " \ -)e world-reno .. lt e'd -•• tbo r. ill _lhil Ad mi •• - unla tlihll remedy for, lnlenope"".i e: wrile bra led Engr8villll' PD i il.tlnJ~ , 8 111tuBil ""., c~rl, IIf0Ye., (rolll 1111 OIV" . . ~e I f I Med' . -lie d in.trocllon.... ' .. , • • b~U:c, aI the l wrul con.rq"e""". o( ,,·!r- IIbul. or par ICU are, leI In etc. ',Italoguea .8nt on reoelp.J..o'ltamp. A. fleH~.. "'1<> ~U1.II,,· rOOlO,." .. j~bo"l 1\I.d i~ine . lent promplly 10 In, pa ri o~ the r.ouJllry. An order fur 0110 Doze" . f icJu(f!. Irorn w. C nl.J btl, e.b UI danl e roU t • • rg,eal 01l6 ... lIon., Conlull."1r Rooms 01 tfle Dllpen.ery, 167 our CaLe l"lOue will be &ent on reeeipl of Rod . •• or Cor o'~ . I",1'0111'. S ycamore strel1t. l,;lhClllnat, , .- lO b -.. ,t ., Irll ·"",otl. rlllg • P " 0 • J 80 Iud"..eenl b, Dlall rREa 694 Broadway, Dew·York, ino:~~: ..I:~~o.de . ~I Cure 1'1 ~cote c"~{.lnl "ud hef- bOll, 436. Senti ror circular. [39·1 Y . 'P'h~to~ria pller8 and' oihe~ o/ derlnl.. , I II l'icb rYery ""''1. ., Du lila ler W 0 1 .1 - C· 0 D .. ..... . ruRJ.CM.re him. I ~ r;h.. j,1' . ___ ,ooua _ . ., will plel8e remit ~6 per •o:l!ta. , _7." " OB, "," CO!,~ltllr" 1\ ~Jr.'.';~."y, Th'. Locture .. ,1 ..... I'-W cenl. of 'tM ... oqllt 01 'Ih,ll vrdt!r: .. ,I J. p~I" " Y aUL h ' O~' Su i IInd4lr Ical 10 & .... .... 11,...... TI I d II " ~.' d ",roYe a boon t o ~ "~Ik. '1 _-' I • • ant ligen's •~ .,:o.,ywhere v-.J Ie pr erR I n qua J otollir ,00 8 ..- . ~ . I~ ' n •·C· .m e ••" 01'., on re.. CII t 1 -I t r I ' - ) ad,' n ... , In . p. t '. ~~Iege I.p, p'.' Ailo 10 eell our l)ll'ROVED . 20 Sewing Ma. no 0"" II,. ~ tl ) 1.. "'"tl't or . ... cenl• • cf " 0 I -. 'd, rI ~ ... ' T U j)i C"I.",'well·, Merr;, ~" ".,!~ ~ C • cllioell. lir, e n.w 111111.1., ' ,.lIft . , . .~. I J '" ...idr'e.~ CHA~S J_ c·k... ·l; 0 b 0 5 n S6 upper leed. War,.nled 6 e yen". Above
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And Forty other Articles!
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Guiae to Health
'FLUID ElTl\ACT 'BPCUU, ~CK AND NERVOUS BEA~ACnE 1 ~i~~~~o ~lt~JI~r l~~g
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P UDYARD BILL, '16 FullOR St" ""1m , N.w York. a
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8uutk 'e.th Street,
WE:JJNESDAY, MAY ,23, 1866.
and by lifted tip ber face to \i~teD. To Linooln I!Jlcne~ the ProclaTake 'fime by the Porelock. lee thal I"ee.' , aAd race reating agaiDal mati A, ~ my b~.a.t, to look do"o upon it, ' and Tb I . BY 1. ". UII I",I£B. meet III truilrul eyes. filled m. witb ' . e peop! of tb. Welt hoiD d.ter· .ee" Resldenee •• North ~ onrlllasiering emoLior.l. The Roch.ller Ezpre.. rel.les Ibe mlDed 10 be hue tbat Lb. cbolera will Happy hurt. ere ll ly ly beatinjf. 'If you C8D loye me. ' I uid then (o\lo"ing I I Ihll circum~ l.ncel attend . .,isit u. duriog tb.eDluing Ilimmer.aDd A {IIV door. abon the M. E. Churelt, Pleaaure'. beama Ire richly cast ; 'you need oefer'feel alone or \loabel: I~~::a:d ~~I:i~gll~e:(r~~ t~l~ in g l\~r. ~incoln'lI lignJ\ lure to tbe E. beo~e the nlton t~ ey bid. b,tler pr•• W4fJflteVILLIt. J oyou8 .s mlles, and lun be.mll li.:htly tered, lIever more wb ile I Jiye. Th il mll DclplltlOo Proolam,,, on, nd lIy8 il pllr~ th~mlelYel .Ith IMldote. After Fillunl!', e\'or ft illin\: put. . fi I 'CllO y ou tell lIle Ib.L ha. tl ot before publ ished. The Ilrge te.llng It filr fifteen yur •• In probably Me rry Il ugltter. joyoua music tl 00 UD t P ace or lillie to tell you thi s. not moT' I ror IIe k' ne" I IDyed v. ou, 1011 ""I DIad roll ~ontaioing that doc umenL I'l'Ila ta .... I0 usa. 0 d Cllles, we .ugg.. t llat our F_loll inlt• on Ibe bnlm"J al' r, I cannot· I " 0 love yon ' I I r Ad ' f b • I, ' . b I .. . ,~. 01'8 kell to Mr. L incoln at nooo on the hi ~ era a. ODc;e ~,ocllre. rom I e d ru~· P errume trom the "peni nl: blosso m · 10 .. oowlog II ; uL do Dot aak or Ill· desrly.' Her tf'au bt'glln to <T18t Ih I 1\ b I' t . Scattered ] ler. Ilnd IClltl"red Lhere. pec t or d es ire any RD,,,,er. Dot now.' I dlly of Ja nuAry. 1863, by Secr.lllr\, .. e 0 OWl iii' . ... mp e ml_hue: -A I lIar!! l)' kno" lblll sh e th en look in 8 Ie. tOl/ erilllg towaru. me,shed Stl wBfllllnd hi. eon F red erick. As it Llludll~um, I 0.; .p~rtIl oC cbamphor B'1t a cloud loom s up 80 dlfkly he Ifll. e of my worda; .orrow aDd ex. my brealt. Il\y unl'olLeu Ilerol'e h im, Mr . Lincol n 2 01; tloo~ure or capSIcum. tOil: llncN®'lI'AIB!.V JE>tlJlEll1Ir(O, In Ih e elher blue or &k v. her Ihere , flisl and firm, lind look a pen, dippe. it in iuk, moved his l ure of 'IDger. 1 01; Holfmllll'. ROO' 1. \\' 8~\1e'vlll c , Ohio; S r) rrow'lI winds m\)a n udiy. endl y, l~au8tio n had drained hl1 r life. No b ... Ill. disolaimed 'he ri.:bL hand \0 Iho place of .i"lla~ut l1 b eld iL dyue. ~ 01. H tb. Inodyne GIIlloot be As th ey Iweep 110 hn8feely by. ~Illge .o f color ealllB to ber oht'ek; Ih!! a mOlllenl. I/>n l bell re.novell hil c,b'a\Ded~ ••b.t\L.. te 11Ilpburio 10ys ere turned 10 dark ened shadowl JU . l Itatened . ana: ' lll. pen . • Afl_ • ' .• ~,,\,. ....d ab••• ,..\\ Lftu.:hter into tear drops I lart, ' 'How goo~ you arel how goor! you hll" ation ho IIgliin look up tbe peo and 1 " , Bevin, ha~ fourte en )Ienrl' experience , III Ihe prevllee of Medicine. olfers hia And Ihe perrnmo (.IIA unh "r ded IIre l' Rhe . IUti. 'W hilt could 1 have "ent, throug h Lhe IIKme move lU eot A8 rro m 10 ~~ i5 drops, Iccording to On the . orrow stricken heurl. tlono bUI for you?' . h·, ' 11 r ineoln tbe n Lurn ed to It/Je .frorellioDIII Services \0 lhe cltizenl of I " de Ip I'lUI eYe ninj\' Telegraph be.ore. .Dr ..... ." cond I LIon ao d , i 0 Ienoe 0 f attac,,I • ; hu! il e ver l's' ln 11' , e. I arrange d everything ror the b •• 1 ns M Q d .• Repeal every '"enI11D" I t'll 1' « T WaynelyUle and Vlcinlty. I in lt., publish .. Ibe coo'IIe s8 ' r . ..,e" ar Inu IRid: '1 haye beeo Ii . oLl,untld . 1 temlJteu ht'r tram lie far all, I •· Bun.lllne foll ows .hAde: "lI(fW ~ I. ' dluU ' III I re Ie k O!rOUICI;: on Main Sireet, three door. Joy end sorrow, h.nd in hand, room to go wilh me to th e Prote. ta nt rpbll .llnd larter de lcribing ,be Ihllking hands t inee ni ne o'clor.k thi. bl . a .Ip.ra.e 01111, .tl ,8 SOlllh of tbe lUU~1I G£ZI!TTB Office. Saunter ove,r hill end glade.' graveyard bey ond the wnlls, to cboose f •. b C b moroiog "ud my rig hL IIrm i'. almol' a ta e,spOOIl ~ alonce. Take U III o. bLue r oy1 lIFn, e says: ..r a lllly ~.. tt d. If DIy Dllm e 9"e ThorU 8 and rOlellnt erm ingle whe n! he Ihould lie. She leldom s poke; ' rioel 'Ill. IIIU equal b k qU Il. Dtlll I of. wllter, a,nd Ii.e .011 rJ:r Night ellis 4lrompllYI responded to. I n the !lllnie n ur thiB lifeshe eald Afterwar!l. it W88 all like • sig t o t I4l blood of 'be boy 10 hiatory it will bll for thirt aCI. IIDd l Ie 110 q;ulet 1 or 111 In e ..y "~hD~ · Y8 an"., pI easured. dream. from which ih e IIspecLad at aDY in me a dl1 vli8h and blood Iny "ll0le' -oul "1 l' n ·It. If my Iland pOlllare. All mu •• t h ere IIIe JU a h f 11 wllh Lbll. bAck lupporled ttll Ib And the care, ami griels and .tri/e. mo H nt to awak e. f"eling lIod I dotermlDed to tl'e Dlb les '!fhen I silln lh. proclllniluioo '" ,,11 . ~~porbtuntlYklo " .obr1l • t Carry 'II d b ' d . lhll wbole fRmily.' He tli.poI1111 "ho e x~m i n e Ih e documenl here"': I lIIa !III IQ t e poe: e' "." a lew lum.pI 11 o'k T 1« v X. T H II P R IC TIC B 0 F Rut th ere is n lana Immortal. ,e nu t Ay "e Urlt 111m. y of Ibe boy II described be. ter .,iII,' hi besitRli!d. He IheD lurn. oC .. bite IUJ~ar UpOD "bloh lo ~rop It. A Innd of bli8l, above, Wben all 'l'l'R8 done. "e lingered Dear co d Cjliber.tely "alked over to ed 10 the tnble took u II . lo he u led In ,"dden elllergenoies. Where Ihe heRrt no longer hunger. the pillce. A epring· bl'(~ R\beJ lort He eotered aod told Char. Rod ti lo\\'ly •• nt·1 (j'rnll y P, ~lreo .Pee ntll"e g~Aln,.• Fi(ra' Ind fod"mo.t. Ilwa,l' ule pleua But i~ ruled by trulh and love- 'wind ""I bl o"ing: I!p rio&: ·voiced Iweet I' I n ~ • • '" it. various ·branches ; not to be exrell· "'II-r9 a c Iou d can II ever cl ur k on b'lr d' . were IInglllll . . ; tue I. Ille boy n'ext in yean to Wil· brshllm L'l ncolu' " '1'111 -lllell tile -ilole yo .oap 10 water • ..d In,where . NOlie but Ih.a 'v ~ cypreases were " " 'Ilere tl e 8 I. hi ' \yBI absent, that he wRoled worl ll I ' a 00'aml · II · "r. fIe loo"ed uo ' •• ' 'v I ItQueams e,'!r 8 01' IWllyillg 10 and (ro; Lb. mil,1 6pring " •. • II.IT 1ot4TIIRIAL V8E D . " ' auo WRII s bining; the plnee wa. very lelp ,him d c•• 0I1l. work in th.o smiled. al\d eaid: "l'hat will uo.' 'fh~i STAGl!: REPR.IJ:NT.t.TION OJ'TUE Los. Wilere the .pirit 18 IInfettered. In Ihe holy ~ummer clime. · lillIe relluw followed hilll,And proclilmatioo ass"f led lhatllle'E. :" ecuII' ye 0'8' A !:iTEUIIR.-Som. Loodon theatere TERMI, CAlB.-Office at hid residence 800lhlog and cheerful-towered over by hi ' " u I. b I .' I on Maiti Slr.ellt. 1.1, liVayne6\Jillt, .May, '~6. ~Il e great mODumenLal pyrallliJal lomb a8 e i oL 11m IDI I e tue arn GOYCI'nmellt of the Uuited St aLe ~ , in. lire mll .. lnl cllpila OU' 01 Lhe 10.. of h I delpRtcbed bi. "iLb • emAil eluding tb e militAr.· aDd ullval lIutbolIhe Ilellmer L ondon, 011 "hicb oooasion . 0 f lome rorllotlen great one, WII t 18 b d d H I J I I b f d a leourEI . e t len "lIot ilies thereof. willl't1cog n'lze aod mn·l u. tie oe e rated G. V. Brooke. lhen 'en "ondelrlll I IIOn9t! 1110 d to Id M reo D eer· taio Lbe freudom of IU,c h persooa.' .. tIe rout, for AUltr.lia. met hi. end. The . d oily( 0 thll . . ead, ofI memo· rlee, an 0 lurvI'tng arl yiDg in W8. 80lIlethine the mllller terrifio flailltrophe i. repruealed "hit 9dUCt sig ht. of the COllrtf, and he wllnlell· • ••• enry 6delity of det.il 011 Ih. IIlge,-, A. a01UNCE AT )URSltfLLU. 'l'ltat WII a day to be remembered. N 1 come to tbEl bltrn. She "eM alII In I'ruIf Treea. Tbe Surrey Ib ..ter briDge Brooke himElflt lIain St .• WayneSVille. I promi81!d her IhAt Lile gran Ibould follo"ed, alld al 1000 I I ahe eo . . lelf on Lhe board I, and mak .. him hold - -- B, Rnd by through the "aloom. the be cllrl'd for better tblln any oth,r in • Iln"ul t Rn d aD" ",ort 1ly 0 f "toucbin .. IOliloquy tlpOIl hil 1I1I1IY0id'a"'lL11I11'Hlf'1lI 110. ':1;\'11'10) -:mr ,l \ 1T1 7t111l'1l!Iro he 8tn10k Iler 00 Ibe head .... .. IIr (ac., IU \!I\,\I !u.~ .I'.U'i:! W:1.ru.a IU~~W near hu.h IInll lhe distlQt Doile or Ihe Ihe pllICe,' Ihat Bowen should alw.y. rec d t U ~ db" her. Ht! lhen went blloli 10 . or , "1\8 men lODe to U8 a Ie " lAya Ie f.te. It 10uDd. almo,' inoredible Repaired in wOlkmalilike 8t.\·lf', lit IIle grea t city. Ruth', voice. low~ Ind awt:· blossom on iL. anti ils beadstoDe never b Iinee b ... AI d D II f ane rought the ehildreD out ! Illr. exan , er I'. e. 0 AI , IIJilt the "idow Qr tbe deceued arti., luwest 'Cleh I·nrice, Dud dnlisfoction WAR· '!I'uck, . H e I tid tl 1'1 I d f reac hed me. asking ror light I be mOI8·cru.ted. , a Ilmt', an d laking Ihelll inside bemarl .. ~. Ii e II e . on A ~ IIOU Id II"'" takeo • p.rt ill ,b. perfor. lUTED. 3!:1·tI la "li en inLo profound though t-life. Wheo "e weot alvay I took her to Viall 10 a n i b I t dl1~ patcht'd Ihem onu by, oDe (jtll l or. 118 • tenllon "" mliDoe of Ibi. aealltioD piece. bill' tbi. love. delllh and immortality. fllilure, die cnre oC tlta t mOlhcorly. kind qllak , Illme axe. 10 ellch iDstRnce caJle~ 10 a.lug" peach orchlHd. e""ry is positiYely true. She ilill AlDericao, DR IAM~S A. LOAn, ducceu . lhe world', yanity-I do oot erly IRcly or tile ciligence, "hom 1 had their throatll, -and plllced tbt:ir tree 10 "hlch toL" lly de.moyed by aliI! "ell knowa bl he.r m.iden nlme know wbat I did Dot tbink of a. I .at prepllred to receive her. I '18 I ex ' a fA vonla ' J onea 00 . tbll . .ide 01 tb. in the corD orib himself, just io til, raua . ,"ges 0 r tl Ie worlll, ""I mOlionloss iD thnt dusk!' room. I oid not !lee her IIgain lor lome they were fOUDd. He tbeD eepltOD ~f Ibree, lIod. I~eall were the ALla~tic. Tbe Britilb lb,aler. al HoxI procured a IlImp ; I eel it down 00 dava: abe "8S too ex\tlluud, "hlln Ihe Ihe Lodiu up, IInel proceeded mo.t tbllfly aDd Iloumhtng peltch tllle8 too, Jellioul ot Ibe .ucc... of ill rira. Ihe ta bl ,.. ..here Ihe ligbt (ell on re ac tion from long over ,ten8ion lIel in, out all evidenoll or his guilL. he ev~ r .SR W, The onl,r OMuse of tbeir of Lhe Surre" cried 10 olltdo lbe olher Ihose fll cu. 1 found Ihllt Ruth bau ,to leAVe her be d. " eDt bllek. 10 Ihe houl8 lind II. luper~only knol¥D t~ IllS bo.t waa ao LYlllakinglbe 1o•• of Ibe Lon dOlt IliII WJ\YNES\' II.1,F., OHIO. Bunk low~r nnJ lower as tha head on 1 call..:! eyery dRY , and AI"sya fouod th e IIrriYIII of Mr. De~ .. ing , ntll upcru.nlnL mR<l8 ID oon8equenoe of mor8 true to natur., IDd ror tbil object O""'llF.-OU No,, " Streel, ill Dr. W. thaL htillll Nalan woull1 ac . ubsHvlIIg IlulL those pArtl of ' worm · ed Ibe .ailor. I.ved from the U. A,lil e, .... n·" Gu lltllnll . • (ow" d "o r ~ ,vp", her .houJder ~rew he.avier; a glance l ome gen\le · worJed. grateful 1D1' uage lold .e tbtl tru lh ; he "al dead. ~c"dl (o r m .. ,but dlly .tIer "'"1 I di ., blm. A s .. 001\ . . . ),fro DOllr1ng ea~ll n lilll\;lIr in ~o ~lJiCI1 !ails ' ' ,I Ibe Po, t Om"e. She saw it; 8he knew il. She IIlnk nol see her. .rrived.ill liwoeanilage b. ~o~ ou\, lind d~lvcn we.... genelally lDunu. O:T Ch era:'8 r"lonable. .nd 1!lII. rftc· down lower yet, till bis brighl heau Al \0'1 a bright day came wben 1 Probl t told bim that aomlltbiog was llll Ifllet '"r. abou' a year old, ~e had ~b. doon, and Lbe ,beller ••0 hardly lion auarantced. 41 "a~ on lhe pillow. herl belide il. Sh(lt did. wroD!l "hh one ol! lhe co." ,, Rnd .s~ .• elecled thr~e or Iht'm, .nd drl.eD R hold the DitcbllJ .1Ie1i...... The lDerShe WI.S more IIltered. more brokeD- ert him togo o",r '10 the bRrn "ith hi'm. tenpenny Dalltbro ul:~llhe botly •.•• nijAr itlof the.. keroe. are of oollue very 1D0aned 60ftly. lying thu. cheek to J . B. CHAPMAK. oheek. 1 heArd" few worde: 'Broth. down·looking Lh"n 1 hRd IIn\icip"ltH.I; Mr. D eeritl" "eol aloDjt "hh bim, lind thE! gronnd a~ p08l1ble. W Iliial the qu~.tion.~le, f~r Iheir .... pe i. dlle to er, take me with YOu; I bave 1I0ne but the meeling me IIKilnted ber very greAI- Miss ,N"lan " ~n~ into the haUl. aod balance or hi. orchnfd bad graJual\y Lhelf bum, lelled U.. 001, lea'worLby you.' I; ; her blllCk dre.a. too. inere"led the look off her bonoet aDd fUfl. Atr. failed, aod finally. ,Yielded to the rava· boat, and lef' tbe rei' \0 pe,i.b. Thie l.tt,,,ft'C TbeD .he lay quite .lill., hair on the deliollcy of her look. MfA. Norrison Ot'ering did not tl'l7en t.ke otT hi. glove, ges oC tbll worm, thelll thr~a Ir~fI. a~ · leem •• bow"., •• \0 m~k~ ~helll no Ie.. W",,u \, conch, haH on tbe tioor, (Ioe to fae!! 8tooll Lllsicle her, Imoolhing her bair before going lo-the-bnro, hilt proefed. Itlcled at random, t~eated pre c l ~e ly tn wbloolDe 10 pubho 0.1101111, wilh the deld. and pettina her with loying dt.'edl Ind ed there .t OOCIl. and "II followed by Ihe 8a~.e manner with Ille elCe ~1101I 01 .... AI I e(oou bAok Rnd looked lit them, "ordl till .. he wal calmer; thoo, good Probe' "ho had the lxe concllalt:d (lie Dlllhn~, bOld III wAY' been vigorous HIS NAIIIII.-'Old . ' Iitl,' wbo raisee N0.98 est Second Streot, I weot Ihrough one of · Ihoae exper t "oman. she ler\ lIa togetber. ready Cor use. If.8 .oon III Mr. Deer . lIod hell.hby,. rurnialllDg him " t~11I1 pig. and cabbage in N "ppI oounty, Btlwec7I Vine a1ld Rare. iences Lhat it i. no "Ie to Iry lIod re o I had no iU .. ·"hllt lAy belore me. ing eDtered tbe door, Prob,t IIAtel thaL very period 'VIlh .Lhe gr~lIlelt p~O(U S IOII (Jillifornil. appeared berOrt Judge H. co'rd; Ihat A.U "r~ Lten in the life ofliCe. Our interview WAS a 10Dg one. More he 8truck bim on the heatl and Celled of the mOl' IU8elou~ (~UI'. lL. II IUp ' .1 a witne.., .. ,a In each.ni e , IIpon the hellrt of hellr' forever. than once lleft her li de "lid pAced tht! him to Lbe eftrlh. and t\:.('n ohopped Rt posed .tll.At the I~IL of IrOD furol shed ~Y QUlllioD-'Wlta' i. 10llr alme ," By and by I found tbat ,Le was Iy- room in despair. 6tood at one or the hi~ neck with lhe edge oC the axe . Min ~h~ 11111118 01feD81v" 10 the worm: .whllo ADswer-'Vel. I OIU, .inllelf }i'red, I2-Sm . ing in a dead Caiot. olher 1>( Ih, window. th aI looked do"n Nolan "al the nez.L and lalll ,iclim. It III htHmle ••• or pel blips beo eticllIl to hut maybe 10-1 don't kno,,-il i. I disentangled them thlln, and laid over tile citt. 1I0d pOlltl el'ed hal\' I S he proceed"d 'to the bllro,after coming Lbe tre.. . . .. Ya"cup. You lee, Sbud"e, min. mud. her on tllll floor on· AS good" couch 81 ooulll cnnyiuce ber of Illy loye,thll' i. 10 oo"n "Iin and mol finding any of Lhe A chemical wflter on tbls luhJeet der .be bue '''0 leelle pay.; .ne of [ .~o.ld make of mr wrapper &lId ('(\bll lay. of tbe lel6.h and inLer.eted na ' (limily in the bOlllle, went to the blrn eRye: .'1'he osydilliotl. of tbe ru~ ting 'em va. DIe aDd OD. YD. 1D1 broder·DE.uan IN cllllhion. of an old cbllir. lUrl! oC h. "here Prub.t. "bo "ai iD waiting for of Ihe \roo by tbe Illp In,ol,ell amlllo, or one va. my broder and l'odlr 1'&e I hlld lold her the truill, I "all Rlort She met my df\6nite ofF"r o( my her. murdered bElr. I I he haJ done tbe 1 nia, wh.ich. III Ihe '~p riset. "ill or me. I dOD" know .,icb; aDd I vae 11IUIC of doctor. That blld been tbe pro· hnnd and hll a.rL ("8 Lhe novelis t phrRRt!I relt of th. fa.i1y. After IIl!iDg out , c.oune IIl1ple"aate nery Plut oC the fo · so old III my broder .... young. or <1:0., J:O., fel8ion I bu(1 not Inud wdl eIIough to .it) "ith Ibe most meekl/, hllmbl! lirm tbe bodie. aDd co,ering them up "ith ""Se. I~nd "fove L~O ~tvtr •. " ~Jo .. fo~ brod.r Y'" .bu.' ~o old a. me, I don,e 1Iail1 St , Wayn8nille. follow, nfter a large fortuno left me hstl refuwAI. lillY, the lIIurderer "e,nt inlo the hou se l tb~ .d ~ hcl\l.e p"late of 10lftJdtn~ I.Dlectl. ho" tloh, "nll. .. IDe modder ehe dOD t R .. r II k ' d . 1 IDBde the pUrlllit· of a proreuioll oeed · lIer gratitude "al 10 rull anJ eo and oommenced Ile.rohio" (or ,.Iuables. 1 bll wrll.tlr r.ecomm eod l dnVlng halt -, !lnd one of III ,a' nllDed Fred , a.d aogreRt. thaL I He .la'~8 Ih8\ be gOI 110 ., 1II0ne'y but II d IIzen 011 I I lu lo toe I. c., I 0 d er Y IIWCUP, or 0 •• Dallle dY .woup Ind "p.lrlOgo in fir8l.clsu II"yll'.10 8 .. une promptly lellll . lcouliJ~reatherall"eJlRflano\her, lo~ly,bcrR"itation .. truo Ii . .,.,verR' And RIIW her revive. My er.treatiel could not be angry wilh bert but 1 WIS expeotell 10 61'CUre a cOnAi(lerAhie a. l l':rperiml'nlll of the kind h~\'e rce.lted lind t'oder Fred, I. doa't kno." "iob, ,fEREosoOP1e --sf>EeTA CLES! prnailed on ber, lifter a time, to lellve grelltly irritated, and turned mLlrriLIi. mount.- Ht' .tlllei that Min Dollln' s i 8ucces8rully.-Sout!&el'tl Planter. find one of II. got died-but mIDi mod· der .be ~"er aOlllcl LeU .bedd~r h'llI An excellent 89rOf'tmo n t juat received, the roolln (or" (ew bours. going "ilh tioD IIgain6t my.elC ; CUrled myeelflhllt pocket book had yery litlle in it. He me or mIDe brod~r '0& got dllld; .0. IUi,ted io ~ 11 IIg"'. The,e hfl the beet tbe "omlln of Ibe rooms ~Io.; but 1 oould find 00 word. Ilroog eDough 10 9liW nlLhinl( wltiltoyer of Lho t"o ttbO before Ihtl night had blll( p,",ed • • he COli vince her . Sbe had 8e' me 011 a compound notes 8nd e~o bill of the GAI'l' A~ INDICATION 01' CUAR.LOTE~ S hudie, I don'L kn~" ,ellder I il Fred ·'p.etRolll8 In Ihe mllr ~ t . ClIllln. "as blck Igain. pinl\lIcle, and would kpllp me th l' r". aRllIe charaoter that are milling. 1111 -Olise rvlDg persons IDOve 'Iowl~,thelr or Yawoup, . • Qd IIUU. 1Il0der .h. don" U.y I, lAR6. , 'Do Dol be angry with lIIe. I wllnt IIDd r wRnted to be no Ingh er thllo th e remained aboUL I.be house lor Borne lim" ".ellda move alternalel,Y from Iide to kDOW.' to lie and look at him, and WOD', cry. IU4l1 o( her love, picked up the art~ iolel found in tbe black SIU •• "b ,le they oce,ulllnllily It.Op AD.d ... , Soon .11all I 10le him forever.' It lue jus t like me, she tol .1 me. VAlise , and le rt about dal'k. Hi. fur. IUftl ~rouDd. C"reful people Me ,bell' TSK ATLA NTIO TIILltGaAPB. --.Oyru, 'Ox TUB EUROPEAN PL "-N. Sbe tuok her Itatioll hy him; ahe Just Iiko wilin ahe bad, 1I1""Y8 hellrti of Ih er movements tlere prelly lIIucb II ftet IlIgh lind. pll\Ce them down llIl' R.ntl W,Field rfl'lIrDed (rom Engllftd reeeDla O,posUe the City llrill and ."l1rll, begge d mo to go "way lonlewbt're to mil. S he woultl "jWIIY II 10YI! .. e "it.h brou.llht en trial . Probl t Ilatea that firm. SO'!1t'limel Iht-! ~toop dOWD. PIC~ Iy •• fter hlfiD, lauDobed anolber great tOor.l'rlokfort St.) NEW Y OR K, get Bome resl. I pretended 10 yield. the mOil g rate Cul, reverent IUYIl. 1'1 - he ",,\tId have oonr.. setl to ail the mur up. eome hule obstruetlon, lad pillce II upedhion 10 111lbe All"Dlio ~'e~raph but fouod mYlelr too .lIzioUI 10 go bt>· "AJ8 remember mil io Her pray en . bUL den before. but he ' feared Lha' if he qUlet.ly by LLe .. de or tlte way. C~I- cabl.. Tbil i. 'b. tbirt, ·iizlh ,01a,. S)tloioul Itefeot.o;y,-Balh.Room, IntI yond the "nte room: she was Do'io a be Illy wife-no. ditllo, be "ouhl be lorn to v;ecll. by :J.ul~hl1g rer8.0lle g~nerRlI1 "alk RerOIl the ocean on tbi. enlerpriee, 10 . Jbrller Shop. . slllle 10 bll left alone. It wa. long berore I could get a r<.'l\ - tlJe .nob IlIel~ baDd. In th ~ lr pocke&a lIad thelf "bicb be bal dnoted tbe 1111\ \wel,. '£.he dawn brought the hot'rible "ntl ~o n wh v ; but a\ l!lIt I torLurlld it from The d~"th WII,,"nt for the exeeulion heRda .1~,l\ lly illolined . lSodt:@t per. yea" of bl. life. Saeh i.domitable IJ'S~r'.n\J lIot 110"'''.1 (0 roc~i." p'll''1ui.tles! . 00 nol b. liev. Itu",,,,n ur lIack lll"" ,.h .. on, harro"ing .butiDtlU-OC putling awny, her, Sho bcliultd th,1 (was lI~ cri 6o · of Prob,L on Ir"ida,. June 6 \1\, Will '0':" seDer ally It.~. I?ftly for fear of pellnc.r ance 4.aerYe~, ••cee.. , I"~ 1fe ..e are lull! 43, ty out of lig ht. out of reach. lhe mortaJj · ing :nrbelf, Ihl\L 1 loved her b e~lI lI ~ e " iv!:n lo Lhe Sheri! of Pbile.delpbi" o. betng ob.enetl. '[lllIld penOll1 or~n '~Ill\ "Ill oO,mm.nd ,&. ~U preparr. • ty th,,' hIlS been 80 deu. lilAI we hBYtl ahe w,," rrir,ndless and Illolle; bllt .he Wedn • • day. The pri,onllr .nnounced Itep at! fru .... "de ••'1L on mee'Iftg lIon. I~e .IOIDI lo.r.ard .,th the 8~e.&\. olutchetl 10 clo~e, ROU never could keep ".8 nol til for mil. Ihe told me: .he 111111 10 lIi8 oonrellor tI"H be beliued death ~n.otller, and al • .• y. go ,ou~d • It~t:Ie es' rapldtty. Tb~y are mlla,araeturlDg PlIBE .... 0£11'1·'1" LE.lD. too neAr-to lDy miDd. " no~ tho Ilccompli l hmeDtl,the ,uuclltioll . 'fauhe oDly expialio. (or hi. cria:u. IDltead of .Ieppllli oY~r It. Wide oyer a hllDdre4 .11181 of oable I ,,~elr. , (Copy righted .) I talk oll to her III little as 1 coull!. th e tRleul. Ih .. bl!lIuty. the "nytbing aW:lke PArlUOI ' to.. uut. IDd have a Yr. Field r••aiD' bere bllt .iz. w'leki. Wlrranled to cover mClfl l ur(are for ell m~ AIIll AI I:'ently. Geotl,l . if words thllt my wife .houltl hue. A ~ for her •• long Iwing 10 Ihtlir nms. "bile Lhel wben he return. to England to join lhe JIIeillhl tban Iny ot'ber ! could hllye BOllted on tbe IIiI' like tid· ruture, 1 D.ed riOI be 1I000ioua. Ih. u · The PIIOUlo BaUro.d. .hake abolAt lDilcella neoll8ly. Great EailerD, "bieb iaexpeoted Lollil Tal' IT. £aD YOU WILL 4HAvE 110 OTHER: er·do"n.ol touc:led her witb gou,,· lured me. Yra. No~rison hlld Lold h"r Carele" penon~ are rorner .tubbiog on 'he la.' or JaDe. All OODO.('&.l! mer:light touchet. thty woul d alill hllye th.~ bere, ill Rome, .he coulll procure A. D.:RichAlr dlon .ritell a. lollo •• : beir toea. LalY p. reon. Icrap•• bout "ith Ibe "orlller eapeditioo ,••1 lure of ~ANU Ii'ACT(JRED QNLY BY seemed to Ole too roulZh t., be out al her R luitllble eitlll\tion. ·Ther. i. ODft 'heme "er1where pre. ooaely "ilh thllir beel., and are irel on luceeel thi, lime. They hllpe 10 ~.,. , ZEIGLER. itt' SMITH, At 1.lt. "hen 1 Lad exb" •• ted every weD' "itb the Ilboughtfill Irl .. le, Iro .. one .ide of Lb. .Rlk lin (I Ibn on tbl' H !eiraphic co.... uoioation bet"eeo lb. "I.oleealll Drtllr, P.int .. Gln8 Dealcrs. h ~ r theo . . Still I "a8 '(orced to Iry Ind I\scerlain her "iahe.. argument, or .though' , ~ h.,l. Rnd df!8· Ihe MillOart to the Pleiia. Th. one otll.r. Very .trt,ng-minded peraon. Iwo Itellli'pber.i ia ab. 1Il0ath of 1ulr· , No. 137 Norlh 1'hird SlrePl, 'YOIl koo" "ha' i8 best: you "ill pllired, at ,,\I evenL., (If pruelll IOC morlll of all Ill ... lIe.-the OIIe re.· hu. their ton directly iD ('''D' Q( tllem , ' ~ .. PfJlLADELPHIA. do "hll\ i. mos' right.' sbe ,Ina"ered celli, I gr.w hurt and an,,'Y: I I.rn· e. d y for net! IOci"l. politiCAl, li· Rnd h",e • kind of .1~mD mo,elDeIIl. Boll> O.r.-Tb· All.at. Star thul hl~ For IO!" by, P"tIlT DBALElUIllener. lIIe geotly; 'bul don't /18k me to lellve ed from her ·10 a wiodo,", And atood ,,,,"el.l ana iatl.ltri"I-Lhe on. i • • e· Una,.ble· pereoaR ".Ik (a8'1 IDd .10" by IIpo.trop~ilfi • '11d, .bo "Dt .. I, y. . ' ~9.11 tbe bouee while he is in it. Thiuk or locking out. A veil of hlRclloUI gath dia&e .• i,t al -.ed. 80\ Ollly 01 the PlICi&c Uurnl. Vllatllro," per_oil. tr, 11\ rOlldl. Itr~ .. berrln: ';'. -arrh,.e 'and Cellbacf. Lbe loog )'~ar. that I hue notleen hi~. cret! "aLw~en me aud ..111 looked' 00. I loa.t ..d .~. terriwri.., bllt lhe latire \f,~q'eIIlly ,eli.I.-Cb. fenue ill.lead o f ~I~ . tb. dODor'l lanablnd grow ill 'f Ayn EI.ay of Wlrning 8nd Instruclion think or tbe long yean Iha\-' There ""I ill "ilh angel', dilflppoio tment, aad Iteptablia, it &It. P,eilo Railroad. Our &,oinlllhroullb tbl ,4te, IUld nnar lei "lDta~lh~l. o.~ hu~d"d yeart. and ma, or oung Men. Allo, tlleenlel .nd abu- she pllu.ed, bunl ioto .iolent "eeping Ih""rted "ill. Il ....~ .ill'" i.'.r"l. 'peeiall, a ..11 ir do • • • IIlIr. Oae ·idn per.on. aad she bye t~ "JoJ I'. May .b. . . . re rtem 'Vhloh"prelntlturely prOlllrate the vilal -Ihe had 'Dol cried before. '01 I feel I doo't know bow 10Qg t ~I Rd .tood UtI&il hi eo.pletio_, .0 . " . )j.inl eaD , er1 ..1'lh oa.. ·toe in.' Oro.. per, of pereantal bel~.tl 1»10:0" IIpOD her I,.wer., wilb lure meoul of relle'. S('nl '" if my lieart ",a. breaklogl' Ihe .. hi. 80 (bal I beline it WII _II. long time) comprebend tile fa.tlte •• · alld ."rioly 10DI e", 'P.l!.0 Iii' their kneu log.th.r. obe.k IG.r tb. tn'lfe .p~rlod; Aod lIley of el1arjre, In eealeA leiter ~nveIQpee. prelliDg ber handi o'er i~. "ben the lofteat oC tlmall hand I! enter · of tfi' ·min".1 reln.re.. or the UDit,d Good.aataredper.olll '~IIP Ihair hie,. har , b.b,.. be. prod'i'" of he&ll&r. II r... Dr. J. SKlLLIN HOUGHTON , I cla4pt'd hulo me" I comforted ber ed mille, wbich:lung d Qwft beside !lie. toe".",.. O.r i.illt." i.tfr.etl iI.per.· • nr1 (ew lIep .. ..... F.n. lo,iog 'people b~ll1ll IIl1d lal~lIet', aDd DeYllr ~ ;~'t Alloolation, Philadelphia, PI. . as "ell al o·o uld •. r • .iinding ber:. ,al I .t~rted .~d loo1ied toon.d . Sl.la "118 ti •• ,)' r.llaire. it. 10' "ar, Ihe Paeille hue a .ind or ji, mo.elDeot. Lro.bled with colle.;- ~ ...Jel .or .ho-.,. ... .... .,~ , "ell II 1 kne" bo,,; of how well. ~blogtl looklDg .UR tnlO 1111 rlOI .0 "I.• trully, CoatL "ollid btl our ,welb.t poinl. Thl . •• inl'OODihl 111'1 her path"ay . tbf01lJb ""e • • ~ . n ' ... .. lIluet .b e *ith her belo"d brottier. 1 ber own face .Itained "ith pAin aad looomotl,e i • .the tra,l apoltle 01 the life' be .tre"A "ilb 081.itl.. oow..... rQtrry :"·el~t ··1Illl c.bl Del o.~.!'D"d '~ poke. too. of tb. plac. .hu. we earoeitoe8l. . MODrot Dootrine, When we oan trane: . . . r,{r•. PartiDgtoD 'IY' lbe only .nd ·when. Ibl 'oOiDel to a.e p~ oil. lit .. . ~ <"c ..va'or· . •~80'IIto ••d,.pted10 I'C ......' on ' 10 r .. , l, f ' lb I ooun.r)' '. , ~ I00 I.... 0 pliO, • ed lid d'lip Ie aaed , ' porr, "1'0 aDd lDaoitioal frOIll N." York "av ' •aiall- Ilream , for &hal .tIlQO';~ fit: f IDqsi, .GO'O '.41 4 Fll'WCY- would '1.J I1110 . '1011 ~ to prneDt .te.lllboat explo.iooe i. the 8t~ ine" . bil. ,be .a1er OD (l0d" eQo. ~. ~1I. hay, to \rayeI• •, I ,~r.D Of 5 VO MEdAL~. o~ oIlier Cluiel.'1Il0D&-\b., rOiti. tbe. ,iolet., ,tbe abe .. id. 'I DIU" ..... Co 110 uL' to BaD Fraacilaoo io leD da,., ao Loui. to mike ~:.. er!IIIS 'mel... t"em. lIJuatl'llted ,O"I- cJpr.liu. . .. . ., ter:1 beArtl ... aad .o,r~~.fal, 1 010· ti&poleoo will "lid .troopa to cru.1a 011' .bore. · Jm ,l1.r OpiDio __ • • IHh. b•• t.iA' ...1SDcla ,a oldla pdola. willa ~ ~,or .4~'1:imo~~~. :e~~fo~~~' She 1'1 quieL in ml arm.. ~1i4- b, Dot b..~ i~.' .. ~ RepQbliblD~" !~ ~.~~!:: ~~ ~OD' br \la, .tta~ !~ b~~rd. bll~ btr" utl'~"~
L. S. RICE, M. D.
Tlfil GA%KT'r&.
"911L EVAN'S,
DR. S. J. WAY,
Smtt I)
j It rgt 1J It-~ t It tis t,
E. S. SHEW'ALTER, (IO(kS, lllntd)c5, Jcwc1tJ1,
.T. '
' - -- , ...~- -"111
.~.!~Mn'-t."'*,.!s, lGl'Ll.t~
l .:.:l.. "
~ . - r _' .... ~ . .,......
...... - . ,
ClMi~r:.. D.......
• D,.......,·
aUVU_ Ea.ocavnca.-There .re DO B D 1J e T. 0 1'1 I warrantd . , Dr. To~'II-.'people io Ill. world with. wbo18 eloor 111& lnIJlBItT. irulld wheo ~ ..........,. _.......-"..................... ............... eo." i, .cnninruha l be. Irie~. rat ,....onlOf te mpant. babita. Wa1D . . .,ille, Ohio: 1 lUI Thl. o. baa been kno"n 1ft Ihe al I h.D Lei,b Rhcbi. w ru. g ID MADE AT W A L T H A ~. MASS. Uniled 8lat81 oyer 90 )le.r.. Thou .. ncl. -EVERY DESCRIPTION OF WED1,n ;:sD.A Y, lIlA Y .3, 1800. heland. he p"leed "man "ho conee,uellce of tbe recent ,re.t de- haY. IDled It. end roulld If ~eve~ f. il.d 10 p.infol IDect.acle of ,allor, equal.or, .nd cline In (old and .lIver .nd .11 tbe mille - cure 1liiy complaint for whIc h It W./II ~e- B o o t s S .h o e s e Vo •• II, ]11'8. lU ....... "ho'e, ~T. r aggedne·... Hi. beart . mole blm, IDd ril ls used in Ihe muo~r.cture or our 8codd. commlendecJ. lod .11 Ihoae wbo (irlt tned be turned bllck. . , • and in '/ltieip.tlon of ... 1111 lurther . de· II arEl 011'" never without It. In the cholAlu, • 'Iu,e end vlried ...ortment 01 AO.D&... .,. 01' MVllc RvU'l' Dowl'.·If YOII are in "a~l: .Rld ·Rllohle. cline, we have reduced our priCei '0 la e: a Dlt 1848. Dr. Tobin I lluded 40 o..e~ . If' . N '"h), don't you beg? Iowa point .. they can be placed , .. d Illet 6.,being clI }led 100 late ' ,0 do lin, LADIES' & Th., IUlgolfiee~L temp e 0 .Ir In . ew 'Surel,. it's begj:i og I am, rer honWit 1. (J 0 I d II t P II r, t ood . Direotiool:-Toke I teaepoon fu » York Ih. Academy of MUlio. was eo· , b in a wiNegl~6B of IYBter every bolf hour , ,...J cr. d " o that no olle ne ed besitat. 10 uY .· (or I"'" bOUTII. om,1 rub tho obdome .. and SPRIN:;'YLES, ' tiuly cOlll llm'e d · by lir. on ... onur., . 'Yo ll dido" IAJ a "or • wlteh now Irom Ihe ellP.e crltlOo that. It "V Li . Ti . , . ..1. There wa. An op' t "e but lee 1 ho eXI[clmiliel well wilh aigbt of t h i. we.,.. •01 , COUS8 DO. J ' r. honor' h tb _' .. 1'1 1' be cheaper at .Ollle future .'me. ~ k tbe I · 1'\lmen~rI tb 0e I. " 11 og tbroug. , et leI,' of ten 'y ellu Ind lhe manuflcturo 01 alltiy tile ,hirat, til en ump 0 co In aratio pe rformaoce lba' nir:ht, "hiob b ow t h e ••un IS apea I moullI!. abou t the eize or a morble overy , b Il tro"aerel aJ~d the bonea cry lo ou Mor, Illan 200.000 WattAu. ten ", inutee. JI i8 warrnute tl perfectly termioated an hour be lor8 L e ames tl ' h me 'k'ln I Look ' "t mt! s unken h ., II 1T0ug a . ' • . brlVe given our prodoctions the \'try hi g • innoc:enl to t.ke inlnnlllly . Sold by 0 la Wille di~o .. red, . olleeke. ADd the fambe thllt e e tart~ In OSl rani! among pme.koepprs. ¢ommen7 drui,' lI,IS. price 40 and 80 ee·1I1S. Depot ~ Buy ere \vill do well to call "nd ex'.Che lire utenl!ed 10 tbe Medical Un· me eye. I !Ibn 81i~ e. isn't!~ bei&IO'l cing with the determilt otioll 10 m.ko,only 56 C'~rtluodt St ,. ~e\y York. 46 1111 .mlne befvre purch ~llnll' inuitr, oa Fourteenth Streel.and Ibn. I'm wid a th ousA nd tong ues: tltoroug lily exr.ellelll watches.ourbu~Ineu E A DUE ADS. , . b b b fwhicb ~ hilS IIleudily. iuc:r~olled 01 lhe public b~ I Moln St.·eet. oppo8Ue t1l0'801e'" & Co. I plano "arl odae, 0' 0 " BALLoolilNo. _ A curious Apparatu8 canto ~cqullf nted wiLh th ei r VII lUll • . until or, il1l other wordl, helld~ whale once g 0" . . . 541. . , were uClltroled, ..ou "Iso the LUlhera .. ror ro elling bAll oo ns threugh tilt! air lor months toget her, we hllve been unable riOUI lock. bave Waynenille. April 24. " . • " . Ciluroh on Fifteenlb S lree l. sevel,"1 1ha/be!n devised by Mr. BULler. one of 10 Bupply lhe demo nd. We .lta~~ re peo.I: 1Wlthered 1111. '''.tUent'd. . 'Id' d ' .. Ih '1 f h JE Autieal So edly e ll tarlJed ou r foclorr butldll&;!S un.I 1 cnn in a fe lY ntOnlE,'llte be re_clothed wiLh oilier large bUI 109. I JOIOIOjf e rne COllnOI a I II nelY r.o o Ihey now ~over ove r 'hree acres of glound nil their YOUTHFUL A'l'TRACTIONS. by I ACAdemy we rt con.umed. The 10•• ciely in Loodon. It conSis ts 0 ~ p~tr /lnll give aocommodntLn 10 fJI!IrB thDIl ~ill ..le applicutiou ul tIll" wouder/ul tlille. will reacll from ,bree lo four million. of of winge. operoted fr om JI~1 c~r? 1\8 oigftl hundred worlllnlln. " balloon. wuose downwllr ow 18 Cll . We afe fully jU8t ified In IItltin, Ihot we man. Christadoro'lI Hair Dye. . dollar.. • ••• culated to strike whh "force exceedlll g nnw make moTt. than nile II4Ij bf all the . d I I d'e 1 TI ~ sllb.crtbC!r haying purchased lhe tony pounds . a power e<\uivfI\ell\ to an Watdltl tIIll4r1.IM Vii,. . &ek•. 'l'he Grizl,.le d whis kers all tnlls tmc le~ '1 a I 8 It I d t re ce nlly belongi ng 10 N&" Vs,alllOJl.-We cOPJ from a II.cencive ro;ce of one thousAnd cubic differe nt g rodeB ore dl Btin gulshe' lly the cur1~, In to which lhe Enow 01 ag e lOS pre- J u~lIIe\V a~ I~ ~I . I ed to c~1 Ulf allen. 'Southern 'Exchange, the follo"io~ new It:e L of carb ur e lled h y dro!!!!n. 'rhe IIC- Iulluw lllg tulle mllrkll engrl'Ve~ on th e llIolurely .Irill ed. nnd re.d. 80·~dl'. or whi.t . , .o ln 0 e ,\\II~ I tl 8 to -lhe fnct IDte' ey·brl>wn h llir . re ceive. liS If by moglc. I.on Qf 'BUllen an. 0 le r ul~clurt! of ~ ," ' 'J h· I e ll .eraion of Sclipture pUIU'i , W 10 I lion required is somewhat SIWlllr to p 1 :Ain,,";enn ~.Ich Co ,. W ~ I.thlll\l. }\flf •• :, lit e rurCBl sltlt'des uf bl~ck ?r brown lrulll IhDI he is engugcdl~ Ihe mRI Ire recommended (or the uae of SOlltb· Lltalol rowiog. 2 '''PI,I. Ion, I .. ,,~), ,.. Co .• \\ "l lhl '". Ma... Ihl. h~rmleBil boton lcal hUlT 1I0rk enM. and~ --_._... • aol 'I'S . 1\'8 fftcl 6 J ern Cbri.tian. : W ""rllen,' FII ' \VuhhOJU . I\Jo... J IIU.. Ufeu., b y J • ('_HRISTADORO LC ' II . I , . ' 'Le' tb.lilt~e child-rell Dome A T xXAs journlll dC!Doutlcing tht! !i ~OR W A r eB of 6r~1 qn.lity A 8t ,~r H ouse. New York. l::Iohl by Drug- ~ and is preVllred to o. In II~ Oi.vil Right8 B ill. nod the T·e xa. pa i. 08 111 .. 1'''1'1'101011, T ruey & Co: Wo l- gi $tI8. A ppli ed by 811 hairdresse rs. . ~bePl ?Iyle nl~ 1J 011 the 8hortet; t 9, uato me, (or .uoh i, Ih. kingdom 01 Ihont, Mil... • l . lIoth:e"lInythingln hla Itn~. lieana.' " . pCrt tll l\~ appro.vo -it, IIBls : 5 OUI' nex i quolily or Llldl eR Watch ,. 110111' A CARD '1'0 INVA LIDS. {)::7 R e lomlpg Ihe servlCI'!8 or llr. EL''l'bOIl ILllt lon .tby wbiLe neig bbcw. We Il'dve bur'll!d tbe hatchet-yes. <G ' P S So.lleU .' W"~lhDUlf I\'IH...I Id S ' LI~ON KED1P Rnel olh er auper lo r work.anen . D a 'rb es~ WulOh"ij HI'. (ur,, " hed ill 0 sre61 A C erg!'msn. while ree ing In 0111 I • I . III t' . ! •• ~by,elf,' 'loa'lDuab •• y. did h to Illd "II h8ve ollten dirt enongh to COyuri el), of size. nod . Iyl •• or C;'.I. Amllr i,," D8 n mi'8;01l0ry. aI;iItluyo~ed H he gunrauteea I Ie \.IH110~t PIItlll c .1011. eae of th.I••,t of thell whhew. ),e did er iL IOfeY er; but , 88 Bo me omphALic The American'Walch C o., of W altham, ~ ofe Ilud simpl\! rem edy for the t; ",'e of 07" Buggi~s oud cOrrloge8 repaired (;'lId 1 it Lo me.' 'Bu~ if )"e hu.e re_peot to "rite r ellyw, 'd-d ir we have much I\IOB8 .• outhorizB ue to siule Ihat withoUl ,Ne r'iv0I18 W ell knfl8~, E~rly Dec"y. Di ~e a· p"i nted in iooLl 6lylo. penoaa, (exoe}Jt i' be the oolor of tbeir r/)b pect fOf th e mon wuo preLlinds 'llat di~linctioll of node marks or pric • RII Ih e eea ,~ t ' he Urinnry Orgons. and til e wh ole . G. HINCHMAN. IkiD.) " commh .iD.' 'Honor all he likes it.' produci s of tlleir foelor, are fDII, WAR· I~Htn of ~i 8o rdpr8 broug ht on b)" huu dlul WayneSVille. Feb. 27. wlIiL, mea; dtepi •• no oae but Ih. ne· RANTED to bo Ihe best Ilmekeepc;8 01 oull viciolls hob ils. G ren t nUll,bers hftve ~fEN!S -0.' •.'I'L. whi~. man ,bat oomelb E 1 their 'clssl ever mude in 11018 or .~y o111N bee n alrcady cur~cl by this lIoble rempdy . A~ ~OI1C. •. ~ . ,Z3r Rev. S amnel Dunn. an nglis 1 cOlllllry. Buyers should rt'memlier tltot, Frompr e, 1 bv 0 d0;81re 10 b~ne61 Ih e blHicl· OOV • ~ ~ ;:',. llato m., I 00 "III ca.t out. Me thodi st from L . I IV III sep' d I10 <tH'rpe ondoll.·'I. ex lII'"b"Illn g ,,,d ike lhe guorutlee of a (oreign muker, e d n lid tl1llortuullte. , 'LoYi on. 100Lher, exceptio, hthe I't n.· to Rtlmmng . . . , reo "llc·'. this Wlrnnlee jo)r Ilfeporin" . Dnd usi n" this mp.dicill~, ill II ,congregllllOns VRrtO'ltIt re I'- wilU CUl l 11evllr liD u u U . . " I Id Iro.' WI lal,foanr y. "ou 'al Wit e is ~ood 8t 011 l imes ngni ll st Ihe Company sell l,ed cllveluJl'l'. 10 nny one Who needs i t. ,. , ID.D .holiid do Dnto ,.ou. do ye even io,; nmong olb el'a, R pi~ce of John ur th eir ogpnll', und Ihu~ If alter the m08t Freel of Charge. Pleos.· ('Pch)Ke n plloit· OO{j\\fili~ fA\lNIfiil .0 ualo Ih.m.' 'All "hit" m.o who WeBley'S preaching gown. two neckliea Ihorou!}I.lrift l. flny wntt!h shoul! prove p4id eqvelopl:, 8ddreB~pd 10 Y')IJrfelf. Are n bw rccl'iving lIu.jly (roUl the J.o~a81. ~'l!l1' ~. lNlfUWI h.lien Oil bim lball be .... d.' o( Rey . Ohurl ea We a.lq, and lbe .pec· defeclive ill ony purtieu lor. it mil, nlwn_~8 AdLlres8 JOSI~PH 'r. INInA N. their Sprin/t Siock 01 ' 'God i, BO r'lp.cter 'ot blaok per· be p.:c hon j!od for Rnolher. A ~ the Arneri- Stodon D. Bilile House. New Yurk City. loal" tacles, comb lIocI pockt:t·book of Dr. can Wotch pR moils 01 Wnlthnm, "fe for 411 ly Ada~ Clark, sole by d~D l e re generally throulil,out the T ':" {)-e- G -:" - '-"- II": f -:M C:a-" - .:'"'s- S : -t- r-c-u-,,-tII:'"I-' (lAQ~UIG 011'1 DJlYR.., - 'M. Erdatl counlry, we do flllt solici, ordl!r. ror ~jnl!'le f'.J-po '1' 1 .' ~m:.me, a onoun •• cell wOlcllo,. A, N lle.ltleDl8n who suft'ered rO'nlisting in port 01 • t NIh"'" V.J 19 C·10Clnrrlhi ~, I D'If!lr Yl'ors I Wrltel ~rom ap'l to t 8 ~emp' : CAUTlolI.- The public are caut\ClI,ed 10 from erVOU8 Dlld Genila t!bl [1\'-1 Ie Tbere i. mucb 'alk 6t Rome IIf 6S- that the IrielldR of S. N. Pike nre de· buy only of rc spectll ble deal e rs. AI! per- result 'l'ulhfll~ illdisl" e tion, II lI d c aRla -0----.tooisbini calfs of exoroism said to termi ued:lh a t tbe Opera Bou~e eflall be ftu n~ soll illg co unl er feits will be prl'se .:u. nenlr t'ntlillg hi" tlllys in hopeless m isery. NAI~S. IllNGES. have occurred wilbin the III.t two rebuilt ClD the olJ site. in ils former ted . ROBBINS & APl)L~TON. will, lor th 8uhe o( Buft'erinf man, Eend BUTTS. ' 1 1 f N A"~nt. lor \t,e Aw e r;"",, Wo teh Con.lll. "y, to ftny one nJHicle,l. Ilie 8i!llplc meo n8 I b IDOOI I. a' t e" age 0 arZllno, on. mRgoluoence. ' ''' 'Jlh '0 r~;se ~" '" d n r.ure III ' 8 .L er prop06e . ,.. 46 :1m) 182 BroliLlway, N~ 'Y. U8CfII b Y l' '1m. w-hi c h eul'cte , SOREWS. tbe left bank of Lbe 'fiber. A. young the money, t,hol openltions mB}' bC,2in • few weeks. sllpr Iho fo ilnre <or ntlm e rous LOCKS. S irl oAm.e d Hariaagol" ilevery day ex · ~()uG'h, Cold, or Sore Til ' lit, m~d i cillep. S e nd IIlJirecletl eilvelope an~ LATOlIES. I, ' 011 ilte 1st of Mllrch. 11)67. orcued by monll., " b0 .ay that II b e 18 REQUlnES Jru ilIEDfATP. .T'1'EIITj 0 , Alill ·stamp nnd It will C08t you nOlhinll'. &0., &o.! pOlae.,ed by devil.s . Tile girl lodge. SUOULD BIl CIU;OK.f:D. IF ALLo.lY ED Ad,lrt>ss· Ef)GAR TREIIIAIN. 1281h l1.11:VERLT TUCKER, wllile on his 'w"y TO C()NTI"U£, SI .• New York Cily. 46.- Jy. 10 I ooUllge n.lr Ibe mODlater" lind i. w.\); N ~S V IL 'I..£. Thev hove no \v 1111 It und I I;lT~ olld . enry dlY ,.keD to the churob Co get 10 MeJ:ioo City whither il is IRid be Irritation of (hef J'O\lIf~' a Pe....,anl!ut "'1~IIOIIS OF TOV Tli. conlplete, slock of tbe nc~t Pittllburgh chI devil. out OUI of ber. Every Sun. ' • ~ 'I' hroat AlI'e olloll , or nn Incurable ." • April , 10 8 kt 'l Ib bad be1!n di spatch ed 10 8cl as corre. , LUlIg ViSCK~O, ," A G enllemon wlto hnll 8uft'erpd f('r renrB Ihund .. ul d' d.y orow. DC 0 WI 08111 e Cl6re· . : '. • N D 'I ' P D -,r"Jr7'-" ~ .gh. h .Jouroals, IS OFTEN THE RE:'ULT. frl)n~ erv nu8. ebl ,ty, ul ,n~llI~e e~ll V. VV' vv 1II00y. 00 April 8th tbe Franci8c8D. m'lntleot fc>r .eYeral E. D rnll(>~l'f"B .Dll'OIUallAL 'rJto.cllEs anel all the ellt'lll8 of youthI1J111I1h_c rellon. , _~~'!P.!!.~~ro~~~rur.lac~:eorar:~~onttlt ~ba"'I'\.. '-'1' ", ...>rOIII ..., no.... ll~ving e'di:ect \1Ifillence OR Ihe' I'nrl~. , wHl,ll>r the BRlle o[ lIulferi,ng l,lIup.uily. .I~e. of tbe de'il' ·"ho bad Illat day _.__________ give immedillte rflliel, Fur llrolfchitie, selld free I? all who ufe~ II, Ihe r."clUe nil siz(>R, ' cut when rr quirt'tl. ' All eXI PI)bel!D oall out- from lhe g' irL They AdthDlo, Cu Lll rrh. COllsumplive au] ,(,hrullt IInOi IIlrec lions fur muklnl! lh A. ~lIn,pl e , ive stock III •. . GEN1U\AL G~ANl' hn. di I'ecled the DiBells~8. Troche." ere uB,c ,1 wi~h "lwHY s rpm,edy . by. lV~tich he \V 8S c ur e .., ,S~~ "ere ASIDodeo,LaBelse bu , 0 1 811 ' more co~orc I, d r(,P'I. nuoo lUI:T.1L DEAL R IN ....·.·j· IBego, ·... d.ell"oator TheLampo. Po e muater out " .8I1GC~S! • Singers allli PuLltc Speol,. ferus, . ' wlslllnjl .0d pr061b by "the d "odver tlse . a ... u • .... , ... • p . . . . . - . ers wlil fint! ,Tr,oc)lcs usetul in clearing el'pelleIlCe, call 080,y Ou " '~" 'I~g t" •• A~ would app.ar to he rather annoyed by meots. willie 17,000 ~JllI be retnm ctl . 'the voice when 10k en be rare si nuing CJr JOIH, B. OGpEN. Ioltw.ll G~, I the too Iro., ab8urdity of the lupetlti· IL il inteoded ·to aeurl n Dumber o-Ilhew spPllkiug . nlld re :l'i viilg the thront ofter 011 , No. la Chumbers ~t .• ~ew Yurk. • 3 tlon, for he hal eellL" pbyeiciaD to ex· Oll~ to tlle F 'ar West . . unusuDI exerlion ollhe vucnl argon!!. :rIll! ~,_ 1 7_'_IY::..._ _ _ __ __ _ _ _~__ C'H E M ICAL~1 .miD' Lhe ·eo.tallo girl. . 'l'rorhes Bra recommend ed lind prcscm!ied S'l'RANGE BU'l' "I'IUJG for Cllrriogo I)(akers; lind everYlhing rount! , ... • by Phys}r.ion8. alld hove hnd 'J't!slimoniQls l~very Y(lun, lu.j~ Iud l:t'nl1em a n in th ill • liHue Hurdwure Ho~ st: . LEAD, DISORACilvUL Fislimo.-We underTUERE i.' quite al) u:citfment among fro!" eUl1nCH! men througholl~ the COUIII!y. United SUIlt'S' c,.n heur IIOtfl'l lhin lr \'.)r~' OIL, Itand' lhAt certain lArtiell have been the Feoiool of Brooklyn in come· B~ln~ on ~Jllcle .0' IrU~ UJl'rlt. B~d hllv"!g mJlch to Iheir IJdvunlel!ll by relurn lI' oil . (f:r CIIII Bu.1 exBmine Lerore p"rcho si , '111 r th . ' I I ' d queoce of aD alleged mvateriOll1 diup. ploved lItelr .effi~ncy by a ~1!6l o[ ma"J (fr~!e or chnr(l') Ly ulllJreJ@ing Ihe \tl)der- elst'wlwre. 38 3m. ,ur 41 mos~ IIgr.ce u an unII y.en l~, ('OC!I year find8/h em In new 1,0cRlt-, IIlllnl'd. l'hllse hOYil'g feura or be:n~ .p~rl'DI8DIiIle eoniluct in catching baile pearance of luou. "eloDging to the !'.Cl lh Yllrt(lU8 ~lIrt8 0 the world. un,d Ihe It 1111'1 buglrPtl. will oblige by IIc'I nltli~lnl! a,~d off' 'be D"C, Th, le male bl\u depositl Brolb,erbood. ll'Oches ore unl\ers ully pronounced l·olter tld l8 cllri!. All othera will plen8e nddres. laer 8il' in I Be,t of rOllel. lind theo lh"lI otl.l er nrtlr.~f'8.. . their obedient eervllnt. AINT~ AR~JSH. - .~·r. TIIIl .NEW.tlnd. Ji1ard to keep Ibe lDinno". (rom ,.,.,.,. Sanla Aona. "bo 1'1 no,,' Ih I Ob,tll lR,l)dnly lJrokwn e Dronr 'l1al Trhn'I'HOS . F. eRA PMA lV, . , .. rlo .. tl em T ~ rge numbers of lJo.J In e C les. u nu 0 nut In e ~lIr 01 t lIe wort - 07 1 831 11 II . .... Y k d 8VO .. & 1 • UI . • , ' " leaR 4mi •• tions thallTlny be otTeri'd . .. • y. roa .wa). ~,e\V vr. ba., are con.lantly found aro.!lod these Untied Slatc ... t8 de'cnbed as 'a noe 1[1 mI lJl I ~, . " I I . Sold pverywhpre ill Ihe Unilf'd States . :::si£: - . . . lleall; ilt~d no ikill i'...equir!!d .in catc.· (Joking genU«.man, 63 yeRra oC IIge. ond ill Fltrei~u COUlilril'iI •• t al) oeoll per I"'lt :\lltrtl' C;;Clll"lrtn:. ' ing !hem. A.I.' thati. nece ... ary 18.lo drop "ith dark bro,,!! hair. aDd IIpparf:Il~I'y box. 18.1·y. ~U..., T.1 .. • j ~ • o.rr a mlDno", "JIb .. heavy IlDker InLO tbe eojoyiog the be.t of beahb.' milt, wben the oOllre.t maternal bass " 1"0 CONSUJIl"rIVES. .0\18 (or it. If huogry, she .wAllo'" '- -.- - - TRUSSE S. it and is booked. but if oot; simply PaENTlcK IIlye' ·tiJling !loops' enabltl The unuersfgned hovin1 been reatored AND biteliL in tile middle to kill it. Find . 'be' commoo people to elle R great deAl lO hOlultli iu I) lew weekij. by • very 6imple SUprO~TERS, MERCHAN,T - TAILOR, rernetly. "Iter bill/jilt: FuHertd sover .. 1 ,. iog that it dOel no' float aWAY, ahe more of "good Rociely than ' they ner yeura with n 8evere lung n(fcction. end F~R SHOULDEf.-I'RlCBS . • "'lId,,s it to get out of trle WRy. We la" before/ lh"t drtlDd d i6e ~8e. COlIsUOlllliou-is snxU .ALL Till:! rol'tlLAIL bea~d of Ol\e man who took one bUDiOU8 t<> mulie kuown to his Celluw 8ufferdred and eigb' lal'l{lI ball off Lhe nesl kparty of 16 frr~ndly InuiRlls era the meons of cure>. ~Iftin SUeet, WaY' l Icsvlll~, OhiO. in 'hill malioer in OM afternoon. 8uch "ere kille!I by 80mt! lawless whiles, 15 To oll "wllU uesire it. be will eend a U I, " , " S'liing is piacBtorill1 muMe' r aDd ought copy of tho presc riplion use>rJ (frpe of R f 11 I I I h did I mile. fl'om the m()ulh oC Moorll'. river, I ) Ilh I ." ' f 6spcrlo y in{,'r",. t .IO r jl 'le "t of lAve now orl 01\ n' orge on e f'gDnl ' to b.' indicllable. Fiah should be pro· C Il1r£Il, w tIe "lrer-tloIl8 or prepnrWllllle"'illu .11111 vi";uil y IIto/!k of teot.d daring Ihe 'pIlIVDing 'oBion. or iD Idaho. Maroh 11. ing RIIlI uBiu" lhe 8UllIe. W, hi ~h th ey will tli": he 1188 "It"ill Slnl'_ , tb ' . find 0 Rure cure 'or CUIISUll1ll1lon, AHthllln, led'I"eot. tl'lul,',all nnd I'e· , . , e, river. WI'11 1000 ,h ear· nut )linK bettor Bronchitis. Coughs. Goldil. &r. The onto
-- -_
fBI BUill G1Zlffl.
P B. I R T 8
WAGON SHOP. DomestIc GOods]
New Arrangement.
LADh: ..
DRESS-GOOD& "White G' 00"" , ' Shaw1
&1 at io
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Hoop Ski.rts
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------------------------------. Great Reduction ill Pri( es I
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PQte.n t MediclDJ
Iy object 01 Ih41 odverlh;t!r ill sendillg the O.1f L L .A Y D EX:A M J V E . Pre8cription il to brnefi t tlte "tUlcle.). and .L , " I 01 my OlV.r:t ml/lufl,ctureJ Cl18~, n be'"ulirul ~NOW THY DUS'J·INY. 6prclld informnlion which Ite conceives 10 Hi. I.. rgo And w(II"'1lel;lf[1 . lock of 118Horlmelit ot '. ahal' tbe I.Oog·t.i lked'o( pian for builabe involunble ; or!d hI'! itopt'8 every 81\tT· Ie Ii.' [MUIII \\' (il~fn)(iilrefiil[1 re~ CLOT'lLlI c" ing.n air·Jioe railroad (rom Oinoino'Illi lU.AnAME E. F . TIfOIlTON. Ihe'ureat Ellg. er'!r will Iry JII8 remedy, '&1 it will cost II" ~nllWU\!a 11 . \!llm\YI\!!J~IJ\l~~~)} , toD.y.toa "ill' 110 'p ut iDto immedia'l e Jiah Aetroloj[is t. CluirvuY8n, Dlld fsycp. them nothillg. nnd mny prove a "b1llding. CA~(,.!IMER · ~S, aX'OlltIOO ml)lrlclan, who hus nston i'a hed lhe IciellParties wiehil)" tht prl'Bcriptiol\f' wl1\ Co n.ia~i lll of all ol&pl 8Tlicl~. ' .... all> foulld •.,0 J'~ .. • I'fi la f II 01 " \" I" I ., l., tn firlt-ciadS c,uuntry Ittore, ill~ludillo~ " d 'II b ICC SS080 Ie U O¥ ur O. 188 nllw plea81'! addre!e '''' C., ur rea ere WI remem er that a 10cQ\ed berself at Hudlo n, N .Y. Modame REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, PlR.OV 1~ [ON8. "" • ~all portloo or 'be &",ding. tunnelillg Thorntoll p08fteUIl8 such w0l1derf\l1 pow. WiUilUlillllurgh, Klnge Counly, 8M K D kc., " " actually dooej bUl lhe clom- era of lIecond eighl, 18 \4) eutble her to , 27-6n}. New Yorlt. 0 , . E MEA')" paoJ "."ei~ber badly mauaged'. Of rlu- im!\llrt know!etl ilo of lhe Irre~test import. F.ISH, llA ~l~, Etc., which he I. prepared to mtlke. up, in the oaUy oheated, and lhe Sbort LiDe·Rail· ance to l'he ~illllle or married 01 eHher ' A SIDg'~,. DOll of Drn'n d .• etll'8 ('ILl,S c.,rGJ.\ RS, ' roaH lI'med to llave bec'o oie o'r about lex. WhUe In II stnte of trllllce. aho de· 'cantll1rtH more vegetDble cxlr~Clivc \Oalle r ,JI .1. alll1uoh benefit to communi'y 1\1 tbe lineates Ihe ve ~y feolurea, of !he pere.on thull tw e uly bux8R of uoy pills in the TO~Af:CO, €lId Lebaoon Oanal. Its 'dark day, are you ere to m~rry, ",d by Ihe 81L1 01 8n Ill- world b edid e~ ; fltly./ivt! hundred ph)'8iclNO'I\ION.'r~, and al the . ,b d Ilrumeol of Intense p.o wer. known .. the uns use lh tlllt' Irl lh .. ir prnclicll to the Cli. PII, o"ever, Ilo. Ire really to Pi<,cholYl ptropo. guarant.ees to produc8 u elusion of ot her purgotives. The /irel lI·'1ost A bU,e tb~ "~ad runDlng ID. a rUllollable like pic lure of Ihe luture husbond or I r I ' I VI .It A " len"'b 01 tim.. A c.ommlUee haa been wife or t'IO .ppll'c- .. t. IOlle tllDr' WI'III dRl e eller 0 I lelr v.' ue iSl'et scarcely appra· - . • .. .. < cilled. When they.' lire Letter • QOlYn 'D orer tbtt 'proposed hne to ex.amine lind or marrfall'e, pOlitlo n i~ I.ife. lelldin~ Iraill. fi ud.den death olld continued sickll(\st wili . . rOOlDSJ Gcnllemen, c'iu Ind. U:~tn' .. e m.y 8tor-II report; lb. (undl appear 10 be Corlb· of characler, &c. TlilS 18 110 hnmbug, 18 bit of Ihe peat. Let those wbo know I be illre goini ellewbtlfe. Clo~iD.g: tbe p~opl' ·are waking up 10 Ih.o u8sndlol U!RlliriOIlI.I. cnn ?SSorl. B.he II,em apeak rirM out in Iheir rnor. h i8 00 S, Apl·i11a. tbel.r lulere.l, In llie mlUer. aud every Will land. when desired, I cprttfled cerllll · a dUlY which will anve life, Alit! dlve'l olher tbill,.,. nil of which he Jlro. --'---_ _ __ _ __ _ _____ thiog porteDcl." fipeedy compll:lioD oC Clio'. or ~rltten guerantre. thallbe.ph:ture Our race are .ubject 10 a redund911ct of pOll,," 10 . dl . . 4J H ~ S 'T E ... L 4 R ,. If tbillDOIt imporlanl work IA whit It purpo,I. 10 be. By enclosinl I b:le.t thle .en.oll nnd i't i. U8 danlPerolls /111 11Jr 1'l11 m 'ICI Ill\ . -.Mjddltlo~ Jourual. 8':f1alJ lorlc III ~.ir •. ~n~ ,tating ple 'le .of n. It I, prevalei,d but Bra l.ure'lb': Pilla III ~ u:! ~ IlU (fj ~ $I i ' blrlh. agP! dl·P081liOO nnd complpxloll, a/ford nn inval6,lile .nd efficient protec. ',Fai! nolto rOIll" alld .~e. SloreplI Main $1., For 1\.lIproolllll: aod . Bt"lIjlify in C IIi" 'COUI ' ond enclOSing 50 centll I"d It,lmped en· lion • . By their oocaeional use we prenr.t <?JlIIO .. le Ihe .N~ •• DrlliC "lore. . r pinIOn. 0:7' B.ldl.', Hontbl, for .TilDe 'I • ve!ope addr!ssed to your eelf• you will .re. the collection of tholle Imrurltietl wbich, :· WaYllrh'il1e. 1101., 10 , I f,6,;, . , Th~ ~o., nlu.abte and I)erftrt preparaLion iI. .,ery IUraclj,. oDmber, cODtaiRing celve the plct.ur~ and dnlred Inror",IIIon wb,p In aullicleht quantilie!, CBUI. , iii) - - . - - . - - - -- -U.... glVlllf, \he .klll '!. b~80ti{ul pearl. like lllli. LA I!!t T ' C U A It c E lbol " 8 ~" y F'UU~(!. IUD~outh It qui ckI, repoeml ,by AII'ol pary a~d ' 'lobo Naal. by return mllil. ' All pom~uplcDtlonll8. much danger to tllCl body', bealth, The, . Ilr@illyC)onlldt)ntllll.Addree.,in '00n6-looncute Liver COrrlplll'nt Dyapep' I '\lovel ,~~o, rec ...... ,~' ... I!.I ••• nll>t~ •• Moth ' .. ..,.. W 6 l' de ce·1 E F'r T POL" • I II, 7011' AC~IVJI .OIlNT8 70 ... U:& 'JlOliKr, I ~atcbe •• Sal'!,wn~••• Ernpllon., nd·.11 IUlpurl ' pro.e pipe" .-.y ar e u, Al red n , .. .ADAIIlE . • , ~o:ur Olf. . • 081 of . ~ppIHite, Pnio ·in the Ho.d,.Jleart . ., . . !Iet of tho: .kan~ '<loi:ll, lrf!a l,Dg Ibe .. aiie. ' IE.. '. B,8tr.et,lln.KelbI8l8Ddolberwell· Box~!Ja"Hudaoo.N.Y~ . I r,46.6ma burn, Palllin the Breut.bone. BllddeD JUST PUBLISHE ,tj.· tngtbM~lnwjjll(l.:.. tcl•• ra.• ..el.b.oterJ h. l. 'b ' . • ,F.inlne •• Ind C,08tlv.8I1ell. Bold, by' 1' 1·1 '. . ., . u.e canapt b. detecl ~d clo"'h .cru aDO"a' 81b on. t5 Clab' l COPT, Be.. A '"I 11 .bil belog • '''gelable ' i. cU•• 00;, Ne" York. .' ALL Y II .J lay HAPPILY,reapeet.... ellen in Irledlclae. [~6'" harftlleu. it lillie ' • of Irreapectlve of wee1t~. Bif', or beaulv; . J .' ' • . ' , .uParllJan .~'J-Y l~•• .....en~b.· .nd it· .. • , Ind. the loue or th. OPPOI, Ite lex .. C.IO b. , Lon,l , Girl.' auel Pelll,- B--" ~ ;. ind()S " .nalbl. to ' . -.P 1 ~ -OD 1Illi: .Dmo•• ALa••D\, UVII'," tJ rd ' t 30 0 earlOD, Ilaguln. (or .Tu~, i'1~~d 1I1'loll,owln, "iJlple ,fulee. Send Sell,d a~ Iddre~,ed:e"Yelope '1!d'!l1i ctl . .<' ~ • , v!;;.a~.o. 8utm;i.~~ttle. Were . " "" 0,",,.. .,.,.pol...... In the yi,uit.1 of fer . . . i_· • dl. reeled .Dgelnpe .nd .tslDP to 1I1~am Ind J Will ..od ,Oil lome V8htible I"for~ Ap,pl, Pri~e Ii!," '15 call... ' .... IA" it caU I -...I ' I.' . ,LUCIf.l,E D~JlAIUl~J 8t.,h,., D, . Bt- !DlllOIi t~.t "til, plll"1 '_II• . Ait"'"LEDYARD 'Bl' ., '. 176 'Fulton 8t., 1 00 receipt pt " - ' ... ." .' 0 ....... '.,.'PI.. bl. UQ\II.', N,,! York"," · .46.1..1 Ifu:r llou , lI~, 831 Broldwa" , N.,.; "'0'''' _, 10 ,1m .-.&Ii N BE~GI!JR. . , 6 • ..... , ew Yorll. '180
~ TBII8HO&T 'UN& RAlLROAD.-It 'oeros
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G'R "' 0'C~· R"1U~., ! .I!I lJF.
. pI"
, .
A'dva"'tageous Prl'ces I.
YES' 'I'ING ' S,
J 1111
.hln.r.-lndiirnapolil .Herald.
Iron, Steel, Springs, Axles, B E ent name,1 DR U Leather, &c" &c.,
than I
'., MoGUFFY'8 '
, '.
.. '
. ~
: a';E'ru'.sS,
&0. ,.. . "
"yl .
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1111, i.p
ENAMEL! I Physicians' Pre8crip~-
~aretully' and P', ronlptN~ F, i~,"I£d. " , .• r
0..1 II
"!ae j
D ,. til g.• S t ,("", ~'t',
• " 'r: Wa,a-lYit,le- Ohl,o. _ " l w • ~ • ., . 8 P .OST.O ·F J'<lOB COl\,~1 " . " ' . " .• April '4-U " 11 • ___
~, ",'I:RE, .el'DER "· ' V'I~. vn., .-'B. I. ~~.&IUP
,1.;:, \,J'
, Tbi. w. haw to ..... pure. II W. cured lIIe CIII.,,' fro. "1I1.1l1.,;,.~,,, lbl. IHII.~boiliood •• a4 '. pUmi'" .' lura '0 'III..., Oil . ., .oWIll.!.m--_ J ' . " E. ll: pal." N
t=============== IlAlLltOAB TillE-TABLE. . .. .
(CORWH'ITATrOll'). 'r~4UiS BUTW A~D nouND. CIDClnnBti exprese, 7.04 A. At •• V.II and AecClm., 10 .37 A . 1II . €oluDl.bul Aecom ., 6.28 J'. AI, • Pitt,burg Express. ~ 1(};{)1 P. aI , l!li,bt E.preBil.
Pillibur, EXpresp,
Cincinnati Expre 8~, eCllumbul Aecomm'n, • D('I not atop.
\-V. H.
A. II ••
' Ni,rht Ellpre8l, Iha ud Accorri .•
A. M.
. 1.25
A . 1I1.'It
12.09 P. M.
4,22 P. 1If.
A. Ill.
A, D. CADWALLAQlm, Ag~ nt.
. C.llW.r..UDEB & lfILLS, EJ.'p/'ts. A•. P. DU E, Tekgrap~ Age"t.
TalC WUIlAT CRoPli.-We 1rP. inform. . . . ed that 'bo prolpects fo~ wheat III thIS peigliborliood, and indeed allDost ,brouIllolll the entire StAte, ar. by 'DO me.aD' eDcour"giDg. In" numbor of iDlttilc1e.: lliere ar, fi eldl the 'Q~lre prodllct of whioh will be IOArcely luf. fiei.n' for ."ed, and 'in mAny CAles, fields have beeD re ·plowed nnd plAnted ioto Ilu~. Thi8 i8 a lad alatc of affairs t,o contempl"te; yeL h i8 to be hoped that other crope mar be full enough to 1'0 lOme mea.llre 'm ake Ull for thu lack (" of .hea': From olber elalo!, reports lira lome· W,b8' conflicting; Bomc I'cp relcllLing . 'h~ proal/eol fair, while OIIIIlI'S bear !1 ,looml .~pec'. ., LIlT". MIAN[ SaowHw .oFJ·.-On .... d Mr. B. B. H .. ,· or Oorwin aon ~y, J' ' .auibL. in tile Miami H.iVOl·. with book and Iioe, "ilriog of Ij~ h, the weight of which he uti I ateJI belwr.cn 80 Rrru'-lOO , 'rl"II. II certlllllY" . 1 b'Ig LIling . pounul. Cor Ibe Littl.- Milloli; I\Ji wcllns ao cv i deoce of Mr. U!iy's skill in Ibe piscA' lorialarl. . By,lb. way, we are told thal our gllmeller. in thil vicinity are particular· J,lorl~nate lit the prusl! nllime in LliG llrge amount Qf Itqllil're's to ba fouod iii Ihe , ,oods. and fi sh in tllll s : r(lIUilS.
84'1 II TB& Hoft' ~ AD 8n~OI' 800"'-Th eUjto'i. I mach more .. rio1l1 ODe ,haa a' Irl' IIppear•• for Ibe Dloe' nFeDIi,e aad tilleful drea., tD aph. of Ibe at_oat efforta of i.be mOlt .kill(ul dre... ma· ker•• will be "lDliDg ill elegaDc, aDd Ityle if worn orer IUl m'lbapen o~ UD' faahiobablQ boop. In view of this we bavC1 given the .ubject of crinoline OUI' special aLteluion. and after oomplfing and flllly ellter-ing into the relpeclive Illlnits of each and all of tbe "Iaimanls 10 public (avor, ",e baYe concillded tbnL Bradley', new 'Empress Trail' duplex elliptio skIrt is tlle 81yl. of nil olhflrl be~t hdnpted to be WOrB with lhe pe· culiar plaiting or tbe drus now in vogue. Wilhout (lIlln ess ",halever in (ranI, aod ",ith wille tlsill at tbo bRCk noel sides, dress skirts nolV more . tban ever rr'quire to bit supported by .ym· 1D"' lrical hoops, Tbe 'Eruprese Trail' dupl(''J[ olliptio lake$ precedence ovor all ol.he\'l fat boll roolD aDd prolllellade wenr, and fort he bouse nnel driving it haft no rival. 8l1ve. pel'ilaps, in AIlOlher of Bradlt!y'a novelties. cal led the 'Pride of. the ""orlJ,' which hilS 1111 thl! mer· its of Ihe (ormer in regal'd 10 fiexibili. Iy, durllbility, eto., ditferinll oDlv (rom it il) Ilhape .-[Frank LC6Iie'B Fa. hioD Magl>zi ne. '. Messrs. Allen & Randall lire supplied wilh tl,e Empre8ll·'rrlil Ski'rt, Rnd 11\1 olher va rietiell of Drndl ey ' s lDanufac. lure. __ Abel f 0 . . Ad>' an 0 ypsles IS encamp. ed. nenr the lowe r TolI.Onte. The 101' die. al'e aLtired in fl ashing ILyle, .ome ftporling phort pipk clllico drassea wilh
TlORE, 1866.
Wbelt R ye ~
il bUlbtl.
0~18 ~.
_ ._......~._
Where-may be found a good stock or
Ijl1~Itl--Jl~~-.~~Jl~~~-----'~ii-'''~~ J,5- -t DRUGS,
Have juel reel)i,ed a new lad \Vell·eelect.
15 ;
1 35
O·V °E S ,
ti.. IUlt recely.,d.
~ nttnt Iltbicines :
Diraet from New·Yorkl I the lar"elt and most complete u'onmen' of .
) ~g .
~ II>
i >
"" ""f!'
1"1 ... :J':
~ ....Ioo::j
TRAPS. CHILDREN'S KNIVES AND FORKS. WASH BOWLS, Cullillders. Plain awl JopanJud Lan. terns, for. coal oil, condIe and lard oilJ' aiM, a lurge
::t1 ~ ~
= ...!:C e 0 :II-
'" I'd
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en V:.l :;. "" ~ u;100....
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.lJ us hed throu gh. _ _ _- - _
-: S' ..; ~ .~
g f ;: 5 ~
Ne w Dl'ug·Slore nud resi· u~ nce ~dj o in i n g wHe sold lit nuction on Satunlny,hlr. Reeve IIoll llnd being tbe fortunale p.ul'cbasl:r, at lhe price of $2.500.
1-3' ~ )1 0 N ARC I-I ,....
~.' i- ~ ~.
~i ' lJ~lailt-;mtnlcr/o 1-3
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-~ ~
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no s P E C T
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1XIP4 --- ,
'1' 11 .:
both iD
a. 00011 but lbe
Yery commendably, seem to hllV~ 011 tered iDto lb, IIp'irit. which actuated tho Oouncil, and have' accoruin~ly ml\d~ tb. d .. ir.d Ule of tbe. lime in whiLen· .ini up Ibeir . premisel-ft' nceII, bal'ns. . OIIL·boll.... &o.-aH.o C wbich show-6 10 adYlntage. 1& i. 'lQuoh desirablu' thM IhI "orlt ,boald go on unlil lhe town ~I u ~.a~ pur~ ~. 'it pouible (or pur· I'Li,•• to make it..
ue or ,·ir :lle ·oC
- -
S~~l\TSI '
gh'ca us people in nil
of Ih e
Let U8 ou. lime be hnprov in/l', 'I'hal 118ft! tim es al)d I. en.v)' tux es May not I)e nbl e to !lox U8 • Our pric ~ s 111'0 u low .\. elsewill're you go. Good mE'ch r.l nice you WAnt. ,..J.'v mtlnd ),our old b.vilen olld...!l.lij·~-t--..-,!l!t-~lV1in~Vlllla1la1 ~ Alld when you line greellhock~, ~, DUII't gu awoy. but give us. Iwipe. RETAIL DE..U.ERS IN
6:7 Tn Young Persons 'desiring to
FURNISHING ,GOODS, Alway ·em hand ill great variety., T. T. DODSON •
Dlerch tl. 1866.
. Emerson's·Little Giant
Itdv ~tn ce.
ID tle,ance wllh former .tocks, aou all ing lestimony of ~thoro\ll! hn(,s9 of th e • , J.' W'. ~·O·RNI';V. 1<:d'r & Pro?,l'. ... lelLe r.(1) bo aUdl·••• ed 1(> )(r; Dodlon. .. ks is the ill ~p ectioD of drill to be hw,d Ihero. Don" filii to I\.It bub•.in. 'C . JoORN£V, W ".hl l1glo ll, D. C . I 'lii, fri.nd., all 1111, '( "brie, "lInnot filii to BIIDel for " circu}a~, 47·41V. .pleue.
TH E ' G Al'AXY,
Waynesv Ille. alay 11).
----p ~E- T -I"':'-T"- I -O'--N- .lYLe Stat. of OMo, }¥(/N'cn Co ., SS. WREI\ F.A,~,
.olIrtwrighl &
ulign' eN 'bf Somu'! l J O\1.IIII, obleiued R ju.t lfm8nl ngninl.t Al 'l ui Edwor<)", nn Ih o 81h dl, of Decpmber. A. lh HIM, Execution i•• ued . bv I. C. Co.llell, Elq,ulrl', Bnd deliv ercu Crlft,
· N.~ L4I1P.Ourl\~;;.-E. R. P"intz .An lllultrated 1Ia!J ozinr. Prlblililted hu "D~~' a"; lamp\ chibl081 of now Furlniglttly. Ityli. bein&r abortai, tha~ the old mnke, At Ih E' pnreunn~a or tb e Firf' t )1. E. ,10 ~,Dudley. <;'op8tnbl~, E~eclltlon reo .... d .. • ' I I t I . 'Church.Xenio,b ', Rcv .J . L. Grnvllr.on l'RiCJo: ~6 C"Nl'S A COI'\'! ,urned, not eOlia~cd for want of properly .,. . ...aYlnl on lie· ~op. " me a r~m, Ihe 9th of ;\JoY t 1\1r. Snmuf' 1 A. Thomp Wilh Ih e nUlUh~ .. lor 1\1;;)' ~ : 11166: '~Q eoOl ' \Vlliell Jlldement bDa Ilid "II barred by aaklalf .Imol' on. ' thfrd of lhe cbun· 'SUII, or Clarkes\,ille, to Mias Emmn H . mellce I~ ~ i •• u_. <;>f'fu. C~ I.A X.W.• '''' Ill u' l l'IlIed stRt·ufe. This III a~k 'Ior a rcviv81 of
".,. waaicb renders, broaking next to Middlelon, or W'lIynp8villo. ' i.po"ibl, ' It i. 'lInmiat"kRbly an im· . Oll tlt~ 17th In ~ I" t,y Rev . J . W . Mo8~n, . lifr. Ezr n HIlYP, of Clearcree lt Towns illp, Pro"~en.l. Ibd .w~,. reoommend It to ou r 10 MiM8 Murf. Word, of Wuyu psvi lle,
P.nce~ 15Q
~_.:.:::;::=;=:::;::====~ .ecliou JD 't ~ t I) .9 •
· . . Airioutturt.~~ilii8 .", _,,,hal dilllppoioled at tho coo· hal.d droulh',' .wltiob il unu.ual at 'this "110 D. T'I'Ii. , ba. . bee . " very d ry ~ ." .priag all through. a~d Ihi~, together Witli lbe ooolDeu the atmo.pbete. ." check.d th~ proare •• of glll'dena ••, T~.rt i, ample li'~e •. bowever. for ""1'I.;nl( to b • • ade rigM.
l\lrs. Winslow's l\lystic l»iUa Are prepared only for, 1eiililllate·p!lr. pale, and are .lhl only sare ODd t ,If.o'lve medicioe lor Cemalea ox tint. Do not trille with your he,hb, Illd ule cheap Ind danlEcroul ' medicine. which DruIIlII" hi,. bpullbt. and will r"com· mend, I)ein, Il!norant of tbelr qualltlel • allta. WIIIILOW'I , MY'TIC PILLI currecl 1111 irreiularltie. ond pllioful menltru.lion; remove all ob.lruc,iolll.' whelher froRl cold or other Wile. No mliden, wife, or mother Illouid be Wilhout Ibel!'. . direction. , Try ~hem-u.. aaoprdlnl and be confIDeI'd thal Lhelare lhe ,J...t.~Y'.
~t' lor.CODg ..... .. . IUl)ce.. o~· ·"• ".lob. B. AU~,. , ! .. . . . _
en. AFT.
Butl kelcb •• choice i'flell" 8ud Itu caullrul'u l fflll i ,·cutl.b l. r!ll'(~~' oli I ~.n 19 J"C' IIi c •• . hy tI ••· le auillf{ f)eriool cu lo 0'. Ihu lYor!d . II IlI u. ,·. . lion. will bo fl'o ll' u ~.'g''''. Ly Ih e. lJ~.l , a.~ I,"I"
Tile 8tlll, of' OMo, 'W llrrm '00.. SS.
",ill h e prililetl III 11\0 fin 01
Union coltee~ Oandelioll Cofree. R"
Co... Ind Exttacl .;
Pea Co!'ee. CoJrot'. prlll'le Rio
or cow••, lor .ale by E. R, PRINTZ.
• ddro ..eJ to Ih e Ollk.e of 'ro GAL4·u ·;.No. ~~.l 110 Park RQYr . ~a" Y.uk. . '. #l A . , ConllUUllicftliolll. f~. Ihu, M" ePOllne 'hO'd~ b .B, the kit ot pound, of a warrlnled &ddre<ied 10 tbe Edllor 0 Hill ALAlLY. York. . , . W I qua lit" f orI . .l.l , . Eo It . P.RIN1'Z.
Ask (or Itaa. WUISLOW', MraTlo PILLL 'l',,"e nqne other: Price 8!1 per boz, or 8 \;11&81 \ur .'6.
Our Spnng Stock is now
Fur tale b, all druali.ll,
'"', (
"C 0 M P LET E !" And the· Attention of we ourinvite Customers and
'fR UAI. f t II
D'Ii'QTOD'E'DIl. &Uailll .D.I!I.RilJ
Friends to the Styles and Prices! !
act pueed Dew ~&e-
Berore me, E'. DUDLJ:V,. Jusliee of the lY,fe 0 .11 111'10\1 1 Pence in and. lu,r W8yne T~wll fthip II \I"per. Typo& ,·oj'lh ic.tI.r ,"~HE Gl\l:A~'¥ will I,.. ~pid Guonly lind St~ le; peraonilly came On the 16th in st~ nt, in Ihie 'Fowilship, the IlIQll ·lhg But Magoltne In Alil erJC~ • . !twill J"'SI &'1.1 C-R"' !i"!' I the above bC 'II· I ~I •• dl·lI acov. ro(II .... clandb.rjllllll'l d,. V . n ~ J n ' • on~ U • Jo.ejlh Brown,II1ed near 90 . yel\", v r nom-d .. ei/lnee., nnd Glido solemn aftir· n N J .ig • '".n,.1 .. ill be printed O il new IJ po uflreil ly ,.. . Tho deca..ed 11''' • D811v41 of '!LV er· c_ l (or Ihe I'U'pOI., Bnd 011 fine ck l"Jld c rfld mllien Iblt thel J.~'II let fartb in tile sey, and Y'1lI ' orie 01 tile Brit feftlel'l of I'aper ' . . ' .but" pelilioll are correct, n~ h. behAvee. JOSIAH CRAF·r. ' the portion of WaYlle 'l'OW.Rlbip where 10 11 it 'be pu.pOle or Ibe pub!! b~r. 10 I,re. lit ( 0 Ihe public ill J ha 90hr\ti"! of Taa fo:' I~AXY A II 16 )866 mIn, yeai'll 01 • IlI,ng Inti hlve »n' ele".nt'lil...,ry of 011'11°" fretlon. wh, ch tb.. pr • • cI d 10IY PI~CC of Ihe periodical ",ill plact wilbiu SworD.lo .nd ,!ubllCrlbu cbia 16th .y bee.n, p~.. ed. . tbe rcach .01' "'Cl'r rud' . . • of April, A. D. t866.' . The sub.cription o( .• T~£ OALAsY.. .41.6tt' r E. DUDLEV, J .P, SiJl Dollan e Year. prIce· SlIbtcropuonl tbould be
.Job. OJ Whittier Cleclines to be
pubh, b'eu torlll'~ lllly. , aRid Jutlgll1enl, ,a cC\lrdlDg ,to on . It 1I'i1IIUIlke ils "I'pearAm'" here.ILor on h s l year, fur thel purpose of a Finl Rlld !-',Ilc c lllh 0 1 a nc h lIIon lh. . •. • e U"LAXW ""1 "10111 t ho ~e.t' .l ol'iEe." .)'hy-0 cu~~on. .JOS IAH ' IhoThlIIosl 'li. l i,,~ .. uii.llli fl, IIdv"lioll. lighl i:llinfui. ~y "
Mugeline. (0 I;
The above Skirt forsa.le by ,rIlOI.A.L HOTIOIII
,h., ,1.
Itcl"ipt ioli ' hJ\ar'iobly in
pleas ure 11ow e~ l'r 10 recommend 10 our i"u r the ti ..~ l tim6 ill th e ' ,iA t ol'), o.t th e C O\'· I·p nd p. rs DI·. C. W. RobllUk'1 SIOIllRCh • ,·nlllelll, .. proop... o us w.fl ~ ·ly u" .... papcr op· pOled to h Ulllnu aluv.:·I'J'. full), COIIII Hlll l!d to lIu.. BiIlN~ . HI •• od Purifi er and Blood Pills. p olie) II"d dO"II'i"eo of Ih e I'od icol lII ell of Ih . K"I, . b li c , hilS bec;1 firlllly •• Iauli. hed i" lhoThe Dittel'8, we know fl'(lm expllrieoc6. Digll'ie l ul Co lUlllbia. W " are Oil Ihe tllI·ul, . givCt IOlle to Ihe 8lomnch, Rid .dige,t!on uld o( evr"l. no I" I illll.ol'lall ( Iholo Ih" . e wh ich and' reiDvigorllie the ay ft t.. m, realorlllg ll.. l olli~ lu·ll ,lie civilizcd wOI"lci nlld I!I huok th .. shatter~cI Rnd broken down ,con8Iilu. Hc pllblic 10 iu ' v ullogliol\. 'l'~lte c wi!1d01ll1l1l1l rdl nary e " .r"y ond Rddll,· on ,h" 1'''1'' 0' lion,8. Th ele Can be 00 beuer remed)' ulr.o Ih e p'ublic leud era, whedl .r ill CllngrPIJ or Ih ~ for purifying the blood thaD the Purl' preu. The Weekly Chronicle i. heaulirully prilll.d fier hnd Blood Pi1l8~ , in q uotl o I'UI:"'. D urio lt Ihe 8. ..io ll of Ih ~
,. ,
- '- - : 0 : -
pr ell611t CUII~1'~ II, which prolllises \0 be n J...'o Irac lud 011 " , Ihe Bu b; CII debalo\) wil l Xl'l l. 'unh'e re,,1 IIII,' r e . l , ot (h ey w,1I be (r."kl" \IV!! have 0 8upply o( theil/ ulelululi· '~T. T. DIlDlio'N liae recently fiL th ~mso lVeil (01' Active life by " good nnd Iho.ouS hly di cu .,ed ill Lhe Chrolli ·I.., • • clea, which nu hou. e ke8per \VIIIl kuowl • ; t l.. Ii: I ' I prRcticlI 1 bu siness educatioD, we lay go ill bt'lh b l'l", c h~ ! of COllg.e ... ~a4. a new. ,ad,dilion: 'o u .11 atoc , w he I to Obel'lin, Ol\io, anI! ILlond for 1\ Thi, :' o"l'nol CH ol ,ol fa.1 lo b~ e 1\10. 1 u. eful tlillir volue would long be without. .It luv ~ t l'iI·,· l c • • 1 . I~ er. · .. "d pOI,ular ~i ~ l lur became s nee ... ily from the fact of hib term lhe Buainel" Institute of Ollikin., (urc ·'lJvo k .. Iii" 0 1 Lhe cuuse ",· Ih . (hO ....", 1 We Ilre Illal,k/II' lor PlIst fayore, S l nt e~ Ilnd °rel'l'ilurl6'. .., iat\l1lia,a' bavin\( been almost enlire· Gl'iffin & Co. '.che witl. epread .P"pu· 'I'EI\Ms:-On e r.nr ••3: r. 11I0n :I\ •• ~2 : tll ff" and hopo by elriel IttentioD to bnli nu. , .J, ezbaulted by the unprecedented larilY ll~ 4' l~lis Ioslilulion ~".s gllin l' d mo .. Any p enon forming}" c.lub ';11' t en, whir n rull IInll . well·ealec,tl'd tilock. 10 IC'lli Lting t\Y ~ ut)' t.1 011ur_ , Wi ll ~ec~ I\' c 8U merIt I fllll t more liberal abllre (If tbe rlah Ilt Ii.. 81l"bli.bmellt whlli" the of lale I ii wllhou~ a, p"rallelill the !lis- Bnd .x lr. cQPl' /Ive ry .... ek. No t ub.C'·It'Li on reo ru~lic plltrcnajte, • 'j , . t · ' . . , tory or commercIal schooh. A tltI Ihe .U, mo~tn. ~18lu6t I\I'fIl'llt 18 fully up proti ci"!lcy of its grRdufltes is 8 6lnnd. c e lv Ed fOI: I ~ ... Lh o ll Ihree lIIolllh" All _ub ·
are emploYld.
O::7'We are conslanlly making .dtlitions.
arlor Stoves,
inble for the L. M, R., and . ." k C ' h I ' ... ().:7Cull Ilnd exu'minc, <t comparo prices. Tee Iy ronle e • Q , April 17, 1866. 42. lite sHl'an gcmcnt tl,at w cn t inlo effecL Washington ~ The Eleuliol'l on Saturday . for - I •• The pBflor 8t~,ve8 Ofe of diffe rent kinds las ~ Su unlilY 'will be ob.e tved at llie I n .iew of Ih e comi ,, ~ eleclion' , n6'. and " S, ar. d for I'ithor ConI or Wood . The IlhuV6 JIIPtice of lhe PI/Me ill phice of A. D. hu d of our looal. le n, iv B ftr<. ,, ~e"'~I'La "","" bo e n llI~dl' lo .ghb alock bll~ ' be'ell lPurch"6cd al Ihe CJ Vti O groo te,' \ IUII~ ' y and 1I116 1'CS t \ 0 Lh e V\ u&lI· Oad.aUaJer, who decli!ltld to ,el·'I:. i ng lOn Wc~kl y Ch .... III1·le. 11,IM\W'~~ ~ll 1M '" <n1llJ ID l ;ml'fit~ .. " "ceu "y 01 III R IIII.i ll i~i I.he f.ruil. of our ~l)JIlIU L=cllil> ~ 'V~ ~ ~ . 6l\1..~ L1. Ll:l(llO!)9 pa"ed ofi'qui~tll and ;'ith no unlliu,,1 Tlte Grlat Invention of tlte 4g, in ~ E. R. PrilllZ has a "uperior ar· .I"l"Th I\ t \' iCI Ol·Y. l ll H I o ( IStI'\! nf;lhtllln ~ (la o ~ c t ~ I'commolion other .lhan thilt proJuced , iele of lJllutldiou .Ooffee, 1\ sample of ~a l I'ri hci ,;le. UpU II whi ch alone r~ puhlocn ll Iol~ . nnd' will be 801~ at ren8unkble p'rofit on can !Ilf.. ly I·... ~, \Yllt v; i.Y ~ eU,·ou '·lI1IlUrY ."1 tho sa me termd. by Ibe galhering of our subarban citi which hc has CII\'ol'ed ue wbh. It i8 all erlY t.d i1), lO aplHoocilillg. po tU " ' II.' CUll le lj:tJIi; S t u· tiull ed h ert) at the I1hllollel C" I),ta l. the <.;hro Ol• en. 10 lhe poll., ' lua t is claimed for it.IIDd i;ighly recom . cl e \,Ot; ... u l' e ~ uliol' udvl\ nlagca 10 uhl Ill. Two oandidl\lea were. in tile nrena- meoded, especially for iovlllit.ls. common l·un , e. ...,.... '~Woi:-,.. B nvi llg . h e n c o nd ueled 1I~l1l o. 1 wilhi .. Ih~ Jo'b:, O.· I'k ' all Kinds J. W. Ke';I~o( Y..4f-1)esvill~ . n)lel Josinh lJou n cl 01 th e .... bel CItUPOIl d Ufmg' .. 1I tho ""81', I ' Craft of 'Mount Holly. Mr. Key. reo . ~ For Lhose who use RruBoiul ayes, lind lile r'!!u .... fully vn~~rtlalldlng Ih e intrir,ll.a I projecl' of II~ .. . raiL""' , it 11'1 11. lIul f"",,. t o wth ii8 Roofirll!', Eave.lrOl1ghs and Gon. Mind t01 vot... and Mr . .oI'IICl J 12- the Periscopic' Spectacles for sale by a1~.J "'°1' ouL hofd ly .111 Ic" pCJn s., 10 ul~ d II. 1·<lI.C ll n ll Iull"tor~, Ilunt1 on bhort nol ice om! ill tha ,Ke,I' IIIl1joriLy being .89, Bud Ille whole by Mr. E. S. Shewaller!lre praised by 01 Ib e 8c nl,,~e"u 01 l oe II'ec nllllt o llS uf Allier- best II-Ie nt l'educl'd pricee IroIll 18et le n l1"d , •• tI d.lend Ih . ", and Ih e ir Inlel.el l'l . .r , . number of vO.tea polled beIng 313-a Ilompetcnt judges R$- > the best to be 1I .. ~i lls t . tI oppo.iliou COllIe IrulII wh ut auur~" yeu. Come· on with your work. \Ve """IIIY· . ' . lire reaily to wait all you, with a Slock • ,err good poll. con.iuering Iho busy (ound. ClIlIlIUd 8ce Lht!m. Sinco·lh . ", eellug of Ih o present Congr~ !. o f full and plellty. " . lh e Uuiled ::""\ 1:::8 , und lhe ~ IIU" C lllllon 01 thAt • ....on. . Ih OI'oug h poll ",hich ~"I co.""lO ll ded Ih" Gd . Oome on0, come ftll. . :....-. 00- V'le are nol in r"vor or univer&s l mil'Mi on 811d "'"l llud e 0 1 Ih .. 1 ' 0 I' I ~ . Ih e '1II'v'" Aod I!ive us a ('411; '-}larked impl:cmllDcnl. I\I'e \·isi· boasling (1\ lIysltlm ·oflen empl01ed by ide hOI nmilitHiucd Ita potitio ll ·.oliuU'), )til " Ex_mine fur your.elves; a lon e ,' Tl'1l1l u,-,·u ~tlcJ llJ'fl·ev r~ et;:.t{eti UII Ul t:~ f~ • 1ble In WaynelVillo since the ui Ktl'ihu 0 1hru) of the oelebrity of this or ,that I1I "Ju r i li e .III1\'e bet:lI, tho CUrO I1 IC"1tJ , Il il ,'.'elf Di> n 't Jen'va our ware to tioD onime among tlll~ citizens b,y the me dici o.e. and we kee p our praise ulll il " i'II CE- f e I\ncl fehl'l e • de fc lldttr. hp i lH!b l) Q,utlil e ci , Get dUllly' all Iha shelves. "iib r:qulIl \',r"I~ It c.e nlld inju8tlce; . llU L it h1l,. Kee p our 810ck Inovillg; \~oaJ4, of. Alder~en t T'lln cit iirlens, we !J'\"6 po~ ili"o knowlet.lgll of the val· Uc. lI I , onor~d Wil li Ihe "1'1>roval . 01 'he loyal IIC' W linle
r will
'.......... v'" ~
A complete UHurlme.nt of
... Q3
E'l'.o•• ETO.
~ ~. ~ ~ ~ r.o
0 ~Iadt-Q9.llltt.ht
:: C; ~ ~::; z...:,~
o:r The
Ittention of bl. Ilumerou, cuetomera and the people
To which hetinvllea the
Wc have a variety of •
Ever offered in Wa~esvllieJ .
Family Groceries
of the 1I1'sl mllleria .1and 8lyle, of
-:Alsl', • Ilootl 8upply
~ . C ~ ItJ!!It ~ "" r-l::t1 ~ ......... g. <
. Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys ' I 0f a11 kind s, NOtlOns
allor/ment of
"'!<::::1 ~oII!l ~ t1""
" ' The Middlu:own Journal or laBI we~ic says there is 1\ pr08pect or thtl reo su IUptioli of opera lionl on the .hort· I' ·1 d ( 0" . D flU rOR rom , IDCtnOIl.l I to ay· Ion , and ·that the work will. be comruew:.ed~re I.ong. We hop" I' Mlly be
....D 0
Main St.! WayneSville,
POTS, PER FUM E R Y SKILLITS, GRIDDLES, HAJR OIL, ~butrth;ctnC1\t5: -- ----- - - - OVAL, CAST-IRON FANCY SOAPS, BOILERS, ~ ~ t:::S ... ,.. ~ 'l'EA-KETTLES DYE STUFFS, rn c: :is '-3 of II. ai",u. ~ '" 0 ... ,a= ·EN AMEI~ KE'I'TLES, t" == to 0 /') .-<l Q c:! •••n"."I.L.•••.•' ~". "••~ 'I.\O&l\\)', P AlNTS, '"~O"'" . ~ Ol :D sa ~ ~ t.:.. SHOVELS. TONG~, ~. c <::> - " <='l J:I ITt tI!J I ~ ~ ¥~ SAD IRONS, OILS, ~ 0 t-o IRON SPOONS ~ 1:1 ~ III c or ITt VARNISHES, r.J'EA & TABLE do. l7 ~ ~ ~ '" .-< E= --3 (':I c MEAL SIEV,ES, ~ a c~ !".... Picture and Window·Glass, t?:j re.
tIT Mr. OllllwlIlJ,LJer hns fent U9 0
-- - -- ------
l ine
-,---_._.- -
Barley 1!? .. Corn 111 It Flour ' bnrrel, Flour '@ CWI , DOller , lb Lord 111 lb Egg. 11 dozen, POl. loeB 'f bu"h J. Dried Appl e . ~ iii Chickens ':ill dozen, CoHee " 11 New·Orleena SUUftr ~ It. N.· O. ?tlolllsses 1!1 gallon, SorghuaJ Co~1 Oil 1J> gallon,
II<?UIIC6I, cI'imsoo wnisls, and heavy bool s. Th 2Y receive a deal of ntten . tion, lind fiod anum ber who wanHheir (ortullci predicted. _
'0 OO.@!1 U. 60 lI8 ) 00 37 III 60 600 !16
'Mas . Wrll"t.ow's QUBU HAnI RElToil ~UEEN. not ooly In RaN. but ia
Our Slack of
BOOTS All.u .~'fn SHOES is the Best Quality· r
N, lI!Jl u II til It c ... , . An infalhble '''TOBRII. I nd 'nuuna
. 01 of tbe 'Hllir if faitblully .pplied.
l\1f' ERE C A 0 S I 1.' ' ' \J 0
It is "0 Hair dye; h acli directly ullon the rool. 01 Ihe hair, ohon;ring are, ' hui'r to il. orlein.lnC.
colur; .rrealin, prem.tur.e decay and fillin" o'ul'or lhe hair, ar.dlc"\n, and t\ I h r b dandnilf, ' ond !=JIrin,ll UIDGe'O Ie I afialp. . • .' . • r . It will C"lnge dry and "'I rl hllr 10 10 C AT RED(1CED BATES. and IlIxurienl treasel • .' . h i~"If" • d,Ua htfu\ ' ffllrance '0 the . '. I i h to 10 hSir. In IhDrl, I you .w. r~I..~~ . ~ your b,. ir... .in youtb, ~. reliiD I~ , """ r " II (e. UN
For Men andBoys'Wear ,
LADIES' DRES"" flOODS, 1n endless V"'-'stJ . . .. . . .t. . . . . . . . . AI',I t -an4 a. ,II a, OIl ........ grea't redu-Io~ in p~lces, Prlc. II a boUI.. lQHrc. qold It, IU dniJII!1a. UW D. PAJlK, '.,
_, _ _
, 1." .',] • • ._ _ . _.
G•• 't A-Io, C.......U. O. Ii'
T 'f.\\'tX~\UJJI18111. J. A. GU
lJpper end
1 88 8.
,\' A nEl!iVILL~.
'l'bl. I. Iho 1lAD .. bo ...... bald 1114 Ir.I .... 011 lodll, the, • • ,.. n e ulC!illho OU'" Ihot I. y lA t ..at lUIli _dc. .oUIIlSIOi 11> tile
.allkra ptoJ A1'014 ed.
1 ,000.000 Dollor. Worth 'of Gold .nd Non·re tenttoll or Incont inenoe of S il ver W . tehe " fJ ple nd id Jewelry ,French Urine, Irritat ion, Infl&m ma.tion C locks, D iamond Rlnal, P illnol, }(elotle . ona, Sew i ng ar.chioe•• Silvlr Wlr!!, &c. / or Ulcera tion o( the Bladd er or & c ., to be d i l~O.ed of .t Two Dollar., Kidne y., Dilea l.. of the ·Prol· e ach Irt icle, williout regard 10 \'!llue ! Gland, Stone in the bladde r. tate Grand InttrnatlontJI MtttiTlg 0/ Maa· ;u., Grave l OT Brickd nst Ca.lou} Jewelry_ JiVutch" d:
u/aclur tr, of
B e rrill,', II ,Ou wont 'alt by Ibe ...clt. tb. or I,Ibl.
Wil D'
The (ollowin g hal been re.olved , thlt
\· ou WII nt Starc h. Ricoo, Soda. Cr om of ill co nseque llce tlf tbe ireat Stlgnat ion 'l'" rtBr. Pepper , Oioge.r. Cl u n.tlJon Ba rk . "f 1'rnde . aDd in order to relie.,e IroOl pe-
con io ry e Dlbarrll ,mente ocelllion ed by I di6trc88 ini War, and to .,.oid
or (; Iov ... All If yo u "'Dnl 10 gel dru nk . do n't It" th.,•.
Depoli t,
Doubl4J Track BOUie
E 1:traordi1tar" A nnou'"' tmlnl!
0 ppoli le the Founlain 01 Pure W l tar ! WIll i olfec, T .a, or u,u, o..H or ,,"b. · ~!!l!!!ol~ -----tlYr.tlIIl...I!E!!ln~I&! /( you wa"t Candy , Hll i.i,," \lr Fit:'. l( YOll .. aut Che"... or D ri ~t! Deef, IC you ... n t good Ale or uter. If you wauL a olngna . If
ef .ain Strtet,
PII 'SlL'AlUl tl TalL I. ,
all dile ... ea:of the
. At Pilt~burg, lrainl frOID tb, Welt r... dlrecl 10 thll "" Ion Dl'!pot. wherl P,...tjl. lI'e rs ore transfer red to ,hi Train. 01 th. PenllRYIv anil .. ~enlra I 1tllllwlY" "hlelt / le llvo Pitl t burg alld arrive at otber poin.. . tiS ro !lowe: n AY F." rn'£~-Lene~ P ' Ulburg at • ., 20 A. II! ., I IOpPllljl It prinCipI I Itatllill. Ar rives 8t Alt oonn" 8t 7- 35 A . M •• rone 8.33 A. IIf., [Bpllefo ,lIe 10.311 A. M... Lock H ll ve n J ~ .19 P . IU·,l Harrilb urn 1. 10 P.!'II., Bu,t lIRore! 1i .3U P . M., Ne" York, vio All e nl own, til 10.36 P .M., Phil. ocil'lph iat el 0 .60 P. M., elld New York . , vin Pldlode lphill, It 10.27 P. M. I II CINIIATI E XPR E8s-Le avesPh tlborr RI 9 .00 A. M., IInppill g at nearly In Ita rion o. Alloona t 3.00 r. RI ., H arri.bu'lt' 8 .bOt r . M •• arr ivlllg .t Philadel phia at i"•• By thia train PB88Cngera IIr 10 A M. rrou8fe rre d It Ullion Dl'poI, We. t Pbn., de lphia. dira clly to Express Train ~r Ne w York. rflo~bloll there al' 6.au 4 .... 1'111 LADr "rBM EXPR E8I1'!f-LeoY8ll'i\tI.' bU fll at 4 ,10 P. M., stoPpinl l oilly It ptia. c ipol sl6lioll8 . .Arrives at Lltrobe t 6.IOi P. r.I, Alto ona .9 .30 p. nt.. Harriti burl! 6.10' A. M., Baltimo re· 7A. IIt .. New York, ,Ia A l le lltllwlI. 10 A. rot .. Phlllllie lphlo'IC r.t 1.10 A. M. , and Nrw Yot1l, vin Philudel pllil It W ,Of) r. 1I. ::3lellping Can rUIl illIough 'ol' thi s Iroill from Pi1l6bu rr to Ballimor t and Ph llaue lphia, ood 10 New Yorit, via AIlII.
Blood Pur ifie r! .
bladdn r; kldney a, and dropBlo B.l
Iwelli ngl.
ro_ co.nul
Scrofu la, Sr/pMli .8, Sklu D.fBea.tlC 01,1 ~01'ell, l~fllt Itll cunt, DYIl/Jep siaQI' ImUgestiQlI,
If you ... nt T ob.cc:o of (en diOer.n t kind•• BAN KR.U PTCY , W~lb lbe 1laltleD, lI..,tlJOmo .nd If J Ou w."t Sh" IO);,. C.rmln. R Olli, 01 .2.000 .000 worth or good. from Iheir Soap. the IIIIJI 01108 ""lalUl\! gay, .t oc k mUSI be lold i1\ the coune of Ii:.: Iii y.~u want C,g .... Wb;':"~ d o.. n or mOllth • • ol IlO'" h.1 "'Tt!Illoclr:l'.~.~"TlliD"1.i I lf yo,.u hwon l O,..IC.o in lh• • hell , can. ANY S..4 ORI FIC E, . , . Who FOR lIu u.ed til. A,uURoau ....1 UI . I .......... L i v er C01nl )laints , BluJl&m atis"., lor ~ I\ ar purp o~ e they hive e lected and' II YOll " Rnt IlI k 0 ' 1318c~i<'g . .-:-_.: .~ ..-~ . F CIJ01' (uul .AUIfI' , st. .An... CO I f you "'",,\ Buck.to or n~ kell • & ",ouy' s ~""re, Y TRE DE 'l'!l/J II tbe Pinon. who. bY t he -Y! • l1arried tho maid..... baudooUle anll If 1 0 U \VBnt Crockery SIt'eel, :, U..ert 34 are. W 11"11. . l ' 0 J: U .. way dry. go lhe re- Inlo"i· '1'0 lb. mIlD ouce b ..ld .nd gTll1, the, If I' O U ",on /1. their E.Tclu8ive ..4gt nli Ari&ing from E xclue:t or Indiscr etion . t 11.., wbo Ii.lI'" bla ravea loeb. ca t £( , IIY. II . J!euuoe lie "UtI tbo Cun Ih.t I. y f{ you "'fl nl yonr lug • • a ~ hOllle .ml'l,. As. prelimi nar, tbey would remark 1'he conslilu ti on, ollce .!feeted by Or. liiI1Isip elas, 7'lunor .9, 1!il'1rptlo1l1;, ".ilh oul n lawfu l oru er! Ihsl Ih ey mlnufA c ture and .ell no br... liII4OoUil1/.Olil4 \bat Bl»i llltlllv. jt1Cts, l!jm'(Jfl llolts OonWeoanc ss requirea the mid of med. ,anl~ Ilf&UI,J)U On , etc. watches or imitatio n of Jew e lry. H yo u waul Pop.Cur ". e th te Com ln . r,ulci:. , Pipe" o r ..tlll arl Wan'an led Gold of Ill' .Fined icine t ~1 81renglh en 811d inyiS/ora . l' waul,Pit you It awa, mat thAt Dell 'fbll to the system, wh il\b H e lmbold' . Extract Buchu Pip ••Sten, •• To arouoe the pt'OPI.ee ..d an4 g", lVorkmans!tp. \)11&0 \IItl facl, wbleb beredoea 1.,ONE pereon write~ , her d:\lIghtor WM c urf'll (f 110 tr e atment be sub. Malt·hol. nt A W H you of Fits of !l Ine ye,ua' ..tl ntJ 1Ig. llnu ti l . V,tu, ' lI.au ~d IIOC &<I1HaI<f M'lI rllfJ, to seUlt Two DoilBrs each , Innrl.b ly doe~. Irticles 'rhe , fIl4<ff. .. lUTlg erach lonJ dance of t-wo y el~ r 8 . Un,," 4M1I"06 U ,l1/li l! ~ o u ·.. an L Bread. Cabs or nil mailer how coati, il moy be, eonlist III milted t(l, conmmp liun ur ill8811 ity \l)WIl. . ..... ANUTH"; It "" r l ~' . hll 80R 11" . oureu oller I r you " DIll CIISlor Oil. S,, ~e l Oil or Turponllue apl er.did Hunlinll ' Case lold IDd lIilver elllue. bl. t1 • • h hnd . Irn oe ~ 11' ... 1811 . ... oj. FA ST LINE-Le ev~1I Pithbur~ It 10' e. urabl inr. clI!e the OnOUDfled r 1 1 s nr rlOt'l \]roo",". The I 0 .... If yuu AI., s to pping only ot prlnclpft l Itltit\lll, p. Watche e, French c.Jock., Rillgs iel wiLh nr· ApO nu ~ er A!10TH~: lt w"" curtul or ~· •• ; h. d'/amolld ., rubills, pe"rls and other preci· Aniv e8 8t AiJoallll ut 3 . 10 A. Ill., ~Ut ll. ler trying e " ~ I')' mt uicl •• ln h ll ·r~,,"Sor. ~ETOII$, PmRBOflO', II.H. If you wftnl Apl'l",, \l'hleh rda. 0; Clutbee- OU8 elone. l 80lilaire uud in cluster_ ), In. ANO'I'n R I~ WM "urtld or r e"er burg . 8"9h .t. M., Bft IlimOfl.' t ) 2.30 P. • .. o:7Fnr .. Ie byltoMe berr), @ N efti end II yo u want C4 ndlel . Bcd .Co hnd ex hn ed fo ur teen YP AT" , , Lin e., 4G-6m diell' setl 01 JewellY , compri sing Pins Ind ANO'f ll ~: n of n hollm ..l.m or .18M )'Mr~. New Vurk .t via Allentol Vn, 3.40 P. •., E . R. Printz. QoSf'S hillumc rable o f o, *'rcr ltln " nd b iTe r If you wall! I"d , ~ o .::;ho•. Brulli" . or Rice. E n r.rin!!~ of tho mosl ruhionn ble nnd reo P hill,d plplli ut 1,10 P . ~' . ~lId Nuw fork, Com"I Alnt could be monlion. d.ln whioh the. F'REE' rO EVEI1Y DODY. chelche .Iyle, Gold aDd Enamele d Brace· If )' O U wonl Pal'e r or £,1 •• 101'''' via Philllu t lphia, 01 6 .42 P. JII, Pnri ftsr IlUd 1'111. W'ork lll..... Cblll·IO lel9, Sluds bod Sleeve BULlOII~, Ch.inl 01 In affeclioo s peculiat to femnles , is une· II you woul 1\lu. '.rtl . tDinntl· , ·nrealij(ls(, 8ilvt:r .Ware buy U"ll or or Egg •• or 11 deacri? li{JlII, &c. ~tc. .. all w.nllo you If ae !n Slmdall' tzttpl.-4. tion, train,. prcpara otlttr JU lt Publi. bed. aU other Dailv. any l T ' by q:nJed B"t1er Cnstor8, (pxtra pl. teo). campti.l llg )OU want l.iqu o. ire ~nd Chewin g (; unl. rr · Frellk· 1'sn. 11'111 Nl,hr remove fllies, 10 Ilorhed 0 how lrregull lrc , CARS teacheR It etention I:i LRhl'tl'lO engr.aved, chloroRis or y ou wont.I:: ..e n ca Pe p p ~rmint.ot C ilillaUiOO Diell. beauLilu lly c:h"B~d nnd Are tho m08\ .. Li ve And thorongh 1'1110 Ihal lee, Plmplel , Blotches , MOlh Petcllep , S.I- H 10 Ph ilulleiph io, New York Itl s Traill 'rea SPOO"f, Gobletl , etr., etc. Palnful ne'lor Suppres eion o( cu tomary bAn Iud dl Tllble "" I Re ever ""0" Intrndnt:cll. ThorIl,nl orgAl> \0 lownen , Eluptlon e, nlld oil impuf!'i 8ll. of Bulli IJlI>re. Piano., Melodeo lls Illd Sewing Machine s EvaculStio~ •• U IcernliCon or ar.hirrus 6lnte _tlY ll pon tho 1,lver. o,cltlng An .. x tel1L rut t.hnt Lhe fly8tl! 1lI d·-e!4 nolo reluch eaoh the sldri; ho lit to. enamel the skin, leavlD~ of price The BUllg nge cllocked throllab .aid Ir,olill' .. be~1 U\lken. Ih of apt Ion ,. h whl. . ""nultloll er rom· form t/! i all Inlo and , lapso " It whilE Ind clear I. alabllte r; how to ~ 1'. S.- II yo u aro " "uuk~ or In Ihe hobil oll.icle varyiJ'g from SIX rl'd free. EIGHT of Ihp. Uterup, Ll'licorr hmm to purgati ve I'll. a 8lrnpl)' wl,1l OlAlle Ibe be to ~ U f hl\ve yourilliel . They Are ....lIy a produce the lu Ileat deV'e lopment of the or gt> h i ng dr u nk . 0" can not b"eAWAY! incldeu tlo the leX, whelher erleinr pllini!l FOR 'rIl S EAST (Inclndin ll Dill. 'rICKETS doll.ra. ED HUNDR ~ STAY female form (ae practiee d by tho }'tonch) , b.CUIII •• • Genl l. muo. 1011. by n olll or Rull). p"ldiug o,er 1111. 2'2·0,u. BOW WE SHALL PROC EED: from habit. or diss ipation. Imptude nciea, BLOO D AND LIVER PILL. caulinlf thl bUlt to arow rour.d and (ull, Cbtl lie I'~rchu il ed at .n prinplp.t roud, .nd. io coDjunol!oD wllh lh ~ We hue adopted the "lin of 811e .ow or ill I,he decline or "hllnKe of Li ft. IIthtt ' Ind if lh. (0:01 h.. been lo.t 'by padding . ~t utiun8. Fure all low I i by pfict unHorm a , ch.rgin of .0 popular I~cinr. or miterlil ty, re.~orinlil it to mnre rV'IIle. rr.· Irtlcle elch lor SIl ., ill innrinb ly be HEL~nOI.D'S thnn ill orlgint' (uthiees , firmness , and FIlE.G UTS. gord leas 01 valliI'. Tbo upl'ose a of eon· beauty. It telcllel how to reduroe in size and, 01 .1I0c fl, ' .ale lio,ed the by .roromen paid the ll Frelghl s o( 1111 allen,. A afe oure rOllte, ftl!fncy Will or thi! our ry n: Dy i ducl corpnlen producfl the hinds ant! feel; or Iheml olvee. will .ellovo and oure rertifl calep, or coupons repre~cnting rhe liollil. Includin g LIVE STOCII:I Cln be j fol' the reverie, remove luperftu ou, heir; cure i vorious Irticle,8. These cerlifi tlateR Irr "'artled to and frum Philadel phia, Nn Corna, DuntoD' , W~rt8,and Molee: renew Heada.che, Oostiveness, Colio or 0 fUf or Bultlmo re. 10 and , llOiII Boston Yurk, ,our lie; cur" drunlte nnul, Cllarrh , dy a· Prof. EGB ERT J ACK!ON, RODEn 'r H ERBERT, lI ultl ftt FIFTY r::tN'rS l!ach AND Pains, Oholera. Morbus, 82,00, Ind e8ch c,rtifir.l le will show 'he lill y point 011 the Weltl'r1 1 lbilwart . AJ pel'lll, Nenoul DebllitV j &c:, how to 101. M. D., Dr. EUGEIIE VELPUU, Jr. i~ she or he art·icle Pa.in in the Bowels, icul3r tion, parI of the l hdiges holJer Railroad direct. affectiol and love cinate Inti "lin the 1659 f"d tBlobli, ry, di'pema / Tfl, 1lI1tiona VED entitled 10 on paymen t of an additiQllol R.O B,' ::)teallie r., rrei6!ht ('In 1180 be for· IMP porson you ml, ehoole, togelher wltl, &c. &0'1 ss Dizzine l Si.r ,elrs or unrivall ed l uccees in tile $2,00. worded to III,. occes.Bib le I'oilll on Iher);. olh~r u.. rul Illd Vllu.ble Informa tion.of private lJi.eose in. ~ r 8 ~nd Ic kes of Ihe Well. No young L~dy or Gentlem ln Iboultl (ail cure or e,er, (orm The expen.e s or (rright Inti pock. Bex. . Fur Frell:h ( C ontract8 or Shippln , DI •. or selYing m~ohillea will be to .. nd thei~ Iddr"l to the undeflijf netl. cldent to eilher piftnoe In!? . u, Viclo~io ]),aling Fair and thi~ Sciene, 01 to copy entilled mlil. orf! tm e, apply 10 or alltlreil8 t'iJher '01 II!r relurn wbo recti by I • nd rcce/"I pa id by the partie Will radically extermi nale from the 8yS· over Empiricism M.d Fraud. envelop e free of Inll'J II'in g Al1 e uul of Ilie Comp~IlY : ululble work In thum. I ~ . Ir · ngU .pn It'm 'DiBen S ~ ! 0 r Ihe Urillor)' Organs ari se Sbould be ""cd by on v nl ~"" . nl. fallow. S . B. }{iU lf8 tOlI, Jr ., 1'~1. Agl!n', \,1.1111\11 • chafio. Addre.. . We ' infullibl y cure S ypliilli s, Glee', th l) pro.tn,io n " hleb " 'WAYS ex· little at BERG ER, SHUTT S & CO .• on, e. A. C.rpenl er, FI. Alrel)l, .PiUlb, rll.. . . diaaiplli of h~bit. lrom Gononl : !Dn, . lmpo~ency. Noclurn 'll ami tlidi._ e. the United S\,tlll anI! inl elf pllrl every tn ne~ r,. · 111 .. • to YOII And pel:ullar . in\8 mrdiclnu 811 ... . ~emll", tIlO '1\I,e, It., Troy, N. Y. C"mpla \1 r ke & 00., Tr.nele r Alltlllts, Pinabar, Try nB, Clu ~rnlBIIlu urnll in "iet. anti 110 atot U" Allk YtJ u r netgh horA \\ 110 l\Rl't- llfi1frl to al\ Buch ve" IIber~\ 10- pAMe, I\ule or 110 change H. W . Brnwn & 00., ZIi{leev iUe, O. . GOOD Rre females, Inti c~er)' form of priv.le tll..a~e Provlnce-p, a"d they Ry O will Ihew thoae m,d ia licft HISK ERR tnem peraodit 811 'Pil e, complet ely offered, Olltl on ~. H.II &. 00.• l\luriell ., 0 .. of whaleve r nqme or nRlurf'. Spe rmolor. ducemen \8 will be terms will be lorwnrtl ed. exposur IttEl>IO INEB, And yoll ebould Iry them bod AI t Unplel\l llnt Ind dlnl:CrOU9 rtmt'di ~8. co· Ot6 ,olng lor n pby.loltm. Lungley . Gall,po ii"O. H. rh(8D or SlIlf.Ab use, that cune oj modern tioll a circulI!" of t.:. &. H. \Y. UI a· 10 . went ill POlt Offico Or · paiba and Mercl;ry , in '"uring th080 un· Cllrko & CD., Chicago , Ills. mard.rMl, ealil)' Ilid speedily cured, nnd We prele.r mon(lYcau PRIN CE. WA~TON • CO., eb .. .foreed to I(ro" be obllined , or by wb~re Ihoy dl'ra eradicll. effect. lerrible III of true eyer)' :;;uoro to Dr. C. W. Rol>t\olt.) di.e~6e!. ._ _ _+~_~ cee 1JNI ON LIN E • .' \l::.: 1 (8:.:: dillger® ,b'lmoo theit Ind lot .. I'le write Plea8e ordl'r. our ot;1II--paO l'1l1'J:TOIIS. teel Irom the .y ~lem. without detentio n Bllnk DrHftll to. from three Stale anJ County FoBl Fre'ghl , viu .PtfJn,ylt·allio If!. from bU8Inen,. Soillli men, belr thia in your NalRe, " OWII, W08. 66, '68,80 & oa E. Third 8t•• ,_._-,.,......... wee);, b 10 ur~er. Illl .. addre anol pl~inly, the 01 0n pOIsel81 In ,. Brond TreRd" Can, OINO INNA TI. OHIO . U5E "ling Dr. Se\·itn" a )Ie.t. ar.,ea r mlnd, tliDt we .re of practice melhod 111111 receipts Stcrect dilicov· ul wondarl mOlt .• 'ha CO Caplla...... DE TR.E Y II. Whi ch run through betwl.'en Ih' Entel.• ltl, HuntM, Vel. • ry in modern , Ielenco, acting upon the of Culverw ell. Lalirmil lid Weltorn cil ies, IrreftpecliYe of CbID· " turl.'fI, A&en" (or ahtlUrlc Z'S Ind other great lights FO UT :Seard and Hair In an Ilmoit Dlirac.uleu~ palU, Sen .• Rlcord FJ~UID 'fho Union Line .11 lilt. g e ~ of I:IUIl8. onr.U I\ATtD flel • i, it (or York. ; New .lcI"nce 81., mediolll Liberty 34 ,"OlIern In o. «·4mJ mrmner. It hu lIeen uled by Ihe ehte 8t J'rfl l"ht Lille. · I~d I, Fd ed uillhor;z wo 'lnd nce, importa at ate Ire Paria .nll LondoD with the ma.t flatterin g of Ihe very worked 01\ .11 the rOlites over \\·hlch It o( aveflll'e cum mOil In:all CUCI of Ihl! Urinftry nrg~n8, who. ~. REMI NGTO N AND SONS•. fIIeceu ; Nam .. 01 .11 purchll cr. will be woulll uk any min rlakel til tr'n8pr, rt, under eODtl'elt uIIlIe shul. one and thousan d Ilmr exitiling in male or lem ~ le, from reglatere d, and I( eMlre Illiellcd on i. not .. nit how ~an Ihe Tilil r rt pll rtll.lon, wh ieh eecura to th" p~opuqy eJltrUlte~ l.le~. their wilh dav Ihe of erl pretelld low ' ter wifl mal 110 money and Ih& wheleve r clluse etil:inol illg. riven in ever, IO~llnCle, loaf("' arnl nnom bl1 lls rhllrgl'.; the .belt tMl'lI lllea fur r~~i on. hope to com. knn" n , tr ill th or b~ cheerful ly ref~nded. Price. b~ ml}I, bl., and IneBide nt rome&ii~., 8tatluln~. It il plellno t In lon, how of uni fo rm 1lI0VCme lll, that Ihe ROldl ow n"lgomte rd y l oll~h . tl81 with .... '.d BOd poetpal d.'1. Delcrlp llve fir· PPAt a nti wh ich il puss e" pou e8l. broken .d o wn DClion, it, In ale he"lth Immedi ),our odot., Inll Irultini ere tostll or Ye unrurlun atee .AtiU)'AOTIlRIR8 low 'Jpl rl iNl 1I0f'80' , cuI",. and te.timon lall mRiled (ree . . Ad,fJj- Where time Ie gUlnnie ed, I for· t charlail lnl ~t lell6t by .~te n"lh.o l n g IIn,d more sJreliith enlnjf Ihan Illy or tbe dro.. :SERGE R. SHUTT tJ & CO., snd mODtly to hear;lelf , Herbtrt ' .. C o., anr\ el cll lll lnF{ lhe leituro 01 :rIVe Cellt. per 100 .,', . I. 'a~ Jackeon Dfi. 10 w1ite . N 'l'roy, elreet, ch.mlll•• No.1I86 River fttomacl.. unel iutes· pr~parllion. 01 Bur.k Of Iron. 10wI.'tI for detentit llll, for eyer, "IY b'lol!t 46·Rm who will nt onee lelurn YOII e kintl, diRe tllIew. Y. Sole I,entl for the U. \ or down pn:Broken. .um a I. (rum h lI lA tin)e .pllc il1t> d: lNES, eulJ'ering CARB Thofte .AN]) ETS MUS.K and expllci, au.wer. Ladiee, wrIte nit clh· . Tcnth' e: It Iddrlli'11 tion, liHorlnD Terrlb.l e DJ..,lo lure"-- 8ecrel. for the creet r ll lurlh .'or ~medy I' enflt'8 In(l 'd ~ nl t lt neUcate COIl6litutioll>, pmCUfl! the for our cir~.ulv. Million . For the Uniled Stales Servlco. AI.o. EnS, foilo ,dug Agt!nll uf the .'Uuhlrl l. Lin':' C1.\ND ['EVEII; Pilla, Monlhly Female 'S hckHon Dr . III. ollce. A mOlt VAIUlbie and wonderl ul publica. H. W. BrowlI, 27 We.t Mil •• Cill.ci.DIIi. ex:ru tin t' , tbi a eafe tlo ... A work 01 400 palel, Ind 80 col. prl'le 81 per box ; Tllfl'rea der mUllt ho "IVue thAI. hOIVev· ritil'8 irr"/Iulll all S . U:rh.le hcr, ~39 N. H I~h ~\. Culum(or remedy l etrectu" and VADE s HUllter' Dr. ored enp:rlvi nll.' . VERS, ,,\lAck or Ihe ubo\' e Iho REVOL . G' be cnllge TIN mo,. ::3 11 m'l F . Gra y, ludl."lIp ulle, Ind. 81i"hl whltltVH REPEA er rrom lons, ob8truct and trelli.o popular lIE CUM, In orl"lnal lnd 'l" H fO Hllllle, Ind . . ' Prn· nryulll, P. 1I1edlc~1 E. or bu"lIy LiRht hill (If 1i effect MOUlito1 to Th. sure Is a~·, h diseft se, on Man and Woman , th~ir Phy.iolo . Guhle. nnd nil Expli. W. \V . Chundle r, CI.i",,,, ,, Ult. Functio n. Illd exua d"llorderl of every leClor lillli Marrlng e hoalth, menlul llow.cr~, happine 8s, II r u ing Conlain Be_uty. 'fhe Pennsyl vonia RQ i lroad Co.•IIF Alltl Key to LaYA MaGun .,"d B.rrel~, Gun ~hol nnd hloot! kl'lld, wilh never.fa illnl Remedi al (or cit ulIII 1'h 18 .18 Rifle Ihat ot hia pOllerity . Our fl es h "00 plica .11 d 100 p II t e~. ~ V"-' not K88Ulne Iny risk lor llaggsge . fJC'~ their !oeedy cure. The prac:tice of Dr. " - price 00 cellls; 3 te ri.l~ Bold by Guo Venier. and tho Trade ore Suppolte d (roln these 10ur Cell. waitt YOll book Weur.lull' Apparl< l. wnd limit Ihlll If' TBi iur un. la, 81.i/1 Ind been, leng hili Huntcr . generall y. . tlollar. ily 010 Oll~ hllndrl.'d doll4r~ in II~ one ior poll8ibil ~ of ion solicitat bOUQdlld, but It the alrnll51 In Iheae day. o( HOllse breakinl l and Sellli for ('Ur splendid cirClllnr, cOlltain. ue . All Bogg.g e U1!tpo&. g thlt ~IIIGU '.. numero ul penon., hi h.. been Induced to nnd Bank. Sture, Gl1d 01 sup erior qual. R,.bbery , every H.lUs" the ri.k of Ihe o•••f III value , will be utend hi. medir.lIl u~elllloe'8 throllgh the ing more in qll~llt l ty eo·called ' pOlri phlets'. Office, .hould hav e one or II IIpeols' conlract . '. by laken ulilen •. bl 0,."t"A 1 . i ll medium of hi. 'Vide Mecuni. ' h i. Q ily 10 any 01 the proparntlo To keepers "r c . .. ~ 1M. a wrillen rl.'plv E. H' WILLIA blS, Wci ImprOYC8 Ibe quoll11 Ill.. Remem ber I that we pend voltlme Ihl' I hould be I'n Ihe Iland. o( AY. ~ We mdke no secret of 'h e in"redie nts . ! h Inc ........ Ibe .qUILD,ILyl r · ' oOlle milk. It bll:l d P the to adopted ly .. especiol flen'l Superi,' lentlelli . {loll"!,"', ~•. , etler, 01 10 evory . 0 ves thaDisol avall to ,·' .ry r.mll, In th.land , .. I preventi ve of eslrlllg . rties at :;~M..I~~,A~~ p parliculf tf cose u"dcr conlider ation, be. h HENRY W.' dWINN~ I:JELlI~BOLDS FLUID EXTRA 0'1' BU· -"Ice, or . . . guide lor Ihe allevlltl on tnorcn•• Iho 'I ulln. of things en ch CaB/.' I e at~ improve ments in i810ls, ftn~ su· ~ Nnd ~11 l! Cllb Buchu. 'rlck et Agen • of d G~n'l eOIJlPol~ II! one o( ttll 0101' Iwful Ind deatruc/ ive CQlIao in the nal.qr. IOBU all wlllfintl perior workma nship ami ronn, olher. at u,lIk on<) Ilty, HOU~'l'ON\ Q .: , H. Ctl:!a,m t n-l'B \ )' l' r . ',eou'g.. thil eYer vialted mlnklnd . One differs (rom every lJerrie. ' eelucled wilh greot care , Juniper Ib~ in billed com nt "'nt. nnd m.ke lho .Dr. Jac/c,on', O,.iffltol Linimr. Gt'II'1 F.r~llIbl A,ell~.Jl~JIt. eop" .erurely envelop ed, will be forward. lind prepared in var.uo hy 11. T . HELM. Ntw Remin!{tota RefIOl",rl. R and dlsllt.ilir y, Blld ~n ~~.n'~~ c :~c~~. tr. 1· n e aixte of cnemiet ed, (ree o( pUll age, 10 1111, 1I11rt 0(' tht • emoves all coldnl'88 Ind t Circula n cnolDin in, CilIa anll ile.crlp• .BOLD, drurgia ",biell ha" Ilin t!orcnHle,1l ~ojv .. u,eDl ci'y or Phil.de l. Unltl'd t:;lfttea for 60 cenlBln P.O. IlImp8. rl'jUfen ete. orlloPi all "t'(lt'We. lOOIcns - 'i i.e Grove .lecll "fn .... ~.~ y yeFnra. h of our Brml will be furubne d _.UI'Ob yoora' ('xperle nce ill Ihe . tion mken ,Jor mlDnt No. ' th lr III ole . li nd Addre.e , po.t paid, .DR, HUNTE R, licntio II Bnfe. 1\1ale the pnlent C)~ ond Irflt~" by ed renc 80n's prelcrlb ftC nolV r. il which and 16.1, phi". York. New 3 Di,lllou Street, mak .. 'hom tbrln S till .retninll hR "rer.eden n. . pp f 1\ I I It I. perlertly ule boll '8V I • l1!l iro'd""ln.·. under~oi .V. (Ier N a nd a lIion. y. larll u much SONS. , &: atlmit. cn NGTON be a I 0, E . R.E~U I I Illr mOl' 1"l1Ioenl p Iy s elenA. hu I II \.8 I MOOR~ &. NJ(:i..,LII. IRenle. on y auro Inu t I,ve allII. Get un. d 13casCi o! SIYloo, lue10 ~ COUII,I, trlcer. In provc\II cl nlw ror a period III thiFI1" '.'" i• nil 10 'auAD 11111 rmv, 0 Stalee United A th" In use o 10 ted il f. dllene n. t y1 N·o . 4.0 COri lalld SI .• Naw York. . earl \lnvenll y" a!l8iMt cOl)uaetl1l1rper nllw Ilronoull ced hy the mUlic.' !"!llld: J..-t I"Ibll.hed. In a I . .t.d enY 11101'8. P!;r.e h~1I L'C". • utln'lg'~' lr'-rlt·teClr., , Blch. t1 hllspi. Prl.,. Stute . III Il~e t Invented "enera ever t. yt'ry in . . ~ also ia . b.o u nsurpo8 , etl . and even Ul\equ~I,. ~ • tenia. A lAe'uN On Lb. naLar .. , treatlll.ll I " BE A U'I' Y .•• A U ! .1 . to • • a ~pecI Bo. Zl'n ... al!nl b). ma II • . Instlluti ons Re nitllry Su .•. I eur" 0 f S I'ermalorrh1lI_. or "" ."nn. uozen 84 ,an d per uU public Iud tftl. rlChlle~8, vol lime .lId ' purilY of tou,onl! n Ghldfll, burn, .n"., raule. • Y pUlting frem e drlukere wl,o de . Our new , ee l ,. ooe'hlll! • Po'PC' 'V ... kn·"ilnv oluntar, EII,i8liOlIl. Snua\ De.; · Inebrillree or moderat bilily and chnpllfO l8. t! i d' f land. till' Ul h I throullho b ~ silken and leneroIl1 oxen. "'I iM':" .. Ma 10 nit I' I ropedlm lotlll " 8,e Ililltl' .ndMII. lu 10 W paper III to. orm, Ie to Slfe ~'itl; Irun, f"~ alld p.y 1. i ped.I, ' Con.uml'lion, 1o:1' Fre nch ICllon, hllr" N.rY Ou. CURLS prodllctd wh olly cra,lical e ~II I ~~~r:~ d' ..t~~ ;~~ . ba8s.8P ven-ocla ve, fa .... M nt. t aud PbYl icalloea p.eilr •••• ulling (raUl ficult to rorr.ln. Cftll liquor, hyuelnl{ Dr. unK . IIver'Rlr Prof. of e us the hy of \1'111 bc orndleM".I S~If-ebu•• , &C. By Rob• •1 J . Cul.er".U ,III.IJ. duirt (or .. n, IIlndcobolic pianOI we "re lelli", ehe.aper "J ffIlII DEllREUX·S FRI. 1 I ... 'Ad Compou nd, on er enLlrel :~v~~~ Herben '. Anll·Al gh~~ cerLaln $ 100 to 6~OU than' Ihe eame lu' le iqdjO· , ror 0 author of lb. 'Gr•• n Doot • &.c. UX preventl,! CHEVE LE S"'R 't I I d on 'ppholtl II!! 'II' • · .. admi this in P • J', P Tbe .. orld·Nlno .. oed lathor, p., ... C ta IIIg remc 'J or lIIemper Rnee: wrl e on " lah are aold by III'Y OlhPrilr.t.el"'IIlI'~ or u aperl tor par ape~. III" Lecture. cl •••ly pro.el. from hie own up. un Iparticula en l'amrAll 11 0 ED 81' rll. Medicin e Ind IInltruct ion warrmntell to curl Ihe 1II08t stralallt • wavyU •• for ri ... ce. Ih.• 1 the o",(ul cOlle'q"e ue•• of . .. '.'.abu ( III Ihe countr,. . Delllrr. IntI" III II"!. Into I sex ' ellhl'r of hftlr ,. S A FO Y 10 Iny pllrl 0 lie country . • tubborn been Ha. ''''1 be " Ile r l".'" reroo"d withoul Medlciu •• seot prompt·Room. curls. ., m.nlve helvy BRO ur '!l0ud pil~tle .".Invit ed to... n.1I 101 101: or &. UTZ •• of the Dispens ary, 167 ringll'ts Pori. Ind • nJ .. ilboUI uen!!e fOUl lur,inl 0p. ,·•.lioOI. ('on'lIlt in" AT Ttr.EJ~ D08 crlpliV'B C"I.It)a~, which . (on \I oHed bv the fAlblona bles P. . O aJi, Cincinn ork, IIlree~. Rew.Y rl ay, Syclmo Btoadw 1'0;,,1 .... 1194 lIF.ro1' cordi or IIF.OJ('IU rinlt'. !>ougi ••• in.trIlRle utl. 1V1JOLElI.HB Datu AND [ S 9 ', with Ihe moa~ (fralifyinR resullt. I . phuto(lr llphl or aU onr diiftlrelil 81,!If, 36 S d { .ud .1: b cur. aL OIlCe! cert.in Londun re, y ·1 '"S out. nlod. " f ... No. US Franklin St., Baltimo ry .urerer. 110 ",.Iler "hal ox, 4 . en or clrcu If. f,!Clual.~" .. hieb with prlcn.. No one ttlLOlllt~~ . Doea no injury 10 the hair . Price by l·nr Sal. b1 Drngllil " 1114 Slorckeeper. &hroulh. tORether i"~' b.. co.ndilloo m.r be.. lila, curu bim.elf cbeo". Dp8cript d,.l. \\'illlollt .Mfllllg tla~ ~, ptlltp~l plnno a Statu. Ind cha~e 11111\e4 lelled lbe 0'" mlil, OK, PER YEA R I-We I I Leclur... ,II .. .1 .. BERnE O Iy. pnn'el,. and radically. Thi. h ere c rru ora .ent (ree. ' ndure logue. !\Itd"I, .lhnMt wilhoul ~u. Piullder ... t 10 l. I Selll everyw tb"u.and Lo Igentl boo. a wlnt "rov. • I I . . an. add h~ve hpl'n awardtd to' the Gro,e~",' it ' D .,1I() Sewing Ma· 1SHUTT S &. CO., ehemiet l, ~S5 Riv~~ .. rpl or'~~·~~:,.~."L~I~~~U;O~'I';;~ ~!~J;~.: u~;:~ to sell our IMPROVI> ano, and It the Cehibrn led Worl,,', I, U.S. the ror nIl Ice Sole ~.Y. Troy, .t., Ullder Ind kind.. !,rice 26 cu . chlnea. 'fhree newled ~ Dr. Cul.,~r".111 M..... agti Guiile . E Aliove yenrd. five Warran A t YOllr o","n homel. Eitl,er eex eUltablA thollqh put in competi tion lItil~ . upper leed. CHA'S J. C.IICLIl\ &\ CO. Add."..' ' Jln}lOrt sDt to Lulell. ~. rrora III p.rla of the. U'. S.. It It . Ions pel' d . T he AGENT A IIf)' or IIrge commlu an'> ·ly GI b 01 'SSG. o. r. eUAr, in' Yort, Ne" wantl!d . ~ . B . 127 Bo"er,.. I n " .•. Myllie PiIIl are p~p.r. . i".lo,,· '~ IQf .,Mro.I W BI t ( 42 . I1 ) T Blllte Id I U III't-d · r£·'!.bH.hp~.:!834cO·] II' e I'~ O-L . ar~ ,b,,, •. Lftrg.. plofila "i"htlt award. . I' mac I II 180· h n n own in the United e" on y .or .. . g'llnll.l~ parJ.lO.eforand .' . f II' ~ I' • e.d , G R()VEB TEI!IA nlel .. fen ruediCI"" •• h elfocti and laf. Ie.1 t h FCir only . bie. b; Icense rlllperto leall.zed . Ell, alld III 40, W IC Ife u y 1'ea&1I yo," New .y. Broll,~w 499 ] t.nt. Ba It Grovel' DR, WAkN \llf\lculm fl, addre", Howe, Wheele r .. Wi/IOn, . . Bacheld er. AI" Do not Irifte wit~ ,oar he~lth. and a.eehelp 8·S) 6t Eaat l~lh' Stroet, N. Y. ). .. ELow CII. EIT_n . (8 AO'l'n'a ~I M "Alta )fOJin I ker, Sineer " Cu., Ind' hoy'; rutgi.t. D . wbu:h . nl.dlclne ~ dansuou aad. olher che~p mll'lIlne l 'are Ibrringe meot., nd ht WIll rtlooDJlDenu. . o. ... eIIOl. · Leial Ir;uortul' "f Ihe,r prop Ind Ihe ~elier or uler I. liable ·to I",eet boa.r . L I 8 H E' 'D " Pili L A D:m L. P II I ~ ~ • ~ P 'U B _,. U "'... W'S MYSTIC PILLS WINSLO MRS. ~ r'lres Circula menl. hnpri.on IIOltT R I-A;en c. want. ancl' finl', ell ror Illr EnlDEL Y 11&" • a • upon · 8~aw · & Clark ' ~.nrrect ~1I1r.r~rular;llea.,\nd .I),i~f~1 lLJ.·B .....·0.810: . . A~dr... , or nil · or ~ ".Iore il.an(f '.. , ' R" Tf- W' JJ Y NilS ., 0 T Chic'llrO, Ifl. [~6.t lion; lrIVllr:Orale tbe deb,lotlle". ' CLlS, ;Ult out · AdJre , . ; .. ~ , Bldd.eford, Maine; . . , • .. cbe lid ! pa. the t<l me. "loop, ~ EY A ihh~e? :', Bidd.fo ,: Dulldln 1City oa~lt:.:~eu, "ife. or o,olh.r . hoaltl be .·."itilll.. . , ~~d hy .DrlJ.ggi." ''Ev~VlAtr" . II~ umo•• .lLIi.uH 00... 01' eux.re B ' Ind ·totlir'ettion ". ' '. . , . B· ·or ..1_..., . , . , 1'r, Ibllll\-li...ecordllll _ . .'J . tli. Lad,' ••~rl-' • . , . O. f a ,"It 1111111' Itind!! Iild 'In I.rae filii". ct)II,!uced thai ." .a~D . OLD'S B . HELM ·rORASK' " ,$; n.r Bt. t ,,~r bos,/lr S,boul '6 Pm:" .• .. tui,., Cor HI, b, ·..:Tbll bti&:O'1H C01lth Syrup', for ..' ; ' ... 1I.1r:. . : . NI" York, .' ....1. _ R: PR1NT t: ·. fo",. . by alltlruil latl, ~. PRINT Z. ~ .TIll. I.
II ta
q q q q q q q , ,
L'.TU'U' co.,
Guide to Health and Beauty,
And Forty other !riioles!
Stomach Bitters&0,1'.I
Horse and Oattlo Powders,
Pocket and Belt Revolvers,
Rifle Canes, Revolving RUles,
Physicians, Please Notice
"'fI. .
.. Lel\.,n ".\0'e to Yo"". lien, -:
'1 warehouse, Drug & chemca
'MEDICAL D E POT lot Souah
or TBE lV!S
iLL, ~ultO~
$1 500
- -:-'"--- ------- -_ _ _ I Employment·..$10 per Week
.--·Iliami · Ofjaat~t·
I-gO .
n' er/e·.
.. ,
PeotOral' SJroD'
Profcs sloll,J\I ,4: BUSin ess UIlI'd
'1\~lJttIiSetllettt9 •
l\~AY 30, 1866.
$2,00 A-YEAR.
Let us make the Beat of It,
E:o:ecu tlon of a murde rer-"Se Showl Adom Your Promis es, DPlSORIP l'h1N OF CUARLKS Dl OKBNS, ' F1 Sht and 1a Subdue d by Chloro form. , . , The reading s lhal Mr, Dickens hse air. ,- 10 tillS day o( money making bu t en in London bpve nIl tsken plnco at A man by tb e nAme of Cooper wa. , IitUe il cared for tho oul·.ide Ihow of l SI., Jllm e.'s Hall, Piceauil1v . ha situ bung At Ruenn a. Ohio. last "eek, for farml. fArm houlea. euburb, ,", or other ation is very c~ ntral amI iI·has Always A few ooor@ ubovo the 1\1. E, Church. '~be murder of J ?hn R ode?ba u gh .IUL private premise s . excepl In and arollnd bee n popular a8 a plnco of &lDU@ClDl' nt. WAYNESVILLE. IUUumll. Tbe Plttllbu rg DISPMCU I/:Ives large ci li es , I CRre not how 11Ir~" the The prin cipal roum ow til accomm odl\te --:-:::- -- : - - - - - - - - lin IIccoun l of aln attempl of bis t:> el' f"rm or o l her homtllt eaJ, or how small. abo ul 2 ,5lJU people. nnd every oi~h~ ' ~JQEU~ , . Cllpe. al al.o of hia execuli on. Ihe adomlll e n' of the SlIme, in A btl· bundre d. haye been lurned aWlly for We publi~hed yeslerll ay lIa Bccounl comin g and lasleful manner . onlv r eo· wnnloC .eaI8. In ordrr to II110w oC the OF If your friend has aot " heart. SURV~YOR, of the desp6ra ll attempL lt o mndo last ders it morl co mrorlub le 10 the oCCu' l"tltnde oee of 1111 con4itio n8 in society, There i. 80 me lhing fine In him i SuadllY nighl to bre:tk (rom j , it. It pant. and the more - A 11 Dva luable wLree in to lhtll'e 8re tltreo pricel of Admili>ioll. Cas t IlWHY his dorictlr part. lee me ~hat on W'edne l l ily BllImlJ Jeo- Lhe market fur Bale.-'l 'Q tllia end. lilt Seall in the maio body of the I1ou8e Clif)~ tu ,,' hat'8 div ino in hilll. ~lIn, rP'JJID)1!I]9 ai~s receiye d inrQr, au~tiQ~ \.ha~ .. bold \b~ (.,met' p\a~\ ...\011\." 0\'''1011 \., ~\ iive ..",\\in • th!,1 •• in Fmnds hip is our best rel ief1. \be_balc;poy WUYUC I vlllc, Ohio. • .1I\1lJ \ ' Q 1 Ii ~.J' •• t I' MER CHA NT TAIL OR, •• , a ..~ ' p~., and-, olber fine, 114 rtInke no henrllt>u jest oC it i t\ie rnat. p"\IIO'PI1\\Y in a • -(JOOp4~r aylng 11,X eonf€lli lr· lllindeo m e growmg lrees .. long It will brl"hlen every I[rie', 1111 Cence high gallery anll fAT otT iu the b nckatel in hill acheme . I t " a8 thc:rerore rOW8. Tmin up bki 11 we make the beaL of it. rt&of oMivll fO I't'~18 g round, ure .old Cor t"o. In the rear I " I . resolve~ Up?~ "hen the en ",ere near the It.ou8e; lene •' It'D Ibl: hod r~urteo n renrs' l'xperien llc , clu:n ps of var- of the 8111ge is II Jar!l'e 8creon covered Hoppin e.. deaplaee atale. plaoed In their c811s [or the nl~h 110 so iou9 Crees In th o 'clearln III th e pruclice of lIIedici ne. olfen hi !Uain Street, Wo.fnc aviltll, OhiO , ({. (or cltulo! 10 'Titll crimson oloth. In (.. ont is a Im,,11 " Tis nO B8g" ex~erimdnt; leeurely maOllcle and ~eller Ih,e ring · ahade and Ihol ter und Pro :essl'O llu I S ervices to th e cilizens of er. Whitdll 'as h reading 'B I"nd over whioh ill a tall Simply thbt the wi.e and j!'reat !~Rder as to renrle r Cul'llI a.1I IJI~ chol" the feo cel around Ibc I hnve now on hnnd a lorlre anti eleellot Wa.y 'e sv'ille and Vloinl ty. ,ho,ull e. Rnd Ihe (rAme · " ork /I~Ollt eight feet squllre. )la y hOI'e joy and merrimen t : stock of IIh,ed Itoopel. ,To eff~ c.I tllll object 81 barn And olher oUlbull Rank i. dlug. IIlao, Illy Icnllsis ling of R g /ls· pipe hidd en by a nol ila Bpell refinell ~On' I C E on lIInin 8lr pel, thrpe doors qUlelly lind WIth 89 Illde trouble liS down broRd, IIllt fla MOllOY i8 not the (est of it : ggi ng of Hlone or broad bllllli of crimson , From this BUllth 01 th e l\l1.A nll GA2E'l'T& Office. jJo.~ible. it, w~s IIrrang3 d tll1" Coo~er wood a\1 oround th But II calm, contente d mil1d. .. blick, y" .. d- i n the iu ue forth j ellS of light whioh of c ourse Hhould be lo.,~!cd 10 cornu oul Rnd la · plI~h to tho barn. the 1CJ7 Nigl.t coils promptl y rca ponded to. 'l'hut will m~ke the beat of it. 6prlllg . tue mCRC .hed R b .. ight glow upon thfj apellk er 01 my own'ma nu/actu re; I\lso, a beautiful 8ptiot Ibe &c~Il,~ld 00 "hlch I~e waa 10 house. lhe cellar anu the ga .. de n. 'l'o IIDd brin g out hi' form nnd Centures in assortm ent 01 Trllllill g In the power above. 8utrer- a p"Ylle,gc he had h~mself reo everyo ne who OWOII ao Ror e or efen R strong r tllie f. Precilt' ly at eight DickWhich. sU8toinina 1111 o! U8, quelted . Whethe r he receIv ed 8001e rod of IlMId outsido of che buildin g SpOI. 4101 m a k~. hia Rppearanlle wilh white In on .. Cl'mrnon boud or love. II 0 J(, '{ I II ' !J II. 9 T II.B P RAe TIC E 0 F CLO THS, indicati on, of the inlc '1lion to ,thu~ . uis· we mRy say pla~t Irees. Ihr.uba IIUU kid •• " red rOle io his botton· hole .Rn d Riddeth great ond Imoll oC u., pose or him. or "hf)the r he l,ntulIl~ e l,Y lio"ers. WhRt IS morll buuufu l than n j ~ ul\ty lillIe walhing -I lick wiLh li n iWhallo ever mAy befallCASI!HMERES, )B luspect ed 10meta. iDg of the kInd. \l IS a fine orchard 'I -what more bealtbf ul vo .. y hllndle, lIe is in Cull c vening dreu Sorrow or ,thll reSI of it, ' Jrl it. various brnnchc 9 ; 11 0 1 Co be eXI·ell· irnp08llible to lAy; but .. hen called for. Rnd profhab le 1 What We sh oll 10 cIlpLin te¥ of blflck lind wellfS no j " "lery bUI a overcom e them 011,1 VEST INGS , &C., I!d anv ~l lcre. I Nt)l\e bUl the he refutlel\ 10 COIDe out. and bllnica d· the eye H we make Iho best or It. as a lovely lawD or yard. d ot · ring Bnd watch ·chllin. H e Ilepl brisked himstslf 810ngly ill hi. cell, He pillc , le d hllre "t.d Lllerll wilh lJEST MA.TE RIAL USh: O, the diU" Col · Iy lorwaru swingin g his cane. nnd nt IV hich he is )Jrepnred to moke up in the ed Lris bUDk firll'll! agllinlt the door. iRge of th e fir IInu pine-o I'UR Till' GAZI.'rTt: . r .von thtl o nce lakIDg his slIlnli nI the desk with· ~'tm " OASH ,-O(fiCO nt ltid residenc e and btoko up ",hal furnilur e he could common cedal'? WhllL INTE MPEJ ;l.AN CE. wore hUIURniz · out allY pro:liminary in tro duc lion ,q uiet· ·on I'Iriii StrcM. 1·1, use in hil deCeDce, ir auacke d by a ing IlIld d~lighlful Lhao the olumps of Iy lurveys Lri s Rudi e nee. Loud li nd It6rmin jl pllrty . He" as 81.,0 rount! to rose. hYllcinLb., dahlia. And honey lon, conlinu ed clappin g annou llees him aT a. J'R4!<CIS EMIIRSO !l. be armed with a razor. /lnd he bo"'~' luck Ie. , They produce a CeAling and allh. f prese nce. but he d Oel not yet beg i.,. -- t in£ly ll~fied tbe whole county to OAP- happioe sl and contcolm Of All tbe vicea to wbich mort,,1 tllre him. It Will finally auggest ed by irog el.e Clln, Au arborenL tbat. tlolb. An En~1isu audienc e IUC neve r puootof ~he fine old ual. and by 1I, os IIOJ threc R Lh oy coni. addicle d. intfmpe rRnce i. the r, ,lpnninj ll, a den tid, who W/l9 pres· vine. or vines chunbe ring lip Lhe w.tll, (illlle 10 pOllr ill lon g after his arriv/ll, loath,o m •• the moel fearful. the en I, thaI he mig)lt be. buued Ihrough and over the IIllves GQntlelllen, call nlld t'xamine my, stock b811riug rioh clll~' Dickenl calmly wRhe tillAI\ ia quiet. to be druued . L ike 11 pal! of tllo agen~y 9f Ci'hlorofo~m. ConaulLI\' lera of 'CoDllo rd' or belorll ,going elsewhr .re. 'Delaw ars' or 'C/I' He is n man of gentltlmRllly and polit co\'ers our Innd. tllrowin g out Lion b~iu~ hAU wilh Dr. Keyes and DI'. IIl"blU, ' 'habeU ",' AI'ril :l O. or 'HlU'tro rd ,' are ilhed eXlerio r. Hi~ hOlld i8 quitlL bu!d. pestiletl ce oa u~ry aide. IInu Grahl'm . it wa. deciued on to ~esort to like a grAnu luxury R ppBir,ed in wodtmnrli ilte sIyl(', at Ih (' to lhe eye Rnd lilld Lre wellr. a mousta c !.te and W\11 8dowlI Lo irrelrieY able ruin the yo the novel expedi ,e nl. 'fhere wero eov· mouthl Who th'" cnn tUII'Cdt cilsh price , anu ~Iltisfac ll o n WAR· hlUe them will ktn. Hi. hair is ,rIlY. and he hu evthe laleDted aild Lhe noble. 'I LI ' , "~T ~O. , 'PflL8 i" hil for lificatlo ns I h roug II no lODger oonsenC 10 b e ' h 3 fJ- 1I wu out ? Sa t ideaLI 9 1ong outlrow n Lie l .• B .tnl::tiv e influenc e is fell ia al\ panl, lQI___• ch be could bs ~z' () r rel\ched ; nne "IU a.idel II pial iu your gluden s TOI' 'RIlSI' y_ounger dIlY'. Hi s tLlprelllllOn 1M ge nour commo n count!'y , and 8 DR J' A~1~S A. LOAR, Lho grating to the door of hill dun· ell' and 'Wilson 'l' ILI'awb err!. alld ilil. lind hia manner conliden t, thou;;11 c l a81ell 'Of socieLy, '1;he high a.d i Ihe other, bI the way of an in- gacher bo"ll(u l of thos" orimeon deli· unlluul lling. 'I'houg h he hSH a Blight r icb and poor, old anil young are io Ihe "all "Lrich divided bit caciel for your cllble. e~e 80y other SLOOp. yel hil form i. m8~ly 1I0l1. of brough t in conlacl. Wilh tliis ~at the one, atljuinil l\r. Arm!ng fruit is ripe. ~ believe It w •• A,e now receivin g daily from the East, my of the Lruman race. JercllY good p~oportionB. Tbe~e ". Lrut hILl s and yes wiLLt syringe e. Lhe medica l Taylor who IRld, ·Doubll e... God their Spring SLock of cOl/ld elpreUI QQ of oharact er IU blS fao e,lIDd Iy mUlt luffer the AfRicLions 10 ioauiur ale tbia rtl- have mllde 1\ beLler be.l'ry tbnn WAYN F."iVJ I.l,E,o nl0. Lhe hi. cbeeh are ruddy,•. 1\8 of o~e who curee will bring upon them. No I Ipecit!' of bOlDba rament. "ra.b.~,y. if hI! bad ·trJ6d, bu~ doubt· lovel gootI cthellf. 1111 eRn ~Te set ' tri~t ,is eXe!Dllt. hom its f8~Q~ell tlulY played OD him with \ea~. God never did~ " . ' Dtlgbbo rhood III free from lIe very 'I~r baoW' i 1l la tner r • ' ~lU , Le\' all.\I,y \0 ac1cl , . , _ ,. Ill,i • :. W'b'" , ~bem to ty and ulefuln e .. to \hoir hOlllel bow- 'r.0!,e~. ' Hi"'"r .b.. It hia-h" aDd t il giganti c nil allll ro back ita tbo l'e him anll lao uncood ilion- e,er humbltJ . before anolLrer year NAIlS . abon of a Ii.,. of i(~y·lo~ year" bave of progrea s Y What coune Ibl\11I , ,ielt!. But they knew . ~hei,r man, ea. nOlleh a wrinkle upon it~. , ~vide, nlly tlke 10 orulh 'i\ berore i\ Cully onvlI opes felt it 'advi88,ble to 1"!Oller lllm pnw. • ••• • HHI~~~·TS. bis worb bu!! bellO dona WIth ease laTlIl , HAI"ES, UI, aDd I IlY e, 1hou!ll nd. wbo R're now J , B. eHAI' I''''lI, for further mischie f before giv. Will of a JI411110nllire, SUREWS. and love .1 the ua\utal ouL.,rin ging of on the rOAd l~ ru in, from tpG vortex of him another ch.nce for resiltl\n cc;1\ '& degrada tion Rnd despai r' Tit. anewer a mind full of lIubjeet l UIRt WRS d eRr and in lea8 The followin g i. ' tbo aUlhcni o sub- to him aod Ollll,iaIC liulollle LOC~~'TCHES, is plain. Our dULy is pllli!). ' ntal anxitly . an four minutes lhe ' time the stance 01 the will or Hudeon Gurney , AIIO"e ther Dir.KIIIlIl alrikel one 8S " I wo~k,.s indiTid uals, a9 a class, a. an baLlery wae put in position . he foil over Esq" of Keawic k. Norfolk , and Weal· ~Rn who bas !penL tl ball·cen tury. nol. &e,. &0. entire. people •. All mUlt tak~ ,hold aud heaTHy on IllS b.nk, comple tely leOle- minater . deceR.e d lome'b ing over a III Ihe exll!Iu8 tlog Illbon o~ llter8t.u r,e, Thev 'hBvA nolY on hond I IIlrll'e and IRbor lD the UDI!era a\clluse . Ihe prcu, les~. He ",al then dl'aggo:d oUI. and y~ar ago. It ap'peare tbat lele Btock or tbe Best Pill8bu rth lhat greRt ve~tcle of tbllre Wf re bul in tLre enjoym enl of.a ~Ife pllS~ ln tl~ou"ht, m~8t No. 98 \V cst So 'ond .Stree t, VO<n he"¥ie8 ~ iron. in Lhe jail placed on llrll!d~ ur . ' , ~huDd~r forth It,l declara ttons o~ wain· ille lhe jovilll. purhaps hill tlnlbil. SOCI r.ly DO legatee s OD Ibil' aide of Ihe Atlantio: of ' goou compao ytoonodJOYIRI, - , ' ! m g. rhe, ~~Iplt mu.t 'pea" as It Duer bonn comOooper wi~h his .rm pinione d in the, 'ibe will of HlldsOD Gurney . Esq., panion l' wLro hll8 for yeRI'S belHl spoke before. ' Eloque nt w~ilCfll muat ' sual way mouflLed the 8ca(fuld at I hAl been proyed in London undllf £ I,· , 'full wa;1D bloorl. of mirtll, ,of gossip· , tllke Ihe .lieid, I\~d glfc~d .p.etlke~s pO\lr k. at(lIude t! by the ReT. Mr. Hall. 100.000 person.l~y in Englnn d. The iog, Dor meL 'wiLh fOl'lune olhcr lhlln ab fortb Ib.elr .pleadm gs With all sizl!~. cut when required . 81/lllcr.lly alld Iho Sller'l(f and 1:lil luborlii nale offiuial •. nrincipa All oxtenI l legatee II John He, ul'y Gurney fe'811.' ' ( slve stock of d~ter~\l t" nlillo~. ' nte, m d perance II ,liar. d l:I~ ' w 'as informe d h1 Sheriff Jenning s (lhe testaLo r', lIeCOD OOUlln, , « , j , P' . r an .Otl· (lilly OD Ih~ lII.c,n:a.e , and accQrdln~~y Lhat the tilne hal:! arrived .--1....- - - ' to perform iD-law of te8t&tol" 11 IRte brother , JO Iif' ph Ever of Theo. increal ed exertIo n IP ust be Pll~ forth 10 his paInful office, .nd asked him if be Henry Gurney ). '1'0 him he hSI deorder t? keep Ih. foul ~emoo In check. It!l'd auytLriu g t<) aay. He an~werc OEALElt IN d viBt'u the mansiol l and ft'eehold of l{ea- A lid ,tory is eonnl!c ted and uhlmaw ly dellroy t,IS rl\va,el . t!~~!l itr~~ lha, ho ' had and inquire d if bil brotb. wick. Bit olher hi' rtld e~IRte. and has name of the writer of the Oh I Intemp erance, the gre.Mesl. of er-ih.I" :" ,,~s tht:re. and ~7. ~ ~l.k9; Whl tolt! 'ye8" lert to, bim the p,late. 1t~I'~ry. mllDU- sonl!: 'Ever of 'fllee.· . wbich bl\~ bac.1l cunee. how many home.II ' hili It made 'Is tbl rler man behind me y. he soripts. and (arody, remtDucenClll1 a, lun" • " . J; C," cl: C.• (or Cartiag e l\lukers; ftnd everyth ing found duol;It e. how mllny and nd~ired by .0 many I~ th .. it' \ wtdow • • n.d ,or' at~ed.-1'I\e ~~surllnce wal given Ilim heirloom . in a IDri8 Hardwa re 1I00Stl. s. bequllathln~ £,5.000 for t1~e countly •.and In Europe . MfLin St. Wayn esville . phQns hl\1I it crea.led , how m"!lr vlctlml ~Rt the Rey. ;Dr.lhl , l "as clole 1.0 him. erection of. a room auttabll l '0, contRln Foley H~\I WI\I a g.Dtle~An ~y birth R e plliring of 011 )dllds <lune promptl y II ~ Call In" examine before purchos inl: dtagge d down to a pl'e~at~re and 80r· 'Lhen launclltHl into • rawblin g the co\1eoL10n ,; and fUl'lher b~queath. a~d, edu?atl on. Wealch y .In bl. own rowful dealh, Wby IJ It. 0 God • nd in fir6t-~:.1.e.o'!til'where. lI' - I · •, - : I 3,8,3m • in trudl (or blw Ihe sum of ,£IGO.OOO rIght, with large c:xpeol , II . lllIlotr II anuA Inco leten, .peec I. allonl, he Iud 1\ wby 18 ,O mlloy 0 f our Ie uw.1 " tl t ' Lb on bill ,houlJ en 10 be infelle u 110 d ' lelt Ie d 10 not choolin g hil lIasociJ1Sf{E 0800P 10- SPEC TACL ES! e lame h,811 d\ beinge penis' in foIlowin g il to ruin. ' , cap I~ WIII~ I I "cul'el y raa. OlanDer with the inherita nce of tbe II1el, ell t e. , . bUl .1IowlOil: himself ~o. be dt'aw,u Ihe pl'ilOD and, L~e ,gAlIo ".' Why ill ~::de:oth: kl~:1~ 8 All I!xcel1ent 88fortm enl ju I roce ived. IAO(~g&nk ll!lI. Theil freebold l. appoinl ing him AI~o residuR ry into the loolety. of the VICIOUII. HIli .ulled to all ug"P. 'l'b c.e nre, the be at iL that after looklllg back upon Lhe pa · 1 I 'If b t ~o fix Lue cord legatee of the penonR I elt"t.. And properl y loon dl8llppe a.red, !Ind he wns apectllc\ll in the mo r)le t. Call Ul. ge8 of tbe !'I\I' lind leeing che ruin lind' :~O~I~ :i~er~ckwt~ aas~~d leave to do it thtl tl!llator furtber directll l~a. the Ill!" le,(t UANUF. lCTUllEB 01' wi.tbont relource~ 8ufficl~nt to buy 'lay~ ! , lAfl.6, devastll tion it hal CAused, they do o~t him8elf.-~endillg •' hil neck. Ite Bhiftetl of £\20,0 00 Iballill io be Invelte d In Ill. dllll.)' ~re"d. H~5 1I1usl:;al tale ~td ,bUll iL they woul~ a deadly pell!' tbe ooole our hia head. and theD gaTe Ihe purcha le of roal propert EVEllY DESCn lPTJON OF y, ~o be had beeD IlIghly eulllJat ed. ult aka Ie lence? " " I d' I' bel'e to Il\ctl tile held in trult Cor th., .on8 (accord lllg to never . h fi plll-lCU ar Deed"d Ihem . he 8caroe y. new ~I Ireo I: o n. w .'Ho" p eAn ofwn durIng t e Plllt 'or I J Lr k L 'f I bIb r ON T JI E E U It 0 l' E A N P f. "- N • lt used to aDd ieniorit y) o( tb. ate 011 , l'.nrneJ ' to mAke th .. w nallnbl e 90tS ~ to Wla dIlKlee wllile io Lb. lIen i c~ of our eOl~l1lry. n~baala: a811~lt:~ ,,~e~imi I" lar ' OOCA$il)l1" EarILram .("ho w'" the Ion or ~eIIRtor'a ID hi,.dis h'ell, : lepp.. lt1 Ut e (;U~I\t1 n~ltll>ar"; , h~w eyer, he I};~o!e, I I~ hue l ..een tile \.ernbl. effo!cts of mtox· rorf Finally biddini farewel l to late COUlin. S.muel Guruey A f Iso •• lorge . of UpLon- charmm g long, Ever Ind varied lI,orlm ent 01 1.catinll ~riDka \ (Oo~, Frankfu rl St.) e •b How often bllve I a~ .ro~nd be I'e;ponu ed to the Sheri'ff'1 NEW Y'!.RK. I sLreel): ,'1'0 bia coueio and exceuto r, London publ"hf\~ seen Joung FDl!ll. vh'luou S and !ltddy. g~ve I~ tone un; e t\o. "Jac:k C~o er are ou re". Daniel Gurney , he 'lllaTea £,liO.(1 O(); I,ADIE S' & MISSE S' ~161ou ~ ' ere~;;: ilolh·Ro o m. lint! drlld dol""a fur 1\, ~t tla lImoun I IInttT lb. lIervioe lind in a .few shOi'L ~~ m~et your God~' by elel.im inl to bi. necuto r. F'rancia lhy nurneJ wi Lb luch a ~pell(ltbnrt, w~uld b?~ la~ Bnbe~, ~hOe" monLhl become CODfirmed dr~nl"Hdll . "imoll tlippalllL". 'I'1Il . , SPRIN G . , u.dJ 100 die; (elde.t aon o( tbe "aid DaDie\ GU~De,) lo?g., UtI ~S.r," bn\)l IIO( altow..! HI re,,,,,,!: (l I''I UI Ittil, wrot~ , Bonf'" :8 \ iii STI'LE S. E.jJ comp.n iool hau such an Induonc e Knoek itt. £to,OOO. , AmoDIlIl~ 'be le"alee a It m~Dly ~?~ commgoL~er 00 \ ,S, 6'ul'o.\'0 l~.JlH\ '11 1 o r IlH c'km l: lI \\'llo l a\ over tbem thut tLrey .oon (orgot ~be 10 as a. \I fbe tra ft:ll •• nd in on. DlomeD tlhe W. H, Co.,ing lon, or BMC\.y and ~II' wllbed, ... e are lull! n , ly HAIID • ID a w~ak mo~ent he (orgl.' ~ early iDstruc tion. that perchAn ce a land m.rder er lauoche d inLo .ternily , YIID'. Bank. 100 guille .., and a like tbe name of Lru pubhlh er. anu al mOlber insLiller! into their yo~th!ul TUII knoL h"d b411ln. indeed. mon .cien . •um lo g(:ntlemt~ in GUTlley·. N?rwic h Ibough e,very ell'orl ~I\S ~Ild~ (evQ,D bl; mindl; forgo"L he noble, and - ' , Pl!KR , LIlBEI''J.'~ ~E.i.D, c.h ... Illan iificall v adJ' usted, and biB Deck WI" bro . Blink; and legactea to othere. 10 Lbe Ibe pu~I~8her) 10 FAIlle hl)';I'IIIL "'::: iu6aenc.. of home; forgot their nlan · k ~o .. I ( Copy ri ght ed,) t ' I. So end d Ihe (}:7' Bllyou will do well to cllll and u· llood and drifled away, into the dllrk t D.) .nl..a. alijl~'.IlI.,.·-;C &b, WO;lt de. brewery of Barel"y & PerklOl l. of no Ule, .Dd poor 0 e1 Cla I , wbicb " 11"••JD" , nqle' "r 'P' ~V (1r Ol(lrGSllr rare ror' limo? onlln' II bcrure purrhui n •rr• 'be telllltor WIIS prinoip al pari. ' , Newgll te. aD,l died bro'k en liearLrd ' be · • d egra't ,I a t' .I ".r. I y .. areer .... one WilIer. of cornlpL lon. ", . we 'o,h t tilan OilY Olher ! I, o n . lin. , ' perado d , el .••.• tha& b' bnll do 'rainia " and yiciolll ner .• ADnUlire •• D eg'Cle ... ta b R . . • I0 r. bl'l trial came'• on . lte, e °KCI's vice. , I I· a d £10 lot l!I<lb yur they :J;!U I~ A,ljD"'Y;0 11 WIL,", ',HAVE' !l~ oTlltt n! lUnln Sa.·cel, oppot _ COllra. . .flr 'r~i.,t1IQr ' , •• Kibbet. House . me.ICI . n. ' , , We . Appeal 10 lbe youni la words , ' . . ' ' WRUT IN VmGIN I4.- We be."f CroOl . , . bave beeD la bll lerVICI. Till ch~rtL~' ," t'~ ' UFA c 'rr:H earneat lind .J·neere . to beware ,o f such I,:n ONr.'Q' BY Waynes ville, A p r i ! . 2 I lib . •. -, , ....-, I 4... ble benu.. h .re :-To the O, l,d People 1\ all leCli01l1 01 t,bo S t~te tla I lere ~. II COllTae, ' Wben" er olle e.omme nces ,\ -=::J- ,'I, thlok/ laid r II h h .. '. , ~~\G ~Im &. ~~ll'rll. I b a Ie. 0" t , improv ,0L emeDt ID Hospila --l, 81, Hell~'" Norw.leh, £1000", recenl y eell" a llrea , •, to drink. ,lh'" V~ty monan \ 111. dowDf~lI er d_y: ·1 a~ocall• • "Iae a _!lood ~e"'- Norfolk aDd Norwlo h lI?pu." I, .£ J(~ . Ihe NP"li111 , 'ri. GI,I.All' conditio n of the growil,l g wheat .COnlgl Ucu. an,d .f Ller d,i ',jr.ce ba9d 11 ru ~s < , 0 , " 'i or , I be...1 tbelr hl.at' Qcaak", a' r}-'" . are iqeyitl lble,.L utD from IUC an .Vl "lIaill. , reCIlII.U for I IDd)N£,orlwoooICh Field. , a'phier:s . PfJfLA DELPH IA. &WO I I a a or (10 which Iii. ,a.1 y ' I -Olli!! , before it il 100 lilt.. Cultiva te a 6rm 1i.& '.in~,' wit!. ; ..-a. 00. ' " .. • req.e~t (Kr For BOlli by PA tllT D UI.ER! gener. 'o~ iDIIDedi ~ce Norwic b PllbliC Licerar r Inllilut ion. lind which ,lIe owner. contem plaled Ne~ ' ~rr.(I~gemeDt. mind aDd decermi Ded will, b~ aWlly p,,!m, .t;' ,he' Of I' ( lliy. ordered to be laid £100. lIe abo leuftl £ 100. lie a~lo pleugh iQI'.p 29·1y __ aDd planlin g in CO'I1, oow from bar. roolD~ .rld gr'~g' lbopl, \!l~e aD UI~ ."ble. ,tb,~ oL",r 'OJ " read lI.a, tea,e. ~'1.000 . to be placed... tlh. ~a!lre I?"olt ((rein ." ~.h;J ~lno I"' '" '",, : I j , • bu, T sl , IIIIAe' R ~lI~n~r~ ~::k :~a:ei~~ .. ad gin promise' or • paryP~~~~~~ ~~..tI:~ CUries ol' mlln!lm it. and Ihere ... otolng .~1a,. ~~Dt~a. ~ lIfarr nlre Dnd \. cl UnC)" ~ dielr.UOD 'Jf bll euu'to n 10 pro,"h a" ual erop! b i. b ' to rear . Bllt go .with corr.p ' COIIIPllQ· of ~Illltion Lbrat 'ln 1 .. lln W : Cultetl. wi$he-s' \o cnl1 the nuen ~ •• , . ., .' ' n,Ii;l's.ftv ~[ W.rnin g allu nstr\lClI" for,lucb 81iO(lr .1I0."n cu .II~ h' had ~ht_ wbet' ~o,.edwo!~hy · ions and f r~ub a dT1l1 hal .~e y e,' plae':. ' whtre inltlm ' ! ~ The,. la a "h'.no•• ~ia' in 'L 0.' j r for Y(dh!( M:en. A Iso, di selises 0 nd o,bu, ~il~:t' ~{~ ~8~r;;egr:,:dltn k .1 IMe.'. tb, habi\ 0 mil Ing; 1111. a. where a\oo d II.. r Ig or of 'be -Inte r 0:11::r~lIt:tl,!~~ure8~: per;net pre'~il" lind reD\o~.'e . . rl ruio lIon who ea. " "' , . lei which prem~turell' prostrJlle tilO vllal the ,o_tut . of a bat- 'hey lall i. th. ,princip al to be ,i.en , ., to betLer. Ib~.D 'h~L aeed!'~bb~ :Iand ~ t~· ar. eertaiD : ul . rlll .by •• aaiDllll r '(f"t~,. w.ith 'lure meUt!8 of relief. l 'he head: H. m.ke, eh,i,iII Br . i. a.d abo., ,NoJ'wlc h aDd' is utlly exJlI.!n~d by ,r ~ u ~ Oi'" 11li11";'" aO,t t , I 'd e free Dj chor~e. in ~Pll le" 1~\te r phvf'lopllB. lbe ••••Ii••lto. ' Iiml,a. ""' e 8reu~ ' d i l l .IMwhe re where h. had properL , : All drilled wbeat II to all A.ddre.. Dr. J. SKILL iN· BOUG H'L'ON. , ~lIn'd mini"" -:t,1 v ·IeCaM. eObver~ ~o , II Ilf \ ll . to o. "I e, • . ••• ch.rl'Ca bl. ,I beq1lee tl .Howa,d A ~sooillt:OIl. PhiladelphlB. p..~belt .ll y.l· , ' le""oie, ' , . an!! .D. a proper depth, w . . 1 . b'l ' ,m,Q!;> 0 .. , tuB e I!I~ QQ the Ibor ,sl ~. !leltt. -a. in on. or 'he chur· , ' - , , ••• ,.,. .'u .. . J 1 ed ,)1 :: , ~Ol llt"'" :.i . rrel,,1t i. Chlr.a,( )1 Buititl 00' eJoe.di ng £'~.OOO art t~ .,) \,., '. ,. notice. Inyihin g in lie Iinl, ,' h. _ nd.own ' hil 'of fro,ido ftoe ' "beat l~P.llf e~l rco'l~b I .• hahcql lireu "".,.. d.y ••,0 on ' elrarp Of .murde r- be paid fret o( legacy'- allty ~ , Reta ..;iPR Ihuorv icel or llr. ~t.. \ b1 'b~ h.rro~ ~r ~ &, ~~Llr~ b b', ohitiial'~rftc'11 .rloL load iDllWO 01 hi, OWD cllil~reD" IIl)m.d t l, Xbe.Jll "lon &. ~', •• _ 11 D!~~ ~rt:ridftd~ttm..: lurfll,:e , . alleep I At .• ;.ot!,T¥ cliffuell! Il!J..ca. .cI ><pt~ to .hcr "ll.n~ e g -.ftt wtb.,r:'ht ' ,..-It is' , , • , " , attenllo n of. arm,ri.. , ,' f 'I/l:Q\~ ~C\ jor ,llIltQ1f8 00 WII uld aceoUD ' li)lia • m01jr 'l''''' p " &'~t' .-he a , • . FIFT\,- "ClT nUaai~II ' ln~ Ic~rrla.el repaired ~ an, d .tr"ler.~ wlo _.1 " OCOIU'~ hear.il ' l " ONI!' 001 .0 d 'f h· " SII VL' D ML' O 'L ~r ,,\'her ,lial' III oate ~nd lIer • . I ' " aood Ii, e Lei'iino n), wal or ' ADna the Mr , rey~rJll ." • capt ,tt lla or, re auu d • -- I •• n , ro~ p r ' hlDlI" . ' p~.p\e~ I. IU L_' • . ' J \ ' .L" -~ : tt.\ pr"";.~ HlNrlu u AN ' .0 O"L_ r' .'1~1 .lloh 1n&8IUl,DI of devou' - ·It ...... "uriD, lh.. HemoaQ ..... aD 110" e u ,hem. IIh"'tl'1l ed Cllt' . , " ....." atCoar', " •• aOIll_ - '" " NI,. llalll'lb M. ).tldrtll. MAS9N .lt~1\Il r-. .' ~'''I.'r , for vi-Io_notA .IN. .. &"tl"()irc.i, W.... elVllll, Feb. 7. ~ \.I.~"''' ' . ,, '''!lary ' ~ al a II \.to b, . 'a P'''AlI..~ orIfA.SON DKOTHI!:R~!l'fe" I_ _ rllll • ' • , " . Yolk. • 3" .. . . , '
~ L. ,S. ~ICE, 1\1. D. G f t . reu Reduction in Prices! Omce & Residence on North St.,
Life Ie but II fleeting d reD~. Care destroy_ the zeat of it; S\\',ift it I:lilleth like Illtreom )[illll )'ou mttkc the belit of il !. Ta lk not of your weary woe •• Trouble •• or tile rest of it; If we hove but brl ~ 1 repose. Let UII make Ihe beat oC it.
A.. JON ES, M. D"
DU. S. J. 'VAY,
II T I's T lR Y ,
QA ALBERT THOMAS ~ Si.ll)Cr-Sl~lit\),- , most
Advantageous Prices t
Ho{)ven &. Son s, XE NIA , 0.,
·~JtjltI£ 'r~C(rS,
Wi ndo w - Gla ss ,
E. S. SlIEW AtTEU, •
Iron, Steel, Springs, Axles, Bent Stu1f, Enamel, , Leather, &c., &c., lUatcl)t5, Jew'tlru,
,11. I. E. KEYS,
tOe s.
' Wl,olca~ NIA Drl1~~.
81 r~pclaler s.
· .'
,W An,,ON
Ire . .
!nbewl'llel.,ioehdl~Xo b~e:klll.,al'Dggo
JIn.IJlIi~JCIl~llIct Or~n..." LI~Q·ua~:~!~:~~eo~::o:TPe~:r=~11n~~II. ~i~bo~\lnodc'1ini: "h~lll" I~,~
it. 1I.,.u"
tla,e~. bir~~,
troJM>~~d "'~ Ie~d_ a...', '
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t 9 .A hiIiIDI A_ A~..a, lbQUla& • B "w.o.D ,UOULD BE CIlIIIUD · , or I'IIJ: h • d .rope ...• t COI'I'IIlV" 'fO V.1uelaD4 . . . . I . . .. , · • of war, .nd i.I•• r(ully esolle a~'.a :n .. ....... , •••• L tile of oa Irrltatl MASS A corr.lpo DdeJu writ.... foUow. to rOlll)eo& of rupLllfl l bet."D Prlliia e ~~ Thr •• AUltria MId AII.ari. , the Colllm bu. Jottrnal, of I Ohio: , . .PULT THE II onu Ind ,Ulhe mille· Eoglilb Iympat hld. may . be 10 g . y cline;n gp?d lind .i1vt'r ·.bjeh i. Itlracti ng mllcb ,ttIOUOO t DllO'\\' I'"'' DRONC IUAL 'rnOCB ES !leoda, our of WE NE DAY II ... V so. 1800. clure manufa Ihe ill used rlala , PrlllSlI .,aloIL , Mlndii to.n,hi p h •• abolll ?O sqU!He .tal~d. a.. wilh Au_tria , t~rlher de- Huyillg ' dir... ct inlluence un Ihe pa.r~e, :0 'tb Italy' allaiolL AUlLhi _tbft "nd in Ifllio:ipallon IIf 1. 81111 prlcel d le, .'Dllea Ihlny :Rron~hll F~r about i, alld rflliel. le lInd, or Immedlo milee Ive ,8. ~8 10 "0. Wiloklo • our • II. reduced Vol. II JIlt. f d ' l'k to abllO' ,Hne"w e hUll b of Philade lphia. 'fhe railroad ID .~'I ~ 8Ihml. Cllterrh, Oon8ump\lVe I,I'~ 'llhro't I ~6III d., the Iowa point I~ ,Ihey eao be jtlaceo ~ , lIDC! cODleqI \D irlt anti South. aad ·I,IIIS·wft{a , NorLu il ru:! through DiseasllB i 'froehc l ore usedp"b Par, at ' Gouip 01 the Week. Gold }Pi,h Y . er,lnd u c pea.· m"rk,IO leDtI e Q' b . ' . Il1eEa" lideo( it a.treet b i8 dlaidd \halilm aOdBil clelrlnll ,,,hlob In (f u.elul __ . ~Inge. . op.· ' . sO that no q"e need ~.lltete. to uY .I guod ~uc~e6S. • uo re &hlellw lg·Hole teID wlr . o~ one. \!d, Boule"I Ibe ur ulled Iinging oUl, tmt berore tlmat.8 o~~en .. :1:hJ.r ourDal wl!1 /J e:s The Dayton \Vulch o~w tr om Ihtl. ex~.~a.llo~ !h~~bl! I I ' the lhroet after an tbia .. fully l .. pro,e: AUIlrl. il lIeta A8 00!1 gUilty \0 a 1111' lie V~IC at O"1Ilatioa of Ibat city at oyer 30,000. \ feea wid.. Wb_D rOWI rOI ""i il lie chesller II 10llle U lire t.m , likiog froro d ' . ) lh .I eac 00 lrrel of re eo~~~~ vocil orgAnll. Tke and (our g, speaklll of Ihere will b. Ure . P, . _nuf'cl lbe lOll YI~arll leo of leat led Cou . P leooo; e lelre~) C . nor carriage oicil a ,l ~nuB,al ex~r~~~~mmended Bnd preecri~e Slephen a acknow ledg .. tbo rece~pt of .ida of Ibe trAck, wilh More tllata tOO,GOO Walcht ., 'd P ftnd Ganbal~~. aOlty Iulilan ano Eaet rU1I1 Aveoue Laodi, onl.l. drive 1'eltiro tlmel, hAd rupl:;:i~rana. Ind hD'le about '140,00 0 in all, a' Vilrioul lB J~' an Oy· h ~ ve given our produellone the very hlgh' \ br:m We.t; alld i. alio oDe htmdred (e,t "ith thela di'ided procli"I emillenl ftlenlhr ouihou llhe cou",.ry. . ClllBmOI1koeper. . lme amclngl from Americ ao Fenian •. rauk eat · feel le oredllab rel\\l1 il tliem d, wid • • ith {our ro •• o( "818, A car- erridll)g . . Ii nation 10 mike onty Bei nu nn IIrlicle 01 lrue merit, and ,hnvlng WI' 1ft ~ ,,"Ib ?D iug of reireL th.\ 60 m~1 bo ••at Ger· lein!: with th,~ determi e,ourb,\. lneS6 p'lll ve<1 Ihelr effi~acy by 1\ Iflst 0. milly IYftlche l A~ump of lold "elibla g ve poun • riAIle'roAd ill tlie 'c,,?ler, a~d U(1ellen .&.~-.a; ~ ad 1 r I b ' k i\ necella ry or lI,oroughly IOCAIIIllli. n~\Y in oat .. them finda vllI.ge yellr Tha e80h , 'eWlI .id.. b~each polblac takeo the bft'D ail. a. d hU8 sloadily Inc'reuse Ind worlb onr $ 1.300,h , . ta laDI tD a ma~a the the ~nd ~o"n Ibe world. o( Ihe of &aide .. pnrts 0 various uare. • ~ie"in UIIlIl vilian. from. Norlb Oa roliaa miDI. .ach Ollter 10 . n COIliB acqUlltnted with Ihelr butcber to J, ad"u"h ' row a bolter lIb eeil • • "ide pronoun llly 'ea& .ix(1 unlver~l ar, lire I~oel' Troches o( . . decent aide tur 1I\0nth~ loaelher , we hove bee n unable ( tree. ou elcb .ide a IItrip bel"een qllarrtll "hleb ba. bill oce I' I T ee. The Prole.t an, Epillop al dloce.e . rcpe~llii Ilhan olher ,rticl'Brown or Ille or· 10 supply Ihe domand . WbeUI.I;~~' aide , ro:. ', Drone 1111 Obluill only Inl:B un road ancl aidewAlk il se.ded dOWD to il-tlle southe" factory our tl cnlnrge f!dly '01 " , . Pepo'y lrania i. IIOW iD " .. ioa III Phil·' ~be . worlh· lOuod the \ of pieoe lin)' a I~ke buys no' LhAI du Illd ellu,' E e of . aores , Ihree lh t'y now cO~'er over d I I' . Sl Andre .'. Churob . Ilke lhue im- ~fenSiVO qu,dnla tertlJ. AIlBIN a. \II. - \.oud . IR Il ra ..: • "~ry ODe give , ccommodorl 0 co moro (han less Imitltio n. 'hilI may be off~rt'd a 'I'll', 10 . . , opporlu luty. 111\1,', y nllturi.U i, culty .hal( \ toffm 81.te8, oflh"ed \I Uml"d IlLlld Ihft of in her" ('veryw Sold It ' . 'iiI", DIYII, "'Ife of J 4lfferlOo Day ... rk~lln.. o w. h\\lIo1rted l:" CoulIlries, .., 35 cenll per d E ': ome" Oil" b ....rdl, b\a.mft ' ~be \eig'" F \\,ey dill lea :o{' we ., I 1.0 ~ .ellrg H an c.l~r urei tified B 'I\~"b JU fully 1I,0,em ore al We Thund on _gloa . r.lcbed WlIollli oS ~ 18 . ly. "" ' alllU, anu UI .. loue,. \I 0 M. F lge 01 it.l\IOllg \ '''\ \v mOIlle mO~f: thun ()~e half of all !he ~:x. G'(X)~ clln get I 44led. '~hi.• ila grea~ bendiL IlItter for lakiog advllntl A moroin l from orl".. onroe. ~e 1 wilU eueb II W alchts nt,lde 111 Ihe 01 Vnt!ed . ~'a~\ thai, opioion of Ire lbt:y ~ :ee . Ito d IDI.n~e II aDd place, tbe I"'Il ~" .. ID ,h. pasl two month. '12 perlons to 6 )e d y ~I e ••• he b!ad differe.ul glUtlc8 ore ~8I1niUI ~U,.,'" Ipecllia tor•. Oolbe orl"d" 10a load of cJebt upon her hac lull owlII~ \rode Illur 9 engrove 0:1 10 . V • hu. died io Ne" York from" d alarvl\'II out al rllserve ara -~~~....,..-~ Ihe . iUAge 40 .orea " , i p~ule en~tall for a",bile wllitetl bill'll beUer Lhe lown. d thi of oUI,ide 00 B, JlIlIt Park. an e, .UICI le cemlDit hAn . 'ioo, 10 burDIng III.d \(bAn Inatch it, at the risk lois, iD lold land . Dell. druakeo 27 died (roa !I 'P S H'."·llell,' W"lIb. "" Ma ••. ' ,I think ~r. L~ncl." her Gngera in wha~ ml\y. prove8 a ~eoar' 4 • \\' '" •. 11 .,\.' U AD elf.r' i. "eiog mAde, .ilb ' lhO morv if ""oled. Ar;D ,..IthiD Ja.. thaI land bil all Id 1 b uo are u O UR LA DlE " WAl' C H of fi u l '1" . lily . al Europe an eonf!flgrlluoo. ; ' l ' ! ' , '11 . 80 .. tie e po.lpoD 10 p.rtlll, elltll .0DleDI ." ~,:;~I'''I.lon, T rm,'J' & Co.' Wnt:i'~"~l' g the iacludio . ots, leotime currellt lhe ~:nj ~'~~I~ ~g:~ve ~~:~~u : trial o( Jeffefio n 'Davi. till fall. '1'be four mlllll~Oo ••· \Vlll rh i."om· Jr 5. 0",. " ... 1 '1 uol;Iy ofL"d, n. of tb. V old distrlllL of till! intenlio I,d ' I' S J;lI.rtl c!lI.' Wal\l, . ,,,, 1\1" .. ,b • P~lu :ract ' and it. i. iocreaa ing allihe . ' ' .h .rr.og, meat .. emlpro blbl.. . 00 e .u, '" • greul f~rnl.h are he, I~ . W II~ , 'I'h e ,t ID . lateDt y' .. 1I1" r, Empero Fl'ench l." aIl901 Samuel Keaedy , 'be III,t lurn,o r of lime. .Mr. L~odll baa '·s"", (), .of m o. nnd .1,1 •• 01 coo... liP on ,bt " , rI& aad carrallg n • • llo.llIke .Irlln· Britisb miDd, aud apL La crop Am erlcall '\Valch, Co" of We'lham , 'I'he h W omio m ....ere. died near Na" bonellfree .' ' • ~ .' of cbarge and Iho. Ihem . er. wilhout . Ih~t . Blute to us e authoriz IMlise., t e , y . g inhabila nts art! shghlu t occallOll. Re."nrlra-Ily i~rorm. the, ',;I ~ •• ".of York SPrlOSI, Pa., OD. Friday, ta the ~ver tue place. '1'h. d, Ihllugh ,yoa ' di . liaICliO[L 01 Ir.nde mq,1I8 or price, all rhe • •• ""-I ,re ",lie an~. " "'''''Y EnglaD •• N N{ AR II r (rom moelly I I r aga. d baa ot ""I Jear 'bird .iD.~•• 1 thl'; h~ 10 • • I -~ n~II~Cpe ~r~i 1~~to~~e I~'; i) ~t~~1:~ I 0 1 1 ' , J COH~ Czn I TnB NBw F/\-E ~ .• eYe~ Slate. I le(~I~~~~: ·u·I'I" IOreher 0\ allf lIary AnD Butine , all inmate of lhe .iIl find .omo rrOID almolt or tl,is in mo'qe ' ~~p8rinl~ndeol jOr ~dd"~I' Ex . l lh~ir ellS8 e:er Genera ':;:b~: E I~r V I .M Prout{' .A Mt .. and ~ 'l'lIl1e\ ,Dr., 1. day. ' few I lhat, di.d New York alm.ho ule, .) aD country . Buy r8 should r ... melilber ... prt!9a Oompany IS IIul ~orlze Ie I .A ..V DI 'E X II!!Y 0 of 118 OblO, lore ere. k bl t tb • t PIJI IIdel · IInhke, Ille gunrnnl ee 01 n foreign lIluker, C.if L , ,.:r.Iiolll S , U. ~be "tl\lI~ oounco c?m. ... ha SOlDe . weahhy .~e Ive ll .• eleel. d .Iol!k of uod flU~ ,t""':-8 Hi. tfe wnrrlln thia • remar a e age , reoched be IInc., • llr MII'lnev . It 18 1\ p\lia i. rendy to , u~ e lye orders (?r 'be whl1 beoluse oL~er8. "re~ he.lth. .their (prerB (or ~~(ll\ A y ,.••rl, all Ihnee IllZoin81 the Cumpnn 4\ IMIi\l lind. I. near new five oent COlD ID ' Iums "f Ii(t,.. 10 is 11 0011 u \ll1I\}\W.\!!J~tmUIr.~ n [Q' fII\fII\~. liillfU\!l T~. Obio State SODd.y Sobool COD- plnSlln l pillce. 10 lau. 10, .n l!!., and Itll~ If aller Ihe m09t oltt' thltlr ur wlueh I nCI flle I dollal'~. d I 19\W\W II. tboU8lln ont! ~~k, Y . Ne. lod lpllia , . PhllacJe 10 prove 800ugh from .B!wuhl k, ~'l<'h Sandul ftlly ..ation .iII be belli It Ihtl BellRlc and HOIlEe IhorOl~gl. IrIOl, {oUlOd ,,!"all, I.o:le~ t ftr, pie flu .11 of l,,,!! ... Co" , 10 thllt tbey caD il) Ihere Rny day: lbe Il'aa pn8led 'IIIWDl<.e Dial' II 1r. e In ony p~rllculf 0111, ROcJ If you o( Re presenta tive8 to lIulburize .'be ,dUCCllv .Iorc, lI.ctuulOg tbe 121h 10 tbe 151b of .JuDe. , 'l'he plnce i. oal,y IouI' yaan provides be e"chilll~e.J tor lIoolht'r. A. the. Anlerl- 101 .. tir.l-cl¥1S Oi>u,,~ry piecea. cent fin or coin.ge b. woald YOIl oow~ bere come S, pria~ipll ullroad• • iIl rel.rD d,I.,al e • •ere 10 alllha/ll'llIr~ If,or PROV ISIQN coin" 111,,11 'be cal,1 Wb Udl!:h~I" m8d ., lit IWI M"'A 'iT-ED M y I,roUI/' ou, Ie lurprie. d to ,.ee "I••, irnpror emenl' thlllthe Otl' five oinl genera er8 t!D Y e sa i I k c .'r. . ,I CA.L L ~ND SEE. , free wl10 pay full r.... goiDi' .. no:. 0 8 .. ingle '1 i ealily TI d DlO e , o~ ' u " COllnlrv "vedo lIut lollcit ord.:r. (or ~ou. copper (If ed b compos Etc . I ' I ' HAM 101 '" . FISH e. wlllch~;. \ Th. We.' Poiul Ac.de .. ,. bill hal a I""~ c.n mil i,e per ccal of mebl. ., ,~, cull.I~aled. and With a e•• aU oU.Llay In cecdillg I~en~y-t -0CA UTI'OH.-'I 'he p\Jblic are clulillloed 10 .- Tbi. coin i. 10 btl II leglll le,!der I the r'"811 lire crop~ finl .ver:r rl, ferl"~z" it.pro· ~o add~d per4mellt I! A lere. dee wboluo m"llAn lbit reepecil III OIl'Y buy ed rede~lIl Iiod dollar, OUI lIeMly amollnt of one TODA CCO bibi\iDg th. admi .. iOi1 of lOY ~Idet i'be mbablta nla are le.tlJ.nw' Ius I 0: .IUII ecllillg coulllerfeits ,will be rrn~e,'u\I cleared , 10 whe,D plel~Dled iD IUOl' o! not IL aa fau a. lll~ l .Ib' all In NOTION!OI, armin. rlbel ~he i. ON, 1 wbo b .. Mrnd 'APPLE &. ~8 ROBOJ IPd. 10 pro~olti 6nely. one hUidl'e d dolll\u. It I. grtlmll1 ,ery, ,ro" . to, . Co"":a,,y Itl4!em \<lb .. W and ~.n .. fruli. \e Au e II lor Seut.. "e.-lit. the d or .... t1 p bu it live Ihap. ' ' '''. Thertf .ill b, • ,r.at many Ilr•• ber- , WI'Rke this coin enct]y " , , ~ )811 ~lro.d\Vay. N. ~. , T~r~,'. of ~ :1111] U'R-TT ..t... Wr1',., l~Hn1m ~fa rie. rllile~ lJer. tbil sea,?n, and .ollle 77 16.000 grllio. in w!light. IlJ:cIl· more •• gro Th. forelgo De~. aUMPTIV&~.'" CON '1'0 e. 011 10 f one-blli .eigll 1YiII cllinl the nll~~ \U ~v~ ¥-IQI. !Ill ~ •• A rl.8.. . ing at ner, arranl. Alotemeo~ of blacllb errl" and raapbtr \" I be cOIl"enicui io Ilia 'p et , and.iI (Of rear Iltl' bur ill • , • d " vinl!),ar of ber reo lored m.y res ar. &eking pr.ce, whieh 'rhe \llIdf-r~ilCned IIIVing been la'" weight. pOl!tilge tori. ~ E!J V I L 10 E. oDd WAY th~lIec (or e. ( r a aad time, 6rll • uh hi a oolli.iOD I~" mOlDlDt, The t~1 to h~alLh ill • 'relY wcek~. by II vesy aimp'le • eRrll ha,a, prohibi ts tit, is.ue of fmotionRI D d.arf·p IDlnl jlreAt A sev~rul tIlDe. , ~ purri're~ ' 'tad " hllyilllt i. r e ,,II' , . &. remedy I I di ..... olhor Ihing~. RII of .. hieh he pro. ng to. not \ ,9 11 t!'tRO len cenla artlr lhe p" A,.tl beiiDni BUU are l, which .lTectiol out, lunl! le& bee~ !!eve!'e u or wilh , WAI ye"r~ • e er 10 • • • Ap.rll every , ar~ ya '> .. '\I b . f J "(\11" oIn!! II dis e~8e, Con~\lmpl;on-ia allX. pose, 10 ~dt t wltb e ti tl11.. act. The colul' flod IIpt!ell A 811mber ,0 Mto~"ea WI J~~ll~~;~~."'''.''; btl",. m m 111\ . ~1 m 1'1 'f1lI rut m " .utlerfe.l.low his \0 .... "Ioue lU '"G\I\I k,.own 1:11 Ibie .eo~~ ",ill ~e. i!\'~li'~f~ 0 ~')~ , ~f \II cth. ~ 1&:1 ml\~~.rll I.e ~ Klan .ru.. " , l.1li ~ ~I!"iloo'; .\11 tbi~ Iarled •• "A •• cure. Nobl or "rll t),e' "'ran. II A wo~all Ilamed M"r1 eOIn, - atiLh~rlf"d b,r ilo'; 9 cent r .,,,llIaie 111111 ~~e. Shift 011 Ibe ?( con,,, 10 autb nyl • • Fo.! lie II tbre.. lIend 11. will for he II, Mf. , ~('8irc , 1'0 ,II " illo ""~~,,,,," ':J1-~ . ff~~~~~~~,;~~"· 8. 1'36~. fao, caolllllg 01'\11(' lore ., and" ~tlW tbe er·bood S1!a ~ o:'po.OIe of and tree ( burning uBed , aDd , tion r COllY of Ihe prescrip .,..11......, aa4 rObbi. •• ~_'__ ' ' torlln the town. W." ~eI 'III ... l\Iay lQ.1U(l~. • ,. , . • eh"r!!",.) wilit Ihe ,direr.liolla {or pre pare, n.venu t; 1'fa~ona e .· n " 1.00 $ , from "forth il (Itnt! d will lht' IVhidl ~ • ,e barob I!br.ry • . 1& I,' ••Id .h. Itol. , IIIprove _UIU.t.l)I lug nnd \IHinu nll to 1001&1100 .&T"II" D&.\ IIIl .. • ~ N E-W- Y 0 R K lb. mea'~\b'D ,'ete tbe 8ua~a1 SCbool to 8600 ao acre, accordi . fino! n ~ure rure for Cun8umpllon, ARI.JIln, Oontrol the IIIy8 Ip\~ciftl Ti'ibune , A ' y ~llbic"l la"d 'Trle II. , pro,. eme." ' ,and im Cough.: Goldd,&r; 'l'he on· J' Broll·hiti •• Libr&r', to cook 'he ~e,,~ .ith. lU . object o~· Ihh DJ.erli6er In send I!'!; the 'J ~, . ,.re I.itl to bl Inente en' min· eO"'!41 d, 1'11h 1m.11 OR k lin d pIne t rei , ler of tile Curr~ncy' m .. kes 1\ II"h!Olt .nl or , 811a There rt'ceipt8 for llae Prescrip tion i~ to btneflt the ~fBictetl. BOlUII tbe lIowI .. which aore per 860 10 '25 m rr0 I c~.ta ' Ii I h I' .\ I , t 0 L_ 48 Puge,! 48 Pugtl! ! 'lafactorie. ,of pIpeI' collarl ia New Eng· antllll vea . 10. ~ spread 10 O"OllllUII W , C 1 e conee ear I~, Id1 I k . b I t ' t " curren t , .eaj Y~l\r, . t 0 Aprt to cW" . , ; ,and hft bo'pt'l every slIlT· ble' 'lnv'nluo lIe rallo CHE MIC ALe . I.me 1:1. ftt Ind 1.i32, laDd. Yoong ladl" ar. almott.. 'u "luI' 841004 0 00 , , I e • rapg81 ... 'WOII , II it will cosl Tile Large.t Ten Ct'1~ Mlwa,i1ll in ,d" • hle-rl'm 'try will er'lr ~~ounl .ill mottilla , thee Rut ! of all lor " JJmeriCfJ. iy~ly .ag,,~ ••d ID tbe IDlaura clllre, lod )',o u ~t tirlt wpul~ .be Ibe .a~ee~c!1 en- to .540,00 0 '(jOO. io which may bt "d- 'hem nOlhing, Dnd inay prove a , bleslllpg. , llrac,tl,V, I~ a. In LEAD, ~~Io.} The ) r,rel"d be hI (enoe.. " eellon about etlln .. milk publiolh ~. 1a report. \ViII ! .1 'H lioll el~h ODe, Palrlil's, wjshing 'hi preacrip OIL, ded SiO:OO(j;OOO' for in~~~ t,AK. l~. SI'IN ealt forced. No h~uor' caD b~ b~Il,Ii' United , ut'lhe ,,~rIB ,II nOllrlv . VARNISUUt ~ . ' tuou'''D Ii 0011.,•• day. ':1 ·· nddrte"; pleaa~ hud • • b ~o d e:a:pecte a~e , tail g cro.eed ea SDlUrI, phy , .':""fl ,1.n d OD II ot he Rocky Ho(/nlll ,It,.,., Oll n IL WILSO N, AR ,y Eu lt1:v WeDel.1 Philip. hI• •D iDcolDe or c~pt,at a dru i ',tore" Rrticlel '>ortant im 8enral on h 1 year _ next to 088 W 10 waD, ,. uay 'll ill dlle. DeVQt"d clan. presor pIlOD'. . • "\VllliiIl1l8ourgh. ICinga CUU"'!),. ' , ". '11 br _I . d f ' out of to.a • d ' " N \V Yl rk ' • 60.000 a y.ar. lIe .'t. uoder pohlb· 'to have I .pre_ bavl 10 1>0 276m rom i ,,_JIve WI • . ".unu lome P OPUL AR LITERiJTUR1J,~ an . u ' . ' " _ ; • j ' ' . 1. Ihe Bou,tber n Statee. ' , . PU.Ui iDdulge 1l'8 10 DrHad'~~ Olilna of I d OJ b..Ull(U off ISI';g", tl -A e 1D~IIO"ODy, .. I , ln IC1IUIOil AND ART. er . -- - -.-tbllt next year·. C.111"1111 Inore'v-~gelabf8 extra ,'Jllvc mO'lI d' , a ,i rd 'I lir. Olni.' elthil" b' LU " f 'b U • .d A wllj COD'lIin Ihe bps I Popa" lIumb~r I.' Each ' I ti,e ' ' •. ' 'hi ', I ' " " .pillli aD d 10. •• fer, 10 burlel bi. llipp.re II ~ Ini , bf 8 ~I)Xe II .,p lwel'ly' •• • th"n t enlo year" D Inll ow corre.pO ue ():::r D~,.a ' ( e.1 fi revenU I I A") beet Demeil ic Storl.e. . Ib • ve nt oarpel' ~ or pl' . e .0.. 10 as a'6 . worhl be'lile ; hlty.f!ve hundred 'phYlic!. ' I.r Taltl, 'ille Builetln tllU,' .ref~re 10 tb., receM~t, terri. IIDd Ihilt d,d1l9til!g expend ilures Skal liee 01 Travel, beel th" "JrIhe llO lb. plrlor o( • prince. prellliCll Ihelr ill lUeln tlse ana t<r ,I,e.: . elt,male~~ Iher\ will be , 4 balanee 'Ihe but popr," 0" IjllpuTbe Saodlll k, Regi.te r etate. that ble lorna do in Oln'r~ oou,ot~,tell of uIIII Iho oredlt of tbt! Goyern ment or 8\149,. Il!ulion of Ol)iet purgllti,·e.. 'floe firdl ' heard tl, frequen hau 1 14r Sclen~e. the bPlt ' d t ~co~oeI1 .ppre• If!n 1 VAlue &b llteir of leller ' 1867. ~r : h i 20, ou beiDg al large ~tI !' ~e~'1 ~gg, bilL alY. OOO"OO??D tbe Ihey are beller, kllo\l' II. IIhorl Popular F.JI~By8, Ihe lIeSI P vema, \Y.I\en ~d"'oo .aUG11 "U tnauiur a&. oialed. F rl ay. at Ih at pl"e" b1 the ...1. of er I I . any unlll till' lime' qne atnaek ' Biogup hiee, &11 .• &0.• '" ~ivt:I SASH ARB PUTt Y, I ' tl ludden deulh anti (l'~"linuf'd 8!ck.III,1 will ._. I . ' h T ~ _ ~nd IbrOUi ht Nor, and , B,Utr lor til, Mon,y \Vho know Ihose LeI pasl.· Ihe or .. b t.o thou •• ad pO\la41 a& Ifey eeot•• me ' 'o n tile cheek bODe' 1(1 lor 01 yap lo ... eer ... .r "I TRUSSES, d'r d ' hi d '}'I h '} d' . 6 them speH.~ t~l!t, '~I in (IIIl'ir (avu. II ie I' Th D lhun .oy other, )hg~zlnp flyer publisheu. a,1 11'.1 , rhl Ie rID, PcJl e., "eltrDc lion of ' prop~hy' b'y 6.e iD the 8, rlulY whlcn \Y11I ,sove Ille. , SU PPORT ERS. . . ~ .00 •••. ID .,ny. D', con IillI •. 00, ' p.,II ' ' . y eel1~ II1\1cles . ' . tree lee. elpction . embrnCI) Ihe bUI Our roce bra Jl.u'b ·ect 10. recluna,nr.y 01 P noel are Julaa" frola fortI to fifty ,ID lome acol wotheorgr~und unlll tlie 1tbrth, W~ havl? "porta of ~otel And !,od remlllDed on iB from DickenB. Chllmb c,.; flIhe Cornlli II. oeDtl SHOU.LDEr.-!lR!C~ q:,renL directioDl, b:'~ ft:' thIS ie.eon, anel It is ' 01 danllerlil es. bud Gtl,Ar 'If'etlillg Jo'orellr lfnguzin _o ut Saturll" y, moroio g. W.. had DG brjdie ~lIrDing1"IrolJl ~i. PillJI Irelh's : D~"n' btll tl h l.t: b pre.vale h lit f It • uS' , ' eft~1 f h"" b Ii ' vel '1 rrl • tile ' Oil d" lr"'all bllshe" u p' () De 0 t e eat couDler,e ts I at h'" w,Ler 1111 tb. L1mu. I Jle.n r ••• Iu.h ~, 0 ' '1'e lI.n d etil clen protl'e. • . IUD'u " ./lIVI u" .ALL TtlE l'Oraiu~ . , aD U"• 80 te mg w "re L e re car· ".ft·01'd 8n ' cO!,lntry "ro\1n tl. I~~:::.ll of orl"inAI IIb::~u:u' I::~ ~y ~~:~~~:r 'Pre,.er.1 ~e mall', ttl appeara oce .or aO!De time, 11 a deatruolto~, belore. 'fue. B"'ba~ occleldn Ihllir ,ny al it. there ~ad. mVAI Will eea.e. N S b" """cli, I LweDty doll.r not~ on tbe Firet ~ali9D' wh.r, il p.. ~ed loob Ihe col!ectloll ~f , thoee Im~~rll l e",DI18t' . n npll' '!r ..1 c;on)..!nencel a ew. tory 80 All lue leavea trQIl. lewete a ll qllR,n ;'~II\lMi C bee" ~oIffill,el In P whQ ' E!I ~O"IC L A l B Ilk f ·P I d (J 00", 'fl Ie' .n- .,re 'beDt off of the treel SPEC. .'" bail by Lhe nn,.' em;tled ort.o, .'J a ~ mud, uuoger .(,u lbe body f • .J~eal~h. , Th ~y , 'J.y Ihe BUlhur 0/ 'EoI' Ly • . ' fruiL !teea aDd Oath. de" A'd'elai Dad, ln, DY8r.epH grAYI"., II exo.llen~, but .om.wbllot diff· It took ~hll bark off of III. on,pltll C Llvl'r cure ,~ loon ~ . ~~~ I hearl 'l'I. 'HeJII, b Ihe in '11 e"P,dn h' Appetit u( The a La gciaulno ~b. NY, frola DE~'.'I ereot In deei!" KNDW THY 40 , IIrge pine Tld.Blo ry .ia or thrilllri l inlere.t . and 101 er '~Il , "ro:"t ." • '\lUf':; PDill ill th el,I Bre;el.bohe~ Sudden ~ '" treea look~d •• I.' " !ey had b~en 4~nled , equ"llb «!!"mlililllJ~le" 'el\Y dIe ellrly (lilly • all 'by SlIld ' ,. ue Co&tlve and paper I. rad"r ,rl"1. htlle,s }'ol MADAM .. E. F. TnollTolI', the Ilreo! ElIg10 Dardena A. of the tn len ted Bu!florea ••, r. CIT"rt8 hamme a "Itb over liLwhile ' LOlil, Se. ill 11111 ... 'I A J'01l0" L.ady, Ac!elli. h,le" Olllh wi,11 lie Con11'itllCI ' I' e. ' (46-4 I' I A • I"11114, ,-.~eo- reillectilble, delaler. I," medicIn • at .D opeo .indow hi an 110d. Yegela bl, ~.~ ~II,ey ,lire .bare,.D , Th. III Btro °tISI • ai,voY~D ,..,. Ie ;:r t<l tiag uleep n, who haa ft,tDllI shell t e IClen- ;-r I I , I.A;. rD ell In II few weekd. A8 Ihe' l\hllftzlno Iii ~ ~ p .. fRiIlDg or II e hmlJet lulled" grellL dul rnelrlcla ,, ~" Ibfl Old WorllJ, ho,l.now o( cl'nsses tilic 'II ~ill hnil the ' H A I R,-QI LS, ouitr lO' Aa dl.rOI'yped.,bGck numbe, . can be supplied Itock or gluIry· once ~ole "e~i1a,'W , .orA'! w , other In ?~, lapp,r .tory, dre.me d Lbat h • • Ill 1da.n!l N,.Y."M . lludtiOn IClCII~ed herae\! It All oewlI deialerl t~CI ' nt Ipn centl e~ch. Ilay!! 8100h ·\U powrul iag to catoll Itirdt, .nd jUIll)l.c hlirougb ' nelrl y. ' . In lwuntler lucll .,. .0 !lo' ,ieI' , Itolf .'I'hor,nto a \poaBe... ' . shuuld hive Iho I\Ie~azlne, blfl wheD IhllY ' h tb . d ' ~er 10 . ~.ilie~e~ nntl White ned, "'~! 0,11' ,Wilil!)lal, e~ or ....o"t,aiabt, . .. \0 '~II.bleimporl. lIot ncctpsible, We ha,e'lbe follow'll lf ,are witli ed re-clolh be ll J1fomen relf a ID cln e. ~I~ ow ~O 1 e P~',II~'~' b~lo.• , alld aD,thlD i ~~ll8ped . I~~t. I l1a~ ,~aD ra, 'Di W\l'll Impurt knowledge of tbe 1}'8011lt S:-I copy Olle yeur .4; 1 CI)PV 'fa.:RDI , a by TIOIl8, A'rTRAO UL X-oU":HF II \oJllrec1 \um"lf 'hat I~ 11 'hOllllh~ ll .. p'C!tec.\\oD,' Ihcir ,I)Ce 10 ~h,CI ~.lllllle, or married . 01 either o!1 ,U. ewtq~., ,1D e SI\I, o( ~'ID~. ,be by 81; ~ porilla on. fOllr 87' m. monlh" Ihree . taliB' ul . wonderf will Ilg, r.oove' ;Whlle ~\I ~ .'III~ of. trollce, ahe-lle. ~lIigl' appJlcutJ()U 01 that 6 I!oplce olle ye ... aDd oue extra 100111111' , N H h~d l.ately m~rne4 .a' or nur ~er)dl"~. 8UJ (M'lle ' . . ., milD, on Oh ••• A. Cl)ok per. the of feature. ve~y • ., HI. houle bl,e" down and 11I11el1 111,' linellea 11,e $20. • tn, ,0 • . Ch,ilta doro'. !lair Dye, A well.lel eoted ..Iorlni.n ' 011.- ..... .1I the bOU8e1 you are ,to marry, and by .Ihe aid of 811 in. m1lul!l c hDe su -·J'll.i. qcESS.-; Su ITa' ,ladill8' el; mualach and a .nter.d. Lhe arlll1 ilia volullte er before "ir. inltlntl ,. Nearly ,whisker AI lile Griz~llld known pow,er, Int'ense or t .trumeo 'I'lroof, were Ihlll 20,It. w•• t.el'l yeara of a,e. He .. n- Ihai ,,"e aol blo.a do.n \V,hich Ihe .pow ".f age hn,1 pre- elfftclly ,D,et -.; grea't public wlnt, remtoiD •• ~and- ~8ychomf)troPfl. , 'Rll.rallteel' to p'rodu~. ~ ,cu,rl.• ' 1010 coplell Ife no,,' prill led. Addreea 0110 whil9r Bandy, led, ond dfi,~led. ; mlllur~ly ed about 00. year . . . w~u.dell' Cour ed. Very Iiltl' ,Iimber or bn~bend , plclure ' ."r the future Put.ll.h el FkEDE RIO S. HILL, iaD'. The oropl are"aUerly dUt ..OYld, Iafe·llke lb receIVe, 118 if by ih'''ic ' , ' . wllh date ey-brown liillr.'''0 N asll 'B L, N ell/ York. " N 0;. wife of. •• pplauot . tOllelher • • , I S' ,II .1 d I I d' .. D yeara b. bO~11 0 I 1'< Irum I I . brqwn or ,ck . • &Im •• , IDd DO • •, fOllrt. I elof 118 lorn ao\& co~,oo. • I" OCle Ularme,.d II , Q\lIrra~l!e, 1I0.lt 011 nile, ea tnillreh i lie rlreat . . d r•• 1 a 1'IDlloa or IIIDIIY'1I1: dollar. a .iII n 0fb e~.bl q, t ~. tor;,oc!ll"'. c?o, ~~ ..e of characler, &c. ThlB il no humb\l.ll', ae Iflis IIRroile,l s bOlanic.1 Itltlr! der"'np .r.-1\ G R ,E A. T SAL E 0 F . by 'J. '~ I1RISTA nORO In tlill COUP- thoU8indB -of . ('ei litilonilll. Cftn OSBert. 81\e' &tanur'c'1ured ,oropa Tu~ ar ag.,lp. ~ . plllqt to Or~g. by Sold New ·¥orW. ,. • , bd the raiD, will.cfnd ",;hen 1ileaired j "clmI6e d cehlft' Altor HOUle, e WfL~ , eers. hlalrdrtl AL,Lh. New York Academ y cif YII.· Iry were narer 10 iloo"" .11 tllta by Appll.d . • i 'I :, 'J'ho~1 ",tlo ~lItd, 0' ~rltl"' 'luINnl.e, fhal ,Ibe plutllr,1 "';Choie · nit· ... ' ,f ! ,. -" io. 011 ~bl ..eDiDg 01 lhll l.te tire, wbil. coutia ••• to. r~1J "ver1.~t &0:. b.abl8 lto 1."hll ' ltpurpd!\.'o, ~., B,Y8'IClo 'i",1 wllIao\ laad bolto. Q R. A V I N Q 8 J &. C. bate N d _ b b l!:r~~, . :;i~~:b 'd ':':r~n: M dam G eQt!r. A I. l llll. placei ,Iptin, ~' D ' . . "f'I~lir, 1~1l" "Ah , i.' ir '"en ~or~! ' ~f I."k' • (Q""~ roa It iD ,iot.u A~L " LIIUlEIIT, If u.eil 'when edala I~ anaDl ga,; 0 . a IPlpel'" .ork thai I,rl, j'''' UI;~OI!'t\lln a,lj~ I 'Wmplulo~,. .ltJrlted 'Vau'r lu {, ' ONE DOLLAR EACH te habilS. e .pera, .a. rell.DI to ene. Ih~ .raio ,"" t~ I\op .ao~. " TllYI. temperi of pereillli b, I.IIell 'TIt e!l ' I~.mped ,trl~ o..cenr ~ot ~ ,Ible Ie an! ' .110 ddinJ" . Oire~la, (or I\ew .c;ent II,ree ~ twe ItraDg~n Olml 10 ller room aDd b~'a 10 plant oYer, .lll Se~d · lhe In {:~;;:~"!J ~;h~ medlC.jO! ,b.. ~a kaowa ~ ,Iii ~ko~Uh. ::1::~~e ~e~t1 anJ' d~.~re\illliiollio ER ~ BALDW IN a,.,i.. her to .Jeftye .1 quiok. , po .. i. pu't '~!ld iDl~ 'h~ Inq~Q~ n.\•• ~ Alt d Sa' el ,o..er 1I0 )'~-r-. TIII1~... ndl Addre.. WOOLEV Alholl1m m~lI. rel~~n by lofll'. '.1 I ;., , IDII.a.'. 30tb Ar_port N. Y: ActiD, tu\ere, burt. IhDuflo ,e' or "Iih, AleDtl.f 10 .be W., .r I\~e~e~ faIled Addrrn , In coaft~ c:;: ::~c c~I~~~~~:~":.. w.,JC • credly eOlllicleo.'iel. ': . 'p ':.. , " wei r~,, t ' 'O ~I 7' I·. I, A '0 P '9. Tilo:JII'l UPOD thi • •Irain,. lila i&aUledlltall left r. r die Ibove E. ' ... inaerlin . S.- NewlpllJJera O.~,.ntl ,dene.., MAD go Th. b~lIll1al-holt" o( Ind al tho .. who IIr't trl~cI en, 'cumm • ' Y N HI/dlo ~8a, Boa .' ' ,. to tile Imount '0' 8a. .' • , " G fb • room; • .1S.61111 '" h, are. noW. nner without 'lt, tl'i tll.-eho l. elr'd, ~~~, t"li' notice CO" lo' 'hi )IIbou &I, , '" : ·S'O"~t Old Dru6 . , ~adOii .". rd •. ~~~ ~.~ '" UfD'! ml,"ed ' . mak. "Dd~nt been . . .A. ... 01 Iw'adl.1'II ban era 01 1848, Dr. 1'01;111 .uenaed 40 ell" .~lId TR 0'" ti, one t '~ plymen iiilated •• ely,ID ~ . . e .h.llrec Uabih"e Idd,,", Tbe o, Ii .. (all.d. h X" k' d oa' N 1.1B. , ... dlo.t6,"-la'- ~'lJed. lnoT~1elodo. i " / £UOOoOOO ' WaJ"ellYm.,.'" .~. P'D. JD ebonr Dam ,' 1 11l e. or, an per apl aLfrom £100000'00, "0 , 'ft. .. ' ' .. ' U E-:~YOUnl' lld, and ceDlleman in tb ,"ood •. DirecU Oll.:_T..... a telipoont",1 JohnllOn'.' ar... molh Gold price p.ld, d 11 ~ater e''''j ~,If ~ou, horder, 1Iy' ,.tUr'D mill. poll o&iaer pi ..... br pr'MDl inr 10 lhe, lady tn a wlne,I... , r ,01ill!lh1nlf POST · 0 Fr 1 01 '~r i I" I' ~l> t~ 01 . the ',co~paDl Iy. nl~ ,~r 0, hOllrll.l and rail . ,tte ;abqoa;.l1 '!ld four doll,t.. n • f tb. lao.... wb.n , tbe bll• •acl w•••~ . t •'terlinr ! ",\ral1t r ID ~ '0 muo ' . . " ' .. To n" 1I!1IhoD ~laiJ.e.. iJle y , wilb ~ell ,i~I' April ~f biA t . I • '~D• •lh. U1I~. !I.ue~ (fr.. of ~b~'p) " • ... , "- .. I . " GAR VJNE al . p ace '0f. ~uela..., wb._,. p~. ttl8 ID lce ~f, .IDID, 1e •• 'blr.~ ~B• .A.'~~o MonHLT for'Jaa . i. a i.!~r::b~· ' eCI"~ill 0:11';.' :,~ Df belp, ~IIJ' ~beD~~:~ .... 10 t»e.aD ord,~r IorUl~~I, ia r&Yor 1:·:':':::~~r:~( cu~il wa Iino. jo be pure. · •••• t 1e:I1:I· = .ten~~ dl~t:: •.• ra A1I'0'he : ci:f: tbr. A..ri. ~t In' UJII . ....... . . iapi' III pr~,b. ag reli••1e :0' 1M! )aq.bl. d. ~.~ eo~leetl ' InDoce nttotilt el."'Bti llr: ~tiI b"11! thle th~b~·er" ro .. .a4.11oa Oolite, &1I.lro ""IIIII" "IIII. ~~.., a 8. 10'" .. , . • , . ltotaa ~U'lel riD"'I , ~-= tac1e4"'Jorb
TO HuMR GAZ lffl.
186 6.
!~!~. W~~c~n!Tuenc~o~~~,~e~·llrelldt'~ .
.I~\ity ~nd
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to be oa t.be
II Ciocin If~il ., Culum Pittlbu Ni,hl "'I Nillbt )1.;1 al Pitt.bu
~ i neilll
'.0" n
Domest.·c Goods,
~ :~;:;~~I~:':: ~~r~~~~' ;c~,,~~~II~~~,~, ~~:~:- NE W ,G R' 0 C E R 'Y Wh ite
DRESS.- " G c1
Sha wls
EAK T R DEO f!l.I U ' ".," .W.
, Ho op Ski rts;
eIG An s,
° .. I.,,,
WOOn and WILLOW WARE IIA ' Bro oms . Fan cy Goo ds,
"i I
mm vmlB IlSL
'WD fDO W -OL e..,
Pot ent MediciDes
riagl tion
."' .
. '
' ,,' ,
lPlI~ Ill?iI~~J.~'~~
PE RF UM EB r. ,
to' Fo,
F dlr
CEBIJ! AMILY GliO , Sch ool -BqoJcl; '
, Jewelry,
Physim.,U'. PiescripdoU'
Oaret~ny ~n4 ~~p.", FjUoft
i-I "
oJpnll oo_,.. y.
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'iold.~, ~_••
8'7.1y. ·.
'.l1flJ ... 0"'..
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~~~:;o~•.~r,-V:!Ay~, ·' ~~J~.~~'St:~~:' tt~lIte. ~,:" 'lib':: .
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an .. h!f
UDioa ww, P.~ (Ja6e... a... ,n:.. w . 0 .... .." 'Ia.~~' o:~n;~ 10 c... Ba1,. , . pro.
••-Ia ,Il•• dI11.W••• &atioa II .prel" broad. .&• • • the I ud Ii• • &alb "i~h IID... Il.. 'r ltie door. of ever1 hOlD. i' bebooul • eYery IIIRO and " oman "bo dll!rulb. "elrlUe of lheir 0"0 householdl and Ibe evaogtli"lion 01 lbe worl" I'n gao ' " ward .. nal. to keep oloae wa'AII aDd "' lhal ~hey and -t"~I· r. lire DO' eogulpbed
ST.u iolf).
bARetCI"wbrllldi"e. U • ., 10th. 1816. '1 Y. r ... N_IIII, D.D. • • WILLALD p, SJiA,pa, or hicllo:lIIe,: (Ioro mer l, 01 Non Seuli.I.) 10 all.. L UTA R.
.1. DOD 01,
Ca rnbrldj:e.
11 II)" HeueD 'sh ' C olce~l bleasingll ~ltend lhem II r o h i d . I ug • 0111: IU hiPPY life.
Ilertbant tailDrt
Wbere rnly be found a cood Itock of in ~h8 dreadful vortex. forner opeo \0 U T n ' .:s:::s r.e 'Y8 lb l E n OUI1~ .;:et801l1 dellrlnlt to e l , eb un "ary and un. tal! e. v· 'fit lb~m~elve~ (or aotiye life by " good Ni,bl Expresd. ery min I annu IIhould be hun,g on prAeuell. bl11lRe... education. wi Ia:rg o Han jUlt rece ye a new Illd "ell·eeleet· ~a.A.II'IS WESTWARD DOU!(D. ' lbe ou-tn wRlI., and e very voicl give a to .oberlm, <?b,O, an~ ~~eDIl · for a ed 8l,~ck of N l:lil Expres', 4.35 A. M. decided and unequitoos l souud for the ler~ lb. BU~lIleas ln8~llule oC Calkiol. -1(T i and Accom., IlI;1 1.25 A. M.... right. · Gr~ffio '" Co,. The .,,"11 sp ead pnpu· y P illsbl1rc 12.09 P. M. lImly lh llt 1I1111 Insll tution has. ' g1linl:d ' ' illcillnati Expres~, 4,221': AI. .,AHho.ugh tbe . rlOor d. of the plllL of lale ia w1lhou~ a para\lt!1 in lhe his~ POTS, Culumbul Ac co'mlft'n, 6:26 A. nl. Will tei lify tlld much h'a t been done by tory of commerolal Ichooll. Aod the SKlLLITS, .1)(\ not stop. private individllllis to' restore lhe ("li en pro ficic~cy of its g radulile s i8~a IIRlid· CLEMENT, Prec(del)l. to pR lhl oC virt ue and nllevinle the of of the un to be lw d Ih ere. Don', filii to OV AL. CAST-IRON HAIR OIL, I. W. WOODWA nD, Sup ·t. eulfl: rlbgs resulting Crom indiscrelion, len4 fOI' "circuhlr. 474w. . FANCY j . D. Age nt.. I yet more is c..Jpected- from SOQiel ies __ _ _ SOAPS, &. 1'1 E --'rE: "-KETTLES .. . !& DW4I.LA DEll . I LLS. xprt f ll A.qents' l wili(;\1 bave for Illei l' elalen~iblc objec L gr AN f:X'I'ENSI VE S AI.E AND ~ DYE STUFF HORte E CADWAI,L AD &R, Te/egrapfL Agenl. llhe reclamatio n o f lLe druuk aul. Yet (;iir IHSTIti DU'flON of I'iull os 1\1.10 E ,. of a ll Bizes, S, ' fi ' t ' r I deo.".5, Oolo.l and Sih' m' Wnre , ' j . no w "~illor o n N AMJ!JL K1E1.,rrLES. p _yo auOD .County UDloD Maaa CODVOD' . DO Ih 111 6: DI e IS per" cl. u every or. \I I Ih .. Salesfoolll of M£6l!.RS. R ££II & ,0110 .. .•";\ 0 ' t d < l ' A11lo.'TS I~.or II &I&el l, at \ ,a' h.a l qU I ily. l.~ , tion. ganizilion. wbelher moral or rlllig.ioul, 3* (. iller'\, $ \ .• N. Y. Th~.e gooo.l Me 1" leI ,a \ SRO,.V, ; , 'ONGSl, " • __ is to be foulld tportal wt'lll;l ell, aDd , in TWO DOI.bA RS E I\ ClJ.1 .. ilW'u;;.a . UP 'SAD . OILS, 'I'll. Union men '(JI W Ar re n Couoly I . t VUV I1 . Sc ud ·r WEN'1'Y·f'1V~: ' ~:N"rS for IRON SPOONS ' VARNISHES, r('(l'luted to meeL in UlIIU COUTen . 00 ml\Dy 1D8 allo e •. corruption . . '£\)06e 0"0 nUlllb. .ad No lice. 0 1' O Nll: DOLLA-R (or 'TMA, &. 'l'ABL'E'" do. who profess mos t, too frtquenlly prAC' S I X. • • fh e lIululo ...· 011 che b NO l ice CO rr~8jlo n" . ~ • " injthe li.ce Lhe least: lind hence il ill eome· ~' ,i 'h lhl' Dum b ..· OIl.81l11lft nrtic le of ..ooo.l .which 000 ' ..... L • II f' MEAL SIEVES, 0 ,) URT ....~, .D.lfON, limes l~e case tb"t the lawl regulalioljt WI be IC Ol?~ reCb,,,t or._9. ~he 1I10Jl~y ",ill OD Saturd"y, JUlie J 866. 11& J iocieLiee Art! nOl li\'ed up 10 Dl.\d lheir h e .. II Ib61)000. do IIOt /;,,,'e I8t ,Sf.. ctioll. KNIVE'" k P. M .• to elect Six •Delega tea 10 properobJ'ect is defeated • .n.. ~<oo l' e ly n , ', • '~"j 0 1' B Circular. TY·FlVE n ";J,;D &. 11110.. POI' " ANlD FORKS, k" i n ~r#~.reI,'Dt Wlrret\.Oounly In lhe Stale for lllll'" benefit oC {ltllen bumllOily P. u . Box 5138, ew York. I" ~ WASH iBOWLS, COlIyenlioo ~t Columbu. on Ibould be oonducted by ffl.NI ",110 fully Ollice : ~.l Uherly S l. .12 1y CullilUierl, .Plain and Joparl1ltd La,,· 20th, kl eleot dulegatee to the , unden tll nd the princip les laid down for I , " ., . ~tlrlt". for '/.COQil oil; candl~ and . I 0 . fl ' T I ~ IJ:lr Do 1I0t suITe'r willI uy'pl'psla • I onven1l8D 0 lie hird ltltei r government, an, d widell Ihe, bind , \Vhell relief is 10 clQ8e • .at blln.1. • ard .'0' J ,al80. ,a larg/! Coa"re8i10na t, 10 elle~ a Oounty Union Cell' Ihemselvel to adopt.-men who bllve Twenty lhousllnd people hne tillen eur· 1 \ ,jd..,orllmt1lt of Com~ille.ll . for thtt enlui,n g year' llhe ~dvantllge of yeai'll. liberal "iews, ~d of Ibis lerribltl disillse in the 11l!I' 10 'rRnsact-RDY other busluells that chanty. and Ihe \ilT"est posaible (>n ' by t.be use of Rohaok" Stom"ch ' : ' , ,. .V Cincinnat i Expre8s, .bit and Aecorn.. ColuOl bus ACCOIll., pitliburJr Expren.
'7 .1i4 A. N.... 10.37 ~ . •• 6..:lB 1'. \If ' 10 O+-~, . 1.62 A. II....
S T ',0
G 'S,
hll juit received,
i atent Ittbd tltS
Direc\ from N'8W.;Yorkl th'a 111rl8ll Ind mOlt complete ,,"rtmu,
. D
1.~ l;l'lltesllmO!lY
~.~ef!l,~sK'\ln~e 'fI\!{V~~
GRlpD~ES, . ·
Cassimeres, 'PU1'S .t.:~n Y.A:NC'Y-;
'In~)NS, '
Picture and Window-Glass, Ever oferd in Waynde Lamps, Lanterns, ' • Chinmeys, To'whicb he' inyites tbe .Ueollon o( bl. Ind ~be plopll .; ,eDerllly. N'otl'ons of a11 ds. lIumerOUI. cUltumera
'_o~-.'n_"."uelore th'em. ' r
dowment of the mHk of human kind· It is earoeally hopod ,hilt lhe impor . ne8l-io II word, they lllOul.1 be C/iris. 'isluetl be are the countl'y aod the (ian'. WiLhoutlllllse quali6catiQns, if "ill induce a Cull aUcoda, oce lit 8uch' arl in post of Iionor; tlleY CODV:enlion .thllt m:Jn who. __hallfit· tit lubject8 forreform, and f)lIgb~ to be' nprelent;lbe sentimellls of Ihei PlIl'o go verned'. inllt~ad of Ileing the govero'; in thia Counly ana, be ,cllolfn liS , • aDd t~lIt.by inlllTchllOge of Tholie who :nllke the IQu.1aet prelen. iew'RntHulioga "ei m!\y all be pre . tiQol to are evet to be 010111 to enter underst"ndiogly in,to lite 5ufipecled of f"lIibility; th 2y have nev. . n i ere b ' L to.l~ mpt!l lion C:llllpalg . per lIpS, . ee" lll,bJElC JJy order of Warr.. u Co. COli . a8 have olbers who hue been templed an I ban falleni and lillY ar, _ _.... _
)'~ilr BILten. £
Rye;l?'" O a 18
I' " .'
,.:J " ,'
FI'J4r. 1jl Il lV t , LB oUrl dtc;nlll ·ar l1,th Eggs POlatoes busliel,
g~~,~e.~ ~
,~ .li~~
Ind J. will
~tlT..J.-\N· 'Q ...,; , ""
ETC•• ETC • bo'th ID 0 I 100 ' a . ' '¥l 0 .. H! ~~ . .~ '~i :'(~JI~(, I[t~Q9alt, ~ " Q.:., A complete a.llurtment of -. <k ·ItAl.llIG, (] ~oo Gi ~ n B O'l'8 . , A ND S" 110E8 'I ClJTfRIG ~o 0 N'~ .& R C H' ". .a. ~ ' ~ .... 15 := . '. ,.' ') til -. -:~ la nO,n . but the 200 = g . ~l" · ~ . ' n !' • a.!II ROBB'S 20 '~ ,_ ..#., 4 ' '-'i'lUr- ' ~ 6t -.. .. . ~ , "BEST WORKMEN , 4 ~~ :: ~ n ~ U " t '0 HIPPODROME LINIllENT' ,I aro employed. PO
l ho leaat cbllritflbla ·to ,b01l8 differently
, ~8
'" ...
~f~~r'~~bnr:;I, '
~h"'yli Drill,~ Applp. ~ ·f
.::;- The wo.Ol "row en oJ C oske. 1tf"disOD', 'OhRmpAi •O'n. OIinlo:-: and OC'due co~nlie •• met in C<>oYeolion in . "'l Spaingfield. 0.0 Hie !l!2~ld IDst. ' ~ III al\elldeftee wa, IUlle lind the intarelt One boo-dred MId
b~.iJ;e~ . '80 oo '@~ 21>
" ' hent ,1il
Family Grocenes
of th,e ~e,t ' llll'terialond "tyle, Qr. 011'& ~WN !J[ANUFACTVRE . . ' i"I \'1'11 a vlriety of : • •• r .. have ' " ,
\VU1Utlfl'vllle Market•. I
' •
Ollrtfullv GorJefte(J E wry , Wffk •
iD~. .
t II
',' U.IaIiIN,
consti-luled, wllo trne do not claim to be 'U' HI mnsu\nt6 . The ifian i. thMitabl, . N-ew'/I'lrlenns '~ 111 ~ 1~" @1 20 " ', ; Po4 I. ~, PARLCfR COOKS ," , . , N~·O'. lUultl~lle8Sugef ~"gail~lI, S6.;: ' • . , O::r\\;'B are ,c,?nslaIUI'1 milking additionl. Icu ionl, And fOl'gi~, in.g. H a brolber lSor~hu~u 1 00' J it'! ":"--.'0,'Olr , Clill and ' hAl be i. ready 10 a belpiDg COII .pH 1ll gallon, ' ' 80 f"' • • . c t comparo . . 1 dad a pie d' i t \ : . . ! : 0[ , I ", , : l\pril 17, 1866. , " 42. Ifttt ·D~ 1ft'! n " Ing v,o ce 0 rei ore "'a'x ' t" ..I. ' t " ,par!lr ,Btone are of dlffer,ent kinul .~ I ',. ' . • ~ '3'. ' .. .-u, • 1H i.. to hi, good ,aocilL]: and " .~' : ' .Illter or W'bod: '( be • J '1\.1EU'T } , ~ •• "..._ I 1 ~', " , < . " l" ' •, bellOCoal, pUI'cb'lod IL llle! .J.... 'I~'l' 'A .I.".l. QUU . ... . " :." ubibilion for if 'repentant, tor lve iab',him ------. ' p i jV", >. " ',... _ ,., " I, _I • ,'..., .l PUB'rOK ram 'Gen, gRin t.o hia bOlom. No misg.icled .' 'fM GrfGt },lIIofllion of 114. :Ag. iii ","" ."., " .''I sll ''''''r'lno, o"nen by youth "al .,er a:ee.laimed by, hluh .,. I. " I d lllli', • Id\ ' , . " . " v, ,.' " , ' ,A L WAY B O·N ' H,All D I DJ,,,, ' ' :;; !" VI == '-'""I I!:III ' an" " " e 'ao lit' realona!)le on I ' I Bp"n Huffmlln. (!f Grelne, lIr. -William .:; C" tIJ , lho' lIl11iie 1!lrohl. ·' I · t , , ' " , i '. L ' . t.l1e firl ' p-ml'um Cor 8e ce . beld out rO,1: hlS re'urlt to lob i" tie, t,; '" ID ..,.. (') (;) .. "t ' . ' II , .. , • too ;; pOUII'III Illld" l! ·;aly " efforts Illould beimllde,. I.' "
pr~""" o~ 'hj,m Orant~'
PIS ar toves
pl1u~ein' ~
_~. b ~~ ~
.'~" .~ ,
~J~' , "80c~e~y ~ ~. ~.'
oaoe... of I'lfep J05 pOUO!!I. Ie no tlmee, aDd laveo'.T Henry Warren, of ltAtl\ '(o"nlbip, .bould, protecllDI{ arm I of Greene count! .'ook lbe 6r.& premium be held out tq plead wuh a : pro~I,,"1 member (or be.l fine wodl, ewe and Ilileoe, the . '.: ' fourteln pouDd, and • Men js to ch ,ood, fife oU,ncel. Uriah , ·Wil_on. a ndgh ' prin· • bar 10·Ur. took the firlti elplee,of the la"ve , premium Cor Lbe Spest buek aDd . E"e, lillie tillS. road to , ft,ltlher loag '''001 ' ,beep. 'I'he fleece of the aDd, wlleo • . ,;' rim weigb'ed- tbi'rte'en. po~ndt, .ix aod cont~al'!. a 8hort' ll¢b1~d IIDd III~be'r"1 • hal( Olllle... . , oourse 18 lakeD, thtl loclet, B.OeDillleer· . , . ,,.' _ ...._ ed, insle",d t)lossiog. muel 'l'UE PHIl.NOt-OOIOl·L JOURNAL CO.r June become (1 by·word tlOd reprollch io any eootain,1 porlr"its' of Hon. Solomon aC/,lI)munily "here it mat,.be lIiiCabli~lltid. Fool, Thoma. Jdl'erson. Alll'on Burr, This ,era. from' ~hc!':K?,!a . old CoD,laDce Emily Kent, Jenoy Lind, " ex,p reslel" world . of 6e'l\ll(u.1 IOVOC ' , Groll().of I foqaill drtIT"h Iodia·n~,witb . lio08. which .~ould b~ the p.ra,er ofe': upwards of twenty iIIustrationl' Rnd erll1oul: , ,.'.')' lkelch~1 of character; also PractiCAl 'From ,,\I blibdnen of lal3l1ft ~ rrom Pb"linanom'y. Luve aDd ·Love .... Mar· p.ride, vain.glory "nd .hypocrisy; from · J'" . ' ' , . ' envy, b"tted. lind malice. and all tm '" rlagt ID4 Dutorce, ( 'ClIbJl C1. ~vela. clwrUaUeTlU''- Good Lord dilitlei' us !' tioo and Science, ¥(lur Likeot/as, Slrong , ' ,.. , HiD, ~' Preachers "nd Sutonf, Niw YORK W EEKLy ... .....,.......,. _ . ,1afAilAZIN G, -Th i.
... .0
, o~ '."
~/ i;~.";~.: "~~
~1 .....::!!
. :- . .
e'" ~ ' I- '~ "
, ¥eep our
,. . ,
" ' *GIE
A~O' . N T l!\ '
T. T .. DOD~ON. 'lo,'...1
March lIl, 11116.
tllll .sheives .
'*'C;k mQvl ng; '
the above ~kirt for' sale,by j
,I -
Don' t
l~~'u . J~e g.r~'6rlJocktl : . glJ'V~ 8y, but 'I've UM n 'wipe.
bope~y '~ nil
colli' or ,olhllr Wlie. No m_iden, wife, or mother Ibould be wilhout diem. T;y them-u,•• ccordin, to dl,eellon. Il)d oe CO!lvIDc.d lbl!l \h'J Ite tI.l wy'.
'HAunWAR£, &
c1e8, wHicH, nb laoll"ekflel'er \vho kno\Y'p thelr1vah'uf' h'ulld long bl·1wilho,it. '
.~ ' yo n o ,t~'1 1 klul Ipr . palt (ov orll, ' Ind .lr i et .Hention 10 bU8ine"s, , 'w,!tl) a" fu I we'II'.ealecl.C! flioe k, to , me It '" 'W\ill morh Llllieril sluml '"of lbe .'
.... j '"
~ ~ DDtS .anb ' ,
'Are prepared o'nly fllr Ii leiillmate"pur. pon, and are, the only lale tDd ' ef.ctivI medicln.' lor ,(emll81 ClX\lnt. Do not \rIle with ,our b8l1th. a"a UI' Clleop IDd danaero!,\l me~,llline. wbiela
MRS. WIBaLOw'. MyaTlc PILL, correct al\ Irre/lularilil. end pain,rul meoltruationi remo'lle ' elbetruclion., whetber ,from
1\1 rEI. Winslow'S 1\iY15t jc Pills
.Druaaltall hue bouaht. Ind .wll\ ,ree. cmmellcl, bel!'1l Ignoran\ ~r lbe\Hlullill~ •.
CLo[aES ;.W.RtNGER: We h '~OI "(s~I'Pply ' df' lhele use ful ·Uli·
Em&rS()Ql'S Little.Giant »
ALLEN & RANDALL~ 'I 11 /!ti)'~fllIi~J9 ~.,
QUlI pric~" ,~,e .. low . -" ej8ll\Vhe ~e you go,•. ;.~ G«oit'Q\ecJIli,lIIcB yoif ",:Ant · me,'ld your old builers anti pipe; , Ih ' I ~ , !
FU' ~" 'NI'S'Hll ~N''G' GP.ODS,
,,~et. ue ou': ti~e be imprOtiJllr, :, ':i1h,lt Il, rd;li mll':l'nd ben, lOU lilY nut ,b'e alile to tloxJ i1s.
ltDfS M,
. .
. ".
Aek fo'r Kill. Wl"8LOW'1 :MYlriC PILLL
T"iie ~o ii'e olher. 3 t~Jltll tur
. Price. per box, or
Felr IlIle b, IIll dtujliell.
.. I' .
:'- /
, G~t ' ~"lIly ~n.
Oldw"lIa, ,olum~ ~iLh a new ' llorf by Mra. ~-o()\ cler & Co. have reoeived a nllW Ind el. (Ruthore81 ~f -EaJt L!nne)-~nlltlel:l . . ' ., I d 'Lady A4elalde'. Oath.' ' eglol lot of goode. mcludm" Shet "n . . .' , ' .r • • alld PqinL Shawls o( lhe fincst texture, 'f~1I ator) -J~d~lng by the op.lI\n~ "h'lch t I b ' .' .• S'I chllpters-promtlee to be al full of .. are fll y ene an.lOg anu po • ., . _ . ' 'I' tirely irreltible. , Allo, ladles' ~od chil~ d~A~"~IO IIlt~o~Jty , "8 ~h~"eadler w~rk8 }' or eiren', aait . of I teat Rtlerbl and of tba~ rlmou, "" ~lter. I he NIIW lork a P UT :.., • d . _1 dl I. I . d 1M" work mana ' 1"up~t oa1·1 0 f -hicll we ' n ClC&JY ,1 , eClue 1 tue e l4!ftPCS' In. \I I . " ,,\" ,. ' •b~8peak 'be particular attention of oUr best ,wee~11.', DO~ pubh!'bed In lb~8 LllII \ " '· r"~d '' , ".' 'c ountry. 'l'h; ~ erl. . .,price '8 'Ollly ten , cen ls n 1.. . •__ • oOP1..o," " per annum. See adverti•• . . ~r. O ..~. Killl'b"lI, loag inownJ ment in "ribtbe'r, column: · . 1\1 • ~ID of, much IIltilily in this CQUO , ,: I ~ _,ao • . 'y. naa b.clQ IIppqiDtccl ·~boo.) ElAlllin- .g-:A fire. lit Oi~ Gily, 'Pa " 'on tIlt' · Ir, by Jud,o W.il.on, io place of Re" , '26th ,iu8t .. d'e , troyed 'property to the a · W. W•. Oolmery • .resigned. ' ,. mouo~ of one · mniion dollllrl. ' 'with lin . "," ~. __ .: " inillrallc,e <?f onl" onl , bundred lhous ·
t., -.
porn'" onc, II.j:,ome.all • .' " , And Jllve \11 a 1'1111 j • ~x.mln. flt~ l oprlelvewi} Doo't. (enve our w'or" to' -
PhYlic," Culturb. True Politeoelll. How ~ery elteeilenl p.l!riodjeal, publi,bed b, '0 T.I~, F'lbion~. e10. 82 a y car;- Frederic-k-S . •.Hill, 79 N""Ilia Itrl:bt. Fowler & Well •• Haw York. N~. YOlk, hal com!l1enced itl lileon
~" e "". " CiJ .-~.' , , co'.' ~
~:,A.,'SL ·
~' .
of ,:.
lIiDl.' CLOTftfttG
"t1 .. ,; ..,..
' ~~~rn It~ o~ ~he
exarnine~ ~rice8: S:tTIU'l' FOR"t0
--::J't 0 ' t:> " ~ ti1 , t"4.,~ n e.. ~,. .
~bo', ,ear.obj~ct
,oOle~y.t~ley ~o; ~phohJ. loter.e~ta u~efla~ne~.;
R~~ ~bv ' d~eire ~o olrr~\ ()1;I~' , l ~~e
;:,lil11ftJ~n: '
~ol ~ ~ ~ bu~ ~;o [ ~ . ~ ' '~ -t = ~' ~ ~
Ul ~. .~o.e
~~uu£t \9Cmt\\~': ~ . ~lJ ' ~ ." ~ ,~ 5i' . .~~ 1~!1f ~'A.:Ell I~TI~~' .'
lrllllmeDt; ;ev~ry l~du·cj:menl.~lo~\dbe
,~AI~ ~!8T?
MBI. WPJlBLOW'S Qn:BII 'aEIl II QUEEN, Dol ooly 10 ftallll, .bulla
arMrl. Bi..co,'l1a~ ~ ',ary ' t)\8ly d· Ihi!. " , ,1' l ' . .~ortme~' of ¥i!liQl!~1" goodl. wl~i,cb 'I\~ . ".:: ~ j .' ! .. . ... " . ' . • I .. .. alwa~l; pr~l!,,~~d ~o dispose ,of ~o . \he 00- Oop.~f,u~~1ao~e~i O~JIID r,6Y1Yed bellad,antal a. ' , . '" .~g.eta~f?nln ,tbl~, 0~1 b~o~bo~dQn Silt· ~_ _. ~. r ' '. ;. 1I~d:~y .,D!llbl ~1l.d;?Sll.~a1 M'! 1 t
E·. Kleia , leCL he.re. oa' . , ·
., ~ ~,.!, '
.)lQlld"1 ..r~f O~k~!oo'~f'!~." ~~er • .be , C::r,~f .acell~b' propo.. ~ to relDalll for,a Hlitia," .. r" w·! lh ·eal, .~DCi 4
.. ' 'iZ- ~' . '
.n,! tl"~'''q'' ,..ew,
,\ " I ., .. ' . for 'lal,'.\t thil.... " \ . ' .... , ~ The DU' ~rlR or 'tll. Coltr~ ·of . 'b " .. t ~.0Il P.... wiU oOm..." Oil lIi. " ~1~iUl~.Il.gl1~\i"B.hil.lor hl, I&Ia 41, " lllb'i ' . .' . ClOIPpluioDj i. Cor .1.br: E. It. PriD~I, 41J·Jftl
' 0
t ~,.
" o
. . W
OB.OlC'1 ITQ)U H. BITTERS, after of .sperl.... 1011 1,lal, han ""',., tQ be tb. 1ieI&. I"Cmed, esUU H roi "\\ COlilIalol' ,.he.. " I~ ulu and IUmulalil are r.q"lrod. l ' bo, 1I~. . r ~Il to • • h,ui ll•• D
11,000,000 Oollar. Worth o( Golll and Sliver Walche-, "plendid Jewelr"Fre'jch Clock., Diamond RiRII" Piaao., lIelo e· ona, Bewi.nlr Ihelline., Silver Ware, &e. &c to be diloosed ur at Two Dollara, article. withut r egard 10 "glue!
rOC(!tved with IU much "'or ,'-' Stu· u c..'. STOMACH »..,.·..81. lu Olilt~I:O
The' following hee' been relolved, t~al ill cODHI'quellc8 of I he freut StagnallOn IJf 'l'rada and in order 10 felieu. from pe· cun iary ~mba rrQl8menl l ocee.ianed by a dl.lrel8lnlli War, Iud. 10 Ilvoid
n AY EXPRus-Loavee P i:tsbh, 1\ pr illl:ipe l '~1~3, Arrlv 01 All oo n". ul 8,.10 A. M II,
liKed ~y CQ II·
!lACK'1:! un"I' EIIS . llOuhl I,.
rone 9.112 !\. nf., [01')IOCI'11I8 IO.6a;' Lork Hnon . El '40 P. n,) Herrl'~"" I ;20 P. ~1. . Bullill'!oret 6,30 l'. I Sft Yur~, vin All e lll o w",U ll\l . 4~ P. ~i'p " ntlcillhio j lll b.b!> P. III.. bllt! Nel':'y ~l V\D Philudel11hin, nt 10.27 P. M. Ol~
;"I6t!CenfA ' 0 eh'engtlual th u liYOlt tr.. tlun whl eb alw.,. Mlo ......~ulo ~~e,...,. lu W.
which It lak tl l, In llr ulle r' rau,,"Ull ~ , aml at tho 'proper LlUIO, I1ro 1\ . url,) (, ro \,ou t ifl
of 1IIlIUAr u"tun. i "uti lira hc.' Uc r ,,8
,euUvl ror bpluuuluraUI\)Wll ul, r
Arising ffonl E xcuu, or Indiscrctidn. The constitution, once .tretted by Or. requires lhe lIid of med· illine to s tr e nglh e n and Invillorute the
eani ') Wenkncee
ti,. w..
In .fI'ecllons pecullor to remll08, i8 line· !JIlI,'ed by .ny olher preparation , 011 in Ih.u.. of Dr. RODA{lK'8 8C" NDlN'R eh 10roMill or elenlio.o, lr re llularn.i8l, In AV/.,AN Il lilft I KD IF.8. K I'(), ' lb. \luw,·I. open wJtb tb. PlIltl, anll ,nvllJurKte Ih n Pnllliulnell or SIIPprenioll of f.U8tomnry . y.tem b7 froo UIO or luo BrOUillet, lllltol'l'II, l'~vacl1stlo ..., Ulcerllli(JQ or 1Ir.Ii [rru. &1010 or, If Ibe blood I. thlD Ula th. 'i'url nor. 'I. . o f thp. Uterus, Leucorrhml, Ind III cOinUOH an In ..1IJAII">ronl .~J ,hould b. kept 11I..... r' r~m\ll'. K op the "101. " In lul\ p,laint8 ineide,lt 10 the sex. whelher ar iaing i llor a ud lIolhloll' 10 [0 l •• {enrod (rom dl" .,.... or cbolera. Tin; 0 "" IU; ),lJlIlL\il(rom habita of di.eipaUon, imprllIleDcioB'1 . Vo uot be d_I. &~ bl IlU,·ob ... llllJ a"1 of or ill lhe decline or ehlnie of Li Ie •.
ilU:l i lll ll rp.
rl'tI free .
FllmG"",8. By thill rOllte, Freighls' of all ' ..
I IiOll 8, inr. lucJing L'V E ~TOI))', wurded to IIUlI frc. m Phil odde.hil" York, Dos toll or BB II iinure, Ib" aM. li ll y point "'" Ihe We's lr rn Rbilwlfl.
PRINOE, 'W' A'LiTON· & 00.
to Dr.
Uo i inlild d io'ecl,
0.' W. no....o~, )
D~' Htelllllere, freitht ro n or.~
wllrd'll to BUY u C~(j&tli ble r uin lon .:rs ont! I /l kc ~ or IIle \"\7f81 . I · Fc r l"rclj: IH 'onlruels lir Silil'plril - - - . - . : . . - - - - -- -.- -"-'--- - rccLillll, IIpp ly 10 or nddr e~8 eitller F O ·U T Z ' S lullHwil1 g Ago ul a ofIlia , . • oan"'...''!'11 S, U. }Cillgalo ll, Jr., Fl. A .... ••,.B, flO ,.,ul8:1 .&ue 71,"'d 6.' " . tJlS'(,INNATI,OHI"
'HOrS8 .
POYldOfS.' ~i ~ke b rpell i~r,l't~~ H.
...,u.v,.or.·to l
Fast F"~ 'gU,
" ' ·Slelee Service. \ Fqr the Uniled
Pocket t;ijld· Belt Revolv:ers:,
vi~ Ptnn.'!lhu.~ iu
"lJroad l'read" Cllr~ .', , Which t!ln 111rqugh bc\w.~elJ tI. , lid W es lern clll.08, irr e~pcclive ' gOI! o f gU PlIo. 'rile 6u io,,/'1In8 II lIlh(lrlzotl ' F ilet fo'fI)il!ht.. ILine, ,vorked on "II !lle, '~I\hi8 overl IIlItlcri,dl C8 1:'1 IP," s li<;r l. llnJ~1 \ hieh SE'cure in th e rroPQrl)' ile r. hltrge; t. lre bCls~ lo.ejlil fe uuifufln movelll c ul, t hut Iltll
C lurkll'& e.o. , CJl ioDgO, III~. \ 'Il, /', N I 0 L • ~,';E ...,
141111 & co., Muriello, .~ W • .H . & 1:l: II. J)nl'lgley , G.• !Ii~oIlIjO .
• ,
r uult',
'1'1 01\ E'f )'011 TIlE E>l6T (i DCIItUII~t~ lOll, by UIJIII' or R ll il). plls ~ lfl g !'!Jll d, COli be purcllu.sed a t ail' . !ll"riu Ii S. Fure lie \~\V Ib by 0111
ID .wblcb tb.dl.l04 cau rei,..
U'u l!guge checked 'I!I rOUl:'h Dlld
are (:olDt>O\lftdnd ti t tbe pareNt drnCI, au..
rn,~" of Ihl! ,Urinlfl (~rg~ns , wheIh,r. exilling In mal. or 'ema.le, from. wha'~ver cauielorlilnltlng, Ind no miller of how lilUi' l'lnding, It i. ple dlln l In tOlt. Ind odor, !mmodia.le In ita acl ion, lind more 'Irenl!'lheniD~ than Iny or th e prepu~llonl 01 nar k or Iron ~ 'fho. . .illJ'ering from Broken·down or pelicat~ COUllitu\lon-, procurll tlie 'r em c~y lit ollce. . The reader mUlt be .1nre.lhli,t, howev. er Iligbt mlr be tbe lunck of, the abore dlae"e, It II' lure to Itreet /Iill bodily hoatth, IDllntll powerp, hiPPIIP88, .. nd Ihl' 01 bll po.t~riIY,' Our Besh alld blood are lupported from tll.e8e .ourcea~
.whi c h it PitS ed pO~ 5es ,. 0:1'" W h.,re lime· ls ". 'IIllrhnl,lled: icl1url' .of Five tellt, pltf 100 lowed ro r uell'lI liulIs.lvI' eve ry d y I li n I i!lle e'prci6(' II, ' ..
}o'(.r (ur ll,cr illforrn ft.tl h", add" fuil.o l\ luU j\g.!nl8 ,.1 11.le 'Union PI'" H . W. Br!JwlJ,1l7 'Ye, l ad el,. I :::I. n ,'I'hull her. 239 N. );IllIh 61. l:1 " m'l F' G !'n l, ,1I1din'l~ptl li s, l l1d. E. P. Ur'yn nt,'I]''ltr'e H 6 111 ~. !lId •• j W , W. (; h D~ldl!lr, C hi nao, I.I!», 'fh~
P e IlIl R~' lv U ll rU
Ru ilrllQ~
na,t "SH Uma a'.ly ~is ll lor Illl:;glgt', lor Wllnri'" ApIIO"f'I,' ftlld lill'lil \h~~ s po llslbilily to olle hU(I,dre,j GUilDIII.
.AIi 13uggor: o eJrcecJilig I • will be 01 I'he ' rli k \l l}letll '\aUIl by a .peol81 co ,., :ij. t. \V ' .U"',j l '~"l
ti t! ,
III vult
1I·' Pnn""'tor ; 1,
". A. FOU~~I ~ DBO " AT . IL ·f
I _I.-.t r.'
S upor i n, f' nclt"If. II
. HF.:NRV ' W,
Gen'l 'J), keL 'Agelll, ~ I H. ~I . 1.1 . Utln) ' . G e ll 'I ·.F~cilllil Ag nt~ PIIII,.
II 1 •.
·'l·b " Grow.'"•• ",., ", , ,
fil tll ~, rt!lni~3 I ~ Vrc
'ROLl"~" "B JlRtJU ANU ,aI"lIl(JINR I),I!POr,
blnrl1y , nnU " ft,t r t\
&bit Olll"'" 8 ........ '
I'll un~urpU ' 811•0~J 1\ I"Ill .•evel ricl\ne~ I., vo·lumo' olld" v .ll~r, ioll1t;ijJ'l
US Franklin,St.. ialtimore, liItd. ')'Irimlll p. lIl~ for1R. p,jl ri o~ I~I For 9'alo b, Drupld. &nil Btonlkeepil.. tbl'OUSh- nolV . prolloUIII; ~ ,l bv the III III
- ' -....'"
"l ,our o\\'n
19t 'roa4.a7, Be•• York,
0" , H>l!:LMBOLD'S -
per Week I'' l're ~~Ii IY and .c~enIY11 ~BI!. l.l uh !h8~p'
Del lon ,
home.. Eitl,er ' f'II .• t1l1nbI P. 1oV.t!r-slrnng bnu, 8P '1 An AGE1"IT wAnled In ev~r.f City Iintl II'i""08 \ve J.rC' · , ·c lllng Town ill the ,United Stalel. t.,~f' Plolil H Iii! 100 10" ~~V til,!" ! leallzed. 1:liY' 1I Ii re. p e elable . · For hl ' l hl h ~ra 80ld bYllny 01 partlcull,., .ddre.. OR.' WlAltNF.R ' ill the conn l tt. D"n S-S) 6.4 ,~ll8t . J:lth I3lreet, N, ¥. cil Y• ( , "o'ld pio ll tls yril, ~\lY ~-:-:------_ _ _ _":"::"_:""":"
D CdCrip lifO Cftl8 logl n, I)huhlgraphs of. 11111 CI\lr t ' EIITIllILY ART"" 0llo~hc r ,vitll ~.rice8, N AdJre8s 0, 'J'. (jARJt;y, crlil ~e II. , nO wltl\'o It
0 A MONTI. !-.<\Ilent'l wlln. $9 . ."' ~d 'ror tI~ 11£\11 O~1\I , IUl t O'!l, City Bullc!lni,. BlcI~efo"I, Maine.
IOll ll~'
Me>dm l, 11111\(\8
h nve hllfln:..,WG and III Ille th QlIlIh put In·,colnp'ellll.'l~ Thll beal 01 ' 111 Cough Syrups lor SII!e (rom .u r t.he 1:1 •.~ ..
Jack8on'. ' Pectoral J!lyrup, ano,
, E.; R, PRINTZ. 1Jabeat ~U~O" 0, T~IJT~. J A.~J \ .• • A peDtle",ln.",llq 1018 lu.ft'er,4 r~r },enrll .~':'::'-,.._..,...._ _.....,~~i.LJl.~~ from N~"oo. De.blllc,, FrelD.'u.' DecBV r ' II, ,
Ind IU tbe '~cl' of 10nthlul iodi.c~lo" , WUI ror ' ~. u~. or Iderm. bumlfllt,..
D.ed It. til. tor .. "lei ,h. .IDlpl. relD~1 II, .wlitU b.' .....red. Sur: r.r.r. wlahlq.to proll ", I.we"fee'"
leod !'tee to .U .110
~", ~ 8.frJVlluH: ""
01 c~,",n'e rldl •• ASK FOB BltMBOlJ)'s. •
11.1, • .
ud dlrectloi .
AD .." 10 ~ U4,.~ln~
Mo. ·l. C• •Mr. _..
1'T'1f •
• ill I :Pro
FAST LJ NF.- Lr OI'('8 l!il1lbur~
r. M• • slllppi"lJ ul1ly II I flT!I \clllol Arrives III .A IIo0M nl a ,IO A. ~I.; Il lIr!!II< S 28 A. Ill:. IhlllOloret I ~.a~ . ' "". Yoril .t VIII A IICllluII' II, 4.10 Phil""~lpl li"t 1,10 r . M, snJNew v ia l' hllnd :phin, 01 li 42 r. ~I . <I< nr~alifast\ t Dl1l11or, 181J!!Z1. ~ nil Ill, ,1111 oll,tr trains, SIIIII/Ofl SL GJ:.PIIIO CAns Me n llarhed Ip l' r~i'18 10_ lihiluQelphiuf NelV l'ull
ING OHO LEn A lift s .Iw~.v. lIeon mn. h 4lrt'~.doo \), tho JHl ulle . fll.d Jl 't)I' ~. lm, o I'flaorted to aU JI1i\l)ll l' r u( 11ItJ'llh: JIIO' 10 Ilrroat tho PfOgt'UllI. but \flth 1i 1iIuli lh: 4kth. A _uti curti autJ IJ reyuu t h'o lit. to 1)0 fvuud
of Dltt en. J'n rch ... none utlur. r htlt Dr. 1108,,01t'8 STO~IAOU JlITl'Im 8. wlileh
( 1) \\III .
...1,1. 111, Ih,lOlU'II. of 10 man, fW "YMpC!pII'a. or ' &I It i . mOf'" cl1 11llUoil ly called Svur Stoln.ell, nucl ther e I. nu UJioIro Ilor rai n r omudy thllll R ob"ck'il 8 t l)lUtu~h Bille... T/iol Aro .... . 1' kD OWIl 10 (Mil.
tbeqn&ck oOittuml nndftr th e "A.rf OIHI nl\1np.R
t:! ,OO p. M. ' Io~ jlillg (:ftrs rUI! ' IIIi Iruin Jroll) l' illsllll'g.'lo Ih lll milluM Philadelphlu, .ueld to ~ ~ w Y~rk , viaAItI\.
OUNT I F.lI or t nllll S~ utb •• ,,,' t ho ."011 01 o f tho ~1I •• I.. h' lll .... 1 Ito lrl~ .. 1llflt!8Llh o uhlllrovltlu th l'lUoo lfOi with ~ho Tl I TTKI18. T ,.... I. !,ru bll l,ly 110 on. dl..... 0 wi Lla w\ll ~h II'.II" III ~ .,. lIlUlcloli
I' HlLADI'I, rnrA Ex rllr.ss~ -LclVel burl! til 4,IlI r . M" filuppllll( elfln l atuliUIIR. Arrives Dt p. ill, AltoCJll1I 9 .30 1', III.. Hnt i~bur. II, nl., Uullinwru* 7A.M ,. New \' ork • A\lllll tto\\' U, 10,10 A. M.. P " lf~<lthl'I _~ /I. n,., ttll~ New Yorle, 'vln Pitlladelpb~'11
I"oulll ~o lb&ro without 111\\'1111; co u ~tA1It1-" T ftC IH\ nl.l Iho nl T't' KllS. K8 H d"f·,lt"Hrll , cail llil81)ldohllo ami m nlnlli ci ul1.:;nlul,·I'ud ~y In hUUUtllllll1 lWtllnt t!d wut e f . 'J'rn""l c r~
P.i\ilu~el~II I'11 "II By 11118 IrullI PP Koengrtl .
ol Union Depal, W e!1 delp ll in, dlrllclly to g,,'pres8 New York , rliochlng Ihore Dt 6.30
tone t o thn cJtKC.tl\,o OYI;I\U tl , IU1Y (' I h..,r knuwn n:~ IH~'-''', Now tll1ll th o wnl' l.lIut', tuero will lIu tholll1anJ" flc t.!-kl"g h om "" It , tho Sou lh. No l)~ l"d\l ll wliu vnlulJ" h ll l Uo
invariably doed , If
1\ ·M. IrOIlS ( rrccl
nud ,1.lnl
A IIOOl\ht 2.46 r. nt., Ihlrill'i.
8. H)t r M., errivllll>!' ut
"uli .11 r..I~. ut' or Ill. r.uk rh· .r-~"lt o m
" FItKE '1'0 EVEnyuqDY.
NO Ilrollgililug Ih ••yt t
OillCIfHlA1'I E XI' RI'. -Lenvea P hillo.. 9 .[) O A. ~T . , 81nppl/lg ul nearly .11 ••,
li oll 8.
1'10' llllh,,'n,
8.val~m, whil'lI Helmbold', Exuoct Buchu
treiLmenl be sub· miLled 10, conlumptiun or ill80nily lOlly
GUide to Health and 'Beauty,
Comltl"h l! nYtll~IMlID, l udl gl~e tlnll, JRII" · dl ctt. Kh.h:01 Comp!"lnt. HIH! 1\11 {'IIU'n~O'
Ind lor lhat purpol. they hUe eleCled
34 ,LIberty 8t.'eeC, .111 tllttr E xclulivI .Agent' I
[LTO S ~I .trlc l. of lb. W<)It Atld Soulh eliol'll li M n,r n 1011" time, l~eu much ut""lrda,,:,rll l. o r S'l'U~I ,W II DI'I"I· F; ~L:t.
or Dillon. ' e,'er", F01'er IIu,1 Ague , l~ ivar T
llO A .' 1\J ., 8101'pi llJ!
milled by O\l r mH8t I ~rlwd 1'h,lflJl' .'" thAt .Dr. n ylJA K'S !\'rI'~'A (, U UIT~ . 'f);[lS .u lll~lu. lh. prollCrU ... of a 11 01111•
l tl l:lltl,.4h ,,0 ~mclcvt aun-blll o". "R'''nt, Anll t p\"\ hell ilLom"ohlc. kUD"U to the woil". no.
82,000,000 worlh of good. (roOl Ihe lr alock musl be aold 10 Ihe cour'8 or ell[ monlbe, at
Vila lJO,OOO buill .. wore .old lly ono drug .ho .... In the I""t ' e.... It I, ad.
At PitlAbu'l~, Irol ttll from Ih/l W <! t 10 II .., U,.ion D e pot. \\"herl;'fUt Cll'rB ore trbllsftlrrl.'d io the · T lint .~ J> o ll\l ~Y lunla Cenlro l Raihvh ' 0 ~ l!l nve pillsburg Dlld arrive e\ olli~~ 1!~ki 8S follows: \IOIlII
lb. ""'''. Imp.. t ,l lor to tlle 'tro n!f. 'I n all .....11t.1. ,.·.Ior. ,b . u l"9t1 nud brokeu (\qwn DlJu.tl~uli (t1l" Nu ruo\edy bn.l bftC n
Grand International MUling of J/an' tI/acturw• of Wa/cll" 4 JtWllry.
'fbi, I. lhe Hm who wu ~cl 1114 w~r:l.:. b .. nno lock" tht,. »011100 tho Cure th., Jay III tWo ..u..a&Oll1A lbal KIai' _4e.
em II
~~lltttigetntnt9: ======
'.L. . ;aICE; M. D.
=.= ,'
" .ee' " eS~;;;D Nortll sa,,. Great Reduction in Prices! :A few doorl above the M. E. Churcb, WAYNESVILLE. ;;04
~3~1I . BV'A.RS, ~U
:fOP, CON '="~
It 1)_
EY~CE , '
N®'fAlliV lPmrm111!tD~ lVaru.,:, vUJe, Obio.
, ,4'. ;JqN~"
. ~.
\ BarlOl beit tOllrleJl n y , r.~ ,xperlol1CO , ill the pro,clice of Medicine. oB'en hiM ' Pro~edloJ\a1 Services to the cilizen. of
lIIalu 8tre~ Wayneavihe, Ohio,
PI\l~e, my
10111 ! . a week heth (\nded, One the leu for tbee below' In thie week there hgth been blended Hope nntl (ear, an'd j07 aud woe ' Weary hell'rt, tbou canet not mur~ur O'er thy eky a bO\1I is CUI; • One week to lhy haven nearer, Courlio gather from the past.
PaUAe, my eoul ! a week hath ended .1"'r'I81 itl record borne for the .. ' ' W'fiom cppreeeed h8st Ibou befri.ended' Who the happier been for Ih •• , Hast tuou lov" (ur hllte requited' To thv lIeilthbor wert thou true 1 What, my loul. haat 't'twu neglected! WhIt pertormed t,~ou Ibouldat not,do ,
PeU811. my aout 1 I week b .. h eaGed, Time i. beering thee aWIY; I hllve now on hand a IDrge and eler ant Only ror awhile eXtended , atock,. 9.1 • , OO""OFFlCI! on 1'1,,; Sireel, Ihree door. h the life we live to-day, ' ,Sl!ulh or Ibe ~IIAlIII A ZEt ~j,:. Office. What m~y be upon the morrow, God ill mercy hitlu (rom thee; (J::T Night c~lIi1 promplly responded 10. 01 my own' manuf.cture j OlIO, a bel uti fill But 80 Jive, come joy or d(l rrOW, A.s Ihy day thy 1I1rellglh shall be . ~R, S'l ~' ussortmellt o(
.. , to Wt!8p o'er Pel'a .till, (ealure8. my litlle ..lIration I' he erle.d, lear. of agony; 'uDder God-my lavior!' in ler b b t ' , I 00111 II ove, mUI rejoIce Bertil-no" a arneal.tu, Cbria'; for this .ketch i. not Bertla ,ill be a .hiDing ad .a"ell' from the burning, 1.0 Ibe heit. of a10r1. Pel. do not tliink I ever Iwr back. eV4~i' I waiLing IIngel--my ler"ph guide couna of heaven! My ODe liltle that Duer .pv.1t lhe hearll 'Ibat her a aingle lpang, 'Of lIuch i. em,' and wllb such. my blua. i•• fUt'8vermor ••- Walck.
arms wiLh tlie eXClamftlion: 'Father, 1 have Illen Mary.' '. Mary \UI an iof/lnt 11181er, to whom bome, a eaiile of 'lo,. tor abe had been much attalcbcd, "li,o dl~d bani.b hOI tile "ord• ....,.a ki,. of 'f!e~. .ome yeara before. , to pardon alltbe . pa~t, and tbe, h~rde8A · Her fathar. tlll'nLI'ng ller Illl· nd heart L~~I ever looked itself ".i.tllin ,ths ' d." ma breast oC "'ISab mea" will -~of,I'D "tfhlel' ""n erlng. attempted 10 quiet her: bQl char d b'd I' ' I" h .. I ahe IIlill insi8ted Ihat she IIII(J eeen her II :"han, I ler lve, al" e. 'Ilael ' J little siMer ' and lhal Mary bad told I Opfl, '! y are of m6tchl .., . bh ....... :colTl'l1 UB. 'l,RE PJ(.l OTI,OB OF CLOTHS, S"ved. h~r .Ihal. i f 'abe took a tt:88poonlu I of of"~::n~~;~O!~da~~~ c:por~g\.or:. ~O~If~' nllr.le flold and sweet OIl, ahe would get . '. J y. }I CASSIMERES, I believe the boy oame in to steal. "ell. Her flllher told ber 10 lie do"n. , - ••• , 'In it. val'lou$ brnnche8 ; nlll to be exrel !· Why else did he c .. eep into Ibe" kitcheD and he would 6x tbe medicine he gOI II" 'The~ were b~' h ;o r"iiu'rea ill' VESTINGS, &C., without ~d -anflll.~e ~4 . ... Npq . b.ul the ' , knockiog. , from town. tbe Virginia campaign of 18'64', whioli' BBBT MATERIAL u ~ ED. Pet WAi aitting Ibere in one of her . Sue preeenliv ~ot up Rgftln. ex:clailD. . ought to 'haflt· \jeen .ueee .... ,· .aid which he is 'prepared to mn'ke up 'in Ihe LI\Oug I11 fu I moo d 8; I eould eee through tng: 'Fatber,I hl'y lays I muslt~ke Granl ' 'a. nd Ih o_e "el:e ~ Ibe 1al.'1u~e to Ihe aide window, though the luxriMII I~~e 6.oid now, if 1 would get well; 'Uo CRpLtlre Pele~8burg. "hfln wA .!Srolled , g!ape ,ines hid me complelel1 (rom gIve It 10 me.' Ihe J"me8. a~d atterward at tlie min. ne", On hi8 rt!fu.i~g, ahe again lay down eltpl0810n, Bu,,' addlltl. qraiir,' 'It"AI •• I 8t tile At 6,rs~ aight Ihe boy Itartled 0111 , on "he lounge. Prnelllly .be -got all (or the be., we Cailed-iii Ihese He "as uMoutb-::-h. "II ttl,ly. Not , ' ..._ time, crying: i inlLaDoI', (or. , had - 'w e .ucaeided al: olll v thllt, bu, hi, brO'w wae 10"; lIod IDeline4 to be (luanelaome, 'Father, I musl liAYe it; Mary IRys eilhflr 'i~". L4!~, "oll,ld have a', 0,p,H! , , to me. hi8 eye "At 'Icioul' •. Some cbil ' -I mU91, and tlllH I must have a toolh b,een obltgec1 to a~aodon Rio~mood ; a.p,d., Bait, ,. "in St" ·Wa1ne~vi.1h. Gllnllem en, i nll and e:x~mine atock dren wQuld bl\"" .creamed RC .igbt of . WalO,Me a, ,Jiul!' eliD1 ~bujU plllled. I muat be bled in the m~uth.' wo~ltl h\ve been able 10 leuur·., ;. , ;.~ ~-'-.. - ~ . ~' , belore goilJa"elaewhl\re. 'lIch an apparhion-Pet did not. In. rich . . . Jew. riding along Ibe Her ratliff told her to lIe~p lIiill. in retre'alIDI~ tbe.· inlerior oC th, 'Soutl), G:l!I,1l)(DJ&~ AHllD ~Sf A '1r(D rmlE~ April 10. atead, a Bmile broke o,er her (aoe like in the Stale o( Georgia. "heD a ·.bort time abe 8crlll\m~d tbal her "here be "ould' hu. prolonged lb" Re~aired In ~vnrkma"lj.ke ' l!tyll', Dt Ihe a hurlt of 8unablne. a man d lr i,inr a dro'e or tooth hurt her. . After an in'erval of con lei' for year.. Ollr " r"nllle, \ &bell~ low r.et cub price. flnd t!nlisfuction WAR· Pet made us ofIan tremble, oft!n tbe belp of a ra,,-bolled .ix b..I( .. mibllte, ~he qried out a!{lln, and and Ille deter,?inali?n pf t~e r~~~I! 14 a~nT£D. • I ' 3.9·t! 8i,b-her father and me: Nul tiull apecilieD olf humanity. Slop, .oon raD up 10 bel' rl\th~r, cl'yilti : hold on to Ih,t lf capual .glhe ... ~ time to she wa. preternaturally good or giveo leal DRmed iindividual, heao' 'Mar, Baya I mUll have my loolh utend our I.rl ,8olub 1urd .. \'0 br'nit up to e:a:traordinary .peechee: but Ibare him: , pulll'd, lind at Ibe IRme mome'rit tile Sherman ,from Georgia. a'ad Iherllfore "aa a strangl! altraotivenelS about her • lire thOle your hogs?' lootll (a sound one) dropped OUI '0'0 the made i.t impollible for Lt, Co Cloape.' 1 -an une"l'lhlinel8-though we wO,uld eir, I am itt "ork by lb. floor. .. 4.. , ~re now rl'ceivina dllily from tile Ea8t, never say the "ord to each .(Jlber. Ht!r ' 'I'he little iirl 'Ioid: 'See, (alber, Ma. 'O::r Th'e de"'I.1 of Mrs. Th~mal Oartheir Spdng Stock ·o( , Iiule lou i seemed 10 8019' out toward pRy may you bu getting. my ,ry hili pulled it; nolY, do get the 8Qid.' Ij'/e "a. eveD mbre lingU'I", Ih'sa wonld 'WAvNEstn,l.E, onto. '\'" YOu; JOu fel' illlpelh,d to apeak, aye, 'l'he lIitonitiiled {"ther lilltilly gOI a ~e ilDa~iDed (rolQ the; 'eleir~phia menen" to think purell in her'jlreSen69. dolll6tl ,a ' ''9Dth and "bi8ky tllB'poonful of aoid, apd mixin{f il "ith tlO.n o~ II, ijhe laktD" be~: Iltual , 1 'N othing human repulted bert I irA" in,' wAt Lhe rleply. sweel oil, gave it \0 her ,. PreYiously, dm,~ ,I!l, ~~d,l', ~"rk ., bell) ler J!'\ dq,,~ shllddflred to le~ ht!r cl,u.op .. ,l ihhy ,Iitlooli' bere; l'm a weak. lilt\e a. we hiige atRte,l. abe bad been.unable ~.~lO 1faa run8'~J be1l4, '~,er.b~oug~aID. .~'t.. , 'alld- pC'o",";'I,., -apt- to I .. al\ow h bul aile drank. \b\l mil:lu:re Wft' run over . "Ioarr"lge ," Tlili "ailtIe c!,eature round , "". neck. ~ve':r'" bedy "ai, 'lIicII ~ tllla hu, aod in ' her uoon me. d'ye eee Now, 1 "ichout any trouble, aud rtl~ul'nil)g, to mal was Dot mucbCblltt,·· bit'l ,hll " mis. ~ArLS. \local>ulllry; .!A rce nleaql good. , give you t"en\y-he dollara , a' '.he )olll)ge. I~y 4Qw~, BIlylng thaL 611 ' Irull wu greatly alstmed. ,.she Iif~.d HINGES • . Bllt -1(0 b8c~ to ' the I'ollgh inlru· mon,lh 10 ridfJ alorig \\'it h .,ne ana pro· .he I..Id 10 do now wail ·ttl k!!ep .till.-- lhe ,4og into ,Lhe carri'lIC" ,.nd tj}eJl 'tllT'f TS. del'. teet me,' ~aid Mr. Gll.I'dtloe,r. 'But,' be Mary said thBt abe woulll gel well. died 10 .ud<lenly and 'il",ntly dll'" h,r • SCREWS; .-I ll' a.tart led me to see her IImile; bu't. added 68 a III him, 'how lIer 'alhor prepsre lhe medicine ,be coach.t.all did DO' kno,,' anylhhlgll&4 ~ DE't ~ IN \ LOcKs, 1'n an instant lite buy looked .thamed. had reneived (tom Ih_ phylioilln, end hapPIIDed QDti1 he' came 10 a ~IOp~ 11 I , LA 'r(,)1ES,. A f1ulh Ipread to the purpliah approaching the 10,llnge.. told, ber thaI " ....i.l.. . 1 •• , ' • Tl &0." ..te.! undtr his eyes. · ' ded tbe .ix·fooler. .he mll,1 alao take tbia. . . B"1.'be , ladie' - or' Laoeinlf. lflchl. , • I ,:rfJP: ' /fO.. r 'Is '~o hUlIgry ?' cried Pet, i~ Lt·r 'Ju.t Ihe mfln I wlsnt. Is it a barBhe at fin! p?~itlvely, ref~sed, IIlYI~" fau; are adopling ·a nB" I'ylo 0' dreln. "aiti St. Wa.ynesville. Tiley. 11."11 now on lInd aod thaI Mllry lllld I' Ihe d,d l I~ ,,?uld kill t IIppeafi IO,COllsiit of clotb ,'pap~ Ji", I 1lOIIIpiete Block of ,..,e I$ellt Piuliburgh cleal', _mRIl, birtHilit! voico. A mo. gain?' qlitlried GllnJ:tlner. R"pli,lug of allkillda done prunlplly Bralld~ ment after .he elllllrgedJrom Oet· (lor, Six· filoter r'umi'Mt,ed. her. HIu t, on h,er falher urgIng hllr, ~h~~.e , wor~ by lJ)en, and , .o old'fA~h;. , . in lirlll- ISSB Btl' le~ l I . I ner with R lo\'ely rosy apple, Iha& 'till· 'T"eDly he ddllRn-dQuble "ages ebe replied t~I"t If , he co~m"nd4;ld h~r l lOned IndIan '''"mpu,' or llick, 'whrclt ed bolli wee haod s, and running 10- -nolhfug to ~o bul ride , iound Rnd to do it, 6~llIl'I;~uld ~o ~o, bul Ilh~ could co~ea.iult ~bbvG 1/1. knees. E,erfs,rEOTAOLES! i ' .,. ~. " ward him, her eyell shilling. 1 lhougl.t smAsh ,. f~nqw'a lIIug' occ61ionally ,,~en nev"r forgIve bun. JO'r II 'UJIluld ~1'Nl.erl \lung II lIaj~ to hang 'rolll toe " ahoul~II eJ(~eJle_' 811!'6'~lmJn i- jll~i ~received, tilr 8 r~ ;"; rout when requiT'Jd. An e~'len. 1 never 'hlld aeeD 80 bellutiful an ex hi! is .aI8Y.' .., _ Filially, afl~r. much pe"u~~lon, •.hed"r" doing .".y ' wllh lighlJtcing\ aod ulled 10 II Ii . " ..... ')'h('~e "HIe tho bell ", ~L "1 " preaaion in a humao face·. Six, rooter aecept~dl. Tli-ey rode a- took tile medlclne_ She relQalDed q~let IIl1eit d &0 bevl!~1 (\on~u iv~ to ,~e,,,ltJt.. Iftl! 10 liltf fdO'r,~et ' Cn ~l'in . al ve '" u "l'uke 'ill, and 'oQI bll nice-'oo ii long, till . just at .n,ght. tbey reached 8 for a (ew .molllt!n~, aQ!i . 'beD•• ta~dlng 11 d ~81 a)Vay wnb b<;>,qp8 aDd Ikir~". I" . fiIlO, ' , niN! ... il1t ~oo?' , villllgll inn. ' G~ ,4,itmer i!D~edi"lt~y up she IRld : , I and ilecreR8e1 tbe tady iq,llquaoiltt Tht! bay looked dowD llL the emRII single4 '0lll tho biggolL feHo" in the ·FiLher. I am dYlDg I Mary lay. I aboul 200 per C8'ol. It ia 'ali ~aj.t! cto" ~Enamel, bleasing; bi. lips "orkeJ a li~t1e. Slire room.aD·d picked :Ii (UII will. him. Af· 8ball looil be "iLh lie r.' tlilne, and will probably, be better libel am I no Hermon "ould bave reaohed ter eODlidfrable ,prolDi80uoUI jawing, She called the Mighbors '8rDund her. "heD CUStqlll lIlake8.iL",as.h iollable. " &C" hi. poor beart all did tbal little ac~. 110 G8rdener ~lIrned tb M. fighting (rieDd, Dlllny of whom were presenL 10 wilne88 '0" , for Ollrriage ~hkersi lind everyt!lib, (oulld sl!f'Dled 10 huitale. lind iDti:r,ateCl tllal' t'lue whipping of Lhal Iha ~xt/'aordioary 8etDe, aDd hade tbem . . A .to~, i. cI-I,(,,'n& 'among in 1\ }arte'HcirdlVure Housit. '1'"lIe iL,' aaid I. cheerily; 'Pet ,,180 baq beco!Jae' J .~id bece.'ILy. Sill- III tl ood , bye. ~, Wiaconlio ll~per8 of the ' «)Il1l o'ver y of .' MOl !\er, "i18 Ole.' I 81n dying I' ahe an old gentleman in ~h,at Stlhe'''tilJ tit•• -, CJ::r Dna examlbe before purch"aing "ould rather you lVould eat ii, I know . (ooter lle'; Wl! 'wJill j'll, and came ('ut elsewhere. 3S,3m. What did you wish wb~n YOIl O.tIDII? IiraL be.t. '''Id. ..(hen lurnlOg to her f"lhc:~. Ibe tio'otly remembera pI"Ji"g bllli.ra.' ,ith Oan I ' do any,binl{ (or YOII!.' cOliling Th. next nigb& III anolher hOlel, tbe bade blm good bye, aDd theD, afltlr a ,Juliull' C.".,. he- buoelr'd. pOiDI.I' op, in .. l ,lpoke. 8"tn~ 1O!,e ." a. re.en~cttld. G .... ~eoer pR~ 8e. shl! addetl: . • for the o4a mpir;lnlbip: of Ro~e . al\d ,. The tellr. "tood in bit ey" no". geul~g Into a row \"I~h the blg"elt , FRth!!r, Ma,ry aayl I _n~u,8t forgIYe gold c\l~, aDp. alsQ ~ealiok C'CllrQ,'a' 'I don't know .. I want anything, m'lD III Ihe pi age, a,nd IIlt· fo"ter dOIng JOu befor.e I die. I (11) ro~glve you.- 'bluff,' t"enty .fifO oent. 'aDi_ .. , , ma~ am. l-well-I-I-don" kDO" Ihe fighting. " You did II all lor the beat. ,l" .:, • 811 ated IIPyLhiDg.' At 1,,1', on tlie tlaitrd duy. they came Sbe 'hrn .. ked to be laid OD th~ A I ' " ,~ .. .. , L ' 'HAJe y"u a bome" I a.ked. to Il Ferry', kept by a. hale double.·fis, loange, and crolsing h.r arms on he'll r ()::7 19de~t f,lman wC,r!ltn g ; lroBJ!il 1\' ·A-a-bollle-lhal'. wbat I n~er led man. who bad nl"er b~en licked in brfla&t, in a few momenta sbe brllathed "yelle'l Dllla,dn~~li'o ,1\ brlOndd}~ , qlt9P' ba d . • I'II. I·' . I ' Iler Iat, t lAya: , L e' 01 ,er hay, h.. WI len croumg tIe rIYer b·d·• oa h· e' ··· " tiupo ,. .. a 'OJ, Jlim lome fin more. mamma, ~ Gardener •• tuual began to find fault: The huth of this statement i8 vouob, .r! e In t II VlCIOlty, "'Oi't , II? III' 0"0 ,~ , pitifully j(rie\'ing for tile lellre. . 8nd 'bluw.' The F'~lrJ'YlDlln Daturally ed (or by mllny relillble witllessee .- fla hl, Dot. Ie .. Iban 8800,.000,. ~Dd AI., o, a large Iltd ',·Iried "Iortmenlol lit looked 8t Illn "ilh 110 alaost aot iliad tltre,,- tb' l ., d d l Id Our in{orm'IDL 111,1 week ."" arid Lfllked found bel' I~~! her ,,,88.&. '1IIIpholl1. ". .'.. InJr ~roll~ .an 0 ., I I f I I· I I I d barefooted 10 lit. aow loot.lng (or eD',s • ...! ·..r \ LADIES' & ".ISSES' w,,"hipinlC gl"no.(I, blm bll OJlllllon of theIr kmd. Gllr- WIll liS al Ie .. of tiS golr , " )0 te I\le "'I ' Id b " -'J h" ~ " h b~ ' .iJr 'If', "di,, ~ a. GI888 Dealers, 1Il. t. 'I h"ve 1"0 or Lllree oord, or wood d . b . I' d 'd b .... laL 0 eo. lat • e. • a. e"D No. 137 NOr/h Third 81r('I'II, . I I' , ' d' 'I' . 1 ~nlltrl 1~t!ll,!,lIrloed .10 I,~II (rllled, la.nd " e cuoum"dtand~e, tOtbllmol'daD sa,t} e cluo"kio~ rouo'd here for .. : ,,~ek. · 'I I \ ' ., .llHILA!)P1:PHI~. SPBINO . tlRtw~lltBplJLlngan pllog tl o"no" , lC",n '1uro..elul l!lt'~· lienot! to I1ID urscouraa OWD. tnanl,ace 1" "" __ t • . '., . "" d b ~u O::r F fIi ,- , f',,~, , . ~ ~ 8TlrLES lar: 81lld Y. . tI,,\t be wa ..orrY.but h watt "ljaolutely during IIbe rech,,!. :It hae dri·v en i.be hla"e IO~ .... end'h·~I1: ..lg( gI~b"tn 'I~' "','" Iy. or lill bi PAIn' OIULEIl~geln~r~ ,. ' 'I'U do il;' he cried. brightening. Dece•• sr, 10 IlIr.. IUbe fl'~r1m"o .' "ife almoll distraoted, and _Ibe aig~l av. \0 .prea . "ree, • you ' :-_ _ _-.;:::....::.:;-~_ _ _ __.,.. -_y_ 05 II AND,. I looked Ilt him k~enly. Six' (o'Qler nQdded l,il he ..,l bu' uid of ·.the (/lrm Rnd h(lul8 11.. become so • Ir . . ( .,. \ . Itlarrinlle ftl\d C4l" bnc y, I' ~ 'Cl6n I Inat you'" I a.ked, but 1 nothing. h "AI plaioly to be leen Lb"t readful to them that he haa now lold ~ T,be Ne" Yor~ B~d o(,Heahh An Ersny-'dt W.rrth'!i !lIid rIIstfucl ion . . tried 10. do it WiLh A Imile. he did Dot reli.h thel job by tba way be Qut and i. about to move Curlher ~e.t. ~a~.e. d~cl!1ed 'thal Iprll~kllnj \b,e e~ree~. VO'lnll, Men: , ~I.'o,di8I'n,sesr.ntl, nbu~ Buyers Will tlo well 10 call DOtl ex· , 'Yel, YOII m"y. ma'"m. iDdeed you ~hrugged Itn. .hould:.,.· bUI tbere was We bl'line the8e fftets oan be 'ully 1I1nJUtlllu, &0 tbe pU,bhc bealtb. It ,I' !'Ill c"',P,em !~,rily, p,t 08,t r:OI9.t!le 'titDlj IImllle be)'!'re purcllQ.lling, may,' he .aid, and dum with a Iwiff no h"lp (or il. So "'ht'!~ they reAched . lubetantiated.-Peoria 'l'ran.cript, ~aid that by .dampenlng tb~ d~.t a 'nu· wtll'Ieute mODUli of rel1e'. Senf l ,'.' motion, jl:rked hi, ,leave - acroll hi . dIe .bore, both atripped and at it they • •• IUDee I~ n,?,ved. by the, b.., of &h. rll]"lq Mr.Rlp •1 tell!, r ~ pvp.lope&, MDI~ ~l.-:eel, 0ppoliUe tile DOlfen e,ea. ~e. told mil h~ \'81 CIIII!!d Ber , went. Up 'nd do'l:o the bank. ovel' BAD CROPi AND STARVATION IN GSOR ' .un, wblcb II pOI80nou •• l). . 8Kl~J:i H YUHTON, . Honse, lIe, lIod I Imparted 1"1 name 10 .Pe l.. the '.nd into Ill' wAler, til';,. fought. ou,, -'J'here il lie". from ehe illt!!riOI' , a •• A8I1OciDijoii,J»lllfn~eIJlblo,' Pa. Wllynesville, Apr!: 24. So etery liule while @he would !lflt to s"atohed. aouaed, bit and rolled. lill of Georgi" UraL agricultunl productl . . . T"o eo.plea amo~, the .la,.. ~<-+--'--'--~-' the h!lad oC th.t cellar Ilairs, al)d cry aL the el1d o( aD LOllII' ferryman aa" have bten ruioed by lale heavy raina of q. W, Park CUlli~,. "bo ~ad ; bt!,,, , Oul ~. in-.i:a:, fO()ll!r wal t:riumphflnt, bait it. The wheat crop i. a f,,~lur~1 UII /lCco~nt liViD" lo~elber .~ !pan ~~d ~I(e 'oe~pr. , ·I! ertitl-i. '00 !lice!' theD tbro" h~d be~R roueb "o'rk, Goi"i up to 01 ru.l. Greal de!t,lIulton prl!~al18, t1-,ilt yearl. were mflwed' ree.ntt, bl bllck h~r Iit\le h"ad and bUrlt into luch bre empl~yer, ,be • .,r.alcht!cJ hi. head for and hundred. of flllllhvi Rre de811lute lin' officllr of tbe FreedmeD·' Bllna••, ~ilYerr pul, of Illughter, Ibal. 1 Illugb. a D1omellL, and 'IWon broke forlh : ' o( food, Alexaodria. " , , 'ed soCtly to my.elf llfery lime I bUI'd 'Look, here, Mr. nardener. your .al..,....-__ .... - - ' - 'l'hf1 ftnbscrlbef, hftvinr pllrehl8ed Ihtl Iter. , lUI Ie:! lDighty lI'l!ll-but-I'm-of . . Eight yean Iteatly dnotioD to bli8IULl8e .rid &toek recently belouiling ~!>, . bl'ar Iilll,! w'liie·throated ,anqel! Ihe-oplDlon-that liou'ro iDalined to. the wA.h tllb lUll eD.tbled a good wo' J,ohn, W. Culle\l, wi.,~u, \0 clll1lltl' Illell - Dear .illiell b~be for(',Yer wore! . b~ quar'r e',o"" Btere I've only been mla in La Crosl, 10 build three bOIlI86 S liun of Farmer•• nd olhars LO · the fu.:t. Bertie fcflme 'Jlelt.t day to Soilih t,lte With YOII, ~~re. c;l8Y'" and I've licked aDd pul a""y a Deal IiLd. pile of g,ov. ~"Iti' e.n hear iomAlbing ,Clrr ,hlr lle la eng.ced ,in ·llIe mill ul"elure of J'ob hie &lray ,·y-e . lit'" blld Lbe, &ltl'". luageat me~ in the cOIIQtrl_1 eromell' bODdi. , ' t I r . udt anll"e by ret.. rn m~11 d ,. . • ()hD~ge)')[.y .~ddreu[ng Lhe under. ', ' ~ A&lo,IUA , lhou".ut 10 wlc:~e, ere. pGlll;Ively tblDk tb .. firm bad be"., diliol",; (or 'I hoaQ Illvilil leors 01 bolO" .1I@; .I' ... d. 1• 'prepared to d'0 .rn IIIe ' beautiful at the tight of Pet. ~qlDbli",,".' j . " , , , , _.. n ,n. [I I • I' b . . '011.... • . I·Yr.d GardeDer, I'ID' afrlid ool\gll by not noticin" . ~Ile'l ',yle and'oll th~ Ihortelll, v. o~e I~r, ma "~ ! ucI~Im rou re,.,", lae \0 b4!Lq ..arrellom", and · 7r1ll 'pt~",e ,d~~~. nollee, Inyl/lin, lit hl.IiR" e~. . '0, 1 d.lltV.~ aD1tbl.O~: If I .lIlIgh' I reckoD 1;\1 elraw., .' ,\'" /,, ' ,Ot1'!,aetllaln, tbe ler,v ieei or ·lIr. &L- ktl. ber, ma.am. _ , ,, ' \ , o' . a • . GH;AP'~N, LI~* , Kw; an4 olher .uperlol wq~lulleri, :Pel, ~rbe .aol•. to II •• '10';',' 1 . . I S(!I',' ~a1. on. fri.aa 1fi"i-:;;;::;;:"'"=~;;;I';.:,:.:.N ;;e~~~Y~.ur:.::lr:.:.._.1 hi! tb.r.nlil\1 tbe Iltmon 1.1I.'.ctlon. . ..,d, ' l " '. anoLher, 00 .....110' "lSb other, 'Iii... . \ ; 1 -. ' ":T,B~III.lee aad ,cirr,l .pe r,pli~ed." • 'I, 'oq nic.1. lalla~ed ~e" ,.splad" o,r ,Cri." b.. 1Nt.0 i __ lb. oil. ~~P .' ~ In 9onllecttc~u, a .8beep,; .be.n,DJ ,al."d-lo fOod 1'.'11. ' . 1111 bel' bllsy little 'operltao.1. , talalta. b~ntl1i"" I~'lil_ aafl1uDI" ~hl~e II.. .bee .. la.~.'. d , ,!blal1 ' ~' _ ' " G. HINCRMAN. . 'Xo-o..-J aiD~ .ie.' b. .aid ' r.·· ·Ott. , .... ...,./1••••• b.. _ad. .....d Lo be a m~n.l 0(' ' ' ' la.~lo.1 'rlWlyn .. iIIe, Feb. :17. ..on.full" " ' Uli.Dm . .,,' 1 , ' Illllpb~ , , I,
tlol~df. :·.'"
--- ---,- --
N " _1 S T ,R Y ,
Advantageous' Prices I. '
lJ'JR " J'AMk~rA.
LOAR, 11~~.ven & Sons,
XE N r A ,;
~ 11' l~ grfr lt~~ ell tis i,
IE. S. SH,EW ALTER, . .{
CH@,: ttt'!!ci)C5, Jewelry,
0' .. 2 ' .
'WiD~w •
}(qn, Ste$31, ' Springs, Axles, . Bent Stuf" Leather, &c.,
'S'· B O'rls .
d CADDIA'U ES' .;;d
"y. A:.
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18 68 .
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N ftlIJ A &It. wor ld" ooDIlD Loo. I aU . . Sco t, like 100 1180... E ... r .enM bI Lle at.... .'.O'..ral Winfield ad y ml 'boo k Aree e. . .' ban ,. 10 T1a N Y P' b Chat ~p'.. d ·Ie d aL W eet. oun . .' ,.00 I II l kUJIoipli~D &1, aDd thio W a" u. "il le . Oh io: / whi ob H ~. him t~ k boo of 80 will la, the of tut w.e k. a' 'he rIpe old ag. &0 pAr _lit e hie lu~ in roog .' WB DI'f EID AY, JVN E e, 186 6. ,t,O mon . ' ,ea rl. in tbis w'''Sb! al en cood· Ihe .eco od L,eo teD' 'bett er . ha\( . lt Seo field Win h.e) eo. lifo. led eDt lio nOlbiDI wj lho .' lu. Vol. (1, ]fo••• ••• •• W,u ,le Geu eral of Ibe Arm ,! of lb. Uni IInllla rite '. man Wo the , A. V•. , . S Lale. WAI born at ' Pet4 /nbu ,g, W. ek. New ,.ork a"h il liLDe. I hop . ed~ ., ~. ~ of bil iud rece Ha 6. 1711 3. j 10 e l Juo epee I a"d . _. k . GIl IIp tah 10 I k " .••'....- d a'• W,' III' am aod Kar 1 Col l.,.e . cJ eniuilm ia IYidaDLJy On lbe ao. iog bee Anl llll) too ' u~ 0
De. tIl of Cle Mn llIa ot& ..
rrta u
r * - " " "W'.Ii. L
T H A II IIA SS . • AT lt deIn con .e uene e or Ihe reee ni ,He the mel e· elin e in gu1d .lId .U"e r alld all -or I!<-od., our or ture ufac men rial. uae ll in ll h. deher '~rl 11111 I Rild io alllj ,;ipa Llon of .1 eJIr e, ~e. II n o redu ced . our prlce~ LII l acel pl be [O w • polo t tit Ihey cao . . (J r • _o l W i 0 , Go l ~ at 'tlJl lb• . c.lt! illrol lrally .. "e .. R ~ ' .... \, "t, to . VlclI itate """. "el 8 1~1 ... " II need I\Y W 10 Ihei 110 Ollie U3 'l'~''i.ta r. , ~.' h41 Ih~~ It l tba w~lllh nO\9 Irom the .ellp ect.ure0:O '1 d trade. q"d "". W:O lYe l "er nt 11011'18 lut\l time . l,'he .. reoe cbe! be ann 111 "' 1000 be ; 'Iuel l, . 11 to tate S r .. ii .llle ol ~, ture of quel le of her beloved ~o,. il oot 10 evi · hil , Whi cb ~'1 tllaL of ten yea rl Ind tbe man ufac olnllDenL io Ibe regu lar arm y as D .E X.d d hi An 0 .A a. ' ee~ L L Art .A lh"t C d. eDd~ , uOcolllpr,o , purt .\ e ,Illall 200 ,000 Wal ch." ld Mor lo or 'k . • O f/t.i o of .rli lle'1 Hi~ l4 1I0 d .. ~I II\ •. .,el" Hi. lurJ;6 Dnd well to do With ber book d.o, " liMy hi gh.' , i b,bell o( Ir'lI lor. dl6play~d hM'e g lv el\ our productio\l8 Lhe GOlBmelllim put.ooe O(SIIII u'l ~ pere lid' rl, nioe tY-l hree thol ilab d eml ' iain Ib kee . lie uUle o!~. ng L:I~aa owo k j.J~'t1\\(liar~~~fI!S hetweh:~ eSl u u mAke only rr:' Ii\ 1MI11i1 V t o( New sell io tbe · d;Bi ~ul.IY D, W dee r, dee r I oozy . ... it B Lne ~etermi"'lti o o h ,vil ciog ,no ll ha" lirri ,ed a' llie por ro.O IIJ\IIlW\!!J1s;.1IIl Is;. Waik II J !oa nera o r~om WU1 G' and, lY utch es, our b\1s1 ness 11" INII\ urk' how mllc b I've 11I.fJ'llrd ent ll be eXCle in nly J,ed oug IIJ1 y ~ . ' 1 .r" J t inYo thur ll btlin of cuae d Con.i. llng of . 1I ~1 . lle 8ftid . ... ... rou~ lend ur har~ ali t~e pub,l ic beor IID~e 'pu uel Scot t-:-~~e r~n qu.e8h.u ol l Colo dill li B! btendi 'ly iocr e llsed ioclu ey. ., 'p;,a ,Iof d eQo try nn1 .... ; co be. , er a~by .... I raU lllp nl.~ ti' 6 ,.ae teir of II, Ullin ill ~ It il' ralll oNd . aael , 1 d, allng ulsb - wiLh ' c ame "cqua l n ~ed Wllh Ihe ir VJI\U oe 1llllleJd a' thaI Lim e-fi nt , 1 mr'.r0u air PR OV l"'I ON S • li ....d Il.a' 111. m.r rl.g e of Pria · ed him sl1J( al Ibe batl le. of Chl~pll,.a '00, M ister E~dylore e oath 'e tRlcni , ollel her, we h uve been ullublll ths l ,1I\0l lor tn d Prlo repe rrig witL okll hove lioi for too e Cia • &! a of AU iuII .Db u", supp ly Ih e demolld . W e dY'1 Lan e. lIod ~ren lo ~Ie ,dy· SM QK tn ~ EA T, Etc., 'lte ' lI~d 1 hO'p'e you 'll , laa i haa, betD io. and LUD our rectory , bu ildin i8 uuli l ed lilig r1;;~ Im , .and ent W\1l be, \" the far., edly Wail h. r lqs hou ver\ iOIl FI 'II, HA~l~, ag,. ; s o( IPO~* l.' a"\ loo rile uP'Cprw m del' ocro e LRn Ihre dy'" e... • .Da- o Qver r Luo o( co\·e ." w. ? her~ . " • ·Ib they kno wn as ., G '" 'coD 6idd €~ WhDI il dlll ail. I, pOi lpoa ed. , ; iV e. 8.cco nun odDtIIL. u to . mur e lull<lI C! A ,wu accu sed lbal ther orUo g 11.8 8~ld g~ pai ~am Ihil . tJ • ing Dur . ia At· f \. b •. . , elg ltl hUll dre d \V o r''''I ~ TO BJ \CC O ' 'A who /. {.. mil l WI. J'oi, ooed e .rdi ce ; but thi. 'ue lVe "I 0, I~'. 00,!11n QD' by bill enem iel ,Q( cow ore IUlly JUSI iuoa in ti: , liog l!ant e W r 'd b bit ' 1'1 0N S' ' 1 t weeli bv e.ti.n" ' I ' .J NQ Y N J . l . lblo 11 l'he • f\:l\f b,' PI ' .••1 " , re ~e 6 bY li.p mo~·f. tha,l nI.'e half pf alll,'be "II} OlM 8.c\u e now wa, g. chIn , ."d J ~. !111~ . .&u~ .. h d e One Umt 1.. the .... m I e I 18 ~ rnlld "'. . wbol.1011 e~. 8h \Vulcht~ tlT n Qlleeo'lo~n • ." .ru Ihe gero ul ,cod i .. , cop duc ' ~t IlNr lit gru dcs afe Pl dlllll:uished by , 6&"'IDj( .wo 10 1111.,,: &b otb .,. Ir. iii I daD u,aa.o II pnaO , '. e th on k I .. t boo , aved I J I of the figh t.. i n~: trud e IIIlIrka engr u\~' i~., loil tMct tb~ tD .' emo 11 ''(or 81 well o~ • a. ~ ' Go lick .... pub ' .. pe,r.. ttlu Sc\? . lco, "oa \oIoD~ plnle . mS , O In the war .w~th loie~ , I;O ' a ,MlY r. ril ' za' ,,: he k Mo. ._T~ I, Ihin rl~Jl tl)IIU to Jep:e dy Wal bod (rom Co;, u ch mao , ~ Ie leer 1 ' Ame,ie.. "I, ~V"l lo IhiDk ced ed Geo eral £ay Jor 10 the com & e .. .. WUI I"'"' ' ~ I ~u. 2 'l\"pl"lol fl'II"V'"\ohl og tllill -bl'ch lie ~aye, 11 0 0 li~e 'The ••t." Ir. ~igbtr ,h.n u auri , lnl ~h , . iii," ettn "" l,' "lld 01; lIl1 ~ 'I' or the arm y. m " Lo Th' . nwo k II 1. "n. ; ..,I. oli~e. IIwl th~ talo ol iOIP . lbc ' W .II 1': 11 0,,' ." Irop II e. ny ,ear y we l y h,.m . for \I IU", Clen y g • u"lil ~ Jlll th.y b.... t •• D olh;"" 'hilll: • 1111 of \.Lic h he rA.t fi call1 o~ fer! d .lI 1'~;"1 llue A 'AI"I W LA UII':S' ' au" IIIIIIIU . lIe wat cooe ider llbly harr "Co . Wal- pOll i l o . d l . . ey . rH I all. tl ' 1 10101 from 'b' w '''1'[1 II _ r·80 ~f' IDd oye 0 ID r by ,,~o War und• er no ... ue goo or no. In on er Airai 'bwo II d.m esed Mar cy • ~relar"J "f .h. III, '" , 0 000. All by the prE~ zid~ ril 11. ,11· ©lJ lllE A IP IF ®Ia '' oa ..noL.1e .. thaD 840 , b~1 " l l.luu l i . J' or L l\rI ••• • Wut chMi. os. sted aglllll81 beh w. m~ e prot [, 00 ,' ll~x ,lint here he I,h aud no , I t .. Polk b az, wa· er TrJ c ULr '1\1at" St .. nrow uad ....1 ' I' S 1I .. ,·tl ell.· WOItI'.' II, L~lk ar~! l the rarm r Will r,Ye be _. 2 li:~d FHi l n u l t o l'OI1l~ nun ~ fl . Sr.or Jbli In ," of l1.e " , 'UI·. iurui. heu 11111 ~ I·."I 6' 10 '& lire ill Ille t8ar .', nl~' .... W · , 8 II eir '''',. d', 1 ' 1 0~e. S I Oi'ug b w ' :1' N.· WI /I the ' c .)~it hun p l b , : o ",. \ ~ 01 COl • • , .- r,1 wi e 'I mll e 10 . alou ,d \ 0 bl! pu' do~n. 1>1.10,tO tue "~ \ ,.,0\<1 ), of ... e~ n" t! bl)'I•• .a y 60 1 11 .par . ",,0 00 oo, crop WI 10 lls Mny .. llc, the Y liClfi lrl ), I WIl ullhom. l"bl l ,ea r.' puL C~rL ltl '. b u~ e as tbar '. epu y ,palrl~ The Am ericn ll ,"Vat ch Co., or W 'bls port ion ·o ( ,h. coa Dtr ing ollOdlda Cur Ihll Prtl6ld\!b~~ , oJ, IIl O o( Lhe oldJiLorl sod ' Ih. rRn~ Wil:. • nd a Ih~t Il, e • .'CIII stul POilL tu 8 a U ~1l of h, lhori g I\~II ~B,. ~u mem o wae not enou eir cou , '1' HE N E W Y 0 R K llS or prlct'. Itl th e At whi oh ~be": Il.,e fit (or Ib Dar tDg tile pI. ' yea r. 3,43 1 n1l1r dll ce. n I~ .Plu 01 u.I OIi I I C n Gen dl~tl by ale!1 II deC~ LDore wUl 8er Illlm IlrO fully F., were~ iih)ate~ . ip \hi. wa,8 b'f~}' O. reb& l1IO Il,. Gen erlll Arte cmu 8 i, f' rtltlll ?~ .... ,r IIo E'ar laOlo r, , IIDie lle~ pe.a bers in the oUltir~lI~ of Ibe bed mem Iha 1l '.lIke . "lid ' l'd 88 It'flr. of be 1001 lu ~ ber ill r,D I aam N ol,' 'our RA Wh ' ~lIIg i. 1l1l0 ~tat of • I, " " .. I i 1I..' &or OilY 01 1\ er f ' . SCOlt was In favotor depH g ' I p I ID . e" ' peac , 8i 11\ s " rt II OF ll rmon Itluu D.lo r ' e tue .• d slat e,. '. Rmu og I le lr, 0 388 rv ' gil or (I I ~ SeCl -ay wM that . Dd er Gra f eilib ! I Tbl , rcm ' gu! \ld, d 00. Po 1;1I01 48 26,0 g tl~1S .' ts .nlly n.1D k • D, " PaO l1 tly i ODI " oj B COlOl .. ,"uk er, me pon e. criaie eam e be waH fouUd e ft .. . .0 01 41 Ie on t 1111 r Ord er but wlle~ tbe B "'l), ke th e g unruot'le of n for e ig ADY ' b' ,LIIe 'trng e Y for" rit by J;ll¥~elf "ta ry 'IY '. ID bl' rep .rl. 'Oa it "1\9, ' book .,. "y ee l 'b rroll gM Ttn Ottl~ .llagazirur i,l R~ Wo s Lar l.thi TIle ch.ed reD 1m be . r o.r ucvn ut CUll , wh\> ]<,u ' poet . 1111 R a1. • had 01 . he JimerirfJ 1d tll;~6~e~ 1 oe~ver .purlen~ed hoI' Ih e CUUlpllny 100t 01<8 '~I)d. D?m~nclIl.ll, .lIp erlo r to aD, 08 1101 all DI il good Apr Is o( t ler the 1lI0s1 Bta t,.· The ..n- oC Ihe 14~h l'd ill ~lli\rII\""(.8 ~ lMiiIl "el: .''1to H. lIod he'd beLt!!r kllo ar~ I, ' . ' er' orJl nlla llol qa or Ih~ir "111'111 8, nutl ~IWI If o.l61wu Is IlUbl ishe d in eeu on lu be rl! reiV ld provo II. INlnIl!!I a ' tbe "ire or lIia rur en~ctftd Qn Ibe 4tlll of dow , the pUL ror wlld 100. gl ... IIVt up hny es J.od ,. ol, id Stal 51"r lri d ; qrll CjlnI lIite ung/ U IlrI.lh IhQr ohM the of l1ll8 it)_ 011 AVery S.u ~AlO\ ...... I9\!!1W ceip tl ,,"rl lv 1111 nonr Iweya 01 ' \yU h his, ball ery oade d tral ton 8 S&~m; in thai weig b. ky I Roc Ibe r' , . • a i , 1110)' de f , ar i.!3 3 he ovcr "we u Ihe li!0b oC r r. li re n nny pu hCII sr, II L 11 rl- day' lIl iL8 vUlli • • Devoli'd 10. .bo ut ' ••,0 00. .. W~tbln lh. 141 Sew kllOW mor e tijl deth ,9011 d on I h at ever ' m~morn bl e d liya L e lor "not/o"r, A_ IlIa Ame bl tl on!!(l ol\ id p~ be' 446 d my for \i e . h" r 1 ' Bre 'wil t, WHlthnm" bro.lh en ' wer l e eY e. . '.' OWl ~I ),ur . huiUlile -'Ilr yen cun WQl r hr R wad e 81 ily I PO P DL AR LIT ER AT VR E, w r n "UB ; Ihroullltolll' Lhe t. .' . Bole J,y ileulr r& go nerll !41 bro tber . buri ed. ClipilOl. '{ , CALI.. AN D SEE, 'l . U 6 CU.:!>(CB .4l1D "'T. f ' f1: c'~red · ror. aad . , I, h t·' nut suli~il ordu.u lor ~illgl(' Fr80 cois VOiD, pee" s, I, uo led 'e ullll 'ir • I b · (Y.lI l llf f~rm COtln I. A POpl zgr rlPet \VB ~:(. 11t~ F•or oreIlei "0 r f9'&;Ieu. : t er~ WII. Bet8 ~y ~IlDe Enc h Ilum ber will cenl ,,;n ' _. diog nca r Que · B AI ~hor of . " ., \vlll che~. . ramllt!!S, ao old man or 70, rosi -0-I · '1' I'~ 8, II Ie b esl D l'me dliC , 10 SI Urltd , .,ed tIie.' ll" GOI caut of nrp, c ook Rto ded " '34 .6~21 Cor Wid ow. plJbh e r.,fTh It Iii, r /oli."r T ,neR ,h CAU u b' per~bo AI! ~.: into 8IOf Il J wenL llblt. bee pect res $6,· ; uf d.ad • wily vd Ih. buy Tru illg thd beaL Ske ll:ho s 01 1.;2 96 ...d' for bory be p r,n, ~,O.'u. rs 011 Pup u. 00 ',or,'Ii eae II Ir~e dtoc' e, re,ce DtlJ , Lo cui woo d. Not reo iII 8 ' oli n. se lling CO IIIII~ r 'E' iL8 w,111 PI L E 0 Ihc best pope .... tb' an '-0 , .. _' ~ _ . , S ~~ ~' ~ ll ~ (HU 1.. r Selt '"ce , the b(llt ' • .. II Lis ~ : mo nce, d N, abse 1 " . dA.V ~ AI' t"o r &\" ' . 'aCle !'~1 III turn iog leA'(tf311 I 8 'ft H ' Ihe .....' l lI e nt'ftn .• 1tl(" .1 '~ lI n" I " uy\ ....' l (I , , ' Ihc be$t P,'ellls, item l oDly~ Tb~r. ,. r. 32,4 Lodl ., C . "C . ijllOrL P opulur E8soy s,&r. It glvoll Uroadwoy. N. \'. IIllIrmed lind IIAr ted in J82 tln8 &.c heoi . . ie, ds m) l aph r,:eg 46: ill Illog er Ord .. . ~ , -~ tb, Bla t.. Reu oue of ~he; , , .., ley I~arob ,of Lim . T,be y bad not (ar logo Att orn ey and CO.lln~ ell~r at "1,(. CO N':nJ lIl'T t VES . Obi 0, • 14e ,1I6 . . uortl arid B t fll'.r lor 'III .J!o7 ',~Il , in· l .nel istlcd . -. dial publ l ver sbor I e ' a e - - - ,..... ng. J8zID eedi ~foo# ~.. r proc r "LI,e afte uny I L nl! h~e n restored \hnnee fecll on s 0111tlrnce .', he be~ 1 urtle ll;''; U'S P IIni 'oJfo winu i,l lbe Jal,•• 1 Eur o. (or , oed RY Th. !rs!g TA undf ho NO T e dles j tihllple ILK • " WA~NF.-~' VILLn. e .oe d. the t .fouo d hi. Ilea COT" hl" , lo ,hl' o l~ h ill '" lew ,weeke, by JI "elY 8ev~f l•• d· 1.D.d.Ru •• b'olb d ; ..a .... . ; FraD o •• Eall til from J) ic k,Wd , C hft /Mle rll. tiro 'I.). L rtod ' o-C .. sufl'. y lll: pRrt hnil A . Iter mp' .. . .wa l! dy, e a lI'ilt" ' in fl\rno i::11 lJ~ Il 0 , l;m g XEs rA. n, lind 11 1111, olJ.~ r Irud ~\lg , }'oro ' a hed agr e.a upo o pro poll ni a Eilf o, ~, ',,,nd .. Apr il 10 II1·ol wit'li 1l 81\ye re ,Iun/l, I\/fec l io & IhX- PlluttdJ'teu tredh' un the ' llrrl "'l .. r elch Ibe, nlli" IIlIo rl Ihon colloot. 8' I ·-:;n ' qa. E~" tlie --·L · iog ·OF. i.Ul :'" ll7'i '7 L .plio ,tor lOr uri{!ill,al ., sunl ... ely Con , vOri bUL ~U8e at . i !, peiD ' CObgr d Ilre n ul aCld , h ... dr "lit) Ihe , er, IOf IS 1~Hm ,ete • """" " . fe llow suOe r . a ,. .tlri~ IG.. cb"d e\,e ry"l h \ A..-'OOiU " U11I'<.0 ""oIYn 10 hid d d 'ltV ,joD 01 Veo tlia . ·SchI8"w~g\·.Hol I1I"Uer bv I·he b"sl ~ bth4lra. F . ReDl8\ninll In 11141 .P !'~t QIIi~ e III . LO!) l i, cure y 1I~ con M le. lOCU aera a : Ihe e ' cr~ t • rIma • • nIB , in . (.d. 1:0 numb, r 2'1 colnnt4'n ce l ft New Stur 11:166 Con :u. 0 mln u.y Clid B .• Gel 'b, ~d lb, refo r m oil \\'ho tl ~ ·Irt. ii, he will Clrr e ' '0: !ly tlllll lulh ur 0' 'Bu t Lyllll Pr' ellt ;tlf;d tl', Imd I~om tb .. 111110 ,0 par ~ i.l\i" P atljo " tltt of ME~l n~d ~ rtai 4· of t'II~ pr~8criph ..! utctl .ral ioo; bl' o~ hop' . ~al .nte f tl I CL 8 d 11 d I ' Lad y Ad ela ide '. Oat h. ~ .... ft'~r Hl'n ry f 'tb t "I e " n nUr M JaDle,I , C " Ille dlrrr.lIol '~ fOf prepnr. e ,wllh Ie . ,~ " 0 orr." ' 10? P?r a . a J F. ~ ",0 b<.ir pre ,ao' . anti IYhl ~ h th ey \Viii t CramrLuII SM~anna 2J"il 01 tlte Congrtl~ · b.lag able '0' log lind uijilllZ Iha sft ml',8uIIl TIoM ' atory 18 or tllril lioir "ltl' reet I torn .~al'. Ill' wa~ ,ufm lled .•Jb.a Corllel) 3h'r tha F.flie :\Iifs' ! ~lh • been Ke,l ion pl lce8 cad' & Cun .. r at the early fu t~8I ~ure l&hy of tntel C 11 ~ure 'CllW lll! •• lind n ~'1m ill rlUe I. A h.d "'ar• .A:t ,b'. dlt~ equQ hn ma" !tnl (ully L~e 't'h ::,: tbe UO(Oftliolle p" eou,rren Ailecy' f . " . ll.ron cloit i$ CUII gh • • Cold l; &0 . ' ' . . l ~llted ,ulh?reR8. 'b re Mon roe Wilh am F . arll rom CUll fl S S in sl'lld ing "''1 elf". \8 of lloe ro' h r otl~ rli!,tl lIilve tb~ IQ Ihl' llld ect abou •• "ere vag ue ruar qrl, alm obj cb 1;1 "hl. sn. lyn Dord to S O&lb Will bl' eompl<H' rdlt) COlD ultle lU,!A ~' .'''el , A Lllo .d' h . Iln~ 1 .t.t l-i tbat ~o'~iliti,' i. Il' bl'lIe lit Lhe .fflio~Bd alii! e traa.. of "hlo h Outld 1\ lon l lom Aa Ihll ~h'Rzine I. crip ~. aDd Pres . weck ood 2 I~ .. botb III l\1ury tbe bl rtlle on 10 &kA ' flv~8 nb erll cnn be IlIpp I'II'd DbVi8 Rt'bder II' pi d ' '~k lmat ioll wliirh ''Iie CIlIll " ill(u erl>t m,~cI. d. The P.r il o·OOr.reD.. dl nd I sllre . h.od \lUI . , at '. ~f \V cl0 J d '. (Ire foun M, lented a,ICX-'I ,lur . J>orDIl n CH E MI CA L8 1 luubl tl ; uud hI! hopes e Vl'rI' 811ft'. ,ut t" .. ~en.l l, ~h , .AII neW8 delllers be IDvn .' , Dao ubla o Prin llipi IIlh i'l ,bad . eOD " u. . McICinll.ev lIJr r .. - ., . ll Dhvid bl il \viil 'CUSI , Dorn edy reru hl8 fhe) Iry o witl whe r 'l r II" e, IIl1t· . ' Fran cia.M the' ~(II1UhO 1111'100 ' 0 r III I t Wo 'P nelp ' .lell rI EAD . a . bl ebit >g. I hou,l d It,\,ve den Elm ore Wllli~m , R ell£iun hDYIl the fuJluwioll "t •• them Mtll ing, ,ollcllDhY pr vecrip ~ ~~'~ 8Ibl('. ~ l.oRt ... . A few duy . sinc e two mai ftr~rl an Hllnry !t ign will ' SUi fore tiolt a ' or Q cupy prcs C lioG tho erl eJee lil Eub i~hil in lbi w to ing lt'd l'url r!lid ., copy on '\I('or 84; I bul DOt I5.l'!. ph owl J>1I Juee iloll lilb ietf choo ' lIalr . Slin r ' I,di •• ' . d I Fiel p ' Lu,e,)' '1; p,lellBp Hddrpu. i'be IJ " II l"~Obre h ... ." i SlUmp C W hhr.e e lJlonlh.. '! i ~'I)QP oll,e year low~Yt:.r, r'eQlli,ed Geb le J,ornb .• A. WIL S0N , ' !1 PR , RD I}' WA u'b Co ED EV. ~ r ~e'l d,:g R Erie . yille "'Ltn ~o '1I" ,tllI , Low · Oll~ rlte Hob Bud Gpo , of url yellr lfl St"d ne •• i t :;Ptr 82C rIDf .,. • Mery ,,,11 0 e ~oCl oh lhey 00,0 - HUiles '. Will i"nll uurg lo, KIII"_ CUUII'Y, . . S f ' a. yole . lia. 10m .o f , '0,006, "I;i '1'I.omplolI S U hll I" New York Hur ley Joho rtlflalO 1Ie" b,. III .Im outl nllo imo TWQ .. Ta UCC£II8. -TI II' ml1l'8ZIUI III t ~. 27-6 miae pt,. r 'bei ut IIbo ed elal bl' e t " plac e' ' o a tAtte lI1et I lIO, ' b.d I clly l, PlIft gr. a pu Ie Wil udle th'l I"U .I.8 'A IUl slD lrj eODfticl • KNO W THY PES 'I'IlI,\', I . A !!IIPSh, DOlll' of> .Dra L . are nn ..· pri" 'fol. Adtlr . broi l. inlo Ibe P9 Ihi. fIOPI ing 0110 . w llcf kno . IHU 6&01 llVtl of . IlrIlC p ' II!UIIIII lIIt:rtl vlfg ' L... I.,'l t Ellg'betw een 'bl Tur,kt Itad til' troo ' FltED~~RIC S. HI Lt., Pn\;1 i.h , pille in the or .two ' Ifler ~ with the in. MAnAME E. F. TKhRTOlI, the ll'rea .i I• . h.I' ao· bOUle a,;.i u"1 o, Ih.1I lwe nly b'JX8S of allY p,yc . ftnd t .. un' No. 79 Nas aau SI., 'New Yo ry'uy Clui isl, " 'tJa. PriD cip. llti... · O:tf,fL-I • olol! . 'U.. u . , of tlier .mo ney. !Ish Ailtr lilly·five hU'nolreu physici ; Ihem itlr,8 ~ ina ,be,. d ' robb worl of nlion .cie len Lhe een, hed exls UDl 'he Solilor. "'''Ir icla n, who hll8 'lIollWorld, ho!! \lOW 11IIS U ~ 1l th~m ill IIII~ ir p'roollice Yo the Ji-,.. a' So[c ng oipt ed lhe com Dlan d of YOI ythi tTte ·,.lI jur teU e,. to Pap A a,ed refi firSI iu Old Tioe lad Ihe or il. Tbe ee8 ollI·e .. dis· el y pllrlJ .llie r .ver od,e in , of l\Iac1oll\e C!USi"ll '- GL toU 'wh o wer e belDR enro lled and jor tI,e Fam ily ('irel,. l1' l localed hers ell ,at HUU8011 N.Y . ! Ilf iI~t'i r valn e i~ l'll 1190rcely ippr\'O, wbe D 'he burl r .,. obo ked . • !,~I'\e iI t pow bou u' alit derf a'rd Lay 'won ... II· 611eh s l' Ie.!e pns! ore b';!u e r kIlO\ triot lad mun icip confeaa. but tbey Tho rnto ll ublll 'h rIo' \llu'ee}; 'V',,,,,, Ihev H A RR Y H .A Z E L' S of Oom · Ibem ,to m.k e them wil/ n era of aecond tiight 88 to eu l imp ort. 8udden dOtllh und c"nt illlll 'd sick nU8knOl euio posa olllo i.lly Ilat .d in lb. Hou s, Ibe e h,ks now l! IIck onlJ nles who ld gr~ 9 wou Iho tlo08 of III e Let , atoh lealg i. di~p now ,plls th. llrt,k I'ie of Imfl ' 01' . ~ t" " } 1) ied 01 'ollh er btl moa l Ibit ,tba t par 9 I' hi II Ie Ill , " r per-, alice 10 lloe ~illlffe or ri.arr ' U " epeok . righ l uUlln ,tli~ir rovor· , ' od ' R ,.. , 0 4, W IIC , t ley h.ad UpOD Ibel de, 10' 110 ted cp"8 r.l~ trlln 00 01 ch, Wbl slole o!W: a r. 0le le'ln \ 8ex. ' WI" ·li(e . . . mm . or. took tltis and a KLY'. 8 Ilu!y whic h with ave 'll,r WEE bur on . 'PerE Tbe , Ihe . of ~nl e res uoit Icalu to rl'dundul!1Y of lled 1I0d be. )lne llea the ve~y • pro~al OrlJ aI dem lllod ore I'l·O LJI.l IID Qllr noe' are .ubj ect 10 a 8 1 8 oalll!er" U8 1 ill, ose Tb. y 'hn . linc e lIee a arre and by the aid 01111 you .,e 10 marry~8c M.t tI,ia 'Benaon. lind It.i l'~ b: . lloe ' 88 n ",ltI I Adm ir.1 D.n mln ror 'be ' purp kllow er. D TO FAC TS: FIC TIO N, pow d OTE '6 uf inLe lIrft ,d!:.t'd. ·s P il/s DEV lIut . t:, ult'" n.'lw conf ined ID '.he .tfll me .. 1 e tb bo b d ne. l Will eo· .ID~ 'd ere~ D 18 ,1I.~ ~ I e 8 ', 11 0 e.ntl r t~' I. u ce ' AN D '.'l'tJE HO MA NC E AN m. ar rc· ~8,chomotrope, ptm snle l1s :tobupr(ll[ 0, .• oP rln g.. · l... lal. UN II,! iI~vo.'uable Ind effi clcn l prol d E Illr IIlfur TH a*~l " to ,OF lId Jat! ~ b Cit ~ Eree Sl'l re 01 Ie rt fUllJ Ihe repo we prc' Pla Ii!e.like picture of 'I rely Inoo alllt eDt With Ibe tion. 'try Ih elt' occn fi lon nIIlSE1 VERQAL YA NK EE willi d\. ~ . Wile uf I' .., npplicallt, 10l!elh~r of Iholl e irn"urilielr ,,·hl ell, n . erl/o . coll e' (h {/. 1 ~ Adm iral DenmaD'. iI Iri. inll 1~!ld . . marrilll'e, posillon in lire, ciell lI"an;!1 ieB. COIIII" "0 ... riA ' ION . llnJ ~188 bee n mlLlmg .1I9P.1l of lib 1'aumlhlg as wlt~n in Bufli the body 's hell ith. ,ThE'Y lHD is -FeD 'rhls a.... &c e. r eelp mak ur char of llile lu alio ally be ' tor1i ... , Th. P.r i, MO col the Bln'd . lillee rl' She mllch tlullger ber cno 1IU1;n ! ioili mae} llOll hell rd (or Ipm e lime, Rnd II aet'm . le";iI ill, 01' la pepll 8ont IlYfl ' Iholl int. I I on • sori ou. ,lIlt~IDP' 10 'll 'ut inie r""i ng. O .. ~Oll Cllre LiH r Con.pIM ed PClio certi lmio COI' ifled ce dele cf'rr n ~ chui 8 low red, ith ~i .. cJ 1'h. I J ed" l Dt. \Vhf'1 OJlle "flr l' .cla8s I, mpo r Int. aO?OUOC Ol'gllllized pllrl ies will Q~ n~, A ppel ile, P"il l in Ihe He",1S' hear lin .., 'WALr,,' Cli'le • • ot rfl e phllOr(, LOd8 of UI Ara ral, mak e ilS b lJ C..II. Breu t .,IJ one, udd en B. mU lliu"p , ezci " 0410 eRI~. or ",riu r ll !!UOrOI"bee , ,I,B n ' 11 in IliA Cll ' Arlln 01 Kdo'lIIlad.I~, Dear Mou nt a~"1 hurl " Rn"e r I and I thti tiu e DAl I, mad ., of' ly e, · o~t a to e,' ., :edc 08 og ~ h con. ban lClll I W I' ,I t It purp Suld by ~ll Nlurlep, Tal rr .kir mie hes1 " , Ili_ ,.Iid eac e of ..... p,tt ierc • , m.r\ lello ll. Vge llda . 0' Feilllllc f 8'"n d nos tive n \l6P. e. [46. 4 ee. IUlld II.e C.n~d jan COMI, IlDd 'pl on ung.l ulld 81l1 sea HI ond . . ~.alr ' or . f che a, \\III com oled .. rmo n.".c:omi.,u .kel IlIi"e ,ake n laoll 8a.n'81~ lorli • I loll, resp,I'Cluble de,,/ ers ill Jnttl lcin 'Iia •••plea did Iibr .r Dru n.-h ead ~Porl p . 0 wnh YIII"OUI rnu ll. '1'11'1" a118c' II ,P 00 b,mh , -gp, d'"po81lIo11 Ilnil com lllU fY, New .nd Ger, er.1 ,II . 'Jnd hum pr, II • 8 . l D rler d ... qua E r.1 ,n u e ' seY, 5 D n ' I " I I pll. ,· l DE ICrt d Mil . ll ILe _* . man .-O P • en· aa lR \1l erlo r qlPIl HA 'I I Am 'I v . OIiA. I I aOlf l• I e Du. tb~ee '.bo ulad . "'" ,I. wi '01" once g 0- II10ranallon 101' "'or·u., , ::Iope:~:;r~!edolr.ell\s rae In. ot',:! fE"l I U w .tlol ".,COotail I. !"~"" doe I .not setm 10 bRYe lh'e ."allc hl. I. YOll t , ada u mon CAo 8 · or ier I Wul 1'9,1 ltill II tll~l wI, d del\" , ,II.." ~ "orl . Terll)8. i~ ch the Itter ar1 CI 'Ue~ed. f tl hI 0'" ~ IlOllY ' te:P h toni win g of c;.eive ~he plClure a/ld I' . ' " ~iciU.,~:::.~:~~ nOd 'VIr~-el . • . orao'.A e_t~10ill t "o( the Ion 0 to q •.~t l• IID wilh 10, adi'Qtlce. mall. All, oom mun fCnllo!IB 61:ll rn ;,the. reLu b" he a 8 b. llell1 IIIOl may be uot ; pre- ~ rew Ibrl II II will ~ but cl~ e"" . copi 1· lood ple COh/ ber\ '1n Snm brQ~ ,IeIlAI the. Ad~ aDd . linl..' ' coll ,ollo ll ,b •• QOW 'eeo pri1 lt.tI. in. mer e trick , 10 belk r prom ot!! Ihe Keo er · cred!y cOllfzJ'ln P'. O. II I . Y IIlFUL A TTRA CTJONI', by " pa iu. 011 rece ipl five eelil a. F. THO'J.II,TOW. .6018 en I.Cl r .0U' , lhe dOllce. ltI AOAIIl /,l E.N." It . Oil. log look 45 . prea ent •• ,a.\ &.14 (or T. . . .rcb ona dd pen Y. ro · , rful lolla a\ p\IIU . JON ES &. CO.• ' ' d a hair .brR ined n Oli 1123, Hutf e/JII. ' ""Ig le .ppl lcal lon 01 .t hnl \v ollde . A ft'I'l, I" ':, , " ~ .. 'li "'" ~ ... , "Id ory of " .bole alf,i r louk l like man, gre" l Itre et, DUSLUO. lin. . Cun 32 '... • r" IgiOll1 aD peh ho.l blli ,nc e Boheme, of whi ch nOlh i.llg prllcll' cnl "R8 4 A C oaK h Co , . or .,.,..''11 ... ron, . '. . Dye r -.. lec\e d ...orll"e81 01 Ii, Rai well ·8 A dorO ~ta. uill Ohri the . all re" ~a.1l b h T~ .,.rl'F.IITION, Cla trll Alia • .1'k rk I lodi u' , Thll t. il will REQO IfiES J'NalEI)!t' II f Grizzled wills kers ond mUlltchod, IF ALt.OIYED .or ley 10 • I ~ r~.ulL. JU S 11 p U 8 L' CS Ii .~ £1. ere :~, fatb onlt( nE IIrE'- '" tb. p .. bee by • SIJOU .<Te ,,1 wor n d· ftllOW now bloo Ih" of ich o lin wh deAl 11110 goo~ Il ourls 10 , Y(\~ h~we ., , . or , Dio . end , .TI'~ Cu'ft'nIVE, '" y, or whiltbl obu rob. aad of rra, mea te II ,ery prot>Rblo . , drill ed, IIl1d red. urod ' . The Ibed . If notb lng mor e, R P""... aIlClul IIlAlorely l;~" 118 if I by mag ic £ol' ive. fho rcc of ; qn ' /a"lr · tnli J Irri rown doro d., Sici lal, and oC Aril lotle Mu~ 'TO AnT' ~,,' eY·b -Jfl Urn ai, rHET I'EK .. AU . Thr oa' -';I're~t/(lll. or "D lll()uta .. . k or brow 0 Iro. ; . b aLIII11Kudu 01. bllc , ••.• , lhe rure . , P lri A I" OF' GO AK S , . · K cohe offie nOO lHs an ; n I Hlu HU ,.,IO II' " .tl'. .. are or.a l!ell dllr. ~eflcaD • . . , ,. llon Ila. .Ih LIIe prea s II~ '!,rlll e6R ,0Lonlc~ hm t\.o"- 0.'11 11 a-', '. • ulClri,ts .. 'rA DO RO ti f8 O' :EN ,TtlR n r...U LT, ' .. , ES U.,J & lal • pt.r ao.. lhat tbo•• rallG k 'Iufllctured \iy J. CH Rls of llo e tl'urk •. of .A. WARD '1" ", read ers ery Vl1 Mes Ey 'rnO er. g. l li,b Dru' ilAt pub ~y NCl her FY 'S'" WILSON'S 150ld wilt be oC BI\O Wft is DItO H OII'lie .. New 'York •. I' .IC nor )' II bl" III' cOlllplniOIl ..'u01l. YcG UF ' whlola hu:e beea kep t ner e' (S bo'.. n~n) OlIu.1 lur,\ltile ct Irl{\uen~ e on Ihe ar;~ .,ats Id B 'dIre F' " r8, 1)g: e ilQen llav\ iresB ' ~p"c '1IIIn L .. e ially '011 . 'tl~/. by 'p'eo lied of um. " App va. • " h f Q",~. It I. a .. PM" Il • l. j' n '0 ex.m i· Ie I, o.to o, a oew (ulfy '.'I ..al ...... ny 'hlnk DOit be'lif' ..lye .Imn.lctlin.•te rplie • or ~ ~ Dla r, oot oaly ope n or ronc 118, j Cho lera , Dh. rrllQ \lI, alld Dra clIle r,_ r.t.... ic Iote"!' turll HI.n t, ~o.• ' &0., C to. .,um mer read 109,mer led ~d'p The . D lake " ' I be I 1.. ,.... 11.e ... ber, '& at mly W.~l . Thru .CII o~,A ':I.d Sum of ' h.. "'rt\l"g~ .IUO':!. bu, thl' extr 109 Ibe laki n, telle hm./ ~IIt.rrh. on8ljQlptive Dr. 1'oblo'" cel- I" .A~I by Reol d I. II. Rnle lor. I worr to is rtu, Ihi cure 1,uU . . io A .. hr lel d tYI der. Ilrli . I I .. osed 1II'Ith ./W'f wor ld, Mo.1 of Ihe III. Dl8 etlie ., j}rllchE'1 are la- pb'lItod VE'IIETIAII L "erved'L" Olll" III I \illul lraliU .8 vdo um. I!' good .nr e.rn . lDen la all part l or tbe ~ tI 6t&t fIme p.ln ,eue te ... Singers alld Public Sp"aln .. first lok en bv po" " II1'JlI&~~ ' 11 u~ed, wblt!ell cOi"'r.u,ftr'lt2 d i. l eIuttJ.wJlI iD" lind • eopv tc of cqS\ lh. pa, cleu t8 Ptire i .l 60IUO. ~. eg ulTI'J' boun Ie ill 18 or ,,1 I' 'bey ,Ie . ' e udel now lemp d!!" , 0 8 Tro 11 .. ...,. filld h" , wlil ~ . PI'eI!lICl'1"'''' or', . erl .. ~~ hall b~e k "ow n /11 Ie ....... 1" , ' ', I 1I 10 k ell befure be (olo d equ al 10 Any ofHthe,. lalh lillll"Ol" \lr Th is Jlled lcine ""1 10 the 1'rol,l .. fron I"Ie Y9 1ee Vl'1E' n . , u..J A Iben l Di,eo • d' OolorllClo. ~~ n l TI '. · ,uI .. I '11' ~a" I·Cft 'b 'arl . ' I ' over 1)8 . lie , . ' ln • ... y.. Inti rll.flV ri .. r. :.o'i" a.d. appa klng mo.•. n Ian. f thro at .rle r nil Unit e Sial e.nlid g " Ib -• I • . ro~, d it n~ye, rl~:~n I' w~"I' 0bd~~I{~l , U, •• '~d ,,:ill b. lelll bl e carpllL; a .. d. bil I ~:~ on o:b. D II org. n". ' rile IouYo! UjlU agal VUCI ~o!. lloe ell" ul Rpp ulalr iun A re~ Y 'xerl t , ellim '• . Th • pop a I• t'ron 0f C oo,. wlIe m~1 8ua It lIdo Pro UllU ch . . wh'! and ~nd , for y llt eoin fuU lllui glll.J com C~~ of 8IIy o!~~~~~'p~'bl~{be, 'ond preecri!leJ cure d 'k~~ d ilL nplo iLa in Ihl WAy ldt' JAfv! pane ~mel e reco ' ,ole ;e t . of ::ea tried OOr ·rru; DDm IJrlt ';.ry tb, who by e led ar. , • l~ft .NK"M U SIr* tl. New l'o~k. Te'lim.ulll~ol~ ~'jmmellded, .od all IhQl bet"81:0 othe r dom ellic mlll ler,: 1'01. , ., .. ;,~~, 11'~:ve hnd 0 ~ (I D ',. ~ g - 8..t (J .ari oul elec tioa •• II prob ably ~, I , huu.t 11te' oounvy. ~IT .. re ,nu\\' Il~ver withUlit ,i~. In Ih •• . ilton . i, DeYet: dull . f!om e;:i~~~~I, H'lD '_ alii! . " .in« I amu I ousr by I nd' eue alll 40 tlio ded SII arlic le o n, he "tten Bel nl,. .. i Iwe· wit, 'J·ob . ; J?r IDd , read ea fir&e uf 184'8 N~GA 'U 111.. Ima ll. POl le ..e. :If • Ihar p ~nd elfiu t tr~e mE'fll, ,ndl 18,vllIg en :0 al !lId IUD. late 10 do in, PU RE Ol DE R "I IU~, fll. ""'h mlU ll tbou ght Qot 10 exce ed tbe i.lio n ~peA"il)i bold ly.. Illd Ibal toO OpOD top· FD - ttrl!ir ft1l ~. be\o r:.1 . dlu.8L e.. .'~ , be pure Jle~ ~:8~~ tealpllOnrU! < 'J'IIi. we )lnll\y 10 er or tbe•• Dtlm bera . The adm " II~pOI- Y"I t. each YCIP ~:d. lhe ~:: ' . trIBC IOI II:- 1'.I II. orid iOI wliereiD wom .D b ..... beeQ e thew Sllt 01 a 8 a. n 1;'0fl J'0 ou. Unio VIlri tbe In IDto ~Ie. , or a Ter r:u lllli .if II to P'O B T - 0 e buU I&ll e iate nll. lb • ., hM Ind Ihl. lJei.,;hborhooa, .nll . ,..rl R ome 0 IalllioD ie. to In. -d to bAY • IIl;a It " __ l~~ W~h .' with 10 e tiea elllretrti ,.-. , lurn to 'Ine ,., O!! 00. own .,... ol~er artic le.. -~~_...I'b.i rtl appr ecil \tion 01 b.an PIiI NTZ . y all.y the Ihir ll, I.1re • ,:mp R ro,E. T , ' . .whi cb, chl.1 ' , Bron . . : wn' 'Bro ; eve IO bl. t o,b.IO m.r ' 1 mlla .... b nhe trat boo lh. hil.l I ' lli mtlt d • fJ.,!II eof " b.,. ,.rI" DII , an' I~s~'i at tI 0 "o~ I.b ,anr 01 tbe " ·orlh · 1"" mlo "le. . It Ie . • Irra nled err I ' " . '-A,.at~ ~ant. NT ~O OOIlYlO"OD,l. Tb. llIe ee_ olh er 80 /11 ~ 00. t Ilrn JI, be ~ ber .f l Itfl b;cI In~ 1 r RoI~ . . , . II, It Ja rt>I -beam .... . 01 ".11 1& ••" . A~l'Iinnoel'Dt to' I.Ile .lnlf .. utO .1 ..~1a"," uf "''' 71 hU ' the Ind I'll ;'Y.f1·h~.re, In .Ihe ,. Unltlld 8t · l CL~ . ' e I" liZ UTI ULT IDOIIQ a,. bee n r.ah ltd by ..... ' I,il, prlc . 40 Ind 80 ceot ., .l)e ; in "fae t Iii.' II'''I pAI' per a ll ?Aa f, ou' ceol X;e wl,h 0it l8~ ••• 'l, per· ~:: nlfle lb. Dtu Cou ' Oit1'~:~::' 'boz·. D orel ln ..... ....to It'tlttJlo lOIae of tlan dl SI ., ~e", fork , .ltO...rlll .wri t.r 01 tlte tia; . 56 -_._,.-...... --- -:-
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made by tb. WilmiD-ItoQ ... d Clark... Ihe ~!ld UIL, near SpdDgb oro, by Main ,ilJe ro.dl. abo,. Cor"l•• Tb. amQUDt lheOnRe~. H. \V. T aylor, or Franklin , Mr. • b Rebec. MilS and , Morrow of e D Whll.or A T. J acree. 44 II a out t'UJIII a41'f"4 JU) BODD. Wbere ma, toe fOUDd I,oud Ilock of ' LoWD ... The grouDdl h.~1 pa..ed mlo lhe .a Lo"' n88, daorhte r of J OIi.b 'U4 .l. ....... CI.cID .. U h".... . tbe by On· lhe. 26th ult., near Fraakllll, budl of a OtDieLery A••ocialroll, "ho, Rev 10.37 .l. 1(. .liI ID. Acco.... H W T I At D . I W . '" ... ... 1(, i .a8 P. 1(" Cobaljllbui ACoom.. t~ aii.. ;'~a~~ Lor, B r, IDle .. • Sliiel· B " iOlO otf it laliDI II I id purpo.te the d (or P. 10,01 rowlI. . pitllbu r, Elpr... . ~ .... we '~e eetao W lB n a ' ' aPe Ju.t recel,e h Iola. ayeouel. an"I. cSca.. aud "tiler. ... On tlia 23d ull. at lhe' . v_ of . Itoelli 1(. ed 0\. I ~1.62 . ce 0 Ni,II' ..,..pr.. .. ' , H 8mJIIon Mab an, EEq., ' by RBY. W . Q;, · Dlak e it altr,,'Qli,e . . . It al useWile ~ 1'.al'WolltD BOUIliD, ~ E r,r'I n,. . Rbb'erl 11oMahlln, of ., W Irren ' , ~ 4.31S A. If. lui. mu.tI Deeeuarily iDcur. a laril ex. IShnIlDo ' Nlr bt &af.'.... na Mllhao. ot Pleuaa it~ a Rox' and unty. M . • 1.I1~ ol, ~." .COUllly. iltnn •• 11 .nd Acbom., Ham • , idge R , debt erable POTS cODllld a II Th,re .,. pen... In...0 9 P. W, 'Lb' E xpre... • PI Ulv On Ihe 80me day, ~t' tbe I ~me place. by !lIl ui.ti0i t agaiDs~ il; bu~ tue proposi · .,llli P.' II. ~inclnllid Eltpreil!. SKIL I;ITS, aD:ne , Alfred SW ift and Plt~be A the all '1'0 I liboral. il es lion of th, 'Truste . 8:26 A . 1(, Columb •• Aecomm'n, GRID DLES ' HAJR OIL, . Mohall ' ' .. . lg (of mucb == =~= ~~= =:~ ~==-=== I· • DC> IIPt Ilop. ' ( .. ally-1.hl! personl paying -iRON CAST L. OVA m agr~illg ~o W. H. q LUB lfT, Pruiden l. ue ) a certl6cale 1'ilI ISlUIt, FANCY SOAPS, BOIL1"lJS 9 , ~, .. ' t II I , 1 . • ~ , b h -" 'b r Sup'" • or K. W. WooD"r~nD, B, ot8, urla Wit IIDie e • A. D. OADWAtLADE IAgent. 'l'El l - KET. TLES .Chalmers 20lh, At F ort ADroie n', l\hy' DYE S'l'UF FS, '" tli e IRDIe back wbe~ it 'Ilita the Pal'in J.. Agett4. .. EJ,prt MILLS; &. of '811 aize8, lLU:oz.. ' C4,I)Wo Wilson, o nly ch ild of Dr, Alex, W . end every lA, ! .I'6i1~ wilb-iot ience. OODveD Agmlt: grap)1 l'ele ' , Houb , C.DW~L L A D E a, ati, a ged 7 ENA MEL ' KET TLES . PAIN TS, pe.non tbat caD (LInd there are bUI fllw Abbie R. Johllson , of Cincinn I810rled ~ izea, 01 lhe beat .quality , . dfY8. a Ilnd Ulonlh h !?;" 'rONG ELS, SHOV Al .'ort Anoieiu ; ara, 11, Arlbur HimTallPS uaOIl PIONJO AI' R£'f8I1J LU.- \V 0 caDoot) nOIT take ,ao iotere! t, sub· ~ SAD , l1U)~ ,~. ' Infulil suo 01 W, ii, lIud Amelia P . Hlim, d. n grou· th. leI aod it, pay Tem· of alld Icritte The Ra:fnm a l>ivi.iOD &0. • NS . 'lR01 S S'POO VARN ISHE 8, hdld a clllebrl&tioD ~( lbat be freed fro~ d ellt, and in 1118, future 11ft. ' Ferenc i • TEA & 'l'ABL 'E do.' 1.1, 1 1.' 1 .Apr~ of 261h the on \Yn, Gennt~ III '\1 tb . t 1 iltell' 10 the' 0 1 WI U crrtific Hopptnl your B take Dlly.ld .Il ptlon, which to coU'allm of But, ay tn 0 ' , plalle .D &Ltard . and 3Mb , ear ,oF b-I. a,. ~ ., ! . who are 'rielldt , to ~h, caUl. are cor. be ..cure \0 you or your ...ignl.
St.. Wayl188YilJe,
W',nnn JLLB (coawI . ITATIO .).
iattlti Iltbici~ts :
r, .
Whent i\1 Rye 1ll OUI8 ;P
$2 2~
bushel, II
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys,
. CarifulllJ Corrected Every W eek.
eyare y graveya r - aa gono y. oeeeau l'ily rtq oired , iii fire&' aDd early settlem ents. Paas inLo the country a
@ 230
Picture, and Window-Glasl, Evet'ol'erQd in WayneSvtHe'J
~!£===~,=====~ URAL SllWE s,
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cannol be aoll1 for debl. · The day ror Imall COUDtry aD~ raDii·
.. of
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. dially illviL,a:· . h. to d upeot" are " lpei"e jj;Dlillla& preient . aod prep.ra tiooa are beillg madl for a liDie of genera l' r.rreJ-hilli. Fr.m tb, 1'ell.kn own liberality o.f oar Raynil le nClighbor."and their a· bilitJ io ·,.tting up th,,,,,a ' of Ibi~ kind, are Jed 10 beline that all wh(J are largely rewarde. d. iu .ILeDdaDce "ill b6 1 • , ,~.-. ---
Ind !DOlt complete ...ort....·
N U'
0 ODS 0
uIP Clindt,.~, . laiil. and Japaml4d Lan. teml~ for coal oil, candlll and lard o,ii; also, 4 , [a,'!Ie
" "
&~e attenlioD. o.f~ 1WI lind tbe plopia, er. ·cu.lom u. ·numero 11 kind . !feDerally. as., To which he. iD,II"
--- .---
o few mile. in III moat any direction, IDd 00 111 Darley ed AIs!', • eood 8.Uflply of you will see abao,doDed and Deglect .. ".,01'1'11-1 of I .I Corn \ , '0CALL IN, 'I'b II ceme I ery groUD d 8 .• HI 60 graveY Gru.. bD rrel, Flour . ' .. ''' 6 ()O FlolUr 1!l cWI. selecled bere ia a .Iarge pari dry ADd PRICES. 'AND EXAM.INE. GOODS , lLIb Jl~:~e~l " ) , 'Bndy, a mBtler of 'great importance; 'L '"1" ll' 1" of llte'grAveyard. in the u -SUCH ABEfI"(oI '4L CaVIlO R AT MORRO W,- ~vhilc tbe most ElnrS , dozen, ~ 00 of Ibe heel male rial Dod 61yle, or LE'A VE YOUR . OR.DEA.8 s 'lI bU8hel, POlaloe holll· soil, clily 8tiff a are bOQ4 l lieighho Leb· Ibe of ~ n e l0Ild co.rrtl8( Thl Morr"" 20 Dried Apple. 1I 1b to TEACOFFEE, OUR OWN lIrIAllUF ACTVRE. aaeD -&Gr taYI t,bat Preside nt W, H. iog wllter a lllrge part of the year. IDd I w.IIl 400 s ~ doze .. , Chicken . ground Ibe of lop ~he nellr ,. 30 ® 33 SUQAR, CI,meD& will. ere"t an Episcon".al Church Coffee , 1b II ~8r1ety of ~,e h We ~o '11S @ New-Or leons Sugor MOLASSES. 'l'he buri~1 of the , dead. under the "" iD Morrow , during the present .amme r, GUAR1NTBE SATISrACTIO~~ I SIS , . gall-on' SPlOES , ~ s 1\1olaailB :.0, N 101· ,"of: a i. 'aDcel, . eilcuml le by hi' own munitk enee. I Thill.i II be most flivor.L 00 1 80 ' ETO" ETC. Sor~hllm KITo ml QUEEN, . maller, and wheD ad ded the . r, !OletMu t'. lib, emo COli Oil 11 ttB lion, I or )I 11.',tlnC( both ill aDO,ther • T cbil<lren c:t. eraJhy a.el p"blio Ipirit; alld a place thoug ht thnt Ihe tlodit!8 cf 1MP I ""lfll\l~,'" A comple!l ...urlment of ' art ® I"'ll "n.,t... 'a.... tlt.,t't. s .. t-. d , of ~·In home ~ a to tled c0ftl,mi are friends lind reai II al man a luch &hat eao -okim SDO M,! AND ted to in. ___~~...," .1' .. , '" :oil • • t =;] C!,,, dint may wen ' deem ' ii'elf.' fo~tunale, waler alltl Illud', i~ is 'calcula ~ f'tj r I fl: luffaril1g non. but the We hope 'he work 91'111 go ullinlllrrup' crease nur ~ftlieli oos, Lei tb. ~ ~, "i bouy tbe that reflect 10 mind be brough t tedl, OD. ~ ~ (h uf 0111\ ffiond ,Wla dt:eElDtly iDterred, ~ "'i - -- -•..-- -t l'!! ~ • 0 ~ .:; and dl')' is lilce esting~p " }"I' the that e· 'Q::7 There i. Icarcely a month to '""'4 (':)" ~ c;,. ..... (') ., t..! 1;" t:r.. . ~ ~ t 'II · II ofJ .. 0' ''' .re employed. ~ n -(9A ',' · uI1 11" secure, tbal every~billg arOllnd it "eara ':!. .,.,.. I..~"" _ '''PI • ere anol IJer FIOurl c e o -fTI ' ' Iia f t:-. C; . ~I ~o ~ ~ ~ "ff a ll. ) , addltioo location COOKS lill! H ma~ing b of P.ARLO O::TWe ore :008t81111y be UPOD a'i a\ we "avl! no tumor 0 (Wilh the 101.!!llIu ity t..... ' ..., . .,. -:0:co N aspect, and , it ~ ~. any demanstratioo luita!'le to 'Lhe oc· J:nly· and ill,:igor aling ~cr ~ : pricea. compare 4' . examine and I o:TCol -_ s.' == StOVe "".. from 42 • calion prop08ed.(or Va ynenill o, N will in n l:reat m eastlre b'e r~lie,ed Y JIIAII R~"D OIl ~ ~ ~ I'll t= April 1', 18tl6. £11&1.. ' 5:.?l hang tha\ es J;A inn,ueoc .• .: pressin t d lhe " 't. ODe Hems iuclined to lake the initialil lire cit differen t kinds 'llove8 plflor The c ' ~ ~ ~' -. t"I ~ ~ of Ibe in ,ucb mailer. , D~w·a day. : lind those around 'he negleeled, Fe,ceptaoles 'a nd for eith er COlli or W ood . . TI\e aboy" ~. ~ .. 0..0 ~ , (OUST Oll KADE l '" , .' .look baa be~n pur~h n~c,d lit ,lUI ' dend. I who wilb to jubilate olltha! dal' will, ~ CD L et 1111 l'Onl~i~ute ror Ih, above ob. ~ ~ t:r.. ., cloabtle... b. com~l\t'd t.~ ~mil'tr~ ~e. 10 fl~, TltelGrfGI Intl~ion qf Ihs ·.A!', i,. Cj~~E A L WAY S ' 0 N' HAN D I, ' ~.. .:.. ~~.. ~ small, r ·bowne •• offering YOIl~ ~, jec eoa;a' tD!'1'e .fJcU~I ~l pOlDi . l! ~1l118:, , ' ,' ~. s.ola an realuna ble profit 01; lly a11: > eat i,.pa(~.to Wayue.vilh,'11 uuber· will nol be 'despiJetl{ bII~ eapecia ,fIe 811111e, terwd.' that CliO s pan) the Dlta'n~: let it be dooe anci. . will add to our '. with a libt'1'1l1 li ~ od. " '0' ., '. O::T ~,ic8lla,.. resumed \llcir at· I:llergy anclpro .per· tRIoliOft' in ,thi. 8eOlio", and Ihe gay POPUlillioll, wealtb , OF CUIl:T,E Rt. " A Io~uu/l) _'J'IIK it". ; • '. ' ~ • aDt.i'ipof"\tJ4Haeld.n ocoaaion at UUtlo, J , . uah a,' RQ olilll!', E ~ viHroughl end Gon· SW Il~T PO~ATO CUJ..Tu~ :-Mn'ny per. 'hu:tou, dont." Oil ~ hOrl nOl lce Bnd in th~ 00 ~ltlfdlly, wblcli ,!,81 well attende d. Alway on ha..a in greal varid1i. the keep 'best . SI) Je, lit reduced priCBs 'rom lost to: fY (\ecleUll is it think 10118' We are told lb"l 8not}I(lr will lake ,woll{, We your with on Come yeer. Thllt. i. Dol altbe old faYori.l e Ol/Itl ~priogl on S,,~ rO"Jle,n Irom taki'll{ ;,ot. T. T. DODSON. Ire ,reaay , to wait on you, With,.. Stock . .r4111 .0(· .thil w('~k, wilen Lhey .... ill ao, ACte.r two or thrfl6 !lood workings, lull Illd plenty. Marcb ~J, 11166, . dOIl~.,~.,.'he1 poeL" advice. and they ~ay be 'llle to l'Un ,8ijd ,rooL Come one, Icome till, • '" And ,Ive U8 a "all, 'Oil witb th. d"n~e. 1,,1 j oy- be un olltilled. , ' e for yours~l vel; Examin • Nor .Ie.p lill JlJom •• ho·1I youtb alld 1'Iuaure the~ like. , ............ . ' ..eel '1 i t i l " .J. Don't leave .our wart:! tu lei"" '1:110 WarreD ooullty Horse Fair. ')'0 q,ue the ,'ow,i'!., bourl wilh flying r~et .' ,G ~ t duell)' all Ij lll shelves . the on pour eluclc mov Ing; Ohio. 'Kee B. ·Lebauo aL held be will ... I Let na ou· time be illlprovinj!'. to .. .promia Ind .tUrf", ot 8di, 7th,liod be T~' H"rald or ,HIi"ltb , will 'rh", I.ard timee and heny laxes premillm ~ny nol bEl Ilble to HUll U8 • lin a ne~ yolume Ia.J.ly . and b,,~ Ie- be a gl-fL DU affair. ' A large l'lrs. Winslow's l\lystic pms bem premiu larg~st Our prices ore as low . l\aoe ; Offll'od i8 list em· g ro.lJowio .elllnd lb, .er,ic.. of tbe Are propared ollly for a lerltiril ll,·par. -\. eteewhn re you go. ' I ioellt "Ill, aa oontrib utor•. : UOtl\C 'i'IDI ·""'''0 .... y.ou wont ic8 and Ire the ouly .are .od e~II'lye pOle, mechnu Good I • . -...~, medicine lor .remalea clttlnl. Gre.le ,. ~en'ry ''W'''.• BeecheT, Re,':. 'I'll' mend your olJ builtrs and pIpe; '8etlle'd be· As the queeliDO . Do not nile wllb your. health. , Illd 'u.e ~n,d .whell you hUl'e j!re«lnlloriu , Dr. Frothin gh.mj ~heodore Tjlion. ' R"dispule ,i,ited . that we, are to yond clleap' IDd deOll'roua medi~la"... 'w~lcla DOD'~ gil away, Lut iil'l! u~ a ~wip('. , RETAI L DEALE RS IN epidemic . __ Orllula ,. bave bought, Igd ,w\l\ ~ rB~o~_ Rev. R. H, Ohalli, . AJri'ed" B. Street, by {\jill most to be l feared •. el nery UM qualjf tbelr aUto or UI t a e , l,norall bt."hooY il beina , mend. cholelll Pro!' t" Wm ,b. B'i',lel ih, J ollD Plcr,poD DRY' GOODS, T ~ L L .4 H ' S C II A lIRI. WlIlsLow'a .lY~T~C PILL~ C«Irrect it. pro. yo......... Dr. Di. Lcwi., F H. Per· prtlClIlIliulI inotlr power Lo ularltiea Ind 'paiDfut men'\fua tiIlD; IIlIlrree '''' M ' ~ I I EL ENAM • a~d tbere can be no ltIore,ctrta.in 0 III obiltruclion•• wbelh,,~ .torn , remove \ Lille, IlOII~1 qoit Tyler 'of LondoD andd grelll, QUE KNSW An~" , . thlD ' lhe ScandlDaVSln For Improvillg aud . Bcauli l.f iDJ:' th e COUl " .' : .. preveot lvtl • W M'll "'I> le. N~ mlid"n~ ·wife. or otherwl 'or culd whh srtl. 00 Rl'Uledics "e.ip lite 'bowel. opeo I er. We nav·e lI,uJ'ply of the.u u clulknows otb.1.' . ' I' ....... a year. 1,18.,,01" .hculd be witbout Ibem, ' , mother , , , who ' eper . h()u~eke 'R9 wlilcb York, cl41. Nllw ill ton Street. prC,,8tRl t LaigM rrer .00,.' I'a valu~u e ond pe HAR DWA RE, & Try tllem-I lle . Iecordl0 lt to ~I te~tlob • the PIUS, and lo'i'l:!ornle the Il sleUl by T be moot cII long be wiLhont . I" '. • g iri llJ;' tlte • • tn "bellu.;r,,1 ' .... rl.lik e 1m I, lbel; " lIlue W9~l the free u., of 8~c)mach BiLterl or if '''., '/ lIe c:on"Dc.j tb.l\ the)' .r~ lbl ~DY" .nd , re· kly c qui It illJoUlb thutll ollly , tound "-bl ...II tl'~tn, u~e. I IIe 1;; 011'6'er. 'N 0 ,,""'eo , ~' reckl .... n "'pl.... Blolr.b~., Moth UIl T ........ U.rrl· .·)(.u.eum f~rJone con. 'uv FalEl'll. " ~. til" WI! Bro t!aulIkful' lor put (OVOII, v-.r Aik (or Ha•. WIII'LO W'. UnT.l..c PILL8. wuh out. these I'. te hu . Sall~ wnl,.••• l!: rupti~ n •• aritl ell 11111""" busin l!l!l~. tlia. '8il".rt on. Ac:td Slate" l by KrulIa, fl,mtlyllbou-ld tie f(lund '!U V' and bliP'" by "trica Ill~enli o n 10 me, l . tbe loullng hndty •. .klll th~ Of . oODe other. ' Prlo.,'3 '" ,~, or Tu"~ In full 8}·.lelll .. tb to Kt!ep ll. Slack, I'emlldt lect"d I,' , we!l·s.? , d Peveri • Pearl tull r~ Hlu1a ad bi' ,dog, by the ~I"" ",tlllu U~~ , Ie.. r Bt ala ball '''I Ihe uf Cur ,IS. For 1I1e b, ali dru"lIt11, ~ozea share 3 b r ' d r' lIFieral . lire .. till ' d' ~ (I' a ·. 1M: clou.t Ir.phe d CAnnot b e d l e(·tt 0 IIng ~. to e ealll ~Oltl ,U~ ao i" ion ,prep.orel v'Igetoul" a Wild-'O .... I)y , -SOphie ' May; Unclt: !,gor b~lIlg IIlId - , . a., . dilleBle or cb,.ol.ra. h8{t"le ' " It i. \b e, only . Jlicle ul • " .• ' " Godfre l", >.heo,ur e.; ,Short Sermon l used hy the .·ren ch, and i. con. ide .. .a hr tbe , ~ _ . , __ ___ ..:..._-=-_ : ' D . .N s desirillg to Pa d eiali ~9 iti.li. " . "sll,le .to " 'petted toilet . _...:..:._ _ _ n A Q,~ is • V X A L , ••• ~l" b, Re\'. Otlafie. 1-. Brace; . " " Tn :Y'ollng Personlife THE Iht' s 0130 OOO ,boUl ea wore sold <, urinK • b.,' II good Upward ~ pil~ t y e,,,', 8 tiuffi Ciellt .,(ua roJltee or it. Cl fti cOC),. Oatohio l ,RI ..' ... ~ SlItlly,b~w Upcle Ti'm; 6l~lltem6"lves for a~live _" '.E't1bli./ttd Mognzi ttd JlluBtrd An .d, ~ p .. pon mo.I, by Sent eenU 75 oll'lf .ce I'f 8 educlltion, ~II ally gu 'm . l A Storl. whOle ·Ind is ID a Piclure Gal · practic il blJlineS . oil ·i 0 ' An ord r. by IIntL- a'Itt"1lI1 for II 0 11 rpt ,J, orl7llg Illy. • to Otierlin, Ohiu: Inslitttl DhT S Il, i.u. r Ch" .• h' CO &. a:. IIU1'TS S b , i'TDB QUEEN OP a-;r{ m:Rt lkin., .. O or' e 6 tarm tile Busio' i!" .PRICE 5 CEN" t "" A corv i 28:> mve.· t " TI·01. ~ · V. .ry, 1 tn, aut or 0 ~ , I I,p' ; ~OW , , ~ .. FI I l'nvite .l_· 1)I'PIl' -h · apre,at.!' cnm· We WI r • ..., 0 'au,.... tie ', 'file e W.ith th . 'nuIlI IJllr lor M ay~, 1866, owen. ""er Gr'I'"'n & en. - - - - - - - - -•• - - - - U 'f "lellee tbe iI.u" ofT .. .: G ALAX)" " " I ll u~lrulc.1 UI F C .. .l. N C E dF L .... .~ T 'b l 0 • 'U gHin ... d hl\8 ion Instilllt 'Ilia ~I;"L OlU' illl.ilY . ones lelll an hkt y "11-on~ Mag •• i"e. 10 be publi. h. d rorluig hlly. 1 ,i ' 1 Sty in lhe his· 0 11 Ih " " PI)ellrhnC b h er~"fl"r ill e wlllllJRK It I "ONKY P...l. Jjra~er. ' E, H. ~'!llq., .PubJi.b of lalt is ",ithou~'Ia parllilel IIAXS TO AGENT8 II: , C" I100I8.. A II d II Ie l'OR AT · Firat and F i(I"~ lI l h of "Reb lIIoulh .. Mas. WU..LOW'. QUEll( BArIL RI!8TOo Ie , ' CiA commer Pri of' d tory' er. 17:l Willia .. ~1I. New York, 1'1ie p.U.AS~ will cont~iu Ih e bc. t slu ri .. Il) ED, H 1':1 L I. Q.UEE"'. Dot 0 01110 tw.... I!u' I. PUB JIB" T JUS shmd· 1\ 18 ~1I gradulIl 1 E••• yo .~ pr06ci,' ncy of ;'8 bed noveli. t... 0liA~ . • • ~'. Ihe CUo.\ lli.\i D~U ! lee , , . P nil!! ful car~ ond " the Po"t.) of s l:o" llnl's " C\I, lch .. SiI thorou ' Ind t I' 01 Y of • 'I8'[V£I . . • " h~ t by ) ed .. 1m cu es IIi .1 (1' lug 10 r er, th' j~( iew f O'Oon" r l )fichlle ,'cilll~\)le An , o.'med. f "r u. a Itt •• \, N THE ' ~4Iad OF RES PICTU 01 Slock PIilN to Our (1\11 .L DUII · l'e. _II·ill. ai' be b~J lh t leauln~ p".i bCl ic",h of Ibe world. 111 illuur. 47 Aft Inlalhbl e BBlToasa .nd r&llDV D ",Ii. h . litiill 'l. &M, ft,eigllborbood~ 'One lillY tIeDti. fo!, • piroa,lJu, lionl iwilfbe .from d e.i,,"1 by . \h~ b e.t ' S SHOE AND t.jlli ed BOOTS Oil ~tyle •. b • G"e~~ ' the ... In .:.... prililetl Ol llh_ .. lite Hair if f.ilblulJy applied. Itnt! ro,,'. Olaf a 18 after GilI'll:. 10 eli bin ;~' SIX ED(TION S ,t.LREolDY la.t '.'~ .. ~ , ~~TE ....SIV· .... 8 A I.. E AND II.pe~. Typoi\"8~ loi." llt. Tm; C AI,UY w,11 he !.I8
. il G am y rocE'Jnes.
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..... nE
CU'ffRIQ , '" 1IUI\lD.1.IJl'I~ •• .' -:-.MO N AR CH ~ . BEST WORKMEN ROBB'S ' ,'Ml!ttt·tt ~~\tIcr ~ . 0 HIPPODROME LINIMENT! ;J
., '. G E N
Job-Work of all Kinds
1; S "
j, b, ""y
'EmerSon's Little Giant
s nnb ~nDf ..
SgDts ,t
Our Sprint; Sto.ck
'mIE QutER \ .THE
"C 0 M P L ET E !"
the Atten.tion And we IW B Customers and of es Friends to the ces ; , an
"w. . _.
I" . '. !D ,, 6 ...t.I.U .. ,d,lltaace 01 1"~Dt)'·6 e feet, r"~illl idj,-ri, . ,which pro~'ed "tftl.
"" __ ... ,.. .,.4 1~ i" "I>< . 1\1010 1tiJ- .hWIl lBU'I·IUN...ofi ·l'110" gO ing on
Apply ~o
LEDY A RD . BILL. 'lIS .Fulton S\., 'd 0"_ Gold ahd Silt e r W" ,· , ". No .• Illlo "".:\.r ., I' e Ir ' qf lel.:OoUl .. R't,.,,·S New York . . ' . I ' 43·1m , .. ' .. ~. ~ "~ • . • ' ' . • • .t d l e,o, good.,ar Thro. V. . N t,,· S Lihert\' l u 'D' . . . P".r8O n'.' BIIDk:"Note 51 OJ" . . ,r } hI! G,lor,. of M.aD i~ l8tr~D&'h. 50 a I'WO DOI.. LARS I,ACtl, , lh :O~ IIDI. TS bl,e publ,'ca;','o'o. i. ~ . A ge llll . lII.o wh~ ~Ilfl'~r~d. for Jeer:" fro m (u.· CE)I; .nvE WEN1'Y 'l' I S 'v !,.",~no l I I . .. Ner.·ou, a nd Gelul. 1 Debllny _.nd ,( ,,' . "'. ~ , A"IfE; , Phila Bro. & lhe rCltlllll .. r youlhful ... <l lfer"" nn. "ear T •BPI , - one "ulo'I...·I'."J Nolte e. or OJS L DULI .AR for Wukue... " • • , ..DD .. lIli.· ~ - ~. ho~.le iu . da)" hit eliding IX: fire nGI.llher qn ~ACi! N o.ie!' "orreapol~dl 'Mild cam e ,.ea delphi. . . , will, I<! r 'be lake .of .utrerlnlt lIIan. IMlIul .IO l orn"art\c l. of(ood• •wbl cb wilb' Ih._ ~\ullber 'il 0)' one nftllcted. the IIml,le,llle. " . ... ed by III'" . . ' ' 'I the b h 1I.AoO.'U __ I. ' . ..... Tho money \v. whi cb .. Ileeted • cur. in a few " et'''/, 8fl~r eeelplo( on .tlnt Ull .wl1l' oreen.)e a,e PiP' .1 • ~ . v-", <lir~cled a ~d . _iei".I ~ Dail'~to" of failure ction. fa ",,1I. refund c;iI if Ihe good.,do alo l gil'" .or'ea. ni.., for 'he la.' f•• daYI. bo not~ lng. Addrt.. S I,er e nnl upe, ."d It wllIl'oit yoa A nllooa'll. 'rw£Nl v.Fl\'!J : DOI.LA.RInJlO Charube", . t .• N . Y: . ' , No.l~ ' _.i .! .~.. JOAN n. 060£"' r ~ t... •• EO ... 'd II~ 'r.• c'}rcluar. ' 's • ...'\.. '] 1~, · .lOu. qal.tII'F. ct' il. cODie - •• ' - Lb. D~en lI.. c.r. W . .. I '. . ""
'.I.... .,
, -
d New York. ,p:' o. no,: 3·51,1I8, • - J ' • . 421 y OIDce 1 Libcrl1'S t. , • • •- ' , , . ' 0 a. ' . tb~. to .~ek l .. I fDrrro&' . . W. 0 0 Sli f • el 1 ' . • " ..01-.:..:. e~. a~·c.. '0 .' • ear· ...... ui.allrie.cI.f~r ...." aoeep" cr.",,~ E ~ q" iil 'tbi. utlmller.
"* ....... Gl . ." ....DLlllDtado·.
lh e mo. t ,e tegft lll M:ogn" n8 in America. It will be 'l litch!!d ill II (:o.r r of " " ,·t l .nd brilJio",- dr · ~i g n •• "d 1'ill b. prinled 011 .I.w Iype u p,... I) e~ 1 ,(",,' tb. l"U" I'Of~, .nll ou 61111 cnt.lld~ I·~d
11 il the U l'p(>.~ /of \h _ p" bh8be~~ In prelent i,l , the oolulU's o( TOE G,u.AXI' b tIll libra ry or ~ t,\>ic(; lic lino. whicwilbi" ' of the 1";,;o,lico l will ,.tu ee or nery reader . Ih.. ' ,Tit" " ubl e'rj pllon pr:ce n(. T~ E (aLAn i. S IX Oolla,. a Yb,. Subec" pl,on. ohould b. Icldr~'lhl '0 tbe Oiljl;4) uf 'rUE GALAXY, N o. .' , 311 Park ~w. 'N8w Y",Ii, for /lb. MIKOline . hould h I! · Collli.,allieali c~nl.t.:djtor Nell' E GAlAs.\'. TH 0 d to ,btl ' . .ddla.e , York. ' . , "'~ G,lrl.u :" Loftl, AU ,•• ' _arrr Hap-'~I" .,feIiU veDo,!, I rre. pect\ r eo(Wea llb,ale Ol'btiOlU ly;andtbll d ennJ\>p" R,!d 2ft cc~1I Illd I love of the oppo,.it" au "'I.h lie pined by fol , Soil, an .ddre~l. nlllllhl. 1"I,.,fI'" tIn n thot lo",i" .. "llIpl" ritl.. sen~ a "'r.at~ .nnl'!p,e DiU...q you I'~II" J<o •• A~LI,ti •• M,.. J~J: I-:OR A~ I IO . I,A 'I AtoJ....; MAR\ ~&:.~Y, :)t .. tlo"O,~i·. .. ~iI .......... 5ta(jC!D~, 1~1l Sri'~r St., N.", hr".:, . _ \,1. lI tru.e,lI: cwYa%i .
the Best QualitJ
It i8 no Hair d,,,,,' .,..
Or ,h. .tfle h ICt. direotly \IPOD .l" . 11 ' I ' tllal toitaOf r hi DR.re, ch~tlII hair, E C A 0 S 1M ER color; ,III. dl!clj .nd, fall'
pre!Da\~re' in, Olll of tbe hlir; . ,redlcatl~ Icurl Ind Irr . .
_ and 'D.uOJ-8' Wear. For wen
" I "GOODIi'~" LADI Lt'S'. DRES . ' . 0-
daadruft. and curin" .U bti!Dort or tbe d if b I & fl d ICllp. t h h wit c Inee ry In VI ., .1 r , 010 and luxurilol Ireuel. It imlllrt!! 'dell,ht fll.1 fr'l!a~~ ,to the I h to II 10Jl: wlab' !o rlilklte It I ...d r.~~.I.i ll· \bro' ,::; bli~,~,D:1I J"o,,'h, , , e life
,..1Ialr~rft. et,'f i.n4,'' at. a "d~"aa.loIP.'••• 1n endless Varl .... ldb II ......... .. .i.. ,I ':\"-' Prl",,1 • bo~, -.. redao~n ia malcel. great JOjlN D. l"AJU[• 1" ~ . . _, , - April ,.",
~9.,~ ll1
G!.a-9I ...... C~"'O' •.
. A. IRVIN '8 AWFUL Vpper ead of .aill Street,
If you
~t Plll~burK' trlinl from II.. W-"t' fa.. 4lre.:t 10 Ihll 'U 1,1011 J)i'pot , 'Wfler. P....
~~<I-. _OD.reteaU01l or Inooatiaello e ' thine, Irrltatioa, ,lntlammaUon 'O~ ~ or Uloeration of t.he Bladd er or ~"4 E.i4ney. Dilea... of t.he ~~ ' . ' G~a~d l:nt. naliorlill Mltling of Mo."" tate Gla,nd; Stone 1n t.he bladder, o~ ~ ... • I B i kel R ".t:clur,,, of Wuldle. J; Jewt ry. Calculul, Gravel or IOU Th e-(ollowing hll been relolv"l, thll :tepo.it,. and all-dileal'l of the ~~ ~oI. in con8eque"c~ 01 Ihe I[rea~ .SlIgnltion bladder klduev. ani! drolllical
tr YOII ~Ol.gooo Ale-or nar,
82.000.0QO Dol).;;Worih 0'1 OOFld an~ S 'l IY 8 W I b ".pl.e ndid Jewe 'y tenco C lo c "r. D~.,'acm:~[Rin/l" PllnOll. iIelode. , W & 001. Sewing Mlchin". Silver are. c. &0., 10 be di.p~sed o( ItdTI wo I ~o~laJll l'lIch ardcle, wlthOUI realr 0 vo u •
Pure Wal,. r l S
If you .. ,nl CoWee, T ", or uga., I ( y.ou ".nl #o1olu,.. or ".... (( rOil "Int Cud", R .I.inl or Filfl, If ;':u .. anl 'Chu.e or Dri."t'D (tf.
lIUk~ ,lYOlaecl•.
g~ .AUOIIltCftlUnI/,
... AYl¥DV' ..LJl:'..
Op~lile the Fotlnllia D.
10 IIt~ Tr.lnl' o. I Ollnllli Ran ••" whld.., I.... Pltt_borl, lInd .rrlv••, Olber ~J 1,1 rollowl : ' 'f EJtnE'--Lelnl Pitt.bu~, I:S '. rtl"lIlOPllio, It prhl"I~I I 'I"loh II Alloonll'" 81 8 10 IL. III "," ~ \ I 1<1 ' 1. rOlle '9 ,119, A . H .. [l'"lIe(ollle 1Q,611 A ..J4· I Lock H.,.n 1240 p, ~r ,l 8~rrllb 'tl 120 P. II. Jhllimoret 5,aO P. ~'. 1.1 iel I I York, VII .\1!enlowlI,lI,~ 10.4/1 Pili , 1'''' , , P M iLl ' " "I " ) adelphllt al 6.60 • " .nd orl. "i. Philad"lphi .... e~ 10.2'7 P. M, " ., " CI IIClIUtA. TI EXl'llE!IS-Leavpe P1"lbar .t 9 ,60 /L. II, 81 •• pping at ollirly ' alf ~ lillne. Alloo~al fU. E., .. ..,. Herti.bbtlt!, 8.16,t J' "., .mvln" al PIIII,delpl,i, "JI' J. 40 /L N. B.}' Ihll Iraln pUI~ 'gel~ •.~ ~ lrane lt' rred at Union Dl'poI, Wl!Bl Phll~" delvlliR, dli'lletly to Exprela · T IliI fOf" New York, reachlnr tbere it 6.8U ·A •• PHILADI'LJ'HIA EXP8E88v-.t.el,,,,. ~ ' IIJ burll at 4,10 P, 1l011pir,U 'lilly , Ii llro'll'.' • cipal etbllons. A;rlV811 '1. Lttrobet 11 ~ 1', M" Altoonl 9.30 ,. H.,ri~bllrllta Uo A.• " . Bo llllllore- 7A,III,. ~e,~ Yo~, vi" Allenl""'u, 10,10 A, III ••• Ph,lid'I.-1\I .1&' A.II . , alld Nl'w York, VI. Philadelphia It 1:1 ,05 P••• ::;Iespill(( CIl'I run Ibrough '.... Ihilt crllin 'ro,1II Pjll,burl 10 nahhllore IDd Philildelphili. and lo Newl yo~k.vi"A:lle~. i tf/wn. ...~ FAST I.INE-Leavel Pillabur • • 1,'11 101 P . N.·, .topping C?oly at Pfilicipal '\1\ ·0.... n'rriv el III Alloona D\ 3 , 10 4. III., li.r tl' burg* 8 28 A. N•• Baltlmortlt ]2.30" 1, : N .. w Yurlt ,t \(11 A.llenlow'n, 1. ,11> .p '" • Phil,delplli"t 1.10 p , II • • nd N w,Y It via Phlladell.hiu, DI' 6 ,4'2 P'. N. I ~i'
,,,,, ,.,e
a,.1 Holo,oa, you .. ao l lJofrinf'. cr yOU want l-i.11 by the IIIck. lb. or bbl. \ , ,Tbll II Ibe"Ku wbo .... 1Ia141114 I( IOU "Iut 5tlrcb . .RIce. Sodl, Cream of ~.Q<S Taru,,'. P'epl; " Giog-er, Cln •• won !llfl<. IJ( '}'rade, ond In order to reheve Irom pe' . .. '" ')" 'Whr:l.;. hu f'IlY(!n lodr•• Cbc ''",. Ait piee or Clo.... cunillry emblrrassmenl. occasioDed by a nrelling •. H. "lOll tho OIl,. tbllt 1li1 _.~. ~~~ /{ YOIl wa.ljlo ret drunk. don" KO thue. dlltressiult \Var. lind to 1V0id' , ' ~ &lie ~llAlW&U ilIa$ &&-. - 0d <P, 'l! IJ yuu ""nl Tobocco of lell diS' rc,,1 kill"'. BAN K R. U PTe Y • lP. Q~. (( 1 <,. ,vOK I Shu" ·n". Cermlo, Ro JU O. Wa. b 82.0110.00U \\Iorth of gooda rrom Iheir '0 II' Sa _p. atoc" mU.I I be lold 10 tbe coulle of Ill!: ~Vi'IfD ~l! (( l"U ",.nt Ciprl. rnonth •• at ~"'RA ~. ~ If fOU .. out O"lera ill Ibe .b ell. cln. clol nn or ANY S..4. C R I F I 0 E , Foa di b, . ~~ .nj lor t'IItf purpole they hive elected 0d 'iP I( YO II ..anI Iflk or UI.cUng, DE TR.EY & CO., I ( you:".ol Buckell or SlIIke";. tP. ~~. OURE 'J'blI f. the Pan.......1I~~:e -'I Ilanled tho maldoOII, .. 3& LiberlJ S,noel, U you ....1'1, Crocker, Wart, "0 IS' _ blld ntl K"IY. U VOII ,.. nlIO'I')O a",e, dTY. go there- lIllosiJj, fhetr E:t1cZu,ill. ..4g~",. I Aririllg lrolTr Excmtlt or Jndi8crclitln. . :..,~ baa nna l00ka, ~ • , COl d. uled tba Oare tbat 1., II you wanl your I ~I Milt bo,n~ em ply, lend iI A.. a preliminary the, would remarll Tbe conllitulion, once Itrected b, Or· ".5, AlI.aKl,aathat R1Di l1li4.. Ihal ~lhe1 manufRclure .nd lell 110 br.... ~ 'l!I.... ADd lire th~ ~AI Tonia ,..it~\I' a).weul order! oMlIlchei or Imitatloo of Jew.I". ,101': W~I.kneall requirel the .id of mad. °d 0" I.. ,"" ,,"orlll, Ir )'ou WeDI.Pop.CIJ~nl ieine to atrene,hen .nd invl!(orate the ~ '?o(.. H T U U wII1l1 Pi .. , Comb. Pe ndla, Pir e, . or' All an Warrollttd Gold of 1M JJ7orkmana/up. syslem, whil'h Helmbuld'. ExtrDct Buchu '0' <II P' pe.Slellll, q,.tf...... rr ),ou WRnl Mal~be., The (0 lell at Two nollars Iloeoi. If 110 treatlnent be lub· '9<2 ~~ (I 1" wan t Drel"' . ClIkr.or Cnekera, v::. v no ntiller how cOllly il may be, conllill 01 milled to, conlumplhlll ur innnily lony tr you ... u\ C".lor Oil. SwedOil or l ' urpelJlJlle ~pler.dld' Hunllng Cue 1'"ld and silver ensue. ~ "'~' 11 yuu ...,Olill Ilroom •• W alchee, Frehch CAlockll, Rillge eet wilh °d ~ ", 1.1.TUBBS' GO.. PROI'IIIE18111, PqERIORO', II.M. It you "'1'11 API'I .. , diamond • • ruble., peltrle end olher precl. dl i?o(.. ~FI.r 8Ile by no~eberry @ Neal and 1/ you "ani Ckudlu, Bed.Cord •• or Clolb •• , ous slonee l.,.litaire ond In clullers), In. ·0 II' Lin el, dies' sell of Jewelry. compdlln~ Pinl Ind ~t2 E. ~rinlll' ' I " 46.6m , OURE If you wa,,1 Il1(lIgo, Shoe.Bro.h .... or Hice. Ear.ringe of Ihe 'MBI (Ishi"nable 11111 reo ~, 0<S FI,tm 1'"0 EVERYBOD , ' cherche 8lyle. Gold oDd Enlmelt'll nrl\ct!' If ~,04J wa,,1 r.jI6l' ur. LlIvelopu. ,SIOI~ leiS, Sllldl .Olld SlellYe BUllon@, Chain. 01 If yon "'8"t MUllartl, Guid~ }~ B~alt~ nil descrlplionl, &c. ele. Silver Wllre In affecliolls peculinr to femolel, I. une· ~o;!lI' -Rreakjad, tDinner. tSIlP/lff., II you walll 10 'ell or bllT Dutlet 0';' f:g-[(., JUII I'u bli bet!. «('xlr" plnted), compti'6lnlr C.slors, Duller 'I.ualtld by lillY olher preparation, UI!n lP. '%to (( ~Ull .. oIn l Liqao.icr IIlll' Cb."illg G u,,;, ' I T Do""' 011 oln,,. tr.fllt); Sundop torttpltJ. ' 'e.e~ how 10 u Ilf\o'(e Tan, FreClk· Dish. beoulilully ch~.ed and ellgrned, chloroRil or ell-ntion, lrreo;ulamiel, '0 <P SLE1-;l'lftO U P are .l(Drlleu Ii> II. Nlcfi ' Ie , Pimrl'p. ~, Blolthes, J\folh Patche. , s.l· Ie you WBlll F: . ellce J1t:p IlCl"luinl.or Cil1l1BUIOn Table Illd Teo Spaona, Goblels. elr.., elc. Pailllulnt'l8 or Sup pression or flu,tumllry ~p. Trll,llli 10 Philudelpbla, New YU.rlt f ll\'i lowne.~, Eruptlone, Clnd nil impuritisII 01 Pillnol, Melodeons and Sewing J\hchmee.J..,~' Blli'l.imore. , the 1\<ln; how lo enllul the akin, lelving of Ihll bell lOakers. 'l'he price "f I'och Evacllali.o" •• Ulcentioll or er.hirru. n.le ~~ '!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!! ' Bol{lr0ge·~JI.cketllhiotlgb ~~ l~i~1 r!r!,1 It while Ind clonr aa aloblll"r; how to II:'rP, ~ If y;;';-;;;:;; ~I'u hk nr in Ihe hshh Illiele varying from SIX 10 EIGHT or lh!! Uterus, L'dCor~al', and aIr ('\mil> 1:,..t~~ • red rr"e. I" , •• , ; " p ro uce Ihp fullett .'levelop.m e !1 l, of Ihe) of II' hing clruJlk. or c.ftl1,.,O·1 beh"vt. yourl"tf 01 HUNDRED dollllfl. pillinl. inclident t,o Lh" .ex, whetber,iriei'n, '1i fe~1 torm (III practised b, the" rench), 'b/lCunoeu 'ge,1I1"",.n, SlAY AWAY! ~ 'J1oIoi IT. F.O~ Tn. E,&lT. (1"\lIIl~i'II~" BO W WE SHALL PROCEED ,' from' liabil8 or di88ipationo, imprudenciel, d"~ o~~ eau.ln" Ih, bll.t to grow roul'd IIncl rull, 2l·6 J1l: Ion. by Buat jJr ,R.II). iN'ldilll! uver llii,' We hltve adoplcdlhe ,Dlon 01 1ft Ie "OW lu Irlc~ declille or "hah"e of Lile .... ' and if lhe form hili beCln Joa l by padding, - - - - -- - - - - - ...:...--rOHI1, call' be p'urch8lleo III '.11 Pill ~I ." ao, pcpulor of chArgllle a unirurm ' priCI'! or I '~ • • ~o¥,.C'...t .taiiolii. ·Fde' ._ Ilow Ii' br '! .~'II I1tt1tr L ' .1>7 1.i11 illvnriably be 82 lor Blch article re , lJ ~ v ablln i~ . orl,inal fullness, IifJD..it" and ~~~~-' roul.e . -:-r.-" , II Buty • .It teache. lipw to redue" tn eile @~ lMicaI ~iRIIat ' ~IGHT8. "1 g.rdlels 01 valli'" ex.pt'.naea con· <V, ..... ducling onr "I!eney The ere paid by Ihl'orsale 01 "vIP." the hind. and feel; produOP. corpulerlC'}' ur [rlf r.NI.w1 By thl" ;~ute, Freight. or ill dt~erl .. ' 0 the' reverae; rnmove ,auperflun"8 hllr; cllre ... n,-al II", certlficBll'P, or cuupons repr~lellling Ihe i " lotte, ""~N1 for two tiuna, including LIVE STOOIe. c.ln ij~ lOt I various Inicl.,. 1'bele certifillitea are J> Cornll, Runion., W~rl8,lnd Mnlel; renew "' oTlled 10 and from Plliludelphi~ .. ,N,B , "old nt FIF1'Y CENTS eoch or 6 for <0 oJ' CUBES ~ tt' ,our III"; curtl drlt'lkenneSl, C~l'rrh, dyl' Prof. Eo BERT JACK!I!UIf, RIIBERT HERBERT, Yurk, UOllon or BalllQlure, 10 .1111 IrUIl\, ,g.OP, Ind ell,ch 'certlllcftte wIll .how the ANI) , ,..."n.,O:-cn'TTA . J pepsi N"r,ou~ n.b(IitV~ c" l1uI(. ~Q lu. M. D" Dr, EUGENE VELlEAtJ. Jr. iuy point 11", ~ho W ~'\I'rll Rqilw.YI., fly hohler the 'plrtlcubr Drticle he or, Mhe is . ~~ cv,a, '6: u..... .-s-~ clnate ond ttahllhe lovl!' and nlt'ElClion 01 RMilroal.dir~', '. • to 011 pa,mcnl of art additionll 1M, PRO V E D 1! ~ M,t nil .ti . _ ",i8lnl ~' ~ Iny perlon you may ch908e, togelher 11ill. TII"1IIIticmal di'l)t1\8ory. tlto~li.hed 1859 enliLled n .Jo °d ~ from Ihlpur.. \,!oo<l. :,oQ'Ii S'learners, rreill"1 rln II.' ;'S :ftf. Six ye',. of unrivilled luc,e~s in ' Ihe olher UB(!ful sna .VRllIlihle u\!ormalioll.worded 10 III, lIeeealible Pl>iJll O\! II!U" , No you III!' Luly or (tent/amlin Ihoul<.l (ail oure of erery rorlll of priv-.te di.eule ill'. "o;.:.The e£pen.ea o( freight Ind er. /tnl! 'Ike. of 1h" Well, , eldent 10 eilher lex. to lend tiieir <adtlre,'1 to 1110 .Ullder.illned, In,(planos or selYilli mllcbine. will ~ <P ..-s-Q; For F"ll:ht Conlracl, or stllpplnt' DI' • nd reco'i,o by return mill I , ClJpy 01 Iltia Sci"." and Fai,. J)laling Yictol'iou. paid by Ibe 'p,rtiel ' who , .re eOlitled '9o¥, recliplI!, IIpply 100" allIIn' •• ,Itbel '0/' lb. ••JIIII!I. wor)! In. • s.led ,.epye/op"rJl8 of lhtllll.. II rodicolly u'erminale tr olll , Ihe ~ys"<S .-s-'" ~ ~ , over Empirici,m 01!4 Fru,ud, Itlllowinil A.6l nls 9( Ih,! CClmllfllf; , , U 0 . ,~. "\' ~ cbat,e. Ifr,li. We Ill/allibly , cure ' Syphilli., Glee l , . AI."f, em DI'e,I~\!I 0 f Ihe rllJary rgllnl am~ iii S. JCi"rltJllt Jr., Fl. AKen\. i>hi),'d'ii:"" DF;ROER, SHU'I'TS &. CO .• f1qllorrl:lB l , ImpotellGY. Noolurnd alld cliC: A, C_rpenler, FI. 'A'ltelll. l·\u"b~rt·\ In eYllry jlurl of tho United Statu lind Ing Irum .. of didlpalion, al lillie f'l(- , Chemial~;.l18 ij.lv~r.~, T,roy, N. Y. urti.1 E'l Oiuiuna, Cnmollinla pe,:uliu to Clorke 4z. co.,1!ron.lr, AlIftn,! •. 'P.IIlMoII'••, ~o~ :~~ . cemllh;8. and every form or \lriUle dlA8ue rro~ine{>F, anal 10 a\lauch ver, liberal 'in. fllnle, 1\1\1" or no ch.l1,e~ln ' diet, Inlt no » R. \\I. lJ,,'wli &!- co. , ~neni"r,. , O l llll '/ UTHISKERR eXI'"IIif~,r coo'Ipietely .• upereedlntr lhole~,."f~ ~ p( Wh_l ~v,er "ome,or n,tu,' t . . ·~perm~lor. ducemetil. will be olTered, .nd 011 e Hall & , co.. M.,leIlR. O. ' I circular 01 ,.rllli will ~ rhma ' or S~\f·Abu88, Ihat curse qf modern lion i' ' "' .lId Mustl- ," We preler monllY .ent ill PUlt Office plelnllt and ,1,nllerC/u! remedl" • • 00· ~ ' \ W : H. &,\.t;.IJ. Lanel.y, Qlnip\tJl~"'Qi. cheB rorced 1o grow mUPlhfNll, eui1y a nd . "pe~dily cured. Rud ders wherf! Illey' CIU be obulned, or by II lid, Mtirllllry, in Clurina Ibo18 till' °d ~ 'C1.,kfl It CO.~ ehluio, 1111 . •i \I • UPOII th,I".moothell efer), '."Ice of ill terrible 'effect. er,dicD' lease wrrte I,!d dlnge~ool d·l eeosel. . "'o~, 1JNION "~NE. /l I.ce ill (rom throe led from Ihe ' 1,"Il'm, . Wilhout del~nlion Bank Drartll to our order. ; <P • t-q" fi~1I weell~, by Irom bUllne".. Youn. men, bear Ihia ill your Name. Town. County Bnd Slale ' Fo" , /h'glll wi" Phm~y/.'o.,.ia R. R, U~E ' UBlojl Dr. -il~ \·"lne!. Hota.I·" ... ur mlntl, thllt we are lIt D'Ol&ellaloll 01 the ploinly, Int! addreSl all oTd~ra 10 ,. roall' Treadff ~'r.> J A Rl!l SOLD BY ALL Cnpl",,'re, Ihe !non wonderlul dillcuv· Secrect ,ecel"t. !lnil method or practice DE TR.EY &. 00., Which run 11I,0u&1I b .. tween 'If.', '!'D"etl' er, In ulllllern _«ilence, aollOl( upyn Ih.e of Culv'lrwell, Lall'm.hd, Hunler, VelDrllti'lrl... and Dealt'''' in Alenl.11 for &lDQlICiclUrer8, Dnd \Velle,n (lilie., Irr~ip,cII.e" oI hh" Bdril '. rld! Hair in " '0 .Iuilla ~lrlCl\J~~1 peDlI, !:Jen •• Rlcnril and o,IlIe, graat lights Patent ftedlelnCII ma.nner. It hOd ,beoo Med bx. the elile of ill modern medical Iclence; (or It II D fllcl 44·4mJ ge.o,1 RUIIIII. 'fbe 1!lli,o/J Ll o~ ~ \ b'i U Liberly SI" New York. , ' Pari ... nd L '1"don willllhB mOIl 81111,l'ring of Ihe very lIirOl~.1t J~porl~nce. ,hd we ulilhor;~~. FOlt frelKht "Vue" .nd)~ 1n)1I' elIttll o( til) Urinary (lrrRnll, wI,e-· EVER'Y'W'I-IERE ",orked 011 1111 Ih.' r01nt. o'Ver ' wt.i'cih"YI luccet., NA'm ~8 uf ' .li purchnaere wll1 be would aill In, man 01 "'eralle COlllmUII ~ REMINGTON A~D' SONS, re/li tered\ ,a,"cl iC. entire ealialactioll il not senae how c'Dn the ihoulllild alld one 8hal. Iber exisling 111 male or femDle, from PRINCE, WAI.TON '. CQ., " un'tlerl.kel Ir.nlP"", 'und., 'r.lllltrlC~ ,',en' ~n'e\'ery idetlnoe, Ihe money will 1011/ prelel\dert of Ih" dey, ,wlt~ Ihelr lee. (6uc<>a..o~toJ)r, C, W, ~k.,) , which IUlire unM ,ro"rtYI" rlrll.I1.~\o· whlll!ver Clu~IClrjllill~lillg. and no mll\er Jle cheer' ttlly relunded. ·Pric. by ' mail. ble a,vd liillflltllent remeellill hopl lo com· 80LE'PROI'RI£'l'ORS; .1 it. t~ar~e; lhellen IMelilrlPi IIr fllrua of ho,w 10nIJ II.ndin,., ft il ·pln ...1 in III led .rld pO.lpaid, 81. Deilllrlpllye I'lr· I'pnl willi us! • 1{0•• 56. &~ 60" 62 But Third St. uni/o'rM .lulIeMenr!:l ,llIil rh. 'B.o'id~\cm; culn, 1f'9,im()nlol. mail"d (ree, Ad· Ye lInfuriunltea,.re trultlnjl ycur helltb tilt .. I"d odor, Immedlllle In its ICllon. ' OlN(JINNA1'I, OHIO. which it p. .~e .. po.se... '" : ,." . che.. . BERG ER, 'SH UT'r~ iii CO .• Ind munti, to be.rtlp., charlatan., itt lellt ~ Willi,. tiUle la (fu.,..nleed; • jo~ and n~ore Itrellglh'"inp; 'hln any of the eheml .... Nu. 286 River elreel. ,rrro'y, N. w.-ile 10 Dre. · Ja!lhon, Hetbert ,& Co., leitu'rll uf Fi'~ eelll. per. 10'0..... I. prep.,IUon. of Dark or Iron. ' Y. &Ii, Ilfen ll (or Ihe U. S. ) 4ti ,/lrn who Will .t onee lelurn you e kind, dil' lowed fur detenliurl •• l'or'irf8r, iI_TII'1olt Th~~e lu'lt'e~inll from Broken',Ii)w n C)r Ihll II".e ' 'pt'cilied. . -.. , • 'l"rrUtle 1J11O~0.ure~.-iiletlre'8 fo~ ~e oreel In~ e.lpllclt" anawer. Lildlu. wrile MUSKETS jf,NJ) qA.RBINBS. eIL•••• Yln t _,' • lllillioll, ' . • ~ ror our clfclIl ... Delie,ale COlllllitulioll~, procurll the relll edy futlll,~r , III rorml\ltr"" .~dr ~ \Il. li'o~ the U nlled Stalea Servlc,. Also, fullo* Ilg "Ale'n i of lbe "oloh Lio,~ A mOil valunble IInd 'wo~derflll nub Ilea· Dr. Jlckaon'a Fomale Monthl, Pill., alonce. lid.: A work 01 400 pIIg,', ~lId ·~O '001. price ' I .per box; ex;ra. fine" t5; I 1~le H. \V. OWl!, W~d ild Cillclinnll. The reader I1IUII he ftw'ue ,;lba r, howe,. · vr~d enll".~ lng'. Dr. Hunter's VADE nlld ,rreelupi rem~d}' ror oil lTfe llull1dtlCS ;TIlI. IlreJlRT~IIoD, S.' J):rhnlcher, lIag N. ,HI~1l It. GoIJm_1IIt REP~ATING REVOLVERS. liE CUM, 'Ill ~rfllln.1 itntl' populu trenlleo .nll,obslluctlona, ITom whatevllr· Cllllle. long nod (uyonlbl,. '" 'I, ~ . I dl j 1 er .U,lIt ma1 be lI.e Attock of the Dbol'e "80"n . will Ibor.' ·",um . . _rlY, II 0'181"1 ia, .~ '" I' on Mitl lind ,Womon, their PhYliolll~r, 1 he Jlfoulllain of V~~II ~r Medul.! Pro· disuse, il II lure to affeCI hi" boLlily --,,1/",ln,,',o",lo' E. P. JhY"lIt, 'forre Hllnte, C~8, Fuoctlon. and Selnlill dllClTllers or eYer~ I~Clor ." nd M~rrioge GUI~e, and In E"f li . ::'':~:~:S\o a:: . W. W. Chundler. Chir.a;o, ' (II .' ( ,. ,,) health, melliol powerp, h~ppinp.., lI ' d ,iliad . with ', nevel.lallllll[ Ren\edie. I Cil Key 10 Lovl! ftnd Belluty. COllllhllng b.r Ilnllltli.m Q; , The PeIlUI)' IUlli' haailfoed ;Co. " iI~ ) h'!ll': ."ee,4y OU,fI.: The pruclice of aOO plgel apd lO,Q pillel. . 0:7 ThIS 18 Rifle In" Shot Gun Bmel •• Inti Gun M. Ihlll 01 his pOI"erlly. Our flelh Illd hloud • aaCl olean.'n. ti,e nor ,1I8UIO" .ny'rill" fqr I B~"lll"e flee'" Hu~~et h,n looi lieen, Irld IlIII la, un. THIL buuk yon Wlt,t - price 60 cerlll; 3 terlilll eold by Guo Dealen .nd the 'l'rade are .uppofled from theR euurcee. .1O.aoIl ..ullD ..... ! .,r :lll!p . 'I' ' L, ' ~' tiD .... , • for Wean~lg App'DrI'J, .Ilid 111111( (~f ll {tbOl!'lIdttd but IIlhe earne5l ibJicltlll()n or lor one dollor. genenll;. " I•• 11\re pi'&- .phll.lb!.Uf, t'o one htlR~hd' lIilllofl iii "t· , D~me'ro~. perlOIlI, 'hI hna bebn Indnced 10 ' Send fO,r our apl,endld circular, clIntlh,· In theee ' daye of Houlebrelkinlf and , :~~..!JY,.!rtl:~11 dl~ ue.' AlllBoIJ,.,e e.lcreec.li.', Ih.I .;n , eJ;lelid 'ttl, riledirnl uHelulnesB thro'ult h lhe ~ng more III quftntlty atld of luperlor qUQI. Rubbery, every AQulle. Sture', BUllk, Qnd a.T I'JlVo.' OLA."iDE1l8, .l lt uhre~ ~ fll'l ~81 l!pile r\.~ '1} I~~,O, I~ , mlidhJih cif (II. 'Vade Mer.um.' It II n Ity 10 an,y 01 the Ip-cilled • plrnphlets'. Offir.e, Ihould hIVe olle ot nO Ollie •• l.kel1 ~y '- lI,jlCrllconlflcl. . " · vdlum' Iblt should be In .the hllndl of l'v. Rcmemtier Ihat lYe le~ld a writlen rl'plv .' fj.:ff. ' W411L1AlIl3I-~' " e~! f.mil~ In the land. II•• prl!~entlve 01 ~~:tr:~ra!el~:~~ :s~e~la!IY ~~aPleld to ~Ie PartIe. deairing to avlil' lhl!mlelves 01 ~\1 mdke no @ecret of, :he ' inlfrl'c1ienl" Co en 'I 8t1petllllenllerlt" Allft!ln~ ..".i·~ r vIce. Of all I guide lor the allevlallun 0' 1\ e unal eralon, e· thll lale Improvemenls in ,Pialnls, Iud au. HEI.IUBOLDS "LUll) E'XTRAC'I' BU. HENRY W. GWINIUL on~ ' Dille mOBI awfUl .rid dellrurlive c~u.o in tbe \l8lUre of thlngil each CII. • ~ Grn'l 'J'IC/s,6t ~~('n'l.P,hil" lI~ourl!'e, Ihal ever visitcd mankind. One dlffofl (rom eve,! olh~r. . • perio~ wur~tnsn.hip Ind rortn, will find.U CHU ia rompoaed of 811chu,Oubeba Ind H. H. HOU~ rON, .' . jop" ,,!,C'urfIly enYeloped, will be (orlvnrd. J)Y'. Ja(/t,(ln, Of'mllal L'lII"!mt oombilled III Ihe • Juniper Berriel, eell1cted with gren,t rare. , Genii J'rel.bl.oAi_Dt, Pbilt. • ~, rr•• pI po.. eRe, 10 Illy PII,I 01 the R!mov .. all coldne.a Ind dl'~""II, •• lId Ntul R~"',~O't RIWJl"er,. Ind prepared in ,nr,uo b, II. T. HELM· , I.lf, .J 'II •. • \ .V',J.. United Stlliel (or ISo cltnllln P.O. stampa. '('Juvenile, orUllnl which hut'! l,iChelor. ' Clrcuic,ra eonc8l"lq, CU'I. Ind BOLD, ~rugt'll.t 'and chemi'l of lixtee .. tloll ul our arml will be (urlll.bed · Add~e~ ,pORI paid, DR. HUNTER, No. monl ror lIIan y, yelln. . .....e O"OVHleen /'.111 . . . . .a DIfI.lolI Strel!l. New York. 16.1y D,': lack.on 1 French p"lent 1\[.le Sare. opplicntinn. YIIUI' experience ill the eily Phll.del, ' St,lll retlljn. ·h"Jlre .... n~·(':... " 1 . , ' " ...,.. ~lt II perfe~ll)' lI,fe and ne'lIr fllill to E' REMINGTON.' CONS III ' N Y phill. IIl1d which II ,jo~ ,prelcribed b, (he To keepe", of 00... 1111. IJ",p\. .lloD III I"..lud.1 .. ' ul.rlly,.M il"r ullil.r'9ID',.ir,.n~llfII' ,a :.... nuaog .... '" , o n , . . 10011 emInent phvaiclanl. I"1 been I d mitDo .y uti 'UII v "".ve 1"litHIC,liu,.n • 1,1 I. the ..~. nly 'urv and . 180.._ lbo..'luaoUll UIcllmpfGYc, Ih e 'lil.lI", pronment. for l~rlOlt 01 llibl' .1e.W. t . .., vublilbed, in _ .... eM ~Iope. l'~i~e .ef. preyeutlve Illainat contTlcllllW dlsMMe a T I E'AU'l'y ••• led 10 uae In lhe 'Unlted Slltes arm, Illd of'tbe mill!. II bllA nuw prcnolUloed by' tbe ",bile,i swoIII!, ~' G c.m II. A Lec:lu,e on tbe nat.r", I... ,,,,,,",, e,er In_ented. Prlae '11 elch, per hllll D laurn, Guld" n, .. " , ~ prov~n b.r •• ' b - - ~ ... d 1-' ' JIo 'Dnd ..~~\c.1 cur,. 0,£ I'.r~,;,,!n~rhreu, or Sm",i"~1 doa:en ''', end Pllr duun ''', lenl b)' m.ll. .. Flnxell. II d silken t IS allo In yery ,ener.' ule In Slllie hOlpl. tiuII' ell'perlmell"le ,e ult"rp,,,e ,."d , eV~Q :1ullejiU' ~ : I In..._ llIe '1"an· . rrchnes_, volume In~ purlt! of lon,e, dUll· 'yealrne.,'. InvolulI{urr· E,"mlCsn., SelLu.l . De · Inebrlotee or mod!>rllie drinkera wl.o de· CURLS producrd lall Ind p""110 S. nittor1 I nititulilllli IJlh,y aol) ,J ... pedlm~II"!o 1\1a!',!""e generally; sire to rsform but who hue 10llntl il di(. b T ~r t.:l:~,;~ bjl i i):' apd eneapnus:' JI'Oilt' llle'¥f ",If, N~r~CMlI!,eu. COII'limpholl. ~'I"lep.y.1MI ~111' fl I f I' I I ' y tI,e use of Prof. throughout th. hind. ' _it, aDd .ak, '". French .cllon, harp " ed.l. ' (r6n , Mental.nd Plty,icalluupetilV, fel\!lli~ rro,,; CII, I to rc r. n, cen .., lUI, eradlcale all DsBREux'a FlU. , butler ! •• o.. d . II ' ...... " .... ', • • Self.• bu ••. &c, By Roh rl J . CuIY~'wall. M.D, do!t,ro for any kind of lIqllor, by ulin" Dr. SER LE CUEVEUX. ODe _pph~~tlon ....1IOt.. f.la~alrJ. o~er'llrulIl a18, .n.4!'\·~" '''~''" ·r~~ 'f~ aUlboro. 'he 'C" •• " 8ook,'&c ., , , Herbert'. Anll·Alcoholic Compound, lin WHrr~nlsd III curl Ihe mosl ilraliht Inti ~""',U 111,"\1'0'" planot we ale lelhn, clhiaPrr I Tbe ..arld.renolwlled "",lhrO'•• n.till -4nllr•. unlailinll rt'rnedy rnr Inlempeunce' write 1I,IIb lon rn hnlr (lr elll1 r aew Into "·.'IIVY at. appelfte.1oolfDO 8100 10 8~O& tli~n be ,. "nii leI ii~"n • Ib.mr hid., Ind " hit bl• Lecture, c1eor y prOl'Cl, rom I". "'." nile I . I III dl . ,. I ' "'" ~ _ku the. thrlve Ilib ure IOld b, ally ~Ib... jr,fll·C\IIM"·p , rieriee, th,ftl tt1l! ... fulcon8eqlJ~I\t:ciJ:0r.e!f...b".e or parllcu are. UJe ellle 'nu nslrnctloll rlnglels or heavy m~n;ye cur·I•. lI .. beell _ _-.,._,.-__ iD Ibe connuy. D "Jeri and all In Will .. Iy be ~1l.clu.lI>, r. ",oled wilhoul Medicine sent plomplly 10 an, pmrl of the Munlry. liKed by lhl' rnshionablel of Paril ,"d .. d withoul U.~ge roUI Iur~icil IJl'e .... 'ion .· ClInsulting Room8 01 the Dilpenury, 167 Londun, wilh Ihe mOlt IZralifylalf reluhl • ur aU,od piano~ ure 11I"lted tq eend lor •. ollgiee, instrumen". rinl(l. d or tord.io", poinl: Sy~smore alreet, Cincinnati, O. P. O. DU~I no i"jury to the h.lr. Descrlp iY. ' C~'t.lop/I wlli.4 'ca III~' ad ( Prlte b, 194 Broadway, lle":.York, photolreph. of~· ..1t OW ,di&r'h ..... I,IJJP. "hiSI e~:r~~~«~~:r~~~~;I1~~ ...,::; box, 436. Send for circular: (99-11' n!"I, aealed nnd pt>Ilptaid" .I. Ur.eripliv" tOlelher ,wi )1 price}" il ~o y. Ih"II1f."· !til condition ru~)' be. ma1 cur" Itjmeelf cheap" clrrnl.r. "'!lit rree. AdMe.. BERnER 011, Iy, p~I"lelv and nrlieally. Thil '(, 'elur .. WIll E'ER Y E.l B I-We SIJUTTS &; CO" chemllu, ' 286 Ri.e; ch e a ~Iano wltbo"t •• ~,I", f~1i J~I" prcJn" boo II 10 Ihou,•• nd.~ Senl under , 81110 • wlnt .gentl everywhere ~I., Troy. N.Y. 801e 'Ilenla for Ihe U.S. 101l"!- Medii la. 11'1 ",ili~ I ·...lill~rl au.k !. '1'1 eddr... ~. hI a I'IBm. 1IiJi\ec1 ellvelope. Oil reo to eell our IMPROVED .20 Sewin" .... h." been ,wlrded to))lt 'Grll,,,~\HI\ c:etpt,,( cenu. cr 1"0 poola,,_ uonopt. AIIO '. . .. lUa G REA m 8 ALE' 0 F' .no, and at I~e Ce... tir.ted World'. ~.Culy.""ell'. Mani.ge GUill .. , price 25 'Clo, ,r.lllnes. Thr.e e new kind.. U,I\I,er Ind , L CHA'S J, C. KLINE" CO. upper feed. Wer,.llted fiv~ y.au. ' Above t~o!"h put In f;ol,ll,pellrlnn- ,\Viti!, olb,!, l~ Bo"er),. N w lIurk, 1'. O. bOI 4586. ulary or large com!JIilsion' paid. The (rom .11 PQrle or Hie 'V. 8. " iO:III I•• [fIl·11) \ ' OIlU machin,,, lold Ill. Uollei! I$t.te. (0" , . hi,h'eal Iward. ' (g.Iabll'~f l88!i.l .I' 1 _BOII8 OF W01JTH ' leaelh."'40.wblcbarefull, Iicenledb: ENGR.AVING8 I.C. : . , , (j~Q~8TEEN CO.;, , • . How" Wheeler .. WlllolI, Grover I< Ba .ALL aOLD rOil 3.y) 499 8r08'lIwI1. New 'f~t~. t., ...:.-ONB D A ,GeDtlem.n ",bo baBllilf'ered.'or YUTR kif. Blnller .. Cu., ead Blcbeld.r. AI. (B£,.ow C.Ii:lsTlUT), fr' !(,"OIi. I!ebllity. DeelY, utber cheep ml"hln...... lorrloiellleDI" EACH. , an II ,In !_,'","Cll of ),oulhlul indllClretlon, and ~e .eller or' Uaer 101 lI.ble to _"ea' Seod • Illree eent· .I • ..,p ror Glrcultn. ~ AD E LP I~ .• A. : • illlo, t ......h erln,' -hum!lnily, 'ftll~, Ind Imprlloomenl. bireularaf~- ~dtbe.. . WOOLEVER &. BALDWIN. .. od rreet~ ell ,who ,....!!' l!t; the r.ecl!le Addr... , or CIU u·p on·4Jbl• . &. Cllrk ' A,•• t for )(ldUr'Clul~rl, Arllport, N. Y . BV-lruDiJ1;,IJI, Iflr.Y:N,B & ,Vl;.L k& " ()JJtI,O.: Ilmpl. Dld"-f d . I I'h' III (RG, . ' ~ , • nd dl,.e"ool for . maInI" "-....1' It" -hleb ... wi. cured. Buf . ......!Ir , • .e, or, " . \CillO. , ;. .. 1 ~,DaN • ,..~ . .ew_plper, Inllr&'", • ' t of l.r'" wilhlotr 10 proM by Ihe ric!yerll..r'; Dotle: to lb. Imouot 'o r . TICIUII, CAailI. 'ADVAl'f$ n ~o 10 II! addrell.illi. .,. . ' . . ~" , lcidre'!I, r:::I'~ Icopr to Ih. • .f ~ , ' Ko.lI CIaJ°e!Ili. .' • ,re.t • .• It', Id"tll'ia'll I.... • • OtJli .. no-.. ".". lID It., ew ork. llU.., for III. b, . \holder. b, ,ellr. . . . pot' " paW. _____ =;,.,.,_ E, ,R. PRUf,T Z. ,our doll.,.. .' til I(
~ach, i'n'~ri.bly
aud Beauty,
And Forty other Anicle$!
)"",. "m""'"'' ."",;'. ne,.,.m..,,· ,../. /.
@ ' 15
"''J.EXT';'u'RACT BUCHU, '~:~,,~~""',.
0 '8 E WAS H d:'°of.
td ~
~o J> ~~
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HorSH and CaUln Powdors.
Pocket and Belt Revolvers, RiOe
to YO..... g m""n.
I.p •
RevolvIng RUle.,
Phys1mans, • PI. easQ
-----:c-,.,-----,-.- - --
i' 'It'.
Drug & chemical warehouse •
;::1:::,1.;' .lcI4!,..,
$ 1500
ate es, .ewelry,
Pre.ft,,~u~e or ••
FRUIT 'TA.RS ::t!~~~1liI 1:=lr ~ 'l.- 10h~n'IIII
,h. ,•••
_miami '~.: ~~~t~~I,) . •
1\~l1ttti9tlnttttg .
~, lIT JaRCJ. BY
D~4!i. MC~~ C~~.
Look nt' mo wI lb Iby larg. brown eyea
· ~ 1 t ~-t ,
-A. ft D- ,'
.N®~UY I.
('W(.iftI tI ., W11~ Loye'. illvi',i hle 'nep.lr~ I ~~, tltitle E,lher [0 t"mtu8 " t,l
N N,' "
(" '.' '.'t!
()3"OFFlI1E on)181n !:tlreel,' three doors Soutb of th'e AllAMI Gu £rTI! Office. Night calla .promptly roeponded to.
rnr • t.
Yilt Ib)'
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uy "e I ' ~
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belld neudelh ' , (';,'1: 11:1 rurer , • Pllili p, III)' l( lllg !
tJ. wrcalh. 11 01 of Ko ld. bUI plIllll! OIlC du.>l,• • '
VESTINGS~ ~O l ') , ,
Pbila)!~ '.~~ Kt.,~
King !
Th'o\J 'loo rud i,l t read, bI .. " Irt·ad . R ,,/0" • • 1'librny dnd bitler and Go ld, Hnd g r.y" ,"' i Rebdl . 'v,ilJ,i'L<llice 81,,1 (o e8 Wilh out, . II •• WjJl.nnt cb a[ thy cro wn. Bu.g:> .o\l. I ~ ri c
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Ire' lIl e llo1'~ ld li,Clti ;11 COIIIIIIG' re6" ' !'
,WlL')'nesviUe., and ~ V~oiluty. ,
Phil ip ,u,. ·l tior;! , : ." ., .,fj
I :
At. tllere Ii • tbe .pint. "Mplng rio" , Th at 1118r tloe like .. Sill ..t and hlake rue" bow . , lo one Ood, lbronet.\ au, id \>i. pee r», , • My Sall l Iban \hy !>r.. ~rel\.)\ign,er il.nd (.ir~ r.
I luwe no~ 'b Btock oC
, Havin~\Q" (ourteen Y.e~rll' C'xpe'i~fl,~e 01 m, own monulaetu/e ~ IR tbe pruulice of .Medlclne. offera ; hll as80rtment 01 - Profelltonlll Sorvi'cel to tbe ciliz>onl of I
tuo da.y Philip, lY~e~' lho" g,,!,:,t a .wouin". Illy KlIlg! "
Whe n thOle b&li. tilul ·l i l)."'·. wih$'. ' :~nd >Owe gentle henrt·.11 batt u"du,u~ . ' i bou dl's' elll.er. ~'1y!"ct\\w u,lI. IIJ!d t b ~r" " SiUe,[ ~ II g!'.tin ed! .Rq/e i{iMl,y, . T e n d.rl y , o •• r llly'''lli nlrdolU lIi:r; , FO I' we Ibu llovOl.ab? 'n 10~'; '.o 1Jl inllt1 ' ,. ,
l ~d.II '
we .rolll Ihy l,yee mOUl" "I.' I
' A '" JONES, M. D., ' READY-MADE CLO'l'R1NG " 1't"',:f'~
MuiD Slrcet, 'Vayne.vill",. Ohio,
, ', ' • 'J i ,lltlJl)u .ha lt lind III" qUe&1I bo)\dlll~iden ' ,~ • , . . Philip. In {(Ing!
AND,G~T,SJ t r,Q~~~ t
S, ~ij~ :SUR~ /e¥~B, "CONVEYAN
O(, b.abyhood" ron dir;nilie.' : .La} PI' my IIBcJ. diy li n, I,oan(\',
.E DUDLEY'~ .' •
Philip. ' h'V Kill"!
~orlroQJld thee Ih e rirplo .Cudo" l iu
, .,
MArly", y o[ monarCt"l till angels al\ III I
. ' ;\g
' thou li lteti! at' tH e ' feel f God victoriou., ' Philip. Iii" Kio'J! I t, ..
dillco 'ver'v
Genlltp,.n, clll and ex~m'n "V atock berore 'goi ng' elsewhero. ' "pl'iI10, I
lit - the
('Oweet Cl'sli rico , Dnd '1 ~a\i~CtlCit1 ~ J \\1 A~' Jl AIIT£D.
>If, a9-~1
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~~\F~,n:ein ' {·il'i"uJ~'~ '1;
t',n' .t1· , -' .' W:\ Y;NEsVU.LE, OHIO. ,. ,t!r ! .L......-...~ I"',••' .• o.!"Fio,E..... On NJlrib Slnel, , iI~ DI·. W .
u. ~.'.ld.!lr8o,n 'lI B~lIdi'nK ' . rew duora w est 01 tlte f Oil Ollic,e; lrl-'·C(\.~t'. re\l, nll~te. 8'nd snlieroiclieR.~,t !~
'. I
in flllrt of
T he v h ll Vfl now 0 11 hand 8 large lind , completo atock of lbo BeHl Pi.UJlbtJrgb
Brlllld ..
An excellenl 18rorcmen~ just received, luhed lUi alt 11I"a: •. Ttieve ora ~ tloe beil .peoc,acltt. in ~'Ie merkel. Gall ill. May I.. 11l(l6.\ ,
PPIIOlllt~t,.:naIl11114 ~'~rk,
(Oor. Fr~nkCort St.)
' ~plle10ul
lC.efectory I B8th.Room, and lbdior EWop.
"".ll ~ . 0"
EVERY J)~CRlPTl~'\ O}'
IO"S81' antt ,,01 .lIowell to rec~i v .. p~ '·qlli .ne.! Do nol lMl!iovll Runnen or" Hnc k III 1111 wh () IHV we' are 1)l1I! . 43· 1y
·... UB~
' )(;\f\1 '
Boots 00(1. $h'pes~
(Copy tigilted.) W lrtllnled to"'Covor more 8urCnce ror sami) f wci~bL tholl any, t)~ b e r !
1~! J;t •.i~~ l . ,"
QU :. V~~L HAVE 110
011 114./1 D,
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1M 'Iap ..
robabI, .....
&ioa of 1 for .. i• • wkb • oorrMpO.diq .... lit ................ If.. ... trW II .t.a." liinatioa oI .u.. ai'1 01 ....... _ . ,....., wor\h".~nd nondcien "h~k c~n .... .eM. 0 . . .- - . ... tile tIOIIft -...I..... 1.000 to 8000 botPb.Ade 01 all iUl ~acbIJler,. ,EYer1 Pl,cee( I,. m de l -. • . lad jjaielled by macllllll..,. (... . mOD' --:jwnecl &ill tile 1m ha ~ .~d 3.000 b~ of r... . for it. n~,velt" lid welt II. fur h. eITecl,iYo. a.o. ran ia 0 .... oo••l,. N. Y•• ber. Jf...&IaI•• i. ~ lIDa,r.tooct tbat "ill be 60 per oe.' more tbaD Ibe IlroP nell) aDd i. tlullelol'e properl, mauo. rhe the In' of 111141, D.~ w·nltated. .idl.r oa bal. of 1865. all,d rttll, dOllbl. tb.t of lil. Wlleh J. wh.t .Ilm.chlnia.. Ibuul.! be' IClcurl te,ol lllnple. , ,,oug, and !tconllllilcal, Tbe IIDg\b 01 G••• ScoL~·. coQ}a WI. or OD parel,...4 .~ pNaD'" &h. 00'- p~lag Jelr. Excepl "OUU! IIleb gr..dee, too coat ly. lor . ,..1 Diae 1.obet. ' ,. • ..... n' _III lb. p ......" 01 pilblio 0- . • 'rh ..,. ... genero\ ~18e. fo re i,'" w'alc~fI ue' c ill c tly ~ • , • . .. EVlIOOP4L CO~Y"II'f'ON.• .nopl m.d" by wo men and bor ll• SIIch wlllchea ~~ eIaook of . . . .thipai. " .. f.h piOIOD 10 lar ~I to r.cogllile tae Dr~' Conveolio/l ~r &lI e DiocIM of are cOlrll,uleJ uf 811venl hundr4!d pi ec~lI. I,D,.,..,," T ...... on lb. fblh IIIL lit,. or MeepUI, tb. "t.rnll,. 0 liD· . d' S T' II • db;" _cruwed omt riveled loeeth er, aDU require . . . __ ~' I A luo CODveOIl 10 t. Imo I" . k tl em in lUI\. II.lud Probel. Ut. -uclerer oC th. Dller· mediate &,.al or Im....ul.'e r. e.... . 11 . III TI d n'l conSlllnl repolr • .to fli)P I T . • •. I . 10 IlIf 9D. ou . lure "1 Blur order. All perllOlI&wbo .hne •• rried . . bUy, .al execuled 00 the 8~b Coogreuioaal OOlllm~tt.e, II II I'ue Bisbof &lotlwaine " .. aiding. RUf . • 'dllcrell,' ' Iepillu' and 'Ellgh. 1I plknt I II.... JJ & fll1'( ,.pwt.ton were prllleDI. ihvelligl\Ua~ che .~~~eo~e ,"10 ..VI ~ d. Fr'Dob. Secre'ar1:' aDd J . N. Wh vera,' D·r . pI'rrlccJy . well aWllre of the . . Preeidopl Jobaaon .... c .... prl 0 ..11'5- , . • ' '1'1 • lrlll!. of lllia alatelllent. A "p,II"OD' ClUI: of 1.50 was re' " h I'·t· .be ......1·8 In". 01 CoI.mb••, rrea,llfar, .. 16 • AL Ihe bClJirlllinr of OUI enterpriMe, . ,I . B v.v .. "Il OI/IaP 101 1 1P • C' • ~ f1 ".'I,I.. e551)" OQ .e.cb m.18 10 '.4· alioD ot " .br.b-':" "'roool.D. ,et .e Ire senDOD. or .be one •.lloll" more tlao ten yelfil ago, il Well our Irst rd ~ f on - - .... . Ed dH J object Ie) mnk e a Lhor~u~")y g ood low10 ClOUD 11. a., o"r tb. IgII. 0 II~' bouod 10 IUPPO" lba' 'be GovtrDlIII.oI 1t1 lb. Ru~. "II' ... priced w.tch lor the mlll.lOn. 1.0. lillie lhe.... '0 mid the COUIH! 8J1:peo.6" h ave 1001 had filII kDoW'ledi' of U.~l .U. 01 D.,,,,n. Thlr~l·~oe Olergl· pllce ".r,til '.1 loreign ImpolilUollB- the Til. OiaoluD!'ti (Jazellc *,.Y', lb., tbe "'f,·d-n Sbotald i' a,-ar lbat. teat!- .otitled to .eat~ "er' pr.. oo~.. reflile or foreign filliloriee-wh it h Wfre d I h N bar E .... r cntlrely' u"." leable al bOrn., 1111) per fc.' clly 011 1 ,.ouah 'Lo i .~U:r • plOGel • 0 , t. . e~. ~' . liter. mon, ~ECI.L . lltrrICE8. \ wort"I• • 8 evelywhert>. . . pr,". ar~ to be applied ~.IlI.\I)J • \.rial (Ill '&., ,~ari" \hit. q.,it\OIl ~_ ~~~~. How well wo "live acco~plidh"d llll~ ,be ,.ro"... ., • Home 10~' III' N werecl "br' Da,i. liM llfI. 'ro 'iO.NSUlIl"fn.• , may be ulldeuluod from Ihe lal)\ . Lh ilt III-
__ .. u..
n ....I . . .' It Ie . . .e 011 ail.....t prlacl,!". ' It. " .. . 111110. . . . . . or SOLID PLATES. "0 J'_. e~D I'Dterf,re whh tb. hlfmonJ 01 1"1 -" 41
" 1
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••- ......lt!pj!IIlIIt"~"~" . .. ~
-I'll"~' all"bot.'". lod _. •
• .....
, .go 'The underlllpec! hn'ng eilller
he'lth in a
beeii. rest , weeh. by u very a llll ffi
d.". .ioII. Th. B.ok retnra, .bo.. "eIlIJ.aDlled. or acqlliUed Mihe oharg,e . remetly. IIfler huvilll!' 8U ,;red ell ve ,' _ _~ d ' f d d b yeers Wilh • levere hlll ~. aiT" "tioll, I ooauul_ raID 0 101 ,1111 t e pre..• If, 011 th4 otber ha.. d; .there il 'o oluoh that dre8d ~ll(laHe. IJllaUmpl ili n- ls !lnx.re (or moae, 'iadicate. that 'be ori.l. nidello" \be; point IP b,e ~., ia, "bJ 10uI. 10 walle IlnowlI lo hie fellllw Butrerera the ;neons of ure , , ie 101 over. the proclal1l-t,'on of II'U e rre-id.Dt "a. a 3'0 all who desil' o il. lie ", i\! 801'1 d II • ' L: b d . I e ,D' " ADdre".' II,IDg .l~ip. wwe a.· Ifer ill'lled. So ill regar to t 10 .tar· copy or ·the prescri pliO I USl'd (f ree ot O!na~!rom , .t b. oorDe~ of HOll, ~Oll_ I!_d ,in" or ""illgo.n, a.el olher ISDmilitll'Y chllr!!e,) wilh Ihe lliree i V~ (or prep .,. " " . n " .. t' - I ing lind uehl/t \he' Bam e , whidl Ihey will G~d .Ii•• t" N"~ York. on 'l'IIlId.J ·cri'm.1 fOI: whicla, D~vill is ,Lill h~ld to find D ftur. ture fol' OUndulJIl,lIulI, A91 h ma, . . .< . c;flr ll1. 89.n4, alll".r at the bar of Fublio opjnioD . Bror!chltil, Coughl. COllIs , &0 Tile 011· ... ",rnOOD, a t.Iar P""1ia ret.n~ lad lull.d .t 8roo)(.."lIe.' L . Their trulh of IrlllMity ought tb hawe ubjeci 01 thl.l lIelverl i.A r ill. !!eliding . the 'U'· ... 1.JID'e ' :" 10. beea determine..l ber"re now . If Da, ~. ipJipn j. to bCI,efil t[,c ft!1~i cl04. ~1I4 I .• lbout leyen O'"'locL v .. v . .. .. v " s.p.I·~ao infolmal i?1l wlJit,lI ,he c o noelve~ to
~ IIlU
... It•o \ ~
-.a ;-' i-
• •
• - t ' · t I, b ' I hi dI very M lanocen.. h. 18' gro.~ 111)118 Ir.e 0 .. eep e lOU 1111 e ; 1111 III; rlOpes. e .. uff.- '"
,,,iI,,)' .
tt..r.·. ;. ....., oil e."he-ell& a,' him ia. prisoo. 11 ,be, i. i& is or'!r will try hie rtHI1ed.w; Iii it \ ill CMt !1. :'I ..,. - '" tb.m nOlbinl, Qlld ma, prOve 'lI ·blenl .... DOPa ••n. 'Oanld.. Tb. Rook Riyei ,riQiog wI tu Ib ot jll~' iIIdi,aatioll 01 the ,P.nlel ,,18h1Dg the prescription .OJ ••U b ·Io.'.'1I at .lb".'.r ...:.....' b.·........ pt. to pOit-o. ilia ...., wbioh would' pIe lIe .ddr.... ' ," \ . ...... r· r· R EDW,"R"" A WILBON d .... Nrri... day, •• u.. W..,wol"tb pro" hila railt,. Ilidg. Uoder"ood 11'. · . :n." • ' . ~ , . ' . I , ' WillilUllllburgh, Kin", Counly', . • .,. &•• ~tl-.... "'rrtlt. : O&lle.. . 0'6m· ~Iate Illat ieme ~liOl\. ul tDe ~o,erD ' 27.-6nt. ·· . New Yurk. Ill. tuft .&rik~. J;J~rlDa 1I\1)1l1 i.·likely to iD~ernu_ bel,"e.n la-i, KNOlV '}'B£ UES'J'II'IY,
,aal. " ••, Ae .........
.. ---
; +4. ~ .... A
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e G 00d 8, of Shawl9 lire nt prfilent ollll'nl:r.ll . • '
'.r 80 IAIUIY yUrn or make I;IIO/,e ".an hnlf ale 'l\ .licAe. ",e sold III "'I'~,:,t Illd U ll i /eel ,statu, 1I1111 that no ulho a have YY &.UI e ver given l uch Uniyenl81 ""tillfilci tr n.-:While Ihia departillellt our bu~f u"8 18 cu nt li lUco witb increBled r.c ili li'J.' rur
pe ~lt!cl wu rk, we in Ihe 11I811U1~clllrl'l 01 IVulche8 <lllhe vllr)'
eelve ~.
'ad e< fOUl oltlllg.; Dllllbell 01 Viliall. Dr KIUrl hu:-, (" . rwork,,,1 £ )'111; f.. lhellopi l,o, We"k .~yel; Epi\,hnrll , !lr WAtery E)'u; N. in Ihe ~: , I,., II ; Alllall''O'''. ~r OIHc.ril' 01 Vit o • ion; IJllotollhJ,blll. or. 111'11 I. rallC~ 0,r'Lirhl;_ W e"!"'.·•• '" .h,. Rcllll~ •• nd.Optlc Neno.; Mr.
IIOOp ~ '-1k.Irts,
by, .nYlhing m.de in tho wurld. )o'or Ihis pu'pole we have the alllpleet '.cilhiu. Wo hno erecletl Dn Adtlition 10 l.Iur main buihlln!!s expre Fwly lur I hls Lranr.h oj our IJUsinell'. alld bllve fi ll ed it with .. he but workmen in our lervicl'. N ~", machinu Ilia oppli ' d I '''' ellcee 1live bo,n ~ .. u t ru~.e • 'fI IICn per· lorm thelt 1V0rll with d"licaey and euetne... Tbe ·chnic.e st Ind mopt IIpprp,ed lill\ter·I~I. o·III)·' .rt! 118ed, 'nd we ellallenil compurilon ' lIerwet" Ihl. ' cr,Cle o' .our " 10" . I _.. ,. .Work oil .. ''''' ullllt mpott... lI..td~OIll" tel's. We dl.l· not pret8nd to ,eU our watli h.. (or les, ,!,.u,(orelro ~.tob. ... b~t " ' e do .'8Frt withoot re.. r of co,!" "1 ' II t I I ' n- ourpr Iruu cllon IU ur Ile '3a,,~ Il1O U· du ct i. illClUI!'purablJ lu"orior. All uur ",.t"be •• of wh,ln.r grlde. Ire fully It"arrllPled •• 11 hi. warrehlfe t. ,oudllall llQlW Igaln ...... ·or'·our .,elll ill· .11 p.rt. IIld
A;. .. Ill. 'l' he '''OII'l!'illiuOII~ .,Il1 1i j....,....&uqlltll/ ,io." IIhll the mOil prouJlnt',ot lire" 0 Olt I C un lrv reCOUlillel.d tilt " ". 0 lb e (;OR ~~~ I ~::. ... olums, (o r l'I'eJfl~OI'!" or t'lOr or I.e... ~, ~" ..!J RCIf. "rl'vcry p~rlOI' ~? wu.," ,"p.e.
higfit6 j .qraJf. /.'101.1111 t.(~ cftr01l0,II,tr .I'' . Un8(\lIullell by allylhlrl " hitherlo maclu by oar·
Co Q
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PAl .. T S , • G 00dg D ome st'IC' ~~,
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MEN'S A'ND BOy.~1 11 A T S, U'
E O' 'OT'DlVG , READY·MAD &oJ; QU." • I! , , .
, ,
o, Ic·OI';M. or Spet:ltl.qr MOYlng Bodies b.lore .Ioe Eyt·. · Op l' I!·,II •.,ia, or IlIftl1l1uunlion of 1M • k: , o nlHI I:: elitl.- Cata.acl Eye.; U ....iop.... ar Pbrli¥1 Blij"llIel\J; Sj'1Jii1l1; ur th " "') .b~lI. le • T"~) rO il he u•• d by a .. y clIIe with a cem'll, of I~Cr.· U , nncl willlOllllbe 1....1 r~~r 01 iOJllI)' tu Ibe i :ye. More 1~.11 WOO ccrlificlttt 01 cute. nte ~hil>i l.d nt Owl ollic". Cur. ~ •• ~ unl t,,1 in 1I~4lr1 e e wh ell IlJllll1ielf ac~ord ... to I"e 1ij,.... "iulI l. 1I '1C),celrn eftch bClx. orihelllu ••
",HI 110' r~fullded , Wrh. (0' It Cin.tl~...... Adcl r~.. Da. STEPH~:~ S & co.. OC\lli .... II llIIh • S~D(S I"n'~ ·.·.,i.i l ~ Dul,; S'tor, ~ ,N'o. 10 A.lor Ho .... Brnac".;IIY.• New York. (I' 0 B01 t:a) " • U . [J" Dr. SI.r.ph'l'" .~,;l Co. ~te .~i'lI~ltlI· ..d J!utenlrd It MYOPIA fir CORREA f1.AT• ' j'.:l~I;:R. ~r Ih, ~~~ ~( N.~R.~IGIP.'.:I). NESS, wblCh b.. ptovell ,r.a'ltIie4;• . ·W,iu. 'oracireql.. r. , . , !IoIIt, By
enl g l'Oli..
' CALL AN . D SEE. TMAJ)AIIIE E. F. TltOllTOIl. Ihlljlreal ElIgTHE N K W Y 'O R Kn"of ·oiJ, .... Wppecl. ·tri_' 1& Ibat time. But it i. ' difBo..lt to IIlh, A'trolc,iat, ClftirvuYllnt a.r d P.~co. . 'I'M ......,I.'b1',..r abe •• ~,j.~lo.b.bip 1:.11.•" lb •. ' Dui.l. 'o,' ~, reI ...... Oil Ine'uleiell. ~ho!wl "' IDuiahed Lh. ICIIP-0-,Ii':." ,..' "cl6 I fti --..I I!fic el ..sos of lile Old World, h .. DOW • Y ..., ••~ IIM!I'•• 'Oou·w.. • .. II e 01" paro. ao IU lAU to .1° located herlloll I' Hudlo", N. Y. of tho "orlit. . 'lM'_ "li,1Ie bllt ra" • • a& I....,. W'iUt all lb. qll•• tion. at ilia. ThQl'lilon pClllleMelluc:h wunderi"I, pow- CAUTIOII.:.:.l\'he public .re:c;lutiolled 10 .a8 PODt, I 48 POI'" , .: .• • , .~ for aD bnr aBel "''''''''. i"'hia 0... ·1." . . . Tb. Go.- .ell ,of aeeond ,ilht, ~I tu enable.lier , to bUT olir, "n.Bpeel •• ,e.- ...~ler8., AH.".r. 77., I T".· ' " ' ia , &er, w.... "'-;1i~ook ~q'd. ~ ,il:aq~. ;n..n~ witl ~~d. rran.h.e.. fo ",bil m','~ , ~~~:rltoll~h:~1n~~.or;:htrn~i:~I~:T.h! eo....IIl..'OOIII\I.rfei .. wi" bti ~u. .J .IJmmm. .,, _....L -~J.."1a ' "•• h J~I .'v" '" ;.. 10 I ..I ~4!tf. ,. I\OBBINS & APIJLETON, 1U1',, ~wr L 1AI7!1\11!>JI!Itm ~1.l((.cg 1.publl·.bedIDe-lIInI0..'· .':".el,,,;a _ _ _ , • drllW .lioh to thl ia ....r •• -- po a. d • Ia oa" BU. " ' Iaileln a Iiale 01 J.ronGe, I III ,.e· r\ !i" ne Co r the "'",,,,ieeu W ....·" CU""'.II,)' , lfILI,~Ll.~" lNlV~ £lLQI. I» £1 J1l1119 . . . . . . . . ... .,.. .~'&iola of. 1110 ";"';':10" aqcl ~ ...O.. IIelitl( or ill di~b.l.i., in , the ~adinl lil~at~,' 1!le Y~:-y relllUr" of lb. - pereon 60: lml ' lS~ ~road\\'"yj N. Y. no.rly .n ·p.rt. ot Unlltd SI.... "". '. J . .r~ , rb' W .. _.I • 1 d ' . 10U ere to marr" And b)' ·the lIid of an I... - --- - - -- - . " QI Ille RockJ lIount.illa on eYer, S.lW,. oI ·&U prt.. neg _ , . • .,a', 0 .r,... ~..... ~IIO& Ii I .Iruntelll or i.lell.., pow. r , known ..' .lie . T.R"~8FORMA.'J'ION. \V A 1{ N £'8 VII. L;&. dl,ol iLl d.le. Dev,otl'dto .. dian.oa .ro•• 'in • .T."~b · "II_ ble &0 ", 011 tbe ........ 1 eh.". Psyc.homotr., 1 •• nDt!!e. to'pmdue.. The aluperelitlonll or oniiqllily ' .re only Apr. i1tO POP,U lufl.l LITERATURE. K ~. 'fc d or trUeOD. i• • • •ob 1_ impottallt Itre·llk. plet. of tlte fo'u", h•• b.n' or "(od lor I_uehler' I1t Ihe p"lenlllflY, • 114 1 .' ',cruea UD Aaf. . ~--..,' " o r . . • • ..;; a,. ' li wl(e of lhe .. ppliunl. IO/llihu "lIh 4I!', ,et Ihlll il 'In Ige of . ,~ . . . .,.poIl tit. qa..dDo of ""pll, the q... 'III, marrlale; 1IOIltion" ·in IUe. le.diDIl·lr.l" .' . II ..... e I • • . I tflleb DUQlber will eonllin the b~" .P Il9" t.lJ ,b .... 0_ , •• • of IIb..rllCwr &e. 'rhl" I. no , hombul(,'" . . , ' . i·· Ilr 1'al.i, lb. beat 'D~"Ilc B19ritt. W:-'" r.. o · ~.oppo..... ~ , . ' 'hO~ri.o; ,t..limuil,ialllC:II._rt.,- 8'" aceomphlhed.. wlthille aid of 81' ..C)nC~·- · B ' ft t1rilbclltSk.ICiI8.0. "TrlYel, WID p..... '&hulIelw.. 18 lh. pelrl, 1'_ " 'r WIITIU 0 •• "III whe'n d~lIlrecJJ" c."16~ ~rtrl· Por IIIXarnple. , rey, ..alldy ol-¥ .... h .. lr •• ' A. ;& , . III!! bUL pape" uA Pupu~ .. hI.lend hllD'oat U,warcl.:C!( 800 .ile• .or' ~\i. , ~" , A..- . CI~"" Of wrl, lel\ ~u"'"le~,.t~""1,Je picture, ,ella ...ed ~a ft ' .o~"e~it· . • , ~ I~ r Science, the,. beet . .d . . . .iil wi-ph eabl. ha. . bHD ,alotred I. what it pUrppr{1 to be; 'lI,elO',lri ll II IO;l h~ r.lch~tt conct!l n"le bl.acli 0" btowll. UT'l~ D.,\'II. IX "bort popular EII8AY S, the b!l8t P oeml" I ' • • .~..' . • m.IIIO('II 'If }i.lr 111111 ~)atlRg pl.et ~ti by , 'inlple '\lpplicaUon uf I Blocreph ill. ,t&,c., &1'. It ::ivl1. 4"""'jlo OIl \be Gr..' Ba.&era... A~l60 aU.. birth. • ..., ~iap.,.ltlo!" and cOlllplu\on, ' Chrl.tadoi~'a Rair ' DJe, ~ ...,~·rtE-:o--tt11tE 11 . Vill'., <lIW '1I~tldtlr()r It. e ')/UJ1ly '. ·-.'-·";"'UM.1..J·al.jIll"~."'H...ft.lt.H!"J d.'1 ".re'IO •• d .. ••••• \ht 'work .nd 'Ileroela"~ · ~,n~.' an.d .llmped ell- ' '"", , , t,)D I II ~ ,I!y utllel' --I ' . ~ 'I:.l- I . ,,--..- _. 1, .' - ; ', •• 'o";.4dre.d to.yonnel(. Juu will reo ".IIiI~f.dured ~y 1 • .fiHRIS rADORO , II '' '!' .Ka~,V!q ..~w ~~ puu""e to . . .,...... , .~i~~ I. _d ·11l'l)Ot.dllnll. c1a,; ~ ..d b ,lllo.ad eel•• Ihe '" tetQr' .nIL Aeaire!i iQ!orma,jOll A.lor lIDUI". N c~\' Y tr rk. t;u hl by Drllg' .\ IL" eeh: cI ICl lls c cnbrllcc 1hl!. b'~1 Irll~1f'. to .. ·. . .D~.Dt OIl her, p',I:.lioipatio•• ,hi' tb. Qr~I' EllterD "Ill,n~' ,be .blt by relum m.l~ ,f .llcI.!OImllnij:~llonlllD- alllt6. Apl'~I",J by I,ll hA !r.Jrclerrs_._ ._ C HEM A LSI 1!tom D ickeu .. , CiJlllllbors, ~e Cornhill 'i ,. b I\dd I "II~ ot ." '" Illudi ng F9,ei,r1\ l{~g_"liI" • llredl1 e~lI.ltden tl' ,!.= met". 1'1 I~ul} -, ·fh., f,;llur, or Mall i ., ttUOJl!;l\I. LEAD. pubJili hetl. Iredh Oil '(be ,lInivll of t .lqh ..... • lat..... . 01 bo.LihUe. "~, , .till lo 'ake .11 lb. n.oe""'1 01 Je • .,,700. d ....All. . . ;1 " Il......:.._.. '1'1' L_ ' t r ... enlle. " ~."D""& I'T. ,,:1 KO:I IITUl{l • • A (I I I O' I ' • r .~'¥ ••,eeled. Mf Olad,loll. d•. ml ea. ull ~ru'. · I. '.reW' • e••er B' .~"' . ggll 'R.u",eo~." It " N ' ./ ,-' ,". 4(j G . I(~II .-I,'M , ~~' '!! .'U ere" 101'0 )" ... roul 01L ,Ienmer, Dlitl a gre .L r v.1mety of urilliQ'l1 ' . . ' " , .l> ' . • , i" " , '1 '. ',OB , l'j"!"' qu ,,),,1 ('.~UlI,,1 Do:"]1,11 on"' , ~ehl l " · 1 , b I be h
r_-'Var'.IGII. 1,'18, L~_
OC$Ober, "biola IDly pr."DI aDl
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"r.d '.
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olancl .. ,,,, Hoa,. of 001lll1lll0nl &blt VedwlY .eoll~.lQlJ.J .:l.. bleD ohar· A C .' .. Co... , .. .· 88 TJa'r ·W.. ~ kl\m. lh e te.l.,11 'of 10.tlolul ;nd ..e\·eiloD, •' <.N' ARN1SUES, Inntler ' } II! .t 1,ul p r . ' • . . d" ' ~' &e d t 'r'1I ' bo t. 500 ' 'r 1 I b' Jd , OU,,,, "[[ , ," :ont, '·t and CHllle h~ul' o\ld ill~ IIlSel.p· in bopel. IioIII,i. . 11J.:R:JI.:-1, coPJ orie ,~ar ,.~ ; ":r"b,, •, ' I ....u-h 0 • -.111 o.,.rnmeat,he II tIe hope re 0 a e a 0 , mi." t '!» BEQUJaas .1 ., llIl,A'tlc ,:AT'UITIUJI. :..AliI> ~r,,' . will, fllr Ihe ,~ke ofolun"riu« 111&1', .end 10 Dr ' d Mixed P · teo three monthb It; 9 ~elel Clne yeDr ,7'; beili,811 &0 pr..." . " ••",: Roe· oable rrom lh. Gre.t E!u&erJl. ) Aliolb· IeJI\.IUIoDtBII , Cll.IIJKlln. I". ALr.oWt:l~ 1lI11', !I"~ ~'ijlnlcd, Ihee '.1 111 ,,1., men". ~••cll,y !Ii", "f , .. 8.1JlJ>QJ , $6 ('o pic. one .e.r; IIll1t'.me utn to 'lUI. _.L ' , 1".,. .)' , h A'l b ' '10 coaTl.U}! . I wh lt' h "flollled' . cur. ... .. 'few' wer ~'" .I\(I ~ Il,ft ~ i .· ~ . to be ·,,,,itin, re vohllioa in or .h,amer. & e " ...1. II ' .110 ' ea• .' . ', .' , r" iture or l'u ."erou~" "'.ll ici hU. i'~u 1\ tlil'eel",1 PAIN'l' V' (1 '-TJ I . " :.lO. ,~/q , '1 ,,' , , Haa,"'" . .1a"";d 10 ••• IU tb. :eat.'jlpriee· and tb. lr~it.tf~D of Iho J D~I~1l 1!er"DIle"'~ ft.\Vu"~r"~ '''I'! il~.... c; .t 1011 Rll tlo infl: . A,I.lc"U ~ ,A.l.'" S ·t & C. j ITS Succw."-Tlli" ",.,eaino hu .. 8 0.. ' , Throat ACfecUoD \ or .u. lllcufnll'o JIHIN 11 . O(W \o.N, No J :JChto ... b,·u .t .. N," . · eluetl,. llIeL Ii areit p'ubJl~"wa'ltlr"'I" SO,. " . Britiab Qo,etl)lIIea' II .. ~liD "raD.~,d .. - ~.ail'DIt!eo6e, '. -'-~ aJ l " IIIiI ~ I', . - m n( 'iJ, ~ Trft. lt1 l\tI 0110 eopiCI I,e nO\l· ' prhm'iI: ·' Ad,lril .... 8...,... A••A AND MBIIOAI$ AFl'AJIUI. II ' f ,b.' ".r .t•••~r. T orr,• II orn w' THE .,,;OUl.T .l AU ...,. .....rr' ~1,,.IIr., . lUI Ql ~ J.III 11» FUED""DIC S IIILL P ". "A , e se I.YIO... ., .,....., . • ' Irr ' peclil'. ~C w.d. h~, Q" '.... \llf; a nd Ibe ' . "-" , nI. 0;0'" •• , . nu ,11""lj -The publiebed 'tatement Lhnt" Jel· ble• .lo Mcomp.D, 'the upeditlOD. EMb DJlOWl'f~ ~ONV'UAL CaOCJIES lC\w.~ OII,hc .nppo"1 •• ~ I·.n Ir~gnl"cd by, 101 • • JJrDO,~ ~r..a.SS, No, '79 N... iU St' l ~ew '\:o'i• .,., hu' iH,.D ifol by Mr. Ysl.aiaa Min· f I. tl I & LA ~ Rulni I dlr ..t I nlluence on 11111 parll!, h.\'","g ' unplft 'ru1 t>. Spud ft ,h .. prled ~nvelol,e T .H -E G ·I i A 'Lq. A " i,"y . , j 0 ll1e Ire• • elmer. ar. 0 uw .ar- '~. va Immidiate rlllle'. For IIronchill~1 10 .MAOAI~n: r,t,ARV I'KRRV ,. SlMiua D, lJi. . Ift: . I • " jl,.r 01 Fioance of thl.l Mexican tiber- DIS . I)8d wit • b grlpp I·11'11 ~p'par"t.l. 10 .thma; C Itarr II. '\iunsOmpt ... Ive 'I.d Thrval bl~ Hoo ...' N ~\¥ "~oAk 8 ASH A v Dl V r r y , . . . '" ,.!. "~ ' , An lllu.tr atf!cl 1.Iii!1(1zin,~ Pttblu.M#. .1 ao,~rDmeDl to Libeulohief. ia1du· lbat LIII; old o"bl. mllY be "grapplild at Dil\llllitl., 'rrochea ur'cl usud wl.h IlwI'1 ""vel, Gl.r" .... 'Fll8U\>eBo,s, 'rRUSSES. l.r'orl~ii!l7ltttJ.. i.co i. "DarJ to Lb. rei. iall~lio, u ufPre..· '1 b I,.L . ,ood IUllcea. Singe,. IUcJ Publle 911'61 • • 'Sfond In add ru",d 'f·, .n lup and ' 2~ ~t"'" ."d I 'S UPPORfll' r'" d ' r" " D • pOints ,a mi. aparL '0 rea. w,e .tRIO era will fllId Troche.. 'mlelul In cle.rlrir w',' !11A~lId )' 0" aOIl,le YIIII'M\)1e i"f.,I""Mli" n Ihnl ' f .IloRS. PR "i-t ~& CI': ". A COI'\"!, ·-"'I!.::.~!..!H.~I..!!II!lIL~Ul.I""BI.I~.l.d:lIl)cao~II-&i4--@~ • "'b h i b ,. b '" . i\ j i M' J" N f' I1RY AN Witb I h .. 11 ;,,1,1.. rlol' !\fill' !. l ~ . ..~ c.~" , a;rla'•• II.UFIL'1. ~ e e¥oC41wen In.ell .fore 'linJingu( '~I .1''''''' ...."•. ~, ..,•• ". , . , SHOUIO';' '''•. •• RACE.S II. IIcel.... i~. II.o .. THIt(lA;\ .. \', ,,,,IIII1.I...uJ EI,LlrO ,,'111 OAly pa.ti41l, Cloal.t Sh.- speaking. I~.relelv\nI .. the .hroat.rler 1111 S lat ..... It, J.~t S"nnlt 81 .• Nfl'" Y"rk . .LI .IU, D " · " I !¢i _~ " _ M"g. ~ lIIe.l" [:" pu!jll hrd cO "'''''1'irll,.. powere 0 f D iClltor of Melio." illtire. Ii . &0 h ' d f 1 uuueua uefllOD ul t·e ,,)eel O'''QII~. 'rile 11 will 1II"~tl ; . ftlo l'tlura llcril ·h~,~utl c·... on ·(M J, ;.. 8 t A I ' ;l reoea. 0"101 er ,reat 'A 1,0 .••• 'rr~C'he. a~e rer.o11\mell~ed elld prt;.crl!!etl 'J\~Ucrti9clncnt9 ALl. Till: roru ..,,1\ Fl r- t t' ut! " ·d: '",lI h 0,' ~~cJ1 'l" 11th, ... I.. 'II a QIl. ,I" "ndell a tlr. &be ,. exploted lo.quittb. lIarbor by 1?h,air.i'II•• anti hllVII hftc! ~1'''8timoni'lIll1 . . , 'file GAI..nl 'liIl '·II." ''';'' ll, .. b...i tOIl.. hI Pri~.~ let~r ~O s.e llor Rem.ro, ex· JUOI !8. aad .t. .., a d~y or ttl'O "rler fru!D elllillell~ meo Ihr~ullhuu.lthfl coulllr,. N -""~·~ ,·IT. ~G · 'R - " """"'r O C -'~'E ' ; -R ·""~.y " ~'" ,i,:7I '~t~ct::;)'1:. :v.;,I·~'I)h~ ",I~,:.t..~:.;&:: plll.ID, h1l '''''' In refer.,noe .lO .he ~ B · I I I I I . I Belnl!' 1111 erucle of trllt' Oleill. 8011 bninll .£l rf •. ·'IP I. " l u , ~\ .rw of .11'" I"p'" <li-t i,· ttl ~l' I" ••r DOW' wa ..i., - :AI - b b or eer IRven, rll anc. "lere .ha "III proved their llmelley by II telel of mOil, .... l:,"' ;.I'1·. I'm io~ ,,· af, o~ I' t\ ,\,o,·:d. l lil .Ill"~"" .. gin eZICO elwcla t e oomplete cOlliug IIlld proceed to IA)' , ..... s. ·each year' Rnd@II II>ln in nM/Ii'Cftli. ; . , AND ,\'t:Wll!Tfil W."tlltG> "'. iMli'rt~Q II"". '1', 1/ h [,'011 ; 11i·"2.'1I J), Ihll l>\!.' l"lllt. L I'b eraI 1'1 uOYltnmOil and tile A\lstrian tbe cable lie, In variolll ~nrtll ui Ihll world, nut! the IollMlIIj LDtAh. Ll allta:.\V Ll_, f",d \; , II h" ,l rilll( .1 til III. iii, 51 L) lc 1)1' ~ulcd dHpot, An'" ojvina a 11-bC" o'r III', d e . ' Trochee .re unl\er. nil), prulluU'I C"cJ \'o'tor 'D'D61n'0IomO~O '1:/1 . ". • 1I"I'" r. ' l" I """ :IiI'I"~"IIJ ' 'i'l fb: (;AI •.u(WI\r.~ '4... • ," . . .. V.l1IJ a \!!loA .Ell L' ~ " I ,,~':~II\ M '~II '.\" ill..Alll cil'ii~. , 11 ",11 lire to .apport and .6D'b& fI tb Lib _ _. thin olber .rticlell. . • , '. ". . .r .. , lfit r", . ll\o.1 ritch. IJ) " Ii ,·t" O\!!·- r ,,6" 1,luctb,'llliilnldt· '. or • , er C Oblalno,lIly 'Druwn'!' Oroudli"1 Trll' l " I:\ ,I , u,,;.I wi ll llu . I'.IM~tl·'I>P tl WI)puexp...I, al Goverllm.ot again., Maximilian, 1l,1l. 17 The ioeionati papera git'e "e· chee/.nd du no\ like RII)' III the Wortll: " 'l ~ Cd \ for lite , 'II'J)OO" ao d (JlllwlO ~., •.• ~ BIU SeDor &.elO deolinee' 10 have cOllnt. of llie d,Mb of CAplain A. le.~ imitation. Ihnl !II~Y II,; offered. ,. II , cia A' ., . H A I R." Q I L pUfel" ' ' ' ' , ., ,,' . 1· .. · ,;l ,OT ... Sold i! hE- i I U ' dE '· , I ia t hc ·l'I\\rI'<>K o f III .. """'h.h~1'I 10 II~·I "1 iII.reollne jO.1l ofticilll CI 'Paa •t menter, lead.r .of Menter·. el!)ebntl'ci . l'Y rr" r8 II .' Ie IlI t" talH. neB,,,,r.lfblly iafcJc,ns the 'l.IlI~""" ftC ... II> Ih " I'"hli . i.u .he ".'.l !'''' e.~ .of 'I'll." ~~t.4IY . ... ~I 'I ., • 11 b r · · ·· · onel .1n Fur.I"n COUDlfH'O, ul 3~ et'ni H ,I·r ~ I1\ T II'¥! , . L6I Il . I I ,'b" r - '" " " , b 'W a \fit w tb Anlla. Illd r.te:r. ' bUll . ~nd. 0 . (lln!",,~aJI. Sooa ,'l.er mld. ~~x~ \ . , . 18.1,. ~ Wliioi~i1~i~:'·~I~·!tI~a~:y. b 'A '.'1h I~w ,;~:~ t~:! ,,~I:d;C:;a; ::JiO~~ce wiIW. P,e.ideDlJ'llIrea,oo the -rollod .111\ nl&bt On tbe 61P. O"ptain lIe~ler .atl \ . ~HROR S OF ""O.' TII " , lell tl'ftCl •• llntl •.•• ~ .. lise I'ond, ur "y" r,!' I'(ltcle,,', ,: '. S. It b' d all ' • '" . oell. all In . .'n u " UI;~CI';fllioll /I r;«t nr 'rru: (ioU.U', " .'a ADlla h .. rl'COiUiled Lbe KlIlpi ..e. II ,o~, lie . out eighteen; rety rJleel , A GC!Plll'man W" ? hnl! sufl'vll',I for .reara 'I D A' X.A M 1 '\ ' E ~ , Oullln" II ".1', , '"b*"l'il'lio,,~ Ih~1l14 bo "lid bY thela". or Mt . ·ICO -IS oon,·lder. their bome In Nell' po-rt rrom n cir. I (rom N!!rvnu" Dlllril, ty ·P rP III ". 'lIre DeCII" C ...-4 L . L .A.N . , ",Itlre .... 1 I" Ihe O~lre\ ~r . 1'11 1: GALA • No. iI • I II I ffi r , A well-lIIlocled .....rlmeflt or .he n H9 I'ft ~ f! N ' Y 'Ii .d I "ailor and liabl t t' I b r OU9 "'Iere t h ~i r bl\od ' WB.. emplOI' d IUI~1 8 I Ie f' ~1' l s 0 Y"1I1 Ilul IIlel i8cr 1ioll • . ' IMrj(fI and _ ." Il· • .,ler t. 1I .tor k of s:r . ' n~; 'nunl~~liu~:'f,)rul'll~ Mit"~lille ~houlcl ... • . • e 0 rilL Blore a ./f! , Will lor ,the Hftk. 01 .utrllrlllg hllhllll1il,. 'y' I~ ~llhl" eOUrL-m!rtilll on lual ebatge. alld fOIl?d • buralar.n U..ir premiaes. Iltud f~ee t? nil ",110 . lIlle.! ii, tbe I,.eel" FIM~I ' U(GIEI~IES '\!~'.rt"ed 10 i~, J:filg~ 9(' 'f~,G.II~Jr." III SIDa. AII8.'. eO'or'l.. to lI,a,iooe They ••llIed tbe NOII.drel. who "'" a ucl <!,,_cllunll flor. , .rril\kw.1l Lbo 111111'''' ' . ", .~ \,." • . , . __ __ _______ ' ..J... .b ) ,_I I f ' " f 1 cl ~ h . r.. medy by wblch ·e he w.. a eur!!jl. 8,,'1. Co~.i.lilIJl o( 1111 ,.t~"'" arti,·I". U "DII) (oulld • 01 _ • e:llOaOI that Itll, I. burl. po".r II .ID••D ,. 0 ,odled +he:n rerets wishinr :0 profi~ by ~he" dve{~.e .." i~ . II, ti~'~"'illtll coulllr)' ~Io~ illcl ud lnlt . • ad IOU) With &b.m has (ailed. nrl rougbly. They 'aall, got him B~per iellce. cln do ~o b, ,,~dr ....I.nJ' . lSION~t , 08M D. O(U;>EN', " . " ..... do"n. _ben b• • bo& Caplain Mehter 1 SM ·OK.D' D ~.EA'I' McGUFIt'Y'S & WILSON'S T U.... . •. • _~ , . .' Nt!. 13 Ch8111b'erIJ sf New York. t • ~ In " . , t , ~ , . . mOD OoDf..,ioB tor Oreea. IDIIIClhag • •1)11_ 01 "hlch he died. 27-1)'. .., /-, ,.,t. >, ' ! ' FISH HAM~ Etc tIIo.. &0., 1 &0, eOlJatl~ lor tbe aomia.li.. ~'c%eJIga&4l1 'Vedll ••day nlgb&. A.fter the buraler -;;:;:;:--... ' W." i ,j ' { u ' •. ' '~"1' , I ,i. C1IG ' 'ARS . ~ ,, "" ., to tM ..... "'. la t C . ... • V.J JUra. . Inllowl, -.; 1 l.. .,. ~ • "'" """ .. ntioo ..... o~er bill· • 0 ap&al~ ~ea"r, YOIlOI )(eat.r ~emale", ~re tnv"o"l1 \ rell~.~:le f l\... I~ pl" . 'l'OBA€C() I"'..,.' ia X.ai~ o. 8at8rdaj. Til• •"lIebeel ble pl"ol fro. Mm •. 'lnd .hot in Ih, rIIarll~t, 1:11 e, lj·f",, ~'d, IIn~ ~ N01'IONS ' IoUD~U. . . .,1...... wer.·, ap-=Dt" Lim la tbe ,i..b, hip' Ih.u tI IS' bu 'ffed .rleta fro~ tllelr ~I\ . , Pay two 1 , . eSel r. • . , ', ~ . IT WI." 4oIla" 'f,,r llio~ ,nic,., radlet t~lin un. ~_..:a 'lUll 'I' n .• tIt '''-~ M. Sarl.o•• B. H. Ibll".,. dow. llae piliolaod dra.io,. hife. b" dol'" for. poOr' o~.,: ' I,It •. Wlri~lu\¥" iIJRl' ,. . T, White. J, E. Wille•• and J. E. F... LII. " illain ei,hteen li.e., fiD- PII1. "II ","',I~ to ~n o~h"r/l. )J flC • .ier. ....ohatioa. indohio .. the ... 11__ .lIy breakiol tbft blade of th .. . , . per box.,or ,1u.. ~x~'ll)r '5. A~1t (or . . . .. -...,.. ., . e .. 'D 11,1. Wi ••lo,,·' lII~a'IO PillI-Irlke none , o a.d re.o.meadiDi the lbe liarAI",·. breul, f.iled· to otller. ' " 60-• .
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0 .., 111..., qate, Llbuty St.. N. Y. n... fOO«h .,.'-... rrom'"11l I..... OD lua Balurd., . .... 'J'.,WO DOLLARS EACH. lCm.uouu or
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, ..,. .LV&. S.od -TWQTY-F1YE CIN'lII to • ~ ~ e mOil pleasaot eelebr.lionl on. nR,"bf-te\l NOlic•• 01' 01'0: DOLLAR ro~ ".I'DITlJ"U (ooa",", ft.TIOa). . ~., II hu beeD .Y ,Oocl (orl... &0 at. SIX. T..... Bomb , r on e~b Notice "orrelpoDde aAQI Ul'TWUD DOV.D. teod. ' . · willi the Ilumber on.lOme .rlich.. or .. "'0001 •"h'.lch . ' ill be CtMIDud .......... .. , '7.64 •. 1II.~ It "1l1 b. rememblNd by ••'7 or :.. . , 'd~~ ?UIIC pl.D( .... l'be !DOIIey ....ill _ Whero may, ~ rOUlld .I,oolhtock or . 10 "'"~ r~'.ll .... If Ib" flOOd. do Gol . . • 11 ..4,A.,. . ' A~ ,<W' 4. II. your readerl- tbat io D~'lDbtr 1-.&, • Ar onla wah ·rWENTy.l\1V& UUI.L'\RS PlttebUl'l £aprea," • I~:: Dumber of member. "itb4re" from old " .EE,I. StlIIU' (i,r. Ci~Glu. JU!£D ~ . D .• . 8 · ,~ JIJIb\ .~. : , ~2 A. II. Waine m , isloo 10 orgllni••• Dirili~D P. O. BOll il~. Now Y'oi-Ii - -:-,-l:..,..,i '·lJanrjuarmmecf"....'IlWlIrTlRtlwelll••I.ta.!!Y_ ..... ...... . (p. S· , omC4' .,,, £1_'1 St. ~ ed, .IGICIr of. . • ~l["4D 'BOU~ D. 0, .ue , 0 01 of.'l'elDpcflince io RaJ"m"l "!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!l!=~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ ~.t B&~ . 4. 35 • . nl. which waa donI, aD11 at ,lh. preent ~I\m' •• 11 ~ AccolD./ ' ) " 5 J. N'" L' D' • . . • .. ..,..,,, .. u Plttlbur; 12:0'9 ..: 11: l/ll&. ?ur U ullon III la • pro'peroqa ... Dpr~.. ' .' ' 84,22 P. N. JCOD W claalU ....... A AdlUOD. J~!'e lid, 1866. In •W'~ lminjfton, by Wilt. PO~S" . ., j _ " ccomm n, :26 •. •. " t a rlgular meeting of the Di"ilion B. Fisher. E~ q., M~. Mlhon Brant 10 Mill SKfLLITS, Do Dol 'I!p. • , . It " . . decided to "lid " lelQperaoce Mary .AIi~ ~tIlnd'l\lIlourg, botb O( Warrell GRlnDI.. ]~s, HAIR OJL, , W. U. CL£II&JtT, Presl~eQt. celebration, with a~ Yiew to ' iucreasio r.ounly, 01110. OVAL. CAST-IRON J. W. Weonw~Bn. Sup't. _ tbe inter6st io the caUle ." g Nellr Ha rveY 8burl~ by Rev. R Bedell. BOIL>EHS, . FANCY SOAPS, •• D. CA~\YALL.AJ)EB. Apill. ,. • ~ny 30, 1866, J\fr. :samuel M. Denoy tu C""IUL:UDz.- ~ MILi;.; · Ezpreu Agf'lII$. .Salurd~}' da"Ded with clouds Ind MillS ElIlmCl McKay. . .. 'l'.EA-KET~'LES DYE STUFFS, • HO"~1 C~;o,WA~.D~, . Tl!legrap-~ A-,elli . ralO, whloh brought.,.tadDe.a. lO, Ibe ~~~~~~~===~======= o( RII .1181 ) hearte of mlDy who wero aoxlou, for " ' a yoe n !u c .a'·IUl'~. ENAMEL . ~ KI~1'TLES , ' PAlNT8, 1I&80~ted aizu. of the b•• t '!Ulllly, • I'OR, 'l'RIl (JAZEft'li:; Ihe alicce .. 01 our enterpi ise. Bllt aoon --SHOVELS. 'q'()~G~_ EJja. G.ua;ru :-Bein, ..iii lied &lla" tbe raya of • old Sol' dilpl:lIe~ Ihe C(JrfJulf" t:orre,ucl Etltry Ww ·, . SAn "Rei H \ . .. OILS, .lban ia .IIC~ uor,elilJ.b l. 'dd!1!ftTll J~in, olouds !lDd gloom, and at tlie appoio£ed Wheat lP. bUlhel, 2b '@ 11 sp ~",t'\..~1~·,...., ' . POONS• ., 1h'.'~.~. of·tbe pre.l, aod dealroyiOl bQu~ the people begllD to 811euibl1 iD g~~ 111l :: .i ~~ V TEA & TABLE do. ..u ",ae-1Qr legitimate poe,t ry. 1 bad COD~I~,~able. .Alimben. • •.. _.Ber\oy ll t ,, ', .' ,~ . 100 '1l.&er.. iDH 10 .bal!l~O ~rom "rhing, for • Tbe:uel'cilel opened "ith music fur· ~r::r b:lr;~I, 4.0 MEAL SIEVES, Ih. nuoo , thai ,he public mlad ill not ollhe,d by Ihe Miltel Roy .. , Southern, Firmr cwl ; l~ ~g TRAPS. Lamp~, 'prtpar.d to 'imbibci t~e ."e.Ia of Irue Cro"n, and ~r.. SOIl~berD. of y,ollr' y'iJ· Bu tler 1I Ib DO CHILDRIIl:N'S KNIVES . . 'lily dllty to pOlterity I age.,;. 8f R ~ V'. M. A. DI·l' 80D,. L tlrd ~ ChUDnerS, .to'piralioD. Bat Ie I .w 1l0b, ll' 'tb .."0 A . NO. FORKS, J E:!g~ ~ J a ~e n, 16 <OO1D~.I"lDe to labor ,~hh_ my pen, And j of llppeoll.lloe, add ree8ed tLe . Tbrun. Po ~ ntoe8 1fl bushal, 200 .' ~ 'WAe,H.HOWLS, NOU'ODS S. -bud dOllfo the choice mbreela for the of Grllce 10 110 eJoqueD ~ Illld fl:nent Dri ed Apl)'IlS ;!lib. 20 Cullilld~". Plaia "Wi Japa"lI,d Lon· -:~eolDiDg' iJatelle,,' Qf lh' ~\)untry, .'lJa L manner . , t: .lic kcns ~ doze II, 400 for cool oil, condJ, and (;oll~ e . 1f! lb 30 @ 33 I ' d 'I ! Our wor t hy pastor, tb., ma, ' klow Lb.", 'Were aomo who Ruy. n .R.D.em. New. One, B ll8 SII_ITs r ~ Ib 16 ~ 20 ' ~r en i ·OllO, CI large A 11' . Iso, '!I'D{] d luppT y or labored DOt io' vaiD. t Ileo too" Iho Ilaod, Rnd maue a ahort N.-O. i\h ill' dee l1 !la o on, 35a,,01'lment of
'!; ::
.1. fi )o 'IltttWint r;1tiIor
,ha. i\l~ l receivetl, '.
Direct frOID H...: 'York r
Jattni Ilcbirints:
p:E'R FUM ER Y ,
Lbo Ilfleet and mOlt co.-plete alc.ortml.'
. or
~ro8d.Cloths, 'PLAIN' AND FANCY
,PL~ :~n FA~C~ , ,
. Ve.tiDfP~ !
't i
Picture and Window-Glass, Ever olf'ered in Waynesville' Lanterns, . 'J To which he linviles th b It tention. of biJa of all kind oumerous. eUdtomers lind tbe people . eenerally.
Tho loJ,lowiDg 'linel Jre re'pllcLfllJly IlIlli piihy lIud,· sa. .lIbmiU,e d JM" cl1oiC;' morsels A nel' a stilTing Bo ng fro m tIl e ell'oir, .Jlllded., to abo•.• : . . lVe fl ctj b u l'll eu upli L lw,o .p'docl., f.O
.'01\- 0'
I ·;JI
i cu.8cbe IUClti lll1ir :he. co~ttn'l
1" ,0 . ' B
,,'~ of. i'~o So~ In 0a.-
bllijkela. ~hi~l"",," commelldabl. lett.
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I!UQ. !¥d'~e.~"eJ'ttlerak,,
'b ' ~\ , er
of our iD
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' eDt,., ta ••'"..ally, aD~ k I ooleea .wee( l.D.cUp.r, BstH, A.1I.~Ddjl 'Id ..ie ' t - baYI'~ 00 h" ·beD p~iig.' might ba.. CIP,lO, tJa8'PreeChet.. " . ·be.li ·eeeo ,luai rr iD, ' in all direc~dn' ,0
.9,m D,
I.'r. ~i(·.fln,'tAtI.t,
..... on '!'M'o"joQwewe,. .beat.
~~~1jo~l1P 1!'1I 1101l.
f,ootr~ " .tt. iJeta mtelll,
~~·~~'b ,'our
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Bei.e, '~."t, tCl;(.ita",e' ~ej.
ad I'd be wllllu2 I.Q du'Ih9,4I1mo; ' "
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n..... w
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•. ,
. PARLo.n.' COOKS, .'!! . ,. . . . ~ , . Patlo~ 'l~~ov~s. "..
I~ ,'
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N 1\,:-t'1:1'., S.K;Tl')·T,F0'1:l'·lO,· ~ ~ v,v,
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aro o",pl~7ed,
"'.', ~ ar!! cOll8lllnll, mak,lp~ Idclilionll.
"I A,p~jf 1"7, )SiI6.
nand exam-ioe, .,. comp'r. pricee.
It ' Unl~a.l ," n .Toi-.Ot" If v ' . ;~~, plI.r!nr ' .IQ e., Mil or '~l i t:l' r~nt kil l,l\; - ~ . " :'. "." aJ .m .8 1,1 11. (Or ~l l b er C9 111 U ir W uotl. Tile uQ()v e 'from ,3 'to ;8 Minptes~ ,.' ',. 'l\l?~k·tiQ.f"b 01? ll: \l;llrclh8c\1' ci\ ;\Il' ,k' .• '; •
' \ J" ;
,.;. ;
-_ . ~:b:-,---
READ,r'-lYIAftE' Cr.riT 'g-·. wu . ft_ , IU LtV mU' , " . ,:' , ;l i '
L,:l '_\l
CD"'\:) I
-LCUSTOM. MADE} , ,'. " ' . ~ .,: ' A L \V A ": SON H ik N1) I '
I' '. ',;' l'l'Il'U~I'
.. ·· 1
t someliangs.thau.ccl!e~0108edforLbe ,ltpitclh~lI lotoa.whlllbwfrorillhel ollt· ~11\\ ~91l" I1'H\ <ti~ : '.l'f!1im~ " fi',~o (]ft(ltl";iJ ~lli " ,,; 'l ," i "" .• 41I1El',' I/LUIIJCOLI,Y. tI tl •. d • . . BIde, carrylog th~ lia, \frol\l 10 lo 20 .filet I "" .. '@ ;t. ~ai ~ IQI. ib\ 1,U.Utii:!) lI' '. \ .,. c O.d!! n~ .ago an . . ... d ' '11 Ii Id ' . Tb••bo.C!~. "ill . be, continued,' ay.an . J.U gln~ ,by lire smiling faces i ll~itle or I~_ ;.IC'-b ·'I·nO' 'he re " d ' 'n. I· the audience, all wele wtll *-leased I : I . 1\1 ' " " 'I~ . , 'd an , I ~ . 10.. Dt .rf'ft s ma bie ,protil SC , .";0" .a er ... pauli! . I I b" '. r , l pac leS.'lIto 'Owe, O'lIr , IInu un er ~ . lhe •.UII1IIl H Jrcll d .. • , . . ' • • U_ .'I refteo. aDa 'bl k ' : , be . WILl! t le \OIl II rlllU>D, WIth tbemstlV'eI, beomB, Ind Into Illy place where a 11111111 • I· , , I, \ ~I ._.. DOWI no 'lei I b d Elork wII1'wCtrt.k . , . J;.; ; "'.'1 " .. • I ' ' .. . ' Rnu "l'er) IJ y ..' H '. , - -"haD &0 p,re~ea','t.JD "~C!kly inalill 11' I. ' . t' f ' It Stocks oyand Straw fu ' tllo fiell!' l . "~ .' ! " ,',. f ',1 , ' . 't.,. J"
Rt,,-'Wlt " 0 N .t-. Al. R ' C. H ·4"':' ,,: . . . . ,. . & I! l~J."'· 2b I· t -:;.! ;. ' ~ A ,tn""(9tn ert
;..;~. " ~i - I"':-'M" l ' -'.. ~'!! I· .
.pellker. Lad-p~.iHd '0 be p~,aelll OD the OC AS' b' 1 _ ' • I C IUn, II. """ .ome re".on, t I·Y rail eo to ,9 ppear. . Aile.r o~her brief addressel and
.: ' .. ..i......au..:·r 'Q·U~U ' 1I; 1U~~1.' ( .. .'li.I:.l1l d
!- .<:c:Q_} (I ~ h'
' .
SUGAR, 'I"'~'· ' ·)lOL·ASSSS. · ·Llllian . .. ..
Patenti. April 'I ~D4 ••, 6, 1888: £ "
011, old ..... f' f then IlCclaimed
Fur I '.m &luund to
Gl'Oceries '
Budell's First PtemiUill" . ~ ' I' 'w'; ,. ," " .h.rell"'.r\f\r~r BODOIl' 'P'I-LlI'ftl!OBTI'.' .:t:., 'VA"',' . .. \,
"'.ilt'" marry..
II 'l ."A E Famu
~a . o••. ii"~*·VFAOT.~B,
tho a_'dteaoce, .,.d macle a forcible_ , Md elofl.lletlt addr..., wbich wal JilteDuot. I'H lIe'OCJO.. eel to ~hb ;.tDarlted attention. ()~her
Ptllo,~,. "._ wer,e beot,
II ,oii ~4(t
- , • -
wbo werelapro,iiltd with
~g •
Of t~ h..t ,ma,eiriJI,nd Ilyle, or ' -TEA. ::.
'"' .•;, be,ull-h~w
diDner. aDd elpeoiaU, tiro.. or the .ex,' Co. whoQl b. b••• ape. , " i f et.1 hkia". ' - , , D. • " "~..... " ,!.o~1h'::'0tit. :~' .U' ~.oo·oloek 'll~ ".m~r.nOe Choir IMr ole! 1M]j "quId (I.r)!. .... anothlr .001. ADd ,uU Jb~ ....r, .by.oll,.! . , wl"o~ ~r. Bl'yaoD WII , lotrodllced '0
'if an Kinds
.1 'G .- E. :1'>t. ~ : Mil I
, Raynille mukil!g I~igh and long ~i~k~. . ' Joti-WQJ'k 11':1,·; 0 , ~".,,' • • ,. .' , , D I Vl1~IOP. on Sa\.orday ~,ooingi .a UDao- . thlll "' ,01'1, too~ the Firat ~remlll!'},!lr , . " . _. " " ., , '.,.. , , . ,.;: , I. . ' . lIeversl of the 11118 BUlte Ind count, ".Ir~ Y, ' . ..," . ~Th6 ulliQD ~Jbobl 'cl oseu \ lmOll S IOle of lUp.nke was telldered tbe lIud allo received tho' hl,bellt. eO/llmend;~ sue." la ~O~!I,f!, ,~,.(!-tro~lih'· a.n~ ~on-" If ~ , . , . • '. . ' ' . . 1-. • rtlrooon 'ur ,1 ~.t w.eek liD ,I' 'IU COlXlpl1l1J. ~f ioillge~' a whb . 'rery lions -Ill ttl'e IIreal Ndrtllwe' t.rn ~ail\l t;1 :'bIUes'·th'':.t.r :pent~'~ ·tlhOI~t ...,otICI'Ct uel,' 10 It~i" . ". ,.' t. ' , !)A J' " 1' b· ' , • . • ' ChI N 1863' " ~, e ue:." pr ee. rom .. st . j f,." ," . or mote nf tb'e .iu"'nila UfJl~artmente 61\ ,\lNUil L 8 u(ltljl~lvn ,..il" their Teh'~II'1 ~,~.....rl· ~ d" ".' 0"'" , .;,; 'ye~r. Conie", \¥jilh' your ' wo~lf- W tl ,Aiwa!} 01~ IUI.d in fJarittv· ' . ~ '. ' j II CIt · 1; ' AI I ' . III 8 I la. !! lm~"1 an moa~ 41 !1lP ete' ... d... · . ' , ' .. IOko/(" ~ote'rl'llined . tl!~i l' (dauds c .. ~u . I~. '. _ ! '~~.L I~C~" ~ur ~~mon- work'foll H . lIy ~J;. yet.' in,fr~uced ' IV i I'e are rea ~,. '0 wall 'Un ,.ClU" .wI,tll .8tvek b .'" . , , \Ion w K8 a ; illl CUI."I 'be .. ahuwII' I), ,. rull aod .'. ,'., ' ' "," 1'.)1'. 000' iI' .. I' 'b' .11' , ' I'iltntrubercd 11~ 11<4 '11 II ,bOIl ib aU'Dd- lIed demand lor them, Cluri.ng P!8t8olllQ.ns. CR.,el~ne ' co:/IIe-4!,I, 'I F ) • l~~ , . .. ,.'Ie w~re w• . re- Roce. " ~" .. c , . 'hleb hell faf eltceeded't1ie ~bcJit1 ,to IIlI':Al1d~J.'v, Ud,.ai r,aU; ,~ef~. ~~.b'& ~o, ,b. pre" · · - ' - _ .:.. ' J, ~ It. rly th~m by ee~4!rallholl.,nc1" AI'o:~, .E xhlme fur lFOllrilelve.8,; ~ u we d•• ired to bt, .Iul luI,e -'Do. -Ihl~ ~lIIVer8u!. ~:!ll\frence . It h!,a recel.~ I!J J~Uh',\ leave. our \Y brl!.to :':11 D~ , 'it .. . . , oD-Fort Ali.lent, IV HIli O!>8UtCu Ill ' eOlllpetilion ' ",lib ·Iltt' J~.8t ':'.11111" UII liJA,tl he lvolJ• • o I~ , ID gatbem!8 , 'fJur".~ ,~ , ,"ioU8.ol:h~i-,."o.k8. · ~ ' "'.' ' JC"tl4!.ji ·ctuqt~c:" IIlUyillg; . ' '.) . ,w~Ji. c~l*le ba ,COGlent <':oTl'l!epol<d cllue 0 1 J,,, M :o\IlI ' G ",elle. . Hs slInp l lOlly ~lId camplCtnell1 render tet ii" ?~' Ity~e ,be im prOYIII::', . '. . , illl ,hi, bri.r ',QIfIIllioll oi lh I' FORT A.wol T 0 J b II mure ,SUb81.llIllal tl! un •. ,th B cWl'PllcD,l,ed Jl"u.~ 1! ltffililltj{8 UI"I be8v~ lllACB The ab,o .· sale f ) ,\. '. , e. P, euant . . : EIiI , .• line • IIrnngcnlll rft hfOretufon ueea lor {hi. pur. IDlly not ~e II l bl~ Lo fl . x ue. ,. . ...----'-< • afl'~~~Il~ . . ~ < _ • ' • ~~lOg so rt'JOIClld our Lhe late apl.D- pOl'e. It ft:'1'lireB lea8·rciom for iOpe;l ti ll/: O&u pricll •• r's a, IAiw • . M 'W' I '1\1 . P'1l It 1I"14~ tb", ~'hit ~{.Ifiooipal, Mr, did Ihoworll "hibh Clur Idnd , Guardian lod ca'll ,be worked Wllh Ire,tet 1.t;lli~y !\~' 'i6. ~ \"'bf!~e Y,'?" go. RA~DALL r. " m~ OW ,~ YS~I~ )!iJ ,' 1M 011 to' k . '" d ' II . b ' I .d ' d . ill all places, ," GoQU Inl'r.lill'IIICII you want, ,.. ' prcplred only for n l'egIU/IIale' pur. . ..~ .. ~; c " linol) • I , '~ '. p,~' . ~I:I' ~~ Pe~a~ , . tQ sen U8, "e feal .'J'b:oAe ';e.ina ~J~ impl.p, ~lleap and '(' fti; \ T.u 01"1~ ypl!r,~II~ ~'Qilrrulld pil'e; W' .ll\yr.\VIf11~iI'1\fl1.I1 ' I, 11\ ftt aDd are the only isare lAd ea:eoliv8 ~ o~ 1'."oa' 10 hloe.'. COID~.UQ1Cal!ng &0 IhoM of our (\\ell~ Fork will do weHr'to exarulne i t r. A I!f \Vh.n Y\lu IbA,a, g.reenhucR.;, IIA A~lIIlli)) 1I A:lail.:l V. med icine tor. fem.l.. OlltlJllt... .' E~llaDd·. -May lie )aa,ve 8 ~' ro . Clcighbotlng ,iI\ag!!ir, tllIl &1~ou&1a ~l.. werlt~. That it. Iii .oo~oni' 10 l1...e, 8U(,j, Docl~l gil awuy .. IMgh'e U8 a tiwipt>. ') RET&IL 'D "''' Y .,; . . ., .,." Do nol trille Wilh your health. all~ U8e , ...,~ h ' ' - ." .. 1, . ' • '.n erucle Is readoly adml.tted b, the In ll' l. ;.; .. ' -,._ _ . .. ... "" ... .,..... &... chenp aull dana:eroUi Dl!ldicioe, wbi~1a alt~"Ii~; .• ~Q. • ,. . . . reluro '9 w ",~l<Cr,llp , l' a 1II0~L R rallure, tho COrD hgjlo\ .F"rmer,IIR it ,a~a a ,aet .01"1'11 , I Iy!t Drllll-liati havl bought, and will r~coDlile,a W~j·nenille. too,", \\! t II , and "hillgl' geDeraUy' are of ti/Qe .nll Jobor,. rellevl!\g. biDl. ~r ti ul ~ ,r S~ll S .ld t e" 13: DRY GOODS, mehtl~ 'lieillllil!nora\lt of (heir qUlliliea. ' " • 0e: o . ' , ' brightenin, on, DlRking merr" the heart l/IoltdunpJelsalil part uf ItI,IOI: IIDCC til " leT )OTH·I~O ... QUE ' , EN ' SW , A.RE'., II~JIt,•. Wllf·~8.LOW'·dM~.Tf'OI PILLS. cllrrec:t , _ Tbe II I 1 110 _I ,f j ; f,.# r inlro pellun of Muwlng' Mael1Jne@. .J..j .iI. 1!.10 , ., • " " n .trregu" IIICS 811 pain' u men s trualion; .,., ., "OOD fa' a '. bill· to Sam· of. m. any &0 IUuulltrloulIlJrmer. . 1'hcy will fre.q uenllyeave lbe" prio,; or . remove all "ob·dtruclion8, wJ18ther from "__ . • .' - , l W I!i h... a:..'tUIJ)pll' or ,tile." useful st-li· ~rer',.,o.r \be. ~Ilr, d(!r of 'be Roo: . \\' !! ,IHH'1l R' pro'pecl -or a small crop n Forlc ill 1\ sirl.llle d~. r, when ~ . Jar~1! I WI He ' ,1110 .I101II18keeper wh., knuwti or 01herW181'. NO' mRiuetl, wife, or ,__ t f II I dI r, ea. IIARnWAI'E & cold mother 6hculd be withour· lbem. _ily. wu ,brou'g bt closo on flf common ptlAches plenty' of ' apples quollll y 0 ay. ,I " IQ l.t' ~.ee~ ~e . rom ~h(l Ihei r 'V 1116 wo"ld lOll" .6e WithOIlI. :l. , " ..1 ,_ '. . - ra ,II, ",.I lhqre I" , bUI irt'tie Ilu,e til w i l l e t ' " Try them-usCl accordiull to direction. '~orbiol of , ,liie .week-the jll · I\n~ V\lars, i\UI+ I\. It;t'f c ~Clnles, . 10 do II , ea D '1'8 1) Inu two 'bor a 'vIII, b>, £;7 W ...... end be couvlDced Ibaltbey are tile !..u>y'. afterllayiDg bee" 011' oflhe Cou rt ¥ ore Imoll. t lJ. lhe \I!1l c>f un~ vI II:~SIl lurl 6, 1 U' \ .iilud·' n ft · .e, ·f~ ·thMI. l kh" pOlt fftyor~, . ~Jll1tS ' ~' k lOtS! FJlIENll. ' , L " I of I.l. · fI.ih . • I alii lOpe hy liri e l Il 0.1' II t on to bosillt!II~, Ask (or MR', . WUI'8LO~" "YITIO P,L'" avoa' fty.~min\a,el.re'"rl\ing with -. -' ---4~e.-, 011 11\ . u Ullfl thCS , • \ with. full tnd' Wi!lI. golle"lf'd .took. 10 " ... ;,a.lVCllliiL.-"" ,' I ' S ( EU"'!I Fo!'!. is lVur;'Otilec? to Oi", 1ll~lt' l alii! OlOfe liber.1 IIbllre uf 'he T .. k.. flone other. Pric. $I par box" 01 •.tr':~ ~~ m.rd:er-, .. iu , ~lie" ~ e~' aO,\'~r i~~.~~\ of I'&L'tDI Sdti!jfll;ti on' /' ~. ,(. publi II trol\.lie ....'.' . 3 loxe" Cot. 16~ ~or ~al. bl, - I'.d~oi 'J;.I'!'il 'deci-ioD U lAid to 1HOI'to Rall<1 in tfill · Ji!U~ber., ' MlileTl. lr i~ wr. m in lrd 10 be the besl Hny F •.d, W'·r. -~• ...:" e 'y'" Ii. ~<ml ; ', !I. . '" ~ I 't . . .. < ' ..' ., ~.U..' \, .,. ., ... ba,Oftd'ap'-.!'b ,. . l,r.',lD8 di Lillft n, Leb'lnon , illl\'e 1\ ~u. p. il) \I.'e. Call a nd · " .. \.. one end I r)' i i , lillll -- ----;'!--.~ .. ' - -- - - -- . -:-• ~~. • a ' k' '" . '. The .pe,,(qnle~ hal 'iiot ; 'et "cell PU8' pl y or lid. :lI.luab l" im p!o.lIlt:tlt. ~ if Il .Ioptl ' lit riv"o ,en tiro I lIli$fl, C:lioll. 'I~ 'jl... I~ \' '.' ;, V~'~ "P~, ~too 11 upo tI ' . ,. "I I · Lriui,l il 4IJ clc • • '. :t-. , D Je' pruflllllr.. .;' .• - .. - - -,- r'!<I ,;0
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r.llred"-e qlcJ~ frlt.. rehatile P!lr.".na·"fD ,hi. n~Wta., a ..6 , pennlttld It ·to · lutD 10 wi..., u. our .... ,r.. millllll:·
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April Ill.
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r~ I>ho(t • .1t Yllu whll" lU, f."ore
' _. . .. . .. Prlel •• a bo~tle. Sold b) .,".dru. . . .~ .' JOHN D. PAille,
0...." AI·&,- eiaolluaatl, O• •
it will e~••ge dr,.oll' wir, h.it. .,,80r. luxurllol ire.ssell. II imll8r~f\ • dllll"lurut .frAltra.,o. to the" .
B:lR G'.
UL SAdRIFl~E A. IR VI N·' .S AWF ,\\\\\\1!}"11/1( .v,p.~ :aci .uk~to, A".itt eaa 01 .ala 8t!eet. ORAt HAIR.
EztramdiraMf AtmOIInc,.,1d I
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~,ooo.ooo Dollara ~orth of G ...... 0:
I rr you wau' jlDloj{nI, ,.. rrl J":' I{"you w • If vou wa"l ~a by llie JOC~, lb. ,,. loLl, If IOU wBnt S tarch. Ric • l'~cl&, C"~IU kor , firer, 01 Ker .C, •• ,~ 'fart"r, Ar'pice or tlol·"".· if you W8111 to geLclrullk, oon't go Ihr rc. J( )IOU WAnt Tobmo orlcn dit\el·on Lkl"d., ' W. h Sb •• i ..~. OenuBD, RO. H' If yo u
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GTp.nd illletnali07wl .Afetlrll!J of· Man· J.,lry" . "factrtr m pr' fa /cit"
Depos it. e.ncJ.'tiW 4Qeaa es:of the bladde r klduey s and drOpSl!lal " "" ' " IIwe}UUln·
." he folio Ingol.1e been relOlvud. t . II 1 (II consequ ence of the . ,rea~ Slagnap 9 of Trade, and in ord er to rel,.. \,.e IroRl pccun la ry embarrll llsmente o~casloae~ ~". . dlstreasinl: War, and I OVOid BA ~ K RU PTe y ' . Ihelr 2 OUO:OOU orl~ ot gJ)'OtI~ stock'mu tfl be Bold In the courBe of , Lb
(( )' 011 ... nllt Ihk o r OI.cLing ' .It I.f you IVUIII Buckels or Bal k t. If )'011 ... alll C".,c"ery W....c. ." 'I \I YOIl wallllO ~o &w.y IIry' eULed.
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S.A O.R 7 'F I 0 E ,
~nd lur thQ" '\I~poee they have elee.ted
'l'I)b,-~ovetha'lq :bI1Ji! ~lIOIlA Uaat am,.. ..
!fon.re Uctlol t or
lJrl'we Irritati on Idamm , Silver Walehea ,!3plena ,d 1.ewolry~ r~~~. .. i ' ' q, ,U , Clock.. DII olld Rlola. P,a0ll'. or tHceratiQD of t.JlI! B add~r or . IchiDes , 8i1~ol' Ware. &c. 006 8ewin lf .M of the I'JQ'~ &e,: 10 be dis!,osed of .1 Tw~0Ilar8, . )[iilnJey. Di.e~ • d Stone iD tbe,ila dder I (' elch .Irti.el•• ~it"ol,lt regard ~o v
ft'r"Yrm n '
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ilri.!in:g from. .E. ,t;81168
. 1 d',ac-rc, 1011.
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d b 0 r· y Tho constitu tion. once Iffecte Illd of med· the requirea ss WeAkne .. gonl . Jewelry of n imitatio wotches or If you wanl Pop-Cur" , icine t b strenglh on Bnd invigora te ,the ren cilll, Pi.,e •• or All are Warranted Gold of tlu Fineet I( you ..,./It 1'.".. Comb. whil',h. Helmbo ItJ's Extrnct Duchu syslem, n3!lp. Workma • . , 0 b "b PjJl •• SteUlI~ , ~, PowerfUl Vegetable Extl'aotl invprinb!y doed, H no treollne nl 0 Su • I( you l .... nL Malch.., The article. '0 .ellllt Two Dollora ooch, , w. coolump tion or ineonity roily II you ".111 Ilreau . e.k .. or Crulc"er~, ' "blcll ·bave a direct aclion on tile no mailer hO\ll conly it mll,,_be, conSist 01 mitted (;as't gold lind s ilver en.ue ~ .If l'ou\!a.uLC~llo rOil,S"eeIOi ot'Turl'lmhn apler.dld Huntin 'l SPLBE N AND LIVER, Watci,e s, }I'rench ~ocks, Rings eet .wi th H. If yuu wanl Bri>OIQI, .. '!.,tl l., . preel. olher and eRrle rublfls.p •• diamond Ihe bal>PY elf.u\ or which nan be ~."I Apl'lel. ' HELM BOL D'S .L1.1UBB8'CO., PRoPlllETllR8,PEruaotIO', II. H(I you e ,and in clnsie,. ), .fa. deen ~r one or two doscH. They (eolilllir stone. ous Clolhee· or l. Bed·Coru , CAndlel WRllt you I)::rFnr .. Ie b"ltollc berry J~ Neal Dnd L1ies' sCla or Jewelry , cOl1lpTiaing P ios lnd Bemot 'e the DUe, Lillct, 46·6m R. R. Printz. Eer.ring d of the mosl fRshiona ble oud reo Hie., o~ he., hoc·Br". 1,\tlJ~o,i wo.III )19" .i188lst Dlgest iou., H R~f: BVEJ\:Y DODY. !Braced cborche Ilyle. Gold Giltl Enamele . , Cure Oostive'ness, kl .....~ lI. Tnd~ keantvJ If you wonL 1'0"er or lJ:,welol'e. . '0" 01 IS, Studl\.lllld Slep.v~ .l}\lllOns. Cbains '. \ ' \I YO'4.!"olll M ... ~r<l, ·3 D CUWl Go Ware In offoctio ns peculiar 10 femnlos . 18 une· Silver etc. &oc. O.na, 'descripti I ~lgx., or r ll'ull hOl fo keHllr If )'1 Ju. 1 PublilhCl~, _ by OilY other preparll tion, D8 in (extra 1)loteit), eOmplialoe C0610r" Butlor ."d Ch owing Gulli. il i.eB~bu I,ow to remove Tan, ' Freck. If )OU wo"L Li'luc"'iet> J or • ctcotion . Irregula rities. chloroall d. engrave beaUlifully chued nnd til'r,erlUiIlJ .or C; nn""10n, 0181" lel..P\R Ip.le.L Qlolthe a, Mop, Patcl\e~. Sal· If you W8111.£ It!.nce l' or ' 'Suppre ssion 'or customa ry nos" 1'lIlnlul etc. e'CI" •• Gob!et 'l'~ble and Tea Spoo"., 'J Arti hi .Ahc j3ewl~ lind 10,,",38 , ~.p'f&iie, IIIHLllt 1m fij," ~ , \And' oa N!lJRd~o Plano, ' aCl rrns blale ' 'J'Iij - pric.;t ( f .elf Evacnatlo~ •• Ulcerat ion or .. makere. ' the Ikin; how to enlmel the Ikio. leaving IhR,best or • ai cor.hM how tu U' L'IGH'r 0f l SIX it wblte lod clear . I I f I [, : ~ or ' i'\ horhilbiL 8!O .. . ' , ' 1"1l1 p, ~ .- [f you or .. drunk. , t~ .; t' UehU';Jy·oul'lclr •• I,tlele vary a,g . ro~ IIe or D:T can"ol or drunk. g~lting amIDe t of wether Bex, tbe to eldent i fulle.t the laiAJ. produce aollll,.. ED HUNDR ~ y! ~VA becDn',•• a genLlellll\., S'JI~Y.\ (emil. gqp.i.c" prMt!~d • i , ' ~ip;ltion ; imp u'~oii!l, WE SHAL L PROC EED. j ~ , . .1 22·8111. uuain,. .tta' DU• • •_ • 0 ' challi "l-of [I ~: h • dt~ ,' ItIJ or (lOW 'II tP th. hll.Jji ) . ~ end If the form ,h ll bien 100t ~1 • ""'(,~ ,fy ".,,'" be Ig Iur each ~UCle reo ~ ~ Ih.o ill orlelnll fiblneM'; fir. nell, end . ~ .bftl,_.,... f of con, ~~R8~ hO:' t e \'I~I. _ l!ellf~" ~U~._C;MI how to ro~,ucI in liae he sale bl '; .re "lleDiCY ~, ~_ e I ~~ ¥, 'h " •• ~ ~l P nOIl!! l or coupons repreeen tfng III ..tlorl'O«'l.~.... .. the revereei remo,e IU erOu iil'li Wi burt! '1'hele certifieD 08 1\1 . '''''''IIL lIOut U Corna, )}unlonl'. Uti, Ind Molol i renew l . ,I) (or ',' 'eae'lt b~NTS t \li ·Jt·OBERT HERBERT. 80ld; your IIg8: cure &O'nttell e61i t1ltarrh . dyll' Prof. EOBERT SAOKSOJf . 11I Ih?w th,e cerufic8.le w elch. and ~~' $!if. Jr. iau. , rkiJ. t1 Dr~ .• D M. fIOpall Nervoull Debility , &0.• hllw to las. r ' flle 18 .... I I .:.t. led 1859 I10 '.~ er til e n1r IC~I, " . •. r Ie e r /I ;" i"d .~~o rol lIe'rQV elnate 'b4:J'~ Illo nel . Il' -'a, 'choo d,. to"ether wltl, Tit, Rational di;;'ensa11ry' ~' t.tafJlul .paYlJIlIl , ""y PCTlIDlI J 10" . ent,tled f'" 1 j '- , .. ' yur1rn e1! ''1~~'I~n t I ,2 00 SJx other useful and valuable mlorllla tion .d pock. The expeq.e e of (rejg.hl prlvole "'80'lIIe No YOUIIII' Lad, Or!> Gentlem an .hould fDiI cure 0 every form of c hilies will ~e rh sewing of pianos inA , ,.' ', nN 'Vi • 8e~. I!)lhl\! 't9 to 8en~ their Iddre8ll 10 ,he under.il r /. cid!n~ titled tQ , ,c,orloua pa7d by the partie. who are and rooelte by r,turo mail a copy 01 tllis Se,ene, amI F.a~~. ))talm!J ill rodiCl y eXlcrm inltt-irroNl the S)· 8· :l.j . , ,!, l.' III1,mi ~ ~r~"d. ~"qtI1l1 01ltl nlulbJe wOfk in .ealed envelop e free 01 ·· ·of the UriOll ,.J OrgllllB IHis· ten. DI·oealo We IIllall,bly cure Syphll" s, Glee.l, ~.. . , Addre.. char,o. . S & CO " . "1 ond d,. R SHUTT Nocturn BERGE cy, . lmpotell Olo. Gonorrl: u n. 1I 1'lill lo. ex 11'" • In e~flry purl of 'l he UI\iied Slite. ·.·Rd iug Irom h,\blt ,of ,d'~'tliPQ~i urnal Erniaaiu nl. Cgmplu.inl8 pec:uliar to diel, ond no ln ·C hemlst •• llIJ6 River It., Troy, N. Y. chan'ge no or lillIe Jlllilie. n· I Buch very liberal {emlilee. onll iiyery form of private Ilieell.~e ProYince~. and 10 all HIBKE-R~ e. eompl'll e1r eUl'ersc, lin ll ' lh089 exp08ur ap~\tc' on a'nd utTereJ. be will nts dnceme tor. ,] 01 whalove r nome Of nolure. Spefmft I d 01 '!1m.. will be fur~8tded, Cr rhma or. Bl!if.Abuse. that curse qf mo«ern tion 0 circular In Muell. ollpleae ftnl and 1ftnU Ou8 ·reUlO ills. C , OrOffice POILI ill lent monoy prefer, We Dm\ cured, manhood , calily lind spoedily E • .WAI,.TON " CO" ~ Qbe8 for,ced ,"0 grow , . or by pa,iba and '1\1ereory" in 'el.\tlpll iiluSIt , n"· PRINC e~Bry lrllce of Ita.lerri,hle ctTecl& eradlca· ders' whorll they cou be '111tftined write I'I'!oun,t .~l~ donlttlron;, 'ilisCu~ ?s. ro, to .Dr, c~ w. RollRck,l (s~ccila.o upon lhe smoolhe st ordj!r. · Please ~ ted from ' lhe. 'yslem;' \Vilhan' d,c l nlio!' Dank Drufl~ \0 our ==-~;~· -1-~_:~:-::-~ ,-~~:--' fllce In I~om tbroe '''';--;- ;f'~r~~~:':~lld--S~"''''EI-\''':---;-,-;;'''-': PROPRtE:I'OIl8. from bueineeB. Young iDen. bnt~thil in )'our Nllme, TowII all urder. to 'S OLD LMB . , lIE U:::sE '" 0 five weeki. by , tlddreea tllld i'n posse8si on 01 t.he plnlnly. 66,58. 60 & 62 East Third St, NOB. uslog Dr . SCI'leoe 'l .Ratau l'u,cU I· mind. th81 wo lire C & ' Y 0 E T RE feceill'. and method of pt8etlce • Ii ., J Cupill aire,' he mUll wtlnder(ul dlilcov· Secrec:t ' " .iI, ."uptor . Vel· OINOI NNAT I. OHIO. er,lo modern, Iclenco, actina ~pon the 01 Culverw ellr LalJelJl~, cturere.I\h1lura (or ntB Aae lights great othe, lI!l,d II, ~I~t) •• Se~ penu, ul ~ . ml.rlculo almost n IP. Hllr " De,lr~ Ind 3'" Liberty St., New Y:ork .' 44.4mj ill modern _dleahtflilllc~; 'fo~~~, II.a facl . m"~I1"', H ,b~B bijen uI~d,.b1. 1 ~O ellie. org of . ~:-.'_.:.....:,._ .,.-'_ _ _ _ _ _ _;.; C U ••, -lllipot\I Dcet 'iid w~ -,.:....:,. t .. ,.. l v~: the Oalterln mOlt Ihe with Lontlon anti Parll t·.I. ~ wl,il: , ()rg~na. ~ary lh~,U:ri l"o( I ail'~Q~f)' n. J . 80"1$; .4.'~D N jGTO ~'-', I K~Jb ' mUll t:." ol.,.a_I.".• \~ , IS.\tI , ahol· ,. tiler ex"~ll'ng "'I , m.le or lemale, frona putchoa ofl will be wou Id OBit ~n,\·inni ' , " Jluccefl. , NImel 0' , 0 roai8tt'lre~I'and If, enllr' aatlsflct ion il n~t senile ho,; "Iii ~he tll l lUi I elr lee. 'wbateve r. cause' ,,'f iuinlllii g.llid hO' lnl ltlir given In every Inliance , 'lie money w,lI 101V pretlln.a e,,' of 1~.,d'JIe., hOJll _t~ com· Thll preror.U.n, long ,uu} Ca,' orn',I,)' be oheetlul lr If eflIJllltlCJ. PrIce by mIll, ble lind IlItlliciq nt:i9mi4 , .. IO(JIOW I Oqlr",te.'\~ln/l; "It' ,'s vle.88~~ · : ....o. ~' III lI'UI'.k, ' Itno . . ;'! wil~~ ('pnl Deact'lp liye tiro leu led Ind pOltpald , Gughly reb/vlgor.te loele Inlf,odo (. Immedi ate In ,I . ~cl ,lon ' tIlUtri'AO TURBRI l 011 Irn811i! t,f,oorlie llth ~fe tunlt~'; aml Yeun~ ·do .... n broken . 'Ad· rree. mnllo~ /lale te.Um'or o.t1lIlTlI'Ond /. .I!I, II lea81 low -I)II,ILed 11 • ..,.". ~ROER, SHUT1 'S '" CO. IDd monlf)' 0 ~'''f1I!!.! ch·.rl,a.te mote Ilrellglh ehilill' Ihan llny or , lbe and dreaa lng I""nglbon . by C!'., ~.4{. H~"e!t .cheml.l ., }tio. 186 Rlfer .Iroe'. Troy. N. write to D,u •. J'I/.k.qri preperit iona 01 Bark or Iroll. ' and oIOllIl)ln, \I,e ~I,,". d,a· ~. .... y letur!! oll1:e ~~ will who 4~·/lm InleoS. &1111 U. 'he "'."',.eb Y. 1:I?le Dllenll for :i"!~(1!, 8uO:e~ing rrom Uruken. ,lolYl] or MUSK ETS AN)) CARBJ..i.V£S, write tbe creel aml"jllo:pUch 1(/IWe~. L'~lee, p'cU~'i"'I' a luro 'J·orrlbJ u; DlllcloR arollu.8 ecrel. relilelly 'the .•. procuru for onr clrolll.,. Delicate cOIl6Iilution". vcollvo of all dl . , e' Also • lIIJlUoa . It d' St I I"eS Il'rv .,c. FlU PilI hi M I F • e n 'or' Ie I. . en"". lnd"",,' to A ~oat v.Jtii~le lind, w~Ddtirful publica. D r. J ~C k Ion. erpa eliI:e,.Onl! FEYEn, OJ-A.'11>J::ItS, alO,nce. D ~~Ie til. e¥~r. bOI; ."r ' \VOV' prlce" I{'~I"IIO col. , e 30 nWl\r, and ,Lq . , must pIge· 400 ren~er 01 'l'ile work tiOR . A lllCS JrreeulrU ,ror,01 k f I I I. ored engravl ni'. Dr. ·Hunler '. VAPE Bnd elfoclu~l N1rnedy I' b REPEA'fiNG REVOLVERS. ., obslt,!c~lonl" rro~,\\ hltev~r liou,!!e. Ig t mil,.. Ole I '0 aUnt' . \l II~ e cr !\IE CUM. In orl .. ioll lind p.9plllar ' .reDtiec all~'tbe Pr~ ,retltea' Ilounlal~ "I 'Il!Jl lor on Man Ind W:mon . llitllr PbYllolo g}'. diseaeel it IS ' lute to affect his bodily Gu,~e. lind all }:xp". FUn6tio nl lind Sexual dllorder l of c~ery t~clor lind MarrlDge Ma. hoalth. mentul powerp, hepplnl'88, lI ' d .Oeaut,. COIII~'~,"&, RiOe Ind Shot Gun Blrrels, ond IllDt 01 I,i. p~sieriIY. , O'ur 'hest. nud hlood llind. witb neve,:ll lIlnl R&medies lor cll Ke, to ~ye IIn.dplltel: ~ '1 hll Is h . aOO page. and 100 Bold by,' Gun velliere (lod tile 'heir eocedy cure. The ptlcl(c eof Dr. THE price CiO ee te 3 ,erials Ii a t lupporle d rrom lhepe aourcee . bu Ie ore 0; • 0 , you W I~ - , . Hunter hilI 10011 been, and Btlll la/ un. 'or y, genera . . . ~ollar. ono lion it. • bouad"d . but a' Ihe 1'l8rne6 tlollcltll Tn theso dllY" or Housebr eaking Dllti Send ,o.r onr epll'lnd,ld, cl"IIIBr. ~untD'A' 11101" numero ul pefao~8. hI hal been 10dllC:lld to ever1IJQ uae, :Sture. Bank, and Rubber" qUill, e .uperlor> or Illd ~NotiC Lrau' '''''''1 \ h .. quantity ,n more !ng tho extend hi. medi(,DI uijelulo ep through or Illllornbli: .~Iull Into 'II 'mIDO,'OOlrlnll 9no '~amphlet8', Office, shQuld bave rl, , ""....,_._ _ _"""'"_ " hone. medium of hi. ' 'Vade MeculI).' h la n ,ty to Hny 01 Ihe fto·colled . ., nd 8 wr,lLen replv we lhat ber Remem BV. or handl Cow~ thl. lor ~a"'lloo i~ in,.l\luAblr!: the ~; in ... 'To Ii..,p volume Ihlt should be WII make, 110 eocret 01. :he ;~Rre,riieni 8·. especial ly ~dnpte.d to lhe I.DCl'eIIIIiIl Ulc" lWLllt and hb'Ptov .. ttie. quality 01 ve. themsel ory femilv in the land. al II prevenli ve 01 tl) e!eryorIctler. avail to tlesl.riog liea Pai be. Dr the milk. It M. conel,deratlOn, "ico. or all,. "ulde for the Illleviall'on 01 pntlcu.l tl cIse under ( I I been yoro •• n by ncI case 1110 hllo ImprovemcIl18 in Pi8tnls, And flU- HELr.t 80LDS FLU\IlIJ~Xl'RAC'I' 8U· s .. eac, ni 0 , t.w expcrlm . nl Lo Dud 0\le lof tl18 !Qoal IIwrul Ind de.truct ive c?uao In .e lIature perlor workmn nshlp olld forUl, will Blld uil CHU is composed oC !luchu. r:ube~8 . • Inert."" Ihe '111"n· care. greol willi scourirt a &lIlt ever viailed mlnklnd . One llJlfere (rom ev,o,! ollll;r. selected JUlliper 8erriew, tlLy or milk AUlI . combine d in Ihe , ))r.Jacl.·,~,,- 8 qTmltlll Lml~lellt . ."..,:tm tlYen ty per ..coPY., aerurely ' envelop ed. will be forward. anti prepared In vacuo by H. 'r. HELM· RellOl'llcr,. lo'l Relllillg ,Ntto OCDt. !Iud .moke Lho and •. Yi d.la~t.lilt ,'and eolifoe~ pU ! arf; JI'~~ of po.,oge. to IIl1f part 01 'he Romot6! battar linn .nel Circular s cnllillin ing cule end tI~'crlp. DOLD. drug&:isl Dntl chemist of 8iXlellll hllVe,.11ri1l dor· ""llleh or::en. le-; r('juvene I ""t.'Ct. In ro.t~Jl t DH Itamps. P.O. In eeol. 110 (or Jjl':hilM 'Stltes un up furnidh iJe PhilaJol Will .!If clly Drm. cnltlo,lt glvetl UU.'lU car8 e lion 01 our yo.,.' experien ce in tho • fur lRany , an tlJllle\lt.,IOOIcnl . Mt"'~/JlOIt paid,. DIt. HUN,TE ij" No. mant ion, IIpplicnt fe. Male.Sa the .pntent by ed French IJreHcrib .o!!·a uow I. Dr.·,Jlck which aud 16.1" phia, . 11t~lt 10.1 oJ" and ~ :Dlvlwon _Btreet, New York. -It I. peflert\y ule lind nevur fD1II to E make. tlllIII lbrll'. , , _ _ _ _-'-....:...- mOlll eminent phY8iclans. hnll boon admit· "iv~ lat~{ac.tiun. It il Ih~ on,>: aute .a nd _._ __ __ _ I At~tur~ ,to Gild brmy. Stales tlld 10 uee In the Uuited '1!IIIn~t COftlt,.e twr 41ll D8 tl 10 .u dI8ca,~ of 8"lno.·'lu ch .. COORLt, Ulcera In • II ( ,,"bllihed; In a ...al';" ..n. "iopc .. p.lce ..fi ,reve~\IvlI . Prir.e I!ln each, per 1.ell • ia IIleo in very geller.' u~e In Stale hOBpi. lhe J,unRs, LiI·er. '1\ com\). A Leclu", on Lhe nOlur". Ireohllo" I , ever In.ented &:c., this " rtlcl& •• .Dr S.",innl dozen 8~, 8ntlllllt tl,oz~~'1. ~entlu- mail. ,,,,<I rodi eal eure of Sl'er'!l"!o~rbre t"le IInti public Sa nilur, IlIstilUliona .ou "" ".,..'1)160. at. drInKers .,1;0 de. froUl ~·.~" ... itn.ol~nlar~ b,,"U.,O,!,. " exn,,1 J)e. .Incbrl. les .or mot/or lIy through out Ihe IlIlld. who baye lound It d·f. 1I1.sr!a,;e generolly;; sIre 10 rerorm bUI t , .. loll Dud I1IPI<U\Il' UJ'A9/ . Fila and l;'I',I.pay tion, Con.ump . N e ryousnelA ,II Ih..l '\" {~Olll ~...,.,I }'nd I'~y*"l Inllft,p~~lr, , ..~,h~I" Dr. k'lnd t;!ll~!,l).,e. ~l T B I n6l!UI Cal,etwell; M.D, on , , .• Book Mo. RUU.Or 01 Ihe , , 1'bc world-renowned ,,"ll,or. in Ihi. ft<llll;ro . blo Lecture, cl<Uorly prov •• rrom hit own lCt!/l of .01(·l\I>u." ·""DOe. UlaL Ibe .wful CO'lIt,qllel 1 "' •.1•.1]0. efT~(lu.lJy. rGwo.e~ .,;thO"1 , M~dici/le, anif .w,\~out iJan~e I'O~' Iurslcftl ~""r.liqn •• pOII,I. CO~dl.I., ~oug, .... lOttrume ute. rink' . .. ,Qr ,ng oul • roode (If e u"" at 0,*0 certain • lid ef. roclu.l. by which tvery 1Uft'"cr. n9 maU.r "ha l 011, ,tlU \:o.ndilion roilY be ; nJ., Cllre' hlml.lrr eliear.' pflutel., ~'rirliClIIJ'. ' :rlli, I ~IlIIe w.1I Id 1 ••• ",lIder pro,e ., \Jog,'11Q, ~.ud.. Sell' an, .ad....... . lo lllilel., ,al II "ilvet~p •• on reo H~LMBO~DS ,!f ,I~, ceo.lI. " ,1-:0, JI'lOl",e Iluop" ,A1'0 .:t>r- .itlyetweH . Marrl ••• .Guid .... pHce 2S cu. miA'S J. C. ,KL1NE a: co ' l.1n DO.. eT)'. Now York. 1',0 ' bQll ,4~ ' (flI>:.,) , ' " I(
I,ll AI II Drel1ml~I:J . liler oW 'OU ..a.nl sollr 'IJ~ ""hi hO'lue~~mpIY. Ic"d il no brw Ihu the; m,oyllll \llre .lind witblJat ..~(..&\ orderJ '
't. 'de'
,..",. "m'''''''I, ",,,,ri', ,,,,
Forty other
_M. '."" i I:
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P"" " · ,
\lhiCV', .
" v;. •.
F 0" U T •.. , S- - HO"fSO and ·.C'·'a U"O
, I . '.
Pocket. and Belt Revol,vers,
Rifle Canes, Revolving Rifles,
Physicians) Pleaaa ,
,Young. Dlen.
)~ELMndLri's '. .
Drag & chemical warehouse, ,
ll~ct,n~b: ~'b • .o..!~lab _lreIpU hMlii' Wnlbn ! OrbvlI '" Ba nowe, ' . . Blcheld er. AI . A GIIDllel nl01wll? hal luffered for yearl ker. Siolel ~ Cu •• lod ' r.frIDp roen'I, '.re ia 'laIAlitf Ctl"p olhor Deeav. ~e • ffom Nervou l Deblilly . Prel~lItD 101 ' liable to ,orreat , and all Jlle _WK'I ot youthlu l Indl.e cretloo. anti. tho aeller or uler ;' ·Cirelll ,,./rM _ ,~ "l\Ilo, " he like of luWerill1r. hURIanlty. fine 'l1d Impfllon meiit ' Sbaw' "& .Olark 'Rnd f~ to.1I who need ill '~e rf!C!lpo Addroll. or cIIl lipan hlclIJo III. [S61 tlod. dlrectlo nl for makinr 'be limple Uiddelord" MaIne:, or . , •' ' T8meclJ br 'whleb he wu cured. , '8u~ : ter." wllhlDI 10 proBt b, Ihe ad,erll ..r·. , A1 ,. experien ce. can do 10 by IIddre••1nlr, In I.r"e qUI". d o ' I kinde II1ftllJ grett • Of EN, D OG, D,. JOHN " ..., '" It I r Y k ; N 'No U Cbll'llb r I 8, ~ by BlI~ .1); os, t " 1 ew or e ' ~'1 E . R., PRINT Z. _ ;7 __ -1" ----
0'1' WOtlT Il
&C~. &R:AVINQ8,_ :::. .Lt SOLU FOP.
MEDICAL ~DEPOT loti utll TeDt sante,
OLLAll , EAqn,. Seod a t.Ne ten~,8Ilm" ror Olreu'III !,: " -'. Addrea. WOOl, EVEll &. DAI1DW Ij\(. r. ~;.,. . "AD~I.PD Age~t for ~1'nuraC;I,Ule,., Arkpor ,N,. Y. • ' , laler' n" -Ih'e -'-o.ve '" ,, ' p, 8 ..!. N li'wepI,,· IOU .. d d fIII,S. C/..,.n Il,ia nOllce I~ 'hI! emOU"' ,\"ole:. /Jy DruOIl"'" Ever;yW'I~e. and .endln, I mlrked c;op, to 'lie •• li:qTti l 's . of 0'0'11 n; Iddro.., Ihlll ,ec:eive I. p',m. ._ o.ll, of '" ."qllf tll.mot b Gold Pellaplthl." prlop ASK ¥OR ntLlf:B\)LD'S, hl/lder. b, retllrn mail. 1'08' 48 SI.D! lour dollm. 2 . It.
~ .,.lei
WARREN CO~'ri", (lIUO: 'WElll' ESDAY) JUNE ~O' ~SOO. I '
• I
S~X~RER. AUorn.)' a'nd COlin', ellor at La.w, ,
X Ii:Nl4-.
" ~~ S,. I RIC~, '
Great Reduction'in-Prices i
M; :l~!
,Residence 08 North ~,., ,lAIfelY, door. above Iho M. El Ohurch VATNH8VJt.LZ. '
0 )'
, J- O-E - L- E-'--V-.a; - '-'N-S' ,- .. MER C HAN T T A I LOR I
SUnmyoRt CONVEYANCER, ANp , qE~TS' FUDNI~~R I 'I. : Mnin Streot, Wa Yllon lllu, . r .' ,,', n®~Am:y 1 ,U>l1J# It,]ItO,. J h~"e no,\>, oh II' la til ~ nlf c1rgal1t ' '::':'.1. " D -
I' \\'R,'iull viUe; Ohio.
!~. JO,NEsr- 'M. ~l,.,
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hI tbe I ..e,.t p"'otec, 111;' .kiel }oollow '~r Wllh I~Dd .' ""U I ,o uk .~ I "ill!;"lr Ib ~ , .h ..- ' ,C IU/IO: ch~" ~ L'l~ thi .. k 0( me. " " lc G. bel' kIndly, ."111",!
~,o:r AI\Y l PU Et L.·I'C.
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.,.IDvlnr ha~ rOllrte~n: }'.e'~r.' £"l'Nie" ce b ,t,be F!.oCIICe ,of .)le(he,lOe, t{ft ~r8 " hi~ 01 my own monufacturej nl so. n be nulifu l erUrellilUn~ 1Seryic,ca to the ciliZl'll8.of " o s~o tlU1elll 0 1
bo th " her ..... . h' . Highl' ~n he,r t )'r • o·e~ ... ~.rl d, J)r •• ~ I he (11' 0<1 IJd. WIth ligh ' cftre . I~~ I timl .hndowy h."t.! of thinc ' En I' '1,1 fltt drJc \\uu fie &U tUin cn Soo th e li er 11\'.e(l y , nighl!
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O' Nl rly lli rd. ;. 'eern l i~e Un'e l • 1Uf'):, cliOlU ' ~YOI"(I. · lI~".r\' r-,It'o~ftl~ t -'OU11 cl , lUV d r ' I .f ( I ill' 1,IO tc.lt.
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','\.\J.)o n''' _(lIc~ U'ldlli ed IJlt i.;, ~, 0. !/e' JI~, her oye • h er fore , r, 'Jle tn Itlok . ~' o ur p1.'~O , .K • Dud kIl l Irt!r, willu J II ' -1'H & C,U.JS -- ~-
I; IIi)
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'-I Wajneavilie ap.'d' VlC'inlty. ' I
, ~1i>J(J1mB on, Jlluin StreIB. I hFC!e doors
ahUlll oUbe
G ,\A:IiTTlii Offi.ce.
,,~ ,NI~ht cDlla promptly rel!.pontl c ~ ' to.
DU. S. J. WAY,:,
4: ~. T,t" tI E.
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I.. ic. Y~riou. bnncbe. i nol to be eKrell~d anrwfloro. NOlie bUL ' tho '
Dll:1 1 AM.l!:S ; A. r.O'&R, .
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,:v..." AVOO"lE OWUn.n. 1E
E~ P.,..
Ah.a E. P. TSODTO., lh......t
llioa 01 oII.ael., . . . Ill' loled lb. ". M. R. oR. IDd in tbil cily la" S••daw. lIiaht. Tue oirelll. ·
n.hA.\fololilt. ct.irroy,ol ad luRtf . I'eedoo. ~~ melrlclln. who hi• • ,IOlli.b.d lhe lCieD' I . '. conl~.m~ll"n-ll.u;re~: .,..I'JaaAY. ~~.... ...... lifio cll"" of tb. Old World •. bu DO. iollIlO known 1o .. e ow _..__-- loelled her.il .t HudlOD, N.Y. Xldlme eHitb e mtllnldof .cur,e. h '\1. nd I r f TborutQD poteet..IIUeta wODderful pow' To"U who nue t. e WI e ~010 11.11.. ,,. _ • • • '" an IDII'lIl" lbe .. : I erl of I,cood ,Ight •• to euble hK to copy of th,a prelcripllun ul etl ( Ine 01 "_~!!II8'!_!!I!II--~!!!I!I~~!!!!~ .A. young Ullin \lie nlllDl or ilDoutt' "nowledle of' the ire~lell im~oJt. ch.r!!Il,) wilh lhe direction • .. for prepI,rl'l TN..;.... ~ ••• lp«II~. QOllllI!cted wilh " ailk boul. in Ne., lD~e t'o ,he "I 011 Ie or married 01 either Ine Illd u81~1I1I t"e .nm&. ,,:hi. h Iht, W . York. clllDe ••• , on butiQeI' for laia sell. Wblle in II atlte 01 lrallce, Ihe de· find a , ure ' ture 'or CooBuml'lion, A~lh1!l", 'R.uane LODGJO' l eI,.bli. hlDellt . lind on hi. "flturn eaat li"elleB Ih e ve~y leojure'; (If lbe per.on ehitis , Coughs. Co Ilia. &r. ~be 'MolCao-, Mlc.~ J 'I;t'M 10. f Oill.ion~ti lor Ooilambu on lbe ex' tlm'lre to mlrry. Ind' by the aid" In in· 101 Ih,o adYell iser III len~ll)g t ..e 1J r pre,'lrain due aL 11 o'clock . lrumeD I of ,"lellie po,,·er. known I' lile lioo lo benefilthe •• nd ~(J. . " " ,,ti''' . 1 Aft,r I few 1D1oulei 'r.. ~, 11I geDlhl· P aychomotro p@ •• guere"lee' to produce • spl'?od nfo rmal joll which he conqelve. :;. W "ayn_vJll• .and \4e ,oo~ p eop C lI~pped UP. to bi~ .nd cooly alk. lIfe.like picl urfl or Ihe (ulure hu sband. be loynl ua,lJle ; e"d bll ' bopel . eye~y su in it. T:b\VlldaJ,lut, we took the tid : 'tl )' our u8me'R:-- ,. 'Yel. sir,' of wire or Iho applicDnt. together dote erp.r r('medy, 811 ,t / wllI lOarrilI:&, pOlillon 'rn life. leadln tr~I' . nOllllll~.hiaa.lld may prove a. ~1~1I!lln~. car. at Corwin and Peaehed Xenia at "al lbe repl,. 'From New · York" 'Yes. of ch."cter, &0. 'J'hie ie 110 Itu Parllt'8 IVl eblug the prCBCTlplloll will noon \lila for the first ume really ,ir.' :Y~Q a'.8 tde m'ao I am. ~fr"r.lb~D,· thoulo nd8 01 le8limollial. coo plelS~ ndtlreu , a ttra otion s the : 'I am a . wlll'lInti. wh e)) a cllrlified RRv. EDWARD A. WILSON, I. " I .' _ .? IUId h""e ... tbortIY to urI!" YOU " Ar· catol. or writ\en fr!'u"o 1)1 ee, thol·tbe pi?lure Willionlllburgh, K inG' CUUllly ; Utt~ oity., Mr. JI. T. WalGB~, en.e rell mt! (or whllt l' For (OrllOi I i. wloal II purpor ts to be. 11, enclo,lling a !l7-6m. NIlw Yurko of tll~ moet senid ~nd ~blc of cJr~r~ 00 a. Banking HOUle io 'l 'uscllm' 8';11 "1\ h.!l·k IJ' !Iai r. ~lId slallng plllce. of --·TI~.NSFO.RM.'.l"ON" . ,drovo bil. Allblma.' .• blrlh, Dgr. dllpuliuulI u!' d cqmpl('xloll. ' . . . I \ Autleme n, l ' ..... e~ r "',J ,.,. cJ b d and entloalng cell\l and' slomped en· The ellpen'lItio08 of IIl1 l1 qUlty Ire on y for several hour., nnd th• time Mr. It. proleel e I' Innocence, In yelol!'8 IIddre8leit to youreelf, you will reo 'fcotl tur Illlughter' ot Ihe pleBeot doy, 1I11t1 \'" LA'> to' . r +I'A demllPded the "bereby 'he ,e the pltlure and lIeeired inlor,llIotion yet 11.lis 80 ege 01 ~~ lUlU w,fIJ ~'f 'J ~ train offioer IIrre'. hd hint. 1'he u"tI:cti lie lold wu /pa••ed cleligbtfqUy, thlnD to Dim' tb.t be ""ould ahow hi, •papers' by r" turn mall. All communieotlol1" ". 1" I r II e I . ' • ... W f h~' ki d d enter I . d h ' b' \) \ d oredly cotlfidelilial. Adtlrr8l. ill confi· aC·COIlIpli r8hed with the .itl , of. 8eielloe. _r. r' g.. n nes • . an ,. - "ll 18 proper lime.· fill l en .ex I I,e dence. MADAME E , F . 'rUO:U'fO,N. P. O. Fur exARlple: Ilrey, eDlldy or red hoir ill (aiDing' company. nu\ a1\ l)l.ee.ail.nt . of .• to bind Box Y.l. 46..610' . Chln••ed I.n " Mowe .. ' ..wun,a "'. '.~ lD~""}!ll!! . , ~ ' " ~d , w'. , -er' ~\\ea ,f 1111 rtl\~led, ~\ . d18 • • ~me li~. .. ,? • Iil1lP lJ " ' ,OOD.,i' iliaD .tudlnQ A COII,b, COld or Sore Throat: . 'he flIDh".t ennce\"ullle bluck ur brown,
_".11 If.' •. _.
roo', aod b,
of tbat.cbar~ing ~llll
kilJdl~ u~ io DU.Hfl~
BAR G A I ·N S, 1I'1
u.n~·II~lfti thre&\~epmg O
w illl~Y
llpf)ll 'to ·.b\d· 411D Ilncl you rllrewel1 nlar by for a .. istanoe. " and .oon the 'ateam horse? placed Mr. R. tben ' lurrendered. .
P B. I
rn ~.a;
It lJnlead J ta .Too· o f ~B,y, in . from 3' .to ~ Mioute~. "
DomestelC. Good s,
~23, Hulllon,~.
&£QO rR£. 1'••11>
. The de .
n ,:
• limple Dppllcullon
Cbriatadoro'. Bair Dye, many miles ' between u. : liut the t,olive deml\Dded bil arm. aDd oIlier IrrltaUoD of the Lilli .... Permlnea' Manur3(:IlIrell by J. (;HRISTADORO. fi me~ory ot ou'r vi8i~ to, Wayne\lvnIe ulualjJe,a'.• b~ut hi, perao.tJ · Throat Atfeetlon, or an I.carlble A,tor Hou~. New York. Sold loy Drug· , • t... lit d d Mi. R: dchyered ,up UII fnolver. a La.Il" Disc.be, ~!at8. ,'\ppli,ed by all halrdres8t'rs. ~ nevep 'be~b f :[a~., da~• . ~e plme conlainioll about ~U2~, a ,,011d 18 OFT&ft ,TR& BEt'ULT. Th,,, Glory of Mnll h Strength. .h~l oftea·tbiD. 0 . le ln l eu 8 w.lch, 'anll ,11(; keya and checks to ' lis pnOWN'S BJlONCJlIAL 'j'1&OCDJ;8 ,A gellllrlll,1I .. hI> 1<llIor"d (or y"ars fro'" who made ~ur stay tbe~'e one o~ 80 ba'gglg~; 'ho IlIlter COnlliDiug goolll Haying. dirfct Inftul;n4!e on .Ihe ,puJIJI. N~r"ou, ~ ... I U."ilul DebllilY ftnd Bellllllul ' ,4 ' t" 1'u ')1 1 d 'I\bou~ -3000 ' . dl 1\ 'I }' II 1 ' 1' vt.ukne" . lhc , ,",,,11 .. e , 0uII,(ul it,di.C I·e li un. mucH ePJoytnen an.." I m 011 o"s· YR ,ue a . . "!' .. . • give Inl\De ete . r~ e, Dr ' rOIl~ II IS. and <'II"" ,II'. ' eo,!ill);, II " (Iaj .ill hop. le8>l 1ll1. . ," " ' , , /". A. lhey approached' Xenill! tbe prl.~n · A8lh1llQ. C~t"rrl, CIJ1I8ulllplive nd 1 hroal er)', will. f,.,r I" ~ ,nk .. :of/lulTerl",. " 1811 ••.,,,d .10 IIII"I/£D DB 'f0 CHII",'"D. ' OOMTI.UE,
ft"" nll~ ~~r(.10
H pitches Inlo awilldQ" Ir m the OUI. lide. c'art)'ibg the H',' lrom '1010')0 rlet Inl,ide . , ' '.' , . It pitches Into ?tIO"I, oYer enrI uli boomll. Ind Into lOy pille where, a ••• }'ork will wQrk. . . It SlAcks Hay aftd Straw In lbe !lelt. making high end looi ~ickl . . '1·hi. Fork look the Firal Premhflll It d
. OODS,~~';~~~:~:~I:i~:~et:I~\~::e'~O::.!.'m~~! DRESS-G real ,.. I ! ' \Ionl at Ihe Il 'lQrl lweatern F nir I" White G 00 d S, Chicago. November, 1863. Tltil ia lhe 'lIimplel\ and moat eomplet.
wl,rkina Hay Furk yet ' Inlfoduced tu til. Farmer, IJ8 h~8 been sbown .by the unllllr.. r hed demlln410 ,hem dllrln, 1I~·t ,le~'onli ""hiclt h08 far exceeded tlte IIblllty 10 l"l' "Iy tbem by leyerDllholllllhrt. r Abo, Ii, Iho ullivorllli it . hu recel',Nr· whp.ft operated 'i n cOinpe\illon whllih. ,arioue olher .}i'ork". .f' ~ Its .impl.IcIIV IIIIJ compactnesk r,ender
Sh-a--l«, ,YV V
ke Hoop ~ ~ II-tS , ,
,---=- _ liEN S AND BOY'" H A ,., S
er , helhoqgll' l,iinself of ail lequaln. Dise usea. ure used wilh "llYn)' ,! ntUw lcd , Ihe ' !I"l'l ti '"\...... IIsed I,y h..II' il 1110 'CIoml1l1cllH nl e lub'lonlial thol1 "oDd eucC!cas. Sill'gere .llnd Public Speak. n cure in "f.. w weo'k•• ,,(It I' rh e IIrr lgelnflnt -tltrlltofure u.eu for ' thil b • I I Ilur~ ,lTeelcd of' IlU",-rou. luetl\ritte!, St'nd n <iii-oct ti a )1 r q' Irell lell8 ro.oln (or opertli". era ')'ruchel c ear,nll' P 11<.elln be , t: wurked I -,J .. '" -;' b - ,. • I the will voicefilld wlJen IIIkeli uselul before Ineillgilig ur ~,,~~1"1' 6 , And ,i l "ill ,' 0.1 }Oll nOlhing. Ad'\r~... 11 • '. '~ . 1 , dnd 1V11.1t areuler lac)I!!" FJlelllting, ""II relelving lite IhrOBlafl!!r 811 ~ "!J'l 1.1 , OG Ph:N, ,No.1 :1 <;haulb~ ....1. , J'l. V. III 011 plliceR. , I ,t UIIUIlIIIII exeflion 01 the vocal urgulis. .'\11 . MRy. Alnn)' lIo-pp'lI ,. _ 'rhoB!, leQilIna JI iIl'JlI",: elld elll· 'l'rorlln 8:e recommendetl lind prt'l5cribed 1h.,pe,'1Ih'c of "II" III beuuly: and Iht: cient Fork will &1\1 well 10 exomlne U. by p,1t),sjt:\l\nw, .alld hove hlld 'J'.:81imouiol. 10." 01 \11 .. (oll'0.it u b' lI .. II" \,,, gui lled bV fl'l. nlerll8. 'fhllt it' ;8 ('conOmy 10' uJe RI Cli' city. ,and ... ,,,e. mu.t.,.y, we do not. ,like c.oi-din t upo, Il 11,leir. arriu, l'nt ,X ,",e n.ia. froln ellll'llelll Illen II,rou"'lIIut the coulltry. I IV;'II\' . hlll'l .. rul ".. ~:;"IId " dll,.,·tell CIIY.tOP article !II rei rl!!y ndmltted y tbe illiel. ~~ ".. ..' 10 ~I'\I ' Al\H: MARY PI::IIRV, Sh,tion I>, Ui· ~OO ""n [E~g nn \·I(..,elll F~ rl"'er. arR It Bovel ft v'oat 1.l.'\IIIII nIL,.,,,,,,:,," Qtlr expectat,t<JDS were.au the delec~iye .n~ Ilia aUIII!'nl. ~Itb Be ln,.' 811 Brticle or true merit, and IImY. i llg lot H N v k . £~[ID • r ' K " II" r ,!",e QUI,r. . e.w ... O~ • U Q II of tl~e In'd Ilibor. rell,wl,," him of tlt.1 frOID ,lWlng J~' "" "DD'd, ' 4 , was 0 t. mIll, ' .. 1 ~ 11:', r'IlV' ,,, ~' ' Int.!I a.I It'end 'I' " Iwbo ". l aI~ ' 'II! 0"" d ' provefl Ihei~h elli.:acy d ' d byJ " ,t l'll A\U)O I'll - Lu\' ,e l, Ulrll And FeHtiV6' BOY 8, ,nlOll t unpleDBllnt pnt of Hoyin'''JI'nca,lha :".' -:'0" del'~b"toCU ..........:', · .'All witJi, W L I, ,1,1 !D l,I9,Ua;';I DO. , un IIr yeall. eOIl , ye~' 1.11 B I. lell! II~ qu '. ..,. I;> ' . ' .::.....:~1 IIOllP~4 olf, ..1111 the office" lieB In Vllfloua pnrtl 01 Ihe world. ~nll c,the~ So,nd an hddr~uetl t,II"elnp" and 2b c.,,,I' c, .. 1 1 ~ IlIlro,llICUOII of \M wlllg I\Ja phiJlc" . " n a. '~ry,!","" W 0 eq·n.. y a rObtn rui' 'be parly aL 'b8 Troches ire unlHr:lolly pronounoed b"tler w)11 ..... .n )'011 tuul • .". Iu"hl", ildOl·.llnti /1 Ihat . 'rhe', w.jlJ frequr;mlly liave lhe 'pri ce 0" :u. to _ I. •• ., hI " I "ill ~pl~~I"Y'lII. A"j) rt\'~ Mi •• JAN~: BRVA . • I "'.ork 'I" I ' lill"le day. ""h"ll • Ift,"e h.. "l.ter .Iiu!ue. ' '; 1 Bronchial, :1'1'0St., N! w York , , qu:;itilY uf Hay I; to hI' IIIlQUr:il from Ii-e dla.ppolD~ i .. itM ~~~r~'~ ., . Leavillg 'h~ pI i.onl\1, here hI Cld'$~iI cltee,. 1,,11 d'o lIot I~ko gllf 01 the worlh· . '"ll. tiC' 1t"I'It'':. r'ln; elld there ie but. lillie lime in I\'ltiul,· and balt-.......ptul &f ' ~ of tbe ·a l.I*'lnl, lhe 'dsleetiye an r. le8l' im\Latiul)' thl' filly be otrerl'd'. · .' ..QUAI . . . , .. ~ -0to du it, aa Ii '111011:ond ' \ ! O boya will by pl q. " ~ "", < , , R·,. fr!.Dd atal'led art, the'l"Uer to lind Sold ('verywhpre III tlte Unir..d Shlea, ___ ~~ the Ul!6 of ono ur ~he80 lurka, Ullload • " • •" \ I . • , , " Ib- ac'qul\iIl'IIIIlCe by' be (.R) lind ' in 1".. rllil:lI Couulriea, al 35 cllnte. ller . 1011 or hlY in Ilve minllto.. ' ,A:t \} embarked, and 1>1\0.- UiigbL ()e illenlilied, Ind Ille former- in box. ' 18.ly., . • . '." I ElJ'ry .Fork i, ' to j I:eeded .on .our journey. We tobk t~e of Ibe J)el)utl' l,J, S. MAr.hel in . " . '. ,Suliljaction I . . . . CI!i~i~itl,. HaJnHto~ &'pl\.Yt.o~~im~ . oUJtody ,~e ~.~lt'Cli'~ b?W HIleR.: R E .A. ·S q',N S WHY '1' n E AJID I It I~ wmllllted 10 tie tile b~et Hay Furk )[ic)l!g"'Jl ' ~¥1, Qt Yfhic\\ the . "ltl~ly de~ 10 11!''''II ·tbe .P .'·lson~r. ' ~TC! i'n~,. I\V.lojOm" · Q~Il.B''V. ~~2o, .llI'n6e. 061\ and :l{eHII~, Ilid ~n. JeDQ.wU F iW. ~t.4})" ,EIIQ. i.' Qne , fjl., aoq~/nlaDca Will r~u.Dd. ,lib a~' WADE Aor W ' A L T H A: Jd, MASS. ' 3:1. V IOIO.DI D I:V .n if'iI doe. ~ot .:Ive ellUre ntl8rncll0)l, ' It'h ' " I ,'0·m ' ,,, ' d &orl,ley wllktd up, tbe ,P rob.,e. OUII.rL ·a ·. , " . . ,J bril1ll it ." . roul,d '(rOlilbi.llumtit:l""" " ..it of . .', , '. ." , ' , I" · U· A-YNESV 'I 'LI.JI:. ' " " . , ~~o.u,h ~i~'~~ traIn, /U wile . . ' ; a~.~1 corp~. I\lci~ .o'dt.,:\nd tilt! I pri~ It il. made Oil lite be,:t jJrincip'''~ 'II ' Fall ULE BY pr~ .Idre.t6 .tT ,~a"ol on" tille oD,er ID a fill', .y to b.., Ie' . Ij hUe,,,· fr.QJ~ of ..~OLIJ) April lQ , I' RO,N S , 011 A LI N "'O~ ~ t • NO or'"cco,,!posell II ( II tl IPLATES. , II til H,•• I'...·lrull~, illr ....... Ih" ..,11& Il.O( ~ .. • caft\ ~r~ 'nell bl·,C:~1 procul ,o,f Jaw. . < " J . a'II "~ ~r ero 1\1 I, 1ft '.111.0 'I "".,11\,> ... 110 Bn d ~iri UlI\' '. \J ." Meslilime th d':teollfe \ls'U,r,receed . III no IUI1:'ell cafl dim·IIi.: II .. "U,,!:,.l" ' I"r.· Sole Agenll (or lind Clerlllool cg,u}.llO'd Q,R"HQd , a .1 \ d' t nil w\ U \ 't ' aile 116 1I\IPlimerJ" I.vety IIf It ".] 'UI,I ..... • ., .;. .. '..b'...., .1_l*ng.C&1:i We 8Yei ' \or , "~, e• . Ie Ie. III R IIn4 fini.I.uid b, 41)Icb\1le!,y. ,(I,lIel{ Jam .' • '1,,"aII.1l In '. ,No. 1)0 ' IIdl'ben', 8treet. ~eb.Do", u. . ~ ,..' " •• I , : • • an up!,n tlJ,tI l>arfllltlill oC ,w hom , flJr Ita lIu,e\11 ••1 w.U •• fur ha etrecliv .~ 1~ L ' 4 ;·i Ii E g .A Jll N ~ " -. ". CArs tnquired lor d.., Deputy . U. S. 'h illf' lIe86J alltl I" Iherelore Jlrol1erl" modp. 'rhe IJEALERIl TN ....i)l. . , ar, .hftl. It . \0 be Ifill M."II.a!. w.. iii what an mfllllianilm ."\lUIU '. nlld well'lelet'led Of Aac{'ob i g. ltl" W. t. Mr. ny. fr. Tbe detecltve stron!!. and II ! Ii.\ mVi1Il!1 'V (r'lre[OIlIt, ( ll ' RBTA1L :1 '. 1"- \ ' ", " ', "0' HI 1 ;rn ',' . '7 . ' ' ; . informelt l Mr 'f Exoepl e00l8 hlKb gradea. tot:! cOilll) lor /NIfWUI!a If 1,m,1\\~1!:j\5.\m11\!:\l!!) Ulle '1': ' !-' Y 'v , the cona\lCti)r. a\ ' i.lle E~i'ng' . gellera· 1 "Ie, (orei&:o" '-.lIII~he'. ~re : ('.hlefi), " "",, o~ ' OUI'," II b Jdb S" I I Con liuillil of .11 . h'llle , UI un d81' m-.ny ' .\lim ~o go IIl1d ' Itlly 100 . " Y wom~t "I' OJ" 110 I WD~C ,lei in \I 6,,11-';10" co unlry . tor~, i"i.,,, •• n.~ )t\~e8 "hlle 11\1 (ti·e dele'cU,~ ,) ,.leo . Ilre com£lu~lId ~ BeY,e nl hlllldred I'lec~,. PR(')' \'11,;;:.'1 '0NS'• e H E ~ I.e A L . , . ,' . I . ., " .... .crowed anil tlVeted lOlfelhllr"l\ld reqUIre ~ 11\ay b . to"n ,L~rRO qol,. ~Q I!r.ls •.~X · cU,I!l,nnt .... p,~lr. 10 keep tI,e", hi IAt', kind DM road .o f of aD 0 ,1110 uf or.dl!r. Pl'nO,1I11 who hive ourried 8.l\10KfJ: LEAD, . . ' "bo. ,bo aUeged, 1Ic", proeeoullng '.ncrea.· "Iepinell' lllid 'EII&lleh pnteQlle·' ',f 'F ISH, ' HAl\'l~, Etc., OIL. , el"im. in f.llor" 0' ille TU&Il~mbil\ \'er••' , ore pf'l'(eclly well Iw'o r. or lhe CIOARS, . ' ,. v "nl\t...f'ili-t.n,'f m,'1 HClule. Rnd 'Ihat ' he woulJ trulh' of ·this 1'';It'III~nt. '. . Be '" '. , ' baeli~ MI'. T••'11d .i I'''que.ted At I~\, beglrininJr o( oul' 'enterpriIl8, '1'0 A" O. 'II • ts ~ • . ' couree, wosllis outy '" ' . : more tholl ton ogli.,it ' \VIS ollr flral '1' , ,r , , 'I'll", W,al 'he lllit . ftilCoun& we ' lli'e ob)'lOIIO mok,! !' thor0,ughly goud l\lw· .• .' Hi. '"ti_8n:08 of Priced \\'llcb lor tllll. nU\!lon. t.o. toile lbe l", " fA nT; .V AUNISH, &.C. '. h'r, . ' t " " ." I pl~ce 0.£ thea~ Iqrelg,1 hppC.I'~on8-lhe , ]d ' " . '''' , (l ,I I t)' IDII.'" ~~ IIWI, ,,~ne t ~~. reluse o.r fore'gn fOlltclrtea .... wlJIIlh were , ..~ooms, ." m '''' . ~'. nil '~ , I of l.h... flal, J.t!f".Q)j ,and .118 entircl, UliUICllbl(' til hOlUe, IIld p,er (ecrly ".~ ~ ~ !V ~ ,~ . Qj . , ' , . 111I1t, al\ "~IWl - i~ht.-thal wl'lfll)lel& everY\l(llCre: ' . G~odS,. · O' W. _ . . .~. . . . .' ;tft , : .. IIlfl'!t . " ' ,,a Ii (Q Reece How well we · IIAye' accomplislied ll,id .'AIIII ,liv.,I·' lhi,," ,\ nl' :\' r .,. hh-h 'I.. " P"":' AA-.MV""'.. . uIl8Ui!peClil1~ ,\rlmger , 'fill"ny mny be ullderaiood .frolll Ihe fuci. IltDt nf· ~QI" I, O .,,11 ,. " : ..... tlie Ilrllllger'by , wliat ,aUlborhr. .ter 1."lIily 1e1rs o.r publi\) Irlllil we (0 Il!I: 1m ID"® :tliI 8 ,A S B ,A ._ D . ,P ,U T" Y I • ' Ilrrealed. He, rer"8td to tel" mo.h ~re 'han half the lV3kM. sold In Foil nQt 10 ,:dum 'Dncl .M. SI<lrt on Mai u $1. "nu SES . .. ...... .• ,.U,,,".JIUIf ,·t() uv'ole lil ms el l '10 Auoli I the U7,Utetl have 0l>l>0sl!\l Ne" D. dJl; " no'". [ . S • , I 'l'ill'.ny ' pe rsi611d ' .lId allked ever.given 6yel: ulllye~sill ~lIl~sfncllolI.'. Way. ne;villr. Mey 10 I HI\-). SUPPOR£ER~, I lib.' d Willie thle tleparto)ent of our bualne@1 Ie ~ , J. ' ' ~;per,1 .I~ . ef~ii l e ; / , u~~Ud cpnllllued willi illcr.ellBed fullili'!l (01' ~ • • • OTO«;IIIAPU!(;. SHOULDEf.,·BRA\)ES .' , II p~lsoDpr ~a11 ' o. " " perfect work, are lit prPlenl clIg"gP.t1 E'" H T ----AN(lJIlBOByl 0 ..' .... l1l4l, ?ffirer go,' a~ylhll~g frorq you' In the mlnulatlnr" of WOlchel III the vtrt ' ..... • . .a' ,0 0, ALl. 'rUII rOl'U'LAJt , ioiII. CQ,rtllDtJed. tllt 'Ye8,h. goL grab. /i'IOUln 1(1 c/wo."OWl1Jry. ulle. M.nltfact""" of. Malc· " ", . J • , " l "I, ~ ha~, 8Il1~ .tlle . • lc\liD. 'YOII are qUAiled by Inything h.ilherlu made by uor. nol" • , ' 1 '/' i1iJllfu:ln~!'8. lbeat ... ),o'U .,s' I'tibbe41.' i.it! lhe' Mllr· ,lei' .... In~ (1Illllrp1l8ed b,, ~' ny~liilllll\\.de . Wllnu:il A!.E AI<l) Il~A"" ' . ~ "ar i' Ji h " " .h,a l. '~nd set to wQrtr. At once, to "p' in tIle wur)d. ~,:r tltl. purpole we have . :lPI BROADWA:y., N·. V. ... " on o~ 8 " 'Of arunng " ?JJ pr~hend ,lbe bogy. 'deleeti,e ' lhe Dmple8~ Ilcil"iea, We hawe p.reoted In ",Idilion '" (lor IOIni" hu.",~... uf "no 9· twl1li\'lTlt mt~nal1\) ' .l ~ ',... : ol< the '. R, '"Ui;') lnd '1'lIe t"\lIrrApl\ 1"al called lrito .r'e qui. nu odtlltioll 10 our mnln bU,i1t1io,,1 ('x· '. we uye lIeJ1d'lua.r iC' jit' D()'IHookj ,j' tirti u1.'rl ttl sili " d'l' tl 11 1 , •• , '. d ' pre.wly I<!r Ihis 'o f olir busll)"" I"ra (c,r Ihe foIlDI.,"I1.' • • 'z; . .. :' . , p., 9 ~ (\0 I)D" ' .D Ie ~"i{~,,~e. • ~ture , ~~ IIl1d hlYs' filled It IVitlt Ihe but workmen .le~re_opc!., IIP.U!~e"_.pIe ,~..,,..., 1&1 lyej ,. tl,\e $at 4len. JA (uU Oohllmbu •. , h .,1 aleo In our .er"iil,. New maelthlee IIOCI. ap)lli • . AIII.ric"n 811d Foreign nlld La",l· ' Q;) , and the t,MI iJL profuse foliase. ,wboner cllltd ,for th8. should allcea' ltave b,elln whicb per. -Pell OrUUpII" .S'.a,uRrY, eiO. ' . The-fruihmd ';vh t 11 ; u!,e,led anc! .heliJ • .Yealerd.y mbrb· 'rqrli witll dtrliClicy euct· " ... .":IeWil .... W.r, . H " A'! , ., , en be 'llfJlln:y tecelved acswer •• (ollow, nodS. 'rhe clinic,,' and mutt lI npro."'d FrQl1I lIes;"uvel III the •• ""0' r.aIllI'AliI;uv, • eearce, ,. but other things seem to .. reeting' ' , " • lIulIerlall oil I.· 'a re ~etl d ' I~ 1\ 1 " . if!'~ 1I)t\I'U'« \j eOn(JlI~I. , 1'''9'QlI ra phie' I.'i.l"'r1" 'IlAtU~y QAA'DG " " '1 .1'" '. . . • " • . . . . ), II ,n~1 ·weci. enge 'lillloryQ.f ilif' "'re't.·o".... I. lJ. "",.11 . , . ,co hBd th.• mAn COOtPllflSO!l tlII8 I:ude.: ol our ' . .he...... Gin..., . Jf: ' a.,b .' QUa.·ID'. l' Many ~mprQv.mcn~" ~l"V~ hClm I.. ~ IIlgh~1 aod 'be r~l\ow talked Lh'elll wurlt anti Ibe fille~t Importel\ orlfo~~me.' -Adlll'llld ror eiH, .. r 'h" 'M~giu LII"I.·,·.. or Ih~ v.' ,'. _.. : 1 ' - '1 " " out or i~. .. eRr' lefl. ·· We · tlu not ' \Ytelel't,,1 10 leli our jlt"reQ,~ol)e. 011. Call.loguc l"ilf be h ill tu 1p..u0 BtnCe wae ast here. and' rna· .';n"I"bd th.m ou, r ', Ii 1\'\' ' , ' "'.tchl!~ lor ItSl ",emey 'han forell' il ,w .tch- any add ..... 011 roceil,t nr .. Wllllllp. ' ) , .< ' , ~.. " \ . 1 .. . .~ 0 .\ & , . I wee\· . p , ny ... re.'n"OW I.'_r umng·mt",e.,w\\'icb will .ag· ut a Icounilrel I ea. bu1 we"0 I ..II'\W \UtUU\ . (ear 01. con· ' ..............c AI1r_~. A well·seh)c.led ••Iorlffle.ll of th~ BEST aid'if n'ot sUttle to the at'trnc,tivcnc" at • t t ,' . d d' "1 H Ir.d'clio~ that lor \I,e·.ame ",one" our pm. W,. m."ufMf "'re h~0r.e In ~el)' Ih~1I OllJ <.ilh~r , .,' 1: . ,,' 'I" : ' III liD 'W.". 0 ge !n Jill : , e ,Iuct ill IIICIJDlJlDrDbl, '''Poeripr.. All tlllr bQu>", fthOOI " OO \' nr'~lJ fllo 11'0111 60 C IIIi'lo 160 ~~ tIi~ .placel ' , ¥.~the.. ~im. ~ WIll cl~lm. to be a rtllll.dtor Krill. Penn .. lI'alchee,or \\'hlle~llr grpde. lire full)' t:JI::h., Ou:· . A~UU'\IS 1!'lye 110 6 ' ''p"IA,i,," o( ,11f~·· ! .~It more fully of ttll.)iIlCO and its -f"~l b. Wilt on hill ' WAy bome. IIIDd warrallted nlltl ilis warrantee hi [luot! at ,II b~n~~ lupe nor 10 dunrblhl)' " ...1 ~e~IIIJ: t il a,,) 11 I Vp..,ul,l noteworthy points. " I~IIt 1141 ..... (Jr~~red ~J thii ~ffi~e, limel .galll6t u.' or oll~ .cell'8 in "II pertl tI':';ll .................... «;11'1,." ...1., I!I..,~.. F th . " he .uppose~ 111m 10 6i1. lO '1I811t In ta of tbo \Yorltl. ~~ Ac....... .,Ic., e~·Schoolr ,o o k s - , or e pre8ent, adlo,. king the pnlODer, aDd 'houglJL WI. CAUTIOlf.- '1'IiC plobJio Dre cautiCllled to D~;D~n~~I,ogue ~u~b~ce •. Qver ..•' IVE HUN · J. WK. V.d' N.UlS8. oom(l.lle~ to otle~ .. ' arid lll~' ".. how buy ollly ot re.pect.bl.t de~ ler... A \I per· don. or l'h:rll,'~~:~~l:!.~!'I,,:I'it~:~:~hlr~~Tp~~~~ ,~, • • ••• '\ I«e got mlilld lip IU &li. affillr. . '!lna ,elllllg cOllnlerf~11I WIll be I'rn~e<lu. "Igi. Slalu~~. e~c. C.".log,uClI lent o~ rec"il'i' McGUFFl; S &; WILSON S SERIES. " , " ~" . . For e\lrewd ..ela, boldneh. efft()I'i'~r , Ictl. ROBOJNS & AI>PLE'fON. yl ~I'·1\I1)· ' . " '. . ~, Ge .....l ~wl~ .0••• dle~ a' h cooloe.. " ud tllct ,hi b ti t ' If ~tlenlo lor Ihe Alne!,I'I'\' \Val It <; .. IIII'OIlY. 0 r~otolfrU )l." e", ."Il .! 'l""" or"erlllJ:: g",o\la C. &C., ~O" , &C. · bom. i D l ' •L B d.l. ' , .. . • c. n t IIl1ce p 0' 60:1m] 182 Dro.dwa), N. \' . ., ,.. II plulr. r'''1Il 26 per c.m,t or U,e .",. . o • '01 OD tlD.y . I .uUllog of hke Ilh'lIr.~tl:r ' ' . 1Ml,1I' .W llh 1"~1r or"o,. . 'hi 17,11'• .,.4 8S , ...rl. A.oUlet we have Jet leeo or h.ard of.A CARD 7p INVALIDS. 10. .T,ne p",c" and 'l"tl.l~' or o.or,goo(l. roA n - _........ " " i . X,..' '2l "" M , ...,....,.. . . .Qt fa,l tQ •• h.,). . 61 · ~~.n. of • III' pa"}DI "eDera~ion loGe .•,,-IQ ore 'g A Clerafl\1ln. \~biie ,re,idlng I~ Soulh '-' ,,:.. ' • OJ, -,-' • .. - ,. I • I ." j , : • • , A Utall ltl!-f', 'p,~\, or on, . 01 ~afe Illltl, llmplel, med1 for tIle CUI'e 01 ~:11 ~ C0r.efui,~ Pr~mptJy ' Fi • I . i Ypun '. looa" •• foJlo,,,,' Ne"o'" Welline", Early DecI" Olen· w.lA ~b Ilat~d tb,' PriolO HUlDbert .elol he Urin.r, Orlllnll,' lud Ihe whole ' • . • Old ' D' ~,t~g..,_S·'~ .re~ ,eon of Victor .Blllanuel. "'a' ree•• "~ k ' . U Q~~' ~~. J,s I.· t~ll" of. dilordera broulfhl on by billeflil ' 1lJ· S~IIII'I~ ~ I"en at CORYo' IN . o5il'.d tb. oO~IDID'd of I eO f . tf no,a.ID tal, .I' I. ~'ll.bJlilll IU~ vl,c!o",a hlbltl. Great nun,ber I t WILLIAM OARLf:V . 1"lIao '. ... .~a . CI.~1iDedr~~ 0 ,j~ . e . h" 1Deen OD • ·:~i.••jQn,~ "· b~eo already cured by Ihl8 lIoble rfllm~dve ~" luenjIJe,.June 12\). . ' . 61 ... eoIDIDI.d eo, .' b~ .'ill '~d .• ~ 'da,eled 10 Elltopf', e~o~.,II, c1i.".,gel. Ii ro",ple,1 by ,1. dlllire 10 b,nefillhe amlJ: ~" ' T H~~j E 'W Y (i) R It ' urC!. "
" .r.
4~ ..''' ebort;, J1id., ,1w L,reached . aD' C Ilere by wbom he could idllD IHy d ~"'" ""., n, -ber'" "' ..... ..,.'ouUrn>: .. : 1.I-J.,.lf. '7 d m . An'"d a.k'"d"lllo (' ">' fficur h' ~ . ' 0 atop ~ n ~ ~att. ft.,~. Jlou'U . to~ til. Tol , e .o tram. 011 thft' he ~i~ i~~.~ b~,'e I~ 11Iu~conct: n.to~<l~~ \0 pass'ia..,ay, th~ ~imc, · we IIDd the oft\cer ' . 'nlll"k,e. fo 111111. t~le wa1~ ~;V~ctt a i.~!6 p (H.tion' of tb detective as~l!uled •. ~8 be "ai' not . dla· , . . . ' , to Arrut an ,nDocen' p~rly. Ac· .'
I "
S-~~UII ,~. ~2~ "'''tW'll'
~~ ag~lll
" ,.
cor. , ~I '
~~tac~~.to~itlle t~ftin. Tn~
"h~ck plIlC~ i1t~~e
~8' 'Jelc!oli~
, 1Ii. 1.~e
,lW!RNi&. l\i.o,.mt'iPlBl
~ur.retl CO~lIl1,:e. ,.
~, :B(tIl,
Hardware,'Slote's &'Tinware
D&A~I\ ' ~
' 'J
'W~"tln/,d Gil~'
~ceur~te, IIlmpl~.
1]0101 tEAK
I~ I~TIJ~B£"T. ,
I~AT, '
"D' , . d m" d N01'ION~, ryan. me I"~ WOlr\D< . d WILLOW' WARE ',,;·, t"'ti ,. . '\' ," . .a~ . "',' mr I' a.ncy nlilti~ -aLASS, ..... 1I0~y AW mCD A rn 2 r ~ &~du, U'I~ lh~, t ,1I0 ~lh(fI Ih~ rIl. -. ,~~ra
"nhn"" ;'~.''nl'" ~IUU J:I~JII'J.on'
rl,v ~r
c~e wtl~
llt~' U'un~ ~e lOr ·rl~8Dy-Thrfll.()mCers
P E~. , R ' FUM"E lrY ·"
~ itift. .(~
~~ IIIM~e
~'b,.101l1 ~olDe,
or "',10:.. y ' '" .. ' . .'
F'''MI'L'r' GR,Q.m"'n: -B.
- - --=-Am~rlca ~~ ml,,'olI.~y, "i.eov,~ea llIlPROVED BUCKEYE C"II'der . s" a1e "or' IU_,
.~f!at.~/ peO~I.,~iI1 .a; 'dhi~eOIli,~i·· of tJ~!.k'. I:i~!~I' :~,::~·~:~·w~~;~,el.!~.j ~:r ·p~~~~~:~~~~dt~~n;l:f~,:e!:~i~~n~ei~: W'EEKLY l\IAGA ZI NE InIDIIIIlpor • . , . . a n . to .DU· oth!! .li.maluU,. ' b ' il d . . ' waled ellvelop. to '.111 wI ' peri.,.o td ,tiDC.'; • If 1 am . '. . a , u ..... ~ l~ . a Frt!eo/ ellar ~.' . Ple. ,,00.' 1I.ed~ It; T'£J\~' i-1 ~P1 Olle 1.." 14 i -1 cup, -1. obi,f ~~ ,\b. 'Ia~ ~il!' .~,L
• . ' dd
.IOD eo,
prater 101D1II.ai"lII'1O a
di-I·,. .'
' b ,:r.. o,nll'- all 1m .o rder,d;·
' \: lflt!~ ; !~lor_I'}11 , ~i~ p~iJ1 • " . .. oe !""t,,l'(" " •• 'o '" a l 'fu~'
.' . "
. Addr...
Iddrn.!d,~oD.~~le ~t POt,. 't~t~· e ,m~Dth' I'; II. "oph.' 0111 'j.r i JOSfi:PH 'r ,IIN·u.rl!'N· '. 6 ectplee ODe y"r~ libit iw '.l~i to 'IUII);
8 . '; n, . .., ,'FkF~Ra,c " ' 8. 'H.L~ P~bll.h'l. l:~li~ ~ Blblc H""H , ,New V~rk ~i".. 1 '
l'Io. 79 N...", 8a., New •
~ :1:,
t'R1-0"~I'L'ri~ ,
. "
~ ~
.a. t'ent +"-I'e'd· l.Cln.e s ,. A'~'lI'* .' ~~ A~'6\,C!~~
I ;;. ; '~--~
U)~ In(jt~
O" ,, ~mc:•.t :pro~nen.
PhY8i~ians" 'Prescriptions tlOft
1II Growu. &bole Or other pI.... · .... ex• . . , oI'B••.,..&oa.IUII, i'or\ ADtolliB, &la, ....tiM of ~iJo imlDedi... I. ,lai. eoaD&)'. ud relie9ed bi.a looaJi~., we &billie h DO more or aboll& or rour bUD 'red doll.,.' ri,b, lblt~" AlIcie.' i'orti&CILlOU a' ( 300 Or 140?) worth )r """,vlLn (CO.WIW n.nloa). Fort ADCi.D', 0., ..d the I .. rroundiog . ~D)' one giving iDformahon II to .."Ia••,uIWUl) DOOIID. leene", ahoald b.." .c· II ..' • liLtle ,belr wheleaboutt will bl' liberally reo Cilioionati Ex""'" '7.6.4 .I. II.... IIi!! iD th,ir 'flYor, for there i. to maoh ward.d. , Ifail an. Aooom., 10.97 .I. II. 10. be .een .iLhill fOllr milea, lb., l Y e D ' " H.' ". CoJlllDbu. Aceom., 6 .28 1': III. ...••• r.. 0p 101 and Cri8pill hIVe a . Pitt~bur, Espre.. , 10.01 1'. II. , book. migh& be . wriUeD whicb ~oul. (ull .uppJy of e."I'1lbing in their Ii lie , Jii,b' Ex ..pre~. 1.52 .I. intere"' " " Ihe Ie. rne dr . 0 mlny oallonl. nd DO ODe in ne. ed ,of lb.ir ood. Have jUlt received I lIew Illd .' . ed awok of ....INa· W.ITw-&R:D-IIQ.UJlD, There are t F '8 b' Birecl from New-York! tl wo or ...-Iome 1"1 tree. Ibould heaitllte a moment to ~IIII loon ,,"hlbpre III!. 4.36 ... M. b t 'd b' 1 .l 1f.ll Ind ACCOID., ' 1.25 .I. 111.... 11, we CODI.I or t ' II 10111 I fort marely a.nd eXAmine, They call not rail ,to be tbe I.rweet 104 1II0at cOlDplete a.,ortmel" Pill.bv" ~xpre..., 12.09 p. lIf. a gap conoecling the lwo ' main fortI. 8~ited, (or these· excelleDt gcnrlemen or 8it\clnnilti Expr e8l!, ' .22 p. al. 'fhe larid enclo.ed by th'e-embnnkmetlta are bouDd to pIe"... r"gar.llels of trOll. POTS,. CululDbua.Aeeomll\'''·, a:26 .I. III. f C I b .. o ue arge or oort erD fort being ble and ex.penle. SKILLITS .' " IDo Dot " top. Ibou.t InenLy" lore.-th, fottificalion GRIDDL]~S, . W. H. C"~.UT, President. 011 all aide., e%oept on the las' "'.. D'd co- Mr. llcClintook alld tiater ortbe W. "ObI/WAnD. Sup". OVAL, CAST-IRON ' D. C"J)W.. LUDBR. Agent. wesl, wbere the rnad r.1I8, il surround· U nio~ Schnol. left here o.n. 'rueeday BOIL,EUS, PLAIN AND FANCY ~ji:'wAILr;IAII'lkll"& '~ILi.81 Eorprr" A.qlJflu. cd Wilh precipice. ourly ·ill. tl . ' bap<, ,mornIng for a lumwer lojourn among 'l'EA~KEl.'TLES ... .t."~·.t.rlL... l~ER. 'rt"grap'L A!Jeilt. of t~~w"li ~ l'be 1~lId enclo"d l>y tbe the rug~ed RDd health gh·ing hill. 01 . or .11 aizes. _-~~I!!I!!!!~~~!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!~~~ ambankmllnl8.or ~be .o~th.ern forl is New.Engiaod, Joy be wi~b ~beDl. ENAJ\1EL , K]~1'TLES. AI.'UB EDJ1'OIH-Allow me, Ihrough about thirty aoree; Dlaking an erea of E2 ...orted liu.. lhe bl'"t qu.lity. FLAIN, AND FANCY SHOV~LS~ ~l'QNGS 'medium or your paper. to ·thank my one hundred ~8l!tC' ell"Cloled in . boll, .9. SAD lROI N ~. ' , ' ., wf~~e' pame l~ 'legions,' for forts. Paning (r.(lm the northern. 10 . I I • ~D.O~ , t!~liOONS,. . . kiqd _ad a.t.leri ng receplionfotlYlII n tbe leu~hern fort, at .I be I,'we r .eud or to I" f~ ·pl~cp. on '1!leo '161,h inet., BE"a. ,.. TEA,,& TABLE .y' '~e' la, ,· week . My bearding- tbe gap. aild on· either hand. are two 11111( KJ: p, in hie 174110 yeer. '
-OD 0
Btrthant [aUor,
Where may h. (\lund. ,ood .tcick of
me.ntl) .
~ER .F .UM -ERI HAIR OIL, , . ~.
" . my pom·e-t~~J. ,!,8oi it all once" .' But, Milter Ellitor • .i& ' wil~ do-It i. 1MC . . . . r1 that ·iL .be pub. ill ·.~ctionl, " hQt rl ' DlRY ' receive ,
wllicb itll Dler.iti ,req!lir4l . relcJio~ and co>mp'aring thie with t~th 9r the day, I desire my read. • 'All I I' to remem ber 1ha. L latI ltterli Dot go)d.' . Tbe follo~iDg ferae. are tIle coolin' of thal ' beautiful · aid pathetic • of ~ 'I ..... 1.. , .. Ble~. 'l'!Ifo 89U1.. -10. One.
we ditl to Qur home retire, Iuul il wei .Ima.t 011 tire, Ibil!k thaI I .had beat Ihe Squire, Alld ,ot' Dry Dllts.e y AIlII.
1I0t ~e
For now we bolh \YerQ-mDrri~,I. I
lovllli ·l • (wq cooin£{
doveIl, . ,owe wete relli_tcred IIbowftjealous' Ihourht our heir" did ' mov
Chimne1Ts " -.. J',' . NOtiODS of all kindi. ... .... .:
Th e nUllllocl' ou .II.ct, No '.ce r.oro·el"o lld
. hem have c>vldenlly been occ&ilone~ willi I ho II11 11\Uer Oil lO Ill~"rlicle o f"ood.,w"icll by L~e. water whicb had b'een eolleotell Ifill lH; H ilI on . ecltil'l of '2. Th~ lLIoney wiil on the inside u'ntil it oYerftowed t116' be re(ulld(d if rhe booda do 1I011li\'e •• " .fuctio n. 0(. the besL matelfial aDd aty!e. oC wall ~ . d · ·t 'If Al;cnll ",oke 'l'W";NTY·.F l\·.J:: DOLLARS per ." ft~ WOI8. I pa8.,,!:e.. , W I':~; K. S."d f r n Circul,... R1::k:O /I: Bno. , IUlNUF ACTURE. 0 .. Clllher SIde of the Siaie rOlld, a 1'. O. DOll h13S, Ne" York, . .OVR, ' OW!l : lillie east of the It'!)!·t, lue 'wo .. till ORice: S~ Liber,)' SI. 421y We hlye II variety oC' quilo 1Il/'go mound I ( alt l.loug4 lh4lY 'l:k~===~~======~ "1:1 G I b - 'V~1nesvlllc Mat·keIS. ~ I"ve eeri much reduoed .by ~lowibi;). o 'b Cartfu11v C.olTtcled Every !VeeA-. SUppOIOG to ave boen buih for .,tbe purpose oJ ascending l in otd4lr to lee it Wheat 1ll bushel. '221> @ 2 40 Rye 1l .. Ihe enemy Ihould be IIppioBchinit.00 0.t8 11 .. 93 Fro'w tli-cw8 ruounds were forwerly two Barley ~ .. 100 gUller. 'I'unnin£t cearly ~arl\llel ~:iMON I (5 Corn II .. bill! a mil8 ~ 'thell (ormin~ An irregular J!150 Flour ll .borrel. 650 FltJlir 1ll cwt. "mi :circle Around 8 elllall mound. nnller 19' lb ' 20 &me a6lort 11.IIIt Ih e re was 'forD:lerly lAO L~. fd. ;P 1b '. a well belweco Ihll FO.l walla under · 16 11 dPT.IlIl, COOKS, lIuth the S~ate ro~d. -Of gre1al depth.' 200 Pol.tO.eil 111 buehel. ,J:t ,
P~mUy Groceries
}i;'l.!Q:, ,ETd~ '
bu, liaving 'eonsulled lbe 011.1 •• * CIlI'IIl0lnl.l
. Dried AI'pllll 1l1t. eb ickens t\J doze;"
20 400
A comple;e ·•••orlm.nt or
':Ii't" P.ARLOB~
en ..
~arlor :Stlves.
Now tbllt we were tnorried. uf Olll' ,illllie, we feel iafa. in saying 3\) @ 1'3 Cuffee' 'W IL .1'he lI,rlor'8\~Vell lire or di/ferenl kindll N,ew·Qrlc911S SlIl!or \\I It. 15 @ 20 mODt~ ', o,ie b.y, ond &till Ihe .omelha,' it i. a mi8tlllie, and for eniler (_,onl or Wootl. Tile abovtl .N ., O. ~lolal!sIJ8 \\I gollon~ 1 35 IIUle we Ireod the I~nf. Sonl~ Wtitilr, hnv.lng bo~lced the bol~ ~ 80 . ~lock ~. been purchftllcd at the Sorgl'lI01 . w"udef if we It ill IlIellllo 8Urr.O mMdil Ihe w8. 1I •• .·gO(l1 10 Tar A, ' to 80 <?unl Oil ~ ,a.lfon, AI we dId 'lcire we W,l're mlnie\!. ' '1' Cllle lil()le · w b~made.lhllm of . , , }... w and ~ lIi be aold ot r~~8utl.·ble P~Ofil on IUppo.ing ~lley 'were in quest ~f the BURle lerlth'. . , 'Almi~h~y Doll!'r,·in.laac.l ot•. limply. curio.ilie e,. luoh' AI beada, bonel. &0. :Adldiren 'or 'be "beauties 'of DAture 'Jim, ,oil dog! Ito lulug' the wood l' . . NO'V BEA.D~. . • 'Oertalnly l:.l hpuld·Job~Worli .tDr Plld rude" ~tt. would 'you ipe~d. <'day ,*.' IllY dog- t ,0 brill, thll wood!' \ . ... E .. A 0 L E = ~_ J ~ s ~..j._ plca.a,.II, Rnd usefully t : come atid ,.'ROiffiifit; ~.ve.t'roughl : Inti Con· "'OIi"f':'1IJR1 'd never r"atrled ! {iF . THE WAft!! du':lor~, tlOllfl 0[1 Bho'rt nolice and In lhl! viQ" .Lbe.e Ancien' work. and' th ... ur· HISTORY JU8EPII 80LUNJ(OLLV. ./ . C"",,,fele iit two Volumel. ALSO ISSUED best :;l~ Ie. It ' retlu,~ltd " price.' from· leet rO\ln'cJiil~ .cenerY~ , J. J.. U. d'Ml'L":n: I N ON I!: VOI;Ui\1~~. Tlu;' bu' ~eor,. CO~le o,n wilh your work. \Ve . Junl '16. 18~6. ,. "heAI'~il, no w l 11I1~re.till~. I'(lp,ulll~ Rnd " nl~" . are ready' to w.it un you, with. Stock blu 1i1 ~ I,Jry of Iho Reulliholl pU.b l :',ittl , willeli lull anll plellty. '. T I~ fully ~ lI e~lell I)y ·ril" .. ~. ::,"OVS SA"": it hR. - ....:-~.~~ C.om~ one. e~lme /1 11 • . I'.('acb~u l o( 800,000 y" iUI\.ell, nutl, is nolY i"t't· hlend.' Yearly: 1I(e'ei.ng. it)%" willi inc .. 'f\:fl:'i,i;g ro'I~lidHj'" ' " A nd giv,e U8 'IS 1'011; So lt! cd}' by lub''''ripl ion , F;~(:lu.iY" I';rri' I EXI,*lne for yourselves; lory gi\·cIl. ~~or (utlpllrli~ul!ira I""t! for .(;;,.. l 'h\\ WilmlOitcu' Rcpubiioaj) .aJ s: DUII't 'tellve OlUt WOrt! to ". cu:ar, Ad.! reu .. I: t·'"' Gel 'd ..lly on \hll eheh:ell, AI\U;nl<.iAN .I'UBLISRING COMPANY. 'Ti)e sliciet 1 of F,riend. ;
none but the
i: ~I · . ~
.. _
all' f.inds I
' -:~
():7W, are oonltuiU, 'Dl.kini c.dditlon •• •
. .
exemtu' , of Jooip~,e' pr.l,ce~.
. Aprl'l 17, ltltll:!j
, [CUS~TOM MADE]. .....,.
lt1Q I~T . tOj~i1B! i.A~ilj
AgeBts Wanted.
TEA. COFFtE • SUGAR. lWLASSEB. . . , " . SPIQES' " . ,I,
• nd J Ivi II
!,;,$blcft~®akt ~: '!' .
.... UCH AI-
At", • ,ood iupply
k \\'lInt hy-oll, 'o lte III bliss! 'A'nll loll ditl kiss: it wultld
Ever offered in Waynesvilie, Piotur.a and 'W~~ow-Gl_j . ~~p8, ~terD8, .,
NeaT MOllot Holty',' In ,I.i. eounlY, 'on b,e' hunt,)' (ee~ .in, tb.: MEA'L SIEVES, 16th. RIIB2ltT ·C ....IOIl • 1'R,AP~, hight; 11l"1" ar' L.O large rl"IDOI CHl(.DR1EN'S KNIVES lIeadiog ilL' Lb. (001 of Ihe mouna. on ~ ~N E~TElfSIVE S ALE AND To which he ' invitei the attention of hi, AND ·FORKS, C/lch .Ide of tb8 gap . runnqi'ng parallllI l!t1- DISTJlI DV'rl0N of l'i1l1l08. 1'11.,(0 ntlmerous customers lind Ihe peopl. 'WASH· BOWLS. lenerall),. · with th. forI \1all., and terminaling II deOIl., U~IJ 11.111 · ih'". Wore, i. 1I0W goihll' 011 the riYer. . atlhe S"lu roOill of I\h:SSRS. Rlil1.lJ.& BllO., No Cullinder,. Pla.in (!tul Japaftmd Lano . , 3<1 LilJ. ,·lj' St., N.Y. 'J' .... a good, mre t old 81 -0tern,. /PT co.al' o.il. condIt tmd Alnny wooderwllat lise could have TWO DOLLAHS EACH. R£tlAIlDI .F.SS ' 0.' larr,l ' 0;1; "01,0' " large boen mada. or Inl th.o fifty •• i,ht VALUE. S&IIt\ l'WE-N ·rv·F1VE CEN' rs for allortmllTlt of opening, or gateway., bUL .8e ' eUlI 'of 0116 nUII,I ",I·o.. 1 Nolice. or ON~ DOr.t.:AR for
mou ,\dl l.Jlppoled~
, .' t
.. OILS, ' "
• I
, 'Vestings,
tia~f •.~~D ~ie.~. rrom' mcir!l iil( .b)',) .1 appreci.ti" multitulle. a~~ " peared b'efore "le~ and 10 tliem, but lhey are IlOt .",i'diir becauie they :wall' 'be "r~.
G .8 .",:
latent Iltbicines ,.
---_..•- ---
llaiD St.,
U •
A..L· WAY S ,o..·t~~· HA' N' D
. GE· N'rs~
Indiana...' _lid4 Solllh Wel'~ro ~ Ohio. tb~ir ru 1~8 lire ' reqll,irl!d 10 "hold. lIltlir AnnulII !rhe\illil Ilt Ricbm06d;" in the former . St"t~ • .' .'f4.,ere are tit · Q!lftll~rll)l~eU~i'~ "Ilhin the ~ i81~iOI. of "11~cn" ~iclilDond, h8. h~tn Uie : ce'n ter 'PQio~ ; Iild it hR' 10Dg J>ee~ M~. a~ a h!&rdep to . tlje . 1!D~~b.~~a'~ _many' , wb,orq, h~ye to go '" good' 'di~j~oc!e '; "..~ .,.11 a. a burdtiD 10 the lIIetnbere iD' and aro~nd ~ichrllljl!.~ •. t~" prol'i, ~e' 10 m~mbel' drom a dirlt.Dce. whioh yearl, be~'omiog mo~e ~~4 ·mot!' · ~o: ·thtir Dum~el. IrC! iDcreasing: ,lurtb !,
1:c!", Wul
, ~~
.r9' ··
TI'~ •• A:p,,,' • .N .'fW~,,~":E:R .
Fa8hio.n, $dcu1llt. Go.llin , Mu,'c., D Po.etry· -r ~ .DreIS. .A, '1'~, ",.mmdlC,6., " B,lles.Lettl"s, and Do.. ~A. ',t;c Beono.·'n'!/. .
'Keep otlr IIlolek rnovil1g; ,. Let' U8 oli;' tilne be I".'ptoy,i.....
!;il., Ci,ij: il~n8ti, O.
....~. -" Wee·'··" A.. lil_mlN
·.JC[wa!l on fioRd in gNat.variety. ·M .rch jl.• J866. "I ,
T. T.
Q '
~' '
'~'h~t ~.~~Hi",l' • . d..Q~avy ";1I.'~, Iby no~ be . ,ble·to flSld ui.
.Pilot Ai., irOTlOB I T:he ~boVesJdrt :for sale·by ..
,.O.ur prioe'llr'eu low ~. elliewhe'rll yuu go.
~Jrs. Willslo";'~ ~~ystic PHIs A re·prepare d on, Iii . lor a IellIIImole •pu,e a d tl. I r cl m . pOR.' n . are /.e on Y 8. ,e III ~ eotlve
II ..
Good mecih/llilci ,you Wlilit 'I' . .• ' 0 menu' your ,~ld" buil P'r. ''olld pipe; Abd when you hIVe areenhocic".·
D ••
u,,~gu, lwlly,butgife
. I! 1I ,)r
Till! new ,,"per. The .Boudoir,' has bero",,, Eril.~r$oli~ . l~e ,l'~OI)crIY o( t~~ IInueriigned, .nu Q. it h I <>'lIlIl) ill"Urolil'd w~&kly 1"'lleTI (or l.tli " • . ;11 'CLO~. HES Ille U IIlled SUI l ee , it i. hopeu lho~ j' will reo .1c.h·u, 11I11~ortrrol" tbel.i r-ex . . ' " •.
tittle 'Giant
nol only
ful uUloog th e
r"f IU,
'l'ERMS OF TilE IJOUDOIR : 01\0 copy Olle year, ,6 1 ol,e ~"PY 6 BUlU'Io.: 12,50; ;"v.-rillbl}: 'i.II 'nch'!lllC:C. . riye' cOl'iCl1l (0' (\ yeti.· will be furm lied for '20 .00, .o r" Iltr,;er lIu",het .t the nile. . Chill ",liy ""8i ly be formed wilh a lillIe energe.lic t· .o~... irill'; Add.".. J . SWINTON, £63 Qro.dway, ,N"w \'ol·k.
. ,.•
W Tna WAll naVltltl~ '0 ,,, . , .,
nETAil..·bh. ....~~ h .. ~ .
'R' ., D'" D ·Y GOO S,
N· ~" l
. \
. '
1,". t
QU£E.I,.'I'SW'~ BE ) ~t . ,
tile ' "'el'a,fm"~1 of -("Ih. tb ~ 1 Ibe. "'eelt,I,! '\lQVD()iR ~ .;1I1i "" • "ilbou l a rival. It "'ill nl.o givlI" l"r~1l liou of ill extc illil'c apDee 1'0 IIt .;"rillur". roo IImu ce , Ihe arle. ' oreig ll "IIlI tlollletric !:'ouip hou~ hold ,econOmy to.lld, \\,Ol11ttl1'* wark. nnel .. h"tever lI",y' i!!,l"r... t Ihe jlll~!t",," .""d ta,te · I. '
Bu, 'l1
worltl b"d the IIlodi.1G,WIII,i...,(u ' 10 it · Oil ,AI antl · "ope 'b,.triClll\lentlOQ ~ to bUliDe... FaIEI'I'D. , moUe..... Ihe I•.l,,,.t 'U!b(l.I·jL~·. , ~' fI ' _1'111 witl~ full Ind w.,II 'el!lecled .10Ilk..t~ A.• k'tor 'J lA. , W~".LOW'S )liSTIO PILL'. ' 1(i", 1~It'e ,·. ,("0'" l'IIi'l. and LoiliJon. anti 1 III 'wboltc):e l' oUn.lere.1 "'n!. 'be foulIll , men,'t I I 1"" 'll IP.0'P' I,i ber.1. aharjJ uf the II k9,00n.• 0 th ar. ' n· I"!~ce an _ . per . box. or OOI~,ln,,"llIl lj"urm.I.. rn ..dllilion II! the ,,"grit. pubhe pptronlie, . 3 1;~" • . lor For Ifl,l. b, .11 drllill· t• v"'g'.bf li.. hill"" )e lind rHlh'"rcloe oir)idc. ot W IlYReevl\le. lhl1 J5 • ••• • " drnl oi;,t (n,le"it bur (lllrPo'e'tn ·&i'te1.d 110_ rud~fI of·if"," ,poudo.r ,1io"ellie,a ill Ih .. "''''Y 0 ool C? ' ~~ ' ,:nl\ .'III~"U ~1"lee.. .
I" .
ALLEN &' J"\ANnlLL;~ . I
modu:lne 'C!,,femnl.e s ',,xlln.t. , QIM)~!'tn'l e· wl.'tl}!O~rlea I .. ILl1. al! d' ulle
cheap Ind d~nleroull medLclne •. ·whlcb DrUllilite bay. boue ht, lind will reco",mend, beina ij!no,allt of their quali,I... lIat. WIII.LOW'I.· ~lYsrlo l'u.L. co.,·ect ' ..... \ • ~llirr'gulll'itie .. "I,d p..lnrul' II!~na~'ua~ioDI with III utenl.. II It'ill (oo"t.in .Ihe \'e" ~e /1~,!e, . " u",pl ', of the'lt useful .lIfti. rem!'ye III o.b'lnJ(;'lo~a, whethe~ f~!lm i~~~ ~(~~::::i~jnid~~,,:! .il!~,~r~~:4.·V~rl~j,O cle~ ••whl~h /HI , "oll,~c~ee'pe,r, ."'hn know8 cold or. oth,f.WI't.•No m"N~n, wl.f~i or ~r)'lu'will Doi be [lIonlhl old, lJul,.~iIIlJiI ",no theIr vlllue, would. 10,0 , be without. mOlher al.lould 10 •. wllbo,!t. ,lIem. ~I 'fhe Uoutlo;~ iiIlIU"Ri,~o~.I)' .rilb illt ir pnh. -..,.-' I Try them-ulB IccordlDir to direcli90. "cati~ in p",·j., .•o thlll hOlh Ille i.lhioIlKbl i. l? We !ire ' .! "nlkhll to, pelt r.,or •• lind b., c!)DY.lDeed,lblt \~." ..re 'the LA.Dy',1 -.
,'j ,---,--
:t•t.\ '
·'a4m BEIT.OURS• '.
~B'. WI"~LqW'8
I" QUEEN, no\ 0111) III '!allte.
Nt \tlu. mtltu. ,
',. . It i.., · no Bet'i,. d!/~; , •. ft Ict. ,directly 'Up'UII the roote '01 the eh~n"illr ar., hMI~ 10 iloiorllllnrilJj(e ; .rre~'h.11 prellll\UrO d~"ny' and
~'Ir, ~fldlclltllll! _cur' and dl,n4ru/r1 lind cllrll~i III I!UOltir. the
. It .will
And we blvite the AttentioIL of our Customers .an41 Friends to the Styles and Prices ! ! or BOOTS A&'UI .. ..,..,. S'HOE ' S 'iW . h.t ·, It " Our
All in'.lh!.le JlBIITORER alltl rlt~Eln'.EIl of tho H.ir .if flililiully Ipplietl.
in,.oul of Ih.
~~C 0 M. P. L t '1''' E \', ,
Our ~prlDg .S~ok ia.,Q()W
Cllu~nge dr, lind wir, hi.lr to ~6,t
the Best Quality! " '
'.,', ..
CAS S 11\~' E' 'R '. "E . .. .. ~ .
For .ujmd lop' Welt. r,
. ' .,
, •. ' " ', " , Ind lu1urilill tressee. . ' , " 'AT ~EDII"£D. BATES. ... .It IQlP~rt' • d."U,btru! ft.grance to tile hll,; " fOlhod" II f!llS wllh tu. te.lllorl your .balr••• ),ooth, ..~d.."taln Ie ~h,o' lile. 'uae ' '.
.;Md• •tluU1._·III• .• t.~·l'l'.t~)£~lorn~I'·1 I bot.tl~: SQIcI by
Prloe . '.
t. .
;jOHN · Jr.
A,·t, Cioc! ....~I, O.
\~ 1!}"III/( J.
W .I. WlID\·. LLF..
'JtaIe " tha 11m who wu balol .4
,,,.r~ ... ra. . loeb. UK, ••,. Be ....... 0 - tIut&~" 1& UiI ". nOlA.t. ~ JUDr -..s.. ,
• I
'Nt II Ill. llal4eo. baIIdlOlIlo..ad 'W..r~ ~w~ col /pa,. .
, ,
" .
'1l'I'UI. . . ~
r.lud,~, Dinlll\tl,d Riu ~s . Plono ~ . ll c lod e •
Tid l nlel'l1oli01 l1l Jlfe~/;"g
. 3 «,
C()1u))l«illts,.ll,ICIUIIlI ..'1m.
.1riili/lg (rom .E·X'Ce;3e! or Indiscretion. I
Pfll'LADf ll, rJU4 EXfREelll~L8II1" M., .lopp
bur,," ~I 4,10 r cipullllatl cl ll.
ClJ w,l. .. .' . II '1 ~ J •t J ........ ,.. .... """CD::,~tl.7 l! yO\l W'lI\t ' \u~rl~l:~ hu u'.~IIII'\y.a.nd: il A" 'y Ie, wquld rem olk .,.. 0 . . . ~.'''~ ~ qaad, •• 1 r .• r , ~ It The eontlilltli '.1, ollce afl'eclf'U u'l Tltmorll, l!iI·I(,.)ffo,~6',· • , · ,.iwo!MJllillV. llj or,,".! Ihat 11 ~ey mOllu( n'r! lI re OIl,U ee ho IIlG d~' cJ[" I ..... ~ • • I f YOli ';".UI P op·C,ml. IVlleheli OJ! Imhotiolw of J e weJ ry. gDnl~ \'Veukll csll, req\lires lite Did of llIe til, :'kJ'U/~11Q4Ilf ,, (;m~ ~tI ... .ut!l.~rt~.a"'f If Y' " \Yhlll I i... . ~J>Wb... I: ollci: ••. J'jl"", 0' All ar5 'rrrarrulIlt'Il (l,J1J of J1le reel icino 10 ~Ire n gl" ell 111111 \"viuou.C~.. Ihe , .IIIUIIl.'tiQU, ~tc. , "~ . . ..... . . .,..., ,. . p""I»,,!!&ilanda;'" (l.s " ,J ,. .u1' i E• xlrnc l"u 'hul II ~ II ."a n Il tt r" "I"' ..Iueb I,e...,dou JI,'P Il tOIll,. ' .' , II 'urkm(m .vllljJ. . . " ~ y~,pm, wh l,·h.He IlIuul D ( , , , ., ., ., " M . . . . -~· ~"lJf,';'~ I t )0. " ' ''fl i JIIntrh"- . The ftrl lcloi .lo sell ~l '1>1'11 Dull'nre ~ oc h , hl\' rin'b:y Ihl~d. -lr 110 t.eollllcnt be sub· ONE I"'.... on wrlles, I,er IIII" g,hlc. " R~ 'lilY .J flit.,a.· WIU If(l • 1/ ~ O q ...n ll L jJ ..~.d. CbL....OI· C rIl C ~.' " . , . I " '" lJ' " or 1'11 '0 nlly Hln ' 01 t'i'~ l,t nino yen ••' , "u\dilll!.' lIn(\ ~I. Villi'" • 'I' t, .. '0' 1 '1' I n O IIl uttbr hO'Y cOMy1! !)19Y e , CII II Slzl l II [ mIl led I" Cllll~Ulllp' i o li • ) : dRnc"Qfhf O ),OOl'S. " + . If yo. wonl, e".lol· O, •..:;.,·•..,1 I or UI·I' · II ... O .pl~ l .tl it! II\lnlin .~ e g ul" td lll si lv e r ' I ANU"I'HI':\t writ • • • bl. son \1"30 cure,1 nnor " .. . . fl. • •PEnIllOllO' • H If yv. waut Urool... "n ' ule' lle -" I "'rftllcl~ 1 ( :I · :I.' k ~ . l' illllM le t witlo ~1'jUl'. I hi. II<Khh, d ~1{·n Q.L 1\I>;It ~, II\"'·Y · , r • • J \. .. 'th rlM'I,,", .. onnnu~e" the ~.M In u I'!ILI ~ . I. I. •-" , • ' IIC )' UU W'lIIt "I,pltt , uislIlllnd$. nll!illi . J"!'''rl ~ "/It! IJdlt' r pre ci. I Alol(iTII~atlYlI . !lrM uf I·'c vel· ol\d A gil. Ill· t::;rFor ..I. ~y k_o.~erry @ N ool. unUllY!l uII'0IllC.llu lu.Bed.Corda, o r('l "III"'UlI8 sl0l,C8 L611)i l nire nlld in e lll sl" r,, ), III. ler I,rylng " U'Y m.o.li(\l0~ 10 hlu,·,,,·h. D U PI'. 46 6111 J ANO'I'Ii'EI~ 1\"118 c[ue" of If.o~"r oru wh ich, .... ~. r ..... . Lin ! . tl i c~' ~e ls of J ~\\'Hr y . " ompri ~i, g P ill! nil hJ:I .x ¥1e<1r""rlMn ),.'n.. . . .... "'0 "'vI!lIlVnu,Oy. 1f yuu IVII .. t li"I,!; ,~ "oc. n rt .. " u . or Ri(e. Eur.rill(!d of 'h e 1II0HI r" ~ldlJ n · . b!tl nut! re' EXT~ACT ' NQ1'nfil\·o( 1I110,lIlDull.m or CIIlM yr ••., . • F - ... .. ID J.. C, ( l'lllC8 ·!tlll\lInon,ble or J}Y" Il('J'~ '" nllil' I,,"er' tft r... ~nd ' If !'du lVanl 'P·IJ~r £n.dv p.', _ cherc hc oly lo. G o l[1 <l lIoJ .Enon1('Ie< rIlC~' C9IUI'IIlUIf c Olli, I l!\l m Cllli"'''·I •• lu I\)II"I~ Ibl ~ a~ I, If ) OU WUIII MusLllrd, ICls. St\ld ~ Ullt! Slr p.vI! I3I111on~. Chili us 0 1 . ' "\lrIB~rnl..J rills '\vol's li lt~" Olut:l'lIr. , .1uat l!ubU.bed. • If )UU 04'0111 to ',ell o.,lIU)· BUilt·. ~I'.!':g~t, . tt descril,liLlnd, &c, E' lc. SilvlJr W~rr In " fl'~ ctt\)1I 91'~Cllh ll ( 10 r~nHII!~~. Ie un e· U telche. bow to rell\ove '·an. Freck· Jr - ) uu wallt Li'luuric. OIlU (';hc ,,·jll~ (l (PJllro 1,I II lell). cumpli6ing CAstor? Duller qUilled by lillY u~h\Jr prp. p ~ r ut i o ll, 08 ! II Ie. Pimpl ... Bloldle., "olh P Btehe ¥. !:hl. it!" )OU WUII, £'''"CC 1'.I'I'.flllilll.~· Cinll~ II"' " . IHsh. bOUII Lil ll lly ~ hn~rd nl1d ellg rllvecl. chlorosid or III(,1I1ioll, lrr pgitl'lI~l1i e8. " , I~De. . . rll,lloll •• ,nd ill hnpuriliell 01 ! 'l'~bl \! olld T co Sro OlIO • Gob! e I8·M e l ~ .. ('1('. PUillfuhl en or SU Plne.lIsilJll of cu. tum l\r.y I<re tho mo.1 "",'Ivo ftll(\ thoro llgh plll~ 111111 Ih •• kID·; b •• \0 .0aullll tbe ekin. iellYin!! '" v . . Plnll o~, l\Ielo,lt!oI13 111111 Sewlllg ullhlllt ' 8 . • hA.o e,'o r bl'rn illll·o.l nuQd. ··Chny nel " •.1 1 It whhe .0' cl• ., u .Iobuler; I,o>v III " I - . -~ I I t ' \If 1)1" bC~l. m D I'f'r~. '('119 prilltf (If l'u ell I EVDCtlulIO/iIl. Ulcer~tilil1 ,,,r s (,hll rOilS &t o l e ~~\:YIl~·~o~l .~t(:...lt\~~t·II~: ~;~!':,frnt~I~.~.v~?~~I,.~~ YOU opmen'l or lhe 103" I.' !-' .-;- I k Il.e rUlll~ tor " . ', e 'I ', "" olli e lc vnryi """ fr um ::3IX IU BIGHT of tbe UI('ru~, J.e u(· orrhlI)~. IIml II rUIlI: 1."." inloil . lonlV·r<"."ullt iulI."h ltllll. I(, 111,1 Produce I'. (ulle.t devel • ... ,r NdU" u rUIi ,01' c u.nn o t 18 Hiv e , OUI'i!l: n. . E C'I I I ., I bo It .-. will, ollllply .. I' .. r ...·li ..e I'il hlll.lo lor. prtell.edDy lho r ron el, ).I '" C~' Ill " ~ 0oeullulUall. ST,\ Y. A\\'.\ V! -..... I ' ft HUN I)R . () doll ur8: , • plo.iJlIS iuciot!nl 10 the S(,X. II tel te.r Il t l ~ '1.! e""hoy I ~"rll,- ["nlll a ~ b-' . , I . ., .
t.t•• Illd Nt'W ~ork. 1:1,051'. AI. t:lleeplnlC Olrlru. 'jIU~'Ulti:...
10 '.
th i~ trllln, I"OOl Pohtllburi .1 }11Ii l ~cllilphill. lI.ud Lo ,New Yc:.
U'' .
llj IV II. t, • , 1.1 F Asr 1,1111- Le" .. d, Plthbw'r 1'. 1If. ~\ pring o,~)y ot prulfi~' I; /\rrive. lit A!luo "al a.lo A . 'I., burs. 8 ~B A . M" Umllfmc{ret lUO ~~\V .York,t viQ .I\lIcltwwu ,, 4!IO I'hllod'l lpl.i ~t 1.)0 !:'IJt, I b~!\, p~ vlu PbJlulie lpltitl, 01 5 :rf PO." .
0, _
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f c.u.IJlIP".·....Uo.row ruullellud.u" ~111 III' tall1 ""il lIe.o lO!.1 b~ p.d~lng. \
IhllD HI 0'",".
""'''I'' " ,,,..olld ,,.
full.~.. , Ilrmne~8.
r / _ / , L .'
.BOW WE SEAI.I., PROCEED :' l fron~hulJ i t~orIlIBill u UOU . illlrl"\lIlende~. ' L We It li ve ~Mptcd 11"10 !l1~1I qr ule l' OW 01' hi ti,e MelillO or ~IIUIWO of t i" lr: BL~q.~AND LIVER Pl L. .. . "' ,,',,' "",,i", • ""If"", .•"" • . M O. ' ' ' ' . ' ''"''' '' ''''' /,,,
1 D"
\.ill ill \'lIri.lJ ly btl &2 fur cnch arlicle IP ,
elze @Grntril Itdktl Ciratlar g.,d lcas 01 IIcltlt>. Tit ' e"p~1l8e8 of Chll' H EL~BO." ! rl.e blnlM.e4 , .. II ,roduce c:orpulenr,. ur "rtf l'lILliibt4 ! • I d'u clio ,' U\l~ " " f)W nrc rriia by' iJ.a 6bl e:ul " . ".~ • -lie reieroe: remo" lUJIertluou. h.I(; cure • __ l ln .. IA " . " . • • t Lull Wi1l, c.nre' ~11 [lie Mol rrlll llli o. cd ,11 • • :•• 0 5 . rand,' If I ' 1. 11 0. "...: •• (or I~·g · rerl"lcuh' ~, IIr CUIlIII)llS rep re.o ntlOl!' r" ~· I 'tt . ~ " ulIll cur" . . d Oornl, Dua IGe., W ea. renew »...,Oltl_"", · v n rlu ll~ nr ';cl". . '1'ltp"9- ccrl ifi ublua or<' ' \J I .,, ~ m •• ~ o ... w, . Uf , • ),our aglll Cllfe "'un.llellJlc••• C.tD,rh. dys· • . W ' -. Id FIF"I'V ('EN TS ' 11 '1\ ~ Heaiitt.ohe, Oostivenoss, Oulio _nile. Ih"OIIM !>.~ilil ' . &-c •• ho'" \0 I. s, ('rul. B OllERT J A'CKS'Ulf, I\ I1OSRT HmlU<:RT , ~, ,., "" I.,' "1' ('nlc)I °t r , llur :;i~~te aut 1- 111$ 10 • • n4 ' eft'uctioll 0 1 AI. 1;> ., Dr. l';u r; ENE VEI.I·f. ... U, Jr. i!lill •."J. " '" J lie .: C"I1 1<:".le W ~ lOW '.p A.:-IO , Palns, Oholera Morbus,· , . . . . ,' I ' " j' h I d' I','" \3' 10 ()'9 hC/lde r t l,(' JI ~r ll ~ul l'" 1, rltcle he ur' III IA any peraol lilly e IOlMe. logelle, Wilt. ,, 81/(1 10 if lape1lSrrr'Y, ,tata u,l lla I' I .1 t I WI ' t 0 an .tt 1'1 II ~.,~ 0 0 V E' 0 In.d.igestion, PiLin in tho Dows1s, h r•• __ .. ,LI I' ,. . I. : . " . on II Cu 'u a ll V. , It e ll , u, . .;, " U' t M t-D n;. o t 're • \lIe .. ___ . , Il~ • • I" O'nt.~ ~OIl. ;'i • S ix ),('or8 !If Illlllvol lpd ! 1H:refiS 111 Ih e J.. I Diz.,iness & 0 &0 No YOUII, L.4, 'Of G•• t'e .. an ,It \lId (nil cure uf evllry CoflP of pri v,lc diseusc in. S~.()O. I • I :..\ ; , ' . ' ". "' ' _ ' _ " . r to •• nd..lbelr .4dre.. 10 tbe ulldersij(I! C!d. ti.ro nl 10 ohher ~px. . . ~ . OQ- T ho ~)tpenp~. of (rS!i~ltt 1111( pn ... ,. 1 ',1 ,X"T: A D -'l"»,t 'R .OB "AI .nd·r.eel,e b .. ,.turD mall I CIJP, 01 Ihill .~ . t r,' D /. 1:~ f r' IIlI! pl llll o~ or ' 8()1\'1l11! ' mile IllIe. wIll lJn:\. ~.r~ If ' ....'"3. . .L ..r~ ..11~ J Id I , ( ,..,Clt1l178 aile ~' Cllr eo ,n{J .. te 0 IOU .! pH id by 1110 n~ rlics wh o urfl olilltl ~u Ill ' I 'l ,0 ! II reI ~or. ".e. e enve ope ree 0 I.e • •• :l ) ' I I" • ' ' 1 '11 eli! 'I .' • , over .£ <.npUlCum M,I ~ 1'1111/. tilt/Ill. ' ' 'Viii , r. ,llcn ll y 1'):I(' rlll i n li IO (r.i 'l! ti, e !-l lf' • f ba It'· '(,II W ' . 11 '11 '" 1" '1 G' I . U "B£&"''''a BHUT') : ~ &(]O. a 111 ,(\ "1 clJre "}'flJI "'. " . ~e. 1 ' Di~~nij-('e o rlheU rin n r}"() " gn lltl, lIri6' v..,. ' . i:> • 'y GoobrrllWQ. till pot I.l npy, NOo.11J1· ri~l, nnll 11,. . 1 ... .0 ,. . , . . . p. lio'UI.l bf\ u l~.1 by 01.,,,', 1/,, ,,, "1. t n ol r ' n Ih en ",pliemlal., ?86 RI ~e~ .~ , !!,oy, .~ .~ ~r/rll ! 'f'M'ria9iuJ1e, Cumpl.lnl!l p<!'t u t!nr" t tl r" .evory "lIrl of, I!", UlIlll'd Sl~ tl. [( 1)11 mg h o lll hllhl1 8 ( If 'h~~lpnll '.ln. III Ii-Ille Pl'.' ·:I~~'.n~r~"lr.tio ll which .hrl\~·~ (ulh.lIu 00 \11. , r ! WHT'SII''''-RCo. ---,-1 .!ellllll41~, .nd e~ c ry ror m uf (l riv~'c uIsoo ~e rf O VIII ~ (' ~, tW" f (J si. .~ ~p h•. ro rY"'!'t r 1.1 \I. , P" IIS,", lil\l~ ur fi ll \'hllllg~ III eliot . Oll 110 'rry [h". r mr ,li ~i n",. And ~"" ·... III,)~.r ' ~ ~ " &.1:1 .,..1 il l b n t I II I II I grrll . t\~ 'c )' ,)111' 1I"PI ·h1'flr; \\ 11 /1 ll ny(. II Artrt • I I. M w ;, ,:: II\~ ~ ~ Qpm ~'llr t\h I\l(9 • • ",Q p,e rmnlnr. U,IlC C m e l." ~ II' e h I" , n!ll on 0rP l en f'XP I' IIt1r c.'. con'pl~h'ly ~ up p r sp "11 I III ' ill~,n.i ""ri'llry ,III AAY \h~y ~ r.. 0000 . 10 ., U8,\" . dl~j)or~\";: A~;'''O.lhnl Writ tjfm(ldel'll l1~nll~rlf ' ulo f () 1 l ~rlll e. l\"lll lbc·[or\V de~ .' I It 11l1 ' \OIl " r. ruU S r c nl\1~i ~s. CII- 1 M:l!lDldIN E 8 . 1.. "lvl... . I,olll,llrylholObil. ela.. rorecclto~row 111 I I '1 .. ,I '''l!cLlily c.urqd. nlll\ "'C' lirelc r- l lI~y ~ e "1 11I I'os t ' () (fll Or \lOp a q" J n. -- ": ~ " •• , ort'gpil)l! lorr 1·"~··I';hUl, .....-ootha.t /IT1 IICf1' ,.,f:n~ lf'J tI.. '/ ' , A'""lll~ ' l'r.tllrn ul' rMI\'I,PrI' Ih~l' rft tl li e OUl nill e tl !If U. ) uibo und i\I .: roury. In f.Jlrt n: 11\1.1 60 \I n· 'PRINCE TON • . "' -~ every tro C-c () lis lerr It •• 1'.. " , • • , . ' \ .' oJ ' , ' .• ""11/ ,....." "" "1"" '" .,. fre"a • t!~d I mite t .' I • olc: Q I4 l! on Unllk N lhu!t .• 10'runr ur,lr r, P ,(' nse \I'n \c 1"~~lt U:leI dangnons I~ cut e.. IK"." "c". oIrofo ,IJr. C. W . ltr.I •IOk.) · • "ru I 8y~CAl. \\lI tOI" , .... .. , _ ., . ) ; rp , . ,,;eell" rrom bU8iae~8. Young men, bl:~ r I~ is ' 111 r Oll,r 011111, I·wn . ,"O"~l)l II .... I5 l ul P 1 I\(H, ~ I"ROPRIBTOnS, " Dr. . .n,. . . lhA rfttellr mintl lhst we Bre In p<laseuion. oi tll: 1"1,, ,:"1" . 01\') od<.l rcs~ ~ \ I '!rJcrti 10 U\~ E ' Il}~L1Vl nOl..B ~S; NOB. 56. 68, 60.& 6~ E : Thit'd St. , cWlUtt.,on4erlllllli~CQV" \ Se Cr~CLrOCll illt~ti"!lt¥l h.I1il.' U~ JI,I'~olir.1' ' - - -'"' - 't: TR,EY &, CO . ()I.NCffi~A:rl·I . O:fllO • .' ~,.ce~ . klint ltfKl h Iho of Cul\·cn\·o:l. l.t\11 ~ 1If 1111 flu1\t or V" l· ..., ... • . .., ., - .. .:...... - ---,-wrH D..rd ,_ ' a' .'mllit ailr.c~louR peDU. ~e n .• lth:unl lind a,l;er grcol'l igla lg A!.I~nl s fO I .'!nI;,·rllcl F 0 U • ml\~ner~ . ~\ *~~ ~e4 br \~f~hIQ, Qf I ill ~~~r~, llI\lQi\}tt r ;i.l ( !tCI (ur, t~ 111:, 1 (nel ,\.I .<1Ii'l J M iue rly blo,. Nc\\( ;JiJr}f. /.', chnr.~fSll '"
h ",.clJel ,lJow 'lc) !educt
.rt',.n /)
15 .
lBt.Ej,rll'll CARS are IIll'lld,i>d ~ 'I'rail)' tu ', Philudelphi'jl New, Ylllk l:\u:tilDorr. .•~ .1Iaj!guge ,cltec'ksd · til rou!!h ,_ad ~I~lr, rod Irl'e. " -, ·,1t I '. T( H£T' fa. ritE EAltT, l'~CI\to~iallftt 1011. by DUIl ur It,dl). plle~ i ' 1'0 "d'., CUll IIc p.urchnet' il cl sla tion ... · }~are 06 low. (vute. ----.........- .
Stom ' h" ' ac
B· "
' 1tt-ars
re"istered •• 0. if Ntlro ..,I.I'lidoll I. n.ol Benle ,1II"" ... \", clln ,'I\ft 'Id • • ~ Ih uustl utl "" r
, :i,oll l" ""110:"0«;('" t~I' D1\i.noJ ,.a.1I low pro lclldpr~ or Iho UII ~, witla th eir tOl" be cbeerMI1 telupded • ..,Prlee, b1,1 mill. ~Ie IlILl)h,pfJh Icnl r e ll c ulc8, hOlle h.> cum, ,uled ti.I~. II. peicrlph.e tiro I'p';t wllh u61 ,. ; 1 .1_ ' culnr •••d t .......Ia mIlHotI;frt,. Ad· Ye ull(orluuale8,ero lrlllit in~ YQur.l,eQlll l d.,e.. BE....... -"",. ., SBU"""''' .... '" -II:.. 00 . .•• lld mOIlI>)I Iu Ilearlle6~ chariuIILllS ....l '\e nst el•• I11II'., NUl . Jil..r .freet. Toy.· N. w.. ill! ,'6 Dr•. JMIlIISlJU. H e rberl & ,Co.,
'''iI ..
I[II ,uil rut'"
M "'l\ ~·f A 61't.: n Ii:R 011'
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aole qeat. (or tlie U. S.
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of t. th,,: exi . l;ng In I1Iftl" or I( IWI IQ. , ,1'0111 I" , 1IIIlC \'~r .".nlls" orl" iuGllllg, ".tld.IIO m """ , Ilf " ~ '" '' ,J! huw 10nl: 81"".:1t1I1· h III 1,1 l''I6. n1 ill t ll"rf! n llll "ullt. inlme ()Jll i.: !n lt~· Dcli uli. ,")(1 trl ll ra 8trClIIP hellillic Ihull any ur lJ.e
"' U •
rrCril~eljon. l onll "ou f:LI'oraUly ~,~:i:i~' . . .l~I:.'I"!~::~ 'Chi.
)lI'ok OIl· do"il
' alr.~t>lrl b:il 'Jiark',. by .tr""~tf' tnin\:" Dud' cl"'UlKihg . lhe ~l~~ GDU luk.·
,I,,... .D,.
t an.d";".I)e" 1t' evo .v - :
Rifle OanesJ .ReVolVing Rid . es,
'" 4~ · filO who wijl ftt ullce l el Uyn you II kintl, .di8. l' rep'ur8 Iii,ns 01 l!nrk ' Of IroJ n. . , • • . .. ...., creet ulld ~xl,licit IIlle·\~ er. · L IIl\iIl. \V rile ],1 USKE 1:~ ...1 J 1) OA R 1.'~E S. 'fhLlle 8u ITeri ng frum Ilrukel~.,luwn or , 11 to • Iura r."". I.rrib •• Ul.e10ll.NM.-..secr.t8'IOr. 'b II for Clurfclrcullr. . , I I ~ ... t\.ve or qll ill" Mllllou . ., 1 For Ihe' Unltell Stuleill::lervicc'. Also. D cllcn te C'JI161itu:iuh', pru cure lil' reu,e l Y ~ *...,. Inoioll'QI ; 10. . ' j. d" " I bn " Dr. J.uck soll·! F:,c.mJla lUo!llh, ill.a, !'tYl::ll•. GLA.'DEns., .(l mo,t ,y.ltll"I".n wpo,,8rr\l pu ea., jlrillA ,per bO.j ·ex, I'll fine. 15; II. .. fe ~ :1. ' 'R ' .' l~eTS ,10•• A w"rll 81 .Og n.d 30 col. Mid Cfl'CClu~1 rcmeuy fur 11.11 irrea ultH iliil8 ~ oc~e ored ,n.,,.,,,,, Hunt~' I : VADE and obelrucliol18.lrunl wb'l~vtr CClUII6. REPEATING ~EVOLVERS • • g CU. . . . ","1 •• 1 .D4I ~o,"11f \~~ltl.e 'rhr 1\101111' nln (lr V !,!hl AIcdlclIl Pro · uo MID ... ff.,..ft, the.1f PhYllol,,!:l'. lOCIor 1111d lIHrrl" gll G uitle, en E~pli·. 'u~ello•.• ••• acaue!' ~ilC1fder. of· every cit Key 10 llOVfl llud B O"Uly• . COllln/Jting ~hln~ Wllb aner.fllllo. afl~edie. (ur 1100 pegel D~d "I oU ·loIo'ICII. Otr 'l'li.8 ' 18 Rin e nnd ~hu' G[;\I !Ja'rcl •• bllli Gl\n l\Jo. _-'-~"D_elr IDHll1 ~._, T~. ,racll.~e or Dr.. TilE bUdk ,Oil \\"Dhl- ' ~iCle '60' c:eDlllj 3 terinl. Bu ld by Gun D elilerd !Iud lhll 't ruJ,' Huntet H•• 1.... Md •• Dd lull Is. un· io 0 Ii d II "'I irclll'rllly. ~ullde4, bu." 'be e.,ne'llolic~'lItion ill 'Sen dill nr'''' 'a"pleri!1id cfrtul H (',mlal". . III Ihetill days or HU \18e brcok illJr 111111 .UDlf'rClUI petIOli' bell .. been Indnced 10 n .o.r Otl • U . '• I Rubbery. every H'/II ee, 'Sture, 'llnllk. ullIl fZteod hi' ce'!"'1 _Iuloe.. lhrough 1100 more ,n quolll.ty 1111 of luponur qua. OBit-e. ~11/JtJld have I>lIit o f . Ph'tTsicia~1 no ,lIum of Id. ·.V.... Mecm' I ' t}' to fthy of the 'd'o -'colled ·p am phlel.'. RV"fIN~ "roar,s REITOLVEtt·S.I .I ,", b " Id b' u, ' :. 11 . u Remember'fhll we ~elld I . written" r!'plv hit U l1 , yolume ~ .tl IOU , III ,bo tlIO ... ~r ev· 10 e'rtofY !cller; esfrec 011 1", ,'d. pled to Iho ' ~ (IUIII, In tb.• ,1jua4... ~ pr\lv~/lt.'VI! 01 portlcular cue'u"elor 1'lIu8idtJrlilion. be. iJhllcs 'deslring eVllil, lhr.ml'elvl'9 01 \1\' f! 111 a\; 0 no mer-rei of :"0 Inl!rll ie-nl ~ . ,Ice. or •• 'iulde ,'" '1111 11I/lf1MUUIl. 01 cnUIlII ill Ihe ' IIG!ur'o o[ Ihin p e.cb ells!' Ihn. lalll 11llprov e'lh~ IItii I j ' l'is\lIl s: II r d 81\• . 11 ELIIIBOLDS 'FLU} {) E?"fRA (.'1' nu· one tile ..oet .",rut end d~ltrlll' llvo Irft'O' \I to e oil cr /I, , " parlo r wurl.mull sh l!' 01111 form. will fih J ull OIlU is COmp081!U uf Ilncltu. Cubeb9 HItU .eo"rllee ab., .nr villtod min kind, On!! I ., re r tllk v '1. I,r-, I . ' l L' . I d II . 11 h'Inc II'111 IILO copy ~(ourel1 •• vet~.. di ",ill be ru~ ~aru . '])r. Jb.( 5/)71 I' Vf ll'1lUI tlll mr.ttt I C9 " I' J Uilipe r &<1 rrif ll. ! I .'ele , \\' I • greo~ (\/Ire, ed, ":.e· ;;1),0.loRe;, to .II}' l.paU ' uf II!!, R~ II) (jwu~ ull .c,:uldnes8, B,nd JldCllo ill t.y. ~nel N f.w il(.liIlD/ora RCllolv6Tf. ' /tDd jlrtlp.ret1 in \o ur-uo by U, '1'. (IEUJ.' Ullited SIIIlU' (or 1i0 cellli ilt P.O. BI.mps. rPJ lIv~.nll ~~ orlr nne ~1JlCb 1'.Dv ~lIQlU Cior· CirculDri en'lllnlllin~ CIIIII lIud eI~l!crI Jl: BOLD. elrull~i~t aud chenaisl or 'siXle('n . ~ . DR IllJN'I'ER Nu m ll" t rllr rA'a ny r all re. •• . li'OIl of our orrll S wlh lio ftirui "ke; UpOIl Y(l8r: ' ('xl,erience ill lite CoiLl' of Phlladel . •• ~~.~scl. pOll pa'"' N' '''' York 16 1)/ ' D ~;..:lftcll hon·i F~encll pntenlllhill Sure. ullpliention \', , ' ; . I' 1 ' 1' I ' '1. d b I 'I»Vi81011 Streel, t> _ • . _' _ _ -1\ i~ perferll, &018 Ulld llcvU r luile l u E. REi\lING1'ON &. RONS Ilion;.N.i'i. p 113. DIll \V .IIC 1 . 1~ . "0\\l . pr(, B~ ~lu~ Y.t.le - ,1':,. ' "' ...... Y"n'! '( ~ive IIIllhifotliLio. It is llte. o !l sur~ Inti • 1t\CIt\I ~mlllotlt phY f le\U'IS. lr.~. beetl aunlll· &.aCl;,nl' v.Mo, I' ice 1I\I!e,pU.J)!!lI,iYII IIIl,iIlSI C\!1IIl t,o,e\Ji g die ... lI. EA U'l'Y .• ·Au· led' 10 uoe 111 '1111) t:iililed Sloles 1ormv. o'I"d rlu.l \Il1uli.ll~d, in~' ',c~~edp::~'r::o ,:"'hll~';I, e,vcr rn.:ented • ('ri,('S ~U..e,~ch. p,er hft.llf ~urn8'nqu8W~ell~ Is 1I1~0 ill very gel1er~r;uee in S ille.i,ospi. ,1).lI lt, A Leel ..... Oll'~ . .,111113 or ~" in.1 uo7.(' n .. 40. lUI d I'M UIIZQll '" , Be lli u)' mal. • 0 nd' r~di ...l ell ... of ·1'. "!'3!" . . ·S, • .r.1 Uc. Inebrlatcs' or mouerbt e drillke rs wl.o de. LS produerd lftl. Ifill public SanitbfY Iu.t:l.tiunll \ ~ n"" .... lll.ol~lIlnr \· l::uUU IOh . . 'ell«r~I\,.; ,;i re to rlllor m. bul . who have lounel il dir· e o ~ . n f Prol. lhrouo.. huuL Iltl' laud. I. . 1"I.!,If aoW 'ft'.P"dllueult 10 1Il,lrlljCc. I ' I . FRI ""'90". U. Ct>".UOlIJ"io ll. J-:l,il0l"" .h.• 'I'ill .' .'' ficu!l 10 rclrUIII. C"" Y e ratl ,cole a I RIII X 8 • ~: ""lslaQ" PlI.ysiCD\ rll C ~ citv•• r uu lljug " " U' d~'ire.for allY ki"eI of 1i1)110':t.lIy,u8i n:fJ) r. SER I.}!: CI·IEV li; UX. One "P p h~)\ lioll eMf.• :'u..: &.!. B, .Robe ll!. Cul'~rw~lI. M.D. It' " bp, rl' _ lllll i· Alcliholic ~olnpllu,,(J. III \vKr rolllo~ 10 cutl lhe IDOll s lr ai ght In,11 IIEL~lnOLD cllllr~ly p"",.nll!Ol, cert,aJa !'o;:ri~;~n~!~~o::,ii!~ ';~ Ihil ~d llli rn. uI~~ ilt', :: r.e'ne~.v ~or !n.,el\lp(\r~lce: li".ih· sllIlt!ior ll h ~ i r or cil lwr lex ill o .. wa \'y • JlO'Cv.ntll·o Mol ellr. ror II,. lln3 h.J II!e Leclu r • • clu.rly proYel , Iron. I,i. ' j l\"" " ' '''' lor palti Ult. :'~ , t. '!dICIll ~ III ~lrIlC~'.O " ri "lllw\ .. \1< h~u vy IRD s. i.e curl a. II . a been [ . l'i100" a5 Oeuts pet'! Papel'•• ~ II.Pa.pel. tor 4... ri . nee . Lh. 1 tha .. r'lIl con,c~t(\r •• o f .. l(,a~.... . 1811 1 pl ompl ly It) : 11 ' p"r1 or 11,10 cpllillry . used by Itl~ /118111 0110""19 or P orl . '.I,d ~J1El'AnED l1Y _v b. rtr..clually relll.' .ed II'llh ll"t M c dlllil'" ' C' I' Roome 01 the Jli&peJllllry. 167 L OlldulI , w llh ihe mll8l r;rrnl ir)' illl! r('elF". . . S. A. FO~J~[,Z .!ow 'BRO.,' end ... iLhoU I el",,-, rou t ~ urg ical npPI·. lioll. . utlBU lHlIl , . • . "11\1 0 P 0 0 I " I I I J> ' ( AT TB.mll , . IIougiel, iu!trum.~1t. ri"ltl. II' cortli.I •. 1'~ U,il. Sycal~o.e 8 1reet. \' ~!lCI,I'. • r' 39. 1~. O~8 I 0 IIIJury 10 I Ie In r. r!co .b )1 694 BI QlLdway, New.YOlk, wnOtl'." III nn ·r. MOl !IF.Drf1r~p. BErM' I ~ODt IlIllOd . "I cure at- once ,..... , ,, ... IIIIII · ef· LOll 4:16. SOIlU (or Clrcutnr. .mat.l. 8~m l ~ cl unci Pll8\ pt.ld.tH . &hi s . ~P' " V" Ho 116 Fr kli Bt 'Il If .·d' "'cla.l. by whicb ever•• u!ferClr. nO IORller .. 11111 ... • .'1 . _ .cir~·tllor8 ~e nl' fr e. l\ u (lrc8~ nERr E:R ... an ." !l " tl lmOre, . . .. J ""T ' . ' , } n !iol. by IlrllIJR lt and 8lor~k""[1C"' ~Il.roli&la.; hi. c().ntlili" n ,,,.)' bo: ",oy ",~r.~ , hll1l.tlf c11·~P. ·r ptr:1N Y E .-l 11.-' · \V c t:HI u 1'8 & GO •• ehellti 61 ~. !!86 iv or on. aU L L:•• trolled 8L~k.. . . . . I,.. prtl· .I~ li· .nel I·. ,hcoll,.. JI ... LQr~lUl'e \ .It ~" , I ' fi t • •. T,o)' . N.Y . Sole v!!t'lIl s lor Ihe U.8 , I I' I , i ' prove . ·l!fIon t o ItI'II IMIW,. !!Ibnl uud r lalli. Iq • w._!) ~ nlltnle eVC!f W le t " .. ~ ......II l..'. LMDOL'D 'S e l l " S 'J' ELL. £ n , S any .. dtll~ •. in I Ilill ill. In. le.1 "n \'db,. ~. on ~e· lo ' ul' our lMrRO"F.D, ~q Sewi ng !\ota· .0 n, E A l ' S A E 0 1<' ~ ~' " " ., r ,... UII'I of.,~ COIll.tf; ~J l~'O pO~I.ge , In,!,,,, . A~'o chince. TlJree \lOW !duds; V "d~' r uuu Dr. C"lw.,tlYcll~GWN'S MlrrlO\ge J",ce . 2~ d . , II Pll er leed. tYllrrllnled ~IE1 DIC' Addr.. J . 1;..Gl'ida, KJ.'l\l!h~ co. . , i li' "ve ye"r~. Id 'Ahove '['1 ., w ra. 1IIII,r O_'il'l:" .l3enU lifyi ng Ihe <':0111 . 12·' Bo,.",l'. N~" \'0 ••• I'. O. UOs ~8=. saUCily .or lorca c!(1 ~m ~. lU!,' 8 I' ~ ' II' " IExlon. ' (4.HyJ ' '1 OIlLr !"~chiuell aol!! In. ~ ~ll e~ Stn,i~s 10: ' E N.G R.,4. V I N G S, &. C ,. '1 ho_~IOfl 'R1• • bl t! nn el ,,~,f"rt 'lrl\~"rRlion ii' ' . ,. less lhQn $40. which ' are tully llcens(,eI' ''~ 8 th T th t "' •. /lIVlIlf, t he .kln n bonuli rul· I' nrl,Jik" tInt 1=:RBOnS OF YOlJ~,I. no,~ ., \V.li eeler 10 ~ViI80n, G~over to; Bft • loLL eOLD FOR 'I' au i:l rcc , 111111 If. 11Y !"lIl1d in )nnlll II fl',i cklv I''': .A Gentleman who hu .utfeled for )'enr~ ka r. Sinaer to Cu .• Inel Bacr,1l1dpf. AI ON .'.i DQLL " It "EA CH. ." ''' ~ I' ~ r~II. ' l"tC kt"I, PI."pl ••. H lo l dl~' Moth N D D. • r I 9 , (il'r.z.ow CItESnUT); l~",,,h.· •. SDI I ~ \\"n ": • • \Erullti~II' , autl .11 i;II\'Url' ... froDl .noul ability. +-,e'lI11tLl r.~ Deto\', ut\lor chepp Ina hi !'CI .,re. i!I .rIP'g~mc nl s, SClld 'o !l,rte ( ~ I" ;i~ mp [" r ,'j. 1I1nr. q." oll h~ ~kl " •. k lll (1 y h~.1I111r the Sal\'f . en,', l a~u ~lIlb. ,.~"ta ;Of Yl)llllttui ~~u\~acrOlllln. bud Ih ~. 8?II~r ur I:eer I. 11 ~~hl 10 at/cat .I\ ,l drp s W OOLE VP.R & Il ALr), '\' JN. j" i l l LA. DEL P '1 I A IUl; at,ft . k" \\ 1,, (0 o'ul "I' . r •• • • I. hall r~ ! h I ~t'J~U\lnt ,, \!~tl1'.". wl1l ~()' tbe ..ke Dr .uft'eitlllg lum.nity . fill f',lIull Impd SOUlllent: CI,rf lifuu/rM - . Aae \l l fo r lllQnu[Qcluler Arll) rt · N. ,(. u. OO.. l\ot 1)('Ilelec lecl t.., 111 .. do~u IC"uIIIIY 111 . aell~ fr~,e 10 In \ll(ho 'n~e.~ h. Ibe r.eel!,': A.~drou. or ~o ll IIPOII $11 W & , plnr k I' ' . 0•. . 10 . ~ ___ 01 b"IO!; ~ ••.g.H.f)I~ . pr",,;' rn'i~n i. i>t,r~r"y ' W ' '8 V " lL , cI: ~dlretJ..ltn... for lB. • 101 l1}!'I~\lnpl~ ,llIdtlefprcl. MOIM, .11.( Qh1{1I1r9. l lJ . t?Q. l p, S.- ~c\Vl't>~pera Insortl nff I ho ~"uli·e . hur tl ll,,: ". : )~ 1- lie "'>\ "r' iel . ' fir Ihe . • inIl .fl, ./.Y E . ! rem-a .. . ~, hleh .be .¥ u cur.eu. . .' ~ ~.·.rd plldI ~11. 18 Ito tlce ,lo," ,hl! .mnullt o(~I a.' " .f;f~r,! 'y Drtt ",,,'!l"' :II EV.,••!I'· W't~. ·l't. ' IIIft ,.e(! h) Ihe •• rl·l! I" ~n~ I. f"il' la ...,,(J hr ' t!ie I'! 'I, ... .., ....\0 IJ .,. rt. r "~n' ~R ,"llt'f\"n.llll~ j la b I'": rl.l:& toil ~t. {lire". ".\ n. :o.,ro8l·"', lhe ' .....rU •• te . l ' . _ , t sn d 8c IlQi lllt (I In dlca copy 10 th Abel I'll . , .1' '"'-V.1I~·Dr4. 01 SO 000 t)olll c"v.r. wid <'UJ'ii,« tlie .ltpttICQC~., c.n io .0 by ..eldr!'~ ~I".·· " , ,,; . oddrll'$••hot! r(!'~ ,e I.." rllymenl < onl! 01 Bewo;e .OJ (J 0 'tJ. n t e r.f ei t S. pn~1 y.. r. ft 8,uffiricn'l ' U!\l'D I\\ (re (S( h. 01&."1. ~08N B. OG.",,· Of I g.... 'm•.uy kin!!., lOt! jll lar,u·q\lllt. John.on'l Maramolh Gola Poa. In 'tbolay Prlf-eOIl'1 T:. ceDt) 9 nt by IIIlIih. po,l.pctlt\ . No. 1,_ Cb~"'''''' New "Yurk. tille.,. for Nle bl I,old·, r. b, rel!lrp 01, 11, .pOIt plld. rrice ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S, (}n I'ccpl" l 01 hn ordor.lry , . ' ".1." .. . E. 1\., ' PRINr Z; doll.",.. • ., ~m .1\.iY.... -llERt.Jl<:R. HI '''r~ ~ to ..,(;11 rnl-I.: '. our , ._ _ .' I ' 2~~ Rir r. SI .•.T~ol; N. Y • ., ~ ~ "' l -\' l j. ' ~ 11 ' '' •• '' ~'',""""'''''''' ~ .,,,. ~ .~__ '-' ' •
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+·Z ' S ; H UUttl P ~ l'llIt Uri~lDry «)tg n~l \\'h ~~ o'r~o~ an . .a, 0 OllT[lOrS
Pam '\111~' wnb ,be ii~.\d ..\ lerlntt or \110 vHV ~r)cHlI!8t' icn~tfnn~e. ,, ' \1 we laUeceu . 1'1.... vI .n purcll'lIC!rt1 will be would II k IIIfV mnn 01 uve rorro cumfll ll ll
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*"Jlr~an/a8r; tV~Tlt,er, \ 'Il' Do itv , all 01 Ril>'<tr'lIlni .
An..l" Fort-y Ather Artl'cles I
l' . " ,Altucinl\ 9.'30.1':111 A. 1Il.~ 11M I imore'" 7 A"ell~wll. r6/lq A ••
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.i>USIJelJllltt Qt· .Judltl<1IJ1ioll,
. I I Ie leu Ind lUI' ti ler pll rp06e IIPY 18\'e 0 C
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AI P.ilt'\Lltr~, train rroni' .lte fa ir .:I 10 Ilttl UI ,lon D~ot. Yihl!"1».~tua eCr8 nn u'uliUo:rred lu u..·,Tlita; .... PellnlYIVUlilll . '(,!llra l Bait 01 ~ len YI! l'i\leburg and .rri,••, Dlht~ Wldl AS followd: I ElCt'Rts~- Lenea (l0 A . M ' I 610PP.tn ll• .JIt prlr\.elpal ... I Arrivt'ri /I t A 11001110 * III 8 10 ~i81t o~ rone 0 .112 A. ]1, [Dl'lIotq'lIe 'i~I4 '~~' . l..oeK H I'e li 12 ~o P : ~I . l . ~ ' , 1 ~O [>. ~r;, n ul l loooret !i.S York,. via Al lel ' UW II,. 1\1 , 8·~ ~.i.Pt~ a()l' l lllt ~ B t 1\1 6 . ~0 p'. M;. Ind"I'(ewy , via PhIIKeI~lphln, at W.27 'P. lI1.l~ I?' C I'N OI/t/t~lfl EXl'a'll Pillttii/ III 0 .60 A. as . lilllp plng tlL. • e'r~o ~n t lion... AltoUQlIt 1l.46 p, Jtf" II III~ S.H>! ~ '! .rr,iVI~!I ,t P~i1,!,c p~l~ It ~ A Iif. Dy - ,8 'riID PIHt!li, ~1B Irllnsrc rreiJ III \11 ion DepoI~ W&t\~ dt1 plrl I , dhcelly to E'lCpre~ , New YUJk, I.oeb IQIIlllli,e al 6 .~Q
Blood '
, If yuu w. n L. (; . u d .ry Wllr~.
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, t.r "" h. .. +=:.. "," ~.iI.'.l", If ;-'!~ 1I'iIllf 'I n" o!JlI ~cJd • ~.wtoo~~wayl tit l " U WAhl 11.1. . ,. Il".k e[' . --.... ........ • &IIG
SeW in!! &1ttchl nell, S i h·tr \Va'rll 'j ole. &.\ .' 10 h di~o(l~~ d uf " I 'J'"o ])11 larll, purl) ur lrcl o. \vji hunl rc gft rcl ttl Vlliu. ! II.
tt/tldl1tCt"$ vf lrulclitlt' ~ . J cwtlry. If \' Ou " 011 1 by Ihe n c l<. lb. or hhl. 'j 'hl;! \(}I ~.., l"inli lls! bM' !I rC'vll,~,I . II.'ul If l U~ " " ,, I !!'I.r h. Ric . !:loon . l! ruhlU 0 1\ CllII eIJ IH'u~1l I I.!r('n~ ::; ( gl'l ft 1"' 11 Turt ••• "e"I" '~. Ginger. (;IO IIOIIlUIl Hurk . vi 'l'ralll". 11 ,,,1 ill orll"r 10 nl l,o ve Iru ll1 I'~. AI, <l r ~:II,.n. CUlI i"ry LHll h/lrt 1.210111\1111" CI'Rsivll (odl.y u If) ou wnn l I!, ,,"t lIrullk do,, '1 Fa tI ,,·r. . Idililressl nu \ V. r. urlJ 10 trVol d , . ' If ~"" IV " "I T obuc,co oheu d)(1ol ' II[ q nd• •, ' BAN K R UPT C'{ J I( ) ~ u IV" I S hll·j ug .'; e rtU o". Ro III VI \\ ,.. I, 2.000,000 \V o r l h, u f ~o\ld~ fr ll Ul tI 'l·ir ~OAI', . itoc/; ... u S I be sulel ill lhll .CUUf~1! uf Ill .. H 1"U \1"0' t CIG'" ' " 1lI01l1h8.01 CE I' if )·ou IVDnt O)". luU ill I h~ Jb ell , •• n. d Ol cu ur A ' ~y Y S A () R I F l .
prrT" DURO '1'6 PHll.AJ)~itti.
or Inoontin onc~ of BLOOD Ul',ine, Irritat ion • .In1lamm a tion 13LO D I BLOOD or Ulcerlltion of lb.e :Bladder Of tBLdOD Xi,d neye, Dileasee of ~h.e Pro.· BLOOD ta te GIlLnd, stone.in ~he blaMer. ~ BLOOD . A:-ID PILLS. Calculus, ' Gravel 01' Briclt~u"t . . •• ' , .Deposit. o.nd. all " di~ea..el:of the Purlfl'~r~' bl l~ddel', kIduey., and drop81cal An,E UNE<~nA~p IIWelling8. )'OR VklNIJ , f" SCt'Of ll((&, !"/lj)ll!li~, SI.hi. Dis-. HEL~lBOLD'S ea se Olt18o" eH, "'«It RTlI.mm, .
ilv,:, \V o l hep• • ,,1t'lld ilI J cwtJlq .l"re ll h
If J ou ""1DIC U.", T. ". r u;;.r. II Y" ~ ' .;',L rol.~ ..· 01 i 11. tr you IUll t C~u,ly. H I.itlt (lr Fi~ . If) ou " :.111 c.J.«*•• or D,;oJ B~,· (. It Y<J u Ill ut gom) ,,10. or !Jetr, Ir you W ut Bo)ogn3. If ) u~ Ita 11 .., .; ~ ' .- ...
~2' OOO .QOO Dn~otlh of G"ll llIod
0 l' po he lh . ·oll lll.i ll Cl f I'urt W le,1
:ad 'Bankrnptcy A.nlcle&. B .I;(ralR·diQ;;;;;;;;nouncemtIl11
"'' 0.
'Drug & chemical warehouse,
$ '1 &,00
r. Watch'ea, TemelrYJ
en "t
Ill" , 'y .. ,. '
1-"RUf'I JA'I:tS
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WAYNESViLLE, WARREN . . . . . .eM Ca
. . . .( 8. . . _1
' 0. C • • SHEARER,
Attorne, .-tad Con.eUor at Law, _
XawJA • . OOIO.
'1: S. I.R~CE, M. D. ' lHDee'" .R~~.~e ~ N'r:&bT ~"
door. above the' f,
E. 'Cflurch,
W , A 'J If J: I V'r L Lit. a
. NaD~.A\.mJl 2'~a.ml1lI ; lV.Joc. ville, Ohio.
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Waynenille and Vloinlty.
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DR. S, J. WAY,
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In il' nrlou¥ br'\llc!ac. \; nqt to bo eKrell.• .. d .lIywllO,.~ : Ni lie lit lhe f' \. B&IT )fATE ' rAt.' · u~ n: D. 'TERuM, C_4!u,-:,P!B8e'''~ 1 hid resilience ' , 1-11
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Boots ~nd i ~boes" Allo, I IBrle Ind varieel luorLtnent 01
New . Arrangemeat. :.....:.J.J... • Til" IIIb8criber, bavlnr purcb ..4'J! 'hfl b'lI llIela Inc! ,~ock' recell~l, be lon.fng 10 Joll n W. Culletl wl.het:l ,to ~,ti (tl .. I"ell-
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(&l1d th ough to e IS 1\ 'trlll'~ll e l',' 1'1'0 L,,Heve bim , ) th .. l be O ll c O boll l'ld people minding t l. l'l r own buq/ll(' s H r TI ,i. remall<llbl t· "C C l1lr~nce hl\ pprned III !ea -the pn s~ ~f ' !,: l' rS " ~i flg luo ",eli to at tend t.., cn ~ !. "ti ,er 's COIl CJ rns.
O:'r A r lP l
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"bh t. th e Phill\delphi ..
mUI·,lerel. h.ld I.een h":J ged. tl'l'O 811r geon 5 e~Jl o ll m C l1 t c;\ (' 1\ lhe b ,)d y \\lLh an t/"cll'icn\ Hppal'lI t tt8 . Ti l" llc flli man weill thru u gh the 1\l 00 illllS of l " u~I ,, "t,!. grimacin g lind l olli n" 111 8 H e!, with
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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- .. -- .r. . ....ted '1 aD ""'Pl1 cl k CIOI, ~
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..... D • •.:... - . . . . of tIa:e
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from lh. Ser,ea.l.at, j.rm" r• • • placid face. crowDcd .itb .Do.,·"hi.. bair-Lb. nLeran of CoOl"" iD hia p~ poliUcal DlIOCiaUuD' - Fruoil 'l'hoe" . f Kat,la d. . H. wa. lb. M' qllai. aDd co.peer .of Weblter. (,
• .....
...' yd'
.,1; p~~. d......... .ad".
~...al 0..:: ...
.... riela Ie i•
lhe. . . for
.Ieodoa 01 ...its ,.... tlte I,. - 1"*"' Bi,laa ,0••, lad~ re':i!:l oOlllple," Ut. coe,', 01.'1111,. Ib_ •• lIal.diplo.... Tb.
r ear old eaeb, Ha,a.. .,. Calbon, aDd QUiDCJ I.. Led ,breI !la," aDd I:&bi~i .. d Sl()f pounds, were Ada.', a ~o.troor of Ibr,laad, .~d lba. ord;••r, aborol,bD'" 00 ah. ~Dtl:v lold. at Linn co_ty, Iowa,. • •,.ber ot lbi. Bou.. • IOOf' lb. papil,·i. tb'ir •••di.... for. ,4.04. ' y•• n a"o, fa lb. II\UhL of bit pDblic 'Tlii. iu.• 1~'.~. tb, 1br'.,ID" CItyi.·bea.li!ulll of Xenia, Joc,a~1lI1 Tbe Times l ayl \be mat riag4\ p f labon , .0.' .• ad.e.. or tr.ach, rl • . or.. ab• •ani '·..... l of th. Pdn.... .,.".ofCalnb"dr ..)11 fa"'hood."U .... bu d....'i......' •• W...... b. U'l be ..I.....lud •• Ite.., on T ..... y, ... b. ..b./,. , .""" ... .... . ...... 0/ ........ .h. J ... 12t}o. . . . lb. ..,;" .1 w",",d.. B. .........11........ b.. " ,,; t 400 1 . him •• lf a Jil.' r al ... rmhag. · OD UIII' aD abe eoDtiel •• ,. of • Up"" 0 e ('1' cs bavr , .... I ad of tauo •• IDeI, all. paJ»lio. ..."'...ard .. 0. of w...... . 'b.......1 Six te•• bOgs, one
~erap weight
""'., m.n' '" '",.. ....~..""•• ".
don in Clouseqil~et ot the mmk fallures, "
.~eenb~ \ t~~ ~_1a~, gamy.
&01' .
••d ahe are 10 I"at. 'tIIIL lbe . af bllr.' apoD blllllhDI' are I DIOIIIlt1 &0 aGco-l_
.,.. """orAl•••la.~""",laad
" him
~ • verY
~ \]' @
p,pI~ ... ,....
' . Cassimeres, ALLEN & RANDALl;'
'\If{ A YliIIUVll!t.1Ii1. 0., BETA..L DEA'1 ..SBSIN
' .'
Wlves, B e goel , e e TEA-KETTLES of ftll I\ize l, Another fool, LD fun , snnppell n rllCUII of the Ooooeclicut people,wbeD .. .' h, e .tho ug bt , ullc!lpcd, I dat ... Iho ."Igu aurrouDded lb •om , Frauci. .- ' 'rh e c ' a EN}~MEL L I ~A • E .. d' W ill' riRe, that T 11K A Ta.ANTIO FOR.VLf I KV"'TLES young lady, LD Bro,,:ustown, 11 ., a. Thomll, wbo bad d e parleil io th' .a· of Gl'orge Dedl.w' il a eketch full of eofto, Ied sizes, p' !he quality. in To which he invites the altenlion of 'hid few (lo.ys ago, nnd InUed her on the bla aDd elalwarl meredian of life. ap' whim.icill. II SHOVELS. uumeruua cUltomers lind Ibe peoplO' spot. pured like an apparition i. Ballimoll whicb lbe lIulhor' . bumor deal. ~I,~b SAD HU~NS. ' ,lInerally. be I t il$ pbeDolO'Da debalabll! IlION SPOONS ' . .thut .Cbief Justice Hi, loeki! were bleach ed" Hi. frame the bet weeD Dalure of all,ld the .upernalu r , __ Chase has d e.cn1et1 wa. benl. He .poke, eo ro.urrectlld and pre. ent., p.rh.p" lbe e· & TABLE do. ject for fnn dlng tbe pulJllO tlebt 11\ au!! flll\D Red. aL Ihe liral U oiOD IIIlet- m.rkRble i •• lance of apiritultl maDif., l· long tenn b ond s, to. be exempt from iDll. with 'pleDdid .nil elecn·trying elo· aLi on 00' rtcord , Mr, Longfellow c?n CALL GENTLEMEN t taxation, qUl>nce, He .eeond .onoe' 00 ~Tr"n.1dlPg CHILDREN'S KNIVES , . . . decl.red IIglin for th. lributllit Dan Ie.' alind Ibl! 'Pa .. agee frOID Il.w · 11...........ra ,..nt to u",,..f h" y••,h ••nd , •••10, hy .10. ...,.,'. N.... Boo" ......d... AND FORKS, field MaliS.! fo attend a Sllb bath of lotilud. and ahll il Oharles Read'II·' Ilory of 'Griffitb W ASH· BOWLS, E.XAMINE GOODS _AND PRI.CES. Scbool Convention, were by ohllllening of hi. broken hOlilibold i· Gaunl,' '!'he paper OD 'Iud ian Medi · Cuilit" ders, Plai/l and Japanned Lan· 'ho police '" • b.....hlin.r in ph",.,b"pby ... .r p"i .i ••• I. ..H""y i ..... .. f" - , ... , • ..1,..."' I.E A V E YOU 1\ 0 ROE R S .dl". d. d ... ,I•• f.. I........ i. , .. r S.. "" ••• . iI; .1.'.• ,.... . ..... el'y,
aga.Ln'~ t~e llr~-
o.r,,~sted 100."
.n". .
. ,
~ •• G~"'."~d.~,.hil h: ",b.",. Hayard 'i'aylor are LJmely Ind attfllet
~n: 'OlioS with the
bav, be. . .Ix t.tal "'... of 'b,y, •• d. H..... .. C....... 10 d.y. ;... 'Th. G,..'
cbelel'alCt ElizAbdb, N. J .;·but
1'~A ME\~'t~Ir~;ES.
h.d 01'
,h. 'n'
msjority; hi. face il pllrt o,r ODe of lbo&e Ilori,,' of Wule rn active meal,l uJ!e. :by .the Board-of beuignonl, thougb h6 aits qllielly aplrl life which Cary write. lowell.; Heal"' . ... a ....... .. pp."'" to i. ,b ...."i<y ,r 'hi• •'i.... R ..... . . .d ,h........ d" ." " .. "'t If' ' . benDe ... "eL full of holl eDLha.iMm made or Lb_ cholcnt of s pen_ I Ie . , ' J • • . ' able mlDdi. , . II .vear• 'flchul' & E x .President expect, to w.lb lbe .. of lllahf. a. Fielell, BOllOD, Mall.
c}egtARCS.' .~ cult,!re' pf " AI.
h~q.sC' ~. ~U~lIsta,
Ul.ln~!. Bon.a""
Quebec expedition.
allo Ibaa buu"r, 1 gentlelOanlalle.. of man,o u wblch we Rre accu,tamed to a.oube to ll.e 'old IIchoo1 of .tatelmeD,' Hil diauict ja the mOIL loyal Ind pro grulive in MRrylRnd, With filCh .till . ure., .o(•r.orlber LIm. 10 work 10 ellr'
. e,f
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.f G,..,.., were \lo.mih,d _\0 lb'grate. pD hi 12,h i.. ' ..i"b. p"H." at • large col\t!ction of relsli". and
~d~I. O S8illg ~~1-
And we invite the Attemloll of our Customet& .and Fderic}.s to the Styles
NOTICE B All pionlc, bunltn" ,ln, Illd pleu- 0 Y THEIIlhiSHAKERS, t-
Parlor 'St01fes.
anOur .. Stock of ... 1 j
the Best. QU!1litJ t
non. bul the
CAS,; SIME'RE For M~llancl' Boys" ·W'ear. .,".
Ir~ employed,
'/5 1 I
. rnI ~ READY - MADE
· M O·N ARC I-.I
d D'
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. .' : .-::; -:l\bD2~tUi'£'"tl\t9:. - .' :~. ItlPA~l;Ql\&tlO.Q~, ~.
~'lI \\f' It (J9 ah 4-
. ,'
(QUTfllIG. , . ILtJKll~G~ BOOTS ANIt·. 5HO~S is
We hnve a variety of
~, ·1~1 In in_~-m , rnlcr',t
" .w",' "..."'"''
He 0 M p .LET E I."
0<I, ttl pft
LADIES' DRESS-GOODS,-l CLOTWNGI nd M [CUST9 . 'M ADE] Tn. e.. ft greatredlllltton ill prices. . .
A: .Y: S '
d~~ss Va~e~1.' at~
.0 N
d Tb. b,dih.d d' 1 b...... 1 b.I... 'r'he I'1l.'lot Illnvel are 01 dift'erttn, kinds . 'uIo, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Orders I'fot the new five cent ,c.,oin I"d..... can, tilted by ;r} e .D preaeru . In I Ie •tall t 01 the Ute pard... lener.lI" will, iIC'reafte.r. be allil. etther Ooal or W cod, I bove _ ___ ,..'" D'n.to, <>( th• .un' at .f ..... ." ....." p....... '" ' ••• p"."'''' "". h.. b.... p,,,h.."' •• ,.. tt'lp.h~ Tbe T reasury atWashing~ 'OD., Wm .. H . ~orwlo, E~q" who b.d WlllwlIl re.ped to petlOIlI. . It. iti wi t h i L«'i'1fIW~(l:ttII;tl 1M Il ~TCIl ro Il nlTli1(1:tt ilO d n • t 1 til t been 10 Meluco wllh Ilie f.tber linc. relucllnce Ih.I we uclude, by alII8 menU8, JJ ~ :ulSl) a \1,n.Ql.~Wl l{\l.~ 11 LIIt~7 u a , no. lapp y em a present, 8 ' f 8 . our rrlendl •• well •• til use who nr'e nul , . . " , . .'T~ ~tat.ot' ihe lateRal hHun. prlngo 161. Tbe.oD arrIVed al ourrriend.; bUllhe 'repee,ed impoBition 8nd ~llIbe Bold al rt'n.u~.. \i'I!. pro~t on . " p , . Ioeb.IIOOD OD Tue.cl"y .precediog lhe fi upon O'ur hOlpil"UI, 'H'd. rorbeannclI, hy ' the slI.mll leUl!lI, • '; " tln,t6n, e( BOllto.D, ~1l1 root up Dal b.urj"I. and bRd the melan'cboly aat. lh'! unworthy, compele II.' to 'hiB r.uutelt, nearly :'l,jft)OJO~, ·I.faallon" of bc'log presen L WI· tl.u IIII ,am' ~ Bf .ordl'r .of the 0orr"".el. , 'nl " . h' The .. principlil . UnloD V.llllue J ns 186 ' March ~J, 11166, Job-Work of an Kinds "'' eir III blS 0 ~ ~ ter the cbil'dlesl ' . . ' . ' ., '!De.., 62n. 4N 'd ' iJ ,. __ ' , . all and relll"e. wilen .~I. booy of l,i. "'.1 oJ(, of Jo . n . Jllmes, of tbnt vellerabl., lalhor we. oomlDiUed lo it. ---.. --'......- - - - -- -0. a~y. ..: .1 tin"I 'r.IIII'ng pl~oe, . oofin0/1 li', hhort Ene-lroughl , ~ • R '" ~ ~- " . F(lt\()h ,,,·. t o 08 r~ , R ,l Olle noticA and.od· In Gen_~ .he All ~m~wloan " a.fcb fftctOl'Y nt EI. ' ._...:... . "i . III' !'t bl" ~l 61~ Ill , at redue"dt pricell ',urn In8~ giD, Ill., w,th 822l},OOO ca.pital', ,wlll EliICOUUO&llaNT TO AIl.RlCola . '.fAL· '1 oo:J ' \tittIitoI ye u . .COOl.II 0\1 ",ilh your work. We b, "ady to mak••idy -T'''.. B ••d.... Dn('a" hN bu. -;;. 0 .. ".dy w,;'" fO'. WOO'" >
0 'S' " . St k' ur prlUg OC . II! .now
both iD
~ludsnnb ~'gQt5" 1
. the heel .mnterllillml .el,le, of
~ a-..
,we ~
....., T I U&,....'WAD. E GU1R.lNT":1l' S.··TlSF.l()TIO~, p
to- T'" 'U. "m.;" :Q\how1!\.... l't~l,a . T09~win .....' ....
. ]I""." .,..d !"'. Tu,,'ay, B1\d . . .. the ArDOI<I "bo.
,'''00' " prod~cl\On.
aynesv e.
~.. • __ Tbe Corner-Stone of Wilber- "d force University wlllluid lit Tnwawa : . Spring s , neftI' Xenia, 011 Mo nday of til is week Thi s iU5tit ut ioll, it w ill . .. 4) be remembcred Wai dcstro,'cd. by .'d ~ I ' I , . c:: in Duly 10 t Ie great cia Ie. of Ihe ptes· th'. n 'fow years a,o. The occus ioll .cd t ,. f tJe on Monday WAil on,e of ' g reat eclat, I !:'"dc:: ee I '1"uat &1. I. F .luera (I C I't t' .b . r. ' . culored . ", -;;... os::: · '\ :~~ 1:0 are wn . UI III . per eallng Ilncl largcly a~nded 1.11 t ile Maine, -Which I . _ _,_ _ (l'om <llffel'ont quarto r!', .
be in Paris (tu!1ng the exposition of 1867 '11 ~d iiI'S bet\ll requlls tgd to make an address at that t.ime on bebAlf of Amel'ica. .' ' 'r' H' I J' ans A. pnr y o rI d' Ulv e se, 'Imtg ot: cure a arga rao 0 an Bag t J I 't N d C mrb'ol' t· h near tJ de . I y, . ., W IlC .ey ei.an to ,1 ' $": . a: d I • ..t t tl e, '1:> -:- ' up, n levo..., 0 1e
' ~t'
ver Ollere
~p"ong. lb~ughtfulne88
p8ychologicalllpecula~ioD'. ~roufld
Goutr...... ; ."• 1 aDJare ",id to hut myilteriou,ly ceme 10 lbe Ihe Il'" buildiog." •
I Ie .,,,orlmeDt ."" 1101 comp e t
- .I
e d atocll 01
Sf{.11 L ITS ' D 'ES G~)l~AI~, C'AST-lRON
~ t. .lJlCD,atlue. rt'8 ulIu " C
lhe lari
\.~op\D\_.,\b.U._or ·&Ia· i~~lIlCMIloh.ll~l..
u. tooth _~~Stat AOUl:
fa,.... ........'b.'
V E S T he above 5'..:.... , o'r aa-'" by S TO' . PLAut AND FANOY . au."
""~t Dor corrlapoQ~'
Direct from New"York!
ILl 'i:l m ,,, .r -' ~ i",,,,,,i"" oil! o!!!o @)..gw ••do!!!o",.11· 8'J " I h •• "". ' Broad.e 0 t 8,
up .... '" ......
dl.d I De" " eDllrAllod .o f people "IIOCI'"
' m"" ....ed C•U''n-
A ,....
De.tber by
P~'id"~ p,.,.
IlI' juet' rece ivIld,
"1':"''';'' ':
1N_~!lIl~. '.~'" f\!Dl~
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Whcr~ ~ Dy ' he fOu.!,d I , f ..
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ood ti~ock 01 .q Po' .{.~
lD B U' 6~ "8'1 4 ' .1 (.,.
. 'M\ ,j~';ll' ~. ~~i cl-l ·C 'JPBOIAL :ROTIOS I It1 BPA' R(!)(,;r,U : :.', •mod' ...,".... , .. , .. ''''f .. r...d . ' ..11" . . , . ~ ." •• ,,, "m.'........ ,. . .' • .
il ·· •
::;'kh~d'~:P:."'':;;;..=;;~o;~~~: ~:'~,::,,'~!;:P:;';:i~!.:~;hi!·~; U ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ '''~;;~'~~;:~:.;~'' ~l~': ,~ ~tll~ I:~ ~" a':'~!~:;iu8 ·......"Y' B.aofo", nt ~;:,::~~:;,;!h;,,~!~,:::=~~~;.!;~ . ~ . ~ : : ~ :§ ~ ~ 8::-~:~:~:r:!!,:;~.:~~..~~:::,!~:!~,;'~,A:~:::~!Jl::,. lER~ ~;ER S ....... ''''.' A .. bi •. i.~" .. ~..... ~ mo."" . Y....... . Ib,,,. ~ = ..: ~~.. '-3 ~..J ".icb.. p., ....
NO" York
ap "n..dy ,
l'o I.'
In.r~c C. . ~l~ """;-. "m'••• "."'i.~ p'"
c:r' ~ a;
~ ie ~ ~cv ,..,
••oo. . .d I
Du .not trifte wilh·1our .huhlt; IIlId \I@e D I .nd d"flilerou. ml'tl chenp ' . 'I &:1' jIe, \\' ,lie . It
..~~~d~ :,~; ;;"~::~~~f ·;:.~,.~~~,,~1::m. MYI TIC PILLS
M.y nol be able lo/lox Ud,
·ad.,ile ~ho.. wbo de~ire H ' .-4R~ ~ i."""i •• P'p" ,,,... · ooven ~ .,.ons,
: 'II
, all
· 'Uf
'DYE STtrWs.;'
Good mechllDic8 yuu went IIIAs, WIIIILOW'.· coneel To your Qld b"ilpri ulltl pipe; 1\11 irregul •.rhiee lind pslnfulmenetrullioll; Alld whell you hllVe remove all Ob $lruct!pnl. whether (;om Dun't gil IW.Y, bUl li\'e u•• Iwipe. cold or olherwlle . .N;o wHej 'ur'
...,,· ... ' ·'i..' .. Ih.,,",i.,,. 'J'hol I,ard timn lIud heftY., l;lIei
0 . 1-1-4 C'D ' <::>
eros . Ulve pllssed tlno' Ilury. aDd we
b I .h •• u... fJ,h•I •Lb "'••• , •••• 11, .s,!? ... , , lze , one. a paid for IDch a . . <::> I;' I Olll • prop081110D f thOO ~ or the. pl'csent residente hailing fl'om WI'11' b• I'kleyI ton ca0lr, I'll oth"NOW "ug. 00.; A......... t;; , '. the fetlder. of .hat (>Xcellenl weekl, ; :-0= ' " Wltbln tbe post weck Il;'UD' J'ollrnal will reap tile bene"&. of 'h'II' bers of S th 1 .. •
D. ,
O~.VAR LS\ ."
' - : ' ,., ,
directinn, e con'lDced.tbn they are lhe L,ADY'a
,. ! ,
XI , ",;:, UV,/Ol ,
".W· will b. I."i.h.d ~':' ,. appll".... X E N I A, 0" . CLOTHES -WRIN GER. '1':,.';" .....w, .....,,·. llvo,,"' P,.", , . , .!" .,..~~\" i81a Pictureandnrm'dow-GlaSa Tu ARichmond Difpatcb of 'he , 1 11 ' W . 'r"ke n!?"e .. ,her. Price@!Jperbox,o; b A'If! now recei.,inl dlil., froin lito Ellal I ~ .1,18 ve a lIU,PIl" ,oJ the." uterul .. ttl· it lox.. ('ur fl). F .. r a ..le b, .11 tlru::c L .,1/1(.: ' TOWlllhip, Nobl, c.;mrity, 0" rec~,it. I"Y' .: andlome rooDumellt hal beaD ,beir Spring: Slack of' . ' e~, ell tOu~e"e.per wlto 11IMI' I 1' I . " ,. amps Lanterns ly gave. birtb tQ foUl: living ehU<hen , eruted our lb. gu .. of Jo•• ph na. . II~elr volue" would lon.r b.wltbou,. " •.••,. ,! . Chi~n-e 8 ' ,
ee •.,
Emerson's Lit.tle Giant
annou,n ced that ,ne/ver ("mily. to send (or a .. mple copl wlll'ch'
;:'.. ::;::.::: " t,·....
)frs. William Herron of .... "n'o' eh
.u ••
v;Y rls8'b.dab:.J..,: The
"04. '..d """ bid..
ied in one grave. '
- :;
.', .
lrlils Karl'.. E. Naitc, a native 0*
the e~n11
Nort.h e..rollna il on · ... t lUchmond ,' BS ' ,' J a . e8 t w.omall tn .the world,' She is 21 ye.,s old ......eigbs but 17 pf)unds and i!l w
»"'po"''''' and haud~om'.
'!~e ~. Dal"!D, "Y'
'6Bw· m.~'"J
DUu.au...a 'b't .•'kon.U,o f Pr.e,lld'"'' Da.,'" &coi, .Dftn.' ,n .:R"•.'D.''8' ,.;a . - -'W A1\L . ' 'd .ba .", 6y fan. .
from ',be fh poarch
hi. . fa,ber'. b
fOD •.I.lIa;t, ,10 parl of .
wer~ eYerg"~DI~" JOIepb,~D
•li 'ftbe.~'
b.,... fl..
d P""d",!',
W We ore tbuklul
" b"i ••
p.ubllc patron' lte.
~ SI ~
' ..,
It ..
","' ,.
WlnLOw' i ' ~VEB1I HAUl a..MRS,'.' qUEEN, ." ."y ,....... \oi, I; RESTO'
~ ~JlII Ii .11 It ca. An In III hilI. mpanytook T~. W.,u ~.v... ·TaI••, .......... ,'''b''eh ==. ~ ~ i ,. ~. \:Id .r .b. H." I....'.U, <"ii". . . o~' enough, on ' Saturday, to make Koxl~aD ReYoluh~n; Tb. well.kDowA 'W' .... ". . ..... ~":t 11 .._ ~ • ·" it'U .... lhir dtp; " ' '10.000. The m' ....10 Fo;.Ytb ."""'.. ~."•• D.....". ......... , ~qw· Glass, ; =!' "":;.- ii" " .... .,...." .•••• to.....~... being leflal •• ~ 'I.. abo., li~., . ," . . ' ". !B < ~ ~ 'j ta:I ." '11 . Ire, itt-orllioa' v".oo...1y'oountiel "b"......... d ,. 'ba ~l!I""'.lpbi. ,~..... ':I.h.".,..,... A" ...... . I!I P Ii: r' '...... ~ ~""; .""11...'••;O'~ ."., ••• ·f., i· " ., ' Sa,urdpy lI"tnitlO or .1o.ly .' ''''"01?~ ° . ~ .~.) ~ W Qr t\l. f,r.dICltill' • Da Erect.d b), lb. liul. bol' aDd tko" &c. I gold fevcr il creating Borne ,irll of tbe 'buibel'a o....il.' , Th b : - - - h " - - 'm GeOl'gaa. . .A "letter . ' ., •IloclL .,. nowof ontbe and 'InrI! e In d excl_en' " . • oi " ..r • ,. .cowpl.t. BeetI P' f. .
0 ....
worked a new
t U.e late P1CUtC of the St. Lo
A ~~ngrit ~ulast1lral.mong U;'"
~,ou:gu~s ., th
.~ :_~~~do _~
fU~lld h~.,
. :" ••
Itllr ,.,
S 1,
! ,
....,.b Fe : . ,.,,' ed_~l""!)~ ~~.,.~r: ip,~; .n~ f~r ",~. ,1\. I~ ,i;~-''1·.~~:'H::!!~i:t~~erytbilii'oUud'
0.:,....~,,' '.' '
""3m. ..
. .
.:r ...
.. .
' j.a-
• I' .
o j
' . ~.. '
b,~Ir,.1 In youth,
=.- ,'.
. .' _. ~. .'gr .
ClIhDd-e.1IlliDe hfor.'" pmtI"' \int.·
. elHwber., . _
'.~•~', ,.
.......' . Ire.•. u.. .
and reI, 110 It lbro' . . ' , .. '
. Pricti •• a~.I J1
~ boUle: bj' 1\1 ' ~ ";lfli,," JOHN D, PARJr.. O.'1 ",....-.,., ·.GIID" A,'t, . l;Iold
Clia~iulJ a'l ,
.. lI.
.' ''' .
!IIi... -1ioIf...•••vlmll!&l. lI.......: fftoA_""'_ ..~,'eiO.rtittillli -
~o~=. . ETC.; "'·'
1 <b. Mfe
i ...
';'." c
All.,, '.
,:t'O " ,
i . ,, ~ &1 ~ '.'
':a.........'; .' • I
hi". cball!liu,
il,y..~t ; " ~~ ~'rOCeA"V"
... IDl eOIl' hair , Iciul'anll t'lI!I-i' ~." ~" , " .,iPI'I, dllldrulf, Iftd cllthl~ .n 'h1l8l0rl of lb~ ~.. ft4\"'" P , AlmS' I' i ' ' ' ~ ~ i"~:i:t;;!bet~:~1~q-::.e~b~~!i~;~~: o~B.~teStZS , rinEnam aDllwir,.h:it to ' . 110 e ' Q. ~ ;;., .i V, , ~ I· _H .. lOi~~i1l~ehe",e~rJ' aDd IUXII~rlD' tre..... ..... !i2' ' l, mllanl .• ~l'li,htrut fr .......,ce tn lhe tom of. llie Fore.,' .... . .ad .. ' ,1&1. -Ill Lea·l. er A.~. A. ' ..' ...- ... - == ,.t'".. =0 =...... ' w.o.., . . "~ -, .. II . " " wllh " "9'· commenaod _.ia tlie 6nlD' "III ' _. f-,·•T.I '1 , " . .~ I .~, .' . - . ,~.\!'Ii. ~. , ..~ . " belrI ' I In. .b·r· e' l,~o , .
".onj"yed h elf th c t ' a.h drlnn , ,, 1m.I, :..J> h ( reskIllDt, L_. . . g fI, pall" w, orles l everal it can b"p",cuf .hD I, ., 1 • ' t?QE ' the ring, ,and. banter!.. lail • , H ...., ..wh&..... old 11. P ..._ .. of [or II. foot r tlce: Walo ..' ., Pbilad".-Ia, I_i:. , , J.. "
om;" .
ltPTOIlEB end ra)!s":RvU
'pOll, '7tb, .,.
• .
AlaI', 'IJOod. lup]Jty'Of.
, OTO'
and Carrol
~,......'\ l "Y.. ,, r "U1~!.l. Ait ~.o..Q1J8 0 ," ,- . >~ :~
QUEEN 0.1' ., HAiRTHE'D !bOmO . ~D•..10 'B Dl.
I! e .. t-::I ... - III" <fl:". ~ '~"'. '" ..... k -=_ 4'l...... ~ ~ ~.Q .. ....,. ~ ,.;.
Wavn('!lyille.MI. Y 15.
10' plitt r.,ar., .l.DJ;i
""'PO b, ,,,',, .....to..
& bear.
l1li ;
wilh a • full well·81!lectpd Iloek ' Iilland mar. liberal Ibare ot'lbe
. e c a.11 aDd NAILS elegant III dellgn, and . . . .Iaboralel), HiNGES ' decked witb rare and tliIOe, JUl.rd.y, 'd ' I butl.
w \
D . m o.r 'I'IIe an...........~., ....It '"'OfIId~''''A• discovert'd by some 'folle- tarryhnlth In I few ••b.It, ••e" .haplo 'he Oil WeU ., Ceolrnille. Tb.oo.a hour' &peCuneDS of the genua don. . '"IIlId" Ifter b.Y\PI IlItrned Mnr.1 P ...... April' .., . key the~' t •. 1 with. IUIII '.'0,100, ,1141 . .. _.~·4. b 1. paoJ "Jill operatioa. la'l Tan, but, . 1 109 oo-orlglD' to folIt. lbll dNld diee ..e. Con,umllilon-il Ina. J,1'lTLB NIJ!JJJJI .,Rod 'LR~.fhtf). "h6Q Ibe winter c lilOe ' on tbey lUI' low~ the vulgar Wit) • 10 mn e hown to bl, rellow Hirer. --"."V'LLK (euaw'" I'1'ATIOI)'. peoded Ibeir operlti 't'I ' about 11 o 'd ck, whel,l the moon hlterr~1 IUllh.. humon, 01 en Ihe mtanl or C:llr•• .. . on, un I IprlnK' h' ' . il. III. Ind DO "delen "'lock Cln dim. To all who deai~e it, hi will lend .. "all.' •••,.,,·.IID BOlllm. At Ibe lime or my ,ilit. IheJ ',ad l:ng hIgh ami t~' ·tues w I'~ like a I,. ' - .... ohinery. .E"ery ~i'C:I ~. IIllde cop, of Ihe prelctlplion uud (I re. 01 Nli ht Elf~re... · 1.6!i A.•. - rucbed lbe depth of 712 fee l Wilhout dlellm of Paradl e, t hese kulgbts of Ind IIl1Mbild lIy m.c l lnery (,~tlerr lunous c:1.. rj!'p.,) wHu the .Jlrec:t ioul for prep.r. Cinc:inn.li El[pre •• , 8.4'7 A. 11.- ' atriki '1 " 'f, . •. 11 ppollo made their d('but pundiug for II. AOuh.Y, at well .. fur it. efTllclive. ll1J ,Otl ""iu the 8 mil, wbH. th ey will if ' l nd ACC:(lm 1097.l II .ng I e.. Ie comp"nJ II we '. 1 . ' . ' 111.'88) ,.wI ia Ihetelore prop.erl, mltlll., The flu'; a ~'H lor C ons lWlp t loll"A8UllPI, ! ;I'u~bul <\cCo~', 6'.29' -;: ' M: lupphcd Wllb , funll ~ . and proposes 10 WIt 1 d~e ml\~~sty the t.ree}<, nccou. \Ya~C)" ' 8 ~hjJt .I~ llI,eC~lllIlItIl .ilhould ~I- BrQn~llIll•. l'oll II , Cold#, &r.n ~b' 00. pill,bur, Eap!ell, 10,01 P. 11. continue b Ol iDg unlil they nmc:h Lbe tr'd wLth a nIl' dru~ fJ:onr wWth ,cQJ':.a,e."mp'~ .6tl'l)o,. Ind ecnnollllea1. obje,c t 0 1 '! I~I uil\'l'rt lser In 8llndl'" th~ *JtS'l'~ . :ai)1 . d LI C ' . '1 . the perfo rmers pJ'oduced the In I t. Eleept 110016 h'gb arude ., 100 COllI ') lor ~re8Cr1 1l11 u 18 .~ ben~fh lhe .nUc~, Ind 'I'RAINII IV~ ,-~, ep I 0 1000 leel , ullle8s.,01 IS loo.ner . , .' . . I;) t:eDerttl'rIIe, . wlmhl!8 Il'e bhletly spread In l<<rmallllll wllI~h he concf>\vea .10 )flil IlItI ACCOD) .. ' 11.20 A. M. found. h art-lentling not es. fh 11' vngmf\l - mId_ b, women IIh'~ bo)"". SIIc:h '1Vllchea bQ IlIvlll uo b\o ; alill loft hopea every slIfF. Niehl Exprlllll. . 4 :35 •. JI. Th.e 10oaiioD of Centrev ille i ~ excel . ity is 0 murk ti, ){l 01' 0" l' thllt tb y lu e ColDr o8 ed uf se\lenl hundred . pi,cee, erlJ r lVill Iry h t~ r 1\ e~')', .. It will coat Columbu. :AccolDlII'n, 8 :2!i 4. 1I. I C J·ut.o u C II ,'arid" of t I 't 81lle tIII'lld rlfeted Illl!8th T, and require Ihem nO lhing, UJ,d OIly prove a bh!8Ning. Pittabur, EXII,reatl, 11.42 P. II. eut, and should the comp!lo}' s ucceed . ' . J .une,)11 coa at.rfpll irl t(likeep ~heOI ih ally kind P llfli l" ,w18M il, the presc ription will ~illcillnali . Exprelll 2,13 P. III. in fintling a good vei n of "il. it would cOD hu e tb ell' UorLe to Oll e b wihIer· of or er. All per8Ul\1I who have Clarrled ple188 nd..treu. It U nleads a 'ron of Hay in II D(l Dot Ilop. add ve" much lo tbe improYt'meDL and iug wea "I'e, 80 far beyond the com. 'aQcrei.'·lepillcs' ul;d 'EIlgli sh pnle ot Ie· ~ R~~·'IEI. D\VARD ·A . WlhSON, from 3 to 8 MinuteS. W H CL ME President. l'i'claell8ioll of onlil (1,1'\1 m ' I th t ver., .ro prrfl'cil well IIware of Ihe I HUll8~urgll , K I/lgs , ounty, • • E "T. business &trowlh of lhe place. . J . llIC, a tn!llt of Ihl» oslOleHllil nt. , 2'7-6",. New York. It pitchea Into a window from the oot. I. W. WOODWARD, SUp'I. Tho Melltodi 6ls of tllis place Ilre be. we fllli to I'CCOgulZC it. DUlIutles s A · Ihe .bc,i llll lll il of OUI e nterprlle, - " Ilde,C)arryiDIR tile lilt from II) 10 SO feel j, . D. CAIlW.4LLADER. Agent. it was :til im provisation , mOfe ha n ',ell yesn!1 ago, il Wall bur, firllt J:RAN.SPOllM.t.:r ION• . Inside. \Y I tl II' r .·cl .' obje~ 10 muke I tillorAiullhly ,oocl Juw· TI e' 8uperSlll loll8 of anllquity are only It picche. Into I\IOW8. otlcr .nd und er ,.;\YALL4DEa &. IIIILLS, E.zprt611 A.qell/s. u in j I!g themu,!I' l'B, nnd thll old ' slone church iu whicll Ihey hnve w:ouhipped . e IOlle .1 ta IlU 1\ I unl In n (priCed " ' lIteh. fo I", million, 10 take th" "tod I.or .laug hler' at lbe pl.esen~ onl, Gild beaml', .nd iuto allY pluC)e where a Hand e= J. S. Ton ES is a cundidnte fOI' fo r n gfoliel'ation or UIOI'e. ill h)Ol~ to lig ht coa t tiLt! ]lot tflke ('old, 1101', plae uI thl'se 10fl,igll impos itio_the Jet thlJl 18 811 8l:e of Fork will work. I h Ii I' like wi se hi t! bri e f C0D1 1) l1l1iull' an.l tcfu •• of fl>reigll fllelolie8-which wfrll. 1U I r n II I e 8, ' II StiCka H.y aIId Stra" D l. O e c, , I l' 61 I br I d f I '-I hi I 0 til RI II Clerk o.f the Court of COUlmon Plc ns, give plRce 10 an elegRllt Rlld com mo di· 1\1 80 that tlleil' future cntertfiinmcnls I eWllrt n ,r ll y UIUI" U8 Ie al JOmll,l1I per ec:t J Icc:ompli.hed Wllh 'be aid of IIcience.- m'T"'ln ,. Fo'r~' 1\0 0" o,lIh'.· FiCr,I," Premium at , l . I IIU qV'ty ~ III·re. . . For sx.. mple : ,rey, ..nd, or rt'd hair Ie " " fiuhj ect to the Nom'iuating COII Y" U· OUS Siruot ure, 6u ill:d 10 Ihe "unls of a Inrlre 111111 growillg sociel Y. TIlI1Y be tlul.r I1 pp r.eclnt d. " all lillY. ,c:c:o"'Pl\~bf~ \1". ~ ho • •_ ....... ..,oral 01 \he I.. ,,, I\ate .od couat~ F~I~II, I> J m ~, , ........ C a..ia:tt,I,.' af· . • ... a"o .ec:. . .4 ,,,. ,,\.b..t corAmlndl. - - - ... _. C~lIlrcvilll: I)", b ~c ll ~oml: whn l nolo. .- - ler l a mn ,n)' yeartllllr publ1c trl111, we now to '\I1! ncheet concel""ble black Ot'brown, l\01l' I' th......, 0' b""llllrll ".~t Ill . 1"01\ T il E GAzt':rT£~ rioul for LI,e nm ounl of .blld "'bilk)' - - Ao 'accidel,ll ocourred 011 Ihe C., mllke more 'han half Ille W.l/cllt.t 60ld ill by I aimple opplicalion (If . Cblcago, Nov!'m!ier, 1858. . MUTEa EUITI<1l :-Ptrmlt me 10 reo wlliou "II' drank there,' bUI uuring tbe W, & Z. n"ilrolLd 01\ F.ridl\Y of Il\s t !the U~iud Statu, al1 ~ Ihal no ?Ihtr~ have Christadoro'. Hair Dye, 'I'hi" i. the simple.t end moat complele " Wl tok, I'elulting in 'tbe d eath of tile on· rve r. give? s uch ullIveraRI IIItI.fftC\lon'7 lUannf. clllred b J , CH RI S TA DORO 6 working Hoy }~ork yet introduced 10 Ihe turn my llaanlll Ihrough tile column, of wir,ter, lho" Sone 01 're mperRnee COID - . • , • Whtle Ihla department of our buslne. ... H Y , 'Farmer, 8S 1,,8 be e n , hown by ths unUm· .your journal, to my lIulDer.ou.. bien.da mence.d opernliona, J;ince whicb lime glDeer .lOd tirtlmRn . flJe engineer W!lS I conuilUed wilh increued f\leili)i ... (or A.810r OU8~: Ne w York. . old by Drug. iteo demand lo r th r. m dur ing pns sell80 ns, work, we lire It ·pre.eIlL .n-".ieo ,1818. ! PP_led by ~II halrdresse rB, whieh hua (ur exceededlh e obility to Sl,p' I a lervlce lD oel or Ihe youn g nnd mRlly of t!l t 'Mr. A. :l~otmycr, EOO of Mr. SaOlut·! / .pcr(eet,l 'Who did nol pres., uI me W!II I .. Zen lmyer of tlti s pillce : and Ihtl lil't. I~ I Ie mnllu!aclure of watchee ulthe very Tile Glory of llllln i ~ S hcn g th. ply Ih em by seve rallholl681111. :\I~o!' by . , o! pllte, in con~i~erRtlOn or m~ lID ' old men or th e tOWIl hll"e joined· the . ., IlIgh~~t grad~ kttow"1 f() chl'Onofl"'ry, un e· A lIenll ull"" who ."Ocr.,1 roo' ) etm from Ihe uulverslil prcfert) II~" 1t h08 rece ived OIelu.IAleul • . It 18 und~r cOn8111el'''' ord e r. and 10 dRY C:t nlreville is 0110 of mlln n Mr . Mercel' froOll' lfllfork. Ihe , qUUII d by anYlhin,~ hiLhertomadebyonf. Non·ou. ",," G nil lli I).hilil), ".n,t S mlllill wh e n operaled ill compelitlo n wilh tbe . d r tnlck had been qaoillge d b" lhe he""y se lv8s, ~nd un enrp u8 0d by anylhinlY made \V e"kne.~ . Ihe , •• u.'1 "I y"ul"fu l II1U '.C'·ollO.'I, arlous other F'orka. J • . nll call'. 11 •• r ell(lt llg h •• d.". III ho pel "1Ii "'" V tien, b.L I don'~ k IlOW It. AO 0 course Ihe m:llll nuiot alld orderly towns in \ k.... rllins of the ni"ht pr~vious aud much in th.9 \V orld. ~?r. tliie purpose we have ~ ry , will. rur Ihe ooke of . un'eri lll( "' 1111, .olld III h s !lmpll cl lV Dlld . com pa clness ~onder 18111111 b. t8~eo by eurpri.o. and, i e the COUllt)', while ihe liquor Lrllffic has • ' . Ih e ·amplesl IOCIIIll CIL. We have erecled on~ olle ,!fII irleu, lho ".i ll\lll~ m. '''18 used lIy him it mora 8ub slon ll~\ lh a ll lhe cump!,cII.led all otllU grul mtn, bl! unllble to reid be<:.o me 11 non.pllying ,bullillns. St> Cltre had beeu Inken III ruuDlng Iltl! au .ddition to olllr main bulldlul(s l'x.. w!lIl'h ~Otded" ( uro '1I .~.fflV W6. ~" .. f,tr Ih e arrangemenl herllt.,rore usod lor tl1l8 pur. ba pp~ech written (or Lhe occlsion, 1D0le 1'1 be. J , F. R. tr8iu Ilowly uolil dllylight, when, the pressly lor Ih ie , hranch or nur bUHiJlesA. fu. lu re of lIu"' ~r n u~ ," ed.r.ule •• Se.!,t a dlnel II po.e. llrt>q'lireeI68B room lor opeN lill!: l "nr .~~ml· llg to be pusee ·1 wOI'e ud 'uive til.led \I with Ihe .beat wQrkme.n enY. lul"l "'If' ., w,tt ro.1 y"" nOlhlng. Ad<l re." anti can be wurl~ed with greilier Incili' y dlln " ,·Y·l ne,· Mr. Edilor, '"orks wonders' : __ __ eo" ~~ • U' U. OU No.13C llltlnb. r•• I •• N ..\'..In n II p InceR. . _ 10 our ee rVI CI'. N e lY mDclllnea bnd Bllpll. JOBN - . _ Il EN __,.___ . " 10 h"' Illy pql!ll', eYery venc of tvhich B OLD ~OBBUiO .-OOO night of last alellnl w"s pnt on, alld .uddl'nly lhe auoee " uve bl'l! n C()r.lIlrUCled, whl~h pcrA. lU.O N'.'III--I\j!ents wont· 'fI,oae Icekinlr 1\ Aim'Plc, oh oo p and eft\! , d lrain "a8 run inlo R eulbert tha~ had rorm th ei r work willi dellcDcy Dnd euct· et! for SIX ENTrR ~Lv !lEW ARTr.· clent Fork will tlo we ll 10 eX~lhi li e It I h•• cauaed me a 'pon eroul' amounl w e ~k, 1\• • Mr. J o hn E . '1''')' lor of Ihill not wilb.'ood lhe ruau of nccumlllaled lIe88. '" Ie ChIIIcell ' .merit.. , . anu·, mu ~ ~ npprove d CLl',!!, 'IU8t (lUI. AdJreas O. T. GA&EY, Thllt it i8 economy 10 . Uie SIU: II or thought "r.d man}' .'eef/lel8 ni£:hI8: pillot' wal abo u~ 10 aligllL from LlJe lalll IIIl1terluls anI), ure IIRed, alld ,ve chal lenge City Bulltlilllr, B i d~e/lJrd, I\1lillll. an arlicle Is relldily ndmitlerl by Ih e IIItel' ·\t·",D,g . t".,. I1\ bor • I II d·1I '11i e U" . IIe was IIC' ,,·ater. compariso n b(\ twl~ en Ihia ..pro de of our ~---.. -. - - - - -If Il';enl Former, OR il SH.ves. a vn.8t .1II11ttll' uut I 1101",,1 • cr c '1II1l1unnll. Irll.1•II 1\1 Uor"IU, AU ~JI\" "I r II" ~ ~--....... work nntl Ihe filie sl tmporlOl1 chrollomo. . . " ft r)' "liP" of.. 'Iime Ind l~bur. rellevlllg him (If thll 1111. nerylhing, .thllt the lo,ers or ''''UI oosted vary importunatl:ll al Lite dool ~ At eacl.t c lltl'a n c e to th e 11..E. l t8f11. '\Vo do not prelclltl to Bell our Irr'lperli l'o "f ' w .. 1110 , "ge o. bon uly; anr! 110 .. mOil unpleuant port of Hayill g since tho , . 6 .1 h lo.'u 0 1 Ih e ol'pooi lo hn ('li n lJ o gl1l ,, ~d bv fot. b' in'pirltion" m N)' not g~1 unSRlIa Itu. of Ihe CRI' b, Ihr~e meD, ' with Ibe Church the' TrulILees have pillcecl Il \VUe eelor leSB "'CIne!} Ihul foreign watch· towing .i lll plu ,, "I, ' . , .,111 " <li"OCl (1."y" lol'll introduction of }JulVlng 1\'1811 Illes. t " [tl ' .' . . es, but , " 'e do a8aeft without fear of con· 10 MA I)A~H: ~ I A nV I't:RRY I Slatio n 0, Ui. They will frcqueully save Ihe price or .. " 1 sUumlt a .. lew more, I\IIZIl ~o - I qUf!stio n-'h Ihi~ Xeni .. l' Yr. 'ray. substantwl sct of stolle steps, whIch I".dICliQII thQt for l he IUfII8 montl) ollr pro. bt e Hou,e, N.", y ,d . I Fork in a s ina le day, when a large IOfrowfulnnll huH ruudi l' g pODle, vuy lor repliell i~ Iha negllti\'l~, and ,uked IU-C fur prefe rable to the fOl'ln e r rick · du ct I. incompurably ,uper!or. All our Luvcly Girl s l\IId Festive Do),s, qUlnlity of Hay is to bll .1!J!cured Irom the }J rlll'erly slyled ~h .. m lo pnmit him to paes out. l'hey. c ty woode n thill~li. wotClh~8'dor \Yh~'eve'r (frnde. Ire lull)' Sontl an .dd ..e..erl o" .. lopo lind 25 cO"llra nd 1 rllIn. Illd Ihere i. ,budl Iil\le IbiOlI' In \~\Ii~1I .i worrante ftnd lrie·wllrr.ntee t8good at all will spnd "011 Iuule "Rl u.hle in/OrlllRlinn tha. 10 do iI, as II man an (wo> oJs w 1 • I ...... . 0 S oula in 0 ne. hO'l'cver, Sl!tlmllU very .. ow to uUue r ' ""!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!-~~!'!' " I f I Ior k8, uI110a··II .. .. .... ~ Blelldins 0 ,' ,' TW = -- IImes 'agalnst UII or our Bgenla III 8 II pariS will pt.u,eJ ) '(' U. Adtlr"8 1\1i •• J"'N~: BRYAN , tlO usef 0 one 0 118SO . s tnnd thllt ·Col'wil.l Italion wa. not I3r It will btl lee n by an I"herdse . of the world. ' Iullo ll ft, 129 !:iprillg SI., New ·Yo rk . lon of hay In five mlntlloa . . . . .,he emile me 'naOle", Hhe pull. Illy hair. , ~o d I v"n 'llI, au I lie 111l·1 c nns i .i;'rlll.\u "I·ffi .. ul Wl'M ill anolber column. UIIlI Dr Ho C.AU '!·loN.-The public Ire cautiohed 10 _ _ _ _ _ ,E'V8rtJ Fork i s W,i,ranfcd Giv, Alld 88Y8, ·YU.II brule I whlll 0 core '! ' ~ v u u Uv U U ~ b I f bl d I I ., "11' u k.,u)·.... ,' lll't s itu liu'~ nul I mil IhNe, . k' I ' . f tl I I bllck. of Cincinnllli, (wbose SIOIDIICh uy 011 yo reepeoh t. etl sr8. A! per· I"!l ~""t't,' t::"Ul"lltd: . Satiljaction I Iy til mR ' lUg II ~ eXIL 1'001 Ifl P a . " ~U»" .. " " . . . ' the best .. · .1 .. I ' ' e" Bi~lera anll Scandinnian Remetlits aon. selliug COIJutEtrfeite wl'lI be pr081\~u· I t I, wa~nn I I! d t 0 be nay 'F ar k' , Becuuee ",jn ,WII ,!fe mum II. rOlm. Sl.Ivceeding at last, Ite had' pro led. ROn~IINS & ,(\PPLETON , ~~~ . " baye RC)hieved a world wide repullILion ; AIr""I. lor Ih" A,,,,. d,·an Wnlch C'''lillllny. j n Uie. Call and get one Ind try it, an r 'Bhelotiltsat me with 6 tl! intent, ooelled but a fllw Blfpl when he ohllnc:· voldy by villue of Ih.ir inlrill ~ ic Rnd 50:1m) 182 IIro8oIVa,v, N. Y. U ' , ~ , H .it doa,1 qat: \!Ivo e~t,lro e.'l llar.etlon. { 1 know Ih ~ 1 ,she'l! '04, ' {ni oddef bellI: . poc k id . ) , I1118 50 I"u out IllS . t'll ' a . . . b ib Old to plnce hi.!! I'''11 d "l'on I III ot. uneclull ~ merll~ ____ _ " finK \ aoIt 1 • ~'puse I' II 'ft ve ' W' e cOlllelll, ' -" All be~uii'c Jim 11I 1"rricd., lind found hie pock4!t book liad disc.p lire bll~ illeSi 10 Lhe enlt!rpri~illg firm of .A Cou;;h, Coldl, 01' Sore Tbrolll, .' ' . . I . Prince, WalLon & Co.. who will COD RET41L DEALEll IN FOlt !!ALE BY I tell her thnt nhe /l eve r loved, pearlld. HI! Ilullencu back 10 I Ie tUIII, linue lhe buaillels at the uld .tRnd, li6 . REQUIIl ES ht ~IIlDlATE ATTEIITIO!(, AIID I R.O N S &. L.I N G O~ • I .• 58.60 lind 6't EIIII 3d al., Ciocinnllli. 6IJoU:'D Ill! TO CHE,OKED. IF ALLOWED · k'Ing I IIII L Iu. e mIg She grab" the hnnd le uf ' t!I '" Iluve. ' I I,In II IIAVU .d roppeu CORTUIV£, \ ~,t " Sole Agent. {~r W~rren nnd CI~rmon' "'hell I mftk. u.ckH ..... u .. ! 5lnr" .bove ! II le J'" "r·08 10 · II' bll' of C oUllt1ee. . , ' I R sal e, . DO tr"ee .. Irrltatioll of tloo, .Lon"'ft·, a p ermane nt 1 "l ·1 wi.h ,rd never ml.. rled . .; dOll d 1 ' ., .. b 0 "/ (\ OJ . " " lh. misSing. n(licle could be d ilconre .. 8&IU.IN.-· 1ft r"llU gra ' ulte ill ,T~rout AtfecUlm, or Ull IIlCUI·l.\b1e C HEM' CAL S: No. 99 Mul'beny Street, Lc anob, •• And. tibe,j '10 1l0.4 ,.,•.!\iaht 'hJ!,~"'f1" , Th\i nex~ moudng tho ,e mply pO('kel ' Oberliu, Ohio. IhRU ~L. anJ olber pllce ~uail Di~e"he. . j)\4b J.k. t. \ . • \ i" {fbe tucllB' herrle lf \)enl'tltrllh8 CIOlho", in,. the world', bto"ule ' o,.r tourh:elj III OrTEII! TilE Dutll.T. Never curing il I'm riozt-book ' WI~ {ound ,on tlle oppolit" ~i~e 'f ltrou_and of her studentl ,,'r e 8cauered nrt<nvN's BnON01l-1AL 'J'ltO'C ItES LEAD, .' ll"v p'I"'" oa'alltt be 10' Ilrrled. •' wllcre \"0 trllill ,had IIOp'p,a .' an,d , Ihe "over II II Ie ' conllnllll.-t " 1lIU I Ii I I--', . . . H II~III ' ~ P .d'I.ec.· ·1n "~IUeIlCe nn lie I pllrl~, OIL, '. . . .~. ." • "I I' , U VARNISHES JUlie 'ill. 50.6 'lI'pposition 'ie t11ftt tbu trio .0 ati&ioul .riend. ewerc ... ht:r.e.' So nill a wcll · give lanm,edlule relle l, . F.ur Drol,lohliia, ' ~t, rtie,l. ,le...tecl...:..d'8 die .1, Iciull- . . \ ./ 1\ II C I te d fl '1lh • •rubicon 01 ,!ile ,iii put, ." " .', "bu.u t' tile .Iocalion of 'Xenia,' hod ab· knowlI obacrur of meo aAd thiug~ ,- s II~". n,l," rr ollsumpllve ~:. truat 'our .hort Q)unth~olull I a\nJ\ ~ , d M l' I ' I We ::no add tb,,& Lhe graduRtes of Ihe Dlseosed , J loch;.$. ere used \\ l~h "Iwof'; lu I' J Ufl t ....'Ic:e 11£111 III.rried. . slrae Ie r. Ill' gr I m.OOty, amoun ~ Union Du.iue .. lnalitu'e locnled lhere good ~Ue(l'S9. S lI.lg.e rs a,nd PlI,b hc Speaking to aboul tlI.20, while feigning tbeir . , .1. ' ".n"Al,nn ers IVIII filltl Troe hes use! ul III cle.ring V AllNlSH. &.0.) 1\rt uoammou. In -"'elt . com.. , ..he \loi1:e whell tole e ll tre(l)ro- sin2ing or 1'1\ poulJii"\'f.'C'Pn'Bon~,\'· hjlt:8 . .hi,', I}a,n\! ! concerti Abo ut lhat ph,ce, aud thell. eaRl o! the lb.or~ughneR~ and ellerg y or "pI'Bk lng. oud rc !eivi ll Ji the IhrOllt.rll'r UI, J Ullee \If 1'olll,.kir'd"u,l, Ih ~ IIQm ~ ; , Lhe puree IIwny, MelOns. C"lkIDI, Gl'lffin & Co. 8(,11<1 II11 U8 ual exer!i1l 1l olll>e vocnl o rgn ns: '('lio No,, ' wllnt, h" .illl ~o bllll!ltl, :B 11 !HI IE " .u for circulllr and C~II(jge p/lpcra Wilhout'{'1'Ol' hu O!'e I'e co~ntnelldcd and· prl?6c ri!JIJII . ~uf lc. NU b~)oIild to'!!"."rry. I' A few d . flY. aillct', 1\ fiend inofll" rllil. 5~ · 4w by Pi,)'s ir.ions , Ino hllve had 'reslimoniols Li' • " J 08£p1I · t! OLI:I.I KO~ L.Y •. 1' ..... 111 ellliliellt mell IhroufllOut, Ihe I:o untry. -OF, J l ... ~....... ", nl\tt, .Jn · the shnpe of ,a negro womlll" ~ BeiliU 'In Dnlcle or \file me rit . snu having S ASH A. N' l' U TTY , ... . ' ... t o:T·~'Ii'e ' Suildr,;.f!!ehooI 1,PiCltio. on caine: do~n lhe Zani\svillil rORd • . and, ~.J. 1Jl'o ved Ihei,. dlhl ~ CY by a lAst 0: mouy ,.I "1 .' " ' e' inrorm"ed n .... . !J · I yeUl B, each .veu.· lindB thom in new loclIlI· TRUSSES,' S1.\lr\jaY. ,!'1I I, "f ",- I' r~; " Yr.,~ .w , lii.l e Wlliting aLllte dphot Rpparent y. " b J .. J P tie~ in vo'do ll's p~rl8 of th.e 1V0rld, Dnd the S UPP OIl.'l'ERS. 'lim. oC-. refreeLins Lo 'he,; r~ rt~all:c rv .tIle D~XL train. WenL into A 1111111 0 .. Iht' 20lh inal., }! . ' ... . Kpy" •. ) T .'oches urc IJn i " (!r~o\ly prououncoo boll e r , ~ <' . Air. Elwood Middlelun Ind .M!u AUIIU R . one. trho r~'ai'ich:la, etl ill ' IL ; t Bo,e'c:he:ilt p ;iv ~'le ~ p8rtlDellL with lin inf'~lIt cuild lilllll ulile r urticlee. SHOULDEF,· BRACES fu' $ ' ' d" b" Re ' ' r' '~I I\lurri~. n utlliilOllly ·Br own'. Bronchiill 'rro. , d ' I' were I! IY1!,{e J V- . ¥' , ' I n I,.r' "rn'l, After 8Irl " ' I'n~ ,'1. I'ead 0 I t"'e n " 11 'nstll I b tl e •• 11.1 ~. ~ ., , ....,. I " .... 1 I II, Y I DU",e, n r. r h ~s , ' ollp do 1I0l lul,e ftny 01 lhe wOrt!I' LilbanoD, Ray.' Mr" .li>ean.'of ,R'IYlVille, .1i&i-~Ia.~1 lbe wall, ah e badl! it good · bye, Wiilialll H. Prl!U alit! ~liBe Lucy hne les8 illlitatiU~'8 Iha l ", flY be offert-d . nd p of~ ,,:~. S.milb • .0C ' t,llle Xt~iiJ lind threw it mto Ihe "lIull. A liltl~ WI,BrlulI. . Sold everywhl'tl! ill the United States, ... I 0 II 1'L I' f d·l ·t· ) In Lebanon, on the !JO,lb Inlt., by Rev. 8ntlln F(If'eil:n C uulllriee, al 3'j 'oenll P~' Tuma e ec.· j .. e C lit a ~I l,qDa, ilirl 1If:IU b" disco"ered lit opce 11 hal J E S cI M II A I II I b 0 1 .. ./ , , .' POIV ell, r. · e n ry . uge r.o , l Ox. 10. y. . ~eBtur.. were tingibg; reCrealrmeota,nnll Il1ld ,bt:en Goile, lod &:R,.e tbe alorm el Parie, ·III., tv 1\'1.88 Inez F. L iddi ll , ul .:J . " ~. '" ' KNO'W 'Jt'UY DES'J'lNY. ~uo"'lIlab8nllonm~ID' to the pltll8Urabie 1;1Ie ft.Our ""' immediate y '101'0 up 'Illd Lehanon . inc)in.,ion, ·o,r 'tha' dBY, ':rjllie chnciollre e II.l e ..oli'lld roaclled frem a borribltJ dea'b. On Ihe 141h inst., hy AbrHhaRi 13r""1 , E /I ~' , J. P. Mr. W Illium Ealworda and l\I i s~ lIYAnAMK E. F.. THoRTo", Ihlt Ifreat dl,ba~ded ~\ MeMly.J!<>9' et\!,ly fOI' Thl! ilti~r.i4l8 , upon itS bead wen .-DO~ of ElizlI' l'ont, all 01 tl;is county. lis t. ~ 8\rolo;! i8I' Cluirvoyunt ~nd !la~cu. ,)' 1" <·oM'or' ,· lhe 8un) hour '' a 81'1'I1IUS . . AI Ih e E vane H l)" ~ l' L A b anon on tl III ! tn ~ "lclllll' WJ,O h,8 119tollisl[(:;, Lho BClen· .. "" " , oo·"..sl·'urln u~ 0 c IIIUI\c ttr. ••. ' , . .. , .. I • 1811 . ,.. b J D PI'· kYb 1\'( J I Itic' dlSse8 of the Ol.'! 'Vorld, haa, lIow HAIR.-OIl.. S, ..ad Itf'. tbe quie' lliu~de. 01 . Llle grove 1'h ~ ·~o, arresled and &enl lo {)G I dIn. ,., urn, I r ,f bl"8 ~. ,, 'H:~ t e d Ilerse I II!d ' ' 1udson, N.Y, M alome I , , ..... - a. 11 :W1\1I .,. d 1\1'Y .CI . J11 for home. 13.elljllm:p . Bro.~·1:1 'g rovt: jllil ";"Star. or "!I 188 lira line urc I, 0 u 'I'ho:llton p(,sseS!les Buch wonder(ul pow. J I ' "AI tlte iceoe ef feiti'i\ill ....... Cold ' :, . ... 8011. ~r8 of i econd sight, ' 1.10 ellllble her to . ',' d' d I r', • ~ .-~. lm!,nr~ llIlolVlcdgo of lhe {!reDtest import· Spring, p'robably b.iog conti ere (00 Iar Do IlQ& forgel Ih"t WednceJny 5 • ollce 10 the. ,inlt 1e or married 01 either old; lllit we prolllst' agllinlt l\ais un · or OtJ:t wt! ek will be Ibe Fourlh of July; L sex. While In .1 stale eJ t rance, ahe de· L' d IIbb'1'rI" '. C,1111\ t t'IDle· 10 d 1'1 l' .;, '11 b e .tn·: many r'lIcel I lillcnle8 the ve~y fC!lIures of Ihe petlon , .' AlII Ill" I nore I • lit t!1\'~ II WI r Ollt· A' Ibe rp s l· u~ ·'''.·l ce of Il er SOl', .' ''' .• usor I mOil I 0 r IIIe liE sT D ' ,.. aller S. you are to mjlrry, ond by Ihe lIid 01 un in. a.. we II -se Iec.Leu ·tle ~pot, willt i&s water upeqlllold auy· aid,l! pf WIl1,n~8Yille ; bUl or I.he lalter Stoke&, in Union 'l'ownship, Wurre ll Co, strumeut of intense power. knowlI 88 ltall Q "Ilere iD Ibe oei".hbor~\ood. 110".o,' er, nlllce we cannoL apeAk, in tllil parliC)u 0 ., IIIr8. Hanllnh Stokes, in the 6!llb yeo l P sychom otrop", guaralilee. to produce II IJ &&A ' ~ I" of her IIge. • life. like picture 'o f Ihe I( uture hueblllld or Ib~ 'riaing gnerRlIolI' are ioexorable . IlIr; It, i. oti·r· lIeliilf, howo,er. that the . ___ ~ wife of lho nppl i.~Qnl, tOl/ether wltb dlte W. me'aD to ·llll\'e a lliere, one ..ltn.D·Y to be 'peci .. \Iy re o ,V.ly •• csvUle Moa'kelS. of morria!:e, positl(!11 in life, leadlnJ! Ullh. Ib"., 60" 4a)",.- 1 'reAII ~"ld , ••r•• ~. loDed f.ArM ..,f6 for . II,I.·e .till" o( tbe ' QlonLb lIere of charac'l\r,&e. 1'blll I. nel bumbug. I. _ ... c:.;: \ 1: -"'" , J C . r 11 C t dEW k 11t 9~.. n_; 01, lflalimonilll caD ' ~Ierl. 8be , ,. , .. • . . IUOl', allcb " . . . .ed ' lO · ~, wuen w~ 00 Ihat OCCAsion. arv." V orr« t ver!J tt! '. wl.\II.n.Cl';,when d8.ltea,l ,ceril~ed "(ehl8 : \loGUFFY S & WILSON ~ SERIES. were yOUDg f bavo )'.our, eyee d· ' ••• -. WheQl ~ bushel, 8!Hla @ 2.&0 cattl, or ",h ten l u.rantee,thll tbe ~Ictllre &0;. &o~. pea. •i , ... . • R ~.. 60 ia \\'h~t,i l PUfllortll \0 .be. B, enclolll", • ~ ~!l'; }{eeyc"Hollaud is l'Cmou· O!~8 ""11 .. 33 amah loolt 4)f. flliir •• nd Itlling place of Since lbe .~ Ii ohbG Public Square, clint tJie'bl'l.ck buildipg (Ur~cUy north Darley ~ " 1 00 birth, ri,~. d}.jpolltion llrid c:omplulon, . ' < f la' •d li' it ' ~ d C 'SO II to and enolol"l, ,~'Oce'nu .nd .tlmped en· 1fbIO~ Iqll~re, .~~~o.,o~e to 0 18 l'eS\ cillce on :un ~ee 'I· a~d Ff:~r bnrrel, L. J260 velopl ·addreeleli "lo YO\lreelf, ,ou will reo )!eop:, of t ..t•• ,tlha&.p .... l>,o~ • &UWD ' :when t he R te~·a.t ~n8 con mp a Fluur ~. cwl • 660 celve the plclur,e .nd ddired Informltion I . . . , /.,'" , ·1 beeli tedeemed into tbe limi:. 'of oiYili . are. complete" It w!ll be oue of the Buller1l~ Ib 20 by rt;'lurn mall. . All communication •• ft· ~arcfu,lIy and 'Promptly Filled. , .i.. , .. d . to L d ~ lb 20 credly 'con4deIJ'llal. Addres., Itl conti· .Iiiqll. ~ W,I~U ~ " I,m p' r, ov, niCC8~. businc8e stan 8 m :WD. Ilf "" .Jence,l· I\U.oiMll E. P . ·r.onToII • P. O. ~ EIUI8 f.,do7-!''', 16 ". , .... ~ent' OD one'l aide ; · .nd AIr. Walia.. '-' Putal(j'\!8 ' 11 !tuRhel, _ .!i 00 Box ~~,8, HUQ.~n, n. 46.61118 Old J) r 'It g - ~. ~ Q i " ,: . . Roger.'Uber.' ~" of ml!lloi' 00 tht " " Gildey'. Lndy'8 .Book (or luI}' Dri~d Ap'p.lea II \b 21) > t ' ,. , ChickeIJ8 : . tluzen, 400 · ,j A P.(,I}D . 0 ~.AILIUS, olber,lt 11", ·~l'n ,· J.'tly reienerated. i, cl!'l II'miuily fun or .fRICicaUool for d Voffee ', ' all @ 33 A cli!r';,ri:ian ,·... hl!; 'r e.idi'n' in Sou,h P 0 ST. 0 F F ICE COR N B R. I " .' ' , ID !l0_1I, 'c~eetluI1o gale upon. ' Air. 'allll\die'8 of taIte, By all meanl, ~et N ew·Or1 IIna StI!!ar tb : 16 ~ i~ metie~ II. • mlnionliry, flilCOyered • lloi/lr.h'8 :Ule ded billol to' lbo lim... tha Book, for 'lil oot only A luzury,bul N.·U.lIol'aIl'e el} 1:' Ion. ~a(e lin,! .illl~le remed, for lhe Cui'e 01 April 4-lf i\ b.r High' •.lre.f l ';)lile ~i." , a ' necenity. a ylar. L. A. Godey" Bor.g"·~m, • llop 88 N'er,olil! WlioltiJel.,.E'arly DecDY, nile.' ' , , b - "' , .:Coil l ~~! ~'j 80 .e.o' lhe Urln.;J·Or,ltll, aDd the whole' 1&lldial h'l heeD .dded, Lo Qla&erially. PhiladelphiA, • . . Iraln ~f dl80~d,,'" bronltbMn by b."eful Dandelion Coffle, Rye Coll'el'! prlllle Rio : J ' , I. •••: ,. ." ' ,~_-..;,. .. ' 8TBAftI~E,. BfT ,.·RUn. and' ,Ii!lou~ bibii.. G'telt ' Dumberll h.'e Col'ee ani E.lrjc~ of Cuffe" lor .111. by, ;~ . .t:::7.- W. I•• lhe Epi8cop~li.n~ . . t.1eil8r~. ·a~ove.o & SOD8.,XelJ i., Ev·. ry Y(lunt;lad, .nd I:entl~mall in Ihe bee... 'Ir~~ dy ~ur.d. by tbll Ii"ble remlld). )fl. R. PRI N·rz. · ' ~"" 0.£ Uorro"l~h~ld I lIr,' i'~i,J 10.' the .'P re l .' are eon·tiRo,a U" re·. eiving rre.'h,I.!.di&ionl Unitld ~'~tel )c,itr hel~.cmllllbing ve" , ~ r1!a'J'~'11 b1.,~. dellar.e.I~ Ilbene~.t till, 1~lot. ,j" i .• ICO " J "I much lo.heir ,dVlnll,e ' by rtnurn fIla.il ed la~d "nfO~aJiite, J. Wi Hnd l.h' '.r.lpe " . • A TT g.. 1 ' . ' b '. ll;eril,. 'q~q~~ '6f/lba~ ~'trD Fri· lO :'tbt:i~ iI,took :of h~'ldwaa:ci. , 'Se. ' 0' Ollarge,.) ~,.cljlre.i", tbe IInlior. (or' pre . rl!J .pll ~I'I lhl. medlc:i ••, in. , ,. ' ~ .til•..., e ... "Yt.pll:'~~ ~ ,4,,," ew: •• ilijr 0( ,' ,Ie, ·W"" l ' . . , . ' .dverhle~ent. '. , , . . Thoee .... in' oO/earl ' of ' b elll!i luI" a,.. ~.I.,., Q In, ',_, wllo 1I,ledli It. BI~ theI kIll lorb ~~~~. :f ·11-.' , e, " , ~ • • ulled, will oblige by not- n~'ici,ig Fr:~ 0/, CAarp.. .·tt).... encloal .. po.t. qUI "1. or II fJ Y .,.. . ' , '.I ' ': ,,' b~ :} ,1 tI ' . • •
It.UI\'n.u. 0" Jalle ·t6. .A. few ~.J' liDce, r •• i.u to
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,hal Dr. SOIJA OS 'S tlT UMA Cil &IT'n :ltS .u", ~lu. Ibe p .... pe rU. . . r ~ ' .hll_
Ills .. tI,.o. AU emoteDt Ilntl .. blll oUI " cen t, lau d... t h l~.\. "c\1u~ h'~ kn o\. O 10 ,11 0 world . ItO "1'1-:118 . hau "l 1'# UI.\I "1 <0 11. "i\ O K '~ 111'1
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dI ce, 1\ lul \01 .Ov m"It\IQt, An d ,. f~ 8.161 P.III., arriving at Phil.delph l ~ "' 12.· .. r ~~ ~of .h""Ar IIMUl r" ; .uti Ill.. bulle r al " l-. O· .., , . uUye (i)r IIIUon.cJ"taD,;emont , reiulu.lluc afe way, th. t!ilger. by plti wbo, 'rain 'I'bII11 the "';"'n, .'! Ie _2 40 A 1If. Dy ihld Dppo', We I Phila'.~ . . . . . . . . . JaaldeD/ NO .lrClIlf(thlu& the Aletem • alllJ Iran,(er red ,. 1 U ilion ... iii! lulla t o IIHl dl !itui ll vDor."II'. thAn . ,,' u tJ,,~ r lor 'rrultl bald andpJ. '!:otb • ...n _ dell/hia. direclly lo Elipre.a ~O Now tl! nL lho wl'\r t .. o.,e,", " It O \WIl '? IlM*ll y. at /i.ao A . ... (1'(,111 E .t'cesres or ilJd.scr r/iG l!. Jlg lhere i 'lri cblnc \ ' •• r York, -.llln N-ew nyeu baa lh ~r6 w il l UIi!: Ih01l11Ullt • • ockhll( bomttt In '" ... g wlro ~t ~. DOll who ytlhle. hi. Uf. po .No .. l~O SU\llll . ~l.. tfe uiied 1M iIf ,bit i.J -Leave. P itt.· )J PlilUM r,l'8tA EXl'RteII I' ~ 0 r. til mad.. lbAt LA BOI . . "' tlte by Jia offected prillQI onre n, ollly llo T he clIM lilll bure II 4,Hi P. M., stoppill " .110'" .,] J;O tb er u ,yl lll()tlL Ilavlng COIl, tnnUY T , L- .t:S ~ .,l llan(\ \lIe DIT'f l<; n S. al ~ Mft'I,,,,nl al Lottob{) 1 6 00 motl Arrives of . tlit! Ihe 8Ialion. 9 cipal r~(I\lire CS~ lll\ ~ .. ~ ... \V l: un l ~ ' M . .5"hl'" fll)iucuu (o ll'ld J\l"I .... Ue- .n~6mlorlod I , 1'. at .. H llr ribburu 2 35 . d 9.30 I Allo"nl Jf, 1'. , . . ~ , e Bell thlt ringe ... lI P. t..y II\l n!lll: 3 In .' f'-"\Hutod Wl\!iIo t' , 'l'rl\\,.,lon 'f1r&Itllh _ IIIVI!(Or bl I.CIIla 10 6Ire l.!!ll e n 8n '1'. 1I'01l... lbo prople ....,l fWd A,ftl,. New York, via 7 . re Ualtlmo &u\l,,11 ... Iden" or ,ho .lUIk rher '~"UOII\ II., A. , .y- s y s lPm' .. hit-II He ll1lboltl'. i!:xlro c l iJlld,o b Ilt red""ll Allelll(1\\'n. JO,IO A. ill•• Pllllon 'i,,'" ~t 7.10 , UIItOUlI.facl,wldc l'hYlieion l. Oculi. I./, 1 Tbemol l 1 0 ' 1 8 O! 14 ... N OUNtU:5 or ti,. W •• I ",,\I 8<1l1lh, nlld ftOl WOIIl/J u~ III lln ~ nl he s uIIrno t t>l'OllIin~nl ' IIIen 0 oar A. M., .IId New .fork, vi. Philaoe lphiJ, Iho f"II. , of lb. ~lI ..l .. t l'~1 . tld III ' rll,," ,IDel. end 1I.... 4.IIAO .IA'k'II Util..-,•. illv 6l rinb:y tl OP.d. If 110 tr cll toun!", .ecommend tbe 01. or Ihe COR.'JEA 111,06 p. M. Sleepin g Caf' run Ihrough on InrlOlt!'hould proyhl. Ih . 'I,~I ... "lib 110. 10,11)' ly ill"ulli ur Long or lhlll p ".r or •• i COllilllll tn, miUcu RESTOR ERS. for Prelby,,!' IIlT·ro;R8 . "horo '" lorub. ~11 no ~IIO dl. , re ~,"1 U.himo 10 rl Pill,bu from , train , lhi8 .poc,yOftU who wltb wllich IWAJlklllll 4ro .. OUcted rer.on eaae r1 •• SirhJeda ... o~ e . U\l en. n, e Ail or Philadel phia, IDd to New Yt:orlt,viG led .. (tOW' o'id .r"; DUlille.ol of 'Ii,lon,. ,!r II.H. ', MnBORO IfIS, PiIoPRJETl .• CO . aunumt'E tl. TUBBS ",hlo' l I, the lourqe or.o mftnyCOD,"lflllly Blu"lnK, cJverwor ked Ey .. ; A.thonoj lla PI'" VI IV n.. " it 1ft !noru I\a (tY' ,Je pa'A. or u @ N III IJ llrJ ry Itu.eller loy ute W •• k J::yu; I::pil'hl)rl. or WOlery E1"1;o(Vil . 6::rt',.r LD'S" BO 10 no mure at t. EL~t Iller. Il nud illeburg 'P C'Illioo tiullr Ir omacJl, FAIT LurE-L eene In 10. F.,.beU\ Aru'lIro, il. 0. Olne_fll l 46, 6m eerl,.ln nnn~t1 ,llIlU Rol;ACk". S iolluw h • III pflllcip.1 8Iul io n • . F. . R .. P ~ hitz . only g .toppin III., r. Li"hl;or ce 'nloleran 10 (oil. ,or '" •• O" bl kil r ... u PbOIOphg ar. ion; Dhlon. Tho, nl AltoonA 01 3 . 10 A. M., Horrls. Weakn ... of Ibe R~lillA onll Optie Nerve; Mr' Arrivel 28 'l'ON A,N D SO NS. ~G IUlMI £ 12"0 t I i I D If 'II" ING cnOt:&ItA hA" .1"~,.. tJeen blUet. Moving Bodlu b ~ fore b urg v' odllOpia, or Speck. or ." 1'. III .. n mllre A. ., tlreM.dt.!ll 11, the public. l\utl 1'f'I" llltt lillY" Ibe Ey •• ; Opflth,I'I ,i•• or lil~uRlnl'lio",' of Ib . P 10 . 4 wn, Allellto ii v , ,t _II IIUHIDu r o f IIItHl1 ciJl&t to rtl" ul'h~t1 t Ere a"d Il,yelid.; eil.ra,,1 El'lil; Hemiop,a . or Nftw York P. If, Ind New YUI n.rr&.. l the lu'og resl, lUll "!lth Ilt t ' (t. u cc~I!;' . In nft'I'r. l! oll s IIcclllh r 1\) Cc mnlPll, i8 IIn ~ P"li,1 81ipdlle •• ; Sillking a Ihe EJ eball,~ . Philldel ploi.t 1,10 It. . u_re ~ 1II'e aud. llr,,, ooU vO I. tu bo ruulU,l 1116.42 r. M. , . . . q:r n,leu uy ""V oll,or prcpern tl II. ti S ill Tti..-ye.n b.llied by.~y one with e cer!""'I)' via Pbiladel phio, • tSU:.mt .in1)tr, t *Oreakl'ru/, IN"R D III Ihol1loo or Dr. tlODACR 'S SOAND of luee'H, aad without the In.t (ear of InJury rro • el' lI l ion , lrr e~I " " r ( i 'l~ . A:V,JiA c h l (J r o..i ~ ur lj IfICM ~D IES. Ke.l> lb. bow.,I• to Ih. Eye. Mar.. Ihen WOO cerlino.1 et 0 1 : J ' o/lltr 'rain", SundaY 'txctplt·,J. 'h ~ lttol'''' ill\' qU nnd Daifl/, J'1111., ". ~.ua~· tomnry l"lththo u, c 0l1tm C"re ' of i"" ss otl'lce. prc our 'p .1 S P lli ll {u l " ~"8 ur cur...... eshibited Night t,.te1,P by (roe IIl e of tb o Stom ac h Ult l(ira . apl,lied .,\cor.d .. , 10 .' SLEt.PllfG C.lRIl .re attlrhed 101111 • nleed In e •• r1 ca,c wben EvnCll nLl oltllil . U ' ce r uli u n u r er.it ir rn s hl u1c ur, Ir tho 111004 r. thlll "". lb. I·" rl dol'. the diree.ion . tnclould iu ... eh bOE, or lhtuuon .. Ind Yu,k I .• (' pI "ill be r.C",,~.d; W 'r ilo for. Cir ular..!.! .Tralna to PhUlidellphlft, Nel~ uorr . n In,·arn,,hle re me,t, I h Olild t.etil " lull 01 110" U' r ru~, LeU(·orrhron . nnu 1111 "11"'MUSK ETS ASD lJallilOo re. h' Je." r y f,u~dl.)' . K ~O(llh b .,y~leru . . It I ,,.Ii.. Addu.. . ' illg . ari wloOlhcr s('x. Iho Iu IrODster God 1.1 1.plDinl ~ in<:itlt.'IIt fr(ull N' through r fea 'tiltH! clieckeu 1. llJ( D.,gege "lItlllolili 1'IIOr II. ... .R ab OCUIiII" .. D.. STEPHE NS (\ CO For.. Ih(> ' Ullited Blotes Servico. A\so, or o" UIO' ·K. 'flU: O,LD 1I~] I . t.\IIL" (rum hob ils' or tllss ip UliUl1. imprutlc lloiQ8, l ' , .1\10 laD'. ramily Oral' Slor•• No. 10 Altor \-10"' •• reel. free. Do Dot ou u"ce~ n:d tl1 pUI"t.haai liK aU1 of E . 'r Ilos fliP'> 8r6tod". y. N.w York. (P. O. ' B08 llg . .lIT (inoludi ' ICJCETI 1'011 THE or ill the tI ~ clillo ur chnngc uf Li Ie. Slephen. & Co. " ••• .IIIrj!nled ."4 !O" tb6 qUIlC.1r. no"r" n" uuller ttl . ~.r lC)u' II k U\N or &Hil), pU8dillg ove r thiv pal.nted a &IYOPJA or CORNE A FLAT· Ion. by Boot BIl.&. .... , ylfr ·t lt..." DC'll" (,I ber hut Dr. of 1 VERS, ip" prinv REVOL nil G QI eo E'ATIN l~Ei purohUl 1l0IlAOK ' S STOMA CH ll1TTEIIS , wlol. h TF.NER : forlb·. cure of "NEAR-S IGHTED . rODd, c.n be HEV'\'IBOI~I?'~ are coml'OlInrl ~1 t,r tho puree~ dru'. a,,\J DlIlllolI.. Fare 011 low 116 by OilY otll e t !'iESS. "hich h.. proud a "rul.(Jc c..... lu wht~b lb. "ftllulOld can route. ~ 1.' , Wrile for .. circular. AB. .,,,1 GUIIl\Ja 810,,1 R iOd PREIG IITS. all" Itcscri p- IP .. blldlllO 'rratle Deulere GUll by sold 1i1l 1 ri or' 9 Froighl By IhlA route, S. lion~, illcludll l, L'VE STOCIC, M il lJe foY- geneull y. AND In l/ie ~o do)," of Hous eureukin g n,"1 l. ...·.rded tu .and (rum Pllil •.dell'h ·/" Nij w , -AT TIn: NE,,_ t ;' ,. hom Ro~bllr, y, el/cry House, SlUre, BUllk. UII ~ pnl~cn:, VV A T~TON & CO. .lId to rc, Boilimo or BoaHm York, , , " ' , , . , or olle heve Iooilid & ' (8u OQe'J~';' t n Dr. O. 'V. nODAOIl , ) Office', "9 . ~ ED Rallwoy l ROV Weelffl . IMP a'l), poinl 011 Ihe
r.,. .
Pocket 'and Belt Revolvers,
.Railroa d direct. By Bteamm . rrei"I,t Clln allo oe (o~, ;~ ! 10 In)' accessib le (Oinl on 1110 riv, worded or . ere Nnd l.koB of 'he Wesi ls Jr Shippin g DI, ConlraC }'or }'relnhl " ,' ~ rec:tioll., IIpply 10 or 1,l"re8s "itller 01 lilt' , • • o( Ihe 'CclInpDIIYl " . Aeenl. g (ollowin I " Fl. Age,,', Pldlad'u . Jr., n, ' HAN T T A I L C)'R, 5. B. Ki"g8lI) l t'! • . ,~_Il ~ "~e,nl. Pitl8.buf Jl. , FI ler, CArpen A. C. " .~. "i~~ ' R I Clarke & OOof ~nn.I"r AI!~n\a,Pi"6burl &11'11\ n..~1 1n1~mSBE Z'n neaville , O. • . co & Brown 'IN. H. I . , ulU.,_ .,. .~ ."' , ..... y ~,.u H.II & co., MnriclID, O . . f' , ' ' . " - ... '" ... , h • W. H, & 1!:. H. Lnngl..,Y. Gallipo li,; O. • •'a Ikeet, W-aYDe IVUI', OJer.h '4I. ·co" 'p1,ICfti(l, Ills. . . " , ' 'r I , !lW
(ro!11lh oFYsOrl;011l1 oris. .r}, • Uri" !I'e f ' , e ", ))i .~ " ~ r~ : illl: Irll tll huhllN o'f dill. lp"li un, hi lilli e f' X. I'~ " ." Ii J\ ~ or IU cllllllg_ " ,Ii11 ' Dllll II" J." • '.. ' 1 I \ fI' :P$'811{O, fll(lIp,I t~)l y tlll jl l' ~~ .1'11. 111U ~(, r,~ ~\(l~li" 8, 00U, E. RE311NGTON ~ ' 80NS, llio", NW. II I pIO~Ann~ ~n IIAIIU ', II 1\)1'I 'HI UJ\' l:lIrlll In " ~l~rcllry till,] IIIIilou , . , - ' -' - ' I . , illi~e061!.~ no it.lIl1~ro alld I'IIIB~GII~ ' FR£E l'O. EI·:vhmtY DdOBoV
d' I COm IIlC 'll' 10 ' Xew Rtmill!J I(l'l RewJ!/JcI'lI. Circular s cn,lItninin!l' Cilia and t1~,ctlp. \iull ot our Dim. will bo' furnisluM ueu" \ uOl'li clllion, U·
JUII Pui>1i ·t,e,\. I.' OW" IO rem o'vp, ' Ton. Frech· ache~ e I"t, "'II . ,. D"ODd Trcnd" ..... lee, 'PimplPI , Blo,,:he ., Mu,it Pb l Chc p, i).I. 8. nllu 011 ionpll r ioiOH (II WlriClI, run lhrough belween the Enatern lowlle ~6 , Erop~ioIl live of cltUll- lI,e fiKin; J,OW to enumlll the ~kil1, lellvin!!' irroRpec ciliell, We'\Orn Alld 11 bo.u·:i[~ Ileo,. \ure; mIDufac 0' . ..., own it \\'lrilf. . IIIlU clea' I~ nlnbndte r; how 10 ~e.of /{uoai;· · 'l'he Union L ine is litf, anu ie prodnce Iho fulle.t deve lopment Lille, ~'I'cigbt F/llt fd ~ul,"orlz - ,~ ' " " . 'I I (em~le form (a. p,r actleeJ h)' tho .'rtlllch) , 11'1 t I ' over w Ilie II . ., I " I HS ~LOT e . ou ell wllr.lceu "0 ~ ~, to grow roUI d an" Cull, underlak ..... ' "1{••~aDorl, ~hdor cOlltroc t. cllu'illlC the bualh08 " , b e on 10SI by pBdJinR' , and if the forlO L . '0 eroporly ol.lrU"le d to (I; · eecur. which ES, ~MER CASS fl!iIY. re810r i"/.! it h.l UIN" i!e rharge; Ihe "e'i"JI~~lIlIJe. (or (GIll and I~r.ing. or Iflft~.e its origino \ fuJllle6s. /lronnr8~, ftlltl V~I?:rJ,lNQ,s,) &0., ullif'orll' mOvemenl, ,\ru Lilli RQ'~' over IhllD heolllV. It Iflaches hllw to reu ue. e ill ei),:o which It p• •"fe. po lie.. , [ee.I·; proelllc ~ ~(HP lJ lc"r'J ur ~ Where ~ime is gUlran, eedj ~ lor· th~ h.a ntl. an~romnve 8\ipedlu oll8 ".ir; cu,'e re.fI~le; Ihe 61. JII I t ... ,t'UP Itt Ihe 1001>11, per ce'l~e Fiv" df fe~IIIf' "tl M"h's ; renl'W .hlch I 1m pr.p.r" 0 to. low~d fot delentlo n.,ior every db)' beyolld C!lrns. ollpionl . \Vltrl8,o Cn lurrll, Jys, e~a. , n Jrunk.e.n cure ~If~: your •• Ihrt.lmo 'peeiiled , 10 Ins. Inlorma li"n, - .lIo;~88 Ibe pep s ia, l~l)rVOUw Deblhl" & r .• lo u, '" lurtlillr 'li'ur ~r LA1 ; ill " 0' ulreel nnd :lqvtl 'I Ihe ,gain ' " : 'll':~ and . . '~" 'A,enl' _01 ..Ih. 'l\nion Lin":.' llcillnll i. 11 ' ,,.~r.oJl10u may chOOSC, ·l og p. lller ,'-\110 s,I"'.,Ci 1 '\Ve_. 81 . ~ .., .. fOil?;"' end at ih. ul. a II;er II~ ' (,II enll vol\lohle In1orrll lltilJlI,-
tiOL); I'ROPBlh"l'(\llS, Qllff fI'J .Ead 7'1,1"<1 St.,
X ... 116, ISII, 60
(;INCIN N-'.'l·I,
HOr.SH :anfi Galtlo ,POWaors.
# ----"-----"-----"--::~:i.~I , H'J
i. ,
, t"'o,I1I..,." I h 6"-_~~~~!~ ' ..' " Thu"" !uOP'rilll! from nruken-,ju\\'11 or r.:.':::~bl. ekel.lo. Into .,. II T Deli·cn.t~: Cl9"~ ljIUliou;o, prucurlll\!.e. /~IJIA),ly o,teepe",or C....... lhl. Prt[llU'l&lion 1< h..'al ..."I••
,. lb. 'lu.Dlll), and Imll"o.c. tlle'l".lIt oflhu 011111. l~ hu 1""'1> pro .....)' ...
OIICO . , ••
Terribl e D.IClo... re,,-Se cre" rp'.lk~ IIUlioa . A mOlt'·Y" lu.ble lind wo"uerflll. pli~net!· lio". 1\ woriull 400 p",P', '.nd ao cnl~ Dr. HUlller'a VAD!. urp,I e"'r"vill~" "E CU M. In o,I.,lna' Ind poplll"r bUII,t till ~Jan ..: ~ W"man . their P"y.iolnrr, '"lIolio n. and Bl'lIuftl tlil",.Jer 4 IIf' enrf kil!d, wilh' nevel · ftill inl R~lhpdll." · 101 Iheir PDeeel, cutl'. "rhe prMC:Iice of In" HUllter h.. loni bee" •• nd lIill Iii, un. Ih. fluit'!'1 .olicil.ll oll 01 bUUQdl!d. "til numertlUIl pt'reolJ~, he h ... been intlllc~d 10 ex lend hi. coedi".1 utlt!I,lllIeli Ib~"jI8h Ihe II 1I)~d!I!!ft, or /li•. 'Vade Alerum. ' vulllme '''It' lIl,oullI be in 'he Ha",l. IrP't rf' e" f.",il, I.. dl" lelld. Ii. I pr.Yehl i" 01 "Ie"" .o~ . . . ,yid., fur, .Ihe "IIA~i'li¥'\. 01 /I,a 10011 IIwlnl ."d dl'~ tr.urli,e . o~~ scouris l ·tll.I' uer vishid' mlltrkltld .' 001 1 copYI lIet'tl;eI1 enulope d,..\,,1J1 be fO~I,..r4~. ed.}r e yf P"I-'D'~" ~o~ lillY. P,fttt . of Iitt Ulllted Mt~lee (ur 6'0 cenl.ln P.O. alah,l'!. A'Cfdrte.., "o~t paid, DR. HUNTt~r No: . 3 Di\·I.iul I Btrelll, Ndw Y,urk. .. lq.l,
The rC,vlle r LInU I "c n'\' HO .hnl, h'llVrv\ ' :,~~~~:'-::~~~ Ihl! nUll,;!; Ilr Ihe ~bo1'P " Ill. High·'.l . C"o'lu"b H. w • .Urowlo, ' lII" or ..UII ..... lJUdil)' IdA N. vlI sholl!J (nil dis,,~~o, ia I~ ~"re 10 uIre ~~~~~:::e~! YOOIl~ Ln,:: 'Ir Gentlem SS·H.:rIIF'IlICO"':."" 2l3" ';"'lO\· ,\II.,lnd : lIed, ulld~rp'l! the bUHer firm a,,,' 'til 'M'OS'" td ' I d It ,0 · I i~, " hllPJlitlrt . lit.. r~, e roy, pUll . unllll l1I om . hcollio thi. 01' c"P! 0 _ .au. 10 :on tleltbal r~.~ m:J ~ JIt 1kltelllDI .""'1.' E. P. Brynnl; ')''lrre Han;: ., I,'~'" d uI,ill%o ftc.1I Our ,. pOQleril} tree 0' lito' 01 hid ealll•• I\.t ... ,...... III' .~, rfbei~lve"l riC urn, d'"en tJ c""'pe • .lI'~· Chioalro r. Chandle \V. Ilock my W. u~lJIll1'e fte.loOo~h. tintt . tulIoPJ'il!t call en, n 81111 e Gentl.m Wo . "11 e ~lIr.. The De. ntlAylvenia R.llroad Cu. W Q rc fllppO rte.d frlll/Hhe se euijrcca. their Iddo . nlld A tlMI!i!p ~ . b.for. 10101 el.ewbe re. " ..... .,iliI "'.... thnn not Inume .nY ri8k lor Bftgg~ge, excep, ';~Iorg(': ~prlll0. " URRl> .:~J '~i~U LTS.w. CO., ...,--, . . lor Wearin g Ap:parel , ."d-lim it Ih~ir re· 1 ~ 'er al. , '1 ro" N. Y. In.UtlI.jC A. .. O,:; .. luc :.UOh • pOll8lblllly to lIne hlllldr~d dullof8 10 vol. \ qh~mi8'';, 285' .." "'K'i~I;"I .&..~ DS j . Cia ya .. I lIie LIIIIg" , J.t~.:!, ' !. uo • .,,11 Dagglee I1Itceeu.l ng Ihyt olllouni h.~ ~ ....' In valuc, wlll .lie It Ihe risk of the owner . :.~; .~'~·.~t8~~ " , .lId Muslaunle .. lukell by • 8peelel conlroCI. 'VI! mAke 110 seerel o! "h-e ill1!rcd icllt~ . By pulti,j" trom jlrow to forced chell MS, E. H. WILLIA IHE[,nJ DOL))S FLUql 1~'1'RA{,'T DU- i~'·~h··~"~ f 'li.~ up~n (1Ie 'S'nloolheal Genii Suporin tendenl, Altooll". Pn. ClIb p bH "" d It.... I .( ' lrilllh~ . I CHU is c OlllpuBr d of lI"eI,,,. ,f • ce in from lhrre HENRY \V, G WINNE R. g rell l ,'nr t'. IIbol·~.'~~!~;~I~J lo Wil lcJ !I:ll'l' JUllipcr J.l tl rrie9, 10 ~~c \\'('ek~, by Gen'l Ticket Agent, l)hil~, 'lJ'E! L~I- o••'; ufer), l',avonta<l . · T. n, l' il O vnrll in prepared III1U a· U'''.tmr uIIDjf Dr. Se.-il[ne '. R""'tu. p..... nllv. Wl~ C"t O r9.r ~. H. HOUS TON,. ' 'r : I . , ",ge".· ul wonderf Olt (;apUh IJI'C lhe .. G'e'D I Frelehl A,ent, Phd,4. 0 ,s'.~le e,Jl l l'rico 2S Cen~ Jlar 'Papc~. t UIICU",s 01\1 t l!l :ug ,! IlOLD, e th uPQn DeliO!! ( • ~ry; i'n ,~lpde;n .~ience; ~~ .' : l'RdAaJ:D DY • 1.lr, _. "ill' 01 1'1\lI~d~I' 1 D oi d H i iii all .lm6-" mlroclltoll! yco r~' r Xl'cfl e nce III the .&. BRO•• ::~ FOU: ~~. S. I ,Ioe Ioy llribeJ 1Jtl'! II/\\V Ie ," lc nuper.ru lly inr.. rnll Ihe c,lIeen.o r wh Df ".loi .. ;5'I1'\ The, ~I·ove'.etl" Plano ~~~'.e m:~~lei.D It ~.~ been Vied b"Ylhe oHIC; Wr;;;.nen ille .nd, .i~inill t- \ ·1VltltLIIJI \lP.' nst:' :1:~'C!l~1I KNt• 11j! 1mo st emInent rhv sic;\ilua.- II~~ tc l1l)fl ~Ilml \~erl t1u '",,?dt, the ,I\'ilh ll o :L\I~d. ~url ;PI~I. Pu al.~8uIP~ lIod lcel • Sllill\lrel~tn.1' h,"te."r.~ecldel p t, 111 \11 • ' ~ . ';1I."i:lJ.u ill 'f I ,.!tIt..':: ~'1d -:!!r. ,1 .. " e '" ~ un er~o IIIJ ll. aUllo Itn\:i1"I lls "rln~. 111111 ~o. UBI.Fra nklin 8l.. ~~orft, tetl I( ar 'I, .Ou. lJni ' 11..; ill I\~r \0 I(OJ , l o n . I ' 'jI 10 Un'iR I11.lac ~n'\f.i.1 if· .l·:r.~ .~u~el:· • ·1 ... ',," llthlJ 01 lbrOal~ p.,loli . "~ • ror aAI qen\' ~:,\a "protet 1'.J'~J)S: N ou~~:h:·I '1~.." a _ . - .. very gvn4!rnl 1I.r. In S t~ le h0 8pi, worlel ~o ~~~~ I~ .~er'fl\l.(.t\~e. llle ' 11) , ne \Yi1l l i~ ol~o III Sanll~ ry Imlilu ci olls _ _ __ ____._~-_ __ _ _ _ N D ~ X"( JlI E DoW p,onoum :"d by the tRu.ical IIIIU public A, ~ L tnls , n~~iI by ('rice " n rlerDn~ed ly cheer'ul be \11 .~ u.nfequ",e eV"l 'r lIIt1d rp"l,ed b~hun,u r ' ~ted I ,..l\·MI. I . Qt.l D Hl,I..,..a . d 81 ell d 'J' ~ L ~ 4 ,R .. S , / . : ' ell,., S, ' riC neMl, vo ume all d pur t Y 0 to ne, uura' ~!E ~e AI' ,~' through oul thl' IGild. " I' 1- : .. te~ae~flpl . , •. pU'~PIlt, .n " e.oll scale, new Our fu. chea.pn snd blllly u' ~ e ree. l d ~'\l~1 8 r ~!DIII\~IEIB .re.tlCOO on nre, cu Ie f I I d F h' 1II1m1.!JJ1Y 1m "n U R lR·. BH.VT"rtJ "& CO'., .&I.LIdI •• rene .etlon, Imp pe I , rUII rame, drel!! , BERG II . BOLD'~ . . River .lreCI. 'rroy IN. 1I86 Nu. •• cbejol.~ d· rOlo~oo clove, o Fo~ 1IUvrd'''(g ••tll" • ile&lItil)j lll; Iho COlli I"~eu·, .... ,J i.. ' 46,(lm B. Oo...i.ti .... o( all"'III . "Ii~'" .,,\sll lO~l!d uYOr-." unl,b 'U. I/le pl.noe ~I are ·.elI1n, eheup.er til' (Will Y. tJule l iellta tor ill ;n .. 'rakl. . counlQ' ,lon. i.chidluJl·,. ..
I~r "1i~hl In"J Ii
Advantarreous Pr.lces I
hi' P
.'iatIt. . " , ' AMALl
:l~rDI:I a;::~k~~; r.~~:r!Ue~I~~~,l~:; !~~tt~a;:aDd .11 In' wont
CIGARS, '. l'OBA CCO ' ,
. 'I . , .... N01'{ ONS;
In Ine countr, . Deilleri of good ,llftOi e,r'. invited to .end for out U,acrlp tlu Catelop lt,. which conl"in s pholti.:r .ph. of.1I our difl'eroul alrlep, 10lather with' price'" No!one .hould pur:
o" •• e • lli1b() wilboul ~"illll .hl. CIIIUmlo I' , .. ... . I I °llul'. DIed. ii, almolt 1\1 IIIoUI DU e~, .• I.' hav. I,een aWlfd.c llo 'he Grove8leen P,'lftnYO I"II', l"II'aD" W IIWW W Al\1I 1100, 'and u the Celllbtl l.d World'. Ftllr, ~ . , '" Ibou"Ja pU" ' .11I Clompelill,o n wll" eililer. ~,' ....;............ _ I' .. _&'VV U&D, rrp ...· .U parte of lhl tJ. B.• it top" l 'I . hi~h •• 1 .wlr~1. ..['E'I,loll~hed. 1835.] •
WOnn' Ift4
G d.s .,.·an cy-· 00 . , 'IS;
.• r;! 1I ,..... ,./ftIIII.~
/ftJ\Mi mtQ
] Alldto,dl....lr~a,.olb •. r tbllll ••••" o( wbicb b.. "ro. IS."
( .iIoo1 \II
.'99 .Bro.d",. e,. New i., -
5 ""
A ' ..... ,lJ.IlI' . ..... f6 . .1.:.u' •' G..-..:n....J: 'J r.n.,.o o..:.u d_. SIoJeop ·M.lrtSt., Wawu~ ewe... ,,, or~~·e! D..,S..-. '" \IN.
II} .<Q£ "'"
BEAUTy. __ AU • .'Inx~~~~h~~~~~:~
.Q ~
CURls procluceil f P NE~1I.~~'::I80
',.il:: .
Oue a p r,ltclliolll SER lJE CijEVEU~. moel 61ra ~hl ftlld warrant ed 10 curl lloe II ' I' "b IIIIU Wtivy atx 'Iuu oro )81r 0 e lIer ringl.ta or h •• ." .... elve curl •. Hae bee 'll . f~.hlonablp.1 ot Pir'. and olecl b, w'llh Londun. lbe lb.e. mo •. I .. ratlfY·ln r r •_0.'ul,'':. .. .. ·Deie. no injury to I~a ha.!.r. Price b, tt.vt! .mell, "lied IIDd "...\p~id"l. Dpllr.rlp elre.ul." ...ent free. ,t\d.d~eea ~ERr.~ij,
J:JHUTTB .. &~,Q,.ch.colI\"tBbRlv(lr
"'II., -Trd t.
$ole li.rill . rod~, u.s.
' ' I ' • 'ir.rll·. . . .~ci ·IlIiIlIt..,~, o:n Inltrucli ' Ind , WirPln 01 'A!I Et~.; : E N. ~ RA" I' N G 8 ',' ~" • ',-. .";'II••;IIe!,U .l'e' ' 'ror ,YouDjr M.", Allo. dlle~l!e. Ind .blil"! WI . x WhI91i,prtl.,,!I',a!""7'Prllltr... theylt, " AU. IOLD V INEGAn. PUR S Cll)l ;ll1I~re. WIlli .ure- MiDI 01 relief. ,S.nl power., " : EAOH R DOLLA '. '.1 •• p'o. ...... liao. ,. •• In ••• Ie,d leller "nt,lIlu"ea. th.r, 01 Ire. 1 ' 01 ' I p.flon. iD ..... '. . CI", fr_ ...II.W. ,eu .,. ~adr_ Dr. I. 8KILL1~ HOUGHTON. ..... ~bood •• D4 plnII&te d It 10 Bentl. th,e. e.nt .l.m., ' IO~ , Pbil.illipble PII' AtidileM > WOOLEV~B.. BALDWIN. H.o .ard AIWO~I'lloD. \e niII" OD Oil' own p!1"'" , ' .. _ It~: E. J.. ~autTZ. l . .tfor ~~I.et91tr'/, Ark~Tt, N', Y.
.i. . '. , .& c.
If. .
YoUng DTen A Lecturein ato" . ae.led e". dope.
. Ju.1
1'\JIlIi.h~ll. A I,~t lll"" Oil
1\ Ullts.
Iii .. "ftlllr... I"".',.t• .
aut! radicMI f'ure of Spe; tm"lorrll ~ . or .t:II' i.! I' We.k" ..... I".olun l", t;lIIi"ioi:•• S ~il i,IIl), : · hil' l" ."d Iollptldi"i tllll.·jd l\latrl .~. ', ,-'1>';'1110 ' '~.rYou'lIe " ,ConIUtnlltiCllt, .~p1lrp.r .nd rltH Men,,1 allcl'i>hy ,ical .nf.Ilj,.tiil tl r.I';IIi ilf"" .
3"II.abu ••• ,&~. 8y, Rob" rl J , C"h. rw.U, ~!.D, til" ·Gr. tn J.look • &c, .ulhn., The' ",ul'ld"ei tl)'''Ded .Jlilor. ·in II,' .d"ill· ble "'e~ru':<l . ~Iurly proy,,". frolll Ioil!,'." "1 (10 rir-Iwe, Ilthl tlie ';",(tli .' ci n~~ 'Ilien"t.or lt lf."" '" nlay I,~ ell"C\UlltlJr r~II\~"tl J ' i~h~~, ~I~~i!i~' "lid. wllhoot dMlIge roli. 10ll>'cal np. r.t~ •• .
bo n~i r., ill st!':;"'''n\ l. ri111';8. or cor,I!~I .. PO"~ 111& .,111 " n,ode ,./ ur" ,,"C~ rerllllli ."d;'1
"hlcll 'e\'~ fy'f " ere••u-"Ql~hli ril I ' fe~lu.l. hi. coil-dioio'l 11(1\)' be ..""" <.u r. hi.... If,d"~lli IS. 1'f'i~ItJ"IJ' un~ t~'I\e .. lly. ,,' h:l Letl.re I,ro ye " Lo, I I /h~".ltd ih. 8.",1, IInder.,· .
'"l a<ld,~)i or II,
o~Ht. i! n 1\)Ii' P. ara.leoj ~1~"~~lIl' unl •• v II 0 11!l>(.1!:-~ ~t.11Il ' d+
Or. Ci,h·~r,........ I\t'rI';MF"! {II,IJ... ~'tc~ .;.. CIiA',; J . C. Kq~ , I" 121110" """;; N ~W \Yur., r.O.l bol (4"''' H (,,'it)'] , Addt..
' WHITE: LIQUID ENA1IIn'Y" $15 00{ .
' ·he.
Dtug & chemical warehouse, ' .
, ow.Yo rk,· 694 Broa.dway, "W 01l.
MBOLD·S lI'..'T • t.:.J.I:-1'
eulJneas alnd dln"IIII "llid
Ii '"It 10 re(~a'lI.caQ whplly eratli cel~.U oJ">i re for Ally ~hld of liquor, h)' u.lnll Dr,. l lt·r!w rl·s A"li·Al coholic Curnpountl .'" IIn lni ll"!! rtlliledy lor Inlempe r,,"ce: ",,'rile Medlcia , tnd 'nllr"eal ., .. lo r p"rti"ular'" tolintr1. sc m plOlllp,ly 10 an, pari of C'U IISU)llnlt KOllco. 01 the nl.p.n... " IG'f 8y c~more "reet, Ci"clnn ati. O. P. O. (a9.Ir' I II box, 436~ Seillt Telr circular ,
:~. flr.')l". ·,iM, wh~. T&O·KU; GITF:A\·ITit Ilil cn'I, R of Ihe Urinllry _ .• H S, illS, c; . F.)( I' ~~ It. n:. T (rol1l ie"';"I~, :1; Ie rna It i 109 I: exiM Il,er VEilS, r(lVNOp.R whulev er clluse (!fillilla li,,". 1",,1 no OIDlter ~:~: Ag~ ¢rllr: u! how lOll:! alou.iill!!. It i. pl eas .. " in E.'';8:ItGY' ;!&:c. III ~~: l.asl'l IIlId ouo(. 'irullIt'tli llle In it~ nr.tiulI, !"~ft.~~p~r~~~,j I:t·II::;'.3 ~'.I'::l'd"! e th or blly Ihun heninl( '"ld, muro IIlrifl.'1I1 gl".." .kID-aDd h"<,p,rr nlluIlA ot J JI~rli or :rfon. ':, .
r l'j Hven81l's urlll"a " hieh have 1.lu ~or . . , . mllnl fo r 'nonY , yPRr~. Dr, J II ,' k ~tl ll'8 Frerlcb p"tenl )hle slr~. - II is p e rf~ "llr .ole IlItI lIe,or failt I. !.: i VI' 8n'I i.'n dlon. it Is Ille,' Dilly .uro Ihoi. 611rC prc v" l1livlle" .11I8t cOlltr.cl Jllrdi.e..·•• ~ V" I' rlll' ell le ,l. Pri ~e 'I e.d" per h,l~ . lou n ': " , ~ "d per d" lf'D 87, menl bi mill. 1m l uri,, !e8 }.Ir JIIod!'ra'4t ~riHk.e,. .",100 de. - in! 10 ,,'\orm. bUI Who ~"e JOllnd It d)r.
ih~"!J oucb u L ' YI:I,J,O W IVA., .
])r. JtI ,.ks(ln'~
lterh vv ll~
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nil US" III .Ihe .16luro IIr Ullnra ' elth eue tllJl'orf! Iro lll eve')' olherr •
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R e '"t!llIt.er 110 l we reCltI a written replv
10 e v ~ ry lell er, espl'cill lly .dnpted 101111 . porlir{~l u r cllse u"dp, "u",ider alion, b...
'S FOU 1"% u. Al!l)
e to Hea t an
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P.rtl~s desl r in!! III ftvail thnm Relv1'8 thp. Illte ill1prO\'eOloIl18 in I'i:l lo/" nl lt] 611- , ' 11 Ii tl II ' .1 ( I' . or k' ''' li l18llPOll U orIH,WI III u IW illr nlllr.lll1y r1<'crlll i n~,e perrorw
IT N JON LIN E. llrl' 1!~~ j ..I~,ql\l , ' Fa61 Fn/phZ. via Fffln~!ll"ania R. R. , ';f .
hI I 11
Ok,,,": . ,
. lur 1I1l,~ duli nr. Senti ' !Ilr (,ur splenrlld circul i", eont,I,. i ll l: "' li re in qll ulHity nl,rl of ~lIperlor 'lUI', ily 1(\ II ;IY 01 tbe 8IMlelle d··· ,111",,1.....
' ·In 1.'"-i i, Mtr . t or:. 1.0' . lh
~ o. of . "'E D1:I& IIIAU .".... :Dy·-a
\tv\! Inftlllibl )' cure B,philll e, Gleer Go norrl; (B ~, Impo!flncy, NO\lturo~1 ~~d d' ~ urn BI E," 11I8iu ... , po,,,pl. in!. per.ull,r' ~ I (e mnlc ~ , and every (urJll Qf p,inle'dl ....,: of ",,1.. lflyer n"me 'if! ""IOfll. Spflrmft I0,.. , rhmll or SI!If· Aoll'lo, .hu. Curl!! ilI~ ' mallJuxA, enily a tid pBedily curtd · IIn;l e ver)' Irace of ill lerrlble. elrect. er~pic •• Ic el Ir90\ tile ~y 8 1em, wl~hoUI delclllioQ lrum hus ille ~ s. Yo~ng men, bear Ihis in ",Ind, tl"l we nre III possel.l on of lbo ' Serrect rnc eil>ll IInti mel hod oC pnetic. uf Cu l verwf'lt~ LuI Ie IJlft ud, Hunl.r. Vel, -. peoll . ~e n .• Rlr.ord nnrl olher I!real lilill. ' in Mode rn medic,,1 sci,,",,e ; Cur ilIa a (IGI ' of ti, !' verv Ilre31ee t impor'. nce. ~1\tI we wou ltl ft sk nllV man 01 a.oragll cummUlt' ~e li se how 118 n I he thuulO nd .nd olJHbal. 111W prelend l'rs of Ihe day, ' wl!li 'tfieit fee .' t.l c ond .i,lI e ~'·, iellt. romedie l, hopu 10 COlD. I'p'P I IVllh li B ! y" ItIrfur I",.. ",tos,er!, IWlti "I: )'our he_lth' ~ lid mOlloy 10 h... lltlle88 charlata n.,.t I,"t . lY ~ iltl to IlrD. JDchO'!l, Herbert & Co • I~'ho will nt alice lelllrn 1011 II .HI dis?' cr eel d:·t1 ul,\icil Dnewer. L.dill., ~vrll': (or nur eir('ular . Ur. J /Tck ROn'8 Female Monthl, PiIIlr pr1 r.e Sl I,er bu~ i el\lra filiI', t6i a ulo IIlItI ell'eci u~ I remedy {;;r 011 ir~fI!lul'ril i tf Hlltl Ob31 ructions , from wh41t1V1!'1' 'caull!. '1111tl IIl uunlnin of L'ght or Med,c,ll'fQ. l e clor IIntl i\I~rrioge , Guide, IIlId 11\ Expl!. r il Key tu l,t)yn 01]11 Od"uly. COllllolnip; !l 00 pug'ea ontl 100 pIOICR . ' ' ~TIIII I, T ilE b"uk you waht-I lr\ce 5.0 celli'; a
Rifle Canes, .Revolving Rifles, I FI UIn EXTRACT B'UCHU,' 0"" n~rrel8, ~nrJ
Great . Reduction iD . P..ce .\a.:. ·· I'
I" haq .~": ~~.~.wi
Empirici,m 0,,,1 .Frauel.
00' .
dr uR,bon,. til
. .....,
,cry form of prlY~le dlae ... i .. 8 lth~r eex. SciclIc, amI Fair Dlali1lg Yw'ctoriOIl'
c~re or
bo"'" ....r. IOld 117 .b. !>"It ,.... If "* .d-
VER 110,000
HEI~)1.BOI.. t)'S·
tbeT IIF• . wJ.f:~~ 11M ftftll .look., Uoi ."'" tho . . . . .,A -,that JUq . .. v ..... ·..,
' M. D., Dr. Evoua V&I.ft&u.. h 18&» lW cato6li ll". "he 1lrrtioJlul ditpelll S ix yur. o( onriYlll ed .uceu. ia lbe
I.e.', 8.0M.C8 Bn?u.
Iw~lling •. . TIIII 'I Ihe Maldft', hmdlOlDa ..iI bald u4 &1M . . . _
Pror. Eona1' hcnu. , ROHaT RUga, .
f ror-
\lie ... . It. Im port .IJot 10 tb•• t ronlJ, IlIa'\ rMptC '" f ("lI l o n .1."Uttlred A. 11(1 bru k l' o tto wn CMld ltn tiolll . ,No ,r oow(i.v hat """'n ~ Dn... roec,w4!Ki ,,'t il .. f'Q\lch
De'posi t, ahd all disella es:of the bl!Ldde r; If-tdneY I, and ' drop.lo a)
(10 A. M .• 119Pp,I"fl ar prln c i~.1 ' .\.Iions. Arriye, II' A IIOODII. at 8 10 A , M. Ty. roo.9.U2 A. JI~ [BplIeforlLe 10.112 A . lIf., Lock Hnen U .40 P.)J ,J Harrlabu rgf .1.20 P. M•• Baltimore! 11.30 P . Ill .• New York, ,Ie Allenlow n, Il H,) .• 1i P,M., ['hil· k adelplil .t e' 6 .60 P. M., aud New k'ur , . !t!. P. IO.n aL lphi., vie 'PbiJede CllrcllilfATf EXPllEB S-Lenvt '. P ill. bur: al 9,6P A. II, Slopping at nelrly all .'a' lion.. Alloona t 2.45 ·P. II., llarrle bnrl!t
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