Miami Gazette July 4, 1866 - June 26, 1867

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VPL. Ill, No, I. , ,\VU.OI.E ,

)tJR nt£ il.4UTTi:, .

'IT'OO(g ®OO~ @W ~~.~. , BT n. 11, u.

~~e spcc l~atUIWli~usUloRnmogO~w~bdr win~fuoshnlc (\(' e o·morrow; un(l :r ot· hol'iu g 1 ffJ~hcr" t lk


01 ( 0

' nnel tC>I'e 1i't 0 Jon "1\ ~IO '" l' ~b e l'c t,' fondly M i f this o'nt fig in, n :,lt were ~I? ~1' , lIud I ~rt ns l"- tni ned tu'O en clo tt .1, ti , ~ 'For Ibo. bre.d ·b( nlJd 'i. b. wbich come th 11~ct:llI tly !IS If It- wero d estin d to ' l ,c nl) c from llia '{u ll : 11 . 1,1 ' 110,.," (r~ID ' /l.n .... , anll giv"b life unlo lh .. UI h f;t .. I .' 1 I , CHI, IC '\torill. . . , .' _ , cLtcI' uf er (Itt I r on n " reat ,SI~,~! J nn~l ~hO~lgIMlllly bc '~'ellt l h:\ 1I1ti JJ(o.-ltol1f<(,. He ll~e1Y n.... I.I_ . 'Tbfln I~id tb~ , unto "IQl.' ''La~ , evorm'lrc -""e UI thl' I ~l'fIacJ ." '-,)ou;, VI, C.ui'. 33.S.' ; h i )I .t,).> o~lt , thl'Oll O'll t l)c apaCIOIi SI b1'C!l Lh 0 1' f;ntj ~fllcti on lI e 11 ~l

No:, 53.-,

~~~~~~'t~~~hl~~~~~~~ ' ~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • I " 'ec !) s of tJ~ bl'C 1l . it ,l ha bed room door. o'pened it !loi.eitel!· 'Whetller ll;o et-at of ~h is 'mi_oBief 1

Ins l nll' s ;' , lIull .Ol'~~[ fot' 1';R~d l)()l'pod in, . .. . ~ in !be bn,ilr,' cnolioll"d Signer' SalUllUg ( uthc.(lch g,ht!ug All wi\hin ""S wrA'pped in a ~eliei · ImbeTll, 'OJ' whether. a. I ~ID lilor• .oinl~nt he "0 d !oy~ 1. . 011 8,' dreAmy du sk. "l'pe jlllou sills were olined to 8u.peat. iL 'hollid b, lought r}t L he. nn ultra Ill '''1'IIl till/I kCl' c/osetl ond tire' innor b1inda dr· ..... .). (Io-n ' In the henrt-" . II 1r\att If ' , f "W II ", 1 i1: 1J 111 n " rs r e, g lOUI! !l1ul 'po. lili~n ' hll~ one wind'o'~ :slood tl raw-' ioeh 'l\ De ~rolt'e off IlbrQptly,-Bo abruptly lotl.ld Re]('ct ~tH.b 1\ g il L r,,1' IJ I w~f~., op n! th~ Admi tting a lIort bre~tl\ o( and "lib lue u R Budd'9n cbangeC)C-.oice, --..~ol1l't-~~al'd.i 1 n1'l~ tho~ bronzo ' hoI' I'Xp Ct.i!1'T lItfs rcrn i tL~ n('c rf)l: "',:t~. j ust ,One of ill? , l'JI.l'nctCtistic mt>r(lIng Illr, IlQd now And then 11 (aint that Hugh . Girdll!.lone waI , llarlJed WH .:N Ihe pur~ "ll"hullI brilthlly .hiou and 111s I m pl! l'Iru l'lllcl', cl own th l1 af dnl\'-$ l1ust, llUt . lilt < 'll ' :ll ts t~ lnt, . ss~~ntUt.ny',ke-d th e l'c ho from 111e world beyonrl. ad · f(PIIJ. llis apathy . H. Joo~ d up, ..nd t mD~n,III>o n ihi clu.terjb~"'ioe, t ~I'O:~t, stcr>sl; ll lltl' ~On8' t.h , \' ia Am l (I11Xi~t,.r, 1'0 1" jlaw:t1s- i.l.\ .no \n~I~~~II ' man. " S itll~g- out fllJglct Ylll nc ,on nil vnnced v(,rycnuJlo'~81" HIl Il eid hi .,,,, the' surgeonstllring down wi~ a When friend. or., nee r, a lld 011 we "fiE" , a.celi. PllSSIllg' thc ch il I' III ,f til' ,Tc!;l. 1I l' (' or monpy, hilt with 01lle .e-j.j~91·ms of cl'et!() , :11,, 1 rlitl kill ;;,~ th:t~ o f bl'ealh.-Ite ,~tol . 011 a slop lit " ,timo, f~ee pC ~shl horror aL the .co.rple U~OIl ' .... OV Il" 'lOd loved . del i!)ht our "y I' litts, h c p;lUscl1 fol' n 1l1?111 nt to h(,GI' i ~+('o. u f lmpllt-icIl CC; fol' the fa at n lowe r . kyel tltlll1 -;-he "'~.~Id liO~ · lllIY~ rouseu ber (or ~he the b'~~. . , ~ I Wht'n evo ninA' hudoWI '~tctl)' 1..1( . th~ ,fhnllti qO', . A be dHl R() :L C!IIIl ' I Ul'OI'C tbna OliO projce. t 1":'''1 i ll . 1Y0rM 1111 a'!1 wan'e n,!ly. Allb'" dre88~ 'J:hol' he (altered. 'What i~h'l' 'U pon o"r I"dl owed hOlllc. lentl ",,, 11 _ g!ln dl'ol'cl' In. n. rou g h "h(' W kin in Ll1r, ~nt'll \vll i ,It iIJi's' lcttcr 'of ' table he I'l\ustd I\nd' looked' Ii. bnd laid. badk tho oo\lar of· th. 'W eddell'\l) eo rth, 'IY., '.-rd,. .pr,ead nr.ket stll llPcl1 IllS truck 0 kneel fOl' i.t Ili ig \>t chh~nnl.l' to "''') l'''''cnt. ~' t I ~. l. ' ; " '~ a~1I l\\Q,' dim ' f\lll}!'-d.. .~~; , ~nd, ~I\'\ld. , Lbe ' ~~~~'l~lIl1 'Our haudl 10 III!.. \ e ll, anLl lor "ureaLl ' , , . " 4"'). 'T lorn> In ,"~ "'lid. ' w\1u. ti080111 'belleif-. lb,' (\ l11om <'!lt 0 11 the. l u we s " f-It!t'P nu d (' 'km1ioll o£" tlte i \' tour II'S f~ n.e 'VIleR' 11o pel .ra Icollered' far .nd wid" til ,11 tl'lI<1 Gc n n [1 :" 8111 ; 111ll1111·(,Setl bl.v plcs , the p1lrcb'l\1! 0 ' chainl .A nil jo\'l oro quenched in .orrow'. ti d~' \\' hen friendl <t ",it'; j )ie 1 i";lli9kliru. : I, fI~ AJ \jIm Wl)m :m. 1it'! ed t he I 1Ilt1~r- 11l1l1 ' :J'J1)O,oj;! ' llfl ~1: tt,lc 'di\~o of t ll ci ou~ , l~atli~l: elHtulll (IlI U C;lm O ll t) tmu' to Englal!(l, W0r~ n il L\ C'PC I1 \\' " lurn to flbrlh. bu' 60d nol rell , bnngllJ g WIth her n mom entory l'u F;h l.llfOll it. 'It wo no w OIuh' I' W""I)' ... d ...d, ~ Ir••~ ...a~nd of l·ol.Jillg harm.Qlli cs, . 'LUi! ~nglis h - thnt Btl!!h Ginllrstone s hl'QV 'And o(t. 'Comforler' Ie founll, ~llm h stell e(l}nn ~ Ih~1rel'cd, mode :l'f; eel lib s ig bt of the ' ,;inotlJlL {~ Th! Lortl, J i'llO~ .. b, boly head'I.oro, •• erniore liVfl ,",hil bread.' If he ,,:ou1(1 ,go ill" anti th Il~ w ~ th he fOtlD (I, hjloeelf, eJ;ltitlqc( to som thmg ~1 It smile 11)1011 illS lip, npon UIO ltrlrl('ol y tnhli h y .... wh,llu Ihfl world .eeml clouded 'or, tUl'n~~l h n!.i ~I'I Y nw~>',' . Goingstrl'::d ~h t t~e , .]'j,:JZZlt V~llez j!l. It n"t" ....... '(1. Anp, .Il 'I-aorlt-'''I .It 1i(ell .,h!tJ'~1 ", O~l" ~ It h lll s. h ad lltJ. ltt lo throwu (Ol'~ h,ls . xpC'l'Iatiol!S 'JY 1\1; :1 1'1.):'.,0/1 . , Wilen wol';.JI J ••iriow o'er UI .toll \'\ nlll ana 11l 'J hnt pu licel 80lnewh t trlld ronde lJ i'u'l It' dd l mnn fOl~ 'Vbie" bumon Ilrenglh con not co nl rol. Like hi",. who . hareLl (h .. 5nviour'. Cft • • , low lip on hi s hl'oWj--lre' then pUSll Nl 11(.'. · t lIn'oc JnOilt'bs. . ' 011 fI~ a s,,: ift, sw in g ing sir i(lc, 1>1'0Ihl'ing I~oad til e .1 ttel' nnd \Ve I'''' thing. ai Ihey realt, are, q,ocd!ng dl ~ect ~O: thc' po t . ~nC<:'1 :torl th e encl os u.t'e ql\r,~rIlJl13' Il I\'SY EIIII'lI" d 01 "II, we (e~ 1 our geed, pns lIlg thc 1 anthCOll WIt h out 80 PO('kc-t,1.oo k, h c t!u.)n s int cl. A'Ik,'inLl receive,.the heQvt.1I11 'bre~(j: lUll eh Us II. g lan co, , " ot'th ' (Iatii] 1.r c1fl'e ctioilfuw Ilul 0, '''I brether-n in the Ii[ilh, . .' M!lDly,. 'well -hol'n', ' wdl . d~lnc:lt el" Q,r ~~Ql:l e n a rrow th OI'Qll r>'JI . In lave t"~t '1~9n,e.' il !\l~n dendt, .-' . ".' (terI WIth n /no1'O Mlfin ol'lh nnl'y 0.- lie l H~~wl'e n th o Tibol', theyorso Dewar", I•• t lIorrow-m;n,led pride , fllQ.nnt offJ,}J'uin!!, 0)1:1 , I erh!ipSI " itil til e Piaz;m el i S!ln'g-M, ' , ' . Wurk;I'iII ,ta 'rand di ~ ille: 1\ mOl'e th:lll onlinal'Y sht\l;~ ot ill B ll T I)e 'Bt \' ('('~. $ weI',} 1112'V.lf.egll(J')~) •. Lo." .n,-I<:I charil,. divino" . lar stubborn)) S8, ~lnO'b GlI'd.l estollc he ali ve wi th pnsseno'crs, The '~n . 1I11 ii .. r;corltlJct'tio1i1 y ila,i" •• was on e o f t hose :nell whom tt (Ioes kcep ers w.el' · l') hsV' · IU't.till rri l1 (r 'All itre lItfllh.'.n·...,.rc:; bri"i.nt, heed one ~ooLl to meqt ~n the .stl'CO~S f ~ ~ri nd( wa ; the v ·ttl1l'inl ,; r; The l"flC "i'~ pure, Jlntj leek- to 'brOlRd,' , cO,n tnlol)ta l city, I-Ie wM an En· IlI g them sclY9S ill t heir "toro', ':"erl."r" gi.1I lit Ibi. brend;' g hshmt\n th l'ough nnd thl'ou g h ; nu(! l'!l Il ~B" tbe bO'n-nt's were In And .. hi'e Ih)' lo".,.b Old il ,h.d he. was pl'ccisel,r ' t1mt t.\' PC of Ennl10ll t t'tei~ prQfCSlS ic tl tl l Upon Ihv ft'o ck of enlY nil",". the day,' ~Il(l 'the ,glislllnnn who commands l'CSpCC , 'Gop" willI" DIan' be . Iill oO.r ni'r" : t~o l1gll scI~.OI~ . t;~e li.It~g, ~ f for > igl~' . iYC~C thiliillg .'o\tt,, b .. llieb ._11 I&clni •• olrir... I CI~ •• H e c~ LHessed n:ll~lll chT to Iml , 101' mOI'nln" parauo oil til J\ lid feed " ' whh lb. b~ead , b( LiC(l, OPlJ~lOnS } :,I,tll a PCCHUOll ~hll.t thcy ci o , HOt'c nllc1 ,· ttl ro ' n lOll IIJ I e el }f':'i;lI1;uni~n tel ~. join. ' dl~hked. IIl ~t:\U t~y. VOICC h ad 1\ $tucl('llt mi g ht be s cn with Ch,".., in Ie .. ,ill, t,urt, in .uind :' rC1,~:n ot, uuthol'lty th~~ grll.ted l~po.n box ItIl (~Cl'. his. > a rm, I .. fulT.., ing, 1110. ". lUll will p.eJd, I tliol, eIUS, liIls , )eJ'y• wnl. hi \ 111 ~t fo flia wbrk · " . I t>. t ;" • !' tl. or: l . . • '"< l..'-( 'buttl, evermore &,i\l';' ol b ..~ad.' some · lUig elllll'nct cl'lSt IC nm l'OS O- Dei (~h-b&H'u<7 0>:1]1' 01: -fI'IItm1d,t:'" I!lte t~nt .b1fen~ q ~eil' p\'cj~ldi , ci[lmlt~ 6~ ' ' '(.ou i, of (ct'~: hr;ttta?,,'Jf ei~iFor IllS n)lpcal'nn ce, It wlI.l:lns illS wM'i.1S',tll(1 M' e I .. eel , ,' heaven, we mu,t fov c hero, as his It-':.i t o ~ ..!:c~~nt, H o ,vn re , ~too, on I ~ "e it the .llInd·I'0;'11 p,!re, ,wb er"lJy OUr elMi'" 10 Ih.1 8boJ,; 'ttl 1r1' t all; lnauc, somewhat b lOS nnq ' Ilt . i l Ilbout. tho L ml,s, . , Th~ ' 01 GoLl' gi ..... nlll ..... Iile, ,11 Gil. Ih. ,ulll.- it..end . ..I, .erif.... , , in tho slid . 's, Morn, _il .• nd "u .. ;n·" , .tnt .a need. of· · 8.wulgi"lS 111s , ('~~hl1liwag~a\~ili"mJ4.. . \.. '. 'Lord, C:genllore gi,,¢ Ut thiri 'IJreall, ' .• ill his l'L!rbt h ono s he 'Vent g. ..o;t!!·\fg.&'!w;~MriIIII ", In cbli1plli:iion luid feature h e was my 'r . ~ l\!Rrla. 1'.,1'.1" VIII,25 ", ) Bnt, ~ lJI~tTh Gir,d lesto.u() ' I' . ~ ~ I !lOt 1II1JiI'C t,le" c:t1'~i~r, Pil!·~'.ajts Blghts o.m'! S'O tll It wot'c "tt.i1: ' tot> . fit. ,Ils. W' e L lind on,· \'Y o etopa CI~l ol:t 11. 'l'hc lutes, 6i 'l'l~s f:.lcc luiLi~' tOl clnim - "Oll passing atten . ko hs fuut'tb. lI'hl!:ro ,,11 that ' lovell e did ' wele lcs~ , ha,r~h, nnd, IllS skin was ,tiOll, .Ho wcnu>{)n ,his ' \vay, }ll'eocC'Il' licst in life aw~iL~id his comin'l:1 ' There H.e ,l1id U{)t .~k ,, "1'"... ,''''' (!!;jt~Ilil'l2l!.!!.I!:,I,!:,~;Vol lcS.\l sW!1.1thy, but~helewas the srune piec1 l1ml nnol\sOI'Vallt, Wi 1l 1 n fact) hc .pause~. ' g~8 oW~' visiting clud was an4. 1:1'liel di~eA8(l, bj :"hi\~' . ' , , , . '. ' S:UCUf;!'iC pJ;y of lip, and, now n~I,d happy thollghtfillncss :lI1d a head fll!! ~lIl tled \lpon~ 111e door, nod und~r hi8 Rcoutent, till_ dre.a d ..\llIng~ " 11. Cew ~oorlnb~ve the ¥.<E.lGhoroJr. BT AMELIA, B. EDWARDII, ~hcn It ll~sh tlJ~ scmTIC .1 cstl css lLte o~' .j()'y@'~.S .J/O}J0S III l~ lJ)'Qjccts, J.Jifl' nam<f,' in 1\ d"UCRI~ female Itllqd, , WR8 pasKo He on,!y );~e.~ ~hat IIbe.~'" \lend: 'W fe. 1 Y ' M! iii fy' ~.,~, ~.iJ!I "1 "". . _ m the ~J e. Nor flu} the 1 ~seml~le\t cc hntl , 1)~I'hll.p9, nCYCT 80 m en so lrrig hL WI' 'I ~.n t·ltn t or h ili .mfo, ' H/lppy. llugh' 8nd.-lhl,t,t111 I'he JI>.)'. Ule. hope, the glory , ti ', : .. ; " , 'J "" I1f FOUR l'ARTS,-'PAn1' t. {Ul.d. ,401,c, It C!l",e. ()U~ atrougol ,tUII,lI 1'0 1' !Jim Hf! Ilt that moment, Thc lill. ), Girtlle.Rto~e I 'l' h~re ' WAS 1I0 )j'gh~ar of hftl WI\!I .1.!0J)O (I'oln .lllm IlIft:ve.r, .J 0 E jL . E ..V A N S , 'I '. • . ' ~I : " , , nil. i.n. u. >tjlel'.e-' P~SSll1~. , ~~Intlow, 01 .~~~. P.Y ,l)l'CRC lit WnB' hiS 0"'1\, nll(t lie hel,lrt In ROllIe .Rt ' Jhnt mom ent wh en A ,l\lng lime, or wh,,~ 8t1"lfIed. " long, CONV.&Y~!N~~R~ TRt sun 1lnd beer! ltP for tho bo~t "ll~essI01.I,-t~nt c:s:tJ~ cSslon of s:ttt! I - ~11 ~'o .\\·i t]1 nll itl; poss i bi l'CWI\t'<1~ (m<1 1{8\,tllg delayed nil instant' Lo,tHko brontl: limo. went ~1. ',I,u~ : ho lenning IlgJlinst . 1:, Jlllrt ~r ~l\ 'l~lIr; thq .gol~.en ~.nzc m 1 1ll~le.top3})o,<liJ)g 'Wbl~b ':1.l]l~ol c, n~ ~; bl c.~slngs l ny, \ ns it WOllO, unfollie 1 before going in: h.e pulled ollt his lalch· IIII! Willi .. VO!Cl'l~ 88. '&OlirlI\8II. pllr~ly!!,ed. . --~ N D- . 'J, iIt. the ell~t '\':11.8. slowly me1ttn~,.awa.y; Ily d efined tiS t.hc fa t.11l ty 01 n,n " be1ol'(l him,. It was not oft 1\ ' that \iii},', g peileu lhe g ltl1 l1 ' of 'hii! -I!Rrlldi~e. ulI,f\blo to th lllk,. Of, !DQ'tI, Pf do , 'any· , lti@Oj1I;A\m.y IP1llI'1lL;l[\lIf + ,the sh~ggish ~ide of bullo~k,t\'Ucks I eom_mon to the of Stual'ts: ~hc hc wa s yi !1 itcd hy :\ IJOlid o.y mood and p&88eU into tl~p 6hady Iit~le vosli· llialQg, bilL 6~nr~ In " bIRl)k" f/OsL WRy ~t ~ ' . " .• ' f \Vtl~1leeYlll'ti, Olio. had flurl.y set 1Il. ,along the.'Via Sacra; 1. 100], w,a s ,0 ne wh.t(~h. c~me to , lJ.~s jacu SII (.I\ ns this ,' :1'1) ll, EpglHt, as 110 l>u II Ileyon'd: ' r:. tb6 b,ed on willoh lay. tho wffjok of hiS i ' I :Jr,lo ' iii .' • . u08 a stu of n.wn!c. ! ,- $0 ,m nny 0, wn s , 'h could s 'm'eoly rQ;l)Cllr sln il . . 1 .A t the noor of snlon )Ie WRS I " .:.> V" 'Clllngt'~lfe 1V!\8 ttJ 1:5e felt' th~n I b ~S,.l~!tlll'lltte ~eql ml~ltll1lCe~ had nev el lug ,to . ld)o (lLt:.:l;$ he ,,"cut .n lO.Il g'. l'~~~t by ~nlrg!J~ritD' th ei,l' Rom~)n 8Ol" nn b~:(n Qr.~~);'~u~lg'~~eh.l\vo beon . Hllvlnll had .tuu.r~ecn Yonrs" Ilxpdtillhoo henrd In the .l>lcasan~JUo.rnmg nlr' l seen It thorn, .1 ut It ~~fil tCll t,? t he ConU:lg 111' (' cnUy, . how 'yt' l" \\Ito a N,Il" , - g QrlOUAI crtnturo IV 110 0 kCd \' I ' ' . . . r ' nd ·fJa Ille pnidlice o'f . Molllc-ine." ~o'ffet8 ~bis when 1\ cel't:unBng}lsbDl:ln, Hl1gh l su~f~t~O som tuncs" li ke a 1I1'.l d ol1 lon g- V ictl1 l'('s<{lIo s tl'eot lin od with as if she lIlig hL hAYO b een llio mOlher (.am y ~0~8CIOU8 0 R Profenlolt,l/.iorllj 'el lli'thocit,* enl-o'f , llllY ~.~~on. -GirdLcstone 11y name, rosc ; from Ius . wnt w g:,.!lnd S? lnctllnes settled like n ShOPfi on hotll sid\!! fl'om cticl to c. lId of tho GtRceht, bu"t w.ho IYII~ ' mnrricd, ~"lnl 0 10 pr~Bbn~o 0 . Way~e'v 11e ·.'and ' ViciliJ,ty. ~ 1 1 lollllging atti.t udQ, .....aiu~t the pal'apcf- I darkness 0, )lnlti S hl·o:\,. , .' ~ , he s hl ekclt ' Ll his 1)1100 s hook oIl' li 'lS in ~ ft~ d . to ft" honest wnler ,cllfri er down 1n.1 III room-o ,emg e . aWfty. I"e a ,, .!"6 " TI 11 t r I tt I L tl 1t' · t I II k' f I child, nllt! plneaJ In a ohair bOlIde an . oo-OJ'Flcn on MQ l o ,8treel. Ihtee doors 'of the 'rower of the Capitol, and ' Ie m::11l ac S ? \IS S ol'y. U , ·0 're,cry, (llltl ' lJegl1 n lpi tori Itg beforc y Ie IP?t a(, n nl wa~ In:I • .u lo go oneil window. Bnd of MRrl:heritft kneel. SOlllh.of ~lt e ~IANl. OA:t-f,·r..i'J; OBice. l I)reptu;,e(l to be gone. He hnd ' been the .mol'D1ug or tillS dar-.tbls 1 3~1, Lhe "' illdo\T~ with t!lU ilil' 01' II. pUl" out to !len Ice or ,,-ome montulO tn every .iug 1Io.~ , W~ r,el (\nd coverihg, his bands ,._ Ni,;ht colla .. romp' tl" 're~I..'ond'\~ to. stllhding'tllere in. tho saale tspot' in ],'57 -mny .I I " clln , Cl' . year. I I b \l--J ... I' 1 I' "ofJ' Fobmftt'y, l' I" tl he tOld[ , II I J' 1 I. ~ 1 . 1 I fi with tellrs, '''I f , to'!'!.1l8 one ~ 10 1118 eOD ---'--~~: ' " .. t I10 same attiude, sin.e o the first ... ~ew es , 1'0 lIsinO' \lOW n,t n c "" n'lleo, cllt, t"t"~ 'U8 1 , S 10 ,W' ltitpor,,( ,W i ll Illr n- SlUIll)e~1 b y SPInIl l,Dur d uroua bl ow. 1Ie U 1 I lilD h ol C11'wus . I,e SOilI 'rl0 t a '" ~, .1.\1 " of the dawn, -Hvimd 6CC~; the wen t Iy er ,rs, 11'e ~qltll'C, In 1\· \l OW nt. rI I1l OfUlicist's, now nt o..i we]. , gc~ 'on lIef lip. "Sh (J sleep, &till.' J't\covered by :degreeB fl~o.m hi, litupor, .' ': , " . \ . ~ "r star fnde from the sky. He had SOf)n .ken honors fl.t C:nn1lrtd tT o, 1.11Hl h ud 1m ' s, hcs i'bn t.illg lJetweoll the IJr0I1Z11 Tho br~nkfll8t ~;"y on the tllble, UO , ' l!1ttlitnblllli.' h~. 8nit!; hOl\1'80ly" ,~ .w T I JI U R 8 Til £ 1 r ,n ,A GT l c ~ 0 P ctbe shadowy Satiine peaks ;\lpHrt been cnllcd to the bnr sQnlo. fOUl' 01' mellals in tld!:! wintlow nU'll til 'Illti ouc'hccl :on'd r'undly , the morning AIIO' I I f L u h I 11 Ii ' . , themselvos olle by Oil!), Imn the' Cnll1 ~ 'fi ve YO,aI'S bnrk. As 'y qt he c9 nlLl quo 'rems in thnt. he CI1111e l, rt'H 'nUj: ~lIine tlnmtd in'lt t '1/10 winllows' lhe , W~'~O' tI$lllll\I,ae lsl:n' ~w\J(orr 11~lmlll S~I~noo'roen" .' ~, l11 eetl"O~lee., 8 ' thlcsn' " . '. ". . ~ I ~ , ,, ' . ". . . ,pRgllaem~rf{c ' I 'k Ie' a '\rOll!~( . 0) (l -to" ltl I ' 'ccllrcd' .. I .C;, • .nc-, tO IOl\'of th o!t~sh()lsforLh ~:1' 1 0 () . tl O'tte rso~ t~IO lillie nY ,flll edI, lhe' lllr ' o r sobr ed Mlirgit,ri\R, ·B~l~b~t.--..' . rll ; it.varioUBbrJlnchell;, notlo 'b~~xrel1. 'froID the. myetol'y TI e clr yotlOlIal room ' wllh 1\ \' Olli p tU OU8 p41rfume ' " I I"'n~, .1 .1. d h' ell anvwl'ere, ~olle bllt lhe . .of the tWlllO'ht . b .' l't.hely d ' upon 'I-t ' )11S plOfesslOnuJ "l t· t' l ifo, tl ' .\l.l'tlt'lcs . . , Olt', 01' more ()r the I , ' ;.. " 1 'I 1:1 I; If I'ICl(lu. 1 ' IlUI a~ •• Ilrne i 15 ... ~ , R Olne, With l~ JIl,\ltldutlmo\ls \II. WI'I ~ellll1l,. ~t",'l lea l s~ on I \vhic h m'otoU()l'oufld ill:dlllo, " e\,· It,yn!lRt.llIy'ol tilupl,-ndJlY when 10 r . !I'd ' , . D1U'f WATERiA.L \rilED. ~on~es and'\von, Its I!istory, 1l\~. of In~.ct:l1.!lt~onaL q~pYl'lgl\t" 1\11 CI'.~ :tl'cet o f n ome, H.(;I,fl "'rl'~ <'x · L,~ ' sliJI·ili b\!'(,l, 8e,,~cd Almost lik"" &le , lIe~'l:~\I~; b~, replied,' ;, ' j ,' ' " .' .: , Its poet.-'" Its fable , •lay at blS foot, edited an 11Jlpoltnnt qll lSltcly cnl'vc.uA ros,"j·t all olll"rll S'Ig.nor S 111m I' henl' Will" ./lmOU8 t Fl~r' . . T"nM811C~ell.-Office s\ Mis ree,idi J ' . ' H I (lt1gest 1 of Oh nnr . ., .. .~~ I' n c'. (I ,'ll' n lege , "dllY wllfm . , RI."ve Uv, . , "', ., '1 63, ~ I co YOllUet· tbe Colie8tl,1'; brown vaBt, cory pt'netIC&' In( n I!Q been .OJ' '\ \lrl eo r'll 'uad prcC'i() Il ~ st, 1108 v<itln' 011 should be up /Iud doing lint! reo t' I r d I b ' on l\lllin , t~eet. . I • 'I indistinct aO'niDst the'ligbt with the y()Ql'g in the bubit of COl\t.I'iTJt1tin g 10 ~n" rin r'~ i;l 's ilver 'il t\ ,y,Yx ' coli •. o ve l iing~ in lhe a nl'itllT time o( tIle glnd e,1I IIple.I' Ur·~~n ,":,1.0, Iva I c ?dle Y, 10 , . ".. ' ." .' r " 1 l' ' , t' I, . '" , .. , ." - . , " <> , . • I Ie lIIZZ l1 ;t;>III'ue,rltll, JA Ol WIL 1 : 'II' IOID blue ~.J; plcrclDg 1ts topmost arches ; the licst l )O I.LO C ten ItCl,lItm 0 o . t Ie cl'tltell l':1l)u, colOl'od pl'l l\L\'IJ of Bnlll ts n ~:v, ye.!lr. ~1 ug u GlrdlestQoe... could U IIgh Girtll\latone. , hAd L.elln on lerm " . .. " J t? Ule lert 'the Ihapeless ruins o~ th~ dar- '~Lihlll ~hc l~lst f91~.l' lnqllths ~ \l,ll:d tiHll'tYI'1;l Ul .emb l,CI:l\ntic fl' f\ 1h' , ~el\rc!.' ly bl!liev,a t.t)l~t Mlllgheritll 'Ya~ in oC, iuiimRtl y ror ~Jle Illst _rour or 'live ~ '~ h laillce of the Cresars; to t~~ Tight, n~r l\ prq\ongcd °P{lo 1 ~lon 011 tbe mlssl\l sj \.l1·Osa . , boly wnWI' ;Ye$Rel s , a~rn('ll~. ' . ~ ,moolhs, Almo.8t hie n!,me be. ,. \ ~lnti';t , faintly "isiil1e nbove tho · miit,- the po.r~. pf lI e.1' ll~:trcst rcin tIYl'E!, h~,hRt1 111111 WI'e:l:t.IH:I o£ i.lIl.mOlotC\lCS. H .['0 . 'BI ~ep!l \". ~o repe~(ed : 'Wlillt d~ ing .ullof!ld lll~ arriv,ed--:a tall :~,"ar1t. 1< " . . . ' ,. ' < ,I , JlJ' I:amid ?f' Cai~,!' . Ce.ltiu,f l>cside h~pplly mnl'l'I cd It j'otmg ~!1<\Y of l\n - 1I 1~0, o tl(, II Jl."in g , tho ('.el.ttl'e of th' Y01l IlItlll n l' . : , , . " b(i~ht. eie!i tn!l.1\ Q>r, RbQut rorlY .YIlAr.. Ea.~ .~inl.S~1~ W;aJ~e,~~ ~~r winch, amId a w,l'de , e!l~ of sweet ('Icnt Romnll C:ithnll f.tnJlly 1111(1 1\'\IJ(low, :lUIl roiJeve(1 ag-uulflt ti " t.aml t' l .: ]'\(! I\l1 thl\l the SIgt'l5)ra has n9t yet of !Ul:e 'wilh ,oJllfi\\,ing Ii) 1\,. ",illlllr, \!l1L'1)(DUt~ Am1ID A'lr<U1El'lIl~ wild vi~lcts. lio ' thol 'Bsbes or J?hll f~rtl]~:.C> ~o . ""'.hom 'be ,hat~ n!,. ol:im son ,(',loth, stooe! fin h 'o:y CI'Ii ' r~nJ::' he.r .bell,', . . b~'\ri"g. :lli, ~n\'. lIlepl """8: tq cl~"r l ' : : ;. ' ', .' ,. il<ent!l:; ~Denrer stUJ,. the 'sullen Tlbel' l1,ttnol1 '(1 I, ~m 1)0) 1I00e1. '1 he,\ elhXlOn de s lg nc el n[ter tho 1'Il~lOIl8 ·n"L I~ plte stlll an bed " f. . < Ipe pluco qf inltud~r!!.-or tho En gl,i1111 . RepIlrl\d. ID ~Ikmnnhlr.: ~ty'.' a~ th" edllying over the fnst.vnnisbing piers wore I~O\Y 5pc.)1~h!tg t\ IOllg ho~ c'y- VI\lI~Jkc at "illtw01')).:\o H1QI\\l) 11" , 'Illl 1ft b d, ISign ore, An(l Bleeping InmiJy rro~ Lbu linilloor, of lhe ·AU;er. ll1w!'st clish prleo. ond dllh8rllcttonS9~tf R· of the POllS EmUius; nearest of all, moon III !lome, :IIIU 'w ero :l ~ pe r1~ ,t· iu g lIbnut t 11 in c h ('s in h 'i ght, It Sou lIU I.r..,, S.t,~ )43 in lIbout 'linlf lin hour iCl\tls (rqn, tho .e~ond. of t'le . lllllip,n R_A_II_T_£D_,~_~____~_ _..............._ the Forum, with its exc3yations, its ly hnpl'. nS' ,O: I!:lIl'or1ol"e rs In a ftlll')" Wil S ll. li ttle '/:crn' m its -:\ tin,)' ago, nrill fft nlinr 'ht:l1 rc1 mc. L\youlal l te noll\;IU his wife; lind (lC the servant, DR .J Al\'lES ·A.columns, i~· p!\lace.frontll, its trium· tnle. W pCll."lt 18 !\.f-l ~(jd , .tlt:lt;sbc was 1l1:1 ~ t~ I'l ' i cec, Of 1'1~ O ~! UI }1 Ii<'ate n9 t Jil!.~'l hH. §)e~p is ,!, ?ltl~ 8('a1. l lhillg" who hila! I?rowued JlP tn. rn<Il8t (roiu dlv I 1)l1nl nrehes, its scanty ttlrf, its stnnt· J~lst tw ntr·e\,"o nud ,ll.e t:Jl,·t~:~f(J~\, wOI'(mHlll . hi ll', Tf 'ugh 'I ,il'<1 lost.llle 110,4 , Hie good God. sepdii It,l , . tJ~y IllIrt of th9 "9l\~e. " I •• ell\pt;Ut!d ~ "'.ed a~~I' its in~'MCri~~l~1\tr, yel\r~ of n~c! thcolltltnc,o[ th e lt',ltt- hn~l scon nn(L~nllmil'etL itm~ lI.r n ~rne . " f£4~ 1j:llg)i/lh~lan lllJigbed and sllrug· t"('m 'lit, oivi,ly bl.\~ firml);: ,}OCkfld ,tbo ~ t r~I)Olie aba desolation j ilila ' b eyond tle hlst.ol'Y IS made out '~'~Iil flllmCIC~~ L,eforc, bnt n ovel'. tiCi now' >~itl.i 11Iny ge4.lllIe .holllder'9, ' . ttoor bebind the IIISI, Rod ,,,,en.,, &:iont> V . and arollnd all tho hrown and bro· cl !It'nes~ CornU tho p,n nios~s ot thIS thoug ht o t' pllrchnse, T o ·day, 110W-' ,q ~ m 'Y' bM'e too much evan of 1\ into,~be cbllmber"of clel\l,~'!l ~ugh ,GirWAYNESVU.l,E, 0"10• ' . . • ,. eye', t!lo' ni3pcct Of'I1f1l!.il'H w:l.e c h.lIlg/ ~I~I . r1.~ .my go' ~ . ~arg lll~il~~ r lI e dI1l8"'D~ rollo",ed ,lim, ~,,!I "Yl'ld.,c,ongue . - - - - - , . 't' , , .ken Campngn~,' boundc(l on the one nn.rrnti e,'" hntl by long cbains of sl1ow~~trel\k. Pll~hi~lg on , t.llcn, IJ.~ , ~lis engcr cd, l;lis) c~~pr J)r. <;l'~llit t wuh leu I.tis Rtf ' ·.r~.1! 111\ ~' ke ' III , 'At ~lt ~toVellh, tillU, .ull!\i ld,.rel1. likl! a man .lJalf.l'oullld O)'Flo&-On ,N!'rlh Sireet, .\ft Dr,· W, cd Apennines, Ilnd on,~h.e qt~r by n pnco, Hn1r!t Gil'dlestollc cnme 'pI'CS- pc~cc of 111'! 1I\1 un rl IJOS!I ·Gf.ll'\l /tIm :~nv she Will th8I1lk ' ~~ ' f~r ' d'Oi~g IQ, , fr~m ~t(l~p. . ,'J I' If. J\1IL1erloll'lI Building. a (ow door .. !"le.t ·.hilling zone of .e~:; ~~narv.ellous entry.~? ,f11~ llO, ,11l1(1 1~ltini,l:cd with u11 ·>\1 Il§ Il l'.ll tlC .of",:c:rH~I,;,:'J.rc ce;,~r llfav , ~~'I ~(Jt!ti!!!n"ei''oW; rtl. !l ~ Till! aurg~qJl bent e,ilJlnl1rov~rJhe oJ lbe :.Pol",bffiea. -< ~.;l)all~ramaJ. ,.Perhap&, tilklllg It for (Ol' btll l ettets, 'Thcro wn~\llIt Olle f L'O!1g' to UllY. so~otnHl I.:~ ~ II. -11 Pp.~pl/)l; \1,(, one 18 eyes tP. !oo~ upon I ,cSlrpae., ~urned' 'hI! ,Ppol whit.• 'ao, to Mr,Chlru ea relll~nllb\e. ,and ,If'~\'('c, allm aU ;. ilie mC?B' mllnollous pill1o- -a,squore,' 11lu~-1ookinlt. , ill · fuy ol'- tie }))'idc at hom , nnd he knew t h u : " Jl.I''l~&I ,('I·I~,\ el,'~8pe~1 be~ ~l nD,~' .IA , II~ ~ be Ught, 1~1I 1~ a I !lIlFfor ,;to , 1!le J p>~- tj0t! . ~Il~rqnt eA,,, ' I - • ;' .1 I" 4(t rnma tlll1t Europe hilS to show. Hug'h ed 80Z:~ of, a docnrneflt•. a,cllled ' with he ('.ouLt! fi lld '\l M hin g in ni l ROIl,lc tI~,lIJ1\"Y, qr,de."q'~()}}(ll.i "491"'\1\9n :. ~ . , ", II ,l)cl,l<u(, t\le p~8"v9 . 'If'Jld;<,,,:,hr~t!d tltal · . ~\," 'D, It ,Gitdlcstone knew' every feature of it ~ blg: fllm~ seal"and ~ltl l'el!sc<l ill fI, wbiuh flhe , 011](1 l'l'(' J'CI' t o tilrs , Slt~ . ~. Cj./!lo .l: , ~b~ ·j!Jtcltlimed • .'Ho,' ,beall' ooe· e.YIl\i~, 'h~I\' lh'e 0111 6r. ~1)d feh ,for ~ ..., ~tI D&I\I.&n IN '.I" ,'-I 1lY htj~~~ . ):1,8 .WI111 fami'Har with ev-' hl.~Dll: . He llnll to ,show wo uld love it, tOQ , fOl' l:is d e:l\' Sf lc~, liClll I' '. 0 ' ~)< 'v _:, H . .j', . ,L.Uc. lnd, \lngO!rlllj("IPN lr. lI~l .ru.-Ilulali ~ry 'ernm'btiDg . tow.r · 81l d modera l't l1efO'r e tho cL(,Wlc .w,?ul (L :1I;I~l, hol' ey a \,'otl l«l ~~ij~ (, " Vou It '. ~ 4l~' p'IMel1· '~il' olir,:iog. 0, the . etRnd ll~e OrOWD 11£ tb.e }I~ild. · '1 heD he ~n)Pt'nUe; wi~ every epac.e.ot;~on tb\}'~a,l'S or: ·, th'Q little wh on sho pl':})'(IU Iy ',h ll\1.1lI> h OO' orl , or ted CIOlh, An-i11hen; .onjir'lo,~r to hIli IluI). '. " , .' . '., . lliaazri; _Ith ev. cr;-green onci. aure,. it was sons. .,lJttlc ·~.I.l-~ balcojt v,u g~l'Iier" :" . fipn!,lI~1 of' 01:" ,~l~ , i~ ql,,'~~op~le~; ~. f~teq'l/ r , 'lVith the site of every ramoull 'ruin , ' W I\t Ii ' i.':blo·l'O , nina vrim, oH i;,{li'af; _, eUlcl.7g,~ \,jIYb' . ·~Ire. -l\~' . ~.1t ~d the outline a{ ev,en famoush U t o ' 1 '. W'O' ~!I" cle ~ot'a. e ' ~.~~ .lIar with (pI .p.e·ltw~ b013ra ,or·more'~' , .,,,, • . h '.. " -', ;" '~ "~ ")l:!( , ' '- ' ' ' '10'., _. ., .. T . . ... ' . 'n ~b ·'t' , '. " , 4'oj\~III"n, (I \ ., .II'''''''I'''~·' 1 .I • \Vas 413 fa, onte.' haWlt;-tb.e we~ ..~ " "I'Ir,n~!ri'!:t~e , ...'4,1' , .. i)I,PIJ· ,." , u' e.M;UI- ; .. al''!. ! / It· .",:, In'd '10.'," , P~an\ ~' which ' hJiI. eye, ~ 'J'etcb me thoeel '.'11'0 WhL!e .• aul .from ' '! SiIfP~ . . IgbL.b Ihn"ed '. ' j ' :,. ' ~~:;. , ;~.,., . lhe olJimney ~iEle. I, lb "t'te'ftJpm.' :, hi' Ihoul~~re •., " , . . t. . ' . " PSR,EOllC • had 8een tli. lIun ri.e &Del se\, f~r 1'lI~Y~ .... wi it .. b upl. aoct.'l1.· ar· 'l"po,.lbl. to. ~11i ~. ~epl~cJ~.".l~rii~,I'm~~~!f~~~~ ~~;r.~i~~' that and m-atly " ll)~ ,J. J'Ii; ·b~1J ~QUqI8'~ ~~.,nd,erll .Aael. 01U ,"JltCI~ .~I~101l: " ,Il ..' . a both g,,,ccfu11, !'II a ~w'om.~ ~l,IbJ . ~an .~. 1 b. ~'''o.... , ttll~ed.,. hll (ael 1.Il•
























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Ir. n .~(me ~ III Un io ll D; po' , W ~; I ~llI l u - \ Ilel ph1ft, olrecll y t o E xp r(>11 I r UI II fo r New Y(J.rk, rea chlng lh e re B t f, .3 0 A . N. S I Olio li s . A ItoCl nm

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R£STOR £H S, fo r Pre by" pi •. Sjghlw lle.' or .,,,ery pel.oll wh o \Vcrtr , .ptlc ... t.da. (,.OUl old 6gf'l; DI!"l1 e U 01 VU I ~ nl or j

foOkl , tbel '




"0 arou~e the pt'Oll lc fWU

all, 1f,,,,,~tlMt ll<l /HJI"orp' (j . . ~. J..Il1J1I()6 1A ,,.,., J .....U ulade

We.k Eye" Epiphora. !" W. lf ry Elf.; P~ III in Ih. " ll ; A"'. uro.... or Oh,c uflly or v ...

at FAST LIII E- Leaves P ill eburl! I'. nt. , s top pi ng only RI p,," ciou l Biu lio0 8 ion ; Pbolophu b ut. o r I lI t o l ers l) l' e o f Lig ht j M.. Il li rr is· W • • knn o oflh. I1. l i Il A ",,,I O ~ IIC Ner .. ; M . · Arr ivee ot AIIOO/lh III 3 . 10 " . o dea.o v ili, 01' Spt! l: k 'o r 1\'l ovil'K R odiu b t" fo rt! burg. 8 28 A. &1 ., UN lii ulnrr t 12. 30 1'. nl.. th e t:yel; O ph lll lll llli .. , (It' lu nulIl UI:t lion o( It,t' Nt"v \'o,k .t VI" Allelltuw I/, 4 . 10 P. nt ., to:Y CI wnd ":yelit.l»; ea tBr ad E yt!lq H6IUio \)lu. or l'h il..I,.lpl,i"t 1, 10 1' . AI, 8Ual New York,

. iJ '


Purlitl I3 l1 ndl1. " ; Sillk ing o( (to . E) .1>" I , ,'<-r. vln PhHade: phiu, 0' 6.42 1~ • .\(. nny one nilh. COI"Ut ll tl., The)' r an be u ~e u


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of n lll. " . ......,. r .«r .,,,1 AX"o. r. 1.or T I lIdl#o:. \·" tll'lI, . J ILUII . ( 'u l1l\ ,'a' " 1. ny4Ilf'1,,~la , f. dtcf!, t\hllI~Y \·un.,,,hdn 1\l11i tt. 1I ,111'1('''1''''

1 or .. iOl I )", '"lt IlIU; !lUll " 10 bul tl·r !lit " ItI'~. I ' .111 ". rur ~11I,,,,, ~"ru"b"IIl C "'. rOK"I.ot"G NtI , 1""'1<, 11 1", . h••y. I. " ., .",1 I AII t ullI' ' ·. t lll' llht"l1 t (\O l" 8 I'. thflt. !fo il ," I



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No w I t. Hillfl \,."r I," IJ",,· r.


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' l orll u t!

.,. .. tom tJy rn·e II"" Ilf I b.,. St OIU HI' h Uil l.!'r" , 'Ir, I( th o t.1 t.luJ b 111111 tllIu lli e P ll lllh'l' ,


". . S . . Bagguge checked through ollllirun s ler- ' l"or Ih ~ U Itll so, eO l u l c~ " e n ' ICI' . red free. f l'OI1\ hllu ' t" or 1!1",i p" li 0 I1, ill1p rll tle n r.ios, 1 l g Bos· TICKETS FOn TilE EA " J' (1IlCllldll ' Ior III ti l e II~clil . ~ ur ch ungo u l Li Ir . 10" Dr. Sleph e" , &. Co. h.vo i" '."I. " Qll e! by BOllt or Rllil). pus" ill g O,,",' r lli i ~ Po.lenl. d u MVOPIA o i· CORNP.A FI.AT· lOll, I . R~ VE OL [tEV 'I'lNG :'J\ l' lli~ 1 n:NER. ror Ihe cure nr N EA n·SIGIi TEO. routl, C811 be purc l", s l't1 III ull l'ri ll uip"1 UEL~H10LD'S I , ."... ' I e! IHi, lIY r-JESS, which htu proyed'. t;"re at IO CC CIfI . .u lty n. w lo BS Fore 8IU';01l8. DR. STEPHE N S '" CO .. 0 IlIi . t •• 0 1. RUlh tou ', Fantil), Drill\' Slor •• No. 10 _4 1l~ r 1I 0u •• , Broad". y. ~ ... ·Vork . ,I'. 0 . 110& g/ t\)

Wrile f"I'

60 Iy

c ircular.


. P" . In flces Great Reduction .


R'O · I' Revo vmg 1 ('s;:

n Jfie CaUl'S, .




By ~hi ~ r O." II',

rt 'n l "

f'11111 )')nrr p. I9 1


. 01 1 t1~~rrip - l l~ r i 'd. H(l ld by GUll D ealer.u ll d the Traut·!

Frcir::.hl @o f lion s, 1I1clutllllg l.lvE ::i TOC •• "nn hI' •


and Belt Revo1vers.1 .

"I nnn .-, lilt

'ni l

I ge ne ra l! y. """: l!{! ki Il!<eurc" O Il o( U~~ U Cl ti hl! I III ~w N ,"crlled loond frum "/lilode lpll ill, , St orl' , 1I 11 1,k . ," ,,1 : Yurk, ~08 1un or Illlll.imo re, 10 .811d Ir u il l R u bh ~ ry. I! \·cr.v 1I ~I1S~ I ill e li " hnvc l" u o h ~ om.·I'. lIys'''!J RUllw rn le s We Ihe ('II pOInt

- AT T ilt: NEW-


freiel lt


)),. . JII , kS('/I '.1 O"iPIII(tl Linirnl'llt

I R p nll v.·. ni l culJness


III l1n l t" r IHun y YP'H tf.

Dr . j ,,,·I1 ,.,,, '. Fr c llch p~'enll\lftl . Sa le. ,ll' &0 (0 nllt! flevor faild lu - I I I" ~ ". , . • 'oIi,III Cl il ' lI. '11 i~ lhe ollly Slirc al1d. . 11'" 1" ,' 1','111 iVlJ u l! Rln~t cOlltrac tlng diee ... "", ... il1·: "I" ,·". .'r i.·,e iSl ell:Io. per h.l~ ,J " ZO Il ~ .j . 'I lid por d"ZI'II Et7, ~1'1I1 b)' mtll. 11I"!" ,,"es ur IIl o olPrftte drinker. wl,ode. , ill ' 10 I.:o rm, bUI ~ho hue founu il die.



P Il.IN C 1J:. VV.AT -TU N & C O.




also oe for. foinl on 1110 riv·

,,r ; R () S PUrll~8 J ('~l r i !l 1! 10 ~ v a il, I h~ II1 ~l'In\',1(PJ~ ti ll-


"lid dI811~ilily. aud

rt'jol v,'nul l' H III'1: ona \\ hie h have lui u ~~r.

( (It.

~ III t gin g-i t Dr cRa~~;o~~e~~~e::~,a(ccles":~,leran


du lla r .

:u r "ur ~ pl l' llClill c irrlll"r, c~nl. I _. III£: l1I "r~ ill qult 1l il)' 0 111 1 "I ~lIperior 'lUQ!. • pa'II"I.I".\ I'IY III ". IY 0 1 Ih o ri l' -c lIlleJ written rep lv Re lll e ll,lir r 111IIt we fenll" 10 P" .... v I cll~ r. e SI' r d " lIy .clllptrd to :11. ! l' "ni('lIl a r CIIS I' lI Mlll'r ~1"IMidetali o n, be. '11'11 11 ." ill .t he /llIllIre of Ihlngs each elle dllror~ Iro "1 CVP ' V ull,,·r.

~ " lI o1


" I I [' 1" ;1' ,

III ,.jO l' lIllo III ll SI'X " ,Ioo l lier uri_ II'" '"

1.1(. 1111.1 i ll r~i <'ie llt re med ios. hope to com. II" ! Y '·lllifurl u lI ll t cs .c re lru s lill!: your hetllh 11",1 1II 0 0 1'V lu h",H d pMS chnrlota ne,llleal \ rberl & Co ' \ w:i IO to I>r ~. Jud s on, H e '11' 110 wil l ut O Il.C~ , CWrII YOII n .d, di;: nce l u ',,1 r XllliCll Gilswer. L ;IlHc8, IVrlle: , ((,r nllr c it ( lI lsr. Ur . J o clI ~.ln · d t.'mmle Month I, Pi lls! I'r i"-e $I I pcr IJl) ~ .1 cxlr(l fint', 85; a u fo II lIoI" lret' llI " 1 r~rn \llly [;:.r nil irr"!!ul~ri titi u' lI l o h" l ruc l io Il 6 . from WI.GtbV£>r ClIlI. S~. TIo~ 1\Iullllill in nl Vuht or Meulcal i'rq. lec l ur ""U MHrriu ge OuiJ a , IIlId on Explf. ('i l K,'y 10 I.l)l' n "I'll Belluty. COllloilli ,,~ :IUO p "g e ~ u fl d 1001,1011' • . u:r'l'hle ~ ril E hOlv k )' 011 wa/.t - pr ice 1i0 ccnll ' 3


Yl... "' lt hthv t llth.• • Jl hollldr,to ..'ftlo tl"' I1III1'\ U1T'l' .; UB, ,(,h ur e Lt llrHlmL ly 11 0 {I nt" <I I,, · <",,0 wllh " w'Ulk l,, ~ ,"" . UIl< I<d

I '

luo ..." k rl ' .. ·~·'"QIll

lIrt'mit.'ll 1,,'1 111" "u bllc. "'li d 111"' 11/ 0 IIIIJI! rf,,.,I I'tC.' 11 I II 11 11 1Illll ll h .' r 111 IIH., t lt I UI1-' 10

, 0: ' un ,." .


'- I

o lh~r IIr ea l lillll! ' 11 "lU uerr, nllltl iclIl sc i,: nl:!' ; for il is A fftc~ li t' llo e vp rv CrC 81 i'S I inlpOrl" " ce. ·Ind We w Oll loJ 11. 11 II11V OInll 01 UY "'"Qe comnlOII ' ~ ~ II "C hlllv "11" 110 1' Iholl . Rnd 8n ~. o ll. _ bal. IIIII' IHC IOI. tit' r 6 0 1 the da v, wilh Ihe ir Ie.:

, pr.'1 \\'lIh

I)\H' TU:S ur Ih. Weo! . " ,1 ~",,' h . n",1 , th o \'Idl... y of th o ~IIA. ' "" II . I .I,\ll\l lt tl I l'i L u.




P !ti li ful ll l"M :ot


ilo:limM e.


} (nr l' f!h ( th" I ' l t ' l/;r lJ~ !I , l / lt l n'tl l ,Il I I I•• - U L'Cc:oo l'. I II fi (ft'j'!ij)l l ~ r('('tdi , r I " r~ m l1 lf'R , iR \ln f' _\ .U,"d Cil ia ~IHII ' H~ "\Jn th' (' hi tv lIo I UIUl J ~ 111 /.,01 vy nnl' II l h.· r p rcp "r nL i l '" . n" i ll ' I I . n ORA C1{ 'S ~ (" ,\ XD r N'. . I , ""I IIl " , IlI lh{l ,~o (I' Or,


A d d" II


L E1.:\ I n )LD 'S



I MAl' l 'FA CT UR E n ;;



( Of1 rf,

t'LU iD




jS"l'per. tDi7l71er , *RreaAfu sl, o( III CCf' 1 8, Hud witll o llt th e 1"J\lt feftr of inJ ur,\ I t o th o Ey.. {\1 0!'. l hnn W OO C r1 iflcal •• 0 1 exr~pl..J.. \ nciavs SlI L u r e Ktl Rr · 11 Dail". aU ollltr tra i1U, cure. a re c 1h iLJ i le d I'I t our oflic c. SLE,.~ PtN (j CARS are u.llarhet .l,., nil N ig ht 8l1l ef'U til c.'vert CMe wile n ul'plit!c.iltl'cnrcJi, t tt d ie c..liree li o n, III cl o u n l ;11 e Nc h bo x, u r (h e lll U II · 'l·r.iIl 8 to Philudc\ lphi., New Yurl' Ind "r­ ul r~ i C a (or ey will bo r.. (o lld. d. Write .. Ill g r. ,i • .


III VU nla


d Ii

, nd Uct! ll\ c lI !l l:i um pt i u n ur ill:"lIl1 i ty

~ (j.f; .

It P rl nlz .


1 !{~ Il .

l n, Cl't .'

Idli ,." II \J IIII bIt: II'" '

H i e n_lie • I L I.TUBBS" CO" PROPRIETORS. PmnBORO ', N.• : ~ ~'''r 8" Ie by I{ u.e b erry ,~ N "" I 11 ,, 01 10

Blu rring , O,'e rwo r kecJ t J es : AJ t hf! IIOP I 01 or 1') IV II.


i ntit.'!cr ~



. l:DW tbl. fo et, wh cit h"re d""o lar- I_YhIP I1l


I. k... I" 1·"'I,· r '1"",,11110,,, . ,,,1 . .. hid, t hp,Jroitor thuv. nro


. - Ih tl \lhl ~('o tll('r\' W\ l h"lIt ll1lY ln,:; C('I IIMtn nl'J' T l, rr h(" (' IHI'iUI Ulll! l1. o ~r e I I \it IlIinl\ I'''' lll 'f'r ..: n ~. 14" a fll\ (I' KIII \ r, 1 I'J IU 01 uul "~ t r"'l'llre~ b~ l1l{nl' " \V 1!!UI)l /~ 'l,i,I,.",'" ~ . ,~ 1,, "1 •• 11 . . . "~.· "' l cn·.1 . I,Jru t i' I I It ' 'S.I,,", I .IIIVIt,! I I· · Ly II\I II " "';~ ~ II t \", llI u(011 \\',i ' '''', 1' nn'l1 lul'll IC I IIO ttl E\ tr e l. !!1 H!1l R1lf.

""~1 'I'bIJ to Ih e Ilclt t ill! rlnlt"am.1 gAT




~ l r l ~ ' "9 {tum. J#'.rcc ,~ ~(s or


L lt Lr olJcJ'ti liD ,

1 C\\ "

tlw rc


, .


III·nh·J 1\ 11 nl'licl., •• rSl'()')l .\ l' t l nt 'l'l't-~ u. :t .




~ "'''AO1,e U1\et' th e CUf f! H\t~t u ... U t .. Ialke AXBUoS 'A ' ....t w ~ 1U ..

P 1111 ~ r1 III '" " 1.7 . 10 I A . hI. and No w Yurk , VIU PIo " uc.l elplll " " III , 1:1,06 P. 1'It. SJe e ping CHr8 rUIl t hrough on tid !:! tru il1lroUl P i tl s uurg f o BHlr i more nu ll Phil auelphil l, anu to N e w Yull" vio A ll en ·

Th e moa l el1li ll t: ul P hy . ici1ulI . Ocul iJo ' }lij D i· A ti e" to I\' n . 10. 10 o f D.u r

count,y rec o"' m.. ' ~ Ih . u•• of

D~t. !:!~:~lwtA ra:~~

9 .30 J', il l .. 1=1 IJrritlbuf! ,: 2 :15 I • . / • 7 ' I N • Y k t Vlrf

' Uit II IIn orc


b.y tho"""1


EI XPRc.aS ,.- I...c nv ce P II l e· bu ra al4,llI l'dJ., Blul' p it l" Oil IY Q~ IIr ill r. AI ,

rUlOn, "bo.


. o I w I, nlP vc r OAIlIIl 9 r n1l 'oro. SDPrmol r rh~" or S "'I· A Ii01lc . ,h ft t curse' Qr 1IIo/ • pl'etl lty Curp" 1lIClIlIc()~d. ea s il y. O/ltl M ... n ll~ ' bl \'e ry \roce 0 f li e Icrrl e. P. tr~ c I8 etauica. I Cti 'r OItl Ih e eY HlijlD, wlllroul d e l Oll l 1 m(>I1 , beu r 111'1"• ~,n . (rOl Ill h u.iIlCR8. Young II . . I I 1 1II1 1lt , I 1111 we nt e In D oe .e ~~ l o n 0 1 Ih e~ ti proc f o d o h el m S "' n' e l ,,· c!!i llt. u l C u :,'e twP II, L ullnllnn ll, Hunl Ot, Vel.

"lrkl •• 'lhO \\, ... 1.",.1 ~,,"Ib B I I.IOL:s." h n"' , (.. r Il IOllg I I lilt·, 1~ 1I 11111 h


ACT BU lJ-'HU, ! D .EXTR T'l'U . FLI

IIV!'Ied 1M ",aideD, Ilft udlOlDQ ...d 1 '01 bId T t


cf pol


F u lt


"n ,mel.",


Wb;"~~'lldtll.lIWloDoebald" Wlio DO;' h.. r ...en locb, they '",. Ue ~ lLlu AIIoSO.14 tLllt JUu" •. ~ . .. -:::--11-::.~ ." __

• W I) io lnllihly cure S y phil lie, G lee . GOlltml run . I m pol r .. "l'. N.O\l IU r l) ~ 1 ~hd di:' orn I E ' III~sl on 8 1 Cu "'!,I~lnt 8 pel' uliu Icmnlo • alltl ev ry rorm Qf pr ihledbe I 10 ~O

""11 · 10111",,, .~<"I. ""d I... " .... II,., I... "t .. h'IUI\('hl ~ ~1I"","wlt teJ \\ arh.l . HO· I ' :\ ( ' Ii, 'S H I ' l"I' '';II~ " tumid l ltl H!Io(o.l I.y r lJ u. ;~l~M"\:lf" ht elln'nlot ' h ~ u l. h o , 'h)IIII'l h," ,",' hkh "tWI\) ' (ullu \\' • • cu to dl :h:IUC. 1n lI h 1

8We II lngS.

IIEL: \U30 f.D ·S

ouer Empiri cism 07.d Fral/d.

60,000 bnlll ... lfOr • •old by on. drug-ho., . I" I he I..... Y•••. 11 I~ .d. ~Y nur "' ~.~I. I.~" .. 'I l'~y.lrI •.u. Illltl"li Ihn l IIr. RlllJAI Ii ~ T(lalA c ll nl r1'1': "5 cuw~lu. Iho ltru petl l.... r 1\ lell"l

u e ys J and drops1 c l\l , bl a dd e r , "ld JOt

'fhJ. '" tbe Malden, hand.omo • • " d • goy,


;R oVt I

. th e bl a dder , tate 'G1 a.nd, St one 1n l or B r i ckdu fi t •• O'alculu 8, Ornve Dcposi , Ilnd 0.11 dis easeS: of th e l

Wlou aOw b .. rAff'll locl<l . 'bt , . ,. Ife ueed tbe <..'u r. thot I.y IJ1 \ho AJulIIOI U. that lU.oa made,

All ou li ll t . 2.411 P. M , " " " i.), u r!! ) tt ! }Jllilh tJel ph illl tt l J2"11 ~CJ . I 4J' I Pili . • nrri vlHi! ~ tril l n pn ~~~ n ~ e rH ur~ IUd t llv ~l O A M.



, "yo

d o n ~.

P red . J.;G ~ Ii RT JA CK. O", RfIIlttll1' H£I\"l r 1\1 . D .• Dr. Euol>lI8 Va,.f'F.4 U, Ir. • l diqm uary. eltubiil.htd 1869 1l1l/ionu T!. S ill rl: ar ~ or un'iYRll e~ eucce.1I in Ibe 'curl! ul vc ry lo rm of prlvllle dil eaet i... l!i rJCllt III \lil ll e r 8e x. ciencB al/tl Fair Dtali1lg Ticloriol/'



,",II I. tbo 1%&1\ w h o !I'U bald ...

aue lp hla) al 6 60 P . 111., " uti N e w Yurko v in Phil . de lp h in. a L 102 7 P . !II. C'N C/ NNATI E XPH ESS- L .',H8 P ill a"ur:: 019.5 0 A . ftJ , SIc'p pi ll g II I n e.rty all i t b'

UITTEn!I , .n •• y.... .. r"' "pedC'nC1l _nl' .riat, haYlt fru •• u 10 ho t hf' t,""'l rot fuet..l,.-IUU II lo r a l ru lll· IJI.. l nl . ... I\"". ~. \(ln h' and .,ihl U1Kll t at . Inqui r.d. 'rbo, ".'" "'" I V Olreo~tb' D

t ' n eDC '" of l I N t . .. '" on-re en,·ton or neon I I lrono; •• nlI B w •• ~ Im~o rl . I~.r I . IbeI."~ m"'tl' on In.llr I 11 . I" "k. " ... I;...' ...... I.. r••I,.I I.... U r i n,e, . I rn· t atlQn. n am .. I" .. bon'' ' rom"", No ll'. vn <..,,~h>ltl. r or I ,l" Bladde t.he f ' o on l ' 'lccrat o~ . " or ftl1' r ot'o und whb .. nutab or U ie,,, Ki dn eys. Di s eales of the Pros. I><~'. 8ro. .t H BitT.... I u ' h

"" •• ,,,. CoN ....... , 1A til. ~-... UIal &IIIIJ .....

- , •

:1 _ _ _... .

01lAC'U IT:::(10


• ......... . ~1a_4M•• ott& _ _ _

1 ~~ :I 5 ~t;=~i.:::


T, I A{: 'f

I~ U C II U ,



A I Pi ~'" lt u rlr, tf_i nll Irom Ihe Wes t r II dired to t h tl U li iOll Dt> po t. where P ... e,,· I!f r8 Are t folr red to t he Traina 01 l tle Pe nU RYIvan ia (Jenl ta I n llil IV 8)', w hich le nve P IUs bur&: Bnd arri ve lit othe r pui nts fo llow8: n AV E XPRE88 -Le ftVeR P I:l sb url! l iS .· 00 A . lIt, Bl o pp ill tl II pr l ll tdp. 1 .lal io l1'_ Arriv es ot Alr uo n,,"" 81 8 10 A , I . 'I')' . ro ne 9.112 A. J\f, r 8 pllc!oille 10 .112 A . M . Loc i, H ", e ~ 12 40 P . M ,1 U orrlsu urgt p,\Y 1 20 P. 111., Bal l imore! 11. 90 p . III., Yurk , v i. A lle nl ow n , at 10 4:' J> M., 1'1./ 1·



. ..... ..... @






·"rA S H I

';0'1 . •: ,' nO I'RI }:'r n R~t

No.. ISO, &l!J, 60 (I'1I16'J £tlst 1'hl rd .'1f.,

wl!olly e""llcule

11i",dt 10 rc(, .cRII


IVnrdod tl"k8ny C; • •~(· JN .s ,~'l'r , 01110/ ,I," , rp fo r lilly klllll of Itqllof, hy U1il1:l Dr, I h ~ 1" le ; l1Iprol' CllI e Il IH ill I i~ll) l lJ. lie .. e s t. er.~" d • 080 I . , ,,_I r '. , ' , JI I" 11 \\" , I ", lilld ",ill rlll, lo 11,·,b.· n·1i Anli·Al coholic Cum!'uUII". Ill. GIlJ liip s "ll HI" x r(f)I "1 I IU .. v., I I·'.ur Frei/lht Conlrac ts or Siolp pin j! Di '/pc ri or "' I!r I 1~ ~I 1C . 1I y Il II tll : ' " lin ' S ' 11I1!,, : li n u rt" "l'dy Illr InleOlpe ullee; write 1'Z U 1 FO 1 8· " " " reC LlUlI8, flpJlly 10 ur a,lo/ress ~ i llicr 01 IIW c"l11hill Cd in Iho . "" rg r), rlll" \ ie l I" .·''' ,·f \J 'P ili , . C K 1.'::11 It.l. TI:U Ill r l'" rti.·IIi.r. .. Aletlicio e InJ in."nelio ", folJI)W11I1! AgeDle of '11 1) CompulIl': . illg /0,,, ,, I,u hil " or d i.;i l,"l i.. ", i,II;II I,' rx- , ~' C/lJ Rtlltwg l(l'l j' C/JO/I 'Pl' . . JlI,Jr .. Fl. Agent, l'loil.d'" J{ihg'8tl O. S. plllll'llil y tCl "ny part of lh. rOllnlry. ~I 'e,,1 nll ll IH" l ll n " .' i n d i P' OHA NT TAIL OR, ~ ;, 1\. Cllrpelil er, Flo AJ,!' ent t Piu lS burl!. MEI\ C irculn rs l' tlll tilillill~ t llf 9 nntl t! t·efcrip . ' \II'! II !" t . li llll' o r tILl d I " . '" .' Ulllllll !toome olthc OJ,ptnll TY, IG1 . U U ( I U I ' \lU .,. \] ( , ' .01 .. . I ' I I'.U. ll OJI o ur Ilrms will bo fllrll i ." ~ d L'PU Il rXfJt)o\lr ,", l' lln:j> ct.', y t'l lI pr r Seul tl i! I II I:O: I' ! 1 ~ " cx l1l o re Blr(>et. (;illt,jl1I1Dli , 0. (Jlurkc &. co., 1'runslp , A~'· lIte.l'ill s lJllr~. lio - - - -- - -. tl f\pH r I11i o n. , ( . II. \V. Br own & co., ~ul l e8\'i1It!', O. pro " ..... 11011, II" x, ..l36, Send lur circular . , TloI , ""-j ,;. di.· nlt' e r "u~ ,I,ullr.r ,,,,,I nl i<U Il I nll~ I,ul l r:\ \Ql l lllly .... I~. RE:nllN Gl'ON & S O~~ , l liu II, N,:,y. \ u n pIO _ ._ .' ' 1 ,' lInlt & t: ..... MariCH., O . will th l.WA kn o~ n. I; II u lI,1 ~ l u r c l1r y , in " "dnl: tltIJri u lin· j - ----- --- ...- - -- - - -- - 'I ""i O. ipoli9, oU I.:l IIl- tdnvi Ro m to Gall y. l" ll Lno lI. B. & U. \y, , nreH.··S eercls for tk J J,· tUn: TO I ~ VI':\t\'n()n\' M810 Street, WayneS Ville , 01u':. Ilfoh"." "" " ""d l'errlble l)lscluH III S . 1 1"~.~ u l\t Dn o u " "Il ~ ro ll~ u i. t' II' c~. I . CI "J k & \:0., • . ltlillluu.· . I co g" , l ow -flplr!\ .. ,l b Orll"t ." Dr e I rl'l1l( l h t llin g hy ., N ION LIN E . arlll olc anllt A most V" ulble 1I0d wonderl ul public •• I have now Oil. haud .• lar ... XII.' clH •." " h' K Iho '" j' . . - .' • D'S BOL . llELM B ~ .tock of U 01 400 P"I!'I'I, 8110 30 cnl_ work A Ju ,1 1'1I ,,1i,1.• d . • , I~om.c " 'n.1 Intel· tioR. ~ubt Fn:gid, via Pt1ln,~ylt'ani(/ R. ' AlJE 8 tI .£'I " rftYIIlJ!8: r~ ' " untcr 'V flVp. I nn. Fr~ c l, . D Clfl r 10 '''''0, ' hllw t('OChCR urf, It . r~ l1 ,.,ur" • 1 1 . 1 It ('or~, Trend" ,. U ronll I i,o , Hlolc hc ", Mull l i' bl r ite·.,8 . ,· l.~ lllp l RIl ,I i, . ~) b (;U lU, en "rtglll.1 Inti poplllllr Ir~b( P or , ' Irs ll, ll n ' . . . . d W .'nlan, th ~ ' !II I t) ,01 I e~!III'!I Inehl(,l l l" pur im 1\11 nlld slIll":r, iolld, Phy rlllli E 1r , 111'''6 \\' 10 lern IIS , all Jo. . . ,e ~ nn ,I . , \ tlW! FEVEll, GLA ;\ Vt;Rs , , "" WI11ch run lhr.~~gh ~etw('ell ,nnhll~1 1 I!uc:h M' L t.: :"t; II) ellulllvl lh p . llill II'fI \'il1" j P'." nclluns entl S('lIlIftl di s",.lrr6 ur eYr" llle W. , orrogpCC YI·; I.I. (J \\' \1' ,1· I I tl I 0 .k ·I /I· l owcle., 06 nlnh nrilcr'I hil I\' r01 my own mlD\llacturcj aIBO, m boou':i!,,1 "lid Weilerl l CII'J't L.. 01 . cilllll· U ftllti ~ IVllh ncver· rlllllnj! R e l1lpdiCI 'or f kll,tI, ' "~ IS li e itlYhil 111011 E:i, I' Ie F:A II , I·:II T ; . r ,.,ortm on' of ",lo , <{caD J!uuge. . " Or'. all cu • •" of IIIl' Urin"ry I t (l U r. II ;S, ill1' 1S·(· g ~ o e l'lly cnr". The pructi,!c or D,. Ihrir !.inc, nnd i~ pr"Jll c~ Iho fullest ." ': V ~ l u pll l cl;1 , o ( II, r rn ~ u , .··or;ze d Fnat l"rl!i&;ltt III'I: Il . . • " 11 all the ;oule9 over wl,ic" il (emu Ie form (88 praclist!oI hy 1110 h e ll c h) . Ih'e ·r exi.I :II" ill 11l1"e •., I~rn ''' o f" tlil l, TI: Hlllilcr has 10llg heen, al,,1 still is. un. \'E l l ~ , FI ~ r:"'fl r. R " ,'. . .. . , '" IVUrll: U rUUI d Ulld full, nrow to 9LOT HS, bust lhe' l. Pr.· AI' Ot cII"lroc , bul al Ihe ,,"nI!6t eolic iintiull 01 I~S cr \.( ' l IlII rt, hUUQdAd IIlul1~r Ir.napl'J "llnti " :" ' . /l g. 1I1104lrtu k t. Tin: .I S O ' · IT .II. . . I ro:m tIns "b ce n IOS I bY r Au" l1'ill l,', ' wh .. ICvc r CII U"I! Ilni!"1011 ' culru"te d 10 on tI 'If lie · t @ecure "' n- "'I,C propcrtv 1IIIIIII'r" "8 perao'IP, hp. hll8 beell inlilicad I. ... 11 . c & . . . . I!:SI~HGY .•. 11, t "' lIs I ,,1" Id I It IIC W lll!!. d n n l ti CASSIMERES, Incinl!. or rnll:ernily , re8I o l : ll~ it I,' 11I1Ir0 o( Io "w .'III n)! ~xlP"d his metlir/tl ulitl llllne811 Ilorup!!), 11,0 . ' "." ImJlro .... Ih o . _ I' it B rharge; the !les i. I " "11111"1 (ur (OWl alld ~ n II . MII OII. / w l n rt , Ill crt'?se .. .g.ll1l1 .I f 1: II I\ e,;~ . f'l " nll~ S.~ , " ."u.' l as tq :li lu II .'u I, r. I, W llIell!!lp. . ' .RQuJs ov or I I)rt 118 II III"JiullI of hi~ 'V8a1tl Mcrllm. ' II ii ~ II I 1\1 lal l CII, ullilurn, I/I()VCIII ; Ih !: II,. "l,pell e' IIIV<8 INGS V.EST III ~I U' " Illl wltr e Rtr e lll!lll e llin!! III"n ullY u u',p r,'J 10 huIY Ihtl Hloouid 1,11 ill Ihe h811UI> oh,. teaches II volume olll)!. he -. willch il p . .. ~ e8 poss ess. ~11l:,~ ti~{I ::_~ ~~ ur Ir un. prolVel1livft 01 , "nJ reel i prouli tp. ... tr P Idl' II r)' ur ( or,' lirn l i ,, " ~ 01 Burri er, fsmitv I" rll .. II"d, II . I nn. ""n,r. I ~ Wi, en! ~Imc f6 guarftot eru ~ J ~r: the hHI1I18 I'''''' I I P rrmnv e . '; P e1 (\I1 I1 I1 < or 3& .. guide lor Ihe .1I~viAliun 01 vice, up In Ihe I ·n Inl. kclrton , bIO feilure of FIVe! celo .ta· per 100 Iby . J~ hi I lhe rcvf> cse; :~~~:r~ l or uw,1I ,i prepllreQ. to to. s, \\'nrl~, o IlJ M.. l l·' : r~ II ~ \\, ! TIo "",, s nn"I' i ll l! fr u m nr" II CIIwhich I "lie of II,e mo.t ftw(1I1 Ind dp.,,"rtirt ---lowed Ivt u~le ntillos,Jorevery !luy beYOII"\C.Hns, Bllnion l ur r h, dY $' j D e lil'l1le CUII . lilu l i"" " prucu/'o (Ir~ I'e III ctly Cn , rRij ll •. oIrllllll.en !o"-.I,,.hl i. cure : iuII courges tl'lt ever villiled lIIilhkllld . OU!' s ~l1P, I"".l Hr " " YU tlli. ... C" or .. ., k«"" To . Iho ·time ~pecifl~d . h·, ,,, .f! (" S' ~.~ I"v ll e,--. H lu c n.:&Wca t he fl Ui\u lit . und frnr"'II\', ~ I he . fluallty s hlll!\', & "" D rvo,,~ ~'! I ;fI, ep~ l' en the fte('ure Iy en ve Illile.d, ,~ill be lorward. 80lh' hhlC' r,uP)', lllln, k lilil Inlormn ()(the I I" ,"' vr lurlh!:r I I I t" II U)~P !Iud C,,:n lie nyc nl l ( ul ,' elll' lI u' , fl,·o,·.n ~). ... o d, Iree 01 pU811111'1', 10 ftny pntt 01 Ihl t.~'·n - .,. Agenls 01 the 'Un ion LllU': ' . r,·. I,ol\' I, 11i. • ... W' II e " l Th e r.· "tlN m" ij :o ~rso ll y ou Rl oy choose . 1" g,' II ,pr 'ri ll, :,~:,I,~:I"';.~~no~n:.~~ Unil"d HUIlea lor /)0 Cfllll8 III P.O . KIGlIlP/, ~ . ~7 We.t 3d' 81" Ci IiCiIl1l01i. \ . foll~.~· " .lId at Ih. In! ur!l.n:i u". - I "r bli" hl l11 " f ue 11,,· nll,,,· I, "I I he " bu r p nhlc vulu pHiol , OR. HUWI'E.:R, No.. ~nll (.11 ,,0.: ::~I~e; , Il9 COIUI6lb 81. igh H r..1. ... 3 " H. ".,. I3row~., lIty or milk And Ad,lrell_, " I),i t 16·1! "d . ,,' c tu IIne !' 1 Io i_ u"dih it , ior,,;c per d ' 1\ ' 1) n.y N"IV ·Yvd.. ... (11 t", l,1 ll Strcul, ijlhll cl1!r.m l tlll l\1 > I l~ l>ividiol 3 Grnl 'lr ' : .'. • Ll .: No ~'_ oulig " ~'n". " "l'\a\:.", :lis, In,d, ~.ll'}I'IF'utCG:I·r·o~;" cenl. and ",okclh. 1 to 'It' Uill t! 1'~ ' I.!II C I • I-t .1 I ' MOBt 111•• 111 1'11 1111 Ill"" 'r ", 1"'P IJlllr,,, . /I II I !, ... . • 1 ' 00 11 111" , and ' I Orm . "ulter :1 0 "~ Urc D' lelr l nu se &U 10 F.. P. Ilrynnl, 'J'p.rrc(;1II' ~ " •.?· .,,,.. " ..... t. 1n,.".nl "" tlnd re cei ve Ly t e lurll m •• . Ct'r Y 0 1 IIIollll ", u , ,n! 0 1 Id. Pll"I Ni ly. Ollr n" s ll ,,,"1 1,10011 i OIl"I •• itrr\yeHh . nt C"II' c " ' rl ~ (r e e . " hie wo.l. I'n ' eili '11 . ' II,, n "c,ngt:, tl . r, J stod le .1 . my Choll . W . enmine W lind call • lo•• c". . en, I' un ~PI"' lfti •de Gentlem cU ••• Ju :- t lJu u ll .!IIN/ , i n fl "e.tI.~ d ~lI v ~ ' I(lpe. P~irt . nU ll ""llIo llo1lromd C o. WI / VI. , 10. rO Ill le~ ~ ~ "ur ce9. Pellll"yl Ulelr h POll'''' The '''" Urt· A,IMp." 1 IJ a gg ogc. ('.XC Cp , ".llu rg r . '. belore goill" else\Vhe re, . .. " " .of 'hrln ti l't' lili . A Ll' (,toru o n Ih ~ Ill'! tdt" , • "" A'1M"', ... ... 'LlelU "'''\;-OS not I s sume any flSK lor a n ~1 l' tttii t; MI C' UI'C of S pt'nIlH'n l'rJ) tcit. or ' t:lllilJlt ( III~ RI.J . ·U, ...~ 'HU I I ~'I'& CO.. "pril 10. AIIPII ..·1 .ud limit Ih !' ir r eo N \' I: I """ r \V e nriu" t' 1iX \"'t' "kllt:' ~ , l lt\'ulunln 'r El\d!" i Q fl i' , S,,!t ulil nt. 1 b . . . roy t, H ('t '~' •• Chem i51 n, 285 I III all ,1I.,e,,,., o( ~ .. llIc, .• uc" III COUi''', tilc<>n In h dll, 81111 11I'I,t"cIi1nt'1I11 10 i\lo' r;H~'~ flt' III' llIlln 4. :-. s polI~ibililY 10 olle huuured oullor ~ in v(l i. l' 1y8 --;-;-:~ . -,-IIC. All UuCgeg e cxc cl'uillg Ihol "m UUIII - . - -l'.;t!,·v Ou t4 u ee" ( ; UII ! nllll'tliou. EpiI.·p".," Mild rlhi /I, e I..","" u ...·.., ~ ! ''\ T lit S I~t:: .R . &c.• t ldlt :.lI' l il:rt! Mi: l1t" bud J'h y:.i c"1 lUt'Rl llwih' , I' t, tt tlhh~ r, . iu ·v nlue. will be ol Ihe ri"k til Ihll ow ner " ,'. "'0111 '1 I AJ.uslu >lnt, i ~l I I' . \,' R. In "' e rio "err p l ,.', , ,'10~ III S r.II ·.b ..... .lot: , By H"I".!'I .I. Culn I'"if, ~I. D, '" alH ",mill:, I,·nlll . y /l . . A I lCU l r Ur l. c nlru 1o pprclal1 " " by , n " tukell uuless . di ulo nl' 0 1 th ~ ~GI'. t il Boo k,' s.c . ci, cs forc ed lo gtolY \ E:. H. WIL.L1i\31 S, AND ' ;,~,o~I"~~,,?,.~:f~ BU ('''I' ", ,,rld . r pnown ,d au t hor, in this ,, ~ u'ITJ' TRA The E:'.: UJII I. F' ; BOLIJ.l: 11IEI.M t ,cs I up on the s n,ooll (Jell'l SIII'Ni~I: .. n.I., "~ A. I~'":;I IIN~~;R bh.: LCf.: tul ~. dl l,rly fl"O\' f' ! , Irolll hi " uWI! I ' '{ I'~ OIIU i. "onoP OH('" ,) f !l 1l,;I,.", 1:00b t'i,. 1111 01 l.n,r,("t _w,1I I!' ~ luc e iu Irom I l lr~c . r i('III' C. tll 'I' thl! to " fill "t\ nl" I' ftileIl4~t'S or c: .. !f,.. uutl H~N.~~ .\ . G\\ I) . ~ . !!1'('ill I' n r. " ,' hL"In.' ,l io; pa " I" 11 11 \\ ll l' l l· ' e!t F. l'!J, l r r t: u pn ' I JUII I r t u tho \\'(' (' 1, .. , bv wlll llcCf[u I Jr.Htcd .ma,. In: dl~!I ' ,u;dljr I'tilUrJVCO \\ ithuill i\1 1!~ i~iuf, ~ J.J Gen I J lek et J\.i!..'PIH . llillu . \ . 1',,,,·,,,,,,-1 f lrel. '1'. IIE'L 'I - ' or ent ~lId ." ' ltl! olll d'tl,~~ e 1'011' ~U I' bit"HI ~ I'H I\tj~n' , l·alC~'H· "li e! pre pu red ill. \'"r " " Itl' I !.. H" •}' .HOU ::; rON ""'l C\lf. e>lf tl, . n og , I J".vcnlh23·, Cont~ " . . lIsin!! Dr. Sl"'i!:" p' " Il.·"lan . [ 11,0 11 " '1 " , III .. t :' :~ lIlrn h . "iI1 trfl . 0 1' " otll! ul!, I)UUI ~: orl)Psp cn(or per. o P Cnplll lli ..c the most wOIIII" r : ,,1 di scov, !,~r Prica 11 le!; s'x r. o I"t elghl Agcnt, Phil". ICI1, [i 1 ,, 111 l s Mu d c ul!(!l r II " I BO LD. Il• . i Ins 0 ",1 8 t ll 'l cit: uf C III'~ IH nU Cl f Nl ltllI . 1'1 '1 I .1 ' . . . It netlll ~ UfHII1 1'1lI:l'ARED]lY , . _. __ __ >try III nlCl uern 8cH~nce,111II t! \' n r r l!lun·c n F, nOu.lnl ~r .. h. 1 ",.rl " l·l'. "hidl by 01 tuMI. "I:Y rec lilt· III CU I\ rXI'.-rI~ yt'''',,' [ ' \1 It1 r.I1 rn 'i~ ! rni \.. T.~ "" 'J ' " ' c,; ' •• h i~ ct..o ndilion 1111'\)' LJ e, ;" "f e ll l' c h i "I~(·1J dlr'/Ii [le ar.1'I and Huir in nn It-'I,.rlr.. lly in('l rl1l' Ih . ClllZe n. of h \~ Ililw l' rr . rro be.l I.y II." 1 . ':!' . .. . &! ..."-1: '_. ':' &. BRO 'rllc GI'ovcS leCIl I'hlilO l.'ol:lc I/I ~ nller. It had been csco by Ihe ol il~ 0' ; 1'1.;>1 . 011' \ wh ic I,)' , ri l' I\' i'lt e l ) ulld I'n d ir. hll,r. l 'hi" I .rdur e ":0 ne!ii \' ill e Dlllt , "jci uill DF.I'nT. I11'i~ wn rn.;:" \I;~ D"~~ I~~lil.~' 1)I'on ! b Lu)' 11 l u flt (HI, "ud ~. Svn' under , fIIl Slilt rotnin8 ill' prereue llco IIlId great pur-· P.rid Dud L ondull wilh Ihe mo sl (1 i1 t1 ~r~"!! ~ 11)(' , I'mi1lp n l ph ~siC\" Il" I l' ~ 1 CQI! o,lm\!. \ tb a t lie 1.8& Mgpln MIRr. Iti ~ a more, F ran kII n •II"ti" .. c' I,' s 11('''" 111,,1 ......., ~. 118 Ittly ndd, fO" •• ln.1 Jlluj u~ eroled tl l1\1" ,ojle10IAf:; (tit! trude, "n"d "'3. Lr .' i<,J I,., 1I6P .111 I I.. , t·'\ll· lc'.I .". . " . r r. \\11. utaril" ond ol\er 11Il1Jerl(u ing grnuuul im. 6UCCCU Nam e s uf .11 pUfch 1 h . • .. l lsl ncllo\1 i . 1101 f~n l t: )' :.. I)r1 1;it glsts ~ iton:keep en throu } d 'f . ... pt o ( lix (' Cllt!, \ r two prUl l u;e 'hi I." 1' 'f,1 c.U. ' u.. . _. 'I"ello 011 to " ' , provem ent. for. perioll 01 \hi.ty yeu08, ib rCa\8tere 8 • I:&>r. , an 1 ef~t\re t••t fj 'alea. ('Ui 140 < 0 "' "1 " n" c ll '~ i\1uniuJ..~ \.;,~ \U C.. t\~~ \"".O hn~ Cul\'t; ;:'Ia'" 11\ '! II' :1 r e n ac r(I' \' III 10 I.u . wurld I!I I CAL L AND EX.A MLV E now I',onouu cud by lho mllaicole'luuleol ill givell \11 EI'very In s\erlce. lhe . m " lI ~y \\' ~II I nld nlld pu blic S 3I III I,I Y Illtl : llliilll1~ . _ _.. ___ _ _ _ _ __ C;IIA 'S J . C . KI .IM. &: 1;1:.8< A,J." ... o • Pn ce by 111 " 11. : I>e un . utpu/lleol anil even ul1 be cheer ' ully relunded.. l-!7 ll Q"" c .... . N.,,. York, 1'. O. llO' "S It .. Hi. I.rrie .,,01 well ·telecled otor k or ELL 'I' . !.S .t. II C richness , volullio Bud purilV uf tull C, tluro . »Qlliell Ind pOi~pniul $1. D ~ ~crip l iv (' I ir· ' 1I' l'ou 'o\l"lI \ II, ~ I Blid. Lr! ty) Our II C W sen I", culnr! allll .lestimo nll,d m," INI'rc/!, Ad . ; " bllily nud cheapu ess. .:;;;~ French leliou, li.rp ]ll'dol, irull rrom~, "feu ngllGE R, SHUT'l'1 :4 & CO .• ' .... '1",.,," PEU ~.' d rywhere , ve e ro~o\\'ou lltS tJ ave i wunl s/wen,oc . N • over'BLru", ban, B eUUlif) i u", t ile COlli ohemi61 8. Nu. 285 River 81 rerl. Troy , j Fo r IltJ p l'o \' i ng nnd Se wing M-· Conlillin « of .11 I lo ple art;d. ...... l1y found pionos we Ire sellin/l th .. uper!ly frll'" e ' l 4:>·(1rn pit ~ W I1 , . , nd Y. ~ulo Dlle1l1. for Ihc U. S. our II\JPJtoV f: n cS2() I. c s in Ii tinl·cl ••• country ,Itor." iucludi,ig If) ll i qll fl I",t'R ' P" 1 "'t:(' "t, lillIln,1 ble and '1 10 IlIOIo ( l'n itll, 8100 10 i~OU th811 the same ~tylo e Uuol'rblov i'lIlll. k now 'I'llr",!! oloille8. 1'''1, ~I' ~I "I'I' JlO lI .e, ~ "' I"V; II," . 1,," '! b""u.ilul ieh ere sold by any olhpr Iint-elu Hs mulIers five von" , A led PROV ISION S, \Vllrran ~ feed Au· ... "ppar . • UTY , EA ) '''IH~II' II 11111 0 ) ... ,,,,,1 .. , ' Ih"II' "Iy ] -illil" pnid. '('hO in Ihe country . De"tera lind .11 in' wnnl . ) burl', O I.ld l n, SMOK~D . MEA'l' T IIII . Fr ock l .., !' .lIIpln•. UI ~ I"'I' • • ' ;\-J ll th 8Ul!" or iar e conlinis 101 10 send lu( our U ' I d Sui" ~ ' II g . I l1. And sllkpn Y X~ or lI0.0 d pilnol ore invitetl "' r ""I'''''' nil 11.1 11 '. 11 HAM~' E "' 1" 11 H " 1.1' '.0, "''' 11" :'<,, , sedb' elII" 1'"l III e. I"IL \ ' ONLr UlIle unCR eo, In 604 Broo.d wa. y, N ew·Yo rk t FI ~, l ~,Ie., l)1l8crlptiva C.. talogt1p. . which conluill s CURL.S prodllcel 1\1" 0 1 lit e ~ki ll . kiucllv hf' "rln~ 1h ti 81\ 1111' B, . hetn Itilly' are ~40. Which f P 1 109 Ih " ' kill "I"t •• "I ,·I • ., r "' ,". hool,·!. I" I lcss Ihnn phol,,;.:-nphl of all uu; difforolll 81)' !.' , I ee ler I< \Vil~ o) n, Grover~ AI rol. CIGA RS, Iy the use ' .... . ·hllll·,1 b~ d c\ec t ed by t/oe, I" ' c' l le n'I;"y . i-Iuwe, 'Vh ul "Y I\I" h? s on, oue No . cu, p~i I ~vith . tugether l"RI· I< C" . 8,id lht he"tcr. r c ::>illJ.: , D EUnf. u x's 'r ' l:fi . H 1"·" I""·'." io ll i, 110-1'1'''' (1) _ TOBA CCO r.l;rlnuI " II g ~"lIl ,I ,, ,, , inrring~menl', I .' chase I p ' U\I) WIthout spelll:: 1Ii '8 (. U I P- SEll LJ~ CHEVE UX. l)lIe oppll e oli o ll ... . 1 '. Ih e ~il\d ur . rlld " 1" 11 0 ,e II It" . 0,. 10",·.,,1 .oreII \.tIc t 0 •",re.I C l C! nfl " .ler e d to curl Ihc mo sl IHra i!,:ht nll1l II 11\111' IInC9 N01 IONS, lo.rue . J\ledlli", nlmo!t ",ilhuUl n "l nU PI', worrnnl 1 I "01'" h) Ihfl fr r.n ,· h • • ",1' i, co",'Iu" erl, 1 1" , II,e \·fBOLD·S 111.:L1 . r.... l ie ee rr or uscr '" C ~ cl1l.r~ . I 8PX illin ·.'J UV'·I. ' 0 r ell,er l:' l.1'.1. J,: '" i l " l i' I '~II.", l o '0 n 1" ' I( 'e l 10il. 1 rtllu u" I·",;.i"n . . d ha"'ve "~I'n Iwatded to the GrI)VCSI"C II I'i- SIUuI.b om I,Air f I J I 000 ~O I I U k,, l)lar World'R & ted " t. Cel~blft I60Ilmcn ano , end 01 Iho ( 'I tinglelK or heny massivc curls. Hos beell , . Il\·~ r~ •. 0. ., '.' ",II "'r ",, ",Id .•' "ri ,,!,\, Ih. Inr, on I1IlIH or cnll upon Shaw L~n" l) ~ .II , ., hu ll .. ,elll ~"" " nll l ec 0 1 ,I , . ft' r nr)·. A,lllru S9. I tboulth put in compeli lion with olh ' rH Il~e<l by Ihr fftellionk bl p. 8 o( Paris nnd 11 i 2". III. , Chlcogo tir l\Iaine r,1 /'rll'e o l.d ) 7, "0 " 1' b'"l b)' 111,,,1, pn.I . " aiol . lIiddu 'o _____ I " . (rom .11 purls of the U. S .. it took the London , w ith lhe mo,1 grati(yi n! rI' RIIII • . L QlI rr" "'pl 01 '''' , .... 1., . hy Price by - 'l'01JT " Dol'S no injury 10 the hAir. h i"ue8l a\\' lI, d. . [E, I. \'Ii"lred 1835. J ' i... ", ('he .. o c & , JTT lll S EI{, li Ht:n • 'W' 10".. S..- nth Tenth Street, EllllO IUi OF GROVE STEEN CO .. ·i v.! 28~, Hi-'m' ·t.,.Troy. K. ·\' . mail, sealed lIod P08~P',id, 81. Dp.rripl Addres8 BERn ER 499 Broadw ay. Nt'w York. cirrularB Henl free. And di •• rl olb e r thin,I •• n o( .. h it b b. "ro· lI.y] A Gt'nllem on ""ho hn. 8uITerfd (OrieeR' 1 , · potel to tell SHUTT S &. CO,, ehemi8,8, 118a Rive; I fron, NCrYIln8 Debility , Pro,n~ll:r etion: '~"'·2"Ctt~. CU£I.OW CIIJ;STII Il T), --aR EAT SALE OF (D nnd nil lhe eifl'Cl1 or youlhl~1gIn lIorll)iIY. at., Troy. N.Y • .Bole "ilent, fer tho U.S. \. I (J) ~n "'~ .. • .. P DEL Pill L" will ' lur lhe . uke of wuifoFlr hUDlrer.IDI Fail Dot to com••noliu. Slor.oo ~t .• ,. y, 1II8rt18 .e and CllllbRc 0PPOlit. the New Drve Sto,•. rroe to III ~"ho n~c~ } ~, Ihe •• i~l' le,"1 : 0 W /l Y N ESP 1 L L E, 0 ElI War_rill.,M_; 10. 18&1. I.nd dire Cllon .. for mnlunr tUe I Su'" All Essay or Wernln , and 1118lrucli'm & . ENG RAV I NG8 ,, &'C. lor Young Men. AIIO, dilOft~eA Ind .bor(ln'ledy by whIch he WI. curdrl·li.,l·1 'fEn~IS CASIII N ADV '~CJ1<6 by lJru!J,,,j.,. Evt.t"tJ._'!'''-tre. wishinll ~o proUt by Ihe I ~'er ferers ANCE. lea \\I-bicll . prem"tU e vjL4I1 ' . VINE GAR ' I At.t. .. OLD ro. ,;7__ " . S~nt aure me'"s of .reliel. wllh powerl, H. e EA. AR pro. DOLJ,. we Ie ONE: "1>1, ... know to b..-pur., $£.00. of co Un.l c r.f ei l .s . One copy one yel\r. ~ tAle Cider frOD! reli.~I. p.rlon. in· Olfeul. ,: ... cenl.t H,rt'e . • No, U Cb'lIIb er, .t ., 'Nlw y. fli, 19.nd 8.75. ! year, one }'ivG copies FOR Il~Ll\tBOLD·S. dU "11tb~rhooti. Illd p'l'1IIitle d it to 'ASK .• ' . • P pbil, Philadt'l iou, A8ilool~l l~" . ~'T Ho~"d . • i r~:I~ lb.ii ~r~:: Addr.'~ '!OG!L EVBR ""11 Ctlp,iei .n. Yllr, ' .... \. :rilletar OD 0\1. o\lln p,emi.., •• ' 26.1)'. , ~(). 1 ~4: '. .." . E. It. P INTZ. IA~'1I1 or ~aau IC(\IIt'tl , /," . ·1.,·OJ'



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• VPL. Ill, No. I.



"m 'nlE O.4Z.;'l '1'R,


No" 53.

' hl" l~'ht,

it,I-rc ,J,rh'SR of ~l h l'cc h itl' l1l tl bed roo;d\l"~' OIHl-ntlU 'I'' u· ol'selc . •• , .' 'WIletlcr 1 the el'nt of----~ Lh is mi.tibi of II " l ill I''', ' ,nJ1t1 nl'in. g rill' 1.\' , fln. d P ~ I' IJ() d in , b ' I I lU I I , 8 In ! 10 ol'tlin,' conti.l\urd Signor 8almg i I(! 1 IC lIl' 'I!. It ,) "'I':lti /\, 'j ll:": A ll lVilhin \VnA 1I1rnJ11ned 'I n n del'lc'l ' Imb u nl, or W II II tL er, I\i [ I\m· IIll)re jo.... 1I0c [ .lt l ) ,, ~ .. II \Y; " • 1(' ,"' ~ ~ ,,'nt' ,I' OY~11. , OU9, dr8Am}, dn <k, 'f llo jl\lo ll sies .wet clined to 8U~p ct, i~ sho1lld be lIought II , III,IL I.l, ,Ill IlI,tr~1 Ill l'nl! l hlJl '(, !' , d ns!'J lJ nd lh e inner hlint.lsdrn'IVnl1own' in Ibe h en rl - ' 11 11 11 nil l'l:ttl nl ,J'(lt ~; o tl ,:ulIl po)lil i(·~I I. · h tlt Oil!' wi nrlow sllIod II {" IV in clw; lIe ,hro k e oil' nhT u ptly ,--so abruptly f' ;;:10 :I,tl !':(' I 'C L :;1Il'1 1 a, ;.!,'i n 1"'1' I li~ wi!',', l op~n, thll noruilling n so rt ort! Rth O( aDU \YlIb such" &udden chAnge of voice, .~l : I~,~~~ :11! ~~ :'JlC of tl lt,l ,(, 1: 1:' 1':1 'L-I·i:;tit: I m or nittg Ilir, lind nOI" Ilnd thon n faint thAt H ugh G ird lelto n8 "nil Itartled C' ()lllt ~n 1" I""till" 1101' 0.1 I" ' II I I'II~, h (' "'I' l' -ll,l, 1 '.~ t, t :l e 1J1'o n ~, ' I : ()r~( 'I ' . , ,- i t , ,, 11 ... 1;1 ,0(, (" '''1' 1'11:','',1 11l:11'J.. ,'11 1111' It'c llo fro m I lit' world bc}'onri , HIl I\.j - (rom his npalhy, lIe looked up, and ~1l11 I I l l 'i I JIII' I 'l l l il rid,'.!" d OWli tit" . ii I d .·\\' '! 'll'bt II t !lI t . II . "". U r \ I ' (' ' C;: " hjm: : ll' . ., tllll\ hill >11!~!.l ' ,nl llc ol l:!1! ! vRnc~ rI I'fl r), cl\ \ItiouslJ. lI tJ hd J )Ii~ lAW the Eurgeon stilTing down with" :.I I' :t t' r-; t ('1':<,. :I n. -, \• UI,r) ll " t IhJ \' ia \ I'.I .'Ill' '~( y J' 1'1 ,. ' ,.. . ' ro ' \' l' .' . 4 .. 1 .~ \I I U \ .nKLU HQ I\lHIl r.' d L fol1l1~ (I f l'1:rells , !PII I 1" " 1,,,1 :; thilt nr i.J ren lh ,-lto fil olo ('I II n ~t(! P ot II liol e , IfAoe of IIsh y horror at lhe corpso upon 'vII 1. I It·l " ll , ·: I". ., "IIIII',' h " I I I : ,. ,1 , ,,:1I ," ' lI vi' " IOI " Y I' l ' l ' . I , ." 1\ • 1,1 )\ , II ~ f l}I'\' l,h !! R IIlIl:llllljt :IL:1' I"w e l' 1l'\'(,1 thn\) I - he tl'ould 1I0 t !.Q\' e rou seu her fo r th e the bed, J li lts , I' 1':IlISld {, '" a 111""11 ' 11 1 tl) 111'111' :''\'''1' "r illl ':lI i "1\CC' ~ , " , 1"1 JOQRt , III' (' r)lt ltl .\'(·t I\' l!i :l SOl't o f ill ,' world l i ll 1111 was r e n,!)" At lhe urcBs, ']};o !' ho rallcrl'd, '\VliRt i-"!fiili'l' the (' h:1 11t ill ,..", . A ' I t \ Ii "I, ', .1. I. " IIll 'I.)() :.. " " ,I I ''' I , ,I e e [ ,);,,1 \<I:U IIl'r" ... L 1\ :\"l III I ' )1 ,1 1 ~,I' Il t. 'Hhnirll,tiqll rol' the gl'a ,\c ~ttl in g , l nblu I~I) ran. I' u t,"U 1001,e l\ Mounu , He bnd lnid bMlt Lbe oolll\r o( ' lhe j> llgll !l tl I'UI"I' III. , n r()II ~~ h ,!" l'I", I,ill ill t! l!' ~llT~ 1 •... IIi,·1! ibiR 11,~tt,1' of \' (>, 1<1 ... Q \ ' \II \ , Hu \lOClld ,J "Sllll! \h dim outline 0 nia:~\-dre!l9, anu b"rod tbe bllautifu\' nllle 1;/1 lllll'l "i tlll :, :) tll C r' :llllt'UOI'- ' wi-hdl' v io')" I 1 "e Ill! c tit ,I ,I . ,1(, /'j HI, {' ,. P" :1(' f' ' 11111'1'0 r; IIl1 l l I'('t Ilnrill'" 'J ' , r .f, , lil' lin.t;('I·I',l th(' r~ :Ii'! fOI1(111':lfi if thi..; 1(1: 1 "::"~I1"~11 1"'t ·' ~tf"Lt.I\ '" 1m; " , I' f' ' , ' .., ,. I fIT (' tlll,'n 1.1',11(' ,1 , tlr ( . , ' \'1 ,., 1 l 'l'I 'e ' 11:4. ,I!,>" t. Illl' l ] (' /t !1 'l )'1" I . 'til' " S' II', " tl Il dalltly a", I I' tL were " (8tiu~'J ttl I l' 11"( ' n 'o lll I i .j l' '1 ." I hi N- l:tsL. I . . . .' ~t .~·ll J ... I 'ls , t :I(' SI " I " I U " I \I I \')" dl l "l 'IIll It t ,',':It lllh' " , 11,111 ':" 11 e \I n ' w . :t I " " 1'11 " '1,1 nn,l t .lon:,.:IJ!, , . Ill' 1\'I' , llt l ' ..~ I II""" , " 110; ~\ .1.:, , (,"L ,tlt rO "I ;.!'h til e :;PI1C'1O"" I' r ":ll it III' l'~ l~~rn l' Li oJ1, ] 1" 1I:lll

'if1Xl~ [!'31i:i'~® @!F (){)~ \: ~w:J. Dr R , D, U,

'For Ih e !>read oC ~ he 'l'hkh cn",. t" ,lolY" frollO bcav" ", IIIIlI "ivetb hf. un t II . world , 0 u: , 'Then '~id Ib o\, unto him "Lord eTC rm ~,c G"'c u. II". bfeud," '-JI/UN 'Vl , C,ul', 3:.1, ~ I. '


OHIO: l~~ Ell ESDA Y, J ULY ·1, ~ S()6.

I'ui~ ~,eB'"

lit e .. brig htly .h i" •• At morn. upon th e f·Ju lilter intr " ,' ne." '~I ' ~, . ~n (ru·nd s Rr" 11 ltr, nlH.I 011 we p.'ll(li , L~" ' lIIg Rnd lovtd, ueliC; f'l au.· ~yf' ~ , " h"" c\'e lli,,1l' . I", dow •• w~" l1J 11111 Upon OUI" hull u wed hOli lp u en d \\,,,11 \\' ctld cd'tn en r(t" IVO ror"'y , ,,re8" 'O ur hn"d, to 11 <&1 e ll, and ask for ' !Jre.u '

h 11r 1It,1l', I'







.ItI('I(( ' L ~ 1 '.' i

' l : l· d 111" !,rlll' /( to !;:1 ,cl'l 1\'I"il mi g It l· l):'IIl:I' to 1'('I ' 1'<'SC I L. h~t Corm In ,he bed , HI\ could )U ,.,blte b08011Q b e ncnLh, (\['.d [\ llHllll l'I,11 "II tit , , I 1\\'(' :;1 ~t,'1' :'lI d 1"' \.(" II,·i\l1l " I' l'lil'il' ou r :l. :i [:11' "" t h"ll 11'1' 01:,, · ,,11 " :" 11 ".' ; 11) " [I 'l'l"" ''' ;~Y I [ ' k' '' ' ll,,' jIlI Yt;b",.('o t' 1 ' t.:r ~l\i\l. 1 11'{\ .Anti Ju,t on' lJutJudled i n lo rro w ' f! l id e ' '~. h t=1l fri e l1d8 d e ...... i~c fhe tnl l: tittJ.) hr Il~L \ O U AI IJllI;" \1\'III ., I1,"l l l· ,j tl, t' ) \l1Id \' r - IIn ,l \"Il II ,'nll, :1n r1 the' .d :ltn Itl 11 H' i Oll ~ 1 ~'ntlle' l: t'fIl'l. l l. l :111,1 (': I1l\l' ' 1lI t ' l tlll'l 1 II) Ell gl:d Hl, werc ,d l .t; " I'!' !! 1 \\ e 'urn to e llrth, bUl find nhl t't'll : "1: lIl ~! lllg '·.. I ll! 1" ' 1' ,:111111111 ' ;II:ll'.\' 1'l 1.' 1! 1'1""1 it, It \" 11 ~ 110 W"lI dll', I' \"ea,"y ant.! tUtti , we gl:U,tI o.roulld. 01 J'() I,I III g h n~:ll-.o I 'I ~";, '1'1I c' .ElI~liHI I -' IIl :i 1. 1 11l ~dl ( :;I'<! It- ~ t())l e ' s I,,""Y (' 'Anu oft n 'ColUfu rter' is fount.!, mllll II ~tP I 1(·(1: n <i ,~' 11IWC' I't'r1 n l ,1\'lC' ,'l~' I (I I .," t "~J" ,-." II'l (11'tll (1 : 1nh)ll li t ..J'or \',' Th~ Lord, J.t, ovloh, bol)l hond, • -(.ord, evt'tlllol'e give u, thi, br(,R(l,' iI II (! ,,:oultl .."0 III: :111 ,1 t hOll, witil lie /()U 11' I ),iill f; CII' clllitll'd to tI sO ml'th llllf ~d :1 HIlI " I' 11)1' \ 1\ hi s lill ' 11)'"11 1:1(' pr ill l'f'I\' c;;laldi :, lllllellt; 'Yf"R, when th e world f!Cf'nHI clo ud ed o' tr, ttll'llf'd, " :t~ .t"\· G o il "r" f\' l" d"'l! l I til"" 1 ':.. .' 1"" 1" eyt:ll': . ' , I.I .. · :1, It l ' \ , l't ' e " H''': V. '·· ~· , . ~~ "lid .11 i.. dnrk "!lun life'. ,hOl·c. Oil, \\'dh 111 :', 11 :1(1 :l. lit 1<.: th nJ1I'11 :',,1' 11, i, " il!; .. t: ll i'll !.i l.y 1\\' 11i' l r DIIl: , l:t \V bell wAve. o( .o.row o'''r "8 rull w al'd n!1d I ~I'; lint p lIlll,d SOJl Il '\I'l! I,l / :111l1 111:111 .. liilll :1 ' ril'il ll;ll il I'll\, '''hi,.h hUllinn !ltrength cu nnot t:o nfr nl, hI\' 11)101 In ' b ro w. hr th C' 1l I' II-;hl,I\ Ill', t tl lI'CI ' IIiO llth1;, I,iktl hill ." \\'h o . h"tcd th fl 5f1vioul"" {8rt, (In :I ~ fl . " : 11'1, ~'\· i ll;.!'illg s t :'i d " pro- I 1 111I' il1~ 1't':lIl lh " h :ttc I' nll(l ftl \VtJ IUC thill~1 0.8 lh ny N'IlIl! Ar c . ec('d,ln g clll·C' C' tto th e I ,(.:-;I.-.n /llL'c , ;' "ri . till ' I 11 , ,1,,'1 11 1' (1 clIJ'el'u ll )' :111':1 1' ill J':lIIpltc d 01 ttll , \\'0 (f t'l our II P, '. I, P ~Sq ll g tilC' P: lUt!I CU II withu ut fWj' I"'( :, d 1.11',1" lit· l:lI' l1 ~1 1 ' l l"/;' oil i) Alk, un.1 rece i.e tI.e hcal'~uly 'ureR,I .' 1II11 l' h a S :I g l~ I I C", JllI l'tit" ;1·, te il y din:I'liulI tOIl': Lrt\:.; ,~ nUIO , IIIV l'r~lhcrcn in the f"i lll, " .. 1II I1n ly" '1'('11 ' \)01'11, n' (·IJ , ('~lt1l'!\ 1\·d, or Lho ~ \' li a r I'll \\' tll "I'UIlg-lli'Hr,' s " In love thai I t ~o ll ger, i. th.n d ~" lh, ,.I rt"cl n il" :1,1II 0J'Ct h :lll Ol'dl ll:I I'.I' ,n, 111\' 1 " ' ~I\" 'I' l ll iJl' Til 'I'I', tllCl'Ul'lH) , U lSr",nr,., 1" 411 IlRrrow "ll1iuci f<i " I"i ~ ro llIount of ,tralll s, :lJl d, p c rft ajll:\ , I Il'l I I I t' (> 1:1'1,:11 di , 'l' ::~' n:1, \Vol'k, 81ill 10 ,c.. tl," .nd divide , a 11101'(, Ihl.ll1 ortlillfll'\' s lonl'\' 01 ill SIl TIl('" stl'I'~, ·; n'C , fr .. ,. " l"C 110 W 1)CO' 'llInnl to ••• 11,- 11'1 eh.I'it,. <livillo I ,"\I $ tIl II) '(HOn c . s, 1111 /z11 81nlll '81011(, hC' :\\i l' '' wi l h 1 "I ~ !; fJrI<' ' r !» III .11 our condur.t lIobt rhine, W!lS wh om it dqC':4 J.::1'' (' 1'(l I'u., 1I'~,. I'" . I ,~., 'Il " ~' ..:;I~l \dl ~: '''ln' , 1(: , •. ."l tIIIM.n.lfn:.-hi - 01\10' lf)1' 1\t c,:;c mell ' ' +, 'All \\'e are \lrelhereu'-C brillian., · h eed 0 11 0 ~'()o , , lo 1 ; l cC t III til e iltrN:l s r:1 I" i ll tl "",>;: l iJo \' l'l'l.urilll ,i-:-I'I'(.~ 'fhe 't,recerl pure, I",Ii Ic~k (or '\)1'6.<1.' rootlJ1 cll tn \ ( 'Ih', D e W!HJ 1111 J~lI ' ill " t hLl lll sc i H'" ill thci' , ' 1 rr l' I t 1tl I I " " I ! ce l l .' • tonl .•',' er ... "re give tiS thi. IJrpnd,' ,. IS 1111 :111 l,1 1'? " g' I !lIH Iroll g 1 :, niH 1': lIdm : I hC1 l,c'ggnrs wero I llzil r AII,I "hilc thy lo\'c abrOAd i •• llId \I ns \,l'e\'l sp1y t1"lt tYI ".) 01 En - ( ill ~ :tI 'o lil lilt'il' prn 1'1 '''H i(O 1111 I :'1 Upon Ihv Ilack or e n 'ly n6111e, .! ! IIShnlnn who COIl,III,I:l lI l1s 1'C' ~ p,I 'd, t:i' )II.~ for t.h o d av: / . 11([ til " ];",. ·Ooml will ttl IIlRn' be sti ll our him. Lholl g lt ~l' I<ll)llI th e IJI\lIl ~'. fVI't'I;.(' II ' I·(>,tj llll.:n t ii II' CI' il1l'nill ' ) I 1,0,01, bnni.h RII secl.ria" olrif.. , C I'Il , lT~' (;XI Il'(;~,;ed :lIl(l' lt l'l d to '11i'f! !I:II 1'1>1' 1l~ onl'111'rr Ilfll" I,r:', (' I\! t', ~ ~ " " I ]' , ' ,, , L ( I . Il AIIII feed u. wilh Ihe. bre ..1 bf", CI!, II;I O ll S ," III n. t C('I t:! I OI1' th ll t t'l 10Y (' io . ITm l' :Il ld thl're :t lOlli" III I5Wf!t! t ("O I1I11IUniofl let u s joiu rh s, llk(l(jr 1 1 ~ 1:lIlt1y, I , ··tl I ':' I ' IHi s I' okc h:' d II s tud e'- lit mi,Mrilt l .fl, - .,L'''(''I ,,~ \ I I 1\ 0; Chri~tiRn! in .tt'c(f. in t.e al" . in Ulin«.,l: i'Pl t;: 1l 0 ali t 10,nty t.1:l t g'1':ltr d ",P O,1l llO_~ 1111 1:0 1' hi s linn, tJ'Il<iIJ'i ll<r ' 1I 101 , uO','r ing 100, we .Iill wilt I l le~rl, t lJe l1' c :~l's , HI >: '~01'Y, w,n lk Iw (llll I t l,) h ii'! I\'o~' k 01' T('~) I' O ,1tllJti ~lI in s' LUl'd, e" e rmure ,ivc u. tlli. ur'r'Jd.' sOllletlllllg Ch:l1':lc, t(,l'Is11C IW( t I'(l S O , I1l'i l,h l)(')ri ll U' "nl l" I'v ' 01' n. ] ~ltC t!J:lt offcnd ed L!l cir )lro.i~ltlicrs, Ilil l':' " i!m'{'/(~ o~ /;()I/~/I ;' ridill'" I 'Love i. of God. '- Chri.cian, If c'flr l' 01' ,hl1; np)lcarn;:('C', I t. w at! n, 1l1 S lIi:l1' -1.1' l OIl"I !'d !> t.he V'11kn.11. {t ,I'O ""e Ili ce t ill he."I!II . we nlu. t t o \' ~ hero. I.on: i. th., .tnnci : poilit punl, wlh:r t: hy II,S I II~ g'fli t 0,1' h I. n~ce ll t" II . W II" Lil!'r l' , 10 I). OIl ti:!' ste ll~ of' t h e c o,Jf C'lniui to thDe nLode we eI")'. t.tll, st,I,(~llgJ " l,n:t(I<- , ijo lll (" \hnl ~':I l1ll t r:11I'fj nO ll :ll til 0- , Qor~ l'fJ of TI,~ 'Iorr·. ,t of God' give. PlIlllc •• life, llI~'l S". II, ~- IIJOlon g 1~I,o\lt tile It,mln;, I'Ln'ctlJ, were ~a tlwre~l little It fill, Ihe Roul.- it "'lit. "ll.• I";(e, w ltlI 11. 1:o1 1g-1ti stoop III t il e 8ho llhler", pri c'st!; rmd m e nl1i ~ o.nt frin Morn, nOl)n,.nd cI'en;nl\', Blill Wfl OIel:d~l1 tl ,1\ tI:id;: of t> Will g itlg' Il is g } o l·cs. l.J.i,QU1;3 /.\'oss ip, (lail l'cdolc,p t .' ~~II. '1.0.<1, •• " rlllOI'O give. ullhi. ·b,·•• tl.' 1'1 hi S l'I g'b t h ~ n<l fi B ho w n t :llo ll p; . "It.l e lil.y · th:m p;m'lk, ' , .~ · Murk,d'BII."11I,2&v, JU(,OIIlI' IIlS IOnfl11ufclltIlI' P hewn!; l~l1 L to 1ftI g II C'11' 11 es t on c tl Icse my _ _ __ _ _ _ •••• _ )1e t 1'1 tl I' I. ' I' I ' sol u . d I ~¥ '~'I ler p~.l' r(llt~, !';iu:h1.. [11111 SOllil Is WC I'I~ 11.11 t o I'a - 11 8 r on, twIsleps 1\' pI'e\ll\re' , Iar If'S 'I li e I ll1 0 ' j ' 0 11~S :1 ('(' w 'ili:u' to lnilll e\'('U )I:u:lsi n g :ll tl'll I l o ~ 1I~ Ul~/ t I, w.bcrl(ll'~ I Ihfl,t he Hc <lid noL I\ti" I ont:\( \'I lICsllll I,e awallLCl \I S c00lll1g -1 'l'h~re Lil! uitl not ask ·h iol 8ti l( .by W\IM 81'1 were t'!';!; 11l1''i I , !In , I t); R \1 11 I\'II H ti" l 11(, ' t ' I' ' ' . , - - - ' - -,, ':,fl fiI,7Z.',l_.@ @, lesssw:1.rtloy:hutlhl'l'owns1.IIl''':11I1 \' I' 'I ,(11''1111 'I l'I (C I,l ,on II tS 1' 1',' : ')(' (' 11 :, he ' lIls own visiling card was nnrl clue1 uisc fls e, by "'hill myslerio uR omee & OJl 0 , nllli now nnt! 11 'IJ' l • I I J 1:"H:' t' \'Uti "WI 1 ~I ! I< '( IOJ ' 'J I' I I I' I 1 . Oli:J U \.n1._ II - -~ .. , ~ l!.!.J _ ~ ... ~~.. s~lre :I R li• c Jl I n~'' 0 r \ 1[1 I II ' t l '( ;II,,'l ll"I I]1 (' '' S ' 1 , ,. , ' II CC I (' nt, 1118 (real t IlfI~ lilt como to A (ew d,oots nbove tbe M. E, Churcb, I' 1.1 I " " '~ I ., .11I I ,\ ,I I • . , , I I' { Ii I k I I t.I 1 ' Ic n It II :\f, I,1 0 Ie fOll l1C r csL c s:'; I,,' (II' J' ', ' ' I U lit II '" ~ 11 't 1 '1' nnmo, III 1\ ue Icnlo em lllo 1'0011, wns pR 5~. 0 on y ' n e w 1 lat S II) wile elll: W A ' Y S E 8 V I L L B .' 11 BY A:II &Ll.\ IJ, EDW AIUJ3, , "1" " I) \ .-., ) , 0 oil l 1tJ '() ',-,,' H. .1 l " • , dIll I' I I I In t.he cyc, Norr11 L l t.he r es 11\1.>1 011 ('(' 11 '1 /1 'I fl !' II ' I " Il~\ " ,11 1"1 t "' llll f' 11 thnt o f Illd \VIfa, II!.'I) I I)' ilu g lt 1111 III,L Il I J(~ JOY, I lc lOpe, tiJ ug ory ' , h e , ) , , I I SC 111('( flO III" I G' II I ' f I' r {I' JOE I E V A N S c nlII Icre , J t. c aine () I!t S (,l'o ll ~\'r t l illn 1'''1' llim .. ,' 'It th 'II 1n r ' t T I . 1':- I I rl ('st one , 'It hero Wfl8 110 lighLl' j' 0 I '~ \VII S i.{,l IlO rom ,ItII lur\!V er, .. , IN FOUIl I'AlnS,-I'AnT I, all '11 n 10 0 '.(' t1 ~ ' 11::r s l ado 0[' '''' , " ll. lC n , It.: 1,1 1', helll't i Ito t i t t I A 1\1 11 <1 time, 01' what 8t!w me(l" long , J, ' 1 p. ,.l'i ;.. ' .1 11', PX , P" l ol'(' ~H'lit W fl il Iii >! (I\YI I , nn l i t!l .. 1'11 - I . ', ~ I m, edll ~ III 1l'l0mf'11 IV I t' ll, '" ( 11, \; 1 " 'l'RP. sun hnll heen' l1p for the hcst , ]l:OSS~,OlI 'lt~~:lt c.x ~~·l'tS{~~1l1 of I sn ln!', l ;l l'l' \'; i Lli all iL" po.'~;ildc' j'!' w~l\'I l .' :ulII ~"; Ing ~ aye "; In Sl~;lt/J) t tlk~ Ijl' ull th timo, .w l' nt by IiIU S: 110 I~'ming ng',\il1't "'-A N D )lllrt of an hourj tho gohlcn haze in l :111101 ~l' , '\0\ IITg I(,~ 1:,1 po l:, :I!J t , 1,Jt.~r-;illg" b y, ~HI it 1I' ('re, 1111i't)ld l'd kC ure g() 11I 1;1,0 10 pll ';( ~ ut hl R ~I ,(l" , Ihu Willi, VUIQl'I ~8~, Lcurl esij, pnrlllyzl!t!, ~~®~ the c:~st W3S slowly m<!1ting II.wn.v; y t () W (!l !lIS ]t , IC '(,II!',11 It.~' 01 ;1,1 1' i, f' j'ol" ltim. 1 t I';;)!;\ nuL oneil LliM ' eytI, op e "tl\l C, l H! /.:1'RleS U I!II~ .P,lIrll I~C, 111111bl e to thi llll, 01' !nOVIl, 0" do any ' WllYlleevllh.,. Ohio. 1. thc: AIIWIYish tide of bllll oek-tt'ul'k!l COl11mo n Lo t 10 1110 0 ,~ tlll1rl.!;\. . 1II' ltc' \Y 'I' \,i -. it 1 I I' \ I l'1 I fln p!lsse IlItO LHl SI11\ J Y ILL IC VOSll' I hin ~ but 6~lIre in \I bllll1k, loJsL wily lit hnd fni;~' sotinlllon..,tho' Via Sacl'Il~ ' l ook WfW o 1le whi c h Cllme 1,0 lti~ r:Jl'\' . .1 ' ,". I"', .c'(, 'I' j: ' 1t ~.I\ lIY moor bldo ucyond. th o hpcl 0 1) which Illy tile wftl ck of Iris ·'Vhl' l~ hOl'el Are ICRtle,-etl r.r .lId wid ;',




1'1 . ,.f'






~~ II~ to'I Q ,'~.


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N.rth ,St"






llll~lll. f~l1llt,













lll1lyersa l Slll', of RII':lk-: ' li t ,I t\.I ,c l.\,-so l:lI,<>I.\' t ll .l t ,1ll ,lI lY (.I o(1l11\1~ ",hfo wns to be felt 'L'at.ho.l' thnu l hi:! IJltllll:!tc rt('qll:Il J1t:lll(,CS h:ttlll oVC'l' I 'I I' 1t I ll1ol'ni11(T lIir, sern I t tll'I'<' ; >I I I It sLnrtc( Il 1 II' Ilean1 III tIC· 'plC'!lsunt B I' h ,., I I , , ,' '0 ,' " )'1 I' l l WI\(.' \1 f\ eel' I,11111 ng 18 man, lIng 1 8 t ll II e S 1)lI'oI Jl: c'''' , 1,(' n. I " \ l'lI ' "11 "A 1ly nllm e, I'ose . f 1'0111 Ill,S ' W I·'I t.UI ' ·, I ,' . . ' Ltl'~I 11 I" (C.I, Q. ,Ill' ~ ' III1('.II11!! S 1,(. C II I ' tt't I ' ' ' l ' '1- ' I' I · , mstth er :l.l'llpet( a1'1 ld1L'~!l ,()11 Wl 11(\ 11, 1()llll~ll\g'o . tl "I" . lnloft,gll r ' ] (" ' e 'I '!l t~" , oI 10 owe r 0 t 10 ':~}lltol, ann I C 111.11 11 ' Ilt ~ I Ill. ",."1 ,' np L'l ' ltob Ilhd II, . ' · 0 "11 " (1 ' 11',1 "1/ IHeparec cgono, ' C 11 ' l)oel1 ,C1l1011l1 11;'; \I " 1') - , , 11:; ,, , ~tnurling thcl'o fn the SIIO\O spot, in I c f Fl'IJl'( l t:l l ',I-, 1 ~f17 -111:\,\ ' Ite told i ;l



.&1Fnr WU!JIDl1U<O,


,1 1l( d . 1:-0 t H~ . Illt , ~ ll gl 1~11. ns hr h l I iua9S, "' :If' , iw ('lIlI l d H( ':ll' Th' for lH'lll' flll il - . At the c1 01') r of the snl nn he WIIS I P) _ ' '" H avinlr hud fOUriee n ycnrs' ex jlCri OIl C() i n ,,' tn him"" l/' ' j ' JI~' " ''' ;Il 'I I( !'I '" met by M:tTgh~~ riln, Ibeir B,o man ~O l" By "nO bye It ml", ht hllvo been hllif '" •, ," . ~" . ) '" fi ll h o ur or lin hour Inte r he 0 00 111110 ill Ih e proolil:u "r JUedlr.ino, oWers hi s C'l)ll1i; IIT l ,n's"lIll1' 11()1I't'1'I' I' i ll t\) 'I Vllnl,-II g lori ollR Ol'enlUI'O whQ h,, ·k~tl I' 1 ' . f' -I /' 1 ,-. " ' . , ' I' I . 1 J I ( lin ,), COIl SC IIJII A 0 1\ ROllnt I) ume ntl\- Pro~essiouoll:i o r"iee B III th o c il l;!!'n! of 11'111 ", lli('!II r l'!«III(' tl't'('L li llr.t\ I" jlll Ilq I E 10 m ig It I IIVU JOC I1 lhe mUlhcr l ' I f ' ' . . ' f I ( ' , II UIl uf llo i'n' B ~ nc o 0 IIlTll1y pel'80nS Waynesvillo and Vici111ty. ... 1"'1 ''; 11'1 I'o lh ", id ('~ f'r C) lll clld t o (''I,) (I ll o Il'IlI'cill, I'IIL "'hu IV" " llJ a rrl e J " r ,, ' I ·' )' k , . . '. I I " In li lo ruo m- o uCIllg Ilu aWIlY l e n It' s lwk t'III '' 1 "i ~ 11'1(' 1' shool'ol"hi ' 11I~1.' ~( .ll) I\lI lOnO s lwlll C rC n rl'll· rd ow n 1" 1 I I J' I " ' J ' , , . . . " ,.. I I It· I e " , 1111' p nce In 1\ 01 1\11' OUhI e I\n (hrOFFICll on Jlf."ill Street, threo doo rs 1'(,I' e'IT :tilt! 1>(,"':1 11 1,) iU' l'ill" I", rll l't. )V l lo Ipe ltn, AIH WII_ 11 "I IlKlul In ~() "j I f'l I " k I SOIIIIIOI til e 111" " 1 "II " I:.'I"I'll Offico. " ,... ,. • ' f I. ' up ellWJ(1 ,o \vhm o Ll Rrl.!lI.' f!oanetn '"V ~ lhpw i llt\ I) W>;lI'itilll le nil' ofa \ ' 111" outtoeel'VlCe ors(j mcU\ontuslucv e I'Y · I ' (' d " \' 1 J ~' lJ :I",,)'. }'l'III', Il:f{, a~ ' I~ (j~,l nil COV C rJI'~ liS I~n 8 (j:''.r Night cnl\~ pro.m [lily responded to, I

LheRlllllenttiuc\e, s ineethcfil's to'l'lly : a rcw lill('~, 1I " \\':lS t.h e ;i1l!1 0 1':\ 1' ;\ IJ;,iI IO' tll JWHt.t e'llll co -('ll\ l!!'I" " 'JII1 Rh!' Rile whiep~ red,wilhh crtin. \\~tl1 ..le;\I~ Ihcn,l\s o~e y,ho~18 ()~n - - --, ~ - -- -, --- - -y so;twcnlth.vJl c l'iJ.y>,hil'csqllil'c, 11[111 t.:\. 110 W!JL :I. ';;II IH llicis[,'S,I;ow ·lItn I·(';;'r·l : ' h~di.p.- ':-':II1's lc ep."JiIl' , S lUI!I;e: l \ll1tl"lII llr f crou , ow, Ie "tnr f II, Ia f rom ,tllQ.8 k Y, .Ir C Ilat1 secn I k f' 11 It OI1(1I". !I,t " C'I'I 1J l'il\ ,",'" o'(, '1I' d h .'l tl 11 '1'1'; ' . ']' h (,b 1'('lI k(~5llny() n th(l tll bl~ liD ' rt'C"I)H1'If1C,. by" I 1r g lIJe8 hiS stupor, 0, 1 1l' ·~ i hlillfrllC'L w l'erlt h,' 1,,'IIIIZ(' ' 1 10m I I "O~TI)/U I; S '£ I,L' PIIII O "I C " 0" tIll S b' k 1""1 l h e l i ll ~lt t l I _ ) r " ~ " .-.. . " ' :::'HlI11 u CUL 19 a .Ut , \OtURC.1 V· ~ ~1 ~ 4 Ie Bla~owy !I. lIIe pea-.s IIp I, , ;en,C:1 ,,~( ~_ IC ,n , s(~ lI1e ()I~I 01 11\ ('11:1\1; ill ~ "i " \Iindow :111,( Lh,· ,,"li _, IOII cllP. d niH] ~'cady ; 11 10 Dl,llrnillg ~IUI ' il \I':IS d'll til' Kt wvr J lie hllJ' spokon , th('msol\osol1cbyone,nnlltheC:\Ill - {JIC~(,:l.I !';bfl c1.'. )\ ~ .)et h e (o ldd 'tl l l! :~I 'l lIt-l11l 1h:l t.llt · l"l\iH' I Il ·I "; ( · iI L h,, ~ llInE'llllmpd l llltt I" u IVlnti OIV H ; l ltl' 'W I ' . ,' ( I' S' , 'k t II 1 " ('flrerl" be s,t1 1 t o !tIlY C (' ntC'l'cll nc . . " !:l I 0 \lL I O M II, or 11m, • Ignore, pn , .g ull emo.rge, l I'C n ron,I.C! sen, ",: " , , .. ,' , ., .,' , " .~ Iu OIl(: o /' tlllhlC ~1!C)I'fl rot' tll l!, :. 11 ' /If' ,(lw(; rs on t!,(\ bll l c,, " y !l1l1'1i th e air ('( ' subh(,t1 ~ llIr!i "erilll, 'Bul-bliL-' IiI ita VnriOlI A brullchcs; not to beexroll1rOlll the mystery of thc tWlh~ht, LllcI)· IlpOIl hIS pl or\;I;~lt) Il,d 111 0, li e ,] \'1'(,11111\:1 1 :!!'i il'll's . I' lil' ,11' 1111 ,;-" I , r I IIC m orn Wllh (\ 1'()l uptu o Il9 11I'r fuIllll I II 1'( ' J I' 1 J ' cl U I' cd Itnvw!Jcro, NOllo bullho Romc, with its Inl\ltitlullinolls Im(l wl'i ttC'1l Il.1l1lbl . trc' 011 th l' w li kh :11'0 to 1)(: [', ,,w ll in: 1,11f1:, t ' 1'1' 1 tt WII~ " J" y of d n YR, - 1I 1111)' when I;, ( . a .I,:c \18 1011 ,I1D Unue II!! Dlil8T MATEHIAL USED. '\]OIllCS IIllll bell -tower., its hi st0n', Inwor I :J[CJ'n:ltioll nl ('(Jjlyl'i g l,t, !l lld ('1'\' ,' [I 'N't l. r 1;"11!(' . 1[ ";'1'" 1' 1'1 ' C ", br slill ill bet! ",e ,' med III UIUSL lill'3 R 80C HC:~ lq _·I;~; I r I ' I II 't' ils poetn-, its l':Ihlt', lay ut hi s fl'ot, (UtCU:l1l ill1POJ'tll !lt, di g'est () r <.:11:111 - ql;i ';j!'t 'II- cn r l'('d l'O<W'rj, 's i n (,,'d :l!' Iii "!.!,, "dILY wh.' n nl.l,) ve nil olher 1:; ' u> I H ,~c ~('I' .Ie l , f now ~'j TImMS, CllslI,-Offiee at hi s re sidence 11 0 YOllllcr the Coliseum, hrowll, vllst, ce ry 111'nrtit'C', 11 ,' 1111(\ also l ll,t' ll 1'01' ;\;ltl ,.or:d :1;1,1 prl'C'i "" ,, sto~I1 "~ yd i;" ""0 ~ I;nllid be Illl~ ,,'lid dlJin l~ Il ~d r~ : 1" '11m 11<1111 ,\mou\ . o: on Muill Strcet. 53. 1, indistinct nO'ninst the lig ht, wilh the y Ctl l'~ in the il:t1lit o f ('ol1 l ri llll l i n ::,; l t1 oll'l'r ill ":4 in ', ill'C' 1' ' IP,'I . \: .. ,,, . (' ()I I ": I' cll il1<f in th t: nplin " timo ~{' 111(' g l,t(1 1 ell! IIII~. 5111'g B W 1.11 , lvntH e I cWill ?~Ie WYI10m 10 \ . M '1 ' I' I I' " I .-," , . , . . ", ' ' ' !i . ' I 10 I IIZZ " UIJn I U ' l ) e l'lllI ALBERT THOMAS, ulllcdaypiet'cil1o' ·' tlclICSt. .P('l'\ 11I 11':1 It<'rflturc li t ti l ' "~ I"l, t(',I I"I IIIII' 'I ." I~ (,e"' " '1 "' " / ,'• \ no w )' en l' ' J-)u"IJ G'I'r u " It' ·sIOll n~ e"u ,lll ' ll \I ~ I, " , " its tOlllllostnl'l.'iles " . ' . ,,,.,,u , \")"\\ '''I ' . 0 ' v II' JI C~ t aile 1'1 ,n, Lell ll on Ie rm~ to, 1tIIc left the ahal)cless rllll1S of the dny, \\ .th in th e I",. L 1011 1' mOIlI.h", 'lll il IIl ·\, ·t n ill (" 1\1)1 " II' ltk fl" l ll"'~ >cllrcpl )' Utdicvl' lllllt M Hl gh e litfi WII8 in I'" ( I I I ( I' I' 1 I ' . I' " ,' " ' . ,. . . ,, . 10 1II1lmll r y (l r Ie nst ollr or lv e .I ~ nee of tho C~-CSI\rS; to tllo right, n. tC11' n.yr:l illI )!.'(' l lIjJl'r):4 I~ IO :t ()I\ i. lt \ lI1 iSSU1,; ) (l'll, .; I''' , 1t,,1 ,'; wa~l'l' Ye"Rl:i ,; , aurn c' st, m onl lt s , A tm oFL 115 !ti s nllm e WIIS 1.1 0' fnmtly "isihlo nbove tho, mist 1':1I't 01 l'!-I , 11,' 1'('\ ' SIC Ct,15 1' 110 r"- penl oll ' 'W llllt 00 \ 'In~ IILlereu., 1,e nrrlve ' d- -1\ 'II ,J 1, '. , ' the , 1 '1 Ill:!' lIenl', . I " 'I, r l ·!a tl l'1, S,1 It oj" liad 'Ili d 1\'1'\"1111" , . Ol illllllOnl,ll . ' ,1\ ,ullr .. , E t ..... ' St W n 'lIe rFulUlll ot Cuil18 C(,8tlll~ beSide 1111'1" " 1I1f11'1'1:' t II y·. 'Il'I ~! :I I)' (J lIll 'd"o 111" ' 1) \1 1-'1"" I I,,) l 'l' tI ' r~' (I t' t 1", )'0 1\ " "'nil ?' I. \ ' r b l f I a.S LlLB.ln- " ay eSVL • , , " , " ,' " 'J) . - ( :'1 I'" (', 'I' . 1 ' : ' . ,. ' .~ . " . " , l ung It Cyl'tL \linn u 1\ 011 or y y(.lIn -'\\'~lldl"l\ml(l a , w1111crness of 8weet U d l t ," ~ Il:, I :1 ~d . ln I~ .111 1.\ . 1 ~1I : \\, ~ lI .tOIl' , :\\l d r" ll ll\'c· 1:l .' ! :lJlI :,L a ~ ;1: 111 '\ :)1 ' '' '11 Ih l\~ tIle S I~n o Tl\ has not yot \ OI ng~, wi lh @un\ulhi ng ol ,a milillll')' m1L't1)crrJS.~ A:l'iill ~1 A7&~'iFJ1E~ Wild nolct~, he the ashc!l of .John moc\C'lnt( 1 () ltll,~1. t o ~h t) lll Iic" klll , >I Cl'I IlI :," lI cl " !I, ,.!""I\:::I I YO l'Yt'l'll lun ~ her be ll. l.l"'lfirw, His t\r>\lllti[l waa to elear Keat!l; nenrcl' still, the sul lcn Tiber 1Ic<.'11 :llt:l('lli',lll~';: 1I l!:'y hllod, ) (,C'.I· ! CiliXiO Il t1 ''l if ' }!''') afk!' th e r:Jlll\lIl .'i ' BUI i ~ ~ he !l till in bell?' Ibe placo 0 1 inltll,lcr~ , --o[ the English Repaired in Wfillun nn lik e ~tyl e, at tlto t(hlyill~Oycrthtlf:tst-\'nni shillo"')JieJ's W(,I'C 11, 011'I' ,, !' ell l .1 ' , ;..'l; :~ I II IIfl g- : ICl [ I,"'.\, \' ll!l(lyk o ~i t ~\lItll·I'J'Jl. :11 1.1 !l1P-UoII III'. 'Slill in b l,t!, Si g n u r" , nntl slc<' l,in!! rfl rll ily frum Ihc tirsllioor, of lue Alner , 11)\\'~8t CUB it 1"I'i.:(' . unJ dlltieluclio n W AR , I I 1 " RIIN1'ED, S!l , tf o r t IIe P OilS Emilillsj n c nrestof till, 111 00 11 III , ,)l IL I' , :IlH I";Cl'l',:{ 1'01: ~ .<: l it l~ a l'<lll t t v lI ill ,· I,,·s i. 1 IH'i :~ : d, It "O Ulld 1., sl o l'l ill IIllClUt 1".Ie all ),I) u r iClIlIti froOl lho second, of the llllli ~ n - -- - - - - - - - , t,he FOl'nll~, with its cxcn\'n.~ions: its Iy h:lpr:~- li S ,n 1!:tI,I' ('r1.')" cn~ i;l :~ I,:tll":~" \': ::" a i i I.tie :.;,,'111, in its W:I,\' ,-:1 .1 i ".1' "go, nnU she n C ~ l' r h trtrt l me, 1 w,:uld , l(' nur l111d Iti6 wife , 1111,1 uf till! se rVIIU'!I J AlVl ~s A, LOAR, (.olum Jl s, Its pl\lno.e-frontB, Its tl'lllm - ~ille, ,\ 1]('1 It I :; .tlhll: tl , tJl,;I., "lit.: ~" " II ' I! :';CI 1 'l 1"' l' tli raro :q ltl Ij,o l,, ·:\tll nvl ;, IiHC IIrr, Sl c,'p IS f\ blcB gl'u l!tlll!:., 11': '0 hnd crowded up CI~ 1Ita8$e from cv .. phlll lll'c,hes, ~t8 B,Cltllty t~lrr, its !'I,tllllt-, J~lst , tw ~ut,\:- (,w o nl1l1.hc t:' ll' l,~: - ~ f):I I' , ~\'Ork l" :11l51: i! l. ] r ll Q; h, Ci l'll Jr.;; I:,"e au :I, II,e ,goo~ 1 100d 6.,nJ ~ il.' /'IY p"rL o f Iho hOU61l, ILIt exp(;lIt:d ""';. , ' . 'In AlII aoao.tas, It~ In(\lr . 01 ,'(!ill ~,OI ,~p:t~. th rc~"t\II\(\_ ,Ol tl ' \~ I/ll 111 :11\ ,;C' I'II: ltd a,11111~'(·d I t11l!1I1,I' :lLlIl I Ih.41 EllgI J~hmaJ\ Inugh ed ancl slll'll g ' 111 l-' m 1\11, cil'illy hu~ firmly: looked tha i ~!t 1'1' r('llosc antI dcsollltlOn' nml 1,0yond hl st. O I~ 1"'lII ftl l Oll t " Itll !' II/' a: 1\ Itl I'ofo l'(' , hilt II cve l' ti n no w Wi th nil\' geJ 1118 shoulu erB , 11001' bdlinJ Ihu IIl~t IIntl Wt'm alullu , (?y 2j V t And arollnd nl\, the hr~wn and 'bro- dC:\l'1H'l-i:'1 rornlllil o pllrLlo~'~ H I ) t tll i:< Ill n 1:/;IIt o f I l1 l r(' h~ISf' , T o rI :I\' , 1101':'On e mH y hRve ll10 much e l' p n (1f II into the ehnlllber llf'u~'llh, , Uu lT h Oi". WAYNF.SVrr, 1.J~, 01110• .ken Unropngnn,· hounde!l on tho one nn\'l'ttt h 'C', l!'I'e,', VII' IIA\,C'i; t Ill' :il l':ti ' !-I "';1'" l'iJ:II I;'; ' bl~lsing, my go;)d ~largll()I'illl,' 11 (' (l\cs l"110 {l,II",V\'d him,liull -Il)' ed~tollgue Ol'fICE-On No rth Street, in Dr. \"Y, hnml hy long chnlng of sllow -str(\nk, l)l1 :< itin g on , III C' 11 , nt hi;:; c:1 ,z(' r I "d. Hi. I I'U ,':' o f l'l'c di L tl'llI ti ,lC'tl hi ,; SlIld, ~ 'r ~ I "IIJ ""ike hef, 'flt .. lI t'v€'J1ls, liell, ltcwi l der t;l u, lill" A mall half ruu~"d H, AlIll er~oll'~ Building, n fel\' dtXlrB west ell,Apcllllines, IInLl on the otillil' by:t Pll CC, HI\ ~ h G ir(lI l', l\ ,Il C' (':l11Il' l'I' I~ "' I I " ~: \(' t' { I f milld ::!Id ) ,"SSt =', ,1. 1 hilll !L l1d she will lh a nlc m e for doing 80" (ru m sIIJl'JJ, . 01 tho POR~ Umeo, shilling zono of lIo.n, fl..lOul'\'olious entry to tI l\! p os t Ollil' t) 111111 illll'lin:tl II itiJ :11I lHI V:l",V M' lI SIJ of WI':1hli. Jl l' 'ee,-:-l hllve sloml'dlilig \t~I'O w(jl' lh 'he The eurgNIn he nt @il(lnt)y ov€'r LlJe ~ Charu:es reasonaole, 'and SRtisfne. llnll?rnma.! Pm'haps, tnking it for f,) r Ili~ I tt C' l'A, Tit l' I!, wn s : "d, ('Il l' , II 111 I-.C( [ I'J I," ." M) U1 0 thin il- 1'''1' i Ii . l it op~n'lll:: u (, o ne's "yes to look. up~o!' IC(l Q)5C , tUllI e t! llttl,P(lU r whilO tRce to tion ~Ullrnllle('u. 41 111l11l nil, the most mnrvol101l8 pallO' - l l sq nul'e, l olu ::! ]ol,klll g , 11I , lll l' OI '- lit: 1'1'11[(' nL : ~ Ollll' , Hilt! I, e kll('w th a I , lIh r.~' )(' l'lLII dll ~ p f' ti h e r IJ:lUtI ~ 10 nn l ,ll!! Iighl, ho:lJ II nlll'rur to lh e I p prn~nl\that Europe hns to show, Hugh ell I'<ort of It (loc l1!\1 e llt, !'I';\ln1 " illt ' he ('oll id I;n(\ ll') tli il1 g' i n !I II {{ ollll' Ilc)llll~ y IJ C cl e.vQliullllllldmi'-:lIioll, ItJllcl",,1 tLI' p!luivu hRlllj-lift~J tirsl 'G~f(1Jcstoll e kne w e"el'~: ~o.:ltu~e of it (I. !)ig ofliyc soal ttml :.lI hll'('1\";c" ill wil i(,1t . he " ,"lild 1' 1'1'1'(' 1' !,' t:Ii ,.. ~he ,'Cielu !' 6ho exc ltl im c J, 'How b enll ' Ull" eyuliJ, 111t: n ll ~e o,I ~H' r, ~nd fa" fo \' 11J heart, lIe wns famIliar WIth ev, tl'lnl l' URlIl CS!3 II1l I1l1. B e li r-II to s l,o\\, ' \YlllI I II lUI (' I f, lu tl, ril l' 1.1.> d l' :11' "" ",I', llflll I' Illl'. l/Id t l l ng"I' lfl~ IiV'tll.: (.of Vllhl htlllt OU DB:ALElt IN cry c,rt!mhliI,1g tower and rnodr,rn his pn,flS p Ol't l ll' foro th o ('len'le w(~lJld :J nd h e l' l',YC':> \\'()~lll ~'Cd~ IIpon ~t ,lJ u plncoo t !he cRrviog on lh,o 8lnncl 1}~C Cr<Jwn uC tbe huuu, '1'Iltm 110 shook ~mplIllll~, w1th every IIpacoof open tl'U"j, ,It hl'Y.ollll. t ho hill'S o f tb e ,I I I.l!e I ~r1\(~ 1l 811(' pmy l.t 101' llllU I.l h oI' ,n ... , of red cloth, ~1I1t!lbon;~oing our to ilia loe.lIl}. , " ' , J:G" & 0" ll!.nzzltl 1\' I,tb cY,ery green encI681l~r, cng-a IfI.WIIl Ch ..hc R ~(;) !1lltilit (, 111tW:\!; :-ill II , ~h::lI:, ~) I ( II ' ). LPIII!"!: , 1.1,LL1(· lh,~ !;Ifllcon,,:..g·tIlherotl, " hllllt1.(L\I, uf or ,! l~ IN qUito h?p~l p"A , my frieDII. ,he "'Ith the SIte of evo!'y famolls rUIn, O\'()l'WC'l g ht,. !IntI h e wn!l (' nil d Itl)o n 11C'II .. e! I t f>b<TI11cI.fJQ 11 m' • tyl{ t ", !tut nQg~'Llo~sOIl:l81 1I0d urlm,son IIZlllrll8, Ruui, gl.'1I11y, Lila , h"8, 1,i1'8n ..,xlluct Main St. Waynesville • .and tho c;>utHne ~f ov~~y famous hill. .t? pRy fUl-t;r- s,i..x lHlj OGcili ~C!t' cxtra i t. llli g~lt, I~e wO\1~ld ~ukl' i t hCtDl cto, .' ,,'W, must ~~eC?I~'ale ' \Iur, altar , ~ilh fOI 80a:le two hour~ or more.' . R.epairing or all .IdoLia dOllS promptly It WUS IllS fa\'onto haunt,-the on~ m)S,tll~e, l'I11s, llOl}e-:-aud It s rmf'cl hcr tIll!:! "cry mornm g, mint )1J<,~s- O.0 1l1crs, Mnrgberttll: he, 86,IU, smilIng. '~UL thl! Ol',U88 Y, , anel' il) firsl-cltlss etyle, . ,. pll~e~nt . ?f w.lticb . b!s eyo~ : Il.~~ hill to him ~11,nt' the clel'~ was, wil1'ull"., ,IJ l',e to Ate, til<! ~Il.:~~ , wonue r ,ill h ~l' 'Fel ch , me th08,e tw~ w hila vnsOi (rom ,Signor Sl\hru~enl 8llghtl, . ~brag,ed PEREOSOOP10 SPJilOTA,OlJlS/ lma~tlon . wor.cY ~ever wcnry. : 'He a.nd mnhCIQlI Iy fllow .:lb,o llt'I.t~;f-rul"h ere ! ' \1,Jllt. plO:1SlI.t:e to gn:e . L eI' lp,e . clllmney ,p te ee In, thetanto ·rqom.' h18 6ho\lld~rII, • .' , All exeellont I.foi-tment ju~t ' received. llad seen the. sun nB~ o.nel set ~pon G inllcst.oD,o crtl~be(t tlHl 1 Lt. t i')l ~O ; Q~pl( snalG fo r em lIe uh,:t ~I s f<! I' '. The ' v~8e~ "~'re broug.M•. and be ar'lmpolslble to t~ll, ,be !cph,tid, wltbTlle•.e: li••, that 8eene many dnd , m'nnY .1\ tIme, f\U i11:l1er bxen8t poc,ltet, ~1I ,1 ·t"lI;l'n c t1 \ kll,, ·, wh "-tl, she bOlll(l fly . I,nto hI,!) rfl"~I!.(ll(l!I b,ol~quetl ,A~, teod.erly .u!d ou.~ ,tt. ~u ,y.;f ,u"mu~.~lon: ' . , s ui led 19 all ' 1,~th. no.'",: and Vt ·y.~nl'8_ past. H e n.wAy; A t tb~ , :<19or JIO h Cb itnt. 'd. '14'1\1;1 t. ..thElnk 1~lm fOl' gJ I ~ ! . gneQfully: ' I\S .1l W'OIllOn, wight hue .aI" I,be "Hlo~('rJll\r1!!d_, hi" Cace to bIll ~ pl' c tllclfl 8 in the markot, ';callln , , -DIn 1 1/ UII16: • . ' ' '' ~Ch~, in all ~rolia.bility, .il\an~ i.n the looke ., t. , s watcg, 'l'ossci.ioic'r , /;0 Il ~g11 ,G mll '»t6u ' -"-cut £L,1l ,i\4In'Q'~i \bc"" : 'l'p i. doDe, lie 8101e to 1LU.Jda, and groa.Dl'ti ' ~IIl\ld..· orthcdnwlJ,

DB, S, J. VvAY,







I / 1-:





n'f·.tS f



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par. ptrbap. I.or••• r, III' lO'YQIIlba, ",ollgla aU lrihllDATI mal .rr, aDc! their



'0" be wrong~ 'J~ldlgedo o~rig."I!I earth.' wbo can DOttbe .rr,WI

Tbe opinlo1la of lOme. Y' ",ere advent to capital pumabment.






H0r11 N'S'f T A1\ I



.......... , , , . , - - - - no lDlproper could m.. ) f1' eonvie. It, I ~ 'iJ ~ ~ 0 W 0 Ila [!. ffi , 0 @9 not to say that It I~ my rm d' t A.nd 1 will .al furtller and I hope lfHb • • W tion thatin rend.rLOg. a ve~ Ie 1;1Iba; no,,,itb atanding . WBDltD • .l.1{~ ...l1i.y .. 18M. gAinst 1.0u they aoted fntthfolly properarewl~~!:e:i.ed lb. blood of Ille .' ANI) _ impartially and Wl~~ a proper sense ,ou m and lef~ ao ' ahl1ol' widowed t . . - - e .(CJ4IeYf'I'L of t heil' accountablhty to God at InnOCtO • . ~ ber cllilJreo lind -B t.h 8 w 11 as. mOlller ~ w.eplDg or On Tuesdaj", Jon' 26th, Samuel ;~~t ean':er ~~r uthe rectit\l~e our will,n~l b: cO;(fr~~~ ~~~::::o~bela:b ,~ @ 0 '(t ~ ~ I . " h .. just received, 1 Coovert, indicted for tb:e m'Ur~er . conduct a~d motiv~s dUl'1ng thl :~tG:~~ wa~o.h:d on C!\lvary for your ~ ~~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ tI the Roos& fnmiJy at Deerfield, m this most · paInful tr.lI11. Whether d t' and il elIccLuallo cleRo~e Hove j:u.t received a new Illd ",ell·lelect· New-Y~rk! county, rcceived hitt Bt\.ntenee' in he the co~cllUlion at wtblCh t~cy haye ~l~ yr~:~!e~O;;om tbe hlood of thea. vic· ed Block of T :.., _ amid ~a rived 18 true-whe her ~ on lire I Court House, .lJ':)uo.Don, - an • Actual ilnd~uiltY perpeti-ator of this liml. ! tl I of 'lIe hi'" the larlTcst an41 mOBt cOIPplole a .. orlment . h ' n, aut Ilorlty. lI!relort'. • t t o r s "unpl'ovok Ser t b rong 0 f spee!\, murdel' - I S per [IpS f the Slate of Obio. and ill tbe CRI" .. of The 81ar says! known only to YOllrs(ll~ Ilnd .t? I-~~~ ~h ...e you hllve been cOllvicted by a POTS. ~ few millu~es .aJ:'ter the desigila- wbo is perfectly acqollIDlted WltJ~h I ry of ~he county or marder io the .SKILI...ITS, ted time the Judge entered amid mos~ bid~en secret~ ~ j'~~d "fi'~~ degree in lhe killicg IInu murdor · GnlDDLES, . breathless silence. and by his order W~~:gAI:~see~~~C~~T~ it is in)po!lsi. ing of AI.ic~ nelle·RooIII. ll\~n~un~:~o OVAL, CAST-1RON PLAIN AND FA.NOY. the.prisonerwaainlmcdiatelybrougbt ble to escape. Th~ testimony fglli~~S! !~~ ~h:! ~~el;:b~e A~U~lt3;:en~d ~~:leJl • • BOILERS, in~' YOII wos almost If nnt. w,hol.~ 0. lhAt ou Samuel Coovert, be tRke!) 'rEA-KETTLES In answer to the Judge's inquiry circumstantial} bt nc; to' Ihe Jllil of ~be CounL! Irom or Ail ,izes. I y however slle I a. rnm 0 I I ' in whether be bad anything to say w I ~on ruous and cons istent, wheoce you came, ll~re 1.0 ~e.mA'n AMEL KETTLES. the sentence of the law should not ces .so r tbe~ it Is true by nO roeun8 110..1 close custody unlll F rIllay, the ft88"rlptl £izl!s. ot the hp.l quality, . bn eome 0 , , 24 I dAy o( Augusl l1l66' and tbllt on PLAIN AND FANCY be pronounced agaInst h , conclusive, but others ulmost over· 11 ' .' I . 1 '. 1 • b SHOVELS. 'rONG~, . . ' .. tl t ly lhe lalu IlsL·nam40U ullY you e replied: 'wbehDwgly connll(~lOgb' H}l."IIllPllc'lr- 1o Ille place of encllLfoD; lID ,I . SAD IRONS, . . 1 II' I'dinllry tes ~ y W Il,.. • I k .' I It.", notlung to .ay-01l y t at lug 0 evidence is weighed and tween Lhe hOUri of ?U 0 u. o~ IRON SPOONS, tmll~noam.' . ' the ellse .proved against {urll~oon an.d Lhrt'!e 0 clock In 'he 'rEA & TABLE do. 'lfhe.Jqdge laid: · fn my opinion, well wllnap-ted nO~D o( FrIda" tbe 24th d,.Y or in , 6.u~~JlL "oov,'Jn"!~At the" ~erm jury in findjng that beyond' aJ"a.. gUlt. A.. ~ : 18G6, you btl ~u3 by • __, _,,,,~_t SIEVES, or this bou~ in the teat 1866, tb~ tionai' doubt you w,~l'e guilty o'f the neck unul yo~ .are .",eAd, A.•.11 w '[RAPS. !!~:~:nu~leo~:~~~;r~t~o( ~at· ~~:~~IJ~~g~1tl~:~r~e!s~'byO:I~~~ God 1I~"'. metGl 0,11 yuu. .. ,~ c== CHI~~DE~'gR~~~VES To which he invlle8 Ihe PIIl'nliuli 01 hi@






Direct from





The ~~ov~' s.~r~, ~;:~,aJe by ALL~N & ,RANDALL,

WAtJII~VK!r:t~I, ' ~fp., DEALERS ll'f


' Vestlogs, DRY .GOO;o~1

Ever offered

. thOlie .cir(lu!Dstancos were. estt\~Ush~~ ,~nd pf the .weigbt and \'~lqe . the entire testlm~nY' tho jUl'y were t4e legnfamd copstJtprton~1 jl,d~C8. 'rhey hi\Ve ' calmly and dispaSSIOn· t.tely weighed that tes~b;r~ny: and ,toun(l , i~:worthy of p~li~~ , and . entitl· cd ~ tulloredence. On a en.r~ful1'eview, o~ that te,lii~ony,. ond l bas:·be!3tl .done,w)th true . 1 ADd ~c1 reallon,~ doub\

, examined befofe th.eW; · ". gaiDII~ YOlf~~ur ' bil1~ . for mutdctJn ~h~ first for thfl'murde.- of Alice . one for tb:~ murd~r 0(·1

on~ .·fottbemttrde~' ot· 'a, and tlie tou.tth for th~ Harry

Ro()~o.All ot 'th~lIe

, !!~e C()mmltted on tltCol'nght . ~t. '~~ ot 1)ecember,..·l!!64. w!tbm iQUy ot the C!Jonniy ot Warren, .d~b~lelfll 't!;, tlie Ba~e . ~,


~b'U£ttIJ£lUent9: " . . 1 • . .,..


NO'l'lCE 'BY ·nE ·SHAKERS. i





we exclude, by thle wt!1I !IS ' lhu81l ~ho

reluclance thai

. " "esse' doujins ' 'was ....noed liCe' Alliee' ri'" belov~tlj by: _ 1~.iDg1iitG .

our frlenda aa our .frlendAj but Ihe repenled ant} trut~.. On Upltn uur hoapil"li'ly and r...t'A.,'Hnt'8. ',...... free to !MlY; thut, tJi., 1I.1.lworlhy, com,PellJ II' 11.1 thll ~nto consider· By order of til. r'II~lee8. the jury would (folon 'Village, 0 ., Jun" 26. 1866. v . in coming 62 '4.

. )'ears ot~e ~

. yotlr omit; Sl~ch.

old ail infant

tLum .the !Delma.lnind. 1 ",ould have reluctant at tit/It · timt


an ~tereli~(ng

w~s at ,lell~t

·.AU'ttiese, at .


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i~:~~~~~~~l~ill~~t~:i~~-i~jlf~·· T~~ aa4In~,'hf\1·~f(}re; ull.der tli.e86

b.yan~t~: ~0~~~a;t:~~~~. 8~:tle~:.~~:~.:i~1~~.~~~

be· diciillrpl'oqeedil!gs w.ould httrdlywar"' ....Ul'" 8er, rant. You may be gniltLc!3s of this all the crune, 1I0twithstanding thE) verdict P reparation or 'ttid-Jurf! agninstiJou . .. And if I , . ~pon 'tr.ll! b~fore did n cQIl~dent ' toell ,· a traverse . 0(. oU.\' own I!elcc· de~ o.,inon tflat tlit vtrdi(i~ ' wu,, ~ or tlont arid , a:'~dio\l8_ anif . .that it was ,not 8tt8tuined by the ,ev4. ,investigation of the case, den¢e, ! . bave tile power, nnd lwould ... eome !Jill:.' d~r,a, (luring which your unbesltli$ingly exercise it ill grnntClQW'sel dl8CIi~J'gcd their whole duty, iog YO.l1 .anot\lei' trio). I CRn ne~th('J; and.jn ·w.hlch ev:ery, ar,gumcnt :whfch soy judicit'tlly ' ~hat the verdict is able . ~o\~el coul~. 8uggest W~8 wI'ong notthut-it Is' unsustained ' hV I~ted, the jury found you gl\JLty of the' evidence. murder in the first degree. . 'My api.nioD it' tha\ tbe .erdicl i8 war· For r(jilsolls well known to YOUI'- rAIUed by tbe nidence. · If you ehou Id .etr, but· to which it is unnece»snry luirer inoOcently lbe elI;trem. peulllty DOW to refer, tbat','crdict was set' of tbe I,,,, il wouhl .be ao' locobc"hllble aide and another trial awarded. Af- wl.fortune; No oDe, I Beallre you. ter t1,1e lApse of some two Jnon~bs, wou14·re.Telil mor• .lhaD my.elf. BUI ample Ume being tllU8 afforded you 'r ' b 1 d. fRir. and impartial . . . . I yca aye la o( more fuJI preparation; time ~ ",,-I, N! 1 bettie'. YOIl hue. and lin". enable yoo to procure the been duly convicted, public poliey. the of additional witnes ' C8 ..retyor tbe community. And Ibe I"" and 'o pportunity toesplain, of tbe laDd demand tliM • ou Ibould IU(d.isparage and . the (er Ihl penALty. I bave fdl it m,' dilly eirCU1ll8'tan~ ' ~ upon by the therefore, as roll ha,e already b~en ad · itate 0Jl the to~r tl1;i1t.t . iC prl\()tic. "iled, &0 overrule Lbe. mOlion int.erpfl8ed able; tiJnl!l~lfdI;engthentheetr0UDl. . your behalf b1 vout' counsel 1'01' a -Yo


;~pob~ 1:':0 s~~t ~:~a~~::ent' ner, !~:!~fltre bec:mes m~ dufy.




1.0u 'Ward you andther tl'ial, it seems ~





'-.,~- coilLt~.il11utl~ :ilD


)4\~I~ ~\l(t c\. n( t-\!It1, .,



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culd or otlillrWlft('.

No iMillen, ' wl/e, or


1II1!~;;r,i,t~~~:8ee \V.i!~:~~i:,~t'~~;

1', I. I.' KIYS',




., . -, . .--'IJ08M ' iAI...~~ml_I&". I





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MRS. WIIIBLOW', MY''l'IC PILL, 'correci

. . NG Elt. 11/1 Irrt'gulftrili"l and ~lin~ullllen8irll,~'i "i remove all ubstruclluna, Whelher frcllll

'I ,



I~~~~t6~~r:; j~lIt(;~~"~~r DI~I~lr~i'~~'Ii~~'::I~'





medioiue lor lel1llllel ,· D., not trifle wilh four he4l.1t!1. . cheap . B",i d.nlreroul mrtl,cme, \I\'IIICI,




,.nufie, alld lI"e , the ,01jly 8l1fe . Dud


~1iOr'bemoe\-. 101~ ~ .. QUa . . . . . . . ." ......


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'n RY 1\J rs. 'Vjuslo.\~·;S l\ly~'ic ·rills , Ir ,.E/ll E.'. ,; ~1..E ~ , ... , Are prop~rod ollly ·rur n I.'gillhlllill A ' ' l'·Jl~.'O;'1L.'.:\' .' ,. .- -




· ' ..' • \\'itln':t",~'!\,'J't'~ICl1"rd


pAin. & T ' knows liirectil)n, toerpa. .q~ the Court you have again I admic, ' ·bul ODe lhllt I C"OUQI .lId btl . convinced tllot I\aPY Ilrc tht1 'L.t.\>y', ~ put upon your tl'ial ou the same avoid. 10 paIS upon you the senl(JDOt' ~ ~ W We "re tl'811ld,,1 tor poet rnYOre, \ FRII!IlD. . . . indictme.l it before an impartial and or lhe Jaw, In Ajudicill litl! of mote ~ I,ud hope by IIlriel "UPlllil'" 10 bua ined~, ,.\sll I.,r MR •. WUI8J,OW'I\nVIITIP PII;LP. intelligent jury, virtually selected by tha.ft fourteen y~are. thit ilLllo 6ral time I with n rutl .nll .... ~1I.8 .. IIlDIPd Bluck, 10 'rllke lIune ..Iher. Price l'2 Pl!~ bl;x·. ur ' It. Y I ... "1 d b 1"11 b ' II d d' . , merit a 81i11 more lillenl elulFe of Ihe 3 luxe. lor 86. Fur lulll b, '1111 ~!u~oIlilll you rse. on lave uoen au y aD t at iaye Ilea ell. upon to II- 11.1 ' S.OI!,I. may b••""" 81 COI\W IN . bl' Ii falthfully defen4edl)y tho snme oli"'ge" dutJlike tbl.. 1 bRve no ilil' WILLiAM llARU;Y. pu IC puttonmge. .--~--coull,sel, Bud thBt jury, atler . pOlitiou, and it "ould ~e un(lrotila~I.. W .. ,,,.··lIIl1, J ...... '20. 51 ,flY WnvnClVilie. Mny 15. . the testimony ani! arguments to torblrl .,oIU fl!e\lil"a aDY ' refer· coun8el with commendable 'Potience .ooe \0 lbe . t"ribl' scenes a"ending IV J and attc)ntion for COllr daya, have ro- .be.. murder. where Will mingled the ~rned. verdict against you of guil. blood ~f 'he aged, the young, And of New .rraagelleot. TilE qUEi'll'( OF ty or murder in the first degree. IilpiliK infancy, the vitlima "II innocent YANUUOTU1UCR 0.. No humAn tribuual con for & mo· ~r Iny olInae 'agaiol' YOIi. The m... • Thll lublcrlber hayini pllrchut'lI tht A O'D~ns ment claim tbe' trlbut,o of perfection. oiLlide of llle .rim.. ba. r"fllly. if ever, bU8U1,,'! end 8tock recently belonging to EVERY DESCRIPTION OF .&A ~G · .Il.f!.D ',a The pttrest,. most learned and om i- b'.n equf\Jed io tbt> Judicial hi,tor1 0'· J.ohn W. Collett, wiehe~ 10 colllhf IlIen· ~I Dentjlldge8mayerr. Tbemosthon- Ohio. On \l1l,.ubJeclIlellYeyoll to Ilunoft:'lIrrller. In~ olher. 10 Ihe racl . 00 8 ~ lOeS. ¥ ,. eat, impartial. and inteUig.ent jnrors YOln owo fellingl "nd retlectbn.. ·thll he II ellgaitd 1ft Ihe mil ulftclure 01 1i8. iVlI"'LOW'1 QV!;£." HAIt~ .lIBramay make rotltake.. Wltnesses thEi Whit 'he Cbief Enc.uU,o of tbe AIIO,. larle and varied ...or~ml!lIt 01 el!;R~~~~UEEN, nul ouly iUlla!,,!!. but III most lIerupuous)y h~Jlest and of the 8tat. DlAl deem to be' bit duty. Ihould ~Ind I. prepored to d . I' LADIES' & MISSES' . liT , '. II t "" ~ I h II, • • tricteBt intepity may uniutentlon- an .pplication be m"de 10 . bim to coo:- eijQhe.t slylll and ou Ih~ 6111~r::et ' ally .e n in the recital of events" or mule your lenl.DC. &0 imprilonmen~ in nolice, anything ill hl,lIne. S 8PRIftiG An julelhlile ltU~'I'IEa ond NlUl:~*1A the statement of fac~iI. ·For my tbe peniteoLiary ror liC., itis' l;'0t for Die IP"'. Retalnlna 'he .ervices of Mr: EL. I , ~TJ{ of Ihe H~lr ir r'itb/ully ~!J·pJie" • . I think I CIlU say WIth a cleal' and to .Dticipate or upre.. . "n'y opinion.- LIllO. K&IiP, end olher luper.l0r wurkmen ' . . It is tiD Hair. dyf..; , ltppro~ing conse~(lnce thll,t without M1 ad'ice to YOII i. to eode...r to pr•• b. ((Uarlnleel the "tmOit .. tl~tletion. • Oft t14~D, It ,cttl dl.rectl' UPO·II. tho "06,. oi t ' any mothe whatever to f!werve me par. lor death. \ You wlll ba.., .. you . 07 BURllel Ind clrrllgee repaired Iud h-air, cbnnjlllli 3re, hair toit'·origln. from my sworn dlltY. ·I have during baY. har~loror. bad, lb. beoefit or lucb palnlld in lood It,le. . ~olur; ~rrel1in., . p.rem~tur,e .d~II.Y ,nd ~e whole p~e~s or yoq1' trial t en· of tbe OIe;81 al IOU mAy .• G. HINCHMAN. ~ Buyer. WIll do well to cIII Ind ex- Inll out .of· the·.,hau. etaille."n~ I!lUff-a Qeavore~ to odmmlste1' tb~ b ,'w np· to ooolul, hi direCltiD,' Jour Wa,lIelYllle. Feb. 2'7, _11\108 berure purth •• in,. dandtu~..· aud curl", aU humul'lo(..t pllcable to your case as I understand tbollgb .. IDd ia gi,io& ·Y01l coan..1 alld . '. . ICllp. . .'. '., the Jaw tQ be! 'faftbtWly,_ imp..r~lally iOI~ruollo~ to.cblDg your ,pithual ~a'" •• ree~, ~p~l.e .lIe oft <w,llI. c1a~II.e dry -lid wir, ililf aa~ , to ,the beat ()f,m y skill anllJudg. tet..t, Th... dIlLie.· tbeY 'wlll . ' '. II~... · illll.llriall'tre~.: '.,,'·' ment. -It I. hll,vc,l erred y" have not with a 1II0DfDrul pl....r. !lD d 'Aprn 24. iCIIP'.r~.• deJl,bt(llt been prej~dj.c~d b>: ~hat el'ror. Th. prop'r ItD"-of. :tIiah . I,D .tt",~ l, Joli ~Uellll. ,~olDPosm, ..the Jury . by '1- A..d·.. ·\b• . u. . .·w ha.,••• i~ )'ol1th / .~~Qh you h~n iu,t been ,tried ' Iild .ha'T" '..,_I&Y; ',hli , u'''~;;;:~ufn D'riCted re , n sm, opinioD, hon· .artb. '1 ooaa••lld yoa OO:t: .t" 'I· I ......... •• • 01.1.:. -... tellt"'_, UUI UDpartial. The, lIleir'i..maeU. . ,nJ.n. • _uu.,. --




.. I' '"

~ OT .a. . ~ , ......OT·I' OS' I .. ' ...'..




D ,,8 "O" G ' S, ;"



Emerson's Little Giant

~ .'




... .



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N Ii' "L,


~ .. ~'1 _ "\Iii!' ~ 'm"ru~". ·ni \;S·", · , "Jl'lflj t i w';;' ,wallneSVl e

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,Where 'mP,J



.-"'.i. , ; .' ,\).. '.." ,~(a r 'r - I j -- '•• \ ;., '" A,

FU I'lNIS'RING'· G'OOD ' 's !'lQ·SlfB· li"R·l1Y

YO\lrllelvuj our Wflr., '10 illl I' ",v·i


lMfEW ID.l!Ul~ . $it~l


'r S·

March Ill •. 1866.

'''hnt 1,5r.l tiltlrs QII', lheAvy tllle8 ' ; • - ~. ...... ltJ.y not he nbl.) 10 ILl( \Id. ' .. ~ Our pricl,g nr c II' luw LIST OF L E T T E I C S ' \ 8 eleewhpre YOli ~". G60d InPI'h"lljCI YOII wunl Rfmalnlnl In the PORt Office It \Vaynes. '1'" mend your oltl b.,ill'r~ III"] IIipej Ville, 0., June 31. 1866, A nd when you hue ~rt'enIJ8Ilk~, A. E. l\fEltJUTT, P. M. Duu'\ gu awoy. but gil'e UR Ii .wipe. Atkinlon Thomu II(Oulloch ;Ullria Conner :\Iollie l\leliwQlIlhe, R Evan! CIIlItJu . Martin """rlha Guod Jolin Parsons Jllmee Heplrord SInh Ann Reader Frallcia l~I H I W .111 Jo In!1 Smith George We hnve 'a 8uppl, iir Ihp." u~t'lul ~rii.

~~~i'o~G~\I~;:Cy ~i~~~~1 ~



U8 81'01\;


1""'·' .,.. ..

April t\). Ie

come nil,

011' Ijlll"



Tn endless : Variety, and ata .great t~.Jbl<~U()1~' ill '. pribU,

A L \V A Y SON 11 A. N D !

Keel) our IItoc.k llIoving;

Le\ us

• I


. AT· IIEDljf;ED . tlA'1'.t $,

l' 1'. DODSON.

011 lit"

~.•. ' e. :: ." " '

F~r.'Dle~ ) ~~~ ,~f.~f.W,ear,


prufit on

of aU Kinds


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EX~lIline for


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a .A · ,. ~.:. S,l..~:.~I E··R E


10,11 aud "le1lty.

And j!ive



' , " . ,READY - M~E CLOTHING:




'BOOTS ,AND,.,$11 .ES· is 01 th B Btl Qual1tt 'l

none' but ,Ihe

. PUlch· IS .Ro1tlinl!'. Eove.trOllgh8 ftfla ' Gon" .\i . . ,ltill\lor., 11"",, 011 "hinl nolil:" ond in til" ,.' -I st b(~8l 81 ' ~ Clp, ot reduclrld prioe~ frUkln 1\"V .A1wu!I ;;1 "and greot' .,a,.irl';~ filar. ollie Ull \\' II "I~U' \\'0' ' . I f ' " ~ mt'e ~eady to . ",ail 1111 YUUI wilb a Stuck ' . :" "


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·c}C ho.1J beeo purchmd 11\ the


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Our S(09k 01


ltI(Ol'{1J.~~i1r CA~!t lA'it'1~j


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ilt ' rellldn,ble


lbe .Imll' tllrll'd •

= ==~ ~~ cl q~ :0 ...;1:1



Parlor Stoves,

'll'he pnrlor stove' "re .of dlffr.r ent kind. tur ei.lhe.~ 1~.o!\1 or Wtiod .. 'I'h,,' ubo~tl

and will lie .old


m nv.S'f WOnK'ME.N' II

'., - :. ""

And 'we' bl,,;te, ~h., . ~tte~tion ~ d of .our , "ustomers ,an' Frl~\1ds To'the Slftles ·· f and Pr~ce~) t., .





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GU!R!NT.:£ SATlSF!CTIO~, , " .

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Our Spring Stock islnow "C,O 1\. 11'".p L''E-:; 1'" 'r.; '.';

Dnll .1 \Vii'!

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,•• ", . " '2 . ti I' :~ ' rl~I· ~ t a.!I C> t:J ,.., "1'1 £" roI '~'. : 'lIIf' ~"·.1'>b.. .. ~a - , 'l: £: n · U'n · t 0 J...... .. ' i . -( , ~ ~ .6 · . ~ 41)'. ~ "'5 dr: ow ~Il. '" PARLOR OOOKS, · <:) , ~, :1"1 . ~ tfj .S" ~ ~

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. ' We have a nrlety ur


.~nnts anb:'~'~O~S 1

And the peuplll




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or Ihe heet material and .Iyle, or


0 = tz:j 'EC .~ : " ;., ~ .~ ~ ~ .... ,: " aa ~~ iI~ ,~~ ~

and uD8penkable importhink. (n ·fal.!or of 'ffo" I toou14 . had the -necessity ar·,



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""ol·tmmt of'

((en~r~lly, wI',I, herlla P!l



W ASH BOWLS, CI4Uiliderl, pr.m o"d Joplin ned Lim· tfrlll!, jor coal oil, c(mdl, and If/TIl oil,' al~o, a larne

All tllel p.i~nlc,. hunJlnll', II~I\I"I:' atld

.. QUEEN.~ \V ARE,

" . '. ,~., .




r,.in ~i ·,rs.· r A l.!.~ ~


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OILS, .\"'; .'


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VARN1SHE~t. •... ,) . . " 'ilf ~I. l . d n+' G'i~ C!" ·an ,t HiW·m'J.. OW:" ,..,•.,

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c:;.1ifiiineys :· . I; -.,' .N'otl'v"'JIS' of .G'I·l ·. a....., '~". d'~. II.

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, ' f l , fa ' AI • .;>,. ,lood .lul'ply ,01 , '.



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'I:Ia""ilw'ftI..9.oce~ea ~, ~ ; .,;, M;~ ' ll".,,,~ , . ',,,

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• are •• tLorIucI &0 aaDOllDe. lhe ! REA 8 0 R 8 W B Y T BE ' A OR BIJT TRIJE. . . .e 01 I. 8. Tu'lU1l . . . -"did a te 1.:tJ. ~... oIU~ W AAI'III ....rJ 1(11llllt' - 7 .ad r en"" . . . ia tbe for re·eleolioa 10 lue olB~ or Clt-rll of D vu, UlllleclStatea uo hear aom"lhlna wer, toe COUr~ 01 Common Plea., IlIb;IIC&to A EAT W A L T H A ." liASS. nnlCl" t. 'heir a."'n,e~ by relurn mall tb d . • f ~ It TJlB BEaT. (f.... of chirp) 111 addre.lag 11M IInder. • KIlIOD 0 lbe primary eillclioo. ' fearl or beln,l/ It ill made on Ihe bit I prillCill'ft. nl I I Itne d• TI loae. h nlJlg LITTLE JlI..4.MI R'dILR O~D. W I: a re a uth orised 10 anDouDce the fr.m~ Id co~poltd of BOLID PLATES. I,umbugted. ~i ll oblille b, not nottelna ~, name of RlcD4ao LAO,,'" •• a cllodi- NO Jtlr lII'l1r(ere with IIIf' hbrmony 01 llti~ cabr~:.., 'AU oUutra will plene adlln.. il. working, 11111 nu ludolen IIhock call1lem- t\lelr a ..... en~ aer""nl . . : d ale tor re ·elec:liOD Iq Ihe OftlC6 or age ila,l1llChiner,. Ever, piece is mlde, 'l;HOS ~ F, CHAPlt~N, Ta~INII I:AIT'UKII B~ V!lD. CHE MICALS: 831 Broldwa" New Y,,!!k, "lIiCh' Exprelol. . . 1.611 A, M •• Trellsllre r of Warrlln Oounly, "ubject un~ .fillished by machiJle ry (II ell l.mous ! 2'7.1y. LEAD. The ~Ior,f of lila,! ., -StrODI,•• Cillcln ".11 ElIpre.~. 8.47 L II .• to the i1eci.ion of lbe primary el.etion : ~or Ita no".chy•. oe wtllu (or ila p/l"eclive. ' I OIL, , len) a.nd I I hel er"re propl'rl,', The gel\lI~",8n .. ho lulT"red (or), a.u (ronl tnd Aecum., 0.-8+ ....... WI: are nuthori&& d to anDounce' Ihe wllch I~ whal III mechonism Ihoultl be- N.,,·oul .n·cI - Genil,,1 D"bllily ,and "lIIiool V ARN ISllES, Columbul Ac!'om., 6 ,g9 1'. M. n ame or CAPT. li>. W P'OLl' III a can- occurole. 8lml)le . 1I1rofll!. and ecununlicnL Weok lle., I~" rc. ~1t .,1 youllt~ul inlli.cre lin,n, Pitllburg Expre.. , 10 .01 1'..... Excepl 80ll'le hleh grude. 100 II I onil cll llle near ~n.hll&, '" ' <la," 10 hopelu< ,.. ... . • dllillt. lor the office or Treasurer of eenerlll118e. lore i~ o WI\ ,j eO' Y oor ry. wilt. f~r Ibe .ake ,o( uaerinj\' 1II1I...."I1U .IO " .... INI "'STW ~RD 1l0V!1I1. I 17 C • . , d b C le8 are CIley 0"), nne .m,elt,d, Ih .. " "'I'l ~ III M", ". d I.y Illou V.• Irren Oltnly. I UuJ (!Cl to tbe ileclSlon 010 ,. . y wume n 8nd b or~. SlIcll watch es .. Io.r h 6'1Ie1 ...1 .. cur. i'n .. r." )hil Ind Aceom.. 2.20 ... M. afL~r Ibe HilJht ExpreBII. 4.30 A. M. VARNISH, &C.; of tue primary e lectioD. . ere cOIToI'0sed ~, sevonl liun drcd pi ecce. f"ilur of nu'''c;rou, n",d,cin.l. S,,,~u a dir"ct~,1 Cululllbu. Accomm'n, 7:,\17 A.·IIl. . ' screwed "nd r1\'o led logelh t" rj lind rPlJll lre ~ 1I"lIlope, . II ~ ,1,,,,,11 ":? IO~' I\olh,ng. AdcJr , WE lire nuthorrz('t! to ' IInnounce Ihe co nslHl11 r~puir8 10 keep Ihem iu nny ki,,'( JO;I !l.OG I!:N. No.U<.:h."'h .... t.• . v. P illaburi Exprese, 9. ~4 P. N. ~ i ncl Expresl!, 1I.1S 1'.... name or J. G. R OOKUlLL os II cAndidale 1!lf ordc~ .. A.II p ~r@ on., \~ho .hove cllrried All !tlay Murry llapplly, ft Unlellds a Ton of Hay in le pl,lIe_8 Droll ElIglt&h patenl le- I lrre,p eli" . 01 w.ol1h, ag e or be. u,,)'; BOll the '. D,, ·pot Itop. ( 1 fli r T or l I! 0 CQ 0 re"5UU)r of W IIr re D ,·er ~ . are "prrec t Iy well aware of lhe I"Y~ 01 Iha (>ppo.i~". lfS ,n L~ W,illl'd by (01. from 3 to 8 ~Iinutes. W . H. Cun"T, P esilieDI. OOUDty. 8ubjec' to Ihe d ecis icn of the \f1ll!1 or Ih ia fi ' ulrllle~ l , . lowill'; ,i m pl~ rul .... ~~ I~ d A ,Iir.rl. d ell.eloJ~c It pilche. I n\o I w",dow Irom the out. 10 I . W. WOODW,nIl, SUp'l. SASH AliD PUTTY, . I ' At Ihe bl"ri lll1illll' O( OUI enter~r'1 e 1 MAOAMh MARY I'I::ARY, Slal,oll D.III· .Ide. cerryiDg Ihu JlI, (rolR' 10 10 1I0 re.' prtmary e eel Ion. I" 8 , IJle I:fou.~ New Yo.-k " . D. C.t.DW.ALl.All£R, Agenl. Inore 11;:11 le ll yea rs 0110, it was uur~ fir.t l _-=-_-:._ -,-__._ . ________ TRUSSES. ill.lde, '.&DWALLADEB & MILI.!J. ErprtS3 Agellt8. \Vg Rre aUlhorized tq IInnounce th e ouj ~c ll o mnke n th orollghly g(lud low - ' Lu\'(~lr Girls RUti J;'es tlv e nOr M, It pitches In:o Mows, onr ,and unm SUPPORTERS. nnme or J W STl'BDS or S I pncr d \I'olr h lor Ihe n1i1! 1U II. 10 III~e Ihe 'I'nd un uddreued e nv , . I ~p. lind 2~ cell" a nd 1 buma. a nd in~o auy Place wbera a Ihn4 JOHN C. JILNOII, . 'i'ekgrap~ Agen' •• • II em "Iuce uf 111 1.'8 0 loreigl! impcsilions-Ihe ,.itl","t1 )!"" .......... lu.I,1 h,ltm"" li"" lhal '. SUOULDEP.-"BR,\CE8 Fo," w\l\ work. Township. 1\8 A candiJ"te lor lite "moe rCI I!ge of fu,ei::11 feClorie.-whlch were S:~lli~~~:: i~:·SI~.~~~·~!.~~··;~~~.BRY ~N , h Btaeke thy ",a SUIW I.. \ha malt Ina hi gh and lung R.i ck.. of Shel'ilf. or Wllfren Counly, aubj t ct c "lirely unnlenble al h oml'.l lIdl""ft'clly ~=~=''''1r='=~,,========~ ALL THE POPULAR 1'hi8 Fork toolt Ihe Firat Premillm ., 10 the deciliio I r ·\ . r I, ' w(\"ltl('ss f) verywltere, e:=:== I"'!l With this issu e, T" ~ Miami Gazette { 0 lie prim" '! t' collon . How wel l w e hnve aecompll, llPd tlll ~ ~, 1: severel 01 Ih-, Iftl!! lillie and count, Fllr" WI: Are lIulhorized 10llnbounce the mny be IIIIII"ra looti from lloe iOCI. lha.l .. 1'- ~~~ and ... 0 received the ltia h• • t commendaI!nte rs upon its t hird volume, nnd its r W w w . l or 80 mllll)' vpnr. 01 publk Irl "l. "'e no w It the great Norlhwel"rD F a ir i .. lions second yetlr. It g ivcs us vlcas uro to nAme 0 .' • lL§ON II. II ClIn(llIllIle mokEl more ";011 half lire 1V.ltcht4 so!d ill Statemen, of th,e -Oondition of the Chlcee", Novembl'r. 1868. • benble to inform our numerous r ead· for re·elecllon 10 the 'office e,f Probl\le tllIl Uniled 81atu, ond .lhat 110 olloHS hn o Thill i. th e sill'\plilt 'a~d most compl.e !e T Rl V 8' workini, H By F ork yet 1IJ1~C1C1l1ced tv tfie crs nnd. fl'i ellds that the Gau lle makcs Judge 01 W RneD cOlloly ~lIbjeot 10 lit e pver. Rive~ .uch un iversol 11/1li.fllcliutl.FerRIer, 18 II~' been .hown "l t~" UQllii~ d~cisiOD or the p' rimllry elt'ct' W.hile Ihl~ de~ort~lent of our buwineft8 is this en/ret upon a8ccon~ year's g rowth OP tURBOBD, (JONN" 100. cu nll llut· d wllh III creo. e.1 fal:i lili<!8' for ited demand lor them ;duriul Pllt ,8••onl,· On tile Fint day qf JUflt/ory. '1866. .~ pe rfec t \\I ork. \\I e ore II prElSe nl cl1gl1g~.1 ...:hlch hOI far exceede1l1be Ibilitl to _ ... with t1u t t e l'ing l)1'ospeot8, Iln{1 with U- Mayol' W r Ight IS flgnl n nm - I~ Il,e mnntlfoClllrA of wntc hes "I th e vO!ry Made '41 th e Audilor 411 Ohio, pureulnt 10 "Iy tliem by lever.llllI}il'llI.d • • A~I 'I r by: the encouragement of pust Sllccess HAIR-OILS, the Stllute •• r llilt StAle. I"e Ulslverlll preference .It- " .. reeelNii ongst U B, IlIn'in g l;co u 'r elieycd from IUfll1t8! Yl'n~~ ho!oll In ch,·ollOm.t-y, U1\ ('to uuild its bopes upon for tho fu- , ,.!le n oper'l Ied lo , compelillon ,with ' llte . ' . ' qllulled ~y Dnyll.l111g hItherto m. de by uu rI. C.I~PiTAL. . ,Idolll Olher F'ork •• · " tu re. No country paper Is expected Itls duties 011 the Jury on FI'lday lu s t . • ~ Ive p, .11.1 11I1,,"rp'lu ed by "nyill illg m_lIe .te almpliclty Inll compaclou. reoder Durillg his nLBen~e, the Council hus ill the wur Id. Fur lhi8 purpoee The 8ntOllnt of Capqlel Stock 10 I'(,:llizo to its puplisher a' fortun e it 0I0r8 l ublt alllill tha... ttle' compllC'aIH been like fl fumily without n. Futh e r. Ihe pmpl.est IDCj1il fl! s. ~Ve lI?ve 'lreclod pnidnll i. , 600.000 00 in ita infancy j yet we ,were. ugrcc- At nil nd!l1l10n 10 uur maIn butluit'I!8 px. ,111 1 ASSETS, errBPgemlln' hprelurorl' ,II'a\llor · (~I. p~t;> pOlle. It rli<)lItre. lu. room tor ~pe"lin.r nllly surpriscd • . at the cnd of t h e - prqnl y lo~ llti&, "~ o.n "h of our IJI1 ~ ill e~"1 Cush 0.' the CU.IRI""Y uli hlllld A well.8electetl Alllorlmen'" 01 the BBIT lid an be.')vorkrd 'wItII if.ller 111(11111 OBERttN .- ·J had rRlhtl' grfl nRle III IIIItI I,.vt\ fillt!d 11 Wllh Ibe Ileal wurkmen IIlId III Ihe it . lldd· I)' Alellts to nlJ pl.ce ~. ' . . ", , yen t'. to find that our most 81\.nguille Oberlill. Ohio. Ihlln ilL nny olhfr 1,llIc!.' ill uur. s~ r vicp. N e w machin!'/! I1ppliIIlId aliter per_1I111 "H.930 20 ThOle aeekin,•• :i lmllle, chelp a d .t!l.~ ~l:pcctntionB- 'Yel'e doubl/Jd , of whic h in till! ~orld. b ecllu , e ol''' r (llurtecn III\cel be,, " ellr,l lrncled. which pet· UOlldl .lId ~Iock. '~"'ned by ciellt Fork will Co well .to e~amine It., ligures find fn ct'~ gtl\'o cvitlcnce. . Ihousnlld or her 81l1df'nla "re 8clI1I('red form th ei r wor k LIIilh d.. lic8CY and elUet· Ihl! Cump, ny -'93 ,206' 00 OIerhti. ThRt fl II· economy 10 ue••lIcb 1111 ol'er the conlil1ent-lhlu I find 11 0... The choloesl Gnd moU opproved Deblll oilier lIe 1Ii>t.llrf1d [>,000 00 k 3 74 W C bO'I)C [pI' the cODliug oJ\. fil' th'lIt rrieods ·p"erywhert'.' .So 5Hid a well . 11 III I er I, II on Il' ore II Pe,.I all d we C IIn II. eltlle A ""umu I.. Ie Inle"al un Ioanl 7,,,,, an .rllcle II re~dJl, ndmitted b, t~e intel", lilen\ Fllrn~cr. 11M It iavU , a ...t 'lianun' our print mllY not only ,bravely hold b .'ompuri.O Il 1J!'l weeu Ihie erode 01 ol1r All u\her ~ecurllie. f>9,200 00 kn o l.n 0 Sl' r,, 'e r o( mtD , ADd thing• . - , work 01111 Itle fill(,81 importe l\ chrn'llorne_____ • _ . -' of 'tlme and labOr'. r.illieYi"1 him of the ih! o~vn. but sfiil l~l ' a still bro der We :! lIn ' addlhR( the grnduAtee of Ihl' lerp.' Wc Ilu not pretond to sell nur 'rotel as.el80f \he Comp~n)' '61~.869 94 MoOUFFY'S & W ILSON'S ~ERlf8, mOI\ ul'lplel,,"t part uf U.ylnl.iucp tile InUo(\uctlon or )luw'llIg M.. hlo... ( ~e :l than here toforc. Union Bu ~ il1(!u In slitute II)Cllle<.l ther~ wntches I.o r k6~ ''Iflllt!1 Ihan fore.ign W8ICh. " lit LIABlLltIES. ' .Thl, wl!1 frequlln~ly 111198 t~.. prIce of &0., &0., &0. 0\11' s ubscription book is Blwnys lue ulianimoul ill Iheir commcndRllon ep. 1101 I.\'e clo ABftertwilhuut fenr of CIlII' LII ••!?e """diu~led .]Ii.OuO 00 I For~ In .. ~ahjlEle dft)', _illll • ' I'~' • , o ( Lite Ih o roughne s ~ ond encl'{.tr 01 Irllulelio n thml Iqr Ihe ,arTIe ,"on ~" our pr... All I •. • C' . • quanlltyof H.y il to be lacured Ir.\'. ' .8 I.pen to I'CCl'U'O nOI\, nam es, find we a!e~~ t~ . CIIII~ in~. Gl'iffin & Co. S"nd durt ia Illr ump"rl1l1ly 6uJlerior. A II .. w ot ler c :8I1n& ogeml' 0., 12,3... 0 OU . tlllRl alld i. but .tlme la '1b trllst not only all ()ur form e r ,renders fol' circular I! nd College .pllpeTi 11Iilhout wnlrh!'8. of wholever /lr1td~. ore full), Tot.1 Lillbililit'f'. • 827,36(i'";; 10 do it .. " min end \wo ', beyl bJ ttl t I l d d f ' j < 6 J w~ r rD"Il'd nud iti . owarraulee llilizllJld "I 'nll ' the tile of one ~f thele lorllll , uM_. , lI'i II rn II y. b 11 1ft severa ' lUll re Ill, _ _ ~.. ,~ . .. " lil\' ~8 "g"iIl 81 U8 or 6tir ogent~ all pari S · IV. MISCELLANEOUS. ' lOll 'of h., in 6ve mlnutea. more mnr be ndded to its lists (llJ r 8::7 0<'011 Henlth is pti~l\mOllh't 10 of Il, c wll rlt!. ' ','hf' greale.1 0IJlY\lI11V Iti"~red " BWry Fork.i Wa,nn,,,d ~o 61.,. , Carefully and Promptly Fi1lc4o ing the coming )·ear. The Il1rgc r our wea lth. if the ayFt'l? m ill in b"t! order CAUTlo/l,-The I'"blic nrll cautinhed 10 ill ... y one ril,k~.,t t'l(o.OQO 00 , .Sali,/action {. '. . ' tI b ttcr , . enn mnke r,urOIl oul th;' vile humor. Rnd dilirm . buy ollly of rO Pjlectollle deulere. AI! ppr· The I.\llIullnt of 118 'm,pltol or ' t 1;1I11 por U:l, Ie . e ~e r e ~\t 111 sell illg r.fIlllllerfei ls will ' b\ll'rn~e ,'u· earnillg' .depoeitl?d ' in eny • Olll Dru.g-Stor" It II w"r""nl~d ttt~ . the It r41tk 0111' pllpllr ;. nnd \V u;yncsdlle c nn nud pl'r~ with Robaclls Blood . Pill •• Rnd gl!t Icd. ROBBINS &. APPLETON, olber Stile ... Ie.cutjlj' ior , In ule. Oall lila gel .o ne • t..,. .I~ ... ougllt to. 8UPl)ort:her IOM.I publica. inlern,,1 org"ns per(orminar tbeir regu1.11 r Ac:en l. lor II," AUI~ rico lI WHIch Cu ", ,,,,,;,)'. luslea the",in . 125,01)0 00 \V nJ' lIenille, OI~io. if It do ..~ p'9t G"e enllr. 't~r.~cnr, tion ina handsome f;lIlDllcr. (unDtion~ ~n~ once in order, keep Ihem . eO:lm] 1811 IIrUldIYIY, N. 1'. The Depollit require.f ln Ohio brilll Jt blick, , ~o willi Robacka SIOD111Ch Bilten. -"erewitli made. I .. ' . ....:.... t...00 it N,,i·R. .( u this coimcction we ~emn.':k thnt •• A Coach, Cold, o.r Sore Tbr",U. The Charll'r, or Ae or (llcor• 11"01\. I4U iY A pril.4-tt IT ' AN .':X,'1·El'C8IVE sAI.E AND while D~rly Jc\'crythin ... else is nd- l i r D1STIUDUT10N of I'iano •• 1\1.,10 R£QUlII1':9 IMMEDIATE ' 'Tl'EltTIOII. nn PII~rr ell~i,ul.,nb~,t\l:!i.d CCI. mp~OJ. 'RONS II. \"N~O. "II.OTOG~"'tJ. ~ . t ' roO t l' 00 per d 1, 111, O"ld Dnd Sih'er W"re. h nnw Oil 81100,;,11 IlE CIIEO'(I;]). IF 'LWW E[I ~ ... ~U • -u---' , Vo.neC(1 In cos ll'o,m " 'I 0 • .,.~ __ Bole A,ent'.' ( r W.'feli ,'I • r1bO~' . 'IO cUlln.UB, .... '., E, «--B. T. ANTHONY" 00,., tent., our . o(lvortis ing rut,os remain Hllhe Sul~oruolO of I\h:58118, Itt:En &: IlIIO . 'Qoutlliea, \ , No irritation of tbe LOUIe, a Pr.rlnanent ~T4TE OF 1...0. , EQTIC UT. , -- b r. ' I 3" t .i b ~ rtl' SI" N ,' Y. 'Chroe goodl ftre .01<1 ftI CODlI'fY OF IhETII'II11D. ea, Munl.lfactur", ql I'llologro[Jhic .Male· NOlo 80 Mnl ileri'y 'Blr~et, .t eb.aao•• ~BID'O as ': ~ o~e, except ilg t\'~n. ('\VO 'DOLLARS EACH, ' hG .' IlDLL'.J 0" Throat Alfccticm , or nil Illcurnbic • t db" . ,.~ ~~~. ' Luia!; iJilieohe, " James G. BlIlIl'r!O". Prelitl~n', lIull riClt.. ' : , .'1. .. D~ALERa lit j. " , IICIt~ I'utcs; fin our S tl sorlptlOn VAWI':. S.'",l TW£NTY·nv~: C£NTS for la' OF't: EIII TH D n ..... ".Ul.T. R ot\ ney D~11\Ii ~.l::'Iel.1'\ rr.lpr.~ of the l'tl1velWflo t .F."A t •• : Al'"n IItF.'1'Al t. , Ilrice is oll,ly 50 cents L(".rOl'~ ante· otle IIUld\', rc,1 Noli·c•• or ON~: DOLI.AR ror IlltOWN'8 bJt9Nt:llIAL , TIlOf;nES Ilrij' lu guruuce Cnnrp'I11J' beinlt .Iuly 301 DROADW&"I.N. Y. B~ware; TiD;~ar8 l' • .....'i" • , I I ' il .• '"tll' pr·ICCs. . , t • I " :> IX . rho numltcr On ... ell N,ollce co rre'poll'd . I . d fI ~lYo n), depllhe and all,., Ihat tl,e lore"o,"~ In •• hiillo.. 10 nllr OIlIi n 1;""",,,-, 01 PHOTO. \" loving ~ i~ect ill uenee 011 Ihe Itnrl ~. to • J utle . Ii' . . .' I' "" 1> wilh Ih . lIu",her on Ii el " of gOOlh.which r i•• 11111, trlle. end ,correcl lialetnt'llt 01 GHA PH I ~ I'll ,\TI.:RIAU;. "e are tI Htlqu. r: U nd e l' theso circum,stances. we ' 11 u ' . fie T . l!iv e immediale rplie l. It'or nroneltili s. Ihe 110uir. of Ihe "flid Com .... ny. ono! Ihey ler. ror Ih~ foll."wiJ'~ , vi., , , . . w, e Iflltl on roCUI!?t 0 • h" money.,,·,11 A81 hllln, CiiTiirrh, Cun SllmptlVe Itl,d '1' hrolll I' nto ulIdefFt1i.1j-ilnpreStllOn that no bc rEfu,,,led if Ihe good,'do 1101 vj,·...oh.r.clioll . 1urlher depose olld" 113,>, . th.llt IIie copilul IiIIC'r"Hupea ..... I!ll"" ' ·Ie..·.. ., DiseA s"8, Troehe8 ore used with " '\vN C 8 ()f' A ... b d I ·ta·~ t k A • l oire '1 Wj.· r.;TY F1\' E DOl LA· R S )cr I 8~cllrilil!B alld nllI!!" or~oid Oumpnn" hive 1,,""'' \'. 11 '"'' I~~ " 01" '1:" (:,. ... . ,.. '•ILl . ~U' • r I1l1 BlDeS8 ouae .nee lCSI · "'" 0 ' ce]> c ~ f . c· • I R &~ D &: n I 1I\l0" 8I1 Cr!·U. Singe 8 stld Public Speok. ntlt at 8I1y.'itnt 'linee Ihe 1st of Jp~ul1ry, "·'pe., G" ""'I", S' D(lIa,y, ell!. itself bof~ re the public on acb;lIlnt '. , . . el.' I r" '~tlll .r, " . 110" e rs wi:! Ilud 'rruc'I, <!tI uselul ill cle.rlng 1866. been' leu Ih nn ile~ lorlh in Ihe ("re 1!I1.....,_.PIC' , ·!t>WIi '. 1 Ibe 'Vtt'r, • P. O. B,?a 61.18. N.w ",ork. . Ille vol"e whe n luken Ile(ure .iuglng ur b I Frolll 1I~r;:~IIVU Il.ntl" in l ite \'Ad",,, "aulp"lf{nI of ('ost. O.ffictl' ,8t Liberly SI. ' 2·1v "I,Bakl'II'" alld re '. el· vl· II". the lilro- t a1'1'.' · '; '1 guing lIaiemenl, ull Ih&1 ,/tEl D.. etll lI,ve <I," ·1 I ' I' I ' Ii , . t . . h ' ,. . . . .. . , r u 61E1nd lly In~reDlled. nut! 1I0lY arnounl '" hiolory 1\ " O1'IIII "Il''' I'~ IIIII . " "" °brul" c 1I.0ry • d T o our mnny .:1'nen 8 W 0 , apprcc· ;ae:±!!::::±:::¢:- - - - ._- u1lu8uol exertion 01 Ihe vucol orguns. Tlte or IDe g r•• 1 r""l t' I, . • BOIl " , ' . uver 8Pveo hundred Ihuusund dullon~ l 8 700 81 Ie l'l GI.... · . ' ,.. B t d J Inting the V . nlue 1\ ' locll] .pnper, t ,G enl'! I c .. ·•• 011 • . ur MI, une . •' . rorhea nre reco~mell dl! .J und p' escri!led 001) 001. . Cl.ftOllC!Op ,,~'. . .u . ' , ' .• !\l r8 BI.ckrnrd Mother 01 D N Bluck ,. 1)1 . I dI I" 'r ' . I Ad.I.I. 1i for "ilh6r I'", l\I'", ic 1.• "lotll o. th • . th\l ' l)l'ivile'g p' of hnvin:g' ifin ' • . .. • • UY ·YSlr. nnB. an lOve Illu ~gll1l1 0 1l 1 U ~ , J , G , BATTERSON. Preeldent. I' I" rllo" 'nl,e, O" rCa"' I "'Il"~ will ba L,.uI 10 . 10r,1 o~" W. nynellYllle. frum a lllineni Ill!?" throu"huUllhe country . RODN ." "".f DENN lB. Secrelory. ... , .... 0', 1·.e~'ll . t " ,f ,,, """'p. . , .. " ""l' Muu' midst, ha,'c \ibernlly come jor, ~:z_~ Be ill/! nn orti 'I u of tru/> me r il, alld h""illl! . ' " v es III' l'tI ke'. d ' iii b r :::luLllcribed 1I;,d. ~~ orn before me, thi. J'hotop-upbJ" Alln...... wRrd With. ~bci.r p.n~roun.. gc~otll' u.... " e ".' • pratt Ihelr f' ~nc! Y n 1,lIet o. mOllY 5 I I I J 18"'6 W w IlIOIIUhu'llI re ", ure I. w.·ly lil¥n n"l ·olh~r ·' d h ye ul •• cneh yeo, fillds I.h(l lll in "plY 101·"li, I I (oy 0 ulle, . 1 . hu u. ~ . "" .. ,il ~ oo ,·. ,·;elic. I r~", liO C. "1 I':' ,50 • al'e d lie, ~n we ope .to ,:reCarifully .Correcttd Every Week. tie~ in Vllrit'08 flnrhl 01 Ihe worltl . and Ihe [SHAL] CHAS, E. \VILSON. ..,·It. 0".· I\t.UI1~iS Ih " rerul .ri~;1 9t nn everlasting con.tinuation '1'rocloes are un1l er.iDlly prollouncpd bolter Notary Publ'l;. b. tlll! ",pbrior in IluraLil1<y 01111 ".,.\il,. lu all)' oti:221l @ 2 40 thllll olit er articles. (FIVE CEIIT S1-AMI') ;;~;:ii· p OIecra"'• • • G"..., ...., 8111 •.,.. their flivor$ aqd ovid~llCC o f ·.their • WIII~at 'til bu ~hel. J Rye 11" 60 Oblnin oll ly 'Urowu'lI Bronr.lliol 'I'roS ...... A"IO ..... ele., ere. jmlgemcnt. Odla 'f II 33 chre,' Illd do not loke ftlly 01 the worth· Of'FICK OF TJlE AlJ/.IITUR OF . TAT£·l 0", r.. I. lo&u. e,"b ..nce. ci~er nv~: HU,N . Dorley 11 If J 00 l es~ intialiona Ihal RIlly be tl/l"errd, OUI.UMBUS.O ••1lIne 11, 1866. ~ DIIED d,/I"rt lll , uh:l, r.I, . i,,,;I,,<lin g reproduc' With these fe'w rcmarks.' w e set with th()' '(jaz~ita . ou nnothc r Corn f .. . 11) Sold pyerywhl'fe ill Ihe Uni'''d Et mles. I t I, hereb, eer.li6ed IhRI II.e torego:1I1f <io". of Ihfl 1100.1 c. "I ... I~II 1':lIgrnving', f."II. . • Flour II bnrrel. ·H160 nntl ill Fllreiln Counlrie8, 11135 celllS Iler ill u currect CUP)'. u l.the Stalement of COII- III"', S l fttu~ •• etc. COlaloguc. ,cnt 011 rec~p l III c nmpnign. Flour 11 cWI, 660 box. . 18. ]y. diliun of Ihe l~l'~UYelfter. Inaur~nCle Com- 011;lt,~';:1~·r.• I'h. r. """ 01)1"" o..l"rl oll; gnod. c . - - - - '___ _ __ Bulll'r ·11 Ib 20 pony \>. H~rt I<; rd, made 10 ood filed in o. J) • 'ri ll "I cn.~ r~ ", " 1 25 I' r conI o('the aliI· 0 I4r III orciQt to a,'ail oursc lvcs of LEI/l: 111 1tI".,An, ']6 UNOW TllY D·E8·.·INY. Ihi. ufficoi. lo~ .I!le ,.e\lr 1866, Dutil" "I. II •• ,,· ortl er. . _ , , _ , iI v"r '. _ _ 'Vilne~s my hnnd l11d Ie. I ollicilllly. If.J" The prieN ."'\ qu ality of our rnod. an attractions pre~ ('hted by the poilltoe8 11 bIlBh ~l. ·~· 76 1I1AIlAMF:~. F. THORTolI, Ihe ar!?at Ell g. LSllAl . ) 'J" S. N. GODMAN. lIot f"il to , .. Ii,f, . 61 -J.S Fourth (w/lere, depo.nen~ doth not Dried Apple. 11 11> 20 Ii~h Astrulol:is l, Cluirvuyanl In,1 P ,y<,,,· Auditor of Sllte. -:-C .. A !Iii 'J' E L .. .&. II • '. . . Vhickena 111 duzen, , 400 melrici{.,.• who ,hfta -'utollished lhe .cien. ~I' l! GQOd~, ) the Gazelle llPpenr s SOUlCC; .. trtle' 1& ad @'S3 lific clu8es of Ihe Old Wnrld , IIII~ nuw Oe t 'lle t f A th it w~I'" ~· ill advanoe of the usual timo. New.Orleana Slllllir ~ 1b ' 16 fiI> 90 InCN't'd herself IIi Iiudeun. N. f. l\llI llnmt . r 1 II: e 0' u or J. . ' , • . 1F ':;> (", I II 31 I I J ]86'7) For ]1II~ro.i llg .,,11 fi ftulifyinlt Ille Com· week, Hun-Bh for the Fourth. N .:O. Mul.~ea l? golilln, 135 ThurulUll pMsea8ea 8U~1t wOlltlerrllll'0\V' ,0 ex!' re on.le A II anllary.. /,I<,)ioll. • .1.., , SorgltuDI " 80 era u( aec:olld lIigbl. tB to ell.hle he r 10 OI'FIO£ OF TJtl': A ODITun OF STATIt, ~ Thft mo. I vul..a" c ""tI pef~ rl prep"Mlli Dn ill • ••• • Colil Olr ~ ,allon, , . 80 111,!)1Ift knowh'dllO of the (trenlest Itn~ort. IntrUl'anu D,.'i?qrllllml" , ' u'''' ,he ,"k m R buuli(ul purl·like 1'"1, Mrs. sisco's Millinery 8111e III Ih~ ~inl!!1l ur lunrrlc,1 cif ClII.Pf CULOMBOS, OH' .~, Jllne ,1 I. 1·8 n6. Ihftll. (" ,Iy ",1",,1 ill ~o ulh h 'Iui"kly reo -. - - .-. .' ... - .\V I I cl lIO n . . . Ton , "r~ dl,. , r"" I,lft •• Uloto;l,•• , Moth Establishment, on Main Stl'cet, m ay 1"0 t:ON~~ .... ""l'.Vl!:H. HI' X . hi e n ft mlftle of lrollcP. s he e · WHI!REA8. Th~ . Troutkr. lnaUrOflctl PIII C" .... 8n llnwn .. , 1':""111 1011., AIIIl.1I in.purl' , " !illelllt'.8 Ihe ve~y le olUrell of ~he pereon Oompany. I(lcated at Hlfl19 rd • in Ihe el.le Ii," 01' th e . kin. kin()I{ I, •• li llg d,ll Inll, e, lell Y' fQlllIu .. v e ry. in·" .l·tl·lig anny of .. 'rho untlers!§o." hOlliOIr be!!n res.ored )' OU ere to m~rry. Inll by lite ,lld.,I UII in· 01 CClnll~clillut h •• filed 'n Ibis otllce II ing 'I,~ .~ill ... hil" . ... d .... . , .'er. It. goods, tulaptcQ 'to aU varieties 10 bulth III i lew weel:a, by . ·very .imple . I'ume,,1 uf IIIIen8e I!uwe.r, kUOWII 88 the ISWOUY lllIlem!:,,\ 01 ul l ClOndltlon. II. rp. lI.e r.n nll'; l bu "~Ie ... "d by Iho do,eu Ictutiny, 0-..:1 , I·... .... d aev nip I I I d ,",,1 DIIIIIK •••~tl t ft lil ~ "rep"ralion it " errec,I1 \IU8 'I (I r taste. Cqll an,<1 sce , them. reme dy. ~ ter 109111" IIUuere I' .11~'c. lomo\rnpn. gu.r~11 eel 41 Pft. uee • qt1lrpll b.y Iho aCl 11;0 rO ll:ul.'8 In.urenee h.r",la... It 11 'h e olll)· arti"le 01 the kind renrs .'~hh ~ aevere lung . nf!ectlon. and lt~e. ltke plrll~re .n f Ihe (\llUre hlubnud or COInplllliee 1101 incorllor"pd by the alai" uled hy ,he Fn'nd " .1111 it cU II.i" .. r~d hT .Ihe --~ -.-. Ihilt clrl!ftd d,s use, Con.ump\loll-I., 81))(- WIfe or Ihl! applll' Oll', tURelher with date o( Olli .. p'liloll,April 8 18b6' and I~e". I'al-i.i_n .. ;'"Ii'n.II ..lhl r. 10 R " h '.cl Imld. , ., \. liT 'We 1I'0\1ld c,,11 e'ptcilll ""~Dlion ious 10 matee 1,;IO\\IrI lu I,hl felluw sul1e r~ uf marriage, po.illun In life. lendln/( Irbil8 ded FObruary V. 186' ' llud il!e Icl 11'0 1JI"'IIml. 0130 000 b(" U ~1 w r fl ,,,ItI "uri~ Ihe 10 th~ Condition of lhe Truele" ,I n • .,,. the IIIl'l' ns of cure. .. of chllrnclff. &c' . Thia id 110 Itumbtlll~'" rellulBle Fofellrfl ' Inl~"n(!8 Complniu,' ~~i!:~~I';:1:ur~~::nt §~~;o ~~C~lI~[I :I·p:lt~~t '&Aa. , , d' . I ' 'l'o 1111 who desiro i', he ~will send ft l.h.oU8~"d8 (II le/tlln~~I1I~ liI en" ~~scrl., S.lIe l,a'~l!d April 6, 1,8 66 : tntl. WIIF:nB~" enid on ..r" ;I;1 ot Mil ... ri.r, Itl' __ 81'AnCe CompAnj·. III publishe 1ft Ill. copy or Ihe preacrilltiun UIl'ti (Ir.!, 0: \\/111 , und, wheu dUlred, a cC'fl1fied. c~rtIR . COIDpnnJ, h.. (urnle,hed Ihe under.i.rr ned 1l~:IWER. S~H TTS &. CO.. Chemi.II, '. hi. ll.e oldest in.uranee com'- chllrjlo.) with Ihe dlrfCltiollB for prc pn.r· ~ft' 'If ~vrlttelllll\erOIl'ee.lhDt Ihe pl?IUre "liKlaclOr, evIdence Ihlll il ill p .... e' l1f'd 211:1 Ri..,r SI.; Tro r. N. V. or tlte "iDd in thi. COllnlry. an4 lnllilld uKiulf lite lillie. whi ·h lhey w,lI 1M .,hal 11 purpo~I.IO be. 8, e1lC1 081t1g a 01 811 IIclu.I' Cltpito l yl It lea.t emt hun· - - - - .l" OOp Ji!f lr S, fini/II flure ('ure 'or Cunelllnpiloll. A~tlllll., BI.MII lC!rk 01 ,",Ir •. ~nd "II\I!lJg pilice. 01 drtd and fiJI, "'OI/,onll dolurI, illvelled .hOWD itl 'inlegrity by lI. vin se . paid· Bro~c"lli., Cougl, •• C~ld •• &<l The 4111- bIrth. au". 1l11l'URIIIOn nn'd' (ompII'Xloll. "' rtquireu ,lly I .. id Icllt' lind Where.a NOlt ~BADY. · I , Ihirty 10liet, ,w.lleD death w".oo· Iv obje6t 01 ·' Idvr rlisllr tn .ending lhe ant! enclosing 50 cent. eud .lImped en· aai(1 Oumpio}, h•• 1&led lill \I:il IIl1ice D' by' ~cciII~Dt, io amouDls nry Preerrijlt ion.\e 10 btnefil ,he nfllieted, Ind "elup~ alldreijlled III yU\lr~~lf. yuu will .re. wrltlen in.lrun'leDt untler Ita cQfPOr~lf H 'E A 0 lEY .' . S. r 8~ ..e.d I1Ilurmlllon which he oonceivea In celve Ihe picture and dellred 1."lorlllltlon lenl, Ilgoed by lbelPre"ldenl and 'lit!cre~ rOil! 81.000 to 810.000.!l be ioYnlu~ble ' ;' o'ld lift hopes ever)l ellf· by relu.rn mall. . A,I commllnlcatiuna 50- tBry thereof. ..lulbor;z;Pfl aIl1 , Iv. enl cr ,W . ' :... WI...·I~oa 01 ~fQJlar~ ror Ie. I limll, ' ror er-.; will,r, -II'. rpmed, . . . it ":fill cosl credly I!,oufidepllftl, , ~d".el_. ,in """ Ii· nllenla or laid Vompali, in tbl. 81.le tu C""'plcle In lwo Voluo,e" AL~Q lSStlED "limo•••• d' b'lI llt"ria n !l thil1~~ ~lId mfty p~~ve D. ~Iellli"~. 11(,lItf'. l\IADANE E. F . 'rHO:1 I11TuII. P. O •• dlno",'ed,ellrvk~t 411 prOCell. tor Ind C;OMI'LEn: IN ON~: V01.UME. Tha be.I. ~ . .' ... 1,1&&' III I 11'· • d " If~ rtln·. W'l8"I1'a th • . prr.cnptloll Will BOll 9.~ S. HUd@0 I l , N . y . 4 6.6mBillbeitllf o" ••JdCompenjlccordinl tu !, hOAI'~'I, "',,!! "'I c... "n~, .. opul.,~ . e,nd .~hlui~ · An! information "ill be' g,YeD, lin ' I dd tel . II 8 8&6" 1.le Hi'l~ ry at Ih o lI~ h"I"o" pub " Cled, .. ch • 1 .' • ' .. ' '. JI elln 1\ l'P~" " Ihe "'rm. 0 . III 16't ~I Apr Inll Mlte.teo! h,' Ihe .:NOR~IOV. ur. it '.,., IUned, by ~ Ke1.~. Igent Rn. E~W A:RD A. WILSON, A CARD TO INVA ~IDS. Nuw, 1'HEanolu:, '1n pur.uuce 01 Ihe . •• ;'cht.l.of SOO.OOO Vnl!'''' ft'. and il. now Nil· Ibi. pI I h I I"d " Llv Wlllhi u.bure h , Klllltll Cuun'Y' -:r-, . '.•• ' IIct. alore.. llI. I , J~~3IES H. GODMAN'. i.... wi\h IItr.r" •• iIlIC rapidllY· , 8~'. W I~• .~:. re 1 promp. J . . ll7-6m. ' ., .New Yurl!. A ,?Ierfl~· man. ~' h~ fe rUldlll.1r in Sou,lI Audilor or' 8lat~ lo~ OhiO, do hereby Cff. · SolJ only hI . ub,.'rlpt i,~ n ., r.'! te~~I ' , el'lInl .' , ,.glhil~ ~b8 com· , . Amen!!11 8B I' I8lnllllllry. '.\.18cII'!,.ere4 • Iii, Ibat .ald T/IY~le" ,In.uranee Cot:n." ~ory gh·t n. For ("lIl1arlll' ulllrl .elld (or ~Ir b' , J ' ' .t' I " d I· . TIJAN8POR~~T.ION. ~lfe lind ~Imple reme~t Ilor ~he .. PUle or . r 'H / d c;: I' I I • • "Iar. Addr"u ert ~r, aC,ClI\4Cntl.. nlllte~ _ po Th. auperalldo~ Jr .nliquit~ nte only Nervuu8' We8InlelS. EIlrly Dpcl/y, Di.e.- ,~lIny ~ a ar' O{, onll'el Cllt, a :u~;:':1 4J\J.:RICAN PIJfH, I S'!IN~ C.OM~ANY • '1201 Weal ~~h SI .• <':IIIO,nQ Mtl. 0., , , v. .ror oa~. or mor~ dllfl. a.od reg~III.r '.c od f~r' III;, lbe pluent diY, end /!cA. ol Ihe•.Urin.~y, Organll. e~iI the ~ho!e 1~~.du:.;:..7:~~:,!h~l.a~:·~':tii °tt:- (~II'tY. ~ ,, , a~el'11I4d '1 h1Dd." .r pen let (/11,1.'10' at:~ 01 ., ' ." I!RIII ?f, dlau~Jf1~ bro~l%ht on . by anlful .6ret dll,_.., January. In.the ,eafOlle tbuu- ' It~ ' , a~c"diD~ ' &\ e , f , '. l .r a, e 'e •• : ~ ,,' Ibnd' VICt!~·~~bllej. by r.t~t la:~llj!~:'r!.~d~e I,nd .hthlllundNd ..d.I.'I·...eII • ... , . ~a~t ~~i. cl"I'~r .iQt'.r.~ci iI :Lb. ,!.bO~· 1I11compUi hed whh . ~d'·, lid or .l ci.'.I c!,- f~~~\~C~b: aU~:.irB lob:n~8Phe ~",r6t~ lS.,,,,] ') '''' WIl~e.. \V,bereo'. Il,u., . . . . .·,·0 , o! ' t nil b~ia'la'~ ••·1 friedd Y~ Fur exlmpl.e}, ~~YI. ~~JldJ .or ~~r .,• . eci°lln~ ,,'niol'tdoltel \tUl Nnil '.Ii~. ~ertpe· ~~::'l'r·~~;..t~jtJ~!· ::~m.~ddtb.d:; 'W;..9 Y N 8 ;'8, V J J. ~ 8 , . 0 {f I,'f'J .~ all-to \ :.' 1..' .... 10 · , CI"U~.eG <I!, ~... . . . ' ' . for prep ..,ni apd. tI.~~1 ~hl. Qlfl)dlChl" In . . it , " , I ••tt . ' . ' .' . ' " . C £s , . . ' • p~~~'. '~e V" "'" . t$llbe r.fchi\.l, co~~el"'a~I' ~tICJj ot lirow,n . 1II!II1ed envel~p~., 1'0 a~1 OD,' ·_ .lta ~~.".II, a.n ,"r~: .. il$~ GODMAN. ~ , TEIUI8.t' ~lf jbf.At;r~~ " ~loolal41.'. '·':·1 _ • '. , • . " lii·' ·bJlple·.pplteatlonof ' .•. " ·· F""of' CIw.~ · Plel~. ·eDaIOH .,a ;u.t. - '.{'" .. ' Audl&clro{8tat.. ~ ',~ '-":-~.' ". ~ "1 · p.ldeD,.lo,.; ~~dr~· . to'1ou~If. . . WI' JClr... ~· W ·I "" • III COPY' olll .,"" ,.,00. - -.O.r ~r. . . .IiDoaMID. ,~ar; •• 'K~~llfacliirtd"b, J~ f.:HR'8TA~oaO.6 ' JOstP;1I t~'~'~j w':·~:'CJI1.L_P.'i:1 Fiye oopiel ODe ,ear;, 8."~, O~Q.I ' " fVo /hllar, Alcor H~""; Ne" Y9IlI. ~td b, Dn.· ~(IIIOn .D,, ~~bl' H_. . .. Dr , .11' . al-4. ' " , . T.. eop~..... , e . , 16;"1






D~ and


Mixed Paints,








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Patent ltledicines


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WRli1! IX~'IRl!Cf~, PER F' U MER Y


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SOAPS, &£.

FA !VIIL Y G110CERIES ! School-~ooks; ",




Physicians' PrescriptioDs












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Agents W ant ed



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Thtal. tbo Cure \bat 1a1

11.1' Ute .4JIlIIIOi u. Ulat IUDi' JIlIIkI.


TbJe fit tho lrllll ,.bo '"~ bald .no!

Whlr.~l~ hu, r ... on lock•• thL)' .. y. Ue u llCCl Ihe Oure t1mt loy _.,'n lu UIO A)UJIIO!iUo IJlal lUtIi _ .

WIt" lllarrlc!d tIM mllllen, llaudllOw e aud .tol\~l;""n onco balthnd

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DCt'"\"hcr DOW bOI ruon


ro:...,they y,

tlri.lirt!/ rf O~l l H J.'ce!BCS or ] nrli~ crr'ion.

}n II~ t,h ~I'tllh.t I.y · IIi Ulo :t.l1nuOsu. tIW lUug mntlo. ~,;

'rho COll stilutioll , once IIlfectClI "y O r· 4!lInl'l W\1UkOCB9 re,fluiq!s lhe aid 01 m('d· iclnc 10 atrenglh on , and invil{orllL9 the system,' wliio'li He lrrlbiJld'e EKtrnct Bllchu ' illYorinbly dood, If no ' tr eutment be 8uh· mitted w, CIJli"!llIpllol,l ur iU8Unity rony

t. i.TUUDS ~ oO.,.p'aopil ETOns, PETqtBORO', N.H.


o-j'"P'" 5B 10 by llo~cbcrry @ Npn I Dll t! HELM'llOlJ))'S' FAS'f LI E-Leov os I1itteb\1r1t At 10 4G·(jm It. Prinlz. , Fl. slBliona prlncip"1 II., ptopping-only at ulvos' 0 ' Altoona ilt.J. 1O A. N:, Hlltrls· ' burg ... 8.28 A. ,M., n.llimo rct 12.30 r. M .. New York.t viII . Alle,,~o\yII, 4,10 r, nl•• 10 femnles, ' is tineIn litl'eclione peculior I'hil odolplJint 1,101'. DI. ulld New York, , ,Ph.\lydclphiu, Dl.6A2 I'. M. q:lul,et!. by ,.~ IIY other ~rcl',e ratiol1, ns !II tSupper . tDhirle1', *lI,eakjasl, et entiOll, lrrl'gulnrrli4i!8, t lJlor.o8i~ or ~ 1f1l,1'I ; ~~ ~llw: train', SU'ldillll exco/lt~ , I'nin hllnee8' or Sop prc8&i()11 of CUf.W Ifl<lry SU"rllIG CAns no punclJed 1(> nIl Night Evncuft~lo~ •• UlcerilliGil or snhirruB 6l~tl' TTlins tu Ilhiladlilphiu, New York _nu Ih\! UI ('rtlR, ' LC,III\Orrh~~, nud 1111 1'1)/11of 1NES, 'OA[lB " . ' MUSK ETS ':AND, BollhQ~orp. ... ,~ ,. • · incident to the sex. whether srislng transfer pl<linl8 lind througb checlllhi llftggugo For th~ UJlited Stlltes Service. AlSO,' , . , /,' froll! ,hmbit8 of di8s ipnliIJlI. imprlldencie8, red free. 'I'ICK'F.T I trin THE EIIST' (includI ng D ~ls : ~o~ke( .~:~", ;'.B~W ! in the declina or· chsnge of Li Ic. ur lOll, liy Doo\ or RlliI), ,pnBding over this VERS, REVOL '"'REPE ATING ~, •• ",!, ... " u-""",~u: 'lrouu, 01111 bb purchosed 01 nit prilluil'nl HELM BOJ. D'S Blltion.. )i'ure ~s low C~ by OilY olher , . • ' ., , C 1 Vll)g - -' ruute. Rine nnct'Shol Gun Darrele, 011,1 Gun Mo· ~ ~l1EI~'ITS. .' deecrlp· teriuls lo\d' by Gild Diialetannd the Trado ~UlD ~,.hl.,I JO~te, Frel~ht8 of olltlons, Including L,VE STOCK, C,nn 1)1) for· generall y eo~ing oncl AND 'wa!~ d to o.nd rr!>~ , I.'!li,ll\dq"'hin, New " III the~o day'i~ 1 o'f I~ou.ebf pml ~DIlK. 'S',urQl UO~8e, e~~ry " R"bber Irom , .olld tu ra, Bnltlmo or Yoril, '!oelun ''!J Office ellOlll·1 bnvil one Jl~ . • , r.. any pO,1I1l ~.n tb.c ~Ve81t'ru RUlhyu(s. , J:' ~r ~ ~ .~ P< y.~ 0 'l' I ,. ' /lJ.tilfOO/J d,rect; " RS. .... LV '(HE,O 8 GrQN~ RKMIN (or· ile nn Itcl,,"lr rs, Dy Stoome 'thp.lIlsclv es 'I' wurlled 10 .h; 80Cl'tBllil1le roint on Ille riv· '. I pilhf~s' iI~8IriPI! t~ lv,ail _ "lhe late Impfo\le.n'lclriis 'ln Piatols. n",I suB,a ,(1nd Jok~8, ol I)I~ ' ost. sysallship .lUd furd., wi\l6/lt1 ull Will".. .IIllcoll, 'f'xler"'li'nnta froni tlu)' or. Shlpplh g Di· perior .wurkm Cah r'actll '~l' 10 Fo/")'; ,' ' '" . ' ", ) ' . .d ' I, tlhe ot cither, address or reclloll~. npply I ~ , " . lem Di~e,n8\,@ Qf th~ prinnry Orgnns orie· comuillc IO, I~" ~, . ,,; " f!llluwing Agtjn\s of 'hB ComplIlIY: inC' ftom hoh\t6 01 diesipnlion, 8\ lillle ,~ • r•• ·.' ReJ\ol"' " eJIIl11gta R :New . l)hil&d'o S, U. Kilig~loI\W r.dl'l. t\'i1tnt. pllllSP, !inli! or ,no' 'c honge 'Ill diel, nnd no .. clCBCrip ond ' C11t9 lng Circular s clll1tllih Cupel1~ , Fit, ARent, 1!illl\buqr. ' C. UpOIl dheti (UrOi bo wilt arms our Clone &. cO.; '1'..... nsl!'r'A " nls: I'liialibr g. lion o( ion. " f . . , pxpoenro, 'co~ple~"Iy '8~per8cclinll Ihos" I upplicnt H'. W. Dr'o\"n ~ 00., ZUlleswl\le,' O. ' " \lnp'I~3sollt ' 11~'llllerJu!i remP-lli.!8 . eqN,Y. Ilion, E . REltf'lN GTON &: SONS, Holl & co., MUfiCtl o, O. alld . ~lt!rellry, in cIlring lhuBe un· poibo .' . • r---. W. H. &.I!:.~. Lnngl ~ v , Gallipolis, O. n~ ond ~~II!ll)rUII" dis~oEee. , su I1leu H{" llo Ev,mtv " V ~, " rlCEE' " Clllrkll _& co., 9~icilgo, 1111 . Beaut~', 1J '. N 1 ,0 N , ~ I N E~. ,.





Rifle Canes, evo


, ' IJr. JUCjc.011 :' ,Otij:nlal Linimmt

II lid, disnllillt" nd ,r('jIlVenlle ..' orltfnl \\'hich \tave ' !!O,. ' I" rnant' ~rb~ H.iny' ,fAre: t . , t Dr. Jilc~oll'" Freilllh pntent. MII,tSaI!, nevor ,flil. tl -:-)t Is p~ rfe!,'d}" flale Ative 8f1 li ~ (adtlun. It is Ihe 'only lure IN ' ""fs preventivlI alllllns\ cun~rlctlng:d i_ ever iI)Venleu. , P.rico 'II elch. , p~r bllt ~}lz~n 84\ Gnd par. tlp ,er 87, 'ft!'nt Inebria tes or DlodAt'lIle'drlllli eire 10 reform; bot Iwho< ficlllt to relrll ·d liir!! lor . 'n HerbP'r t's A ' II·AI ! u!1i PII "e rnc,clJ (o.r IllIemliet.'''tI~: f .riI lor ~nniculafB , Medicine 8ent jn'ompll Y 10 llt',,'1 'I'll I ('oll8ult inft 'Rooma <tf th~ ni . pen"'IJ\~'"' cOlI\orll ;str,ee~. ~inQil!nl\li, ,9" 436. Send (or circulor . ,{I. 139-



,r" .1 IC'O, S' ~ W A S"IJ


'FaaLf lh;u"l,'viu l!enn~lIltJonia 'R.

Gmde to' Health· and' Ju "jju\'H hcd. 'Jl. "


Qv~r ,A)nlJiriciB1h (11,''' If'rQl4d ou, 'hi Wo 'infb\llbly 'cure 'Sy hilli.·.'uee! r ~ y, NootUtn~I'ndd"

~em<-v"8 ollt ~ul~lIes s



cicnce anti FlIir ,DlClling Victor;



' R

Prof. E Gl'lr; T JAontol l, Ron~n:r YEa... M. D., j r. i'J'IlOl!lfS VEl.~E:AU Jr r(

~ mn, mpntelle (.onorr" \l rnn) EllllissiollB, ClllJlgblints p .pli., to (0I11nle8 ~Il,d every form of II iV,l t of w,hatev'!r Ilnm,el ~ nalur,. iBpennltO" rhalD or S.e )f.Abul e, 'baL cClrll! P.iflloi ~ I IIUlIf,iMl , euily II nd .peedil}' · Cured : every tro ce of ita lerrible ' em ctl er~/ Icd Ir o.m the eyslem, withon ' ~elontl~I' 10' , f ' ~ . le88 . Y ~~ng men, b,ear \hll io r~n.. U,Sllt I~ 01 n we- 'IIr.e I II "aUOlllo 1l1l0U, t 16 Sar-recl roceipt8 ond m8tho~ , or prtklict 01 Cu lvo rwell, Lnl\l!m Dlld , Hunter V~ peou. t:;en "Ri~l1r4 II~ 0 h,er lirelt'li ~Ir III Inodern medlcnl sCIence; ror it I•• ~Ia. of the \I~rv areBtes t hnpOi't~nee, -ad.-. would uk nn, mnn of .veroge oomlDou sense how CUll the' lhousoud ftnd on~I" ~ low prelend ers of Ihe ,dIY. with theille~ ,ble Dnd inei¥,!ient remedieB, hope 10 tOIi: rppt wHh tl8! Y1l11IlfurtUIIDtOB.I!rO Irustln\r your he\'th Rnd money to helll1tle r i chlrlata nl,l! 1"1" wrhe 10 Drs. J 11011 : i. l;I e ~bert & Co who will n~ onco return you 1\ ' kln~di; croet Dntl explicit answer. Lntli d~,' lYrUI I for our olrculGr. Dr. Jllckson 'e ' Fjlmale M~nlhl, ' Pi l~ price 81 I,or box; ex:m fill(>, to' • Ill; nlld e'llcetnol remecly fot' 011 irl't'dlilOlio iil ond ObSIruotiQIl6, from wh, atlt v~, CQllIe ' The 1I19lHli Rin 01 Pl:ht or J\Jedlcnl PI;' . l~ (\tor und lI~nrl'l,dge Ouide. oud nn Elp!i. cll Key 'to 1'.o,lI ·olld lI en uty. ,Colilliniu, aoo poges oou 100 plele~. ~ 'rhll iI 'I'm:, IJIlok you WOI,t - price 60 cenh ' l ' ,, ' ior one tlullnr: SOI1l1 for. Ollr splendid cirtulnr, run ..I,. ing mure in qu~ntiL}' lind of BuperiQr qUII. ity I~ nny of th!! lo-cmllea '"aIQ plJlet.'. Romenl ber Ihat we send 'II ' wlillen flpl• ,adapted :tQ Iitt to. eyrry 'leller, 'upeclo pBrllculA~ cG&e ulltle~ i cUllsidera(IQD, b,. Cilll,80 ill lhe unturo 01 things elch ' differs frnm every olher.


WJl~~~~, hIlS ntvro 1ook•• tlley a"y. U o u scd tbo AlIlIlIOSl A lbnt lUng ~ !" .~ . . .~ mudD• .;:,.. 'l'I.I.. I. tho 1'n1'1lOft. ';'bo. by !lIo 1 " .

, ,


Thl. I. tho Mllldco, bttndeomo nnd WIff,I\~~~I'" th" I!\AJl ouae bAld IUId

.. .... t-..o lItu,.,.,.. " ........ .GIIal



Urine, . Irritat ion: Il).flamt;nt\t~on or Ulcort ltion of ,the Dladd er or KidneysJ Diseas es of the Pros· ta.te Gland. Stone in tha 11lo.dder, Ca.lcUlu~. Grave l or' Bl'iokduot Deposi t, fl.nd all' disease s:of the bla.dder, kidney s, a.nd dropSI cal Bwoliing8.

V"C RI fUll


Six ll!n'r~ (lr nnrivall l'd lI11ccel. in e I!nre or _ (\.y ry rorm of priUte ,diiel..,\h .. " , eldent to a'llber BOX. . tention 'or Incont inenee of

10 Iht! Ulllun DapoI, ~ \ 3~ ' {lllre are trunafer rcd 10 ~h Tra ins of ~he \10 Pell1l1ylvonia J,:eUlrDI Railway , will ch (ft "'0.' ~~ leaye' Pilleblirg alld arrive ot olher poinl s • ~ l:r os follo\vS : "I 3.· g , «:) .! fI1 DAY EXPR£Ss-'I,onvoa-P IURlJurg 00 A. M., Slol'pinl! nt princlpuJ 8Io~ion ~. ~ ~ Arrlvee, ut AHoolln * ,u\ 810 j{. M:. Ty. "" ,CIS ~. ~ '"'~ ro~ e 9.112 A. Jlr.. [ ll pllef"/ilC 10 ,62 A.lIl.. R ... 't:' ~ Lock Un Il 12,40' P. M ,,) Hnrrisbllrllt CI) 0 ::; 1,20 p, !l., nall/mo ret /l ,30 r, 111 .• N I' \\I OAn P.M., Ploi'· . ~~ Y..ork v '~ AJleolC"''',M81.• ,J ftnd ~"rr New Yorll, edelplli.'P lI6,1i0 P .• en " ,.... CD ~ 'f'~ via PIon.lle /ph is, fit 10,27 P. 11'1 . ~!'lCl!ll'/.:rr ,E:omu s-Lenve sl'IU!lb urg .,.a ',,~~ : v. 0 _~ at 0,60 A. ru. Bloppill" at lI ou rly 011 .Lo· r gt ..: ~ ';;c. lioll@, AlloOll llt 2..15 I'. M " J Inrrlsbu 1;«1 8.16 \ P ill., nrri vl\.g ut Philollelphio fit 12.' ~ ' p•• scni!cr& oro nY \ I,\s \r. ,n CIS". 4.0 II\ III. Q) ~sl l'hilul'UD.(eJ~eo 01 Union Derol , W 'rroltl " C2~, for dell,hi., oirecl ly 10 Ex press ~ . New York" reach ing lhore1uI lUlU II . M. 1'111 LAnrr. r lll'\ EXI'RPJlS -Leol'c8 P itta· ~ +-II ~ lJurll at 4,IO .r. ~r. , 8topp illlClll1jy, D~ prin... A tipallllo liuns . • Arrlvea o~ Lftliobe i-Q,O{) .... ; ~ " ',' I 1', M " 'Altoonft 9.30 r. nl .. HDrri 6bu r~ 2 ll& via ,A. Ill" D,ltimo re'" 7 A,¥,. ·,Now YQrk, l,'''Jrll~,!aa •• Oe.lilil/ DI · A lIenJo\\' 1l , 10,10 II ; M.• Pllllod'i n"'l\t 7.10 ~~~'t A. M. and New York, viq Philndelehia. 8t ~1$~;:,n~'r~~Pli)·~~~~li::·e n'IJcp or'l,,,r or LQng la,~ p." k ISleepln g C"rorUII th'rough o~ ii~~::':~~;iiJJ\I'lI&:'j (Me trill (,>'oln Pittsbur g 10 Dolf1m r nna "",.Ie",,,,,,,,; Phl1!1I1elphiu. U\!U lu N pw,Yorll,'vlu Allen· t~


1'M n~ii()n~l di"~t.n'i1ry. b~tulJll,ittl'I059



~ 'g



,1 LU

fLV.\NU t:ENTR.lL B: R. Do'ublt: Track RORIe


' .... j i ~ ~~..... '~. ~ (l








nascloll u re,,-•• Sec __ o.. ',::' ~. Million : . Amo.81 ""lup-IIle .nd' WQ tion,., ,.0\ work of 400 Illll!.1I8. ored ""!!r Ivinj!a. "Dt. Hun ~Ig OU&I. an nri"inal ll'nd ,nnIDi'Ulrlr,'"1a un,lllR aud . Wonlnn ; ~'ullcdoll~ enll S(I)I/Iol di kj,,(), with ,nevcl . loiling heir ' ~oecdy, cuhll ,: 'l.ihe , ,


U'':J..;' .I-IELMBOLP'S · ~RE SbLD l ~ r· . ;.', It 't ea!lh~/I'i.~w t'~ "''Brood 'I'read " 'Cpr~, ' " .r.. in Dentf 13~!· 'nlul Potchc~, gi8ts J\~l)lh . D',,,g G{PIc:h~~ , Pimpl!!8 Whtoh tun .through b t'ween the 'Enitern lee" JJ all ,il"vurili iis 0 1 illcliJ ,and B~QAt , I~, l' . \AC~ Er\lptio~ -, Paten . txTI lowne~~ ChIli). ,of. 9\ive irrcsp' '1lties, ~larn, e W, alllOt Q beAurifu) n,ld ! .. f'": , ~he 8"ln, Ie ~in; , I" ., ges of Runge. , }th 41 UUIOO LhlQ 18 Ibe the 8~i,l); , how ,10 ~numol 10\V \0 .r; VI--: lERE ulnbnSIE' Y"\." 08 R clonr and EVE whitE i~ i8 I1l1d Lil1~, . ' r outh(lriz'l,U, FUJIi }'rllij;\ht , ..• ~~ _>J'.", . GII! or 1110, III:nll cn,es iii th\J~ Urinnry «hgnne ," wh • • w9rk!'d 011 all th,e , routes , over \YJli'ch II ~rodu\le; 'Ih~ , lulIe~t dqvelopm ~'rcfloh), ther e,dst'i ng ill mole or fc molo," rrotl1 t\le by Huntrr h~~ ),o,,.1l · ~,e'l,! ~nd , d Ptllctise , CO., (9r~,{q~ &, TON ,WALi ~EI.' PRIN· UndCrlllko8 lil,unnSDort; unde., conlnet s Celllolo ~uUQII(lIl, but ," Ihe Mfl)llst eolfcl\,illolilf ,(u,l, whntover r,nll ~() uri~iiiiltil\I:' BIIIII no mOI\~r • > .H (8l\cc~~ r9lO »1'. o. w. Rol~I<lk,1 QIlII rourd grow to bust tlle cB1!6i!lg to d entruste property Lhe wlJich eocure 10 illllllCrllll8 persl)TlP, he hns : !;lOt,": rRor~rEToR8' /i , 'o911J~p8~dinir, ill if Ihe fo.~n ~' ~\len . ,J, ~ is pl l! 'I~ 'II~ r rc uf how lun!!,8ln Its I'hol"'e,' the Le8~ fuclli titl~ lur fUlt nnd nn4 restor'l nn" 1'1 I" r Inc i ng II! mO'Arlll' . _ ntlinll' St, ex;leu~ Ida lllediIlA lllselnln ul llbl'OIIllMII' Third EaSt 62 v n" & 68,-130 66, " " . • Nos. ,~ . over lB ill its ' ooti".-\, unilorm Dlovcmclit, tl,n\ the ' ROIIlI, mClliurn pf hie 'VQlle '~erurn Ihn'n ils origino! flillno~s, firmnesR, nnd losto! alld odor" ilnmpdiu «ll:INC:J.l,NN rI'J, QH~O. which it 'POS808 posaesl . " thnn ,ony or the pllln~ elrRnl!,h more nntl' I'Il,zl' hil ~F~uld 'lie in Ihe " in Yuluine rceluna lo how ' s 'fl!iiche' h ~ Wi,ere' lime is guarant eed, a lor. !,e ouly': nry nr prrporotiuII",' O( Dllrk or Iroll'. eryfam ilNinth elalld, l lI"I %'8 hOlllls und feeli prodllco 'c)l)rpllie U'T 0 F " , W"'lob t tID "p,~;~. to mllke, \1~ , tho fel"uro ,uf };'iye (,eilts' pe, r 100 Ib's~ 'II! ,al. 'ho Ihe rev.,~8.\b ',. rP.lliOve slIpefHnouA huir; 'cure vfee. qr ne ,. g\1I,d\! ,Ig' Ihe I C. !llDr..~~D r :I ~ 'Pholle ~lItl'erin!! rmln' Urollt'n-,lown or IO\\(l;lU ,9r .11 OIBIl"!lil8, for evary .loy be)'Olld CornB, Junions', \Vnrta, UIl~ Molcsi renew . specificd timo the une or lIte mUlt ,nwful a t' CIoI8rrh, dys. D('licllte CUIISlilUI iVI", rruourtl the remelly 11 scuhr'ges llo'Dt ever vie.\ted 11111 For ~tHlhur info)'mn't-hon; ' nOllrcell the your ug": curll urllnkennl'~., copy, Re Nlfoly cnvelofled, <will ~ pcpsio, Ncrvouy Debilltr . &~., how 10 IllS· ut once. 1 fall 0,\'111 A~e~!shf jile 'Union ,J..i,no:' 01 clio~ ntl'e nnd Ir.e., .uf, pOlllage , to nuv' P~fl ed. lovil e' h I' lgn'it; nntl cinjtt~ oli. CiIjC\nU howey. ~dSl., r thllt, t VYt,c. nWllre 1l1 I.e must W'f" DroIVltl The reuder : with ' I Ml~tos lor 50 ccnte ill P.O, ,. .' Ullited together choose, fllI'orlll,ly mAy .n~ YOII pei-son Any " S. ColumbU 81. High ,N. 239 n , llo,tchcr, other useful' and vallloble Informa tion.- er slight IIlny be Iho illllltd\ Of the nbov(' , JlI! t pnid ; l bu. UUNTF.R, l\dtlrt's~ ..I!llg~~~ ~',I:I~~'rcr m'l F. GraYi Indinl'lnpolis, Ind. bl/,lIly fnil J'thl shuul.1 ioll StrOlll, N,)\¥ Yurk. I'" '16·11, otl'uct Dn ' ~ 'tu Divi '·3 Gcn~l(1m PI;re ~ or ond 1 it own J>stlX uiticnae, 1'Oll'llg' brok~I,.,l No E. P. nrl'nnl. Torrll !-lonte, Ind. ___,~~.~_ ...--.-,~---____ I_, horl!ClS, 'lled, p1rltc<\ .... IIlldorBiA lu the to IlddrosA eir th n"d BOlla to , Ills. henllh, melltal pow':.r., "UppillP K~ , ' "r"II"lh~ nlog by Gontlem an, c.n end eltlmina my IItock W. w. ebol dler. CI.lllngo this at a/'JlY moilti return n",1 .1~I\D~l nrr U,Q ' ll" ~ 1r [1110 hlood 'rhe Pen'u8y lvunl'll ' RlIlIrond Co. will and r~ceive Uy before aolu, el"wlle re. envelopo (reo 01 Ihnt 01, hia pOBteri,ly Out , o'\0l11n.1I 0,,<1 lot.:a· !l\>~ H8sume I(1Y riak, lor nng~oge. e~~PJlI vrolunble \Y~rk' 'In aeuled ,> , 'Aptl[ 0. , , sources , tlnlll!. ' UletiO frum oru SUI' I'Ull 'u ~-J' f.a a ''11ro' pre. rof Wenring ApJlllr .. l. Blld limit lhoir re- chorgc. A,I,lrest ' CO., & S ;n,'.ve ,pr "It .11 . .. 'SHU'J'T JiYI. R, BEROB 6PQIISi ~ ilily 10 one hun,dred tWllnrs in vnl. fnoldoni III ...... Y. N. ,Troy, st River Chemisl ,,/ '286, lie. /1:1\ nogiiage exceedi ng thut omount J'EVl:l!,: Ow'!\1?E RS, ian~, Physic JrEItR WHlS In "val c,\vlllb eo'I'IIIOrieku(.lhllOWne r I' 1 aud ~fU81t1. unlelB IOKCli by A' special controCI_ .. E. H. WILt.! A111 S, ·,va O1dke fio eellrel ot '''0 in!!rodientlt. 'cites (orced to grow Oeo'l Superiu tendenl , All ou nn. I'n. st lIEL1UBOL,D S F,LUIO EX'rRt \CT I1U· lhe smoothe '1:1 EN R Y W. G \V I N NEn.. thr~e from , O\-lU is composell f}r' Duchu.,C,IIbl: bS and Philu. Gen'l " :lOket Agenl. ' 0 "week9, by Jllniper nerri ~8. eclcclcl hvith grent 'inre, H. H. HOUl:ITO,N, uslllll' \ Dr .. " Sel'ianlf,'8 n~~f:lIl1,,,'t.~IU· nnd preparsd in YIlIlUO by 1:1. 'r IIELrtlGen'l Freight Agellt, Plliln. Cn~.'lIn'i'e, tbe most wOllverful did'cbv· l.t(. drugeis l ami chemist or sixteen 11I moder.II _tle'nce, Ilclln!: upon 'h~ 80LD, drY' " ' {ce ill the city or Philadel . u8 'dJlrriej y'llo'i~" a.11'!'f.lf 'ull, in(ol'Dll Ihe ";1I1.0DIOf mlr"clilo _'mp~, ' Ilfl in huil' and Into a I . I' 'l'be Gl·OVt lllt'l,..,1l Plano l?Ot'lc Iloord o'rolf !r:i b < ' e d Ly ' lhe ' ' 1_ __ , _ -- , . . , - , - _ I ' .... ->:_' 11....d ...11:lni\~ ' I ' . of 0 1 1' e S I ... WIle,I .18 1I0IV prescrib haa blMll1 "lieu y lIe PI10.1I111 h ' Iiu ,,;.1 I .... ' 1m -telnlns hR )lrMeuellcc ' nlld ,grent pop- milliner ' , It ted trade, Ind reo /t Int-.lun!>!e. 10 D the moet nnlll;rln .musl eminent Ipl;ysicioIJ8. /too ,1l00!1 admitT~ keel""",'. r C9'" till. rroj,n":'Uc ulorlly a'nd Ilfler underRllin\: jtraduol 1m.' P",lir and:l,on~ofl ~i\h " ... Ih ,,1\ to be lhe 'llmllly will Ns hDJlfOVC' 111111 purchns ell qUDutiLy of tu,u Namell",",~ It aubeeu! alill t~ ~'" orin, p y State8 ~r,\,\! LI fO.r a porlol) ,,\ In' ~18e til the United ofll'C!lI1l1k , l~hlll , ;$ E .' ' ., Batiefactioh i& 001 tfld CAL L 4 N D ,Ii) 1( .A Jl , pronounced by lhe 'mu8ianl world to regi stered, und If entiro p'r''''fll by •• ,. two, • ~ ••, 'hoBlli. will y Stoui .. in O1on lise tho e. I!ollcnl in1!tBnc yerv iii' ev~r, "~0 " i8 tul.l , t'!x'perlme.nt. to given,'ln in ed ulloquul be unsurpP 88ed 01111 , evon " ~ i If ' . . .. tllo II110n. Hill·rce and "ell·lel. tied lIo ek of lno"'."" {)h8 )1l~tituli mllll, IIIlury by' Sa \IIy 'or milk noul of tone, durB. be cht'er lully refunded. Price liy" ('ir· \01. nlld publiC, " , _ ~~rel, nfi!'~», volume Dnd!s. I,urily _,~~rm II"r _~ Dellcrip t\fonLy 1511. Ii!' A\M , ~rcl\~ I d Our 1I0W scn ie, B,rnled and "o Blpaiol. I I b,llty 11114 c!leopII~l 1IIIItl\\!l\!IJI!itII'il~1£.~ II"lN _ ~11. cent. nnd Iftnko ll10 m"itecl free. Ad. tlro,!g 1,0Ut Ihe all ,' , Ials testimon entl I:u!nl'l! frume, irUIl petlol, hDrp action, aJUt Fronch bntt c r I\rm ! , ~ & CO .• ••'ee\. In Qlltenhl" ung !Jose, srve,q·o ctove. rllsewood d~e"B'" BERG1:R, SHUTT N, o blll'ltng or'.It~t'lple anielct 118ual1y fOUlld over.str Troy, RI"P~t. River Nu.o~86 OlItUe, 1I glvea tI)cm, s. eh'emral frnnl 4y, ' cltl'llper piulJjI we eru s~lIi"'J H~LMBOLD'S in IIl1rtl-clli. coun1ry Ilore. including An 0PllCtllo. 1oono!t 4l).fim Y. ::i610 nllent! for the U, S. fin· lind sty'le lame dIe Ihn" t;:)po to h t d '. . "",I 8100 ,Ihelr PROVISIONS,' , _ __ :_ ,~=:!-:;~~ --, Inall.. lI,eDI Ibl'l Vo ilh oro sold by any· o I\f'r firel·cl1l88 mok!'rs -:-,-"-:-:mnal. Au. .•. Ty BEAU in th& ooulllr, . Denferi oml all in wonl • t '" ~t ., ... S.M~~El> :l\\~A:r, . , Dru~' & f', In all at..eMel of s" DC, .uall .. -bum, G t,ldrn" " 'our se6'1(1i 0 ted inVi afa ' .. ],iap""c p(g~o'd ~ ~tc., S, HAM , . FISH ' 411. L,unS" ,.1 ~1lI', ', ' 'Plu:on, lIhd sllRon, atalogun" which con'toin s ' J " {ay, Hew·Y ork, e8'irl~ti"e • ~o,' 'thlo "rlllllo 61IGA~Q Btba.dV a.U RLS prudllcrd , , 594 'et)'!ap; l dilfllren r 'ciu_ 9f"*11 ,ph,8 jlholollr , , , "tIC<1leo,' II Ii ~, ,,. , '" by the use of· Pfol. lIy plllling ('9,.. loge\her With pricol. No ont! ahould pur. OtiACCO, ' -.' J, ,I' " . ' ene'll~ll • "'per FRIx'. l>eBHu , . ; .Cou· I"l.a ' lIeeiog wilhout a ,plllo;o on, to " paper In Il NOT IONS. 'J chaso lon nppllcu 'U8 0 ....r"'I,"r •..,u tho 10I(ut'. lledllll, "lIn!)el , witbout Dum!Jer, ,~E'R :LE ,CH£VE UX. , " , :: I -, on,1 I\raiqhl most abOve d hOI\8 ... the curlto. t'~nted r 1!~. ,Pi. oen Gruvelt the hln been aW,ord~d to S ' will be Ot'Ildlcaled LD J;lO H~LM erx into wlvy ocrtatD !I!ld thl! .ellerj. or:, ~aer I., 'Sl't.. n~o, ond, at the 'Ct1lfib'nted W\)rld's Fllir, Ilub1)Or'0 1hAIr or elth!'r CUril. H... beeu ,0'1', anOrely lir"'.nt",!. " 'D .B8i'0 hOIVY'~ or finl' 'I od Jmprl.o qm,l'I\' Ci,'CUII"J p ....nnlh. and c~'" for Ibo 11011 diou'lit put, 10 eompetl\ioD with olhere rl~g'l!tI lind 1~lril or .blrs n AdJrCl .. ; or CIU 'ulion! ' Ii fft8'"~, for lhf' b, Ii.peri ' II o.r osed t~e 1""1', pet took, Il ClGt.a .• S U: ~riOlIll the ,.U pari. of i ,'plJ 'RI ' ,. OJioiii!6arOi a retlulla. (lrlltll,ln , nld"~f ' .... I ' M ' I most ' e Withlth JlY ~donJ' lE]) J'JUlPAJ 18115.] d lt'~llphe l , . [EV aWlrd., , ~ ,~~y. ' ., ~ .... Orl1, • ae, ",r . ., , y by BBO ' ;& Price TZ U hli" the FO. to ~ injltf ~. . nu 081 , 'CO" N . ' GRO E:$TEE ADa dl ....r.oibe. tllI'II,lIlI of "bieb b. pro. ' 10" SIJuth T'eath .C!"r'ee,!"Jt ' AT 'l'JfStJl mln,lI.l ile 'Inil pCtalphid,81. Df'lcrip ltve ' 4l}9 Drold" ,y. New York. II.,) IJI ~DO"lftHR 011141 AltO MIOlmXI OEl"q'r, poNeto ..ll BERG Addreee , ,rte.. lIenl elrculliU ' ,~ • " . 'h ' ), ', " II' 'aD' lit (!) SJ ".': St.. Baltimore, KcL ' . OJ JIll No. 116 JIraDklia aa4 ' Saprt 'S '>&CO., chemie ll, 1286 1_Ki,er G~BA\' BIOft~UuoII"'" • ,ro~ ,t;fal. h,r DrlJIQ" , Falllo Uoco_ .ad_. S&nr.oaMaill , (BEf.OW , CHUTRUT). r. ... U.S:: rONbt8 ",' ~M ', ::.ot. .• .e ," 0I 8 , Y; " ; l'i' " ~r'?r' BIiiieI. ' III., UIllIed , out," , ".' 1~ ... r h' Watc ' ' ' [ ' ''''' ''@W'S ,MPtlil 'th8jJf' ",.r :~ S·.I.,. • U : , I , L A. ~ ~ ~ '~ ~eli't!l~ 8~~ .lJe ,,"~r,i ) , 1, · l&~.JJ !II~WQ, . • ... ' ",,*~~lO, l*. 1 i . " ' "', . . Y~~nlii;Men. ~ Alii!, dlleaa.,1 slid Dbu. {,' ." >,"', lor t" I of I ",~';:n ; At.L 10r!t; ~OIL . , B,', th~ kitC~,~ U .g~_, .~'ol4 "fi Drtlg,nN _ ' .....~:.. ~.· Ii"1.- 'A L ' • • '\"~~ Z. 'RINT It, ,E. W,ul ,prem"t urel, proltrate tb'8 "It.1 .... DJ 0ra.l~ •• I, que, , ' .,:". . '''':1. ON • iT , . iro. , ' ... . "'. . . . . . U'If' - '~ &'11111 W Cider I po"'~ ''''I~ I,.re, ,UlQIIII ~I rel'ief. Sent . " I D,E)~B EAOH.4 - ... , (ro. '~enab" -penon . Sa :. ,cared the . I. B-- -.I' r. (ra, Il~'!=h.rl•• ln ." IIMltil iter}n_ ' 0 ... "'';for .... !eD~ t , Ibree I, 8e~d JO it .d <f. . e,:, , ~"'8. J~OD'8 .. ~o .J""" perQllu .oJ ~ ~\o apuo H '8KrtLl Dr:1. IN. Adme. all'COD..Jh 8,rup" lor-..'_ Thll bill \la.ow e preDlIMa. ' Addr_ ',W OPLBV IlR, & BALIlW -AaK FOR BELMnO~ AII8b4ji.~IoQj rhl(lall,\i~'IP.. PlU!'T Z. ' S. , ... E. R. P&lNTZe A,lDt 10J Mlllurioturere, Arllport~ N. Y. ,HowardJJ'~'" . 111·1,. 30. ' II,,'


reJl10ve ',r1l{1.







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'an'nc'a·tl'8 P,nwd'or's.,'

uS Piices I t lIIbst AdvaIltageo ,

Please Notic,e !




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O p.. 115 '000 00 \full! uf III . . .{ ,10\, 1 ,10 I :e ni.'rprfee, re , , _ _ 1'1Io l e n p(t0, t \l.ur 7 iep TaU! Lioblill ' $2 ,3f>0 Oli , ollj'l ClI \u II. thorlllJIl" Iy Itolld luw. "lISCE'U \ Prll1f'd \\'lIll1b J Ut' ' . IV . . 'ANEOUS, po." .1 'h... . the . mill.wn, I,',.lake tile' l \ "111' greuleel urnOllll rll8ured 1 relule YIlf forei'..'" f8clOriee-w hid, w.i.' ' ' \ i. ilinny uneris.k. , . . 8 (1,Ooo. oo \e"li.r'eI •• "dperleCllr The DIMOII"t of ,1I8 "l\llnt or wUf,rlfe88 .

a',ove 'Skirt for sale bv

' ,I IOVA.Jj , ,GAST-IRON , . \ the

,Oft, 'Iln~~ hil(hr~de.{ ~ u(), cl tl l~ ..... .... , ",. ' f ......' 1._ " . ·"'" '1\,"" ........ M . .' ..• . . ."",Ie, ..

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ud· io.g Crom lhe 'Idabo mia.. : l .fA Ill ' A('J(» ,,"It U :"TTY, ': The .Albany '''1 dill' .op»e TRUSSES, I old . \001l a ' : 1 1 n1 • bl\ye .' . ' .. _ . 0'.. 8o.e ,• rewioll., a\..ndlll".


'Ieu) ."d,i lt1ctelol't~ propr rll.J.r\""f' TIl, ~lIlcl. Iii whit .11 rnl'chalii!lm .buurd bp ..


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DllbU ot herwise IPcl\rlld



. ,500,000 00 for III nuv e l'! , uwp ll .. fur ill '[tclit••

no' nib" ........

j .." '........ . . . . .


.,.," moohl..,;·






II. working •• nd no .udden .huck NO .IIb II" ... can dll1l' 01


11 . ASSETS, Cub or the Cornp' lI, uti hanl ......,'< ,... d..1 "'"''


I" m. ,. . .


paid liP it


It I. mlde on ,he be-t prlnel ..·...

0"", p'''''''' . lb' .,,,.,, .f " .... A"'''''' _

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0' Co\Un:OTICUT. CutJlITY' 01' t'IABTF\/RD.


A'1..1i..."".' ..

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ternll, fol' coal oil.




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Suu,-cribed. auo rwqr" be(o're me,l hie 1.'8,. bUI. we ,10

.... ". BOj~TS AND,


Our Stock 01

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KITCHEN QUEEN, 0 0 ,... .

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e , en on ".,." ,,,,..,,,, ,,' """ "'I"'" 70'" .."..".,. """ '" ".&1, 'U' . " ••'00,• ofwe our'n,1 ' CUstomers and " ·00' : ..~ 00 .;." "",",,, """..,,' ,1"""'l8 " ".or.,,", ••, h"w,"" ," ,. ''''I'e 91 I. , . i •"d. "" ''''!' 'mp'"'' • m....' Friends to the Styles ,. '.. G, nA:rTERS"N. P,....",· ,,,,. ·W. ,'" ,,,' P'"'''' " wh, and Prices! t ROl),NEY DENNIS, Seuel.ry.' ~al~ltP. 8 I"r le",,'/lft'~g!' ~~ l or~ig , r ICh, 6' 1 d . 'J III' 1866 Irltdlct1un 'IIIIU lur Ihe ,ame montll"urjpro·

JlAN1Jl' ACTVn,.

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I&D _d,dii .olber .• 0.nded. .' It. yoialil.., ..dr. .a\' LiUle Roek, in a •• ..t, ". & WiLSON 'S 7 .. '.,.te; r•.li from ' tberou,f oC AlottUFF J, S ,...' , " ". , . ..... •. &'" ....... ..... .,. . ,. '1111,....bout IinyCftt. .Itg' I .. .nd iDwrollly . i " " Pr I' nB • ,,,..d •••d." n.1 osp...,a \0 "...... lIhya escr p'tiO . · , • . . _ " I". ' , .... did "'•• b, •• C ...lolly lind P,ompoly Filled. be.o ., .' .. , ., hipPY lalher of • l"I".,'\', .1I 0 Ztl .D r .u t!' _ 8 lor e, a,ri" A Jo.liilg lad" cODimeDliog tri ' OD ' \VllrnellVllle, ·ohio.' Iho w..a....1 I" lao/iII, P QST·: \) F 1'1 CE ., 0:0 'k It R; _••j,1 .'" s he iDOWI iii.tiy",,'.". ' . Hed ' 'p,1\ <-<I _ " ,,' '.

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HAIR OfL. n..·, go •••,. hot "" ...... 'p'. FANCY Emerson's Little Giant CLOTH'ES"" .U D.YE S· 'I". Y'.·FF ~ ' s,' And wheAl y.uu hove

,,\lblie pIIUoQllKe,


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01,'01 "a •• Ii~eral


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Keep our 810ck moving;



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1'&.UH"llA.!TW4kJ) BOtlND.

:NigM &PN!U , I C~I).cl • .IIli\i& .. ~xprel." .8.47 ...'lIf.'" 'h f, 11III I In d nllc:uhl' l .l0.p A.· ar. '. Culltll!b,ua "eco~., ~ ' 6:99 'P. M, ~Itt~.b'.l'" Phl:·pr~I.'. _•.•. .-,.-:, 10.0.. 1 P.~. •


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... "0' ; :' 'l,~O' N,' ! 't h ''' tl ," ., . d f ,· apr • • ,. ' , 4.05 A. . III. , Ca~1 O.,hlntbu, ' 4c,cotnin'n 7'47 ' , ~ ' . Pi"lburi EJYlrev ' Ii u ,..... Ill, " C. IO~ C:inciilnDli Expre:s, 2; lit DIll

)I.a anll .Accv.!ll" N.i tu E ~


, \ ,..... " •...:lot! etter ' Tria pr.o ' . J. , was gran~? gorgeous, m.~. beyond aU . expcctatiori :; ~ln .It ~I' 'nut .fo~" . ' . . ' fact the t1t.hole thing '\vos' e ormous, ; I .W " H. Cili:~E;",., Presiden t. ' Iy g rand.. The prcce8'do as fOJ·m . J;. W~. '\V<OODWAI:n,. ~u p'r . ed on iUam $tteet, the J ht r.csting ... b. C"D~"~I.-A.D~n~ g,e nt. 0!ll.JI.', IpUlOllll· ......_... b0)[ Jp, . r "ont 0 r , r Mr ' • .,. ~"DloULLADk& &JMn.LII, E~e~, A/RnU. Roll'andls ' riew 8;~re:'nnd displRi,~ :i J OUN C . JrLlol4 ,' ; ~/egrllp~ Agent ". ''; _", .' 1 '" '. e\'ery wa" , " 3,8 the vnr~ s d e le "':l W. I. ' . .' " -,.,--,~,,pss tions l\1"riv d, th cy werc nssU!ll1 (, I"'to " ... ~re . "u'"oJ~eu to Runoune4. tho \ .' . ot,' , l halll'e o{ I. 8. 'ft.I"l'EN n8 " ClIlndiulile t .'ei}' pluees hy Gen." Felix Wlul1y, f6i : re .eJeotion to the me f "'I' . 1• ..r f:lrnnd l\1n1'sl\lv,I,' v"h(j' 'V~S ably n>l. . 0 I.' 0 'v t d 11 29.1'· h . '. , . ~lJ. ,OOUH ~r :C~.IIIq'lQn Plea,. 'sub;\lcL 10 8.'5 'e y oL eJ:.]iliul!bnlls.. Til e 'the d&lci,ion C tl . t .I ~ ht of. uuu'c4 wns l' 1",1} the ··n. puma y. e eCllon. . , 'I tl·jl I , , ~. n'W, ' ., 0 1(1. '. elP{l ·.. ~ 'he bti8i sP: mcn., . • ar~ lIuthonlll~ I~ IInnouqpe the ('rImy, "espe tin'" the day by k I

.~'leI~-·Sf)ler:lCni!l pilterns. 'm~n - I G Gmn-LQPlI & LA~U1 ,L4Dl., 4lIJj cent' ~, ( ~rd but it -don't I:lfl'UXEK, F'RI1tSDS, F£LLOW Crrr- elCprtse It.) is Jqoat remark. . aHIe, tlteir.prieEIS -te ry lib 1 . I . ib ~ , b t Ch ' 10 . " \ era , ~m 1m ued WIt I the mostinteoeG II ar e 18 <lietenntned to ollligc beatltuue of my ilnmensity on this tb~peol?le, on the. r iu C!illI , ltl Ql.ost . imJ)fll:WI tou QCCaSI'''~ 1:.. ' "'rent ' les {lnj~1 nnll "'ron • i .Ion: . • ,' . -... .. "", . ~1" ,. ~U " gl\: 1:81!l~ III d.M ronrl to UN:I\"' ~ l j!~~WJ bloqny to ' .. . . appear fQl'e Y9l1'1 A ~ I"' ope ' I1 c 1 -' .- -abl to '. .. ": . •-. . .. , • pr~l'D~:tti.i~. tht\ P, ~.. tuty .. G S r mml ~ on r 1ti~en8 j ~t . ~b~.,,,," . WJ".JloIOj;\l,}at S:0lnuRQ.duo 'IVI t d 101"0 \· ,to ';' n on t Ltc' FGo...L , Th -...,:nil lY,., 18. , as' IV''llrl'l\n , t . me lin andcIij oy I tlH'l)\_ 1\' ·, h u gclt>',· tlle h J slLy~ng, ~ ~~e. ,Ii~gll! r oJd ,. ~ J.J!le. J'QUl)gor. P'9 i tiODI ,[cturp,ec\, lllg-hly e- I rillClo'l~i :It> 1ptl.Y, , I?~r, it is.con - lnted with pnt.l'iptism. or pall whisky' ,I sccutively 80,' thus did. ,that · ;:'reat ' 9. .)10l'l'o,," is' noted fo~ thc ]/,el' man say, ,and m y , so'" s'ny we giYC c rod i t a,ccol'dill gl.\'. No l'(l~ I I . The mondo'cious ' pertinicit\' of flection 011 the pntrioti m I


(jut' totne

!:':: ,. '

1 . 1.

t...... .

.12 I~ .. 2~: Oltl 1t .... B.rI", ~ oyn If ' Flu"r 1t barrel. "nlo"r ~ ewt, olll.'[ "" 1b





100 l!l :~

6 fiG 20


"d 'Il" 1f, En' i!1 d'DIII'n, . Po~atoee 11 bllft'U~J,

I?rl.ed Apple.

20' Hi '


~ ~t.



~hft1lC~kel\'ll v<l tie ~ 1h


4 (iO '




_r- -



Nl.'w~O'!'iellna"n , .~. ", 3\l@:J3 ,'" ~ ", .... ' )6.@.20 N .·0. IIt blolel II gailun, 1 35 m Sorghll. 81> COll i 011

er AN r i;"El'ftl " £li'AL'E A-ND BF" 1)J!''l' 1lI BU'fION or !liano_ , liMo. . ' gOIn.gOIl ~ . I cI"O""' Guld " "11 iI " ~ r Ware . lIno"'

t~ c g nTllOtlSm:lCllne J ) . n 'o f thi' in . 0 till, imii eioli ,. .i nooute~liLilitv, hals . . g l\'eu rl sc to the IDOSt exotic hiern. tus that hD S en:~ I' beell cqn imi nntcd d . , Ml . ~e ,~ ll~~\l~nee .of this hiper· hoht'ul C~laCIOUS eonTustot., will Ca.UI 11' b f 1 hi

. ._-_._ -, . 'I ~h A Tlhle "heal: in this u!c lion, lhollg h ;;~I ~~Ii~~:;,~~01J~or\~\~'~f8~~R:"Eo · ~I& uno:'ld lit un I, eground bas 1 0 I d I ,. , " " ," ore 1 0 81 .;. : t'l rm oul' If:. I', 'rwo DOLLAR F./\ EI, fIl:OAI\DI' 95 01' "nd line plump grRws. The mili cI'S lell . VAt.. E:. 8/011<1 T\>': E ·TY.nY~ m~'NTS ro'r u. 'nllt ontl gn,iu will m II. B' mllcl o lle numh"re,1 Noll'" ., or ONt:: POLLAR (or tiou*' •• rour or 6 ... e ~"' - .1 · S l.~. ,tho ~ fnn , b NOlif e ~l'o"d. wb, .., , I,..... ,. '1 -' a :,~~~ ~l).. ,,\11111>... nn .• omft ~rl\C' "rlood ••w"l." ' . ~ , .. '."l on "'~~' 1'~ of 'tb" 1ll0 0 " Y will . e 0; re ux m ..t c. ntag l·." C mill. ,- - - -' . Ito ,duud <d if Ih~ gOOI!'1 do lI o t gh:e '.\I~f,clio~ . 1 1 t1~~,c us . cause tlus g lon'o us COq\ - $re I~Krll thai Ibe Teach ers ' Inati· " 11'1)1118 woke TWENTY.F1\'F.1)OI..LARS ~r n C1' dl ' ~l'b'l't . P .. 1· ,!-,~l o' r· I I'ra , 1 ,1 y to b'c . equ t's- lutl', to be hr.ld io this plRce, will com . !. WI ) '.' I ''K . . !,~:,U I (r r. Cir~ " I ••• IlEED k I.lRO., trnted In Ute lap of nnti<ieluYlnn meD~.e 00 Mood", July ~3 . I d 0 .. Box Gt3S. New Vo'k.. . ' s piIlO7. i811l · L h 16 I .' . 1fI~~ • . 0 Ollie .. : .q~ Lillerty I. 42·1y , ' j " • til II , U pre vloully Rdverti8e,1. - - -!2X!Z. . _z _._ ._ _ e:::z:



DR~-GOODS ' White Goods, ' i...r.., " "Shaw ,


name of Hfmtll no L),OI(u aiJ ft '. cRntli. it'l M • fa <:> . ,, ' • k.. r ' r · "1" t', . t ' , . 'm J • · open OLlII~. 'q . ,. 't d 'T". e r~ ~f · eW ~ c on 'Co ~ le o . Ctl~ 01 'l'ho p 'geess ipn 'qs> sp!epd@ I\"Themor,e IproLetltislllu tterl rellsurer 0 " e lUll.1 imp,·cs!;nol ' tl th e c,oll gc I'Itl\'C . '1 tJ " " fBncn I ..o unlv .. . lIubJeot ... . g l:aJll 1; jt \;8 t clime . ,t I Ie ' '\' OYlIO ' Ul , . ~ WIl \olle eOlilon 0 ' I lop'nmll' ·o.1l!clton st I I, ft 1 I d ' mol'o,J't · f l ' - . . . • \. ' .. j , . . : t . 1:1~~ll.( , ~ .IJ~ ~4n t , P'~~ , . , 0 " '} . 0 0111' g or~oll /j t'ep~J~'lIC(lll WE ,are nUI!lor.u: qCl!O "nnounee· lhe mu sl ' IRll S, W ,l hum rIeury Bld~'- ,lI1l1 POS I ~I~S, Sl-n.;l the IInm utaln h t.r of '.Iame of ~APl',: 'D . '\V. l~ A u L\" A5 a can· hlll'd ,wlt'Ci> pel·rot'lll(~d so ex'qui ai t h .. on (J U'!' IlXOl'IOtlS insignificellce. d'd t t l offi. 1C~ _:O f '1' reAsU"' e;r 01 ih e ;Swin ctt e, tho ]!8.ud .was COI11 '" Tl ~ ,e 0:. IIC -I;" llt tQJ lcl'in t c fro m my (li S(,0 1l1'80, \hrreD Coun 11 • .,1-1 "Jeci. 10 the decision posed o f 6.2, lil'st ul ass... pol'form crs with-yo{ r porm issioil,I will cull your





D~mestic '







. Me8~ r s J . C. Kinnf'Y Rnd J. C. Ri~lg e TO CONSU,lIl"i"lV&'!. . . . . , Are 10 be lite Instruclors ~n d J ohn Ihn · Thll ulld!'ra'''ned-', . b' · k C. . · . " InVIO~ een rostoreo coc ' , or InClntlBU. is up~ctcd to be lO htl8'III 111: .8 fe\V weellB, ~Y 0 very slmplli preecnt ror one o'r t"o <IllY II during lhe remedy ,. ~rler hnvlllit 8utrtlred seven I eO.5.sion And cond,uelll drill exercise ill rl~~;~I1;:~I,\l d8i~:t~:reCoIOn~\glmpallJil.ecliO!l' 81111

" • on-18 IInxthe 'J'he<,lry IInl! PrActice of ICRclling. lou8 to malIC kIlO\YII lo hi' fellow :'sulTer· or 'ru i Lion per seuion of five weeRS· he ersTlhe .)tnrnltl8 d .cure, ' , 0 n I \\ 10 eS lro if he will "end II doliars. co py of th e prescr lplion il£E'tl (frl'e 01 - - - -- ~hnr~' .. ,) "'.il h Ihe dirfCt iooB tor prppn'(. EF ~\. TJon1~, M. D ., Physician ~:~t1'~I~u~;I~~r~lt,e "IO'r.Il', IVlli t-h, thA~Y ,Will ,1 I or onRum!'t on l at IhI", nuu_ 1U'~CO!) , lon'w erly of C inci unnli , ' Broll ~h il i d. Cough,. Culd . ,~I\ . The. , 011' htHI permnnentlJ located him seH" in Iv. obJl'.cl I.ho 1,1' 8(' nl!i ng the "r · ·ill 1. Presc rlpt'on 18 lo bendi.1 lhe IItlllctetl alld ,ayll('s~ . c, · nr,l ( IS prepared fOI' nil ~pr~otllll(1IIm8Iillll whirh he CUI;$l I.'\V~' to cllses of C1nergmlcy. be In~'~luoblt; i IlIId hft .ilOpee. fver~ lUif'. Dr. LotIl" hil S hnt! grcnt S\1CCCf>S in etrr WIIIII~Y h 8rd~medy, .. It wid co~t tf f' I . . . lem IIIIt illig, 011 muy prove II ble8ll1llg. IS pro O~S IOll~, carn c lt." . ~'lc t rents POnil'8 wie!'; the prl'Bcriplion will fill chromc . (h s,c a es, fema le com - pleaj>" odrlrl'~8, 1 . , . Rli" EDWARD A '~lLSON P runts, Ru " ;'I 11'IU'"~ b urlll, I K'I nKIt ' ',..,Joun . 1y,' " d nil the tlls. t h at the hn , ~Iln fQ.~II.r an!. hcil' t o . "110 has hnd 27-6111. New Yurl!. ,.LsuCCeSs~lI .' I pl'l1.C tIce .." 0': 80m o tw en · 'I'U·&NS"'OR·· .. ·..'.ON.

, .. . . attention to the p" ceon ecl'tctl ,·omi· ~{EN'-S BOl~i . W& Rre Q\tthoriz~(n.o. nllnounce "he tOI'y of tIle l?repOllucrnncc li nd Be. flRme oC J. 0'. Ro', KUl tlL' R8 B cnndidale c.IIIlLiitoI'Y Qipcrobntioll , of tlJ is mos t .~ • I' ',.' sr . ' Cl)r lll.e 0 ffi .co of '1"er\sUl'er of ''''Rrren mcn( (t,ClOJ,I ' ,agll, that we nrc n ot Ill · ~ I I (louni" 6ubjttci 10 Ihe ' decision o( .thl! lowcd to, dos imnte tLto chnnlit'Ql?tc ("y· I ~I .noverli~er . • f' I" primal'Y .el~'t:tirin. · ' gum 0 ot~r lmmlltab c IIbcrties. , w.& Are ' 8uihorized' t~ n\l!\o~n c:e.0I) (> . But to return to my 8uhject, the . . _. _._,._. lIRme of J, W~ tS'fl' BB~ of alem m ghtengnlc of IJiberty ~vill risc . 1\, . ' . l ' b 11 . . ' ! "', ,. . • 'fowlI~hip, : ~11 .~ ~AndiaRte for ,lite l" mCt, .'0' e a) ement and. b ecome sagno· 'o f Sltet ill. Of. W.rrell County 5ub'J'~ct l O ll S, IIltbt>ug h the VltC:X of nohility €A.I.i~ AND SEB. , • I, • I " '11 " .• ' '0 Ihe decision of WI euden,'or to ({Cstl'O\' thc cnng' , lhe prim"'\"' • tll"ct'iou . . W~; 'IIre A"~11I'o'r ·IZ6 .1 1"\ .. I . I ,I ,. . a.! ibility qf cnori.8Th; :tncl , ~U 0 RnnQunce 16 t) ' \ I ' f ' ..c.. ' I1\';' will hO\'OI' ~, u W \~~ ., "1 IC Ill' {O c.mot.: op llR17U! 0 f \ ... ' . ' " tL<ON III R' CAnlct( lIll' · .. • ,' . . '. : , ' •• is .. ... . . . . 'r"r fe.eleclion to 1I16 office hf Prol:"lle ~ogg;~llS\ kinly lonned by thc tlgcn t, With congruous R!f'ecfloll . o\'('r the ~"e y~ars, .:tnlI ~Ive i('cl Illl fc 11l1'OCOID , , The 8upe rtl llti91le ofl anliqllily nre only CADWALL1D~1\ 1" . ' 3' .1 ' (\1{ , c . • I : ' d ,lawn llY 92 )101'S08 'liig Wy o-mn, thorl1x o f a nI' cnest'"n nhl e !II b iU elJ,- mcndmg hun to, tho pllltll c ' p' trO ll, te ot! I"r I~ghte f' ot, Ihe ptelelit tloy, tllt,d .u g"u. "lrfn. coulI,t.), , ~U)JI;O.C~.,IQJ he , . ' _ '. I.' f · - d' h .d · . ),ctlhisis oIlA ae- of deci,;on df the ptimllrf election'. " U\-eo!M, WIth ,pllpcr ..collars; 'thijf ell I' . lOns , tl t .$ffi( ~Il not tlllt,h en w11.1 uge. . 1'1 j I ~All~. flB( ' h " .' • , " Co nUt iuCd distin cYliis hed vi~'it.hI'9i\aom th e cOlly.ulgeut demcnts 1Je buscd Dr. LoqJ" con. he found ::It t.he I·CS· . . IRe ~ 8 t' . . 1J'1ea:;;c . nIlJlollUC~ thC ,lln ll' C of '\\' -" ~ ,., , . • . ~ 1" t I J. " l ' 'd f D l'J G ' \ I "r' nr.r.omp!t B h~d w.IlJI the etd 0 eer·Me." . ' . ' . " . 0 111' sis tcr city of o rll:-i.ri . 'F c Il (, Xt. If ( ll\t I tl,e s~:lIpn o onC' f an~l r pg~co 1 cnce o . \'. .. . III (' 1':;011, .1a lii Fur eXli mple ,; grey eondy or rpLi hnl~ III ., .' R r, A 'KAS GRN ,{lB n !'lm~ltdlltP 1'0,· t il (' I " u' , . ' t l· h tl" I I '1' . • shcct ' • . 'Bm '··:.< f Sl ' I' ,I·. ' .' .t. , oitJe ,' · f •In t<: L'C ljt wns 0 of t ho IOUl Hong li S 11m of lId e m ClO llS .. . Clm ....eca ..a D. ltlo."CII& ce v '. I CI' j ' /.Iud 6hhgc ' . m:llj}' I ' . 'T' !I .. \I , ." -.-. . ., . ' ' • "'"'' " 'I '. ' ," Lllt le I U1H I'" ·sentY~· ~ Idudly ~~ '~ 10 '110. rlch ~P I .CO?cel."ft~le block or b'rown, 'Ot~lS. " ,. '1 I I rurn i Ilea ~ ,tl ... ' f t . "1" My IhMol ·'Collnt., hn(,TI it is not Ill y T he FOlll'Ih of Jul .I' wn ~ not llb~l'rved ,by II Rlm pl e npplicnilufl ' of '. ,"I~"!;il;l 1" tl rIP' 1S J: 10 ~ . a · ll.O'tlu c , · J ' . I C1' t· D L r'. '" '-t:.~ Ll.t'A ' Ii ,IS . ....1.1 t:,' IIHII ( I ~ te c.:.' l cmcnt~ . 't i'is C'nl' ,'A<"'' 't ' d"'l inten tioll 'f.o~· c'.."tfln.~lst but "er" ' liltlC\her'l liS i~ sllou1l1 hBve bet·n. hUllet Ull lrl,sta doro, yeo I (\!'D~ f II " iIi i'l ". ' f J'''' 'n '''! " r . 1C~I~r 1IlllC II 1\1'0' (, ' mo' . rc pC you· .,' I •. J " ," ., • • ro' ( II n J ' 'n " . ,U ,0. or, I~..!? ~,e.j,OI "~ ': I' ~ I O I fl! , ~,~}lln,. 0 l ' r, -prcal'iolls time 111l t 1 t e pl'PP II ll'll fo\' Il'Oxl Fourtll and b\l've t\ I llnu .-c\orl;. y• • C' """S'(' Ll: t Ano 0 ., h . . ( 'omnlon Pl~.I ,. luhJ· Ott l'o' l.h~ : ri'm ' r ' ~\tlln ,C I 0 ~'O\llIO' ~( t es ..ep n·s e nt . ,. : .. . < ",0, ." . ,'• ., '.". .'bi.., h me ,li . . . 1I.,~tur I1nU 81l~ New YC/rk. 8 Qld II,Y. ~rug'. , ..te,~,d. A . liP " 1/.) III g the 'Stntc of, Dlllon' in the ce n .' urn con!1ti<I~lOed to ~,I\Y, wbJl e. ~ , "m 0 , g l d \S. Appll~d by bliltalrd{e8lera. H 1:.,' 'I',. ('I"ollon . lie" Or Ii '~irWO$ #Y(nl'1 dd\" o f Oil t;his.pleasft,n~alld obn.()x\ous tlu.':1ne, 'T - - -,____ __ ,.J- ~ • \ ' MiSTEr. E "'or : J 'b 1 ' ..J ' •• , • u' t'- t ' . f I f 1I'fl wc~\thcr 110.81)ccn cxcecdlllg\ V A CARD TO 'I ' V . , •• J) ~:,>. !t;,- JI C j Clln s o · tCll,im' '''CIU' S ' 43 ~vho'was" SUIlLJOscd lin It IS Dt'-ccssnry 01' . tIC utUI'C .• . . . .N ALIOS • . l' ' t d . C • • .1. u > J " • • • wnl'm fur the 13Lst Jew du.ys [Illd It I '. ~Ol fl ". : 'i'W~~ )CI '~ ,4"a~l.e ... ~;I lip' to r ep t' enti the' ~ 6111 eSB of Li berty c1I'QPserene ot Ollr g reatn ess th at wc ' . . . ". A Qler,I'mnn, w,hlle residing. In SOIlIIl I\sbers\ cW'. 'M.o~kr, to dil!poSC b6thc- afilH!l q\Da1tol3~ ttircwhun bit ' clutCbetlJi th ~ ~dltciarY :Uld ill~ipicd ~Imost tLtlposslb1 e to k ~ ('l" .~()1. fill r o :\ A meri,'" ~ft Il·. mi~l i<lIlIlr.)'.• tli8c"V~!ed II COl~:Y ' I'il~ll '1.9f- "iilY . h'tin jltift\I" 1Lt~l( h" v C membran eoll s corth onopy with thc IS onerel11 (!fly, bOWI!Y;·". II tJl~" 1 w an ~"Ie 111\(1 HIIRPle remedy r<l~ \\re CUI'" til f ~ .,=, p' 1 , ';" \ ' . ,.t ) I !iI' fTO" 1l. ' ~I.t 1\ plece"" :of ired carpet . II tln "nimoll'll v :1 )1 ro v e' f \ iy.· (. < HI ' Nervulls W pall npet, E •• ly, Dl!cny, DIRCOIl~ttng " 1!>~C, .. 'p.ll t IIU,,· l,j;, 1, , )1 0 ,, 01' gJ'llccfully coiled nbout hel' fOI'm en .qt;.' ~ ' s of: Xillnthine. . ", . '!I . , , , . )( ~e!\ 01 lhe Urinllry,Orllan8. anti Iha whole sa\!} , (l P'I'OI)Osl:rt~ ~ .d'O'1lf\t:e it' to thc I b .1 • 'w tl·' Thc time wih ~onle n{j~ fl'i cnll s : ·!lln. \\ hll'h ('all b,' hllil lit Mr. 1 ~ lIin of disl)rdpr8 lrrulla~t by bonef,,1 I'G'r f1t'iXhlerll 'I !\I' tiul\w"l 'l D , ne.fJ eg , e,t ,. en 0 C llllg l'e" ': - e(:jt", nt hi 1'('1; i,I,·o ('(·. :l.ll M:1 in III1J vicious hllbil,s: qre nt n' . 1 on •• . ' .. ~ - .~ Q". ,, ~. n .t,.,).. !'lei ~ hng a cotfp, l;, and in her hnllCl ,n ICII~.o.n ~tW )oQk b~('~ ur ~hl'l S tr ec TI \. it bee n nl r.en dy cured ,lJy Ih i. hoblc rl.' medl' . .( r ,. fe,rtl,lePI·~nt.\llga.ijo u " ~· d.o~)t f'S11 0 1 .liel fiGkccl trotlblellthatwcl).nyep~sscdthl'Ollgh,· , . . ,. FrolllpreIILvod,~ 8 trc .. o,benc·fi,,'iumlct. ofDe8li~lfoo'lntlle'c!£s ' to'Jbel..littupilll it "'» ..1""· ' !:J ~1: r . ano "the ,ma.oy truths .thllt 11I3\'e - :- .- ~- , .-,-~dRlld .. n!O rIUtUlte,[lVlfI.Il~II,dt.!lere'·ipe th " ")'1'.' .,'-. >! -" . ., • .,,' ) . ;00.: , S,UJ?tll • Y ~ ,a.ll , au~ nc e • c P fUt , . " . . . "Ql\r Rpt"clill ..... /'Ot·let· ' III\~ be!'n to h" prepunllll ," "!! ".I"I! tlllll mlllhclnt', In ft . e, f} (e n ~S I' ~ ~~ lht Ml,~k*ltl.?ll tis flU ,as woU,1\S co. ' ,{lec of one tlllttle c}'ldclli, to-allY, wILl ,be npI>tII·, M ;.,'" 'f I I . f I p!,lIloti prty/Olopr, 'n 'ony on e whl) lieI'd!! it , . " ti i tl. ·, l . . ' ., . .. ' , , ,. , '" , .' ,. • • orru .. • own, lor Jilt on A p"lr 0 yo - F .f Ch ' [> 1 • ~uceL~ \tc) , 0 pe ~enn8 ' Oil , ,future of :-hcl' ttlnClot ,.t, . .... h 't " e .'most cnti to YOLlr nl1othophe lind odcmno- 1 IfJ' hi ' , 'I . . " . . ":t'l! !lJ urge. Ip 681' P ,I IC o~e II p,u,~. t . UJlI"ltdtl ~ 'f9n b'I H fly In ntes' ,,,'h nttwe( " 1' i.] i!) ' 1l~ 1 ' !:lhilll' hc " ,. oJ ,~ "" ., . . it ,I u ··ll'th d t ow 011 e·}e kl'rR, Ot, ~l!rhRp., tast pd llll'nvplupt, od,hc~~ ('tI to yl'"rAclr. , ' . . . ' _ t ' ' Il" .,i · r l ' ' Ilk r: "':'1,' J .~ • n~~lcal:j)e 'feature, ft8 ' h·e ~·~~ il.dl"ell 10 s eyos ;' yo . ~,' ~ conce e 0 td ~pi\'.DJ,-8L I.UU61 we j Jdgll 60 from t\d.lreetl jQS.J;;.RH :r.· IN.MAN.' . fi'om 3 to S l\'IlD!-Ites • . or • .~q 'l:ic,\~ 't ..o . 1l)!l:IJ'f 11;14, : ..,...,: :. ot, tli..c ·,tQ~P, gU il. (ircsse ' i.!t 1 red IDj' nCll~~ .r recoptfun Its powPI"fu l 'i ho e~I'n"ngf\noe (of "his Fourth ill Siuliun n, Dible H"us8, New Yqrk Cft,. · It pltolrp.IJ"lnto ,n' w/JIIlow. Irom: t\t8;-out. '.I."'Accompany.l~lgtl}l!t-nrc . lI:fewlllore H:Ulb el "hnts an n erc ' s 1J1,elit: itii'lenol:llt.r , Rudif' Inmin· thc Innd \V ')"~~ II"~ II .. 'Id' 41 · 1, ', . lide,cerr)' il1lrthelleyfrum 10toiOruel '''nd!tli~'~st 'St!l.llznS' j· tYf ~" hem.. . l., ' . , .• '. " . or thc lh'in ..J'. I . t.· ds- ,' 11 b AY,t;lelY' 1', '~r rell y we 0 011 n l - - - -- - ..- - . - - -- -. - - - - in8ldo. ." I . " , " . • :'1.., ' t'" , ,I.: .; "H" '."r' I ".' ',,; _ ,.tl~ <;1ell~:, 1001<eJ" .•• _ :tLP E!lIil!~Dt III . 15 ' , my tl cn ., '" .0 ~ee il...',~, P088ible he Ihink'it I!bOulti l . It'pl'cch"~ ih!o Mll\V8,' o.e;~ lind' und~r ttfpl. , . pa~~~tl(".,~\fl SO\~l ' n p,1l'1Ilg' tIJ.i il' tsinip-l~ flf~i.rCS . >And lnstthongb IIlmrcuse ly re wlll'ued for th e [Ioc nTll.; I' . b ' I 1 . . A Cough, Cold, or 80re. ThroRt. beome, lind intu .any place w/iore II Ibllli ,u...m CI ' . · I ,""" . 'oJ ".· fl •.tl' P' , oj " o•f y zylophngous' fll l: ult)'. ""~ Itll 1M plClureu I • 0 _ • ... F or k WI' 11 WU,'o k'• ... v e " 0 tit'1tl ell,'.' · ··.I·J. '. t i t tl '\\ :. , b OSlt" 1. eeu . 1\8 w 1,w:.Quln Es TIIIMEDlAtF. ATiF.lhlOlJ, AND I .. .nJ,..~ir';.fI,;,.., ~.... r.o...: no eas j ~m ~:'O " IC· lOS " i i. · . " SI ." '. ' .' " , . •• 1 ' 8J1l)U LD,Il/>CHE':KF,JI. lfALLO:W.ED . : ItSlocksHeynlld Svnwi·"the6ehl, ., t : , ~ "!. " O . ll·. . . ,l:itlC J,ncc~l, ,: '~ trall.s lt, gl d\ In W ed W:A\,~ESV ILLE pl'opel'ty sccm to bc .. TO 0 0 IHI II \l e, l " , " m'~~II!. 1,I"b' lIn lj I<ljl.(J'I~!lt ~: ... ~ "YI! cuu"ht • \nrtar lurriP ",ill Sll}", '1' ~ ~ Oil pl'ocec(\e'd to tll e IlC d l ;, [ T,P llE1!8E . Apr:~A.uSE· l . lin domand, we hear 01 severl1l sDlcs IHltnt o,n qf .the . .lfnl'~M,. a . Permanent 11111 F"rk look I"e Ftrn Yrerilinm at ,lll. ~"reme . : ~,'h,I~tI;Ir'~~f1'~Y'\, " \ \, ' t Ii :.:1.~J.~ ' ',. . d ~I After the, learQcd O'entfcmlll1 Ilud tl.;· " T ' , '.' ' h '11 ' b ' '1'hront AlfopUO'l. or ,m lucuroble , :8eV1r1~l 01 ,t ho, I~II' IIlotc und Cllllnl, Flllr., r'If~J..~wl!l1l8;. '.1"11 ~ •.,> , 0 'lt"Ul.J ' o~euple' " " . , ,- '.,c .• ' , . on "1 e l;\P~s, WulC Wl e given LunG· I)i"c ll~e. ' .. n!) al80 retC\'" IiJ thl! II1ltbeat '(.ummI'Ulh,· 1 , 1V,llli, n ' ~~..iY, r did,.Iji~~r)l, ·.', " . ':.. as .cH~.Y "sd"'n ·j-·umds; ·:w.h~rc the conclutled hlS ~loq_l).e nt r emark-the when donfirm cd. ' . IS on'IHUHIt It~U1.T, . tiune at the !tfeot N,jrtlr~elltetp' Fair. In .. , '\ ' • elauol'a~ nrep8'~~ti.O;lS h:1rl Band rcgnled the immcns(l con co nrse . ---L-...,_ _ _ • unowNtS B1l0N'!UIAL ' ' Chiell~(I! Nove~bfr, 1863 . ",, "'1. henrt~ ~,,~ , ,bl,e ~J; " h,~nf ':tri 'fnn ' " "i " t:: ") I 1" ' ft H ' dl . .. Ttlt. 18 Ihe "\mplellt and most complete The , ~ngll'pJI . ,('fiil.f fe4!l lilj:8 , 'ql'l • nq;<l~ iiuottt : I'egard to ex'- . Wl~ I .~p" Qrl\ C olce , rporcso~ , n. c r . _ _ At ~rl'!j; Sisco' s l\li1lincl'Y . "~llIg. reel 1!IIIUenee on .\,I I. POf""', H F k et Illuoduped lu the r k' .11 be I I I b f 1II . , . " '"~ " ., • 1 " 1 tl . d' , 'd t t A. t . ..,va Imllll'dlate rrilel. Fur llronchllU! w9 IlIg oy u~ Y, L fb Y I' 1 , u LIIl, 01 tiat ' lIld e e 1)('t)Se tw the ewCotineil wfao gen. Wlie I ley Is}>crse 0 ·nKO pnr III Emblisl1lnent" on Main Strect, I C I I ' t' .' 'tJ 'FernH!r al /Iae Jio;entillown V th e an .m· .9n the c1",'1 married, ' iJ , n @l llnlt, otorr I, \Ju l1~ ump Ive a, .u Ilu t .1 d i d I d In " teeiison. , " own s l,}' ,"otod $R 000 of thc lle o l11es ' t~e .o ther n1llUsements of the c1ny. ',be foun t{ n. , 'err invit ing ul'l"ny of D i8ell&IlI, ')'roches ure u sed wilh .. h~IIYI Ite~ em'llI lor t I .. m uri g Pbll~ • .Bhe', li~k rilled la~w ' l nm \) cst , '( ,. . ' . tl . H d P bl' S' k ~' llIch hut rar exceeded lIe a tly to sup.. • ' • , , mOllO" fOl" th ~ purl OBe. Tile ' :S IIIe-ni . . - __ _ _ fan~\y goods , n.ilnpt<'C1 to nil val'i etics goo ~~lctice8d9"r IJllg~r8 bn II. IC pe~ - ply them ltv sever .. 1 IhOlla.tlli. A180, by .n qUiet mom~lIt. no tV, I rl""'. . ,~" S (' t.n ~_ C II d 10 ere WI! III roc leI u~ctul \11 . cle anng h' , • l I l t h"l .ecelved Whleb " .. i,,'1 bnll. I Ilu I'r'utetlt ' did grounds hnd becn bcalltif"lIlly L:.jJ"' C\~ornl disciples of tho Pi H'· 0 .,.s "". a llD Iwe t~1(llll. Ihe voice when lak&l.l before eilluing IIr I e UlIIVerlO ~Jre.err ~lc" "" . , ' '' I h Ih L( d .. _.' ,_....-. , ' . . ,. . , . d , . . when operelel In cOlllpeU\lon WI e Illnec' ll . d I' I If!! o.y morr ,l! ' ol'nllmcutll!l wltli rnt~ ,plants dloi<.:V c:tto'nnl nrt; pub 1Il tho' l ioul"th' lI - ~pl.'8kitlg. on re elvtn" the thrOAt aner an i II F'l)rka " The Dc>etor 118),8 h!"'1 d(J be~', Sht:~llbbe'~ ' , :lruatI~ b-e '\It:if\11' St'ntu:l1'~" long tbe Ir h'Cl', spent tho du y ill . . . Rosebc IIT.), & Nenl hn!! 0 11 :1:10811111 t'~erlioll oillio vocal organs. ~'ki! ,nit~u:i:pll~~IIV 'allc/', c~omp'ac!lne •• t'ender ,. 'hope lO.ltiYt', pMr"!' re~t, . I'!, " ,- .. , . ~ hnnrlllU cxcellent nrticl'C ofPomnde. [ ' fllche. u. e rocommended 01111 prescrl!lell i " 8ub"llIttlalth .. n fhe bomltllcnted I\,lld not Hng tl] , beerl ..ldt't UI1,lOllO wntcltfn umnet.~', ,fetllrned WCIII'Y tlnd 'I'1''' .It h\' Physidnll!, atlll Ihnve hnd T"BtimoniaJ8 I more IIrre tire Ibr ,lile pur. ' ..,..And then "'i).I.. t b""< d".\lhl" ~ " , hie. ~ ••' • •. ...... ~, \. . . . . . 1 (' I I I IIfrftnremp.ut ,,0 '"eed .. A."• .ln"I'llulver nlorry. , that would g. Iv o' n1aw to tbc OC. ( I. 9rrllsted. . J • \ rom elll nent ml'n Ilroull' lo ut I te eoutllry. J t fI:.n~I IlrAI operaling l"li" 1' , -, n . . t' 1 f t . r d I . pO~ft, " . leu to-om-ror 'r •. If I . , , " 11 , .. " . ' ( . ' , . _ ~_ ' _ __ , . __ ___ (, 1IIl!''''' ar te e 0 rut:'. mtlrl • 1111 IDvlng d n be worked w\lh arei.ler IIClli!, ' . he'. gone-heraphill 61111UIRIO • " I.' tho' boy that stoot! on thc l'ro vtd their effill~ey by • tl'lll\ of milly ~\I \~a \ . , . '. ,!I'e'.nunlb('rctlnmnng llaft list at deuLi, Th c aniY'bi -'- o f tile ~7 Tb.e lloys, in to\nl , cclcl:lrnted . , "l'lll" , each Jear linda them In new loell\j· n 1\ p RCeI!,.\ .;\ he d III l,n.llorry noW for all thnl I've 6b iJ, . , burnmg 1ccl{' \vIlS Ilnv 'hotter thall ti e@ \11 various pnrtft 01 Ihe world Dnd· the 'I'hole sIokln1t II '.. mll e, C\ III a~ t . • tli ~ . Fourth,' IV-ith 11 fJ.m nll c~}'llon . • 1 . . . " , eien\ Fork wjll do ,)/t\l to lumme III : n. uut 8e~fy '~d~ ~Iir morrfn gc. , we \\'0 "0 tho other d a.y , wo tcc for 'rroches lire Unl\erAI\\ly pronouneed beuer I 1'hel it ia C'connmJ '0 ule auch • IInnAr.. . , .- -- .... - . ~him. lhnn btl.ler 1It11t.I,tft. • ~~~~:i'ch;:S tea'dily admitted bi' the Intel. y 1'uIIII" mall wllell ~ml J.• !.eel t·nClt·IIC .', ~.ff' '" e h:l\'c llc for c n s t>vo h calh - - _<_e... IOh,tollldlldnl tB,r.okw.n I nrot ~chhIRI" Trflho. lIgetu·-rll rmB 1'i ." it ie.d : ' . ~,aa," '!D"unt .. , ' vt, u ,. ~. • '." Cle8, I .. 0110 a eftnl' 0 • e \ . 0 ' .\ lIis' I' b '1' \" ' "1m of tile "'Id;! l)r: " , ~ar.l1l9r " c.e.k, " .. • UI,l,U, and put t·he , jinlllcll se or wh e:1 t , g ro \\,l1 on t he fal'l11 o f H.. ,\V e h.l~ cueum bl'r~ of our own le sp i mi:aLillos Ihal "'BY be oll"l', ..d. I. !Jf' t me, II' • to" I, YHa'.,ln .. 'lIinee the 1t ),ou woulLi " sweel l,"omIlJ1' &0.1, .,1. ' . ' • , ., J ' d' I . , .' " , , . S I·' 1 " tI U ', d Sl I mOil unp easen pur 0 .. I' , , - '1 , • er~nvd 111) COJ;ltlllotlOJ)' t C. 111 0 O. Cnspll1 , they BTe. very Inl"ge lind fAIling lilt hfirIL-dav"-llte 61·.t of the ~ u pverfw Il're til • ,e III" a e.., introilbctlon of Mowill" Mulilne .. LI>U k I','non~ !lu~ ",~ek ~ . ,~•._ ' , "" ' l ' _ • • . UOIIIII Fltrelan COUlllrtt'S, bt 35 cema ,Ier . 1. II ( I'" the price of tllev Ire kill!!, llen\I~ , lovinll.1 rur, ' . the PQPll1hce thc t.h s!Jl1nlj'g~ of fire · l'emnl'kably fine.Onc of lhcm ho s l!:RenD. box. 18 Iy They wi tequenl y ne. I ( " .1 " ,." . lJ " , . , •. . . • a Fork in a .Ina le day!' w~en · . ,T lere .. ".,;~.lie WO,mJlIJ, Ihlll Bl} lltl you . , pra k rSi the \lell utll"LlI thseo t d ro.t 8b'j:iJiJ}l't4 o,tJh~l' 78 ~;I'n.in8 00 hend ; .~---..--. . .'. lit fl"y I to iiI' tillcuted irotn 'hI ' H)'l"'" j l". c/ ' "., t>A- 'ft ., d ' l r \I I' . qtlln yo l '\ 'I . Ii" I I ",~1. II, ] U S-,~;.J U. '!o:lOIUIIIKOLLY I" ' ( • ·some countr.~" J..UUlCHi, wcnt to make.' they are of a ne w variety of whcnt. V;.J lere '"ere luer,.' IMp Ayll 0 TBA NOm RlIT TRlIE rllip. IIJld there If ul Itl e Iinte In WI C .. ' , '. 'I I -. . • . . , Ii )'L 'b ' I (I F 1 S , I " 'd it ~ '.(ruin alid ' \wo boy. will by :!11£"+. iiJ, le'I', btl 1O l'as'h ~n 'S01n'e - tttr olle 01' the :gI'R'm le t 8(:enes ('\,e r Mr: C, ~hm! os ~gl)od ' '0I'Ojl8 of wheJl<t rll"o; .e 0(1 ,I, , ,.Ig It 0 t)~ ourt I, E\'~r': YI,"n" Iftd'1 ftnd "I'nlleman In tIle ,to . ' ~(I . . f Ihes ur", unload • . ~ '"'' ),}. I . , . ,II, r • . .. . . 1\ ' f J' I. • J" • .... Ihe UIII 0 one u " 1 ' , what .variabJc, 'but " ltC)get:nel'... f.. \. O t"\\'t tllb~sed...I ' J 'fT.1 ,; ' ' ' , , tIll S ., ·ear liS ho has lind fC!l' sc'·el"al· 0 . " IICi) ~'rre very prelly. Unl/pd S\et~" coin IicII' .oillftllllnr very Ion of hlY inli~e mliltltl!. ,'" '.t . , bl ' .' ' fj'a · .;/. L ~\~. ~ . 1 . /o. ..i' 1" . ,,' , , ,-~much to Ihelr _dv.m°lr e ,b, ~ r'etunl II'"Ii ' L, t. .>} ni " 'J _.J G' t\ e' fot 'cj·oI)S'. 'rho ' I;re ellt prQ ' • 4:l; '~ ,.~n~ ftt~'I," , ,1,>1 ' ~-n, 1'0 ess- Jeru's pas t. , ....: .. .._ . .1.l'. S, Shcwalter hag nn (I . r h rge) 1.'1 adore •• !n .. the under, $""1 '.l't>r/(, II ' "-,:,;+it,.t~ to nl~ '... ~.(. ,I ' I '" q.\(, , . ' I", I ' It), 'll '" h' I ., J _ . 1 ~O h 16' :IIU ~ .. rt'e u eft . . .. • '. ~ Suti,.r tio1l J ' ,pe"f lB, ~hnt, 'f.C lI'ofh t'~ye .9-PIlH~, nn cc lon, w . IC I OCCllpUit " L . om'A H ~ • '} • I • excellent Rcvolve r fo'l' 8ale lit b'is lIillnetl. "ho~e hn.lIIg feors or '~rtn ~ ~' of (;)orn and ! P~to~.18I1cl1it , is·.to b c sec.ollds, lh~. I>e~kl'ng )(l~(\fl frOID 13 GOOD 'Nsw. - rile ~r'lce of wood 18 . .~\ 'I , . 1 ' . ' 11",",buggp~j will ?bhge b, not.rloIJ,el~' . . It 11 we:'lIIl, ~ 0 . e:'be;~w_., Por• . h . . ... ,. , .1 I ,I ' .. d I'r ' store· " . i , tlfi~ urtl. A11 ,othllf. will plellle Id reel IQ Ulie. \Jell ena It ~ one .n~ 'rl.t. an. op~d Of nll b't hcr orops l ' I o(hlfcI'e'n till 1 ' (yen:B 11m fl'on~ comlDg. ! w lea~ 0 pllrlle l ~n · " I "~ their obedient eerYnnt, t· II h ,Iof'l tlot ' f.lvo ~ \ ~~ "tiefectio•• 1 ~ (':"" . I. " '. ~ ..~ l,: ''',1' r .. ' :·1 I, " .~b,''' ~r;lti~ e't.!inc\/, JlJiei.ii:.Col. <SW .. t.z er· g"girlg ~d.& d, lit · tS.li0 per cord. Lul " . , ; b.r ,.rma, to; I1l1nounciog- Olin ' THOS.~. CHA-Pl\I~ N, rin.. i . Rbk; ."... . . ~ . ~. W;' < ·,om .. ! IS, " I\.nng th , spee..Iia. dd.r. e'tsc(l'~'- ih.tor tti l' crowd Ihi., is ~oo~ mu"h .;.~a Iil, lle 1.9 "er if rq .Il ' ,2 7,ly , 831 Drulihvay, NewYllrlr. ,, (,,'C~ """::.' ,. ~ ';.. . tJ: ,lJ'Il . ,.. r '. , ditiate'l for ' ,oQi'ce are Two DoWi" tar" gu"1l~f,,, ,AA. L~;If'it ~n{ ,1'N ~)1·thl'. St I'e~ t'$1 . i \'He~~ . 't he ' ,«on Patrachi ~Iea'i : '.' , ! 1 , " . . I ,'I • ':.11 , . to~ .... ~Ei. JlY.~ .. .' · pu~ln.good.conditlOn. W,hn~ ,~l;Ile8!!1 t~J. .J.I,) . tl~, '1' " ~. j ',- th _, I ... po~a1!l. Ua , .~lPaJlU. , 'fheGlor,oflttani .. s!,engtlt•• . , , : , . tRq~$ "", L'~NQo. i 'Hh IN · ,. . J ". ~qo~~ r,f.glU~ ., 1' ~ \I~n,( fi ~ "1 a ." , ' . A ~. IIIi.lllall wllo AII"..r cd lor yea ... (rom ' £' w " , a",'Cl' n!!t, t. !,~ . tm".¢o~~en ' T8' .to' t~~~,. com .. 1fe.W"nppro}ifiate remorks hi ItAliim; ~ Ol r thDnks .. lire due to Mr. ~ Good 1J.ealth i8, .p"fllnlOtlnt 10 Ner,·ou' anil Gellilkl D.. bllily n.uli , s""'!Pai ~.ole ~~.~.r' forG "~rJlD .~~ f ~'1 JIlnpl~. ,. ',1.\ ")' ," _' ' .' 1 ' . ; F :- . . 1 " ''', .' 1 b .(! l l .. b d I w ... k"ed.Ii"" *"5,!II of yO"V' ~" , n!1ltcr"~I().n. . . . . . Otl~t ~I. '.1 • ":4' ." . • oJ. .' J.l~'; •.•.J_,_ _ ns we hnd. no · opport\1n~ty of gc~tlng Neill, fot: a bott e ()f Pomade, })le, ,r-1 t 1. tl.~1 em III In " .or( t'r Qlld 'C' ''I.. t ,,~ar, .. ntl.YI~ bltdur-'l.J II blip.llell'! nIl. No. 99 ~,I ,n, l!I~feet; 1A ... 01.,, ,W. are' : in(or)rietl"thllt 1anrlt'date I 1 Ii " t~" . c ~ ecT onr~ -sen ted ur;. WI!! do not hesitate in pur~. ~ ...t I II,! YI~ ~UtllOFI ~D~ dlltem- .~,. ' '"ill, fM Ihe "J1c.o~,lull~rIllJl; JllIL,"1~nd .to _I , ':- I ' . •. " . . JJ 7 ,(..., _ •• • • _ ' ., ••. . . p.r. wnh ,Rob.eks Blood rill., and g,LI'IIIIY on...... IJIIIlI ~ ,1h..~mP;l. i}i~11I "'ed hy hl.1II . lJEALBaI til; ~ _ _ . art·1O ,thiok ,in teb(Ln9n ·;1j. man sel~ ~ the 9~to.r of t.he cl@lY" • · a.ncl>PtonOu, n lpg:ltthe Long ia' ·o r'''nl, ·..... forlDill. ' , r..'''·aular I ",hieh elro.L;ctl .. cur.' fn ".rew we."••• It"r ~lip B :;;;- ..u....i..J.. ·Slo-~' . .' , 7~ , .· ) ,. . Ii' ... , . '..a • ' 1 ' · very d " .\1~f(t. ....... r-~ {"llbr. of nifnlU(l1I medl Ine •• Send .. llltee'e,1 Ul>'1IWa.I.:J...·_ .. ~lth • c»a~ot~mtti~ conlclU ~ sav~hl& gl. ' ~'o Jltfutj(l~t't.I rti'~nllb. lit khfe to. )[1', ~ell, nn . roilY lils wtna'e r".'ioIl8. sod 100.. i~ .otder., kltp Ib~m "n.,.lop" • • •• 1 it ' '''ill "" . 1 " )I; nr.thin/t. Addf~ > " bitU6p.~b'01J,;. ( , . littmfitm..· , .. _ [b e El\'en brlihtl.'J" IbAn th> VIl1'i-t. . ••• hb RobM'I I. 8Lo"".ah lUu..., . I JOHN 8. OQf'I ll,M , No.1!H;""lul>er. it,.~. Y. . "ftC! .. ~~ . .i . ~

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~ xt -eHlll e n: highl j" d eco l'1lted hors e d ·J ",n by 4 'erclIDI colorcd .omnibus. sea, filled with di~ in fT IJ is1 ~d st t'a n. • "" , ~[ r" gel's. ~tJ,.\:t i ott ",' , Ql t)IC city qtUcers: ....rz: toe MayoI' (:Ne,," COUll'1 ' , , ." tA ,. ,. ('I, CItY' .S"Ul'Vej'ol·, nno Ule bns com . pa~IY I 1n.n dry·goCld· bClx , 'kl:n~lIy pro. yitlod 19]' thcUl. Ncxt came ' h . '. . " r- ' « ! r 'ploncl\d , !l.l'l'io·g c of Mr.' . §p'~git" ill J'hi Ch wns sentcd th.o orator ' of the . .,. (Ill' ' . >lJf'on. Cl1ns:. ':A'g-uStUR" . l301"tlln , (wh Ol'l,Ia( , io, d. rWQ fQ1" .~le:0-) N ('x t \ I i . :· was on e- of . be~ ·'A'ril. 'presR CO





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• VaL. Ill, No.3.

WAYNE ViLLE lVARREN COUNTY, OHI StatementJlf the COl1diti.on of

T R A VEL ~ R S"

th;-I --

' D o WI

W IIOLE N 0., 5~.

WElJNESDAY, J ULY IS,. 1 66. ~ bli-~'-in


~r tho l hlll~ d~ ihl;Cl1prC~~\1t, -Utl~lth l;-\ -DtO~H" WItLLS-HoWTODJI!'f~

n a n'ow 1 os n Ill' the tueut l'o of M ur- ' lel:lIl iu o WR nlUOIl O' tho I:u;t wh o W Ui:RIt W.Aua IS .-At 1\ r e()ent meet,I ' . IIY A 1.1 E " H r _ o 11l1 s . ~ ,weoL lip . \ Vh n it "'was o n )1' th y in .. of the Amll ri()ao , Ius litu~e Farmare Ar!'~ ng l ilt, llC~ ll u 1. i l ul p i C-I U:'te ll 'A n d c victi m is:\ Uo man s ul>- Cillll !Jo m \' Hll d uin d , :lllll lll'te l' di ll - Cl llb, 1\ ID Il Ol bo r rd ated biB "xp erie nco OI~ HARTFORD, ()ONN., OIlee k Re~ideDCe pO i\or&b St., J I, .. , IHtnJ,! 11 11 III ~III I' ''\ ' S \\"t~n lI !'r thl' \- w cnt for n wa lk 0 11 t hc in th is Ul l\\le r lIS fallow &: An Iri sbman j oct ?' 011 lhe Fi'rll doy qf J(L1IUary. 1866. I s U II 6 or " t.JilU ol el f re" . A folY doon above tlt e M, F:. Chu rch, 'The ihlof R om ish p~U'l~ n ts . ' !\j o nl e j 'illl'i o. ('0 III ill" b:H' K t IlC\" in his employ, ill orde r to as certain T II AI ' ee;uolh Ih l>c. I o f nil . i\lulle 'Il the A udil or 01 Ohio, pursuanl to WAY N E .8 V t L L E • 'A 'Iii !' hi!' d Il. ve tl ll r n, 1'01' th~ ch il li wlis where ll e oUiht to dig bo obtain wllter the 8lnlute nf t hal St.> tll. 4ft\' o t f llr i I ~lUq I d OJ~ 1". ol icli :A c lli , sir: al i ~ll fell o": of Dull' I \. r v!'il' d: :111(1 n, s oo n n' tlle ~T J'en ch- 800n eit, gO I II !ltone I\od. bllried it OYlH E Y U tll';" w i lh !ht' lu ' fft h I I , . • 'I. C APITAL, J\ 0 ' 10 1' I ii" VII . J , \ " ~vh ! t! lI oleY'n ." Ttl of tlgc, und tI~ o s o u cd home h is w Olh e r g nyu h iill It cUP I lli lHin lhegroull l! , ntiXI ,to tb ~ ll.~d' J Ii ;" il p r llll.. l (1 t h f' "' lI 1.. h . , '' \\', T hl.' am nllnt of CD I! 'IIlI ' to c k u. b ake r Ill od l 'UlUJlUfI !'. co.' o j' 80 1lP II UlI a p ie 'o or breau , uucI , pll~, In t he morOln~ .he foulld tt ~Ul ~e ~ o t lc"r I n(, I"i l k.wt.i h' Itllit." puid "1' i. 8 500.000 00 Th e s allg r took o ut. hi ' noto- pl1t ,hun Lo bcd , T hi Wll. about h a it' I m OIII, hut m'~ 8ufficl e~d, . to 8Ult (liS T lLt.1 Jt~ " 1 1 11001 t la fl, I I't4"'f'l tUt he"g f' - A ND" A ' ,',E T S , C UIl'lf I II II !.:, n il d,•., " i l l , t 1lft ~tlllh f n ll;~ ' Loo k . lHI t Rix o'cl ock. A littl o lnt l' ill ! fallcy . NUl(~'\lgbt be tfled I t 00 RoolhCUl!h of :lte r;', III/la lty u ll I, und ~:OT'&':.83. N' lP'JfJ3J1~ ] ,\"d "I. ,d l";'; til I f ;! dill" U I !;"~; 'N ~1' t1~trc of ~arcel\us .' tbo eV8l\l.;ng , -t> rll"l's nll \It ~ q \\a r - (Sf apo~, ant~ Il ""e fO,lInd vS,ry. we' ~Il 9 l' (I t fu r th ,· \ II U 'S 11 11 l h. lI p lllll !l , nl,<1 i I, ,1 ,1' "d,"I, u l !\ lIe ll t~ 1. . \VaY'J e ,vllI!', Oil io . h c l;iuitl , ·tt, ,ro.p'c\ I'l\WY I \' 1:>i\st 8 v n , -h llud h S Wlll and L\,e _(onowlng _mormog, ~1l~l'lI, a,,!d \\ lit 11' 11.(1 " rig h t lUi" I " !I'It. 1 I'c " l. ulhl' r J1 R r ~o IlS m $ .'i l . DSO :10 , 'J list . \ ~ "'!l . II C);t\.uS I and n~ 'Wi:fe' s .mother , ~~ o'vc r 1 0 see 10. PI\\tle\;, ),011 WI\\- ~\\d ", ..WT ot ,m~f l\ 0 1' ri a ' f1111 1. ; . U ul l ilt " Id e iH H H.: t ('II \l lip lJ UII,hl -' I,d foll oe kn OW lied by I It Ht= III..-ll. t o I h~ It. h c!'J\ . rny!:! ~ I' ~Q , - i ~Pg I;I;V'lfl _F1uni l: ' J ' , \l~ Pf' .l\9~ 'Jl,-,,,,Ij Q_f i~. , ,s~re ~~"' t l..., \' ''1(11' '' ), _ 4 ~3 .~ Oj 00 . ' Aud l nmc, Ol1lDlllS eo. M 11- r he"oJ l eft the ch ilJ Ils le r ,,_ .Th eir enuu"0 1 III a fe. '" da,vI. d.lgglOrfJ t o ,,.. . h flLl n l illi . b Ih 'l_ J '!) Pftlr_I()Lr Havill&: hnd fourl oeo y e llr.· PlC l'f' ri .' r: C<l n l1 "' ~ 01h rwi Rf' op rn' l' d t ', li l i U 00 \~ 11 10 0), '" ' hA' W" r u ,I ... ~ nnd d • •• p:.... ny th u,n k ood morlliug .' Ih u(1 of't,·u I dt. h illl s o h efol'l', c, pl' Ci- j coo~ rmed _111 8 predlctloD , Notwl th. j a Ihe pr<flI:liCA of 1I1euic i nu, o l1l'r. Iii " 1\ ce ulllul~, .. " '"' e re. l 011 lon na 7,5 3 ·l 7 4 l it n,# ,It.·'I'''e- Illr' "Iill 11". 1 d im o ld 101'<'.1 I Vl' ith he li f'tc.t{ IlI.- U:,lt, s t l'oll nll ,\' 011 SlI n lln,Y \: \·clli l1_."'. , nntl 110 8.l001Dg' t,lre l ee. n of Lbe work.eo-Bodpro~e5li(lflU I ~e rvico . I.. lhe eil iU II 8 01 . A II ulh er ~'H; uri lie ~ fI !J 2uO 00 Ile Il C 4.~ "'III " I' L,v,. 1 It. l it e <I,,,, .. o f · h .· th',I1 " , I fl' u nt th e 11 , IlIlCI v au is llc(l wit uou t h n l'lll had COIII (' o r i t. T :w wi fe o f' lug II velD wblch filled lite well Lo o,erWaynelville and Vicinity. Tutnl DS 6 111~ of Ihe Comp nny 86 16,869 !l4 .'/.-r ee b. Ihe ,., ,,d, ,II a l " I:, ,.., :Iuot hnl' W 1. thc Sh Of'lII tl Kl'1' w h o oc upi ed t h o firs t fto wfng. lIod rend ering clIcoodiDgly <I ifo::rOFI')CIl 0 '1 )t .. iu SI r r t'I, I hrl'e doo rs ''' ,"-t''',\·. d (Ito '" 'fl,t 1.. .. ul,l.tI 'U Utll'" n nb r UI) t 'Ol't n f' f,·llo \\' • , I fl uu l' h lld l)romist.tI LI) li~tc u i f h o !leuh . 10 bailout III. LIABILITI E S. 1' 1 ' 11 1111 11t' '' ! U. l' til!:!, ~t "1\. . 1: . .. ,, 'I the I wR ler f 1so liS to Sf}ulh of lite il'1I.AMI GAZE1'TE: Offi l' O, L08,es u".dj u;' led $ 1'5.0(10 00 nltl hi, I.· I V! , I h,· 111 11 < ~-;. . w WLU' )' . ~n ill tl,!~ _ ~ s peak e r . '1 \\,O UdCI'! s ho llirl wllkc ( I I' t !lll f l )l' fl nyth il.l;; : Is l ? " !! It. 1hll phi OIOP ly 0 L ,I! opperAno!. vue III , h. · It 'lt u,n n ",·e_. \l'hv he IS nn d sllr 1\' :\" n " 0 111\ IWIIL . IIl1 d 11:ld 111100 8ellillB 10 be lhol II~ g reat eVllpo(J:T Night culli! proll1plly reepond c d to_ All olher c: tti ms u/{n inSI C o. , 12 .3:"U UU I It ll.d, I .,. til,· II ttl ,· [,,·ool,,·r " 1 . 1 , C' E A I" Ii " I tI ... ", I/ u w I. " \'I' F, '11'-,... 0 h Ol'l'lbly 11 " saId a not 1- Clll ldJ' C'1I 0 1 h I' own . Men t!', thc·y Tlll .lon LA "htS ~ Itlce (rom. I,IS surraou o.f Tot81 L inb!l iti tl P, $2 ',300 0 (.1 ~w ". 'I)', "i''pu l ~ -a 1'111 ful, l",1 c r. I :;t:1yc<l OIit om cw hnt 1nl\', Iat l'l' I Hill til() carlh dnnnl:. the nlg~t, the sudllco IV, MI~ C ELL."NEPUS. !\llv " cr~ '" R_"''' ' k "",hm"" ' l' \'c lU him b eCo l'" lIl\ls ~d S Olll - mlll :d 1'0 1' tho nei"ltl,ol' ill th \! Vi ll of the tllftb dUring lhe Olght, lh41 11'/&. A ~ I,. I '~ hl ,, ' " " " " H', I !.<h u ty . . ru'll ' hnd h _el' ...m Ul'l' .lrd llill.lg'ht,. 1' ttl r fi' SC' up from tie l d I bIt ' COIiTINtTEI THE PRACTI C E OP •I•hll greu les t "nt" Ulll ins ure d S il.""ti.. l.u".,... <1 I••• '10,'. . cl'\'JIl e_, 'cm em 1)c .r ,the fa t· l' qU "llc Ii 111m epl Ii 8 ow 0 • in " " y une riok . $ ](',000 00 A " ,I ,.It.·" (I .. . "" ',,WI ", ' U II .~I _ we'll but 0 IlUllI C bali altogc t h '1' 1. \,l'l1(lin rr the ovcllin u' wit h h er ~lIld sup ply Ihtl lOBS, lind accumullllc8 01\ 11, e UII\ Ull nt of il s cnp.IIIII or l.o" ~' 11 i " I h., \I' .... ·-I "p. lori~ hl. sC!nl\~"d " momon·. GOOLl henv - th('v !lL:I~' CI1, ll'C\sSil ll)iJ~" till PIIS't t(' U th .. viciui t), 01 the aLOne. aflo,' making ., ' , ., ' ll ., "II '" III' ,., "tl ' ~ " '" uuly , I . ,.... '" . "" 1 e H; , I i " l!d UC In iU vartouN br"Jlcli'o ; liot to be 'exce llIJO" 1 ,'u I" on y AI I .~p IJ,. -I h "" I~' 0 1 110'1 ,;, cns ! t s 1l:f1'. ,: irrll csLO llc, th e o ' c loc k . Th en t hcy l' UlllO home_- qllito a pUu u o. td auV·II'Ir·c r.. . None but lI,o ' ' . oll,U". l'r :Stl,tbure"'l le . ~8 a ecurily lor ".. I lJ l :it. 1 \ I '1' 1 I 1 1. r ' 1<:> 5 . 0 u ~ 00 1111> , llI ~ t , llnt v() ry R ( Y 'W 10 WII s l Ie S 10e mlHl' l' tl U11 J.J·is .nlluly :w 1'0 --••• IU8 .-r ,-u Th t' re{o r A ~ o f ,II I th e . pi(' IUf fl !l d 1 :b U 1)] II lll' J e 11 0." \ g l) o o to 1)C(1; 1; uL t IIe bOllSO, l1oor was . T WO F re ~ch ge~; B J: I (r \ M ~ T B R I A L U iI ~ D , _ I Th e D " jl(J ~i l . rc qtl i r ed in OJ'; 'I • T hai h,,"; .,11 !\ I"". "rr ·' ,,,. 11 . m ill' CI.;C( . LC U nzzo TH Il.N 1,ItTII POLlii ,., Th o ""< ., f II.. dlt" ob l ·Cll re. 1 I " ' , . " 1cft, a s 1Il' lInl , 0 11 t ho l ntch, al1(t til tll'm"n rec" olly cxploredthe 18Jan,d or I I H. CAIJI ,-Offic e "t hi " rp . ici pncc - ,c r" WIlI ' m " u e~ I 1 J I II 1 '" 11 T F.R'I " T I,e C hurl e r , or A CI of Incor~. olll e ' " Ibe h psl 01.11. , n t 'IO C~l1": 11 e Ug l v .l1't e- m ntch f' ;l find CnJlIll ll w r l'e i n th eil-uc- SpilzbH ~I\ O iii. m"noer nover belors on M,ill SlrMt-. (' . , u3-1, , l " • I n 1t " t I I I • ~ ';~-----'---'-'--p"ral iu n ul . IIid Comp~"ySlon '.)~(\q ~"',I I gt~I ~. :1. 9 g:: .11 IS . I'C - , (\ lI ~t(j I~ ~1 'Ol'IlCl' in t h pnss. (!,O , 0 dOIlIl. They llAYO .. ell8ure<lt Ie moun: a I 'A, h"re llfith fil ed. I ~J OU '" ':, t () 'V,·[! 1'9"','. ha t Ilp l'l 1' 1they li t the oau II c, 1l1ll1 ffl._ te ue J. the t"iua, mapPtld Lhe whole COI\8&, ,jXl\m~~ , 1\'11,,1(' \ I ' ~ ) - , ~r I,~t' , 1. e~ I' Iye tra- Avu 1', :ll\lr fit? 1 iu Y 'r): ~ Il ly; for ~ued the n!(?I,Bble prOdUJl!l, ti).e geol og; fh li TE lo' F CON NEC;fl CU T, ~ [lG'r. 'l;'Y.U L"'_~n ~~T,"ll 'fo~:;.[.~...,- ;.'.,",j'} 1. .'!: t' OIl1IC; \ 10 ".o u:SO \lI lhu,~~ t II ltle Rtrfnnlllo w us a ltg-Itt s lt' cp Ol', ICIII c a mp0 811 loll. & 0,. exlelldlDg over ~~~~ ~il:uct-, $ln~lJ, COU NTY Of' Il)\ RTFu Rn . S' se, '1llllI'lll t." 1.. til \~nu ,n l fi n :IJ' I'Ow a n ti npt to 1i~ :lw:tko fIJ I' hu u rt! if II - ISt'VllUI DI IItha, during which tBe Bun • .' J Uw. eR G. Bullc r60 .....Pres irl t:' nl. nnd BY Aan: L1 A S _ .:mr.\ nD S. (1 ,, 10 !l.b I' hal '-Wiy 1)l: twecn t h f' l c id ·ntul l" r o w,cll. H o w V4'r thi s nUf:rsels . bllcA .. e iotfosely holarter'l' a ... d n,' y D.llni~, ~ ecr" (tl ry of tlt e Trllv eJ!' nrLirio 0/ l't tlV in. Il l! th e 'l'hell t J'e l t ime, llit lwlI g' h t iJ o :r1'Il IlUD~otho r month or two. by th.o uncoaliog hellt I' .f.\·i:\TTm "ii\!n' ."flnNtl!T"' ~ cr ,; ' IIl . urllll CI! Con'Jltll'Y, bc illit du ly IN FO U 1~ l' AIIT ' .- l' AIn' It l. : f )\, M:U'C'el s, T hc r" w us !\. I'fl w d sLlIlllbl cd' ol'l' r t he sco l J.i,11tl on til'st fromt he5un. Inlh i,;period. ogellilioll O(O:l!. <)tI ~!\l W :J:1 .....l....1I1.J . r...1.!i!i ::i.. , "IVor " , r11' I' rt be olld SIlY . Iltnt tir e ( o r t''' ollJl( i' , .. he ,ol'o ,I)' ~o r, a nti a tli mo unted go il1 ~ in tu th(' I'uom , he Iw \' e r tll J'l10(] ~ pr inlla up iu IFe,,~ lux,uriatlco and R~ paired in wnrklll n r"ik~ Hl5' 1~, 8t lil t' l. U ',, :1 , trlle. Ul,d ~errel' t tlUl e lll r ll1 0 1 A li :-lOT of 10 11 11 g'<' I'S 100(1 , tn lking em il' H I' ,, 1!'l't .j 1l a Ii ttl o rill abulldl\n ce . The North Pole is only Il l :~lla down wi t h o J' stil'l·(,(l. clidh price. IIliu ~rIl15 !uc IIOIi' WAR - Ih e "AntrB or Ihe M,, "I C ompoIIY, and Ihe}: I''l y . tll'ollud th u ,;tovc in j ' iall" ;; Id s sabre Idct hi s 31'1'0. Or el' the bOi-'irl r thc ir )\1' 1\ \tNt, fin d a lto r !\ -ew mnL tllf of 600 mil., s frOtlllbe islflf\U, And ~TEe. 3!J-1I IUriite r d e p tJ~e ""J "")', 1I If,I ~I,e ~ I"" I '" . ' I' -fl' 1 · · 1M " .___ _ _ ___ 8 ~ (, llri l i eriD IIJ " s.~ ' fi uf ~"iJ Cu '"P D (1)' I I " v ('l lc al lll ~- I O()n l. t 'l ns o n t '(' o n - ~ b op wlpd II- WnSS Ili!}.lcIHI Nl fluonl'd , miuu tes l ll l' \' wc nt to look nt hi.pL - il i.lh (\ \I~ht by ' tllil t .... oexplol'ora, AS " u t Rl ""V l ime si lH' e t h e l SI of J lJ llu ll ry. d ay ~ l o rn ~ lI g fu ll o ll ill/;! t l1l.' .fi l''' L S lIll - on which ' 'Cl'C in s cl'iu('I I, ill flul d I Ie 11'11'1 n : l'_i' 1'" le; b ut then he hU l l , by miloll Y othel'~, lhRL tho pol, ituelf, 1866 , be~ " l e~8 tlt,," 8c l 10rlh \11 I"e fu re (l oy III Acl\- nut , and st ill qU ite l ':Il'ly , l' ccll ct.~ers tbc wo rd , 'A :<oITI a }' Olt- g-OIHl llH Uli g U It UIl V o f (' I' !I t ti lt i l)' lI c j llOJ ch e lel\ uh ic lr is suppo. cd to IlIfg o in t Bt" l ~ nH.' ''t. bU I tl, ul tlte as.el6 hnvf> N Oli I' W 're 1'f'llllill g , 0 1' Hlt('11 1pti ll g' to N O' ; nt ,t bis wilido n-,. wlic r e s till I;ill llex e itCl'lI c ll t , l;nd W~t; U\l Il u ;~lh" rOllnd h. could be reRcued from RpiLz. · "Ieutl il y i"l'r cu~etl . nu" now nm o lt nl lu rend , TIu.\ J1CW!'p:,,P cl'.;I\lay "lI'o~eu- l l ny III .o l ~l ! 0111 0 .tl ll·(l(l ~I' fo ur stu le : til'cd_ T hey li ll I' l' drcallw d , flt be r~ so withoul "ny grOll~ difficulli ea C!} \IV ' r_spven hundred 1hou.u lid dollltt'ti [.j!I70(l e I O ll _ till,) tll,bl e~. ",l hcll til? .l:1 st "Tt11WS I rolls of S~lll'd u)' s hllklllg', till old il ig ht, t.llllt ull W ltil not woll w LL;1 !.l im . .b,!ing l!ucOlllllertid. A ~lIlgular f~ct 000 00 {.' ·0l 1.t: IUW1. \l l)t1l1l1 g .' 0 CX t; ltlll g as th o w omfln e l· ~'." 110W fi nd th en ll~ nd h cl' . WI1S hi s lllOtlt (!I' wh o Ili SCC'I'CI'l! I it. o~ tice1l_ b~ Lbo ~.l:ploro ra ' llI oODooclton WA,\,Nr:~\' II.I . r': , OHIO. J . t,; BATT E R~()N, Prl'"idc nt. t Op lQ th e u II lIder ll l';I' lI ·!?lOl1. · Rp p N l.l'lll ll' EI, 1111 11 filldr ef!Rc d Wll tlla ll1 - ' Su ~' ti \'~ t, SIIW th nt 110 111'1.'01 11 11 til· I (I wllh lhl8 1111I1l.1I11 ~~e eoormoul qll-,l1.rt. -N - 1 --. D,', ' V , EY S ecr ettil'Y, ., 'It is to b tl ho})('<1 lIiJ d e1i: \ ,N,t C'(] c n tn t ion t o' t hc II,y ~ t:lllil.l t! I's. • his dell. l· liI IS,-il h..v fil'ut LU ll ,·IU' '_I 11 "I'" tiliel o r t\~"tif\a .. ~irobllr, w:hich itCfll. l1l1'~ OfF l c r,-~n ,.' rl I :Slr e e t. In ::; "ItI""OD' crio('d "lit!DENN!!:!, ~w urll bo lu r e m e , litis ~ I ~ ~ , A"J~rs ~ " ~ Bl" ltllllg, !$ tOll' dvo l'l~ W ~l' l i 511t tl uv 01 J ullr , l B6G. : ' t Mlt. I h c gOl' l'rn m pnt w illlJ('stir it!:! 1r , ' A b s ! Q LI S t' h c '!'icu, tossin g \ It k , <3.n 1 r Ou nt\ it 'old ! ! co',er \\Ie 'W!,~sh bfl~tI b ya all.dereeka. l~. P ..... offi,- ~ . l 1,; ,. 'J -- , fl . , , - \:. : ~ rL1S11~, -'- --.~1.1 : II r" . " '~. ' ....~ . '1 "m ~ ~,.'~ ' n" " ",,11 ,1 ('I ... " nl" I" ", b .. w , .... h tl'l ..i!li;; T\r,;nt. i n 1.0" A t.:llr"rul~. ' jlleation or oR aeter, coo1\'ala')'! } J.' uiJ.' c, lt o,,:Hled EI1 ~h s b ru flU, s tn n d lllg' ,nth el l'll, , 'l, l.p lI' fl t; th_ li !!ht of OUI' -,.· ea! nn.I' f!llin·, lh "' 110u!' '('J', flt irl,\' 1 l!' o~ tV to.glt . ():T Chftr:l:e ~ rt'llBOIIUu0. 1e, on d anll.. f II r" .• 1I 11\11 0 11. lind kind of Lbole UOMlll 1'\ gUDr.\-\l e~u, 'll !SFJVE CENT STAMP ) 1..11 '; back t.o th e 6t '~' l.' . • llc w~ OU I' (l nl'lmg , o Ill' !l1]1\Slll Il C, 1(10w n. nlld 'o r t! l'cd ·h i:. ('~\C'J with IllS would. no JOllbt, lu~ to & CCOClUB1QU .• ~.-.!.... !--L,-____ H l ' ' lS OIl C t hlll Cl' , m J~ d ellI' , 11', (l Ui' p rill' ! H c wu ~ a s g<;> ou al> . a\I~\ h llml ~. 1\1 to whence lIod ho w they camo "nd ~.HE, 'OI'FI CE OF TH E A UTllT lln OF STA'r£,~ arl(l oxp'rcta t io\l is nn o tll H ,' l'el'li e<l l'[\ ~.geL Il e ~ ol' el' ~hl Il li ill hi:; 'Eernla, ' ig lJorc,' h '~ol,b 'u_ '[f \' prohahly luggesL new 1IIeori~. for tho y. C OI.U " DU S.O ,JU lie II, 1 8~tj, 5 his lI l'lU" ~St n ci g b hol'. ' Wh cn y ou l li.fc _ ,£yc l'.r 1)(Juy 1 ve u hi.In! A.t \ wns o ur o nly' littl( Oi l(' \ , . \ sol1l1ion or aeogrnphic.1 pro\)lems co'dDK.ALlm IN Il iii h"reby ce rlifi e d th otll,c 10rejCo ;n g h :,,-c liv ed i.n H ll rn e ns IOIl ~ as m y - j this ,h O." I,:-YCS t nhy h\1> luug h !nud e ' 11 i ~ wi th G ou./ Huid l u!!.kGh-d- Meted wi\b ~bti Arelio ~I\'. ~(k9. iUlltcl)~5 i ~ ~ curr: o~ C" I~ ), Il lilie ::)181\'(1)(' 111 uf CUll- s Lf, v o u WIll t · ( \tI , e to cxpc('t ::m,r- IIIIl ' It: 1lJ th c hou ~c, Illld ,0111' lj(':u'ts Ile!:! tunc . _ \ • • •• , , d'I'OI, ul 111111 ",ve llers IUBurnnce C OIII - thing' but i,'l rl ifr r ell t:c fro m lihe blll,-l lr ;ll)cd fo~' JUY to Ilclu' it. \V c l'Ili9.1l 1 --.-~P ' nu l~SS P l't ... ".£1 .1"0 Ie. < I I d " I . . , , B " OLlTBNA8S 1M u S N.. ,0 I eue.iI • -...:--7 au.oa: -, pnny III :> R rlf~ f(, ntlll 0 to 011 1I eu III Cll UtJ'11 'y 0 1 t h!' l Jnpn l . t:ltes.' II c \-e1' heal' thnt \' O I CC a g alll , - I1 ' \ -OI', BASE .ALL hi 1111 Am oWllln gnml',. b ' . I ,' I' t" t ill l'. I . I SGG , , . • A • One ' k el III . to llis Enghbru . !in. 8U hili I' '" .IUII\IIII your Main St. WIlyneaville. t I II, . ,It' ur t,le },Cltr . m . ll ut ' t ile ~ll. mH ()I th u; 6 n OJ'l nl - lI e H)1' lIt Ore, till We heal' Jt III 11 01l "1'1l. I I IS. d ' arge l\uUI d ItIon k W IlflC.8 lily jlBntl Ilnd Be.1 0 lciftlly_ t V- ' . , lIe is d end! lIe , is u c nu. :llIU Huse B l\ll becomes lo 'he American_ I CIIPI~" Il rt'." f IOvelllt! . , eep a y~UL· Rep.',ing of all k'illdd J'olle pron'ptl y l SEA1 ,] JA~. At]- d9tO~H[IASN't • ' I f:! m or c c:ls il,'- h11 s bed lIJ' Lh :1ll ill- I lil esscd Virg iu blls' him in bol' cal'\!. T he N . YOlk Tribune l'~mlltk8Ib"L' UO cUAt omerst'D ". Il,oo'v"olrluw(lo"r aold, l,g~llin: infirijl-cla88 8t},l e. II I ur u ",e. . I . ~ II I. I f H 1d r OJY h tI d ' cl ' d ' 1' " I Dt!W on08 ,or )0\ e y y. s , " ERlSCOPlOSI'ECl'A CLES! . ' ,·('s tr g atct.' e p ec Hl y W,.. C!I t IC S ~I~' . lit I\ ~ IIIl1,r cr~r Ives. , , 10 , _OiU: r" I·ellng an Pfl'JII Ice I nllVII \111 •• cbllrm thllt Imoolbs Rud .ofte na tho €;ertificute of Authority. CI' (, I'::I [l I'O IIl :l ,lrll lll hlc~t:\t lon (J f It/ e, I t! Il I·:tl· lt, ,0 lJl csl:IC;d JII u tli ~',ol owl!" n e n r look he lolV the S I~I' rhCe of rOllrh Illhaofbusine8S . ItillhoplrilAn excellent 88f ortme nt jll >t f(' cl'lvell, ('f ' , . I 3t . I 1 1867) :lnd a nuot otlt' l'td-t\l'g o r ow a l'd to t il' God ! , H Qlll: .It · t~ou IJle '0, rl SI.llllt llolag, . mlly rllg'Mrd both Cncket , ,uld 1::, P, I wuich tlll'D88verything led to all 8U " 8. . 1'111.'''8 fire 'tit" be.L \l ex.p'le on I Ie . t 0 • Jlnullry. . police • I tcfnl)o ! O"Ol'tflko him witll you I' BIISI! HRIIIIA oterI lIood things 101' bOyM, osop Isr & ' . one. Itl IL' L 11li< II, the m.~r1tf!t. Cull ~II' O fF l GE OF Til E AunlTlm O}. STATE, ' ~ \M r' SOllle~':v iUd )Ji l ts tbe q UeBtio u . \' ri()'e!tJlce! Let his ton,TItC w i ~h~r, pe rhflpe. or' w pU8 1\ "1\] IIIl lJ Ie Ilour you ~oUI °1 ~ 11l10.lit o. ' • II,O"tlus , , GOL~I IAl'la ' : llrlo'Uf(rfI ce n ...·af'llllm !' · • , I '" . · '1 f' d. 1 I'd 'b I . mt' rClfl 1.11 Wit b mo .. 0 10 poe ry .1. COL UhIUU" UHl~I'Jll 'IlC 18d6_ 'l lli lc fn ll' !/'!,' oos~ rv ctI l~1l 0ill~ C I' gCll - I 1LlndJ~! . IY C~ ll'O ~ l~\\':ly 111 1)100 L..~ Orl,\wooln ~ IOI . ~J'; Ult.tI OS~ wholll whi ch a'Yer "dornl it II milk e, men d , "rhe' 'TI" 4 ~ ' fJ mn 11 1 "hCl'O Il:l n o t hm g' Ike }Jllh- Ct . Ult! mO ,!"Sll. l(l JI.lot rutul)oll lS '~I'gelllYln~ llti tlgllt.ebUU~c c,l l lnro~lIr I like 'ou.II11dloYfl (0 deal with "You. WH "'R£IAi!' c.l H" ,.. vele ' . bllslmmce lie s p iri t t o h e found IlI'Ol1 glto ut tit hody ! Lp~ ~is ft c h d l'Ol) l,ie r e m r lll to CIIII$1l lind 1I/f~Qt, see 10 bOlh Ihe31! it "a"'I[11 you Ibo kiod words aDd gooll (~, ompa lly. "Ctlt~ nl Krl l u n l 11I1, 'ls tul e 11 I rl ' II l' ' r ' I' b ' . " L \l t l.· .1" b, '11 - B '8 II II .. 01 (;UUII Cp li " Ul. h.~ fi l.,d in :"i 9 utlice n' l e n l-(~h, nJl L , ll'Cllt 1 0 11 . 0 IhMS S rom IJ ~ on.~s: u lnl ~I6, I ~ " '; ,.11- g nmll'. II 8~p1'CI I\ Y 10 li se 1\. t e ofJit:et of those wiLb wholD YOIi tl,il:y d"'U_II ti lutellltl1\l 01 itB cO lldition, ft5 I P- d OJU1J)lOnt; . , ., fei!f:!ell ,nn d \lnnli.s01\-~·\1, H/ld g'1\ e a Wl mell_ns 10. lin olld whloh hns lteon .Rot!~ht Icume in conlrneL. IL baa beeo h~mor' qu ired · by . IlI(lllcl ,' 'ro. rll :! ul''e lrl 8uran ('e ' X OI' jlls t\r ' (, Ith e!', I ~ wonltl 'Sce m, o \'el' to e vc!' :I. t~n g fi l' !' fo r III VR lo, (ur )'(!tlf8 put ou Lhll ~J(le ' ollM ly Bllti lruly IBId by one IhftL 'he , I; OIll I' Ull ic8 not in corpo nll , d by thp. 'tII Ule llu l C';;s o ne C'\'o n !Jay f or It h a nd solll o- : , 'No s t!'t\ll ~~.l' i s aH <>:wed to j)!I$fI , "1M _AlI~II I IC1. As II ~elln8 of phY AICRl 1prefer'red mRking hi. yurly deAlinia Of 0 1,,", pustietl Aprtl 8 185 6,' Ull c.l " nl ~ II - Iy ,' ttd tl crl nnot uer_ .. . S Il;fUO I't;, s al fl thQ (lrag QOIl , illte rpo.i - cuillvallon. Bl\se BIIII18 one of Il,e mUI~ ' with Il olile mlll'chllnt who wO\lld oheat d ~d t!" " ~u"'f. 9, )M64, 0l' d I~C .6 <::1 •.''1'(: . Nny ; your loug ptu's e j ~ n ot !l1 - ' iII I-( h.i:s pc.r~<?n lll!tlv.ecll the ,Eu g lis h, commllndllbltl in vOgll6: AH a . ren~oclY i him 1\ IVt llo thRn WiLh llt rudll, rOl1gh and E~ ERY DESCRIPTION ~F r ('g "I " I" Ji'o) e ' g ll I t! 611rlln r.e u lll p lln' p~, way,_ YOlu' sh r t ou t t o ju . tl ec, C\' CII lDall !lnll tho d OOl'. " 111110. (or mHoy 9(tb" t!vllsllcertl.lng Irom ' l J ' I' \'t 0 e who wO\lld b.oneH I'~' dml Aprtl f1, J86fj: ~ lJd, Wm:lu::ns;> Sll d in Ho m i ' I' :\ill Mr. .' om cl'\'il\c, : l j ll t qll~lJ.. I irdJestonc pad ollly t o the imrOl'lIll\~soc ili t i on8 Lhe yotHII' ~~ H\1 1l lmr~ 11l~ III Hotl8lLy and bOllor t.; OIllPUIlY /t" ~ .I.~r",slt ehd tl!e ,und e rHIK1 ~ 'Tlwl'e ,~ns tbnt I'II" C o f t he ,YO lll W op el l hi s po ' /<of bo01r , Ul1rl lili ",,,,. a our ciLtIHI 1l1l0 l() "'"~ Mil lillbl., fo. lllia elllo~rmee"otl:blll Rod ehioin a q-ualitie~ KI. lt Bllll· lory eVlu e tt c e t til II 18 pU~g e8 8Pu . . . " . . I' f " l' 1. ' l" d rIb \ U' . D ul UII IIclu,,1 'Col' i1ul 1.1: ' ftt lelll Olle THm- bride who w as IlIl1r(] r ed La tI wllI ~c r " " c~' b~lIl OJ II! ? pUp Cl' l:Hg'II C' uy .tu e g" me mrrll& t IU III on .. ~ e llt? I H' e~ t it ill true, . but lhey ' niver look better .Ired a/JdjiJl.'/ litoluarrJ dollar,. , i"ve~ I Pd in t he P n1tlzzo l~fl-l'de ll o _ Uel' hu s- j dlld of p o h ce. , It ,WIlS U _ m UITl cu l elll8te~ of, tl,e OOUlmun,ly_ 1116 Uov, Lban ,.h8n they .re found io & 1 Be~ticg LA>DL,[S' A. MISSES' U" . fpq.uireo uy 81"d Melli ;. IIlld,. Whp reus, iJ:lll d utre l'c ~l 0.11 II n m e~ 8e rc w a l'~ -a d _ l' II J1l e ~lt:~ 1l~ld ndlDlt.tcd lurn to ult C. n.:, J:;Ycrhllrt. of ~ r o o.L;Jyn. , Ne w of genuine polilenosa and good breed. "I' .u.'~1 ( , uUtP UIlY /tU I!! fi led III . lills " lltr. ce u tuu" ", aI1 Ll P;.lIlC:\S Eu g ll sll, I L ellf'\' e ~olld R O[ IOl'b ld!,l ' uplllcc,;. Ji c ,lI' en t Yo.rk. In" 5tlrm On 00 I hy slclIl Jj;d~cl\- ! iD . . SPI&INO wrtll e ll 11l ~ lrlltn e nl u no " r 118 CL'r l'urnle - n nt! y e t. th ~ myste ry WJlS 11(' I'C I' 111 . I II the oute r r ,()j)lB, or l:l hQP, he 1100. which hit IRtdy d e1tv erf'rI. m~(le ;\ g _ _____ - - ~TWLES . se nl, si gllcu b ,· lite Pre,lIi dent ftnd :S pc re - c.:lCl\l'c d li P.' f Oll l1 tl SOlU\) ,e ig ut ':)1' t o u perso ll s ns - _p_cilll l~ to BusIl ~'dl as 1\ g .. me DANlE:L \VZDST&R AT BUNKER BIl.I......... t ur y I" e rc or~ n~tlhO"ZIH~ flny " ': Cllt o r ' AV, thot I'ltlnzzo Rn l~I l d ln mil 1' - ~(,1Il " 1 l'(l, OPI):\l'c lltly l'el lltjv I:i !lUU 'I~ltO' U tl1t: U1HII'1ll81\1 1l t!a , ~ u hl~ I ' 0 Vre ' . 11 u g ~nld u r 811111 (. o.'''pun¥ In tit,. l'illli e lu <lCI' ,~tH\ :t t ra g-ic Illi':ti l',' sa i(l th e f ri '11 01 :-; of Lbo .fluJI.iIYi ill a d a l'k l' lI ed vent lhll ill 'ft' I· linl-Z' ell '"ndur.'U oy ')Lh- The rollnlflhg aDee,doLe ~II good unoug , O.lf HAIID, ~c l.n u l'Vledgfe service III prcce ~8, lul.r a nd I'fl ld .hf'uded _.En Il'li!;1II II :IJI . ' mo re l't) ,) tI1 lIlT()utl , til t) budy (JJ' :\ y o ung e ~ gam~s . /\1111 I> 1l 6 . IJlIH,·o , ·rr . w hi ch I for " Sec ad reAdlllg. If any ODe hilt III br hulf U uld comp""y I CC Or< Ill" to " . , I ." I ' r ' ' I . b f AI A ' 18 I S- "'" 1C"I 'nc 011 Lh Q wbo le thnu-' I h" ilt! l Ul11 o ut UPOll a rln l'ro w j1:t let, g~ rv t.l il 10 Blt r a c l OUI' YOU"!! men " lI lO , Chll" CeJ lo meet Wit' Il e ort:: 1I'0 \.o'rlll S 0 f '" Id l e t u prt , : l v, • '" " , , I r b -' I I h Bllyon ""Ill do well 111 call and xNow, 1'HI,t F.F ORF., in I'"rsu"nce II I tlt e - A S UOU Cll ch\lugc ()' cXVl'es., iOIl . IlLt'CWI\ '~' I Lt _l\J'ltnOl't,cll cs, IIml ?c t p. " Cll~ ~ 1\11 r"p U ~f! •. " 11 ' tto ~ Ll JlJl Y 1 ~ I Wh ~ n DAniel WebBLer WAS deli1't'rillg bef.. re pllrCbalilllg'. n.ct8 ... lor!~lIi 'I, I, JAME_8 H , GOD~lAN, ~we)Jt 'o ",er lI iz; .ra~e, :md h e b ru k. ' oCt l:OUll d "'Ith . b g h.tou ~ :JII(U t s. 1 .lI(l ~' ~g IH \;m l~ or ex erci se lIod n m ll sD ~neol. : hi, lIlemorllhl~ "peeeh ilL Ihl! dedication , Audilorof Stille Illr OhIO. do hereby eer. t il t he UHust of lno'l B )u t \lce _ labil er :\ '~lI ckly . \ookt" g 1111411 , Wit h I Ill S OP II,IIOII hAS be\:11 p rl\et lc al ~ tnli or- \o[ BUllllar HIli MonumenL ~he ou).wA Street, opJ)Oshc the lIo;cl's li lv II,nl ."id Trav elers Ins urnllCII Com. • My ,Jo ve!' h e e:xal a ill1 c I, 'I fp f'l ey Cti r uu all d 8woll \!1l i'l-o m we p ing , ~ed by f \lve r ll l cl"rg)'tDiln of I,i lad -\ - prtluell forward to such I\n esteot t,~aL ,IIUIISC. pu II )' 01 I-I l1 rl1ord. Glinlt e Cf kilt, Is nUlhur- 11,'; if'l w o ro Oil t llc h l'ink uf 1\ di H- WI\ S Hit ting ou;~ low s tool, ill a t'1\\'- phill, ,.ho II\S\ yellf /or"' t! u lh c m~w\.1!8 I some ,,~te fIt,io\ing Imd lome beiDg Waynelvillp, Apri: 2,1'. izetltu Irn ll snclU,~ busln r,s8 01 Acc ,tle llt l!O I' C I'j' . ' thc r row el' <;,1' tho ro olO, ··his .eibo~'8 1n10 .. 'B~,e Ball ,?\ub for,Jlllf_P o ~t~ or l crualted. OftiCIlU etro •• in nin ~o 1pJ!1 lnnce lU'IH8 ::;ttl~e until tlie IltI'ty- , 1 1'1 1I1l rl'0 flW :l r t h en, IO V (l l'!w fl'~ I I'bti.Ug 0 11 Illfl kn ces , find, hI li! clllO hel\llhfullIDd mOfa\ rI!Cre!ltlon.ln II1I1LII - \ make tlte crowll (fin baclc They Ilr~t d .. y ul I ltlltlnry , 10, the y.. ur ') ne Ilruu- t o w' h l ~' heLI S~lIlt.!n-i11 " " '\Vhllt i "1'('11 hi s bands, smokiu<r dr cadl \-.- lton of lhll bUlldr~dM flf En;;lieh p6 r. Ort~ Iti ,,,L il oOlild DoL be dODI': Some ODe lfr. CO tiund ('i till Itulldr~d Dnu ~'XIY · e v ~ n . -' , . tI ·L. 1 ,.., , 1 k I ·' I' I . I . 'c . ,H .T. AT N BONY . ' :?... S l! I V' I " "VI I I I it '.l' , • " rJ h·· uw l uI' ) ay ,c'rollchod UpOIl, th e W 10 til Il ijQC I u l1 I~ II In Il ay'lI~ nco: · IlSkll U Mr WIlb8ter Lo. IDflke an appeal uunurn'rI" • pI I . , I L EA L,] II '.1111(,89 . ,e r<lu . ' UV I! • b' t'" 1_ 1" {' • ' I rib' 'II . '0/ ILotoDl'ai(lIc·.; ~u(/ e· herf Ultlo ~ ub sc ril.t (' d my 118111 0 u"J '''!lIHPJ ' . \\' 1'1\, I hell ,-- -" h :tL i( 110 h t.lJt.: :;. r ~ J tI'(' r ·;til C "" uCl , tn l~ t lllJOr () e~ III. t 10 r.Of1lll\OltS o . Illf. VI '.~ ~8: Co Ih e lD. The grell! orator CIlf1le for7-iu/" lho ~e81 01 my offi ce tl;' bo affi.~ r dt!l c d l'Y 1l11I )'d!')'!':! 1::1 .1 I Q{' ll, ('U !n 1 ti lt ,~.j ,,~ 1 1 "' l l li ')\'~ '. . ',I _ BII& Olle of~"e a l r o n!:: t'Alln ,!IlCClllent. wllrd. stretched (or\~ hi, hllnd, oDd ,.111 .,61 AL E "."11 R£1 'A,I" !llld year nbovc wrilt~ n, I S tU Ii C b :l llli '~ ' .} . .J '.1t1C1t ~lnll ll~ion o 3 P lllo~ "r. lltl fur, to lhe Jl"puillruy?f ou!' AI~ c r, cBn g ~,rye liaid. in deep fitcD'OJ'lRn tones, GenlJe: :JOt B,OAP~'·~~,. ~·,-,,~ . , . . J.I\S . H, GODl\IAN. \lw .rI'l IIC' r im pl ,,\,:!I,I ,'.' n rlrJ .'CI.! bIHItJ 1r ll 'WJ I1 V · l t lln.~v/)nlll,l' two of ofbAIII.,lltl\tll. 11 lin O'I-'"''!r . • p~ ''' o,en.l land back, '!Lollonll,bedoDel In , dri'llo;"IO Oll r nllli nb,u ",c. s of 11-1010,'. ' . Audilorof SIU IP. ',I II )t ll er .o ,\I i'b~ 'lt i oll IPld l\y lJl !J:I thy. Tb e IInu !lImo tlheo nly o.oe tbM l .. d l ~N ,C AO lUl!y.lJoliled, ·GenLlemen8Lsnd. back.' (1010 l\J~T"RL\LS , \\-" .rll Huutltjual'I I A r I (~. (ol/o"inll;; viI : J - W. In: \' , Aj!en l , \V "yn ep v i Ile_ • .1) 0 ~· O U u p in e 11!:l l (Ie) ,,! l,' "Il , n : Il '." 111 ',' " 'Jl 4'.V0 17 st.i~- rcd. TLte IlI :l.U t uok ()U~nlen"'lce. IIl1t ~IUI~8~. IIlH,, ~a ll \ ~ .• i~ htl ,,!LhoUI a cb .. oge 0 . vOIce: ~ .k""'". D",l!Ir~reo.~opi" iri~'n, J. W, A . GILLE::lPIE. A.~l. , Frunk li n. c re Ll t lJe pl' i li [;( ' !;' i t lli,~ 'I ()\,, ('I' t ' fisk' '1I 1i I'I! 'O trom Jus ~u o ll tll \ ruse rc- I.dlea hue hJlhe~to .bten ahllt auL I,.om '"lmpo~sllJll!,lfr. Web'ter.':npol8l~le, A'"er"' on nlld Foreig" 'il, e' and Len,l. J "Iy :-I, 186G, C> 3--lw I c!.1 !l tit i I'd . ~H 'c \'f ul ly, and repbed to Sllc lr 11110 5 - all Bthe pIBeflllllre~IIOCClde\.nl, to ~ uchh o l\lII eR '1 mpoIslble Y' rep~flI9~, ~r. \~ e b 8ter: ' ''PCI , O m """ !;" .I ua ry , ~t·_ - - - -___:LLi 'tC'H ttl TII.\' 1'1"'llIi:l es lJe fol' " ti')lI H u his visitor tho ught lit to put tie _liS., ," ,.,,( • rrc.~,: aur. ros t lIe 'int ro'Hib' ~ ? ,Noth.'1l!! IW IIUPOU' b.le Qn 1!I1f'~'e Vk," Ute, Warl ~Jtl' t+ Ili", \1 '-O ll Jo.lIg h Ill. m y " on cl ll"iIJ I1 ,' said hu to hll ll, g rl\llficallull o~ ~UI~e8~\ n6 mAn ly. e~" · BUllk" Ht/I! And tl~e "fl8L c.rowd away"'I" \~ 1I111. e ,' ·" ... .. II~ r,."'1~"i~"~ "~»)t., ~(l 3"r. l. ',)f tile Ilnl U' - I I .~'L' -I'. l, u l.u " I-O ll .,f' ly n ettled Tl, c cli il(l,'S" 'nn,me, h c f!oid, W:I " tesls fot flIJPtJ!lolly. III ellllmge, IICI!VllY' l eti HnJl'olled baok. llil.e a ml~bty WM' cJ 1'0 0' 1''' 101 I'lIotu" r"ph,e 1" ' 14H) '-J--' ., I t b , 1 I!: " Q( roodl. t. • . ~ It the .n- 'l1l'nll · Ilc,.rednli ty, Look Stl.'fll l~OH- -tcfunioQ _th!')' nscd_ t.l' go~J lemper Ilnu JU ( g mt ". y t 'Il 0 " vf LLI! ocea~. I!!I"....~ Vi." .. 0\1 GI.... . ' W,,1 Y _V E S V 1 L L E, 0 III 0: Il~ th e lletuil s ;_ ~1I:')' a re rtimo!lt id e n - Cril l hun He wlu:l'tJi('Ii' o nl . ' chll (l,. c !IJlrllcter or th .. 'l.lrrll ulld I IlK~ 101111 a&~o ' l _ ______ Arllpletl for e,I"'tr 1.110 ,.Kle L'UI(ern or Ih e t' cal III t," r h C' liI!' t he "i cti11l is nur1 wo ul rl hilt" Deon clc ~cll y en rs 01 CI"IIt.lne or " ' .1 of till! .po rl. mO'" 1,11 \V I hi k -L " O.. r alll ln," u" wdl 1J0 .. nt to TEfl . IS, CASJl LN ADVA NCI, . If \ 1' (I tf) th o- 11" \l.t . I'll eac ll (-[lsc nrrc il; t h e cours'e of n fc:w m o rc dll\' f! . d ul ;' 6 III. In BII911 BtllI. however. we ., e\.s IIOU d mrill .• t '&1 (lY ,ncl ple to ·ex · 1d~1f' o ... r.rllil~t of • • Ut~'l/ ' ' '. --'-'.' l'o 1l 1J) 8 . I ' ' ''''' • . • \ • . , LI " f l ' I tf'lIu t Ie ISO 0 run\( ~ ' Ip (0 el' I' r';0laflrnpblc ....... uu... ' fhl' w Ulllul ' is nl\'l1 u s t Impel' p ti Lly 11 e \\'IUI. n parbclIlarly gooa b uy, and tJ~v~ ut:;t>pllon III IOlr , IIvor _" ,1(1 1 h d -a .bllf e Mr.ithf- ,, '. b' '. ' .:. J' m a n IV. "'.'",b, Ilire "''' Il 1t,,!;,,1 ,hun an)' oth~ ' _.~.uo c0.r~ oll e yea~, .~ ~, ~~. 1 . U' 'I'h e r e it! no ~l l'us io u. of bloot! , ItS dove!' RII he wn g<lod. H e WOR, u they Will not. Wt! hopl>. be 810w In til ' " ? I . e g d ~ U)I "aul~e . II,DU .huUI ~oo \' ~ri6Iie. Irom bO ce ll" 10 ,,0 . Ive copies one ~.4!.r, • . a. . IlIU, b h~l" ill ('utnlJl itteu _ nn d . " ~ f:lv o ri l ' with -the l'lld l'c Lorenzo, t rw king Ild'MU lltg" ~f. TI,t! 311M' BAil olub' Ml\llIt.JlInI i<'~ or,,~ ~, \\'.10 m"rllr~6~s. .&' Our AL~IJM - It" . .. ll, e r .. "ut.I' ~II , 01 Ten copieR ooe ye~r, Ib.OO', 11 0 ~o f dlc II :HIs in I'e mnill .. I' d famO llS Loren zo ui' wh o m th of Il ti~ cilY i~ compoN!'cf of the belH chlBI ~flep .1 n\.nest ,1D ~oel~ " . ,whost, mInd ,HI U~·io.r in do;abil il~ D!,d ,bco.ut! (0 any l;-o'n·-Co#.~e Co~ee, t~a~, ~y hcnll UpOIl it. that t h ese {I,I'P ig llore uad. dOl1htles!I hounl. Tld~ of olll" cjltltln~, and ,,:b~ ft lh~y g,e~_ th . lD,tellllll~~l. wl~ho,.. t. opprng to a8cerlalO ....~p"oi' of 01,111"...... .ul ., III s n r'l _ nccid cntal C'..oi'tlcld n ces !' l:'a c1r e LOI'OIl74> hnd t llken nil s p eci!!1 in 8Li~ulion c lt:Ii!'Y ",OIng . we f1l y expect • let ler ~e"WI!lg. & bamwe~?r dra" , a "ea, Ae...... .,re., ere. Donlh-lioll Cuff...·• R y Coffi p. prlllle Rio ~ ot p tl ~ ~(l11 1' )o l'doll ' ll uJ I a ntlc . <aft' . tio ll (or th littl ~ ·tefauiuo. tln d th tHadie. out lrI..full for ce as II pectlliors ibrud .. 'll.,(>~e 18 nOLltIDg ~o dl,Laot rr .01 ~~~.~~~~~:~.r.~~~·tI~,ludintr~p!!~uc~ C()t;,ell~~XI of JI:~u~" ("p:~~~r!~bY 'I bCI~ \ \I' olow ball " cen sJnd1b g had wins. (,propar '(1 tho boy t'o l' l is to tlle cllpi tAl sporl . -IJayion Jo_urn~l 11~I.l\IIoturlll clilime ."R lhtl ,reluclant r.oog~'.Ih. rnp t c"l: hr.telj J~"!;9 .. I"g ' t PA,"l- , ~nn W 101 . '1 \,.t.l ' I of til' t. O(llnmuniob._ And he took i t ' - - --_. . • nltloo~ Ibe bllokwflrd I.YQlpa~~1,,~e fote~1'IU". etc. "ta.tot;"" """~ Oil ~~cll lll .All !lJay Marry Uapplly, · . ~y fl. '{ nd~:'.' n ,t 10 . I~r le r 9( uk-' 01 1 ,. 'cst;crd mOl1lioO'-':'took it ,t1t 0:7 Dr,. M,ult ,u~\'t1 lO 811Y L111~t , rOIl81 ed ~!DI~OI ,the ch~ked oOIl,'~n&"OD, tfle, de Irr.,p ell' t1f ',: /. lIh . , g~o , b~8~IY;An'I ' b, t.ll . IOOmt'\?tllllJltI ~a _k.1 t~1 Sl ~ • t beJfiUl'Q;AGTllG u "'n t ' hand bed , ereoil), olmmd , odld walerbll\lll, be,"atrqg.omph~na.,,,bloQ Jhe wIIIt~~.~:~'~f:;~o'~,,,,: ,,,.~ " I Ih~ OJ' .. t o br~, 'ti ll u!- KalnHllJv ("I. I' .; " bn ~VlJ . ~'~ \l 11\\ .. 'l'~ ei() I~~ of )[on .. i~~ndl'e (li llfOJ~t ito It ~, ~ alld ~D IIImikble and PI"(Jt t'y wiCIl, w.ould off arll ailllo maniC .t to 4lau a II~ltt I • F' :~"lt'; ~ ;;~~ljlt: :~htY p~~R~:recl~~o,~ i{I'jJ'i~ to ~ nn' me,Wh}l il , a r ¥.n ~ .-,..'t~~ tl l o!l<>',;) eel'OmOn,"I"'t1here 'W'~re s~ •• Ioe aman lIuitllll wCllol1byabtl-wiil",lower dow'li; . lIud quality of our good. can - th lS mU l'd e r :l ,~ • '1\ C mIll .1 . 1/ , ' ,


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A . .JON ITS, lVI. D.,


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trial G-. Sell_If ( 1 ,1M • rder of WilHam V. -.... t "lnLO II. _ ~~~~~~~~~~::::== The rly ad\"eut. or tI10 b ent cu ca••1 a' W Ht .. rlofll, ew ., FOI",'I ~ ... _. ---..... . . . . . . . . s. D........ ~. tern) hall bad the efti.cct of alm06Lde- day, the mo.,o\il.WU. t.r. b... eOiluDued 10 Mr. of - -1'1 ti of cOlltl 4~D a""liealioD of the d.f.oda.', ...,,~••• ;.... -----,~ poputldhl " the fUbJllonau por OD ted pr'plr.~ory to .. tlgblDlI rr b oce o( a marlill ~ if:,. V~- ~fb .,J~~..,....! onr cil\'. Tho 'Y:llcl'iog-pl:l as have w• • lI rl"n!ri aD joal.~tdow'lbrougb O~t:::~~'&tr':.ed:r~: Ilill io jail. ~pID."" .,-£Y J8, J~ t th ll ' b' o m filled IJv Ctl",i.' f pI N I SUI' lbe b.~Yy !lmbe~1I of.tll. ,ca)!:0bd Ih:, "'..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'~I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~! . ~b j. t b ' out 'wllb hihLnlllg Jake rap"'r y I • , C ' CI' lon g 1,ofol'0 t e .Ime s . ruabing correol, p"uinl: uuel 'be .a· F ......", ~ v.n-...._t. common COilS 'n fOl" t h lo"tUol1nI\U- n I bRok through . a ,"uollel bout ooe () Bo 'r()~, J ,Y 5, ' 1 66. S Il tation of t he scu Oll, whieh W:lS to handfed fe~t long, aod Illen ""''' ~\1 •


~ alone contributed el000 each.



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acltlts~ltR i









bu\uI\ recel,ed, prolific ill RUll.ibe nOll the t of m:.t h. bRo;: 'VCl'IIal'ies. he car' Iy .dO'~.S :m Itct •• ;.. DliE AX1H, ' upeclio~ 10 .ee his Hrele.1 b ,cru,bed' trom New~Yorkl wuieh 8!l~ con i(1el's ro e\'ltonollS, bcLI~PIWJ ~..a-.. and ftolung down lewatd L Hudson, foro it is clU'oniclcd upon ber (·al en· -- • , when be •• ddenly .merged d crllwl· dar of bolidJ1Y ,1111 I lllt Y.uuke 'dom ONl,T A WOlL-\~'S HI .•u d ,. ;By Ado. ed up .Ihe "'all uoliu~~. i n 88kt~ , AlID I cmoraflon Indc d lure. N w-YOl'k: :Y. Doollldy, ",'Ila~ be lhou,11t while co.m t.broug I . .. ~ j 9 lUB m l~S COIllm • . • •' 488 I.lroom e -St reet. tbe .laonel, be replilld Iii., 'lhou~bt ~ 1:!l \l ~ \i) \} so fll.flt do t hey cro~\'d upon II 1 , th,lt Tllis .is one of the mostfllscinllting be wOllld be io Ibe tif.r iD Ia\ a mlo- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f) b forc she be. f:mly got through " h \" l'encl in nil} ute.' . with tbe ce lebJ,'l\tion of one, anot ncr works ()f fi ction" 0 n e . • •• • UUlt juet received a new Iud "ell·eelect. . ,1 ] ' b r h • oy a day. 'I'he characters Ilre deltn. .UDder dalt of Olh,. 0, Tt:XII, · I'd atock of PLAIN A·NJj 'P~OY rush 1Il IlIlu C nuna n II 111'0 0 ('1 • • • d . G G rt.. . ' . ' cnted wit h m nrked dl stmotness Wl JUDO 18, 10~p6ctor co. re ry tepo . . p:\tnotl m nt~c1 .g uupowdc1. ~hpy [lower nnd the devotion even unto ib,t. owiog to Ih. h~lfl r I 0(' Api'll , keep up B p I·fi ct st()el.J1t>-cbll. e h'om 1' f V 'M'I I d th bcauti- aod May .pd iouodalioo of Uom IIIOdl • I'" • the st 9f J:lUuary to t lle Slfst of (~eat 1 O. U\UD.. . 1 S an , . ~ .. ded.cLioo o( II' ltial' 20 u ceol ?' POTS, Decembet, bardly topp\n g to tl\ke tul b(\l'ou~e. rCJDlIlds 000 of . adatne ~h•••lima'td yil1111 ohol , Bu~ III SKILLITS, 1() ') cchoes til "'\IUS 'd o Stn.el'~ 'COl·tnne' Dud Cll~\"lotte Ibe ,w.'Lena- ti0'\\o" 01 \h. 'e, where GRIDDLES PLAtN -AND FARCY RETAIL DEALERS IN , ~LDd. ,, <c:. u< , d J 1 " Bront' 'J une EY1'e;' alb illtlle ber· \htl grazing inter,.,. b"•• th. OVAL CAST lRON l)f , 'Lcnng~on ~ow e 08e y UP OII . , • bestowcd 11 on an p"lt eight year. (rom dro I Ihe allick , . the Cl\IlDOn-l'8ur at' Dllnker Hill, OIDO II love '\\IIS F fi. 1 • t ' will b., m.Leril\lI~ Improy " '!' bh(lro BOILERS, DRY GOODS which ; 'jn it tU I'U, a nd it l'eVe('oe- unworthy obj ct. rom 1'8 ~ U~, crop ia liarge anil nearly r , lied, and TEA-KETTLES ' rntiotls far in to the 'deafin iug th"I\- Wlclle pagcs fUllten tiJ e nt.tentlO11 ,o f ;0 prime order. The .wb & crope it of ftll Rlzes, QUEENSW ARE, t he render, and tho girted au tho rcss barnated, Aod iaauundRllt lid Hie bell ENAMEL KETTLES. der o'r "lndepclld I~ee Da , Wp'e n , nil IIOB )l'oduccd one of thc h<'st ,novels quality. 'fhere ill .,Dough Q hnnd to .. sso rt ed B"iZl!8. ot \ho h"H\ quality, HARDWARE" ~ . New Englaod !'II11lPfj mond ql~ Cl.'Il I . Tb I II h h s fnd 'be enlire' pl'pull\LioQ !oYllnr8, SHOVELS. ,'l'ONG~, To whIch he Invite. lr.. .'\In loll (Ilia cUe' of Ll borty 1l11d join8 in tile grand of the sCnson. . e p~, J • l' P. , '• t nUlDerOUil cualom.ra lIu_cllba peop\t ' , '. isi/ucd th~ work 1U u·able stylc, AA- The Portland prlll'IlYR Ih"t. SAD IRONS. , /:ener.II,. . ext>1os.t on.. , . ' . , ~ . . IRON SPOO~S " nnd it is hlWlIlg (\ WIde s:lle. 1111 'he informRlioo ~L n gather It r +', ' · Thls "lust greaL~ t- nffilC\tloJi 11" . -. - ., i, .ali,Sed lhal, notwitbl Qdiog Ibe TEA &- TABLE do. llave jll t P:J \I cd ttll'OL"igh in a. credirt- 'rOil GOLD Hmo!" . By 'M;rs . .Ann S. beaty drainl Ihnl w,ill be lIade IIpon ~1Il able mann r, BJld Itl"e o.ll'cn(\y be~ill Stepboqs. . I hl lndcII,)Wu.. T. B. variou. illsanoce officu, th, 10"" MEAL SIEVES, Ding to l' cnpel':ltc for its s ucccssor Peterl!QJl &? Bl'Othel's, ' . '!till be prolllJllly pa'~, \ h, petlt",,1 'l'RAPS. h • •~ t h'. · 1, Tb . Ill' 'l1lie productions of ·Mi"B. Stephens Ihe exceplion of the port d .Mlltual, • CHIlDREN'S KNIVES ~u,~...,ver a. may ue. e l1 S [~ .', • . ' wbioh office ilia ' be obli Co compro· ,.AND FORKS. " BOUI'C S or amusement wel'e mwufi-, are Cb~lll()~C Ized by pmlty of .~~~l()~ wiLh the polic,' bolder.~ 11>011& one · , WASHB9WLS, 1\.1" ~ 1" EXAMINE. GO()D~ AN~ " BlQ~ 1'.1 I:!JI ~. ( \ l ' ," ~ A ·ceDtly provJded by; QI1.r Cily FDoi4ers, well-conoolve~, plots, and l:g, balf lbe alDouot o( proper'~ deltroyed" C"llinder. Plain 'a"d Japa,mtd Lan. .u~ the fc~tivitiel3 of the day wel'e intOl' t, a.nd J>lIls lnt.or e~()rt 0 61' tbe ••'m. plter ••y., i. if~ur,d. No t ,' fi I ..J', oradl' and '. "I' t" h 1tt LEAVE YOU R OkDERt . .•• '"0I b.. g«>!a ' I , .,~ t 'I ".nl, or coo lIM, tl k none 0 f h er best 'qunlttiea",. eIIJma po\·ticipate(l in b3' an ,eager nnd at>- pen 1nc'o ....-r eo mi' . 1 d '1" 'u lord '. precititi'Vc 'mUltill1de;' j o.ur f nirnl It is sufficient to ' ntlnonnee n. , ne,!, Iion~ 01 doll.r., wb,de lD".~ hold 'hit ar 0' I a 0, G .: • ,o( out Custom~r8 8ll~ aDel r will '11 ' , 't' " 11 b " • b'ook 'by this J.: 01"lulnr ' Il\lthor~ss' to il "'11\ amOUIII to all ,oa.. a"OTlmt1It ~f COUIS liS wer() ou 1D 0 It gorgeous· . " .. 1, " ..... • ,





The above 519rt for sale by

ST 0 V E S


ALLEN & RANDALL, 11 A'fIISVIl'ItI, '0 .,




uBSSlmere&, '


Ever tft'ered in Wan.,

Our Spring Stock ~, now

"0 0


nljs'~ 01


<;010"8~lld i\l~ocoU:Ce, 'enBl1l1~fit nn

eager. nnd

welcom~ 1·.e-

~' Tu'S Cjn~fo~ali Oommwrial III






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bOlh ID

Stock 01

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. the Best Quauty I




II &lOnl bill




tbl '


CA S"S'!l\iE RE BESr .' .. 'WORKMEN



'For lIen and BOJs',Wear.

= M' 0 N ARC H





I n.C



Friends to the Styles and Price~ ! l

1'1 ·W a• B,

~h6 ·old vctcl'ans 0.11 tbe CO[ll- eu!)t!on from bel' ltIanjfolc1 ndmll'ers. atAI.a that it is p'~ob"blu' 'lhll IUI ' I& . mall, brn.vely doing du ty behind fOl''Th.e Gold Dl',lok' will be found es- p!1D~ioo bl i<\ge at lhllt Ice will be of the heat material Dod ely Ie, or mldal:>le lh l'cucbh!cnts of 'do l,gbilUt~ pecially ndnpt d to the hentecl seft-' op~ne~, for foot pISl80g.r. AL, ~a.t b.e.;, I,. 1 ' , ' 1'.1 IJ·· son when 'heavy' liter:lt\l t;C i~ illd ~- forelhec~ol w~Rth.roftbe. omlogwlD.· , OUR ()WN MANUFACTURE. all\4 pen~ulIP' ~a{ e soc ce, ~u I:I~, ~,r '. ' .' • (" , ler .h,,11 have closed in, ao,c1 that by Ille · upon tho pqukc1< of 'tAcir wUllng vic- gQ.tlblc. ~2 11l c1~lh , e1,"50 ,!n pa- fil'st 1)( Janual'Y :111%'; til, lffldgl wjll ~ We.llave • varlely of tlms. AIl9:1yloug-jllv'cl1"He YRllkeo- pc~. Se.)lt POS~)y pu?h hol'~. oo~'pleled i.n :all d~l ~.ill, fl!~~P' Lbose ,o{ ~ dom We l'O in n. complete s Hlle of c1'.' ill oro,IIQn. H 18 1I11~~n\ood Lh,,~ ,ft IQ ~ . • . ' . .;. . ' • . TUB GALAK,Y.-WO cnn sa ~ y re- IItreet raIlroad, ah. c(,mp~y or !\fhlch Iloo ,~1 V~S<i()DIge ~vit~ Cl,I~Ou.C).;S. !l~cl b,~by cOlDmeud tllis 8omi-monthJy In:l '2'n- 1\ .. alr'lIdy ben ch.arl rlil ,viII be laid ;-.. ~I ~ C~DJ).o~S;, while' the~r 1)t1(rl~( 1(\ SlI ' S zi,qo p.s OTIe oftue fll·,:tt.. (}J:\,~ S, worthy "erol' llii,s .br~dge .,,011 r ri A.lopg lh~ ;; '. ; " " t~\U1a:lt, wero lICI'f~ct fo~ntnlDs of iil'c,wprks. otl'n ]1})eI'1I1 '/lUPI}Ol't. $5 .a. yepI'. W. ~t~.etl~r Clnel ll.n "',. !lou d~\'lUgt~.o §o ~ ~ , ', · ~lle al'te.-noon WIIS to bave been· P 01 ' IJ ....T y " \ k . ' ' II~ 10 mR'ke a I l' iP !lCr.oss . I:OQl FOllrtb 'd ' ,/ . J.... • lUro, ...,ew. Ot , 't L ' d' ffi I til I ,t l.;' ' ~~OL ~I\ balloon ' ascc5Dsion "by , 8 ree D C» mo ~e , I CI,I ~ , , ODe 0 U J ,!;:: ,GIl f .1 ' , ".; h,' 'I , '\ i .. ".-: ' -Wes\ ErHl. · . ,,-;., " 'of, ., ~ .1111' "'\'f'~1l. 0,o A ~ ; IJ.'HE Nomillatf\lg.' Election wi\\ . I ' ~ , '" g •


.And we mv tee .. ention


& '


CALL ~J ;;G~~!. '


',,' .~ BEDI1CED JiA'TE8. , 1



-r:-' .•\ :-= ~tI'Tn":~~'-hrT-....!--II! !~' LA DIES' = Tn endless Varietyf and at.

, bftt 110 1Iill:l. t<:.ct beiug::", ' . (\ . ~Ite ~" <>"JTloo1o.. -r.6!.x"titn"a., I $n, _J '%"lt .~":n -.g~-;. " "-.rtner!lpn ~ II he npAAllltM ,hille, 1t when tho ~otel's of this towllsWp'wil1 pl l\~e (t ~pee\ ! ~tnn,~ .l.UJ't:l!&,.oidl.~ o~ , ~ , wos tliUls:-Ht 1}(\st to llCrel' t1tis fcatul'o bave an Ol)'~(>l't\llli ty of s!I"ing w~o '{rue dd\\y .an, ,whe~ 'Q'tICL.!!8~':t W~~~ AP4,

PARLOR COOKS ,.,'1.,~ , , ''(1 ' . .;' . •' ", 1 , . .J '.. • OIiD a&~ 'n'I ~""o ,DegtO.,a '!" m ••,,,, l ID . • . ' grea.t, reduction rill prices. , , . Of..,!', Bio !t Dl0P.~tlou H pCPOv. shtl11 1101(1 tho officer; (lul!\o<Y. the nexb 'lind IJamea )a.jchel"lor, ate!,\tng tlre :~ . But (,> (l '1l~~'C:lS,J1Qt,b~lllg c~l:lt<m,~d ttl~.m.s i foc the volc~ 0.£ 'fp. p ~~'I bnok or ballC". ;1-0" • lw 'Parlor ~tove~ 1 , ~it1\ , kc tiing h is i!;oY.~ l·eign Itn,d el' dnfo,.'.nill0 ,,"\lo 'slla11 ,b61d .thcni. . ,*I~lllg mo~tt'llOd .. r~m,"lOry Dol•• 10 . "The parlor 1110\,1111 are"of dlft'ercot klndll 4 I: · l..' j' . 1 ,,,_ '" I .~. , .' ,' . lh l(IIount of abo III '775. Jllme, 81\b ~ c ~o , III "'~ tO !,cl:lomo D\OO(} " Tuere Me Do numQ r or c.'1nd ldutes 'I."" I \ b . , . d ' \ Ii d " 1 and ' lor either Coal or Wond.' 'l'bc' above , lC!lacil" t ',·to.... tl·o ' nrt' ing will 'h ' . " . " miLt Ie elng In casto yp as e ItUI ,' alock haa been pl\rchlecd aL the ',~ 'I . " . c. for, CUC)l vo:~nll \::y "hno""J11 OCct~l· ,.~d t'y 10 the chll1'4e of c!>oc~aIi6g .t118 ·alo' ,I •• confhled ,~er:l~l~a~ <l ~o~nr~ ~'ld ,C81- llI5l\ima~ler of C0!1l'il C. ,t~oae'Wll oun. It,D g~odl;ft~d ,WII .~nteoctd.'? Ihr?c rtt ,' ~w,rm , ~1 CAElB! m{Afl~t i~ rie~ ller} olUy bl glilleti~ . g~ll~ef,1I1y . noo'U hell' namc. ~.u. 'tlH.lse colllmns ,eare impmoome~lln Iblpep.lleoh'~y, , , • .. 6;,cr tbc b ,~("S () tJ 'n c:: 1.g hl d.·nil,l- IU'~ Hie ,Ucs t' m~Dt~ ano. (lcs~J:"i.og of \Vlr~ ~.ilellio ma~e It,i,8appell~.oce and and will be ' .old .t telllonable p'rolh 011 &, f'ltllde tur 'up 'll,t OJl'" va t (lOIJ).Il·n~., \. . ' ill . t. I'· , tb. b~ll",a' l for£!!~14Id. · '. the lOme tern"s. ' ~. iJlltt(:e 01<1 f~llow w.~~" evidc\ltl);'~Ot ,¥ue 0,. ces. " ~~ ,.r ." ' ~ ;:':'~:-(=-h 0' hi ' I ' ~, ':' ,St,. Wal"ft~sVii t ', ac~llll ~omcd to buft<lJing a,{ llclionle ,.~ --- ~n'r\ ;' "IlPL)lc~, ql11te' plenti; " ~ 1,lIe p're~, o.1.ort em 0 IIi I c' J tI(o J• of ~ '" 6II;%F " &e~III .wi'h{acCbQnlil o(,the lo.. el of .beep. "J \.. ·Wor,,,; I 'f. , <ra'6ric~, for' iii. one of' bis amo:rous .rul: b'4tlll.ot of vet'y good' quality i by thl atotm lind esLimatee ortbe I:gre.. ' Ou; ,, , , AW Where may ~. 'ulind I I£~od :.tock or .D,lootlsJ'1\ ho ,gl1~lq ' 1!~, einb:t:u~~ R, n~ t~e prj~.~s 1.~~,r~m.a~~~ly'~jbera1 Jal. lOll ~r~ beiog ';'~de • . ~~b., .r0llow. lIoch •• ltoo~n,,' I!nd (]O~ mOl·eul·(lent, ~a.u l.h~ l'e;>t, 8114- ~o~ ,e~rl~\trUlt. ~~o e. flU'lDel'~ bav! I~. figilre~ are oot, .jj'~p~",a, 10 b. ' ~Q" dU(1!orR, dqne.l)n ~borl DOlie" end In t'-It de..l" collapsed and burst lllto 'll - 109 npp es sbould brl.ufY them to ,!r.ll·c.llrale, bllt .thlly' 8.1" . 10lnethlnQ( bel~ II) It• .lIt reduced prle .. Irom II'~ I 1 " " t .l • ' ;T'" ' :..: ~ ' . • ,' ' all',,! de . . ,j , ' h' a co ,r!cLah.o~In~ , of tb.nll!Dbe ~ot year. Come on Wilh ypu,1 ~ork. w. me 008 p~~CCII, ~l\llin$ ~~.. 1~1IOu8Jy W\Y,Jl, as flwt of JUn B IS nmuc ,h.ep lou In th"i\"8ral~014t'l118l0amec1; ere rl!ady \0 Wlit 110 ,Oil, ,ltb. Btock J)RUU~. ~ t~ej g-,£ ~~n~ ~'I~,he.~r~~t;ls. or"h,~,,:- dc~an(t " . , I, ' . • ,; Lorain, ,15.0~', t~ ~O.OOO;, ~e,a~ia 8,. !,~U~nd plenty. "" ' ~c,Jve1"I~'1Y [13 pot tQ be toded, ,!O ~c lIDS'" .A cqmpnny 0'( g~ntlctq.en be- 000 to IO,O~O, A,ahJllbuIA, t,~. L"k~, Come one, COM!! Ill. Il).Jld ll\~ly_ent . fol· lis .Gcn Gnlot 1 ".' •• , ' .' tneNiltbouaand: TII.cara."• . 2oc..O. ·Andl(lveua .. nll; • '.' .' i ' • " . ' iDg :(U"lItislled ,'WIth the extortloDote HUrOD. ' 12,000;' Aebl"od; IO.ooQ. ' 'Examine for ,,ouraelyel: ' LEAD, ".' ... ' .! ,' Don't len. ollr war.. to l who .lor~lly. b?,le hIm, nlOt'\; ou 11111 price of JlODl'.~ nro'Making al'rangeroti"lIC)Xcut8!On~ at t 7 0 cloek iu ' the m en~ fo bring tifclw londs ()r floul" .-We lear", 'hat .. little' b07 .boul ' Gel dual, on thlt ,Ih.elnl. · . ." ". " " ~ , ', • ' I ' ( , , Ii : , '- , Keep our atock, l'I!!lfl!1il , t eve~~g: l1Cl'C:, lIud thcl'oQY anve froiD ,8],50 to I ".Y'eO Y,ta • 0 a~e, t. e 'PO' of; J. ' }J[., J.eL III our time be Inlprovlnlf, !.Thc dlsplaiY of .4hewol:ks would, 25 per <;;wt. Alll'igbt· go ahend. TrllDtlle, "'AI dr0l' •• d 10 Ih~ er..~ ne",r " fhall.ard \imea and 'hpa" t,lea have •been very orn.n-d hnd it 1l0t ' , t • ",. , . bil ralher~• •bolu~e on We(fn.~t1Ry, wtielk 118Y not lie .blll 10 IMt Oil. '" ; li , t:> , • • h' , , ,.,1 . ..1 ' d" 1 lilt, · ,bOUL ODe mile eaet or LellaooD. ' -Our prices Ir e in low ' ,..eell 'Jor B ea~y of l'filll, wlll~ . __ ... I!,e gnf:"en". 1\1'1;\ OJ~lg sp en- By'the lime a..l.cance rrac~~d th,e .c.r~ek .\i ellewh .. ,e you go~' , , pl'CV )ltcd LliOlr , LeUlg produced III dlCUy; everytfuug ~s gro'wmg, MId Ihe boily b.d"lle,en under \val~r som,e Ol\01l 'meehrinlc8 you wan" , the mng u.illc~llt murt\lcl' cpulcmpl:l- 'Pj'omi illg a bountiful supply of fifteco Jt I"eniy minule.; nd Ilf" "II' TIl mend your ol~ bilile" Inti ;olpe; ' +m'l b hI ' • t ' 'I'll ·t 'b , ' .. ' 't' r ')'d Alid I'dlen you have g'fenbaull · ~ .Y t",oso tilTing. tbem 1» cbul·ge. ' ruck '~ . illS may 1 ~'Yer e: ' ~X.IO,O, .~./JC'" II ,' " , ' DOll'l g., IW". bitt ,I,e u•• lI~ipe. .' OIL'S' .\ " . ~au,v ,qn iJJilPI\Omp~11 Jove·scelle Oll , ... • , _ W tI "I d lb t "1 1 ' . ._ . ' , , t ,1 1 , .. II . ' H Ii C l'6 0 fI _ e uo era an e I 00. 10 . , " ' . . , ~ ( ! " , tIJe Common was uiso thulj ,b ,l'Olin-Itt 4RVBIT ND TOil KO . - ur IIr. d ' f Lb 'Oi . 'r d Z ' ,[ '1 11 Emerson's Little ft1aut , ". : . V ' , . t:R""'ISHES , " '" mell. wlto bue IIOY wbeat 10,col,lla,,& e.rIO , e 0?1D0."1 a~ aneeYI.e , \I' .,' , . i ,~.1."II , ,to tW- :t/,.II'llpt telllllQlltlOll, und Jong- blleo engagf!d wilbio tb. pa'l Iwo rallroaU IIre 'agalO dlICUIIIIIg Lh~ 'eau · eontemplatcd leie,a·tl'te8'ovel·,iocslll'ld in ' gatherlill . • p Ih. ~oanered bit.ily ~I txtllo~i~~ 'b~i~ . track fr~JD '. ' ", " Pic'~ ~d, Wmdo,,:alw' y.wl"s e.b one 1'dshional)l& snloon frAgmeDt. of ;'t.a~ would ~a,e been. ~~l\l plAce 10 9anClnilatt tIIG GI.nd~le. W,e h~ge a supply o~ lh ••II 'Ulerol ~rLl. .. " , I ~ 1fere ~el ctnn 1y o,bolldoned for a 'hal (0, ,h,e W1Dt6i "ill in", . , .pleodid ~ bev, ar~, pruan~ed tl~,~ !\lbscr!p,'" cle~. wInch no huul\ekeepe, who knowa ',' L-.mpsJ L$nJ.erntll~ '. t • '. - . ' " c'o. lleftdl 'bner wer~ , illY' er. IIOf ~~n' III ~~Id 0 tlie Dew e~terprl18. TIi.' Ihelr talue wo~I" long bit without. , .' " ' O"~-, It ' j " 1)n~t'Y eDt flom tl\c City ou cfowd( l L. ~ till d a. 111 " lh t' dllla~ce of 'be proposed elUtlllion IWWI"IS, ,I ~'1.. tb f ..etler e '"1 ey are ll\1 yeA': b ' • . hI ' ·@"Wearet,bllllltullor ,p oltra,orll" V ' !tio \ " h O,l'a6rc,!l's. . ... ~I'J, e cO,nrs~ 0 ,h ultl,le trouble lhey ar,6'~l)' 01.. 'weDtY'~!i '.lDi e~.-l.ecidjlr. , .nO Jl8.~b (' . , '1~"d ~ Si ! true love never did run 8IDooLb. ,clrco. T!lere "'e"" (ew field •• And ':. , !~~hh:p~u~r :~Jct:~:~:!\:~I.~o .~::~~elfa. ,I' " < ,I' Tho Public GMden bns received occalioilll palcbe.ID"olhe,r S,ld. whe't'e - : Tb. En~ulrer. 9f lIoDda,. IlIIt, merit a It III , more 'liberal .bare of .... . . t·( , I" 'l d' '. the g'1'lIin iloOd well OD the around that lay.: Paft18naer.leaYIDg ~e" York '1(. publlopilro'n..... ' , qUt"" nIl ocoes 11)11 01 S mon JO air .. , ler breakraat aa 6 .. I" F 'd . .. ' . "" .. . ba,e mad. exctlll.. ~ :;i8Idll; bu~ LII. , ' 00 nc. ~o II·Y Wav,,~ .. il\e. !b, U~';, " · t,rll(:b()us by the ndvent 0.1 t~\'O patr wbol. crop itl lh. CODlaly, IOg.lh. morolog 1•• &. ~rri!ed at 12 o-·clock.oo'l)o . • of regcal 8w'a~s on the bCIlOtll\IJ lll~e er, 'hi. not yielded the amount 0' tbe tb •• e~L day, 10 lime (or eArly dlDnor, ', ft ::f ~" , in its midf\ l;--()oe-Pllil' berhgjeh blueJ,.. I~ed' tliat, '19"1 .'0"0. We, Ihall have O.d!" Ihl~ltfiYe hoore. b.tween tbe , '''0 ., ~ CD The old couple WIIO ha ve J'(! i .... nc(lin .lome compenlltioil, bowt)ver; in Lllaolb. CJlI... lhe, C8~e, l1lQ .Ibe. Pftn-lll\ldle' .=!! ~ \, ~, " -~ - I!:II • • '" • f l ' d ' rOULe over tbe l-mle MlalDI Oolu~bll' ~ I' eo : 0 lID ~ ' ~ majestic sohtllde 0,'01' Its W(\I:nl'S fOl' er crop~. 0 coro, oa I, gran an pola.. d X '}>'I ' ,t Wb" .. 'L' :0 ..... 01 ~ ~ Q '.. " J ' u!, LI t.


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toea, all of whicb are, ' or 'pl'omilS tebe I\n eOIR ' "~I rOl,.. ' , , o · '~a.,l ! lull .I, S' ... . '!"II !:I ..... . " good. There i ... ~tich Ilu'~er ~~III~t1' ain't ao sge of pr,o grelllu,t . ~ ..II, :!; c:::> ~ , . " l.--,J 1:1" ly of buckwheat baung ,0.",,0, Ibll, ,e/lr , .&muel ,Ooo",ra'. ·,~e ~o,lI"ict.ed ji' ,:- <') ~ ITI : t'-1 1~\lO U8UI~, end Ihe ~ee hlye~ ~l" ,'yely~tid leo'eilced ~ Ilt••rt~ ~f ~ba, Ro-o~a ., ; ': . ~. : , 'Cl~: 't::f :"'t-4 ~I~h; 10 !hat we are to 00 O!!og~r, ~Ia· fllliliJ;r • .leola!"" 'u.' ,r~"illp~II" to, "h., ~ ,~ lit 1I1 : ~ fir I wlIlg dill Yl!ar. \:Ve .h"l1- eerlalpl)'1·.Il~'.~rt"ti'~ i\~1l0C'Dt;. !,lLh the "11. 'I:I' ~. ', t; to' ; to....:] bl\\'e ,plenty or corn bread aod~uc\w,b~at . .. o.~ b i. Dot ' ,ellllniag c:::> ~ ' ''"'":J CD Q . " ', ' " CAke. for "e.k dRyt,. and probab\1. "'~ tdo lafo' to "1 : thl\t Ihere al'8 thoall io ~ ., , • III ~ , l;I;j l;' ....: suIted In tltc compl q(c vt1uquil!bment nough ft~ur, \0 .Ii,pl,. UI ",,~.l' ,a.Lbori,y'·w,~~I .bRY~ ,doubt. of hi ~ guilt, ~ lri~ ~ . . ~ 31 .. '\cr'I 1oIl> ' t~~ ~cw~COl11el'B, n.ltno:.t I'C&uJ ~j Dg b~ead oa Slillclay,~ •. '" '''-:.• ' . .: "~d JIRon nowl)" de,eloped fll~L.. c.. ~ 0) ,;,t, tn tbe dQath of two of thorn. , , , .,' -;J?l1.qD1' ~iC~. . . ~Iilong l he' s"d oc~url'enae8 Inci ' 'ent 8,.... l ~ .' . , ' , " The neW8 of the gt;~ntllll"C at Po~~ T,b . d"ble t ~c~ 9., ~b. , ·L\ltle. 0.0' \,\Ie late Por ~llI\J d '6 r 0\:\y ' 1)8 ,men. ' :I ," ' ~ • , .. , lab~, (m the fQurt.h, w:ns,~'8t rc'c¢\ vcu Miami ~ilr~' " lI.arlt coaptlltd , to (101\ \1\1 lIle (ile L IIillt ItlI old . ~8nllenill'n, ' ,r!JOa ••OD • .~...,I~ ea....' Orcalll, hOI'c this ~orning" and i'lt th&" \FOIte .... O'9l"DJ' Tr.J"I will be TIlIl ~ ,)' U1 8 oh ,w hoi On Ib,'-3d hJe" .' 'FO~T~dlll'.r••1I11:"~dlpted , ( .. ' .' < " , ' . ' • ,'. "'at .,,' ttlt ~4U 000 ," I iat i c:re~ and"'i.t!cul." ml1'!J'. or ,.8U to n~n slK c;arl~8,or .cio6kCdprovle-. o...r lb. ,trac~ 10 ~ Ie. "11.: " , c, ' f " h' d I,ll , r~ .•• lit I 8a.... h. FI~TY ' ONg ' GBLDol"81 I jO ' 000 . ' ' ''' , , .. . nuw 01111 y appltoaD&a lor " . . " , ". , DI, ,u~J!bU ,tit U1 money wu It la eOD.1d_r',d beyond .. ,dCJ1a!»t that rllli~II', .tiich b. obtaia. iD • lie 'paU, IIED~Io8 ••r other 8r.t premium. , O;7WI .N ~It••ll, ..........llIo... ' lp(!edl"g to ~e 1'eltet' of , tbe bome .. ....i.ta.a PO"lIJa.'~r. Randall wl1\ be H. weare,to tb. "illi" • .,. tM olUt •• , .~7d\he~IIA~o;;~r.r' I:'olUe. free;'. lftl.derers. Two :whol_alt ho'",· aproiD~ed iii Guv. t>aoDiah.·...lace.;. 01 clotb" b....... fJ.. ,-,: ~ , or ~ON BB:oTaB~J~!'.; :::~~a, ~~r~:ll~dl:::'II\ID~ +'~'''' ~::-. '




•, ,l






YOOt"8 past, were B"~'$e' ,to the o.eellpltti.on ot ~eir hon~~s by, ~e gra~e. tul st.rRIl!>'(lIIJ, O81)c 1:111.v those.ot the 8n~lc hu,c, tUld CI!tol'c(l tllclr pl'ote t by n t en'iOc nssnuJt. The L;ll Ie W;J S waged with relentless' fury und 'l'o"

'> '"



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',i . .,'




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° ,. •






••.:-cI1cI.t. om.

loll &0 ga11ai&t aaa..b18 'Uttle dear ttl. b'-l .. 0 (or the .fIIe. 01 Sheri. iQg A bugru -ride a r. day ~. ~ir.lII:!. r;: A Gf'n,I'IDI" who I" .. IIIII'trPd ror ,ll're Wan•• tlMllIly, •• biee~ 10 ~b. d"iIio. elnce, aDd by aome mJ b~. in tunlI... • I fro.. N~nriul D bllit" Pre,"I'.r. Dt>l!ay, 01 'he pri ....'.leotfoa. iJ1g a comer, the , buggy upset IlIld ' .ltch I ea' aIce,' and III tb~ tll'f'etl or yonlhlul indillCrelioa, 'U d . a bl'Ui.t'. the "loud ei'4~I .. ia throu;h ,bu will tor Ib . . .1Ie of lu!rtrlnr hum . . lt" ..aAJJlI . . ." ....D Boa!!». authorl ••d 10 aIlDoun.,.- lb. Spt e Its precion 1 nd, We are plrt'llk.. p imllllre .II'-fl from III I lelld f~ee III who nee~ II, Ihe r.em!,e Hlfhl Ezp,.... 1.68 •••,_ Olllle of D., R. L VAN HARLINGEN ple:t .el to say \here w re no iJijuricli eal Iffe'Clion IDd earnu ilitlto Ihe I:~neo;. ':~f:~reb~i'on h.f,; :nkJnIr the d .tlffl~ CiaciDIII" Ex.prnl, 8.41 A. ••• '1" candidal. (or th. olliee o( Clnk u stuincd' th . vchi Ie WIIS riabt d .1 I,.tem. Tb,8 i. Ihe ,r.nll~e (lflen fe'rer ' wisl,lo; :~cproli~ b~:~ec~~~c·rt;.e~"; . t l . _ Va ll IDd Aecom., 10.37 4 .•, Co~r~ of CoDUIIO~ Plu", Iubjeot to tb. and tJle loviu'" Qupl~ proce.cckd o~ luddf'n d~at!t I? peril 'nt It{ lull hllbl~ .r~ experienc;e, CIIn do eo b ,ddre~ Ing Culumbue AccQm." 6,19 .P. _, declIIOD of the p tllllar, eleoLlelll. , their WII.), rcjoicill O'. 1llcled ..'"h)10 1111 Slltl ulcpr • 8~,d who u, e rOliN' B. OGO,F)N PiuablWll' Ezprt'll, 10,01 P. II(. W.' ,I t a .. thorlUd to IDDOUDce th. • .. , ::I:,rdlclllt', lhe.:dUot aet81:'pllo,~~e ~~; 87.1N"o. l ,"Cb llmbere IL. Ne.w Yo~k. 'rIU ' KHW.l&D BOO.D, ,1 ...-2- 'i' • J , W . V 3ll N'nmee, the b "bnul " .. D"me of ..... v , R . D AVIE B Ill" caodiuate IIoi%7 !U.r. I. ,h WILh litH lEd ACClOIII., ,: , - 1,110 A . • , o"~h_ollicetlr 8h!rilfofWa!~1I ~ounl1 hilS loeated nt hi charming . . Nighl · "pre I. 4.35 A.. Ill, .ubJ~ . l ~ ,"he decl.ioDof Ihe primary '\i1l:t on til DuL it\. 1'1 "t' )'n ")1 n t . Berifl by L'fllti1un!l. 7;47 A. n, elellltoll. ', . . . .,. " , ~ .-" N I' b ' d' d Culumbu. -Aceomm'n. P ili.b ur&: E.X~re.., 9,6 41'. N, , ' . k ll't .of Monroe, ?tfi 'hi"n I , W 1 r l OW' t 118 Cl' ' ; I!I r eme Ie , illClhlRl li Expre.., 11.181'. II. W._re IlIItbori.ed. 1o unounee ~ha~ he intend to )'em ill ' 11'1' l ' 1\ ' BRANDRETH 'S PILLS I DI' nut 'I to p. ABRAHAM BRANT il • olndidlle . t . <, ul)e ( .'~ Ipke II fm II.l re maU,,,. rt'1H1I Ihe clfcule. S e ~u 5tltttllis: W. R. CLF.IfB"ir, Prtlident. for re ,e)eccioD 10 til. olliee of Djrllclor CV 1 r bwg tlt:]j, Ilntlll'O ;' 1111 III' "Un tln ll , ftllU ou,'e \he ~ener.' · heDlth .oon 1. 'I , W. WOODWA RD, Sup't. of WarreD COllntJ' ln6,lIIar,. lu~ject to lend 1.0 l' Ille'l'lif I' lijoyahl , c~riil (! locul nffeOli oJt 8 ~I.o, , ~RAIID~ETH'!I ~. D. CA.J)Wl6LL4Dn. Aient , Lh. d!"cieion oj ~ be (!rilllarJ. el.c ioq. --- 1 I Ll. prOll'CI from ledltlal ttmea of .Ick- MRS. WIN S LOW J S CADWA L.UI:ll & Mitt". E$[R'fu Agmtl. ... • " 6;i1"" 0 '\1" fl'i I1d . Amo~ H !liu s. OlJllsJI~Jbft/!liD~:;~i~::: /S1l-'w . JOBI' C. JIUOII, 'i"t/egr.dJI\ Agelll l~AYSVlL'LII, 0 .\ July D. form )'1. o( 1hi ' 1\ i:,:hlwrhood,writcs " Y- tord ' 1 't A. Cough, Cold, 'or SOTe Tb,OA' e!!~~~=~~~,~~~~!!1!!!~~ e oy mornmg Ilrose ,qIU e us from slullen"Prble co, 0 " un' Th G F WI: are aulhori&ed to annOUnce the Clll'1y, in order to enjoy n. m 'omg ' dato o'f Jul Jv 0, t1,Illt the wb at in R aqUlltES IM Jf);DJA'l'E 4TTBlITIQIf, A.n BIIOOJ.D DE CBE(;XY.D , IF .iloLO\V:EI) lIalll of J. S. TCJft&N al a candidate r icl ,'',0. t h e deligl?tful city of Dot 'ton, thnt section is good-thnt there will ., '100Illl:"flIOIf;, . For l"",j,l1Iln~Il"., lor re ' e rec lioo ' to 1111 ollict' of Olerk of wher It, Wt~~ pl' posed to ('01' bratc b as much nil there W::IS last yea.r, lrrltRti•• of &bp l".D ~'" a P. rma"e.' THS ~i~Tt:l, P.~~.;'I lIr~ p.',ed onl, fo·, • IA·,lllm"," P" ' P'0,· aD" a~e \1 I T ilrollt ... " tlOl' 0-.- •... ---1'-...'. tbe Court of Oomlllon Plea.~ subject 10 th e g I01'1 0 liS o Id F' our tb , by n gran d Mel of bettcl' quulity, ' , ~,4:."", ~ • '". ~- , ..Ie .;:1 eire;'ti'VI";,.~..,i:;\1II!I U IO; alii ~~.~ lbe deer.ioa of . lb. primary election.' T rnperance demoll trntioll , ____ e. • II o.W·TS",,,TRJ!l :a~LT. pai n(ul .li i!.brdors {o wblcll \he fo'male conWI: Are lulbori.lld t~ annOUDce An Ilgr a\)l l'id or G t'\T hours I:;iT PIIsS ngcrsfl'Om'PbUud l{lhl unDW , tS n1l0~lIJruAL TROIoJIES alililli oll is subje.ct . DRESS-GOODS~ u_ .. . di bl'ought us withi1l the beautiru~ Mont .. via the Pa. Centml Pitts,bUt'''', o. Huvillg" lIi.cct ililfl ucnce un Ihe P'II' If' 'I'hey are Ih e onlv gen uine Femole PIIII alme q r ~()HARJ) ....O&.y I, a OI\D • . ' " Q give ~m",ediate rft,li e/. F e,' R I'onchil i. : I'xlnut. 'l' hl'Y mo~ernle till t'~ ,:e!8e8, 11111 date for re .eleclioo to ~\. ollice 01 gomcr,}' o. f~,q~r~\lnd, whloh i l'e- l~m}}\UI &i in,oinnot\, nod Li t Ue Mi- 1\8111 111 0, IItnrr h, Consumptive IIl,d ThrOnl remo,' o ell ob5tr1lC1101l8. 'J'lIey Invigorate 1·......__ Trolltlllrer of W"rreD County, lIubjec; t C lVUl im'po~'tant additions in l.uili llnllt?ad f>, now I'each hero in 26 Diseases, 'I'rochel! !He !)Sed with alW8)'8 lhe oellililDl ed lind Ihe delieehq and ISs;,t " _.1 ,. ' f ",' I t' way of \;nuldu,gs and gl'ounds for hours, bcmg 4. hOlu's ahead of for. go~tl ~~QCe,8S , Singttr~ an,Il ,Pu.~lio . poa k- ,I ~ol ure I~ bri n~ bock, Ihl! IIlo?m IUlito palto t ¥e ueelllOO 0 .ue p"llIIary e ee lOll , • .. .' . , . ' . ers whl find 'froches use/ul , III olelrlng lid theett. ,No mllldf'Il, Wile or mOlher , ' ' the accommodatlOn of th.e S~te F'iU1' mel'tlIDO. 1'hUI IS certainly a fost tho voice when _~GkEIIl befQre .illlli ll r; ur 8hoilid be WI \hOUl tlte Mystic P illa. Sold 'WI: are 'lItho tlild to InOollnt.e tJIIl to b Iield "hol'o this yenr. nge. ' . 'peaking. al1~ reJeiving t~o \hrO BLa rle";. on by III drug(!ial8. . DIllie of 0.lrT. D. W. P .lilLY .1 a can· At an carl V, bout', a Dlltionn18ul ut-e • , ttnu~ulIl exertion 01 t~ le .0ca,lor"Dlle, 'rite didl~ for the officp 9f 'l'ruilirer of .. d r. rI_ 't ' , ., ALL por~ollS intOI'csted.i1l tho dlf· 'ft:0 C'!le. are ,re~olDmelided '- lid prllS ri!lell • . . _ ' " wns urc by the '-AIde s of tbe M,IIl- ferent. de rccs or heat that we are by Phy ~iclall8, alld hnve hlld " J'c8Ii n) o ll iu l~ ~ Warren ,Oollnly, IlIbJec, to the declilon t!1l'Y Institute\ and nume1'O\lS 1l0'l'S . Ii ~ I old 1 h rrom eli'iilJentmell throu/lhout th e cOlllllry. -or Ilia primar, ,lecti911. WCI'e flying fl'ODlllUblic and pl'ivntc expe1'le c ng, , S10 CoMU t t c Be inu an ~rticle of true merH, utili hRving ~ Ware alltllorilec! to ' aliOOllDC8 tbe ', . 'ldi Paten t T hcrmometel' at the Bauk.- I'rolltd lttel, emllocy by I ,lll6C of )lin"! ~ ~ . vtll o ....s. Nice thin"'. Y,('818, tlll!l ,elf fill~~8 thelll III neIY lo nnli- IIll11e of ~. G. ,RoC_HILL , . a candidate At 10 o'clQck, th~ l>rope(;sion forS . tiel In varloue I.'I1rl8 01 tho world, ootl lhe .. of WArren d t'l' cmp era oc~ 11.... .!wd ~ , T em0 UR fI'len ' t1,), G ,LDClJlDnn H' · 1. Troch~1I are uDtversa lly prol unced beller .. fo r tbe ollice. oC Tre~allrer ' , . me II. qOOCI WID oUler articles. CO~Dty, allbJ~c~ .te, the declsloD Qf lhe plal'~' Halls, Ilnd moved through us that he OJljoyed the -lUXU}'y of r~po r~.ti ia only ~Brown'a ,Bronchial Tro. primary electlOD. orne of the p rincipal stl'cets lIud t9mn.tool:l out of his own ga l'den on cIt,,! ,lIId ~(J flot la ke any ot the. w.orlh., . . . ' , , leslllnlrlUona Ihot IfIlly be, plf'er('d. I W. ",.re alllbo",Bd .t~ ~DDOIIDce the thc1\ce to the fall'-ground. ' , . MODday c,;,ening, thi8 :wcek. Sr»!d ~verywl)l' fe in the Uni ~fl d Shies, J . •w,. ST~B88, o~ S.lem TWQ' l)atids of muslc, were in at~,---. ' . ' Ind III Fc,te,igl) Ooulltrie8 Jll 35 conl8 per TO".lhip, al • . candidate lot' the office tendU'lcc, w,l,liQh , ndclcd v~ry matel," i. BL.lClmERRIBi at'~ ql1lte, plcJl~lful, box, \-; 18,1~, , ; , 01 'Sb"ilf of Warren OOIl'11ty. IUbject nIly tho i.nter'est of the Qocasi6n and sellLllg at 10,c. ~l' <l,\1,IU1i. L K.N~~V-.'l:~!..!)ES''iiN y . '


. . . .; = - a••







MY,stic Pills,

e reat


P ' B.IBIl' ,S r

emale Remedy,

"JtJtIL",..,tic Goods,




Hoop Skirts,


.,lDe or

or rue prim,,'! eleolion,

~~OOJr~ ~!ro[D) , SfJ~[ESa ·



OoERLlN,-'1 bad rathtr B'a UBle at Oberlin, OhIO, tl,Ra at "oy othel' plllce in the wqrltl, beCllule ofn fourteeD tbouund 01 her s ludl'.Qla are scattered "II over tho c ontinellt-thu! I find aLly. . frit!od. e,ery"hne,' So' laid a WIlIIAltogctl,ol'" the oelel?rntion wa.s a 'known ob se ner of men lind 'thing •• good orio, and; w~ trust, p~'oduCtivJ We :;an .-dd ~h~' the 8r.d~'1te, of lhe or much subs.Lanhhlgood to our no- Union Bu ~il\eu Inslitute , IOCnled I.hel'e bI are 1l~~Dimo~1 io thei; com~enaa1100 e c(l.l!se, , J . P. n .

b t heir so.ul·spi1'l'ing atl'ruDa W& aN """Ioriled to anllOllnce the Sevoral. emille~t Ql'ntots 'Y ere prename .of W, W. WIL~~ II "candidate seut, ,find cntcrlained t\le IJeople du(or re :. ·l eetion '(0 th ' office nf ProblLI! ring the dajllfid vCl'y agl'ee-

to tbe decision

Ju g. of Warren cOU illy, lllilJj t:cl to tbe cI~oi.ioll of tb~ l'rim'lry eli!ccioD. Please !tjlnotlnco t Il nnme of W , B. BLxClnun...-t, ~ &- candiltll.te for the ." -office of ShcHft'" and 'oblige m nn..)!





liy ro t~'"; !MII. ,. 't1lQ1m\ n iC'I~illlt ,ne91l/hlOlllial. : Adu r ,in co nfj·



douce, ftJ, ~wul&E. f : '1'J:(P~N:rO~ , P. 0 , (lox rul3; 'RuPlioU. . y, '15 ,(;1118

• 'A CARD ' TO INVA.\i\1DI!l. .

~",\l ',rW jo; ':1'\', 1"1, ~: (;1': ' 'I' ' . (or 'illmb...,',1 No,1 , or 0 t:: DOLLAR for

Sdc. l'ue "u,"h"" 011 Reb l'Iol\ae cOl'I'e'p\lnd. witb t,be DUlUber ,,01' .um~ . r elele or good •. wh1ch ",\II l)e tent on receipt of '1'2, ' The n10":.y will be ~ fundq.l if tne guod. <I'il ~Ol ~h'e ~ulilfietion,

or' \:

AgiO .. make :1"W Il:NT.Y £: DOI.LA,R P)" K S d( C' I RL'''' O &; B W L'L' q"" .n or II Ircll ar. , .. t!J JlO'I p' .O. Boi 611lS New yo~k. 1





Ollie", 34- Linel'ly St,



_~ ' \V~1 ••e. ~'lIe ~!~.'~'~:i

'< WClrrantl




, i'·,?

Cm'tju1{1/ em'redtd EfJtT!I W tek . ~' ~ '1fy~e; ~ by:he ;. " .1126 @l2 O ,l l' 'JII .. S3 B 1Jl.,;o uri",... .. I 00 \


-l ,

"Ootn 'lQ:' .. .,., 101l' f blrrel,



11' 60

11 cwt. ~~r~~r\ll\bn. ' ' ,

6 00


'doll!!n. . POlllo,e s 11, bll, hl!l, •prie.d Aplllea l'l ~


" ,

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,. il!iga

eh ic~en.8 ~

. Coffel!




New.Orlean. Slipr 11 1lI N,·O. Mul ..... ' 1 ,IIon, Sorghum

00_1011 11 ,.1100,


ou 20

a 00 30 @ sS

16 @' 20 i 85 80 80



A O!erlrll)ln / w!lile r05~"f1g In Soillh Am 'ri Il .. a mite ion.',. ' #lIailvt'reLi a ""1.1, ~I,tip le remedy fqr . tho f;\l ,~e' flf N •,\'Q"I U.n J ~ .... , nf!8lI, E~"r Iy D eca, D 18ellell Q~ tlte1 Urin"~! Orl,ttl nst' lInd lhe 'w'hole ~'Ii ll oJi dil ordfO,. brolluht on by bon ett)'l 'l nd' vlehiul habibl, Greal 'Iumbers hue been i lr'eldy cured by thle lIoble reined) ; Fromple.I ' b, a (J~lIirllto brot'fit lite aflliot d II oil ,'ntortunllte, I will sen d Ihe' rtl'lpe f,,\', prepnlng'and using llt i. Olp.dicine, in 0 ~eu lad ."t!,lope;·to one who net'dlll t, F:r«-d/ ·C~a.,'A'" 1~leD II ' e",~Io6e II plitt. paHLc'lInliJp&;' Iddreue d to ,our~el r. I Add II ~·t-OCJF.hIfT MAN " ' J' ",.r " " alaliori . BWte HOBBe. N Vorl, City,

If·l' 'W' !

.A. ~ i"Aif ~ Jl ~ ' IJ ~ ~ .

' f


. -' 1'lIe ' Ublc,ibo'r, Ila vln/! ' Iopnlied hla eiublillIf'mel1t 'with. luperior -Ilock «If mo. l. tedo ls. wiehe" 10 call Ihe atle"tion or F'urm;r•.'Alld 'olltora 10 'tito filet ,bit lie I. p ~~pit fed ,

10 iD&', IU/uCIUI'jf









" ')a

I"' UnleudlJ '~ \ 'ron or Hay in! froto 3' to 8,Minuio~, :,

It 'llitchel 'litO' \VIM",," rr9in .he 'oat· ~~ nnd oUtfr worlt in Ihe bcbt side , cUf~ylr.. tbe thy from 10 to 20 (ee&~ "Itrslde. . , ' , J' . i le , olul on ahot; lIOlic~, 11 pjtohealnlo 'S O"" and und." ~ n.~ID til i ng the 8ll,ryli: II of Mr. Ji:' • b c~1l1 8 : end Jnto IU,' phiclI wbere I Hind lot 01' KI,Jlr. bll~ ()th{",( s uJletl~n worhmell, Fork )\1m wprk. ' ". • '" he g ue ro ll.less trill ullllo, l IIDI,sf/' ctlon, II Btucks Ha, Itfd Stftuv.ln the fteld; O~ nu"gi II,. 0 ~rrl o"ell lI~tl ,W I,.OUII Inul;ln,' lilgh lod 10nlt Rioks. " repaired, God I'RIBtell, jll go,,11 ~\ylc . , 'rrl ll Fork took the ' Fi'rel PremlulII' at " ;... . '~ l NOHM ... ',.,. I. 'd t F I... . " ' II J 1 u. " . .ql,. , severol Qf thl!' Into Itllt" nn coun J I,.., • 41 IY ' Ir nen l e, ~I y )61 , lod 01'80 'rec:eivlld lhe lii:ll-est eorttlllend,,"~ • f _,' \, fJ ' qOllll nl tile ernu t NUT\hwelitern "lilr' .!o t .~~Ii.:t; "rUE G~$ ! , , . Ohlc:ng'); Novem,\ler, '1~6tJ. , , ' ! " " , '1"\ 01 'H'umbul _ JIl\l1' ~lO,r. 'ar~ in Ih~ ~l' lcJ . f" ~ ..... ~ ~ ' ..' 0 \l'hipalhe ' Impl,elt und, mostc0"l~lel. IV Ib de.d'y h alt tlYfJP, dnn "r01l8 ul'fleldl h 0" ,. -\\Iorkihg Hoy Fork yilt Inlroduce" tu " he Illid "U tirl, destru~tive. ~o ll'ifl 1t.lllr. Do ,' ~ II; I" ormcr as hna beeri'e lllj"d by the unllmnol II bmll. 10 b"41yOl)r heall:l ~ ~ ..::. "d ~ ,a , ited d~~\o nd 'or' ,hem t1utinil'llit Neo~ol1i, BopUzed w'lth Ltq.'" Fir~! 1:..1 ~ iii ;:;", • 0 which bo! fllT exce~ded lhe ,bflhy to ~IIPwheo thlt o6b!ing velet!l ble~'prepari.tlpn _ .... ~ ~, ~... l: ply lhom by ~e,era"lttC",S\l ntl Also! b, !!i ~ ~ ' 0 ;.J t: ~ the ulIlverso l pteferellce ,It hu receIved C~.tAClOro'. Jrafr' Dye" ' ... ~~ .... ~ ;w 2 0 -hen operalod In competition with tho ", , ,, . .... 1r,I" • wlll,Jn ltite ", Inule,. Imporl, t/l ny II 'ired ~ '=l CII "rlou. olltor Ii'orkl. • .. Ibnll41 froth ll,ht brown lO jl'I blu e" willl.... ;:l ' " en ~ ~ 0 lis eimplicit, Illd complc(ne .. . ,eDd.r out iQlurjlJ~ lhe fibre., Illill ng lhQ 611 M ~ ~ '" ~ ~ ¥ more ' \lb810nlial Lhon the cf)"pllc~ted elr pui8hl~II\l1 fI"I~em thraug" Ibe "or~., ' .... ~ "i: nrr.on,emllu l herewfore u¥ed for thll p~r.. Delu,e' of '~e ;i11' elerin.u, . Ily,~a. ~1\ IlU"" <::> ~ I , .. pclJI.. It r"ql)ireo I.~s ruoll\ (9f 0ller~ I,~~ r.c( by, J I OR.B.18'rAt)O:J\0. 8 ~~\1I1' ".;'1 P=l I!t.i I>f :. 'l!. Illd cln'be, wor~e!\ "\l~ .ar,ealer ' ~ICI1l_1 ' ROU f"\ New Y~r)t ; ,,~u\d b, l)rull&1811. , ... .: , , ~,. .. ri5' .. ii' I" ,,\I pIlle... , ; . " I ... Applled b, III llO \rilrela~f' .j;o .,L , ; ; ,~ t'I.l ~ .... "1I01\!! lee!dDI a ,IIlm\l\e, c\le'l' ,~!,q.em1 ' . ~ ' ! ' .. ' ~ '! I II,) I:G Ii!< ..., olen~ F'Oft wlI\ . do we,ll t~ e~ n.ltn~ ,I~ • • ~r•• ' *iia'doi~' r~n'l'fatlOn.; , , ~ ~ u (;) merits . 1'hllt h I, fcon,~III' ~O.~ll.e, IU~ f."r, IDlQlher.•• Ilter, ..~nJ'" cl ild knowl ., ..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eli lin IrLlele il read: y Ildmilt,a. ~, 111II 'ml~l .. t/l nl )I~ •. \yln.lo~'1 , >lI !~I,l Ire no tIT ~ ~ ~ -;; ~ ligent Fnrmer, I" it I!!lIVOI I ' , •• t. alllount hum"" but I I'e;tl e.' Rloll re" !,lil~ Iud l C - . 001 ... ~... ~ of time .nd labor, ")ie,, I'I1 bim of lit, Beeclo"" ret"edlell \lsed. ", " . ,r."I Q li> ""I I:. 'g , l,no~1 \IIl;fleaSDl1t p.rt of H8yi~ll" ~ioce, tb. 'rhit Q,ue.n ,H ulr Restoter tmd :\lJ·.lfc .... 5:i ~ .,. Iltl roll nclion of Mowing M4~blQe8, P ill .,e " o:.,red fo. dlact\ifi1 notl"ll" pubt.;;) /L, "h e)" will fre(IU~IILly.sav~ , llle pr'Iqe!lt IIc, 'cOQf!defiot "ha.ll 'they jl) virtutl all li> ~ ~::!. 0 11, Fllrk III • ijiO;lla day, when ,I lug oJh'er 1Ireplf~'ooa ,or " he, kind ~Xll~.P<4 . . qU l ltli ty of Hay is to II," 8ec~red I !1m ~.h,




It\,:f' , .

., .


... 'i.!



;. -g '


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I I"


•• 1 ,


T.e OM"',",.,,"e .... ,F "",er l • 1,IDllli .. \!!, d 1)L!'4!ra (111\ pur' See ~d. rt l'~1II.1I1' l1n 11114 Pff per. I chllle' Jlo. re mrdy e lIul tf,> Doctor Tobi n ' * \ ~., ., j, , ' , Velletiul1 Linim III lor d}~en,e'ry', e,oliO:I '1JTtl.l (tE. 'BVI;dl'RtJE. ! CfCUP, ehrqnlc rh oul1!1li ' m, lore I hronls , 'Every .Y(I\Ul, I"~J 'In'd lloh t lt'l'l1l1l1ln ,1,8 lI)ollllcl e.' ,'(!I '''!C; kl:~8~,CUll , bUflI8, awel- Uni lt d i'_lel com · hfer ftoml'lhlll~ v 'r 1111,,,, b!'Ull1U, old .ore., bt.aul,., \UusquI. muelne'fl elr "dVlI l1lhlrB by ~elU n 1fI1I11 10 b it .. " !Jalh. ill I he limbe, cl'esl, bli k. ree or .ell.'8e) iJy alldre. lng I he IInd er&'0.' ,\It lhat I... ,ked 1'1llriIJ, ' lfltI uie ' Thol'e ItllYillll" lotUi\l of bei/lll Ii .1c:co~dinJ 10 Ihe du!iello".. . ill oblil{e. by' . nol, nOII!lill~f Dn '1'0.1161- Dea r Sit: 1 hIVe IIsed o il,ett will ,pIeD e Ililllrftl~ I, .fIr\ll n~"

'raUlS, F, CHAPMAN, '


=::: .



t hJ\rl! II but IIule \'I\l~ III ~b'ofJ NO TICE' BY THE SHAle-ERS . ' .10rllIn,I/o 111,,1 Irj 0'1 II man ond twO Il~y,ll WI,u by Ail pio\l \c, ' ;Ultl lfl/."; IiJlhl.lg .. . nd ple"sWe potliP8 gellcr9 l1v. will, hereartel', be rlio(\(J~t!I\ ~ prol,ibilcuup6n ollr pr.eini!? ' , wilhout retlfleet 10 pe rson B., II , IS wuh F.lu01DIICO Ih.' we ('"e ludej 11"8 menne, Ollr fr:elld ft~ we ll 08 lho~p. who , ( 0 n ol ollr friend; bUl Ihe Tl'peot~d Imllos illo n upo n ollr '11ll pit.HiI~' Qnll (orbearllnce. by tit !) tlltw,orihy, com Pill, ' U8 10 ,I,ie ,eourar .




"\lr 'o'no of., the.~e lor"'"ulllotl!l .~

hay in' f\v'e .m.inl\lOS. h. AWl'''' Fork I. 06'" ~ Sq.,(iBjac;liqra'1h

lon of






p ' t.

It I, warrlnled Jo be t e v~t · 11 or. I"~ UII. Oall IlId: gel on~ I!~d try It. In,d if It doel not ent4re, ,~Illlr'(!tlo~ •brio&: I, back • • '.1 .... ." , ' " ,..• ", , '



u.r.••1' .",j~ I

'" I R.ON 8 II: L.fN,Q'O •




W.rren i a~ Cle,r~'

o o




,~\t\\'1~ljI011~ F

,.b\lcrt\9tmtnte." PEN~ ' lrLV! U (!EU1UL .B. B. Great B$otloD in PrICes, .Double. Tr(it:k R ottte /











01 \ ~tgg~ BLOOD


l ' KO Il

at: 1, t kin 4J-S t~ f£ E. DUDLEY,






Iion"retentio n or~ Incontinenoe of ]3LO D AI ·I' i ll~lIl) ,g. t rains (ro m Ihe We~I run Ulrt ne , Ir-rit ati n ; 'Infiammation 13LO 0 BLOOD 'plLL . direct 10 tlw U!,lOI1 Oppol . vltere P U8SI'1I oj . , j!trs Q re tra'lI "ltrrpd 10 Ihe T rnin8 01 ~ h e PlLU3. \ or Ulcerati on of "he' Blaader. o~ . BtO .D Thla I. tho Cure tlJat 1a1 P Cll nsylvollil1 '1)11 Ir a I R Ulhvl1,V, ~~ IJ!c h 10 the AlUIUOSU. uw ~JmdI,. PILLS. Kidneys, Diseases of the ProsBLOOD . lenvo Piut>bur/l 311d arrive !I.t olher PILLS. to.,te Gland, Stone in the bladder. BLOOD AtD AI lo llo ws: p "y ExrnE - Left ve, P i·ttsbu r ~ 111 3 .· C" lo ul ulI, Gravel or :Brick'dust MERCloiANT TAILOR, (10 A. 111., stlillpin/1 at !,ri no/pol 81111io1l8. 'l'bIo 10 tho 3Ian who Wall b &11 Depo8i t, and all disease~' of the Ar ri ve8 01 A lioO Il I1· li t 8 10 A . 1\1. T y. bla,c\(le r , kldney s, 'i'nd dropSlcal ' '~h~~l~ 1.0'. rft ,.,., to.1U, th' r >')'. rone 9.u2 A. 31 , [ Upllefoll te 10,Q:' A . 111.. ~ ABE UNEQU .A:.LEI) ~ ~ ""'!II \t", 0' .... Ih.t I"l' L ock li nen 1'240 P. M.,] . U llr.rlsb ur~t 111 WO .A..llu llO.U tb~llJn.;;: mnd". sw ol1i ng s . , , r on 'lV.tHO 11 I ~O P. 111 .. Bulti moret r.. 30 P . lU .• N".'" Ifnill fU' .... W.,nen- IIh!', 01[10. York , viII Alle ntown , ot 10 41i P lU., Pln l· S crofula, Slfpl,ll'is, Slri';,, ' DisHEL~ lBOLD 'S em l(:. Ol e(, SO I'e!!!, ,salt: Rl,elt11t, :. !llaJdoD. hond ' omc .nd \ I hllve now oil hind a large lod elegant ndeh, hint II I 6.50 P. JlI. , and New York , , DYlijJep sl (£ UI' I U(UOcstion, vl n P hila delphhl , 8t 10.!:!? P . M. atock or, w,~'i:;"rrl ...! ~h JUAII ou,-e bAld nnd , er NCIIUfAT I E X:~Jl E s- Leo ves P \l18bur!! Ifn", t ' , hv 1:14,,,,, hAl ,",,\'r R ~ock., hr y ""Y· ut O.uO A. AI, slur pi ng Il t ue6t ly ~II ata · lie " ""_ IU~ Alt»11091A Sha~ JUug lioll8. Ah uu n.t 2.40 r.II/ ., U UrrlBburgt lll~. GI my 01f r1 tl'I onu(actllre; also, a bea llliful B, lot r !II .• 'Arrivl ng u! P ilifadelp hlo 01 12.· Llve'l' Coml)'(~{Jl.t8, R Ttelf:/IItrtlsm, 40 A ~J. Hv lhla Irlll n pussenl!ere nre 'l'bls hi tho Paraon. ",ho. hJ.~~ U 80rtm~nt ot F eve)' (l m ( .A fIl.(~t ,o;t• .i1 ttl nl l\ len ell Ql Ullio n O\' pOI, W HSl Philli. H~!;'! 1IUIldco, ~ , tholl y ' II ~"/.1'fJ, • del\lhis, qir cclly to EX1'res5 1'ro;IJ ' {or '1'o{bq noall_ bald and gra1, CLOTHS, nut Wbo UO'lr baA rilnu fookl, th.,. , • . • N~w '1 ulk, r r.uc hl n ~ thele 816 ,30 A . M. A risinn f rom Exr.,888e8 or Il1 d,scrc/tQIl . . ,v .Jl HlL lIlI[I,rHIA EXP I~E8 ~-Lenvell P ilte · 1IecnU'.... lte used tbe Cu;e \ ., " CA8~lMERES, 1II1bo A.lliJ UOSlA thltt !lIDiJ made. • bu ra at 4 ,10 P. ~I . , . lopp in!! only 6 t u~ i ll­ 'I'h e constltu liol1, o~ce affecle.d by O r· lJ.:J"/lslpclu s, 2'm~tOr8, E1''''1)tI01~, Uliu Il D. Arr rves at Lnl rouet 6 1)0 VESTINGS, &C., dP p"AI 1 8!Altoono gU!W: \V e. kn es8 reqUIres lhe n,d of l1l p.dl" {t~, ~t')'ut"~OI&S c,;on0 .30 P. 1\1 .. H ur,i ll bnrll .l 35 Thla Is tllO Bell that.rlDI1.'« ""'Ay icin e Iu strenglhe n nnd illvi!(orale the SIIIIt>l )tWJ." et t'. A . ~t.',IJal lim 'J rp'" 7 A.DI,. N e w York, via Tc "rOU 60 the p"o~l o .nil aod ~n1 "bioh I prepar ed to make lip In' the Al le nlf\ l\·n. 10,10" III .. 1'lllh.l ·i,,'" ~ I 7.10 Uoto thl» foot, which h ere dOcH luy- ey stPnI, \Vhi.·h Hllllllbllld's EXlroct Bu chu ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 r~ .,ould no' be bald or g ray, ".1\1 ., slid New Yo rk, viu Phil llde ll'h id , 0 1 Clu tit • .4ACIJIIOllf" /1ia4 IltIIg made. invriri~b:}' do"~. H no treatment be tl ub- \ ONE PN!OD write •• hAr d!'''r.'hl~r " liS curc,l lil,Q6 P. M. :::I let' pi nl! CnrKrUII Ihruugh on J ! ;'j(. of nino yo,,, o' . 1A1Ill.!lUg. fIl\ d ~,. ' lhis tru in Irol1l Pilts bn,u Itl lI a lt imo,c RIlII m 't t ~d III 'COn8ltmptl'Un IIr ins onllY !nAy ordUANIIT liN' u( IWI! y,mr:4. '"ia.. II I;R write". h l~ .on "'.~ ell\'e~ .u"r Philade lphiu , und LO New YUdl, viu Alh:n· ensue. .ad . 1 tli •. hiFl UlJr h h lul nllIH.:>I t "'!~t~d 1,\\' t\ J' t M. TUBBS' llo.t·P~OPRI~TORS, pci~IlORD', N.H. Th ~ dONnr. prollounc." Iho <:a~e locnrnblo. t,)WIl, A NOTU ER ,.tI~ cnrptl Of ~'CI' C I' lind A!I " o 1\1'. Q::7l",'r sa le.1by H. o~e b e r ry @ Npol Dud F aST LI NE- Leaves Pithbur'g nt 10 !er lryil1lJ; overy mellte-Ine tn h iill'~n" h. 'P. If. , 6\1)pping prtncipul 8tRlioll. K R. Prhl1z . ./ -l6·6 m A1'10'1' 11 Elt "'eI" cured or ~'" ,·tlr 80re which hnd exl~hlrJ (Olll'rOen VI'RTR • Arrives III I\ I' oon .. lit 3. 10 , . 1\1:, Harri s· , ~ i\ NU1: U t: ll Ill' nlt.,.tlUlIIWt n1 or f'i~ ht, "ot" !!' .I!;. ' ltl::~U I~m,O'N A ND S ON S , GcntJem.n, c~11 Ind ex~mine my IItocil bur ~* 6 28 A. iii., B.1l1moret 1 ~. aO P. Ill .. ( :n8f'S lLUlHUlerHhttl or J):'~"' I\C J~Rh. tlu1ol ' Li vn r " OnttJ}llni nr " 0111 01 btl m('lH I I , ,,,~(f, in \\ tlleh t h. NI'w York .t yin Allentown, 4. 10 j'. M., 1\olore going elsewhoro . Pu r lfillr nud 1"'1ll:t ,volok lUl e.f:l c·ha.rant Phil odcl phin t 1',10 1'. ~I, unll New Yu rk, April 10: viu Phdodelphiu, 01542 P. M. In u(fcctions pecu liu to famnle8 , i8111le' 1\.1~ }~ "B1eakfast, tDinner, lSl/pper, , t qauled by nny olh er pleparatiou, us 111 "",., ' A ~1A'Nt:F A OT u n li. as (lJ:' , 1I'l'egu I o'rl' l'~ ,. Dail'l/ , (1 ollLer traim, SU1:/UOI/8 eoecepled. cII , oro.Lis or . elenHun, I,,~, A ~ft lite mOA t I\I'II~ QU.,t · th~!O\ll!b 1'111< Ih~i SLt l>Pll(G CARS lie I1ttarlred In 011 N ig hL P a inlu lness or S u!'ol'e8si nor eu tom nry tu\Vo l'V~ t l~ ~n In ll'Odnocd . J Iwy 1'-Gt, " 0 II I . up orW'" to T.ain. '0 Pltilndelpbiu, New York aud EVlscnntiolii, Ul o'c roti c", or sl'.hirrUB 6tnte redly npO l\ t.llt· Live r• . ,} ~ olti Dg tl lnt I sHch li n extent 1\8 t.h nt ttiC tI)ll{te,n 4.J 11fl8 n Olo ~8. B{I!t lmore. . " MUS1!E 1''s }JXD 'CA RBINES, o( Ihp. Uterus, Leucor'rhma, ond ull. corn- l. p.6 11110 It. fo r!llel' "111\,11/100'. "hlnh I" ~oo nl" to 00 ,he' ",,,,,, wi Lh .iuWly Ii purl:l'~' \, c )l,Ii. I sex. W IleIIler 811.. reUBUllgl1ge frt'e . checl!ed through ond traris/erFor Ihe Unlled State s Service. · eAisol plainl s incI'd e nt to lll! 81n g 'l'hC-)f nro nl\ lI y l\ 'l'IO&;£T8 FoR "tRli EA ST (Incillding Bo~· ani! Revo~versJ from Irab itd 'o( dis$i'ph tioll,itrip'lld encies , BLOOD AND LIVER PILL. ton, by DUI1I IIr R ld l). pll8oiog ov .. ' thi s ~ or in the. deeline or change of Li fe. "rmd. IIi cooj ilhctioll wll h tbo Re.pertrully il1/'o,,," 'III,, ';01"."1' of ro ed, call be purchu sed ti t .. 11- pTindplII REPEA:fJNG REVOLYERS, " ... Fure us luwas by lI'uy tott ltl1lde, and reo " rUEIGII'I'S • •' all 10 and ~ho\ GUll Darrell, on.rGun !\JR' Will oure oil t1ic IIn" enicntin. ed tliseAS •• , M1d , E Ji. 4 M J E 'By thiR ronte, Freights of' all descrip. Rifle tednls 80ld by <iuu Deu.lersllnd t·hu 'I'rode _ of IlreWfi"lvo~. Ifill rcUu,v " "Ill.! curo C ...t' L LAN]) ': ,1. f nOI1S', including Lin: STOCK . can be fur·. 17enerally .. H~adaohe, Costiv~ness, Colio warded to Dlld ' rrom PI,ilut.!lllphin, N-• ni, h,r". ... Bud w~II.lelec l.d ilork or ... .. .In Ihe se d oya 0 f H Oll se breqk'III..rr 011''1 A ND Pall o- Il, Cholera Morbus, . Ie "'~ fMtI1ILV ~tmli'l\~~liilfireCi4 ' Yurk , \JoBton or fjnlllm ore, tOOlld from Ru"I.!. ury. every H'III~e., Slore, Blll)lt. unrl II" Ul!.i , ~ 1I 'Iln~\!!J\£.lI\lUI!:.~ n' BUY puiul on Ihe W eSll'rn _Ruilwuys •. Offke; ehuuld IW,Y,e on.6 01 lDrugestipn, Pain in the ]owel~, /I,I 'I I· al IlEVOL\'EI'S. ' I M· PR.O V E 0 Dl'ZZ'l'U"SS LC r 11 t d'red . rei ~'e 'or 11 , ... I "" " \lIJ • Cf!".i,'i.n~ of all..ln"l. ftrlicl., Jl I IIQlly 'au"" V eame rs,· r V. I con eo u " • B in It firal.cla" country .Io're. illcl urJi,,~ 'worded to Illy IIccc58ibie point vn lite riv· Pnrlle "~~'Ir) nj? 10 ~v :\il 'lh p. OI selvea 01 B~



Blood Purifier!


'l'bi~ th~








q' q q





q ,




Most Advantageous Prices \






Pit0V18,iom STORI .

GIDIOB LEAK, Wl'~';.h=i~I:':~~i,7!~~~IY




Ullt~, Riile Canes, Revolving Riilrs,






Pito"SMOKE.u~ lsfbN~ .. MEAT,




0 SEW A' S iI.

:,I~~i~l;t~'~~~~~li;~~I::~" ~~I~lIt~r~~lt~::II(:fi:~d 8~i


. T h" iilo.! ~ "'l;"''''''' l'bYlic!"n •• Orlllioll! &;~ 'H o~t pl'O _ ."1I\ u l tII\ '9. nl au

Vll.~ C :l. "ucl t l lt~

11111,1', " 'C Olllf[le ll d' lh A ••• of the COR ~f.1" RI~ST HI~HS , fo r P, e I,·I1I,iu. a. Far or ,lf~ 0" rVt ' ry 1" ' 110 11 who \\Ir",,... i pt.f' . lu~1 .. 1"'0111 01<1 8&''';, lJJ~ \lI ' 01 \'1I1~b " J; 1 ~'·ri ng. OI" "'lVork(\~ ~~y . ; A.II' ."OII"~ Or Weak .:)Ie ; J.: l'il'h nl·•• !'I " W "I~ " folyu j Pilib in ,he I':J t llllll ; j\ '"" ~ ,·o". , or Ob'~ '\C' Il' or Vi.. iOI1; Pioulo phobrn. or li1 tol.. h l" r~ of Ll~ht :'­ W "k.,o" o( tho Heli" " III'''', O~ ti c N." i ~ I odes"p"' . or Sp. ,·k. or I\l fJ v' "g l.Ioclk. btCore t lltt ":r" oc : Oph t hl\ lutil\ , n r JH'hllllnm\i oll of lh, I':, .. It°lld 1':H;li,h ; C tll [\,olU" f E) t: ; ' -l tuJl i" I}I', Or 1'",·,;,,1 R.1iilllll."; i "k ; l~ of th;'.E)' .. ~. lI ,~. T h>; (oil b "~~d .LJ' "11) on ,., Ib n q ~'!,'nll


~il" h lt'! d l tt ' '' ! l


. 11 1" ' (',1 I

u ud \v l l ht lu l ' hi~ I(l 'illi

10 1h . 1t.1·• • I: M(\r«., t.I,0 11 . 50Q,1).

re" r ~ r 'fUllrr ~erli", r.. 1 p~

l' urc" t, re f'~tu blt.d li t o ,..r o ffice . UI'" Io;UU. II 111 ctr',ll ~u .evc . . t b ' .. e w l! "n l.fJ p li p.~ Accu rdj tlj I()'t ,I h e cI)l"f''4" I I()l 111 IHcl O~ 'H t 1ft f" t' C~ bOl t or lbc tuyn. e \ wi ll f j ll ",(u"flcl!. w ..It'; for ~ C i ft.r1 I~r"': '~II1 ~ rl'li., A. ,I ~"... I I 'f l'il!. S'f I.:r HL; ' S f<. ·CO. . Ocn\i,I' •• 1 Rn.h. tn.n·. f ",tlv Or\ll! !ill,rl.. No. l Q ' I ~ r HOII.Ii · HI·" .. I ... ",y, N!," \" " 'k " IP. 0, lI~l Uljll

:r::r Dr.

t" pH""A/ C?

hnvo IIII'.h' ed i ltd

M ' QPIA , 01' O ~l"):i\ .t,A1'. (or 1)16 "U1' 6 of N ~~"' R ·S1 G (TEll. \' I,'~ \Yh ;~h bot I,roud a g,l'ca' ue 61 • . • , ~~I~ /~ rl u, c; lcular. .' . 6O }r

J!fttel) tr/l:

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M· p., .qr.

Stomach ' Bl'tters !.

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Pro,f. EGRBlIT J ' O K811~, ~"



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Shipp ing D i· r I TII.c IUttional diepensory, I!htublished 1859 ; cclionR, apply 10 or 811drf'88 (' ith er 01 th e ' Will rotli cal1y exlt'rOlinAle rom 110. Ry S· S ix. ye orR pr u!1rivoll t'u I UCCCSS in ~" 8 IOlIJ, HA1\it~A Etc., fd llowin!!, Aj!ent8 o( Ibe Comptluy: comlJlnrd ill Ihe lem D is~o~ r~ of 11'le Urlnory O rguns url,,cure, eve ry runn of plIvll\o ui~eG~' ill J.,~,::I, II J F' PI 'I I' Jlre1u~ .n ' mill'!! ' l(lta R etJolvt,.,. Shol1ld' bo lI~t·'1 by ""n",,1~.oen~J til HIr 'nglhen 1.1 ' . I \ r , 7 FI"" .... ,. III"tARS, S . B. Li1l g8tull , r. , I, Age nt. " 8( U. ~~. ,ne . . . ,iUll Jrom hllbl,ltl nf (~i.\lii.ip8Lioll, li~ ·liltle ox- t.h e f1!'u.lwtiuu II luo:tl. ,aIIl'IIYs (Q)lo)vo a01'1<t c UQllt 10 e lt· Ulr ~px; .' I ., I 1(, l1 C.. u "'O'BACCO, c. A. C .tpe1ll er, F~. A/le m, PiUaburll· • CircuI 8r;; C!lI11Ulll~n ~ CII19 Dnd ·de,cr.' p' I'fl it~e .. l\l\le or t\<I' clra'1'l g"l! 11\ iiiet,- anti n o ' ~'\if:~'~."~,, m."II".;\O:. ",,,J . you will M~Qrr~. Scienc8 . all~ Fa~,., :nlldi !JF, ·.. Vi~!oritul ... ~ Clurk e & c o. , Tronele; A :j ~!lttl. Pitts burg . II Or( ot 'O lIr u rnlS WIII be (uru tshed . UpUIl • t, hI \ ' I r ' I'n g Ii ' e ~r"l u : ,\S~ ,"'"' ,"·'!'hhn.. \I hh I"n'. """,I' over ""t1!pirtc'l ~m (lit" fOU"" Iflll/' _ N01tT O ' NS, . H . W. lIr nw.n & co. , Zl1nciivilll!, O. ulIlJli c'o!io n ' 11~:posur , com" e.! y . Inpe sel I 108 " uln. ",,,I IIII'\' \1',11 ",av II'Ol' ,1ro GOOD OXT I I Il'hl B I '11i . ~Ie , ~ •• • • • • H a II & co., Moretto, I O. · E•.' RE"IN'Gl' ON &' cO'N'" ' llion N :Y ;' li ;I~le;'8it n t 0,,,1 ;IRllue rl/us ri;O\cdj ~8 . C\ · lI1'EOrdIN F.B . "",I )'6\1 .hou ,I Iry IIl_m 00· e II U I Y cur e. y p 11 a, ~ 8 , ," ..ftf '.. ~ I . ' , ,,. . .., F' I. " F •. , , . "N g" h,g lur:,\ h\ .,~.;Il.n. oll J fri :mA, f1np o! " elr:~Ocl\'l'o~ronddi. JILLOW~}\RE W. H.&J!: . H. Lunglev GollipoliB,O. ' FilEE'l'O'EVE~Y UOIlY ' , p.e'i~ o . lln,d~hrcury, inr.~ ~i!)g th ?so un · PRI NC E, W~LTQN & ,CO'~, urnIIE'n iBs iun8, Cuinpl llfnls .pe,.uliu IO .f ClarkI! & co., f,:: hicogo, Ilill; .1 'Do, ",. pl ~a 8unl IIl1d ,du l~ gtrU(\d Iseuses: ( ucc~,.orij ltI ur, C. IV , Hoh,,,,,, .) fe lllUtill!; II l'\ d ev JJ (!lrlll ~ f " r~v u l e.dl,. ,~~ M r 1J N IoN L"N E . Ut I,l lUL~'-.l . !t,I. 1 ' GOl,f) l' ftOPIl m Tuft3, • o f . whal r ver, nRme <lr. "alure. Spermnl ?V\ !.5.. G .J ).:I' Fas.t Fre:o,',l, via Pennsyl1Jariia R. R. . .Ju, t Publi. hed. ~ E :l liOB. 66 ,68,00 ott 6 2 E. Thi rd St., rlt<rlu 'orSdf. !l.bus(>; thll -cur.!e qf'II04"" ~ Q~,.. , .~, ~i .Dro"d TfOAIl" Cor .., Tt ' cheR, 110\\1 to rt'lflove 1'nn, Freck. , I ~ ,' CINCIN NATI. OHIO. 71I a7d" .6a . ell.l ily . su·t.!:peedily :Op~~~~,'~t!d n d\Yer telher 'hil'~ ,,,II 0(' "bitb,li. 11'0' 11'0, P III1 plea, Blotche s, MOlh Potchep, S_I. - - - --~---. e yory t acc of it s t ~rrible effecI8 era~iC&. \OVltich rllll thro,u,rh between. lhe Elistern IOWII(>'S, Erupt , iu1I S, olld 0 II ' imp. nritl' 6H. o.I t'ed , row II Ie 8yll I em, \ Itllou ' t dotent Ion ' ' , .' ,•• . b I F U T "!7'" , 'po",•..\0.t6II Ri 11{ m ro l1l'i '!1ft • (1'\ ," 1\ ~ 0 Dud Weslern cil iee, ir rc ~ pective 01 chon· . , .... ( . beOT tI111 " <0 lB! 'lAII .nil I&' ~ " ,\Ill / un. ~ oC\lHll . ~ ores 0' "11.0 II e. The U 1110'11 L ine ie Ih e Ihe Mltill; hdw to e llutnlllthe 6k111,ICn,VII)g;"1> r~m, b uI Ine ns . Y..n~nll men, '1'0 "8illlOl/1l uom .intI .~;, . 5\oroo. Mail, S' . " .. It it whll F. and clea r '88 olnbo ~tl'r; how to ' !1I!nu" tllst we ore III .pO,s ·e. sjo n 01 110 .' 11111horized . Fast ' }'rojllbt. Llnc, 8nd Is flrouuc e , tho ,tullest. ,.Ievel opment, of, lie I . rl,1 all cnees of Ihl! Urindry ()r"'~nlt, I.Yh c- . I a fl ( jlrDr t'.1 C6 .." to , "e(' rtl ct reccl flts I.In a metlC) Ol'po.ile Ih e New p ru P'..oS lore. " .vorkl'd 011 nilihe rOllte8 nver wl,ieh it . '" 1\ 1 I J L I' . ,I H " V I' WnJlI8,vill r ,Mo l() . lQ,58. , ( I ,j , lemale r.o.rm (89 p~l1ctl8ed by I,he. li,rr.nch), tiler' C'VI'"tl'Il':! I'll mole or ;lfemnle, ' ~ro nl 0 ' u ve rwpl, !l1r.llIOnu, Unlilr, e· _-,--";""'---=---::j,..---,--;:r-"::,:,,,..,.,.,,-.f-I undertake,. l L..., ~un 8.1>(), rt. , und.., " l' ust to grow roun l nnd , ~, 1 .., R 'lem ...1 onu,I ,o t Ilor gr,e 8t ' 1··1i '.' " cQfI , \rol)\8 COllhing the full, . . . " d' . . • T f pOou, ",eo." I. It '1'be G,rove5 • .,. whieh 8ecure to Ihe property elltruMl etl 10 lind ir the fo Q'I' has bealJ ,Ipp\ hy illldlJi IlI!'. whul ever cause IIr: g lllutltl g : ' no mOll~ r If!n~'I;.:.[e~~~~,~r,t III 'lI udt! rrt medic1l1 scitHl III'; ror it i.1 il~1 Still retalnii 'l!" I'ro ede~g.. IU i pop- its . ('hugo ; lh e best f8ciliti\'~ tor 'OSl nlld locing. 01' m' :~rll i IY, refilMin g it tl) mt"/) or how 10llg stnnJIIl!!. It 18 plouont In known, ' .. III !llOr· Or th e very Ilre,ateet il1lpo rlllnc~, ~nd II" ularlt,. and after u ~de'j[oinlf.."..ailI18f Im- UOl!~rn~ tll()v!,melll, thot~~e Roadl. over Ibnn its orJgirl ft ! r,!lhI9~S, 6"nIl 088,. and tn st'! IIll1l odor, immediote 10 Its 8CliulI , ' ~~~~~~~~ul,~~,g·~~~d would nsll ·!i n:v m'nn' of average ouDlol 11' pr:C!ye~~ tor a p,eTtlhl 01 thilt" years, i,,; which It p8!.see . pos~e86. -, ' neauly . . It lflUI:\ICH 1i(I.w 10 reJlI r.11 III size "lId nlttr O s lr en"tllening thnn any ' or th'e ' lr"'I~1:~~lt~~~~ selli e hIli'v COil the lllll1J! and •.nd ont- , llal· IIOIV ~ronounced by tJI'8 Rl'I itileal-Ivorld to .fP" Wft~,re time hi gua.f antee,d, a (or: the h~!1dslilt~.,rFo l ; prt,unc/lcorpll iell ry 'Ir " I rullt, clouol\llg 1M 10 ~ pr~! \V~, ff t l} !du~I ' \f~lh, \l/eirt,et' .. be unllurpll8ll.d, Ilia ' even . unequoled In ,'ellure ,of FIve c~ntl ~er ,1QQ ~s . 101 .01- Ille rC V I'~~e; r~UlO V{l ri Up' eOuuus " .. ir; cUle l pre pllr 1(1 118 O. B' or .. or rOil. . iolll""h and Inws· bie ami !Il l';tIiSllsnl remedies 'Iupe til com· rjehp4lti,\ ,(olume ,1'Id purilV of lurie, durn • .IQ w.lldjo~ ~ete.l'tI()1)8, lur ~~ery dlly bflyond Corn s. Donion .• 'Vllrl ,.!l11I1 M " jPos ; e ll~ \\1 '1'h08e 8nn'eri n!l' rrum Brollen ,Iown or tI~,··1s SUn) \ pre, ppl t 1V111i · U81" " , '< " '" '';P! ltillty alld c:hollpnes8. Our ne iy sen I." Ihe, time apelllfied. your. og": C I! (iron k.r.11 n(1 88 , COl "rrh, dy B' II licnlo COIISI itulio ll', proeur!!,th!! remedy yIlullV8 or I'U t1111r .y unfurtllllR.t .s .~ro trlrs\illl( youl he~Jt~ Frcnch Rctlo'n, horp pedal, iron' rrom E' , , For lunh tl r ioformatl.on, . addr~@8 ,Ihe r eps"" Ne rl!l)ll~ D a bl"tl' , &1'., h.)1I' 10 ,111 8. FE.V.C~1i., J~~lliR~"1 0\~I~ m.OIl"l. IU ,f!.1J41:l r"8~ ch.rlutlln811a~ I~I.I over-., tr\lRg b •• ~ 8t:'ve,"~o~1 ye r,osllwood :foltuwlll g Agents ~ th ~ Union :t'~": ciu ute I1"d ~. 1 1l tllf~ Idve lind ..flection of ut on~e. W,'I 0 10 Drs. J O QIl ~Ofl, H erbert & \.i~... piDno w.o ~re :8~W,n,,· c~ ~~ p~r '~y frllo, l:I.~. lIro",,,, ~7 eFt ~tI8t., CI110!I1UOII . any ~l!rSun y,OI1,II1I1Y cho08e, togelher witt. 'rhe reader must be BWllro that, hOlVev· 'I'l!:R. Ii EA V r::~, whu will nt ouce l OltHtI f Oil n·.kintl,l die$100 10 $~OO thutl the sl1"!e sty'le 8nd 611n , oG'~er•• -139)'1. " Igt~ et). Cdolul~bUS. uther u~lllul .on/l· voJunhl~ II1forroBliQR.-. e:r .liorht 0181 be. tllo IIttOc.k of the above ~I~ ~~, ~ ~'" D.!E: croe ~ tl'l~. e,xp lic', '~16we r. LII,'.li~ 8~'\ ril' Isll' lI ro ,aold by.. uIlV olhfr 6rs\·c loS8 mokPra IS, " ~ . ro),', I. uI4'lOpoll s, n • N L611 G I II hi C I tI • f I 'In Ille countr • D ehlers up.1 UiUII WO,I' t E. 1. Br _nnl! 1 1).,0 I-! 0nte, Ind. ' 0 yoollg . , .o~ .ent email 8 OU. 01 disellse, it's .sure to affecl hill bodily I ; 6:~" , b~L'f8t:or lIur mcn ur. . "I~ Iv v ,.., ' W W Cl dl CI III to send thetr tltI~rll88 to Ihe t1llderalRnell, , ' • ' J 'l:l'rh: I NI) 1' lrAj' Dr. Jlld IlQlt'II ' P emBlo MOI1\ hly 1"1 I of. lIupd piallo1 are. illlllted t.o .@B ndJor ·our;rl·' J,ll1l1 .elr •. lloR8gull'dd·C'11 und rbceive,t! ,rstu~1J mO,1I tl cupy 01 ~hls hcalth,' 01 0 11 tl11 po,",er?, horpl1lP88, ·R " . I ~;N .:II,;\·, .l:.c. I'; Pf ~ce $ 1, Pllt ,hqtf ; e~ ;f!l fi n,\I, ~ ; 11" •• ,. ---------"I1r.;aii~= "" cb j'ulltblns III " e l1.I1 R} v.aOlD 0. WI vO.I\Ia ' le\Vo~ 't,naeueuellveope I .1 I (ree 0 I' Ilat I 'ot I' . 0 ur' II eSl8n I d hi ooeI , U,· ' IOI II',),eo lI,O ,-V..-.. rlpt·I'ie O"lelogue, \o.1" ~ I I r,'0., roo IIs p09 t erny. !1 1,'U" ,C ,',II'IlGI UP"I re nr,.',dJ rore II' . 1f re~ u I.u l"\.~"', l of all "ur dil1:'reut sl"lep , Inot W "8BUm. e Iny .. · . . wind II10re" ••0 ' li b Ii. tfl' m II' IIOI'!Vt'r Cttl1!'l1,.. M ,-Va • II W ~ I A r~8 ( I o.r DUg.gO d I gI o,I a.xeepi ch'.orgl'. · A. 1·reu , . , arc St.lPI'OILl!d frultllbese sources. Ih. "111:otlte-, u\ ves O'll u,r ObS'Ir() pll ",,,,,,.p"' logether with prices, . Nu une 8houl0l pur. or .e ~r"lg ppnrn ,In 1q'J t II ~II Ie· , BER6'ER, SHU'I'1'S & CO.. . .. " tnO Ol h ? Uld T lw Moun luin 1' 1 ht or lIfeJra&P Pro· ChU60 Q piano wilhoul seeiu" 01 lemlsts . 1;,' 8' .. R Illef ' N \~f . 1;1 0.'): nn.' oklo-nod ,I ~J rr .IIg>4! G '.1 ,,Jl .,.,.1 ,1111 uxp' L' Ii " tills CIlia- . polls.'lli All lIy B glU one rre h(1n~re, dld dullors tl t III val·I '~..l" st, T roy •• I,~u.t~ tit. t~ ct u r UII' /,!' ' \1t~il 10lJufO;" Medllls. n'lmolt wilhout lIumlll'T, ue. ~ li P.. ex!:ee . ng 10 umoull WH' ~ E . I~hys,icians, I.. mblo skelelon Inlo .. CI t Key t o l.ovn nlHl b e"uty. ~'l1)I"rnil1g ballil, be.e n awarded ,t,o th e Oro)veBleen Pi- In vulue , Will Ile at lh~ mk 01 Ih e owner SK ' RH 1I0r. . . · .• :i'00 p"![es alntf: 100 plslti's. '0::7" Tilii/ i. '1/10, , 'nd at tho eel; bralBd Worlt.i-!a Fuir, unled6 luken by a ,s peclel cunlroct. , . " and j)lu8t~T"'U'~JlI!rs or to ..... tM. , 1""-pAi'(ltlon I. InvAluable. 'CHB ' ,1I0Qj( )lOll .wlll,tl- .prlce 00 QeDt.; S. tbout/h puL ill cumll('lili oll w itlt olh()rtl . I':. H, WILLIAl\I~~ cltee furced to "rolV \V ~ Ifl rl l; e nQ peC'r et 01 ~he inl>,ediants. tllO'1 IIallln,)' un1\ ion l"O ... Ihe q'lAtlty .1 I! . "0111 II! parl8 of Ihe 0 . S .. il took the (Jen'l Snpc"!I. endenl. Altor'."8 . 1 n. " . .. ~" ' oflh.m Uk. ll lllll lOr Uf1 ~ ,Y!? . ?~ h ',,, ,,',. ,,·\tf, l h lpon the smoothest LIE' L~"lll""'Ll)S FLUr" <'~X'rRAC:r ' BU. been prO,'CDby IIC' S tind for our so ehdid cirel/lar, con ' IA' LI"'NR v ur GW INNER tliabe"l I\VIIrd. ("'8t" hli. II P,J 1835.J • c. ~.... c " V " I~ 'n1 ' I It " ,,' 1' GRUVESTEEN CO.. Gr'n ' l 'J'lckfl A~~IlI, Philu. '(·~fl In IroO ~hrtle eilu is compos,," orr Ruchu . Cub e\Js alld I~cre:rth:,n~~'n n~ ~ Ilg muro in qnumity 1I11t.! M II'upe8 rio(~"', ' • ' .99 BfonrJw ' oy. Nelv Y(lrl' , H. H • . HOmS ION, . tll . fivB weeks, Ify J . 11 ' l t d ' II • tity ' or mil k ~n" Ily ~O !lily oJ tll p , ilJl:'Col) ed 'P 111ph et •. " . . " ' D IUI1I'Or errt es, ee PC C WI I "leo. corc, t " R b ' I . epl' 1\_~ ) _ ______ --,=--__,,;,._ _ Grll'l Frelgllt Agent, Phtl~ . t1 ill/l: . r: 'Sl!I'igne's ReAtnnr'''f!ur F ere,DI IYl!n,Y 11.r e ln ~ 11I er liB .we .e!) n wrttten r 'J'.rrl~le DI.t:JD~ure ... ;~ScCrC'8 for t .h e l .tr. Cnpjllllird,- Ihe most wond erful di.cllv. lind rrepllred i n VBI~ U\l br U. T. HELM· ~~~.\~~d :,~e ~~d ' to '(iivt'r y" lertcrt e 8peci~ IY' iid il jllcd ro'll.. ,#I ~ :. . Milliod . · dry ill moMrn scien ce, ne~I!l" upon Ihe BOLD , rirug l! isl nnd chemist or S;X (CI< Il , ....H. III ffttleblnll patlicllrftr', cue, ulItiCi cllnsid!!rtll lOI1 I ~et" .. i moet VA Iua bl e on d won der (I BlIor d OIlU""... . .111 on a Imn~ t nuracII . IUUH l/Ilurs'. experiellce .III lIB I eily u,·r 1'ni \ 40e \ l, CQW •• llt;lvcltht m . ' ." I' u JlU bl Itl~ ' l'lutr nn nplI"tho. toolc", C.~I~ij() "I l"e 1~'!}IIJa . 0 r lllq~ '1'~-~,Clle l! .,"~ lIOR. A wor" 01400 P"j!IlS, and 30 tool. mr.nner. I baA beell need 'by the elite of l~hi ,j . alld which is now prescribed by Ihe un.1 dlflers (rom every olher. • Ju t I'u bl" berl , ;n " ••• le,1 nvelope. r~i t. Paris nnll London witb llie mosl fllltlf'rillg I ",tn' ~br"·. Dr. Jl!('/rsr'7l's Ori6f1ta'li Llriitntrit ~.~ orell clIgrftllinp:l. Dr. Hlluter's VADE "IE CUM •• n' ori!:'n.1 and popl1l'~ ' treollpe 6 cent•.. A L.cIUr~?" .h" l1~ lU'~ . lI·e.\J"~nl . I1UtlCen l. · N~lI1e8 uf all cr. will be mORI e mine nt phv ~icilln s . hnll been admit- bluol',,!,tc r. It~m';, I'l. t!l!i clJl~nes~ an4 A ISIlt. ~IiI? f anJ 01\ Man lind W\'mun th t<ir Pl1ysiol,,,.'\, ",(tt r"d,< ..1,·u,·. 0 1 SI"'" nll":'·h l~". 'If ,."" ". 1 regi8Ier(lll,' amJ if entIre tIIIdBlom(o'n is 1I0t I.ed 10 Ud t' in lhl! Ullitcd Shlcs urlO", 811d lr' ~lIdlr'a,,,,,of rPJ.llv cl1u,tes." urn,aR8 ",(.id,", 1}IQ~e .'1a.ln".•~.o,r· '. • d' ~ I' W~6""CU , ll\\' o lolll n.f\ t:!UI1 !tfl' o n!! , S 1o \ln \ De I I . t ho Lnl1~s, Li\Or,', """ . i ) IOUl1\ (or ",Iny ~ PRrii. • F .UMI\ 118 In SeltUB~ .d IMlmler~ nf every I" ltll 0.,,<1 IlIIpedi menl' !o Ma~ " ~"l:e I(Cl1#' I'all y; given II e v ry· inillance. tIe mOlley will is 0150 io very J!enerol ,use iu Stote Ilus pi- &0. , Ill'"' an lulo k~l!d, w~\h hevel· lnllln:,t R ell'1edle. rOf 1\8,'. 1'111,""" . C,n>l"" I,troll , t 'I" I P'Y on.1 Fib ; be .,o:h,!ler' ul~ 'rt'fun CI" 1. Prics by mnil. t"18 Ind . public SUllilury In~tilUt iolle ''''t...s " .i""iine. . , 1)!~ J'ncksonlH F'r~i\cb'pn c Bi.,Mal ,.St(e. th oi r l!liee"y ~ur(l . 'rite p'rllctlce o f Dr. ~l ellt . 1 IIII<l l' I'p II',,1 ""·"I).o:ilv... ~.uh ; nJ; frolll selded nnd p08Ipni ~. $ 1. De~cflplivl! eir. llr l/u~ll1g f"~ln ! Is pe r. f'eHly tufe nnll I"evur ,fnlll .t6 :·~";~~I;:'.";:~" ; b:ive An lil.fnc illin. t! ' f is " he only fUle' aittl HUllte r lItlllloui lI~ell. '1Ind Bilil 18. lin' :'ol,!.,,1>11 I' • .'<e. Oy ltollerl J. Cul .. nY~lI, I\1.D. cI11nrs nn ,Ho~timonlnlM mllil~tI free. ' Ad. throughoullhe' lulld. t boO u IldAd , ,blOt' . 0' ( UUlho IIIII,...... ·C ,"w,,~d ... t ll UO1Iull", 'lk,' IlI.oJ. & CO ,. I>.rrol or ",111 1"0 ' d·.\".I~ ... eI . 8 IIIe (lftrn p.l'.t ao r' ' ~ lIo110n The.. w"r1d l'. ill Ibi. ad",i.... . d ress DER('ER ~ J , SHU'rT" ." j,OOY" 'H •• ~1t!'l ' . au'!'o ,prcvl'I)livlI B'llBinat c(/lltracl1116 l1uIl)l! rous pf'lao'IP, hll h.~ beenl1ltlllced til bl"Leclll"~. ""'urly 1" ·0 \·.... (r0 1ll hi. ow n np. chemist s, Nu. 285 Rl vcr slreCI, TroV. N. \V iii " ••",dle,,!.._1 eve,r.iIlV f1!l \t' d•. , ,pr ir.p '.iV' each, "cr !i~R,1 eXll"nd hie medlrllluge l11111c8s throllgh Iho r;.I1,·e.tI, . ,lh •• wfu l ro na''1"e,wesof •• !(,n b" •• Y. ::;ole ".[,!cnt8 for ' llIe U. S. 45.flm or o"llrct,y ' pre.enl<l<l. 11 1l1"".n tn ..·ee.lllln t.lo~P., n ,8}" ." {, d., nnr ~0 .. e,o,, *7. 5f', lIlibl~PlI'd, I" plt'diutn of hi, 'VooJe IIlerum .' II Is 1\ ,,,ay be. • n·",· lu lllly l'clllu'ElI wit Do ul M diei ,,,,. 11r"" CnUv e ",\<I cur. for the Iloll 01,01.,,,. . 1"1 ~ I" ' " , 119 e r ,ulume Ih.t should be in lhe It. nIl s o( ev. 11 1\,1 ,W'II~ol\l oI'lilge ro ll. ' "'g,oB I " 1',,·,,1;01\ . ~nEA U'I~y.-.t\ul"rloa 26 Celltl1l0 PaJl1lrj or 6-Paperlfor II. S'I, l'el,oyrl·le·(tocr~m,O,rr\lu·Otdw"I~,ol~~Ivln~,eOrl~n~ 'dIll '1 • I I d • bOll!;,' ' . ".al",",.. ,lo. "" 1!;8. or "o "l io l. poilil. b G " 0. b nn II .~y ramI V In II!' an , tlB 8 pli'I'enllve .01 illl> oul n ",<.td., ,1 '"re 01 OIl C", ('e'In; 1I ,:"rl ~ I: • urn, blu. n., \I w. , S ~ 'I 1'1l.1'~I>,, JI:r . Ile.1l1t t~ 1\O(~.,ill \ ban lwJ,olly! ~ra'llc.• ~ 'Ice •. or liS B gu,de lor Ihe ,~ftpvi"tillll 01 ~ ,<l,," I. '!~ IVh ic h c"e",I' . ufl'co·e r. II,) I\ II'IIt r wh ol £'1, XI'II. nnd stlken ' - ... . "'O};~~1\."'~ . ~O., ~1!,,1f8 (q IIny .ltll)d of Itq,!o",,~, u.. n~ '!I! 0\lS uf Ihe mOBt IIwlul .ud dt'8lrurtive h,. co.n VII'OIl '''")' be. "'.Ycu,'" h;l1"et f,.h .Rr.' CURl.Sprodllcf'd 694 Broa'dway., !few-York, WBOL~ALE DRUG AND M1!Dlg~F. ' DErflT. IJ" L" 4' . A' I I' C PQunil ID Icourores tl,.1 ever vi»iled mftllkl·n"U . Olle I,. . pr",,"~ . ly a"tI h1·.,lic"" J . 'J'It',. Le"luro \V,II by the u~ e (,f Prol. -n (I. 116 F ranklin 8'" ~ er"er ~m ~~~ to t: ... .Daltimore, -d. UIlIn' II ~ l~.n".Ir .(ICO " I10lCJ ' pilrnnce' 'fIne topy, 8erurely env e loped , wilt be .lorward. 1"~1'6rJ" 1 " ...<. ,,01 •. S.IIIIIIIdur· .uo ll n "D r.Rlt EUX's FR:[' FarSale by 'Drollllll."" aod SlorokecpeMl t.bro~I!h' " I Jll!' t p. mc\lY , or '!1e~ ,, ' ,cil'rn l ed Iree 01 pt>8!I1 IY e tn ft t I I .") a rift •• '" n pIUIII. !o"I.,i "" .. llJpe, on !'•. SE'R Lo. CLIEVEUX'. Qne lI;'pl'I".II' ,'IOI' OIl; OU\ Iho UDIt<d SlAte.. l.or parlicul1\rs . · .)\Jedicill~ . b'llln61ru 0. , , "1: " I.'Y pll r a I Ie I:e'l' l I)r six {,(· " It. <r IIVII p">loge '1:"",,,. A;.o 1'> r y " " t . It ' iJ. ' " "ifid. r.ounlry. U!Tltf'd ~l\le. for 00 CPUl8 111 P.O. 811mJls. Dr. Cul ' . r ... "·, MII "ring. (J u"l. ~"i"~ 25 " . wur,rnnt ed 10 curl the rooet &".i!lhl .. ond ' ~-'- ,_: _____...!..' se ll pro.'l)p!y ,,, 1111 pn... . I . • HI? AddresR, po<t pnid, DR. HONTER, No . Add "12"1 ' . , ..Cfl A·S hi 0 r e II I~er. 8 \,X " It " . vy Hl!:LMBOLD~ S · C n A S'" EL 'L '." - K' S ' 'B1Clmor~Ii'slreet. IC(j!ls~hliitr jR'O m'l'I t'j .lnl1l~III1\t, f' l~enl~pen8'}y~ , ,,. " J.C. -,<' " co " . ' . 81Ubb . v r nor 11 a '.VII ,. 0 ".v a DivlliOI~ Streel, Ntlw Yurk. Hi. l .v 7 Go" . ' J . Ne w '1 ol'k, P. O. box . 68G. rin glets ur hony mI881V8'clir\sl.IH,," been bO","436· . S'sn'" 'o'r ~lrcuIDr. ,r [39~ T,k ._-. -, --_. ~ [:12 1) ) Oiled by the ' ,fllilhionCib letl Qr Pilri. Ilild u " PURE CIDER \' I1~EGAn. P~I' ..r-;'~-,-- LondulI, with the m01!t. !ftD~Hylnf! results . 'Val" J!l1 pro.i,,1!' lilld BflHulifylnlt Ihe Com. . , " " ".' " , .' ....",... Thi I k b "" I.,," 1& .--We Dues no 'jnjnry to lhe " hair. Price by ; l'biull. . " PtlB"': .... DEBTY LEAD. !I ' 8 VO . now 10 e ,~ure, 89 Wt' p~~. • W~lIt ogenls everywhere mall sealed and ptl~,p .. ld , 8 '1. Dps" ri live Th e, I~'O l volll. lil e nntl Jl.rf~"l flrepn rnlion j'n . I ;"., . c:u.rcd tI!e CuJt'r from reltalJle 'p~rd,~e In tn . sell o,u,r 1IdI'ROV£D .tl2U S e'''illg \Un. cirrlll!\h H""n~ fr ei.-. Addr'e'H BERr!'ER ' 104 South Ten'" ·Stred, 018, glYlI1f, lhe aklll ~ ben llli ful pe",rI' li lcl' ;}Inl, ':' (Copy. righted.) , thll to nel~hbor"ODt1, olld perllllll fl d It 10 l dllll e! •td . 1 Ilrte. "'H' UTTIil •. CO., el,.mlllI8, 265 R 'lver' Ihot I. 'fRII 0 11 Y IUll nd '" j oulh H Ijuickly J'6 i~ ' !, . ' , "'.o) r rsilJl a' turn vIDe". V" uow . ktutle. Utldjlr I1nd ., to' IW(B ' 'C IlIfj".~' . red Ip.: l'ill;llle... 8 101' lIe~, 'l\'loth .!,r 'trtnl!~' ~Ol C1 .\' e~ It)~ e IIrfltll! ~,., j ,~ .. r on our f)",n 'p rpmhlf'~. UII,Per ee. " nrrante~ fi.v~ ,yeBr~. Abj)ve IIt,,'·froy,.,'N',Y t:!ole' B~el\t8 ror the U.S. Er.ow, R~Sl'~UT),. ~" lcn(t" 'hSRI ~'l\' U':SI . Erll~lion., and ulllrlll'lIrl' , 11. W Iglt\ thlln i uly c lier!. , '')~ . E. It. PRIN1'Z. lfa "IY or lurge C O I1i ITl ti~1UII~ lnl~. 't,he __'_ _ ~:..,' ,. ' ; .. ' IU~. 0 1 '! ~k ' J1 ,. kl1l1l1y IW8 1iult the MUle ~ell v, '" d' :1 , .. , 1 If.' ,! · ,·· 1, .,~" ", !. -~M -:--A:---:C:::-::K:::--:::--~":"'=~:":' OtlLr ntflcl,in8R Jl91d in Unheo,f.@(o·" . . M.rrl~..e Rnd Cellbncy, . P ~II L ~ D . ~ .. P U I ' A • Iolg th e k.n ~vh' I., 9'1f1 clear, a l .Iaba.t~rl. II. TR~ 11'• .a:"l;I,. YOP' ~1 &1-.\ \l !"" q. p~'1f ' .~ lell.s th" dB40. "'"ich ore,full Y ;:=en·.Ii~.,b; \ '., A'n o~ ~QTning..anCl rIlMtql()ril~11 J ~ ,~ " . 'i~~1 j:,~:::~~;;~:}..~~:~~\~ I~';'~~~;I~:.ei~ '''':t~~id'~ ~ ,~, , MANl1l'ACTVi\' J? .O:t/i.: JJY~'J') ll~ tlie liilt or pound, nr s' W~'tf\ll\~d ~uwe.~Wheeler .. Wjl~ n, . Groll,e r .. n. 1\.; YQ\lIlg Men • . AIRo, ui&e,; ·~a onlt,$!Ju-' " . h"I'!HI",~. r~i. Ih~ Q'I r~. nrli~ le , ti(.}b, t;~'~1 ~. ,,\[' 2llJGLER tit SMI11H; {Ii- f ~ quali ty, lor ull! ,by . E: 1<.. PRINTZ. ' . .. ·Co." and BQch~ld~r. ,./ AI lei ' .. Ii!cb PTt.-:!aIUl'elv "rostrat " tite IIha; \ ·~oZa 6y Dr'tlggilt. EverJlUJ/~tre. ", f~ lit t rr n,'h, . nd 11 COI1 i\l uI'eu bi lbe · '." ~. . ' ,-' , 4 ' " . ut 8r C. up mlll'hines tlrf! iilfriuge elitl, ' pow ar., witll8ure me:! ~ ( ' I' S ti nt ' I '. I • r n... lo~ ~K ir,rli.",:n 'lIIl ' Jo 'K 'Ilf i'IilcC ' toiit.,. '~"cil!lIiD1~I~rt1ir{ P 'l.lni iii ~llil D a ,e'!l. 1 or uaer ('1'8 nl char«e, iti 8eftle d u',. r fe.,it I, I 181



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~it~~ :~v~I~'P ~' ;;cJt:~u'e oj c~ t c s. r.~;~ ~~'';r.O~I~~I~~~··?':I~I,~:rr,Xee,;'~If,. \f."r~~t'at~~ {.~' !i ~o~~;~~~:r:~f~~IA. ~,Th" lint 01 all'Co'~.b :!pr.'~*Z~j•. ~~~:~~~o~li:~n~r~~;.' ~OC:[&I'II ~[~ikl' ~~:=:d ~r~o!ift!!~~~Il~?ri~P'H~i~N:. . Asi ~'oa' B~.LMB(\L~:S, ' Io,~I~:('~~I~l~;' ,;"':':~,'d r ' b;'" by.RI," h ;potl.pai~, . btr, Foreah, ;, 11, PAl"}: r . D~J.Pt!r-i;' _.ri .~~!~ " • ._:--,. ..,. 30. Jy-. lltRlil::R, ' 1111'1';'& ok co.: Cbellll. t,· " · ,



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B,e" ~ Ir_ . ' d~g"'b.d ~ . pU,..1 .""y, ",hiell i• 0'10, eo",ralaJa&fDg hi .. llpoD bit .mI .by tire. blood, c.nnot b. all'.II•• JII1I f

. " Ib d •••• bi. r,uoDi Cor 1if Iller. be io Iny p.rl of Ih. body .oy nelIDa.loa. "I I . \ ."'Iellon. 8uch II. boil or.1n ulcer, even ..i,hd,, ({om the C,biael: . • !lrai.. , the blood circul.ting Ihrou"b Iblt Wbil. , 111'01& clr&aiD for ..y"",1 pari bloe. up impure milie re frora thl !o1II0D,b,' th., I could DO' 10Di re_ lcallffec\ion Ind c~mee it into Iherner. . b b' t &.._01 11M ... . ~ ,I.,. em, TJ" . .... .. the( nUlle oilel? lIIalD ID , I a~ !Ol, _.u~ .~I 1i uclden de.t!! to p\!fRon . or fuli lli6it afluealle.of oplnlo~ oa pul:bc que.ho•• , II it'.1ell ,-d ill boil8 .\I,d ulcen, Ind who u.e bet.... tbl Prtlld•• 1 aDd ml ..lf• L ilo lIIt'dh:h.ej lh. IItllter .... 1.IO~. d.,nIDi.ed. i. Yi.l. t~e .ir~ulII- 1 cui. li ng 'yllem end chok~. up I, ~ line ,I.uice. Hr.oaad l. , lb. polill"al 'Iln' blood · vessels wh ich . upply \,.bl 6r. D willi 1108, 801 10 1ti,bd"'.' al Itlog .u there wh,ny lind li ft ella.e, h i ~ ' ." ...1 MlY !lope. lor a nc.oDoili.~ioo ~, ' J )J~ifl' by Liji1imill!l, I,.e'D ,.be Pr••ldlot , ad our. (ne~d. 10 Now;',hi."o.1I be re~edi ed. , I ,NoL uDtilt~e ~rel/deD' • ,"p- r .' BRANPR~1'H 'S PI~"P~ . , ......... .- J Jo ~he COD.Lltallon,. Ame~d- , lake ,II impure m 'UB~. froni Ihe~crrcll,llI­ IDtO I . . ~ b.11Ilpproul) of '~II p~ll~-.1 lio", .. and uve b'e Il.enfral bullh, 8 0 00 d"phi, CODv..nUG. werl m~~lr~.t, d,dircuring Jocal atr~f liuil 8 also: BflA ~D RETII'S I ',el Ib~, all hope ofreeoacllllilon .al ·Pitf.ll prOl e,,! (ruin le&l'oUi thllea' (J( sick.helli I.-oled pro.llllpdl:' la~ would I nel,. 811t! jlhen "ve IHe. ,/',1". . r •• I,Dld AI ]; bay ••. •f.J, wal.l lo, l l BU/d by aU Dru..... 1818. ·· , .• l)a' 4w' alool. ·1 1m latidied oUr byin~ -:,.,r:::-=-......,c-:=...::";:. ., --::.-·~t-::l:r.-;::-::-+tr.~ii.ll.d ~h. right tim', IDd iD Ibe , ' Ipirit. wllatli,er may' til Lit. abDD \'.qQ4taoli t.9 .'.p4r100aUy. : '



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10G .. lO'.:f lid ,ui ,F,AO" I f. iitla l ( . tr iUd IDe" H~A. .. k 1 0U I i.,or. IOU .bould gran' il. i PITT~~URG 1'0 PHIL.AD£LP : I . ' him h i. r....uble: if iH... nOI. tell will kI ' Pltl' UT••• ",111' f,OIl:! 1hl! W b 1 011 UDaoi. You I •I . diftct 1!\lhll q.jl,oo' p"JIP\ "h e .... '.... 'm · P lID 1 "1 .roll Ill" ID ro}IC 1 .el~bl ~qIlIY' Ct~. are tran'folr ;e..! 10 the 1",11 led ,II

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Pen lllylnn il CellH" Railway.. l e~ .. ,Pltubu tr' IIICI IUri", e\ olirer paiata , , ) (allow;' : PAY EUIl'£ ls- Le19C. Pittsbur lr a" a,· (10 A. M, fi toppiDIi at principII a'llionl . Arrive.' ''1 Ahooll. * al .8 ,10 A, M • rone >9,vi A. !If .. [IB"tle£o llle' lO.ttJ .A, LoC)k H a;ve n 12 ~t) , P . M .), H.m. w I po P. 1[;. D~ I,'mor.t 4110 P. 61 .., Nt: PI,II· .. ~.1I1 yp,lI. vi .. Al! enl \lWlI, ~I IO , ~:} .rte'phl. t II~ 0,60 P. M., end t ,ew york, vie PhiJ.deIJl~i,. 8 t JO,;n P. ~J " C, I'ci"l'A;J;J E:,.,<;~JiES,-Le Il~e8 Pillabu f: AI 9.bO A... ., IlIlIpp,il!g ,a' " !larly ,a,!I at., . 118. Allopna f 2.46 p. N Ifarrbb u'l{t .Jll~ PM., wlVlllg a~ Ph(l_J,Iphlll 'ftl ·J2 .' B, thia lutn. pllue~'g.l!;i 40 A. II. a' Un\on~ Dtpo!J~~Il" Ph ~d l~n~f~tr b.".1 read by lin men. It ia 1I0".n\, n ' u a matter 01 d~II'III. , i\lreet y 1'1 'txpre8 a mllller 01 prineiple, New York. reD@1 it \'eh lit ,au}" •• Ii JlHILADL 'I.THU ElU'llUs'I[-LeDve, Pills, po oy. bpra 0 1 l01~ fI'l "to~Rih', O'II.Y! ~ \ ' clpel al. 0I1i. A rTIVe'8,,~~ L4(ro~. p. M., Altoona 9.30 P. .. 'RNtri ~ ra ~ 35 , Ii., nliltiihofe. 'i,} iii.!' e~J Yorll'," wia Pliiie.! ll •• ·.. t ".1 ~lIeht{jw·.r.lIo,IO }"II'., 1Ie1 NMI 1!otk. :9i. Philad!'l phi.l ., C.,."nn ,\htl)lah rQn 1'. JI.

OOI~etf 0( _ , klll~. j ~, r do W'tODg Ihi". 10 mAk. A r,.eud or keep oDe: tbe • 1,. .b.o "quj''', Joa- ',a do 10 il dill,' )1 purchllM d ••nd ., A . . crifice. Delli kindl! aud' Grmly wilb 1111 Dlen, and ~ it b. ~olic7 "bjeb ~earl 10U tb. 'bed. Abo. 11 ; do 6(11 appea,' Lo o\bert "bll' you are nQ~ . If you h"\lt' AUY rAalL to find with '"ny one, tllllllim: w~lal1oa compill io Tbt'r~ DO& Ollien, . d . 8II~ro ... e%lf!ltlme~t I"'"n 18 no m Lhll t ,of undeHlllring to ~o 'O~e h~nll Ie" DlIln. face aDd anal her behlod hll bllck . WI! ~ h~J~ Ii,n •• and ape,IIk ".1 .1 tbelplfr _~ Dl ...y;arld Uci 10U ar. willing .hould be kno"n IIIld

,\\\\\\1!}'1I11f( I'L U D, i T ' .ACT B. . U C.H U , GRAY HAIR. ..





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b~nd' 0.' ~ "Wb~·1:.m.4"""" . . bIII4lD01 , ~..--"

" Wh~~~h .. ,.enlllCa.tIIe1" tlla\.JUg Uilloed the AltuotlA




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U~hne, ~rrltat~'On, lpfl,gi matlon or 'Ul4teratiop ~fl "h. ~lacld." 01' ~illne7" Dill.l el 'Of thi Prol tat,~ Gl.suf,lhbne iathe hladde r; ~aloulu" II' al'&vel , ot Br~c~au.t .D"polit. ua all diae&,.ea:of ,the blndd'. , kleiU',', antl dro,pllollll IweW ngi.

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.CJ U1UI1,lor t




WHOL E " I ,

8 . . . .u .


n .~,~~;::;. 1~I!ilft I,ome nf thy birth ' Perhnp8 hlllf or the "'il~ 01' the hu· • , msn · ylltel!1 grow CIlI of 1\ blld diot; blld th.n o'(te n ""h~n W I' th ink not of it. I}'be geD' .. nd (a;r I ftjo1~ th ou artlh'.... eral (flull ia ' 00 much ellling. E tillg ki"8J",~ I) light, ",hb it ~i li. of ;s one of tbe pl&lllsurea of Ji(e--.n d we IIU! liP' 10 grati (y wbat ill" " preas are.



No.; 57.

E .... ry ael of the .body ot mind wears Ih. orgllne or pllrt. ueed. , 'l;he .rms of the mechllilic Lbe leg. or I\e trllveler the brllin ollll~ .t~·d'enl, ~ould loon be dellroYer. if Ih~ woro·ou\ )I""lo1el were Dot replRced by new 01l'el 'derived frOID the (OOlt . During frilling houri, wAste

Ht'ncc lbe ev il. ·The" 8Ilmme r fs D'ow Dpod IiS';"'IlDd o~ losl iD Ihe.lludy goea on


I tban now ,more , 111m IlII W8 ehollid be oars- i: clln be tep.ired ; bU~Afl. ~ tlVel~8 or ((al, ••• the ayllem i, w~leoed by. the ~ifleen h,ours ot "clfVl~i . llit '(.ouhie. ,heaL 'IVld ma..lui.a of lhe a8IlAM. It i, b ~n t6 worlt' l\eafilj , Ilnd at Ii/at refule \e.. able oui ' IU'III<II\i:Q QIl'-di- 10 obey 'be • in. "l 'l'be ' .10"


o ("\


'1,.: ..

88. IVAt


OT 1'.0 d.....lerl A ..eb.... ACIOOI'IIft o. ,.•• CIIQf t.-Tbe .... d --lr all bl 011 . \ • "".r. for jill, of leh. V.. B.rd w." l'Mead , P",· h·i' lormed I:m f.~ ·b'jdy.w I~~~~~~~~~~~ .,,... of erop •• ur \M h!Ob •••• W.' of rine.~. .to&beP ~~Dle,t · A,ri of al ...... D'p lbe from d .... i ... ....... I ~~ b l"utl, n 11 11 0 1 1M dlleued . BUI equl~enl.lo beilll 1.1\' .n! by ,lie oalt.,. a' W ..LiDgloD, .110.' ~t prot II COIIlld ,red. nlly p'" of Ih. lledy 'D, itl b Ih,·r. II ~.~~ prlo. lb. . VIe.LOtl~ Que.a , l~ el of ...enp f' •• lfal ...... trodace I. " boll or .n .Icer, ... 0 '\lob il!!:.!!:./! @ooo @ ~ or • 1ell n, !lffeOllo DIID' l~. 10 Y, pan COlli ~n ,., reeelw . COlli by IIIlrlled .. oo., iadicati l .... pr e i':'b ? , ' 'W IA W ~ IE ~ W ' I bru61'J thtl blood cireull' ill, lhrourh Ihll that plly • II IL ,a-law. 1II0ther h., of D.· Ih. of oadutt co"ltsp Ihoula d. 01 ~&Y .&1T81 )ft t. ..... did 001 i.~ 10 Ie. part l.h. up Im,pllre m.ttere frulD ah. 10AJICD, n poial to ao ...,a,e of .boa' ,III Vln iurea girl.would , h." IWOrdld rlll1 '1II'eCII.on end c.mll it into tll.,.ne r. t~al .. widow, th. rag. .. a an ~ f of ltalhlO 'lO':k hllf ood , a a and fuu~d b. ::agl, ' IDlY hOy I...w...... AII-" .1I8We • behold Ibeir fa~ II 1,ltleM. Th., Ie tlte e..... ofI!' of Wbere cro ia qUlolily oC wb ..,,· of I ••• Ii,y Lhl!. aa .pporl. oily' 1&to ~ill , of lu/l h.b" It.a- - - I perllon. to delt!! .udden "me.' be Itame, Ir'" ,her'. lall , II..~ wil! .ake il equal in nlut: 10 tI _ --:-_"' --.......-_ ' BartO Bleted willi boll I a"1I alel'n. Ind who . from all bered " hal when Ma"iaI Van t" Ih. clrTh ..41 -tl ....1ee I. lIew· , Hce"" .t D_ 1_ d no medlein.; tile lII.tler It.talnt o 8nl'ja d ... . Tho great event of the al 1 Ih i l 'd' P e ,'" Imo~1 Ind chok.. op tbe fin. year I crop. t. . "'d h " t~.t !III... . , ... fal. u~ IOD ~'~ te ~, ...n, cul.llne .yllem , .' Jnst transpi re - t e lIuccesS l." Il~' qqart" . r.adera .L cerla,a ,h.o .. lOg w~er. he up.., ~nlt~ral1~ Enl!"h p~o- blood,., ...el. wb.c" lupply lb. lillio wlo, ,,~ tl·~tS l\tt~'" Jlt~.ul ing of the Atlanti c T elegrap h, unt· 'lullil, "ill pe ueellt'l ll. 'fhe Itfe ce.... e I I i( . " • U Lh. prll'ly by. ~ .. h!ng 8lftalion wltb M'I' vh.lily. and 1a &b.a le Uu. 6-\ raworlb 1II0re ch •• ii in 'lI heres Li!Un b hemi8p t .n .8 greates two John tlng the Guelph. Vlolor .., re.elllb ered elo~d. l'!l, 'U J ua. report Y • d' " ilhlr •• mor! ... nTSt · I I" 'II , I•' I,' . U Willl. rkrleY IiIn YU, Delflll be VlloBu reDunl 'n t'". c. r. be rem"ie d. ' Nuw, what we ,trust m.y I'rove lID In IS so· AIL---" G I b 'b Inn. ..... d b, •• ur tly I!rmllO e 'SKIL lJITS ,' ,', i 'l , II 'II .l\ ",me condiLion .. ~he .. heal. I ubi e bond . . RETH' S PILLS BRAND l Viclori .. lowe ew • • wilb ber. !piring aally •• GRIPD~ES ' ". l' J 'I'h. Oll~ orop b .. befon . an The exptd~tlon reach~d Hearts la a COIU& ..... lIlmpare millere from the carcul.~ , reielUll a nd . . 'm.,h,1'O~\l! wldo. oow. II OVA ' . 0'4O\li at. pr.cede "yoad mOl& OfT Ihe ,en.ral hlillb, .0011 HAIR .Cont4!nt at 9 o'clock A . • on Satur- ,ood-ll Ine and lion. of er. dIDBbt g biooillio tho by A<t vili'ed B'a.& geaer· il Tile coadition of .pa.tur n . curlrl"o~' .8'('c&lon. lleo. BBA "Dau th It I ~, 2 b f J I Q ! " I~ '~ / ' ,B'OILER her old ftalll. " •. Yer" qe rrom tedlo... timee ot lick· day, the t O l l y, u :. - e oa PILta ' PS, 'SOA d CY . FAN .... ~ aIlYw~bho"h Ihe I I.100 , 01 ....D. I n . . . . . " I'~A " ..ICE nell .1Id often Ine IlIe 11 "J ble beiog in perfect workin g order, "" ,_ .D~ ~ II l e elct'p '. a~ld b II D rUigI ' , Ol'f),/o tI (Ohio) . b. Arr.-T .. w A ,. of ~II \ _ J. renorl. . italp a Itnr1 T h". DO Hlmp. A • N.w 10 d been h . ~ Itr f recen' ale .a"J· • and the manag ers havlDg " P I Qln • h h . .. ,o , .Iaal. EN AME L .KE1"T".ES: .; DYE STUF FS, cO,Dlltaot commu nicatio n to roug t e Srucer b,.aehb of oorn thllo of. orowd were ~n tbe bllnke .ofl~. CIl,· A. Voa.... Cold. or lore T.roat , ... · lled clf l thl/,~~t'!~1't dialioil a' ."ort; d 10Ille.h A cable ever since tbe Jlplice 0.0 the RJtQ:~~Ll) ~~·C&:;!!:IJ . ,,' mlJ, G..... TON aLablni Ill. 801lunl . EI~. • . SHOV ahogll . d.. TS, indieate i. ll PAIN IOr,blll . "lIII 18tb ult. .off Valenti&. II bJ the 'u.bule nl .Ite,.. dow '''''II' ",.ac\tb lav.. ~e"ae . rocu"T . . . r', •• D ia from _ 'tllua .' -ot-'eTa tt8"'W . ortlaL .... _ •• objeat wa.aee n'.,hor tdi. ~~ ON~. d, 'II r . , .SAD .. OlLS ., ....... ...aa _~ r- __ea eat Irr'.tatiOD or the L ...... lIon. ~ ,h. ~y d ~cupie llpot .... t Ihan l SPOO NS "ui po!aloe mON 1D0re . In nery SII" . t' FlDLD, da~!lli~rt8 COntent,. July 'liluo.t A·r~c:~o~\::a!:. I.ea .....le · .. h cur~... hllle nul" d lie e.rc "~IC~ bel' lee prom biob .. , plaoced re •• ,. ~. B,t~e,..,..I ''I tl,·A '' '' ~ I I, ' ~~ 28, we mnke. .the to11o,""i og extracts: D.a.1 VARNISIJES., 1i. l1li. JI oFtaa TB& ."'VJ.T. ... _ ~eo.~ In cr.dle. • be to 0111 Illrne ess ler cban .,11111. 10 BROWl'ftfl BDOl'f CII14L 7aOC BD ... d,. ••• h The Great ~ left Sbeern Iidy I of in.lance "I!I Lbe I I ..',: aol . " il S. ••. Ippl ,8IEVE 'or l MEAL The pro.p.a on Saturd ay at noon; June 80; srri· IlQnlaili J lN!au. Hning ' dlrecI loRuince on Ihe p,.,t .., Pictute an t'< ,'I ,., Co (oulld I " w~. , IIbo~e. 'tRAPS I~e the upon f,au OW· no ww "ad IIl1u"l. a. rood For Rronnhili., ved at · Bear Huen on Thul'8d ay pea(·b. uful ~llIld, ~Itlllle~p. aa~ bappjly a .. · alVtIJ Immedi.te rllllel. ' OH)-LDREX'S ' K!J~ 1 lI.d TJlfull ptiwe morDill~ July 6. 'aDd receive d the li.I lDake. 10 poor •• bo .. iug •• CUllium , Clurr" , A.llhm. eOIll' ro"" 'htl. of perlla .th~ 0 U' ·l'. AND " EOllKS~ ~'~I CODIOIO 1 II. ons. NJanGe of ber co~ and provisi Diue..... Troehe , are ueed ,,·ltlt II",.,. -W hr., oC wOyRg~ u. I, I WA8H ' BOW~ of .n' ~ellcem allree nilda OIl Upper from ta Sinllerl I"d Public Speak. lucet... ,TlJe other ete&mel'8 Jolned ·tbe Great Accolo ,\Kid ..... pu.... Itt bo .. , Iud fr". cAllIe Il blr· nt abunda C.lliruhF,. PlGiiJ' of#l '~ "":" all ~m at .Bear Haven a. follows : thaL lhe pro.pec t. of aD ere .lil Jlod TrOch .. ulllul In .a leuln, " D. Ilnhow , I......I, J:O,., , ,,! Z",W'" '~"»(Jr~tr" are , than le 'AY~rab more The: Wm,', Corry and T errible on .... t .. ere n~Ylr O D . E x c e p l a b e f a l l t h .' woie.w hent,lre nbe(C! r• • lnrlngt lr ...... l"; ' .'~ ' "71' C/'\''''lTT' 1 "'1 1_ Fcldl\Y,-rth& 6th, the Alb.ny on the Lb.y ue Ihll .el@ r. Ind re!.I,iJl i th. throa.' .Cter.1I ,..~ ~ _1._ - TI;. Fair ' O'tolladl .pe.kln! FAIL :eL • • Ih Till. by .. t'l -.. 1/1 'I" '''1 url.n illjured •• wOGlI w ..,.,.\~ ollh. whiah "beat. ezerllun unll.u.1 10tb. I • " 7tb. ,aDd tbe Medwa y, on .he D d pre.crt'.."ed dell i Ib . I I ' T h bue ·1 ed. ilDproy being DOW In ,,', ."1 aWlon. en of. ' It 1u Wellt er n 'prlng, "J .~/ "Ita a crop. . rlJt' III ere re4;omm .upply or pod cia tb e 7th I tb 0 end 0 f C(I'II J AIIIC\.' On Sat~:y, DIIII T"lilao hid ... b b Ind be •• .n Ph,.lci by 1"1 1 ) receally been e:n.iae d by th. " fro m WI a 0" 10 uerag. . the Ii'wh shore cable was landed ' "E ltid " le1 rl!port from eminent mtn Ihrourhoutlhe country. .,~. " Board. Bt.te tht! of ~ lee ... ~ · Wm. Corry, 2:80 the next Bein,." Irliele of true merit•• ad /aninI '11:1 track I~ The " . .A plealld . · t ' el... & ". A Lbt:lDl v~ UNIUO Tn. U"'& ON MR. DrSRAlliIJ Ifllt of ml", . . momun gl the laying'was 8ucce8sfully .L •I , . , , " eleeled to apo .. wbicb bl' bean exp.nd ed 'SOD. 1",. lhelr em.:.." b., • compietAd /lndtlie end burled i!l 94 -M,. Di~r"eli huing beeo"~e to th'e 'will be uo' of cbe 60llt ia lhe IOlIlnfY , ,filii, IIch ,ear find. 'hem In n•• local\. p'.terl",.~cl .~'l" 't!\{t. ~' th~, .or Ipeech '''. lIIed. __ he enl, -eVCR P"rUllm de . flthorn .; Jatitud e 51.40, longitu lielt la yariou. pnrt. of the world. led the belln .. h acrel. niDc of additioD An • of • reIn a IIIlInly I. .. erll'U, pruooupce4 beUer 11.08..,:, Di tance: Crom the ,telegra ph "Ieclor.., wh!ch : .A,-VJ'AI, Ct)". .Ji .II OV.' · W' the Hou. . .ada 10 Ih. ground . by chi county Troche. are unh TEAO' OFFER . " I' ,,1, ~ hbosep t ~ V:alentaa . 27t , mil ell; 29i Lord Derb), • nt ia E, nlllnd'•• nd IOllle el!}.ooo I'D _II wl'll be A.pen : than other erticle.. . '11 Trochlll .. Bro lhac l'. crted LBrow1' )' .... 1 He 00' rd.. Obllin Lo, ~.. We ,,~,•• w""'j ·.r ""/r.'\ I n . mile.810t .cable paid out o,n Wedne s-,. or R. SUGA I wortb. Jlle' 01 ~ l' tlb not do .nd ch"i,' " ~Dg Ibe 'I da 11th mor. ded io re6uIDI .ad rtlDod.I i.._ ., ' -..I I • orelgn re 11IO~'. were Dewer I I I i . " Y(' . ~ ' . .. ~1"i.l~tl " , a ' ( grouod · ,_ reel .BEN ' p ' . ......... th, ·., relolced ... 88ES. . 0 MOLA1 Racoon arr., Irleadly. aDd Her ..,. oller~. ,.1 on. III' m ""If),,,,h ••• . Unll.:.ct Btll... ln IhlP f'r.. mly . !Sold Ind d Eali,,\;; eeo .. bei OES. Sf uill:d wbich ... io as· aU per render \tid at' • • c~mpllo)' hlu be •• nd In Forel,a Cuuoiri••• at I~ cenll . '. ETO., gTO. . =.Americ i. Tbe 'rollowing Ire Mr. Di.· I', " ' ·A Nt! .. Hnen 18 ei8tilDce.jn her 'I' '. ·comprea.. d bo of r. ~lI . ~, .L .. uafaclu . •• ~he IUP ' • 1 e: remerl neti'. .... East· Great the 12, a:y"the s. llliand lDade It..ja , I b I purrO~N ding IIi l(or ~~ " _ t .IODe • oar relation. I,. ,meodl y A complete ••l6rt .......' ~,. em, ¥ech,a y, Albaiay,~ Terrmle ' aJ)d . And wbl," KNOW THY DEII.... l'fY. cale 1~~I"ili •. qUII,I aed I pul~.ri ad, .. ~f ,lad IIID I po;w ."';.' h~y~ ~D near one &Dottier. SJrVi<ies whb' X.rope..cordial E. F •.THtlllToa, the , .... t EIIIC- BOO n ' ~ ~ I '.~ ~I~~t J\ wl~h ,b. Gowern· 01 ~~a, which h.rden l . w.. llla l .. eoty. ,MAIlA.B _~'; M', nollS " ... .ny. ,Al'ID 1Dt ~ Ind P.,co• lIeld at Valent ia anel prayel' 8otfcre d fill ~ I foar hoa". 'r,olD tbe eonll.'-tocy putt! III'h AI,ruloelll. Clllrwu1 1 , Amerio 01 9',"118 U.nh,d ,Ibe of at .. m oflthe .ei.n· Ihe laying tnl·' Ionilhed . up f~ the .uccel~ ml~trl!li.n. who ,hll .. . . ,,'ft " 1,1,' ... '. .. . . . lO Ih••ohdlty of ·.toli.. in period ."~1l : neYtr . ll) '(Cheer now .. h ,:. lilc, oll"ee o( tlae Old W~rld, cable. i ~ '. exl.led l ·i$lt·l~'lt' ~: ; O~ ~ ~ Ilal~n ", lbiday . the lS'h; the shore end .blab • beller andent a"din, ~ 101:lted he,eell ., lJud.on. N. Y. •I-dlme and •• Pill y.tic II ow's l _.. Win', ~M,.. at II~ID lleIU, lO'ernl 1.0 •• tb powul 'bet""D WAIl ooDnected "SO tile' main Clable on Rre De. to the Thorllton po,...,,,. luoh ' wunderf r, &I\Ore h, H~ir .' " I QUHO r.cea&,' •• hi We ~ a. IDCllDiD eat .. pr Ibe lil h"r 10 'board the Great Easter n, and at ~. publi.; bal ~ ..e tried relDedit. ·' 8IId as en or .econd lie , .110 en.ble the of e I"'i "t. • . l 1.llitbc CbOIq Me R ..e.orI P4\ULQ . laad. Iy :.... fo~ d t'starte pli'1lee 1&0 P,II, the telegra ~~oro:be.!::~~I~~r;h!; Beak. aOy "u.~~ Ibey ~re oWt'~td, kno.n } .tbal a ~~~:r:o"·:::~~ l INe", "oundl~Dd', and the Racoop ' re. &rood 'ellUo, of &lae Qnitcd d in the fllr Iri.1 w111 ooaYluce ahs lII0I& .kCplio. tex. Willi. i .. a ••• 1" of ,,,lice, .he de. ~W. ere eonello tl, mllklll, .ddiliool. A :: • "rnmeo ' tow"rd . Eo,lan )I ' IIr the ~pe,.on " ',Imed .t d Valtfn'ti•. · . Q IlIelelm'diCliDet fO•.... 'c·irtlill lille.le. Ihe Y':I le.'ur('l ,thh'" "Ieell. 1111 tbll Ih W! .... eall. mlne .... ,1t'YBd and , wlrioh ~C.lI i. in. aer. ali .... 01 : alII tbe ,h. hi' b, ind sailed t ' ma,.,.. ~o #. ITI'heitelt¥g~ph 'Ttl~h DO (II fer pre~r.1 i on. 0 lb. ,Clq .~e of II~ w .ore blllll .. The p.rlor ul 4S. ,ioa. . lOlu,,,o nll. ... IStMJ. ahead 17, le April Terrib e Ihe I ' It, ow rig 0.",81.': . till ItTu.. e., ·of IDlIa.. power. know .. 10 lallr~. .cid . 'tbe ', ,-,. "Iii laod orfWoM ·h,e. Cue' kiod pith., of lOr n .nd xllibilio e ' 1hl& than .,." uaraa,..a to.prad ll. a or the Great Eaetem ob. · the star. "rl'li(,i n.r trl!~'J ,cho",o .. P lise', r l:, se,\ldY . Win.low •. olllr Dame :' ED l b~r.a,bo_,"tMe 1tt ;Way-oo 1.\le Po". ~~li'" a«lll beJt~artworld of qtltO '!n ;.an .r ohtntti. IIW.~."1re 1'Irn~. ,.,.--Iu'ur. "l1li\.,,4 tW " ' ." . , ,,L rand' .. Ilr. p, to ch.· Wile or Ihe .pphua t, 10,1111" with tllle • '1U1d the :A1l*n,Y.' ()n the I stlU'~rd the " • " real eOieien." and . powe, or, iheir '\ ,r,". le.din. •• IIf In n ' quarter . , " - j ' e'''u.ltlo rtu'rrleU '[ lo,rri: 0 ,of BOYernment. [HIIII', Hear.] I, 9"Or Ih~ 1088,el ~ly \ hl1 rec.e n', n, .GrHl l......,.. qj' IA• .Ag,.i. : j'" Signal •••nt.Wro ugh tlie 'c/Able on form Thlllill no lIUmb~Ir•• a ( Uti Prim, (jllr,nC~~tn"dc t.. rl' &e thine; , d '< Portlan in ,,. ble Lic: l , '•. .... eon prbm'. ....rtSlte more •• c.n ·.er. IIon N.v.r 80".,l n .... and 1:0 the ' 16 " I "~' I <" boara the Great ·E astern. c~rti'~ ed rll .. by 0 , ~t c 'I aRye I \A~ llu rs t esti OlRI es ", ill ilt",d, wh~o deli d, cerll \ •.Q. tban Ill" ' I ~ ' ' ': n "Al. ~aa Ul',. ... 1II ~L .. o t d .. I th. picture : ..,..,gra l' :.' D~ ,~ Valent ia, two " too low. h I~OW I LI\Il'lI dUlL .I,8UIJ ~:"hl, or writt.n ,uarn" e.lh., lO"I1I ..e~' of Lbe Ualted Sl.~' WeN Dr enc/oli n, • be. to . P"'PO'I It t thousa nd tour, bJI~"" ,' ~ forty 1b." 1 whll la ra..,. ueel 2,000 .~d ed, de~lroy •. er .. !19 ~b 1II1."ea: Ihl ad n; 6cca',o ".' IIpon,4 , perfect Itair. a.4 .t.lie, p'l. 01 ---~ .",utic&llDlteti 'Were .found 1~ler~IItio~allh ••• e~b,~cl,!g a'.lelll' ',!.OOO perlo." IIml/l lorl! ~f dl'POlI\loD and complu ion, Tl1e av.e~e .~ ot the "shlp,i' *:bl.•h lblliy fulfilled.••Lheir 'jr~. blrJb. of ",\a. the 1!hU.l ei., 1i0QJltl d reodere wllh I. .. from the time the ephce was l~id un· d"uII. aad Ihe eord 1 •• ntND,o.r GOY' !b"pro pel Iy d8ltrc?,e~ " , ob 5'•• nd enelo.h l, Sj) IIfn&' Ind.,. I.mped e~ comlDaaiCattd .. jlh reo 1 '~youF?elr. 1t1u · ·Ul. wo.",a'!' land, "'"u a' little le8s t'-an wbiuh ,'.ey .haL befo,. 000.00 0. Tb. alii ou ", .f iDe.r..... n~p. ,ddrt~~1 ~n"llrai~ed Inlo......ioo plc',re "tfive! n.utiea l mile. per b~ur, and the eralll.o t. hu. ool,llOlidaled fat!. •• ::elw · .~. .q.OOO ~ Ded .,c.",,,i 'b';lllar 'f.eltol( OD 'he • {pable . ,been,p aid out at ~ ave?- ·wa. I d.,p a.d Ii.lrt, l~re;Iurn II~:"' ,~II eommullicatlon. u1 ooa."I ·" O' lhi. 'or peopl. .the of para hour. per miles 6:i ~.of ~A!A~I~: P. ~~~:::.-.;~~ ;~n~. lieDe;, Inaalli. '. 0:7, TH. 'nv"u ••. '-;-Th( ••eoL.. ~.8iIt• • : . [ Tbelwe ath\lr baa been more pleas· wI!d th. ACD~ricln fl~ter . . Htia.OIl, H. Y. ·BQ"I~I ~h. C:~"8d leCl Ilrenge &h. of a~ ~lIlb~no ... , • • , . !~t 'han ~, ever, known ~n the' ,I .' ' abollr,b W.Ylle l,ton 'p1Ul1e~,. wa_ h~ld aeRr JD8_, Il'fVAL TO - U.milo>at tbis ~aeon of the year. O:T A .dl.pllc b trorDto WAlhil CARD A th~ 'Fr..d' l',r"nlth~ ~ountl. ~R" r~ceDlly. '''lIIloag We h~ve~ad alte~ate days.of rain , "yl: An omecr wrii.. A Cle,.T •• II, w"ile relldln, lD Soalh g: (ollo.i' lite III decuJ,.d al quit"lI~ ••• Pie )I ' "r ; B' ml"fofllfY. "I.eow.,ed • 8~n8hl0e, fogS and 8qual~~. , .... DI. S!sarr •• r.c\lift colored J>l!raoll. iblo Amerrea -••• eM'!IJ for tl,e . CUI'" of ": •.~~ b1"ve ·b een iii co'o stant commu· .... 0 ~ . .. re~.. roe " le p .11II, .nd IIIlfe .l,lh D 1 ~h,.· e wlllal.c .bllll ~lDd lbe." ~ ~b~ .lat&r~~ "'llicabl.~n' · ~Itb Valen,t i" "I!in·~q.. the 8ou~1i CI~h~a. ,DDd ... y. ,hat ,Enlr .De",. DIIl'II' pebpl. lhl bvly 11111'. IL '1'.' 'Olld ,1i.I tbe! N·enou . Weah" ." alii '.081" ~llaltOD , •• d are,t t 18stan 18th ~~e on ~ade In!! Ih. ""htlle o"lnll. " ", 8pHc~ was Urin,' lhe of' e. i l •••. .q We ,Iba' bUI . r~c"wed wbit. &ad black. nd it i. Ihould b;e b, baoeful on broniht . di,o"', of Irltln r ,and· bave d.-ily . ~lVed n~w8 !rom tbe". bqlb "'lIIbe .ach lor on. WII IloD of kllll,,' ,. '.'". hne nu"be~ 'Grelt •. hlblt ,. Enrbpe'. I , ,. .. wiclo 4 an. I", ~J ~ &y& 'I lle d 'hilt .befor. Ihe orop• .• r. . . - to"deeide. for ' a/l wlao re(\IIIed , by thl. hoble 'PlDed) _ .I,"d, • (I' :A;fter .taldDg on ebal. tlie';.\elegrapb ezpect. ",n · .,.L . . . . .l 'eaard, be 10 were ' ;. ou 11(' .• or dec! t .. ,r • he i1mict. .Ill he tb." beaf'lll '0 ollred 4o:1Ilre the a by wh-ere romp'e.,1 spot. P -. II • fleet will sail tor the . ,. . h b pd .nd IInlortua,I., 1 ,will •• nd Ih.• ,erlpe ' ---, I of 'he ·dillrici . . par' Ilk e ·a la , . . .. .rlng r recove to ·yenr, laat t wulos c.ble for prep!',ln, Ind '!'i,." ~hl... eclicl.'!II,·iI, •. eold lib .. head th. hing .. W ..-: . .aw o.08r tbie l Thoma ~. to . ,oinl 1. , line . d . .a8~on e ~It\nd~) IUld'". c~plet .iII htp '~lled I' .. w.,lop., '0 IUly • • • "u ,!"ed. i, 17~I,.1\ e8D Itl':belaMndd~~ NelwllfoUhdledan~.!oa • 100d mallY' of tbe ri.,. pllollliClu, ,black· C.a once or Iwi. a 0:.eek WI11~laW'lf17, eaelo. a · • li'Niof Clta~ Ple,- (01 ~twdtb ' V., II' ~ (tom th. W. jll il'I, Iii». ~~Wl ' "'el(. L . ddr~ d •• 10l"' .. en IoU p'ld III proce ou pr.Yeo., • wayw . 0 e · In~ e I en , . .... UI a .tala of J8 . . . DEA" Y AIL ..... . -Iboy ,t he oable:acr,oss the G.uIC of. St. lIIeD 10 WQ.. eD .oraln l ~ . INMAN '1'. , ' Addr_ ,JOS'fIlPH •• Ipol · ,ro:IDg ~::y ••Dd .8: ' " • &n. ' Ollo l Sl"lIoh D, Bible Hou... New 'Yurk cit,. · Lawre bce,llT be cable will be open aadily Dot ntD iOUII. d wilh ' . bJ ed m or. v.~; ~itb I be .ilI 0KY lor a fig luf. 'riaere for hu,ine N.inca few day •. " , DS, . GOO I DRY " .'-' , II. .. Ap~~priatt: congra tulatio ns hAve .tlrriDg.' ~p"e.llD.d. to .obcaia'c/otlaing 1 011l'V8 TB~ , ... ~ • ' __ A.. PR~"r JIlIf' I, gn. .. io"'r llLe in. p~ed 'bftWeen Mr. Fi.~klffan~ the for tbe.. people,. hAl Humb,:, , 11JIr'alore Ife in Ilr. field Q~~ENSW ARE" 011 ~O~; ' COI1~I RI EpilCop an b.n,t 10 OOU a io beeo ppIJ to bealth tnry of 's tate, for tbelr IO.DI, •• w th de.d y ,h.r, 01", clla,.. ro~ ~ot~ :aD~1~'"Secre ' ·'fre'id I P . Belbl'l Do laal" ,he . tc! iy8 ' I..-t · . 't. ~ 111m • .eDo", ,aall. bu& h. '1'0.'1 and uttllrl, de.lrJcl . d . 1,' l, uh.,," d. HAa DWA RE,& ~m S':'Dseg.~~ll .11, uc .een ~lle Queen ,re.' ....y calleco mpltte II called for blmselr. U• .iug8el ll not . ii bmil 10 hue YODr h••iI h"'t ' an. F ' aud tho Preeld nt. Kay. the Cable tI .... L .odell ,. · . . . .i . . .,........ O:TTlle A.hl.,d Ti ••• "111: A I... 'Lehlgb Univ.ra il,.. Rare provo A perman 'ent trhll~ph. ",h.a dnt coolin, Ytlelllble pre"rat}~n. " •• ' uighLe .illee. I. Ih, Lrlfa ... cominl r- ; ' •• ;. I · ,r' .". .aoro:. Bair n" , orl. a' ita •• u· Oifi" o. L, ':~lIanddllhl" ~d lad,. . I..C~r~I,. . Imp.rt an~ dnlred mlbatn ew. ZOOri/lorou O••bU •• N..... Yo.. _ well. thi••ide of Drid,ep will. deled I\Ppbi~' wore ."re DOllar ar. 'r tta \ d· .. • k c1 at . nD&ioa Ib'd.• ,from "."t browa to Jet bla.,Ji with. 'p 't' 'A&~ I'" , H . , Pbil.d . the '0 tpl.. Iny .ow ' . I .. o. a lpe,. ~, .' " :""I''!.a~~t ~i i~pre..ibl'. oul InJurlnc the 8br..,.t.inl n, the .lrln track. la~ ... call1l''t ffOll 'he :,r4 DI.trl." , bo., to, IItab1!,b. a. con.,eLlon wi\\ hi. "Ller ,~. or, Ihe 'Ylle. throblh lba por•• ~ . illch81'.' llilcl wbe" l"a,~r~D ".nu. lIu,.II••• Z90lOlie.I Gardeo. wbiah b, ~lsa eow' c: Our·8p~ ~ck noW' Bewere uf lb. dttielerioul W.. al; S.h.m hi. cIU·.lllp .... Ba1l1lT S'UJII~aDu. fOlDlely 01 Ohio., A.tor 8 RO. TADQ "J.,\o ~·r.... for exllibitioa'to Lhe publio. arrlv~d gItboldly (;HRI8 J. by f.elured Ky.,. oD. Co,iflgt of t lad aacoae eratd on Ihe btll of la"'" ""dee Yc-rl!. &tId It, Drlll,l. t•• A ;.oetDblnltioD ttf Bar... m'.III1I1.OI .laadlnb been .ppulDled AILOl1Iel 0 .....11, HOIIM. N.w L 66.•• I halrdreaeere. ,II It, Appllttd , SI'&.IJ). Jer, of mile. in 'D place .II~ · YIO !~ A~tillrjb'l Iit.DI,e rie b.. pi .ot_ ~~inl _.a eanled ::.:-. ----. =-:--=-=== u.loadf d OD Ibe he,o 'or ••iI .blela contlio•• peeim'. 1 Ibll pDlllloa. He . . T",l1E a11T ' Bod Al'IU, ' E ill Ne.. 8 lhe .enlbll li priao. d Ifn,It •• n In tla • . Ipparen cl, uniojur ed. w.,y ,I'unl • ·he., ' . of o..rl, U;'llj 'iDI bird lad aoim-' plllf.rlD Ie Y . ...., ",ahrnl .. , .o ' e.a d 8l1tt. d b qalte or. rflporll In ID~me I•• L 7"" of United •• iI r.I"'1I by • '.r dhibi&e ; :iI,bile thilly aorll of DO ou' .on enog 1& hllDlelf nl.,11 .. adw mueh PII11 to ia be 1• •,78 8.000, aJMIn w'ncb ...ucb .. tbe apeotllQn.. (f,.. or eher,p) by .ddreMIIII' lite _der• · ~ r b d.' ,r~ ''lor'' II.. n.,po 0 f owe .. '400,00 0. IU . ret lor q . r.: 'i . " ~I.n.d. T~ IIIIYln, lean 01 1Jet., !qIIIIlClloIJ Icol. • r~",. ~o· •. ~t" lbe'D. panha"d De., 8u ACClu .,..-A Ihl.mbu"IId, Will obll,!, Ity not notld. , Id.· COIIlIOl h lel.irap n.. • - - Tb. , th .. carlf. All othen wll/ pl.... I4Wr ... tInil'tl th,' ia Brldgepor •• C,oIUl •• DIad ... _paDY ' bl' d enl ocClured oa. Wetlne wire eyer)' e. eday, a' ... mall noa embrac Ow 8Iool II . d d bee b ' their obedl.nt IIn •• I. ..... W ~ tbe roal. belW •• ;r;re~a , ~r ~ o.~IIa! of '.0 pliO••11II.d Gaia••bDr" Middl •• ~llIle'.l'.ICel),l York. "'Un " ~~~:;.!i",~HArf~Alf, . " in tb. ,d.ath or I loglot. Ilid New • .lUlU il"tl~! " ~ ,I" bJ ~~~; Ooapeotaol&t ,Le,o towD. PI •• r •••hiDKO.rolio y, e Y,urlr. , .' . Sweeoy .. 10ang lady oam.d Beat Quality . .... " D, , '!.~. . . . 'l'Ol1T OP . . . BU. .• be,t .ercy i. ofLe. ...... ~od U. ... Ibe eD" OCoarr tb. or ... ti th. At c· . ...... i.m (or OC COIl,..... :tt •• tll ~ID . A Gfnll.m .n Who 'I•••uWered ' I. tb. ",.etlo . or oar pra,... . . It I bed . ., e.... ror Bal1la.. ho"., DO laoh .ord I • ! frum NerwoUI DeblJlt" Pre.n .. lure Deca, _ _ . . _ ~ ---r 1011lige • . ,n • W n Ylog ~IC '. I'" aa , 'Ind IlIlbe .8'pel. of youthluIIDliiee,.tlon: ' I.. '''ce.' .. I ' . b~~.r picked op •• old gUD."~...d pla,· A. T.~ Glory of ••• " . . I '" · a '" Baril .. m .for lbe •• k. of IIdrerln, ' bu•• nit,~ ' : fro1".~ (or r;::t, Ne,..:.e:' :::n G:~i..i:t TW cl .1 .a. I". 011, tblo'" fOr faUy poi.liag il LOwud h,r. pan.d th. . r. , .~eel!MI the h. . If III who ;need ~" of ,o.tb'l.I·:!&=:l::~~ ~u CUUI ~aued lh.o.,b W •• II ..... tb.... lrect 0,,1 ~or .. akll, Ihl, 1.lIIpl. to ";'" _'~Ick.,* for. l'~o,~ ab, lI~leu., iallll· t"Ki tr • and. I, holl., .and ~........r elldtllr hll d." i. lao ' . , ,wlllch b. . .a. CIII'.d. b, d, ~ . ~ . t :::.:N ".or ding be" ...".. ....... ?r C ' ",it. .ry. '. \ AT aEDI t ' ber Il1ld. kllhag b.r,I.D.taDtly_ ~ abe adwerl'.. ' , ,,_ . . , ..~ 0 • • • • Iet.." ',ha t!"' .......... .. '" IIi. fere.. wl.h", ;~ prollt • '" ., BAT " ' eBB • _ a r j n . , , , OJ ld4r_l L ,.~r ah.. ,..p.rienu . carl ~ 10 'b, ....... .few· ! . : "~·~ ""':::I: ~I~~ ~ea. Ihit ;;~~~ botler beeadi~~ . bu' ~~ ' ;~ wlRlher ii~r; T'h. • WJ.. ., T -lDI~' a, 'rtBlK'!t,.,... . kJ'-j ACIODDl. , of till o'PP! i. J~HM LOO~E\, ) nd it ... ill-:'0I~c~~~".!i.r.~1= ... .iX ,· sin, ~~IIL!. ~~yel~p ahe d .... ie.~ Oon.l!el ; 0' 8 ,New ' in IOn roD. are' 114 Im~~fi ... It., M... York. \ . ooo.~o~ 10•• ao.d 1N0rtter~ . " h.. . , ~,~ ~, OGI?EN. N• .lS ella....r. .", .till Y. '11.1 .0. U C~.b . . =.~ oul. AM,.", • . " " fno~ble. 1I00a t!f "b...Uiu'be ", ho~ ~e"thu 10111''' ~ali.lted th· Y c~ D II, '.!IdI!1 a. ~~,.• ye.rI Dd oine et~a ·elghly· for 'ari clle' tlle ~eell . d' lea ' d' II 1I"'••I ..d· s ~eIJ . Girl• • • p ..tbe . a~ .:......._ 1 re ~J .. C I' I D o I meter'i .therlDo _~. ,lie ill,t. I 17Lh rhe :~~~':':._II . .i'. II 0. aio ~1Ml u edd.-d .....Io, "CeR" aeel ~_ CofI'w. Ry. nlUW l'lI,I ou". j loll e IIIH . ~ ib prlee& i clock ' O 3 i\ .... . . . . . . .ql 'he Ihltdtl .. _ OJ • ," ~I' :::r~:'" """'d Y'IIIiib~ "'Io~linn 'h~' ifill , CoW.. JD. r41"OL of Cull'.e. lOr ~JaOOa COlli •• -all .. a ..... af'Srtl. . 109t d . badialte ljo,I" lb. pntahb April Mil, ' .. _ tva .. . F.. B.: !J~'NTZ ' St.h~II" t:;~!i.d~,~':"wJ~~J:. 8an~,



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elI.toe"E,. S·

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d m:-d rn.. Lamps Lante--,

0"'2.- y., uwwe


0'" y "O ce am n"



1 ( .!. a( t . . an;'! ' . -:.1, . 0 N' "R'











Parlor Stovea "" .'0"" 4i''''''rkl,.


NEW SKIR'" FOR )'866

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The b ' 8'" -'''

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the Attention weourinvite Customers and



Frienc1a t.o \he Styles an4,.Pi1Q81f !l .

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d.I.... · , '







For Men ... 80"-' wear · ..





Union '00&-




' 'R' 'W "




.1. .i.





,C J







JdDd& .

Notions of











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Mal .. St..' W.ynesville,

,prJ"" _.te I




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0.'-00 our • receDll, Ucl abe 01 ~08B IJILLTIfGS =::::::i======~:::!::==== Irll . . . wiD be rouod • cor....., . · .iailio, a' .... ".id• .,a. or BtqaiN JI. 1 nth.r Iik. &o.aal b Biu.n 1k..l . . - 1'J'l'l'~ JLIAMl ·1lAUBO.AD. de... fro. till. pia.. &0 lbe Cia,ia. .'i cobl, wbio" ia the fara formerl, 00011. IIIl "af. I ' ••or. t an llreo 1111 ..., 1. _ ___ co..ertial. aod a replYlbare&o flom a pied b, Mr. T. ,D. Y.GlUn., bat par- tp~II'back:for' IBlood P~III'lbut Blood • ...m.u (GOawn IfAt'ld). . . 0 ., . I I II pd " , ' U ID t II .y ..LltIa. -w: W , 11""0 01 orwia, touablo" ... alal, Dp cbl..d b, tb, E~q.,r' IOlIIelbing oy.r I dODl lik, luyneH of DO IOrl aot aDOD, OD Lbl Deed of a Dew d.pot building Il a yellr liael. 8itaa&ed 00 the .amlllit ,yea io 1II.• lkeeten. • Ni,,,t Es,~ !~ A. •••• lh, IIUer place . W. bo .... lhll E'q .'1 of Ibe ranO'fl of hilll .lr,tcbio" lor a I ...1 .u.keeten linly, Bot CI q!oolti -....... ....... A... r.. • 1 b' . f . B'

, . ..... aA.,.."

•. , •~I III. Aeeo A

DR U G~ ', n ,DIpIIE'S,


10.37 A. •• 6 i9 . P. .. 10.01

labor of loy. lIIay 001 be 101t: allbough ' ' . C?lina bal eeoal.. w. Lbat, prob~bl1 OWloI to a Pltll~1II'I Rxp~, .bar. of lb. "WoDan" of ;,lliah b. Ipllakl, w. bin Dever leeo the .nDer· .In tn. Aeooa.. , ~.. able ItalioD boal. iD qaile.o dill"lda. ~~:~:::!~II"D'n. :;~ ~: :: Led -I light a. b .. , Ibl IIII,rOpoliLl., , L.. "'n.~ P!UI.uv'l.,.,.,....., •. w" P. . . eyea of thal ~ndemln. Ho~ner;1l ClRCIUO.ti £apr.... i, 13 iloerlaia we Ibonld not objeat to a .. D(I Dot 1,1 0,. . cbange; DeilLer, like wille. to a TOWD W. H. Ct.UOIIT, PrelldeDI. . W.,WOODW.l'lo, Sup't. Hall, ItreeL. ~arl. Acade:Dy of MUl le, A. D. CADW.lLLADD, A,en~. ,nld olber ah,,,aclerillie8 of I progre ..· C.lDW.£LAlIIa &:'IIILLJ, &prtir Agaa/I. iy-=,iIY. _ In tbe Commercial of lbe Jol..I lC~ JU.IO_, ~ Age,.. 26lh alt .', - we find anoLIter leiter fr om


,t'U'" W..,."..., ~v~. '


t •.


mile lOulh of tOWD. Ibe yiew from tb. . . tbel~ II orelgDb.le!, m1'I,arpoeRoeb' It· b k' len ID my IU ~eci ike Ilck'. • ou .. W el III • ~dly porlioD of tbe I"o.acb Biu.. re, lIi~'1 are 10 In to IDao.parable Miami , VallI'" .hh tb, ..... ' Railrold, Ibe Rifer aDd Ibe Tci-rqpille. ' eDt rUD alld ie aD. of the moel deligbLf.1 loe•• eat. bu~ Ibil I IhiDk i. a error, for aal til)DI for I lubllrban resideDce ,to be my boltlel ill ~~ply. aDd I hD' aad r d '10 t he Dtlg.l .• borh ood. Since . ... --. oun the eQIl-1 ~_ _-,-_______ _






. . GOO D S1 ~

B A. R G, A INS,






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l)ry ',,~ ~ Paint., , PAINT" ~ v ~1~1:\., ~: ' ·mIn V m·lEi' 11 m.- . ,

bt'clm. poeeller, lIe hIlS mad. ..... AI'f ~EIIfIl. VB SALE , AIIfD ' mlny IddiLions 10 tbe ori&ina: house, W" DJaTRI~1JT.~N o~ PiuOl, ,Melo ' I b 'Id' . d deool, Gold and 511 • .,. Wa ..... It no .. sOlOr on lit \II log wlllga.~ porcbc:-, •• d one .lIhe Salu!OOlfl o( l\tEllafl~. Ruo. BRO.• l'4o ~ SA8K · l .-D l»uT'TY ~ · , ofthe moaL cblrmlng littl' h~r"ry roomll 34. Libert,· St.. N. Y. T ....~ ' good •• re .old .t Lhat could be im"lrined, witb ao .,,,, TWO DOLLARS EACH. REGARDLUS or TRUes. "/. window ope. in&, UpOD I balcony , from VALUE. bSenlil NTWt' El'4Tl~'OF~~~DCOI!:NL'LTS 10, SUPPORTERS. one mlill .r., 0 "e. or..... AR (or .' " W.yoesvdle, .lIudlng lo Ibe Jormtlr whence fall. upoa , llt throogh SIX. The numh.r 00 eaclb Noiic. cor""'pond. ..,.....NI ~~~' monic"tion and F. V.'I r4lll>ly, and Ibadybranobe.o(aurrouodinglreee"be "~lhthelltllJlbor911IOmellrticI80r"oodl,.. hi(l,h om~stlc S, In lVa~vlll41 on Sat\lrday the give the ooncluding porl • • to Ibow ecene wbiob aU.admire,lhe range of tbl .... 11 be ....Un receipl of 1a2~ ~he . , , . , .• be r.rDnd If Ihe,&<>od.d,. DOI ......., ..t.e,""". .... ~ ... , I election passed , off peaceably and "ba\ E. J. 11Ien: v~ney. Til .. portio_ of tbe boai•• "lJenU; ...... ·l"W£If:rY'.Yl\· 001 .\.1\0" " " Jr Y.· tboag.b an adjullot, II, al it. wen. d.· W EEt, (ouoCI'''''.r. 'REED AlJRO•• ag ree"bly, there- beiug ~o' dleturb· , . " YO' 1 d' f .b • b ' lldl bel P O. 80 18 N... YOlfk. anee"and bJ't lit~e exc~temeDt. . Q"r. orwIDf.cobrre·14polo~eDt ....... V .,' tac Ie rom t • maiDU D~'d ' ~ 10 ·Office. U Liberty St. DRE~-GOODS, Th4}· fulll'etum. of .the vote tbro'- 10 10ur I . . .e 0 L e ~ I I lOlL., la fll m.1 .rrlng.d I I 10 be a ..qll~llere - - - - - ._ _ __ b > t h . t t b to la,k ralber ~oughI7' and deeml 11 ror relldiDC and refteaLioD . All the .1- SI'EClAIo' No..,CE.-Tb" Conddctor. or 0 .. out t e coun 'Y ave no ye cen reo nect'SllIr, to '8 .. lly contrlldic,~ my IUlte· . .• dd" be ' ' h Youn" '-oail. h••e "real pl_ur. in anDo~ncillg feived, but we give the genQral reo Dlen' .1" to the origin of Oor.iD. The le",tlonl anu I IlIOD. tr.y ao 1Il8t et· Ihal the~ b!u c~rupl.led •• rangemet.1a (or ad. ult with the majorities of the win· fa.tll', iI. I' b •••, thllm (rom the "oldelt ic l"lle, and it' i, a plelUlur. to rf'cord ding •• a !'ew f.allire to Iheir M.galine, ... rie. 8. 'candidates. ' inlt.bitIDla. ' are aimpl! lhue. , W 'h en tbeee inltaoce, of bome eDterprile. of FULl. "'A~II: II.LVI'I'IU"'O~I. The... "ill b. the LiLlIe MiAmi Railrolld "a8 u:tend.,d . • _ _ _. _ drr'l'D,b.1 he.61'11 Arli.lI,.e\\rra..~d in tb .. be.l mug " Cler~ of Court, J. S. Totten', mil· 10 lhi. plllce, on the opposite blink of __ I l .il rupeel ru IIY 'lIgg,elt~ d 10 ,"anner, alJd printed upon fine tillted "r ...... ,. ,. 'ority 484. Ihe rivl!r. ' ,here were ,neilMr buildinga Each noD.iM.r of Ihe Magazine .. ill eontain one J ' 0r t hCUI. T be fint pictare' oftb .'el, Probate Judge, W. W. Wi! son; no nor .in I"Ibirlln" at tbe plRce, n()w called the Trulltea of lb. M. E. Ohurch, fhal or 100'" Oorwin. • A wood cod Wilier "Y"lion dori~g the coming fall lealon tbey IllYe 10 b~ "i,e. "ilb Ibe S"pt.ruber"nuoober. i. 'TOE OPllol,i tfun. ", N. V.' CleAver, 276'. Will es,,,b."ahed at Ihtl MAreit pOlot 10 a row ,of nice , alll"i'.lree8 plante.d OD ·W41fD~.C.Jll" d••ir;ned by W. J . ""'NNESI)' . Sheri U , " Wild I The Cor.oUJ) , .1 I",v •..,uTlo.... whicb R·cl.uud Lackey 670 aYDeHWI e, to acr.ommo IIle llat Iblt aidewlilka aurrou'nding Ibe chllreb, prollli.ed for tile ,.hr. a".a printilli' and :,1 T reasurer, 1 , . place. 10 proeeu o'r lime a pOl'khou8e . , i1oGUFFY'S & WILSON'S SE1U'EB." wal built, which, .rter it, bAd become .nd hRve lome e~'ergrreDe ADd .other will be "iY.n in tit. Nourube,' .nd DI!f,~/"l>.r Commi s lf\01)6J', W , H. Hamilton. S c Or Joel Evans 299. ' un6t, al I ,uppose, (or" slAughter IbrabberYllet out In the Ylrd" whlch.t /luuol1.ri. ThO 6,.t o( th ••• ",ill ,be enlilled &0'1 '11«Oi ~U. 11" Y, • " I d . t prea bL I'a or no parClo lar' utility and · Fl.OlLIlfDA 4ND FWRI1'fllJ:t,;' Ihe ""eond 'THI: , , \ ' I ft ary Director ' Abraham lOUIO. wal, eODverle ID 0" r!,~H'nger l' , U , .' OLD M4" Oil' THI: MOlJftT,AI"" d•• igped b)' AI . known a. Ihe ·Q.ld Riokol,' certainly 1111 no belluly. A trifliog rred f'r..dricl. n rro. Brant. .ome, aod by other. atl lIlt" Wolld· I • It ' --d I. . , Ib \ JJUf-U J.DU.1 I-I Di'rector lTh'ginla Military District w.rd D~pot. Around lbil old buildiDg OUI a~ ~".g I reu :'r I III OD. 0 e . 'WuJueevllle Market•. P. Harford. "liule ~Iusler of other ~uildingl hae ,?Olt loyulng @pnta I ~ town,. 'lot to men· Carefully and ':I?.r~"y l FiUedo -CMejfl.lltj "· Correctllil . &Ie,,!! Week. I , ... beeo· er"etec.l-nptquite 10 Lbiok.1 flilla 'loD ·the comfort lb. IIlA,d etree. would -h __ 11_ ;1'..... e( ,W.IIftaround' a bung-hfole~ 1I0r yet 8~ lbick' afford 'to pedeetriRD. io tbe IUuoy lea· Dl~ R''t.o .,.''e'; ( ' 01(1 Dr~. . ~ --.:.p. , .,. :- Ihl"""'.I l ' I i~ , 1 " ~y......... they would hllel it,llbe de· a,ki. " ,.' ~~e;i ~ bu:~el/ ,' I~ ~ ~~ WA,nen-llle, ,~ ,." ,! ~ J . • . ' pol. nol Lbe bung hole) been better~ 11 t.' ' S6 CALL AND S~E. NotIce l~ hereby g~ven,. that by Iln ~nd tbe p!~ee il calh,d Corwin. I bORe MAGIC OIL.-E. R. Prill II It .. "0 af' B.r••"11 .. " .' 1 .0 @..l 40 ' POST· O 'F F I,ICE-'· "O-B I{IIH\!. ,1!,. • I -0-ngre~Dlent of the(U~lIol1 centrul c?m. II lIIay !l~o.1! Rnd pro.~r; but il Dc~er tiele or Ibi, ~am., whi~h i~ highly rec- Cor. ~ .. 46 mit~ oomp,risiJlg the 3d., sub~ivi's- ,,,'n ~~ much til~. by .ome interp~8iLion ommend"d for dillTrlJ(llll, . nrurRlgill r Flour 111 burel. 111 00 ion .,r .the second Judi inl., Dlshict or diVine Provldell,ce. or Ibe r"llroRd FIIJur 11 eWl, • 600 . , ,I.' ~ . . t' 'n b bnld company, LIaR\ old rotlen depol is re - helldacl:r, and all other nehee. wound · Btltle""f 1b , '~6 to, !L con.nm Ion WI .~., ~ rna' e ll aDd a new .od heuer ooe tRkl!8 die. 11 is 'plell~" nt 10 take , lind w L"~d f J'n, , · 110 Xcniaat 10 o 'clock A.~f. on Thurs · illl ph,ce. ' , I. I~iigs .It.dpfln, '16 ' .. ' t ' 1866 c~~ reC\lmmeDr Il. P~\Aloeft '1t blilhel, 60 ' W~YNE8\'ILLE. 'tJ,C 9 t h day of August,' , 'For tlte ioformRlion of the-ignorant,' , ~~, - - ' Dr! /ri\pprhe 111 It> 20 tile )lllrl}()8e of nomilln~ing ~ ~. V . POltl u~ lip 'upon rhe nat p.ropor ' o::'Tllr. T E . KIl)'S invites all in ne pcl Chjtlk,e,iit IJil dozell. · 300 Ildge for tlle 's aid Second Dis trict'. tlOn~ o( .Ourwan. : h , a~ed 10 be II\Id tt'~k of ne'w ,andell'gRol Itylel; IDd fifltrate tMlliil ~':Ib' ,i 30 @' 38 . tot 'U' " '" . W . C N~" EnkJ..nd "lIl1gea were patented : . • . .- , , ' \ New.Or'lnll'll BUl!'n :ijI It> 1,6' @ 20 ,fi.IAe u!on "o~rs o~ arlen o'lInd cnnlai'n ed elicb a'ue~. worklllanel,"p" ,IO; oana~a b~ .ac~~~~. N., O. MolAllael-1!I &-.1100. 130 AND therofore l'equested to asscmble pOIII.offiee, ,altool.bou •• , itore aoll dll.t ed .1 hi. bool aad :~boe e.tabh.b, Surgl,wJI" ' 80, the' Co Iloose. in - Lebanon. at blacll,milh'llbop OOfwin Iltclrl meM. : ' . "" j. . <4o~I',911 I~ 80 2 o'clock jt;k.l ~~''''Siltl{~h §;"IX 1 9i1~t metoUng, lloDte-.ll1 d. ,M't·clftice. tltougl f, '. -~ h _ '< • 08e a JOillth de1 • It hal the blacb'mllhil .hop, and lob. . ' . ~ a~e , In Ol,m ~ a~ s~me :I I Orr. t " .P.~rv , , ,PJ . / g , ;~ "BY ma"e~ ,mapl" oll!idy in gnt! ofJ he of ou,r ,p1tlzeDs bll.v~ already-engaged ' ' .. .. to 8~d 'conventlOn, Bud to at· rooma or h~. prival~ r~~ideJlc,. J oughl their..winter wo()od at '3,60 per cord. OFFice-North St., neatly Oppoiillllhe " " . , to a~y ' other busl'lte88 that Ip'\y: oot 10 UDale or morlify F. ~., lor I _ _0 ' 31. E. clfurr·h. . ' Re'~'lfully infnrm. thl.,c, of 't!. " .. " , ' h!' 1 l' . I d RUIOEIICE-Wilb Chat. Stroud, Soulh "".)("" •• ille .nd ~irit\i l)' • pcfC?r~ 'tthem.. . more , I Itn. "1~~" C~ I I~l • ~e, '8, ' '" . TheI-I &rVcysbtirgh SabbRth- Third Slret't, Ih., he h•• MJ(.iO IIbt. I " A.·,G. /MCBURNEY,} .' whol. ~roYlnee. JOo h~., l8 to 8",;11, S h I ' d 'h . ' . '. . '. ...,; , , I~d hild e, Mild reo . , , eontflldlllL.' Ti,,,, alte" good 100klOi C 00 anten to ave II. p1e OlC near ., W :W'NI!8"JIJL., O.IO. ~u e.l. im ' to ·1 • :;~!n~v~, 'C,C. W.C. I ~u.' D?, doabl,. for .b. ~"Y' fill t~e that p~ce on Saturday of this week. 67. . '. '. .~ C.A L L .A.V D EX.A Jl J N E I ' ~_~'...'" ~olt looking pu.enier• gd up Oonran ; ... . ", m . lal'J{e And "ell·.el ....led .Iock of \. . "_ "tf I'a,. . ...~. , llIlI.. '. U- Blackb.e ,ries Bl'd still plentiful ,' , ,., . , ~ 4\ Mnfl V rPrmflil~rt'lfU~. " , " ) "" _ _ " r"l'u.oLD.10",'. illthtsmarket ,', AT PRIVA.TE S,AL~. 'rIiilIlUllU\!;a1l IIIl11llW\!IJl!:.II\)UIS.j} ~ R!iA9~ ~lf of' Wal"rey. COun.~ tpGty.Jau, I lold joa Ihal, ~ll.. hid " _ Th,'~~b.eriber olJ"erl ro".I, .bit. , .,1- . . ' , . •" ' ,A' . ' I 1 Soc' t 'ifb 'held beeD Oil ItCr.ui" Ifler old board•• where· - - --aHoul'; .nd Lot _hualed on Fourlh' . CIIII"'I,nl!! o( 811.11,,1... rurlu n~ ... II,. found '~aeu ~tlrn I~ ~LWlb e,' ' . wi'hllIIO 'P!!l O~1 th,e pl .. L(or. ... of .the, old t:hrtlel. 1t;" midt (.:nill" dellring 'l pie.. '0 Il fi .. I..:I ...,'(!OUlliry .Ioro, ,uell/d,ug tbe~Tait ~ , i~ , c ., on Al.. I Killu WA. IID.UCC ... · ' ' 1!l1.,ome"la an aUr8cll .. 10r-ILiun. wU! du 'PROV ISrONS, .. pullljec~"l,.", 1$!lrsday and Friday, Siftc~,lll' ~erllliD"'ion of Ihe Feni· In Leblt:Jon. Jill, 161h. 1866. allbe M. w.n 10 li,elh~ p,operl, their IIl1enllOO. SMOKED 'abd an' war, boarda .'41 . becomin&, A· E. P.rBonaie, 17 ~ Clark. Jon"ltln ' ,' / . JA)IE$ KINGDON. . , ' . ',' 'r;"IL 1H\o..hl'~<l g~Dt1em , en larmi,agly Icue.. BiI,' the luI of KiI· U. Crilpln. or W"11J1!IIylII., .Dd )lar, W:.yn.~.• ~''', AUiult 1. . ) ', FISH,. UAM~, ~tc., of +J.. e Soc't~tv' 11'1 · I. ' onflr.gKillll, aod, hil ingenuity Clfln. ,of G'~l!n., counl,; $0 A. Y1F!AB made by any CIGARS, qUlI~\ttl·~ ...., I~ 'J • ~l high I, 1Iajeflil.. He , h". 'iurneod thOle ~, Von. "lah 116 - Bt~neit TOBAf:CO, i ' ...c,~. boardl eod for end. and upl\id., dowD, '£ .9 ;1, 1'0011. \ l!~ .~XDeri~II(:e "eee..",. ' The N01'ION~ rn::I!itjt~Q~ ,J~~".f81,~{if.~.~~'q"'~t'8()J); DEle- It.,d. 10 4pballged lb, localion ,aDd chlr , , Presidllnl., Casbiers, and Tra .. ure,. or a ' aale, of Jbf Apl.B that not 1II0r. thIn Oank. lodo,a. the cirllul". Bent lree one f.. bi~~.bly drell.e tl lad, aDd a poo. AI Iho relldFln~. of hllr .on, o" .. r ubi. wilh' .I!lIltl".' Addl'eu Ihll American dI'. alln' ralllbroul(b aL the ..m. lilll" nolt,OO Ihe 10lh 10It .• Cb.doueJlebon, Stellcil Tool Wurb" Bpriogfteold. Ver· , mo.I'. '. ', 67-3J1 orl. 'lind ' tIll a.lDe plilee. ·T'ba.r. il ai ed 76, ,.an.




WIHDOW -et.Aas, I





· G

. ,





White Goods, Shawls,

Hoop ,Skirts,








ha, • .,."




, Sch~~~~.~~k~~,I: ,'. .0... r


CADWALLADER & CO" MAIK' H{»ll fE S!2., ,


RaIAa.~. ·:,




he . "



'U :,,/ n-



\.r,:"o;h I.. Ilr.


fIIIDI' 01 "'I'AK



HctilSe,.and Lot








m Q:t I, .


. and

WOOD and WILLOW WARE :Brooms, Goods, Gas Stoves I And diver.I'ancy olher ,hilli" all of I"hich he ,Ilro·

no datU 'po About lIle 'oll depot: " Wi! - e '. Kero~ne life aDllioa" Ih., Ibe obllilgeti' lhoQld lie 'OBITUARY. ' .' . po ... to ..U • more frequtnt. bill eipecilllly "nzioDe Wriula o. tbe dc;ath o( Rachel Raube,ry, ror lhe 11' ...1' "b.D w. can dewoll' 117, ijll·. . . ho d.rertad tbi. lile.'J.ly17th; h.d be,n tick TEA AND'COF"EE 'BOILERS. GLUE (f) 1Il A If ® Ii (Is'6\. g:) tIi[ ! " • f • ntlwber of ruoalha, &itd bor.. il Ii"" a cbri.ti ~II POTS, O,I,L CANS, &e •• &u. f,iI n(fl to nom" snol '''/1. Stnre on Ma,itl St. ,. in thl good old Il,mn i»f Ibanlalli YI~': witliollt II ma'NU'. ."lI'erln,...ere 10 , oppo.ile the Ne" Drul\' Siore. "0 Lo,d ... e nnW reioi~e .h .. ",oultl .ay.he ..i h.1I Je.a...ould COllie .nd All the Cooltinl! lor ~ rlmil, .t;G h.r home . JII.1 befu,.. .he died Ih. threw o:T W.,.nelfllle. Mlly10 . 1886. T b ' eel' ~,on I e cuue r ",OY " .' It", . ~IIi. _roulld her lI,olb.r:. neck all,l Hid. o:T rna,. lie done wllb KerMene oil • .t;:;O , '0 • \ ,11\1411108r,J a," ,,)·illl.· ae, frle .....tood .rcal'd o:T o,Ou, wltll le.1 t,oubl •• Ind J:;:{ T. T. Do~tlo. hal a few _ore ellOICfl her dyillg h~d ,,, ..urlliog ••h~ opened ... ide h" o:r It lei. rPtpen... than b, .1)1 ..t;' .ye. a"d ....d, '1·<;10"',,.,, hli" .... pin.Sbec.u.e ~ fl\b,i~ '(or the preaell~ leuon. and • l all' loing to a tJ.. I' ... world.; thtla IOn" ~I,o ••d o::'T otller f.el. t!y~. and f~1I /I leep ia Je, al. They Illaref' arlle " IIIln~ractured by thl, com No. I I0 t 0 f r • a d Y' JPIld • co I II'linK, t 0- hn tle .. realholwbll.. rolebud.lli;bll,oatho.. ~o' pan, II ,II. '!lIeed 10 perform all lhlt Ie all .f wbiah ' we reeomml!nd 'be attllu -' II." lClCk •• clu .. t~r"d roulld ·. brow uf warhl" claimed ror it, .., ·L . • '" _ . • ,., white. Fil "1'II>~e,u, ue tbry ,oftbe parD!piril. o tfle pIlbhc. , 10 bll' mo,' IJDpOr· ,10.1 IInc" d~"lt 'wilbin i•• _rtbl1. Laber".rle. . ~Dd fur C·ir.ullf~ e ""III ~Io. Il'''....,. tatl': branch (I( I,ade lIr DodsoD i. v .. R~rb,,1 II dK~. _No '. • . ' , . ' . ' hllllll4ilng fC/Oblepi It,ut YO .• ' ea,.. t'o ld pa,· Lll1er" 1».... 00ua1; '0 'he Trlb. 01' lind nothing eee.pea Itll bandl m'tl... ~ ... 0" "ill·mat ... e,,1 .. OIC. Ihat ~""'". Keroune Lo.p BtJat". Co •• . ' . lill. ,.Ih. , 611,,1 'ltNue mllrll'd.illl ..'ODlI' thoi tbe mark ,or per(ecuon III lhe Itri",. oJ 1111 4uli~a ."arp, ,tleet yo", ' Sh .. i. S08 Pearl St .• N,w Yo,\ ~ I.• illnr"n.. , . gnne-llone to lbe .00<1 ,b.pb"rd ... ho '''I .... r. 67.6m.J a~ • • •• _ • ..III II,,,,,. d.... 1""'D, nr hl,tloe' to hi_. bo~on'·. ---:~----------~ M~RCHANT TAILOR, Tbey I.. lel her b~' 'h tir broth.r-. "lIfte Ihe ""ell' 'I ' ill" 11r1'~u c.eepin){ wr"y by. wilt "'Ike • D luol/rll 'lIl re'l"i"m 'or the d"p.,I""; 'h" 111....1 r. '\"d "Ito Multi help 1... inK.R...... I., ~he .... ' , ,,11 nle-gl,utnc... Sh~ w~9 ~.. ,""!,I I .. ~r... 1 B IJ W .....,R a A !f G IJ 11111' T , .1'011 .lth " "",Ie .n li.. ght, .0 .ur~"I"lCll . --•• Ia Street, W.'De"'lI~tl, OhiO. hnullfal. t~.t 'lt '"..mrd Ii. ir "" ."A'el h~" j'a· Th. '\Jble~i~(lr. haovinr lupolled hil el. k~n pOllelllon of ."iI bea",ed Olt (rom " hll' t bll hria.'ot ;"Ilb I . i.. m P blue ey".of l,q"id 'lil\ltl. PI,,,t doe while ,..,..,. ~ I II' ". hrn 8111 erl,01 riot .. ~ a, I hllVe now 00 hind a J.rgtllnd .I",.ot Irr-e tift h•• I., t. 'tlt~"g flhu:e. IShe Iu~ed 10 ler I I. , Wd " , 10 ~II ll ."rnUon. o f II f .. ilt"h tb .. t,illY bud. ul1l'oJa~9' I, caleb Ih. ~'. Fertlle,..lnd olhe,n liD tho raal tIll' " • . 11 ItOC 0 . •an' bllead' o~ .prinr· ' _,~ , . ' , prepa.rltf ~'.D'lcllllr. .' v ..... & n:& . Y..,.,.p",,,t II OP .the ~"'.e or a rll. lorel/e, AQ99ft ~'I DUUI . "' RU ~o".r. I~at i. """ t""'pl ... ,f'd a"d bluo,!,I"t y&, '4lD -f1t.A.DDf "~LiJt will be" '0 l'.ra~,:eb· " ,w' "'of .,~/.. n"' v},nl ad pa~".lI, ~.. _ ' ,~ I~.l oll " ...orl! i" th~ b..~ 01 my own'; alia, 11 beautiflll 'IIU~' lOon. JOID .. ~r~J ; .. ' . , "1"" ., lb Id 01 •• Spring t...."" rot h'I'" or l'o)ling.' <,11) is ' 'gooCt' cr'Op,l ft e ,e 0 tI_ · ."""e, "hr!' ~~, c.......l\ n,1 triol, ~f ,btl !ir... ~. , ---.,Itlle, apcll 00 ahort .nOllce. · .uortmeut 01 (lOin ISr, wcU' ftllei:l ':mIl ow reACt"·, on the 2Jlt aDd 2id of nOti,. HM"I'nd ....dlt ! to·uy. Thy w,If. oil, o:'r Ri'alnl- tho ••nieel 01 II" Er.(,0 L.... ' f ! , or, 'l, J " I Lord. lint mille" ,JoHIo;" bul He "hI> I,ilt...h . '.;" , • CLOTHS , r u ..ncst.' .> • • • II". 1D0Dtb OD tbe ~2d ' . geDer~ Ihe.e Itell~ ,.. n,h. If) Hi bOllOn'''iII elf. , .... IoISOIl JUett, lad otlln iliperl'" WIJrllm·l lI. • ~•• , .' S.bbath School cdllYention be 'he'h l. IIrl!n~I~, idlbi'.J'o,ur tl('tlr,ol, ,,t!llctioa he JU.,.ntl.~ ~". IItrrio.t .• lliarar.t,ion. CAttlSIME.RES ",-. ! ,,, ~ , ', . l, H. W. 078u"I.., Oa" ,llp' Ind W!I.OOI . " , TllE GAl.Ax~.-Tyta pollulllr tort• '~.:- .....'. ' ~ _ ::L repnlred Ind ' p... ,1CI 'in'tood IIt,le. ' C magazine fs ;~~P\9tQ w~ ~~. A V~ uan un.-Mr. IE. Mee'" 'YouTH.1 ~h"8e'ell l(tlIDe.; ~;S~ch I. ','.; t H1NeHMAN. VES'rlNGS, & " l'itQl'atll]e. ~d ~mber co~. abow.d u. ~ b~1l tbe ot~lf ,d"1. wl,.ich, you 10" lucl~ .h~1I y~u~ rlll1p," 1 Pareql~ 3~~~1II·· , ~.ty [1,~ , " which I am prep, .re~ I~ inlleo up In ~'be, e prod~c~on8: of A.he ~tt ~I .ay' . ,a~e il• • tbl'" from I,. (gi .hp~l!1 lelld tlleu' ctl,ll rllo 10 ,. pl,.c., PURE, CID~n VJNEGAI . a, yea~. ·· 2I»:~qte. "~ No. Ibell fo tCl!en "Ira ' ",0. 01 couru wh~.r~ .Lbey are DO~ fl ely bt~~. upoI\2d Thill ho~ 19 ~e pU,re~ I I w~. pr.o. C &, ~n . rib' ra and mltrolll to .ICIO.I, aOlDplqIQ~' .o r eQ.pleh,. corea he etd.r·lFO. rflilable P.IITIOn. , III 7 ,p'?jChurcpi N~ <J'X'or.k. . • I, ~ We. beli;Y~,: il "oDI<! .. ~o &olh. dyaDl"". tJlll oel"'&ofIiIlOd. and 'P.rmilled it.' to Iud lit the I ; _ ,I . ,. i ' ' ,' " . . , . . See. tllo adYlrt1IemeD& ;" llnal. ~f' all a Ibo~aab ComfMrciDI turn (0 YI ••,., cia our own p,,,mlsel. . _ _ )[-.; In . ~ '. , I Tit. j . ti b lor 'l'tlllgNplllc eJucatlOJl. tQ leDd to Ibl . fl. a. PRI~TZ. , .' . ,'# . :1'8" ~le Parsball', ' w1dow ~Q";1o' ' ooatl.oo. Dr' ,' Union . Bu.inea~ In.iilu~ of CAllain_, ., . ~n~~8 OliVer "ar.balt. a IUIldicr, 11&8 II.De .I.w ii I'Dm ••Dcl. o~""e ao~j"aled Grim",. Co.~ localed io ll~ • .pl~D' . ~ ~ . " by tbIe Set1AW AI! P .•0.,.. " , .roand Wa,a"'llT•• . I, aq,ar· land {)rd~rl, Yillflge or Oberhn. Oblo. U~ tbe \jill "/)r pou,nd." of I wa,ranted ' Geotl•••", «.It lod e:ulllba. DI, .&ocll H..ebauou, in stead of }1 YeO. p .... d. ' _. ! 66 ' 4", . .qullily. f~ ... l e . Eo k. PRINTZ. beloreloiDK .I... •




Great Reduction in Prices I

Q[: I D1,hi ng-ci·1g r t



·. Wago·n Shop'







IE an

8 'd


. .o ...... ,






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.. r



MA 0-' $

E L ..


Most Advantageous ' 'D-.I....... I . . ,.. . .:







Drag.llts .D~ ,~left ID .

'" Pa~Dt .~.c:""e:e

EVERV-W-U'E RE -,---



PRINCE, WAL.TON· .COo,(1Ioef/eP<lI'I·wnr.O; W .~) , eo... l'lWpatlTOII8,o I "

1foe.&6. 68t!80 III n ... TblHI" (.;I.N()lNNATI,OHfo .


s.-RicE, "M. D.

'11. few doort·. . ·...



I': .... J O' E LEV A. N S , 1t'A, • • • ..





&NIl IlE 'TUL 8. K. Double Track BONu

. . & ........, .. K"'~ 8&., Il £. CfI


1 866.









~ W.'lIle' ... " .... Ohio.




Tbl. I. tba Man wflo ".. t*t4 ilia gray. J W,'O lICU' hft" Ryen look. lbl,"'''. . 11. "lICd Ibe' n .... th.' I!!y' ' . If tho .uwaqa[A; ~ K/IIC JlUlcIe• •

M. .,

Suill, ha4 ·IourleM yea,. e.l!irl.nee III IIR P!'JIe~lce of .edldn•• olfer. hi. P, :"'\ .1 S.rrh:n tg 1)18 cit . . . of




Ihlll But''', Iltree Ioo~

SoP\lrof .11M . ,.... G.. ~KTTE Offill'.": ).

o::r N'lcbt

~I ...1

Wa,ulTille ~ VlcF ~tr: ~O"'CJr

ITu!! M\"8.TI~ PILL ere pr~r-n.d alii, (ai' • leo lliln'lt I'urpoee . ,lid .re Ihe only ~811e end' .lI'eel I, 8. mediolin' jur ' ,II thOle ll~lll" "1 "i'lltJl~r 'It. wbieh lh. reroll'e coil· ~i.l~tipn ill .ub~ect. , to. . , Th;y ar~ Ihe 0,,1), gl'lloille t ;emale Pill_ utant. 1~h~rt"o" rote Ill! e"'eIlU, ,"Ii re..... ~1! aU ub.lfQ(tiJ).na, They jt",igorale thl! II bilil"le~ Ind Ibe deIiCla,tp.; I"d a8l1, l n.lturi! 10 brinrr b"c~ the 'bloom to Ih" 11ftl. Iii till ek. N il nlliidl'h, wife or lDother ~ boliid be W!tllQul}lle M)"atic: Pilli ~ol ~ b~1 oil t1rog~ jillS. ~~ " ,1


Non-retention OJ! ln4011tiJl'~''. ~f lJ)ine, InitaUoll. Jntlam1D~U~ 0 .. Uloer,ation ~f l.Ae llkad'ller or Kidne11~ Dhe.le, of t~C\ p.gI tat~ Gl"nd, s~one i~.t\\e b~J'clde.r. .... . , Calculus, ~.1rav:el lox: Brl~kdul,~ , n~po~i~ n.nd 'all· ~li~ea,el ot', t.he ~~ bladde" j ,k~~l1ey.s, and drop.leal.- " , IweUpigs. ' . rIl, .


HEL~1nOLD'S ' ,.', ~ FLUID BUCHU, := ,.... EXTRACT ',~ , " . ~~

I. ptomptfi '•• /10 dell to. -:--r·~:'b ·nS'I·;"..) ',' .1Jfi.,~ ~ tc..f. . 4-, ell




, The llon~t1t~t iillj, 01 ftl eft'e'Cll'd by Or. ~. I r ," ., . ~ \ J galll i, We.1tnesl r~(lll1ref ~h".a" o~ ; D,ed. ici llo Iq 8lrengt\IIP and I~YI~orate lh~ s1 1tem , wlli,,\, ,Helmbllld'8 :hl~trtlut 1l"l!hu io~nri~bly doe... If 110 treotment be .ub,rniued to, oOlllumptllln or , iri.anil), ... y




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FJ.Tlij)' •






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It,'Pt· W· ,

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,pecnli • ,.. nr , Io"femllles, 't t

1I.. A'ncferl~'i Bulldlal•• (e1ll duo,. weal II tb. POIl.()IIde. -', \ Vl'<; ( . ~~ ""'(lPuonlble+, " ~I¥ ..Jtt\.r.~.tloD~lu.r."teecl.

I :

./' BlfCRtJ

' A~~L"~ OBJ~ I . •

o",i~n'Nn"'~ 8ue~t.



,I '~TltAC'l'


Ill( ' ' If: '1 ' ctions ,






Ie u!)e'-

io,, : T'ho lu,Jhulllo Wti.n~'~8 •• ~ or;the • . ulle8ol' ,n, 0 1' Specks o r MO''''I; UQui",..;w" Ih H ~:Jlb ; Ophlhli h .. ",. or '"H""''''b'(;Jfii"ll/.ll;



No.6 .


COtI Nl;t, 01.110: WEU,NESDAY, AUGU ST 8 1866.



No., 58.

=~============~=========:C==i===c===;;;~~;;~~~~~;;~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~:l~~~~~~~::::::~Jr=:::~::::::---v...... Fro. Ihe Ci_Daali C-,.... ciaJ. . . . (Je_a1lJP,~...

to th comlort of the trnveliu« p.b· lie', but materially i~luence the

Tb. iDc,,"'. P , of 00II1"" l.ouDla &0 I .


h. . II lor r ... ..... • GIIDDOt ........... II mere b. 10 U1 Plbortllof the ~ .., atreelloD. IUeb . . 1 or .n llleel • brul ... the bloud aireul.lin, th....,_I11~ p.rl la"eII up lalp'''.... n.,. _ ... " ell atrecltoll and CUrl., ItlDto the I'Itr. III By.tem. Thill I, .he CI:IfIIIt or. " ludllen d~.l!1 ~ pe"'~nl onbll hi\rt a,.. IlIclPti wl.'h bOIl. lind uh:t'rI, and Yiho ... no mdlcml; ,b. -.... culllllnr IYltl, II,Jl chob., up tk,,~ ·




...... T . . 'Ia of. full General il , •• grn-th of .'" • IJlaee. 1 t 18 1866 ofj.... • . 1IS IDIlID .' ~....... • • . • . . . . .eo••J., Oalo, U 7 ' . It i Ilar{Uy worth while to .. (rolD ,be D"Lrlo~. .IIOD~O.~:~' .Iarl 'With a melaba Iblald be,wno .........-~@)oon@ A lel&n rrom eon,iD il a i'b pIny upon words imllilged In by WarreD, Preble aDd BillieI' u..,: decided by Oen. GraD'. 'II§:!] D.l. W IE ~ '\!J D!1.!1. __ ~, _~ ...1 lequel to olle fro .. W . F. V. In~tl\nc my stat ent ~at were filII:, reo' ..... Dted. The co.II.eD 'belD-1O ..' '\1 be '-a -----;;-;;-~~'nll'1' 8, 18M. JOllr eorre,pODden~ "E, J.: In ' t' waS e _ lioD w.. org"niled by Ibe 8D'I1)1m 011 I if. SaW ••D. It II IRld. WI _:-"I"iD.t oar "old pork hOD,.e," . ' A wood and water s b\ Ion . eleclioD (,£ Go.ernor WcBur~y, Prlli' (tlr Senalor from Ne. York . rtl E Church wn d ed - lillie from fleu, .nd iR neither JUll D?r tablished for the benefit Of W",ync8 . ~aD I f 1-1 Ira Harrie. whOle e- A new ' . ' r eal!rOUI He ..,I ~bal where Conl'ln . , ~ c.harging me with a Y: p ,lidnttl Cllpl. W Cook. of 10 place 0 00, / i<mted n1 Wilmington on Sunda.y 0 '\ d '0' dOl a wood and water , l"lion \,l\1e. Bore th fnct F V ce,' Ho~ J SllIbb of Preble; term uplrel 8ex' M.rcb. 1n t wcck-Bis.p op Clark offic iating . ~:: ·I·et~blr.hed fO,r Lbe bene&~ hoe lig'ti t d e iation ~m c Cas foilO~'S ; :,o;~~r:.;~;..: Bu~l~r:' IDd J. S. ToutO. Under II recent ac~ of Oongrm .tbl b:o(jl~;r~:~el~eh:'h':::~~i~bl ~r.Ii1'''I~ The amoun tho8 tar expended upon Wa,nlnille, Now Illl! to mel at houl d bave quo e m. b. o( W"rren. . . idOl" of dece"tlcd,IOldlerl Y I I . . ,. ' " ',I · h rch i8 f12600 the wood ant\ .lIter staLion Will more ' A wood I\nd water St.atlOll was ~to Cololwl '}'bo. Moore, of Baller, rOil penllo nl 01 w r lwo ao\lare J).,.qI iJ!I L'f/IU_g., • th.s c II " . for ~he beoe610f ~he Ioc:omoli,ealhan r h d t thCl1 Bre 'd : " . are iDl'rllllled at, lhe rllte tI 'd Nuw, thll Clr. bllremedlod , ' ,I.' ( , .-, . for a pillce half a Illite. di,l.nt .ero.. '~~ I : ~ nccommodllt t hat pin '0.' ~ R~ M~~'P~fl.ident alld g.ntlelll.n or l~e per mon~h for ellch ohild of tb. WI ow DRA~DR£T '~fllJwS I ' . . . . A recent nUIll~er of a DetrOit the ~i"'r, aDd a, Lbe rAilroad C?mp"ny . id lik t o .b e c hllritnhlo, but I (lonYeDlioo: I take great ~le~lu~ In aDd loldier uoder 16 , earl of a~e. Inke III impure ",allen from Ih, CIIC1II, pap!>r bal! the foUowm g parag raph did 001 coAtert the pork.hoU'j 10'0 tl.. e "ou e I' th t th writer un- pre•• nling the n'IIm~ n( our drlUqgullhM B 1 Corn.lIl.I'ud Ihe lira tll,HI,ll1d .ne Ihe ·.JlDI,.1 ~"hk;l""" ding a well_knowl1literary lddy: pretenl depol, uotil e.ver~ .uuse 10 esu no t be love IL C Jd d Repr'~ •• , Gener,,1 Robert C. I, enr "1 , . tbe rail. ouring 10c.1 Itreeth",. al.o. ~I!AI\I~n~'. r egar . ' pictures Cor "in t)UI ODe wal bUIll, " look-. al de r tood t h sen ten ce> nil lle won 0 c 10 the Conyention 81 ~he eIlO' a lady wbo 'WA' alanu ng aD . PIL". prolPc:1 rrom I~I~~ VIfI~ ~ ~. abounds ill if th!y mlo make me ose it. W e re I to the Unio,a of 'fhird ro.d Irlek al ketc hes 'o t Western M.ichigan aDd conllder."oo a~ b) buller depots loim tit a wood anti water s tation IS Dillric' (or nOlJllnallOn rer Oongr e.. , of aD appro..,llIog trllln, bv 1IllloIDg e ) . w ~ts people has taken up lIer re idence J Tbtlrbe .r· d II~n 'o/!::. but I do Dot to n L ocomoUv ? - Would it (the pod I 111,0 VII hil DOlllioation by. acc ,,:n0 and Ib rowiDg IUlr witb Lilllaeir olltaide A COUJb. old, Dr 80re l'fllr..r, .' t ' Sh 's well known • ODg I rOI I . . . aU j t · (P longed Ind .~ILII8Ialt l0 ap . d by RIIQUII!EB h''''£DIAT.E .an'llhJo" .:.. in BerrIen coun y. .e I f W .. Ilelhllle 10 IIfty tha, il is Dol 'he 'rolle~ L ocomotive ) not cons idcr UI.'II. us allon ro Ihe lrack J'lIlt al the engille palle ' I "'N thereubouts as tho WIfe 0 ILLlA-.. E J writel II .,? What plllute.)1 G~ .uuv~ JlE CHEC)UD, , 1'1,~,.~ •• .. leading and public .n.llllt,lhDg. CODcern . ' 1 " [I S we ll u sed ,vlthont It . Mr Gunelal. or MODtgomery, reo A luil Ila. beenbrou"ht by en ' 11) OUII'UU,£, , S· F AB._a" d wo nor lIid we hetH COUlp 81n .. a · .' ?' . , d I ' btl for. ;0,I 1 tl or the " ••1*1 p , , apirited citizen. Thcir country ros· o. '. .\ \ . Ileml\Q'a {"alid. WOII \d 1' . V. nn s wel' . , qui red I" eMil of th., . e el(alluns Saola A nna in the Supreolt \.iOurt I' rr 10 . on ~ " , ~ ... idence i8 delightfully sit uated a.bout ~:I~I~\~~:~;~~ :'~::mello,w 9tTended, ~ow, M.e rs . E iHtors, ~h9Uld prOl'/'t!dl iDg: and. Ihil or~er w'''o~~::rb ' glliol' Abrllham Blli .. and DArio MOl'1·bro.1 Atl':.~~ol~'t:efa~:' foIU mUea froUl the CQ\1Dt} aea\. ;.ter,\!poll bl' procee4~ reoo"I\,IICI and my flllr OPI)Onent (1 s p~~e sl~ e ed, Ihe . delegnLlool\b:~:!e::rco"nUe!. urca, for alleged fraud. prActieed IIpon 18 OFTEII T,KB lI£e~1J,~: ' .. ,,: , •• -. Iht! . Lin Ie' Mi.~i RallrolltJ. PUllllpl is fair, for she goes 'up tile \Alrwtll IheO~l:~:i~lo~r:mnow renewed hi. mo· bim in cillutering by lbe dllf.odnoU DltoW~'S DnON(;UJA~ .Ta~1d:. JA.: G ••. SBSRlUlf was sereLlade~ Will appell/! I~III lome wb,,1 tl:I~~:~O hilt s' ) he reaftcr og l'ce to dlsol\sS t~e lion to nomint\le Gunl:r~~ ScheDck. aod 'hll e\ealJler GtlOrg\8, whi\7b .... e\ HII~illg • ~irect Influence uri i~ ~~ lat web"wreb 'ltcoll Ilae!lt'llear l: W .. bii:lnt~o on the evening of the ltlb al:~lle: form ation of scnten ces, ILnd Y~l!· lhe moLioo Wilt eOlhull..a'ically adopl' "rou"llt Lhe GeDt:ral anci bil .'arr to give Im'cetll.l~ lle1 . ~O'l BtDD.~h\, Ad i .. 6rOD" e (' t.1 E \. h lnnguag e I WIll .. u .. Adll!lIIft. dar, I. onlump i,,,.•':. ~"QlI 18t tnst. Here is his speeoh on the men nor dogs e"n fall ; bUL h", must oot 0 Ie ug I , fin. • " r tb D ton Ibil countr, hom SI. Thom"l. Diae..lll. 'J'roehea Ire used ...\tll"'", thillk h enlirel, lor hi ~ bt-pe6" .e Oor· promi se to b e more careful. W. ][), Bickhalll, editor 0 • e Il~ '8 or "Ilod .uou·... Sinillft ,hd p~brl' II,.... m ,




too,~ Oor~~ qou:!~'iU~.muoh

ns~ wh~t ~f~:':' !r



~i.i·ra.FIIIlII, u~c~ncl:u: l1e88~1~1~1. O!~fD:~~~'~:::


_"\II ,


i 1e/.


I bave no .doubt this

wini&ls~ w!" bll Rllo,.-el1 to I~~nd "' on il

A few words relntive to the old

:,:~n~:~ ~~on~::~~~;e dl~e~~:~~~I~~:~ IT~er~ IIR~lo~~~n 1::0~11~~:1


~r.! :!:~:I::h;':r~~~e:1I u~::::~ I~t::~

Winl) m ~00rreentahdaenl~8yIOnutcnf~~~:~l':~~i.~ :~~~~ ~I~~ 1;:r:~l:rotl~~I:r~;,, · .. ough·t Dot. lo D ePkolt. II fld SOl'l'Y cthhnltesaSn(gvood- lented .Lbe rolloWingarn~lm,ooIUulliIOyD8a'dwoph::~: ;Ill,o ~~~ 0 Ihe :Oard"r~ w40 partook. ·peaklng. elld re ieiYin/; Ihe t~~p'l.rlf!!1 .' ... d I . t d d F V" Ir. ge~llellllln 100 ng a Y - nlU z!,. oa 1II0tlOb. were uo . , d . b ,omiling ulluBual exerliun ul Ihe "u~ol or•• ~ ~lt I ~ma8t'l'ang~rbere, an men expoBeormorlJ . , 1 d ' t 8 I ' ion But R vil1td 'j'hat theUnion partyo{ uCbipcui~ wllre seIze WI~ . 1'rochee.!er Il COmmende~lIl1dp'.r,~c~ me 'leaving ' in ~h~. mornin g · If YOld1 OUKI!' n ~,I, hhe WI ou~d nO~ifibd~ :~d ca~ sh~U\~ o eeS'ob \ 0 '~O:~dlY' It is the e~: hird' Congrelllionlli DI.,ricl of and erllmpI, lIod ' ."rll ooly relitJ~ed lIy bv PhysidMnll, Ind hllve hftd ·1'~iIIlIlOIt. 1Vant to 8ee me, ~ome out est, nn. nOL ,ee l ID l e. eas mor e, d 80 It 18. e en ers I , . ., . Oh' h arlity re.afth~ aod endC'ne d ener "Iiq ell'ortl 01 from elllllleni IIi .. I IhroUllhot/ll~' eatlIIJ. you will find me eithcr at St, LOUIS nol Bee wherl!lII l haYe bteo upon ' I not rotten. Who's af111u1! The I 10j If e dopLed by Lh. Union SlaLe the ~r.Qm pt aD . g d \ t 'tl DeiHl! III arlicle o( Irn.. merit. lind lieliPx . " tl' Plain 8 1 don' t in WI: willle~ Ih.L PARS, RUll. go on 10 cor· I ' . d r l tf 1 Fie 0 YOllr tIe p. ?rlD a 0 ' 1 20 h or phyaICI"DB. h II IIlPpose I la 1" ""olled \\Ieir t'f1Ill~cy by 0 t.... t or .'''' ora1:n '~ 6 eech,' becnuse I think the reet a .light mieetnlilwenL of hil with fragl:a~ ce IS e Ig I.• II : CODgeOlloD of blo OD ll8 • Ruur hlld betlll poisoned. l.hemaller).t.IlIi. elC! ~1 ye~r find. them ,In lIew'lonr.. -( g p 8 in Washington the rllgard to Ihe c.ndy·raclory. Mr. UHY ' fastldwus olfllct~))les. 'No~the ill JUIUI. d" I b d' tl . &' I ' ueatiglllion tiee In UrIC'1I1 purl' 01 Ihe wo;lIl, ..dl"eS8 Ja ~anb~ As 1 bavellO better built.o addilion of{our rooml LO hie slDelli a concern E. J . writes it R"Iolfltd. That ollr 1I11 ng u: ~ 18 un er"olllg a 8 flC I . 'rroehelt are lll1i,erft.lI~ p'PIIOUIIMIlba\lta l l?~t!k~ l,°hr h . If I will 8ay good- hou.e fur Ihe lole purpose o( mnDaf"o- d T ell us F V. did you cver Repre86ulalivC!, ~e~. R. O. So 1t!1IC , Y , Toe p. ublio debt .talemen' will .bow thun oll.~e, arth:lea, ' . 'J. I fnen,\" ~ a royae, . , • ' d d . e own. , . , hi. exalted patrlOlllm .nd .talelman· I'd ' hi' I Obt0111 0111)' '~row,,'. lIro~\\I'1 110nlght . ~urlDg bll clln y, AD ,uppo"o~ on "'isit the Northenst comer ' of the h' . 1 of the wile policy Adop· "rlll,hllr. nil uCllon unfit{ ,t II "". " choe' and do IIot IlIh lI"j 01 the r .oi1~ I • wal luffidllnl i~ would bl! I)ol)e 11 ' Ip In .uppor r b 'e aiilllollft' h b I .. _! ' I I, I , •• e • room r 'd (I ' b · t q Ddy nforesaid? If YOII have, plelse te ted by CQDireal for 'hi reconltruction mODlh.o a Oll~ h •• nIY·I .. n leelllmi t.~iun. 111\ mllY e one,"" .! ' .," __ JlaJor Edmund Ros8; a natn'e t'ledle~. ~~.CIUIY' t~O u.~n~~e 0;8 p.:.eo. us if any more olfectories" Clln be o( thll lite rebel State.; (or hie IU8ceai. of dollar.. 1'wentv-,b ree millioD' of Soh! 'C'Ver~whCe III ,Ih~ Uni\~ I!U~", . ef Ohio, DOlf a Kansas editor, bas fl\ge~:o~ thelo;I'!I~rond e~!I tell;ry; bUI .nRse-hardened on the same terms? (.1 clfcrtl te sel/ul'e ~o ~h41 1~ldiera ~u Ibe r4lmai uin i IW~~II.~il: lDilIioD, ' or 'bnO~ I~ Filrelill OUnlf1e'I' ~1 S'}', ~~III,jJII U d ' ,,,. I' . f bllf'" by hIe lIarne.1 b , been iiPROlnted U. S. Senator, to tl they do tbiogl on luch II ,lcup_eD 0111 It would be the heiO'bth of foUy to 'qua 11I~lon 0 ~un ~ . n ~ m cerli6calel of. , iodebledn"8 b~,e een , KlfOW 'rIJY DEil'l'liiy I '/-/ the vacancy ca~sed' by the deatb .ellie ia WaYflen~\le. ~hll:f ~ur eff.ort. nnderrnte Corwin-it'" is a part of ' h ltl"l.ten:it:n~~tf\he -::I~r:t:er 801: retlee~ed durini lh~ I••,. ~ODlb_ Tho I ' - '' • , , : . ,.. , " ~~~. l-ane. ,. lie ilf a ,radical RQPub· ~~:~ .. ~~:Yy::·I!~;~:L~o~, of C~:~~:~;, Waynesvi.lle.' Its populBti ~ nre in· ~i:'~90rl~:gUniou in the rl!.o,g.nilnl~o,n ,~.temeM aldo ihoWI ~hall.. e~ th!rtit!1 Ii.~~:~~~,~i.~· ~f.~~:~~~~~e~~l:~~ , li@Jl. Hr. J. W .. ~b.eJlIi$, of the why d,dn't ·E.~ •••y 80. aa 1111 ~tlmit. te1ligent, quiet, autI genU mmllY\i of 'he Rtogul"r .Army, aud .ror lll" tllle. flre rllpidlJ being converttd I.t~ five ",fluiellll, whli bUI .tll)lli.hed I")~D' Oskaloosa (Kan. ) IHdependefte, very: 'hili iL. wu no contradiclion O,f my.t,,'e· though like our8elves, cner- gene,e Mnd le8110 reproat.ullng a~d pro tweDlin. . Iliic ell.~ll"iI of Ihe .Old W urlll, ,,,,, ~ • strongly objects to tbc appointment. milD I to .pe.k of .ha~ we hV9C Il o h and ti '1 brc sllirited as woulll mOling tbe illte,e~l of I"d clntmut'0l8 j Th' '~t1 ling of the Ic,~"ted be.1011 ., lludeoll' N'Yf ~~.I"' · . .) '. r in the ublish- what 1 never claimed we I'"d. ge c "nc pu I .: . . deaelJYt& 'be grlitllude and 8uppor\ t1 .IgwAm or I' mllfl . . '1'~u~lItQI1 pt'8"~a,,.... ,uC\~ wU~~~F,f ,1 ,1'",' T~e M~jOr'8 pBl'tD.e P WtI have DO llleeting-boll8e or pOlt. conserve the general good, A little Ibe people: 'ba' w., regard OllIeral Auguat . Cl)nvltnlion .t Philadillphl" erl of Ie-e'olld .I'~I, , . t.~, fli.~le.'!tr'I' tng 1>,ulllnes8 already holds an office buS we have tbe rIIllroad •• nd more of tbis ingredient in theil' com· Sohttock "I cne of Ibe purelt lInd "bleat will' bll 8i l 1111 tllld in front or the Girard mput· "lIuwl~dge or Ih':lretIIlIIIllJlolt. ,,~nc;ler' gpy.o roment;. Mr. Roberts dei. J'UI' whd mnkel E , J, 'pile' position, 'I doubt not, would greatly IIIIteimeD of Ihe Nillion; Ihb" l Iw.e Ilre College and i. btiing rlll,idly' but lub ::.'xce tW~!~i/il~)~I~, ..~~ 1I1·::~~~~~:~~ ...., Dle8 . th at 't he V .. I S any , '\.1 - d C . ' d f b I'd repUCAtlon e 1118 es· • a~ • ' , _01' PQlselle , 1' be. , 'AI ro" ... 110 , orWID Ire o~ •• facilitate the operatlons 'of 'Divine prc\~1 0 I e 10 I . I 81alll ially coo.trucL"d. Aecomlllotl.· linellPS ."e ye~)' I • .It,' .. ,F Ih. !.,.".. the Jlequlsite ' qualifications for t\ aod we are proud of the connpcllon ' . d h n .~ . C _ ",bh'bed, and .e do here~y un8nlmou ~. 6/\ . I ' YOII are to ",arr,. onli by IIse.Hid., j, ' , . '8m'a b' IlCCOSe8 'tlie Governor of whil. W.ynea,ville i. acro.~ the ri,e~, P~ov!del1Ce nil t e 11.1'0"'1';" om I)' plre8e ~& to Ihe Uhl~n IIIlln or the uon. Will be lI[or,dlld ~or , .en I,¥ ~I. , Irllme,,' "r ~,"I,I!\l" ,ower: ~/1"'l'!1l .~.~te l' I d" ADd E J I.a., to ride OYeI In tLle omm· pnny in the reconstruction of that Thu'd Dlltnet II. our Ol\ueld,ue for re- Jrad dtlle~'te~, "I~h eummll." room I , PuchjllJ\otr0P" glilf. • u8ing n"11ifl!-hty and i vel'S other un,.... , . . l b " · . ' " -, ., ' " Fj . '. ' , bUI, and Whell bo getl I)!!re, e. Inar.1 old dllpot. Sho!lld, hO~eV~r, bot .. I~(lul)n to Cong,esll" \ eko., and aboul DIlle thouaaDd ~pec~a· I,~e.hke pltlllfll ~r ,I • •¥9.~t t.hi,ng8 , ~n<l, m a fit of .flnn1 Ibe plat(orm .nd turDI up bl. deh· of the aforesnid im1V'lrtan~ agents In Ihl! IlfLtrnOOIl .peeel,el were mll,le '1'1 pille. of mt.,li". can bl' WIle or Ih., e,pt~l'ul1 '. 1U.·em,.. d t1 a.ddII,-th!lk...lft.bM\1OII.ition ' 1 d ' . " b qp , l"'b L B G Ckl (D.llon 8nd Colo LOri. Ie • ur merri6t:e puellron III , 'w'a:r~e: b~n. Iven to ' an "ditdr, thero ... :CO:r:~i,I~".~!!!: o~n....,(:: .tr~!oe(~·1 fnn them, ploaoc Aj!1IU'Ce P . . \bat 1 n~\' TholJl:: Mr:;o;C!. of H-lliniUiin. It reaolied- by ~h'.. UI' to". Ihle. of ur ~hDrnIP;, &~', Thill , ' .; ' l~. L .. I':(a't lel18t ~ne ottel'?) who to al all tor eomioi within bait a mile am still her frieml, ,•.E-. J. w•• npeeted tha' Oeoerlll Illchenok e_ger·ntlrLlall, Ih,ellsandD IIlh l~Rdl1ltl~'II~'I ....,.I.....'..1IiIL d Wfln ' l'~1fe ,a ·we_e wrwr. , r b' I' ~ , E 'J b' -~--. . lUll b n I t ttddreu tht! Ge • Will_till, b~ abilities otQ, etc. nnd who 0 .{ I,m,: '. ID lorry Ipr . J~Il •. ' .. u. -wou ."ve PC! pr~leo . of ' . , Mell'ingl are beitlg held In -. orgIll c'I~, or written, ,uUllllee. ,1111 ,111.;_ wb" ,dldn L yo~ .ettTe ~bll I,de · or ~h. . Ute_IT 1''''''''' conyenllon. b.t bU~\IIe,,~ 0 Imporlanee \ b rtl£' renee t.J dIe lot. rO-Ic·led nt- ia ""10 •• I~ purpo, I. Icfbe'. 'III"",,' by their talthtullILQore for ,tqe PlU'ty, ,i..r' )V II , L~l'nk 1011 for your k~nd, al Llle Eft.' prnenlell bll aLle~liallCe.~ ,,' ,e . ,P ~ \, ' I Imall IOl'" "I h~lr. a~ .t,lilll\ pi,., ~ bad earned tbe apporntmell~ AU wiab .. ,. t9 ~"1 8rO'wl,b aD!! pr,o 'pully. B ,\1.IlOU s DOLLA~ MONTlTr..Y, to; 'fhe eOnYenlion W.I har.moptoQl. ROll gro . ml~rallon to Arnca. Th!l b ~cl' birth, ,I,,, dleposHI"" Ind ·eOlf,I,. . which rea(\8 very -&igntil.oant, and re; b't' uiti\ DiyiJle . P~o~idellce and \he Scptember, cmnos to us ludel~ with IlnanillloUI' iD Gen!!r.1 hl\Ye b~eome ..,ry IInlllllllllgeable "~ee lind enclusing '}O cell" and ~I~~pij !. , m' "d~ 8 of, 'a Blinilar hunent uttered r.,lroad,compllI, ,ral~ U8, we aa~ ~ou ohoiee lively litel'llture well adapted 8cho:ock ' roJ; re ·,eleelloD. . he reeulu , 'he w.\tl'r oriKiMted, aDd mlleh ¥Plope Iddtl'Blled 10 ,0n~l(, 1o~~11 II' , , In. U ' for IIO)thiDg more. ADd now baYIng " , " . lionilldopled will m~et ' lhe llu'rty,' lip . . . . . ' , ceive Ille jllcln,e anti de'lm tllfllfllltitl ~Y . ~ , 'di,~~ poin~d Warren-county Qceupied lII~r. . p.ce thlla ptrh.p• • he to the. seas.oll. Bnllou'81sone of the r,~yeRI ' or ntly trill UDio-n ' DllID iu oulty III up"Jlenc.,d to ge.'"ng aD} by relurn m.iI. All eomllluni,C&tlol", • ·edltor.asllirtlt~~,· spDie yCIU'8 ago, and aubjact ju.tiiie"l bid B. J "IonIC and most lIn'itmg, as well 1\8 the , cheapDiaitricL, .nd.t Ih' Fill ~lfetiton work oUl or tbem. ':l;he wlllte peo~l .. "redly confidentIal.' .Add'""" til ~ · ,:",bfch,,88 vu.l g,r1y ~He(,l 'WJiang- 11\1& farewell; 'with ' Itle parling Id,iel! es* or magnzino8. $1 ,50 n yeai',- they will be rllli6.d., llie '· b.lIol·boJ: propo.. 10 hold oUI. ioillicemenl. 10, II~e B n3IJH.o~?,B E;.,"vllBO~UO~.:;'&. h' ~t I' t tb ~ I ' . I" t d oa SI.; ..... ~ . I -" , , doole! However, flil t1elJperanduf1&, t'0 eon & , Il',' It A ~nd lon °h ~. YIInboe. Elliott; Thomes & Talbot, Boston, by the . luece" fl U 'r.It.~~D 0 f d G' ,!;I~t!," Degroet.lo rem~ln ,n, lUI c!'uo r!, In , . ......Ulllon, A;ll · ... Td l!lft · ' In.:~ r i ' ~ri . d 'H. !( Y<r!li' spoke in the wheel mellt .of'lus. OW? ~I ~ 0 ~ e rlYer, w en ' Sohanck to Coni tell .- , v:rfor ",hZln. prolDiaiog propvr lreatmentif they til) ... ~.. ... ~ , . ~ ,'.. . , . Corwin Will Jeln I • • tbe ,ood old TH·E' pOOPL" tile new 11'tcrn ry ' pn _ . - -.• ' A CI h' r fQrtune may com~ l~p yet, In tlp,lte hvm.'" -, . . r . TII4!'DII1 ton 10llhial lay' or Geueral tbuir ifni,. tl , ,"I,"/ln. ,w I 'rtl.a~ G~ve~nors, autl tben may · ' ' ' 0 r,,,rtl, we no" r. i<llc~1 p,~r •.presen,t/J a varied l'eJ~ast, each " .. ', Tb A 6eo.. r~18 tbe . &"111", AUf, 8A(ldl' la mil'.IDal". P P , :r I • ., ')'0 .ee Ihe curee r.,uoveu week of light }'cnding"lIuited to the IUIOK'8 DomlnllL\On: " :0 . I . , , • • e "" '1,, &11.youl' .Congrcssionnl 8SplratJon(l i'. v. . ' , • f' Th. pDwn Cotljn',ion 01 lbl Third now ranks mlhe order of .thetr umn 'bc ·realised.' But don't 'take on' so I •• gene~n) rend'er!_ The eur.rgy 0 ' t~e diiatricI " mcic '11' Midt.lJ.,io';n )'elLerdJly iD the (ollowing lisl: General. Uly ..~~ ,,' . ~.~ ___. De .~ ~ publJsher& men-tit success, for then morning. and" millut• ..Iter orgAnizing f:1. Gran'; tiuten'aD" G~r\eral :' Willi • .." , journal is amQ.Dg the handsomest in r'moDlinatll·fA1 Geu , ~heDCk, ror "CQogre" . , r' ' H Cn'ARLES FLORIDA writes from the WAYNESVILLE, Aug. 6, ISCl6. Gotham. 82,50 per annum i N. Y . " 'llh elllire IIntlnilility, and witb tbor. T. SheTOIflb; !f"J~r ,qlJnlra 11.. eor, 1 JJapital. to the N pwark :Evtrrin, Cou· EDS, MIAMI G.AZETT1!l:- tn your o'ugh enth081alllll, The pllt~iotie peopl6 \Y. Halleck, QIW,g~ '?f Meade. Philip · ~ur thU8: , issue of the 1st instant, yon have ~EW Mus,IO .-0Iiv~r Ditson & Co" <Jf, lhi., t.lillri~1 will h!'.i1 thi.1I nomillll.~il)lI H~ SheriUMD, Georg., H. '.f.1ho., .... Win · 'I Gen: Scb/)nck of Ohio, is a jolly copied ftoll). thQ Cincinnati Oormnet'- 277 Wasbington St., Boston, han "' ~,h unq~R.h6e~ grll LI6CIlI·lon • "In(~ thtoJ hid S. 'Hltlleock, Jhigadier Quner I., ll'tb .. D teh , '. ' 'th . , I d h l' 11' . f WIll Ilam n I~ wlLb ~ IIe ae. l , 0 r I lelr .. p- I . .... D '- II WI'III'a- S Ro'le !~llnl SOOll tl mnn 1D ,1\ppea~anc~, .WI cial portiolls' of my correspondence, just _ssue . t e .0 ' owmg pIeces 0 b I ·e' I '\ ' 011' i. luoh 11 m"1I11tl co .. ., , -, c., - - ' a "-\g' belhr and 0. wnddhng Illut!' , " , . . 30 ' h' , pro a' on a. • 10 P .. PI'I' S, n. C'ooke J' bn' ope , T,.D, .....,,{} I k - 'I _1 P . and al80 the fe)I" of a CorWin WTl· new mUSle, prIce cents eae. ~bl\l Lhe riallon m"y r.. eogll " ,Ib"r "P_ III, . ",~or,,1S '. u , n t 8> S_u,0>&4 11 ac eyo/'lo. e ... ways 10 a "" . ' TI 0 ' it L' d'l'>l . , . . I c_ L" d" J h H L J I U 1:!-ll06eld '1..1 'Ide, 1'118 race cv'er in a smile, He tar ovel' tile ~JgDa(ore of 'F, V.' In , 10 urlos y-. m~l!. fln . n !yme~ preclMllon of .G~,bP.ra ~bl'ne." IIl1n · olep ~'Itr. , 0 In , ... gQ " in a ' 8uit or ,Yenow ' linen the ComPJlM'cial of tile 2d inst., 'F.V.' for thei. e prog ressH'4!l. Tlmcs; fhl'o I!!uial!td e"mcn ?n lhe field of ~"ttle 0, Howard, AUrel! 1:1. Telr : . th . 1 . I' b I the Roscs, wO.I·ds by Thomas Hoo(1; lind ID Ihj! cOUDr:lle of th., R'Ipllhlte.- E. 0, e, O~d. ' " ." " , '/' , " b'r61,about 'lnia liko th" r"I" of tbe "e' ... ... In. w lie am F HUCI'a,I MIIrc' h'I,ll M emory 0 fL'leu t ' 1 ", htl' peop Ie everyw hlire rt'gl' ~d tIle pu.b, ._ , ..._ "'-'"-_ " I , onorables carrics II; fan-on Inlltrll- bas ano er.aTtIC e,. ' ........--'.l. '.I~· ment· aI.tOgetbetl to'o light for his taken to .t:nsk as b~l/~g ' :lelthel' ,~rntb. Gen: WlIl.tleld Scott, . by~. Tur· l!u erni~el o( ~ft~. Sellenck at till' TI:\.B ~alhini'"D Qh.~on.I~le ' ''ali,Qr uses. His hair and mOllstachc are '-just nor generolls. As tblslit· n~r,. ~aple Polka, for planQ '. Tbe LIme III "hIlOI' ]ndl.'p',neab.le. lind ~he ~... bill ror the re'Orgllnlll'lIol1 01 '. tbt' very black, and IUtogether he is one tie matter between F. V, 'nnd myself Vlr!ftn s <?,r ndle'Hytnn ; Be Kllld to I.oynlmen qr 1,1111 D"lflC~ will &Ike prld. lJIilita~, pellce eet"bli.hmenl 'r 11141 Uni I ... (. the· .m arked ·mell ·of the House h ns nssume d somew h. S-~IA'· .. It _ill 'be bb •• rnd tblt v . a" 0 f a 1ocaI darhng SIster Ncll, song and chorus, lind . ple".ure. \D relpondlllg h "'0 'lIe I' lie· t~d ~ on '. ' Da:ring tbe olosing days of the ses· h te I 1 Illre. or patrlo~. eYeryw ere '!lr 118 nt· the olllim. pr lhe yolunt8eJl who I.n · wb,nlb.t cq«!lIn, ••,I''IbJe . 'llfon I allw "number of people upon? arae 1', anc posse8se8 no genern A RlOHMoND p"per, frightened a' Ihtl turD to l.hl' HOUle of &preaeDt.ti ..... ed in the talt war .gainl' re'b'itU!oll ' , , tbe' toor of the Hoose among others mterest for the renders of tho (J()7TI..... - , wera DO~ entl'ely rorgollen . • Thew bad " . 1 ' I I ' tt l .' 'at I " b 't th k ' prolpectl of Norlhern im~igration, _ M J \ B . ' F I ' . , . , • .J will. In 8"e!1I,lil " nute., .,. " Il 6CY\'crnor Hamalton; ot :J'exas, a tall merel, IOU ml. esc .remar s .Ot _ . r, · olep I '. our,olo. A reDC I a .,0.. t:1Ii~eht a~d p~r... tellt ad.~t .. lIfowa.IO jtJ man of 8p!,~ form, with black hair, your columns, m case YOIl should Iitely held {('rth 'flg"ill8' tbe rD'W iDva- rlfugee, ~nd arelideDt. of Ozford, Ohio, an.d, Ir\ead 10 Ih~ , ~blll~mln of ,t tl. H~.~tt, . ,b. fU".I, .t.1 , cyf!S and whiskers; Secretary Stanton fit to eopy the ILrtiele of F. V. de" io lbe fol1owiD, ' al",~D: ' , ' . dllring Lbe lalt ten yean, part or "bieh lrbhtary'CommlUee; General SORbel". ill bi8 '.alt. and-llep~r Back· coat, "fith b ~ d to •A.t.ball,a, within one )'eu 01 pt'aee, ttme he w.. " teacher io M illmi U ' , ,, bi!! uroad ' Paol\ma 'under hiB arm a ove 1'0 erre . . , .. ' b~gi"l "'\lb 6~Oo01!lorlll,,!n eotton pIn· Tbl! MichiK"n tent;,,1 R.liili'o.a Com . Major Hag!!erty and Col. R~bCl'tS, 1 have not designed to mlsrcp~e. ~e~.. !\'\I,frlgblf!'l 10 llm~k.rh~r. Ihe 'ity. died lalt waek. " HI would hllYe ',,"ny hAv .. !~illb'ilhed'a(lbeir t,de , .~r ~~w ,' J ol'k, who were 100kIDg af- Bent any or the fllcts eonneeted .wltb Will Ind. flillre II not a lIollle Sollth · bPen ODe bunilrc:d yean old bad be liyed pot io Delro" a bal. rooln tor 1".lIlialrd".a,., ter tho Jen\an.intereste i Ma~. Wal. the origin, rise and progress of the enl SLltte in whieh &bi. proce .. --thil. fa ,ill No,: , Mr . B. • Ia 1\0 ardeot Uo ' ufemi"rltnl' "'riving in tflaHIt,. . . 'l'a.., ' . I . . . . .ANGB. .119 .l1\C~, 'o f. WlWhl~gton, o.struttlDg, be· village of Corwin' nor did I think ~~I p~oc ... ~f New Englabd c:.,loOlla· ioa MIlD and doring the paat Dn yeara huilding 'i, dividl'd inlol.o IIDartmeDII, E · ' \Id, .~d, .,al'I"". lYhlskere4 l/ldles·man or R fellow,. ' ., lion .. not ,nIDI on. We mUIlI.l0p it ' . r r t' f I lIbd tl, olbe r. \J" .er1 " "uD, and Lient. Conger 01 Ohio who had or giving offence to nny of Its and from 'hil hOllr' We mUll relolye I~ iu.ii.l~d' on beiDg lllkeD' to ~be polll to u . erp" e Ji" ' le H' U IIlt.d 81,1'1 C.D ' be.r aw,nrded to bll'Q highest prize for habitants. While 1 'c onfe8s b.aving IIC\P' mla II .eftll!bl!ir~nltl"· t " -I~d IIrr .'fta. t I ,lJIueb " ."11e'r; ~. "klJ~~!~~I~;e'~I~-~ . ,. •. . it' before iL "b~rep. nil crush. I UI dep~'iL hil .,ote. p aee 18 I 1!f.1I '1 pa 1'0111... , I I 1 JI tbe captUfe ?f. Boot~. I had the IUdulged in a playful 'usc of Inn· in itl,,!da (old" We d~ no, m8lln . .' • , only opportullity Illey h••• drel.·,.....I.. " plellsure of dinmg With, Col. Cong~r gllage, I beleive the general tender thaI 1.1 mu.l be ,~opped by ",oleD~I!. or U- thaL lh. M.~.' Oharllh. them84lI ..1 Ift.. r lb'YI..;t New ~~IIII~t~..:et!. tbe dRY lIls a.ward l\'1lS JDade, at bls t th d f it th ~ 11 . any unwarrant.ble ID'.D_, bilL bl refta- .t YI!llow-~prlOgl, . WII dedIcated , on City , "." boarding-bous~. . I have known bim .las gil. c~e ro~ . e 0 owmg .in~, I' we hue lbe right l!l 'd~, 1.0 .. 11 Stlbb.tb or lal' 'Week by Bisbop E, ,'. . all tbrough the waF, and can safcly Ideas, which I stlll clnlm to be the our I.nde. or allY plllt of th .. m,9rl""MI rho.,.on, D . D. 'l'be,obllr:ch '''"I. been . . . A IlDgolar cattle -dllllill haa sl\oy that a bl'!\ve\, man,never ~et the facts in the cnse. or ~eoaDt the,;» out to Radical eDelDin enIA~g~d ,lhlJroughly rep.ired. an 11 pain' mllde iI.• appeareDC8 nea.r n.Dbtl". enemy. Ci>ncc -,va8 h~~eft on the 1st. The Railroad Station was es- of tbe Solllb. lfid \11 nce-Ill'nl IIy)e. Tb. 014 OOllneol":lIt. Tb. co., ,ift• • I.d • . battlc8.ehl for delld, an~\ twice was tablishc(l where it is, a& the Waynes- : .. b~V4I beta ~epl.ced ~itb ~legallt p.WI, denly alld died wi,hia,thir'I·,lz • .,." it G.nlle",ln· who he brought home to Ohlo j • 'mortally " \1 St W. H. P. DeraD1 bal 1IeeD' re· -wllh _wlllte ' W.• IDUI Beroll And oapl, Ir~r , he 1 .~re aU.laed. IIp.on opeo· from .R~'.tI'" Deb/I" ll' wounded', a8 was, sopposed. He Itll 'I e a LOn. . mov.d from tbe Poatofllee I~ Cir~l.. i Dellll, varui.. hld. The pu,l pil il ing. · i~ " .. (oud Iha' Ihe hrei•• ,and allll a)Ub.lel\lct~ IIf iloUIIIltI~' };Ieel) 8hot thrQpgb. tit!).., blls had 2d , A8 a. result, whitt ~here IS o.h . d'G -1 J ' b E T I . eli \HuLA.n d Dnique,-tbe paDels being 'en· IhouM." o( tll~ cIU\e wore ' .111 for of lillfl'etlil, the lett l~lUld b,~f , CtIt .o,,!_With. 0; 8a· ,rillnge enned Cor"fin lia.s grown up. I~ enera leo . ~ .y or IppolDte . • me\'!l1 wilb rOle wood. TIle remllio' .mitting a ,teneb .IIDOI' , eeltcl-'fNt 10." "ho )'nfed , J>re stroke, and li!'o& !been shot 111 t.h e Sd. ' They have a miserable old M~, Deo~y ,.kll bl. remo.e,,1 ¥ary liIlebtedne..,_le'''l hnndred dol· born,. 'fb. dieel.. ' ....Id".. _ .. '1. . .10,.1',", ' dl ... ctlo,1 'fut '''alii''. llip sp:d~epry ~Jt~~, ~e ,bl\ll c;ould not De ot at that ~aM ' wli ch was oncll phiiOllOpbleall1 and endo".. aenernl . . all railld I)uring Lhe mOrO" like 'bl' ri.der~ll. ~ . . ! . remed, :lty • • It ... " be , w......._ ... ~ be e;x:tracte(t. Hg Tlll S neqrly )'ecov.p , P.' , : , . Taylor II" i_lIh, 1i)l\iier .Id POPUl..,\i"g lind aflerDC10n •• hiees .by lbl pal· . , ' ~. . t I' , f.".,. wlahlll'::O ".11 b'~~:iiI.': e red ,the ll~e of his) "', l)ut will be used to keep. h~S u~'. Ind c18n,· ellLlemaD, and a t~ae Uoio'n tyr, ~Y. M, P. 9l1ddll; 8r~, whe, ~I. . . Thl ('.oa.~.~.i~D ..~I!ld IOlppol.., •• ".tl~ .... ' " b,&, lame for .hfe. I bad thc p~el\s\lr of 4th. Corwm lS 0. very 8PlaU place, . f g f 11 0 . ' .' .llIpermleuded .lhe wh91e enlerpnae ~el~gll81 to 'be Judltll..d.,. ~" .101:1"' , llt.te~~ing biln as.1~is pbysioi:lll: n(t~l' in ,comparison with .W ~1Desymu. mi. 10 a,or 0 , . oll.h\.,.,Dal J.l· \r~om 611L' ,01a'\.-l.'orchlig;" lion t~, b'e ~e~ i. X,nilt _ ~ ~i1.I. ' Ifo. II (:b,..b,lre I'., lJot~ or tllese t.eTn~1.c ","0u.nC18, In b.l ~ . 5th. 'fhe remM'al ,of lIaid"'ollttlc- lDeRc1.R1J1\. ~, -"" .. ~ ,. ' . lOe' In ~Irell\.n'e ' H.Il ~ Dative, State: He Iji 0. small rn a.H , , . ' •.' , '" .. _ __ Mr. Shelfaba,ger ••1 renomln· TWo~lY'e'i"I d.I.~t.1 ~... IPIP9J-,IlIU. :wtligb;ll~ bu~ abo,nt o,nl'l hQ~d"etl tlM pot" 'fin~ erect~g upon o.,r, n~r l.ts . .An..~diti?-ltw'DtJ .ile ...,ic)D .Ied ror Cona..... , o~ TborJday of I,"l ~nd iD.lraoltcl bl r,I.I.. I.1.. to 1t1""",~1 twell~'Y'Clght l)()\I/"h, l lRt l(i lu.1l or plu.ce one of aodcrn s~yle IUllt SUlt- 01. Ihe Paetlle Rad RoIld,lt .. bieft eom. ~"k bJ tt", ror lb, "I.t.b I Judl~ l I. 'Wi._ .. ~_i••~ lire Ilhd lit'c, , l\ble proportions, wonld not only ridd pie ted, making iD ,n,145 lOi.... 1>11tr&'l', . e1euliQD.-T~ifA4 ' , \






. '







" the. r: ."








"u" ...


, 'lieS-see










'OhH" ..4oro·.

I Of h'



llI' .....








MICh Oulu Pltt.b Cine


Ollt p~ ton, H iog th


mUlt who a

Ing we

shoW' tJle ex beside to the bread



'. I,




u,.'.. • .,., ."ti •

,lie q ..,lIio.:

...~laellioD of tbe pop_IIUOIl or Oiled oolltllriet-War. Cholera. WAT.........~1nW n'ATIO.). 1M. or IJilh~1 Ooaplail'-;' After a ~ unWUD .,,,lID. .arm Ind aDlmaled debllIe u .11 deel_ Hl,hl Esp,.... UII ....... d,d ,ba' Ihe blld pro.en by far Clacinnatl ........ 8.4' ....- lhe moe' diultroua, unlil tbe d.lcoyery "aU and AC~ID.. 10.11 £ ••• b( ,be nOlO ceJeflraled Stomaeh Billera Colombua ' Actom.. 6.19 ...., IIDd 6elltldiDatian Blood Plirilll' lod, E.".... 1001 P, •• Blood Pill.. Tile club therefofe. actu,a.un WIIIYWUD .aUtlD. .ted by a .piti' or pbilllodlrop,.. hIYe J",il ,.DeI Ao""",, !UIO A. M. determioed to tt'colllmeod them to tbe N1,ht Illlp...... 4.35 A . iii p.blic a preventi,YiI or cbolera, ~ncl Oulumbul Aooom",'n. '7:,&7 A. M. . ilertain cllre lot a11 diee •• el retdlttng . Pin.bur, EJI"..., 9.'6'4 P: Ji. "'0111 BillioU•• ttectio~. and , 10 iuror m ' CiDlll"nltl EJlpreu. 2,11 p.... ,helD IhaL they are pr$p""d by Pr.ince, • D<' liot iJ.... Walton & 00. , NOI. 66, 58, 60. and 62 W. S. CLEM."'!!, Presidenl. Ellt 3d at, Ciocinnati, and are (or lale 'I . w... 'O'OD RD, SuP'/· ily all reripeclable"d roggle!,; =====s A. D. ~WALJ..&DEB. Age'll. . CADWALtADU & _ILfJII, E~reu Agetltr, .Jos1' C. :hU.Olf, nlegrap-~ Agen' . , ~On 'I'besdRV. A'UIf. 7,1866, in aYlles·


ROSEBERRY & -at IL. W· w n Dt., aynesville,


JDtntl)s. j

B'",We ob~el'V!! by the 'Papers that


0111' ~ei

b,,0O1'8 Xenia, Wil min g. ton, Morrow,' &0., have been' enjoy" iug the· vJilts of..9i...cII 8es to th~h; re· speotiv& p,aCe8, Tbe mlln~g 'TS mu.t tiave forgotten WaynesriJle,

h ' al r the 8.h touch. w ~ ways g ves. m . uc , ',

jug welcom~s, even to meeting the sbow' a mile or two out of town, for <h exq'u isite pleaal,lre of parading \lUe . . .f beside the elepba~t..alld keeplD~ tlmc to the music in the gOllgeOU8' gmger. bread band-w!lgon, . DclU' cil'Cuscs! do come and, play for us!


.... .




Esq., of, the TirJl68, .nnd Col. O. H. JEFFR~')', fo rJ of the Gibson Honse. 1'he mcr y " gentlemen were on their way to ~be 'Greene-oounty 8Ummer resdrt, Y' cl" low Springs. STARBUOK:


TltOIlAS, lOti !:If



~~~i~~~· ~~ DRY GOODS' JUI' lue~edl "el~.aelectHIVe


a neW' end

rd Iloclr of

~· atent· lt£biChtt~~ T O·Y·. E S , PER FUM :E R Y




. I8ftorled &il~e8 ,


il thll seed ttine.;



and Window-Ql"s, Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Nou'ons of all kinds, __ :__

~ l>JSTIUBU .... JON of Pi."oo, l\Ido

tl,[UIl....OOl<l and Silver Waro.

p AI1~T, VARNISH. &C.:

BARG A- INS .' m. mwm.·lm1i m.' , WIHDO~"LASS;

P B. I N T S •



'"IRON! \ SP()ONS . TE:A & 1'AB~E do.


Domestic Goods·,


CIlllindt'8, Plaiin and Japaflmd Latjt"n •• :!or 1:001 oil, candle and . lard oil~' 01.0, a large a"ortment of


VA1..U~. Send t·WKNT\' · flV~: C~: NTS or Oi'U~ DOLLAR

one 'l'umb,·.-ed Nollce.


,Dod .upply dr


SIX. floe nuruh er on eunh ~olta" corre8po,.,do wilb the lIuUlue .. fin 'Olll~ ar llc le of r;oodt ,wllleh ... ill be eelll on rece ipl of 1J4 The lIIolley will

' .





White Goods, Shawl-£t,

FAlIr~Y · SOAPI~·· ,1£. ,..

.. '


bo nfulldetl if Ibe good. do uOlj(h'e .... U.fHClioh . Agentl make T~~;NTY.FI\,E DOLLARS per \'¥ F:i·:K, . Send Inr a CiI·culllr. R~;£D & Bno... P. O. Boit 51'3'S, N.w· York. Office ; 34 ,l:.ib. r y SI. 42·1y

oua' OW.




BPIOF;S• . ~; .




A complete "sur/ment of



ElUEENS ~fAR~, .ti~RDW AilE, &

~O¢S ' an~ ~ha.ts 1 , Our,SprjUg Stock ii now ,

'CO..MPL'ETE!" And




we invite ~e 'Atiention '

our CuStomers ~d Friends to '..the S~yl. , ., and Prices ...


JitABtrF AO'llntE.







A well:~eleeted 11•.orlment ~r '~.4





FA~I~~ ,rG'~ P~~If$!.

Hoop Skirts, .

Or the heat rnaterlOl and stylej or


Potent M{;dic~ile8

School":'JlOQk~, '1'"




. ·LL Till! \POPULAIl




ABPr .,~ .VT'll,


" R ' ~~~ll~I~~~~:ns~ j.:/,l:~t ~::c:'R:I::::ltl:; Family Groceries T I W 1 R E liEN'S AND BOYS' . Ii AT S~ MESSllS.


i. now goiug 1m Ruo& 1>110.• No

~""T""'~ VAl.1oI.UQllMJ.

Dry· ~nd Mlxe~ Paints,

the ~ .. ot quality,


m-,1~ ffiTEl'fSlVE tALE A.ND







I .









'Such aa you 80W ~uc!I,hl\lI you ruap.' Pnrllnta shou ld 8end ~hejr childieii. 10 A fllel! whe.r~ lhey ar.e . no~ I lheJ~. to be exposed to YI/lIOUI cotnptt n •onl ~r ~.d uRmple •. We,belie., e"l wouH! be t? the ad un of All desiring a Ib!,roilgh or'u,)ILic educl\lion. to lend Ihe Ulli~n· 'Busioesi Institute of Oalkiol, 11 & Co., )oeated in the plt'R~8nt and orderly villRge oC Oberlin. Ohio'. . 66 4\\'


Where may be fuund a ,Dod Itock of

Thorn .., lI~ed .ll yur8.

CITY GUltsTs.-'Mine Host' H·elter auh .. Sal ~lroolt"of

'.An.n"·~' ~ast Friday night, C.W.


...IIIIr..· ..• . .'I"n'R·U ~~. MEDI~INR~,


M«tGUFFY'~ ~ !~.Itt~Q~;.s ' B~R;p¥~. &0.. &0.; &0• . " '" ~


L. S. RICE, M. D. . . . e\


N.", s&.,

Ir few 4100" ,lIofe the II. E. Church. - w: ....... 1LL ••


_-, .D-

~(Q'lr ~y . lPVlIlI.,U«),






jlli/( GUY HAIR•

tllUBlL 1.1l. Double Track BOldt:



AI PIIl~IHlrll,lralo\. ftom the W('sl 'UII .Ii,e.:t 10 .h .. V. ,ioll Dpput. whtre PUFefl Il fr • er8 trftl1.r~rred lu Ihe ~raill. ul thl' Pen " indVltrtj I ( ;,tllral Rnlhvnf, wl!1 II lene Pitlabllr,('. nd .rrive "ollier pUIUI ~

111 uib Al1I1IlOS1.\ that JUDI-' I


DR. S.- J: WAY,





hi ItI"'''~ \.

"',-neb. .. , "Quo beurell.

an'wbll'.' }IIune HI 1M

as,lt ,.,II Al .... IL ·


!:! ::.

" __ .(. 'l'bl. III ttl. .....rllOft. "hri. bt th~inyl



D,llimIlfP" 7 A.N,. New York,





Atisi7t!l frOl~ !ErcJ,ds or ·1ndilleidiotl. , . " - I "

\~' . ,






-q en.ue.

" rD~ Q(]'ml1~




Po cket abd 'Belt Revolvers: . .' , Cant'S, " new1 Rifle" Rdle aU"


H. ~w-.'l~I\~~ Qn, I ~tlue~vf.lle O. I. '; ~ Il.f' 1 /1' O ' H 1\ II .. co., ..,I\r e l l l , . r , '

W, " :11. i:. H.

. ,

Langle,. '0.1111"0111; O.


~h~ 'lol o im~rI)V e 'lte"1 8 ill 1~ ij)lllt8. 1 '"fj"dtlS';l pe'rior wUfkmfth!!hil1 !loiJ lornl. wll iI b combined In 'he ' ' •. ' 'I' ~v.t':Q; Retlli7111lp'j ,RsIJol"er8.





aDC aOf


gr~ I~d









.Ih!! Vrin. ')j









Orlrpn,,! "I.~

or I,lO D 1111I1r! III; 181,.. 11111 no t"xp'osllr~, l<umplet\!'ly ,uf¥!'lIedihlt thotil' :inllle~"~1\1 Illd IIMllltllrtll'iI lI\edloill! co· 'Il. ~fl I!lIi~1l and ~hr;c"r.y, ill I).\,\r,ill: ~hj)"" ~lea8Bllt and d.llgProll. "heINIe•. \ 'r . ,. I,' ~ • _. _. " ~ ~'n



., ' t'o'l'ealth and Eeauty,





<V':lcll rh'n '''rough betwe'en Ihe E n"e", l ow lH" ~ ' ErU"liUII~, 01111 "II "nl'\lrllle~ (JI and Welt!!rn cl,lcf., trreRpectivB of ch o n., Ih e 'slli n; ·flow fo e nillllllilhe 8kill~ leftilin!? , of. 'j'be 1I]I\ion ,Lin, Ih, Ihe iL whl1r. lind- 'eJllof " flS "'111'balller; 'h6w tu .1' freight I.III~," ~II II J1,,,dll'Ce lhe " f"lte~t"· t1evelupln~nl bf Iht' 011 nil Ihe roule. wl.lch h Female form ' en practieed b,. tho rfCnch), unllerlakea ,., truIIID"""", under COli Ira ct. the Ii1Jst 'to grow 'rbul d 'sni! ' full. which .ileure 'o.' Ihll properly el l LrU8led to and ff lhe fo,," has bOllri lorit bY'paddlng' • ...AI_~.~~~'-.~Ic'T1eWtt ha rhargei Ihe belll (llcililiu fur fatl and Incin/,!, or mlfternhy, ,realuring illl) mure '" ' ~t '" "f~ ' ., . ... , d L ' 1 u.nirof\n movement. i tllullh'! R'oad8 uver Ihnn its orillin.! f"lIl'1e85, 8 rift III!88, and OJ A 0 elK" .. ,I, •• "" .u, . "'" PQ8~e'8. ' ' ItOIY to reu.' r.e '" . 8 Ize • edIilW G~ WI ' s!lllluiry 'eie Wh''c hi L pnB."S heo\}'Y. ,, ft· teaches 1 ' • . ..~ . ,..t." " 'f1O'" Whe,ru limll ill jlunrnll'eeLl, D lor· Ihe hUlld8 rand, r~e l' JlToduce corplllcnry or !!= \I ~ ",.e) ~a 'rinu. ~.ll1p~IKnl (ellure or Frve! c.eM, ~er ~OO ~~ Ie 01· Ihe rev.f'1'le; rl'm.o"e , .upedlull"' ~luir; cure . c\ I . '''OUIIIPI . e Photolnpllic tUllory lowed for dele.nllU1I8 r lllr every beyo\ld Cornl, Jlunions., \\!nrtR, allLl M (lI~R; renew .10" of I.e .. r at <OUI601. . 1118 lime Ipo.olled: , . your' ngftlrcure •Il 'lInkenlleu, C~\lJrrl', ,ly8' t .j' •• MlHII.- '........ I.~I..., . Fur fur,hur iA(ormoti"n, atlLlreR8 the repsl", Narvou. Debilitv. &c.• lttt\\' 10 1"11, 1Ii'I'Ied (0' 'lIllti~'~ I ":·M.atc Lauutrll ~rl tho fhllo"'I~~ Agen .. 01 Ih~ 'Unlull Linp~' cinate II,tnlgaln Ihe, I()vo!! a"d .lTs cuI/n ul • .8JC;.AP,II 9nf: ~,8AIII:vr. ; ~\l ~. MDt If. W., Bro"." 27 W e'_1 3d .1., €f,lciJ,lIInti. Any pcrsun yoli ma)'l chnoae, log~lh e r I~itl lIU11 • 'ue ,pe7if.l1~u~p. I " s:n ·rl... IChe'" ~39 'N. H iirh el. ··COlttnl'ilu9. "I Iter II sulul "'111, ""Iuohle Inl()rl~ 11Iioll,., , .. . . n ...IjIII.. I t3.m~1 F. Gr.", I'I(lla'l"puli•• Illd. No }' OIIll:jllLndy or (i-entlem811 MIfOltlJ r.i1 ·"01'i'1II"1~~~ rJm%f~'Mrfi: I.J'~ ~\!~l~~f;:~~g~ E. P. tlrYfllll:'l'IJn:e ·Hanle. In": . 10 :lIeud t\,,!ir ,tldreRII .lo Ihe unddhigncd, oih. p,,,,r tA:IoU~M.s J!.~1,,-1I11! ... pal ' oil 01 W, 'w,. ,cJla"dl.!l(, .chir.MIlO' 111M. ~r\d receive by ,eturn hlli ha CliP', 01 lhis 11'1 ~~I', r .ID " _"lSblij" aad,bft. 0 anl 1'li"e "eilfl8)'!\ls nl. RolltooLi Co. will, Ivnllll\).le ",or~ 'ill 8ElUltd, enyel0Pt/ free 01 1I1t;o~, ~1.'Ij'.. .......) , hot ftileulhe tiny rlell lor I!lIggnge, elleep' chorgo. A,ldrea...,__ Cl-ra ·."~I~:/f .. el~' j ........ ur W.~~ri"(1 ~ppar('I, and limh Ih~ir' (Ie· . BER9E· ~; tJaU:·J'TS ,,", ,O(,).• C,",,, o'"e'~ulbruc''' uyer Fll(' . ~UN . • ponll~llhJ 19 Olll! htll1tlred dul,lor.llln VIII· Ch'emielB, ~86'1li ver· 8I, '1·roy.N. Y. __1,8it8f.linUlltti,c'",1 IMcludil.g lkro~ llc- oe. All B.ggage lllU:el'ding Ihut ~m ll llfli I ~-::;;' - 7"::;;z=::::::!';;;:;;-::r='--:;:ZOt 1~ o( \~. !'l9"lIP.lq~ .. t. ,1I E!I;~.~I'~;~r~illl' in value , wilt be II (he risk or'lhe oWner ' ,:' Wt uiltl. ~ , gIlIMlp,'iiol •• IIt' ~l rt eel"t I)lIlell, •• kell ,lbY I 8p(lol.1 ennlnel. BIIII ~ua\~ •


I \J~nc!e, little

FaIt Tre'91tl, \tie .p~n'!ll\.olti. R . R . j u~l p~bii'h .d . • It t octle" h w \ reft1p ve'· 'l'l\n .l F rrril' " . "l}road 1ir~.d ,,, C"r", I:!f, 1'IftI1'1\!S' l1 u\ eA, Mol!l !'~ t61\ , ~r8"1 .




ht~ Iro.n habits uf ,ili,.ipat!on, .~ lillte ex-;, I "lndftt~t' rlIO ' I I d'

W \.rfc'.il

E', B.l!~11NG'Tt1N&~O'NS"tlon,N .Y. , . ' )"1 : t , 'l'J) '"E , ~r nooy

Clarkll. & .co., Chiclgo, 1111. , 11 N ION L I ~ E.



fl" Di"eul'-'


Ci~cul.r. cnoloiJling ClIli 'I'"itf 'lle8cri[l' tion ul oLlr IHIIIS wjll ue fur~io,hed . u~ult


rig ,

. W',II rodlc"lIy ex'l'rmlnote r~oiill t l~ 81.

Thl. prejitlraUon. lo. ·Iuld liI.'vonlbly

!lpp~'in io~. ,

~ the

!tJ ,'0 ,1.SM PER. O,XIT•. EA·DI,. S ' ;, ,p , f lO,

Par\le8 deelr1ng 10 nvofl II e msell'rs of





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worded 10 any acce u ible poinlon Ihe ri'/'o r\.,11I1 lakes of Ihe Weal. ' I' J"ur rrel,:ht Cunlrnels 0 Id'l~irlg .Di .. recliulI!, .pply 10 ur addrt'88 I'lthcr 01 IIIl' 1,,\ll)wllIlI Al!elll~ of .he COInIIA'1pY: I'" 8, B. .l{il'gatpll. Jr ... F,.,Agel'l, hi au • . A. C~rp~nler ! FI.' ~~enl. Pi~IHbtlr,: & cu., 'l'r.n8Itr A 'I'nls, Pillsbur::.

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. E. H, WILLIAD1S, ,: 6e,n'l SUp~(I!n:,l'ndenl. A I,"ona, I'n.

chee force'li tlo J,lrow " upon the 61ilobtheRt I I rder '" -" HENRY W. GWINNER. IlIce" ln' ",om lime T1h, p~i.~1 aud . 9 ua r\l·rof r, good" c"n G~p'l TlCkel Ag!'nl. Philo. , ,t o five we'e b, ." IIcp.....,·;'1t " t , . " I ~I · lt H . H. HOUSTON, ~el!li.ft""'I'''II!~U u8in~ Dr. SHi::ne'• • , ~j~ M r!, , ~ ~·r...fJl " IB • fJ ' , Geo'l freiiJlll Afent, Phil". C.••lIllIin... the ,"usl w~lIllerlul dl.cuv . .'."-"'U.'..."or .' : ,: , " t • '. in mn.Jetn oelln!! ul'on the &alUi Glit! Hoi, in .IIMlit .. tnelltous l' r~r 'r~P""I.' ....t ! ~~~'!,~ie~' ~ Cow · OUllg IIlllnncr, 11 hu bee II uset! by the elile .o! lOll, IOrt : ., r ot! Th I r " Juo' publi.h~d. in a ie.l . tI en'· olol'a. p "j,.~ Puris atlLl London willi Ihe mo .. llutterlnJl A gloat vllluab,Ie.,.Jld wonderlul publica. , ~" 1~~~~'\'!'::rn~m~J\ii~el~I''1ln ': 0 cCllh.. !.:eelu", Oil Ibi ... Iure. Ir • • h"~ "'. 8U(1Cen. Nallll'8 o( .11 pur.ehuerl will .be liuA. A work 01 400 pall" •• nd 30 chi. II' • I..· ' h t ~I el .u, and .dlctlt ellre! of Sl'orn.fqrrh~a. or Sf""",,1 relris'erell, and if. entire .a\lltactiOll ie I1l1l 81IjluviPi.. . Dr. ' Hulller's rVA DE t ~ ~"", "'1"'" n~ . out r · ck 1~. reo Wea""".. ,I",oluntnrl' t,:,ni...iolll, S""""~ I)e . .. " ' 11 ME duu, an IIrl"iita.l .lnd "o~uIQr lreali,o 1I1'1I1a.\I·~~. \ . . '! IlId": r"\~ ".oth b\lll~ ,.nd, luipeditll~"la .~.,.ItI.ll'trj.l!; o &~."I'''y I ~I,el~ \on e.,en in.tance. t .•,e m~ney WI lI'l d W" "fi I' I ,'I .. " ~. aM . ~ 1I1\"' ~I' Ne,vollo"e,. C o n.. mptoon •.)o!l'llep '¥ and ~'Il'1 b!:, cheer'tllly .er.tldedl Price by mail. 0:1 .. ~_'! all nmClO, the r ['hyaio ":f\', I~ oC th•• kon. I""d~'" 'nlli , l~e a~ID., .e.~. l\1el\,al and l'hy ]\caHllcsl,."il\'. r ••ulIi"1{ freim • .,aled and ~O'I plihl. I'. De~cripllye rir. [i UDCliol18 IHlLl ~~1l.1 dilordera M every ht,_,lIIIlaw.bill.,.,,-, et...:s:~ , !'t'¥er." II. Self·.bll..,,..&o. By Rob. rIJ , C; .. lverw ..II,M.D. cllfnrs le~ti,"onl'aI8 m.i1~d rre ...... .1. It:'i"d, Wilh nevl!r.failiJl" J R'emediel (or I .,:tl. t~~not 1M d,l.ctt~ ttt . !I JI' ~I ,"crulln)" au\bor 01' ,10.. 'O'~~II Book'.' &0. ". .nu ) ". .n~""'iij' '~.1.1l1~ , Pin V, i'll~ ," perfe,:">, 'Cbe wol'ld .renow".d nulhor. in tlli. ndmit.•• tlresa :BERO ER, SHUTT~ & , CO .• Ihei. !oeedy cqtll. 'fhe pr.ctice of Dr. . ' I. I •• ~,l..., r~ 18, lhe op )' ,ar"d~ "f ..hi lund blel.cctur ,d •• rly I'ro\"" f ,'olu hi . OWII "XI'" r.!t·emi8Ie. -Nu.' 2BIi Rifer SIr-eel. 1',ov, N. JrUnter)h!l.8 \:lid"; lIe,en; f'~( ~t11 I,j_ t.~~i un. , f ~ t."~'~'J .1It. ~'I\~cb."."d " c,o"~ld ••ed bY . the rl~"r.e. Ihftl Ibe _.. (ul COllttqu neeaof Ih!f,,,",,,. Y. Mole oltents ror Ihe U: ~. 45.6m ~\lQtMd", ,\It. tlte elfn"t'~ .0fici~aHon 01 : u~~:S,; Jo\lrr.:~w;!e ~r\ a Jlld~~C.l, tott,\. "'.Y lJe. ell'-. I'IURI/y ","no,e<l wi!h oul I\lell iei"'·. _ .•• _~ _ _ _ _ _ IIIUlJlero\ftl riO til! IIIUI liean inl.lucl!d 10 ... ' . 11>" I " I ~I II 'u ( . UTimll' t.u ftnd ",thoul dUIIgc rollO IlIrl\"lc.1 0IJb r.. ll on. . UTI :'f"~u· , .. n .lt:nd .h·, ~dl(,ftl ~el Ine •• 'Ib uugh the l'iI!'··~··7·ue ci~~ ~'rhee '()illt. ~ t RCY,' uUlIgie.,in'IruIIlen' •. l'i Il,,'. orcordiull ,po illi. burn. Gl,IUr It, .lle-·I ·llIm ' ~· III. · ' r iI e' .-eeu·.... II I'm n rtf .!tA~1l1 I" !lD I ,;! ,~ 'I ~a , POtl·P&IU. o.t II I\lode •• , " lire at n ueo corluill • "'/ ~f. u .• ,,,... ~ a --. o.n ortier, UY . . b h '~h I' I Flllxpn.alld silken vulume ~""~itII4 "e lin '\I,e IMnell "y. ",L ','; , ~. fj ' "1 ~ ~ ., r ,. " ER, SUUT'rS _ CO • . ~. IV " . every _.11" r.,·, .n? ",,,".• r .IV '81 I '" Y , G94" a • • York '{ ,.. 28~ R' "'l 1"" N'y do .. GUlon ,nAY Le.I" • ., on •• h",,,. llollul" OURLS prodtlct'i1 ElrV famil, \n . .ttwt IMId. . . a presoenllvfI 01 ~ • • ' " • .Ye.,.:;. " "f • .-:.-.:.. Iy, pri.Blell· And ra,li eoll)·. Th;, Lcclu,'e ""I by Ihe ule .Of Ptol, vice, or U .g~I.d, for , .the 11II!YI1ttron 01 ' • I I , . J ',r, , R ' ~ I'ro ' S) n boon to Ihn u... ,,'~ '" "' • • 1 IIn d ~r eoll o Dr.BRF.Ux'. FRI. , one uf I"e moat "",(ul and iPltrllcti,e I J ',,,,, . 011/" "'f;:1 ... ·!If o,,(I,·~ ••• 11I Q pl.,I' . ... I. ct ", v('lul'e, on rp. S11R LF: CB &'VEUX" 0118 "p"hol,lon IICOU,J1el lloal vllil'ed mankind. Dnll ', -•• " I ft' t1J ,~ • ce lpl of II~ ·Cllt • . Lr two pm'-'''ge 'tOlIllI"" 1\:: ' 0 ' I ~ t' e. ; , 1 fI JI ~.. 11 , t ~ ';} ~(fI ~ Dr . Culrerw c ll ·. MArri .li" G ,udo, ,..i"e :~ cl , w.rranled 10 Cluri the ' 1'IJ0II -,lr.lgh, ·elli): copy, lIf'eltr, y, ~lIlIe)bP., ... .wlll jbJ' . for.wDr~ "10 I ' . H\I.:~MBOtlA·Q'" .: ",. LO ('\ IllS ~.J. Atlllr. .. CII ,\ 'S J. C. 1\1.11\1,; .it (.'0. siubborn hllir or ell I~I~ ·.v.vy ed, Ir e of p.u~lal{e. 10 a'i¥! .,arl of the ' , . ~ H, " AI!. . 01 i1"> ~ ~ 121 fl ~II' New York, P. O. " ox 4586. rillgleu or belVY m!!DIII~ curia. !Hlle bee" Vnllt>d t311ltealor'IiO eeillllu ·P.O.l!llm" •• ~.: . ~. . . ,, ~ '. , ~',~ ;II e= .j;... ~ [.j.~. JyJ tlliet} byq h...., [.'h~onli"\Il~.~r, Perle Inti Alhlres8, )\OH paid, DR! HUNTER. N&1 l!; 1:1 _ ~.J ):I'" Londun, Vii\llihe "'~"lltF.tlfylOa ,e@ul .. , 3 Diyialuu Streel. Ndw ,Yurk. 16-1y 'I' 'I " ,;, F :- . ~, ~ "" " CD ~ .P.EK YEA K !-- W e D.oe. Injury . :lo" lhe 11. r. '~rlce II, " '" .' .. III ~ ~ ~. "'lilt ot,!PUla everywhere 1II.,fl 'staled .an d poa1p_ld, " ., Df'.,,!iplive The 8s0n .... nAmela Cn"ine. Or,eD.!'. S ' ' It : ' ~ ~ ''&.:Bell our UIPIIOVED '20 Sewing Mil' cirt-il'"'.lIeOl rttle. AdUre&~ n.ERr. ER I.'O.lt1'Y. d) Ife r.e II I 811Iel!c.~IftJl'ed In IItQ-. l ·~ I PI ' ~ ., ~ • Ii... net. 'f/tree 118W ki"..I.; Ulldt>r ' and'. RUTTS &. CO .• 01 emi.l8, 285 Rive; cred lind ~~eull\r ",u_ii'. fo, ~o ' '660 . ~ ~ toC L...::l ""J upper reed. Wnrranted five yearot. AbQve .t: ;'Troy, N·.Y, , Sule i:e'!IB ror Ihe V.S. uch. FIJ"TY ONE GOLD,or SILVER 1d • TI)~ .;::, , !:" .•' C"I:--:l aalary or laraa cOlllmil.,iQnl. . ' MEDALS, ' or'bther fi'l, premltl"I" a"'lr. l".. PI JII:. ~ , olLr m.c1tineil80Id In Uniled Bllt,. 10' ,. lIIard •• 8 ODd_Ce.~b"cy. Llpd Ihem . IIIl1slratpt! (l.hlojfuP,1 Iree.~.~, ~ lell than '40. Which are lully licenllec1b; ! Art E•• ay or Wllrnlnl ,and fntlrllClion -\Il.drella ltAl:JON It. HA.MLIN.- Do,IOII. ~ ,~ ~:I Howe, Wheeler 'k '~ilAO". Grove, ....B. ,10 ",Vol,lng ~en. , AI.n. dl.ellie •• "d abu· or MASON ' BROT,HER8~ Xor.; · . ' . ~ ... rt' ker. Billiler a. Co •• a"d IhCh~.Id!!r. , M . eel.w!l!eh premMurelr, 'tbe ,yi.lel , : c .~~f1l~ , 0, .Pl"lIMff 8~""', ~-=-"""'!:'T""'::'-~-- ;;; '~. , otber che.. p "ubint!! ru. Iftfrill.,,,ant •• power., with lure means 'ot relie'. Stnt / A.U • •, ....rry na.., .. ", " . ' , . .. . , ' """i;-;~;;;;~;-;-;;;;"'-t:--:-:""':-=--:-+'-:." .i,d Ihe seller" of D,~r I. \I~bl8' _to arrea~ free III cllarjEe"," Il!ale!llettl!r!'efl. " _p, efloe o( ~. I ...... ol;'~~~he B(JU1ar~ ~ O;U n: e 1'&. , ' AH8 0 • ~re.t mlof ~~lId" lin. IIId. ~prltODmelll. Ci~cllllf~fr" - ~dllre .. Jlr. 1. BK1J,.LtN R()VGlfI'"ON. ' ~.' M ~h "flpj>4lk In l'.a . ~pIAed by fol. . . " 'I Mid lD Iarla \ulDliti~ . lur ...l, OP ealf Upon 'Sh." .. Clark Rowatd AlaoellUoD PIIIl.delphla -10wil111; .unl''''. r.le~.. ~"tI.»e(.~ en.etot'.' ASK rOR HBtMB\ iI.I)!& It . •E 1 Bldcl ( ' cI M I Cb ' , , .... In 111 1)A:l\I~.I\I"rn P~.Rll". StatiO. D.Ii.. , ' ~, 1\. pa T2<, e Of, a III, or 1talO. "I ' • t.r!l6.• 1 . 10· blh lIou.e,l'te~ Yo*. . 15.J,. -



.1t1tb(htl." olld.rlng ,f09d. C ~I ~ ~ r c~nt ortllo .01:

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l'Jwn. FUT l.1I,i-Lenel }' illlburjt It 10 , u:7' I' ,'. r'8·. ,le by', )l().c~wy @ ~~~~'fd lR{ ~ J~t ~ ~ (Q) ~ r . '11 .•• topping unl, 01 prlllcipul Slll\iu~8 1':. R. ['rilIiZ . , , __ H AS I' Rov i o ITSELF TU DE Arrive, at A!lloonll ,ftl l . lO I., II .• Hor" 8' ~ AND SONS, l' The U Ctit IIhlr Jt torPor ~ver ol'fered burll- 8 .gS A, III.; n.llimo,.t J~ . 1I0 r . Ill .. " " ' to' tbu. ".»lIe. N .. w York .t via Allentuwn, 4.10 P. Ill .. \\'11\ chftng e Ilf.ay iloir Lo ii' Migil1fti In'eft'ecli'on'8 peclllin~ a.,llr•• ln .nl~III."l1k. atyle. al the Phil~del'plll"t .J,10 p . III, Ind Naw Yurk, col",r, 1( will ,:~ho/uu:l1l~ cl~n. e ' lhe , lOWell .,;.a. ;;1", Iud'.c"on IV All' viI Ph.lode:phiu, ul 642 P. M. scolp, "lid p.r "illclle oliacurfHnddunJ.ulf. ~Reakj(U'. tDinner, l&'ppt~ . )lA~UUorUR itS 0)' It will urreSl premo,u,e decay nnd 1~llillg 39·,1 ., Doil" , aU Otlltr trai,Io8, S,t1IdatJs t.rcqlltd hair . 1I ' 18' ft naruralslimulonland ~lfL ~ IlIvil!"rftlll.', nlld \ViII prulUute Ihe IIrll'Y1h BUt-P"'D c'IlS 'are .ltsfhed 10 .11 Nighl • . . , "I Ih e hOIr. r , I" ~Tniu. 10 Philooelphl., NelV Yurk and MUS.{i.E1'S .A ..YD 04RIJlJhS. /1, ex ce l" ull Oil Prl'Pllfti \ionl tl8 a dr~R' 1\0 It i more. , . , ' . Also ~in~r· II cl''''llle~ . ~ 011':e, dry lind IYIfJ' Ihllgoge' el,ecked Ihrough oD_d lrallsll'rFor Ihe Vnlleu Slaled StrVlce. h"ir In .ofl "n,1 8i1kell tre8! ee. , 'ree. . T,01l!1'8 }lull THE EAiT (including BOB. ~~DIES,. \'i<i1tJNG ~NDOLD. ir YOII • wI h .. \I ul lbe bc~1 arllcle tur all dlee - A. Ion. by 1\011' ur Rnil). p"8dillg uv er Ihis REPEATING . REVOLVEn~, ' Po or the aenlJl Blld hair, try the 'Q.UEEJI,· routl, CUll be plJrllhu~ed ot 0 II pri'lI;ipai wut 81atloii • _ "ure \11,1 !ow Ii; bf , allY utlt!! ..n 'ng " "d bit COllvil elfd o[ ' ~he , tru\b 01 Ihede VI ) ~: ~'ulfmelll:l. ruute. FHEIOIlr8. !tifle IIlId ShUI Uarrele, 011,1 GUIl,. Mo" ,Prlelo' tll bUll Ie. SiI!d by 'cf,liqIWt8 ~y thla, rollle. F;reiglv, of 1I1I~~de.. ~rip. Il'ri"l8-8u\(1 by Gun Deaiors alld til t ' I'r~d,' JOHN D. PARIC. liu'l, includln, LJVE S~U"K" IlKn , ~f fo,; " /l iterally. ' ' .1 3~1 · lyl '0 ifl'I -Ag'r, Cincinnall, C;>. ,... "Ied to ."d rrum PtliludelphiA, New III Ihese tIliy~ of Hotl~ebreok'''!1 !l'IIu Yurk,ll08tun or Jhllimure, I .. allt! , lrum Ruillll!ry , hery 1I'J\18e, /3'tJ te , ' , Dall~. ,Blld --_ .. 0 'X'



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A119ntl'\\'O 10.10 A , Ill .. r"lInd ·tll- ~17.10 \ ~ Ts .... Il hid re.lilence 4. lit •• II"d \'ork, viu P'hihulelphid, AI lIalo, SlrMI; ' b3-1, HI ,O:; fl. II . r:;lel'ping lh'tlugh un Il.i ~ lruill Irolll Pill&bu,.J lro Ua! llIllore-"tld Pllilntlelphiu. 8ud tu New_Yurk;vlll.AUof!'


\' P

e ip"18IU II01l8. Arrtves ot Lotrobef 6 00 P ~I, Altoona 9 .30 r. III .. ,""'rrid burJ;t 2 ~b A. Ill.,



l\ecIl~ b~ ~. 'bq"~,,~,tl\at 10,. W\bi),ulD1WIWo. ~ mad..

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!J'~m" "!l 'OO"" bald mel Jl'I"!Y. But ." II> ow' 11... locka, ther

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l1l1l'rl,-4 UooI maldcD. IuwdlOlDe awl

EITRACl'. BUCHU, -: ..




delphia. dirftclly to Exprl'u Tr.ill ror N ew Yu,k. ,eachlng ,he'll 8t 1) .30 A:N. rUI LAIlrt.l'H'A Exrl\css,-Leove, P ilta· b\l" al ••11.1 f ... .. fI,opPIIlIt ullly at.. prill'

~ FLmD

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Ir¥n jlfrrrrl .1 Uuion O PJ1u', Weal Phil.·

ira. n , .AC·TJCB


, flT1I ~. • Ih . ., • Who " 0\\' h .. "''''''' 10011:.. "'n~!':..· lle u •.ad III. A ll IIDOSU. l bnt wi

a.llll .... Arrlvlug al puiladelphia ftt Ill .· 40 i." .. : Dv IIo it! I,.i" passe ngers .ore



WIII,A::orrled tbi> IllDA OBoe bald an4

A II",,"llIt 2..16 I' . N .• Il",rlilbu'"f






re.punded to. Ij",,~.


TWa' II' tho :HalJCII, bAndllOlDC and

v i. PI, iI8.lflrllill·, lit 10 P. M. ~OF"CJ[ on B'rf'el. Ihrpe doors Cl!fOlI'I"ATl EXI'II I!II -Lp,;vl''' PIII.burl! BUI'I" 01 lbe &JU., G.nn~ OBi,·e. _I 9 (iO A. M , ~",pp i "g "I lIe.r ly ~Il st. · ~ Nijthl 1i.1I. proll'lpll,

l(lr wldeh Ihe (emele


)hy EXPR£SI- Leftvea P~1t bur!! ~t 3 .· (10 1\,1\1 • ~l tI "l'inl! hl I'''h tl p.1 e lftliOI! 8 . I\rflv"~ ,,' ""UII"* 01 810 A . 1tJ. 1)"


'J'1I)f I:: PU. I; ore pr"p."cJ 0111, Q 11', r\lilll'lle I'Uq)1I8t'. nDd lire Ihe unty 1~' U'lt'i. fr' " ve Ilil1 di l'ille all thll,e

B on~tlUlltl,... or lDcolltlDellbt Urine. Ir... tation. ·h8.~.UOJl OA ilJ lUI tl i \11d\. ,. til COli' or Ulceration of lhe BII"'" or i" n II ullJPCI. . ~ I lillll 'l'IIE'Y uralhe 0111, ~tH) uln Female P,lI, lrido.&-1 1 • Ditd ... of the Pr..• 1(' )[ lO IlI . Tht)' m oil re le a! 1 t'X.~ e8 ~It, Incl tate Gl'a d. stone in the bldcfer, ~ J\ relliol'e ~II ubalfullfju".. rhey ill},llforalfl' CalculUl, Oravel o~" ~rlck,4u.t \11 1\ e billW\ )~' ."d he tleUeatli ; nd ,sll.t lj nt 'r , brill)c bllck th., ~ 00", I lbe pal. Depoait, and all dhul8. of tke ~ Tb1a II tho lIan , ,... "ld an4 li d ch e" k . No mnitlrn, ... iie or molher bladder, kldne11, and dropilCal .... Whr.~:.:. h .. ...,"" look.. \ilLY 'V. ~ holl ld be Wilh OUI I he Myslic Pills. Sold .wellinga. ' ~I U. "ae<I thO CU'" th.' lay _.d. by all t!rilgaJilllI.

r",It' 9 .UlI A. I" .. [J3 plfe lulIlP 1062."' . 1.1. RuinR h.d ruurte.. n yeftf" fX\lprience Loc'k H II ,ell 1240 P . \IJ.J H "rrlshllrl!t 'n t e ,r,cliee of Medicine. ulf.. r. hi_ 1 20 P. 1\1.. U,,:lilllurt't b 3U P . 1\1 .. ~ f1 '" .ro!eall,nll Servieel t" the cillzpnl uf Yurko vi. Allpnl"wll. &1 )0411 Pill, id l· .MII.I" . t_ 1 () (ill p, M•• 1111..1 Nt:w ~urk me VicinIty.

. W&7n •••

Female lemedy. ..r

as rullow8:



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, V(,L. III No.7.


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...... 1111 ,h.mael"" a...... ..... .ak dna • or dra.a wll"h

..,.... _ _ ...... ....... J "..Id .., . . _ _ t ~Il ordiDlry "... ,.., illl • Lot'll. Aa,. 'I.-T....'Y. . . . • • with chicken in. whicb, wben b Qu .... k ... of ,h. Saad.i.h Th. I••• Hport apoa &II••••jlM 01 :: be wi..I, dOGe io tbi. di.....lioD ... of r.port.d b, dae ..... ....... • • • • • • • • ~, ........ grown. and very poor. briog 26 c~. •bo b•• be.1l on I ,iei& lo Queea Vic· 111111 oat .hiob i••• ritl.d to lb. oll.b' to be. doa. aD~•.r 'be ~,... o! of H.lltb!or l.ea.,y·foar laoare ' . 1 WbIGb ·'I"·T ~~~O @ each.'Fair'butteris30celitli per torla,arri,edher.,. ... nlaj I. lb• • id••, OODllid.radoD., of Dr• .Johlll Illill.d m.dlall Pdra~tUloDe~. .ad , '~o IIOOD. ant of A '·b~l. • b W £ W~ II ~ W0[l" [l" II , '¥' 1nI 0 9 E b' Y . 'eel l Ba 1 d b, ep' .itb .acb I 'Iae peep. ODI CucnflU11. .,. .;:;;:;..;.;.;...,......,.-~...........,..:"':":-:-::-::~. poUJId. . ,"eamer """ from Drope. OD" 5iaoa r.ctady "... 11 I ~a :.. .00l chary bolb of "raniol ,bam- tll,,1 e ••" 01 ot)olara w.. reportello . . . . . . ..&y.. ~I1GI1ft 1I.18M. The ObLo river lS now ~t lo~ tad~, baell 1o be, O.D 1~I'Dd .bOlD' ' Ie 111e Ibe lA,d. I{)f .lb. ~rI" OoDDO,I. W. ",I," .Dd of ..kiD, .~ab, pre"llded lb. tle.kb omae , .... I. and most of our larger boats In thIS Pacific. After 1nlollllD' 'b' ~'k. cell .....i.1 IU40ll0D lo ,1M UltllCl\a pre"".'i,e••' Ire IXIIDU"I, off·red., N.w·O.r.. .... Au ...... -T..... 1 t te .. h rb . . . " ·1--trade have had to }un more 11'& r inaa of Roy.It, io ODe 01 , . .01' pqbli.bed bere.ith, I. 1m rlllDg ID. for lale. . . I d\a bo, "~I d••,bl' froeD ob '. " ' -----S -OVTBliRIf BonL,} . or lay up. We now go ' it ill smnil .plendid of 'he EllropIo. COllrl."ad ,." p.ragnpb. alilba' i. ,110. bow. Pr.antion .KaI." . IIID' nf d' ,ltl!i11 durtn, ,'" I~ .lIC;.re •• dl.,. ,bi.S 'P,' . 5r. LoOlI, Mo., Aug. 5, '66. bow, or 'stay at home. . receiving mll;k~d ;uenliQIII ' fro. ber concerniDIi IDd the b.., .ooe lO 0~t!~'1: :~he~~;:~e:l' i~~i'idll' }t 'dTlhl. pbYllolllD • PI'OI!,OU.DLO.~t A,jlti~, r I d h E l' 11 . I' h , .Late u' ,a" lo.ew ,. . Il' .0 t • • or.' Io rm 0 j u,. 11" Ed~.. (}"utu ·:-. Time an d recMore anon. LB. ,iettr or E"gl"lIl '0 'II nil•. '110' ad,iee. pO.. lb I 10 ~ e pre ••,o . al.. E" er1 peraoo,of ord.lD.r1 laore' priDciplll~ co"fined' lo oe81'011. b. wUl permittin'g, I will endeavor to ....:.:': .,..".... bililY. .be com.. 10. couDlry w.ere lIIedic.1 kno.l.d,e: lion kno", Ibe hllbl\l It!. 0.0 ~1.' wIather iUlce..I,.ly .IIrlll. Tta'et~t" give your readers lIome items {1'om . -,here i. no moollreh .od 00 COO"," bill . 7U& ""BIU.... l,nOTlolf. IIDd eln be ' lolerllbly aOlllideo: "I~ liD mo.elU.1 g ,f. M••1004 . 'al 9t.1. lb' this 'wonderful city' where I arrind ALto): CARY thus writes to the Cin· iD whiah .1" "ill w. dODb, not. reo It .ppear. 10 be eb.rac&eritlia or t~e certain lImitl a! foot· 1~1"'~1 \I I"':'~ .badll. " • on the morning of ~he 3d instant.- clnnati Commercial , spoiling a little cfive all Lhole ma:ka or ~hlcb cbolera-IDot only of Ih. dis",., in UI himeelf 110 oall"lo~ ~::I~:r;li::I(~bere Tbe oit7 of Bo.ton i. .ntirlly '''' Me.roh~nts, steamboatmfn. &c .• all piece of romance, wltich has a~pcnr- bt'r eex, her ~bar.cler, alld her eulted d::~:oP:fdl ti:) ~:~~:i:,I.d~:::~.b:~i:b ::~~ f:: ~~:j:dg.• for himlelf): 'be from Aei~cbol~: _ _, _ ' • ' oomplain of dull times, as they do ed in n number of papers, amongst posilioo claim 'Of her. Th. Am.,...n. Y 'd . 'a infilltllCee C.D produce. chief dllD((flr. of dl~' IIppellr to h••t ,,""Ie ...... "'......... ~. « II&(~ all' over the country Just noW', but others the Gazette: . IIrt! II pillin. rppubliclln people. inllOCIM '''aL ~!t~ :,::"'r. which ,b. PllieD' di.· folio •• : Fir~llf' III (b~·~llIIerede.lae~.. A B N Ii they bre looking forward to an im~ 'Ali~" C.,y'. n.,w ~ook, IIP,clurf' o~COOII- or Ihtl idola:ry oCrllnk. bu, .h~ a y. chllrgea from hi ••Iomeala .Dd bo •• I. e. of dill "hleh .(elpe) elll '!. an ~rk cllr· bi sPIIT AT' 'G ":"', .', D. '. ~ _ .-'1\e. Ir, L,fe." ....o unlf. '" .kclrho;' n. elle rn . ' '. . r . . I.t tbe naU.D,·a po.or aUIII.I.nell' of I.u,a, <!CC."OD,IO Dill c" ••or... t he .. 0 a. A:""hDII men.e'trade this fall. Michir;an and ila I'!opl •. . TbS" k' ~.t~.y. III pl:flonage .r repute II plea .IS IIr~ ID ea.un, III r.n~~·i. repre.,Dled to ,b •• Iolllaab or an iDo,....d labor ... ag.iD plaited , up •• 9 o,"ClOk~.' '" ,Il."re "' e... .,n c un • U· dS ... a\ reaeplioD ur mreolllftg oll!!r lit , . • dl . ,-_.. • TIl th 10:_\nl I . There' ia a great d ea1 0 f t ;rave\ b.I""~n nd i ...1I1I kno .... \1\ .., ..\)0.1, .~ ,I\• . ••~ ~f \~,\\e 0\\11 ~II"'.' aOrgl nail. ualalinly by lbeie of dill~"tion; ' aeaoD " ID '"'L' a III II .uuu, morlln,. I . e....... d thron...\. heYe tUlci h.. been all the WiI\iam S. r"'"!ft',,, I...(\i"tt '·do 1'''~\'t1c 'IP'~~~ 011\" ,,\wlll' be re•• a ••' OIl. ",...I."y . I olr .. :~ ,'b ,LA., \10."'''. ..... loUd or Bllid ."iob i. mid.ay io '010• • plioe w.. m.d. aDd 'lea.,. ~I. ~u . ' . Old cil....... 'rile" eoa"try"" enee ,. ~'II:. ' . ' C:II!C ,arlllll', .-" . . I ., h IHe. d 10 b TI ..... 'n"l time- alnee the war. :J.»e()ple frol!l aU h"', ...",ted, .bODt roll' ma •• rrom tbe cOllnl, .h~n thllL .penoDlIg. belonp- lo·the tOalp.r.'li,,"'\) Don '\II(eall'fl 1\ t\le 1110· proce .. of oh.awca . lraOIlLlon- a. . r e r. ?fe. . Ie WI aldttL ........ of ~h country are emigrating ...1.' , enlill II'Z QueeD ·Emma'. p ee mell' whe" Ibey are di ••barged. bol llIepled bellr lad .ID••• Iter cooLalDlo~ ,MI n'D'n~. wheD ' OODlII!_DIoaIIoa.--~ . Vi' rL"h h tel i St Ens. OOM. : - I find the foregomg g . '11 • ·u DO elIcil, ' for aherw"rd, .hil. IInd,rKolnK decompo- orllanic impuri'iu,lIIe.t aad g.... aD lhe ellble WIll ~ .lmOlt, In.lIot. . . . to Free - .sou • e 0 s n • 8tatement going the rouJlds of.the hue WI OllelSI n ., iii ae uire lbeir man",.'" of 101'1l~' Yt!Oi.OD nu lODger (,.~ IDd 110' co.· belweeo lb. '\JDI ..d·sta'" .ad B.~. Lout~ are ,the finest in the country, oewspa.per, p.ress• Imel credited to the .he represeD" monarcby ID It. b.~I~., ~ OD, . ,. }. ,h.' if Ih"y b. CI.' "."1 pllll!:l,! uu"bd, 6tb .od llaelililh iD lOY . ~. and for excellent · accomm'o datlons Cinoinnati Commercial. No.w., 118 1 cQndilioD. and her nlme I. not • .,.,... ~~raat p;,.,iUIiI di,iDreo,ioo. 'hey im· ... te bll' ,h. .0.' :per(eot fre.I,.I.. SPEC.A" KOTlea: " .. not surpused anywhere. The am led to doubt ~t~ authenttclty. ~ led .hb IInylhing calculAled t~ .e&ir the p.rt'o,," inrt'ctiye .quIlli,? ~ Iblt rl\liL or uk.l.ble. IO~f .i'I~,",d ~r _ I I.. ",, ' '$outhem' where your correspond- must beg you ~ lefer ~e to whatev oJtular rerlillg; bllt iD lilt qUill. UDOI· ucr.mtlnl ..1 mluer. . . . h "llIeb, 'hey bRdly k~pt....nd ,b. II '. lImdly. I~ ~ G R' E I· \ ,." • ~ _ . 'j er sources of mrol'matlon you pos- P . I ..... ciLi. min Ie i. filtb·.oddeD .artb. or \D de· lhll "Zcen,n or .n.... on.ble 1111 ~ j: '. ' , i\ I· ent.• topl. QCOUphlll nearly a whole se88 io excess ot' my own. ' i bave t.t.DhllIOIiS. ,,,1 lu:artl. we ~um' o.i~uril/l' "Dd cODduitlof 61Lb ••ad '0 rerrilllre';, driab or iCII;' fOllrtbly. ID Q.'l 6i square. ia li.x .toriJlII high, and two not,'to my kno",~cdge. comE! to the leos'will give he~. she WIll b.,e .hlt rbe eDlu,i. whiah ')11)1' ucremt~tal p.,lllking la'tle)y . of ,holl article. of . . ·tW Q ' . ,tori. Q!ldergrou.nd, I bell.ave. bonor indicnted, oud cn~not,. for the .. e trllst may pro~e A·plll."RnL U(. Jo>ng m.,ten ."oln: 'ha' U Ihe ioflOlj'e die' "hiob or b1 reuo. of .... , " , ... I. .(. Place. of amusement, after a short Ut'e' of me, consent to sbme In bor· momento of blfr ,i.iL 10 ,b. gre.. A· milleriRII, by I.d.age or 'Ol""~' (ruBI ilDperfeol. co.okIPK: pl16 ."oah.Bled .tioo w\U open next week with .,-.0 ed l)lume~; nor c~n I 80 fllt . 'An & ublie. . or c"~I'CXlI •• or olhl'r"I~e. ~e'. !hroug~'. 1~le 10teiLIDII C.DIII •• ~d filt y. ~ ' ,' . . . Il, .ac . ,' . wrong Ml'. Wlllinm S. ~ann?r, that mer,w. . .p . . . r O• •a~'d. eYt'1I1ft th •• mlll ..., qallal"Y. ID 'be IDdllcreat u.. of purgall Y• m"~' .L Ho~ s E.p.gUah ,Opera~T~oupe1 . at lea.ding and public.spil'lted CI~lzell of 'I1u' hUlll."iDI6e••ae. , directly or Ihrollgh puro"l .oil. Ie. .ell. icin •• , or I" ,"lling any .rticl. or dl' ...., .I:4J.:. Bar. ~Opera Honee, which 'has erri CO~l1ItY', ~ichignn, if 8uch whll' .be h•••e•• In lb. BAIICI~I"b h· 0' ollllllr louren of driDkiDg w.ln. iL e' which i. likt'IJ to produci lb. laID' . • • ., been thoroughly cleansed and refit- le~dillg and 'public-spi rited ~an .d~ land. of AmericllI eDlerpri" .1Il,Der· can iD'I~al. ia the moal danguolil m.1l elfl'el. . W.I~be i'oe;tI oa;i "Ilhou" ~~ ~dl ' , ', .' in verity' e~ist, as to II.How said C1t1- I" aod Ikill. Q.".D Emml co~1d 00' bert fery I.rg~ 'f~m .. of lb. waUl!; If ul~forlun!,I&I,. the ooly .lIter~blcb ~~m:' n('::.II~:'ur~!n~ ...: 'J~. Tbere 19'88 quite a tragedy enacted zen for a 810gle mo~eDt to suppose ~ "1 to lelrD re.p'" for lltt Americ.o lha' tbe mfllctl" 10811110C. of cbolt!r1c ror a tl~~ clln .,.. got 8110uld &e ~pe~ed d.u, on'". J •. l , . , . tbftt I make &ny claim to ~ny part or RI . unlri•••f Ihe di.ahargel.UMhe. to ~d· to .1I'pIJlIOn or dangeNul urg~Dlo ~ID' W" would "",pectrull, ull '."11' It Hi . here a few: days ago. Ayoung man pllTcel .ot lot,. land, lle~edlta~ent ,o~ Oal{~ wllb wblab 111.'111 ao .. .,' tliDl' c,lothinr. Lo.e~,. and lille Ibrng. purilY •. i~ oagh' II le~' .10 b. boll.d lion to the 1".* .• nd CO/l1ollll. ''"~ Of ~ho .w" ~nmed to !l.young I!'dY, tlstute, of wblch the so1(1 pubhc.spir ~)Iclfio are 110. qUllit (alllihar • . Tbe h" .. be~n imbued .lIb ,b.m. alll) reno befort! It .. ukd fur drlaklng.. tben BuOt•• nd ftho.","'" 0"''' •• , MIdI "bote 'crnei varient' would not ad- iwd citizen 1lI1\y b~ possess cd. how- Ssod"ilah hlllndl are lb. gre.' rtsdu· de" ,bel' ,hiog" if 00' 110& to be druDk h... ~. ,haD .'4 .hour. *1\1 ,be ott'".,. lor ti- .flt!, II';~. ' mit' of hill flatting his daughter at ever deJightfl:1Ily sItuated. vou. fllr ollr .b.mOi 8e.' iD tb., e"p"bl,• .( •• 'he cllolel'll p.tint bllllselr ,,(Ier i¥ h•• b.en. bOII.d. FIIt'''D, of Ollt Ih"l~II'D Ille '.111 .,".It"'~' "~'. h ' lid ' i atio" with h' r Neither doel! my new book, 'Pi~- A I ' . I b'i otl '&1ll1re il ~ !ltlite would be allpllbl ... und.r 'he .1 ••' ClOD ' Ihe urdioary kind OIInooL by il..U be- Th,1I ,ood' were 'R.nul .. ~rl'd ~''.i'! ' emfl, m e us gn n e , turetl of COllntry Life,'. n~oulld ill mODg Ilelf 10 II .' • . • Ie dhion.) o( Ipre"diog Ihe dil.,.le in pi". Iru,t~d to puufy ".t.r, but i•• ,ood b~.' mlllurlC,uren In th. n •• and w~e~ be found that be co~1d nO.t sketches of Western Mlchlg~n and" ollmblr ·of AmencaD 1I1I.len • •4 tl eel whilhfr Ihey "joe IInl. for " .. hiDg IIddiliolllO Ibe Iloo.. proc"" . h oen' CIP""" .ntl DlylOIl 9,,~.~d a:c1~t\fr;l Dlarry her. tbeyconcluded to ~ie an.d its people. I have ne\'er seen Mlch- prioGipal p", of Ih.lorelgta tJ\d\l of or other purpoaell; lhllt iD ,h••bore·d.· Dot be 100 di.tinc,Iy under.toOd 'b.l~· y.--:-"!.•hohPleeh· ·whoe. !ton", . h""tU~ .. . beaven.· ' . .all d,' 8S my readers , U' . III ':&le 0 , d' . .. I ' • wilY' .IIJO,"'" I II r."u~~1I1J1I urI! JLlI· be 'unlted)o · B e gave' her Igan, . . know i ~ I tb. i.laod. i. Cltrrted ' 00 W·". b II." DI ' .r.ribld ••, •• eyeD • II~g . I.' dAnjlflru •• qllahlll!l ? w.&8r .~. DO. ELIGUO& .nd DUaUIL'1TY. ." , .... .,o~.~ ;,vhich 4e told ber to ~ave a preference ~or keep ng d y ted Bta'el. Amerioallai..ionuie., \00, .....e. pe,h.p' o~ the .hl.(htell dllgr~, obul\led by lb. IddlLIOD of 'wlDe 1)1 THEY . MUS;!' BE SOLD . ~t. . , , ' . feet 011 my native SOIl, le,aving lor s, . . "1 d . " .• nd FN!rhlpe qulle u.-•• Apt'el.d In II • • pirh.. . ,'. I ' • a cen.ln bour, and at that ladies •.. nncl the people of Berrien .,.Iaborlng am~Dg 'be 1_.0 .re•. I~ ••itchbtltllood ... IIY.·U local etirallm.tlln. .lep81" 01' OAltlNG 1'08 P81U10MJTOa, Anel .uch,' ~hllno. rvr B.r,IIID••I, .~v~ . !lour be betook hlmaelf to the baclt Ccollnty to tbose who have seen th~m, IIrllaliD" Lh.m III ,b. trUlh, or e,b,IIU' eel Goo-ral. IXerL. ter,i"ly ill(ealiv8 IIIAII&8a4 _ " 'oC(1ur II . . ~ lad h d tli' h b . bitiou8 . h lI' r-' f . An lI.r', cIII "I in.ur•• ~ lIi'Ier·· yUd 01 , the l~ung. .y' ome. an or ose w o. may . e more ambee~ ev~ anilY .Dd" Itachl., ,b.1D t ••r elf' po~er o~ ,colI.idl!rllbl~ .~II" .~ . popu· In plllC!,1I whl!le cholera i. PN. .. nt ~r liu" (rom lull Cun .ad .,..t Bi~,.i" ••. " ."all01t'ed lus·sba,., of tbe <leadly . ~y,bome IS wbere It b··Oh ' iliud life. QII.en 'Emm.'. pflopl owe lallon.. I~. eholerlllG tnf.. ~t~on doe- tbre.lrninf one p"rtieul"r hodl1, III ••• w. ·,h.I' remalD her. "_t • .• hOll' ..... . &a~ The lady died In. few; hours, er s.lDce I left ~y h~.:oe (~ . ~~':e~ lb. AlDeria.D. I dllbt: it i. meet· that DO~ .cle!" ifble llrg.el, lO InJII;., ."D~· ml'nt ,..qulre~ eJ:c .. ptional yi,Ulnee.- Auclioo "PIII.f-prlnh, · ..Ie.' bat tbe mu '·.wn/ound. an emetic ~ y:~rs ~gf>-; . e. Cjl ~t wbat it b I ould leknowledi' it. . ~r m '~e "apUI,&UOD 1101." a tihh.~ .t.~1! 0 I II Il!lei ThilL lIilwPll1 i. di.rrhell. For the m~1L durlllllh~ ••.,. Frld.~ Ifll'h ..,,~. .. . 11 r or , I!-n ,my eSlr~ 18 . . 8. I I , . . 1M! pl·e .• apposed. It II lIf1·.~ppon p.rl. iD Lhi. OOIlIl\ry. aholer. be,lP' AUCTION FOR L.t.DUtS.\.' f given bil;1l, .a ad I\e is ~ti "lVe, . hl\s bee.n since (\ t.lllIe wh\ch my commercial relatlona or the tW~COUQ' lhllUlil. almuephete of till drinklPg· • .Il' . .\1'" grldulIlI'!"o lb.& 'or , .. . , ~ I ~l I , 8t> Loul4 is gr.-wi,!g ,apidly, and memory goeth not beyond - lingly ,,,.. :'pri~ m.lIlta~' be~, ~ ~ t.r oh\,. popola,'\PI! i. i ...-,'~r. wilh 'hI' ~:::•• or uen dll ~. be ab •• W.'11."\I~. Au •. 1. ' . '. .' . ' . . thero ·ta , gre.... cle.... apd for hotllM. and .~ply. ••••• .UIC_S cut:. port.IIL ahlll"I". ·i i. .1!'dl~\ ~o~\ 10 hlfUm~ 01 IIltpalme', Ib"t.l~le 10m. beevlll. "I"r.lng. Aeo o"n.d "pre· "e'•• !1'~•• =~ I waiJ tolcl by a · citaco ,etlterday G P A b bond. of \fld. be"... D tb •• ~Io-Id '0.mlllerlal bl' b"d °pPl,lrt Utllt '''' monilur1 dl .. rrbl'a" may be I. die 'ett' .. I'e.a••r ,•• 8... .I.r :b ft ~ li d ' let b ' "d ~ , A NOTUlJH Vl'lPOW~R LOT. I. . . 11 Q' of 1I~lioll .hieh rleellDt aleanlill'" "uulU. Where ehuler\' i. &lndin" lo h. epid.mic B ..... r.tla'. PIII~-TlJe1 ."'o.'~ be • \~ 'a~ v un rcd CO" e rente 10 dispatch by the Atlantic cable, dated be'\r'~lllb~D••d •. We ,ru~".t ••eo no' bIt'"~ IIlJord"d .il; tb." III .int-mel!'DI l'",r. ·.I •• ,niRlllid, by .id• . • ith h. e" r.DlII, ••••d, (IIr II~ on ",.II~' .",~• .9 d, a . the . he .demand not Lopdon. Auguet 9. eay. great 8X- E~.a. 'III' b .... ,h. ,""'1 of "rail•• or ce.~pool •• ~r ~Iber hll. d.. p~ •• in LIII'{... I.a l\itge amollDJ pC II ...... oceanl",. Til'. lD'l~.ocI .~'. l1li • l>e su~pl1ed. . 1:he .uburbs are , (lX· lte t prev.ned tb.ere at the dis. co.,I.aiDI h.r dll' ah. lod her people itori••• it h". IIlld Llmlltl. dnillop II. ia dianh.. rtpr~~n~ulf in parl&\ie ••r- .... hf., R........I ••• , thOl - . . . ~~~--_.-RIlUILWJ~Il·~m dlr~et onl and being :OV:; of B Stl,PP9Scd attempt to h••• trll' frie.d. i. ,b. A•• tio.... O"D inrllc~i" ~o"er ••ud '? reot er o~':i lilr ""II!I in o\her par' ~b, Iligbt~r d.· ~~.I:.r:.!~~!:e:.e::·it":~~~:'~ , ~~I,~ UP, .~lJItatl'lally. · • . hlow up both Honses ofPartiameot. W • . hate .....,k..d ,h., ,ber. i. ~,r.::~~~~n~h!:L~r:~~I!~~or;:;:r~D: ~.rtt.., 01 lhe .. ~e.'lI.i.d!OIl' .,.d !:~::~ ld:( Wi'bllu;del.,. Cohl •. 'h.""'.'io...... .' A; t) dge across thO nvc.r would Ten packageB ot gunpowder,' with a notl,iDjt ill Ihe Que.n I V"IIOC' bere to reOliidn .b, dilgll'lioll""D of Lb~ ·die. 110:. mal"d'j ~ :~b." ~~: be) ut., "I.".i." dl.",,_, etoIle•• u. r.e\, ~I"'.· be 01 ~estimab1e value to this city to . ."'1 lIy burned were found ere~" "UcitlD\eDl: lad Y" lbe-""~ •• f· .a.. ha ·lllread iD.air or ."t.r, '0 he lin ~pparent y "'did· I oUi or' i, ..11 01... it u.•·cO".eq"'tIC. or """. irnreritip .•1 "':"1 .~. t se P to 1\ .. •• H 10" '11 d b 1. I may ID .n, ca•• IU '11, D' , ~ 'h. WoOd Th • ., bIIi.,,,_wed .". ~~ .. ·h and e ~w....,..e ,wes~m conn ry, all ueor the entrance to the Lord Cban. IicieoL '0 ••• k•• cu,,01l'1, , I f .. RJ ~r•••tllthe1 cir I . . . . . e 1 'uO ' P,OPII ". iDII) cbolera • .alld .,.r' r,. lb. ;".IO~~;' . ' ,~,,~tIt In th.e far we~t , collld then ceUor's office. In the Honee of ea'r com.. rrom a p~r' o( ,he ~o,rld a· tlOIl. ,. , lerioo!l s.i~Dific~ncl o~ ,h. ~Y!Dp'om!.. . 0 ...». III, •• me i. ". so~,.tllI..l ~ ·~.lye their freight from the . Eut L ord '. tb membcl'll of ParHament r(lll"d whiob iot.rllllDi m.morltl mUll .Icll.u.r PR~o~nlo" A~4111'" CUOLaR4 reM"rd. Ihe p"I.II!Ot blmlltr. ,I ' mu.' ~ i. ,,!til. 1"1",.. ' S,ld b, Drlill,I"" I \ ~hOt)t breaking btrl~; ' with 'the h· 8'1 i e f th' G · F -It· .,er elu.ter '1'0 non. wbo Ilne·peru · f~tI"ooll prl'OI''''ioo I,Ilnioll' aholer. reml!mbP"d Iht eYer, •• ch diarrhea 6.· •• ' . B. KRA"DIt~. l;' l « . ave v sons 0 ano er uy ·a.. e s · . ' . II I 'd' Ib " b 'II Ipring oliaf.clioD ' _ _ .... _ .. ~. -----<-preaellt op~ltiGn, however. therfl . aecl b t' r lhl' iDlerpid nAti· OODlI.lI'ile~.ll" . y • .,01 In" e UD' pa~I'O .IY e".I· BLAC. . . . A·CIIAW. , i I. I ·to f rd ob gu.npowder plot. . . 'e aa'" I" 0 '1 . _ll,oleaome clrCllm.tanCel .Iuela hll¥" 100lhl!rI. II .1,0 ..... problbl. I . ~. 8 DC) use 00 forw~ . to GUy eu ••• , 1l"lor. of immorlll melDory, Oapt. Ooo~. betn d••erilt-if ;·aDd ', .Ii~r. 'LIla' ",oid' "caidea,.1 di .. rrhu. orilli.lIT i.d.~., :':; : ..:. • BII4'. w•••'\.', •• , .Wlf ~,,~,, · . .U" Queen Ern~a, of the S'\Dd- 0111. m•• ber of lb. royal f~mily anoe un be .'lcu~.d. theN ~"d Il~' be d.ot of ,be .pidemic· !~nll.OC', ie, of.1l ,,:, .!..:~I':I:~:'';:! :::i:"'~.""" 1.1 ~8fve here for Western Mo. 'On wlch Islands. Is the firBt queen ever SaDdwiab hl.od. be.D obJtCrol 10' furdl6r 'hough' 0/1 '~e l~hJ.a'. E~eD knO.D p'rlo",,1 oODdl'IOD~. ,b. 0" OD rli,.",·I!u/lon1 ~i'" llilll.. l. . . . . . ,1It ,t he 7th. . TBEODOll.. on a visit to tbese shores. Her ob· d'l, nee Ne.rly 100 Ylllra bue wh'er41 cholltra aE'4lml Imannl'" 'be d'In' .hiab thll chiller" iereoLloD 01. .pl.nild IIIIPto,,,llo.. "' .........·,Nt ..... ' Jeot is to solicit aSlliBtanC8 for the I. ~ • . c Cook .,,' II' e1 e• IIf' i. Cluil~ ~oo'ViouolI')l 011. ,,:hicll ell5ily ~I .itlt.lf. And tbu. o~ ~n .0 a r'lIe .... wo"Jd. ~" t. ' ,. "'--"'-'--lielli'Iit• .-.;i.. f th E' I CI reh in"'" I.'y "Ia. • OOl(lt, IIU' 10 live oecil.JOII Lo p.1l1a.- ooun'. II 18 or U • IDOl' .... DlI.llmpor. . LOAD AlND ".orB ' -. 8U~I)0~ 0 e plsco~a , I D 0. ,b... ·Ioolly 1~IIDd., "Dd gre~' I.Dlelliine. "ad ero l diKli.ion "rll .Iln. Illace ~bat DO foo ....... or howell .bolll~ 'hr.. lI..... "I.. ...,~" ~~.111!"~.... < ·G~o\LtJll'OLII. 0., Aug. 9. Hawatl. So far, .her ml8810n in En~. gil ba.... kea pl ... duricS ,III' JllDe led .,.ia., it. 'fbe CII~ i. no longu be nl'glrc"d ia place. .ber. cboler. darlL•• ,l\.In tlHt . ' . . '"' d~~ .- It hu been some land hall been successfUl, and wIll iD tbe chllraCler Ind pUI.ull. 0' ,Uteir &I"lt "r.' mY"oriola' pe.lilellc. cOlDiug ui.l.. ' ' . , .' RA.Y£liI'I· WJlIfG, .....t.. .Jr '~ ,' , 'j t littl k '~h f probnbly lDeet with cordial recipro· . eople' bu, tb. '''ClUiatio... ooolllCled (Iik. ~h. pllgu. of pili' eenluriel) 011 In any infecl.d dl*,rio," ner)' ~Ie. No .,nelr ~ .1tM~'e •Ime- .. n~ my, as e s e""l I 0 it h . p. ' . . ignor.a' ~nd bu' 11,,1f••oci.lill!d POP" II ... of bo•• I. or lickne .. of .,o••all h.I, or w II .. ..-,:....~ ~lil\ ,plllce,and the . ()peration,·ln oil. c y e r e , . . tb. dlleoYery oflbe III.Dd. hue II I"liuII'. it i. ,be calf of a ctiAlincL And uu,bt. · •• quillkly .i poalible, t.o 'be nle 10 1I1I,, ..r" ... I ~ on fever, here" since the' cool. U" There were . 86 deaths from ver!lllaay .bollllbem wbOl' f".hoe .. ~elalllr"ble ~ulek, .gll;.Sl .hi~h deB· brougbt UDder .~ \lIed IDfdic.l . ~~o:r::,. i. ~ccoaplW.".'" ... "'.~ . ~era \Wade Jt8 appearance in N. Y .• ()~olera in Clncjnnati on. Monday no I.pee or Iear. 010 elecl.-N. Y. nlll! prrallutlon c"n be '"ktn WII~ lUa m.DI; IIId It. the 'l' .. pl~' ~ejl~ •••11 " ca..... c_" .....01'1" has died out very milch. The peo· this week, and 81 on Tuesday. . In 1n6U1U 91.\ ,,,,'. C~III1~ .btl. p~".rblol enfdOl'C·rL"lo"l pr.· Abllrply. or .f . UI"y (iholc1· mtld) d: wlthaut a,.lnln. I".. ·alli. ·.r I..... .. "t · • '. 1 De t h ' r ldl _. ' OIIunOIl. I. In , • IIiD I 0 OCII IIU' not ,~er'f prump' y y II ... fll,\m~ll. I'.menl. ' M/tnu',,'.,,' b1 J.gIJfJ!A. ~'i~ee~ to tb n~ it r1: ei0 be. l~ t e. New 'Y ork the disease is rap , y on Gd. BUTLaa 0. TH. N.".Oa... u. ~b'l)~i~i", lhroll/l~ollt Ih. eouRlfy. ~II' !III PIIU'Dt tlUlbL illYlriabl,lo. r. . .iD DOIl0;.8 "",er hOIl". N•• Y(lQ.... J!gllt,~t\lW, of lllilld. as w I as.ljody. the deeUne. BlOTa.-At • loci"l ,.tberialf ID~ BlI.tOD mdlYldu.I .leCarIl1 C.ID.DO' ~. J!romlMd In b,ed. . b, all Drll"'''', A.,II.. ~, .11 B_ tit tilt! dr~41dtul, 8CC>lIrge.j ~houlct . . - n- .. 7 • f W "'_ d . b' I tla ,. rram lh."'1 Df dll,raab; ancl IIIPlJaUIIOa 01' TAa v•• or' Dr....,." , " ~~ t appear .¥e~ although. the jew;. R" TJlc emocrats 0 a~ren OD ... llIr ."~41DIO"••1 • 10 I • 0 (u, lelli.h .aCety. no I... ,hall ror Ibe 'rA..... Dj". T .....,Y.........,.. LI~ 11M ile' ~DY are itUl workin at county wll~ hold • . convention at "a.",chu.. n. it'ollor•• Sen.I", AII'!I3- i«lollrlll lood, iL i! .aped;'.' ,b.. t ... r1 Too lIIuek imporlllD" CIIOnO' be ." PI., ...u,•• It ... 4ul\lIr, ,••111 ~.oI. b : ' Ii and itb ~al Hami\tou, 0 .• 00 the 28th or this a, of Rb.,... I.lnd, GID. Baller and w.n .bould do lila .Imoa' to prvMOle I.IIch"d 10 th. dUly of ,IIoroulbl)' dl.I •• ,....... .ht4 ••n•••~ t e r.~ ~~ ! 8Q~e ; w pa month to nomin.w a caodidate for olhert .ere preleot.lbe O.n.eral'~ opia· ,he!" be ~wt!I\ •. • • j'II~rolil re?doS, ..~~I" Jll hlori4. of ~me' ot.olh.r· apil~•••~t" . ..lIot 8t1CC~IIII. A company . yesterday' G S b k . f tb N 0 I lola . " Ilk .dlllln..\r.uoa over ,b.larg..' pa..lhl. ,,, ..e, ,wlllioutd,,l.y ••1I chacb.ra. fro.. o,.,b... I.,:aor. ' ....' ...111. _",~...,.. , . ' .t ruckla g~8ho~ of on at BOO feet, Congress to oppose en. c enc. Ion 0 • I": r .~~.' '0" b ~I"'I:. T~~ •.111) iaow th." .uob aD 'IOm"ch Ind "ch~.l.· of petH•••et. It III ud are t.eatln .it. to-c1a .\. . . . • . j;:r~hl\d B _ ~d. He e:a:pr ••• ~d 'ba ~"" 110, I al ~dBllnlt'lr'lIon I! "' work .ro~od 'hem ulleler 'ber epidl!dtlO . io~~.e., II • •n Ih •• 1111 OLIter a"lel."" o,."iI"~. JI 'ft ' h g ·r · \ t. tbat 1n - f~oea ~ C 1{ I' wu. pr.oo"etrted pl,.,to drl," tbl! ole.d b.YI bat hllie .pprebaollo. I I ,.., II. III bc.ddlug.-'otinDg. ,owel./ aDd ,b.l public. 'l'bO!l""'i of·I"I. . BUBI ee~ ere B 11m) ar ., ant.,wlfeoftbepoet.Wlll\am tl en UnioomeD r",,,,,,,.8111 •. He \.poke "I.relull. j Ji... wbicl).lIbb.diMI lar" ••••)' hAY. c..rede"... ~I ...... .,.,.....I.~ al\ other place . where the l.rmers Bryant, died on Friday, Jul, 27. at or M.yor Mooroe a•• reoeglde 100 o( A. to perlo••1 pua"ulioa. 10 a nar- imblled IInti all Iiri,i•••nd olber lib Llni••"t, • .,. h""" ·~·.:'...i.aI, 'Ifo hhv ~ ' "ill ' kit'·I b. tb ' l ~Be ROBlyn. Lon, IIlan. d H . . .. ... , It,d I .... b" ...... ,..I. . . . l. ·...' '. t ~ ., n U ue? enong er age was M....chu.ella, who .f'er b~iDg I.pri •. tower •• DII. ,01 'b •.•orda. ollly ,one pi lice. to .hi,b I.Gb di,,"ar," 1II.'y QHI~ ,I,br. . " Ia a'" ., Iil.... ... ~oflt'of Uielr graln. Every farmer 70 yeal'll. d b b' ''o b l ~~eae," rille c". be IlIld do.n-. rul~, hue .CCtl.. _hould be kep' loOd.d .lIh hor....'llhrDtl....... lt ... II.leL ,no... "I ~ • . L' L • • •& , . ' ' 11.. ."e tOIl.I •• ,I, .-.... !' Iro. ... 'ho~ coP.1e8 in. ,md speaks of crolls. • , • ••• • • • Ob. 1 lID . . I 'fll .. r. Wile I 011' 0 h-o,.. u!. WHle .. " . DlO.' laI)IO"'O or 101111100 of lialph.~ 0 f i roa un .0' ,IIl,up t..-I rIC,~ .,. tl th~t be bave tc) live on com Gell. S~erl~lo eJprel • lbe °PI"IOII b. "'....d UPO" ,.IIIDI lb, 01 1)"1011' .ho .,"'r,unalely bd Lhe.· of c~rbolic aoid...... '. ".111.. 6( 11i,"1II 'or " •• h .. "II ya . ..• b Iha\ tb. riot II but.tb. a0! .lIe,iIDce. a.d b ..d ..'11.11, Ihe' JIfID I. lIelwe. in lbe' of lllClll oalb".... ' ,hi. I••~I•• i"IIitt.' Onr 1,680. .1l br~ atid bllije~nulk, for he will e of'lo rid LoUIII. .1 of UD. bit hud 10 .mE bia .ill"'lll"~ .heu of obol.. r•• And I.hicb e.c" illdi,idual . - ~ ..,~...... . ·irIo"t.l, hIt. . . . r...lftd • .Ie~ unable to 'my anything. even co1fee. iOD m.D. . d b h,' tb, U CI,I malt apply. "ceordiDg lo br. ex.,.rieno. Lo.DO- Aa, 9 -Th. de.... , _ on. do,llf lal' eat I. tilae ...t..,III" ... 'f':' , .. ' . '. .--wor .11 roul III • cO • • D I ' bod' I I b' I I r n. · . • ....- III f ItU ' 80Itl., .U",,,a!1 flus.• .l~ ~y 0\>1010n. is.1,lot so, for A del.gat. lo lhe Phillltlelplllil Oon· bad betn dttr..&ecl b, tlll Rebtjl wi,b :11 0.0 '. ,.1, Y ': ru '~b0 I chol.ra cI!lriuli 'b. Ja.L .eek ..... I, ~ ~. ~OCtl'::.;.t n"t !fe. Yorio i~ traveling over t\1ecouutry, I have "enlioo frOID DelIVer. Colorlldo, Hiralll h' 'I f 40000 B r II 'b' I"DI" :.'r,laI 1 a I ' .0 ··beaL 063••nd from dill"b.a 354. . , , 11.,& found many' .. nice tlelds ' of wbcat Li,hbuer. a promiDfn& oilileD Inti ~ • . Oil 0 ) . m.D. e.I8' I .. iI>:.llm • IC I t?m.oll,. qrll. a N . " 'You, Aug. It.-Th. 'o Iloi" ~AN." '• .,... ~ I _ ~ • and, o~er rNo u ' ever were raiae4 iUoia•• hu beea .rre.ted fo! ftIINIrtl•.Monroe refu~d , ••11·, 'b~w :~~~:ble h~~~I~., ~alf::~~;..~i~ f.r I : relllr •• or ,b. H••llb ~r4.. '~ot' "'le'r' ,(>1111. t.41 ••• if.(\••~: "., 00 \be lIame laod of soil j IUld have tbe up,.. COlli paD' or. ~r 4,.0,.0 btl peD~ .~d ••1 t.kea beck 'lo .~a'Do•• ·of~prf9lti'D.· ",,;,••••a':'qre~ ~.,. abo• • blah), ,ra'il,ili, clea~~ U:~t:~:::!: :.:.~t.r IO-:.J..a luid. two C or tliree farmers to tell me lol~ . ,o r'. '3.~. whICha WI~ fOIlDd prlMD, rrom wblOb be . . . .It.rwant .nd 'he lilaa: ••d... re•• rd, ID ,'-~lera l,!l 'bl, CI'7· h... .~r. r,r" of ......) ~ adr,.:t., ,Itt .....• th~i the ~e~er bllt\' 'tiett.e'r graip : ,ht~~~oai, : . ,:~:il:: .b)' ,be aclioD 0(. I", I ..~orid~ peelaU' .., ..oiel '110.. of ,.,,,eD"'r. tbra.~. o~lIb repor ..d ~.. Ifa" .lltled.. ~ tee,. .~: ~' tit of all ki d "t k ' r &0 ;.:.,: :~rl" ....'w,,"' .:. ,b••, W••laiD...... · 0 ... Buller ....b of a.II•• I~ .U toaala • • Dlnd d~!l"log til , :'~',. t a' cbol.,. .~t' .~, boa.bu...'" II... ,..' ~ . ~ rt • n s, exee... .c - ~.. , th'. .,' "1 b' . r LIt 'f 'd ; .. are likel, to diltllrb Lh. atbmllC~ or ~- .o~.. 'pld.f!ltlo 'hi~ ,~~ ",~d. AII,~h",. If ' " ' " berrl... will be s~arce. There are ClIY labeeqllloUo tbe ~bberr· , . Ire .~' I) • 'bo..... 'B , .hile lallll, of lbe laUer I ••""" Tb. mortali&1 repor' Cor &ta.....1,.... t. " .. a feW' early apple. in market, but W p. B;;;;;;:~·;~.d NIw.~r\ea\a ....'im.t.~ 1& . frC!1JIi '1,6. ki.d .... · pe"..U';'y ." .. ..;. ltD,tful, w... "Ill 'Jo!acI. il'-."II".d, 100...:. · . TUO:;!i C."~!!1"" . the Ire nerally lm()tty .nd Im.n lalh" , Lb. 'el.braIW 'Har 000.000 &0 '10.000,000. "ad of lire it •• at 110' UMrefore 1M •• ppo;ud ,h.t d~I"ba1rom IU aau..~. Tb." ••n . ' .1,. Ill . "." :--&ute of'truittotbem: Blrii,..... ied I' OODltqD••' larC' i.le,..l ill C8"""')' .IDO Irota. obolera . • • • • • • W." ..... ;:t " . , IlIIl9'l n .....'. ~ w.. ror. ti •• the f.,.re ,roeperily or tbe. H. aha..,... For i.'~D".. Iber. It no ~r~!loa~ tf hCHIrt ., tb., p.blle :& G••" ..... wlto .......... r.JII'! ~\~~ ~re u)ade their .p.,-ta008, or .laa..tkoft of &b41 U.loo i. &IaII ozpr•••d hil 'ppreh'DlioD. tfl .. If ,•• re.1OIl ~ '9P~~lu!' fr-it.-.~t,!!l.(· tlOD,' TII~~' ''~'' bee. 18 ........ 11 'r. . l~ De.~ilIJI, I'r._~ . Wl~~ the lut few but. ·on ao.. elt . . . . .hle•• of ~ucb ~Ioa. . .a io .aeh d"U.. 01101,,11, "PO"" ill .....l,. a" all'h . . .,. .f ,oadtiell . count of ~e 1dp *Ur .tuck OIl by ~ ,. ' . eraoJ'reAtID... of f,..d •••• ,..-0& .0." ~ woDlcl , be .bol~"",: i. d.iaa,,· 'iDC.• ' ... .1..' p.W'-t_ . " ........ ~l'" ........ ., ....,... .....IIltJ, \Ite ~n. 40." llelll ·l. . h~ .... 'Da, _ _mal ~h" a' N••·Orl.... b•••leo ., Claarl..loII ....n••• re a ••~ ..... elioJera ••hi"l iii.".... of . . . . . ... . t. all.1Io ..... ." ... ,ci\ , .. .. ' .' /.. . to•• of ............l. . . .It"", de· ••d ot.b.r pI..... WII ..., .......... it ,reef.t: .or ' •• to wb., will OD Go'er.or·.laIa. . ' ........,. a" '1NcdoH '" .111••,..::,. ~ilml" t ' ... -6...... . ; . bh'h MrOY" ~ • h ........... n ....., .'.npri.....o.ldbt tb . . . . .,&. The! 11i"'''l ~ , ~ abeII& pre ....lort.i:. Ptu .......... 4 • .A ... t.-Tb •. ~ .~~'t.!1.~ . o l"ti""--;. oe _ ...... , ~ . . . ,t... .....·Wodde• •oa\cl ...., or ~.,..: .rrb••) __ ~." .., to &eli••• of &h. Board a ...... ..,..... tw OGD ill "bit mark", acapt. ega (ud \...... w... "" .....1.... a. . . . . . . . .dA- ,hal periou Ie pod 1a..I~ OII;til la of ".10; tb, ..... ..,." ........ ,.)Ii... jbe~ .,e ·produce') ••lUeb are wonil ...,. Jtporlld .iW u4 aa., ad to .,,..... IhMI. • oboler, ti..., .illa a DOli. of (orllf, . . . . . . 1. . ."1. TIlt ........ \It. If.. It

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)1111 ' N1Ch

Clllu. Pilltb Clnc/n

• DC'


.ft1icuni 8aJdtr. .

. . . BOIl. George W. Julian haa thaob tor a p. cl.

CJ • •

... London new. Qt Monday was

1866 .


~Llrf'U Mi.&JIII JUII.BO.dD. 1UI'''YfLU (co...... ftATIO_).

read here on Tuesday morning, all by the Atlantic cable. ,

nAIll' uaTWAD .oC.D."rIM. . ClaclaalU Exp...... •• 11 In' ACCOIII"1 Culu-"' Acco....


IIIU 'llId Aoeoa,

lUO .... II.

Pill.bur• .Ex,r • ..,

'7:47 A. II. ~.64 P. •• ~.Ia P. II. '


A.' ••••

1.4'7 A. ••• 10.17 A. •. 6 .S9 P. . . Pitll"UrJ ,apNU, • 1001 P. II. Ta.u•• W. .TW.lU BOVIfD, -~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~

Nlcht £ap,.... Culu ....a. Ac~..ID'n.


Cillcinnati Bapr.... , • Dr Dol .top.

JlIl tat

A• • •

W. WWDWARD, Rup'r.


JdILLt, . . , , ,

~~~i-~~.~ DRY' GOODS!

~ 5 •


lam Clear


ftltgNp\ Agen'



BAR G A INS, POTS, LLITS SKI " Jx GRIDDLES . 8 ,A 8 B ,A .. D ~.1)' t ! ~. ' 'n The .ubtC!flbor, hl~ln, .uppli.d hi.·e,OVAL, CAST-ln.ON P R I If T S TRUSSES: tlb.lilhmeot with •• aperlor, .loe_ of m.. BOILE][tS, , SUPPORTEl'!S ,- .. . lerllil. NI,hee to c.1I Ih• • Hentlon of 'rEA-KETTLES " ' Farmerl Ind ol~e,.. 10 tbn fillt thlt If. ill D ome8te.t""4.l1 BHOU~tilil~ru.iblt~ . prepared to' mliltblaclutl1 EN Al\t.EL KE'I;4~i~el. lC, ","000.8, , At.lo 'rh iIo"iuill ., l .' . WAGONS aDd CAlUlllGES 1.,0,1" ~...., 0 " WI b...1 qUlllty, ' L.' eo;!.H'OVi!LS TONGS Patent Meal~ Des I~

HEART8URN. ~So called from" , . . =-, ' gnawlDg paID and bea. ..bout the reo ,.,. Th,e. Organ recently p':!rcbas. giob of the .Iomlch, ~ecomp"nie~ whb


HlYe j;"t Jecel",t-I'"lJ"'nild well.aeleclpd 'lock lof

W ' agon Shop',

. D. CADWALLADE•• Acent.

Dau.e"~ IIl1d

(or the M. E. Sunday,school lias


the. be~cbtng of - 1111.0 wa·

lo~n.l\&u~ to the .choal on SaQbath tery. IlCldlllou. liquid. elJKloi_l1,ln 'he .. orning, 'fI! the cOlilmon 'ymplo ••. Quite • wgenumber of 8CII~1"'1 To rid ,ouneU of tbi. trollbletolD. lind vi.i~ra were present to·wel· complaint, avoid .rticle •. or food IhIl\ thi. lat4l.t ,pprolle.h towards a el,il, undargo f. rmentalton. la~. Ro ·

.ntl olb.r 1IIotll, '." die v'lt


Otr Lbe 'I!r"llIe~ or Mr. EL'

8"01:'8 S'l'OIUOO BITUM


old and young. \ 'th in.trument i. one of the im· . e , •..lI i' "'abln'et Or ans style BolauO I.V .g . 1140,00, whIch amount, we wu raised by private sub· The tone of the organ is . -, riell and mellow, and the aId It ~ horisters cannot. be

'Suoh all

'Y.OUTH i. th leed LilDe.' you .ow lueh sblll! you rllap,'



"' ,

lRON SPOONS . ~ TEA & 'r AB~E do.




-:;;. '~' SA» fRONS.


44A$iJC.I,I ••• nil oft ",hlirt botlor,

LISOII KENP, .n~ other luperlllr wvtkm~lt. three ume~ a be Jlu ... ote~1 tne utO~Olt alltllr,e~!~n. da io wlter and ad hear to f dry dIet 07 BUI,I.', Olrrlagee end l'Y 'lIona testimony needed of,tbe ro!~ short and you wm6oil, 0Uf ' repaired and painled In gMd 41)' le. it afrorded to the ~eople, If d' , G. HINCHMAN. I Ie cure. . W'ynenllle, Jul, 16.

.culth'atlon, which _as tbe


- 0 -,-

IPHI'III%'I~j . ,I ,

34 L,bbrly.Sl: • .N. V. Thfl" good I .re lold ., TWO DOI.LARS EA CH. Rm .lRDI.£llS VI' VALU£. Send OI!:NTS (or olle ",1 NoOce. or ON~: DOLLAR for S IX . ' rb~ nllDlher on e~ch NOlice r.orrelponda • . ' I. Wllh Ih .. u!'mber nn ."'~" .rll~le of ,pod ••' "hll;n.



Fro", n"I!:"I.vel ,u ad" in 110 .. vMrinUI r;l'Dlp'-iKnl and. lorllllog a CO Dlpl ~'\I P"otokraphlc ,h•• Wty hillor, of 11) .. ~re.t ~ o"te.t . .. .........,.......:.....- ... V'.... ....... -...... 0"--.-. . Adapled fo~ eilber Ib" l\.aSiu .Lalllern or thL StereollCope. Onr Cal.logue b., ·... u, 10 ~ny addr,,". on reteiJlI o( • . I. ",p. · . ............Ide We m.nufk,·,""" Rlore I.'·rly th ... anr olhn hou .... flhoul 200 ... ri,' li e. f'um 60 ~o .60 "'I!b. Our ALBUMS h.... Ih. '''1'01.".,0." be,nt( lu" .. rior ill durallllily and bellut>, ~iI 10J'


, ova , "WB JI,ABltJFAOrVllB.


= m'

lBtmm 'IS £~1Ol S ·. . OO~lES . ___ ' u







Ittn.WU UII&a&'



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{\tell illlf\n l.. " -Yl1."Jt,




18 '~

w,ISdOe::::~~:~:::e:abl:r~ortion ;~:!;r,~~:~




~fJ:, \ Ell"

(JrliJl l.{nll~fIljO'll




Cincmna, , e oovea clth:ells, whil,e ~eeptng calm an~ free from an::dety 411 'p,()ssible, to

pidemlic' at


.. 0 , Moll".'

. I


or disillfectants.

.·Wlth . ad-




~:t~;e~:~m"~I~~I.. Er ...",.




The abov'e 8





has .Ioon rill .. lire endorsement or good tddge8 a8 flsed, (. ;, •• &1 io~( ,,,pUcBIiol,," and file · ·atN~: l , articlc. ' As thill wine I~enl ro~ you In the '''?r~r 'nflloell.. - , .. . d-.3!- . .~ , ~olhJI1I will b. ,lined b, belD, In recommen tlU~MJDe(:,l8e8 "r,lthi.'e. *. , ., Actites8,' and' as it is desirable to . W .. DT8, .otby tq~ Qest, thlllte .iti ' nMd sh<iilld . We,De.vllle, 0 .. AUIf· a.1866. \boDiselve. o r: this oppo~tnn~tf'


. D PiLlA.



PitLLS . ·1 PmLS,

IDEA., 'I ilK ' :BLOOD ;U 1i,A "~ B'ood



P~rifliet t. ,~

AREl u~~u .:'t'"

CAL. IJ .A N 'J) EX.J. N J N E

~VP"flf!t '.sr:..DU(HJDHt,!?!!!J. .:t~-"-~.I . ".P""...~ ....... ," .ai~•..... _ _• .

' Sero/fIlaj

'I,".·~e ....ItSIIY.~~ ' be :.bllJ to tt.a u.. J

Out 1'1"1:"

G6od' ''''~''.~ICI,oa w~nt T.' cI lei b ' 1

' · umeu " our 0 VI~UIIII dIlIpe; And wWt~ jou .hne grl.'enlo. ek., . Don', Iv . • ...,. but ,ire UII. !wlpe. __ '

EmerlOn's ¥ttle Giant



QUEE,'N . SW . ARE, "


i'i"" .' .,




FISH, llAM8, Etc., Jlr1I6f,~~I~'" CIGAR,,S, Piu'.. •...:"f'f)JVlpm, . .....~ ......~; Av, ' lOBACCO. . ~ ~' ~. ,is . ,• ,II , • NOTION-, ~ ... ,... .........n > , _ , ' _~... v,,-.\ ~ . . .. WOOD and WILLow WARE' b~uPila 0( lllna.:r' ,.' 411:iMfH1lj.I'I~JI'6Iii ........ 'i tta' Broo'ft'lls, ",'~'~"""illfll= .... ..,. ~'P.m _ .. ., · ~,,''." "






....... _ _



,=-==.*___'. '.

.,.OTHU ... .,IlNd""blllr_-.

~~YFUlr:.:-:''= ~ ':'t'~"11* II.... 1tt114ld rO'll1tMD ~. Al4e(1'lo.. .,. .,......~~.r lip' ~I


A,id dlYe .. 0lh8r ,hi""••• 11 of which he pro·

(D'itiIA lP If ® m (c A m .~ i =~£i~:lS~. ' . ' , ' ' ,

W'RINGER, Ollp!>"t\ f'M~ 'Iut ~" 'OUl~ null .~e. Store 011 Mtilll SI. t ile N~w DN~ Store.

, 11 . •• h . • I"" i.. I I I n ,e II!~' ,'UPP' 0' ~le'"U8elJ



ere ., t.o"'"


0\. el.ewhflre ,flU go.


'~,ET~IL DEAt-EItS 1M ·


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~~pIaf..,. B~_, 'ever and ~ Be. A ....

PROSvMl~oK~sD' MgAT,'

ilOptotlnIFI "'hl' ".rd limea Illd he .., tb.ea

l1' ",..


'UJ"I~:'~ ::~!~~~# II



l ed I'lid ~ . Rnd ,.... 'Illeli • • 11 10

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'tot 'aI'e bJ


sotnellh~harb' Wi~e'Wbich

I ..

ROBAC''1:"8" .,\.




fut yo.a'18lve. ; Dun'U. . . . OUr wert! to Gel.IN" tin til" Ihelvea. K el!p '_~ lIuell

By a frcent act of Oonllr.I.I~...erleln "', .oldi.,. " ... nillied In IdJitionl1 buun' , 1 I .1, I I, of' One Hu/ld~ed '001 lira. tole. 0"1 . . JUI~" . .. '. " j • r~lul.tlo~. h,re ,et be!n "!lId. '"' th,c/ " :. , . . . . i' ' i ' t~ "¥" ·.t ,,' Id"PI\\lIJe"lt~. fo , ' Ib'''A' ,p~'I~"nl'f '" "E , tt tt... ....... pruper bal .:!l.,il ~. I.D • i. "O'~, ' line. e ... 0 , .LIII1(...tl1'·~l'.~,.. ~ ..t....!.:!'. ellimll,8f1nf,ai'leollllltinatlloco'lelltion. · ;\, , .. ' . .,' < 'he' , , fi tb ' b' t i l ' · • , ~ • WW1IItft*t1\1 ' t1 · IW.!I"(YU ~I~~ ~~ . . or .e !IS ur Si".' r.lllm.l, In .'1'110.1 clfln 11,,,n.e,. '0 , . , //A A 9111~ lJ Ll!laLll,l . VCJt • • b~ 8\lpp1ie~ himself you. Kup ,y(.ur 1l1.1?" It. JIO~., u!Jder , ' .' t .·' ,

nul,~courge l go may• not .',!IaU our






to the Inws Of health, we in ' t'he hohe that the i ·• I


0...'" o~ with yuur \tork ,. Wt! . ,. _ are rllely '.cr, WIIII. • 11 ,o,u, with I Stock . C,wi.tina (If tllI . 'allle artl' I.e u'~'i.lIy f~,,"d full .nd pj."" ". " In" fi .. I.,\I . .. country uo,e.lncludln, '



flll(. ~

.. BLOOD ILIG " PIt' .' . If I B'LOOD . lurlf' . BLOOD ' PILLS., tOOD .' 'p rr.T.a B ., ~ BLOOr.. . P~" lJ, ~,~n ' I' BLOOD " ~ 'P ~\ '1, , I, BLOOD ' " .... PILla





P 0 S T _ 0 F FlOE 0 ORNlt It • , '

beat ,eMf.

~at. th~· uisn~~o7d,.OO..::~tttJll~! S ' oldiers' Bounties . 1.1. P l'ecatltic;)8!1~ 'and ~ c~reM


,J \,

d~I~,~o::..t~le. ,~!?;: .~:;~~;~~!h:jj;ntn O~~; ,i ! 4\ ;~;e.;d ;~;;;~;;~~. SICK HE ADA~HE ". II , redlrelid price. ',oln 1.81 r IiIlIN/llUL 11 lIJi'IUIJlWI&III:.UI£.n



:. ;t~~j : md_

.. '. .

'. 80 ' 80 ,

CQIII OIl iL,.lIcm,· .

~t ~elll~n'bl~

Job Wotk o.f all Kinds '

66 liP

,I ~007"



... j





Put.luea 11 bu.hel, Dri.d Applee 11-'

. Bot4rh"~\




"i~~· ~;r;~~I~revlllenee of the ~t:~elftiwl~~oei!.d~:Il~r ,~iJ :g i~ E . tl it b h


~ h1~lfJB[

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D rug. S ~ o,r: ,e , ' o l (1,,,,,,.e"'lIIe, Olltcw

\V A Y N E 8 V ,I Ii I. E.

ltt~W6,.. tl.EIIA'f11 '


space to a vnliiiiilc-tiHicle on by .... ur. stblon, Wh'1Ch il!l Well





Pll.p'ici~ Pr~C~p~Oq ,,\ C~retully arid ~rdmpti.Y iiiflEdc/ 1




• f'

. : I.'


I. ItttU7'., ":" c5.fn1er, t ·1oi0 MARhJ


~'. ~"


St'oVes. ..... NEW G ROC E R Y , tl),.-."",.'''I'',d. . A~D

~::~l1! '~,. .


&0 ••


""'0 N A JR C H


WAll I



FAMILY GROQERIES.l.\~; School-Sooks; r 'M~GUFFY'S &l wi~bN'S 'BihlU;:/l

Hoop Skirts,

b oth of wlJOID evil,lced superior C·",. ".'. t · ,. - " . '. ..:I , • • in th~ (hvhul by thl! manner ~" 1 hthe flu ...... tedtbekey.. ,,·illbe.enlonrt.ceiploftt, 1'h"lIIoney"'iJlI)I.b ~r.. " ::l ' • .L~ . ' Pft wb c y e~ . be refu"d~d if the goodl do 1I0tKin •• " . I.rlioh . ('J..............., •• , ~"........ !!Na...., . " Vol \Ve aTe told this organ IS n~t. ~Q be Agenle mRkeTW~;NTY'Fl"E DOI.LARS i>er Our Cat. -:;u':' ell~=:j:~:r"~in:. HUN. & ,S ':~ ~I " to,alJlist in t!le IllI1Jrcb 8I!n'lC~s, W~:I·: K . 8elll\ (Orll Circular. Rt:EO &\ Bao.• J?llED di,ire ul . ubjoocl •• i"r~u~lin~ reprOl~uc. -:: ~ e not wjviscd of, a,ny P. O . 8015138; New York. 110 11 of t~e hlo, t c. l" h'Mleu .,,18'''''''-. P_'~II. w .. · • ~ .•, . . ~ 'l'e ar . . Offi . 34 L'h ( . 81 42.1y "'gl, Statuti•• etc. C"telogllet I.'" 011 reu lpl ,.. ~ ,. • 'for the restriction;-posslbly, ro.. . I " r) . 01 lalbp. , . . ' /P A.RL,OR COOKS. • r. tl t ::::::= PhI)'I ADd ?UII\~ «I,d",ln" &,oq,da C. 'A • ... 11\"'''vIlP; alargeruistI'U~ ent or III Waa,ue8"lIle,.• I"·ke... O.D""',III ple.... rr.tUU 2& I,."o",t o[lh .. ani' ~ .. ~~'h'lor' i · nte"'plnt~on W e . ounl w,lh 110.", oi'd~r. ... , .(f. I"ell Pft ' ~ l~ c o . . . . . C4t V"14lv eornileil Ever) Week. D:' The pri~~ • • lId .... Ihy ot o~rP"" . . '0 . .' I "" thi. may be the case t though ' . __ . '! Del (_lito "!t\aly. ,!, •. , • , > ,Ii, :!J.I :rht:.~lIiIf ..t~"".r" ,pf thi8 '0.-8 would b"~ bbttl!r w" .. t ··~ bueh8{. ''"fS20@J1I80 ,'" , '". .01\ (0, .ttll'.. Coal o~ WQod .. The Ibv'8 untn one ' ~f'l 'deslred Rye .1 ! " " 66 '@60 II\oCIIII', .\j'",, ·t~~ne~ '~ , tbe . . ' could be obtained, ibllBlIllIcb 140@ ' ,I .; . .. organ It:or ,rbUf :e;Vice . is a blf;;1 '-" ;rA, qf .th' ..491, iii wi;; h '; 'old ' prodt 0:


A well."leC1ud .,~orlm,e9J

",'I'd' oilj auo, II large


A C. and Mr, J . rs.. I " n Sun RID01o\' wt!'l'e , It organIsts 0


FAlICY SOAPS;::I&C:-,,,tl




10 vicioUI companionl or blld uRmple..

great commendation, 'and we gr Alit ti:X"E~8IVE ·I!iAt..1!l AlIrD al1-li100h en<1envors WI'11" reccnve .... ,- DISTRI"BUT . ION of, Piano. ' .MOllo ...& no".,o,ng heart,\r CI)·oper.a t ·Ion 0 f our Cl't'1'deo,,". "Gold .na S.I • .,r .WareR D N00 01 "lth~ .. al.,roO.1I of MCllIIUI. un RO.. 0



Ihould lend their children to. p)lf.CI! E, ·ct B. T. AlfTBONY .& to., CulI,nlUrt, Plain and JapMttl«l IAn. wbere they are Dot likely 10 be esp08ed JlatJufadu"" q; PAotograpJlic .Mal,· ''''''',/0'1' coal oil, condl, and




DRESS-GOODS, ,White Goods,

We beli!!.. it woule! be to the adv"DI.g8 . WROLF.IIA.U ; AND RItTA"" tU,orlmmt 0'" 'f II Ii . . I ' I>b Com 'al lot BBOADWA.Y, ~. , Y. 1 o . ~l eltrl~~ adt lOr?u.. dm.rnb In .ddilion ' ll nur ,uAi'" bu.. ne~1 of PHOTO. or.Lt'9,.ap~"cl! ucat~on"to.eD to., e GRA PHICMATERIAI.S. w. are Headquar' \10 t c , Union Institute of Oalklnl, Ie .. for Ihe rollowiu~, viz: ' . " .. n~elr,elltll1llat;e..~. The effol'ts of t~ose Griffin & Co., located in the plt!a.aDt ............... tMe~... Vie...., took ' this matter in band 'and "nd orderly 01 OberliD, 0 bill. Of Amosri,,"n' _nd Purelp;n Oill.,. Mod "'0.1. . of the bflt mlteri.11 .nd al,I., or " lCa!"'". Orlln .... -S~'IU."Y. ele. tt too t\ 8uccess f U1 fi U8Ie. d. e· "D .. W _~ v...... 11"-.


UiD; ,


Near Hay ... ill • on Ib 9th lDotan l. MAIl·rIlA. wife of J obn ' Hogerlll'aD. III Lehanon. on Weon .<I_y. Aug. 1. Wn.L' - - - - - - - - - - -- lAM A DAMI. ar;etI ~ yean. Nearl'... k. k,II.N.Y .• JulyllO. SAllAR.wHe or ".coh U nd~rhill • • ,eu abo ul 60 yurl-fo... nlorlyollhi"icioily. KIl '_ ARRAR'ClBIIBBT. I .. Corwin, .uJ;~.t U.ll\fant chIld o( Will. __

WH P .' • C1.llIllIT, rtlidenl.

() BUG 8, IE 151 C'I NEI ,. ' 1. "1 ~ . eHEMICA~8 t '


W.y""n ille, IiI., 10 . JHCl8. ,


~~:i~ ~!'l~' ::ai~!';~'::.':$':;It:-;:~. kilO•• Grea~ leducti~n in



mI ct



IAD ..t

Prices! :'~'!':.rl{:ft-r:.~~~':I::'~

. . ., ~r.'~'=l.~~Ifb:f~:~e:i.~:;~~ . Bl ' k ··t' h Sh : ',r,":' ,~ We!~te< I"'~klu~ 10,r pl'llt TilE ~,,=u:~~n:.~=~~~.=~ .~f8,.' ·r~re..2,ltpal~tablea1,'t~clo. 'Ia~- , ,S~ ml: " '.- O~·~ft'~·"~ ' 'an~' Qt~BtS! ::,~,h:~~~7':~~":~~~::~~~t. ~o ~~:~~I!I:~ /K 1 t~· ' ~ t Dt "t .~o;;:.D .UY.•• ~~ ~ ,60 .j>tlr gaU(jn. ,\ ~NlU.~ . " ,.u '~~'I' m.rlt ~ I'''' '~ore .lIber.1 _blr,e of ,tbe \lV\ B . 1n "":"~ ~ __, ~tM ' . ' .'.;e'. . . ., '" ,. p"Honl,.,. '.... , ., 2;) , . 8Dfl.1a _-ue.: , , 5 . O~ E.'ll. ;;;;; h~ ~ Dew ~eDt.ion • I ' I:· I I .~ , ' , . ' W~Ylluvl ~. *111 . . " B " 100 'I I 'J J:

'I~~~~WAU,.E.; &.'


prepated ' rMm. griLpe.. . d' ". h" .~ ';"";'Jlrent8 ' and


• • ., .

mlehmhlf ,1hoJl

HlYln, parehllled the

and bu.lne.. lormerl, conducted b, D. B. ~n . ot er . lD~~ . ' ••, ' EBERLY, I. DOW " ,to eaecuL. tlllalet to be .. never.fuling alllthMlI of .

for ~a;ldnea8~ .lIbd 'll ~18~ases



R'rH.I1'Hl.g,~· ct.'"

thhwp, restoring ,~d .:beaqtify. IlIlhe bllt alyle •• lId bJ fir., ·cl... thCl"liair, anti cleatl6ltig it, t'Fmn men. , ' " ,

',ta'v it. . I, t · . r~, . . . • • . ' II .; ., ..... ' .'·


Th'nlr(ulJor r..oh r,eelred, b bope' 10' I ler,e Increlle In , tho fUlurI.


.W., .............4


Sp"''''''" S.........,' Is now - , &111& ...,\iIL

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1J ,E T $ .!'~

KC'0 "


,the .. Little

1iiticJe'''· whicb ...ety " 'T 1t: d

1. .



. The lab.crlb.r oll'e,. for IIle ft;i. Hou'f! IAt, ~halled oq FODTth










• •' W.r



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" bleb





BO~S ,

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.,v '. Tool., •. N,o'


,!II~ '16-:-8t~Di:11



.oJ" IIUfn. ~ . ,.~J'D, ~~-.

n:pe,lenCle oeeeIM'J•. The I'aniU'; , ith +~ .:..r.!lDal c,JU"" ...... ·Preeld'.IIt., 'f.••hl"l' II •• T'n ....r. of 8 "', . ' r w • , ,,,,e ~.'. \&&"',7 B.nka· ind~'" tbe elreul". __.DI lree

tbeS;e btT~Vea.





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1UdJI'tto. ,

l!oot... . .1aOfll.-J.

.,1Jl(UBI'I' BoDD";'-



-:"",:, . °QJOikqdtb Sbop.


RteDelf-. 001' , Wer" ••

·:tt&a .' ·.Ollt.

lV. Koy., G BiIlohftl ....



A • .,loarr .

' 8pr!Drfte~'i.ter-.



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Do,.,. .

~'.ItI~,~.t\dtI_MiIIJAN~BRYA*. S~oe A, Ui'S"i., Slot . . . Y-. '






, '. .JI"Il8t:r~el, \VIiJIi~"III",

hC!iaeItiOD; PamfD

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0; MJ own IIIlnt«aeluttii aalO\"rtriellt of


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WIll 00......111M """eulioAd 4'-'-'~ 1Dd •• ol$ll....t . . . wIIl NIle..... ..,.

MER C HAN i T A . LOR, HeadaoJ,.e, OOldnnul, ,Ooll& })aiu, Oholera Ilerbu, ,

lb ... -

tADllJ' DR~D8, • ." ,.. .....i:m. y ,1_" , . oUi',,,,' oul. MI1 ..11 0 't. 9Jt1t&Y,

,I It


UDion Cofee,.Pe~ Cqfl'ee.",

Dilldelloll ColFae, K,. Co~e. prJ", Rio

'C ot'l. . . . Eatrlaoi of Coffee; ,tor •• " .f, • '. ~.... PRINTZ.



Varlet"" aDd at. a Oler p'urt.ft"-~ hW,,~, ~1~•. , . IBost A..........eoUi frlceI! li~~I!io~i~~~':;~~:rL~'!'::I=~ 'D~ r ~' . ~--"::I ~rap ,..... to lro.o.tlletll>o.. t6;' nduedOn ill nft08l. &'~"'~" " "'--e ....,k.o".aoflut; .. I.roririal ... rn. .... • . ,II eGa... ~JI'lI", or lilt' . CH!lt1....n, un' aDd ', ••• 111••,.&Gel ,nI !One d.lroul 0' I~,lcl _"w. ......

' " , . 'Ia ' .11'-. .l.erel, 1111" aM ........ htld'.add . . . . e ••• t6celt1alllli 1 . . . .' I\'ill ••• ,OIl .....b•• l.r.,.,I100. · ,." .,..






_~bt6ugb~'td'... 1tiRe ~ OIIC 80lpl'i8ing e~ .,ny


h 11' tars'l i:,q ~q,':'= '..~l'i'~ iE'i~y.JOl)E CLOTHING I ~~~l-....= r-. *"0, .: . ::t .... 1Hd1~ ~ tae,wtfJ ~~.::.. ~

JIID 'gaOES is in.m.rieti- . Get 0"... l!.et. A Imlll f.mU"dftl,\n. I pie.. • .. · R..iaat QriIil111t·· I lI i·li. . " - . . ' 'Dt home In an I'tflotln loeltloo, will do " we .~..' ~ J .' b-Mr. G·t.~ ~maecepf. :, ur .well to,I' • .ildl}:~~' ~.iNG~~~:D.: C'A ' .', S':' Q .1·· ...K'~ . h 'E '. fof l. pairot ~~utfful·m'U1J8el W.,aeev,llIi, ·Au,u!lt 1. ·. .' ~ 0 '.1,1. ~ J:\, , wbl.c&, ·' by ihf!' g~ntle~'1i - ? Ao ' 0.•·Y......,II. II; ID~ F' .I. -~ l~~'d"; ti~i:~~~ '"

~~re ~llitit,f.9 haye . ·

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.E1. 'D-UDLEY,

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And we iilvite ·the AttentioD ' VAt.' onp'~ "'--omeN 'IIIn4 . ~ '. "WIt" . ~o:r IOO>a!! , . Prlendil to \he .S\J~ '. 1 '



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A~rlilul. 'r

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aUVES.Co.,ra~..... Ik.,Jf.'I..


18 6






,\\'1X~ I!,.Uj~14

PElN SY"f .tlll ell TBIL B. a. Double Track Route PITTSBURG



fOil THB iJiUTIJ PILL!> are prepare d Dilly Incont inenoe 01 ror I len:ilim ete pUrp(lBB. "od are Ih. ollly tention or thole III lor e Inftafllm"tion medicin on, e lJrine, irritati sal. 811c1 efi"ccliy IIlln'ul dilOrdo r. \1) wbich'l he (eml ,le coo· Bladd er or 'the of or lJlcera tion . , .tftntio n il lubject. tile PrOllpi' tI!at e~ c.ftJ. II the KidneYI, J)ileae They' lire lhe only genuine· Felnale Pill, tW 1Il th• and •. e ex.:elle iiI! e bladde r. tl~e 11l9dCre in e~\lol. ' They tate Gland. Stone remove III obltruC lil/n,. They Invigora le Ult Brickd or hlcul ua, Grave l the debililll ied elld Ihe delieet" ; enol atllsl the e(of Dep'oli t, an'd all dileae lIolure 10 brinlt' bfttk ,h" blonm 10 Ihe p"l. No malden, wiie or morher • Tbj.o I. the Ifd wbo".. bI1'- li d til! le k. r, klduey ., and dropil cal bladde . gray. "hould be wi~houllhe Mysllc Pilla, Sold WI~o 0010 baa rllYI!Il locto. Iwelll ng l : H e Il llCd Iho CUM tblt ~ by ,II dr\IPie ll .



A'I PIIl~"u'~' ,ralnl Irom lhe Well run 10 IIttl U rlion Depot. where Puae'nB~GI ""a )),011. ':-p,.,r. traolro'lrred 10 lhe Trainl 01 lli. ne "r. hil ,•• t I erOt1r. Bosloo. on S1,arda y, P dnn.ylv enl. U(\I~lr.1 Raihvnv whicb ,bit flour ell _I, newer be kepr in btlf. lea,e PiUlbur K ... d lui,e ,.t olhe~ points rdl Dr bIe'eI,I elOlb bllg•• Ind AI rollow. : thi. lIIDIIe o( le.piDJ i •• 11 Ihd m"lIet p" y EXl'BlI lS- LeftveB Pill'~ bu'll at 3.E\lI'opUa tour .lfr "h" &merie u. 00 A. M " 1I1oppillil II pril'cipal .ta't\olls. Arr iv I II "110011 •• al 8 !0 A. &f, 'I'y•••• [one 9.U~ A ~ II.., rll .. lIe!lllll ~ 1062 A . :&1 .. ();7 Aladr" .. ·•• hd toJoino nlor P. 1\1 "J Borrislnrrgt 111 thu .AlIJIIlOS U. ~t IWaIJ tDIIIo. di,i.ioD' ~(ill,. ~• • ~r~ of TelPper . Lock H . ~en 1240 re! J~ . 1\1.. No", h.M Baltimo , . M P. 20 t ,' IlDnece il .. ·Tb "ph.d. IDee'. 8lt. P ,M., PI,U· '.'1, I ' k It.J ',idl.ntl on to joio one York, via Allenro wn, ftl to 46 ().l'jO P. M •• Mnd New York Ofelll tODI tit 'bl roun. of. few weeki!' odelphiftt III~~o. I It 111'-27 P. ~1. vii Phil~t1 •• 'S Phtt!bur .. s-Lenve EX'I'IIEs '11 CI!lcllIlI ' L h i . . _. olllhee p,r tb.t 119, 60 A . . . . 8tnppill g lit neurly ell .. tl~ IN AI .a~•• ,o", ~Ioon.t .46 1' . M., Ihrrllb\l'~t .e. hI.'e helNl' of. Wed Lo Iweep b.r \iolli. ""\-ivll,, "" pn\l.del phl . ' 1~ " • 8.1~1.' ,.biob dow rope . lelllp, bJ ehlmneJ n, thi, Irftin pi senge~. ore N. ,. goole, • 01 leg' 'be r " " lulenell 11\ Union lJpPDI, WR8l1)hll~· rred 'i~. r f lid JII. "liltC btr goqet. del\!hla. directly to ~)(pl· e .. 'frain for .•• Ari,in!T fr(lm Exc,,' u or l1ttli.crtlion. New York, relchlng Ihere at' 6.30 A, M. PHI LADIlM'H IA ExrBESS~ -Lou vel P ille · The , eonllitu liOll.on e. ·ltrected b, Or· b re It 4,1V Pi ."."IOPJ li"Jl only ot pfi Wen knell requires Ihe aid of medgnnl': CI 1111.llo nl.' Anive. al L.I,crtie f 6 00 10 IUenllh en 'nil inyil: ate the 3b II l icifle ~ orri$burl H .. lit 1'. p , '_ ., Alloonu 9.30 Thll t. tbo neu tb.t "aI[lA" ', .. 'l'o aroueelb c JI"Orie ..ilaod ga, dye lem, ",hjlll! Helmbo ld'. EXlracl Buchu 10.111,. Boltimo re. ' .. New York. viII ~' Unlo tlat. fact. wblelt llere4lOeti IIY~I 7.10 Allelllll wn. 10,10 A lit.. Phllu{ ~ inurlnb ly doe_, If no treatme nt be lub1I11()(11o wmMd 1IOI6G UGiorl!f'l/, ..., Ma4o. U. A. II., II)d Np'w York, vii Pltil~(jelphid,. nl flu 1M .JUIIIAO. , , mill,d '0, coolllln ption ur in.alllty 10"1 lfl,05 1'••• ti,lerplnl! CAre rUIl I hrough Oil 811d re O.ltimo ~ " I en.ue. thl~ trlin Irom Pil h bur~ Philade lphi., aud Iv N"w Y.rk, "Ia Aile . , ' PETuI!o!lD RS, PRoPftiml ' TUBBS t •. HE!L MBO LD'S t"wn. o:::r.Ftlr Bltle by 1tv~eberry @ . Nea', lIud FUT ••IIIE-Le avea Pillabur ll at 10 4~h6rn HAS l'ROI'I!D ITSELF To BE 1' . N •• Iwpping 0111 at prlflcipul slatiollS , F.. R, Prinlll.' \ l , ' e,er pfrered Arrlvu at ",'100,1, .i l . IO .A . . . , I:h rrill' ONS. S , Bel The AND E, nEltIIN G'l'ON ... 1\1.. • • &b &be: Publle. burg. '8 .28 A: II .• B~'limnrl't 12,30 . .• orlllnni M P. iii 10 to . 4 hair wn, jrrfly Allento ellange via .t will 11 NI'\v York , I. ~ It will thuruu;Ihly clelllue thl! In Bfl'ectJOne peculiar 10 (ell\alel P,!Il1adelpl,iut 1,10 J': III, and Now Yurk . . . .in ion preplrat olher BUY lI.y qafll.l1d :. d.qdruft (.llIti ,,1I'CUr : . p, .utl.llu dl.-l8 vIa Phil, de\.phl DI.6 .12 J'. N _. > l"lie., lrreKul , 8Ienl\on i, It willllr .lt IIreDlllure dee.y .ud 'Illing ,chlorol fOil,lntr; tl 1~pptrj -.f;Irea/ffa#. 'IT .pailil, aU a/lItr tra in,'1 , 8undQq_ t;rxeP,f<t./. iuvigofft\or.. hd 'will proGlbte ,he /lrowlh S~B"l'l'G OARII Ife Itorhed 1(> 1111 Night , tlile hlir. · III Trhnl hI PhiJude'pti~, New Vurk end h ex~el8 .\.1011 PreJlllr ltlo", .. I dre .. Baltimo re. ~ng. It chi ~u. I' bllce, d,,'! 1.lId wiry , ' BOIlKa,e chllclted Ihrougb Ind Iran,ler ",. .~el. ~n'f .nrJ Imlfln' I).f\r :"J' . " :~, red !'ree. H )011 OI,.D~' AND YPQN~ DJEB. A ~, .1 'I clUTtH'oB 'i'BB KUT (iiselu'dinR Do.. "I.I~ \0 . .e Ihe bt:~' Iflicle (or .II ' d I.,,~,,­ thie over p"Uillg, or lon, by BOh' t!~ of tho ica l." , lid I'llr. try the 'Q.UEEIC' IREPEAT~N l:lEL~BOLD"S ro~d. can he p,urcilosfd III .1I.rrinuI Pal Illd be , j:~lIvillcod .of lhe lruLb pf I ;. '\~Iioll'. '.r••• fow ~i by I 0'1' ujhl!r . , ;'D.c~nbrlltlg.J roUle, ci,nrlgll18 un I 'bl/lfl., ' S~!d by F.&'EW H.T8. • Rifle lid H{IIII Gn~ Barrel., Illri 9 1\1 , ' PARK. JOHN By ,&~I~ rOllle, Frelgl~;. 9f ill I I 81901, ~c/!1 DPI,crllD. ' IlIr ll)\.,801 ~.J Guu Dealer.' ad U~ Tr~d~ 39·'t11' · .O. ~ Ito"", incJuctlhi' lll ql.nei~n .. I!·I ~ , GI1I1'I , leneritl y. d .j • In tbe .. dl,. of Houleb, e Idn' ,K:6,tleu to In from Phillldelphin. Net" ull, and Intl , Irlll./l Rl1bbllf y. "v~ry If,,u,e4' ~t r " Xork, UOMt\l n 0' 9lill t~ure, IMP ROV ED \/ 01' •.fly polnl OJI Ihe WUI~ru , RriilwoYIl. 1r!J Office. elruuld hne olle


:RIot ..I~ io dlre~i


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Rita/ Cancs,·





iF ()'f T

, Railroad direct, ! By Sleame rs. fnljlilC llh ·'. Ieo '



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P.rUeI dee .rinll to Uril)' dle'm.el v., 01 worded 10 III, acce6Kibie poillt on Ihe rivItlle improvelll illS hI pi. nl', .ri nd BUllr!! " e'r, I\ild I.kc~ 'o f , u~ We_t. for'tlj. ""1 ".4ud .. l) - F dr Fr 11th C .. I ecl or hipplng ' Di. perlouvur kman8hip 11It)l H,e 01 l'ilher .. addre or 10 'I'll(IU"," •• "1'Illy .. , I co.mllihlati \" l.he . wi"ll AlIelllH ul ,he /Corn,puIlY: ,•• .R.olll. """ BmU"9 ~VtllJ ad·,. l Phi, A~ul. B. K" n, J( .• Fl. Circula r. clllt\lllIi'n~ c;',.· '.n'll d~~~"'(il. ·1 . A, Oupenl cr, Flo ,AJll!nlJi 11111,bllrj!, 'armt w.,i I ,be ot €IDrke &. QO •• Trl'I~Bli' A~l\tlle."pluribllr". ': <,>., If, Zao'8~l ,. H. W. Brown & 'co. : ~~'U &. COlI )lariet\~. O. ' W .,H. &. I~. H. LonglllY. Gll1ipoll... O', FREE 1:0 ; Chukll &. co .• C hio_II 0 , Ill.. .~

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,0 l'J L. ,1'111 ~

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O-SE, - W A.. ,8 H



vi" P~"nllVlt.'Q~" R, R" --~~~~~:;;.-;t~;;;~~'-'-""'- 1 FaBI ~r6I!1"'. " ,Qrq8ct Tree "par~,

• •





J .. , Publi. hed.

It j,elcbetil lnw fo rfl".f Tin, fffR~Pimpl ... , EI.otcbe a; lItorh ~.!eli~t· ~~ I. ' •• 'Ie Eutern Which run ihtclugh between the .11 Im l'ur.lueM 0/ .IId Wel,ern C,ili~., Irrillpeillive nJ' lcblln. lowne~e. ~rUPI.lOn8., olld &"e"~I~. t~'Ii:lR elll,,"' to how "kill'; Ihe I Ie t Itl"e ,vlliol'l 'A'he , ee,ol aU-lie, ! ,how to .l~b"I'r .. cle_, ,nd . whi~r. ad .. li,lil' . .'reiK~t I 'u'lioor:,zetl FIi.! ' of ,uprnanl .. cle Inlll'lt Ihe produce Illlh w ovltr . orhd on ,lIlhe fo fem~le ro~m tis 'P'I'lctllled by ~he' rreheh) , ndertlkl ll to trUIIPfl rl. linder , 'caUllnlt Ifle bUlt to grow ruorcl tlnd , (ull, which aecur~ to Ihe pt'lIl'erty and If Ihe ro~m h.. beeo '1181 "" pttddlng, l'ld t •• ( (or lai:iHllu ill .. harMe; the bUI, lllcln,. or ma:.",h ,. realorjp , it c«» '",'" ove, unirorm /lIo'tm~nl. thillhe ' ROldl IlIlIn It. origlnll f"lhle ... I!rtlln"..~ 'Ind "hieh it PHSltll p.l~e... Jit .I~e ~ W I'flr, ,lime il lluaflnle ed .. I ' lor. ~e.uty . . It tuche,oJ low to ,.dUM corp ..!,IIJ')' or produ~/I r~el; ld han\ the II. I. . I.,. ,)00' pe~ eentl' ~I,e leilIJ reuree; relmon IU\lerlfuou. hllr;IDQI'e lowed ror detenlil llll,lur every .da, b,youd f! 0'1". Ir E;I T II. n8, Bunion' , WIII't", and Ilolfl.~ r.uew . ~ the Lime 'pecifiad . . ••• ,cHar'h , dy.· For , I,urlh", inr!lrmatiun'. IdiJrea. Ibe you, ag"; e,u,,, drunbnn~ I~ &0'\ bu.w leI Iftl' . Deblli,,, .l'fe',oul pep811, Lin"" 'Unioll the 0" lowilll "lI ente I' b h ' ....:.:., ' h lin IIt'"tl~1I 0.1 and JO~1l Ihe 'i Dni te ... ci ~,~t ad 81., Cinui'l~"h 'ny perlon you me, c/loole, tOlflbe, J II''-';T.b~~ na ~:J.',n:~ ,~' e.e.~t:. " . 'V'(. Brow ~7 wltlr mb... at.Oolu Ig" 'H N. !.JJ9 r, rhltche U: S. . t t one --_d IDY" ' r. ItJlorlllatloh.-: ,0lUlhle ,OIl 1l8eful olhe, Ind. p"lIl, Irfllia'IB y. .. G ,. F B~m'l • lit. II A t a"llI,A ",,, U ,,:E 'II • No )'0111111' Lad, or Gentlem n Ihottld rllJI E. P. "rY"III. '}'I)rre H nle ind .. uS ~ II,· ',, ; , T,' • "'''1 Bend tbeir .dd,es. 1.0 Ihl ullc\."ij lnel. 10 WI. r, CI,icAUII: ~. :. ./7 'I ,/~~~I.~ ",~I. re.ldeno e w. W. Chntj0le 01 lflis receive lJy ,elurn mall I ' Co. will a Railroad la l . 1 i The is-I, ". .• "I r t,; . en '!HI !"I work in .e"led ·enrelop l (reI, of 1101 888tJ1ne .ny rilli for Baanl"I t. ellcepl vallr,ble Ad •I rpft~ • lilll tht'ir rt'. 'Illi,f .....,u'''lUat;J~il lor \V earing ,AllpArpl. alid .... ' " •"",,"~''' val. In ponlibil "y to oll( !lIIndred dulle,fl ue. All UIgg'Il ' I:xoeeding Ihol amounl ' value. will be at lhe r,iek of Ihe ownllr ' . • IlIrle88 laken bv I ,lIpeelal ~tJnl"ClMS, (' E, H. WILLIA "


Will radicII.! , ~ex~t'rn iI\"le from the lIys'em Di_ellC'! 0 I Ille Urinlry Orgln. arlihI' Irom hablll of di.iip,tlo Dj' It , ~A nile, little 0' 110 chlnge In diel, tllld ex,oelir lt cotl;\J! t\ll, luperee dlnl lit fte • I' ,. unpleaa 6nt • fll\"II •I aIlUC'Hu, remedl",s, cqUI), I~oee 1I0,\nll petb_nd Mur-eu r. ;:. in ... ' e~ ... d\'l d roll. ~ ple.llnl In dUlIg

Guide to Health .~nd Beauty,





,a, TUCT"




EXTRACT In ali ca "


elr l!ttl Urin." n'rlr. nl ,

' 8



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8uperll:~IId~iIt., Altvonn. P.; _ EIt GWINN W.A~pnl, PIIII.. H~NRY 'J'lcl!eL G~n'l rON.

'.~'&'I ,~... ~III,!'r 'f, OOI liT pu.unil' ~(1Or 10 • llAI>"r


tIi •

=~1":~~!~~ will bo,e"'dJca~

. If «I".n In lImlt, a cer..ln 'or ~"'!reIT "renDted for lb. Do,! Ghal ....

cians! 4 Physi

""'v... U.,. and oure


CleI1U;~:r;s ~'!"~fo,r 8I.

S • A.. ~ .t:r.~!i~.4L.

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If oml

H. H.



US Ptankl in st., Baltimore, Ita.

8~.. ~ ~6n~~ ' Ibe, 111011\ .0 .....'lul • < Ihl IIp,OD ,a.UII!: -8 c-'rLet.J,'-!,1,o.~r:"""':tb;, ,mlldern ~.nlM1,.lmOlt mlrlculoull ";;:-lir=r,;~-e:'6~'-::D~i~tic :-'!)o:""-(\'re!.l.~_J._l!-e-

Gen'l Freieht Ai ent , Phil.. ,



and H.• lt io an


a""ol1 elite of m.. nner. h h.. be~" u'¥4 b1 tha B • , .. ." 0' h " . tl Lo dOD. P I ",Iulble -and wonderrul publlca1II00t D .,211 awlnl A IIl1eflng Ie II qur IIiPROVE e!DOlll I I 0 ohlnel. Three now · klnd'.. Unde, CD;; o!, AbTov e 1I.,e • .• ~ P .~ II e' '. ey III M~~:l ~ It, '1\1 tIt' gIVen II) ner,. In.(lne o m".lona per. ~ iiI jlld pophllii tr~.ltl.o 'W' I i re'flnd. :· >\1llft!!~ ,8t.tH. '(Q' be cheer rullypoelpll OI!Llr mlchine ,. ,old ; I~r In , !,' "mln, tludr I:ll ,n '!IIII. If D;',er( rid.i Ind !eultd ' b~ 'licensed lully leel thin 40, which are

.r. ...

~~f:,:s~d~.lnd~~ , o~~!~ ~~~f'~~:~[:fI~~'n!~ ~!~e"ci ~ ..~k 40~ ·~:;'l:~.~}':v.BO '11 .: Il' Ph:°'b


~Erleryr" oered'IDrW\ge re'·nmle~ Iii

I~nj.~~u~~r:&~:~: ~p~;t~ ,fi~~ n!~~.~:IIl~~O~!::e&~e. r~~:in'::l;e!,eb;l~!~ ~c~=~:;;. ~ B~ ~~~::e .~~~~ •• Nu. !I~"Rive, .Irrel, 1'(0, 1f lei ,' e. yore. olher c~leap ?,,'(lh~ne8 .re. inl,lnce men'l, chemlril U~ 1 • rtd 1118 B~lIer vr uler 1. '11~ble 10 .r~.1 T. ~ole "entl (or Ihe It~ .., .nd Imprl.onnre~l. Clfcnl" lji-eeJlij~re .... 'Or «;111 Dpon Shaw &. Ol.,l liddefor d, ililne, or ,CIIIClgO. III. (~"l


~ · H I.& II 'l'JE L'; _ .. '



WJlJ11. WQ for, Itd1,roYi1l1




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,p,oductci b, 11(. u~ or P.rot.

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. ~..uti/)'iQ' . .nd pinIOn.


m.lle 110 ,ecr,1 of :he HELPtt BOLDS rLUIll EX1'RA C'J',DUORU II t!ol!\,oled of Bucllu, lCbbebi "nil Junifer 81'rrl ~~,. • ell!CI~d \Vith "riiDI c:ar~, 'C HELMInd,. ' I 1ar.uo bv .of alxleen n.rrlle,ill . cneml.l "nd l druggl, BOLD, yoa",l- expe'rienc6Irrth~"eI(y of Phil.del · the ;h13, .;11 wlli It if I)QW pre~c'lbed mV' 1~~i,Il~Vt;.~hl'.lcl"nl. rtol be"n admit, I@d tprple , ill ,~b!! Uo!tetl SII,ell arm" I i, .1110/1", yery ,eaetll ~.. , In 1It11(hoe.,.tit. .nd~ public S,lllbr y Illltilut ion. , thr,Olilt/hi>· lit Ill' Ja~ 1 WI!

i uU~X·• fllJ. L",.i CDH&EB:Er. OIl epp IC,tlO" IC(mrl"'" Y



WI~nn'lcllO CtIT. lbe _ott Itrai,b\. Iflit Th. mOil .alalbl••"d p4lrf.r.t preptll'll;OIl .tubbo~. ·' of 'ehber .et Illto "'~ _ r h ,' P.e.~I-!i~, 1 "', B,iyinf, tbe .klD. beaulif.. or hft", IiII.. .. cur". ., H., III qJllcklJ , reo tin'aleli n}Uolooe. Ihel I' on y 101lnd. 11I~0~'l .' '" Moth "'I"-' ,"0'" TaD. ~rtk!"'". Ihe f..blllhlbl4l1 er P.ri. '.,,4 ' b, ,!/leu I:"".rr. _II "d ••• Erupllon P.lch•• , Sallo",n.-"". ••' .... y., wl~b Ibe, mOl' "all(111I/1' , e.ll'il'. Roont••• r,e!!8iJt~4.J !i""f illft ~kill: "i.~1.r h... liitg Ihtta ""'I.r i~ij~f.-~iiiritlil~~I.i~~ii~ .. ,_I\lII•• .. II. Do".' no InJu" to L~' hli ... ' Price ~ til. *"I"."bl'o •.Mielell' p08lp.ld '1Ic! led ... i~ ,erollny \1lciM~ b,lhe "'... cannot be cleteCled A· ddt • J!iEIU;;:ElIl.1 (,ee ....llon· llre rffICll ,. elrl'ull" lent and bel101 . 'YeMlllllt. IJ.MI"' ", r. ' ......... . ~at'''' ti•• '\nilebe ' olily' artlel4l of "....b, Iii\iil tlie 8H~h: to &. 00., eh,mlll l; II con.ide" ana F.roDcb, til_ '" 1a.,.cI , !!. to I pert"' ". oil~l. 1,,(1'ro ,; It.T. ' 80.I~ IlltrlCllrflilrthe -tll.:& ~.E1IJAUf~ · , •• i.illl 0••( "i n4i1 penllbl. V1NE,GAlt ~ , .P'UR the .old <'.ri "en boltle. tJ . . L 1 , .... ·. c.c,. 11"IM1'.lfod.I ;'"110Iru~t. ,d., a ",lIiclla' ~.l'Ilile. orit. "hOW to be pu,e ••••• pro· An , In' WIOl4lt" putl.pald \\, only 75 lI.ntl. ~ot by ... :D['III(ID. 'I 'f,om reli,ble pe"onl tn CUf,M the • for Y D ," \lUI ..lpborltoo6., I lld . _ I'l ted It to •• ",",e~\ ot an ord ~L~ ,tareI9' ~== SHV-n:wt: co" Cheml.... , · " I . Cl.,..I" P tIS"" • • I~ 0* .... ow. )!.nihle _ Z.· ' , Bt GER, fI. . ,aws.., .Tc•. N. Y. ,....., ." Jl P.INT·





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L MAC K ERE ••••••

11, ,h. ~", or pO.riel of I~

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\la_Mi Boee . 'HW4

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AII 'bedii ADd 1\ ~ or what






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C. T.<'CI

oi Th., drOve 01


al.•~ .~~

· WI


Yltic Pills, at Female TH!!


Remea, , BUCHU .,"

:J!'"'_~ I --"~ My TL~ PILL!> .re pr'''' ....

• iejlltim.,e pUrpfo'., •• od' ,,~ It..

• Ie



terective tn"dillifte tor ' ell '


qO', 110 ",.t.llttOIl 01"

painfUl diliurdClrR,tll wblch lbe (tIII,'econIi 'h!l' i• ..,.ct. 'l'bPJ DI't' tile Dill, ,enulne 'hmllil Pill,

.. xl"u!.



Til, mod.rtt'fl.I ex•• ee •• Ind

r8 mOVe 1111 Ub'U'IICli\lllll. They i"vigontA the d.eblli t,M"d Ind Ifill delie,I", lind ... ill '\~~~r:e ID brill/! bnck 1\1'1 btoom to the pII1id hep • • No m q ld '~ fI, ..,i ie Qr mOlher .. hoI Id ~e. wI~ho 1\1 Ille ~r.l i o ~i l l.. illd

by . ~'1 dru;Ni'I ' . •


I.GGIlUa.o• tJrine, IrntatioD. IdaailldlOD Or Uloeration of t.he· IlaUer dt lnd~el" Di ....... of. t.1Ie · Proa• hte Gland, S'OJl8 ill the 'l.Uer,

,Oa1eulue, Or_nl or ,. doUuat Depoait, Del all diltale.,ot th...· bladder, tutu7 ', .ad,cbop.lcat

.welling.. . , j










~ F~'tJu) ,Eftuof , 'I BUCBU, ,~_~

, t







t '


, r~

,., . ' j

' 1"




! ,c~

-_.'...----.~I... o•

• iat;oduei.. Lilia ....

I. Ih. .., or .",.pior CIOIhrO,rl, inLO •• i....9i.i.,i~, •• Dd •• b... ha l••-pl",,18,. of I,feinr 'beir deel. l.oce. , W. 0110 ."rI!11 -1~ Iha' iL lui.


ugust 28, 1 66, bv Rev. J , W. I. . . .. Mr. Robert R. Eogle to .. iSS ' ..... 4.rpa,...

p-.lleR an olher like cODtri •• nce, .. III.' I .M~ha

Ch.:~ler~ ~ll of this ~·i~iD~ty. 10 Ii. IlpoD" it, 16 ••, ' e uten 0 It e happy t,1fam onr . ID . • I' ' most wishes for nIl th~ ,pros, DOl h·lor. 0r I be way lIf' b'U ,laCI'1 I_ . cordial ' • <-I , ' I " , bl perlty and feliCIty tbat ..... • I!fp. II IDore oom.Of'tll e " I b ,. to the good an, • ge It Clln VOUo saJs lb•• oli:... t}'l ••prlng m.u"'..... · lIIl1ch I i ' h ' t ' dd ..l +-""':"'--.,r.--tbot .. " ..... - "Qd Ilo&. kble '0 gel out of gn ~e .oP/' 0 we e"l. ' _ 1..1 I.. ' , " O .•1.. .J Di .... L. their life be made lovel" and vrue,. _eI8.,. .. .. n.J _lIlore '" I d h h ' 9ct., ~~.inK the ; :rch.,;v/l rigb~ to mab, C "ou tlros t ~ ytn n al sk , • ,Ur~LIt e flDd .e~ , lilt. .rticle n Wureo county, 0111' citizen will natt opportll nity lo lupply ,hemetol'e'l at Any lime, We recoiDmllnd.ll overs of wxurioue rill, to 'obt"in' one of Ihese '~pring ~d., letl .l .hi ollle kia, it. •



~~~~~~;;~~~:~~"~ " ,O~de;.·

hUI .. ,,.

al, ~

'-HA1RDWAR.E!, &, \



: ~cDtS" an~r.. ~hDtS ! • I, •, I


r, '2 2!,> ' @ 2 95 60 @ 9(1 • • ' • ., ! , I'" 4d ) 1 OO-@l 000

' \40

1896 (i 50 30 ~o : I~

· 80 r

i 60 ' .



MyaTI :) PILL'

.r. "repllrecJ On I,



,I r • JIl! Hill e purp\l'4', nd .... lIIe unl)' !lon-ret.$ioll or ·'laeae. ' (lI~ II.l\d eft'celiv lt mfdir ine ,lor . • 11 ,hn,C! Vrille~ ' Iratation, llIA.,Uoll P11 1111uI d1.urllohl II. which 11. (em,le co .... 01' Ulcualioll Of,l th" Bladder ~r '\ituWm i •• ubject. ' · . T"e~ ,.", III. Duly eenuhu! F emale Pill, , ,Xietae," Di.... u 0 the v)Chllt. .T h .. , moderale .. \1 8.JC 'e~iU , ifill ~' m()" 111 UbllfUCliunll: They Itlvigqrate J!\ate G1al1d, Sto•• ill the bl".a~r. ~'1,CalcI11QI" ,..cJr'v~1 o~ Brfota",. t ~h debililllrd and lb. delle.tll; Ind ... ..."Ilirl! lollrin bllck \ht bloom 10 \hli ' pall>epollt, and .~ di •••" ••• f be _ ...__ "',id ehepk. 0 malclt"Il, wiie or molher bladder, kldne11; aDd ttoptlcal ~"onld be wilhoutlhe Mystic Pili •• Sold I Iwe1ullg.. . I, .' I IJI, ,II drulT~ I.... .. ;r • I • I 'I I,

. I


::11 ,

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H~L1\t'nOLD~ n:'

lIoM-1Imft I

.ElTUdT,;' 'BUmmJ'~_"'"~


• j

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" N . · l~. /

....,,"'"'......... LUe 'r()pe mll1l!

r'0d ~Iullha~:


~ .(i .iJ D.



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will · there




libel'! 4-ql~







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...I'.ael Al:oo•• , 'CtIlUabu. Accom.,

• Pitfn.. " E.p,... . • !' , ..on lift.


a .• 10 .11~. a.


6 ,19 10.01 P•••

hu iu~t i-e'cieivl.'Il '





Difeci' &o~ ' New~Yotk'- )" \ [tr . " ...;,



• magn ificent II,O!tnr ellt\I"'~' of












• .' \ •





,• . ; .• .:.



! I





wbillh'J "'(II mnke up ,in.ll Ilyle not lur· pn,aed by bny, "l!fld .11Ij( .. ~hllr ' , " lupet)or ~o I\UJII,inl ,wjthln ,1.,41 '.4' '1 1I'~ ''''l " Jr

•.. !. •









" I


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keep' oonllan tl, on 1110al 'tJ 1lple'nilfci ~ i1 LI " IOflln,,01 ' 6,I '1\ • • I f


~ 11

, .,

t ~i1'Jf1



I '



of • • ar ....' . .

So L BlaT z., o



Female Remedy, I

DOl)b'e Track R ...~ I' IOM




TIll ', pre p.n.d 0111, le" ~ l i llf.. te pUrp081'. :""1! I re Iii only ~ nle i nd "treellY e me oi.:in e lor \ ft II h08e pfti n'ul d ieil~dor tt wbjC)h \hll (e tllal COI,I111 11 til it ubl l!lct.; J . I . 'nll e1 1 re 18 onl y ~f'\ nuin e F Cfn'ltle III, " XI " "t, T hey moderote 11 11 t'x.:eM~J!~. 1111 11 •



rPll lo ve _,{ I ob ~ 1rt 0 io n ,

'1'1 ey IlIvlgoratA

. Ha


,coa '



An Hay

'A aie

-Ou Cfre



I am I clo Ob he d and


aegl with Hay



A:.i ' 'i

~ ~f,(Q)

lR !ID lR

. ,.~ li AS rn n VED ITSIlLI' TO tIE

lay .ma (ace



,lid' baok ahe the





Ill". No_ 10.


EPTEMBEll. 6 1866 , I

, I



W~OL~ No.,



---" hi own, I'm (1 tCrtllilll"'d.' French Ne . • ·Ou.t again to.night,' 8!li lI[rs. .Te~ tiole' c~m , and 'V'I)li~V'l ('a~ e I . • _ a tne;ss' Hays t'ccttullY,l\s her' husband 1'0 W~~h It. . .A hLtle 6l1 111:, In II. t.'1 t" It 18 qui~ crtt1.iu that lllllcs .1. Jooee aoel Tho (0110 wing dictionsri of 11~e 1110 ' lIalion of froUl the tell·taJJle IWd d nu~ hi bught slL'k ·d.1' , am otlto m l ntHl , go into t he \'I,\l'y lUlllllt.i , 0(' 8J?U hi little lightnlllg i1e'~r gUIIgu of o roWe,. mAy be of inlerelt to ,coat.'. ob, ~ Ucll, u.lovely, blu h :loud !ni1 . 1w h ~I'c lI1i S('I' • i ~ jlorn 1\.11\~ hred .ce, P iql\a Illat , -bewed .. eomInRny of OUI' rellders •• nd add to R t8 Ie 'YqsJ I h~"e an enpag(lIUCl)t with stood r.e,o.<ly, to .w lco U) Willia n1 n will 11 0 \'CI' 1'1 (' imr of I arls ' r}71\ (or the oultiYAtion of tbe8e adoromeut. pie la <!Agut!rreotype UJ)On Ih'..,.of'<lme lloore;" I 8bllH be III eaHy Ilnye a hc cltm n 111 ; and t a WD e 1)::1 :seu as 11JOot 1J11lf'.k from til 1)C I j. . ' 1(, of tqc 9rtlochea of.. amall lr" louted of hom4t aDd the world: ligbt in the library. Good ' 11 i<Yhi " tbe moming lUCId ball done, Aftol' of bi. '0 cu')ation nl}pe; r I I:ltl nbnLlIl'e Revernl .y.\lrtl. (rolp Ihe plaG' whers And ' with a ClU'e 1~It nod William ... . teu tb I'e was ·n mov men t as .us. na l. I '. s 1umiHu.t: terlU , S wiUI soa . 0 e ' on1 Dahli:l-Forner t!'lioo. they were stllnding "hea struck.HYlicintb-Afftlolioir returned _ H~J-s lett the room. towlud .the hn·t l·lI Ck. Willillm stood water tb:tll lIUY othel' ot' til ~) .tD l Tbese bfflnche. IInd· lenei 'were . J onquil-Firat Love . . ·.AIW1lY8 ,tt\'~ way;' murmured Liz- up .e, I~,_ th.e tnl!le, li n o-cl'ing :rdd farnily and iu 'EnO'It~n!l Blue VioJet-Faithfb1/l8S1; or, J lire told just u plain 'lied. diltiDct ~p n ~je Hays alU~lOg back upon the 80fll. chattlllg',. untl" LlZ~! e nl so 1"0 '0.- h.olrl s his l'!1gs :md dilt n }1l'crO"'a. , the budiea of 'ba dead .. u'h~y ,QOuld mll st be sougb t to be fo und. Out ev,erY',mglat. I d,out b Heve he Sh,e ~ c,l til,? to tb o lI g ht wa rlU paJ,. 1t/y e , nut the PlIl'i boot.l,lnek, " i lI!tVe been (liken 0 plalos by aD illslrqWhiLe VioleL-Modest vir\ue. car~ 9ne bit ab9u~ me,.,and yet we' ve 10.1. IU theil' \l~' tty g low, .of tn teftll nl. :~ys a man: li e i nlwlI"s cl:td ill ment, The oit\lum81"ao~ is B .in~ul"r Althell-I "9u1l1 Dol acL comrnry to one to Illy been marrlOO only two ycnl·s. No lUI(lng~'!lCl)t, u,nd drew 11IIu 011 t.ue l~lIItorm, O'cn('rol1,)" of n 1,111 11 Il lite lellll'ic)lf ic.':':':'.Miain. 'Unrea80n , . man canhJtveaIDQOOordorly hou se- sof~' bes ldo hcl'. Hc fel t u if b nnd IIny '""lnd y' mig h t shal'e I: n d ion, I : • I ., I am not a bit extravagant, nod ·yct 'YIl S co.",·tillg o" e l' again ; li S he:) watch · wi t b him without ",Io \·c. nnd witl:~u~ ~;~~.t~~i:1~~~r. B'Cb~\o,r'~~ltO.D-:-t{Or· eTe~ I~ m.i •• • . " ~ ,• • - • .l. (" '4"· 1 r I clont{ beU~vo ,ho ~ovesdQe any mor~. cd he r nll ~ ,I' ull sy '~'i th ~OI n(1 func,Y 1'e?I'. . • t:> " I ,'Ex. lD~ .A~...~,,~ OP••, ~.,.!\. • .. • .. "·· ...... y .1! 01:1..1 ~~J! hyU• . It? I wasn't..<J·ic.hj nc dl,e.wor~, fillll h ;;teut'd . to th e HIS l)Qx IS " CI'y I nn.r·rj",,. 1l8~I.y i~t8~Ug~l by &lDtll&bJ)Qr kl ju40flll be didn t many IqO' tOll m.;v mon ey ell erflll 'vO\ce ' he had loved \70 dellf. u. Cll.I,n p w • b I fOr ie... ~(.if oai\1 ~ and he ntdS 11l.Ve 1 ved me tbon""": Iy two 'years before. , . ' n (,!lsity no Blllnns "8,. , oa 00 iDg:' ,ery prudent laaft, Th411'is'tbo~ ....bydoC8!hc treatilme wl~b so ·..niu il ·~bnt Itt' .' )'otl ·makiog, Lizzie?' l''in'''tl pro ror discourllgemenl, '. \ fJr &sed him .lAying it w... 'lDail lbiillt flegl ect?' And Wfth her ml',\d fill ed 'I rem. em1Jar-bll\ck \' el \'ct, with nsked what is dn II ~re1\1'8 !\j!~ a hUo or IJII' Dlli y- l change hu' in denth. t~ do. and. "ould J>e of lDuch ' ,eniclt .0 fir '" II , p'ic , keu up ilL Lak 0 .. }) I '" ,., with such frightful ~llIlOl'ies, Lizzie 'fl owers on th C!n. l- \l~etl to put' Illy ~bIY.I'eely 'Whdt .1'011 llcnse.' .... eRr. c,l\Se-'.J orget me noL 111m. AgIllJl tbe. ex P're.ideq& ~.cliD'4 Hays fell asleep on the sofa. feet on . the £ n~lel·~, · ~nQ dl'09 m of fec HI nllOnt fiv e' cc nts, ' l)lit I tl'j(',l Ph:fi~~I~Y ~11::ltlrt !~I~ ~I:rl~ L(1CUsL~ orro" endurelu not "hen ',l'be neig.b b.,r beCAme .urgob&. Then Let ind · J)a1nt 'l ler . pictllro as llli !J111. eJ(e~And bJ'ightcllr!s, !lnll wi!l!J. one 011 e with a one C'Ca~t J i ce to wa II ,Q.o rnb ,hc/l . which was IL ~e~met1110. ( 881d Mr. Piorce : "Jbhn. look 'h4lTe: If \ay th,r.~. Sql wlls.a blouue with II. IXl tune move. fustcl", to tl~e ?C . how tyJ'\ch iu <:'e l'ity til ore ,;'a . jnk" ',nellr lit" shof!!, IIfI~llIr Ml\g~0Iill-Persever~nC8; or, ,OU I pll~ my 'DRllle ,hi. bill, ,,111 ftti't .mall, graceful g lue, And a pI' ttt dll.Jr. W~I~n I couJd bi'l'lYg Uly )IOlJlllO II~ hI. 'w hat yon plf':ll:Je.' Oft' 'came III~ HI 'lI ry, Rod "bich WII8 in IIrtl of nllturo's nolJility, . pay IL: I 811,,11 ·b. mad,e '0410110, anil r~ce. The hair Which by iLs wee w~to home to make mn ic in my !~IS hnt:-dowll, ~)ront bo\\·,....::an (.l ~H:~l\r.. ... lnt q,e.f,.rtllt the M,tllo-~ov/! "iIhere lh; love be- Ih!'n WO ~hl\lI qUllrrel. If you pie "III rleli WILY its nntUl'ti.l 11 ndeDC" to bou~e." . :> on ml::tht ha c snppo cd !i'om his . e. Ma . de Monl".1111 b~. trll1Sclh l• B ' l'e'll QU8t,r11l0W while, ~h. Ql.OI.,JII i~ '" ]'" 1 . v , .\ ~~ v )' wa. b l'~IS hcd . ~moothlr ,I'hnck L pockeL." , " , e~, , IZZI O 8 ,nce 8~ , ~,eller for a mo- ~el'ci . IDO,DBicIII' , tl~at I hnd g hrcn In , 1 I • This 6116.11 ,must P ao 1 JOB.Rom-H"re iD9 my thol'ce " i i' ~ t and gathorcd mto a l'ICb knot at t>l~e mont, as shc tltollgM of the last two 111m. tt: fnmc. The w(H·1. mell ~ ISO I tIL . 10k .Vllqegattd- You 4 ve my • '( 11 l·ttl I (.I ''I'I vo a. t ~G uo\lom of tho frlend· ~lllp, n8k 110 more . . ',l'h, followiDg ,ood.ttory I.. _gila 'fa back-It w.ns./:luc,h, . 1\ bothe to cud it, leal'S, MIt .10W ,I ....e mil ic sho hnd I!lVe!!- r.I'i.forln, ot' l'nt. l!e l' thc", a I . Those w 1.0 E . q ~~ "J 1 ' un·' .. I 1 I "" 11 \.. I J. U • vcnlllg 'rilllroll'e - Mlln'a 10\'0 is cir.uta'io. lbrougb our uoh'aDg.l, ~:' .be saId ; Iler c leeKS wero palc, lind ~ u!'l: ~Ol·. IIa, OYlpg l \lMt! gl'tltlual.i ~ \I1'C",8 a ,1~c" ,wit!, 'r1iit pli\lts ' and 'nr~y \! IPII ' lake tI,e ohanoing moon. the whole face <We disoontented " ,e.1qll,lg It ,J.'rOID Its IlUogwuoe, and hl,lo 1'llous()/l. Inll t('lld of ' our li ool! allof , I1mi' "p' it .. .A year or ."0 afler T,.ler~ &aM ~ exp~e5"~9Jl' , ,Sp~( o;ro . ', ~J . e~ty tb?u all nicl:.., ,tnt' l'dell\o ~lionB, iii t1lltt ring I'IIg~i of ~o . ,. Lbkfr IIsto{li sh. rcm:,~~~n~dt"i:~e.ep ~1Ij9, (ormy sake; I'll iou, ~he.".D'., CODlelllplatoilt· All dress" !1I!*1 I)t4ida eh tz " 'I'SPPCI', .r ,wonder Ilf yOll love rn llSIC I\S e~: il r.\' hue, \"e~t wrong . s idci out, I1d~<J . And 1\ pieCB ,o( iq;I\8S' D rn d'l exo.,rejon ,ia 10DlB t~I'.!1l[ ,9! ~n. , l~ , 80 bllt she bad,neither OUIlI' nor,slcev es. much as 'you elid then?' "', I g'I'I111dfa~he\I"sl 'coo ts 011 s mall ho"s tlll.tIIt" Ih e iiile of the Lake Houao II ' <1 I -Ielf·lpve Ie thy be8elt~?i sin. 'b7' , ",, " . • r 0" t .1 I ' i J , Onk.- I honor you ~b~ve All' olllo ... ~~ppenetl Ih., !!I~ .• uperlnten~.D~ )'ff . un ha~:e, t" ~!fe of dl'cssillg 'up just . ' . 1 e~~l'. • ,:~. orten .drop in ~ 10 , ~lUg 1111,( ' overgrown l)oot , oue ' ''Yo,o d) Rnt! lo'tlged io ' ao WI Ro B Yery "roIlAr Wh'~} 0'0 iBob's' ma. for WIIlIIt\Jl;' nt Mrs. SlUlth s for n.othlllg Q1f!c sce III the tl'C'tlel, l'nh(,lI'Cr :t resp ect. !:if,r. ' . ' " 1\ le ~e":"Art Illis 8pblled you, ~ing hi. erraad} that offici.1' 'blubtl~ Liz,,!:ie'slep'tS'o'Undly r; rtwb I:\.onl's thnn ~ helll' tile inu \l ic.' nhlemrd 1'('a.II. pittmc qllc COlll)'iW1 r ill~' ~I{e, ~TO~f'~ tor of tl~e 11,1n"),-1 ~enllto insult you; I de· IDfofm.ed bini lb., .bii ,road did D~If'Q and theu ,awoke Slid lenl...' .. She n.t cn,u-:, pla.,y nqd sing beLtm' t4nn I think tltcre Illu st ue , 801Uc ,t'a,J (\.~ tIMe, u"nOlllLcd Lili8 piece cla,';~ Wllf IIgftantt ou. ' .1 M S 'tl '.1 r.' , It ' '-r 'r . ,,.11 FI.owe~- y affection ·is .a bo,e lin, .peoilll train for tbe p".ident.UI), gla.nccd at tho, cloek! nlld· iO'hed ' l·S . Ill) ,I, $n ~ .y\ZZI C pout~lg. gil. lj li 'rn gs, foj' ''th,e cry ' bt'~g{ll'S I, I.~gll'-~ltl i 'fiLh hn IIccounl lime or mlsfQrtune : .' . ~ ~: W\II\1,'r IRjd Bob, "~i. 'N Q .no' ,'fur,",:ory ,dr earily at ihc pro poct ~f 0. '.H I,l t ,v;o u,e.lwlt}'s SIlY.r0U nrc oub \~'enr ~be sllin~ " ~hitc phnt, , mio 'bIII liOn ol In the 0 IILineL of Ihl! ¥ PII r1ing-r{o" thv ar~ ia k.oo\vn Di.1i ~ IpeoiRf ,rain (0; .&Jle tuoirfl oj looglqte~val still to be~peut beforo ofprMtlCe wbell ,I , u ·kyolI.' !rockFl"cb c(l.p and (,Olll'se, lJ ntdet:cnt urn" r~lfl rel>oth mBy b~ Illy ~pl'lI binds mo not. GODer'III l1o'frtson!'" ""YeR," 8&ld /,Jie ~Qtlm , '" . " ',' , . ' [ ,h'ld· t he pi:1I~O ' ·tulled tb1 s morn IO.()ki ng unt il uttl!l'l ,\' '1'01'11 ont, The (.I Il1P I,)I.\~t'<l. n. of lIds sh,,1 1 H II C " ,,' p l'inlel1t!4lDt. PftUiOI ~'Bob Oil' 'tli_ .. I l ' I '.' ° y- ome nGBr if YOIl dar.d, , back. hcUl5raryw' n sjllstovci: the room Ing. ,rN ow . ))~1 ~t, a,lId we wil~ see '\n tW I'Cl . womC'lI .who "el l jim et'a(.·k:' ~ .., fll d 'e.n,t .frum lhose, "lind if y~u'.n 001, )brlbl youtIn wbich she s"t and dl}Wll the fur- how It sO,\lDds. , nt stl'(j('t corn CI'IS , 11.)](1 even the rat e ~ror ' .c in g, . mix~ I)..,\Vitl •• " rathe r hero in ,bllt Ihn, pe:,qluMlIlla,. na~G flue, thro~gh the -/Hegiste l', n "V:'illial1~ 'ol~:eyed .be.,· jOyfl.'l1~~, a.nd ~~lmlongers in t~o g~ca~:y titll s', hlOk . !\nd e'l\r~hl'y m'HtH·illl. Th,.t T·'fE STATE F Arn.-Tlle Dayton IbB b .~ . tr.iD 00 ' ~h~. road," " vOice camc to the young wirc's to SIl1~ :l,Slcle hOI; s WIng, 1.IZZIC Lo·o k j I esh IUIn bloomlllg III th eil' strtl'ch c~l ~I keF (Iii" C!\8I1 . LI ;(I more l' t! . JOlHDlt1 811Y, Ibe State FRoir GI:ound, .... lUI, her Lo. b an'd' s, tb"> ,Pl"1 0 s to· 01, 81 10 uUt .. l U. vel'.V "'bl'to c~<>p.S <>1. ~ 1d' ~ I <inn CIUI ~ i· oes, T hc 0111 " ~ljI: e ' !,Iel ~ ' °f I Ihll " lclll"Lh of ,n,ow. oompri.611 some Ihirly .:six I\ore",l"'t uti . " ~ ". 18 • 11 ' k f • b••• ' d" , J b! - 11 '·i~! T. W~~ It{por , what's n mnn to w~t VD1M, not powerful , hut most very .berrmgs s em gl'P ee I'll I li nn . r \ ll~~ , ~in uudur ~aler.- 1111~ comp,lIPe~ lhe recelll Aduitioo o( 10 "or 0 r.' ull lng' • $tru~tq~ " 11 d wns: a; very ...Jatr . . pel" tilC ,, ' I 11/, n' n -.,,' Ph illips Hill. IDd the f,ro'unds ar·Un'ow o. r Ihe SlDithe061,an' lDlIlitul"ioQ a~W~·JiI . . I mllst have nl II SI . II I, .. . 11' tb lICut , , t llOng11 tl'ley' ul\( yOI1l,.·,j\,C .1. I' J. • I was d 'Isappomted f, tl' I I. A I • t" " IIltoge lll her lil.e most b IIUlifully loea eif,' mgloD, W !lch W.I d e8 l rble~ b, 6r. r I 1) eas,ure somew.J\el'e. 'Vho would (H,'m el' on Ie. pI.ano, . , Io>e . . mozons. t \\,11 1\'OIl~ t..J'ru1 to d I I , . d d . , T .1 ) , ;1 . 1 :T1 "" 11ey lire In All relJpects, the" but in 80" Dli pr gr.8ell1g.'. ~ I. arge to,,R n. ll "~" Imaglll o thut .1 Itl'via so pret. ,~,s, 1zzi 0r I , see 1lito W lat a rill.relet). t,tlo "e ~Il . I S er Lb I) b b'\' • t~,, 8~"'ght! . ,1 lo v:tll!, ' cO'III~ blwe ' 01.\ y.cs,r J; .k~ow yoq dislilto 0Pel'a, h~e ma,I'ket ,could be 'l"m~fO.l,'m¢d, I Ie ""~' for ' ~xhibition ~; 1 lind (or all ,, ' oa ,. Il nort I lAye> e, . ,,. UI "Wll " .... ~ )-' 'tl I • 1 ; b th ·;If pUrp08p.8 of F"ire, 'I'here 8re 6iu;II' fire·proof 1J00r• ~o !,.~ure . tlt, ~(ety 0' C •. i~ ~ t:~etflll dowdZ I mll SI lIl , ....~ pp.r or • . ,.' ., ' more),Y ,e ~rrancremel}1 ~ COl'. , ,,,' 11 Ii d II d ' .tow 8?W60 wants to stay at Ilom e One soog n1i"er llnotllOr With noc. rots and cabbA ges. ""toOh, fisll . !,"IJS o'tI the g roudds , all or ill 11m pUL II Ie 09u,~eol~ ~e~on <' cOllti_ngeIJCY· ' t 'r r I ,. , II b ) It 1 d n I Hi .tll.i! . be.t oriler. wilh the .in,l ~ Dliou 01. The lflrge tower to I e soullht.lJrd "nick to b ear his wiC hilting nil tho c. ' III'no '0 4l. I've y lllSLume ltn t ~ece. lDon~~ r, eg&3rS a ( a , HI \ oWf blllnlPfr'4t'rohltf4ln\ Iix1ur~., . I, I I 1\ , ~. ., v.' roo ' ~ildI1 Id&.~ gea. , '\f't; IVlooil '" veuing ubout trouUIUtium . SOnUIIL"l "'b"Ji: i (\ b ctwe~t:i thein, fiUcdup er~. YOLl ~"b ,bf" " ntl:v; "saY,I .it . I .. l:l 1\ mlU 6' r b l I. and her headuche, and aU sorts r ill)ot\Jef hotu'plousulItLy. tins j96l1elltl"IClll, "ilii!! Is l.~Jl. hloJi Slf ro:u"ndlftlttllolw)unda'oo t~i;' ~~~ n UI , ' 1.' 1", rcJo ftK:O ·l 41 ' aa luu\! boCll r S e's . got t.ho . I1Mlk M Tho little ,mnnite clock struc>A '~a~clltt!, '~' h ol'c e~ ory\lprl)', i ;~o lU11 · .~nlfrind · 'H·tii,pli'f\iPJDlfle·pe. tm , 'I'n ' r"," ~Q·II ..~4 ' &5,\ '~id~ Ln 1I'IIei IIIIC so ' p' n t "pon m '; l'l > e ole ~1I. ' -Elle. 'I . It PI) SIble tt!!lt, th se (II' ~er~ lite ~5d hol'ee' e'(a1Ir t J d -J c~ I 0 ~" ,*:ro'~S!"t ifon 0'1vered. irt , ~W, dr.o ., uL'.1 I, I. . t I ' d ' • ,u·lIl1, '; '1~5'8~le'e\.l ' f.en'.! a"dI 8" ~m'le ·'011ng· WILli rollud iron Darlioe. · OD. I dont tuink she ean speakpleas!ll1t. :, ~~lev ! I-, tllpl\u!>.~ , : S ~'lOpt ll·~a, . n~cu nn !'.~mc~, i'll' ,IS '/ it nil n pe'lIit.' '0" tl "' lr1'1 , llI l!' b"or\ '~ ..t,qn"e<_ I~rl. '... I ".','fT ' .• ". , . ' ntne . . 1 ol.I...O'nt tol',1 upologt. RC, LIZ7.le, t .1 ' am It In.t bmV1'ld c I.' ,'ine?' 1'11 <:' 11 '-' t IY.' \l ~lI Ihe Be ", ·r"'. yIi v' l !·, \ l' ',;JII , I' , ' i • I I ' 11. II \ III II' . · t 1\8 'f t 1. 'Dr os I \ls('ll .:a:o" 01' ~tllylllg the "'urllen ot' the "''', Ii II A, u'lr ,8 " . -Th L· U:Zle 8n I aUIlI1Cl .. n ' t.r' t'l 1so'IOlw· " )'fon'IIwa ' k·thl'ol\rTb ,0 , ,'" lul tij-r l, , 100 • \ 1 " , r<T U"-i' e /'ol • L t rb . -'''til. this t ? ~e \~"'I\:ed'll\ "'he '~88 . L C1I1I. ) II Y sny, ns li l U th en, lIl. encs n g-tllu '_,vlicro In.andl' ds or ' "are s~orl pot'\ fl . ' 81 ' 01'1 ~ 110"". • &,. d~ r co g~tf)' ~ the t me ba pnssccl 80 pleasant- wom n hlwo brought thpu' !,nittin rr • I \ I ,tl)lu:ounll'J i l -i lualed bear ' &akin ",nll ' n,,,,.,.' n ~11y not Sl~i~~~;:r for ~-n c· l'y' , O~Il. ~c::'.r.c.aly " etlev.e . it is so III! rl thril' fUJllilies O. I)llSS t,he <.«ty , , t9 n., Blo-bacr,vu,r,.om Ie.le ~I \VAii~~:j:~~!\'JI .iYa'.,I'I "Jf r til ~.<l 1. tc . . u!l~cr the ah:ule of t Ie ~I' a '1'4I'c Inll To IA'~e, nnd res,edible>l ~0U\1) era "81 bUilt 10 lhe relga 01 Dbarlll' l. t~!i'~;~ort) , Tile pinn.o WIlS closed, Li7.%ie's th ', l;iClh r~Hl 'l~oo'r . ~lilhf'c ~ i:l9~' tree , . clp.ely as it wila pos~ ihle (ti l' ill 'hllif a rillfo ' i ' t~n t· . belween Ih. yem J630 ancf 163'6,~ !8.11~j'tII8t1011'l1t.olilwlil4'Lluil'let: nJ,,;fughts ""d a firm ,,:~rk. p~tria~ tbe b~sk t, aQd Wminm g6t '01', b ut . tll9re' ':tio'" ,(1i' , b '~1l1gi r(j~VY. "f'li ,Iiu eff'o to, .r~det'h i~, glii l! elflll o~J cou fs . 8'0' well cn u 'l'he ~ric~ li~~ ,a~a 'Iynbe~ " .e re ilDl'9rre80lution to ~vt. IJn~k 1.,,1' husbnnq's '~:IS l el~d,y tQ, go up stnll' , 'pI t 'glnn. n ,r I'o,lll&, . jn ~9 ,ULl·t, p.o fiC)r~uIllS ThUll prl'p.· ~(Hllfd we/b- IllS musket In tiY in'811~tiI8·p'etcl· ; ia in ·m08·t Iilft rrom Engillod, 'Th' 'lilDber i, .10heart, Ilnd .~ ..... Me ovo regained to eln bll,k be saw his Ii ttl 0 Wifc n eM dl' ~el1g1,lt 01' of' fe:ti~. • Y 6u cnJu\O,t h~lId ~'''lIcf!allj,d. li k, cwise, b,e sLo I" by 1'1 . c dHdilioh :; IRhd it i. bU y f~! ' ll e glish OAk, and hi Iri meiJ"id E'aglaad',ke 't th l", ~11e p n~e-; ler' nn I <# Gd hel; beh eve yoyt cars. w!lf;ll .YQll ·}leal' Olle mo's ·'lrlfpe\'ce,thlbJu · moil me ti 10' lib. I,~i!r 11',~~rl i~. , li~:,~;,I\;, tBy rR'; ,t! ? 1'l.e .Lil.\Clul', iU(lbrick ereeted 'ib ', b. ap! 1 • In r~lng~Williltm ' ,C'-\"lC 1,l'ehtl ""b nt: nlid largo tenfs. fnlli1;!i- small tot. s,·a y to ~no ,l'(lI", " Co u' cst p,eftt11 Ibe:t~e~ wllere th,tl, .al,I, rps.noo,'te,· upon uny Ffli trou1id in fhe \Ve.t, mOS i ,,~llb.• 'a-Dtil'I. !DRllllo~J ; ~be, .~~'ar, T m 'r • ~ I 'I . I I il t.J j 'l'he',Co'l~tv( F rl''trHI,i "l.of" ·' ~J ,Io.ll·, ~ " ••, ill . int ' Il. ti ~Ill' wltb .hlS . 11, ~fOf .19' •.¥e~. ' iHe ' 'W~s e~ldo . her pas gontl" nll oHserv& the il1 stnu. WR~ ()(.geIJ. "ore ht: PBtlCIl!ty' 1taitell ,"" e l'loe .Sep. hili.I..beoo1' .!', 10r I'h". r.•de~",1 ~ ,. Of t ! f' , .. II ,onreless manner, but a bright In 11. ~tnnt.. .. , .1. tllneous c~eot l>~'ollllced by tbose five ,ulltll bl ~:J rrel b",t"'e~~lclt:'u.. ~ ftii:ce ".: lem~el' lQl'h \1l1l1 t',& IS 1At6 fa!r b'n L!le IItrJ-.e fire 10 oolheloo WI~ .teel. e pia e u on li)~ &1,10 • 'LlzzL 4nrhng,nreyoull\? What word~,: .', , . " , / pn,e.of ol,r. liien, wnoq . Iha · auudetj ly 2~11\ of the'~~m'e ,"t'>:~~I. : , ' . ~T ' h'.r.I•• I;b·a·re.',oo '" ."' d"ll,·I'IL_.lI.'1 nfiV, itll IS the HlM.t·cl'?' , ,. --;-Oorrt1S]JfJllde1/t l1osron 'JIravCllet: brought lIi.lbu;'lIet to bear on tile 'feb' -, y--J v "lOW Ilna sleeves of snowy .. 'Oh ('~~j ll~oAJ,. ( .h/lve beeu s\lqll ~_~~-.-,.-..,. " . !.living liim r'I ' lime I " reI/M d. The TIIB R~~L~~ ~P~;RT1~rNo,";'A: prll'aol1er ia 1'ii.u"m•• Il wealth of soft rnl curls, It blld Wife! I ~Icnl'(l ),011 tell 1\11'. The Ru{~8. ·' • _ " ' sh B.~pllh(\ot?r Wll8 taken 'a~ 'n' ~i'fltl " I/l' monS' Ihe. Ihr~~ qr (941r hUDQI IIU Lon. an , eccentric geniu.-,4wh'o ,4H 'a NI Iha. llletttmorphoao(\~ f\ w11no M?9re. \llst eye,run g b~w I hall disl\.p, • '. III I; e} -1'0.: 111 II mllnd to oomo dow n tlO!! ho~ 8S ,1 1,cit. m,~,l 'o.on,l>", clear. he 111\8 luted fortI aad 10rlYDigh&8 hOI' hu sband's attmll'lng glnlice pmntcd you, but I ,wtll . try to lllllk . In Ille clly of N~1t J ~ork. Mllr the h~ rel,uRy IIS~ nleu , "hen lite Indinll ed /lwlIl ip the neighhpru~04 of 'I'/1lih con. ecu,~i.. ~lY •• n,~d I••• er. p.~iod.f. aC up to he' did not rI . YOIlI' home ]lICns:lnt. Iud cd I will Ille of Bllrnum'8 'Mu.eum. slAndl a g rog trlllmp llli'll'Uy' Iit!trehed him n prisoner pie. Bar:;-I"!! ~ile bl:)ng ·r,eq uil'll\l {or, bUl ,b.L, b"~, , lallp reel flOPlD hel' bcnlltY' . ~~it :~il - if YOIl will fcng il'e and )()'-e me.' ' 1~IOp that hll8 I'veI' itJl d90r lha eil/oiij . 1n'1/) enmll> Rnt! "'on/bis '"'!'ker,-fFraok Lh(l.~ew rem:ple Qf J u" l~c ~.,.i. , tltlt io by a Rjnflt froll\ ,lfe..,eD. II. lefer f.tI tho ID :'tI: ~1 r ,gipst, ' Lo\'\) YOII? 011 IJizzic, cllnnot Cl\ot .Slgli "1~~e ~ui~II'." It it 'be bnl; Moore'. 'A~ec~~~ lei"?f lhe waf.' which ,4Holloway, " the pi:1 ~nd oinl . any ill efleel. fro. tlli.' _rea' ab.ll. gilt Pil: ,U1ij ' Icy gu ~ s how d.r;lrly I 10\'6-;Y:911 !' nllm, e.ver ~'V~1l II) a plac~ fo~ ,.,lling " -/~I _ , . , __ . Oleo I nenCI" He ·alao 'IY' be, b__.bad . ' alone. , A .. the wife luy dowu ·ibat. n lgbt IlICO~IOhc pctlHQne, We Wish Ib"t aueh 1 riE ' LA 1; GRUAT Ocxu' VOYAOE.veloD~ dre!'ID': H.• prO;l8iHl &0 pr~.."" 'Come Wil!iliom; yC?uz: <,:oJfee will sh, thought- , .... , , : . . . a ~rlghLfull1 boneat ill8oriplion were The 'All nt!~ . c. e ~nQoullce M Ihll 811(e cu III the o~ty authori ". re~)1~~rIYlo TI&ll,' ,llI!: , 1.1'.1 I ' , berCOJ.~, HI,I lIZ ill a.cQeeq r have won l\tm back ngllui! Bettel' Wfllten over ~Ye ry boorw., . to Ibe ' IIr~l~a l 0. Lhe. fnlDlnt ur-a,sh iV 'Red ¥'lIitll tiou of 1\ 'cl.ilD ·10 (jo mcpens~tidn .,. hom • -e. , le~l\h\; vdi. e.' ~i\~. thl~1 tuat, I have le!u'u 1 the wny to house of deelh an ollr IIInd. We wi sh lI.oil Blue, .~\ ~hi(tb IHI ' lhls port Jul~' 9. wll Jicl\ i\ "pp~arB t!)al 11Ie 'proli.'1I ortlte A VI.ARNINJ To,.ic.AvJiu..~-.A;,piifk must ~ool till you I;Iwlloten my I.cep him!' ' tbllt on every dec811 ter were printed in Cqr EnglAnd, Sho Rni 'ed a~ H'l&ti buaines.8 fOf ~he I08t Ihtlle 'Ila 'Rmoll"t' (rom R 10eomoLive fell u,o~l t~·cr..... of ib~~~fll!lft h lH\.-1~t1e-rit. o~ ~re. "Here lite 'W?C8."1' Il'hill: Al!~USLI!~L . I ;·~r ler:"A"pI\8R'A'~e thlrlY' 10 belwlj'en' £a·O,bOOand £40.Uoo, '1'he n yOllng lally Irnelio, In ,b. earl Irom rCrli:Js'!dli~lMe Mi,-fltlf:n-' hl>l'llid ,. W11tt.:-'I hcrc i~ no corllbinatlBn bites like II ~erp'ent., And lting. like ' IIII' Sellen dIlY •. ' ' TII# Red , Wlilte And Blue ftU~ paid 10r a~verL ieil)Jr, ill £-i5, Willim.~o 10 J-llutford, Co,a~" . J.. ~ Salen.\'t hounded, Il.,S 8h Oft !clttel's !I~ tho $I\gl~h ltmgulIgs alltl~r:" We wisl\ thRI ,~~ery b~I'r(l,I, or i8 ~ {~11 rig e~ ' 8!llip ~r 1~9S Iii lin '2-t lon e 000 per IInnllm, !lnd the alliff of tlllI u, "r~lIy. did oot obit."" i' till ber lIllD ••' . oldr;lo , ' s tpne WHe I , e.\:Clte mOre plol\ Ing nod ill· whlskl'y ,us blHze~ "1111 tbe terrible b!i lien, nuUJ'ao nm.llnd8d by J ohn N. tl\bli~ IJ'~t:nt in'clutles- ,,,J ll1u'n'tlred " '0·' elmla were a .. bl ..e. ~ 1- . .. U i.' toresting nsso iutiolls ill the mind labds 'D ~,lIrilim TremenR,'~~' PlllsrY " HudsoD. lale 1\ ~III Lor", MAIo in 'lhtl U . l"gen, ~hose eole tluty i' to IObk afier til .ilting near tier tlI:liDllui.hed 'lie It•••, 1. s leech, nor one of 111all thnn the WOTd Wifo. It "Cholt!r~." "SU:ldBD dea~lt.'· a~d ~il~d Sillt.~ NII\'Y, who "118 IIccompa. R(j'lIrllll,,~~nt •• ,. and (o ' .ee th at Lhey And .b. elcap.d '8 oi_jlirtd, I,·" . ~Oll Ulil1ll1' s eal' prcsellts to the milld's eye 1\ d~ecr- DamnnI)OD." ., . oie by Cllpt:'!;'rliooid 'E. Filch, 181e of hne ,:boto ipIIl'. ed la, o1d~red ', J "-:"''''2II~l.'iIe'" i1T.l 1. per, r~I ·F.9.niI?n: liG)l, ~ di&intel:cst'ed nclYi Pe.rhApl ,orne new bt'ginnerl! might ,~. ~\\p~';r' .sldp 1J~rgarel. lind a dOi(. • •• I ()::T It i, r.ported 'bat '• • ulea nco at tbnt bOlil', Illy ~er, n: l\u r!Oo in si 'Iwcs. , :\ COIl1 forter be Irlg hlen~d R".ny by lucb Il trllP' door lJl' '41~1 I 1i,\ 1~laib.l! d "iLh J eDOE p~, of '~J~acll". .Ne. ehallge .i . ~b. Hor"' l 8~o. Ni.liS I-.msie u~tl gnily 011 Ill" pt IP.~'tq!H)' I!ond all O\\el' at] etiorl· or· de8t,ucllon~ !( , ,the trul~ were aa m«~t."~ilCI, -ItS , lIi~•• 10 ar~1\ 65)'y ~rd~ or York. I\I~bou8h uevoled La wbal may b. ~I. " p~ j~i C~~'~ f ,"i'~\'- ~~'..~"~. . eorrtpalJ1on. It oOlljnl'es lip the honcu /y l~~d 'Alt " ".' oh J lih ~Ibrrl of 'I h'll CllnYII" Ii r ~r~, tcal l'in4l~1I ~el(lg . caU~~ ~'i dl' fr~8I~iOD." neYer~II~,*s . " ~itO!\~~' Of .\~~ ' ~~.~j."~~ ,a,;{ bI lE \h • ,of n lO\',elY' w~man wh,o cllccr- gr~ldl~p}1i ~.~,I, t,01 ,' 5}fee t, ;)3ro~\I ; fe(jL,. by 8;~tdl \· 0 5t .ftle~.' 'Sh8 ~as " hili" 'lIpp"eeJ~lIoo oJ~ ~ , jok.~ ID en er 0 ~D.. D..... tinrlertn'koa • to contl'II~\1td to wily; \> :~II e ~ery )·011.~!f ma~ .ll',p 'tv) .rl1f~Hs.lle~ ~Itbvfull IIq",ipOleratl, eltarl8, tltUe ont! weH . ~'.r\)e judge i"an act! fall. m~re , o~ • 'r'fI~'1ar appew,aDae. ness, .'tfj pll.l'takc Wi th you rellu UI~L 81'1),. LeL him ~I'tc,h I\.t tile eOlllP(I:.s. ,QarOQlI!I(j~ aDU meteorologio'll pji&lle d Bchola-r and IIn~ble mlllbemliti. "llIob 'Ittl'l&lCl '~alId ·' \0 , .. '~ia'I":"" ~el\l or woc,.w.iaielt destir\jl door, IIn.d hll lome of ~hll 'RVIN' . • ppflr~tlJa. and,tiI" .tored "ilh SOdaYI'. oiRn, 00.,. ~~!le.I1L oeOR,ion l1e ." "s .Ii" Ie I h•• bee. d •• OD.&ra&e.d lhe ' may , ,;\:I7lu~ word 'wifo is Fly n · Lhflt R~e turne~ OUIt of.lhflt rum boI6.- P~9~i~iun. ,jlllllllding, 2-60 glillone of WII. derll'oring 10 pllr rorm lbliL impo 18iLilll, Fall. reced• . "a. or &••1,. ·iIl• • OU'yl)lOI~a ~~ itb tile gt'cn.wst W'cssiu t:', lie Will oucII810nnlly see.A blo·"tod. red · ,t4!J:, 60 1/485 of ~".jcoMed runsl bllef. of .cieooe_ Iqll~l'iog tbe cir.c le, or year. .e. ', ' ,', IIhd ~6 pity, tiro ' unfol'tul\ate wight eyed creat~r~ roel ouL 'hll t ii "riLlen 30 pllOkagolloflcQll'ue" , 200 pouolle. 00u~6e, h .qoll .r.e lilllJuiMbed '.0 : bop.. ~Tb. old "oo"lol1lr.e o( til. who }~. ~.9tp,pOllQd by fate'".$c\,o'ro de." Il)~ over ~ Ilu tl,~ (ea.rf~l w?rd ,ruin -;- breAd, .•ud Jiq" 1)t8.\.,prll sen el . ...Ci,I\r8 les~. ~.ak.;, b.ul 1118 ~uunus, w'I~1 !.ng ~ tu cois, II ' lIearl1 '''0 oent.iI.; ' o'd, Pat .to tl"Hlge along thro\lgh lifo's BIS eluLlI" s IIre\1O r,UIO; h\_ J!0CUt!1 ~s find 8C)hd8i>.~od luxu~~, ii\ ptolu8illn; Vl'X, I!J III ~y rfc '!lI lDr Ihe ..... onlty MODal ""orrl' •• v. 'V'J. _ ,,'u blo-. do,," pil gr\f\ lvithout 0110, . . ..fui.oed •. hi. Jail. LI, ,i. ruine4 , ~ t.ld. (.mi· be8idllB ~hjcb wert! 1,800 DOIJMIII,I I tl k h . . . l ' AJ . ... .. . - " da1' .ao. 1& ......... "~-e.'y, , t!lnRIl)' lIre 0 f bII II a.n Olljh b9,a,rll.' '&IHljadd'lIdlo ,,·bioh .e lem.1I .W'6re oo",.au 1 •• Illg I fI , 'Ie IY. I' rU IUI! d , ; I1111 IIqpe8 ,or , , ., .. ~.. - ~, l . MaJoll Joseph St('pbcns, thc eclo. ruioed by IhAl 8in Ih,lt .hutK· it. ,iolims "R. a ",eight 0(. !.Inti' 'lOll •• ,0ece .. lU), que,~ lon, h . Ihree feet ill cir.".I,reD". ~ • . 10••. Ol'n.ted ,d ntr, . AI d ~f nl'0v 1c.xy, ot out tlf heann. , 'l'lIe bu"in4lu or 'he to ~ ubmt!r£\j tIle venel eyeo wlleo (jve~l ,\~~qge, an, .qll~r.,d Jba . eflole emn council. 01 ,~~ ~D'oa ~"I.r. we" I!f I "1 . tb ,. I ' d J ,. 811_11' If ullder fsyorn· y!'lA.I~ , hi•• h.ts",pMl.dolleo.('b ." I I ~ I held benellth tilnf,be l'i~h,t> lp",tb,'.aldLip;. " ~'ea ldeuce" Ly.nn.n,.,IIIUO,ofl ' e ke.epero (II'II t- ~r?f!o~lop 1910 rnn k 'o ioae ••' "bj'i lDemoriil ' till. 'ree."Jj;-1"7., :r;::- im" a low "W..... e... .'01l, ''"'hat 11 '.tb, IIg.ed .su·~l'r Oi'l,e yenl'S, ·Ho WDS rU.ln8. out o( God. Immor.lal cr.eMu . r 1: 8. hie IIUSplO. '-. .aolil ' /jad /tctlomnljlhe!i har d .. v .. , , ~y .. YT' th l·t b h Bid r a ,,,ollqg. ..·e., . ." ,. . ' . .' I ' , . baveo.beell' for. two '''YeMs.1I A . , 1, Y ' S~- me es . Igil, rulll welgbed, II "go accurate y elcrcbea. UII 'rid., V.O'yII"Q In aa(II,,: Aftor mt.kjJ;lg a . "Why.' I I~o,. Judge?" , . , The oe", by th.,A:&lJDll, oabtet! u" ' dowdyl ' • wmtnm' you sl1all ilt the tune ~. llls, forty·Ji ye . ... " . ., . voyage to the .IUeditera De,,~ the will .'1 d'to,ve VOllriDoluaaotlillg &~roDgh ~,d "Load911. _qo~D" " · ,~~hecl'~ BOIlo. tflat'agai ~ ,; ',j .."," " , POU~,d8. -=-. ...... _ . q, II seem. Wig(It!l(o( TeXA') ~/I_ proceeJi, t~. P~r)'ItJ " .od reCQ&I~ lor 'be a not, holel , : " and "ail poatecf .p ,'" ·3 o'cloo.k iD .ijle , husband "'Ith ·j DEiN , ~lqU_\(O~~, tbelenderortbe c~ped rro!D ,~e ,c~uplr1 by,ing Great~xlHblllPQ, .1" " ~~ • .rl.lI~iJ, ··Oa(thtto' h'IH•• ' b4.eii'1t~t. '.111'..."..... '1: 01.1i l)emocrll :y, i8 deMo He Illmeel! ~Il. UI)Uur. d18guIse, .~, a ' paro' ~ , ,---..-,. ,• WOlI\eo r"q~ir. IDQrf ,.leep tbla: ~bree bOlln, .,o,'lrO"le'd :a bt.I,~de'rV sick bnlln fc-wd!l.,Y8'. • If\ngs were led,80ldler. He .ekeu ., 801dl.', or the . 0: here'IS a ~elllOllrl'l of .~ucb '''gao- me'1. and flUlDeu Jee,' ~boa.. en- for :""" ftelecr.Jlb littt. ,air• •• '.~lJntl()nc(f ~t ~1l.~C. 1'OIl8t ~9n the OQoa. gU.!lrd "ha' lbey .ould do Wllb old IL! up ." Burhn~on,\ Voung long fI. ~~ +rl'ge~ in lIal olher O,eclfpaJio". ~ a .10" ooaeb. ' .", ,. ,. WIgfall if.llle.! C4ugM blm. and .6."e- regltlarly the 'Dti~ooralic. Liokef be' hI' lora,-reporlers. priolllr.8 and . tele«raph . . "r ; . I ,~. - - - -. .---'::.-..... " •. . pI" heiD~r "0. "e "ou·It4'baog IdOl,~' becolII' ,0rD"a1;lIf_rrorb hi. (... &ellingii .IIHIPj a~ D"n pI1d.$Cl''ID~~' . 'oo8\tt!l qu&l1t1l!1d felnn:le be remll'rkell' "And YOlf would Hr~e "by lhe fll 10.. Ofler'i M ol ,be ,"lioo" ••,ctio.t. • h!ih. ~.e .lllbbed bi_ prodtic a,'~a8 ' him , ig-ht. . lfl,6bt)uld be "Ilh yoli 1 st~uo~~ d l.Je ".~, a.II.';..(\ t ~e, 9,lbe-i ulR "1~'8td a '·Lo~dol1 b08p1tnl 111'\'8 no 1J00~bt hat should Ille- oiling whl~H 'J!ar ~i! t~lo~~ 1111 up bit ugl"'~''''l M~ . tibildreu. She is at Lite (Ond of Ihe rope IDY .. \(," Pf&n,' tied, . ~ff~d Jj ire- knew ua' i ,ao in 'il"r·~\I:·. ~.rpl ¥is8Eli~both Garrett, ;ood f~Q lha! ~ 100 tll~ ~hilad.lrhia. CO~~~ Qli~~ ~~~:~ 01 ,re'Qbac~~~








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'H . T ",.,. ,...laU1 a'l1~lh. bold. By Amand. J(. ug . i....... ile of &b. dlL1i .....11 Boston: Lee & Shepard. oDd til. ,rea' wao& of main Thla is not a book tor the world, • 1 do DOt. thillk

111 TIWft';



Dr. BertraD Do 0;'" oD .....ell'D'.





- . ...,

.Dd •• of IrrltllUOD or ~_....... • • • .. • • • • ,......... , _____. . . . . .bl.d 08 BetardaJe,ell,ag, T.roatA.r"cilna- or an IDcu_ble ~~ ~ LUlie Dl ea e, DRUG~, tb inlt., at 'he Oour' Hou •• iu W ~ W ~][I ~ U. ~ [I, ~ InI tJ 110fT'" THE BBIlVloT, CHEMICAL8: I LelhllrilOlI. whereupoD. Wm. W. WilBon BROWNtS 1l1l0Nt:J1IAL TJlOOnFA ~ :. ::::~~-: . .. ~.~.;. .' bot for those "tio love. quiet record or ilrotl,l'r work. &0 pr t the . ." ...... r. . ::.:_: .. - :.;:~ b dC' LEAD, o chairmaD, aDd .A..B. Gooch, Huving. direct i!IOuence on Ibe p".rl", . ofhllmlln expcricnce, whose '~IlD "ere l rOWD ap"~ ~a- "" OIL,. give immediate r"het. For llronchl.I ~ , ~Tbe rapid construetion OrIODg Inks deep into tbe benrt. It is no .a • fe". day. Lba' Klrb, S:allh MerltarT' . Asthm •• Gourrll, Cun6umplive a.,.d 1'h,,,ftl j 'V-A~ d III I ehang- s t I ~ It Ilol'd .t hat clly. Thll meelin, beio, ,hal opeD~d, 9· telegraph UDe' is gra u y , love.sick story, ~ut luwee , l~ar e IL hal beeD well laid that wheo Pe· D i8en&e 8 ; Troclll~" ue Uti d ""llh _Iwa)'. iug the orl;linarya AI"8 cbannels.- hletory of 11 fnmlly from which . all ler bur, fell. Ricbmond cOlJld ut'tf\nd O. Mllx"ell Itated 'he objeot of c·o n· good 8uccell. Sill jfer8 Ind Public Speak. era will find Trochea oBelul in clearing Vnti'l recently! we n~ua1l1 received mi lelU'Jl a-.valuable l esson. Th lin bour. F:row. the lOP . o( .Lhe SI~le veniog. the 9qicc when laken before. • llIg illg ur {dteJIigeu'ce from China and Japrm writer .e"idcntly understands buman Houae Ibe 'le" 18 dl'CIlPlI'f!, .r1be c~ly O. C. Maxwell. Collin Ford. R. 'B: ~ peak~ni!, and .fe!eiving !be l.hrOlt dler All .by ""'y lot England; put now ibis nature in its manifold phase s; there I d.oes n,o~ oocu~1 an 1I~1lI\ eqllal.&&) e~;~ - Wilson, · Win. H. Rockli,1l . and JAmea lI11U8 1)ft l 'exerlion 01 Ihe VQcal orlia\1~. Tile , neWs come across the Pacific, instead is tbe hia ht of joy and the (leptb of. ClDOlllllrO:h~<;!I:::;I!lC!: :~m~~:.reet.2:. s. T~,Uen "ere lhen appoinled 1\ .com · 1'ro hea o~e recommended lind prt:8cri~ed bv Pliysil1 i&"" and lillve hlld T"atimoniols of .t be A,, .tld Is first received sorrow i~ lIer delineations, Ilnd nll 6:";ne on the' mlin tIoor or' Ibe Capilol mittee to dr~CI 1\ call for a COllntJ Oon· rium emiul'nl men throllghoullhe.eounlry . Bein~ 1111 artie III or ulle merit,.nll htivinji at ,Sail Francisco, being telegraphed clothed In imple but beaut iful lan- are lb. ' ~wo 1I0u.... . of governlDenl.- venLion of loldier. and saitOri. overland; .England. tbat formerly ,,"uage:' If nny one is s~d or w ear ' , Righl hefore . us are , Ihe .liLlJ. cl~~\lp 'l'he obj~cl" of luia COD,enLion be protlea Iheir effi ' /ICY by I , I" s~ of mallY Hall, eoeh year fhida Ihem in nllW 101:1111t th d 'Ill TI'ust ·' t h ey will cherry ' delk~ wbere tlie Reprellt!lIt8U\ I: e to fOI~nd ' a Soldieu' and Sailora' Coun· II e in vllriou8 pnrtl or tile world, oild the 'sent U8 .bl. intelligence, npw de• # ·i..tb d' ' t ebe. e em r e n . ' ani,l Senalon of the filou~herD Ooored· U' "fh Ii 1 ~ 10 be al Truch es uro unl\ e r~lIlIy pro!loUllced beller pe~dsupoll us lor <r- e ls pn ble. find in i~ tf'lJnlm to soo th e . a w aUns eracy I\'t and leg iAlaled for 1\)a~8 _ ty rilon. e ·en a soug 1 . tblln olher anicles. bemg f'?t'W1lrded through the ca oheer ; it will oreate lDgs for 9. Htu. Vice.PresiJelit St ephens pr~81\Ierl, tl\inercl ~ylucb a. Union ~~e: . {Jbtnin only 'Brown'a Bronchial Tro· Tbe telegraph has thus ohanged the b too life 0.01.1 show 'tile patlnvay to and beside it the chllir8 of ·}<'OOle a~d. Firllt. A complele mlhlary hIstory chee,' and du pot Ilike OilY of the wQrlh· ordinary newa ehonnet. (\ r , Mason. In Ihe center t'ntrilDoe is lhe of el/ery. ao),lier IIO~ sailor ",ho entered less i mi tnlions Ihol moy bo Q ffer~d , ... its attainme nt. noble.stuua 'of Waahipglon/ 8Ul'tUnd il d Ihe 15erVlce from thiS . COUII~y, ~ud oLh · Sold ev erywhere in th. Unit"d SIate8, , .] k 1\1iss Do\lglass bas e~t.nb~ish.ed b or by ao jron railing. A .horl Ii e ago en whl) !Day no" rellde Lhllrem. And ii, Foreign Cuuntrles, at 35 cents per Tq e s..d al m9r~lIng of a~t wee claim to tl. front rank 1Il h te'faturo; t"o or the Richmnnd edilors 1111 n 6rrh~ S,lcontl. 'fo leClue ror hllnorll.bly box. 18.1y. a party ot boy. found Ii mali bang· and '-IJl Trust' should give h e r a r e p- \lere witb pil~oll. lind an indig~ity ,~no di"cllar l,!ed 80ldiers Ill)(~ 'Ili~ors, a. PI'OP KNOW 'HIY DEltl'INY. ing by a-c\o\hel-\inc to a. tree,.in the t 0 utU to .that of War- Ie. ' ~b.n thllL or' l\!lVI~g the .., a'ful l! er propohion of al\ IItuallons ll~ .tbe wC$Ode. D.eer 'G'oehen, O. T\lC man U ~ on 1.,'\, if the 'Wide Wide tllllel, ofWaehingtoal • _1Id ~btlrd gilt 'of lhe Fedtral Slale aud muulclplil M AnAN E E. F. TH~RTOlf, Ihe I! E,lg· \, ," ,... i ,. .... a e<\ Hunter, nor, nu"hor 0 '.bell w•• ttl......11. . govl"romtlnll. • . lish A61tulu1l1 81, CJ81fyoy-~nl Ind .p~~co. ',,~.~t!Ll19':' n JJ,l Wo.r 1d.' . . 'l'I,e "hole Stllh, Houte '.Itlg 'l~"\rd. To .ecure BUC~\IIOn n~ ~ triciull, who has a~toUl8hlld tho ,cIon· . " ."'~ .1Iou\ 19rty-flve y~s o. r age. The pul.Ilisbcrs hav e pl'oduced th e thoroa{fbly renovlUed. In. lh gRrre t and ,"Clion on the pllft or lh e guverll- \ Hfiu cl8 8608 of 11,le O,d W urld, hll8 ,nuw ';.ll.~ Wall. mao of good ebarllCte:, and book in ndmira.ble style, wortlly of we vialled tbe ideoliclIJ retru, ,,'hue 1l1elBt aa will Cairly eqll;a\ize the b~uu · !o,clI ~etl hcrsel f III Hud8~1\'~'~~r~!~I"~:~ ,le,,'11 large famUy to mourn· hiS un· 'te h .tel" Get it a devoted rebel, 00 the III \I' Lee'. liea of lolditlrs lind 1IIII0ra who al~ed (hOrl~lolI p0S;~8~.e ~ttl~e toVenoble h! to iJm~ly.ld~parture. ' The only enu~e 1 , c nrac . _ . army .urrelld~red, hid a of .tara in l!le .uppr.~sion or lhe Ide rt! bc ll~o.n. ~1~180 tl~t =~,~~~lled~~ or' lhe grentesl import. a8~rg~ea tot the J'llllh (lct was tbnt·his DilllOREST'S MONTHLY for Septem- and b~,r8, bopmg lit .01D~ day to I! oUTth. '1o pro_c ure em~loJ men lU allte 10 Ih e ~inltle ot married 0/ ell her .' 'd t t ' J f r 1 bring \I forth over the trIump the general p\lr)lullS oC hfe for ?ur sex. \Yuill! in II slllle 01 trallM , aho de· ;; . '.' tn o n cODlrade. wb.o m.IIY nee.d IUC~ aSSis t· lineales Ihe ve~y fealurea of Ule perlS.on nl! l' ne" lebeliioD. AI Ibe "eel Ill,tqre proeptl'cU dl. no appear as bol', besIdes ~h.e usual Q 9 . f.,,0r:ab1e as be ~c81rea. iopal)lo engraVl\lg s Il~d ,gOSSIP, eon- tire C"pitill 'groundl i' Ihe ance. you Ilre to m/lrry, 'IIP, by Ihe a]d of nn m· " . . .eo ." '. , , tllins ~ho con clus ion of Alice Cary's buat of W'ishlogror" m. JWllt. To urge upon tbe govern· &trumetlt of inlense power. known 08 Ihe fl 'W,B'Y? A j etlnest>ondent or ' o.n exquisite 'Confessions of n Coquette' favorite black </harger. It O1ellll lind the peoplll the jU81 ch,imR of PdychoO\~lropA, g1!lIrsn(leell tOhpr~du~t 0 • eak" f tb .At n " marble pbdeslol 40 hOl'lornuly di$chuged soldiers. /lnd thl! IICe· llke pICIU(e of lhe ulure lid nil or EBghsh paper 'ap mg 0 e • which abounds in aU the subtle 0 I . h . dEd b I by widlow8 aod orphAns of our ("lien com- lVife of I'll .. applieonl, logether wilh dB! . l.,tiQ ~al>1_, ·8.11 Ulat (nom cl\yUgnt charms tlla.t · belQng peculinrly to ~ 110 ~" ~u:r e radell. ,ha, a tpeed" ,eulmenl of .lbeir of marri8l:'e, positloh in life, leadinll Iruh~ .'11 ' • k \he bl ks 'th ' r. , '. ranze • II ues o. e~ry,. ./ Dr ohurllolt'r &0. This i. ·no !tumbull',811 ti. two./) C oe ea 0 ""01'. WI thiB gifted authoress. fbls mngn- Jelflir80n~ Tbe enllre piece !a cl"ii ~5. Dlay b~ made, And that I.he Ihousandl uj leslimo()i.llCllh ...erl. Blie ""~ dUll"u\t,;, .• fte~ wbich time t~e zinc improves with nge, and cnll be ere. alld l~ one o~ .I he 6~ell 10 coo.d\llo~ or , .. dow. and orpbans may willllllnd, when dtlilired, 8 cerlililld c~rlift. wo:rldnk ~~er wod more taptd cl!\.Ssed nmong the most. worthy of · It Itand. ''limedlnlely 10 ~ronl he Ilmehorated.' CIII3, or written jIlln.nlce, that Ihe p'~lure unID dllr~ andl all througb the night. . . d sa . . WT De _ houle lind olliee or Gov. PI :~Ix'h, '1'0 utand to memltell!. "ho iA what il pllq)O~I~ '0 be. By enclu8lng. r ' l ., tl.;:, I:l ..~ } d't its k~? II. year. . f" mo AcroS! the aUeel ill St · by licknees or ot~er mjsJonune, are <Ilmnlliock or "fl ir. Dnd IItnling place ot fJJrorJts 'll~!~ '1L~dl J':~11. . T lec I: r~sh 473 l3l'ondwny, New~York. cop,,1 Churoh, Ih~ ahrine ~ \lreVl'~.led frolJ\. po.n,uillg .l heir u~ual blrlh, ~{lp! dlspusition Ilad compl.n ioll, ~r ot "the ~~t.9lfapAer . hlUl o~n notx- ., -., . ident Jdf. Davit · I\vClcaLlllns, allcb aid al WIll "llevlQle ond encloBlIIg ~o centll and 118mped en· d 1;Jaia ~t 011 ·the lanc!ltlles. , TBJ!1 CmoAoo MUSH1" L R~VJEW, IB le:I;toil is kinii , enou"h 10 Ibeir 8.uffering, vt'lope od~ressl'd tb your8~lr, you wlll, .re. W ' III ftLa • • • • . ' . III • • celve Ihe piclure IIf,d deSIred InforrnSLIOII aYDelY e, ....... .. j ,. .. " • a monthly, oj' eigllt hnodsoJDcIJ-prlll' ~he falDily pe" a'lId allo" /3uveUlh. To roster UIBI herOIC BPt{· b ' 1 All mmunicIllion8 &ft~ " . • . , 1 ' , . 'wi. ". "'~.A.• •, U~TI,.~&.,~T~. War- I!Ud pngcs, devoted to t'h e intei'csts of Ihe ideoti~~1 IpOl itl,lere . ~t .which promls t,he, pl\tr';HiO 10 go runh c;e~~:~~~r~~~~li.l . c~ddrt'88, in eonfi. ~ 0 !tT F 1 C,E . C 0 R'l"{~:" hn' T6.ehetl~ !n8ti . tJte wnl hoJd iEs' mUSI.- cal people. The :first Dumbe. l' dent ;WR,8 wheo Ihe d .~ defen~tI of 111Im co~u.r.Y. wlltm dlln- den_ce o .M .i OAIllE E. F. 'rHO:JNTOll , P; O. ,)j r· t,,, . ,' , II, . "', , • '-. ! • Breclunndge W"5 11I,0ded 111m, g(jl~s IUIIII and en~mle8 Ihrell eo her, Box 1\~3, H\I~1I01l, N. Y. . 4IU:\lIil'" ..._ . "I !\~weetmg, .• ~ Sprillgborough , o~1 ~Ol)t~II\~ two pIeces of new m?SlC, an that our linea Ire broken, oDd oYI!rL4row. .. . ----- ." I '. ---:"'''7,. t,; i ..aaturda)',I ~e 16th. The prQgrrumqe IUterestlllg Sl1JDTIlll,ry of forel?1l alltl m~ in,Cull retreM. 'fhe ](l;iIlM. To ohereh lind perpeluale ERRORS OF YO~TII . , . ~ ht·" n '1 ,,,'(o11owl: " home opel'll IlI1 eOI!eel'1i gOBBtp"anC\ Illly atose. "Biked OUI, t'''f ,og thel memory of the faileD brave, who. ~ Gf.'nti e[l1Dn W!I? hftl! 8t1ffered,ror y.. rA ' I fi '1-'! '1''' ' 'S b''''ll W·c . t f' . 11 · .. .. I his ~ire and· his prAyt!r · b'oo~ by exposure nnd wellrj~oDle mllrchea rforn Nl!rVoU" DIl IIlIi!y, Pre.ulliure D\olcBv, ' . ~ .; . A . )(" S, E"gIOlf. ~ nOW.. a va.rle yo mlsce aueoua alllC es.- . . . \ . . 'b' . .. " ' ond"1I Ihe e/ft'cI8 of youthtulllu.liscrelion . '. , " 11)·),,)1 . M' J urq.,- It is a frOO.d tbwg. ' 1we 1 wort h t I.le 0 whIchII'he II wh9 dlle~8e8 . ' P reven' ' T ruanay.•r.;l " lla, II "I~h 'tl' IIm.n . t . I by I ' '''''lin'' 'd be feven I I lind f ,i' ~ wllllllr Ihe alike 01. 't1ff'erlllg i'4 1-/' 1 ,. . ~ , IljS DISCU88. ... . . . . I a..,o "".'10 III pOln,. IIn( W 10 am' lee a" I 0 resoun\JlDg d f II h d' Ihtlnlunity , ' . '1. amma~ . ·C. X.nney. pTice 75 'cents a ' 7e;lr: H: M. Hl'r. L ·bi.. P' ... . . l. ., ' " .' I . J' r 81ln reI.' to a '" Q oee II, I' Ie rer.l!,e . ~d r-. • /I • ; "l, " ' . '. , . J . . Cl . I uy .. (Ison •• !OlllCt, ~:rqe Ilt mos uA,e 8"eD t I"!.r Ivell .or .our, hnd ,direclionll ' fur makinll' Ihe ,Inlp'(e , ~1 J9~.t tbe ,sam:e. . f·. ' gUls, Cbl~~g~, IllU).QlB. fllw parllllO~1 or ~lne bit'" . ~~I'llry. _ .. rl'rriedy by which h,e WIB corell. Sut"-OF• 1\ 1I.-Addt:ess - Judge Wilson. --;:;-r-:--..- - - and Ihe entIre bUIlding "Ill . .~e ComDultee thererore 8IIrocBtly -rererll lVishinfl :u pr061 ,by Ille', D18ctill8ion. Address-Rev_ L, Clark. 'I T"~ ..ree....e..' Bllftaa.Bau. It i, ulled by II del~chooent of re~iue,"t. Ih"t ~he soldiers Alid sailou .of exp~lI.ience, C~II Itll ~Q by adflrf!o!~inlt' . i·q ~~ , I j. '.' " , . . . . 11'" , 1 . ' '. • . u,~, ftegul~r8, "ho lueoo d t!a~lh I? {I,lllp iD th~ ~ounl appOint JOliN n. (JG.DEN, . " "",- , ' ". ~~r E· , j". ~j tl· Tile 10110"'"1 .8 a. brief e:J:lrl\c~ (rom Ita lroned ' "lndow and Ihe. de .l egate. tl.. .... e.t at Ihe Co"r~\! . No, 13 CllJllnbera at., New Y,:,rk • .~H.lnI;"'N' A.8TW,\B · :~rom 11S ~ 'd • J IIDson . ,• lpeec I1 ' h '., ' 8tl " 11 te' 11 0' r'.tt , - ~. . '. " - Lovcly _. .' "I , . rr~ .. en. I • '88.• t I~e Ii 81l k yaru IU..L e'b anon' l~ rhureday. S"Plember Girll aDd ji'elltlYe l,Ioy ..,. r"~,'t. wall,ilo 'W~u. ~ remem~er , ~hat COD.coune.r pe,ople . wborn he. add real · ~e tllnuel. w bere Col b4a 6Lh. a~ U 0 c\uok. a. m .• tlJ lake IlC'~I'~ no ,,<Ill .,. ued envelope and n C~IIU anti) - ' .... ',.. lhe, ~JIt,l.vja~ ·CoJllflll at 10:31 A. ad In rr~n'. of , \b" 'Flr~b ~,en~e . HOlel. ell e.oaped are yet to). ric). I.' to ,\" formall." of a pO>'lI\.lInent w!" . oud yo u .I>IIIe " in for",!, tin n InllL _ I .nell Ili~ectlv tbrou ...h 1 to Pittll. N •• 'torI:, on , W~dn ••"'T i 01111\111 Thunder baa orgaDlutt D. WIll vnv •. t\~dren MI •• JAN .. BRYA!'i, _,I,....~,' '. .' ' Stei'bI n. ille , · .b e "uo I Ie Congre",l0 . over by tb e (I oYer·nmen' . t .. 0 • C". .. u AXWBLL, }. 12\111n'·ln l ·SI., New Vork. 110"( . without . "I . AI .... 'a IIeDge. lor • . r ' ,.. ~ ." .u e .! . th~ . aKIr'•• &0 . ••o~e i1rwlI:r4 aDd ·watc;holl.e, ~d;d. IIti11'1?ok. I~.• "IP~-: COLLIN EORU • ~~ ~ ear , maJb~g e ose «)on- pl~ellb,lr ling,~ .. ~n th. ~llg"telt ,ar' ''Devic~ .or Hell, w~~e 11"lIg" l WiI., If. ~CKBliIoL, _ C~: . -~~\1,~~On tP~ices .l I. nection iii :PIffiljnrg ~th that beat of l!lhO, 01 o"r .de.par.'.ure . 10. '" coo. rae Irom C.a ••I. 'P , embart,o o, Iltu~l.d righL a· R. tr.'WJLa(lN. . J.l8, S' - ,'T 1'U!l ~Etf- · aU; to\ltell'lr~~t, the ~enn8ylvlLnia tb. e rea,nIQlt~n. palle d aL Ba Itlmore. up· cro~ll~e .tr..1 fro. .. Libbv. wae burn. fOTTEN. . !mtn :,' ' ;Pu8~nke1"8 om Oonyin 00 '" b cb I "al' eleeled~ Yea. boc. .ee ed totally. and DOW Plein'. a !lcene of . - W;,t"n Slqr. i t h'l ~ 1 ~l ., th · t'h () h ' l'n ' I have refueed lo .obey t)lo.. wbo ,bad~ brokeD ,,,,II. ilke tblt of mere lhan fA) p .~ aoc p}l a UI go r" ug -' d tl,018 ' . . DC'p . Ie'.I\D d reC " . Q ::-:-1 ~;' h " '1, a b BDllone prl. u!ie hilI(d of the' commercial portioD' or Ihe v-.J oeen E mmad aD h er 8111'tere· ~~tli8~jh<:\?~~:.; ,oj,. • 10 giwe ·..~ctioo to "I•.", wa,. called Ihe city:. B_ello liland. i. yeL i!llhe 9"ro of lurned lo Ne* York 8udde\lly, lalll .,. . ' .,. I '.T .~ ' . (. , Freedmen I Burellu B.1I, "h.cb prqpo· Ihe Gov,erDm.e ot, A smllll aoldie,,' " leek. bei!lg called ihi'~4!r bJ ,':e in leiJ~w~~ !.t-S~'&ll apd others, aed lo tax tbe people fH'y ,,"l1ionl. of cemelery ·i. loo-Ied OD 'he I\Qrtl( Iilgence 01 Ibe .d e.lh , Qr her Dlother. '! NAW Yor~" . ~ve diB~()vered an ?oIlar•• year to 8upport "bat tbey. ~s· ,of it. t '. .. w'bicb wa. telegraphed to her fro •• San ' artiole 'Of: j'uel;1to· take the •.place of .umed to be thl freedme~, 'hey Y~hfy J.eft'. Dnia,' man8ion, • Ib....,.lor.J F'rano.i8~0. ' - , M E' R'~ HAN T·. T 'A I'L 0 R . , ";O()'d eoat~ a a' p!la~.'" Mr.• Lester ~nd a~uae me. . ~hat 18 tbat.blll if, grly. brick, i. al1rmouDted by .• ft~g . ~~~*=~~~~~~~~~~~ .Miodh~e.)the taot a late N· Y. Thl~·e 01 ~~ "h,o c~nl,ebDdebdl '°lrf "m ',nrcl' I~"ft'. frem ,,~icb ftoat the alatl' .IId . . .T~ , ... . . , : '. p~ 'Ob.,. ~o, 00'1. •or t. e 8C, b,u or tnripea 10 i~~iFai. Lhat it i. the head·, ..... ____ I T,.,buM, ~~ doe!, ~ot yet Ihi! wtnce man-~nd a .good ,deal of quarter. GeD •. ~h06eld A gllard ~A ...t~'Vb~e....C".~t~h~o~li-c-C~h~u-r~ch-,-i~ n -M~o-r~"-'w~,~O ~, .: . . . " ~ ... ~;;!.:..~AafwJ ~.~ ~~~~rcfY .lS. \ He says l~ IS Ibl' ~incl. "II Deeded-w.hen "9 loo~ed patrol, qpnlla~tl1 in frout, an!! itO ad~ on Buollay" Atlgue. 191h. 1866. by FA dl.e r Moln Street, Wayoe8vllle, Oblo. ~UVUI!'» ch..PCII th~joit",er I of .the ~artjcles at, lbll ~III, "Il~\, ~a. It' N,o.l hmg ~1'.ioD i. "Uo,we4.except 10. tbqae wbo O'Donohoe, Mr. Thomes McDonnell, 10 '. • • I. " I ,", J • llo.W iruu~,tWbich is &,c onsidcrlltion. more DO~ Ie •• d\IID .the tr8D. ferrln lr. ?r bll':8 the ~lIYored pan. 1M1i811 Bridaet Grier, all of . Cl8rk~ville, O. I hll\'e no\\' on band a large and eJ~ltan! . , . . four milhon8 ohluijl from their orlglThe houae of Gen. Llle i. Ie •• dia· ~~=====~=====:-:== atock of ' r·l .J,,'·1 I' I i ro' I ••l.. ' ' j ~., .:. ," • , . ' , , n~1 OWDen to. ane,, ~eto'f "",kmll.terl, til)guilhed and c08tly, It il • plaiD 2ft ft I)~. ~, 'I ~/ ~n~~~)( fro,1I\ ~t•. Gen. SURR- ".Ib Ibe Unlled States 10 P"Y all tile red brick, tb.· t;eolral porlion. ,of 'he J.IUI" A1 flA;tf,l,ft:;'l!P l~~·tl\r~mle, nnnounces Upenle_, lind the If.lkmftllen .nde~ ciiy,lookillg very muab like BoiDe 'or thaUbAl f~ports ot Indian troublea Ihe G vernme.D~ to fllap All Lhe prQfitll. the belter rent bo~"ea in your ci~y. A Of C.rdlac A'pople &y, on , the 16th uf. of my own manu/ecture; ..180, a beautj(ul A II 1866 \It her f'e .ldellce one milo bB80r1Dl8U' 01 . , . b are:.glOMl" exaggerated; thnt . tele· .. .. • . . n(taL 1il!,le rick office nlrar bv .eupporut el~~I'~f Ulic'., Wllrren COl1nl~, Ohio, Mllry ll • r •• ' " "atl " I ~h~ wite.' ba"Ye not been injured j The CI?CIDna'. ~onlerll~ce of t. & M. Ihe Ih~n~le, "~~ nI'Y A. ~'s~.' Law Ann, wife of Jamel DaV.I.• , hI ' Ihe 4iiiJ CLOTHS, , 'I' · ~ ' . g' ab ' t t nl E. Church cOI(I~l'nced U.l8l1lon al Offioe.' AIIiI for Henry; hiS pi ea of no I n d lanB are l ' nmm ou s e .. /. d d' fti d: rebr Qr hor I\Q'I'• . · - '. Ripl".! Ohio 00 WcdnClldAY It i. can e erate money an 0 ce. 0 ""!!!:~~~=~~~=~=~==~' I CASSIM~RES, IPJ \~' BP.<!.t.h~tJ~o c;ll~culty wbnteyCl' 'd h 'h ' .' L DO good. aDd he ha.\o come dbwn 10 !!!I"" SI'ECI.tL .NO'I'ICES. '8 tpm"~h~n!Jed. ' expecle .t ,at. t II DeJ:llelB'o~ of t .. e hl1r~ "ork I _ ' . , '1.l n l 'I~ il1 . • •• , , . COD(er~nce "III be held III Urbana, Northern Dlen are coming iD and ~Ir. '1'obia.' \\AU \ltla a, Horr!lCi Llnl~eul: DQJtntM ' WARD WnB · nominabuilding the citJ ann', and much .1II~re P'int bOllles I.t on~ dullllr, ror Ihe oure or . which [. 101 prepared 'to make up in the . ' l.i~ & ' , .· " . " The Biddeford (Me.) Union, elegant. than before. Aboul ODe .Ihlrd Ilimen.u, ijcralyhee' wind 1111118, sprllin" ~ lu~ .U?n" M .S r~lth.e DemocflLtlC ••y. ,II at on .the 2d jnlla~l, a French of Ihtl burned district i. Ibus in . ' atale brusis, 1I1l1l1t!, .C Utl:, slipillng etille, Ccm-.] f t~1\ ~~lq, a.t . H"~'Itc. 11, Ollio, "oman, aboat fifty yeara of age of ··reeoD.lroction. If One Rici)m.oD!l over heatini~ sor~ Ihruat, nail ill !he (OOf, ,~. ' £a:J" ~ll TucsUay .ot.Jas.t ,week. . , u .. ,'Id P' t d' d ( ' hI 61'18 i. rebuildioa a brick mill. r,alaina .iR warranted cheaper and be Iter " ... rl. _1\. ..e • allllen. Ie rom .C o· It . Ile I Iargesl .. " ourmg .. , I.:' .nd .t IIi. , ,f, 1 . ' '\1' • .. . " • ~._ , Dll'11'In l h '"or u, ' olher article ever . oOered 10 tile 0 ' C . roCorm admlhl81ered 10 ber by D. A . L. being 300 feullong by 200 fle,wide p,obho. Thous~ndd 01 R!llmols ~Iave bP'lI.n / 'C ', ' •.. y ~:r o. ,~ ·- U j • .AJAAK I ."Y, not James Ru~sell Plumb dcnli.t iD Bidderord lor the ' . . I'.I Th ··· j ' ~. tl:UI'ed oC Ihe coho and uver-hlla,t lng by 11118 J 'A~ ... 4.~U ~ LoweU,ttlhohld ' liave been credited • '. • 6",.,n 6I~fI.~s lIg I • • , ere ,It. . oq. t 1.lnilnelll,Bnd l\uaiJredalhDt were criflplt'd ~ ' J . II r... I L,. .. t'l .LJ.. >It"'l: A ' (j' '.i, .• "'rpo.. of e&trachnR k ,tooth. but lllllt RII~bmqndl , .. :t' ""' ~J'~" 111 IIII·a lame hl1,/e been re8lured 10 thoJ'r lor. " .~ ---..l. , ....1tn ~u,, · ooaU"~L~ ' poem • n ru.,r ·. ~ . be l ' . It ttl It ' ll . " ' , ~ . . GcnllE'men, cl'lI and 'ltumlne my .tock ' -.t:: 'l' " \illiiU' .; 'hi ,. ~ . !' li;" " p" .' ..-A Alba NY'" d . 11 mue, ~realer 0 a ,ver e fiiler vlgllr. &I .8 \lBod bY.,nll th~ IIr81 befor", guing elsewhP.te·. t . "- '-k; " M '" :V,a ,'rr'),-r,,! ,.'. 1111 ,"fa, . ,s . aver, a boy lo w~:: ~~a~i . '. Ily. tli' blre, Core.-Cor. Ol"mbua Gurnol. horleme" ~hrongl.lOut !hj! S,tatea. Onl P f8 - ...- - .. ~v., m ~ 't,' 1 ' ,, " I" db ' d , ,~~ulrel . • oy. Froderick D u I I d I' I,fa cl'n8" ,'Iy rerelved f,rom Ihe ,acin, TA. Camp, J tfi' ~attl, Glld ,A. . , ( ~' : -::-i~be '~W " J>'t. n~ Jl.icJunond's hi a~ L eD ine to all lim, to g e t . 0 g "slaCctP .e tie ap· ilhblelof 'England Cor (relh' tuppli"s ul rJ :._, ' . • ~II \....."ib: ' h cd to' " to k lbe InlUranee mooey. 'I' he atLelDp~ pOlUlmeu' or dtdegate 10 the Loy.1 t'hi, inVIIluable a·rficle. Ove ~,liOO tPRII. .uOlp...,.. U• ...l.. "8 ~...~~ ~s .~ " lD lence s c s failed, and tbe man "". arre.ted. S~ulberD Cony!ntion ; in.o doiog be ~~oalelll hIVe been rer.elvl'd. 'R emember, Or, Lightl and Shadow. of the' A\WR. V . . , ." lit _ .J trec't! 'i ' ~O' bowels or con· laId: "If Ihis COD,enLion rl'ceive me one dollar laId out In lillIe DlOY IIIYIl the Great 'Rebellion. ' w .... 'T JIll l:t I t. Ilcienccs, theBe brokers. ~ Mil81 Braddon. "ben en~lIged Ib, event "ill certllinly be aomewhll~ Ilife of your 1I001l11e. Sold by all Drtl~~i"lI. HeNle, p ......~iI..-..... ~... ~ ~ ,I , . ft , ; 1 '. · , in writillg. aell harlf!1f 00 Ii low ohair, aigoilioanl ~f pro~r~8~; . if Lboy reject Ottice. 66 Cpr~l81\dl ' a'reel, New. York, Splendidly )I::'' oYel'.1OO ..e,. . .e.I.~• • 1~MP'" , .RHo- , cho~erll).s .prev~ilillg · to nn pull a qui~e of peper 00 a mUlio book; m.e, Ibey "111 only .denll(1 ,be ••d,ea -BeAcH A.S · A CROW, f'llle Portrall8' MD. Steel E •• ~a¥I'li. ~. ~'e hat .y~e." o.f G"'~~.,. alarmingieXteut w :West Virginia. - ' bQlde b~r ank bOltle ill her left hand, with aoot~er t)oovenli~o, whioh, (r~m . , few yeoT" elnce, will ma."Y" 'spll'riIHd Tltl. !,:ork f"r lI'"nial ben)~~, lend~r ~";'~•.re"'-.PHI.~.Tti., I~QI~ ~l~.. Wb' il '\1' t'e. ' at d ' I' k . and wrltel awa, by $be·bour. mlllln ~IOlJve., turned III bac\( upoo Ita head tlt!l.' I. now grey or I.'tlzl/!Ied. WI y "orllilll\ IlIle,.,.I; ~"c1 ah",cl'Y~ buuty~ It.nil. '''y (amil', ....~ (or 0 . . Oiltha 6rtl: IPil'I....' , 0 e . ~ ymg. 01' . IS ~ra8 friends." He "a. accepl4!d., and. . relltorillo If,e yel unwrinklE'd brow it • . j,.ul·t•••. uml .. lone , .n/olll.1I II. COlllp~(ilor •. 01 Thl.~',.041 ,,~!Il\,. 20ing' UP. .1 "l I 'h ' 'r t h'II p.per ItT 18 BIIid ' .at 'LQild" niteR Iounoral' FI,o. mlaule. effell!' .ho I he Va IID "1 !,nli ~r¥va "'e~ rled, .t h.. l'let.r.. ......:._...... 't" \' ~,-:: , ,., ..•. , " fl, ;.", ,. \J<-F~ D ano. IF co umn . . in Ihe coo,entioR..... . I d'd ( . I I . . h P@qu ~ and Orolll ullr, tit .. Witty And . ...... "1'" De .··· ,' ..... , "ill be found the Ildverlilemeot of .u,., beodore '1'IIIOD. lip ~n I Iran. ormitl on. n leal \line t ... Ibe Tllnd~r IOndlPul!lelic, The,Roli "' . . .t . . ~e......' a .e!""7 "ltxiriiy W'lilJ~ Bin!:oJ}Jo:R ·hns eome Wi oslo,,'. My.tiC) PilluDd Quetll 'Hllir Il nfteDluo. would tah to .. "lid Slory. l'llIkel , Spy, Seoal, . t'1 i1 ill d ,hal i ....hW belt' 1.. ATLANTIO OA.out warmly in 'support 0'" th O e fircB~ Re,'oler. Tbe Dime oC Mr •. W.·nllo,, ' T'IOOVBIlT "'.·TU. 0. LOAQ AND FI»E 01,11 SielSe; SIu.rll inK: Surpri.".; W ,o.r.~. • all ·C·old., \:'; '-.IiIIlliW,-.~ c • ......., h " th' . C"l>d ~a~,o,.. Wor.l. and. V ed. rid '..c "jlb..1 deh,. It" ident and biB poliSCY, ' t , : . . .h~uld dilpel ali dOllbt io the miot\ . of Bu.-A d!'Plllcb from Ii.arta Contenl, I~ e ~·~8IJ·h e & ht?Qd mlY be lIutlll\e "ltol 1'8n0P1I1UM cir ih. Wllr are bere lIIa.· "leari~\ dle~, cole.. la 1oc\i' III' II : . ,.• 1 • .••• ~ ' . .... e, yerl falber. m. o.lber, Ion alld daughle'r of Ihe Id 'Dal •• aaya: ' ar ' er III" t"e tlll'illill Iy (ior.lru)'tltl In a m.aleil,. 1'II.noer,.' eo ...-q~-ofH'lye ;..~tiII . fl ' " I. ' d IlA .. EN'8 lVING. , . ollee bl~l () rlclIl ""d ro,"uu"C, ·rclIlJerlllg il th .., .... ell &h....... 'II' Ie cab 'I;lDCe lh~.~vnnt ()f'fi;~ptember, tiie' Iba~ th~.e. ~edlc.n. are wor!hy 0.1 a trial. .. 0 a.' year WAI plo"e up 'N·o matter of "'h'lIt undesirable lint .he mOll ,!"'I1I", I)ril\i~QI an Ii· rnolaple liD,)" dlllC . bl~. Tile .. ~I ...,~e~" ~ t " . I'" '~ b' '1 . wblch 15 .. 11 tblt Ibe proprIetor lbia. Standa;' morning. a~ 4,~O o·clock. h 'r ' . ' hi k b d b h' I wur h••. call.d forlh. . nito..d .'MCe. .' . ' . ' ..... has " een muc~, . mo~e ,sum· lIuy use and 'be CQov' " d .I . " io latitude 51 Q ~~ ~ loogitude 360. The II or ~ • erB or ear may . .~ e Alllulemellt'.. 'v 1181 'iil,ltu ~lion b~ rp'''~d J Obet"_ m, .......... ~,,'arI,..'t1 r' ' " . , ' \ 'n"e • an'4 gIVe. ' ul . h . bl I ,nge'tO a superb and perreclly IIIlural ul"'k in e,;" page 1\ graJ.>hic delall brii1iIlIl,:"j'. n" ' . .. .l ~ , . .•I.u. t / . 1 ... _... Ulery a.nd"p"""'!Ult tuaD m :August. u. credit for tbe !ruth of th, u~rti(\o, .pl'Q• .1f~~ , ade,t e ca • ~"ered at~ 'or browD ia .cco~pll.b·ed b; on8 app"reIL 8ulbonlic !til"l'! ry, ar4\ .kllHuil, iQI~rw,v.~ II ~n ,,~!~~... : ~~ R71.NJ)RtrJJ. , .. , I . , , . "wI tlley Gr. indilpenaiU. in .q .t.amil~ I>.}I. fhe Gre.,. ~al\.ro \I DQ" 700 Il<lD 01 '. ", '. \ .t · thi~ ~~r~of [I,ht~'y arl , .' . ' . ., •. , r'" , "~ . ~ b Ih~poUs, the workillgmen ) . , . 'i?\ ' .\1111 f~~Il\-.bere, pa.y ibg !>UI, _. E ..ery •. ' " , ()RIS!I'A-DOROtIl H.AUl D'fIE, : \~ '1 hll work ..m. ,I ... u. '. TIi<l people ;. ~. , tI , " 'i. • . lblD it o. n d.tb ' • .; ordry:dt:lull. and p.rtl&Jin "0...., .., .. ~.lI1DtIIt . WP· . .~ 11 ..,e t&do~tidtli~ 'eigb:t-~t)tir system, Boureioault.b., otfer1.~· K'~. ~'a.J~, ' .Il · '" I' Dg oDo.,e , a o e l eltpeo~ tho~t , . Ikin or .I11Jllring ,h. 10Rl.ll!!"1 b.uruur~. 'and ro"'.DCH:-. O"~ CO.~ROL1.a~ .. tic : • 0/. ,.,. I ,',: If ,-t' . . I"" ""1 L 111'be 1 " . '· 1 ~'d lQ, re.c.~ ber\! oa\rd~ ne~'. • b, J. CR.ISTA · .jI.Il I' .cl....r'ng, o'~r ,at'. ~.r. mo_fSi l., .... _rl.o& wiD fo,c.' Yl~ .f"':" I· . • ~~. . . • , '.,. . lIIlO e ,. ! t· ra . Ier~. ,oi. eD,. eDe .. ' . : . y .. I.d cutul.n .nd_ Ie Ud ~ ... ~~~- .T• . . . . ·!l~ocHor~~la l ..}Ji.~.~-. It" e~ga~e~e~t _f.~~ " •• ~.~Ler io . . Pah. receo~ly .aog .~ tb. J i . t ' b 1 o~ilii~r """Ion: .~,.r "P" . p~ .. . ' t~~rUllil-~ ,Ml" ...,~~~f" .I;l' I" ',; .• ,LOado.D.. , . "" ._ ' ; c ~... ,oe,. bf COIllID.-a , d of VicL4{ia. OD ." ..~ Add",,,. ~ F. JU~QN • ~.~ , f .4ir~..',,* I....rilly , . .. ..... • r' " J13lt~a Su.e' ~lticlis..... «*0, Ut., ." . . . . ~ lI. •

\l{/ ,



Mind 1"11.1111!~









.? " 117 · . i: M '" . . 1. S 6 6 ..



w!i.:t '..'





· 9·








.e t • READY-MADE CLOTBING! =======7==========


.':."e' yy.........


·a w'1 .

".,up ,~ltl~1j .".

VEST1N<lS, 8LC.:




"1··' )(

.• .J..




;. !. iJ..*" .-

fJost Advantasreous Prio,es





. :....

CADWAU.AUER.,i 11ftl


,." '" ,,' ;
















c= I

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t.. · .



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. ·c )



RA 8VlJ.L&,

W~I'''YRU ("'.11'1. Ift'AftDII). ftAI. . 84ftWAU _tlQ,

Ba,,...,, Cincianatl Ba,,..... •• iI .nll Aeeo...


l.61 A. M..

A...M.· 1'...

8.4'7 A. )0.8'7 Culumba. AeeolD., 6 ,119 r. • , Pin_bur, EzPretlt 10.01 'fW.' .~W'UD BOIH/D. lIan an'll Acco... ~uo A... Nie"t B.qt...... . ,364. Jr. .' COhlmblll AClCOIIII.·.. '7:47 .& ••• Pittaburr Ea'r.... ~.54 A, •• I.'s 1'.11. CrllelnDatl • DC> Dot .top. ~ W. H. CL811EIfT, Pr •• hie·in.

evening at Temperance HIIlI, in Centreville, was 11 complete sllceess i.'n e\'cl'Y rcspcct. ,


Too much pI'llisc CllDnQt be b • stowed on the lodles Ior the mOJluer in wbich the hall wa decoraf d. Iudeed, everything e.xhibited exoellent and perfect order. • Througbout the entire evening,th e apnoiousbllll WIIS literully paoked with perSODS fl'omnll parts oC the country.


I. W,

0 .• Sept. ••

EM; GU1:T'lE :-The Temperance F~il'al wbich came oft' on lqt

has jusl received.

Ruve just receivpd a new alld well.sel'e·ct. ed IlIO ~ lr of

Direct from New.York!


• magbificenl aSBorlmeut or


A. O. CAJlWAL&.ADD, Agent, The VII,I'iOllJ! tables were londed FA L LAN,D WIN T E R. \ CADWALL4DU &..JIt~, ~,. Aglntl. with everything to suit tbe taste Jo", C, IILIO., ~ Agent the mo t fastidious. ~ ~ Ci:l ~ , as=:: . , . A baud~ was.. in attendan~e, Jnlld ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ COCIft'1' FAR. - By- an ,oversight, added very materinlly ~o the ngr CIl• we raUftd to menti(!Ji the approaching bleness of the ceasion' and r scarceconllstini of Block Fair)l1l.0u lut paper, but our read- ly remember to have seen togethcl' eN , ' r~lII;u!JD~er. fonner noticcs,- so many goo,d -Iooking, gentecl lnd ies The , lbitit)ia opens to-day, "nd nnd g~ntlemen, on IIny oceRsion will c~)Jijlnue_u tAl Fi'iday. '\fe tr.ust wbatever. Everyone present seemed PLAIN AND FANCY . ther' _",Ol be a RIbera} ~d8nce. happy thcy' were tbere, lind not until AI w~l ~ a Gl1rverBM , co-operation a very late hour did ' the crowd dion th~· part 9' exhibitors. ' Tile ' in number in the least. ' , lDiums oft'er~d'by the' society are , ' el'y The l'ec.lipt8 or the evening werc PLAIN AND FANCY liberal-the gronnds all tho.t, is re- 8240',00; expenses, 850,OO-leaYing Q.uired f~r, comfort and co.nvenience, a net pl'Ofit of fjll{lO,OO. which, I and we are assured the mo.nagemcnt leamed, is to be applied fot! the purwp1 '8pa' 'pauls ,to mak~ the Fair e llnse of a carpet for the Ilnl1. of 1806 B complete success. Good tot· Centreville. ' J . F, R. which I wm mnke up in R slyle nol lurpll88ed by UIIY, 611(1 ultl'l!l' lher a.a • auperior tu lilly thinl:' \\ ithin ...ft'~NTIOl'r, (JITIZEl'r1!l1 6T The Uniou School opened on





, . Cassimeres,






WASH ·HOWLS. Cullil,dcrs. PlaMl and JOlJonnc(i lim· tcrll8, for coal oil, ermdle atitZ lard oil; also, a large auorlmtnt of




: The firm or Roseberry &; Neal bavlng dissoh'ed partnersliip, we would respectfully say to their friends and patro~s that the Drug. business "ill be co,nt;i.nucd by J . N eal, who ' d~~ote his attention ' wl1011y to that branch busines8-. He. has now band a'lar!~c and 11 n o , stock ' Medicines Ohemica:ls ' Wines d Fa~cy, AttlcleJ : Oils, ,~Ai~I;t8', . Sta. , Ciga~s" &;c., &0:,.._ ... " .... l1e is Bclli,ug at rcducea ,: -



o.ur ,Spring Stock is no~

20 20 20 20 20 20

!fonday, under vcry promises nnsp!ees; the Principal has not yet arrived, bu~ , ,;m doubtless mn~e his debut ere nILE~ OF W A I":NESVILLE. ~ong. In tll~ lD ea~wh lle, the schl>ol LS w.~ n slJPpl~ed "nth ludy teachers, ,- - - : 0 : -, wllO ,,'~ll conduct. affairs in a satisI ractory IDnn)ler. or the COl1'S be- 1 keep constantly on hnnd •• piendld 18: IOHgi~g to the Illst ~I']n, Miss Eliza .0rtlllepL or . : Bunting and Mrs. H. J. Coffeen nre .>i 1 These Indies have long s ince demonstmted to Ollr ,people, Cut ari~ l\f~d(l 'by M )'seJt~ Jiot only their ability to instruct, but their popuhuity ,!ith the scholars, ",llich 1 will muking their: e~rvj ees ahu9st india-

'. . ·'C 0 'lV1 ,P LET E!"


Liql~rs for~led~cina1 P~I·p.9SeS, r~tained.

,.. pensaLle. )liss'Mary G, Keys nnn ' u:u8;Mtllll'n~Q :,!,T CARLISLIC., ...... A Miss Phml:le Baily arc the Indies t C:\1'j ~s 1~ who beO'in thei~ lnbors with-the fnll nion r8,~1Y WI'11 b C IIe I:' u a this c~u~~y,' on .Satilt·a.ay, the l~~h sessiQn~ Miss ,Keys has hnd consid-

"""['J~'''''ci~·'''~·N~K w,iI}




'to ~::~~~~S~~~?:r,:~i!:


We havo Ii variety of




Our Sl ock of



AND· SHOES ' is , the Best Quality!

Warrant to g'ivo' cqunl Satisfac~ ~ion to my bc~t Custom Work!



And we invite the Attention of Customers a.nd Friends,to the Styles and Prices ! 1 OJ

a 'A'S S ll\IE R E


l¥I ~ or . eo 'and Boys' Wear, ::


.,It is desl~nEld to b~ n jO~Dt erable. expol'iclIce in schoolteaching which I will ~I'll for Ie .. mOlley I)I"n 'YOu :UAlmel'lIIg for Wal'l'Cn, BuJiler, and III this neighborhood, and will doubt- buy Ihe cheap ~81 Ilrticle 01 Jew wcr~. , all of wPi,ch interst.'Ct less disaharlJ'e the duties of her n ew

'I, '

of Ihe he81 materia l aDd lily Ie, of

Parlor Stoves.


0- -

LADIES' DRE'SS.GOOn8, ' F~'RNISHING GOODS In eDlless "'Varieiy; and at 9r IL.©WI~Ut (Oi.~1Rt iAwrm~9 , . ' great reduction,in prices, ' and will be .old at rellsonlble pr.OfiL on


'r s' ,

bepr\llleut herself. to Gens. _Lo. {MISS Blllly ~?~{-r.s her ~r$t appearIIaIl"8na ~~eld, Colonel DOll,. auce as teachel' at this sello01 where . . '" ' lbe 8l1me, terrol! •. l' S~eU!lbiu:gel' ancloth- h h S'a nfhe . . . to"LOle . oen lI.._ze"l0us nl Vu:: S WMte SILI~", Drnwr•• • April .... " ~., t . . s e 1\8 h etc ~ Col,BOIl., -..,. _ _ 10. -,--;-_-,______--'__~ _ . _l1l11v~ been, inyit~d. Turn out. Btuoon·t. We ntlti~ipate a briaht rec1I'P_end~r,. , I, Pa~~t. • ,·lI ..DOXO~GnA,I.UI;CJ. • , .. ,-' ' j l,' • • .,. lur. ' and ~tJery tltt11q , "n. , . , 01'<1 from her' and..m this conneotlon . . ,f." ', _n\l _ , "F1uL AaBIV'.u -Not les8 f'Rlthfl.l 'te" t til ' . h th t th ' t' lfa, OutfiUi1lg Litle, E . ~ Jr. T., AN1'BONY & CO,. " ,.\ , ., .,1 ' rel rA e e ope n. e ell Ire -- JI ~ l..~ - }»I ".AI tha.n::tJI6-IIea8Ous tllem-, SC IlOO1 may contlDlle . .III Its • prosper- A, II of which I '" ill ' Rell .t 811 low (tig"r~. ute , Ruch ft8 Ronft"!!, EavO-lrough8 ~nd GonIl unctual ,. , , b . . manu/a..."r,,. QJ " l fwtogt'UpftlC ' dUI:lllr". /I"lIe on allOrl nol ice ond In th p. is the 'anergetic T. T 1 DOD' b ' jJl ' , h ' u r Y?U 'CIIl u)' 11.~m In Dayton or el5e, " na ,l. bt'dt ely Ie, ot reduced prices Irom 18 ~ 1 " ", ( t Il. • .' OU8 career, C1ng an onor , and wlIer.. . , yeA r. Cume oh wilh your wor,k. We 'f}.r p.~rallei with ~he sea· blessing t9 the conimunity. ', ' T. T. DODSON. ,are 'rendy III ' welt on yuu, wilh. Stock appr68C'b,,inl ~lis l'eeeipt of ' , (' ,. ... " ,. Waynellvilll' S~Pt. 3 H166. lull ~lId plpnty. . bl ' h ' ' \ " l I " 'B~I~a 1~' to ~ve~'y 'e . auge .111 q: Tue rru~riest~ w.l~dlest, ~J,.un' • . , ' Come 9no, come all, IfIllUUIlC. r .) pdson, 118 WIU storlll ,,'ithill .ollr reeolLejf. And i ive u•• I'all; ]<jx6m,lne ~o r yourse lves; -bY,I ,~i8.nndTtlrtisement, is just ti6n, perfoi~e~ Ii~re on Saturday , -"--Dun't 1i!ll\Ie our wortl 10 dUt'lfdt' the'fall ~n'd w 'ter, and night I¥.t. d~s~!1t:bing l)ropel'ly-cott(l oll dU81y on thA 8helvel. Keep our 810ck ,"oving; UU'IU . " tllO,l'ough survey strLLo~e!l' citizens from their repose, ' , Let us our lime be improving. bii!ll .1~1Ii.;i , 'iUiab,he ~i and rattling up the world generally. By a ,t'ot''!t 0/ COPl!'reu, "erillin 'rh"! I.ud timos III1tI heavy 111011 t1i~it:ltml~sl:"'l!l';'·) \~ste Tile to,' fll was literally wnslled, soak- :~I~irO:lr88 ~H~II~~er~~0't~~~1~',io::J ~II:~I; ~lo¥ not bo able ~o lInx UII. Our priC\!K ore as low 118 sure man! ed,.,!lnd nearly blown up, 'and Widowp, wilh ohilrlre ... to 111\ hlcfeue~ "I eleewhf!re YOII go. UOW in vogue are some- the appearance next mOf-ninO' of h av, rlllt' 01 l'eIllltion , r am now prepared \\'rth GGod mtch"lIlcI you want (l Q.f l "t 1 /r " . ., tho nt'ctlftory blanke to hke lhe 111101 ;0.· ~nft i\ ' ,018 . arp , ou · I~ iug ,w aded throug h lin in1ll1dntion, tlone 0,..11 etltitled, and 'file lht'rn In thl! 1'0 mend your old boOn. and pipe; And whell you hne greellhlckd, mll~"CIlWi bllt. " these "are tlte way of varying tHe order of Ii 'v irtu- proper deparlments. A eloaB of claim Don'l gil away, buliliwe UII a Iwlpe. rU8J't lOl,",on ous village;' She hasn' t 'dried out "Ilen ll Ire 1I0lir.itin, tbe collf'ctiol) of YOllf cl8im~, I~ VlOII CI/lee .trftnge~B 10 you.yet: The COllueil must ns~e~ble. eep ypur claims It 1191ne " under yuur .. ' own control. Mr. lieighw.y boa made aD eslimate J. W. E,EIYB" Notary· PubUo.

,t~e assembly.


Soldiers Bonn.ties W!RNING to SOIJDlERS!!


Emerson's Little Giant








eo~1I ~~aT?aa., I'


110.. Ie. &8,

• \. ~

'CIN9INNKTI, O~I6. ' ,






" The Cincinnati EDquinr~i" . .A. DEII'OOll4'l'lO

• -

Bulnt8S, Ne"s, l FamUJ, \," b I


'Con.,itllliollal Liberty .nd th. 0 •• 81'111;W_I(... ' of Ihe Wh ole' Cclunt~y, Equol Rlgbt. Il\&I1 Sonreigntl of tho Slot•• , .. gd lb. ". Penon .. 1 Ib~r'y of tb. Cili'e/l .... in.1 .tIBO .... IroUi a/l1 ,mil al1querlo",. ,

Eapec;.' atteotion I. «i ••a to




( to Dr. C. W.llolllolt,, · ; lI ,.,."

Job,Work of all Kinds



",,'NCE, W.~LTON ..

J/,rca'fllu. tmd Shipping irthtw/., In tbe co lu.unl of th. ENQUIRER, lad ItI

Financial add commwcial ' D"..,.",.".,


A. will b~ .eon, h nota.lea.t recolUme"dllloa to public I.'or, All una, ••U, 1.,.8 de.olod to full .ad roll.ble r"porla oltb. Fuli", price, of tI.i •• nd olb .... "lukel... Merc.b./lla. Plonl8n, Siock lind Cl\Itl. D..lel'l, ~."...... .nd·M.."ufocturt •• "m.I" 1M hQUIR. ER ft '1.Iluablo and ""lclllUe .i.ltor,



8u.seIW'TJO~: · DAlb,

fl2 00 j Six "lonth. ,e 00 'f1.I'C6 monlh. , lI 26 J O~ wORlb tl it ' We hIVe a ,8up'ply or Ihe.v u8elul nil· Saall.W&liltLT ' clo8, which , no hou.ekeeper wh,,· knows On. year. ... lSi. moal.... , , tII.1 Iheir nlue wuulll loog be wlthullt. " W"""T. . .' , , ,too @" We are Ihulk llll for paat (8V0I'8. Slngl. cOIIY, ODe,••, . copy, ill UloDlb.. .. . • 1 2b ami hope by elriol ellenlion tu b\lsineu, Sin,l. l 'en.cop:.,. o lle .Y~Mt. ( "itb,a. "addll.i,DIif , whh II (ull anal well-e"lecll'd sloch, to Copy to geller.ul' o( ~f~bl... II III merit I 81i11 moro Iiberll Ibare of the ID" ;f.dnrti.emenla, per 141"" ot 1M lill",,\., public palrolillge. each in.ulluu, • 1. ' j g:::r MO.I")' ~I''- b~ •• IIt.t our 'i.~ IlJ ~p!!aa. ' Wavnesvllle,. May 16. [prel,.id], ot III' r~I"te,.d Selle... ,?yD'II,!!,'l'or

The tlublltribM, ha,inl!- eOI'!,lieif hI, ell\8Illiehmellt ,,,,ilh a superior alo \I (If mllterial •. wi.h •• 10 cilll \he' " ttt'nl\\ul otl Formers And 101.lIe", 10 lho rlCl thot b~ I, prepur d to rrtah ufacture ' •

GEO. W . CARET, ESQ., See!etnry the ,Warren Aglictlltu~:al Society, has , liged tiS by coml'lUnentRI'Y tickets to the Fair whieh is now in sessioll. 'f

N. B.-The Gn.zettc office has had

"aile_Ville IIl!rlle••. Cartjullv Corrected Ever) Wtek,


. House and Lot


$-~ OO~O 'A.i"i....n ",~do ~,

In, ~, ' ' bnb wi(h 8'16 - Sle nci l '1'001." No eXDelience .n eeuury; The Presitle ntl, Cnehier8, lIud 'rrei>.ureu 01 3 Bankil indorslI the cirelli";, , Spntl Irel! wilh u mples. A(lcjrea. , the AIIlericln Stencil 'fool W,urk., - &:Jprinllfield, ' Yer. no"• t ' 67-1111 , I

. N (j 'f 1 C E " '.

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t:l ~ ';j .:; or .. ~

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JOHN 8. OGD.EN• .No.l:JCba.........". N. Y.

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Wc.k "en, the , .. ult of 1olOlb~... ktditcreti~a,Mod clune .... r oooi"l h•• day. I. "opa}_ . ry, will, IOrlbe ..... or .ull'erinJt WM . . . nd,to ..n y n"e IllIicled,tbe .illlpl. AlN ..1 qoed 111 10' .... which eKeeted • CDre in • fe.. .neb, ,MiA' Ih. f~jlu r. of num.roo....dic;au. Se¥ . ·d.......a ' ""nlopo, ."d It "iIJ co.lyoo nOlb, •• Add,..



_~ ~

The Glo., of .~

A ge ntleman who •• II'"re" JI), fl'OlII N.r\·ou. and Genit.1 Deblli., arid S.IlI;.II,.

= .. ~


~ rn ~

FARAN '. · .c~E~AN, I C\ tleilln.\i. o.


~III ~ ', -~. ~ .... 0



u\ br ••I\\ .IiD(\;~ .. t ' o,r~ ,6ee nlOlle ~ ,bould,.M ..roc,~, \j ~.'. lIIeo cople••en' OD '\lplie-l\Oh. 1'1k"...

c3, ~



.U"'. o~e' tl', ... ord....

8TBA,NOB, allT,TRilL' ' . Y(luna kdy a ••• ''''tolem ••'I. ,,,• .• ":irJ Ullil.d 81atea un ••ar 1ORl"lhiD, • _ PlUcb 10 their .d•••tl . . "b, returo ma'i (rree or onarge) by .l!dN...."he under .. " Ilillneli. TbOl' ....., ,r.a,. or, be In, • humbulJ''''' will o~II' ~, "., IIOlloint ... '!! lhi. card. All 01"'1,. .. III pI.... ~dr ... ' : . thlir ob.dlent "'Yaqt, .• , .'," , a..,"I~, , TKOS 1'• .CHAPMAN," ~ 1:1 :1'7.1,.' 1. 131 N.w'ywlr•.

= -! ..

' 71"



" .' I. . Co Coli ,I ' A MO"TH I-Ar UDi~D , I!e, P~a . :'1&10 ~ ar ~ $ 90, ed for 11"' . nand.lto. core....,. Co~ ptt I b -3,' P_ ' O Co.... "IOII'" 't . JlIllt' oul. Add r e e-.T. GAR.EY. CUl'~.-"' - - '''' , Il!aJ,.,.. "r.&. ~patNTz. _ c

1f)' Wire;",tYDIA AN N, 'blyin. l.n . t::I ~ _ -<~. beilalld lIo. rd wJlllout fOy coalent, a...., .. thl. 18 10 warD all "e"'ou from 1""11,,, ,~ 111J ~ ~ , t:r,j or "",boring Iter .,11 m~ -iceonnt ••• "f. t: i tl.: ' t, ,\ • ~ .. , 80 debta 01 her coll/ruting_ • , .. ;Z ~ e, iii ,OJRAM DAkiN; . ii i5 W'll1!"Ulf, 0., Au;wit 16, 13a6~ if


','(') ~ .... ~ n 1;11 ;a ,trj. ' g! ~ D ... ' ...., l':I tI) ~


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~and ~ther work, hi Ih,t' bebt

_---,-.tyle, an'lf 'on , hort ,nOllcP. ' AT P R.I V ATE SAL E - fi:7 Rell,lni~ig 'irl~ eerYlce. o( Mr. EtThe subscriber oWe'" fo, 8810 hia L1808 KEMP. ~~19t'le'r Bqperi~rr wurkmeu, . RO\l@A 11011 LuI, IJIUllIed on Fourlh he /Coer"nlees liI'"lmoll iallilrftCllon. , 0.7 IllliJfel , GllrrlBge ; and W i llona Street. A Im.1I f8roily, .de~iri~l!. pletAtlR repllired Ind paio\Jl1l II:) good 8'yl~. , ant home In an ""rlcth'_ b~cllltuR. ,vII 0 ", G HINt1HMAN w.llio I ,i v. 1IIII pro,""r'y, thllir allt'II,loll. W ene. llIe .Jb ,. 16 '\. " I~M 'f:S KINGDON.. . ' I , 'J " , W.yneav!lle, AUllljell. , .," , - - --~IJ.----!:i' ..,--;-,-


\.. \ .g. ~' " '.'va

Ono ,oar





~' ~


BIIt• " • .." IfX BIIT'ULT 8 . . . .


(11&1 Buildlnll'. IHdde'or~, MII~t·· .






Jackson's' Pectoral Syrup, . M. . A CK E-R E L ,

0, ,



aD . .'




el aU Conllh Syrup., lor t.l, D, the tin 'or ;ovDd, of a ".rrented iI. I. PRINTZ. yalit1. lor .." ., ~~. PIUNTZ.

, ....I: . . . .~


•. ~eOD~feh. -" 8 h With Chll. 8tro_, 081 PITTSiURG TO PHILADELPHIA.

a ..



Great Female lleDledy,

DtJUble Track Roule OrPlc:a-lIorlb-':-;'''' O"OIi18 tbe

. TR. lIy


Ire preplrl"c1 onl,

rot' I leIYilim!1le pUrpOftll, nnd are the only


Bon.retention or Incontinence Urine, Irritation. Inftaltlmatioll or Ulceration of the Bladder o~ Kidney" Dilul8l of tl1l! Proi· tate Gland, Stone ·i n tb.e b1adder, . C.wculul. Gravel or ~rick~ust . Dep' olit, and ' all d\8Usu' bf , '.the bladder , kidneYI, ana dropllcal , ' Iwellibge.

At Pltl~burll. Irll". fro m the We&t rUII ~ftl e .nd eft'eclIfve medilline lor ,II Ihnee direct 10 II,,' UI,lofl Dppot. whl're P .. en· " .. ill lui elll\Jrdora 10 wbieh!.lil hlle eon· Ill'rll IrMnllft!rred 10 the Trains 01 the I IUlion 18 subject. P enn,ylvaniN Ventral Ra ilwav. whl eh 'J;Id.lItblOVlltlldlq riley lire III I' only genuine Femlli e Pilla lene Pill burr and arrive It other pointa Ja ~ A MnUll' tbII&JIII(--U :I&IIt. Thr)' mod rMle all t'x.:eSSI!S, AI1.1 Ntrll S&., II followa : rO lllo\le .11 Ub8lrucl jo na. 'rltey invifforalA DAY E;CPRESI.-LBftVe8 P ite_burg at 3 .· tl". oJl'uilltuletl nnd tho delicat"j ' lind au iet Idew Har' .boYe \be II. E. Cb~rcb. (10 A . Jlt., Iwppil1a .t p~.il1cip81 81I1ti on~ . IIIl ture to brhl g bAck thll b loom 10 lile pRI. ' W" • • •• ..,,1 i L • , Arriv eiob tAlt ooll/l*JI \ '810 A : I\I. Ty'l'IIJlllthoVnwbo_baI41U14 lilleheek. No maid en, wlie or mo th er ronf' 9. u~ A . M, [Bl'lielolul' 10.6\1 A. M.. Whrn!wbu nlYf!ft 10.kI,thl)' ..,.. .hould b4t wilhout the 1IlYlitic Pills. Sultl JOEL EVANS, Lock ""tef) III 40 P. l\f ,] Hllrr ialt"rl!t }.Ie " """ th Cu thlltlM.,JDod b~' .11 tlflf l!l!l@IS. 120 P. M., BHllimoret 11.30 P . M .. .New 1A1Ae-Ula804U.\bat c. i:I: Yurko viII A lJpntllwn. ft l 104(1 PAl., PI, il· it: -A "D- m'TflIm. DJelf\hint a, 6 .60 P. M., Bnd New York. TIll. 18 tbe XaJl1III, hIIlcltOlDO and ~ .. lP'O'.IIl~ vin Pllilad ... lphin. lit 10.27 P . M. . =3 ~ 1. Wa,.e.Yllle. Ohio. . CISOlftUTI EX'PIIE ~L "v"~ Pil:tbnr~ Wb~~lII'l'Iedtheman_baId aD4 _ ~ • ' It 9 .60 A. II , ~11I,.pitig at near y 8 .la· 'Who no;v hR' renn loeb, tM)' :I t -JO~1l0 . liol18. "'lloun~t2.45 P.N ., Ihrri Bbll'llt Uo,,"ocl. tllo..ut.uaoau'lh&l ;0 , J', j)AJ, • ' ,' " pI11ft . Itl b" .' ~ --~c• • -....:. - - -----,t " . ' 8.lbt eM •• arriving al PhiI auel "... _ BOID,.AIc1 fourtee" l.e~re expeflen~e 40 A III! B, Ihift Ir "i n paHSf' nj!t'r8 lire . ~ fR Ihe praOfiee~ of Mecheln" offer" 1118 Iron,lerred at Un ion Drpo'. W" gl Phil.· ~:rl·Jh~!a.::dC:'~~"'.:rd ~ Pro:ellio,al Seryre.. to tbe'Cltla ~nB of dell,l,ift. djrllcI\y 10 Expreu Tra in for Tofi~;"'no~eob"\d And 1, "Cl ..,..- .[",. enUl & and Vlcinl~J. New Yurko reochln g there .~ /,),110 .A.. ~: Jlll~ who J.ow ~ ra,~ Ir'au; tl1 01 .!:; ~' 1 ,I, "UILADt l.l'KtA EXPRl'.8 ~-Leavj! ' Pitta' ..y. Ci ... V'-l!":"J'IO" 11" lbl .. 81~ell~"rp.e 1\001'1 burll.ll' 4.101'. lit •• sloppillg 'lilly 'lit prill. ~~o"'~':J:~\lWn~~e, 8oot" ~I "ta ••• G:as~ Office. cipol ela lions . Arrives, at t . lrobe t 6 110 :~ ( t:rNI"lt Pro"'ptli'r.. ponde~ 10. 1'. lit, Alto?,," 9 .301'. M.• lhrrisburl: 2 ~f) :1 ~ oIo:;;..::.._.,..................--..;r:+.- .• - ' _ . A. Ttl., [J el llmore* 7 A.l\1 •• New York, VIII :r~~::ut::'lil~~fe~:r~T:t ~ A lIente'"· " . 10, I 0" b~. Plul .,I'·in* ~t 7.10 oto thI s r. I,whlch he,.• • 1.),- III ::;; I •• ' A . AI •• olul Np,w \:'ork, viII Phllodelphid. ftl lIr"..tIXI'.I(j_bf~O!""'II. ~ t o . r l a .U!. , fRa, I'll A OT/Clt OP !!l.DO P. N. ::!Ieq, illjl CHrKrU n Lhrough on 1I•• IM"UTJUIOIlUo lfI"!SI"tadc. .-., l • V Ihi:! Iroln IrOIll l' ill s bllri 10 Bnltim ore Blld ~ ~ ~ .I .~ A, , Phlladelphill, uti liO New Yurk, vin A ll u,,· . ~ '" Iti y~;loul lirlnche, i noUo be eztell. \envu. E. M.TUBBSaCO., PROPRIETOim. Pma.,RU·, N.H. 'fUE QUEE~ _ID .fier•• None'but Lhe ' , , . FAST LnIE-L IIVOS P i tt8bur~ lit 10 lillie by llolfellerry @ Nf~1 And ~ trf~© , .,.~. , - ' " . P . M., 'Iupping unly !~ pi'l "cipnl 811lIioll. " !'i.' It.· P rIn tz. ~ ;, 1 .6m •. JIAS rnO\>L'c /l' ~ELF TO DE •••io ' B 'lAL ueED. J\rriy'Il116 ! Alt no ll~ 01 a . IIl . A.M •• Burri s· • .. ~ ~ ' 'I'.. A. M:, nehimoret 12,30 1'. M. , I!<. Al\O 1rhe De I 'U i~SI t 68.1, Npw York ·t via AllentolVn. 4.10 P. M .. al a !"!e. '.' " •. ' - ~ Philnc!el pl,i"t 1,101'. 11(, and New Yurk, It will chonlle Il ro f iI'nl ( tQ . it~ (, igil181 via Phllade lphiu, UI 5 .421'. M. color. ,: It will thorolig hly cl tl~·n .e Iht! • . " •• ",: . ','.' • " .BfS(flljast, ~Supper. Hco lp. nnd Motilc"l!) "II scurf .ntl dUIHlruff. Dinlltr. MANUI'ACTURBlta dtr It will .rre.t premature c1ecft IIlId I- hug \ «Dail" , aU o'''tr tl'Cl im . Sundalla ezcep~d . illll:ot Iisir. It ie ft nntunH 81imuluIII Anti h , ",£1:,",} \ ,,, SLEt.l'lftG ~ARS are IIltacltetl II' all Night invigoroto.r. and will prom~t.e U,e i\'uWlh • ,t 8t. ~'n~ ['flUe, Tr~ilill to Philuoelplile. New York 'nl! ul Ibe hm 4 I' .' .f • . ' Un, m!>re. M,USKEl'S 4.VD CARH1~VES, IL exoels .11 Oil Prepnrations liS n dre sJ,! rtfllt~h&'R .A\.'lNCIlUlE~ na~g Dge checlied fhrough and Iranaler. • AlliinI!" Jt chun\les. Al pncteL ~.JY 81111 wiry 'a[ .. " llni' rillk . ~ trl '~ I rod frClo. F r the Unlled SIAles Servicp. , so. liloir to MOtt 01 ai1k'ei l .lrl'''.es. IIp.lrA! n ~,,"r I e " •. , 8~ tie ')'ICKMS Foil TilE EJIFT (including BOB· t LADIES,iYOUNG .AND 01,0. if Ylltl welt 1I••b prlce ••..Dd ..1I.f.CI,l lon VA lon, by 8uut or R 'd l) pClsding Qve r t"is wi.h I \lae.ljlel bcst arti-ei 'for (611) di8e , ~1 ~. "'" '.~, ,~, 39~U ~ rOMd, CBn be ' purchcil,cd' ot oliprinuipul REPEA'flNG REVOLVERS, E!80rthe.~c"lp 1Ind Jh ..i~,trYlhl' ' Q UEEN '



.A l•.,.,...


i. S. RICE, M. ,p.




- '!




Ilf T ,,.


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IBt All IRt



''P'''B.~O~~ I' . hleorellid~,,~e hll~g*' 8, 28



"'!LBWIlT "TH01U.4S

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A rlsill!l from Excelld or' 1"d1SCTt io~~.

Q 'tt ~jy~' ~

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t o_llci~[)n

Fore D8

by Illy

o~le, Rifle


of IUI.e trulh

O! Ih~~c

F 0 U 'T '


S~e.lllerIlJ (re.illhl ·~.n

.I@o ·be for. worllrd 10 any occeeeillie puillt on Iheriv· erlte,llel InkO$ .of ,1)19 'Vest. . , E r Frelj:lit Contracts or ShiPring Di.. ...:.,-=:;.........._::.£i~;.;:;-..;;.".,.,.,:..:.-....,.4+~,...lrceLlonC!, ~,'ply 10 or .eldress rilhcr 01 Ihe (UIlIlWilll!' A~ellt8 o( . Ihe 'Colnl"n II V : S. B. Killg~ lu.n,Jr . , FI. Ag~nl. I'ldlftfn . U ~ '" O_rvent'er\ FI~ Aj!enL, Pitl8bur~. C1.,~e &. 00. , U'rftJlller A!lf'nt8. "illsbllrg. H. 'IN. llrllwh & co .• Z~ne8Yilie. 0 '. Hall &. co .• Mc\rletto, O. H.&'~. H. L \l ngley. Gnl1ipolia. O. Clarki! & , co .• Chlcligo, Ilia. In ',I 1,1 11 , N 'I ~ N' I.l i , N ~.,; . )Dd In Il...... c~. lLyte;'·V~ FaIt FTOlgU, ,Ila Petlnsylvoma R. R.



Canes, Revolving Rifles, :~~e~ C~~.~iu ~e:


Railroad d)rect.. , •


IO\~ 116

, 1U~~JNG'f()N'S UEV,OLV

Forti es desirin!! hi ~ vllil th ~ nfe lit " lole !lI'IllrOv ~lI1elll " in l' i81/)18. perior workmqllallip DlIli for"'i combined [II Ihe


es 'of nd 611' III lind all '




Guide to, Health and' Bea.uttl Ju, t Publl h.,d.

"Dro'itti ~re8d" CRr~,






In ftft'eclioll9 pec'ulio r 10 remal"'., I. une· qaoled ' by OilY olher preparation; DI Cl hioroRi8 or elent\Qn/ · lrr e uulafllie. \ l),~illlulne88 or !3up Ilreseion of CU8.~omary Bvacllatio .... U "'erotion or Ir.hir.rus .1.te 01 Ihp.• UIl'rll~. Le'l~orrh~a , and aU COI~.I , I' 11 \ 1 t ~ J J' plaints' In ~. identlo' the sex whe . ari.I Ii frum '"obi6jiDf 8\~8tid ."I I~prlla:Dc'ieci, or ill ~I\'O decll\lel ~ tl hllnge'Or LII~.' :J:" '






1 -; \





UEL~lBOl..D~S ' . , .1 ." II



BU~U "





, tI

I 'l~ • p' R. 0 V E b I 1 . t

\-V 'II radiolllJ; elt'termr~'te from the' 1611) Diee.II~t'f 0 f tire Urln.r}' Orgln. inilirolll habits of di .. lp.tlon; I Iiltle"fJt· pen81' .. lilllo 4!ll'lItlg. 10 eliet. a,nd no e.lfposllr~. compl'ttell .upe,.~dinl l ll~O{e IlIlpi o88ant aUlI el~ ueruu, rCll\I"'!i!!l ' opt \ .tnth·e of all I, .. Jl8ib~ ond IIhreury, In aurin!! Ihose i ~n· !. ~ ,t!:uu. lncldtIJIt to iE'VlR, QW..liD£1l8 , pleae ln ' IIt'liI Ila'nlterona ~ileile~. ,· • : lr long and ruvo,.abty kDOWPl wI)! ,1119(' OUSbl,. ! "rpllen·.1 1,1'11., ' .ad 10w"Jllrlt~ 11..... , by ..· IlrenII Ih CDlnr !lDd clenollng U,e '\OID~ .Dd IDk.· \IDea. It I• ., .ure lIN·


Jo'REE T~ EVEll'YDOO)( .

. ,

Till,. prl"flR.raUnD,

"Vetil Rt'lflingto"l RellolveI'I. ,.


llELMB()LD'~ ~' (

'Rnrso-:.and Uattlo 'powaors.i ~. Qi;~.· E., ,~. ~;;~

Circulars cnntaiuing CUll and ' lion u( our .rllla will bf,l flltlli.bed IlPUIi 'pplicnl."n. E. Ij.El\1I~91'ON &. S~N9. 111l1li, ~.Y.

_ _. "

i\,.~,,\ty I~")'

~l~:,r f:~:i;.·~"ti~~c~f,e,· ~rr.e{~d FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU

Rifle and l:'hnt Gun Dli'rr~ll\ anel Gun I\ln- IPt lW 81 I boitle. SOli by all drnll'gi~ 18 By .tihlsl'l';." le, {r~i~ht,j or all d~8~ip. \ I:joinls sold Ily GUI\' DeIllerillllUl LhjI Trade JOHN D .. PARJ(. lIon8. IIC u Inll lYE Tor.K, con e or· gcnenll.y. . .. 1 -." il9.l}'1 ' Ge.n'I Ag·t. Cineinnall; O. "'a'rlled" to anI! ftom Phll"delphl •• N·w . 'In Ih'e s : day" of Ho"aebre"~" !lniJ Yurko Boaton or B"Uilllure. 10 IIlId , lrom Ruhhery, e,ery H',lIII8 " !St(>re. Uri k,lIUlI allY point <>n Ihe W,e811't;lI IbilwnYII. Io~ Omre. 8hollid' hRV O one of %'S

w-,m~;htt' ft . I


lII it led to, con,ulllptio~ ur en,ue. " . I

l' oe'ke.,. an d Belt Revolvers ,..,


." 0


ThQ ClOfIltilllliollj onCie .I'ech'u ,hy ~. gnn lt: We-knees relluirel \he. of 1l1e.d. i~i n, . o . . ~treJl~then lI~d Ipvi'Wllte the ~ y8Iem, wili."b l1 el~bold:1 E/XtUllt BI1~II\I Illvuri~bly doc. if no , treMment be ,lib.

' 6tn·t

I Dtl !:I.A~K8 ;1~~: ~O~R~

Ii ,.,






~ w E.AKNESSBs, '.

-.:; lB.lm rm. .• ,


" ••


1. 1 . . .















"uell .. YF.Ll.O IVA· 1'I::n. U E\ Vl:S 00 C; 119. - ms l

t ,

c' t

TF.MI'EJl'l. "..E· , \





'E' ·~1tOLD"S f",. i FLUID ",• t~Dia:ifm -' "11oII"II~~·· 1 1 ,; J A~'&~~e'

1'~ '0~ E'


.VI!JRS. }'OUNDlni ' I.OS8 m' ,M'PE···




~ ·1 ~ " tf. l ~/

. 1

lL teicht'il how In rl\Jnove 'I'on. 'teck. . "I).bt '. wUmen lu"~l . Which ,un throl.\gll be\we41n Ihe Enr.lern les. Pimples. J;loldiell. MOlh Patclle_. S~I. TITE AND VITAL E~ J.:IW y. &o.. l~ lui e , \0 all Jill"" ."T e,~? tI!, t~e bell SlId W ,e ll,e rn cillea. Irre.pecliye or Chilli. lowneA6, Eruptions. unci all impuflt.,lefl .(11 uao 1m pro"•• lbb In; • •L ' C II i gee ot Slunae'"· 'Tile UniCln Lin" ie Ihe Ih e akin; hOI~ to ennmol the~ 8klll.lellVfnJl, w t n d J fnoreAllel Ipectaelel' he mar.el. a 1\. HuchQrl:r.ed Fut ~'reigbt Line, . and til it white and ·:clo.t 88 alnhuI!'r; I'I6w' to lite! iJl \;) .• 1.... Impolb anel I ~ · JRfl6. 't §I . , i" wo~ked on all the rouloll over wllich it produce the fuileet development' of Ihe •,loUY .liln-aod _"" unde'l~hj, t" tran8Port. under c:onlrftcta female form ' Ca. praetised by the .·reflch), lranl!formt the m "o~blo "~l.too BA.KHPOD, . . . . . . . . . . . .w Re.&ered whre'l lecbre tei the property eltlrj.JlIlI!d ,10 causing tile bllll, grow rourd ... fuil, hors.. _ _ _,..-_-,,-_' I JIa..~ b.d.i~ .a · ".e~ ep 'lope. 'P,li~~ il' dlDrge; the beet ~ocjlllie8 for ful IIlId Dnd if lhe fonn haa been 1081 by P ddi~g. '1'0 k ..""•• or Oo ..s tM, JlMpa:'t10n:I~lnY8I~'bl~ or ~IO"'. IO~1 .tlll~dinl· i,1 ple~"Dt • dnll. · lAcl.' ' on' Iii. · nalo.e. IreAlment. uniform movemenl, dlDtlhe nOllila,,!,ver lacing. or ma:erltily, reBlorin!! It to more the C)U&llU", &11 ImprOl·e. Ih. '1tJltlU~ toelli '"d' (ldo; Immediate fo It. aod r.dio.l ellrl of Stsmin •• Wukne •• or .S .,~ r. which It paesea pOllen. . than ill orlaino! ,(nllnes!, Jir'(lile'" end h ~DoreJIICIlI " otlho milk. II ltd .' h' · , . i 11 ., . , I".tor{b~, IClYoIWltar, ~1II\ ..iOIl81 .rlluIlI De · .. d \ ~n " tQveu bYIC' _I.nd mo~e · glhetHnll' thin InI or bill\\,: ind) IJplllIln'16nl~ 10,Marrif\lCe' 116"e(ally j • ~ Where lime il glJaranteed. a for· hnuty. It teaehee I\olv to rc \tile n size lUllt "",><rIDl"'& 10 ' ( . • ..... I'. ( ; \. ~e,'~Iia'i,,~,: Col\.tilllrt!on :. / lilt! .'):~ll: leituro of Five cent. per 100 Ibl . Id 01· the hallde 'and (eel; producA corJl~lenry or Inore... lho qunn· prl'pliution~" na'tll ,or Iro~. . 11&1' of< mUk and 'J'h m I ,~ . . B u I,,, ' I Ii M.nta~ .n~. ~tvJlb~I J'\CapA,citt; retbltl"s- (ron, lowed fur de'llntione. ror ever, dey btyoutl the reVl'l'1Ie; rn\nove 8I1perflu'lu~ h•• lr; eure orollm, t ... n~ por, • oee.n ~r. ng. Iro~ ' rb.,e~-u,?\1'n r Setf·.bu .. ,ra;b. Jtr,'l ••rl 1. l;ulr.erw.II, M.D, Ihe lime IpMilied ; ' Curnl. Duniq,lf., W . IIrlft, alld Mnle.·,l renew I, ceDI. aud JUAke 11,. Delicate cOIJBlllu\ton~ procure Iht 'remedy author 01 tho "Gt.e'n 'll'~ ' &ie. • " .. bu Her firm and ' , The ..ol·ld,renowol. f ild{l,o~: in Ihi . admir.. }'or lurlh~r hiformatl"n. Bddrelll the your nl{lI: cure ·drllnkerin'eoa. Cd.rrh. dy.·.. '''C!1i\ • .Jb "I~nl"i I •• 1/ I .,1.. Lecluro, cl •• rly prtl'io'6,~f~om, hi. OWl' ""pe ' follo"' lng A f,{enl8 01 the 'Union Linfl:' perain. Nervou. l)ebllit~·, &c.• h ~o .'Itlc, rt ,Iv... Ut4:m riftoco, th.tthuwM t on elJuC\III1~~ of\i".r.~llll'. H. W. · Brow,,; !i7 \Ve.t 3d .,., Ciocinlllni. Cif?1- nll~ gain the .Inve 8nd Ilfee\ion 01 I\n at-p.III., 1_0"' j h~lf' hide. anct , . ""rile dil.l lyaIlY~I·.aUl~' d "~Lh'l dl"M.ediy\\lI:. S.lJ'(1holi\lier, '2.39 N. H igil ,el. Colu,mbul. nn. o.t:30n you moy ehoose. together willI ,mallea I.liCOl!! lJIrIy' ar eli,,"1 mftJ' be l tho IURck/ of ' the · I . and .*1 ~oo ~.nlSli "'u• • ~r,lc"l 01"el·Allp .. ' 1I0uSI • ,IIi,I,outenb rin," lor <1orllllll •. pol .. I. Snm I F. Gray, India'lnp"III, Ind. , uthef ullt!fulllncl vlllu.hle IIItor",&lion.~-----.-' th~ in c ' dis,u,; iL IIf lur~' to e1I'llC..t dlil " ~odil, iO&l IlI'I" ~od,'('1 e/ITe 1!,~ '1>.u/l \c6r~i n \ "!HI ef· E. P. Brynnt, T orre Rnnle. Ind. No young Lfldy or CTenllemali s_uuld fail ' 10 eefltl theii' Itldfes" to Ihe IInijlti lil!'IIed, fecla.t. lIY itihlcl\ i very .iilfere r, no ,n_ll.r ytltlll W. W. Cholldler, Cloll1fttro, t lid. • ,,, 'telilt h. l\len la! pqw~r, ... .r<hlp,lIi"p'''tI ,. ~d bi,.c:o.ndjrio• _Y'b<l! ~I~Z cliro . hihl,elr Clleftl" The . Penn~}Vft\\i' Rnilr~B~ Co. u nd roc~"y ~eturn mall a oQp, 'oJ ' thi,8 ~':,L~~~', ;,Itr:~ . j III Qt 01 Jde ~~8IefiJy. ,Onr l,le ~1 .I\lId I.o pd IY",~IY.taly.'bd .' T~II £leclure 'WII not Ituumo .. ' risk lor Uag"age. ell.cepl v611111bl "" . ~t In eOllllod enyclt'''''' ,fAe of ocll """ "i"'Cln •. . proe 8 beO. t Iho ... n . ' 8" ..1 undor I ~ It o ~ " 11 ' . " 1"1 1 " 0 II '" are supporled f all! t~e8~ 10Urce.. . , .n)lBildl~ III • •pltlln i~lIl. II eel'elolle. on ~e. lor V\!oaring ApI'lIrpl. and limit their reo charic.,' ~~clre~~ r," O:"'~~I: J~ p~~: nel\"t· of'~IS' tu"'t•• ,l h"o ~ t"l:e 0101n)11 . A,ID sponllbllily 10 olle hundred dullnr. In val· BERGER. SHU1'TS & iCO.. to ~ ,,"p,cr ,In a Dr 'en""r ••" " ~lIll'ri."e 'OuHle , (lrko 2Ci ell. e Ch ernie . t I. .... "S" Rf ver'l~t . N'•y.' blLrrt!IM' llhe ;;~iiil Adtlr~.. CHA' J~C:;. 1(L1~ E &< CI). u. All nae .. , exceedln I ' kg II In I emf/un I ab.yo (l1'...ea.ol ' l: 12~ nower)' ~ow v .l:k l' 0 bos dCiQ~ • in YBh\e, will be at ~ Ie riB of Ihe owner W: HISr""'RR will b• • rAdtenl<!d· .1.1'.' t4i.iy)" I<)~ j 'I " . \ " ...... , ufllie '.'likeu by 0 epeJlJlI1 C(lplraCI. B'" or ent!r.ely ,"".pnJpd., ,If !l1~ In tlm~,1l <:ert.1n IC I {"", " " .... $'. li; WILLIAlIiS, ,.ndMIISh7 " pnlVllDlh·. '."' ,for"h.Bor CII • t..... · , . I' Clen'l Blln"rin:f>ricfp.nt. AltnAn-, PR. che- for~ad 'lo"row_, ,.. flice ~ OeI1&a'ptr Peper, ¢,~:r.peill'ol"1: ~tiJ.ves I. ,," .." . . . " ~~ ... l'JUll'.UD :11'1' T:\ - U' . f'" U ; , HENRY W. -GWINNER. upon thesmoothosl . 8 A. Z '" Gen'l 'rlcket A'gpnt. Philo. lucf' in (rOin three OJ FOV'!i. '" &:, ;EJ~_.r" T~ ""LU'" H. H A!J! AND "'uSIa ." Iw. Dl!POf. • Dn AND COFFEE BO'lLERS, _ U L • HOUU "TON, 10 liva wpek •• by WBOtMUl! DRI!O 1I1D\ClNI! PO'l'S, OIL OANS. v&.c., &.u. Gen'I Freighr Agent. Philq. using Dr. S~~jl1ne'. IIn'aara'ear No. 116 Franklin St., lIaltimore, 1IId. t' ( . '. • , l·t(. ' ' GlI •• llla'rtl. lhe most \Yollderlul dl~cov. ForS"'. by DnlII!llllIf ID\l Lbrouab· ~. : ."II . t~e Cookinlr"for a (amil, ..t;i) ' .fry in ' modem ~cienr.e, actlll~ ul'0ll ' Ihe .0nL lJl~aI~8~.. , ,_ Otr ",.Y' be '({Jnd't Ub Kerosene oil, ..J;!() PER J{ E A II ! ..... We Beard sn,d Hoir In CIII almoet .mlt'C\ oua Terribte , 1)1~lo"lIreM.-Sec!.eu for tile O::f' Gu, wit.ti le~8 'tr~utile·. ' a04,;c( . ..", .. " \'Int alr"o'l everywhere mr.nner, It .•llIi, been "14!~ bl. ,1) e or .. 1 ·1II~1I~_•. ·.1 .' •. Dliln, ... ".., •• I.I .. " lOw.,..r.....,.'Il'lIai'i A ~ 'II 'M'tll/' e)(p.;nIl8." thlrn, b"OY.i;' to se11 our Illl1'ROVED .20 S owing Mil' Poris anil tondoa with tbe eaLlllrh,!" ~\mqlt vllluabl\l and wondedQI nhbHc~- / • '~ 1 · 1 11" h '. ' I "~ . ..--otller r~1 "'" eili' el '1'1 e k ' ·, U d ' . . _-<I 'L ' .... tlo,," A k 'I 400 I . I m06t emlllent 9--1. , ' . ' I" ~ II, ~. -..v . n . tree II IV.' Inu" II Ilr Illu euc-cere. Nlm~" of :111 ,pu,;,wlllli!" ., wor 0 p81!~B, an' l 30 co· , • n1" .VIle Ina.' 'S • I .. ti .nic e ,mllnar'lIlllred ,by thl8 com. upper leed. Wllrranle~ fi~e yonr~. AIl,!ve reli8lered. tlnd If entltB .. lilllilldon Ie not ofed ,e"llr"v.inp:~.",f 9r.. U~n!er" . y,,:pr. ~p,d 10 ~se III thB United, tll81 .rmy. ,any Ii "ii' pp',rorm' al\ ' ,b ,\ I, ~l&lary or. 1~,gB COInml&"lonl' 1'(lId. 1 be gIven. in .ever, I"elanc~ .. Ihe "oney will' 1\1 E i;UM, en "filll~~1 InJ.~?pullfr. trentieo .~s 'pl,~Q I'll ~er,)' I!e'l~r~~ UfO il _§I&le Il'Olpl~ .Ialmecl fur'lt ''''I'' . • " , 01\1.1' . niachlllell 80~d In U IIlled ~tB'e. lot bl) cbeerlully re(unded. '. Prlc• •by .mlil"lolI Man Ind W"l7!dn, their PIiYlllot"t: .• ~1118 IItld. public ... ~a nil!,rr / 1 .U".,t'.'-" _ .11 :~li.~n~·\ i~r· C.i~~~1~,.-. . lha~ 840. wh~ch are lull, l\cenle4 b: IDalel\,."" pOl,tplllll. 81. De~crlpllve fir. Funcllon. anLl SuulIl dillmlera,of ever¥. I' " h I i~,~d . '. . _ nowe~ Wheeler to WIIBo!" Grover" Bet, culnrs .. n~ le.tlmont.l. mnilfld (ree. Ad- ~il1d, wilh neVe1'.Jallln# B.'emedi~.' .. (ot t HOll~ OUL I ,Ie : . i 1" I I I,', I:.iberal Discount to the Tradc. ker. Smlter to 00 •.' anti Ba.chelder. All MCBII BERGER. 8H tJ'rTtJ &. CO •• ! Ih ei rl'Deedy eur", The prectiee ' of ·ll;" . , ./ >I ,'. • . : " ;.! I ~Of 'tlZcirtlp' JJ~~t'r Co., ,. other c~p maf-Illllel IIIC! Infringement •• chemilll, Nu. ~Sli River slreet, '1'roy. N, Hunter lUIS lopg hellll • . 1{14 ,.,tIIl III ' un' H~LMBOLD'S .7-• .,J " 1106 Putl Si.:,New York. 111\11 the s~lIer,. or user I. Ii~ble to Mrreet, Y. !:lole Illent! lor Ihe U. B. 46.6m bOQ.Qdlld, but al Ibe elfM&t "olicltatlon of ,'" I finl', .ot!,mpfllonllleni. Cirolilarlfi'ee nllml'rC)u~ per.'on., b.> ~11I1 ,en ~,!d".ced to " •. , ','J I :.t *'ARD 'I!rl I n A LlUS. A~dre8t, or ~.Il upon Sh.w & Clark BEA U1,y .•• A u - a extend h .. medi ....1 u"etulneeti-through' lhe 4.' . , I , . , ~"t.', Ulddeford. 1\[lIlOe, or ChICDiO. III. [!16.1 . burn O(.lde n medium o( hil, -Vlde ·Meeu",.' -:-h i.~ w. IIU A 9t~!.r.·It\'lIn J ·iV.hlle r.e.r~illg in. SOUlh • F'nxen,l'nd Billeen ~ ' vofume'1'\l.t .1I0uld b~ In Ilie h-nd. uf :~v. • ... Ameflc!, " ... ~l .. iolllf', . dl.llOvered. 'c JI.A 8 TEL L .. B ' ·8 CURLS p~odllced ' " I er,.lfimil, 'in tbll11i'rtd. i I pr8l'entlvl' ot ) .ale 11011 .imple remedy · for the Cure of by the use of 'prol, ' vic!! 01' I. "guide for Ibl ' .1IC!Vllltlon•. 01 ,'. lIervoul .WelknClIft. 'EMly Deoay, Diaell. F I.. D . DElI RF.Ux·e FRI· . l one or lhe · moll IIwful and dellrUrl!ve ". \ '. \ It, lei 01 the Urinary Orgllna end "the or ""l'rOvill, and uUlilying tbe Com. SEIt LE C~EV.EUX Oil. ap,ltelli o~, • our''''e thlt flYer v:leited ' mft"ltlnd.'I" 0ne' luiu of ,allordArk WOllijhl'on • by'· Th. ~,o.t nlu.b~~11~::"~3rf"tt prep~ration i~ 1V.~rn~led to cu,I' the '·,r ap!'t "~ •.\~\ ,oijl. copy. 8ecur~ly 'en·.e:lop!!d.'wlll' tre~rb... W'tlrel. 'l ' ~b'MBn .nd '.I~I~OU' h.~iUl, Greftt., number. I~ nle. givi"g the aklll a b••uliful 1.... rl.I,h IInl slubbDro heir o( el'lljer lex 1n\0 -..raYJ' ed, fre.e 0.' po.laRe. to a .. , of th'1 ,'1 J U ..... \eel,l '\rca.d, cure" by thl.looble " em'ail),>' Ih~II' only I<lund in ,oulh 11 quickly ' r.: rinillet. or beavy mllll-.I.,e ~lIrf. Hae been United 13t~tea for 60' denll'hl P.O'. et.mpl. . . •• .P rom.p~ecl ~ "d~lire 10 beaeSt the i.fIIiet, "'.OV.' T.n Fr.ckl ••• ,Pllllpl ••• 8(OI,;h.,. MOlh utled by tlt~ flllhio abllli of, Pmr" and Addr,es9. po~t paili • .DR. HUNTER, No. M~n I .d I. ecl.IIIII.OrWoate. l. will III! n.d!J.he f~c.ipe Pnlch:'·t·h~·lI~ .. "~I·IIEruPII~ul. and .all icul,ufI' Lond U n • with Ihe raoe' .h "'Allftlhll Stre.t. Ne\Y YOfk. 16.1, P .. 0 ,'< .lon. lunt J h{'fthw" tbe £lAm e (HIV. ' " P te ...'Y " a DI'iIIQu t »1, I..' j , f or prep"",. lin d UII", thie mltduilne. in I Ihn .kllr whit·•• lIart c1e.r :. al.b"l~r II I D~' no Inju'; ~ tO' lbe air, rice ' j,JI ' Til 111 .tr: II ' , ,1 , ' I., '11)" lealed en,.,Jope, to "O!, one .who need,,;! t. cwn .. o', be hy the clOI.1I .cr~tiny. m ii, !lIaJed IInll pOll Id II'. Dp6c ripjj "I!' . e a~on .... ,11l Cabinet Orca.8, " 1011 80Dth 11/ Fr,. ~f Cjarp. ,P.le.8CMenc:lole a p1l6l. • "e.g taol. 'r" epn~lion i. porr.cll 01 ~ulnl nt Ire.. , :Address ·DERGER. FORTY ~llI'erent Ilyle •• !ldlpted to ". " .' • • ' •• , envelope, .ddre'l!t!!I to ~olltlolf.:. ' : IIlIlh ollly. a 'hcl~ of the IIlllcf S U.T'l'8 &; -00 .• chemi.\s. ~B It Rivet ored I"d !leenl.r ,"u-Ill. for ' '80 to tSOI), (BELbW CJlE.8'l ) , ' Addre... . \J(i)SErH 'I:~AN. r 9~1"1 It hI' 11t~ It, T oJ to4.Y~ Sole ,\:.enle (or Ihe U.S:' e.Clh. ,I FIFTY ONE G:OLD or SILVER ., . . aUT I .. , D 'Blble H~'." '''pena. I 0 to • I"'rt..:t toll L ,' ' ~, ! • "EDALS or olh~.-6 ... ,00/0'" • PH .,llIlon, - i"N ew.\I or k OO~ bOlllc",werc euld "Dring II., \ :' ''.rrl.l.e aDd Cellbae ~l lJa • • • r., r' emlUmll 'W'.~. I LA. D E L; ~iln .':A,.-.( 4\.1, pall y"~r, lenltfuRra"lee or III ell'lC:.c,. . I"'~ ... . ft .. eI!$I theWl . llloBlr.ted C.'llollue. free,. ' -; I • Price o~Iy ·75 Sanl by DIIII, po.t.p.t'd: ~n .~ •• ilJ ot Wlrning ,I nd fn.~~uctI9n Addrct8l! ~f ASO~ &. H AMf.lN ROlton. --r- ; ,,'II 1 _ pTTRD 011 rt)tl:'lt: 01 an order. bY" '" (or Young Men. Aleo. d ..e.....trd .1»/1- or )t'A.$ON BROTlJER!:l ~fw Yurk ," ., W'wl • "': GI!:R, SHuTT~,. €O.,£)~~' . I" w\lle~--1I~em'lureIJ pl'OIItfile tbe V!~I" '_, . .~ol~ ~ D"fJggi,ti'i~i ' " . I Tbia '..1 . 2~..Rner S1,1 'H.o" N.1.. , . e u , wilt! lure melns of relief, J Bib, ~H • .., ••~~R. .ptlVt: , • _ " . i ~' , j. allrec1 • '.' .' ; I' t'1 ! 'C,! ; " sij.ol ell"(fe, In 8f1.Ied le'tei en,elopn. Il'1'eIpech•• of ~.,.llh>~r or d Ihe BmM"e Of co U ,. , e "'''/.''. thilFaVIT-.J.6iBS oft mit mi., Idod. Addre.. · Dit J.Ii!K'ILLIN HOUGRTON,. In •• o( ~h: oPpo. 116~. ~~ ~ 1ll!ll"6l1, fot. . t " •• ~ , , , lura le ... I. Jar,e ,1I.iiUUtl. fjii -lMle Boward .\lIOcI6tlOo, Pbiladelpbi.,.l:'.. ~~·~1D~~~I~ P.'}'Atit ~~R;lfs:.'·eDB'Ia~j ~SK 'B BIJlBOLD t' . ,.' ". ••• ••• .Eo R. PI "T~. JO. 11-~ . ' . ' . , - III~ W•• ~',1(", YD''', ' 1 Ion. I· il5'li., I ~. " •• '




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Peart II bUlhel, Potatoe e 'f buabel, Dried Ap~I'~ .•1J '.. r I' Cb ic:k ~ lIblll,!. " Coff•• 'fI If; lVe"t9..~.a' ~t ' IJ"7 N.·O. !IIola.-.e ",.ilIo n, Sorghum COllI Oil 11 ,alllSa '


ha. jUil received,





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12 ',.80 : 14 ~ . '. 00 • llO 3 00 3t) @ 83 llr(Jl2O . ' 1~ 76 80



from New-Yorkl ~

DllpUlc :ent hlbrt ••b. .











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, ,aOM Pl'lTSBVRG TO PHILADELPWA. l AI Pltl.buf jf,lraln . from Ih. W"t rUII

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prepared oal, . .. only 8iB'Dd. P\lfPO! ... ilim fOir I Ie 'III~ f~ .lFecll, 1 ~oJ • • ~ ;~ll tho •• be f'~~con • pa~ Iaorllon t. wbl \ "Litullon II Iubject. They are'lhe oaly ,enuine Female Pill. exl.nt. ' 'I'b.,," OO.'t8 all dXoleete., Inll remove III obllrue tion.. They h'tr~S;X"'i~ the p1el!iU, le'd d 'blll'''' n.l!!,. to IIr18« .et the lid cheek. No ' malden, wire or mOlher .,houldi. 1"IilR911\: b 1¥J',.~~o lWIi. Sold all IIru" i.l.. ' THB


PILL• •re








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lIJ '6r .. '.btcli~ttion, Q.) I./( ., ..



""., ' The 'Conttitutlon ' once 'We.! 'e4 by '' 'ot. , r dI r ,cI' ' . . "I' 1 I . , , ~.n\'l Wo,k q~ requ1rel\ Ie.. 0 "e '" Tho W .t;e"'Jh4!~ Ifld Inw IRoroto tho :§




'ch" 1

~ .YILem, whir-b ,Hehnoo ld'. Extrac' Buchu ~ inyluhlbly 'd08ol, -)if' no t,eltme nt bit may ":; 'mltted tu. 'CoD.l1mptlOQ or' inltinlty If'" II , • n I. "-q ,t .1', ' "/'. t I I , '" 'nluQ. .j

Lit TUBBlallO.t ,.".Io a, Pm....1.H. DO:Fot. •• Ie bl ~' ,errl: ~. 46 mnd F.. ' R, Pring. ~.









. '

,VBOLE No., 64.


~~ C


Repaired In ,wnrkmanllICI.' BI~' 1 1.·1l .,. loweet, cl~b "rice •• 1J,d,, "~I!.f'~II~JI WAR'



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., • • • • • • 1 Gal'U"


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For. aongrt.~" ~~,u'r ,9. ~~ClLj .t::relllQe1j.~ ', . G.• ; • ., 'i. ~ . ' .~:"." ~ ! \iilll)nali",'or"N(ji~e~·"t~~.\,.,\'tb-b<~....ot~~::Z~:" I. New York aDd Brookl¥a lh~.;e 4,60 more d.a,b, Lhi. year &h,an II.a. ' . >, .. - J' Gelleralloba A. Db, of New'York. la II lb~uati" be, appoillt.d' I)(iDil' llf to Spain fli place of lobo'P. Hill•• The iin' t1 oiled Slatoi' Colr' ID G4o"rgil .iooe ,U 'coaai!leDo....o) oi ,• • rebellion cOlDm.Dced lis - ... rOir 011




, CrJl~~I,Dg

~.~P.e4'1 1 1..~. • .... Dam be~ C)r ,pby.ici ID~ ' ''bit ~,. bHD Droa'ecllt~~ 'for" Il~' ";'a, ) r l ~ ~






killS r.~.iaa oh~. chol',ra ..... :c~m'hl'n~rOw iDI dir.cllY ~,!d~r l)1eir. p'rol~~.foDall'UUJllUl" Doli04l. , , : 1 ' ,_ .' • : ... ....' • .,k a J~.n" ~uJl ~~. up at te.. off. Ob"b'lfllll :(.laD~, ~Ml · of Maio.. Tbe ,anim~l .w~. 6,e m~ le. · li_ l~. . .a~n ,Iaod ,,~eD ~q ' l'''', .o.'tr·

• b.lllld, aDd wa. bird.011 1Ii, "'1 · "iIi~ bit X..,Ii,b OOUiD. 1 .c~pm"lIll~ltflC 1I.'IFOiI'Ml',euC:I.'lIIl' A .alob pal' of baM. a..1l.&,1 .III'I 'be :Ia"ytn aDd deolon" Poulbk"p' T -, Yor.... t ,it, N~ Y., .... oft' ,Oa 'abl I_O~ ' "'JWi The " ..... "AI WOII by r'be ' .lao'• •t 60 rut Wlbe d~tolJl' .The ptat ci...led. mlM~ 'i""n''' ,'LII' • crewd beiDg prellell' io wit~ ,' 00,(..,.



'be rorJw'l~ lb•• in" ' ,a d, A .U\iD" .\PO'~'lr'l l :; aad "ala dnd, .. '. \lUU.,..., IDeIl


rOIl.d 011

TIl~ I.~n 01 ,'" 11oltod 8tato. iJ Qorpi ;n ', emo,inff tho bOdie' or • lIDibQ .oldie', (rob; Ibe b.,ile S .Ia.

" ' ii1e ;8b~D~ndoab Valley to the Natloa, n '~ ~ ,~ ' , ,WiDohti ter are pro. .....;" ....1' " flr~ ..IDg ~.,O~bl1~ T"~nly .lix lieD: I'c<JlOviiOtilonB


d,.'d ba,. alread, beeD reiaterred, lad

'.60.,ruu; limo Dllda'btr ~emalQ to b~ dlHerence r~'~ .4: . "' t' .


I :'





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• CHAPIIAN, -' !\roadwI,. Now,York.





ftADII .:...-naillollJ..11D ~

KiP' Espr...:

CIMloDlti EspC'e", ••11 .nd Aceo... . CululDbUi AccbDl., .





dl.....' 1filiDI rrom '0' 10 lrill"




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!'lI .....


III 'hIt ia ,ctllJllfld for th~... ~ 18 'ore , D,IJ8PIII, Liver . COl!lpiaiot, Typbold FUer, Lo.. of, A,plI~i·~ •• ; IIr Walln ... cluaed b, e)tc_, illl\lrude/lee or .j



firpoeu,re, IOough. 100 Cold" aheUllIlt Ilnl,· Diarrl.~l. Cholera Morbul. Cn~p in abo Stomach, Pilell , 'Dh,e.lee or the Iklll,' luch a8 Seror.i., Uleerl!, etc., ele. .11 ' thille Oilterlll. re a Ibre enre, It i. also cortlln \0 remove allohlltruoIloll~ to. ~,",. re~l. 'coorll8' o~ nature In FellIllel, IiIII will eore Green SickueM Of "Chlorol', LeucorA~. or Whltel, Womb 'ColRpJ.lnl .or r.lling 01 the Wpmbq&c:. I nd' thl .ntt-erv'e IhB' C.oiuplulblf (It ·thoee who olle it i bu t Ii ke nil reme tlie, ' 01 thhl tl .... shout" be 'Ullild with caution by 'murled J.dlea. As a Tonic and, AppoIIi l'r, thele 'Bltte,. Ire liorlvtllec1: , ' , " " , •./ ·t 'U~liII • • ,ht pvfIol.,.. _ediet ' 01 B.·. Herb Bitt.... is no ..crlll ~ ror lb. propri,t.~ .... ao .... icau.:1 lD,olftlnn, Im.wnltheir In(Nldieat.. They a .... enn;po~ fit ~u. ~~Ulp.U nu.rdo~\ Sp' ke ,iard SOup.Brl, r, ru,I"D Darlr\ .Buehu, Spic.... ood. ""ull~ i .. , SIil>JMlr,y ~:fIU, SRI. a tr. ~ ' Sn"ll. rillll\ Geni i.... Root' rJuniper, S",irilt Nil,., B.I. &III (;O,Uil, Cub"?,, Olrudetuh, !PD'. 'Sili~Ia, '1)(1 a.r\;\4rry. I '. ' :" " "E ....DIt.~r YO'" are -"Iiele<! ... Itl\ d , _ 0 • • 11'1 B. ·M ilhler'.;Herb BiUen. n~_

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etOm"", ba_ b,e!tl'

dena, tlMt. ... .,eoil.c ...... IQf .~ _ad II W!lUD, 10 refuDd .11 mane, .~


& MII'~', ~III A~U, 1WegrGpfI. Ageilt


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W~ H. ' CL~NT, F resideDt. - Citizell!i\IIJ)I;)'UI.<l E. W. '~OODW,AIID, SUp'l. ~;"'r'71!rn,""~~,,:,.,, ,A. D, CADWAt.L.U>BJ,t':Agent. · ~ tir

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It 18 IIOW ",.. , .. ,.IID" 'DOC'I'Oa .ISBUR.. BEIlB fI'l"J1.E.R8 .,.. I", ,rolDiDut)} halroduc.'· 'o ,II. llId darl. lIMt at..- ,lieh' Nee... · • .Jiiii

PiUlltur, E.pre.~ : w.ul1'la ."T"~ 11111 .nd Accoai.. • 1.,0 l. NIIhl Ellprea, ' .• ~3!i CellOlDbue AcconIlD'n. .j. ' ,£47 ..A .... Pilteburg ~pre... . ~. . ·V.l)4 A ~ . . Cincinnati Express, t· i,13.1'.''''

• DC' Dot stop.

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·,b. propnelor.

-4>0., ",..Uf -i do.n" c ..... 10ll, 1011' _ ..,. .... 11 .,., ~rllode4 li1 ,·.1 , , ' W




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Direct froD). New-Yorkl :









.. ~; - ,"',') DR Y 'GO'O DIS!' J ~" S~


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U; D~\ . "awes J\. •.Lo!'r, whq;hll8

P B. .I • '11',.8 , . ,


Domestic 'Go.ods; ~ ,




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or lbe m.rder oomllUu.d III WI.l CI'1 00 WedDlld.,: .................. _ . . INtI. . . Oarcil baa ",,,Inbecometb.aoene. of ADolhe! of LLe "OII~ .&rooioa. lIlar. STATE UNION TICKET. db' h he' · d 1 ere L at U AI eYeI . oo~e 08' U '1 to record. .On th~ .0aLh Iide of Bllt~OD' H S .l/«rIItIf'J qf SI4Ie, •W1(. • ",~IT!" .ood,1t, .bol" NID&ia ·r~o. 9t4) .1." Judge S"prmw Court, J08UB ~OTT. co~forlQkI two 'tory. LuolE buddln.ll,' JJoard P.,blic lVorh. J. M. BABRSRIlI. "llIc~ bal beeD oct.pled b, Mr. ~1I10 ~ , Ii; MaI,Ier lOa: .bo.t i5 Te..ra• . H. II I COUNT'¥ UNION TIOKET. mdhmtrht by tr,de-hts ramlly. 1e1 , j S'T ~rdaJ morDing. OODsiltiag or bim..lf. Ot,,.1: of Court; . . O'M'I:M. • if•• Eliza K. 'Willer••ad la old mli. ProlJau .tudg" W. W. Wn.SON. dep lh, ",&atr ol'lIr•• MiII.r. ... , SAni.!, N. V. CLIlAVER. AI baa beeD. hi. ,,0,1 ealtOlD, .r. !'nanM". RICRAR·D'LAcor. Mill.r lefl ' hi. Ilome , .. terd.,. morniig "om",:.,wner' W H 11" AJolrLTOM • •dOIlI '1 o·eleek. '0 .t.. ad 10 hil d.i 'I \II ':: ' • . " P , .1 did ,,110 bll.I.'er·il·I.", Surnyor, . JOEL EVAN8; wl,o c.rD. ber1iulibeod b, m.kiDII' p•• I,.jlr'IIWI'Y D.r«Icr, ABRr'BUl Bn~lf'f, per bo:r.el. Tb•• ir. or Mr, Miller. Corontr, .. IhDT Wnl'R. •ho.~ IixLJ.\hr.. o~ag.. ... • ............,.. : ',' "'.. .&1ou lD ,b. bOllH. _ u... _.. . . ,_~ \ ......




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err;ie.loalllioll.oratl"..tlonol>ler Ibao for wor. A WOO1Ul ••,* collocl..o ....' Ind.aa ...~ 0 1 . . .i.ble repllle, M.... H... o'. lif. wa'- "ev.rthr'~.. one of nobl. don and IlItieat .ullerill~. It wa. lIle life of at .loUi Chri.tlauj .uel u II'. nOlhinA or the ab.orbia, inle"" bioKrap"er b .. imparted 10 llii. Amollnlillg almo", to (..einalion-Iba det."",hele,p Clirt;~latl-on il b.. 1I1l'Uiob 'will be "",,n{ ... tuwy eYer it 1I••,6ad. lod,.iuenl, .

J.- DOW..'


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be.~', of .Irpo,(,.pb1.. ,p'endi... ..... ..


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'JOHN , I. WILLIAM. p, II. ASTH)lA C,U&SD';.· Mr. W•••,. of 146 Bprl. . 8"",,

, .. P N•• York. • beeD .lBio,"



"r,h ..Ihm. for up"lod. of o



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,1HD', SHOEs liS ,,01 the Beat 1n.. .. 1:..., I

......: . ,c. '\J!C 11: • .

1&11 aNI!' ".pa"71'~ iA .. twm./o r coal uCl, toruli, arul: I d i/o, I ~





ne.,I" ...' Ori".~I-;No~lb)'1t., E I I


WIU tt.,...Qn ~ orweourIIlVlte CustbmerB .. .~ IIII¥ - 1}'rieada to \he Styles -iii ;.. d Pri ' l 1;". ~ '. ~ •


,Il lA., .

WASH BOWr;s. , .

'. COM P LET E" .! '


. DruW-'·'

. . AND" FO'RKS.


C II' wi

Our Spring ·Stock is ·now

baH.r thin I hIVc , been 'or m.", ,ear.. A~nCl' IJr.nJ,ret.h .., Ne. Yorlr. Suld






a yots '. an»~ a:1 '

recel.h,C Il ,b elldt fr_ aeell, For .. t . . .: II "II .d.'-ad by , frlea. til t'1 " .Iid one·or. A."eoclr·~ Po~ rl.. ,.r•• ., I .. id. ... " "I~ ....,.1 lilliu of, pl .. 'era wllb· ''':r,""IA', ••"I\lPPGI" ,I", ..... .A-d ',11 ,11k •• • • , ' ,n, DI. on.·of Alia All eoelt"11 ",I &0'011 It. I did .011 baft' now wor h tile ......dll,. rllr 9 1I1,"IN,


, .,


WHir It I h.d b.d lb.... ·Bead .. _ I . . . ,.".lbl••• M obU,.. . .

W....... ; Note. Pillli.t, by Juli" WilcOll; N".,.t.. illlr. f6' ,. •• ,.llll1nipll,. W. C. Cblli-ch,U P",k Rc.w. Ntw York.





~ · d .. whie" w\\\ be wor 1l

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H ••• JUII noce'l'N! , "e. IDII

cml1ie4 cartlA· Ih.1 'be picture it purport. be; By .nclotln,. lotI! .., hair. III• •1Itlll, pl,lc, of .. I aI

M.a..Ed ........ ; n,.


!Ihe floor,·.nd


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r .• 'open." the d.....r _ ~ ~h.' i :&ooct ••,: bier ~

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Tbel' i •• we,llb. ot it Ie, and it i. bnillK" wide P '1 . __ '. , TI,IB. forO"!ober 1. .UracI, •• 'DiI.ltll.: T~e CIa¥mng" h". I~.U,oj.. WlIO()PJItG·COUGIt'CVUD. Tru\lop'l 8, lIy CIyulI" Hindi CountJ. Xi... Vie~. or Morn,ondollJ. by a T. A:L Lqou '" Cp.-Gentlemen: Pie... .ad Modem Cooktr" . . nd m·•• DOlh., .Ia dOlL 01 Jour Puron. Mill M .Iin A"":Mi. Wier, Itr r..'·oIilil"~bl_· PI•• I"., Tbe, Ife In ,r...1 dem.nd her. 1>.0' The AKent of Moole \{".a, rOIl' Wliooplll,.Coqlt, The, .CIUIIe. II.';, b, lleuoy Wbilak 0; A.ei,i.. ch.rm. I cuuld '.'elOld "rd do_n til


~~: btr" hrcHt' io ••011 ,hoekj"



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9f.~P~bl· .Q,p,4.I l"ter'~di.eo'e, -po" b'r


TbOrnton pc... _ ••uob .onder'ul.,... en o' .• e«:ollll .i,bt ... loen.bleb., to 1IDo.led,. at ,be .......... IlIIport· .nt' •• Inrle or ... rried 0' ,lther .ex. Whll, in , It.le of tr,nce. Ihe d,. 1i....... 'llite .':' of lite penJIII you .re 10 m'!TJ, ..d bf ,h•• id o'.a i... .tra",1 of let••• power. ho"n .. Ih. f.,e""ltro,.., 1 •• nal,.. lo produce a IIf.. 1I111 pili..,.. of ..... Iut•• h."nd Of "Ire 0' Ihe 10llelher .lth •• te 0' _"I,... . in lir•• "'dl..~ 'nil. I. DO b....~III. a,

'0 11~


Pili ._ a

The above SkfJt tor ,al~ by EN~MEL KE1'1~ES•.':~ I,~ ,,10" Iddr~ Jou_I'. 'OU will reo " .1100,,4 .Ise_. 01 .1.... "',I q~ e.l.. t.1!" pI~ ..r... nd ,de_Ired tnl__ lloll ALT'EN' & RA'NDALL SHOVE1..S. TONG~ t by returo ••ll All commu.IOItIOIl' ••• ~ '..' , , SAD IRAlU-t..l '.' , , peepo eredlw coulideDtl.1. Addre .... la eoaf\, '-H""'. ~ IRON SI)OONS , .ellc,. I&IADAKII E'. r yr.oJn0:tP. o. VAYIISVll!t1LlI, (Ql , ,- , I ~ e· ~Olt ~~I; Hudlon; N.. \ TEA &. TABLE d~ "~1l000k'. poroD p1ut.en. RBTAIL DBAI.ZR8 11'( ME~:!'R'ASlpEVSES.'

'.,. Hr'


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Ib e bit&llt or dor....

WIlli . . lui •• ro .... 1I1

1 0 e 1&e 1or ".~Oll.' l3.408 _ _ obi)cI....... ~re ... ill "'bl'-~ o~r "~I'lg 'lldDbe ..... _ of 161. TIM pop ' .lali. of .. coDJectare pOll • 111.d e 0~.1D re· hItl lett t 13 &00 ,.rd to tbe perpe".IIGa of Ibal .00l , a'1 Iaotrib.le orime. • I .la 'CN',D/I .ad . 8ootl .... ~_ }bere .,e ~, .... been I",teel, tb~ bOIl. ID .31,000 priDtan. of ...oa 419 ·.n WO° .bloh. 'b •. •• , ooIQlIIatl.ed ia OD "'D •. ' U ,BaB,..d aboU 3.000 U. IlD' lb'l9lIlb !'- of Ba"on.~.'" 011 . ad hi' 8eot' ha 693 . lb, ."~ I1be ·O' lite bOll.. 1'" narrow diDI iDto. y.rd In Ihe nu. c1I f · /We..d,lI Pbillip' b~~be'll pomiia,ted open. from Lbe Ylrd \Il~ "b b W;' L' at r . co.rll .& tbe blek' of tbe • 01" ~,~ 1 ' . ,orelDg ea 0 , Mildin. Bo&b of th,. tel .ere &II. ScI ~o... .Di.&rio& 01 )I.... fo nd g . ~ • •L . . . b & b Laa d ). a..l Il. 0.,.... _ .... - . 1& • -- eo ID~h Oft ,Ih•. 8na Boor of Ih. b!*.~ are (,/ . , tb. aoeicl.., .&.Job.,iO. . 'w.l.. . . roo...... para!ed b, . Ibtn pard~ .uN.... "":"'...1 h~d l ....u.Il ,. .i...... r " \ I~OD, .eDel ~pe"in_ Illo aeoh' oI~r b'l • ,r.. ".......... 0 .. De door. ' F!'VIII',II, b.ak 'TOOm I ,'11 ~" .....r• • o ~.d'l tH.q";J, .,1111 .Ieu"., IaJd. to tb.·llppe' ,",'t /01 lbe ~,qlf.!' ~ipaba. "" " ',' '.. bu.... A& Ille ~oo~ .of. &btl .. ' . , I , It ' " . lhe boo, o'U.... A,»iller 'wu 'Tbe !Dth.:!DlIut'•• ~~';?r:e~ne B"iser iide ..u an iron, ~Ir~allar.' 8oe1l~_." U pOD enmin~tioD , ~kree" eont.led tl tiL", 131 II.ttb .• tI ~ ~ () ~ u'~. of . ii. ID \ .• Il.,.... bead. IDlliql,d b, ...,~. bhaD"1 IDitrii· .~ .."....'I'~ ~' ..- ...-... 1" ,• • ' t. . ""~k~, loan. d " .""D ber J • ." I " r" I ~. : . ' , " indihtilll- Ib", .be bad beeD • C.ble .......11 '.t ,tbe ...1 cut from

" .. ....


n, Hue" i. o.. e 01

TI> lire of

1I0uil. aDd WII borrt6ed upon dlloo"· eriDg Mr., Miller lying dfo"d .lIpaD ftoo~. i", • pool· of blood. ,Sbe ImlDedl' tbe .1,,111". ahd. Dumbet &h. ,"1I,bbOr. h....Ded Io,lb••pot. . The Ohief of Police .lId tb. Cor••r SpriD.,.'el. Obio •••re .pt ' 'edlly IUlllmon.d. bUl ap 10 •


.l1li p.,... .It._bed tile ..lea· IIOCiBe....... belr.Olff '.bt.HOa~.aW, Nor.ld y '. hll...d.D.O....

"rd. wlticb .1I'.r ialll lbe beller

.-'_Cit_• •DlIgbbor 3JAuu. 0 c"":. • ~- .,. ler~D, ••1Il fn'Del of, ,lp. ('IDII, [aliBI Saral) ~ood.] enle,!el \be

llo.ft, C¥~~CL

FOIl' OOft{lHIt,f

P.'0"''''''.' ho...............

~lrol. i"'lI.

Aun B. H.4R1f.

D 'PIlI ,..... c...








J,11"1'1!E JlIAIJI R4lLJl&AJ).



e ..·s ~~~ ~a~~' ~*

' ... YUIITILU (~.Wl. ITATlOa). 'rUIft MftW.1lD



Cieelnnlti EllprHl; J,.il 1,,11 Acco....


(MII_'" A8C0111 .• ·... •

Plulhuri Ezpre...~ f~rn

~0 . 37

A. •• A. •• -

Ni,ht Eapre .., ~ A _

Pltubu", Ezpre .

9.lS.-',l, N• .

CillCilUllti &z,re~








Tt lellOW tbree yeti" .HeIJQCTOR; .'BHLIoR-'S HERB we ... 8nt promineDll, Introduced to the l'ubltc, inti tllIrle. tbat li_ thelf locce.. 4p curiq , .n 'dl...." e"IIOI from I .. 1mI'm alaie of tbe bl~ pr dileaaed 8tpmach~ ~.e ~ •• I BU S I N E8 S J , ao Ileal IMt the Plop,i"8' la .iuatllllld i. 01l'8ri", them a~ Il ,per.lllc reaed, rpr" ~ r • I su-- ~"'--Y.-'II.. OlUo. dIIMI'" CIlirliiaUnl! from the ebO'fecau"l, aao ,_ willi". tu ,reloud' ,II monel 81''' •• -." , pended ror thele Bitte" U' thtt' r,1I to perform all that II chllmed for tbelII. " •..::o;:.-:,-,;;;-. y, ,j.;i;' ; 'b -Udl Dr. Itlltlblet', Herb ' ite tuliranteed 10 tilt. , DYlp8p11il, Linr Compl,lnt" L WL Fner eid AIlUI', Inlermlttent, Illd T,pboid Fever, X-'. of Appetite. Nf'rYOUe :'\«8011c/UI, Ol'l"e,,1 DeblliIJ.1I We."ne I CIII,ed by exceu.lmprudell()e or ', " e tile, he (oulld I ,mell .tnell 01 ".U upoeure, Coo,hl .~d Colda, Rbetllll,tI.m, Dllrrl.IBoI, Choler. Morbul, Cramp ill tho w ....., . . Go" conlillitl, ·o l Stomach, PUn, DI.. I_ of the akin,lIUch I. Scrp(ul., Ulcer!', etc" etc. In Vene. , " ,Ial Di ..... tbeee Bitterl .re a lure ourI'. It I •• 1.0 cerUlli. 10 remon all obatfUC'oo tione to Ibe relul'r cou,.e of natu, .. in Femlle" Ind will ~ure Green Sickn:" or Cbloro. Leoi:orrl'llli ur White., Womb Compl • .inl or Fllhng of tbe Wnmb,,~c'_'1 .nd Ihu~ pre..",e lb. F,ir GOlllpl ..xioD ur tho .. who' U8e il; but like nil remedi.1 of

~. 36,.l, N.,

Columb.D' Accomllf'li.

, ;; VI' not elo,,.

.~I~,W~"''''''''' ~


6 .11 P. Ii. 10.01 ,: N.

W••"WAll» JIOOIID. ~JlO A.

JI.a ••• ~cGO~



JIII,bt Ezpl'Hl,

A •••

2, 13 1'••• '.-

C UIfEIIT. Prelld.Dt.

part of 1:.. Aeys








". "If

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II '

, -.1IOll!lBl ;ilflef ,~


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W AYlhu'V.I ,L LB.


, "

,Greollmprovtmt711 i7l. ~"!l Mlichinu.




"'MIt SAi'(I,' 1»~tDI7'I. Ball,

- &ap~r1~', T¥~. Pq~ ,. Col· " "'/qr,;' Gild fWryllti"fI. 'ra tlu Olltjiui"!l Line;

A II OM.ltlab ,I .. III ...11 It ... Iow

, -f IB~r'"

•• " i).:O...."ltur' t\ltm In.

Da',lon .or·.· .I..•


' I " tI

, 4" '( h ~Ii '

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h', 'T. rI! 'l.n .n l,a4r\lIU'\· ,

,',.'I••' aa

""""'I1I~. S,p~. , 8" - r .. ·r



..- :~



ell" forced to gro" upcNllhe _ooth..t floe I. , lroBl ,lIr,.. 10 live ... eeb. by I Dr Sel'ia ne'" Restauraleur ehe mOil wonderful dl ~eoY' e In ' modern .clence, aellnr upon ,h. Ind Hlir In In Ilmoet mf"lculGue malin-llr. Ie hal been uled b, til!, elil~'! pari8 and London wllh the moat flallerl .UGeer.. Nemes oj III purchaiefl will b. nri"ered, Ind il endre ..,llIf&c(!on fa n~1 glren in nert inStance. the mane, w~lI be cheerlull, rerunded. Prlel bl m*.' • ealed an'd pOI'paid, 8 1. De.cripllye ('I c\ill\f8 end le nimnnlftl.' m" jI,d free. A ~. 'E RGER,' SHUTTS & 00., dres. B T N' dienils10. Nu 285 Rlvera'reel. roy, . Selle ill!en~8 IQr, the U. 8. 45·6m

:;:;'tlah-e, B1,rd

PDNSI'LY!IU c}INTRIL I.B. Double Track. ~ ,

'lb. Great Female Remedy,

.......,.' &.


PITTSBURG :1'0 pmL4D.EL1?m~.

_ At PIU ""fjf,lrainl from the We" rUII lIirll:t co Ullinn Dflpol", whe e.~III'"· flI!r•• r. ~fll\.rer~ed lube :rrll,n l 01 ~Iw PenDlyl,lnil tie u,.. 1 Rllhvay, wlllcb I'I.~ Pittabura Iud I,rlve .1~Lber poi.le .. roLlo~. t , ,! 1lAT BXPRE..--Lalvee Phtl bur• . 1 • (10 A. M., Itoppinll at prinaipal1 nation.... Arrln' al A hOOna-" 8 J ~ N. M '1 !,_ ' 'M. rone 9. 1l~ A. M.,' [,Bpliefollle 10161*. .. Lock Hnep 1946 ~. M.,] l.~O P. I I. , -Blllimore. 6.80 P.M .• Yor.t, via: Allentow", 11 li>r.1i P,",I·PI,II· EAUTy.-.AU. ..1~lphj.t al 6160 P. II. lIud ·· Now Y'Ork, vii Phildtlelpllia, lli lJ().1)'7 PM ', - 1 burn, G vid e n, PI b , It'lox~I'. and .lIken O'\,CI"lIATI EXI'ItEs's~bA ,ee ' tI . "rll URLS d d II 9 ,&0 A.' . , 8\nppi'n/r at tI ~l/ rl1. ; till Ita; ~ UII 'III:~~ 110n.. Allooqef 2,46 P.,,,,,, HIl~r) ~u ,,,t JEBnux's FRI8 , Hit I' III, • ."rivllI~ at IlIIII.d.elphi~ .~ .. ~ •• SER LR CHEVEUX. Olle apollutlon 40 B, tlnl 'I'\I\ ~ ~~lIIe~11l1'It .rt t II 10 cutl \he moal IIlfll"h\ l"nare'r1'eli 'l\ .lJulon DijJot, Wil,t ~MW· Wtlf~:n: bair of en,,,. lies 14\\6 llt1plri'. ·tll"'ttl f.\O, tli~'" , Trl1111 for · ~I:t,:\r. or be"', lIlaaely" curla. Ra~ Ne.. 'York, , ..eblne \Iter ••' 6~ • "led, b, r..llloll~blea or PI,.I P~II.AJ)W1.r"'A E r~~'II' LoIIdo. wllb tli'. DIoOII "ratifJin, reluha . b\lT1l I~ .,1'(; 'Po,. 11'. op,phl/t Don n~ iojur, 10 Ibe hair. Prlc.e .by aipul 8111t1ons. Arr iv~a lit L'! mall, l ealeel flud PClt lPhid, 8 1. DPMC 'IP" V~ l'. II " Altoo". 9.3 1'. III .. H ~~rl,*urll ~ ~5 circulara MIlnt free. Addre. BE,RnER, ~. 11(" U, llimorc" 7 JI , 31.1 New,.'ork, Vln SHUTTS & CO., cherniJI" 265 River Allcntnwn. 10,10 . ' II ••• Phll ~III" •• t. 7 . l n ,t.J'Troy, N,Y; . SOl. IlI,nll for llii U. , ,. MI, "114.\ tIi'w ;Vork, VII Plllllld.J1 I"'. " 1!l,06 PI II. ,;:Jleppinl! Opn'lIlI Ihrough raBa TO .VEaYDODY . Lillis ,rllin fro 111' p r" il burg IdU a fl im re ~}~I~~elphi~, lIuti lu New Yvrk,v ~1I Allell ·








Guide to BealtJl and Beauty,

Fu ~I

It tel'C),b..

itopp11 .

. II.

ve only I


'ht u ntJ'c p



'I ,16)8. III., Hlrrl •• P. II ..

Arrives lit A 11\,01111 113.10 A. burg. 8 !18 A. M., Bllltll1\oref 'b.ekln; Ilow toenam.hhllik I.nlnll Nt'w York .f ,la l 'A ll dnlow n!" 4,10 P. II .. it wblte IDd ele 11- ,llbllter; how 10,i_t 1,10 p , II, Inll New Yorll, "oduoe ,be 'ullel' development of thl' II PItU. Jle!phl'I , r'~lrl 'ora ( • pracli .. d by the *R;eak!asi, tOiftftW: ~rsllPf;er. CIUlt I ~b. b'fl tf ,row ,our.d Indl ,~e rorlll hel hen lOll by Dail", ~U Dt/iff' traim" ~n4I!.V~lx;eP led. Ilclng, or mlternity , .',"torlne ilto mllre SUt.PII'(1 C~RS ",e 'suarhed 'i" ntlNlght tblln ill oriain,1 f"lIne,J, firmnell, Ind Trill .. 19 Philuclelp~i l' Yu k ! .eluI1' It telcllei bow to redufl' 10 ,lie 81ItilDor ~. - ' lIIe hlucla aoli 1111; pl'od~. cqrpul.nC,', or d i.c:hd throllgb and lrenl'erthe everae; ~o., b,ir; carl' ~e~ (ree. ,. I .Oor I, nUnloal, w'JUI', Ind Mol.l; renew I 1"CK,1TI FOll'rn' EA .... (in )tllJDg 11 " )'OUf 'g': cure drunllenne •• , Catarrh, dy.' lOll, by' Bolt or RAi l). p"I.i"I over t I, ,eplii; Ner ..ou. D.bililr,'&'c., how '0 'n· roud, een he purchopell 1l,.11 prillli lpal Ii "e Ind ,'ID die 10... and lII'eedon ~'ation B. Fi r. \II 1o\~' Ii, ~I '" II.} othe, In,. perIOD you may chnole, logether wltl, roule. other uillful IIIIlI valuable Inlormal ion.- I PllEIUI~'I'8t No young Lady ar Gentleml" .hould Inil I By thi' 1'0 ' e, "feigh 0 r"IC·,IP"~rlip~ to .end their .ddr.. a 1o lhe iJllderailfll~d. inclUding l.IVE STOCK, can be for. Ind receive lIy returll mtlil a copy 01 til). erded lu 1I1!d,,{ru!.ll PJ,il"Aelpbi., New nln a b).. rk In , IIt!.led~ e~Y'Jo~ Ire 01 ork, UOlllvi(\)'r n.ltliln ~e:q 611t t1. Irum c:btlr~."" "'ddr~lIt ( r ' - - , , flY poi .. , "" the W .. I.. ru Ruilwuys. I'!J


abd •

.,'6.ii'. .'




,lll i/romi (l'red. .

• 1./1 1.0 ~e for· • 'D raea ~o Iny IIcees8,b e pOlOt on Ih. rlv· -0, ra "nd ,"kol or Ihe Wesl. B. " K. A.TKO~.Y • ~_"." _~' For Ff,r,IH /C()ntfitl or'Sl!hfjlll1ll Di· J/anufeflurerl .qf reclin"I, '.pply 10 or arldr .... tither 01 the rial., CullolVlnq", enle '-CompllO),: WUOU:UUI_.lIID .arrAIL, ~ • i'i . ~ I. Agen', Philad'CI. , • A .iPent r; I. Al!ent, Pitllbur, . ••• • aoADw ....~, N. Y. lerke &. co., 1'r.nel.. r AIr8'1 t8 • PitlHburg.






tera ror 'fh" ro\lowio/t' vi, :

I"ere_pee ... ~~Ie Vie..... or Anoericao .nd Fore~n Citi ... "nd Lan,l·


IS·'~~, O r~l'I",




1J .

t\IaII\'l'Y' , Ie ...... ,

~ pIo ~"'.- eI' .... ~_, rom "e!{'iIIY'" ,".de in Ib e vM,iuUI nampai,,-n • ... d.(orullor; ..... n"' •• 18'hic hi I IO,\ b 10., lif 11{6 tift"l

W:/.Ilrl1'-'P\ ~y.,Z.eR' r.·I~ I ~~l~' aJ~r~'~ II 'U'<flJ . \ ; ..H·a:i',t;4 J: "l\,~Y. ~!~e larlul &. co.; ell otitd, Il,•.,

0,,1 ..11.







"' M - . " Vi...... _ ·C~ Adapled (or altha, (h e Magic LA", .., n or Ih.

"''!Kupel ... O"r ' C.t ~ lur;u e wil ~. 1.,,1 M/I/;adilr'" on ,..ceil" of "atamp: ' "..... Pti.anaplde AI"-; W e ,nanul'':I"r .. .\".o~ largely .h ~n en)' othe,


hou ", •• boul 2110 v"" U" fu ll' 60 c••lla 10 t611 ClIIch. A!Jt)\J~ ' ''e 1I el'IIIliji,," 0 I)~.h,,-


lupeno, I..

,hir.b)lify dnll' beaal!, fo

nIh .... .

(1.... P"'~'" .. ...... Acle_

G ..........r.. .,Ie., .,Ie.





~,ilalila,~ I•• be ' ,, """'





",eml.tgto" Riftlwrl. _. Ci~"'" cnntUalJll CIIII • • ad .te.ertp. 'l.f!fI.lot~ . !~.. ,..I(f ,lie ·(urn""" -'POD ~JI,II

Oft. ,

B. I.E IMOTON &. SONS, lIlaD, N.Y.

"'1,. o

THE OHIO H1STOfllCU~ • •rrY OHIb"oIj ....





A allen rer

'if.'fY)m'ilmno;,., ~ @LS' ~rr~iE'~,.~i"im


u. L., S',~!ICE, D. _~trtgmtt ~e .t , R~s14eDcc on North Stl,


A few door•• ~ove the 1\1, E, Churcb,


W' .\ y l NEB v '

. IJ 0 E L







. _ ~,

~. ,-_ , , -;A N D- l , : ;, .n1Ol'llIAmY.., JP'l/lI'mlbll~§

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~,:!. '~ ~J: J;(}N 'FS, ,:M~ ,D.,"'. ~lna: biV,l l ~



11,8 prallltG8 "I" ~pdi cille offers hi8 " the citizens 01

·j, Wayne aviUe and! Vicini ty,


re's pond od

W .1..JI1"'O . · J. r,. .'1 ".A..Y,





i.toad.Cloth s,

~OFl'Jill; on )(~ i II SI reel, III rile dvore II '"" or t111i l Mul&11 OhETT E Offlee,


o ,. "81 hard 10 I;i., adin





IQ ,


,,9"1.1;,l l1 u ,

T1~ " P!.I .. dT I CE Ill'

»n ,N ,T '1 mT \R.Y ;'"

In it. various b'rhllbhe ll i


"',JC'1 . Hf AT~nlAL

.m :'

• ~


~~~'.t;' .

liP"' "




.·r ",


l'.i hn~q. wJe ~" nllot c'ln'r .~lIin.

Brighl u of lIoe io yo ulIg ~Ild ~lo. l • • • '}' tJ,:e brow,!So l o v ~ lr, uven wh~\ . ( .



The 'I'0il.,' eM Ili e, 80fl be yo ur ' 6 t! 'I Tho II'hil - ro,lllOq (orlll, .oo Ili ll,blld ~ 0\1 , Tll1~j IUlln)' ,louieI'll UpO Ii in . elu·l, I , J I II hlu ' r.II1O,oed , wO' sh"1l lJ.bold I'{ I . ' . , .. ' t, . Am! love (or "S0 Ihl'o lll:(h glorlol., "en a, I

·;Ve stin gs,

.,. \










!4 , t .{~



, I'l.~ l Jl.J.f~I~' ,1 "e4:I7.rtOGl.oUI';

UdJU) '8bnrP '.,.. :&~ :'i..f'Tnl. e. ' iiU\igiyrondolrtOok It i~ re~ld~nce I ' •• if J, fi 1 !.J 'his 63-11 ' ,which I will tOnka up in R ~tv Je not aur1:1, ·Rllu,ml .l1.bll\.' !Y~1I'8 ..U;P!1 , nrolllllip"lltl , ~ pU Bseti by IIny. Ulul ;, h ~'l!~lhe'r ' , • ohar."lll ri Il£'Ta1id«: (" qui iu \1I1~ I'i V;4'ril'(lC'nSII"}t,c;n:)"",ue'''1 lIe,l-i. tlt ~ alr,cl atiolt of .Iifr l'iug \V ilh TH~MASJ , HUl'prio r 10 ulI~ l ~tlil~ within!>.' rec"ived ol,i ll ioll' ~IItJ...I""Ol'i Il~ ... t.bI JSIt~d I'ep . !tRi:n lIi'I"~":'. ia the recipi~nl "r n h.':" nbbke rOil i:l

~JhU~l iJCt-Slll1tt)~ , 20 20 ~O ·

20 20

aat "lIain St .. W"aynesvilIe, 4MltR '\ ·"


i" " ..



'"'IJ'J!RM8,-..,(jI'"Ji,--Oa\ce ' '5Jaiil S""Ilt'," 1 J ' !

."lIIo~-". r "~1II

' Ib~ &t ,Ii 1~, 'llal til' .,,'-'" lI)\olld lbi. hall1'I;III." t9 ~\l.oWfll '~:I)'1 , I! r r9" of Ql!iny. "",~, "'1 r i -,,..1 'J J Bu t GOD' h' ftud gave H.r tlrer/s,ll, 11n,on,'a:l!I'1lOr:e . f'l:llti "hilts .·ht: li ~i; re(1 to dera rl, # II \\~ dJllIgl tit, U ,my i t 'lel.lgtb ,'aa' ~ . , ' , .f I ench " (<II d I!lV, '"IIIg', , "n .~r. " It' Ii ' •• ewe ' t to lu /tope 01111 fill\1, . htl leaned 0 11 H "'~" 'i l'to ¥It! ti.hlGli .tuitl'th~ gloom'; " 'Ii led;b~l' .te ·l h..';ugh ."adOw. Ill ... ,. , Ahl n€ Ifill pOlh",.y the (omll, '


be exhl'-

'N0l'le' but Iho •


rlOl 10

h~~h .o. bl


Cas sim eres ,

I .,1

. IIr


an ..

, Ii " .r D~l~-

~II!'(> • nl-,t'·.


'1'0 {s iller, Iliother, Ii • • r. frie"d. ·' ( And ~1I HObutl .... ilitN _1 ' ~ . ~'h. deer hOIlIe-U.. !:t!M\ ul'* ,_I eftd~

conSisting·or Dlack

Frorea~I ,D~alljle,r,. i~ea. tpf


• .

,~ , ~ ~


!lrl8 en Yl'nral. jlx,l.erien C8



FA l. L" 'A NO Vv I N," E R. ,


Alid Unou); h II., Irihl uerv.fd IlJ! 9QI 1'(1 l"uk {out! lie, Ihal bound h' ~dl~r~ '" In 1•• 1, und (irlll, we .. t CC>I! l rol, . I

, ' .

'. \.'

lb, hply


Of Hi.1I whu ... 10'-8 .bap kepi awa~. In dU lb '. dQrk. hour. tJtllluorl a,!lear' '.I1 U

• magn ifioont IIssorlrne llt or


"r "rftt~e.vIO \:. db:~o"



W, g.... II. r

Direct fi:om New-Yorkl



All bowed in t •• r., wIth (IO'vent p,·.yer • Of ,angui.ltea b.~ r .. , ~n ,11&,,,1\11 ,t.;,t

has IIIH received,

V A N S •


141"1 • .-.

L L R •

,.,.......,.~"-----.....:.' .. ~- ' ~


ia Brld.. ,

.... I'fIr'" n.,., MarrBl lanb"... ~Il"'" tI"Pal'Ie d .It ... Iff.. " ..." ...."r

.a-rllte cl

'ot do. . . ,,1011..0lI0


' JM1'~~J.l~iTInmm~

UnAnUu l'l. Ihe . leI' ut ill)l ovelill,' illl';" tJt.,J ..klIo"" , II" PQ''''I1lo jll cr;ljqIJ8, p( RJ!VlIlu.i'!I r.eowll IYoIii· U.II,·(III't nl lll") ' &.

(;q .. Jlurpc.rli ag ,




1'm!rF!lr8 0US)

- - -:0:-- · 1 ItCE'P constnn tly on hnnd ' a splendid oi, • Borlmen l of "



. ::,Cm and ,J\fo.d9. l>y ,, \\'J,i ch< I ,

w'I~1 I

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.. - -.

~~~~~~~I~G~.~I~,~,c~e~.=r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:r~.;;~r,ol~~~~ ab.

V" r.-~=~~~:'''~91Ilrr-----.-vi'''~-~ A' Pitt-b'l o."lItI08. ...._ ......_ ......._ _""'_......._ ..~.~ .. .efll. GoYUDOr Cctz.of Ohio. w..






, S t l l a " ts "Meqaea~. Irrltldloa of ...., ....... . aDd eeoarbl. 0081d th•• be 0 r b .. ODe d • .,hter••• nl. ill our fIClU,," ror •• auf,alarl.., 'nare AtrM..... OI' _ It~·,.,.,.M::1I. L L., . 0 n J 0 : lea perm.aeal Cbairman. folio"" by .aJ ODe. mote eepeoi.IlJ ~Id h.r Sn' b.I' WI ha.e mUOf'd oor price' 10 II low • Io. . . .,......, wbo from ' bit poaition wal •• ,.a , • .,. • . II H per polDt u lhey cea bl pl.ced u onu 'lID &DVJ.'r --"..,...,.,........,.."""'-----~~ hll iI hi. lpeceh OD .ceeptiag the poli· tb. ,,.., I.eeler of ,be .alioa. baad, ,,110 w:.:.:::~... r· llr WITH GOLD AT PAR, BaOW". 8a01ICIILUo oj...... lioo : h 91''' 110' p"uaol1.O liDel M. O't f~ ooay.nioa &0 OOIIjupl life 10 , ...t 00 one 11. .11 bllll.le 10 ba,.. aUlD' "dlrecl laI...... oa. _ ....... If............r. . IIJ fellow·eilisetll ...d ladM' aDd brougbt face &0 (ace with .thla .~.!cS 1l11.1 .liri. tb• •1'&ri1DO' wa'. Dew frolll lbe upectatlon &lal' It KI •• I• •edl." relief. , . R~ rademen ao ODe .oold be mllob more now MeiOI th. IM'II 10, .... • ad Ada Tb. will III e.... per II lOUIe IUture tim.. The, Caterrb, Coa•••pd••• 1oCI ~ T(~m UNIO!! TICKET. .urpriled Ihan myeelf at beiog tbu~ ,u ll. lba' we .re. pledged &0 ~ ..tal eire," 0 ,b.. .n I .D·il d 'ett of lIa , Illd lb. manuraetur•• od Dill.eee, Trochee Ire ueed .Ith.,. D . ed apoq to preside onr til" dehber.· lrlub tba~ it b.. e.ler,d 10~ Bea.tor look. nlDarbb., w. eal. of podeuCl4!e... 8Ia'ere ..... PaIlUe /JcrffI4ty of ~, W •• H. S,UTH. ,ion. of dli, ~reat body. For mYlllf, 1 of lOIIIe &0 asal' lb • d .......1 like • Joall, esqtl.lite. ,He a. Mor. lAG,. 200,000 WczkM', en wlllllnd Troeb. . . . .Iul Ia ----=~~7...,,:;; " 1 . ,d d . to com. lo .... pro~rly: by. ,b. de.~h of bue ,IveD our produotionl tb. ver, M,h· the voice wIlen ,aha b.• lore lIa"I __ Jdl6' 'P"enU Ooorl, JOSIAH i<lO'!'T. It.d moat fuly and bearu J' COIM.I e ment of lbe Go.,ro.eDl I. • hil "CI~ber, aod b\l wife \I WIry we.•I. elt r.ok amon" Ilme-keepll,.. Commf lpeaklng •• "d relel.laa- 'be ,hro.tln" .. . • " . W",.b ' ,J.M ·B.UUI.l:UB wbat bll been &aid 10 you by ,be ic power, .Dd '0 abue 'be .. Board Pw/Jlu: . 'by. H. will ao'" lake. Ii ne !Da.llon cillg whh Ihe determinat ion 10 mike unly unUlUI I enr tl on 0lib 0 .0.,.] or,..,, ' io W".hiogtoD. eot.rlain lb, dlplomal. thuruuih l, .xcellenl watchfl, our bu ..~I. Trochee.l:e recommended Ind prllCrilleti • . , , • • . cbairmllo of Iba Commit. l,V8 Po;~oo of our GoYlrn.,o U~ION TICKEQ'. ~e. 00 Perp'"neot OJlgIIDis~liou: th.t m~r~ lool s o(ullpoli.m. aDd .nd tbe upper.t~D' ofBOItoo .lId Wa,h. oe... hali .leldily Incrlls.etl lie tb" publlo by PhY Btr.llo., Ind bhave h.t! Tel1u.o~ .' ,. . 10 the ~rea' E&IIt, frOID ~blob we have thIS II lho cale, w.e, ~I i~.too and Cll'. gre.ter figure 'ban beclme Icqu.illled wilb Iheir v.tlJ('.~nl\l fBrom Ilmillen~ ~enfl roua hou.' Ih' ~''!7. Cti.~ ,ff Court, 1'. S. TOTTEN, beeo accuslolDed to receIVe le.ders .od .. dUlY, ~~d knowl.olC. uIlre , III ior mlllllh. 10jlllihor lYe have tieen unable elnll'.n arllc e 0 true merit, IDd hll'''' · . w W iOllrucwoo. we oould find many ~ Doe It. The OlllleD &Oldlery of ,lila eYer oro. to .upply Ihe dema~d .. We hn. rep".t. IIrowa their efficacy b, I 1~lt Df ...., .*~ .1tAd!~, W . ILSON. wbo could bu. beller c-1aill!a 10 Ibl8 po· bue rec~ioiled the Coogr.. e CoLOllBD 8cHOOU lit W UBINOTOJI .~dly enlut/letl our laclory bulldibll'l uolll yt>III, each ,ell,. findl them 10 lie" 'ocaI. ~, N: V. CU;AVER. ,i1ioo Ib.o mYhJ(; .nd 10 L~e 8 n ' aL 8tal.. willull orgeoised our gre,' The reporl or tile lopp!!ctor of Fre.d. they pow ooyer OYtl r Ihrae nertll tlet In varioul partl of the world,l.1I ik Il m...~L:':. ',' RIOB.aJU) LACKIlY. Weu, no~ 0111,11111& di.tiogui,bed . aod wbich Ihowed i~ great man'a 8ohooll fill' Dialrict, gives ground, Ind ~IY9 IIccommodatlo u lu mure Trochee are u~her..a1l1 pronouoce _ , ;' whom I witb mllnyi olber. hue dellgh" ahip iD proy'i dioa &lIe mllaOI hI C d' tI d dl ~ n eight huntlred"work meo. thHU olher artlc~fB. . , , • ~~~~~ ~1tOtIW.. W. R. HAV:tLTO.N. ,d to lollow-Geoer,al w~ao-would port, aod adberlo'" firmly 10 lD"n1 remlrkl e acll regAr 10§' lee· W e arll lu)ly jU~ II fie d In tlylnlllbBl we Obtain ollly Dro"a a ~roDeblll . II ., • • , I It uC"'lc~a.1 progl'e•• of 'he D"gro pOlllb now mllke more 1111111 ODt'.h" lf of 1111 the che.,' I.nd ~u no~ lake .ny 01 the~ .. II ,..,;,~ JOJ,lL EVA1I8. h"., been th, cboin. of my 0"'0 le.rl. lDioalion tba" oome wil.~ ID W"Rhing lnn. 'Chere Ire DOW in the WalcheRsold io Ih. Uniled 81ate8. The 'esll mlt.tlooa Ibat ma, be otr~ttd. " D But m.'!y another would bue lI4Iem"d Urion raal' aod would be U I ICbooll 6,502 pupill. io cbarite or 131i dlfferen l gr~t1e8 Ira dlst ill~ul6hed by the 8~ld l'Verywh\"" In .Ib. Un\llItI.s _ 7~L"i ;;'i-;-ir,'rr ~'. AB&AB~H .RANT. \.0 ml • more fit .Dd prop.r penoo I I"Y th.t Ibe cilinn .~.a. leaob,e ,.. Nearlr '2.000 or tbtl papill fullowill" trlde.marks 1111 tho pll te: Ind 10 FllrelaQ CUUUUleI, .t 8~ eenle_ '" 1!''Il , : WUl't1\. lor ,bil po.iliou. Tbe oulJ "meri,1I 1 '1OOIa'''' \h. . WI 181 • c'' .:" . : n"'nJ ... I ' • d b••• progrelll4l d .1 'far •• geograp b y, 1 .· ' AII,.rican Watch CIl., . W~lIh nlll, MnU' box · . • ,. ~. 'r olai. il tb.l olthe mOI~ ~'fO\la ..e aritb ....'ic aDd ,temmer. In tb • •• 2. 'A IlI'I~\()II, 'frltcy &\ Co.' WAltb",u, MM¥>. EIlROB8 OF Y011-* .,- ," , '!L -, • :iI.o '. ~ C. Sen . :z.6L "lDpa~\\J .wit" enry iii.. .. who bll \ . • I II d 8 10 . Ie 3. ·P. S. BnrtleU,' \\ oltha"',,1\1oll. . .~ """ , • • (A pp IaUII. ) 1 bote a" .• 00'. 100 U I b' or bl'ol, prava-re .'· . 'Will Ellort:.' A Gentlemln who b.... ufl'ered lor'.... . • •• , .. wora blue. · 1 Ihlok 1 a I' 1 I ' , • h b 1 ua...mlatl \eae er., 91' n r. O~H L ,0 1 ' • W ATCll of r. l qnK,,1'1' from Nerv(lu, De blli tJ , Pre,n~t\lre l>tce ":.ollloORAlilCiJ STATE TIOKET FrOID tbe b"l/:illoing of' e f!a, to t II of all my uomradee w1lell taagh' by 'colored leache,. . DO' 1~ Ii .. a'~ bd •AWl 11.1 11, Trllc.I' &. Co. , Wa · elld III lb, .ft't>CI. Qf youthlullllw.e . L'~ )j f . • to lhe surrlloder of lb, Ilil rebel lillvll auoLh .. r Ibing to' be a"bb h b I d them , Me •. II I k f ,.. I b"'~IH , ~ r , ) d k'U G . nigM iItlbools, it 01\ at 10 00'. an 0 Our lI~lU qu~ lity of Lottie.' W'Ilch i. 1111111. wi f.llf t 18 II 8 0 ,uller 011' U1U1Illr. 8t.., G ••. LB••VB.. . my lellrt liD ~,wor wal~! I i. ,bat the suv"ro&qenL l~ B .oBloola of Indullry, wbicb bav. and .d'l' ::; Har,loll,' W. ILhalll, 1\1 .....- leud rree til ,II who Oiled It, tbe ~ IJJ~ P.ttJl~ WorM, < WJI(. LUWILL armYt alld heocel my OW? .. rVlce ('oalltry, 'h~ ~p,.~nt~.... a"il~i'le or 1.471 pupil.. Th~M W.ln~ ". UH f"rn l.h ...J In a grellA. and direetlvo. fur mlklDi Ihq .,.. tilt ... Tao•• II. Kn. could make IDe feel" horne With you I atora of lbe pellple III •• VUlety 01 "I~' and Ilyl81 01 cue.. rt'med)' by whlob be w.·, c¥red;' , '" ~l~" .,' G~.; DURBJ. W fllel tba' I alii, iodeed, '" hOIDI. I bl.,d. DOW uilting AI.n A CUTlnc4T. of inoorpO.-"lioQ of The American W,lcb Co'. of Waltham ferers wilhiu'll ~o profit b, Ihe Id,,,,1Wa . - ' feel furlber, my cOlDrades. that wo J recoKDiaed, by III IUId·lty the Ciocioollti Junctioo Railway Com · 1\lu88., luthorise U8 I~ 8tllle LbM wilhout experleoce, CIlU d~ 10 by addr"""lh/t' " I " , ; :' • • • •',. J, • • W B. bere one in."otimeDt, •.od 'b.~. . world u Iho COllar... or lh. p"ny 'wll., filed at tbe Se cretar, of Jlsllnctloll Clf lr"dll-lI\uks ur price, , JOHN · D. OGDEI'fI,"',' I< • .", , I" ~ • r 1P1rf8ldl!Dcy uf ,thll ~rlgaEOII~laon ar. lb. oal)' pereQl,lI ~bo S""t.'. o01ce OD MoodilY, Sept. 17. M.L TUJI PROJlU CTS OF TIlEIR F1cTOay No. ]a Ch'lObe,. at. N~w V.... ~.!; nel T"'~f1 n.pI'rhDent now noldl a ep IlpOb Oae rOID. II u. or ,by Ih" po~er~IV'n Thill ro.d il 10 uleod from Cinainlllui .ARK FIlLIo!' WAiIlAI'TY.O S·"B.\~GE. BUT TRl1B; . "'IJ~btf;!ait lDillion dollara in gold· fl'o.-a the ~ eet, 10 lbat he were • 1014· p"0pll', dttlUIDlU6 11141 dloilo mao · 10 Frloklia. In Ihil COUDty. The CIlP 10 be he lIeel lilll e· ltecpor. of Ibelr cla88 Ever, Y"un, I.dy Iliad ,enllein ...... _ iilr of Ihe "reat Repllbha, he would Qer iu "hicb tbl!i~ lucce..on ~'.Ia~" il~1 Itoek iI8!,OOO,()(IQ. Tile inoor· Aver rnade in Ihl8 or IIny olber ('ounlry. Utllted SIIle. coin ;heer ' 101lWtlhiDC Illy ~ tadl.~ I&ln oo,,~ioll" '0 lOiDml' Ilave hil 8I1PJlor~. (Appllu".) We Lbeir 1. .1. · io olb,r word •• t,b II 111 porntore are: E. 8 . Hamlin, . Fr8o~is Illly tl rs .. hould remember th at unlike th~ much 10ll,elr Udva"III,e b, relnrll .lei ~~ ~.p'r;.a~t~o~ jp~, the'Ir",,'ier let- are herll'I.~iti.eo soldiers, Ilud I ~e· onlJ by 'h~ IlIghilDllI .~rioll "". the &i~ert, Hellry Harlmlo. W. F. Gld. gll ft r"nle e of. f"reign mak er who ORII (free of chllrge) I/y addre... ln, Ihe II.... TeJ", mllmber a tilDe, and perbap. onr dIll· law'lDlikin, power, ,ad 10 obtdillooe d' d A J H ddt! Star Ilever be reachpd, thi s /t uurOlllee i ~ aooJ I<ij! nr c. "hoie I!"villl f.~rt 0;' ·ki., '" . . " " lingui8b,d friend. I~I! ohairmlln or-Ihe 10 Ille 1'91'1 a. 'bey eziet' at ""hal, lagl Iln . • 0 .r .. - . lit lIlIIime8 "!tlillst the Comp~ ny or Iltdr hom. bUlZirrd, will ubll"e by DUI n01~i.. II.'. , ~~ it to~l?\.me~tlb.ld a Cew days ,. - ()o,,,tniuee on PermaDeo~ OrglloizatioD, tbat tll~re cao be aDY proviai• •ade The Ohio Annll~i' Con'llreDee of tIm lI~ent 8, ftllli tlllit Ir nfter Ihli' IIII.1S! Ih .~"\ ~t. thltl dftrd. All ojhllre wilt p·le.." lUltntl . ;;;.:..! ., 'Leeahut" rebel ·Bagl wert will also rllmember Ihe tilDe, ill IOlDe wiLh ...,lIard ~o 'bo IIrglloilltMMlof a M 'P Church hal J'ua, heM itl . eBl io .. tr:al, nny WIOlch . hould pruv, 0 d .lolCIIV,!! ill their obedh'lllt IH'rnnt • •tJJ.,i, .. r .' I f b Ii d k d r 1862 h .Pt d ' b' .. ' ' .. Iny parti llo nr It mlly bu 10 WlYS eKO la .. • THOB. F. CHAPtfAtf, ~W'tI"4/~ Ih. UII OD ooIorl. .0 I e rat er ~r ~¥. 0 : • w eo ~Ilcceed.og CooJr~~a,.D w~ ••y ~. a' l:.eb.uon, Ohio. Tbe D8J:L .e881~D of ged for anolh~r. As thu ADicrillan waloh. 97:lr. 831 Rrftlld"II'. Nf'w Y""." "1'1 1Bd~' 1'01'....111 '.' O8,...r .Sprhige, It wa, .db~b.ted la, ~~18h eOllotry tl~ilb~r If. evt!.r1 ooe ,!'Ihl~ "18 IIUol~..._ thOM 'be OOr:'lfe~,oee ie 10 be h .. ld III SprlO~' I I made III Wuhhllln. lire. fur till Ie by deul· . I .• t . • ftlll,,", I ' i ' ~ d8 I )J ' .J or ,Dot' e .rlD, w IC ..eme • ~. blgb 10 authorl'1 . I I we ...... IIlld. Ohio, lhe ,bird W"do"aday In frl lIenerally thrl' "~ ho lll Ih e. cuU'olry. Wt! MIlI'rillt/e Illld CtllIlIltow, ·'~J?~1!~ ];t ·I. t;~ 'I"t , e Il~ dn,e the. r~blll. coald, Illider .n1 elr· bl,l' ciLil"O, will lbul .ubml' thlm' Sepl"m~r, 1867. 'rbe reporLI fro~ do not Boli()11 ordlm for eih l2le \VlucheB. An Ese~y or Werning anti 1.. "riIet.. ~ " ~ ,~...,. catalln of lbat Slate. CII~.I~OC~', be ~lIde lhe \001 of .any "IYee 10 lbtl Ilw of Ibelalld. 'iMlh o~~ Ih. diff~reDt aIICLioD' made .0 incre .. " CAUTIO". - "I'he publi u tiro c.utiolled lor Yuung .Mon. Allo. dille ••el enll I~ rhi,lrJa. "Jor f)f 8t. ;Lotiil b. . .ppoint. ebaeft"ln 10 .or O~I of the army to del· be II~ trouble. Ao .apP!'.1 to '~t CILt cn•• berl!hip of 1D0r. lh,", one Iho~. IU bu; ,oub of reilpeclnble tlell ler~. All ee, which prernlllurel, prllllr"I' tl" ,1111 '. f~A" • ..t..:;;; .. ... • da.t of tbaDk. i,in noy Iboae bile. r'!BI. Aod I J.oow IhllL leool of Un, llou~lry~. allwa.1~ op.a. to 'witblD tbe p ..t 'Year io tb, D" pereoo. eelli.(v Cllu!tlOrrt>il" will be . pr08·pow~r8, wllb .ure melb. 0/ rel lel. ... . " ~~ g g lbure miD ID the ArlDY of the Pu· Ihole who ar" dlllala.6ed "Ida: ~be eZ' 'I'iol Bculed .. . R()On~Ns & APPLETON, (ree 01 charRe. 'In l\P.tI.d I.IIM (In........ ~:rq~,~~. 4.~'.r~oe of tli.o ·ci.'ylrom thl tOllllC .Dd ill ,b" IIrmy , of the grell iating coodilop of tblo," If &hey ClD '• Agt'llla ror lbe Amari""n W ulch r.OOlIY'y, Add"'118 Dr. J. SKt'LUN HQUOfl,TOI, ,~~~ , , T .' ". Wlllt, Lhel'e were IDeo e~'ry where ,to .uccud io cbanging tbB opi~io~ of the r~I"" (rom P.r,a lIIert p~I'IYely 66-.w) 1 8~ Broad wlY. N. Y. How.rd AllcloclllllOl!' Pldilltlelpbb, 1'1. .tJ Tile Ilrullt. or BellhDOr.·a" bold. aprl?s- ut;nd I~y : .SoI.d!4rre of Ihe A· people 10 Ih", .. rllpet(lDla'!On la Co~· tblt lhe ~Dlp\'681 C~RLO~rA WIll leave A. 011 IiI B 11 0 • ~3()"~'I~y~-~,~~~~~~~~~ _ ,~L. c' ''I_ ......'..bll.h hoola menC!ao pubhu are cllllelil lirt~ aud ,r... ditftlfeDl (rom tb., wbaob •• b.vo for Mti&ICO 110'" lime In Oo&ober.How ofle. ',n II/e henrl"i" ('xnre••. i'Ia from . :x . . . . . . . .- . -. tv 1Cl . ,qlai.r. afterward. (Cbee,..) berewCore eaol be leaL Ibare Geder ex" Wtl.,b., .be ,,,.rD. for ' the purpose f' I 'rI A. .& d GI """ldl &eN blldrell h . d b i . I Pl'r8UOI rlladini advcrtillemel'l6 uf p,teilll ,.; ~. • . . . -..I · ~D" ~ : U1IJ ~ ••• 0 Tblt t ey re,cogntle that I e r par· illiog 181'-, we .hoalu, or oo.~, bow eacortin/J .M.u to hil nal~ooll bom., or Mp.diclue8, and in IIII1C en~eR 0111 of 'Iell . r llaeir £b.: am~ao~duly 18lbl duty lb'l o",,'u IOLbe will of the people. BII'w'~1I0w, . 10Iremalna~iI.loag.r.lDlueeocm[ry, IheYIl'"Y berl!!h,t. Irillllur 19 )· .... rp ; ~~ ~fII, ~pre",~~ i~ ,P ort· ~".8!r couplry I••th l. DO, alleSllIDce to a and 1111 u.ilora kDOW, lha' Ih. ~11l 01 II 1004 d .. inllely ..cert.ID,d. .I.n e. I ililruduced Iny mudl olne, Ihe VE"" ·k .... th. bead _ld.,1I11(.1II0, military or ~ohllo,,1 cb .. f coulcl et.r, Ihil p"ople hal b.-"u 'exp,.....d.o ~be III I ' Gill I " I ~ "TrAil Ln"Mlllir,.", the pl,lbtlr•. I bad lUI · • . • . oder .DY olrolllll'laoq,e, !Dake &helD com It-sloo .ud eb.racLer or II). IJ."~· r. a.... 41.lp ••• rrtltl et 11M mOlley LO lIdvrrlltle \1,10 I 10 11 II for .ole :~ ~91 . ~.,. bir.,l. 01 pea leal foraetah.llbey have bouad llaem.. hu in bun J.,.I, lId thl!' will rrM! Ipq' wee~1 .• il!c•• q'~Dla, on the chargll of "'Ith I 'It'w drul!l!l~I~ .nd Itorel(f04'per~ .\NU . • tro. i.ow.n, If.... '1Ii!""ecl frH, for .od ple~le4 Ibeir live. aDd Iheir bOil or k! wil\"only 1II0r. loud .,.lmofl dlllll~1C '." Iloul't.rrt'i'. mon,y. h.d an lbrouil h • amlll p~cuon 01 the cu".atrJ. ~ \l .. ~ .. • • . .dtaM!,of'~,"",.n . ~ " tb late lq lhe ,uPJ.>Orl or lla. GonromeDL a· perfrctlJ di,line' oa tb".bj"~.(GUtal \'s;.~luallon berore U~tled 8111"" Com· many Ilklll~ It WI\h Ifr, filiI U.lurllne.II; b~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ire " . alaid fell out 1:"10"" te the 11111 It. c:n~raielt, 10 ~ong 88 ~11!lrf ""pllAll'''.) BUL lwil' DOL! dill IU YOIl mlillonu . CI~~,eodeD, on "'~dlle.~IIIYd' ~ Idull~ thl'l~ 1° 11".1 RlIy ~"B '"'\10 it, Inld It ., . ' , ~ . 'J III lealt dlager Lh"l Governmenl r- . b b ;: .nel a. tb. c,'J"1P. pot u not uO a 1 /Jlllteu un .1l1J' PIO'P Il!II, Have j Ullt "'eel""" I new lad wI'll-_ \:.,ill6iIltl.., .. , . Bell tor ,lb"· ~ IOU ~ \I . b' ' ril A' '? dl"CII: arl., L ... selMon . GiIlt!llpie '91'11 di.chargl'd. : ' no 01'0 need PAT fur n. 'n .o·me Itorea ttl lloell 01 eM aet .. a4 'ont~' 'the },rooeedl:,j _ a 4' or e~en e 10 pe , 'b b nJ Uon •. \\ 0 have espre ... .el Oll' ~ . ,wu or Ihree bll"le~ WflfO tlken on &rIal b'll! r,,,ult'; 1' !~ . 1' , whhlD or "'thout, wbether. e ~ .~ \be wh\"~ lI.. '. "' ., '. , '. by J!erlOlIl pre __ 1l1. , I Wo r' , !ly mill" 't _ _i . " ·.,....I IKOfa"'1 ...artyr ,milo, or wb.,.~er be ~II poilu· (oUb. ."Ie_D~ q,I ~Il tbe Th. C"III"~II • Gaae~Ie .•""el .\J,"t lhoullhl CU", and Ib'I wuuld be lbe 1181 , DOla....tI 'S -I, B~toD s..~a~" e,,' IOa"m!l~tl, if .~e .h~uld .'nkll .u be i. h' cO\JDIr,l, a tt .II II ReY. II. Gad411, on ~rlday 'l\gh~. Ihey would Mee pi me. BUI I IcI,,,W my POTS, f .. ' . , - y, oftlill naLlOO, the .rmy or "ile polic)' but 011'10 klllJ -aa.II\· from tbe ~l"mpl&-o Hon· medieiu8 WII, OO hllmb·ulf • . rll abuUI twu la tH' ~~ 'or '3,Q94J IJpeotatbaoe.will be found arraied .11' ·m oll. IhllL w'hu(t!, world. I"'nd.· in olr of 17th W"rd, ClnciunAli. by .. molllbi I began to rel'e!\le ordorl for S lULLITS, -~""h · wbioh COlt eto,OOO, I WI. gain.t !tim and all Illob fUel. It III" wonder th"t a people could Il~der !tuth unanimllllR vote. He w.. formerl" LlniUl'nl, 80me tltlllo,; it ",y valulhle GRIDDLES, -id (6r " "" lhe clhltdreD .bbat 2.- gr ..' 8at\lfIlOlic;)D to me 10 meet hert! ciroumstance be eo IDlIg~anirao.s W Glrand ChAplain or the Order lD 9hio. Litlilll"", who hl.d reluped 10 _illR I re' OVAL. .. r- ~1 II. "' .' t I . l' d ~ 'h '. ' 1 n t ' • Ct'lpl wbfl ll , lell It at thflr lIor. Nllw ~~ .. . , 8oIa . 001 ••hroaghou~ au OD 'I OU COlD'" tlI 01. e.o u eer Ibollllbey bave ounqat:red And ",h.n . ~ . 1 Ir . ( 'b 1 , BOILEI S . "/0fti" . .... ~ r ant, bill .1.0 our comrade. of tbe reg· tbde(orit ' w. 11&1 91'0 are r~RdJ 'to I""Dd A report Nom lhe Register of Ibelo · m'd IIIIIII~ ure ~ I 1.0. ~ ut'e. )'~nrl1' I, ' ~~ Boar cl ,1l1.rarmy nd :''l:~r a",[.. '~. haYj by ab., dlOi,ioO of (lqo,re... .. . onlJ eal L,na 00108 a' '1'.II.hll".~ Fla •• ~lhe~rt:::h~llIe ;;:~~':~u:.·:re~rO:u~u ' ~r~A~KE~ ~..1; 1 . " ~... ' 4' I _I . l .a ~o t~'~ ; I to· aYlt y tb,' ~ r~low. 'b._•• 'l~alA!' tba' ill a majorl" ofo..... wpon. Dlorrll(JtI, DYI'1I18r,,~\j~, .Vtiltllllo,: ENA .... ~~ '~1::,L·lltJf ' '~ •.u......."t. . ,ft :~[1 . a ~~ OII.~· t ODI . ere Ir,ol~'Doe. D. W e. II", .Dd the um. priDciple. whloh we ,b. 1. .&alloOl 'Ia tha' re-'- ' die Bpllml, atld}S.•• 'ch~, ~e.n inlernll ...~£f A~ . .l '1 work. ~ . I meD wbobave 11\1~bfu1lJ IervllCl , '~~It "'Ilaw.d 'broll8h ,ij.wll. B •• , P " . a ..... • . r.\Dlld" It I. ,",r(!!ctl,. !UD,oce"I '!» la" .....'Ied '...... Ol . t~_-k i'I!.l~' rCr'l'i' ,., ,...l· , I .. to oouo~rl lhrou¥'h I'.. war IDI1 ba,. ISeen ~y comrad •• withoa&. d'lai~ JOI!I 1II••be, oIlaaadt .mploYild would f:te h,tftra.U,." e.clt o"tll IOCIOtIIplla,.In, nu,..,....".· .1'-....' JJ m'-"l::..>: 1II~· U,,!t'.°l ' " l ,!Ir bouk"', or occ py allch unfortial1atti I.rlbei 'I IDa;, be, 'OU ...1..... II. d.• pll"," It labofen ootard be pr,oou· ",c~ buUIII,-ud dleru.n, 'or Chrllnic .~ U5' ...... eu&OL'!V'J~ IDt1f1:~ COliD· pOI,hione th~' IbllY may ..e. to haY" tbe erionaaDOl of lhe ' d,d,.. .bi.b ecl~ " . Rb,umlli.llh" H•• ~.ehe, Mum .... FrUIted SADlnON~ ,I ~'IIUlI'DI~.qd .~bo i, perbap,' tbe been bou,IbI,bl tbe b~pll ot Pl'I'UID.OI, ~"V'!:f1Doeed OD . , Til••rmy Peet, Druld"a. a...rall,l. uld lIOreh. Iwellln___ • I', ',. J ';;11..(1 . , tet tbe grt'a' m..1 of 1111' tho•• 'wh'o I I.. ~ II TB••• "" Iitit ro ....· p· rilD . .nere in th. lore thrOlll•• &1'., &.cl. ,Suld 'by all th. .'·T AloIA ..,." 6.lI.r ._~ 'l'AU;t •• '.i.!. I "'tw. IJ l Il~~ i ·"'~~'!1~,9.A.r, ' . . ao' • g p .ce &0 ..... r. Pill' ."m.a· '" Dr"j!I!IItI... Depu', 66 pllrtlulldl . treel ~ "" I.....,,_ it 0'" bandred; ye.,. old, !lv~ • • ~t~ our. Jlodor.e, "heltl,r .It "'r IICtiCI, wh.teyer el.... may jl'ouIIIJ. J"iI. IIbartled 81 ~OIJOWI : T.,.o Nllw York. , 66.7w' ~. ........ l ~AII in Roc~~ him h~ ~e.n. tbe ?DlrOrlD of oar BOll In I"al'n •• nd Iberelore i~ b.~m.... eae"'· for '~urder,one for bllrgl.rr. aDd I~rce · ~, , .. n' f1~\! l l'T"J g . . B~ue. on land or w.ler, .re Itu. 10 the r1 for IDe La appe,,1 10 YOII lit., yqa 1. a~d .~he ror horll ~~II,log. "1;1009&'8 pl)~ plailten. 1,. \) .t ., ar• beror~ ~~ncan prinuiple8 Ihell Wfre fil1b~iDIt for durio', will b"Ye luch reg.rd for .iPt'.~ . __" . • ... iadependeoce . . . \~ectared. · t!le wa!. (Applallle.) . ence Imd Ihorlcumingl 10- "'a, Ihe coa' . , 8"E~1A ~ ;a,O'l'I<;E. IS.~ IYHUOl'INO-COUOIf OURED. , ;'. J jI'tcirl4~1"PI'" report lb. rhe old pr~verb, yoa hoW', ••ys nnlioD mllY .hcure il,eJt~IIO , t~a' I .. .' . '. '. «':"3"11" . Iliud. CuunlY, 111~.: ~~hfal .' Ti,~at b1 a "team~ tb~t 'be esc~'puOIl prove • . tbe r.le.- may be be,.. In enme Ib.ort ID~"'. ,tbe DOW'TIIY' DE8'I'IN,Y. T . ALLeone & C,I.- Gelll)emen: Plel ,*,. ." ad 80 I tbmk tbllt "e, It lell'. wbo fi'gure.bead I. "ll rll .....1ng ~hll bCHl,. ~ll l1d lIIe ont\th('r ~ ix ,jut" YOllr Jli.troll~ ll'II" ,,,,t:~" th~ r'~l, d.~g,~, ~:~d m.ou~t. Ie\lO hoW' pitiful th~ . atr'f • . U :· (Applalllfi.) · . M~n'M& E. F. iB~nTo!,.I~~ ureal Eng- P~llflf'r", '('hey are ill g'I'IU drlllnnd Illlr .. nl ~~~ . j ., ~o, ·"b,loh ~ .. · bee~ . Imong Iboll who . ... . . lJ~b Aetr';llo&l18t, Clairvby~nt Illd f.~y.t:o- f()r.)I~bQoplnU-c,c)u"h. "bev IO~ lIkel ll wert' aJ ~ j~'~ .wi. dlia, "rll"g' of "qrD o~r unl(\lrlD aod wbo do oo~ ~Thc aU~ged ~\H'derei' ot "ettlcl.n, wbo b~1I Itlonl.llied lIi~ Icleb. c;Jlftrm. I f.I1llld .ord Iwu d"zt'1I' Ih;... J .ilei Jl~cl the . Ie.lDer tben p. at t~ ~ow Il.~dwub ua o~ lbe gr~a' quee· Miller, in Philadelphia, was capt.ur. llfie el ..... or lhe Old Wo,ld, h~. now "'!Irk ill. }~,nd b"d Ihem • . Seod lid lIo.oll·.H -lleI . '~ .'J '~j , r. : ' , lI'1n. wb.lch w. coollder eo lmpor&llol . ' .. I 1111,..11 II HudlOll, ti.Y. · MllialDe bl" Illd tblljre. . ' \"8~ .q t:"'~. ,,:9P'1I ~~ . l~~ , 1'O~"IOtl 7 1 ••y ~At we, at lealt. are pr\jp~,ed cd last week in that cIty• .~~ name . p.......,. ~lIcb wonderful ~o~•• • ..IIr/i rp-,p!'*tllllb" I :1" ~II ""M1nauOD,p~'j ' ''~. . .noully 10 !'VOW .nd pro,'. tblll Ih.y .... 001, is Go'tlieb WilUnms, and he W88 .re' of I~c.olld Ilabt, Ie to ell.tile h.p to JOHN I. WILLI AM. P. M."lay1b....plot.oD or •• b.n .lIoh .. make IDOlt pO¥itive proof o(,be nursed in childhood by I the lady bliP'" Ilbowl~1I11 "f the greatell Import, A~T.IMA (;UREp. , . ". • I (A I ) . ute to lite .1\l1l" '~r KIarrled of ehher }lr. tIny, ul ~UI Sprlnjf S""e', . . . ., d ~ , ~..rP.D4l .. IDlelHgen·..r",~y, rll 17. • . . Pp 'U8~. whoso life he 80 cruelly too. He lIell: Wbtl •.ip ~ ,lluI ..o.1 tr!,lIce, Ihe de. . York. ~rlte8. J illl J, 18~6: Ilteve Q'Jf •• 11~QI.. !)Iii) of MarYland, one of A. C}IIJeO soldle,., then... m.." waa 0. deIJper . Bte character, ·and this IInellea Ihe ve~y fealarea of the peteon .. fHilllfa ~hb lIelbmll tur upwirJM '!' ". . . ' , ' J'~ ~~' . . 'fl ~ 1f T'll 'b d . .delerlDmed Ibat hal been done last 1\ d' I t ltled 1't' . are to anerr,. and br the uid of a" In· I..... year p, reoe ,vlng 00 belldt froll) meetl' We ~ ..v• .• verl.t! ., ~ I "or ~. ., I, ". ,an .'nter' during lhe ~lIr shllll oootinue to baMr . en IS I BC w~ . comm I) la ~tttimerit of Ihlen.~ pij~er: ~noro II the calm,n . . I. ~I' "dvi..d ~ .a 'frI8,!~ to t.ry rei .. , .ltw. wl,b ,~. ~~rne1. G'~J"I "'Q r,. ila Irulll : ihllL 'the I"bor. IIDd Ihe loil, supposed, for money. '-'ychomou0Pf', ..."nnte.. tQ p'ocIU,C~ . 1 olle of ~l1co"\a" Poro"~ P.'.I~". I eaid. :. ,~I!II. icl t.D &b. ~~ of leff Da," W. Ind blood .hall not be wa,l,Il' ~ '~f ' IIf.. llb plel" of 1M '-'lIre hll'''~lIct or 1 h,d t"~ie"ral kllld~ of pllillera wiln· 0 ,~",.~ ' A' ~ ~..... ' i /' . ' 'OO\oD wlll.ll t,lIlf ' ra'bel'.. ~lUatorl~. MIt Yol'k wife of t ..... ppll~ul, lOlfelher with ' dale out on, ' beneth, Ind .llppOaed I hll, wer. ::t " ~.~'rI.~')I..~'~f'"N ...,. .~. ~ "'I a \ of ' ., '0 ~ •• witb' p"',\ot\o " 4•• 0. eu\'bus""\kiaUj owli>dnred .hy ...,rl ..e, /IOIlIlOn In lire, leldin" trah. : 1\ nlike. My 1,101111 gay. me 0... or All. I!I oi . ~ . . , . ~!' ,J)Ia~ ' ,.p~" 91'11 iD lioa er 'Ooo,\nlle estl~ lIad ' . .' ~"" . ca.-r.cI.r, _c. Tho!1 II tiD bumbul/:, II i j .Iod \lrged mil 10 u., It! I did '0, ::; u • • 0000.-wl," ,;b'.t·... l.arlifrolD l\a... . 'd ' the prOM. She B Recorded 'be hae thoUllndl 01 leit Imunlill 01 . . ...rl. Shl! 1l0W WOr'l1 trll'm ,,"tidily fllr 9 sua I . -. more vlgoroul ' L. '" ' d.. .u., · BII d b '" I IlIn I . rei 'IliI&J "6iNtii· of. inform.llDO n. .e1y,. Irow . •..Iore.o .A W . .\b upon 'f, 1 qu. 110" 0 f prai8(', Bt 0 r I\.uewg the wll\ Illn d'1" hen deaIre II ,a CUlli fied . Cerl\u" I'YIIIII , el.l ,.r·· "i " ,. . ,t· ' . • prtnOlp" • . e1Pcoglllle '~C&lIAl . t t\- , t ii' cI""orwrlttenlJuer.. lee,lll'tlbepfllture been ror m_lI', "elrll; AKenoy, ~CI .~.t.• ~~ u.~~e·rwCOd .~d 'Obi.1 Ja~· ~bou~1he UOIon o( .Ibeae Statel.ul.cber' glco. C8 n mg ,.a~t 1e1i7ie,-t~e peer I~ WhMI t\ purports 10 be. D, enclollog I ndrelh Hou.., New YOlk. Suld b,.\1 :.::l • -Jti& Cb"," ba~ COID4!' to 'beJ)obcl~lIi(lD It~ed all thOle c.u... for 1""lrlo'lo d.· of Mrs. Siddon8 nnd Roohel. ~' , IIlIIllIllK'k of hair•• nd IItl,'ihg pllce 01 Drur",.... ' -, ~ ., P. 'rli.i/'·b8 ~. ~ ', 't ' '}' . '1 t' • vOLioa. wbich in olher landa ml'J be ~ . blrlb. 11l'1'.. dllpoehio" and complexion, ' .' ' )', ' • . ... l~ •• C'''l 0 .,li~ : eg'~ ~ 10D ~! the cUDcelt&raled abo~l r"miliu Ind 'be n-Secretary S~ward hIlS tender. enclo.lar SO eaote .aod .t.mped laDr. ~b1..', V'lle'~ t.tDlmellt.· ':!: Y~ l'I9JlP.¥l, ~JollrDed Oourt' ClD powere.f goverli~epl. 'l'ba' tbe IIpiri~ ~d on bebnlf of the governtne&t 80r. •elope Iddrelled to youru.lf, yuu "III re. . •.. • -' 4J • ~:"I beW ' DUi ·..-oD&b, aDd 00011· ortoy.all)' ahd attachmentmalD•• ilh'l· f th U S te b' cel.. the picture alld dellrelll\llorma"~n .An In.l,n,.,ulund rllmed}' for Cbr(lIlic P.A.llLOB COO~ • q\l.otly tbe cia, oC wm hil,. to evel'ywllere not attachmeot lo • p.r. Vlcea 0 0 . . . . 8 aBl8 lit Van_ bl relurn m.11. All clJ,Ulmunlcltloll. u- Rbeum.nero, beld..h•• t~thllobe, croup, .:; • 'e4 f d IDa Dol ,"acbmeDt 10 III olBae nOL al derbilt for carryillg Queen ··imma ~retll, coufI"Boti.~, ' AA/~'PI., In cpo ft. colic, qu[ftllY, "ote II IQ"'t , 'lId pllne Iii.... aa. : .. ~pou II' ~" Ilture ,~f" I!lchmeot to "01 or.ll 01 lbe Qmceetha; from San Francisco to her homo in B~~c:g3MH~~::nE~t ~TH9J.KTO:;, o. IIY pan OI .lhll b'lelf· Remem~er, thill If- ~ . ~ u.~V~ IIIM~ t!,w,; 611..~. ,J~at• •ay':....... m.y rlpreleDl tbe Go,.rnmeo' of tbe the Sandwieh bland&. . . ' .I ', ' . ' , ,1111 \1~1;::r:I~~ch::-;:eo~ f~t:i'e'rN:II!~jlcl::: The plrlor emil .r'; , ......... ~ atJl!Wr*. not .we ~a"eJi..rd of bOIlIll' oolln~rf,bll~ i( J~pre"~11 a&tachmea' 10 '. ' . ~ ! TIIB ~.~ , V9I!O~C?llB . net. llid .uclh a'r"I»ul.llIIll .. tl1l1 I IUllnt. Ind (or ehhtr qOltor W~, TIIt, till ~~ peopltt "i.a BDttred bJ arm. lh. uO"f of the...Vn!ted 8tat...uoder 'Ww.uuis OUR MOMS ?' il the title ' .re en,I,ll1g Ib, I"entloo of •• trono. 111l bil "ur!led Ihl wily b.lore tbe pul/llc .'oek ~I. bdeo pttreh.aWOd ~, tile ed po·lie. aad leer h d d. tb • our glorlou~, aad llDOen of an apropos piece ofmusi j' tUit isL m.n, but Ibll world 0' ,B.IUI, f!!J/f! Fub ·, .ad.1I are loud la Ir. pnl.... "CII",.I\) 17~17\'m1lt«:l1llA 011 . c e ,.D 0 ocea lovi for the natwn an Ita unlLy. (Great • C loa .11 les. Ibter"ted In 'ho",' .. "coyer- rbeamatISlll." T1lullllliti. who laid for . ~\V tm /.IItIi\ I. ~~ ttla " lJip(emed 0.' of tbeir ,bOIl..1 io appl.u ....) Bllt gro&1ly to ollr r.gre' au.ed by Oliv~r D,tsOll 1\ Co, Boston. ie. Ihla In. tb~l .re.t .qu.atlon of. . weeke on. bed of liony and wllk.' '. . w.; I ~ti.!"!~M, ~iI in .lIme ca..1 'hr..telled w. h"VI h.d forCi6d upoo . . . recoglli., Get It. Price SO ccn... 'IU~G ~ :RJlAD8 . ed without the atd 0, cr"t.ehl,!l, 'wlth .t'hll andl wl~ b. IOId .t r~alOll~ 1M '~~~'ir tbe;y aId n'" 1111 media"" r .. Lion of tb.laoL Lhllt w.. are pl"ced • • Ih., ha.. be.n .,bltened by :... or Ilck- cOl!'plllflt,{.on le811~y 10 lb. mlglcal ef. Ib...... ~__fI!. . . ~' I~ ' iana. Jbe m! ht bit face to flCl with· IOlDe of lbOl~. wbom . It we bolleve the Paris 1~'1nito a "lIriou~ bl.cll ot! btowli ~u,.- . of 1i"lmoa~. 'rb,y II" CI.lrl! cI _ . .' . j?!I'~ ~71 ... .. y . ~ e we have heretofore dolighte4 'to bOD' tera Napoleon 11' has th NO~1 aow la III10h I ' ! I pr~~.lm Itl vlrtuel tb'OfI,bou~ the . , , :'. 'rbeumnti8~ " e,· . . .A LUJrA,S'JO. . J'. ~ ,~, A,, r,lI,f Iii .ae,I.lq.... i • J ill Uaetr poeeellion. W••ad.ntand or. ,11..,. eeryed ill III.IIY III lOr. trial Bright', .. ." to atlnalt th.i tbe, lae;,' lilt! .oil 0 •• '. ' ~B , - .~, aDd . . . . . . .~red out La beh..e 'b~"'.J . .D wb.o had · dea. aciotic gout, ' aurora b'~~=tollli ~:;::.,~ I II,. tbrolt, quin." lad dlphl"e~l. en ncb I I' aoo'tbtr.....~ ~d/-'; ~• . &Ii,lTa ~· 8&a1" 10, 'belr PDI, i,oocl.•er.~I.. III oaqa~ or la poli~.... integral caleull1l" and' , . ' De . ro~1I 0.' tbel turon 7br • ,1... 1,. " .. or ducto........... abort .tiii ~ .. III ~ lihD~'e4 Ub b t b ltOD III cltnlll. dllnolJ 'hll' .tnllle thipp; be".. almOat w"'claacHifl,eb... II.i1tal'llu.ellieeh.n- the tenetla. ~lolm'lIt l'"'' '.vetl bt'et I"t., .It ,edtlaed. " . " . . •• • •• .....:.:. . 0 ~,J e ·re .· could hive beln r.... to hfe",;aolpl,e. Vicliy; bllt he .~'to ",IMIt ~ •••ar......y" I. (jl... hu~,.de lite put &Jar.. l»1i... , ..... J ~. ell W ' ~ • " ~ to. GOD....." 0., po- It WII ~ ....... \riaL to. 1M 10 belley. all~ even: B~marck'. dOl4 '.ADnO.8 iAe&or a ..... II.., .k. 801. 40. .qd 8O'CIII" a "ot~1e OfIoe H Cqrt. II. "'~1 &0 wilt .. , _ wnor' . liN. ". ' ",., h w: u poeabl. ~\aa' ,pled., Ii,... acid. • Ole 0 .. laJ·n laodt atreet. ~.. ':14 lI,.t aU lull"••' 10 be .......1'1.. lb.







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to Bhndd for the of th ••d • lirl. Jaa\ w k. an of '-bo. ~ ••naYtt.r.s (conFnr ft'ATfO.,. people.1Dd bail with .feelings .......... well. TM,.,1a Ie UI&aftADS aA.nwA'aD BOUD. horror any addttioD to the . . . DO douh&. 0Iii,.t .pr_. I.n .A. ••• iniquity existing amoDg U8. Ih" 07 Mr'-.-loa-.-th-a-.-H-.-i-o,,-j-, .ow,.l. ClaclDD.ti Expre... 8.47 L fri nd o· good t·eb"vio. and _ ;: § 0 It I,' now titre" ye"r. sinco POCTOR IIIBHLER'S HUB BITTBRS Wife"" r u tlrmly .. ~ than IT,tarted in the -all-I Q..r. ... Ir.nd Aecom., 10.3'7 A. H. tem'perance S110uld more - .......... __ of ~ • II ... pron~l nllnl11 introdoclld 10 the pulllic, and durin, th.t time their lHOe. , . . . . . CcaI_.... Aceom.. 6-l19 r. .. Ibam. aDd hi, mill gel fara .... ar. 1::1 .; .ll dcseuew Hrillin~ from en impure Mlale of tbe bl~ or diae.aed b.. 1Ieti\ Pit~iari,E'a~~. 10.01 r... ever sct his face agllinBt th.ia iniq. cUbituUy em'ployed. C::I ~. ~ \ill & a~ ,f88t Ihllt. the pi opriolor I. ju.nified in o8'erlna them as. 'l'"ilia ,...4. for.w .r,IUIlIIS W"STWAJll> DOONQ. uitous t rntUe in Q.rdent Bpirita.~ " . . ' 11iU' .~d Ac~om•• · 9.204. •• These are the places wbo e young . -.Tbere W•• a rou,inK Union meet. , ht Eapres8. II IQ C, r" Dr. Mishler'lI Herb' 1)ilterl' Ilrt! ol.rmnreed to ture ·Drill'·p II.; ,Liver Co"'I... 'Nir • 4.35 ·.,.. man and" boY8 receIve their first ing ., Yorrow 00 Monda.. , CHll. Gar. ':1 • ~ ~ .. r; Fever and AlltlClJ In le'miUunt . R..)miltenl Inci Typbold Fever, ' Lo.! of A'ppell":, 'Cur.mbb, t\eoomm'o__ 7 :47 .t . I l / J OUB Affeclions, G "nero l Debility, ~r We~kD" Glu•• d by eaaeu, i~IlftICItI ....... .pittailur, ~prllllll, 9.64 1 .... -jJL»C·eu~aV6 to public disturban ' C8, ,ri· 6&ld, .nd Hon. E U. IogerlOll, were ~ ex)) III'C!, C~ lIgh . ~nd Colds. Rha~m,'h.m. Dllrr\;mIt.Choler. ,lIorb.... tn' , ... E%preil.. \ 9, 13 P. . . and crime, The moral , faculties the orator.. . """ Q (;:) _ ~Iom~eh. Piles, DI~e.uBII of the _kin. IDcb III 8,erofulij Ulear., etc.,'alo. III V..... • D,,I'DO\ IItop . aro blunt u and do adon tI, and in ' ~~. ~ ' t:::) :; r~al Diseases tbese BI~t8r. are a lure curl'. h i •• I~ certain to remo•• III obIuW•J " Wt g .• CU:IIEltT, President. ' tb'eir stead the mind is fiUed to roO:tr A valUAble 'bog belooging lo AI. ...!. CJ ~ < . IIQn. to Ihe regular coutBe oC oature In Femll"j and will cure < Greelll SIIlk.III!. ... ~ ao; ~ ~ i., ;; Chloral!, Laucorrhma ur Wh ilea, Wom" Com, Illat or Falling of the W nrob , " fH.\ E. W. W PODW ARD. Sup ',t . cei v all bad impressIons which urge bert 1'homa8. WRa killed "la8~ week on A. D. CAD, WALLADER, Agent. , I D_'I d - .. IiI4 .c: "'CI and 1,ItlS pr '/lorve the COlllpl\\xioll \I( lhote who use itl but like aU.remedle. of on to df>1>ravity and ,:e1'l tine' tle- l LII ..... , roa . ~ ~ ~ litis clu8 ... hould ba \lsed with ctlution by married ladll~.. Ae. Tonic and Appell. r\i.,".. ·A .... ~IJJ. . . &. ~ Eqrt18 Agenll!. u ~ ~========~===. I . CI t:;) b~ zr r, these Billers are unrivull ed.. . o J Te" h $t1'nction. ShnlI t1lQro n9t be some ....:D Q,. • g . ,\Iike ?lb~r \>l>l'u l8r ....1I1"di I (II VO'UI,b';lio" o( B. MlShlor·. Rerb Billers" ao aecr&t' ~ J.OH~ ; ILION, ,!/rap Age'ld oheck put' to tbis fearfUl OU1'SO of . "EVERY ~~N IS Til. AaoUl!BOT o( • III Pl'0lll~ Iv r till no hel;lo Dr.y ·1I1 'UUklll&' knowII!lhei r ing ....... i.ou • .'I'h.y Itre Jllllpo..,it ; . . , OlOn fo rtune' I • • true, a!,d trite '''YlDg. .:.... .~ con!pnoC. I Dro lor. I<, SrJikel\ardJ, SO.pWRrl, PeruviR n Dark. 8uolll,\ ~pie .. wood , Mull ~i n. alil'PlJJJ 00 Wlc~edness? Let .~s bppe that Our Yet .. every man. betore be begina t~ . -----,~.------ 1::1111. 'IJ""fras, Shr.ap.. IU., li o"liall R aD I, Juniper. S'l'irili N,t ... a . loalu CO}IAv~", o~ D 1J,,"d 111;11. PI"" pirll.Alld llnl'berry. AI' r " . ' "" ".4 be:mtiful village may not become n buiW. diould learn all 111 . can of th, . :\0 .J tJ n~:AI)ER. if ,00 ue BlBicled with dll....e or .iakn'" try B, Mi."lel"" ,Hilrb Bitten. B.euaeIa. GRAND JORORS. ropma h, 1lilt . tbnt the gQod1may OOD~itiOoe of auo.celll. PolitiauJ.Econq. , ber. (b~li(tI...)'. don't cure ),0_. yourwon~1 .. 1lI be by die propnetOt'. ! '.:.1)0( I B!lru6' an, Olearkcr,eli ;" triumph Ilnd Wayncs"ille rather COil . my II. ~ughl. at .. ell." every lhl~g el.a. Por 8~h at the Hew Levi' Croll. Frllnk lio- ; •. .. • p"rLAIDln, to a bU.1De.. eduoalloo .~ ue to bo chnract!!ri~ed for 1ts lhe UJlJON BO' ."91 hla'l'I'I'tI'l'& OJ' .~• •~~IW · D. W. :O.'.Stni~h j '1:lIrlleoreek ; Da"il Furnas. Wayne. gooH be havior nnd morality. KIIIl •• GlUr~ .. do., l00.~d al ,......... ,.., .~,. .~ . .P' Co_Ii.,,,T., Ditmae. HlUOillon t - " - -. _- UN. ORIO. · Tuition and board W.:N; Y~Cly • •WllahiqgloD ; A discreditable aff:l.i1· occurred here had At tb"t point I\t .bollt fll barC\by ai~Il\'l to myoId Customer. and Alf~4 EdWllrds. !4..~~ie i on Sn.tUl'dB.Y c,"eulf1~ iast, ' at n,·Dotp.. u~ual eXJMln... ~mp~rt,ant. iI.lfolrDlllltlC)IU friend s. that' I Dm stililn the · ~ ,b eId i n llIon L t 0 f t1.1e Will b.e ,en' lo anyone dOllMng. 64 ' 4~ ~~eJ'~~i!l. HarlRo il ., . oorat.I c mee t m Ed~I'i ~j nIlL." Wayna .i New Drug Store pnilllhlg;' . A pnrty er Al,( EX1'ENSIVE SA ),E AND Waa'hing qn COI~JbaD : Fr'ftnklin ; of1'lldc boys lu~d 'ome to tho pIne'!!, it W· DISTW BV'l'lON o( Pi.1I00, Md ~ EID• .6Jb: MuGdli'. C1cllrcl'e k ; nppears"cith tho 'preconcerted iuten- deu"., Gold and Silver WR~e, 10 now going 011 Jolin Keevor. 'J.'urll"c:rellk ; . BUSINESS, ' Joeeph qil\ill. H"mil(I,ID..; t.·ion of iuterl'tiI1ting the spe~ker.s, 81th .. SnlenoolU or MII!li8RI. Rlu:n& Uao.,.1'/o 3" Lib~rty St., N•• Y. T.h ~.e goodl are 1019 ~t Ohtfnieflts. 'W"yoel.; wl\yneIlV';ltl, • which thoy G1\11'ied ,o ut by various TWO' DOLLARS' EA.C H. 'lb:(l~RIIL&II8 0.' iI. V"otuyle. Franklin; noises, aDd lintilly ono·threw stones, VA1.VE. · Send Tw~tV.nVE CJo:.NTS r~r bUIlding, ' • . .. . . .., '.. ~I ! :f~ r~;lT .Il'BOB1: . -ono of which grazed the speaker's o'"e IIUIIIU.,·",1 l'io\ieoi,. or O.N~ DOLLAR (or • , I 'I • \1 1i N. V; Clonver, MaISie; • . •• SI X. rile num"er pn .each Nollee cor""'I~o"fI' W l\ere mny be f"und a 6me II Btock of we·\I , '1 j cnr. A little moro, nnd 'hrs hfe wilh the nUI;;bc:r nil,... m~ '6r'ir.'e ·ofKou,u,."",,,,! '6h'irtle. N.' Pllnile, 'Ciellroreek; Bo lt/Clod Goods) QOnBl8lin6[ of • , . " \, ! t .,'1 ",,, wOllld ,bfwe been, ondotl. 'Ve l'egret will be ... nt on r~eeipt ot" " ,:;rhe lIluney " \JOItI Oook, FlI'aokHn ; . ., . , E'.ai.h Cileliowelh. Wfly ne; exCocrllll O'lr to hnVO such a I'ecord to be refund ed ,it tbe gvodl,4o .uOl Kl\'e ~.ltl.f.clloll, , ~, , " "' . . ... BROADCI..OTHS,' " • . . t. ~'i f'i ,. JOIHlp~, a. JUhllllOq. Ihwilton ; mltk e of Wnynes"iUe in the mllin "gOIl~1 IIlake 'fW~:N:Y.Fl\' E D~.I:LARS per by 111 . ", • W~I'..K. 5e d (~r ... Clreu!ar. ~ED ~ 81'0 .• · .Ioho F!1l1l<!uiLIl. WII.hinglon ; ordorly lind coul'teous j lmt sneh dls· 1;', O. Box ~ 13S, New York. ~.fllufll · 'r. 'S~t:d d o m. '1'unlccrctlk ; tUl'banccs 11.1'0 toQ l'eprehcnsillle on Olfi'ce, 1I4 Liberty St. · ~phl' .W. CU, l e~ t. Wrllyne; VESTING&J nny 00 allion ~ J1e pns~ed by with- N tRvoU-8-·!I"E"-1II.-.-~~""'T~k""'·~""c-u-re-'tho.,..". lhqwI<ll. Frllllk lin ; ,wd' i~tlt&iti:ll~rnldl "1llt tti , both plain Dnd fon cY i whioh I am preparY"rm ~a ll.\lt! Crolll'lt. d"'"rerook; out protest. It is a tlireat i'lirl'ing e- ne ••· 16 ,. . ef1'ecl~d by .illr IIA tJlJB.IiI~ llr~Ua~., \0\'09 l ed tu have 'mR:do np In • 8ty18<00t f:""D'li~1 Bilrro\!rs, 'J.'Ul'tlocrtlc;k ; '. • ,.. \ .. 6u~jln8ticd by , men.t ,Qn- the ', rIC1'lltS g' u{U'.tllIted to hhy " etI9n Ille i ~A~L lYllj.J:,EWj IN brat;1 H. Ihr~i ~ . ,WuYUfJ. wtll ••• n,d , by \"X~~I'(',I I'~ ... , OVOI'Y citizen of OU).' ~rce U~litcd C\P..ltIl pl~. ,T.b~, ',~:m~ .... Iitty~'hoons ~, Stlttes-the liberty of free speech and overloaded with . ~ , . bowel. ,lipuld ba qecl1.ionQlly ' I . ": '. '. {1'" .• oS'l. '" Whon mnclo '\lIl, If thay do.not ~lllt .\\le t . r ' Mi )' "I free opinjoll. U the ~~n~m~~ of Il 11m' 11)'1 dOle. or B1.00D PILL". uotm cen "• nn d J'."lg 1 ].. I '" ' I " t .1'ik. .'~ . It ' . . ·QUE,KN:~W.ARE, cu~tomor. ha need 'lot tllke tb9m ! •. ' , I , ,," ". . . b l 1'1, po I t~ca mee" ng "re ~~ . ~ Ct', ~ e !lent IDriao. Abernethy'li i!'junotlo~ to • pr~bt()8S S 111\ om y. lere thoso who do not liko thcI;J1 'f?tny 0.. lIer"ou. · ladY i II ,,"orlhy I '"llee her,,:~.' ~~, ' "tt ~T'\Q'I I.."" .' : . :HAnDWAlid"~& y~ ;" ~,- GOO ~I"V UOl'( 0. s ldewalk from t he Cornel' tl t I' ·d ·""" L ·Di~ .. IB' ')'<>ur ,ervontl, madam. lind make , , wa. - ley are' no comp,> ', e . IoU ueAr Iwtd • " Jll. ••+".c.; ( ~eep con8l"tllIlly htldd Ii amlillstooh 0,1 ' • .. • <. 'I' II " Nl)rtu cleRl' to Rlg ll' unHl· : S" d . , your o_w_n~r",. '....· ...'_,r _ ' _ _ __ . '1( ~'I ~ r ~,. \ .. , .... . ' th 1\1 eXJ.'lressed, l1ch COll oet as ditches, or mud-holes. II ad S t d . ht' A RaKARK4BL~ F.CT -That nol " n netl.~ Ifalil1g fCIl t'lo to, tho tWillS t ,' bO~ ~ ur. ~, tnl ~gl :1S 'tj 'iii.l.,ntll' II". com~ to 'be knoWI~ . ' I~\ -' ', (7'l d · cut an cl mode by MR. DODSON. whlle ' . . ' 0 e l'(\ Cl V nny l'Igulr uo IUlg C1 • d r ' W Rob k ..!' 'r'l C lurch yard • r,WhlCb is now '. e get 0 . U.· . ' "0 1\1 U -'-'" . " uncler m.f uillpluy, which I will ,n. . '11' t ~eJ1, a nd the pCl'l\Ions ",·ho engaged in hill Biners W Iliv,,' laliaractioo in the ~an(mtl to ·the aiclewl~ . ; am. Wleo It . d eserve tIe 1 f l'OWIlS' Ut .... ~ftbi1' . r' '?t ' . hi h' 1 ., I. ' •..." 9. , I' , J respee.... 1· Luou, a.nd, 0 .cale, 10 \If 0 lley ~a;ve ', W :A Ii ~' ; ;.. ~"~'" ".' ' ty. We si~cerciy l~qp~ ,~~\\t, , . b~~!,~'l!d. 'j~,::~q' thy. ~.f.; "':,.,ark,• • ~ntl . I' · .. f. '. will 'ne\' 1' , b e ", rei>etiU<Hi., of""it u~Il~~b~." , @y.!.Iie!loe of:: "bill! , (Q\hn~ip {o be I\B gootl GOOl19 08 iny in the mtlrhl y"t~e! .' r", ' . " ' ''-OJIll, wilieh 1 will Boll ' ,. WnynCSYl'11e. \ . , . '''". . . f" •


· ; ' .i



,If 1.: ~ -!" :~~;::'r:I~~::~ID~l!~~:\:ht~:~Il~~t::;":;j:'~· ~IIWt~~;'f. :_I:~t.::,::D~ ,-:" i. Iii: .! '= 1":;




-.s '.




NEW KI]:lT FOR 186

I .S .fiG.

.Merchant. Tailor HI" MtJ~n Str~et,


BAR G A. fN S', ;

~ ,


'I.lie ab~ve . S~t ~~ s~e "~ !: f!t~~D, ~~~"











~nnti. lt1ljlJ ,~ftn,s I .READY-MADE






" 'ai.f~~Vllle, JI~t:1W~.,



I} "




----!-!.,......,~..'O;_O : ~....--


. As there luuch :sllid in reg:J.l'd tQ (Jan' wish ' our good tl "Poroto Rot we sh.all be obliged h,e r as .. . 8~rr~un~ings as tbp nish us with pafticul~r8 i'~,spccttng lJeal1~rlmd ~'ag~lI.nce th~ ~tate. of th'e tr 'crQPs~l for tb'e l:!ene+ desel've~: • fit Q. community. (i

Ut~~ay "~~

ru.l~ ~~Vl' f~~'DIer '~l(l~d!il !! ·tbe),"~il}:~r


J~llpn4' j ; C, Hopkin\J.




,, ;I


(t.7 M r 'Wesle;'


~~inel i~ ;~~p.rin,

~ :..~~ ~p,bldu$ ~ C~ilJpin~, to erect ;" ~p"ciou8 relliideJlee 00 firth embellished the front oO)i~ St., e&.~ of R,~beh Ellglu'a. ,We le~rn ~\l8,ul}ll/o,ce . by , an el~ga.ntly,-cnTved lhaM~i8. av~nue will b!! opeood 811ort.

'Iln!J~~-;-1iJle . Dl,9st tasty thing of 1, ; .wHich wiii add IlIIot her promineot I'~~~~!!::~~~~~~~~=:!!! sort ~ouud ill the neigbbol,'· Blreet tq Odr IItrowing town. .' itl18sing there. one cannot reo ' . ' , ... _ . ' .

lIouse.: and:L()t· ,

[lll,1111i'I\~nm n{h1iiring .~hil: neatness Iiir ADem6cl",iu M.,eLIII!l til an· AT P FlI\/ At E. SA L E. a~g~merit, . arwi"(l8pcckUy o~~ced I() III\ie place at Llie old .C"mp • . Th. ,ub.c'l~r ofl'~n ror IIle

pmfllsioo·.of· llowel's thl\t adorn (lro~nd, near Spr.jog.V.lle,. on Thon· _Rou,...nd LOt~ .huated 00 M",ch: lDOr() o.ttontl~p dA,/. OQt. 4. Tboi. 0; Lo_e. of Day- SL!. f!~t. Aj ~,*,i!l ~!DJtllr'e .ot. "ome n '" .a"nc . \' 'u.",.. 'uu • . to · fto;w~r,oultnre m ~on .. Judgll Thurma~. "udaB Lles"ey~ & we,l to ~v.~ lbl'·'prop~\J' l~l~i~i~!:Oa, 't,.••a81:w,,,w),tb.out ~6'6Cts. Ma:w:well P. Gaddis, .re &0 be ~b8 'peak. ', ' " . . J.AMk~ ".!...:!-....,...-....o.::--'-. W~'n .. "l1Ie•. AuaUl1 . 1. ~ , .,. eta.


' '. .

I. .

• •••

"" ,. , \>r Yr. ,iye



.~Vi;: Drug~Store. • lU.lIN .TR"~E",. ,

'W l

'a L' , . ,






i; , •

•~t ~ ,, """"'I.' ,.., .~ . '



:~. , e


C'HEMICALS; LEAD, . . Ol.{,., '.,






Sha""'1 '


Mtl. J : ' ·R.ANDALL h,l\8 ret~rned from , tbo East; and will be ' !"l"O';"'!-c'J',i l , . followed by the $l.nest \ot of dry; thnt coullt bO' ~rb Uied 1n t l,le ' ern 'mal'kC~9: WliU,~t'Wy lI.1'e'on way,' be the qui 'IIi,,~. .

, , '

CLOt'BiNG I White

ill mA


D'R Y GO O,D'S'!!

In part of I. E, Keys

'. '




, I




FLmD , (10




i" in . lem

.rllenrl')" exl('rm1nalll


of llie Urinary Or,. ... lUll Irom hali'" of 6i"'p..\I", "

pflnee" lhtJe ,or, ao chlni' In .,." "'4' expo lire. c~mpletll11 .u~r.NiD( unplontlnnt Dmlilftnue'UU8 reQl~i" plli\)11 lilld Moreurf ,In ,curlnr thoie pleI!IIU'I~ '1lIItl , ilu,llger,o n. d'e~ ..... "

• VOL.

TIl, No. 15.




IJ., .k" <:I• ..u_ u ......


Pa .. o,'cr ;1 tilly hy


III Ih. 1~lIti o{ ,k)' . ,)(1 1ol'gul' Jl bnlber Iio ne bu t the clo udl e.... Ita UlOIlO, Ibe liv.lollg ""Y'

St., nearly oppo.lte the I ,


To J/r, of tlte '

No, 67.

e.....e .r

PrelJultni :A' ~,~, o'.~ m1tl'tlcal" . '""" ....'0 l"-eo 1 ( e 1\ crC10\1'6lon d" at' , I~O, on \ jD,llJoljL,ll ,Bud '\'i luoh, I conecU '! ,:Y 0II Jgr nter sllcrlti ,e I r Who slltl'el ed .C\o


eel by IIppO '

k: ill tlie l\


A. _ _


.,Q.......... .


" ~y ;

It haa otoo(\ (or "g". nlUong the nOIVe ... ,

~ .. tr.,,·-N ortb

~ 11IIIor.


T her•• lnllcl~ in the gardell ~ {oltl St, Mark. A fuu·cJi.I qutiint ial'd graJ't A.ill it tak .. 110 beau of Ibe bourl tbat io



ESDA Y, OCTO BER 10, 1866.

E, D, Mnnsll ld, In ::m. nrtiole ,pubGo with 'IS 10 public hOllses, where_ 1ished in tho Oentra l Herald , 'C)n ' he Dumber or YOUDIl meo are a.sembl ed. R eliaioJl of ' I'ubllo ~fell tells this All is li re and glliGlY, A few amoDg '" '. , I. ' 'd a 'cdota respcct lllg tho late G6v, ,uem ' Dlny b e youD~ aD'1 t IIDI: T hey n , ' approRoh ~ba oounler . IDd Wloe, rUID, Corwm




brlln~y ar called for, ODe or two may 'land bsck, 'a nd Illy DO, ge'nllelDen, we ito nol drlDk anf.' ple~'\1 excuse u •• -:Immedi lliely Ibe rllaa IllI'n, and begll1

\ UDL 'btl' ftitDda wb~ r.r"a ~ ) dr\ . 'I.," if! lot :aicl,,",oIE i I.,," Lillgk .. ig. of tbo "old 1lIt.1l~" allcl bTon'gl tt up '0.' I I ra't' wTlIsper I\\idibly. "W e\\. they' are l' thon f lX· us .they have p eCl1li ar views, I, am 'n. mellll fellow s-tbe, aro afraid lbll~ lboy t 0 "8, no ODe has JOE L EVA NS, ~ I u ,Thel' ,... . fore I Baptist , But, ";-? H tlll c'C'r"-,CI t 1 ),OlS one "ill hAve lo spend a CeQI" I ere YOII I .1 loU lovee'lf,! in whi e I )'0111' n l uro 1\ Illlnl'l e thin!! a ~'IDllic.~Dt DSllo'ril~elll 'o( , Ie;; nfC loa, ~ Lwo ,Vllr"~ eeD6i1ivo nc tvOli ar& L ,'.1 J .. Y b woman , 'J I 1 h' . Wl'.O~g, YOll N'oay to,o IIU1Cu . " ...._ ".., k_ /llJu ~o louell"~U, I, {'uurngo ODd Cloy. erDO ...- ..... A N D.... stl'eot. l ,no",n eyane ~ e too little: Some 01 YOllr m ·mbers , Theil' boso IIIllS 6wells wilh prldo ; rBLbWIU Ven~lll'(~ to ~ur- when they g o ·t o the gate of l~clwe.lI, m[)~ FA l:. L 'A N D 'W , N T ' E ' R, ' \ RENRY D, ,,·nOBE.U J'. or Lhll n bear Ihesil flings of comnish an Ancl, "hen 1 lI,\w,c :Uld ask St. Pet r to let th e,Dl tn , Will pAnillos Wuyue .ville, Ohio. . they step up to tbe couo!er . done so, . subm it to the Just 1I1\\'e to muif.c a good l,llany ~x<pLalla, lind 10011 ioin ~ T he fo11owing ('xtract s nt'e f'roll) Il. jjuciO'ment the ,w~)J'lc1 \V~l thel', Ihll rovelry -Tho Ice on Lions, Now, th cr ' a l'C two llHUllUOl'fl i, IIOW biokeo,in tbe ~ tribllte to the Cb:WlCtel' nuu gellins tue";;corc lint great RCI in the snftel':U lg': {If til 1 '6 b or yOlll' Chllrch that will iIIu strat.o drAma performed. Olbtn (ollow "yiol! hKd r<lurteen yenrd' exp"~ie IlQe • of the Into 1\fr, Thore:r.u by AIl.. ia, } yO~T olalms to popu- whn.t I menu, Th re is o1d L Clonsillling 01 Bluck prtlc lice o[ Medicine, uft'e r ~ hl& lIatural order. unlillh e illuividunl who NK Wy . rOUER , of Newar k , New nnd ~!;lPpo~ bear mzne, H e is in good standing, and ' ortho, :eniuna I 8~rvice8 til lhe citizen! ur roCused to driuk at first, reel. along the rebclho,n. Sl~', . I b~d n. d ON', but L J 'Cl's('\' : lenLls llloney at publio etreet Wilhoul ahllme, Wa.yn esville and VicinI ty. l J I t oVlIlg . lnl 1l nons, t'w61(/~ per cent intCI'C3t, Now, w.,.en to • I b In muny respect s we l'cgal'd HO~I'y Sucb i. tlho mllDllur in wblo \ tOil. for my If 'lll~d Ollr L FlCF. 011 1\hill S'rrPI, Ihr~e doors goes to tltp H ':ltcs of H eny lI, Klmd. qf our promising young lDen arQ Dav iu TILOl'et lU as the most p culln.l'· , or I be MallNI G AZEl'TE Offh'e, " J;Un(\~ OlllfOl·t-nhlq l~llLl St, l'ctcr n ks \\~IO he is, nuel h e LeJ away by.a Iy gifted wl'itel' of the oge-~e~tnil~ . f!ll se ambitio n; lind tbou,. PLAIN ANH FANCY \Va Lbe auo ~o BUYS L ,~' O ll nlny depe nd. he snnds:more Nij(hl cull. prumplly reapolldpd to. Iy in this " oulltrj , both for ongllln h Cul10w ill, Lbeir pAth, un. 'Vhn.t hRS bo - )\' iIIl have to ?nake 'a !I OIt mOllY e,r.1J/a. ItlBA 'I.1\cy learn tho meanlOg of oourage . ty nnd power of concep tion Ilnd purA W(.18 8tarlliJd .to dea1 nelticmsJ ,I uon't ~uy he won't lie let I, '""',ft'S S.· Wo havo in our miDd a lIumber of g , : ~ty n.nd strengt h of ~tyle, he , stl\uds .and t bat by the In' liut he will have to xpla,l~ ,,- Doblo, h v,~ p hend. ellfled, good-m eallin gmoo, who !lnu should ers above hut OOD' T III U E' THE P 1\ ACT ICE , 0 F whom YOUl' I)olicy N~w thero is rlnothcl ' mau in your do uoL P088tl88 Ilrtlnglli. :o£ mind enoug~ . , tempornt'Y r eprese lltlltivGs ()f Ameri · ........."..... wltllo~t repent-, 111\;e1J- yo\l know b,~n-J udgo 10 rapo, 9PpoaiLion" PLAIN AND FAN~Y can 1 trors. , And ,his pre.em iut!n Rl\lher tban btl" ~ 1\ 1olI,.tJO U of bur Govern ment, TIle Q.t. r dny, I Stl.W hi s team III oolled milan, th~y Will ,foHo~ up t~&~e is fairly e(U'ued, The thinkin g aud c, b on trying my to,,'n with n good lond of ur iou~ br~"ell .. i lIul Iq bo exroll: ; " ,' " r~tlectiye everyw here, whllte, 'er mily .... ,...",,,,,,,1 iior my little ones Se\'om l pel'soll s elUn o rOlln 1wood .- h"bits of drinkin g unLtllh elr appotlto . ,cr., NUlle but ~11l' to buy bcC'oml) ollable. b'e ~heir likes or di8~lke's ,Id A~ it\1~s , W~lCl1 it, _ !~o,' snid ,tJ\O , rldver. ~it ip, Oil'" W'I ,8"ncontr , ~, dviaCl you/ yOtll\g .mG~" "hell' il\dr\'i~ J lInl tles hal' fUIJed gnrr-ed' A ittl whilo Ilftcr, I U 6 ED, .. " " I ',' .•. YOIl " ' . In .compau y, and Boh,olted tq , I • to ~tIlJlld, wniim;g q()wl,l • str~ctl Lv,t.he , \~l~lp,w tri~kofe hi ' re~Jd~!,ce' ;"'tich' I \\:i\f ,I\J.~r::p ~,ili.~~t)'lql~qi ' 1I!l~~ illtoxi. ~allh~ liqll~rs, 10 SA! Crank-,., ' t In the W ,T'ij" hotlse: 1 sn\\', th',. :\1l'tQ ten~l. if nnd ' tJflola~d l~ 63-lJ J~~8~~, Y""!'Y, ,ll'"M '!Jl' ~.'~l~er,., ',I y u will DOt , =;~'::---;-:;-;;~:;;:-;;;--;;,;~w.~.,;;, ;; ,twp , \ lro~/lf!r a'Jllte!ldly llnloacH hg. the ",'tood-' at! Mrs. W.'S. lirink.. Le~ 'yo'u r, Ibat -:', ~\l1l it''' W ':Wl ,11~ ''f l~lI " ,II tompter s c~n '.yo~ &'lelJ(lro.u~l I J.I1l!i tl. 3) thollgllt;it-strlurg ;' for., Mrs, W, unythlD1(, b~t be firm and ~nYlehb J,l.!1.I.l.I"LLU'I'I :'",, [ og~ , em fLS It ronnd.tlletn, wus p.oo~"ap!}. wood WM hig h, So 1 and Yola ' wlll cOlD,mnnli their c~e"pe.ol. 2Oa.2~ ~..;II''''''+>T J nhould ' ha 0 lI CV- steppc d ill nnu s,\ i~l , '¥. r~,_ '.V" bow an\.! ,.. Lhey WIll ~o rorr.~d, 'l> !I~mlt ~b"c MI.! nlns! 'Ou e of t hem 1~ll1cll do YOII pny fol' wuoll ?' Main St., Wa.yn eaville . 'Oh ! your coul'IIge II tillfficlont Lu benr alL " ..... , ex:poIllUl!C .and want'o,u Mr, Corw\n , I d'ol 't ' pay any llieir tallnLa aDd nol .yie l~ the ri~h&. all~, t he oth.c~' bnd 1;111:1 fur wood. ' 1 (mi't afroI'd to b J AT~mrm:~ uy' Th080 who a~m the IIde IIhvayl lIIoel, .u,....~v .. o~' J)Y a !lebe.1 sh ~ 1l wO(i)d~ .J udg.o,C, Bent this wood; ---:0 :, ', 'I n '~Ofkllln"lik(' 8t,de and pOlition' bUI oe\'or d C8pllu'-pr~'1 . ' , at the T' , 1" He cllmt,t,o~ n~~ l st me. wl~c/l VOl' I II,Ul out ,f }vood, som , " .J ,(, e, Our ~ply bopu ,?I.resculng price. uud dnt(i r.CUon WAR· I kel'JI ..on'llIatIY ·(Jl1 h"nd . i ,.plendh s and hartlsHil~s 'I ha\'o ~hOW 1,,0 sOlllls ,111C . flt 191). 1, ~H\d SOlllc; lll83'!J-tI .. to , (rom ~lm b. rlltal~ "l"v,a~, p~a. .. ()11,fluI~e s o snntteT eli ' . my time ~ he sellus mc 'a .ortl!lel'~ \pl , ,I " '<\. of Hou r. llie Joung. Will yo~"" • tl:t!lt;, M.. 'NOW. SLl::.!..-, "Ihi!) to ~the \\I\V6 cbllrag e-Lrue, , , DBA1KR ~ I;' j" .1 , 'J I O,l' rp.. l, ,I IOENCE -With

ird Streel,

Chili. Stroud, South

So leI my hurt in Ihi • .garden ot life h . ca lellu ar c1i.erfull y hep. kll'j; no 11 01 o( lb. lorr",. .\I\d Itrife , Wh ich In :;b,,\Jo .. "o..., •• IIC'·"I' Conlenl to uwell in II'" hoOd oC our., ! I,. Ibe hoI''' thaI i . Iw," IV"b I ~,. . Ami n~lIIl>e""l{ ilOil O "',ut.lh'. "Iuudl IS b oun, TiIllhti d.y_~tl juir .""_V" froll' .. b o\·o.

has lust recei,vetl,

" ' AYNB8 VILI.E , OHIO. '


Direct from . ' New-York.I



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T ••••••• G.I'U~.


M~&E.P.T:~:!~~~ II... A..,ola,I.1 ~ m.. \rloll ... who h......,IMIIIIIl.~

II i. _iel ILlt 8111DIrk i. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6." The (.et b .. le.ked oa' Iblt Ibe F i 'I ' ,.. ---~~ 1 I raDee" I ' Ipl'" Pre.ideol;.1 e&eouion hn ~IIIP ete '1 II J If WAY lfE S V ILL F., 0 B J 0 : " \ OYernmeni R OWl e . ~~"" ~ ~~ ~ .~. bllokrupted Ihe finRnee. of tile "" 1R,0n , b 1 , . . . . 8M. N at ' I 0011 I U ilion ' CI u, b IeRVIng . '1 W -- -. OtlTOB.a • I sno v ,- pl!r week fur l e pure I"" 0 000 io dtbt. .At a meeting f c(>lIl1y, Rellr Admir.l Franoi, H. relfory Corn ~I'lus W~nllc nBtllle d Ihe eoudilioo died in New YOlk OD 'i'b.nd • . after

II I f t " 0··· ·-'--"·1 .... Ii c e .... ue '" IOCIIPd lI.rsel' .1 Hud.on. N. , Thurnlon poa.e••el &ueh wunderful pow"1 a Iler to BEDIlt.'TION IN PBI€:K 011' TOE ere uf lecond lIi~hl, .. to rllll..AaEllICAlf WATCHEIf. im"art howlt'tl'llI of tlu, t Im,or.l. IIIte to II;e ~ln,le or muried ot ehhpr ~ ~ Rude Ilt W .........., Mae IIU. Whil. In a Uale 01 trcance, he de· NEW YORK, Oct. 4, 1866. of Ihe Club', 60llncea, lind I"ill lin II" 6hy yeafl lIqnotllbl, &er,~_ioe , Ihe Na· "'e rulllte. of Ihe perlon Tn coh eqllell ce ' of the jlreat Improve- Iin-te. ... .11 .• tr." ~ , Ens. GAl':EtTII:- The great day', se-ament 6hould- h'e mllde ' of 85,<'00 VY" lOenlS 10 oor tucililiee ror mallurlClurillll. '!OU .re to marty, and br' lhe Did 0/ an in, . . . C b' If: d 0: CI • f b 0_ we have reduced our price. 10 II Jow a .'rumelil of 101ea.. power.. kGOw,a •• Ik. 1\'hich,1O Ij. millinery point or "lew, eacl, 00 two a Ine' (;~eerl~ an . 41'",,A enmparl,oD ole go;p point II they cln be plDced ' P.ychomotrop~. Itu.nnleea ~o p,~(ldue(l II is the most important for a half-year 500 00 aootLer.· Tbi, lDeanlt that Ifel- the OClober .Iatemeot 0(. t ',. p clur. of Ih,e rufllre 'ueballi! or to coDle, has l)Bssed. The' grand .r•• Se"'lrd, RAOdlin, and 'Welles will. debt ,bows A decrease of t . WITH GOLD A'l' PAR. wlr. of Ih ... p"tlcnt. IOlelhtf \fllh , ilRI9 so that no (Ine ne-fd 1Il'.lIale to huy a of marrllJ:'e, "oliuoo in lire, lelldinlt Irbitd opening,' one of the pecuJiIll,~tics of dter aJI, have to plly Iheir o"n ext~r' jl DOW beiDi .2,673,337,0 watch nolV 'r om the . expeclation thll it l of charectpr/ &e. Thl, i, nil humbu,... New.York, was on Thursday; the .ioo billll . It i, iDOWO ,Iult Ibl! trelleu' w il l be t,heoper II 80111ll ruture lime TIle Ihouunds 01 teBlimolli.I. enn llleer!, She OVAL, .CAS1\lBON 20th ult. And though the callt wind ry o( Ih!t elub '''" bnllkrupt before the lIollghttho eslale of Hare'" le.t 01 Lell yeore Iud lhe InDnOr.clure lind wlllli'enll, when dll.itell,' cl1fl16e~ cor~i8'" B61LEHS" '.. ' kf PI 'I d I I' .r h d f .,10 of " cale, or r(tien ,uarlnle~,lhll Ihe picture blew its warning, nnd the morning pllrly I II a e p 1111, 1It1~ ~ 81 . rll 18 miles louthellll of L!luo~esto ' l.J.Jore tltall !lOO.OOO Wutclitl. iR what it purporls to be, ~v enel!>,11I1J D mist foretold the tog nnd drizzling given for !Jilla conlrAded 1III'ro could wall, for 1118 .urn of £26.0 hue !liven nm productio ne the very l.ijZh- amnii lork ",r halr•• nd slallng plKce 01 rain that came in tue afternoon. yet, no~ be pa;(~ on preseotalioD, One mem·, .' .• est ru Ilk Imong \Ime-keppert, Curnllleu. birlh, all'l'~ ~ispo8i1ion ond cOlllplJ.'.lti()lI, EN AMEL nothing daunted, tbe fail' matroJls b~r 01 tbe CRbiDet alone faD up a bill T,fte ~IIAle~n LIberal. m t clllig wil.h lhe del ermilliltion Iu moko ollly ~nd ontlo.log 50 nellie Ind 81'1JI~ d(r en, ....'!!J.d .Izee, ot Ihe b~ I ti and dashIng belJes of tile cif.· tur,l!ed M tbe OonlillentRI of 8700. tlon. Lbeheve 10 Slinta Allnll. lhllruuglily I'xcellent watchh, I.or bUi i- velope sddrfl!llt'~ to your,~lr, tub ,wl .re· • OJ h I h F e bG neln hId 8tendily IUcreaHer! a8 Ihl'! public celvo Ille ptclllre and de81red l.n/o~lllnlIOn SHOvE~S. TONG!il .q·I~, out ~ to Bele wbnt 11lie genit) ••• ' e .1 1\ .py 0 , . e r DC belCA me 8cqul1iuJe~ \vil,1I their v '(~t uncil by returt, man., . All con,mUnIC!,nOn8 '''~An UIONS, : ' ot Fubion had dCm'eeu IIbouid ~uom TB~ UNHJ\a~.l\' PJ:AClt SoClJtTl '«ill lind Lh~L lhey hkYe Ihe doc; lur m01l11,1 tOll'other lYe ""VO beell unabJe credly cOllflJellllhl.. Adl.he ... · ill con Ii. P[Oye-l~ \0 IUllply 'he ueI'(18~d. !iNe hDve rQPl1u- dehr.e, &IADAM£ E. t, 'rSO:IlfTOI'I, p, O. mON 81~OONS' their -pretty beads for two months to m~el iD Phi\lIdelpllia Oelober 10, and ' . ' I It' old'y clllnrgc,l ollr' taclory buildlnlll unlil Box ~23, Hud,ull. N, Y. 11l.61118 , TEA & TA8~E dQ, come. ' " , ' on tbe IRme ~ay the frieods of Ihe eAURe 711~ king of the . a (\n a \8 lhey /lOW cover oVllr Ihree UUf'S of A edoM", Cold. or 8Sre Th'ro,,~ • . .And the ' ~iSl)llloys, in cl('gan~c, in PeDDS"lul i8 ",ill opgnltl-ze Lhe SINt.e brclIllIDg , do"o, lIe maDill Is 1\ COli, ' Ilround., .nncillive .ticcom, mod_.:iou tu more ot J ' ~ I d REQUIRES IldMEDIATE AT'l'I\IITIOII, .un MEA:(. ' richness and novelty, otltrh'al 011 brAnch 'o f the ~ociely. The CH\I signed alRDt dallre 10 ,leep, snd ~ r, of IllS thoun el~hl lun ~ed ,workmen. . sUOUL.ll BR CHI!OUD, IF .u.LOiti'E~ · 'l~RAPS. brlljn Bofleniug 8re 11111 1 he diea We are lully Justified In ",11111 Ihal we previous ollcning days, Tb e re is an by A Irred J1. L Qve, Pre~lCl e ot, l a y . : , . . ' , now Illllkll owrll 1IIIIn ·one-half 01' all the 'IO CUlITIIIUE, CHILDREN'S ~NlVEs nlmost endTess variety of shopes in "To all Irit'od~ I){ pIITe and tholou .. b Queeo Emma Will suoceed to Watc lll'8 !lold III Ihe United Stelea. The IrrltaUoD of tlae LII,DIr', a ' ~ rml.i$ut AND FOltR d'lIi ! d Throll' Alfeetloll . or Rn incurable , W.ASH BOWLs bonnots-8ome retaining tbe features peaoe Principln, and of ~hole ,DeCe8laGen. Gtllnl'! pAy id S t 8,6 I ers!1 gr~ es ura dlSI illgui8hed by the , LUlIl Di~e8~e, . . . ." I . ' " loilpwlIIg trad'1 · mll rkll Oil the plalP: . Oullincier8, Plain Q1I(/ JapallU4 ~ . of the summer atyTeor are deCidedly ry eondltlonl "\lIch mnlle (or pt'lce; Rnd LI~u\. Gen. Shcrman 8 , 1. 'AIIIP.I'i qR II Wllich u ., .. WallhnlU, I. OFl'E1 THB REI'tlLT. tern" for l;oaZ oil, Cfllull, 0711,/ ," Fanohon. Then there is the showy and 10 'lIll perlona, irl'(l~peqli\"e Of theo· l E"ch i, "Uu''''lld 50 horlin. ll. 'AI,!; 'ulolI, '1'1'1' " Co.' Wahh .. II, Me •. DRmVN;S DHONCHJ AL '1'nOCIJ1!1S ,. ' . , , 3. 'P. !:i. n'"'II"u,' .WalthD",.MII". ' I" d' I I 8 I' . lard oil;, al,o, a iarO' Lambelle-tbe Catuhne, somethmg logiC'll or political belief, ",ho reverent· geullral gt:la 86,800 per l'e~ -!. 'W" I m illry.' 'luvlIIg. Ire-c n uenee un I III p"rlP, . . I f. OUR L,\I)[ k;S" WJ\IfCA illlmellicau' ,r"lIe'. ' For nronchili~, a"orlmlnt of l\n~~ue- the Chignon - the :I\lade Iy I'!ckno,,'led~e OUf obligalion, 10 God j lotted five horsel. 'rhe PilI IJ' i. 1I1l"lC'd 'Appleton, Tr-~"~ t~o~U~i~l. A8lhlllft, CHurrh. CUllfiumpli~e III.d Tllrunl -~ I . Stuart style (Fallckon back) for and milD, Rnd "ho t8rneslly deKire adier i. 83,940,50, . tha"" MOl.. 'DiBellUII, 'J'rollhee are l,IBed "' jl" '''VII)' ' • 'T_ r: -"l '. l' b I 6 OUI' IIUI CJ,u l4l~l)' o( Ladl.,' Walch i.II~"'. Il"od BUC(,f'HS, Binger. ,lid Public Spe'lkm, Isse8.-.&Ja l!rlCTQ11uv e 01' unsnrpa8s, .omet ling elrel! or lie government 0 A Di8patch from Alttrtnt' ~II ' P ~ Uutllo;h,' W.lthalll, 1\1 ••• ·"1 Ii d '1' I I ,. I ·1 d" 1 rtl 'ffi I '" ... \ 'I'hU6 w8kh e. ar .. ~ j hod ' • II erB WII 111 rue 1f'8 US8 II 111 Il aMrlng I wor 1u An Lue Ie II emcllt e.d ' ~.d 0 tllets, to 0 numero~s ~ men- t.'e I c.'': Luge numbllrs of freedml' urj"Iy o( ~iz~. n"d :;;t... 01' ~::~~.r til I'lhe .. ~jce when 11~k~1I bo(ure lilli/illg II" or tht> bt81 mllterial end .IYle/Q! tlon-lf not too much 8Jl)lltiering or lin ILao tbe ",ar'po\ler lind the !)1mt I I0 I clive ll~' r tl Ie . The Amerielll W· elch Co • of Will ond. re.en'lII/ii tbe Ihtoal,fll!r nil .. ' . ' Ie ",.~ Ie JUr ' a 18m .peaklllg. I I I I '1". French for plain American cars like of \tllte and opprelsion whicb mllke ror l Vi\l1 . d db I1i t. I &11,"'11 , audlOti:,;'1 118 to 81ate Ihol , without 1":1118UI" ex~rllon 0 Iledvodcu °dr~'1I8.. Ne MAlIUFAOTURJ, mine: ' . . . . el', 10 uee Y Q erao . Igll'r wa· disliocliun of Irude wuk. (lr rl ' • ror Ie. ere recomll)en e Oil prl'scrr~e,1 war, a oor-d_ IIIVltallon IS ulenlll/ll ,to ge.and a deair.: for CbROg, White " p ce, b~ Physiciana, and hne land T"'!lifllolliul~ We a variety of . But the dar. 'like all dn.Ysl.0nme to be preeent lind cooperate in prolDolin'" I b' . • d .1 401.10 THF.' PJlOnUCTII OF TREIR 'ACTOR Y from smillenl menlhroug'llOul ,100 cOUlmy. I'd , 0 A or)8 In 1:00UOu, ..' n& FlJl,LY WARa T nit' I f I '1 • An end, lellylng t\,le millJnE'rs richer, the slIcred C1I060. Eflrneel friend. (rom ' , . ' A1I F.D e IIU an IIr IC e 0 ru!" men, 811 II . IIlIvlng c-G> I.' ". ' p,.11118,i Veller, IIIP old u to be Ihe b..wI litne.kef'per8 ·of lhelr eJftPIJ proved lIIelr l eil!l!flc,! by II ,1~lt )Qf' 1]l811Y 0 ' ) b ut many 1\ pur c Lgliwr; . Y~t '\Vhot vat/OUI parl,. of tI.r.eouotry arll expeo-· '~ge4 75 yellrs, die.d at Ma E!'Ver lDillla in 'Ihl., or 111'1 OIlier. counrry .Veolll, eadl year ~lId. Ihem III npw I'JI·HIi. :;'1 of that? ' the lords of c eotlo~ have to .d.088 the meetirlg;." q.llyer8 _(,u\ltd ,rememt.,,. Ihet unlike- Ih; ti:, in' vllrious pnrtl ul I~a world, ulld the Iii .. only to tOil the harder in ·counting. - - _:____ _ __ ll~e o~h~r dllY· He wa, a 'B nriRII by ,"_,_nlee uf a lureillo II)cakllr whl) eao 1 rOChp.M ere u"her~~lIy pruliouncl'd beller ... ; room and shop,' Ad'd ing" few more 8. .ANT" .A,nlA'8 EXTRAVAGANt., :"" birth, AI.ld med to fcll\te 111-, he . "'I~ IIflver loe rl!lIclred, Ihill 'guarQlltee is lood Ihull olher ertlelps. fG f I {I bo d nt '.11 limeB °R"lnll I,he Compln,! or thr.t; ollly ·Drown'. Broo('hl.1 Trn. III ~ lines ot ,care to, those now prema. Saota A noa livl/,l in peeuli~!lyluzuri· ~no 0 elg I~ 'O 1.181 corp' ~ esel'pe .ge./II, lind I"atlf .Iter .ltl mo" tborou," ch ...• Ind do not lake Any 0\ the \\'0 lb ..... ~ ~urely marking the brow i they have ou. 1.,le io T ·w uty·eigbt ,I' red, Ne. I" tbAL lerrl!)l. rt'r•• '~ I!I'!.I, an, w.trb !'h.oiild prowe d'!'ee,lre ID leu ImltrlUu". that "., be btrer~.1 tl _ • . Y k H' .. " . . ood LI MorOIlD S.iih, .oolore.l .w from en, ,ntir.ulu. It m.y b••.IwI" each InSold p"r1whprllln Ihe 'Unlt..d 8t'i a'I". ~ '; their reward in seeing wives and or. 18 re.1 I ... I IIIlr. e ~ "'" ,ed' fur IIUllh"" Ae Ihe Aml'rlci• •Itch- '". I" F\lfl1an CouolrlH, It " 'ten'•• per C;.t (laughters promlmrdlng.' in costly: (lICild builJing. til ..t.,ior ,A' ' 1. eeo· tbe U Dlted 81ntel, IIU mAde,till dellill ., lDalle Ill . W.I"alll •• rtl Jnr .,Ie by deal. ,bozo 18•• ,. ... .. ailks, in laces nnd gOl'gdou8 flowers ond clll"_ YOII inter' 'a'ild are mel in Loodon, Mill II i, .lIid ~tlia' in tile e,r, IItller'~II.y throUlholl1 Ihe oliunlFy. we i'Lt.:cqcB'Ii: POLIOUB ,PLASma : ':i , have cllugllt a deeper" itll f ume. 0\I goo, d bIt d 80 d'In dl'" I { 0 lIe I II 0 b!1 Jr •••• from ~ 6 ret ,.d,o,('''UTlnl'l nUI,lIo/11l1! or·ler.· le '"'11"1... ~ t h at seem to "erenl elaratler 0 T", forblsln ' ".. ' '' I • d Bul ~f'tfI!lU.efI'riA Pln.ter in tl., World .I til P4 , .' Pi\RLOR POOK8. , . b . . ' . I ' " .10 pu Ie .re CIUt one :F ' 8 I tin~ from the very lifc·})lood wasted to nceo, garhc, ollaod .~eellyed (rulI.- to lui, the mOlt cltaste RD 61!iehetl t'l ~uy o .. ly qf reap,e etabl,,! de~le,.. All Allcock" Poroa ·PI .. tere r'lIolve 11111 -B t in toil to purchlUlc nlL these showy An air of very qu"er import81K!e .pre- I readiogs, Dnd was eaUed before Ille P!'rlun'••e,lihv rriuII'lerrella'w\lI'illt pr08· IIluage pain by callillll fori" the Acrid CS ' d ti I Th • • , ' , w' ll I t b • h t· · b I iii d! ' d l'cul"d. I;f,OBDINH & A,P.PLETO" bUlJlofl Irom pirie IUler1l1'1 tu ti,e "kill •• ,11 eco~ ons en, to~ the mmd al. I I . e.u 0 t e Inmatc., W CUI alO I t I~ , oa' e. Jlmg lin Agent. for Ihe Amerieltn Woldl COIJII;'Y geuerDI clrcuIBlioll-llill~ in IIIblli CII~e8 The plrlnr .tove. lire of di8erelll kMi wonders from' 1111 this display to the Are o( Ihe (emale ptnultsion· RDtI 10ng,coo'linued IIPplaule, . G641v] ~ ,! 18!l Drollllway, N, y, ' puel lively lIupur.lillJr I h~ tll$ellel'! . . U t'lt fillle'~ . '1',111' or W uCltl: 'rhe.1ooI 8CIln4.. behind : the curtltin " _ \'c1ied ' ~a,i •"tIel,s. II 'PGaking blld Spllni~h Tile Times' Ne" Odull. ,.' •\ " ' " ' I , JAIU:S ,LULL I !I. ·D. .tuck II~. \)C!!JI purc\lftBcd al Ibe I On tliat da.Yr 1t.8 on other d~yS ir ,,"d q ... eatiooa~11I Eogli'h. No oal\co '~ A. ~ D ._ III 01, '. There II nOlltll1li'pqilftl,' lii 11,1': WQ'! of. !T.I'lI. '111lt11~1'1l 1M iA~!R.t \ill WIlt . " . ' Ii . '$ Ifl .-~ ,plnter.,to Ih. Puroll. PI~ •• Pr 'It ~1r A ~V tru'IIlll» ~ \vJ6).~"t" ~ra~1 the CI ,-to the b,ck roo~ par mill I '*111 pie.., ~Dt. ODa IDI . 0 \V,e len ~rtl!,,,",,I'J om we\ol.~· 'rla8,' II(e pl."..'--cu II~'/ ' .Y <" " the poor ~rl tofts 1'.wm morning to aDd ii, .,uite, 10 Ii ' 11aUI tho cotik unab~ 10 ~!:~:'II'ea snl'n' nveln'e'l~eohi~rl' 0.t r ',. ,~t 'I .II1h' fll fyptt of our pre. ill .oI"~IIC" titMV will be Bolld lit rt'll,.un.~I' ,",I, • • . ' I . ~ " ' ~ ~"'" au 0 _ 111 I ' I J A I C ' Ie ,unt! leru'd, night, wlth achlng h~ad and oft with weare .ilks lind laUd, \'ery' Ihort ,lee"'1 execlllu ~h, ."1 · pro\eo~in·. ~ ~Irc:e~lDell 1118" ·be. rillltt. h ' ll c,,,.r ' 1:9 ' rtillt. K" ~~clell!~e -lIin, j.rl. ! 00 IIII~I :'. . O~lgll ~,~ ' te di . d I ' Ib ' . . I it",r d ed . dl I ,,~ I"ney A I!ul I)I~.. out IR 11I1I1i,", III!,", ." ... . ' • ·ar· m eye i toils for a pittance to aD o.w nlllS . ' ,. _ ill ~'.~"cl:ng f~~ ~h~ "I*,. t yel\r''; LII'\~!,:;, II.~teme c lIe·),~L:' &11- 'bd luoal IIe'i,op •• eaipd'· ih~y b~urd l' ~ ", keep body and soul ~,ether, while I ,,"I" 10 ' }!:' \ 'jl 1, Ie ..~ • .• Geli. Gl'IInt , , r~r III 'dverl I' retmflnent reltll/. ~i'" F'I ~uJJl'''o", M.D., WOJl~ ot; ITt.. i. tbe employer get. t:iob:'on her labor; . ~ 1.l~. ~OI\, ~BtlU~ ,' ~ml\" li_m.\ ap.plt'II , b'.11 oat'Ddij~~' tAod ar l~w' I. :Tropic.1 R"m Ye~." 1,1 . ". . !H •• , AJIlI11 - - - - - tllt-:';'rth d k . ' .Ioce we publl6hed, aL Llle tequea' or a " ", ~l ,.. • f ,i , ;" hnm ~ pe s,nnl kI1pwleclllll of 11e,e 'I. . " ,I... II' ," ~F e ar ,Ide l'emabi dn ~; cf .Ii . . t' .' ~rre.. ti:H-I land LI/lt! 'jp ~l1h lar,J! . ouo60ef.llllirii, '",,,iellri ii ),; 1>1'111 fife' II ~l- 'I Qh. Rorlfillj!,- Eue:IJOII,III, .n~ da~kn0'88 f • • ",' ,neD. ,-r~O~lpt to cu e o~lltn.t~,. H~If. .m!!Il" , . 1" I,)i I.' : ! 'I' , at-city prt!fJl.tlhl'/ (,I l ln1'. Olhflr~jn U.e,- ,luI''':''''. "?IIt, ClII¥hllrl.nolicp. Illd III, 'Fo,l' the past senson the I's tyle of a, drllhm of .01 Rmmon(~.,i~ 11/1 dli,n(:e of . A8 ill R --J b ' . I ' I'hlt'\!o I Wherever relief ill 40 be ~bluined liv 1111' loP!t 1i11,!~, f! 'f1!~q~f1I1, prl cs IrQln' k'jhcl bODnets has been easily copfed compior) w~18r'J I b~ \~JjeJl" l,tl,ARpoqn ' ~.I t.,nt Se cret.,] •.~ ~it ~, Ji'. W.·I ,n,~ o"e pift~ p.)t ' for· JII ' \lee ur. rIUIII .. r, W/l ' I,thllla r"oon"Olllill :';e n~e' dUII~e ',QII t"'~lhIl YllUr, , ' ' r u l al R do»e' And th.d . ttA ,,~~.... . 'tAli b eel} "ppOI !I,I ,",e ret4ry- tw ,or ILiu IJ'oUlel .w(lr.da'ken, IIUflD·-1 A I NORA HA lI, M. D., Editor J II ' j y, ~ rOd \\tlq .II/",UU. I\' II' I. ny.ladles purchll8lng a frnme IIn~ the ' .. . " .'. e. 0 " rep". , ,.., of Slale od interim, orrin , to ~h~ .iek \I", . perHUI\!I ,,-e.seM: ' f'" wltlt, b, N'e~ 'Yor.Ir-l.2~1Il'6ri ,·.t, ,... I l ' "~" pl ).I~~ '." "J~ '" ,,' " ot~e~ · maklli.als, ' could IDakll their ae,VlI'lIlumflll. a\ iDterval. of &\'e milt I) .. fl' ~ 'h " I' ~L1 ! , " I 111011'111' IlrltY~ IIDil ,lhal 1oY.,,,ld be the J AIll'oo11BU·lIdrI'U, ·HoUKI' NliW'I VO~1 "Iivllnvllle, Sepl. !l5. , . . , 'f th 'II ' 1" l lJ1 r DS~II 0 1I1' lltt er rr 10 ''''l lout "'''II ' , r '. jt' I b II bru: I ' . own bonnets. This did' not Buit ib Il,es, ~ , e pllU e not rt'leVell at ~ .. ' ' .. , , l '; "' .1!1 . ' Bel' CIt me. 'I ~Ut ~ , ~flP}"1 I ur 1M II Y II ,-. 811'; " - 69-4 UJi' d' , , e onet H~1f ,," dOleD 'differenl perlon" to eco~er fonyrrom 111. ~1:e.1~1l1 R !l'I"~ " H hlllDblllj', I 'II ,Bbuu IIvp ,: :Z:Z=.-o m ners".~ It was rt!Dl6ted ,that' b'("e .inc. trie!! ' (ba,~ " ," I j • lanll. ;devoled llimsJII" ida clti,~li a~'d , .~P(,OI\ 10 ':~'f!f!~~ ,?rd;,rs (I/r ~Q~rIABa AI t h ere'lVQuI(f ,be~stYlenot .e.a811'yeop_ , " :' ,' 1 f ' , etup, jlol}P .~ ~ (or ' a ' 1 d' I"m ' ld ' ~, 80nll! .0alllHg ft ' m,! vlllull1'lIe Jed oven should t it b . .. d' I" 4!' Y clue an Imm,dla'e curti' Will ell't!c' " _m I)~ 10urll, ~ .lIy to I!~ () «jlll~.. . ' .. who 'l ad re'I.""d IIIIIIj!o II reI ' ~v , e e~eee II1~Y · led. lo-oue t.l18 'luffe,eria .. lldy hAd, ties, Tle/fPpomLm",n toHi,aoD, f,twhp.ulleIIWatl"plrllrt. Nuw lID eOOm ng, nil() will determine 'b ~ • ./ relieving ,him from busiAtl'IIII ~atfll ' will' ,I,lol" .re nrirliubB of , buttl4!'; yeltrly lvith what success thefr eft'o1t:s' JIIlVC e.e n a ~eled for more ~hRD rI' wee~, An'O;tI , 1m ,.. belt t " < .-11 fur 811111. ,I ,\.... tF.-ntlll· .u~erlo, t~ been cro.wnecf: but one style puzzl d aqd bn phY6iciaD wal 1I,\8~le 10 allni ; ,'. . I I er oppor un 1. l'a reo plher Hlfldiuine rU.r the ~U(e..orr , . . " e 'ale lu, r .ulferin 'l I ' I Oll,er hs , IC~ th . ,D.I'~t'''lcry CpbCl CW~u.tbe mil,l iners at-fiest, ond·,nfte\" .' . . gf. ~ IeP I ,101111,0 0 ,0 " ') , ' , . ,111't! Seo'c.icli:If88, . 111 all .il SIOIIl ::;,).,,'11., O . llJ ,m Ulell ",i, . • -Whl',.,'nIl has nothing to recomme l't ' 'AI aOliboma In ,eampbor waterrillieved , A.. eonllderable number of well'1Lhy II Fe I1f r (ct 1y inn . •, l I l"". oorr~C)1 IIII"" ~~~(IO'" "",,"I rl,lt). nl 1 ovor 1 .'. r ' . , ~p, ' . , t ! It .! '. r .' II ~I.. 0 •• " ~1\llti el,.1 o"ri' fil" l'" (n", "II/ I ""'I. others, &ave its oddity. It was 'm ade ler la a ew mtnulcs.-Alla Oalif9Tna,· ormer s ~veo"ntra IllIve ' nrrlvetl at II ()r~!, y,, ~ee I e,ach ,O"I!I , ~c~I!l/lnnyillll' ""111."1. Pri~e , I",r ,:~.e 0 ' . 1 of wbfte' ti ' 0.11 in " all . ' , WII.iIiDgton (row Iho S'olhh ",ill H'll rach bflICl~,:-~ndeltlP"lIfi!l.l' llir Cllrollie 1111\,' R'ol,,\ ,' lltl~d ; p~r ",,' "t'.i ,. , " . ' . " l .1 • I~ Rhl"lI\ nftll'n\ ;I ~IfHc\iI ~f1. 'Jllt ·p'. Frolted ,O AliV1 bV 'nUI C~S~:! ' ,Wei _ _ _ _~_;_;_"~::-::-..;:s=a=n:..:.:~ one picce, !!nCl Ilhmoo a fmme, Catnlfue shape A ~orre.p-"""n' T K't' O . 1?leOllo~. of ,taklog \lp Ibrir re8i dr l1co ,li'erl, D'lIi"e , s p'ain". bId ~or"~' 'slviilliri .." 'h·OL'I"UI~~\·I',L~:~·,I~~1 A".' 1l1U"lil iu... , . " " , • ~ v ,,"uo.I • II)'. 0 I 0'800 lb O( I P ' 11 'I . .' at &e ' .. , • J" ~. ~.,. , ... Vl!at ". A·t'CIlr.I'i' F r tt Y -~. J.>:nqllo , 'elv,at. ~re"th orn,nment- Ule .fllmpUR frontiersm.o '- : "I "'a8 p.,e~ 0,0, r tL lie . OLO~ltO' They r'epr.e l"n,1 ~" :1!1l~::~:'" D:'p' t'-'6~ '~I)'d I b d _II Ihe '.I'OI'~I"~III"III:~I;'''")''. ''djll, nll'l ' ..:,,;~:'.:~d ing the edge" •~ •. . . . ~ I". e . ehange" lo the IAbur ',lltOl ' v . 0,, " art UII . ! .tre/It currnc t :IIIIB. kll fi f • 1 · IIf~u l lftlil{": ''''',.,'' I .eoted t<! KI~l CllrlOn "fe;r daY •.,Biooe. "'il tJ Id .' • ", ' - ~w . ;n/rk., . ':'.11 I .. ' . ,,' 68>'7'w ' • • QUI d\>lI\>h. r.~',~ ,)~"il~ II,MIII,I( lilllc), I;U, . • I . In round bats there is not l\ grent He i. a verv mild qu' .:. I"' " I"d·l.,~ Ie . unle."!! stAle bf , IOelet'y '~ l : " . . ' j "'''~~ . _. " . . I!;'!" bSu ,~t nil I)' b, l~~ ~o nr.h. "ri"" ,67. nri't f , I e ••8 "lOg 0 t Ie ~oUolIt line 1I, • • J • _"'AlonG Olf ,1,1 I, t e ,,""¥peti\ ,c~II" lfootl."lule til th" ' j . e tt wRr,. V~lI~e' (0·;ni), .~,jVl'niil Ir ' b)' ~ fU8I'ht, fur"I.II!'~. It?"1 hli"~inK~ilr'bhj IV I b V e;y? new shapes; JtlOli.t of ~bem ,oldier, liCit lhe bUlh"h~okiD; ~tJ1e " nre turblUl shape, wbich is e ,c'oming t!tat 'I liad~e%pCOL«,d. H~ jA; reai mR~~ Lbo 'felloD a!J ut1~eslrll:b!. pl,pe tht(I;I~hOM Ihll1Jlf,i{edl)~a:~:'\leC lfr~i'~l: r~~!J. ~ '~'kl~~. p (~O~~j~:MI!:: :~ It only too prQtty for youthful. faceR. pel "ere . MId 'd d II In ' g ' I' to hve {or 10m'O yell "I' to come. la'nd ~U'dOlel 'ftnd Allnni!!}1 Jr, ln~ric~ t IInd\ tlhfjlr Oil!' w.·, 'III II l)in",1 tt• .f,,:Wh 't tb t '. .~ .' . • 18 ee, Iroug I?U! t Ie· that greAI numb r. th I 'j I. 1!lg' 110 FLOURISH 01" 11RU'&1 WI \1' I.OUM. ""Id 10:,.. ... .1 :;{'.. III e ~ JI. con, a. eceentrlc, genlU8 of 'emtor~, f9'r he II" • .d,one OIor e )(lllql( ' e e aR~ ,0 w I,u prr/c'A'I!I1 thil lIucn~.·•• Ih~t' ''lft'id'ft ,~,,"urr, I~ t~1 'U ·Il ruo":- or' !I.l . Faaluon lDveJ)t·a lItyle of ronnd' bat bl. lIervice in kl'II'I ' d 't' they belong are seIling or le,a.lng Ihillr clo. CRIt;l1'ADORO'8 'HA'JR.'. E' G.SH.I) LAn.1I WA1CHM;,l.III("pIAlelul\II I . r ng . aD cap urlng ~ t ' ' d' I h W " ,III IlIuHIII~III ••• bo ......... '"' .. :·"t""'~t'I,. Ihe "illl'" t lnt wonld ~ l>e becoming to plain fa- hodillll of IndiRo. IbtlD an o~"el' mlln p ~n MIIOD. 1111 movlllg "way, eli fa~ \If f ri , pr.p.,."on of , itl .1)'le of ~YAlch. wilt- lit. t:s. cuplinn IjUll , ces,-and those on b' h 1'~ h ". y of,~.. I~yn. ,I iellglh Ihu- .," h.... ll.\l p.. ljod ....nq... .illoll'IUolll. • " ;", . W. lC . ~I U' as \cft 10 H. He II a lloll)nel of A rethnent 81 ' II II lh" lerrible r q~~~. ~1 .~~.1S1, ,60ltl of,I,,, hy .1" ItBmru'k? Tbeyaretoocon ' i tF to I d d ''''' ' I. • . , ,TnaAu.RrcuFARMu(or db ' t~ , 1''H1'.'H.lSIl:VE VI ,~·tCHtt) ill ' t b d' . ' ~u on Ql A~ ~n ,an . B brlgA~ler ,D)' Iir~ II jd. l r~cein" lid., U , , V e "Be" Il)(ll~ ".,P" "utl ,e~krA,ed.lur.h 'Ihal " " " " .;C,i. ,",,," ~e~ ~SrCl\rded bCf\l1us~ one 18 not VII, I li."".d o( oue of hie m,o~e.c. ro oc' 1I~(jd lhiul(8, rln~ r.,,~~ U ·I~j~., 'lhe I v~1r}~.~;:;\ ~~ ;:!~ ~~ ~r:~IL;~ r IfI,;h ,I' P W Yte~~O lOll~et:- fou~g j , ~. 1D.,1La "day 0' IWO ago t\,it.\ wa. W'.' pef \\"" e' .t .(11 ....• IDIlId -IlIke !Iv ':1 ,," ]R IS'l'A'OO~()~ ' 6 !lot'·D,72\tuT. ::told 0111, b"~~11 C".~·I 11 is ,,~e nll the ~~gc, otl\?ugl1\ ~.~ara.,teri&tiCl'. A, ~rien'd ~r'.triine Raked ~~~ l~ ~ell WOitby h~ fI"~ilCh~ lion " ' -N e , Y oiw. ' I'sali!' 'by -' 11 :-;';:Ji·i~'~~~:;~:='=~.~~rJl:~-n curls will be much worn III full dress., tUID '1.1. krro"ledge ' of lhe popUl I. 'Do: :~I Ita P ,rAe.liell.! FarmAJa Own PII~er." PIlI)ed .by all Uolr",e""-ere, OJ 'rho front hair is wQrn' l.n ,~ater'.C~fr8 tioo till" IIodiflus lasti t1Ieinae\~el. 10 Jt~O!IO;'&g,h!8IWpllrbl of III. IAbl~ ! ~ii~._ or smooth puffs b ttl· t I' ~ . I • . .. ', ,.J' co D.. I II mODI 1- Work for' the " , iA. G,."t1f1\lIAft\)TJI))lHlI:t/ufFer,l\d [O"~lItIfll • ' U liS 8 ,y e 18 not Illir ~IOr~ell w,ben going. io,to ". 6~1 l.-, MOlrlh, Not" " 'c)'~lile .Mollih br ' ''8 becoming to nlJ. features. Why . Weil, I have leen" good mAny llllii,. W. ,'} The · ahll,ud Dur.k, hj , C N: a~eryn~. Q~~nit~, Pr,,!!nRI rDecn, should not everybody wellr her balr ana kiUed--(l18 hid 'n eyer !tillett' 8 n y BelllcOl. I!.euer. from ' Flolidll'and 'Kan' / ..'1i\~1 elJ:fl c"9 f, I;UUftjlllIUIIll.dlsel:, .I/qn. k 0 r I,U er IlIg • . th •. ,.. , ,. l' E . 0" Ie... 1D e way It 18 most becoming; in oh. \10 !)-in "lei&: aaddl~. ~nd I bave SRI. RIA 8~AY'-OIl Lhe Ro~ation I fre, t'o all' who ilfed h 't '~f:'~~~m::'~~~~~~~~;;i~!i defiance ot fashiQn? We tljink she IIhuy' lee a them (,,11 (rom 'therr J.o~.el ~ Cr~f" ~~I"ng Arill PULling d.,wn "'1111 ' dirl'e~ton. ' (or m.klnlf~ 'the II should' but tb d . I I:~-k h ' . '. ' • utler ot Intt:r U,e, 011 Ihe DifFe .... 'rtped'!' by whIch he' Iv .. cur,.,1 , I e By ~"er oome IU'UI w eo 8n IodillD 1I,.hot pr,oper· .,,,L Bf'eed • •o( CIIlLle on 1'."" " ferera wialtlil/l ·U prolh b,! Ihe ~a" . when the ma;ority w'll' • ' Ire~oo, " t :or ~ W'IDter Ule, • OurlDlrPorll n'p"r Dg ,ltrelle"ce. h · . .CIII ·,d\l 'o by addr..~.ill" ver, I. . ~ l .tl1118 t Il,I'OW IY: IIe WI'11 '-11 lit al quick., any OIan,' eif tho Y~kc-of the tymnt? ·~roperly' i~ good. ' '. :.r' "Jl~' 8",~" MIIDlgl:lB.Q~ of Vft'lrj III " j.~" . , JiOJlNI,B. ,OGDIil~, ! ~Mr~ 18 >something neir ill l>li..rn," it ' ." _ . . ,'I Irr~n\'J" ~I~eltel'" lor ,SIOC.'t ill 1~Viit ~1~' ~Jn., Ja (!)hacyb,.""'" ~II" 'fud~.; Bo18 for ~all -,vear, ; thlY ato' 8~all . MAUIlU CrTY ExP ....i!'-We N Dllej~r.'olOK" F.rmlol!' 10 ~hin. i and ~med wiJjh featber8';o~~~.rn: ...e.i'~d qle ',r,"Dumbe,~, ~ ·p.peth-of lijt~II ' i;r~~:,~,' ~~~ Mao"lI'l!m.l!bl. . UII bout. . '~I. ~.e. .'.r.... br . )lr. iF..... Breld. of S.ill, .ll°tl Ihe D'lre~al dlkitle. at '''h . B" ..,... . ,. of ' • A 10 • fldt ~~Ofl I.llhlll' ..~ ... e new .,.tyle ot bonnet Which roo",:' .' ........ IOh,.,Olllo. 1& it 'BJ1hl! NI. l"Qrk ~tMe "air. ..... , . . Uaur,w"!',JJ wIll,iloubdeu prevail late. ill ~o a .....f'iall, ~.I"- aDd . eO.dee- ~~~d .n~_ 'Ye":,;,oot .':_ir••,0 . '",, ' . . ... 8e88OD, h.. a tront; lIomew'bat' liko &.4/4 ,bet I, Rlld _. ette.Cl' clU" at ·· . ~. ~lleoltta~1 Deparl1Dlbe r. . . . . '11


-Jlf-.. . . .,.





K~TTLE~t~', .




.. I




rl I




,KIT~ QUE~ ~


.~UncJ~~®aJt! ' ~


4'~lilitt:.!JtnIer/ ,~


P~tfor Stores.


























. it' .2f.







~i~J{,h'eart' 'i. _____-''... ' ,.... ., (......

the_cotta,e shape; With a wIde C wn 10 ollr. '"bl•• closely tltUng at the baeK oh'he ~~Cl, .lab" .(or " ..·IIICIC.... .

0., ..., 4~A. RAY)[OlfD, .~






".-'\-' - - -;:'T~''''-.~



nl:~c! .~~~~!;:', a~:

~ of~;a Vlollyarda ud :,.; : ..UlIll1I:t: , '-1i~Ki 0 •. ....1' . .a • .,.lDIot,

1 I.







I ..... • Hpli1c1 : ,"\YUh a a --I' &we» Ii-, _d'• ._~·· , •

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1..lrpoo ''''~'..JlII!Il. ,?bo '" ~ ,~Itrd. Ii•. '~I ' , -~ A E ~:.h· ~a~b.d Ibe Sorlp~r.. diJWtDtl1. h~ " ~b. "O~IPlioe ,riot.!1 ' , "~ D ~1!I"hd. -'0. It• .d~o,er.d iD &tki~l. p~p'b.oi &0 j ,e.r, alld all -bo '










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E'JI.~d il tQ:b; iDY~t4'" tt~1 (or. J'8~l. 1/#1 ' " ~~:~·;llr~f~~ j~~~~~:~~~~ . ~ ,P(tA~,." ' " ~.

wi... '''e 'ml"Dt " . .. ,.. . ... ."

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T.B UJQOJf ScuOOL.-OD )load.y BonOl". B!naa.-It halloDI beeD , IIr. S. H. Tu.!o•• or Bed LioD. U.ia, pla,.aio'ao fc, 6QII" MlDhi. LITTLE IIIAMI RAILBQAD, COIIDty . ...umed Ibl dIAd•• of .P~lDci­ o.a tion or lUedici... bamg \be rtqlli- I pahrhlll UDioD-SchOolin Wayn...ille, It! 'Ii /DuiaLiag "aJ! Ionio propertiu 1o reline lind cllre t be commQO cOlDplainta I....,... be having beeD eDgaged by the Dlroo· or lImo.IOUli. Linr dl ord.", unt'BAI.' au TW"'''D noolU>. )In,hl Expr.... l.liS .a. II .• tors 10 611 tbe YAUDe, a.ulld by ,be I;lIor, Head.ob., Lowneu of pidl." Expr.... 8.47 •• II .• nt.iga.lion or Mr. )lcCn.lock. Mr. lodi~e lion, Jaundice. Ft!Yer aDd Agile, .hll Ind /l.ccom.. Coluaibul Aceom" Pin.burr Expre. ,

10.87 •. II. 6.S9 P. If, 10.01 P.~.

"UBI WB8TWllD nOOll'D.

TiltOD COlllei amoe, .....11 ......_ · clod, and beariDg lbl reput.lip. 01 a .. inatruclor or !pIore thaD ~iDary a~lil1

aDd Rcq\liremeD~. In IlIi, connectioD j&. lDay be proper Cuiumbul Accomm'n , 7:4'1"'.&. II. to .iattl tbat '\III .Damer.LioD IcbolPlu.burr Expre .., 9.~", A••• an recenlly takeD, amounta in thi. Cincinnati Expren, 2, 13 P. . . • D(I nut alol'. Ichool district to 407 bd.een the agea W.:H. CLtIf£IIT, .PreaideDI. d 5 Rnd 21 yellr.. O.lIt of tllii num· E. W. WOODWARD, SUp'I. ber, at lelll' tbree bundred acholar. A. D. CADWALLADIi~. Agenl. in con~tllnt attendance aL Ihe .liould CADWALLADEIt & MrLL!I, .E.rprt" Agenu. Behool; RDdp~rhl\~ tbwt! is DO reflson ' JOHN C. J 11.1101'1 , Telegrap~ A!l.llit abltl u~~ .. why mllny more should . not avail themselvea or lhe privilege (ree 'eduoation prQYided hI our /DUDi C(lllt School LII'" Thi. serious malter. aDd ·demand. Ibe cotl8ideralioD LV WAY ."YE TOWSSHIP. of parentI who h__ cbill.1ren "rO'lfing ~.a

Ind Ae~om.. Ni,h' Express,

2.20 ..... 4.36 4.

M. ,



The Election Yesterda,.


Union Triumph




With ol\eh olher; Rod the

E~Ea-y~M -4N -I'-TH-E-A -a-ol-ll-t-iOTQfku own forttl.~·· i •• true anti trile "'yiDg. Yet 'nerl' man, !Jurare Ile begins 10 build. 8boull.1 ·Iearn a\l he can of the conciitioDe of 6l1ceeu. Political E cof/o' my ia lltllght 811 well aaeveJ'Y thiDg elle perlRininK to R bU8ine" education at o




UNIO N If J:S8 UN!!. GRIFIo'IN. Co.,


T1'fOTB ali' CAL.

locRtl:d at ODl!R ' LIN. OHIU. 'ruition and board (,,'n btl had ~t thllt point at abo\li ltaf/ the ,IIIU aJ expense. Impor1.Ant informl\lion .ill be Il:nl to aDY oue desiring ~4 4w


~ AN . 1J~t.~ AND .. e r DllI'l'nlBtJTION or Pienol , ffl.. ro'l'he Sta, e d eo ili. Gulli oi"J Sit. r War. il DOW ,oillK 011

more . CDel"

~~ ~a~ .~~*~--~


. \1 he S.. lelroollO or !W EliIUlI. RXED& BRO., ~o for tbe eui\ivalioD bf tbe ri,lng ml\~,e8; S. Liberty. I. , N. Y. , Til .... good. are .old 81 DOLLARS EACH. Rr.:aARDu:.sS 0.' I r~q.\lire.lluIDI TWO and it is certainly a Imal YALta:. S end TWENTY.FlV!,; (;~:J:Jn; ru r 605 tbat pllrtlDLa .nit!) iii Lhc etrurt to bRn o llEl lIuu,I).-r.,1 Noli ' b, or 0 ~: DULLAR {or 505 i~b igllurance (rom thelt m id~t. Igno· ·IX. ['be lIulllh.r on ench NO'li<e corrceroll d. bo r, rnnce and crimi: 81(1 hl\oll·aDl1o.:rooVt'" with ,h . II Ulhb~r "" Ollll. arlici. nf goon.,wl .iell

r·oov ..,

rcc;~ ipl


The lIIo n8Y will be r. (/llItl e" if Ih~ guotl. do no t gil'" .' ..... c. lion. •• iIlLJ" ,,,"1 Dn




4;98 6ition l~ go IhLflly decreases.



Rr~ ' 8a

cheaply obtllint"d. 492 their worth is (I'~queully uodervalued; IreRsurell


'IUr '

HARD WARE, ~ , ~erch.~nt

2§ Oot· t!.





·our, SPl'~!ing

CatifuU~ Cor~ E~r~

~y~l\~ ~ ~~~hel Outll 11 ..

~iock ~ ~



themselves up in ' Ihia Dt.lIer, and en nurter.lI : · " 1 , J21)(~ p~o l of' ~ ~l~ , Cu~to~ersand . cour_go the IhJl:fflldgllbt~ Director. anll ' Corrl I' . ,,~. Teachers in lllt:ir lahore ror the adnDet· "'Iour II b.rrel, " .Ur ~..., ,.~ 'W C\Vl I , 7 2~. ~ menl of leanli~g in our Deighborhood, . •FI,)\.it' fj !!lIer ' . Ib • 0" LO'rll f lb • ~O ·r , ...' , ill the aiI,Iecre desire oC every P~·I.'. EJ!_8 W. doiPIf, J~ i qu.r SlOC\. of ;1'lIe Behool is at present ftourilibiDg Apple. '4P lU8he:, 60 Wl:lI, and WtI boVe tbe cpmi ng W{9ter Pel(r) V' hu~he I; 2 410 .' .,mOI JioilltQe. 11 bUlhel, _ • 40 tlaoh depart eDt may bo fil\t,d 10' i~ t: l1riell, Appie. ' . Jb ' ~O' utmost capa.cj~. . , . Chlckene,1j1 doze!" 300 . . (;011;'0 1ll Jh " " . 30 @ 33 . .- :...-.- .....•• 0 C'! ~M ·· New·Orlea'l!! en!!er ~ DI 15 @ 20 ~I O ~ , , -1 '1'l1li: D'EWoCRATl~ lfA. B MEETING OD N.·O. M,oirlsat!rI ~ ~ ..Tlun, 1 36 ". . I SlIrglium ' . '76 . . ' ,i " ;. :,. , - _ Snlul'day 18st, held in Cbepowelh'lI ., Coll1 OJ! ~ pallon. . 80



tiiilnds to the St1Tles an" ,PoJilOeS . , .


aUOES . -_AND, - '. t'':!

,~e Best ~l\lcWtyr -

C "".







D R' Y' GOO D Sr


"0 0 ,M:P 1.4 E T E 1" BROADCLOTHS":




where may·be rnund a 8m.lllllock or well , , seillcled GOOIIII, clni818tlnjt of "

~ 5~ o~ ~ ~!lo30 • ' And. , einVlte ,~'i.e Attention ..,u "

w. ' "


~.u '!-. ·In·plllairt"s'orrl!"tt, E"',8'KJ'u e,sV U"lbt)''WI JO,h'~:'~gJ e

'''llfuesvllle lfinl·kei8. '. ,

IVO , ""E

. DEW .', Tailor" .'

Bu j 's I N E S S

o. Box

51 88, N .., Vork. Olli ee: 34 tll)~i-Iv St. 42.1v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




11 hereby 'glven '0 ' myoId customers and (rienda, 'lbat Jam Illllin tbe

, •

5505 getiethe 'IheYOllth, elfort. in in eq 8 commuDity edu·- W Agen .. ","k" J)Or.llA&RSBRO ]lor 0U54 clite URI ralio Lhetodiapc ~:J.:K. S~lld'fW ("rI':nNTY·F"(" C ircutar. E Rt::I!!O .•


&0 .•• hiBb are the ·di5C!uel incident to' II!i. 01 iaaate. The "/Ded, . .' b.eb cJlloq.efed. b, Dr. RDbAok, and in Lboll•• nds of balee lb. /Derita or bil Bil~" bav. been pro ... iD tbe llbon com.

The whole number of votes l)ollcd up UDder Iheir j~ri~diclioli. in:WnY;lc Township on 1'llCSUtly, doe. ill JlarL nobly in ,hue providing

October 9,



. CAssl~t.~nES,

BAR, G A. IN .S ~ lIt

.,vESTINGS, &C'"


both p!llin end ("ncy.; wbieh I .m prepar- , ell Lv have made lip in • 81yle n'!t·

Ii I H




IUljlUled by t. f







kj!ep .con.~.ntly on hand 'Q am.1I s~oek ql




Wbon mftde ~p; thny do not lull the C\Uttomer 1 be neetl .ot tllite them I

E' REI. .






, "




REAPr-~4D;E C~O~UiQ .~ IW b!te 'Goods, MR. DODSON, whll~. ;,., " ,. whlclt' 11wlll I '

'For lrlen and B,oys Wear4 . !lilt end made by




, .' 1




-- -- -----~

.- .

. ~.'

',. * ... . . ...



•. ~-~


upon til. llDOOthelt

fae, III

lbroe 10 flY' wee". by "0111


. oJ



Pilli, Female Ilemedy,





Dr. Seriln," OIpt"8Ire. lh. moel wolllle,lul dl~. .r, In moo.rn , lei,nee, · eoUnl UP,O" I'" n.lrd Ilid Hllr lit •• IliMet ' ''''ir~l!tllol/I mlnDan "b......iI oltd by lb.' Parie tnd Londolt whh tlte "OIIt .ueceu. Nlm.·of ell purch'l Ien re,ialereil. ",nd if ,,,drt ..U.rtoClon t. given in eYer, inlt.nee, . lh. 'money will be cbeerfulI, r,ftloded. Pric. by miil, laIlled ..,d poalPIW,'1. Detlmptii, '.. ir. cuI",.. Ind te.tlmonlile m"ilMl fre •• Ad. drell BERGf;R. SHUTTS &. CO .• chemletl, Nu! 1M River ."coet. Troy. N . Y. Bol ••,eote ror the U. 8. .1).lIm



PDNSYLV!NI.l ££NTI!L I. B, Dowble Track Bo..~

eb.. foreed to IIrow




TUE M1lIl'I= Pu.La are pr~p. r.d Olflt ror I teflfi,lmpt~ pu~RO"~ ~'¥I.,e III O~ly e an fllJ'eCtl\'8 medl"IJIII lor ·.U bll.e p'ilitUIldll rdon 10 wbie1I't d 'emDI' ~~n. ~li tnthlrii~. lobject. ".' '/ . '1'II,y sir. tIl. oill, ,enurneo Fe\DlIeoPIIIII ' l'xt_Dt, 'nie, llIoderet.e IlI1 ex.:eIl888 •• 041 • remq'" all obstruction!. T"eoy illvigora~e - llie dellililDled Ind Ibe delieaI8'; and .88 j~" nature 10 brin¢ bnolr Ihll bloom tei the pII. lid chesk, No lMldrn, wlie or mo ~e , ~J) sho.llid b., wilhou~ Ihe !!I)'lIllc Pills. Sulif " .

TIaiI .. III....

I "

Al ·PIUI""'•• lrailll ,fro. th. 'Veet nttt tlilettl to lb. UhloJl Dflpo~. IIl'rt.....' lr.neferred to dI. I1rllgl P'ltNyiltanle (;:enuII Rail"I", I.n. Vil"bur( and IRif' aL otber .1 follow I :



..... -.=

, .,

JlAy EusM!I-Leove. Pittabur~ 'lt 3.· (\() A. II~ stullpin. It' princlpl' Itl.1OOI. Ani... II Altoona. at 8 to A.)I. Ty. ~one 9.u2 A. II, [Bpilefnnte IO.52 ·A: M. Lock Hnen .J!l4U . p . M .J HIIl'risbllrgt J 20 P. M., a.ltimor'J 1I.90 P. M., Ne'" Allenlown .t 10 .46, Phil· Yo,Ir, EAUTl'••• A U ' .1i phi.! If IUiO' P. " •• ' lind New York.

by ~\I ·~(uglll'tli. ~


via Phiilde li, hla,' "t IO.!!7 P . 1'1. . ' 'wiroi.:.m.d tho~ 0000 baI4 11111 • . CIl(OlJUrATI Ex:rll'RS!I-;-[,env~1I ~il\.bure WlI'rJ!. he. _ I....u. 'her ~.,. a QURLS produc,d ' , . a~ 9.60 I. •. U , 8tllppil1g Ilt pearly. ~U ft • De u.oo tho AlUIJW8U tba& JUDi b, the U.II of ProI. . Jion.. Ahoon.t 2.49 'P. III ., Hurflibur~t J!;" ~ , ......~ I DaBasux'. FRI· S.lllt rill!, It,d,lug.t Philldelph" nl ,l~.· "r t ., i .' ~ rl SEa. Lfl CHEVEUX. OD.lllphcatlolY 40 A M. ny fhl' train plllaenge lit~ 'I'hIi II tbo'P_, ",bo, b~'f )(anlod ~ 1IIIIdn, ban UI1 warrlnled, to curl the 1IIo.t .".It"l ' trlll.ferl'e,1 Iii U~lon Df.,pO', W~.t Phila· Ilubboro hllr o.f e\lh,r elill \\ito ';'I"" df \Vllil. Ireclly to' Expt'ell Traill for • '1'ou.~CID08Wh1¥l«l:ll~ '. Ba\ 'Who 100W !wi rana 10GIiI, IIIq ,Ingle.. or hany m...I", curill. H .. b,,11 N~w York, Teaching there 1'11 .30 A.". Gsed by \h~ r,.bioDablea ~f Parie Ind PUlLAllll LPn,oIo ExpR w~-ttave. PhtF' .:!.:; lie"",, tho ClIft! t"-t lay lIa \110 .4.)UIIIOSIA tlld lUll" 1IIId'e. LonduD, wl~h the mo.t llra~tryID' r ..ull~, bur" al 4.101'. M •• Iloppiog oilly ol II· Do~. no Injury 10 Ihe, hllr. Price by cipal 81111\0n8. Arrives 8l Latrobot 6 .\10 1l!II', suled and POllpftld, " . Dflcri plivt' r. M.• A. ltuolil 9.30 P. M .. l;lprritiburi 2 3lI Thill. tho Dell t"-t r1J1g1 I '1!'1r ClrclIll" Menl rree • . Addr"" {JERnER, A. iI .• nallimor~" 7 06.11 •• Nelli ,York, vi'a To ~tll. l\eOPt. IIil SHUTTS &. CO.• chemil". lI86 R iver Allento\\'n ~ 10,10 A . M • •. P lllal\'ia. IIi 7.10 UDto tbll fIlC!t ,'wbleh hfrlltlDftI.yU~ ttH*ld '"" IHs bold ur"... lit•• Troy.lIl,Y. Sol, aaellll (ot tbe U.S!. A. II .• Ind New York, vi PhiladelpbfJ. nl lJu ,... A.~"OIiU. l,w' iIGdI. • F.BflE TO EVER.YBODY J~,06 p, •• 'SI.tplng Cars rtlrr Ibrou,h tilts Imin rr'ODl Pilllbur'r to Baltimore Ul to Philadelphia, and Lo Ne'tV Yu.rk,vl AllenE. ., ~BQ8' ~O...PI1DPR'ETO~1 Pm~', I.IL JUII Publilbed. luW,I1' . ,,: ! v J ()::TPur 'ule bf ltu_eberrx @ )IIPIII .nll It teaches ho'1/ 10 remove Tan. Freck. FAST !.I!I&-~&"ea ,~ilbburr r.. R. Prilllz. 46·6m 1'. -:' .top'plil'g ohly It prlrlcipa stat o~. lea. flmp'ee, Blotch.. , ;,tolb Patche~, lownell, Eruptlonl. lind III Impurititllt JlI I\".~e. 'l j\11?QI\II at a 10 ... II., _Hartl8 ' lhe skin; how \0. enlmel the Iklll. leaving burg {I .lIS A le";, B.ltllJloret 12.90 .P• .II.. ~ it white lIod clear .1 I,labutf'l how to New York .t VII AnentOlYn. 4.10 1'. ~I. ,. produc. the futlelt development of 1101' P,hll.d~'pl,iDt .1,.1 0 ,,1.'6 ~. ' II,d Now ¥yrll. , ' . . ~' female 'orm (as practised by lhe French). Via . '" BBLL O 6. D · cau.inlf lb~ bUlt to g ow 'olar,d , and lull, .1 ·U,eak/fUt, t D m7lllT, f LI D and If .th. form b .. iteen lost by padding, 'If DaillJ • aU olhtf' ,,,.illl, ,8UI1!~rl.IJ' ;tt-c6pIIcJl ;~ & lacing: or ":IlteniilJ, relloring it 10 mnrf SLEI:.PING C411j! .• re · Dtloch.ed t(llill N igl'l Ihnn Ila otl,!n.l fllllne,$. ftl'lnne~lI. anll Trai III to PlllJlldillpbi •• .New Yu/k uti ~ heluty. It telcbes how to redur.a In eize Uollimore. • tbe .hIDd, alld (eel; p,roduclI corpulenr), ur . 011131" cllecle~ through 1011 tronaler. BLOOD . PIc;.,r". d . the rever.ej rnmo" 'DPtrRuoua hllr; C fe red rrPe. UJ.JO, Corn., Dunlonl.· 'VlUI8. Ind Molel: renew TIOKETS FIlJl Tria EAIIT (I ' luJi'ng 'BLOOD BLOOD PILLS. your a,l; cure drunkenneal. CatIF,h, dy. , lon, by Bunt' or Rail), p,,'Btli " 'over BLOOD PILLS, per:i •• D.bllilr. 4Ir.c •• huw \0 lall rood. COli be pllrellded ' ot 'all prinuiplli BLOOD PILLS. cin e- Inil ,lin th. Iov • •nd I~O'(OP , .IOli0I11 F~re. I~ 10\ I' by P"" !,Itllel .ny perlon JOu mly CbOOll, together wILli route. _. ~ . . ' lJLOOD UD ' PILLS. olher uII(ul Ind, rnformDllon.FIIEIGI."" '. No youn, Lad, ilr Gentlemlln .houlJ rail lend tlieir ddrel.lo tb. · undeulrned, . , I nd roeelv. by return mlil I cop, ot this ABE UNEQUAToED nllllbtll w,Qrk ~ ~Ied envelop. Cree of burn Gulden. I'nd IIUken





'd G e


"t ..



Ph!ludel.pI~\a,.Dl, .;:t~f\'lI!'

oo ~:B~LgO'OOODDD '






' 8 100d Purlier Of I '








&. CO., '


BAt"'''., :{tuJ~elJtlf.!n,

Dyspep,ia fH'




If. 1 R Thil






57 •

iri~in!l from E.cCO"611 Of JlluucraIfill, :

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'rIlE QU,EEN ~ . , -- .

;m £. ~ 'I In [I ~

v~ ((l)


11 Im IFl

If I

r'RllvED tTSELF TO :BE j , Detl l II .. Ir lle~torer ever offe\'ll~ Lo thll Public. I



(' 0 '

In i


holr t'3:: ~ol t nn d ~ilken trellsee. ,

LAlrll~S,;YOUNG AND tiLD. if , 1111 (I .... Ihe busl article fur all di.~~R. ed or ,he ecalp Bnd hllir. Iry 1110 'Q.UE~lI' nn4 be cClnvinced o( tbe lrutll of thesp





Price $. II bottle. Sold b}".II .d.o~giltll . JOHN ' D. PARK,. '.

,): F b

u T,' ~ " S;



R '9 S E \\1; II r' .. IIr.~ lIy


'\ V A S 1-1

from tl,e 8) ' 11em Dlul'b~ et, 01 th p Urinary Ot(f~ ns at~. ;n/l' h nl h.hlte or die..ipatlun, .... lilile el' ollnSl'. lillit'. UI nil ell.lI: III di et,. all( III • • !)KPOSllfI', COOlI)I't<'ly . IlU,ler8('llill¥ tl,ot. I.uploftllllllt Illd dl"l/er"ud rl'lIl1'di~ • . to· 1)"ibll l lulIl . ~\!":lIr, , i 0 'cu,ill,: Ihmlili U • ~I roillill'l I,II~ ¥~.I~l'.IOhD ,d.ibl'~'&e¥, ,

."' ..., . . . . . . . . . . ·..., ..... njplc Vie....







BUCHU! . . /


IhMIl inS ~ fron.- iO Ct,II1 10 160




}l I' '3




PX I.-rllli nllle


A,lapled for .llbe. lbe Magi" L.ulul'O or Ih. SlereolCope, Oil. Clt.logul' "ilt be .elll I,. .Dr .ddr_.on reeeipt of I 1\II1ft', r .,",hori ..,.oI.




<?tm'l Ag'lt Clueinnlti, O.

Of Americ... aDd Fotiigll Ci.ti ... and lAll,l, . IClIpel, OroullI, SlIlu.ry etc. ...~.~ 'Y-'",~", 'W_J 'r' Frolll lIe(lllve. IU ..... in 110. vMrlouI camplign. tllloJ (orlillng .1 conlll,et. Pnolognphic hi.tor y DC (lie gro~' cOI'lelt. 1 .,



wldh II'

Hi ........WAY, N, r. In edditiu to nar.lI.lIin bUlineel or PHOTO· GRAPHIC MATERULB, ."I ' I'. H~ql ,. tera (ot jhl"lollo"ln.-. tl. I



rXTRAC'l' BUctu

It will ch~/II,e (lray h~l( to \tll M(ginlll I!olur, It win (lIorou:Io!1 c1dRlI ~e . 11I1l scnlp, lind e,.dlc~le all acurf and dlllldrulr. t will,rreet' prem.lU~ed eca Y'and fAtlill·g t uf I I~ldr. It il I natural stimulllnt .ftn.1 invigorll,to~, lIul,I"wih pro Ilio Iii , 'lae grlJwlh 01 Ihe hlt'ir. ' . •. . It p~~~I!B ,~II Pil Preparation, II • dre'~ . .1II!t' r ft chanlles. al ollce. Ilry and" wif.1'


Gtaoo., '

H in l Pro

1:1 >l:1,l0,


, - " - ... VJe_ -


l'be constitut ion, ., once olJ'ecteu b, 0 r· gnnt-; Wellknes8 requires lhe nlll ~'1Ded. ioiue 10 6trellgl~en lind . iO'loiiePrate li.e syslom l whir.h Ht'Ir'nbold·sU~tracl Budlu iuyoril,b:y tloed. ' Ir 110 \rontmelll be Ill\. lIIitt; tI \(', cunrul11ptloo ur insunily

Hor~8 and CattlB.:POWaurs~

SJ~ . ~4DAOHE ~





«tHe, Ola Sores, Sq,lt


Jlanufactur", qf


Sc}'Offlla, SIlRl~iB, S~It. :::rH.



Cheml.lJ. lJ86 RlYer .,., Troy.

roa auaillll




• and., =... .ma, ;a

Health and Beauty,

rI2 '



'l'bI. ,. &be ~ ~ uel

B Fluen;



tllli BP'


We minalerolllr' mar. I_rgilly hOU.f, .bollt !leO .0.i.II""

each. Our \-.DI1,MB .bovf lh. tII>9lali!lV 01 which."'''' tl' hl~ pl'~pl!tty e b elllll( Inp.. r R lil'.' ililflibili(1 ralld... t/,lo'll n, It, 'rharaej Ih"bel. f,c;Uili.w ot len ' I' ., . ()Ghl 'p~•••••t 0"....... . un l or~ nlOl/ement, tbll1 tllll ..".,4\."""",,".;-e ., wlllch 11 pOtfI~ Our Cal810glle W!.ij-e me ia «I~nteedi' fo'r.(~·in""" I?IU..:Q'dllf....nt feilllfe of .Rlve..eentiJ ~OO Ii. I tlOn., oC lb. DlOIt Io~e ' d.• ' , 01' detention., or ever, dly . . b,yollil . lug_, 'StaIIlU, cle. 01 . Iamp. .oj \." T , ' t be lima 'pecifil4· <' I ' ... I'II,Pl.,I'.pbera .nd gthu. l o/'derlpr goCld.,C, Jor furth"r lorormltlun. .ddr.., 0 . 0., w,lI "Ieale rewil 25 per CHllt ollhe alii: rollo"!J~11r Agent. ~'! ,,"e 'Vn1on ount "lIh Ih~I' ord ~,. .' H. W r BrowII. 2'7 We .. t ad II., l,oR:iT~: f:~i~f~ .. ud quality DC oat (ood. can S, l) ,'rillatcher, .tB~~. lii h IL.,C hAOIbuB .LOO · D





I.F.Gr.~l lt1&.... II11

n•• llld. ....





n . . Brronl, 'I'erre Henle, Ind. .n', \ fl1d..,ID oo'llunolio1.-,,'lb the . 8 Jual In a l.;.W. Chllnd\ef; CI'ir..~II.! lJla. A on R.illrood Co. will '., .' "''''' . . ...0'0. ""ume .any flak IOf Bagglge, excepi 1I~;'D~I!~e~'~~~l~. ~~I.~~ IM;~:.~li~'!;~r)!!~!~!!l~~'·,tur PP' pI ... ,~~. li~i II'r ,. Wlltou.~al1·thealbrarn'8alid!le<ldl~.. lad .r ,c 9·~)~[l!lF'~01l.\~lIiu;ji.j! olle .lIiuWI.d d..1 I I iif \IIi . ot ihep1""e.e.. 1\'111 rel\eve altel cu.~ · . • ~ ulleeding Ihat amounl He4dachct;;. QO\tiV8n888 Oolio If. wi ' .U 8 ' ol'the' , . 'er I. ID_IL ... O\) I 1 bkell liy 8 ,peelll contract. .l"1Wl1I, JIO era MOrbUB, ' , E: ~~' ~It hfligestion, Pain in th~ · ~\VeIa, !J /Gcu'l S\lp'(Sril',pn.t~I,I. A DizzineRil &0 & HENRY ,. GW1 J • _1"'_~_'_~' 0. den'I 'J',cht ~gl!n • PhUd. ,l



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on~.IIII. !:.~tll·'"

Tbe~ ~~"'lIIV.8fJil






-)JR. "llOBA. OK'S

'; ~i :r~j:I~~~A~~~l,~H:~~ !S,tomaohDt Bitters f

re':~~~~a1 "~l~YJt\tr.ra\.t r~I~::tt~ .," dl.....


• rf


,tli , i'





~rl'~ . "'-A!I"altIM)OIDOI, .... 4 , Y,O~)I ... J.otl~ \ IItll 116... hay Uled -b1"""j-~ " lj~I'- trw_ JOOOD' qx~. • aU.~ bAm be.


~ or,


.' , 7, ~' . IIINCE. W.~'T,ON I 1&1 , (.uceano,. to Dr. O.. W.\io~k,) 101D&

lo ......Pb .






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II 10U.,paoP.aOTORIii" .,.. .\'. " r~PJ~3:~j~~~.t~~If..~~:~~ ~OL a8. 68.'80 1& 81 •• TbIrcI lLi ': '

GINeH'hlf.A.TI, Ci)B~U. , •






US.KETB .AND C~llBJ1;E8, For tbe" nlted Stltee Behlce.



'V o

Pocket and -Belt



.cane., ltevolvtDg i.a~

lWle .

LUI '·...

RiOe Intl Shot Oun Barr.i •• Ill" Gun teriall lold bl Gull liDd the Trlcte

·. ct.,.


cenerall" '. .. I •• ..' In tb ... or 'Rou.ebrelkln.. i R"bbery, every Houte. i 8'ltre,~ Blnk Offit!'e\ .hobl. lil.e bno or 1 r "I' t ' I

Rlill'GTqN'. RJt,IiVIlK8: ' P~ '1I't ....lI:in. to a.. I~ , fII.aall'~

_., .rar',o'on

\he.lal8 IlIIpr~~.lInt""'\n'" "'II.e,.u. IIer.l or w~"'~hlp ao~ fo~.., wlltBDcl.U combt ... lit the . . ' ~I

Nt. ~ 'Rnolwr.,

ClrqlaN eoDtai.l~ CIII, IiIII InCrlp!. \\on . of oar' araai wlft •• rurbte~W.· upO·Q

"'=;\0 ,. E. m

iIol't!, lliOD, N..:!~ I


__ •










nT, No. 16.



Bns~ .. es8


No., 68.

witll ~1. 'rll.w, and .Y01\ got III) into A " ·.rul'nrull D...,II.u ........ N ....... 'y ,... • E ......... IN..:ao ...t....:ll_. the tbing:ml 'jig-, :lIld let t ho ho e, Don't .wop with your relalione DDOil B"cehi.......u.c 1.I'Dn &oUl& kln'_ tl' d on you didn't yon my , on? Mr . Rob!'rtsoo, Mnil Agt'nt on the len you can ,fford to give:~heln the big ----Gmn. The R n f no U" in ' Orthur co u.\rl A. G. W. Road, belw een this city Rnd end of lhe trade. omce and Residence, de e . e thnt di fornit you ng ma.n ' Clevelalld, relAled to UI\, yeslerday, M,a'r ry YOUDg. aDdlC oircu.m.lancell reo U'Y R. 1l01.3U '. South IIf3in St ., opposile Ar,hilles PUlrh's, itty ti n mor~ I nrcI'. I But I wus Ihe Itra'nge it em abbut a (armer who quire it, orteo. I P rrrl OIU leave, (rom precious tlu~ti"'­ WATNEBvrLLE. • sori'Y 01' him, sncl I went :lnd nil s· prevenled a terrible rl iSluter on thaL If you ('In't get good C)lo~b~.:and edIn Ihe : ."i uUJ d id 8he. ,rll I ; ed hi~ tiJl he got well. Hi reg'lnr rOlld near M"n 8fi41I(!, Ohio. ilL Ihe lime uC"lion, 100. gel lhe clothes. , AnA·.·1 walrl. II r lI",ul<lering J ol' iO'io I tnther h<'in .... nl lit to the or Ihe recent gelleral fresbet. We blld Sav "How Bre you 1" io enrybodY. Tilt Ih . rOl urrection <lay. wnr, I told bim I~ rl be 3 f.'lther to him before Been a paragrAph relltling to Iht' Cuhivale mnde sLy, bllt 'keep a good OFPlCE-N orth St" nearly oppolite the my elf. He SPlilt II. icldj' mil, sinn-ul Ar Affair. AIr.. R. oonvers~d witb .tock of impudence ou band , . ' \vh . n Iheglilleriugthrtlo&, .hall ri.e. o M. E . church. nnn sai d '4 nh'el.i dy bccn wuss thnn Ihe farroor alld hol'o i. the 810ry in Be ohatitable-lbree·penny 08Dt pieAnd ... e'HI the "rl'er Lti ... RESIDEBCE-Wilh Chas, S'troud, Soulh two l' h oI'S to him. ' ,horL: ' ce. were made on p~rpo,e. T hen fl nr l ister w e InR)· II leet, Third Slreel, has jU5t receiv t!.]. I U heJ' 011 1I.1'\'6 that min ortor 'fhe farmer (a Penn.yhanit.u ~ weul b 008t'S More to borrow Ihalt it dod to AI Ih e d eor Red"en,,,,', rut. '" A ~NI!:8l·I.LLE, 01110. bo oJ ~:KC \ in .. \4 bed du.\o, he"", ."cll1yo\f"Cited bllY. I' .I " , 67. The,'. 10 ;i ,.. ;. Ih. h'oo<l"a-h.d Ihrone. prl.n \S " " 'm. n .torm. Monday night. I\J\d dTcaming : Klli'p bOt~l .yea open. \)la\' do~·t. leo And .l~g ti.e e.·~rl • • li "~ 10nK. ~'t h OK 1:'.11 tl11'';l ~y that tbe till aOT088 a oliaem ••ome hun· mpre lhan h.lf you uotiee. . JOE L EVANS, Whil" th o It ' • "O tt \)- arch _ ,\o ~ hun, }ll'ob'ly; ll ut If hc 108\0 · dred 'feet d eep, bRd given WRy undel If 1 0U ilr.lI for fllme, go in~ I' graveWllh 'tlt" !"aile, Q€ our King! a magn ificent o88orlmcnt of oontf', thnt .my grnn' m ?th r " 'osn't II pIlR &engt'1' train /lnd leL il do"n inLo Yllrd Rod 6cr81ch l'oun~)f l ag'ins~ .. - A 11 D \d ~ n ht ~!I Pllll~h III hed., ]3u~ Ihe apyG,s, he sprung up 10 rend~r. RB' lomb.tone, . • ' .j,, ~, 'thero Ihe r.~ . ometl . boll .do ... , Ii II 11 m ls ble lnsnes, gen rnll~ sistancc to Ihe pll~seng r~, TAil to the Two arnite. generally.get along \lUIFALL AND WINTER. A"d rcdeml,lioll'. "I." explore. N([j)~AmY WWID1t1llC0 9 s p cn~ 1l, a nd wh, n e ve~ any nterpl'l' door, nnd wns llnett'hi ni (rom Ille eU,. unlil engnged. A- .110 rgc .. o'lw-nrd " ,11. \\' ,,~uet ville, Ohio. :t. And UpA'''\; n death Ie.. lou l! 111 c llItrymau of mlu~ cum~ over houll'. wh en )1i8~wife R"lIkened bim.Boys, "hen approacbing 10 manhood, herc scoop up a , Untol1 H~ the He rdaled hia dream, alld "ent 10 .bed IIho" tile lenst aB'llclion, Ihe moat II~ N£.v YO ItI<, Oelo'l.r. 1 6G. ______ _____.H••• ___-------J I~l'ize riilg 'I 'm nlllls exces~~\rcl y IIg8in, hut Illf'pt 1i\lle more during t4e of leAMing, Ihe grealeat dealruoLiveDe"., Hovlngllud fourleen yeMs' UI,erienoe ARTElUIJ8 lVAnD IN I..oNDON. t ickle whOll h 6 g·t scoopeclln self, night. 'I'he drenm made ~uch a de p Ihe most ael6,hnel' RDd cold·hlllW'ledcon sidtinl: 01 Dlack \.1 Ihe rralllice of Medicine, otrt!r8 hi. whiel.{ it i a 81111 fnc~ has thus ~Il\" iml'rcssioll' on hi~ mind IhllL he hasten· ne8S, just aB the coldneaa and darl£~e __ Pro~e&fiionul Ser¥ico8 to the ciliz ens or You'll b<' claq to len m that I'\' e beell, tho cAse-!-my t O'uly 80rr.0I'bClll, ed. to the clll\6m the next mOl'ding eRt- or 't he l1igh' increaaes lvt'oftlla , Jult W ILynesvilll lind Vlcinl ~y. mnue a good impression onto the tbat '\'otber) fi Her WI! \l't f:1eoO'ped Iy 10 ~I'I' what condition it Will in: bul before lheo rising oltbo.lin. mind 0(' Lh o Inn' IO'l'dof tbe Green1 iOIl likew . It' diff' 1'1"1lU}r with sC lll. Ibe rand WRt flppkrenlly!nll. right, al. Who, till now, evcr laW waterfall& ~OFFJCR on Main SHeet, IhrQe doors tnvem. He made ~ speech ,about'rue lin bonts, . whiel~ is t1: manly. sP~]'~'I I,ough tho wllter wa. pouring an<lllur · , caugh~ in uCle 'I . S,)tllh or I ho MIAMI GAZETTE Omt·e. PLAIN AND FANCY Inl:lt 11ight, Ri s i~ 1 4! th ~ bM h e s poke nnd '. 9n, onl~ CXpI3\11 Mr., lJun111 s ging through Ille large culverl beneatb .. fi8? "ould noL Ue an emblem ~f CO- Nij(h. calls promptly responded 10. as fO'llm' , t hel'e bcin OVOl' 20 illui vid· r sun d 1eat 111 tillS CO'III\tly on t~le us thou !!" it woul.! '''lI sh Iho enrth a · Ju~hce. lIe hal unequlll sCllle,: oonls pr seut : "This NO'rth Ameri · f1'rO' lInds' that he wnsn .t used to B~lt. wily. 'fUe!dRy Digllt the farmer could SCRrlet and yellow &Te bOlh ' nrr , cnn has been' l1. inmote of my 'ollse 1811 \\later. I hopo thiS explanAtion not relt for Ihinking Ilbout hi .. dreaD\ good eplors for ,drelse'. bu~ bad onel rollTIN tlFIl TflE rltAcTrcE OF oye\, two weeks , yit he bns'n' t mad e will be entirol.r Isntisfa ·t I'Y, to All. . of Ihe precediDg ni~ht.lln~ geui~~ up, for fO,ven: . ' no ottempt to sCl11p nlly m emb er of As 1 roml\1'l(t~d n.fOI'C, 1m Ifcttlll , he procured hia l"llltrn !lnd hlJ~nQd on It 18 l1al<l that "a {ooland hi! money PLAIN AND FANCY my fam' ly. Hehos n't b~'oke no cups on" I. I'm ' nware thnt I'm In tl1e 10'the chasml Wilen he I\nivcd there Are soon plrltd." Men of genius leiIn ita variouR brnnchea ; not to be eXl'oll· or sn , sel'S, or furni tu r of any kil~d. gol'ent IJl1 etl'opJis of' the world; find i.t h ~ round. to hi. ' h'rror, lhat lhe huge dom part with that commodily-and. ~d anvwhcrll. None bUl Ihe (Hear , II/Ja r.) I fi~d , I 'an tl'US~ In.m <loesn.. lunke nHi onbol)PY \.0 od n.ll t lill had been wuhed (\Ul, leaving nolb· for tbe bea, of rea89!111 I with litcll candles.. Ito cats hI S Wit· the f k, ,A man ill a ns . who ehs· Ina but the uDsupported lie a and traek BEIIT MATERIAL UilBD. ties ":ith ,3 kllife nnd fi fork. })e~le poots it. 'l'h!lt& ,all tl.ult nils "i,,~, I o"~r the chR.. m I Htnt!1i1J abe 'rRin No F.lNcn. I,~ GERM~N\.-The eecre· TERMII, CASu.-Office at hid reaidence which 1 \\'111 make lip in II etvle not Mr- of tillS kl11d s hould be eucurlldged . know tbere 19 8ul;ll perle whQ cum tbundering towllr,d dellrucltOD, Ihe far· tary or Ihe Ohto AirlcaltorAI Sooillty iln l)1ai,n Str"('!I. 4 6 lJ by ony. nnd AIW j!Plher I purpo se "is 'eltll!" (Loud 'plaws) oyer hcre ond e nnp ond s nnrl LOllt mer cll\mbered acrol. the dreadful hal been trllvllllng iD GermAny. Speak- ~ALBLRT TijOMAS, tiUpl'rior 10 ullythinll wilhin What cou ld I do b ll~ modesty get th.i IIllll thnt: 'I 'know one n~l\n \1:110 bred;. aDd running down the road some ing of 'hi coun~ry De,r "Drea-dID, be up and exp!'ess a fervlDt bOI,>c that sa's it is a shame !Iud l1. dl gl'3.lCe diRIRnce. he signl\lod Ihe Rpproecllinjr '8 IlYS: . , • the Atlnllt~c Cll~le wO.11ld hllld tho tbat St. Puuls Chul'c h iSl1t It Old l' traiti ~o stop. And.o Ihort. WaB the "Every foot er land . not torea~, 18 • , $ih) StnH t'iI',O CO\ll~tnes st. ~11 !nor? c10stly to· celiOss: be ROJ'S it shoulU .b~ yenl' lime, that by lbe lime tlle Il~glneer IfAi oultivated. 'l'hllre are no fenoea; the East 'lbin St .. Waynesville. gether ? rhc I~n, lor? sma my:sp~ech ~nd , oven nrres O'lllel' than It IS j ~\lt Able to "hold up," the cngIDo "as but fields are plowed up . to 'be ro~dalde. nIlLE~ OF 'VA 'I"~ESV'LJ~E, WIIS filII of 01'11; n!lllty, but IllS ldee I declille to hold myself rcspon slble II few (eel of the chMm. IIQd fruits Illld flowerll ar, gro~ang by (Cjn.1D(01:~ AlRfIID "'iSlJ.&. ~(oiRIlE~ WfIS the 010 stnge coach wus m<?re for the cO'ndnck of -this itl.rit s im ply 1'hc train WIIS IlIrce, Rnd WRI filled tlvery roadside Ihat I hne tra\'eled : DO Repaireilin \Vorkmnrtlikp 1I\~'lp, ot Il,e ----:O~safel', nlHI h~ t1~0'~ peple.would In · becn.usc !I ll is my cOlll: ~r.rmnn. I "ith penon. ,,'110 had been 10 the greal one dis~iir~' Ibe~ . . The catt)e, sh~~p CIJWBst COBb pricc. (lud dnli~fuction WAR' dol'S tbnt ~p~nj"1n 111 doo t~tne. • 9\ O'~e c\'ery ci\'Hsed In.?d 18 ,cll~lO\:cd Union rneeting at lhDSfifld. What a lind 8"lIIe nre kept 10 slable~, or II "RAIITED. 39·lI I keep coilltnnlly on hand I ~plellllid 08· I'm getti ll on exceedm well 111 l'O itll its full share of g lubel'll1 IdYltS, Darrow esoape Lh~y 1111 ' mllde fl'em a ,ken 0111, ote und.I'duJ eharge or I' .ber.Bortment of LondO'n. I B.ce now; I!owey e~'" that it caut, be hclpt--lpu twnys I ~ui horrible deRlh! For the Irllin wO,uld herd or herdlman. Here and Iher.e. I mad e tI. ml tn.ko 111 ol'elerm e1f~ctooal piau of hell" hll"e plunged down the htful ,prtoi. oued ovor Ihe landscnpe, we .beep afore I I home, DEALER IN ~~~~~=U~~~~ ~~_ me for a pig .lind I didn' t see any over onee evinceJ tliAi'I" 10, lheir Cut and Made hy l\lyselt~ other way of gcttin' my ' 1)ny. . Ten prelorvt:r, lhe Pennlylvani8n, by ma· ' .. , &;0" &0., Fn.TEIUNO CIDER, -. Cider i. y enrs Ilgo these closo would no doubt ces with wild omnibn8 hosses , nnd I kiug bim up 'a hliDdsome 111m o( mono havo ' been fash 111,ule, imd perhaps wonL c\isku sR eTl~. he hud quite e· cy,,-D«Y'Q\l ,Journal. muoh im.proved by lilltlrin~. 'fbi. w).lch I will Main St, W"aynesville. they woum bec!t:llly sim' lnhonyenrs nlllr of ~m ~t lloma, thank. you. I r- I . . . . . - - - : - ; ', bould be d'one wl1e!l tb.e til'lI~ fermenR"plidllg or all kind, dOlle prompliy .'. IS' f· boos. But now they're tIitr I'elltly . \VII, at Bll'll\lIlghllm toth~r Il\gl1t, o.n(} Tke -~Ift K ••- ' . "'~ io"nlY' Dbps. tat\oft il OYer by off \DLo cl18:11 .. nd in fi rs \·closs slyle. to give eqnn. atls ac- TIle wl,e1" sn,d lie know' d th ey wns we nt to tl.t mcetlll for a few .... , " , . J~ bl\rr.l lI• A "ood plan for" filler i, 'he PERISO piasl'Jto TA OT;ES ! tlC~n to my ~~t Custom all l'ight, becnu\le h ad a. brothe in the hall During the WAr. one of lllose 10~(\ly following: . , A~ excellent o'irortnretrr jll ~t rer.eiver.l, Work! ill Wales who kopt him informed n· lo ng wben a atem lookin tHUsnn ladie~ who dpyotcd Iht'mlelveslo rehev · "Tllke a squl\re or round wo~en !lIited 10 alt nil"". The,e nrc tJle but b out Loudon f.'nsbiJls reg' ltu" 'fhis said to m o. ing tbe 8ufft!ringa of Ih~ soldiers, Willi box, In!\de ~f inch pin~ j>lalilt, tb~ee .ppcIJlclp.IO !n the market. Cull in. whil:h) will ~ell for IOAe ,money Ihnn y wos n Infnmlls 'fulshood. But a9 You Ill' fl'om ·WlI.l es' ? going 1\lrollg h a ward of a cro"dl/d h08' frel io' diameler, and one foot four 10Mey 1. JRfi6. buy the chem pP81 'Hlir.le 0,1 lew work. bnllud suys (which I hen.rd 11 gen'l . No f:told him I didnt think I wos . pilll\. Thol'o she found lWO conv~lell' obee deep. " 1.'laka iL "iLli " , bOLlom man in 0. lIew soot of black close llnd A lIieigyi,s that fln sht OY<}I' ruo. It cent 801dien' nn.i h"mm~ring, ROl'forated witll Qumeroul. one ~1\lUler whit~ kill glov es sin/tt'othcr uight]. was of )tll t' unprin cipled t aler, nnll I mll~illg ~u(lh R nOise ~hKI.he (till It noc· Incb auger Iioles, oyer ~ll\ch should be Novcl'" dOll t let ns uesJ.iise n. Mnll , Hus my clotbiu 11 Welohy I1p. ceuAl\y ' to inter'(llre In her gentle "ay. lait! co~rae hemp .ba~gln!f.'. ~ow iill bCcn.use he wcars a Rnggid Coat! POILI'3U ? "Why." IIhe uitl, "whal is Ihe lJIat· J'he box for eight Illth81 "ith pleoe. of ARRANGEMENT, NEW I don't know ns wo do, by the Wl\.y, Not f l1Yll0 menn s, he answered , (er ?-,,' hl\t ArC you doing?'" chRrcOI\'I-anim ..1oiJ"rcoal is lhe belt--:tho' we gen'ra lly get ont of his wny nnd then' he snid, ' And whAt is yoUI' "WhRt we doin"? Makio' R coffio, aboul out eile. an~ 00 tbe top of till' Til .. euhl!cribrr. hnin/! ft11P!>til'd hi81.'«· tnbli ahmenl with 1\ 8\ll'erior flnck of mn· Viz': Wftite SM,tll. Droetr", Dost!, pretty rnpid' p'l'ob ' ly on aeCO'lInt of opinyin of the prosent crisi ? dUlt's whnl t" ' place a four·ioch lAyer ~r, l.ean.wa8hed terinls. ",isheR 10 Cftl! It\1l 1I\1('nt;oll of T said, I (loot 7.l\cldy llllow. .Have .. A coffill? illileed, And wll<r '1j it sand. nna co,'e r 'atf ~1tIt~\· o· rAe he'mp tl.le pi,L 'Yl.l ieh tenr.8. Ollt boosllms fOl' llJ SU ..,Jemiers, TUII. POller Col· .JIr aad Farmen ft nd at IlIlrs 10 tllo ca~~ thal h' id IllS 011 IIl>PY CO'lIC11t 10Jl. you gQt it ," ery bl\iI? lor 1" . ' bllgging" 'Rn d you ' 11.nan" .G beap • rrt'pured 10 m811u/acluro , lars. and "ve,.yfhi,lll iii, This lust remll.rk is a. sirknstio nnd ', He iepJicll.: SiL', it.. is swecnin PYior ")V,I f\ for, .? Ihlt fellow ~ve,r tb,.ere," good IiILer." . "J If ('~ Outfittillg Line; , lVit4ef'in ·t!l1'l1 tn~ them b~otisl q~ple Englnnd like n Cymoou of tho Des· ppinlil\O' \Jeiliml 'llIm I' ," 'S, !! .~. , j ; ' )' . CARR4\GF;~, ".. 'r' wllO. lh"c in g'lded sQll>on8~ I tllo't evtl .".', i "I!.. 'fhe ~Rd Iboked, Rnd ill" a Man.on "P1i101'Llil abou~ (OMllnY," who , .Iah . .~nnd olher work, hi tlie be .. t All of wlticll' ) \O'ill Rell at BIlow IIl!!nr~8 I'd explain thc me nllill'~ of my r~ .' "W1I1l, I snid, le't it swe pl . . his white ' UC'a ~ yet illiTe, ,,1\'0 ltomeUto to 'know the proper aie~, are r~ rehed sly Ie, ODd on ahort nOllce. ~~i,~~~. can buy tJ,e~. ill DOYlon or ehe- ml1l'ks. I k~o~v one .ffian-nnd he s He o~sed mo .b~r .th p 11l'n1 !I~d SOld. be wIltohi'n: "hU wAR.being done., : to Ihe following roreeedenls:, Sha"~pe"t~ T. T. DODSON. u. mnn of "and ~ co~l?h8hmcn2teO-:whO Let \1 glan('e at h~s~ry, It IS now "Wily;" Illid ahe. 10' 1\ 1'0IC8, 1 R: B.n Johnsnn 21 11 ~,rRlnlkllDJ i)4 : ~ Retajnlnjl the aervit'lCl of Mr. EL' often rends my artloles o~er tunes some twl.I tbo~OI\,l's"lhA~ mllq i,n\ Illtlid. He 18 AI~ve lI,nd Mourt 25; Dante, Kep er'I ;" \I eT, ,q ~D LIBOIl KEMP, .nll nther t::tperillr WaYllelviJlI', 8~llt. a, 1866. afo ro be cnTl f\py tlllog of em ~t I iV, ind~elll)', I rcpl!ed. , ~ ,perh"l,ls he "pn'L di~. Y.ou )I~d better lion. B,ur\;e a9~, ~c~t~12,~; ryo \e B,raJle~ he IlUftrnntee, tne ull1\o ea1i1tfm'!tion. (t:r Buggies, 0 ~rrluge' nnd WOIiOIl. 1111. Out· skoolrnuster t-o home sa) S Listet'~! he t\(lrcely erled j It I~ 6n~ 'nOl 'gol on.A' • r . ,I ~ Byron, \VaeblDgton Alld BOMparte. t7 • rl'paired alld painted in gnutl ~tyle. this is !\ pecooleral'ity of. geDe~l1.s.-: 1y. a iltt;1e o\'or two 'tHol silnu . "G.) on I Yea, ye., we 8),1\11. The P enn noel Slorn, i6 ; Linnlllu8 antt' NIlIG. HINOHMAN. ., • I' My wife says it is a l1ecoolCl'al'lty ot 8iIlCC,~ eloctor he lold us. He laid .. mAke the 800 <B\lrDl. 30, Chl\\loer, HpgRrlh Wayn.elville, July,&. ' ' h0l1S011se. Sl.Jo' s fi e~c::eedin procty· Oh, bptll ~r! tl'emll.l'kt. let 11S go coffio; AII<I.1 guess be know'd whllt he RD!i Peel. it i. Word~,,~~th 'I nd Duy, U cal woman, I lilY h~r muellly, 110';' ont audgit somo beer. giy' llim."-Frank Moorl', AI~dot" 33: Arietolle, 36 , Sir 'vm. Jon~~}'ll~ G~s , e\'er, and hllmer)lcrhttle WAYS. It 5 No, ir. I gl'OSB nnu 8o,~ · of ,Ill! War. Wt:lIinar tO'n , 37. Wilberforce, 38 ' II lLu , 9. l'ccklis falshood tbat ~hc henpeck s -8l1ltllleer. III not move from t111~ ' ........there 4!: Add~8on t44') Wtl81ey ,.aDd. TEA AND COFFEE BOILERS, GLUE :--me; I\nd the }:ollng man III Ollr .11!.l~el·' spot till I ~an "ote. Who or. J·OIl. ~ BRIDOING TUX El'loLlm C!IANNEL,-;- Youog, 47 ! S""fl, 49 ;,.Buffon. 66 • old POl'S. OIL CANS, &e ., &c. I handed Jiim my card, winch, III M. Obarles Boute', or PartS, "ho IS Parr, Ja.~ lI~e, I~O. Adam 1I0t! Ev. 'fhi8 til a deci<led Iml!rOl'ement. ontl hooel Wl10 s?Hl t? me 011.0 e' ClII.~ g, adtle ~gre.tly to tlte appearQllco of built!· as I wns rulst onmg my d.1II.~'am With nu4ition' to my n iune, contalns!\ e known fOl' hill ingeni ous f'robray~ge for mllrri!lli before thel were a ye!lr old. m~ 1~!h:o~;~kii,~t~Z~o:e~:~· :r.:iE8 inga, Iltl~ 1\ gentlo <;.oek~ail II.~ thc ,"lll~e tavun Inbt~t d<,s<,riljtiOl~ of my sbow. NO'w, milwAY. Anel hiHery cle~er contflv~nci !lDd the velerAn ~arr buc~llId ~It~, " ~ or GOII.. wilh le881rouble, Inti ..I:;i. -who to me In thOBcvery laug. !lll',ll1rolldly 1I.l\1, YOII know me? for aecurinll blli\",.. RiCI\IIIMt exp108100. widow at H!O. " ••' . o:::r at lee8 u:peusII, 1)011 by allY ..c' wirlge. "Go hOOlO, old man, onlcss 1 ~llumly swear, ho stel'llly rCIll! · entere'd A grilliter fi eld of enle~·, . ,.. " ,' ..'p ~ l .. ():7 other f 1 1 l ! I . . . . l ; ( ) you desires to have another tell pot ed thnt I ne"I!" heard of you, or prifte and offns to .olve ~he propoll ' All ~mOD¥.-,:~el ~e rO' Elch article mftnufnctorNI by this com than the old ,Illy Ie or Siuin\:. tbrowd at you by B. J.," pro\lly r eo YO~lr silow, in I:UY life I lion ~( bridjting \\le channel betweell And we don:L ear~ wbo 'dnot~fl t ~& i1Bny i ~ rUftr~l1te~d to perrorm a~1 that I~ . . . ' grets hnvin said 80. I said, "Iiets), And this mall, I c.ried bitterl~, and .C ..lai,. Mr. Boulet c:\aim~ girl and ... ell(~' ~llIht: an ilia; 1 110 II: 41nimed Cor it, You can get tIllS Sid II1g only nt J nne is my wife's fron,t name, ~ell' Cftlls hisself a ' intelligent man, nmt IhRt he can, at a COlt of £ t 6,000.000 We ~lw a1' dl~ like gull;' t~at a ~ ~eere:() :'-Send ror Cir~\lIDr.__ tle yooth, and I ijernllt.q no ~e!l'lon, thinks he orUlr o!lowed to vote! 8lf'rling. con strucL • gig.ptio ponloon· 10D w.e mlHr.led one. oY'~\i! oiLlboral Diaoount to the Trade. to lliood ,to her as 11. J. out Ide 'ot Whnt a;'b'o llcnnO'ckery ! bl iclge wilh nllllle oece8lary "ppur· COl\rPe-\lhewlllg tobRCe~t Im~ d g e . (J, 1 tho fawilr circle, of which, I um it Jyc~o Obj ec't iQrlto o,VI'Y intelligent tllnanc~8, and gel tile ' "ork ~pen (or ~ ari, .&0. ~lne Jlref~r. ~~.' :n~ \l,.o:r Kerosene Lamp Beater 0:, . prinClpnliy my elf. Your other oll· mOil votin if he wnnt9 to . Its 11 trAffic iD ye",.. 'fhere "III be 0- t,en'lble one~] prefllrglrl , '~I &'ooal .li7·6mJ 20& P~Drl SI .• Ne~ York._ . • sel'yntions 1 scorn and disgusll, nnd plcnsnnt nmoolminent nO' doubt; but peniDgl for the oonvllnieDce of Ihipl 'u.,' gin U8 hber~I' " lh-eCcoot I : I Rwl AN EX1'E1tf8IVE SA1.E AND Corner ~etroiland Water 81a., I mll t .pollish you off." He ,wlI8 II. there Is tho e wlu)se ignora1l ce is 80 nll\ligating Ihe chlln.nel nL eAch end 01 tI:Dl!ndml!nL. ·a 'lflt , 0~~:1 ~ ..R.tir DISTRIBUTION of Piunal, Mclo, • able· bodied yOIl~g m.nn, ~nd, remoo· d ense and 10n"lI. 11m tbnt'~bcy should· lhe I)ridg.,. lind the bridge "i11 b_, pro', ~w'tuJlIf1;u 0"" , ,,.,- J 0" deoll', Gold c lld Sih'cr \Vare, i. now I;oi"g 011 Yin his' cont, h e lIIl1llu'elllC .l n:~nt.en nt he trniltid with a baLht any morcn vided wilh light·h.)ulc", rllfn'l!lun,ent P/l~IC~1h ~ I , ' . _ " . .n; "Hht Salelrooltl of l\IESsns. REI> "ORO., No P-t U6 grounll to I)owd er? t s fnd , one 6r ' m~r tr~line<1 serpunts shoo 1 bllffetll ordinar; ollrril\ge WilY·, jnc! ." b ' ,. "wil wne M Oomnge S4 Lib.rly St. , N. Y. Tliue good. ere eold at Ye . : !l' there W IS a row()er·g riutli t be trusti~l'Wilil~ a child to plqy with. fOllr ro'wa or ~A8 1""'pl by WRX of II tu ) IA~ e~c :: otft~ of job pr'lI~ipg TWO DOLLARS }~(\ H, HEoAni:!U: ~ 0.' wlter. 'au cap get all kinde or hundy, nothiu would ' ford me gl'\~n.t. I w nt t tl~e ~t!\tlon with & minlltion. afro -S'6ulet ' cOnSI(\eu Ihe pelle red~~e by a man wAy bick. '\ AWE. ~el1d TW ENj·Y.F1V.: C&,;N'CS (",. " er plensure, when he .struck· me 11 O'f r tlldHn 't6ifull'n on the on"8,- Frf'noh will relldil, nlLer. &I~. ~\I.lIge 01 t,he, ~l ~r ll ' " ..lted ,0 get tome poe000 numbttllol .Nolie", or ON!!: DOLL R (or poillJul blow intQ my right eye, COli' This'.-ay 'ir RlIid the gllllr(l: here Lheir rAilWAy I when &he ,btJI)~e I" eom "ho \D Ocell 1: t d He .ai quilt ., , ' b"" I ' . pond. l' • , '; , 4i t I" . 1i ' Srp.tmUf1r ' I.. J • tage·st pnn e • WI , cOllld DO' do .,\X. l'bo, nu~her OD ... e ~,o Ice corrl" sin m~ 1. w rnA k e a TIl)l!. d rat !'eo t " III to you 'ar, nnll , be. p\l1~l .to a urs <l "S pleted.-Pu,,, . oi ited bec;'\I~. wil~ the number no lomfl ••Iicle of Kood ••"hicl, IlUlf.ble for pilI lin, up Ind finllhing the firepince. l ha~1I t DO tdee thnt cnrril,lgc. tlle 801e ,ockepllnt or wbieb • .l-,.,- •••• dl· ..PP D. h " ~!Id. ;~m ,refill bad to tbe enemy WIl8 80 wel,l ~~gnu! f!~.- wns' ..... J:Ayth r pr, posse8sin femole, or The leave. of the elder, ir .!rewn a · l~.e 0 I~tt~r: "rit 'to a 'ial~ and. "'ill be lenl on rf\Ceipt Df ••• The Plonll7 "ill bulldlrl",lnclud(1I1 bo refund~d if Ih. good. do IIOt r;ivfI IIlIlf,cllon. But I rallied ,u)ld-. 1\'ertt tor~! In III tl abol1t. 3Q,8umolera. . mon oo,n ()r ",Ain wben j, i. ,PJlt ialbe. Pr:;~ I~Oltf loo' mucb to bti:f'.m oC Agentlillake TWI!:N'fY·,,'."E DOI/t.ARS II'" , rsuther 'Vlgn8 stile for my time 01 No, I tlank you, I ernestly rophcdj b'* gw'll effectually rreYe~t H frO.m th ~lbl,ey...". t otJi e Ile.ller.... ; .1 • W.:~) K, Send for .Cir u'ar. Rtl::D" Bno., J • t I' ~..t b II. HI ' lu, . , •. ' '11 t e ,,01' C II II.' · O · S l i t ' H18porun IV",-,!I~ar y, I Iprctel'to'w:lUc. ' "esoftlle,·wenil. Tbe J~lte~1 , ',! V .... ) . b ,. r. O. 8001118, Nil" York, '2.)y , AND BLI . ', ' L 1I,m ';lUply state 15. mllllts. h!l(Lc,)U· • I "lID, dent ltIir, 1180'~11l bild.buga I'nd m ..ggotl: ' ' Io~.: · . . . WoaLD Ollie., Ii Liben, St. ' OU and Iy the first aot, w~en ~e .' ", l rcry .r€lsp,~~U"ly ~0\1r8, leete nonr touoh elder bUlbi ... II Irbe 1 ;IT ell (i)r.r:- ~A••D:lf' ~~ ', 'rip "nIP. .. ' ~d nd liomlf on ia,l 1abntter. ' HI,S, ABU.US W ADD. Ie f a of elder i Cllttered oYer eabbagu. F.rO{lIl9f , ga., - ~ r. Union Cob. 'fU Se t Ul ~ W.H. 8W~Y mam" met the aollum p"'~sslon at. . ' . ~u'.ntiera I u~.hel: aDd (),bet plantll I I ig~laDdl w I~b dlyld,~ ,t I, ,,,a, . 'Dan<!eUon Coif."': .a,e €ufl'e,,' prime , Rio ' ,P' . " ~. door, tlud after teerfully ookln.J;, II ----;- r: ) . , . H l b 'ecled', I~ l~er."'i" of c'" e(~ 801.ini In!o ~ ~lle L~Wr~DQ:--I':h _ Coll'ee aDd ~ltuie' of Oull'ee, lor .. Ie by orfilpring ov~r, ahe aald "~Iy -. Aala~\aa 11 · D,ob~.~ the ::.1ullll), .bMld. tbem. Til" plom aad Ibolll BOWing. rDlo tun At an , 0"'1 '., e . ,:til. &. P&INTZ;" Thi we know 10 be flure u we ptolaee how it 18 dietinctllolly'.- lIrol"'r.,r ,Chllrl•• Dlcilenl, the. f lIitt! may be ...eel bl plMlng on oIdeet Iliad . 10 'be .world., t &I .ve been roOlln' rouu4 aTrnahl.o gil." • ...,tial. I~!ed OD F.iday t .. ~~)l: " r ."'0"1 tbe. iuuobee 1)1 o~tI' a 1000ely ~a ,b..oh .alh. bJ '~•. A. .ONTu..X-A,eM/O want c~,id ~he Cider Ir.oa. rl!! persOn. ID . neilfhborhood, and permitted It to )[aebeen. TDU -went in at the place !"g~ !Ie w". I~ ,b. empley 0 • • the elder lea"••':"'E.trA;lIIg,. IlInr..l OCelli.; . ' • ; ed fo~ IIX ElITIIlEtT ..... ABTICLU, jUI Oul. Add,... 0 T. GAREY tar. to flne,u 'on oar owa preml.... . • wheN they l)ut t.he grain in, cum out InOIl Oelllr.' Railroad. - E. R. ' rR.lNTz. . , ' . . , -r' ~: -;'~ • • ~I', BulldlQI' Biddeford, lIalDe. "'~

Profe8sl0lla' '"

L. S. RICE, M. D.











Direct from New-York!






DR. S. J. ,",\TAY,



cr -


90 20 20 ' 20 20 20 ,..



_ .,



~lO(k5e i'Ualcl)C9, ltw



Wagon Shop.





PatEfnt ,lYIoulaed

'nING '! SI HOUSE Stoves !

Kerosene and




Po _


The Lumber-Yard of

Wl-llia'm Sweny'



e::R:Lia . .. to


Dressed and R.ough Lumber,



('/ P


Short Notice




Cheap' !

.y, '.'













, y..., .

r"'· ... :.

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~ ill... W...W! II_II'. Parou. Plaller. mol•• aDd &11'1" Au. ia Ilo& 10 be re pnlHCi. b1 call1_. lunh a.e Icrld ~• . . . . . , • • • • 8 ••• a-eo Now 'laa\ lIuic:o ie aboa' 10 be -riD bumorl from pa't. inler.. III to ,t'l! .lIln a"tI ~~ b I I Iglmeral eirculation-thl! • in mau, c.. e., "-"'I) W A Tl( 58 V I L LIl, 0 B J 0 : free &0 ,be Jluicaa'. I a grea lIIu • ., 1&t , ,· uU ...... I I . · p".itivel, eViporatihlf IluI dlee .. ,.. ~~~~ -~ Gelleral doee not wi,b lo be lel\ out of III ~oheeqlleriee ollhe great Impruve- I JAllES LULL. M. D . . . . . .1' .Ar, OCI'OBI!!. 17, I •• lbe -comial m,lt' of parlie. wbich will ..... nll. ill uur I.cililiee f~r III"nu rac'I~~l g~ Thl're I, nOlldn , (>q!l~l. In LI.I'I WI.Y 0-' a I I . Iha, luzlllillnl IlInd or we hue reducea our prlee: IU .. p~.. Il'r. t o the Poroul Plaller 0 1 Mr. A IIG • • JlB A~ L 'X.BW8. .oon Ihe p lee to . polut 88 they can be pllce cock 'rhey are the pillter of Ibe duy. lJ uve jUlt re cel,pd • Ilew IQd well &el tbe Soutb. AltllOU~h Ille LI.berall r~' WITH GOLD A1' PAR. 1I:li ~ iiI typt' of ou r presellt .dVl noement eel Ilock of eet· A promineDI baDker h81 olfered to fa l e to readmi t' E~NU. Al'1U IDIo thell' I ft'd 1'.litale 10 h,.y a in Iciellce aU11 Drl. In ASlh,!". Coogh. t,atIIOW no IrulD one tlli! n u:pecIILioll . ' IIlot I I I K Id j ey I Affeclion ]010 MaximililD .('00.000. r"a~. aCtrr hil "POI LAcy , IIe WI' 11. no t b e 10 walch d • dGOUIi ~8 R"eum.ri-m. I hey 8ifu rd The Republic.o majority io · 'le(L oul, .od 10 be js ttying everytbing \v ill be "hea per.t ~Oll:t! IUll~:(~I::~;e'~~:: :~~m~~I:nl ~;rrt~trJ . ~~ JO;llh,ON. M.D .• POTS, be koow. of io order 10 lake a (orward Le~t o~ teo yean 011 LIe Ilia un 'T ropical Remediee.' . - DOW. e.timal.d a' 40,000 1045,000. SKILLITS, f pl~ce i~ the .pproaohing etru~gle tht!re a, •• 01l1ore thall 200.000 Wule"". From a person"1 kliowledgl! ~r t.~el.e It il rumored Ihat tbe DemocrlLi 0 . Wild h I I I plutere wll tall ... Ie ths! l.hl'Y 8.e ullCIGRIDDLES, the COIlD'ry 101' a ,ood deal of money will be io MUI CO, e .are . o. hlYe ,iven I'lIr productIons I " • erl • lL I: dedi p;eferallie \0 'allY oliler . in Ulle. O.v AL, CAST.lRON • tbat Ihe old lftcltiea. c:llleftllO II eSI 1M Ilk 'Ulon, 'ime~ker.per'. C: I::~I I \V h~re\ler relief i8 10 be oblained by Ihe BOILEUS, RESTORE YOUR liGHT 111 beWDloD ,b. eleclioO. mllkini' .treouou. t!lforll to (urlber lhe, O:'ur bU •.'- use of • plUI 4l r t A "e- .. eociltiOli. called Soa. or A(' H I I. I I I I A IG N ... , u 'l'EA-KET Ltg end he ba. in ,;eWe e lal ueen cos· nnl I. u 'Leadlly \Hcreage.1 ns till! pub 1(1 I 1,8 01 .• . 51'ECTACL ES ,)l D ~ tIRC1I C.' ·. OP ~ RATINIS R ENUI!R~ . ' US~I.E S" '1 HB IN' ~ TI\I.\ ­ or -II ~ilel ' ric., huh.D Ilarted. Hi. iDtended to eled wilh Mr . SEWARD. io ord.r to 8e· bl'c4111e acquui nled wilh Ihelr IIn~li l N I;fl~~:: ~;~:II,~;;,,, H U" BI' New York. BLI!.KI.HS.INII o~ Ste Hl I' 15 I;~ 1) 8 P ~R ­ r£TUAL BY T AR liS P. O P I IP. ~ W ENAMEL KE~'TLES,' '.Itain Freodm.o·. Bureaue, Ind otb - cure tbe co operalion of Ihe Uailed for monlll'IIIO&.eLher."weW"aeveh ~::"r~II::H I~ F or 8nl~ bv bll J)rugI.lI SI8.' 67-01 PAT BNT I MI'ROV£"O I VORY Ii Vf: C l· P • • Ir to IUPP y I.e Uemlll . • _ _. _ _ _ _ __ of "1 UAnrled Eius. 01 t he br.t quai•• Many of o ur m"st emine nt 1 ' ·\\' ~ l d. n {'ruol.", "!!,I ar co 0 , SI.tu Oovernmtcnt. but Ibat. be may .. dly e"l~r,e" our flClory bu ildings Ulltli MAllCBllfG ON. • r . .Uer. Studenll an d Divinct h,a, c Il.lJ ~ •• d r , ':ht rc;': •.ltcJ SHOVELS, TONG~ '"'I • . .. J perm a..l" nll y fUrl: ·1 01; A New ¥ork"di8pltloh .a.VI : · ·Thu. a, w.1I know be rort:bllod, i. a (o:ora tht'y now cover ov~r Ihr~e ocrp8 01 Con61~nlly ,<ivallcin" In public r~v.or, 1 I MP ' IR f. 1l V ISI"" . SAD IRONS. .' . far WI have beard of ILe 101' ~r 19 It ~ r .Ilhouf It we , 110uld not al · IIruulld, and ,Ive uccuulmollu,lulI tu more tlo lrl'\I"Ioou t ,ho United SI.le~. lhe BIIII :< h a:8 . AI·RB , 1 V OI' I A. 0' Por S ' ~ h' . ·: , .... h' b ope- U e. • • . Ih ~ n eig ht hundred wor(;men. C .. lul~!'. Hnd SOftni~l. ~meric_, nnd n.. ed.. TH "NO PI \ . f" 'Ve',k 1 lItON Sl'OONS lell. IDd' 12 di.abltd. in Iblilorm w 10 low any fore ign inleneollon III MUICO, We Dre Iully jUllified ill •• ) in I!lnl I.e I;,g no F LOU RISH 'OF ,),RUMPET~ ... ~J-·'P d r)l{ .\ -H. Ulld.l: ... r \ V_ l try I y u II . ORR .: y ~~. llu prevailed .iDoe Ootober 1." we would 00\ in\trfue ounelvel, but IIOW mll\le more \llan ol.le-h ulf uf ,,\I ~he to pl ucl nim \I. 8ucreos.lh.1 81 ."d~rtl ftrll.1'EA & TABLE do. 0: W BAICNI!" Of TU!!' tUl Tl X.\ , or Optl 1 f h S• W.lclae .. loldlntbeUlllledSlelee.1he I (;RIS'rIl. DORO'S HAIR DYE is N·7~·OPHTHht.~,.A. or I nn.m m.II~" or I ~ ' '11 Aaron P. Miller. rOTmer y 0 t e CI' will leL parliu 6~lt~ it out unll Ilere dilTerelll "niles Dre J I"liullui ol,ed ~y ,he e c , r' I d I ep rftl 'lon 01' il B MEAL SlEVES. . l .In tie I 0 Id 101l0wIIIg . "trlC:e.o:arks on ~.'e 1 ,p'1ate : nuw II lOW 0 pr •Ht length Ihu- Eye and hi I Pp c n d lt t" . peAce CI08~ . .r Pl'~ple ul Any l"o ol>ion, otQ GueUe, 1I"· pulcb I.. d "ot I0 I erel.• is .ome pro~ pecl8 0( EI PHoT O PHOnl'l .;', I-'ol... n,. or I.·ch,. 'IRA·PS, 0 ' PT01' IS , r 1:.1' . ,lI the .:vc ·ll.'.t. of Geo. W, Roby io the Obio Stale Allec Empire. Bu' S~IiTA AliNA hili I. 'A "' .ri •• n'~ en.,. '" """011 •. I'lu ... ro ughly und"rtile nd Ihe lerrible CllOee10', ,.,YOO ..:",O PI A. mov i n& 'P,Cl J \I I r.o ati nS CHILDREN'S K~lVES . 2 'A ppleton, 1 rHI'Y & c~. WA"I""".I\I.... I u~e 0 r mel I \lic bod le:t before ttl,. .Ev • • .JoIUDal •• t.bli....... oot limiled hi, elfort. merely to dlplo. 'I'. S. B.rllell,' Wullhllnl.M ....., 'luenl'ea enID II e d bV • lie AND FORKS, "Il. A~·II\ URO !\ I " . t" .. ("I 'hM',u't v "I' \ ' ;S\ """ · ." b I • . 'WIll 1::1I1·r)".' Olld CUIIA lic pr'I,.rHllon. and ftdmll Lhe IU1~ . CAT 1\ It ACT S, J·artlal.uli n dn el~. :aud \V OU( WASH BOWLS, GK•• GUlfT'S fatber 11110111 tbal b II matlc latrlgue. lI.e hal een 1\.0 oe E> 0 It L,,\ ' I f. • \\' ATr.lI or fl.- I quali,)" pe riorilY of II.islamou. velr"lable Dye.DburJers or 'he Eye. Cullinaers. Pluin · and Japoftned Ltllo ANV ON E ,a. u •• ,h. IVORV EY I' C I' I' ~ . • 10D lie.OIDdidlte lor thtl Preaideo- gotialing (or a ,loao or 80,000,000. lind illumed ·A"plelon. T •• t'y &I; Co., Wo !- munnf.dura!:! by J . CRlS'fADORO. 6. wit hout [he l td of uoc ro :t or rlr t:::U lC I " I~ . ' • cf ~ d' I dId' l hlllll, M... A 1 H se Naw Yurk Sold by 1111 ttrllB. for coal oil, c(mdl, and ~111ell' year, if IW'I'Y/Jo Y !l06' "or il tryinq to get our IIC u'r~1! .0 Jera II Our nut '1 uolily of I .• dir, · Whlrh i~ 1lA1II · • ur. tlU • • d b il Hid e I as 10 rc('civoc \:nmc,:la lc b('nefi dtll ft' JUlu. : tJ Ii: . . er ' :al oOlcen to enlial in bit .·el ·P :l lI"rtldl,' WlI llI'UIII., ~I •••.- DrugU l8h. A,pJlhe ya 11 r r IRer . we~r . pec taclel i or, Ir ullDG no\\' , I J I I 1. Ic:m de I F lura oil; olNo, a IU'9' d I ~j lttf' r(.ll f' ,6."., aD • e e r . Th • •• 1V~lrh .. Ire f,"· II. ·. gr ~~. Owt( S..-xlO (erd Ru ce, or C1\I'" wh e re It r ltr~ \fat ai,ortfllf"' of Mal. RUTH WlLU~M8. 78 yun old. calue' aod be i. allo ttaLed 10 h ••e al· YOrJely uf alltl I I, I•• of ".,... . E.-ntonS ,OF ~OlJTII: p r"!: viou, Jy KUJ.r:tntccd m.y lJe $ t'~ n a l rur " 'lice, "Vo cuua olClc ~ eurc i n t; \te ry nsc where th e ', . . N H h' bead" chartered .ix .hlpi ror tlie ' pllr · ';I'he American Walch Co. or W".lthem A Gl'ntl emlll wl.o ",," soffl!re d (or ye~ rA i!ircclioR$ arc (",UO\¥cJ , or w-c ,will rcfunJ t tlt ]1,YlD,ID Bullon. , .• a. gl~eo .ac r ./ . . " . MNu . • lutllorize U&10 stole IhnL Without (rulll Nl!rvons Debi lity , Pre.o"ture D ecuy. money , • For ulc: h y OrugP.iJl1 " ,,,1 O culi" , •• of tbe IOldie." who . enlisted (rom 'hal P080 ' of trAD'porllll, L~II pr08~ect.1V1! dialinellun of trade-marks or prlc!', ' and all Ihe effrclII or yO\lthl~llntllllcr etlon. 1'0 rc: ce\Yc r'lllt ' I' R f. A1· . .... S O 'l T n ~ E YR hy 'owD'6 Tha\'1 eolid patriolilm. force 10 Ibe leeoe of aClIon. CapltRhsts L T Ie fROntlCT8 I'F TREIR fACTO RY will for 'the sa ke of lufferlllg 1.\llI1u nlly . (, «urn mail (rc c, lelhl your full acld lC'.' L.) Dr. J. !JAt.l. k CO., . ' I and Soldier. will do well 10 lea VI! S~!I. ~L H ARB FULl. r WARRAIITF.n sellld rree 10 all WilD nped ii, ·the rrmoc Tbe Saodulky Reg\IIer eatlmate. t Ie . . . . . ft nll direCIloll8 for mllkhlll the simple B•.~ 70 1, P. O. u8 N,.",w Sir,,' . l !. r. t-t"v. 000• In TA AIiJC~ lind 11exlco al(lne. Noh capl· beet l' IllnP.kerpcrs(Iher or therr clan rflUedv. .by which he . WII curet!, . Su rOUR OWN MANUFAOTURE. rr F or Ihe worst cuc.J of 1Y OI'I ,\ . ti t popu1at I011 0 r t b a t 01't y a. d ' 10 be thed' cOllnlfy )IF.~R . S I GHTEO)jHS5. u•• our NEW . 1Y O P 'C b ' " 1 b't t 10 tal Ihoul'l be enUUSLe. 10 (lae '" 0 18 I'ver rna e an 111 8 or a"y .' I'k I' fefers wishing :" profil by Ihe odve.rll_er', A-r1''' b CHMP.NTS. <2IlIy . dl u., <J ,ud . ppll.~ We have a variety uf 1860t eDum . ero IDla lao.wa, .' d . db h' t I L ' b Is 1I11y~rM&huul dr em p lllb"r Ihdl \III I I' LIt' eKpelie"nce cUlld"1I0 bY8ddrtl .. ~l nl! 10 the hoory li ye Cup.. Sc nd for. Pam ph le t. 000 the e8d.lle IbowiDI aD increale eOle 1 18 owo pllr y. I Ie I erR • guarantee ur" fur('i ll " moker whu con • JOH N' BOGDEN in Mexico, aod even if S.UTA AlIN~ IIP¥t'r lie rnched, Ihia /! unr nlltre iM I,!II0d N .... ta ChumlJers 81' Nllw Yu~k. 0 , por year.. , . were ae ting ,,·ilh tire aanctioo of tbe Ilt all Ii Illes agai!"1 Ihe Com puny ,·r their .c::__ ~_ _ .. _' _ A model houle II no" belOg "UIIt, M ' r ' Id b I tigenl8. ftllcllllllilf .f1u Lhe lIlel1.llhllfl'lIl: h . . . f tb b b ~.llcao peop e, IIWou e 8 Yl!ry I.a- Ir:ol nny watrh . hollid rruv(' d'l lt'clive In .. aD !"perlmenl, 10 ODe 0 e '.~ ur I ardous inYt!llmenl. 'rOOur .0ldiel8 we 'InJ ~urlir.llllr. it fliay be t.IWftY8 urhan" • Tlis Grtatlnt',tntion oj the Agein , of Pa.rl8, It OOD~i.LI of lieD .Lanet, be· .a leave Alr zico alooe, No laurels ged (ur DII'!,\,hl!r. Ad Ihe A.merlcao watch___ . lidee the oella,. .andu ground,. . It baa Y be '. d d I ' Lh I el mnde al WlllthUIO. Ife IlIr 1liiIe by dell- lUore Dur .....e., , b h' d r lire can ,IIUE UD t: r ol.e w 10 IIlI t .e ere ge nernlly Ihr" ui!h" u Ihe cu\ln'ry . we More EI1I811e, AO ~'Iuo ..e, .. t a 1 flU 10, widest prolelllllion. of pAtriotism; yel do 1I0t "ulicit ordt'fB (lir .illj!lo W.,,·h C8. ltI01'C Citmf'rrul ! Tbe New Lutherao Oburcb a' Mae- lart his couDlry ill. Lhe lurc h when ahe C~tJTlUII. - The publi ~ ure ', c.II\1ul.ed A d 'Il k '1 S~trtle and rriDin it, & 111'20 000 I I chilec ' to buy oilly of res pectuble dc" lpr. . All .tl '1/11 up I . <:-r Ul '&0 t· li1l t I 00 ' \1 O?I ~ '. ' . o r . - W88 Qleaaced and trtlckl"d under 10 lhe pprstlna @e tliup c""I I!1 rl l'il. wt\1:"II" prusPlucs btUr.f tltaR "fly utlltr Skitt. ~ lure aDd dellgo U WII\ be, ID tbe OpIO- rontigo de'poL who w'" IIppDillted ove, ('rull'd: ROBBINS & APHL~1'ON, ioa .or many. Det i.terior to aDY .trucI- her. No I Mexico Ilad but be Jdt a- A~e llt d (ur ti,e A ... ~icu~1 W"c,h CUllylf'·Y. '('hiM npw "nd beluliful slyle or Skirt PARLOR COOKS. . 664w] 182 D.uud wlt}. N . , (P,"euled i\luff.·h '7. 1865.) WIB aw_rded Ul'fllo t b e coua l rv. looe 'or 10ID 'I'me 10 lIAr owo peol,le, F ./ .' .. • .. bv II.eGI\ EAT AMIiRICAII III"TITUTE "'IIl, ~ Stoies. A Scolch pllper .y. tbat Ibe Rose· PertJ' alrug"te andillnarcby lDu,t rt'ign A IllJ LU B lJ G .. b~lt! ill Ne\Y Y"rlt. O~lOber. 1860, D'a,h el'atel of th.a D .... of Argyle a,. tbere ror a willie, .Dd tben perhap.lIh e A. SI LVEH mEDAL, How often WI! heAr IhlR l'lI~te.. lt)n Irom Tho p~r!nr 810vel Dre o( ditTl'relll ~inj. .boat to PUI in&o tb.a haDdl of .IUC- will be adlDitted to ,hRre the inu,rerll p(' r~lIl1" reudllij! advelli llllHelllll qf p.lent The H ie hul Prpmitlm fOver ,lveD ror e ... tI" lo r l'ilil er "<.lui ur \V"oJ. Till! .b>.'j "luck hn. bpen pur"" : 8·d 6L 1I,e al.. ful euear merchant aDd Ylchlm!lo, of Ibe greal R \l hublic of thll Americaa 31"t1icl;'e*, auil in lIinl! caRes, ollt of ~en HOll p Skin: I' IIIt'y '''R~ he righl. II I~ 19 l'pa" The BII'I"I Sjlrilljlil .ore wound wit h ft The prioe iI ..lcI &0 he aboat '900,000. coolin~at. ~iuce I Inlrodllr.etl my D!l!dicloe: Ille V~a- line plot"d wire lin place 01 • Ct,, ""n CI .\AI Vambrid~porl. 111'• ., • girl \iTIAl! LllIll'IEIII'I'. It) the pub" • .d DO ",ri lll) whi.qh will nQ~ WI! .,I!O' or ('CII III " un will be Ao ld 01 rell.Olla bl" 18'" .. ul'b ....... frltupon \lxe lAI",1-,il..... , -., .d~~"l.l' If; 110 "' r ile flqlipef, nncfih ll \I'hule skir IIIl1y \.Ie wAilH . the 8umll tertll6, re;:ortrd. lbal 10 greal \\lith. fpw .drlllll'l~'~ .nd I A¥fke\'per" ED WITHO UT 11IJURY ot ltar !lr rUJltlllJ:. .Dd a pencil Ibe w," carrying peoetra·. b d t'I . tI L . )'k I I Ihrou"b a Imll) ijeellOn of 11. country. allci will \)e UI guutlll~ Dew. led her riah' lung. She Jie. io a very /I t . III I UllOO la II I t:.y 0 lIIony I"kit.!! il with \Creal r.lllf' tlnt:,, ;-bul _ __ above Skirt s~le by critical l.adilioD. con'ilille ito North AI"b.mll. and eo io· ! 1010 ,hplO 10 Ipt 811Y one "iive,It; ftnd II The combination Silver Skirt ade uale are ill" wealls of tbe Stale to \I dId nUl, d~ 11\ tl!lllPd 011 'II pamphlel. " . . . . ' ._ Job~Work of . all '. q " III' Olle "eei) p'y tor it. In 119\11e &loree fills 1O,~~ r.lleL,) combines with Ihe ordl B • • 'd Y a cuno~. COln!;1 toce h appea" alford lhe peoplll COOllDued Jl:hc£, II I",u or Ihree bOllles Wi"e 'u~ell on- U nl nnry colllln Skirt the .r1vHnt.fle~ of our suc h a~ R ulllinl!. E "v e-trougha Ind COD· ·tba' tbe oomlng ,tar, 186T, hla been hal betn ·done.-during the present.yellr, by r:erlloll8 preselll. 'W.~~ by mnny. S,:LVER S KIRT; Ihe boltUIII hnoflR ere thl' tlone on ~h o rl 1l011t.P. alld In Ih. Yll1I8V1l~1laIi, ~09 dIlC\llIrll. ti:red UpOD by Mahomeda"•• Brahmin. h i. propoted pllop.le rl:mOYIl to more thnllght eruy. Illd that wwlt! be Ihe Ilsl da'~le ~8 'hose used .In Ihe ~ilver Sklr:.: bClit 111\ Ie. at r"ducll'd pr ice~ I""" j, I II b Ihey wouhlo<le ul· me Bu, I kllPw my Ihll Cllvt'rln!! of Which cunnot weAr 'm , d . th t yedr. C ome un 'wilh your lI'ulk, \V. BE'rAIL DEAl.ERS IN aO nrIQ,UI 0 ~~ leo " a. w~ ~I Y rnorable looalltiee where bread can be med ici n.. WO& 110 hun/bug. 1;1 ubClut IWu wMle Lhe "pper 01188 .are c'~verl'd with .re relldy to wltil un JOu, witll' Slt«k end,. a lIIetting mUlllhs.! bl'j.' .. n to fe(t"I.ve_ort.l~~ (ur, more .coltoll. ~t) IH,I,. h~v'~~ once worn one lOme re" cbrl,taans, as a period 10 tbe had fur labur, ~v lu/l ~nt! pitHily, hilloryol the unher'e .. " markt:dbv h Id t d ' '1 I r Liniment SOMe eallfn" it · m.y "lIlu,.llle of our .klfl,,; wllIlJl! ",,,II III!! lu WP"r ftny DRY GOODS, W8I t "lew a,l ."0 ID • Ie owu 0 . ' . .. 1; I I I I I II I W \lynn,llle. sepl. !JIS, d I h' , " Llnimeul wl.u hed relu.ed 111 dll:ll II re- 1)1 II", liS OWl'r IUOP& 0 b oL ler Cealer, in Cherokf>e counly. and a com· cript wlt:n I le ft it al 11'1'1, 810rf. Now kirull bre soun illjurt'd Dlld sui led .. lOme ,real aa mane ou. c aoge. · QUEKNS\V ARE, The eltcc,hioo of Gonlalel aDd Pelli· millee appointed to alcertain Ihe num. my nlp8 ' bre millions of bl)tlleor ye .. ,I,. 'J'he bt~1 D1t1tt'rit,11l are o~ed :n l.h~lr Latelt FaLhiOJlIl D t DlaJId . (, b ' d r Be 0 . .. . . and nil ror c"lIh, I Wa .. ont it lup"riur to con~lr\lo.:llJ)n, 811d, (rom tllfm dnrHbllltl' J. W. Bradley'. C~lebrated p&tul eer, or L e lIIur er 0 nor tero. ber of dutllule fllllnltte. and to prOVIde OilY uiller medi.:ine fUf tho fure uf Oroup, and nellll"l88I1, lhey are delliined to becum~ HAIIDWAnE, & tOme 6 or 8 mOlltlll tiDce. took place in facilitin ror lheir removal. J)i nrrl·Cl!" , Dr sl'ntery, Coli c. Vnmi'inlf. A Fa'Vorite Skirt: BrooklYD '00 Fridll. b..'ween JO and 12 ISp" 111 1, Gild Sea licll nus. nil all illternal 1\lnnll raclllred olllv by tlte Silver Skirt ( un DOVDL& 6PJllliO) o·olock. Tb.y made a full coa(elaion A eounler(eiL ' I bill of tbe ordinary rcn'l'tly. It i8 pc~rec tly illnoce"l to lake Ind \V ire l\1""11 1Ilclurilli C"mpIIJ),. illlittnn/l),. lee encll ollh Bccompllnyilllt o( partie;pMion i. the Iragedy. g'lie. bllek ' ill. il in ~ireulaliotJ, which each hnllle,-Bnd rXlprnnlly for . Chronic 30 &. 32 Rllrr. lllY St. , New Y' ·rlr. .W1. . . . . . . . . . . . .',







· ~~ · ~i~


cI'I~I.rrv:!lhl:yt":lI~::~:::IP;~I~c'jI;:' v..

RWAeHIiAhl1n'III~. reD.c.omE~~ltloldr











' W11£




ThelVer S-l Skir t , NEW SKIRT FOIt 1806 ~i ~Iacll-,®nh, . ~ KITCHEN QUEEN,


'" ;e,'1CIP 1-11 R1l-eyf nl,Cr, 0t;










1 he




~OlJtS nnb ~~ors

but char" .. VIii with beinl.lhe, chief il wonder(ully calcuhued to deceive.- Rhpulnnli.m. Heodu.c he, Mllmpe. Froated ..aulio. I' -ould be tl.rn b., anyone no' lI'n Fe"I, Brui.u, lIpr .. inll. uld ~lIrf'&, Iwellinga. • .. J • lore Ihruatl. &r.• &c. Sold by .11 Ihe , . Tbe. Hon. Yr. Walter. principal pro- "up4!rt'" p"rliclIlllrly if a littlc loiled. J)rnlPvi~I'" Dt'POI, 66 Cortloudl.treel. Prietor of tbe LoodoD Time.. aDd II or "" e.w,nillg li".I. The cbief poinll New Yor. 66·7 IV k



~;_.~:...~.~~.~.~~.~~...~.~.~~~ ......._.......__ ~~~.~.~!._..


New Drug Store '

:I :ri. ~ Ind ,1f.1


The wunderlul FI .... illi I

I din, cnnlfllrt aud pl" .. sure to DIIY 0 1 wur Ihe Duplu -EIII!,lic Ikin will bo 1J11f1~ low " .... ;"""~~""'. " • '1 J...... till pnc"d •p."kul.,ly In • cr...,ded " .. ill ... I........ _ •.• • , ~'C E~ blips. Up"fI~, carrulj!p" r_1 '~R. member of Pariiament. for Berke, hns o( dilfert'Dee (rout Ihe Itenuine $ 1'. are HN"OW TDY DES'l"INY ; " cl,Ufe" f,ewi. arm cl .. ire. lor rruPltlllde• .rri •• d iD New York. where be ia Ihe io thl, wrinkled and bOllered coDdiLion 8nd IlciuJe Drt'S". I I the Ikirt' ClII he (,IdMAIi.... E E, F. TUURTo". the II're.' Eng· Ad' • ed when In tile ttl occupy \I Imln p!tee It IlIe.t of a prominl~' merohaDl, He u· of Chief JUlLice Chale's bandtome phl ' fI. h Adlrolollial. ClairvuYbPI elld P dY CO' we InVIte e ttentlon l'D.ily Clnd cOllvelli"lIlly .. n ,ilk or ~uJo ' pacla 10 remaiD dtre,' mooihl io Amer· liognomy, and lhe iDreriori!y o( the mellici.lI. wit" h•• l\Stullished tile leienCust,o mers and ' lill ~re",. 011 III,Voflu:.ble qu~ lili !" tII~ ,Icao. I atIIe ,.or k ArOUI d Ihe )arge figurtl 1•8. lific c11 .. e. of Ibe Old World. hili now F"'r n.. ... 1·llle. not foulld 'In an, lin •"Ie 8Prl.II~ lk'll. I .• I II H d NYu .I OWl ~W' e 0'" d t ." Styles ncftleu IPrse at u Mn. . flen S 0 ~e . A IRd, hovin, enjflyed Iht' p mu", Mn.Elilllbe'b O.dy81110tOD Announ · Beware or 'hi' perilous c:ouDlu(eil, 1'hor1l101l pn"SelSel Bur-h wonderful powMedicines, Prl'ces l\omfurt ... nd Illhl cunv~nieur .. ~! we~I' ers of lecond "Ighl ," 18 to enable 'her to hIli tlte DUPleli 1::lIijllic IIcel Hprl., '~drt eel to tile electorl of Ihe Eig'h lh Die· Philndelphia elected on Tuesuny im!lurt knowl l\"ge Ihe ((rentesl !tnllorL. Ch.e micals, Oils, 'ur I lillale d"y. Will . afler",I' lriot iD New York, lhllt.lbe il AD i~de· IlIllI 10 'Ihe "illl(le or mnrrietl ul I!ilher Our Slock of willln,ly 'dfppen~e whh the... Ute. for peDdeDt oandidale (or Coogre... delir· last, four Republican and one D e m lex. While in a .tftle 01 truMe. IIho de· ors I! hildrell. ",iran 'and young I,dl'. tlleylre one Demo- Ihlellel Ihe ve~y (nlllrea e ; SHOES, " ing an elcCII'oo a. • rebuke to 'he dom ocratic Coo-n-cs8mllJ1, "" .1 b ho( Ihe 'd Ipereon . 01 ~Uf1eflor til II II 01 II"r... ' L • •L anu l ' ek III 0 In Ill· 'j"ley Mill n'.1 bell u.1 or. br(>.~ Ii ... lOt ' f . , • crntic State Senator, thirteen Repuh- you are to (marry, . I ye S tu s ' 'I " i IDant party or III relro,..el".e legis la,Irument 0 IIItense power. 1I0wn U I C.. • I Best Ijlhl:le sprltl';:. bUI ,,'111. preiPrv8 Iheir P': lioD in 10 ameodin, tbe OoolliLllLion a8 Iicnn and five D e mocratic memberA P"ychornotrope. IIUKrnllleel Lo pruiluc" 8 G dP leel lind ,rarv-ful Bhft lle 'hl'n th;e. ~ of the Lower House of the L emsln- !ife.l!ke piclure or 110" (uture hu. b.,lId or 00 e ~ery, lour ordln llry .lIi rl B-wi li hn e bltn thro~~ &0 io.idiuoul dilti ..ti('o OD Ihe .,,' wife of tilt! applicant, 'olZelher willi dale C1 H 1'1 t. ... d rerIbe ture. Gen _ Geary's majol'ity in the 01 marrill_IYe, poaiuvn in Ilfe. hiadrhl! Iruilll BaIr.Oils, . ~ \. .sidn liS ulple~lI. hp , oop. a . d groun of tex. Her oreed i. free pre... .. b with duuble Illel Iwlltt'd lhreKd, city is reported 5,SOO. of elliraClp.r. &e. · Thill i. no "UDI Ul!', IS ~I IIfh,r free Ipeeob, 'free mea and free 'rade. IhOUlllndlol \etlllmu,,\ ..1aehll l888rl, She Hair Restoratives, dB' bOllum ,ode ate Ml '.... ly duu e ••. ' Th r I· od C! k E C wm,,,nJ, wlte" dl!si,ed. a cl'rlificd certiO· . or oys ear. bUI twice (or«(oubte) t'o'NPd : prr .. nl~" e 'Ulera 0 omm ore ...Lac 'on ~ mprells Ilrlottn expects. by clIl". or wrluen /fUlr.nlee. lhot the plclure POJDades, Ih"01 from . w('arin!!, ou.-w beD uUI took place .\! o'clock 00 Wednuday the nel:t steamer to h ear of the n.bdi- iR whll .lt purport~ 10 b" . By encloeing a ' A.T REDlJCED RATES, duwn 8tOOJl'. "lira, &c. orilt .rteraooo at Prioeeton. N. J, All cation of h e r SpOliSO. She goes in a 81.n alllork uf ~air... InJ It~ting ploce 01 . Bair The' Duplu 'Elliptic I@" j!rf.t fll . bUlillel. " .. au.peoded.Flag. were r , 'd ' t I l t " 't h' t brrlh. 8,1', dl8POlillOII Dnd COII,plp:rlun. DRE~~-GOOD~, wilh IU I,a ;p•• '!I1t11 I~ IIl1iv er._lIy t eeo;. le \ IlJ S 0 sen 0 n" 111 18 ro urn , and ell clOSing '10 centa and stomped en-Alao. a Good AlllortcteOI of_ mended by Ihe Fashion M"!!oziMa Id di.plaIed a' half ma.l, aod the town and will meet there the Empcrol' nnd vt'lope Iddre""tld to yomself. f"U will ,e· SI" ndud Skin of the ' .. wal UDe of mOIlfDial' Every mark or Empress of Aust ria. cei'"e Ihe picture Ind deei reJ i.nformation '.1 ~.~ endless Variety, at a enj .. , Ihe folluwillll' inr' II,?' I~ n'peol w". Ibowo to lhe distioguished by relurn ",,,II, All commllOlClltlona I n-loU ,,~ , vnntagu !II I'riuulille, viz: .uper:ur ~u:nd crt'dly cOllftdenllnl. AdJ,es8. In conligreat re uction pr ices. IV. pprfllci m " llUfa ~ lure, SlY Ii h Illp t aDd dead, The funer.1 Wall nry lari e and . , . Hatmony town.hip. Po.y collo' dence. &lADA.£ E. F. 'raO:lIlTU" 1 P. o. LAMPS, LANTERNS. 611illll. fl~&ihmly' . durabllitv, llO~fo: Du, Impoliag. mallY of \he leadio, public Iy. Ind., wbich blld n~ver gino any DOl '!J3r Hudeon. N. y, 466m. . ]<' RUIT·J ARB. Ol(~ARS. 1'1 :& W ' econolnv. eJlqnlre fur J . W. Ore k~'t Iud d ... f'l ." lhinn bu, Democralic m. ClJ' OJities "r rrom -- OHOICE BRANDS plex f1l1ip!Ic:. or 40uble II prh!&l' Ilcl~" meD, BtiT TittlE. . , bl! .nre YOIl aet Ihe ,eRulne <"mlMlti aa owcen 0 Ie 0111, pAr.I!:I- 60 to.. 76 ,iDce it WI. e"ILled, lOme 40 FINE cu'r '1'OBACCOES & & CA UTI " d allll"'1 I rpi 01, Every YC',unlllld, Ind ~enllemlll in Ihe . '. ! 0.. C. • . 0N .-'"'·nl" j!unr ... Ihl' .klr" Tbere i. a german faml'll 'lo Galena, yeare. gue. 'on Tu'e adal la.t.. a .DI.n Unlled Stlte., Cd" hear .om'uhin" ver,. [ -:S> Go 10 Ille ' NeTI d I: d I I ' 81110n. be 'p.,rt lcmllr"to nou C!a h td Ink b . d'l D kpu 'b ' .. "" .. il 31" .. Dru!l·Slore, relpl'ct u Iv fn(ntnl l offered at .. D'\I~PLEX '" heve D I e rIrs_ E'1. ' h E .. icalll meJorhl .·' OIUC h . I . Ii lelrd CI vantllre by relurn II I.eI . un "'.Ilr.I' r W ild WOlD al y coo.e"atlon ule t e . Uf(frfl.uf charge) lIy IddrelC!ing Ihe under,J. NEA:L. !8 f.1 urena ~ ~Vnl'8YI e 10 ~lIrrolln. !I a In!'i viz: ''' 'J.' W. Brodley·. tiP. d jib language. But tbe mother teach.. . . . Vinlon couDly. io 1I1i. Slate. ha••1.!1~d. Tho!e h•• ing lear. of beinl/, ..' dIn, ~Olllll" that he hne eltllbh"hed' • Iiplic Sl~el Spring.;' u'poo Ihe "al~bl~ . ber cbildreo' abe .ame GermaD prByera' , , ~ h bl' 8 ' h.,mliulrlred. WIll oblige by not no,leln!! N.ew Melli Market in Ihe ' . ." . , -none olhen "'f! lIenuhie, A:'~. ~iP' • . . gIVen 9 m"Jor~tj' or l e repu .Ulall tate thl. cud. All othert will plean addree. Porkhouae thllt fV('~r Hoo,' ",111 adtplt a r '"aUp, Ibe uled &0 'epea' 10 Ler cblldhood, a . oOleerl. and elecLed aU lb,e Iiounl, 00l· their obedient ,ernnt. . 0 N TilE Ell R 0 P EA1f . P L .ct. N. ,, . '1 p....a Ih~"Ulih 'he ce ntre. Ihll8 re ,. wa" back 00 \be banb of Ib.riwer ca'.. e-Clept Shertlf and OlerL , La.t THOS, F, CHAPMAN, ' Oppo.lte '"e Cit, n.n ••• P.rk~ · wlll"e he inteD"" to keep 00 halld. three the two (ot daub I.) IIprlll" braltld t: J _ ... a lber Iherel" .. ....if RbiDe. ODe Dish' .. liUle ErDeII&, ,a vear ahe oouoty WIID& Democ.Atio by .• · !J..'7 ,Iy, 831 .Broldwa,. New Yurko (Oor, FrlDltfort It,) . NKw YOIlI. cim". T d weell. W '' , . . ' "hldt I. Ihe dsec:rel comb/P J '7'" . "'--- ' , ue ••y. eilileiclay. Baturda, Bexibilll, ...d,lh. In a .1 t ' precqcio'l eh.p 0 ' ' ' . foar lumlDer., boull6, ' . .: lIarrla.e CeUbacy, Refeoto r1. Beel <Veal JfD.tton Pork . ' DOl' fDU." la ,bl oth., I WU "lIi.Ull·aiDg thro...h ber .o;elllli" . An E ... y of Wunl\l, .nd Inltrllcllbn Buber IlIop, ',' , . • '. ' _ t ,_ Par.. I. It 1I0r." w e "i'. • "', • lobo.ou lor 'YuUDIR Men. A 1'0. dl.elael Ind IIf":. _ ',.1 j .. , . . or the beet JlII.allly to be ' 'I\oad -hi llie cl"'lIltirtrt ,"I Milet ,hroaaho_t dno&aODI. h. a.ddenly . alechilled alld b ' . ted Tb . Id y \J;" 19 b H. whlchproll he-:VIt.1 ..nlt !IOI .lIowetl \q .... "" l oually; and I I loon ,e t be " .. ther .. ted. Stat" IDd elHwber.. r Pt .. hie moLller 1>1 8ltlllaimlol: ap•. Thu.!a: a l ·, po"e,.._" t iure qat'bl o(rellel. Sent Do .. h...e Ra .... ,. or who eo", •• cool he will haye rnar.IIU 11.11,• r, d' b ,b, aol_ 011'11 .... 0 '-. . I 0'. - • • , aO.I, .'DI-.....1-. ', I I ' I I •••,re.ull! . ,~ly • J In .. ae lire 1 ...... wb. do we a1w11' talk Yaok.. . -. l1Ie 0 C I~rfl'e. an 1"1 "., eUer l'n,,1npe.. . •. . Determined ao ,I. . .a,lttaeUoa, be 100 l ,a18nt. • .. _ ./ '. ., ." . . . , . Add,,", Dr.J.SKILLIN HOUGHTON, FHI1.T..-.6B.of ......' ·... .,ldn.. Iielll PItron,·, e. WESTS. BR.NJlLtV" CA .... It, ...d praJ Ger.... ·' ,I. God. . , . B.. adwerliH ••• ot Real !Ce• .H.".ret As..datioo, Plaillft)pbia Pa. hi Ilr.e .u••t".... for ..te "1 . JAMES I" II. II. &U .. . • ..&8 at "bUo Sale. 10- 1,-" . . E, R, Octolter II, 1868. 67: 311l . New ... .

• •


Our FALL Stock is now

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Pur Li





'BOOTS AND is Q I the ua ty'


11 ntcllt...

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C A S I M E I) E. F




Dyes I




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·lCl·l'·CtJ. • Tn






!,juno~18 b::6:


Meat Market'



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T8An'Qlvl.o~-Pre.ldeDl. N~ P:~llr" a ~;.





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Ch~.~era '7~


h~ft"" -th" ,~.'-


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fl. • 'a.1 Ga.eUe. LITTLE MIAMI lU.lLROAJ), W.lUDYU.r.& (coa.-.. ft'.lno8j. TUI.I &.lIT .. AU 800.D.

Night Expr",. Cinclnn.tI Expr•••, "hil .nd Ac:oom., Culumbal Aec:olll.. Piu_bur, ElIpr....

I.Oj A. II ••




UlnOR JUBILJt:8.-On Wednesday


or last .!'~k, the "bo ill blue ~led a meeting in HaY'1 Hall, ~ JUbtl~te ov~r tbe result or the eleetion. ~ub8Cnptions bad been raised for the purchue of! , powder, and

W. R. P. D~nny Esq., fonnerly • editor of tbe J. .ebanon SI.a¥, but rcceDtiy of the Circleville Union; i/JlUes his valedictory in the latter - Dr Tucker •• , be eontmlttod .t the lut week • . Here is 0Jl ex- Ilnlle~ HOII . ., WAYNESVILLE, Nov. tract from his farewell .: ~:!~: I.D. 17~b,' Feb. 18th, May :ld. Juno

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Esquire Jacob!!' cannon .being · ob· "I ha,'e edited new paper i~l tills Dr. Tuchr hnl trneled in thil oart of It ~a now t~r~e yellrs alnee DOCTOR MfSHLER'S HERB BITTERS were IIr.t tAined, the hills around:)Vaynesvllle State, tbirty:four yeal'S. aud ~ littl Ohio for o,e~ ~i,llht yure; thi~ II'c'onclu- ,' prun~ln on lly Itllroducetl· tu lI,e publ ic , alltl dllring tbat trme Ihelr aucen. in euriol( 10.01 p, II. reverberated . the "iotorious round r~st fro.m .toll. nod onfliot of party .iv~ evtdenr.e 01 euece.s. .11 dleuaea .rlling }rom an impure .tale of Ihe blood or diaeued .Iomach hal been dlse II Dr. Turker treat8 ALL H~ONIC~? great Ihal' the plopri'elor ia justified ill ofi'erin, Ihem .. a I\lellific remedy (or all TUI. . . ..:n ....t.BD BOUND. sent rorth by the patriotic little gun T u~slon, WI be very agreenble. 01 EASE8--rrt---lb1! Lon!!'., Thru,,-', LIY- ' .. IeeUh oriRliialinR from the nbu\'ecaueel, and is willing to refund .11 mone exMsa .nd Accom .• -i.90 ti ' 0 glVe the reader au . idea of the er. Kldn4"., &0. All Fema le Pl'DndedIlJr~r the,le Bltte'l. if lh ey ra.lItu perform all Ihat is cillimed for Ihem, y Ni,ht Eapre ••• 4.35 A, II. or an. hour or , two. Bon1l~'~s wer~ i":,m~nse labor I have performed Disu8u 8uc<'ell1'ully I.eftled. r. I~hler iI Herb BIller.. Arll gunrnu,eed 10 fUrl' ny . pepaia. Livt'r Complaint Culombus Accomm:lI. 7:47 .a, AI. also-kindled ~t. th6 Po t 01hce co\'- w!thm that pe dod, [and, I may suy All invalid. ue cordially invited to f.sll F .. vpr 8nd Allu~, III'e -mltl enl . R~ miltent Iud Typboid F('ver, Lo.. of Appelile; Pitllburjr Expre8 ~. 9.~~ •. II. ller at:.d the Hall corner, anu the Bag wlthout adequate I'emunerntion,] I and I,e N"rvoull AfJ't'ctlon., G pnen l Debili ty. ~r Wetlkne8s clused by excea., imprudence or Cincinnati Expre8P, 2, la P. II. wns lip. Notwithstauding ·the. beav" find,' by. a Ilre ful I! Umat , that I E X A . '1 BED F RE E , ~xp allrl\" C~ugha ~nd Culd., RheullIltlem, Oilrr!.ml, Cholerll Morbus. Crmmp In Ibe • DC' out .top. J ha, e tt I ~I u m~rh . PlleM , DI"t' uea of Ihe _kin, Ruc h u Seror"la, Ulclr" elc., elc. In Vene • atmosphere anrt the dllmpne s of wrl . en not e ~ thun Kl GEIT • ltv paper can !le hll,", at your PO~I Of. ti n t Dilielaee theae Bltlers Ire a Rure cure. It ia aleo eert.i" 10 remove _n obp\ruc_ W. H. CLEIIUT. Presldenl, . .' • ~JlO SA,ND COL MN S, WblCh, it' printed lice tree, 68-tf 1!"nS 10 Ihe rt'~lIlar (lour,!' o~' nalllte in FI·m.ales, and will curl' Grl'en Slnlln'eaa or g. W. WOODWARll, Bup'l. la terre, thQ. Sidewalks were all\'e wltb In a book, would make TWENTY· FOUR "E ' M ' A ' . Chlur0 8, Leucorrhoo_ or ~h!"'6, W~mb Compls int or Falling of Ihe Womb. &c .• A. D. CADWALLADER. Agel1t. the presence of fair ladies and bIus· THO AND OCTAVO PAGES 'VI . VERY ~N IS TilE RC "'!BOT o( /"$ and Ihll8 pre-ena Ihe Ffttr COlllplell101I uf Ilhl~A who UNe it., bUI like nil remed 'lel of " 11 I'k to d h t ' , 10 olOn tortutJe" 18 El Irue RlllJ tntt! 8RYI0", "t CADIVjLLADla & MILLtI, E.z:pl't811 Agell"'. tanng and hnrrab·lO·g men. All the w O.ll ( 1 e 0 t a wOI'k, for his Y t . -' r . l b ' ., this clau, should bo uS1'I1 with clution by mKrrio,", ItdleS, Allo a T Ulli c aod Appeli. '. = . ' . " "victual s and clothes?" l ' h ' " I:very mlln " )e'lle It! ~!,l 1D8 10 zpr , th us l! Bitler. aro ullrivllIl.'d. . lOR" C. JtLIOII. 'fill!graplt. Agent vll nge was 10 Il s~llte of glonfic:l.tlOn I CIOI ". gO. t I b egnll m" edl !I~toIS1'1?11 or 1111: I U"l ike "' IherI''lO~u lo .. I'cllludi"" 11;6 cOlupo<itiOIl or n. Mllh ler', He rb Rille•• i, no I crel ~ r ' III 1bllil", I' . IIhould Ils ~rn all he . CRn , . , -and e"e/'ybody felt glo nollS a.l:l ca ee 'th r I ~ ' cont 111001 or RucceRS, i'olltlCul Bcono: " M pro!'rWln. ,.. "" he<IIOI" ) '\1 l\J . klOlg knOWI \ th,i. i"ll~(lien t : . Thoy . ,·e ,0'''IJO 8,1 or EJ~ROUlI'ERlIilS.-Lt,lst week was preg· o,,' er and the l ' OUSe8 n'ere too small I r I',. WI. Il. Itt e capitul , nnd fit!! ia !.IIuo ,yht a8 lII'ell 88 ever.V Ihin!! !lIse ··... "1"'.".. , Il urdo,:k, S I"k~llnl'll'. O" I' ..·.rl. l'el'uYI~\1 Burk •. . "ehu,.. :SPIC... od, Mull. ill. Slippery , , u" . enye It Wlttl a "ery s mall l)ittance . ~. "", .. su'ro. . ."_I'Ulllo, U.",lall Root, JUI1I"or, ~ "lrII . NItre, 1$. 1•• 11, (;ol,uvia, Cubeb. Jltlllt WitLl depredutions lJy the lig ht- to give the gl~ry room. Theref(lr lDdeed." IH,rl_iuin!! to R busine59 ell ucation al U" I"I ~1.,i". Pure 5"i ... . . '1(1 Uath er... . . ' d t I . d to t k . . e, the U HIO" Bu lN ESS I N~TrTOTK o}' OAL. Il to: A tH; R. if you 8"" Am,cted wilh d.. HI .. or ,Ic kne , try 8. MI.hlor'W Herb Rill e". Rewew. fingere gen ry, W 10 seome a e the demonstration. At the ball , ' -KIN' . GKH' I/IN .. Co .• 10Cillctl Bt 00&11. b. r. Ihal If lhe), (\0"'1 cure you. your !ll(lll~y will b. refund ed by III I'NIl"611". aUI'o.ntage of the smallness of the when a lull had oLtlliued nellr the .. I:!ir ~e nre glad to Bee our long. UN.Oui,O'; 'r.u\Liou ,,,d bo... d 0"" bOil POT 8&1. a.t t.h. Ne~ Drul-8ton, W.,nenllle • . J]lOon to ply their unlR.wrll1 trnde.- uonfires Ilnd the boom,i n "'nn J tune fn end G&o. W . EUR1GHT once h,ul tit Ib ~' point at abrnlt 'O~8 16ul( tIle Ou TllU1'8day nigbt the stahle of . g t> . ! mol'c- in our midst--he having dis po, uautll e~pl!n e. Imporl.l\nt Inform"tlot' I . S .' G. Roberts was called to preSide, and sed of his interest in the grocery bu~. wiil be 'U III 10 Billy olle dl'~iring 64 4w • • Mr. J. C . H opki _ DS.,OD.Faij.rth tleet, by the time our special reporter ddt b I sinC8s in Xenia to his brother, D. R.. WIIS enter·e j an I-our een ushe s of [that moans us] arrived onthe scene, Ebright, ' We h9pe he will remaiu RETAIL DBALEIl IN potatoes wel'e taken therefrom. The Lient. John W. (Jollett was fasten . here. SIlIDC night a bag of socks nnd a kE.'g ing the attention of tbe hall. fllll of Cp,rtjullv Cor'redtd Ever~ Wuk. DRUG~, • l oC nails were st?len from 1\ barn i~ audionce in bis usun.1 patriotic and A CRANCE FOR GOOD SP£CTAOLli:S.Whenl '1il b".lutl, 8:)60 ~ 275 CHEMICALS: course of e~eetL()n ~y Bou. S. S. heroic' style-eliciting frequent ebu. CAIIWEI.L, the ",,,1\ known Opticilln, is Rye ~ " 100 00 LEAD, -OJ ... Haines, Fnday Dtght, forty.five 1itioos of a-pplutl e by hi~ happy hi.ts now ilL 1111' Roger~ HOllae, wilb hi. ct!lOUIli f SO OIL, Burley 'jQ " . J 25 @I 000 cllie k ens were tak en f rom R 0 b er t nt the errors of the timE's. Ilbrllted Spec ilicles. Those desiring Cllrn~}I' .. f 40 VARNISlJES. Hllrd; ant!· a h itlr·doztJu phick~ns Lt. ~Collet.t was followed hy Mr. slIpHior Gllisses. accuratl:ly lilled to F'luur l! bArrel, 1,160 700 fOtolen from Mrs . Butterworth, whi ch Joseph O ' Neal in a brie f speech, Ih .. Eye, lIhoulll riOL min lilia rllre and f'I'lOr 11 cwt, 3U dul'ing' the day.. . I bl H R'IIIPr ,11 lb sbe ,bad pllrchl\scd .. ,', ~ . wInc h he chnl'fictel'lzedns merely ·an VII UB e 0ppoTlunh}'. e .. i·1 rem"in r,nrd fit . 110 It lS endent that these mlse!·ll.blc III . trOt It · t i t ' h . I unlil Monday EYening. Oct. 2"'. ooly I I!:"I!~ "" do:o;~n, 111 P AIN'r, VARNI~H, &C UC lOn 0 a reso u Ion e W1S }. .. ~ 'U' w thieves, whoe ver they may bo,-';'nnd d t fl' A t f th 't - - _ , _ __ _ A~)llek 1» lUlhel, 60 e 0ppOSl e P"ora 1il bu_h," I" ~ uO e 0 0 c r. vo er 0 lJm1D'mmrlBl~. BARGAINS~ they are eu· pal' t y h R" See Messrs. Hule & West's PUI.t·'IlS ~ buehel. 40 . . perhaps msrked.-arc . aeist nt e(~~ to h'1m on th e d ay v 'U' gll'l'ed 111 some sort of 1D!l.l'ketlllg uu· f i t ' . b t" adverti ement . . We can assul'e 0111' Dried Apple. 111 Ib ' 20 till I t ' to b d i d tl t o e ec LOn, III a oas lUg manner, d (; hlckens duzeu, gOO . ., SIDeS!. . IS e ep ore · III tl t t l t t i" d f th ld' I'ea el's that all contained tberein is e so UJr· I )11 fJ'e e 1l _ 3\) @ 33 ' . . In n ells 'WO' (.t7 S 0 they dlU not 1_ . [tlIe D emoorat'10] so, and we recommend II. New.Orleans 5iv"ar 'jQ Ib 16 @ 20 - ·SASH AND PUTTY, • . meet wlth 80me . aCCI . · uCil/s-were on- tllell' " l1' TRUSSES. dent deprlv~ng them of a lltnb C;)I" 'd' M O "T ' 1 fIi -:" d . I visit to thei!: WE.'ll·ful'Ui:lhcll stor.e. N.· O. Molateee ~ gallon, J 35 T~S . I " Sl e. r. ......ea 0 ere a leso tlSorghum 75 SUPPORTERS, two, or recelve some sa utury lUJUry tiou that the statement wns 8 direct - - -- -- - Co,d Otl '1il gall,)II, 80 10.31 i, t\ .~9


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TZ, .. ·~ ........~ 1866.







Dry and Mixed Paints,






which would fore\'er put a quietus UpOIl their slleakiug operations: they ought to. lJe buricd. - - ---. RUL ESTATESAu:S.-James Kingdon sold his hOl1se and lot on Fourth Street, on l\fonday, to Gritf· ith Hinchman, for $500. Col. Wm. l\Innillgtoll has Bold the pl'operty ou Maiu stl'eet, recelltly purcbllSed b.v him of Robert Hm'd for $900. to Hirllm Dakin and son. Price 81,450. 'fhe Colonel h8.8 since bought At:

insult to the IO.ral sdtliers and sailors.

n- Mr.

Ri('luI.I'd Baines hIlS P1ll'chased n. farm nea.r Cl'os9wick!;l, of Mr. w .. H. Clark, containing 19a a· f' c. 0 0 cres, 01' which he . pays 'lI, 1 ,4 v . ._ -/:ir Epi~copltl eeniacs are heltl reg_ ulady Oll Sllnoay Ilf .... rnoon8 in the Methodist Proteltftot Church, Xilnia. Trinity Ohurl:b cboir cooducts t~" mu . sic. Bishop McIlYaine, W9 leRrn. iotend~ ere long to mHke tin tiJort to 1:81ftblish Lhe Episc."l'al form of .. orsbip ib tty,,'

Tile resolution Wll.S ac1opteu, with ap· plnl1se. }Ir. S. L. COl·twl'ight was ·next clllled to tbe stand, who spoke iu a ferveut nnd :1n elo.q llerit marmer, al· luding to tue victory just gaiued, the triumph aohieved by the U ,u ion \1l'my, nnd ul'gipg his comrnlles and all tl'ue patl'iots to maintain the :"libertics vouchsafed to them by the arduous fltl'hugglcS ,oRf Il atl'io:~ ill th~..tleld I:llld at ome. - Q wns "rcqucn ...y OPP au· niliville.



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to G 00d S,



FAmey ~OAPS, &c. Shawl~,


;. "! C A well-eelected Gl8ortmolll of tI.l e "crt Thomas' bouse ' and lot, C01'JllH' ded. , ... ~.; ~~ . . . . ! .~ ~: == F AMIL Y GROCER Hoop Skirts, or MUI and ~lIlin, for '950. Captain W. R. Hoel, who diu u s The total .v'llue of tu.'!aule prol)el'~. ~ "e I::> >0 ; _ 1 - IE:s ! l ' . d . tl ty iu Warren County, as shown by "'" S h 1 B k . b William Joues hns uOlIgllt Mrs. II lle slgnLll ;:Jernce , ul'lng Ie ., _ 0 '~<. C 00. ' "' 0 S. I retul'Ds, is 87,259,939. ~1 - ..., ~ "iil v , Id .A:ssessol'·s Cook's residence on Third Street,- wnr an d ; wJ}OS6. lprowe~s 011 the o . . \oil ........... ~ -• • • "Ct\rondclet~' 'Will not be forgotten, • . ~~ W ' .;!!!.;-R=a,....~~---"if..~..~1 McGUFFY'S & WILSON 'S SERIES, MEN'S AND BOY~' HATS, prl'ce, "-IOO~ v . ~ Tho'e who . .. iah to obtai-n .w









~ .~

I ~



Jonathan Hatne l-a& disposed of bis bonse aou two Iota on Third . Street to I. H. Hurris, price 81000. P. G. Anderson to D. N. Black ..


fdrd, hOllse IUld lot 011 lUuitt Street, appe&l·lI.llee would ' satisfy? he arose . II.nd neatly apologized for not spcak· George Borer to Martin Beat, iug at 1 ngth, ,w kiug his Seat amid . d r I house nod lot ou Thil'd Stl'cet, 8450. a ronn ,0 C leers. . Rev. J. J, Hill to R.ohcrt ROake Esquire Keys was cnlle'-" to the ( orLablmoD) . Conl1e~t IInll buildin!! rostrum, al,ld enter:tained his auditors ~ b f, b' f I d I II on Main Strect., 83000. Y a ew ne, cn Dl lUI og Oil l'e Brisk trade in r~tll estate, within mll-rks which were well l'ccei\'ed.. a I wnytl tn Ik, s weII ,110 da'·s. Th _e E s qlllre a 'ow II; J - --,-_. matter bow suUdCllly he is callcd ~The subscI:iptiol~ list of the fur. IIc IIlwll.Ys has something I·end. Gazelle is ever on . the iucre!lse, but y Anrl somcthing worth listening to ' we are always rcndy to welcome thc' "Rally round the flag" WRS sllng oll'l1rts of our friend~exWnd its o.t the snggestion of Esql1ir~ Bailey; circnlation. Onr 'aim to make nand the most enthusiastio eleotion goo.d local pnper acceptable to 1111 jubill>e \Ve e"~r attended in Warnes parts of the cotthty, will be greatly ville, wound up in glol'ious style. facilitated bv the eY'ertions of om'




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readers to help us al~ng 'by obtdining new subscribers, job work &c.J


Money is needed l'U ~be publicnti.on business as in everything else. .~. , . .,--- - . DODSON ha" the :"os't clegant as,., ... 80rtmettt of ' flne dark ' good II tuat could be 1I'isbed. for. His taste was never displayed to better ndvllll'

than at this season; and the best evidence of this fa~t il:i, that his busi·

~hpnok" ·~:jority

__ Iricl i. 1!53 .

in thie Dis.

~ The Guhlxy 'ur Octubl'r J61h I. 8 .uperlor n"",ber, abuunding in choi".. pa. prr" fr"'III oble pen ... .Nebula! i. parliclI. larl, viVtlciou@. thou!!h Ihe edllor appea'lI to hove I chronic .miction on uan.-At· luntic luol ~, who U8 Plot rllpre.pnlllivP8 Ilt Ihe n~lionil feellnl!'''; '6 .yeer. W. C. & F •P• Ch ure", ... New Y ur. k ~~ - - The inf,,"t dllughler of (lpn, Tom Thumb died from il)ftammlltion of Ibe brain, lit Norwich, Enttlsod, 00 Ibe eo

~bth ~f Septem~r.

- -.n1'." • ~ ~ • .",rrltu.


In W"vne~Yilll!. Oel 4, .1866. ilv the RP ' S F C M M hI R' I OCTOBER reigns in all her glory v . . . ol'rey, r. " on I( ItP, Hills and woods; vales Illid' 'brooks to Mi~9 Kille Loyd, 1111 of- Waynesville. ' . tb I t ' • are reve11 I11g 10 e -ns crownmg ~ n tf bc::uty of' the yenr. The ai,l's Rrc bland and l:nim", the skies clecu, J N eRr X ' B' 1 0 hI" azure and argent and the ripenino'" .. tlla, on, 11,11'. "Y, tlr .... ... of con!illnJl)lilln, Mr •. ElizabeLll Bell, II autumn s\1nsbi~e lights lip th ~ rich· ged about 47 ye. .... · _ ly ~olored W oclIan'ds with o.lllilo un· ' Nt'lIr Waynesville. Oot. J I. ""'t'r ft sUI'possed ' in nny other country ill lingering illne", of con.umption, Jamea the wo),ld, IJ;I naturnl seenery-ex Edwllrd •• "ged about 80 quisite undulations of'hill and plain, In WII.vnellyll)ft, -on tile 14th in,llInl,

mIJ.., t I) •



ness Was never in i10 ftoUl'ishitl'g a picturesque :ravincs, ,r,omautic glcns of Oholera. Ed'ward Burke, aged 35 condition as at present.. Go nnd see thrQugh, which runnels of crystal )'elUIlI him. water Bow with 0. woudl'ous mclod~, - . .- '-' _ 3 • DEsrAIR NOT' !"·We are informed that Mr. Bonke, who has purebn:sed II ' ay 8 Hall,· Intends to flt it np, and tnakeit respeCtable by whitewMbing, bUI'Id. ing 0. stair-ay, and redeeming' i " t CrolD tbe prel\ellt state of heathen· ish darkness. Let U8 be thankful.

P.Ultn CO)Uf HV80R.-Our far· tner readers ~m consult 'their inter· eet b" . t ........ • t '~ 01 ,e ;xamm ng .uJ", new lDlI ruIllent, Which we are B8lured' greatly facilitates com ' hua1dn'g and materi"1 lit Y ligh·":n. ~he labor, . "pply·~ WI. au b. T J B " c! · · ·fi .A fu ther l1lI'. ro-n r. • " -» I0 , - or IDfornlation. . , ' .. . -- . Dr. L. S. ' Rice bas remoyed hia OlBee Ind residence to the 80uth

t1ld of Ka1n Street, oppoalte Aohll· ~ !tlih~~: _ . I~'---




!!.. W

was diseovered present ahd loml and .. b Sewing Dllcbine eluily ~llOu!t1 reid the long calls were made lOt a speee alhertiaement of the N. Y. Observer from him. 'I'he Captain hcl,d out a long time, but when nothing but his It i. a SUlrate p"pllr.





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'. . "




t:I t::)








&c., · &c.




' < ' .


SI.OVLD GO TO IULE "I'D '" I.ST'S, ~", 1 16 Mulber,,· 'treel, LEBAII"" Ohl.,., tQ buy fine SlLVEll WARE, ' IICllid .nd pl. led SpOOIlS Illd }'Lrk., fine Table' Ind Pu·ck'.. t Cud~ry, Ihe fi"e~1 A'meriol". Swin, Frel!ch ,ud English Wllche.; fille !Cold Pens lIud P"ndl~; Spect~Cile_, widl pero.. copic, CUIICbve, COIIVt>X, bilocal lind London 81110IIe " .. I..."" "uld, eilver. pIli ted. steel .io. alld COlllwun (ramell; til Rult aU qgu. L"IP"t lind finel't 8lyle. or Jrwelry, Finger Rln •• , Iheel MUlic and MUlleal I "RIrumll""~ Mleof'"~nl.'ou8, 8chool and Rlnnk Booh of III kllld~, Blank Dppd., rl~.gpe, \VRrran:p. AfflduVlt8. R ep'ev. i;~,. \tluchm"nll. &,c., kll., coo~t.lltly UII hOlld, , N."" and AnlertAi,lIlng Game •• ~chool CMd~ •• ~htl(,1 Rt!lllarol'tl, Album., MiscclIHI1eOll8 Bookl! 'or ,plresenll, PiClurc. 81111 Pir-Iule frames. . 'fhe 111'81 IIlock 01' WALL PAPER In Ihe cOllnlr),. . WI' ur~, .1.0, IVPnl8 ro, Ihe M•• on & H"mlin O'lranll. Knlllle, F. 0, Li!!hl~, Sleinl"Y, B~Mdhury, a.,.,tlm.n & GrAY , ErnPI.ofl, ~oebl'eller & Schmidl Pitlno.. ('fhe lull!'r are 60e lUlled end chup)\" .h '. e ",'ill 'urm. ."V' of theae in~lrllmentl lOIVN IhAII '11'1,r IlouRe in lite \VP. ' I ~ W 4' nr!', nl80, "Ilenl. ,.,. tl,e Fillklp & Lynn ~w\nll ~h,:hin". ullequall.'d .. a FA~11LY thell i lie', Call and lIee .It. L~ bnno". Oct. 1'7. 08



Carefully' and Promptly FjUcdo



ROT ICE I CADWALLADER& .CO" . friendl, that lam lIiJl hl'the

If hert'bYl!'lven to my old r.1I~tomen and

lMltKU k ltlOI fl8r BfBg 1 WAYNE8VILLE.

'llll'erchan ' t - Tal-lor Greatlmprovement on S,wing Mac/,iTlfl, J.II. .



Mnln Street, Wayoesvillu. Ohio .

In part of LE. Keys' building,

Sbuttle Ma.chine 1 Saluroom. 616 Broadway, N. Y. 960 WlI&ldngtoJl St., 8011/.(1n. I' .921 Chulllut St., Phllad&phiq. ltlfJtfitT

where mev be fountl • Rmo II sl,,~.k of well .elecled Goodw, eOlllll8tinU of


Willen, Cincinn;Ui.

Patented Februlry 14, 1860.










$9 000 .



This IIhllhlne Ie conslrucled on entirtlly Ilew principlr.e of mechaoism, pOlseasin".. mony rue ~f1d vlllullhie improvemente. CAS~SlMERES, hUYillg been "xamin"d by Ihe mon pru· luuud expert., alld pronounoed t(J btl VESTINGS, &,C .. Simptici);!1 alld Perfection Combiuea I It h88 1\ straight needle, perpehdicullr both p:uln Ind fancy; which 1 1m pr~pur- uctlon makee Ibe Loell or Bhunlo 8lheh. ed tu have mude np III a 'Ityle nuL which ,..lllileither rip nor rayel, aDd II IIl1jllllleU by Dillie on bu II aldel;' perfo,m8 peltect.ewi n~ on every tleac,rlpttun of malerlal, from PUBLIC SA J.;E OF 1l~ 'iPm~ Lealher to Ihe linen Nnnaouk Mualin, wlrh CIlUon, linen, or ei Ik thread, lrom Ille coarsest to Ihe lineet lIomber, • When mR.!c up, ir the, tlo not lult the • cu_tume', he need .1I1)1 tak" theta I ' "nving neilhe, com nor cog II'hoel, and 'rhere ~1J1 be olfo'red at pubUc •• 10 011 ~. !~~oo~r~!~ :I~~~~b!~d '~~C~~~h81:~a~~II: al




"'H,Dellvllle, Ohio. POST·OFFIOE CORNER.

aud all of charming ,, ·iews, Ihe 1I1onmber 17th, ' I keep conitalll!y on b.nd almal/atock 0' surely Wtl ' • blest · ill 00 or-dinary . We will lend by E xpre.. or 0' I ierlYl8EO, en~Ulnll', i. llie ."eI'lIOOn, the 'try i!eaimmanner: Fr,o m the spring!s first AI o,der4'd •• el·~lr\!ly pftflred, a 8M S ew. ble reul ea~.te-beill" ... I' " dawning to the last fading out of .Inll_"e 1I11e. . IIe, WI ,ee I... r & W It'8 un , '1'\'VQ 'I'OWN 1.( ~TS. . ' 'or Oro •• r &,. tl) .ny Jierallll RPlldill)! .' , cut 'Ind m"d .. by lJR.. DODSON, whllt' Auttimn~s. perfection. the' neighbor~ 118, befure II.e Fir't Ii( JanulrY lIe:&l. tho of 50 f"el eleb t 'r'~)"n" on Fourth Sr" uudl'r my emplu)', which I will h • hoorlllbonnds in,natural attrnctiC?ns Nsmes or 16·.nelll lublcrlbera .tl), 1I.•e in I • lei,!" of '''y ".". I/e, lote tht' . h SEW. YOBX OBBEBVEll, propArly 'U Exr. AII"m8. tlilceased, ~nid W1 A A fI '1r which chtum the true wors ipper nt ",lIp .. rly . ' 1/1 b, .ufJ'"re·d ,II 10llell1er alld · elr nature'ljI shrine. Jt nower gl'ows old, with the mone, (8I1e) tor fine r in in IWO •• p",ate ple~e., lInd sold ill .uch lli be .. ,noel Goode 8! .nv in rhe marlrel lis u10 tl s s and ev· ~dv.r.oe. w• . •• willliecure tll.relor the ,rOalel\ -.ud wllieh I will dell never pa ) n le sell c ; 0 ... nd·.Cler hnunty let, J867, Wfl 111m of mUl\e,.. , ery varying mood or" t~e seasons .h~)1 require KIGHT • .- lIew ' iub8criber. ERII,:-On. h.II' or pu'ch.,. mOlltl, .AI LOW' 411 nny lJ'lan Dar, Stll tM has a sep~rate charm of its own, < (8. I ' .,' • . 1 10 be pold on d., of ·.alft, Ihe olher hllf Surne i'l.laW"/ , .• . . •. W. IlYe.'l!nt .... , •• ,rpmluml Dear y ill 0'1" rear. with 6 'l'ef cear., ucuftd by 'e' :t l\ppr~latlve stranllers ~t~sltmg THREE HUNDRED morlllAg' on the, prpmlse.. ' AI.c,' ,",.11 .Iollk 01 GENTS' FURWaynesville alWa.y8 remark wlth ~n. , of theae m.chlne., .1111. lI,el ,;1 .. oDlnrJ . O. COLLE'M', Executor .4'c. N I SUINO GOODtJ !-all of .·bleb ) tb usi asro the we'olth of r etlon. ' . Ocl. II, .1866• 1"1' -re88on.ble pr061. . 'scene . ry w hi c 11 @II eet I•• • 11 .ell at. n , ~ Plea._t', ..ire me stili beror. 1'I[lI. 8urronods it. bestowin cp .the highest · The . new .ub'b 'I'rl era ,,11 be I~ ... one, ' lhI· Iout pare.. I ' "In, ,our 'Alecllonll. • . d all hIt ir is i or 'from " . - -'..r""R .-.... madb 0 , any • encomlums; an , t e pra e s Forward lilt ...metl •• (I"t I. ,.Oll tlb-~, ODe .. Ith '16 _ Stencil I return thanke to m,~ old euafomere d eserv. ed W e h upe "" ~orwln wood. ,.In t heln ... i Ib lemon.,. h b1 ..."het,.. .. T 00 Ifl. v.-.U .Xoel Ience npe.a",r" Th P .and friend. lor -b.t tbo, .... done 10'r ..... u ' r re.lnen .~ II. 'C I. hi rn, tin d T re.. urer, 0 f 3 me I'nI th· eup•• ' .n~ -bl'"I to ••.• and thOle which ,tretch tor miles up dr.ft, or P oet 016 ee 0 rd~,. f" .. bope b tn ber il ~ and down the Miami, m!1Y never be t e uMe!ll1' Ire 0 Ie r p. desecrated by the woodman', ruth· UD1QW' IC. . . . . . . c:..,. St.mcll ruol Wurltll, Spria,field. Ver. . ELTON DUDLEY. 'lel! M~ ~~ ~I!" &liw, N.w ~u~lI~ ~~.... ~7·31D .. , ~~11neaVille, Bept. 11, 186(J~


fSOOl®iS £116(0)

!i~III.:!":.= lI'.:d:i~:~"~ile ~e~!rlZ:: ~:~:,:,

NOISELDiS l!UVIIiNE. I t requ i rea fif IY per cell t I1.'11 power ' t0 drive it Ihln lillY otbe. mllchine in the markel. A."id, 1~ ,"enr. 01. lore, • can . wurk il 8Iea~tly, without fatigue or Injury lu 11I'ahh: . I d d' (I I I' It . IId .strenll'l an won er U • mp 10 'I III cunllruClion render It l~mOlt tmpo.slbll' 10 IIftt Ulil of order. and II GUARAN. TEED by lb. coo'Ploy to. give .ollr. .. tiarlctlon. . We re'pectfiJlI, Invlle .11 Ihoee who m.y dealre tu Iupply tllematil"e8 with • 8"prrior .rticle. 10 I'.ome,and dlmio. &hil UN RIV A LLED Mochl"". ' Olle htllf -hour" 1,..1ruclicn I. lulllel.n, to ooabfe pereoll to work tbl. M.· . chl"l to tbelr enlll'(! ,,,tl.r.elion. O'b' I bl I _ It - - Rellglolll IOI! u---J . " it IUI t. ' I he n.l QIlonl. w/ll be W-IIb,nd 11 I ''t .w,. 1I I .the .A ,lenl' anle or., ,0" II II Uni'ed Aleotl' Ire III . , 1 where ad b lib ooi I dilread, .. eetab er. connL 1II beIshli ..• w - om,"I


:~;:;~:o:~:.;:~~~~:~ CO.,


l ..

. Ol.,

BrO~WI11 N. Y.

~~\~\\\l~~ljllll~ GRAY HAIR.

11111 I. thlt Iran who wu bald ud grny. th Who nOI. h•• rnren 1001<11. ." III U.O "'~IIUOS U tllnt lUIlg m,"lo.

'IV III tlru~!1 I" ls ,

H e u /!Cd I h.'






TI.I. I. Iho Malden. bandllOmo IUId

via Ph il.delphin, ftt 10.27 P. !U . J:""i,:llrrlad UIC DI&Il oace bald Dr! Wllo C'lfCIIUIATI E X PR E st- Lenv.,s Pills bllrj! 8t 9.15 0 A . IIJ' . ~I! . pping ul nearly all . t. · whir~~;., hne J'1lY." I~u. they OA,.. UO " se,<1 tllo AllIlIIUJll4 that lUni tin"p . AhOUll nf 2,45 r. Ill, Il lfrri ~ bur~t m.1l0. 8. 16t rm •• arrivln" Ii! Philudelph in lit 12.' 40 A M. Ihil Ir nill pU ~8 e nl! e r s ale 'l'I.I.I. Ih~ I'nrtloo. who. by tbOft"d tron.lerrcd nt Union n epol. W" Pt P hil ,, · M v. rrl (ld ;tho wuiucu t llWJ.UIOJlUt au gAY. delvh~•• direcl ly 10 !:;XllfU' '1', IIi II (o r To tbe man en.... hlIllI And Ne w -Y urk , r8ll chh' lI th ero nl ll .au 1. . 11 . ll\l~ ....110 LOW b •• roveu loclouo, the, any. PlflLADrLl'RIA l!~x[>RrJlII ~ -Lp.ove Pilt.· n. eA" •• ho ,,"cd U,o Core tbnt loy lu tbo AllUII09l" t\tat RIBIl' mUllo. bUrjll1 4.101' . .• ~topph l g Oldy ot prill• ciplll &llIll oos. Arr ivea nt Lu,ob p! 600 1', III' • Altoonll 9.30 1', M .. fI 'orri bu,., 2 :'1(i Tl. •1. I. the Bell th.t tlol:8 1"'111 A . M •• IIH lli more. 7.A. M.. Now York, vi" 'fo . 'OU80 tbo J1l'Or,te aall and gny Allent"wlI. 10.10 A. 111.. P IIlIo..I·i,,* 1' 17.111 Uulo ,\tlo r. ol, wit ell hl'redoco 1/1)'If iJl1Il woulll not II< bnltl Of' ONtI/, , A.1\J., and Nl'w York. vlu P hiladelphia. nl U" tM ,,.U I1JIII 0111.& tAaI RlJlU fIIlUle. They lllid .. bab, eonveotioD in ~ftJI' ,m.OIi P. M. t:l lppping CUB '1111 Ihro ug h on eliline~' low". the other dlly. Fifte4.11l thi s Iruin Irolll Pilt&bt"-Il 10 881timorfl nnd mothe rs wilh their little ooel were pre~ ' Philadelphia, o-I!d to New Yc.rk, vin Allc L I. TUBBS & GO., PROPRIETORS. PmRBORO·. N.H. ent. and voted 00 Lhe question of Lh o t'llVn ,' <b-' J~"'lIoleb y lto. e ll · rry@ Nt' I" npd prettiest. Each baby goL ODe volll Ind F AST 1.IIIE-Lea v!'s ,vll'lsb urll' nt 10 40. 6 ... DO more. 1'. M•• stop,ping only nt prlnclptll etllliollB F.. ,R. Printz. Arrives lit AltOOll ll III 3. Jl) A . III .. I-Iarris Mrs. ELlZAD&TTJ CADY STAl'ITON has bllrg. 8 .28 •. AI.• BAh ilJ)orpt 12.30 P. ~I. announced h erself III an inde pend en t Npw York .t via All enlo wn. 4, 1.0 p , ~1, ellDdidale to Oonltreu from the Eighth Phllntlel pl.iut 1.10 1'. 111. nllli Now Yurk, vio Ph ilndl!:p hiu, 01 {) 421', lII . New York DiltricL. *lIreakfcut. t/)i1lt1£r, tSul'per. n OT 'If Dailv, all trains, SUlldu/js ca:cell/ed. HISK ERR OBA CK '8 STO ~IA r. rt nt't'l'1:RS, .ner SL£I,.rING CAllS are Hltorhetllo 1111 Ni l,( hl Ind Allustl. ;, 1 ars or ft J:Jiul'hmce 8ml t rla. ' , lIan l,rot'ttU to be th o ltCJIt rt'tn"d, tuc t""t rur.I 'O UtTroin 8 to Phll u ~ clp" i " , New' Yv ric hnd ches forced to grow plnlntlt wh a t unic ,mel IIttnl1l1111l1 Ar. n,,:t lmore. r.qulred. Tlroy 1Io,er filII t(> IIr.nglh. a upon Ihe ,moolhell Bnllll'0ge checked throngh an tron s/er. (.ce In (rom lhrr.e Ibe we,,". Imp.rt TlgM 10 Ih. II ron!,:, nnflB rot! (rep . . tn J'I' r('tpee tR rell t()f08h!lU t\red Rtlll hrok(lu 10 live ' week,. by "'IC""T8 FOR TIfE EA 6T (Inf.luding B<)p · dmyn ('o nsrltnrtoll'. No rNn e.l y h u bf.en nslOlI' Dr. Sel'lgne'l lIc!!Ifln..•...f!ul· lon, by /l coa l or Ro il). pllul llg · ove r this r occ hlod with M much '1\\'0 1' AS 1\.o~ c::o pilln Ire. the mOlt wunderful IlI . cuv · rood, cou uo purcha ,ed Ilt 1111 prill uitllil o.OK·. SYOIlAClI DITTeas. Ju Vh lcagq ery t n modllrn Icienee, allun~ GPon Ihc '~Iatlo ne. Fure I e low 116 by OilY olh~r VRR 50.000 \>0111 ....ore 110M 0". tlrug':l!all. o In th e I,nlt ,)'eAr. It I,. ".1Beard ond Hair In an Ilmnsl miraolllouF route. mr.nner. , It hOI been uled by the elite o· ~I~:OOD~~ J~~ll~'C~~ sIi:;~';: l~rr.t~:~'·~~~ :1'111::1011'1'8. Parla and LondoD with Ihe mo_1 flutt!'rin!! 11:1l8 CUWUlU8 tliD llrUl'Ol',i81 .r M gl'll,CI& By lhiA rOlllo, Freights or. a\l" d ~crip· BUeee!s. Names o( ,II purchnacra will br lCl';IlIITc, An t mdent l\otl·l,i1luu" "gO~t, ATHl relis ered, lind if entire sn tis/lcdon ie no t lions. illr.lllding LIVE STOIlK:. CAn be lor. t,J\" bOl t IHu nlllc: ld c knol'n l o tho worM, HOgiven In every IDl lanoe. t'le money will ",·.rded to lind from Phillideillhin,. N IJ,\\' I\ACK'S D11"rlilll ol""lIoI ......WId lIy 00 "· \'ul etlc-o nte 10 " t ronf,!t huu tho l'foftlrntilill be cheer/ullY. re(unued, Price by mail . York, Boston or BnlllmQre, to ond', lrlllll whl ..: h uJWUYIf r~.IlIO\'r" nctlte tJlfKlluu: 111 th o " sll81ed and postpAid. 81. D C"f,riplive I'ir. nny point on the We.l'rn RuiIIVllys .I'!J ILIOUS ,II,lrlcts or th o "·o.t . oud • ulI lb culnre ond tes timonlal8 mnilp.d free. Ad· Ra ill'Oad direct. Uwro 11M , rur " long limn, l,{'O It mu ,", " By Steame,., froil!'''' ron '. Iso ce (or· " 0<:,1 • •1 d" .rllelo orSl'UUAUII UI 'l"l'tm~, drees BERGER • • SHUT'r::J &. CO .. wlllch, It l akull In I tr o jf(lr qt,J~ltltl ufl , aud Iny accesB ible poinL on"the rlv· \Yorded 10 B chemisI•• Nu. D86 River Ilreet. Troy, N . at tho p,'oper tinHl, ure 2\ l ure: J) I'U-\'Ollt' f 6 Y. Sole Dllenta (or Ihe U. S. 46·6m ers 3nd I({ke. of Ihe W l's t. For Frei~ht Contracls or Shipping 01· or nnfonS, Ji'O,.eT, Fet'er Rtut Ague, l'l ld ll ~ n,.IJI>eJ'RI", IlItllgf'Jl IIOII, Jnll ll. EAUTy .••AU' reetlohe. IIpply 10 or 8c1u r!,~8 ('Ithor 01 IIII' Cofll Lll co, J{ ltlJ\ey CO lUlllr\l nt, 111111 nil tltll I\liU burn, Golde n, (uIlQwing' Aj!enu of Ih e Compnnv: or IIlrnUt\r ,unlnro t tmclartl lJetfor nl " IlreFl nxe n, ond silken S . O. KihgslOn , J, ., Fl. Age hl. Ploil n.I'n , ,eutl,o fot lIUlo ll ldor. ugomout,"fOIldatiui C. A. C~rpenler, Ft. Ae eM, l'iltaburll. CU RLS prodllcpd ND Itr.nau.I"1I th~ ",'''., 11.lnll t UII. 10 ' h • • n ~"'II -eo r ga"., til y "t"er by t'lle UBe of Prot. Clorke &. co., Trllns!!', AIlPIIIB. PiHsliurg-. known r Dlll utiy, l'iuw thlllU)I".rlllu,t'I', ' DIIBJl1'.ux', FRI. H. W. 8rown & co·. Z " nellville. O. , tI, ro wllllio 1IIQI3 ,,"d~ ••• klng h o", .~ I .. tll O South. z.lo pcr80"u wbo , alnn hll Ufo SER LE CHEVEUX. I Ol)e npphoali Htill &. co.. 1\IAriello, O. warranted to curl the roOBt "rahlht W. H. &. £ . H. Long ley. Gnllipolis, O. .ho,,\~ ~o 110 .... wlll.allt hnTlng ' oon~t·nI11 nt h.t,,1 thft "lT rIeRS, A t 1\ "~*"jlrd ' elubbQrD h.l, of elth.r lex into ·.vavy ClarkA &. co., Chico~, 111 •. ~sah'''' "pldeolte alld t1Inl"l1tea oI1 Kt!u,If'rl"d J'lnglet. or hean' m... ive curli. HI\8 been '(J ~ ION LIN E. by ml l\l mR. I\Ild pollutN ",'AleI'. 'rf'AVelera usod by Ih. (lIIhiona\ttea ~I ,Pari' lind Fa.' Frtigfll, via Frnnllylt'a2&io R. R . a,...11 "u relhlouta vf '110 r . IIlk rlv.r .. boUotJl Londun. with Ihe moat ([rlltllYln2 res\lh •. OUNTIES -<lr tti. 'V •• t nnll 8<111110.[ a"d DOll' no Injllry to Ihe hiliI'. Price by "BroRd Treod ~' CRr~, tllo \''''. Ifty Or tli e :M i.!l 'li!lIc 111lli RIlil it. ft'lhntllrl e8, ~IIOlild p;o •• lIo ll! tunAGh t.>8 willi Hut m.II. B.. led and pllltpliid. I" DneripllvII Which ,un through belwee n Ihe ElIslern • JIITT.:1I8. '('hero I. l,rollllMy 11 0 Oil . ~ I • • circular, ~ ent fr ee. Addrell BERflER... lid W ellern cilies, IrreA peclive of chlln. """. wltb whlcb ru.uktud are nllU.",tl SHUTTS &. CO., chemists, 2B~ River ge' , ~1 1lllIge, The Ullion" Lin.. ill Ihe wltlch I, the source of so man, Rument"E ~t., TrQ1.":N.Y. filo'. oRl.'nl. ror!the U.S. uUlhorizpd FORt Prl! il: ht Line, nnil is M ~1~~ e P'lI", or .. II I. ~oro eO!ll",onlr ..h lld 1Io1I~ ~,om"",., ,"tllh ~~. I. flO more • FREE TO EVEltYD6D,{. '. lvorkf~ on 1111 ,Ihe rou over wl,j eh il copt.ln ril1llW, ~l1u~n Rob.u,k'. 8tonllu'h , UlldCrlllkea til I"nn8Dort, onder contro c1it Wtt.r•• _ 'IhQ,J Af6 lleTel kllo~: n tu 11\11. , which BeCI,re to tile properly el.trup cd 10 INO OITOLlIn" 10... 01"... Iroen 1"lIell . iu ll'ubli. hed, ii, rharge; thll best fllcllillu (or fS11 nlld . .I",adod II,!' II,. 1)111,110, ftU',1 I,.onl. hal'. resorted to 1\11 ntlUHler or m.... Ucl n08 io It teoehes hnw to ,emove Ton. FrE'ck. un\form OIovernelll. tloot Ihe ·RoodB ove r arrett the progress, but "I tlt JltLl,fltICCd'. lell. Pimplell. Blolche8, Moth POlchpp. S~I. which it pn eFee posaesa, A .ure CW'I ROtl pro"out! y. \0 10 be "'Mud )o\Ylleu. Eruptions, a/ld All ifll)lurilieH 01 00- Wh ere time lSI guai' nrlleed, I! lor· In Iho ",. of Dr. JlORA OK 8 8CII!,nTN"R • ~he .. kin'; how 10 en.m~1 t~e , ldl1,leninlf feilure or F ive l:e11t8 .,er 100 !b8. ill 01· AV I " N lU;BIKDJES. Ihq , 1o<>wo l~ It wltltf. Bnd clenr III nlohuler: how to lowed for detenlil1ne , fur eury doy beY9nd OJ)On wi lli tho 1'111", nud i Uflgo rlllA lho lJ~t r". by tree noe of 1100 810mo.l, Jlltio .. ' produce the IIIIIe8t development of Ihp Ihe time fipecified. .... If blood Is Ihln '". tho 1'.'lfior: For fllrthur informn·ti"o, ftddre~9 11t(' femnle (orm (IS practised by the "'rench) UOIT an InT. lnabi. r...""I,!' .1, .....1 '1... kept cou&illg the bus t to grow r011l d lind lull' followIng Agpnle of the tUnion L ine; ' In ft '8ry famll " J\ t~lI l' Ibe sY8teDt ht full Dnd if the fo~m hoe been -Iolt by podeling: H. W, Bto)IYII, 27 Wp. ~ t 31181 •• Cill cinllnti. '"Igor and nol.hln g III In I." ("'llI'ell .... 0111 dllen.o ar cbolor., 1'I1f: 111,1) IUn,fA Bb_ )ncin!!', or maternily. reslor in :r it 10 more S.J).'l'hlltcher. 2il!J N. J.lij!h et. Coloillbus. 1>0 uot ... dtlt:olnd by pUI'.b .. l~g ""lor .. lIl .. n Itl original (tllIne8!!, IinnnC'Ss. and Bnm'l F. G r•.v, Illdi n'lopulia,'1 nd: Ute Clnie1c nostrum. ",ulor the TArlou! namtl heauty. It leachell how to redur:e in eizl' E. P. Ill1'lont. T Ilr r8 H Ullle, Ind. Df Dillers. Pl1rehue DOlle other tn.t Dr lhe hllnds 'lintl f~ct ; producB cbrplll'Onl'), or W. \V. Chondle r, C h1r.Aj!',I. 11I~: JlOOA CIl'8 $TOMACn BITTtml! wIll",: Iho rev,,~se; rllnlove superflllollS l1eir' cllre The Pellll "Y)v I\ia R pilrtlod Co. will are cornp,luTuleti ' uf tho IHJrp.Jt d rl!gw . aDC:! '~, Corn", Dunions. W"rtw, nnd MoISl; ;enew not "ReU~e any r i I, for IJlig!lngc . exce pl 10 "blob lb. amlcled C/ID rolf. A.B. cure drunkennelll. Cntorrh. dYI . for Wo~rlllg Appllrr l. end lilnitthcir reo pepsio. Neryou. DebilitV. &c.• how to fft!- ppollsibilily to one h~lDdred dollars in vnl · clnot~ ond Ihe ,love and Alreetion 01 lie. All BqggAge -u credl"" Ihllt "moun I IIny poreon you II)lIy choole, logelher witt. Iii "alue, \\'ill be ot Ihe ri ak"01 tlte owner olher u'ae(ul end voluahle Information.- u"leu ,aken by n Bpeelnl I'"nlrOCI. ~RINCE. 'VVALTON & ' CO. No yOllllg r.mdy or Genllemen should fnil . E. Ii.. W ILLIA 1US (Su..,........ 10 Dr. O. W. noa.o .. ,) to eond their add res, 10 Ihe underaijlned . flen') SupNill:endp, nt, AII'lOnA. Pn. 801.1. I'BOPBI..:TOnS. lind receive by return moil a CIIPY 01 this HENRY W. GWINNER. Nt». 1S6,lStI, 00 "lid 611 E"" TAl ..", Nt.. Gel)'l Tick et Agl'1I1, Philo. vDlllublo work in leuled envelope free of , (lIJI(,IJI(JI(ATL OHIO. charlO. A,ldrl'R' H. H . l-t<')US·' fON. DERGER, SHUTTS &. CO" Gen') Freia)II Agent, Phil". A CARD TO INVALIDli. Cllemhllll, Dell River el , Troy, N, Y. )·t(.












" GUlde ,to Health and Beauty,




---------------------$ 1500 PEn TEA !It·_·We , .

:ot00LUAL£ AND R£TA""

301 BROADW A.... , N ..... Tn hel dili on to our .uaill bu. II .... s of PIIOTO . HI,\PI-IIC MI\TEIHALS, we are 1I •• J'I"ar.

le ra (or Ibe followinft. I'i.: 8Iere_pe..... IiItereo_..le '·Ie..... Of .America n nnd Foreign Cilie "lid Lanol. ICR peo. Group., Slalu.ry. etc. ' 8Ie~.1e Vie .....f'lhe War,

From nCl1\a tlVcI made in Ihe nrinu. r..I1II'Bign. 8!.d (ormlng a c q "'pl~Ie Puolographic hil tor)' b,lto,)' o( Ihe great cOllte.l. -

wanl agenll _everywhere to. sell , o~r UIPI\OVED .• 2() .. S ewi ng t\ln . ~hlllea. rhr~e "ow 1;)1I.ld. Uml" r nn.1 upper leed. 'Varranled live \leArd. A hove 881~', or larf.lO eo.nml&oionB ~II"hl. ~ Thl' o IlL y. machineA laId In Unlll'd StBll>1 (a ' les8 thlln $40, whkh nre ,lully li(: e n ~e d bHowe, Wheeler", W iI.o·o. Grnver" D,; ker. Singer .. CIl., Dnd Dnchelder. A I olhl'r cheftJl ma Clhinee ore illfrinll'emenl s Bnd Ihe seller or USN id lioble I ~ IIrreet' linr. ilnd Impri8onmenl. · Circnlors {ree Addrasl, or coli "pon Sh,nv & . Clnrk Biddeford. Mlin!', or Chicngo. I II: [26.1


, 8lereOllC:opl.. Tic.... o. Ga...

P~."1c .&1 ....... 'V .. mano'acillra noore larg ' l, Ihan an,. olhn



WEAKNESSEs, A ri. i ,lg from E:r:ce88es or In'air-d' .. , '''1


~ :::::


~ ~








I]I A~ R~S, P!V!'I!E:~ ~ n~ I !8i

The nc ~ t U"lr 1t (J~to rl' r e \' or ' blTc1'ed , .. tlhl I' .. bllo. I! wi ll ch,nnue aroy 'i,tolr 10 tis Mig,inol ~olur . It will lhorooghly el ilnns8 th e ; cal p. nnll nrrodlr:l te nil sc urf nnd dnndrnff. II will ~ r r e8t premolure' decay •• nd I.lli llg ,IUt of lI . ir. .. is n nuturol s lilDlIIsllt "nd Ill vi gt>r nlor, nud will pro mute the gro\vtll til Ihe hnir. It cxcc la ell Oil Pr epnrn tionB 0 8 n tires· sing, Jt a ha n!!!!", At olloe. dr.y anti wiry h"ir 10 '1,lt 811' .1 Ril kllll \r"", ~e". LAOIES .~ YOUNG AND OLD. Iryou ",i · 1I 10 uwc thp b.~ at nuicle (or nl1.li8~ ' A . P~ of Ihe scalp ond hoir, Iry Ihe lind be convillced of the truth 01 Iheee ·lnt emp l1t9. Prie o $ 1 0 bolt Ie . S i.!d by nfl'~rnl!gi!n8. J OHN D . PARK. 39. 1.\' 1 G II ,,'1 Ag't. Ciucinnnii. O.

home, Mbout 200 I·arittie froll. 50 cellli 10 150 eo,:b. Our ALBUMS I, ••• Ihe r.pai.lion ... r lIcong superior in durabilily and beauty 10 on)' nth f1 I'"

CI.... P............ .. Oe"l'III.. 8 ....,.. - - , A ....... lite., O~r C~I~logu 8 en!brtlce., o~" r FIV.; HUN. l?IU~D dlOerel,l t .ubJect •• ,lllt:ll/ding r. produ c• lIon. of Ihe mo. t celeb rlled ':ngr•• ltjg., I" ' ul.


lug' , tatuel. ele. C.t.logu .. aent on reoei I 01 tamp. ., ' _. p Phologrlpbe... aDd olbn" orderlnl\' 'Kood. C O. D., Will pl.... r~mi' 26 per ""l onha OUllt tilelr order, _ iO" The pricft aod qualily of ollr gonil, nOI ran to ."ti'(r. .


Japl(son'ti Pectoral SyriIp, Tbll bUI of all CouJrh' S,",,,,. lor lIall



lOlhe I':),p.


lhnll 51'QI) cHI :tirllle.


c ure! 81' 0 (,xhihi t €I n l Qu r o tn r t' . C'U ff' C" lI l1r · Itlll uf' d in ~ '" t' n' fR !C wlirl1 np p ii,'cl nl'Ch l'tli, g t" t ilt! ,!i,' c. li Otl !!. i.tcl o cd ill rllleh !tux, Tl r th e . hull · r:J' willlJe r"fU ll dt1tl. \\~ I' ito (0 1' u c.:i rl. u l n l·-~ !f t' lIl ~r " t h,

A, lclrcf8

Hn. !;TI,:PH ~; NS '" <':0 .. Or l1li"". ' R" . I0·

t o n ·1 rlilllih' Dru;! Siore, Nn . 10 A" I " T "I UIU" f BI'onrl",.y" 1\ ,., York . tl'. O . Ho x U 0 ) Dr. St rphell. &. Co. hnl'e it,,' o' " 1.. (1 " HI

pn l"''' •." " MYO PIA or COr:NF,: A F I. AT · C U I'n

I\' F:!'S,

1, .8

n ~I' at

I U \!C




In nfl'ectionA Jl ec ul in r 10 f~m.lc91 iIODtq llo l ~d by lillY' olher prepcrai i. ,. II !I r hlowsis or ete!ltioll, lrr~g~I'"liet. PainfulOl!88 or Suppre ..iOIl Of CpH"Rlll EVIICIIOt\0110. UI(lernll()n or er.hlrrutiutl 01 btlP. Utl'rll~, Ll!ur.orrhoon • • 111 l Oll> plailll8 int.itl(,lIt 10 Ihe 9px, whetherlllii,. frum hobits or ili8~ iJl"tion, Imprudentl!: or ~Il lhe decli ne or cl lllnge or Life,' ,





CI Lt D&"tS.D

and Gattlo Powuors.


Pruf. EGBERT l ACKS Ll N. R nOER1' HERnEI!T M. 1).• Dr, EOOEN£ VELPEI\U, Jr.

TIll! ,uilional rii8[Je7t8ary, t!stubiilllt!d 1050

R 0 S E,

Wi,ll rntlicolly eX'erminnlO (rOIl1 ibe ~. 'ern Di ~ rnH e Il ( Ihe Urinnry O rgn nsn. illg IrUIll' ''u''118 01 "i 8~lp n tiu n . ~t lilli' ltpense. fi llll) o r 11 0 clollnge In die l. _nd " t' pxpopure. cumple"'ly sU(lcm dl":T We inill llihl y cllre Ryphillis. O l ()~ '. Ullpillft ~d nl nll(l '!llllllerIlIlS r t nlP~\IB , Gohorrl:oo~ . Jrllpotellcy, No c lul'lI~ 1 .. "d II ipoibll sn tf l\Iurcury, in curing thUle ~' OTllftl E'nias ill1l8. Cmnlliaill\s Pf'I' IIIiHr to / I cl r f i d' cOla ee, un every flrm 0 IIr v~te I ~ee~e plPeonL lIlId d' lIger0t1 6 dileuel. oL wh.lel/er .name.\)LJ\I1UU!....:: SMrmttlllr· rhOO8 or St!lf. Abul!e". tblt eyrae modern :I U,"'E llELMBOLD'S mOlllwticl.e88i1y 111111 s prruil y cured, lI nd .• . · cVl'ty trece 0 r I 18 lertl'bl e e Ili.'cts ero ulcn led Irom the ")' ltlem . wilhout 1I"le'ltion frum bueillel"'. Xoung men. b\! nr 'lh ls i ll mintl,lhot we ore i" P09S 0~B i ll n 0 1 Ille I " ~errecl1'eceipt8 ri nd met hod of prerli c~ '" 011 CIIPell of II\ ~' Urinary Org'D!, wit. 'of Culver",!'II.. LDIJ~m.nd. HUIII"" .. Y .. I. peau, I:)tn., .R ic nrd 'Dn~ othl'r IIrtl.t lilJlol~ Iher existing in ma le or lemale. (l1li in modern medicHI scl"hce: f(lr It 18 n I'n rt wl"lI cve r ('/luse orlgi noli" lI, olid noatllH (If the 9pry are.tP81 'Impt'!rlnllce, ~ntl 11' 0 'o! how long s land ln!! • . ft is p\qm nl ll wOllld ftsk 81lV mon , QI IIl1erallo cu mmllll tos tf! and ollor, i"mlcdinle in its 11111.1. .e nee hy\v elln Ihe thIIU· nl.lIllllld nltl' s hnl· low pretc l'll crF. 01 th e do v, willi Ihe ir Ipp. "nd !l\ofe 8lrll ll l?~lienlnlr Ill an I ny QI tit L I1i ble snd int' ,~ ient remediee, hupe to com· prfpurulitl1l8 01 nn rk or Iron, I'pP.1 Willi IIi! t, " Th' IRe sulferi nll' froom llrohn.~u wn 6r YI" unf" rlllllntes ,l're Irlletill/: your IWAl th Del;r.n te C()lIe lit 'lIt io n ~, procur~ thwll1!1y nnd mOlll'Y to hf'nrtl rs6 ch A,lo tltlt s. 81 II'n6t 'll unct' . w,'1<I e I 0 Dra. J" 01lK80n, -II" e rut"rl & ('" '., 'I'ho re uder IIlllel bo alV~re t1\nt,).,N/\' wll9 \\Ii1,1 nt flllce 1l!lnrll yllll 8 k illd, diM. creel lind eXlllicit an s we r. L AlIio8, w'rlte e r sllglll mUJ be 1110 n\ln('k of tl,e .~r' (or our r.lrcllhr. ' disE'uB, it Is BUre to affeci hll ~odi~ Dr . J"ck son', F e mal e lIlonthly I' i l1~. houlth, me nIal po we", ,hlpplnpsl;,j.' ,prlc(' $1 pl'r bUl(;, t x:l'o fi ll~ . $!>; II 8nf~ nlld dr.. ctll.1 rc_medy for lilt IrrpL(ulltrill('s I h".I of I,is 'poe'erlt y. Our flesh Gild ~loW ,IIona • •-rom '" h_ot!'v(' r f,DnSp.. an' I OI)SIrUC arc lupported fr? m th cee sources. 'rh. I\luIIII'nin of ,Lilj ht or Meel lc. 1 Pro· d ~J ' G ' _ . d E 1,'3clor lUI l! IIrpftge ulue,oll UII ' x pli, I , cit K ey to I,ove nlld Bcnuty. Cnnlilinilll!' NGti, C,e,, 00 d I ~ "h ,J ~,,. , ii pnges 110 100 P etea. ~ 18 i ~ THE book y nu Wllht price l)0 CeUl8i 3 We mdke no p~rrel or :he in~rtdilnfl, lor one dollur. S,lI nd for <lor splendid circulnr, c.lnlnin · IIELl\~noLris FLU W EXTRACT D~ illg murc' in qUllntJty ilnd (\~ sllperio~ qllo!. ily to nny of the so,olliled 'pamphlets'. CHU is cOlllpoF.f'd of Dllchu, Gube~1 ~ Re membE'r thllt we !elld a writl~" re plv luniper; 8 e rri e9, SCIOCII'U,lVit ll,grll' (lifo III evpry IF " ~r, .esp~uially n,llIpll'd to 110 0 ftOlI prepared in vnl:l!O br' rr: tr. nW!' rorti cplAr CUBe ulI(Jer COlIsiul'r nl·ion. hr. BOLD. drugl!is t ~8nd chemisl 01 Sill!!1 I ' • en tlse in Ihe nntllre of thinga e8ch CD SI> fent!.' rlfpcr-enlle III Ihe elly a r l'fifi,dt~ dlifefe frqDl e.very 1MJ\er. phitt, IIld wr.1ch.ia IIOW prescribed bJ ~ . Dr. Jo ck8(1n1, J Orienfal R cmotll)s nil cnfdness' hnd JlsIII,\'l ilv. IIlItl mOl t ('mineht pbYAicln n8.1t~. been ldDII~ rrjuvenRt es or~An8 ')\111'1111. hn. 111111 dur~ led 10 liee ill Ihe U oiled SI~tel p(III!, I". mAnt lor many YI'Drll. I . . i8 ·a180 in very II I'lle nil I, IIse,ill ~Il le h~P" Dr. Jnckson'8 ,French pn te nt 1\lnl .. Sofr . t~ ,la ~ 1It1 pub lio Su nHury Intl llUUOII -It is pr.rfertl, 60fe nntl lIi!v'Jr fnil s ItI r:in aMiII(lIolivn. It Is th,e only lure "nd lhroughout Ihc lend. Slife preventive ."nlnst Cl\ntracllll~ dl sl'n wl' ever inv"nted. Prir.e Ell esch. per l'AlI HELM BOLD'S dl'zen '4. IIlId pflr d.'zen $7. Mp n I hr mo iI.Incb,i,I!!S or modrrllte drinkers wl,o de , sire 10 relorm. but who have fOlllld it dir. IiclIlt 10 refr .. in, Mn wholl)' erndirnle nil .1t'6ire fo, Iny kllid o( liqllor, hy uainl! Dr, Her~~rt'lI Anll.Alllo~olic Compuund, an 594 :Broa.aviay. unloillol! remedy f\1 r III1l'mpe rnoco; writt' " lor parlicul", ~. Medicino ft il d in'Iruct loll oR, lent p,r omptly to an, ,,11ft of the r.onnlry . Cons,ultinll Rnoml III tloe Dispensary 167 I f:!ycamo're 8IrC!el. ~ incinnuti. O. o. bux, 43? Sond cireulllr. f39"lT

Thi!n nd PTCIlBTr\tlon, SI' X yeDrs 0 ( "nrlV~ . I'Ie d 8U(\CI'~8 III . I IIe long (uvof(lloly known, will lhor· oure o'r evcry form of pr ivu le di 8eo~e i,n. ou~hly l'cl uv lgora\O ,~i~p"t tu ei l her Pf'X. broken-t!o\\' nand S ' tOIT'81,irltcod hor.... cianCI! aod Fa ir ])ealillg Vir toriOU,1 en by , ,, llh.lIlnl! ' over Em"'iricUm m.d .F rulftl . nnd cl ~l1 nsl n g th o ~l~:::,~oh .nd InUII·

11 I. " oure pr... T.nUvo> nil dli·


I\nlm~I ,

Y I': L

1,0 W

.ueh aa



fincill cnt.





1'1:11, H EA Y E S , 1'19' TICMf'F.II. FE. YEE , FOUNDER J,OSS O ~' AT' I'E .

, C\ I OG II ~,



ENEHOV,kc. l UI ' u. c hnpro," •• tho , .. Ill d t In c r<"Mci

t h o appot!m.'lllv.. :I ..~~;oZ:l~_~~ trao. rorm. tile r.~:; u ol.:.l. too Into .. Hne-loa.klnK

To keep. "" of C"ak. IhI~ jlrepnrntioft I. InvalunbTe. H 1nGr• ...,.". ,40 qUlluU t¥ =q Imp,OVI'l I". 'lunlll,!' orlhe m ilk. It hili been pro.~n by ftC· . tual . xptirlmeot to I.nt:to.,_o th o \Iunp. tlty or IIIUIe' aad

:~~~.n~":."~l~ ~~ lIuttor flrlll nnd 'weet. "lltlc,1lIngi,futtellln, •• otlt.... nn .ppellle.looo .. n. their ". d., Dud

make. lI,cw Ulril'o

rMler, llt ;\tldiaOMu or ~w l nc,.uob .. vu'.e ....


tll . Ll!n r.s, l.h'~r,

. ..., •• ID ·


&c., 1101, "rlicl~ ftCI.1 [13 n "pcc lnc.

rr:v I)jllting I,'om onc· h:olt n P" I 'r to tL pn p~ r in It barrel of S\<ill lho

nl"we dI 80 J\ 00. will 4- cm~I/Cl\led or entlriily ·pre vented. Ifl,., n prcvenUvo-nnd cllre for the Hng P~ice ~ Cellts p~r Pa.llor. or~Paper.!or I'lUlPAIUlD J:T

Ph1Tsicl·aoe.a, 'please'


S . A. FO'IJTZ &. BRO., ' AT TRBlR

WnO~F.'UtE nR1JG Al(1l }1r.mCl~1! 1IErOT.

No. 116 Franklin St.• Baltimore, Md. O,,~n[~~"~,S~jB~,:!l:~ aod Sto"'k,eep<>r~ ~oull'b.

Pocket and Belt Revolvers,

(; 0 111 '


1l"' INGT



, ; 8 i uk i ~g of d \1! )'1~ f "a ll , ...fJ, r, T~ rt)' ran he u " ~d lly un)' o lle \, id t T\ j'\' l'l lt l tl l ) o ( ' u c r .'fI , Dud Wi lh DUllh u' 1"R Qt f, ·lI'r , of il'J 11I',' P;.ditillllliH (1n




t •


1\ ~en I8., A L"r. lllr. on Ih. /II/lure Irentlllelll '''finis sold by Gun Deolers nnd the Trode I/od' r~tll ca l '·ur. of ·.m i .. 1W.nk;••• 01' 1S".r: gelleral!y. :'Tt rh~"i 11/1' ~I, u !llllr\, 1::,lIi..ioll., Se~!lnl 0" In Ibe se., dnyft of HOII"~breoklnl\' Dt;d ) ~ . ~ \ tlnl l ll l)(~( tlu r nt • ~o i\1nrti81:6 genfl rnll" , R 1 he IT SDk ' ~crv O tl ... e .. ~ Cn!" IIIIII'I/OI/, 1'llil ~ rIY i\ ud Fito: '" ry, Avery 'lUse, tore, qn _. Dnd '~' ~ I!I.I . '1(1 I hp lrnl I"roplleit•• r•• ull in ... fr ont Office, Iwuh) hnve ontl of ' lLJ 4 N'S I1 OLVEn Self·a bu ••. &c. By Rollprl J. Culn f'\,.. II~ l\1 .0, " lIulhor 0 1 tllU 'GI'(' n Uook ' &c IHO J. V.. bITt: world· reI/owned 8ul'hor;' in thi ~ admirn. Porllea desi ring 10 lIVail thp.meelvea 01 ri :nrec ~'Ir~·t~II'"rI~~~ro.e, f" om hi, 0"''' ~)(!>'. Ih91ale imprbl'ementa in Pralnls, "nd 811. JIIa)' b~ .n~e l ~ tl"' u cO lu·ql/~Il~ •• o f .~ !{·.Ilu •• perior workinonahlp .nd (Orlll, will find .11 • • Un )' ' .... o.ed "'llhoUI Mcdiciq ~"' .wIII!out rlnn~e rolle .ur~cal .. peralion~' cOlllblned In Iha uOllgle!, "Ins t r um e nt. rings d' I , "' "\.7 • Oilt 8 IIIod ( ' . 0' eo, !" a, pOIIII. .n~ ,Reml1lgt()lll RtfIfilver,. . I b I ~ I' cllre at Ol/C< "crtall' .. ,,(I cf· , • CI I ' I' .' / • .1: ", lOch eve ry luO'er. r. no ",.lter wll,.1 rcu ar. CII .. ta lII!1g cut,. ' lind o4!.erip. cO.~lhlton IIIRY,be_l.UBy c,u.a_......... t:.ell.,.;.l. tloll of 1:JU[ol.hed '\lPOI Ptl.o~ef\' and radinali' Th:1 Leclu.~ wl,lI applicnlion ,. ~, a..,. ad~lo'r~~~i~IO.I~I~i~~~:le;el;1 Qnl tier '6.,.1 fo E. RE~I'NGTON.&. B0t:iS, ,ilion ,N.Y. '''''I,t oC .i" Cf1ntl. cr t':'o . Afe ope, n e., . . Culo'erweU' M . "IIIIlal\'a ••• m .... AUIO ' o W' A ' F~1JIT-.J.lHIJ oh ~r4!ftt msny kinda Dr Ad~lr~." CH~rS'jge (h~id., priee -2~ ct.. 1V! 11 aDd 18 l"le q,uonlitiel, (or •• Ie hy 1"7 n . C. KLI'" r. CO. ' , ' ~ , OWl\r)'. New Yurk l' 0 bUI 4686 the Itln 'or pounel, \I warren'''d E. R. PRINTZ. [t~. , ,.J •. ' . . '1l111111, for .ale "1 E. lC.. PRINTZ ·'" -


The cOll9titution,!onre afl'ecte(j b, Or go n!,: WenkneS8 requires the lid or 111... .,' ' Tho moltt ~miH~ u l l'1">llllc\An8, O,'uliJit I ni. ioille to' s tren gthen and i!WI.o rate b \·i n'$ . and lhe lU o~ l v,·o m i IH" I ( 1I 1~ n ut O1Jr ,,·o ulltn ",ICO t1llllolul lhf' Ut\O of lha (;UR~ 1:::\ ~YR Il'm. whit' h ' Helmboltl'B ~LIDctllu;bl HESTllHt::HS , fo r p,·".bJl1I,i•. or Fltr Il r I."I! ~ invftrinb:y (\ O'!II , rr no Ir enll1lenl besUb~ ~i)rhh:dt1t: .8 , 0 1' t' ve.ry 11" l'8on who "' f1 ~ I1~ Rpm'. I, lud e .. fr Olli 0 1(1 8:; ~ D IIIIH . ~ 01 \1' ~I I) ", 01' mitted 10. con8umption or IUllnlly IB Blurrin ,!r , Q"rrwork 1I Eye s ; ~ ," l h l'nHpl(r, ('\1 ensue " I Wcnk Eyr ; Epiphora. or Whler)' 1':>,"1, l'uIU il! Ih n Ey ' bo ll; Amaul'm il, or Ob CUI II. 01 Vi•. ion; Ph Oloplollblh. or (nlolerll nee of tig- ltI :lIELMBO£D'S Wr Rkn ru of the {le till" nlld_Oflti~ 1'\ "I'~ ; 111.1' od..opill. nr Spec k. 0 1' 1\oIo\'inl;' /l Ollie. 1>,(."", Ihe -":yo. ; Ophlh .llllitf, or 1" (llom,,,. ll(111 of II" 10:\. Burl ":yr IKt.; C"ln~ "c:t I':Y" • II,!',., 1) 1'

fOl' th o of N I':AH· ' WrJ1'I :D Ivhir.h Jlrond 'QUEEN' TJo:NI·:R. WI'jte Ivr ci.'cul.r.

A t?lerg\'mlln, white reliidillg in S ool ll --'-- >.' ,;' Amerlc" 1'8 n mi FsilJllnry. fl ie_covllred 10 ~ft'e And shnrltl remetJy fo~ IIle G'lI'e 01 Nfl rvOl18 W eRku !!.!. EnrlY' D e ~oy, Di Rell. IeI' 01 the Urin nry O,a_n •• nlld the whole l~RI Il ?r: d\~llrdp ~e liro.;ght on by hn'lI p(ul nnd V.lC,lfllli htl~ItB. G re" t numbcrs hove ~l'er1 alrcAdy cored by Ihis lIoble r('med),. MA~UE'A()TVRERB OJr F rOlllllle l\ h,Y D d'!lire 10 ben elh Ilrlllltll icl '. ~d lind IIn!Ortullote, ~ wil1 send Ihe ~el'ip c I Illr pr eparing 8nd Uelnl!' lhip lIifl tJicille , in 0 9~ nl ed rllv t! lope. to nny on e whu np eds i 1 Nt/SEETS A.ND O.A.RBl~VE8, Free of Charge. Pleo8P 1',lcl\IRp. n po~t: . For the U Il'lt~d Stotel .Ser~ice. AI~o, pdl'" pnv!'lup". nd,l r l'~!'e d 10 J'IIltr'el f. t\d~re~s , JOSF.PH T. INl\IAN S tntion D, Billie House. New Vorl! City . REPEATING REVOLVERS, 4\ -ly

Th". ,!'O _I volu"" ~ nntl I'~rr.rt prop. ,nlion in u!e, ,,"'II'g' Ihe .klll ! beAUllful po",I ·lik" tInt , IhRtll ollly IUIIIII,! In "oulh It '1"i,'~ Iy rr.. II/o ve. Ton . F'rec klr., Pllllpl .... Ilt nl.'hc. MOlh 1~.lcbel. Sa\l?W"~II, Erlll'll:,,,a, nlld n it i;nl,urJ ~ !'.' of Ih ~ sku •• klntlly h... lmlt Ill r. e~h\e, "y . Ing the .kln whit .. N'"I r l ~ilr 81"bool.r. It u~e co nllol be delccled by Ihe do.cIl .e !'!1 Ii II)' • • nd hetng. "e.g-etuble prep.fOlioll il ,'.rfec tly h•.rllll..... It II lh" onl)' .rllcl. 01 ' the kind uletl h)' Ihe french, ~nd i. .. ~d bv Ihe rari.ian 01 intli,!>,!"" 1·.le 10 ,a Jl.r f~CI toilet. Upward. 01 80 '000 bottl •• " ere Iuld tlorlng the t'.~~ t yeu " • ~ uf!l c i.,nt ,(".... nI81' of it. '!.!!iCllC.l', /,rlOe only r" cellI.. Sent bi lIIail. po.l.paid 00 ' f.c"iJ'1 nl an otc\er by , , ' BEROt,;R, SIW:rT~ &. CO .. Chew iN. . '. 'Jew Rifer ~t .. Troy, N. 'Y. -,



I now LOIIt, now ReaIO...,,,. Rifle Canfs, Revolving Riflf's, WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL I! "IANIIO~D JU. I I'uhlo he(l. in • •• , Iotl el/I'.lope. P-i... Rille Bnd Shul Oun n4rrel., nll.1 GUll l\Jn.

AII.pled for eilher Ihe Mllgic Lllnl el'; or tho Ster..a.c0l'e. O.. r Calalngue "ill be eeut to allY adul·e.. on ..roipt of. l18nop. For IltIproving anil . Brautil),ing Ih e





Photographic ~at6' rial.. .






or Uloeration of the JJlad ote tiOD X 1' d neYI, D'lIeases 01' the lIerOI p tate Gland, Stone in the 1I1a4~:r' Ca~ ulu8, Gravel or Brickd • Depollit, and all diee'a lel oti~! bladder, kldneYII and drop Iwellings. 'Ie&!




E. & Ma,nufacturer.

N on·retention or Incont!n.



-0-H. T, ANTHONY & CO.,






I'he Great Fe¥le Remedy, TH E JlJ V8TI J PIL~ ore preplIr('rI 0111, 'or I le:rilinl'tle purP(lSI' ; lIud nre Ihe only ' ule and effeCllive medilline lor ,II th nle Illiil1lul di 8ordor. to wblch th e (eDlllle COli.1\lull.HI il slIbj ct. They nre Ihe only jIonui nc F e mllle Pill, . l(IUllt. T h,, ), mode rale ul l px,!essea, nlHl re move 011 UbMHlICliolls. 'rltey Ili vigorito Ihl' de bil llllled uud Ihe de ll ·DI,·; and 8881111 1>llture 10 br inlt bnck th'! bl umn tu Ihe pol. id chet'k. No mn idplI. I~ile or molhl'r . hollitl be wilhout Ih e 1I1ystio Pille. Suld

w. .....



lIystic Pills, W.t: ...........arld_

Tbl. II tbe Citro that Iq III the.Alt.UlIO&U tJW

-------. _.-----

SSARFPlilAII.-Jn Sbll il8pea r on e UII' t eoce b ege ls til" ncd n"turally; the meRning i. all interwol'en. H e goe. on kindling like tbo meteor through IL e dark at rno!phe r. ; If1l. wben Ihe cr~a· lion in its outline i. once perfect, Ihell he see ms to rei' from \Iil labor. lind 10 arone upon lli, work, lind ~n bimlcH that iL II very good. You Bile mAOY .eenel which are l imply S b"kspu re' lI dispor ling him se lf in j oyoul triumph lind vigorous fUD after .. grellt Mhi c ve· meolof his big)leit genius -Coltridgc,

Ra. W ,I N 8 LOW • a


1 866 .

. . Charlo Dicke • who Ii\"'ea at Gad's Hill, near Chathnm, is rather PON It .1 11 ~m.1L I. B. rcpo ing on his I.ur 1 , ROU takin g Double Track Roule hi ottum rtft" di!l. He driv a Dcnt FIlOM l)air of ponics. tlccoratc(l witll smull bells. onel is fo llowcd b,r throe ycry PITTSBURG TO PHlLADELPlllA . large dogs. The renson be docs not At P ltt. bur~. If. illl from lhe 'Ve t rn n :tUow 0 ingl c do'" to arcompuny him dire.:t 10 th " Uhio " O .. pot, where Valu n· i owing to the fnct tbftt if one Il e rs lI,e Iflll e(~rrfd 10 Ihe Tr nln 01 thp the dog g t into a dim ulty on the Penn.ylvellia · Celltral Ru llwny. which Pill bllrg end errive lit otlier poi nle rOlld be g el's beme aDd-reports his leave IS follows: grievance to his com»:mions , when D AY EXPlIEllS- Leavep Pill burl!' 01 3 ,· the three allies conspire tog ther. (10 A. &1 ,. 'Ioppi n!! at princ ipal .lllioIl8. Rnd start off' to seck revenge. This Arr ive. ot Ahol/n". III 8 10 A . IIi. T y,one 9,ull A. lU , I B~llefolll tl 105:.1 A. M. , is the Te on given by a London Lock H uen 124U P. III .J Horr i ."ur~t joul'lml, and it is Dickons enough to I 20 P. 111., B aldrno,s! b,3D P. 111.. New Yurko yio AII I'II10W " .ot 10 'Ill P. M., PI,il· hllYe come from Charles himsiJlf. ftdelph iet at 1i .50 P. J'fJ •• 8fl11 New Yur k,




Drug & chemical


eKE R E L or









(Copy righted.)

W8~rllnled to cover m~re .urf~ fll f~r IIIme weight than IIny' olher .' :






• . , l\IANU-F'AC'TORED' ONl:.y':e'V ZEfGLER &.. ")0. TH.




. .


a y.


, . (\\~W CIl£STJlI(T. , .

PHILA »'ELPO·...l . .


WI,olellll. Drllll, Plint I. GIIII D~e'lera No. Ut'7 North Thlfd I!hreei. ' ~ ~. ., PnJEADELPlUA n-o.. F

lot Sou'" TeDtb Strett,

' ,

or •• II! by rAtltr DUn.l28n,r.

• . 19- 11

~~old 1iy lJfIw,,;,II- EIJ~~Ift.

iJetDl!."~ of co un #e r Jei , . ASK FOIJ UlL)lB(lLD:S. , 16. 11·














. - r r - ....'1 -~,..""'~..~. .()frIGll-~ orlb St., nCClrl.lh qppoajte lhe ':lU. E . church. r '., " I'" R~:8 IUENCEL<lIr;·. lt · Cha!. Stroud,

' Third Sireet,


:~ltr(ymtt ~rnilDr,(r

til I - ' / , K ·


hus "IU• Gl

lV4~NQtl':""I.R, .~td.

67. -*


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E V A N S • .JA ;il>~ 1




' OTOFFI CR on IIlttin Slrre', thr ee doors a'ilili. ,01 ' ,1.'Il J\'lI,;I~1 GJI~F,;r ., OfJi.QP'


~Dl-t, ~ , "j, TilE

, paN .T I ' '" Ita vnrioua brn.nchea

.,d Iuvwhe r.. NQrle ,



'1 t


RtI~i l\l~

That ohurli~11 seRkon neV\lr frowned ., I""A",~""., .. 1l 00 ellrly lavers'y et'! " . ' ' f J I "II' I 01I no, the worltl ""~ new !i crowo,e..'d



-'---'-~ -'----~




t\,NIt' FANot


t11 ,



'Ve stin ws e , •

TERIII' " nC<ASH •.-Office 'qt' hill rI!Fir,lfl,,~e o uiu ::Itr,.J. I , , • , 68' 1, .

~"\Y~~l;, CNIt· BUTEO .

• l'be ohe t of 'lrawQrs "'ill stand


i not to be exrell- -

"t\; --'

· .... Jrelb ......


Cos sini er .S,

'8 Y ,





!-., ,~ NAT 11: R I ,A L U SJi: D • • "



1J1 ..~inll' v · IJ ,





(0- NilM colis pr 9'11plly ,r~ti P nll,r4.1o.




l' enr. ' I'lq\erie nce i~ the prnciir.e of 1I1·r,licine. offers Ili a .Pru~e6liullu I Se • ices til the cil iz en8 uf


rt "aa. got in tue wioler . Ollr. lo\tiog 101 ' "a8 cut; 11 was Ihe 'itoe of r08e8- I W~. p\~~~ed. lb~a:a "'. we passed .,


~ I 'J

'T\I'oi Iwilight;And I bade ~'~u, ~o~ Itut slill ,You IIdu !De, r"., ; '" I, h wa, I he' ,Ijm~ /If ro.. ':'-' ". , W. plueked l 111etn as·.,e E~'lell. ,

• t1Iuglllficen t •






No., 89•


vlJlc. 0,,10.

A. JONFB: M. D.,

Huvill!! h.d

t... . .

"~ I)

~®9Jl'.&~"" JJPwrmll11I(D7




SURVEYOR, CON ~ .~AN.~~lt :



Willi flowefll ,~Len Ii.r.~' we me,t" '

.,,I recoivtl,i ,

Drrect~frb~ ''Ne~~Y~rk '1 1 .. r


D '" _ I.I,A _ 'It. •



in wt\I.,kl),al"'jltp·'8t~ I .'n .t . fl~l> prlco, Bud , ~.lj li.f~Q"on IVAR , • •





"a.~" S~" , , flYl\.~

11' l

R~p~~~ n~ 'of


nil kill.!: vUlle prunopllv IDd in fir" t-c~~ le • •-I. ,\• •' " ' \V~rrnnt


""IaiClh" will

. - ~' -. ". give equnl !O:a . ~ •.~~ .:besl, dSfOm




1\" .xcellen t Q8furl!neliL jll., r,eel'IVell, 1 Wor.l< . sui\e!l.Ao ~11 aj!~~ 'l'~1P~e !lflJ y e,. be.1 t " apPclnJr.i•• in Ihe Inbrkel. QflJ~ ~II : , will,·" , WIll 1'0('\1 ror Je~ILmOfte~ lhnn you M.y I. 111l16. hI l " I.d ,'1 ~\I.y Ihe chelpps I flrtir.le 01 Jew work. '- --


,- -


,W:.~~~~' S~?~\q N E V'1.


~ ~ ~ A N. G:~ I¥,:~ N.~. .

TIle 6U\lscrib~,. ~DV,i~~ ~,IIp'p:,ed

r.IR ee·


G E N) r J~l' , FU BN lBRING, GOODS, "' , • .-1. I


hbli shment· wltb II IIIIlIl'ri6' r GY",n-1c lor rnll- J(ii. !: WMce SMltll. Dran't'r ,. 11086, lerinls. Nl~he~ 10 II I II . lCttl'nt4un of I S d 'iI' P 11 ' Col . F rm "rll, " 11/1' o,lju'r@' tho I.C~ that be I~ Ll"jJfrt er8, t1l6. u~ U , . •

prepurod to monulllcture

W,(GONS ~tid oCARll14GES,

4'th : nnd ol~itr' wurk,

hi "the ' ~~.t

~-~dtylo. 1I1111ltn short noUtt'. _ "


c:: ~' -. ~

o:"r t~\'lqil1inl! \he


of Hr. EL'

L1 8u~ KJ:II!,l', .flU "lh~r 8uperhl f wurkme ll, he 1I11l1 fR,III (1P"tilfl ulmpet eQII~r.C)'lo".

07 nll lu!ie~

OlUlll1l 1P I'nd \Va!toue


ya :

-:':":::~~~,.,..._-.....,..;___~,,::,":-:::":- ' -

'NI'" r !Ie.... 1:_ _10 - . . . .... below Cairo. aDd K ., tile .... ..,.. It fa a delightful . .\lcipaLlon • 1Iacl .. • . . . ., tI ou' for •• "II"~ &1f • . . , . . . . _. . IN, u..- malic wU\ be OIle of tbe chief e .... ~rt.. ~. ~ .0 • • hn. reducl'd bur ~riced 10 aa IIIW • t . 1 ver ' ' ;' bo II i. IhOM I"'i&' II' Ihey en e p ac:r .........,....... ploymeotB in the liCe toeome. Tb• •• llern bell or wreo,IDg " f be, Wl'fH GOLD AT PAR. '0 lIIye a.y,. 0 . . ~ i s suc h a rare enjoymeat now II Y' , .0 a.on ----. f heln in mlUi. aDtil ,w,n\, 0' ,weD'Y ' 10 ,hilt DO OD. Dnd IIHII.II to buy •. Hut' ju" ,.c.I,~ • De. lad welt"_1We had the pleasure 0 .; i willocCnpYllsoften,and through :rlo w.. fl.,.ard wheD I bell bo i, witch no. from eJlprc'I'lon Ihlt It .' cod .tork 01 Dayton the two la t dars of. the a r. less yea rs b ereafter . W e fllI\'e h ere ;. y~"n :eArct. ,~e.d.d ill linelhlll ,.ill" ch •• per .t 1I01II, ' utine fi lM. T~ and witnessing tbe ex_hi~ition of till only " fai~t iden of 'he un8."lbble ~h~'W:'\. well f.wried iw abe "DtI. 1 ~~i! ~~ tID Jean .ud tbe IlllOof.clur. I t he .tr(»Jderlul .prod~ona. of th e harmonies that sbalI enchant us ".rge qu"o\i\y of I. ad. :,:;~~~ .t1or. -.wn 100,000 R·«*~. POTS, State th~re to be seen. F1rst ~nd there. All tfls t art lUIS done to a- ...d , amoog oWllr uU~1 b u. .bi.h. hlY. lJinn our produC\tloD. tb. ye" "iah• JIlI)4tt proaaiMnt of all, and whlcb i d lete the \hl I urfa08, WAS ~ ke,,' l! r. ned eet,. nk 'lII(1n. tlmto-kerprr.. Commrn· SKILLITS, I . , h mOlt force dapt, aud comb ne l an eomp fur I , bora time .Iler bemg- ope 'cing ,,,lth Ihe delf.rmination II.. mlk. unl, GRIDDLES, struck eyer, one ~t .' i~ tones and cho rds. 80 wonderful to ",a. '(lparen~y . 1 fre.h 'I.'d '.lIe~ I, px~pllelll wDtrhra, ou r bu, LOVAL, C"ST-IRON was the ifDf1en, e crof d o,f human Ol1f' finite : minds can not approach ."eaa n I.fl die upper a" .~ .maDJ neea hD. lIeRtlil, IPere ... d a l thfl PUblT ty. The sple"did' 'grouq1,s though the et1e tlon or 'celestlal melody. ),I!arl b.ror.. But, by the IIlJ!e. .J1 became . cquaint.d with their ulu., unll BOILEUS, ' · , I cb-c~e of four pl!il es p Q It II 1 n:1tI8(O t hat; h.Dda bad !:!J:Amin"d i~, \he dchClotl~ lor m,unlh, 10,,,lhf! J, we h... beln unlb le 'rEA-KETTLEs e~l1d lug p1 "i . . _ . h I have 0 eu elm , bllLler be aD to lIign. of d l'ol, . to IUliply Iht! tlltlalllil. W. h.... t'lPIII'.01.11 ailet • or more. were completely nhve ~lt scemed to ~e in the Air above me. 1I . utea e mitltul ~ueb a 11111111lrKe,1 our I.. ctory bulItlllllrl 1111111 ~ by ENAMEL KE'lYfL_ES,' . r ep r scut.atl vee· ~{ tb!' ·human race : sometimes close .to ' me at first. ~: ~~~":Ie e~~:nLba, 'd ill bY8"Ulder. thl')" II UW 'lavl'r , q ver, t~rfle . lferH .of allaort .. d. ~1f.H, of the b~.1 'laan'" w l.lI e tb ""~gm" ' the Ilpproaobes to me8 flOAting to' me fro m the w.r" ,,1,,1I &0 ' pu~ h i' nYerbu",,1 wilh glron~I~' n,lIdl " lv8 1 ·dCfoll)~~o~'IOQ ~ ~ort ., &.; 'r .~ ~ ! . . ~ ..1 98 . D • • . ti u . t JAn le ,~ 1\ lun, r e ~ ~:pr' . ' , , ., , SHOVEL.s ' 'rONG~ ', • t he entrance, omn~bu~e8, ~'r. 1l8. (ar.otJ'. spheres. n Cllr01' nnB near er. 10,111 I'olell. ,wlul" ~h~1f no~ea ." e rl:' d Wo lull, jUllllfied I~ .t we SAP IRONS. ' . fi~ tes of' n1l desQriptioJlS,-;- Id e t'li l . ulll bear it plainly-so pl ain· Iy cum pressed ,,"h Ihelr fillgerl!t . m. ke more ' 111"11 nne.hRlf cjf all Ihe ve 0 , twid" 'the I co. , Ihumba. A carpelliefa wul che.' ,I I W . tc:" e.Ilu4t1 in the Ull i t e ~ Stlllt>fl. Tlte " 1ft! IliON· SPOONS :· 8ho~s o,f ,t,lle Siam?/je i, _ Iy tbnt if I, ho.I) bcen g ii'tecl, 118 . some ,,1' 0 (('uOII,lh" lool. in whioh "I~ o· lIilT..r'~I,t Bf~tll'e "re di. llnltuillhed 111 the rnBVl{ltt~l, ~A & T~~LE do~le Iwoma~l. SWlUgS. , 1l}o~ey gloriolls souls nrc gH\ed , 1 could ~n.d, ,.. Iy follo~'i ng u n:d e·lUllrlie on ·lh. r l• tp ; shows and, in shatt,. eacb ,of t he h ' e wl'itten down tlte'notes of tho e tine .'1I1e of pre.IIrntion-the pl\ t . ·~ ..".ri ... n ~\ h co:.': Wahh • •!., M . IlE-rAIL DEALED8 IX , " ld' bl m IlV ,,' d I I al- 2 'AI'l1lulQIl lr, cy &. Cu• •W,ahh.ou M_ . MEA, L S:fEWES, seven o"lters of the,wor , 00 , - stran dO harmol'li s. Qften, as thc b:-nJI" • .I~ , I It p."ne8 . Ii i. ' IT: S . II I1"\lolI,' V', allho'II, M..... " 'I RAPS. ft U1 al','d i abundant p rosb ~ 11 ldc 1 Y ~ost, while the Iron Ie, e 4. ' WIl' EII" r y.' • ed ~!l 0 t "",...,e n . •. m !\1'V ClO~8 tqnes e Bill n Yon ~ 10 UaYG ooly .. ~JUAII ' coaU..g of r ~ OU R I,A DU: ". W AT~ I{,,,( iNl q".lill DRY HOODS, CHILDREN'S KNIVES pe ity-o ' " elll' 01' \Tere 8l o wly born", to me. Ul l r 11 ' bowey",r .(ltl r i, 1I./lIe,1 'AIII'I~IUII, rrllcy &. co., w ~ AND FORKS. . • j hall n ndom ed . 1 Id n 1\ ew ~r~ ,! ~ha.u M..... . • I ) VASII'bowL8, . Tbe ,fine-art \Vp.8 we . some peculiar woy., wb\ 'h CO? uJ:poeed 10 ~Iu, I'ir, Iht I!\lure w. . G OUr n ~~' 1uft lilY o( '-:"1i~8' WAlch if 11ft ... • with tin; produotions ~o( many well- "'q' L UUdc1:stand or describe, if it I, ael orumbled inlO , dUI', I'otl 'he ltoa :T.dh'· ~\ ~ Ba h rll~u" W~h ..":-.~.: M·.. ·- I Cw1li,idtf'" Plain ,o1ld J01)01l7ltc' lA,•. , • h I.! II ~ . • , . ' ';1"") .i~b aMI wo le , . ar" ,urnl....... In • «, e. HARDWARE J & , , kyow~ al'tis~ , suuh - as Chl\rc • .,ee bllen pO\5sible to understand. my soul 10 Lblqa '! or eaLe.n u~ v.rh,l,. o( ',iu" "I'd "r t... or r '..~ •. • /0,. coal oil, cundi. l111d' • bOhm Beard, &c.,-}'I(llHe:; p~Rtograp'h. h '-en lif\;cd. above the eD,rth. be.., it oould b e broken ,I n pll'cn Tille Amcti.c~o Watc h c? of, WI\~III", lard 'oil,. ulMl, If large • ,. i,c etc ~n- as ..... . . h "1\1 !!err ' lllovnt. MIIII. "llllhorlzo U8 10 I tllte th. \ whlioUI 'a,~o ~Plt '0/ ' gAllell.~a; .tatu~rYI , mlUl " 1" \ , • away. into the ~pper. u~sce~ Iher Inl of tbe . il\,cr "i.lin~lion of l'nd<'-mli'k~ '(1, prle... ' joYed,fUll J,>rom~nenee. .' world of' light, and I have felt some ,uL lDanl .-r'oo. lhought JJ.J!. nllI FRontleTI f' ~ TREIR "'cmJaY The horticqlt;,ural han: W ~mel ,. und ti'tld per ception of the yeraoouW ,teD Ial're .fIoIR i\ "0 AU FuLt.T W'ABRUTf,D '1' \ t ,I d, to Mtmr~ of htCn! ne". , . ' f 1.h t ' s &lid . lr Done of rFr.. 10 bill Ille bel t linie. ker,eN of Ihelr 411 ... wna C)~ . ' : ,~r and power 0 : ell rU!\1 , . rtld ' Ih. OWMtI of Lh" .. ve, ,",~de in Itli • . p,' an, o.her CQllRt,., . . of the hee' mllf'rhll and "l'It', '01 a\ve,clial'l"l:\,ma)ung it,a m.t~r , 9 ali'lIVe &ball hear' and suag in hellv- rec(. \e ',bel I well pAid nll'l~r. Iholll,1I r!l",e~l~tlr Ihll~ "nUh the DOW tlmls ~d'laboll to ' go tbJ::g!l t cu ' il have.hearrl this music 'in 8i"~. :~;eerpri~by the: recC)nry of ~~:~::nb~~,l:c~..l,u~I;~~n ':~~~I~I':':~o ~~~d evIt. '1"1'( ,ABUFACTua, ' i cclI,sflJ~ly.,; b~~ 0.\1 the 8Qi e n~l'8s;I'wQllQ 1 was n enl' the borders of Olallr' arlicl,t!I' rrolD ~llti wroek. , '1\l'1I1I time. -1f, luet Iho Com,..", 'r lh' Ir ~-, w~ hne • .,~rl.t, 'or cuj»,~. So~e'b U~~~~U81 tbe sh"" )rutd, and. J J,(j ~ AI&rol}, , ,.--,...-IIge~I'8, lind 11\n11f ',"e~ th. mos t,.bl.oroul1h . A • ' QJ. ~ ~~ varletie&l-:apple8 . ~~ r.~ H ch~T8\ ' The' Xellia 'rllrot.ligIU Ir:II, all, "honM prU90 d .I.. ellv~ in ' A ti 1 . " d b _..i _I_t· f. on ~Olln or" , . . lin, p.r1ll1ulnr It may be "''''.,' exel... II. A-d '-..116 wP' tt8D ~ pears. ohallenge ·t e'MUM __ Ion :~ , , '·.101. \he ""und or.d man wllo ~d ,lo_L an /Urn lur .polh~r . Ail the Amerleari wlltt l.- All . ~4 . , \ 'I , ' " I o ( \VI' ·_n.'H timhr~1 u'.r th., Gno,l o f 11~"lh. " " I spectiltora ., I ' , ~ Wooi:f. Ili"" o" .... rd Ihrbug h Ihe i••llalot .te~ l.nlC. or lbe oouolry WII el mll'lle .t Wnhhllm, are' for.., Ia b )' dea· 'rhe flarm -.p,roduce n.,tl or ",!lariM iif.,:" . ,.! t ' bl Lhe J>em~raL Itation .. d aL ere lCent'tlany thr"nu hullt Ihe co"n'r~. Wt' • .. (leed':-puMpkios ' ..have tliougllt 'the' ftllgel8 . bad I., h do nl't ""licit u,"er~ for '.illf;le 1¥,n\CIo.ef, ., I , 11De r1. Ul , '. . . ' . . " , "." L' , ra polla .or I aL p~rpo.~. . • (;" UTIOW . ..;-. The pnbhe are clullu"ed uDdequalllie..w:erel.rg.rtlicm "e.eyer leM me acr088 t~e wn,te "od holding lip die: , .t ump, Ih. to bt~Y 0111, .of ,elpectDlil" d""le,~ d, All saw before.; but the, llOtnW. 1 were qngs-I \lave .bear.d It In di4lt (,f ' w, neJ'ublio. ••id, ' r~IID' .If!"'l'l' C'nu\1ler(ph" \lIUl bit !!'Ol ' , . ' Our Stock of '· .1...1. ...idl..t._ ad in ~ ~.tlely. the bright day. of h~lth . and ..y d'd cK #. l ..4. ROBBI~H &. APPLE,T_On.N.,,',••.


Wi-. .'.'I....

.... w.,.



' STOV]~S,








, 10 ale The above S rt. or s ALLEN & RANDALL,




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~oots anb


cSbDtS 1 . " T 1&




Our FALL Stoak i.


. "C 0 M P LET we .1....




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the b r .

Tbetc' dOl.J"ords:' 'LieeeatfS!'8; S(,utbdowns. G Mo~n",(n MerlrloeB '







~~t.f~d ~"i~~v,~~e 1!~;r';~;!~\d

caD &h..

A,.n'. for ,he 'A"rlC'an WileN·'" tNl-otw] ' • III BrOad••,.


()I!~r.'·a yh.1 .pol.

' mon 'wo••ded IOldi.~ · ·


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,,~~ I ~ '~ .I III cu.n,r1, ~ ~. pr...II&ed , ~o U\8 1 't~~d,nt

'l'beinl.nre.,r w.. brl.8~. '. ad


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~hi h"~. UI'Q" :


"II~i~-~rnltr: ~ .


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or ,dale

wif.e 9,f I IIlIpllc.III, tPII"h" W olt."aninle, 110111,011 i n lire, leadl lfuh_ or ,eharllct.-,.·&c:· 1'hll I, no thOlllanda 01 , ,,"imoul.11 ~II" "Ieefl.

• .• .• nd .•ll,tla, .e l• • 01 ::~I~n'~~:i~:i;~O:~I~~~ ,:I:.d i~:::!~J:IUII. nlllpe' tll\drt.>l~d 10 ". n",eU, ;1OtI wih 1I, I,;e the ~jll"ite a,.ddrJired,1 by retu'n m. lI. 'A crell l, .. nllf\oleotl~ 1. Il CQm·mllnlihitloll. Add'l'IIll. In r.OInfi.'




,~ror Stoves.



'the "arlor itCl..... Ire di"..Nflt " . jrtf rer .Ithftl' C.,al' ", Wl,;jil. T'!te '.\Utt Ihtk h.. ·b\·en purch, . ·11 It thlt '1.' ,I

.. . . '

' .&'1: BED,l 1CED ,B A T


.." I.A'f1U

1~VJIBT Ci.~r.

LA.D . II:Q" i)B&.~OODSt. ~ ~

V-..l_, d' ..... uu,.', Q ".,8 great 'reduction in prices.

i ad wilt ~. _III II ..._n.bll' &lie '.... \ir...,


of aD linlfs N~W D, :.~g~St0re'• ~uchJob-Work . .Ru"fjl;" EftY~.lrtinlthl t7'f~

~~!:!~:s~~~~::~~;,~r;, :It:c:,:n~:~~ ~;i~ok hou.., ';t.~. f:~~:r~!~!i~~~nl~~!:7:~~;~I;::I~i~~: , o emlill 10l'k ul

.~ ,



1'.1• ,Men ud Do"" Wear. X8

.1",:' IIr !he;'" 0, _I.. ~f in\tn~!r~~::;."~:;;:':=~1a:


have tt}l~. ,Lilt .uS. )'~tnp tQ ,. ' ~~ of· tiy6e8~itl~;)~ose ·trlcn4-,I;'Dd iug ei,M ,roo,,', haa he•• .par.• ..,41d. priaci,Ple,. liPib ••Dd our-prd~~t~y f o,'e a,w.aken~d by music 'WM~h Ind·i. in .... u " home rod.. , : . . . . !l~r be P IIWed ' ~ln8t rever~ea ...... 8eebied to .havq 'CoJbe from · anot~er bo1~ of Cinolo·Bali. Oh!o, I~ i. fural.he,d ~~ellJ Ot..~ro~l~~.mutton,..?rfl~~I.!? ",or~d' to, c~arm 1I8, a~1 lI.y fl'om tbllil! wiLb: kilob!!1a rl"~, btl", ~ ~ l.~'llfl , ~ aVA , I' ' d C d" t t . A ' " oICe •• ary .or I ' 11"",,, _......r woo1 r at • ing .., mig¥) ,~ . , '1 But ~~ ~atellll ,a!, ,.'. , n(lf'!ll ,.~a," Lbe collhorl 0 f , h• ..... uv,..~ r bad their (aith st~engthen~(in :*be rang Ol,t ~h ~cb , opd clelt on the .10 .•".. ' prospect of a mutton mUlennlilm, by still night IIfr. The .words lw:ere too Ih. AltTou'l Ns",:. }fAGut!'" PO. A stroll "among ' tbe l111ee.,18ts, J, relll( and h«tl been ltool o~n re.,eat- · . .- A ~.gAlt!,tI fur Ih. CIA 't ;WIT_' :sa~p~e8 o t f,l~e and ' .. ~. ~ hit' I. ' 1 t '1, I . to on,... 4Iullc.led," '1 Ull CAtLDRIW 8 Bot! P:. 'l" .~~ 4J " f, 'Il · e~ ~,Y ea:~ If~ .;~q, ~rc'" j 0 , e cimg il .. bout 'being allu."d ift , Phil,d.lphi" long wool ,.heep ,wexe l we . a!y!,t. p\~ t ~ lr,\81.q 1\ \Y~n1, ~~e Dever hy T. 8. Anhur. '10 be rll'dy. _, lia( s~cing{t8na' tboY'..~l1re .ald Ito be r the more charrned by tbe song thau we NIlYt,mber. It i. IUllouuced. .Iuu in vAr.i.et1!lS I ~or ~bi8 ,'!v'nlley:;I, ~Utie8 were b.ot night as the musienll'oi- tYPUlCr~,h1 . I'nd lIIu",.&ion •. lilia ,ne" d 8(~ , g t,h, r[ght k~n« i of ces' lj,t. tfi~t!tIknoWn ~erforme'rs 'blen- mll,It"~tD!I ~IIIIMI more bell~II(Ii\lT '"11011 .. ,.,t"" furt\. r and fal'e . !}It • '" I anfthtng Llill\. It.. "ppellted 1" O"r~.eoun · 1I1.lg~ .I ",0 . , ~~ . ' , dcd, ~" ,flnnrrony 11' h lDstrumcuta try. A*'o illl lone. qUAlity, ,,"a Ule . worse I' ~11l) ,Spani8h ,Merlnoes 1\C~!p'ppnhnent, u ol1nd wt\: must take fnl n... i, we Deed Dot ~A" I wO,rd . If••. ft · tid n t " .. 1 J

-= ~fqNi1R~C;o: m:, .'



,oil.,.. to

110pe'0I re!til_i.1E \11. bllahb. ,em &hI! Htll' inl", Oft S\!ip board. lW'O iii~. ou l l,om 'Nllw 'Yolfk' i being on"bll I~ltarn A,feweven-. ., t ' " " >.

!,;. ::ao . lIUa' c; dt:~}lll,. ., Sl:~'



of the (ulli,e



tu Ihe "llIlfle I'IIlrtied '01 elthp.f While III ~ ""ft of bll. de ' u,..IIH lhi ".-;' 1..1.." "f. lh ,.,..."


on Best .Q1WitJ 1

, ..-




~. .,.~~. ,,~ 1ft


1.,.I\ft.... ··

E. 1':. THo.TOS, Ih. frt'll 1I11b A.l,olo,l.t, CllirYcJYlnt .nd' PI~eo...Irlei.n. who h.. IIIOIII.b.d lh. HIIO· I,ifte ela~e. or tbe Old ,World. hili now I~ located herllell at HulLl(lD. N.Y, IIhd_me Thurnlulf p,IatI4!88U ail'lh . w»otlerM pO"Y. 'ere ~r'.;:cund Mighl. liB 'to en.hl" .lier tl' ImDII,t lIuuwl ..iJlte of the irelteet IInll nr lMAnA.R

Tb. , &••~ la~..


in IO~ memory:


..... , Tile..

'" . JO~IO Yarr&,_e!.


* mP,Qes! ~W'l ~~toh , one ~d to look a. . 81i6~ngtbt& sbeep owtureia

. 0.


'l'h. (~y, ~fr1~ , w~ mdc~ ~- 8tr~ OD~' (elt ' ~~ ~ba~~ee , km·of• i,ad. ,t~cJted ~~~ulaf.,~~Dr briJHl~~lt,b, ~D!e to ~e tion, ~ing the lateet sen""OA I amid tb~ lipom of .or~.,~a care,. . 1 ' 1- be ID ....p rd d U hte in that llW~~ ,t .. C9m g TfIrY',1'" - anll ·the .b u , en soome ' g , rular, (rom balD" 80 proltnar~d tfe8UDOY boars of joys it h!Ulreftned . OIl. IThe dl~pl.j f aDd inteDsift~ ead tee,ling ~f del' ~ U -II h wu '~OJ ~.O(,.i.liort-l;aom , ~t f.l .. th~ ~tDl ev~p~pg 1.":1 ' • .~, baing pa1ie~arly: fine . , ;:~Il~ ~ ,t ile early ~awd., ,In. tlie,dead till. 8lieep ,we're wonde,rfUI. pal'tl~ 'Oft ~- neS8 of night. lti the broad. light of d CO\lD\ o" l thei~ ~normoqs bplk, 'at dill', ~9,m ~ ~. me and' I ~y .~~e ·9f~be. varletYJ,.Il~<\ ~, all


of our Customers and Frie to Ule Styles and Prices , _



'f \

, ; ' '





• ~~'N ........ .



For Pure Drup, Medicines,


dn~'lo,~, '.11.1"" 011 .hurl nol iclt end 10

!;;~ r~~~~~'~\0:::~~ 1i~~,e:~,~r:~~~::




I' "

'ull and plf!"I~, . W ayn,.., Iile, eepl, 26,



F .. hJO~. ··DemlUl'

I' , '07. •• 41e,'. Cel.'br'atea p.teat ~ B._


dence.• ·Mb... E. ,p ,/ rROa.TII. , p, O. ( NI~ ' . Bu~ SIll" iju4eOli, N, v" . ', . ~. 6111' I v~ ,',' , ,,- • ' 11 W ItJ 811 G. . . LJqu~) :(~. po'1~LIl" f~G) I1~W ' Or,eh 'we fulat lh/ultJlrt'fli"n'lrom ~ . .,.. , r euuM rtl I~ye,tilrmeili' of p~lenl I ~I.. diollll", "itl ill dine el~M out or ,. I"" ' ., !I.e:; 1)111, be ,right • • ·It· II! Coyer 19 y..." hft "uhde.lul' rlt·.lbi :l, I ... '"" .t ~illlC. I inir"dueell mldlcille. Ihe VuI . . ClIOIIII.. tt Inti ptr"l0....e to lilY lady ·",,,rln: ttTI ,UI .LIIU .....T, f O 'he publlr, ,I h.d nil Ih. D .. "I .. ", ~1~ip'l. _klrt will b. f~,..I., IllUlle, til Idurt jde il.1O Ilell II I.. r 1I"le : " ""Cnd p.rlleul, . ~ 1.1 II' ,Ullruwdel ; _ . - i ·"ith n Il'w drUjJui .. 1ot lull "oreke,·,.,r. IIl iell, o~erl', c."ial! ~p.,... c~ thrllill;.U" I mall 'ilection of , 1/.1 ellIlIlU" Pd ' cl.\If~ b· i......· 1'01 eli.ltll, IlIr· prutnu 10111, tlkin, II wilh tlrlt~1 'f'llIel'ncp r bu' and 1I •.•u. e Dr'III". I,. the !lkltl ein lot fol/v~~~ , ne~..,o. , ,ve '\yere 0 , . " tbls ocooa1on to e,x presa 'our t~Bnkll mC!ng 811 of Oll( .~II'JinlJ and(l~p'lIl". AU H(\III th .. m 10 I~' It n;' one ,hnyo 'I, lind '11 toil whrli ·\U Olr to uceup, I 1111111 pllr.e" n9ia~~.. ~ .at "!fc hl\d flO pIce ~ tbl~~lln ~~r ' thc!, ' :~njoymlJl1t ' ' t~at setenaqe thore, there II one' ,!,ort< p,ollh,ul~ ~In,.d II 'dld no', do ·.11 I on my pamr'''''', Dyes! .. ~e"y .. lid oonyehlelltl, 88. I Iilk or ..the "wool business" so n~~ Da,V~I\i uJi'orde!j ns~ f" Lqv~'8 ql.idin!l' ·' was tblln IInotlter ror !~I1. nry wo",. 'J& I" no cille IU,"1l p.y fur It. In .0Ule · , Good 1111 dree~ ft ll iltY .. tulble 'lllslll, hll erlittMr. Arllll.ur. l~ rldl md °l~hen "nd ....chil ; wu or Ihrf'e boUlell ,we',e liken 011 ' ; The Aiilplay of bogs plainly jwtn- 'ewQU'l.'s'lf tf'et·y s ung and cxcellenfly d -A1eo, • '. AllO"l:le~, 0(.... ' 11110; ';01 ' fuolld Ih, aoV l il1l1'lo Illtioll lk\I' • ~ . . .... " !?n I' oyar I,I! "" II. ""lIla - Al II, peNulI" prtle," , 1 )\,HM" IIy mMII" JOC~.. A latty h.vllli ellj.,yed· tI.e pleltlJlt,l ced the importance our ogrlcultur- performed" The words. touching relu', lin honored bov.~hold word TIl\' IIo"l/ght ~Iy, !I lid Ihll w~,ul" b, .~ herl .., • Ii " 'e•.,., eo!,g eh IBI\Ce 1)1 ', ls~ ,aUa ~. to tpo bl si~ess. lIr nrld ' bcautiful ' 08 they m.e, never puhlie know him Ind co06d" in him.- th~y ~puld l8e .~ l '."~ ' Du ' 11 kuf'W 01)' . l. "', - <\ _ "ii' , ~1IiP.'!C 'I"el .prlll(:t.~ U f l i.. .~ h ' ), I,1 TI ' " . ~ La I I " \, " me.alClllr W.II 110 lI\1m~"g\ . 'I about Iwo n wtft ne,pr .,enl'l ...,\lr )l!'~-r ~ IIircu 'foAI~ty.· IL~. seell!!3 d ~o sad and swee t ns they did lere are •• pareD w 10 ?\'I . IIIIIt mClnlhe' I bt'g~ 1\ tQ rOI'.e"e ,d'en"M'moro LAM PSt . LANTERNS. willi. \, ,,~ . lh ~lr. ~'" rill crsJ pens of hogs of Il cross. that nigllt. 1 cq u1d ' not r01'bear ch.IJdlrt'n, ~~d "t'ek to .11l'lf .&e;der Llnhnenl, . • bm' calling it m, nludlllc FllUl T.J AM, - OlG"A ,'bllll~!n, III YOllllg ,Idlt'l tilt, lit t6e Clioster white and UecestersUire. ., . . ml?(. 10' .IIIIP ~ltue, lin pure. n re- Llnimp"t. who had reluped ,to II~fI • re. OHOICE BRAND~., fillperiuf tu .. . , . .. venture tho request fur their repeti. who WIll not be ""!CPr tn Bet lif'll't whlll) I ler, 1\ at tlorl, alort'. N.,w . , f . 'J'IIC;J will \\' J bend 0' brrl",llike ~ Powe~ H;tU abounded m till ~1Dd8 tion. wbich was ,\'ory .kilitU.r grnnted. "'l'u. CUIL"Jl~'1 lI',lUfl" 'j',... priee of m, .o'a l". Ire millions or bullies. Fl'N E· CUT TOBACCOES, &C/., &~. lIlllac ll! ·. ;rlllJ:, ,but \\'\\1'1' p,resrne Iqeir ": or PMIIcp~ery; and a numl>cr ~f J?a- Tbe singers "will pardon me for sny- th" D~W m~lIIlDa WIll be ,.ar. a.1I flit c u h •.. I W'nfallt Il IlIp~flor :~c, It'd, ,flr\·fll)" .h~pe \\ lorn thrtf I Q,l I.inea and epgipclI were in] ,b \lIIY " FI". oopieR will nv aeUt.,f., _6. '. ... othe r m .. "' fur the I'ure nf Crour, (;iP 00 10 ,b. N.w D,ulf 810r.f'. tOllr "rdln." .lIltlll will line br~n tl,fOt ·' . tbnt ~~e Becon(l performance of ~ ""m ,Ie n.mb..r wm be mlliled br rriIOlN. DUt.>lIt"'" Colic, Vumllilla. \ , ' J . N'EAL. "Iide II lIa.. re •• , "Ioe It;)Orl are "11'~ blaat-.-one of whlcb, .. 8uda\' ,Sor. ", "':"a eV'nn Detter tbl\u the d hi' L " f SpUlIl1 11.,,1 S ... aicklle.. "".U Illtern-I --_.__ .. _ - - " - - _._. _ ....,,L ·· ' (11,' bl .• I I ' .• IIIt.'ad ••Alh. ~ "'~ '"" " , " " lb. _Itor... ,- Illnll1' on rellfup 0 ' • .. WI uUU e l4Iu '. tI ' "" , ghtlm ) ~m, by ' Bro ell~ ~bertl , It w~ all ·encbnnt,\ng. and 10 e....lI. AMnl" bllD "I PhU.4Itlphi•. ~1I'nnd! . h~. ~efr"ctl, IlInoee", to lake .I.; ' . '\.J,J'.J Ire' " dt doubl. '~1I~" ~JC~., ~a. speelt}lfy " .otlcc<t. . " nia(\d; ba think of the ' Bymphouies .. ",It",rRftlty , eee e~ch 0_111 \ W. will lIod 'b, Bap,.... or ol"",wil ft; (or doiibl.rro,e,ed: P~ ":-, • Th" \ .' . th t k " -- - - - ,.n(~ I 100011111.-lInu I'xlernnll, • I " ., tllI' m froln wrarlnll wblo Gfl e racmg on e rac 1!a, Ill,1P- wbich we hope to henr In heuvcn..PEC."L 1I0T11'1a..... Rbpillnad_m Hreolache lIu .. p. P,osted ortler..d, 1I00ure , packed ; . eGG 8t.>w· d !t'-. ... -.:. th t th to th ' , , _ . ' . ' ing MIOIJit .. Uher Wheel" &. Wllion ""'n ItOl)flll, ·.'nit'l, .... c. I till t erb ,end ~w e VIUI lIong 0 But thal'o we, sh0.11 hoar no more sad "'e,pl. Rrul@r'.llp,al" •. old80f"'."'I!I811,(1' G 'OL . · d l · ' PII' I)Dplr. Elliptic i. lIre" 4ft .><I J b'th t d' eorl! lIo,oat. &11 ' &0 Bold b, .11 lb. 0' '0.,,, ... f.·I!» In, perlO III.n ng . ' 111 rtco.· 1IpmclOU'1I amp I ea re SUffoun 109 or sorrowful strains "'or there we IIARCBlWQ ON, n ' D" . III! belor. II.. Fir., of Jallu",., lJe~t Lbo wnll all '.tll.. ... IIDd II In v~r. " Ibe · . ' 'a ni" ' d d ,. " to . ' rn,l.'la"" rpol 66 Cortl.Jadl Iltret\\ ...~ ' . . " tId.,.... b PaRilIon !I_II"lnll... . , It, JVllo ~IT ly8.~ ; ~p lD' r r,~~ JD shall all be ','homo" neyer' to wan · Consllftlly .".. ntln~ puhUe , fuOf., New Y u r k . · 66.'_ , n.m.. or Itt·.•• w IWbeer1!1era,~ .he mr 4 i'd r ,. . h F ·hlullatol. Wont the 8 i'PA.... ot the raceA " . .' llIra,uahuu. Ihe Un ited Hlbl ... tli, Bthillh '__ , .EW.YO.X OBSERVEll " • . 811ft ",f t ~ a~ I .b\e~ n~ , 'T... , der more. nnd thero w1ll be JIO more Culullie ... nd Noanil h 'Am,,,I:. and n ..ed Af.oLCOCJt'8 P090trB PLAIJ'.rBR8 • elll'" the rollo,,11I1( l"r.1 ~ 111, The Fair( "as the largest eud ft- wear'/ wa iting to call forth tllo: "ohi- 'Itlll no FLOU RISH 'Or '1;IiUMPETM Be" Sirfflg~j"g' l'/n.lrr in IW " 'oriel ~ with Jh, moo., r (&Gel) fur nat I ,a., In !n C'rln'cllln'e, , '11: "l p~~~r6~1"& ' tl Stn~ Tb ' J' " t I I I I ' . • . .d,n.,cl', . t~, 'p .r'.. et m.. ".lnC'I'lre, II _I r :' Ii nes t ever I1eld 10 1e ml. 0 clings" of' lo)'e from faitbfnleouls-- n proc .. m t. l\lct.e~~ . ll"t Olt.ll".,d .rll· Allcot'k'l PU1nui Plnte" r eeel"'e IiId w- 0 ... nd atl .., J RUft',' I t ' I--t : III" I __ Ibilft d' bllll, eomlorl ¥II ~,. ' .1:" ' • .1 t' 'b l ' ad ' cle CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE I . , I b I" . ... ' 0-1 ;i' . " q .... ' .. 11 IIIII ..... X , . un '~I ; ( J)j.' & ...llDwt nre In'''~ 9\!m rtl Y "'P.- no .more ·wrong\ or auffering. or dea- no~ fir "hllid of Ar" ' II ' f'· 'I~ 8h-r'~J,ng. l'· II J C8 ,ltnlf lorlli 'hI! . a':l,id ~1.1I r.ii\lI,. a:1~~. II'" lubectl ttl et'olln'm, en",'lIte lor J , ·W. 0'.0 ~1' ill ted;'belna about bnl,a il 11 ·th ' . " Pb," un, " J " IlInOI'1' ltoln'rlftlllnterll,,1 lo ' ..... lIlh .lId (&8) , , 811U tlb ItlI 'tllo sprlr, ' .lfltt • , , \ : , '<;'. ' .'" ~. :10, e ~om '.. e olation, tplb!fgbt, or l1.1.'Ca~. Ot , rl1lO . elae... People: o' '\tlon,,11 ~ ~\lRt" Ih, .. 1tt' .. e.. 1 circuilliou-thne', lit man, \~~- li.t;,.:..", II,"" .. P .... In.....rl • .t" '1'8;,1 .~: thftu eauln. ertfelt: ' Clty•.f\(1l01~g the l\[lIlm1 dnnni ~f\C\ gentle. nn"d true; knd l10re hearts.- ,outlbl, un.t .. .... ,. the .Im!bl. poshh'el, evip\)rtlli~1r th'lt "I~eup .' . THRBE JiU~DfR'E'D ' . ' C,t\~10:~-T" ~\tud': '.'" )(a4, Jlivu They il b.acl d b \lf'nr-4's .enllhe d b,'be l1li0 "I 'metalllc , JA)fES LULL A{ D " ~ . • . I 'dl,' tlirll 'r ,re 8 , e y There we _hnlt ling ooly the 800gs fJInd elullilc. pr"p".llon, I"d .tlmh lhe ~u. . . . '. ; ' I ' , ; i' l""f ,n.e" u". -; .d ,;. ; ~Y' un "Illill be ,.."ftmlhr ''''.,hOl CII the rfII iYM JUm.IDO~ trees. u4 being .eleva~. r j y" toll bd perfeet in every tone, , .,01 lhl. IlmOUI ''''E'hlll~ nye _ The',a III nOllal", rqlllli. In d •., ~., of . .,lter.d a. ,.... UP ..EX" h.~. ... .. oYeti~k the b8&tititul t ',-. 'ijr 0 , 0 , dl .... .d b, J. CRIBTADOB.O· 8 pl ..... f'Lto lh. Purou. ·PI..,,, 01 lIr. . '\ J. W ' B"tlle,. Dap ~ !tl.-+,I • . I ~~ ~ ,.~ ill' whicb DO JarriD. dlsaord of sap- A.,,, H..u... Ne.! Y~r" Su ! el)j~~ ' .....11" .• rl! l~. ' 8,rl"'II" .p'o!l tit• .• • ""ot\t'I ¥,~;lVeet. Tbepoard O( . d~~ polntmmhhall J e ••, mbagle:' The DrUi.r.... ' APPlledbJlilllli~f:~~ ~~.I~'lIt'l"::r~"' . . lhe ' •• ,..'. _,.:. .~... ........ m~e . ~,h"P.p~ 8eleetlon ~ : dIAldng tide Gf- I tlbuQd tb.,.poun oYer holy ~ . KI::~ nC~t~ej~b~~ 8ou' Rh,.u...... lain ....~. ~hh lhe, ......,.,. ~ 'iIIe«Ir. HooR "'''' ". " ,:.'~ this:~e focation for ' the 8~: F~f bill" from \be harpe of angels' bI8 00 . .~BO~ ~OIJT. , lu~1 de~ . 'I~. 'p.'~~.! Ihe, . • ,,~.,J drift. 0' POI' Olllc. ord~;. "" l":;'~~~i~~i~. ~ IDI '.".. 11.. a•• elr"'an (r••• , .for leveral yean, ' Fofty-two , II under-current 'o( wronget\ '(eellag, ~ GN·utI'~D ..." hUltlfrerrd lor ,pe:rm.nrnt ,.,~-[", P.·JuaiMoa,. . ;D., ( wblrt~ If .!!.:~ 'arrlve'la the bit.. dail f ' 11'9,_ DebUh,. Pr••A"ure 00 'Troplcal ReaiPtli ... t . q. I.' 1 ",m" - - II Jee •• tn IIIYa.c.. .. ill,. ~ · ,,,. , -/ f rom, r :,qq. DO lIigb·' ot tiltt.erneul DO, e«lhO of lad 1111 '''U''""of1.eulhllJl . F;.,.. ,. r,.rtioMllnowJelp:' ol "h... .,..,, ~' '.~n i ...... I"1 . qu~rien. ~ that al~ ,ov.~UU' 01 tU paID, In 'al1:'1,-' migbty·"'olume. Jio will for the .. _. or a.trerlfl, · ,Iuten. .I.... et ....T aN '1 P.r" Row. Ke* YIII'II. """III.": In' ato" .lte,1 li~may _'" hete. · ',.' I ! ,mOQrnhl uden..... . . ~ p1alDth:. . .1I.:f..... tq .11 who nooed ,il. fba , tleltl)' ,nler.ttle , •••, ' 'R1tf', I.. - . . ., ,"lrtIt IN IOId .1IroIt...... tI.. ' Cia tbimb ant dlle to 'dl"ii.· ., , . . Iiktd 'lnelloll. (or ,m."ln, lbe Wohe,"e' ,,!Ie( Ie 10 lie- ofIl~h'tO, th. PURE CIDU VIN EGA ~ Blat. . . nI p"fowhf!re, . ' -,rniahecl ry. ,.Boa.' J61i. " B moJU)toa.., -~ ,'WaltiDj .. srltit ' W~lcbb. w.. c~ed. 0lf o(' pl ••,.r, •••he"l. ",oo.. Thltt. w..... nW'Q tr. ........, •• pjQl ... .,..b' tlt••ol.GWII',. ...... ·KL.....A.lft Oonrtes1ee~aed ~ nO$88. ~iQ. . ever au ....1" .«telllb\ ~,~ ."hhli .~ prollt b, Ih~ t'-'~·-rA I"G.A~A•• II. &,. &II_or tie CI4t', 'r_ rell,..I......... . III ,.'fOnt. ':, y. lls~· ·.e (~lUIttbiJ60clety" m." lortg ~bU. ~iiaten to tbe ,muelc t~ere. t .'pe,leoc•• 0111 0 .Ii b, add,~....lnlf ,. I'''' VorlllltinIO'. . . ale 1I.lrhbothoota ••1111 '.r.llI •• It .to ~ ... WawB, ButtUY • CAi' • itt 1tourleh' underhls fbstertn"" alJ~le " obtooor IStl'. 1866 " " "", N ' C OHl'f~, OGDEN. .At.nIlY; "rail'!"''' Rn..,., 1II.w "n 10 Yln~' 0'" .... OWII r..~...a..-. ' 9'J Ch........ If' & 8J It''N ''' \ .I~ , . <> .ea. , .. . . o. 1a blmbet1l I, ., lie.' Yo,l!. ' Pur .. t.1o~ "If lHlJn'.'r, E, It. PIURTa. ~ ,. . , If' Y~ .'

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Dye-Sturs, Good'Pe.i-tUJllery, Bill'-Oils, Oair Restoratives,


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t'UlR .U"W.I&D *'0 D.

Hi,ht Expr.... . 1,01 .A ••• -Cipclnn.1J Exp,._• . • com ., 10.97 4. 1I . . JI. ~1 1I4 Columbal Aceotn., 6.19 P• • ; 10.01 1'••• PfttlbiwfBKpr• • • WJlITWUD .,u.." 1111 .1kI Aceo.... ' l,20 ......!Ni,bt ,Ea,,,,u, ' 4.36 ... 1I. Co lul1lb," . Aec!>mm'n, 7:47 A•• ar.' 9.64 i.. 1I. PI'tls blfr " 'ExJl'p~, CfuClnn •....r Expre. , S, Ilt P. . . t • D~ oO.\~,op. r" ¥Y. H. CLElIEIIT, ' ~rell~t. W. W oonWA flD, Sup·t. · Alllll. "'lnl. . n. CADW~; ~ , D ~r '.D.~AJ[,L'W."< & . liLt.; , 'E,'-r ;" •.•, .:.. g-t' -. ,& "' ..

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Depot" Guad Mu&et'. R. W. Octa,iu. W~tae• .,..l&a.f8eai· or Grllnd Warden. ' ' R. W .•i'. J;eO'. Lar.h. E.~a. ' Saaior GrllDd Wuden: ' ' " R W F J ' Ph'n' naG d ~.. I 1pI. ",...v • • eto_n, r"n , e"'Qrer. I .~ R. W : J no. D. CadWell. ai_inn ali. Grand Secret"r'1: ,, ' , • , _ Rev . .R. B. W.lbrldge. Toledo. Gralld Oh"I'IAl,. . .. . . ;, \VorshipCul J : D. O'OoDnor: Grand Orlllor. · _" W_ . J o,lep II OOY. ort'. 'Oio'cinn" ' , M il A", I" . .' 'Il'tleol'rAlI\ Agrrlt \V. -MIll (I It L. Rider, Cle.,eIIlDd, Beni. ~~!!!~~=~~~'!!"!"";"--!.i..!~ or G",od 'De'Roon. W. j ~eph II. Stullrt. Columb\l~. . G ' mor r't~d .DenOOD· Pllrsuanl to adjournm r . I. the \V fir· ·W. Jllool; • RaDdan, WA),nen,iIlt. (JQ~ l' ,0 erl'. D ,, ~ : " ,n l Grnn,d Tyler. n~lViII ~, ~n Stllunlltj' , Ocl; 20 lh , _,_ _ _. ___ Dl4vi. ·}t'-ur' .


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tlle"fle"n'oon ~,,8lo.n.· " l"~l Ndt, Mr. Sellerl rel,,1 liD C.S"Y flO tliat s m:pnsses it; alia it is C01I· rithmetic. di c R~OD. followtld si:dered by JllU.lly ,t o be the lJest-thc 'J'" D' 9" ' , ~ .. -II i pllrticipII e" ' I'" ti Mesus. moat 4' ,t'aticu(' ,ftO'I'i"1I .t ui·nlllnd horti" u --e ,. Cul~Il~al period,ie,81 in tLJis country. • iii ,II an" ],Ii the hbj.:;;" f A !J.~hel pdee,olll/ e l ,50 II. year, is low

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PhysicialJ8' PreBCri~~ODS

'lOOTS £lNlDl


The ii,ver Skirt ! Il' A





CA1>WALLADER & CO " , 0" TIC I I ' , , i.w'''lilRmr ••

Merchant. Tailor arM'


Ihu\tle Xachin8'1




_u. Shawu ' . ,_ '






AfIAmB, P E:" R" FUM E, " R. Y Whits' GOO-as, rA uY dO' D_',., '" . .




Dooiestic .G,.,od~~; ·







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------ . , 76 I . ..:i . .... .;ow ' , " I. ~ . SUPPORTKRS. ·· • 'l'h. tr'al ~C Ge~rgi 8ohroedel'. iD'dio80 D~ ted ' ror. murder '!econ4 d'e,r." io ' .8HOUL r.·JJRACES o( dlll .killing ot Wm. V. ~aml\n, at Faa . tl?#, ,,,,'I~ ... iJtn~d h•• heiln .'p""illt"" Adn,'iD': SIIO , 1f 0 ;60. I.J'O "8 .. R ~'ND ALL Tn ·i'ol'ol.... \ !-" .' . , C' I N v , ,'1 ... ,,,. or Ihtl F.,ta.... of TholUai W.-N40W"'''O'. '" r-h" '.~.~. d Ofo. "; ~r 8 .~9~.naflt. ' ~n. . ~,.llt"r» lata 'uf \\'.~I!h Co""f;.Ohio . d.e.~i"d, " ' " W' '~~. 1.1 6 H\lI~rrf ~Jf,Ilel, ~ ' d';'Cl·DPQ ,,~ ' \.,l. '-iaiicll~e exeroi8e..-:ti' ~lh"'!~.. .olUe ' 'riight.:P ..runmewrae-~b :lI'rid~ Oot. .':t!; : . . PHEBI':, M~ NF.~'NA"\ .. ' ~~IIi!~ " . ~lu,,, to, 1·~u,..6}1- ~ILY~tl '. ~ ' . Ai ' ''''8 IJII • • \ ,,' , r; - -:.T "r"' .f t~ ~f 1:;3·r.- n ~ ' I' I I, AduHlIl tltratfl1. t'¥As,~ . fill ' ••,.1 'pl •• ~ ~apbotf. inti I, . '. 'I' Tlt.-readinlf. 0\"" wat CloQtinued (or lit -t~bIlDO~,'. A~~~!..~O:.• iIDe~e~ we"! Daleti ~hl~ Oc~~r, l,~ ' lP.IIS -3I1'Sw __ ~ __ ' I·urk ..;." .i!Jl.~., lind "Poclel ,Gutl.,ry. ~~ I . ' ~n't·'orleh"trhour. , lilbpenlll'" ,ntliec"8.I !',molt or "ho~ Ihefi.~.l"" 'l!!.cftA,~ 8wlu , F,el·"'l·~d 1l"~1l'I1a ' DRE~·G()()~ ·; M . K' '1 y: xt .",," lUI el"b. wtire '~ "1m ntd. The...tulimony of .. few Enll,l~dh Wlllehe.; Gne Iroii' Pens .nd r. 10111 ne ~ ~ . . . " .' ,l , '. '. • ' . I PIlII"III; .8pe.tleI4,,., .I.lh perollc!'ple. on ·.EQghil~ f#ntmmllr, III "h~ werll ,lIbleDt.Iw" ,ftee,ted f~m ill.. conc~~~ , ',r~' .b}loOIII ,!Ind .Loudon ', I, ~ .! ,.tOok. G4 uW ..ufO*", . ,! , .,ill 'l0tll~ tltl~ !I. ~,~ th,e lr~11/qio~~y 'rhL ~'. ., I,;: A ~1I11 Line ,ot .'; amoll;;Jjt. iD'Ffll:',lIte;,-..'lted. l~itf!1 H A I R--- O I,L 8 i ' ' . .. . .' ,. , " -t, 'd " . ' .. d l' II d ' fore ifle :Ri If~"l)f (ht!' tpe«c\~, 'Th~t:I"'f .. , .' 1l1,,1 1'.011,. tf"'~' ~o lul&: 011 agel. : A,. ' 61 A!'D <I. :.". r lin RuTOCK"" U_ /DO 10 iii , lAIo\\ · "ut. ~n"""H~le. or 'lewelry 0 .a 4) rou~tl~i"t:" 1' .' . . . . 'i,.: 11" .,. " ""1 reml\rkl\~)l! for Lhe contli.cliD~. n"ta~e .' Fingt<-r' lti e,,~heli'i Ilt';'jc and Mu,'~si I • ': , '. '~:e ' ~~ l~in/J w.~ the~ rf1~rh.a by of the ~vi;'e'nce "::'~Jm~ or tlte" witfl9~-8'e~ InRlru"," • Mr~ee ll;' neOlliri tuihon' ''lIll'd . ..~ ii· . ' I " ;" .' ~!t.:uliw;; ~orbri,'i': I~e . 118 (h'::' p·t ~o.' direotlY' ~fI'1.l ••,IIC\,lin" . ",I:h oLh,e.r" ' }~Q' ". ~.In"k!n. W ~ 1i 11.;' iIIAd~ .IJ'~.~k R~e~d8, .' H IH ' .. . '" '' I Ii< •,• I'· ,,' • " . / ' • It · worlat"ip arraute, muOVI... "'[1 ey A well-Mlnt,ted II8tortment of the BhT . . Ihe, ii~~~·:.!D.<Cj~g;~ J8r_,. o,n ~ ... dll~ morniD~., rduroeU a inii.! "tla , rit" .4w:."&.~IIHl.Yk~llr (,Ii ~ .• , ' S E ' ,.... . ' vei'illj:lt 0 1'"00 gtlllty'i, /~ '" I "1, \ '" .., , iIIfI 1i~I\d"C',,,~'1~'1 :, ·f j "'- ' . ·foll ••00" , K".IlN ~ ....y ..... s~J.. qt ,-. 'j" " , .: '; . ,.. /.$. '" / ~"'. ' . I . . ' " • ,. "I', N .. w.e" flnlertnlnlnjl: Cllmee, Ich601 ' "" , . mlelhod ' Of'~'~""Ohl"gl!Arillllll. " '" ,"'!' ,'7' ':1 '(~. ,I 1''1\ ", 1 )1'1" OPPo,llte ..the 1L0,.1'I Bo,~~.: ',i. .C.ud;::.t' :l,\ti."tet."Aibumt. Milee" , ~chool-.,i'U , . , -Mid'.. ' 30r,," ·,tJiec'afti81i or" the .. J[1~I .. A".: ~. A coll.otioll ,o f S""w .' 11 0 to 69 ' ( ti,!,e ....", "1'~II ' I,O~ pr'elllln'l; PiOlUret Ind .p , . . d M . #i '( "'0 IJ " '. S" ·il.!; Soh I ' ~l'n.,a\, fl. , rt I Pl t'- Illfe PIce. ~''''.Y7Subject-: ·How ,~'1R1I 01,e . ~'~il o~: > ~tfl~ ,. I~IJ It . ~p o B. - - P'UBLIC 8AJ..E O~' ' . ' 'rl! e be!! IIRc~: o( 'V~·"L .P"PEB MoGUFFY'S & WILSON'S SERIES, -l 'l TellO" ' SplflliaK·''-S. ! Ii 'filloD. M.u"lcal <:li>Me,M\qnB &0. B), t ..' 0 ,. • . . -i!'I41le-eOl.fttt; & & & or the-ume. EIIER~ON, A,Il'l'~o~ of .l~I~"Ha!p. of Ja I w~ lire. 11.0, ajll'nt. for Ihe M.~?n & 0., 0.. O. JlM,QIIIUn .' . ~",' It ' .i 0 ihlen Wreath ,. "Yerry , Hllmhn O,.al1l. KnntJe, F. C. Lle"t • . , , /.\ i: • .ea."I!) .-E.... y Sqb l · ·" " " ' ' . . 'I ,,-' 1'fiere ",III be oll'ere\l at public a.le 00 Sieinlllay. ' .dlK"YI, Botl,dmlln & Grtly . ,nl._'·'l"r,m,orv ' T"""bing"- Mre. ChlD)ell. ",&0, .B OIton! " Publ11he4 b, tb. prf'",t'fI'; lin , Eme'II~J!, i~)heller & 8chmitll. Pian!'s, ,Colf~{ Eloeution .xet..f"I~Mr. I Oli.,I' DillO" cI: to. .Pril!!. ~ 1.3~; per Bat~~aal Y. fj~oY:~m~'r 17t~, . ' (,~;he I.U,I,l,", • ' !ohlill , (0Ifl~141 lind, elhe~p ).!..t S~OiES. .,. . cl"St'n 'Ali OQ Tbi. beolLooDlainil Ill .. en.ulO .... III lie I ('rnuon. ,Ihe ftIr1liellm-y e tNl . ur.... an, 0 lel~ n~ n,mell II Carefully and PrQmptly .Filled" of. Lelial1On. 1.I.m orlanl)e of JI ... ' ,, ' ' I'. ••• , . " . • • ble r!'.l eiLl1.e- beili l ' luwor Ih,an ,II"" olh.r !loUMe ;}n Ihe Well~ I in our'cornmab aohooli-Mr. Uriw- gr,atest V,,"I·'Y ,01 g~ apUIiO of a{lYJ rrWQ 'fOWN I (.TS . 0:7. W lltl''' •."Ieo, IlleUI" lur the Finklp l (J D r tt g - S tor e " , r J ~ND ," ' . , ". '.. bouk we "now or-and (or .cllool8, " "', . & L,'on S~ lhlt·lbl,hl-ne : uDl'qualed . . . off,"okhn. • 'j . . d ' < '1' .'~ '," \1 '.1' Th 0150 rect encll, frontinr OJ! Fourlh S,., FAM1L¥o .Jhthille. Cillaud lee It. \V"l'!lC!lyllle. Ohio• . G~tierlll derei8el. 'i . "', ' c~o,~,~ ~p .' \e" ,8 anf1.~UIt eu. e in Ihtl 'uwn ?f W"yh<'89 I".'" I"t~ th"Ll'banon. Ocl. J!1" d8 PO 8T _ 0 F F ICE . 0 ORNE R. --0-~ " 1'~", < t. I . ~ I. W, ' d' ''''' ,1 , pubhabe,. "IU 1\80d al"lolOlt!D .bee .. '0 propllrl, 01 Po"'11 dflceued. ' ~.Id . n m~tIC:~ ~~e'tilfl.".ioardne,!: anyone who" ap' pUel." . pruperly 1\' ill ,be <Iffi,f!red oJI ~ol!elhl!" aud . , t , . '". . • Ineel JI\ '!'t0n o ", 101) .1~e, S .. ,~tur ..y "' . __ • tn ' I~'O. pppllrll'e p ellu, .n<l eold III eueh S. IJ Noy~~.ber 1866 ,·. ..n , '1'" w. ",aft WIll lit'cure ,.berelor . Lhe .roale8t 1M7" 11~ .L ~f'8 , , ' ~ '.' • IjI, ,J''',.i. , I , ',D.IIOUPT'. )IO)i;'I'flL'I' )'till NOV&iIIBER "'~ 01 mOnAy. ' Wll.IlH IIY< Il\1V lUQI, II ' . D"VII FURM.U. Prell. pro. ~em . " ' . ' . . . . TIiIUtIl: -Oue h.1f of purch.,e mOllllY Is her(!by .I!\Yeil ~o myoid cue!tomer•• od . . _ . ,,. ••'\t •• l.'ILTON.,fi!'· ~~~'. \ '""';"TIIII 'llll~II~IQefom.blne. ~ore ~rtla. 10 be ~.Id on dllY of KNill, Ibe olflpr h~1I . friende, tbal f am .tluH lit the . • WAY N E.8 V I L IOE. .. ~ I, I' tio merl' in Il'fllry de.pJ'ltment, dum IIny in o'le year, whh 6 P" eell'(., aecured ' ~y I Mo.'c Oroe'ern'l , , " 'I I, . ' , • -; , • ,I 'f ," '- I . . I ' ,I' h I I , ' morll!'nle on the !,r"mlll"'" If!&protltfllml in SftJ1lng Moc"",,,. N);W·}(U819.~We hnve J!lst a:~cqi~- I o~hf'r perl~lh;:a 1.lIl Jluu IS t!I . • t I ' ' J . C. COLLETT, Exel?utor etc. .A';d will',lup it. "~h~p. ancl rtlain it. from·Yeltsr". Oliver Ui!i89Il"& 'CO, " III.b-l\lned. IU,II or. u.ef....' • ." ,sllcI s , Ocl .. 13,·1866. ' ~PD!la[!C'~It---'!ll!~l.'..l1/.CIIL.Jl1111-fJ0Ul.IiL.ll!l.ll<lllL.- f--- - -- -- ' I :W'ubing'ton , St~Uo~ l and ,ill".lu"ble iD a family. A,ldre"' ''.l'HU , BIlB.&I} oUI.EBUlJU'l II'HME 3 ' " BUSINE88, pop~lnr 8be~t. ni1l1sic, jl1st 'pub W. l(!n~i~J" DU';':Ior•• t, 473 Broadway.. DO:'f..i'':~'::'OI~=E:~ 'rhh'\eW'lInll bnllUlltul 8tyle of Skirt , . . N Y I" .' ~ '. 8I1B1KlBiUBH81 (1'1I1 (lnt0d'~ 1!le'<," '7. 1880.) W~II ' aWN,tled ,Mala IUrecl;. WRt'~elVlII'" ·O~io. : . " I!>'T'; or ," . . , d • The ROIUL AIII Io:hICAI'I. "ubli h d VIii,. by Ihe 011,,1' AlflRJCAlI htlTITUTB FAIR, &rltIroolli, 616 BrO#JdtlJf1!1, N, ll'. , I 1\ is our "II ' scs?1J S011fl' f " I , ------;-rr'i~ . i N V., 0" lit.. 1·1 "I.d' l6.h "r r.ft,·h mn"lh .... 111' ht'ld III N6"' ~Yil rk. Oclober. 1860, ~ f'I, lI60 Wulaitigton 8t.. BodnA. • ~ • , • '., \ .' s:! " OuR,' old Idene{, 'and oorrcaP.00" '·O,; .tII~IIC.• '-II~W ~"Ian' .. I XIJJ""" ~')l1 t, 18117. • ~ ' . J,1. , ~ I OhutnliJ 51. PA~I~. ' FI'ccdmen, poetry nnd .uiu8ic by dent, Dr. J : B. F J W AJ,itI!!R:"'-'CtrA~LU l'lv ullo·,·~ .tlrHI I'H pe r in ,hi. ' ;"11111 r, .q".. 11 It " .1 a;V..,la JQ ED" Il, Af~ 4' WilIOII, CillCiltftcdi. 1\' " '11 m-t U'fle i" I"Relit-a! .. I,, ~ lu Q"rdencrl. }'ru i, The lIit:hol,t pr~mlllllj 4'VP,; given · ror a where mRy be rnlln" a ,mil /liladl 0; \\'('1 1. ' ' . "• 1' ~~!¥!'!i"'l!'~I~',I'J.1>j.,I ". ' ,1. If ,p' :r:r , r ' l<),OlllDA.· .q~ , bfla~-l1ppol, ute,~ I Q.0!1: G"!W~n~ S~o._ llr".,.leN. ,Uee K"eJlftr' ,a ". It . Hoop '13klrt ! . BoI,lIcled Guude ; consilii II" o( Patented February 14, 1860. ~ 'U~'fwhen tJI\' i c10~ s~, f.~,~. NAIIOII"I .b It. Ch.tKc'"r. b. 1I1g "" .a ""b le I.. " . • 'l'hi." M~chlne ie ()onlt(\Kt~d on ell, tINlI, " ' . .. ',', ' ,~. 8tiiar Bej.ll'etBry:to the Sondw,oh Is-"'. In"'M. Mllryl","I. ~ .• II _ III the ~I.'" ul The ~IPIlI SjlfingA ",e ,vound with n I'" '. " , i'\\-Ill~~~ll • (1.1 (~) Q~FPA~d ,!~ blUet'S:' ,We cond'ratnlate the Con !nrl New V<>"W' , II ,0" ' 1,!""ejl<1 ~ial~~n l'ftI; '1"'" Rnl'" .... "!' lin plaCD ol "n' cnllon ceI\,I jnew prlnolple. or mech!ll1ilm, pOIIIeeal •• . "l'pe' CbJl.rt~lQg " ' . ,." , ! • . tn ,\uhhco, 110 II. I'Hltlllllu.!Iv ,1I",lrot.". 1.'I:"r erin\!) ",hii'l.-wil l nul wl'lar off ur become mIn)' rlUe IIl1d .va1u.I,hhl Impr9"1II.a;a~" ,VUlI.I{!SI'~I\II~llUl ' ''''. ' . ' . , IIn o '!, 's<lCll)'ing s~ ~mcien.t nnd .tolen, 'han ""Y 1I 1h.~ I'"'"'' OlliS cl" ... oall "tf,,~.d "I ." d t' '1 '1 . ki r '1 be W48H CAcS*ME ' n s ~iavlni been lIl(smint'd by 'he mOlt pro; '·OIIl1iltl1.\':lRnt.l1i met J rn ,tbe "TrAm' r/ , ] , ' . " B ....Iyl 1101_ AI\n 60 en. A r~R. Mlid n ';" ~ltI (" '. lin , I" \II 10 e. r m. . ~.t ~, ,found I!lIper,tl, Ind prolloullced ,t." b. ' , ret 11 companaon. on tJOJIoge, ..ib~ '. ""r ",,,,,he. I,pl' "".1 l'n'I' I'~ill .. hOI i. EO WITHOUT II'IJOJlT or lelr of ru-:inll, ' Chf\.th!~' r . , ' ! • , , ecl ..oll)' .... 'th f..... ,1< ! ." 2 n .. I. ln .olne 01 Ih" IlIld will '.Ie· e !ruod .11 Dew. . . VESTINGS, &0.. ,Simplicity and Perf6'dion OomlJirtltd / _-;--:-:-,u ' .. ..hol;.· •• 1GIlA},': Vu••:s . Sot·lt A"R l:kRr AND RAn. ' --It htll a ItnliM needle. pe,pel,dleul,,' '. '.' " ;,', 1I.:It.. Y. l'I"'''·I'II. EAI\I.Y (;'~ 'DIlIIlH rUTATU.:S ,.1.' boih p!riln and hnc,; wldeh 1. lm prepsr- aCllon mike. Ihe Lor-II or.Shuttle Slltob. n •U G Tbere '\Yilt [11..; 11••.' "nr ~ro"'n I ANI) Sf>LENnllJ 5"·1:.... cO~ulna; eo to bevo, m.~e up in a style not I Ih I I " I_ • ,'1" .Ii R11IQ!l£l\S, ~EIi:TUi .=' I'LAT.. Io:N,Q;!,A¥lNUe! , '1'1018 InVf'rolinQ cnnltJ'lnf'll' whh the urdiwhich "II III I er r p . l\or ,.,e, •• n ,' ''' ' . f lie 1\ m . ecli..w. lh hld ill W (t.i}'~le8"!i1le on ".1oU1 AC,ll:".... VI' ANTl\lI ! ' . f IIh. p...e~ "b.,,, ,. ,nae on "lJ\h lidll,,; perfOrma pert.ct leW· , n> , Til .. I",,,,,,,,u,,, ..... t til Cia," AI{~"t.., no Iru - hRry cultnt 8k Ilt thl! .d.,."lagn 0 our , . III~ on tlllIIcij.\'pt vii' 01 'I'IIa'et!IU, " , ...;. vr"'to' v ,\,'" I ,1 'purs,dIBY,' e~-~niug, ; ' October 25., to." I), ... agnine'''I. Alld "orth ,Ulre" " ........ , !"urll AILV~R' S.,al' j' Ihe bouom hoop. IIr" tb" .. 'INJ"t1 "iv , m~m.~ 1ml'l:l'llI1"1\V l.elther to tbe Aoeet " lI1 l n!lOOl" MIII"II, oW a ~, ,. f HI .nT oll, .. r I ,,,lI .. ofl"..,,', ' He i ...... 11 Ih. ~.tnC 06 IhUse IIII'd In Ihe Silver Rkl,l. lC\U II Ilpl £11Ql~~"'V W a. " ''iHeeiti~ ~a8 beld n£ .w.hic~ 'tiU :~l'~sone~'s-o · war ' arc tn~l ' .hU",! Hflir1cI'. Ihey 'rtr.~"''' fr .... 'I .ientll<f 0.)101 Ihl' ('"vl'rlnir . Of , whi.~ 1t cannut W,"N' .. fT I' wllh cOllon, ,\inen, or ellk thread.) Iro. p P tA • " . J • • Jtl '"",'1' ] .1 ted '."". • Ii' , • 1·.n ... nll.lllhe l"~J.'I .....:e'IMagl\&,"... "u.d'h •. while Ihl' IIP·P"';' onpiI - IIre coverf'd .wilh Whnn mild!' "ll. II th , .10 lIollUlt Ibe' the cq~r."t to Ih~ tlnest nuMber; or ~l\Clcot, 011 )Ion ny 111 t;, .,. len' ' ,~' . , .,;" , . , , .'New yo,k W"" .. I, N,.",'. PaI""'Myen. III , '0\11 N cu~to",e' ~Ie lIeed not lake them 1 Rav,ng neltbcl elm nor cOl wb •• ,••1ICI 'I' ' r. I' d . , ~ . . . " . : ' , "',H'C" 01 onl I",,~ ! 1:llIb .o\".,i" .r. ,,"nted h. ",,\tOll. !J 1I1I1,. r h~t vlnll once. worn I l n e , 'he Iea-t 1I0lalble , Irlctloa, I I,l, ,f un. a. e . ~" • on · e tv emper"J 'lVlUi1.f,joOUD( e ' : MI .il'Gl... "'rlen '1- 111l". chlln"etl . ' .. II> w"~r ~ny ~." 1 I1 a 1 · .", t". I ........1 r UlI ... eYur, I v ." ... 'i"p " •.~ry St.~' .III Ihe, UlI'on. .All a r our 8 k'Ir I". \Y 11.11"Ie ~I'11. ~njr ~~ smooth 18 j:lsel, end I. e,mpbl~lel , . 'ti"eir , "fi.·!'rli Ineeling, .0 h.v. 10 10 ."nd . '8h11'1~ eor~e., ,,1114", U '1t~.,lOWtr h~opi o~ III. other "018"'."""" -A(1HIII& thirt'y" t .e , emb~t;; ~re jnl ~ d )' w , ~ Sho" 1:I.1I.1\n.1 "I" .... S.I""""I.I""I 1,..tiI', Willell kln.I~ nre .dOinnjl,rod IIltd lolled. I keel' t'on8tantly on hand I .1II.Ultook 11)c excrcisea w.ere COD IIC- th.t in he lulu"; it ,will no' intetrere ftr," ."" t free. Itnd) oe el'" I,rowe" 10 geL, "l' 1:hll ~1!81 ms.ll'l lal., are ulled :n Iheir II rpqIJlre8 fllly pl'r c~nt Jr •• pow~r to \IIllt.Jj)(llbhU'(l.R l ~t. ;a: wilt.,. .. ,,-, 'v·~"r.l""r Ill'" --"Ie ' t1 Altebdiod' yo", d"h •. ' • , ,' d r ' durll bill ly t. drive it 'thad .n, olher m.cbIne In the ~. UI" ..... v """ It TBl>I'AI'ItR FBI)!, TnR£It;1I0IlTR. I couetrucU\,&, an. ,.om ~ l I~"'r AU I the good work con tin- 'th. et l.l'''l1i .. ' ," ' .:".,rr auh.,..lh .. r f.. r 18J7 . ,,'h.. r.nti t••1,611 Mild .u~.tnt\ .: ,Ih! y ne dr-Rimed to become mUfket. A i ld , I~ ' yen,. 0 .ge, eae .• ~.. tr \W!' " ~, .i",I" Of in,. "Ie'!, t;. ro ..... I)..·, l.I~. ,81)0 .....11 . ' :ra'l'''ri,te 1I1drt. " cut end madll . by MR. nODSON ~ whtll' wurk it 'I"dily, without I.tliue or rnJW7: to'i~m:Mit"," .~ , .. .:'J" \1 " b " ; .. "'''' ." ~. H' " II' " 'IC ' .· ..eceir .. ,he .,.,.,.r Iree ,rollO Ihtl hll~elli' ",;,r,,'y ~.. utlder m, elllpluy. ,whioh I w\lt In helJah .. o. 0 '._ r' !'\.J.lvoll. - .~D ~OK ... DA01I',. .. U - ii ,..,ni.~11 Ib thl' "nrt ollh" pr• ..elll 1,... , I, fl M"nu(ltl1tlred ul,l, b, Ie Skirt I II eirena'" 'I!d wonderful 1••,lIol" GoaDI.-Ea'l. DDdley ... ..u» P"" m-.Nf l 1!.tlllI "ad .ilk b.ed .-el""d Ocel "'!'. 1... 11M. .... IIe' ••,1 1[0 I~ .. I .. d WI"JM"",''''fllrill om"n,. . 'lmf' 1.\ ~ ft& 01 eonalruc\lon rend.r It a1 . .t l.~ ·trillIl' .... induced b- illdi_.&ioo. ,001- thre.. ulO"lh....d III l'IVI""tl"" fur a h-WII SO A: U 1I"rcla1 SI"" N.w York. ,.., . . - " bll' In lIf1t out of order. aDllle. GVA . . . . ~~ ,vea an d , , I"· 'd "'"CIt'! ' " . , , ., ..... . r' ";-d la.elM'al. 1 iflluJj ,alo..aeh. lind a, lorpl Ovo)' 114IG 000 ",,,,'Lh oIG ...I"III". h••" ""Pn_ T. 8.' 8PEJI.,llY; ,8Upl. (6~1, to be.1 000 GOOflS'1 "" In the mark.. TEED b, ' tbe 00-,..'1 te If" ,. eIe .11 .... Sel!>- it",. ·<!O(l the Pe""" .all'erl~tr '''nt 10 '''Y \01I....',rib~ ••• "';IIHl. 't~e h..I, .~<I d wblcll 1 will Mil ~~titr.el iOll. " ., ' f 1 I • u 1 II • 'id .... nd IIIOW It.," olla.. 1Id .,. ....... ,I.h .. whtdl FR'L"!1t\t~" P W. re!pectfullf III,'" aU tho. . . ., ~~m I '.' ' ', eo~p, ,!~n. . ,"'IO~ I , . 0 • _ r I ft •• '''_dY' lo ~.d (el \It-' ~"rlie...).to ell :. '. ~~" ::), • 1.1,. :.1 . " " '''1' ~ . W' t.. D ...... CI_" oJ•• m", ditelfe '0 ,~UIIP1y,eI! .Idtl ~. ~J mile L"" " a.. 0 ... hi> ~,.h~ n"" lor Ih ... RuaAl. A.".,c;\l!. whlrlt ~ ', . ... ' . AI LOll. JtlrAn .....~. rI ",1 ~ nd IDe ..... .:. ·\..log ' In 'pirilu,",it' df.·~1('~1 ,~o"'; }'tl)ffe I\nd 1.'.d."Ii¥ ~""i " .....lIy'...... ".~' o(rI,lh, h4'~" ON · ... d ~ IlIiU R'tll P.r.. I1··· .. L' '" II. Ll.. Iii I I {. a"tle or ,rl , e. 10 com. I lIZ.. . , ~..n6' , > .. . • d ' &.l.L.,Ullje'( .Ha OpeD' by ... t Mluot~. d,ujltit'l"p.·r."r \:Ie k,,,.., rn t"I_ ' " , y.(J ~ _ . UHIUVALLED Mllehlnf'. " ',I • I'r~IloetIIfGa»'.).li.;ia:l'cJi ; 1.Dduder- \.Uu"'CO. n """"-r . ; . • Al", I 1I1It.,I IIloek of GENTS' FUR. One tillf hoUr·'DCtioftu ........ N1SHiNG GOODtI, I~.II of wlalqh J to e.n,lble p!,fllon 10 '" or" ttil •• - .. " " '" fI " ' j-, - , -. , • , .', .IIL Mil at a rellO .. 'ble proll!. cillne Lo their ~ntl ..... lioA. ", COli ~¥ o( luihil.. 1f leD 1!lfl1 •• 11, lind SPR~·tJu, , .1"1'~I~~or", ~.atb: B,Oom. ,. ~ ' 00" p" .... ,I,e me a e.1I before. lI,I,a~ Rei i&lou~ aAd Ch~}"ble ........ Ulei Dlty'e.r ("j' . to reia:o.,e ,(h'! di~cd1l1' , ,..,. ... . "rrj"~ II,IUI (14I111.,ul1'; ." JI ~rl!!",. I,pp.'-." ( 't,' , , . 1.. ~ , kia, ,vaT ",leetIOIl"" • , 'IODa ",UI .b,e libera~11 d.. l~ ~lda. , you '1\' . t . ,. I. , " i An Et;.,y. of W~.'.III. find flltt'UClJ~I' D" "'1In&l\ ,-"llIcIwecIrc.,..,i•• ~.ill"'l ' I I rn -4hink' '0 my" ala A,.ntl W(JiIM >for, all .~.. Ie "e WI. , ~Isa ~gal.D~, ' ':., ! }, '':--:-' -:-.' I lI,r YU~"1l K .. n. A di_. . .~od .bu- I !Do eol ~Ie,.e R.... I'I or &c............" 1,",';:.1:"0 wbal lb., ,",,~ do!e f!Ir U.I&fta..'.1 .. ~.... Ap.... .... ' 110& ~ .. \" ',,_'!o. . ' f" " iT< 1\1". }:j~. \",11.0":11011, r.1 .. rY°1··' ,s,!" 1.1 _hlch ,pre .... enl, p"..,.l. &I.. _.i~,1 ,!uralu,lll '" ,, .4101, ' DI in the pI.&..ocI hop. eo- ,...., "ubJIalaed. to,.~ a ; ~ . ~ IlATa.-"E1I y-biil: receh·.ed Mftlttlel'e P~l'~~I~II, ,,:I\~ I...." to.dR" Oft • powefll, ",hh Ill~e me.~" of relief. s.;al " P I. , . /0, , ' eu~e III tlrit.. flllur.,ID, 'lb". of their pat . conn' wm be ...... , ,M,C:III(!'Qtllld . ... ."...ti~.l"'.; Ihnlol!ihlntlnlt.~ Ohlo.... 'h•• re to rrf'e a ! chafJf..,m 1fI-11." leU.r pn,.1/"". :& U ' ." ai e " .No ~.IID...ta 11M... , 4~ ..wrtme,nt ~r ~n' ~ WI+'t1 VIt .. Uilr., . 1•• will ", f... Addr_ Dr, J. SKILLIN aOUGHTON, ! ' ,' I,..., ' ro. . ELTOR ,DUDLEY BMPIU I8WIR(J.IIACBlNa ~ ftqte a 8~~'ltti9Q· G91'" , .... ;.~·,I,,\ :I",riftl .... "..' I af her pati.~1 UO"lrd ARlOcial!oD. Phil.delphl-. P ,. 'R1~i Ih~ kh','" b ~it, WI~ne""I~", 111M . • 8a.8e1 . • ie aro.dw."N. 1fo . . ' ' • •lIl ill;lu: nl.ul h\;'llll, ill Ih~1 r ill', ' .. 30. Ir-t ' , ' . qllD , y, r •• It '! ' . .' -' ' , . ' ::.. ' ~.




I'D'W IIV " 0a

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~""oJ"'..e; 1). g :3 ~ i3' ' - ~ ~ I!JI!!l!!

40 '

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~_ ... ... DRUGb"


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60 · 2 UO

N'.. O.r llbluael'f. IITlon., Sorghum . ,1 Co. 911 ~ ,111011.'

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== .; a ;r . 11::1 . : ; I " , < ':.J ,:... , ... C -'\I 8 :!. - , ~ ~'f YJ :!IT-,. .... it;; ' t:.; e!J - .

7 00

." 8 00 11 lb' •• ~ : ::





M!,I ..... ....


llla.. hel.

Polatoe'll bURhel. :pried Appl". ''f. 'It. Chickens du••m;


100 @ OO 30 J llo 6~ 000 " 0'

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Ajipl ...

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,, ~.~gl\gedinrt,lrnl






Gr."m."e"ereo'.po8UMM1"~ .


liYf' ,8\lldence of .ucce... ' .1.0 . ' Ii. I or 'opi.,. of ' IU. dl" .... I"emll Iro ... . D !m~vre Itllle of th~ blood or tlileued 1I00001eIi, b.. ·Ite. . < Dr" Turlrer Ir..u ALL CHRONJC . .1 An ... Jh..... ~o ,reat Ih~t ~e. plopri.lor II JUltilied in off'erlD' thelD u . lper,ile remedy", ai' DISEASES of Ihe L-nr•• Thruat. Llf- _C~tol!! CI.en' .ree.i ' . dlseuee Oft ...!I.!!!n~ fro_. tIM .bof~c'.I... and i, wflll"l to rel1lnol III lDone; __ er! ' lomlCh. Kldllf'J •• ,&.c. All Femal~ A .. o~, for o~ doaen .pir.h..'u · itq,.' o.r *naid ror .'be~ Blttel'lll ,ha, lall .\u perlorm .U-thlt il clllimed ror Ihela. DI 8e~ ••e. lIu.c('ealfully l,reate.d. C.~" I,!/(u~ "ill 1(. fill I at 1,1'0. Rnd lent by Dr, Mi,~bl'lr'.. Herb biLter~ are I1"'''"leed. 10 "ure nYlpep-l .. Li,er Com lala~, AI~ Inullis.are curdlally ulvited to call Dla ,! t RF:E! ~.~!C..~ f'~tloreo, 26 ~e". . .och- Feyer and A~u~, Inlermittent. Rt!mlltent elld Typhoid Fever •. Loll of APt:U"" .nd lie topiC. ~f .. ng........ !\'. h CISDI•••ch.. Nl'lfYOUa Aft'jlCIIUIII, G lI.enl D~billtJ, or 'wellao... eau.ed by 8Xt:elI,Ia. rud" ~ ' wVA.t-'IlID FRvV N , D.-IoY " .I·od ..... r 10t.II.lte~I. 01\Ioilr• •xpJ8Ur" , Cou'h~RndCold D.. t' Di nr"OIII. ' Co., \I ' D."" " ~, .III . . B .D rU .D . ' , ~<iv"'".K'.. Ito... fur rcpro(luei ng.,or cu"villg ' . a: .,. I, ...... ~uml lilli, .,0 efl 111nr bUI, Cramp , Mv pllper ClD !Ie hail at Jour POlt Of- Old'DilgUD ..... Otyp ••:" Awb·rotyp... . CarLi ·Pic. Slof\l~ch, pJle •• plHeuel of Ih~ .kln, .weh II ScrofulA. Ulce,., ele., elo. Tn ¥"n~ 1 fice free, lur &r .• of . .' '. ,rIal D,seisel Iflese Bitter ar.e· . 8U e CIJI". It II ,Iso eerill.. to ,emoVB, .1I bbltru'e- " D . _.. n.1Adt'e.Aad lionll to Ihe rellular cour .. 01 DltU'lIll1 Femelee, alld will eurf' Gree" 8Ie\a)\. . or . "E VERY M AN IS YHK AaoulTacT of hi.! pnl. r~i ng III ..... 10 onf ill!: ••• d nnt,h.,,!\, i .. Oil . Chlor08, ~"cQrrl 'CIla ur Wh Itl\l. Wom~ Compl. inl or Falling of the Wllmb, ~ •• , o"n fiortfl . Wllt" r C.,IOrA. or III,II!~ luk, wilh II", " lei of 811d th,,, prCllervf! ~ "" II" I rue "0'0 Lr1'... allying. I t\le F,i, Co"'pluioo u( ,hOll. who UlIe it·. lIut like ,,11 re-e.l'elO· - III ~ Y, t' b f h be • TE~ T. ~~'f~D t'~T. ')'8. this cl .. ,. IIhou iJ 'b,~' ueedI ~lth cautlOD by married I.dle.. AI. T.oDlo /lad Appel~- , I' e c,v ry mlln. e ore e KID", 10 r . ~ I ' It Id h II BI " d b 'II h I,' I ~r" ,,~ .t "It t()I " ~ . ' " . I -relo,. roo, zl!r. Illse lIerB nrc Ullr VI e • ' , . . , 'j " UI I. 8 Oil u ellrn all 1111 elm :o~ Ihe I'flI'1lJ)nd , .. itb v•• li.r...' I. SOl .. " lor ft, cRI. I0K',e. ' .. ilk " other p""ullir r uledi . Ih cOnlpo_ilion of fl. M,"'I r'_ Herb Bill,.. iI no •• fo~ I. cone}ilions or euccCf". Political8cono, ' 0:7 Tho. T,"d.. lilll pli~eI ., • ilh PrO) di.coull r. the p'oprieio, he. If" ",. k.n, .oow.n 'he l~ i ..g ....'.lielll •.. 'rhoy .'" cnmp,i>_.d ~rD ' 1, I i". t:,ught De ~el1. III every thfnll' else Il---r G. II ~ry . />pen I, r Fr~'" 11"1' etinn. nn~ c_III",,1I • Berdock, p'kHnftrtl~ O"I".. rl, P"'I"'~U BHr~ . ~uchu.. fl,co.. c><nl. ~ull"~. Shpperr :·' t to b .. .... . t'·Kng,·ro v. '''''It the Cdy w,lI 6ntt Ollr GnH ry ,Elm. S.,:"a(f~," •. '~'~ "R'1 1l 8\ G~p,l~n ,Root, Ju ... "". Sl'trll' Nil,... n.I ...... (;0lloVI8 •. Cllbe,b~I'l '!' p~r IIlllInlC a uelnees euucauon lit on" nl, the mo I ng,.ee. hle 1'18<'''' in New York O.n~ elulI~. l. ~r" 81',"1" ~!"I Uar'!.erry. , . . Ihe U 1'I10N 811&1".811 IN'lTrTUTK OF' CAL- wbeteln In, ~hil .'Y.y Oil /lollr. . , RI!:~D~.Rl/ ~o u "re om.elllt! "'I,th [II..... ot . ,ckne.. try O. I\thhler. Herb Biuen. Rem_~ :KtN~, GRlFFrN." Co .• locllttd fit OaBD' J , G~~\o:\' & 'tilQ .. l'h.o,ographRIl!!. ber. \'~t, it'l ~y do n' t enr.. )'oll.yonrn,on." "HI be rer,,!,, ~ed by Ih. prOl'r'~lo r. LlN.O UIO. Tuition And board , COIn btl fiS,S", ) ' , 'TOT U,o.. jl~\' y. N, Y'. • ... 1'01. B~~e ~t the Blew Drua-B'tore, Wt.!llenUle. , I.

it 11111 Minutes of the "rt , ml•Am~rican., 'f"{" cr 'lhair. J 'If ~ tf"~!l ~;lo u t''l r"il • ~ '.



\]I ~ ~ l:!ii' ~ @) ~ ~ ~ ~ 81


~r. Tucker h!,1 traveled ift. tlli. liar, or l ri~~~e (~~.:t.I • 01 oye' ....\1 are AOW pub. It~, now three ,ea,..,mee DOCTOa )('SR~1\'8 HERB.aITTxaS- ••re~ ',' 1 O~IO r~r oYe~ f"lbt y,oar.; th,. il conelu- ~:soo'l-~J"::: ...i I Ilromlu"I/J i~"oduced to Ihe public, n~ duriol Ihl, tillle Ibe!r eucce•• iii curfae ·

TO FAinums.-The R u- 'h"d nl tbllt point"~ about OtIC! A.aif tIle te' , " IIIU III ellJl4'nee. Impor ....ft~ infor.cnllUon . : which i e ad \'crtised in "ill be I~' lo .any ODe deeiring 64.4W .,' !! ' ....'iOIlI....1I1l t: ... '," "{' ' were rt:~d 8~4 &,ppro , till S I S8~e of our paper 18 offered fr ef1 ~ "'CI .. I I , g'I')1" " 'I' t,b~ee m~nthK, and it is Il very vllluaWIl', ucsvllle burke... At 1:1" On ltIo\ion" I Y" ~le llubij4 .,to,. r~nners, 'nnd all C'lrifuUIJ Corret:ud Evtrg Wtek::-I.


oicloo~~ A. M.. ' Mr~


II. W. Tile.... Coha_".

e!l--- .. ....... ••


t ,"",, ' YW Dr. Tucker IDe,. eoftaul,ed ., the J GAU.~'R~o. Gralld Kuter. . Ra,e,. 80_, WAYNESVILLf,:. Noy. a..,fi ~ • ~:r:~~~:~=.~~~~::~ R. W. Ho.ard Mathew•• a.liDalUl. ::!~: JID. 17lh, .Feb. 18th. Kay ~d, Juao ~~h~~r.1 i.~




part of' I, E, eys' building',




tion Silver Skirt




!/' W' "

.rci1ll ·








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Wtll14m .. aiUl -If.:'







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•t . . H()'''E''L '


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efK E R rl'"



,it' P&.NTZlN





;\\\\\\l!.a..rJuf, GRAY HAIR. GI


e. ".,

11 on .ie~.bt1oa or Inc~"litln•• Uria., hIS_ion, 1AI~ ,. or Ulceration of lhe 11"4. ·d D' Ir 1 ae,., ' 11".81 of p",-, . ate GJalld, Stone in the"l&t4tr ' , C.kulUl, ' Grahl 9f 111014••. Depolit, and aU dhea...., Qel bladder, ~ldQeJ" and 4ID,.",









W :I 1AKIf_I.;l:· A,.;'ing fro",

.1f~e8'" or 'IIt~~

The ' oo.,titul(o,\::o/,t'o Ift'e' ftU, ~


JII ~..r CIIt.e of till! Urlnar, ·I lrl'.' & ' , ~t'xill!inlJ ·h. tnlllllllljlr l,•• r,. ~I


Guide.. . Health \anil Beauty,

I'WIII.I:efl!II. ' IIU80 '/lI,I.iI4QII,

Jut l Publi bet!,



prl'p,"lilli"" Delicllte I onc'o',

,I "

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~. AND:B01i>Y

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Inacbt moy' II0


Ie .lf~f,K or 1M 1M'




are aoppbrte,d

lhe.e lOurCff.


f'W~1l ~~~el ntI .'crH ,!tte 11I~t.

JlE1;MOOLDB FLVII'J)EXTBA-v, cliu I. i!Ompole Of'.nllehal c;ullebl-


Juril~er; Derriea, .elllCIl!" wJIlI',PI : 'f',

Illd prep 'rt'd In "ocUo bf H. 't1'J,~ , BOLD, drolUtl.t Illd chemi.t O{~ YII.,,.' ('xperleq~e hI the ell, of PIli



*1500 PEI& Y E ,.l nl-,-·We ;,. , . , • we'n! agenls 'every lIt1re aeU


P~~i~ia~~J ' ~~ea~ .~~

t"q" "~Il Bowl'lIl 'Ma. naw \th .. Untlt'r Ind -Gi"fC{c~l'r,m ~o(o9,i~~~ I ~at.J Ind. W l\ulI,Dled 6v4\ Yen,.. ~"O\'e . f a L. t,ll'"'' ~1Q1•• · " I '\ 11', .,uop:uLf- AIfll, .nET ,T." , Qr I'~re eOlll\T.II~\ulI'I'I~. : .TIII! OaLII' mocllilieR lold In Ullilt' Sl8l1'8 fa' a"~U.t.DWAY. If. V. I lp'.Rddi/ 011. "'Rin bU.II\ or ·J'HoTO. I••• ,han ."O,' which are, fully Ill!en sell b: qlurUJ(:: ' ·AT,~:ntALS,.\'8 8re 14.adgll.r. Howe, Wheeler .. \Vils,)n, Grover .. 0" 1 f' rur I' e 11110".1111', vii : ker, Siorer ok Cu" .nd Bnchelder, Al l " ' pel .... IIII'ttl ....~"'e.1rie Vie,.,., other cbeep mDClhin(,1I lire inlringeDlenlR,



tllar.... It ,. ·. ure to offert 1Ii6 W~ hult\! menl III power,., blpplllHlt'. t"et hili pOlterllY. Oll~ It,aIi .......

pep.ll, NefYou. J).bilit~. , &c., liulv to clnata "nil ,.hj the )OWIt \ and afl'oetln .. 01 ari11peuori YPu 1'111, ohoo.. , together will, ' olhor ule(ul and volu.bllt IDlormal,ioll,Nq filling Lady or Oent'l~mln ',huuld filii ta¥lAnd1'tllelr ..erme ....'10 lh,,1'ullderaillned, ..'aiMeelv. by' rljtu~d moil a'cop,t!,. , thl. j "'f'ulitir. o;k lin Ie:aled en),eJop* free ' ; , cb6'f,e. "Addrei,' " , ". • DER'OER, BRU1"J!B, &- CO .•;. " • Ch,mllllj !l85 Ri,er el • TroOy ~ ,N.' Y. lrtr., ..;Z',


CQI18Iit~ioll', procu~""~"Iif'

, The reotler 'I1Ibtl 'be ~IVI\tO Ih~l, ....



0' I/oI'll or Iron., n d , " ., , '.,

, , IIl1e .• •".JIll" . . i lrom " N,"" , 'l'h(I~D

the r.v,r._; remove 'uperftuoue h,lr; clue - - -- - - -- - -- .Co 8unloi'll, Wlirt8, 81id Mnlel; r~new ),our 111ft! cure drunllonnelli, C/ltte,rb.


11, _!iii .,.••1.

o[ how lonl,! III ~ ndilla. i~1 plt,,'I! ~ Inlt" all.t odur, iu,ml' II Ie \n" l.. ,ICIIII. nd mure .DIC ' I J~D~ ~Dl 01 ~ .." ,. IrrelllIlheni ~ 1'U 1, ntl~

, It tuohe. hOI. to ,juno" ',Ta 'e-,f.,lmple., ):\,9)ch •• / MOlh Palchep, 10 9! . \l'1I'/I;t~1 Uh 'I elle '~O; ow to on~m'l the i '~d c/oar a. ,lIlpbutt'rj 1" .. the (u!Je.t de'!I(lIt~ent. (em.le (arm (ns prlatf80a by the ... rc clulinl lhe bU.t to,lfOW roiJrll Inll and if· the (orm ha. been loat ~y plddln" laclo; ' 01' ml!ternfty, relltorinll iuo Ill.nre thftn it. orl,inol (.. linen, B"nnel'l!l, entl beauty, 'Ii , •• oh q. how to redull' f'n lise the hlnal inJ feet; ' produce cor"nl~nr)' ur

, -: - /'''', ; ....O'l'Oo.BAPUftl.1

t' ,

o'Ut 1M 'l'hr~e




ov . n'EVt)LVERS, RIFLES, , HA~U;FA. cTVI\EA8 ,t







lll, No. 18.



~O.t4DV:::::.TE·NEW GO OD S!

-tit-tOne Sqa.,.. 000 ..eelf, .. .. t .. o .... k.

Wile..... e ....n. arc

-CTOB ER 31, 1866.

Tanabotr a ........ I




No., 70.

ma ....BR..."'1NG.

l est thou be judg d : ome fellow who seems to tbiJ1k From tbll Iodiaoa polil JOllro.I. howeye r, ue seosi· well of the 'in stit,lltio n,":di scourse s During I..t week, aD anlmR' waa .. ,. tbreo", ICthat the saiut of \llurl'y ing. H nr him : brougb t to tllil cit, from tbe norther n .. .. one n.o Rth, world: " if thou juclU"e Get mnJ"l'ied, you n .... men, and be pari o( thi, ltale. the like U .. three IlIOllth., of whi,oil wu illl thy own will, tbou qll ick nbollt it, too! Don't wnit .. .is mOIlU". f~I' oev r before leen. ,A Ybar ago We .. .. Due 1.e.r, by that pirit wbicu the millenn ium, hO]JinO' thnt tllO airls learoed from Quarl., Colu nJn :l Iuonth., Iners\ raliable gentlem eo the saint.s to g il'!' may tnru to a n "'el , before you trust who bad seen it, tbal •• •• G III0olh,. nob a monate r ,1 ent, lind whioh re· YOlll", elf with 0 110 of' them. ., ly ...r Breathe. twee' c :,ildre u, .ort regret. wa. extaot, tbough rather too diminoh.11 Collfllln 3 1110 nth ••' }-o r tbe "an illihcd vl o ln lil; 1m . thou jl1tl~ t thy pl' tty thing YOII d bo nlongs ld Live to aurso~ muob no'ice. .. to 8 e, Sin~. )'UU lov r • th e del ighl. AboUl tb. 2'; 00 o,ut its gll idauee .- nn Rng I" wouldn 't yon-y ou brute! .. " 1 veor 0 1 th e golden IUIUm!!r IIIgh l.; middle of Lbe next moolQ i~ ~aeperl 4000 ""-,-",,, " 0l1li Cotualn 3 lIIonlh;, aright in Ne\'er in tbe l unUUt'-l' hour hll8 jUdi received, Don' t wuit Rnothe r 25 00 , llUt l'ij;ht ooncluded Ihllt it had allaiDed a growtb do Ou Ill' \t'~1 tluch flu,llnnt .hO'1'8I'1 8 Ulouth. .0 110 ? llow-t llitl very ni~M, Il,lCC, aumcle ut '0 ~ exblbit.ed, and ;'\ . " l'" , do 1l".' AI " 'u m hettV6H 'td l ,uIU }' tlowu 70 flU "'hen "he' I t..vlli are turn ing brown. \\l,. 0\\ • \0 r_.11l 11\ after a:r Specl.1 NOliee. 10 \ler ~ .. nt 0' lOr Ihe." • ' 0\1, I.I~. Broi,l ,our ",irdlet!, (r n and gay, meroy; bllt pnthwn y ot' thorns, pl~nt it 13" Loaol Notien. 12 rell i . n lino. Chaldren . in the, blnom of l'1fty ~ g n and put down tlow rs. Suppos e sbe " kIcks" you, allowr~ndered l~ un.. re ~D improp er, • magnificent ai'.ortmellt of TW!8' )' our cnnl,Iel! in youn~ JUl'-S, I.J" .. C.rll., IInl cu", dll'," five line' , It &0 ata, her •• The geberal cbartllC~I~B etl.tS, aud t he m eek sha ll dont ~'on know, you blockh .,. d"II.,. II year. in It.rh'.uwo . MOill e". , Ih"f will r.tle (ull lOun; ead, tlmt acterialiCI and fealurE'1 Qf the horse are T",ine ti pe rOff'l, Juh.rpd ercy seat, jud lTi ng r ight. thel'e i snoh a th in g ns trying ngain, Loyen, ror lh e deer 0llU' 8 II ad: aloaely bleoded wilb ,Ibo~ of Ihe 0% in FAL LAN DW INT ER eOIJSllle sl~.!II Wh n .1 po sess thi fmd thnt tho 'miooo w II having bit. this 81rAnge I wi 11 \V P8 ' "e Ill \, rieh r frown aod r.emarka ble beatl. 'r4. ':Vll en Ih e IUO\' 1l are turllin g hrO''t'n! jutlge til the churl'b , to too at n hook :mcl, run nwny, tb I'e is head and Deok are brold and heary. lI~ll(J ~I.L my.mi nd, bllt whe n it now a hunce to catch,o. bettor fl sh ? giving it tbe fierce dilpolit ion or tbe bufMee and Ilesldeoee, -------- ~ feel inadeq uute tojur1g e MlIrryi ng wont' hurt YOIl-i t won't. 'rUE FIRST falo, raLher Lha. Ih. quillt aod dooilt. BA.IIV. IIsln BI • orposit e Allhilles Pugb'" and find it be t for It' ll ow t ho button on YOllr shirt cbaract er oJ the Olt, while a mane r(lach. con8iSl in, of Black WI. patienc e and faitb, nud mend your i.>I'cech es and you; ing I have one of those interes ting nn· from Ihe forehead to lhe . Ihoulqe r. mnnn ol'S too-it wHl! and sweeping '0 Lba knell. adds to th'. imnls at DIy h011se. It onme when Goin g to got out of this subjugo.- geoeral appeara nce of ferocity it mined, clark as iJiteh, "Holm) ' 11m· . 'j'ti'e g me the ll eoos!'I ity ted cOllntr,V, and try YOlil' fortune in borna are heavy al Ihe base bll'· very brella nt the store and no cnrs runits eoull scl in mat. Mex ico 0 1' Bruzil, aro you? Well ahort, aod remark ably poli.bed, anCi n ill g'. The uOCtOl' liv cd five miles and impol't anec; it yo n will go tu \( e somobo dy with you po.inled PLAIN AND FANCY R£IIlDIC .. CE-·Wi lh Chas. Stroud, Soulh . due west, and the nurso s ix miles The eye il dull, bui. 8}1lCgel'l peak of my friend's who will lo ve am1 cru'e fOl' you. SI,eel, thlngl unuttenble-anexpre8~ion o(,1al,. clu e eu t, und wh ell I got hOllle to to,co, in the bond of whare nil othel's mlly be indilfel ' lit WAY~IR8'·U"..LE, 0 ... 0. cnt power and devlli.b nell, which t110 the bosom of my family, tllU call· of !.Ii. virtues ill his nb· to YOllr welfare. But don't go-lit '1 0SS,l mCr eS, densell milkmn n wua ~t'l\eral ~ppearance ,!f Ibe animal con· nt the n ext by thlS meallS, Ilru'mon y le't t, fOI' n. t im c. Get mllrl'ie d I /irma.. !be m.ulzle I.a bll~o~ aO,d ugly. dool'. It is it 1'nDn)' chip, that baby; J · OEL EVA NS, Thore \le,·or wa a bettel't ime, for ~he Wide uostrll argulDg Solt'el'i no color, Ilnd the length of n a large brealhPLAIN AND FANCY t aloJl~ o~n qmilify prin . w e :lI'e fill snbju gntad r eb 18 tolUg' apparat us .and.un~onqller8ble eDd~. Hologn o sausag e. Crosa? · I gues with jll ti e; it lellds 61 8 g t,her. nnd no ono wiH ('make re . raooe . The JIlW II heAVY and promlnot. Um, urn , it comme nced to -AND, 1;0' do justly nnll 1 0 I11l1l'k " nbout the 1I000ntin ess of your llT nen~, the fo .·ehead full but ralher .quare~ chnse me clown the pathw8 .y life with th,e Dh·illc Dei ng; wlll'c\robe, 01' the cOrtl'sen ess of yom' RlD'l1' AliY lP'J1lSl1II;c, y. jus t ,,·uenil luslhi, linen tmel white with charity , nnd hi lcs furn itnre. Yon cun c ut t ile wood, 'rbe depth o( Lbe Ibouldera, i ~ very great. Wn~uetvltlc. Ohio. Ihe fore lege abort and large, Ihe foot flanuel ~'el'e the hig hos t they 1111d a Inul of faults in fi . bl·othet·, or and s ho cnn ITo tho cookin g, with n. tiro~d Rod deeply olerl. But here tbe ",hicl·1 J \l'i11 mnk(' tip' ,i ll n '81Vle 11~ lur- been since .Adam built n hOllse 101' si tor; but points Ollt our OWII, null n iee li ttlo stove thnt won' t cost bO'· IDe r"4sed by ally, nnd Dlll'j!"Plller re.embi anci ceaael ·allogi'ILber'. Eve's chicken s. tORches \l.8 how to cort'cr t t hem; its m u ·h. .u"frior lu uuylhina withl,o Hlvlnll hnd fUUrlern yenra' E'xJlNienoE' Aud the eqUine cbaracl .eri.tio. begio .A pOOl' little thing is that baby : gentlen esi hns led mo.D~ to tl.te tlom. P le nty of freedw omen to wash The . body ia alight Rnd rounde~ lbe ice of lU<,dirine, ufi'·rs hi _ sp ck of a nose like a wart; hend liS plo of tl'1lth, w bere , ololely thoy receive a and iron, 1111(1 duun lip geucrn 1Jy.- eo~ered ~,o:ellllo[I.1 Service i to) lue cili:&ens of by a gl~'BY c?at of fine. Ihort b~ld ns a squash , aud 11.0 plnce t? that ability by whi ch tlJ('Y i.J CCl1 I11 0 top YOIll" whi11in O" abont beiner pOOl' half, a long 60WID/f lall nearly hltcb 0. waterf all; 0. mOlith Just B11I · disoern el"S of IiIpll'its, tenebea it c ll:l b l .~ d unrl p;·,t llHlra-ied! o b ' the g~ound. 1'IIe blo~er leg. ilre ,mootli te~l to COUle ~TUlllg:tI ll.C anel chow them to kn ow ~·n,... ",., on ),"in Sireet, llirre duori wh nt sp irit to Ollcom" Stop u riuking whisl,,' y, (\b ewing' Knd h~lIe ae thOle .of a race boree, ItULE;o, OF 'VA ltNF..s VILf.E . lIltlk. Oh, l'I'a 'kee, you suould hcal' no-o nod whnt to discou rage and, of lbe Ah.uu G ":.IE·r ·l'l;; Ollh:e, It reg. lind s moking tobacco , nnd plnyin g tile hoor.. rf'tber Ihght, but welqor med it s ing! I've .bumpe d it, ~tutfe~l m.v nlRtes the mcntn.l fncl;\U ~s of .the ('(lfl1s, nll d sllve tbe monoy thlls fool. -contra sling wilb, Iba. h"",y legll ~ Nil(ht colli promplly reepanJed 10. ---:0:fllr cap.dow~ Its thl'Oat, gl v~n It t.l)(' BOlli thllt'yi{Jlds truc oberli 1I!1,tJ: lice to it, is hl.'"-w ol'se th:llI foolish ly .s pent.--;- o l~rL hool. 01 smooth lllg II"0 n to phI,\" With, uut and <rives sileh SOllnd ~lte· tor,!ard p~rt of '}Ie jUtlrTtOI ' llt t lmt Your \\"ifi,-t hat is to be-wil l tako ' 1.1011Oa); 10 g!ll~, 100. II a ludlQrous orO.. I kerr conslllnlly on hOlltl a pplenJid 111_ ~hut li ttle ,r ed lllmp tLtnt 1001,s us i f t he \~orld clll\tlot <;ollflltc it; it loy 110 enl'c of YOlll' s:\\·ings , and fUl'nish bOlwee n.lhator Ihe IWo bru~~!I, pr,~bol\81 BOrlmenl 01 It couldn ~ hold CIIOUg~ 1 .blood to mOllns undel'\"nlll cs hUL1Iall ,o. T. " I!"" 'T 1:1 E PII ACT J CEO F wi suolll .r 11 iUl'etl1l'll with womnn 's,n!l' etion , naLl~rn Il l1ellmB·l o p..lltlake. While Lb .. k.eo p ~ ml\ ske~o rr~m ffltlltlu g, per· nnd hllm ~ n l(~nl' llill g, hut it l,cep 11IlU l'Ul'e cofi'ee to warm your frozen motlolls of Ibe forwaru SlSt8 par~ ~ f lhe bod-, 111 yc~hug like thUll.UOI·. It them ill thcir proller provin e . • untnro. t , .. . , shows a d esU'e t.o ,SWlll1t'~ j ~ fi~8ts yare .10 ... a.b., d and· I'blhnbl iog. ill ..,ioull bunch8IJ j not to lie ul'ell-PhOIlH IS 4l. I'Jlctt. Get.. mUl'1'i~d-you ospe ially, 'W1\0 ,b08' of lh.e hinder are elt~r~mel, nnd the othel' <lilY tLey droppe lD,whc r.. Nune but Iha grac... .••.• _ _ . . nl'o ill the "se l'o nn 1 )'clloW' l!lIlf" ·of ful and ,aglle. AI~oget Cut nnd Mado by l\'Jyi'ielf, down its throat und ull thllt I)\" even· ~e! II. ~I 0Lne ot 'be . 0 C .... crrul DITour 111<>01., • • • '1' IoI.t.TB ltrAL USBD. hit bcloris m, and if you ,don't, mny ~Oll wo~de rru! CUrloSltle8 to e. , f()~n~ ted th e m from going cloal' throug h ·ou 1'1' cv, to n C'lth Borne of these In the aDlmal kl11adom. Tn....; CA.B. -Omee lt· Itld fuldenc p Wl\S tho crook of its e1110w8. It . :fhe ~elll'f1t (~~~)~ed, Wbo WIll give f~'om foon tn- coot nigl;ts. ,y 1l~1 ought to freeze, i~ auame ? ataln SlrPl't. toppen its mllsie and I was hllPi)Y kcn .cl?peIlCfs '\ Cl) milch. 'II ' 03-1.Y •• " ,< t;t'l upon. the you gootl-fo f·nothl ngbutt onless erca. . " ~. W.arrnnt to give equal Salisfac:' one alHl a hnJ.f lllinute s. ' It is II cOIl(ht.~,n of the-~.!. whlle cn tlllg. tllre I B~n.ol( LYT",os ,o:t K'JiiuwoMBI-U pleasun t thing to hnvU .(L baby in. til' If takell ill U lllOOlly, , t:I"OSS 01' d e . .. tion to my best CustO,lll ntllu\y 40 YORre-for he began writ,iolf' houso -ono or y01l1" bcllync hl) kind . pul"illg cond ition of· thc mind, digcs Knapp , tho c .. ptuin of the ill flltc!cl when a boy-~illce he !:lUll Think of' ~l:e 111e lir" p)CUSIII 'CS of Il i'atllel' ill tioll i much Less p e rfect nIH! s lo,,~e r s hip E'·Clliu g St.n l·, and who pOl·iflh$Ullt l}, 'Vork ! fruill. of his in'elLec& and tHIUCAlion , ' to dishnlJ illc, trembl ing in tbe mid · thtln wh en tllken with tt c hee l'flll <lis· .c1 with tho s hip, huu not been , IAlt .~ili St .. Waj'ne ayil1e . in nc- his conlem poraries . FrOID 'ba~ date 10 uight hOUl!, . with feet. upon pos it.i nn. The Y~ry l'f\pid nlll! silel~t t,h 'e sCl'\'i oe 101' two YCI.lU, \Vllil'h J WIll hell ror leu m~p)'-'hl!.n you square Y:H'd of oil·his ---until very Ihis, Ihrou;h what an uniftrse Jli. ,,, . cloth, droppi ng l'ntin ci too (,Olllmlon IItl1 0ng Anl e n · latel,r, in cou scqn 'nee ora perpetu:ll ftgin.,io n hll. traveill d-tite II""II/\II..I. ... ~ ..&mllD ~VAorr(orEIJJl~ huy Ihe Cht!8PPSt Mrtlde 01 J.-w work, pfll"flgoric into Il till spoon hy the ·cnus, should be ~Lvoide J'~arble d, 111111 somc dreud tbat his wife lind that some ·, mllrt" ·of Iculptu - - -. o~ R.I,.If/.ct ill' wn,kmftlllikp slylE', It IItt' re in R 'poem, the 0mQo)ll ight, sowebo dy thumpi ng 011 topi c of in te rest illtrotlu ccrl nt" meals a!:c~d e nt would, buppen to him at aen. wtlnce of price. IIlId .Illilfllclion WAB· lhe deeerl, tile 'h illorica l ar-! the door, wire of .your ~OSOIl1 in u tllllt nil may pUl·tnk e . in; IIn~l it· !L The supe rstition of/'ol'e bod ing gl'Cw chivea 31MI of Englan IHUT,Y, and the Lally yelli.n~ t ill tl~ hC!t'r~.r !nu~h d,. t~a dllrk lide~r i8 OCCilsl011IlJly Illlhl} . so strong al1~ took s'ncb t~ hold on I.u re, the pOQtry of glp'1. and br~gand fresco drop8 from the eClhug . It s ged III It WIll he all the bettel". It IS the .l,ldy' s lUllld that lI er earnes t n·i IIfe-Lh , , a nice time to tbiuk of <,h'ess coats, Inot uncom mon tllut a person dining trcatic,:s fit lust gained Capt. Knl1.pP's Romau t! atory 01 Grllclao luxury and . , ·crime. lb. buriea Ilgead, l or pants, ties and white JCids. Shades , itl a plcLlsllnt ' nnd socia, b le COl11pm,)" consen t to o-ire up n sailor's life [1,- I>ompeli, DUlU. IN Viz.. WA:ile SId,t., DraWl'r_, BOI', of depoI·t ed cocktflil8~ ·whut tba f~Dcitll of 0\lr ir•• ~" . ~) comfor t, c:\I1' lit [\I'd. digest; well that whi ch, hout three .;OnI'8 ngo. POI' two years Jcwt ltt), Slt,peruJer" Pi". Pop~r Colpic miolh'e l, the rtlglo~, of Iligl\ ,a&!, what a picture of nn m'Ust 'in plnstel' wh ell enten alone :unrl the e:. .paris. Its m,o,ther . saY8 the dnflillg l s. orllcd ill some deep .study mimi nb· he led a l'e'til'C(lW'e, bllt ~ lUall monn s low lire.duk edoml .. nd plckp~.ltet~.mur- . .I. C .I. 0 lars. and ~ve'7ltkill!l illo ce I' brootl· 1Il.IU thc. necess.' itv ot.· provid ing fol' tlerl and e.l ., ce ., opemen.tB.; pedanl~ ab4 , IS tl'ol~bled With wtnd on. tbe. stom- lIlg 0'·61' e~\l'es and dl~ltppo J .aill St. Walne l1'iUe . i ll1 t~uonts, h~s fnmlly o?ll~ed hun t? l'etlll'n tf" Outjilting Line,. to b UOlor,.1 be d 1m Ira dItlon~ o.' Ge :..> dch ; It beats all the wlpd lOstru· would be long undi IDaIi1,!" gested III til e bl a ol~l !JI"otesslOn, n.nd It waR theu the luecloll allpllr1 n, of al\ Itilldi dOlle prolJlpllv A11 of which I ,,·ill Rell _18ft l r.clea of At",:a; alit!. lh. , low iignree ,ments I bave ever heul'd. I huvc stomne h, f\l\usin g disUI'I'llllgom(, lil fir.l-clu l Ilylt. . liS Y')U CUI bu)" them ill Doyloll o~ el.e- g~t to get II}) i~ the ·coW while the alltl pain ;..1Uld,. if much iUf1ulgc llt thut Ite j oined the Eveuin g Stlll'.- wide world of th.e d~ama In Spaln .~ _ __ IYh4l'e.' d ill , Tlt e Cllp,tnil~ s<:c~otlltim self tl~ ho.vo YBl n~ rcolu.H' mIlk warms j lt IIses the lJottle. I i.>ecolUo the cause o,r }l~ haB I.' : '~r 3~ PERl.~OOP]'O Sf' EOTA OLES ! pCl'mllncllt uud had s omo 100SglYlligS befol'o bls de- yean T T . .DODSO N. ,0 Pluham .,.tr (ougiU ag"~lt\l,h6 tl'ied to stop its breath the other inepum ble itljul'y to the. syst.elll. AD I!xcellpnt lII'ro rlmellt j·uot recelVe,I, pa l"tul'o, the lnst r oqlle8t that ho .lave trade. Mhoca '.1!l\t8 night, Illlt it WM no go j I rocked it •••• IU BII I£I"S. 'rlle.e nre Ihe be. made nt the office WI\8 thnt when lhp people., conduc ~ed 111e 'e}l~~~I , Qf. Woyneavillp, S~pt, 3, li,66. so hard I bl\~,IO~" oc) mi sed the stn.ys, and sent Zi""Th e Xenia Torchlight pOl'pC- tbey hen nl from the ~:lac:If!.ln Ihe market. Call In. , 'essel they lhe Oololllal O~ce. !'o'rn ~tie ,ro,b~~ it slap clear aoro s the l'~OI\l, upset .. t . tb. t . t I . Jllli6. wUllld telcgrn ph to his wife who ancient aCAdem lel-lft (ae';. ting a jnl' of p,·esel·v cs. It didn't tl ~ ,es III 18 .,lap~~ 8 we b...~ ~ • J H,·cs iu ~pringtlc)d, Ct. more .remu~abl' 'e umple of Yeflahl lly' , innlte nny nois~ th.en, o h, uo! ~ts . I hat. man IS U .~,anttl J~ko~ous/?ol . ... , o.olllbined wl~b power, in ,Oil, g,oora. I • mother S!IJS wnlt till it gets bleAch . w.ho, ~'I~~n a. 116'\ _IJlapcl ~1"11 ~. e.~ts ASTon \' Anot'T M~8S BRiDDON,-A 1100. ,For Sir Bul:,er Lyllon ~la~ been cd, (it's been vaccin ated,) and big hun jJlccl$e ly n~ uny othel bll~ \ll~SS corresp ondenl of the London Herald Col~"la enough to crawl around nnd feed on Ii.rm would hM e ~~n I8eor.~ar,~b.h"lbtell4nragl•• • .t.RR ARG IJMIJ RT. e IlI1lI Cl. l~ko l!h'ea tbis ftoCiount of A lilerary reat: comic aol1a pins. Yes. I am going to wl.lit.- ' CU'CI!f!1 stu nces, <:xb Illltt; b..tor,~al aUlbor: he haa the. <:h l!c1! s b .. Lady AUlll ey'~ Sl!cret " WAI original - edile~ 1,,0 malum e.I: b. bal , b,eoQ, Won't it be deligh tful? J obn, run alllI i;ltsgllsti~~ fC?lly Tbe lublcrib er, having IUP!llied hll eeof tll1cnt~~II~lg Iy IIl1nuuncp(! (or pu!Jli~nlion in Ibree Col~81al l.bJ!~lment witb ' a aujleriur atock IJr mlSeorala~v; lie 6,a l tr.nllate~ for the doctol' ; sis bUI> fallen in tho the n.~wspa[lci With 0. Thil I. a declJed improll8 los!! of volumes. Tilt! OlI\IIUSOrlp' wal punct. Schlll"r leri.ll. ,wl,he. 10 cal'l the D\ltnlion of adds greatly to Ibo appearancement, end slop pml, und is chokhl , II~~ "rlUall UPOD bydrofaL~Y, g of with builda po· l"~~I ~. , .. uRlly sent lo Iho publi,h er., bUI when he hal lIallrll~d tbe maDne PutM,. Ind olhera lO 'lbn ract that h. Is lugs, alit! tatoe sk in j sis has fell <lown sroirs j n 0 LODI llllt, man IS a ,cuntllo kel OilS fool tho work WIIS pt'inlt'u il oonlAinerl on Iy don, and ~erolcally trepared III mlouloClure l,...lId 'b~ ad~eD. sis hRa swallow ed the blckbn n,l mel' ; I WhO, bas 1l? mo~e f\~n~e. t.h~1I .t~ 011.1 . \ LWO ,·olumu lind Itn pages. It bad turn uf.KlDg Arlbu~ ; ;h. baa Id,eahl~ shows signs of mumps , mens les , \ plo) the "O~(\. \l~tlOU, 10 l e[CleJle ~ bleen announ ced LIIM the book was 10 mes~erlam, RDd "tablal hed Ibe GUIl~ CrollP, ",boop ing eOl1gu, small» ox' i to the Bub crtber ,ot .a\>e~, npptll.r R.~ a certain Jt\y, t\nd wben \lle 0(' Llt~r.lIne and Ar\. Perb.p ''''' other work, In the· bllbl than Ihe old Ityle of Bldin,. cbolic, dvsent I'Y, cholel'a infnntn nl, und ~u.o Rssume s th~t .1 ~(!o~)le take n bluudel' .. III <\i8cov~rell, lilat. day was \1101 IIDoe. Soon baB ~=IIIYle, and on Ihort notice. 01' some other darn th in g to let the p~jlel ~nd pay forit been more) ~plll&1'. ' 1.n nc1\ ulloe out "lmoaL at hand. \\' haL w"sto be done? anu' oerlllnl )' wheD llle QlleeD, qn ~.. , O:'r Relllnin g the lervlr.ea ,,( M,. EL' You,c an get thIS Siding only at c\octor tako away all the mpncy Ini,u ol,c,ba nty to ~he pLl bh she,l"8: The precinote of Saint Bride \\ere !tec,"io D, .el~at"d HIl,.cb .awny for my wintel" 's corn beef: and ttlO. &£IIP. ilnd othel' luperi", wo'tkmell, ,l to re~el'~ I hut man 18 .n cun.wll kel OilS fool plunged inLO conlterOftlion. Howtlver, LlI~ bonor or ~ bar~n6to,y aB a repr~aeD "lou,n,l eu ln ~ ulmo.t lotidf~ction. all of tlri s comes of my shnmp ooning who suppos es ~hnt tho bl1l1.h~a not lin hour was to be 101t, lind the tall,e of Hogheb telellce. alre ~B O:r Rugl.lie8, 0 arrlage- ,and W 8lt0oa and curlin my hail', weurin g ni ce · and pop.eyed '\\"lthdr:L~,·a l welt of ~I\ . IIwful tidings "e·re broken to Min . dyi,.d to ."Iect at Ibe lam~ h..aN end paintod in l!'o.,d IItyle. , clothes , 10~ldug hUl1usomc, gOi.I11? n nllence ' fr~m a pupe tl are .Bul: r Ill S lll'eS I~S 1Il. Brllddo n. Sloe p"u.ed .. Ii LlI., Rod w~r L,uon A8 a rl!preluUlh~1I G. HINCH MAN. • courtin g aud making a womnn h\U t ltut and lrt'etrie vnble of Ell su spen s lOu. W'JDe"lIIe~ Jul, 16. then 8~~"'ll "How long can YOIl !li:~, ~h6h h&, r .lture.-: :!ndon , ~urd. in love witb .uud marry me. Two GE&811l1K 'Q;;~Ro~;"'::'An EOI/1iah me to fill up Ihe [l00 blauk pag"" Corner Detroit and Wilier SI . ... . • r ' e i.: " "Eigltt dllYI lhe ulmos~. " "You A servaDt girl lit a I"rm h OUII i n ~D' • ••••- -Joul:n~1 '?lIche l (or Ithe truth of Ih~ fol · , hall 111\\'0 tile at . ClOP)' in good Lime." II.ntl vioioiLY of Guilford . Englan The. wOl'ld . ~ellowl1 e(~ well .of St. lu~~ng: A fa'll" .SalJo~.th8 d, dreamtc i • 01',0, while . a ihe "hole cory wa~ in Lhe hllnds ohhe ontl oi"ht Ib. KeJ·n ~ . \leur Ll$keql'~' 11\ Cornwccll, !nlnl.l " r ,\II':II8Coll<luc~ln AND COFP,EE nOlLE RS, GLUE f' public .or~"lp ublishe n (our dllYlafLerwards I And by robben a ' .lhe b~ule wa. a~&a9,k.e!l , I Englan d, "famou s fO,r Ita nlleged J)ow- l ln one o~ dIe .W~.t ~hlQl!m and. "ellln" ~I" hl~ , _ ... OIL CANS, &0" &u. d chufene 8, p k it Mist Brllddon did nol inh!rpOo 1",lch in II ,roll . where YOII cen let all "llIdl or or to .5;oni'or 1!1IP.CI;io rity ~m, t\ll.\t one, .the IPmc". wal Int~'ru buller, whe,. It wu rt"d by lh~.en· :~: a Mingle "vrd 10lhe '"o .\·olumtt, found II Ihe fe~o("T'ral ~ ' Alltbe 'Cooki, .. 'o)·r a flmll, :..t;:O of a JJewlY ·lllarl\l.ed COUP, Ie ",ho first IraflC:tI ~f II! &,oole , The uight~ !,f'er. to .-1 pa~IUI bad ~~~t .Iread y prinled "Illhlllgh Ihe novel wa~ lbe grea~ It,lrprll ss~ ml! be done willi Ke'ro'PDe 011, .co drinks ' o{· its waters, . is ill' a ~!\~t atat~ been, &,,'ell ~6t, ..ntl. lhe e of i lbe famd, alld . . ' congl'eg all~D oomp lele in ih:U; sbu .'.rl,J from tht Sarah. her.." .... .w,ll. ON , or ,0 ". witb Ie·.. .Irouble, and .L;f. , of aeglec t; the ebaune l wlneh sup- Wl',e betlioD~ , 'I It 1"1 ,ez·penitl, ' l hln ' bJ 101 J;' luitalole for putting up and finl.bill , oft' pliea the marvel olls waters \8 stop· CIJIIlUa"ce n~ .; to .~,~g, when,lblt, 1;\". I t J' .... . at~ract ed, tbe a~.teDllo n of iii N'" other fuel. .. : .lDe" _ bull~ini'" Includinj{... . , ., '. ped,· the bed of the fOlll1~ln filled ,llle prl'Ce8lor, who , 10 far forll~L him · Tbe Buff.. lo .Expre81! BAy I 'hat Mri. ~Ieh mic:le inBllur.ctured by thl. Clom ' with dry stones. Of the tlve tre~s- "If tba' be loa' the lI,ne. r~' I,a ,ulraotpecJ toporC!ltm all ~ha\ I. m oak ' three ashes and :im' elm- Bill: ee wlliela cOn~equeall, D.ufln!l , I.h\:, Ritcbill. tbe wldow. d daul!lhler of Lb.e iOI.nel lld, 1"le Gen . Wlld&wo~lh, 01 Gene~,l!e, I~ iliad ror it. .. ~. • ' ". , " '. that w~re 80 strangt lly rooted togetlt- Ihe Dlili" .r ' ted . 1 0 ODIOI tb'repo rted 10 be d ,to I}I' Dllkl! 01 . ..' ~ NOB • ..-Bend for ·Clrcullr.~ L.I.N I)~, -ef above the roor' of trle Com·l t, .bllt om.,. b@Arerjl la·put,tOq~ lh. gOOle" . Tbe l\utlaad , oPi_of I!! w.eall~I •• t peer~ 0\ t".o remalu ; tllelle are ~Ie.:elm and office" beilil ig~or" ~lIlr&l »l'O~UJl' "t~ the Tracie '>l of Ih. pr,lEoglan~. Mr•. .l\l\cb'll 0 lUI ~,,!m. tlm~ 'o ue of the !lshes. The IIacred water ellee of a 6Grujld . a,IIA1)al of tbe lpeCI~1 the gueal uf tb. ~ofll-Lle~l.nall g,,~ B~"'Co~. .' . ' . " WM. SW»1I!V. '· isstill procura llle, ·at a ntligbb oring ~ho~gh~ it WII (lliI. ·precen tor '~al ~A' . ~f lrel~nd,.aDd a'. balt ~L D.~~ln qa~ ' .Sept. I~... 106 Pelf) gl.. New . oottag , e trom the origina l spl'ill g.- rer... frtld I~ ...d laid hold of ., Y~k. " bl. Willi Ue llie ellctled aeoerallMllDiralloD. . F h Le 1 ' The fo~utn'ln itselt' i , 'WO 'are g lad to IIle iuleplio n' cU -ell c.'!t!og. hbo o'h b. ttu,c · ' 4 , MOl'T H ~Alen"l wh' 01188. . . ' .~. . ' _" _ 1 bo t to be restore d to it. roo lioo' .bio~ b, ..ould hnelii":'iol ' .', er W"I t Ie, D. . " done. Ollr lhdam e Rllton la 40 :rear,1 of ~y ~I Hell. .. It was ' ,d , IIX utll,aBL Y BaW' .t.aTI- Dand,li oo Co(!'er. Rt e Cotree, prime, Rblo' c~~rtn~: a qael Add,. .. 0 T. GAREY', Coft'ee aod Eslr.c\ or Coftf, lor.!B'Ze 1 hI .~, ara~tel'. so far 49 it is po~ai- CO'i'e~PODJiiDt laddl, b.4 'be' preceD1.or Sbe UI.ld'e 'her 6n~ .appearaDce OD tlli .• brc~ DiU,ly d t.~ of bi. reade" '''" ' . Dot maele a nowuCul relislan e£," -' 1I1IJ1'~lln., Biddeford, Hline. &. , R• .PIUn 1. Itaae In a bu1J.el whell '''0 monlha old. deeply 0IereI4 l". C ON 0 80, '" • .. . .1,01) 1 60 2. 00 2,60 &,OIJ 8.1l0 ]0,00 8.00 l li.OO 20,00 15.00



'f. T. ODS

NeYer I. hly henrt _0 gay In Ihe budding monlh o( Mav N~ver dot I it brH: 0 tU~I ~ HMlr 10 Iwul ill blonmy June· Ne •• r know •• or b "hl'pin ••11 • A. 011 .. ur h • fi ll y UI ,h i• • W I..-n OClflb r c.lnl'l.i her c:"Own. And tile 1••• 0. ar" lurnill ir brown.

Direct from New-YorkJ


L, S. RICE, M. D.





es tl·ng s,

----- --- --- -



A. JON ES, M, D., -

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DR. S, J. WAY ,


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Pat ent Mo uld ed

Wagon Shop.




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. The Lumber-Yard of

William Sweny




,md Gas ·Stoves! _

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d and "Itough Lum .


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, . !, on .Short .:N tice "':'d Ch'aap ,



Union C .. ' ,pea Co· llee, .


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.tldl,..- -.' 'roa 'nuleD ' .UldO.1

kroale l ...... bOWD " Tli' Lolld_ l-tc,. h.l. long arliel~ .ila...d ID Champ ailll OD wh.L is "1 lei, ·· eot Job.o. farm oooiialhed ~ \w.ol '. i. ,Ial PfOgre ll ... Arler DoIlC' acre••• nd t e price ."~8i" ". pe . , 01 I d rr.,llldo, ere. or 8374.000. iog hi. receplIQn~' . en


Brid,e FUDeI CouD" &lilr Vuod 1!~31t Road Fod I III CorporatiQD Fund ,444 71 FreIS 'J'urDpike }t'uDd ' J 10 SLAle Commo n Selt. Falld 1&3 It StRte MilitRry FUlld In61il.&lle Falld "10 III Bui filing Fund S 99 80 'l'owotl hip lSOh.ool FUM . 5jf


By T, •• urer'" (reo


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.•~ , Ad."rli.h,1I' Delinll".nt h.t I 20 de~. Ihe great siock IU.I!I",,.. Delinq' I: tuee ."Iuuded 1 .1"~ 39 or the Lota- Oberlin and Delrol t , It '''Y' • • 5 sa ~Quotl' i. Ibe pur('ba~r. Ord.,. r~deti"'~" 1l \10 !>4 ?<I.ta i."ma Joarnal . i. eerioul ly ill ' wilh l~ i. ,0Ulttllinll quite oow to 6nd ~he dl".ed the 'lock. gram, FRI.:E ·TUR~PIKF. 'r ;\~ES. b-obit i.. Hi. rloo"r y ii doublru l Pre id.n t of A gr'AL R~public slumpIn g implemenLe, R,uipt ,. ror . .ils lowns and vi.IIRgee ror !\O oLher purd lIe ly hatr Apaying .. iJIio~ or ........ r•. To bAlance in Trellur y lir 153 ~9 Till aver., . "eigM per day of Ihe pose Iban to denoun ce. "It~pera Rr.CE"""'. . te an Altunu er will ule It To Im'l prlncipIII lee. ~9 ...iI. pa..iDI 10lo aDd out or tbe New threalen Ibe Congre~,. wh.lch i.r;!:'~g Lila nil· inlendin g to pul there & Wil.l" e t'plk .. 11\3 19 Khow Lleenle l lion tleOl8 10 ellprea' ILl YleWI aod to bead of cAule Rt once. lq. MILITA RY FUND. ( OLOIER S' CLAll\1 .) Pf'dlerl York po.L· Om•• 'I 36 WD" ' do make ill law.. In ol~ Europ~ we hAd is to remove 10 his . Duplicate & additlonlll 89,754 17 Note. on Sale or In!'! Ohl~ Rtcript,. Oal ••• in Portlan d, who hid ] 4 .lmolL (orgolll'n Ibat ~uoh . 67 65 IhlngA we~~ trRc~ 'in Ford And Llvtn"' I~ Am't nc' from .!'r. c1nims 1.1'78 bO Iwre. bar.ed in.lbl L 6re of July lo.etiD lei dOli" here by despotl W 0 whiell be will .UI,398 I "op~n ' d 11'7850 Tolalha laooo ill 'r,reR,ury ~ ..Ut. hu 11 or the. earl1 rebtaih. I'AYIt£l' In. 8y IIUlOUllt orders ,pdfe," ! proCeleed to be no~h iDg but oes po" '- plObRbly the I",g~st • in JAS. W. ROSs Am', 'r'Pfts', ', ree,. 8 158!1 ~ 1'0 6rid an EDgli~h R~: lIT'fAN VF. fROM ARMY. ~r /I Frenc.h StRlel. He has RlnRdy m King Viotor Emanue l will make hi' Loui. yilifyin.g ·aod Charlos - Audilor War!~a~. t hrel\lelllng It. PItI'II .. lions for setting eigh~ mil of oSRI(.e Adve,lIlillll doll; I~et 19 '71 'I.~h.i~:; tn T~ea ""1 3,480 lormal .ntrT iDto tbe cily or Veoice 00 nmt'n~, l urpme. no reudo: n eti ,, ', II tllxe. rei ded of hillory , hntlge next aprillg. 2.186 48 ~ree. from StDIE' 'l'rollu ru lIer. Mr . Sulll · RI'~ (>i ved from ela" 20000 20615 Uti 7lh or No,em ber. am but io Ihe En~lR1ld Rnd F rllnee of ~~r unL's gtDi •• for denlop _ __ IIJ a~d mAD' 810181 ·'tl6. 88.600 1'7 91.398 17 IT il ••id lha, Ill. tohRccocrop in tbe dlly W8 eimply. rfga ld such fin U;llIbl· 83.6 0 011 Aging larlCo ons COUNTY FUND. lioo S8 impoeblble. .A sP ~Tedly no Eu· acope.- Pf'uiJ'i t Fprm" .'\fill lina Cull d IOIl,berD portiOJJ or Vir,ioi a i. Ihe 6 n· ropeRo 3 680 00 . RECCll"rs. AutOCrat at Rny lime e ver raled 1 u,ders rE'deemf' • To bnlan "e In trealury "'. oa aD ."r"ge . thal h.. beell nconY enient i hnd uUffinnR ~.17!r 69 IN6T1' rU'rEl F'UND. geblo repre· ·Mre. GI8d~lo ne. wilh her Am" own utln,I'd hllnds, frum relief (nnd 4 .00000 . IIDowa (or m.D1 y'.". Receip t.. lliulRlive8 of Il populnr oau e witl~ 'l!b 11II1I'I I'e.c.ued .hondrt!ds of do d., buihHlIg do 0 " Ilhen from 11'.000 uo To l..,laIlC8 in Tre",u" W Be br porll coarle alld bill .. r vt:heRlene~ willch II \he peillilenllllllllh:Y do Tbe~·W'hlli du Co. buuttt, 1,~32 92 um '\ ree. froIU !'i.chOOI Exonlln en I or on. who~ a .01 D pu Ican ~ .• tlOW Au~re,. Jobnlol l·. only du reeeived (,rOnl tillea Ibe. 'J68 86 )\flHltB all ---\lal "Iar~tr in ~bat. p\aeo Of. an \\\~gl\l' AD)' lbin" ' 0 cOAr~~. so • do . how \\r.enwe , '.0 h'Ome. 40 00 8264 30 •• " ch"" by i~ .o\\I,r, immedl alely lboroug hly ball 6plrll~d uo "dverli.inl! dellnqo ent Ii.t find IlIvlI~e, ;;;;~..!!!..!!'!!!!!.!!!..!!'!-!!"!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ - UJ M 4'7 Paymen~, .Rer ill flirll. do frum ulhl'f hila prob alily never b.l'fo,e. bee n dell~ .ouree. , 50 By urdeu redeemed 1'73 ·10 How- '1'0 BIilAUTIFV TH E COIIPt.IXJO •.- . do prill. nnd lilt. Infi,mafY "utes ~9!1 61 . d ered by III'Y mao hold,"" HOIi. Oh.rln Sumn~r Wat mante lhe 'presenc e of a eifilizet.i blgh offices In What ia there 10 Inorli'fy lnl 10" IRdy do duplicute Dnu udulLlolltil 21,\)08 '73 B le~bIRg~. RI tll have h"r lace COYl'red'' ' in Tre.,lI r, 89000 wilh (Jim· OD 111. J7' 11,•• Abe8~. Hooper . We give . Johnson Clretli~ for 8~nCer~- plea. blolch el , aud cutllneo STA'l'I J MILI'rA R"y: FUN]) , ui eruptio ns. 843,'73 cl.agbt er of JOD.tha a Malon. E:!Iq.. 967 Receip ta. t1 in olher rUlpecLI. RI well 83'. lD hll and yet how mRny lhllr. lire wlio PAYlI£l'lT8. Bottoo To b.tallce In Treuur , . 1,68400 confll88ioo Ibat be ORres noLlllng lor lhrough puro ne!(l ect. Ill' RII", Tr~n.urer·. (eu • 224 OS su.,., Ihe~ to . I,. ' "m't cOlllmuutlon collected .' 4.16~ 00 " .. I·q' &. IUU I rcl'ded di niL. When he IInnounced tblll he Uidl 't Go to tla" tl rug liJ3 Illl sto a~d Itl VII ",h- ~ rlj .i lll\' d,,1. A e monum ent. lIu been e" w~. v;epnrc d. il only (lIloou,a 4.9\)200 rM'11 r rum 2 Stlte 79 Trellur cr ged. to thIS druggis t !'l.~kll. y~u .8 omlml!nL IrU,,'. to "ole l\'\il' funel ~.o, 0 00 duun;y Funtl reG&e".~ FI.,ba. b, L. I., to Senor Ot· meet lhll Congre!ll sihgle-h ",000 00 anded IInll with LIYt;nlY K.rIIln. lotlule 0 lead. ,,"cl Ord ..."deuUle" 27."40 tiS 32.201 U ero ,.. "ea1\h1 Oaban who "a, pIur- alone we fully belieye 111M he meMnl one ounce of SImple ceflile or r~eJh lard. 814,2!1800 B.I.llce " Trt uu r, 111,113865 cler~" iD Brookly n 1•• , wioter. III wba' 'bo IIAid. In Lhat rou!{lt IIl1el r?udy Apply this.lo lit e 'f" ell eyery POOR rUND. RIght, it . . . . . rralDe is W8 "re quilo r" Rdy 10 b~II C! " e , Ihe s,lm8 lime ke~p Ule 'Rt:cl:ll"r s: I bowel~ gent., Hor. . G"e'I, hu Wrl\teD to lIr. lbe loul"o( a aenuine tla' pot. 'l'hllre is Dilen wilh RuOO('''; $ .BlolJd PIl(~. lind To balance In TI~"u.)' .8hellab ar,er t.b.t he ~binb the Repub- probabl y no, extrclJlo Dm't dllllliCile & iddilion al of viole.nce. no lllko Ihe BloM . J "rifl,r. three llmC\ ~ lloaD••m,alnoD e membllr 01 Oon,re ll mnnner of coup d·ttili. RIIIRnr. III ·fre.,ory IfDlIsient Dnc.lolil {. U8~ 60 (rClm which An · uIlY. · and you WIll btl perfeclt. IIstOIllS I •. N Y k VIRGI lUA MIL. sca. Flm'D. drew Johnaun w<luld !hril'lk if only he tid III LlIC! re~ ul~ produce .D ''If or. Recelp -t.. ' once f,,11 conl'incet.! tbaL Lc blld R sum- week hil S VR881,d. Oonl'innd b~fore .Il . ~\II'ls trell" PAnl~"'TI. To UllI'l Bi.torl. lor tbirte.D lIigMI in Nllw cie,ot 8UPI'0~t. (,C/m 15tlle Treasur er 3.&6 29 ' . . lDenL UIl:i1 A rel'fed cure " . tlftlclell. Oy 'froB.u,e,·, r," • lOS 5£1 Payme nu York. 0'" ... lin'e alld tbree night. ,in II il eKrnt'8tly to be I\oped. and ItOW, whi.:b wl.\l ,be 11\ " \'8r1 shorlllm .a\lrerli.i"K ct . l· hot 1 ,811 By order rede~mpd ll. Sol6 !l9 LJfl"q ... lid Inn nl'tled ~roo.ll 2~1; D. 21$ b .. rICeiYed net 826,91 0, perbRps 10. be .expecleel whh con6dp nct » uftmu lsT ON SEO. 16. G 0 TO TII& MOst 1'0-'L' . tile cl .."p' O,dufl ,.dullled , • ll,U614 12.071H . I 'II I .. u nA. .poD whiell. ,tat revaoue lax bu beeD tl!lI,t a~proRclllng elecllon Recelp~ s WI. tt'.ac I e.f "nu mosL ~horo'uglt BU8itjess Coli·. ~ I .... leI B~l.",c e ill Tr~ R.ury 31611111~ To 8\11" reo , frum Bille TrOll S" 3,16,& 52 IIIID R um.l), le..on. ".lId ahow hIm thaI e when '011 o. If you hnve Any . lWIDGE FUND: HUller Count)' 161 S3 he b88 ove~rRl Ilia Ilre,ngLb. In d~:bl' liS ,~ wh~re IhAL ill, iend (ur inREef:I...,S, Pri,..te Jetleul ro,," Sp,uo received trulh, Ihe peopleedn( .Ilte UllIled Stlte~ formRlion 10 the Union BII~inu, Inlli. To bnlll lice in Treaau,ry . 8J,61~ In a.yaD •• ndlc.te die atter in,~abilhy huo no,! l~bcoP~ wlLlt ('o ro h (,um .. ltl uld lumber II sr~otd allMk IUle ot CALKIN~, CtntFli'11i & Co . SOU . P.yme nu .• • of lb. "nln' Spanl.l , Oabine t aod Illy upon Ihelr I t!1'1.1t'1-· ICIII'C I'Jln. lenl lIu.':II~ ... e l t'sds ',"en ' led at Oberlin. Ohio. H .you 'pelld ' " 2'7 By o,der. redepme.l, a 326 06 I ' I 'ICing, 811\'1 lh., &b1,lID al"I, OD lh ,e,~ Rnd duplinl Ct .l'tRlo e & addltiuttll JO.13l SO JIIN1S 'r.tllllA L FUNDi PrIncip y nOI e811 auJ ACIOUS. 0 a comon"" .w ·"l\k 01 slud)' 111"re t. I. I. b IUld find d ' you '" al, .. v IhllO . luaL WulCu eg.. n un er e.."non I "& ,I l''' , (IeCl!, . 1 "ok 'ur your m'ln' Rt/:tip u. lave I.u~~n p.... re 0 u IuD. A" I' $11,'74 D~vlI. 747 Am'! ree. (rom purch'/s 10C. 29 1,68600 , t'! And it will 1.0 0 tl'runtled. '1'\1 Ihole P.l'MJ(.NTS. ~, 'ltm.D In Phllade lpbia. on the I~Velh.~vl.~ no (ear (01rt118 It'Sult. PR\' m~1I18 . Tllte dCl~iring to. lenrn T£l.III0R AP·H r. induoe. B~ Treu' reel ' 0 hi ' I b L d hi Id • 10895 d se Isty tu 1Il0ieiO r L 1e negro race 1118 By T;CBRurcrs' Ipea lr.1 1 t ~ oe e r. e 1(. 84 d hy n IIdv'g dl'linql:E'nt list • gv. eo w~ • ttlrneO Iraitor to lhem and 9& enla IIr~ l>1l~reu RurpRase 8m't pllid alul& 1'rl'nI. 1.f;69 16 ., I ,68~ 00 '4 delillq'lI & ,"xes rel'ued 246 ~6 clio,. h ••• Idel' d.aghte r·s llirer, wed. s'lilulioD 'uoder whioh Ite 10 Ihe Con · !D tiveli but, 110" 10 tho Untll'el Stalu. , 70 IV Ord.erll ,redE'E'lIttd tI.12331 8.4'7386 MINIS TERIA L FUND . (1Ilttre8t.) diD,. IUId .t tbl · •• me lbe weddio , of free and 10Yl\I Americlln people will tio V A L U A B L.J~ naID"~e RECIUP TS. .in Treftsor y 83'273 '6; JUI'yOlUl,..& ""le r. , . juslice 10 the negro anu.rem ain .raiLhful Am'l ill't 'I'll. (rom ~talc TrclOS. 911 8i COUNT !Jul.,We.ter a DaYeoporl M.ttbe wi. 10 t!leir counlry ~ RJ;L~,H' FUND. . pur l' h~d".* 190 110 Rf:ClII"I·S . . , ----AT PUBL IC !I!i.l I.E! 'he aotm., DOW io Rogland . b a. recent· '1'0 b.IHIIC!e 'In TtE'88u" , 20.31R BUJLB R-bu:JtAORM&NJ.- We do no Wiil be Bolel III RlICliol! . on 11~e premi ,ea, nm't ilurr(1\vetf by ('om'r... 81.102 01 ' Ii h.d leRtp bel".lor tuDe or '400.QOO look UpOIl Ihe laot 11.014 34 PAfWiN r-. . BU,tler is on Thursd ay ,~ovet;nber •.~, 1886. rec'u frulll Bln'le T~ert"U'llr '1 h4!r r.lher. tbe lale A. W. Jacklol i, 10 be a membe r of tlte Gell 16',613 22 By Tt:f'~lIl1r('r'lI rpc' } !Ii, nexL Congr~8e '1'.10 followiD<I l,Wal E ~lfl ' (1 Ant) P~r· ,elu·lIdell A .by Hlrloa 1'p; &b..LrioallDall&ger. ·.pecul .lor, eto, 4000 ordpr n'I,' .. m,,1I 1,1001 7 1.11)907 nl 1\ m"lter to be rl'joiceu at. , 1u our sODR1, Prop"rIOy. 10 WI I ,I;aAU . : Tfle , "llluRble J!)uplieu" 84 au STA'l'E COMM ON SCIl·L . ,FU.ND. , opinion 118 il actu.le d 100 much b .' por- lind popular '1't\vem StAnd., "it ul\i~t1 Ilt Tb; Lioooba lIo...,e aJ A .. oci~Cion 8vnal selfish ambitio '.&3028 5{1 REOEIl' T$ . u8 Ulolh'u to be A Ihe IlI'rner or ~"'in and Norlb Slree\p; !D)'lil1\)IijI~ j\ l'A Yl\1J,:IIiTS . ., W ..lilia~t,", hiaJ,e agreed to ' appro- "RrU ~r reliab'le mlln 10 ".ell ' T i l b.IRnee in Treum" '78li 46 ~I!!JI!!J \I • INIIU:!!# R po~iLion . W.),nn ville. known aK the TU' rial.' K'Jy'", . 1.000 lor lhl erecLioD ol .. IIIi~· Hil ire.a D£l'q ~i " . 1\ 72' I.·t ree. from Slate 'J'rul. P . l iirive", . to be . 10 rORe 14.0111 18 ' ''RO. ' H~lJ8&.". 11111'1 ".n,rel 10 Co. (IUld ..... ,." . .ID' .L _ _ .&0 tbe memory of Prei. the U 1\10\'1 '0 bhCAn p",l,.lo lo \ 1M •• . \ogl'lhe r OER8 ____ no.pu, S b l O b •, II & Ordcri redeemed wlLb 1'1 IS. ut \II I log'. C. . is.162 to 30166 All • 14 ,tI7'" _ '_ _. LiMoIa. ID 'ci-oOt. or ~b. Oity lIltU 9 U ' .4 of ."ch A polilioal Qllitudcr I I llt'erelo btlongi og. LUCAled in 8.luC8 in T'...."ry 11l,262 73 PArWllf'I'lI. rept!l.Gen . Grllnl [1I~l\inst whom Ire olthe businlln pAri or lownthe cell' •• ~ the .W .blll,lO Ia. COUNTY 1I0U NT\, FUND. By order. redel'illed lu; i8 inlenil'l y bOlllile 1.fl' om being h~ 101,7.0 1'7 of the pritlcipt \1 tboroull ilflHa.t. R.:C~)IP~' 6 I P ' , 1" " I, il "lilillt ed jhi' tile orop 01 dried ORn d I'd aLe r . be' d' o~ ll.1I RlIXl To blll""e" ,~,j".IImey. l:le of IrAVel·. !le_ldea III Tre8lury ' IlIg R COOlmo wu. · P.u~n:!\T~. Dal.flr-e InT,p,,"n,y . ' , . leel lhat lh,. t'06 41 a conttng ency vllr.v ant.! well-ap poinled · huu~e. Ihia .llInd Ipple•• ·....kbe~riet. .nel ol~r rrult. likely 10 occur. II I~III'I IrM,!>t'" 10 Co. (UIIO ! ...n IIi Ullin. lome meRn. CRn :ij.ECA PITUL A'FlON n bu, . inea_ And repulAli on lecond lo Ordo.. rud"rllled 10 uO wbloh 1fill be Ihipped Nort~ Car- b" 'uSfd 10 in~pire Grllnl 1.4429; RJ:Q&IP U with disgult no counlr1 hotel in the SlAtO. . UUII.J:llNq FUND. oIl "&h. P~"~\ IllIi.OIl. wilt amouo l aL tl~tl U: nion .RepubHcnu Balanc~ in 'f,realll ll' 47,63S P""Y. ~uoh a. Also. a\ Ihe l ame, lime Klllhel To :I~~~I;:;: Ind .ddltion "l to 1D0re ILlto. 111,000.000, "orth .t tbe II un(je~ Ihll Jelld 8,4~6 l8 Am't Dup ,ntl Rd,iiLioMl ' 26791 073 lind c?nlrol or Houae hold Good. &0. . Irolll lrflo.hla t aulliiolis North oYer $300,000. jl~hllclIl lind . co',"mliled to conal,ti ng of I fi'le Pillnn. ~3 StRle CI'm~rn ~(jJlOql (unll· J4~ 091 16 Bed". " B~d. . ,Views of Ihe. ,,!lIdt'AI. radICAlism, of ~ be dillg. BDreAu~. , Ctlrpel" -'--' Virgini a Militl,ry 80)1')01 lulld ~"6 2:1 :l 'ablel: ,?'Ialr~, GaDtra l Baata AIIII. Ir."I...bout Wendell Phillips ,trip.. We Inlet... , on SfCllOJl ~ 6 . depreCAte Slovee, Rlld otlltif. Lhingll perhllol 3 .3!!6 65 ""t~TI, . , 1 to X•• :, Yorl drel.,d· iD fall Mexicl n Ibe lendenc y exi. Linll' in 10018 quarter MiDi'l"riKI rund(. PrincIp al) By T,eR. ur",,· feu . s 1\ \'tell · turni.he d .Il~ IlIbIi AhlDeol. J .586 00 8505 O. . Uelq· .. Milll IoU rM'dell ' 2U62-l willi. do.eli golil me dAl1 to mt,\kll a luder or "man wlto il . ,lnl l'reIlL) ... O~. OV 80 r Cow. " Hogi. C" .. I. Wuod. Rn,d Ihy ; .... ·t lroll.f11l 10 CII. (ulld 4.0011 00 much !ike "hI Andy John'o~ was be · Garden 'fruck, lind mllny , Solllier a·.'Reliel lun·t! · In,6t7 56 If her~ by lliVfll lei fJl1 old ,I,!hilIO.IIM... , e"lo" rc~nl.. ~J olher 'hin~~. duIJiD ,.OD hi. brt•• l•• D4 rllileral ing fore 1111 138 til t-Itvntion to the l'fE'8ldcnC1l1s • 429 I~IIC~ froRl Army ' oo-Sale to bllgin :\L 9 o·chlck. 'Yhllll 51000(t , IriPUlltl, that I 81\1 dll il cO""r1 bod,r he m.lte bi, .chleve meoll is Qen., Butler~,R Rpl'rg 8.1""ce III Tre.... urr :I.Sljj /lO Coullty ('d. ollriolt1l ~n t.irel!' 16, 66S 35 '100. bOlll II,e Term. will be maue known. b, .ia. IUI, Wb~D he drove ' tbe Frenoh Ilmc Brecilitlridge,DllmocrRt TOW.NSHIJ' "f~X~:S . Puor fund. (ro", Irllh i.. !IL Ructi ull8 . 27 io tree that . H. HELLE R, RF.rI,.... .. fro. billa.a . John son WRS oli'ppeu (1'0111. 'Buihlin!{ rod (rom Irnn itmL Ilnoliolill 23 Wht-dl u ~-'--=----:-:---=---::;--;-;----, 'ro 111\'1 dup. !tilt> addh 108111 1i,:J:J4 6S Britlr. .. .. "U'iou~ 80urcu t f7 impellchmeot of the Presidl!lIt ,h,,}1 be · TT ..... ~ Ir'lnt."h tJlliellll luelioo. Thl eel,bra 'id leliDing . CA•• will be, come neoeURr, 01' (lmper . 16 ' fow!1ship IIIX" Irllll Iii t! 11'1 JiU.IIL iQII ~ 16 .ilI depend • '1l ~~ ' t.rii"- 4.iI., In lerm' of Co.~o.l>leal on tbe (ulure conduc t or (hat runoli~ RORd Inll: ff('DI IrRnsi4lll\ nuc liun s ', !3 R' . . P ..,"" Ooarta ow.IUi D, ill 1I.1I00In .. ·Coullt1. ry. GrAve a, ' Are the ch~rgel P.\T~rel"·r.o. ,. SchOollRl[ 1I'01D Ir RIt"lti nt Rliel illns I 60 aglllDsl ~ II> _ . . . H) • .JJ;.:_ 'i'r", .. u r • .. r:. • , fe.t li.'I fir ., , him, we woulu 1I0~ use lltll Inst reaort Corp'lI LKlt ~ :E t..':; ~ ...,. • IfRn,ien l .. uc ~ iotlll 9J, au .', Delq'l Li.1 O,'lr 1 10 .1t.D,o l".d,Jud ae Ran· of II wronge d. pl'()pl~ to rid them!el ves • '-I 'fp. Bounl1 - I!. . > •• Oel,"q· ~ •• •• "d I/J tU t l rel·u'j" 13-.! GIt ..... •• 203 ..,. ,01 Ol"elan d, willllpp ear'.1 IIttor· olin unjullt rull!r. ulliess he 'pe~ .. iIl18 'O,der. r. deelll ~ d 6.1137 75 6.!f471 lnllilul e (uuu ill Itj q ~ .~ t:I . . J69' . 00 1I11,.oa PDe' tide .lJd Huo. · Dan. Voor- hia hel\1I8tro~g COUF,e. Rnd aitempi ROAD tAX(O;S. Slate Mil ( u n l l t 2 , 5 s to lilI C n ,a~ IV R.c,;pll 'HI. of IadiQ .. OQ 'he otber: ' -. . l. cRrry iplo aOluRI prRolice !lhe r"~h mlla~· Speeilll por. lewied by ~'n ·C·ucil 270 98 ~ ~ g • Tu balll'ice in Trell,.. ry • urea a. 1e' but l,hrl!lliened or luntet! al. D,IOO O~ Soldit'r t' OMm. ~ rn". II> _ jIIiiI ; ' uta 60 . Briaha.. Youog 'l ~.ughter, Fannie, lL i, 10 be boped he will be 8111't dllp·. & "dditlnlllli S. ~i16'D lSi Am'L reo'J fUr Slale l.icon. e. deterre d ~ --= ~!' ; ~ ~ . " 5900 nnOA DCL UTH t . CruID lflll8iel lt' Iuttlun l . heia,ll ron,ly pre ..ld to gi,e' hefleU from lhis br III~ m~nifel tal,fon •. or Ihe li ;: ~ ~ l'j I'A ~ ' ... . 10,. w'eJth1 frilnd, lihe IniJ Ihe .. ould , po.pular WIll ~Iven In Ihe ' CAS!,iUNf'ERE~" ...,........- 23 elecllol l. of t3B9.65371 :L ~ .. YJ ...... - IV COOleDt .iOIl tbl 10lldition that ···.be Ibtl year.-L a7tca,t fr Gu.zell,. . 110.862 83 , PATMEl ITlI. . ~.- c:I ' '~ &C~~ Pll?lflNf,'" , ' T ....... r~r'. Ie., on dlll,hrate ' By '1.... ; .. "',•• (~es 2351 !lb .. h..:;0IN 1 86 S8 ..... T I · r. • holplcl ha". . . . .aDY bUlban d, al her 'f I .... 6" Tau. ,,,rU.d .IId cfelinq" lii310 T4e Boetolt 'rranscr ipl of the U III . \/ . ' __ r......r.'. "eo lro II o~ .flr •.• • n:-e. . ...,. ~oth pl"in " ,I1d ,,; which ~ ::- , ~ I Allv.rli, i"g Uelu'lJue .. I LI.t 1 ••hr··'·, • lilplor d bad wi" •." 16 At'.~rl,118I1C Tbey didn't lays: Pdneee s MurAt arrived Rl the .i lll'i n,·lilllJ" e,,\ !.i.1 lI5 47 ,I . ed Iv II"vem alls ... pinl.11 1. "" _., !l0" 70 ~ R"Rei R 0 2 Oele'"1 ~ . h ' 1oI 111111 ...... 'aln' refll"ded . 17 Ilr~II' r.d.e ... ~ 6. ~ , ~ ,alb I... ....' " •• " •. t ru," CII. lu !II"" ~I . I. (nnd 6,1U ua ~ IDIaCb • 4.emJ 0" 101:! Re'yere Houee lo ·d.t\}. in eompRnv wiLh ~' • O"d.... . , 8UI jllI.sed- ~Y . ·111 2 III" 12 ' 0398 Ob T'"II.f',1 'rolll c".:n.... .;1 10 Co, 1',1 ~ ~!.loti 10000 00 , Z • <' .Ko*- GreellJ wall nOlioed. .by a lbe Mon ~ the bloUI (lommo n IAI,r.fI I n '" r:e" i , ,-1 .... 78 T~".td (rolll d~re ijuihling Dallu. In Co, fUlid 4 .1100 • C 00 .• ~ ~ fA m.v-V !I§'" Dr, Mm117tl3 1m.lI"''',n2 ...... .~ n 1'rollll'lI fro lll Cn.· 8,Qu .l): 10 Go fund 1."32 (I2'a , ". 1\00"'....1' parler.>OD Konday morniog . 'Cloe Prineu a r. on bu wny 1.1. A'll A'IOUU lil11 ~1' ~:C1AL SC.100L TAXF,S. V ,W • . 1I0me to ' ".io ~I" to T,eM.u·r .r 0.. Slu") (unrl $1 ,0;)1 01 ~ 'J _ '#l.....s ..~ foolilll i' r"Lly I·to".rd . ' bOlel, carry. Florida . She i, lhe de~eendl RtC,tpt,. I',id l'Ldle Troll",r.. on Mlpi.le.i ul \Dt of Jo· ~ ~ Wb.on OIl1do II", ir tk~. y do'Dot1ltill .. ~ Ttl billtllt"e 1.1 Trnltt f, 2 •• 06 611 lun.d tl'rincil '\') . . IDir a carpet· b.a ill a '. iate or rull enl· "cbim Murat, King "t . ' 1.:'009 Til' n· ,. 't d p ' lic Ie. It ~ d ddh'(Q Naplea, And be 1 38.168 61 Palu , uul UII ~ 1\-1 II .. leria' ~ fUllcI (,n. l eresl) 1 t O h) O 17 cU~fu " . m~"; l1e seeJ !lot, ~ t ... 1.• ' Q I' I l.pee. aDeI.hi. hair ill ill uaual coadi· long. in Floridn . where sbe ha,long reo ~1II0U"1 paid (1""91' I'oor t· 111,1 11 .7I!li .t4 'front trQnlleQI lIucllon. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _-=-_ _ __ 1 60 P~id 0,,1 O'~ CQ'MOI1 ~\"IIOt" ji· 1000 - - 1111"'"111 paid uul 011 II , hl/S'CI .-1I11t1 'icMl 01 .l1d OeDl;irug.1i'1· He bad aided. Loui. Nllpoleon !!-.f2l 31 h", leLlled 011 ', '0,560 Paid out Oil SuMi.r,· R~h " r FUlld •• elit lUI Inell'eolaal ell'o,& to lIi.guise ber .(or life lite IUID of 20.00() rr~lJCS. or 20 1112 lO. , &,uC/uIII1,a,,1 oul (or 'fp. I'urll'*_ Paymtf ll, • $,11:17 76 hi ....1f ander • bal. for Ro.1l PurpOoIe. Ry T", .. u.. r·. (eel · nearly 84.000 ia gold. annUAlly. .. 15' 82 87210 Sr,hooIP url"".' nd ~ erl .. illg d"linqu ••" till 61.8100\1 A Full LiM or litp Curl.oral ion uelin' .nll lale. 3,34!1 h6 r,,('iled ' .11IUlo 8T TM CUI of Harri,oD lIcNea l. 1'110 Estelle Anna L ewis, a New York 011 tsuilllill,f rUII" Ord .... redeemed .' SII., Wi 1;1 fO',.a;J1 50: U8 60 V i. urelt . . .11 alolllO ry in the 'poetes s, is snid to be the roost ' Pgillie NIIIII.r)' ·rhool ·f und 3~:; IIf ......... noted .ote,n l 011 ·~.('IUII 1.0 . '3.t26 ftil &Ianr.e In Tr•• ~ u" ,(2:) n ••rd.r 01 tb. Root. 1.lDil1, h i fel (or chess.p layer in London SlIlui ..... .• C'.;'II' · . She is 1.1781)01 CORPoRATION TAXES. -on haud autl 10' ur••. IItReu,illi"'C& fro ... the arNJ trial ill lA"-no n lu~ week, bUl Judg_ erary nud a,·tedi tor Of 3,11.111 '00 .nn .... Ulll:llI-A.- .1 Rtctipt .,: Towllohil' 1I0unl, ' , 11.1108 5~ 8tlilll deeided .'bat .. fa. iD autler .merion n joururU printed there. Siale M, il." FlIlld To bllililce In T,...iu' 1 8.24 50 60 .lo' lihile ~'ulld eo'll" aL ')Ie time or lhe murder , be 172 40't djlp •• n. 'Ictllltlo'lill . " Spu,.' COrl"''''l ion rllrllOl., 138 05 • rrolD lI'llIllea . aucllon . . .Id Dot be tried ia WlrreD counI1 .- Mis& J{nte Field ' is the' nu~bor D .1l0 'lml"opcr h r..,i~d · i~1 00 .""UI)t ..fullded by lole Oppollte lh. ]tocen 1I0u.~. 20 B. '- ~nlore det.inl d hi prison, a. the classic al cri~ici ~m8 of Ristori 's ou\ .or.· Ooan1., FuntP. tor w.bla, &b. 1MI1ioi of ~ BUller coun'y pct·form nnce8, whit:h .hAve .T reI8ure r. Auditor . Clerk, ....'\n.u. appeared ~ ~~"_il_I._.O_~I 20. . 811( v~"rl. lud,e hdorDlolly in the N. Y. Pf WUM. JUdg.. Rro.. Al:Orne y. SherIII'. \ Eluate or Tbo . . . . . . . N.e"........ ~z-.... •. • . '. Coen'T .C otiintll. ionera; Oorone r, ' ,. Tbe .,...und ..... ,M OptDlOO upon &.wo poit i,n~~1 ha. h ~n aJlPl'illled Ad .. n in• • U ~ ..• . , . d i.lrAtri. of Itle": 1. 111 of ThoDl81 W: N.-.D .. 10185 u · ilchooI Ez .... inlln. Jia.lio? of lh, h ... rI.inI''"~:IIC k ,,,aed J 0&• areu ID OOO...&iOa • II" , ayl I WU the Cllile..• A• p~rp.ol,! linee f"" C -.- , B .... rt"'.OD 10WDlliip, ' n;""De ate 0 . . . . .en Pe.ce. C~lI'tAbtt!... Witnel..lj A 10.... O URI,. ·t Olil.;. d~eed.d. ~ '" B\i a nee In T,.,.D'7 .vv 10 .... ...., eail'" to ' oonllUe le U . to ". ~.HEBE A'IolR IolF.WNA1f\ Ie ooUnll. Ind: " proprl" Iio"l for Roada. R.Jl.ire . . '. Adminio Sl'ECrA lra"lS. t CORPOR em. 01 A1:ION T"Jr.ES. ~ He, ,wOuld be 'A V ' ,. . . .1 • 8lltlintst\fJ for ' Oonrt HOUle. ," Daled lal•..oclnber 10. 1886."-&U 3w . '0& O:B,tDlW 1T~1n'~ ... Jl\iL~lHllnlirm"1' pa1of'A II.lora• Ii U '\0 Lb. barg. .RIc1i,,.. .gl, \I . .r . To . .."0... 1 I..,l.d b, COGDelL 2ft IS PriDt:' . Gr,,'.1. Sl.oa. aDd Laabe r l.rj" ~ .~a. it ... 00.' I. b ._ .follr d11~ WlI,nalM .11,. ,lie 'h~ IIr pODntlr 0' lor aa.d •• COllf& Rapt..... alld • ·w.,..., eJ .hIed~ ~ , 'pectae m. ., ... redeeRltld qUint,. lor ,I'e 1/1 E. k. PJURTZ. , . 0&.tbtr nll1l'1 parllOlel! ,. v IAlp:ooper', I..iul Ul • !7•• ~ 63

0.0. D. Prentic e, editor




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It tho "Ne w CouDCil" ~ad don e IKG PL& CE .-It has bee . a 11 • • .,. 0 • n onr end cav ' l no oth er note wor . 01' to Ii t thy ' act to dem oo. 11 Ihi r oftlla •• bea ulal . upre e.",D from . 0 er a . attl) mpt s at increB . strn tc the l euef lt w& nav lLU (CO.WIlI ftAT IO.) PI!, ~& .... read h-f thel r tcTm or office Med _ne ., IDd MYe,tlaeme .. t. or p. lenr . mg the s piri t oC ente rpri se and ~ ~ in nino c._ out or ten pub · ' ba t hus far bee n to the . . . . . Uftt W4J U) BOO liD. ~ ,-iJJa ~ · O'e lic tile imp Ihey rov •• eme , be nt NI.l at Esp ,.... r'l1l in our t. bea It i, utir oyer ul 19 vil· ye.r l rece nt 1\'ot k at the jun ctio n or a '\I i' ~ Ull A. M.. la • \U ElIpre.., d h Mai n ~ince I illlrl.dueect my medlclD \}.~ ~ rui d . g~ ; nn w en we h enr tbe sug , i' ~ e, Ihe VBI I. ~ ~ 11.111•• Aewm" ges &Tt.. · l lB an ~ l.J,u J: lru" orth , '0 ehe public. I had 110 ~ ~tl'eets, betw een Cnd wal . mOl le, I:': ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A, l1li,. tl.o n-n s we hay e heQ. 10 Cuiumbul Accom., rd.-t Id,e hat rli.e ~ay it,l{ nes \ I lell It (or a.le . - l lade r' stor~ nnd "he op pos ite com er, ,,,Rh . A. III. . ,11 ) t to b , . I lew d' ••II!.'i.t •• ~d Ilorekl'I'p ers f: t . 6.119 p. ar, Id b ' I C OU n' l 11 I.• now thrl'e ,eR flllo ce DOC~OR e Pitl l"lI r, Ellp r"... a. mnn u nc lhr0 urm u.h g WOU I .llIl 10.01 P. III. ' plnc e, "'e ech o th n sect e O'lo MIS~LER'S HERB BIT TER S . . . .lInt . ion ry ef eno tbe ng h ~olln for try. pnlmmer tile " hon- man1 nf It --:i'l h II'HII e sen tim ent ,wit h ' ornL le bo ly" t'uu n W••'I"lt~JLD BO ND, l! r lucl lnce ; but : 11 dl se Jtl, t~l~oduced 10 II~e pub hc,l ftd ~urlOl! that tim,: r to b cqu nthe ... nit to a OlH HI. thei lOll hca eea 10 curl n, l' Irq'.'" Iwl rt. d ID Wh ,hfr ! m~ur et'e n ...ilnc l AGcom., 10 let Dny one have It, .:td if to b eain to s ucc as ors. In tead .tnl~ at tb~ bloud or d,.etbe..ired allcc '>.9 2 0 ' ? great Ih~' the prOprtelor I. JUltiened .Iom lch, ~ •• been of the mi ro- it did .. 01 do all I Nle "l Ellpress, III ofl'cn nl[ alale Ihem 'f35 1 d :: II 0'11 my PRmphlel, " ~8e D8P. 1 apen ific remedy ror : :-,. nglt ate thi - ql1e stio .• 11 orl,inltin!! (rom. the nbuv~ causes, Illld CullllPbu. Aceomm'n, 110 one "eed p.y ror it. 7:47 A. N. · our self at I\. 10 s, n, we con re I ble ditc lt t l.1llt form erly cn<lnng cred l\yo II willi llK to rt tund .11 muoey exIn l ome tilores p nded f?r the.RoBll or Ihre It lera. e' wou II Pltt .bur r ElI"re~ bOIl ~ll ld e 'es }' se r"ll wer m. the spri ngs and Wheels of o perl orm all that I. clllim ed ror them 9.64 • . III, Dr. M !~lrler 8 Herb BI.tt6r~ Me gU.D tha t eve ry one sbo uld be nwn " chicles, by ren onl pre8ent. . e tltle n 011 trinl . Expre untc ed to cu,e .Dy.pepela. Liver Com rc of nnd flood ed the streets I Will , by mony, I Fl'v er Ilnd Altu~, !lIS h t, in tim '. D" D~t .top . ..., Inle es rmlt of tent lho" , R~.n ltht :',ue craz nl y I .nd ."d Ihil • P. II, Typh wou Oid ld F ver, Loll i . of Appetite. t e ~at nrala~\'allt age? we. po. the I N"J'VOU8 Affection., General they would ,,';' 01 me. BUI I boknt'w ses D,' I ~lnusual rain , a culb ert b,llt y, or Wea kne ss couaed by excolI,lmllr~enc' my ,xp ellrfl C~u"h8 ~nd Colds, Rh h ilS bee 1Il the mid st of tillS frul tful va or oll'!l8t iam, Oiorrl.Ql B, Cho H. CLRIIglfT, President. lhere l· HI. of umc iollt u epth to cltrr n pnt med ;citle walll no hum bull', [II about two ~tom~ch ,, Pile len Morblll, Cnlllp In the '' ey a d e. w. .'YOoW, s, t t DI y ¥e. off n e. all ft DwAnn, Sup ". or ,r.on tI the the k'n, I bella Bueb . n st> to Scro receI t fula, Ve I' orde Ule , ra e", fn, ; elc. mo!o n , elc y ' e r~nl . . In VeneDise ases l heee 00 0 en l ey al'e A. O. C..lJIWALLADER, Agent. Linimen 80me ('alllnl!' It my VI ers ar.D a aure .cur... It' ia also cerl 'lulhle I1 nns to Lhe relforAr Oltl tbar fUl'go~te l1 ,. or o v'Crl ook ed eL· wa e r w n ch may dc an.u on that s ide, Linim.lIt.l, ' wl10 .ill to remove I!T obllruccourse O! nal u.e In Female.~ CAOW.u.r."DU '" MILLII, rtlll had , reltl ~e' Ped l and 10 sien tl.ti and b is re. will cov 1 Chru el'ed ~ure ro., Agt'nu. eall se tbey nrc 1:lg tlt a by II. sub t9. ntia l cpipl willm I le Gre neaa or mo ng us; wlu l o , woo do ll brid ge ft it at Ihl'lr slore. Now I all.d Ihll Lellcorrl,ma or ~r h!le 8, W~mb Compla IIIL or Fo~hng 01 .tbeeuWSlok C J ILIIO., ..".,. l) mb, : &.c._ l' .ne hiu a tile 10\'01 o f S prc~orvn Ibe Fa .. ~,o mpl"~lolI uf t t" up!!grap ..< Agen' t' 't my 811 • b br~ Ih08. a milli e ue _ who ons . Bam use II; bllt like. nil rem edle .?f or e 1me , I mny ' e, som e ' t IIC -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!! les yeorl:)', 1111I8 OISh , o'.,ould t.reet , and whi eh i carr ied 0\'0 and .il for e" sh. I WlllnntbOll uled. With caUllon by mlrrled ladles. !!!!!!!!t ~t'·uel' 1 ' , n o t IIII lr .... ...' . . . " ..Uen ' " ...... -~ it superiur to zer, t~l el e Blttl'r8 bo 1' .... I ToOlc and Appelt· ooa t 1011 . . ' .e. so nval'1 nb l e" I 0 l,n'r Gre unrlv 811t 'd. us to atro rcl n s,_rc nn tl COII\·C. .n.y o" .er maul c'ne ror hke olhe r p(oI' ~I.r . e" •• d,u. Ih e C,"II I'0.,l. . . I ma~ I>e s ig nal d out n lh e " pro D lhe ol1 of c.ure I O. D l\I"h nr Cro I 6r', . ,1.1 ' Herb B,tte ... i nq .eer... 1\11'_. mis ed ui ent cros sin g from the 18rr Ima. 'VSl'llIery, eU lIC,Ytom I up, 110. I'TOl' riOlo rh.8 "0 I.' e.ilnn ...·'n mnk " ,1t know n Ih ir In\l"" The Soldiera & SRilors belt! a mee liliA' s i<le wnlk ill. SPAStria die , nt rnmp •. The" " l· lund" by som c wou W-b o "e, are iurdU cnlllJlo.ed orE .,. ' "k, ',Olld p,ke" Rrd, Stn ~ o " l'w "', !'eruvian Onrk , uchu sickness , ... an illlernul Elm . !'n.~"r,· cntc rpri . ' to the Stl·cot. 'fh , Spie.,,~o<l, Mull .iu, Slipp iag a~ ,Wa'Denille on the eye 'ng of ••. · RI'''~l'nri ll. , n on li" e nrrn ngc lUcn t relOpdr' It is erT .. 1\\101, Juni per. S"iril. Nitre Oot . s lll g illdi l'idl ll1l. pcr( . B~I. ecLly a,u <': 01'.,1_:, C\l~b •• inooce"l to lall e \1)'il'~\~~~;~i\ ,I :~r\c,,~t~I: , ' fO.rm s t il e neu t e. t job of s tree into rqa 26, for tbe pllrpo~8 of forming a ~'~ln' Iy, ace ;~~!~ ~i~r each ,r~; c.,.e .ceo m'P- a,y\, ," b . ... 1\\"''' t l.h oj or ,.jolene.. \'Y 6. Mi.hler', t-m ono Pfteh Union .-::i- I "II .1l\",,1!~ Onl y' two nnd n-h.aU· hou r 8 " rb Bille do lor nIc Flue 4ID g tha t \vo ve r' rem emb Lea ,... 'Ehe lDe elin g Wll8 orgR Rhp u F n'\S ur. YO U,)'o " .. n \()\\e y wH\ be ,..rU"t\ _" by \b ~ propn~tor. n, ~m ~m. ,.d llc h , Hum pi. Chro er Frol nize to l d hav ' ed from , t'e,, Cill ', Drlll cinn ati, clos e to thc ruil 8eon . P8. .. prnin~. !lId HUrp lt, IwellilllZ'MI '_~ "Ie e.t the New Dru g.S tore , W& b, app oiD lini JU8. O·N val tem !:' ~~-.:::_~~~~or in'V ayn pora ry rond, antI d il'ec Uy 011 the ~~== JlI. ead lle. Ula ; nnd it is our =======!!!!!!~~=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! II tUl'Upikc to I mod es t b elie f esy I & Ch.irIDID, and J, A. O. Rob erls &. !!!~!!!!!!~===!!!!!!~~ S I'] b II I t hat . if Lhe Tl'e as lIl'Y D::I!I!:r~:. 8, Seo~e· th e Qu een City , wit.h abu .D~·pot:C66 COortlul~tll G8Ir~ ~L~1 uda nco of wou ld but furn is h 'Ir, . the fun ds , tllel'c Nl'w York. wat er, SOllie of th e · bes t farm r • ", : ing !WOllld be som e stnr tlin g re\-o Aft er 10M di.ells,iora. con cero ing XN Ol' 'CU Y DES'I·IN l'.66:7w ln tion s . . , lhe cou u t l'y to b c rOllnd in th e The Gre at inven iioTJ qf lite Age ill obiect o( tbe or"" tiiu iion . Joe . O'N wod d e.n - fl'om the pre soll t pl'e- Adn ntit e op · eRI cirCling us upo n all s idcs ~ RETAIL DUL lOK IN IIIAIlAAl EE .·F. TUURTOI I, tht! grest Eng ,-w hel 'e is · pea l'llu cc of thill g wla .ppo inte d ..a Oommiltee of ope ill the cou rs o 01' liN" Aatrololl c to the s uffi cien t reas on why t ho illt, CIAi rvuy ~nL ' and p~~c u. adVllll - a twe l ve-m onth , Bnch as, pJ'OCllre I eop}' of the Con stilu lion rnelrio Ill , whlll has '15lo1llshed the If . \ , fOI' exa mpl e, tifie lint! tnge s atte nda nt upo n an n· ~ t clas ses of Iho O!d W llrld, hB8'cle a<:lv3l1c ed II. To\ \'n Hnl l , etc., now y, b D t L B}' uaW eto. ,-a ll by sttl"O tile ' 0 L, ' 'e of locu ente ted ay OD eRgue. hNself' sl Hudson, N.Y. lIfRdome rl)I'i se m,1.\' ' not be bc· " Ne,\" 'oun ci!. " \Ve hOlle and Tho J OD lIIotioo, the mee ting Ildjourne CH.EM IC AL S: rnton puue.IIEl8 811nh wunderrul [lOW d stow erl l1(lon WaYIl Os\'iU c ? crl uf leclJlld 81ghl, 18 to ennble her 10· anu l a.tu rda , Eyt' niog , Nov . 3J, wal t. LEA D, will'" Not with !'tau diu g thc nnt IU1!,Brl knowledge of Ihe ,reDlest il'Dp Ul'nl fa eilior.,. OIL , • •• i' II upe c:te d to e.tnbli~ II a permilnen ti cs m c ntio ned , ridded to wlli ch i ~ at 8n~e 10 Ihl! IIlnll'le ..Dr married' 'Ve L cnll of either atte ntio n to our rat,e s of 8PlI. orgaDi.. tioD. AU' Soldiers Rnt! S"il VARNlSlI~ . Wlolh. in a slllle 01 lrollC'e, she de· ulh erti iug on thc fiJ'st pl1ge. ors on cc on e of tho 1110!!t plC The y line ur. the '1e turesqn e ;y are cord ially Invitl.'d 10 IIl1end. Icolu res or Ihe r ereon , a n d ,.ucu. It IlY Iocat'101)9 WI'tl' yO)) are 10 mArry. mnd r. by the !lid 011111 in' 1111 ,1\'e I are • mod el'at e, and , will en able all Urllmell I 1 J, A. G. Ro ' BKRT8, Stocly. ' 1 t or ' illll 'lee , d' pow t· er, known ae the tllll t 1\,(, tnt es 1Il any bUSllles s Dlcn to 3\':\11 th e msc lves Irec lOti, _ _ _'__ . _ of P~ychornotrnrp" ~uhr~'1tcee 10 • .. . p AI luw e not hin g in th e way of \llal we ~T , , I,rnd V ucl' .. ARNI~.H. &. 9: piC'llIr~ or the 1ufac- p~Itl~. sin k-w Ith out wb.t C05CIIRT,-,-We are gL'atifiocl to Ch no Ol1e wife of tho) .pplirGnl, ruture hllA b~tld or 1111· tlll'e m o re th un th c co ns ump tion aud IS 011 pl'e teud tOj(e ther with dille to (10 buslll~ss. Dou nce, tlla t ther e will be II. finc of ril.rriB~e, po.itlolJ i,n lire. leudlng con- opol'ati ons of ollr citi zens trultd •• abs olut ely ('crt of sacr ed mus ic in the '-'Mc:horIlCIPr, &c. Thi s il no hl1mbuj!, The Sch ool -Di rect ors in the or :- E. reqttil·o. Wc CXpOl·t littl u Ihou s.nd 8 of le'8l ·G:LA~· imun i .. la cnn ouepl. Site e 01' not h · "Ch and lc1' Dis tric Cbu,rch ou 'I'hu ra,d av E\'e uing , No.y. in t" Il1w e rece ,,"', Sl1xc utly ,pCl lVil 'ha!) s a'lit tle fioul', whi ch llen ' d , whel 1l dllll " red, l ct'fli fied certif\. ' SA SH \A.ND PU TT Y,. 8th. CRtl! or IVtUlen Juar ante e,lh "t Ihe ercc te.d 1\ subst:tUtil\1 can scnl 'cely ue <;allcd a cou side pictllre , 'I h com mod i- i." ,h.1 b TRUS~ES, it purp o'l. to bl!, Dy enclosi rn· ous bric k Sch oolh ous e,nnd ..,A lele ct ,boll\!\ of 0"0r:iStC1.'S ' f, rom tion . ng B e a ove Sk irtl .for · in a doli ght- 81llRII lo('k ul h.. ir, III . tcad ~f thc !+ by bcin g IInll Ilftting p\lIce 01 X ap IIL, h&\'e b J n l,,,, rl \"bi oll i SllJ'PPO RTERS. mnd o fill b' u,ya i ,.• rlh, gl'o il allie for rltllnioe: s nl". ve at th e edg e of the 'YaY lles . OI!P, dial/o.iti.,.n a,..!J ' complplIion, eell 8 ..C .ll ... , '. J I ' a gqa rnnt Co 9f II. oha ste and elcg ~o ~ d ""l Ile 3UU Svr ing bor o tUl'I1~lik ., an line: aHo OSl uLD ant mill s ·or fu~ui s hillg steRlll nl' Er... BIVoa~ eent s "n 8Lampp" en· o. vt'lupe addreut!d Lo fol' 1i~cto · (lnt erta inm ent. Thc I'e will b e yourself, ~ou will reo ._ an ill - ri es, we hav e nt this tilli ALL TUE PaPOLAR. eelv e Ihe plcl ure Bnd dpai 'tlm retll c enta l Jlcc omp nn'I' Incllt. with in the ntormollon Btr MR. J. N£-lL, nt tho Nel\" Dru g- by relurn mai.1. All cOlllmun cOl'porn t",Ion olle gl'lSt · nl!'11 , nlll1 icllti ona In· olle 'fhe pro cee ds will be d el'o tcIl Sto rc, has DI'. l~ottel" s cel ebrq eretl (lOllfiJ..,,,,lnl. r(,88, in cnnA· to saw . mil l,-y e ry goo t! us fal' ted dencly fI, &fAD AME E. F. A,ld RET AIL D ' A.I.U RS IN THl l:iI'iT ON, P. O. as ·the y Hal l' Pl'e Sel' \' nUVe, whi pay hlg the ueb t ou the now Org " ·1t is high ly BUll ~~3, Hud"u~l, ulI , go, but we W:lIlt oth er nml N. Y. {L ~I'eater rcco mm 46 .6m9 and . repl enis hIn g tile SUIl b y DR Y GOODS, ' end ed by all who hav e tl'ie d ALL ' oho ol IIUmbe1' of con ccrl ls wbi COC K'S P0: 10U S PLA STE IXft'Cf~j ell s hall ndd it. Get t1 bott l e Llbmry.~Ailmiil8ioll, 25 con ts. RS. Ilnd tes t its mer its. Best Str~ngl'l . blls illes s illJ l'ol' tanc e :\IId dig Imi7, g 1'llIs ler in the WO"ld! 1 nity to - _ _ e_ . _ -OUl' .tow n and mak e it mn k with W QU EE NS WA RE , Allcork'8 PorOU8 PI081prs r~80lye . Otll· I tl nllli n t 1'1 L l ' F' C. Bug gest to our relll el's - 1e n( .r S l'l on d ~01' N o· Bsotlnge jllIill by call1,,g ('Irlh the ncrid I~ I CI'S fill' you n g er in yea rs, uut HA IR -O IL'S , ~ hlllllor. rrOIll pft,tll ill,ern~1 to the skill Me8 srs. CRd wal lRd er & Co. hav Mes t \'em ucl 'in 1111 nttr ncti \'c "lid HA e, 111 wit h the spir it of com mer Ilnm bcl ·.- ",en~'ol clrcul.t RD WA RE , & i on-' hll~, III many cue s, ce. Thc ptlu lisb ers nlm ouu ce lOn ny . the ir new stoc k or gO{)!l~, som SUo pusilively eVUIIl)I'olilll!' t"~ ,Il A e 01 The t:lblis hme rit of a flWtor,}' th bll d m t d ' &~ PII8 P , · n . per pat ior t 13 fcat to , C n 110 es ure s for the new )'el \r.110 ress · , OJ'I T! .... · I" . Jlnp m·.t nill, fin il'On ,J.A 3IES L, ~~~ , fou ndr y or som c- Sj2 a y cal·. D· · roun d. . Frc ilch aull Engli:ih ."re 8 nnl " ro g Pqllil , III I .. " M. Pre miu ms .t o club s ......,. pIn Ill", ~~ 10 ~he Porn\lil Pllllller lit IVny °r ft A well.aeleGted s8l0rlm~nt of Ibe ,_ noe s,. Pop lins , Lus tel' ,nn d - yal'I I'i- thin g o r the kln tl'th nt wou lll affo rd D eaco n & PctCI'SO Mr. AII, ll, ppil nelc lphu \. Oll s eml Jlu,Yment to labo rers , cor.k. They Ilf8' lhe pint er nf tile 1. l b wpl lid not h ti . tiny, __ _ ••••_ _ ot er ....1' e8 W oso l~aln e 8 we ncv'''' ) ~1I11 ~ fi l lyre ~ t onl y do s o, but ben cUt the o( ollr \lrupn ~ ncemPIlt GROCERI~! wbo lc lear oed , occlIPY thei l' s}wl ves Dr. Ros clle rry ofl'e rs a fiue lot , ,n !Clence tln,l .,,,. . In ASlhtI,lvn mn, Cotlll'h, rt.1~ ~ com mun it.y, whi lo thel 'c of K',dn PJ A lI'o!ct h'll , Gou won t , R".umoli~m, G lt! l)e Hilt s n~1\l Cup s, Boo ts cou nter s; '@!iltL eye ry tlllLlg else nncl $ho l)s, and lucel .del'p-sentl>d ttl litt le dOl tbt .roe :nl'u ing is r th.e. SlIccess to fO'r sale nt cos pni"~, Ihpy .fI'urd the line 0 b uma ll neQd ,ma .y I t, at thc New Dl'I tg. permnnen lere t he C1111itul \s t who l rpl .. i f.-[ J. F. Jun noll , M,D., inves ted Ilis fun ds Sto ro. Cul 00 Icen , .ill ,g ron t PI'ol'l1sioLl., 110 'Tr,l)plcal Roml'dil'ft l ther e. MoGUFFY.'S .& ~ILSON'B .BE,R1~, .' Onll in sucl l nil en tcrp rise . From ." per.oonl kttow letlgn or 'he~e in loon and sce th ,m, ox you, mny ,, . _ _• ploslers, we can. stalil th91 11"'1 'IOe The rcm lu'k s too freq uen tl" mno &0,. &0" . jl'60~ I : dec 1e Ml', Jnm es MI\\'shall hus l>urchns mi .. barg ailu ' Illltl thin g" that will J ~edl y Att pref er~h ent le -10 ilny olilrr in u.e.ion thn t "W nyn es \'iIl e is <lc nll" -"N oth - ed tbe hou se one doo r sou 'Vh cocb "nt yOIl. e, relief i. 10 Ioe olotnlned b~ Ihe , ",I " th of tflll tl8(> erev in,,'" will pro s p er in W ayn csy of. "I 1111 "r,· we .hould r"comlllfllld ill e 1" l\lil,lllli ', Ga.z ette offi cc, Ph ysi cia ns' Prescriptio~ ' of ~1l·s. 1':. Ihem . -I~, (NO RA 'l'UE stoc k of fnll altll " 'intel' goo Fri end s to H A~I, AI. D" Etli!or s and the like , nre iule , nml tho h sc who Lut e em -pl·.ice ·00 Ne ... York !\'Ie nl"r . I . mak e th cm bu\' o not su1f Carefully and ,Promptly: FilIf:d~ rece ntly laid in ' by Mes sl's. All Areolly, nntt drP lh HOIl8(" New Yor .r lcicllt en 4t k, Rsn~all com pris • es lit 0110'" tho mo , hI" For .. Ie by st t1ffeot ion for the plnc e to "'lS .11 The Mol'I'ow Lea dcl' hns pns UrJJggisl~. 67-4 sell .. I fl ' Dr U If - S to r eJ " .."i'DCBiN~ ON, Our 'Stock of imp rov m Cllt. Wa. yne svil l o . ,01' Its t;Ulhlonllble Ilnd eleg llllt. styl ~ is not iuto the han ds of )11'. es , the . J. J. grea~lt vnr lety of rati rics , FI'~ e. W" ,_"y Jl'e , OJlIO'• . • , ,t Con el'.nlly "dy~ncin" In . public rnvo . I I' a'lId tllo d ene1 ; Bh C•B us mne 011 C 1110 II , W IlOse Sitl t d III Ihru , • I In 11 nto ry npp unlto ut tl" e U'li t-d SI",Iee, the Bllti.ihr. BOOTS AN cnl' e , .. 01 ti ' I ly mid as cult ivated asIve, as c 1 .P 0 S D T . ~ 0 F F I. SH OE mO lt reas ona ble pl'i(leS S is , ~ Cull O R.N lnie. mos E It . ftnd t 'S(lo plac tliE to es h be the Ame OU\ I( lnst is sue ofth llt pllpci'. rie", . npPI!of hel' llllUluer of inhn bita nts i"ar ~o ,FL OU IUS JJ OF ')'RUlind In any cot lutr y mllo Be st j 81l(I l'ket 'we st of the r &lP ,_ _ ETS _ _ __ t,. pl'~cl ~~ ltn 1'.1. lill ~e'., II,", 8tnndoul . "'ou otal 'ns" Mr, . Rlll ltlaU 's Nrli. Win ter app l08 in tbi~ mar ket , e~ weI l · we clt ~lI e n&,e th e S tnte .. .. nre clo, CRI STA DO IU) to pl'o duc e n kno wu ond "I'w ays reli llbl ejul lgrn 'S HA IR DY.E, la HO UI. D 00 TO H.l.L~ tl ent bett I' CI ns s 0 r I) OOP 1ela "huld or any prepDrftliun or it. A.ND n b e I Ollg sell ing fl'qm 0 cen ts to el pcr bus h· now fur p' WE ST' S. No. 116 Mu lbl" , .lr. ·hCl· e .; but s he hILS full en into .. , In the per son al sele ctio n o(g ooc I I I I closp I _'II. doe p, el. . eop\ e . or ~U The ls •• il1 on, ero . III p is unu~nlllly larg e ,olll/hly I.ED""n", Ohltl, ' lo buy fine Sl LYEt, ll 110." 'ho' ~ast WIIS oo.rt~l.(Wer M . dB ..1 We ar uno.l .. rMtand Ihe l@eng R aml flno, befo re leth arg ic slcc p, ! i'om wlu rrl bl er nn ep -o qIlPI rw en an oy D' WA RE, lolld Ind pia led SpOOl.. lr.e. enlalled !by the nlo ()r'm euil ch It ~ould "A't er man l"e8 "-" , .L\8 is the uuh ic _. F'or kl, 'ers IIpe Te s eom ble and Poc ket to l'eq UIl'O tho sho ck of 1\11 enrt ll.nd cn,'Mlic pr"p onti on, end _dmll ..... letl, I' ...... the-eu· Qun ils Bre qui te nbu nda nt ,i n the lines' Americlln. SWISI, FrerCllt al . ae~llowl e'\gemellt-particularl" qt~a k: to A.T RE DU CE D R"T ES . this [lprlori ', of tloi8 rGlmou~ vp. (!p'n .ell ancl nl:onse. Iler fTOlD Ile1' d I'enms neig h d thO hle ~ngl Ove ,l8h Walc:he. i 6ne '!lold Pe!1 nll'''lIral''t!ll'd bv J . CRIST~DOR by tm, ladl es. For ' any thil lg mor hJ.Lor 00 , IS seaSOD. l, .arid !'enr.ils j Spl!'cltclee, wIth pero e ot bh3 sfnl lllel ·t11 l. And t~lnt A. h.r Ruu er. New Vorle. Sold byO, ~II6 llcoplc, ; eal't l~Ren d t'h-;' - ';~7-:rlisement of \bau this brie f meu tion ; om;"ren lel~8 COIl Clve , conv l'x. bllocal ·a.d thc Drllg!!I8t... Applied by all IIlli don qnnl<e w~uld be "determ1~ ed, smoke glo.sol; In !lold, Illtrer. p'.leLon rdre~Rer8. thol .· Rog ers Hou se nuc tion . ato d j " 1 t"o I d, Il~el · ... spe ctio n· oug h gOl llg mal l CSlre! -~ .lId A.8 com of. mn ' wun EXTI~,l'f8IVE ~A I.t:~ AND 1n end cap ltnl , who framel, '0 suit til{ ', . ~""""'~ . I te an 1u . les s ' Va rie ty, and , Laleat mnd Rnelt 8lyle. of agu whlCh 'II( ill IT Dln lUB lUT ION of l' jull o , I 8U1'O Y pro vo a grn t'll a t illS mea ns III Jew l c~· sho nld 111 ves .gomQ Melo Cln d vton . Oil S, Fos Gold tiQn. Finger ,Ri nilS, sbee l MUllc lIod )fil.elr)', tel' malll1fllCtnres Ma .",I -·ilv r War e, It I1 0 W &,oillll' on . gre at red uct ion iq pri ces J manurnctt1l'IIlg sch eme , 'l.ncl tber . I n.Lrumenl8, Mleclillsneoo8, ichool leal /I ll he Sol.s roo" eby , oC pie Ma --.. ...,.... Ct\l ldy fOl' snlo , Try it. sn,. REi:" &' Uno. , No mok e !lim s elt' a Illlme nnd fam :l.l, Rlllf Libe lk Bookll of all klnd8; Blenk' OellIlld rl, 81., N. Y ·TII ... goou , 8rll.ol<l ', 61 . . Ecl eeU e, 'Bal lou· s, Har per e, as d.·, ~~ 's, Wl'1l ns repl eni3h his coff ers. &Jo rtgft gl'l, Wllrrants, Affidavltl. Rep!..'fWO DOLLARS \F.i\~H, 1':.:0. 11"' At1antlc, WI\ \'erl oy, Bellc\le 0:88 The rc 0'wel 'e som ill8, .o\Uachmenl", &'0., &0" con ll.o e hea \'y fros ts VAW Jo:. S~IId TWl ' s l nn d If nny or our I'ea d et's who feel tl, Ott i:NTy·nv~; m:N p; (II ' in . he\' e. Ias t wee k . hDIIII • Pete rson 'i Mag azin cs, God ey's '''''' nUII,b ,·"",1 1II0\i <e . or 'ON !!: DOL l,AR (or Ln. tcre sted in the mnt ter nl\11 . NA IY Gnd enle -= rtaln == lng == == == = S iX. '('lie Ilumher on eH(l b No,ie ll GDllle....bhoot dlee' Book', Hon rs nt Hom e, Am e wo kno w C.lrds, .chool Rel/lllera, Album., MI.c d · th e~e aie om e-w ill g\VC COrl' 111'011"& with Ih. lIumb er nn """~ ~rlicle o( good elliS tbei r can lfisc clln uYI Ple as Rnt Hon . ,whiQlt WU fue &v llle 1'II nrk el... l~neo ll' Book. lor presents, Piot u,.. loti , rs, ,'iow s 011 t he s ubje ct, we will lie ""l on Tf.ceipl o( .2. The mone L shn ll be y will Piclure Frames. Cart/uUv Correded Eve r) lVeek. ' eslie's Lad les' Gnz ctt.e of l!'lIbhio . hI) ",,('oftI~u ijilil. '" .d, tlo 11111 r;i.",."ti The be81 8tock ot WA .LL PA JIIB n, hnp py to plne e them befOJ'e B the .p ltb- Wh e ... t 1lJ bu.hel" A g~h" ,•• ka 'rW~;N1'V ·flV E D~\' actioh lbd, Dem ore st's Gaz otte of ~as In tile COll nt'ry. L"'I , III \S VI)' ~ (a II 70 w n:K. Selld (Qf R Ci~cular, h,~ lic. Men nwh ile, we sub mit the que . 1011, llem orcs t''; You ng :Am eric n, Rl:E .s · W' D , Ife, &. Rye nno 1'.0 .. 11 ; ·Ia."t. rot ,,,. ".,o n &:' II 1 PO ® 00 rOI' tiem for' con side rati on. P. ·O. 'H~s A18S, 1Ii~'" York, H.m lln (lIR ln" Knl be. F, C. Llll BoY8 &; Glr ls, Our You ng Fol Onl . 1' , .. ks, 90 Ollie .., Ste in.I " Br.dllury, Bo.r dml n & it... ;; 3l ~i~ ;tf SI, , ••• DArley 11 II · GrI1~ ' J "ew Yor k Led ger , Obi mlr cy Com 115@ Emerlon, Goebholler & Schmidt PI.o )0 00 , --'-. .':-"~-------""'f--o", II oe, I:4r Mr. Isna c Eng le's hou se, cor - Corn ~ '40 (Th Literary Alb uin·, 'Ha .rpe r's We e Imlte r, are line toned .nd ch•• p. )~ Fluur II bqn el, ekly , Ile r Fou l'th a'nd Tyl el's 146 0 VIS We ITS wlfl lo.'O fllrn tl'ee R .Ei GR T JfO...Y'l'BS . lsh In, o( the •• III •• romenle ts, ",!Is Flolur'f. cwt , lolly Jok er, Phl lnn y Phe llow 7 00 lower than any other bou'lI In Ihe , ente red , ono nig ht rece utly , T~'''''_~_ _ W We i' r and rob Ihll n 'f 1b (]::r We are, ,,1.0, ••lIot. tor'the l'In ilkes' Spi r't of the Tim cs, Clip per, ~UO Dr, '1'ucker me, be r.on.llltl'ld III kJ~ Ln.rd 1ll tt. &. Lyo n Ih. Sew ln« M.c hlne .. and Poll ee G~ette, COl' galo a Ha I>ed of an ove rcon t:, !\ pair of 8pe()t!I\· EIl , uneq Rnsreri' Ho118e; WA YN ESV ILL E. ual•• i • • . ts' tlor.Ptl, le 01e8, som e hrun s, aud otho l' Nov FAM . I~ ILY 14111 Mlc , Jln hine •• . Oal1 slid ... It; 7lh j Feb , .lS,h, all, »d. Iune nrti cles , . • Welt'~, !to. 115 ' Mu lber ry A pplell 1ll l:uthel, st., nm oun ting . in all to the 60 Lebllnon,·Ocl. 17. 121h. ,• valu e o f )'e8 r8' bu~"e', . 6&, ....:banon, Ohi o. 11.°0 Or. Tuclter h"l tnn led in t),is oarl P"tllloea ~ bu.hel, i firty doll ars. The thie ves hav .;' 0 0' e Ohiu our fll'. O,YIl!~ .rlah t yetl r'i lhi, i. conclu~ • ±. Dried Applea 11 Itt ... . PU be t . wis bes for thei l' sIle etly BL · 1 6 IC II"" S~ eYld LE enGe OF> . "" 01 ,u,cce .. , <tctecI~? con eert ~ be give.~ .ill tl\is tion Chi cken . ihlu zetJ , . II 00 . . Dr. 'ruc ker I,ea ls "ALL CHR ON IIIC6 'lh ~ , . IC UN'~w. k w".eof l'le.l Ln' S"ll.r , ~ JL 31~' @@ ~03 DlS EAS ES"or on ura d.y eve Ulq wce Lun r., Thr ust, Llv · act ora tiv es, 'II' , •• - .UI, w, are B88nroo 1,,0 wor$thy .. 4 er, .Ioln••b, Kldnthe' d . 1'here "III be ~lI'erl'd N .. t>, M~I e1.l, &c. All .Fem ... ee , "all oo, of Col , publlC:"'.·~ta . Wm ale . l\Ia ning ton has rem oye ... J 96 D!'e ft ... .. ~""e a .libl1l'11l ' ono6ur~Diellt. Tri .. 11\11 preOlI.e., o~ (u'ly flor" '{ee lrd, I,,,m , ; " I nity his B~t aud . Sho e est;~,blisl , ;J. " 76 All lnn liu Pom a are. elfJrdi.JI' luviled to cIIl linent to 8~tut:da7, 5OT••b~r 1'1t.. , • ~ .. Obatoh Cbo lr baa won itse U a top u . ,. 80 Mr. HoU and, s new oml din g, n~Brly Co,,1 Oil II ,aliGn. Ind be , enlu ln" In lbe l"elRtIOn, Ih.-,ery.!!e I"." , . ~D not cJnll~od to Xen ia,' and itB opp Dy~ sl ~I, fral ea\.le-be'~i · B X. A • I • .:1 D' J Jl B B . oslt e ~is' old' I!tnnd. ' His' uum .. . ... erel~(enoo' has bee n eod or8c IPE CI4 L lIIOTICE!!I. . c\ by OU8 cllst ome Ds,a!'e .r eqtf flc! I~:' jter CtD TO !I, -Al WN ibId llo, It , I W J~ur Goo TS , ' d A..ortment 0(Oste d to fol·. ":,~~ t~'· COlDpe~t, mllAlcal ' cdti cs'; , Be low " of 50 reel elch , (ron ltn, on Fou ER RO RW o'F WO V'I' U. rth 8,.,~ him to hls , pleA ssn't 'an'd com mo' " . ~-.....,__"------::,- '-l!"'IiUed tor' I . A .Gl'ntleman wlil) ".;'"ul'~reitro' year In th·. town ' or ' Wjl)'ne~lIle. I.,. ' dioUB qua rter s ll tbe wbe , '" , . . t~t n they Cll lC ~equire rrom Nerynu. Debilit" ' if· propl!rly o( Elr . Ad.iD.:·dflft.lIH. Bik .. , f~ · Pre,n~lUre Deeay, ON ·TI I. ' , , on ' l. •• . lind tpf .11' ope B U Ihe RO rty .1I'f , PBA ~'iJl 'ct. or be W his youl Qlt'fl P Ben h'\l1 red L & N~ 'icc s. al\ ,o." ti.r . '1\1 t intll.e,etloll, qO aa 8iO LU. -:-O D Tu!l j , In _-_ IWO will .epo lop' rllle the 8C1ay nIg ht pler . •• ee, 1Ie or pnrl. .ult' GI;1' -In IIIIIItt erln r hillDUlly, MPS, . . ..-.. Q,......, , •• cn~ r lIal l •• a rork , tllla 1feek, a nln abl e ho\' lc, sad dle LAN TER NS, w. ~ •• will secure tbllr ..ri~ .rree 10 III wlto nred It, Ibe " LA e!or Ui~ ANOTJl£R '1l0.8BEIlY,-M r, Isra r.ll t!lfl (O" r. rraD k'pr l .n) and b.r"'l lum o( el inon IInd ey. as, Jlr~cllon. ((.r mlk lD. Ihe Naw YOIlI, 1' FRUlT:JARS~ -OlGA ' . ' '. ' ,' . B "OU e, ....ere Ito en &om ... Tu .s:- On e hlU or pat - ..... e s\l1- lO p WIlS robbetl I Oil Situ roa y rttm '! bJ which : he " .. eure ,Imp" d.... ~...7 OH OIC E BRANDS, d lIic or Eva n Che DO wet b, belO d. 10 be " ~paa p.ld l.". rere on . aefe ctor l, Beth·Room, ID rl wl.hlna ~G proSt by lb. Idye rtie. dll, of .. I., tbe al1wii~b~lf llgiug nIg ht.. of 1\ btlndr~ wel ght of ' r' • .... . Ber OUT .er.l . Tol liop lAC • . CO to.C bari ea n." ,kc The thi~r is FIN ft~n KS, &0., &0. in one Jear , wltli 6 par cell" r, ",p.rI.ace,~'" do .0 by add~fI..I.. be. a lot or .com;mc nl, and som e III ••~., 1,1751"'''te VOl ..10-4 10 ~i~. P,'IrqeilUe ingPU1'lllCd. oth er mor lre, e 0. lh. • , ,! ~OH N. D. OGDBN, l)ro \,i iou" . Go \0. Do IIot ... n~~. RU~ I I'I ur .... the N~w DrtJ I,c r·81 .ro 0rf'. t ch,.i> ".~" ••,. No, la CbI Ulb erllt .• New YOlk. "e .~ ... .... 11111 Oot. II, 1886. 1, NE Al. . , 4.,.11

YI- U .









... .. 'I






J... .' -










8f,Vt-O'. S''KI

rs' I





Dry and Mixed Paints.




W D lD O W




Po te nt MedicineA.


. .' lFllUI PERF'UME 'RY~'




Our FALL Stock



"0 0 l\t lP L E T E !"

And ·we invite .the

of our Customers and

- -.....,.1...•..·-- --

the Styles. and Prices !









C A S.Sl 1\ {E R E S






New Drug-Store!

- -=

For Pure Drugs,

Medicines, Ohemicals, Oils, Pure Liquors, Dye-Stu1l's. Good Perfumery.



Hair R










. '


'des Balr


, ll!'' I" I' .... \tte .u.'

. "'..

'rw o


=... '


... .&DII.



,." .......r.

IW. Y.

.. ur PAOTOGRAPHIC ART fn addlt~n '::'Illiolled 1840. w. ha~. I'or tb. ~!'f!i:.I\,;.1't IId ..nlllr.; '"I'.r~ rIo vlller .lbbl"I""ent irn :~'N'rn~Er~~~hll': ' hIe of .lIlhe "RO~ I" '" b of ;he d.l' i. Card I"·rl .... it •• • lId .r. uu" pu • li,bIllK. ~.ta loll •• 01 o •• r


9rfIII""""""" .. EIIPIR

UW·X ....N.


186 6

Shuttle MachiD

Double Track

r::l. s-rur-, 616 BrotMJ_y. N. Y.



_......,...,.,ABll tENTlUL J. B. Bou~


DO WtuAiJlglorl St., Boa""'.

PHILADELPHIA PlrrSBURG TO . ' I , !. AI Pllt~~urlt. tr.inl rrOI1l tne Wea' run UOO ~eefII, A_rIeaa . . . 1"_.... Pltented Febroary B,1860. direct to tll» Ullioll De.pot. ~herB PUle,,· . , 0 • 1."Ite li ~ t of opie. (\1 Thi, M.chlne I.\con.truet,d 00 '.'lr~11 IIt rl Ifll tren.ferred 10 the Traina 01 ~he Wertuo et An . - . ........... llll recelYlld I new IUd well·leillct· new principln of Dltchanl' .ID, po. . .. tnll POlln,ylvenla CAnttal Railway, w~lch III \lID .OJlOtlAtIIc. . .- . Cal.'oltUe • ..,nt on ..«i, t o~ ·Iamp . II• " i ed .tocll or , 1 A II oro! r fo' one dllun pl/:luret from our maoy ,are .n~ Yl.llueble Impr.ov •• eIH8, leave' Piuabur, "lid arrive It olher pOmt8 CA tnlng". ",ill be fill I.t 11.80. and I nl by hnin, beoll dumlndd by lhe ftlon prt/< ft8 follows ; aolmnl, alloh U ,, lIl i ll FRREI Si!,gle l'IC lllrea. 25 ~"IIII etch- loulld "ap"rt., Ind prollOllnced I~ b. J)AY EXpn'&SI-Left~ell Pi~t.bur~ illS .· Y ~; LI. OW WA· I 'i Tim , u ~1 V E~ . eopie. of ~nK",vlng. 11 c"nl' \lch. N, 8!._ We ahod' ire to roll! !,\le~tion lo~h. Silnplicily ond P 81:fecliM Gm1t6i.nccl! (10 A. M., slOl'pillll at princIpal 8Illti~n8. en 0.1\ " DIS· 'rbi, 10 Ille JIan who WaR bat« ~ t:'R. FF.· T t111I' Ifl'ny, .' , PO~, Od"""IO,_ "" hove for repro,luI·wg'.nr cupY'.nr It h . . . . tnl ghl needle. perpehcllculer Arrive. Ilt Alroonn'" It 8 10 A. 'M,. ry· VF.ILS FO~FDlm Who \l0~ hat raven locti \bt,.... .0111 Daguer oll~l. AlllbrolYflea , C¥rd P,C· brtlon' make. tbe ·Lor.II or'Shullle I5litllh, .ro ne 9.u2 A. 11., [Bl'llefoll\e 10,52 A. 1'1.. LOS '() ~' . A PI'F.· H tho C1II'Uhuj~.1 ,. SKI LLITS, lure •. &tc., of W tll\) 4lUIJlOIlJ, UlAI ~ !II*. , which wllllleilher rip lIor "b,el, .ild il l Lock H II \'ell 1!l.40 P.)[ ,1 Harrlsburgt 1'1l'E ANI) VITAL GRIDD " Dece_4 . ., ....,._. . . I"rt....... Y ,.l:c. IU on bOlh sidel; perfllrmti perled e81V. 120 p ,. 1\1 •• Bolilmoret 6.30 P . 1\1 ., ~e.w El'E'RG ,,00 Impr v•• Ill., , I CAST·iRON enlargi"/f Ihem 10 .nr oi.. , .,,~ nlli''''''tt ilJ Oil, alike 1111( on nery delcri"Uon of maledal. from Yor~:. viII AllpntowlI, at 104/\ P . M.• E.. tI· ,. I n a, IOCM!u" W»ler Color•. or 111,110» IlIk. With Ih~ Old o( Lh. nPl'4llllo.. gh' e. Thl. I. tho JIUda, .~ ... Leather to Ille finelt N"ns,'uk upli", "dell,hint III b .50 p , M •• alld New Yorlt, BOILERS, a . moot, h "nd TEN TALENTED ABTI'8T8. py, . .1. . Whl) lOarrlld lIM _ _ baIIt .... collOIl. linen, or silk Ihreed, ,Irenn via PhiladelphlR, lit 10.27 P. lU•. MlolIY 'kIU-A"'..l_~!III 'rEA-KETTLES Partieo d. irillg eopi" ot,ould Ihnefor .. COr' w"h gray. _ L ... " ... roo,.... L II CII'OOINIU'l'l EXl'Jl~s-Le"ve8 Plusbllrg DllsCl'I1blU .".Ictoll Inlo " n,,,,",Ol.1<I.,, o( "" .ize.. r.'pon,l wit to u dir...·t. Send Inr " ,,,!,,'oglI'. tlte eOllr.elt '0 Ihe finut outnbl1 r, Who oow II", rayen loon. tboY _ I Hnlng nellhel eam nor cllg whell •• nd It 9 .60 A. III • stupp"'!: lit oearly ~Il Ila· )Iunc. 'TL ' ES o:r Th l UI plied 81 a I," MI l dl COUIII Do Ilao<t tho AIOIBOI14-1Ut~"I!.!. Alluonnt 2.46 ~ '. M., lIft,rrl iJburd To or Co... 1101. pM!pnrat\oo I. jnvaluable. mado. ENAMEL K E1 ' . I[J" allery o"on lor Fr~e InlpeClio~, Aud Ihe )1!8Bt pOl<8iblll Irlcliun, It rlllli 81 liuII '" ~." . " ~. w."'..... 110. ,tu:wllly IlOII Impro,' •• the qll8my .,.orted lil8l, 01 the be.t quahty, >Lmugu••i "ing Ih. ily 11',11 nnd Uallery ,moolh as I!loes, and is emphaticolll, ' 8 .15t P III., ~rrivlng H! P.'lIladelpllla III 111.· of the Dlllk. IL I... Tl,I. I, tho 1'1I'l1011, w~, br tile"., TONG~, nile 01 the 1IIl1 ,aK "e .. bl. l"ac~1 III New York , . AC:aINE 40 A ~I. Bv Ihls IrOln pBllsengers ~re been " ... <" by .c· SHOV !llInl td UAo lIIOIIdau. -.a_-.& wh~' in to while AWfII\ Mn IaOUf. lU1I1 '''11<1,110,.,,1 10 NOISELD8 M tr""'5Ierr~d lit Ullioll DepoI, W~"l Phtla"Ky, SAD IRONS. J. GUI\NE\, " SO N. l'hOIOgrap\, pri. In reale th e 'Iu .. nIt requltel 6\1, cellt Ins wer to del"hi1l dirnctly 10 Eltpren Trnio for UI), or Dlllk' 8,\.1 To thlltMn 0,," IIIJjJ ""'~ SPOONS 1>9 Sm) 'lOT Broaow y, N. Y. lSu' who IoOW W · ra~eA • uae,' drive i~ Ihln ~IIY otber . .chlne , tI the .. Npw Y~rk. renchlng lhere 816 .90 A. M. ltr cre.nm t"~~nt)' 1 any, .. I L I «'Ut. on4 mAke tho mllr!;e.l. A ~Id. 1,2 )'I'nrs. 01, .r o~ Pm LADl't, l'HIA EXPRES8 -Leavell Pil~8. TEA & rf ABLE do. PUOTOGBA.PUIt:. 11ceft1l8e he, u llOd tho Cure lbat J.)' Ilutta r Orm o",l work It eteDtlll" . \VllhoulllIllg\le or IIIJur) \ btlr~ 01 4,\0 P . M., Rtoppin/l ultly ot protl' lu \1&0 AltBlIOeu. tbat 1liDr ..... I .,,·~t . In futt t.lllltg E . .t H. T. ANTHONY It CO., 011111 0, tl ~tf.»tIl"1Il loheolth. , ' .. cip,,1 ~1"'ilJhS . Arrives 01 Lntrobot 6 .00 ~ ~. ' In nl'pct ftc , tGMem MEAL SIEVEl\ Iu I! lrenfllh and wo."'I(\~rul SImplicity p ftl AlluUIIR 9.30 r .M .. Hnrri ~b ur:.: 2 a5 .l6nufaclurer, oj P~tograp1dc Mule· a,cir hid e. 11m' or con.troclion render" • !',o8t Imp0881 : .t, mt:, (J aitilllme. 7 A.M •• New ' ork, vill m:t.\;u tbt-w tl lrh'e TRAPS. ,ial,. CHILDREN'S KNIVES blp tn IIlll o"t of or/lrr, IInli 18 ~UARA~. Alle!"I"\\'n, 10,10 A. ~t., PIIIIH'; ... 1'1 7.10 tnuell r,,,\cr. w"O' ,".s .u.~ AI'Il Rr.'I·AI1 ., TEED by Iltl.l con'po ny: to ,lYe enllre A . ftl!., alld Nt'IY York. via Philtlllel'phiJ. nl AND FORKS, HI .ROADW.... V, N. Y. lu olllll..... es 01 Swlue. lueh IU CouP'r tilcers in In .ddilion to our 1I •• in bu.III~'6 o( PH OTO. luti.rnCII\ln.. 1!~,06 I'. M . ~'I!\'pi"g Cus ron throu gh 011 the Luogs, CI ,'erJ WASH BOWLS. GRAPH IC MATERIALS. ,,'e lI"e H.,adqu~r · &0. , u.1a nrUule WI! reapeclrully i"vlle 011 IhoH . who tlo ;" trllill lrulll Pillsburi 10 Boilimore IIntl Ctilli.'j PlaiR and Japa,!",t/ Lan- lIH'i fDt Ih. rollDWin jr. v 1&: M a 1t'f'CIOc. may de .. lre to eupplv th emsel ves "'Ith " PhJradelp.lliu olld to New York, vin A 111:/1' noto By I.u\llllll lro .. ••ere........... l!IIel't'l.IOC:O"lc "leWlO, 8l1Dt'rinr ... tI"II', tlJ ulImc utll! "ltomhle thie l')IYn. ., lot' CfXIl oil. condl, and one.hull n P!ll r or Alliulcan ond Fore'.;n tille. Mud 1",",1· UNRIVALLED M,lchlllp.... • p"!,er hI " . FoiST r.IlI j:1-Le8ves PillBburlt lit 10 to lard oilj CI larg' bt\t're l nf 8wlll tho Icape., ,G~olll)I, S'.alnAry. elC). One half hour's in.truellon 18 eu.ffi ctpn t 11'. M • • Ill'I' "i,," ,,"ly lit prlncipnl 81Mio1lS. ah ~ II I Iftlll!lC ;J8tere_pIe va._ .r .10.. Wnr. . lU.ortmnat of to e',lab!e lI".y pp,~on to work 1~1Ii1 ~h· I\r rlves 01 AI700lllO 01 3.1.0 ' fj, I!C .. Hurris· .. Ill 1>11 emrflcn.te,l ellUrllly pl'fIvented. If )flve" Um., .. certain From IH~ft"h ••• madtt in th e vJtriulJI ~.Il,,~"I"'It . chit,e In Ih e tr eUltr€, 8otl6fa~tlon. • burll.8 118 A, AI. UKltimoret 111.:50 1'. 1\1" or J1N:.'·I;,mU va (uul 01\ 1''61 (ot t.lI C flog Cllulera. a 1111 (orlllill" a cOI)II,I,·'" ~'"otoll •• plllc 11I ,lor) ~ R l!liglous ont! ChDrlu~le Il\ltll u, Nt'\\' York .t vi~ Allentown, 4 . 10 P. III., Prico 25 Centa per Pl\pel', or 6 Pape,. for bi.lory or ille s,eal rOllle~t, liona wlll bl! libprolly wllh. Phi.lnll t'lpl.iut l.lO P . III, anti New York, l'REPAltED liT 8te.......,..1e View• • • Gr_.. Agents Wllnled lur .11 lowr.. In thle vi, Philode: phiu, ul 6 .42 1'. nt. S. A. FOr.J'rZ &. DUO., AII.pted for eilher lb. \' I llOgic I-oilleril or llor . ~f bea' DI~terl'! ~Dd .Iyle. or . .r. to' +S . AT THmR ~Ier~o.r.0 l'''' Ollr C'o tnllll;ue WIll be lenl to Un iled St8tes where Aaent a lire nbl n r~arly pstablished. 10 wllol1l a liberal dis. ~11~~ali.JI)~. .lnner, ~ u, p per. WUOLFJI tl.P. DRIlU ANIl ~nmlrnR llF.r(lT, any addre.. II" '~r.ll't or 8 Ilnll'I' . 'OWB JlAJlUPAOTUllE. COllnt \vlll be /liven. 'II' Dall". all (lI"tI· It'al"", SU1IdQII6 t:xcepled, No. 116 Franklin St., llaltimore, Md. Ph..........1e ,Allo_ .·1If Sale by Drll"1f1115 ..nd Sloreke->p<rs Ulroulbt" ~ \-Vf:I ma"uhW1l1re lU urtl IBlg..1)' rh.n enf oth ,r No consignmenl' mnde. Addre ••, SLEt.PIII G CARS .re attached tf'! all Ni~hl out Ihe Unl~ SIult•. W. hlte • v.rlety of hou ft, .hoUI 2IOtvnri~ l i •• frulll 60 Q~III. ~o 160 EMPIRE SEWING.lIJAClllftJE CO.• TrAins 10 Phillldelilltio, Now Y~rk .ntl .. ' . ",.. ead l'. Our AL.IJUlV/S ~A~'" tho rel)ut.l ll," o~] 616 Broadwny, N. Y. 8ultilllore. • ~U Q~H . b.",,, . uperlor iu durabol"y and be.uly to anJ ___ ,_ - - -DlIllgnge checkell through o,n trall8ter· M R.S. W ', N S LOW' S ~ AI.I."JUIA" .~ t · D~bel't. . I . 8110._ red free. " " (l'" P"'I~".. O .....ra .. TICUTS FOil TIIB EA6T (including Uos· c... ;:;: ton, by OaR' or Ruil). ph •• in, over lhis ItS.!S . Dnl::D dill'erenl .ut\I~OII, 1I1" )udlnJl' r .pr;I.'.... rould, Clln be purclollied 1t .,11 prinulpal •• " liDO. of Ihe II\C>lt c~ uhr. 'ed ~."gr.vlllg, ." .'" nere Dar.ltle. elilllolti. 88 low ai by 1111 ulher Por '''"'Il..lnr~IIc:., ~ ': long •• Statuti, etc. ClOt.loguel.e"t on r~celpl lIIete- .Eln'lle, route. I"d' orderln". C. 1\hsTI:: PILL& ure preporl'd 0111, MOI'e Orn~t!f..1 I FIlEIGIiTS. :.:; • " . O. D.• will "Ie.. ~ renoll 26 lIer CIIIII 0 . Ihe a",· .And ·will ktlt!p it, Sllapt! anti rtltdin iJ~ Uy IlIiA rOllle, Freights of ell dll8crip. (ur a lel!i' i m~11! purpose. Alld nre Iho ,,"ly ;; II ~ t L.5 liu nt Wllb Iheor onler. . tIOI'IS. 11II:luding L'VE STOQIC. CliO bp (o r· inle nnd effeclive 1Il1l11 ir.i ne lor HII Ih ~.· c, ..... , ~r , ra n ;rbo r'i.e~a a"d quo lily of uur goo'l~ C."n Place (Jell tr 1110" aTlY otller Ski, t. ... ': "n l- , nol (HII 10 .atllf). ~ "'uded tlJ nn~ fr,'m Phil.llel"hln. Ntlw pni ufol tii,lIJrdurM 'tn \\'I· i~h Ihe fl'tltnle coif· ~LillJ tiOIlI :s s ubjeci. 'rhi" new Rnd bpnllliiol 81yle of Sliirt Yu'rk, U08tun or n.liinture, to a 1111 Irom •• . ~ Til" BVllAL AMEUI(lAl" FUICII:, 3 'l'hey ore III\' IIl1ly g(lnllillP Fumo)e Pill1 ...... PARLOR . COOKS, lIIONTM8 I-«)nOI"1t V'NtrfII, (Pt\lentec1 March 7, 186f1,) \US .wftrtled ""1 poinl 011 Ine Weatrrll Ruilwoys, b!J rxIMIH. ·(,htl)· mUIIt'rnle UIII'.': I!~B (! ~ , 111111 • P .....N.."" .." ......2£ TO bv Ihe GREAT AIII>RIC411 hllTITUT& FAIR, Railroad dl,.«,. . retlln'e , alllJbslruelil,ll!lI. They i"vignut p 811J18(JadlEB81 Ill' Stealllers, (rei"ht rill "Iso ~e for. 1111' tlllbil ilni elilllld Ihe dellch!l'; eM1111 8Sd l~ t ~ The Rv n.\L A8'''RICA , I'ubli .hed At Uti~.•• held ill Ne,v Yurll, OCloller, 1866, N. Y.• on the ht. and 16th of ~.,· h 1II01l1h. w,1I v£ __ 1t•.ED"-, wurilpd 10 any IcceAllible poiut 611 Ihe riv· lIuture 10 brinll bqCk Ih" blontn tu Ihe pal· , ..... 1Iil._ o "Olll/llenee a ne" oolunoe I XI] Jonli ury hI. IB6!. ... _'I' ~ er8 '''Id hkeM of Ille West, The p.rlor .tovel .re I}f dill'erenr klndl No cilbor rural pa per. In th i. co unlry tq uol. !1 The Hlllhe.t Premium e,ver giv~.o 'for a Fur Freij!ht CO\llrectll or Di· lid chef'k. No m~idt'n, ",jie or m olher Inel lor .Itber Co.1 or Wood .. Tb, abDwe ill practical' nille 10 F.rlllers. 6 ..elO"Hr •. F"ult HOllp Skirt! recliou s, tlI'l'ly 10 or ac1drt'~s pilher 01 thl' sholl id be withoulthe lloI)'61lc Pilld. S\,ll~ .'....Il'.... b.eD · puroblled .~ tbe ' GMlwen, Slack 1J" ..cle... Dee K Bile,'•. &". .11 bv all uruggl&!8. · The Slelll Sjlriogl .re wound wlth 0 f"I III"'ill!! "flen" of 'he COfnl'nnv: , -~ IS Nation,,1 ;u churo(o t c r , belllg '''' v"h",ablo)1I > In I. cr.nm m IA n111i'~ Q MAine. lowi. Mar),lanrl,:A:", H' ill Ih" S 18t~ 01 fille pl"ted wire Lin place .DI R cOI~nn CIW· 'S, 8. Killg810n,Jr., Fl. Agesl, }lllll.,I·b. ~ ::1 ~\IIlI'IJ IIiIllI. ""4tll)~ Ll\l..lQl. LUIlll~. New ·York. It I. a .pl,nilid ~ilI I ~~" pftt;B qllJlr. etllllf) whic'h IYtll not WAGr off .or .b.. enme C . A.. C.rpenler, FI. Alrent, Pitl i bu'll. ; a to publlcltion, "",uliru!lv ill" HAled, larr • ,ollel! ~rid the \Vholll skirl mn)' be WASH' Clllrke &. c .... Trhll8 1er AI!f'1I18. P,lt sb urr· lhan .'1)' /lth r "nrrr or II . clo ••• 011,1 olf.recl AI .1Ii ~m '" IOld !It re'l!onable prolh on onl y 1 1101.. ~ 50 t:TS. /I. n :AR ..AIlcl e"or,' EO WITlluUT IIIJURY IIr tear of rtArtUnu, 1:1. W . Un,wlI & co., Z "oesville, O . ,he lime terw •• H III II &. co.. l\[IIriettR. O. l ub,cri b.r racej,·•• free .",1 1'011-flo,,1 what If and will ':Ie .. gnud n. oew. :I actually worth (""III '.. 10 2 Dol. in 10'"...I the . ' W.H.&l!:.H.LIlIIglev, Glllliroli.,0, ~ hllil' ...1 ORA!'R. Vn.t:s S'1'RAwUEIlRY "1'0 RA81" ClarkA & cu .• Chicago, III •. i BERRY PUNTS. EARI.V UUC.OIlICIi , 1'<n'A'l'OEIiI =! r Ihe bu t "u, .I\I''''''n 1 AND St'~I)IDo Sir 'rhl. in'",llolI ~-;;-mbin,.a wilh Ihe IIrcll· 11 N • 0 N L . N E • J PLATEi:l'IQlI'AVIJlQB-! nary coltlln Skirt the .dVAlllagcs of ou' , Faat Tr6 'tiM, tlia Ptllmrylt'o7lifJ R . R. CLUD AGENTS W ANTI'D ! Stt-YBR SICIRT; Ihe bottum 'huop, ~rP. Ib .. ~ IUdi .1 Eive-troOlh • • nd .Con. The P.,.Olium. oenl 10 Club A@lent., aM "'.. ,. Broad Tread" Corio, I: elUlltofll. dODe 00 mort DOllce aDd 111 tbfll Iy mllr;nifiuenl. and wnrlh lhree "'I!e~ •• uII\I:Io .ame U Ih08e IISl'd III Ihe t;lIver Skirt. ••• ny oth~r pulliisloer otl'PrI. B."'I .... . 11 lh. Ihe ctlverln(l o( which cnnnut wear uff W'hlch rUII tllrough betwt'en the E.Metn ~ kl' II) Ie, e~ reduced 'prieea 'rom Jlllt artid.,: they ret";"o rrM 1 1~le"d lu Golc! dnd W eslerll chies, irrespecliYp. of Chilli' 1ear. Com. OIL witb Jour work. We .bov. Penlanrl .11 (h .. hlp;h prinll Me,:"""'" Bud tlo. while the ultpl:lr one! afe' cvvertd with ge.o( IlIlPj.!Il. The Ullinn L1nil is fh e B?LEEN ~]) LlVQ. '1 I .• Ire reael, to wlit o. ,011. e Ne.. York We ....y N~"· . Pope". )·ur.IO com colton. No lod,. h~ving once worn one the'J' ~m,c. ot 1.111011 jIt!.. ba I'IIIhn',feDr,. ' • ",,""'01 III 'anr litl1e !. (l\ub AK ...... M'" we.l~d in o(.our IIIirl8, will be willinil ro \tPl, .IIY aUlhor;afd Fut Jo'reillh.t Line •. nlltl I. a .. en BIler ODa or ."u do.... 'J'b.y every low n, 1M, .... ry Slnl<, ill tbe Ullion, :,,11 IIlher,8' Ihe lower hoops 01 .11 other ,vorked on .11 Ibu rOlll08 over wl,ieh it Wataenlll., Sept.D. ,0llliAn t.O dll. it 10 n lld ror. 18ml'le ~op~~. , klnlle lire 800ft InjurE'd' tlud Roiled. Illlderiakell tl' "tnur,rl, under COlllrfttl l ~ ~ • i • SI,o" Bill' and monk Suh''''II'II.,n I.m., wlou." The beat tnllll'rlnis orll 1I8etl :n Ihelr which ,('curu to tbe properly elltrllAt!'d 10 ;: Lat.Ht ra.l"oaa Demmel Are . ~ ul fr ... , and} 011 can proceed to gel "I' conetructiDn. Dnd, (rnm their durability ils' rhnrge; Iha b('sl (uci'liliPa fur rUt anti ; rlu"" , J. VI • .,-radl.,'-. C.l.lratocl paCont lind ·l\e.tneIS, they are t\P8tilletltU become unliform III I)ve ml' II I , thol Iha Iluads over ~ THE PA1'II1 JIIEI THBEB IIOIITL'{lI ! f..ery lui ..:ribn r.., 1837. who re",it. 11. ~O which II poues" possess. .. A FavotHe Skirt. iUAly. or in b club, b,·(nre Dec. 1.5th. 1.806. WIll ~ Where tillle is l!u8ronleed, a lor· ~tnft\lraclured ollly by Ihe Silver · Skirt r~";,' " I~" p.,'flr free rrolll Ihe tlllle b.. fe lture of Fivt' relit. per 100!b8 id 01, I. rereilr.,d, t~ tile elldnr III .. pr...enl ~'ellr .nd Wire "bnlllllllturina Compeliy. (0. DOVDLi ...&l50} lowl't1 fur delt'lIlilill9, for every day beyon d receiveu by October 1.1, Ih .. I,ape' WIll go . 30 &. a:J Borr-IRY St., Nelli Vorlr. I b'll lime &pecified • thr.e months,.and in Ill"O,'Orlh.n (0, a lalt' rOIlIlI· liAS rnOVl::D ITIIRLr TO Bl! T. S. SPERRY, Bupl. [66,ly \alIce ! Jo'or lunhar ill(orm~tl ( ,n. IIdtlre,. the The Betil U,,'r ·Ilo".n,er tlVer offered O.. r 1'00,000 worlh Of.(;'o:aturll ..o lin,! h..en fol/o.\'IIII[ Agpnlll of the ' Union L inp;' &0 rlall PubliC'. . ; . lent to III)' .·ihen. w,lhu, the I•• t " )'ur., :Do RE'"•• NG'I'ON Al'fD 80""8 H oo W. DruII'I" 27 \tVe. 1 alle l.• CilloiollOti. .TtI. W01l~rtll' l'Iulblllty .nd grea And r noW 1.8'" 011 h~i.d '26.000 "orth, wbich ' .~ . ' . ."! , It will chanlle I!rny bnlt I~ its (lrigiulI l S. n ·rhall~hcr. 239 N. lIi!!h lit. Cululllbus colur. lIIl!Dfort .ad plllD"ure t., any lady wee I A m rMdy 10 .end (A I Ihe ' proper lime) to All It will thlJr"":.lhly (llcnu ' o th e Duplex Elliptic Iklrt .wIll be who .ubo.,ill. for Ih~ RtJR~L AMeRIOAN. whicb Ih ,m'l F. Guy •. Indin'llll'olil. Jnd. Se1lp.llnll MAdlc"le ~II scurr lind dRlltl,""', AA..l I I I I II d d . i•• ulIIlI",<I unlyers~lIy to a". nor ollr,' thr. he~t, E. p, IlrYAIII.1·"rtl' Ilulll e, Ind. It wmerrlll8t I'remnlUre do cny "lit! hllillg ~n_ p~rI cy ar, 11 a \' crow e ..leOI· hut .100 Ihe cheopell pA,,_r o( tt'lI kInd in tl,i. W . W . Chlllldler, CI.icftgn, III •. bll'I, operll. ~,- c."IDae'. rallro.d Clr•• country. ,Iut Qf JI is" OltiurB 81 i1l1l111l1\t lind .. 'rhe Pelllll ylYIIlllo Railroad Cu. will invigolrHlor. Dnd will promore Ihe I£ruwlh cbureb p••••• rm, (or promenad9 Addrtao, T. n, 1111;\1 F.R. (! ••Il'ITOl'I, ON.,nA C;". not 11581111)1! any ri81t for IJnllgogl', rxcept 01 tbe h air. ' .11,11 1I0\l~' prel'~" Ihe .lI.ltL clul .he fold. N. Y., my odltoriul offite utiiug Iho..e, ne. r U. ' eel wheD 10 ule to occupy. Imall prll1e II fi co. 67 4w. lur \Vearillg Apl'"pl. aiod limit Ihpir reo ft I'xeel. III p il Prt'poratlone II!! ~ ,Iree· '.IId con,enl\lntly II a silk or mue· ETS ~ '·D 0 "RB/uPS 'rollsillilily 10 Olle Itllllllrrd dollnrll in vnl· ,inll' It chDnllp8, nt ollce. dry Hlld wiry liD ·dr~I'I.n In,.. III.ble lIu,lIly in crino. FilEt: TO EVEItYBOnv . MUSE ......' .n l u,-, UEI. All BO/l'n'ft&,e t'XI:eedinll' Ihut IIm.,1l1l1 hair 10 'oft nn II llilkt!1I tn'."',, " lIoe.llol (oulld in .ny .in,le 'pring elt:rl. BeautYI For Ihe Unltl'd Slatu Bervict, AIIO, in v8lue. will be at the rl.k o( Ihll owner LADIES, YOUNG ANO OLD. If YOtt unleas ,uken by II "peefal (·unlrocl. A 1.4" hlVlnl enjf)yed Ihe plel,ort, J t Pili h II \Vish tu u .... tl,(' . bl'~t arlicle fur "II f\jll~ · "· comfo~l •• nd ,re.t convenience 01 we.r. u. U '. • .. . . . 00 t ~, I E. H. WILLIAMS, ' 1'6 of'Ule II1I1IIl nlld h ui r, .ry Ih .. 'QUEER' .a. 'be. DUC11!l\ ~lip" 'o .teel.pttn,.krr' t It t .. che~ I1I'lw .n relllnve Tin, Freck· REPEATING REVOLVERS (jell'l Snprrill:t'nllenl. A IlnOIl~. Po. nud be COli villced Ilf Ihe !tulh Qf llillee lea. Pimple•• BlolcheR, MOlh P.'che~, 11.1· , Q HENRY W. GWINNER. lIlo lem C' lI t8, ~r • lin, e d.,. will never I(terward. I E ' d II ' I. I wliuII,l, dl.penH wllh their Il.e. For owneu, ruPtIO"., 1111 B ItMur. lieN v l"e VlngC1' I' SI Ol'n'l Tlckft AlI'plIl. l)hilo. Price 81 I bolt Ie. 8,uld, by ,II t1rlll!glsts. Ihe . kin; how 10 ellllmllilhe .kln, leovlna Rifle Ind 8hol Gun Uqrrel., ftll,1 Gun Mo. " Id H. H. HOU~·l'ON. r cal ren. mi ••e.IDd young ladle. they are it while and dellr a • . ,,1.baalE'r; how to ' d JOHN D . PARK, ' •• perior to .11 o.her.. protluce the lullelt de,elttllment or lhp terinl ••old by GUll De"ler. nnd the 'r" e Gen'l Frelaht Ageul. Phil". Gt:n'l AI-'I, Oincino,IIII, O. l·tf. The, ~llIl1ot bellil or IIreak li~e the , emale rorm .(u prlotlaed b, Ihe "'rench), I{enerall,. Ilnli•• prID,. but will ~re.erve Ihelr per· MusilllC the bU8t to ,row rourd .nd (ull. In tilelle day" of HOlllebreDkintr lind HfSKI':RR feot .n~ ,ra('llrul .hape when three or and If the foom h.. been 1011 by padding, Rubbery, every lJ',"ee, Store, UUllk. 'I\d. PER YEA R DIIII Mllt t.· . four ordln.ry.klrl. will hne been throwlI IlIclng. or metemll,. realorln" II 10 more Ollice. ,hollid hne onll of . ·iP· want Bllentll every""hE'rp chea (orced 10 grow IIlde .1 ullle... The Hoor'lIre oovered 'hRn it. orilln.1 Mine ... t\rmnnl. and 1\1.IN..TOll'l ..... to 8ell our IIiPROVED flB20 Sewing Mil' upon the slllllolheRI wl~" 4oub\e ••4 ~wl .... tt \",..<1,: .04 tb. beatlty. h teaebet \\0'lIl \e red".,. In elze p.,tlea cldlrlnR I., ",all them 8e',l-, of chinl'lI. Three lIew killd.. Under Dlld I'ICP lill Irom thrlle "Ol~ rOd. a,r e oot,onl, lI.o uble aprln.II' tbe henda and (eet; prOdUl'1I corlllllenr)' orlhlllalll Impro,velllfl "18 10 Pislol •• 1I,lld Ill' up'per leed. l W 'tlfrnnled five yenrd. 'Above but ~~Ice (or doub].) toveretl: pre,enl!nr the reye~,e; remoye luperO""u,; CIII'e perior workmon.hlp alld rOfID, will lind "II Rllluy or ' III ge olllnmi,"ilJli. p"id. 1'hl' 10 /iVA wl'ek" lIy '~.ID from wurlng OUl wlI.n dfl/l,lD, Corne, DOlllons, \Vflrllj, and Mnlel; renew oombiDld In Ihe OIlL'Y ma chinell 80111 In U flitI' d St~lpll !Q usi ng: nr . SI" ' ill))'e'" RClIi'''IU'II'4!lar down .• loop", .talr•• &0. . your agf!: cure drllnkpnnce•• Caterrh, dye. 11'118 than 840. whi ch ore lullv liee n ~ed b' Copilluh'c, Ihtl lIIust wIJlllii!rlul tli dl1UV . Duplex Elllptio I.,' great favorite pepIII, NenouM D911I1it\'. &c.• hu\\' to IllS. NND Rtmi_gtott RellfllveTl. . H 'u we, Wheele~ '" Wil~on ; Grover" .. ry In lIIud!!'rn I!cien('e, IIclInt: UI)OIl fbI! wllb III I.dle., Inti I. unlverlblly recom· ei!l1lte Ind ,,,in Ihe lovlt .nd "ffection 01 Cirllulaflllllnillilling CIIIl and d"crl p. k(' r, Sillaer" Cu .• alld Bllcheldtr. AI B\·.rd ar,d Hllir ill 1.111 , n IIIII)st AlirnculollP . DI.aded b, the FuhiDn Mlg.sinAI De Ihe Iny person you mDy choole together witl, tlon 01 ollr arml will be lurni. hed upun .. th er cheap mor.hi. 0~8 are inlringe menls. m'r.nner: It IInrl be~ n u.~tI ~y .Ihe elite ~llndard $kirt o( tbe fa.hlunable World. DI.her ulefUl Iud valUllhle 'In.ormatlon.- npplicIII,ion. IIlld Ihe lIelltr or 081'r I.. liabla 10 "rrl'at Puri.- Rilt! 'L olldon with' Ihe InOlll 61l1ttirinj! 'l'o enj~y .the fol!Jlw!IJ.I' inrltl,!,able a~. No youllg Lad, or Genlleman .hould r~il E. REMINGTON &~SONS. Ilion, N.Y. finr •• na imprisonme nt. Circlller.Jl'~ ~ SlIer.eel. Nalll ~1I of "II pll' tl ho~t'!r. will.bp . 11 IIrloollne. VIZ: . lupenor qUilt. to send their addre .. 10 thll undllrllj[ned, - .. i~· .. iiAii~·-- A'llIIrlU, or cllI IIpDn Shlw & Olllrk rrgid'ereti. blld if 'eul lre 1"lislntltilJII ill 1101 ty, perrect manu(aclure. It,li,h .hape af!d and rrceive by return mall I copy 01 thle • 8 i.ddeford, M~ine. or ChicI,O, III. [116. i ~iven in eYl'r., i~PI.II (le: tl, e' money will flllllh.!',exlblllt,. durability, comfo~1 Ilnd VGllIlble work In sealed en"lop. free (Copy righted,) be cheer' ul\y. retundpd. Pric~ by mall, W t d . C .. A 8 TEL L • H • 8 economy. enqul"e fo,' I, W. Dr.dley • Du· oh"IIl'. Addr.". '''I,lp~ and pOllpllid. Dt>~eri p)iv, rlr· . , . Elllptlcf or double 'prlllil ' IIklrl, .nd BERGER, fJHUTTS & CO., .rrln II to cover more I"r(aee forllmt! cullin a'nd fe.limnnl.l. m.iI,.tl (rile. Ad. ~ "".'. )'ou~t the ,eIlulne .rticle. Chemisl" ~86 RIYer Troy. N. Y. weight thin any uther I . '. . ~ &II~. dre'l BERGER, SHUT'I'S & C'O., CAUTION.-To lIullrd ',Iin.t I",po. TaT .T.·•• D lOU WltL B4VE 10 OrOI! r." I"'prowilll and . Beaulifying 'be t:om· chemill" No. 1186 River IIfPpt. Troy; N, 1.,1" ,.,aoulle • 8TBANGBo BtT'" TRtTE. . pIes Ion. • 111011, be p.rthllIll" t~ nOlice thai .ltirl. 46,6m oler''''1 .. DUPLEX" hIYe the retlllllt MANUFACTlJREn ONLY BY Tbe ruoot •• Iulble and per(ert prep. ration In Y. Sole I,entl for the 0. S. Irlmp .. 'Ix.: .. J. W. Bradlev'. Duplax. EI. Every Y"UIIII.ely and leDtlem.n In the ZEIGLER & SlUTH. UI .., ,i.inK the .k,n a bllftulil\ol pearl·like unt, I 8 '~Unlted Stlte. C4n he., ,0lDlllhln, ver, Ibat I. only h,"nd io loutb It quickl,. reo A B E - A u " y •••AU. .'" e teer 8~rhlll"·' u~o~ Ibe ~.ltitbIDd much to .dnnt'j[e by retllrn ",.iI Wt.ole •• I. D,IIIl, p.inl II GI .. , Dealer,; II",vel tlln. Frell kl .., Pilllple•• BlOtllheo, Molh • ' bu,n, GI,ld. n, -aon. othen I.r., aGDUlae. Al.o Notl ..e (free of cb.rge) .ddreielnglbe under. No. 137 North Third S".. t. Plltcbe.·. 8.1I0"n",,: .~ruption•• and all Imllo", FlilX"'. n. a"d lilkell th.t ev." Hoop ,-UI .dal', • .pIn . bel IIIRned. . 1'ho.e I,"in, ~eln of beln.. li,," of Il,. Ikin,'lti'ldl), h,,'ing Ihe ~aD\., e".· U II8d tb h I h I ~,,~ PH1LADELPHIA! inllh8 akin whltl' "',,1 clear a. aloballt.. h. C RLB prllduCt!d p. rJ'llI! t .. centre •. t UI revel IIIlmbullred, will oltlilfll by not lIotlainl 01. canllot be de ..cted b1 tb. clol..1 aeralill),. . b, thll uae of Prol tbe 'wo (ur double) .prlnl~ braided tOIl~· lhl. card. All olhere ••ddr ..l . For ..111 b, PAIn DULEIll ~n.,._ an,d beml. n,eleDI .. prep.rallon· il perfeclly , DIBIIlUX'I ,' FRi. b e. r ,b.~I •• wbleb I•.tbe .. ere' of th!!lr their ob.tlleilt' .. , .. nl" Hot, hllrnlle... II II ,h. only artiel .. or the kiDd SER LE ·C HflvEUX. ODe IPt l il~III" ....t"'!Dp,.nhoo"' ..ID.tlo. THOS~ E'. CHAPMAN, ., oledll, the ~·reDch ••"" il cOlllide ..d .,,, the d to be 10 .nt olh.r .lIfr". t~.). 831 Bro.dw.' New Yorll ' . ..rrl~e .... Cell'.a,. . PMI.;'n .• • in.llo""n.,I,le to a P.""ect toi!el . wlrr.nte to .curl, ,he 1110.1 Itra rill .nd OO"'Por .,)el••j 11 Itore• • bare I' I' . • An Ell.". or W.-liln, .nd. In.t-tto ' n UIPw.n1a 0130 oee bott'" we .. lClld "DrinK t~• •11Ib&0,. hair of elth.r I" , wev, eI _L'-.. · 'I h b .T • ., .pall ".", a ,olideai tPl\ranl.. ~ emca~y, rinall" or h.IVY ma .. l.e curIa. He. belln a' toal OM ' 'be CIDER V NEG:AI~ {or Younr Men. AIIO. di.ell.." .n" .bg. Prir;aonly 'l3 c"III •• Sen't b1 lUaU poll'paid. IC\ b h " ~ I bl B"~ JfUIII_', '. ' . .' ' .lA I .. whleh prem.lllrel, roathte the yltll on reteipt 01 aD order. b " o. ' t t . IIlh on. fOl 0' Pa,il .nd ...., . W ,be IOl~ o~ram or 'h~ Thll w. bow 10 ... pure.' .e · pro- ".en. wltb .ure 0( relle'. IkDt .BERGER, SHUTTIA CO .. Clie.~ J)n~on, with ,1wI mOlt hilf ..... It.. . . .~ , . ewe. the Cider rell.lIl, perlON 10 rre. 01 eb"re In .tI.led letter tlnte",,.. _.RIver SI., Troy. N. Y. . !MIl 11 0 ,1"111'1 10 ih. hair. Prloe r 'I-i:":i=:::~~~::::;i;:;;~"1'rit oWBBT8. BllAnLEY &. CARY. 'hie nel.hborh~, .... ,.rDlI"eei it '0 Addre.. Dr. SKILL1N HOUGII'I'ON' 111.11, ... IIIl.DeI poIl,.ht, ••• Deec!rlpj II At-_ .. 'h .81 R•••• Itnet.. turll to ,ille,.r oa eDr 0•• ., Howlrd Auocl.lIoa PbUIde, III " • PRl1IT-.1A •• 01. ".1' kind. olroalar•••nt free. · Add,... BEWE., avtUlUD ~;a. N,.Yetl" E. R. PRlNTz.. 10. '1-' . • P I, • aMlala,.. ..... U'I". (or ••Ie II, . JHUTT8 .. CO. ; cheml .... 185 IlI.lIr 01 v •.1!I··,:. ~:',drr..: , E, IL PRINTZ, It' r Tro" ~.Y. 801 ••;eD" for \be .,


9111 C,,","tU


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4- WUron, CiJiciauli.











flll '''l ..Ie .ova



.if 1\'la~lt ~al't ",.-'8:1.

0 O~· O~r

.. .~b,::.~~cv:~·~·IVE \lU~. The

1 M 0 N ARC H "" Oll~~~~~~;r",'herl ,I."'tn t'"I 0 ...


Parlor Stovs "


Silver Skirt· !

'Mystic Pills,

The Great Female Remedy.










=t •


lob-Work of aU

The combiliation Silver Skirt



= = -=..




.akl.z-"*· ,b.


Guide to Health and

P ke and 'Belt' Revolvers R' Canes, RevoI' RiO









·-p·VB ..... LiBEH·i ·i ' .


WBl'TE LIQUID · . 'rNA1I/rrI1'!'



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n.tI.& an . .




'Ill , No. 19.

WAl'NESVIL~E, WAlUtEN COUN 'ry, oH10-: WE})~ESDAY, NO VE l\IB ER 7, 1866. .






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' O;'PlCB-NOrlh SI., neo rl, oppo.lte t~e ~. t: church. aUI DBI OB- Wll h Ch ... Stroud. SOU l'll 1'bir41 Slre el, ... .., ' . ,.


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'1'ie l""fI&C to ,olm ~" 'hl!'etbfo", ' . 'Ilhe field


.,.. DloPl h..

tbre e ruonltll,

" •• rter CDhfrun :l,u~'h'i .. •• O' t\! etha, .. .. ly.a r. H.W <€ol••• S "D"I~" ,.



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u-A ZE TT E.

-t-tIi0 .. Squ lr•• Dne."I'eO",





thlrt\Y yea rs I 'wns in Jud ge ,H. .:- in a.plenso lt: Ver mon t! in t he tow n The re nre. two vill ag II in , the y are den omi u t d

(Jt! u _OR


. ort ill· da)" or 'ore .... ' :r., leao I.,in,Irod , Wilh IIp r 111e" The 1\lme I~e.e/l hjll. lad vau htd •• y. AI .. ~ how clillljfed h all f liI...t ; H9\ hnr " . ud "Lo wer HolHow 'ew are ruund 111)' ntme. to .. ,eet ! . I . n ... In J I.ari lh lite region round I qillmnce aho r namee are in Ihe ohurahyur4 Couo d. H~IIW~. ~erl) ljv 11 a ye the Low er mall 'by the 1'h. hand or tim.., will< .11 efflce, Ol'lnndo Buu dy, a Bll\Ck~ Nur :llV e-e " long...... linsr" Irac He was h~ thQ bab . Of WI.11l1 [ .1111' in for .."" yeu . : e The I~ini ratJlei' r~~ely ea· diup pea u. and nod hait 1'''. lli.d 'w)' peat . . . . like • . elrel lll, • cf I o'llln·, •• oUbd ...h(1I1 ' ." ...... ~o 11& \.be «-ze , Ind lIml ' fo~ be,u' 6 da, .: a~ lb. eud or lba\ time A~ dlJ!BI I 'ala" . dece llflll :'llli le. ' alke witb ,otr eatr eor othe r oou ri.h II, /aif", I • .,e a 'lorl d of IIlfht menl, with hia requea\ "'\Dg com OIlQI~ed Jast wee k w.itl ! imp pliecl Reu MI' . beyo nd 'mer e Iftortlll 81,11 osin g cer- "itb , and Dot until hi. 1 : orga n. ablOlllteemo uies , in 11is presellc e ; I\l1d , 'Per hapl , 01" drel mil ' Ind1vilio nl here, he 11ll.S abb or alcobol. Tbo c~re fl com e.ver t.rue • nIl' re.1 Illere • late ly add ed hal f a milli -





~ No graveR thne hi"e 'the lovtd from NOlhlng Ii 10lt ill,t ·"ere IV" .k r,IV view, ; , BUl , ,.hh ollt cllft!11l'8 t.or Bwir t decay, AllI In. In one I'tern IJltta,. 1hw.Yo!l1C, 001" .1,,66.

o/~ dollars to and frOID that period !'h. ,ery its fuuel f6r its end owm ent: A weeks ago he don ated ~l50,OOO f ew I!mell of .piri ta producee OD him thll· to effect of an emetic'. the end owm ent fun d of Har Vlll'd - - -.. .._ - 'oll ege ' a~ld 3. like amo uut to Yal , EII!I GUU R NOTloNa' OJ' TUB llARlUJ.GJr,. Queen Vlc tori n seu t him an autoe. · RJu Tlo N.- Tbe Ohicago Republioal1 grap b I -tOO l' of than ks; and sut ·'r · Ienow him like a boo k. he t'or lIlya a maD wbo Baid he r port t'nit , to bo PI'osolltcd to him SO , old called Oil a jluti oe laat ea'1yea r. uoy; anti II cd to 11 ve in nck now Ifda y a. His futl iar·died whe n prin cely ledg rlle nt of bi . mo re tbllll night... kiog to bo married '0 a Kid libe rali ty to t he pOO you ug; aud his mot her bein g l' of her or 17 yea n, '.rhe jll'li oe real m. d the \&Rual queationl. and receiYetl oorr was put oltt to live wit h eol 110. The ful1l.n ra to ' cal'll 8. livi ng. 'bod agg l'ognto amo llnt of· MI'. Pen.- ,welB unti l tbe following WII. pr~'po~n­ y's dOllutioll , is suil l to be 82,ded ;, "Ha Y. YOIl 'OYOr beel l ma .Ill' ld t\'ith my futh er, h e 9 '0,00 ul.d thont Il!.el ;was not. nblc to 1.0 1' has0 i alld ret, tIle gon erou s bnu - bdo fe '" ~'Yes." ,"It you r .. ife · ••ill no ~ &ivclJ UWt ly hal f of .hi.s Iivi U:1l~i~1' he had ~ILl"ned e· 1Il0u oy.-0l n,?" . ·IYe .... "Ar e Y9u, qiYorced ~!lOn Republican: . (rom . My filth 11 beber '" "No" "Wh ere fbe , .. - ___ _ n ' -, ' '·I '.om her." '·Ho ., moo b didi.JOI Dlnn, w.ns /\ble t.o lRe' (lOI l.INO AlJ'l '1Jtu :N. ' oes. It i~ritRtod tha for her 1" "No ne of, you r bUll a. .a , .•.. Well. l can ', mar ry YOIl if yourr lilll had no shq~s, \, Qne · Ala s wiro fOI' tile SU\l l.WIl I' ! ,Tho grn ss i. .. flltbcl· "an t q~ ~o cut Cun ada Iivjng." "~IIL rtbe H~ed a y01lnge is still ve1.·!Jaut OIl tho hill s and r in t~e Ifll~., I . t'Il.IJ sho es t o in vall e "S .l ~hefoliagc ot' the tJ'CO (\I!I~r bett er than .be did me~ ~Dd ( wa~ my r~et, ~ If. PCjl.0I· $ -,- W~s ~ho S wllhng to be .old r6~1' YOO Ie h~ bou,hr. I ~ as <l U 0 1\8 eVOI', and a gl'e en; her, 10 I l,~ her go, a11n tllls tles prfcko!1 llls the fl o.lVers 1\1'0 'a bun dan t alon g tuo bQthered hilJl \lnd , ltUl{lh. u)arcrin ' ••• , Qr n9 t hBVi 8hoe8~ , II 0 hed go.rows the I'ivel', .and .in the MR. PUJI.ODT'e !hU 8.- A. 'corf1e.pon, nuu c10e p nmo llg th enl, o( the Nati lJy Jea1;s . oo.a l Jn~ltig80Cle~. I~ a the s 11\1\ o · woo d . ' tho Ilu.Y- , too, Me li S f I'vid sbo,L 'k,t eb rollill hUD - us tbey wcr e II. >lmon of ,bi • . geItUe}'l"p ' . Jlf~. th ngo Inn d ,Yet . The '" ,01 ln' of ,Yr. Pea bod y I flst nt Ille, itl' e\'el 'Y bl'entb of a lDatlet~o( cOllj8~tur.. III Bill ldy', I sLlal1 bOllin 0'( SllllShll wlml unct in thOl 'C is IIIl 11 wa. Dumbtted amo DI tbe mila:bLo td wea l' .nal iliflucllee. lO kllO W not how eo it Pl'ovcrl ~ Ho did d Oi:lel'lbo It. l\JeiI hinl or ., London S .thor o is ',u ouL to yea,lI Ilil . arid duri ng the '11'0 nCt/ lJil'e a an cducn· Bort buijne., . larg el, i~­ of ooo ino s ami d aIL tho hun t, cru .ed. Auu pto fess ioll '- '11(l Ili8 sh oa IInLl Dlin g tbe value of hiS n mildllCSs in tllo bl'ightllelJ ot I~~ghdil.ti va hall s s a' that time to bave been £1, V ~ l'. th.· s A bl'oe7.o Clltl'lOt sth' s-h'o cs.'pl·ossecl 'tlle L. floo r lie o~gb' in t 860 0 bAYe be.l l· tn with the ......." .. ..·",1, thtf Sen ate obn mbo l' 'Da ring tbe' I..t. beb olil it IObarlu•• lo






lilOJ :lIlIa s8.Mr. GIilO RGE PBA UOD Y, tbe Am ori- T·h . rollowing cure ror drun keo De" i. cnn han ker, of Lou don , who has ptacticed in Hollan~: bee n ver y slIo oe fnl in mak ing Tbe paie nt i8 abut up in a room, IUlc! moneJ". is nsto ni hing tho lI'o with tllO gt'o at num bel' nnd vas dd debar~ed all communication, ucep~ mounts of hi bcnefa.c tionS<. t :1.- ,!i,b hi. ph~liCl'an. . A. orten u ' he No pleases, spir ILe -bra ndy . mlln, livi n g or dea d. per hap s, has whiakey, gio. eve r give n a'YAY so OHi. h rnon ey. &o ,-a r. given hiai. bllt mix ed ... i~b -. f of water i aU othe r drinka, lucb as H e hns mad e aU th coll ater branchcs of his fl~mily rich - he isal beer, coffee, wine, &:c., are mixed wHh n ! bran dy. Tho ,,,ri olle bee helo r bim self ; hus foun ded vianda, 100, col- Ibat aro rllrnlabed


fte ri...rree.pondn Ullioa "Y!' -CercI 18. z..0••11I dOD 8&... 91'; The ~ . re. d~ 8 the body' or aQoth ..... of H u,., ,tied OD Iby i. . .nir..&ed 1M. (b. BlDp... .. Ytert 1 diaappe ared oar lD· Gra. . . . . . 81 ,..... lou.. JI wottW appur lbal ~.r ID •• 80 my8 t &o~: 1deot' or Ne';' Yor~, -On Ihe or lb. ,.o.,....g or Ih, I IllAte glY. eln" for to ber• alld ;~'~hr known drnmnt ic Thuler Itali.n . Pari •• lh. reeeipl' were r~ieni!. bl'(ore her .rrinl in Frano e.'te WI'S coli d upon a~I' bonk 13.000 r,ano.. Adelin . Paul 1 .AOg. Dring ber voyage (rolD Vera Or •• 10 w,oru rsr,to C'l h t it draft of on undor. \ -John Vln Baren "ionnte d" Ih~, S,U No••ir " d 10 be 10 ,h. I ' \Ote 1 I taker, II uC1lr ll ~i gbbor, who s 1'" ' :J ( popul" rpolhio .l pb,:,,'~', 'VO~ el~1 ~nc d~pe.t mel.nehol1,_, .••d oon. II. ~ tbot he had receJ.\'e(l DU order from Orlepa",,'.'" of. 011 Dclidale , ,II. Will ruB ,poke of 'he re,po~Blblh\1 .be b"d aa the Booth fllmily to rcptlir to Wns b· like tbe choltrll .' .limed ; , . in g-tOl1 with a l'~offln, (\~d tllero r~. -Tba Qu...o of k. ~~OlDp.·' On her .rrinl In Pari" .hhoag~l ceive the body 01 John W Tlkes Boo~ , nied b, the Bel"AI B.. i\e, h.~ Itorrlvtid In Indireotly prepare d fOf d •• Xlltperor I which would be S\lrren d r d to lum Loodon on • vi.i' \0 Prinoe ,ou Prill· reruIII to aher lbe price , filed (or ,h.

. . . . . 10

.J~ III W.UAne. , ••1 1& II on .... I•• rrl. . 11 co .. pOMd or ..,UD PLATa. . j.r eall In"rler . willa Ibe humon , eof III I worlllll' IDd no luddl'D 'huell can d.IOI,f -~;;~;;;;~~:=:~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ IL' m,cbi". ry. Ewer, p,lece II mid. Ind 'I! Itnllhed by mllcblnery <Iuelr ~I'!IOUI rur ME X It:: O. hI lIo.eJly , a.l~ell"'fur I,ll ~dotelvellTel~e) . ... ••d \e I"", ore proper , eIIIU. n The reign of ]frunml ILl\n In Mex· wI,cll II what ,II mea.hllli_m ,hould beJ 100 Bcems to be rtpidly drnwin g to a .ecurll~ limple, llrunl! and ec:onomlu\ na...-t ...... 108e. There are reports of fresh Eltcept .:omtl hl,b IMIde., 100 cllelly. ror ljHI" lIlJ~ . . ,eflerll UN, for!l. WI'. che. Ire O"I~ft, I t "Ictorie s by the- liberal nrmy over rolde by wllmen and bOT , Rlltb wll' he. ~IIUI'! tho Imperi al forces, and from Ell' on their orlier find c II"CY ere eOlllpoeed of .I\"verll rl~ndred piec!l. it Nortll St;~»0'- 'Wales j I • eYlicua tion of Lbe ropc it is stated that tile ~ectatiou Mellioll n 'eritory by ~crew.d IDd rl,eled lUllether. ~lId reqmre 11\1l'inl Tilo underta kcl' said he C"" /O , 1lllIIt ' 0·' I ....... · rimmer " in tbe Freocb • --tl} l(Oop. Ihe-per Jlilltvdi n ht!r conlt.ll l ·teplire 10 bep 'Ih.m, 10 Illy kl.nd, . d throll!r h New 18 strong that Mn..nm ihan ,,"u re- would returu eorS'" on. • 1'. ' .A._ ...." i! an pass 'b d oC order AILpe.r. 'he . ~.vy baa reMotly ral"n \\I 10 Ine comeu ·hllir to, deaire '0 ha g e. yuuonl I'10 l U view wrth turn to Europe in tile war stel\mo r York Wi t h the bo~ly UUWU U• .Il AI I e . ": 'I"plnll ' ClII. nd ' Elrll plIlea' on ,'} ~lr8 a~ IeQo<i ad ~ a HuoS.r i.D ,itte of op ' N "pollon , The relah il .klli"'~· 'r. ,~~;r. sent ot b tho Em eror of Austl'i a. eveoin g or on FI·ldo.y ~,e perl~Uy ",ell ... .,e uf the mormn g 0 bilil,: . ,l-bo.~h ~h~ ~m'Pe~or reCIlIV,,' t Ie WI o Y P . . the same weck. of Ihlll .lllflm" "t. . ' M' I 1) Ii' . . . a, ~ Seward ·. .• Ihe Twcnty Frenoh war steame rs, It IS only' of MUIlDl llan wJlh .11 oour,et y an 'rhe mornin g after the ullClert nker At Ihe be,llIlIillll uf our entf',"rIIP, -I" anny I 'Id ft. Be kiodn ... hit remllin ed Ablolut elJ 6rm. more Lhan ten also snid, will sal! for Mexico some left Wasbin gton, the roport ,e8r1 1,0 1\ W•• 411f fir8l rAme by d,,~gh,ter ,.n.~L!~und~:~\ ~:I \:uh:nKI:I~ 'rhe Empre... J.:. d d , Uor()rl~6 ..1",.·, 101' Jler objecl 1$ make l ' thoro:I.:111 good luw. ' time in Novem ber, for the purpos e telegrnph tbl\t tbe body bad/ .myato om~ · re , I: IrJ."o , d ' . free biiOa. Ce o head. She 10 ("r fOFRO\. her .~Ir. p~· ,rfred Wild. of convey ing home the French l;ously diSllpp earc.dfor tHe mllll~lI. I~ tlke Ihe that lt hn(\·.1" y OD'1 morolDg , ~r: . !!euio" .. to live .... , '10 ,tile mOIL "10' place or Ihel~ rurel"" ImpollI~Dn' : Ihe b een secl'ctf y bllrlcc 1-ono !' port YIlt. • , " . '" , ' troops. . Illru IIroxilm 01 e:&oi&eDleftt. and m.dll r('I~.e . snid in nil 01(\ fi eld anothe r 1U the or forel~n fb ~tor\l;., which were -MIII -oI.,. BRrlon, wellllllown fOI , Good ' ' ' ' P {I UII" whicb 10lemft}Y itarl' elll Ire I, un"leab le at home .. GoD. Sherid an, in comma nd of the Penite ntiary yard ~I\ll stffi d p.nectl y - -Allo. • . ~ ..~I'ttM',11If.J.l nnotne r her dnoLio o to lb. lick '~ntl rUlllllldl ~8d a;;~A~ed ' tb. 1 Empero r 'Tbi~ worthl8"1 .broad. sonth-w est,hlL 8 r eCently wri.tten a that it had be I b d I' ~ tAken to aea an(\ q! I.U, "rlDie', j",bou l 10' Ie;.; ,1';I.oite,lnent .. l etter \9 Gen. Sedgw ick, who com~ sunk. 10' be' III, , . ,.. , tItre . U .' , III I. . ~ eouuted ,.for., .mands the U nited Stnte8 fOlipes on 'rb~ '&rI' lubl·o, .wlllch te/lo m.ny yelrl of public trlhl, ",e 1I0W The \ul<:lel'~ker dlCl not returb to "nd IDO.I~'Dta 0 .At y H "61 , IIPPl'," to h"ve th R' G' hd' dlllrAcled ll~e .lIncl of m.lee lIuP TILU HAl.,. 01' A'xa. TIIF. WAT1 " 'h . d' I\t s that bis faD'~ily IIlltil somo ' Xnys had clOI -GeDe, 1l1 . mlln ha'.I'uclleed- Ihe E'1Iprelll Will Ibe olRule \n her falb· e RES 80"D e . 10 10 e, w lie In l ~ , sed. He carne from .tho North , lmt l'd GOln Gt:lIYH~IO"tl III 'l'BE tlRITID STATU, IlIId IhA't LAMP S, In Lhll . cOPlm J.A~'rE~¥S, ll" of ~h\t .,r'8 w \I by whioh ,he merelY 8A,n a no oLhllrl hllVe our G~".eThment tnt~Dd~ to RICl ~hC dec1i!led to g ive nn y ev~r III~e .uch unlv~ ••1 infol'm ntioll Dto~"'tDl~ Pl of 'j\·XIII. Tt'o. IDOre ~om· h(" u,s 'in ~ FRULT·JA.BS. m,.....~~ 11\11 tw.~Il\y·6ve mi\)iQ,,1 be ullsllcl lon: 'Whil~ ,thlll d.l'pOrlmenl li.t1thorlbeJJ of ~Icxlco in rostorlU~ l'ola Ive to tbe pIneo or f H:lO wbere John paOlel of Infil~',ry lire »,ll.~DS o rd er and presen' ing ponoe in Wilkes Bo t h, llutlel' alloth.o r . nll.m e, 11 orJ" rtlii Iu hn~ ..toAllbe lIqpltHhHl.e. be quell~"e J t~ ber. althoug h he. g~,~ our ~U81111l&" I. COlllluued ~vllh IlIcrlllBed iNE.CUT 'TOBAOCOES " Ihes Ol\vl\lry her pOWl't to diepole of 'he Pl'lDClPRI fuellttleB for p~rfpol wor~. we Ire.1 pres iry Ho advises him IL8 tho b:lli becn: lml'ied. F ho"ld It g,et out, baa gODe to IlJe CrODlltlr. , " . .• &0.• &0. by will . cann . . .' . ' : ent ellp:lIged io .lhe ,!,1I1I,ulI~Iure of watch· .. h e suhl, tho gJ'tl.\'e W€}lI tC\. ~e vlObte(I @" 00 10 t'be Nnr Dru'.8IOtt -J. Warren Ne,Ycomh. wrilet', . The' Empre81l\PJlliod fo \.ter broiher . ('8 of lI,e I'ery IIIGHUr onlr wa,y ,of ~l>rOYlDg tbe,~~ndltl('n. nnd tho bo(\~ l'01ll0\' ct\l. GRAUE now II .(to • n~(\ thn fl\~' wh~ re~enlly died alllllrwn~tOD. N, J '. Leopold Iht SIl~ood .' ' J f( ~. lIod tbe Coun' or f.rl~:~~::~!·b u::~~~~~~'I~~ u:::r~~~'! of n~alr8, t~at we I\re to glve om ily wore naturl\U y nnXlOU S that thIS ""' tile youngn l ou,11I dllBC 4~' oC jo' lumlt!r". to i • I . N A_ omit thil Ill...",,!! "gd ;Bllow eli by .lIylhin g ~Inde ill Ille I"orld. IIUP,p ort to the ouly Gov· shonl~l not bc. . For Oeneral JO~t!ph WHrr~n. lind bl. Widow Iler to devote surl cl?nm(ln t 1n Me1ic.:o which is recog· l~.,nly .• rour mlll",)n~ IhlB pllrpoile I\~B "Theso fnets cO,"lrog to liS from il' the IRIIl reDIHle t1~tiOt'ndllnt . " , ·n ~I' of Roger to the con fl oliu/llion of tllll MUICAn Iio?I'. , W ~ havlt' have Ihe Imlll".t , r.c il l' nized b Ollr own"- that of Juarez the s ou\'co ~hcy ~Id, I\re. frflctea lin IIddll ion 10 our Gl'e.1 ...... tl G~••_Doa ..t., TNft more than WilliRms. .... , . Empire . Her brolher . bo~everl ~~rn · buildi"" ex,r•• ltly Y i ' . llhn ' t·.... 11 su111cicnt to convlIl cc I1B., not only of 10; Ih.ill br.Pllch vr Sheldoo .~'11 I! Co • .. NIlW H York. afInoun re -and h~ nstr~lcts eit a d e"t ~'" \P Iler eOlrt:llllea,.reml~d . uur bu.i"eu . III d IIl1 v " fill .. d to no. hJ a the d eath of John WI~kes TIooth , II \\,1111 Ih,' N,E-W - YO R. ~. B 08 ndhe ent.~ any pnrty, or pretend ed but tlint his body, with n pledge of e d'lionl or A\I Mil ion ' IIrI"n'tI' • . ing h.,r ;qC\hll prodigAl genefO tlty With b l1 l1 lOorkml!i\ In ouf .ervlcI!. , N cw mn· ' AND JrIlW oew k I, . I d' g I new n09. "';" '8." wbich I;er hlllbllll d b"d EiiG"L AlfJj ~ I apenL h" own chin.. and .ppliallel'1 hOYe bel' II COIl~Q"er.w,ent, in Mexico , thnt they secrecy fl'eely given nnd flllly k el)t, -' : ,o~R' • : k ,~nc , °A::., • new book y Spur': ptiV.ftle (ortune••• well al a pflrlioo , or ,Lructed, wblcd""perCu1ln.. . I t tl " bu "will not be perm i tte d ',to V10 !.tthelr \\'Clrk ':'riltl ' D _~~I~ R~IIlW';"'..... . , . n e 10 '~nB g l \'en over to .his fl\uIily for r hi " FROll~ I f u 1 er . requ"lt K~oo-"Morniog by )f'orlliIlK ' ' conllum m.le "I· ,. '"u, cxDrtllr.... Ie __ I ' 10 cw- • . "~I; pOSI!IVe y rl: u,l e , I nOltlrAlity law8 betwee u th., Libera l I'1nl., and t~ot, ('xccpt tbe to, . , • cholceBl Iud mOltc •• IpprUVI d malerl. '1 .olily , 11. . .1. I. N......-Y.rk, ell!' ~ rC:!lri~~n°tY -CAptt lin Biddle. An old Cl' Iry' lil6" . The Ie. Emplu i. t l CJ.llnol ftll' forglY, d e .1I11' Act. .. a'n Doo Uled, . th Rn<l , I,,!! tho we undeRt chall""l aker, l Governxq .,n 0 .w.CXlCO an our own b' compum . . e oll ., !!Ill181 I" 1l_" ;'" 'lI I. NtlW-Yo 'to-n .. k, C" 1.ldatu... "blu,• .and ••• h& \8 .wlne Lhat Ihlt Klog ," r d lIel'll'p',11 Ibl. I..r.d 1_ h s cere IVlOg ou m ror · r .. • . ' .. 01 our work Dlld lll~ • " I '~". emg ...~~ w e re tlle lnst ' l'Clnnin • . Ai') I1 I . ' It .. helld 011' wiih1 AD ( , j Qunc" or to remain on our sOllllJ1 dl'repn rc of JOfrn \I upon hI, ~ro~berl ~"Ye .~~en . plnJ\ht t. 1 1 !' 'I s~p fine81 hnpurted~ chronomeler .. WI' d" not sa' to lh" Milea '\ h~.. IIl'f WIlkes Bootb arc lIl.tene d. " " " I f" i ' 1 "1 ti f ,t.. II. InOl\1I m\t. r po,~d .... . In 1 I. Ihetrde n k t;lIi tl n by 11). t ' ,~q'lrt lace ,J.or 8no VlO n on8. Kn of pr""ud heRrlDg III 0 &ell "Ie Oil. .AI w'tche~ ure 0 fu, Ilf' U81 lin" . ,0 s av ; mnl' s,le res mg p NOli· (JI ' 1 • I . U . Oaoada. He lI11d 86 . . iotel,' Imperil l ("I)1ily. aile ,,,I nol conll~L lu BY" '''a. loreill'" · The Y Y. Tlmet' of Tlleadll.Y rast the nss88sl n. rhe man who All I ' • ,. II ' Ibro II ~ Ii Y wllchee , bill we du ... err dug the dP~~r . w Oik 4B:i1~~I' ... L~:J • :i~h,!uI ' dl.~~ , It I 0 i i ' he, k (Kmil, at lku... I. or ., Vlen- ·.vilhanl rear t.1 contraiUaclon. thut ror Ihe ft bl h ,'s Uk I to b eU in gl'ayc uew ' no •. Iior ow hom . it WluI hi - La 10 n . ~. ., J .,. J 1" 9 18 G .1 ""'I~'" • • C T;'. 00 I , • pap w 0 l e y ~ n" 'lienee ~ w . . tended , llnd ill tho blll'iru permit .roll8 IItr dQ8p"lr tVIII 'Ilu n,I~. ", . " 1\lralu. &Ie "AIIE 110 II By', our pro d.. t't hi ,It' I'Ilmp"', I ~'" was -J. Wllrren ' bly .Newoo . in -"01"" mb. Jr:, ,ur~,er· Po' .. hllVin deoliolld to saoclio "Ilu ll w;lh .. I). whh;rn III' ••"" loMIItI(. .fOrmed, In Jogard to :whl\t 18 gomg insorte d 0. false n!\mo. 1 n tbe ,",uperlur. All our' Watthell, 01 "~II"ever PRO'I UI1NKJa~1. Iu 'Ji&u.J""t~ OD at the State Depart ment, at WlL8b. known grave the IIssl\ssi his un· I, ooonecll:d wllh .thll prllstl I . pring,· Oo~'corIJ"L gr., oeed by M"xim iliAn.- Ifrde, life lully wl"ra'ltec/, lind 11111 w.,n will He 6~lU. Harlrorcl "nd Nit" b Y' Nt'w \ .. ,k """ ,t .. III tl~"O';U;-~I•. · k. anll H "0 WI' tb'P rei, led by N"p.leq ll unItti' III gOCld III _II ,Imel 1*"IJI ~t ,II ' ita heoted IK'clly • conlribulol to the ,t1ftptic lDgton , .eaY8; , lit' liS un gto'n eor untl'1 tI Ie gravo gi.''os' or ·lJ,ell," •• M. ~II:W ~O.K' ·DA" ·Wi 1 er Appll~ tolng ... ec lip p" . 8 our "Ali!1)11I H ill .11 p"rl Uhlll "'~ .bYla!!r q,n brotbe ,., Anti by I~C ope •. ' CAUTIO •• ~ The .. or tl,e ,,·mld. ' lespon dent inform s U8 that ::-~I,.II"\ "'\~. V"lly \n~"~1 S••• ),) dom. 1lJl~ aU are el\Jled,tQ Judgm ent. Ilr~er I~ d 0 u r Youn Fol public itre ellltione tl " It;"" IUle"I<'<:t,. al Uur""II•• ,lIti ~h~ \lac} iii ~ , h h i8 not lurpri8i nll tit", her mloll b". 10 buy ""Iy of re"reCH •n '" BurJlnglon •. N. J .• on .uO. Ca.m.pbell hae J'ecelvc d hi8 instruo tI"le d~IIIcJrA. A 11 oli 1. ' ~I 1)11) J,:'1,r,l>. fr,,,".lIun .lo, .allu ''''Ill . ' " . f h b' t ,er luddeh l". . • • Itl N.·.., \' , ,k HI 111 ~IJ: M. , alve~ d -'II Ii rt' h ith ~n preeene e 0 10 milo It er pt'rdonll lelllng t.u""I~rfeltl WIll d to 'Tlle~eI[leaa"--'" hI!. "rn"~. . y. '7110 . A. M. ~x .. n_ltI AII....... . J 10US, a,n .w I f : 0 , W .p,rocee . mor~!fic "tln!\. ----' cute~. ROBIH NS & AP.PLI JON. The bill,. of A nne.1 J.o., ~II'~, 1) ,.. 1.• I"" ; It ItIulld.,.)., I~~II Ortgl' hIs ~Ollt as our repres entativ e in The Allen\l Londo for n I 'l' hI' IIlES, A merinn speoki \V IIC'h Co., ng of oal 'o"per. of the celttbr,,' S"III'''''''''(' \I "" j\ (~I ~ . '1111 I' II~' .e l~ .\ "". V . I • I' TrinitY' ';'uEC ' . Jt.L~";OT.(JEItJ.' - -.- '71-4Iv I ' I ,"""ex~co. . t 18 DOW agroe d tb a t t 182 BrtllldwlV N. y. Oh e h the MextclU 1\ iI. vllle .IId «':or",,,;: whll III~ B.30 ~ II Y " ' ' ' ;· . JS ... l qncst!o n,' 8IlYs; uro b pr.ope,," ~n N ~w ,. ' . ___ ' _ ___' _ __ ., ' EJlllr~._ l'IIulI fr" 1~ UkltJJI1, .ad artil.. ~ , French ' troops will soon be with· If thel'o ,,~W V,., k "17 t B A 1\1. is' nil" mn'Jl who. shonhl b~ 10. b,1I ,urnl~' up ID VltlO~~ 11 • ! r's In ........ We bell.. ve Mrl. Wlnllu w'. Queen ' . • oJ utawn, , Maxim ilIan, " 1 fI 11'~ "I.ale · Onl! hll. been .to B IT !II B tJ G. , of 4O}()urse , ,going condoled With ",.13 nd P.~. w. "'oaK If,I Gdt ~'uu. oll at .noconn VoJ t 01 tie ' .... c ., ' . . .." . lilllr ~('lIorer 141 be IIle bl.'lt prl!p.~. ·tl • -l'n"n I ' rUII! ,,',,101 ~"" .... ~ ,,~,h' \ u"lO{ e uu. I )'/llon Ilal UI'Sl.ot of t1'is ~nl't'y Mexi can bu· Dllylon Ind, '1 09 ./11 CIIIOID"1 nlllV 0 fl ell lVe henr .Ilr'ull'xpr WI'. 1 . th• em,' tha t th e U n itc d 'S'At SI" ,. hI ~MI .U;MI;tl ' G~5 I' (\ 1. ~ ' III ~tu ... es '''& •. tt tI J' .~.,. \ lor , Ihe '(. h"ir . . ever . oft'ered lur tlftle In lhi. l'er8.0,," rl!l~lnl! adllPrtt.tlmelllll of p~ll'n' •• 1 I ' "CI ' ., s inees it· is not MI\xim ill . c prep.,ft. "" ~ ." I~ au P III. ;'.oll.e,~' ,~"" ~I d' •cate .III coulltry It is uuly I leienll6 • n~. 1 I"'.'I'IC · ' ~,I I ea l'l1cogn"ze th~ Jllare~ GOv.!ll'l\~ent, thl\t ~the'r Emper or putlhnll; lt 18 era 10 ermon. C\lun y, I 01 It! ' _Vul ." r"I'" 'j"~.".,,\....n IClllett •• , ;J .. ~ UU of whose v..lutld a' 82oo.oo 0.UUO. , II MHrr"."," •• ,. I.,~ ....1 tiu". I, will ",uduil ly and undel'ta~e to suppor t It, if ch.n:.:e the h .. ir ~!Y IIII.Y be "llltt. .It braill tbo iclen of a 1.'i·nnsl \t!antio Em . I. ()~·tr 19 P"" •• J ~." .tlllll¥ '~~ -A 0 .. London 00I're8ponde • ribel 10 III ""llIrlll color-w ill prelerve .nd In- ~Inl'e 't.'lllrl!d " .. ed mr nll!dll~,,"l'. Ir~ ~I!II••conting enoy'8h all become nocoSf3ilry; l)~re sprtma , 'like l'Ifillerv ' . . . .M DIWII'A LO . , rr •• r.t a *,bo SwinburnG. \lae POO:'... II, iR ~itlOr.1 ,~. l' ~ III ~I.b fl~" tt'lat, III 'COn8ide~athm tlJoreot', Me~i. b,ead.:.o J J;t)llto r ,f~n g l·C:>w.n, :from ldlellrll~~p ~~~~:':y l~~~~:;I'I:: ~,I~I: 'I~~; it ~.:: .~;~ ~~"'~~~""l e ,,,I. ~"tI~ , ' I lu~l n,rm . 'f~lIn Thumb ,.lighdy;.eXIIg". 1 ; ;\H \ 11/1 ":':~ ,s,"', _Ie' ; "e, '~~ . with • tl'W d~IIl.!III' co ~lll cede to the Ul\lted ttites a eu to the teeth '; tllld who, ;" · Ind .1url'kt'l ·p"rtl 3130:''' ' ;..: ~ •.T(t1Of! Ju.1' .llP~n~ In the w"1. fitry. ~ DlAglli,,,t< .t1! (11" er Ind \ D .', ' .. conSCiOllBneS8 ,throu.. h Bltlian ..,cllon III Ihe """"I'y , his r"i\ure . h~ \lot li,.IHnil\g. lib I",dot'l ln,i\d tSu'idAJ • .,)t:~pl"d) 'I'IrrllU.' ll l· " "'1 l1.ii1l of ,J~rge. JlO~on 1jhe territo ry Qf Chi· CY e n the 1Deogror mony ,.kinit' jl hh Ilrl".1 'I""rlilt cl'; hUI e c,o bsolati on of slillr- .a mllll ,.,\10 conli! ~~ .. ke hi_~Be!~lIcetidl· " "I.' !·O l\i. I.t'I~C!l' RI 1i~!'" bnahu-a, and .n~ly , the wb~le . .'. wId 11"'I!l ,I!, So· tn~tbe bblme with-, hlS :Ild"~/ilers or 1ngly ,dl~~rll~"bll! ~n, , 0111. i.,lIve h. a!ld il R~';IIIO.:;';:,:"~~.\ I.u;II;t~: '~~'hlnLIIMI':: 111 4 0 ello0il!&.ttr. ' - ~ Li..., or nora and aU of ' Lower Cal.lfor nln.- abettol' B'. The sllbjug l\tlon I no ill' Irr I .,.~.a un 1ft). p~mphll!" . voi .1 "~,, , t of' Mex· 'J'he . Vlre'r"" , IIc:or ' . , ADd mRIlIl.U . Po.. " L ' ' . . ~' ...., l no Que "('teet I"')' ! ,t • . J...0.. " ~Iore" 8i30 .... 191.' XPR ' Tile line i8 no~ f\xed,' (urther . . , ~ "' • ·,than lCO WilS the E~pe~o ltu,n ........ r ....,l\pO eOll ~ o',"n ler, R!ohm" 'WIT 0'( Ihr'8 bt)lIt81 ,. Esq.. W<"" h~B ,pr~~e,~d lhe I"kll" 011 Irinl .... " """II ~ I" 1\0 " • • " h l ,'~irt.). ~ that i8 to r\ln from the Rio Grande , /lobeme, (lud It rested by re~II' p"eitl~) • • r \\,~M' ; by IMII, . on two vcry w~lf. li~Mfl\ "C l r!!8".lJ IU. c~o.., UUllh. e~; ~'rl ' . rA fftll. ork lI,fi O~,.. • .., but as cv,ent8 proved , vcry wilh 1l 116W tilAnu8cri"I pili,}' r. ,~Ideh IhnUII'11 e .. r.y, Imllh" l Iv.,uM b.. lire IA~J "qmew{r1!TR ne~J' El ).>1180, ~r.eotly: to. natural c~.,J~. I. ~ .,1/ "~A ftl lh ,IF, ~ ,1 ' .,:t d! 'I" r. " -~ '" ' d' I · C' d 'I' . • U ' I .. ' . " ., .' t:JIII.ra I(IIIIr""d fu r )lll~r"h"rK'~ 1.1Il1"" . "ICCh,e tnlS....cs,-Qn e .~tl>' WIll'cll l\eb, al ~e. IIFJ ,'fo,u , " p~At, y r~ UII: ~e 01, tae. ~11,f ". "~ie _'11',"11 ~".IV' ~y tho Gult of Callfor nl", 80 .... to m· wos his firn} blllief . ' l,r.II" hftl(JIIlu' ft. "".,1... ,,,1I0Il., -\!II ltII" , • m ~~ eln"_ ~ I' ~ IlInllb,"!l1 ,III IIN.J IWH . , !;kl.'h. in ~hQ urocoD cil- oJ mOlley. R 1clllllgtl C(.In.II'irrs Mra. '~l\'1de on our 8ide the import ant port nble schism ill the Amlll'ic • ttiil,lh. r tiP,.n to ,el' .. v~o",t'''''nr mMO - . . P. w •••.IG"~~G .. all UnIon, Rotb lb. onl, ' , 1 .ClreSl ....... now, 1i,1"', IIbltt • I' I ,,~ -.rT ' \ tOO' tl' t i ."'. I ·Ot ' Guaym as. By' '!I LLinillll.'n l, ' 'OIDII - eIIIIIII/l It I"y va 10,,"'" , .. tbill'' cession ' ~ I' wo t h e ot .'f> I 101' A connc <~u .. "".' " \P" III . ~""I'h·'l) ~ .• nwln~ JIIIll(·e I~'I'· eF' ,1~r "',:.,011, J ~'I , 10 Lhe ' I eadlll! 1 I ehll,.!!cl 1-. ~ f of . "t.~ ". hor .... , ~ AIIII .~"lh.'I.. anEl ~aotio~ble routes: .tQ qlliet,il l ~I'al\(le WO.SllO~ , t!? ~e seClt,!"' Vn", I~ m('''I~ w 10}~ ,e' IHI d ." .~ I1111 , II reo " ' . b lbe play. , 'filiI ia ';indred ~ cOIII';'II'aiiml . ,OpPol lte t.he .B.o,er 'lit,If,". ... !,gtLl p . ,I . P ' . ' " BOll eel Wlt~Out .~l\e dl yel'slon of some from 's "orlh, soorce. .. , r.I'IJll' ~' ''I!" , 1 1e'.1 ~ II I"~Ir ,".'re . . N,,,v ~l., lJl1~i~·~\",~tt'.'~ ~~~r: 'I;... I.t'liit }hs, aq.J,l , h e.Pacif ic, secnre the entl~e eontrol my ~alfl, ' IOrl' nlllilup" of b$l\llu J ~t\tlrll" foreign clltel'pl'ise. r In both tieeD lyiDg 'aeri'Otilly ill in Phil""e \I .• "', I[) I' l\1 f,lthl Ih,ttk.... Iller I" l'phiA,; WMYlles,·I\le. 01'1 '20. of',t he GnU or Colirom ia and, extend ,OO ,lf ~lId 1/ 1",)e"I" , ,I " I ,.., of ~'perl\l' 0 . rh'l. II • "w . \I.SIIt e.rrors ~anoleon 'had at the II tr. t' ( , . . 1 , .. ,1<. ~ ~~ I~ ~ ~~ . ,\ . d ' • •• ' .' 1 lI'ny . olher rOID ml'~(IlIct' I Il e ee.,' e ru, HII' 0 !"JII.nel ree lVII , ,1,1., m" ,AI'f 'ICXTB1 'flJIVE. SAL!!: "r OfC/Up. onr ~itcQ,t sdl\.-cdllSt Une on the J?a. tune the conclI" ell~~ .of ,"~" I'" ~ I·j. t it '1 "1 ~ UlA1.""~ illAND DiHrrl·c; Dv , elIlPr,. C'llle, VUIIII'II ,. linety·n tne .follntllowb, 1 ~lIn. . I~. .1.1 .. 1,," .;,,1, OIldJ. ., I'iiIrt J)18fJ'B i BUTIO N of Pin no,," MOl' ~,h'IDlI!I.e1, Cj!lO f;om S,an DIego to C~Pce ~~. ~u. Oll~ IO~ a ~~\ndl·e(1.t.~u~ker8 I,td S"1i 11(line .. ". "I' II ifltl'rnill U.!aO ".1'1. (J.~()I'ItI'fAT'. BXP.... in Europ~. I l_'rhe . ~riba~1\. I"Y": llr:; ,A. '1'. d..",,' , GQI.J ... d Si .... r Wilre; ,I tlo.·goitlK un ~elHr~,. It i"prr~"tIIJ itlnllf.en' tu Inke c4s aboqt ntbous Bud mHcs . . TIle ' M H " I& 'H 'JI I!~~, !J' ~J~' J bto tl , E~e ~'IhAld ,II "t'r~\ ~::IJ~d ., : AOl 10 " it , t , er:ft' . lh~1 .tlh. , • !liII~'fOO"'O(~""8 •. R)!.:. &. HRO..' .ND· IIIt.rr"~lIy ••ll'e ... ch n~lh leoomlln • _ e.II~l'8. Ul, ~ ' onr;y n Ie hOUI4II' nyl.llt (or lh. poor Wilh · I/ .. lwltr<· ,I""~.,,,".n·IA 1II1II1 on the I.nd .. o[llr . ~ .. Liber,ly SI.,.N. V. :Thne .old 81 Pitch bfl".'i'.w..snd "zltlrllnlly tltr f:hrollitl et-Us o( tlllB ,highly ~lDportnnt sr enterp rlsmgp ubh8he rsof ~ Yo~k, .ed 'b, a well\lh1 oitill:n rot Utal pur 'f~O o.OLLA'l~St &AOH, R;.II......I• • ~l II ~/.,',. \ v rk ... lIb .nd'x~ rl\llg~ment will ,be looke~ fOf with have rec~Jltl~ iS8ued ' an ~(l{lttl()n ,thJQAlll lln* (If' Rhpum"I"ID~, ae~".ch •• ~Inmp •• FruI'Qd l~"II:I~' ~'(!i~!:' III .. ~ r. u~.~ •• of ' p OIII. lIe will "eoept· .i~ "rblD, all V. u ,u&. !:If ", . I 1 'W FtlIIT, Y·.·~Y.: q:NT~ (cit Fet'l. IIrlll"," . Ipr .. IJlII. ~!d,.Il'P grent interCj!t.~' " Mncaul l\y • Hl8t,?ry of ' Fngl'8m t 8U· IOUnIO wh.lev er•.b~t "ill h.l'IVP.I I'I~. o lli, ~Oll' '11'";', ~'!y1 on S.!I"IA~ ,~,.i"r.~~ ilimlfU .' rl)l, one lu .. ~'r.~,1 ~"tl' • • or PNE, DOL,l,rAP. for lIore 11~"Obt' •.. &~.• nerior to any' which 11l\s hithert o ap" OU"A tbtl p'r ,; l to' 0 '1Il ~e 80.111 .hw ~"Ihe Mil ai 8 15~ !I . \lilt! tc¥Ghll,'p !fJ.I~ )'~~.~.~ ••• , j 'tl' DD P d:. 11 rb. lIanlh.r. d" On thi •• ch NOliee nt corre,,,o, A ,d~ ' n0'"",1 .. ,... D~ pul• .66 Cort/uln" .u·eel. 3\l P 1\1. m l... l ,..... II~tlC , ,0 , p" "An , I . I S COli ry, • ~ ~ ,,·£,.lIS0N 8 .lUAGAZ.llOC - W Cl are p'Care r ny 'c o - t_w'P"O,1I . New York · i "pprUximAlinll oearMr . '1.. 000 t m ' wilh the ""lUoer 66 '7\\1 . m 0 Lord' Mncn· ~D._ I rln '''"Ii \" Iicle "(goou.,whiel, Il\y ~ ... ~ ..... • .1 r ~ !'i._I • ...I. .' '. ., .... ,,! . • . .' . . ~ . ,.D, , men or orl' t'lCIS . " . ' ' . . n l"i."~ ""n' ~II,'" '~,f . . \I 000 ,hllo 1.000,000. A W!!1l ,known. \\'.1,1 b.~ , •• nl on r elp~ til. rh. . 17, · ' !' , If 'In ~~e r(tCeipt of' .this popull1 r Lady sana .hi8 ~rlting8 'wotlld IO'il ' t .. .,!'r' I.;,;tt. , .... t·'I'I. ,\,qney 11'111 . be " supo.rllu. 'lI,d eXPllrt arc:bitect or thill oi'~1 blu, b~ rdulld~d if Ih~ . ~1i.t-tfl,,1 K'tw~VIi't." tl\ J,I... tICI ,r .•gu()(r~ d .. ul'I I(lfe 'AlIffedi ptt ¥~aZine for Decem ber. It i8 a ous. HIS history of Englan 6C1DJ B"E'S Bf:1Ai:W~ ~O.IC. , •. \W :T.... ..t -VI nrll.terl' Ii,,~ ~'lt'IIJ~wad IS Il beeD Oon.ulted '~Id lilt! oobl. work or Agl!n~ III.".' 'rW!o:,,!T ~1)1Anditl numb~r The title noge a standn rd work. 13nt tbe style Y DOI{LA~S. pc>r Till. I1Il1dh-hlll. Invented h, Dr .. J . H. !!L.:t;UNU ' CO..u1fl ·in '1' 1 ~ '~i~ 11ft> .....'d. ~ I LI "f .. I . t· · W ' I'!~:K. Senll .< rl" (Jil'tlular. RKJ.:D &; nJlo.~ SO"~.OJr/ ul Rmllatlell'h·t!,. i. I I' - whioh tbis liP, is pro" ~ 109 omel , or Ie Inl ';I' rlUUII, (P. ''no~ '6)38, ~ N.,w l ,' .Clt o",,,.,,\, . 11 nllll" tra" .. 9",(lii ~;""' IGn~'ls'Wort~he.priee ottho .n umber. wo ..tb ,of edltiou' is '. ' York . . t • r '. jI 91 e .tf' fOci!l "d ru nto .. ,.)'.,i'o · ~~,cl.~~~ .~ '" ' Its .Poq'- I"111' bll.. C!Omru~~c.t,l J" "" j)~",ly .~, O~li~,ei sill i:.Ibertf SI! ''for ninny 'y enrs "Petera on'lt MOlla· ' ,J 42-;Y Ihe am procua 0' di,Ulio .l. 8, cll!nlli,.: ~ ..,\ ••• lu'" " 111 II~ "Ib~~ ~vu", •• 1Ii~ .ap""nr lm'ce is not 10 t\"'"IIOU pro.eC:~\led with en"rg,. c;' " i~~, ' ,. I j, ' ~ ,.(, , "~AS If..... ' 10- . ' zlp e,", 1n COlls~q 1,1" Ih~ ,\olllllc:h.wl~b ti~eack" ""I tI ... ke 1Oz:, ~''''f A. b I llenco '01 its l1h)~it (0'80 k SIII'lln8scd . • q·hl\t· ......... it A-'. is :"I- RI ~'£! -issued . • -110 V p .. IIlAn ~ y t Ie II OAme · d ,•.. , 0 ., ur.,. .1 'I.:' "'r. eat .,..Ob1 ... .c:d hll'.""' _'~ 1 ., sl h . .. . f . ,a VliIM"'" ,~ ()ttI> b I \1 "n' '1"1 Ib p ' " 0 ' I d I " ..... e fJ' 0 ~oon ~t' lotel,tb .lppell on Salurda y undtr&ook 10 /Co -"ootin g" D0 you w. an cueapDe8s,~8 b,",l IJ, arger le ill \I,., W ~.I !!"d l:)uMlb·W e.1. 'clr- rom . e 10 ,.ave your . IYO S ( • r ('Inler aft ress, 1M fMd 't"'I 'tbuld nile' tie eDll'n berore RIO"I ' culati~m th~n..aQY otber monthl y in brldge, is a 811ffiriellt gunrran nm· ror birde In rllMchin (r l i d , frum ,he IIc"I" ,! ~'l. 'rheu b,l 'wI"e ,of uBing It will WM ~ tR· be cllily dlgesled teo' of II .. H. h (] d' ft s" I d' . ';' ,'. \ ~ U hi G.I'1"" ~\ 'f~" er . o! in 'thl's • "espec t Tile Ilfa I roppe ''In ... ,,.11 0 WIlIer. the nelY broQ{! ot Vltrivlir. ,i,,1 C ~II" le the United States Iu 1867 it will I'ts eleC7n·nc CUIIHumplill" cenn", -bo . ()lIred b,' "," ell J) : uI"I. .1 't ;J ; b If . TI.· - b ' I . I' I .' .. f . . J~I!!!iU up Y 11011 Irum-monlfere, w.o binding is tnstefli l and " 'f ' S~h(,lIc"·. Pulmon ic Syrup "e -·" ---.:2~--:......-be g~·e.n~y lmprov ed : tIle ".eat/mg ,mnt- publi,s~ed in cloth, . Ilnd nent. It is !~18. y ,no m"'08' ,1I.'earlt>nlld \lUll rom betll' Cli.. Brime r~l.tiun til. the·rell '0t\lIlhl --::~n •• toma·~"! .nd 'IIv~r ~"e mlldl'l l..IIl1lee, etl~lh1. II ',1 'I" , j J in hnlf ~uilt- enJoYing I'"' h"lf holldll}' .h. hKltl tll"~n. ; Cheml.\ I11I1 ,t , 1 (~rwill be 1UireaB~dl an.d e~c4 nUP,Jber 01' antique . " " , , Ihe IIppetlle " rI'lIfnre~ I';' lI.,'nclt.' lhe 'T61~~ ,16 t h:l HII poured . ~h~ powder I'\to. " ., Crylog_ , ., Plra't•• ~.,Prlvate.ra . :will con~jn 11 Double ·Size Steel und Pill~ Iff r"qulrt'.1 in IIearl, ev"leb o - - -. __ • , !::., ' ~ . pall lind dried .It> over the tir~. ~h" "'-. bear to Iaoll Fashio n' ,Plat B~ .DI~~~h.nlm.en. Re'a\em~er 01 e~nlllmO!io~'f ,A 'Ion\!. 'dozen, bvllle. br I tl I d KANSAS CrTY, Jifd ...!...A fl'lE:ncl wri· .,Iua.n bll, ~lul ly \!ue ~ ••ed "l. l. 0 ~urke 11!"t Ille ezperlll ndi ri'r ye~ra, .nd ,jle Vl'ry the _ • e" ,e egwl ..y co ore, . f" EI!:f). TONIO IIlId rhr(,'e "' 4 .' . w, o~n 1010 ~bp .• )1.ld wJ ~ ~J~ '."I,~~jl !fIIghe... 1~lenllfic I!ndortll', jllllf.nte (' 10llr SEAW. WIth fl'Om four to six figure8 -mn. tl~g 10m tlll~ llla~o Oct. box,.. vi lhe MANORA· 2 th, ~I\$ S. 10.lto,,_ " lI,,,' \\. \~".t\ lilre. ~rt e Ihe .IJJII!'flbtllYA PILLS III . !:# ~ _ 01 eR 18'1'A DOllO 'S will cure a"" lti,dl" •• y. ~jl4ttBl olK~ ki~", "'PQtliinou." the' ~he.l)o6t \0 . "'rb,'. \8 'Ull.udub tea\y deetU',M ,to '6g"te~.: "~u.ckit'j 'for d,.,ib"W I, , ,l'..... "';.(:l .ti)1 . ·'lil~.'I'" ecl~IVttl !i'~IH. DVE ~I.e~ In" ,pIlJ8" In u~e. It , D ~. Schenc k malo". prv'ea~l"n.! 'World. Tbo terll\s ~U1 J.;emnin two be' l\ great oity. It 's now ~!.iI improv a !to Ii' . 110 ' boihl, -i! ~. ' ~ ,~ InJurf HII hlr. bt!Ard' Alld ' II IIurqly ,vf!gel"ltle, InJ.lliblll l .nd . IQ".n~ .1", 'f' 'Y:tl,r~, . ' '.' . • .. . . '. ~ln ~ l ,'1 I!. Pflllclpal . - I I .. ~ c;:i) ~ ... , ' e,,'bruw l lw.,es luen of. ne IlIO'III~ rU ,~'"I"O"•. ,MIII .. raelured dollar. a: y.ea~ to single s\lbs~nbCt8. mg very b. J •• C~I'l:4 DO- olline In'Jilaitl1delplill ne y w ..ek. Set! ' . ~ I l rapldl.y , o'V'er six b tndr~ct if. by 1\ r.IOf.;"""PAiIIJ. GOlltll, . . · CI! . j laO, 6 X"lor .1Iu,lIalh New, Yurko Applied ~~il" P'P~f. ~r61 ,e~l~b8 It is ~beilp~r still, v~ : five go?d, sU~8tuntlal hOIl.s~ b,IJ,V~ of lIIub,, • ~ ~~I p~mph ~ 0 , I m f~ · t:I,.,.!, ~e()n 'I 'H i~ IIIld"tJllI'~t~ toung men of 'No' Y. ~,y III, ~r!~ Dream•• . ' . '71T~"" !7~n~. Ilolllifmptlcm 'tlr hla d y.-o/ villh'7 ,, ' cqpies fo~ 88.00, eLght eoples for bUilt dUring the preseo ~ "r~.J ,CIJ t year. Fha wb'O hU wellllhlo p~",o't. conchld~tl \0" ~_ h 'OON' l'AGlo uanm• • IDJB; ' b ' i tb 812.00,01' tourwe I DI. h .. ...... . n copie~ 'for 8",0.· I " . Ii. . I , ' h' num ero f .. ; 1 , emIgra nts ":'1 ,;Q . . . roug , u11hel r hllnll \It bUllDesr. hn'l\g be· • . '" "~ .. " .... , ,w P W . ter'mI1Bt be ad.plrd to ,Iho ... Iure of Ihe t.o like e~ICI !.e.n ~I 00. To every' person getting up a here doily is very grcnt -I elln ~ ,~ , ~ 0' thert"ft. Declo'"., •nne t ... give come ,t.irflll of '~oing n.olhln~~ 'rile p.r" th~ 8 .. h. of there. will .• ~ .. club. (at tb.eae rates) the .Publis hers you 110 adequn to idea' be nO, lnore~.. . .~ \\'I:ell in tbe IllIt allgf' or CU"II:m jllloll. and most ~~ if ' ~nt.· ~ Approve d .n'd ' ! Cue Uleln 8'0.00 0 . .' mo.t II .. Id.pled to 1he !I~etl. or .iiI .nd die ulher' . , ' . • •• I•• "OW III, ·'lr. on Itle " willa which Lhey look All offiee Ind Ite· ,will b" •• III.U • .. ~ ... III! WiI.l 8end Gil ~ra eopy grall6. Spec. ·not . nll, are sctthng relurnl ; ,Ind lhl talltnad" ~. ,GUye,,, ",el.1 .tlmp. 80ld b, all Drllg- .. In this pnrt of c"me atOllk' brokete and Ipecill ( ·r." fl, ",Ult , I[io,j ; contlln,l,n,puNliel, or Ihere Will ,III' .lIall.D, II..,."",,14I8'1,6t> ,im~n8 sent (if mitte..n ,for,) to those tho State, an~ Kan81L8, and wUl con· PI' lliul'le ~ t:5 ~ lo! "'41ft'k. they dinolve d "~~I'I:;' b.e ncr .Iekneu . The "'•• wh~" bUWl~\e or 17.10 Ihe II.tI~4""" • All "'isnin g ' to get up club8. Addrl!lIl1 sequen tly bru~g all' hnID\ln8e 10:: 'I.'~ tr'nde h'l'l'iJig 101' Ih!!lr c"pit,,1 Aod " " b • lind blood hve been t ::: ~ . : , f . I el .. naed b" I few. 01 .d,IctJ . 'hllllid b.. .dtlretll.d to U"1I10r , po.~~paid, Char,!!8 J. Peterso n, 306 to this pIUCCl, it behlg natUra GO .. !iI:i \II Wi BRANQRE~WS PILLS lly the drt!~ o~er. A," lll~1 pl\id the e~ Iilcl.enr' k· .. Prln~lp d OIllCle\ N ... 16 Nurl" rent 0(' ' .. c . Chesnu t Street, PhllBd el >hia. ~ , ". .. ' 6 ; 1 1 IUIl!t. Phil'delphln, 'PI. onl outlet. " · I • . J' " _. _ tbelr oRlee lot 8 monlh. . Ihl" meet m.~ ~II~ :/lroll,1I lolecled ~ Po-, ~ IIJ I . dhl!~lctl" ~Ilh· ' GII ••ra" ,W.hol.i.le ·A rhtll: D i m.. . ';~" Y , ' ' . -.' . , re~ul"r ly Ind oln ~, Ih~ir .. ,.!II hu.ine . , ... & C y' S y. t! Th. K.rl of AirUe, ,,8oo&ch millibe r cereer. wbicb wili brier Atid lJrilli". •• .hllt fur, 'rhe Ii/e 01 Ihe fte.'" ~I In ~h. B H B Iii ~ I' Po- ' ~ , nl _ b lood .' . , ._h8l1~h ,!!e J nu.H ·ble m.~~~",tc0I".tD· puke r~,·~c:il . T HE N ewark (N. J.) Evt1u1t! ln:~?tW. 8 ran dre I I P·~lcllu.rtiL "lke; l (Jou.,._ of lb. Bo., ," or:Lordl,',lInd .lOn.lo law "Thl• 'tp.."'tI pue' h' t' II a~~ d I' I ' /. ~ . . ~ . ;t ...... c.1I* .... e nDno" ....... . ., C' . e .. ~ lied lilt' 'ber lick buI f,om "nttltlll h, .ccltmu l"lol1ll lne ';;r I '. 1 \, f' ler comell to us enlarge d and altered , or Lord 'S tull, ~r. nlcac.o; .. ,",01"/ Inll., B',OI ,! " ,,, In' Atd.'rlel, .i~ . ! III ,n,d "I;lt gIve tb~~ twioe II ~ttC~... the bow~l. or 'he ' ,blc)OcI, ~ t ILnd brighte ned up in Bppearane&.:.... thi80ot lolr1. ' He ii .'Libe~ ~hl.h ,Brln- ,Loull. ~ . hl w. to" mo 1," 1.~~~"i; :;-:::" 1 L::r.:= ~nler. -:::t~; wil. firl, ;Li . p ropo~~ . . , d,.,h·. P!U' remove; Ibll 1II•• bnd, Iii. ColW ' til d 1 l', . d . '".,. ". 1 . . , e are gra e to w tnell8 tliis ev· .. .' . luwln,· nllor.. ..&ll •••D ooe.of Lb. ,na' Ind II .. "./ ~"d bl. I'q~ a B" Hnrd & 1I0ugh tQn I\re . e . '''e le.1 of tl",. See 1.8 Dr odr•• h III B1JY ,... RI1B. :A U.ln"~'m.ln d~nee 01 the luecesa of one New lord. or Soo&I.Dd, · He ' II~IIII'&errtlon E STBA.'ftO& I d .... ,r , '.1 " r' DO' . I~ .. t(ng (or tbo 110Hd1\Ys' "Chri8t~f~!i~ whit. lellm I!, •\he G~"f~ .Jersey '. ')leadln g , journil la. ~r. ~h.n' 6 cutl.~ In Pertlll ~'nl' .I.~p. Uol~.e;lr~~~:'c!n' :e';.::!:t~~:~ ny!~: :::. "I&'. U.'~I""."tli'IIIIIU! hl". and ' Por•. Erlglll~d,". from ' ~rving"s "~nietch ~~Id by .11 Drll!:.I II.. . . ' " ~, t:n.eb (O:II,Iel" • .""tI .. b ,.. ,'Ii ... 11' .1\1101 "',II_1re Frank:W :i1llam P6tter i8 acting Qdit· fanhlre . be.ide. A"c!bte lbotiH Ie lba -no,o~, tPtI nted in quarto forDJ ,(nd d<bta,atatt: f \ , CI latanta ' ~ ' \fl' 1 It.1'E'I"I b A I' ('ree .of ehl'p) by ~ IIteliJl , Ibe ~ad.,. lend 0." 1\1 III. ~hf ;.",1,I~1 I • . ' .' • mus'ra~, a MW llluatr atid iaitioQ oT,.an " . 0 au . num ere .der .'1\1'.10&. .I.I~' n D U , ,'- .1111"'. • .. ' . . Tloae bayln. ,..... ," '-Inll -"pl41 ~Ir.clloli' lUI' ofDic1c'e~s' "Chrl ttuaa ~ot and " Til" we k1fO. to b. pure, .. w.· pro. 80me of ,tho ablest ~ournaU.8ta in hulllbop tld, will o~\I •• "1 .ot .otlelnl t ... -No wond Bi " I brol ~y b, .. A ,F rieod in NJa ,, '. bY' l' eared the Cider lro. ,.lIlble "r'Cln. I. Ibll ~,\I. All otb. . . . jlOu»¥Y. We hope ·the' C-onrier ~m do"•• Ia ~h, ::.J"li;=~ .. ~ill~: iUu8tra tcd. Tbey I~ ....... r.,.,~ w"~I., :0 ~ave also' in preas ,ItIe 1I. . . ."r"~. .... .e~... hllitl ~l , '0 '."el, olltdl." , it......nt. b ' proeOt d in its prospe rous career. , ' .. ..,. li••Il'p~ btU 80 hoar. iD' S' daJI. . ~nrunl· tinc'8 "Fiol·'d 'Aihm. " ... ea. ', 'Dna ~o ,I"...r II. oaE~~R; pP:.~z. !t!J.l,. ~f:r!iw:A:":AY'!:'Ii; ft •• u .,._" ,_,11101







Pure Drugs, Medicines






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Ball' aesto rGWvva. p






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Nilfh t Ezp rel. , Cin clnn -ti Exp r.... V.I I and Aeeo m., Columbul Aecom,. Pinebur g Ellp r....

6 ,1l9


'fu tD • •S'f" AU B0I1 .0.

MI:J and Aecofll.. .• N i~ hl Eltp reea . . Cuiumbull Aee omm 'n, Pitt lbur ll E.lllriltlil. Oln4\!n."eti 'Exprc8tI, • DC' pot stop . I

W. H.

X&I'I T, t. W. WOODWU D,CLE Sup '"



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Wh eat 'i bu.... I. R,. 11 '·

Oat . B .. II"

UlJ A. •.• 8.4'7 A. ••• 10,3 7 A, If.

Cor n

l'1l 11

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Flo ur'f b_n el,

p. If, p. 111.

Fluu r

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S.110 4 ; . . 4.85 4. Ill. '7:4'7 A. 111. . 9.54 . '. If. .!I,13 p. 111.




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App lee II \;ulh el, Pen . Jl bll~hell Potl lloe a 11 blllh .l. Dried App lo. 11 .. Chic kena ~ dOllell, Cntr ee 1t It.

60 SUO 80 I~ 3 00


Dr j and Jlixed l'ainti, PA IN T, VA~NISH, &.0 18 Ii, IBI lE m•



80 @

It il now thrt e ye" rllin ce DOC prOllllne,,!I, I~voducecl to Ih. pUbl!OR MIS HLE R'S BER B BI'I"I'b~ .,ere Drat ac. and ~uriftl tbat time IlIe III dlae .... atl.i na hom n Impure .tate or til. blOod 01' llllIe lr .u~c... to curl nl ..ed atom lell: b..- bcel l I? lrea t thl' 'he "Iop ri8lo r II ju.ti dI lle ...... oric1nl\inR (1'0 . tbe .bov led ill off. rin, the . II. 'JM!~llIc rem e'd, 'or .n pended ror theee Bitten II Ihe, e caul el, Inli le will inl to refund III .... ., ea. rail to Dr . 1I11,lIler'. U ll~b B,i.uer are- aua perlorm III Ihat i. cl8imed, for th.m ranl eNl o ture ny.p ep.l l. Li,e F .. ver and Ajtl1e, Inle'mlt ~ lIt. Re.m llten t Illd Trll iloid Fev er. ~ r ~mpJalnt. N"rvoul AIJ'"ctioJl~, G~Der.\ DebllltY 01 '.PP 91# te. np Ilure, Coughs and Cold _, Rh. urolI or \Veale ne.1 elul ed by ellO .., 1.,..lIdence or ti.m , Dllr rl.<II., Cho ler. )fnrbut.Ctlmp. ~tonl~eh, PileB . DI ~e~.ea of Ih. in tb. Ikin , 'aUllb I ' Scro(ula, Ulce r,. rl~1 Dlle .le, tl!el e 8m en are I lore cure.. h i. also earl ah, 10$ •• 11 Oi , h ' Ven e. remove 1111 ob. truc . ,Iona to Ih. "'lfular cuu 'le of natu re In Fell lilet , .nd will cur. Chl uro. , LeucorrhWI oJ \Vh lt.l, Wom b Complaint or Fail ing ofGre .a 8Ielln... Of tb. ' · ·o ..b, &., . and thu8 pre- erve the 1'.i r Com plexion uf Ibol . "ho We it f bat Ih i. cl ..l, ehould bo uted with caul IIlIe 81 rell l.d'" oC ion by mar ri.d I.dl ... h.' a Ton ic . zp,r, the l' Biller. are uo·rl v,i1e d. and 'A9f*ti. " \,Juli,," o,b r P"I' 18r, I)••;li . the co'lIp I 'I o, itiou or B, MIIII'er'. Herb Bitt... ,h. IlrQl'rieln r haa no he.ftoi ,iry In I. no ..~ for o1tl~'n" kno" n Jh ir ing ... dieDl •• r~lIIl'.ne . Ilurdor.k , pikoMrO. ·. TII.y '-..... cn"'JlOIWd pi £Ie. 'oap"'..,I. Peruviao B.rk . BUcb u. ~p:c I·; 'u,. ..... (,. . •...... II.'i ll. , Genl e" "oiI . !\tullei,,: Slip"p• ..,. Oandclui n, Pure S pirt•. •Hld lhrbe lan Root, Juni per, l'iri4 Nitr e, 8il••1II Co".~i •• ,Cub eb., .rry~ RF."n~R . i( !o'o .r•• ed ilh dl ell. or.• ickn... try B. , ber, Ih . .. rt~eT don' l . flliet Mi." ,,,,', H"rb Bitt en, Remem. ,..,,011...),0' " mOll.Y ",II



EJI( I ' 11 dozp n.

Pres iden t.


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New .Orl eln. S", 1f ~ 11> I~ @ so N.·O. ¥01 .... . 11 C.Tlon, A. O. CAD WAL LAD ER. Age nt. 185 Sor~hum " ·'15 C .4D\ilALL ,4,nU & MtL ~~I ' E'l: prt~ AgtJ ll$. . ~~• . ~ _all o.. BA SH AB D · P1 JTT Y. 80 .JoHII C • .... TlilegrfJP~ Age nt ,~ ~ TRUSSES," 2 Ii , • • ~s.,e TlI'E CON CER T, ~o b g iven at r t.he . , SUP POR . TER . , S, , a.bove~ M. E. Chn rch tom ol'l'O W e\'e nin g will 0 E PO T. SHO ULD EF,. BRA CES • be II. I,'o.l·~ trea t. to thc Dl'.1 sionl peo ple Tho I~bacriber ia. now ~e cel v.iril!'. I . ' '. ' . I. d and d ~LL ~BE l'9Pt 1LAR ~LLEN o C. our nelg hbo ruo o ,n n we bop will eonttllue to rece ive dur lOll ". lea. oo e to ' see tho hon se wel l fille d, to t.est ify G. t . '~',11....:~Cli}I.:tia ~beir coopemt.ion in the goon CIlUSO whi ch is its obje ot, viz.• tha t of ,~ . de· whl rh he ,,11111811 b, t\ie e~". or _ef. e up fray ing th e d ebt on tho .o~'gan, Il',A D IX~I.1.C!B9 and b, lhe dish III No~ I ,ty le I 'l1r, DR Y ,G OO DS ? m. P Art lee aud Featlvitll ~n"I!·tlle , to enlat:ge the scb ool Lih l'ary. . \I ed ,on' '. I ,.1:1 • : IibAr ~ I ter~ 8. '.. . , S. TE~RY. l_ '1;'r init y'9h mch : Cho " H A I R _0 II ' S ir, of Xen i'l. WDyne8 vlllt>, Nil". 6, 1866. QU EE NS WAR E, ba,;e atta ined som ethi ng mor e : ... I than n --.. :. ; lomll l'eputntiol1 for the exc ellc nce HARDW~RE,& ~ or the ir ' perf orrn atfC es 1'0 thA t ohul"ch ; N"otir. , is hu"l ly l\',ven Ihnl ' ~ th e firm of A. D. 'all.d ,t. from t'ile h,' ~!rh:e'no' omi ums we hnv w. Uu,le r & Co.• " tI,i . iI~y .li,.,.J,ed bl' 11\11 ' " e Cutl tuftl CUI. rllt Tit_ lic[l.r(i bes tow ed upon them . bu.rn ~'1 ", ;11 U< cont i-'u etl A well -selocted 08so flme nt of 'he by m n· U) C . :1'. C,..h .o ll"cler, who DEST a~.u ... e.. 1! acco unt. 01 Ih" la'" Ontl. eloll1 conn01ReUI" S, 'IV ' hl\V(} no hcs i· A D. CAn WA LLA ,DE R, t litiOll in 'pre :lic tin Juu mte rtni n men t 5 C. 'I', (JADW ALL ADE R. ·tou! Qrl.·o'iv .nig ilt whi ch .shn ll add to Wa, IIeeville, ~ 1866. S~hool-Bookf;1~ th9it' laur els and ch n.r'm thei r hear. , Thn nkrn i for pnsl luv ore to Ihe old firm is era. , 90 en rly. . McG UFF Y'S & WILSO~'S ,SER I wuu ld repp eel( ully IES e~ k , _.. uf l he sa me 10 the nelD, II CUIl.tillu ance die. , ",& '~m~ .A.l(EmO ,~N F AlL¥ ~r, .-T 0., . &0. A, 0, , CAD WA LLA DER ' , ,. ,I " he U NovcmbCl' num b er of thill . mon thly " Rui ng purdlftBe,1 Ihe intflrl'"lIt ~r 'A ~ia cei~·ed. O M fcntui7e ..lllo qe D. oC Cadwalladt>r,1 w,ill e0'l\lnull T~. r. I hUl line " ' • HI the old "I"n d. "nd wou tl\1 pllpel' s l~o\lld crca te for It a·ve t:"\ ld · ~e.pectrull! ' . J r . ry JI,k 1\ coutlllu"n.\;~ Qr th"e palr ~nl"e II) lib. Carefu brsz e cil'culntiol1, und hlS is lly an<,1 P~j)mpt1y ,Filledo tbe '~ral!y bpR/c lI'ed hCrPlofllr('. '~In~'kt Report, ' wlii ab is repo . rted qlA i:I. 1'· CAD WA LLA DER . J.. lt\ll . .y . for • spec " s, Ol d D r'U g - 8 to r e" "' b y"s. E N.,v .6, 1866 . Its co1'limn •. ~~'_ _ _ __ _ --'-_ _~-'-OUt' Sloc k 0./ J T~do, of New ol'k Times. Ohi o. E very J • ..' t f' f riner, ell'ovel', I1n 1 pro dnc e " , . ~ 0 SfT . 0 .F.ii'.I,q.~ den Ier ~ ., , p ' ~ 'N , ~ ~. 90 . ~Ilo

W m U O W -G I,A SS ,



,L I

' P at en t ItI ed ie in es .

' I.


Skirt for sale by & R'ANDALL '




.'PhysicianS' Prescri~tion8 ,,,..,.etlvil,e,



truco" The ' I!'twmer,,, ns they

will sure ty 'flud it of itlca lcui nble ~ q i to tlleil:' lntQrests. We noti ce t hah nll N};w sllb scd ber s re'c ir ed this ,mo nth . for l~6 7. get th e 'In i,ft'l.."t l1'toul:hs: of 'thi s ' 08.\'; ' FIlE Y..


I '8 6 6 . , .

HEW IRVOICE ' ~" " I '

NS. r.llIgle l!:, bUl ?W~~1 p~eilltvl! t~~ r per. ' S l,'" t CI and'pril,rar IRON ,SPOON "rul .lia~ Iwlien tbre , our p'rdhia~l ~kl,~tl wilt ha.!;t,.bJp n e or H\~own EA c%l:~I\\BLE do. ..ld "1 Ulel e... Tbe

I" un ~ 'L


B, A R G A. IN . . S, I-

P t] i I< N T S


I,B U.S IN E S $;






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re I i " fin \.I)"ftezlbim,. d\u~ •• t,)I ~b ,hap "lnd ~I1it". (~.rort ',!lnd 'd ' . , economy. enqolr, to/l ~. W. ~racUe,, " . : ~~; ~ <0, p'1'K f '" Elliptic. or double aprln, ;1I\1,\'l~.,Du . '. pan bui ur · l,nd t -...I , .... I . ~, 1b" 1./ ~- " id:r I,,'e '0 8 you Il.t th"e llul oe arti e., I., ~ ' , ~ " :'I~\l"''''O~ ~ • •I 1 . b < I " ,~, C~UTION .-To gUI1" or tb. . . mat eria lt, I"\ 41 [11,' ,"e, «t . IV here ~a, . be r"untl a Iml II. .Ioc d ',Ii n.t hnpo. .lll~ k 01 n, well lie par\ ',. ll1uII'Io ,aOllce ,.". HI_cled Goode . CUI,8I1lIJiI o~ '0 .' ll III I". ~V , 'I (fU ll . . OW J:I'W ." KA BU A !' AC'IV1l'll". oltered .... DU PLE X j' .J.. p '"-,, .1. '. ; '\ r ,." • II' . bl~' ttle h , . . , .III! ,P, vll,: ," J. W. Br.~I!J'• .DopmlJlnlt • We hIVe a v.rle ty of lLD G~ 'I'~ "~LG , Al"~ .. "r, BR OA DC LO TH S; IIplic Slee l' Rpr lil.I ,·' upon lbo walllfi El. ",> ~~, A ' l1~ -nO lle otbe r. ere liepuin., AI.o l(band 'Mi h' . ler" l'tre . e,, 1 I' tl!8 " , OM.,; tt) bQy ,fine SIL VE, ".l tha't t,er ,Ho op \0'111 a,~m)t l l ' pin Noti ee ,.,A SS IM ER ES Il ~ , belD, WAR.81 .nliel lind pl. ted Spo nns QU .Lr .n, pftB l.d th~uUIl1I1 \he (lim t'" lhn. ,.,.. lind .. ' . ., lIn, ' . F·urk~,.Ji4Ine T,b le Itld Pno~ "~ ' ~be two (ur double) .,rl n,. braldt4! to,e Cutl~ry. : .. " VE ST IN GS , &'C" 'he lliuilit Amerle",!, : 8 .. 1,. ; " •. ther Iherelll, w,hleb I. tb, lIor .t ll'tl "lluf .::1 v . , . ~.; ,. ::" : o~ ,b.l r Enlll(ah,.W. 'ehe".; fine I(oldFrpl ,bOlh p~.1D .lId (anc ,; whic hi Oexiblliti .lld .lre , Pen . Ind 00 h I 'lm prep ar. p",, "I ~L ,lnd leO D1h t"tlo a 41 ,' Spe ellc n ,t iu, witb l1co plc. :I " non o b. roul/.d Innglb ,ed to ha~e m.~e II~ In a Ityl e, nu~ " I.,)' r akl" . 1 t ~UI!Cav,~ c;~'nvpx, bifocal' aud London . ():7 For •• hi In illI •.othe , rort l where llratlu'p,ae.eCI by ; '.' ""tg ". 'fT1o ~e' ~.eIl6• . f"t()tld,81~v,f • 1r\ oln ,"kl rtl ,r,ft I~td !brQlllhout, """, ple' ed.l tcel ~:d' ''' " ' . ' I , . I". ' IA . 1I11d Qotn!p0n (rim es. to ,tl UIL aU, J'ft ted aJJ~. In~ e,l.. " h'r,1 11 "y", l1 nl• cd. ' I ' ' ' . • , TO . W lll ~ ..a l"t , lf.ct ~"d urec ' fi'I!!. "/fo ,, ' . l by the. oleo wn, nof the ' !, "ljll ~~ .,' ' • .. 'Fln ge r)t1 nie. ,ijle ei MUa4c p,fl lellr ~!r)'. ~ "'I~t' MUli elt .... Wh on mnd e ~p If ih';" ' d'o not -1.'1t ,ent. .... 'T' ~ t'" ,,,", WE STS . BRA nLE cu~tulOer he nee lliin I~".~ Lll8m Jlull the 11I1Itr1lm ll Atli. , ec '1~l!e6)i.I.· ,~~ool ana : III ' Y & .CAj\Y. . I1tnn ', .. k Buo " i. u I 01 • .' I)~ fIItitI.;. 9'7 Ch.n alle n &. 79 . ,8); klnd~ }nlan De~d!, IlQ P1 , -r.. " ' "Ior tlln,••, ",~arranu.1A · Allade .IIr. Ht., .... lR ' ·' L OR COO .KS ma .. lli• .Rpp ev· v 6'1· lm ' " . /" " ~, '" ,I .:, ·1 "'-n . ". New Yorl/. , '" .. ; ns. ~ tt~cblll'JQ,tl. &,c •• ~Q.~ .col!l ' I tllJl~l~ ,o~ ~ '" I I , I ke.p ('on.tDD,ly on'h and . ,ml ll.u , I', ' \' , ., h i " , ' lck 01 halH NflI.w'ln £ , d IIl)i-i!rtll lnlnr G~m('s, 8010(101 0.... , " alu s~reet,. \Va~nesvl) '''' , o~u ,n


' . . ".

, of. L t .'Ke1l:A ..


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:Va et", a1;1 at a ' .l)f! ' .. .

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JJ ll" Xlii

ShaW-la, ..


I,al..;.'bd I. unT" ,,,I I; reco m· Cullifldtr" Plain and Jap aOl d Lan ., m~ lIded by tbeJ' MI" I\\IIJ1f nl the ,,1, " Stili dard Bklrt of Lhe Faab / tt1'n •• '.lor coal oil" candl' aAd ' lo."l ble ld. enjoy ,h. (ollowl'ill !I)e.timaWor ble adlard oil; al,o, a lar!llJ Vll lt"e l I" crlnolln \l..'iz~ ".upe rlor tD.orlmftll of qD.,1 l~)'1 ,per(eel man ul,.w

D om es tic G oo ds , . , ' . RE~ ~ - 9' '0 0 .. ' DS" D ..

Whi~e G ,OQcls,

860r_ Ir. covered with 'oub le .nd twil ted thre ad, Ind tho boltom rod. are nOl ooly doubI8 , ~ p~lor.. but Iwice, 'or 4aub ' .) eov(l·~~: ,pr.~nll n, I ~ • T • h tI ' I t lem from we. "n, oq~,w) I!Il \111 Dr dow n ItIl1'P'lIl tllt! '•. &.0. ' i ' ".,: ' 1. Tbe Dup l.x "Elllptlo I, a 'I ,..I' {:IY Arlt. with .11



U::S' I




,""'U, \ ~ ,.. . ,' ., 'fRA PS.





ullb mer l IUd friends, thlt I am uill io the




D R Y.-' G O 'O D S! A·

' It h~rl!ll!,' glven to m, oldc "




And we invlt& tlie Attention 'l'EA-KETTLES Of'.our ' t'ilStoI1lers and . meDds .·to the Styles ,and Prices ! I , SHOVELS:'

I '0' if "I': C,1 ""1 .






' " "


The ' won d,rfu l FIlIl rlbll lt, · .lId Hav lt jU8t rece ived . hew tIld \\"ell rr.a t :.. lect. cnm rort and p\,nsure ~o" an, lI w),lr lng ('d atoclr of ' the Dup lex Ellt plie l'klr t will d, be · ... '!nelld parllcularly In , IU crowded zper l. blie .. ope r,I, OlIrrIIR". railroad·...em· c .... , . , chur ch pew i. arm c;IIll~., for lpromen~ PO TS . dQ _nd ' llou le, DroB ., I~ ,be .ltlft 'ftn 'ble' told. SK ILL ITS ed "hl n lir UIIi &o p, alim ~1I pliil,' .. , eull y .nd eOI l,uitoccu n,ly II a .nk GR ID DL ES , . r 'lin drees, an qu~11l1 or mUI ' crin o. OV L 'CA ST -IR ON Iille, not found In anY ,slna le Ipri n,ak frr. • , A IlId,. bnl ol enjoyed the, ple BOILER~, .. "rf', comforl, .t)d' ,re. t eooveorl!n~e 01 wea r. In, Ihe Dup lex ElliptiC) Itee lapr ln,lk " .~ . 0 ("'41 .)1 Ilze l, for a ,I nile dl" wilt one r , 1I1e tt& d. T . KE 1'T Il ES ' EN AM E ~ wllllRaly dl.p en.e wllh eir ule. For ~. ' children, mlssel Ihd ,on oithliMe ft080fllid size s, "01 the bt'4l qual . the, ere i ty, lupe rlor to all !lllie n. . 'l'ONQ..Q, r Tney will not be R~.,or " br'~~ ;l\~e the ' SAD IRO

S T 0 V E. S

"C tfM P L E T E!"



Late st. Puh lOII II be; ua4

I, W. BradleJ" Oel ebr ated pa~ent

~ ,~~li~iiM . -~. ~r ·.~" . t)

,. ·

. Our FALL 'Stock


HOP KI . S DU~~~~!L2;!rIC



r• •.•• " .or eal . a' '~. " .~ llr'l lc.8 '9 re •. W1P.~_I't~~le,

I' A t. L T .' A D II •

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be ..ell" ded b1 Uli 1'",, ,,otO





P I ', S ",' " at or tove"

The Silv'er'

' "1"".' " .ct ~:rt • "" tIi' AI The plrl o",.t o.eli' llte of 4ltl"rent IIlnd. c. _ DD~ IIld ,\', ' , ' I , ·rcw. ellb er' Coai'or W,,,od. , Th ' • Pielt/re Rrftnll'l; Iii '" cut II1i1 ' mad . b, MR . 'DODSON, ,.' 'llIck b... .beeh purebaled d tb., '.•• bOw. . . .re D8... I. ','I ...tln. " ''('he bat ,etook ,of WA " LL PA PE R '"nd er m, limplo)'I,' .lllc h" MEN'~ .' '. 10 Ihe cODntry" , ' 1" ' • " ,l· Wn ,arll. ,"leo"'If~n'e(Of, th. U'f' on , & ., W . A Mo re Q~ In ~ 9 And . H , t H.m IlD . '; Q.', • .... ' Itn. be, F. C. Lhrht•• IDd will " . tDill ~"" ttl 8~!,p" I II.~~~at~ p .aa. .. . b Slei n"ay . ,Bnd bury , IBol1 ~ lold "," .~ .. elon abl. prof rdmn it on lJl &, PIG GreY C', I bttt ,r thart .,.,'otl to be u ,ood Gooali.l I. an,' ID dle ' \Ile 16me term.. rl. \. ,m erke t ~,:,erllon,\ G~~ b,!",~, & , I ' " " " , -. " , ". Slri rhm jdl hPif I -all d wl* h I ,w,ill .. II " -.:.-..... I,' " . } J " rl'~~u l~lllll'lr 1I~ ,t-I!! I.p'fle f1 ,~,n, . c e!!,t)~. , ?' Thll~.w IDd belu tllul I. ' . ' or Sk'r ' WU• .,I ",prili !,nV, o t Ieee ln I I ,II I 1 ,I., A ' 1. 0 W ' , O ruw en (P"I ente d ,Mer eh '7, 1886.) w~. I, JiJ, '1, • . n.. otl t~' . ' lo.v'b . I • .,de d ,'·llift WI -cia il ,ot~e .any t bv liou8 the e.' GaU In, ~.r. 'he T '''' Wleat A.l 8lc. '" 1...,,,11I1'B ''A ND ill , ~ Woe' .t~. AIIO', nlt I'.UB 0n,. ttlr Ihe F l)kIA1, ) " i t I AW , , beld , :Saf lle ,~altJyl In New Yorlt, Octo ber. 1866, ' . " • , .-"1 ,. &. lyo n Be • iiil" a fo' ,u"j,-~lU l" Jom cB Kin gdo n b l.". : u~~d . . AllIt, ~ tlmalll1'o~,ll or , dE~TS' ',,' , lOCh . Roolinll', Esw•• trou • .eod ,Oon": ~UR• .rAMlt-r:'l l~.c~~~.. '. ~~," ~l'd ttllec! -0-. A. 8IL~EB r.~A.~.'1I ~IB~ING 9.00 D\4 ,I-·, " or " 'hteb ' llUb lic sl\l~ o~ hou seh oi(l ..-I!. _ duetora. done on 8hort notl~9,hand , L~,~~ ~~t..:.Q~. l;~ ~,,, , In 'hll_ Tbe HI, hel' Prem ium ever ~ b.e.a, !Itt,!.. ot redu ced pnee e will se ll 'at II ,~u nno6 Ie I'rofi~. . live D (or . I Irom I.., .: &0. • ' at hIS l'csld~noe, on PU '., BU le' 0:7 Hoop Bkl rt: 'J:A Pim f;E p KI,vo Ot • ' me " S • , call yenr • bero , Com re m.· e on with yoyr , work. W. 'kin g your ."leClio"~. , ~ I'ri" ncx t Snturd l~y, tho The Stelll Bprlng•• r. woUnd ~ ere. reld y to .wll t.on JUu, with '0.1:' with , ·. ~S·.l·:·AT~ a Stock fln. I,t d", re ti~ . I 't retu~n th" bks ; fl my at .10' clo ck. . ' , fulI pl.~ 01 ' , ellu'lin coy.a ' .lld pl .... ly. ~ .,ld CUl lomers ~~ , " , I" I p) ., h lIt'iI'c>t ",., ro!t.~r .' In~ friend. for wh"t Ill~)', bon. 1I0lle ,I"r . . I We yne " !,lJe, Sepl."II : om. II, Tbc~I!.,,\U h. 'pIJ~ 1'E'Cl III ~~I!e ..Ie on. , ' ' : , . _ .,- ' :~il:cI, ~ndC:~b: wbole .klrtm"'':, bti.".o IRe in \I,e pu t. _I'd hor e to " -11&1 , W ,\ Y N F. 8 VI L L E. w . .... ) ,. ) 10 lIP. '" lb. I!re~~. l1n ' , CU!e 411 I JI~ ' (utU!1' mt' ~!,.,e o( V'pl ROIDombel' the o.uction tit t he , ID WITHOUT ,UI1 RY 01' lear or niA II. , .\ . ,,' ~. t pit lDi • " Ba;t " V 'A p,.4 L .ay. U A .. H " B ov,, L ,m~" E 1i 'Dd will lie ''l''\ ~ '. . r,oD si" ,, Qew. • . f I . , .u,. "\ • ' " ' , ' . ' . Otl~e tom~rroW', IIoU dbe I'Rlu lnsf, I ),n, lh!l... h ~rn~o ~~ • • ' E~1'OW l>u • \· VlS ITS }'O R' E1G IJT XQN,71(lS tbcr cmU mc' , hi" f(,OI e'L~\e ~ be "II! .'1, t~~,J,VeI'I ' ' e~lrt W"r neav illl.' .ltIe pt.l' 7. 18~. ~LEY~ . ,, h'" I ,., i " . TO WN ' . L(. . AT ~1.·' I,»l " JBJ.. IC fU LG ! "1 . Dr. Tuc k.r ml, be a'dnlulted 'it thE! '. 'rbi " .. _ • . • • '. H 0" 0'" 8' S' ." 50 fet'll le.~ Ii, rtoh In,, . invenlion eomblne•• lth " R ' HII "" R tm' ry is ill rooe lpt of lIome •y':iI\ be lold lit IIlIction, on Ihe premi.e~ .. 0 U R. , S TA F\O ,th. ordl· WA YN EBV ILU h ' 'Fou : Nov tth St., tlftr . 'eot ' olte r. 8klr . , tb .... ..' I,n l.Jlre-' ,oWn lof! Wliy,neevlllti , , lit.. tl 1;6. ... 'of ,Qur ' ~e8t (lllnlity Bo. ltim ore Oys ters . . S ee oil ThurBda,. B ov,mber, 8, 18~~, ' ~cl' Jun~ fbL Yn to'll BlnRT • · tbe..bO,10".h : Ihe ,14tll , hn l 11th, F~b : 18th, MlY , II ~b~ unl, .. 't,cl"'"!td,~ , m hoop .. ere the 'r.,. < roll !!fb", &,,1 Jj;t t. 'e and nil··, · • ~ p1'1Ip ' . ;!r1}' . of' .. !:in; m . . a . A,'.I tbo P..I!r .. 'D'~ · t~d lJ"te~ d. . 8 .\d .I~~i T1Jclr~r hu, trne l.d Fll'lIt,~ Bot ola, Laa adrl ee, 10 'he SU ... r SlIlr t, p I e ~oment. . " ' In thle •• rt of lb. co•• rlnll 01 whic ertYI"'fll lilt ~tr"tM all Ibrr/ tljl"; end, ' 8ont ll ':.operl/~" '9 "I!. ,I TJle•.• l' IUII ble- ,.' . ' '1'IIC1lMI14a'C)f PiD dlle ., "~4.•. pfop h clnn ot wll r oft'. , Ot't I '( _ '0' • in rill'" _ __ two Jur ,.epa .' ra' thl. ~ . I FCe! .nd 'eold "' " loch I. coilclu. while the upper one . ' '''''' ':''' ~ 1\l1tl pop ular 'I"" erll- SI"n d. "tll "l,d " lou "j" ,., '111' wil l a;f' fe tH ..l'fiUo r Ir, ~~o."~~e,, with ve . ,, A~ ' " SCc nd'\te~U8emeut 0(, tba t' the It II ~eI. lieDII,lrul ·puliillil. mai'lill r 't rite. tilt ,.)•• ev iden ce 01 euc coltoo No lad" hlV ln, 'oou lite eum df' moli lit. ' v~·, corne~ or ""i,n ~ud Nllr th 811:.ete. Irun ce" U CHRONTC or woro oa. ou; .klr I . .. l" wiIJ , . be . pm . .~lI .. 1 , Dr. Iml) f., .to WM f.4IO I Tur othl , ovrr the clot h, uvil lJl • • ker lrel l A TI Ll. "'!'d •• ~h.r ' rou t!) cl\.8twl\rd, taq ,I'l e • Way,n .... tlll'. t-of\1I'n "" thll :.i;!O ' " III oii the 'fi'i DlOe Jowt' Jr'o' h' . rc· piJ~e ,I" h~p ie hllre Iltd .lIu •• Gond",'il une lip wllh '0 . of' .I~· othe r .'. "B~O£~' IIO VfJ l?-"." I_J,,,.,,, .: be p",ltl on'''lIlii JI\( .,1111'; ' tne oth,....0" . ' .f)18E.A~~S K:d1I~' ~~~."" ~~j'~~~mITe ~lnl!l' lire IlIbn Injur It ke .. p clf\D !\ n llch 10,11'11', cun. h,,1f er,II olll to. '0!Ct"the r WIth Sl"b t.l. 01lt bull ed'.Ill!' IIolled! '. cque n ltj II o.. ~ 'r~a,!jlWhh. 8' p~r '~Ill ' He_ ltd ,hng " Ikc. will not we ll r OUI I -- The bell 'e~r; , • •• c~r·.~, bi , lI~.d"e::e c!rd illlr ,eo '~~!I, . erl.l . }!,e , u,ed ,,'n 'hei r ,her "tb ,bt!longi h' IW", I Locni'ed in - . ftloit r!!,,::1jJ( .all ,,,,em {~vlted ,~ ~aJl eoo.'r,!lC/ti911,mat rll" ... 0- I I ·the eo,, · " at' .n.d ,fr<l!" tbel l.. durabllltJ -a' . 'Al ' d np b lin. ""tH • ~ I • tn loa'!.: 'tl ltI" ''.. 4. \ Ire ohl ie bUMO.I. -t'fI} . I "'\'.1 ..J J. C , CQ~tETT Eitf ~ ~J t'" , IOd oelt n.... Ch., .re d..tln"""to,~ p.rt or tO~b. At 18 , t4'e. · ~n E" X A .. 'I'" ft D J' .;II".~rr.tcu., ,l~ 13' .eolllO .' l1 ~'t 1 , ), .... ~lIto -, rt It B B B. c,. ' ... A !'aYDrl~•• ~r ,v.""r:>-..,...;"Y"....,...~_.:;.."""......."""vv~ junction or th.. prino\p,,1 'horo~gh'~ t.~ . 017.R 'I " P•• .n • D ,. '.,., ' ,j . • "' • My It pu "" !lfj Ir"'t :I, I,. p ~~~ \ L i i n t , .ro !lfl bael e. your ~o.t OJ.lf.l l '" sA L'l! B 'U tr" Jr .H i~." 10m Mp'nutlctlll" t Or,!j >r)",b lOll!! I~ R O. '" hC 0,; Ii~e Iree. ' of the "ri.l e'. ~.,ent. lmil .t!1 ~,.,,~, .. IIH!. w.~ " S\lf lr SlIl rt 1.Ap~'in~t'd belu .... thl. , tnnd It ,tillll~ , I . , ' 68.t(~ r, and i ' , 'f. , . ", ,; •.••• _.,.. " .,." • Of 'w d t Wir •• e ,', ~P d K"M ""I I '''''<"1 ,,,,, ~' .. .. " , I . ~ /PJt • f' ''' ' h~oi ln ljl! ;r Uta-j 'o, '" "'r~r:"\'''ti,l.n lecood m hn it , • •w~l ~ .. lull ,.. ~. ~'''J'l Dn., 001 e nl'''(.. ,,\ •h~lI , ' " ~~·· :"P'+~ .·-::r·~ .·~:.. •• " ,., . 30 &. 81l Blfc la, Bt" ~ ' f·... 8" f ,"'1?O .ra b, It.. R,'" J. E "En Lr.} • . ,0 ' $ 0 ''1, nPBtet!'. GII_, ,Ilie • Lo ter. , I ii_ pilf' "''I I.', (Ill. '''11 Y.ft t. A ,y.£ .tD ... u . d. . ' /b, . I ' . .~, 'I "a. ·. _.' .. (JUU D...., o. IWl&lo".. ln, 'to couDlrj ho~1 In ,' I~ ~ fro 's ~ SPERRY. Sup l, , e.W'e fJ d ' . III: rII~'l eih' ~. '"' ~.m 0 10 -/," ' '..;f. ad, \IIe', I '~itl o: "dh e ~"rn'e. ~66. "II" 11 ' '16 1!tlD elt . rc ,.... . ' ISOnw ~ 'NjO!ml, e ~h. ~.' C.l1~I'U , H''\I ) l' tJ~~ ;fubl ~. , 0 l"~ (or· . " T.ool•• , 'No .xpe ilen e, ",e. • ". s"' . • H·oUl~hold.OoOcl. ~O,t ' .10,' !' f .,l" ,. I eur ~'V ,. Tt.:h~ , . I ,.,, ' ,. 1 A'I ( E "lMIfInruUlftJllo.,r eon sMi ng of lOn e Pi'D n 86d p,.. ld,n ll. cub l.rl , ... d T,.. ......1. clo,lItt.. ~.. "'u.h1 ~, ~ . Bed· a . .'.~', I , ',~ " ' . hli A•• nt. ~anle" ...~" .her~u.. 'meet. ' t .ir -'jl1lg BDr eAu , ' e.'l \O .. !n:clor.. ,'" C("At,,·r ... . I' L bOa . Ci," . • \' -otr. r IlZlflordiJllf,. iudu~ •••~. OJf- TIUI ~B1J ·RO~".AJf ~·~a II r " ... Ilb " ~"f "h ':' Ii "" " 3 ::. " , rp~ .lm~1 f!I. .Ad lb <"fPG"Ilun,I[ ' \1-', dr. .... i • A", r OIa . , IJ! • Addre.': ,oa.iD '1ri' ovi.~t a. J . ' " .Sro nl. AD". ot e~ ~ . 'I; Jl~'A e" if I n,fI .,.r~!IQIJ'Z .... , G J1; I'lt/' " ClI ;Wor kl', I:lP . IW ~". .I. "p'lO o 'of' ~I.~ ~,~t . 1\1. Y: S;rARO~ 'G1~OSII CO~ . . O.p oell e t~.. (lI&W1a"l ~.~ I •• , , ' "~DY I .... (C FriolrYortlt) u ho, ·,lt"'.J ' Nu,'J81i'ulto It .• New ,. i,;i r" foApec;1aII'CJ.H4• • .~•• ~OtlOD'; " &e Or 1 'to. , 6 o~" Y.... . :'l '~ .' or. ,""" , .• ttd l /lfl ...- --: .I" rot Gar deo Tri i'" aad .fU t1 ",~~r Q~ -' I . " ' ~ _nd ~dt r~ r~ thin g-,. "chil ·Ci". i... . ~!J'n ' Bp.e IIl~ i toue . MI a.rH tGf J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.· i~IMl"IJ['o(tfi ():7 S.le to heal" .~. o·.IOil. . ' , FR l1 • ...., .:AB 8 of .... ..' .'0. 1 • 'T tielip 'i•• ' .... H~11 ~. A~",wl.~ .... of W.....e. ~..... . 01 Tho... W· N r- ' Barb er ,bop .' "I • T.... .. will be • • • p~wn. by wb .. ,..": lila ~-: ... :jI\ . .. ".... ~& .... 11 AIJiI ' . .. ' US , ..d ' e,..." .. ... ,. t*rp 'l"I .ltl -. lor ... 'NT"Z 'o.a d-'o .... .... .... .... t , H. BEL LER . P ....,./5 . ~. Ad'. '~I BA~ .. nii\l "U» I :,Y J)j) llOt'bels:ey1 a.p.lMn or"' ' DJl E. R. P II 0· l&d r:~Of" ! t . D.te d Ihi_ mio b.r ., 1840,-; Iw ~ 61 "",r nac" "Lr cl" p'00'l CDC" ., . ; , • tall I '.' I; IT ~,! , e~ ., IlUJE" " '" AIbuml, RE1DY.M!DE CLf)'l'BlN G " I ftnetrd8ill.\.. '~'h., tlWuk ~lor'pre'enls, PI!l lure .


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lMIAltH <& HCbI.TI S.fSG


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.I.ood ..

The oOmbination SUver Skirt.


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B , To btlla.ceJo Tre....., BIG."."" lWMpII irW 1M ~ ••" dllp•• nll .Ultl.,..l


'.'.881 111.53' .. folio..56

"'.119 Ie W.... ~, OAio. .-4 1M from lruel.D' UO\Iou I O' ~rr- 8~ --Nr 6t!, 1866. to 0d0H, i4, 1866, 1'74,446 II lie tiru tt' lie dOH fJ/ 1M Ifljrt.",'1 P~. ., vilA OJ Tf~a!,-," ~ . 7$f if Ir 1M ,. ... Ad ye,til, n, Dehoq. At 11,1 18:0


DmIIII'ItOIU,., JiBD LA. OJl8Y. 1hal""" ofi.

C~,.,,; aI,O. lie ~ ita 1M ~,,: . T£



. . . ." "'~ lie.


Delinq·. "laUI ,.,(III1d'ed 1,TlnS" Oo-d.n ~~'med 7l,t08 ~


Poor fand BrId.. Beli.r FUH


CorporelioD 1.lId

Fre TUrllniL.. DD-..1 v r·. 6: IIU Sl"te CocaIDOD Sob. F _ State Milia,,1')' FaDel M

In,litult F.nd Buildilla Faod To.olhip Sobool F,lllut

Double Track Roule

11.16113 . rao. .• 1.464 18 PITTSBURG TO PHlt~~LPBIA.


RoAd FunJ


R«tipll. To b.t.ncela Tre""ry

3.819 96 8t


90 J 53 19 . AI Pin_bur", lralnl Irom Ihe W .. run "' 10647 dlrlld to Ih~ Union DtIpot. where P ..len· 0.982 50 '''" lIN arln,ferred 10 ,he Trlln. 01 th, 90 90 Pennl,lve"l. Cell"el Railway. which 3,99566 lene Piu.burl lnd 'arrlve ., other poipll

J"3 11 ... folio•• : ~ P' b 8 )lA., ExpUll-Len81 ILIa urI( It .' MIlo. Llceni.. ",0 B, b.1. clue Leb. &. WI!. ItM t'plke 11)3 19 66-;;; GO A. M., .toppin, ., princlpel .t.tionl. Ped...... ~ 1.00 MILITARY F NO. (SOLDIERS' CltAIMS.) , . Ar irivel III Alloon,,* II 8 10 A,. M. Ty, DupU~ luldltloo.1 89.'76617 Iltttipil. , Note. OD Bal. of IDC'/ Ob.".I, 67 5fJ ronle 9.tii A. II., [Bltltefol1le 10.6~ A. M. _ _ _ _ Arn't reQ"rnm corn"old'r. ct.lmll.l'78 bO - - - Lock Hn,en 1940 p, )1 .•] tJarrilburgf IIIJ,398 17 . .~ " 'fotal"'luleiD Tn",.ry '42.71987 1 '0 P. .• B.lllrnoret 6.Sq P . M .• New P'~ ' ,By .m9unt or ,rerednmt,d 1.1,7,8 60 "AS. W. ROSS. 'York. ,Ill AlIenIUWII •• t )0 4{'P.M., PI/iI·· A.·,.",... 'r', 681 t6 " Rt:M ll'TAN($ FROM ARMY. ,A.odilor W.rren Co. ad,!lph let .~6 , bO , M'!J..lnd New York. ~",till., N.-lilt .19171 .eeeap.. . vii Philailelphill. It 10 .... P. M. , !)illq'l. t .... ref'ded S.l86 48 '1'0 b.l. dce In 1'r..IIU"1 3,480 0\1 .... &l1BN'EI:' .. 8ON', 'CUICINlCATI EXPBus-Le'VI!I Piltlbnrg 1teftin4 rN.' at.te 1066 IlJ1'r rec. from' Sl'lt Trlllo"r , 20000 PllOTOORAPBIO ARTIIT8, at 9 .60 A... , 810ppjllg I~ nelrly ~II atll . . P.~ Statt ...,.... ' 88,600 1'7 91~398 17 ~tot ........-1. N. ~. Ii o ni. Ahoon.t ~.45 P. III., Harmburgt ,, COUN.Ty FUND. 1 '3,0800(1 In I "Iilioq 10 (JU' PUOTQGRAJ'HI ~R'l' 8. :16~' p lit •• arriving ,I Philadelphia At 1!1.· RIiCIlIPTI. . • •lWIf·... d _,... 368000 CAP>I·;fW. E,blbli h e~\J840. we ~I.~"(O til_ 40 "111. By 'hhl ".In pn8!engertl are , To ~.II.n~ III .,..tur, ' t6.J'7J !i9 D1 ur deft rr eo, ' . I. t ... Ive Vell,.lmJ ~dv n\.K'O;•• UI.lrI:' ... ~o I10Y trlln.(erred ·at Unlan Dppu', Wtl ~ t Phil~ Am ufla.f~ "om I'fJllef rand .· 4.000 O() . llftl'rl'l'UTB F01ID.' u lh r rl l.bli.h m",,1 III IIb l"ln'n~£~\.'~'8"rITrrl~!~ del"hi. dlr clly' Iu EXJlr", Trill (or "~\ d 1'" "''''''''Q a--'pta. , \i'I • • Of .11 'be l'RO I III ' T r. 1\1 r).. ~ , .' do ,. ...._- .... u,.. a IJI 0 ..,VVY v --.0 tha d. \. CwO y"lt ue w pub- Nltw Yurko rellchlng Iht\re.t 6,SO lA . V. ' 40 Co. bOllJlt1 1.4Si 9i To .bllllncil ...u." E \04 J E L P IUI.."0 r In T, RbI lP, )fllI 80 /In lI, h'tllt . r:.1.101I'.0 Oft, PHILADrI,fHIA 'X PRClS~- eavel do ,.ee.~ ffllID Bo. - ~ 85 ree. rom c: 00 nm ere ~1100 "'JHt... ..& \bUrlllll 4,1 0 1'. N" IItOpphlK Ullly ..I t prilldo .bn U"ln" 4000 -1110 Ii large litl o( Copi •• oJ eipallJllt'\onA. Arrlvel U LalrO\!flt 6 .\10 .do .dwertilln, e1.IID4!J8ntUll 6647 .64 SO W.rkll or An .... ............ P. ~I, Alto"nll 9.30 r. II .• Har'illbur~ a Sli do froID other lOurc.. I 1'7140 'neh.1 Ihe Highl R~v . ni.hop • .,r lb. ~pi.cop. 1 A•••• B.lllmore. 7.a .••• ,New York, Vih 'dp prln•• nd lilt. rpJlr~I'1_ DOI" ~99 61 Cburt·h. I~e :.Ih~ lie Cie'l\y.. ,""l lh .. Clerll' of Allell\"\\·I). 10,10.t. II.• Phllad in* .. 1 7'.10 clo' dupllclt•• od IddlUODl1 . JaJ.9tS8 78 Bllanrl! In Trenur., 890 gO HII d.,n O ~IIIl .t1on. ; all prolltille .. ~o ftlceu of Ib~ .t , M. Ind New York»h ladelphia, ~1 ... my lind nan end the lal e co nf. llerato I l f t l . . . ' I "C h I 143,739 8TATB MlLlT.AllT F01ID. OIl IOMl and .eir~.. e.; ",or.... io". 1 billiard play . Hl,05 P. M. ::Slelll' "II' IIr. rUII I roug I 011 tho Lun!JI, 1 M.,.. R.~lpta. .-, . ro · f' ~rtillb eel.brid• • , piclllr... u( Sialua,y- , l\iria Irain from Plltsburr to Baltimore Ind !\,uu1I~'~',~;8~~ , .Bt-"I 'J't:WMl'err. ,..,.. m 08 Tq belance In Tre'l"r, 1,68" 00 IIlal'e 811<1 T~lue'e. ' . 1,»hiladelpbl., Gllil tu New York,vla Allen· 01 putUni from , PmM,~ 1., 1 . TU8I8' 00" I'IoPRlm. d.l·ql ~ ........I·ded ~3 62 .Commlltllion colleoted · 4, )/SS' no C.talog ue. enl on reCtlI , of S'MI'9. t'J,wn. one·Mlf .. PI""p .... ~ I I II ..oW ~,D r. d . 'rODI ur b to II p"l",r, 'In .. ,;..... t1l.or d~ . _t ,... ,,."'.11 {rom Btate Tre .. urer . 4,39~ Y 00 All order ,0' olle ul n pII1lUt. . " 0 1'1.11' 1,lItl:-Le.vel Pi1le u'lI' at 10 l.... rrt'lofal'lIIlh. o:.'r}o~,,! ~~ Ie by It g •• berry @ ~ t~", ~ 11.le Mil' fIlDd.J!.OOO O!li. ' , C ' ,. F d " " 4,00000 C.tlll l'",,, ..ill h. 611. d 1\ ' 1.80....d •• nt by I I I t ' I eI8\;( n& .00·I'o.lluAU. F~~~z. ~ <hd.I1...o1 ...m lll , :111,'"'0 68 3I.~~ 12 uunty u~. muil F-Rt,:I!:! ' Siogle p, tu,.... 25 r.e.1I each- 1' ..... ~ upp ni on,Y· P"III:1P" ' • ,,11\ "" .",.Uoale<! . rr~,... • - - copiet of enl<;t8< I"K'1 lJ con' , .och! Arrivea nt Alioollll 01 a:10 A• • •, H.rrla· or .Dij~IJ P",~ODted, " 'ftD • OfruJn 'a..... lit '111,60866 'l4,211800 N. B!- W e .1.0 d •• lr. 10 ,nil .lIe'ition 10 b,~ra- 8 .~8 A. ",., Blhimnref \2.30 r. III.. pl'I!vepUve and cure for the 1'10" I ~ , :, lOOIl'l'UND. . Pe,-DU, . ' ad"ri nla,;,. we hBYe (or r. " rollur-inll" 0' rOllylllg' N PW Yurk .t vi. A11entown, 4 . 10 ' P . III.. Pdoe 26 Cents l"r Paper, or 61'apoll tor 11. ~I ' By .111'1 ""it! !'II_Ie Tr~a.' 3,m 99 O:d I'hfcU6'NoOtHf •• AnM(tllP I, Cud Pic. ~hiladelpl,llt 1,101'. M, alld New Yorll, PRlIl'A.B.J:D lIY "'0 belalln III Tr..... ~ , ... !i,604:OS in ''''0' o( Co Tr....'.' • 02.11 2t lurtl . &r., \I f vi, Pililld.lplll·, lit" 42 P II S A 0& URO., ~ ' ..., 4.pllCite at; acWltlonll 10,J62 41 Ortl~ro ", a.~130 8,245 60 .i:HarteI.......h..... .......... . , . DOl. •• is . . FOUr.rZ AT TlJ.wI.R . BLOOD PILl! itM.UU..! ~7 --..-- enl .rgi nr Ihelll 10 .II~· OilO, Md 11nil","~ in Oil, -Break/lUI. t inner, i upper. , \flfOLf-\l.\LlI Jln.)~ A!I'D )1f.D1ct~K DEPOT, BLOOD PILTA .... n.lanre in T.,.,..r, I. ~.082 SO W... t ." Culor3. or l,uli.I,l k, wilh th.ald of " Dllilfl.1I11 .I1M "rai"". &ntla~ tiEttpltd. Nil. llfJ Ftanklijl8t., Baltimore, , II b "",VlRGUfIA' MiL. SOB. ~, TEN' :t'.&..IoEl".I'JD) , .... SLEt.PIIfCl URe are'attached tp .11 NiI,IIt f 'ol' Sale '" Dntllgllta ana BtORket'pe ... &Inolla • BLOOD PILlA . 1': .... o.lpta. , I ., I ld lI ~ • O\l~ lbe UIlItad. Stale•• BLOOD PILfA .J!.tnDll'Tl. . ., To am't" reI'. (rolD ~tlle Trlllur., 346!ol9 ,~.:,::~I':i~"~:'~i'~~~~·: S~,~~ lor ::':.~:io;~~ l·flin. 10 ' Phil.del~bio. New Yark .Dd _ _ _~I~,_ _~_ __ _ __ . 8, T ......rfJ . '1 f .• 1011 615 BLOOD PILlA Paym'Dt. · ~ The·l'r.!\e UI'I·Ii.d nt. lib.;'1 dilcpaill. B:a~l!:!,:!!~. checked through .tuDlfer- M R,C. N.: S L O. W ' S .dferalil d.I' , 1~ 846 29 Itr Qull.r,· .qPfln lor Fre, In'peeti"n. 11011 ... • ~ b1 rTo Ptl'qll I II.... pOded 1.48 i8 . F order redeemed' 11ft'IIJUl8'r Olf SilO, ~.e,,' .t,.,nB~r. _'"lth., Ihe:Cli'tJL wlll And M' G~II ..ry Nil 1fte. • . - , " ,,':l1li" 0..,.. NcI' ''III,' 11.73~ U 19,0'I"!11 BLOOD BLOOD ' ,- '- - Reoeiptll . r , nn •• 11 Ihe mn" allre~able pla4u ill !few York 'I'lOlfte FOR TRE E"IT (IDCludlll, Bo.· Tn .m·, r.o. rrom gt.te Treal', 8,164 3' "her.i .. In .. ha•• ,,") ... 11o.,. 'I~b. b, ·Op.l IIr R~II) ~ pnuilli !lver thie ftII. ' G ' . F al 'm d .,. M C J . GlHtN£Y. ok SON. Pbo'.nph*.... rrnd, Cln be putchlled lit 1111 prinvlp.1 • ' ',. }Jlllltr oUDlJ 161 83 d96.u) 1'07 Bro." .. 1. N. y O' , __ , __ at.tioll" Fare la low II bJ '111' uther " .11'." ~..-.ndello PD~GIlA.HI('. route. -DL.OOD UII PILlA -0. . .£IOHT84 TJI &'l\iYS11 ~ PJ~&.' ar.e prepnrl'd 0111, Pay' •• E. " B, T. AJlTHOllY • CO.. . F I (or. lellilim~le purpoee. Illd IIf, ,he only B, ordoi. ;edeemed 3;3~ 66 )/. , "'.C' I thll rOllt" rel,hll 9f .If e1flerlp'- •• Ie .ad e8'ectlre medll:lne for ell th ",· JlDnlntIllllAL PVim. PrlDctpaJ. Ineludlnlf LIn Sl'OCK. can be roj· , . In'ul cll.urdorl which 'be (('nlli. cuntil .nd rrom Pllilidelphi~, New • RIC,ipu. York,. Boatan or O.. llimo,o, 10 Illd 'rom lltiiull"n II ,l ubJtct. Am'l re ..~ (rom purch:,i •••. It 1',686 00 • R I I They cre Ihe onl., ,enulne Femlle Pill. P"ymentl. rj 11111 poIilIon t h e W eelflr" .!li IYB,., '!J l'l(IHut. 'rltp" moder~te 1IIII'x"e8~1)8. , nllrl lwilroa~ dIrect. ' BI1 T,e..uteli~tH' ( i ' UU. By. !le.mer~ f[,e l,b! Clln ,110 .";'8, for {emnVlIslI "b~truc!.lun.. 'I'ht'y Illvigore", Im't p.~d It at, 1;'r~l!l!r J,1I69 16 _ l,68L1 ..varde II' a'll .ecelllib l,e poj!lt, q'lb~ rhi. Ibl' ~U I ~d IIlId Ille deliclI:"l .nd .... 1~1 MINIS!l'ERlAtl FUND • . (IDcereILI) on In Ilkelof the Weal. . OIItuf4! 10 bri.nlf bllck, ill" blun., tf;l tile JI~I­ , R&a!R~. . • <. , F.\lr Frela:hl C'!ntrtetl or ~hippjnl DI. lid cheek. N.o mald('ri. wlie nr molher r.ecli~II" Ipply Iii or Iddrfll! pilh." I Ih .. Itlollid be wilFttlat the UYltiO Pill.. Suld Am't lo't rec. !'tom,,'_te "re~ 9)) 87 (bllowlnll Agenl of Ilia Cumptl"v: bV all tlrufl/i8t8. . , purchl~re 190 llo i:~~;'D!Si,~~,~;'ls. B. Kill.rtOIl/J! •• F. AI!~!I" Phil.d's. _81,1011 07 O. A. C\,p.enler. <Ft.ll!pJl I. Pinehllr!!. ! Clarke &i QCI., 'l'rhult'r A~"'llll. J?itlsb I ' W. ll,o n &. co .• Z"nellvillp. O. ... &. co. l\hrieuCl. 0 ... I!l. t{.. L1afllfley .l1Ipu\i' , O. &. co .• Chloa&o. l.IIe. . JlJnIPTI

ST. .


I.'J" 14 ......... Qoa.'7 1'",



168 19






,'' YIIP'JI.



'1',;.......,. .






.i,t .



· .llLYst·1c Pills",

Aile reat

~tggg FILLS ~~tI

em .8 &\ome y.

Blood · Purifierl'



i. =


.~ TUE -,"".'- "-'-

lBI.l Rli 1 "lJt~, ~.~ ll~I'm HAl rROVIU> " T'SELF Tn ntl

The n~ l)rer ' ev er Qffered '10 tilt, ,·.. blle. II will cI,_nge-grIlY illlir 10 ' 1Iff origlnnl o;l)lur. r will thuroll;:hI, clC'ftlife Ihll 8col/l. ""\ Porodlc"te nil Icur)' "nd .t,,",lr\ln·. II willlrrell "rpOll\.lUte d'eeey .. ,," fBlilug (tul (II It it ft nalu,,1 8lirnul~lIl and 'llr. ""4 will l'r~"I,ltt' t:h~ 'l/louwII"

heir. "



4/X1ll'1 • • ~





O.~ I PI~plratlon. /I dr~.­ 'IIIR''' j. Ollce,, ' d" nlld wiry '")r '0 Pq,\t 11.ij,lIillt",.. tff,'11 Ill. . . '. I

d'''''IIell" \

LADJES. 'YQtlN~ ANJ> (:)lil'),.\fy ,",,, WI8h,,0 uuH lte Ihu Iftlcl~:(t,r 1111 ,liMe R.I ('8" Ihe 8oalro 'Qd heJt, try .,ltt' 'QUEEN ' ,,".1 bl! /jOI\ i It ,d tb. rIb 01 I he8(' 101 pre 1118. J • Pri ~'. il .D ~oitre. Solll&:!hy 011 drnj!giILI.





P:t~~.m" J ' . '''' Tru... I''''a r.¥ on'i\vphc:.te

8889653 91 ,

.- !H~ 1 99

Tr... "rer·. (~e. 'rom olhe, 'Ioarcel!)


, 39,)'1 "~

' ~ILiA

JOflN ·D . PAnKo 0 1:0'1 AU'l,t:inciuno1i ; 0 ..



\ ~: iIEM.N~T~~ ~~n '~O~8:


DR. ,IlO





1"811ibg bill., btlo,. d ' pot, . tl1l11 -ltn n e for.r0t , ' ebildllood dlY' "ere,p' l"d oD lbe", nd witb thee twinel mJ blilory. "

• ••I,oiad "

l..orllle lLl



r~L;~: ~~~ WJ·N;;r


El R


, :~ ', ~, ~ :i




I.. , ,..

eeJnllltin, ,





0' B'llck• 1."


Br.o"JI'~Clo.tbJ!J, ' t












, PLAfN AND FANd i , •





,,·m'tnli. up A~ ...It Ie\nof pl'led

.bleb I

f \

'fIr .11Y, nn.! "ILl•• flt!!e, ,

BUP 'jor to Bllytllini within '~H I • • t, •~ .

2O;~ 2O::~Q ~Q .~.

M ':'1

• a

::l...:...'::...L.:o.L -...u . '. i i, . \4



I keep constlln tly on IIlInd • B lendid II!, '. lortmen n " (! ,',J



Hir _

....... I WII! .. .. .~

A yoollg And



distingnillbeil ofllclr of the Ouirll8Hierl. who hid reoeiyed a Ctlt




_ ~..:..:.,..:: _•• : A' ~:!:~ to tbe oppo_ition-glves e nemoe" I. Y • , V n. L . , 0 B I 0 : racy 11 votes in the enate and 64 . . . . . . .~-;--~_ _......... In the lIouse of DelegRtes, and ttae



•• 1

'l'reaaurera Botlce. .

Uuionists 7 Totes in tbe onate and ~" ~ . 16 in the HOllse of Delegates. T hi B~D LAO..f. Trea¥lrer or Warr.n ClJunly. Obio. do b....b, giy. noUoe. lb.' I•• Rate. or Ta~._ i, . . ~ IN 01 OF . LAW. I. gives the .Democrats. 1 vote in both 0:11 eacb doll... ••• &1 ..""00 or p~rt1 00 th. TAX DtlpUeate of .aid Coullt1, lor Ih.y • ., 186...... qpr. : .. TOWDShip" Teln. d Seltevl Di.a Th. Ke,..'iod' JM.IP!lar,i'1 10 H~uses to 23 Unionjsts, or a major· an n e x~d • N. J. it aboa' 1,000. ity for the fo rmer on joint ballot " f ' • Iniwtw'. i~re. IDere... I) vote8. It is rumored thnt ..ATBI 01' 'AX AT lOB. 1'0& TBI TBAB 1886, IJI TRB SIVRllAL TO":Jl8 I ..... _jori,ylO J4,306. D emoora y will decide tile Union Kailla. alfel a~uL 15.000 Republi ' candidates from CArroll, coUi.Tl' T.AX. ,s2! TE T.AX, ..... ajori'1 __ lain or nearly 8,0~ ond Wasbington to be illegally elec· o"r the' .ajorit, of 1864. ted and expel theD) from tbe.lIouse. Viotor E.aou.lnur.d· VeDic. Ex.Governor Thomas, who voted ' ill I It-- - - - - ' - - - - - - . Tburad.,. . . . . e,pected. H •••• favor of impartial suffrage, is 'elec<3 iii .IlIhaulltio"lIy by 'lbe people.. ted in tbe Fo,urth Di trict, . 'In New ;I , E-1 e:= I . Ialt lIald tbat tbe Great E"II"rn bA- ork the elee.... T OW)"HI", . Tow.s, . .. . there is no doubt G h 'IlI" 4,.liIlU 0.11: ..... is .... t ..: r" ".n Itl Detpebee,10 ply tion of Fenton as overnor: In t e , ' e,: H I S r::::l bt,wHU N. y, aDd . Bre.' dariD, 1be . otller eleven State in which ther o &0. M H 0 i'" I. . " "alOn eI ,b. Paril . were eleotions on Tuesda.y, •• ,c;i p:I 0 0 !!: -15 w M 0 ,







tb~rlered ~.



SonOQ~ D~'RlCt'.,


~ ~~ ~



~E ~



~ ~



§i 8


~ ~ c8


=Q.- ...~ ", ~ ~. ='



~~ ! t ~ a ~ ~

~ , ,,, EO< ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ; = -. • ~ g , .. .. We~"'all..\.a' EdiabQ''', la,di. Ptt:rt.J. ex~ep~ in Dela-we.l'p, .w1\\'ch 8 ~~ 8 ~f = S ~ '0 ~• ~• ~ ~ ~ == , S ! . aDa . .T\l.l~ ..... Ilearly 870,000. - t~l~ remamB m the han~s of t~e en· ~ The 'urDed ollt aDd "ark d 'e. omle of fl'eedom and fight. rhere _ _ _ _-~---~~II -..;..;;I~------'. ------ - - -..'. - - - - - - - - - - - 11,.......- ------.------I~....:.~ q••II,. .lIb ,h..... 10 .. ppre...: ., mucb '0' U ulo.I'., , eJ 01,. 0••' , ....... ..... • ..... ' \' "''' , .01.... , .IL... ....... .. , , The result Maryland hOllld pe an -~ . - - -:-- . 1 Ir. '" "" '"0 "-to .. "'~ "0 ~·~~IQ 1 A ",""1, _ _.. 6,.



!..; ~. ~ .~~ ~


g".t ghl•• fo' tbe- Republl...






i'" .






W. . .O


,1ft........". ...... ........ ........




A,tll.J.lomeParkr.oel' " tl t . t' £ th f CLEA1WREEKTOWNSHIP , I i-Ie lb. Ed •• rd Schenck alAUOlion 17 IRecn va 0 orgul11zll lQJl or . e u- Sprinl,(boro' BoboC/' J>i'Lriot, 1 1-10 bJoodla horael from the 8111h1e. o. ture. pringboro' 1 LeoD rd W J .. Allegheny c6nnty eleets the 'Re- Clenrcrilek Tp hlle Tllrnplke, 1 I-




.:~\t e....Ilo':!ntry p..".g "'... publ'''''' tickct fo' ·U.. L,~"I.'n", Rod "'~•• BI', B,II.F,,' r,1 ••~ o a e . I~ 'stoc . . 'rhe do all. the connties in "1II80n '& R.,d ,Lion Free Tpke, l'!- O· r


. ' >-,OS ...... ,





y~r, .~


i"lpp~ prU~n\


, . FRANKl-1N TOWNSHIP I i-tO Frlll1klin Scl),ool Distric' 1 Frltl1k:io Corporltlion 1 ReJ LioD k BI.ue Ball Free Tpk 1 2--+,0




TURTLECltE~ ' ~tiRnoi ,School, l)i.\ric~


.1111.dr., fri."'~ ,.u. ..... N.~ Tork.WUOD. ol~ ".~,


b~roreCoDgreS8f()rlllve8ti. r.eb"noD rCorlo~tio~ niaj~l'ity ~ admission of Archer and


' l~


pro~er)y' enfo~ced., ._--:-r-



. . o~ Saturrln.Y.lnl(~. 'WASijl~qTON

_are Ua'e " ,lIow;al Clf all exi.lini griev. An ...!..





Tm: HeraJd:.8 ·Washangton says 'rbe PresIdent

' . I,



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1 1-10


m~s8oge. pr~~ n.e~t .~) ~Sltl~n


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10 16.10






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3-103 6-101 s.-10 6 10 6 16.10 . .s 10 ' 6-10 .... 'Il. I 3-10'3 1;-10 1 6 1015.tO 6,10 60-10 .. 6.10 i' .3-10:; 6-10 l' 3-10 6 ·10 6 16.10 &.10 It • • • 6 I 1 3-10 3 1. 610 6 10 10.10 6.10 6-10 ' "6.20

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8-.'0 1-10




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.fi .4


• • " Ill... • I" Hlf Cla,e ' .... i ... ilbtp.I••" 0' •. , il .. a very 1U '.' . " i ,.. • l. . " : UDra,Wn.... lady bad • ' l lte ' l 'd the It IS CCrTi3m tbut th NI't'B ,-,Pe,; oos p.,tllg If\Z on. aDI 01 lIte Free TUfI1Pik," (.outlide of CoporaUon,) in "dclitiOD to aIl101l .." ,ill OO)d.bD 'Uloldii b.!Ju.. 'f mp emiss ion .of iMini.ster Qampbell aud 'Purn,olee.'1 are allo oharged w;,b 'htl Sobool 'l'u o(Llie Town,hip or Speoilll Di.L";oL io wbicb tbtl1 ro.ide. . .' '. ,I '. "". • 1 I • , 81' lerman to ·· 1\1eXlco . ,IS not I'.401' ' J. I '1 " I ro.. c" a WID OW. , . ~,' ", '. ' .' . .1 . ,. . , ,II ( • e Ilt,. .. h aYllagog ..e a\ < combe: ' It are D01i6ed. tbat .'I"will .ttilld, perlqaally orlby d'pu't " aa (.lour! In IOl'! lb-e p . . of re e·,iD.,Te ' .. Clln.. A" b'''lIoit aad It¥flr.l ., . ., . til the. TWl'IJI\eQI day or December nul.. ,' , . ,' . ' I I ,bouandlwlII 'be JRdded (o*' gor. I • ,I. .' ", RICHAf\E) LAG , KEY,' Tn£Asum.a ·W Coum' l -oct.eoU,· AD d',re, c.o "urk 1 ~,o f. hi, r\LIBnlio 1'lIl ., • cODtem·, . '. ' '. " 1/, r enter. . pla' l" ar:ol,iteo',. 'oame near tinaucial fllin ' . I . wblon tli • . 'iD&lrior. d Bn"n.... bli ' d to ' i ' , W;HY 'l'H\'; . al I lime" CORTAGIOlie mn.-.. . I"ll(d 10 behold "0 I" • . Y, a~ . Y .~' 0 ge ,I • .A • E B. I CA. W ATe JI , ; \lur 1Ij.!l'nta ill .11 p~rl. of l~e ,,·ut ld. W~leN;iu.\ be:.. IIQ to' h.......... • 1lite. I,"• II l.. 10 a .... Ilre be ,u(b hiS orecluorl. A H ,IT II B 1)' • \1 MUll ' Ife J l!t h I ' '11' I .... IDOC)lllp ' "" d' h1l8 addrelled' .d' Ie ". . J/r;iJ/. til I Wat,fulm. , if' Ib• B ••l.,'" ' t C.UiTIOB, b I - r'Tlie pub'1I0 "I All II,e. juS I It l,.re. ... c. '1\0 DC}"""", . " 1..... ", ter to ' 1 Cfe ,oor wbo luife'ti HolY orr,.,, !"1 bel fl lh'. expr... iuo ,lr\lm ,, ' , .f ' ; ' 0 UJ ,'n, 0 ~ re'''peell e - r ' . ,.. , ~ 80(1 mu"t be ada pled I;' the I~~~ '" I eYer t·ii••U81M!D.ion of hi. bOIl.e..ln 1860, reuf p_\eni N1tO' will bl' .mall returnl';' tb" , ....... boo.Jfp'o, j b ' ,,- ' ' ,uedlclIlel Ind In nine cuel oul of teo 1 ~. .. ..... ... u ". .V \,.... uri l'U, d " t \ lal' 'lill""H .• ' beN 11!l'\ iw ' f 0 nl91\ tf) cul'nge A 'LI'lemeal of. amolll} they llill' 'be right It i. O\'er 19 ltilre oitli IlIlerfore with lhe hirmony of I,. . Ageo" for Ihe AIDer/cln W.tch Co. b' 11IU'. U , ..... lit!, lillrtl ull ~ IAA i :yie. rtlult of lpe romi"d •' I addin'" for ."n RI'e I illlrod'ue.d 'm'y medlc' lne Ihl V.,I Itll m'ohlandy110 'II N. ' """ ',_.I ' 'Jof. Lhe I • It • ~,.lI' ~ddenI ,huck I . Ienn d.IDligF. d " '1·4w.I I. • • rBruallw.y, " , • y.'• IID .. IV I',. - .. C1111eln_, ,,·P ree.....-1 oat, wll b, di.appointed " ib II L' tI r I h ETIAII 10 till! pUblic I haia 'no ' ner. ece II m. \I .nu I el u...mi•• ' r b ' t • 11'" .810 n.l , 111.-,; ar' , ' o,wrJ &0; . . IU ,dt'erii,e" 1t It' Iialt It for .., .. by machlner, (il:B ( f,mull' fur CORSUMPTIOR ' ct1R*BXJ!IB'I' I)R. ." ' 08'..• q... '" ,h' bO. I'" hu' g'l" d..".;, ""••, '! ,.. u . .W.." ......) "SD.em.... .",. ' m....t> th' ..,...... 1 ,p , tbel i ad.o pt a. , cbeck iD {ull for tb, e, wbiob II _mlUnctlon of .Ihe COUD,r" ."d II tltero!or. properl,. made. The . To COBB COUtJIIIPTIUII. the .y.tem QIII fe .. r 'TI:J::e 01 I' 111 .. • b. to tl18 .iII' 9,t . liking It .rAIII mUlt bl.' tl,.t. 11(1/· bloud.'· To MIlU I, ::..r. , lit ib• •,.o.... abll. .....d ' . ___ . them 10<111& Iny on/l hne II, aDd If E , ' PI i h I IC heal. To aocumpllsh lhl., the Ind Brandreth'" Pili, •• eu ·i t ,.. J"' ... • 'I • . ' ~. d'd d III II . I \' I'C~ IU1I16 I IJ ar,aue., llio CUll I , fj)r I" ft b I . j • ~~ . Upward. or two bundreiJ ' ..,. "ft' a, a( I nul . o,n lilT, lfarter'l (orllll'" watche. 'ra nltlefl, I r.1 . eA hn8ed and ij f!o.· '!..,."hy. ,lI • '{L ~' L ' " Ii' El' b v. I k' no olle 11e1 ,p'll/,ur ,I. ~n loral .orea II b ' ' o· l' b H II h pI! e tlre.le I)r '0.... III 01...... 'fuuu, ·Ih. bowel. or ·tlle '1/100d.••10 cOla ...... be'D turned ollt'of a gru.1 swart. a"I,W" tw. two Qf Ib,88 boulee were t,ke" on . ,1" m,I' Y Wl-'t:"" 01', ' uc wale" whloh by lheee medle1h" wrnt' b• .dlp,t- d, Ib' tl..' tM4 (110 , pit.t Til'" ;'r1ea" tDIt.iiUid Brown and Mer, b,. Il'ir.:'ol preitlnl. I wllil. by ' puny, .r,e... ,lIlIll blood m.. de; '.. '" r.' I... Mil _ i'f , It " ., l' ..... ... ", ." lhought r.' II Iii 'l'w Id be he" .cr.." u'tru r .. e en ,opller, n reqm" ·,hUII tlbnal ' :11 jjb'l ' "" ;"l '!'i ;-r. 'i . til .r or . $t.eJll bu£ tbe ba.d '01 lIfin, II"U b.llo flame that oven· Ihey wlluj., me' Biu,u ( k I. ... c'ln'"l1t rep.ire t\) keep the'r.ln ani lSC CII !)I:" "II ",Iut, o .FT Ibe IlIlIt' 0,1 I 8ee •• 1':1 ' . . .. ' fJI\ "" ' b' d I b ' d . ". • .l nrW'. 'mY ·f rd All ·1 ·.o':;t· ...... -.... whll.","e,."1 , IIIWDI D. OD ODe 'aille and on the . t I fly to e \ogol err 1m . mediclne-''''''s no humbu, In aboot' '.0 II II er. ,. p,.u\Jnal: 10 ,oe Ilompr.h of all bHiou. or m UIlO\1a locumll- S Id b . 11 '15 I "....". II Co i 0Ibet r:'.'rioll. obir.oter; lucb at '01 .. hilll m.nni.h. I 10 order., f'06IlIore jnd : pal !Il,lf.' . Iltio.18: and, b, W ted Tun . 0 a rue" .1.. '.," 'II', i l l a 1 clad'hi Bro.ft> drew 'a rOYol"er alld IIb'ot Mer . . tlTl,y L (If the 10 -: 'lellOred,. .' . I • " / At • d • • . " U; 'I I d i I ,. , 'r . 0 I ItP ~re- ' At tlW' be"tnnln a Of II 'ehl 1' " . • ...v , ' IIP~" Oft J U ·w:tl,! • to I 1 e ' ca 0 h",,, J our balr -,1' all.n baD ••• k ;"1J Qlllro .'0 'PO"!' II" leII,I, an nlllant, eeipl,whp.o' lift l.t thl'lr ,tore !" ow tI iT' .. ur . erpr6I", 010\111 ... 1I, lIIedicilioil. a'll bJ: aeluir . i1 Illlt"" . di.D, iudepflod'IlO. )rI!lT"in " Brown.- my tajlp.. br'e m.!!'lon. of·: t' rl,_ 11'1tt Ih. Ihrlle all' . ·r l fiJI' , !',om tI,l . : c!a:1t r . 'hll~hb ' 188l}ptl!m I) , • d' Il i 0" I ' b r IIntlll I for cllh. I wa",nt ,\l luperi r to . ' , oroulf 1 ,.0 uw· pelled trol1\ he IYI •• m' and IU~ wbole- ,e nlw r~ . . ~ ,11 .' iC) er', Mr. ,Coggesball( ' WIn It' , 1,\ e J t a e·, Any "ther mfldillh(1 fol" the ('ure nf Cr up rur the milllun,\ to, the .ome blood R\IMI. .t1I' ·;'pel .11 DJe. golf. u, by" DCIIlnlft1"'ilIIJ"f! '. ,tal i 'peec'b of •• .".4 . diep mauhm.' 1nY-WilIer, •., Coli.c, Vnmltln,: pl.lce or 'urlign !mp,OIlIlolli;. dl" ....' <If p.iIJn" w\1t t./t_ Ibe.. ed· lieu me/"me: to tIIIl , or ,ralglatio.ll Oil tbe promisiDg a'p"oL Itab "oGle '"Ile lIondA1 ..orll1 ng-. Spl8me. lind ,aea ,Ickne.., 1\1 In iot,,,"1 or (Or?I,D flctpriu, wb,ioh , ielne•• ocordlng 10 , direcllllnl, Cheml'! 'tba" ". i" \, " ,b.:SpaDiah 'war d h' . " t n • I' ' ... ......,..,.. ' reuilldy.· " It I. porfecll, .innocelll to flke enl ,,*bl ••, h9 1D8 aqd perleetty 'fOr, IW lui '.,a;e . r • . . . PIi,.u-'}'· . , ,an 11 t. A lady in Dunllli'h, 111 •• see ,each accomp"nylng wOfl ellll. I rqld. 1 f' -" ".. .,Jlelj. Icnlnn. ')'akt! hft I \\" I, : ......1.... • ere IOlidlYlpplauded by those pres. for .wearing "bloomer .. Sb f .. allb bOlllt).-lInd exlernilly for Chr6nic . !;low w,ltll \y8 .. 10 cl.. n.ll' Ih. II.." ind b•• r_ .... • • 1l1! " .. . •• • e ... a. rom Rhl'umllifm, Hendache, ~'l\oIp•. Fro,led I11ly ~e "nderalo~d " .om tlie flllt Ibe.\ at., . ' not fill'll' thlt beuuee th.t lhe ex". -~ , 1;80. a b L tbe A lD Ihe a'rld ,ber FellI, Brllldl" . • pr.inll. old 80r4!'. s' etllnll" teor '0 yeare p,;,bllc U("l, we ,\uW the bowe I bo't eMit " .Ihey 8ftl 1 no' E " I' b '" n ; allque, Derbr, manner' were nnllxcep't ional>le. b'UL: the &... , &c. · Sold b, all mike MoU'111'" ti,UFEDOP ALL 't'equired , fo'r ."melim'l. hi Dlrf.' I premier. mlltde a a\lu- Dllnleilber. could' ' 101 te . h Dr,,!!!! ..,". Depot, 66 Corlluudl .Iree\ l!"TIf& UI'n: .UTU, lind IhM Ire n·.m ."r,. ;1'1)8 Ilpm' It '. ,. .i!m to ,America, In w"icb he .boped I ' h' " r: era I s~c a New Yo,k. . .' 66.'7w ' 111~ j)lbllf"h." B eY"~ I\lt" , \JApl h.e!,IiIo, 1 .~d i,h npji,elJ . crelll.d to· lba" aD ti . 'b 'reolao e ID a elr, 01\1, and th,lIll(ortu. ." l"" de! .llow the Pulmonlo Syrup 10 Id on 'be ...,. ..,:.:.I .... Obit 'he 'wo Date lady ••• dtagtied beror.. " magis. . 0,1' 'l'OlTtJi: ' 1', •• II.. c,!'nlioued "" 10'1 an, • 1"0_ " 0 , e UDlled Sta"l ' Ii ' I~ • AG .' , .I~ \ e. ,.or p""pcl w\'.~ k w. Ire Til ' 11" II I" · ,'\ !i ' go G, " ' l b' b trae .proaeiilatorl were 'boweyer f pntlePiln who h." for ,.erl eI' .... 'ed Iii the • of ro len ,a l,.l, requ rllo tQ a in Ihmed ... of tl. ',er, T GRaD. XBOW. '1'0 I:hr:::.:: I .I.lilo. _I . ' all oooolll,,&orl ' .... • will lor the Slle of' . 1I1I"llln. II muoh .• ' po'llbl., eat .It al1. ··· ..-..,'. r- ,. • _I~a .....~u &II bitwrD... B&4DDOa'e LU&81' no" lend free 10 '11\ 'wllo roOd-f..,t ."me, 11I~ n 'ao' 11)1' '>I ..,u•• ,U~. . ,'i.. :",mJ'll tbe triMcl,bip 01 lbe two -Th. )" ••, efl'ort ot lb' "1 and ' eJi'e IlPpe\I,'; . .a~. . . . / I. ~." .ertl. ,.mld!' '.,., ooj~" aM m"'IIla1~ .~~ll. ; · \;U\ ·. • ".a",'y . .. .... I. eD'ililld fer.en wl.h)D. . ", . (ID. W• .••• " " . \ two; . .exl80. FrOID the opeDiDI . 1' :1 ., " , . • ODI1 w.ikl Mo, .! . ' . ..., . prediC\& a ja No, 1I .-d thc,rOlilirl,".l!laaliil.,.Ii




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~l_or: '~PPor,lilil'a '~IDD' e~o .~




EII~t, ~ltaDger


I!b~. ••~D.. d.~lOOd~':"" ~. ~



~.,,!"a ~~"

~p 'b.New.'Yor~

:"'ta:~t" :.=!~ih~.II' oa~h.o~ ~.." w~ II - . 'P '" '" ID tlltl",\ ~' .~t4 ... ~" .... ,eMliary. .



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"R!"O:!' .,., '. .

the New'York '


0' ~UfBOt'DLp~~ are.• o'






i~lo ~i'bd~~inllbe C~~plliillt: ar:dm.~:heo:ir~~:~:IY~~~~~i·1

",~~~Uo)Il~1 ,alli~or.'1

.... ,»~ ~... &0 eprOrcjl np~1IIIIO.1" Ill. _~calt

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~uet,~odn. eeR'll~BIt'nc,o!tnsle!!-~IA·j'p"pl~~~l.!rNOle~n~ hu.~i! ':01 ~~ 18~ ed,II~~lCod nbe'':l,.!. .~I'', .~.1 'r... I

'Hound' adt...,.

Tb . . .•..


~tl~fiI' I.~'~, 8~~



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'1,. Cral~mp.


dl"ft rrh~i.\hey


· St*e ~ :'~Doe 0( UIUIed wb'~~ Of . aeflJrit tlMlir 1aOl. . . . 'Wb:~~ . " I a ., for \be I,,,",ri.. d' l~ia CIID&I. rt!t·I~j)beIC...,1I\ .illlII~~·at=lt~tI~~,AJ:~~ , 1\ .will '9Qdt~... ~••• a,*\ r... .2'7011; 8




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!b~ .'. "'1: proale'D', ~-~J.




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re~.d.le~. Impurltl.~

h~!~., .cco!"p'llhed l~I" ~f lh~ THl!·: W.~ O~JU S~l.J) ",~I.\ac\loD. , W,h~leII"'" °f·)·rll~luII!'n~ 'I~'



.~~~~~ l:nmt:ke'!~~hli.Ju, ~I~'fuodu~ ~med W'IC~ lliel~ rfl~"1




• . . ..ak.. It the r.adlbl.fe.,·

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f~!l!'I:':~:,po:llheo,Ii:!IDpr!rc"ITP!e.. w(ir~llIg I"'~er" ~hl'hed "N"'''~''''''!' ••11





b~lllD' recelY~

t;~::::~:. ::=~).~I~~~!,~I


~ ~':!t ~ l.tppro~~be


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b~l{l.'o q~arrellinlrt "J



:...le· lIqt~e'r


LIftUII~IIT ~ "l. ' ~.,. ~ BRJ\N~KEi'n'tJ\PI~r b,.r'~'.Io'o; "~Q ,B~ lh' ,.. .~.. ""&BR".'" 'Iot"' ',' be flee~ abou~ 'w.~,~ i,uod'Ald ·tbou.a~~ "I~h " e.lucllnc~i bll~ ::~::~:: ~il::t I:~~~~~~a'~:d prep.,r.~ ~.~ .~',.4,.nll· h'" .1,,00'" ~doll~r.. ~ , ;~::~~nbe;1 Ii"" be~,a ~, lemb.k (lqcurre~ I ~. tela~e pI~pnI4t. u.~ ItoL~AC' t:"u.~ t: .~_~~. c~.\tu~ .,."1W &,\or~ 9'~ mil~o., ~nsl'. nue~p~~d i~~·~nu I·e!~(li t·lund~.edd· ~Iec!'t:'d pro~erly 11~ hll~h", !o~ill!,n!lur~~J:~~fa ~~~ ~ 'driD~ing j~.:, ~e' ~h,d ~'''.Dlal' p.,...... ~;!,,"~l\h., Go""lI·eikt~ B~~ ,7'1'"' c"f1~

A"~", Ibb.\.~',. m~~.







~:rtl\lU8 rel~lnl ·a~Vetl.i$!l'enl'

H9U~ ~id coun'~,






'tEB'\'NON, ~0V;El;U. UIlR '3RD,,1866 ,



~. ~~ib.,~:,Enitl~~d


Th~~, i~~l\re8ted' bere~1


~lIdn 'alre~d "itho~t ~ tbo~lih

~_~. Ti"ear.'Yak'Jiipltb~ \lIpeci~' '~y. ~. 'I.j;~'j o~""" ~D '0 ~"b ~ ~'~ll~~f t~e


S '10 41 6-'!0 &.10 . 'I"-10 6. 10"" 6-10 ' 46-. 0 510 "to ' 6-10 .. .,.,.. 5.10 6-10 4 5.10 "&-:iO


S '6 -101 3-IQ' 6 10 1& to 6.10 6-10 4 I 3-10 3 ~JO i s.-[O 6 ·10 , II II) 15.10 b.lO 6-10 14 6.10 Ii-~O 1 3-10 S 6-10 r s.-10 6·10 6 10 ISotO 'a 10 . ~10 · "5.10 . 6-iU


\0 01,11


6 to 8 to 15.!W 610 6 l i D 5 .• 0 6 10 6 1q 1610 . 6 ·(0 6 10 15.20 6 ·10 6 10 15.20

10 ' 10 6 9-10


' JI

Cabinet certain portions . . Pri*~ idbarloLte. i. laid te . otb:\~ "nnual1Des~l\ge. " The MA~lE ,.r9WNSU.~r afBi_ 'wl\b a ~'r.eli~loll" lbonolJllni"i w.aa.$o~cwbn.t pr~t~Il~~~~ o.Jl~ H,AaLAN :~o,W~SHIP: . • 1..~e,~ew'llin8 t~e Inju'\~1 'd~De pl:)l'tiona ?~ the m~~Bage ~\SCUIl.S. BUl\\irvi1le School :qielrici~ ,b. C IIrob in "'e-:oo 'all". ,Ill '. • edt Our relatlons w\tll Me~lOo wlll Bu\lnvilll1 CorporaL,io.1l

T~~ E~pre'e orj¥ul~~ " ~~" asllid bef~re the

oa~ ~I ~ i"~~IJ"(the


TP. '

5.10 6-10 ' ...... 6.10 ' 6-10 ... 5-20


Ii .~ro·

1 S-10 3 '6-10 l ' 3-10

1 2-10 ' I J ,:"10 1 1 1-1<». •


~ ~;OO .

1016 iO 10 15.20



2, I-tO

... 6-20

I\> 15 i .O 610 6-Ht


1 1-10

.hinJ,!blm tb.eif oOh'Adepo,. ii. .i.. Thom'Rs nnd '. ted .. ".1 Iiblv 10 efl'.ohucl. • Stewal.t would have been elected. . TON ,. I ' f II ;J; ,. , ' , , ' lilt1Uevdl~ School D •• lno' ott 0 ~ w~r'hy l'l~bmell .. w . Hopkinuillt School' Die,r'o,


5,10 6-10

6 6 6 6

S-l~ ,6'.~0

. ' ' .: S~LE)( !l'0 WN~alr M9r rpW 8ehooJ .Dillr;o,· Morrow . Cor:poratioll . 1\oacIJlllter CorporatiQIl




11-'.' 4-'.

• .....0

10 16.10

6-10 610 6 JO 610

~ ~:~~ ~ ~~~ II-~O I 4-10 ' II-~O ,j 4-19 - .......

4 6- 0 4 6-'lO ... 6-'lO





I ~ . i-l0 3 6-101 s.-10 '6·10 ., io 15 20 &.10 5-10 .. 6.10 11-10 1 , 1 s-to 3 6-101 s.-lO 6 10 ·6 10 '16 to' UO f-1Q 4.. 6 iO 11-20 1 ! 1 '3-1'03' &"10 I 8 10 16.10 6,10 &-iO ' t · 6.10 11-20

W., ll8nilla C.orporaLioll

Phelps t4>' eel\~s, O]J, the .. , iUegnlllegistvatiQn ,b y .GOV. .R egistrars and stating their belief tbat, if the registry Jaw.had been

, ~ ., I s.-I03 &-10 1 S-l' 0 . I .

... . . . -

'6·10 6 10 16.10 5.10 5-10 '4 6-tO I ' '1 3-10' 3 6-101 3-10 6 10 f,i IlllUO 5 .106-10 • &.-20 1 1 $-103 6-10t 3-10 ' 0 ,10 6 101.5,20 4 J 1 &-1 . l' 3-)0 . 6 10 • 10 1510 UO ..

'1 '

teDDj~\. ,Dp'i,.".r1 w~ ~!l11 hODore~. of election in Baltimor.e .bye WA¥NE To.WNSHIP ala. ~ ,Dr Hlabee 'repeadD, 'b....~. nieni'orial '~o Congress 'Pto.t esting W,,~pea¥llIe School Di~t~io'.. 1

• Oll. P.'ftOb" 'b, Dr. Auobmu'1 ",be a opnlb, .,of &Ii. ohllrob , t'olle " bll dred . '. .", :" . , lob Brf,h& il Leblg banqueted iD X,.lnd. a.d 'b. leadiug lDeD Ibere are

1 3-103 6-101 s.-10



hlD4~~ \w~ '~OQIand 0I~&a" ,~, r~liDI


J 3-10.3 ~IOI 3-10 ' 0 1 "'10 J 3-103 6-1.r10 J 3-10 S 6-,101 3:-

1 1 1 I

Llnill ,oountvf ihl, T"'" ..... r.ibune's BAltimore speohU U·NI0N'··T I () WWSHr"" • .' t ' lie ' 10 " fall. I. D iti.dual I.mllia, han d'rled SByS the notion of the President and 'I "'1 . ...., . r. . ( . " from ra.•., . ao Gov. Swnnn; in connection "'ith the TOWNS'P, 1-10 po_D. 1i'J:p,ice. . eleotlon in '"ill be .. 1 , 'J ::10. weell. ,'rh.oeu. gation. A of the J.UdgeB '" Be LioD Fr•• pile 1 10 I


1 l ' J 3-103' IHO 1 s.-10

1. i-tO 1 i-tO 1 i ... IO 1 t;.10: I ' 2-10

Ma~onSubo"I,Di8Iri(lt · OOI'~or"tion,


b"D~p~daa~d hi 'd

1 3-10'3 5-101 3-10 1 3-103 6-101 3-10 1 3-103 '&-1Ct 1 s.-10 , 1 , I . 3-10 3 1 3-10

1 J

!-~O ~

the of \bwtLegtllaLure n.. RbI' • " I " ib . J J of thAt gste 8,;)• 9 D emocrnt S to .0:11 epu 10· OEERFlELD TOWNQHIP e rl itau .'. . ~ , S .ate •I'ray ri ' OK ''' _ tJ. , WI elf. Da,ls, aDS. 1'h e' " Pl·OSl'd' . m g ()ffi.eel' 01" tl1e •. 1 1 0.80 1 !\ohsoo b aYO rye", .ID ,~a'ulngtoll. .' .' Senate, Lleut. Gov. C ox,"'WI Tb. O"'rbn Wet,. Ullob mil. net with the D emocrats. MIIIOP &.Red Lion Free T'pke liODI :of poundlof dried 'ppl.1 ban ' . • do. . 4". lb.oo Corp.-

, "'"

1 1 3-103 5-101 3-10 610 6 1016.10 5.10


&olal recelp1' or tbl IAI ••"8 833 450. . ' . J Robl. Laurie .nd G.n. Giles M: Hil. T HOMAS' 1 'cS f d b J t .,. Tb e next Legtslature will ega I y 1", of BS 'follows: ' SeJlll.te, 17 Democrats }b.. to to,tbe Pre.ldllnt anel 1 U nionists; Hou e of Dcle-


3-,q . ·'0 • ,.


~-10 t:~~

1 13-103 ·6-1013--10 610 6 I) .... "'I 1 1 3-103 6-101 3-10 6.l0 6 10 10.20 5]0 1 1 3-11.1 36-10 1 s.-lo 6 ·10 6 10 IS 20 510 1 1 3-103 &-101 S-10 610 6 10 1520 610







. ___ IU.tLaO~




101 aDl bat .yee, cleIiped we make the rollowlng from a letter reeeD~ reee.ivfrom all Eastern lady bo epeat f h 0 t e last summerin Wayne8wbat. elle ...y." 80


......m.r.a (co....a d4l1n). DAQIa aAn"ua 800n, ......t Ci":;I.:r..;..... . ~:~;:: :::

~~L:=~:r:::: ........



~LLO. Cmu. :-The eigned, Central Tempe---oe Com-



..... of Ohio, have

"aD 1M'. ~ .

IIft. .L D&lLD UI

HE DIe l NBI8,


mittee for the tate Z;, 10.1'7 4. II. been authorized and requested to ~ THB CLERD or Tat: ~U1l'I'8 OF CoI••HI Aeeo... 8.S9 P• .,· appreciAtive, and beea... sbe call upon an EccleSiastical Bodie tri,,(;UES£VERAI. <;OUNTlES, aaid dl.. CHEMICALS. PlllIMrI Exp,... 10,01 1', II. thing8 with more liberal eyee Church Organia.tions aU Ord"'- ' II ilO....~d br the Jad... o( tb. C09~ LBAD, 'faAuri' • ..,...AU BOtUrn, ..... ComuuM, PI.... fol' tbe s'co"" J.diei •• Dieu-ict OIL, some more provinc\al Eastern- Temperance, aU Civil Social or Oal- ~f lhe s ..... ~ ·Ohi.. , th.t th. ~. . "I bolcliD' Mell anti Aecoa, !UO •• II. rs, . who in their i~u.O'el'lLble iguo- led. AssociatioDs, to take decIded lbe Di.trict COlin. aad 'lie CDen. 01 CODlIIIOD VARNISIliB. K(,ht BaPreM~' 4.35 •. II. 1 Couetl ... cOID.-io, ~id Cllla."1 Aeeomm'o. 7:47 ..... , think any place west of' the and immeuia.te aetion 18er,I!e .... tho ea•• Ue 'Ittebur, Bxpreu, , 9,61.,.. lfountains is shared by In!iian8, wild great evil of Intemperonce, P(S~~~~;R~:w. : Cincinnati Ex}r..., 2,' S 1'. .. b t d h W f", PAINT,ARNlbH. V • D" Dot .lop. . eas 8 an ottentota: ' . e (espectrully and earnestly ask Miami Aprill23 Cb.mplllc_ Mar .~ &C' -; "I aay now, have said before, in behalf of.bumanity a~d right tha~ ~::;!r ~ ~ ..v \IV W. H. OLeUO"", ,~.Itlent. Ohio ia secobd to no state in the in every locality of the State I Preble' Me" e W.1'I'I!1l :: 18 10' IBE ]I W• OODWA.1ID, Up'!. Union -Warren County is the rich " e e· Darke IS Clintoo H .... . D. CADWALLADER, Agent. est co~ntry I ever saw, nln d Waynes. gates b e e.lected to meet ~n tho City COM ON PLEA.S-rwrr SUB.D," 10" "" LiAIIIW ••Io1o"ulla &. .MILLS, F4pre_ A,9IIIU. "ille is n gem of a viHoge of which of Col.umbua, 011 the 20th day of nUllti~ Feb. 12, Jlln" 3. Oct. T4 . Telegrap,\. Agtml I shoJ1 Elver think with pleasure. I November, 1866, at.10 o'clock A. M. Preble S IY,·rch ll, Jnne 17, No •. 11 8 A 8 R ,A. D T.1' Y • S O :I"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!a!'!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!~'~~~~!!!!!!!\!! f, d ·th th t t · h • tart til t h . ' E C o I ' D OJl- IV1II01'l. TRUSSE , . t oun """"",,,ere a , rue OSpl l:y at 0 . armoDlze and concentratfe Miami Ifeb, lB, Jun~ a. Orl, 14, 8, Ta •..trTrC,upm CONCERT.-The M .. come,s omy from warm nnd' honest proper. mea ures to be r d Ch,,1I1patp MIlrc:h..ll, J~l1e 11, Nov.ll SUPPQRTERS, Church, on Thursday niabt was hearts, . and I ~lDly regret tbat I d~ tbe en u. . f PhcseGnte at Dark.. ,A"ril ~, Ju!y 15. 'D1l1l. II, f, 1 1 ' not stay longer; 'tbat I migbt have s mg Be Ion 0 t e eneral TmJlD SUl'·DIVIIION BHOULDE&·BRACES U Y ~ccu!)led by, the most seen morc of a people I . so learne4 Assembly of tlll(S~te of Obio, for W:~~n F.~ru.ry;.",J.':n~ 3:.0et:?. ALI; Tn ~VL4a ..,,~inll:ra.II'p[~Ib' an~lenc,e. we ever reo to l'espec~" ~ucb ~ig~t .b? said ,?f the destruction of the e"il of Intem. Clilllon . March 11, Jul,. 16. N(W,ll to have seen lA attendance Waynesvtlle; the ltuatlon 1S beauti- perance. " CI. rk .. .. .'" J""0 17' .. .uch an objeot. The altar was ful and' convenient; and I cannot Th Monl.gomiry April .... UII 17, D..... lI , tellwh 'tt Il't It" d d ewo es of thepa tanddeljola. W'll1~e oll.l)a""_,a'X..,. 'I "ul..,or .. • D&lltU"',,welY adorned with tbree large . .Y. WI 1 a IS wea u all R · . h ' October. ... 1.866. , , vantagelJ; ,it docs not gro", moro. - tll1g orrors of the p.T tlsent; the ·tears G : J. SMITH.) , Ia&. a.: ,ow £l:IJ, · festoon.e~ ~ost tastefully and It ~fgbt be ~nde' a ~lll'i' ing town, n~~ groan!;' of ~he ~elnt.b.rok~n nnd ,1. WINAN'S, IlI'l'ILCelrulJt:y ag'"11st the wall, wbUe It IS w.eIl latd out, the_streets are rumed, togetb~'il w~th tbe 8Ol~mn W J\LLEN, ~ JUDOSI, J.:. ,. ~be altar werp'placed the organ broad an~. ett'llight · b,u t the, side- reckoning of 't he future dema.nd nni. I CH'D COR,WIN, ,H A I R - 0 I L S.J . QUEEN~WAllE, . a-piano to ait. in the evening'8 wnllcs ~ertlllUJY' n ed the atton~lOl1 of ted. contiulIOll,S 'a nd effcctual actiou ' Judge EI.t.t. , , that wQrthy bo~\'d Qf llnCllmen, G ' 'l~ B . . ' Oi'l'Ic£OrCl.l:RaOirTRECOuRTS. W.rreneo, ~O, .aD", 11_1'. CUI,! you ,not wake tbetp up to see EO. , UWELr•• Cle,' eland, . . L flbau"ll, 0 . , Nov. 0,'66 0 A.l;'1IJ }lr, ,Albert q. Conwell, leader of the error of thei" watrs? nnd pel'haps DR. J. B. THOMPSON, Columbus T~e Sial" In Ph,o, 155. . .. ,. . ' 'J~' R ' 1\1 . ' Wnrrcll Cpnt".n I chOir, in a few wor~s, neatly ex· .n mIghty work may be the result. EV . 0 ES allTU , Hlllsl~oro, I, J. B. Totten, . Clerk of tbe tjollrt or nresse'Cl thc object of the occasion, The Publlc Scllp,ol building does ~IEItRITp' Waynesvdle, Commoo Pie.. and Di.tho' COllr' A wen-selocted ~ •• ortment of the lIEeT the lame tim,e b~gging the chari· credit to the place; and I .think; in ', ' MITII, cmeroy, . within and for uid COlI'ncy And Stl\l~ GROCERIE~ I, L . . . . . . ,. 'tt' lam of t ' · . 1 i nOlle of the large towns and even Committee. do ber,b- certHy tbat the "bo.e order i.J crl C ue aomence, as ,·ti f S.. ( ....t J' ) • J • • ,, • CI C8 0 our wI ttl .I.,ew e rsy nre M J G CI k h 18 trllly copted from the JOllroal of aaid c bOU Wl1:8 not composed of pro· the teachetR paid as well n they are r. , . nr e, t e pr:esent COllrl~, •• tiled 'and recorded r;om 'be 00 -.gOO S' , ~•• ,.;i'lln!l1 sl'ngers, but amateurs ill ill'Vaynesville. You may d t'i pend owner of tho Dumas property. has ofHciAllilheturo,ed to ., . dlvine al·t. It was ncedless to I haye done my bost to impt'ess up· recently mnde mnrked impl'ovementll Wit\1ei. my luand .iid Lbe feale or MoGUFFY'S & WILBON'S BERIES, IlIlch a. sollcitation however OJ) the board of education hel'e, tbe on ,bis hOllse by the addition of an- lIlicl fL, S.] Court" 4U tbe court House &0,. eko It , . '. ' supel'iol·tty or the Ohio school sys- other stor v d . in Lebanon. thi, .ix\h d,,), of. NOYem-. ., . o. thepelformancewasaulaa.~ven temj ,but the hardtimcB have so '. y , co e~e Wl~l1. a. 8te~p ber.AD.18ee. ' , cO,mmon gratitude should not have blunted theil' l 8en~eB, tJh~y neithel' roof, Ilnd ol'llllmentcd With ,GQtluc J. S, TOTTEN .. Clerk or ••id .Cour'I, Pr .•,1 ' . n'.'ILTTlllm critleism. . !lear nor see i'nreference to}h'e sltb- peaks < anti dOl;m~r windows,-alto· 72 et. " 'I 0 . e8~n~ ...q~8 .The first piece waf! tl1at good..,old liC~. M~y the gods look kUldly on ,get4 e,r transfol'lDing ,the building in· Ca t '11 ...I P ., . ' . "0 be joyful " In tbe Lord "all0~lll)Oor. 8~hool rIlarm8. to one of the. Illost tI}.s~ful and 1'0, "T~~ , Dr."g.S+~O ' re u y a~" romptly ~FIUod~ M..t'V1Slt to ~e Sunday !:,chools I " . .,. D w 1.& It :.n ',1 • Jt, ,. Landa," which was ddne with aj,hall rrevel'fo:rget" ,Tbe p~ilin simpte mon~lc~ strU?t?TM, ~n. tb~ .~elgbbor,. 0 l (I Dr u go ... S tor 6 " .1 .i~"l' ,,~nn spi~i't winch qllite ~c on· tenohing that I beard ~t the Friends' dodd. ~e liall. a1'ly ilevla.tlOn from , ' •. lII.UN nREET. ' W'''Dellvllle "'0,,10. I .U,R'." " the truth of the reports we Sbl~(lo! ,I~f:t 11 , lllsting hUfl'e ~IO!, 'Oll tbe stilted; ~ etrAight-np.anll d o w n . p. 0 ST. (, F. I O~. COR Ii: a '; preyio.usl:Y heard 'o f the choJr's my , ~cmory. I~ .was . so Plrtlll, t~at style ,of archltecture so long; preva. . ~ 1 ,II ~1I mlgl.\t ulld 9rS ~:l,nd, i~ et be1\ubfllll~ le.nt, 'lis n. vQritnblegodsend and hope ence. Impress Ive. Th e goou monqgcment th ' , Ul" 'It' \ .I ' . - e hl\" ,e not the r:gulnr pro· of tho ,~I., ~. Soho.ol is in ~'y, OP\llto~ ~Yi w ~ mu , lply ,uWlPerorward. , 'Dn.. ....n:mme. ond ' perhnp$ It might be IlIlS11l'pa..8SC!J, .· I' ·have iyisl/le.d l1J.llnJl ,~ .-...:. '. h ' . '. ~e ~l1~S, , in,~'jdi()llS to ·pn,' 101l1sr· Sabll.atb Schools. b~lt I know ' o~ no~e F2sTlvA ~.-A .. Festival I for the ' . wbel'e all were so well dono.differ. better ;tl~hdtlctea. Gl'e~t prolse IS belle,~t of the Sunday-School of th~ ," " ~\refel"ences h.. avinz b ee,ll.elicitcd dllC to 'tnose oug:nged m .tbE;' good!. E. Church at , Mouut Holly, will C~lem1oals I' ~ wOl'k. One feat ure that pl eas d me J.j! '1 l i ' b h .. , ·di"' ....cbt tacites' Jret, While t he .l.!. ailid vIlla I:;;"'e. .', , Pur , LilQl1011i .,.'"", 'Y ,_ • lIJore tb an IlUY. 0 tb erI ~. a"... t'll e. B'bl I e e ]c .( Hi t ec ' : Ill'cb of ,. , Rilts, nntherns, duetts &c. , werc clllssos . I n oyel' snw ' g ray-hended 011 Friday eVelllDg, the 16th ins.tant. adml~J:lbly executed,. 'we cnn,Dot re. mon in a Sllndll..V ~cbool cllW~ before; .E_v~rybo,dy ,is il!vite~. A~mis i~n; .DJe-~uft'sl . ttPI1;\ mcntioninb' espeoially n n.nd you ~ay rel.~ on , it that I , ga\le 10 C!111~. '1 h~ e~e.rC18es wlll b9 lll· 1'1-", " 'T h "I "'.,~ Bl k thom c!,c(h~ ,for ~uch mOl'e ''I'lSt,lom tersperBed ' wi~h Ulullic. . I ' ' ~od· P~rfJUlleryl . . e ao o. uJ .."ra. ae, thon those, w, 0 ,refrise to be 'tanght, ' . ' , ' . "W'tltin Town ' II 'I'b. ." 'I 'n ·,s to ~. 1:I·~"'-'_O:I .. I 't,.,.,a Mile6fEdinboro' I • , f' ., . e se~.d s~Utn' {I .now ,.... / 1 ~ . ..,.- The' llndisputed ,upo'tiorily ' .J ' W.U "UIiII, , w. ·per~G~tly eh\loI'l!!Ulg, nnd ~~\otl~d (fome ~Jeld A. ~J'()l1 .b~r<\'e t. In tUe the ScIJtjctjlla"il;~ B'm~diet over ' ,lIair RestorliLtiV8S t ·have I'been (ltlCOf'ed• • Thlllady POB' \1l?PC1' Templ~? te(l.Qbe~,s ,fln.d ecbola s ' otheu.if,,8ho tiny"".,,; but .... , ., ' in. Lbit 'innt Pomaldes, leases a most melliflnous 'Voice well wl~l hav~ no .cnUB6 to 're~1 e~ the fe'f Polloia)ly ·.i. j, 'A,..r'R , . ,. n '. ~\1'ler hourI!! snent in teachlDg and ( t tI 't ' ,',' .1 , • ' JII t.ained, and ' A[lpnrently un\.'lei pel'· I' ' i ." ~ .. . " tic. I~ " "i" c~Ihi1~-nd.,.... R",OU ,;",I-:-_ _ _ __ '.""&& Dyes , " e:: .- • • earn ng. . . merellltnls RII over '" feet control j Iiii(fthIS slmple . old- . The qllellt,i on has be n I\sked'Verl" 'Live intere t , in iott'oduilihg ' them to . rasllioned soug 1\'I1S rendered in il ~ften since m~ ." turn, '.W hy dQ Y9 u 'their best customeu 'and friend. ;twbfle maaner wbleh receivcd unrestraina- l~ke Wayltesv~lle. 1:10 muce? My on- "t' ~.~+ Alune, Llrpe ! ~ quilC, '" mild h to bl I A tl I b If 11. apswel' i8, I hke it for the good.• t'h 'r io\etelL ,0 rellommeod other .Hi · e ~J)P aU8&. M leI' 80 0 Y ~as ilitelligent, jUld honost:hearted pCG· alefl: ' ll~e t.~IQn (or tl)i. is ob,lolI~ ' .Dd LizJae Sw~nYt "Leaf by ~nt thE! pIe I fO~lDd tliefe, an fo~,. its ric~. creai'~bl. tq .human a"ture, tbey' ~re ~o_, Pal,I ," was 'finely , done-:-the and ,,(u'led 8ce~lery, HOw: I lo~g~tl ill '1IUlitiqlll.IO, ~... ,b. pre'emiQ""t eIB. , .ady e.v luclng that sbo :was tbe bap- to be ther~ d~rln.g the lndlan SIlD)· Rey Of I·lie Scaftd'navia",.Renatd'",. io • ~y owner of a voiee which tliollgb u;ter, T~le htlts have .look~d grul ollmber o( ~"I"'-, aad . _1..:.1. d ;. ' bl oJ t ' 't ' h Itke sentlllllls clad in kingly robes, gl\-e' lh~ir ' t 'o ic. ' in F••ol' or . renl.d'i,,·1 '!!f~,,,a y enV1& e, uU no ye rene . Iln(l' the valleys Uke ' enchanted Ildh ' fti , h I '',/ od I tb'e ..<1 1 i ti . . .. . ' ,. I . ' , " 1 ,e ec 10 mue re. ~ 11 ICU .... CD m na ~gp01l'el' lUlu exoe· grounds, ~hrough the blue, smoky wprlil'. 'I . ,!. " .,':' : lence. We imagine tbls piece to be light that ' en\'eloped them'. I " ••• " " il'~htly dimclllb" a1o~it Miss ' ~weny I~ is n: pretty/idea ,0'1'- som'e on6, '1 'fhe ofl1c,.1 r,por,' ~( G9;';("nale~t •. aoqulttcd herself ,the task ' with lion t k llOIY ~llo'dtb~t ,t ho ."lUo k'e .on geDl ••. Upop Ib~ '·Eie.ning Star dill."~r. I'd. ' . -,' tbe mountn~ns Ul'lIlg tue l n d Illn. ttl' " d A I'"' d 'I' h .• .... ~e, . and ui a. style .iluggesti\re of 'S ummer, ' 'oomes ·fl.Qm the pil~es of 18 p\l .11 Ie, . I a ",II. I . pllD " . ~u, . ~ So " , .opera. '. ,. . , " the retreating tribe". Poor.. t~ings! they fo~o~ ~ot~1fI1l ~ eOQd~~o tbe . II .. Mrs. Con~ble qng ~'Tbe ' MisUe- how often I think and pity. them that ,ufte!, bUL OOIIdtJDn in elrobg term. , 1:Id ~ , toe Rough" still 'A1l6tiJiel'''ftolo hrJ a t~ey ha\,ll ,been fo~c~.d ·, to.leav~ the .. tb~ ra'ck of band. on' , ,~~ ,' • , . . .' , . ' rtvel'S Bud Dlountlllns and: forests ' Ii t '. " . . ,," 't· • ~ I;.; " ~ ~ .... : ma~no"r :t~l\t o~at~ed all lIeaI'0Ilr8.- tll'ey 1bve9 'iro welt. 1'heYlnust ever ,~" , b. 'b~Hherf , ~.~ ,no p".rlle,,",/, ~, ~ ... ~ b ' hal .Ill l'f ,I t ' , n~r voioe is full, rich ulld ~ellow, 'he g6intt~)'\~a,rds' tbe8~~tinlg ~.un._,:t~r 'o~ ~~rd, ' ' T".~y re~o~~fhd ,o h.nJII';~ I ~<'''i ,. ~, ;V apd t~.e!e A~e n, 9 'h" Qllgles ,to it, ,I do . n,ot)wp~ldcr, .tl~eh'lic~l'~ :,~grow tlt~ (;I,n.,~II .,JII~u, t6 ~ru¥t,d~;f.ll~tue~ prp' " 0 -d ,- t!I ~ :I, 1iI! ..... g • m~du1ati01l8.: '. t hllrd, :!~nq th~tll _ p'll.le11\,cQ. f\llQ~ , no leotton.rn , Lhlllere~pecl •. , r,. , ~ ~ W i s~m~sll We neV'er b(iMd a finer base than nlerQY . 4~ .;tjl9i£' ,' ban\l&, MIlY tbc ' !' • . IioI ...... It"II ." " MEAL BI,,"TBS. . c_~ :.• ~ , '''. , , . ' Gre:lt SPU'lt ,w ho :wJltche~ over , all, at· ; , I :!. 't . ~ f' • II!.A ;1:1 .... ---'"-lilY. , "" , ." ~r. jH.en!y 'Mi~ler a, nnd Mr. Con· lead them into greener and , fairer ' ~"'Iatnt~. ;41 . tfBAl?s.;,: '~of:.' ,*,e11 8 't~Mr is'ge Cl'lllTy conceded to' hnnting-grounds, and besldl) ,cle~rer -;:1 , == !!l CAI"L AND SEE., . . CHIL~REN'S. KNIVM "k'etlpe~b, Mr.,~ ConnabIe's, also, n~ldm6r~ mel~di~u8 w,l\ters. ... .,~ .}V~'y~e.Yilleo. N0T., II" by J. W. ; -. '~ " : ~ ~ til.... , -0--"': ' ," .AND FOR~. : ,',r ·, ~el1 'deBerv'e\i the reputation he en' ' '". Keys, J. P., 'Mr, Jobn AllddlclOO W Q ~ .. 1- ...... ;.I • '(' , " , , WASH ·BOWLS. " , h • t'e N.EW LUi1>LoRD.-Mr Job Rogcrs. Mi .. Elila HIlIl. .' . "I~" "l !'"oj 0' 'I ' Cullindlf", Plain anti :r.a.. JI~YI'Ii '~b~' c,.•Ot~h~:S r·t . " . '" ~ t",fJ,/o,.· «Hil' bll.~~. tbtII ' ,. h~~ ~8uttled prOp1'ietOfehil1 of the _ L ': n 8 oit,' 0 on lre ,evenmg a en , D~ . . H < " 1 i . . ' \' 0 ~ ":I ' ltlrJl oil; nl.o, ' Il r 10"'., I. ie tal ,'. ' ... ' " i tl ' d'~" ....vgel'S OU8e, nn< snow ptetty . Q' ~ I ~ ' " . . j , r, . lll,mllny TIf. s et;D Den y or~ l~ ... • aenerali recognizoo' o8 f'MilleHo t" . ' 1 , ,1) .». .... ~ :. ~ ~ alOl~m ~l 0 " ' . '

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Dry &Del 1DJ'fd Paints, ,




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bleto .were concern-ed, and that stand, . Wl)ile we i ' ....." ORe whioh will not soon fade o,ut of ' t tb ' , r tb ti 'n" Al 'the residena. 'of .(Horae Bra"", • ~ S .... " . , regl'e C 08/1 0 e ormer 1 "um-, I' !' 1 N V ' b G'd' D' ~ . . . .• . o~r' ' re~clilb~nce. We bope Ol, lr b J t'" ... 'd" .. r_ H II ' _ 1B\1\.,pace, 0 .t~n' , . I eoo' avl~, _-'7,i"';-;--_ . ! A~"7._~ ___ , d' •... J.d . hb " 11 en ..tum on1' lUI s.,....,.~. e er, . "'l •• ad'iI'DCecl -gil' , generault aD glo..., nelg or8 Wt • - , . ' . , ,1 'h t . t ' IlI1d wish hnD: abund,ant J,>rA>spenty ' ++ " .. . • . comeanu enc an us ngnm, a some. . ,. . ',1 • fllil're ti .. . m .h~s :P.~'r ~o~el ,at .th~ .Sl\!u.?" p me ., .W..,._~II'. • ,'4 me. , ' ;' 1, we ong,~tulate Q.ur pubhQ upou the , _ NOlke I, h~",b1 ~".n th.1 11.0, of A. D. obse"ed seve.rlll of our XeUlI/o ""'t: r bI ... ,; ;'n.l. . _ CA''',''llU" C"-_.;·;, J:9_,;' Wed C.dl,·I1·~~,~ ~rn/ • I~\. fl., di.~"I.,,~ ."-,IWe· d .... b d' Ilcqm .. l l lon 0 so e I.n" e;"n.' , ~ ':I' . " -:;· i.-~~ p~ :7 • Ilia c o,...,~, h" bUII"e.. ' b" r::ollUnul.d'l ' It~en alll ·t eau len~, C()mprlsmg ,"~,. ' , M ' • -,,., Ii [C : 1'.Ctldw.II.~I""."ho".m ••• t tb " ~ ' .., f X tleln~nly· ", lnndlord all r 'Rogers, .. Wlil!ll\ ,, 'hll;hel. I» 1)0 (iI ' lJ 76 '01 tll_11le Inll' ,; " " , , 't, , ,Ily .f) , e crtmf. . . la.,,9rtl ll'l« 0 c·, un4e~ 1tb:o e • a(iU1ini8tlla, lon ' ~he 1'k " ', It I OO@ 00" • ,~A : DI. CADWALLADER., "ni/l', beauty qd bravery';' and if 'we . '. ,.. . ' .. " '.. " o!e 10 .. . 30 ' " " 1~ (t. 'r'. CADWALLADER., ctO 'n oterr t~ey had'adJition~ reason H~se w1l1) ose 'Done ot lts.. go~<i J. . ....1' . .. ,. .'. 1»5 4l.(),OO . WeY,n..wll,." J~o •. 6, ,1866. ' ,

i 1880"1'U,·ti·on


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" pu, ' ''',~ _~t .. : , ' -.,', , • ' , •• : ' . ' ,.,. S.iG~nC:AlIfT:_We ~ero . ulr9.~med ,.,'"J ", .: • , the1otberdnyofa 'erllonwhOl'Wi8b: ... ' " ' h Li I U.I • 'III ' " ' " ~, ,~ail ~~~ ,<.>n t e "l>~t ~e ![r- ~~. W. p!lryase' ~~ ~lill:!i'b1'y: bca\rY' ~ijm,4d. Q,Il Sa~urdas mornmg, tiil~ >(l~y-goodjj, !lDd, 'believing. ~o*n from · tlJEl 'r~k n~· tfil!"utilt,y 'ot Mvcnitlsiug' MIl,(ord1 :,';1\" ' '::'broken ~'il. ~ Tw~. Olhnllifi d ' ~ ',~rk. ' 'i r. ' "I~" , .'(111. • ' .• ':I ' , '.', .., , .• "!!'.-:'" q~·.~ l coaches ;w;el'Q, PilPitated 'u.own. ~n to· .ee who adve~ . R'the iIi' , . kin" .' ~L • ad . ,.' . 7 ' ,, ' J ' ,i V. rk. .nfjf. ~,t 11. "DOWer (O;I~'~'* c. 1'.,~~Alladet; *~e8~r.. l11!tI .~' c9~1~j, .~.~l'\ · T~. ~ persbD8 ·. Randall <;we were DOt told'which)' - •• ,t .. , ........... ~Ul d . 'j" '~ I ' . ' .. '!.... ,'!"loIur..,... ..,.t b.o on.e ... e. ' 8eou~ ~e cu~totn. " He · tne~''"fel-'Ji , .~ t , '" ~~ • • : ,. . : . we\l til&:' m~cbaataj"w~ are Ptiencla.' .Qiwterl.1 ~1·tOQt prmng enough to prlntera1. .' dUrh,l.tMt '.eek, " on ottn ci>ve b&rgAlIlf thail

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,j l . "60 : I wuul~; pecf1bll, IlIk It ''C()ntrhit,lIee O,ppolit. the Jlto~r. I BoIi... , 'i ', 86 0' .' ''' ••''''' ,h . . . . .·" "1~ , • W\A '1'1' ' ' - ''0' ' ,!II ~ ) l '" , ''I . ) ' In,A' D C ............. ' .. D.. R. ..,."el\'l •. vrl , .."til ,\:i ,, ~. ,1'1'~~'~ a.uA . .,. _ <. I , " " '! I " ..l 160' S •• IIt,lpareh.... 1M lo"~ of A, D. • • ~ , " II 00 CAlIw. lltt1etl (wtUeon,lnuiTb' hUllntMll , ""D ' EP' 01 ," 80 .. .' UI<e , "0014 ~""pecl.,.II! '~ 1'~~. , 15 ,a"oo-- _lib· ..... I L __ Ib I "" '.. 1-" , d .. . . •. , ; -": . ' . • '!.8, .~u\"'G! fr., ,I . ~ ... ,e~ nliJ. a.. i · ..., I. po ' wlll'clllltiuul! 0 tflcel'.~f.I", tl,t,,, , ' I ~I . 18 ;.',1 " X ' ~' -.IT , .. ',', " ~ 15· I~ 1110 .' . , A.A ' ,;. " Ilflob, . 1 15 . •.




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At Plt..bu,., tnln. froIa lVHt I'UII dlre\:t to &hI Unloll D.pol .h.,.P~ ...... 1'1 ...... .r. trenlf.r red lo ·tb. Traina 01 thl : :~ ~~ ~j~i . ' be e~ri. ~""' ._N. ~Y"" Cfln~.r_1 R.II"I" wbiclJ e"CO!ct ~;II4.I.;r, J r... cilo.lecJ ,," A I ' -'u I Ifll~ ,, I 8Dd lni. . al other , poIn.. .. _ ... ..1 tiliea. operl., clrrla,e ., railroad Clr.. to 11 .L1•• the .hod•• tlO1lt~.. I. follow. : ., . . ,(HII) • . I lilt . . .~. dlurc~ ~r"l ottll " for -r---' . • ~ • n.U EXl'Ra~~lYe • .Plttebtl r" .t 8.Ind FloUle Dre.~, \ .. llie l!tlrt CI" he 'i'II · l rain. raa ttlte~l\, Il!,l'Outfh 10 N.." Yo r.II CO' " If.. I\oppln . It p'rlnol,_ ..... . . ._f..... _aU .ted ef well ed ",hell in a •• to oecupy • Ima" 1 . tltio" •. ~'ace II -1[7'460 MI U .· wilbout ,:/IRllle oJ COlCb" Arr i"l I( AItC)(JII"•• I 8.10 A. M,. 1'y• ~CJooiI."""'''~ ellil, .lId· convenl e nlly .1 • Iilk or mu.· . F.ront an.d IIn~. July 9•• 86~ ailll . ' 1 0' , 11 I ..... rone' 9,Ui A. If .. [Bt ll.ronll 10.4S A. II .. lin dml. "I"".. ~Ie qaslh, ht ,~ <,.ollo.cmon " lib all " eo.. liae "ol'foull d in In\o .In,'e Ipring sk! rt . ... 80Jl,l .I1NIU. . . . . r» ""e', ~- ~"OW'I.' Lock " "ten Ii 40 P . ~I .,J H." lrllf ~1tI " ..... 1 ~O Ii U. lI~ lllmOi'et 6.$0 P. M .. New lla. ~I~,,"rl', A• Iidy htv n, ell;o,et 1$1 Vork.ll" '''ORIl fron, Unlun .,~ 01 i 'or,! ,,'1a A'II ... ·· " . N..,. . . NWWT D.&.Y JJMap"*" CASS lMER ES, enlown ,. t iO , 41\ PM eomror , .nd .,reat convtin enee '! WEllr. . ., 'Phil . ' (rtlill ulbol'"c., Da ll)' (e . pt UllOa)', ) , ad"pll! ,t .. 6 ·~O · P . II" ." .. New In, tbe Duplex .I::Ulplic Ileel .p., .. ,. YCl1k, .Jolero~\>U at HII'" II,y111. ",,"h Ihe" 3" A•• 1. PllIl ,de lph l",)lt 10 .~7 P . II. (or • • Inlf" dlY " w111 I)e.ver aflerwarde I\j Day EX\l~ • fru", llufl'.lo, alld CrllOnulATI EXPRE sS-LeeV e. Plttlbur r willllll' l dippenae \VlIh their Ud. For • II .r("... Yurk It 1030 i>, M. ' 9 .60 A. M . lIopplng .. ' lIelfl, ." Ite. Ilhtldren,.tI\isllU and rooD,I. die. the111re 711.~:!'.;."'~~~':'PI s~~ .":o:!-:; lion •• I A'hQ~~.t ~,4(l ~'. •• , t:tlrrl. burat auperlor to all olhllr.. .1 8all""o cII9.40 A ~1 . '"~ coRnecl. at Oor- 8 .J6t P II •• "ravlng Tne, will tiN' bemil 0' brea\ 1111. the 11 " niUe .IId Corlllng wllh tbe 8,3\f ,. ~I 40· .A ~ If. I n, thl,"It. ~ml.d ..lphla Ilt l~·.· n pa'een, .... are 'Ih'i'e .p~II&:. ~Ul "'111 pre.en, . lhl'ir per. ~spre, M~II " Llullillo, . ·nd . rri ••• '" Ir.n. rerred.1 'VnloD Iral , __ ",. Di18ttta JPiLlI ,a. Depot, ,Well PbU •• fie" . nd,r ~ II' .h~p. wbell· , ltr"e or . New York·.t "0' 7.00 1\ M~ . delphift , diroctly 10 Ezprl.. Tt.i .. .for .. ». AD ll'IGUI,IJ -1-vWm t 0 our iifdinl"Y 'lIirt" wlll hne been tnJOwn .a.u.•• 11L "N.:.~o"' lJ., l'fI~GnTl-:,x"B ) I New York ~ reecll ing there II 6.BO ".11, ''', H A Iro~" ~IIII.I. \ al y, 1' .Ide a,,· lIIe .... , .,e 001'1 re eO'l\e,e" u UUu") ' . - ' , \ E . • I.e S' O • at a\.~..IC:" II ~ &Jo6~1/ P' t "M, . .' r,veH PHI 1..\lIr'l,1' 81" .x:paElt!" Iyea Itb doabl. ancU r , ._n'4 the ill ~e.. York a l )2.30 1: rot. cou~ III .. ilb bura.~ 4.10 1'. II., a\oppin bottom are not onl, dO\lble 'rrin." MflerD,oon Train, Ind. ~I •• u,er. f4 IJlliloll cipel Blllilonl., "rrives ..~ a onl, ".1 !,fI"~ ~ 1I1lrobel 6 .\)0 but I ~lc. (or 40uble) toyered : prevent !"" . and New f.1I&land CIIY", ! I r. p. Ill., Altoc.olla 9.30 p ••• : Harri.bu rll i .36 I Ihe-m' from ' eel'lnj!' oulwhe D' dra".n g FROM .".FFA LO-Bl Newy........... .. .& • ••• B,ltimQr.* 74.1Il New York ••11 I II", con"'n"tron band I Imlllllio ck 01 ~ow n et oop,8; Jl t~i r8;·.&cf. , Irolll lJepol C,H·n.r f:).cll,ore Inti 'Miclllgao AlIentow n~ '0,10 A. No.•• PIHlad·I .* 1" '7,10 The Duplex ElIipl.ic II I ,resl fnorlte ~lre.' '" ". M •• and New York. vii Pbilade lpllia,., nr,aD ""W." £ ". with .lIladie l, .sad If! univerl. lly reoom· Ot3e ~. 111. N. oa" DA.y.. a'.R"'~. 'lll'b6 r. II. Sleepin g Cllra run ' through on 'J"'JDA :II """ , mended by the ""hion l\loghin ee 0\1 the (SIlI,day, t~cetlled) AI'... ". II, No.. Yorl, lid. Iraln Irom Pitt.bu fi' 10 .Bllllmore,'lnd cu ad m.dl! \If IIR. DOD SON. w h i1e D""11·rld.rd Skirt of the FUllhionnb'e World. III 1u ,;10 P M. \\1 O Mal [1e~d P . a .b' wilh U Ilware Conneec. ; All en· Lavko wA'lOn {t. W"lleru .mp 01. Which I will . 1111. lip I., aD d to N ew Y or II •••.1.. '1'0 enjoy Ihe following Inestimable .dn~i loo~d I'0r t hiladtlijbill, W ~bi"lOIl Ii d ' loWII. •• . • • . "ntage t !n ('rinoline, "illl: '.up.rior quelipoil" 'Oo,lIh . FAIT J.IIII-Le",S" Pitt~burll It 10 'ftm'1.. j\ ' 11) 11) III 'l\1' mAnuf.elure •• tyli; h 8hape ~nd ~:i-' A. M. E)[PB~ . MA.... .,'" ......., P. II •• flOp pin, only It principI I 1'ltlolI •. W ~ ~ - ,,\I lilly, cilnllb Illv. cbmfort "nd ... "d 110rll~n ~\II • • L·a,l) ( uti""" u t1ep" Arrivel It .alloonll III a.lo I f J W n' dl ' D :A. M., HarrilCO be. 004 Good...·.n' In Ihe niarket .d) Arrove '0 New York .. I 7 ,O~ A. 1\1 .-. .. enqll rc or. ,) , . . ~ft ~I"II u· ~ II. 1< of EI,",ira .. ittl Wllhluil' porl «: hurg' !.-'D4 wlllebJ ,\lIMU 8 . ~8 A. II:. B... ltl!Dqret Ii.SO P. M •• r plu or do!'bhtll J!. ir.jt ~Imt. ~ lId £.llI1l r. R.ilroad for Ha~...burlf~. 1" "I"~~I~ N,f'W York .t v,. Allento wn, " . ) • bll ,,,'e ,~,Il dlogOll ulne .rtlole. . . 'il,I,,,,.lhl JO P.... , hll,lbre, Wao.hJlIg\II1'.' QCI . pO/uli. Phll' del Ili ~t ' 1.10 P. • • • nd 4. . .' Ne\v Yorll, • CAU'fI QN.;-.T o ,u"rd ~lClllr~~t Imr. 0 ' ' So ut~. I • .' AI 0 W' cr. an, M«n ])a,s S.ll 1M . .' ~~ ,~. v.11 Pbilade lphla, at·Ii .•Il}'. II. IJ. p~'lhml.r. ~o ollc~ llilt .i rt8 ~,~o ~.l'I. "~GnTN.I'IG .J£xp , • t . ' a~ s",.. QtI4l&ly! ' ~r." tDi II . ed IS .. DUPLE X;" have Ih • t~e red Ink ( \I"'\IIY ••• cllp· l .-d). f lul» fc.l'wllo\J ~nil ... ". ~(I'V., • • \ ." . " W. V"l'yP" ; _ , • • 11 AII(' • •111 Itock of ~ENT8' ~ uK•.and .•• "". In .New Ylorlr 1 ,A Mrnp, VIZ. /1 • W • Bra dl.y .. 'DuplE')( EI- o."J·It~only all otMr IrIlJlII. ~'" tt«tp1Ml. JI ~ 1i08" "IGor E~'GOODt t i~-all of .. llIell ,f iplic Sleel Spring.' ._ " IIPo.n Ibe waj~lb~nd DA1L~! • (;OI/OtCU . 1 HO"o;II',,,1I1I ")1\\ .Jb'EJ.PI~G C~RS .re aJI.~~ed 11:1 .br. proftt . tl' aU ~Iehl -none olbpr. ere (enulne . Al, n NOllre l~e 4 I!) P {VI mill from . 1)lln Wir~, and .....' T~.lna to Ptiliad lp,b.t., ~..... .....!D. IDIU.'b.rorti ... that .. ,~r, BOD, m ad"'l r i new York .nd . ~;" belhg . ' ri •• 1 .. ' i l'l.!J(l .1 ~I~ Ballimo re. jI. ' loii.. ~ "..' • p••••d'lli!lllillh the'cenl ,e, {hilI!! rl!vealin g , OOnft'~lfNuL••~tY,!i-k £ Inurll. fo r lJerrl.. bu rgb. PI"la. • ' ,B""e ' o/Ieeked tl!roulb III ' "ID,'er "~l . . ' , J~ l Ih.· two (ur double) "prin •• braided. Ina~. . ~ .. l", hl8 a!,d SOlllh. . • red (feel I ' I NhIt1! to . , ''tI1d toetome r. Iber 'thereln I. th • .ciecriit 0' Ihr.i... .~ niH ... frl'" P. n. ~(JIN1V ." '&'TI EX.~E III,. don. 'qr lI81'lna:n " l'Oll 'THI £"1'1' (Ioch,ld in, Boa . ' J' IU~' l"I~'p) ~dll.d'Ill1.') ,,~...., 1\ N ftexlliilit, .Iud .T . , D' I ...!.. , 1') llIlCOmbiaatlon .' 0 ~I 3,46 P M. l.: 1')'l!Ol"'l Or.~l ~/ill tOil} bY' . . ,. ....... a" po to tie alii., 10 ee· 'not,II) be foundcllreilglh Bo',' 0" poll). ·"nl.I", " OY«!' in·.n, olii.r .lIln. . lhr. wi! J»tfn,~r •• L. kawAlln .. " W~.lern rOlel. o"n ~e; "l)~hlMd cur... &lie f0lf!" 18,. .b~1.' or pat . at III prin'Jpa, 1 For •• '\~ In .• 11 .Iorn • .here IIr... Roil.rold, ~J1d, .t [Ii!'.w V9 rk with ol\-.ruoon I~\" dunl.. '.IF'~: ~I. I~w _ .~1 ID, otbel cIa•• "lclrtlill, i .0. 1~ IbrolJl~oJI lho Uni. ~"'''' .M . ~I'.'lIe" fo, 8c1ttO .nd Ne.. :r'o bte .' ." _ ' j. E~",~ll2?UD~Y. . led Sllolfclllld eIHw.he~.; 'I 0 .!. . o,~i;'tl~'~d'l1~\~·~UI \In 5u""a7. 'I.lYinI\'Bnf I , " , i ,'JI FBEi oB"" .. . . " . 1I.1~. '. '1 , . ' -'Tn 11'181'; P(LLI I~ prepI,. a 0111, IIlnullc !ured b, Ibeaol. own". of tbe f.. lo a, 8.16 P M. a.d,nl N.;' t ort.• t \2>• •• .B, lhl.' rOlile. Frelgbl . or .11 ror. le.illm .,e purpo,ee. Ind ~re the only pltlnlt " '. 30 PM. . t\o~" includl 'ff, LrVE STOCK. cln -"e for. ' W~EJ1EI, ~B.AJtLEr . & CAR¥. Inc! .1I',0ti" .. e""111l8 Iqr .11' tho. .1I7 Bo!IOn "nd New F.1111;'.nd " "'enl\'e... , drt\ed tu ~fld (roJII PJ.iI.~elpr;lll. _' , . ." Ch.mlJ, ... & 79 &. 81 R " llle .lrAflt., w,lh lI!fJ, r B~I[~".{'!. t~ wblch th.lem all aNI Ir~Jllfbrrad L trce of Yori(; BOltoti' (,r Bi~ tlmo,e, 10 lnd! Ne.y 1.0 'rom H~"B AltD 87-8m I .ubje~t, I . New Yurko chlll'l\'e. In Ntw ork. . . . . . lW~ . J 15 l1ul~r, .treet I. L "" Iny polnll'l i the " ,PI th, oa'y ,enulne O:T rhft Deat Ven... !I,d .. nt! mnlt usurlOno D_1l Mol dl _I • Weelfr a ' RlllwIY '. ,., w..u.o . Obl~ lo b., 4ne SILVER GrlGllmp,orrmt1tl:1n Sttli"g Tb.; modilt.t e all eJ[ •.~ie.JlI MacM"". SL.:~:PJ NG COACHES o::r in·.lhe wnrld,.I,;O """R r....,.S ' '1' 1' '' : ' I{h· • .. '" .... . ' • " 'accomp.ny .11 nighl trei •• oh Ib,t. nU"Y~" "mo•• III o,",lruo tlolll. 1'\{e, .\oIl,Ier,f"iIolll" · "j"'~.,.Il.t 'd'atep~\':~Ca'l·nd ~y, Ire" t CIIn r \ I10 De l 1UI' o r . . • ~ t:)' 'f'UIIl;m C!heckedlh"!'lIgh. en<l i'are al. · w~'~PCI: IO 11)~~ iIIe, • '1'aa ." uc ... , u, tty. ICClftllbl' poiat On tberiv. tbe de 1II1, ••d .nd th'.oell . . .. . . . . ".y.!'J l~W H_ to,: olttl; oJ.!Mt a:pule. erl and i.~el o[) lb. Weat. 'Il~t AJII.{IOID.. , S~I••• FreP-tlla 'Ind , n.tur«q o brloit bajlk 1\1/1 btoom to 10" A.II '!'rT,cke \JI .ia):ri. RHi!",oy. which B.,ltI. Wet ..... riD' . .14. F~d"rel t Conlr.c t. 0t~~lpp ;na DI. lIeI ebtell. No m.ld.n, ... , • fir Ind · . . ~ ',bed 01 .• 11 I'rlllrill"l Tick .. Ollie•• reCll"n •••llh Pe.ill~~ ~.P'-O"~I". "'} I~ pero~copic. &1urtHml. 616.BrOd pplf to ur IlIdr••• I'tlher 01 ·the .hQuld b. whl1l!u\ the I1YIIN 'U, 1IDa!/, N. Y. .. ' Iold in the W'ul ana South.W e.1. OCMI fnl1l,lwinJr Age'1'" of- .h~ Qompan ,,: IJ!iOIlWe. bl/oell. ~ndi Undon !;J60 W4Ilnrlgton 81., .BOIlnn. by IU drlll,I. ... ' H. . RIDDLE . WMI R. It n. • • • ~. " ,Ia ,old,llI .er, pl.fed. ltell S 8 Klnr,tlH \ J, 1011 Altllt PhU.d'i 9S1 elwtn,"1 St.! Philll~elP!t~a. . G",,'I s ul'·1. ,O .. n' l Pm, A,'I, A: ',C.~ p. e nte; • .Fl. Agenl! . .t:~lDoa frlm~i l~ !ult tJIl .tyJ':'. ~ltI~b,ur,. . . . , ~ae tt Wtuon €JJ}lomnatr. 'U: .l f CI,,\ie &. co., Tunl'e r A(entt. PlttBbur&,. ! · ul ,:.,,1"'1 ~l~ 1':''''1'''1' Pile ted "Ibruer ., 14, 1860. PHOTOGaAP~~. ~ I H. W. Brnwn & co" Zeneni llc, O. . ,. IiItmrim fl Mtwe.U II c I... JUU' C. -,Q Ine Is con.truc led on entifp.I, H II & · 0 ' Alf-O • llY , t Il I pl ' CIik001), " d . newThi. CO a . co.~ M·''''~tt.. principiI" or ",echariiam, pO'lei,i nl! E. &: H.. ,'J:H & •., W. H. &) ~. 'H. Uallll.v.! O,lIIpol le, O • .i1;~:::~o~a~tIi.nA"": .... ma~y rare 'and v!I'uahle improvemellll, #anufqciur,,. qf .P~Isgr ap1aic .Mill,. <i:larkC!,t - ell., Cb.lcl!eo.lII•• ,,~ . . . .tl• .,., '40.. co....."\I' OD h•• III' been ex'Tinlldl b, the tnlMt .pro· 11. R • • . L ' I 'R B. .' 10~Dd ~z~erll, lliil pfonoll.nced \0 be. WHOLq AU A!lJ) .·ItIl'i' otll;, Fa.' Fre,g1ar \I'rifi P",,.,,l ftfttG B. B. • hcd • I" Inl G •••••• •11001 Slmp ll and Rer/ecc wn Oomb~m d/ b• • •~~:W'&'Y, ". Y. • ...., . " , Alba .... 1411001. " .. 4 Tr d" a .t"IKnt nee~le, perpe"dlcu1ar . In Rdrllti'olJ to our ",.io bpllne.l of PHOTO . ' •. 1aDIOIII Book. 'Dr" ,...Dt., Plotur••• o~ aell .. In) Lor.k r .. , .a , .. .... 'or I5h ule t5tltch ORA PHIC ~i\l;li:at"l.s. w .re f eadCju~l' ,Whl,b, p . ,,un.Ulrough bjll", •• n In. Ij..~er" m~ . J ,- . whfcb 11'111 tieillier rip nor' r ve', 'Ind. Ie ... (0 Ih~ 'fdllowill!r .• it',' '. .' '.al14 W~'l8r n ~I,III" 1''tI~pectl'l la!l~=:·~(~" ~"'J: ..~ • .A~~ .lIke on bOLb lid,,; perform s perlect lew.. IJleN~"" ~ ~.~ ...~~ Il le. 0L~u~'I. jTbt pn~oa! 1.1.,1_11~bnQ; It • '.' ~lh. c\eaeript ton of Inalet-'.I .rom Of A U"'Il'~ fOlel,;n CIIJU .W...... eo. I,"nll (or llii M,ion', ~\llhOllftd ,FI.t pel,lit ~.Llnc~ Ina • ,,,. ftne. t\ N~ol\ocik '\liu\ llil '~.P1I "",p"-l'lalqa~.~ I l .. ork • ~tI I 'on " . O~ .K.llbe • .F,\ o. J:.ldllitl r. II' tti" ' ro til Ofe ', hleh' it . cotlen, linen. l>r - .ilk ' 11~re~d, Irom ' te...,-p ae ":~ ., . ... . ~ 'c)l!rlli~C!~ t.:> (r.n."or . SleI".a " Br". ...,.: ablr4m ." . ~ Guy Ihe Olla •• t JO Ibe ftnnt l/1Jnlle~ \con~r.e f. IY n~ber, F'N "" '\'1rI In Ih,:' .... nu~.,~~w.I!"!~~~< IJy bleli "Clute 'tD (h. fp~pert1 e"t,OIitW u» ElDo "",II' d !foYIJIICr,.. .t:'J>/: ... ~ .:..;;,' : . ..... d "'-n;"..1t ' Rlanol.r ..J.t~. '. n. n~ ~ '. "1M' I!' nip f lo r .. ololll'll .... '" 1j;-.... ~r It~ ........ "e· thl lbl" I'lrllll'le -.i(or fBll . ,w e ,In blIIO'Y. fOl lIj. gr.l cPlllell, 't r ;..... to ,~ I ,,,d 'I I 'i "" e.p,)-:- the' .1 dt 0••1 I Ir e\IIl!l. . .t ~.~ : Vle~, ,,, ~ , u.1~~ ,.~.em' ~.~ 'u,.I1._ a., «:.' th ... ln"Irtlment. lIi!OOIh." .~I'~. .I~ t"lube. .... eI'llP.t\~ic.!!1 r. A'laPl"d~for eilher Ihe l'iIoC iu L."lern 01' che' wJ,.",h,lt,,,..... .,...... wer ." .n, (I " \JO'NI fn • IV. ' : ' .(;1HitE ; ~t\lrel"'r.I'~..e~iq.' 2~1 10l,uer woill ,~ .... lO I QQ1i "'fh".., ,~'I'". ,. pI"iI'a ,d.,.a }, I 1111 ent I t · any ' dclre.. ~ n rerul t of a 1"""1\. ..' tu ~ g1t> FI ~~IQlen.te ,'. requ ~~.' 'J per c · O~ , .it:~. .P " pow" r 0 t'P~,1aIc ~~_ I .I\lwe,r (or d~lenl onl, tP" for every day drive 1\ tlt"n any oth!,. "anl.a .ln • W" ,I11~~,;(acl I~r" ",nr~ I~r~ely'tb".n an olhe-: lh!! II,.e .pecifie~ . • . m",ker. A ~I;I; HI rlelr. 01 li o: .el~ hlf~~fI . ..1'iour sto "ui" rrQ'I' $' cenl.lo .~ }~or l~rlhClr' ,if)~ rmatlun a"dre~ ·w'!rlc It It.ld .. '!. wl~hoot latleal IIr IIIJur), eRr-h. Our Al:BIJM SI;1I~':V" , • , , Ihe "",~hli on of ~ol 0 til!' ~~"nlli n1"'h~ t1~loJLr"e" lo h, IILh. ',' :r"._l!-l1l1~\~t~r""a., ey.w; l!ff.recl bC1Jl1f y and beallt ICf 'fl1 I!f;, ..... 1i~w . h"lt,~ n~lb end wond!!rful t;Alplicit'li olh"r... lIperio[ 111,dur~b'hl ~ I ' ~1o ' . . , I, • .""';. ! 118"1 •• t-.u ~I. inOllllll l. of co,." ~tl'cin r.e"de-t It ·.. !t.l-:"tfllPO.8~ ()....... ......~.... Ii wi" eh,nat,( afl, hll.r. ,to ft. orlllrr~1 l t;, ~ Ii..U ~""! r.her./11.81!"N•.H ltrh It. ~olym!lul. . \' colur, .~ . f( . ,. will. ~ th(i'l'oul : hI,. . c.ltlitn!e . - ... Acl btl' fl) Ifllt uill of ordl!r. nd i. G ....•e...... ,RAN. Our C.I~lo G ", IndIR'la , bryce "orete. }'IVE HUN. lt~'l ftF " I'j,' ""d pr. dl CI t II ' II " d It.,,,,I,,,,'' U ~li. i\'· ' 'nd .JI · 1','" II(lIIp.... TEED by Ih8.. ~o.m.JJ!lIlY to give 'enlir, Dtt~D dill~t.u... I II sc fa!," ij.CII, IlII:ludillg ,Oc!uci . · · .,rJ~n , , ~r~e p i \e., In~ .. ll.rICllo ". . • . It -m Irt.'lt pre mlllare. cltei!" .11 ,.111111 . lioll_ ( Ih .,olt c~.h"led .: ngrnln P.l.. t. lW. ~ OIIindl er. Cb~lIr~ , UII. , out 0,1 1,.lr It:,. '"ltufl l.l\m,lIlallt .• nd ~. r.,lpeetl qll, ,· ln.i,. ( .1I ,h.o.1 "Ii~ Ing•• 51atau, ele. tent 1 I OR ~ceipl ' :tJul I.lIn"", ... , ..a,II~ol!d C • .~\II i091""I 'or.,an" will prolllllte . . dealr. tu IUp" I,:1 'hemse 1'" , wit~ tlle;}lruWlh oj .Iarup. . " ' •. not_~IIU up m. In~ rl. k Jor 8al~lre, , '~Cepl I . I' ..' Fh'blotr. plt e,,* Illd o\hl\ra) orc!erl n( '., ' C. 'fur W ·eartnr-A :ppI",I. I'lil nmh tbeJt'(,e - 01 hthl, ..",.:{~:..·:"-· ""'-n·I·"equentl1 , ti'NR~V~~El>IM:lt!~fi:nd.llnmlR.~t~" I II Ol\~ .. ~ . cl e . ~~~;.di." il!i;~rd,:~ilj 25 per c~nJ .o :..~~ I"" l. ponllbl llJt 10 one. ~lIn'4'~4 'clulilre In •• \.. ~inl~i~ :"~n." ".\:~"!::. "~r, :~: r. e· • . One h.lf hOllf'a,uctlol1 !I -tlllie,';n pri.c" aad quality of'our COo'I~.can 'Ie~ . I AIl.ll,",g~e ClJ!,C~edl!nll. t~tt . lilt, j\'tIO l to enabf. 1111 pen!o , to , 'Y orlc I~ii a •.l not:0-~a .The ,.;nount bllno. ~Q!l ,In~ llIlre~ ~r"ee •. ' 'l ~o ~b~. '., '.~ I " . 6Jrlf In nll1e. wI/I lie It.tho r I of (j' I,~wDer """""'i!o:, tADU1 S ; V9(;NG .AH'D otD.. ., Chinl to tbelr enlin '. tilflctio n. PRIN Om. ~A..LTb~.p,'. . 1;<4' < , . ' ~ nl" " ,.• pe~11 cto. ,riC'., 017 a I .PIJ B'I':A~ JU/ trlt wl' bllO ' . -. ~b. b ... "iel. (or III! ~ Religlo llllnd Charitnble In.tltu. (1",,"- " to ......" .........., . ) •• III .... ~.,~ .. ..,.,..W~ ~. H. WILL.IAMS. ... or lb. eell" Iild lillr, tt y. .lhe .O'rr ....• Ilonl III ~I,l Ii~r~ "y dealt w'i\.~. .oJ.. ~ao""""" ' v .Q.H. ·t.I.r~I.q"~·I. 1I!iM·•• 'We(1 0 Geo I 8I1pl1rht.endlnt. Aitnon" , PI. . .nd'be convl"c .d of ,II. II lolt Wft· Ag'e nie W.i ntfd lor .n towc. III the ~ "",,".,. ~II't''' '''''''I'''JIa''_~ H~NaV W. GWINN ER. 1I111~me"lI. · , ' , H trlltiS 1Ir. , It I. p,ut (IP .l1I tlie IOfe,t, neatuI, United 8111e, wherl Agenl'" . "l nol II rtlM;e .Oa..a.te. hUII UtI 110•• . Ohnlile lil form 01 1"1 ufl'l!rlfl reid, ellabH. hed.IP whom. Ire , Gea I Tlc~et '\IC!.n'i l . , 'Prlo• • 1 I liottl••, ' SnldnltJ I II cf".lilll~." 'II, ~~~~ti~~ liberal dl, . -More Dn.lle ; ~~~~~~~ . M. t1ltpu,blla.; /. . t./.' G ~i:· i"~'iHT~ \ Phil ~ ,,'.(If .' .. ,' " n~ will be /liven. . ill D ·.· I'l c;,alleC IiI t i.~r. I • e ~ I ltil ... 1J. . . . Io,""~ .IAI~c.r,IM'. , re... . •• 0 , '. Cloh.I,n tufnl. ml.d~ ' ~d4telll, . ,. ~ . ~. . • _'_ _-c-_~,......._.......,-.-_ _...--;_ I '-r-r+-~"--'-'--4., At••., "."tlld "_r1",1 I.-. t~ whom --~~_-';"""PIRES EWING .MA/f" iNtl 00., ~.d wIll.. . . ~lii!1e eutd *catn ",. 'W. olFer •• ".ord[• .", J uce-Mentl. Broadwa y, . Y. Plae. ~ler ,.t/IlJit oW oIlm lei.'" Addr... . PBOTOGBAPBrO ARTIS TS,' I ~,' I I . • _, .~ Y• .,-ARO H G t Tbl" n,wliid b:.U\l~~1 It11. Ski t ."-"'Y . ' No.118 .l,on. t 1If. Y', (PI\Iellted " Mcirilti ',18~) wa ••ward~d. ~n Idt"ion to o'lr PHOTOO bv 'h. Gau-r AMU'loAlt hlTlTultl' ,F"lB, GlAiL~~RY;. ' FJoubt\.hec\ 18'0, RAPJJtC ART w~ ~~,e for Ih. held ID New ~orll dclober 18"" I" , 11 .~~H ~.'I , ~dYl~I~~'!.~Ol\l!l"' .. lq ~Ii)' ' . • \HIt .. Iii,. eltR61 IIh lI'e jl t' hi (I\SI'"I/nll'. ' ~I"I"tw from 'A 8.LVE I,& 'MED i'. liI~. oC .lIlhe PRbMINKIIIT" CEllE81t4TI~~a . . ., TEA A5D COFFE E BOlLE RS•. ~, . olr tbe ~u ill C.I'$I j>\'Ift"'i~I ;:.e!lCl~~ now pubThe HitRM ' .P~m.lo .me". riveD for ' a POTI',·O.L Ci1fi{ l£c., &0. • 1' . 01 on. . '. '. . . ), , ~pup Skirt I ,,'I, \ ..... ... . The Stelll ~p'rrlll1l .~I, WO~Jli~ •• Ill' I 6~e pl.te-~ . wjte. llq " tla. ~I • e~t.on cp'o ennlf} wl,leh will nOI w~u. otr btGOm• .oll.eli,'d d Ihl til o'"-'"Ir,..m*y '" . WAlH'I '~Il'IIn:,••


FROM I' f ..,..,y.. .. ..... . ...... .. ~ fJIJ~ "

'l'he wOIII'erhii Flejribil ily II1d ,re-I I ...... ... J I nd pleaiul'e 10 Iny lady . we~rlllg


-.It- "--'baHding,


I.... ,.."i.


. ..



'. VESTINGS, .& 0..

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Eli WITROl1 t t"may • ., Ind will ~elll' l~ IIIoj'Q'.1 •• ( M or ! • rutin" H '

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~'""" C."I ,tint e1eef'd.1ftr- 6... "'.t~oU ..... !ye~r. in,aq<an ce. _ , -

BY ,,~

". 2 ' . I.

DR.tT. C TrERSEV'r , 1\. .J. ,


!!{!!25 t t

• -

L. · S, ~ RICE, ·M, II' ( "\.


W',y dOIl't you take the peper. ! T hey'[tl th e Jile or 0l/r dell"lll; Excepl about el~Clion lime, And then J read Iqr epile. Sub "ri be! )' Ou CHll nOt lose a cent, Wh y eh"lIl d ' 1111 be alroid! Fur cu"h thua pnid ill mUlIfty lent At i "ler~tt tulll·io d paid. • G u, lhpn, "lid take tilr pnpers.

Antll1i1y to-dey. lIor P"Y clelay,

And Illy lYonl fu, il 'I ill f ,ret!. Y ' 1/ I' ' u.1' tve 01111 1 }"O\J ' re I;r.,. An 'old n pi~ ht>l)r \lr 'mIne, • !1YWa !IliJJ .Ii, cl1l)"h, Dfl '\reB I I 10 .ea r I III Ibledl "'WI

-hl 1e I~~ .~ue






OIlee IIJd , Kosl"..-.,e, Bo.l1a'M3in St., opposite A'r,hillel


~, :;IVlI' al 1I.1~" I\"'Ck 0.;4-0 .,\ l\j,'h,," cOll lle"t'.rl l(lr ' ~~ II vill e ""U Corll i ll~ wilh Ih .. 0 .:10 A 1\1 ~JI ~,. Mutl ~111 8~1li. lo" 41 d uti.e. In

• •N., ... Vo.k.1 ~ :.fO i\ M. ' • .,13P.'M •.N. YO" IUG"'I "EXPR E88


~'If B :8 : V I .... . L ~~




, n~ '

Ptyou u v two ,II101p9. And '", phl'e no l(lj!:is l coullllill~ . A djtfl1rel\ce il,t ,liteir bumps ,


Orre hltes Ulf! 'plIper, 'Ilia 'life U.mkorll, ' VB1J)' ( ex .f'" tiUIIWl) ),_ : , ~~ hnp pi/!-r dllin ' a K'"Il". SI~Pf'l ·olon,. nch 6, 65 I" .M, nno) ~ "'~~ • • HI, hild'~11 .11 c.n ,e-4 .lId wri te, 1n .N~.,. Vurk *1 12.30 ~> M. f,O lll'uc l; ';g witll And talk of mun nod thlnge. al\I!rll OO IJ TrRin.,. 3 11 ,1 tOYWt1'" "or H",.tOIl nntl.N w ~"i' ~hll Chi., • ',I' • "11110 blh~r look 1)0 papf!'. Jrulll



'tJ. !

. ....U.h....-II'~.. ,. _ .


lT._ A." NBW'1 108X ,n~'Y EI.,.........:.'I il l' k ,lhll "plI.'Pllr ,i·o!n(t_u ""d I ,end flu,,, olo"b,,<o. J) . ily (e ,' . l ,Qr , '"l,e' n, pills III force: 111 eO'lCClt t l "!II ".·11 •• ,II bJO:U h I , Ii, hQ I':' I n b01-011 4. iH be -clead 1 /_ l!d N 'sy fr~I"~" fl'!J,,( llul(..)O, • No-heu rly, DII a 'ilorae. '0 " .. Vurk ~l l(). SQ 1', 'M. 1 , \ " LII.U -XJi" ,a~~~ ~'tk. D.,I ( "lL " "~1 ' unilay ' &e• .p_ , I kn 'lW t~o. m,en, U IJll/ch ,.like h I '!Ii ... V'J IIt' lIlIl

. 1514'



'1,011 G.,.,.. ...... G ...._ ......lo Traek n..t . .. ,. t"''''''''ok .. 160 '. TO ~ _ 4 _ .. . ,. '"r . w. k_ , - ~.oo N EWYO R K, BO S TO N I : ,:: ., oloe 1I'.y"th, . J~ , " it tbree;WOulhl, ' - } ,O AND KllW llKGLA ND CI'l'IES, .. .i1 month., 1 8110 .. .. OAeyOt.r 1000 THIS RAILWA~'n:N"D FROM Q..~~ ,Col~, n: :::~~:~:: ' l~:~ D~ ~ New.Y........ 60 Mile., ,j , " 'llrear 20 D . . . . . . . ~.....-Y ...... 4\1:J !!Ill ..., ...1 'Columo 3 month.,' • 15 00 .......- -. . . N••-Yor~ .jt:i MlI... .. ,j G mOOlba. ' " 2ti t)O ., <\"J) 18 . ' " ", ' • .. .. 1 yt~r 1-t 27 II 40 GO 22 011. Co(ullln 3 wonl":, • , 2JI,QII" , 0 i ilea ~he ahOll'tel't route, do f II Olo"'b. .0 00 , ' ~ ~" do ~ yell, '000 All Ir~'n. ru '! < Ir~c l.lf, th,nul;'h to !IIi... York t:r Special NohceJ 10 pe, j eeot over tli•• --«?:460 l\I'~tS'lvllltout 1>1 do..obet. • • I . ~rlt"J~} ~I' J." ly 9•.1866 , -1<,ul1urd1 , La I • . 11 ronn r U OIl \ uh .. 11 ,~ c~ N.ot'o .... lt ('ont. Hili.. PROM ' DV~ K' ,


, 1860.

T.&.II.. ETU.PA P.E.B8.

1ii& J£ iLS a

O".:Squ aie, II'~"'''.'


Eri e Ra il wa y

T8_ O. ,-::'_R'I: mG.




Wh ilt' 81r,,11I11.1{ thrull!ll\ t~ .. , wood,·


, A tree fe ll ~Y\y11 ~t'~ br.,ko • , And .kfht'd) bim-"v cry goud


>lhrl he b,e!l te.din!! of the neWI, • AI hom e likf' n .,i ghhu" Jim,

)'11 bl" q CII,it .h •• ~rl'i~l'Illt "",I never ~1I.ppelled hitn • . , Why dllll" you 'take' tbe 1"lpertl,1

J JIIllr frol/llhl l ' p.illler 'l)eH~, , l. l U C~1/8(, 'J I bUfHl\V , Irelln ,WI! boy l\ -P"PP evrr,; ~~pk. " I t,. _I, Fdr he \v he tllke~ the Illlpt'r~, I '~ ~(Id p.,.' hi .t1i1l ' .~h',. due,' . __ , CUll live In lIelee with ftpel ,nd i ~nd wi'/llh Printer' ~o o. If ' • I• 1


, . WIth the ,approa ch of Winter sell~ tI, tb~a gambli ng , hOll se open in full last, an~ tb~y arc almost num· . c ,raugm~ in eleganc e of ap QlUt~en~ ,,:hlCh m~netnry ~tTengtll j\'om In ,tltutlODS whIch furm h roy· /tnn cotODtllUld thou B~uds dOWI\' to little e"en~by, where the lu,nch. 011IlFl·c ll1BF8 cheese, atTd the


In Ii 'late F.'eneh journal we find narrate d the pnrticuln.I' of ltD intel'. ting 8e of deatb feal', ju t >rLor to an operati 1) rOl' UUlom ._ :iud chloroform been ac1minist' reel . it 'Would, probab ly, have been rcgnr.l ed 1\$ tb e call (I of d :lth. l'hu JIll. 'ant was a disting uisb d veterjll~ry sQrgeon of Bo,'dea n about GO ~a~'


and en.

1'1'&R: ... FuJl£.i. ... _A ' *'v ry '.11'•• lened among tb.'!,lIn dt' of ,,·N wEng!llnd (~"D oC ~ paIr or ~o, ,olcl lao dlel- !'ters.ln 'la,,: we believe . ~ue1.' "eJ'e-:-wbo qll.l~ to~p"rl?le : 10.... deed II w.~ at" lIdtD i ' J~ke In ""'~ ' town ~b.1 ,I nt B&rah, ,~ ~llid gp . &0' .



,;nqqlry . weul~. ~

"be gilles, . "r... ~ter Til. old I.d! , .'btId

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.......... · .. · .. II."


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WJU~" ftI. IIDt'D T? by If E "'-~doll. W· York: ,.. A rx _. Y II. L S, 0 RIO: .11 .n • Co, Price 15 centll. ~~ This is t.belast pubUshed novel th _~~!iiii!!!!!iiii!!!!!!!!;!!!iiii!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!' ~~ by the celebra ted sensati on au or· m~\~ m~ ess' and althoug h replete with thril. , T .urer of W.rren COlln'1 Ohio do herllh, gi,e DOUCe. th.' lb. -. ' . un~ soonctl Ilnd myster ies in not eR.te. of Tuatio n ia lbl IlYeral IN P.URSUA.'NCE -,0ScFbLAI W: I •• ~[Glu.n ~dconll'~~1 y~~a~iOD of The ohole,. h.. .galD brotlD olli ID prope ' r~, aD th.· Tax D~piio.1.e of •• id OouQt)'. for 'be le .... 1866, ar. T o w:pslllpe, 'fo"ol an{l at to Lady Andley's Secret or 00 DIltrlo .. , on .1l011 upre. -t iD ' " .. ' Bbelb" ille, TeDoO I.... ~rlln"d '1'able ~ '• l:rorl\ Flo~'d, by the snme a(lt~lo~. Tbe l Tew York Herald I~ Ollt ID f.,or T.he publish ers hllve produc ed It III . RATES 01' TAXAT][OB FOB THE YEAR i868, IB THB 1 of Ho,... «h.el., for U. B. SeD.tor, good style. nnd be ides the work 8BVEJ lAL TOWB SHIP8 , TO'WB8, ,&0. _ )(n. 1861'100 DlYi. h .. gi,eD • •' Miss BraMo n. have a lnrge caW · 01 j.w.1I &0 .. Solilbera .lIOOiatioo. logue of popula r work of fi tion . CO U,NTY TAX. Adah I.~ )feokeo 'l qreer wiJI be , fi 1867 ___ more OODlDleD.diabl. wheD lb. begiDI TlI1'l A T,J,.ANTlC MON1'lfT,T. or. . "'" ~ . too draw near her oiOM. promls es to b c. o,en supeJ'lOI' 11l I ts W.... . l7.! 0 ~.., ~ ~ . . . ' .. . attracti ons to those of former y ears. ~ ~ )I(,~. ~iaabetlh C~~8:to~ro::.o There is I Ol'hllps no publication N.ulu ov TowNsH",•• TOWNS. t:I ~ ;:, t:'" ~ID or ~I , : • which deserve s a moro hcnrty sup· I ",,: 10 New York. recely~d bUl (ollr -rolft. U1 tb ' 11 . ScHOOL DlIT.IOTI, &0 1 port from e refl y cu ltlvnted c1us~ ~ w .; . ~ A Troy b.D, beloaglog to • bote "e8 than the Atlantic, so elevate ~.. ~ d in ? i t.:z:I E-t ~ k..per. reoeDllJ b.tobe. a brOod of E-I d Ie aud fearless . in its ':.1, h' L i tone au 80 ~' E-I !! 1I".t,." lau& c IOaea.. '''''b .,.. e. ell . , I ta contrib utors iu ll' ~ ~II ooaIcl be ~ d .. . ~xprcss\on" ~... , ~~ .. w.. .. , e.o\e , '"' . ='.... had all the' most disting uished . _Q 0 ... , ~~ 0 Poi ~ loba O. BreokiD ridp i ••im at. Ni· C e. condne, ( .L 0 -.11 \ld) Th 1I,,1t Amenc!m wn ra, n.n d its •. --' ~ " ......-: ---agar.. CIG we ao_ ...., e. loUL1.s • • ILL' MILL!I. JoIIl.l.S. MILLa. MII.L8. WLLI.. , 0 . tors unequn led fMilltia s Jor MTL~. MI&.L8 . .MIIoIA •. llltl •• ' _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ - -::::....--------1I.MDOt ••obcrNr 'Cort" ,Jtillllu r ,haa ell listi ngthei rpensi ubeba lf of i~ CiiAR cRiEK TOWN 'HIP, 1 2-le 1 35-10 13-10 6·10 61015.20 6.10 t~g hu'a.d IImoat .hft.. • . res,(l~rs . • ,Dl·.' O. W; Holme s Will Springboro" School Dilltric,. I !t-IO 1 13-10 1 3-103 5-101. :5-10 ::l~ :~: 51~ ~10 Tb.N f•• pat ",i,,11 la HebroD, coutrib ute a , serin! to ' th? new vo: - Springh or9' .,_ 11 Ooall. .. wuld1l .aoafae lurer .&op. ume i ,J ames l~artoIlo a serles of 6.10 6 10 15.20 nrtl~ Oll>llrcrllek Tp .. F:rl!e '.[urop ld, \ 3-1 3 5-10 l ' 3-10 6-10 6 10 I5!O laO ~10 pe4 hi. _iII.Dc h.ed III hill'Ull la to elM' while James 'R. Lo~tll1 wHUre, Rt:d LiQn ,& Blul!. 8~1l1!'r"T~~k 1 ;-~~ 3-1030 5-1 01 3-10 6·10 6 1015.2 0 0 .10 tuT", bl.laelp ' ..,.. dale. a d.y to·th. que~tly, fl1,r niah 1!pl\rkl ing paped M'IOIi &; R"d LlPn Free p , 1 I ' ....liq. : trom his (w~r bri1li~ntpen. ~ ,Every - FRAN nIN TOWN SHIP ~20 1 !l-tO 6-iO J i 1;,,10 ,1 3-:-103 5-1 '1 3-10 16· ,,{.Io . 6-10 ~~: , ~~:: t~g 44 6-20 The I~t SiDday Sohool io 'he body should ~ke t4e lltla1'itU 6-2Q II 9-10 J. $4 a FI'A)'klin School Dil\"jo~ I 18 9.10 ~' ~-~~ ~ ~ ~-~~~ t~(j tl~ :~~g 6 10 15,20 5.10 6-10 4 5-20 6-1l0 world ieMStoollpon,ilear MallOh"-flr. 6 ~10 !lIUe ' Tiekuo r&Fie1ds,~0Ilton. 16 ' lUo Frl\n"Ii"Oorpol'~lio,n T k :-10 1 13=10 35-10 Boalrad . b,.... fo,..d io ' 1"794••od 13-10 6·10 610.15.20 5.10 6-10 4 5-20 6-20 .' ' ....--' Re~ LioD. ~ Blue B.U Free P 1 18 00 aow ooD.I4'* 0' about 6,OOC) IOholan, ' Q UIt YOUNG FOLKS, by the srune DEERF IlL'O TOWN SUWr 1. 2-1,0 1 1' 1 3-103' 5-10 1 6-10 3-10 6 ·10 6 10 16.20 &.10 6-10 " 6-~0 6-110 8-10 1 IUO TbI.....~. Gyer 300 \euben , • Dubl~ber8, is tlte btst magaziu.e for Muon &:bo.>l Di8lrio~ 8-10 " 1 ~-19 , 41 3-10\3 ' 5-10 1 3-10 6.10 ., 10 16,20 6.10 , 6-)0 4 5-20 (i-iO There .n • ixt" ••e· pe-~ DOW io youth extant. S . 2 II year. The n ew ~h'OD ~orporn 6·10 li. o n. 1 2-10 .. 1 3-103 5-101 3-10 6 10 6 10 15.20 5.l0 6-10 4 5-iO O-~U S-JO ....... ,h. Ooalli1 InlrOlI'" or OliDLoa oouo· volume begins lD Januar F 3-10 T' k II ~~ 10 . 1 1 3-103, 6-101 3-10 ' 6 ·10 . 6 10 16,20 6 .10 6-10 4 5-20 IHlO y. 10 MA80n '" Red Lioo, ~ee .p e l l 3-103 5-101 3-10 6·10 . 6- 10 ' 15.20 5.10 . ~ lO 4 . fl· 10' 10 oi u.-20 ()1-20 ' do. do. b-JO & ~Il&on Oorp : ~ 1 2-10 .,. A'aUib er 1.J bb~l8l, ' in.lI. , . ' Pl,1'I9D' ....~RID >, "_' lQ' , 0.• ' t"e~. one of wbt!!D HOHtl -Jotm~ AL FOll ll!l!IT. -!'The U·...,"lON TOWN . 1 S-10 '6 10,15,1 0 0.10 6-10 4 5-20 IH10 '1-JO a'1-JO SHIP ~ rt Jouma l of A.merica" will be-, .1.'1 3-103 6-101 30 _",D " him ..1f "PrllideDC of tJa. U· It 00 ' J: , , " ahed. 8ta..... ~ " . tho new year umIct ,the most TURTL ECREI i!K TOWN S·P. ] 3-10 S ~10 l ' 3-10 6 :10 6 To 16,20 0',10 6-10 1 i-l0 10 1.1It S 9· 10 mL • .....u & do ' '' II auspice s, , presen ting addi· Leheoon ~boo1. DilLrio' 1 ' 13-10 35-10 13-10 610 6 10 16.20 b.ll) 6-10 a 6,20 , ." ' I ~-]O 11 GO . a.~ r.~~ 0 lUI . 1l'~ ,eo .,a' 6-"10 novelti es to .ttract reildcr s t ~.1I(tI I 6- lU Leb,,"o o Co,~~tioo 1 ,1-10 ' 1 ,11 3-103 5-101 3-10 610 6 10 16.20 &.10 6-10 Is A.To! .aDllr. . . . .&eom...I~, , ~7 ~" cultUri;. " Salome ,"anori . I 1 3-103 • 5-10 10 15.20 , 6.10 1 3-10 8 10 gin,a lnovel YalOO & Ra4 L,iog Fre~ T'pke 1 !t-l0 .Jet .. ,. . lOIidated. noel"•• 1400 mora, ia I.~.r, b DaiR BowlU 'd' "Oakes o.nd Ale 1 "'-1U- 1 " 1 3-103 5-101 ,hu 'he Pre.icll.D hhh, UDi&ecl8&alel. y Y " ,. 8.,1 0 SJ-I0 8·to 6 1015.2 0 ~.I() '&-10 . II-tO " ~ II 11. ' )(a 0 'aha or ,B;dder,' .d~ 1I.I~e h a~ W'()C)dbi~e," Bsenes of humoro u8 WA.YNE TOWN 'SHIP. 1 '1 8.:l ib 3 ~r() 1 3-10 610 6 10 15.,20 ii' 10 6-10 II-SO ~'-.rnel ~IIe:~ol loO ' ~i_ riot ' 1 2-10 , It 310 'L.~~ rj lb delmea tlone bY' ,Barry Grnr' the ,W'3'nelV\~I~· (lo'rpO,~atlon t , 1 3-10' 3 5!-' 13-i 6·10 6 10 . 1520 6.10 "b-10 Il-iO • • 1 0-:10 H'" 1 ,i -I\) 13 8,1'0 - - • ~- kI • ~..0Il. " , old favo, te ",riter, j '; ldIe " . SII' 0lI]l ~'JOhi&i\IDIfJ' iio1dler. 6 ·10 6 ' 10 15.~ 6'}0 ~IO 4520 7-JO 'WhUrs ' .1 tbtr Sea-C~t.'" by J. SALED TOWN~H~P', fld·l. 'I • 9.10 6 10 15_tO 0.10 60-10 " 5,20 7-10 Of Ne" 6·10 , 1 Elliott ' "FtRbA venne L~tters" Yor~o- So(1001 DIls!rl~l ' It ·1.10 ..... . (bla 6 10 15.10 I HI . 5.10 6;-10 ' 41UO 6·tO ' • n... . 1 d Morrow Qorporl\t on I ~-10 •• I~ .. reoe~ 13 , peD' ,~D' $\10 e. by Frane~1 uerry rairfl~la; '.pn Roaabe lterCor p"r'Oo i 8·10 6·10 ~ IQ 10.20 5.10 tHO " 5 ,20 '1-10 .i ,1 ' p.en of.l776.1IDd foreign cor~en~ellce by Him,), ' 11 ' ".10 ", I , Iaia ....~ 0.1 ,¥~II'.j. ae.UDed ~ Har,,~ood, Leef/!i. D~. J". B: FO' 1 9,.. 10 ' 1 l 3-,10, 5~10 1 $-10 ft'·10 6 10 Hi,tO 6.10 6-10 Wal· ,S &-QO HiMl ~ON rroWN S.HiP. Ii C!>IO , lMJOOla. ~~. ; ker ~s~IIe A~na . Lewis )Ire. Hil. )M.,yl lla '~hool J)iaDl.rlo~ • 1 :t ... )CP ] l 3-',10 S 8-I01 '3-tO ,6.10 6 I" JIi..QO A.IO 6-10 6-20 Il ~·tO : : 10 '10.10 , -, " .. ;: J II &.oliO 12-10 ",1 ] ~-1(l3 &-101 3-[0 6-10 6 1; 6.10 ' ~10 Tb.~IItbi... , cle Sol.. ..,.: I The ...... : and others residin g in London . H'opkiDavlhe Sehool 181r1C, :)0 ~ ' ., Jiell:io ", Go~~ea .. 'eo far ' 'r~DI ' ''o. Pai'i$, ci:c.,J'orm a few of the fen.tures wAsai NOTO Nl TP'. 1 i-10 l ' 1 3-·10 ~ ~b I 3-10 &:-1(1 6 10 16.20 6.IQ 6-\0 : : 8-'0 ..naiDiDlr"ll~"O~iDlti'llorbe,l\•• annou nced;' criticn. l,lUit, and , SU' J P 11-\0 ' 1 13-:'0 36-10 3-10 6.10 610llU O 6.l.0 6-10 'iOll, ia ieclo,b!i.., itt elfor" .or ,eatrl" sOei!ltY matter s 'Will ~ceive , 4 "0tbeir MASSIE: 'l',OWN ' . 11-110 8 1II.ll0 : : \ log eQer..u~"l ~he ~I~ .Illl.,lerta. full'· of , attenti on ~rom 1.lAlJ.LAN to'~~l~: ' . 1..,.~;-lO .J ....3:;.JJ)l.a...o:.:tl'.: ' 8', 10 "' 4 to 1&10 6,10 6-10 " 6.2 1I.D b, "" h,.ror. ~'m )'~" ' llens ~r) N.'P . Willis, and BUllenille Bohool DIIlrIQt. ~10 '8 4 1 5,il) 2-1 1,. 1 3,,,103 5-10 I 3-10 , 6, 10 I ', ~o {o' ~ :\l~ 6-10 . ·1'h"010:0,e~.n(~_l r~~i,,,;a a ~8 excelle nt body of assista nts. . Bu~ni : : ""0 U" OOIl~o[oaLion4 5.20 I 2-10 1 1 3.-10,S Q:"10 1 3-1 , 6·10 6 0 6.2 8-10 . ~-IO ' 6-\0 cllreo'J epl, '. . 'b. , Bri~l.h · Oo,em ' The price is ~~, annual lJ, l?o.~abl~ ' ~, I ~' ..eal t~ die lU, Alommllitioatioo from " ad~I\DC6l ; but with thisJlld vautnge : NOTlli .-Perfo o. pRying t.-z on 110.' Qf Ibe l1ree Turnpil i... (·I)Q~lIi de ~r Ma,'''n. ~pOt'''~lon,) in 'd~it'lon to ~1\8, .mount 10 ab. CI~llmo "'l'o~al ta:rtl ,b. We\a rj ot~8&A~ d~m ...dID. ,h. all who reply at onoe: Those (or ,11'.-: Purpo.e . ... are allo cuarged \Tith 'he Sohool '!',.,z of tbe To"neb ia 01 ~rt:clal bntnot 10 whleb dluy relldll. ' i ' . h"media\e ..,t'leID.Dt of th. Al'b.ib . Sl1Pscd bc at tltis time will , , J ill re. " ' , " ) . If')' Thoae inter~8ted' ATe 'llert'by notified . tba~ 1 "ill attend. periO.I l!-) o~ by deput,. ~ the Conrl' Houllu~ , b ~1ailQ ••• , The mpo~.e i.teKpeowd ..I. . turn. get reectpt s fl>r O)1e Y°(\I', ela'ted w.aid couoty~. lor ,~ e parp~ 0, rto.l~~1 'Jidtj,D til. Lhe Twenlie th day t)f Decemb D• . er nfJ:l. , . . .ial ~h. w..1I.. , . tbe fit'lIt of Jauuary , :&7, !\Dd . ' . ' ,' n LllB.1N ON, NOV.tM.B'ilR 3rm.• 'I SBa'} " , . ~, qH A RD ' .L ,A O K EY, H.o~~' i~"'~'f 'baa .Cc~pted 'be . receivQ the p~per g~a!i" from Tn£ABuR~ W~RREN ,~ODlffY. I • • , ., N.w Y9r~ ~D~toh~ip. In~ __,. he No:emu(l~tll's t \'lJltil that dllte: ~ub. ' ~ '_'_1 , : il::::tp .-~ ~ Ih-n eod....or .to· dllob"r g' bit d"1 ~onbe at ', 0 ~e. Add, rctlS , Withe & sPE(iI~TIC, E!'l. .. s::z ..., ~ REASONS WHY TI:I a,: r.'lte" il goa6 ',t, IU lim4ie e,lllnlll , III or QOlfTAGI~pe D~~ ' I ' ; if ,I.olld,. He .ad•• tba' DO memiM!r MOl'ds. New YQrk. . . A v E ,,1 1 0 ' A' '''' W A T '0 Hou r R,"entl hi aU -rtlof the wl1~ld. , , <f"' W .. l'er m.uet be .lepred .IQ. lh. ~'I~n 0', , "",.Ill 01 &l1e JAIIaI.&IIN."i11 be .uthorl s.d . • ' OA~'rro ... _ TI~;' pllblic ere cllutioned To Ownera of Cattle ,8 od.Bof& eIl, M;P' 'ut . lVo~tli~, Ihtl or th'ere will be 110 Ibere ..".· t~\t I III if B bo ed '0 buy IIlIly or reolpecl.lth.. ~III'IrM. All 80Il.fidh. " h cle,' -T.~ii('ii;'-n ..,rbTC,~;,Fo~uer.' orp It ie .n.d,~ on' lhe b"lt lIIl1~t bo .clnplC,d to ttio l eed, or ther4hiOl' &0 . m~rL ~ or';, re ~D1 0.& 6~ principl e. fis peuons ' lellin,,"c fllIlIlerf eit. will be. rr1'l1l8: wlI:rllnlt:d lIuperior ,to lIuy ulhen. or .110 frltne IlI ,compole,l df 10L[D will bp amall relurn_; ' ,,"~ t iii bUrDll.n bo,. *emb.~ &0 ,o\e (qr bll~. FUTES. - NO cuted. ROUUI N::I '41: ~PPLE ION. pa.)'.Jor .the cur\! uf D islempar, WUrl1)8, jar Olin hner.rore willi Lhe bllrmony 111 must Illlntuh ~llIp~rl~ie·8 ,. \I' '/ler. "iJ~' Th. 0( , Itl Aj'feDd ruit.r.t .. tb. report for the Amerwl.n W.lch Co, be 110 .Ickllea , Bo", Coual 8. Hide· lieu lid. Gold8 r &'r. •• ill1 working lod nO,8uddea Ih,!ck • . Th. 'min wh" •• , ~o~e.~';1 lSi BrulldwlY, N. y. I{orpee; aod Cohla;Coughs. Lu!s 01 lUdk . It I , nlchinery. Every piece can da"II'~fi 7 •. 4w I lind biood 'iI'ta" Men C)lean~~ , . I'W,a, f • g~ ".~rJta"4}~1 ~"e. I. Ilul ' Ulllck Tonllue, Hurn Dido'oper. '&'c., il~ finillhed by 1IIIchinery . (itaeU Pl'liiid.~~ ~,'~~. Q~ier )~.tice«llh.... . BRAN bRl:TH .'S PILLS: "amous .for Dr. aoli;nc1r.·....Putmon.ry .-,.rup. , . Ciltle. These Puwdets were rvrm'lrly ii, liovelty... wtlll .1 fut Itt alfaotl~e n!1I') ' Thl. Ilr,,' tn"tllcill e cured Duotor J. up by ~icnp.on I. Tobin •• sun of Dr. and Ie therllfore prupe~ly lIIodl. 6. mit wll1& tbrourh '.'ecl.iI dl"artot. wlt;'~ ~1' t~. ~~~i4'D~ will ,"~~ b.1a ' J.'h8 SCHEllcI,lhe Propde and rull ~ mlnlltir e', while its ,' ,·"nl ••. and. 'lIIee. ~il death. ' the d4)mrnd wI,cb i. WIII.Il 'III ·lQtlcIIlUlIIIII '8holl"Id be-:-: 09 n" umptltm • ..,hao '"r. of Pulmon ar, 'ollt leu, ' 'Thelll e 01 'hli delh ' ll In Ihe .IOIli Iv '-IUD" ,"....001 WulO D\lLtter is 'varied nod .excel. ,h'~ leen '80 IIreal lor ~hem. 1'1\", Dr I~ , IIIl(1 a.. ~mi.I 11.11 blood.' ,!I'o .ecure h.llth w. ' 111\\11 aie' - fo- nocurate. ahopl., Ilront lIud economical most formld.ble .. peet 'b. b8:,i1l1 l1&\"n o furtber ·remo,e l. Illd whep 1.pef'dJ nr'}I~reth'l PIIII!~ bell.lMe ;we .D"'O~ ~.. ,' . bl", hae ooullilued ~hl'llr manufa clure,_ I!l~~p' .• oml'l bi~h aralle •• Ii E ' aoooia, 100 coetl, for ~"'Ih appelre d to b; · lnevltab l.. ' r nC'oll OpiD lent. Addres s W. Jenmn JlI. Blc;k but from uah.llth ,. ".scumu l.llon. ·ln .roOlUlOl 0 ql'0D . , 0 ,, 0 ~q... I )' • ost, 478 Bro'a dway; New-Ygs Demor· 'rlley., e porlecll, .alp. anil lonoCent; 1' 0 g.neral uw ••, (orfllKo "". IC\I I. , Ire chlell, "i,llell lil P'OllllllliUd hll c.a., IIlC\urab ork, le. Ibe bo eta O~- : tb., blood. whlcli Brionet'd of Slopping the workl, n g of 10ur lin... mid. by wqlllel! aodboJl ~lJCh w•.'41..... wben he cwmlDfl I • ' It nced " .. UIIe 01 Ihl_llm . d~eth·. Pill. r''Pove h t~II, lD.thoCl II fol~ • i!n.'e. · 'fhey Incr.08e Iha .ppetlte , give .r. oOOlp,u8(!d of "ev'fal l'IIun4red i " pl.cel. • ; ,Ie. but pow.rf•• "Nect,. Hil ,h8l1"b WI. 10w'lal . a.tllre~· Inel h,Iq;••• fine coal. clean,,' th!! Ito,"""h an,I uri· Ind riveted togelber •• oiI tr...toOd The ~lr.I~· h .. tbe ,rollow~o~ .'ro~ n~ re,qulr~ I't'II0r,ed In • "'1 .'hort Illlit. I.~ no r'i Ih. leet uf T.u:e NKW YORK MUSrOAl.. GA·U T1. •nary orglns; \1111", . 8ee 8. H,r.oeltttla· I all" Incra8le I~e lIIilk 01 COllltan t rel),II,. ~o ltee)l them In .n, krn~ ll\rn of ,h. di.u.~ b" bien .r.p'r~h'Dde., whll. V.... O~... Gt.~1 4J;1t: ' ~azlmlh.o II is p new cnn(1idate. for, tile favor Iinerl In the GOYen l",at In.,.,...• COWl. l'ry Ibem •."ud yOI' ~11I nevllt. be o( orde~. All pe~lolll OD hi. Will" .l)uk ,to lbe Cllpita) " . It i. frled fo~ ,,11 the .,mJ)lom l q1lickl, ch .. ppeared, S"Id " 1 ' Ie: It i h d I _ wl'~o\l~ Ihem. H~,.rn WooilrulT. the cel- ·ancreB. ·lulP ln .... .-oli .wl~o h.h.yeCt al! DrUfil "': ," 'I·. ' , , b . Ena • pDtellt Ie- ,"a 'hl' preMnl w.lgJaII.-mo,• .tb.a '''0 m~ILCa peop. s n an some I1brllled l.f.alner of Irolting ht)r 8.~e. h~1 VI!.,' Ire :peflec tl, well , ' ". ~ ~ nmo~ all.' Kaa:-bal B~"I~' MOt him prmted . eJght.p age monthl aWlr, uf the h'Ulldr.d pounds. •. y Gazette , uted .Ihelll •• nd l·eCOlllm.!Od~ the.m 10' '1111 tro'h,of- ,hIlI .\~, . ~. . ••eDt " ,o rd &hat if be aUemptecllCi leave M.x· is ably edited nnd contain . SInce bk r.....". Is. h. de.ote4 hla Do ou wl.h to h.~, o~, s a varie. (nell.1. Col. Philo P. D",h, 01 lhe Jer· lIa\r 11"1,,1 '" At, ,h. ~"lnn' leo wiJioia& permi.uiGII b. would be t .t ,I out enl"p~ ", ."ballo n fsclual ..I" to ,Ihe cllr. 01 Coo· Iro': tb••bl" t 'f.!Io~ TIle. f 'd t 1 t th t rome Race Conree. 10 FordhllO . • .>JI .V,. w!'u!d , • aiore thlln t~r " . 't , ~Iw.~ yo mn , r n all, er 0 c wan s 0 not ooe lb.m 1I11til he 'wee 1,old 'Iore~ .umptlo n.u.& ~"odl".". which are 011"· t he n.w broees 9f Vlrrlollo Jbe_.,e of of (jb~ecl lo ma e • t. ro~, ,goo placed 10 .rrat ud al.o tb.., he,ord" r, the people. One c •..,'l~ w•• 11". eOlllplicated w"h ,h •. • ntl lb. OllIe. D,. eot Itp' lit boeuOIr dollar a yenl'.- lhey nre ,compoud. "in~.o whIch lip \.,,11M l-moliJen • whet nev· prICed wetch ror 'hi million. t~ lake Ihe elfecte~ b, hie ed th'J)Om w.od.r of lbe AOltriah frig. Mason Brothe rs New.Y oTk qledleln .. hu • • " ,,,, beA' tWi' ar .. lIhoulll ,,:m. He ball our ,2\1 tUli· IIlace .of Ihe8epoDilbl.. ue Dud 10 0\ \0 le~ Kazhn iUu om. .. inlpol~!OIQ'; Ihe numeJO~ •••~iruI1 .• oolltorfu). ' DOclor e ..... .. m• •I"\oll U, ' , . ' , nlng: hora". 11.1 hi. oh.rl{e. and (or 'hfl leal, re'~8,' uf fl)relf~fure.I, ' tr", "! ,..:1,' , • . • II, ,q; " ! I , ' ," ~ f,clorie , ., w IC I .1V,lro JJehen.1a me"" tko'....lo".1 yllita to ..... " . Ihrl'!' ,Ye." b.. ueed nl) utn, .. ,medh:lo . ' ,. , I ' L . ,I / •. buk on ~i•• e.1. ,'. . I:T .:ton1l' Morris sey recentl y e. lot them.' He hili kmdly ~ermilled me e ellllfely un,, 11 hOlDe lod perfectl, eral of the Itraer aill .. weeki,. where 11.. ~tM ..... 1"Il.,.~. . :, . . to wOrlhl" ... ~road, f T " te 11 . h .. Il ~oltcwur .. of p.,i.Ilt1 . ,lIad i\ te hon"t lrIet,hllntlll.n. 'It'lIIem,ber , :. A. ell.pateb rom rleatl .,ta I t at lected to Congre rerer any one OVll.r 1.0QO other How wei. we hue aecompll.h.d thl., Ii trill, •• ss from New·Y ork, relerencl" cln,lobehim. tolllahl_ * to ..1I poor cOD.ump· lhat tbe exp.rlen oe of ,.e~;" end ,he'.'" , aepn at the dopol . Sold may be uoder.',,!14 from Ibe fact 'hit af, \lY81 the r".r.l· · or ' thl! Rmp'' '' it to be tenclerec\ 1\ compli ,h., hav. to be I\'..d out of 'hI h , I Uti nd, e~' mentar y by drU6!giltR aod 'iadd1er~-~rllle 20 cents' It!r 10 m.'n,' ye." n.I.., of public Charlotte i. n~w , "!II.airiDg • trial. WI new c.~rl'a" •• ad In • f.w 'nlUillb.~ healahy. th.t dinner at the Fifth-Aveil'Utl' Hotel, fler box, DepoI , 011 Ih~ e:u~r~:rl t;;41 ~, 0 CRi~ A~RO 'W C"nlBu I dt SlrMt. mllke MOBIU".. XAI.7 OF.AU TRK • • robu.t pereoDII. Dr. Schenck 'Pulmollic HAIR DYE ~er eftry o,lI.r New York. 'lie illLlli Dar1 (efll'l wbloh Her )laJe•• some evenin g "OOD. at which 73·7w CBII IOLD 1ft TBB VRITID ITATa. BndWIoT~ In qat" l! , Ih., S"uf 8el", .. d Tonic time he and. lIendra l:. I . I bl I 1 IUbl • d lD1U'" ' ' ao oib~re hIVe "'~r elven Illoh uolyeraal PIlII ~re 'genenlly all r~qllired ,,'. In.Dd. haye hi&llerto eowrlai aed. will speak a piece, definin In 'C'urlo, tl: Jlur~ g his prin; ' f j ERll'o R8 OF YG"uT II. ..tllfaet h T.IM1- d· ' · b d a b bl, d ' , lon. . Whl~ 'till!! ~p~rtm ent of Con.urDplloll. Yall direction •• ~oompln, o~:':~~lor lIl~:.~CIN~w biforti. 1 I> d' an ImIDIl . .11 pro. . Appll,. our I~P' clples. and wso d e.en ; bOllneu I. contlou ed wltb Inere.le d elch '0 'h., In, on. oan tah them with b \I H mg A G,ntleman who hap Butrere-d ror yelra rlclliHel for perfect,work. ID. p....ed'. Il h ... ho"ner . ~eeo d,clded i!0m accu8a tlon.s regard ing we are _t pr~.. out .~'ID2 doctor tkIberiali' hlil-..heillt I; ,a '11 .w ' ~ r his re .. mor· ,.~ from Nervnul De.bllity, Pre.nlllu~e De~av, ell ~ elllt-eed ~D, Ihe in.nuracture,of •.- , _ t . . . . . . . .re ~l qJrecautloa. th.t lbe al8. We fear the attemp Witch •. oontenlent It I. b"t '0 .e~ him I Hei clwel t will ' Ind III the effllcil of youthlullndl8crellon. 81 ~r t!,e very BlUEiT GUilE r, , ' ( 'ARB , eee\tI8ioa ill 1JWI!h ' lh. Kmpre •• · ~w.i TlJ .dllice free; bllt for. lhorOn.h , e~lrnIQl' . i. fOr'J h 11 h 'd __ III for the ••ke or 8uITering humlnlly, oHao~u.£'Illr •. unequj,led b, ,.-nytllln . . AN Br.I'Ek ll1{B .~~. .10-, u <' , .. '" too ~uc, ll' lion witll hie u.e.pYrQllleter. hi. rile I,IS. 0 n, OW e can e , free '0.11 who naed it. the reclI!,e hltjl.rtO mid. b, o~ ' •••• nd Iiir D~.~1JIl""O~ P,.nOl. ,M JI~ 111I".he r u,."lt t IIlna....all Uft.ur~... PI"" 'prite- ilghtln g, ~lIling-8a'wh.n porehllin that deput. Gold and S,IYer War-,ofI~nq.,. directio n. (or m.1dna tb, PI"J oa IImpl. eel bl In,iMa , lIIade II! tb. world I'or tbe lwlP liIIe. . . . 01 ,be 4oclor':.. one .l~b. s Hoooti DIIed, .",bePN..D&' , ' ~ ' i ' d theme anestk ind ......_ of.Mualia. ~. B.... 1110. wbloh h' w •• oarlld•• ,SU(_ltllI~~rpoeew'b." " ""IIII1Ii11i1tl"III' .' , ", _ eep ng. IJ1 '' " ,...... .. of oo.......'tlon ~Ubel'l'8~.".Y., Tbf.....a,~I0I ~. profit b, Ihe l.sterlll lr'e lleL W. h.~ eriC" Ja .wllio. 10 our ' w'be.'. The Til......,. ; Tb. JeD,ral ,!nh ot politica l .,.-ire-pulling, is , 4I... .... lb. otMr". . .. "f. -.I. • a quos· DOLL.a -. ~~11~ ...~ ' fIi': .. n do .0 b, .ddre..l.,. IDJia bp.ldlJtC .~r ... I" I~ ~bl. bnll4lb vf bel. lib- .... o. I'" of the lat. ~rlmelltat ontlee of tbe tion t.hat can 8C&l'Oely be . 0 ....... . Dt .;;~ ... V~:JLD8weted ~TW E;R111nvs t~ .. JOJIN.D. OQ,DEN. , . ,' " " pW, ~,*!elli" " ~~ hYl ailed . I~ with the ,No. 1;3 Cb~ber••1 New ¥olk I ... iI d ... Britilh,~;u~~olad ~lIl1!lro.. ,iDObld., e~trafJi()toUy llyan y ,who rt 0 . . . . . .~ _ _ o&l ' .orkme o In a....."Ice. New m.. ' 8014 ti ,. a II"un' 'fMs canDot n e .. ertt II oe sm ' J!'I. . .: btl : ' R ,I ~R obl. '1Id ·.ppll.n~ , b.,.. bHD con- 'l;.6O'p erboule .ere'7!1 Oth.! _~ .i.. m.-o~ dOR1l:-: ' n· ~ of ,tofaj. d~ravity,' w)lich , 8TIIA NG& .~- ~ , 0 " :-;'''~''~ '' TRV& ' { .~C~ '*lilob perform th',I, wort with ~"rali~or;:'''I~'' riltitl .aDd .r..o.. JobJJ aa near as 'any other plan' tfil~' dIN~·Cij"'N° ~~. :~::t!':':~:-:':i~~::'sJ-;:~, II~I' ' ." , " .....u"mllit8 delicac, .ed The • . '~ ~' , , .DC. , no p. " , , " ce, O. 61 111'18 1 }lYerJlO Uri{I • .., .... ieot .... rrlatll. *lceata IJ ..,,~ ,. if ....iIioelh, . . . . .t!,ol\o nchDo et.JP'O ' . . . . ,.rit'.o ol' ~'blt"'t,"'JLU&triU.'P•• , ~loubte4ly can,. HowlO mevor! ,Hr, Unit.d 8,.," c........, eo."th l., ,er; ~nfiusd4!lii("""'luloDO'''w~ " .ltra~ r .n4 ....ul.q~ .~I., w. cliell~' " oe.rllOIt Olne,,1 Whol,, "l. Alelltl : lIo~8ey' ~ .. OOngree.m,n now, mudl .. 'belr .lInnl q.··. ' ..tu"" ,. .11 '-'w ~ .TWId!lTY'i'IV.:£;a"""" ... till •• n~. of. _ .orll qulidll.aa iatab;aIM jllil " .. B.rD . . . Cn .. ~. ~ IJ1dcal ls, IilmaeH • ~tl_.n, .A!. (rr.. of ~.'I!) ,lit ..cIc!re..... tI. S.~B.nOe. a.llt;; Wli:E". IIiIiiillora CiNaI.r. ithItWJ , . uDd........ . I.~'ed '~rono"'~ ,,\I. ~D,O~ ...... c Jobl·t):....... , ... . - . . t .IRIled.. Tlio.. P. ~ ~ ..... R_ .ear. VaR. o ..... , .... i' "~~II& tDe .,..... "p. tar thie., who i .. ". prea. a:•• .. d 'o'lell ollr ... ftOl tch ..... ror ..... 11011mat ' be ... b4?1~ ObiIIIap; ColUD• •oe.... .. a... " UIMfty k. h.m~atpd, wlM a"II,1 "''''lICJtWn. n ....I,n w.tcb... bat . . . . . . .rt ~I.. ,......, - ...... ..u. of to aapire" to Congrelslo~ honOR th'l . earel. Allollie n will pleMe rfN 0 17. ~ ~r. . ':9'1",0.' r..r of contncflatloa ~'I ,nm• . , ......11... 01 fonIp and the smUeI' of .. irtuons FlfthI ~p..... . '"II'. O~'Il'""'Ot,.. _ ....... . JUII••o~n oar product laIDOCIIII...,..I, ..R1J'.~.A. . ,...... .....,.... t. . THOS. r.CBn PIIAR , .ft. . . . . . . ~~ ~. ,11IIIII'1or. 'AU our m., ...... ... \1IUtkI... f"·..'.~ . ,Avenoodl~.ID P 'Such illite" lIM,. , -.I" eu. 811 Broad. a,. New Y"k. .•.,.., 1., 0&...... ~dll . . . . . . ., u4 tIaII nr· . . I.. ~ 'I••T%. . ~I'~ 8~, • = 0 .1fIJ_ -


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... ... ... ... . .to ouII Da8 uleQ IG 8oa oou .-T be Con aom ers 1ril lha Jad tole ani GOl'O""_~ """ ",.. &1M oh ..p. , N •••yO ltX IIIiM l 0 ... . ,h·. 1 'he H' an d_ _~_..r..~ r e d ' , ,b B ... ... 00110 'ollcnli ... IIM lble adri I. m _. oe which may ere .heD ,OIl couctl on 1D lbe prices of 1••• • 'tIl1LLI (ooaWt1l i'fA 'l'I" ), ... bee f, muU on and por k witb Joa ... ... ., . •. . . • __ 1 1 - 0 L-... _ .. __ dOllbl1 a. w wbe re ,b, II, .iD the last 1101 be i.ap prop rlat e . Mild for hito &hIli IIalgbbor· for .a_ w .... AI ll ClINftlL I. ~ ~ qf 1M .4g. fou r weeks. In Ne .-Qo rk, the U.h i. . B .... ... IIIII j. de- hoo d: . . Df1ti61.e ~ clin e has bee n suc h as to ca aute of 04~1, ~rrnr • 00,. . 100 he .. ~e gre,:tee" ..1.tU e. 01 til, prel eol ted use at Ob. rho , OhIo. If yoa lpel ld da, III mal lcal maLter. 18 the tedd 10ll8G8 on the par t of hold ers. eocy ono Wfllk or .&u dl 'J"te alld ftDd YOIl PIT TSB UR G TO PHI LA DE LPH 0 w ..' uid e tlie good old· i_bi one d ., .. bava heen dec eind World of the 17th say s: IA. , I. k for yoa r mOil' tam or .'og iog .cbo ot., Mao y im·· 01 aod if.i1 1 be -rti(u The hea vy dec linc in the pric e At Pltt abu 'l, tralnl rrolll ~h'e Weet ... laded. or DUltton and por k whi ch has proyemellLa ia .be means or gell enl mu· dlilliriDg to learo TSLKOllAPl .1'0 lbOM ' dira ctto the Union Depot. whera P ... sica Il': l ' ed~C illda oe. o huo obeen Introda plac e dur ing 'the pas t )'ou r trefl are tranlrerred to lh • . Tra inl \thlo a (e. yea fl. pa ••, but ther ced menta "re offered aUlr p"' ed by 1I0n8 ot .tile week8, has had no para llol l sinc e i. in the Unitad Sta t.l. Pan li.,l nol l CeDtrl1 Rallwa" whIc e the DOlhio, !bat· CRo lake Lhe 7() '4. h plllce. of _ _ yea r '87. \Ve hnv e had sud den lei " Pitt,bul1 IDd arriYe a' odler poiO lIuc · 'he. e Ilob "ng clan e.. Beu6r lo~e ill\ Ia tuat ions of thc mar ket here ·wh Wa ro_ yU le .... .ae . U Coliowl: for a wec k, owi ng to a llmi~d en the rut Ulaa tl) IOlie lbe ". PriYaU\ . ......-' DAy ·EXl'BBSI=-LeIV.I Pitt .bur .at 8.sup - iO.8IrUCliQD, lh.o\lgh of 'b.' Viery beeL CaT~fuJlli CrA-ridd. , EPe"!I Wetk. ply nud pre ssin g dem anu for iinm II d 00 A. M~ 1I0ppina at prlnolpal Itaa k e- 10, can D~ver tn'e t~elr plac diat e con sum ptio n, the pric e of Arrivel III foitoon.- II 8.10 ".1 (., ou. e. ~o Whe n.t 1) bUlhel. ..... P 60 ~ 1I '16 rooe 9.U2 A. 1II~ (Bell.fontl 10.6. ~.I stoc k pns advlI.nced ODe or two livo them Lbere IS nol only IlDpto~e... nt 10 Rye 'f. .. . .• Lock Haven .1 00 @ 00 12,40 P. M., } Huril~urIlf per pou'n d for n sing !e. wee k; cen ts mIJsic. but in jim lhe thin gs to which '''18 11 . .. uao P. and M., id~ Bail . lb~ imo p~ov ret 30 II.SO ioce P. o~ lIluvic to lelld. Th. ' & rl. II., with a full sup p y tjle succ ,·" Q.ed Yorl!, Y\I Alleolown,at 10.46 P.M., Now J ll5 ~ 000 Phil. week, 11M fllllen bacie to the old ing 10CIllI feehnga, for 'loBltlnce, Rre there Corn II , .. adel phi. flO'. dt:v~loped lI.... bey c(\n nevor, t al 6.60 P. M., Ind New York, 40 ulle by s. IIny But the Flou dec r ' line bnrr vii Phllidelphia, It 10~7. P. H. . Sh was not ge~ - p06~ibility, be brQugbt oul el, 145 0 )[eteortC owe r, 'IV hic h was ernl , nnd oid by dra~ingFlour 11 cwt ., C,IIOIIII'IATIExpaB . t not renc h !l poi nt so room In:l . .B 760 . I ~ Th l' e abo . . mumina~d the wor ld last io~ rUOlion. ve BUll er 'ltl 1b Sk irt ., 100111 ee lOgs lIS ~or' sal e by at lO.6 0 A • .,., 1I10ppiogSl-Lene. Pltt lbor l 30 IlS vy to ", invo lve be& N loss rlliled to com e to thJle as far ol'lg in ul ly al) '~I' es upo n moan~ ~o\:o ~uOtl; tl1e mar 11 20 tiona. Ahoonat 3.i6 p •at• .olar e ::a Mlur of . plll·c~~ers. , Har tl.b urd 8.96 ~~ t P.II., arriving 'at Phllidel ow \ ~oze W cste n; . . rn rega r phla 1\ 1:1 •• or ' m e n (\,I'e losi ng III the 80 (J le c i1m~ng Ie meill' 15 Apples 1jl l:ushol, neig hbo rho od be~s [alth oug h lbat. Ville was cor tcer nod .- 8S00 60 A. II. , By Ibll IraJD 60 ' too, Is.n eJ(ceJlent on Pe~u ~ blldh el, , ' trlnlrerre'd I' Uolon ,pepoI, ·W.ea'.... I!te was wou nd up ~ the 'as muc h encll cftl'-Iond or catt le nnd LblngJ' but Ih\l (ellhnga referred !I uO 1t Pbi ll. to lire as 8800 per car· load was those PVIDloes 11 bUlha direclly t.O Elp re.. Trahi for 110 wbich:lead '0 lb~ gre.~est uBe~ul. . bt 1 t poIn t on T ues d ay mg 'U'.1 Drie ; os on h oga 8<1 Id on ..... d App le. d 11 n .. , III cblnK .""Ie &y tbe re" 6.10 4 • •, , on,"'o,y an II Prl .a,. IDI\fIlCUOO _ _ .1" DWIO ..... . - .... . . the den sity of Tue sda y IMt , -~ Cblcken.~ do. e" .c ' S 00 Beo ves ' thn t · one Ii.'" an unfort\ln lIha. . .,-Le ay.. Pllta ..oj, _A~" r th ..... ...,. th ... , ate mon th o.go !told fCatlily 'at 14!n~ atop · ~~~.O~elnft .BnQ'.r il9 !b $130 per Ilye no.. . ODe relu h eoa)' ~o .~cl.~. som e? aipil ... tlon.. An at prill- . e mor e en u- hea d, cou ld not ~:~ DRY GOODS, lvnplnl .t o\1l lue ell inlb e dlf· Latr,obet 61~' , N 0 hi i be sold to-d ay tOl' &ollh~ no'l' , I I P, •• , Alto 186 ona , 9.80 e xpe~ P •••• H"I'iII!~\lrll ,86 io oed in i~du oiog mor \be e thn S~~gillln~ ...ea gl on, ... M., on the "n Igbt poli ce," 9c. per n 810 0 ; ·and bog s tha t ,cos t !"b'~ ~mliletl ~Ilf ~b' c90Ig B.It I~QI '8. '7 .A.~.. NI. Yl'rlr, '76 QU EE NS WAD"',' pou~d. ill Chi cag o wer e sold r~"\II91~' tad' latke Cunl Oil ~ 118 lion, AlleotbwD. 10i*OA... , Pllllad'I•• at ,Ia the hou r for reti ring unt il af• lit P aoo . I ••• 101r. 80 . '7.10 • &t 7tc. per pou nd. And 10tBof she I~ l!l~ ea ~ .a-..,.. ~ cp A.•., end Ne. York-~ yl, ,pblladelphla ahow 8h 011'id b e ove r. W ea- tha t 80ld to ave rag e 86 per hea d a bad ttat e of thlilg'~ wben, I I II ~f). Ie 11I,0 . 6l't ~ •• 'tU" pla , elr..,OD tbroa,b ,Oft 10! freq uen 'ly tbo c..., a . . . thir ty day s ago , are tho ugh churcb wlilch "I ~ llA RD W 1\R , . E, &. p rl _P' this Irlln (rOll\ Pltt lbar , to BII& "1:l D.. t to be o~n aIDI,: e .Im II"" d.'z n hOllre dr~gge<\ by, · u~tll wel ~ IIAllt Ii:I I.ore811i1' l sold now if tbey 1:1 ,. Philadelpbll, aod to New York",'a Alle Olle, two 0 cloc k, and yet rage 8~. ~ln't're, ' ls obh,!;~d t~ ti~tu e ~xYI!" ~ ~ Thi s fall ing off is attr ibuave a. town IIp . .Ilb "~J , ted ' sole ~ lv I.dlfferllot lIIu~lco.n Ibe sa. blJath. nos ign c;>f the hea ven ly , to tbe ~~ . a ThiS " '!tn , , \. AI:::: : 5! 01 ..... D OJ lal'g t. , F....r LU 'B'- U''' ' Plttlllbllr« at ,0.06 I f I U,u.(.» n, u ~ I The wllw hcrs retr eat· cou ntry , e .sup ply .of stoc k iu the aou Id ''''J of • P. 11., .toppln,l ooly at ' prlncipil and whi le ther e -ma y be a tbo 1 nol lappeo I t III you ng peop a 0..,r . t!'ra • ~ ~!<I I ji; ~DI. c:bu d rah ~!lro .brou:;buogel!Hlr (re· hI Arrl . slig "a Altoonl at · A:,.~ ltatl .~;Io . burgvel rI" Q . 9.00 , st; an mor e p egm atic , Dec ht reac tion In' the latt el' par t of qUODlly for thl enJoymeoL pf A. M.. . Blltlmoret 11.80HU. , .•.• 800111,1 mu· _ ~ ~ . >< ~ . 3 ~ Nrw York,t ,Ie Allontowa, . ' :.0 Blngulne, slee pers , who wer e tha elIlb er, tlie gen eral opil Jion. is dic, or, io <It.ller wor'd~, P.II t for the nex t . six mon ths tile nvif LII~y ,were ~:oJ! 0 o . ~ Philldl\!plll_t 1.30 P.... _qd N,. Y!,rl., brollgbt lip ID the bahlt of alta ndm by tbe .fur ious ring ing of erag Our' FALL Sto ck 'I'S now vii r, ga &:::I o of pric es can not be hig her l'J ~. W Pblla cf'elpliia. at 6.4~ 1'••• cbu,rcb or commllnity ~Ing.iilg -•.cbo, by the \!Dys who tlla nw equ ote tod o 1.*BreafljGlI, ' to,.,....., ~ rn tQ'=-l j ' .~; I ay. " , .. orS . HIOI I I Id gUllrd 1.IS. tSVpPl!r; <:all h VOID t mo~., , ~ hi li' P k" ... rlfI ii; Borne fun ou.t. 0 f te < C -tid . . at · ' I T DiJi ... l¥, aU 'O"uf INlt u, 8tmIim"J ~""""" a lur. tl care fal. or l y, and IS ran gtn liKe ~II tbel g r III mllu eqoe nClD (41 for na ' Lhe 8... thei r win dow s to discl?v~r fl'om P 51 l!iiI BLllulllo 'o ,.. irei lll(\ hed-,,' ,--r 56,00 to 87. Rec eipt S aa yet tioa.prepetllalion 01 this useflll . in.t itlS' · toII lNI ,bt ~ ~ ~ ~ , :I .... TrllOI to Pbiladelpbls New York '· It ii trlle t'iere i. now a ditBolll· but tho snb le sha dow s of IDd '& 'mC agre ,- mrm ers hol dio g bllok in Balt imo r,:I It • ~~. re, ' " t1 i"V , . An d wi inv ite , the Att ent L, "bio b .111 noL formerly expe.rien niO'ht·time. So end ed the hop ion clld, e of nn ndv anc e. B." lc chec ked ~ ~ tbtb ~ u,li b . . i . III .. e .',"la lf.r . nn" 'We r'-e sd n arieing from a .caroity of teacbllrs of our CU sto me rs and _......- ••• • . It ~d free. .. \[~ ~ ii! i. beutlr, boweYeil, to e~p . u . . lU . . ..y loy Fri ao end in~i s t . to ': the > . ~. Stvles ' Tlc U1a Fva Tn EA'" (IDoludln, BOlo~ , 0 c::). =: .~ I... . " bu~. &'. du~l . repetltJon, c~u - HOR ACI t.r,n& teaober thao for Isn~ell to g"e OGR ElIL T.-.l er~aps.Iough .. g tonj "y BOlf or Rail), puti Df t ~ up the Ilabit ~f ".ss emb ling ~be~8elv iii . BnXIOUS peo ple to lose flU $ to and Prices! I.I tlile e8 _, say here thll.t the com mon Imp rc8' t'a=Ei' ~ ~ := rOld, .can be purohlled 1& ,Ii over ~ together.'" But fir a fir8t·cl,aBII lellC profuntlity of our ~trouomic. SiOl prin ulpa h' • ber ~!~~:n..~ F,r . '~ •. b, ~oJ :t~tl .. l u.bout Gt'Celoy's mod e of iife ' " '' ~. ~ 'M is oan ~o~~ i~l! ~~I obt,Ribed':,do rid', . Ollr St9 of . I~t . ~h~ . not coil·ect. Wh ile in' this ck '\ \ ... FO EIO U.. .,. ~ , : 't~..... city , _a- ~al!ry .e?0_1 de &~on "of Iar~ . . , • k ' ,.,\~O~h~~II, . . B, thle rOllle, . Ffl'lllh~ of II .eecrlp~ Clty , the ente r- way . from his . . , ~~. "~I\ d III (he way ot lJO ~om seou OT e rJug S up til the IlIlV Hu~s6n, cel. The C08t of preparation for I·. SHQES is 01 Itool!, .lncllldl!'1l LIn STCia , .C!lftb•. . ,old ren ny tnk plnc e, nnd be doe <:> ~ ~ ... ' r t~aob. s not I1S1S gen etaU ysu ppo sed , . h , r.... w. 11, ~I Ing ball warded tu 104 iocrel\se.d sluuilJ ' 1\ . b\Jodred · · a rnng nitl cen t disp lay, the bOM -t e · est QU twl Pllilidel r NIt.-" "' ty I 'd 'at tbe pie ' II.nd p0:\t)ut IItl\ntlfil York, BOltoll or' rrom Baltimore, to,plila fold wit~in n,enty·hll . year~ .p.d lad e~ceediug tlia,t of form er in tile. park fr. , InY .polnt oa the Welter a alil wa, nor doe s he slee p on a !lIIohl\r ' , •• i~ . n.o& .wlIlI paid for·hia eerviott. Dis tric TE RM S: "F,' . ' ' Rallf"OlJd di,.ect. . io clan inllructioo he will 1000 t & -no m P iJa CO'i1rtS , per min ute h. 'mn g I\.r d SO,fll. m ~.. ., one of t~e ~ack roo ms biai ~ • Mill 'f .~'" /' \~ llten tion 10 lhe"'iiOl'e' ai.trlctiv ~turn Bt8 dtei m. . ... frellblbtlol~ ,1110 ' 08 (olr. , ., I\~ ,,:e A I \'e . to In the r 1'\ b, IIDe m IlDd . ' B , . J t . ,I' --ttl , 01' TR.~ WD ___ f_ 0, _ to ce. lOY . . ~ ell. s ·n .Ie rell!unllr tive c\fp Icce .. e po ot b Fo r -. ~D and lIex t pel'\(~(boal 'sho wer , Mai art/peol' of priv8.le Illtt·I ~d Ju d ~~Ia1 D er.a od l4i~el'of tbe W.a t. , all" , ,r ,son Dor o and lias, a tnce roo m l.n . i,'tr w' iot, . 8ta te of Ohi o, us 1101'<1, f the skie s may be Tw enty lone. . '. Fot Fr., ght Cootne't. or S~lpplo, J)I". , .', ·fon rth stre et, hand.s;omcly ·FOil TllB Y~.l1\. . 1~6'1. recli onl, IPP!Y. to or addre~1 elther .ol lb. ,We Itrongl), 11;,e all ,ol~urcbel 10 . A.T I RE DU CE D HA rF& furu iflb ed ,nth ~lection reiUl,ns ~e· '.1 I. foll'lwlnll Ag. ota or 'be Com~ln': '• • ....... ..- ~. ane1 " , • .••• care the atte nda nctp . f tat'l tbel r lt " you , s tnti og stic peo· s. The til or tha t p~. aL "~a k~nd TSE Ct.ERK:S OF. THE COU B. Kt'''lun,Jr.~ Ft. Alentl : ~Il.cI"• .iJ F t' 1 ·t M t H 11 . o'r of .• eing eBlV Il a . ~U£ SKY gR"'~ COUNT~ \J) ...nTS ~ y .on wh enh cco me sto tow n onm nog lh. COmIOU{Wln'cr ing ~t.ool dll c.' A. Oarllenler, Ft. ARaa., Pltlaburg. id di.· eve ning last 0,1l11 •. -,' , . 'Mo nda y was a per fect tr,cl . ' . . . P CI.,Jc 41 'at co., Trllll.ler Apo tl, PJ~"~"". ' . ,~ , hil~l'l\~r~. ljrtli • . Jlldl$'.I),~the, CQ,!"" , _-.l - . ~ ning , he brin gs five ~u;ys' rlltion~ H. W. Brown 41< qo., Z.ll lu,j1 The atte nda nce waa larg e mor ofJnendleS8 VK COIIII""" PI6... rb. II.., Sec"" TiD 'e, O. let "'': v Un ' ~ and 'l t.. ,1 d OOR JU L at P a. ;R4~ lll • HII c, pllbliehe~ by 'oJ Ihe Statu nl Ohio. I&'c o.,'M arle hl,O . · I> "I r'I r,1 11 ~-,' f i' d to I"' OL ~I e "ul' n\ps from. l..t. '. b aVll ." \ tha~ tl1ft 1.\"'_i n f Imldinr; Rlgre , '!"' W H &. E H L ' ...... a Q1, lg ""e n en~e y last III" at , II 0111 Alfr Glll \ ,d' ~ Cou. lpon ~. \8ew .u . 0 an'~ ull lihn ill, ,\,e Obi0l'80" i &be only PI .... ; in tlie 'ie'v. OOl till Frid ay nl.g ht wIle n li~ of, 00'"" '011 tb k' at • c· hr ' Yiu h tI.8 . .. ral CO'Inli1ll lN I' ' tompo~i", .alel • , . ' L!.. ~ . " "" co., " ' , pubhcat ; , esupl'erw . ~;itlvely retllnl$to' . l) " ClCO illt,f , u~ I. lb. )·•• r 181\.7, b. and til., ....... an I • of 'be ~Idd "Wah""", oeen \'~reb'y If .. . hijl, rl)ralhome~ . i8aleo ·PQOO;I~Iiuu I. ., 1' . and the bes t 0 ord er I h 1 . L I • M'''4 • -l.nd ' I' r... crlb~ it. (oIlDWI ,. ' UIl " 11~ IWe~~ \ ' i\~ .. d i \ , ,. .. l H " h . . '. ' t w t ··· . D1S O\1t TRICTCOU~TS loun II.t on. ,,, , Fa. ' Ji\.eigAJ we. P"U WZ _¥c & ·S. & noth ing cou ld be e:t.pec- I rece n - tbe many, ,}enac ' d . imium"aDd 'I. ' . h ndr ed tho esnnas .I . d dollll.r$ ~at· 'MI"" ,i Tr -.. .Apr y mn e & 11 " il23 th~nl I (>lli ln hlll.lPY tlm~ .. ,The I,let pro f - ont May . .•. 18 U . 1\1""IKomor, " !l'pnage exle ode d " 0 in.i ~~ D". 26 Clarke '. II be'-patilnt to' , l3ulle~ Whl b 20 Ii occuio~ amo unt :· to a'b out . 'of his '~Conflillt;"ran<l feel i qui te , h , th lul U ' ·, ~II h • Or"'; 1 . ' f ' ~ . ~. .' J'rebj ..·" n \ i\fuy I! W.tllQ. a ran & roal be1WHI ' ' ' .' I e lIT BE ET . • _L Il o~ery oo~ , • . ~ ,II~. Q~J~ 'en ' . , I/Id flch , of· cou rse. In. Wel lern ctlll oate l, 1,,", , a 8 lpee ~o f~ct , It is 8~i(l -p'er " ll,. or _D - . " 1:J 'OIi"l$lI I llle thll ~!D .qf" lll,e nlie Monthl)" Oark e . gel of Irus ". The : Union Lloe he :;w~s "seen,.:tbe o~heJ; day , hang .il' COMMON PLE A,S- FlR8 T :9UB.DI"18 lu,h orlu d Fn ' Frei ,bt I.h'6. ' _Ddlb. " ir;lgi, 10~ :I publi~lier ' ~ffe,. unu laal ·itiduae" e on .the , ver ge. of .8 tailo .·'s The 'hUll er . Hal,I, we ,are b,"PPY 8S it .wer 00 allt h, ro.ulel 'OYlr ,.hio b .. F"' .lt, 'I Junf " l3· to . Ocr. S t...~' \'b " t: ' tb I' . .. ,. J. .. '. _ '. . p,'~b .' . le nn,clAr·O'olinlT , the long _ m~l1tl M.~ " 11, .1l".,e Jun" ;rJ. ,l.7. No". 11 If_nIPort, ' ander cootraeg ~ra or e tU'~. yea~. sho p 10 the n?we~y . tpe e~tabh ... . .-SacO l'lD 50B ~h oDI" amo IIO" og . .~ICUr, ~1I.del tbe. ~Jtcelll!nce of Mia"'i , Iclh lecure tf) the prop ert" n"a I'IC I"-.. ' ' . , '11 .1' men t of a Mr. Ma x Roseufel~ j. '. BOOn Wl reJO Feb; 11, ,Jul\~ 3. Ocl. 14. It. tha rp, lb, bat 'eeli ,tlnn; readin'g ·m. l'l'er; is "m, 08' exq Ice lldH for.fc\lt ..... Fo r Puie .Drogs, Ul"" II.II" nn of .. . ew uisi te A.I l eo· C 8tah way , ·n ud Jil80ple ,nee d nC.t lI"gn unlfo . rDl · M"..C D1o~ .meo :ill,1l ' i t, D JJ'iI'l! . thl' 17, abe DNov . . . Uau . ~l Roada oYer be BurprlsON. W' 'ir\V~n" elttitled M diCinAG_ . ~I't .. !Iv 15, ~c.. '· -II ' ",' 'rb& ?tlv Clq ly CIl.,,d t ue . whlcb I, p..let poe..... . r of hie hav ing eo new coa t befo w.... " , . ' TBmD SOa-DIYI 8, ·QO pa i I~ t on tlle hel\ " ',. RIQ" ..., r. . WI . e ub~ re . " tl ' from a il -uer Rap ' cta. enleed a ,. . hae l's Slst in. Madoon". 'Gre.O'l .l S th ...., 'd . k , f .' ~ . fel~ man . y of day FiYe ~::t ~lry <lm I p~r mer IIt,Ju " 100 o ' oe .;. Ie II. e goo wo Wo bl\n 'Bee it, and take plea sure . W~rr.n I ' . . . j "...Or.I.,.U goe s btav ely' on. so lowed for detentio~ (or eYer, 10 C,lillWII . Ch eai lca ls" OD s .. . ¥an:b 11 July 1~ Nm 11 i b ' ' . 111, 1 d . ' CI.rk u , n;~__ U urgl O, erOfY ono f) o .. lall: a oopy. , I "I" .. ' jUlie,;'. •. . " tbe time .,ec e" , BOR.N TO 9qqD LVOK.-W MQuJ,&orur,t' · •• ~ w-a •.. _ qno rs For rortllllr iofo~lII.tlon, III '. ' tba t a. family in Har vey s):lUe Jeo.p! , IJ'hI8 .suptlrb eng ravi ng It,sel\t (ref !'" . Wltl l " oor h.n,1i~P)-II~. un~ }'1, Dec. ... ... . • J fClIlO ,II ,gh, JeD Ii"'nl{ il, ~n A,e lIhi. III p'te~ilJm to ner y Olll who nll 26lb or L1.y tbe 'Uol Dye lIal oo -StJ nee Llo I1fs e:' h' , ' Mild. 10 OClo ~r. -, II. 1~60 . '. h the man tifa ttur e of sor: t IS cp~n • .t d H. W. BrowlI, n w'n l ad II" CincloDl '. to the . ". ty: a e JU8 , . tf. . .. . ome lD . GRO I SM1~H 'J 'he publisher thro . ' D.Thatoher. iS9 N. Hlah It. COll,llllbQ :" e. ~ew lubaorl~ ' . " pos sess ion, V!~ sud den ly and rI ·(or . J.' Go od Per fum el'f f l, WINAl!{S ·· · l1~e xthl/j BeaaPJl, last :~eek.,. ooe rear to F. "Tb GrlY e LlLtil Oor p0l' lll." , Indl ."'p oll., Ind, t eetedly, of a. fort une oft4 0,O OO -be&~. , . W. ·A LLE N. E. yinl ,'l'lI t ~ 111'0 0". )lr ~"ell al.o offers to gi,.e Org 194() gJlllonsj 80m e of I QIO Hln te, Inti! . ~ rie • B 'rr Oils an. . "', !cH 'D VO RW IN'J ' ' W. W. Cbandler, CJliaa ng y ,000, ea~h. . The t'Iq.~ ilyar e . ' . . ' ., 1I1f. lO was .the ftriest m<11nssee we ~ou ,al;ld Melolfclone to acho.ol. or pers . . The P.nnlylveDI. Ral1 ' n~c~ed .t o the late ~t. SAmucl who .end one rOld H~~ Co. will , " Re sto . rat Julig l've o ElIICt. S or tas~d. IWII larg eoh ib.. The ~riceof O.·.rlcE~J not illUme eoy rilk 'or ,Ba l.lle , 'lIlt . I ( Gar woo d, form erly of Waynes' ' ror eJ.D p' Wel I~ 01' rJag 'T;bf App :'n~arel, r:s61 ~N;:. IJid! Vlll lID! ~n6. e. t tbelr reLbe Oorporal one d()Il'r a ,eR Pom ade s, '. ~ r' ' in spol Tho lllbl ~I_I~ l!l, of r tb 1 ie' to O~''' ona hundred cllil lm fa nl. ' 88. . ., rt G .' , • Sh ' . ' ill b j" d t adv aoc tl; ~" C',"ly II Baf'r Dy es t o " e. a .. con ee . en. 1 ue. AII ,Beggllle c8H ln. &hat "OU lample cOP1' 1!llh~£ all abo ut W"rf erm an w 1. . J. e S. Tott QlDC en, dJer~ ~r i. Golut of tho 1D&n& ~ can- Hav ana ~ In vallie, will be ., \ he rllk of 'h, " •••D\" by ~on. Sheri~a~, and Will the premium8, till "Dt I. r . , 9ommo~ PI~~, and Di.L uol ... llke n by I epeolll con tree', '. rtila . Oou r!, . , debt rem aln,l ng 00 ,the K .. E. be -Al Io, a Good 'Ala ortm enlO (' . • "ilb~o and for lAid ~o I1cc omp anie dby toV eraC ruz, &, , Bt"te E. If. WILLIA)lS. .• Let teu bne b.en reoei~ed org an. The ,Fre nch Min i8te r at Was~in GeDil 8I1pe,lnte".ent, Ahoo"l; P¥ .gton May\) G. Smitb, who 'il 011'''' 0(,& Dr. ~o here by '!8 rtif), Lh~ ,'~e abo.. ord~r ,~~~ m ;-..:....;..... ...- _.t.~;'m· he col- II trul y copIed (rom tJi~ .. . baa sen t a disp atch to Frn nce on the G~~IN:;~k:;" G~~r' a'·lIal, oha td , onl tbat I"ile d frOID M"ioll. in Aqg il min iate r or Jhe "ub jeQ t of't heir mis sion lS.\ ~~u~ ~11 'I ~"li t led . 8. H, HOlJS~N ' " .ndd I reoob ~de<. !.: . .,. Irom a' .,tbe " . "' IIIOOil'tv __h ld for u eml 'nl ,tlit "lul l-An Cle n\ J . \lWelll lit returne 10, II'Olwoe i te e op .- Witno .. my b,ud and lb. . , GeD'l !'re l,h' Ap ., ~ ' . ... ..' LAN pl\- In tbe. Holy Lan d. The ! bAd ' M~II ""''' ting In 'thaeveOrYrthondo: *" LAMPE!~ . a. J¢ H" B] 00 ' ~ tb " Rev Tp&N8• _1 Con !'e" Dr. S. ~. Wa y, goodll·'d _"'_,,•__ __ __ __ _- __ "';"" '. rut PI~ ••gebe°1 /lor.'b-twTo ~'~'b~'Glnd r:t: FKt HT ·IA RS. ClG ARS , ",. I Oil Tue sda y nig ltt or last 'jh~~o~ tlii:r,1 lb.~ Ian e "eto r .. II; ' e, IIr. d ... . 1:- ,,_ _ .2 1 ... a~d 1, l~. WlllInl)l ~r ~':..~ OH OIC E BRAND~,' 0" ,!~r~ ap. e~olDeot .,. ' -~' . f~,.oriog.'I~pr.ej.,C!t I'pd :alloYr' - poi nted dcle gate s fromoythe I. iDa .~IIKI mel o.,.. ber, ~'p ..l~6 •. ., M. E.· "am 10 laad lhei r mll roh aod ... , FINE·CU~ TOBACOOES, &0., &0. •andCISDI.. Ii. Lecture 00 tbe nataN, ".aimPrice _. ... llll, .. 1. S.··.lOT'rE '. Clerk.of eD', Sun day -Sch ool I rftdlc to tbeS abb ath- scho.'ol Iftll "ld o' car',of 5•.rllli~al.W"ka... ~rs Oou rtl, . ' of dUly. 'rhe colony .oool .. ' ' " I ., Wil liam Vnn dine and Oonv':l~ 7i la n!alo . O~ of rrbcn. 'a,otllaWy, E\"I~Of" $elJa,al ' i W Go \a \b, N•• Dru,.8tora. , ~ion at Co. l umb IlIbt, . us, B . this wee achm.n~ to Marr~e k. hlu~lddrl!d RudT·:61~,IY:lbIX' ID'D' !?m ' iai . l. NEAL. r<."oaad . dentaln~ .....IDlp ,, .. CO!" QQlptiOD. ~pI," ~ . ~ ry\llt t\r~~ l1t pr.e8(l11~ oon duc · . Dr. ' D~ C Il reno ' lay aYe Mc Lan e and O. P. Bue l, or ehu ' I'U Blacksml"'11ng •• tire · old rcb, aoil(?~1 bou ..,. ,. ~a~ .mill, st.or ~i(."'~u'.:~~~y·:;IJ::~J~'ll 0 8 ~ . .' ~. Tro y' N lr mad e & suc cess ful CltC Illld . ' ;i' aalbor 01 th. 'Orte n Boo k' &0.'atr:::.. D. B EbeIjU a charmion' Ilita for ,bel~,r rly . e as' "" . ' ., ' , ', 10 • ,. , . Th. world·reDo"atld IIIlIbor. in.tbi. adlD • : .tJulement. ., cen t of Mo nt Bltl nc, in .14 ln· ., I Swi tzer laud , b.le Leeture, clellrl,. prOY~, from '. • ' . .hl.rO.....n,~... ' r,"nc l . E. LIp.. e, thl tbe , .. ful collMCluenceeo 1II0liee it here~y ,IY811 tIIet eli. 6'-DI or A. pinc ott rais ed this on ·t he 3d of ' t 0 1 D. -1 be e/Tact..ItT raPlo,ed wlibOtl' Heel,__.. as mon th. ( 11 Y Cad..allader Cp,,11I tbi. d.y ditio The BOlton'Trlllnller ..y. : The two ilil.. , l.ed b, mil· and ..llboa ty-e ight Am'e rlca n8 hav e eve r t enI ~ ''Weighing' ten pou l dan,t! rod.· . . .1 'e~"IJ" till I co... at. Ttae b •• i.~ will nds mad " ' . be e ~lIt ooio , l"aa red d ' mel boal , l' iet, , whd b, inllra 'C. \laye T. men _ Ciod had bee'o la, .. a!lad rin .... ' er, .. bo ••luDellllatcoUnll i~1 o"U n,od! '. 0. cordllll, po ..... t.d 10 . b " . ulr , ....'.. ; . "I . '11 olt<o , nf k cur •. .. ' t nev er e~n . () .Vl\ted the tiS-cent. umi , ollb a ~ .,Id .f. 0 0 baad and lOr lI!le, at... i.", 6.rm. the SLIlIe ......gI81.lure ) WI . &a e ' . , feolll".~r. wb,cb 1.1" . ."..... ...0 -:"*r A. D. CADWALL ADEB , r "~te ca.nder 1i:I!,~' ('Ivora He all.~ice Ibllir .~ r "W W!'8 t set out. ~l. condil,oD "'y bl, ' ... , •. cert Tb.e . •• I ... Q. met T. eor CAD sbo i WA ~ "*" ,, . oIIIII!!!!! II ... WI wet_ in . E~J DER. -;'~':-~.--"'" Iy, prj.alely: I,ll r.dicli%. nil; ~" nlllYile, ' NoY. ·S, 1866LLA was on tim~. . It is :QJefJc(ibe and Tbe 'lIoy's e i.i almql." ', l!xolu'i uJ, mad , ' r'!L . ' p.OY OR boon . . to , Ibn'! d. ,' ns lip .0C 'hei r poljtic,1 friend" ,a .... . 8-,::: .a __ lO " ~" S Wa baa ' tUl'oed from' b~alltiflli &nd y Dd &b., ~, ,... ' ~ :-: t: Tw~lV'e "ill rcicelYIl',~I4' ~I :. Thlokrpa' lor ol'l to lbeold firm ::~~~~~~~~:p~~r;:~ =:il<~ telllU1d kiD~De'l from · .' 0 poll&. .t~.'.· ~,. W~k8 ,to';il- oid hom e 'tho'~8and were'~ou~br.Hted1illtn ~•. Cul~.r..~II" Ma:-rJI!J!P(;'i~, ~rloe • .a;; i" .o~••,: ' I WOII d i r~plotrull, ~~" a COQ ' iI1'tb'ee6~rse ~Ik !r(h~hY~l.~ltD.~.o~lo)'.,;.b••rebPlo:.N•",Dbte"; , . ' llllW . l1t A;dd U: 16W6';'~': ~!;t~ . .~~. , ;"'h t t f " , G _t,~f th& .A1leg,~~r't)f . t~e. :n.oe .: a ~ . •re?~ rob Ob l ,~) u.u ' 0 • II ~ • rtc .. :,[ - " l' I r of ,lbe ~~m : . . ~.·,~D"ALLADI&. Vf , 'I. ' ,~~ry~~' cOlD ' •t j e: , bu' > . (~11'] . I< ~~O D ~lie ~' m , : ~.lII ·,a~' ~ _ o~,. tor~ ~ '. tbe , V1 .I' ~ , ' .. ,_ ~ ,-rr,; ~ ,." blgh ~r a~d .or e , J:e'~nllbre ~!"1 it"l n ~~,chl~ fDle';"t orA. D,. ~ , '" • ~E GA IJ A D arl ll~ g PU RE S'n ta CI D~R V10&;," , " ' dreslf~akei$ Bre ., ~e o"Y,, " ' "or l'«'prdenLlog a l~ce ab~.n. ltDle tlOg Cadwill'd f! "III-eoplla. 1'be bul la", , 'I'bl• .•• k,ao1f ~ ~"u"~" :.- '. . tb . 00 .. cate .r of equal olb•• " . . . . '. : nG a,tth e FCDl!Ln plo- : ., Ibe o~ .l.n d, Ind. .,.1c t .".. '~I~ " ' m~, say~ :e~p1I1,'a ere i be ex.elD~t , lr~~ ~a.. is no~ ','~ , . ",' ' ,: ..k a ooaIIDu~.eaor'b • .pI. ,onl njltl llr carecl the Cilr ertr .o. reU.bll! ptl'lClal ~ , ing titSh. aboUt bim -exc ept ljll. abl8 aeil Jhborh~. lad "'11J.!"~i!t . : . llhe 'TraDlCrip&' "fl j ' ..1,1. Q'~1101!' e·rall, b..lowed hllfl.toror••. ,,,ra t. vlA ',U o~ .oal' o.n .' r COl1lt leg. .... _ OBA :8. "..'1 00 -' _ '. Riit 1l'. OW ~!: . D'Y tea .rep ..... at.ttoll.. tiSt i'l'r o'. ~DEJl,!.. i • 7 .' •. • Ii' " .. ~. It< ~ , : . . .d " , • d ..cW ~ .. uu" u . . . """ 'de , Job... ' N6,.,8; !866. _Ul tob e.U the reb W, hu , .. per fIr a!Y 'lbo u,.i f . jlol lan. Bet .... " • . l 1.H ,• . 'p......_I~ ,or_D6jof"M.lrJ8la.r"~iil.JPrO'. ......,c=,......,... nlo o Ex- tnxn ed to liew - YQrk. from •, ·~ " p.m s, and iu. et ,i.f d , ~.eD'J"' ~W&:. . ~babT CIU III . . ;ao~G. . ''D· hao llied '. . will resu me hla po81tlon upo nJe ' 11 ~,o •• f"I low .... C9. 'lt"" . n the doU an" e ,,-, lbe . ThlOlld.,.\,nad ~padlaUiiat4t'D "'_ pab. 'Idor Iter two b·,b~i! ~:.:~a No. i".I ~, wee u' yl,, ' &0 New B.. III a.u ,I.,..~ : : : . lie lbII~ ~., are p. - &. chao " ',' f ,u_ . t.b Tita, &0 Da.f . !y N'ewe. ~ to R£.-S EAT .Chilln. ge 0 1olW8 OD e,... ~ • 'I ' .. 1 abo .&lb ' irl1 T.:'~ p,lI" tbo 1Jt .... , I!, . CS ~od dol 1&7 l.,.. • Ad So .qa b~'" fAr rea· .~; abo thO P.. .X08'~~, Old , 4 0 PI't tH .... ~.... 1la1~~ 00 _..I ~ ' aer.ect DOilOIl &ak. ...D .. . Anp iOtJ , W. K.,. ' c.ti1"B81!~........ t . . . . ' '. , • ~~..!~, B!4t;be ,Itt or ~.. of ~ . wM. Tr" JOSHUA ~b... ~ ~ re~Il'~-.~ a..T~-:rn- ·p.;.~~L!(' w" ... N". • 8; .,. • ~o.el t ~ llber


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II 1'11°'" three , ......ID~' DOCTO R )1I8H 'S !fERO BITTE RS ,.... re lI ...t I",pron. ."', ~nd p"lmine o'l), Inlrodue ed 10 Ih. pubUe, Iud .. tt. ,r.atl)' 10 lbe .ppelfl nc. of bUild- II diu ...., from .0 I~l'ure .• t.~. ofduri n, Ihl' tim. l!\elr luec.... In the billud or dil ..~d ~,oDl.oh, h .. "ellft Ing8, lind 10 Irea~ Ihl' the ptOpriel or i. juatified I. o1ferl~lllllem 'llrl ~pellifie remedY (or all di, IIIl'I ori,llIal lnll (11I1D the l~uveClulee, Illd ,l. willi,,!, to rllund III f/luney ex· pt'uiJed for theae Bi.terl if ther I to perform all thlt III C:flll~ d YOl"l be m. , Dr, Mt. hler'. Herb Bitterl' arl lIunranl e,4 to rure Dyepep s,., Llvt'r Oampla, Frver and !.",IIf' In.epnli llent. R.. mlt~ent .'ld, Typlfoid Fever. Lou of Appelll e, / N"rYoua Alfectl~ne. Gllneral ~D.'bllit"ur Wllakne.. clueed by excell,lml'rU~el!Ce 'Or ," :d' ' n1 ' upoeur e Cou.,hl Ind Colde. Rheum llilm, Dinrd.cme, Choleh Morbua, Cr lOp 10 lhe ' ou can get thIS 8. 109 o. yat SlOm.el l: Pile:, DI~eftlei or Ih uk ln, lucb ' ,8 ~cr?rul., Ulc~re. elC .. elC, rln Vene. '. .' . , ' rinl Dilel.e l thue Billera or8 a lure curl!. It ••• 110 eertalll 1('1 remo~e a!) obstrueIlonltolherellullrc:ou;.e"in!II,"~ln "Femalet,llldwllieure Greeu ~hc:lt'n88aor • ChillfO l , Leueorrh mN o,r W"ite~. ~omb COlllpla 1IlI ,or F .. ~lInfl 01 Ihe W,{l mb. ltd" ft1tn Bud Ihnl prl!~ervp., the Flllr Comple xion o( Ihole who ule II; butllka 1111 ramedle . 01 l.LI. W ~J Ihls 'e1m, lIauld be u8ed. wilh caulion by married ~,dlea. A* Il Tonia and Appe,li· . " :l~r, thtlle Bitten nre unrlyoll ed. , Corn'r Detroit and Wiler Stl., ' IIn lili' olh r P"llulll' • \IIedi"tlh e compo<il io n of ,B •. M.. bl,e r' " Ih. proIJrlelnr 110' I'" I.ft ilKnry .0 IU~I!:III&, kn<lwn Ihtl" IIIgrrdl61 H6~b IIltt6" It 110 .'llr8t. fo r l1l. ,1 hey I;nlll~o.u d ~(£I • ' Burdock , pik ~II1'I'\I, o",pwar l, Pel'uvi~Il _ Bat'k,,~uQhu.i. Sp' IVOOi\, Mull"I!I. ~ I P II~ry :,= ,-~ EIIII . ·~ . ofml, S ..... parillu. ,G611tiltll Root, JunlIJor, 1'11'111 lliltr'. Blll,8ln Co!, vilA, Cubeb., ~--...& . . ~ • Ullod 1,,111, -Pur Jl,~•• ,.nrl Bafbe~r'y ., . ' '. , "'11_er~ you can oe •. '1111 kloell of REAI)J::R, if .'o" ,al: bIBictcd. wj,h d.,eul or. ~Icllne.. try JS. ~lllhle,'" Herb .B ,tte,. . Rcwew· -, - w .. • ber,' tbat i( Ib ey dun', C ".'~ 1 011, 10.ur 'l10'\l1! , wIIJ b.. ,,,,(ulldo,d .. b, tb P!OP" ,ctot"

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Direct from New-York'

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~,~~e at.,;t~e, ~~ D~~-8tor~.: Wa1~~ ,~1~,e; , " , :' La"e~~ f~ODB Dem. d" M R'S " W , N & L . O. W ' S J, W, Bradl.

Il_h Lumber, _ up and


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~ ll !Pf'cUn and tJupti~ Lpn. • NrR.l;,ffi1' 'coGl oill' clJfldl, amZ-




rThe .Lumbel\-Yard of

, . " a ml,Dlfic ent ... ortmen' 01

1:IolLEnS, , ' . . '.tEA..KETT~ES fA L LAN 0 ·W I N T E R W':'UIof "II .ize. "LE.". Q " ! ,I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ENAMEL ATrE"" ,I., .L ~ e,tj)~ ,iN.,' 0' t!l8 ,b".1 qUI1hy, ,SHI:1oVELS TONG.~ -" ,~ ' . ~, ' ' . SAl) lnON S consis tillg 01 Black . IRON1 SPOONS I: \ "




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y',. 4lelebratecl patent I 'rim .

t't ·DUPLEX r ,D






lr ~1C Th~ Great Femali~ 'Reme'aYi \i





"YS tl-II Pl-nS ' J.IL F.r •




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THE M;n l'l:l PU.L. ere ptepared ,0111,

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a Jell'itimale purpdle . nnd are lhll only , ' ' ,. I 81re end etl'ecliye medicin e lor .11 tho.~ T,he wono er lul Fltl Yiblli, v .nd "'rell, ' ,ain lu I d'lIo~yOre 1t ~ k r ~5:' Ie conto wb'IC b l"e .eqla cnmrort and ple~llure to o,uy lady we.~.j"g~ stitu t'ion J. lubject'lo; Ih li>uplp~ EllIpllo' sklrl will ' be ex.jfeiiT!ley ate tbe lIuly, Ifen~ille r~mol8 Pi~ll\ , PII.cnd piartteul .rly ill ' all crowded lliae'm- IIXt8llt ,.,hey Which I \\'111 tnQke up in- ~ Ityle oot '/lotlilrale qll ~lle8~ee, ,a 1111, Ja hereby aiven to myoid - u~tomer8 Ind blie., · operl~, corrlllle " 'AI/road .. earll, remove all obltrllCl iollS. TlIlly invlgorl te ,p.lIBled b)\ Dny, 'i" ,ho"'l' the~. (riellds, that I 1m lIilLin lhe churllh pew.',' IIrO! chal;8,' lor promen ade thl' debllltn led undllle 'Ilp rlor to ,1 1I)llIiiu, Mt!(ill de licah. ; ud .biilt '. .lId ,IIOli e Drees;' I I Ihe skirt can be I'old- lI~lUre 10 brin'f b/lek th~ bioom to Ibe p~l. 'M" ed W,hlll\ ' in U.!III .,(J OQc.uP)l a 111)1111 ,n. 1m che'~Ji. , No ;mllfdfn , 'vile or mother p.."8i)}! ~nd !lo,rive. je,ntl)' ." 1,1111.1, or ~U8- ,.hO llld be without I ,,~ lIlt My~tle, Pilta. Sold , ,'~, lin Vreu. 80 IIIv .. luuble 'l.1l~h,lf . III C~ Ir.~' b 1111 I ,. iil/e , n9 1~lIlld in al.W ~l,!gl, apring akrt. ya rUlf 11-1,. 'B I ~ E $, ~ A l.ay hevlnq ell1u)'od ,lhe .. pie 'or(>, Maiu Strtlet, Wa,ae8 vllJIl, OhiO. clIlnldrl, dod gro" , ,t.o.IVenlL'o e I ot wellr· iii "" ' lug Iht' Puplex· EI,lIpllll eleet 8p~inlr eli lrt jofl ~ K ' .. lor a ui llitie dhy, \viii nev"r HI , I 01" Ull willi,,!,!I), dlppenl e with their ,. t:":i [c!fel). nt1~I!ItI· .nd youog Iildie. theJllira ~ u"prior til ,II olloer.. : J . " I'nav wlll, uut bend or breilk like ,the (lIilll{le>.priro~,bul wi\! pr8!\l!rve lheir. ' . !e!cl '.lId IIf.,',,'u1 Ahl 'PI! , wb.n Ihree, our tlrdl'n'r y,;klrtl will hne bt'~n it. 118P/,S., T.hf' Hut'rll ftfe' eove,.ld wi.tlldou ble Iud 'willed thread, Ind Ih'! botlom roill ~re nOl bnl)! .ruutile "Ilfl bOlh plain mnd 'Inc;)!; wllil''' t '11) prl!pnr. bI,l Iwiee, (or ~oob'le) ('overed·: , ..._ , . ed' ll.I hive ~ m.d. lip in 11 Ity I. nOl • ht'm fr9m . ¥!l!lrinjr ou, when dr.j[e! . . 1 '1IlLluda,c.. ' IUlulI.e d ' by ,ar,r( ant glv " dllwn I1l n op., BI"lre &0 equa . . " .[ .~ . 0;: '-, r '" ,Tile Duplu E IUpl,'c II • ~'YQ,It~ . "'tloil to n(y best' €usto m - IA ~Tf'iV rmv I9Ilml1tl3· m",,'iIIlr1~11 wlln ,.11 'adi .... ln.d 11 recom. ~A'lI D. Ail'll u.1Q1~~ 4t V 'W ~ g 1illlltlit'd b.r '.he Fa IIi • WO_I. , I, n•• h. ,. "~. •••. .' • • 4A . .' d' Ii £. d S~irt of the II!! : Wlitln mn ~ nil , 1f , ~ do not Bult the Slftnd~r "o' jltlj,'y:th e 'foll<lwlrrg . : .. I ' id~ clI ¥to~er.• ~~ , i ~ d "), lillie th I~ I , " Ylntlll!'t'¥ ,!... ~rln\!lIn&." 'iz: . /fBE QVE£N , 1·,1 ·qulu. ." ~. p4'r'"cl mllnUIU lur"••,,11 IIh~p". III ~.~ '(0) , fillish, ftex ill ililV • ,d urllbl\ltv , eom'QrI "n,1 keap conetan tly on'halld 11 emlill iltock \lCOllomV, Q,/Iqllire for J . W :lJr.dI6Y '1 Du. , ," B •• l'ROVl:;D I'J'SclJ' To BE • • ", ' , " E ': ~it nblr RIl i.t,...·er tl~C" , , , ' Il'x , II'P~i(). ,Of dO,u ble eprillg "kin, ,of'~ The..-. 10 lb" ~ a'ubHo. · .' offered' I\E.l)Y~MADE' ,. M ' e yill. ell' .hl! lre~ulTfe 1I', ~ .l c je: . II ~ will i:ha.n- .. "..y il&I."lo d •• orlnihll .' .,', '. r ","No', ' AUTI(!)~ .....To 'iu",d 'glmlt "-,,, cut'Aml" lDadll , by. IIR:.. DODSO N. While , ~ .. ~UI~j}iOI'II\~ Or ,"oll~A . ,ho~ -. ,~iCI ~ 1,1 -w1l.,I- thurtlU li h 1-.. 'clollo 0 ~~" , under .m,! emnlo", which I .,'11 ' ~ nl ·.. x·" I' .., II •' ·' 1 d p. !lnd c-to 1111 CUrt lI,j'IiI dl\ridrUII . r.~ laye IIr III Ill and ' ,f ,. 1 ' . . -, l,tiiOP. viz: .. J. 'W . BradleY !I '}) 'plpx 'EI.' W .r~eat JI,emlllUre d~CIlY'., "d Ih.hltg' , ,~ lA , Ii'Dlic Slee l Npri'lg l.' IIp.on1lh e w.i~lband ~\UI Qt ·,half. 1\ ,l1l." n~lur8' 6l1muJoru. a lld , ,"" ..!. lIpne Olhr r@."'lle n ll inc, A·18n,. Ij QllC'o l.hIVti~ ~ttp,r. 0'14 W,I\! pr~,II1. ole , the, gruwlh 1. . ' '" " ~j', -", tu , a Be floo d 09.'d1, I!I,an, oDe naIr· )'r Ihe m8r ~t!1 ~ hIII pve,y H oO,P~·' ill . admit ~plll . bel " ltl~xc'l!I I ' 1 11 OWPr~)" 6 1fttlon. ·u II -1111 lIi'f h (' will Bell .. I BI.d thr ,u~b lfi,fi c:ell~rll, tlih~' reve' li lIng ; II (jhanAeB :8~ ,o~\(lei d'r, and wi,t ' f" " two (~r d\J1lh",~ (~p"nl' br~ lded Illlfe. 1'0 lort ~ nd 'lJilke,) tr~ - ~e •• ' . ~o ,W," elll any Al(1II Dar, Stll Ilu 1! ~r~I" whi~ 18 ~ ,~ecret, . ~' tbel ~ • LKD tES, YOUNG AND O~D. it yq~ , .' ~. &m6 t 'QI1(~liIy! ' , ihty at d IIlreng'~, . ,n d. com~lnation \V·l lh· 'tn ,ule Ihl! ilrlieleUo II II ' AItI(', "8moll '610d ('61 GENTS ' FUR. nol HI be'I(lllnd 111' II ny' ulh rt'llklrt., _ ' ., ~iI of t . I lie ., II n j '.8e \ " N I SH/NG flOODS ' I~. II uf " 'hicla' 'I ' ~ Foi 1.le in' .11 alore' wh.i'. /il'&t nllil be \l:d~ \\'l\I llell nita te.•lrb,I!~~le Pfoli!, ., • .el~~~. ~kir~" I~e 191d hroueho u,t. the I> ~ , ~t , ~ Plens.. i l\l8 Iqe ~ oa I belore d Staiea 81111' eIRe.,hp-re. . +..:....-'-----~~-!.!_1.~.:.:.:.......,.._1 k '.!g your ,nlll'olliJnR. ; '. "\ M_nufl.clllred by Iheaiile 'jlwnere (Jf tile T p.flln. I', ,. '.,. ' l 'rel lJr l'thanks .. IO '. m, old WEST~ f lIRAJI,LEY &. CA,RY. • and ,(rlell~,11 for whtit 11 ..,f. hove dOlle, . ' ~7 ' Chllllberl Ii 79 &' ' 8 1 RAlde IItr".,,,, III~ 11\ the rPlllt, nnd hope' to be nble 10 67,3m " " New York. • IIll:T4JL DBALKIl U. cureO'a Ih,e future ablre of llielr pllt , ,




' t .,· 'Tal-I(,r. '2" 20' -nO' 20 "'20 jU,ertiJOIhan. US e


ni. part. L E', eya.'b "diJ".g,

tI.e. ,


A1I la,Jill




CLO'Nlt'NG' .


mmA n 'fil




U." .




" ~LTON " DUbJ.fJY. ,'

, W$yne nille. SliP': 17, 1866.' f "'.~






The'i 8iiver Skirt ,!

!: '

.,OL. ' ~ No. ~.





WAY NESV ILLE , WAll IIEN COU'.N~;1'~'I1J,Ulti-W:I!iIJ'NI!IZHJ'A:I, NOV EMB ER 28, 1866.




e Ra ilw ay!

.. single I\ight • ted ber re8pirtt.iQDs till IShe was lost • -.&QlU JrMlJIlf t' • •III'Il.... -We would, cheer- in 81umb r, _ . , ."... o ....... ..1Itae.~ ..... lov~-~alrBbefore tbey eve,ntua llyfiX her pests accomAs for myself, sleep was uttei1y . Th, mllftmetb ~i1r* O ....Sq:r".OI)""..Ir. .1.00,.· TO then house, aifectio but We ns • on ,ont of'the questio n, I nover was 8() Mtcbigau 8?u'.liena t.b e one who is to t"o ....k.. 1W .. •• Ita"" ~: week.. ..i,0() NEW :- Y 0 R K J B 0 8- TON , An ag r1- wide awake in my life, How 1 lay "DII CompsD1 aod aDd • orttierD thli!ir .l ot in .life. I know that :; .. 0" molllla. the Cb1oac~ aeel I J J,50 had • bro't and I d~n't tbnt'hs rd carpet Bud though t Rqelt bland Oo.pID Y, It Oblo,," reg ret it. Regret '. :: .th .... m~lh.. 6,00 . •.&l!I'D !lUlWi IIlIfGL AlfD crrma. , 1'&II",.el~ into the it? -far from It. Mrs. Evern.r een i8 ",'" and lis mlloth., nlgllt out! though t of her, and be open ror u.. ~bOll' tbe ' miJdlt 8,110 ... ! ",ear Of' r d ' I> 'lO,tlo THIS RAILWAl KXTF.NO FROM were so not love· present for mo i though t of mss If ~o~.mb6r. Th• •atire I.Drth I. , an tfercl'o re 1 havc no .Jl~.r'CllhiGiu S.m:"lh., 8,00 D ' , ,up hesitati .~y ~ .. roo~ to on in say ing tbat if I bad my ,. II montb., nnd my love for, hel'. . Y o , 1 was h~Ddt'td aftd 15.00 ........... .. ~.,w.Y...... 80m... l'fO to r I.. t .. . .," 1', ,bad loteniie d 20,00 .. • ....... lVfl.,.·.........~M.II.,..., onvlnc ed fi'om that mom ent t1lat ,Id&h ODe bqodred ,,'ad liz&y ,: \ . tlh hlve .othvert'ha gaill, I'd ~ ~olulII.· S m".III1. li~61p go "e~. Th. ' I 15.011 1Ila1 . . . . . . . . . . .lVew....... 4.I.lI MD_ to. , I me pus tl'e· rou~ Wl the band of destiny wns in it, Blldlro Dt MettoD, which will , e same s entime ntal ~. .. II m plb.. CIOD'ain lhe . t 2~ .OO A N» 18 )' KOM . .' e~pene np~, pal1icu~arly if it WIlS to . that ~ be~lgn snd nil-wise lirovi- 'en....101B0 .. ot bolh Com",1I O~'Col"::n" ~~:~:.., 1~" ' ~.o~ 22 to 27 lIiIe. t~•• hort., t route . be succ~eded b..y again Plll1 S8 I went to the ,0had "een fit in this extrl\O tdl- ~flY'IWO f.,t · by ,OD' ~lIodred. 1..hi lendin~ to t 1 ito .tlDolllh a . , 40 flO 4 • . hoo:r, ~d. proce the ded hymeni al alter . .",ay the to <: do' open presen my l1ear • • t Mrs, e eyes to ' ~Ile 'hre • . • tori.. hiJh • . Tla. Mlohl,. .1000 All Ir"m, rU1 ~" , Oil,. Ibrou,;h ,to Ne .. York Evorgr een. ll'Oom; but to I::t"1I • I ~ . • ~O . --1I7~0 . MILES Wllboul rJl ."K~ 'li t Coacbe.· nlld penc , ' So,u,berD aDd Nor&h.rn IDdi~ O~'.1 fll ....... peCHa 01:0.' ''' ' p.. ceal oT~r Ib... . Frolll a",'. aner, NoY, 19•. 1SCII, 1..,luI w,lI IM~e . 1 was not ba9-100 wl1~n {rub fll'l t ill (\COUP1 ~b.... aU l \be': • . D~_l ,""(1II0••,cll.,.,.t e. lin. . .. III IlOnn.ebon w,,),.11 w ..' rn Ii; ~. ui f.IillOWl'.U ., . ln my .tw~'ntl • '1',W • I 'UIio" , ut , . ".DnD1TIV~K'" !UL~,,&- fuf1:11er, nnde . I t,hwk ,Ii 11lay go coutl.d eutly . .y1;h..t ' p,e~ ~De III \b. \0 ,1IU.d,DC . . . hll .., l\lIndr.t _u." "'an. ' • Ity foI .. w Vllr" lI",e fron, UnlOIl J)UPOI.: It "GUB Evergl'~e.U" Wall a decided fo.. r. before' ahe 18(' .lbe ~Ic~ip' ~lJtbtf~ ~f.••1il a\IO-' . --i!~~~~~~~~~r.~~~~ Ilru.!" It , •. ~ IVBW . . . . .(ncep D'&'r~. ....... ~Ol'lte " II"a ..DoI1" . ' ., my h fe.r, 1 Sunilay_) , grounal~ ... nctlag aD Imme~le brlok frelgh' lhbol..s I. " · , lad~>Dg it e ~lrla of 0 akHlle giv Sto~ eU~or.. el,.. illo' 8:'7 A.1ItI. (Bk(I)luter. an<\ I r_e~l1y beheve roee abd dre.eed tlXpedili()aaly. fifly·oo. f.e& "Idea ." I cqul~ hllallre4 Mcnnll ".lIb tbe 5 ~o A ~ »"Y. E.,pre ho.vo had any . of them that , lite was \0 joio her eODlilis a& au aod tbreefe et ; lhe (ron' ..olloD " for .tjle ask. (\'0,11 6ull&lo, .Iid ..rr\, ... III :Ne" Yurk.I , II belDl A I b I' kM1 ..... 10-30 P lvl ) mg. y brtilkraet, IIDd I~e bad over.sle p' l"o.tor ie. !O h.i,ht....d OOD 8 e~ore rema:r "'" JUrs, ....... '· · , 7.1..... M. ~.aBM M~ . .~ Ir. Wbeo lit la.' tbe took Ibe tb. local olllo.... .; , Eve rgreen is not pre8en t, and. 1 in . • •.aeN,. _",daB IV (lO" • • .. ~ kirk" D~lly (.... ;"1' ~ l:t uIIOay.) . S~op. ul d41~e my though key, ts • , unlooke 80mew • • d lhe ~oor. lind departed_ bat more ala",o""" II.IO.A M, .",1 conheell At HllrI ; • J, ' . ..,. ooll .. i(lo a nd (;or";111( wiLb Ihe 8,30 A M free y than would '" I loa& no time io ,Uepillg Oul of my W1LTaD •.l-DllrID& 't bi el.alioD otberw~se be the ., . 0818.' J " EX/II 1 MIIII froR' Hulr. lo, .nil arti.·....11 ~8Se, l don' t think In a mom entluy im"hllm"ru l plllee ,of conoeAlment aDd ~a. paigD iD Ne" York Lhi" ran; that 1 cared 1 - , _ . N .... York al 7,1'0 A lit, lol~ , " . • a joke 011 him, I slipfor Bny of theJ1a kville from the hotel. 00 Lbe 'Ilira I lowing Amuling incideat oocluf til.' Mee BI8', . ",lGP.M .IV.YO BKl'fIO DTB-X a'_. . . · , a '. ' bM,.a I.arge and 0. high " I"" I~l"" lJuukir~. IJM" ~ (, !\U "~M)' )."- girlS, h0:wever comiDI oul of hie room ... bo political' meltin" muab &0 'he dl.-OID... " ~d I . m.ght have o,II: iillo Sf," 0. ppoi.! " AnhlJle. Pu,ll,!" .' 1mltn~ t\ cat (of SIOri~' S.'~iUftnr'" .~,65. P 1\1. O'. all t ,'5 kept my he!,rt d: . 6tuo of a Ipread .• agl. otator; 11. ( , _ • , ••• V I L • • • P l'o (S~p\, rur" ~r I 9 ,. 11 A " '( 13 kfl), Ind bad not been "rhole this day, ~f i~ . knew he .. .. had adetesfor 'Why. the .. whAt's lbe matter with you Ipoke. "hh earDell ' ,..licalA tioD, ... circum stance awnl I" New Yurk , I 12.30 I' M. I:o,,,,ecl. . soon all he entered tho old fellow I You look like tbe I".~ ing "jlh ~ fle '~lOon T ...iA •• n~. Slelln,... (Ot ",Iuoh l &til about to r~late. .' l • doCl" opened , and I was d~y. of an ill iptmt life. And your 'roUo"l: B.. llon 8U U No,! En.l_ad Cit,.... , . Fred Evans, who had'· been , my ."Mr. Preaid. D\ ~nd rellow oILiBIIi, I· • '. 'of .- indulgi , -. ng. i~ my ooat, tO~Yfhy, it, all OYtlr tf!~ther. woald PlIOi'll .mr.~, lVew Yedt ....e chum, at 8choo). momili l oh~ '&b to make me , .1. Omoli -Notlh St •• nlllrly oppo.ite tho f1lcnlty ~Y g1"l11ng a lIad dUlt. Wbere .havo ·you be.o ·" ' No"elllb 011 .Iroui j)eJl"lC:u "II~r t:xc.bulIlI'e aud l'IIi.cbllla" vi8it at Oakvil le came for "a C\ay'Or el" ol]u.l had 1&lIe ~in.. of a' }' . '•• B •.• hurch. . two n '''''...! . . Slree"" , . Jif~(!bW, • wben . from my 'd b 'Why, I lep. t ollt ""~ nijEh'; bird; 1 would 8, tq' ..,ry coqa',. ~RIIID~.o.-Wllh Chll. Stroud. South 3038 A. a: ~. 'woa.: •• y ·....PB_ . . b ' 10· a8 be.8at I w en he came., u~ be '!'bIrd 8t~"1, I lbllbeld ~el1e Bronso n tb",', all. Our houle I. rull, IIod (BUild'll),. . 1 III Ho,·nell. v1l1.. made It a week or two Iowo'--o,&1 e , to eYer1 VU.,. a.4 .easily enough . posses sion W.AY- -VILI. W. •8.0. ofthe npartbad to find qUlrtera .1.. "l1e,e. 11m ..ort'bllD l.'..... ia thil broad .8 <5,0 "), 2:10 Pd' ~' after I'd taken him ,about a' litt.l~ a: IIDd, aDcI. "..... ...., . (0 ,oe , ., Ult going home 10 dre.... ." ar· mong t h " \'j • • , ,u ,. I 1a d'1e8." Wh en proclaim ~o .v.r, miD, "omaD o"k . e young iUt~nis ht1uint '1 JOE LEV A . NS f ",as BO great, '1 .bould 'lly .0 deoidedly. 1 'lIee, it .bUd, tb~ .uoot.. of our par,y." oit Grea' ,.vil,1I tliat time baa expir,e d Fr.ed sait! he ,: ' · ." mortifi cation 80 in· all. old fellowl Y~u've been 0,\ a lark, , • Slid ~~~letll no,h:oftd renlly must go ns be didn't know A:& tlll~ poiDt • email ~.r .ID .,~~ d[d . n ot! as I sbould u:a~YO:R, ,lid bad to put up \0 the ",atoh·b oule; crowd, al'led 'out: 813:~I:.i?~~;:~~M&":''''1a ',&y• •- hat ·,h'is rathe~ am' ~o.ther ~onld ;~ .,. , r . " myself immedl ate- oome DO", own up aDd telllA' all "bDut . ':Dry . ""<\ Horll!'Umli , 'I.)"; IY \~\lII,.b.)'.-exr"",- ~hin1r of.I118 long abBenc e; but It onap. ' IOU old fool: 10a d , ,-A rphe:r; . '.rhus the oppor- iI/ ed). Arrive III N~w , York ut 7,00 AM,..., ded in hi's relieviu ehot for a poel beCor. 10\1 .8• .., ~ I' I g their anl{iety by +".,1• • dfsct)v crv and explanll.- t oNe) lark 11& all, Frtld ; nolhing of the I ,l'J'«)'ll'AliY IP1lJ~~l[(O, ~il;:.c;/:: ~!':~\,:t·;~t ~:,~~t.';""hf.:r~~j~ (\ lettet ~nd sendin g' for his trunks, 1Il1Ie.I.' , . ' '" •. ! 1. , 1: 'dared not move a kind •.1 ",ure you.' Way"e ty"'e, OJaIO.. < li'norc. W•• hill.xlol", R .nf poi nIl S~ul". , Tbe .,,,mp'l pe.ker willed. ~DU I knelf how tbemat ter was perfect ly ,"!'~h ... ,.alt sincere ly that some . 'Well. ir no' a lark, .lllt kind of a bdy ~k lbe loor. III!JO P.M••,I~UTN"'''' £X:'PR PM; w ell, and tliat- Belle -Brons on i had eJ:~IIIII. ' " ·.f· ) l) . l: "'""I)" tilc" p'od). SIOIlIi at 'f!o ,·nduv.lle ,b ulke her out of the b'rd w.i .lt? ll'rom 'be look. of bi ., • • , 'tcb d .... hi t f h' , $ ,25 P JIll (SUI»' bnd arrive. fl . ' ~ .... , in New York aWl 0 ~ m OU 0 IS r ye sense8, ID4)m. e nt, and .o.~ •• vz • •TRII PBACT ( cOB OF 80 faeilita te rl!a~her' I aholStd .IIY it ""I 7 :00 ~ M.Crnlll·clio1i: a! Jer e\ Chy with Fl'eduRedt.Oputontothe How TO MAn Mon,. -.lAl· til. h\a.. I · . ~\country m]r -'Itc!!lp4a. ,. ' . . MorOHlg • Yo".'rB • .t::xpr ... ih. . Tnlln g. o OI8. or 'Frtjd. HUI. serio .iDeal of ev~rybody e.1~ .lOa., alid ,11 :: N.. ~ . /~ne,• .air the quiet which was benetlt ,I 1 • - : II' D IU!lroad (or Balt'~lore end WlllblPJlon,. and' the key, anil, a8 o~lIly, I've II word to .ay to you ot I lend to :roqr b' h uti '., J .l ~ D .. ~ '1 " i flo ." " .owlI.;' don !I!\lI ,~1 Nn''lror wba' 0 1& k with MI'~.fIh'll" E~p ..... ' mg . l~ 011 , ct~ " sound, prepare d to m'o l' importflnl ' nature. BI! .a \ ~aD. dqn: yut t .was 110 ilp It '1~loD. brlmch el' noUo be eXl'ell. £"lI,n (or Boaton ond N ...... ~, n,2" "nrt ,<;.11«;1. uee tryU'.lg to deceive ~ wlinl • ~.e ev~ry bOllr &0 adulI." .' t me, and. L told she ' . iD,*ber tl • . NoDe b~t lb, kneeled down' Fred; and make ul"YO\U mirid 10 tie", t~e, and 'ludy to makel. l,ure • • 0 P. M.IV. TOB. IV.OUT ~s..P.", him BO. Then he owned up frankly , . o.nd claspin g , ~met~iDa ~%oe •• lvtlly diMagr eeahll,- u'lful; ' Iwic • . before 10~ ·, bOll.... O,,-!I.XI S.IO,," ~t , Horll-..llev ill. 10 ,;10 I promise'd to help l)hn all i 'bro~ , • • • " II" T. R 'IA L U8. D. ",u" ...atlll& w,ln th . . . ,16 PM her hef!d (so feln'- Ii. mus' 'be told YOII a.ooner ()r , laler, away · . , C- . 0111 ' t ' hl 'f·1 d " h '\ i . · 'bllhn ~k.~n<larr"e.· Ne.Vo rk.t g-TelU .m~r I neeu~ any e .p n th e th\lt .I could hear aDd J mIl,! A. well lell II lIow.' . ' fa .;;::~ b~ve anolber ~ ~k.• fUl! It,. ~odl ~.~ . lor •• PI.lll.-ln .•I~~·v~)ry , ear, hit lui.*, I ~Good .HllanD I, GUll how: , .. ,,~•• t aUoa o.. r ' 1o~r. 0WD I .. -, . ., melD W...y '0 • 1111 Wr. D r, ~~ftj , " j . , ".hi 1\ooIa ~r 'JOtar ..... .. (y ' ~'l ft It. u~t~;;gtmttl"' " ~en~ioo ber nam' ~n••b~ d a '.~rokeof.a.1 ann & W".,,,,,, Railro.d for ~.~Of/H o,er, ~ • •-- S." W ... yn ....ill.. , or tlunk flf bl~ 'lin)' .ore" for to,:,r t~d•• ,.lrlocb to.". 'l'r.. "I"" .~ I'h'l·" .....d at N"" York I . -_•_.1.':1,' ~ AM , .. !»Ht ~ .biar'der. bac \' . _. "'Ilt .ft<l'I!<IO ~ Tni'ill 51I)'UII.,. for • I --= DeVllr be Iny~bina to ' ~oa. , 1 nl.•• r tl)' .\he.. traok: ooDfro.,,4ltBda . l!\IIton aDd ,!'1.,, 'l>:ogl.ndalld Cilie", • , .. ' "' '''LttII t1S " -a'w~ ill. '11m" ~ 1IIt(O'IlmIl~ Ii hl. . 'J. 1\ from ortl wbo \lnaw •• \ .~Oat w ~. · ~a~"*'1li paran , . ' W lIP .r...... .. , hi1 l» ....\;140\11 · \lII.No.. , -W\Q) 0111, One TMlln rut "t on ' , \\e S',!nctfty. b"lloD~ lenlng bellq Bnf. 1 i"Uacbe feared u. I .. I ' d 1;0 it might cl\lap~ . .., laa~; ,"GuSh leMa II be so with Fred N~ 1'1&. I t tb (.10 ~I 6.10 P M, .lId ruobl .., N." Yorket 12. , eiSA, aad 'b" omeb -" YMise I"ou\d faU IIIar· n::r ..;n I • ~ t • '! rd I e 80 PM. '1 ' er ,Le 1'1'Il1"1~, ........ will ~ ... uu , , '! I!.. I lo;~~ ~r".~' a~ •'~lJr I~t 1l~8lt~.: ,0' BOlton .nd N~w Elnltl~nd Po...,ns Evan8, and warned hjm aoco ingly; su!'P~ And delap eJDotion When' 1 meaul to ,mllrry iI bel'. There' , no mi.· honori, d; bu, I.brink (I'0Il &be &uk aIMI .", bnt Fred ,said' he'd halo,e her 'if'. he he~i:d her utter 1~he~ .words ~ "Bleps '&"e lI\lout it; eo bear qp and t'l ),oar 1011 "ill ~ .. ,th tl!"lr 8"Tc~' ' a .... lnUl.rrl ld lue 011tried I\)} hll life; thatl d..pite4• • I ' Witboh t her, (lear mother , sister8, Iludfrie nds' Iuok ,1,e"H ,re.' · cb;;e~::O::1 YO"'!'.'llled and .t L ... Driou. lif'e WIlS naugh.t to him; ~hat she was my i ' ' ~tes8 "ll n ound. me, ~nd, 0 God I ' But Fred EVAOI w.. not to ,be dil' S".:.:PINGCO,AC~El.~ WI~"e_rld,~ tbe' oDlyJi 'Vibgb eing w~o bid STORT A80fl'F Kno"Var~-Tbe' At- ' evet ble~" 111m .110v·c. ~Ugu8tus Eve..- o~urajedb.YiD.rQbere,"y, accolII,,,n, .11 DISbl lraln, on lb," r.llw .. ~. Tbal,. " baDy':. &Wakened a ~eal emotio n 18 his 4rgu,hu tbo ·l.llow lb,· ~eep, and 8bow(~r down thy milrc[e s d,y be went to Ie. Bijl\B, del.rmlDed Clotk.~ . I:t"q~..e ~"ckfJitC:::Il"",.fJd )'.r. al· &0. After that I said no more, Slog Sip, : .,' I . • over Mm: . An'len. an " "Ah, ~" 10 koow hhl fat. frolP be.r 0"0 JipI,.::' ;:a• °k':'"IT,h'k , 0 : ~uRle: 1 'rbe.wr hi b closely y .bold observ K.teh' ed the lIP"o~ lovers, r~' a.nd ~s.', A . eaid my divinit y to 1 E,;'lti ., ".,. " C IL.I • tor Ie eta ... Booo after, b!! left "Oakville Ilod I did in Siu J 8iDa. aDd "hiah. IPaDf can be obtai"ed .t• • 11 RrinclpMI ··h Ticket iii. .... Jor- "' came , to th 0 conel biU_... QSlon · ~ a... utY JVI!Ie from· tbe devot·Ional nql ',lCe . h'I~ Ag.l~ •.If faiN, ID&o in the Wett and ~oulb.We'l. r .evo~1' 1 year.,~ .bOlrl,II l,eD , was by no meanB disagre eable "'~~ .. I&i• • ''If,0U but knew that I named ,.h'n.m lltllog lam a 10"0 ODe dAY. &\00 H.' R~D~~.E. : ,. WM. ~, BARR" thi~gs ",,:~nt on in .~his, way ,b. iDlti'tltiOQ bat l!IIlta. , very name in my pra'y~l's , JOU I o~ bri~giDi hi.~ bom. witb ~ha' &h.YOllDI hi ... wu ';"eq$,r G~n ~ ~P I. . ' , 'fl,.tt ' G!~ I. Pa... A", deftmte ·r esult. u~~ F~d .. i ~ I be le8s indiifer 9nt to me I" ,,~d plesl!nllllg hIm 10 hll ~Id dame. ,abe Jlri.ou, .... aiaed"tb.a;"A _-..l...,. ,...-r-_.........,.-_ _-'-_ _ _ _, I'VIIU a. sudden summt n8 ~ome . breat~~d j~bort before, aftot: n"lI" BroDlo D-lbe pree~D~ Mr.. E,· .,-AI &.hell lakeD .".,,,~ l ~i'l"nd.oI, .\ ,.'11~"" "~I ' ont of bi8 mother 8 illneBs. bre4th 8eemed to desert 'me "fireea . PBOrO'GBAPB10 'ARTIS TS.' .' be back to renew 'bls and .l verily tbough t· t.hat . IAh. Fted \' lIIid be, .rter diDDo, weDlto Earo~!t."bil~. b. DO" I. u.oo"." . ,.., .......~.,. ~. Y. \ ' . r. aDd that there I" will " ,maiD IID~I j ..,.. I insisted upon staying ~t ~e ' 'or my heart wpuld he- ~beo my "ife and tbe Iitd" £ .vergreeIl8 ""d , .. " ., uHO'I·O"R.PRtC ART Hotel rntbel'·than wear out- his before 'bo .~piraLlo!l of bil, '.D~~"" ,>, , n. c Il,on 10 our .. as an an"'el W bad lel& ,u.' to ' ourselve s-'Ab. Fred, "ben he will ... " ., OALI.,E8 · ~ d "'~d' . V. I)ojbblilb.rt ,I840,,,~ heY. for Ihr come retum '0 . Slate pr,'lJ1I > at our. h ouse, ." WJ lng d ' I bb ' i" , as a 8uow:llake, Jl>!l ~.erYfl ' I , .. t .'1•• Y~an ,\ad ftd'.I!"/f~1 IJlI,.ri~ r 10 eny mOll,,~ance8 ..II.:: .. ' 18 Y Ir Ca WIlen and 'Ia, uOIII ,,,,u. l,,, '''!'"'1h Wlavai hng, ~fg •., tbel'e ~ • . ' off the gl18 and get IIlher",.nl In obt.. nlqlt ..lItngo from went aUowe uml to 10le roy, bllarl to Lhe II i. ned lhat • "~liLore &o~he pri",p The landlor d - honest 'lie, 9 r • 11 ,tbe' PROM1NKNT .cE.LE BRIT1 KS' I !lelt her soft; . you were IIlIalc'Ilg IDleodln" to oot 110 bim aIP!!n'" 11,. IIA""I qf cl~ . · of lb. day ill C~rd l'~'nraill, &Old.~ bO" pub. DOW11sbury-gll;ve .Fred, ' ' . ..~ at . my BUgI ' . ... f'. • my head, ami sbrunk ...' " " ,. ,I .. arry 10nrae l(-A very .b!lbbl1rlo~. Ii.b,ng a t;at.loKue of OYer ' Ylot •• DPr, In the omlle 01 \he , . • teetion . hi8 best bedroo m, No. 20-'- tb..~.ra tloor up.())} whioh ..",, ' t I was exooe of "bioh Juever .uAp'ecled )'Oq I 'i .iltj-. .6.e. t- ... ............. am particu lar in m~ntioni~~ th~ teD~~d. where be to be ' ... pl!»),.. d. ,', .. Wh'~ thougti ts r\1shett So I ' h~d 10 t.lH him (in 'trlllL .~ollfl' .1111.- of <r~pl .. ,o, , .. . • !' ~ • , Dumbe r:. , 'H.e ~hall hay-e ~o 20, tbroug~ my, brain! Above r ., •. " l me lay 11 denoll, of courlC, .. I tell y~u read.r) UIIID~llIoOlun. !, ao~ J ,.... . . ~~ :&... ~ ........ .... Ou WOULD ,, Mvo, ' Down/l bury. "~ny IT ~ ~A~nal ior ., young arid unllopb,istlcate dgirl wbof· lilt ab.out thebed. room . ajf"lf At I ", ' . ,~, I, ' . ,jona l iI' ti.. Ri ' hI ~~Y' 'lJi.,lio 1/( Ibe E jlCop.I yqurs, Ml!oster &b~ Man,Jr .teQ w~o milt & ••11'4 beu.r· < Aug~tn s, sh I have ly uD~n"c ;ous thlllt the one sbe lov· ORIIYII!e Hotel,' lod Ih. love thaI i r" lban' Iny. otb.r t.O.NI;eat a poIrqUIlU .I. Cnllrrh!' lbe J..,t'o'lio cle~l!ud the Me"lv the best I hnv~ to glV.() .... D , " . '. ........ '!r,llaclk_n all ~.noDli~... 'od.; aU prominent olllce ... of Ihe I ' m landlor d." It W&8 as 'Hlug. 'UI ed.tay 80 closely to ber, and who hAd olll or It. U.n "hp alk ~ou ~o ll,tli "IU.I. 0. ,pleaea nt for. the first time been mnde w~~~ ~~~ . , ~~~ " ~~~~~~.l.I'III' "" andll,le lbey re.~ pU& alo!Jd " IOII.thiDg ,,,\<I ( ~cfq~and .".d "". ... te'... ecIr8~"e~ ,~; r~m,. ;. pro(O;'llo . 1oolklDg n.1 billi.riI 'J 1_" pl." ~u t ~ on t. o . dlstan t ,lDte:reBt in b1m\ . of her by beari ng ! BJUDqU lO '1'011 El'IGS.~'H OUAIJNKL.-;- b ~" ..flU.U. ~" ; fD~,t-h.cel~b"li"'; p,cla~ea oC . ~\U!l and beautif ul wlnd g .branc.h words , h llIaM,I"'.. ... w,bteh shesup posedw e~t only M. Charle, Boutel .of Pari., "ho ,. Iuale ..,d-·terull'l~. . ". lieD who tellilor tbat ~ID q~e i.· I of tho Blackw ater; buha t cared to Heavet'J " I kriew tti'en ·that the ~Do"a (or hi. iogenioql ell)brayage (or 10 aQQlb.r,. 10 ·&ba\ ill ) C.I.loKu •• :..ent on reetl\ i't o! Slft~\"" . {or 1011 ~ocl." Yety dlf.t . 1 8CeBOr y? he as in, the t If.A ulght mQ'8t'paS9 BWAY, and the morn- ~Ailway. lind IIi, u'y I clever '" . . . . . . . 8 II dolen. p,elar.,. .rom All' order ooolri · 60ul& f • tb to 'bl" g,' d ~~,t<ll!lll; • ."a, a~ ue ~I\I b. one and 'b4! lodlof ,til••, I could II n.d al ,1,80 . ... an d ' h t B II •• n~ ...t · 0 . t ,ance 10 . g . . 1I:)g eOlue" . I~ 'l . ~ O t Iil e e tilll!! t 11 rs b '/1 ';or COli!' " , .. eli..." mlltl rRtE!" Stngl.• P,c "'''', U eea ....ach- not lIee even eas tar (Qoeou t1Dg boilerl !,glllRl tup o· ae·o ar':l' IS v I, nOBe, e~' l~ve tho a~artmcnt befQre I could .ion hal eDlu.d a grllAter fi~ld I .~~"~"Ulll' !,,~lIed of eD. 1!~~~'ni~ Hero·1f)or l lllper. of · tbe , oo,mMoa .. : ~::.~~g J ~ ~~~:,jf ~~:e"IiOO IO cept iq the directio n ~e's cO,tr veptul'e to chain~c even. my l)()slt~on, p,ri';, aud ~lfe!. 10 loin tb. · propoli ..w'_ "ill ,,~.... I\IL",IOIII&ock . .~laiJl~J!" I". b"" I'.:Ir r"pl'O<1l1cinr,o' cttft!I!,~ tago. 1 U,IIed, to go · ·or to- F.ret! II . "a.p. ~hom ~u.h : p,.r~ mlodetJ, .BeJ.l.e , had ll\ln perfect ly motion - LIon of brulg,n g Lbe chAnnel ~" l .Ieb!lll lo),.-)J tile . , O,dD'l:.erreot),llr•• Alllbrol,,,... C.r!\ .l,a. ~06tn and ..moke. belw.. n .'t.rD.~L · J1If IODI " ,aal1bald, are II ••• • while he . for .evetal minute! 2enDitrl,I.. !, am~ Wt\8~ 1 1i)oYer .nd C~I"il, Mr. !;JouteL claim., d.r~~ 'ic1io\l~p', I . t. tb~.fac"ba& be .Ie Jural, . r ,. or....... .9ft . . . . . trill . poor Wl'e~~, " . lIull'e:" ft~red myseIr , 108ing bel'scl.f in ~h.\ ~Ie can, ilL a COlt .of ~16,OOO,OOO .DeCle~ , ~en . .. h? " q\arn\\ ings,' doubts , ec\ :"1 aU , Did &I,.ep; when sudden ly abe exCllllme{l Iterllng . COD'~'UO\ a gl!raMlo pontooD' Ihelr l ralatoa ';"DJUW!l~ts,.iillt,1 ewnl.rrillc~ It"..... t!l(wd' ~'Izek' alM!·lht'lnllb,"Rlfd,n ro,I. .. ( love bim ? ,.. : . w.. the' ques-, to ~erself, "Tber l'-l hayeu' t look- bridge ,,'th .ter () on, or nil . II " ",I I e., 0 ,... ,~, ...the:" . J.... t ;. " , ' ," .. ......... .... -M tao whlch .. , . al\ Ihe D.ot •.•ary "pptlr.· )1.0 who bah.. be.D , ~Vi"ry m oln' . e~ tu u~der the bedl" ' A. . horror ran ' ' ... lod ,eL '~e ,work ope~ for baD doQe'd' part=..= = o o l d IlJ~reforeco ... of h~18 ~ltletence. , . 10 ~. ~ mo.' , to ",bleh with tbrough~e;' alli8108t: what sbould tramo iu fin ,ea"', Ther/! will be.o- bl ,all, lrl.Ddl. Nlpoftd' ..illl uo dir.ct,. Bead for a U!-'OIIl1e. t,Jle c~ose.t ' I ' • he could [d(ll/ Belle J:08e nnd I bea~ ber penioga. for the aoa'eDI'-liae ot .llIp' , M.D .lao ban ~II . 'l' T~.1; .upl/h.d II. "w...1 ~llC9anl, bring , p e~&ed ~ ) reply. - fC()llng tor tbe mattcues. She struck ollrigllt lo, lite obluo!1 Itl ea~b end 01 .w~D~J.d by . ' "'!I~rtr Gall~'1 . 1tP"" f9~ Free J~lpeelion •• nd SOlJ)etlmes he 01, 'Word or one,and was mOv'illg toward thc ;gas I~' bridge, ~t':ft"rt ,,"mnr lb... CIl, wI1~~ oN ' GII~~ r, Lbo brldgo ",I) ~. pr~· lY.ry~od1 " . ,' . I , I .'" I beyopd , Ugh" when the lut Ifer went ont lent- ~id.d wilb Ind _I. I tled li,hl·bo tb.~i:h(~':!hi:e·~~:;~~etfo:,. IP ~f or u.". A(ell who 11U11~1~ pop alar "~i"" "'. in his others he fAlI- 'illk .• U darkne( ls altain: ' reo ~uft'tl" ordinllry Cllrf~' W,.YI. and ~ •.J.. GUM£Y " t;ON. PIIoI"ffPIph..... ~~ft, "I~j) "~ "',,a1,' ,......; ~.~~. > cied he rend and indlffer - lh~l'·'bl\t bow bril)tl ".Aft4in ~~~~~~~~~~~~i£!;~ ~8aI) . rO.,-1 of g"l ,laltJp' b; .w"1 of. Ur• • }Io~)"lok II? ," • 707 Broa d ".,_ N. y, . (' l elule 1 I In' hcr In tills 'Coild~tion he~ 'feehnt r ,t or tho . mll.tclleB ..I tl'y' 00" ~lr; BOUIe. oo.ul.i d.r " tbe of Mun wltp ~~ ".,.IT!! '.,.,'ial a o~~·, dared not preas ing to llg!lt one ~r anothe r, u ,ill r~adlJ~ Iller ,It • .g~uge of MII~ wbo ~I~. :-I~ ),9' \~ ~~~" • •• "rn,her e . haaty step taUed ' to· ~t~ite. then ~n 'Ob, .lleir ,whell ,II~ bridge il 'c,o m' MeD • flO, ·1~11...t!11''''~).\)1~ ,...,. •. grief. , ,' are ,.'\4) more·I'. ~ped pl.ted .-Parl1 Time' , &pI~ 1. !~ , •• 'bere,~ I, .~ .. ' e\lmeet· solicita tion. her Ups.· 'S';lo!. lft,rel' whls; , ~ '_' . • .,~,hqt~ teo . ~ t~~"~ ') , 118' to . pe~ -.1 .oul to me, and I thapke d :. "Yr dellr youDgn Ildy." nalaim e<la \ 0 ~b tb:e. 111 O~!~ :~, OlIl..:. t \. God' in sUeoC4! /01' my ' deljvC!mnce. I..nlle. a';; ~Il aID ~. to.I.~~4 . ', '1o~r a~ praal.ol1, ow ....:" ", >-w, • ll.tlh' ,rQped Wckt. to dId III1L1I1.DW, . Yc>u aalully liIIab IDlf ...... II ' kJwi ,'''i~edlate1y ~It in, '''rt I" ··Well. ilr," 'f,. plild da...• . "'D. P dllt.ree t!j)n ~~!d ~ . o~. "'1',. be'e~ ~IUI~~' ~ .~, ,,,,,'for ~:r.-..::.r"J Jib t ...:. arol'.D~ , tb~ liQttonl , d di. lA' .boar. '. ' I "Ob "1 .11l: IN, \b...... . ' 19lttWlftO'r--Qailllec.:..arUy prolo~PQJJI~ l,Ier.piD, q '. .. T~ eStMrUDII. 01 ••D1 • p~ no';.~ ~1" ....)peQ~I. b4I)WtlY.·] it 00tald.~. 1 almost" felt "\fba' • (oot I'" beeD 1" TW .1I~ri. ~ me "bM I clriDIl,.f · ="" I I ri.",:_.w lll_ 8 ~Il h~~k m'dt8CU of.ln1 • • : •• rOo! , MiD .. bob." ,......'~' · 1~., ..llll',.;,.~aiW~o\lL 'All • OD\1y ..~;;.~ , I'v. -;:~i I'f. d~~~~;;;;··;;.~l~~ " II L_ ...... at...~ III. T <III far, Ju.t "r .81.- ' . . , .... ~ to ~tcH·~ppart Dt17too .,til. p_l.f ., ....... .... of .... KIa wIio qq .... 'no ~tr WM hear bert Peili, ,h,.ia D. Sad tbe. . . . . 01 &lit II...~ .... .~ . . . . . . .., . . . . . . .'I'IUl'fO .

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IOIIM were ....., IoMri .ere read,.a d.ble to !!!!I-!!!!!~= CO 10 I••• bav, ptodace d wid. apr~.d iDdlpat ioa. Tb. pluldel ilg of cboaH



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,1I_mefur. Tb. M~1I1011l1l' IN PUIU3UAlfOB OF L \fe Invite the .peeW attention • I. Rrl;oUD tA.~r. Tre•• ~re,r or w.,,.D C~11' Ohio. do b••Ii,. or gri.noc e. i )OD,. Pltblio me,e\ltllll,.~ notice, nate. ol ~~~ th Townsh ip., 'lo.....4. Sc.OoI;J)!ettlt our ' to the De'; Time Table p 110M', ruo)",iClIII, 'har~ lie ••ola dollar'• ..tlla..... f property •• ,h. Tax n.plica te of gI.e nhl 00I&u'1. (or lh.,••r ladS; .... ~ ,'l"'" annexed Table: of the Erie Railwa y which , .ppcar s . rtic)~., lIod appealJ 10 l~gl~1 . ' ' , • ... lD t.o-day'. J»P81', and bog to Inbmit, 00& ruIB,. realber. ~helr , "the! '.I~ .....".... OF TAXATIOB 'Foa -!rB.B :YEA . 1886', III TBE 8BVB Ut. "I'" Iluurm?u., .o~ tbe!r I~~.~ .or t ,,_r.ti~n, the 1'iQlInJi'ing 1'. .. va.L pre IllIU ,.. TOW _'HIP ". TOW..., ao. ,com.,Um.DtAry notice ot tllat hne AIlClI"t 0011 year "io, . IU op~.i'i oD extracted from a recl!1lt Dumbor I' wu orgaoiz~d. 0011 10.· COUN rY TAL the (J1t~ago &ilr()(ld (}uell, ; . "~re cq uired 10 buylhem cllf, SPEo r-u T.4XE.8~ Tbp Erie &ilwa,y i. IlMong the aDd thlna_ w'$It Oil •• ber(~re : n~. Ihey very foremQft of the be t built, best .ere wor... 'l'he ()O~pIAI~~ lim IUID ..,:;' I etoc,ed , ~l kept up, cmd bestmlUl- mef'iD..Nnr .Yor~. OhiO IlQd 0 \b~ .hl'l. . ' ..; aged roads ill $W$ ooUlltry, whiob is., wllr~ 10 grll\~oul!. a/ld al,palea , ~ 05 8lll '1 , t.. ... ,E-i , > we bow, ~yjnf{ mt:lch. Whatever 11.0 (~r (rom hope of .reme y, E-i t'4 thal N".... OJ' To. . .,",' Tow~. t" mar be themerlts of t,be 6T~ !/uug, ~ npproaehed de~p'lr. f arme ,,: ~~~ " 01 railway in. economical /lcnse, the (rultgro we!, and 'Ihlpper 114 QI!: s ucDerally. to3 0 SoJlOOJ, DJIItaln8, 40. ~ extraiiomfortJt Affords top0.8songCl1l we~e d,epr!nd of ~ucli or ilIa' parI ... . ~ 8- . 0 ~ ~ s:'i : ~ ~ E-4 ~ Is obv.ouf. The im~)"()(lptibly nco Ilelr CftrDID~1 ~ll1cb 8bo~ld ~I!ye been E-i t'I'I ~ lit ~ c quIred fstigue ,andnervOllS .e&tilessprofiLe, 'lht! be8~ lDfor~eJ aDd .a ~ ~ E-i .~ DIlIl8 ' In~uoo<l ~.v .extended"trav el, is Iw:j II: fo.~ If ~ aa tl 'CI cClmprllhco8lve nno~. 81" lba~ III ~ g I:. chiefly *&8i ed by being crampE-i l. g tbey wefe c\lecked they , .ou\d b ~ . to 0 ~ · o.GQ~ t3 eel and ~mpeU~d t.O leep in ~ ~ fQ {hemll/ilca Dlueb of ', thll ~ E-i ~ ~ poatUon ' :All ,4mel'ic an lttavel erll wQalth ~nb~ (\OUD"Y. . A rull f,~eQ »1LL8. IIItLLI. KILLS. t.1~ts'. KILLS. KtW. KII..Llt. KILLI. welJ , ~I this., 'J.'lhose likewise of Ib" magnllu 4 e. of Ibatr 0pllr.uo un' Kl..u. IIlui. . who . I1.V8 contras ted tbe reilltiv e dlo exlQn! of \.lIe" power apd thens, op' OLEA'R OREEK TOWli lSIUP 1 3-10 6·10 '6 to 15.20 6.10 ' 6-10 comfort or narrow nnd wide curB, pre..ioD8 they iuflieled, .wouM IIdoni,b 11-20 1 ~IO ' ' f 6-10 •• . Spdogb uro' 8ohool • ' I 3-10 "6.10 6 10 '16.20 5.10 I).:io 1 can approoiaW the immcns~ ndvan. ~1-l&0 1 .LlO ." .. .,. r '{h~y hay~ hAd full play. 'l'h,e re was SptiDgboro' CorporllUIlD, . 1 1 s.:.10 6-10 ,6 10 1520 6.l0 54-)0 tage offered by the broad gauge in po klDg, dlolatOr, or ·l.w to replol: 11";'10 1 4-10 1 1 '7.10 OIoarqrllok Tp. Frtle '1'uro 1 l ' 3-10 6·10 1) ' IQ 15.20 6.10 11-10 II-SO 1 4-10 thfs partioular,' . j ' ~hem. " . , 1\.,.)0 . . ' Red Lion & Blue :BtllI I -3 -10 ' 6-10 '6 10 1'5"20 SIO l1-iO 1 4-10 , ' . The region of ,countr y.which' tbe . A .bl)rt \lmo ~go, ,lbe MerohaD~~ U- MaBOIl & n"d Lion Free . 11-110 1 0&-10 • 1 8-10 6-To 6 Io16.iO UO "-10 . .. Erie. travers es oonnot \)6 excelle d Ulon EiP.e ... C~mp.ny was orB811lled. for piotarefque beau\y , and in Borne whl1 Ih e , o~otral i4 ea of II0t beilli F.R.AN nIN TQWNSHIP , 6-10 6 '10 16.iO 6.10 ' 6-10 'plaoUi lratlde ur ,of. scenery. That boll~bt OUL ; , Lh,ougll , 11~llt W~8 Ibe b•• l franklin 8Qhool Dislriot i 1-10 S-IO ,6 ''10 1fjp,20 6.10 6-10 tnc9e1 an<l-mLtMle':of priclge-nrchi-' bUlloe •• going. UCt:,P ~ ' 9-;10 bflll~ bou~hl Franklin Oorpor~uion \. ~ '6-10 ' 6 10 16.20 5.10 6-10 1eeturQ ,at P()rtage is MOue wort\t a oul. A 1•• , l~e olLl I1l0t O?mp81l~e. wu~t £ Lion'" BIUQ B~II }4'ree • r ~ 9-19 i17 ••; 6-10' (I; 10 16.tO long Journe y to see. Your eyes arollsed , ,A, nval W8S mountin .1 ) • •' . ~ . , .. 5: 10 II-JO g Lh~lr >I, , , , leaat.on 't\1e 'agnoultural :'ectioD g~ld~~lb ron~. ~ A " SecreL I ~10 ' 6·10 ' 6 10 16.20 5.10 .... 10 of w8eteru and interior New-Y ork' Vi" ~ 18.'I!ed. T~etr agen~1I ~ore~ire.lar' DEE~F1KiD TOWNSHIP, b-~O 8-111 .1 ' U~~O lOiltrqCL ~ MaI~)o Sohovl Di,ll'iot ., 3-10 I 6-10 6 10 10.10 5;10 11-10 yOIl a,edeU ght4!d with tke ' , ed ,b 6-110 $-10 frQlght I~. auoh .rn~es 8,1 wal ~"'OD CorporRfl.on, . ' . 6-10' 3'-10 6' 10 6 to 16,20 ,.io 8()eDe~y ,o f the. Uppe.l' 6-10 3.,10 uld!ye Lbe Oompa ,!! Malon'" Red Lion FrGll If 4 1 $.10 .1 8-10 6 To Hl.20 UO 6-10 8DtNUehan~ ·:v.all~Y8 . .., • 6-:;iO . No I.llllit WB8..6J:e~ to '1.\.11 6-IU d". & MalQn VUlru.· U .• 1 3--10 ' 6 -10 , i} 1 ~5.20 6 •• 0 b-lO ln~ale YOIl '(latch ' 6-i9 &- O. ,~4, ' IbaL,tnl!:,,' lie IDlide. NODI> !' WUI1, tributAries cODlpla ill 'of Ihia. Dill y~u glIde' • tI I~ .~5.20 5.10 4,-10 'dd. Lhey ~fcei\'e no '7-90 S'7-tO Blngh~~n. lb? l1f1tcbllnta' Union 6-IQ; 6' 10 16,20 6.10 6-10 1~1'VI't uCl itoWns, ~.Dor., Indue!\.. do IIny bOlli.oess ,11. 3-10 ' and ate 'dOnvey'ed 6 10 6 1016,20 5.10 6-10 last to' \h~ wr ~Ualeyer . I,her. ':lre g.eL , a 6·20 ' ... mlDU& plenalU'& 'rip, $brf)u~h ume. , It 18 lhe SllIne 6-10 6 ,rIO ' 6' 10 15,20 6 .. 10 II~ 10 8A1 lI\41y ., . ' ~.:lO IHC) ' I '6-1b *he heart or tJledairy regions of New (I 10, G 10' 15.20 6.10 carry . DO s,rawberrlos ~or, J~bu ,. , '. • r 'X'«*lun tl Ntw, aeract;,; ', (}f ~b. beeaute ,1119 do 110& 11k!! ·l~IID. .~ AY.N~ "O~NSHIP, . etatJoDs wHh abunda at tiine 3-,0 ~-lO ' 6 10 I~,20 6.:m 4,-10 For Ihe BRIDe JlfftMOD, 01 " WaYQelVille:Soh~J, Di.'riot 'If 8-10 ~ ,. ~~8 there ie~no lack. Yon stoll Itt con4ucwr might reject'I aa captain : 1 3-10 . 6,,10 6 Iu I~ to 6.10 6-10 pRS8eng .r.~ Wayo. nille CurporatioD , ,• , ~r .a-o..t lor' 'breaktas~, dinner But 1I!IlY go rur!he.r: O~ 1. s..-106 -10 6 III 16.20 6.10 li-l~ rouin; wbere 1 6-10 • anll.tQl~f.4tbe,,'ery #DeBt wlly111' 110 e?-!"pellll~~; ,pjd rl\I1I8 ar& .14., ~18 in~liJ' or nny ,otl1~ c:gUIl6 10 , 6 10 15.iO ' 610 6-1'0 n. I,ltlly tIRV' , heen charged ~. , ' / ' ' ; 1 . I / It· I ~ ~ '. :: , " ', ' 6-10 6 10' 15.10 6.10 6-10 ' nlllllilDopolilll; Ihi8 Secftjl Oir. , ' ;1f. :: ")Jot onl.,: In til , solidity of tis 6·141) 6 Ie) 15, I\> IUO 1111 0 , baa aerred publio 'hy p~"yiD&: 4 1 0-10 •• ,. ~.b.ed .04. the uniform o..~oeIlence 6-10 6 ,10 16.10 IdO 11-10 , . ~ &-'0 !I. ,,;; , and ot 'ita track is ·the j 6 ·10 6 10 15'rtO its ~ld , • 6-10, , 6 10' 5,20 6-10 S ~ 10 " 6-10 '6tJ:o ~10 .10 •


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HARLAN TOWN SHIP, BULI.,rviheJi~chool . Dlillriot Bu\lllrvillit. ~o':rOr!\LiIiU ' ,N







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orrow I.teat#r obJccta to ou r IlUlDtiODing "to tal lle pra Tl ty" in con· __.t N . D _O n 1\'ith tba t im ma .A I''' l'J f.L & (CO.W 0 rlg bt effort en r pro cu lnt e me m- Ul ele I_ .rA TIO _). Yei "b oU , .., be r of the P. R" Jo hn D& ID unW4J&D BO Mo rri U_JJ. sse y. A ma o .tt b a lOBi bead Tb e fnc t is, Mr , Lead .. ..' Bal'reee. ill Qot , er1 n', if we co uld ap ' J~i .L II .• be lie ve lO be beadloog. O.. .. ..ll...prv e. , wh ich wc mi : .. gh ., t, .L tha II •• t,s uc ll a. ••Ila nd ACOCI , Tb e qui~ke.t ",. y to thi ng as • tot al de pra 11. S'7 4. II. malo. a tall Dcia. _ ...A:cc•• vit / y" o'.... did . 'Ro t t ma 6.l o Iho rt 18 to borrow Il P... . 6%1& , ou r reg ar(I " I'lUMrI JIll.".... an _1 lor Ole "th be lI1 e oO~ h .. ete 1 go ml U fit 10 .01 r. .. ~~!~~~~~ r':~~~~m-r1rTni Lo . ' t. ne ss of thm ' ·to.. .. .. .IUT"~ -DO ;;;.i-----:&:' gs " wo uld pro og wa rda like 1000g • . "'U ..~ ... OIII>. f \'e nt ,. Ufj dre l.e ue . . fre Irl cl, oll , W de :- Iii' •• n.nd Aceem.. . rom .or ge tti ng' the em , ql ... _ 9.90 4 ••• l ..... me IDg WrOD n:I.,~ b, ~e Niall' Ea pre ll. 1 I: a" "u t GOItlunli.Q I> of lhe CQD..rU de nts whioh be lon g to h tic an tec e- lbe un de rst an din \lD ... . for ,h Jud g. 6.01'7 4 • .Ii. J. ' , !L 's '()elumbul Ac com m'u J ,li e" Di. lr'c ( • rec uf on lb 'l W Th ' . ole 0ll i6, who bl . tha I I". \. , ' \) :09 .t. If. wh en co ntr a t d Wl th II oIf hul din g I , f th Plt tlb ",. Bxn re .., \he 0" alB Di~ prc lrie III CO l 8 0 0 eu sen t po · .trl~e ma~ Qh" ,OU and Ih. 90 1l~ 1I of 1.66 1'••If. sit ion . From 3 ,prizo, P~ •• .' In Ihl. Cou n~~ l1 l1l1o.n Cln cln olt i ElI pr. ... ~o ~ ' 11a ~ vll C" IIQ II'" e~lpl"? <:O figh.teJ.·, g'lJllb- 11y 10, (he spa rks 0, Irl CI f..... 'he ' ~ ,.11" 6,10 P. . . the ir faee.. lin snl oo n k .. tre.T. \'e and. th o '.111 • VI' no t ,la p. 0 d g.' teep r an lI~po rti. n,g 0 1mr - fe,eIL mOfe ga lle ral l, It ppns 1118ll! d hc~cby like d. ftnd ,Il" ~rllJ d .1 Col\uw. , .r " , /leter ge ne rnl y , Jo W. H. Cr. hE NT , PrcslJ ncl ' "I IDISTIt1 1'd oO M hn 'l.I,ornssey hus iug I.s pIiL8 neigh bOrB, iUlteitd. of btl . ent. ' r I. Yl. WO OD W4 RD , Sup'r '(',Illi , Bplit by lll~m Jml•~n )lp riJ ~ • balllpllign ,eu . tc • d in Mly In to ~ Co lIJo • A. v. C..lbWl UD Ea . Ap ng~ClS S. .' COlli. 6 tru lU"ty. " 1 ill >. CI. !rk Everybody leC I the e10 BuCtor nt. me nt lS- SCo.l' ly De ~ ' llli U .... ud en 00 co CADWALr.AD~& Aln tbe Pre bl. .O'y. 1'h e horizoon, bin 2~ .LS , & ". ," Ag mI Ldtu:kr sn)'s M on is oy l.\fu)' U.. \..'~~" wh o tlti ,. nlf a ~f l)ie c;ll1ar f)o r~ nc \'c ,' 'st on ed blu e !!7 c. JIUOlf, Ttl4gra,h .tgenl sky abo ve him Y 1~ hO~;I\, ,' • , sp ea ke r fl'om the stn . ' G !'It ON ud , as wns Pl. EAS- I \ S1 l D·D,v\ ~I OJ\ !II) .. You r (delld will bear 40 ne atW ny n esv ille .' BUl l er AUCTioN ~OOMS RE·OP EN anytliing bu t I' , r.\> ~2.,J\ln ~!I. OCI. 14 Ye t JOilU .blls tho tru ED .-T o- be en s,e \'er ' tit. rei, th ; IIlIJ h im ,!ha&. aDd 11. J'urtl!' l1, Nu v. lJ e.l tim cs a gu es t at M eu rs, Sa nd s, W. ·ig hll be · lW fer com es, y~qr t!Dlllny. !:i.&COI<V till. DIV l810 l1t & Co, en t pri soD J\, s of his Sta te, n ac op en ou t at tbe 1V co un t b~~PO!dte{.~ rre aYllcsvillc of su nd ry qu ent ly ca gO ses Il tor vu etb lga n e.r 1' Y tinUed "a s- ~eJ, an ; Aucllo 1:tOOroB" the lar 4lY efil rue geDera gest l!-nd sallit M d y aUO OI& ' linttei:y ' \ nn d'o the r co mp let e sto ck of Re pecad Y' p\n ue Clld\1 oc s No is ev er indifft.renL..4 'reg"rd by, wu.y of Ilm use m( '\ilO~UII'!'; e,' or ofr orM in )ut . thi s mn rke t. to tbe ",o rl ' ••I~d- optu Th e Le nd er ~fl'8, cOl ~ Mol/til he h ... goodS" ha ve be en ob lcc;'~ing, 10B~ !,I\ ell,lm 'ta ine d W uv ue vil le. , . t? It '. I ~' . :; Bu t on e sto .' e wn s ,th~ bes~ , C(18to~.manuf N A,lure prb acl ie, ,ch a~tor~e t~J'~"~ 'lI, an~d rul ne8 1 10 holr tha t. ns h~ s~})sII quen 'A.dlleat I mqod,1I, ahe coeer CID~UlDRt1 , ~nd .lD sty ~. gotteD ~ra,es .lth t\() ,er s even for . le, qUllhty Iy he en pro wera, yc d:' ''IL 1.Jy Ill\ lrl 'es po ,ev ery thi ng 'dc slr ab le, nsl ' nre un ur- hie ~)nrty. 1t I~ ~ po pu ll,r (felu,.iol' Nm the r weI' e sl?eaf l Ilult . powder '~hi8 is an op po rtu nit r. On & llllly" Iliae hilS yl1 \l'e - ers "il1'lii sed nn LUll .aw ll 'etf'ect d ronim e!i," 01' " ton · off ere d to ou r co mm 'iD Lbe blll'rel oC un ity ; an d cd an d l!c a m"lkel.-...as8iIt8 her /lten," n tll e'L ea de r . tb~ tim e wi ll be ab conrt. off, ort , in or de r d en tly QS . serts '; nn d wlintdlstul'ba ,. ' a d·... ,pr,E,plllf,e ,01 nce ~ue~en t sto e It, no A ill;'.. ,11\1 8 or Wo ml ln" l' W8 1j , ·J.:eqe.l\·ed " -"l .'o }Ior vir i ' , . ld . the de ser ve d IUl 8bo\! be os t 11 un prQ I dla' we J give t I.o ,e- Io he r beliulY ou rvli lg t lC oO lul em nn tio ' . 1\ ml . ,. n r.a of tlo res pe ota bl e citizells p" DT,llo IJew fir m ha ve \'emen&.:' 0 he r ho op a, tli6 1I'hol6 0111' pf all pa rti es, W e b() pe Oll l' neI wishes for ' the i.r [juece g h. ss. Do · b or will be' be~ • .. t r i>,ostc d ~n lIi8 in· mil to be all ea rly vis ito .. A hotel clhap . oDe'e r (\t tile fOI'mntion the W'! lit trito' tlie uc xt tim e be asa oil II'U~""JlUI', 01' ""ou ma y l;el)ll'retit. s 8100tum of aD 6dhor~ W ay ne s"i Ile , orid no '.n d iildu!g~d in a t Ind ulg e him - lira de agl\iil8~ ' ou &.~j(j!ieD wi tb wliom ' he wa s on se bll lfi d 'te n rm ma ., gn ify ing mo le. hil ls, Tu .,l'ep.qjr d im pro ' I ' ve me nts so "I ,vi 'h, 8.M ~o; ':Y9U ~9u neede(t on tho Hn ll are •• '. ~ . ld wr ile . fA ve r, I~nr. ,arLII:le nt (liiicl.luiP..l. . . ~.. agalllll~ B~, l\'o .!a6tlt. an d ' the bu ild ing loo aDd pUI It yo ur p" pe r." ks Th e mu rke t'b . ns '. rulei!. ~11 a ne w on . Sro nll 1 ' rin g , "V ery we n," .~ aDe IU nde , ... 't t< 1l du ov .m ~' j~eb re~~!I' and ar, g l'ollter po rti.on '" it is to th e ·w an ts' o~ l.Ie wl!e1t, nn d er lom e CODvelll ..IO Il. aWAY e VI. tor : weD. of tl. Jia , " f. , . l hlw e .11 .st ea dily rec ed ed , 010 , . t. U ' tl t't b laiiI eo ur tl 'fh~ nex~ ~orQin~ 'he ol\rtie • II;' , SlIlg at n , " 0 ,I US , ,11 ow ' III 1 , as the fi gu de hn e of 75. PCl' ce ntu l on inl 'ru · . b~ng ,." • ,: .• r~ !,t" ma de d(\ cel lt, "w e. ,slp o the oftl~e 16 k v"ol nt I res cUr1'el1t las t M on ')' Ill ' ~,! '1" .1 'J,~~',~t. ,ll ~~ be dn 'td y. pe f. r1 ell tTh e.n ~ cre " "/ is no anima.tion in thc ma I If ,~" :"\ ' f ~ I .l SRI"\v i \ ' ,.,.,011 "" .0 i I j . to ." .en joy sornc be_t i~ l'k ot; \ "\~ JDt ING-lI'&~~ ,I fl'om us the pn\ ck ers ur I I.,' ", b'''' .~. ~VIII 1 ·iran 0 atio!1' :A. nef \~ .~ ,.. , '. e JO sti ~ ll PQ Jat o t !} p"p bol<1fug nloof, j h~l;. 11 ;.~ cOIl~s e. of re.f~lgillg ~ pn. llr ltn' I!lY"uo . "'PIIl! ' d'" d be , ~AI. I .J~. ;r t11e ,Iigqr s, 38, ~. so mc tbi ,\g of the. IiIO Wilco.(, G th_e kiok_~d ~w;'ce," 'Our Blollk of l't pLOd uc t .cn u no t b~ ~l ~" r tI ted . noi~elea! , e, ~1 (hs po scd of ~~- .. "W ' tiD ~",} o~ M," iD" be well ree Ive d by We co pt at a 10S rot :~ 8 .e e" Ul1 a .ev "ia ne.o.ple, ill the futlll'O ~Ql d tllc y sec llo thl Jl O' , ert l .rtiu'~ 'u vou de l prewiu~& BOOTS . ror eu!)s·crII)Jr. kJ . d" l rse of tho trnllc tI\ .AND 'SHOES ' is woul d ser.vo to pa ss ' d I 'd" I~ &!re , ell JmI'· . way tl I wonld jUl r tet ' urt l~ ... \ III e IIOr, 4~Dd Ar th ur th " Itt,i'y the m in ll~(lkin~ e Best Quali~·y I wi nte r e'i.'~lil} gs now '81g 0t!d yo nr ntll fjO ~ J ~ , . "!D o el l·': B.Zln6 • nt the .to It .. . , .be gu n, l'<ise ut pri e. ' ' llhcil' ,yi , for '87 . , " 'I Iii " IjJ~nre '~lt . " ew s t pro fit f.' see ~"' m Th o HOIII~ U~g!~loe to ' , 0 .... . ~ ~ • ,'" '. , nt i. no $6 w )0 ftO llc we ' t, ... ll • tbo ug 11 so me pe- , '''! '..: " .. i' kn ow n to lho reAdiug (lIn,.\) theY' W ill uo t en 77 ' ...~ 1 'r'ii d . ~_f.t. ter the Ul!tl'k t I, .., (Ie . . . 'w " Il'eM lI~rOt ·1 ' Jlublio, tha t un !", til ntt a~l tho em I u, ilt ,' ily .D rCl r'e~ aL .ltD,( II" , ,10 "rte l,ch $6. l'll e fm'm<l'rs u~lt .. , ... nt J'o bb cry ",n D I y, and !ad~,,, lI"BIIIl erLI\I.IIIDg' l'a~ ' 'betn III if; th'at I ed ito '. s :tu d " UrOI' rs dQ Dot; Bccm , , 'at the resldeJJce of B rs tegYlrd Iiee r". IQa ;, ple~ntll -tin Lur8 118 all Wl llll 1g to unuau ntt Iljllllllll lieU nt I r 8o lro 8t .om Ille l et Y 'iIID H . . ' . , ·llg '.I' • , i "Q ' .. nt, dy u 't\nd nl' sti ll fee din g, . ON An. d one. Dl gb t of .I ."'T'D " , ~ lg el:.tUnIIn B" liimIpla we ek . Th e l)r efe riu hou ~wlf? l.n fa~" . , ~", art ' T g to do thi s to !\ oe.1)t I,tl ' All. ~1l1l more cOU. . IlaL &,~ ,go" lItll ' su( \ce ed ed iii en tcr e I lOY •• ittg l ielt the lr iL~ 0 r f(llr gouel,C~ tloe ing thl! thc mt c no w ~:IIlIlH" Ill\liI~ ~~phll~-d ~'l' ~ED1JCE~ An d 10 OU ' l 'l'o wh ere the y co nfl \se d nt. em e~ Th t !fr e rec thu ' eip y ts, wil h l h hit' 6\'" thi b Ido ng m~ s ' d"'~1 U) ow 1 ·ma e-y :,reb , ke , el', R11 the . e f uv · . d 8eve~Ji .~a~II''Y, MllHs Ho me ,, ~~n 1n !m ces s 0 t" Y ou, an de ,pt' aine.'. t.l.. uC I ' I r611. bII . :.l- U I Sb e , \)"sldc8 ,uj.!lhi lUg a' LADI~S' '-DnE5S;GOOD~ ' m "m oll l ,. isl.r, U('I all ~hing. lce s al'e. ~l'o.du!\ lIy '" (: ,,' l" . " d . bl ' ~in fll' e; s I' y.1 ttl · -" b ing h j • flr,g pu d6W e ru I Ilg l! .o 110 e. 1 II ,II!BC 8zl ,n~.~l'ql. , & OD ~bO effort WIlS ma de to 01) to t~e '~'iews I ' I ler . w lel ler th '1' eo pnc~ers, '. Tl te eo.l es to-<,h y con~llril!e ~f1v6J'ler R~Dum •., ~, "", be ele rs '\ ,\eOD outsl<\e cel~lI.l"" door a8 2' 000 • d S!l. ~ln g ~_ )ho b bil I lo ,a len~ ~o Ag en ts .' he ,I, th e, " k of". t nrolllllrd, nnd 'hmrnlD~ ,\\ bu , ff\l ~e tll 1\ ~ Ol ro.1, ub l 8 ~- tlCriullrR .. Ad dre -of fOnY '1I1glil, lub . the tio ue g ros s,? 10 . IC~ the m 'if th c"rom ls: HOlds'" AV UU .lIl IT, d 9. 3.t $6 ,I2t ~f},2~ . needod Th e S~!UJ ¥htc, . ,f H I ' No. 'iB Nlll8all SO'ee or .Ir' t o u.r' "d lUI , 1\ 1 ora l. Bn Ne d w . bu Yo tcl J rk. lel . nr OUI 'be uOllillry. ma y , h~ re au "l \ ItO · c the IH'l llc l pa l lmye rs. I18fIletanclI." At thI Th e arn vn • S, thel'O c sin ce No vI drl '8', "'e ba te placedvtl \ru o Blylell ve mb er 1 fdot up 09 .ls It ~ollld be we ll Corgu0\" , . dep ) artuu:DL iq lb . ~1l0"'fI oor FA.SutON 07 , ug nin st 84,7 '1 sam e ~llltlic~. o( tiu le Inst , ym n. 'Y'" I lf () f tIe ' D. "e . tiou I deps·eh Mm e. D'em 'It , of Ne , 'l ,,' """"~"".-vv....._,,,,;;,,_v... · w- Yo rk . tb,cir ho us cs welt fas~ e, -"' -'-~...v_10 , ned, ' AI Dixon, III.; N.ov. . ' . .. n ' . 14, ... Xb II, il the n.ey. t t, · IIIcl ' GODE.¥ 8 LADYS BookIO the itll ro'·ar ine "e ll loa r. C i1l~ dull tl lrr[t. Mr. An . .yI h"U'. l..fe1 me l' De ce mb e ·M de S· t.6LU0'I a bit dre w' Griffin, 10 AS IIl> • 'd ,r or Miss Ml rt Ca rro ll, , J , 'd. - , 1n ,~~ '" til n.lD (Ie -- ,.-....,.." '_ CO liC all . ~~I(j " ~ fI, on . "I .t I~. r()r me dy . e yelU' Ill , SUMr b '. u'r t Wa l " r. IPI ,t.o h~ ~ ~Ujat Ii,!, t ,r S Y e, ren cou t ; n Y'- 01,11.' 0 , , , ' .. ~ It plare ... _,_ '-· , ,.. .. l~ 11-,1 w' oUl"III" • T#A.lflt\lGIVniG,~MI·, For'61~,· the Bo ok pl'9mis6s a~ , .. " I's 1 -" • to ' lI(l -be hin d fo rln or ye ar" in' :.1 ( . . ,') " F Pu D · " M Te "" (, rm ~ s, . " nn y ~ar Iespcct. ~ I " . ' ,in .dy.anc~ i~ -in oo n,t nn t 're ce il) tof :~ Ooe t~ i 501 ' 30ll:0p ' tbe ~~Bi as tl,ie ', unt~r4" ' " · idl ifo .86 Baltimore Oy ste rS. wh ioh 6'o op ' ; Co'r editol's, t.~e stJUf 1g efforts of. tllc --....-.-tlu.l Olll! tlx~rA. "r.o t,ge ttl!l -I.Jb ,'" ,I;'nd siz e .. are no t eqo of \co ntl 'ib uto rs em I)' r up of..... i " , n.l I} ed, oo Ne pie by bl'!l~es mn ny of th nr' Wh eel hl; . Tlldllil1 .(lIod Ua . e&lta .. $1 ill ft. Novem,ber 'It Th e le " na w~mol1 uf .copiH~a.d _(IIlIl.Jllra,l 'we 5 ...... co,l&umpllul'l. WHI'er Bt' is tD;nrk~t: " , ?s e 0 r ""C \,ie f,l<,s,~ ~Q , )·ea rs,..... fL·rmerly of w,riters'-ol'the ngo; l\~l e1oll"r~ :, 8_ pl t Not.1 nven, iUy' ,,:~o. ~estre . a. delicious d~~~Ulh,' M1 ~hi. pl. ce. \l'i on H nl' lnn d, "1\I 9! ,"'FIJr premiO'/n'. \lrer llJa e "Y ' <lh. --- , .'s. Vi cto r, MrS. .Ellet .' 1" ~ no t rnil1f , c~11 a,l1d ge t, Mary W . a pa ir pi chIlJ'.mlllgJ. picLllroB-- ' .etedteel " t 'ay a <l~ oe Sv lll e lU ar ke b. n J uU\'l'in, "'J:f1I1 j 'or,l'bt Mr. To ptl ttu rrt ser ve the in son I an ' Lam AllgustA. Mr s, Deni ~ re of Lbl! SW~J1o-"' llarul ~ /'DtI- Dye-.5~uff's, CarefuUI/ CM-roo fed Eller) d D,~ler8, wr ite reg ula JI •• Ue., ~ ,, ~., stew '. Ltt upertol" ;'V' ek. Iu,rn Ihe Sw .. low.~ ' " rly fOI' , it. ~~don Har~lJ,nd do e' or ' thes6 ., .... , Wi ll be g in II. V' etl!. ,oW' U! be , bf ~opd P~~.lum~1'J, oy ste rs e ..,0. 1, ,a n d W he at ':\Il buettal, , ' to ea I ' no m~i!1' ne per $2 50 (ill 2 76 , (flOm eon w ser ial ~ the Ja uu ary : " • 'no ' w'~otn WCl r. h' ( 'a 01 . Ro 'OD O'iI'j , II Dllmber.- '-· • O~~ ot sub 1 00 @ 00 8"'~ , .. ~odey is iudi!l~eustible ber . 1(11 na ab il'· o'. ' '. '/ OM $0 ",i to leo ll tlte L .Iao' be &-0 ..til \lio t • I.t /lo rib C. T. 'CBdwRllnder: lJM lad ies ; nUTley, ; ! I " lit ,,110 len l .ti vl s ' mn de ~Ild is ~he m? el~ IliO ([4 0 .' ()6 . st wo tis B ."d '-i c'" n"d:itions rth ill ", 21'fj0- (or 'hl l Ilu~" ~~gf\l fl Of jts 'ci ass . I f;oult.nlr'it bar:c·l ... .... , ,tt:I th, e v"'S a ,YOQ.I·, WI tl ed y'. ine.' .~ .... ..u t l bs ~O.mad8~, ~.r no t ' U (i4g ~''V' lO. ns G 0 C ith~ ~~,er stAre stno~ be 11 ~(J P r .' 8 ·S i . F, 'tlur ~ ow't.,11 ' oj,; ll "0 c(I~1i1! llRlllne MMn- L. A. odey, h .~ llnd ,t1\8 , ' e\III~dDrel ',' '79,00 'V' " , H'I'I i' r- D' yeli.! o ', e phin. OU t, ' I. go. aofe pro pri 'et or; 8ll 'd" f' . ,. . . , ~~l :~e ~ ' ne 1 1> .. ~ ln~lIl\,ne Cpr the , Q/, .. , by .", St , i:T • . J8 ' trade ' :oes brn vc ly on ." ~it tl~ For~4;,®" .Y'I''' lIend Ho~e M. , 0.1\ E~g M.. l1n 8 I ~"y II dco .. of g, zpn la, " , t '~e~lI ,t~e~wif8 of Apple --1 \,1 80 ,. GoOd An ort (j' Mr. J. B 100 me nt 0( ""u.lq~,pe, 1~'(;" th rec~en t '.'"' I 1 . i? ~y.hel, !~: ·I~ OO~ . B,~~vn:- co un ty.· HI. McLure, rllbldtng IU Ad llm , Fo dM 60 .• O we J'e nr' 'lO IIu. IIAI, the .,lhr,ll' 'P,..aaljle. j .• w~s buried ,in '" ,t) 'le s, qu'ah ty, an d prI 'I' •• ~amtld, ,. af n uO {I\~ily 'V' • • ce, 1'0,,1118. ' -a :.... ~ "'" II" ", ebe ,b/ mn g, I1S was (he 1l ~~4-'" bil lhe l, .. gtI~ratlltt1e the '8WCtC i@ ,fI1 t~t(nttt!. oa j;... .,l. t , .. .I. en 80 8up l. " "" JW , 1,1& 'r , sed _ D , , el" . .• . Uy "l Dr ~. ~ o· . a.~"(!lPlnaa. , ied Apples f lIY , I U ' Ild Itllr,lIlsl ~n the day to tbP. beet. . 16 J)." ' evN :rhe ~.ohIDe I,W8 011'0," (~ilo0 II8. ,Cb ick ll" '~ tillz " IJ • ' 'l'wo (\" y" arll,r. ~Q old , ,1L.; " eu,. , • .x • an;d IlId T' L~ 30 ~It 0 MF b S~ Gl tw b!) o of ', ) lht) I. C'Ill'lIe ~ lue No; I. & tielOl1lbecllD IRdy', ilh ild ren vil ite d :. L4NTgRNS. ' • • •·..t : . "~ ~. . ~be pIlle!! Btl @ 3~ Lho ' l~JmlT, J ARB. New·Or,eenB Sl1frl. • , when ihliy we re , "IQrll ~ '{l n. 18 ~utJ A re~eijtloD of J6 @ ~u ll~ , by htiA.rioi ~~~~i,u~:!·8ile a VOpul!u _ , ~ I ,a llo u, ' , J ~: tli at' prep8.ratlon811re s'rulln8 proce-ed from I~~ •• ult . ~lllrm. COil' 011 ~ !f.l luD , aJ tit thLs, trle olU raa] ralD~ed, IgI\lIQd.a'b'~.~'Dml·e of our'org 80,. "h lle.the an ize d children h,lI~t ened l1ome. '.1'hl:ir Catb1! nq' gel1tJI~m,e1i;' to rel lev r e 'th e "od- o\II~" tRn 10 the .pq t:,broke op. • . ' i' en A , 8eas~n'8 J.Don?~ny by the d()O~.' r1\i8ed Ibo' coffin lid, aDd the ~lle .,liviDg al)d mau~lll,d body, re ' &~ oh ilteI1niDments winch or Lite J:I to gtat1~ the pnbl~. Fu . womlln. Tb e fietb o~ LeI" ti,l\~efl ,;rr&~ !.1o III r· lorl\ a!ld b.I'Sdi.nlr' , ~ p~r rllce . mutil"ttld . rec eiv o and Ihe IIl Ir - ~ ~ pllrLlYlorn





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Tke above Skirt






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o rr e rugs,

w c a t t a,.




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0111 by the

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»tutWmi OCaiIor,

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Thl. I. a 4leeldecl '.



three ,ean linee DOCTOR. MISHLER'S HERB BJTTERB •• " IIret

Introdllced to the public. Ind durinl tblt tim. their luceeH In Ilurlnlr ~ntl promlnenJl, all dl.eDt" .rl.lo, ho.m aD impure .lale 0'- ttl' blood or dill..,", .toma~h. h'a been

::!~..~;-~~~..,... .,,1. c , ' S'd' J,

.0. ,,,at th., ,be p,op,i.tor i, jUltlped in offednr them I I I I"ecillc rem.dy (or .11 diM.." orl,IOItlnll from the above CIHeI', and I , willi", to refund .n money ea· pended for ,hele if tbe, ral\ tu perform 111 that II clsimed (or lbem. Dr, HI,hler·. Herb tiiuerll guaranteed to .f ure n y. pep. ll. Liver Complelot. Fenr and Altue. Intermittent, RemlUenl Ind Typhoid F~ver, Loll of Appetltl, ... • ball t recel,ed, thlD th. 014 or 8""ln NlltYOUI Affection., Glllleril Debility . or Weakneei cnuled bt excelll, Impru de nce .o r expoaure, Ooultha Ind Cdldi, Rheum.u i.m, Dinrrl.<H, Oholera Mnrblll, Cump In the . GIULLITS, You earl g~ &hl8 • mg on YIII, Pilei. DI.ellel of the .kln, l uch I I Sc:rorule. U1eelf, eta., elc. In Vllne. "i1. . • rill DIII ...e the.. Bitter. Ire I l ure cure. It I, 1110 cerlBi u to remove .11 obatrue· GRIDDLES; The of tiool to the "!!lIlar coarlle of oaturf! io PemGlee, and wil l cure Gruu Slckne.1 or OV AL, CAST.IRON I rial,olfta'Dt IHortment of .' " Ohloro., Leueorrhma ur Whitel. Womb Compla int or FI~ling of the Womb, .&0 .. OILERS . . ' . and lhnl pre"e"" the Compluion vf thOle who use II; but Iik~ nil ramedle. 01 B tT~ES FA L LAN 0 WIN T E R I thil cl .... Ihould bo used. with caution by mllrrie41.dlea. ,\11 I TUDlc and AppeLl· EA.-~.1. .a...... r, th,," Biller. are \)nrIYlUed. of ,II 1111., ~ ~ ~ Coroer Detroit Illd Wlter SII.. Unlike olber pupu\ar rM,.di,,¥ ,be co mpo-ition of B. l\I.. hl"r·. H rb Bitte.. i. no lecrei, for ' , ~ Qa the proprietor I, •• no b.,ilao'y'" ",oklll!: kllow" their Ing;"edieu II: . 'J b e)' ",:e con' p'o.ed , ~f E I ~. ENAMEL KETTLES . . ' . , C"rupRIl ,lIunlbr.k, Spiken .. rd So,,:pwarl, Peruylftll Bark •.-I~ooh u,•. Sp,cewood, ~~ull o, !,. Shl'l'f> ry 1""rted·liJei, ot the bf ~t quallt" . ~ . . . .~ , ..... ~Ir Elm.S ...Mfr.!'I S...... .,.ri lla. (;;nUl\n Root, JunliMIr. SplrlU Nilre. D.l.ulII (;0p8 .... C u ~be, S . TONr::!S' _............. ~ D.uo .. loio , P.r~ Spirl" 0".1 B.rb~rry. ' . . SHOv~r ~~ • , yr.. , . conlilting of Bleck READER it YOU are .lIJicted "ilh d l nle or .icllnefl tr v B. Mllllier '. H erb 8lt1erl. Remelll. SAD IRONS. where you can ,.t .11 ilndl or be" tboollf Ihei don" cure you, your lIIolley "ill 6" refunded ~ th .. propr,etOI"

.... J-'rloei'" .........el....aect· "Ita of .


.POO'S, '. .'

Direct hm New.York t





8~ONS, . \'rl1K & 'TABLE do.


'IRON ,"

Willi'am Sweny


'.1. .... ,

del' th




DreSBed and S,


For 8ale a, the -,,, Drug.Store •. Waynesvllle.



Latut hesoDa Demand

Bultable lor putti ng up Ind finilltin, buildiu,., ,noludln,

• W.


Mystic Pills,

Braclle,·. Oelebrated patent

DUPLEX ELLIPTIC ,The'Great Female Remedy, (08 DOOaLa 'PJU~G) F.r bnp,larille.. on Short Notice and Cheall! & k I..:IE' • (urTHEI lesritimate MnTI:: Ire- prepared QIII, purpose , and ere ~he only • ,0 ,





0 'f I··C E I

. nle and effoct lve medioine lor all thOle The wonderful .Flexibllity Illd gr~at painful di.ordo,."to whlcb the remllle·e90cnmfor~ Ind pleuure to In~ lady welflng etitution i8 lubject, . Duplex E\II!lII~ . aklrt Will be experi. They are lhe only genuine F emale PIIII Iin.eod pllfllculerly In all ~rowded ..eem- extlnt. The), moderate .11I eX<lOlaes. Ind wbich I will mike up In" It,le not lur· II bjlrl\by aiven to m, old cuatom"a and blae., operll, c''''lgel, railroad care, remove III ob.truclion. , . They Invigoratll pUled b, Iny, and allogetber , frienu, tb,t I ... lliIlID,the . church pewR, IIrm chlllrs, (or prumenllde the debllitllted lind the delie.tll ; and ... llIt . and. Houee D,ellll, .. tbe aklrt cln he fold· natllro to brioll baolr the bloom to the pal. superior to wlTtbin, within ed ~hen In ,~le to ..occupy I plnce III lid ehe'ek, No nlalden, wife or mother e.alily , nd ~o.~yeDlently I. a.lldk or D!UI' IIhould be without the Myetic Pill.. Sold " . , W~ bat•• of iQ •. Ian dre... an Inv.. luable .qU3laty !n crl~o- by .1 ........ ;8 •• i' "" ' • . B U 81 N E ' S8 lille, not (ouHd in any .ma • I prlng sk.rl. .. d - I '.:.JJ. lit . ~ ".. . . ' . "A lad, bnlnli enjoyed' the pl'e uurf', GI ltfJLEl!t OFl-ATl¥E8TIr.I..E. . ...... IHre~t, ".,.IIYIII';' Oldo. , comfort •• nd pellt convenience of ~e"". Inlt tb.l)uplex Elllptle lIeet 'prln, tklrt I ' (6~L '." ", ' ---:0:- " lIP": " b-U"U"~" (or a ahi,1e d.,. wil t Reve, afterwardl, II hi . . p....n. 0 ," "P~WII"O, w,IU.,., tfiIPftJl •• with their ure, For . , ~~ .t J . " chlldr.n, mil.e. IDd younlllllill ,hey are .:: u~ " • 'I ,,,, ' . , I keep conttantl" 0'1 hind. a .plnelld ... wilere ml, be (ouild ..... .toclr of w.1I ~upeiipr to In ethere. . &I H~rt~~ot of III.c'" Good:I~ IIOnll_tlnl of The, will not be.nd r brelk like, the • J ....,.~ / 4"' , . fi ln,luprlnr, but ~.lI"pre.erY' their per· " ~ DR ' OADCLOTHS' fect Ind ,r'l'lI(ul Ihlpe wheo 'three or ~' G 4 I ..tw_ our orcllnar, 'lriril will hIV. been thrown • .. ... 1' .La~ . t CAS~IMERES. II-ute Ie... Tb. Roope Ire Ilovered (/ ,I ",..' Gur and · Made 1)y Myselt: with double and twiltod thread. aDd the l' \ ~ ,I, PARLOR CQQK8, I ~t10m rode ere not only double 'prinrl , II t •• , : \ . ' ~ whiCh I will both Ind fla01l ' hioh I 1m bill twice (or doubt..) cpver~: preventinlr .! ,.~,., ~r ed tv hIVe. mlc:.:s In I .tyl. 1I0t thtm from wurin, out wilen dra"log .. ~ , &'",au . W .',· .arr. ~nt to give e" qual Salislac.. luip b, down Iloop~. 8\111,., &0. ! .'" .' , 1<."" The Duplex EllIptlc 'i, a Ifrelt (1lIorlte ~ " . r• • ,lo'8I.Irll of clll'.rent kind. tion to my best Custom . " WW . • llli\J mm , . as, WIIIl'I' . '1Il'IW . . with "II Iidlel, Ind i, unlver"lIy roeomelth.r, COal or \Voqd. 'l'h. lbollil ~U ~ . ~ j1 ~II» A V \JU .~\1l meaded by the Pulalon "',lIioli.I. tbe ~ ,- - ... MeD p~.d .\ lba . . Work! Stand.n! 8klrt of tbe Flllllonll .. le World. I!! It1t.1I..U ··· • IM ! ,ft j ci1lli ~ 1 .ml\1l1lll1 When mlde UII, Jr Jlte, do not lolt the To. enjor the followin, ine~&I'!Iable a~. . TirE QUEEN waV , I : 1U~1:iII • .~ a:~j which l 'wil1 "II for leflll mone, th.n you eOlltome r • tae Deed lIOl take them 1 YlIIII,., fo ('rlnoline •• 11: l~per,lor quail. ~ 1tI) l1it ~ 1m trr.. It\) ' 1111 1m .tt ~ • .. , . " .~ buy tbe cbelpelt·artlcle 01 Jew work. . t~. perlect manufactur", It,h-h Ihlpe .nd lQl. ~ Ltl\ .Ltl\ LI:k Iiii) a. ~ !(\).. LI:k Ltl\ ....wIIl,... ..,'" I' "1IO'1~1• . proll& on 'r . 0 L ' tlnieh.ftt\.Ilbilh,.durll bllilr, comfortand . BA81'~OVED1TIBLFTOBB ' , , 'I , ' UtIli ... term'" r j I ieep coniliotii lin tian~ IlmaUlilock 01 e'collom,. enquire lor J, W. Br.dle,·1 Du· Til Be & B i n l ' one d plex Elliptic: or Gouble 'prin, ~klrt, Ind " ~ ~or t1~:"PC::':I~Cl~ver re bl! IU...- YOlllrel the ~o,.uine ar~lcle. It will ehalige !!,fI, hllir'to 1I1I,0rlglnRI cut i~d ~Ide .b, 'MB: . ' , CAUTIO~:-:-' ro l!uRrd, ' 1t IIDI ' 1~J'o- colur. It will tl'lurou;lhiy clennse the ,,1.., ,' be p, r \(\11 IIr to notlc~ that IIIkl." . Icaiip lind ",.dlcale alllcllffll nd II lid I r . . , under Ill, which I will oftered RI ' " DUPLEX" hDYe-the red Ink • .' '. \ b r~I!,. , . , . I j, "arnp, viz: .. J. W. 'B udl'Y!8 DIlplfX EI. h will I ~relt premillure decey IInli lil lIu.'i Vi, : . White iJ,avwr,. 'ImI" A . ' m 'm i\ m . em IIDt' c Bt I S I ., .. tI I tb d out 01 hair, It 18 1\ nltur.I at'lmulnnt loll .c<'''I)'; __ ' '_', """ , n _ "'01. \WI ~ UA\ 4IIlr A .&\:1 :jJ,' • I te ",- p~ "gil, UpOD IAelw. Nil I.n invil!orlltor. ond will prornute 'he KfOwth ,lUlU",. :l_..rlar¥' '-', ~nono 01 h" ,' .re !lenuane,' In ollre uf 'he hair larr, afld tfln'Y thin9 to be la ,ood GOodl ,~ IrI, In the market thot ner, Hoop ",III admIt • pin being It elcel. 'IU Oil Preplnti.on ... 1\ drea. thi Oul/:" inn Li.·n~: -IUd W~lch .t wiN '1111 · pftued thrilullh the con~re, tIlU~ reve.ling ainlf. It cha'01l1'8, at OIlCe, dry Ind wiry ,-" • the two (or double) ~prmal braIded toge- ha ir tn lIort ' lInd Bilken tre~5el. ~~~~~~~~~:..,...;~~~~ All of whlcb • ..-llllIell It .1 low tllrnrfl ~ LQW/U an,":M.. ~a" S'l~ 1M ther tbereln, wbleb li the lecrot their LADIES, YOUNG AND OLD. if you .. you cln buy. them In DIY ton or el... Sam, Q!fality! ft~x~bl~Y 111.1 lI~renglh, and a c0!llbinatlon Ivlah to u.e the llcat arliele for all dlle.II. ~AJI('t • . Imaliitock of GENTS' FUR. to e found io lin, other. elurl. til ur Ihe Icaln and h.i~, try' tho 'QUE£~' T. T. DODSON~ . NISHING GOODtf I-all of which' , j ' O::T '.'or nle In "II IIOrl'1I where fire!, and be convinced or Itbe trotb or Iheae , .,,111 lit. ' bl ' ft. clau "klr~1 arelold thro~ghout the Unl ' IItslementa. " I I I I .rellonl • pro .. I , ted ,Bt.tee al)d eltewhflre ." . . W llt S, II) . Iyn\,., (I• . •. Pt, S, 1866. , . ~ , ~ PI""'..rIge ;n.•• .alll b~r~ ~.. .. Man~(actured by Ihe',~le ,ownere of the Pric. 6f I ~Olll" . I;old by , II "rl.lllgl~~., ,', If iJ • ' " " ~ , .(. . ! IlI,i i, y~u.r lelealioDL " . patrnt . ' , ' ..10H·N D .. PARJe. ' ~ll ' r, ~~II \' I return .thlnb 'to :a, old cuetome,. WESTS. BR~))LEY &, CAIC.Y, 39· 1,1 • 'Gen" ,A'II' i , Clncinnali, O• • • ' • ,;" I ., ' • • . . , .ntl ft!endl tor "hi' llie" bl,' done :Ior 9'7 CIl.mbe'-l &, 7' &, IH R el ite ''''''fl tl, ' .JioTOOllA.Pnl" . , " lI1e· ;n ,10. p~lt. I~d II.". to be rablno ... 67·8m ' Nflw Yurk, .. \", _. . _"'~ '. ailt •• t.ol , RET.l1L DULalL 1B cur. ,iD the fllture my .a,lre or their pat . ' . :So Ie ll. T. ANTHONY" CO ... Sept. 12.

gS' .R Vestl .' 'O'




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WI"",. ". . .,;\I , 'liij'l'UBER QUEER,. 8 ;.e " . 11Ii' 11ftt,l-'91M" 'I . ,.. m .' . fl\ll '-VQ N AD C 11 . . aItr'· READY'·IlADE CLOTIDNG, ,.



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LEI!.no.~ ·OIdq, lo' bO,.".. oSlLV'ER


1."'1" th ". $,''''' ac, .."'" er afl a.flY 01,," . ..,1'"


ARE, ~olld, Ind .Rllted: IiJpoona Ind lurk., fine Inll. Poch.t Cutl'8 rt, . . . I the. 8nll~ .American. 8,w ". F.rellr.h lod PAINT, VARNI~H . &C .. EIIglilh·l ;' Bit.' .rold I~ril I • ) , . Peli""I; Speet,clee,· .hh . p.roecopic, 18 .m., m ""' ~ '1m '1111 ~ tollcne convea blt-Il .nil r '- n'd'on \II, IU, ....... m • ".,. uu " ,. ,. ( amoke gIll"', In lold, .11nr, "Iated. atetil. .w.1"&'I"ftA.w. -If..'I. A lind COIllIUOII framel \o."It oll ..n . ' . . ...... IIIV,.. -V r -teit 10 · d fl .l. ' t "'I . f """1-' I .~ , n"lt " I I o . ewe ry. , I AI H A. D P 1J' TTY, Flngel' Ringe; Ihe., , Millie Ind MIII\~11 TRUSSE ,nltrbmentl! HI'lleUueouI, Ichoo' Illd 8, , 8111;'11 Boob or lill klndli; Bla,,' Deled. , SUPPORT.ERS; .~or~lg~I, W.rr~nt'., .,.lftdavl~, Kepl, .Y' . . ..!. Inl, :"tl~o}lm,.. ~tI."~.,~ .. '\lOaltlln~IJ' on .~ BHOU'l,iD·E R-BRAtJES ~.nd. ' ., '.

WlAe · amts, .

IllRin bUll" III of , l'FlOT'o. ~RI~~S . ~e .re Re.uqutlr·

111 _delhip R GRA'P~IC



'8 Ie"'_eJN!. .. . . Ihe~Ie · VICl~• Of Arll.ri~oll . 8 U(\ : ')"oriliR'II Citl"" .nd Lallll·

.call~.~ (lroup8, S'.• tuu" elC. • 1"Ie.. et ..e w..;

T~I. new Ind ~eautiful , .tyle or ~klrt


GP.fIlenteil Morch 7, 1866,) Will IWllrded Frolll, nf.j{ol"" "'lIIde in t~e v.riQue <:'mp'ni~II' by the GREAT AM£RIQ41t rIlITITV'fS FAtR, "~,d lorll/lng. C()Dlplote PnotollrMllhle hirtory , ~=~~ beld In New York, Oc'obar, 1866} blltory of \1,., great cont".t. . •• " 4 it. I r l J ., " t. =- VI . . U . m ':1'. \ , • " I .A. SILVER MEDA.. A I IIIIdP!I'I,lhP" h eM - '-L '..... h . , I "I,t, .or o,t er t e -,'C ""lern 0' " e 11 :I'b . ~S*lw . . 00 S The Hllbolt Premium en'- IrIVlta (or a • ler~o cope • . .0. ' . <?at~logl~e ",ill u~ leDt . to ~ "t ~ 'II ." H . Bit.. , • any addreu on receipt ·o f. ltamp . , . oop. Irt. . , '....~ ... Ie A,........ . . . ' I,d J ,II _. I ~ ., ' T-be Stelll Sprln,. Ife woond with. We riI ~ nllfaqt\) r" more largety tban IIn1 other ~OO GOO~ On. pl, ted wire lin place 01 a cotton eov- \lOUIO, .boul 2qo •• rielie. (rom 50 lle n lt to '60 •• ~~ .~ erin,) which.wlll "ot 'flit/a; 011' or hcome ,,~c~. Our Al..,Q~MS, t,.!'~. Ihe ... p.tJll~lI. ot I).~:.,".... ','~ Boiled, lind tbe whole 811lr, ml,. be W18", ~:h:~~!" .' o .d~~blhty .nd ~e.\Hy ~0.n1. :,.i.vlilJ,tie. BD WI~BOUT IIUURV or lear · or rll_tlpl, " ..... '!"~~." (ltO,,:.-nl., . 8ta...... • ~j, I ) , ' \, r ," ~" , .!. ALL TO .".QUlL . ,Ne~ In~, .,ft,' iI~talnl~, 'G~rp~I' .cl~ool Ind Will b. lI,ood.1I1I I.W. . '. -~ ~~ etc., ,'..... . ~,... . ~. .. . . ·(l.t~III!'.ac!.h~1 R'etr"tera. Albnml,. Mlllf.~' __ ." . . Ol!r C~talogu" "n!tihc~'.. ~ ur .1i·IVE HON. r ~.~~ Sl~- 'DRto:D d'Ir,""". "', Including reprodlicBook" for pre•• nl., ·P lcture. Inll ~ 8 Ilineoul Plotlll • .l"rariin" , . 1 o l U 1 1 / l tlool of 1/1. lIJoll ·ce\ebr.~ed r..)ngf, Piliut. l,~ "... _ .... 1 ~ ,.. . '('be IHIet ilioci or ~AL" PAPER 'fhl. Invention cO,m blnel with the 'ordl. ~1g.II~~~uel. ele, C.....logue••eat 011 re~"i In the"'. . n." conoo Bitrt l6. advant~lrea of our :Photo~r .. pberl and olb..... ol'(l"rlo'.; ood. C . '1' B~"" j .W. I", .1"'II!.nt~ 'or ,Ipe It"son . SlLyn Sa:r • .,,; the·bo{tl.lm hoop. are ~e .0. D.• wl,l Vi..." .ro"nll 2.6 J>II' COInt o')ue l1li1: . ,~ ~ R'II\!\~,. O,,~n•• )CD"be, . P, ~., Lighte, IInle al lho.e tired 10 tile' Silver flltltt. Dun, Willi 'lhe.. " o~er. . lllt. . 8,t<ln"~'" B~adbtir1, BOlr~1f"11 .fr. GrlY, tbe cuverl!), of ' whlcb c,aonot w."r vII', .AoR:.J~·· pr'!lf,~ a?~ '1. , o.r OQr (oorl. ~n " ., . ~ H A I R. A'I La E••noo, Goebbeller & 4I01I1IIIdt PlanO.. whll. lb. IIpper ' onll .UI cOvered wlt~ , 0 . .tl.I ). . . 6l,1T , • I, • r' ,. '" "" " " . - .\;1' • . ' , ' (TI;'I U. r' are liD' to ..U· .ad . ~b'lll' ·}- cot!9n.'. lfq Ildy,. hllvljir oace wQrn one R . 'T;'A R'O L'.i . .', 'I; 'D n '" A'vn 1l.61.. ··W.• ·wUl lurnl'b ~fth. ..t~.tnl",'ijlltl of nur .. ~klrt .. wil~ be ~1\!iDI to w. .. Iny ; •. • . . " . Q ~088 . ( At'oV , ,. ,.l1.l1I . I & . ' ......, . . . totr,,·llIan an,. otller bOGIe,ID 't",'WIS •• I .lbit 10\Vet",boop. of all other ' tl t.lle .onl, arllcle aleel by ,. ':':!'if:~ •. ADE ' . m~ 'f' " . (" ~We,,~,I'IIqt.""'.tOr ·'h.Fl,riJd~ ~1.ndll~' ·IQ.qD , lnJureil.~l1daCljled. '· PlntCJul:.aci.t.t..·La1lDd~'" ui4 ' ·~a~ ~ IUAIV .. . .&.l1li1 "i' , : . I " . , '~'. ",I.'on8. ewlllr~ICbln •• u••qU".ledlll'l'beb,"·mlterllll are uled!n thlr ,.'. ftoUIDt'lIofPamIl1ea. " ~' of .' . ' A w.n... l8ct"fillOrtmeo~ or thlp Aft FALeMILY)lICblll••· can apch~: It.· eollltrac~, !,II, and, ,from their durability . . ' . --;-- . ' . I '



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""Ol.tliAt.l: . ,U<D RETA il.,

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Pho~ophic Nat" . .

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,' 7-E. . VERV'D . ' OD,V ;; ~, ! Bore Darn.le. " , ~;.u More EI ....te, ..~ SU'0 .... · ·0 00 TOp U ....B A'.. -0 . lIiol'e 'Graee(ul I tD~"r , . ' . . . . MAl V ARNISUEB, ".W aT S •. NCI, 115 .1IIa1be+r, Itre... .And tmll Mep Shape and ,,"ain tera (or the follo"IOA'. v'z,



,Ii:,t, "",:'

A!a'l/,ufatJlirWl qi





The Silver Skirt !

DR' UGU, II: ME D.I C'I NEl, S ,rDo~le. ELTON I)UDLE",. W.,nIlYllle.~ept.17.1866'.


'n I"~ v.. 'I.G.· ,0. 0." 'DS! .

R, PR .'' II'!Z




Potent· " --edl·Cl·ne· .1,. .


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The combina.1on Silver

lPllO IXfllCTB .' PER F U 'M E R Y

6ii.1kj is'

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r.a. 'lire" '. lo·anl' ... ,' , , '.


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All' ' SHOE tAm.' ,r 'GIt.oc,·rut , 'I"",' ~. ! Ke.;=:aan'-I'a',· . ~~~ "s'; •.~.: " ~eatn~I,~a.h;o, ;;:'.~';=~, ~ ~~m~.i 'io~ '~:::::;l~\~O!~~I~~~'~h,it~~~~~: at........:.. ...'

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. mueb Ind la~r. G~ad. tlon.u'; wrth ~ r.*- '. .. :.IIan"rlolor" oal, b, th, 811,. Slrlrt ~t II~,.ol'.n mucb I.~,." coDHqIl.ilnyll"::":-!.:;L.-~-~--"""-= ;rEA' AND COrRB BOil:Jg'" .~-r~~E IlId~lre lI.nuf Cturl",Compi~'" 1If1llilot w.• ar outeo . ~.. . '. P.oTB,OILCANa. ao.,~. · ao&~iBI~cl.y. 8t. ~ !(.w Yorlr. ' h fIIdu Oltl.Lia.W UU ', <X.. _ ." ,.' '1', B.• BPERRY, IiIllp" [66-1, I.' ,. ..0:7 All•th . .' t '. r: . . . - : .~' .. IIV_




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S~'. i, IIIIC~ a 64••1, . ~h'DI' Rlf, m~kea lb. b.~ bre. d ·ID Ibe lawn Her piee .re , ,,,rr aet deli • Her c:,,/t'.e a rlela gold ,o brow,h" .; Hp, crul l"rl Ind pui/dlnK' jUft righ t. BUI theil, while I e.t them , ehe lelle 01 I~e eire lind Ibe worry Iher brIo oy " ' Of Ihe 'oil Ihe end ure .-

'PIa "'i MJUIi .t' i ~ . . . .~ ,-S...,,, i n .l ll ... ... ...&U fCIL . X'tJ ne Can anyt.!;rlllg ~41" be otrered on tan.. ."ttrQl you ~ llidl' 'Or" ("expo.e 11Ite4 lYe 'or iUr: tbla ,obJ ect? h b.. )"."... '~e pre. Bot ton He~}eI," ill •• ti4ter , . . ~ , ap ~tb. ~t fel' r _ .tNqueDtly. ~.,.., . tria ... ~ vail log topio for Do~ -been ~~. ~ 'onl 11l8" begin'· otr :itUn be~f up "er e ot. 1ilul.b 81"1 io IIte .,.tu re _a ' ~"m e, alltlJlller met g bal celebrated "rl. eor . were , ,' to.~ ,. .' ....,\.. • w_ 1 eol.t)r, . A • (tea ~ OO~iDg ",,'I'D ,On t ~r8: yet It _no t worn ou~, ~. A.lmoIt her di.g uiQ.;he · .~d'trOII.... ,"'" the inhabitanta Witnessed eV,e ry fam bO~ ily b.. lelt the eWe the olty to ber heart a OOD teD( and IIIIOIIIIII!Oa. r At Ume. the mete· this , tho gtea teat oura8 of Ule et. athw art tbe s"',· (,'om retlll'I(home to ~U t:h~te1f: fr"'o~.i . D lQ'ty db "I1 ,' . Famihe tbeaeore~ olth e rQ.~JI~eA stbatwereonoe~efuland Irap ~ oke n tq. 8he .. tei~ed del.Jo1 :~o;lice~~ BPe~ta~~ bappy. have been'made tneu. ,to · dra . bitt er ;oup to the very ,dre g', in thi8 The venerable .to~ ~ bad 'becom P'lr· filmUt&r in.t he 1ti1'eet&· ot 'Po11P llap!!!,it,.,... a ,~u bud . in 'Whom tb~ bOld i but nODO dre&1ped' ~at ben _tIL ~~~~


tl4'!" •



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r.~lve -of

elterath'. medicine I. required. Pl......!tlfor ~'D'. Suhenek', Mandrake Pill.,' and ob.,", UUll Jb, two IIkell..... es of the Doclor tbe GOV."'U.'lIl Mi.nti I.. t e'e,e of Cb.'lIp.igo



Ore ne W"rren Clinton




. . . . . . . . . . . . .JI",I!. 'r, ~ ,. aOl lY w. toRO,n.t.oW',

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BIIUlllullllJ, 4wI IIIII , by etill rivet., ' Or _oli t.,! mere,

Or w~'r. h, ahir.lth lIIeMo,,:lIIook lieI

tt.... tei"'.th., .'Ir( I

1.lI ".lte...

Th<!u h,", hlll at tlie mill, thts, 1I',bi~ r, ,worry or 'plb ill" .nil or 10 tn .nd_th~ ir,.t ,,,,lleel ·th~ , 'I,

h"" y " • I And rUlbiDIr of ttl. ilu ... I





be (olln•• ' .... IP. lnck of ~tl

... I,eted 01• • aODllltin, of ,



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Our. FiLL Stock: is now •



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• II IN'" til...

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( 0& .boUBLa .ft3o)


..- :1.. ... ~

"tI" . 1. . DOCTOR 1I1SHLER'&HER.B BI'M"EIUI were Itrat


. . .-



"-'_'Dead, Inlroduc8d to Ihe puhlic , .,,4 dur io, Ih.t II..e tbe ir .ucce. in Guring Th. wonderA.1 F1u\ bllltl .• nd grE' Dl .,111.r fr..... ilDpur. MIle of 'h, blood or di..... d .Iom.chl h " bee n eom(urt a .. d plenlure to . II Y lady weari ng



Ih.t th proptletor I, juati6ed I. offerin,lhe .. q • •peCliRc reCled, for .Ihe QflP."~ Elli plla I kirt will be .u peri. cll...~ orl,lnltln, froa the .bu,e c,u,et, .ud I. will"•• to re luncl . 11' mltlle, u, '!nced par lic ulul, in lit crowcled • Ip. m. peadH ~r \th' lellitten II th.y {.Il tu perlodrm .11 Ih.tDII e1"i~ed Lfo, r ·lbf'Cm • I I bll~., · ol\'r ll,,', r.jlrue~ c lJr. lIIllh er~1 Herb Bitter" u . lI:u~r.otoe to ture pelt, Vl'r om.p anI, cIIlJ, ,,h fHlW1 , Ifm ch ,i r.IJ. fOf prOw.n Pifer and .Allue, lou~~llI.nt. JWDllttent Irld T,phold F eYer, L bl. of Appetlle, . nd Uoul e prel~, .. ,h •• kirt t. n he folel. Nlr,olll Affectionl, G.~rl ' Dlbil,t" or Weaka.ia c.ultd by excell, imltfude ll Cle or d ,when in u.e I!, occup, 'I . mell pl'~e II tXpolur., Cou:bl .od'Coldl , Rli eUl1IltUtJII, 'Di'"~ ' C holer. IIl'1fbu • • In Ihe and con,," ie nt ly ' /J I •• llk or mill', Pile. , V. I •• of 'he .kiD, Buch 'lI Set orul_, Uicer" 'Ic .• erc. I" V e ne· . a n 1 0v~ lu ~ b le rjU ) lilf ill crillo, . J\a. ,q..... tbel. 8itto~• • ~ I lure curf'. It I. all o Ceft. ill ,(\ r eellove .11 obslruc· ille. 110t lou" a'lf lIing l• • prhllt' .k:r . tion' til ,~. ,."ul" coon. 01 1IlIurl'l In F em,lee, ,lid will curf" G,een BICklle8& ft or A Iftd y ~. ini elljl)yed t~e 1' 1l!a~urf', Chlorol, .....ClUIKn .IIr h ite., Womb Compl. inl or F all ing of th e Womb, c .• comrort, ~ nd Areet cil llfen l' DI!. 01 IVt'Qr· , ...4 11111 ,rwae . ~" th. r}'.lr Complex ion uf thUM ",Ito UM it" -b ,Ii e ",II rem&die.~f Ill, &J!e »\.IpIU Elll p~lo pleel lpri nlF picirt .'1.1. al". ,,60u1d'be led wilh clution "y marrled Iidlel, A• • T o Ie an~ A ppell· lor . ' linfle duy , will neye~ aflerlY /Hcid IIlr: d ie.. Bltlefl ••e unrl, IUtd. . wllii" ;'I, dl.pense wil h th elf use: Por • Unlikeii& ........ 1&, reDledi" llI. COII'I'0ohlon IIrh .8.• 1\l,. hler'. Herb ' r?r " . I . 11 . \ . r - .... r 'n Biu. .. i. uo !ecHl",, d f I:J.o children . .lIl iISel, end youn g u ell ! ley ure •,tII, Il"t' p~r, Ii"flo \l ••hllB~". I"' ~' "' know " l elr I~'.( len'.. Ie, ~ fe l!nII'p'OO" .~ • li uperlor to , II 0Ih e~8. cam~D" ~.rdoc:lq Spih,ard. SOIIp. ' '', l'erut ion Bark . Bucb... Sp'c....."oo. Mull . ",. ~ It VI"'" Jo:IDI. S~... S. "'p."tt., o.,Illlu Root, Juniper. 5"i.ri', D. I" ,II (;0l,o,ia . · CuLeb.. 1 .lIey will not beud or brp. k \i.~" the DendaloiD Pure..8p1"., 8( .....,. ' ' . f81 "I, 81fiDI:, ~Ut will pre"'ve ill Ir per· Rt:AD£R ir~o....... lIhct~ ",II" ih, . .... or .ickn •• ' r,. B. Mi. bler" Herb Belten. RecuI"" ' ect an nrOrllrU J' ,l1ftfll! \ bell "t l', ree IIr ... •... I~ t .l. ~ d r-·~ ' 11 b ( d d b 1I to ur .... r, ... t ,l~.y lin t 11"'.70 , rt 1I,01l.Y w, ~ re 0 11 •• , • • pro pr,. r. our p'~inary . \tina will hne ,been ,lhrow n ~j)r It,l;f at · the Ii ew Drllg.Storl, Wa"s! ""llll' ide II:' '1l el..".., 1'~~ lI oo,pl ~ rJt t';?vered with do~le and'it ,l,r.eecl. "nil LJ.._'jm _ •. ~ .. u·_ ~.:t..l .~ ~' ~ . bo\\om rod • • ,.. 110' on I, d IIblA d llr iflrrg VT_ tn _ , •...,. _ _ .-. ( . d '" ,




OllAOlt 'l I'l'OII" cm Br'lTJl1lll••ner 1"'" or ••"'rl\' ....... 4 ' rilol . .... nfru.~ii

I~ "" l b. boOt ........sf. .Juant rur.1

Pror. E Oa&IIT JA CCSOW, ROln'!' ifni ••'!' If, D,; Dr. EUOElB Vnn.u. Jr.


!'!:~~~'!.i:'''';;~ !~D.~ :;: :!I':l=,~~t:': 1::t,r:,k!. ~=o~.';.'~~= ::::':!:,:::B

"Io.w .....: : : : . " -

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:~ c~~:ae::CJI"B~::'. tlt.i':.' ~r!;~


0 0,.0. !\ottl. _ftI ..Id

"r. 0.,.


Dr. 110lIA K' 8TOIlAUH BI1'~


'1'' ' ' "".. blulI"". p",perUeo .r • ..,I1 ,I. I.xlli."• •• elllot."t

.DII.l>lIIo~ .... t .....

~;~~K.~!D'f..:~I~'l:;::..~J°.!!'It=li1 !~: I






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A,u"o lotl'u


PENNSI'LlAll! ~ NIBiL R. R. ~~!~\V)f~:~or:::r~~ej ~~~o:~.~tl;;;I~f:~ · .

uh). t £. lell rill: Compl. lnl. pe.!oll.i to (e nli lee, I nd II.very rur. of prl"lt.·'dIIN" of whll,l'yer lJallJ~ Of ; 11.:\ ' e. ~perm'IO[. rll~ or 'Se lf· Abll18, , hit cur3e tV mOdlNl man'otd, euil, nd ~peedily cured; ~nd eter') Irae. of It. terftble eff~OIl erldlee· led Irom lhe •.yelem, ' .\ itho~. de, lon~lon trom I)us inelll. our\&, men, , ear th tII In 'n·, nd, \,".' we ITe In' p 1I.lilon of tb. • •... . 8.~ re~ t rel1e , pl~..~ n~ 1Det.ll<id, of praoli~e of Cul"erwet "allemalld, Hunl.i' Vel· pe all.· uen' ., nlcord Ind ;'r":. 1111' Htl .., n. e 'IJ in IOude,n l1Iedleal llcienllP: for i t il I laOl ,Ihe ..e,l'Y.irelle. l itllpurl.noe, and 'we , would a,k .ny ... n 01 ave,.,e cuWm " se' nle 110" CIll the thou" nil and Oil • • hll~

efta"'v..' '


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SllC Il



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"VI .




M~. ~r~·~:'I?tP~~~o~:r)!f l;~n'c!~~.:e~~;r~:: bur'" naLtilJt(uet Ii ao Pit





•••17uanaau or


bell,er thaN any oilier Skirt. ~ "

Thill new' .nd bi'lICJItI ..1 8tyle ' of Skirt March 7,. 1865;) w. e Iw" rti ed , by Ih. GREAT ~IIERrOAft I'I'ITITUTE FAIR, ' tD: . . f8u held io,N." Yorl!. Ocwber. l&66,· '''''''', ppu. A. 81 ...VER MEDA... 'I! lJa.ilv. aU. 'r4i~, 8Uft4a~ ~cepltcl. . , ' 8r.1tl.PIBG t:ABe .re IUaCl.hed to ail Ni" .. hl The HI.:h., ~r~mi u·m i ev"r " ~I\len for • I Tralnia to PhllClllelphl., New Yo rk Ind Hoop Skirt ! , Baltimore.' ' . . 'Th&'S )e!l1 Sjlrln~l-a,e woJ'nd ' wllb • BI"A.•• e checked ·tlar. ID ,,.naler. line plQted wire lill pltiee 01' II. cotton filV. •. .• , red fr n , .rlnlf) wltleb will not Wflar off or IbfClJme . 1'ICXITI J'O~ .TRII: a..IT '(including BOI· Boiled, "lid Ihe whole skirt may be WA II II. by B,u II or. It.• II) •.IPu.. ll in. /.I'" t\aii i!D WI THOtJT 'i'SU IlY or ,ft. rU~l mi, oau b. purchlled lit Illll1 ri IlQlp.' and will !Ie III. good 011 oel\!. I ' FtI~ a. 10'" III. by Illy ull"",1 I . route. b' i~a(1.~oDj,s ' O' S ' i,~j 1 3Ih." .~d Neill ' It li'~ p .. '

Y~rk' (Pt\lel~te~



Bt lhtll


Frel, ht.


The'·"m "·

..' ,

~r -'II deecrlp~



H . o'r2,~ and] ' a'tUn PowdorS.', .






Iy 't.D~

Ilti'eilglhenll.lg .el.uft"ln, 11,0' 1I001"ub all,} ID"'. ·


a l ure pI'&v. lIlIv. of all tl IAIe . ..VIWI, GI..UJ])El!S, ...... e..... InckfcnI

< ,I "



HEL~{BM\ft1lill)'! '. f"'~ D .~ " FL'lJP) ' _ ~',' I' m ' u .





·1, h'Jdj I' ~

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~= :.~t~~~d~~~:~t r!~~d);.7::'!h~~rc~e;~

L '1 . . IIl't Wlln U8 , . • Ye unfortunatell,e. re Ifo,tfn. ,bur bultll ' '(Id monl!ty 10 lIeertle .., I' lellt wl'lte to Dr •. Jackl on, Herberl & Co., who will ftt otIC!, . r ~llril you a .ki!ld, diecreel and elrp'ic""I)I~ Ir, LIIdlel, w rite (jft'OlI' cI,cullr. laoleo.', Femll, Menthly PI pri ce '''1 pe'"' Ii 0 ..:" ', ' ,.,... av',ra lirre, va " I II, 0 ,mel efte clll~1 reme dy ror 1111 ,rrelul.rl,lltl. Ililel oblllrucl,'lIlIe, fr oOl Whll l8vI!r CIIII". 'rhe Mallnlaln o( Ll" ht Of"' Me,heal Pro· leClor "lid IIIlft'rl.g. Guid • • lind ClIJ Ex n,lI. r; cit .KJl Y to LoY" a,Dd. 8 4;'"01,. C(l lIlIini In ,fFectlon. ,"pIlCl, ....J"".~~H"I. 300 pall e, alld ]110 pl.ttll. , ~ ,. Th.. qu.led bl 'an, . ~:"Eo!;o;oj~~. ~I'" - pt:iee 50 ceutl; S .~IO~OIil or P I I I Bend ror our Iplencti~ elreular, contain • II u ne .. or log Dlor" i.n qu. nlity ,lid of "lIpe, ior qUII. EVlClli~lo"l, Ulefl,rat{1l1l Ity to ~ilY ot lh , lI~at ! ed 'p'lIIpl~l l! tl'. of till! Ultl rl'~, 1 ."'''''.Il'~''''''a, Rem elll\ler tin , l "e"lIlId .,., wrltlen. rip V I In' t. I·neldellt to the .tJr.. tlttliIPl~ 10 eyt'ry Ie leT, .eptfuially Ide pled lo Ihe ". .' . ., fIb t r psrlicular .eue Ul\der con.llleniion j be. ru~, II I . 0 Cltl'''F''lto.,, ''I~_1l CIIU. O ilt th. nlliure of Ibln,• • aoh o,el or ·_ the d4!tllne or 0114....,4111.11l1li clitrlr. froOi eYery oIlier. , 7\... 'Q~J:.._" ,. 1'1-'_ . ' -' .r t'MI'-ml ,1./" - , ~'" Ut,. Itemu.e. all eoldoe.. Ind dllNblllty, and rciju".nalea Dr•• ,,, wliiei havo · 1.111 dor. for IIIln, ,eafl. D,.. Jackson'. FreDch, patent Mile -It i. petfutl" .. Ie ucl .nlYtlr lin. to '"Ii,flotlun. It II the only '.ure,and ' PPev'8l1lt,u'l a tnlr ~olllrl'Ct)n, dl ...~ • . ' In,eJlled. Prl~e .If IIch, per hili tiO.ZAn .I f , .nd ,pe" .iozen -". Ienl bo· mall. I~brl ~te~'or ~oclllrate drinkerl ~Ic;de. eire' to rel9rm, bUI who h" 'e Iqund II dlfl 10' ro/'r .hi, cln wllon, eradill.i . ·. Ii el... ir. (er .n, "Illd of I~'or, "y ulln" Dr • '! "'" . .. H.l'bflH·. Anll·hleblolio ' Compound', an Ii II!! re lOed.v ror fnl eOlperCln ee : writ.








. '1





lor pattlclllnrl, Ind) n,truellu" eent ~f Ompll! 10 liI,~pcr' or th . , nounlry ; Conl uJlill1l !tuom. ol'\ho Di,penl' tI)', 16'7 l 'lLI....tlp&rAljon~, S vcRmore 8Ireet,. eillei", O. '. ). O. 101\1 , ,,dfa\·on,bly !lUx,4M. SetI.•Ue,. circul.r, {39-1T ""owh,, .,111 - '

~':l:~r.:~d .~"'·'l'lrl~ 1oG_.,


, a er~ ~ Ill,.., •• ~, .wenhle"' · ~. I. - ......u










'rlilli In"'"'i?n comblll.e

T ." 8


hI cld

wl~". II,e ~rd i~

·or " l'h iih.~infil LT"&.I3TOCK, (Jan be forr n" ~y, ~.'1 11on S )l~t ~he , dvlnhgl'& Oll~ « I r.d.d tli 'l nd !'rum .Phil.dflIPhhl r N ~ w SII.riU ada=- ;~lh 8 botlum hOUIlB lire th

York,Doeton or Ballimore, 10 "lid Irom any polntt\" jthe ' y eIL.. , u . R uilwllY6. log &iilroad direc'. • '. , lb Slelmers, frelallt 1'10 .Isc .0 for· wofCIechb I"Y ecue..lble fp'Oitit urt Ibe rive .ra Ind of Ih. Weat. , For Ft.l.:b Conlr.etl or 81lif'(l'ing rectioll., IppI,IO or .,ldr.., elth~r 01. tlie fulluwin, A,ent. ur "Ilt C"ompnIlY ~ S. B. ,KIIIP.tjHJ, Jr" FI: Alieni, Phil.d'lI,. C. A. Carpt nl.r, Ft. A1I:8nl, PiU,burjl. Cllr.!te\& co., Tr.n.fer It. W• .!frown ,&/, co., . H.II & co., 1I1Ir18110, 0. ·' ~.~. & ;K. H. Lan,I!!\'. Gll/ipl7lil, O. C IrJ~1I & co. ; Chlc'ib, 1111. •

11 If . ·0 l( L. N E. FaIt .lfdighl, wia F fRnlvlrunia R • • ''" Broad Tre.d·"








~,n,!\~, ~~ ~ho~e

IIIQ4 ie , Ihe ~H.v er S.k..i~t, ~'~~~~M::~lJ;et;!~c::.· Ille eiNering of which c nrldt ~~ •• r off. 1'\~h\ ile tt.l!., lIpp.,,~ , unes ore C , ere»•• lv ith - -- - - -e ll tOll. ' ~o rldy. hUill1l orice \,'0\'''' on ~ eL<l rlt; will l)e will in-, '0 \flIlf an y th. 10\\1 1'1 " /loups ' !)' , "it", oUl et 8Qon Injurecl. ,ft1Id lOil.j.. , be" , IDot e rl l' l~ i re , u-'eft ~ n ' , h ei r cO~lIltructlp n, and, from til, Ir ~ur~b i lhy Mild De.~nell, lhey are d ~8~illed ·tu 'bljcomi! II'



I, '.

'. ,



A 'avonte 8klr.C: I" M.~ur;~t~ red . ~IIIY ~y i ~~ ~f, e~;j Skirl

..' ~ n, d \V:lre MI\,~~la.~ lur,lna q 0!'lpnny, . , . 39 ~ 8~ Jlarclny SI. , New York. ,' T.. S. SPJi/RRlY, SUI/i. . ,,: \ [~. ~t: ' -..,.-..,.,-., -~----'---.,.--r-"-

.n, .


W,h~h ,ron ~hrfulJ~ betweeA tl)e: Eaalern a"d Weatern cllie., Irr.~pecllv. or cbllD. ge. or Ruaae. 'I'lle Union Llnll js ' I~ authorized FOit Jo't~lllllt \ Ljn8, and Ie worked on 1111 Ihe raul!'. over which ,_ underttll" t" ".n.llort, · ullder contrillt. which Bec.llre to ~h e, p.lop.rty elluutil.d It... harKe; th. be.t f.oUiII,. for 'f'.1 IInl{ortll Dlotelllent, ~I'.ll¥ Ro.dl which oIt p.... pO.~ ••• . .It lit•• ., !I",~;rnl )loll.h, mit in, th. 00- WhAre lime I, /fuar.nteed, a ifU? ' p .. IlJll"i'lbl)' qv., th8-olot~ , 'lVinr feiltJre or }o'i,e e.nt. per lot) 11> • • I. 01. bIYo". lIl~h time and I.bur. Good. don. up wl !h towed ror delention., for eyety 1 H keep elun much lonler, .con.equent'f _fie Utile ,'pecified. .For ful lllt,,, IDforniaUlln p .1I!dr·eM th. w II no' .weer Oul 10 1000. I follo",ln!E .A.ent. ot . U,f 'Union Line:' j,~.' Lifl#l Iii, EN! H. W. Ur.owrl, ''7 We~t ·Bd .t., C illolnll";, 8.'D.'fllItc~er, 239 N, 1t •.Cululllb. .. 8.IiI'I l'. Gr.,.Jndi'".poll., Ind. . E. P. Bry.lIl, ,)'"rr8 Hanl •• Jncl. W. \V. Cha.,.ler,,o, lila. ~". , P~ nn'r.!nnia RII/rued C~: will hot 'IIama li n, rill for rD.glare; '· ucept WI.arl.Dat ApPlflll, Incl lI",il their reo ODe htandfed dull." in' nl~ ue. All tellceadln,lb't .mount In' ''~'... , . .the r!,k v( _lie 'owner unl... taken by .peclll' ,l·· . E. H.~'I.Ll~.tfS, 11 ••'1 Supetl\i~jndent, Altoone. P •• H~NRY ,.W•• GWINNER. , ben l Ticket Agenl, Philo; H. HQU~TON, Gn'l ~reltr. ArlDt, Phil...


~lace •


~. 4'40 p'1II"





to enable .al1,.rlOlI to ',work tbll chln. 10 thlr Inl·l,. .lItl.f.ellon. , ~ Re",loli ."ct -Cb"llable Inllhu. "ODt JI""~llfy with. . 1_. W..,ted fUf • • " low". In Ihe (,T'I ,e~ $ta'" where Age~'. ire not .1 ~I'!,h", tq ~h_;... 1Il•• ~.1 dl.· •.~~ .!))'f 'f,\l \r\rr~. ;/lI1e • ~ , ,.. , -n"I""~,,,,, Itle. , ~•''I..Id~.... , ~ . u· f EllltiaE 8EWilNG JlAClf11NE 00, . dlo:a.) !11 I 6tG' 8fO.dw",~,' N'. Y. "




:' ,.

TIt, mrtil:»lal ili'1'nuary. u taUilA«l1859 • OD-re'tDUOD or . ~ , Six year. or unrive lYed '"IlC, I, In Iho Uri••, tlrrltaU.... ' r '- ,., ~ r' t · dl hI '"1 -aI........ aure c) h~ . orm 0 p " . Uf ..... • or '" 081'&'&_'''.' ' .... o~dc~!',IO. /l.~!;-r J)",zi"n V'acto.,.iOJl. Ethe", Di........, ~ Al' ..'" ., "" ., , t 01 cl .. over .Empinct~1t o,td F,~.,d. ~,~ ,Itt~ ~,,~ . ' We In fa ll ibly c:y~e . $y pbillll, Glee.: Gal0.1Qlt Gra.ll , ! Q Ollorrl:ltll , JmpoleIlC)" Noc\nrnlll.Dcl,di. Depo'it, aDd aU t4l..........

~A'''''''.nq ' to ........ ~Utn ,'lie prUOll'IIllOD "hlul> ~11t.1· fullo.... aClIta.u-... 1u 110. ' ·B lb o oSdl.lYkU\or tba W .., 0" .1 Suulh t ..... b.....\,.. a lo."~ lIu"!. ,,,,,, ...o.uob 1I.... ... kll.ur 'lUll.-\. IJ UITlg llIl, ... ,,101>, Ir ,lak"~ In ~ro""r~ ...ullll .... o'id . . a~ I". Vro(HIr thllo; ....... lure \lr.,,,,,U... "1.BlllOII&J'l\r~r. ~·••• r all [1 Ag"., 1, ... r T '~Pl~lo" Vy~"".,.I.a, 1 udll(••~lulI, J ~uu· , dIio. \i,.1,,01 OuwlJl.l lie, ''''~ lo ll dl....... · u r .,hDJar In,lu ro; tUHl . r6 lIethW alf n 1.11'0. ,·•• II.e lit ~ 11I"Wl UOf"";;UUluu!~ I1>IIulu'I"1I . ltD . t..... n'I"lu' tbo qtl,'" elld 11, 1". .IIK••elv. ...M~"., .{'M." .u t "ell. , ko" "," fUUI",I". tlo .. tb", ~ho ll'~rl.uV\'r, Ib"re will buM".ttdo _l~"g ·bum.. Iu ' a ,. . 11,0 SuUII>. No pe.-."" who ••luOt hi. 11(0 ,~ • . down "oop. , el. ,·r' .•'-. "houM IP' Ihore wlllu;\\1 ba. "', (o ... t..... 1 &'I D ~ " ' " B" i) ' he lllT' I' lm ~ , .. I M '''''''g '' ~ rd U , ... ... De . Dotib"· 2"'-rack l Route 'I'be Dup ll'll Ell iJllio i• • j!rel t· f.vorlle "1101 "01 ophl. lu . nd '"l1 lodl." . "SNlder.d . . • ~ • ~ • h I, I d" .1 • '.. II ~ uliu ma It lic"tlli" f'tl wut r. "I'1&\'u10rt ~t61 1Jroad~, N, Y. . n Oli! WIJ.. 'I ' .. 'I!', 'Fnu II.• unM'V8 ' ·~. y ' r~c9m· "ud.1I rllllaUllle or t lioo ralok rhor-boUoeG .". ".0 ' ,ilIA gt,..,. st,-., BO"()1I: mendl! ~ by tbe a.1 1iol) ' ~g lzlne. n8 th o PITTSBURG mo uHILAD'IlIY '" dI fd Sk'Irlo r th e FUS.HunDI> I ' Ie W or. Id C OU~T1 E$ oor t h olflo., w~.~ ACId Sou'h .,,11 ~ , .1 ~t., PI"lIiitJIJlI·a. .L ," b~.·puIA ~ • ",t.n 11\. vallot f Wo ..lpploa",l lt• •,rll",. . I) ', (;incinraati. . --'1'0 ~njoy Ihe followin g ill e8~lmQble lid· ' "rl ... illoOld llril' I,I. Il,.1i1<i.l."" wltll 1110 ' vlntolle. :" . r rf noline ••"I'''~.' ' up erlo r .,1 n I. I,' • Ill't"r&ns. T ,m.., 1.,,,,,,,"1,,11 I'rol","I~ 11 0 uno dl.· r t I)., • ht P Iu.burll, "llllB rrom lII e W etl run ...... w Ih wlilo" ill." "II!!.""" "l'Ien.eI e rUI" .. 4,1860. dlre.:rtlllhl! Ullion De pot. where Pll8e', ~ IV•• perfect mn.!lule ClUf8, ~ tyli · h s Ancl 'J J ICb ne I.' COJl.truclld oi, enUNlI, "er,a lire tnnareffed to lhe 'rnina 01 lhe litllsli, 8e11\\lIl1y, dllr~bllity. ,,.blob I, tI. 'onrco~ orlb lI""y all'Q;~ I t ~ • , ., 1 W DnOOl(Ortl·nnu "I D (~.. ,t),dpc&,Mila, or &If It la (hore, tomnluul1 w . cl ~Je of Di ~cb.nll!D' pae.e8l1lltr Pennl ylvani a Cl'lntral Relhny, wh ich et:olloeny, enqu Ire rOT, . rHu ev 's u· O:KII.,.I ~UIl1'8' v ," .c h ."Ud ' h .'·U t' "0"'u'·0 . "'I., rbe Illd nill.ble 18n". ,er poinl6 pin: J;\1Iiplic. or Ih doub le sP.rilT/! tiIki,rl, _"d 1lJl ·.r,"lo r 'b.n l1otJauk·,S,o",. ,·h .. IntprOvemenll, h ,.. J.DiU.burfllnd arrive J.. ,nlh i' ...,. I u 6r,. 'I bel' .ru DeYe' kuv\Yu to fal l. bI fI 0, b,on ,~Im i ~ d , 1. t e , 11l01t pro· I I fo] lowe: ', . btl *1I'e :V0" 11"\ e ge" u' ne il rl 0 e. INO Ollou:nA h.. olwAY· 1I•• n m llub fouud e,xp.rt.",lnd pron.a.need to. b.. E.- p-II!I - ~ -evel P,'ttlbur n ftl 3 .. CAUTION.-To guud agaj,jst lmp o.· r;:;..;oLJltl ..... :. rlL , A "'.. &JIfI .. I' b I I t· tl t ". I . dr.."ly.I lI y lb.. 1' 111111 0. a ud I>OO1,le b,,'e S _ .,..-...:r l1li r ..r/«N:M. Otlmlmu d ' (10 A . M., 1I0Pp in il It prillcipal 1'ltioIlM. 8 lion e par' t o nr to no 'Ct!' 18 ' ' ..,Ir II' rllllON.ct 14 .u ,11,..,"er 9r.,,<iCl lclo.. 1& I • 8 A M'r De "DUPLEX" IlIIi\le th"red jnk Krr••H loo prug,_, bl\ ~wll "lIltluouc"".., . It h . . . .lfl\flb t needle, petpehdicular Arr ivel Cll A ' Qonn .t .] 0 . " y. 8t .. op. viz: "J.,W.· Ur.dley'll Du plel\' lE I. · A IlUrHOf. aulll" 'o'u uU,,, '" to be ruuudJ. actloll mlllea lSa \:Oek' Shuttle Stllch, fOn e 9 .U!I A. M, [BI'II.fulIle 10.lS~.A. M .. n "tie Steel ~p~i llg,,·' 1I110 n tbe w . i.l bln~ III Clio .... of Dr. aOIJAOK'8 .B0ANJII N. " ich willl.ellh.l' rip Dor rive!, and I. Lock Hnen ]~ ~o P. M·.l Hamllburgt "":' none olhers U P. eello ill., All " NoiiW'e AVIAN IUIMllmrl!lS. KOCII t ~u . I""",·I, lie • . , fd.. , plr·'ormtpe~l.ctl.". 1.20 P. M., ,ija,lIrnoret 6.80 P , M., NElw .. "/HI D "Ilt, II"; 1'lIi,. oull I" "goro •• •h. .... OD ."rl delc,lpttun of, mlt eri.l. rrom York, vii A-lI ent6wn, It 10.411 P.M., PI,j)· lh llt 've~y nooJt'",11l ft~ o'lt " Jl j" bei ng "1.\Om by (reo " , . or .h. 'onl oelo mum. !f.lber w the. ftne~t ·Nlq.ouk Mu.Un, .deJllh l.t.1 b.liO/P.M" end New York 1 paned IIuuullh the tletl,trtl " lhu8JeveIHn g "I'\ , t ~b. Wlood 1. ,. lbf" ... 0... l!ul'l~Qr, . 't-" II 0" Ilk tb d I ' ,II Phil.delphi • • l 1027 P !tl l ittl two (or do.blc) ~prin g' b~8lded foge. alll n.ftluable remedy . lIouid bO .er' ~,r h co.~, n II, Of' I rei , . ro.. . ' . , . ILeer Ihe'rel". "hlch is l~ e 8e r. rol · 01 ·tb ei, ' Ib ore' )! ,..mlli ' ~ e.v ll,o "r.l.,,, III rill! do colr..'" to &be It~* , .ti ~r, .' CI.OIII.... n EX'B F.~.-Leovea Plttlburg flexibility lI,el 8lreng lh. und 11 co mbhlllhm . Igor aud ~ /llh o~ • •o l)e r""rl'd lr"~l ,ilt· Hnln, "ellhe, CI .. aor co, whee, .,,' . t 119 ·li~ /I. ,a., ~,I0.l)PllIg lit.. early III .• ta. no' lu .b.., f.oi! lid In 111\" olher skin. . ir" ~.o ~:}~:~I,,:~,OpuLDrc\~!.~:I!~ ~!'~ •• - . l RO",lbl, trl~'lo.. , It , uII' ., 11011.. ~hoo" ~t a.115 ' . )f., .h'rllbllrt~ ' " ~ . . . ' 00I1i • ..." . . . d etDRtraUft1ly" '. 8.2()t p •• ,errlvl g .t Phll.delphla lit Ill.· 0:7' For •• Ie ,in"" .lUre~ i·,e ',:ttrtlt· t bo D. . .. D... rUm.DII~ th... ~;o ... n"ru.. ' , II ·l!,.lr. 11l paveen""r-are cl..,11 ~kirtll are Buld .hroughoul lhe Ulli· cor .;\u .... ..lIreb .... DO" O • • h. r nllL vr.S , NO~E"'-A£flJ-E '.' .." 0 .\. ., I , ~ . Of ....,. d lIlOHAOK'B S'I'OMA ll U BIT·fEli8. "'hloh h \~ t , . 'T I ~~~ Un Depoy, · W.I\. rutll. . d St., .... III BI, ewlJfne' . ' .... coru,poundo,1 of U'I. JI~ rllrulP, aull l t ~1 ~~.rr"cIlID~jn,~.r a. Jllrllclly (0 Expr ..1 Tre ln (or ManuflClureil by th e EO e ownerl of Ibe 1.11 whleb ' ... .Dllo••d can rel,. ,. '\' 1 Yurk. reachin. Ihere 1,6.3(1 A. M. Plt"O t, • ,_ "BI. j tllIL PIIl"'D~••.,-nl ' E .... _ . ... • "·0 "" P,· ltF. WESTS. BRAJI,LF.Y & OARY, III A Irl,"lS I w.oJ.a,. ot I,e,'I •r.D · h _ober. &: '7~ .~ tn 'R~r' ~t~"i:t8, h•• :Ui/ ~""" T':;~ , '." or nJu,>:' bur, II 4,10 r. II., .toppin" unly I'l !lrill" 97 P . 67 . 3 m ~ Clpll.latlol,.. Ar.ri"N' I~ L.lrobet 6 .00 ew ur . -r 1 ... HI It'lA~lh .~n4 ! lPRINOE. W-ALTOl,'!lJ &: 00. • limpllclt, p. M., hlloonl 9:30 f ,'i/'.• HarrillbUfIi 2,36' 'p Slop': eoall,.. Ion "der ~ •• mOlt hnpOI.I· A. II" B.liilnore. 'J A.••,. New York,. via , ~ t .' . ''''' '' .l)rl .l't Ii (5u_ l'O ol1': O. w. It't·~ea,) , _"!0DI!!'0I"r i of order, Ind 1',GUAR .. Nr Allentc>wn, 10,)0 A. 11;,' Phlll ,I 'iClif "t'UO ! ~;V'f' ~JJe ' ~~I!'~" to ellllr~ 10..11., Ind tfe~ Yurk, viI PhilJl1.lpltil, II •i _ ' I, I!OLK PROl·jm:Tons, .,...rl~~~~ '. 111,051'.•• Sleepln, e.rlfunlhrough on Durable. ._",.,60~.(J6f1»u1 TI'Ifwf"'7 W •• ,lnyUe, .11 . ..... wbo ,hi. train from PIUitllur. 10 lIalllmor. and Mere . . . . . ' ~ ClINClltNATi, OHI~ "j~t' .1~pp"'<"lhelll,~I~e .• . wll~ .. Phlladolphl. aad 10 New York vii AlleA· , ' .I...... .l ~<ri'l~C!fiul .' -....::...~----r'-----...----.Jja Ie .. 10 CIO!lie 11111 ... toll ••,... n . '. ,, 11 v..-e VI .... Iv. £l) II ~I , ...... .". I r ' .1 ," III} ,0 .. hlW InNr")I:'!c~~loll I••eoftic\ln\t J,JI!Jl7, Leev"l 1'1'111j~r!r It 1.0, . And tlJill ·k 'P JI':. SIiUM and ," 4ain iJ. "I 0 C~Da~rn~



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,v 0Li JU , No. 25. 1 J




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10aO; I'M ".10 A.IY I. ~,1I."BBM 1'{A o., &e ... Dlln kirk, i) ,uly'", (oi 1" \/Ildo ). :;1"(1.• "1 ' aItUu tH\CI l D,dO A M, lid CQnn eCh n \. Hv r.


....... .. • • • • • • • • 6. 11' & T ••• V ILL K, 0 B O!

;-.... •• .y • .;.-.. ...... .... , _ ..... . .1TIft'W' .au..

_ The AIlDODDoement that Mr. 8<lhenolr 1otroCJooed' a bill for the equaliAtion of bounties Into the 1Ion88 o"f1lep . btatfYes mide

by iN aatbor mOot."" "U.....' "Marriof ed,uCJo N6t ¥ated. Poema, ew- Yor. Hurd & Hougb too, 459 Broom e-.. Wbat lIary RU8IIell Mlttord "'&8 to Englan d, Alioe Cary ia Ameri. e&-the true de1ineator of rural life Tb L b Ii . bo . ere sac atthe of Car! that thoso 10 tbls countr y.poe-



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~- IcttrJ::...... CIl~IJ IO.L~ IV.. >'Xu .,; p,,~ lQ~QOY -:- , ", _,) A ...'"..,..... "" ......" ..,,........ ,to Ib "'~ . by D.. ~. T . tom, w ....;'m. <Ii, .. .... " """hu 1 'i:'" ~.. N .... ~ 110'>1'". P ........ . 0 .... ~pllcopah&D' of W"~HI,ton di~ ov ri cs ill the .i\.Dilt.9m\, ~ II> of ... ... .. aU,bl ,.,ctl .' JoethlUlIDdlaCreUon.,

ololiag u~ 'he bl18iae•• io 4b"t OIlJ. ':"~ ~? .... bo~ and ......~, ....... "". ".", •• b. CtPO .. n.~ •. lb..... .. ~'1" " ' .. ' • P. .,

'I\' ,...,"" .... A


. . . . or. no...... 'I'h. Mileleaippl a' St. 1\.1 Ia aiae ' ....iDO, ehoioe doe" I .. JOIISU . 1I11B.D BOtTQBTO, 10 bard ,b., ,be peop. I 011 tb. II•. eu, Wi' aDd HDlDor Yoa., Jadl. . .ettt. of ........ .., P!'p... . Take pleuure 1a Tbe CoID . .ader at)l real reporl. aDd ',OUD, rDde. la: ...are .... ,laI..... Ia.d,aw of C.lkiae,·'6nM . .. lieu of . ,hal &he ForLiI"iag of ,bl' OilY i. im. fal COIIIpaDieia . a' DOoe. pri· Oberlin, Oblo. Ttlt.....oot laM a . bl • J'Oa TOIIWO B.!U. ur.1. . lei .re offer.d to ApDIa raillD, OIuIM, oor~. of l...b.n. Il.AId II oDder lbl &0 be bll beel prAchcA e. " PLa. · dn, ' Hon Aan,ua dlft, 18 0' .\ea Telel" 'ph ' IDOD. 1867 The recent seizate' of d tinerlew in Nal8AU Strul. NeW' York. G Adtlre. . ., for paruo .larl.- Ilde 141,g aloo'wlll aau./' Ul NJw York hll h,d tbe ed'eat of DeAtly 1 PEe ...... RO'I'IC EIJ. - - 76·4.. . I' eij , i



I' y qn oJ)da,.. 91 lut phaae. of "ustie life " . (i)hl 't • colored bill, wh101). .was read twioe 'aDd h' PhY8icMogy l ' , . m· preu'0U8 rosutntJOD o(wlll W1, 't wittl die autbors IQ lb \ I a'-IHl uP th refeiored to the 'Committee on Klllta- w til • orIgin ofllfe-how the .. k. of -••a.,In, '",m.n l" she is not perl'ec tlt 0 18 COU'lltrt ."" 0 ; 10' .,. . I ' be full). re all " 1I11d whu[ Il/lpregw ltlWl. apd ,rrltlO thetlow ln" a ,II wh' o Deed h, I he reCIDe 1D JI' ," ' .,! ... , / 'll8gnzlne t' COllctlpti oli occur-g l\·\ng,.t4QIIlWII .bywlpc h • frotla .. (or biillllllIC all"". to 11 .. . ". odB I fOtDUI A ' d'! .- '11';",.",' £.... ' &Doe ave"", 8Qldie r . a DB.... a, o. WI) .., u'( S n tie l' "In!,,"" ., .,... be II! I , ,! . ' , ' • • '01 •• b.nd ,,·nluablo Information' ih leflrd (61m· (.,.,. wlellhl. ' IfV 0 m,. mqods.or hb :tih.,_ JJ'ters' idh r'. ·" Si\'08 of .'.1/14# II g 11114 rell.r!Dg of beautlfn l' and IleMrtlly exp4!rience, 'b • li.a"-", noe ",lao hM bt1!o h L-_ t'li L.. .' 1 d" . . ,I,.,. , varioul CoQb' ' .ulliUi r i -·,It be b turea In til ' 'dl b aid fr 'plocowilU c1ulllr II . I is hlgh ·tolled &h" 0 Dl..... . ew toi!"P ell I ' meldll... be ,. \ I I '1 10RM Y -II' I t ,\· "( by 7J' &OOly.' Prici. By I.lId C'tmY " e arg ..n . • ', ' I i! ' ' e -Alltln d a respoh'i i".C N • 1 1t'el' I" ' , IDItI.'! fd.iewe d t ' Xi .101 ".. . 'I>. I 8enl,,8 , • bolllity' of 88'00 a lfJ O'@D. 'O@ •• " " , _/ ' .. ." 0'; ) ,. .: ., ,. I , A d' I lull ' M ,,1:. I 'd ontb '.", ," .No. 16J.aiglat "reat; Qw,Yo:ri . '1 "" 011.11. Ii .'. ' d'.. . ,- it tb ,: ro....... .... ('<nIH,..i, ,. "m •.' .. wtlllDtt ""\,\O, .. .. ALLCO Cl['i\ he rollOt Jll _ ...... . & '''p._n ty i ; the habits ; and costow sottbe i a " ....::... of' !'.' " ., T .. QQ cbe.IUIl I st.,. :d.SIa!o ;· " -rrr" 'f'¥ ,.' . ' h,UI,E ,1IACK i ' .. iDa A I r 1," 18&1 , .and ,"p,Ul9'fPr, 6 _.. r ..... l 'v I S" . 1;866• • J( be poop Ie, ,an d' h " w I1 ll'f,1Ceive t.belr due - " . '• I. . . er• C 080 observ ance , , " ge t m ....... /) prvper • 0 ," ,With each aucce881.e'· 11,10 tit lI""a. , ...J... • '., N'aw Yon Ncrt" os '1869 ' 1:"/1 d d b J. has " IX on IICCOQn" , . ( t·... • w9rk • ll11l\lsem 'Its lIud 'o\l , .. tbt' , i.lJ . • her .,dsonl wen,.1 41 • • • n m eUlllJu r· T. Af.LOO:lK & Co. - G' :- • .... eas reB oft... U'ItCl 'ito cia." ........ t 1 to! "n .. . Ia ed l'li the por'tra.vai of btlr r-..voxite 14.. • r 1\t<3 will be I.I1d out·door .... ·4100, . pn !nll'ly uuun .J.!" ll'" CrulD ,"'I.ko ll.1 -I''' . ----::'T lila • ' . . ' Dd the )'outhc.l L : euthe• Ume ent.: , I " n ,ad . . my . I of enl.iltm . . ""ck. .' beard Yl)ur Plea .".! • So\ ..l m.bog.1I1 l.b ' ma nl.ll DC • IDllrh recomm ended for 'clle. .\\\oh b.d . • 1 01 1b1, Itlnd• • • , a..- cilBd, 'the ' Tbe lIlu.trat to'.b e .T he lonlof , tl'll!t the uyea !If the die volum c,-ftfc li is beeD ' .led by General . y lIa!ilfle ..... "UI II' I.blnj:!'on In and r.uh wa,. all I made &0 bls whtcnr . prodllc pleue the. oldor . ' . Jf ahe haa of tile pub 1774. were lold a' auolion la Richmond . . ed in the best etyhi pa ' de.llre, !;Koura allllreIPect( e pla,terull). cured me " n a we£'k . turnlsbea _ bliJru).{O b~nt .....', if ...... he no . If. '8ei! lirtlt Dumber IUlda wl~ O~llr I up or ...,,..,, '" Sa•••••, ,.. ••• . . .od. b.Il J. B."... B......." R...., to 'bI.I 6tiUdren ' A years atorles, AU a Jllece.. OUKII OF OhlCIl lB '1'1111 8.&.01(• • LUMBAGO. Erom • this ho.wever. the stamp oCthi/l lluthor 's gCl1iU8; an(\ IDes. Official relurn. 'there are d.etl o • are •• N. Y., JUI)' 4, 186t, u.lthougb perhap s not equal in 80me baried Ihrough out the III Ii ' . .... III ...l "'} '!!lade for all respect a trnited • Stalee Meldlr'''1 & s to Co.: h r Mlid k, hit b.. jOlt noel"ecI, copy gnltly'; to cople D, 188 ,!"""u or .....yau e under exla. me I III Dr d I 01 \'our plll"r. " . .er wor "\.Jlover· 2.. 1.670 U nion· 80ldiers. aad ' lh"t the 1'hey boa t gratis ' singlll COplef! ,,Q6' or" hne eured me of . II crick In I... o( .... • $.......r by .ook, . wlll1M\' rellil ".,'by or l"....I, •• .,.,..., 133,000. M . . . . . . . 'nli ., he I book, h ...- . . . . •• 'or 10m. DIreo Stath t , cit. ,count v, th'fn, If .... · f Mol by -;{, ,......., .... will 'be hailed ,with deHght 'by A:lic ef Ibe "bole Dumber. 1111"8 been tdenli. 1 me _;~ " my r ' 'I , _ , C 1 : • j ueal or IwCU II, a b'alherbi ,org... out l'I 10101( heafl 10 IfJ nA ary 8 hOst of ,admit'e r8. ",!,e reo- Sed. \8 . er:'! .-" ,RDn . s>cM -, L. H. I I IMP CID' ... ort".I1\ or the Ql and mariaes,.· " RO it ,as wlllph wUl,lio •• . Dr. llr\ladwlY, New York. all\, I'Vit'luI'm Dne,vl; ,:o'r , otliet good ",hUe interes ts. ' . Sf . , , . . I 1M IlIl .01t1. on Mondaw, Jlln, !h,d, FA L LAN D WIN TEf l ' 18~:J. two 'pl""terll 10 a. yoon,' woman .at~ hal l.. 1L. ...j, fp;,wg ve'.y Bevt\r"ly Irol1l Lu(llbalt0' all ~ ~'. . ..(U , ~ '. lI''' . . . .' _ _ 'PI_III 1 hU,lday' &he called to lIet ' t~o 1II0re I~r ~ ~ ~ ~ • (rlei.d, IIlr1l'1'hen Itated how tin, ,two ahe ~ h.d porclllield \'n . MOlldl1' fled' re1i~,ed ' " .. h~r illll~edl'ler, afler !'uUin; 'hem' oli. ,con*iIHn, of Block


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L~on l ~LLCorx wor~ _hi."


'f DO SOli IIItrc tz\lL.1U. .1or

1~~i1lop.p:~arsl':!:t."ad ·



~p~ l1~l~f ~~v~~d . .noxtl"l "bQu.

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D'·... r·lct'

~~ 'D.:-OC:DIJ'·~··l'.rrk C.

Incl.,cue d 1,l'l'Ilri lwo d8~11 of I mUlt di .. l.",~i{lj!' IIUP in ber ". ~k! a.,d loin .. . '1 .~u,la bY, II.I) tlU,I,,'I,I, II .' .74 ..."

IUp.lo ttoI '"1chIR , witbln . , •

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.blola. ,,.IoII .'


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",arra n' io ~ve e;qunl :~'isftLe:.' i' , &ion ~o ,my best CU~lOpa ,~\ Work: ! I










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.... .~ ~e.. . • P. . . eo'_ .. ,;,.' I'" ;.. W. H. CUI , .~ffaidII}L . eli,' a:ncX\iie ~erR W. WooDW.UD, SupUIIT t;~. h'a ~1, ilp;~~uc~ ·r. - ' diacu th D. CAOW,U IWl i 1

':'f ngs :W,0ye qu,Iet)Y .Ml4 on in OUII qwe hil1 age , lUi. of .1 .


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Wehaveno'i>'o.,tau'stcr· t~b ·rIc



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Drie d A-pp1e.

Chi q~en8 l doze'l.




& M

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New'l>Orl enns SII! er 11 i. N .· U:· ){oi uses ll gall qn.

• P,.._








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~ \ieU "\.I~'I~ th ereC 'WI ...

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~to'CkJ8 •

Hev enD i. ,"1' ~ ~lUt .', rs of the Oow "'ny "0 '0 M . velllllC'l, the '. h·atnu ... ,~." F 'L ' E .... ordet oJ the PI'e iddnt. ". , .' ... , '

recto rl! ensuIng







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of all

. '. ENAMEL KETI'IlE,11_ S • . lI.or led .!zea l

pI the b".tfauaUty

SHSA OYnELS. · 'rONG~1: '. " ' IRON~ .l ' ~ ~



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"EM . BR V







1M 1B66.-77 -4


. tarJ oil,"

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of tbi belt _.Ia .rlll ,ad 11'le., 'IIC '.., I


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~ "'""';; )~ H ".J I"." O U SE SI D IN PARL"'R cdoxd ,) , : C A S S .... ... : G ' .= If ' . '&!J, '. "ParlQ1 I~-. ME R E ' ' " , , . Clrl'gtl•tttm ... ) .... ~!..'.!l~" • . .n-bcttc~ Ii (\ ' fiJW'- ~,t: ' ""s r.rsrnts r or Men and Boys' Wear. Th ... I.' I -- :-...T .:,. ,' . ' bl! p'rlor(~to;!"" "~.!9', dl8'l"Irent Improve h B

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o.r ." ..J


c::ir A oN nn ruawontlll Il rticle fnr the C ,!'lIu le !.t" ll ele~nnt Holi< lny 01' lli

dl~Y PlllS~l)t. , !!l"e!,~bQily' will ~.nt otic;, '\M price hlliug wltbin '! pe reajlb of 1\11. ..' For sole OLD DRU G S'l'O RE. Dec. IB, 1866. 77 .



i"'l -

" I,- :!.

The Lumber-YatA :of St · ~ , 1 'ftI'i1li' ,.. 'S ' , • o...-e iV , am


.. aoolnr:,,'~r","1 Ind .aon ~ . :wenV' ~.\• ~u~ 110 _,.., do.. o.. ~~ ",\GIl 1 "It 'J







' Dressed d 11_..." , LilJDlJ8t 1 ~ ,

lYIedicin"'- ; I' };;D l I " ,." ,..... • . "hemtnlo. ' ..' on.a · ~


f, 1 e .: D ,a a 7 fU~::':~~.~.•,oli.., '.ro .

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'(.I~-~ !.' ,'I " )d~~ f~ l'rld~~~ ~p' ,.I~ ,4, ...l a. .. .,; ., , I!''' . nc 11, .1" 1 ",'1 "" " j , ! r:, '

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',ft"~'~· 1 P!llII)!dU~ ,


: ' ....:.Ie~I{I~1.M·a·'~IJ ~ t,•• ' Pure Liq"'uo rs, 1.. 1. . .. , .·: •• •n l! '. .. . ."~' .III • ''IM!. f~~PIII!~fM AN D B L ~ DtT e St..\.U1.D ,.... .', I · ,,Short'' N0 Lice dNtil.08', ., .. • B U'81'.N" on an ,,~eap. . '.,. .': - - E.V"a ,a. Good Perfumer :~, , , Sept. J!al WH . SWE~Y. ."IiI8U't~.~ \f."'-ville. o.~ ' y, .'"










.. hi h th , 8t~1~ e . ' ....eIatlO in w e e orn ame ntat ion 0 r t',11eU ' ns' . R' h I' d Vi 10 lC mo n. rto .fiRd -=-=ade qlia te and ·No rth Oarollna. The Dr, 60 ,f' !' Cent Saved 'bv ''l'h e per fect mat chin g of will'; we , . J . Using In art ~' L' ~ 'lri-.!! ~ hop e, giv eol ir r.eadllrs Borne Th~' , Ha Jr-O 4 . ils ~'UI '! . l " : II 1;1 d il T. r BAB b" BIT T:S Labo ·eve~ tbth e ~iilute.t flower e~ SO lS sojo r,sllv . , ing SOA . P. Hair '8 soap Is tnnd o.h,(Iru clean nnd pure P UJ> ... VUI,II'1 111•71 I.' mate · urn iD tbe Sou th. rllllt!. cOI~~iU8 no· lea'Tlngnom~rkwbereby the . 1:10, 110 llJ LD 00 TO udultel'llti?n of ,UIY khld , If ' U.l LE AN D whe re ala, bl ((I1111'.fa 'amlln.IOcll "of''''.» ' , ~illnot.Il\Iurethe .lU.oHt delicate fll~r lri'ght be. ' det ect ed, -the .rio h W DlT 'S, N". 116 Mlll berr , Itree . !c, aDd Pro r. ,Bam itto D al\~Ollnce,1 ale ot. ..I,ellecl O~de, ~o~"'ln~,~~ ., , .~I J- , L I! BAIIO II. Ohio. ~CI~K Jhri~ in the pain ting and the ture lI~I; 'I~:& ~~~:~ ~u,. !I : :b~!I ftM O~~~ S,lL l~~: VER ~~~~ ~ for . Sat urd_a y -eve nin•• on • Hair , . ' . . .. . , It mny be..W!cd In hanl or 80l} w"t.o 'rARE, loUd ~"d plHtl'd 8pooIII .lId BROA IQl'OCl'bJ\l&s. ,of por tion rl!. It wiH l ' . 0 r liB0" to .,.~)( . p~int. Btl b.,ec~ ft · remove po"nl. grc& DV ' L~ ~8 lle J tar ' nod '.' I ..... ~ ':~~;e.~n~m~:I~:n .n; fuckpet C~Ile'1d' .e oney. kind e. One p~)I\lId ,JI~ranted . tllina of nil -AI 80 , I Good .,All or'm ent o prel lent a ' com plet e but owi ng.,\<> C4U l\•• to two r-' C,A H!S ~e lME .'fs RE atbe S" r • .. tbe) W ,: ,l'! .. I., feop ' le pounds of onlinll1'1 famIl y 8~llp. D itOC ... , & .D Enlf U.h W.l ch" ,; Ii... "old relic . V,E'·QT11UGS a..a Dot:r' ti01l8 d t.h I t Pe11 1 Ind and reo.oo& the ga:,eateti ~ i sent with cllcb bar, for '. . .' II ' " , • ' .• DO Af~ Dlllk " ' J app ea • Nl . mg ' Pearolle; 8pec tecl.., wltla t ',UlJV-'f'.,; thre e gaUons , e ec uro 8 halllI8~mesofl80~~ frolll upo n '; lI(, J8a rge ant '.· skID' ttt~ltt ~ ~').,t lc, bot h/ll.l a "''' 'Ii ~ I Willd,'.m' Ol~" po~md conc ",e. convex. ItIlo ell Iud iii> a futu re tim~. , I .,. preW;' '" " Lon don 8Oap. 'Eac1t ba~ 18 .r"p pcd In A clI'C of this ",AJ • tv b .. , "'Id amo . liP 111 *)~1rl 1I'Ot " '.' . ke gl ..eel,ln.olcl,llIv"r.plll~d ult\r con· Iwork.IUI 'Or" "hom'W:.YI\~-. '- , g'" ~uln •• gful teel ldlr ecti ~n.r or\l ,\~ sc,pr • ilitedl';lElIg. end CIOIDIIIIOD rremC!l, &0 lull fill ",. II,, " ,", ",'.. ,. . . h81it&nd~nn.n. Ask .your groc " ~".III ,• • i . ·.die oD.Qf~mperanceorSp ( ..,. , """ 1 Ind 11/11.' ,1,1•• of er tor ,'B. LAMPS, •, ., 'rl 'l ng T.BI l~M, " .I j8~ ' LAN I1PI· "' l\lId TER ~ t.dkc NS, Ho" lhe r. Pln, erI. IDI i' .hee t 11...10 la4 lIu. alle1" '1Vlll.llold a FestiVal ' and, Fail FRU I'T·J AR S. CIGARB. loli ' an 69 . , ~1l7 ll ' 2~!D g I ".,ro meo l... ·MI.cell.aeO.... ..hoo d7~TWT...biu~o g.•....~.u 6!it N66• G7y' 6B• "'A'j glA U! C . 1\'" • • _.. CHOlOE BRJalNDB, In .~hetd:~.ll' at .tha t, ' plac . ~. . cw ~r k , . ' , .• • ;C '" .," "'-" ',... .,_.""'..~JI••'!,> 'jOI e-, on . the RI ... II Boo b of III klad ., B IlIk Dee r. . ~,q , .r , . ~ . ,. d.. D U Wb •• .. . . . n ! Ir ttliJ, ·~o' liot lalt 'm / . _. ..... :" .n:' -h d ""tl W FIN E .CUT 1'08 AO "OD 8 & .. l1IA ."E . cWt I'v .. .1 tom.r he DHcI RO& I II llB 0''' ecem L ' N ...,.. • I!!iO or" .. "'*. an "..1 \, 60 PeR Cent. S ..lP. a,.. , t er.e ~f!!;~ :" ,,!,d~:+~ err, ntl. A1B4"'ltAl, ~r.'.Y' 1 '" "'. the ben eftt (ot ~hf) .Di.v'8to 0., ur: o• IQ~. \ d I, b " 'r'~ U· ,.!901it1 ·M"'f6.b . · " •• ....... n. !!\ &0 .• v·_ All &0" ' • o ~ COI r. u I.tID .e.~. I, 08. . . ' ,,, J:V~ Y .SUlg l7:.Go 10 the .' hand .' fore in·v ited · ( . .' , D. '1'. JJU8 .T'r" P1:u New D~u,.8Iore. ,1\'4e~iR l ...Jhapp:r OO~I ,.,. OENT AB/f ' IlAn . \I :D Relld y POTN~" I'" Qd ' ""'' 'lal nln , GI,'mel .choal I '"p .co~~'tl.JIII\ Mn.kcr. War (ad . ' , pun ued . ' J '. NEA L. C.,d•••r.Ii'on, R'e,IR , ~ .., ~).l. oMPi , ler., .1." 'com mon Pota.r,n.nd ..ItlCe.l. fttt '" .. .,.; _:,, ~Ibum...M, , 'ft' ". • I ~' . . 1:,,\1\.<.1(· ,.''l: I~n '~ Dool ~ lor pre.. nll.,. I!d IUlADI"IBAII~ CL In tho • Plnt ore P,._M. .'ll1.l(t,1 , • I 'v, , ..,., cut 'lnd b1u,lbJ . K. bQ~I()'J . I . The ",.1 lIot! 1 ~ :3Jn~;:" "\\~ , of. WA LL P A.I! EB . C ' In the eoltn .




EVERYBODY' ' . • 8 _.

Restorativell!l Pomades Dyes!

'r .:








I[, ..t mtS .

.___ - - '

_me., ., "'1'.'" ..



Boots and Shoes ' "

A Fill' lAne olr "





\fe Ire, HIOIlla,


r!lr .•tt. Jill IOn '" I(n!',...., ,", (fl. tt~h"-i


"1'" loi. ,Jb~"lll. )IIjtl . .. . . tt· 1 I"

" ' o\tWP ' J\~ 'N . .



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;I' ~,," -'I"> , la ,". ' A·~ , ~j; I II· II LI 0 '. :~~f.U:';~~..;:1~~= ~~~ 1;~ ' ~ , o be ~ ,....L3.,. "';' " • "" J ~ 'acil))J~ 11'8'..:~ I~' fie OI"li, (Th "I~Ir.~I,fl\e j},D8~tclA,~ .'l1d, elt..,.~ , " : _ I' •..,a•., o~"J ,...,.tI ' ~. I}! } ! W I~ We will fU'f! JPII lnJ • 0 "tb eM , '¥lI :\I. , i , -~ \ , " . ,.... ~w ' tow .r thRlI ~ol I 0lh.r ~ollRlla " : ·,ot. 'lh!l,W4!'1J ~ ";01!at~ .~ ~ ~ ., . _ ~l' " ,.







~ .,,~ . . o:7.W~ Ir 1.Ot\ .~eal.l lorl~'IIiI_I.. "I" ~ , !II .& t,oo 'Se",II•• ~ " • ~;JJ "'~\ , ., ' . 'Jl Mao"ln,. yH,'lIlI~ .. , l!._ AitK< I "'11I1'!19i!~ .~ , G~ToS' rt1J ,'. I t,. ,*tb~ BO rirl' B~.e. . FAMt~y tlillcblt1e. C,U I ..d I~ 't.t. ' NisftfNG GOom~ I-II I or ,I_~" ",I ~bl ...on, 90&, J'7. , ." , . ~ 1l . . willa 4t a~ .' a , . r e~~ , . lbl .' ' , _ . 0:7 ,Pie... «Ive ' e prQfi!, " " r W ~y".rill".Ocl. ~. , ' I ' 69tl SA LIS B' Un,y ' , BR O ' L. 00 IIlnr,oi1r •• Wtl'I rile I ~n ' ..fil'r,'· m,' . n I IIil '·.'; , :-' l l~'" ,. .w,' . ~ '. " h ··JI .:u ell. j," Mon r.criure.. and hilllO , !l.''' · ~·'~·' rl. 'or I filaI 'll I 110111 '-tmJ ola CU'I~ ' ~ ., Gel., .,


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B.-T .Babblt.t.~.,S~r 'fe~t PoW J ....... , ! 4er: DE Ligb t BIICui t, or:wy JUnd of (!Jako e!!l!!!!!!!!:~!!!I;!!!!!=ii!!!IiI!!!!!!!I!!!!!!~!!!!!! <,( ' RO W)" liIOKt.:L' . !~=~ DIId~ with thi. ·ye.l'!'~''P(lJ!del', In 16111n\ r .lie: cllr,l'fn ~bD rlltut,e DIy .b./e Grlt " . ·.c ' " W(IW8.· 'J'hl ~ub.crilier 18 hOW .'el~ P'I' 8 , 'L V E R; W AR eo li' ~ If. . ' rElce i~ PR', Ind ~orlcnlng t~uite<l , .h~~ 11,,00\ wi! ron lll, . ' 1 '. .. ' 1,., Itr will coat inue lO receive duri ng lb. .... • . ~ ~ ELT aellO u. Amw,icct..... ~lUA , fl: ' DUDJ.EY: r .N0 8. M 'w 7' ~ W~r, ( r-W.~tI. It,to 1~ON Wngton st,. Nllw . ~_ _ _ _Wai! •• 868" I' :' ' ,," _-.....;'--~':"""York 't. "'r--CAdl&JI B1',o~ • •~YI,I(. . . "",. " ' ' ' ' ' ' . .~t.nlM ....,.'"1'"' an "·'1 u'~" .._OQ 0 8el llft nea f. " . AI1J!i1 Wlm ln ' ••d lo" fnl&raCItion (Jo0 '4 • • the _I : !.II'lD~~ '.. hil'h be will far ¥ou a, iI,. ; .. II II, .he ; •• Of' ~,., ::: .lith. . i~' ,:ur:::.~·'"c~::~· ~'1: , "bj~ ""' J'e![aeetoo \Q .• ~"I~iUI&.lJII. ~_U I It,l e' TrJ lJ, ,,I ,~. IIa wW be ~I.-' br lbe ai-II III lIIe. ~., .... lC"p "ttl ti •• L..... .n.t he. I


.JD t t ·



a~ll lmllJC)di.

u~\tlecl ,.1\p,., Januuy.t .l$r 7. p. O. AND.ERSON, M. D.

WnTnclrllli, Volt·. l7 , 1 61i.- 77"




belt :.t~l•• II rle l_ ,pr\c II IrQ• . > ,e,r . COm I on _lib ' your work.' INI\ W. Ire nld , 10. ."l<O~

OorD" D.'r oft l11d W, ,,, 8'1, . .

For ·Ftu'e :DJ.'\1;",: ., ::>"". "



·· 'iJ.

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with(j~ o~ ill1tthe ~Ibum.




RE VO LV i.l.vr:t :pfd Trt RE S, 1n whloh ,.,1 the Piot u..cs m"y bc' Beon tb ro '


ment •• itd 811d ror. elther. ..I(.9!t1,0 ;lVq .kh,iL qd, ! 'l'''I~'~I or build- ftoc k ~.II bl'!D pur ch. 4,1'1 ,h. , I,' "W"

.dd. ,rei lly to the app e.nU b. 11l1l·.llId

'. ItI.l.N ,IT RE ET ,

RO B IN S 0 N ' S · '






rA~itN T Pfl1>.l'b·(iRAPBIC •



' , . !'

I1tr'1\1III11Ia111N · ,".I~ mm " im( .I'~l,;(, 1 COSTS NO MORE IEC~l! 'D'J),nESS-'n'OODS, ~v 11tH. .t , ",,, a)Ot 1IIl,,'A~III. ~ U '. , ) ; , ~lbl.".,.I\! 1 ' I and , will be ~!~ ,At ,e~ ' , '1"0'" lie than th~ oWI.Yle .o' ~Iillnc. lli... ., ~'IDIl·t·'" 'endlesaJrlftie'Y. hd~ a\ a v . . great red,ucti~n in prioes. on CRn get thIS Sld. mg , i I" onlyrat .


Lll- ' ~ ) ~~~ ' ;'G } ~ ~. ~ . ~ ; , ~







.. ,. Qu~tJ, ! '




i W.)~e".~,



~ or before the 1l,t ?f Jan u· And 118 t~e ':EU EP~A N~t{ I·g'O DC. cUs~ omel'8 I 7, " ·lao Qun 'l be ,I· CIl!h~,r"'C be\tel' tlttQutlon._ I~!, .. d... t,9 remula' 'CO ) , \ "'e ... .,·: » ... .uled ti/Uf1 that _ . .:, E. ll.:.Il!l\.!N~ ..., d~. ft' w ' .. . 4;

. , thei r

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'''')1 '' " And lY1~ .fuVif;ei.the 114tteuUOJl ' nJIJ!RI ,I ~ I,. ' . ..0 ,,' tlt Ii ,( J ~" ."'l'Ifir:"'!':,,.,f~ " A IV E ' 'of 'OlU' ....... ..... mers d' C "',' ' T'·. l \aI~A'·.'D.~W \ilUD.:o · ..:·tl'l~~li .: AD ·' ER ·\)·;' ..aioi ';'I.. (·I !!at"J·i . ' · l r · \ . '\ Friends to'ithe 'Stylan II "·' k· ,~·,, 1'r.··' ' I"'~ and .-r ~nd prep'~re'd. ldr\!, ~4i~vy'\on. Old D . 1 ,toea '!,'.!, es; " Wit:to \J.W i..L' , , . S t·. ~ . .I.,., tt .". "I'l~ • lit" ~'~~lM q5 ~v~'fl 81\. '89 orte ''.1 '. . .,Il," /.II~ ": ~ -= M · o ~ r.,a;, ftC ,¥:ft,. • , . \VA .Y'N ·IS Vf J;L B. · :;t1'\ ..... 1l!1 ~. Ol!r SI,ack of fe~ ~ tWe-s~~~ THE ' HVLIDAYS . BOOTS AND SHOES 01 pa,l ·en t ~o''w' . '~ 'e':':' :G-. ~_..e,J.l1'l,am":,.' m>t-:"t~ l N ot '.! ~ is t

Bilf~izes ca~

q~ality '

,ae .,a d .I}n.l~t-

RE.ADY·1UDE CLOTBING r . "I . ' '. . •


Ulon'~I"JU,17UQa" ' -::;igh~~;~~:l'


anb ikDts ·

' cCly. , . eat" ,. arn. y-.l, or, Ska te& , "ill 'b~ '''soltrll"'!hK o'-t heb it:ou.hHce"'s 'tbu the t,.,'' wirt 'II. "!ti ~' " ~ ~ ' .1 . oj moa t Qlnticiil'<Plw e'e\ 'el' -\ ' '''{f qOJllpe tlO"'1 ~, AAllre, IlAll trpw 80 cen ts~lpwards .l'l';-oL.l. 1 for T. T. D. is'o n ~he big-np. ~ h,Pt :e~B{ Ai.~fI1t I ~' thAt ure, is .. "'bl; ai'll ¢. \'Eh Y +b . b9laq ght from hisc\l8tomel'S, rug ·~ :Y' " ,eJl" y y ave ••• . h en- "; TheadlrltBlliOn .. y l? : . P Y Tem pera nce Ent erta mm ent WIll be ; and fro~ thes e mor e J>oet. 20 , cen 1l.i~ • ts eac b ' 'e~entng. The pro . ·tbe y oome dow n to sau sag eI' 0 0 ' I 't (Ii t ' t' I ' gram me may be seen by refe renc e to IlH, :r.s Ie mar vel· poste!'!(. . ";l,"he Dru uk. q ,7u , t e bes t Bri ttan is .A slock of '.8Poons'. 75 ted cen ts a actt · lock s arIt , ... to be. h d ena . c on e secon ' . evenlUg, wlll occ upy ove rt two are bur glar . pro of (a nec essi ty {J which will acc oun t for the lack d~~,at . almoltasong;-. Co, : h . in shol'tl wha t 'bey 'hav . t ' than ever befo re,o nban d.I\D d· mlDo~ per ormanceB O}\ tat """ evoDlng. . ; ' , . e M 0 R E CO Nt I N G ! ,no pre.l?ared. geh~r tbe ' ~king, _ls not, hi Be''_' c -'. _. . '~ , . cOllntry. . Go i'lh'd' s, :. ' 'l'OY f!~tOIAi 'NIm~ '~AW plI.rties, knci~". AN!. ,?m NY~~NOY AR'rfo<f.~~NS. s. .oi: ¥"lIelv~ i~!le~\e.!J '0 T. b ~""Ji.iB" PR E'S 1idTAZ,It}J.V;\ B'OOK S ~ lo.\• . ~e "'ql 1aD en.IIUlU



~ D ' ~, " . . ' .AN " \. w ~ :Jib wts . Qk.-rts .o.llUtd..... PlOitt~. Lan . 'I tma.. fo,. coofoa, ctnldlf GIld

H oo p

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~b~~t'iI? ' ~yvw,, ~. - r.f.:WI\., ~~. 6\<yi~. betwce'D',tbe'110u"il,Q.f'OI'\ l\'~~

61' All it h "T.'l'! , "M"I'l l p m

I "I 'i !

HI" ill" Dee ly"

D am es tic G oo ds , ALLEN & (DANDALL 'D R vo a GOOoo, iJ Al'n~nlt:tltrll to W bi t,e G oo aa ,


~~ m,t,mtl~'~f gJoo~ O~~l' ~~-



;~I~~u.:.: .y·~~0 ,,~0.ryI\1E$l11'IR". R£Eld T\~tNTY'FIVt:

DR y 7qO . I.OD -S·,'!.' S .·.· T ·O"~.·)t. V1t, :E~.·.' ~" Sl, I'~ B'A.R. O' "A'.,:' I' .~i. 1.[S,t ~ ~ I III .' , 0 In A~ ': -~O.N P R I ·.. .. III 's · BO ILERS1 ' ...... -~ '1'~


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. . S9 \ eespe c ~ . mer ~te ' of ' 16 @ 20 any ,.,,' par ticu lar Me nds lU ~ohnectlf:"'ii ~tll 1 35 If.DW'ALI'''UIIK ItL' , ~f'rrltll A.QerIlI. tb.e offiQe .. The d~pres io~' in 1 the Sor:~hllm 75 Co~1 Oil 1? ,allo n. Y_ 80 Wr igh t & Co. , por k mar ket is fe1 the rcu addition to thei r larg e stoc k Al'I Ex'r'i;slm 8ALE AND Far s hav e had no :wh eato r hav e a flne , tock of Bro wn ley mer oC l'iO"U 8. The above crop s, and ~uch of thei r cor liV" for sale by deo'I ' •.Gold ."d SII'" r Wore, I, now . Sbl rijn g, C'anton Fla nne ls, ing goi ng on inju red by the wet wea ther , they h 1 TwI lled Fla nne ls, Bre akf ast .\ )& nIlO. , No ., . . e g oo. are lo ld at ;.Ill 8oDt1«a, Fan cy Sca rfs, and a ish the8~arce y any l'eCOUl'se to l'eplen- TWO DOl-LA H' 'Jo~'\CHU8e. tlf:GA RLlI. ESS 0.' , lf pUI'ses, exc ept 'in the por k VAl.U I org ood ato wh ieh the yde eire ma, E. Send ~Cj,;N TS Cor r ke t;" 'tbe . tall in' prJc esis 8e: --'1 ill ' . ;n~n UlHb ...ed Noti ce. ""'O.N~DOLLA vere ly CO . CIU ted ~ at~n~. Rfo b r *h oD:Or t~e ~aNes.. . 1 • Tile nnnlher on nc b N o'i ce , DlmCU , on y em. On "ilb corr6 nET AIL ~". . ..' m.. o~ are aeUIDg ,tb,eir the UUI,"b" r on .o"'~ or.tic.le of good Ipo"dl ,.t city .... hi¢ han d, . who hav e to ,... 11 be Int? n rBcei(>l of . ror £fU.It nia1 riJla 't an , ••• 'J'be lIIoney .. il DR Y oby tJl:elr por k, 1iail the,'ilecr~as 1_ ' 'T'J'',,;r0T II ~ , . e in be ref"n ded If lb. pod .dO ilotj tb " , aW D, tl'••• tllr.c tiob . J.:' n. " : priO.,.. ~qr" I"1;l:to :gjv, them I Agen ll 0118"11 'I'~ I!:N'I'V .n\' , .e pIC .0, por ,.. &8 a satI £ DOr LARS er sfac tory WE: E:K : Selld (~r. be(~1:! l?uyjng~w:~r.e . " T.b." om eire "l.r. REED &. Bl~O.. ~..~t the ~~W'n' ofthe " goo d old P.O , Box 618~, QU EE NS WA RE , receiv~ thia wee k a larg e in.v.oioe t&n~. N.IY .York. , 80 goe s th~ ~.o ~I~: the e· Offic e: 84 Llbo rtv I. fancy , ~ ,ro~ tbp Hol iday s, 42·11 ven t th!,:t ~U8(l~ lejP lcm g lU bne HA RO WAR E, &.· c. - ~ che ap. ole • a, oth ~ er . ~.. To..... TIC E. '.A. 8., W. ..L~_.",.. ,b. 'F he 8loakhold'cr8 of theNOWIL} .ve. illal_ lgu. ... 'llo8l' I'lI c nnli ,, ' . ___ t.I vu,'l'no AND BOY':!! ' ... ..... "'NT. .. W I.m ngtOJ! • ..., cat lI I T urn!'!'k e. C ,o.mpall Y ure hoi'Oil v Blb J.' " ,' and-from pre s- , F.oa ·loiA&,8i .... .., . ~'I'!,,'i , Dodson s~~~c~;.t~tL~I~: ~~:n&\\'~~J~:c i:l'll~fl~l~e~~~ indi~tioll~~;,thef ~ill s~cceed. " bu1 ust recsived .' . 1. !I~ Il.p~rior I assort'- bU';!!oo:cl J .::. . ,.. , t · f ::2~,:t,,' - '''I. 14' 'h ,j,\:i_ (,.' ~(•.• I:~I( .I' ' hA.Y. ' TU'li ..... . ~, :ill ann a·ry t , 188'7, ~II' 0 '. .... - .-, . ). ! J~ ,itj'J J ./, . t e mm edia teai tent lon ,Gt." b.&ft11b th..ei l Q'c1o Illt..,..«:o " H9R,ijJ;a~" ck . . ur "A LL P.M ., for ,the. AVA n w . wl'jlose of e.tueting lie 1'~~,,""""'.w now thA U.



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o.... 001... ..Aee A'oeota., Jlh UR ri1k p....i

Pltt A.q . EXlIrewt

:;~ " b~.".~


1.11 ... ._ 8,6 ' ... . - &a:,,..,


C~Mllv. CvrTtlCIcfl

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o:T Per t!" ... , ...1,... ..",.... .D Ii"" r.lle "",_ . , S. 'r& Jllt . W'i nc.. ville, S ,,.. 6 1 lSa6~ ,


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• ........ 0 ..... ..., It - UIlY. .. ., II, 00 ' ~.:,. SKI1.LIN . 61 Dor ",CI Sleelao .... Prv ,.i", _\ I. r; .~ ~lt Io. , PJaU uIIl,p WI. 11 3111 Pa'. •_

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I.P '"al iilrk " New -T.r '" " 69 . .~~ D .... .. l.ltorew.~...... 4~:S tIaIot iIDaD CIa ito N ......· Yo .... A ND 18 !'IIOM

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413 MtJt !II.

elie Ihott&v,tJi rou te .




&(1•• In COUIII•.,.to. 01 Ililk. !fue, Horn DI ....,er. &c., In CDllle. The"le Powdl,. were former I, PU\ I~ .., Simplon J. Tobl •• , ".on of Dr. ToblaM Ind, .. nee Ilie dellh. Ihe ttl'mllnd h .. 1)"11 " " ,•• l,Df tit • .,., .h.\ Dr.fro. 11111 toJlthllled" thlltr Mtnor.clu.e.~ Thill' .re · p~rlecl'J .. f~ .nd Illnocent: no IIttO 1'llfIpina Ih. wor~"" oC JQur lin.




They incr",p tbe 'ppefile, giye

• 1\n" eODt, clllln'le ; tbe Itotll,rh Ind uri· nar1 OTITnnS, .110 Increale Ihe milk 01 COWl!. 1'r)' Ibe~, .tld JOu will nevil' be without tbem. Hlt'J!1 WoocJrol", the eelobr.le~ Irliller or trotti.. hur.... h.. ' ..... ~.JliI!ndl Ollm-,o hi. . Col. Bu,h, of lti. Jer: :R.aee Cp\lree, Fordhlm, N:Y., would , Illee' lfieln IInlil he '''' told of what they lue CO'/lPOled, IIlnce wllieh h;' II nn· er YiS4hnut 'hem. , He hi. onr lIO run·

_lust reeelnd,

Dlreot 1i"om If....-YO$ ! • IIIllt'1 tAceDt ...ortlll.llal 01

Philo r.


um ..

IJled · no other medicine He but kindly permitter! to rerer .lIl1y Olle. 10 Jlim, OV~~ 1,000 o\lIel' ~pl~JII,np'" U!), loe"seeR It Ihe dopot. Sold lJ)' UrlJ!!.flst8 Dnd .. ddle~"-~rice '6 eenlt por box, Depot, 56 COrll.Dd~ S!rp.e!, Ne" York. I ' . '7S' '7IY


W', N' f




lor Jlilem.






NiW You. 'NUf, 113. 18J91 T . ,.Ar.Leo:", & -Co. - Genllemen :- I

lIuftered"l\."erely (rom • Well~JU'1II ~~Ilk. ' hearll Ylltlr plli"er, of. thl" khHI.• '''''''UU'''' and lhe resulf ",n 1111 I



A.I"ar~ pllller !,ure~. me



r:Ildlr ,"~ke up




"",Ied bj iny, anll 8ItulI!",I!er superior to IUlythillll \\(j thiri IJ

,20 ~O ,20 ,2tf 20 t





.JfIJr..a OF



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rr~. · He.r~M...



tl\1S 'tiM NllpoU,on is 1\ lILrollg tldiever ,~n, l(If()dern IpirJ.I,ualilm. . (.:. .: General SherlDRn retlltDect'{rom ,hi,

','lell' eiipl\lf .Ii~n or.lh~ r.lan~ at Ou. '

~"":'Io,,aed 'Ti,th t'lle fib~.i eiga~8.".



'lrrant to 'give' equ:d Sn&istac'tion ' ~() m} be L C~ It>1ll. V. ' j'k ! . .,

P"' 'L



_ _ _-o ~ F-




t Uave ju.t ftcel,d. • De" Illd lI'~·select·


STOV~~ .'


A R G ~ l N S, ,s~ktIfifitES, , ~ ov AL. CAST 1l,lON WI' m S BOILER$, , I - ...... . i...., lit


For got ten ! ! -

«g~istn~as '

'Q UEEN . . S WAR E, ~

' , I .

A lJetter Boock of



IJftscttis ./. ~qDt~ .

tIll'" l'C p IJ fore., on hllllU, Olle) .




a~~.'. '~.~1Jt S! . ~



.1.' •


'I .

.. ........ ,




Shuttle Machine I

~lr ell. OD t'" leal). 1'1'1I~'leD" me \'our iuenlfoll : Sollie 'IOD!! • 014i·. AI. <I dUII 't /1,0 ' ,. '1, ~ot bur .. luIi J haft JIl 1I1ion : Ttw jJae'hu u:. for ttl bODie, And iM\D ,n mtl>!t be p"rl II: 1 "i h IoU d k 1J lo~ you-lf", rray t\.I'e ~ b u r iOul eo owe~tcd !


e"",.I'" lJat.,

J. VI. Irr.4l'}'"


(Oil POI/ILII ,al o )


.",..~. 616 IJroedIMlY, lV. Y. !l~O "".lI i"9/Q1t St . 1I001n/l . 921 Cilrll,II/' • t. PAII'IiIt/pA in.


Prul. f;C;OI:JlT JA CK o lf, . R nnaT B RIIUtRT

..:k..I.:r'* - :at


M. D., Dr. Et;cr.n VEtPIl U. Jr.

g PURELY VEGETABLE, g .... rree from

Til e tll,lionul tJi ,pf'n$O'7/. t itlo 611,IIHi 1859 N oll·ret'llttn or Illetitia gr~II Urine, britatiClll hi .... If Sis yeo,. of IInrlvalli'd lI uecess In tllc cnmr",1 and pIe. lire ~ Iny Imdy \vOlanll!' Cllre' of e. er), fut m of rri vu le til e •• e in. or UlceratlOll or Keresr), ... rl dl'l'l 10 eilher ol' le.· Ih~ I)up,u Elllp\ i~ .klrt will b, experlKidneYI, Dlaealet it NIID .... Scit1ic, al1fl Fair E ter/i,,!! Viclol'iou. Or ft Nl n,\ it, 1\,. '11'1\" ut' in, pn c"01 Dlftlc\OIU ly.n III cro ... ~ed 18sel1'· .... 11;< tvlt c~ pti \,lIl bHt~, ' oper•• , elrriop", rallrolid car . tat. Glaad, IUIIIl' . ill tit l: outT Empirit'ism 0", 1 Frat/d , POISON ADd d )'uu ti ll o]lpo~e 1\1- HI clllu. h pewI, ~rA1 chalrl, for prooMln1df! Co.loulul, or ; ' Ye Inlollib ly (jllre Rl'~hilIl8, Olee l , Uy ,,·110111 "UII Yo' rc rell' elf 0.,0 fl ll u e Drel@-, •• Ihe .klr! cln he rohJ.&ad are. lIodoublAldly" lobo If till b tri.i.'... w h TlI will ,' OU do' GOllorri:wlI, impote,,!!)', Nu lurn,, 1 alld diDe ,oait, ad all d\'.a rieljit bta~ I'I!wedy Simp/iei/'I amI P er/ cclirm Co;nhilltd ed wlle ll In ·u. e 10 ~ccup, a em.• II 'plonll II~ You' re 8till wit\1l)pt l\ Sav"ou r: " ~·"OrA urnol Em il iOlls. Cunolll.illlS pe$luli ltr 10 . pos ily ,mtl lloIlVl!nlelltl)' 01 Bill\( o-r ,nlld' b. la d der, kldueY;l, "lcl4t I'" 1f dClltb should cO l)lO Hud u~ i1 yo u IlOule, fe lll "le., nno! evo ry fu,m of ,,,i v. le dlie.~e It hn@ 1\ . lr ~Il!'" " r~dl • . pe ,~.~ .."llolIl. r r d I . Illab le ""!l lil)' ir{ c r i nu Oh I til II YOII'N! 10" rurev@r ! swelling.. ' IJIitII u" IIII I\ on .k". ,h e Lur k or SIIII II lc ' IIICh, In re .. , nn n~~ . I I ' ri" Bk ' rl- . . ,, ( w~ul rye r "BIIlI! \lr IInlu rr. ' p ronBlorFOR . , . . wlo ich \\' ill II I-I liter rip 1I 0r ra vel ,, '0 11.1 la 11 11 0A. hOI III anv .1I'II11! Ihe P ~,lllu If f 'J!P . T oun; lK'<lplr ocnr. to f:nc! ,1m\,;, 1I1111 r . rhwo or S~lf· Abtl 8 e , th.I cur5: qJ' fl lO(i ern lall-foulld h.vlu" enjoyed AIl,I!,,,,y \0 HiDI fot I'.,·or, .ll ke UII bUlh sIde. ; r~r f," m Imrl·ct " ew, . • I ' Imll /l.hIJ/,il, enlify 81111 s peedily eured, nlld inl: o n Herv tle-o, II,UOII •.4 ma.... r' .. 1. fro Ri co rn lort, .nd IIrent CO~IYl!Il""Ce co wr'~ rAo\l oow bogln to lelwc your" e~ ~ ry trete ot lI a IPrr ible ft1 Cle eutli e. · L e l lh" r lu ' oI,e tine.1 , n ll ..",k ' )]11 li ll I l lig th .. DupleX J::l lip't.'~ lIee l epri nll .k lrl A nd .~k .1 lo"ing Saviou r. let! Irolll th e BV. IPIII . wilh oul t1eltml iun • nt~ .tli ~ wiu l ute. IWtl sult.!icre be w. th C. , l lU li fi ne ll IJr 8d k Ihrcoo Irllll: r'lf ft aiflil lp dfty . Wi ll neve r . (t'e r\\'n ,'I ~ Iruon bua it. p~a .. '1 0U II \; me n, Leor Ihl a III '110 fi~1 1l fflr 10,.ln;; .105U5 ; Ihe Morse. t' 10 'h ~ fill P81 lIumbe r ' I lVilI lng lY d if pe lj e wit h Ih lti r ' u!le. For mind, thsl wo ore I.. .110' 'ulSi!!1I 01 Ih a I Our c"ptuin hu gh 'e9 .. INory. " ovinl( nel ol. , I CU /II' nor CIOIl' "' he e l•• nd , dl i1'I~I!". noi IJ('" Ind yo~n!r ladlel Illey ur e a.crecl receiflld nllli m e l hod uf prorlice Alld from nil ~1'iI (rees 118. NOll Iho ' ,'68 1 po•• i~liI IrUll io lll , II rllll " ae ' . upe rtor til .11 u l" ~ rli . r uf ul,· e rw~lI. LBlltlllOlltl, Hunoer, Ve llII ,\o lh B~ \! III I' " " ,] id 1\lphulic. lIy" ruey ltl nul bend or bnak ,lie the n ~' 11 su r~1 f . dave.den r snul Illal " live peou. 8en., Itl nnrd ~ lI d olhe r II reat Iillht. 6 ' " f.i "Ir'o eprine, bUlWil1 pre..erve Ihelr per· N o ",u r l hjnf:~ o r mcrit>. OIl1)ra,lng , ' u ,"od er ... Illctl io141 sc i,·lI(·r ; fl,r il i. 0 InCI J¥OISELE~ M'.lC .'IINE. :ect BOld Il rol·,,11I 1 ehftpe wl,~n three IIr WI ~ I !lis q~ 1l ro81~"1 l ite m nil. Y/ .. ther do. by . Irlue ' . or Ih e very crea tedl imp orl nnce, ~lId we It r eq " i r~ ti lly pH ce llt !rS8 ro\V~ r to ollr .rdln'lfY ~;tlrl. wilt ha ve been tltrown ~ till',,11 ~ur '·I ,.lirc i lllo ~tlt. of A apoo!nl nmnlty (or th l!! wuu fd 3811 nllV nlllll of ~v ero l! 0 (fuo)m ull ..;lri,ing (roYIl Examt. J~ 'fbrough "Il lho'8M ros Qr dCll lh nd "·~ r. ,lri ve il Ih on ftll)' othe r ", ueh ine ill the • • ida U \J 6elc" . '1'1.1! H~or'lI ore, r.... vllr e ol flHl4,' Q UI nu~ m b:,,"ne or the bowe l " , . Bnse hillY con Ihe thoUlDlld " tid on ~ 81\1dH e 81m will b' ),ou. ·,\'Io ",~ mlOrk e l. A 111:1, \9 yenrs 01 8 )! C. ren WillI dOUble !HId Iw ·"eu. thread, dnd the th"rebJ' remo\"tnl the ti\u.... A, R 110 soon w\ll como and call you home' low pretender, of lhe doy, wiLh Ihe lr lee. it wllhollt la\lgue or inill~t bo\lom rod. ore 1lC\t only dOllble 81",in Il F, T he conltilutlon, one.e alliete4,~ To rolgu wllh 'Kim {orlly" r! , ble and< i"emdent remediol, hope to com· 10 heallh. -. . . . , iJllt Iwicc (o r double) tovoro(h p"e."t'in!! ga nl ,) Weakne.. ]lequlree Ild ~' lI d str!'nglh end won.lerfu l 81mpll clty Ihem from wearinll Clo t willln tl'f tI1glng I'pM \V 111i Uft !' Tll(!a W,ill '! 0 'come ' !llOro' slllI I ~ rOolll. icine Ib' elre nitben Ind III'IIttn~~ Y .. llllrurlUllatoe.ere I ruSlitla y our he~ Itl. o r co ne tru r. t it.>ll.reoutJt ll fl' llI llp t impus~,d- down 810nJ1 :1 , s t ft ird , & c , 0 11, will f,)ll l rf ftlld ".)111111'0 ~ blp III UP I u ut of order. u nd Ie GUARA NTho Dllpll'lC Elliplie I~ . ·Ilr'e.~ rovorilo h.. no n u t, being eom. .... aud money t o> hearllesB ch.rlalo ll l, sl le88t s,still1' , whillb lIelmbald'. Eal'" ~... ' 110'11 ~ \l rc l y 8I\ " Q the bold ",," lo ra"" . b'.y doe,. 1(no I'e'lattalbt ·,,1po.,," or Ihe most W · w,i le 10 Ora. Jack soll,. lI erbe,1 & Co., .InVSrlO " thb in H id pc'"\'icc f.\IHc: r. 'l'1'; \::P by th" comp Bny 10 give entire willl.1I I.d le! , . ",1 i ~ UlllvaFl.lly r ecom.l\'o ud when tim wnl'S an) dOllo untl o'e r, whu will 01 ollce l elUrn you 0 kind, dis- milleol lO, conlumpliu n III illlillit 'II~ 10 Ii.f.cllo n. ... llI e "d~4 by Ihe J!'a. hion Illag.zillAO "' Iho Powerful Vegela ble Extract. H e'll brill" rliu .nf~ to h un lU . creel und cXlllici~ answor. Lod j(;'Il. wrlle ensue. W e rea pee tfully i nviro 1111 th os e who SI"nde rd Sillirl 01 thll F. ~ !lionab l e 'Vo~ld. .11tIf Whc r~ hOllo.·s fr\ir y OIl Olll sfl.lI I<C:l r, whloh on t ho moy ~ ej ire ~v supply ' h e on ~el vP9 .wilh n To> e njov Ihe followill\{ illf'dllmo'ble' odlor nur ci, elli nr. When gl?riullil c,·(l".~18 nr ~i\'l' II ! Dr. J.ckao,tie Fomllio 1\Ionlhl, PillA. '''08110' .rllt·IA . 10 Clime dlld ex unllllC lb-ll! nnlOlJea :n rrinolin e. vir.;.i .uperio. 1JD,li. SPLBE?-V price $ 1 per bu'l:; (lll': "a fllle, 86; n sofe ] From the hicl\go E HI;ing ,Iuurual.] UNRIV ALLED l\~. chl ile .. . I y. \le rfect .... lIllloelll r e. Ktyll <h iltlape rind Iho Ii ~ pp)' . rr..,t or' whlllh noD" be fAl nlld e fl'rrlll~1 remedy for oil irrAlrlu lurilir" . Aaot IN ~"'WBl!"·. One hnl! hOIl" . III.tmellon 18 . uffiel p ..t finish. tlexih iiily, dl".hllir,. coomforl llnti fA WI tlo~ n "rebt ouo or two ,jost'd. 't l.h'y V' Dnd ob , trucllon s . i rll'" '" h" tf1 v'tr I:ou.n. A,<OTE 111011 lin . nEA l.". 10 enllb~e Any prr80n \u work Ihi o Ill ... HOlloml' , Pllqlliru for J, \V . IIrucll ov's Du. BellWl:e tIle RUe, Th e MOllnluin (" VL!lt l or J\Jedlcal Pro· We h!)\'~ hcon flrcRooteo.l by Mr. Alf" .,ll,. ching III Ihelr cnllr~ 8Ali~f 8Ction. pl.x Ellipli c. or qyuble op,io'l! 8, kirt. olld ... . AHIII$' DICle~tlou. .... le~lor ,,"d l\torriu ge Gu iJ e. 0110.1 011 Expli· S~"'clI , pnbH. lwr of 1' 101> I,iIllo Corpor" l, of R eli\tioul .,"1 (;horituhle 1natll0'· bu 8 11 r P 'V"" l!el Iho ge"lIlnt' .rliele .. cil Key to I,OVA II"d Be"uly. Conlnln ing In atrertionR 1''C'c1\lio, to lemllet C,u'e COlJtlVe1l elHl, W tb\~ I'jty. wit11 11111o.~auJlc,1. eleol cnll'rtIvi ll g tiO ll8 ""II be 1o~"rDlly tle.11 wllh. • . AU·i'ION .-To jIullrd I"ain.t impo- W aOO page. anti 100 pl_I Oo. '1'h18 I~ q:lli led h)' UIIY olher prepmuo~,,, (If 110 rr!.)I\~elll)' Ohcruh9.' (1'<I1n RnI'IIR"I's A" e nl8 Wonl ed IIIr all IOWr.8 10 thtl' shion, be pnrl l.ul.'t" nollce th a i l\li rl 8 10 rotl, thoy ..... , IItI Iltcir Mm e I l'ItE bUl>k yon wah l -price bO CCIIIS; a • 'i~tille Mudo ll11n ,' cngr. ,·ed fur n premium U"iled S ioles where "' !!elll8 ore not II I oftered 08 • DUI'L~:X" have Ih o red I,.k 1. t1lule*. Ihe eh loro~i . ur' etention. lrrt!'lllll ' lor nne doll.~. ~.IC fo r hirl l'll[lCr , by Mr. herl ow, or till' reo4y P8.tah l i. h~cI , 10 II'hoon 0 li beral die· "n lnp , viz: • J. W. Bradley'. Dupl'~ EI'e nd' I!lf nuf splelldid olrclllnr, rllnuin· PainfnlMee or. S up Drelllioll of :UlIIiIIit c~l ern ~~lIl;rnri" l; eom p. "y. Mr. She rhl \\' e01l1l 1 wdl.bOI!IYIHI . li .-o lic Sleel ~prillns :' ullOn llop, wlliolbn ud n ing lIlurl! in qllRllli~y und 01 s uperiu r quo l. EVIl Cn ll linlll. U lccra tlc.n 01 tebir", ... l.dS8ho"n elfthe R cenuino , RlitI\\'hol,' M r. N0 c()nsl llnment8 moue. ' Add re.. , Sewell 110 him r\'CS lliAllkeortiat of ' Iloe -11011" olhe,. arp.e I!enui ue. AI ,8 N Olire Ity 10 any 01 Ihe ~o-cot1ed • palnph lels'. of II''' Ull'r". , LeucorrhQ!I, IM\JI .. t e~ulltry ro rcalli llg out 8uch rnrc 1;." '111 VII u EMPIRE SEWINO-MACHINE CO., thnl r very Hoop ,"ill admIt I pili beilla Remember' that \Ye . eud A wr.iUt'n rei)'" plaInts Incidenl 10 the leX, .hllb" . liThe Llfe-Givillg Prilloiple. ' • worl< l!O delig htrul. T ho prctlll'C wi ll be 1111 63-S m] 616 IIro~d wny, .~ . Y. puosed 11""uuh Ih e conlre, Ihll~ rcvew lill g 10 e very "elll! r, e~prci,.lIy .,Iopted l O th. Of" " \ to en:r."; homo Qf t ... le. 'f llo fo l. ___ ~ ______ __. ""IJ .l' two (IIr double) .prl n g~ brold ed MgeOOlC pArticul.r one under (lIIlIsi tlmutillo , b~· rrum hub il~ 01 dil8lpution, L low ing nol o frol1l ollrtlisting;ll!!llml ~ 'II()w ell · ~. ItEl1lfNG·.'ON "~D SONS , Ihor thereill. which i~ lto e Ber.ret of Iheir ClIlIRO ill' '(he lIuture or Ihl lljid eu~·· enl c or iu th o dec line or chence ~I It ell, Mr. !:fclIl)" ~hu\V8 what I' thnt., c Is "Ill ' lI exibilit- . , 0.1 "orell glh. nnd ft eo nlbinuti on differs from every olher• .,1 ~n thi~ \le~util'u\ ge m by ono uf Ih~ IUllri J jllgp!intur8 0f our(lOllll~rl: ' , 1I 0tili he fO~ lId in "ny "IherBkiri. ......... F'ur 8.le in "" 8I<lrp.~ wll ere " r< t: Dr. JO ('1(81I'11" OTit!1llal Lillim"'/It ~LM.B.O I . ~ Re1!lovto8 .ull culol neS8 nlld .IIs(lI.,lity, GIll) 45 I,lhlcugu, OromA HOIiSE nli 'cl'WI~G.! IJ-J .klrt~ nr c 0(11,1 ' ~70ugbout Ih lt Un.i· , ~ 'Nu.'omb l. c180S I< , U leol Sl&Il'S .nd eJ. ewl.p,e. re-juvenatel orianA ,,·\li.: h hBve la lu Illlr· O.WO~Illr1l1;:tI(".at'ilig Knlcke.bbck r , l<:s.IOODlI' " S c.bIIy rclary of th e IfA~ FAOTon gn8 o~' m a'n t fnr mony y•• ra. • : M_"uiBclu,eu by Ihetoleowl~er8 , Or Ihe Dr. hckllOfl'. Fr liCit pnlenl ~fol ll Sara. I Dcllr ir:- I 11I\\'c i u.1 8C" " II Im'rlv Wl1I'k pfttll.nt. -ft is perl<!rlly. &afe gild lIovur fnlla h , .AND \' il lIrl , 'HCa.VCllly ',,;..01; I II Ihe WEST:!, I3RAJILEY &. (;; Ak Y, Ioofl Ihan hn. G•• r tx-rnre tx-.n e .... l:ive Mlis foctilJO. It Is Ill e only sure alld 1I orl'l. l.t v you r ctll" pJ ny for Mr. Se ll'(llI . of MUSKETS :thYD CARBJ.NES, 97 C h. mbers &. 7~ &. 111 R~'.l le ,"PAlS, . . t o rnB fl kinct, nnd, Ilf'i ng thit' kl) ~u · .... IK f.. I'reventif-41 81luill81 cOlllracl ll1L' tli.~o,e' ~. GAII·COATI, II •• , . e'I""'i~"y '"' P', . ..... rpo):"I, Ju poiu uf 1II 0ril . 1 For Ihe U nited S,O IU ervire. Aloo, 67·3m New Yurko , M f{"O V E O' W cd "s .. REM IWY F"R Il HILI>lIEN .. . . . r ver illven lecl. Prir.e $ 1 eoell, per hall t lllllk IL wlil ' tilleceAAfull y COC1P:" ' wit h uny • ........!...... Hno pf'r!!11J1!I wh o\ hlP'O t\ fir lid or ..-.. duzl'n 84", and por dl)ztll • 7, KPllt b)' mail. Iinq ulIg ra.villl! 0"" C".'lIItr.v 111"1 y I I, .. o,l uceti. Rev~lver8~ H~nl l" '''.I l1f,1; 1\ plll\ "hoy Ill ..,. nu· ~ Il10briltes or m od"rnl~ drin\;rrK \V1,o 0.11\' qUM tto n ",bl y . OUt' ,,( (\ 1r rTU''II:tt And J llIcolgo, I loyc Flr well . I"," .ire to·t.form, bul \\'lto IlII vc 101111.1 il lli l . ll,\TlIAIIT IOlj, . AtiowDIO m hopoy,,/orin. REPEA.'l'lNG llEVOLYJERd. ., . • "~ ••".r:ccwry nJld no hnll !foh oi d ~ . nClIlI' to r l,irn i n, r Rn \\,10 011\' l' r,,,l ic ule nli ~ll t.ullo n nfoy ·g. ~e IO,.t ho,WOBt more like Ilo i•• , . --II bould lx, .. IIl."'!'~~h ~IU8,1 gIB(i~en H el,), lorr,,· of :11'1. l1Iore Dur{lblc. ,j" f.l re lor any killfl 01 Ii 'l h ~ r, I. y llel n ~ br. Will ""IIMII, 1!J:lermi nlte (ro ll1 . " " ou~ th onl. ~~/ . I lull/ d,,~f BII', ~ollrd Iful y, • • I J .:I I , 11101'«) ElAstiC, .. \ 11 'rIH' r1'R Anlj.Akuhul ;u Chill po und. UII le m Ui @ ~11 . , " I tl. ~ Urlll~I')· .Qr.pI'" .. " ~P.Ol.ClJ! P. A. IlF..H.r. RiR o .ftJld 8110t G u" 13" ' 1'1 ' ;10"11 Gun MoUti: .!l i ,, ~ rc .n cdy 1,lr III IClll pu rnll ce; ", rill' 'illg Ir ll ill lI .. hlls ol ' d; Ip.liyn. JI " 1 'Thqp"rce of tloia ""llO '·P. engrcl.\'Iq8 i¥ $2. u' r int. s" ld by (Ju u Ue"lent uu'd Ih e T rade ., IUol'l!" Grllc;eruJ III/ 'p ~ rli c ,,1 . r 8. l'Il ed ici lhl 11110 i n ~t"ic I I(l l ' ppn ~ l', lilt le or no ch.ftnlre 1,1. ,;cUI 1'<l~ Ill! " ll);eruillDll tu eve l' )' oue \\'ho J--' ill A .... S' I " . e lot rfl}mpol'v 1(0 ''''V poro uf II", r nlllllrV Mends to tho 'I'\,bti.hcl' tllre. uew sub. cl'iul'r$ gene rol!y. • -' 'IU 'UJ . 'eep ,... "apt MIG I·ttum 'Il~. to Iho Littl~ Corpornl. 'I'he price ot' tho f n Ihese 'IUy~ : or ' nOIlR~~renltllll! nllt! PI CI beUer /fiCin allY otll~,' SkiT'• . ClllI slll\\"g,.Ro P,ns nl th e O !8 IWII "'''Y. Iti '; ~X O " ftll"'-, c"m l, l.etdy_ ~ u . ,' yft olllure 8I r~pl . (; illllil'lll nli. O. I' O. unplelsant .nd denl/croul COI')IOI'tII i8 u lle 1Jij11/l1' u ve~r In ndv lonc ':-1 R,,~bury. 8v~lry' }I " \I~~, SlUre, U.. ul. . .. n~ .. ' , - ~ - (,,'" .~ "w'e cOPY 'blen ~cn~ . 'Add;'C-'l~ ALfIl ED' L . moe, &hoo-lcHlnve 0110 0 Th!.. new . nn~ bea u ilul slyl, . or . S~irl bllx, 436. 901'1,1 ror circulor. f39-1T pol ., .. III~rcury, In ouri S4Wt: , fU .\i8hor. Jhlcago IJIit't~~ It&1l1l. N GTON'S . . ( P:tlentpd !\lllr .. h '7, 1866,) wlii ~w$, "ed PRINCE, WALTON & CO., ~l d S8u lIl , ad d .ult~ rull' ~~~ hy Iho GREAT A lIIliRlCAlt 1t••TITUTE FAIR,

-" alllu 4" lfil,on. ·incl1lnuLi. P~I e nted F<bruDr)' 14 , I tjG\). Th l•. Iuc htne i8 ennllrllcl8d 011 enllr"ly IIe IY prll.c iplp nf no .cI.ft "I. ,", P sIP.,.i n!; "' " " Y rnrll "nd vulu,dlle impro wemelll8, hn vill~ bpc II ";<I ",lnuJ by Iii m06t prlt· lou ll d u?erts, Ind proll ou n ced or, bB


Thtl wllnderlul Fluibllll,


C2 &LL MINERAL ~ II utan,

'I I


~he I~U­ or \~Itr ht.. Or&\'~l laier.

C ~ II



.. OO~OO





A..~~ A!





,s,LIVER PILL ~ o III th.,. .... ~

. lit






A~D. LI~, ~....






t"I o



tot 0



I~O th~, LI~t1",O







~;c.t~' ?:

Rifle Canes Revolv'nO' Rifies


Purgative Pill. t4

ThelVer S·1 Sk·3rt ,

Pocket and Belt.

r~JQleo ·thal t~e h~"ior of il:'






I. (lbw OrTI!!.\l, WOl<OU.-l'lill {olfowing P/I[}J,es dellirinlllO ftvnll l\''lm elye., '111 held in Ne Yurk, OClu)ler. 1860, t ill!lIi:ll <from \bo· '\\',,\~·~no~ iN. 'i . Sunda, .. \1'" I~I ' in'9ro~~lnelll' \n Pisto ll,,! nl1<1I,ftllA SI,LVER ME.BAL. .. ....... Rov : pcnor wurkmnllGhip Gnd (oroll, wil l fino! ull TI H ' I ,. ". \ " . ,"'rlWenllJ P ,v· se,1). D.:, ' .•. ' • comblWp-d In IIIB' I:'" Ie III )esl rpm ium l'vpr lI;iven for a' 1.'Ii/ I!li: 1 I 811 on m': 10 ' • Hou p Skirt! ! bl CI,'M I' I . .' , Ntlo R t m111.q/0'l'l Revolver,. 'lt1d!RIIIII! th · plill)" CltCl\llor< CIII • . "lid The SIP'll Springe ore wOlllnd wilh n . I . ' 0 110, m~ 8il I mt. I I " fine I'I ~ tr/l w·lre till place 01 I cotlon COy. It ~'08to! 11I0.\lIllO!I~YI bu~ that it is ,,'orth onore 111m U o,or arms ,wi I be furni shed UpOII \ lIS n lIPllrell IIJllilini lruclioll.- UIlP\icll il1 l\. , •.• , eri lll!) \\'Ioid . will nut wpn r oft" or bpMme hla c,,!lec1 .I)1o N . " ELTl MI OlloSrOPE. ft. E. ltEMrNG1'O/lj &. SONS, Tlion, N:,Y. soile.!, lind th o wholo ski rr mill; be WA,", ' .. w!lI ulllkc yull' -wiKor Ilnd h"p'pi ur 100.-'. , , ! ' ::"""-.! ' ED WITHOUT IlfJURY or lur of ru.UIIlr, \\ .," II yuu call CXIIUtbe .;1I0Mtho 'Ilfcilts rlli 1}IOUllUAII. 1UId. (lIr, o f in· 0 U R S TA RC H G LO S S blld will !Ie UI good ft_ a8W. t rMcrutieubomJ.IIJ)ht'CdI Of .tllmlS(,: It g h' CS ' 1. I tie (Inl, " " irleIlRNI by )OU Iln insight in:u loJl Iho wonderful litl le First Class Botel• . LaundrIes, anI! 1 'rhousandBof FlluliUes. 'flh• • Bo mbinel wil"'Ihll ordi. , tho. . ' insecI ,nth "'ontlerllrl be"utic" J ' b . . . nArY colton Skirt th e udvanl_gn of Ollr wblcb cub never bc soon without the aid of u t W 90 8' 'I OAIIII lu I poll<h, mn k jfll!! ! ,SH.veu SKIRT; I lIlt onllOIl1 are miuroliCOpe, , . I' , , fn .." tltly ov er Ih u •• VHII! , " II le "1Ilhose in Ihe Silver Skirt, Sep ndTel1.1sc'mcnl in colu l\lIl. .. Hnd GUllrl, tl une lip w ith Ihe euverl ng of \VII·ieli eft nllot wear .. IT, ", .' ,I <r. ' It ,I, e,ell lu,,:!"r, cunsc quenfly while file "pp',r oned ore coye-recl with w. CO llOIl'. N"01 onc,a worn one ,vdl nol ' '''enr 001 so Fuu n 1 '1y. h IYIIII{ . \ oab T.o- .UO NVAL1Ud&IIT&.-Eape. It '!ItIJku Olcl Llllf 7¥ tDQIJ' Idee New! of ou r IIkln e, will Iot'willin" llQoweor any ii lB enG .hdul'd be gii"n to Ih o diet t ,5.:- _ .. -, "t lior,. o" l·he lowl.'r hoops" 011 all other JiAi\ht but Ij1tle Rt " 0 URI M P fLR I.A: L B L U E kh"l . nre soo n Injured 0110.1 sol ledi. .• eljo\1lll. be IRlien nol (D l Rke . I . . .., '" " .., W.rhl. 'l'he Ipaterlul. ilre' u';rol· '!Tt Ib.eir IIbythlOg IDthge altblc into the 810mftoh. It III liS \Veil at lu ft wo- COllslrn'cllOn, Rlld, from their d",obilil y Many peraoJlI "htlo rceo,e,inlC from ter . . 11 II pilI liP. ill dIe ,.f". I, m'nles i• .• nd neul non, Ih ey are dealh ed tit be cllnt t!

.IiICll1'>O\ ~nlij~ Ad,,~a


~ilVil io\ jtrllmOIl~



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,.;otlc;of~~,~h.; l~a"Aclil~~;~!J~i~'J~~~~~'~~ tllllc~t ~noth'~r


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Itonl.p'.,~~ . ~"'ClJ IHO~ I~ho'. c,ler. III1,~or h

e com mation





1 9~d'

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lIeCd,~omo }~lrltc" t~e

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~ob1'!~:;i~~'~h";'~~ An~ t:~:~·hol....'I·l•• dnl{ ,1.0 . t,.n Slt,o"h·s


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It I. A 'U",' JWO<

•. ,\,ER,OLA~Dil!S, "E "

"I. lIud

gt eotle IDDIC /loc:t e ti .... ulnnt

l.,' ·orgati. l ily Orm IIib_ . ~t,toll'l _ ~ lr0 Ule ~ 1I1'.'1'0 ,e'r egu , Hr ('uOCdOnS.





N'O. 9 18 Falton


'71-4m .' ' •


!uA~ler'" .a~IIf

a~ '6.I~d ~ur~







J. Cul'.rw~\I.

01 I'I'd" '(lr •• n Uoo"" ~c. l..,. , .~_,..o£~.N:r. _ "0" .ter lng ,au~ll.·hure wor ·. renowned aoihor, I .. Ih i•• dn,Ir.. atld RmlultDg nMagazine i. a welcome bl.Leclu,·e. or..",ly "ro• •• , from hi. own PXOC eomp.oioD to every fir e&itle 'file old' r.on, · ~, Iht lh .. I.lwfnl •.o... . qu~n ••• of •• If-aho.. d . • ""] , .1 ",1"" Y , ....o..,y w.lhout Medici ue ,

Rolu!i(.I .:






II~ YOllng.lhe mlrtlliniaod the ,edllle. ..hlle pod . maller for plllllftlntllnd ule

d,,"~ero~. """'111,,... 1• •

"" (

.w .tlmut !'0111('' ' ,




~ng olubl.

'Pllbliahod ttmi.monlhlv

"1.25 pcr , IInnum. AUt!8SU&J."1', 70


N"8~au SI., New York .





o.r Hie ~~n8er"aliye

dignified old

persualion}, fi.OUrISbl!li a Buverbplldcd oane "otl gold

1" "fI' . 0 1'


Ihclr "I de •• nd

Gold. Plate' & Oreldt Iewelf ""

L~VE E/.,R , WAR E' S. . , "


SOUl> & " "ICK,.'L r.

~IU.O /'ferenf


, ubJ«I••<lift g reproduc-

10" r: I ,e 1U0. t eel ol,.. I." • • II'i lll. .lIg" SI,,'u ••• 8 10 / ' ,C.I.lovu 0 1 . 1.",,,. . .. .. ,.u i on recoipl

~Ih"rs ll 2~

'"V I! mdkc 'no .ecre' or ',h



.1ft)~1 "rn,nin~nl .h~,1 (. ·w"".~ y()Rr~' old ag . ; UI,,, n•• .. VI ",on. or . rri~:I~'"O.:'Tl""' lrtrd Eyf'r. A. lh . llopin. o f phi a. Ifnd' whieh I. Ii"", ptttUilild •.,

. On tlrm lOR Olh. !J' uHcr and ,

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~Y··; l>:IHpl",rD. ~r \V."...)' Er e.; 1'~ln mU ll tmi nent phVlicl.o. ....' ' h. I•.~·"h.ll ; Ailldu n, .. . or Ob. IIMl y orv,. , inn; PhUlophub m. or Inlol. ",,, .... III' 1.11:;1111- 1f!d to U8t!' in' tbO! Unile,d 81"" \V " .. k".,·" 01';1\" .Reli"a 11,,01 Opl. C N.. rv.; ~h· i8 *1.0 I'n very "ener.1 ulI i. n,I olnp m. nr S ".rho or Mnrill\:, 1I 0d\.s bl'forp • . I~e t~), • ., .0rhlh.hl1i". Dr h!filllllm'lion of .he tole .• IId. public Sanl\-I')' I·.) •••,,1 h) d.d. ; C~"\I'IICI I'., ,.,: 11 . ",iol"" or th b I I 'd. 1'.,·li.III I;lln ... '; Sinki llf( or Ih. t:" bn ll '&,c rOUIi ouL lie. In

II .... Ihrl .. W".k III

to a



,.. .. be II ,·d iJ,. "")' n" " ,,, illi " COI·I'.i"I): of . uec_•• , u II<1 ,1>\lh" II I Iho "'"., rrllr o f illJul'\' ~:)'.. Mo re t1.. n. 5UtlU c. rtlfic.I •• 01 or ~n tl N I1 p~nQte4. • certa1il r.. UfOI n~e ex h'I IJltlfl( ' I ft t ou r ojIiI''', CUrti ~unr. _-,... ,,".oull.o - CUi'll for ' . IInl •• d 111 eV" :., n• II(~ W hfJn npp I'14!:(I A,·c o rt I'1I1( to ... ....*1& Oenu per Paper, or 6Pap'ra for IL 110 0 •• lIOlu.od ill . "n h hOI, o,· lh . IIIunPlllIPAJlSD lIY "Y \\\1 11 iJ~ rdulI1led. Wrile (01' ~ t:1 .... uI RrS • A • FOu'rZ &. BRO . ' _ •• ,,1 ." .... , ... A', hlr,'", AT TltmB -'. Dtn S'l' ~:PHKN S, k CO.. O Cl1li.l· nt Ru. hN ",nOL&'IHr. BRITO .4!(D D1'.1'fIT. IOn', ... IlliI), Slo",. No. 10 .\.'t, r 1I0u •• ,

barrelo, ...IIILh.

abo ... dh .. i ••• wm .... rodl""...

10 Ihe






Drug & chemical 1.,arl_1t 594 Broadwa1,

I)",,~ Ba;~~~':'· ~,~~h..~n&k ·d'·,~~~:i~v~·~~:.J

~".l; Do"" .,~HN~~ ;;~~k~I~~~\~xC;~8G. ~~.~h~· ';i·~';'IA~~~I)·~SI'~::~o~;,.dOr::~:~,li~.~~ ~. 118 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md'. Ind [~ 2· lr)! , uperior in dU'"bili lr anti be~PIY 1:, . ':Y out O~b:~O~:~.t8ug."1I IIIld Stortkeepe,. tbroup- r.n •.",.,I,·,1 ". ~ I YO I'IA or (;OR N";A FIAT· olh. ... · n .N "R.whItll'Ih o, cu,·. of NFAH· SIGIITk:D· SA L.l S B U It Y, DR O. & C 6. t: .... ·Pbo,q.,.nr..ho ., G ...., ...... ;..., _ K -'e-r~~s ' en-e la'e' and. GasStoves ,'l~:!:ii). irh I",. 111'0" • .1 " o: r;.t . uce.ll · . r ......... _., ..... .,.." • .., u , \\'rile ("r~drr.ul.r ~ \, }:XI.• ". ive M.llu(.clU."' ... · o~ld Imporl. r. o( , O'!' C~ .. losue•• ,.!broc.. o ;:'r ji'~VE' H~N. ., --'-';p;:-:=:: . :~==~-------....!!~!... C. • &IJ.





(JRI': LlDEIl!Y LEAD, , (Copy righted.) . ' W "mntecJ to cov e r nu'rA! 8urfllce for same• , • -


weig ht than ri nJ uther t. " peor.-,eiei . "eoos" YOllllg Am eri}:s: .'.1. , D.• WI' li 1,10••• rel" r--ll ,TRY IT. AIm YOU WILL IIAV~ 110 O·REIl '. I o"Y, .o~ny, whaL bave ;rOil tuere ? Am-' ..Icon,CASEn ny H" (J} Waltliel, ounl· wll. 11"."' order. ' ""'-.-v DY 'OUneELYEfl The q" "lity or our gao,I. can V-.I or, Goa, With leel trouble , at)d .t::J: JllANUFACTUlll::D ONLY , BY, •Pup~, 'Ir •.' .• 111101 J • • of not •• 10 "1111)'. . . 61·1)' lb, . n b1 WJ I ZEIG LER '& :l$aUTHi . 'PIfP8,. hey: W~a' kind or pupa 11 FanoJ Goqctl &: YaJlkee Notion. " Eli' -...0 10 eaa l .. Drllir • .Pemt' .. Glaalll lle'i lera , '~b,ey 81e ?ool,rva.tiv!! pUP', l ir.' • CII&UI BOTTOM.NG. ,tlhiel co m· No. 137 ' . . ·~Oooaery.Llve pup." Wby do you F" I",c.atly IId"l!le" u"d rl • •I:l'Iltfl (or • de. Ci, aular. Rud full D•. . 11 "j"ld ersignetl n,p.cllnnV in(j l,j Ihl! rub- I .'. • . n e 10 per orm, Ilat la ' ~!!}be. ~r"lin pups f I .ve r.l ce.'SIa" ent (re.. Agenla wanted c I al are prepnred to RtJ-"F.A'T Ch . C aimed for It. . ... I'; A. e1'IIIe,' >G)r j, they'll be radicals "hen "vefy"h •••, ." 'II or in r;ood ::: ' ,....SlInd '!til. CirDular.,", For SIIIl by PAIIIT D e.t.Llial.aener. 0 Pllo(o,!,ruv he " Rod

:r:r I"'.C~II"'"


e~.ry ~~il;t;on


l""" ~ 1"" :~~: I:~lf:!~S,!~ In appetlte. I..,.. nt

eCrtA'" nt



.., I1 riLl'tlBOLDS FLOTO Aot .Cf,1.U ,is c,ompo,ecl of .iu", I I'hy itinn •. Otuli·J.-ooj ill· (JUIli.per 8enitl, "Jettod-• • 111.,;"","II1II ' fhe n"··..,....... . . . • . nnu tirepare'd I n ncu 6 b, n; Ih" ,01 ' . l tt C.QR;\}.A . ' ( o r . 01' il'Ar ot' Lon" .BOLD. druililit and cheatltl or .ery who 1 . •p.cI'x l'l'r ie nce fn the cl11 of

ito.1 .'porhll. "t \0 IIty or the milk(,Iunnnoi,1


I . ' ,ng out " mbd.. lOt ,,"r. 01 I) lI ce c. r ...,in . "d .f~ h.01or)' 01 Ih . ~re/ll conl "I. .. , .1 d ""ya I . IIIt cre,...,.ple \ ' 1",. " 1.11- - ..,.U-semeJh-1I lIometlllog 10 I(•.CI" ol.II .•y. whloh . .....,. n Hng·.r.. , ,,6 " •• , t • •· ... ,., I "'0), u ~ •I'• "'01 cur" lIi",.elf "'.OMn,., A~I R ple(1 ror nilti e r lhe Mftgic Lant.rn eer• tlie waduenA 18arl, relicye tile 1III cu.nt ilIOn .-.....,. or"'e crb weaned mind, aDd (urnilh nle.Blot alld )" pmule r"" I'''' ..·.11)'. _Til,. Lt cI"r. " ,ll "I 0 C ... i ~ t' I ' r.. provo. boon 10 ll\o.uu nd. . S e lll ,," ,1 .. 0.01' 10 • • ,·.O.W!'O. ". alolo/loe will b• • ear to ~. rue DIVII e.80n8 nn- fPr " il'l ...of- . .... ".""p. f . I lorhIha famdy fire . • '" I.dd.·.· ( .••. ill 0 VI~I", .,.• I. d e""clbl.e , 0""- on)' .ddr ....... • ..."ery oml y • ould lake . il.- 0." 1' 0 " ' conlo." Iwn '''''''.'0. h,,,'1'" A;oo ~_-._ _ Itde SpleDdid prile. fire lea~ 10 "geDIA rl\is ~d~Cu l. envell·. Mnrri.l{~ O"'~6. pri" 6 25 ct.. We .. . "n " l.r ll1re IIIorolorg.t, ihon ~"! ottlor luI arn


IU\lI'l!'u C

Cilie. ... d Lao.l.

""~ .ft".p~i "' n!,,1 Inrllu"l' a rO.III,I. le P"olo" r~l'hie hi.';;r.

. G) rll

~~~J1':'~~'~~ l~I:~~

8Ulft_. . . . .. " , erco••opl- "101_

1OC1Ip" . Grour' . S'.al llary , el e . l't"rc_,,,,,lc , ' Iu,u .(.11.., War,. .... Froll' .• lI v", ",odn i" 11,. v" "; nul

,~io '·ordl.I •• poi",-

lurgicHl' Oltel.•

wi".~~-Bud l' <ir~iJr~'


To-lI..,!"'r. ore.,.. thl. .. llon I. In.alualS\e. IL Il>Irea. . an'" Impro... tI.1 qnallly


Of A ....

:-. ha blt h, me nwl powerr, Ihnt ul hi .. pOlle rity. 011,11"'1_11111: ,§,... lI;e 'I uppo rted frOID the.. lOune~

' -~~ As.: '~::l.... E~~ •

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A _ .E • ... A'.


:'~ 1~~all~'!1 ~L'

~.~.j ' gli~

dietr' eye,

?pen;" .' ~Ipl&ell 'O~ geot il tpea with. • ,Hili \emble eOIlShIDi' ."

!:io"·l h.fI~


:r~h. WIl\f"tI.,' ~I''''

~~k:~o~R~~e~~~~i~,,~.OR 11' ~!,pf'\V·Mlrf".' Sr. . . , , . . J

ortlerlnK. g'ood. C. AlIlhe eOOldn!! '1'0, II flmlly per " ... t o('tl•• all.· (}7 mny be dun: Ii wilb Kerooene 0'11,

:~h~~8~ue~~pelletl, ~DY ~ P";;~A :~~~~e t~R;ur.etQrred·by

COll aet~ .· <Iii.<1 '. , . JOSHU~. BAIU'l'HART'


I!I &. No •• mber JO, 186' :



Olyl-;"~Qd o~ "


·iii It;· ~ ·~t

T , - ~NTHON'r 11 . 4 CO ., (1 [.lIlIb ",'i?' ,'" .a.y,.proollre a." •. J 'lilt" , ,Ire . . , .l>obac,. ' III r• . " I . • .• u.., oflfn .. aaM.Jo,,-. ., . Manuti{lclur'r, 0" P"ot""..dr, 'jj·c .~.t.. omII Reb ( . . . oo-menee "l'lll",mil .u" flult hod. III.on .he "oeuv.:ope. " _,,._... tI __ • . II cooto .. A...Leclure lu re treal",e,,1 . \ ' ",.jal,. '1 uao lIy In an.d "liter, Rnd R&th. ani d r.dic.1 of Se",i, ",1. W•• k,; es. or Spor.: ,WHOljES AI.l: AI<D l' .Lrll!'gtJI relur,nl, , Illcre.use the dOle.,,,,., lIIdlll,od by.elr-IIbu .... 1"\'o luUl"1I' find oontl bue thein' unlil all a ' \ 1::""' 11011., In{'olt'n,·y.• Ncrvuu,( Oeh',hl\', un.1 GOt RIlOADW'Aw,. N. W. 41( d.b' U~ I II' d ymp om. h npe,II,,)en(a " lI1arnob:"u erier.II" COli"""\,' In .,ld;lio n ~o o"r nl~in bu. ..... "Or PHOTO . . , ~ J 1'.I!Pfllre . lion. ~~~:.I.p.i' .udtlyFil., ; ",."",1 '.,;jl 1111pl.: .. 1 t;;'RAI'H IC M,\TI.; n I AL :. We .re 1I •• d'l"or. , . ,Ruhcf l M.D. I... ror Ih. (ollowin" •• iz: ..•


~J~ ' ~ ' oe .~~ ?~



rllO UI UlOO'8'1


' ~;~. l ~c5 ~ j;~ s~ ::s :~~ Rlrel1~lht'nin1! = ~r('p.,u·III'l1~ ~ ='~ ~ B'(jU.~I.· ~

~I)' ~.~:~;,,,,,~~!I,g~;:;~.



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of IIII! Or,iDl, . , ..... -.; '" . hll r OX i. llllg \11 lillie or 1 ..... . . Q wlo ,tl c vcr C11t1/ e ttr lll·1I01Illg, flO ul how lon:r .. tanding. It I,· to s lll and odllr, itnml'lliUII! hi Itr Q omll.nllre IloeuJll1Ii _0;1 t;,; l: 01 Dark'4r Ir-oll. m CI) " :oJ 'l'lJUfte ,"tTerillll frulil. C ,,:.. ." D elicato cUII, ri llll'io,,', nrc,tul.tlt.1Ii "' , 0 ;; "' -' .IlLunco. -" : -.::1",

and' nOl




'I'hl' I".paraUon,



.d c... _

100, UllU ftl.o....



.... ~ ~ '5'0 FLUID ExTRACT :~..l ~


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• O&1~."''''' Hn'Uln.s·o anrl , (1,attlo Powdo1ftJ .• tl V 1-11



~bO _.


F'-"'-0 U T Z YS·-- --



ltey~ CrA\'!nlt 'pp,cUtel.


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:;~I::o;~~I~~.venIP"1 fur m 0r~ Qll~' \lff"re~ A _F~vo~ite Skirt. , 1In rcctuetI&J1 r through t hll o ver. lllten. . .. 'ioDI.ofWle. uurse.: miz lagtlher ill ih • •' 1t .1iI w~T,l'an~d 1Iot 10 ."reak lhe clolhts. oudMonlllRehlred ollly toy the Rilv r Skirt Wire MnnutocIlJrilla C(llIIpnny, ." "9q1'91" dl.~ i1Icolli nrliplew ' • w~nteu 6ver}, wll"rll. ·to whom 0/. foo.d•l I' ql~era• /18';ain'., . .~fft'~, ~xlra?·.rdinllr)i 30 & 3~ Rftrcloy Vurk d' , . ihilue~n\tfntB' , .,', 1'. •Sf' ,SPE>RRY~ SUpl. St., New [6P-Iy itl ff' from weAddrli",o: fevrero

(Su""""""r, I~,~r. C. W , II<>b:lcl< ,) ,. SOLI! PROPRIETORS, NOB. . 56. IS·S, eo .... 62 E llS· Third 'S t . ..... . ' " CnW·I'NN'A'l'l. OHIO.


ib~ng"~'ylCo~l:vwc~r~~,ne\Ocjro qr nmU8~ntcn~ u~~ ~hicb. i!W ~m'


, Ll~erlKfr.~"!,, &I/Di~eO~~t t~,;~.he. ', 1~ad~. !i'1'.R.:P.'I}i CO... .


206 ".arl''1IlI., '" f'' Ne"" Yo.k ,.




Nb'rlti'1-hir~' Stt-el!l, PHJLAnEt~HI

. ~' .'IOti S;:,alJi Te~tl ~.,



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I.' ' , 11 BerJJilt'e-'of tN~.fI:'~'t'!i!I' F~lu.T.•.'l~~ of 8 Il re,... !"an·; kind" . j,') ., '~. ' 'M:.-.a ' 1." 10 Jlr&~ QUI.n.1I11"1, for , .. t~lt~ t ASK FOn B~~~ " " ". " E '" ...r N Z . . 55·1.y._ '. ' . , .



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11111"\sC. \ llle, Ohio.


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AI d no \\ IIi,v .e tO Ill " " home

r ~O ll1elUIlC ' ,It<1 /lot dn . to l pray 1 0 lIuu ILL lll~1! lo"lit" c 1 kilO"


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A.ull .....''''h1J1uln .. H...ry.

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L'~l'lfl'''' IIOI~l' r (j 1J J.

l\I1 H ornllon fOJ lOnny veuls th ~ Inw 'lltUtll !:'1 01 the lIto Pie IdOl! 11:: l'll lt()I'E~N ; "t l.t}.N' I Llle"III ' ht (>l~ d clhc!l'L1 It )cctlll( Ilttl ~,t)I:1I11 .11111 "" II. 0\\ the I ILLer"a corl.) 101 c. nnd d~sn l' Id) N \' pll1llLiMllt 1t I(lpe li S thut 111 1~a1) " vrt 5:'_ EIV cll" \ Mr LIll<Oitl \\:18 hllllg In Now S:i It,,'(ctllr' Dutl. Rcc \Il bll,l l lem lllllWPl , "hc! 1l he I~II hi 10\ ( JI. "ttlt AIIIl RIl tIcd,!t'e, n ItMlltllnl g' ill

r, ,, v

/II, ::> lIu llel <.1'"11' J M I' hilS ~I\ DUll nt: Inlo CIlnV""R III I'll II} I~nr' . "I T, pl"~ 8111g' Ull llhrm lll l.1I1 or SIl) U 1111 "'X C hllll g~ , llill c"fttlvrhimllft-;,mlj'------'--"--' "'. BUI/Ill. ' ". UIIH'n) 1J~ "LI,l eS IUlio 0 1 lh u tOIVIIH )11 0j' (P J 1\ gllllll.! • Will" vl &llIng M., Fllx 1 ,,"II. pc. ) P'OCI5SItIII, a ne f" ,IIII O of ~Iilch Wllslo I.cli, ~ ~I , ," .. hc I, "/1 w/dldng ull ./IItv lJu n n'l::lo ~Id,n g o n "I,u/cnu 'lIlt: Ih" glllde.\ III Rlf 011 III . SOIlIl"'.,.!!' " piece Cl I fUrI.Hur" ;Y "R cll stly purchased 1\ hl ' tl ,' , Ih c IJ 'n(. c,.nlt· 1l1l1'Vl\lg bUI the! ml.1! "U ~ n,)t 10 1)1' hired, "I~ thou r.: h "II mOSl IIOtl II/e BB olllorod moa III II I~ III:' Ihbor/Illod worll "l'pll"d to _ NiJ I '1 IH!!:r u CCi uld be rounll 'Th o 110111,,1 be. Gee " In Il copl'crhfluds Plocllulon. 1111 11')110 or Ir,/l OoppelllolldH IlIlll I() J!HROII '10 " blllr.It 101111 by 1110 ,.:/,' of lIl .n II nil I J<o~ h \VIIS IJI OU[ 1,1 li e /Jil l "' coru 'l'hose who tlllnl, Lilt! I.e• CU Ull lr) H jlll " ( , II Si t 'hll!( 1\ hog II I t! ~ ~uo h (01)1, thllt tillY \Vould '0111 ~X/lUl"ltU In pllla, c Ihose who dea,,!n to oppresit A \V,, ~ lUlU dOg' YI\do t!rem, way t llkt) a Jell.o D Irc>m lIuB IDC ! ~ "lt


-'ChI! n.;o 0 1 v l ,~ r Jl wily Lv Ilnoll'O lJy II, ,, froll t eel " 1'"oy nre ~1~I,t ID nUIIlI)t r, ',nu '" PCIII ,,1/ or n ftlZO IUllll.' Acco nt! l (:RI IIw t" , InILl dl" onGs fall out 'Illd Ibtlr rio, c .. 6upph, d bv "1 0 lu r s" Oft9S In Iho Ihlld yeor" omKlt 1011111 on tnc h ~It!'l

, "II ",d 10 rll "'" \I 1(1" .. , 1"" ofl\ICIII.\ 1.,,0, III1U ~ nutnc 01 h ll ll '=vitu ,.-...r ffii;~lUU" II hq '. , r buc\{., She hnd thl ec 10, C I S , one ~ f


4~ " II hoin s he I ejected nml In somc ~---~~~~:--~== - liot hOI 0\\ n ICIlJ I~, so tl~e Ie< till Or !i.~.'i;:~.l,,~t;' .{;;~1.Q.~ S \) S -hcoltlllo ollg I~ell to the ntlll!! -

at bhe




i:ihc 101 tId

• both , mitl )(.>t 14noll 1111; i\ It It cO ll1 9 _ _ Concern! to tltk~t \\olkclLJ. CiSl.llllutO lI. tC\(1 IIv I h".e ,,J,,.I, ya -I("r.AR of 'V,IIlUh sho dle.-I A IIgllf'4t 26, 1835 J he My llao Rrn,\-,iI ,l l,en IW e trll' the rl'fmlts ot her 9wlrnOlls


I". htl llm .. ""( • I I lip. 10rlA • r Tllnck NIIW II d.ys. II u • I, v n1 '" lift ut dhomn,!


I oml

~o It It on 111

1.llIcoll1, ltl l\Jr

B " llldoll S mIll II</Ids

AUllthnlll 1.111 ('0111 101('(\ MI SS Alii.

Rutl edge WIth nil his Aonl, IIII11U nllrl " 'kll"'V It 1111 ," Ullo! 1\I,t'1i stl cn gtu Bhc 100~d IltllJ ns delll) IU,,, Y V'/lprd • 'ell ul,l te nliCl'h anu IIlfl1 tlOll.ILelj [he) '1'1 PIIII 1'''1 n s l _~~ II/PY lip SC(!fIl CU lll1tele III bea\ eu 101 euch oth II I t,) ('(' nnu tlto,. I I.pre ) i '\ " _II tu 81 ...0 '1 hou,~ ,f) I~"_ I t!I, thong I 0ppOR te 111 In IIIV things II lli nnlll ) or .h"", If! \"h ~ , fl. ::! l 'E' lor rml'lftrt<cd. he' '' .18 11< II t

, . 11 (Ul n"~)', I,"d Ihe huro" f. itlclltllll\", IllllOt IILI~ 1~lId hornfstl\ '"'' t nrd ru.d~· I, ~ r"PI ~"" eng I~ll to;\ ~lUcolll uII4 All - I ~ I, co'"eA I . ,,,~ Th e il lie , ~ ut ullO and tuc SRIII O t41ll6 it IS lillld II Iii IJI, r.',," h, \\ho drolVS tlllU thUllh>ilt UIIlL tbo r Ollhg tnd'l' W(lS ' "I. lhe l'e,,1 dUWI! IVlVf" !COII(\ltrOIl I\lV plomisc,1t tb Mr iLln " I, o~ (II 1l-I I,; rrf 8moll ". n~ll. corn , to b cOIlSIHnlllutc() IIpOll f~ I e I,~,. • Ih .. rool" ",,vII III II te l lo.lsc floll) hOI 11rs;t CIII'tI ('CIDQllt" Itil 'lir h lr-e Id 110 bCli e r vel _ , " 0 r,u c "r "" " ln lly 11\I,~e8 h ~I "~ ' Al! - 1 he PI' IIlI !lI'\ t HI 509 !II ~I>\ •1e" "i. lIul l a~t il',l'lnjf ur .ntl CO Il<iltI OIlS wll1 c1 Ird to til IS J lJ41ru>!.IeJ1t[ul h!\l1 \)'0 {'Il\liod Ito } on 'II Dry ru. 1\h "(' ill~ ,ft 1011'nvC) the uoothcl tllno atHi pl.ICo llhelO IS nall".1 Io llhl'e alld Size \\ e pm no dlShollOI III It to lilly on6 or the


In bet- COl lIicts 01 Honol, duty I love, promises nod \\ eml1uly engagements, she was taken elck Sbe strnggled, regretted, grieved, 1;)C(Jnmc f1~\ otis Shc nto not slel)~ \\ liS t ii k c'n Sick of bn\\11 fel cr. I.e(~CHm." omncillted, nnd WIIS faat Sill the gl n\ e Lincoln Wished Ot Sbe sllelltl~ prllyed to

J"ITI B8 1)~II O D

An IfI ~ "hil," IVO'II 8 IIII' ,, 1 uplc nOI ' u \f1l8' It ,.. WI'''' b"cKllse ho " "I 11& -u lTIt1niudlO her


rh e (I UIIIUS 01 both pnrhes !Irs\; lefuecd tbe Wish nDd proyel , still t)Je wl ll h ~ IIlId pI tlj 0\ II "~" .• ~ '~ r" p~c\lIiled .I[r Lincoln did ImT/. l'hout tbe 10th day D , 1 85

tlllniu ll tnrv W1\

3 <tclu t'~ ChIli 01, the 111 081 chnraCII 1"lIe t"IUI{ O( Arn CII ClI, It bIng l I UIlIl, d btnl"H, d,~ Ne lY '1'l>ldme • • 1'1) mOULI. ltJ~k luLl tli " lllUI Lh of J • I)

-. ~ . --


CWhy are" gOlld wAny loung min III tillS CI Ly hkt! babl~.? Beo.uI" I y J;j~e /0)" 1"1'-

AIlIII , llfnnn on IlI10rlllg oC a fri end O::r An tahlor 01 " Norlolk.pap.r 1'8. h,vlII!' II s lulltJ C( mn IIllulb klr IlImlt!lr, (' xcl ll llll ~ d 'U) my lIowl And t!JRL • H fll."d to IIgbl a du el on 1116 j!'IOUlld gOlld "I".. Sure" SIOIle! coffia 'ud 11181 it larj;1I ",,",Iy lind coullnon eeD •••


" mnn a II (II 1UI't!"

--,.- -

00- A. mnn In Nontrelll ,welled lind II/tid fnun KJlplYlng coal 011 lei'" ~1I1f\ ~1l0l\ 18 • con6rmed and bl UUII, llll.'uu htl tell .11 un lir•• reck !tSA gl,mhlllr. He w-I\ Blnku thou ARIiIt. Dpilll dll! IigbuDit qualllit:a .of I'll -,--


roo~ It'r


01 colloo,

-111- ftm 1- G a" e t t e. -~

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:v, .lAIn All '~. 1M4l7.

tH_" ... I(

M"" a1

Mea. I. wOI1'- 0 ... IlulI

died dolllirt. WllI1r. i, aile ralliln in



N. ,...... . "Y. 113. 18~9. T . AI.t.CtI ~ ( : n, - Genllt'IRI''' :- I lAI"I, ~uRi red •• vn ely rr"m • w e llkllf'-. , Tura In All "." " 11. ""11 be.rtl ynllr pl. - :".

-A cllurt'h jp'l'trDCon. Qo.. .c.I " - e I ....;n-t .......... "....... ... 11k' \' ,I ~_ _ • ,,~ __~ ~'\ ~..... .......... 1111 rich Miami bollOIl'l. ho .,In pro . h.d I.u. h alld 1ft ". IV • • ....... • • • • 01. D. ""'1 riuel" n('luah (rvIP IMO Iter'" III brill., Jl>hll 11 ' IIUIIU i. lw .. nly .' • • • _ _,~ < \ ... , ·'. ' H"". EDnoa ' - U",",",' r,cl'lIl Y - -" ...... , .. 1111° IImo uol ! J - - ", "-1:\\:; f I L), " , ~' HI (l Vt bllll(I l ite ollth, 1 , \l illi, 10 IhlS I\l l tn I "I. [ Fur the

I• • t .



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~r1.lotrn l8

d ·' I I 110 1. Ilind , III ' tI'II r" Ct 'lIttl' ~1) , .. ' If i! . ~I'~ II • I I,r ..('", ~d II lI e . ," n.1 rlat' r (' II ll ", ~. 1111 1 Ntr," ly 6000 OOO"!lu Le i s ,f ",1111111 , I ~., '~ II,,~lr. , A ~11Il!1 1' pl•• IN I II r~d 1101' , 1\ I J' .. I,ultt r ... tl ucp ,1 lo ll 'l ll r. k Y "\I ' ~ r .. ~ p"cVtl ~. inC U l" ll ~ P. 11 .e heen . 1t1Ill,e.1 f,um Mlnllt: woL II dUf\II~ t J }l It I GIJ ~. "'I··r flI1U't'11 .. II I CIJIt " u r I:r.1 CI. IN TII It OAt: If. II: l, t IllU "OO, Ih e P'I '~ or ;""n . \ L II'I ' ., N \' 1 J ill ", ,,, 11;I1l2. 1'l u • • k, I Ion oC Ihe lDlI sto ll o n ,r(lll l1 d "Ie n . I'o l,(,ell" " & 0 " P II' 8PI' 89 1111 • II•• • '" ('II ~ " I! " N , \ ," . ~ . m u .I " II /I"~ lVu r1 h 01 !,)lIr p l.II IM - , ,II,,, It ll ~ ,.. I k I ., I I I Itlv hl 10141 '('he v h ll\ ~ Cllr" tI r,l l! til • cr r n my tle .. n " ", ,.ad 10 III ::;"" g IJhl'k , \\h ll h h " l r.' ub l. oj 1110 .rllr ~\lPI 8 ~Iu ~.. uw ~~ AII, .. ny. 11111 0 , ~I\.I n .", ' III IL lh!;,r 1." lu / I,r)'

" ftfll Ifr n b 1.0 " " _

politi II R I I fll rc~d 10 reso rl to mllnUR I' or '!!' fliT- or IhAI t .. .L\lrn. 1n lII o ny pi nel! , I I ~d d 1 I I tI.( Wllr ,"Ill tlte msell'E~1' 1 hl' to'rd on1! who ",,, l! po~.. Ih e rU l h ~ .~ lin e f II Ill!; I '- <)00 000 1.1 l"r A tLe nb ~ IIIII It, ---:" ... , 1 .. n b~ ~eo: o. '1'11 1. rtrlll rll I ~ npph()"Jl' ",' rl I .... . t I \ \. t h t ll i numbor, tIll' V 'I'lIlt (' ~[ ' ~'Iu- I! pl'ai ll ll y Lo li S Cllle S. m nny 01 I ~lIy L" II ~ Ihe, \A pril ~ ,o tln ,Hy 1\ I~II'!'~ : : lit l ilt I N n p on i fOllrth I lllllleUI I Rodtun l tlt~ ".h ()l " " ,I\\ l h " ~8 r(l C. ~p I ~llItllt "(0: ulII) .. r", '111 1l 1111 A m" '~ ~ nll re I II OIlHSod eulnrg d fo rm , 1I1l ( • I '- 10 lie rel(reltrd v c ry tUu oh IllIlt In II~ t 'l r .. m Olld ln jl. I,Ill>de l n Kre nleCl uro ... In g , h ' ) II ___-" lth ' uco ullIg iu '" p rospec ts fol' It 1' 1 I f d I J leJ llIl J ill y ve nti g ron wero (.e e, ·bul. 8~,,1 I. 01 , b s o 11\ 81l~e , 010 P lice II I Api " d d .. I1J· "Y II ", IUlOll<l o( n fu t l!r car ccr e II1 ('re[l • I lflt~dl bUIIJill !!3. '1'111~ GVIOCl S In a rl: ' IDY own woo , a n d • I '. tl) A AnUI,I.. " I H a rlro r J d (\c l()r~, bOlh \.II t 1 ,tc motO s pac e " s lrong "I'pe llte lin O" III1U I " " ' , 'IV WIII ,un c li S 0 I " m ', r'. 4bl~ mllnne r Ih e "rogree Iv e move· II ' or e " r " '1111 , ~r -,., 111111 " I r~ ' ~ !J ~ I n AH 10 tt th a Jl I\ !Ii> .~ ~ I· I I b i d bP n n .. ron " "r.' ) • • , . v, to 110lLltllcl n rni °o(llll l.n~ollnln'I C lcr('OI}'tI (l ct~11 m , II I the "lfe, Th e rottlen( 10.LIIU - lWI~ICltl h RO'lplyM aUJ" r e ,u IClli l!"'1I1 !.tId g o,,'; 1t h ..... . d , 11.11 o illUr dny . 1111 wJ ,,'ch 1 I' f I c .. II tl rom I I." . y ' J I { d IW5S1 , I •. , r l .1 tl o n! 0 t I ~ ovU I. 10 u e~c II u.... ~ . IIlId 1.,1' ,,~ ' e I rl'~ y I ri ~ lUJl lts n ud s\» 1 .-l >,Ie loom ,01 n l I I ffi r I aro bei n g he" '. • , I '1 Bro the " bollo III ll:rna trll co s Avcry, ho "," uIIIIlOI Le h ~p p) un d t I ~ 1I t)" _ hl 10. ~I IIIlI~.k li .. ~ Il! el" Ch ll Iru In ' Cl tl!lClOl.' n t s ow lit I r"!,lIlly s ""pL 81\"). IIntl Lhe! lrue phy I 11 I [ , l . d M ' "r\O rvt Itl I G I I Ii j /,;lrcum s hlOc' l , \I 1I0fl It t .u or': HII ~ 0 Ih u 1\ ." 1 (II UII H) ur e J ' • o f n n c "' s llo1lcr M nSIl\ ti ll d S III CW • • IlUlo~() o r mall Ulllu II1g lid OU · I U tI 9 ~ OUO f I l3.0 d r Ih e budy Are l" ll,tllDlIltd) e xrr e l-C . hbdlll' III ~ I' pc rll , ti I u ~ HI " powers WIll lOll" be IId~o() .. lc rOID '" e l d h I11 11 (,1,1 ) ' . I II WIIS OIlIl"'lIlIv IIlINl d ll ll tl"'1 1lI"1l OUO cl '" l1lu,1 li b ,J,.Dl lIgt'8. " t i t o ur r end e l sW ill m c et \•c n ve r) l egIon 'I he prel~nl gl' nHII Ion. & I r o n r c ntie n, 0 15 to SIIStl1 111 a CI erh talJl e IIIcOIII VIl>le And Mcell c, c,m no more Ihou' J ll"rn 1.1< h\ III:; ) llc .gWt';.t 0 T lit' p", op l.. o( Macon £l1I. nre h'MI -

" .......

oi l' , eOl1li ll c

t o Ih l!

,,1\ II. " ",,'.

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It)(':tll) ~ PCI ,

"Itll I (' n c welt Jlbc l nht) , thro ... otT Iltftl l)rllll l+1 c.1 .\lId thClalO' IllS ItIOW'

A,1I,," our g n\lldalrc

11m- III" UP ""

nod 1\1111e t hnlll(\ n g th e m , c nelt nll\t rll\l f~ehl1g "\llch hl\l become ChrOIlIC \ FIIf. If he I\,..J \I~Vl'r \I"I"I~d the mur Ol t h mctofo l'c 110 \ ,\, f IImO"lItlll " It\ lit'll. '1101&111 \t.\\ lI lhel\ Iro~l Indohmcl! r., ll, fo r tho SIl1\\l . ~ \fOUIlI l II! 11\1"" 0 IIgelC iI \ ,'III ('01c\ (' (I, " Il cntClWIII t h e llope t\\I\t I • co06r-elllleredlll\fY dI81!1l.e-tlll'D 1 cltre Dol 1.0'11 tourhlly Guo II .., I 11 a I t! I 1.1 d II ph) 1111" - ,rill contiuue th Clr offort s in our 1~1\'t Illborlllg ulIJ"r COli firmed ho I hllvtI III.eo. "I '" not u Il) e Ie ' It 11Inlf, lllet cby d u ing II serVlCC to th e ~e~tIllY dl~tR'1! 01 body elln be per. \8toh. gICIII la,,', lI~nc8 II , I. ""Jant

~~~k!'\I,:aITI4_• II·'t·~ 'he fl""1 A



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D ..

CUll""", (,III1V ~lI" .mnke ~1"81 •. ln •


.nd ~QmlllOn (r~"lta I t,al"~f nc1 6n.., ; :I·,~II FIIlIlt!r B. - !arel AI ~



1 m.r Un

It;p'e"I«I!~,",.h .,W:'lpt!~et·. ; 'II~:8

'n~I"IIJIH "I~, n'l~ r rr'l° ~~, ' \ flro 'j[~8ee, 'Y,rtt n'I. 111M. 'olhcblDonll: &c

Ji\'11 k 11 k

' ;nil. •

Direct Rom New-Yo". I , .r-


h~,"l. '. Ih . Il r<lr d lffi cu lly .. ",.111 IlII . ~ , 1.. 1{ SlrFoII",""I' ~ (II D ~\l 1 6cCIII ... Qrllllent 01 New Ind PllIerIK' "in .., V ' rk e,HI)', ,rhaoIReo "-'e' • Dr I)-M II.863 BrU MI" ~ \ . "PI. JI" , .... " 11I 11Irln'" ~'P "u',I , 0 11 l\J ll lltI," ' , J'III~ ~:I'~, I FA L LAN 0 WIN T E R ~:::;:.: ;~:;!~~r Preat'hll, ISIlt!, III 0 Illu81"r8 lu n V" ""!: w QOIon &U ; . I'I_Ie be. SI alock og L "b Or - '·L le rt t'l: ~"' ~y , RP ' ~r ~ I Y Irum 111,. "!!II ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ....... In Ihe ~nnlr • . " .. L 'I'hll",.luy ~hc cnll.' ,l w utl l IWO 1I.llre f u r . ... J l rll, " d , ..mllh e ll " Inl f' oJltOW th e tWIt.he '!;l \Ve nn! .... I.o •• ,l~Qlllttr I. AII If.,rel., .. .. .' "'" 'lolltl uy h'ld rt'h.'vcd Ibmhn O'gl1\l, Kn. L -- II jJ Blel B dL .. , he r III1I\1P~ I" l f ly ah e r I,ulllllg them till, cOl\lI ll1ln ll of HIDck n"IY. ru uly. r t .• Emenon. Goebbpll'r &. Ulld cu rt'd I.rr In Iwu do n 0 a mOB ul d, lr eK. lnl! po ln In be r IIn ck and luin.. (The latlpr are fine Sohl loy " I I dru gr,I"l d 76-"'1' ~Ve 'III~ IlIrni. 1I III' ul k li

I \\


I 'N .zUlI"', 011111. 10


I Drl



011 1

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B.wOO()"Clot hS,

S ll!\wl'~rll ~~ l! f'uw" III - - ofn6 i{;ad;;t-;- Comet, Th ~ bl',It<' lIll'or lllu n I)f Ih l! n c~o ..hlll!" l"l\Ilhul1. Is t ",,,I"rPlI

o\o;.\;~ :;':,~:!~~.ra~~:

hll e

lell("I:\ PLAlN .AND FANCY & L~on I:Jpwlng &h t hln. ' ~I"e .H" I'",t!U' 109 tin ~ ly III'"~ lemul" IJv IU "HORRID HAIR , "AM/LV 3hnbl1l8 CIU W f I I I Ltb~l\oD. O CI 1'1 PI'0 1lDl 6nlRI dry goods c1 ~ rk III N, a l"llh~rc tHe lhou n ll,l, u .tllIl~n 'PIII8 • , II hll h mllof hl h~ re lltlere d dlllrmilll! t.v y IIIIs g OI1 " ci e Rn crl\lV h~CHu . e A HhllplV rh""l! ' " g Ilte ll IInl In a ",clluw U ~.., ...T 8lubb,orll o lt! I1l1lhon'\lre WQutltl 1101 I"t IIrl.l\\ II, ur n pe rlerlly ""Iurnl black. wllh I 't dllil Ihe IltO)l !1e or II,. SuUI.l (rom lit: I tI , Crbtadoro'e Bair Dye, PLAIN AND F'ANCY wll o C COmrnlll1l ) mlln c l"ly cu,ed hy 1111 Lhe II rP htlnC" 8 If' d hlln mllr.y ,I~ tlug Ilcr. II I" rl.'I .. "luu. IU corrY Inlu 1"cleIY' rrry • cCNlily \llll bt"comt: be ~U S lltll\lilg . I'n " u _~ of ~hll &II of mediCine, • •. !I'l'Clrtllry Stnnlon 1,1\9 II preaent on anndy or Mrrolly heoad. when fI.,e III11wle8 1 .. f I N'lur~ II) IIC k 1 1 11 •~lr IIIdlVllluahl\ Vl I11Incre,,<e .. 8 lul!Y Lhll WII) Irom Illc H,.,c k j' Pol',1lnll\inQ '1'1.10" for" momenl 0 f 118 0 IV"" ~ r" lI ller I .. nttrmr.ItV8 ftI v I 1t:lltn to obe" lit" I"wa of Iht"1T orgRolcl'ultl huve m"d!' II In I",r h.ppl .... , mllo.I, catfllu"Ue of d IIt'II,ea InlI ue p d by 111 d 0 1 J fl bdll\er fur rob e leo ft"llt .11 11 "rl:. bil l "I ( tI b J C RI'TAllOR 6 ASll)r R08T(l' ,)loecmIJor -cG, Ji:GG .. If r I Z . Ihln , E\u)lhlng IS (IIvl}rllbl" frum < Clctur!' v. • IJ , f D V. I H G'ZlTTF. -W .lh Ihc 1I001l -0 n ( Itmce, ~'I!I hgs lllln,"lle 0d "bP rlng 0 liB AV llltir cl,m'lle 10 produce.m tnll'IIl'CIUIII WIOlglllng uuly (uur lIod n h,llit p,' uods HIIII.p.. ~elV Yurk - auld Ly drul:g"I.,.. hlch·t' ,ti1\l mD ko up III-n Il,le not surremlmr . III W our lIIitl. t cnllle Iho rollick III!,: ery, .ft Ill: ·OUll I" ell ll 6" .. n· d I f i!. rICh mnn III N<w York, l~ fe " d")6 ,o.ppltet! l,) 011 hnlldredser8. 764 "o8oetl by ally, 111111 nhl'III'1I'er !';Iurm Kin" , WlllSlllllg mOIU1lful " Ir" tlll (1II1:h I f r"c.. by 01.11:) IIIg Lhe gltllt ""s 0 d- JI " Lo eonllpuo ID Ihe pOllllve VIO allen 0 ' nll'o. I" PRe fll , d 10 l'lI f"noale f. i"Il.t ~To Owners of Cattle an ontes. .ulleriur Iu 1111) 111I1I1 ... lthlll nllthluu wlltllu \\ ~. II lId\.lCa.ltDg l ll cl y ~" II\)(J • tI II I lllbi hYI!I~n~ pure IIlr, pure wlltt!r. c x c rCIRe " f ' j ' .• blu' Derbv Comhtlull Fowtler. bra medicine~, d If CI! nIl ~h ll l w," Llh orglllllC an ""'TIl "", lIe lIIeYI ~ • ~) I~ ,tI CIIIIII Irllnd ~ - e ll e h II \'1\011 II ·.cooll1rJlUUUlUI "[10 " • , I IIl1d nulrllltlU~ fuuc.l. LI!lng A SlfiO qu" ,. wo-rllll\! J SlIpOrlur 10 11\1\' othe" or ItO "II olher uc~roho so, c rulgnll , hc h crahl. "hfl! d"R.ler ~ 10 118 OWII Illce-"1.o 5 ' " n,,1 I nOll to glOod hl:llllh, .,•• "I I.ul d 81 ISIOCI " ,cllke. U I 11 I'< eo Ltn.!- lh e C Ike It w,,' p"., ',.r II.ft CUIP!lr D'dlompor. \Yorm~. 1 ~ l of g" yoty W ~h Q TICh , nnll" r e' ,,11 of IOrrllT IIIg .. b'lu~ the Inuml!fwn W IIll) II I d d (ou11l1 1l.II L ellc h pi ece cOlIlAl ne d 11111' UOl d, COIl!!hp. llIt1e·l!ouud. Gnldil. &r. • In 10 Ihe poor. AlrcRd) hl1\ \! uur .1d'cl\l~ trol' ""uld It"VI! b~l!n I'rop"g Rlt,d Ihmulth oy hUIIl/{ rpmov c tl, And lloe I XII ' ~ I "" I r $ 1 000 lIurs ps •• 1It1 Colds. Cuullha. Lo98 01 M"~, MILD OF '''A W'NF.8"tILLE. Icnl plol\lta "Ithered bCIIQj\lh .I"IIILII chI! I U .~ III ~. betlll "1",,1 of It' F V. a I\~N1'lh)' ph} lulol::lc,, 1 manu jc w~lry 10 lhe VII Ull 0 1 . IIln c k TOII!!IIP, lJum D,.temper. &c,. III I" ..)..,_ dinI> !If ~cllOO wIn COlue (rom 1IIIIIIIDIHrI,,!!e I d :\) U r \lVO IIgo , Callie. 'l'l.ege P"wde ra lVere fOlm"rly f l - A l 'I A IIIl1eRI'" I~. 1\ • v D ImeM of 1118 brealb, 88 1.8 gn' c t 1,em. '~e t olll IlIe II1Il0n-n"U' ---:0:Hili f,"ored cour er I lap I ,,"'u Ile recell~ "",0 7'" , I I I '" Ii I J I • th al.cot pili up by Slmp ... n I. 'rul/l'~' Ion of r ll.g klJu! "ILh 1..1 Icy 1\.... .I I r /1\1, 1'hl: deheitle. 60nSIIIYC. Ill'rYOUI ')!l1 Iwo gil • " e re h ""ppe " " , "'o blfto Rnd. alnce 1"8 Ile8lh. Ihe deAl"od Perfui~, 11< ", no .. And lce, ,Icckoll our fi elds nud eoo.~'lu e nl y, I retu ullnll Wft8 e J I wlliid "n 111" lr "Ry 10 cllurflh , Mild 1 1 l l ! ' Dr,~. ....0will IIIlorm .. rr) ~ IIh Ilc &Rnuulllt, • • IlRO lWf!1I 6 0 ~ reallur tllem. Ih'l 1 kel'p CQ"'lanlly 011 h.nd a 'plend,,1 I stlQl\lnS III robes of Je lHllled ermIRe. 011<1 OIlCUtiIlIY. In ortler to remove I IO '~ mp , cul"r \ l"lkee, Anti the I ... ull WIll mosL 1IIUro ITl-:" at-lIrch hM. tHllOIJ 10 IltS b,u h~8 ('(llIlillllod Ihplr man"rarlu·I.'.1011lllrnl of cro"tI~ o f s oy ploRSure suck r8 (nr n time eAI~' whIC h wllre preytnl{ upoo Ihe 'I'hey "rb pCI'ecllv loh' Gnd InoQcelll: no eo f t I of I ""· · lul""'CIIII!I., coJvdr lhc If will rtllliuut'e. r I tl t I f held lugh e IMII' . I8 u m.. ,e eXI·el very VIIRlij or ROCIU I 1"y 'fl jJ wMte Ihe '0 R cOllln1ln \:( III!: ' '',. '" ~ n~('tI 01 SI"pplllj! Ihl! worklllg a Jour an · l their lIIunlficcnt boullt, TI,o old 1I8Ul1K'r , , lDell!' wlu oh w.\l produce lhe be. t of "'1'he Ore nl R I pulth c ." Ill e orglln I\t IIl)nl .. , Th('y lu!>renSt' the appelllt'. a'ye ),o ..".'.r, g rt.t,OU8h . 1""IIt'll U61dll, th"t JolII fill. bclda o( mt.,lIl'ci alld Mil those no '8 II.e e llr 01 lime roll. G ., A ' I I a fiue cu~l. clea n.e Ihe &tOIllUIt .nd 1111~ ~ , ..,. . d I COlllequfbcua J' \V ,UI.III1' lo n of Ihe rRnu rnt) a I II! 811UIIl 01.1116 DII"h~ r cr Cll o A wnrm wulcom c ble 1D0ral fneullifl t11!.Uoe 10 cu m l ' .. "!lry ur~nll9j 1110 ItlcrflDAe Ihe llJllk 01 (;ut nnd Modo Myl'Clt~ '1'1 011 ~ntl Ihe pIO"'''~Mve mov"meDI" or ne,.ubIIC, " ~ I1I" " . t"" .II\Lemt·nl tllI,l or. ClOWS 'j' ry. II e m. QI Iu.• Y"II Will never bp I I (lU 1118 nn1l1l .. 1 ''"IHlt, wlileh " I\II ,n~'ml't y mn, C Dat" 10 high pllllOI 0 I Iloug IIt It!} . . . . ~ I I f I Uttl Chrisl ., ' .f Ihe South IUt'rtllUe, 0 hll.0101ll01l01l CllOII I::"nll" llllll ItA3 nomillaled Senalor YI\I~' \\lIhout Ihem Hlrom \Yoodrulf. Ihe celt" U. &' tI~ 1 g .t 0 e"l)Cct ul e ouos "ere pr08 11'111"l~U' by Ihelr prtuOlDlnflnt ~hrnlcd Iralner o( Irolling hor8PI. ha. . ·Melt I w iI1 '''''V' C, lind 1\ 0 1I0W havl) \l cnthe r I\hlch r08. ,uumlll',m. In tver} State (,f Iht' Ullltlll \\'Iil I'n 5U(" r..,r llie PW,IJ,nc y, uqed II.PRI. nlld ,eocommpnd. Ihem 10 hie woultl bc el'<.'lIlI'lhlc l" OU to IIckle MIIY " , u nnL I I 'he A:ndrICMII .l!:r~te 'f Ill H~L ~,, ~ A ~hJr}' Ii 101.1 o( 'J YI)lJ':\ ;;' m In III [Tltllcl. C ,.I. Phllu p, Ru!h. n' the Jer, 0.11 IIlcomlng Lo",.",tnre "hlth Ilues i\JI 'l'hl!r~ .. R' l( t"nnt.l coowernllV" !1" "orltl R~ t.Ie liRllce, lime R pce CV\lret, .'urtlhllll. NY. would WarranL to givo eq~111 Slui~c­ flr8t a,' n .ec lIext mOlltl., \\111 hn, c n new nIl clple In Ihe ulII'tlntl. " hll8 !Jern 118 CII II - ' lo·recpoll. 111 , who IV I~ or I. sed III 1I0t u~e IhelD uUlii ho WII wid 1>/ Whll tlon to ~8t Custom Lll UI. tllell, hRve r"nr\l~ 'd I d I b I Ii (111.011 t.O It Alre"tI \' lurge collocllon 0 f I "illS lrNlltult'd III .1111. d"pArllneolB, 1 IIllve 1111 l\\tomp\ (O ' OUICI II l eC ! lll y y • - Ihey ",e 11Ilmpoled, ,,In''l1 which hI' I_ lIey· Ullrlo. ,IIUM, In iMo I'0l'lloll.of Iwo gcnlt! ofll.e the ulmo.t C'On6d!tltl!' In 11\18 prinCIp,e lIan phllu s tll'!tp,., 'Iwlollllll( allll.illg., lOll !"Llu8~ of flm~t po\VJur 1I~ Immt ~r \\ Il llllul IhE'm , He hDII lIyrr . :i0 run· "., eodUI III" bll Illirl"'" ' I I 111nlr l.or~1l8 IU' hl8 chor ·· lllll ~II bl e 1,lle, \0 I,0 I'1\\0" I v ~"·"ntc'· ~W .~_ .. to III Whall. Ihlt prenervl'l th"t vlli l body Iloping n 1111 '10 '; .. .. .v, dllllt!ly'ro~e ~ I , o\'e .1 & 1I0ulJ .. a. d"..o. and I lor tbe oJ 1811 luse moo ~I\g bod y "n cle munt of mtelllgcncc I ' " \V. N ,. N tllre!') cors hDS 118e 110 01 ler mr ICIIIO whlt'h I will ..ell (or lei's mo"ey: I'lat! JQU -l\ eomm(ld.l y \lhiclt no 01ll. IIB8 hctll1.o UII of wwtel. Lhe oec'lD. It II chl u rml'. _ __ • ___ 'I'h 001llmOll Council or ewnr .. . • tor Ihem. lie hna kmdly rormllle' mE'lo My Ihe chelpl"l .,\lcle 01 JIlIt ,~ur W. I I K I"· I r I r 11 il 10 III CO..... OSl D ,r I \ l i t - J .I.,,"e "1\llltle" b Ollcs ur aUIII"ltI" IIlIm lofer one 10 him, OvPr J,OOO olher 11 I f j\lR~ ~M to flccnso n'i~ ' 0 n e nll'm ,cr . W 1I0u en ~ 8 " ".. I "·r' >.3 .uODH ", I)W", I'll I l\ e c r rf!le'ellcP~ can be IPpn .1 Ihe dllPQI. Boltl nr mm'dling \Vllh 'I'hcsc 1'1'0 \lllfortnnAI~ lion. WhMI 1M II 11t"1 ,,"IRins Ihe com t CI' hom om' ")1'111 01' folio" cl t ll. e n bllr. "iz" '\I,d s 'ru(lture upoln L~le tref! by clrul!~.I· nlld ntldlerll-pmle 25 cenl . ,"i.8iollnrlp~ I\TO 1IId('hled fo r tllelr I', cscnt pholl~lId Illucluro ,,( mAn' II IS tI •., Ul111 fllClHl, MI T }) Ycomnns, fIn In tltid MOline! Ih~ JlRrks of the city. fOI flH tonx. Depol CIIi Curtl.l!c.l~ Btrp.oI. IIOKlttOIl1I11t1 to 11.0 '" effo rts or VI. . VI I1Il, or power 0 r I IrII, WI I,,'• I'S It ted " •. I f II le EparrOW\I frv... '-"'Ih~ New Y"rlc 737w nl\r·NISHI~i{'\ I'M"""hte 1111 ;\ 1'(lhllomSIS the IInitr Domocrllt' ,-IIIC 'ce mbm 23, 186". gi \ 0l 8 t 10 IIIIt pro tclton u l~ lhu

lIe t" tur.



.I., ew







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my ' Work!


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E r i eRa i 1w a




lormor ,ollng f .... m 1\ r.CII MC of ,'utv th!l lnttcr thl\' pre.crt 118 . Ihe huml\n rRee R8 " fo l\o" iug itom s of gcuCIl\\ lut~1 cst ."vel coM wtnlht'T, frolll (\ ~p\rll of fun, kllO"lng thclr own CI\II btlct.t? h . s Inlerlllll.IIJIge-lIutllOg " tell t I Ol\t t 0 1.Ie 1I:C!I' t pos t C 1!,,~lt'llc.l. Ihe ollnt! r of nortl~.. l'iI~~~ IS qm ~' ~ I\itltlte C(luilinol \.Ie slI<cessfu\. As It r ~ult OOP061h, tAI""P" m.. _ 11<1 W t e lJ~1I 9f )Vt\~1jea.'T\ll Iclrlcl • • of ~,,_ .... " 001 1»oy~ II of two Ird!tn~ Re ubI' ~ , ilQ 1111 n -0 \ III anil wli felq)lncc we' 8hull nlw:n's foel 1\ '~hur.ll"r Ii~ttrnouo Itll'ral' y n cepliens GftOl UrerulG·Tnutk_e

"n "'I



"Qinl' , Illholl •• flulou."nd l}m phallC wntllllntetCst lClltl()~c ollc "lb"l"r~lIdenceID CuLlAg .. PI'lce . III Tho 1~ 1ture n \tRS bcen n part.culArly • I . , d' . of ollr 0llCllhl 8 \V o '11 0 cll)ll1~ l\ r • IntOl esl,n r" one. Ih e di1VCHnt CO ,II 'e' \tAtillg J IIsl 10 Ihe botly P" 1110 IS presel vo U) NelV YoJrk M '''I) anJ 1I1l1~ICI~n g ood bus illess W 0 s olei n 1111 gc a cnnotucted 11\ th o t. . l lo lcnt III the lhe conOlclII)g dements willoh I\fI' ilL mouu t of wnl e till S \ enl' , lHlt "'1\ III Q' 1I 11 ~IllI, 8S " . HlIs sOlDe ldlturs 1\0J /lU m llntn '1' 1\0 cro\\"tI~d hnll. I'1 .loh )ull a perpetuAl WIIr III Ihat Lody. }et Ihey »lItll\ll\ lIew loln,antl I.'uhl god (lUI Ihorl. III!:II k I 11111 OUI mot II111 e 1\' I ' ) , P , I(." \\ ·Ieomo<l th ~ lII , "PO.k • •H II ,,1,1.1) fm IlarmolllZ~, 1101' s nm An excl ,/tngn uys IllRt 0 ~o ... ~, 1'.0 1I11'"C IlHIIC8~ of Ih ~ ~ I '( akU' B.mllhe III • en111 1' 01\ e l , Ill St I l' I(1 rm CI I'), 13 ,. •,'II "111). " t. 11\ (·It dll,"I,,1 _I a. e.\( 0 II !:! I " " on .. a Wltft OIlCt nn /lelllr ul 011 I I" 8 l n.!l 1 0D1I1lIl11 II 1 So gre" I I8 tl lC ,,' Ih :" n c~ o f l'OC 'Jltc p" s~l oll . .. rc chc tl nllll"C slJ l hi e ' I.) hO.KO, (lUI olltlll)S h U I' (' lIt' OIl (O il ,I Jllln,l fore co"" ,hltt \Ihon tICket.. fllr the Pope (ully cOO1J1rtdlt:ntlcd th lt- ltD s itlCl aLIa OUlii I~ cons n.lIl! e d the III 80\3tOIl allli pili) lld th" CllllrAOler of J. Ol\ cl1cllurBe "ere to bo 1;1\ cn ollt. the "Irccl porlllO! Ihoughl, l u es twnro m Iown \Ve 8c ntll'!to1l1 Ulllll citl !l c ln .. l .e HI Ihe t. 'ld), or L)OIl~ III fl"\l llt of ,t .. "s rendered ahnost IUll'l1SBnbl e WI/u I.:nO\\ 8 uut He ... 10080 b .JUI tho lIghlnillg 1200 to 300 IIlIle s , to 1\1188 01111 , Ne Mr. BUll ks hnq p\Jlyt,d ftl goot! nl"ny hllll M! hc fo1'C tho Inllt! III·pOllllctl fUf tl.o tilforlll rl, UI nskn, nod Dncc)tah • •••rl, ~ I Re I( r-" It! lice I h ~ II t ll lo"!t1J1I b) tllO III1IiUUS IIllju,rcca "f'lur Who hc",c~ old OUCIlIt nI.d "ho 1\illg< the TillS HI n flll o n(I II~I/OI' nlim CI S " 11:1 1 D. ottU S I cel. III [''''' '1(1 Iphlll. I ~ ties kllO\I kdj!'r. and IlIIndrctls \lcro forced to IIwrUl3. smoll mOlUl a. 'lllte motto h e l'(' IS )"" . 0 \f.t.J. their wrlllw8 Puurs flcc'C\lllmIJlti<l11 III " Ce 1·r.I" ~ mmd. wt)t"ll labol nnel /urge III of its n 11 ,) \I "" ~ " l O 1)1' Ihe fin e. 1 Slre!l l III Any A • '"' C I '· Or tllrn \oUllg AtlIOI\ looOll Lo Meum gc Ulun d I I 1 I I 0 11" 11011(111"" 1111$ CIty, ambrlugc, IRS uDen k.udl' _ III ustrlOu s man, If so ,el·,· n\ll "\\ It I 1n~IIC f\ll e ll Y It hRO bOllu P [I!!ntled rrom n mor\ollitc s'nll 0 If 1)1'0111 8. ('onll 0 . Nlodo wn Itl 1'I ~ Io ~ I'. L"';Il. III ~ te rrlhl) ufU,oted of lIlte IIlth Illceml,ll ry fires ,. JlllS~ Cd \\1 t.h out rrhe humnD Iftlllli woull lun'll for l'ulI 01 dOlll g ~cll The !tlIllllS II c ll }'or " cl!k. , ~cn1'CO IY A "'goat II II C of Ih c"'l) .he Idrlll ,MIlUll. 0110 mght, liver rcmlllned '1"llOnRry, hr.tI' I~ nol e o s tl,} tcnd ed, pi o tlll cc S h cn V\ ClOpS, no ... It II 1I111 ~ s lung. \Vllh 1\ wlthh cr om





lu", alld I'vtryIM"!I il.


tM O"ijiUi"g Li"t,'

AND NIlW E:«"GLANJ)l CITIIJ&. THIS rl,\II, WAY ~xnNrS FRO\! Dan"''''' I. New-'l".wt<, 460 Mil...., Bnlfnlo .. Ne,,,.".rk • .a~:J IUiI_

All or 1\ 1.le" 1 ,..ill Mell III nft luw lij,!ur,. Ke Y"" C.II bu)' Ihem III Dllyloll or el.ewhertl,

~Dln",ul>(!"" N" ..··~ ...... .jlli Mil".. J.:\U 1&

Al l trotl" . 1111 c'lnrllj lh ru u$ h In


TnB I"~. M ... G ....." •• FI u~h . Bright. llUItr1/l, til 0 and Enlerttllnmg !


-.D" 4' 10 1\1 ILl ~ " ,chout ' h ~,,_. "I CUftllJ",. to rutH Mlltl ,,[h:f J'\ov 19, 18 n, trtun. wllI.owl:.

'l:UE' ",VERSI.E' l'tIAOAZll'lE, roa Yqf~O PEOPLE

'\ e»lt I n line" .... fullow. : FBOM Dl1~IUR.K. .. S,tLAl'IIAN""'f

'P T, DOt>~ON.


22 to 27 )HIes the ahort4lt'"follte



1,I1I 1\ t: 1 t ill il " I ' " Mit

MESSnS, RUaD ~ HOUOHTON', It) 1\ r'Y \ ' U I k '''" e 'rill., U lit fli 1Juf'''' . ' &.00 A, M. NEW YORK DA r E"pra.. Tn kl! ptclt8ure In Anno~cllIg tllO IwuludlUIIl II Uln ;:,yhlllllfUi;", U 'IU, (e x i .. .,1 ~1J".J"l' .) Il!8u,' of ttle LUltl'" nu'::'!bor of

Ii.,."." Q( n, .. II " 8 47 II >t. ("kll)".,.r. . .. ,," .. lIh .1.., 6 30 A M Uny I xl'r. " Irtlll~ iiutlulo, anu .. trn •• In N QW \'v r k I '


I tOI \'0 xo nort., 16 .l ~ I'M W bo p\lbli~hcd IIIonlhly, comlllcnclnjt "lIh 1I1htl, ed Itnt! lillr lee n fet:~. alit! Ilrlllgh I ,. to "', 1lI. E~.BEtI8l11".L, 6w_ D _ Juntlftry. 1867. Till) PlIrpol!e of tho Rh cr lires I.!rokc out sllIlultaneously III .)n eo dlC Leen ror ~he infrKclioli o£\"", But "0 nnd willch c nn !l~'ltl) " UC soltl al ki r k Utll\, ( . "t:l'l ~UIl~Itl' '") ::ilup".' Icr~"1 pa. lil ufthe t.Owll •• ~n(lctmgthc uffUI\JI unto IhAt mit" or nlllion ~ho thus '10- IlIgh 1)11008" al nn Rrrow Sol":."... ",, I) 40 A M, .... I ".,,,,,ec.~-~t Ii!.r "ule lbgor;mo Will be \0 slltlBr., the tilllies "I tl, c Ill umell almo~t IIlc ft'eclll~1 'l'he lie - - .- - -" I 11""111 t' hml c..;UIIIIII~ wllh .hts ud A M tho lOllDgor pubhc ...lth Ililltructh 0 and lIILea)"", Mellltd !'ulllshmcot WIll III G' n DIX II·.. ' 1'·'·11 prftonn'dll to II .. 1:\1111 U 1\11\11 frnul I nfl'ulo •• nd urtl\'o~ .. tllrc.tming ' 'lAdlng matter, uttr.cth el~ m~l~ t ~ lI," ' , urge,l On II) IUIJ(c ro wllrd~ , 1"\\ 0 CON S JSTn~T -'-'-"rh o ~(lIIII,I1'iLl,lc 01 ... ~ •. ~ trated hy competont artl8t11 III tho contn b Nuw y , ,k HI 71J0 A M In .11\ sucrcc,k~ltllfc rrc tlll:; ontthe\llh\ln M , I:villlblyrullo". SlIcll:d Rod Ploruno }o'r~lI~h Etllp' rtlr by Mr I:!llcic luw, Rflel utlon! W die .M~~I\.llIe, regard will he It'<iId .• b N e " YOI k City jlls tlflc8 Its nnrne Ly 4.13 •• 1'1. N, YORK NIGHT IUt • • EIM "hI) cOlllo<s tltnt plunder \\II S Iheir ouly ob I1III0ry IR mRue up of reken pronll!e . 10 11I~ Rddre -s rd~ rred 10 tilt: frenJI} re ~tbcr to ~hc ment of 'he IlrtlolCli thlln to JrlHU VlluJ..lrk. UtulJ l ts., tSlJ' t' uluh.)",) .1 I d I II "1'1'1 ' lIst I Bll ingiug dcnt' 101111<1 on tltC' qlles ~l l pf Itl ~ .. ldlilltlU'K 6:"5 I" 1\1. OJ. Dn 7 3 prevIous reput ..tiun of the I\uthor•• Inl\ ull Jcc l !lOu' 10 u'e mno l'IIIun8 willeh h"Vti lung t:Xl s ted ht:I"t e n II M {'up. I'ur .. , r . II 5~ /I ... (ilkr.). all' ~ectiOIl8 of tllC coulllry ... 111 be fu\ly repro ll.l\ e llll cl) l.eRr,l.n:nmu IIIJ(RlICClloloof aoel'l"uun who cnn 1tC~ 10 lilltm6n, ~lOn of dccenc) lII ' htelll t"I~' Hnv Ihe Iwo'countnes The Eillperor r.". .,ff" ". III .1';tlW Vur.k '!II 12 31J 1.1 M. cun"ee" !OOlIted IIIK ,,,"h lute lllnOIl 1'01118 "nrl Sh:IMlllfln fur III the Ma., the 1l1l1U\!/lule po" t IIl1d llllmor •• I, HolmeR, witl" I (l .1 G d I n g savagely ' 1lLlloullced Charles d d I I 1 (I - tl ....lnc, H'ltol»' In ItII IDOro JlIIJItlI ,\I' \lIIICh, IIS .t IlIlij IIc,cr before been clothed I . " IIM80 nft ure RlI u tl. . pon ~ expreutng lIe '" Ie I " .. .ese 1\ ...",,; 10 11 nl,d f\~w .... lIaluud Cllll.O' fQrllUl. .,,111 ncou", • prominent place • I I Rendo 8 110\ 01 of 'Gllffith Gnuntt :IS I I II b I I I II .., I I and 88 apptlrlalnlng to this, N arr,,""I , lUI., In n~ 110t 11£0'0 IIm codublc Wben l'l) orgRnlO, DlOral. or p'r"CII 14" , r~ "Ilona WI noL e ( IRlur,.., In 1(' All Inullda .re curd"n, FROM 8111111 .....o-Dr New r ......1111 IlIIlOo,n1 hook, It now de c lmcs til C8 of Truvcl, Adv ~ nhlTe8 In alld"be IIUlU Ut: pul \> Ilnur J: .), c hun~ ~ um.l Ahchl.'" Ihe ',\'tI ,, "11 MOII~"ly' \\ns prllltcdnt lhc 1(. oan b 0 VIC I.. Ito d wlllt Impunity. lind na (ulure. "OIl O'll'III I",t Iht' gllutl' MAnnol"!! "lnOUB Oountnllft, Algcrnon ti.:li:tll41g $wUlliul'll<', th e ) I I BIAMIIEDP S inn:' " , or~".Ic I rCBB, .t \\11 " P' C"" ~tI O'CI ,I n \~I\ 11008:88 .. til H~ indiViduals mU81 I~nrn RllIllIhng bel WeCO Illl! Oovdll\lmt'nL8 and Cu8tom. or dlfrerIitaO A. M. N. YORK B ... 1i RXP.", M., "~Jler CI" !Ie .'hltll yOIll eul N tltlOI~q. anti ' crltlcnll'roof rcad", eallell M--, .. ho wos II,i. ilnportllo~ lind cllrdioBltrulh (rom lIutho)' of th:ttcollectio l\.of.cXt\cm e would b"1\ gref\l ",!vllnIA'gtl 10 the 1/1 ' (:;rt."ht} J\ • A' ~,j\tld) ~IH\). u' HurneJ ....vtll., Ihe U' Cllti of c'cn 1110 lI10stcurcfu l cOlllpo~1 Iy mllnlory pcJOtff!i'Ciitit1 utl'Lllus \"e 8 50 A ~I ( Hkfl lo ~' '''Ill~ '.'In- 2 IU I' M 8U9h Blclgfllpbula) Ai! wl11 Inte\'\lRI flce Iree. Wr He \\n8 (If n lIlost 'rrltl\blc U.A]108.ltun . ellperieoce. The gormnnd,zer who 111I8lr} and commerce of bUlh countrlU ( I"lnw) , 111,,0<, . 8 OJ I' o\I ( ~UI') " ... d ar IIlId profit tho YOUl1g, wblle Ihe ditrerent de I I ' ll . III N. \Y YOlk "' 111 ~30 P M CC"InhecCIlt parlment.s 01 N nluT,11 Ristor) lIud Science, ,mti \\OUld r,IIC III n turwus l1l~tll1u.f IIIt!!r ovt:ruhllrges Illd slolliach wllh 1I0Ull8h 110118,' 'the' stlongest, lilles t nUI\ LuuIs llomk. F'"llce II"tI AmericlI hlAve nl (.rr nl Ut 11(1 '" uh l,). I.,,'n rc, L"d,.wann-. will recehe thulr tluu !!haro 9f (\lIllIIllon , upl etl b, Kill poor fcllo\\ \I 1~llllIg ul1 C Xll l11n m~Dt lind th/\- 8llmu\ lltl llg compound» most ollglllnt lloet· we hllYC hnll III rnarv .. lulu pl:~pl .. lUlJ \t\. 811 In HIHIt ontl for l ' llIlluJt'lplti •• With each 811ccclllllvc mouth. tltn Ylltlcd \I\' '' '' 'III1_Inl1 11111 1 )ltHIiC. , 0 ull1 "ork, IImUlcml)lIt!1 IIntl pleusurc8 of III dnor H.,tmc~, ,,100 .~ II Jolly willeh wh~L lhe IIppellle, dre~rn . nol thc plcsent gt!tltlrn~t);l ' '!' hc qtl cs ~= ==~"~"~E =C-:-:"::"'':''''- ';'O'I'IC-E "-, - - ~.:J.~.!ii, ul"", IIL"ullol~ COl" .' ~BBIW 1'1........ lind out dour lifo WIll 110 \JOrtl''') ell. and t11~ t cl lo,", .. nti n gl l1t\l fOl'OT.l e "Itb the men , ~hl\ llte IS III) 111 1.( the (ound~lIl1n of pel' tion of ImmOI nitty , ~h olth c l ellsc IS _ ., ..,.,. .. .." dUO 'llllll ~ 1!'I \ltl u. LJ.II, (~U II I ",,, .,S'UPI mterest or the )ou,Mui render CUll$t,,"t1~ .") A.m .· ... N ••o Vork a17.00 AM- mallltllined <llln e II. OM ,I .. , "Ioc n ll'e old Lcar'ri heut! mnOPnl dlSel\le of Ihlll unpnlLllnl orl/lln nil Op<'11 OUO, l.Jllt II MI', R?I\Ilt! hns ( unll t'! 1 ~ 't' I IUIII rt Wllh Not Ih. fit ('flu.,.1 "Ill! lhu 80reot. 111111 hemg conli,lent,,,lh 11\ " If 1 I t II G tli" r.. •. Dr, Sohenck'. Pulmolnary Syrup The IIIuI~ratlonB of Ihe MIgII.ina ... 1I1 ntR ll lh, )., ' or Hllrr"lrlll l h. Ph.hulell'lIh" nul .. lie JOlly fill tell 01111 60uflsh rOI 1\ wi,li". 0 ClII C( n !\ III I I 1.11 '~11~ ul,; tmct the eJ 08 ~he ,O""/lC. t "8 .. 011 08 lurmed ul the slute uf .. lI'ulI . '" thcgro"lm), v 1'h," 11"'61 ",e,Ii. "' ~ c ur~' d VuClor J. fa \ l lthll l1 . '" M:+ hlllKtun "nci pOlnl" South Plea80 the oldcr cllllih'ClI MI R L S Ic d,c" ncar W the flll/llll ce. 1o. Io' IIell"Urlltho bllt nRture !\fler a lime ",Ill preSI'lIt lar tlllUSgl'OSSlOl1 Ie tile m el(,s~ un g nta llc SellEN''', Ihe Pr/ll'rl~I"r. 01 l',,'manory ".!lO P. 1'1, •• IGIl~ING EXPU~ (""Iu ll h. \ •• Ie tJI,l1l!U) !;lu ll. H' HUI"! H' Vtllr pllllllS ftlrmMhcs n humurulls elllloon \0 the I) IIIr a8htJ."llllllC I.otho g rowhng l\utl sl\cnr account mU111 Le rARt curnpoulldtl' c OIllJlnl'ed \11th SIIWUIIIIJC S onts po, (~UIIIl'IJII'l'llllll, wl,ell It hlltl ".SII III I I' . ( 2~ I' M (~"I') ... dIM.,re. 'n N. w York tint uumber. and WlUl other (\rtl~t~ ,,11\ COli 1'1 A d keUtlC88 1II0. t iornlld.b'e oo~ecl • • ".1 when .peptly iug of the hcusl 1Iltl"lI, u Ite mnltgllontlv '1 UO A :\1, I Hlln· Cl ln ", lit Jel e.e\ ChJ' with ~IQull \0 Ifl\" Dew retlding W ("millar \!u:mc8. urnlmeuted IKIllIe Iinforlunllic's proof wIth 18' men menl' i8 a t.iuE'r pl\l for ._________ _ cI"mlh nrpearrd 10 be IneVllable. HII l\Iu 1I11'~ I xl'f .... frmln o rt Nr..v J, r~ftl lite S"uLb, h. le"dm" p"h~.Clf\lls 5Ry G\:n GeorIY6 W B .. ntluk . c1" .. r Iii. , 1,I'YB.el"". prOl'"oneed IllS ",.~ 1111 urnble, U ,.trulul fill l1ulllll""6 "1111 W • • hllllIOI. h •• hen "crutcbes , IIntl, "111.1.1. r cnOlI , . . . . tI I I 1ll.50 I'Cr \ Ollr in advlUlCC, 3 coplos 16,LO, bud ill N I" Yurk With 1\1, rnll'S .:1t rtI .. 5 CQpiU8 ,jO; 10 copies Pl. lind an exIra Ihpy Will n~vftr b"llllow II. BUI III~' •. iii f I L' d 1:1 wl,.n he lunllnl'lIoc Ihe ul 1110. IIIJ{<\hl1 o p tl, c l\ all tIll "hltc BlIrfncc ofthcdllOl ~ v • <J uurslUg 0 ellr v tit' .. rec OIJII' !:" u pic bill 1'0lAerlullclhl!dy HII heullh WitS r rUin It.. il+1RlolI "lid Nf>'" • ".·Iam' rll l('!4 copy gr"tls, 20 copies las. allti nn extm copy 0 1 Lhe prouf roolll nil ""lOe"' . /! II !UII 11;: skull Will yet be gilld 10 a",,\low il. cn'" "0 .eau, whooecupll:I Mr~. SurrllU'j hou ~. '''4101( dill U ••H Y .~urt 11,II.f. Ullt! lID ro 6.10 p, 1fI, N, YORK NIGHT E..'PR.B88 gr"li~, slngl0 coplc~ , 2&cent8 'l.'he lI .... t No OAIL.\' 'IC" I, . .. 1 11",11111 •• 11" 111 30 I' WIll Oe read, abollt Dec I, 6"ml'lo copill" Rlld c ro"~ litHIC", lUlllu. \l Inch 110 "rotc III II delnler ,,",orl : (or it WIll work In W·"Shllll:lun. wrllc~ 10 Ih., BUOI()11 III'" " I II,,! I.n " lo e( II IIflp rt'ltrlltlld. f\1 IIllf"r!lt c \"';::' With tlll1 4,1~ I' I\J ""... Kcnt m,1I , P08t JIIlld. on rocclpC 01 20 cL9 I r,:c lullc'· th e 0'"11.0"" \lort! ·(.OI OCITIi. I' muoh bll" I\nd \iuRled mailers reOlR I" 1) J fur "II ch BY" P'Ullld qUlclKI) 101'' ''I',,'',,rc.f. 1111£11 11111 h ,"1.1< IIIltle III • •lcp",cur. S uon 011-1 te pllper "llIuh put 10 Cirelli" 'IIItllll~ pre~I!"t weltlhll~ lIIure llonu two ('1 1111 J)UII~lI k , "",I "Ir.V" _"1 N (l w York A. 1~, Agcllt~ nnd Cnll\ U8(lrll wlllllcci 111 e>Cf\ J O )J 1\1 \1.11 I ",HI ." ti l • lUlU. (vr Harttspart of the coulltrJ Adllle 6 nil cr ~1-- e 'm~ nul 111111 ~ccl ug th e '"SC"I' In\! in IIlId irrltllllllg Ib" bodr POIIlIU 1100 Ihe Itory of l h. hou _e bUlIlg 111111111- huudred PUUIIUd h tll ~ h Ph,l I.ltll _hilt R .. «llootoulh HUI\D k HOUGHTON, I'uhli"hllnot. lion on the tlo"r, 'Dlmedlnt,,11 ch" ,:cd lin 1100 In rpgolll 10 Ihl! pr~"~nl condillon of eJ-lhlt hI! lIa, Ueen oecllp) lug llol' Hlllc~ 1118 rt' cover)" he hItS dcvoIl!t1 hid l'Ii!JO'I". 1'1. "INC.NNATI :BX.R. . . . . 77 :I[ 4119 Broome w~. Nil. York ( . J.' ..... .. !':\IIUlht)A) :'IUI'" .. I :-'1I"qtl~1 "UII" , I \VIII r ... mRI'· 1111\1 III" "rCIII n1c.· rtllon .1Iclu., ..... ly 10 til .. cllre (,I Cun. t 1 1111(1""g compo. ''1 (II'!! . Il\\lllg 111 R 1110. t furl- tlte nellro, .. "v b houao \'I'ItH \iIi rnmlly. alnCt! Oc1oU1:1 dUII'pll,,'" "",I Ihe u •• ellllt'lI" wi, lei. ure" URU 7 24) A ", ( lIkfll r"rnec·. I 12 I' l\1 (dille)



Boots and

y" .......


-- - --







Fret T"·npike Notice.

lilld a.r"V ~f 111 New York Nt 3,45 I'M.QUS In UIIC' All el he h.d "pcn t lil A ".ath m IJurlly ~f Ih .. m nppr\!CI UII Ih!!" (rl'e 1st,lIod olllh,"" Whltl~V"1 IlIId oocur ,,(IV f""",hebl1'd WIth' II. al,,1 ,It!! (f0/"" , I. HI Gr",,1 U.OII ".th 'hI"".",. III '''I'l<lcn'Q ' ° b tu lilld the ,"Iho, of tlte el\rlol\ dQm , ' wl/lch 8tlmullll8S :0 laudl\bll! I'X cd'to,t!lIlurb Ibem lillI'", ('0"1'8 R tur~ elf,cl.d by I, ,~ III('dlclAe8 helle uel'l. L".k"w","", &. W •• I" fn R•• lroad (or Sc ..". Notice b herch~ Jlhen tho' A Petltlon ....111 lu r~, ~OD1 C ouc kll"III tIIfllrllll'd hun IllUt the fl did J lIumer"u. u.II1 Irul) II OfjlJ, rlul, D6cI i 10" l , ...,." & 1'1,,1 ...... 1.1 N.... York be preoclliell to the Oommls. ionoMl of Wnroll ,lIU8U'OU. Allloc rut WRs lhc .. It. t S molitcr e lOll an eo erprlse; an RlreRdy R c~lDe out, He conlldl!r~ Lhe hou8.,. Oil' SI'l'ellck lII"ke~ prule"s lolI"1 \I-liS 10 8e'. ,."h nli.rnonn T.".II' n,,,1 ::;1 •• \Uer~ fur Cuunh, Ohio. 011 th\) 4th dR~ of FebfllRr~ illaton and N e.o ~'nKln"d (',lIeo: noxt, PM" iD~ for tho "RJ:l?lnIIllCl1t of COlli III!; III. 'Hnth ns bcpt ho cllulu, hl! Cltpt Luck bllrmoDloul acqUO i. be""g Inlutut"ll of L1le mo~t dellr"tlle III WasillOglOll, er.' 01 I"I! lorg.r ~ lie" we.kllo where he Olll) On ~ T f''''' ~ I'io l V" S""".,.,.I ... I,,I\' 1111[_ ml8slllliel'll to d"ut: "nmll a 'FrCI) IllS tiCII , 61111 conlelil ctl hunsell '''Ih v~nl bOlween 111m aoel hi9 (orlll~r OlOSler ~~~~~ ~,~ __ III •• II !1I'lofe Cllllc"urse u' ",o l.elllo. /llId 'l f' 11'.(611)1-1' M• .,/(I r\~'''S N~", \'6rk af 12- 'l'Drnpika 1111\ 1118 "pit< 011 tl,e 1""00/ 11 of Iho unfurtulllltc The ioternallfAffic and Ihe permCIOU, 6;T "Of All lhe IIrlllO '11ll1ck the 10 Irt1l~ UIOII,.It'''1! 10 8pe poor can~lImp, 3J P 101 Nad 1.'tUllIIg 11'0111' IIvetlllt,1 "nve III loe "'lttl (lut of Ihelr 1Il\ut~r6 e"'eCI of .'-,6r" I IIe d • II~re I wise exoel. N stuu's c1l1e f mlSlar Jllvor C""'"lIes , nil" III [. Iltw ","llIh8. hpsllhy. ItJ" flo . lOn nnd N ... 1'"~ln,,d P•••• III\'~N. \lugb In cuunty. Oil die u' '" ~. J be Ing /I b 018 """ 1I"1I."i"(ft, "re Ir.n {urr~d (r.e or 13 Bnd ill, III low" 3 The Inteet 1~"8nt"'n nmong II.enlrICliI. wno WIll be lin equlhbnum or IOlerelts IIlIel IS "rlllIl~ well" If} OU \v1I1I~ IU Ill! n , bllbl l'rr80ll H Dr, SCl'l' llck I'ulmllll ic ch" t1;f! IU Nl! w "'OJ~k I t I I ( I • comll "D "llOg,ml penmRII. a "lIlltlrsftlil t:O) ru!'. tie.'Hed 'I'UIIIC BI.oJ Mmnorale Churles Henu • • h.te IIo'cl of lIr1fJ,lh Ot1IIUI, II ~ 'rho h" l Vnnlll.t.1I ."d RllIl t I.IIsuroolll II IIIch hilS IIlI,I" ' crt .lt ccc.~fltl rUIl II I Ihe I~ R en mora IIclIlIelof bolh Il\caa btlhlllel8 mRU or II pnoll~1I1 le ll'lJ"'P" P.lIs ore Ift'lwrnlly oi l r. q'lIIedlll rurlnJr S LJ.~:I'U"O c;Ot\l;B\,;" the w, .'d,..(;f I M lOuUDl '1'10" . C\ eTC cr,(,sln 0 11 ,Is Hllmor WII' become d"HlopaJ, "nd Ihe Soulh operlllor. t1oll'L f,ul tu l11qulIIl Into lhto (;UII SUIPP\hJlI. FilII dlrer.UI,,1i8 ACCOmplln) BC( OIHI ,'llil .. 11111 ~ ht hOlli S 1I" thl'" fR'''"" . H.~ngfl cher. ke,llhrolll:I. •• ",1 .' •• 10 .1, l\1'1~ li~ tl IC 'l\ oll lld 'I'IlIII I>,' lIodoulatCOII\r. b Will )el become Ollt! of Iho moal RlIrsc menla of tho IlIghly P " lllllKI BiItmen cuch , ." tbM ony one 1" " Inke Ih em "liltt\.. I 'nl'lllul.d ~ lu 1101. rc"ult, flS .t wna the b e~I live pilrllClII. or Ihe .. Ioh"li l" aul ule ur C"lkl"', U IlRin & 141 Ollt . eellll! ~ OClu' l:icheno W; hUI \\ hen Ill t \V 1\. n, to ~v ttl lIy .n~ olh. r route. fl: " . k llOr'l .rkel. ~ ..~"h u K""WRY, wh ... H' J I I"I, c had b Ob III 01 '1'1 I I' I rOllv811101ll \I III Io P.1 to s l' e ,"," lie 'Ivea 1~\lI l ru LI."eru,Iv"rll_Ctncnttlcoud Ilttxhnusll!>11I betl.. of morl I . I:r I. 110 'I" SCIOO t1\8" a~e ,''" h. ,1H~Jtt:l d 9 1 Mil 1'1 WI (1)1t1 J II kl t Offic ~~~1=t.ij"l"iffim:n;m;\,;~ '1 ho FONlll\<l IIA\ \) eo l1 delt gl1uI1g the f.'O .• la~~ cor; 1 of leRClhere. Ant! u und e r til" In 8.1.lco (r!'t". bill rur D Ihc.rt/"jrh ' e X"IIII1I"- '" ,1. 0 \\r o.. t thHt ~l/ lJth \\ 4"~ n\e1'l\ of the HO"~I-d \\llh Iheu Ride "phI bten d'8Ct.".red alDld .. Ihe Vine (ornl8 ftlrllCIIOn of lira l tllnn '~d~gnlph mlm t.on Willi IlIr Ih_p"Qmeler. 11I.' (ee It II, IH OnJ ~', WM l.o .. I SUI.·t __ 1101" d Ih.ll ..lIOI18 uf lr18b - n·· "a,' ''' -"_,"_ .nel' nnd bR nlra in Ihlll r£g'l on, I\lld "'-'II...... b I l'I~" .tl Ilb. prv e , "hen p'tllch. lllhg,i IhM U • • V ~..... " , - ~ ~ AU ' " II! II ove or P'HIICII "ra ~ Il,e lWIt ltkl'lIuSU of the doc lor _ or/e lur , "'lin "i\(;" t\,,, ,·oo ..ttoe llrougbam -their IlIlId. Al'8 Inore "productive IhRn 75·4". , h.· Ii: .ililte I"ot stOlle 01 f 1.!i~':-N;;;k;;;t~~~id;';;';;ii:1~~T~~~ li Wl.l\ug tho ul"t" ten.@'Ln1\\af;lb•• weretwent"yellf'lI( I ---,~" e"d ttl. OliaPf "' he n Olw. .... ., I fl(lIro a.non. bu."'& R._un, ' , 1\.0, fir I (e The M"sonl!' BtOlhlll hond of Plula- 1" ' ,,"I \R m.1l1 n"ll. . \ \1' hllllltt ....... l"e on Ille GO~fr!lmelll ••• ' ......' ~ • II ollg nil J l100J, delphlK CIL),. lIuo deCIded' 10 eleeL' " U~llt,"1 W"olpoo~I" '/'.I!;~nla: 1111.....WIIII no mlllU .., (ot illl b III .. ' i n & n ~ y , ~ ... H ~ Gift' Orall\'. lie'll aolilier Ilraft .~ . . .I ., ., • I_ new DlllIOnlO telllllle. "I l". north ••wl "1,1 ea "'"';........ •.... .,.' anCt', . , ~.onpe'''leu . corb I n ad .1 n • moun Jolt .. n, rarla. CIIIC:lnnall: '"__ r - lo_ "'\tv ltaa. '1',.0 ac", o( lb4 ' 1\ d er Q ro .Ou ..~.UIO. "Iru ..... '0 OI"",QI . " 'iiI pro Il~O 0"0 ooa\ ,,0.\, .. lbll. bllU a llai\lioIl'C&01\.re ioQullOj








eo •





. T"ylor n

.::::=~ !!~!IfIII--rto .. I _ nI>oA, tLLS, 0" Dec . ~, 1 00. I f O~. GAall1'TK :--Ju t as e 11' r The long-talked-or, ansioualy ~ eonfJO'rntulatingotlr eL\'e8 o "Ie [1"0 ..... ""I ~ I ~ .. -oW J"" ~ Oil" rIlOR\: bri linut Inllllg urI\- I ""t ~Q U l e i " I~in •• 'l'l rl' ll " tt I "'~ ~. 0 "0 Ie tion of the witt" I.!u!! n Wllj"II C . ' holhl n\·;. tb t 'l ljl c WC\' tn r1w tl :I1IU \ill bns known fOI' l1lnnyyoar tOQk , in te :t~ or " g o 11 ,lflf:\ shio nell s now -



L 00 11 bere , lIrg-lf'tl 'illg W Ic lU Y tUYILLIt (coa.... 11I ITnl o ii~) . tillle to meat t he 2 'dol k 1'. 1\1. itAi JlA,TW.lkD aUtltlD• •:1 • • t. •• • I k or tl':lin , Rnu r .lI rUI1l ~ u)- " 0 C OL' -'. ~h: h l}l~ p'''~..... J f,i A • • I . 'I' I Tlll~ (";I,,cirltt ~ III':xpre.,. 8:'41 A ~II:. Tit' Wi IIUllgtQn mal CQllttUIlC8 tr "'-il.Il,1A C ~UIII . . 11 37..l. II. we c.kI·:J,Y.;..·_ -- - -_ _ __ -oF~~III~~'1:~~ FJ~~~~:': l~'~l j:. , uiO'b~, lue . Otu I to~ "hi ill w(' have 1\ rig ht to ex-: Prof, Tuckor C'IIt l·t~'iDC<l tbe p l'OHove jO' l 'I'ul,pd I ~P\Y .nd .... lI·leleel866 ,-la81 !lw r.. nc~t at tlli.. ('RSon o r th A \'cnr, wo Illle of \fount H b ll." on utn rd ll. " lind TK"I~. WIIS:rW,lRD DO I' D. I ~" / .d .toelr 01 ]\1,,;1 " n~ ":l Doy it e r PMlse<\ Ioyll'i LI - ' \\'C!' 'tr I\t!!O to a thul1 0 I'· storm t hat Mondn" " c nill g In t, Itt th e RcilNi .•111 ~~pr 66, ii.'4~ :,:: ': \" f). UIC U\lo l reeo€)'nili 11 l'r' 11l ig ll t h:i ~· tI o lle ,. lit t o J uh ' o r ' m il's -H:lll, !l'n( "':I g l'cet crl ,,·il l! ~f~~~nubr~\;~C:r~~~~·II. !ll:~~ ~: ~ the mojoli ty uf o ur C! itizco . • :HI.' il A. IIY'lst . . Extremes m e Il, til Y' n~- ' I1ro\\'~cd h~"se.'. [e ,'1. ill u tl tiea PO," . ___ _ _ C,iricl nna,ti Exp1'u_, b,2(),,~.:" "Ilj'~<~~" , lIC~ ?n r.n1!J \~:lt,h I. IU . t~IS. C. C. 1 s uppo 0 wo mns l0ll Tue dIll' .\'c nlll " . ~blln Her belo l'(' , on h~ n<l, oml SKILLITS. A ~. , AI D<> nut' II!>p . , • nss~~rlll~Y I" ~c.eptlng; · rccoRnl 0 tlJ (,·ost·k ing and the g o " ' . . : GRIDDLES . t1.. . MORE COMING! i . t 1 " '100 \\' 1\ he ld J1JL th o d es' o f flo" 'I' I'~ (' 'hl . . 't' , rnoslol 11\\'(1 or fl'nlt litl'e ('s tlant ell"l \Y. U . CLIl.ll6NT, I' rc a-idenl. " '" Ii ,I; I ~ n x , um g lll g ·rr·o Ill !!'!': 1 OVA L, CAST-iRON A NDJE·. " 0 '\' 8. E, W. WOt>UWAIlIl. S up' ,. . Methol1ist hili' 'II ill' t he 1\)1 1I00n, . n t 1 as t ,)'e ' ;~ 1101l llO to ~(! troi 0 1I0 Jlkill S < I' !'l'.in · s w e l\ · f !1 l'lJi ' hefl lITTS. ;N TH)N', BOll.. EltS. FA · CY A RTI T,ES . /0. D. 'AD\V'Al. Ag"lIl. tllol'o WIIS 11U dis lill c iv!! 1.fClieur' o t tbo ('I "t tllll' t ,Iro r t'hh " l ' I I ' 1° I'oom ,nrc \Yo rt h m o l'o t IJIUl Ilo uh le , {.Aq)EIl. ~ ;v ·'--· · . . 1~ .. .. '\:- . \ ] e g e l ~ t. nre . 'rEA-KETTLES , ..~ CA~WAL4:'1~~a ~. ~tLt..,. E~prt6$ A.qedt,. I denote thot t~ doy Ilitrol'cd fl'fl,m O ll~: \3t 110 'll;s·c.o lln t !1Il(1 1II\l\I. ijcol\'s nt n tha i r c.-os t in " II.\' fll lllil,\" s clo lll('s ti c P R.i!.' E4Y 1'A 7'/ O X lJ 0 OllS, lII " "" "'2. l ~ r>~'.s l otllor, This IS t 1,0 rl'grcttc li . A ll \lrenl ium . · I ocouoJUy . C,,1l 1ll 1l1 see thlU fII . ~ (' .. ' c.: ENAMEL KET'('LE8. , J:;T S OtIs. \yNgh~ & Co: are tlomg , 110 nntiOll we hllHl too f ew llo liclur ·'1 The qlltIJ.t , 'I . r f tl M - - - - - - -_. .'. And M th,' F.L El'ItA:lI 'I' I~ l,"fl Il C , clI_tomcra ~"80th'd ,iz,'., 1)1 Il.e ,,_"\ qu.IiIJ. 00 , II splellslld .biuioll*s '; tllll ir effor t to.,. · !nnd liS yoor nnc r y c al' f.:o el5 Ii\' 'th ~ F 'I I' ICII)\meell.llg 0 1 . 2111'. ·S. ~. !rHinc s hil.!'I solrt the CII~t·t"h·c llcll~ • • ttl'IILI(lJ<~I. Il ]' HINTZ SHOVBLS. 'l'ONG!i, " " ,. J' ~. 1111'" I. I " ( :It t li S pl lH'c O il t il I 'tl I' 1 ,I .. ,. ttlblis II II Clte('}!, fI!~!' .8lore 18 IIppreciated. I tenndty -' witll whi c h •01\1''" fOl'efathcrs ' ,,., I. I " ll l .' . ' I 1011 e, WI l on e IICI'O 0 g \'o llm . 011 ;"1:;' __ _ _,_ SAQ IRONS. 'n by not ooly 'Ibe ttiBitlenta of Ihe el ll{l .r to tile 0 1.1 'illle c ustohls o f I ~_l . •111 [ - " , e xpt l'lp" ce d 111\ In COI1- th~ Col'lle rorThinl nlllll\1iarni Stl' cts ~ltY IUON SllOONS . b b l. '" • "!l ~.r , fll Cllce 011 nc oolln t of the nusc llee to 1\11' J I JI 1 r '"100" JIIUIIU Y· ut Y lu'JSQ who ore ncaret· 10 uRI n';' n YI'\'oll'e c i'~o o \;s e I'HIIICC c f ' r ' l . t . l~ " A "l G '·llltl . 0 Ill .. , out '01'11, 'or '" u. RO BIN SON IS '1' &- TA do. X' . ., . "'~, 0 • Ie P,lIl 01 , ., 0' . . .,. II .1, \ ' ~~ ~"yl~n , - 1ID18, "~d WI:wlUg lon .- c el·.t a il.1 clays i n th e c.uc~nlnr-wh et~I ' wh o wi ll d illctl fl\~ny mos tnu xl'cct · Tu y. m n.,· ji!,g ling of s leigh -bell s ~ ME A t; S1l<~VE • Ills" pricelllre , lIe} o~d ~1t·1~I\I". vl'ry IeI' s Crl!Jtul'1I1 01' othe l'wl s e- fndcs III Cllly uli th e H Oll i ll g of tho ~1st to /hn",.l llIad e ollr It\' 'e~ mu Ifenl for A ' TRAPS. . g low. 1I0d rr.~w pre.eut Ibdl~at'01l8. Ibey }1I'o pol'lion as we !i\' e fUrth e l' into n uttell\} the bul'iul or hi'd rath e l', who few !lilY!; \Ill ·t. Quite a ullruber of ~ Ul. W 'u:9 ~ ClHLDREN'S KNIVES ' II ru del.erllll,~ e<l to Btl! I.h ~lt gnoda to : IIC\( uge. Th ere is n eCl.tnin 111·exr;!Jl' j "it'd O il tloc lIlrJl'lling uf the ~lst. I new tU I'no nt hl\.\'c h en Inl/uc' he el "11- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .AND FORK, W.ASH UOWLS, (Le ~Rh 8(a"Uun 01 \he Luy nrs . . De s ure Itllllt ling e rs 3.I'Ollnd nnj'thin g timc· FI'ulII "t his ('1; 1I!-, ' t he m c etin g \\'ns lo n t he s uow ~hi~ lI'ill(('I'. 0 ,· Owllillde~,. Plain on'! ,/ullolmeci Lall' to gi ve the m" <::111 bllrurc looklflg' e llo- honorcd nnd old , to cu l tivn t cl.l lJIind s , ! mUII!r il'f'l' fT lIllIl' 1I11t! t he s en' iccs I _ __ _ _ _ ___ R EVOL r:rLrf) P f UT URE , lerll', / 0 J' coal oil. Cllndlll and wl"ne, or I OU will regret if, lik., ul~ny I cl.o th illg it witil n halo w hich ill\'ol' l We l'e III 01'(' 1~'ok ;1 t h"" i r thill '" hud 1'1'01'. J 01l~1 C. Hi d'. l;. IlOW ill c harge 1~' " Ilk ". 111111 .. · l'ir! ,orc< 111 1)' ,,~ PCl' l1 '111'0' lurd oU; ,,1.<0. a lu.tlr: ( . e uu tunlj' . ... we wo t o. 'j'I It')" COfllln UO to receiv eommnnds onr I'Cye l'e nee t a ke ll th l' il' 1'(" ' lIh .. eO l\ r~c ill 0 f t I10 SCI100I tit L ol·l\ ln:lI1. ( .. hil. S \. 1,,"• . \\~ lh o llt UpOI1 I I1'" '" II,,· AlliulII , .- . i d '1 I " I /. " . . . .. . I . 1io31 " " ~ w ,, n, 11/'11:1 1111'11'" nrhl' lc r" I' th e d " .ul8Orlmrlll of goo 8 It ",ost "' y. II n J tll!lr . (lnCi'. l n~l\t ndm il~\tioll . H elle'" we UI'IJlol'l' s pi1:: of'thr "~ (':lII S (,:; nl'!~ II 'so the in. ueell p nsslll g t .le ho li,by:! ulll on g L:,· lIl,·c TIILlc I 11 11 clC~" "1 liuli.!II.\' ur BiI'I". t. rc eo n ry low, Ihnl to llUY is irl'eais , the Inek o f con s ille l'tltion 1'01' C hl'i ot - ,1, , . ' f' I' . :. 11 . ' . 11 hi:; rricnd ~ in ' VII\'h r \, llI e . lI11:" P... ·~c llt .. E" c " f"hOd ~' will .... II " t :.l/I~ , Ihe C ell1 c ll t .l u .Ie \\ (:, 1 I( I , ,I gO()( ~ • 1"'Wl' IJl' \II~ ,It I I .. " I II' l'I'11l'1I 0 1 ,Ill . IIbl s , UII.1I and see th~!». DOli I mI ss mnS-1\ llny thllt ",I'o llid IJC (.o llilly I cClfI)l'I'C';{:tti o ll :u:iselll l,I",l o n 1Il/ llny .- ---- Fill' •.ll~ nl the LJ) UH\;O S'I'OnE. t.h II1lrg lll115 Ill py lire co n. tRul ly offer. I eh Ol'is h d l:oth fo l' it s FOCI'cd me mo l'\' L r .t til . '. 11 ' t ,. I ' :1Jltmll 'i~. Hoc I h ;18 plnaed!! j)~I·. I , I ~Uj. 77 or Ille hell ma, erl.1 .nd .tyt .... or illg; lI ud r~m"m llltr. lh eir 'lock is l nlld tb e wurm s o c ial !lSSOd:ILioll' t.~ . 1 R"'~ ' "'I~11 c x.c. Clrl ~~ t JlJ I:~ .1.\ IIn d e r oblig atiolls fdl' 1\ p:lcka ge 0 1'/ 1I ' tI * whl c b ell! le i' nl'OIII111 ' .Ie 0 , . L\ I. oU , e.\ )nnr vu \\ t) . Inte N e w 01'1 :\1' 1"1 e l's OUR OWlf MANUFA CT URE. o \I\IIglng i'nry ny. it ::s !Ie e\"cl'- TI H' l'c will i Cli O I'rut1'ad cIl m c till " _, ' . , I~ ~ _ , . . , .- " \. II ' II \Ve have a variely ur t :ow " lr.rr ",.·rtlu1!I' g l'ocn I\·.r c tn gs t.~ mOil t. e l'ln~ \\'11 s ' , ':l l'l'i~tl UII at p l'e e lll , liS wa int ell · T he I,,·ul~!l t't/."l m ceting lit. t he i i. 1 "" GALT; AND SEE, It mny \;c thut ill WU) n cs \'llI c ollr (I d. hil t II will 11C (;olllm ell ee~l n To:. C!III l'(' h cO I" :\;' lleli 011 (.:il r i.s lm n!! 1I ~'1I. lI F-lI l E't IN .. ~o O~...c . '1 -flAl II M~<!ting or tI,e S iookhol :let'. of worthy lleJ]i7~ens "'tli ted to g il'c s oo:] a s l'i1'l'lIll s tnll('Cs wil l p <' l'll1i r. l1 ig-ht. 'lUI . . I • the AJiami Cemel ry A!80cifllion, huld III Chris tmns their warm est ' g rcctings 11' it \\'ollid I'l c:ls e pj'ol'idcf! e~ to ' I' I' . . ~, i ~{ . till I IOwn 0 r nn t "ll t ho c,ay PIIs t; for, cel'tm . .n .It .IS Il)t .m; Llll\'e nl.lo\lt t ~l \'e ~ m onths . Of'1 N··· kaLIII ':'.... Iln\'/< mlld c iii til n I, 1 H At \, ;. t ..I . e 0 ffi ce 0 (J. . 'v • • K UyB, III '" illiI g 1 and I C HEM I CAL S: ~' ' . ., . "'1 "ynelVi'11 e. on l I"I 29 LII Ully ·J C D : ' " . . ' i ' ' . . ,. mnll)' II "til I C:lI't dllrll\'· th e las t .. U c · that o n \\ elines llll,) lllg It, Te Ill IJCI'- ollr lUull th l':st road.; III S II CC(!S S IO II , I r 1 Q . M LEAD. ~'il'~ '04!mlJer.166~, ~.S. Hllioos "cled IlM nllce H llll wns fill ed, lo n g e nough t.!lillk\\,e sholl lllh u\·cnpike o f s u lI1 (' CW (:I.l'~:..~ .. ~~ ~,,~~ , ,~,,_ O IL, ~1 I It'I~I~E 0 '. ohoLirrnan.'ftd J.W.KeysSecretRrY, befol'e tbohOlll' RI11101Illcedf'oI' the k illllfl'ombcI'e to . Wllnll- ::;\, ill l'; (O J. • '\"'e Ii l'('ct lls pe cinlnttention(othe VARN ISHES. . . . WAYNE "V JJ, L l~ • 1 . The rullowil'l 1 rthohllioll -\viAs otrllred o ui·t1.hi to I'ise, w/th 'lIo expect/lilt th~ I' be~ reol' IItl he l'lIli of t.hlltti ll1e ; nd \' ' l'li om 'nt of ~L·. J. W . l!nill('s , D ~ 101 +l ll I · 1) t by A. I?,~ O'<N "RI. nnd nppl'cciath'e lluc1icnce to witness fOI' wbene" el' we ll:l ' e n. spell ul' ill th is \1:1\1 01:. . ry ~ ~.. ~ · ·l!p'~"lv"d. Ih~I Rco mOl.i ttlie,oftitres U\o' pe l'fb"J'mmices 'nd" crtised hy the ra ill Y i" clltflCt; nou IlIttlltly I'oad , t il r I ' ~~ .._'""7'':" ~ ~ I) AIN '1', VA ilNJSH, ~ bl! Jlproi lltlld. wllh Buth~my 10 ~~II It tn cIlHJCI'S o f Wnyn e Dh·.jsion SOilS o f SIIU' .ct uf 0 lli~e' ill yiO'Ol'01I81,. di SCUS' j £; .. PARLOR OOOt\:s, I, Iler-bYf,lv.'1 I II my old l!u.t'lm~. rl awl ~lIIrt ur lilc ."",d (bQ lolI ~ fD g to "1t1,1 ,!s- ,, ' ' . . ~c ... . ".: ' • ~ m. ;t~ ~ . .... ulalioll.) "ith I'ria' il~~tI to r~clfiiin ' l em pelUll ce. , sod, nnd Il1nllY m'e th t t>l a ll~ 11I1l1 101' -::-,_. - - -.-"''=.ttl o.It.l 'M $ • .I:J frie HI., Ih.t I Hili ali\llu lifo willlin a rl;·\.ollabltl li me .. PI'l'pnl'nliotl~ llnlll,ren mnde 011 as I thc rMIll!lLion of olle nnd som etim es r;\'E1Ul.A.ltl· .....I.11I Con..ill, 11(' • . !:!V. 1 flli, ~INDOW ~ ar r toVe3i I ,' 1" , . : i .... ' . . Unt" , It lOllg I1 h IO.i!', N ll l hlll1 }~\·C)r,hill ·,. ng et.! \IV' • The (ul!~W iJl t:' resolutioo \~n 8, p ..ueDL 'large 0 scnle us ClrCUlllst.n n ees w ould fol' tWI) or three , owing nlmost 1I1to- "h""t (;:l yi,",'It. , The p.rlo •• tove' nre of d l lf~re nl killda 1IIr (ld [,,; ~ . Baily: .. !1'C I'lui t, nnu a t1Lage of n~ ;\8i1lllLbl e ~c th e l' i n whic h sectio n ~r t h e conot- GA IfH.ET ·ON." ro'; O; I;.,loMO." It'WII. ot . 8 AS R A Ii' D PUT T Y • and leir either G .. ul 'It Wuod . Tbe Ilbuvoi , ..r II t I ( 'I'Rtrs~~~s, olock h.. beGfI purcU•• ed III Ihe .. J :S'I N E 8 S I "RO:~(lhed, : lllll! 8l1i.! com mit tee b" dimellsions, with IlI'essing-I'oomR -ry t.IC po \'so n ~ . h o lcli l~g l J(i dil5l!l1ss, ~7::~t:I~'1~'t I~~: J""" v u;, . " Hellion. urlnCI' Y" ts u 1




Old Drug - Store


nOll]) YS


Not .-"'orgottcn!!


Qtytistmas ~l"tStnts






BAR O 'i

'- l-'



1 N

P R 1-.- T ' S D Omestlc . G d!iii










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Pntent ~Iedicities I.X'il. m.1.C1rtl,



l.- tU 1? Ih E)!gd .1?, d,,~pn, . ea rP'I".' 11 LU$hei, 1',', rd , hll ohol, Pt>l ulue4 ~ bu.IIPI, Dri ed App" '. =@ II> Chlck ells 1;> Juze",


11 II.

1h' @ 99


' 6'




Job-Work of


II I f)





NEW SKIRT FOIl. ].&66 '



&0 . ,

I a~

76 /10

&0 .• .

I \reep fon.lanlly on hand a '.11.1 aloe' of



to be


. Wishi"g 10 "i~f1OI't' of






)It'Ogl'umme Of thcse excellcnt enter·. 31 pe rches , E\5,500 i datc, t:lilllllents-lock of time un , d n nt'!! ,.~ 1860. _ _ __ . _ _ _ ~ of j o b -wo rk nnd other mntlkl' rend erk. Jol':E 011 801ll&000\,.-On 'l'huf'sd" \

, . 01 ([

. D l' ,; tr. S lor c "'.. )'ne.,;ri~:' Ohio': '


II. 'I'. BAJHI1'I"I", L~l;or'elll'Inll SOAP. 1'1,1. ' ''" P i~ rnndu froIU elcllO nnd puro m"l o· l'i"I_, ('ullt:,;n~ 110 ",I!il tcrll tioll O( li ll y killd, will /lo t ilUllrc Ihe IIW. t dolicnte rubri c, 1/",1 i" '.pllri 'll1~' A,lnpwd (II. W(loll "", . wh'icll will 1I0t . hrillk .. nCI· ,,,,inl( lVa. lled \\'it.". LhI~ 'Ollp. II nIt'"~ Ilc useLl ill l"lI',1 or eof\ wulcrs. 11 will rl'uu.I\'· c II:lint, "routll' , t:lr nIH) MLuiH~ of nil ~ ~ i lld " . 0 11"1"",,,,1 WII,·rI1l1t ··d ""lIl11 t.o two fllII" .. I. o f u .. d i ll""~· f'lfnil )' 'Oll(l. Dlrcelloll~

with clwh ha r, for UUtk iu,:t three!f " " h " ntll'l uU1 ,.:ott SOul' f"dlll nn e 1l<fUlld uf t.h\s






1iHh Ilnd He rmull. Ai k yonr ",roc r fur' n. '1' . H"I /llilt's Sm,p,' fllltl take 1111 ol her. II. '1' . BABm1'T . Nos. ().I, 1\5 . (if;, G'i. 68. 69, 70, 72 lind 74 WII. ltiilgtun Rt., New YOI·k.


11 J




S~~~~~8~~DLEY. . )

Patent Moulc1ed



SIDIifa -, i




Thi s I~ I Jecloted illlprnvementt In., / • Ji. I1re/lt~1 10 Ihe: appear .... ce or ~ lIuild. Ifng., "n-d . . . ~; ~ -.:... .

L'OSTS NO MORE: tlran the old . " Ie or BidlfJl:' , .


ott ~n




S' 'd '


• . IIIg O~!I)' ( ' .

Thi..V Lum1v..r-Y...... _11 uv CU'U 01 Wlelliam SW'·81ft .y '&I


50 er Cen,t Saved. bv USI'ng A'nd .-. we in" teen h Att tion ,,0 rn-r ~ Delrolt IIn·1 W I le r' 8 a.., f ur Customers ,;,ncl ' I. ~ r 1 ~................. Frields to the Styles ~~....... ~ I d P , , I where you can ,et allicin .. or an ' noes, , Dfeasedand Roug4 . .... btl', I'

For Men and Boys' W


'ilt ,,,





t. u m


. "ilable lor pUltinll up .a, n4 b Iidl . I d' . 0 "II", lIIe u mil


C A S 1M ERE o'n'




f\l' lIt

P(J" I" ]<;" L" Iml' i. WrUI,!",,1 ill 11 ciI"1I11II' co,, . t:';"i,,~ ru ll ,liI'CCU",," I'",· 11_0, Iwilllc<1 ill 1~ 1I!1


Tile above Skirt· for sale by

BOOTS .AND SHOES the Best Qualitj!

«. K

8tm1, QutJl~ ' I"


Our FALL St'ock_-is now "0 0 M .p LET E '."


LOW' til ,aflll AI". Dan &ll II&.

EN1'S"'i FtJa.. NIRHING GOODti fit fl'-hloh I will &e ll III I rllIlOIl.Llt profit. . ():7 Plenae R'lve mt! II a.1l betor. me klr'lr ,ullr • ., Icetionl. I re,urn Ih . nk. In nld Clfllomer. - - -+'_-Uf&flldl lor- w./}"........' .., hue dnne 'or me ill II.e pill, .ud hop," II> b... b.IIIJ o If!oure In IIIIl rllture my , II're'of Ihelr pat .

Cheaper than the Cheapest f

n'- ...

roo,II•.('I,II),I• .1. In, in the mlr'e, -Ilia whIch j \ifIll ,;ell

At ~(. A ImoU .'0,,11

50 Per Cem Saved by Using

er Denave







cut and made ~'R. I)ODSON •.. • bll. undtt m, eruplo" _lllcb I wl,1

E C 0 :N .O M Y . -fi C,ll..ofully am) .Promplly FIlled,· . .



Physicians' Prescriptions

-. : -.; ..

When IIJnuc Ill', Ir thp\I III> not lolt Ihe CU.IOmer, rte ',tiu, 1I0t , ~,.. · thllm !

r St!:R~E~: HOOP ;,KIR SI BEADY-MADE. CLOTHiNG Tlt., (},.tal Iniltrl/iOtl qf 11uI .Ag, itt

SchOOl-li ') Oks·



I . ApI'. 4, IIt81lllJ1lL~~lI lBt!!raTm~I~9 I WHII)S &C





. • - . "'J'Y1" '. :\ QUEBNSWARE, , ' l t i A liE Y'O I'1J1111' 0'" N WA 1'. iug i~ iml'raeticllb1cl to do s o ill thi's ' laPL, ono '()r the re"1I1.n pe,ldlltr~ . Hfl .. r , , . , . . . 50 P to S d bU' eo I I. r B I I 8iIl 7 • , .' JIAlIDWAllE, &. Iluiifuer'. 8I1ppl-' in " htd olh er IHI -III men uHI1t: d ue or.e Prillg. t 1-o,P, w.nlln,r nnyl 11I1M: III ' 0 . , . . J 0 .' 1Uj' h"p, wil l du well 10 fllif 0",1 "x.m",e JI .'l'. D~"81T1" ~ Pt:ll'r. ~\'N :hllAfri, Poor· • "1 I ~.; "'.on I \V " ht ,. "'0 . •. J d III I I t ""II. I)r HClld.v S()"I) )tu'\'cr: W.'l'Ull ted E'Ll:CTlON Ob' OF.·1OJ.:RS~'6il'VA YNB' R• • Ie 8 (Ire 01. "'" IN • . 'g .... v ., Illy 6'0.· •. li S . inl'nn ftC ng IV lui lave .!,,"ltl,' Ih e slr""!!:lll o( c""jnoll P rot,,"II, .IIt! DmSION .-At 1\1\ e lee~ioll ,,"om cers I' 10 8ell Ih e m II 11111 of nO lll)1I5 . B UI l ~,e ull hur.d ul IlrIee. ""llC rilir In nn.,· iJIIt ' r " '1JtUlilic f' "r 1.·,1' ill lite . . . prollrietora beio!: bQl,y il L tilt tun c. WILh , . . ""'I'kut. PUI up ill c"n~ 01' I pU1I1U1, ~ IW.. llld • . he ld by tillS ohler 011 Fnday e \·enlllg.r. ' . I I d :I po",,,ls, 6 piI,·.UtI. II/ltl 12 I"''''',I~ . willi I;,H last, tbe following PCI'SOI!8 wei'e se- Lh" lr numerous cli s loml!rs, hu conc II ' e I tl il:cc tio" . , ill En.l;Ii' " 11,,<1 Uprll""'. 1,,1' 111t,k . . to .. niL )llllien(ly uDlillhey IiIrolllli be , ,I • illg HIlt/lllud Suf't SO.. !I. ' OllC _ [lOIIIIIJ " ill ,.. lectell for the \'I\I'iolls offices UIlI'IIlW , . I. f .. \ I 1f l in ortl'Pr tu close "I' 11111 bu.muli. mllke 16 " s HOlllO of I!()ft ~OllJ" Nil tlmo I. I·C· Do not full to poruse the Extl'a in tit '.. ,,\ lei sure; uut II ter WI" II ~ I~ Ril l . 'Iul red. C;"'''UIIlCI'" ,,:iII fillo \l,i. lhu che"I"'"! o e nsUIng Jear. . I . .. d I . '1 ' . 1" 1 ' \ " IIAIINES j'"I" . II ill tho tllll rket. {o.auy's. l)tl}lcr, nor to present your'V. p" A. E . Mcnitt ; ,V. A ., Ed- to ur. ~? I\,IIlIng I le m. price I ,ell , . S d iJ, I ' Ie f,1 k" flo r ",,10 III' all PruJ!IlI~1J! "ull Grocc ";I'" 0 II If t. t1 to· fAll n & Rnudall d R tnll' k' R S R 1 '1; It g 9 t.! •• nn"lIy n!mar~(j d, 1!,ll'd trl a ugh M,,, " IrefO l,. S our. be .. "" II ' nil. It. 1'. JI A";,,n. NQ•. (. 1. r..~ .1i6. 1i7 . til:'. G~, e a Ie s Ie c e . mun c IC, ' ., onel . f, II I . -'- .. 1 .... '0' I' ( Wn '"ls'llI. O hio 70, 7~ " til] 74 WMahilll\WII 8L., Nil'" l ·ork. 'flleir stock or g ootls compriiles a Engle; A . R. S., D ov i(1 S . .Adllms; ur R tu I~Ard- ' yili' 18 n I'~ ~e e ~ ' I ~,. _, ' ~ , ~ ~,. ~~. ~"' ''' _ ,~ 11 1·n II "ar Iety 0 artl \l1e~ WulC '.' I1 eyel'y F.o., t:. A. m'on . nn r 001al:d ; " r 1·~ns llJ'er.. 111ft to 1,,11 h · p" . . g(n 8. . uU Ie I 1(~111 ' . lit 1 6,'"I N' ' . . - /1 nt (lne ,WIDII,"!! I,· ('''I bat k 'In ~ VIto 0110 necds uud tlll'Y nl'e bound to EltO' D tI~f ClJaplnin lohll 'V IJlII chuper (hllll 1 can at wh olc8nl~" '1 lhe I i\., lIe .. will , ~"d ,I, e I'rf'8. 111 Oil ex· B . T, Babbltt'. ·be.t Medicated 8aJer. ' . . C 11 n u, . , . ".' . ' i cell~1I1 "J'porHillily '0 IJUY, 8B I wi'll ~ ell .loa. 'lIIa.Jefrnm commou lJ" ll.' Brc.dlll ..d" .0 0 f10 sell nslow os OIly olle el~c. 0 Collett; Condllctor, Goo. Slllelds j ... Ille er\li~e tlol ,nblilirml'''' 1'1/ r"un"R It I~ with thi. , "lero tnK,cllnLni" • . wholl "lIked,no 11000, A. C., Lee Ad! ; t , S., 'Vlllter . The Gel'rnn.o , Reformed, 'C bllreL aud eal ,. te rm. : . J. W , "AI'NES. Ihllll; bill comlll"" ":tIt. "nlc. nlHl 80ur. --'---0 -. • , 0 S T C . , . -NUH. &'to 74 WII. hlnglon . 1, •• New York. L..lDI&,· AND G~NT8' DININO SUOOIl. Zell; • . , . . »4C omns, Jr. dcdicnted to diville wors bip on , SPf:CIAL' NUT'r.r. !-AII prreo nH iudelll· -~~-'-~~ -A nt!w elLliR" ulooo 111\\ been open · . LADY O~' '''ICER8.-Loye , Georgia Christmas DIlY, in J,e\)nnon, makes ' ed ~(J m ~ 8'0 rcqll uoed to .0 . 11 nw', ''''''e 30 l'ER-CE~'l' 8A V ED by .. "-Ir Our Siock of " S l i P Ij~"" Htldnh Cranc' Fi Ihplr ·Dc,·oun'w. J W.IIAII'\EI:!. B: T . Babbttt'. StarYeutPow4er; I ., " t he ninth <:hnreh In' thnt pJIII'e.W')' u rnll l,. J" n. 1, 186 7. I'd III 71 Uulberry Sl., Lebanon, where rna ; III. 'J ' 't Add K O lUU CtoJ' fJ()tJ Li~hl HIBCUI I, or ally ,kInd of 9alr lt mil" Le I.. .all kind. of di.bea · are lerv"d up in d 0 I1 y, · 10 eY8; I , I.cbunon JlOW lJas II. popn llllloll or . DmS..... IJ.rIOJW: " ....]" witll 1I.1~ Yuu~t rOWatl·. 11115 ml,,"tc~. &D (II lhlt cl",''' Itl1e. 00 cal~. aDd I' ., er, A .ndol·s on i Scntinel, ·Al'lceTcfI'Y· 3~OO. Wrt~'nes"iIIe i.a sligh~ly b e · N'''ic~ II.tJpr.. by I!'lwen 'lllIlllle pn rto !'r. ~K:;.hol'lcnlllg rC(Julro<1 "'Iion . ....~c milk II 1'011' prien. We adYI~ our frlendl , • IJlnd,' eyen III propo~·t!OIl, h ll l'lll g but ! , 1.lp htlr"lornre n ,ol'''W Itp'wee n Ihe ""Noo: 6410 74 WIIMhington at. No..· York. .' . . l 'fI'lieo' vilitlo,"Lebanoa to caU LlietCl. :M'Asolllc.-At 110 reg ular m oetmg three chul'cLes to 15t inlmuitn uts . oIere itrfled, 1"11r~ tltlng bl1laIne_ •• -'- .- TU ...·SPn.. o uOTIO~. . Ct....,; · " . •r 'w ' . '11 ) 0] c F M . wn.,! litis d." tli."olved liy lfIulual conse nt. .... IoA".n ~ . -:-=----- ••• . 0 nYl1es"I' e . ~ . ( g . · . ·f • - -- -.-:- : - The !looIie or' IIl e I,te !lrm .re I" Ihl) • h g P . ~ .TbCl r~cill1tjon'~i!,en. bl ~r>of.· I, I~cld .on S~tor~! ' ev.e nln , the 1 5th \Ve leim 1- t hat the Ool/nt~-I ~~l.s " lufrid. 01 E.q. /)~JII~' rur 8 .'t1i!'¥,nt. 'v~~~?;;t!~~~~I~k~~ 8~~;:.~r:;;III~~r~IJ~· ' . ' . '. . C. Rldllut the eDI~rtalomeot tat wetlk-. nIt. 'the follQwing officcrs wore el ec- 1i ~JI,r Leblintlbl( wn s consilm'ed1 firo . 'fJJ~M~~ON,.~ IIOllfi ul)J.,.lhlt An J.;lcCblld wllllJe held Ilt the ~ar. D .., d '~ r ' .. ". I , ~ .. . . ' .• . ;, ,. . I'l. I,.An..TSOC",. StOre OI" K . L. AllirUm If. SOli, iii Hfl.rI'cy~· · . ".. eonllitut~ed ~ dtltl",g\ll~be, ea(ure ~. te~ aD~ instn.l!,ed for tbe oD~n n] oo ~£ondn~ ~r tbilt'we'ek( , Tesul~lIlg ~aine.Yllle, Jan: t,lBG7.· . - ~ ,lJurSl V.O .. . . -- ' . _ AT ·~-EDtJ()Eb~.B.~a. the pt~mmll. Mr. RIdge. eloea\j o year: " . from IIoclefoct.\'ve fluIY. Loss 620 ,Q O. " , - , Mond.• t"l . J'aDll~rJ 14'11,. 1881; . i, of • luperl!lr order. aDd lie lietd' liill W· 11 "Willil\m Jones<" S W S. l.osnre(t foF flO 000 . . . " T A K'E .NOT t()-E.. bc'''',~co Ih ho'll~ of nnUlId t1i'4c o~el!lek/ 'D ' R~Q ~O~O ' 1'~.' I . ' .' '1' IIbc\1l d ~'" I' t 'l1 f 1 .,. . .j "" ' . " . . A' • • , . • ' . ' • ' A1"pcll'i!l)I'~ kll~"lnl! !hc \~\v ll" :lnd~bt <I t>. M., for Ib purpose.ot clcctillg SCln\U DI!I .OO~ Vq '~"ruli .1 ,1 ape o . ~ lie al . I ~ Way; ' J, W '. , J , D . . Lo.mli.~ ;' '1':, I; . ~-:-:-"' , : . illc Intc !lrm 01' JII ni"- & l'I'inl~, 11\'111 ~;k . c t.()rtI to .. DI\I:\Ii (hll, afi'!,itll ~I' UI~ COlllpMY . .' reDde,itli' <lr Ihe poelD! eelecLed. E' Keys' Sool'etary E . S : ShewnlWr' All I\r~ICleopEducntlon, by nn O,,- \noli~ t1u.t.i9,\mt!diale ·. ~~'inen )$ mqu!t 'd, tit " ... uln~ year. P ' i . .' . . ' .- ' - . .. ,• . , : . ' ,~ , 1 &a-rdrlll ' t I)'W~., will .Rot 00 tu"mlt 4. . 'By order of ~ re~1 nL _< ",.:ID'~ , ,' I. " III '-I ' lo! ' hAr bella, Well. C. .Comell· ·, D., E. H -· ter-wel 'omcd c:ont1'}lIlltqr,',wll appoar , ' A, .:, Mf:ldtITT . .. ' . lOR " :·VANS , ~c'y. " &.. " " " . ~ l:lr 11\, IIlI . , . . ' .... . ' . • '.. ' . • : 67 D . 15 t - 7;" "1 ~ '&,,&.~ea · m~r aa ,,~Il Iaang IIp b~r Ihllll", • V.cll~e; 'Eyl(' r : .J Rmes 1 ntt't. · 11 x: week. . '. J;\fl.1 , . ca. , . -




A well: s~lecl ed a~'Orlmellt of tile

I 00

New-O r,el n. SIIl!'ar II II; ~ . , O: Mui .f8C~ 'f g.lIun, l'J,it'jlhlltf: ' C u.1 Oil ~ VBII" n.



-PrOf. 'flicker g!l.\'otwo more soirus ,iia!JiquB in tbc 111111, 011 Monduy unel . ' 'l'llcstlIlY .e,'eniogs, vtll'yin,t !tis »ro· grulllme on euell evening. The P 1'0tCS8Ql' is. a superior pCI'forrQor, llnd . besides bis other aecompli!!ltmen ts, ~ fs II prM~letit'lu eifunding e OIll'te ies to the }>I'ess; in \loin g W II I e 1I, 11 (" we II knol\'s there is nothing ·l ost. .

JlLerch ant • Tailor

FABH Y SOAP8, &{i.








P io s

C. B 1.

In p'art "f I'

nmntonr pel'fol"IUnnee i I\nd pni.ticlI- \] ' 1l)(J~. . , • brly in t t. e dl'ama of th!! D.l'llllka.l'll, Nnt"lLlI Jones onu wlfo nnd L~'lhn l tho nctol's a t tilDes ros o to morc thnn A. Jpne.s to !sanc JOll es, l~uMv l~l ed com mon uoolleneo. onc· ltal f of 115 ac:es, « l,lIlt Clnll ll) In this c9nnection, wc nrc bapJlY ~mo.o ~ (('ate, Au.g. 10, 1~60, . I Home dia(RDQtl (rom the ',cene, Aod wh o to stute that the Ordcl' now n.l lm N:lth a n Jon es n!l ll 'VI('e nnd L)'Illn , di~per.ellthe Ym~i.n8 lin. I esoorlod her uel·8!1. m~mbership of 323 j nnd tlu .! .A· J.OllCS . ~o Mlll'g:uct. Jon es: .Io t s 7, : til Itet 8ieter·,. ,. 0 hope the., 6ends ring the last qUl\rter,26 new mCID- [8, !) .•II.\ ~ 1 .. J, C l&nlJ ll~all s c~(hll tlOl~ to. I, W es He (1 It cl J) t/-/OO ~i11 be found and reodve (hllir jUiL de· bel'S ha\'e b een added; !tllowing the ay fJ \ I ;, (~I . 11111 , "ull. _ ' ol''''l\ni:mtion to be in n l)fosperol1S 'IUll t e, Aug. 1,1, 1l:!ti6. ---" '" J t (.: R'] J lSI 'file lally is 'loilieW;"Rt dertlUg ~ d in condition. We bOfl ~ 'prosperity and ' . 0.1\1 . ,IL g e , 0 nr , 011 rs DIll I ( 1 _ ' \\'J\'es nnd 'C h'u'les 'Y ,)"c td J o . ' mind, and hAd boen in the lnlirmlt.ry III usefllhl'css lOfty ntrend it IlCneeforth. . • . n /d "'. h 1 "'3 I A Lebauon. 'rhe-burning or Ihat in.titu · Wc I1I'C IIlso plell!!"C'd to h en!" thnt it SCI' 1'~I~ey, a Cl'e, '" UU j l lite , ug. ,'" I c lltertn JII . ' 0 ~)O I ud: Pi' lion during lhe .da J ' l\lfur dc d th P.' oppor I'S illtond ecl td rOllent tie , " " • . " J J I 11~ tqnity of esc:\pe. aol!. lience the lid' CR' ment nt some tfmc not fILl' distnnt. C lo!to n oncs to ~ nl'y . Iz nbeth t•• trA./oo,be.· . Next meek \.\.1.1-H·L gO-,o the' entire and Chnrl es K . J Olles, 5 L ocres nnu Y"

mmr·1&: -GLASS


CUlllllnn .


I Ii nnl-:C9ta Crt 0 \· , 0 T

enUT-. OX .-.occ. I ~ . ]f'U6. IlO tI I' Jlb "oll . SlJPPORTEng: CA.~l8{ f!l~~ Malo sHllot, \yaJoonllltl, Ohio. Wllli:li." QU III' lI', '/1 II Ie1 ." "'I. \\'e ll Iklll1\"11 el , . . . ' I>'e ll oi W,,,.,.cu ~()IIIII '· . III I",' t li lh yo"". ShOU L\) K ~ .·B n ~\ C'E.., aod will be lold at reasunlble prufh on '1:', "';~tTS' TL 'IOU l' D 1"1 I '1'· \· 'I ( lhe aulUII lew... v j to. a:.. .~ Yl1 OJ " .- Q~ . " •• '. " I "'"'I'UII' ," AI;L TUX l'ul' t: L.,n l\'plluill till·cr. Mll!'iI 1.1.\1'111.. E . M O ""t~, -·~~~",'!!!!"!!~·ewhere rna , ho rnllnll a amnII elook of welf =_ _ ~ _ .....~_,!!!,"~:--:--~ ~. '111 l' . ae!i;cled Goocl», 1l,"'61, Ihur ul no aYUMV 11 111'1",, 18, .r 00 l . BROADC1.0THS. ~Il\tl C•• rtJ uili/ "rl!Cteil Eucrll n 'ct lc. lue" aa R.oolil'tr. &llve-\tOllllhl .nd Gon· •• • . ~ ~d ; .n...l"r~, ,1011" nn ..",'" II ... ~_6 _ ."'... . .~. \V1I~.ltt 11 'hll e~ ,2 liO ~ '!! 75 M~E , " t' ol .I~ Ie. hi r~J" C(lJ price. trom 188t VES'I'IN GS, &'C .• R~: .\ I. [': 8'1''\ ':'G Tlt.\ Sb[o·I·:J :S.- 'i\. e ex · li~' (' ;II " . I 00 @ 00 yeot. CODle (JII whit yuur \York. \Ve 60lli pl'Din ' nd ra~l CY; whlc.h I .m prepnrHAr'R-6,LS, trn.ct the followill g'rl'Om tile li st of n '~{;~});J? ':20 ~ 0 ~~ lire ready 10 on yuu , willi. Stock cd lu have mnlle tiP In • .• tylo nul lull .IId plellly, tl'flllSfc I'S np to Ih ' u(' mII CI' 2~, 1. G6, I Curn II .. J5 811'lla..ed by . WaYff ... vllle , SOpl. 1l5, ill t ire las t Star: F lum II b"rrel, , .~ 60 F'I"ljr JjI I' WI, 7 DU 1'I 0 :1h Mills nIH] wiru to ISllnc EII1\ ' \IN l' It. 30

Thurstby eYenin g , t he Hall \\'IlS glo lo t U, Wri g h t s ut!llitioll t q 'Vny nesl'illc , ~J,:WIl; lInte, Sept, 8, J OllN 'HI'KY, 11101'0 fl ellseJy pn c.-k ed tht\11 o n t ho 1 6G. D~ c. ~W, 1U611. ,,"etiolls oC(lllsioll , l,y IIIl (l ng-er a nd • i. ihte\lige nt 8Ildie IlCC-!\l\ . of whom ' Vcs ley null Pl'l\llenre H. H a i ncs . ",. , . " to TholUson H . Sih'er, lot 14, E\,IIIlS' "'lIUmI8JJ OUTRAG E.-OO AlUUdR), wHe enthusinstic ·in thcir ex pression ni~ht oC Ihi' I'fellk. Mi.; A'zf Si\t'era,. 'of ~ntl8fllctlorl, noy, atlmirlltiOll. a lltli tioll to Wnyncsyill e, 81,~50 ; sil rllr oC AIr •. Siloo o( (hill tOWII. whih: 'ihnt the project fl'om begiuillg t o do'~,·, ut. .ei, .J RGO, . '1 1'h6.1I.la5 tHsl''1I."rn nllt! wife to AI 011 her WAy rm L~bfIDon, ~AI ad up · endin g WfiS n 'St1~(,CSS, 1l0lle WI I . ". • . un lIy a (;oa ..11I or drunken fiends in qn/:>stton. As 0 li te mI',)' amI elm· fl II JOII O!l I·p:lltofollt·lot I, 'V,I,) n esIluID.i n CorQ\ ; .bc.lw"t'lf h .. te ~nd Ihe toll mnti c e xhiLJition, it wns eqllnl to nny \'illc, 7(jlll~h:! fe et, Ell OU j d ute. JUII .


rl' ®\\1'


ion Ihe i {'o\', h e i t kno wn, O" CI,), on e WOllts the pikl! to extc nd ri O'h t pnst '" h i" :IO llS(,. Hu t (, Ins ! a~ aWu :IS tho ' \,0 :1118 I'reeze "l' 01' ue culfl e pntlsable, " . I'"( (jlles t loo I ol'ol{ped 11\1 w e . u \'o left ps deep III thc mud ns o\, el'. " Is thcse 110 b :ll m in G ilonl\ ?" , 'l'OIUIEl\'l' .


6(aLe. wllo.u'Irt;w her witb allch viull' lfce to tbe grouu.1 ~. i o di.locate hur . I,oul . (ler·booe Imd oLl!IIrwile injure ber . 'j'he crittl or Miu Silvers brought to her ttl~()"e R gllntlulut\1I who 11'''' riding ,II


ME DI I C N E S,;0 C T CAD " ALL DEI) ' ('1 ,-,: ;j:I G ' Q::". MO' N.ARCII m!IT;Rf & . CD

and· Mixed Paints, .. &. b ........

-m tnt I)

J H . Z·lu.L,

~llID"'S ffil~])

iu'l'CBEN h"LEN,


.I.. W. K &lR '~


I .......- .


:\Ild fo o tlights, hnd b een e r ected; nil o r wlli·h mi ght have done cred it to • n hall of In\'ger pretensIOns. .. .. ' . . It IS IIlI.poSSlble, III 0111' IImltcd "j • I I s pace, to renew e:lc 1 see l)e In tie 1 ' t" l ' " pl'og l'nmmo i nnc I '0 11 (I seem Ill · \' idio tls to s in g l o Oll t slIl'J ects fol' s )eciul l'emJ11'k; uesiclel, the llOI'fol'. ~el's ":6 ore' but · nmnteurl!. nnd do 1I0t f1 s lime stage pel'fcrtfon' tll el'efOI'e while cnch be llold c l' h~:l Ili il or h er ell til I' pr~r(lrence, ull (tcco!' , d ed the clllo .... i\lln o'r " TVeit D~ne!" to o euch (leto !'.

DnESS-GOODS, White Goods, S'" .u.aw1

Hoap Skirts,



, , I

Clwpow.e'·lld 10 rai Re. ti C" JI~,·dful flfelOn" t, l pRr Ille d~bll. WlL ilout tll~ IlIle or Iltud. • t);ti J re .. olutioll 8 \~ilre IJasse d unRni .I mou~ ly, 'fhu cir" ir thlJn uppoint" ..,iJ tIll:. .' . followlfIg UOm mlllctl : J . W. K.,,' s J . . " Ii .• ~~". IlIld ~uh ll HIS,,?,,: . : , ~ I.... ufl l.luio'gn"d Cll mnllltc e Rppornt· 'ed,lD. P·"~~""-• .~o Ihtl , ...~o;~ prooceo'cJln.,:~; Me nc,>" 'l '()tI"y IU tecel'lC Rny pro!,!l, it i•. 1D1I ill lJUr, ullDce o f - "itl r~lIo lulloFJa , d ",ol~l d ~#Ile upon Ihe cili zuni prompt acthJD III Ih .. wlLller, 10 III ' , •. ~J ) cura <If IluL Ila. 'R rCR' Y u01:1l uun8.


PA 'r E T PH OTOGltAPIl Ie \i




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,60. 'tbln, loff


AND ' .,8 L IN De

hort No'U'cel " ';;';""'d-'m.ea. I _


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SWE" ,

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..rrl...1i ~Df$.llJia,e't -,,- " An Eua, or W rnlo,.1IIl .....{n.tlon

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l 'A "'DIE'S' Ie' whic;h prlaa,ituteJ, p~~t. th. 't.l PQWffi, .HIUItl'I .a.1lI of ,.Ifel. t.t. 1.;1'8 !»I ,clt.,p~ ln i.IWlan.r e ne.. · 0411. '·n ·endl....·· Varlet", and "at a ~dd~ Anr.1~ 8KtLl.1R BOUGH' IlN. hll-"'" bl 1 cluctl ,.9\9I'u -c,~ ,0,," ' ! "!' "'I ' I ,~ •• great re on .SO • ),-4 ~.. . . " • ior


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J\t the • ' N. } -







Jtlllldtlll had

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RE'"OI,\. EllIS Itl r LE~~.., . . ~


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Dr J(t( I...·nll Olt11l fal L IIIII/lm i R e lll toH,8 11 11 nud J I311 t. ,J i1 Y, ft n ,1 • rp) " vt' nnl l'd n'''"lId • \I h, e h hll Vl' IUIII t!ur · \\ III ('H tt, ,,11 tl (\ n(, r ncnUo-. p ' dlnOoUU, NJi, m '" I lor I.lllny vp or$ df l l ~ " bd" d ~ \I "I.~, ~."I "" ,O Dr I' ,~ C A1{ Y• I F re u h pnl l l' nt I f) I lIfe I Headno 0 , osLr,eUGBB. 010 R ,,' e Y""k -I:. HI ' MII I. p' rf~ r ' ~ 6~ ' ~ lIover 01 ~ , i Io ND · fnc\l l.n " I. I hp n .. ly ~lIrt> 11 .111 FI\A U LI ~ SQ\lA'nE N ~~=-. u'. I"~ \' 1111\ . " J " ' " RI 11"' ''1\''" 1'1: J IH(I "Wr Il1dlgestion, P.\ ll111l the BOrleh, 'l'a.lI,lIs IItlIQ lI s pO!!Slhlo I'lIl p $ l e .. & L J U L E 8 J A II I. 0 • 8 r ,I z r ll IS" " ••!! p~r tI z. " 8 7 MP h I L) lila .! D IZl U8 SIJ . 'C, ""C. \lIllie nll!1ulIg. L ot the CO" ~c. Dl~ PAl)l~ 1".hTl. I, S III IIII1 U.. ft l r " r " lt ~f8 "I .,I~ :I'l lcc\l y Olld i. .\0; u . 100 , r III , Plor lll. hu l \I ' ll hove I, "'hl lt d ,1 , I J ' f - \tlore Dnrlll,te. I II I 10 1\ P l\lIlkrHleguhu houl's; ntI /lOse The New Beaut.lfiuoftheSkn STARCH GLOSS ll e'l M --..1'1()lO Ellllllr.. \V I' I • . Ilv rN' I rmlf",l e rr lin Il u, H!I- ,I · . II P 1M on}.. "k' hel n' Ioq . or . rr. "l '" ••,! Dr :. ,l: l t;) I UII 1,0 n~ nr 1j 0 1 (lillie (J'l lll-IIS l an t 'r« IIrlIO/, .n/, ( rum Ctb /tr(l ltd l,aJlel I- Ih e onl ) '11\11 It u ••• 1 "y J1I.CHl' G rn c t!ful ' , ,., Ir. I lI rrl.~rt·d A liI! A ll 01' 0111 <!: 1I111 1" ' ,1 n n -lOay h \ ch hours bet WOOIl each • • Firs t Cla58 Ho t ols L llllDdri e a and 1, 11\ D ,.e • • I· 0 I II .e UI . nnr) O ' gU ll 4 UN' 1I11 ' 1t I, n Il , ,, me ,l , I,.r 1'" . ''' I !', nllre w"II' 1 "\d ~ r lr\ l il l b r 'I III IIJ 1I11SIh \!. ~'"b l Tbotl8a llds olFnmili ea Allti 1011/ ~ u" ,I,; ~ 1(1pe Onrl .rllllnll" \ "." lrv".lt UbIlS nf .h~" I"Il" " .1,. lle e l( ,<r nnr ll llll . .. !l1 (~ ' ct ll o "n tl''' '''lI ll1u ' l hulkmg ,,"I Iu .. .. , Thon f I I.t Ilore1 ~I III Ie..l110 III.! 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'l "f \I " , I.v I' A ( ,It I Ar " 1I~ n ICAN '" ''1'1'1' ' 1 ~ [ ,I II, l"lh. 11 111 ~lt rCII' Y. ,n nu," " I: I IIIOe , U , - -- - - - - - - - - - - -lO.r t '": \lk.1 ' Ilu r \IIvll l' " ,.I I (lo ft 010,"' 11\1 " " , wlt _II. H 01' I ,'· ,1 1 ,.ul 1\ b .r ".1 ' " " "" \ I' len$D"\ .• .• .• . ~ ".e ·. !f os.• nl, I eolno I"'lel HI N. ,\ Y r •.. ..') clllb~ r. l S" ou::I u.I\I:I! IUII~ ul ~O~ '''\t: o' broCkl , " 10tl. IJl hq,hl'w k 0/.1 1 I " 1 T. Y I ~ows a great dlS lallc e , nor d 11\ C ,'r hln' It Sl'~'~ " .. II d.d .. ' '' " l It ",a C~ .. Il f'~ " '" " e 11( ~ them fast .•-Hural " Todd. Blle,,"", I.. I In ' In"itll"))!: llU\ IllI, ' ",ark" OUR l.MP'ElRtAL B L U E rUr " U' L D 'S _ _ _ \~ ~ ., . ... ti:t. l'V:!Ii • \ oM ., '. ~~I It .. 01l' III . III L Em nl tl .. I' ll " . mou I . 110.. D~.I ' " II... " ' or '" Ul ~ '"I ... I ~, • .J.J clII,lld,,"' t., 6uhnll\ 10 Illp 1",1,10, Ih o r; ur tl I• • ,, ' lIb"· .1l hu.u Oil \\ I!" III . "'\ , \V" lo P S , . Ie " tllIlI " , , " V .... ..., JlC'.t e luJu ; .. ell e Uhl uf EUc h d Iftt 111 u,,, luaJ t r ll t 6 1111 1 "' 0 111 ,!t p ~fl lll Itl l h lll l tf llf'P tt f ll\\r' l! n pl"c~n'tl • • f1 1f\ ' • r,. ~ ~ ca"'~I3~ tlllD , 1&1 ,I mu. ' CUll\! IIh"lIl r. rtu 01 Ul1 ' ,,1n. r t' t e fllll! ) \\ II II~ \\ I I I HI \\I' p lr' If l r \J. ' I" t' Q,) " \!I Inlll.. ••.,.• ~ , ~ ,".rI\R'8IOro. M' l le F~ I It.lnVu vDII. lull, u l'"b(/ c . .. Ic.· "tI'l" ,,1 .. ,S~Ir'" " U' \l A" " 1" "l lc ".,o flh" Ull n n,y Orj1" nll', "I", ~ =.. ~ (\ ' f \. .tII' ''H M ,It', ,, 1I M .. B. /1" 1(J(I ,rtltfletillo lln 0/" II! r.n \IITII I T ," JIl l Y u r Ir r " I IU- '". . 111.1. M d u. lrolll ..... \ I Lu, III~ \V t' Hhru l\lum u P ' l n h ti, ~ f"Ut8 \\ (Inl " tV I r\ \\h' fI " IUJ \ \II Il JC' uS g u ut! n~ n ew \\ h tI , u(l r (IIU MP rtr t!l lf , 11l1 T ' I\lJ laU m~l1 tJr ..:: rur. )'I"lnll ) V.ll pr, 1... " " . ~".r ."IUll ltill' U'Y ",tl Ul f IllCIII ' > fi. Ru)!I,!" .' . N Q)II1I" de A,I " ..... 1'11\' .. "I!' ","till". \! It ,a 1'I~ o.'1I 1 III -:: ." M, .rlllll1 rt ll f t. l\I ,os N y. S (I\R r. 1I (;1 n~ s f () I IIISl" u,ol, .I vr ,,,,lin ~ ,u li II nCII II II , A l> II ~ "', . "fl, n rmn"in Pft with II P. t fl.l , ~. ,," 'U8 ~ n ry . N•• 2 111 1"u110II KI. N~" \u r~ I !l1.d m " , e ~ lr l ll rO ' I.~ " til! Ih ,n 8 "y U lI'~ P, ' PH\ t: )1\u n ~ h ' r l Ihe u d vII"t ygrR 0 u n r ~ nl J IlI l llY oll,pr" I~ h lt.o 1,11/11 ' Intl d 'I ' !! 'u 71 4111 "" H I l'1 KIII r ' he b01l 1l1ll h • •p . ~'P I ll p IIfI' P .rll\l. <,'M" I !lu, k ," I, , 1\ .... I I,e "[IJ ~~ 1011 ¥Ive. I" • • 1 ~ !ItI" "I !rul h .. ' "( 8 " ' ''" - II • • of III Ih e s ol •• r H k,, ' I h l OP "Ilc rtllj! I'UIII k ~ 1I ,).'" n n , ..... ilH" IIIj(e1l" ""d "elll"" f Ihe , .. YN' " "~ u l Wh H II c onll,,1 li n .. , If n e l,enl e CUII . lllulIoll' , pr " ~ U'ti !A,t' re lll CtI Y _ IIpu r""o l ' I r 1'111111 Ihl' " 111"." on" are cuvered "lito ~ ;,:., I'h c 1J" ",II,f,,1 LU Ci ll e \V csll'rn M ) ' , .. 1\1111 N. ""ly h'VIIIIl ,vurn IIl1 e 1>' Ullce '.1..4 I fillli Ih,L Ih e'E m~ 1I' l'ru,llI r~~ .11.101" o r IIl1r . k,rt ., \\111 he w.II ",: 10 \\ Pllr on y 'II" rc~,le, IIllIel he "w"re Ih"I,ltow('y hrlll'"I1I;)' o f r",,1f" "' 1111 IIlv "h il I! wll h I>lh"'•• 8 Ihe Iuw(r I"' ,,po u' oil II ll'cr pr s loghl 1II0Y lie Ibo ,,11"1 k 01 II .., .bUf ' :.. IIII'~lt. 1 Blirl I', wl 'ftr ItlVU'", II Ul' IIr lullli k ln,t . II rll . o0\1.I1Jllro,1 /\IIu 8" ,lc,1 n I I,, ~ •."nu., l IJ .lIer ns e II I. sure I" all'CI II" Ief8 l1 e.. I h ~ b... 11\ ,I r " .1, or r. " " ,I II 111(' ,r Q I I rl'l,lIy .,Id. 10 ... e 8,, 11 II l"dsr ' llIlbCO III) .lJ llhl• • 'tllI , o" " ''' r. 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... Uf1 " tuct !Un rfl p ~ ~tlIII"

UNRIVALLF.D nt . dlll,,, A N I XTI1'(S I \ F. I!IA U i: AND t r U1!iT nIOU nON of 1" •• M. I.


\'Ii I( IU I

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In po r lt r a o f

Gold, Plated & Ortldf Jewelry 1



594 Broadway, llew·York.





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Rlft Chll"' R wnld In Ullll e u ~1"1P8 ' 0 I_ss Ihnll $ ~ O. \\ h ' rh II ,e lully hcpn .. ~ .1 b H u \\ p \Vh ~e l (' r" \Vol-o n Grn\l'r II; " HI 4 \t~ n 1.. ,,1 ,. 1fI' Hut u r k ~ r S ,uller .. c.;". Mnll B"nh.IJ., AI 1I\ltpr cheR r m urlllll {\f' nre lurrlllgpmc i , .. Fancy Ooode 41 Yankee Notlonl, (1 i tHI I, _ .... , ~ .. ~ , Ih t ", n n~ I he . e ll~r II' " ... r ,. IoftLI . 10 nrr p", " l tH ' 11\ JI ll H ' cI II I r' I Md ". ( I (' ul ..l ''!t Itt rI r til U .. hilI'. uutl IRlp".OIlIllPI\I () lrCIII " "fi Rt - If Ilp tl \ " t ilt 4; , " . .. , II I fre.. A~ .... l . ,\ .IIII t:d 1I .II ,u ~ II r cn ll "P '" Shftw & CIl,," 4\ r , ) wh t>rf' \ tI"rr' ~ , Ih dJ e rO rti. Mo,ne, II r ('IlICft go III (26 I 8 ALI~Il U RY IlRO &" 0,




PAR.K. "'gel\\ for ,',"1"" 76 (i ll !l

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Cbo\ ~~d, tam,C.

IN bUll d lll g n cllln'lIIry. pll t n ~l'l'l1!" ly o j s.llt IIIto thc mortal '\Ilh \\'Illoh lito 11I100'COllfSClS 01

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The SO 1l ver Sk-11"1111-,

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l\.Y 9, 1867. '


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!I.lJJ 40 \11 ~a

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Wltu .. the Autumn wind . 1'811 eprolld 1"'1 ,,~s UIX'" til c '~Ih . flrln bell \:old nnd culdvr \\ IIIlor' l pMlcr } rnz, Cleu elo " huuo",1 pI nluTltI tt o " ] lock. 01 " .0,\ bird .. 6 " llrollllli


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I ' Oil ' II c I,ll, IIlJ ' ~I tlro""d 01(\ ho",,,-lil\.,1 to the brce1.c

l:lltdturc,J nl Itl el1l8lurlllj!


IJ S RICE, Ol1lce


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, truutl, So uth 011E0


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II \I d th o h c nlot. " 111<11. turne tll nut I II t cltd" fcc ltl ~ UIII ,r,l th u~ I 0\ H ,11 0\\ (1,1 It, 10' C \I11 ~clti.h " III I , oll Lh lie c IIlcnttlc" <uutll IIIll 0 11

clm c Wh,c h l~t1e u IlltO I.CIlI CII "I I " ~ t, AIIII Ion I ll! " •• I"ng 0 ar I h ~ I'llst But h ar Ie • • "" if 10 Ollt \l \ C~ 1 hu It ~ ht 0 1 , ,,"h . h 1I11d 1I0t ur,"c,

D " 1 '"" I11 ~ C' m ' ,11I1I1,t 11111 le llr r,lIl1i l\" U" .O llt wIth IlOIlO IIrlll ch. ur 1.0\ 0 101 II11r I bllle 111 AS'Y IlIlIc.ILO' " Ill' Ih e 1J1t'RSC I ()Cl~I)CI ptllll W ,th l o \(~ 10 Goil 1I11111u,c to III III J( ill ~I I( h 1II0Ultln Ollt lIfe uc c ,.1 1 he PI' -cnl fu tur~ pnt! tho p".t,

W,lI ur ,L.uruetllO JOJ W II 'IIC",

l1e 12th 010 31


I ,. \



From tho 0111,,, «:AMt· (10(J I'I.t'lu

I OK I EI\ t il

Odi9. lUnt(hc£i, 1ClUclrUI (~G



O:::r I' ho ttme. 'HI! 80 lllll d l, CRIl IlImJlj' &:clip tny heut! Rbo ..... " .. Ier· ''''11 "hu. b"nd to III~ Witt! the otl1e'r night to bl8 "Ife, "bo .,," Imp()rhlolng hun (;)r a DUW t!ruu, ·No. ' ahe '''Vhed. wldl 80m s a<perlly. but) ou cao keep It "bovlI bruudy !lnd "IHOI 11'''1 tlDOUgbr" ___


""I~ ory fpr 100\


113 1\1,

It OC IIIIl 18 to I.ove lite r .hure unll size We pro

The r e ports (rom Mootana iodie.a. 81\rJOUI d"ng ~ r (amloll 10 lh,,' Tilrltory Ih,1 "IDler The ooli! "'~ let III eRrhur thRD "BII expeoLed•••d


Ie,s to

ture ' CoatraetC4 Feet, pnp~r sltocl nt. pro\ Icl ~ d th o cllffi cu Jly

•• nOI ~o n e I ~

_ _ ...P - -

too loltlr,-And Tt!l tore i1l . ped (ON ~u \ ,nllm al 1\llfe We prOt" 10 show of our . ucce ~. IU tltll

'fho Round hbl .. has bClen sued b) UI, Iupply of prOYI ' IODI 11 'I8ry ....."1. &.Ir Re"de-I\ulbor of Gnffith O"UOI- BIIrvIlloD prloe. bav. alread, betD ob-. who tbtnlls he htl! bee n u"m"gllu to Ibe LalDable In ~he 1II10lDII Lo" III. •• , l > Ii t 00- A medloallDlID ••ked bi. , ....I



.d,,"cr bow be Clolild puo,ah. ~JI"Il'



"ho lIad ,lolltn a OlDIII.r O' j.,. ., . .ble Inuff 'I 1111 nOI ""are or "ItJ 110'"



. cutering into

are rrOil


. ~~~___ fbuntain bloh se.ud. forth W· llwaillf (JaHtt, . II.. DCW • • • • • _ ••• / " ~"'" Btreftm of corrupt word, rude a number or barrell CIIVacit )·. pa,.r pllbli.hrd by ChrlH H. Hurl't'l; Lott Of .II~ ARB, w ____ A_~ _~ ' " I J;_ ~_l: , __0 U!_ Cl _ :_1 UllllOli beel mIUIlI'r8, unklu,! nllll our .As the rate of chnl'ge for tbl'ir "011 - SIt . on. of Ihl oal,iDal proJrielor. or BlICk Tonlu., Dill_p.r, &G., ~" ,"urlt... I ... T.b'. _ ~ _ ~__ __ . . ft d t d pe 11 ' .u"l b R _.J "'.oJ C.uI. 'rltele Pu den erl 'orm~ry Ih.,h'..lAlllerlean _ louks' ond how 1111 the1ll! tbin gs en · trllctlOU 18 0 II rna e 0 e II B \I I e QVna :LUWe': I l'uI UI' by 81IUJlfon I. "ubl... lUll Ilf Dr. Enell." Wllch... ' r ;W;!"!!!lQa8!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tet ill~o IInJ ntfcct OtltCl' mind s nnd IIpOIl their lI uJlP<? etlllRpftclty, it. he· . a • II i ••• id 11111 'fboDl •• Carlyle i. a - 1'rllb i•• , .nd, "!lee i... de.lh •• be drm."d P.Il f1 I1.; • s:z ItI .• eruiciollfl rc~tl1t ItI·!) nil cOlUe II. lDatter of so me moment to \"'ltb ., bOllt 10 "i,i L Ibi. CGUDlIy, l h.o b.... ~ ~<l ~ra.1 lor lhem, Ih,t Dr_ 'ro- cuncne. COII"I'X, I.'IO~ Ie c~r.:JI 1I P ' I ),. J iDridge \I F d,D I I I I le ll bl•• h.. CUIIII IIU ·d 11 1 ~lr 1lI.Ii"r' CIU~p.- .. molle ,I.uel in I lei £DJ;'OA • • II1l1tterli for thc cltoolroolh . The c kilO,," [or 01l~tlh-c~ "hat we s IOU u 0 U. . r~, oug!lt'li lal nt'~r 1 comp " IiW 'rll"Y .r~ ,crletol:I_, ..:,. and innc.cenl i 110 Illd flOnlWO" f~•• np: • il Ii ~rl.\!tl G"'::l"n::- lt bas be- things, hO\\'l'ver, h lilt! be bl' Il g ht xpeot for ' Ut· moncy, otherwise \H: brutlr ID Pan : . , _ .~':~~~~"L. I ror Llle "'Iulof "n I ~ppd of ~~"ppl~lt!: Ih" wl)lkinll o! .'1 .ur ~ n. .Lalt_1 .~ nd Ihle.; I:It~ll >II • h . 1 . I h II b at the D1 r e \' of th coutrsct· The b~",L (.h~lrtCI of RlchmoDa 1- tie J J tHnR. , I",~l~. I hey IOcr" ... lhe Ilppcllle, 'Ive F,of(er Rlllllll • • h~~1 )4' t. come :1 tllllu-huIlOt'cd custom '!I'll . b\'f< ra young 10 III ( q WIt 1 a c - . . I I be'';' II ' IL H Oll _ Ch.rle. Sumner i, hou ~~kll'>p· 1 n litl e Cl)hl, ulltD lI U' Ihl! .,oln."'l end "ri. I "~I rum""t... aile Lrade~l\lua to ',cttle up tbcir RC - n, oud - 1(1~tn in th e form of or_ Indeed. the capllclty ofotJr CIS· lUII',. - ru III . io~ in \YRihin ~Lun 10 III' lUlle Ilf 810. 11..,)', l)rll""I; .Isu InGrpa~e t~ e milk 01 1811"" Buo"~ 01.11 k' l at :he end of til e Yl!tlr-.. ~tri- I cOlllpl uillt. 'Ilil ul' n do not PI'OIi- ternr~ is yery rnueh ove l'rllind ill orne Oil' I nd me~ .re IlOW fDl~llo)' 000 ptr RnlluUt. 1;0 \\, " 'I'r)' IlIelll, .ullIl yu" 'rIll II eVllr II" ~lIrl~~II'" 'V.runt.: A eolln ' \ f I d' _2Mn I G t K'I'lern ",hltoullhe m Htrlm 'YoourulT. llo a cr'- 11118 "Il.ehmeul "'Itinlr t lJei r bllll\'nce." lind troll fer· per, n o l' do tlt ey eflcctl10lly rcfol'Dl parts 0 ~ I~ COlllltl')'... . e ID "~u.g I It, rf" • An III~1i1l11 hal i~vfn:fd • prooe.~ , I'br .. lcil Inill~r or Iroll ing hur.e., h~~ "A':". ~, Il., &'v" itlg tbo re nlts or tl\e hI bllsi - undo r contil1 l1ed fuull -filHlill ..... All Th 1 0w~ Homes t c(\u , 11\ tllI_artICl e 'rh118\1' f" bu~meni o.m~e II: e lwl'~Ieby. "?hlt:r"plllD .I!:t"Illyrt8 " .I·d Ihem, and ,·pcommpntJ." II.em 10 1,,1 1 _ N"w.lid p.n'erhinl n CIS to tho ,cprofit lItlll Loss" nco c XI)'ricl1c 1>1'(/I'C ' t llnt t-Ito 111 0 t IIC ' o n cis terns. g ives the r 1I0 wIll g tn - A.lor 80. il leiLlhousaoli dolla,rl . ph o :Oj! rlll'LIO ItkllufS-n CIlII be atn y I lripnd. (Jill. Phil" ,P. R\ lI~ h, of I he J ~'d' I CM"a, .rhool Regl.ler.~Alb'taft, ne . '1 I . .•. "t , r th . l,degrKph. m ~ R ace C" tlr;;~, l'"r<1,ulO, N.V .• ",oul 11."co". Roo'" lor count. Anotlw r Rom wh :lt Slim .\ 1' I c"~,,rlll t\la~h r 0 1 IIlo rul s IIIIIU ll g ltlo, Iih Oll'lIlg l lie cnpnCI J 0 ose Tbe eolOl'td m~ IlI!Je,. were ID 1II Ieir 1" 'I d a ~pe(leh of 1I0t u. e Ih~1l1 ulIlii he '''~, 1111.1 or whot Plclule f'rullle. preubl •• P1clIIr . , 1 t I . I I 1 • ' lindri ~I sl vn r~cenl y ID" tl h I I 1 I ,rhe bell ."ICk. oC \1'4t " 'ClI to m hn~ 01)LlI in<!d lo sOlll e cx t ou t \CIIILlh 'l'll . I th e 011(' I\' lose olin e- IRnn g t 10 ll 'lIll r O lllH 01' Cl - .!!.I.OII $lI. opeOlog of Ibt AI"-5. Ltg- l lw~ni-y..Jline "tcun.l. l1uI'I"ill" whlct. llo e)' ore COIII/IUl ed. ~In " fl \\" IC' ,1' a neY' l ill t he lU ornl unt! r eligious clOl ncut uom" is n SUlls h ine or I'CI1(,c, ! whose co l form. too" hPr l"" d"y' 10 '10 m .. mn - I' \\itlll.ul .'!eln: _} II' 1I¥,e,r 2°1 rt"l· f In II\e CO""IIY, t . . ' With p.ut ,uttemptiug r tl ' 3. l i.18tur". - . r I I ""I ~ 11\)r.r ~ II. III ~ "'IDrge, ""u IIr 1.8 aI I W., ort' . ol iO •• I'lP I r of ocid)'; nt th c cluse ~f tho ~Id l wul'ds 111'(' mil it t o III'IJI'!lctl (:t'U c~ rs, lllutbcmn LIl:nl yenllt:lltHIll 0 I,eso '~'be ~innaLi aod Ooy illilton SUE- ry IllId LO .pulL II III Ille Eog IS I IIn - l lhree )' e ur s hOI u s(>d 110 olher l\Ie~ici lle ! H.mlin K:.~"'I~e ,"Cl1 r we look over !.IIII' \1" 0$ \\'I l h 11II1t1 :lbor !! ull , IIpo n who~e IIlInd f1<rUI' \'I$ , th t' r nre IlSl! IIIll Cd t.() be cor. -~B~i-l'd _ rorm.lly operc.d on Igua"e. I... ",pm. li e h"e klt"Il,· pe,rllllll e •1 ml' 10 81f'IIIIIOY. Drudllllry B~'·IP. C, . . ' . . ", . p~ nlloll ge ".. . IOVP.f 1"000 olhe r E G , I I m•• 11)0re dUU1 Il s111~1 cn.rll-lIohlll g the lhoro is nil !lnlL' ll t lo \'c for tl l(, 1'1 til l{ I"tll' t, llm.l.II·o II - (ollo ws: NY ' • D ' 11 mu I'A d 'l lplll" 1n Elm'll'o ..d. Pro'ld~nl'o. wl1110 re· ~ rei N lilly (. lIe 10 11m. I' ., ' S 1.1 ~ llIerIOn ~ oeht."dler & &:hllli" •. . ,. t '1 1 ew ear. flY. WI I ~, I J . . • re lp,ellC'" CO'I be dI'~ n al I Ie u')POL U ( rh o I.llpr Me Iii e I d O l I'\,il' wa h!ll"c UQn o a o,\ Lhe good WI! 11'I1I'C Th e " fI'u rls o f IR ncher in Ctl1' A ci:;tc rn. 0 l ct:'t 11\ (.lIIme CI' \\"1 , 11 Jl. L M \0 Lone 1\ II e lY celli" ·. .. I . d 1.11" r.-rtlce "5 ee nl " \V '1 1 I - I I Olle .nd _ '. . . . . • 0 a,s, ..... ",c. '11mOYln~I _on b ..d, r~mall\ .. I' Juhn .ntl _lIis ' uy I rUjlXlst. ftll 80, a "I IIrn.s I .nv 01 til.' IIIlV tli'ntilld lo du: WIllJ u slt.;hul 1'\'ill " i" ) I"W!ll'tlo whol esom e S,Ys t c lll l hohlnfrueltOnOVcl'<>ba l·l'clli for e!l.c ll , I I b tl ry,lle 0., f d I I I I l I'pr box. DllpIII fit! Cllrl lOlldl S,,. e l · l h'lY e rl)unftnYOlttrrhllu~ ~ • . t> \ f' Ezperi nl8 have b lown W 17 COR " "0 WIYtlt w"rt' o UII a 1U0 ~ un "I'C 1 N Y Ie 73-7w "-"- \V I e In , sorl'oll' lIud a l ~lll' of l! OIlIIOIlCtl we lo f ~Ilol'll l cc\nclI ti o n ill 0 111' ·f1' oe foo t ill d epth ; () fil et, a m ctlUn 0\' I' rI ,_ - I d" Ad by. deca" The li r~L ",ire WHS bur ~~rTIIo • - I •. VoJ Se Are •• 80,IRent 'luII" . . _ . d 9 b Ilre 80 C It u to wor~ In I 10 till' - ., J. B lid of a Comet. I "" L,YOII ewllljl ~I~chi .. Im i lldICII 10 tu e old, nn d clIte r IIJlOIl 5ch ool ~. is w orthy of Ihe nctl\'c to - \ Ii,bt\l'rch p Cl' foot; 1 [llet I), nr - TI b ..• , 11: ieJ 164 yellr., And lhe ~"lI<lnd lOti ) "" I'S • . e . .• .• r Id l'A;111 LY &hcll'• II.A. "ee. un·q~'III. • • 1 II! oneS ral'lu Y cry.ta IlIe~ or Clin- \ .' r b'l .• . ar.l'flr~III" III MillUII I. rellu .. rpu IC!II u , 11\ I~d . I the now y~1I1' Wi t h s trun g C' r I'"sol ' -I'll '\U)1 r utiou 01' 1\\1 \>llrcuts I\n(\ g IHU"ch . rch \) ~r fo ot fe et d o. n bt\f\'e s ""0. Mr. SlOIlC! hlW 5d Will UI CU 111 .. " 1 b I • HORRI D H A I It ,. \ Leb. llOn, Oct a7 !Ill ' ' . . ' \ - ~ , • I ' IIi". iD tlldighl. ' 1~61 more I ~r rlu A y U •• • " , 1..,,1 to UMll c ('or thll l'Ighl., \u O\)POSll1g I1\\S. p CI' fo ol. ; ~ I'llct do. , 1 bal'l'c S POl' . \ I . Ihere oro IhoU fi onlla of hUlllnn he o. ls . t:lll wrollg. )jonc o f \1 8 living foJ' 'Yl\ n we J'(,1ll 0mbl:'r that "(\110 1\- fo ul. ' 10 r: t (\0.,1 8 \tl\rrels per foot. pre. b.,d,on .a1>l1 B."lch ,eld e r. A. New York r.orr<.~pontlt'nl of 8 ~ ",hlch mighl . be r e luler~d rlulrfll l,,!: by I . . ohcs louu 0111' cbn.l'llCtc r, . e . 1 . d ft UfO i8 uu,e · ,.,110 oncerned to Ih" i£llton alld Iconnlrv P"PI!I" ~fty.. "U,, "l1e IL. or Ihe dilnl,ly Ch.II~IIIg lhelr 11111 10 a ",elluw Oul 1\. hon , mOJ'(11 nut! Rt: lt'nt\fic, Is nt t lle Tl)e . In t name g ~ L 'b c n Iile 1 IU auce H o",ld hIlt b~cn Yt'ty 1.. " ~ririle,1 e. · I brllwII or ft perlecl Iy n.lIIr.1 bltlck . wllh . habit.,;, tn te , hOI)(.'5, d esil'cs, nl1cct - l'ulIlI(l ntioll or 1111 tlint is eitht' r noble Inrgc ir.c for n. f:lfnil,V ci s tHII, !lllil e. "DOll room · or 1\ r d .inc~ hi d g"",,nl Ind ami "hi" lOll • • l l Cristadoro'. Bair Dye. ."11'1 STREET . ions-ti ll of 0 111" foll i~!l with our "il'- o r u seful uu I;I1Jol' \rlti c h wc (' 11111 Jt) C: 'cl in d ept h is n milch AS wc IWIDdl. "tire betn rtlleRled. aft il in Iti. much 10Hd Henrietta, The I " i•• idicLluu~ 10 carrv i"Iu IUC tll)' ~ grey fu es urc ucco millg tl"lln s fcr r cd 10 th o pc rfo rm i'll bcs t o win" thi~ procioll:; often Iintl ; th e con te nts of slIub IL A porlil1b of Ihe Sytlenltal1l PIIIBee. !old mftll I~e ls IUII~ly' hi. noble .8I ndy orcnrrU!IY head, w~I!1l6ve n~"~Iel • . t' W tl ' " . ti t L dEl d w b .• bot' ill oUl or hi. si ,1,1 Poor olJ lllHII j "",uld rOllder II OM IIllr.,I"e De G urI! succe!!,I IIlg g enom IOU. l! (Ire I')" UpOII Oil\' pO>'lte rity , will 11,, ' :1 o n e, I\ cconlll1;t to ollr e s l\1a ·c, pear OD lin, ng Kn . B8 urneu on \ ; g • . · Ir .. llid have ",,,d e II ill h.., hnpI'inl I1I uol. OU\lOlltOI'9 th e ri:; iug l'tl 9C wh ctller en t into th c IlI" Ains t Sllt.h lI ' wouhl be lOx1 - l flO hnrrels. llll d nighl of D~c. 30. It had blll! n d e- I l'1'! coniesl o r"r Ih e lIulhor.l"p of l\Iullulociurcil by J. UIUbTADOllU.6 Aglur \re will 01' not. " r c t!lx o urselves .. I I ' or R hnvo hod to pny votrd to die di i pllly of Iropiolll prOlluc- l ll . tlt stngulHtly POP UIIH pOl'm ell\lLl~d l Hu" .e, New \'urk-8old by drul!gl.18.. , . . LI' nM IIt·e . Itll "ith e CAli no t be OQllnt ye t 101V tO fUl) II. ., . . • .•. ..nne k m Ol Iu Slutp, ~I olhu." It 81 111 AI'Vlietl ~)' _II h,,"dred81l". 764 :) I llCllVUy, Ill.\d pill' tllciU c hcClfull,} , cd in preciou s III c tll\ S. It i:; pricc- I rol' "tll r ee hlllltlrcd bllrrel l'llitCI'llS, tlon •• Th~ lOIS IS IIbouL ~ 1,600.000_ vigllr(\u . l~ pro ~ t!eul~d by Mr _ A M .

awn'· ,











". ~


. !!I!!


lIC sel WI cit. [ae th( nel tlla nre tin, pUI


New Dru









lime, 'of Ilmullcr~ Hille. •• _. ____

th:lt "II m llj' be cd.uouto.t1 _ s: 11' our c hildre n, in tlteir So fnl' liS a sClcntifie educniton tor I \.1 ' t' f ~ f:! 10 11 u eye l' occupy po, I Ion s 0 us,,our childron is cOllee rll ed it mllY . . _ . _ ' . {"I ness , honor 01' lll g illty, they nlU!;t not be 1I1l1JI'Oper, UI flt rllnll g our Lc l'ulIcnted for Mllch pos itiull s ill our bnlttncc fur the yea r ' to look oyer time_ R J. .h~ !Whoolh~nse account_ 1 IuIl?W - - - . -, •• -- -little 01' Ilotbillg 0f it ; but I hOl'c IL'TER~R'" NOTUJ- . . I rl I Bcel\llnllllllg upon II U e c rAtc SltO 1'" " O _ILAXI' f,,, 1 67 .- Wilh Ih,' .Tn... ",ry . I '11 l b ' I L -II ' I 1I I autlc"l !lgclI DI'ge I'll: , IIlllUg, II"m )O r,I,," U"Il"' ''') '" ell~rg6ll . @ IKI ·cn nl~d I hliv e sel! n al11ultitllde of c ui! - ".•!'.uo IInll l,rlllleLl 011 null' typ~. Tho ~tury .1 I. d f l . ' . II d "I' 'l""8TAS, cu nl\lI~nccd in Ihi. lIumuOl·. will ufen at_tuG sOlin_ 0 tue vI.! ' WCIr _ . bu cOllol udull III llie numbvr fnr Febl·III." , Illg tbelr wU" tlll~h cr~olld O!!'1I111 at I ~ I . r·n ·ulO 1 J .~ lIum bcr IOr} 'eh runrT I..< . WI'11 1IC the .s ound of the bell, tl10se slime commence'" tho II ell' p<'I'i,,1 novci, '\vuitillg cbildrcu , with 11 f el\' tcac hcr~, calli e for Ih~ Verdi,.t,' ~y .J!~" cell H"rdhl~ Dud • • - . '1'1 ••. I · nWII,}" agnul_ lOse ...!ac leI'S arc lIulhor of 'Lif" In the Iro n ~lill"" 'Mllrgnr~1 '.' tb d r t'l How!Io" ·C .• will. iIIuPIrat 1011" I,)" W • .J. 1f ·1. _.:tII!) 0' C (lentOI'S 0 ue Des IIO'''!,. lJoforo Ih o ~lId IIf th e P·"'. ,,"ulllllr gcncmlion. We nrc tnllj' tC'ld that no,-cI lIy II cclclJl lIlcd IIlI thor \I"ill be " hell _ . • "1'i. cduulIl/,," fOI'me 11'0 Ic"tler III ill,l. Ij!fi A )·oll r. Suh •.cripLioll" mll)- b~Kill wilh J~,~ un lle twig ia IJ ilL Ihe Ircc', i"d illed.' nn~- 11I1U.b "'. \\' . e. '" F. P. t:hurch. j'" Y.

Tho melllory 01 Mrs . Sigourney "'ft.

grscerully re mtntb~ted "' "Ch.ialR)lIs Tk. r._'..........u.. . . . _ I fe' ~lnl a' lit" MerIden &lurlD ~.~ hool. Sioce Ihe ' inv~ntion "nel lucce"ful i I .!licb ahe w.. much inlerelled \\ Lilu . .~ IlIVun , -l• I' inlroduolio n of Ihe C~ltbrRlpd Dupltz II'I VillI(. ner I} DInt were ~ung

Elliolic (or doudlij) Spril,g Hoop Skirt ;1 J W B .tli . f N..... v ..' by "r. . , r~ e}, V n . or., J' I I I Ih" b les l!trous lOul I .e counlry HiVe . . 'd' gIven lip Iho :dull of dl~~'" 1Ilg' Ille (lIsl.ioll of .... "rtnj.( hoop o;\mt. Oil "c• counl of tIle peculiar IInll grllceful mlln . I' I .u ,,_ D I S k I d I uU In It' IIC I e up '·.X tr a " Bp Ihemseh-e8 10 eyel'y ,'zlg"nr'Y anti em ' e.gPlicy. So oeoera\l,· acceplllbll! IlIll'S _" J • " .tSC 51",1, b"come t lllll Lh .. l.dl.' rll "Btli lhem 118 It .pt(·i~1 Cavorite. ill vi!!w " of Ihe auperior Floxibilily, Lighln"~s Hod DurnbiliLv Combined in Iht i .. MBD '


bv Ihe Ichool girl.,

Jj~II. Eliz"I!~I~"

Ripl~ )'.


E W GOO D S '.


u( Dr lill'l'.1 y i N ,·dl'or 01 Ihll IfltJl1n~. RIIlI Dr. Colt" , N .I r .1 ' of ~w" r K. Mlllior n .... lcrocosm. wllo h"vl' inll'rp.'~11 Ihem.e lves ill lilt, mRUcr. bOlh IIdmiL Ihll Ju s lice of Mr. n II' ' "1' Ill' I!lll"r· !;I!nl IemRII III ' u ~ - e IIIlml.

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a Dtr i"" St··4I'Js, Wli



II C\>

wit for

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C ,\ E pri( of I





For Pure Druvs Medicines • ChemicalsI ~


I rop.ring II ""'t'ment uf Ihe OHle, which !Ie will 600D mllke plIlJlic.

.III B,.siJ Ihe climllte


bosl brol IlCCt


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is 100 ""rm nils (or p~IiICIIIl~ ."d IIppl~ •• wheal, ryll .nd "'PE(·. a . . . . . 0 ..·11'....... ~[I U'"" , <> '. '"' I~"'~ . lit bllrl~1. but Ibe folks Ih~re call indulgo ' t ) " ,~" . . ,. t 10 ItUV extenL in orllng"t lemul.. , lIime~' 1 '1'0 C:UNSlll'tP'I'n'I:.""8. J \ a l " S I.ui lin 1 ba i Jlom~grll. Uti, ,-tlU, J ucel I . Th. , uh,rd hor. bu'i,,,, h ·"IUII. " a h... Nl1101'Cl:/ I.. recelVUII, I DaUle. " .hh ill" (. w ... . k- . hy •• e" 11111,,1. "IIIP , Blr Tht! firtl diviaioll of .11 .. L()nJoD I.,y, ofl~r hA'i":r.tu H;"f<1 I •.•••• ,"1 ye ••.~ wi h .e • • , . luIIK "II,·rl"," . • ,,,llh.l d ,~., 1 d ...... . 1'rolll".· procu, ioD ••etJi"g AliBI Bur· Cv"' U'''pll''''-'' . .."iv,,' 10 1I",I.e ku~",,, 10 I ul!tl Cu.". in lite bll cony of Itu Inou~t'. hi, r"lIo",-. "/I"O',,,. Ih e ",.."'. or 'ure. I T "aII \\ I () d. ' '''- -I', IIt, '\I' 11 sen'" I • m~ll",ficont ollorl,""nt III ,\ ullo.pp"d IInil chtt:rlltl luslih' 'fhe to Xe nl') .. I . t·t1 . .' . rlhe p.·•• rril'li u" " .otl (free ,,(, 1I.'go). " ilh Ih e n, ~ ~ , liwpl" "1l11 fuilu,,~d all duwlI ILe llU~. I cll"eclio". I:" 1"~I"ri nJ' Ih~ ..,me, whi oh I h.,' FA L L ' AND N T E R. . LA upS. Mnd for au \tour lind a hall Mial eVU"" ,,,'1I liud • ~u II~; Ct; IU; fur C"""lIloI1o,; Wll8 tbe -ot'J-UL 01 II COD li DIlOUI 0,,,1"',,. A ,1"",, _ " ro"chil,.. Cu ul\h_. roultl_, .,'11] ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ l'JWI'r·JARS. OJGAD. no. Th,o.1 nllrl Lung Aft."li .. " •• 'rh ~ ,,"ly obj-" I . ;: CH010E BRANDS,"'I JuIInG 01d_run. h ultt ·" I lit ... '. ' "'" un rCSluenc" ,. r Ih ... d.·,·,li •• r in ,.",Ii nll" Ihe 1' ....C"I 'li "'" . "'.. 0 I fi ro - d d I . , FINE CUT 'I'08AC€"0'1l'1II: l III .c...I')P, Itio, on ILt 2311 of Dl!ctlllber. Iv '0'" II ,,,. " wI, ,." ' I· .... ·' ,I\,(),''''' ''U'' I " -.. 110., I I I . t ' I I d con6i~ling 01 Dlack tiL 1118 .ge 01 91. H " lI11d Ii vtd 4)n Lhe hUt \\ "le-a " '.t:very ,e co ne.,,' •• 1 0_ " . "" :' u .. " c •• " he W Go 10 lhe New D~'· i utt"rer "III ,rr hll rCHII.:dYt II •• L .,..,. Slor·. '"


Ha Hair Restoratives, Pomades

ing nro, dint4

B' D yea I


Direct from New-Yotk! W.




:tJ tCll.till · Ut" . . tb'


of tl

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UrnOIUrS. 'l.'hey R190 con.itler "Iem R f Kr morl! E'COnOWII;".n - I d C 0011''0 r Ilu'.1 e Hoop Skirt IIt"n eHt Ii .. or can b" mild •• fur -'1 Ct(lwtlad AUl'mblies, for ~... • LI.I Promennde or House Dren. An.\· cc'·'. p"I'CIlI$. milli$ll'r•. ccliLo l'l! nllll n il 111 1Il - I~dy arkr wtllring one of these Skirl' &ame spol for over 60 yeRre, hl\dl beeo wtil co,1 Ibelll . oll. illr •• ,,,1 ""'Y I'ro\"O" bl... J. NE.IJ. h~r. 01 the ICI:III III·o l"o•• iu lI . 'I' he lirHt uhup- will ot'\"cr IIfIenurd. willin"ly dis "rtlsidunL or Ohiu Cur 70 y~KrP. a cl,urc\t In1>. I', " 0'" 'v' lh i.. ~ Ihe 1' ... . · ... l'liu •.•·llE' , 0 'Iol'med. Not fnr 0[1' s ttlods tho ler . 'or Schuol ti .IIIU OUI·cl·lllnent. ,' ie " 8"<'L ' for IItarly 6U I tI . _ b)' reluru "'oil. 10111 1,1 .,,,. villek m -t! I If M A' f cinCL ex pl.n"li,, " <If the ,lIl1hollt plnn. IIdllpt ptnse wilh Ih~ir ule. ollg c:zpt:rt _ J 8, In sel v \ IIt,v. ~; O\\' Aim A . W 1t.!30N. • S 1.1 SlOp: , I'. . S 1l\·01·· cd 11)" gl)\crn llIl'1I1~. ",;ri"u LII I'" motl·c"n. for I!nce in Ille m,,"urAulureof Hoop Skirlli. "d ID lite Wftr 01 IBH!. lind I",."". 1\ Will •• n,.I""g. KinK' C • . , New \'u,.~. PLA1N AND FANCY NEW ito horso 1)\ to Lc shod , 1.11'_ A. p;ocs Ihe diffusioll 01' knowledge IImung thlllK!Oplo . 1.. 11 provllQ l(llhe propridOri of \bi., in· wile ."Ild 90. 111 lib wlluDI b.. 1".1l1 livell \ Lo -a" ao SllC tjat It i~ 11rOlJorly do DC. MI'. This chopt.Gr. in gil_me .u exceeding- Vtlll~ioll, \b..tSin",.·.",iDg. wil\ .\W.,_ oov"r 66 'J'he eub.cribnr. 'IHin, ub1iehment wilh •• ."erior .IIK, B . hils. II. ,,"\Ioio~ b,,\.\u\,,1!I. a\.. \ho I., . """••~,vo , ••Id - unwonny 11>.. att.entl"" relain t.bat. tt.itf unynltling and btmg· TI C ~& II _ BCBIINCIt'8 MElDlCINEB. 'erial.. ",i.he~ III e.11 ,\Ie hOQ\ ..riS-bt... H" i" ~IIC.-e 1I1U1"S~ of our ",o. t jul"WgCllt ""t! , cxperiulltlcd lin g stylo whic~1 ".s~e\'erc1IR, ..eteri,,,d ' e " lI'e Rf'pubJl4r"n Mya tlllll To C Ull!> C_OnU8IPTlOlf, Iho! 'yalplII FermerB allal olherl 10 the C.ClIW PLAIN AND FANCY 4loily, watchiug tbeoqlllltitiCB or the 8~uI ~~mclI . H .ld lIot ill"'gi ll"llr" oJr .pcculu -. lite uppet Duck PetroleuDl CUllllp ..ny mu~1 bt preporE'tI _u Ihlll ' the IUIIIl" will prepllred 10 11l8nuluCllir. . . . tl\-c. "uL n pi,u", mnll ' . -of filet stlllUlltn. lh"m, wherl'lll tilt>DUlible SPtlng Hoop Ilruck oil188L W!!.,k.L the dl''' f 425 !,enl. Tu accumpliMh thl •. lhe li'l'r ... <1 ~mbcl" Irun ~nd ~~Int, ~la_:':~P9sc wflicl•• ill spito of ii i! pluinlluBB, hu, (II llllllll~ or Ihe DU1,lex Elliplic, will b e found t I ; I .p I o . .'omnllh mual lir.: bp cl88l\~ed ond "" ... p. Its pIIT. 1;8, :16 the ""011, (J1-og-reSBC8.- cup,,~l u oj' HP!lI'e"iuLin o< 1111, su',i"ct. ',11 tiI F ( I b" N ' I _ "el on I IIDtS near Oh,·e. 1 he pptile creele.1 "'r gond \\ h .df'~om" I""d " I',~. " no rom lle~e 0 ~ c cllon.. OIWI" d"" b I " II I b I <1' " b d' ' ' l· tI'IJfi;)&nnd otlttr w\lrk, 11111 llr. C. wants clothing, but trustR eh" ...n of rOUlUllcc . '~"'i d .tt" IN "Iu"., i. . , "1110 .Y <IV ane 8 wt:re tlllien from It. IV I C I, 'f t Icae Ille Irlne8 WIll 4! Ig". 1_ _ _ .lyle,8lId 0" ,",I . II : b . P • 8tllmllng Ibe I,bllll), of Ih e mllnufllclur- 11 a'. tl Ii t 1111 I I b II ed properly. nod ~"ual hl!,,Jlioy bJo~" m.d p· noither A lLen & Rundnll or 'an"J oth - \\0 " I mllll)' tllII Ok I C pl'WO 01 Lhc b"uk _ I~ rt w~ I" 11111 ~l'nl 811 n , I b 11-" • 1"1 L . . erl M~8"" WUI. Bradley aDd CAry \ l,US u ullll!' lip 1"0 CUIl8111111IUII _- ",rlich J "'i11 100ftit lip in., "Ivle "01 I .. "· f('r Relaillinjr the I.r,iee. 01 It er mnll' to selcct r()r lii'm _ ho goes' '0 \Iwycr III 11.0 Schoolroom' "ill he _e nI ' " . .. . over i50 Ce~t in Ihlll vicinity. Alld jl i~ ~C !: E!I.CJC·811.""llnU;& PILLS c1elnde lI,e I'b .... PO ~Y '''y, I\n'~ .. It''~~:I: e r I.I5UN K£.p: aflv tllher IU".II,wu,ba. .. ' h' I 10 nny rU"L of Ihe UllilC,1 SIIII08 fu.· $1. Atl 10 lnrn oul over lilt IhousAnd Sk Irts lbo-lit w'lll pro", _, le.sL a 0r. '·atr~I I .iI"m"·h or.1I \)jJillll~ ur muenUS· .t't'llmlleUl'l'r\or 10 !lily till II" WII.lln he f,luar.lllee. lite ulmoll l!'Ilrmcl· ., M ,n" 4- U • • ,\ nil d seI cots .or "IlBC! f. "rOSA I!.c "utho;, 11 6 "bo'c. fir! NlIssn" ' Ir ~ I. per tillY rrom IIa"ir Ll\tge Anulaclories 11-" 11110:11: O,,~. by utioilf Ihe "en \Vdd 'fll'l 07 nUl!l!ie8. Gllrrl0i" ,.1' . D "s maD Jim hilS fod and bedd ed the )(;cw) urk. 1 he I,·.ule ' ''!,plle'' 011 liiJcr\11 N Y k I .• we • ie III ('u",,,,,clloII,' Ihe ojl"elil'" I', re.lor- ·' . in ew 01. chey (u obli"~\1 10 re r •U rt.'pllired and p.lnll1d III gMd "1~' ho~c8, and fed tile cattlc and holY, Icrlll8. The M'lIIphia A ..illllc!te prediclIlt SIlHEl CK '" PULIlIOItIC SYRUP ill nlll'i. Z G. UINGUDJ. CI quell all much.nll ordelinll tllo Du · . II vi I I d .l.m t farmer D is n wisc, cill'el'1I1 n.ltu ~~. ' l t I fill I elOUK "" we u ml' ell", "., ,by IIdillj! W.ynenille. Julr 16. . ""' ~ The Nell'. Y?rk 'J"'i_"unc ' ''Y": 'ThQ pIn 1Wiptic Ski"" 10 .end their urden I lor IUpp)' 0 00 Ion" oVIPr I.~ Ihe lhree remedied. 011 imJJllrilic8 I'e I>X. lUILD OF W'& ~l¥F..VlLLE. <lil ly l.terlU>l· perIodICal ",llIch linK c"er sue• world. It ..... Jlldie iolls mnn - be tlicl'oforo '""'OC8 el:cded in IIlIr ~VCl!lcro Slalc~. i. tho ' Lillie a rl!w cla,1 b~(ol'e Ih!!y .re waDled, II ~ : The euppl"J b~I ~ ' ng pi II ell 1rom, IIe .yllfm. S'Id guov, wbolp-

'fhe interest t:1kclJ ill this .,tTl'cut- Igill \ 0 r es t wor k 011 oar tl I lIluy IICJlIt •• I' b Y t IIe lIum"el'S 0 pn.ronts I\l1d gunl'dio us who go 'lip t~ that impos ing . bui\dillg all thc llill whcro the b ell ringa to see ho'\, "tende !'" II inds IlI'C

Tllg LAwn;o IS Til ., SClI.oOI.HOO .. . - 'rhl. I'cmn,knblc lill ie Mok. ")' 11. ,\foN . W.I. h. A. M_, ],. },. 11 • n N~,v York 1,lw.r or, is full uf u ~cful ,llId rclillLle illforlll:</lOIl for <""or\"bo,I.,., bUI esp.ciull.,' I;,,' lon"bcl~.. "c"hool 011-" "







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1 CI th root· s,

W agon Shop. ,uP'''"







""'0 20 20 20 20 2 0

himself to SGe thnL .Tiro bns UOD,co it Corr~""I.' IL. bubsori!,tiun Ii. t AI Ihe elld of po.t·I"le II" Illey ore most "ODstaDII, .hort Inti Ihe demand ab,ollll" Rnd allm8 billud mntlp. whirh ... ill rl'll,,1 .11 ---:~:--,ight. At ll. C, nnd D hu.yc inter. l!lC '~ rHL yelu· Jluml)e-ry..15 UOO\ "m) If it 0011 . U • ~ dl8ease If pBlient. will tuke " ..... . me.l. 'IIIU"H 10 he conduolotl with tI. e I!~ mu n'jilih' over80ld 8ume tlilyl ahud. large, price' -mJIII reAch much ~:real8( :rillPi Iceordltlg 10 dtreCl illne . C"n~II"'p· esting sons Rnd 1m-e ly daughtl!rs, 1I11t! enterprl~ll which arc nuw dOl"ololl 10 ii _ _ _ .-.._ 6Kllr". Ihll. 1I10ae tlaRI rule. FUlr morl! lioll vf'ry r'equen.l, iti ill l8It BInge I I .P.' Dr _Tuobr bit tOMpll" II til who d3i1y go up tale'hill to the brick Ihc.·o i" "O renson ,why Ihe Hue01l1l 'Onr Fho'd tu.c:.n. IL ~D tit .... , how~ver. iL will b~ yields lenltilY'1I Illeir "elilln. "'oke .hp e~p' eonlt"nl', on hen.1 • ~prf1I.ICII__ Roarer. Houle, . WA Y·NESVIIJU,,· ""I clu/lll wilh jl roll IIf 70.0110 .ub~\Til)crd.Tk........tl8c A........... . -II I I I I.",,",nl uf '4tll, Jail. I7lh. Feb. 181it, at.,i/,IIII! \JOIl SC, where tho bell Ti ngs, and It · I ' bl d ttl f I PI 8 Ireqlletll y, 10 I' een~e I he iVf'r aud ll~ 11\1", IIllrll .0 periodical , liI·ct). elller· TI _ II Ii bl " _ I '-pru en or Ilo.e 0 our peop .ft ,,lt~ stomlch. It doe. nlll 'lullll\\' Ihal boceu.p , IIlIh. . where Liley havo 1)cr801ls bired to In 1~lIIlg· ilJ~ll·ul,·t"-c. ullc1ccpliolluble ill tOile. III leI' na pu ICUlloD, lie ",,1101 CMn relain theit COILOD rl)r • Cell' ~lJof)lhl lhe buwels .re nol e<l"'i,~ 11 ,·y .lfe .I Dr. Tucker hila trftY~le~ i, Ihl"'~~ IInu C IIlrnllllg .v I"illted. It II< publi. hr tl III' L 1 - till '11 L I ~ v • Ohio ror Q\'e~ I!illitl yflrti I~~ f1I(11l'Hfacture minds fOI' thcse imIDor- tI,. low IlI"icu uf $' II YCII I'. I.e at. In Ie wor,. WI lie greRt y 10 do 10. rf'q\lirrll, ror Bumpli",,,, III dinrrJ,Q)' Ihey .ivp eYidence 01 IIIcee .., t(ll typ~.s or themsch-cs ; but I Ile ve r SilDlplc (·vplus. Hho" in!; II IisL of mn gnitl olll.r!:_d for IB67, milking illhe !i.e of ue nrr.eeury. The aIOItl8C;' ,"u~1 b~ Cut Dod Made by l\'lyselt~ Dr. Tllrker Ire.t_ ALL CIIOI~ A D C d D ccnLpl·cmill.,S I", wlh """e nll~ "IUnli ciullo. Ihe mosl coatly Cllropean work~. of Illi, kf'p\ hhlll.. , ftlId.n IIppelile crul,;d 10 8ftW , , ,:til go up there t o " ()::r A WIIBllinglon 'p~oiI\J .lluw Ihe Pulmonic Syrup IQ 00:1 I, n Ihe DISEASES 01 Ihe Lunll" 1hl<Jtl. l;1 k bcot un rcrciJl~ uf Ion Wut• • hy AlIi'rt! L. kl'nd '-~I ··I·"l~U' . ',' p . ll', Blolntnh, J[i"ne,l, ~&o. All r,..; see Low I,,~' WOI' was don e. I have • J ' - "'v, N/creaHl7lfl flC rlct _I' d .r"8 Inra. 'Ory or!!"n.. pruperl,ud all.y ~I.IY Sewell . the pu"'li~ho r. Chic.wo. 1I1. 1'1 I f I I II now lIIi 111.1 there il little· doubl I TI II I d eUI"re8erully Ire.led. . "tlltr bem 'I~ylelf; 1 wan.tctt to CO II a 10 va ue 0 I .il joutnal 10 all clusel I h S C Irr 11111011. len ft Illtt la r4lIJltire 10 4'. fl' I II k b b' I lat I I' ~p'r~me ourl will df'cide Lhe pprform .. pPrlnnn"nl core ie. 10 prn e nt All iuvalid. ert curd I,ll, iDfilCl ""as my s ins at the begi nning of the Jt:ir 00 and (rom .he hLof Jan1t8'l'Y. 0 peop e. IS 00 we pown r I e Ill· Lest . .III l6'b. unColleti:utional ; .ud il laking cold. F.xerci.e abollt the rO<III.~ W"rralll to give equal Satisfac- Iltd bl! new"cnr, nud that bel'ng ,'In' k~Rrd to 18!J1• II r~c I uc t-I(In 0 f p0811lge will tll"- lelJigonl reAder 10 need (lIuher allueiollj i. rur,her ones 18 mueh .. p018lble, eat nil the rich ell KIA.UIID liU. tion to my best Custom J .. .. d aid by .ome knowin"' e· II.ccomplish on l>ril1Rte ReCOllllt, 1 I k' I 10 mllnu(aclurera. PlecbaDice, inveulors, Ih.t. eci.ion 10 Ib.l ..fI"eet hall b~en ruott-f'l meel. anal, In 'net, uy. )ly pOl'er can !Ie " .....II011r h p ac III I le postRge upon IOLters aDd pr!!, which ia '0 Rweepin .. lhnl it Ihinll Ihe appetlle erivea; but be p.rliWork! fi"t"~ . IInterlu!> tbese l eade rs in the alpho n~\\Bl'ape\"s con'~y"d hy Brili.1t pAck,, ', engineon, mllcl.ini.18 .nd Coundry .. en. _ill e.a ...lle eDlire abJlDtlolI;;'ent of CUI.r and .... licllle well . lRIR bet to lighten my 101ld Arter the .r pardy by .Brili.b end paotl, by VIti. il i. an indi.penl.b)e work • • nd of lbe oalll ill' Cutun. S .•ld by aU oIrl)lI'sr .'Id llpnlpre, price wldeb 1 wltl .eJl for II!AR m""er Ihnrr you fashion of si llller~' 'rbo s~,- "II loe d S Ii gtl'BL uLiliLy of olhen. It ia condllclfd 81.00 per buule. or 87.60 Ihe ~ dlllon.- boy Ihe che.pelt arlir.le ul "Jew work. t . ,..u Ie tRlea ,,118 .t rrom .,,_ counlry 10 - - --Leurr. 'ur ndYice Iu be direcleal In Dr• •ike sheep have gone nlltl·n),.' That aDY rcrei~n port in Ihe Wcstlndi.. I ; - wilh lII~rk!!d abilily, .iLl edilorilll eorpl U- We 'regret to lrom of t11e Schenf.k'. Prlllcipnllll!ice. No. 15 Non" A . ·ull Mill !If IS mucb ensiel' than to say, ' I like a lind in con.equenoe oC 8uch redue. numb~flnlt Ih~ Yel"y bell l.lelll lor lite death, at Xellia lust \~e!!k, (If Cuptaill 6th Blreel, PHILADELPHIA. PR. , . sheep gone astrny.' loVe h!l\' e lion Ihe rRles DC p08t~ge 10 lbe places work ID Ame.rlCR. The engravingR of SAMUEL 1\ OW1)1>I8, well known to a (lIl)d w.el. DID. • ,r. tared for our hOl'80s, cattlc, hogs, heroinl\fl"r upmed, will be AI '011011'.'. New . In .. nllon,. Tool •• lmpl~m"'t., number of ollr citizens. }fr. tOwens ~-----" • ALLCOCK'S FO~OU8 PLASTERS. an d d ()gs, bot where is tlie care be- Upon lellrrs ror GUl\dRloupe. I-Illyli elc., II • molt valuable dtp.rlmenl. was II true patriot nnd n Cbrlstian LAME DAClr. 8~wed upon. the cdll cntion of our nlld Mllrlinipuo via England, 20 co:nl8 ~h08e beDrlils c.n ..carceJ~ be. OYer ea· gentleman, aud his loss will be <leNEW Y"RK. Nllv. 23.1859. Viz: White Shi,ll. lJ~awr', Bo", children .dlll'ltig tho yenr 1866 ?- p"r lillgle Jate of lutlf RII OUDCt, aDd IImllled.. It.officlRI pubhcallon ('1.• 11 plC]red by.,a host orrriellds. T. Al.LO<lJK &. Cu. - G enllpmpn : - f Su,pt'MleTl, Tiff, Paper Col· Sbftll wc Impro"\"c in this mntter dll - .pon lleWFpnpen 4 cenl h• palenla I.,ued IC/!ddy. aDd of .JI pRtenl 10lely 811ft,,,ed .overely Irom D w~nkIlP" lar,. and tVfrrylhi"fI in ring tIle :rt>:\I' ] H67? If so we mll s t mhnt r~lIul'red U IS tl,ar. ; prt"p.'- cl.iDl •• i. lomelhioq tbat inuDtt'lr. U- Jo' spite of Ttbe Pres:idcot'8 In my b_l"l&. HftViliK heard ),ollr pln.lere Olltftuing Li1le,0ppOIt'te the Bogen ,... pon e ~r8 .or or· . . V t C muth re-c"rnml!nded lor e"~p.. "I 1111. k inti. . . . ' ,bcglll carly , nnd work in carllt!st. to Hico. Jamsica, Bnd olher Wesl Indi" ollnnot dO , wllltoUI •• nd of I;reat anler ...! eo, ongres8,01l needny (l,f this 1 prllCurl'd one, .ndille re611\! wu.1I I The frcc -school s " stc m of 0\11' 1.IRI".!a nol Brilisl. A'-CApl Cuba •. '0 all. "Loonr rt'ad" lhtl Sciunli6c week, pas'led the SulTl'oge Bitt, giv. ctluld de.ire. A elngle pl .. ,.r rured rue AII of wldcb 1 v' illllell at 1ft low lill'urea W.,.n6,,·il1e. Or! 20. ., , ~A vy A ' II iug tbe . bt f "' III U week Yuur8 respp,ctfull~, ., y~u can buy ll.em hi Doylon or eli8S'tate, I IIclien', Ilf!'OI'I\S the (l1Iiy COIU - B,iLi. 1t IIIAil via lIR\'Illla 16 I merlc"n wi be well ioltruoled in lhe l'Ig 0 Buurage to 0111colorJ. BBIGG~. Prop'r Dralldreli. HOUle. where. ~ ., , con s por . MI ' I . ed male citizeDS in the District f T T D -.....,... ~ ~., lUon groum\ UpOll whicb 1111 classes 8ingle rnte or half en ouncl!. elld upon proger""I" ell .IInIO. Arl. and SCI 0 OURIl 0... CIIICI[ 1M TIIIl BACK • • LUMBAGO. . ODSON. ., ~ of CODllD llllil!y can m ect and worl, in ne w8pap<!t8 <1 cenll eacll • P I tncee or Iho dill •• Dd 1111 kindred lopiol; Columbia, without distictiOD. L,·on., N_ Y .. JUly 4, 1862. Wlyne"yllll'. B~pl. 3, 1866_ D EP 0 T. I I d' .. illelS". ALLCO~1t &. Co.: Plf'a"e .end IInl'lIIon.\". It· hll9 bccn ~s\3blished requited. ' . repn}"mcD .Ie W If) oe. pol teRrill, "IU.ufl"er !ou SEXUAL PHYSIOLOGY_-A new work Tho I.beeril:oer II 110'11' fflillirilC, tor purely scientific IJlIrpoF:es. S., (.t - - - _ ____ In Ihell! re~pecl' eDd be behind Lb" . , . "OC.II tlie· .rl. in which the me I doll.r'. worlll 01 . !-Ollr pIOAIf'rt.- hy Dr. It. _T. TULL •. coot..lnln,; Ihe latcAl will continue 10 receife dnrln,tb r , wile nee I N t ' I' r The, h. ~f ~ur .. d me 01 a crick ill my dlsooverles IU \lie AnAtomy and PhrRioiogyof arian creeds and party politics mus t lilllel. ' R urI! I e lie IIIRsle·r piece bile!!. which h.. Iruobltd (or .om. lhe Seses-cxplllioinlr tbe origin oi"lifc-bo,,' be nlika i rl -'fEaKa' 13 (If'r RnDU 81 50 I il wriling •• 11." If YOIl '11'1101 to be limp. nnd nnw my I.. ht'r il 00111'" 10 Ir , and .. hen .McIl8truD~\().n, 1mpregnAtlon, Rnd gnore UpOll cros sing th e Tho puhlic i8 ioformed Ih"t Mr. JollO" III;. lor come an tleg.DL penDlRn •• ~uc:ef.!(ul tI,em ror difficulty abuul biB i,oer7. ' Conceptloll ot'Cu~gl\-.ll'g ""~ lA>wH J.y .. bleb thre~lth~ld of this publio snnctlln.ry. McG.intliM h"a .been "ppoinled by Ibe IIX 1II0Dlhl ; 81 (our monlh,: elubs oC bu.ine•• mao or . ' prllcli=.1 telet<fApl. the number lind Bex 01 olfe(lrmg ute control\.. -v. A 8CI lil \ . P d u R i d d • t d 't r ' 1 ' " L. H. 8HEHWOon. ed and volll!lblo Inl'ormitUori·in·rcg.,nl to beUpIVIII' i! 60 each, The opera or. on .al to Inquir,, ·inlo the Dr. G7eell, 863 Bron.lway •. N(!w York, gottln!; anrl rcor!llg 01' beautlfulond health,. which he will leU by Ihe CU ,OI ...... an I e et ocullOn in its ltrOlldcs t r(lSI I!nl ",Inlllllr ~s itlt' lIl III Slack . en "n T SCIIS!), lays a firm foulldotion for the \ 1 '~lm.: Who il lIr. John McGinni •. - number. for .yoar make a tiDe iIIu •• mer~t' or the pop.ulllr Bu~ine .. Informs u~ he .,,101, on &loltdn Juno Illid cblld ...en. It Is hlgll -toned I\Dd should be reod by Ihe di,h ill No.1 .Iyle I rl pUtest mOrtllity. The bust of moruls -' . } . Tl'lbllne. Hilled volume 0' largo plIgel.OOb'. Grlft'in & Co.,.1 18611, two pleetera lu • YOI.n"- :Vnma" luf: by family _ Price, by o::r-P."I .. Ind. Fe.ii"l. may tb ~ S h r ( I T k . b II et I. 10. '" Ichool Itae "I.r~e rprln!: very Rever .. ly ftom LiimbAllo. On Xl LLER. WOOD .It CO.. IIbllr.1 I ~ • 8 "" . ere ore h~ tn.lIght in our free' u.o or,gel. u lieu in nn t'nterpria11 flit y" mean.. Addrell MVIUI eor:1 of leachen and i~ under Ihe io . 1'hu,.d.y she ulled 10 1l1I~ I11'O more for No. 15 LaigbhlreeL. New -York. . em. SChOOls, in Buch 1\ 1I'n), ns to be AI) - Ing· clly DAIly IBturpriain,;r. We 1.,)1 & Co., 37 P"r.!i How, Ne" York. ..ruclioD o(Cirll .. Telegr"pli' meD. ' friend •• "d Ihe" .'all'd how the two ahe pi No"; 6, 186 • ~ . ,. Add rell •• aboYe tor "l\rliCII.I",..---""L.d purc h ase d 00 ,,011 '1 d a, h-~ -. l lro I'e d by all goo(l 1I1ell_ Kinel ",ho I tbil McGinois prob"bly ie. Tile W ' -P . .... relillv e d . . . ., II iii . I11O. mltD ,,"orU8 and od d fI_S Il who Willi ir, F'ard'l 'I'bealer Lhe .. . .SOIl4L.-If Un - Z ReIli,oD die 75-4w r . her immedil\.lel, · afler pUllinII' Ihe11\ nn. Danll.llon ConI". Rye Cojfllf', prune Rio 111 go eeds bring their DIg It of Ihe II..... inlllion, teeti6ed thaI d ·t f E _ '. ' t. " • IIlld cured Her In Iwo dlY'1 or • mlltt dl.. Co~ee and EXlraci uf Cuff'.e. tor 1.le .by . 111 1,., '. IIUr\l rClI' lIrd , whilo tbose whicb a wlJlI1I Boo'h jumped on Ihe IlAlle he "oree WI e 0 II Kelhron, wbo. In J8· . ~~.~ lre.. in, in Iter b. \·k ond loin~. . 1:. IL PRIN1'z' Are now "Jlln,.tlNllr lar..·•• evil entail tbuia' owu "p . ~: cried Oill. HI fI1, 'ick, Belul jior McGin- 50, (or abouL tl,allime,) lind in or M'~ P. BarDum. tbe il"I.b;oo. . Sold Ily ~II drulI'lI'lsll. . 76."" - - - -. , -PIII#I EIII-""nhtg. '01 '1,50~ .\ .. propna"" . f' I . . th" '11 prOpr .. lOr rLb I I" \ . '£RDOa8 OF ~Ol1TH. fOllr '0'.,-'" '. ~l'b"l 1IP PUD\8alUen+.. Sllort lectur' c s . 1111 • mftglo"I."e .... rson. CIIDcied Relit I. Olt,. WI I8Dd ber addro •• to .' o . .• DIe ropp ".D .uII.e a , lId A G I I I fti I' . ' ' . ' ."~, ... m the B Ib d S r' I h Lb I; I be I D' 1 8 8 ' " . pnl e_tII.n w,u !••• u ered ror YOlrl be In e," "· .r-inil, 'iD -,,.. ... -' 8cl100l r oom d ally - -'-a 8' 1 '!lratl7li, -.. Ibe uDdersigoed • Ih. w'll b, OLt1 'OK, I N.nn.1 ' Dill " r S,D!l·Cor. 1 B00 I lal. I' h " Ie /ttmfler :r I b ear 0 fa·b'epto., 0 •II...... . F .a. . 6 Id en a ecled ' . . 'om ilb 11, P re,nAhlfe Deeay, -are- 1.111 ell, toPic nt a tl . ~Dg e m?ra. ut'le m II!lln .... probably right. long.lo., daughler. . " - II ~r"IIIID 0_., aIr 0 • C~, .• to tfl. ~otlce I. "erl!b~ giv_en 1~.llhl p."ner. Iud .lIlhe eff~ellof youtblul indi.erellon, l( 011 wllh 101Je.1 A,...I, - in I'll . me, and tlt18 followed tip aDd lbil -'leGIDn .. "II p~Q.b.bly 'be lDformation '9 1 ' h.r b be ' ,~~c~ ot It,,"'),!,a~, tbo dll&le •. LheJ«:of .hlp.hllrel.oforo rlllalin'. b~"w.~n tbe nne wjJllur t1.....II• .of lufl'eri.r h••• riit" 'J~ our ~r•• , . A,.ot.·CIIII 1, Ocr, 1f0 ti,be of ...'.-s\ ~ellent __ m.n Booth called far;' -.flirfrteild"lhip lll'iiiifilfi- reoe)ved _ w. e - B • .pOn4i~t-po,oinlo . .a ~ the BI.cksmlthlng boelneu, H ... fnl Ie ;11 .ho Ii'H 'It, Ih. reAlI" ;ha';dume \lulin"," Ad!I- ." ' j UulOfl ·for ~e gUldance aut1 gove~Q- r?~ B.OOLb "hal gai,,,d him the ap. pl..... ' c/p, .. • ' . Obro papert d.tHr.. p . . ..,. ,la, C.DDot oo:n.ciln • . w •• lh'.lJrYi!i.sol\,ed II)' mUlaDI. eonti'.UIl. lin" ~lre~IIOt1. f~ ' mlklJll[ Ibll .l .impll SEO •. AM. AB.TIST8' UfU~~ . ~.II.\ or .ahUdren in their' dAU . ~ - pOInt.tQeot, no doubl. Doe'lhe 'EribQDO - Addre . ; U M C aeeel!" tb. bUll, ' beci" ••o tho h' TIle boo... or lhe 1.le,firm .. re hi tlltt .rflatH, ~ whleb he ",."ufeol- Bul 78] NO. ~ Pln,._S,.. eo~ ,..i\h!lllOeb, tb' . ' . Y tn. l"- "eee i\ !"-J((~IOtOn ( N. Y .) .TOU'I'. (for \ \I" fI, ., )~, . ~a~.oo, gentle~en wll9 hOnored MOl willi tbelr .~I 01 E.g. Dudle! fur •• ,tlel;llenl. Cerer.' ",I.hln, ~o prall I Ii, tho .d,ertl.,i'a . . , "' : . ~..... ,. 0.. er-taklng pllT- '11111. . . _»m.t Y e Itl>n.. . Ikhrart, IDalan~1 ,ot~1' hal. &I'- mile); t;ikbl ~ go,'o.1 'be ' 11, 1QQMPSO!'i.. e~pei'lebC.,"" d'! 'lo by adalre....l0lr • ..~I1~T... A . . "r. ~t.•~ • be . ' .oe~ r.~, 186.8: . .L;oete .. a .. bod, -eIM I ." . W 'II '~Jrv. L · HAR)'SOCK. . , _... JOHN. B. pGDEN. alUllal hi,,. qU.Dlitlt•• feir - '.' '. I1De"l e, Ib, . i ,11167. No.;, lli.",liaaibeta at., N.w York, . ·E. lL P Q






ft '


T-- - -- - -- 81'.".:

01,,, ....



Boots and Shoes





y .S', H.'·\









AL I." • . , 1,111,









Union Co1liee, ea' '0"o1l'i'e~ e, - Wa'l)e.~ille,

Ii -














of " 811id IJoin to In tioul and 80ldi negll with4 duty fail t glad dela)

liee • , . , •• Mi.. SpiH... A4c1ia ,.. (l.lPr lire proan_lIIe or lb. zceJl 'ell' I.d•• '010. 'JtI" ... of Old: by K.lDa ~rlaialD.Dt. ,,!,·tII bv Ihe In.lDbe" or F. lll'rrill.) ta.u •••••.,WAKD 80VKP. ; Wa)ne DiI· •• iou So~1 or T"lDrerllDcl', 6 . l1.mllk•• ~F Mr. A . E. UIlRRIr'l'. NI,h\ £apr"", 1.111 ...... . , liD lhe t.v(!ning' "r l) .. celDll~r 26 /lOd 6 Dt!Clamauen, Barb.r ... F'ci Icbi.. CIDclnn.1I E"prel., 8.47 .I. .... . 1.. 11 and ACOClIP., 11 .37 A , •• i7, 1866 : by Prof. JollO C. Ridge. ' CulUlDbUI Aecom. , 6 .:11 P. If. .Pirat Bvenlur. . 7: lIasio, 'Oood-Nigill/ b! tile PILI.bllrll ElIpr.... 10.01 P. 1If. f 1. M 1I IC-Tempe'lna. An t hem, by Choir. . t8AII'" ",..ISTWIoBD DOU/(D. , • the Choir, cllnal~ting of 1.1111. K.t" Me. 0 Good ' )10:1 Inti Aecorn.. !l,2() A. N. Cllm ... Orgllllisl, Mil. RdleeclI not'l' I r~ceL bretonw b "I t'zpt:cted 10 lee· 1l.47 A. lI/. I d I".... . l ure 10 ~ nOD 8 orl)'. NI.:hl EIpre.I, CululPbus Accomm'n, ~ : 09 A: Ill. ~ •• lU ..~n Ahce r.I~eJ. •• ~nlma M~f- I , • _.. • P III.ttl'rg Exprell. I !II) ~ M 'tL E I .. . 01 1' " EJ Olnelnn.ti Expre~,, ' 0;20 ; . • : t1. .t Il!r ~l'rrlll, 1IIIl\oV):~e, i~!I COl' .rIPATION OF tllil Bo •• u .-Wh.1t • D,' n~1 110 ,, :• Hoy e . aud L iui6 Soulhern: lIod ~ Ihil, i8 Illert'ly 3ccidenlal or OO(l •• ionlll. W. H. (;LIl. EN." President. M"ssrI.. l:1onrr Prater, Ed. Ttel.lliOk' lr ~ dOl e of It hI! SlIgu.r Coated Blood Pi/lr alld JuiJD Soulht'rn. " 'lit'. 00 Y tn"' lmcn l n ..cenary; bUI E. W: \VOODlVARl\ SUp'l. ",h ~ n 1\ htl Ileeome h~bi \ ua " 1 II /I . D. C.U)WA~LAD£n . Agell~. I !! alutAlory. 'Ta ke \'our Bearings ' ( r II . W • I C". ' • • or u It'r AU"n110n. anI of eX~I() ..e t,; .. DW.l.LL'4DEIl & ~It~u. E.rprtu A.~nb· l l.ry O. K ~errilt. is g f' n er. lIy 1!le cld"f calise. , eap~t:illliy - -' . . -! 3. IIluslc. '. RJur . Cold WAler.' II, llm?"1r the Ingher ol"88el of soci~ll' io U- ~Illld s , Wl'Ight & C~. conti II - IMrs. Itl· becea Rllndllll . Emmll F. Mer . ' ~IJlch CAae the u ~ ~ of the Blood Pjll~ IIC to oblgo the people With good, Iitt"Rn d JolJn H So ull1<,rn. ,s hould be (ollo"~d 10 keep Ib~ bowel. :, p ' P' open. seasonnblc goou s ut OIllC 1'100::8 . 4 . DiAlog ul'. 'Dre~A It.:form Conven. With thelll Lhere seem s t().be no Bcur- I tion.' Dramatis P ersQlw! : Mra. Drllb, ; ""'!!~~~!!!!!!!!'!!4~1~~'!!'~:\.~~~~~ city of mODoy ; it is a self-e "id cllt Mary G. KI·YM. Mnlh e r Wise, Eliz~ ~. nrrttu.



ALIVEI'.&LI. ...


I . ! ~oyae



Wh ea l 1!? bushel, Rye l l " Oal" ,

pllrpos 8. 'Ve sny suocess to the I And!!r6on. Mrs. l?itz Scilinl!:, Lida lI ew Enterpris e , Mlly it O\'cr remllill K~J9. wltb us, Bnd continue to do the g ood [j, Mllsie. 'JoDlJi~ SlInela,' Miaa Liz. . I I d forthecommunity,thatlt IOS8 r en -I zie Southern. Miss Ol.r~ Ruyae. Htll' Y so slIrely dOll e . .At thc CUI:A I' , ,)' Praltlr lind Ed. lWla ,lick.




. .

CA8I1SToREyouwi1lalwu?'~f1~dtho 6. Pantomime, Sam. I1ainel and prir.cs so low, thnteompetltlon 18 ouL Dellj. Jonca. oftheqnestion. The,Yhu\,enowon ! 7. MUlie. 'Flllluie Grey,' Emmo h'lnd 11 tine asso rtm ent of dry g oods, 10'. Menilt lIud Juhn H, Soulhern. 1I0siery, notions , hoop. s kirts , soulJs, II. Dceillmalion, • Will Ihe New brooms; in filet, yerJLhing B fomily YI:Rr come to-lIi!!"I. MIIDlmR?' by II you enn Prof. John C.' Rid <le. llCC d s. B lit, b csli 0 f n, " lIuy the genuine Sprnguc Cnlieoes at 9. Music.' '1'he Old OHk 'free'16 cents_ n yard, r('u lly olel pritcs. aolo-by Alice Mteks. . . That fine 8t~ck of clot Iling IS go · 10. S oldier.' Scene . 1. CompAny ing OtT ,Bt still lower prices; they arc d etermined to clos e it out immc· diately, or I'eturn to the city. See nd\'crtiscment. .,.

i,~;:~;r~ C~I.






Jlj @ 2()


"Dish"d in i1i8',ppoinlm~lIt : lind holY Torrl· Di~e-afe, ~ohn Wright. POY many ha,o ,uft'~r.,d lhe 1081 of d""r , 6Ity. W. Z,,\I. '. '. Cnme. T. Wharton.--


PIS ar or tove3, Ul WINDOW -GLASS, o The parlor ''',~e. are or .lllfe rpl1l killde .r:d lur eillier Coni or W ... ud . The u b"vo

Sprague Calicoes




o I ,1


a\l '


On.., Not Du '. y


..... CIS

= ..



ONCII 8ny that

or~ra:llnl: ;:1'601l~ :-~Ed"lIrd




d ~ .. I

,hh',1ur ••

d o ,,~


II!! .~ r.:!

~ ~

: '




fi:I .

~ fill


Ao ow

pnrtieulars b~tea~er, ILolller. B.urll~u. ! ....,11 I'r, a ler 0 ; ~ ~-= lIbe oard 0' u r -. G&Ar". G, SIIrll,ao' ,Zell. Arden R,ncelaw, Jona. Jllnoty. _... ~ t::;; • • .. .... . . ' B k BEA,.. b. (,ou d' ,b' b r U r D_ r Laodlord, H. Side.. I!eper. • . CI nIDI. lIum e. - . ~. . . ' h T B M' C -. il.workmaD, a.".. remllrked L'p'P10COU. W~IC m.eD . .. . . e _c). .~ _ I. ,,_ I ' ,. ro& I i - mill and Oeorge Slueld.. l ' 1111111, 1 T A KEN 0 TIC E. • "'1 • ge~I •• ~! n ~nllg~. need' . DII;id Adtillli. td man John Wrighl. 1 AII' penonl knowing tbemlelve8 iodeb\(>d II "a crad" tp nalDe"'l OJ: an \ . '. • to tbe late ftnn of M.M'II~. Printz . ...iII tI<\to -or'k 'i, il Italldhig ~ecomDltDda. ' Milly WiJaoll, MarIO. Key.. Ag· Ilodce t....1 Immedi.~te payment 18 required, '. . . . . • • 1.0 A d lIS further dell'!' 19111 DOt be tolerated. or Lil ~lIi1\. !1'h. public e\'try· Del Do"toD., a IUaDllIO, \1 \ 0 ~r$on. -. A. E: MERRITT . ~iIt tIki DOtiCfI. ' MJI.! Wil~nll, Mllty E~ Ttrry. P.II \:,nc~, Jan. 1,1 ~67.



·' t"'"


th n

VE§£1NGS. -&C.,


When modo lip, i( IhllY do not MJt tb he lIeed~k. &I.,m! - - --

~ u . lomllr,



I keep tOnlllnlly on "and. Imalliloc' .,


II cut and m.d. by IJR. DODSON. whli • undt'r my employ. whlcb I will



D r

tt g

to be

See the Goode. anc1

bea~ o!', I!p_1

'\ BUy Your Good. Cheap! 'I'OS.-..cMOIIeT,.)'oa,lIouldll.y 'o' ,

SANDS WRI(JB:r I: 00 '


January 9.1861.

, , .•




Sill 1M

Same Qllalifyl

B. T , BABBITT'S I.n!)l,. sa"ill!; SOAP. This YOIII' Is mnde fronl dUll u"d pure mul e ri.I •. cOlI<lllns IJI) t.dullerBlio ll nf IIU" kind, ",III nol illjure the mo.t de liCAt e fabric. "lid i~ especiall y Bdupt~d for \\'oull o"., wllit" will 1I0t shrink .ftcr be"", wn ehed wilh tbi" soup. 11 m:ty t,c 118cd ill h""rd or soIL wulere . rIwil I rc mnn! point . gro:lHC. In.r und Hluins of

,"od Good. '1 In, In the math' -Illd wbleb I w\ll '1fI1I

A, LOWell any Marl D""

- S tor tJ ,

AI.,. n ~mnll 810ck ~f GENTS' FUR• NI~HING GOOO~ 1-.11 of "'bleb I will .ell 01 A relllOn.ble proli!. ~ Pleu., aive rn8 a c'all beror.' -••


kind s. One pou"d \Vurl'n nLed ClllIIII to two pou"d. of ordiunr, famil y . oap. Direction. .elll wilh eKe h bur. for making three gn llll1l8 hundsome 110ft soup from 01le p41uDlI "f thl. "0.1'. E~c\1 bar is wr"l'pc,1 ill" circular con· tflltllllg full diN:~tlun 8 for usc, printed III Eng Ii~h .Ild Germ"n. A.k YQur grocer fur ·n. T . ll.lJlJltI's So'0r.,' and loko 110 olhor. Ii. 'I' . BABllIfT, Noa. G4.65.G6. 67. 6 . 69,70,72 nnd 74 W.abington 8t . , New York . rr::A HE 'I";11R OWN ·l!Io~r.

The above Skirt for sale by






60 Per Cent. Saved by Usin!J' -0 B. T, BUDIT1" s l'va,! OONOJllnHATIlD POI'or ReIUlJ' Soap Maker. W..rranl<td double the ALreli!!th of cOlOmon }'olu. h. nlld 8upcrlor to nny ulber .nponifi" r iIr I,'y in til e markel. I'ot lip in elln8 of I round , 2 F,,,ndA, 3 po und •. 61'"",,,1. Ilod 12 pound •• wltIt full di,.ctlons. in Englloll aud a,' ,",on , for III"~ ' in,llH.rdlllld Soft Soap. 000 pound .. "I mAke 15 gallons of Bofl M Onp. No lillie i. re · II K II'" CIlc.""o l quir.d . COJlJlumcrI ... 1II Ii lIu., 11 l'olA. h In' tbo markel. . v I I II D un,.I. ' · nnrl Ornneric. ,or . o C 'y· r N' ~ . " . ' D. T. ll'UOITT. . No •. 64. 66, 66, 67.68. GU. 70,72 aud i4 WU1!biugtou st .• Ne w York . ~-- ~ ~ ~~

klllg yllur IAleolion •. I relurn thlRk. to m, ' (lId t.tlilomen Ind frleud, lur what Ihuy. hn. done lor me In Ihe pUI, Illd hope 10 b...ble ~~­ euru Iq IIrO f.. ture my .blre or d,eir pat . runDie. . ELTON DUDLEY. "")' nesville, Sept. 17, 1866_

. Patent Moulded --:......-


"811 ,

TI, r. I. • decided ilnproYement. /!lad .dd. gre.tly 10 Ihe appearane. of · lIulJ~. ing., ftnd

COSTS NO MORE lhlln lbe old slyle of Bldinl:' I

You can get thJS Siding only at

Our FALL Stock is n()w

The Lumber·Yard of

"C 0 M P LET E '." William Sweny! -~~~~ SIb U in . Corner Detroil and Water Ste •• 60 Per Cent. ave, y' s g And we invite tho Attention B 'J' B bbtU' be., Medleatell Saler f e d e r-m· ComrlJOl1 .nlt.' lIr ••d m.d~ 0 our ustomars Ian 'u. 'rn~(l ~ . . ell1:1.a,; 'I 111, thi8 8.I~rBtu8, cont.ln8, "'hen baked, no· Friends to the Styes

. :..... '




(biug but eommnll •• It, wutllr Blld flour. No~. G4 to 74 WAiolrington It.• New York.


and , rIces.


IVherlt 'OU can I.t all lIi_ or


Dressed and Rough '~J

Our Stock 01


18' OJ

the Belt Quality I



Bud \"


Dlade wilh Ihi. VenA' Po...der, 10 15 mluuw8. ~.~r0I'tCoIDg tequired when ....eet mUk IB N08. 64 to 74 WlUlbington 8t.• New YOI'I< .. .. r C A C1

II 1:11

p:; ~ .... U : .~ b .;. .=! = rZ ~ ~ « .or. ~, ~ ~ !-1; • 11: . . . .

no\h~ ~

NEW SKUll' FOn 18B7


a .... II

un .,.hor,

\Ve bOlh ":.lln and .f oncy; which I 1m prep.,. ure ready 10 woil un yuu, with a Siock cd lu Iisve rnstla lip I" .. Ily I. rtut lull elld plonly. BUII'Slled bl' . WaVllrBvllle, Sepl, 25.

p::; ~ ~ ml ' ~ ~ i Gi,v,e. Us a flaIl ! m;~T;;V~ Pot ~ .N. . . .!.. ~• ~ ~ '!Ao e ~ B. T . Babbitt·. !Stir Yealt. po,:"aer: Li~ht IIt.colt. ~ny kind dr Cnlce may be BOOTS

ai'e anthorized Mid1lD~ gentlemen dlr,loo. E. · George Jllcob,. IAIW)'ff 'Ir "ayno Division ' 'Will, ' in the Cribbl, A. E', . ..."~rrJl'. W I'll'111m D ow· 'Of a ~eck or two. gi"c Dnoth- I , oJn. Drllj.'JoDeI~ FA ole; Glltet, E i eDtcl·tllinment,. [by the urgent so- ll'uroeU. . li'f lrmer Sle.nn •• Edmu~d of a Du'mbe.· of {)itizens] I R~t(lllick. Old .rohnsoo. DAN. It. ar to tbose gh'cn I.,d.t Jnonth.""7 / ANDERSON : ' SRm. Eli Cmoll .• IsL


w here rna, be found a Imlll 'I 'ock 01 ."In .. h,cled Good., coo .. ,tllli 01

60 Per Cent Saved by Using


Second Evening.

v. _

In part of L E. Keya' building,

. W"yneftvlllc, Ohio.


Ole (~ilb in ollr rellows, bUl Wilh the . . Srr.CIAL NOTII:R !-AII n~"OIl' Indebl. , MOl( manll .. of ohri.tillD ohllrily. hide I. G~eellng Olee, by. lile ch~lt. ed 10 me Ire reque.ol'd 10 6~1I And .,,"le We arc IHllllng our goods ror LE,:lS . Ih, ".a'DAI'~' aDd (o'lbles -111'''11 Are 2. DllIlQgue. 'The Vlllfll!'e wllh ODe Ihpir u('~ounI8. J W . IIAINE~ . EY tban lboy can be bougbt r~t In the rcgu a " n. v I . pit r r 1 0~ntleman'-D/'al/lati4 Perso1/w: Mr. W.)·n.avill".Jln.I.1867. 1.....,.inClucinnalil r 0 mOrtB Ity. B Le e' Ad ftmt.".J n. V " ,- - - -- - - - - - --'-. ll' rowo. bne •• ua· . . . D,.r rell d er. mny we" II b egm " I . _ .tar a. · r I . , d Iry Koy~. lin. DI%. Lou Anderaon. Ilil'A ~ t;;) I I en nlDg upon II nc". uOlne ! , . . ., . 0 I I .1' I M, •• MAlIldll D,x. Lldll Kep. Mill --:"0 ~ t;.) Illg - f ' ~ 0 IIZl8leOca, a ong W lose uevloliA I . Ir"'I III' DU I' k " ,I Bnrni\lIy. FrAnce. Wharlon. Mi.. ..." ... C ~ tI are slrewn a I ' e .. owers '"lu B b Add' K U'''~ fIi ~ ~ thoral lid b) I I' Frlln,:ena Arpa y. Ie ey.. II~ r.. t' 0 lln ia yed reac .~t. I~ 111.1 e mb u .)' Isabvl Smil!I, Anne Barnh"rl. Mi51 I;'W i~ ~o ~.;",,'... goo wor".: Ignorlllil y 'l(ooe , S I 1·1 11 l e u ' II; ~. mill k 6. b . Hanonh lIP e.. u I a I rllne. .Ill In .,.. ._... ,.. 0 t;.) " I ea. pro ling y pRll I'xpertenc'l. B L ' n "s I I ' F4 ~ ~ ell::::: til I . . I I d h' I uun "n~ •• "'Ieorgla IDA • ~ .. WP YOll rllellng 10 I Ie lina re~ar W Ie I 4. DRAJ{A: The Drunkard, ...... ~ IrQ ~ ' '. foil to a\l who do their dill,. h F 11 Saved ~ 1W\r';.a ~ '" ~ W

and will be lold al r\,otonlblo rrofit on lbe same t~r1Jl ~.

' " be.\. .') \e, , a\ 1"'!\\\I~ ,,4 ",\ ~~. ~e.r . COOle nil wilt. )'uur " ' orlc: .

FAMILY GROCERIES! School-Hooks; &0.,

BUSINESS'" l\laln SlrlJol, Woraelv .. h " Obi..

.lI ch •• Uoullnl!. E •• o.lrcllll"" end Gon-


1\111 10 Ihe.


Job·Work of all Kinds



Cheaper than the Chearest I


H A I R _0 I L S

Caretully and Promplly



O'L'OT'B'm' .G !




!L~Wm:~T C!~:qr IB.j/J'i~j

Patent ltledicines


• ' 0 . S II A II' T tbeDuelvea uoworlhy of our flff~clion. F hIe I Ily -:- eor~ltl 1118, Ie "HJ , II"e givtn back Wrona AnJ inJ'u8lice fOI And V~zi e PrinlS. ¥ HOSIERY ., D k d L .. 16. .IUu8ic, rlln ar 's Amonl- in ordell to cloae up Ihe bUllne... tlisinterested kindne.~ and true frieDd· Ibip. Yet DO mailer. Wi.h .Ihe old E'11ma F. Merrill, lin. Ihlldall, aDd :I. W •. U~.NE8. Also. ·, Yf~t. le.t RlI II.e biwirncse lie broughl Juhn H. Soutl,ern. ' ~buril'J witl, him iD Ihe cold .ilt!Dce 16 Dt'clllmalioo. 'Tile IDlJilln lJun. Slreel. 3 do",. bel"w Ihe Dink. , , W.yneavill •• Ohio. UL • A F L LINE OF READY·lIADE OleterDity; Lel no feeling of relenl · ter. by Addie KeYI. meDI, no pang or uoforgiyeoe.. outlive 17. Tableau.' OUArdiAn Angel'N. n .-Any one willhinll It' embark In II T ry Min LoLlie Har Ihe buaine •• will find 'he pre... "t An px · Ih b M · 0_ t ollry conqueror j bUI, with a lil'm, 18& OIImao la "r • • , cell~nl UI'pOr!unily to Luy, os I \\'iil .ell UDfaltering reliance upon truth lind it. aDd Willie ADdenoo. lhe enlire f'81.bIi8hmpnl 011 re."nll.ble exilleuoe io Ille ltumllD heart. let UI 1101 alld ea.y lerlJ)" J. W. · l~"I~ES. '




Merchant. Tailor

alock Ii .. boon purch.8cd ul 11,0


A well-aelecled mortment of Ihe

frienda, Iball




I IDllIOO~I~, IBIA'fllRU~t





onel lorevtl'r hid Irom their morlRllighl, ' Edilh OlOhllm, ' lIies Linie Eb~I' IY'- 1 &C CANTON FLA,NNI~LS. WIIOI" preaeoeu WA' Ihe light !lnd joy ! C~ild, Sue Lippincott. l'f,., 13 M' I IC I DR of Ihe nqw ber,e llved houeebohlft. Or. . ' uSIa. r IIn.t, , were R before Spring. thOle wlnlinlf I"ylhing ill . OWN AND iI mny b~. lbo.e wbolll we I""e cheri~h· 1 VOlce'-E. F. Merrttt. Mrt. RandAll. Illy lillt', will do WE'll to cull ond .f'x'mille Ll. P raler lin d C . E ' k DB I• I' I h BLEACUED, }lUSt-INS•\ td wilh A lellderDen lind linoerilY lin £ • M *,rrrll, my Sloe, n .. nd Ie Iii II, IV II~e ' kDOWll lo 'iOrUhJ- .-outt, han pro~ed 14. 'fII hI eau, • L ove , P unty on d on hl1Dd II priceR NOTIONS, . .t -



~I'~~~~:~:!~~~" ~tt:t ~"'~'I.!:rn~'Id~"'~_"~




!Ulldl-®IIIt, ~ I C.


Dry and Mixed Paints, We, are eelliDg,i be genuine



T. CADWALI!ADER: ~-; M 0 N ARC II • lMLllllti £ lM~lBUPIBI SIS..'


0 ..







DRESS.' GOODS, " .. ,

of my




liE DIe I N ES,

&0 .•

sulted frol!) WbA\ ..,a hAd "nlicipllilid : I G la.~.' JIlOl~1 Pf:.lIlin~lOn, H. Pr"It'~. Ilow many bright. Illusory hopes hll\'e JerF}' Jo" 0 N... 1. '1~eto"ll(' r. Allot' l



.... We han abo (I line of


~ID:mi5 ~ItiIID S~DJIES.



1 35 76 80

BARI AIN S WMling to


of Iho hedl OIIIerlDI an.1 Sl).:.. , o(

E:a,--p-RI-XTZ, II.KT.l. IL

E ---C 0 ... 0 .... Y



'Ve \lave a vorlely o(

At 16 Cents 'per Yard I


Hoop Skirt$,


"'1\,;[ ouc,"':'hr

prl:c bulng "'ahllll[I O ruucll of nil . For 8ul(l all\oe OLD OUCH STOHE. Dec. I ' , I (:6. i7


fccli.p gs of our fCIIOW-eOllll'ades .- l pany" on Arml', Skirrui . hing by May this be II. prospc rous order , i s Piclu,t8. wilh gun ClipS IIlId fire · crack · united praye r of c"cry loyal Sol - Iers. Un~'p aroused, anll rush 10. bBl · , . J. W. lie. EDlJllt:O Bearer. Joho Q. Ridge. . , . Ti;;~,i~g of tire yeoI' ig a brought in ,.ounrlea. lind iies. repeAL· 61 time for rt6eCIioll lIod cOllh:mpll\lion. iog the poem. "'fhe En8if.n BeAnr.' WhAt chRngo. lhe departed fwelve . II. Mla'tfu, ·'Yfag 01 Ibe UnioD.· ly moolh hal wrough~ in eYery one's lifo; Ihe choir_ how ~I'ry diff"reol It""e !Sur phn' reo 12. Dilllogue. 'Demolls of ,l ie

rl'BA& '!'.\UGLi. do.

vr."EN'S AND BOY·..,~' RAT St (

duy Prt'fl cnt. . E.,·c r\· budy wHI

ticulnrs nnd u sages of this orde r, Lounger, swoking pipl'. C. K Merrilt . and .thell c~lI n meetin g .of the !Applellnd Pie WomAn. )I'mnk WilliAm. ,. rhlS they seem to IInvc l"OIl. Furagen. EJ R~LRllick aDd Den Bo. '11 .uIberr), 8t., 1I01dle1'9. D~glected; but I hope thcy wiI.I, IJonr.s, "ith live chiokens. meal &e. 2. L E BAN 0 ~, 0 H I 0 • Without furthcr llclll.Y, attend to th e u' , AwkWArd SquAd- W .1wI1IIlick. Aaron MEALS AT ALL HOURS t duty. But, if they s h o uld lon gcl"1 Woolnrd. 11. I:\idel an(1 W. Cook. drill · fnil to report, the soldiers would be IfJd by Ben Jone.: Di.mbuling mail. fr~?c~,~T'''::k::v~~,I:k::::.r~i!~~e~lC~\r~~ glad to IHWC nn explanntion of th e ir Dri1l etl 'quad of ' VO!"fI\n8-Ed Retal- .R le ILI ,n\1 'tim,,! . O>'8ICrs by I 0 can I Fruil I:ir Bo Rure. when to.!! , u1 , c. :..licoes, to . t kit . l ' l' B M C d In Its seaSOn. No Liquors. [80.1 cleln". All al'e IlIlXIOIIS 0 IlOW win ltck-. Rm (AlnC". . . c omlll AD I Bee that tbe Prinl8 are of A" W SPllA'H:o;'S aTO 'nfe ti es "'Ii'jeh lire to bind the Geor!{~ Shicld~-dl'ilIed by H"nry PrR ' T ,munuf~eturc ! , 8ol 'li~ry toO'cther, lind multe thelll I\. ler. Inspeolion of Arm '. Iry Joh~ .&.~ ~ • uuh'ersnl bUild of bl'otllors. Collett. Hull .ollii. D"llIiI (or Picket, Mtiy the day soon come whcn we , O. E. Merrilt .Sllm lhines. D. R. An. may meet ns snch, Bud leno\\' the !Juaon, a~d W. Cpllk. 'rRp.. Co~ -

W. '


&~~~~ ~



"s .

DRESS-OPQDS. White Goods, Shawl£4,


MEAT. SIEVES, TRAPS, CHILDREN' K~I\'ES AND FOHl'S. OF \\'A.sH HOWLS . REVOL J'I.W7 P I OT URES, Ou/{illCltr6. Plain (m I JUlmnlled I-tm. In l\'liI~h nlllhr Piotul'\'s m ;I\' I" ~e n Ihr,,' lUll!. Jb r colli oil. ell1l"l, umi Ol ••s. wllhoul opening th 1\lhulh. lard oil; al.n, II II/'Ve tW- A now ami 0/" "11".• "1,,1 8rlicle for Ih e ollorllllt ", Oe nlre'l'ulrl \ll 1111 elultllnl \lolI,I" .. 0 1' Ilirlh , I , lU

Slreel Officer, John W. Collelt. ' Or' ~ _~~~==~===~==-~== derly St·rgennt. J ot: ..O ' Ncnl. &rg'lI. G!<ORGEG. SARGEi~T-,B~IIJ' JODl'I. C. E~ M~rrill, and H~nI'Y rr. P ainrcr, Of' u OIl8e azur, (}railltr and Pnlt:r Curd Players, T. ,8. MeCo·






Til.. G..-.&.......~( ...., ....•...11.,. mas. O. Shi~lda, S . Eberly. D . R. AII.... R. W, Corner Main and Miami Stroet., -. derson. Shllying-B . E Lippincoll & }:OS. GAZETTE: - Whllt has become I' W. R elalliek. Poli.hing mUliket _ A . WAY N E S V ~ L L E. of theGnllld Army of the RopubJi r, SIIl.tTer. Blacking Aecoulremcnls- The beilLof 8Bli~faction guaranteed I" "II of which there has been so mu c h 8Rm Kt'eeh. Wluhing clOlh"" _ H. enSOR . or no ch!lrge, . . . . ,. . ' . , D'" Thollkful lor p'lsl fayors, 1 solr clt n SIIIO? A commIttee of th c "ns np - Sid!!.. Bu clltotlng. M. Rogers. Cook· eOllliuuanco of Ihe liber..1 patronage hCl'4llo, pointed lit a meeting in WayneSVille ing-J. H. Soulhern. nugl~r, Millon .fol·ce. 8O.. 1y . to luakc nil investigation of the par- Rogera. E1l1inlC ,Bupper, S8m. I-hinea. L.ADIES' AND GENTS'

Da ncstic Goods,

. .. orl.d .izee. nl (lo a h•• 1 qu. lily.




New·Orleen. Sligor N. ·O. Mo l.sscs til &:llIon. SorghuDi CueIOil ·; I gellon.

P R I N , T 'S


Ala .:

~nnhSt mrig~t &tD. ~*EAl' DIS~~\;il~~. !

III !olD flO !I I/O I 00 16

c.:uff'~e' ~


ur "11 , ize..

A,nd M tile F.LE1> 1I .~ " I' i. gono, euatomcrs c,'" l'Ccuil'u 11l'lIel' attention .


I.urel l' II> EIl1l8; Ai/pie. ll lulhel. l'e~re 11 hu _ho l. PulOluea ~ buthel, Dried App le8 iP It. (;hickelJs l duze.,.

GAR G ' A. I N ' ~,





NClTION • l' AN Y A H'I'I I (';'



0 V E


'roY. .


!\u'r .

40 120 (ill 0 00





62!r() «b !ol 711 1 UU @ 00

Co rn 1? .. Flour to borrel,

A beUc.r otocll or


~ IB

In T) Y .,..." ADS t ' 0 ....\.. V. =J v

rd I:oe\l of


M~r ' l ~~~.~.




-.:.a. .

1~86 'i ..

No~H~:~~~~:! 1~i~'"~'~:"'. " ' ~ I " I ' ~ \ "r -

fact thot the people will ,buy. whcl:o . . Miss DU Bher. Emmll F. t.hey elUl b ny chcapcs t. flllHr "~u81 -1 nl.' . M liS ~fodi. le. Alice Meekl. Mi8a : S, Y .. Conro~· . Lieutenant John D. CleuJtUJl~. ness bne a ss umed Bueh proport~ons MIII~. Addle Key s. Mrt. R~gillle . IlII MI~R ~"lt)' T Aylor., ' thllt their present neeom, modatlons IJ ennle A. ColI!!l!. Mr • . Cre"m Chent' . , • '''uyue_ville Marke ••. nrc io~ufl\el ent, and they talk 01 put- Mllllle En~le. ?Un . YRnkee Doodle , _ . ting lip a lIe w buildin g fOl' pl'csent , J::81h H Chllndlu. Mi ~1I llioome r. Lou. 1 Cor'ful/v COf'reckd Ever1' Week.



Old Drug - Store!



The ~dlclrJlOta'e", of the Wayn<!n lllo and Wllmlnglon Turnpike OolJ\peny aPe bercHy notified, that lUI 14'epLio.n wlU bo ~Id. at the 8i.ore of A.,L. ,A:u.ram 4; 80n, In Haroeys. liu-. on .., y 1(" lS-" ~all1l,:r1 til, ~, hetween tile boun; of onc and tlml~ o'cloc~, 1'. M~, for the purpo~ of c1eoting !evqn nl' niC\IoI'I \0 m ~ &lie din or Ill. OoJllpall)' "'t~~:~:~ Preald(IRi. I N ' s S ' ' Dec. 16, l e.66._??~LEV A • ec y.





S 1M E

.uil.ble lor pUltina up and bu. ildina,"' Includinl


. ,_••• , 1.1, ,\ AND Bt.l N 08, . R. . E1 on ShOI't N-: d Chil: r ".wee an Iliap"

For lien alld Boys"Wear, aT REDl1C::.ED ,B ATES.



In endle.S8dVati,.etJI and.-at a . great re notion 1n prices.

12 WItI. ~\V'UY" ""'.,---:_ _--:-.....!-:-::"''"--....... • •~fl . . e ••• ,,.. ;' .: , , . - An~", of Warnin,." I ••~ . III &1 d' _.&., .. 10rYo",DI en. ·nlO. , I..a~,ar<!'"l.l a .. ~Ich prem.~urelyJr~lra(e , ~, powen. wltb lure 11181 !If Ire. cber,.,In H.l.. I........"\0;11~ S





HAdo:aP~ ::}o'I~IKoDILJ _.. pL~~=,W.~P~,N. ...OJ • 10-




in f di Janel' IU'ticl r clockIt watcbes. paper, P rcaITIO.U; Idle" OJ' ..... , . . . . I ' l'ru E(int U hl'!' II •• RI'BIlI1T "".,Ea., h I' Iii., loreml t " .....lnfO o( II..' PO' 11 J), Ur. "':""£1111m r Vnl'ur, Jr. ~O(, aDd titlcy articles gon- tll'tltll IIrt!~h1e ne ~r hlid II IA"~' tI ..lI,blllll 1lY., \.1l ....r I"~ IIIIlIron • 1II0 '\"II'l'r, TIll' d F it. OIl-retaUo,," O~ JUOoutil1e"e 01 Thf "ulll)/'" I d'tl'1 q lh ll, litu b/i• It,d '869 r ~OJ'n oil ftex '-1 I d h ' U rpe,'" U~I~alne.,.,(,,,t-,,,,, pt reiD • lad, tJ i Yo i , . 1 '; •• Six ) ~'f~ of 1I.",n ,.1 Ilrcn~ III .hl! ' liD1 1 '" nlr ,., rn t In a I Ih" nllpl~x Elllp\lc .klrl \\ III be T l1e, &U ta.1011, D. .. a~a ... oD. i f " II vf Ilrl ... le III.e.'''' in· I •I r D-~ 1~1110",.1 l',ote. IO I'" 1I.1\l lIIuro, . .. II cru, dllu" I •• em- or V I ' 0 f t h e so ""I a dd er or ,.ldp." ~ •.,e I' '"nil')' I "11101, ...-.. dyestu"'''' m'1 drugs • t I Id \LJ ~OQkat ""c,,1! tlI"llcllllrl,.n oeratlolt , "heror. ~I·JI. • • . ~A :I II linan nn;nti 8 en The OIoel popuhr OIuolhl, iul, ",~r . -1 bht., I!p~ra., ,,1 ••••, r.d,lIld U" . J:ida..... tH.easee of' the Pru' Sci~/ICIl u/lil ~'(firl 1II D,aNII!! litrl!1~JOIi. no u .. !ll< I :-~. l\J"r"" nd-Bait. ~". -[N , I REPEA.TING ItE\70LVERS, "lour,,, pew","r .. . I". 1" "llIl' lIlll1ft I J I " • IJh'~., .F'rtl"" d P a mw, mOlaICS w~ Y.6111~\Oh~ervf'r. r,ltf ill 1"1111 0' 1!\lI,,~~ 10 \ Inll Uul.lM .. tile c~ II fvld- tate Glanel, 8tone. iD the blaaCle r. "I't~ l!}III]11r1r II Frt ,sl&etpoti.8 linen, woolen. Ihe hIgh 10.' ltlilll vnrlfd. ucl'llencea O' jt Rile Revolving Rile., ed .Ileilin oc,,"" _ Im.Up""" I. Calculut Granl OJ Btickdu&t We III: .. I\,bly lure , . t' nd BAII I' JUt'1 J"" .. ZtlCL-. )ollrl1ol w\lh • I e ••IIY 8,"1 c-o n ... lellll, II it1I or.I~I' " 1 1II1,o!PIl"~' N QOIIl. "la.. I . ] l ZinC, IU'~C 0 Iron, coppara. mUlllldy mrr.uIOlhtll ',f .olUU\ 110,0110 ~"p' I Rine tn4 SimI Cun Barrel-, 1I1110UIl all h.. dre ... '"In'~'\lDble qu~h'l III c'h~Or\ anel ..U dllealu, of t h e .Gouor.IOl~, Ulll l ~;Il"tlii"U'~' C u",,, ioll"l 1I~1 ttl}.I{ 'O j inctg9, hamB, leA-III \\ hOlc 'P"ll - • •0 10 b, , ..,I lid 89me le rial. _<lId \ly GUll Deale,.alld thll Trade IIl1e, ""' fouu t! hll Iny BIlI,le .prl n K elt.rl. blailder, lqCllley., and dropllcal f" ,,,nll'l'. ",,'0 e-fi'rv iI·MIl tlrV .... I. .... W nes ' l l f\ 1 e l n ehi D,ul ge".,r.' ,eAdlns: \ II I" I I .• I Iela \ tf \\hl~lt'\f't .\nnlt HI Jlnhlt r pt'ltll ,ltJr· l ,. • Ih truman'", \.()u~cu, I 0' IUIO 8 II lIellf'ra y. . • b It. " A It"y .n II, e"J"yeu I I e I', • If., .",cAUli I rl'q\~ "r "'0·11" • Ililir "lI .' J "IlHIIt,:11 . o( III Ihnll ,11'1"II of ~lnll'" rea 1ft! -.1 rl,"yenlenl!~ 0 " f a r ' ." " am ' he day. \' to opea14 01 Ittil I wo.k.. \ " k 0111111 c"nlru'I, "Id ...'~ -, I ' I 1"'1'1111· furo' aI .,. • ,'" ,-,vldell e 01 Ihe cDllure 0 I ,e J me,,- Ruhll ... y. ftv,ry nllH • .,Iure, ..,GII • a III, lhe Dup lex ~lIipllc aleel .. p" Ulol pl!I!" 11 n'f :\IDOLD'S ,HI'" I/O.IJII . , I'~'" 'J Hlo. ", ~ r\ ." ll ' I11,111 \ at PQr Ilil d GorJnlln~ cxnorts wool,wood- aan P,Ieopl'; \11111-, \1111"lI"p\lla"ty ~c- ffi~~ .• hullid havo one of rur • WI.'1I 10 dlt• "III lievel AfI~r" I, rd~ .A'.I. ~h "Y"ry n lul" ., 1 "Ill"t!,.\ .. r~1,,,Ivll ,"ii' ' ~" I b ,tc hn ntGlIls I 11'0'"II 01 e ,I~ ) 'I" III ,,'111110.11 elJ 00 ,. enSf,rn,r&, CO" tUD- qu t'\ • mer 'eu. ",oe' nU llI er U RL'''INGTON'S REVOL\!ERS. '\llIlnl.\ly dl,pell.e u.e. ur n I. , • J b (IJI Y 14.& pog ... of readlng.mallor, npp.u· 11111 ' r. hIlJrrl" rnlwilu andWIlh vuung'ht'lf I ..hea Ihey at 'IFLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, 1<" Irl/ID I.u bu~i,,\'~" Y""II' ''''''', \{t'Uf Ihle! ,UI I



r". r'III






R)'phllll~, U~d" \

,,'IY~ltl.II ~~t! ,





~ ,\\oo~.e\l' pllllo~orlllCOI luv~.o(


.h"m~el~p" ,"o~nur 1111 t'lh~~. we "", l>\lI''''P~'I\Il' 01 ~i• c'Iil) , 1'1Ie~ " III or br4'u~ Ih~' In eti,vd '~"'Ule Ir~r. Htlll\J" "i , ~' l ~n~_pr, I" ~~ 'iI~ ~:il.h~l prutrye e "'~f''' j,re.' IIr I • o , L~I"Md 1i1L ~'I'" \If "JI¥~.IIf )"'11 ESSEs ' II' "","'.... ",~tllllIl ",,..nce ; h' 'N~IJ ".i?,!?'~ }?~"tJ,"r/i I\ ~\1l\lf'le~ Iwi.l~d lh~l'"d,"r8 rll,·.mlli A • .f rum EJ:ce"tJ~ iml.srrctloll. ' lor H"k ::1'" .. 01 ~ "~ g~ ~1nes,~Ji.0n0Y, an dfna'the )o.tical l.ofl~O". .lId wllh c.ullImull our .raw will \'pu" , \1111'01\1 ,h,u"'" 01"'''IY'. t ('I~ltl!J ;~e'lbC I,v '" .,~ " Ihe lld ""d II,"", Il:~mstrulq 'f boulltl 1 (u' IIUllbl(') fUYNPd 1'.r>~1I11t t1i db "rel~IIII"r" ~"v, Ie -j 11 '" England expo,lS wooleh. ",.... "',.,' .1 ",,,••,,n", ....,., .. 1i0"IOG~O. & ",,0', \II•• , " Y. \I,." ["m ...,j" , w" 1 h. ~".. ,",~ .~ .. " ,," , ,. • b" ",,' .",m"•." ,.""dI .. , "." " "", .

ber, iron, lead. flax, am'p, WlllO, prlhlrly .iI".lrftl '!IIIh Jlood ••, p .. llee dulr inl{ 10 lvatl "f tallow and c4-Itle r tlld il,\: .. mbl"etO In hsell the rac, mnn.I, · Ih'" lal8 ,mpfO\'em'e n" III l llllllll, ","10'" Austria expoNs minerals tr\w lr Alld ' he IOltr!! ,,·.IYI' perlur ",nrkmllnihl p a nd furlll, will 01,,1.11 . • "I ... noet! wlIh Ihll b .t felln, ... Q '"C al) and Rl8ll1lmcmred, sdk thread , rna 1. I' hftA gre"t power III Il le dla. combIned III 'he trrai» W8'" tIlr ' ,,"all, 8rmlno""" or 8 r ure hltrAIll'C,- \ 11


The vulllm"

Inln,l,lIlto.L hi, ISecrl'.1 rj., ei!lIl1 llnd \ U' C"if(' I',' PI'. 1:.II""III "ol, p enll, tj.. oud vlh


uf p ...


II 11.,

'('lop IIUI' • t111ulJ\e 011 r"lI. M • •01 ollly I",.ce

1100 verY

II ltd Ihe


g bo, ,,"" ,,,.

wUlI l1!





11'81 it"rllr lnll ue ....

thull- .. I lIP.




'"I" 1111'"



1' 1




Circuli" e Ulllalllll\11 cu, ,, ducrl " . lIun u Ite {uflliollell co n.lilu' e of II)em•• 1lpllrI\lI011 . t' , :J


I,ke llielt

!OlIr urd '.

[Trutlller·' GUldoloA.merlCall Llt e rolure.



II" bend

\\hh.1 el

I I'd ' eueh AS cn ll 1101 'Ie (uun,\ ill Ihe eame ...aitiTOQU.,U(), UII" n 810nll', ., &.,. " gn nl ,} \ Vtjl,k,,, Iii r~(I"''''· Ih~ ,",d uf milt· '''PI>· ",.It lid 1 • I la wa.rc, COOlP •• ' 'II any "th" r publicftl IOn Ih al 1'1'8 Du!,lel( 11Ii-P1lr. i. I Ilrtl8t fovllrtle l \cl nB Itl " lid InVlJ[ur.,1t lhll t 11110 1"18tll' l: you, lie. III t cutlery, Iron, metahe wares, sah, COUll! und cr uUf 1I0Ilca .-\ 8 'I81Ull COUrier. E, & 11. T, ABTHOlfY • CO., I Willi oil lIeI to nnil pr." lIr , . . "JW.,t. 1% .. Io"bu\<I ·. Extracl IlIH lou 1 1Il<tIlI' Y h' :;:. I'C.\ I " • I s'll's and }'I O ' - : " ' • t d"d . hI DII lIJ."oz' " r.!O II" the ' w. It C lu [)r~ Ju ek-"n. Herb,'" • " '., COil , w~ c .es, .1 1, I \ .. S UBSCRIPTI ONS, 1""''7 MOflU"adu"" • .r F"'~P"IC Nule~.o.r , . d Itl • I F I I" "I W I I lllvwrillb!)\ &llj 4'1l. It IIU H en l Rlflll be !tu b· \ who wlil ft~ ,,,,ell ,,'11"" ' UII u kln,I, lhs· 1 "tq • .,1 8 IIU", I 'e 11M' Ull" u \! lIr I • • • ' \ en~,I • t_ 1 , The Pllbli.hera haw. pe'loloted, II'II~IA ,.,01" 'I'" I'lIj 'v Ihl (.,110,,1,,& "'Rdlimellic nol· m l\ll'd I", contUAI\lII.,II 'If Ill l unily IMJ Ic~c~1 HIIlIl'XI,iot ll ou.wt!r. L~,'~·. wr lO I ttt$iilll exports taflow, hemp, of 'Mllln,, ' by which Ihey call tI. ppl' Ih e ,.11'" l:f>AI.l: "~II I..:TAII , vauill/e. :,' en_lifte "'Ill: .u",lor qluah. elllue, l lo r I'm c1.rlll". ~ I I PIII H'l\ flax flour iron coppor 1111 ccd Ml gozono e nd W eekly proQtJlll, III Iho'e ~. BROADWAY, 1'(, " , 1~'l'rrtp~1 mIl ,,~tarlull' , ij'yh h I ha".' •• ,.1 Dr JoCk8VU'~ Y,'male ,.1 OIl! , v 1 , • I • • whu l,refN In r\lCoi~A ,heIr p~riodlcai. In . ddll",,, 10 nu''''.''' bn , ....... of PHOTO ti"idh tlexlbtlrlY IIII."h tl "v com'.,,11 nnd IlELMllOLD'S "ro(P $1 "I'r h •• " . f'x:rn filiI', 6 ... 1~le lardi hi es, WflX; duck; corc.l~l'; Ir"m Ih~ Offi ce or Pulthc.l~o.n liRA II" Ie M I ~ IliA I.:>. we uro I.. ~ •• hl"'" P"u ...:,,,, ('""uir~ lor J \V I\, '" Du. • 0"" .. fro·uIU ld r~ll,ed~ fur ul trrrl,(u Ii" II 1('8 ~ bruUes; fur; potaSh and tar. IH'l' lleIIIIHp081a!!e UII ll.'~·o l\l8glllllne I~ ,or. (or Ih. fnll",. ,,,I' .• ,~ \ plrx EIII'plIC 01 dutlltl e sprh'J!' ~1 ,lrl, ..... 'FLUID EXTRACT BU"" U 11,:1, O&d"U :tlon~, ,r" m "hnltv, r r,: ud.·, .. ,eor, ' hl ch t be p"ld III 1I1If' ... ..,-".._ ... ",.,_. .Ie , ... _ bl! . ,,, .. '"" Bet "'.Sunl na arllc l,'. U l. I he J\1uuIlII.ln rl L1I!hl o r l\J"~lc. l, Pro· ,be lIi111,,,rJb,r's 'P0at . ...Ok. 01 A", .""n . ,,(1 ~o"~" C, u •• o"d I""".· .~I\y"f UN.-To llullf<l Igal"ol jI"lI"" . leeln. ",,<llll.ttl-It° Gulole, IInd.,oll J:;xpll· •h ~,.~en~var~




1'~le. liLt


o",. I .'~ll' nl

,,~IlIl(urlunul"R,NO hp.1fII~s. l'h"rIUl\"'~'






'J' E It M S

, I



"Bu a', 1l"C4:t1 n. onB rut. "'" An elltfl\ (lOtI}, hof althu' tho Wet!kl; or e Iupphcd g rlllil for everyclllbof6 i Olle or 6 'lopi"a for $20 Blick N umber-s Glln btl s upplied at


~,~'lU,I!I·.,· .:.••~;:~~..~~.....

r~lliu'lll llo ,'IfIlI",I"t 1,1 tl~.lce



rom~ri~lnr ')lllir I I d i'I




t(,rt,~. l'~<:orr cliNil!~tiun .

nl~ tre~,b,I",



to 1.U,YIlI'u"o,d BI

pRges an"

et",~ I)'. rftC"'~II~I,il,.I,nI1r8

I' • .".

100. CU




~IrP"I.' 1 Nllw Y"rk.

& III Rplile 4




!!'~ ~'"lIlv

,'trIhl ll~"

'PJnvenehl~ FLm'*"U ,;.A&. ~VfI1RACT BYotCHU UlIUl t fu' 111 " "1 U " Ilr Jork~oll'~ Fronch IIAlenl I\lulll Bore )pafd.

~Ive IIn ll

-It• i.


" .


U'P !'re\eJ.IIY\:

eve. h l,aOIl'II





uuo 1l 1,1 '''I'''C''"~ dlllf!ftle Prll e &1 "Adt. I,er hll-U d,,1;t'n 64 _lid pllr 110'1" " I ' .• ll b tlltl; I. \ 11l1lbrl •• ur llluu..... I' df ",k '. ",1.0 lie. pm'IIIIPform, bu,,,hohnHl u"I,d 'l l!lf. liclIlI ", "'Ir""', r"" IlIIlI) !'rlO " " II e .11 III' o"y k':!",I'" lI .... l Ht'rbptl'to 10,,11 AlruhollC;



l ·1 h I \III' It I" Ih e onl) ..,.,. allll l 8t

" rrll'rlly lIa(e .¥lld lIeYl"



rI,' ,

p.aU U)'"rrlle ~

inlf iino"'IlonIYtoMC'''''' II.a~ I~d~lten,. dlll~u

III be.






~ .

.Ar. d








'l'houaancl .. II , '

~o IVIlII~r. n'~QIl~ntl>





alle"l~ ~L'Em.\I P~'"









~rm ~ Oll~ ll~ I~,".e- ("UII~II.\l"'1: "!lll,"~ ~f rl\III.~t1lolA S8Ir~,ell'

IIl\~ C'J[p"llIre,. c"mplet





The combination Silver Skirt.


'Ip~t I~nell

r 6"d thnllh, 'Em oil' "rodune • • 11 the brll".lIcy or ~u"lIe and "lv-loIhlt". with

<.,. eu~red

hovllI/( unce \\lorn une \/It OIlC'. (If ollr skirt" Will lie W.tllIIl! 10 wea, any 1'he read er .SI be .... re , ..... ' 1'0"'1''' ulh",.a thl! IUWff 11110 ,", of ' j11l , 0Ulor ' • kl"~.. lire eOI'll IIlJII'P.~ And .olled. elillht ",.,. be the B".ok 0' Ihe abot .. T he bC!al " e uae d :n Ih"lr dlar ..e. i II! allre " lit .Oetl h," buuily con e''''di'',j, ."it, (rolD tltelr dillrobility I"oallh, "'~ lIt61 11"""". ".pplll'._1 II 1I and Ilea'n"al Ib,1J ,t/I.uned I'~ beeulA" I I ;f. '" IhDt 01 ,i'rUIIPrll" CJUJ 6 .... h gud blood A r.vorite Sklrt. 1(1t l up,P"rLed fr '" thllle tUllte,.: Mftnllfec.nred or.h by Ihe fllh le r r < V 81'dilll l\er 111.1 ,V Ire MIlIulaclunllll Com,,111I1, 30 &. lhl RIl.c1., St., Nelli' V,,,k. I - " ......." O\lCe, N u lid"


fn .ddillon to 0'lr rIlOIO(.R .\I'IIIC An1 I I II ,,~ ALLI':RV. "'I.hll.h~d 18 10, ".1, .... (u.lh. I Ie grelll .... PPC'u ar _unnllge v( t01l1 • lYe Vt"r h,ul nd ..n.. J( .... uI "re". 10 .10' h.rmlen net,_ It reali, , Idd. ~.I"bl,.III".III'~ ubl.,,,I,1J.! ", 11"8 Ind bel.ut, 0 (. kln. IQ'I lile 1011. Itl'l! /If.1t Ihe Of' '''111~ :1I!!lr(rll..:" ~. 'If llle d"y 111 C.r,1 P"rlr.U" R",I .rt n"w I'ub. 'l'lle M.~1\ Veelnli ..,.: , 1I,11l1I!:. ' Jul, .logu" 01 ove' , II,. e .ulferet!I(I (rom Ihe va,l- !lIMO 1WJa, Oll8 wliJte &0 ; " Itlolllllv theulre. eel pru jnaloll JII' 10 Ille, that I aho a of, COl"·' nl t W ..... 'I. Ad ..... I:OIlS' der ·, I • 11M rib ell on. (leI IOil to find. rre"alilloll which Itlv.. rile nett'.. ..,)' ' ". It •• Ref O.. hop''I> 110" FI'"rol,.1 white" ••• 10 '18 .kl.. .o.d Jea,. it I Churl"h Ib IS C... h ollf C ICI,) . I.nd tlu C lt"g\ Df . nd, • • coo 011,.1'111011""'''°11'1 .. t""o,~",,,,,~n(h' fr' ,,1· 11.. T . S. SPERJtY, Supl. ( \ r1U1 Rlld II"" ...).'i. u.;.f,.l." cfOl'ffrcle us. e ' ' 1I1lEB Ma"e HItr.II.iI IIY': MCluru",d .cl'."O\JI. b,lh,,,d I,ll) GrtlfJt lmpro; nnDlltl,. Sew",g ;J[adiln'f, W .. ..JP ••• nu of '1111': In,r.dienl., le J Irled Ibl' , kIn b.. lullllft, 'VEm- oro. r.d.hrille. , plclure. III • HEL&lDOLl)S FLUID EXTRA C1' BIleil de P",II,' alld (""l1d Iblt It IlIlInnlly ,,!01 • •,Iu .,Il.le. CHU ra cumpole,d' or lIuchu, Cubeb. alJd I C.lnl(lJl,'u" •• ,,1 01'' 1 of S,a"'I' mporll a nolural bloom .Dd Irellme .. 10 '" 0."• • fn. ",,~ .Io, e', il,nl urel (rom 011 -w I lInl~ ~ D~rrle., ,;" Il'ct"ol wllh !lrC/ftt r ItIlre, the , c'P!'1p lt'xloII, . , l "1,,lllk'" .. III h. fin.,1 01 t,l ,8~. I nd ,*"1 ~&g &T& ,0 I .• 'Jared'etltlail " e P.,I.' ie u., .• !lIII!;le 25 r elli. • enl prepareu In bv U. T. llEL&I" . r " nr" 1 11 1\ &/uroom. 616:./Jr(IIJlilDny, .N, ~, BOLD d ltd . r dellclte b"OUllfl .. , 01 Ih •• ltln (or.1'11'.lre, COl"·' n!(h' till" .u'u , " ' 0 He _<. a B ' • rUIIJ:' all chl!mlll 0 "xlee n .,. ]OJ U'_W ".I,od." re I" rAn otle"ti,'n '11,1.. ..0 rra ....nglm• .,t ! OJIWrI, \u 11 110011 Boll.Rnvm, hy II{e 111'081 rJ llllell .'\'0"101" . we repro,I"ro"If. 11r rnm h,.: 921 C:.a!'lu( Pl"lorUt1phin. ,11 '- I'xptrle nce in the elly Ilf' Plula<nrl Iud Icrnpulou. ladle.; producinlC all tha OW o\lubrlll,,,.I, c.rtI Pic. MlliAti-"tf WilIon, Chllunn.". ,hill. tlt,d I. "OW by lhe bOlllllly ltlJi! effects uf Toua and 11,_", hilt lu,.,, "~ , of ,. IIIl1a~ ('!IIllIenl ph.iClclan • • b li. hen .dmlle "ithollt II/elr vul:!" al.rt! or injllr, lu tbe MI .... DHe ........I.dYH . . . '1'........., U. IEIOO. akin. , Thi.P.len~.d 'hahlne Februar~ I. con.trnded on enti,~I, led 10 UIIelll lh""Uuhed S I"ll'R Army. ,"d Bola Ii, ,"ftflll ftla. b \'ulIgII'II. p,tru- WalAl' ..ew "rinclpll''' ot r"cel'lnllm. PU.aP"IIII I "'·)~O 1 ,,-,r, ,eoetal ili A In S'.te hOHpl. me... nd Laihu' H ir. D.e",o{" I man, rare and YUlnoble hupirovemelll •• IAI, I lilt put/lie ' Sa ,,{tn, 1m1t:tutioha



I'R9~N ~.~T



IMr~" ~"I Ih",ll,~h'




' R' • ~,.,I "il:~:!

hoy~ (~.



.d.a, ; &. (n:~~~1

01111 Imporler. , Np'lI k. JOHN D, I' ARK, Al:ent for


of 'reUB BIIY ie becoming 'difficult Lo decide" helber beeC or coLton hold BU' pr~lD aoy iQ reus. 'I'bel greal Sl8te !'I.~.I~tl:u 'l,,"olltiea or I>olb, Ind hav· IDg ottn .but' litile i lto!eted by war. 000· tloued to ~!o., ill ll/ o. pedly "bUs' Ibe rell o( lho '~lllh.rD &fai. . relrog raded. ,stock r&luug and lbe e,fw' taLiOft 01 ~'lIle t. 1I0~ 0.' or tb, lucr&livo raMhu of 80utbero trade. NorLborn .e~.... unabl. 'to earn remuoer.livo frel(!btl elsewhere, tind it !:ood payiog .De.. to Dirty oa~~" Iroca "I!exu to ber'PQrtioD' onbe South, r


OI!Jli ' Fi,liet . . . . .or~Uy "oulld· .ed bl a plnlber 1\ Sb.rl.bllry. V, •• It. dl,l aillee ; wMcb bad Ibot bllt ~t Tbe allimal I.ce;.~ed 1111 ••• &0 Ibre4.. &ore bil ·'eCt. arm {ro,m It, IOOke'- an~illi'rec1 him 10 thaL I



Ii," ., . _

&. Cew hOIlBi




o!!ente everywhere

ol1r lMPROV£ll'd20 SewlIlg M ••

chine.. 'J'I".o "IlW kllld.. Untler allil uJlP''' I~ed, Worranled lI. e ffnr •• •Above 8ulftlY or large comml u ldnl paid. 'J'hn O"LlC OlaclllueR 80ld III Unlled Slatea fo' leall'Hla" 8 40, which Me (ully licell!ed It' Howe, Wheeler It Wilton. Gro~~r .. D~ It S C lJ er, 1Illler.. u" and nchelder. AI udiet ,c heap mDC'I,,"e. are . ln tflOIll!mep'I,

ease N"






Iii. 011


, ,& 0 . ' t.1l. ,me 1't1.nur.c'ur~r. nllli III,t'0.t~n of



cle.e,lpllon ,,' Ua'"1!1'110 1/.11 tlneilt •••"

• , v' SObll.l • lIItOK&o:L ,

S I L ,V E R. W "A R •

.4mwacan, JjJngli,h CUETl BY

l. . c!, ~ SlIM"

otln, ELvk.,


Nan.o.~11 Mu~1I1l



lint', IIId .mp,l.onlUeol, I C'fenlul/m _ Auur"," or call uRon 8111'" ,& CI •• It Uld~e'ord, llh.lle, orICI.lclgo; III. [!J6.1


Add.e.. ,


SALISBURY,IDRO. 41; 71.3,"

61 Durruce SL"I>I,


"Ie~\a " .Il\ad I 11



.m)' ,


,lie~ 1\1




Br~a"'waJ': je~.Y~rk,


itAIIb,rally de.1L lIrhh.




tl'old ~ Drwggiit. llllfrY1l1"'t'!.

- ,

il~~Te . of

WantN lur a ",wr.a In thll' j

"~rll! 1'~~lldjJ,'''.tllbiIIIHiU.,qd

l.,p .. 'J A ' .

PUIL.& ..






:"hO wltll

iUo ~pp Iy llre'in le I • a "1""ICl' arllel". 10 cnlAe and t,lIImlll' 'hi' UNRlV~(.LED Mlt:lllll", 0111 hair I.ou,'. In.llllllllo" lI.uliel!!nl In enlbl. In, p.rllOn lu wort I~,* Dh· chIne I" Ibeir .ali.tlelion o!:r'R.lIir1o~! a~It ' Clilrltl'bl; I~tll.



euuc warehOuse, .


t rllqlllr.. tty per celli 1('118 power to drno Il 111I1 lUI), olher mDllini ' 1 In t(,e nu.rk",lr IIltl" ~.qfl ; 01 _,e cln work (\ le • IIIltho'tit lltill"';' or ill;uf) to health. • I I••Irenllh and wondllr(ull eimplicily II' cun8lructlon ,et"ler " .'IIu)11 Impo.I.· bl co tClIIClI llut of ord.r. a"tI" GUARANTEED by tb. comp l n, to elve utlro

l'rD"tl~u.e, ... I. 1I1~D. • ' I!fIetr",!'y






h .... al


~OJS£"'E88 1'1"CIIINE,


iot OUI , SUl'lh-

out! the leller ur u,e r I. hable to .rraat





lhe I~"l IIOS811110 Irlellun, II ru". 8111001 h aa \:(oe". I"d I. emphalllCllly a


.,'" "urI J.,crt~'''o, f (JOOa. " " Tahle.

"'''!. Cllt~1J1\

lll.'LMBOUJJ . rt:o~"

, all~ 1,I[Bld IIVI~ Ihe cOII,ae. to 1118 6nesl number GO••, PI.'e." Greldf lelre}" t H"vlog n8hll\" um no, cog" i,iel. arid

PElt YEA ,,1••• W o .

. wont $1500 to 6ell



'1 ' \


hn",'1 bee ~, I!~ ' 011)1111 IIJ the Ino t p~u' th,ou .. bOtlt Ihe IlIld: lUll .. ellper I Illd ItH"rollncl'd III \/.' .. SmlJlifc,ty a,ld Per/ectuJtl Uumbl7ltd! , It haa"" a,hlil \ lIet;!lle , per;~e .. "IC\ul" f:j.~ atllon Ihe IAC-k lDr I/!IIlch I " whlcih ",frl.'*'illtler ,tp \lor nvel, . nd I; At .1 ... Ii tiide.. ; perrorl'" ".rlecl.n- lUg W. 0

, Dem..

Co. filling New Y I,rk; Ind EUIr'lIe .l0llln. J ~l Son.h decadellc, of T enth elrael and Juh1l8UIi A ; Holloway &

,.,. , , "".,",




habuu. 8iJiJ




E II P 'I' R ',B Shut..,..... .' ....a·ch1ln '


namn & Cu •• anll F. C Weill

T ~'r rJlOpuO!a, .... T~8 1l8WlpApdril IInll l











IF, ''' 1.':;'',

."JtMi'" .~_"rtJ.,...........

III~illn", obll~e.




~ ~


c" u~n , e r J- eits '~




· i6~I,.

~- ' ~ ... ~

aoTT.MII¥O '

~~_ "" ,L' ._I I :it.h"'.IIde'''J( •••1 r,;.».~llull' 11,1", ""\1<1 ul .. ...... ,. III.. loc;.,lh.t Ib e, .......el.. "". 1.. I'U~-!lJ:A·r Ch .... -

toItl"lcana.or ·pliY. It\ tc0uil


M.,tl all rill '

Addl...' _.111.. LeI'nlt• ... ' "'0' r"'- ., I, \'\' Ker,1 C.I),,,et,$l'OI'I ,ro..hll •• y- No:.~;., ... ~~T , &. J~S IWo\ UARKIlAIlT,

,~~~~~;y~~~~~~~i:~::1~iiii~~~lItoiii~~~'~~;'~XS'~ .,~,.•t..J6,l~' B




1!(\()I'lItr.'l'OUS ' KIH.IIG,II'." .""ClII'&tot ;'1,1",

n~~C"IIII'0Il"d,,~II I,~ u~IIlI!'I)oo. - """--r;;. 0 ' Ir.,

lUo'e Or e . _ , W.II ....lIc.IT' tltlrrminele frn,n Ihe ., . " e rr- I D '. ""rl j .... U· 'I'm Ideul'!of Ihe Umlar) O rgan6 0rl! - 1' ,11111 .. cd I..'·" .... , Hltftllue' 1\I, lle TI " IDI. ..,t. ,,,m ' I ' l,oIA t,I b\U , Ofll , .. Ipal I ulI, a t I III Ien:· In ,, , he ' I,ni,ufulll Ito Ie il 11'011: Flail" "",," 1M", (III ea oilier lot .perUc"I •• M. l\tctllI l'lnl!"Io/ld llllllr\ltl lll ll •l 1 ell 'oll)el" It ,I\'fa I.) ' 1104' h 1ft". lIenllllful poll a'" 1II11'tll(!, Ihp _ _ _Y p"'IiIe.I", t' or o,cj'""le III dlCII, .ent p'"l11l'llv 10 nl" plUlllf ttic ...".nlt.1 '\ 0 InO l 1 hordh nllt! fre rkled .klll bUlh Ihe iroll,;pnl "lll uull"y OVAr cllllh, l oY "'I! npW alld buu'ilul 81yle or .. ly 'urcree<l4oll!r 111 Dler lIo.ry. IIr7 I It xlure onu colm of I'llilahe<i I YO'Y, r u. milch I aud lribor' Gllud. dUlle liP witl, ( P nlelllrt! 'I , 1861),) WOI Iworded \ nnple as .. t ...1\]1\,11"'1111,.10. co- B 1."II1I'nllll , Q139 II' U. b , C8lna'6"e I i ap. l l kepp.c c , ellu III' CIf' U or. J \" mOJvll1! u II .II IICO Iurn t'IUlld. " h eller 11 1 leu " ",ud, oti l uull. bv tho G nU,T" .. Ilt! T.TUT,r •...AIR. I I·"i l\jl .. ,,,, III l' unu:: Ihl/de \Ill' -ull • 4.. - -- 0 r l PC"flllg ue (Il'cltl ea , leU, murphew, m It Old L it":'/I fuor. 11k, .N,tO ! field hl1l'tl1l Y'vlk ••0ctltbe • \866 , ; r\l!li'lIlll\ DII J d Okjefl/ :" dI H'" .. e. \ bl,,,\I'lIIurn ( IIptl.ka. ' and ill h .. A 8 ..... VEI& -ED·... I III out Ihe mQrk. • It. os. 1'1 , •• r. , lett by SIIJ, I.1. pul>: . .,1 , The P'emlum pver I:lveu for a 'I',.e 01 •• Houp Sk,{\ \ eo\t\\6el\\\J I Id ""\)\\\\\ \l> l\ •• •I,.u,,\\~ III I tl...II' itI... d..1 'rhe Su... \ Sining- .re ,",oun4 w;lh n ~I n "e8 II ur.empulll 01 . ue I .1 II!:U die t' ,,:.t~d \II1r .. (Iii DI. ee 01 • eulilln Co.'" &" J:a!U ,A uu I Q' ' ' ,. I Sllfllon Ria,ori, M'1I0 Feliclta Vea:vah, e .ltll!) whi ch "III 'nlli WI'ft. tllT ur b.. r;ullIc Mlu 111 II cl II' II , Mr • • nllwen, lo ll e,', IIod Ih o ",hllle .klfl tn ") bl! WAli H' In all ell;",r IIIIl UrhlD'Y Urll ft; .1 1\ W "II ' P I ED WIYffO Il T "b".T ',r leor of ru.tllllr, ' , Allen'. W111111..<1 v to Whom u"d lVIII _be ullovd lie", " Iher ' exrlltlng III 'no Ie." L IICI 0 "fttern, .. 1m e 011 8', lIl111 RU iEn,m. htu" , \OV Nwm'fI d\\eo ' inllllueml!IItl. IV II" 1ever r"use or I\r 1I1r8. . ller, I.ury "lTpr VXlrourblu. I ug. 01\ d no Il,a""r lia lllieril'C!a,1I1'88 • / Add, e~,. ", ul how I""g MIOlltlillll. It II r(n.' .... "l r co" \ P .N, y, Nu.STARGn 216 FuhllllGL.OSS Kl ,N w. Yurk, '1'10" innli.jun combin es \Y1.h Ih~ " rell- Iuatlt Dn .I ud"r, lno",e d'"tie 'II Its Arllun, A gltU erry. and m~ny olhe,., w!l 08e 1,IjlIt ,tOlfdlll!! ill '11 .4m nory COllon Skirt lite udvontogu of Ollr and 11101'0 ,ue. M,I'I'I!lnp: Ihen 10)' of the Ihe pru(e,,'on !fi"1'8 Ihe atomp or IfllIbRU.HII S.OaT i Ihe bollum ho~p'l .re the 'Rr~p~r'lfoll~ 01 lSl/rll or .rllll. ' " lu lne81 (0 Welt jlllelilgeUl Alld • • llIe .s Ihu6t ".I'd I" the ti,lver Sklrl, I·b. iii \ r nru k 'n-" uW", or appril,~I. " .he Cltye,ing 01 "hleh ellnlOul wcor vft', II! .n e"J" rom Til. Lucille Weattrn wh,le fhe wltb ;Delulate COb,,"utiullf, pwcur" 'br rem etly lIij8frrp.Luf

b Ille cml; ' ''llirle uftcd by , FirlltClaaeBotels. Laundries, aDA


R 0,, S E""" , I.T Ar'"'S H .


hle. EI","Ie'r ' 0--~U R S~-~---~~--~OSS TA RC H G L - More ...... More

1't!t;rn/)/l la14 (rc)J1t Ctltbr.nJMJ,LbJ",,: • b 'r I It


IMP .D 0 '\/ E n




e~ ~ry p~rlic\ll.f


The S-lverr Sltil't ' 1

\'11 .. "".1 Olhen nr(lednr; I\'0nll . 0f), ... 11 vi •• 'w r. no" 20 p H c.,,,, or ,I, •• ,,' II:l' flo c lhe.r ".", .... • • I.ntlr quo"l) ..," ,u,, 1 ""h · ,.of OUt not r.,1 to ,.\I.r . /' , •

hellew Beauti1ieroftlleSt.lnl __ .

o~ 8:lrurlu~ ~UD;


IIEL~no ~ I D'S

" DR:\HLF.V &. CAIt l'

~tu.ttlt"cl ...I "J;r"V IIIK", c. ST S~.",.{, HC C!,II,lo~~ ,,"J 0.. I' • .. , nt ' 1. 1 97 Ctoom,ere & 'I') lI' "."'1' "" ,\ • 6731A

llOI' t ti t ,fi r. "'S"



10 fp,J,ltle .. , Ie IInl!'


"1~.1211b'A"~'''''' ~C<"' , .. 1 ly . 1 Irp,e ~ lillie. , In n .. at rlol I b It'g, b.",~ willI he ~enl by flfllre •. (rClghl ~tfllpen.e n;h~.. clll'~, r.., .2,~1S per veiluIA'" Ii..,.. .....~I! , Blui volume •• by mbil, 1",•• t3. Clo\h lt lor b" ..h"i;. 68 ae nts . by O.. r q.l~ QItUe'''J'1rl,eel. ,lV. r FlV,l>: nU N p~lrnt IIUlIl, ..... RI Olt.;U Ihir,. "I \,r.1I ~elo. i",\!"l l'AII' r "ro 1,,1 . WJ

1,1 .fI'Ile.iona Jll'cuhot

UIE lIuuk you \VAI,t - prlCII ' " cflltl; 9 ., II ur. Itlr ~, "e UII " T _ .. " .., ..,~n d'.ur 'JU r, 8P\e yII 011.1 tI cl.e.ll.r ' tunl a ln-I ing IIl ute In qll"(lIl1t "" I O", C.,,,I"Ku, ,.. II he Muul ''' l p''"8e,), \.uUI(1 "'ecaltr', Itus revllahlll!' 0 r I U L i d II .I 'V lU Ii\Y 01 t" ,-,o-cal ll '1'0'''1',618 .d,I .." 'U II ' ''b'I'' of • "'''''Ii' ! j .h() 11"0 (' 'f doubte) 'prlng" braided lu ge. 1 I Ie 100', all " R elllrtl,brr Ihat WI' @olld ",nit ...............'" .. I.... ... ,he, 11'''01", which ii Ihe secrel "I Illei, . phlllli e illcldllnllu Ihe srx.w he.h er ari6,"g 1.0 Ie lie, . ••l npll'tllo Iho W. ",.",,10,"". ",o re 'uI!;d J . h.".,,, .. r l """ 0Ire",' 1o, ""d" ."mbinellun fru.l. h.b,te 0 hnprmle ndee,l eale u llt!"r C'ullftld e: ruJton. lie· 1,011,., (,u" , ' • •,, ' 61: \ n('1 ttl hn 101l1l;'II' ""1 u' her aklrl. ot I tho deellne IIr cI,anlle Life cnn_.. III Ihe unlure v( ' cac l. \li se t u. It Our ALUlJMS hHUI li t: "ell'· ... 'I ,.." •• ~ , dn I \ , up. II 0' '0 uurab,IoI, ... tI 0",,111, 10 ") 00- Fur ule lin.1I l''''P. w Ilue Ii ' lira ron eve,y v 'J ' , • .kl'l' .re aohl.hroullbuut the Unl I Dr. JOi Ol'lrnlul Lllum ,pnl • • • • G .... r-I... 8 ....... le,1 SlJ'lCi "lid I'1.iwl'Clre. • • \ Rrlll('Vl!8 ,,It colJne611 IItld dhl .l/lllt)', and ," - .. "c_. Clle., .,.", &1on"18cIDr.d by lil!£ule ownere of the " er!:ftn' IoIlm:h 1... tI h.Ul dur-

rt'",ivtauco~Ub8crlIH:. r. ~L $, "t.'.O"~I" ~")

II lilli, ,,( I coml)I'l le eel.<1Io,\/,

II . t IIIurl 8

"'~-' -"'.,,, r"'" . IuHu led U8 " DUPLF.X" have Ihe nd ,uk ' I "'0111..I.Op"II," tI. lb. 'h1'iI'~' ,nOll\,OI!!'" \ • ~ iJ ,.. 1\ ' r dl~ ' 8 DII .1l'X EI- I f1IlDI~d Ity ''''Y ,,'hrr prlll\.r~lIQII ! " n to ~IO" rl IO'''''''~. 11. l u'l fil SlOp. V'Z ~"rlpn.;' '. "I'on ft Ythe wal~ I l bu"d 1, " I10"," I ,,( , ...Illnll,I.!. ni~1 <0,,1..r""I<!II,.,,h,e 1 1,,,1 ," ~I('el 1" or c lc n".,Il , •,,"I'l.\~ IDfl I'l'~. • I'!te,.,o""~ ••'" VI..... _.01" ...-'''111<1 nlltpF8 .r!! lIenulIlc, AlsI) Nr"'1r1J l·a lh'.lneee or SUPPN!861UI\ ()f Iluftl,lmury A' •• ,'I...,/PHil ~. Ih' 1\ " ."'en, or , .,' tI,UI' H{ "UOI'I,IU aumlt II pill bom&: I Ene"nl io"a, Ulcer, tlllll Of 6\'h "". ".. to



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HnllSO OndUln 0 Ul U. 'n 0. ,U ' ........ l



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IV, No.3 .

l'flB ).[IA llI


q'J .re ~ t .




GA.Z El'T E .

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. Ihree weeki.

h o n e ...," uth ..



one ye"r;


ABD XIIW SlfGLA Im CI'l'm9. I ~ n "I IV r " "~ • ~"I';S ' 1'; \'(1)'; f ROM "'...........,. . . ~ .... Y_........ 3111Ilc..

Was. "kicl< him when he'. ,lo\\,n."

15 0 10.0 ,



Ifouu\l lh ' molloor tho mas~

"~,, ,~ >'tI \I \I 22 tq 27 _nu ~he Iho rleat rante .00,1 1; UO 2~ 0.1

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1" '0 co n cnnug h of lit'u. nlt1lou"'h b


2" 00

• All " . i". ro '! "i .~e' l) Ih rn"" h hI N•. IV y u .~ -J.:r 4UO MILbS WIlb uu' d~"":.!e hi Cu.,rlu:; . .

dlJ C l UUI\\h .0 10 do 1 Y or 70~ •• nl Ili7' 0". S,,<cinl ,be.. I'/olle .. 10 per r" "'. '"

.·rull.11,,01 . 11 .. ,ir 110N ~.,.11 1'1. 18 ' 0II·I"",..•..i"."~,..,I""II I.Il.u ';,,,. . 8~LA"'~'fCA- I """ '11" ' '; 0 11 ..


nil ri

AD I C" ~ry y"nr;;if\,·c then It" .• given F·ra h prlluf ofthi.\It!.:rco : Btl : \\'h~lh er In ,ole In 10 11 or h"",e.. T he.' Ibc" 1 f'8 til. nsreo. I only kn ow th f" I i 80 ,

•• r ll"Il wll I • '" 6 3, ,II lI oy 1~' I. ' e., (1'O"~O' 1,',U,tl,klo, ... ~ . ..·1... Itl . .. \l urk. . v " 7'IO .... M. EXPft EMn"" L. 0-.. DUll' "Ir,,~ lJ 111_, ' '' '' '-'-1 ''- ~1I ''' ' ''1 ' )' 'I"II... . 1\ S.I.,,,,tl.c . 0 40 A .\!. nl,, 1 "onn"< ":"il L

. Tbe ,!!Iu .P6!••'OD

No., 8.1.


. The lu'"en iOIl bri.lge between Oi.· crn""li And Ouvinll'o n may i lULI , be oon.i.I. ,rd lhe l(relllt.1 Mhlenm fO' oC I III kind in Ihe · \Vut. M II 'problibl y In II le U' ,l'II" ' .ple .ldld . .nll 1I11~ dI S 1I"",3. b II ",Mn ' I" trUClure . IInll . t\lnll" a. a rlllY. RlI8ClllOf. mttnl1m ' n, f l ' . .. fl Wol'l1Iin g nhollt hitU. 1", ,·ill,Scu leholl.n . UI\. i"tc 1\ cotrlnin Wh e u, Il fc w r ears Ilgo, his b colth (~cuhy I\S " ",itor. ~'lOJ humor. " II~ 8lrefl/llh i. e'tulIl 10 \S .OOO Inn, or 'Ta\'C way an d t~o g r a y cs t fen\'~ w e rc I IV '.' " ,I ,ful kllowl"d gt,l uf ~'ljn. "n Il 33.600.UUO pou,uls. Rnd would lti~r... 0 'toc1 " r tl I thrnK~' III1J " 1U1~1I1 (or IImu . II'I: 10 V"C' ru r;-. I\lppor~ .20,000. p,eb ple or ~"1'I\g. e XCI, , g n e /l,n . Ilunu 1'0 1'\' 0 d 'lI liy" th " 1 "g'>:~$ I ~ d I'he s h r~ w ihl. U of ""' \lhtl1po nltnt"tl lutl. nU Englult u- uot nloll e th o Libo l'lIl 1j •• i1i1! Nicul J ltr ~i., KIlJ lh tl co r "I\US F',,,m thi. sill.a of (bll rl' ve r 'II-re a,,, \larty. E \' CI'Y pO t come to him ' ' In. '' r 'A n d!"" .." -".,,·oo L' • r.,• ol< . I1\ rOUIII I ,'ell' I y 1"0 wMyl o ( R llll r o ~ c loin" Lhe •britl v ...rell . I t iHl'"l , ., .1 with 1 tt<: "$ of SYII1\ athy nod 1'0' "m I' tJpn~n. t \''')) bi '1.' ,"1 \V,/linut Mod Vitle " . on II il cl,\ofs of o\.\) UO. .. ..

if' Ln.·.1 NOlie••. 1.2 r t tlt _ lin. . IFROM DVNK lftK .. .1 tI .. .. 1.' ".. . 111 il o r frowlI. ' \ 1\. ,,, , ., ... " U lft i ..... . u. Un. - II u.-.." I. , 3:1'" UU"lIIt· I Co n,I~ ' un' , oJ. C" f' ulIl( T hunollo n fl, of IHu tu "the .. t riCe. u.... .. h ' ,t.. I1 . " " ).. ... "' I•• h....~,.~. , &00 A. M. NEW ~onK .,... Y Exl'''''u, T u kick whuC I'or '" down, ~~!"!'!'!! !!!!"!'!'!!"!'!'!~!!'!!"!'!'!!!'!!!!"!!'!!!'!!'~!'! I r H,I .!'d l ~ 'II .. II ,:.t , 1.) d h I", . p i :, '10 , 1'1) It}, ___ _ _ _ .. _ SIlO ". 11" " 11, 8 ,H '.' " . \ 11. 11),,,1, ,,, . 10' II. .... I "I e


\VllOL £

t he ra 'il1CtliOI1 r hi~ lluu lk OI':lt,)I,) .. 1 Ol'elle J on Bennet t. und thu~ the gl'llt\\lcBt l> ec bcs that - - ' ' \'Cl' c ain e Ollt '~ f llis 111 The Tribune hilI An Arliele on tht! 18 c." llle Ollt n Il : Tho i ll' •• be t · Lb v W R personlll histury of J"OIe. Q " rllun Ben. II!! sa . IU Q Q tle Qom , with n nett : I, r ellQI; l}d 1\ . cignr ih ou e baud , \1,8: 11\ "of s heny A ' CO liu t ry .I .\II t b 0 ot I1 1'. Olll I II e rO'HI o f. (1c \.Ig II t · p~, I nlllng Ihe omlg." nla of Ihe e~rly .. ( .h., p.e'''ht -c~r" Uf )' .. " . .. " LU n l utes Ilis IU 1 " utI nIl ' \'t' I . ., I . ~."" t t ~ I I QC. p o lien en c nlles r . .. uy. ,.. rd wo' k'tIIg,lll .



1000 00

~ . ~ ,Cu lulUn 3 nlo luh

;tI' L


8' 0

Cl,uaan'" Co hullu 3 UI,Oll1h., " G Itlo ulb _. u .t 1)",'8r , 11 ,Ii Ci" lumn S IlIu ul h .. , 6 Ulout h.,

1\1 •


·ot yot huyon I my IlriUlC! Wilh roC.II vI' 1\11 Otl_high "" .11" ",_ l" 'e milll;l tI ill nil' liUl". W h n uut a b , .1', it c to P"~' Thul, lh""\\' u upoll IIm ihc\.own.


tbr... monlh., "1 . 1• IUQI)\hl.

Eri e, :Ra ilw ayl • ar;5 a's 5: . .Gn.. _ _ Gunu>-. Do.ltle T .... ck ........



~"i\lIIlI~Iheoperi:o~:~ '~'i':o~:~n :~~


,nnll ca s tle, tlnd III r 1111 1"1 q" I,1\8 I11 tl en """..• II I W /l V~ IIKnCIl, The length or Li,e bri.l~e. i~cludln~ h:lronia l hall ill I~ ll g l:lUcI wonl ~1 b/l\'o "1Il1 50 our IItIV"IIIUfH u l'iil~J' b .ell 10 lit., flpproltchea of Front .L. in Ciooin· llo e pn·88. Hnrt! "01 k lind I""" P"Y n~li , 11",1 ::itlcond .treeL ia COllngtoQ. be nlways ope nc.l its I' "ta/s 10 r ecc ho 01 111 " 01" Ihtl nH,·. sili es o f J' ollllllllia,u ill OIUllGO N, WolDR EN «:0., O. 1 i. T 25~ I'e_t. . l lC or)' pn · g "' C r o p os o to tll o tllltlt wh o m 11 1\ lhll' o clHV S. ~v~n more I" . " n,II' . ,)•.II.VI"~ ." ,,1 I;o ."i ,,~ W' 11t II'u 8 SO A : I - . . H~ l-J igh L or tOI'fe1'1 rrom fODnda\ion, is h i d upon E ng li s hm e u know to be onc o r th o "i~. 1 .; :'111'''1'1'' M .. d Ir.. . h Ul dl'.lu • • lI d ~ rr" c. til N .... y •., k ,,\7 .10 I ~ I . UU;lon lind rllll~J II .. IIu . mpt lld Wi lhulll IUUetH. iOO (tOL; lurrell, 3lJ th r:ir p lu(.'cs g l'oatcs t'lI1ns to rs ofthc E nglis h Inll . '\ nCIV • 1'1 .,~" P. M. N •. ~OBK. NIGHT EXpnEf ll!l '1 ' Ip IIIQ ' , 1\lIu ., I" , I ~ pl'l'er an U ' , . tll UIJUIII.I II( . I h tll \ . ' ,3I. ""' IIL ~'ttl . ,1 ' 1 _ r th "1 0'" th .;l tae III~ "'Utl~ "' ulIgc v. ' 1 ' o 1 0. n c euph 0 ~mi"i e no u cs t nll ost l c~ or , ' u Ilu lilI ici n. lIill\t1 oC bridge IIbo\"8 10. .aler. aDd Ilesldeuce, St"I".1 ~ ~ I ,un"".·" G 6S I' M, 01 . 8" 13 . M • " . " P ol r Ii: lith. l OO ; tlte IOI'olio;l llil'l 10 Rt'(, .. I~ Int1II'(Jl'u 11 ~ \f c rtt ti W~ Ii' t'd ot tltld t: r s t.tltHling c,\' s hill! b e Clll'l:l ltlll1 s tntes mnl1 11Ip, f\ fe~rl ess , by' Ilud , 100 (~ lIl, I' ~ ••ISol' : I urn.r ~uuth tibln 81 • oppullte A ~ hi\lel Pugh'e, l' ,{ O ... (I! ~" ) 0 .. 110 " .. pl~llItle ' Th, t •• C, 'C of " Oll.lrUl 'r'('l·eI, .w oJ ·• ill N.w ·oll of lloi s droll r . i,,··h: . Y"rk .•, 12 a I I' M. " ,,,;,' 0,'1. I ' " I 11 l'Ou g II. IInn1 I' . Widlh o( bridge in the clellr. ' 36 reel. l\ \'·ny ~ n o u '. 1\'e 0 r • • I ii'l( ~'h .1I. r.... "" Tru i.. , ".111 SI'·III1 ..... (ur 11 · IIttmg nntogon i t-tllt ~O oIC IfII~n. or bC1.uty'" cro,vlI 1100 f.iro l t 1'0 Lrl. U 'VI l'l. III Itu r 'l f, oru the HOl1se of Com _ _ _ _ _...!.:~-==_~_':_:_--Dilimete.r of c~bI8'. 12t inohtll. Honest MUll! 1I... f ......1 i\ ... 1': "&1. ,,,1 Clli... W",lliog And g~od 1t8 she wile brighl ; lon in p'IIi.6 of JMck . on. bUI i~ till! some. You AIDuIlnl of wire iu Ib, o"b/e •• '.OO(),· FROlll _I1. . . . l.o-D,. N" ... Y_k 11m.. . • the illll'"ritl u. Pr".hl.1 l1 111\\1 hi' mlln Sht) (.,11 1 ~hc lell l L~l sc.lI;tl.,1 tell lJ,e amllz e,l . DOI·ollsh 000 lr(~. !luun l l~. Engllln d. Oct. " ""' 1,",1'''' c·.r .. ~. ".'cI1 .... ~u ." .. ~""" ' .; ,. II 19, 'GG. Ullli!' rrnm Kenlll11 ky. lin .' wi.h"d no T tlo l. le 10 ..11 the lown, 0 11 loc king ol' er .. , t,. : Lo find '1'OIYHfS ilL blUo. 66 by 6~ (eel. ~ -.-. -O FYIO tl-N .. "h St,. nea,ly oppo.ile the 3,30~Ir... IIlhllr I~v\lrilu. H" II. 1"11 1111 .lIb·" ,litor N. N.'{OIl K DAt! EXpn- -" Al 0411 pI'pe\,li m " sl,i~c(s . lllllne. what enormo us 'l' nl top, by 40 (eet. of th e pnl'li . A S CI:NI': . -I I'I'I\S taken 1)), th e Co l . , 011 11011. d l·"". ry N " " Y )1. I': I·" urch. • Amll" ck her when ahe'. du,vII . 1'- "'"' ' ' ' • •. • 6111 "'"1'' '' ' II ... II ' II ~ .. rk iI " ili~8 , bUl1 S, rand. in .... e1, 74 V.h n "-ur;\, speeU. . "'I ICS n ~'lng,,'clt-Wilh ·Ch ... SIroud. 80ulh o.. bltl. 7. 11 mcn .. 0 111 ,. u(\ Im el1 lec tor of BI'ookl)' " 0 111 0 ti In c Ul!O to "". 1.'~Y, .t ~ e l I IItln d 8.: 0 A ., ( I.kf.) : S",que l••.n •• 2 111 I'M . II"'U. 1I1hII It! ~ Ollll rr"y"u· (011'\. ) ; '1ur .. n '8 S ,O~ I' 'I IS"I II ","I nr. \vire in ('tIch arrand, 7-10. I . '1'I"rtl S're"l. • hft Wilh high nllu low-but uhiellv so co ntnl' ll \' I' s lt 0 • I' t'· '11" ( 1Il'lng tl Ie I us t !I \. . I . -- . 11"0 (.Ihl:r. t" •• , .. N." Y",k., 111,30 I' 1\1 . C""",r,. ce De 0 uC Among I Wit the l "ulgnr llibi \VA'l'N" E8V'LL E, 0010•. Wires j'l c"blt:l . tOllll, IO,3GO. ('1'1 Il , :tl. III . thrl1 lit c; .... t lIenii ..,illt 11.1", .• ••.. L••. ~.\Y sts nt this o'n e rc S Jt'lJIltlly. g.,ing down in" ol'lI.1 f he \Vuighl of \'fIre. SOD 10118 and . yo." that city lhnt had beclI III1C tlt'thell • .. J \\',"t"Il' IIltilo Ol.. 1 ru. l' hol.Jdl,lt i. JOE L E:V A N S , Th,i, m ottQ r\lt ~l ; ,,11,1 nil nro l'ools "' ".10,,, ...... ,.. "I i,.• i.•, • •."" h . 00111.1 Ilot ' i~ th l "rrllllglJd Iliid prinled /1 8111,,11 rtlu;. p ', e\,e lllll ·T S ll\' I d t t' • • Who ti"rc il!i trulh d. b, lo. Elliw>l teJ 101111 'lost, e1.7sa.OOO. f tl d t I I I ( ." ., 1 C N' Ive 0 8,30 ol, til. nXPRE M "lUI., ..a. A.... IC I'e l' ~nIlC 'pu r · 1g uo " leU 0 P"I'H. a" ,I 80 1.1 IL (ur u~ O;, ! I, roll",r.' ! e1fth "' e' c I'.,ra.liso . ·rl ... price or iingl8 rllr ... is 3 con\a ; d e ltn t!! ()Il IIny lIe SttllJCCt Ill en t. H e l oo k mc to n 11I111hc l' .r ill'll. , "enlly .. "ltd IIv ..... :I. .. I'e. . "ill I"U" ,. ~" 'tl " ~ t. WII' rude. eOIl"'e. pero"n."I. li" klltl b., tho huuUrlid $.•,25.\ 1 ••1). Arri ,o' "' Now York at 7 OJ 1\ ,\1 ~ without tlciutl' Gila' witb til es An.1 c lit ho~v()a tIle 10 Wlt:,O \\' I' l\t ell l\ r,·o wn. - A " u" of II'IIICII Ilc OI)"ll ell , "Ild Rlllhcl(lll <. b.UL n pt. I'l·"dy .wn." cilillai, (;UOIII,·ct •• t 1':1""," ,.ith Na.lh .... (;,,,1',,.1 . '" Paper. C~uIJ we "i"oot slIoh soci. Uio! \A ~ n itl(:cssn nt lind I I n",I .. ,) lor H.rtI.hll'I\"'.I\h t1 .'I.II" .I~.II"I. rJ I rl a .1001' . nnd w e el tOlcd . t t. l U W~. lUI' '! IVlly& In ¥"n IUMlIr. ' \1," rt . 11 • • 1".,. ,,,,, . ".,,1 '"'''''' S,,,,.h. 11~ " I .' ttl 0 !\ 8 11 u ' I Scolohm lln hllll .As •K ick h' lU \lhe n he.'. dowu.' ~IIl1d 1111" coming " lhc hOlloro ble cellnl·. \yhCI:C' th e \' I\ts woro. TIr ' i lo d un I with lhupow~r. lJ,lJO P.l'I. L.GnTl"~G EXPIlI l88;world ill hi. ' ...... ,..". '.Ik........" ')":t pur , h:un." Indeed bl . Wa''IlC' v1I~, VIl . _ 1. _ _ ~_ _ _ • .. _~ o. p.lneo \\'n8 lig hte d " ' ith n s in'g lc cllm · '011, hI! woulJ bu hellrJ (" 2~ "" I'.• 1M. ... :. 1'1..l1"d ') "ri,'.' :. u,.. . " _ _ ·."w11"lurk 5 .11 , (~ulI)' [Fro1Dthc Tnderenucnt.) .n .... IInlIIiCt 'II-n ny, N. I onc e Oll st Itllt e tIe on mOBt phouc Inmp. In the co utOI' or th c ytlt mul'O, III, 1 U 7, 00 ~ 1\1. t:,n ll ' c,,'''li .~ J _ •• ,., (,;, . y .. lilt II I WIIU I ~1I o. sou.:.; . A. II I IIII wU,r1\I N 0 II ong .'nC8 8DIGIi • T. '" 6 I . , thol'o ll,e- hly A I" d Y r,ntereu" .... M, nllll\' ~.xl'''''. T, .... Ilf Nell' J, ""1 tho \' ernn c· ' . tl .. f tl • '11 t l ~t11 , 1~"rll~,1 (l'llm IIII~ lVII /nIl''', 11IIIghilly dt'ptnJ~nl 'r~IIl .. rAl'h R.. II" "~" . l'ur,U"hi"lu. 'e ," 1.1 \VIII,i" . ,OII . ." O~TI-Ut:. '1"£ • PIlIoCT 11 .. 5 . IC "01111 ' Offioll aDd. laill 0 10 Stl ICIt ' lllt wOl'ln · 0)' lllnl'oft .• A' hllblllls 1 \ k' emllia I ' It!j I • " 't1 "... R s cin I ' I tl t BYl!~Sl n \. 'SCl/ITTl· LEU. I' D !lI1U , Ht £ltW HI' :.w" l. M .,\ r ll il,t; ~:~ I r r;c . ll- ll.p~lIn yll"'C t'l ~'ICII ~ 8hehlldn ·J\1oFII1: la nC\'c l' ( IC!! ltlll'l\ II ,' . I A ft m: cx:· - ClIll!lIlll\ f".III (0' 0 8'"'' ""d ' .... ~:"L"n"" •.i, C' . !elOWh~lllinJ:. Ina 110 '11/111 . n. l L·K II ·. tI ...., . a tOn e 01. d ,s ir'1,e IS OI"C tI Inn!1 ollIinill O' it n Iittlc Whil eJ 11'0 went lip Ill~n WIII'U tI,..... worlll \\'~' U • 0,10 P. M. N. ~oaK IUGOT Expn~ r " corrupl . IIlld \I'fl UH'II iftll'url'; e" mlnu es lor no l 0 ",II dep091Le d I If, at high noon to· morrow , ,'ote pnrt.r s hibbol eth j n blossotll c~ n ludd 0 •• into tho l'oo:U' ol' c rhead ! ~hl\l religiun "'". ilypocd: )·. f" il' vo,iou_ b'~lIchp. ; nlltlo be ex~ell. UAII.\! il l 'I" "I 1-10"" II " >II .. ,.poliliu 10 "0 P were a II II."ID" wllilllr IIml ~Ieendt:~ i~ ~ roya. to lic tllkcn tll1'on g hol1t En g lond , into clint. Mcltnw , I III. i"I.' .. r.linA wilh 110. 4.l a I' ~I I tI" " I olIn Dd orht tllt'OII ~u UIIV\Y Icr •. . Norre b III II18 O'll 1\ t. 10 11 ' ' I Ir'lIIu, Iwnttr II ('.II U)' ; d,a. oCl!lollman LHIOUO m~rrner throuL!b Ihe f, .111 \l.",~ir~. U ' \I ••,,,y •. ill N .... ,' urk ul U. , 'y n. show , . 0 of bands, upon th e qu es · ~i ts th c re. ot the Illp ( or. n ·oe illng. 1I10tlUc I ' :lU I' III . . ,. I ' II AI." r .. "".el •• , ~:Io"i,~ (0 . Ha .. i,.· ·11 ' tho secon .,! I' I0 'I fl' f L' • 011 Y I~m~rnllll: B~IT J .. ~T&R~AL VIBD. "" Co " ' . Ii U\~rr)'. .,.. ..." h . " hil .. I••II,lIh, .,,11 ~out " . "Does tliRI go 10 ..Whe.lin a ". lA' tlon 0 JCIIt,!I IV lie I WIlS ,or al'l 01' 0 ngl1l11 0 coffins. III ract. IOIl. ill" l)i'"/~tlU III. ell"",,·.1 st 01 111 Ilen(:I I L 10\ tl C 1 _ ' I Lo I~II I e.l1olt e \. 1 g: I '. 1\1 mo s . uc rore thnt outside door II'II S 11i8COI" 'T'IlRN •• CA @ " H.-Oftlc e Ili~ lp.i,I~lIce 1l.!l0 P.M. ClIN()Q1'l'fATI Expn US- HI·i g ht. nil ~ m,m It.... " \) ....d hie tI~i '''lb()r~ ",ue ror q~ I ~e d II I. 0 I LI I 'u I y. th e hands thnt would go nnrli s tnr\l ell 01111 the 011 ~I u ill SI'''~I. c. " . I" (ill<I'II; I ' \ l".} . ' ,OJ ' '' " I ... 1I . lt .. .. ' .HlO to " I' II all" mncio nocC ' 51·1' lo. tl, c onl y Ih .. '11m 01 olle II"l1IlY~ . 63.lj • I11m . WOll IJ't 7 ,20 • ".t' UII, T,m,d. l 12 l' ~I (.Ii ... ) lip ng-n.lII:!t ·Yu. 1811'''01 ." ailS. orad lbe olerlr. bo encased in q U ndmitta nI ce to thnt IIl1dcl"'I ":011 'Ollllll elia. . 'r' ...."'til Gr N...."IO)'ork .. I. :1.45Url1'1\1,~ _._ _ C U""'"'' "I uever •.".1 WII" lhllrll." oOnlinll ,d lb • • .. w,....:. kill glovos , nnd nom·I.\, fill tll c hnnlls t illc l',)' W:lS thl'ouol•l 1\11 ll'..11lh:rla ke r's l."dHWII'''''' & W • • Iel·IIR. il,,, •• 1 ( •• 5 ,' " '''' that ",oul (\ go liP fOl' ~ In ~illuina a ""Ioh. 111"'1'1' be ' bUL .I~ IIl'rl II y loem, pOlllb . III I '.' him would he 10 11, "l'r .. n\ ' 11 &: l'llIlll S' IIO I). tuul CIt N,,\\, VHI' ~ I JC~I' e "'to \' Otl ' 0 ~.- Ilg-CS' c.If~(ul 10 1!''Yo II,e tllbu 0( • I I ' ' ' thl! w,',h .",,"""" ' Wit key lownliul IOllt g ov es 0 f ki d or at' al1\' othel' 11 '1 Ill nso l" ' e " T rlt .... l in "01' IS le •• llo," lur th"L direolion .• When . . will It "I'OIV If J J U s nch a. sc cnc , 1\lId to , draw "our '"0\\,11 \ 1I oroll~ I'.Y 0,·;1,," I CIlIan. PIO Ne'••:lI~I,"d Ci'i : . k'Itlll OU~ any .\.mt [ g.lI. I ·an, still Johu lll'ight woul,l wh111 hrim o f hiS hit p b , •• T "eg.rll I 0 .,1" nIl. ."d T""U), r •• t O!' SUll.IHy •• IIni "lIr. u wr. . ln.vl.~ .i1,,~. m'ltCl'iI1 Wl)l the 1;~1\y • 1 1 t ·1 r 1...1 G 10 I' M . "lid , .. oh,,,, N.w YU"k ul12. co nclu s ions . 'fllcl'o was ~the work "~I I\~r.\I III Irom t I18 Ion 80 I I puc llL. AUII 'rem" Il om p re lseu by II )\Ioe y e \I 11111 ; It ma, ~ 3 ~ 1'111. \!r~"l "h \'teli!p. fo~ nu. ;~ It\" ~h .. at\' ,\\~.~,\r~. ' It is\ y not Ll\:o fnabI onnlJI t!e tcltrfl.lln tlot'l , \) IllD " Of. ,bt bo u. , co mll. Tbel'c waB 'lI e l'cl\(I,'. nl 'lli e 1.'l11-. IS v~r1 IInpor(RIl L;. re 'il" tl!err Bl>t 'on I\n,l J'i' '" ~:n. "'I'I~ ...... a , ,,olre,ll, , w",I1I1," "lik" "I~· I~. nt the with tlling hero to be the followc U ..~n~. a e r. lI Iree ". he ~/d I"dy wenl aDd return· l' of th e cllliul' !lhnpe tb a t d e notos th em the c otUn ol'c • J ' 'onsh prlc; r 8l1d ftltl~lltGliull '\!A.a. ""ol1;" i" No .. ' ork l'hcnc1 for t.ho I' iot.i Ill. II' !,M!'IIe1u or tllI >1 mtty (,,11111 through IIr .J 111 t.t~clly 1"11 hOUri. great rnd ical stntesm an. Indced , i s fi ery s teod~ of ciOqlll'l JllIllUI .blt 39-\' 1co, bc scem s CI'Ol'" (11'I'm .s /lol) I'll BI'ookIJ'11 nll!\ k"y ~I';I'I 'l"h .. ht·,t .V'UltilfttN ,,,,,1 m..,.t r.u~u,ioqll loole "n,1 cl tlg 80me of the tluliettll! elltered 'lro Jllor the durob ~Lt: " G COAC:Hti:S poin Ih. w .... hl •.I;Q thcl'c n CEll1ntl'Y yet c1iSOO\'o l'Nl o n nl) more wail." J . . " cOllccl'I lell ill ~lte ni g htly Pbilatlc ilibia wa s con s tl'lIctcd 111) 011 Hf·C!.om Allf IUuighl traiu. un tLi. r"Uw:\V, w(\rk~. lIurt) .,dchu8 p:r Bngr;o:c I IS PI nllet II' Ilel'O ti ' "her.k.,1 Ih I'OIIgh •• ,," .,• • 1. ti inj llt'~' 1 (rom euolo dt)1V1l Lhrllugli tbe cl!.ilitlg. I e peop I c of lI'i II· pn tt01' L t tl ' I ! \ I . a OU e .10' lo norl]. I m crn uo!' thnt plnll, how Il'onde!' fn) tho e /fl!o t I ' Paillter, GlaJiel:, Grai11cr and ""J" .' lu" •• hy 8 ... .,lh,r . uule. ' (rt' rJllent olo"n. I," elll1Se. nnu.. I'j'qulro . tid I .1I'Wllr. 111&•am. ., lal-.• .. '1'1 lure I' ion hll\'c llrl1ius enoug h IIllf. h enl't e · 1'0 1' D iI'llIln g ltam " .. tll:1l1 if th n t cel c' l wOllld Lo! Nllw 1\ Illl" inCS8 thllt will & A,k ("r'r'ch l. ;1 ••:.·i. R.,,,..,. whirh nou g h to nppl'ot'1 llte Rn.liel1l i illg. tllfm (mill 1111 olher relnons. A !he olt'rk. m ?_ b mtcllm c m h cl' )\·n.s np c l'SOllln whOlll l r eS(H. t to . '·... n h,. cdllnil.t-d III "" l~tiU'i'ipul T.l'lu'a. Ol1ir t:" 'I 811C/I n me'/lo"1 C.~III·I.I·ts '1'111 011 ehould never be " .'lIu,1 or apon. . il! II,,, ",.,1 RUt! liu,Hh'",CJI. 'fhe ohl IAlly took th. n'AL ,.110 ... II Englun d the tl:lIldi c s nrc ,t>f ool1rse. ho Illld not 1I ,.,. ,", v th e most ll i tnnt interC's t . · whut YOI1 mlly call 11 '\Iol'ilis h spirit.' H. RWDI .•:. cd wh. II dust ill Ilyilit in the flir , nor envelop in Itdr hant!. WM. n. n' RR. n!!lIillst John 'Bri!rht ; nnct s o ol s o nl'c [ntlccd. I im ag in e wi~h a Imile 0' tl ln t Gen" ~uJl·t. these I'e f('l'on · -Reu. 7" /.0 . L. · Ouyl' r. G e n' l PII" Aa'i ~ trimm e rs; ..... . 10011/,1 il 110 opunlld .. itll aoiled .finrrers, nlingl~d yrt~Litlo,,!itlQ aDd 71 I( the 'nnri so arc the p eopl e? eCS to himself arc po Itively n o .sloni.b me.n'. 10 11 · _ .... ~___ 00_1 ~f. sllti"fl\eJ.lo~ guarllnteed ,Ia IlI\ New 1V"lehe~. ~ven of the besI 1I1f10U THn NBW ' III_ "Nt)w .. '" Ihat beala 1111." no chnrgo. who ehe put uchtim .d. out their wRahill! ! ; nn e\'fllllll · gel' h cnnl 1)v him, 011 thc p rincipl e . _Gol ..... ~. S 'V :-r--: ' -'-.." 'V ," 1'\'1 lor P"'~ £,\\'ors. ] solicit III }'roi h. BI'lnht. t r.otllrl!. r\'qllirc II y ear or 10 of I"' .r 10 '·Bld .. my hell L. 1111 ID8L{ueUvo nnd ,I'RlNG EDtert"inh", I I.)'. they too nre ngninst John 'Brig ht tuM SOl\IH.!S ~ IU;.\T.- C-uC6IJ'e " a the anv w'ty frora " oft' I'CC IlITiug. oml d es lli · I' " 01' tI,e Iibera I l)Ulronnge "OC.I' " . t I g~1 1111 :\ goou. 1 WOI'\1 t 0 I'HLI·ruers. TIeI Wuca .BIVEI ISIDE -,l(i1.l Z .... ..,. wlro, wlrilc doing their tliinkiIl ~ ....,,,,,,,.... u "h C1·yIO, ' T, " Lho pMtl ..noollt IIn,1 in prop"r .Wlte" lug. lInd the "lIrer .1111 g ; yet s c!1 s om to I/oro no m o re e /I'eet IIJlon .111., ,,,,.,,., . ' , ' I t ' \ d Iruunrng IInl~r. ao Ih~1 II new ""Ioh clln l h~1 • lIn Rwll\vI1I Fon ,'OUNO r £orLE. . ns y enl' WIIS a f III'1 III·C . llit tlo it rrom the in s piration of fllJ\r l·nth · tho AND ' GENTS' ~ S en d 100l(1ng boll. SG l1soril\1lJ thnn so nllds not mau (' c rop bill ia . 1 f i t t . • n IIIlI'IlIy iJt! (ully rcgul"hl ll 10 Roournlu UIIIl tr"~tI like plsen. ·-EJ:ch angl. lIIESSnS . HURD &; HOtJ'OHTOY. 0 ' a SIlI'P li S, WC I11I1S 'Ily OUI' 0 111' . I.'r than forln tbc 11IspiJ" ltion of faith. :It all- ns the. s lcepy . • . F l'encbl1l lltn Il t rrom Ilbl'ond: Now . thi s Is a had UII\U Illtl tirol yellr. rhe movi.n g o~ I h,' TAI.e plcuura in Rnno;lhcil,ll! the Immcdlnl. All other classes, ••• so fnr Il!! I . cnll OS-. In s t SlIOI;CS mnJ~sli cally thr()lIgb tlw policy. nnd s houltl · be 1I1'oic\()d . Th e l'e~"III~Or "h~? ury No, 71 Ilul1al rrr ·St.... I.sur· or the illlll"lllu aloor noar 1,111 "Kh I co r tnin , nre John Bright p ople. A!illri !hrnnn WIIA going alon« "roatl, diuho.lie al, eilltt llr of hi s nlaJ'Dl ·c\o(.'k rail \Ins he 11 80 llml for g ettin g [n PUIIII • .'8'~ duholl.le lin opo~" lio~l \h~L a "btln TilE RIVERS IDji: MAGAZINE. Wc hn"A no statesm an \'n Anlel'\c n 1\11<1 the s n<;l'cd twno LEBA N O'N tin IIt1 I(')' bl1l1 rt.,hed do"o UpOI\ 0 HI0 Foa 0 0 . . t i t .1 t •. t I' t'l o" of tho prnJ ~ r· " .~ • Iiong llmu II requlrel l to 1111)"11 II ~Uc t· him IInJ ,,1110 bia horn. • \' UN PEOr£&. "'1108e P'(jSI·,.,'Oll I'S e~ WIO er IV len , vlll ult • tOiled bim o~ . Iletl" \1'I:e Jolln h ell. _ t, 0 lo be publl.he '~ monthly, comp!cllcin/l " I'i,h was , d 'fb l' ' .• I' t ~ • . ME,\L~ AT lllL BUUItS 1 JlInullry.1 67'. . purjiose of th Rh'c'r, Bl'ig ht's • . lO"y .UlIletlm e. elmli" 10 hil it ve,,, (uncu. Sf)IVe. 'fhl! lrllluDa B reoo\fer 0 011 Y relO e" V IS 0 SOIV Iy; olle ln" Ill' Englun 6 d j ' for his d tnlen . I t ij Th e sp cctllolc of John Bri g ht in th e IHin'" whcat. Some of ' . si\l(1 I UI1 0 ":ttl. 1'.. tho tn.te s of ,. '0111' runn "" e rs h M:tgftzin Uti II rst or Hl!COU trra J . • (Hlmi' (1'0111 l'ot! hy all, CO'!, bls Pl'incll) l es Hot/sc of Commo n s is I,i. (",II. upon louking Up - •• lh. lerv.od In: over)' '\;>' Io. f ' ~o. t e Y.Q'!tlger p\\blic wi h IlIstl'\lcL1 ~e tUld .. olle or thl' ell' (1 till s 1!ls t .,.ftllr, "1111 got goorl('. ny. " /1' · . a cn· "9' It " bre1td. cake•. crll~YI'l\, :tl~etI; eiC. \or l t~rtR'lIIng reatilllg mal cr" Ilmactlve b I . ., . . up , - ... .. I'tC /1 .1. r.c(. Ill'''., co II l. p~"lIlg 8Bu tOllrrn" ly i1)\l8 ' , pass io nately !intec} b.v mnny, Ila!ls iol1 ' g rllmlest III , ' ~' lIe ,rounu, ' , Dlit nlt tiOll'~' OV8tOtS by !lie enn! .'r"il trnl ed by <oOlnCteD E1IYOpO. For myself, lin g' ('I'OI)S. t nrtisl" . In \1' 0 contrih " Let tiS IIrge upon our ~cuou. No Lr"utirtl. [SI)'! ~ "tloris to .lJIO ?>JagAzlnc -, regnrd will ba hlld Iltely Joyed by morc. 8_. II Iha Clutum u( .'he ebiro!'.' wile .. Cbn.l'1cs Sum · s houlrl not' hl1YC A regre FAST t ted tb e \'f)y:tg(' farmors to nrmtlgo durin" tho wiutel' PRIAOIlJ:lt 011 Sundny eva _ _ __ rnthcf to tho merit or tho nrHclc8 t111lll to thfJ ncr' s luornl l)ctlc8to r ' II . " .-:l is eOJIict.h in rr. or the .AtlnnU c hau it confe rl'cc1 no r. • . . ' Imlll ." II) " Il4I e upbn P ..t. 'rot, DI ' ... pl'eviotls rel'ulliUon of the RUlhorB, II nU 1111 1 I t ~ I "CI' t • • ~ 'f rung I"., I\n IUd'VIIJ .. ,,1 reprtt.uu tlng hlln- him ,kid: • . J aectlnns of' the country ".m 00 fully repro. like Mr. Bright' s. '" 6'lr it WIl. no~ fur , , oar' lor see( 1\' leu. Btit • )Ir. eO! SIIOlu to lIongo (l'1' otltt'r I hnppine 8s trlnl1 1\ g o o d long ne('cs snry, hut d o not fnil If Lb ' . r .. I I b . <nleol. I' tl) put Itl !\.\: 0 .' I' mlnl s lor u I I~ go,I'" : f! l'cat and 11 sel' el'C Beboll1l" , 1001< from 'the S(l enker's IlIlmbltl Apologlo ~LIliR .IN •• you brll\a, (all:, I In lite lo(aguina. Hlstor)" in ill! more 1'01'\lll1r is !\ ._ Gnllcl'j ' Itt I' I I 'I .., . Hurne m(,I1(\~ or olt.!:r. OI)(RlII~d Kn InVI' ~holllJ think IOU. hRd 11.ltit(,J1C~t forms. will occupy a pronlincnt pilleo. ell' lIeros \hro.n roe o . .r I'cry cal' y n • 10 "'11l·1I1g. while MI'. Brl~ht iii not 0. ~olroll1r at _Jolon Bri g ht sitting . I I' . . ( I ill th e Padinm ent _ . nud .~nppert"iuing to this, Nurra· -Tiffin Trihll7le . ;nl ~'. n IOE! ~ lver ~ 1111. ~rDlo:1 -To 111 parnpb ~n;.o rasc lie otl lhil Eng re.n ee on purpos.... lis h soy . o f G r cnt 13rit nin. : tho g rcat c h.:tI11piol1 ( ~C.,' .tt.O., .. ' .. ~ , lives 01 Trn'·ol. Advelltures In .. " Illy 1,,-eoJl" • lute ltil III roy.1 vIlriou8 Oouutric 8, Manuers ' •• d I iilg, All'. SllInnel ' is John Bri g ht pIll. 0 f pOpll \ re )lain St Wa,ne nil1e ar 11 ., ngh Il ts-hon l\C\r .. !l1l ore VCI'Y . llnd , elo(lll,·tlL t Cu lOugh tom. ,I i_cour. ",. Z3r Thc mocle of nUlI1lnis tCl'illg . 'rl • b i 0 n the . • 'of ell"" . "er· , the I ability I II<'V to rcnt! Ie grave Homer . Ilr 08 cvcry error, . I'cnrell O111on g ti e e tlgOllt, f\,t ol'nfnl , J"~ttcc was s omewh R,.p~i';n...". o( III ki'IJI JUlie pron,pll " • .. IIn.IIIIII cotl"r~lI nlion \Y~' hlllhl)' pletl~~.1 at pnrnill \' c aln " · I I I 0" . . , luch Dlogrnpbent .. .. lcill Nl\uon~, d 8ketcl'QA nlld \ covors ft8 wilt Interest othcr hnnd every·d efect. extlngu tahel Mr. Bright '1" I bas all thl' jn,fi •• "'el~11 Itr'" , nriC\ "'Pilan t eOl1tc mnel'S of populol ' au g lite cn l'iy scttlerll W II 110 • ne ""pelllllnCto lin trent 0 aDd "rolii thc ~Olll\g. "'hila lIlo dift'crCllt de. of Chillic oth _ ._ e. . I f r \ pllrtmollts of NRlural Bistory nnd Science. qnftlittc I 1 1 · " 0 ' • ( h f!ry ts r tl esentme I' nt. I' From f l ' its s 0 penoefu (('grent l pop II 'PERM :ll' en( OOpio . SI. EOP; (1£ES el , I'lg HI t11l g mess 0 . mlln y mantln of \ ,e trnnJ,;l'r. IrB towel" • b' III 1,1)7. 0110 Dl'nllnn n. hn\'lng ' II px'ce1ranl ISfu'lm S ' el't ' J'., -t '-;:"~Ive,', w,'1\ I'OCCI\' I .•. I " I " ".. 110 0l bosom spr Ing none bllt pellce rII \ reo· ' C t e,r UUC ohnre 01' III1.. nlion. til " t t1 I d while r I' n Mr. l ~ nmner, I b t lOug ' 1 • a p0)lu III' Ing In e Cl!. IC !lIJ en or o · 115 sto en somc Wilh Cllell succossiy,", 01011\11. the vnried. '1111\1110" m(!mb~rK 11'11' Inu enoug I II .' .II. I~"II. . Th ..fe .r. ti..le, be.. I ....ork. ' cot 109, was 1l1'I'C lit e!1• 1111,'1" 'VI . ' I 1 kd nm\J""mcnls 8ntl pleosurtl8 of ill.tluor tn ncher, I ' 1,.1 I ' 0 cotlons. lS not n popull\ l I,cal CI' nt n II . '['1Jor I'Ik·c e I oqllel1~O, t IlC ~n!'lIes '. JO cnn 00 l' own upon to 8 .. Lie '11I'\111e ler unuer ,p~r."ud•• 111'18 ... rll.l. , eaUln. ' lI.peo· ., tneB tried. COllvlct • • ecl, nm r oecl\'•c(\ th e 1" nhd.out·door life will. be portrnyed, un" lit John BI'igltt'B heart d t .. ';... ' . I '1'1 I ' d care. the III 'preflc ,er ""nlC • nuw hcnts in his broin of hiS bIg, \Vorm, lI1i1otntt:.'llole h onrt, g rn.I·e of nn enemy lUI DO lARS. . I b I b ,0~... follolV,i ng sel'ero IUld I'ntlr c r s rn g illar d Illteret!t of tbo youthful reader COn8~Qilt't tI ti d I I dl ' fbI to , . . . tI n maintllliled. compunc I all tlOIl8t imperso t 11'00 nnted t at in m Ie. that olil IlClhie ' on Ie po prcs· scntenc e: He was first to bM'e ton on~c:o"~',",n 8 nguc, ~ 18 , • -"II,.DR ' Dlem"e'l 'l'lltI lIIu8trlll ion8 of the ~[lIgl\Zlno "'ill ftt. of his ·h nnd.' His prcsenc111 Ie pn m · bl\ve wllrred with tho handful ,rouUcau 11111 10 a ...e .. no .. n C OllJng e Is ,,·itc'h . encc, all contras ted by the·unre tlllt.y, loshes tract Ihu oye. oC. tho YOUOveRt liS well " 8 . . "'il> , on his naked bnek. then to be . • • I' .. /Ii " . ' 1, _ pleQ.@ctheolderchildren. lfr. II.L.81 0. cry ; hlsswn . yis thc d~h 'IOIIS de8pot- thc cbilt~c~ , tthb school . b?y Shlg·80 .l m ere Ittnl. tllIu Il ereu 10 ",·come 1'~¥pOD ellrth that hes moulde rlr.g tiolore il" plnccd on thc back of ltts own pony. s ibl.. ror the: P"Y (or Ihu gR·rmeot . 'l'h~ him? Ilbolla furnii bes n humorou l c~rLOOII to the ism of a tl'cmcnd ollB ehul'\1ICI" bis the petty. n trhllng nrgtlme nte, the and fll1!L lIumbur. lllld wllh olber IIrLi.I~ " 'iIl COD' loi s wife, who WlI'I belicvl't \ to . ' .1 . ' b . I I" lioue to givo Il~W ref\.dlng to familiar Ihemes, 1'01l0wcl's nl'e not " al 1' ·1 pr~RC I only dlsclpl e8- \·/lJlll . fi'll'olot ls. unmenn ing, un e n · IH tallitH u8 0 ;erco , n~u ~ To gain /I. correct knowlo dge. have b ocn nl so concern the th eft. iL on. lind ilu .ulled • "I T ..... ._.. ~_d"""" . I I't' .. ' I IrIol to II ·T.· He tit",· Still, between (\ 1I1g'. J OIV o f· IiOPPIS I J at'e dO-I'otee s. I po I ICS Dill 0 1\'119 to IClL! tho POll)' to o n ' ty 10llse of bnmall nature. It 18 not nteet. aOPI'C"'" ,. k,recloU , j and 1ll.1iO 110; • (ler 10 in . • II16 I Irtlll LIt ."nlou I 10.0 coplcs '6.(,0; th() '''ositio ll (jf Sum nor and the pos i . 11"istoc ratie 0m 0 1lk U A WII III to 5 eovles cop,es '20. aond . brc or no exten"l v.~ 1111 exl.., Iml>erti nell cc. which In thc I' illllgc 1I11,1 proclaim uloutld'" eop.y " rIlUs: 20 eo.plo. S::S. nud n'.1Qxtrll c~.v tion of Bl'ight there " .t ' ' II sphcre. movo 111 11 pll I till tllr t I,e lie " ,armen . . e . "lice Is this I'os cm · malte tip thc UIOst of all c\' o ning' 'This is l\mnna wIIIU ~ more limited circle ofr g~ftli8; single COPles.Dco. n, who s to le tho great time I·' ~ c(:ntA. "he flr~1 o. blnncc: they both as l)olitiCi ;lns . up. di s ,,, I"'s no I bern ae\'n or I ' (rom IOHrU WIll h. rco tlr. "bout b tl ouduees in I. 8,m"lc coplcs. that' to celcbru greater ted ml Icg i 10' (.' 0 lit. hondke ' rc lticr 01\1\ s hin.' Jo~. . ' lent by tlllli • poRt p~id. on' l'Ccoipt 01' 20 c18. penl to thc BOrl'n 011 c h'!J.uiric . were mllJe in r"ltlli oll 10 Iho 0nntcnos mornl 8ense of th e ll' ture which' Bi ,hOp CqXQ I' cry jus . . ' lt nnu noourlW y. tl.\' A pllbUo" FinloJ' WI18 IIppoint .cu to acc that C.n'·us"en ""Dled . III c,'ory Agc~'l8 ond . I"eto,y ' I Rnlecuuc pr."lou~ ., tl'Y' mOll and os chn.m l110ns of de tlescrib' lil, nB " tbo Senllte ( I ROI llla part 01 tho counlr\". A.ltlr !lil II L I" d e l ' ~ I favorab le to kuow) coun . 0 Lilill"t." thc IIcntenc c wus dllly execute d, , HU.RD mo Cl 0 I e S '8. 71 pre sell dassos. • tlle y boothO llri'oy fl· [ Il H~tJOH' mlln.And it ... ". alcert,in "d Lhal he. "". edgc 4"9 B l\ON , . I'\lbllAh(\f N Let no lovcr of John nright reel wbich be did to the letter. of mannqf s; n p~ivlltei 10 •• ol ;) roome·d .. ow York, ' nn'lnst themse lves tbe' BUrne tnedtn· paine" to hcar that "0 unmt1igR t~u.' IIum b ug. "IU ncnr a knolVle dtre or charnct er ., illo g rent Uadi · eo ROa ,I~.Q'N'8 . mini.t~r .. . or the gosplil. and "". II "olr . • lIlo 1I1ltngoo isni 'of IIclft&hn08f1; pre} enl Is consta.nU~· .1 Msnilcd therc.A CITY WITU A FUTtmE , -l{nlls as going 111!UUt in .h"ep·1 Notico IsI,ercby sT"en 'lhAt, A Petltiou ",11\ lldieQ, tbou g htles sness. \llullrlog .· lind fu ,.hion. Theile ,lI-ssanlt s are I1S hl1rmle ss IIpon Cit\·, . , The OllrYlllure of the ear" aIn ltflslIouJ'i. ",nl, nt the vrcscnt be prepc'nled to' tho € ommis IUI";rs ot'Worrell Hnd 'W e ndell Pbillil)S •, been ill the U· him ns the spltl8b or thc IlCilphin 's I'atc' of Ilel' 1·llcre."~c Ooullt.y. Ohio, Oll the "~h day of F'ebruQ'ry ID unli to leyen 'IDobet per all." A , spccdll y hUI'c f\ . I' U ' 'I' I G n011. ~rtIyjDIl for lhl) appointment of Com nltet! Stn.te8 ' S(Jllntc A .~ A ..,UfR8 for t"'enty yenrs, fllJ.8llgnlt18U 10 ribs of tie ('(lllt E 08t· populat RAP.- gent Ie,mlln oa II . mAli lilt fool high. nno\ bll ... ·I i. ion of one blind rcd tholfsnn d I'd' on II rioh mi~., n,is~iouer . to I"y out aDd eatnbllah anJ 11 found him lit • di.llboe of len roll F,'c~ and still been 'Vendc ll Phillips . h e ~rn. Among all mortnl men John Turnr.lke ROlld-bllglllnlll~ III th!! turnpike ... . ' ! .... " ' . , o. B ' I tis ' r • 1 I bl ' k inhllbita nt8. I ts nnnua I rc,:enue 0 f Iht! Iltb1u eodo.. vorio1J rood olltling frum WUyntlsvllle W 8I'rlrigh\"" would have bcen, II A d1'~ . ij, . REfTOLYI.V(} ' PIOi'U RES, by bis pCl'sonn l to ollLo rIg I ~r -em .l1ent y n e 1;0 e trlldc forlllSt y enl' .BhQIVedJl bu s ines Pr,lenll y 10" lucceed OD&b In enitl CIIuuty . onllJe lille bcl'll'ol!n Scc· !!c uialit'-; (nl' more ed in 'l'fttrapp lng exactly thon,' is c ore of h.tms~l.r. , tiOni! NOlI. 13 and 19. iD town 3 ringo 5, 00. .. ~When a person a:t1tl r r"a''''\ 11'''_ ... t , of 01'0 six l"iIIiollS o.f doUnt·s, Be., one. -1'1·.uh h6 immedif J tWOll1I lIl\I !IIinmi Rivof1l. nod 1'IIIl1111I~ Ihelle.! ll"IJ PII' iato' Lh .. .elllo JIIIoLI~er. ,. Chol'l1l8 Sumne r the Americl I,lI Jolt'n ". he i. '.llIbDll bly ..... peet. ~ But, wbiro ho i8 tbu9 poliitiel1l1y hind and ' comllle rcially , ' 1 011 pit! ' l!ection 110 ·tributa ry to oognr bowl alld ,llIn down ' Ihe OOVH. ftDdt9 on line 00" B rig . IIt. . tw~'en li!cctions 14""'d,20 ,Ion lh old ' Piuknoy lIIIt d 1111 of' a b'j d~lire he to b. tbouSh ' bft&ft 01:. Itt th f\ k f,' e 0 -w Ie. . .• . em : ;o~ 1" ){"nan , C·Ity, I~ 11; gralD' . 'fh.. genl/.m ,," ".ked , RUlI.d •. thcIIC'lI,\ lho,.line of Ihe aRid Pinl;lIoy anI1. ( I·tllt· ,ur an. .ltl' I"01' {bRn. he d.ilen •• , By onc info\lll,l lo test we are fore · er.r ver\llli u ~lekbllt ' thnt tlTtY Tory produc ing country , Inrger '111\11 Lhe I,un ohhi. IIn"ul"r ae," "1'1I,tel l you." 00\411' ed to decltle loll'. Brigtit is the l arm enn t1ing \lCros8 .the llroaCl Rislc Statos of Ohiq, Inc\innn , Illinois , replied (he miler; a Jan. I. 1 ~61~ , " .A P,JITITIOl<"". forelJlo st m!\n now extn.nt) n ~ngllll)'" :-be is said grin 1.0 bo, per;sona ll¥, n .grcnt ~ilchigl1n, 10wn.lll111 Mi.iIDe\lotll',wl~h ~\fllr.prl ~~~,=~=~~~~~="~":'.. llldinil IIi. oonulI.n ce II. t.e Iy t.llil4l 'lO , lheOls_! ... ~.ln. .' . .t1IJ~ · N,o ." lor 1lU!... rlf!lle •••• ,-be i3 the. most.ab nsed mnn J~,Eo&" fM' oritc. I am ttqld that Ibn th~ cor, n~ otber ol1,lc\ lave tba;~ugh that .poke. ~'I ""aL to,. a~o"r'aia II All peisOite .lmO'll'itlg ' t\,'einseh'e~ iill)cbt¢ land. , ~hefl Dr. Johnso n . wnll con~ · fce, Room if Lhb .er wily ! . . ·Olll'l~be •• , · ; , " . no . 0 her ro!l~ et: II 80 clt.y. . bf 'P~ •• w. " ""nta IIu",llhe tiugilr.'· to tho f1rPl of Loar "t ;A-Dde~D, or to br.Y. grntnill t.ed on the . ~ 8ncCc811 . or olle or 800n su~rolll ide~ by a gronp ,of th(Cidfo.r Ir '!! . ,.I::lile . . . ~ . 10 o bls ,pamph letS &gllll\it -=:r' HAbill u\lel'lfa ae."ot e.1,e" , A· friendly tal kere.. IodOfllt , 'Sl'Qms . . . A: . "ery IIel, ltbor !tI!l'1' .• nd It 0111 Ited to.joemaia ()::r ."lefUrL llll" wu,k .l\er J",nlitlry f.l .61. or .. i' 18 colon lite, be replied , with a tbat ••0& of .11....... taken { .. bcr bead to knit , MeGr" ,., . le 'iI"l.r t/• . the "uII.... or nlOlll'IOD . . I D.. . the bad of Jobn Briibt are even ,,:tr en&'lle. !. pa\ie.t. . ' , , ..

- - -- - -

- --_. _- L. S. RICE, M. D. omee

~cit 1II1

11 .11,.


. ". "

SUI"1EYO'R, CONVEVANCER. UD'1l'£laV fl1l1llLU'lJ,

- - - .......







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E S SH'" E'WALTER O .(k9."






yo~t' R~YnnCt\:


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Free TurnDik e Notice,

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If l • • -bea • ~ ODI)' C"1Il dollar, :Ii: e'1 OWIleP .r • IIone _ • "uld Io. \ e.a bottle " lilt _bl". """ tor .....P' .r .Mob ... i"h. 7tG poIIad.. I" till' ellly .... l rle arruled _pfriot to ..,.tJaI.q . ' of 80 bllt Th. ",.t O"lla ..aobad... all • ••1 ~h~ ulll~" (or tbe cure oC CUlll. IW\oclBGa~~~ S"oltid' 01110 Or. ~ ....... ... N of ~.~ I".y.rl _~...,..~.~ u.. II'.. :;:~1 10 Ih .. 11.....-.... hllnllnrd lll'O by ,... .... an.1 , h"irlDAD 01'01 Sure Ulro.l. P'" 111. 1'11 __ • perm II .. Ing_, .• Cllio •• " . bU' 1111 i llel' be be .. 10 III 0 ~~ hope ... to . . I , • •I'I~' . " . . . . TIai , L i nl m~ l,ll 18 1\0 ne. remedr . ~c. ' 1 Liul. I" .. n., h~· . •. ore I" . nlleu t. . hI , D · .r praoncln I r"lm Ir"n. I.e...... In e I h.' re ro • t a IU.' a' nlin.h or 11\".. pa lell'Dlln.1I d IIl1d appro till or {wIll y ,. lw~o.\llO blll b dcr wod whro w t' spenk r t h e beu - nin"leell YII' pr,,' ~II • !>1I11J~,,1 qll"d'I I~"I' · 1 SLIIII!' fourtl. . iun rr lC"rdi.. our . .pp~lIIt wer. •• J" re(lret~r of eorpl . eb 0 r." Glvell ble . tillS t. eral gell S I b~ 11,0 Orsl b\lI'tllJQ~ I"1I . ell ts of Iuclltiou iu , -L. I"" , CC • • " C) ~ T . . who ~hrw" I111111 In tl" .IOID"ch orlloow loill"d lIt. I' Ito or the comlllillee on resolutl DOI . "r the &110" "lid which Iii,,, Ii!" 1\1\ nec 10 · ..d. rlDed ' • be It leU hko -1>"''hould .... g bo i 'oo tl , .... o\'"r.d.h an ., . .. ~ L I P b "" bl la. Itl .Le '" Ii I ed I .,, 0 1 n ~ n .. I lOll l inl( w". rOlinu " a." 1:0/1111 bl Y ree l WII' cl""rm 'II. hi.- Ihl! un. l i 'HY, I!nll .. "I' rol1l "' I' I d nd l' tl li on 1\'II' ''h (! e liot reo O. L. Villi orlillhllll &11I11I..,n """tIl.. 1,·tII ...1. ,,"0 11 . . . !DL)1l III GUiTT li :-Sinc e wrl· pi tlclC\b~aThe It. (or I.I.d .. .. , O -or , •. r I " . • sl I IO g · II~DI" bt'illg r......ivl'd wilb d""r""ln ,h .. ptlrp..... II( of lhl! P'"'' lin c~rl'.lIt.r'. IOr.lch llwl. wblch . .,,,. d l t b. all Slll t 1' 11 n st rict r~gnrd for th "I·inri ...... ' emil e a " tin, .. 11 I~ u. nder this baa, l' lt' 1 led Hiram Woodrllft·. of trotting fllmo. hAl ... IDI·. ..n . An r "nl!l'llo i" . II' k.. l, 19 I..... reporled h,,'n t( "Ih~ndi .... ..., V NI. !. I I .. bout" Iur before. apph,u1II , prllc Iluel theory iu 110'11 ·.l'lt j . ) Mitl /ilr -line rior 10 ........... yu tor It "'Cld """'urretl to me that " bricf scr e"t p I.e " t "1,,11, .h"r"'" o( , . . • It il ."id Ihere .re' . . 1:1. II .t I'IlI "II I I n Irie.1 L" kiudlv JHl rmlta "miu rll pturou. chit" r". .. II'tlm~ llIl o u. IIIl1i ill.·' rl\ I ' cl~:r.41:1; rv E .J . . . rorlh cl.' hcu nnd . ~ow ticc II 0 -;-or ; priRte ,.., v l~appro • be Ih. ill not .lgb$ OY ", lor I ) I . u( res.lhili on • ••I.. n ulioiug Clln · 0111'WI",,,n . , .. oll who a,ot .1I0h I'lp ~ r: . tDIe-to Rlchmo r· "b Uill _. _ . _ _ r fe r I binI lJ18lddl'Cl. I E:,II Nl!w . " rOj ttlI N... 'I II Ie "•.11 • ' le.sHeD d to briuS' Ollt ome better ' -,,\', : I ' I OJ II ' gr.... AOa 1I1·/tr" 'tUJr"St'. '"Iuro, n~ k 1 1oI'I•• • • •y ~OT.ClE8. 1(11'01,,"1. '(ul'k, LOll' 1~1 ... d'. n oc II tet. Dr. TOLi~"' tatent In "I 1s canse or a II c:1I 18 8.-::~'~,"I7.~'uir~.I[t~r ~,;;' ,h"1 Ihe~ c,~n 1I1~lIo't I"d " Itlll upr"me !~I~~~"~:':~: em ~tid JIIlInalln Mr, 0 1 , lIl; Ih" I RynI' B y D .· V ~lIel illllHo""o Linlmeut il put up In p,nt . K~TT F STORY Tbd before cnteriu g 1l ~0 tbe toPIC. Ttl" b. ill !j' IIII,ooluol.d III from" \' ICIIIII ."bUII: etrotlvn . 1"- rl. flUII we're of OOU,.u "dop l..d ,- \VOlIII,: " 1111. \I HIII'd : York w. 'e 'lvr. 'fa bo tllu;: t" ko uo 0111 r. Sold by the .Drug. Oil ~s let "ote. 6 D, i,"l!d .. e .. r Icbool H ' /ftOIl Or""le, o.fcomllll)n lIa~.1 1I ... tn . .. I..,. . . .h .. s.' I\I\lor; a" Wal nOlUi t l'vk" .. SI"t wing lt St.• , (ullo Thl! . rect, t me '0 1 0 4~!) H Ollghto n. Y1II 11 caUl' UI gi and ~d(lIel't\. D pot, t6 COi1It:,K tem~rk' in 'betr pursue our 'h ,,' Ilwy hll.1 .. I... "y" th" 6r.1 b.llul "t Ih" Nu.. U 7 .. ~tl'" York Ii'" r 'O nveruor , by Accl .. m'lliun n ,· b..I_. d~elllri . ,,"lad: u3trioll ill e th v.v rk wo ·t I , Into R t his . T I II , . · .- I "'oral bearing tl. . I ". " " . I~ '} I' , fot U. 8 . 8.,11 .. lur. II i. n,ulUl was Ih uo .I!IIPOa T.NT QV" ••lnn. ~ n O. 'l' I.llrMRo, of Frllllid in: b~t'n'u ~h .. y w. ."u Anl' IgII Ju ... l~t t. C , . :np c ( by In 1I"l! led ~llihe Lhl''' in conceL t i'l muillie lIlI, , ti I.v I!O travcler P,LLS II'8 LT humnn lla~ ""I: . Ie the meobAo lsm Or the ""U'I\ . wllhllr. wn. ,,01 1 Ihe uf .~ ./)_ rillh 'Ih" .of f, or Uh' .~ 8. 1 o.1 1 .,' • f1Tfrr_1 D 8ruo,. y1M1ll~' l W1 d t llC e,!r Lieu~. (}uY Lhale"c!;t pO,l.ou Bl.lnlb. , lind 9"lcuttl l. on OppO. illl Icrior pOw J'I oltho ~YII\lm \Io(ly, with its two I1UtId ~ed nn or· r ' ,I W 6 1' t b III m .llly r e J) ~C:~~ .'. OIIi.1 Ihe S"MUIf . 1 "111111 11 ~:aatljl., UTI IlIl A · \ nulmn : fur Tr ... "r"r nC ::;111 11 •. Dr. "W..!\. [o("lIlle by j & IOrced 1),00111,0 Mood 1,,1011,0 ro-Iull()d iJlIp"riL), p or \'er e ,,"III1, ... \'01 00 llill.I best or , ulll l musoles renia d Ihe tbOu'an l. didl'lor YI'U /lru ty·silt bone~-I ,t'ttl )- UII. (or Au,Iilllr. "111m h-p .. y l; .. Cr"wCo L PEA."~118111 or RETAI 1",,11011, C. ~ CI O opcn elOSOl SWt'y o Rccel,t Th oIf. r. pMBU nntll thu and . lOci leD thOUlan d finely.w rought lind mericnn , .. incl! Ih.. lire cllnn. ~cle.1 by "r!til"" , ani Ihous - bo well38 will Ql\en be ()ur~d \.0), Iho otr"c~ of "tn . y., .• h H.~bv' t 6r lhe Atlor· rllr ; 8l1llt'r 01 I."" MeE . I r ayerse"u slclwC . m t 1I1Cl\l · Dr. J obn I ' II " b h b 1 ill ~'IlIIUI! or .!lIe S "" Ih · an d n\1' 1el Iung. lin d ""0 .' , It\!Il 1 weU.arnlUgccl DerVes, Is buUhe rude til Pelln syl"anil l, iu .the, S GOOD DRY . OP· 0 u Gor 8 BrAndrelh's » 8. wble ." en t 0 . t 1\\ re!S'lne n o rUolIs of wb\cb the scenes 111» ' Genu"' . F . U . (1l1fll o( Knult ; rur "'''r . ' 'h \ .. ' " be U 111M m~II . "rn ptople 0 or tiu n is ruU and complele , lc.~o Ibo blood C.;y:De U~D which ~ eI mmor ==;A~bi ......_. 11U" did by Irlltna In "bOllt rOl&r cia).. pl"lI~tl. oU .. ' d . f tho l "Judil (N • &ptl ,,{ " ).,1". Illlllter y ac1faitu r uubUIIlth ud i bnn\ote th polsonou &lnu ; from laid f~cQ a~ are ' po e. n ~in , ~eavt. ·tlie 1\'eli 0 .\8 0 ~1I"ge 10 cur}' Oll 6T 'fh. po,k In.oo at Indisnlt AR~ •P . ",ew.born bILbo . . In cold B, 111011' oUn he . II. K.~ ' ".. OUel", "l't'o"u - ~ -,..-.I""'" ~ of lU") n<l 1S-r-w ",, ,U,v rlrnLioo, I\~. i n.t Ihe OOY Ii, hit" "bouL c:lo .. d. N.. "rly 60. 000 III Ihul or.. WII! d BII'" ,l; H Wlllilu. or n tb~ir lSherltl.. •• .. m W ~holc" In iub wI! enn I\lId 5. 1: Il O nc dl' ge ne Illllton by.go :1 000 to long '136 itI k b I 1\'ork~a!lshlp is that of the mmd P It up for (uur "lng I AJtDWAIl~ , .. li!~ r~'81~rcs to IICIII\lll!OOUer Ilian all othClr t o th s tor,\"' ur Public Worh. Arlbor HUi"~' ul Th" oro •• 1 rt· '1ll(I I"we ... n V'''' ft •• I<g"lnl " ei!" , _lrI Notbin~ so "ividly l'ell e~t8 l enlls addition al «htll·m. hlood thu g". fl'OlD .IIke Cuy.lto they witb d eep tbe lntrlcat e aklll Clod ml\tcblc 98 W19· W e II BI'e p erused the book ~ in oilllncl!. 'I'h .. tltr,," I... ~ ~I!III , 85.tl5@a.9:> "ro.a are ~be rjllll1:d'cB. ~oc.uBe ._ _ _ \w r<' comm end nnd Lo"el~ Illosc ml1ttcl'1l llpon "'hieh pnlns. ~ flom or.1be 100nite . Those 1l).1.ghty inte rcs t, !Ilia can s afely tigllru. ~ ,~ . Sleph ens. St.te Cen R.. bel~ .Iitl 110 lu.mVl to upltlil1 bu. ruling for vondo _c. Cl:oler depend He"l\ achod !l:7 and m!"'. of cra nlly worthy ree bcillg 110 .. us rs e Illdy renu . llr o B".lfurd lo it ANI!" IWI.r. energiel1f~ich are to lfield a; potent O~ptaill Is~BO Smltb, of Sing Sing. 118'\'~. I . Ih~'y Ji.d ottn '1111ord.e 1>' I ' bl n I eM '''' "ho vorl, .he • m1.e .. m 'l'lIr tbe 'ru\ oJ • I' lcr or Ih .. Iri .. h ¥:pllb io. II .• I ' wrole a II I.llton pu M 11.'1' ,or" COO)' ' n pl:\ce ii, theil' Iihnrle s, tll1d OIlC in IrK I ItOrglllli • Ihlrly of Drlllldrclh'a Pills taleo IICl'Ordlllg lnllilenc.e lor we 01' w~e. n,..,.n ._ . 0r .U bUriI 'IDIlLe (or "11 I'II •I., A meeting ,_ ". ' .ll)n. ., .ncc~"uII' In .. lire m~n. s _teD II . mllhon rl,lst oC lote de ' the tl to dh·cotions. curet! him 'of a w\lry sC"ore ' wblcb of leeeind the r ending '. . ' e'f\'eII log Lh., •••110 wentlQ ""ye or .. Oull rl; or. Tr~~L iD God." 'C~1I1 u' . in N•• Yorll It .. J ij p., III ob".inin r t. s la. Lo fil'st bronc"I.1 .. trce.llon . ncr olb:!r meana hAd from ill Bugs "l'ruat l1eyer DO , I. pohsbe~ "'rh~re reply: shaped, d. ",d to bll Dortare O"n. Gle ..oo iu hi. " 1\ good IhR.e !' bll!1 Lhllt ,,1_0: I~nl, llit lecled DOW '. AnJ hulilOro .... {rieDda to him. • . " ". nnd hft~ ,,'1 h"s .rill" __ ." . · ~ \Jia ~ n 'In UQ IOn "'" ~ 10 be ""'od " .. d ,,110 IlCCU'IlPII ' O"d' rc(lnedl stored with trlltb" clothed '''M v , • . SIl'pht:n . is ; "ill Ip \;1I.tI rueiY. 11>". " .IHI! dl 0pOInl know Ihe ract. ' t' pl"C(l • • g G lIZe.c h Y N • . TI ....,.. . tll'us t ·"d "corn., .l:ol"enln . f oblilin . ~ "10 10. 11 I ' ' __ tJi IiJlCU Buod. :00. ni~ d Ihe PrlnclpaIOJllce, e mt\~e'1i9 0 reason, .... "'..... ling~"( lit" &'"I il ~rn Sume ."~hle!JJou. teou,lr,,1 broke I?/(I Brllndretb'~ re.Pllts. cuun· i~ I •." of Lhe H . lid eli.OJ~ ail\Cot bo O"'Ud 10 llr. Y. Sold .Iao by 1111 Drug-. House. drelb I., I W' ll. KltIlO,h al Ch.reh C"lhuhu II" uy~. lit ted tor ~be apprOI) rlatc "ork Or 01- h l\& erop\oy cd "\>Ql\ it lur": ~ i g n~_. • lit- try. and "ppe"rs tQ- h 'lv, .p.nL it - lIS p~,,"le .' · 'J h ch"mp Bee m, nam~ on GO"ernnien& 'lamp. ovaling the race. higlier, anel yet St9i}(\:1rd in eonllectio1\ 'II' ith the itt.. "'in~.: l.ollilt"I·~.~ ' 00 NI!" YIe"I'. ennh'g•• nd ~tul. "II tbt gilU. brll ),8. w"iet .. .. J olhu, lI11d .,oald; • h J~ell aapp "'., . •. ~Yil s J IIliu 'without ",bieb tbe pilla Are ~puriou . higher, in tbe sca!e or being, as f!'om crary dep:1I'tm ent i Mr. ., hHd no Iomlt. IlnJ It " .. Blcl. rrolD tho 1I1111r. '1'ho mi~.lnll ""D"'E TU . B. SR ..~'!" (naillon a, r"Iclllionw.• re c"~nr~d IIp-nil h illl by th. c~ s. I U. II~II. d'10 II 814 ' .1 10lln II I, peo l ...'1I "r".r Ihe r .. I ...... r .t-ep to step ~ey rl~e upon tbe nceu· ClO~ liS s pechll reporteFr qf thv nnt prop"l""~ 1 I --ur'III'IOIDS as u"! purRfl!d C~nlere. Anoth~r acoouM . . . W u t · t. I lun· ... ' . I HlDle JUl'. t CIIIOA i '1'10lf c. mRn _ e ~' ...... EIDI017 c,y, Cun so~ l"OL [II" II tlII1 genera· FJU;Om ~e pawn shop. lu.,,', \ o n. """ . mu I1\ted .w.. __om .o PIl8St ng d .If"ir IJ'h". Ihir*'J or I.j gl'y re' ily yolunl~r It", ~ musiclIl , city. alIIIU IhM Sltpbt' i. dODe upOn tbollSAnlh or grey boad •• b,. en· robbed reMDtl, Illi'" Chicllgo A tjons. All thia ~or1d 0 min - til s pres i.. III~. over matterll o,,~. 011" olll. •• le out I. or g e lllnl lin.d . lorthe ezc~lhlltl ren.oo '!llIt "'v ~Hr. whh uf 8000. (or wl.ich off. delyoring to darken lhem with motalUo d.,e. tUioklolf. Itudyln g, wor\rlo g, plall. I!n(] rOrClglI, nnd 1\ b.rnee "l ICr".'~Il!"" In.t \." oV.~CO"I, IlII()th~~ . III •. " eOllntrymlln 10 ,uk IwO i, 1illn orglillil1 Blut the lib.... froID tlp FOInil\" look Ilia' "oroll eel Poore . Perley Bcn 011' Stock 01 pock,,,. IJlcll .. d . encl! he wa. brough '. Ikfore ,a Pollct A"old'lbcse \Jorri(! aiog/ overtllr ning" r~ro.rming · .~d .eportll r9. to root. uh~". ulhu. Ihl th~tr 1".1. M Iullble .... ' II tt notlor In I' of WI' ~HI! .. 'fl, e nfte .. lIy -III I ed prodllc Engl"o. II is wit t pow.. 'trul{t{11 II ti g lempl r r. AS-DU, UJl era; ina Dlaftpr n ..... IIng lIa III I' Ihief lh. ",ho."1 . . e ., enOVJl ,n Ih" onl)' men,h .... of JU 81ict! or tl;,,' city .s,?mc or \~Ie . huuld Ihiull it WIU. 1'''l're i..•.. iJ 10 1/I,Id "'"wh. 8B~E8 Il10'001, Ibe gred wilet Itapl. ot Amertbe conJu~ct.lon er. indivl~uallpln~8. ~rank W. PoLter doell I nilihillll were th" lib~rI" upon hi. giving ta tltt and il who )lIllI, lhe is er Orgllnil ltile ihe '(u,1 doubt no be proml8 er puhllsh .. aseeWw Dr." the • nnd g. 0' ,icta. IIII' ta !laiD clur A 600. of (We ue D~t. delhn~ with anteflo~ Itemizin amownt lon .• rlt Ibe ~t\pon" .. n.~. tlllk;' to .iill in N~* York CiI,. 11."n ",hich n~w~p"Jl .. r e .hleh not ouly InUlUllllneoult, produce. all forces, but lImply With OUII lubject es .. depllrtm ent of .J town· oj{ ,hat tl ..,y bid ;oolh · Ihi'l!f of '.00. . e",lIe ir .. Ih ill pl~cil. hilling better Ik) " 'coulJ Ihue the Field, Knte s Mis of •... d6. of black n. Dd brown, but allO uOllrl.b . chnrge I!I bQ pat· ElIch l.) b~lUiQg( io ~tl pl"aCt~l. i h (( lo looe. -...... - - ' IX'liuer iD spirh. ... ~ lind __ widow ~ rich A . llri6u7Ie the of orltlc -.Rlsto)'i e ea, Itre"gtbeu8 and bel\ut ifl u ilio b~tr. Man' et or babit ntrecta the whilom . U9ula'r cbsraet. ...... • t~... ~...ele... '. OJ' BRIOIr•. -Tht' mi. Lo.u LE VALUAB A u!i\clured byJ. (J rutlldoro. 6 A~tor HODlO, P"ri. . til" Humt'. n"J .. ,. pr~, hll' a"li.m "hole. A.uC machin ery of' a watch er 29 h. NOYl!mb uf .XimBl o Fr"nci'o S~n of name tile III L.GU'1'S :RN NORTUIi New Y"rk. Bold b., Druggl$IJ.- A ppli~ by In0Y be ever 80 perrect --tbe ~1D.lllnd ,rllilr.l1111 truel", . 10 medutn, with $,IOO~. The lad, Don U)" : 'Qllile a aw"d 01 r"ovl .. .... r. B1·. . edi Its ne. mngazl BO.8ton H..inJrellScrs. all De" •• the lllli,~ .. r finely b, Mee ~taborately engrav e4nnd, IIro I)n firsl al,," lioht, ct'in·&1 her..elf n~i(ltetlld AT -;IIE.DI7C1BD ... Till. nnd Eel · c:ullecle J 10 rront 01 til" 'B a"k of GHli. Dllll ... '3 r, Howe Wai',1 .-O~~[ltll Juhll SOIlOOUl IS aro ;;O)l ; tors g n "R~L,' li' (or malns.l.J a Ulone, t h'" wltbou .pend ,Yet, til , poll8bed ., the (oll .. in\( inelll", nt:- "n,1 dtlermin lld ~oJ)tlliuI oul,' Itru'" 8.:hoo\ro Ih" Ihe "' ln " 'Lawrcr ". 1110 or "e~I"'rdn lornill ' I" ators . \ ' I (;outl'ib Dll'ESS.GOOD~ Ih Its. pb'l IN ' \7 L I I eo Ibeti,., IIII)Ce •• t'ut Iltlempu tll,thu heelll mlide to put ·tbe macbln ery in . motion,. It mund .Klrk~; and .. , 0 0 'JIIC • rop J 1"" d _0111. L b lAYH ~ F e" , .. I! e. to . . ill ~ •• P hou V N .,r b P t~im . 1 • , po.r~ir,, II "r ... 1(1 p~~ " It 'file lo.n of Olo •• r, Vt •• bolli'" of :~c ~~~J:, ~~':e1i~:n ~:~~h:~i!.~: lervel no valuabl e purpoa e: 'it may i . .aa Y, .' ~ .. , Itzllg of ~nt buo,n.eN IIo~ well. ,,"olltll.1 H"m10,,11 wlIgon Il moY" 10 . 'Var~ all aUtmpt lh'llir Ra~d. S. Ill., ward d E; ltiun , them in .u~ clooo jU1laPCJdazzle tbe eye· ",i~h tta beauty -that lo~ F. W. Sbelton • "ller Ir"n~IIetiltlg hiA huing l'~i.1 ill .ar debL in filII; p" rolc!!1 I' II • IV e. 'll~e .ilvllr bricks. 'fh" 10l\'(W81 ill III.... ')· Ilto~, 01110. the .d m a)' ba elll,l,. compared and uodftl'8lqod.d pretenle d .. II hoOte. metllinlt ill ,,1111 0 11,.)1. It il not ~t ror uee. In . tbc alld o~her8 Ilotod .i n lI~r"t"r Chic-if Ihe 00 ROl the .. bUIIDe curiou. a cobbll! Ille ~h'e~ Allo inla book Illok lillIe II_ ",heels W "l\llIable the ~ Thl LliAt 19 I' . Ilod • t ~1111 I'I'H ~p i:or 0 r'Ib Ioc,,1 journ"1 "lIh Il new year'. lo'n.! hi81clry ( Dlllile up wt.ol\y from law J~r II pnlA . Lr dark,ad cldudy day it CR:n liot en· work I' uflll1dso mely pnoted C·· L 1 . .'"ClI\n"~ Arltlr. to d b,. .. ti I, . d Ihe " . to ' .e"rly .lone-s and co . n. bOoks 11.1d C?"rt N!cordt!) of t~c; orliln. lighteD y01;lrupon the porio~ you 0'0· , e& ne . oreate Ii Seoanho htl.u' ,ifI in ,llll! eh"I'e 0(. a pttir of b~l" In Ibl. Cl(Iun· ncllgloUi Liberty . And Ibe 1181i6lIl.DCe of 1 hllre were ilt lwo etlr~ -"cu-inl "rog"' a of La-Jer ,. .. .. pard, tbe . e~terpl'i .in&, book lun D.. IIru""I" ll IOlhe Scboolroom' I"ent 'nioking • lid 'ry. 'The 1\ balMlel a I. cupy betwe~1i ' .h e rielng .and lIetting it S~ P."a In ".\;1110 IIf. Th. D_ d h b " . t Cit " ... hI I fur 011 of tbe ItI\·trtll of lhe by_Iltn.I~", thll II!"m cu•• by OlMItO I\n)'Jl\It'of ~be lfnlt~ Sta* Ilchi '~nohi" Ilttlloh~d.' ' ItO tI,.1 I'" 1100. Alit servee hI} good purpolIll, ... U 18 lCrs. are a 1 e w•• oblig"d 10 go. II.e in .hich ·M. ~ore. WAUII, Addro"" t1te IlIthor; .. bleb ounai'te ,l oC • . whiah Mr, D lO'ld the aLartt'd no " of I ndmits . filet . eb York " . ,;.-:whl NI , . 14",,'11'. oonoor, ilu b " for h!!r l(ll;NBU . it il made t ... lernan ·evil one in:the . \ · ..,."hl SUW " ' . ., Jo. 0" ',u ";"~ 10 l.e "lad)' .,•• cb ••inW ,, ' cOYetlng h ~ brie'" ,. !I...II. "'1, te,~•. Tbe trade . u"""led 0 .1 lire Ot t. e'1lo",, 'm_g-.z \no . • ~I\I\) 1'.0_ . e buoche,tl \""lIe ,'hew CII'l i.. At the . . . . lime lupplit!cI ""ad con· Ie. \ 0, \i."il,o ( tbe ~-'oo ci"-'i .."cl ~ .pp~a . ear. 1".lies· rl'om lit .. S.. Lr or l(""""d. . SEXUA.L PBYSIOLOQY.- A ne. work 6 lDOotha, weckly. · II G~, . h h b ,. I • defraud'Clte fgnoran t and UDausp ect· . I"tc" Iluclor. hut b, ... ,1"1111'1.1 Ihe .ullon or WII by Dr. R. T.'T .... LI.,r COotalhio.." .he . We • a. I"" .. • lie t<I , D lte . H ' I h ot d' "~ .\ fog. Tbla.m serve to 'ilhiltrl w I' Ph11IoI0 \" and A AnalOm hi, lhe ell 1a la. 1I~~crl !lIlt diaoovor ftn. Mr. . of t~IDteltoellent 10 t Ie tr Or' Ihl! WE IureL In11receipt " ... lin" ou . I~P"'t: ' . ' (I -. b 0 b' - "-.I·onl l adMI·c· . , th e nap , - -"'~ . C.HE~UO.AL8. < . . bNlkv'm i 'It" Ihe SOJt~II--nplalnlngtbo, origin. ot'U.fe-.. o. '6' .4 _..I .. Illal , • ~ ••bos""nu b Of I" In, Ihe hrsL·el ... cllr' op ,.Id '''y..• T"t Irle III alii h to "'t'~1 g.ov.t> f1"hl aunlla I. c ,., ft_ l:mallaC• ..•or 67 . ".. -: Ind iIlOD, • " .." .." " v Imp,~gDI . ion. ," ~~"'Iru.t '" "ben Appellr,, atld , 1 prdent la . l( • . d i I Itglt is. accllrdin f n 'compIe t'109 tl Ie '' IiInc I" t' · _ d" hi • t·Ime \.be law. bw .Meb L~AD. Itu: It b -111* /'it,,·o ..... IIcht. !lod rerllied III .ltying Ih"l t'~ Hall'. . • JUJlIC'''.' Y 01l1D Oonce"Uon o~"""""'log .' OIL. . noun s UlII!IOr ma lon, 1111 ' S n · eee., Ihe 'Conllll . " re ::"'ot~ll. r;n" II III d ' bo."."nd ";.-;::>o·f "u'm 11WO IDOft' ' . tho . mlln.' , , _......... . , . I ~¥ no .oJ """1 a ( # I I k !""A he db b .hllt . bl rl'ct'lwed "lye It.lip .. .,111 hv .,~1SIli( m I .... "Ie, • ""... 'II e."lDln' ''lOn try. «lOb·_.... UtS an po II . Ing,k' 0 tbn vaIIIII e I\S a 1IoD , 00 lor rcrer. L . eonf"r_&IonID,ag j.rd~bc. ll\.tabl ea"lldva . " . hdr I (ltrr~11 L,"oA hllve chi~rl ' Iberal o . IOil, yet . o~" e 'r,.'i b uneAs· "1Ic e d uea' "5 . t TI i . w"... nlltledt u.wh.r.. upunlhe C:uIIJu re.r>liolof bDu'il\" .lId h. alt)ly .1Id . gelllos tlle.r. Ih,,' Iei en.1 ion Ctonolu. the ' 10 .. OOIl!l. com .. has ~reo . ' I I once. I II ·to t '11 d I ,~ _ .. I" childl'llD, It I.blgli ·lOneti aDd IbOll1d lit re.l4 1I111',,;lInc' '0 hilD. lialimili lln III" !I"d b' I . fB' L ae 011 tie 80cill"0 0 New Y'ol'k. . ml!n on ~ Ie .,O"l to . l'rlC!e by m:>il t!l ener~ •. 0,. 'wura loreo, upon,. loll 10 b1 evcr. '1 l'tLDIi1 e~tlllpe Irom a lIoll, :pur,uln o "'r ell'.' II t I,.' warIbl' ,ro_D' IIDulher . ItC) au ~180 II ( :___ ' I d • . "'l'LLE '_ ....... ' ,•. .CO., by wIlen r' i'lgllt, .. " b flJetant f&r'tru, b and r' 'll I b rOIll . IIIn a;, "''\IOD "J~OIt! Y R, IIJ IIlu. Alii lore a 1/ 0. IlIIpeae "eDt, . I Fcbl'lIIU \' I'""y of gu.,,,iII .... T~lI 0 pllln'ers III I ltd I ' No. 16 wiSb' ,treot No,,·l'or k. D.lloBE sl'S MnO'nzine fO.r " I .. • . PAIN T, VARNlbH. &el laeb lUI.tion be.,can promot e tbe' gen· A L d I ' g?nf; In'o Ie 1110' " ' . .. n. nl ell 0 1101 "" 01). t C· Ir _ 1111 • ,,&ioo '" 1I to . (relght" lbe fmi"rllt 10 uo .. 1M tw , q I,,,,'" . boauti. I tbe Aud DAY I A userlll D RS tbe ... A· es ' . )LI ' uonillJu DC d' old' Y o . FIFT ra1 mAy_lll 0: • re . Ogu .. Tbe O' • Irt'od. ..• . . ~ .ng IIIII!'. IIIr .. It wt!nl LII InC~It , b ' ... ~. I rom v... .,b r"~ka "1, .llIeo . IS!". , 1r ~m "ood'-- prub"M y a.lto. Wllb aee , . .. . 1 ' J..~ t II ' m (Iii 01 i pi.·I nt ful to an admira, ble .stent. 'l'his wllh 11.."r . K A D' B E A, S Y I • . ' a IrlliD n' • _' will) i_ Ilri8,!,erlD, the mi.take n .~8'ume nLly .. ree Idt Mhe lice I.. . • 0 011 ". "' o. . '~''', alII l1li I. -11 ' •• .ft ·el'l!u~I -lIIlted .. D th~it .... s tomale towllrd -nd Jble .... " '. tb~t 'Iea,r:ned meo are o~~ the great- magazin e is, fllst pro~re9alng 11 tR"lru" d. m"lle" Ii we WII'tf()nll w I'110 h I IIe OW" . COft one 0f ' lh"'C mOil'. Ulel'u.... I oh"lI o &.. CII'OIIlO" . -.-.-~ I.nd ••I""ble "dlqlu . . , . • . ' : } n . " . . Tbls may excelsio r. 8a a ..,\·enr. W. J. Dem. p m " C Tire eat kD1l"es .a nd rogue.8 Cllle. IIIof b,r ov, m"nl .. 111I1 ected e n. 01 nt .. ~ ... lend TW.t,a Superlll .. •.. Igo Ibe Ltd" of Hr. 00-recely"d 8he . OI!I'I,er. (or !lrlog ,. III'f8tlr vtn~ York. ,11tC1, d ' I ... D· AiR.. • ' ,1). tl er,. _I. and C'.ale, ind wllll'el!dU tl' Ih . led .. IIpply to . l! clast Wh080 . Intellec ts or~st» New . _ . d 11 E . ' 8i ' .10 A' rrOID ,In em" er:., "11 1"'~. I 0 11 ·Iltn A rllllll ..., au IIIr. W· "., alf_ and 15. II. &mplo ODe MO' fo, lU CODII. ' -. - -.- _ t,aed.. . Ihe \tIred ES,· frtl\tltl. , TRUSS lhe b Iwe veloped by sqlenqe , yet · Dill" lilt. ":,,d cOlllpees and ur Ihtl contluct II" The . Lit!l/! '!orporol IIpntkle s IIr~l, hie clt',k ••ere re~lIl.\y . ID.,J~r' ~i,~b;.?:.::t~t::: t~~~n. .. ~·IrOB' ohh~ 'tIlhOle n'lpral racultle s, or,' 'driviog RTDS. ~""dhtg Lhlt, &UPPO bottRl'd lhllt betiJI"'. deolded. .011 time, 10d entertll in- ltd lind Ihdr bodies ' mlltil"lI!d IlUrlbly ror KUlur ell 00.; 4EO Broad",.,.. "a"elt und Oln 'he or toree •.bu never beon c!ducate d, but all ovcr w~th '·I.\'AClty nnd LDE~.JiuCII e..,olngR S~loU. .. The ' lh. tla~ tiek,,~ 1 6,.1'014' a 01 Y'or~. lie" hoMer Ihe . ' . n~sO~bllZ"et'tebOpblelb8t_ 11. r. Lttih,·. . tw.d W".I m"slol!d. cinnali ,,,iJroad . for · 1866. lallloIl81 ,lo 81 .301 ' " len' to tile. rode play of the mlll'ledntc:1JollltipeISst' "c'III~IIII(~rUc~ . .., , JIID 'l'OJrl9rex.. 88AWI lor/l tight to a '''" fir~' cl." Cllt. .i Durijl ".. the II.ird . 8C11111't $, I too. 000. ilbollt. ~ .. whe-e.- a" ( .... l·ch.) h.. arlD,"n d lei" broken. hll h~ut . l" elemen t. In ilOeiety. The educnte d. Jlshed. nno H. .I. De, J.U " hlwellll,l1 I,,8'j .. ill J' mrdl pu. ... Til ' mulIl.l. · b~Jlt'I uul alld I pllir or week io Drtltmb er • the IDllit • ".pre~~ 8cHUCI , of lphla.l. InteHM 10 R. u OJ 0 liD An' flltellect, left to t.h.e "'ilidaoo o or u.n- SlallBm an. . . 7 0 " I!a 0,' . aA . and ua elll u . bead I!i 36t; .dl •• olve '''' ·rllC,.. "ItIt " .. JUt 111i;to .,.,.,,,,' ed ~o great.. . llbe price or The Little Corpora l il. pl E~RrII' ~lIcated mJ)rala, ~. C&I)'ble SUTS C"'IIV1~lu•. -A BlalA! ConYrn ; "nd lele,rllp h llIIount Ibow. IIlled wilh ..arl~wI. copics, Slimplo tenr. t07, Ihe fir., proettl ot dtWHIKIo1. D, clOl .... A 'I $13 is or (rei,hl. t, Ignoran . $7.'87: the ' ert. thaD t p'lueng mlaoble Grand er ,'ion 81 the D.. pIlrl.eo t 01 Ohio. , .--'-__ s. prem!um hi,' l!ttl IlnJ!I~IIUlrl.lh ~.llenck·.1I."'tlr .. k8 of lilt '56!S7 of superb most iDeruse a -~. Ing bas io 'ruI,,1 ';8.7~B oy.n ~o idiot Ca-n' dQ i Ai.r mind ' ,.. PIli •• Ihll TIIIII, lOOQ.r".lore..... I"ptili. . . .. - 11 A bl ItY' Impe8CIImeul ~es; Arm, of thll Brpllbli c • will ~Oll"'" eiJulci nUl lie ••••• "'ror, ~ ,,--Chicllgo . ... ,vredl!lIle~. onr Ih. ,,,me week of lhe rear preo.· Alld fOli4 ti,al .......vme ramiliar lfith iDtrlelltA! path. 10 eta. Alfred L. Sewell, olunuu .aem. hkely to eome 10 1I0lbmg. Ihc Armory or ,be Columb ' . _ _ _ .. ee~i1, ct.,e.ted . . he will It udi.n« .. narrow lfhlclL . ' ge, of koowled L8 H A I DOl uI, . e.DOOI be "red by CllrlleOk!r Building . ill Ihi' ·city. at 1'0 .Iinsr. ' I t modi6~. dy .. ,re pti buo Cun_lIm hav., to . '!lid i. It 'IU paleb ~- , Di& nd D· . . 1"Ie Richmo ' .•0 d " \\'... AU ' ",n/Oa(l S~benall'l!" PIllmotlla 8,ltlp lin I"" 1'.. . ' . C)8p&cities .. never compas 8ed witb a ~A ... " N U.s lIMOW T IDlt • . ~ ~nultr' ... "y uuO,,' . • ..., .• Oil . , to' Ille br:lp IInd ,.o(lene~ do",n. antl OIM flll,ort i. 10 ' ,lorPB. ill ~I"macllll)~ 11.", .r• .. mlitSe lte,lIb, .nll .Irelm. His knowlodgCl. of number s the lollowing in '" ,'''Ilon Amlin" I~I. ,1 ",lorl80 t bI&!>loeal will be I'IlII~d lit onll of IIIC! Grr/ClII,r, leached bt' Dot .. ilID"Y th", "ffetlL Ihe ,al. ; III~nee Ih. "'onl. DUloc: lite by d"ya .ioot Aod made Ih. IIppellt, "~""red ~II. him how man.v yellrl mU8~ in. prolTltred .h. Suull! cue , 91 It Gr.1Mi OomlDllnder. Cuillmb u •• a lew uH,I, .nd Pill.. ar" r'·"II'fAe t\..ill or tbrllll wet'k., .nd .Ilen It ia. Ihe ,1t'CItOIl , 1.0 lor ' . . ' . 0' •• : bolli .• Norlh . rluzo!n . ' Llle "It of C d "om. Inn. n ci 1111\0 · .. enjoy J '. V torvene bofore he onn ummlilluer, liD , purclilu e ••ak_.", Ihlll Ihe good • .ba ot """ run " J"dioia ,y unlorl ce El'to, ·r.()NI 0 ~ntl 11\,." u, ' A wIII-.. i.ell4\ '''orllll ."t.t '" "Willlh ey figM' NoL they. They WIll ,,,r)' likely go to lbe pctence fr'Om hlllf·pen ny obelltill gs . ASliltnn& ebllrged 10 her hll.~."'d "nd ... ,111 10 h" .. dl. "EA ~y Geueri\: nl .. AlIj" ' t.'~l 'm t AlSlllnn ' rll. .. Jet lo IIUlr tee. Commit 1"111 Ihe ·":1\1,,', th. ''''''. !pulI.. I ot ,II, MANpa AKE PtLLS U" out of the pOckets ot a certain Dum. bumb~!lged !lte StlUIb. berorli •• I•. Qu'.. It'r ..... I!r GIIDllr.l, Anll.1 Cuuncil ...,.i.Jencl. Th .. olllrk ",k.d . . .11,· .....I1 ... r1 ea•• or d".".,IYI.h. ... III,eere ... . III . "'I!'. III.)' ' .I. Ihll' I~~" . . lhe WHit f WU. . nlil H" p,ole"w . t m~k.,. Sr,h';lIr.k {All" '. D I I ber of ignoran t cuatom ld ux I . looked , wom~n 1118 ' """- Tb Y"noey ' numa rllll ..,.. to conlin 0 five uI\me.IDlldtlmt' 18 .IRanoh Stille RlghLa meo., I Ie r 0 era. ~~ ifCJW" . Ie 'OlIo' , 8. woo u--J 101l0d"d, dillY l 6, In Nltw Yu,k, BUllnn. an,1 ';t hi,. pri'nel'p.t . knowled ge of Geolog y and Minerll l - !'ut wh~n ~hll w"r IlIb.ib .l, E.tlh Euc"mp ment in the ed, hl!Cl,uue .gi~"led. Ih"n confu"'l ol)mr"d ~.uvv~ .In,I., 8~h l~lt' ~o ul • ~e~ In OulllQl.b . · n p.elt. . ~ onnnilo ~erY '1 holtt. phl'.: lind PiII~a"" oun ~n into oftJ~1! ftlvel' fetw a gOllh~m' beon the dell,.le n.lly 'hlt only 0gy, teacb~8 him to approp riate d 100~ me"lure l (or b t lnl:InC lht'.'r d,,· SIll. ",ill ba entitled ~o· onit WILSON!8 _ 'A plngue mloes or lfealth beDeath his Dei b. whll IItt. wulY"1 lind balR. y ..jOf hi.vire. J oeYer know him muob .h"ll. meml)er 1 fo,.,,\"Or m c , bl:1 ""ly • , 1:. Im,..",li (or , od m . .. " sa, we." of, 00 luoh r'. IDe know "" hi- lion., Bis • .. ...... h.eo Jlur~""'IIIIl. 1"-, L Hon. ~e~~r.• 1 B. A. Hurll>u,.t. Comm" nJ",· fore.- I oever ~"\t'I l. PI' .. ~ , " Co""rrl .,."., o( ,..,on oon'IIJe 1111 w -~ "'e, .... o ;;--te A .. • T 0 · ".. ~J· t iL I 0111)' .ob · i ' lDore DO ' . pllt:n . ' "t. p ' '1 ' O&emietry gives him power to spring ~!I\e • I .. Bo D l ~I,e b '1'1 .. 0 "'. raull Army l CILLANr -A tru C0I u tIt. Dec tor on.. II. I lu:nlCU All r" .. deoL of b. n IJlII 1.... 0 1I'8ne'II )I-.' Ill ' I! .no. . : ' . . 1 . " S pll.·. n, d d' ,. orI' Cllnium' ... ~ .. I ba ' . 'lI the III bll ",hell n~m... 1 hi. Ii mioo which will aontter to tb.e I Ii !1m • bllek lD I I ~ell.dllll . .n. hlu A pre'~11.1 .n. " ......" Lie y ret c ll'l Ameno .. n Ib"RllnCl.. duo p,a o. w.' . TI · ..oe .11011 or t III••tnlu,ng Go a .. illhe ulher .. 100' now I;' a~. 011 I~• . "'!Dds the prospec ts of a rival'. he Ie d to romllnc~. I'IlerMV. n•• a, In.troo I"rl! II ner,. pra.peo l. 11'1"11111 dehyetred Lhll Jiltle ,pllech. . n9t:nllon p". llifl, Ciln\lIin ent. Oon,.. ",,,,nlllftmil. 8.M b)' all Dr"g_ .\lvll "musem Rnd Ye'1 tioo and . " 'pithed U"d"oi . hurri"d "w"y ma, ,p"~m npon. the i~norant, spu~i ntl I ' ,1 ' P ():7 1.1 il IIl1id "~at Mr. ~.h.l .. y II~I of ".:ourl "U"ndlillee And ." Ifloll And D"III"~, ".Ic•• ,.1\1) prr bUI'J!!, ,.. '1 · 'h b II' OUI fat the relll cOln-co unterrC lt. !tel or reading MIIlI, bound in coyer . b 1)1 y. Journal bru ~.relu (or -Colum I,Iirr. lime ~'I' . . ,mmedl dlll"n will, h.11 he Ihe, wluch .'~~o 0' nc. .. eYld o"me, Ii, lome " pllt . .. , . ' If\un ung' 1m '" I "d" ~..... ~ • U"Cllor ~e ' lO tor tlle.genu lne Doto-tl llsebl)( )d 1< d OummiLi ... l add;e , bill JuJic"r lila 10 .eholl\" _ubmit d,lol' ... 11t!ly bl Dum r'''ponli tlRch In ".ry aod proved to be" . " or 0 au Ilion 10 a 1I0""lIettll 0 d ' d b. ...... lII......r. trutb-ft '1 I' • !:tche"ek'. "rlnelp~1 Ofti ~f'.•• Nil.. l~ North . k I I I' .hor~ Mto i J lJ lir. -..\11 'lor goo - ypocn8 yand ber. m"ny IIolh.r 6ih;'''ee t. Philidel ohln; I' agOlin.t who llnorll 1",ly 10. mi.d"me luch m"rrled Y proving '"CIlOI 1t!1 "U yII'_' "..,Iy. I . . eI, r Jt _ • •. A I .uroll. " • '-':-'--"-_ ~ I d '1 1 ' deceit, ·tor honcstv abd upright oess .•• nu_. mllas I Ioye d ' I'11m •.or · - -TB. NOB. BifT . ' E. ' ~';;;;RI7 "O~ou. ullOlea .re ajy ., J "I .. d .bOut I".' d • no",o I11m , rl lC! an I'.rlle III lIi.1 Ollpi'tine" Krolt. ~", .., "O( 'IIrp . .• WI a. n . inlo II .. . e . . • . . . -, ~ or·-ut thing !!nmp I''!le. IL'.. " .upenor mM""lln~ ",,1100 . . 0'1 O~k, ILretlL. in d - yet Ulcro is ono all.'mp livin" •• 1n '" yur ".~I'm t'i"hltrn and . I~d, Y"III'II Every ""IDe. I... ' lorhi. v. to k . ,Ihill 'c ity •• ~. mutd~rl!ll ),"""r 1IIIDleir II10nl!, .nd not tb I he ellD t d •• 0 - - - - - ' " sp~ .~ . . adunc. Ullh~ct S,,,, •• con .l\e..,. 101."11111" Y!II" . no . o - a t I, to mil e the Term., 83.00 ppr .nnulD in ry I"R.pora \he du,ing n. ... " t . r "flc!tnuo . d"y .... retire ... 10 . llboul 11'.11 i. Slate .'r.e~ '0:7 A . T. BI.w.rl ptueh lolt.elt .lIv.• nIIlJII 'b, re/urn 8P;:C.~.L ~"I'I~":, , ~ I . :'~Id better for hie exampl e, - tor Addrj .. J. II Qrij;iIAm, 18 ~ "r h.,r mnfller. bv Ilomll an . {(rl'll of ohug.) b, .d~r~ ..lnr Ih. DOll;,. ' . . rrom IIcLive bu.i.ell . W. beline h "b'ellce pe·Nlon. ... ;.1,1 ...... \l , .• ' < ' ",Mre I'r~"kll . liflln)i . Bluo.l. nr Ie.,. i h~'· e 18. but balf educate d. He 1& mor- Bo.loa. llllo.e. kno",n ..iln~d. .. l'£L • IlIlPT ()o~81 TO 111_ . ' w " 0, J J ""W.' . tall h aUy Ignor:l.nt th '''Imbul{!t~ , *111' .~b'iI/p ht hot itqilehlll 'rite i. no' w.'rth more lh"n 15:1.000.000. . . '. . y WIS8. , ' oug men . . . 111 COll~I,"e ~.lwlI"u".,1 re pl_~" think hll wOllld . rnl.lo in fOlln.I·ln Ih" .n.)w oOI.i.le of die II~a.e "Ill Ihould uII.trll lind AII' well he a.rd. luge, thle It 10 ii WORlD' tc,'or.d , .. lie WIDI ing •• h .THI: r. he .uboerlbe wheel, ~. ~ X·~ . · Like thfJ cart with one . 811.1 rn"rkl1of·b ,ooJ . .,ere .111,0 rQuod ap: . .., ,,"rVlllt. ' eooduo. ed Iiler"" bUl\in~.. ulllil be h.d· . 'm.s.-d a com <'I' , ' h.. hh I.i a I.... If?' •. br . ·" err ""'I,t........ Ibelr_.obecllent " :A ~.' , ' Illl! I"nee. · . moves ia a circlo. He can Dot ad. prlDllld and "bly i TH09. P. CUAP~IAlII. ~ with ,.. •• 1, ....... . " ~ur.d ... h'~i"lI: afier II,.. b her to nlt' i helnng' pi'lol etl dillOJt..rg A . , all . . . . Ib... ptllency. 881 Broadw .,. N." Yyr. 17 •.11. · \',"~ce in ulef'uln el8 - be can Dot ~8",pllper pu li.ll"d i~ Boaton. found b, hu siJe.• I,ul ~ ...... "..... 111'1<1'0" •• nd '!a.1 dreall dl ....... , hr..,h.,r ... ~ .... ' ~ · ·' tJ'I'l~ IU .lll1d .I! D ~~U". . loill~~ 10 I~YI x ''', l'OD_I. Con.ultlll b, m.d" her. upon ~.. " '"iln or ClU'~ nae n the 6rmame.nt or goodool B I. COlllen'. lire wt'll ."letLed iL 10 our ' ",ue Itl!lr. . pqblic ' the o.r .0 L F 'IIllemen . " The ... ~ . . . . II "1 I e I' of r.r..• ''''.11' lh. i'od.... pl~"u"lo reoolDni.hJiog n" " A Grn~I'l!la!l whu 1,.. atl,lretld for ,.e.,I J ~hl~h hll .111 .. 'ID-.,UIO ."', ".. d ti IIe 'Ilppo II;>Tur.lluw.""t I ~d will Dever find a pllee in tb~ lakeden "'ill,,"d ha b It, •• I •• D .110 ' I .11 8 IA!" U II 01 dltbl tIlih "" No. ·1 .• I,le ' ~or pIIrollag.. T or." '3.00 r.. 01 .. til el lor t108111 I'r 101ll1t" I"rp It ld' g alaxy"f ' lob .I 'oin NI!.,nUI bebllil, . P,,,.. ,,lo,.. Dec",• • , l:b, COI" ... ' . . . : Ie .'" 10 d ..frod . ing . e lfOr • benetac tora. aLIl!mpl tloli. in . v Ilu,l i. llhdiee;e aiaillll )'IIUlhlu of 06t.666 .1f~,Ue alll.he '2,615. ~d or • • dOj!.' ,"'1I1I·lh lOI"I ... o! cbarr). "Ottum i. adwana. . Addr... J. H. Ihow •• Peltl.!...... r"lI" ~ l; Iho .,11101 frnlD Ih" bralal III. ~(IPI'UIl ... d}~ wilh ( 1 , hene. ,"trerln' 01 A moral edU~t:lOD, 10 lit.tle prized per. ..... ·th., T "11I·Iu. I Ih., ' i~.",. Ihe ..... F A killl!c' by 11\...... 0.". 'o'I'r.p.rlft~ 8 b ' b- 10 1D0unlln t 18 ,.",ur,. '13','3 7.· .~.lul~ or'll ra!ll1n. Ihll , w", Co·.... m!lli6n.' ,Plid f'CIf'io .\1 whO 'l1"ed II r tbe ·rer.l~ li,,".II .,.. ~ . me, and 10 mach neglect ed by rlg.m .. e1'll,,1J. Boslon, ......' e. •. tile , ~re., into Lhll ."qnll. \Oill "'d " SURE eVIJE for him Nut~. !, Lbe lor ),"",1III , " dellt the of ·.'mple, 8 t.h!! · Dterea'4 , ",.lIhUf ~2. Col do; 8..d . • 1t nd , ~I'~rlhlftl! fur ~~ milly, I, reaUy the importa nt !'lIllao pille.. ~ b, him "i tn rai_" · tbiot "!lh'"8: IJtolt,bil" C,~u,h'f eu,."40 Bul ure metaiJd or.' mootb, 'IO.OOO.~. . "1{o~I~u,,~. Th •.oltl, ?~J"'I .~onlld!, b, whteh b. , 'Y" U.I" Und .. b", 1 10 clue ~o ·Parto~ ecieoce. Throug h tbe light. ~Thlllll •• Legi8181 ~liicid8. 01 lilln pllllllmp 'U • ttl~,i. l"III!d'f It~'dllr' Fr ...n~. .,1.hllll ;O ~rolh • ""f!r "".'~ Preocrll' Iba , ... tend III rl.M. •• "" Ibe "t •• II .. ~"I"R v.d d . \I ,ii, ' ""-1' ~d ,r~rce of moral eeience. the right ~u... d ~n. ~oDd,,}'. ;-7lh in.t. .III' . II0rrl lhlt ....' .... lr"lor .of L I'" ll .11I1.lIkl ,d ••• d,al,re~d illtftmllatldl1 · ,.p,eJitln ce, I,I.. "" Ob' It hen' Th 10 "11101D' 1"le ollbe •• . r<, !I, rr.,lo," . Oa "QODf;f a , " p, euola· r e=' "v DO'p. :lOHN 0 . I. m-"-. 10 II." ' 0 ......\lea...- 11' or o-tb ~ "hleh\ilr.lI.. 10 bit jn•• la"b!e, ·.Dd i.. . •.. · ..... .... -rr .ilh Ihet8lnnl~...-b, yl!l be"D.'...oli,,,lncrd oarrllll hu,CItltI li"el ~ rk. o .lhe Y. of r ~~w .. al .8Jl11ake ... el.ot.~ Cblm" .~ No.1. . ('.or.ln, . ': 1_ 4 . Ii) . \bina ~. 'done In Ita pl'O"r. "~e 1 '~r, ~Ol"'> •••r'.........' ·.. ill if1 ",ia ' ... 41111. • ..J...... a wolD of 641u 16. ill r.~if,iRI lb. CUll !. " A" rMCt~;;n" ' . ",, ....... "L\w.... .,....:.. ~prele.l .. 01 '. I) a OI&~ 1"0.'" on. anol ectQOII'-' nalhia" _ moral u IL1Y •• .. lb Iotlllil Call 1'.-'W1 . ' . ..,11 Penoll, .."h;"1( Ih, P'."""I,l io. ~ l'l.,.. ~r will ~w TO ';'11" 1I1t:1I h . . d •• IO ' 'I ,'UIDliOGal .... Ddlll.Dt. >. L '-'r aO&S(,o or ~ .._1iclI III. . . . . 0 .ali'to "ntIIlD*' .il.. . ... ......_, ;.._.;...... ..... e r r ' 4e.....- tbe whole too . . ~ Ii ..... •• ~ . _ Milo ~ . I t N I4 ......... . II1f....~lt. he' ''!'"VI'' , _ .......... , ---... • , . W_ Ia. · 'l.L ia, at "Y':' pneeo ' OO ,hoot orcl"llC lf. b, ..I . . . III.II.,1 ,...'!"'D".WI , . ' \1M otbel ilaDd. •• ~o..wBloatl .... L ....' "Uo_t .. , ~<l..... ...- t i\.. ...Ojlf. ...... f ...... ' . ~OWlK .... a . . ......:..... a .Ulbet r_~.a tn~aci' ,:,M\ ..... dbe," ....... to wotal . _. ~ . • ct .. i IlprIP t fa IDRaI Til""'." 01 arCa leked lhe :..._~--'!"'"-.....,-::-::::-"'::~-- tiooa,- Upo nd " f, '~: .~. the aooomp 'li hed knur, UI ~11 (,II or CuI......... Ch"i,. II. vo.... ~n · ._1. ,... " all .• IN CUlllIIII 1 .. Cloo" ) I1PO[' or 8 D ioIJucoC g "'In~in t th~ • ILL K. 0 III 0 : P.lldl.ll O. , 8..ut'..r. H. • • O HOA. oula'r: III tlO" u . MI·IIJJI'~. lit'










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n.ut' ". "












an.u &lRON! t

M P L E r,Er

uC 0

ADd .we invite u.. lt1ent!ol ' of ,oUr CustOJDera 'and ' Styles l'rieDds to

and .. Prices! I


fa BOOTS ANJ) the Belt Quality I

CA SSI ME RE Far m•• .aDd Boys'· Wear.



v, •.

..tJ a"d atl tb",. fn encU.. .lgrea' ""eduot.ion ,- p"ft_,


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6 •. . . . . .




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WIlfDO.-G~ I





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r A1Ifly S&:iP& '"


'ho plll~tation.







FAMILv , GROCE 1n 's·

01.1,00 ~~I~oP:t::~:~t~~~!\=!·~r. ty~f:'~:;:i~~: W~GUFFY'S"


It an.. rom,..







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"1-.' ., 'r(1

... pH. . .,............ 01' ... 1& . . .: &UeIItIoa of the I'adin Ia diJoeefed 10 tbeir .... - " - , 01' Pu••~ .Web thy oIW at elty ..holesale prICes: Tb"yare!Om« oft.-p.




Tu·d.y th.Py ..01 ~DlDI~O~ to dwpoR thtlr cboice lIOuk of C1o\hlog a' ClueillD&tJ 80UIID, ... hole, ale prices. Illld will ..... ncb cUIO_r 1;10.1 •• : tbe bill: Tb~, do not.'-II 10 nlW'a oy 11.41 .I ••• thia stock, bence,the deterDllnatloll, "' "LU!PU~" 8:09 A. II. oflh1 coat: , 1.6; ... II. R~member. bne dry-goodt. DOUOI18, (Q 6,20\l'..... bO~I\!ry, truultt ; 'In fact, aimoal llve,y thlog I' ' . " youwtUlt, l\~ yo,yI9wpr!ces : 'Call : THE CAR 0 I N A L:" S~llds. Wright ~ 00 : 'fill hLvo" an auetion ' WeoDWAnp. ''sup'" every" Thursday an.;ruoou and ' Il"cnlug Ilt ",I :h C-il Bue., or w~r"-i n O.... n. ellAt 'CADW"IoL.t;Ii,a. ","It. Springboro, when. choice ,'u,-'ctyof good a ron b ~lk.. nulf, un '''po J 'i n lCit~heo &- II ll & A' u .. ,,' . 1111 at : a , .rlle Ir.ollu. dllflr, .nd OW .lLL ... ".'.. " Lt , pl'f l:ll.9IM. \11'111 be olfered: Go if yuu CIln. &\I ihdll P y . Fu.l'n.I' .: ('Vf' 1I rI".""1 lined •• to ',.'lftll' " eMI . 1111,1 RelI 's, pr. I" " 'illl"te The 'new column IldvortJge!llout of Hopkina Ih e IoPHI w),e u RATSVILLE, 0., J~n. 18, 1867. It Crispin speaka fl>r I~clf; end we bunI on' n .killj( : 11 GAZrt:TTE :~I belie,'c I shall 1)' to edd Our commendation of IJI c the enter. Tile mO. t CO lllp l.. ' e n"d "~sl-wnrk i ng 'III~" lor n '.r!!e fllm.l,. or HlIIPI . IIo.t ,,_ . ~ . h h enc1 prett ;01v "Ig - Iltl ells Hr m displays III ov or_" d up~r\meDt IIUVI! IIvp r _p I up 0 ,. 11I" le lI. er. Mre II to Scratch m'J sly fOI' on ' idea,' for 1 scnrcely of their llulllnc88: Tbeirla. t ev i(\enco 1.8 the ,"ze.-7. 8 •• "d 9. U ",hat to 1alJ,t about. I bad in. permanent lI01umn CLDgngetJ fur thcir u e ' tb i ' b ' d bOd I tbla pnl'or =t They belIeve In the ell'e cluulity II telling you n. we n . I Of printen'luk , lind oonl!ider mono, expended to pikcs, nQd were baving a ' Ill tbat wl1Y wo11 lO\'csted: We :.vish them ·rlai. I•• ft ral-cl ... " 'ood C'O""-.IO... , lime s l eiglll~g on. our., frozen u nbounded l ucceSI: lorlle wII"" ,d,,ur. lorI!_ "v.n III'." wllh .ronds ; but clinnges appear to I -'!~!!'!""!!!'!""!!!'!""!!!'!""!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! r pl! l .t~r In II .... r III '''UIlI.le the lentper .· lure uf ll.e ~ve ll In lI.kllllf. order of tj:te day at present, Jllt'nic~.


BUSINESS, .ala .l~e ..





lilY ull

we shall hn~'e plenty of slelgllillg yet-I hope so, at ; but shonld , we llot, we bave ODe SQ I'eo gift, bestowed wi thstin t and wit h n lavish han d.

II t



, . I} £; •


I':1;'1 I


'L __ _


r JO ll think I ~nye o\'err~tec1 the please give us n cull <luring spell, and if you al'4) not conto tbe truth -of ,my asser· Whellt ~ bu.hel, til $0 ~ '2 75 I ",ill ogree to pikes a,e, .. , ,I 00 liD 00 . .. ,~ .o.18 11 It ' 40 ce of my oays. ," Burley~ ' " 120 @ 000 .. ()f pikes" ,relllindlJ me Curn II 41) , Fluur" borrel. . 1460 too, nl'e -to Ilave ~ pike - two or . "t fl'Jur cwt , 'l 60 of them, perb.ol)S ; III ,ac, D .tler tl It 30 lire nt the present time two Lonl 11 It , U t componies ,VigOrolisly en- ' EIlIfI '1!l dOIl.. nj , Jio A l,pl e~ 1ll Lu.hel. 60 in the work of building os P.w. , bu. h,I, , 00 d ilfere~t ' pikes - witb thcir .put.loee 11' 'b ui hel, 1 00 os ,' and .fr~)Ditli~ WI\.V in wbich Drie" ApP'e. ', 'It , 16 ~C;;hl~ken. 1P. duzell, , 3 00 ill \?ehlg pl'osecuted. I hal'c Volf.. e 11 ~ '. ,_ 30 tbnt those 01 us who lh'e N e w. Orlea ns SlIllar " I t 16 @ ilG, the ,'ear ,1967.' will aee both N .·O. Hoi".... , ".lIun, j 36 J SllrghuOl , '75 'in a ' state of s.uccessful con:- Cu"IOil lI"lIollu'n. 8(} . lit' tIt·o -meantime, those , cn\\noti tWhgs in tbis hope· " ,BQrB8 , may, for augHt , we carc" ill ' 'i;> ' ··~ ~-"· :· -, TORM.KT. To &11 '1", • •, ', oda'~ ·1 S.- j)8 .Bnow,ing Mw, 10 hur· 4nd e.pecbl1y ~ ~Ih~ I'.,ve 'R,!",,,. fOT sleigh in,S, - on.d moonlight 10 be .hod ;!-The d", h.a ar~lY" when






h(lr8e-,"u"~Il' It ... ~eeome onf< III Ih,' moel a.-"arl.lcu'.r P'ortl , uf BI.ek-ll ~~mithlnlt. , Ne~+~ ~~., If ·' " buy worb I few inon l,b( at .hoolnl/. he, preie'n d. 10 ," know, It.1I ;" .' ....1 wi.en he ~lId ' lI I,eat ' ",eny ulnera - enn oM workm"n-llo.'lco PUL on •• ~o'j ' tlll' Y ' beiflll CIIIllrl1l on 'the" heel •• nd ,'op Iht'i', W. del f DII, m.1i t,"".hoe • hu,ee lo'tnyel ~i~~.t, in tllaLJ~.' , of ~ I",plnf' W"~\ a heH h. 0'11 eUI ' ,wI\Y; Ihe h,oref' I.. Iln,d and, Ir"~e, le.l uvPr. ouLli.ard road_I hi. r",,1'c on , \ . ' ,"IICil, ... bpeome. 11m... . Then I.. I_ cottcern , d, , r'1;nrnl'd ' 10, 11i'" )J1'1'''~ml · h. 'w ho dr.wl • an~ are';suporiot W · ~P8t. Clrlll,", I,.hoe, ('ol.lhe Io ..e'£ d"wlt lo"",,r, manuracturel": In fabrtris the' fll. UP. lite _t,lle , 'e " ... 11.I,d .malle r ; 11811 • , " ,., . ,. ' " , " 1)11" 81111 drp~.". tile , ("lit dow II lu Ille styllsli,' Blld t\IO beiltquaUty for .110f!. ,lIn'tlh. harle" I. no ,lieller ,~I .Rl'e slmi,tO ,fou:n~ lu~~. T.hi. 1. 11,. cllt'.... e..o( 1JU m.n, 1t,1I, ••,~" bpllIlI roC'ommond ' T.' T .'n : at ;tbis 1~1"I!' .ho" I~I!" lI~t fa,-L' dll.III, ur " " , ,,. " f\dln~. " ' . . . , , duy IS )lot ~eedful · : his "rcputii: 011~ Jleory £for 8boehl'l~ to I..... lit. is establisbed t '!llct, IIro~!lbly it 1I.lIlf1i' .• \lapnDd .Iae., W. pro· , " 'I f, •• to ' \ .'

., '

., '


a ,II'

.. ,. .


t"'O!,I,e, discouhting too, ~ileli upon tD'" future 'W, III&Y ·tlrat 'hi8 ltar of . ," , as Jj;' ' tlnl'abed arti~t •



b'edimm~, ', dsit h~~ . n" ,uu"", Uc:i~L,"':"Nline

who Iltt~pt" t:o ~urD . •



-, .

bOOla&8lli'v to"be

out of'





lilte, will .I" IVI'II 10 ~ .. II Ind .'~" m i lle U I III'elid .ellllll: wli .. 1 I hu",) hllnd U price. .



h ) "'" ftre requ".urd. 10 c.U Hlld "" I lie th .. I, .~.· OUltl. . J W. lIAINE::!. W .Y II~ .Y III (> . Jnn. 1. 186 7.


Good Perfumeryl Pomades,

i'\]It,tCllt ,~

-AI.o, a Good AIIOrlmfnl

~ f \1",


·IiJrW. ba1';o alalia lint olr

We ha,e 111.0 on b·. ,nd .. ,ood ."0,1, mpnl of almo" ner)thio', In uur IiDe, .• moll8' which ...


POl'S. ., . , SIULLI ....S. . GIllDD.LES. ·





-KKTTLES • .. ,zel l

EN Al\.tEI.l .J{ETTL~S.

It ... t qu.IILy.


"':' ,J\P IRON,!-l,

hne nite fl~ thll,e ,emil,


JIrON -SPOONS , , m.KA, &, :I.



cb,icilltS :









. 'laIclt I

\Varrnnt to give('q lal S~':~fo$:" tion to my 1le8L CUSI.o~ , Wor!, !. '. which I " .111 6111 ror-l\"~ ·"'(ln " thle,~ 1t!,1 tbe ch~.p"ill .rlir.le 01 J.~ "orlr•.

_ 0--- '

GENfrs' ~ , "

FURNISHlNG' GOons, WAile S'lif tI. Dr4fll;f'~, "110«. Su <pffUl,r•• IJli", Ptlp'r Col,:... ,. 'rul., 'qRei ' _II.~,i r.o 17.. tI" Ouljlt:illu Lcn",·

v-.. :



A:" or which 1 " ' i11 Rei! III .1 lo~ fJfli,., J'>u ca,1 bUl lI.em JQ Dll,lun or -leewIser.,


T: n0DSON.·

by : tJ~;

B. ~ ..BABtlI':T'l:i Lllbor, ~ .. vl llg 89.1. •• 1'hle 80ap 1& mAlin from donn Rud pure IlIlileriul., eOllta' 1I8 110 IIdulterntlon of "bl' kUJd. "ill not "lIuft! tbe moae dellcuto f&brle . and /s aapaol.Uy IIlIaDlod fOJ! ,,'OOneUl. w'bl!lb will

.- - -.


CIIIII·HIIII. C "'"W-", bifur..1 nllol '.!lIIU"" 'B~1\\il' fj,\ M1Il' .II.II"!' IIll sCle• . ln !lold. ally.. r. pl.,ed .• t~fl l" &I il 811,1 ,·.,IIIWIIII Ir."""8. l" ••,It IIU IIgu. 1•• 1.... 1 11'111 1111,,0. ~IV In of J .. welrr. Fi;llll'r Ri,,!! • • ,1,,,1" ~11i ~l c ' olld &1".10.1 I"N"'.ml'IIIA. :1110".11.,,"0118• • nlt" .. 1 1.,,1 1\1";, ,, B"ub ul a ll ki"d -.. BI.nk )j.t .. dl.

~'111 ~rr'\"11 tiJJU!!i&"



N,.,. .nd ,.II'l'rh.lninll G am"'. ~cho.", .rho,,1 R'lll"le" , Albn", •• &IIMr.e l. I~,,~.... , n.• "k .. lur pre., I1". Piclur ... Ind



- --

Till' beel .cuck of W4LL P.lPEB



shrink IInor . L'oiDg , ""~~INJd ' \.i ~c'tli la 'io.p; AND BOy~1U HAT S, .1nqtDlBY llo used III h.nJllr ... n w.te .... 1& _,IU 1'" .. gn.tnf!IJ. t ,u ftl,d alai n8 ot au !'Ollllil wurl'lUl~ed ; oqu ..1 to ' '''~ P\l u n~8 or ,!r Iib~r'y fnmil y eOllp . .. ~lmllo", READY.MADE OLOT1IIHG I eent withOnoRoll ~lIr. for nl"idllil \111'(111 ,aUqDl '




60 Per Cent Saved

- ,- -

hI • • '\lIlell'nt!IIIIP , & e., &.c .. CUlIlluntl, ull


IOrtllll!nt "I

WI,nl!tl,iII~. 8~,.t. 8. I~f\. ;


IIlorIV,. "'" \V-n."t., AffiJ , viI8.. R .. p ~ v


1 h t p cenl'antly on hand •• plondicl I ..


DRESS-GOODS, Whitf;l Goods,





IlO1JLO.GO ~O IULE "NO '" diST'8, N ... 115 Mulberr\' .t;~" I , I,EnAN"II, Ohlu, 10 buy .fine Sl L'V ER WAlle• ."tlllt! ftlld r'it.1'I1 ,SPUlIILI 11111 '''E\.l'~ Jo'"rll _, Ii liP . THI,I .. ' .",1 P.,ck .. t CIIII~'y , 1 •• LJ 'hI' lin"s l Ampri,·nn. 8,,'1••• Frl'l.,,1I al .. 1 Enllll~1t WH'thu: fine 1101(\ Pen s 1,,01 p .. i,rlle;" •• wllh ~ er,,~clIl'i c,



O"'AL . CAST ('RON ,l ' ,





, of .. II


Go 'to the New Dru;.! S'ore. J . NEAL.


pre .... on ahurt IIl/tlce.



r'Ot nASH a. , '

20 .20 '20 2020 '20


Bair D.vei!

A. the 'Io~e ·.euon la aclune",J. ' aU' alack II 111011; btlt thing. Ih.t' we bn.e nut.on ... "d. we can ,,111.111, by Ex· DBESS GOODS,

"r' .




• •• ur, .. d .iz.... ",



p~r '

wbir.h I 11'111 make up In R ely Ie not . . . . pOllee! by Jl..IIY. Dnd , h r',r'Iher , uppricir til Iluyllli ,•• within

~i..::n. -ter READY - MADE CLOTIl~G. 1867. Cut and M'l1de DY ' My ,8.t;, '

Pure LiquDrs"HIW

ur YIII'il", aL1I1


rUlluge. ELTON DU DLEV. \\' .)'Il~&v ill e. Sel'l . )7. IBM.

For Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Ou.,

At' I6 Cents




' (' . . Jfarr~nud to gwe Satl~/actlo",.



.,,1\ ..





A I.". Imnll ~ 'o(' k (If GENTS' FVRNISBING GOODS !-.II 01 whl~h 1 1\'1 11 t " rt! • • ,," ,;IIIl' prvfi '. ~ PI".a.' I!' ve 1It9! e.1I "e(ore m_ klllg Yliur Ulo!C lilJ" •• I re~\lrn Ihlnk. IU my ..ld t'" .tomerl o'id (rl t!lId. lur whlll Ih (.y hov e d .. IIII I"r 111 0 h~ Ih e rn I ; "lid Il lIpe 10 III' nbl~ III I P."mol III IIt A rulli re ID.'· _llIIre uf thclr pi t


' " . ....n••ure ••"e~, "II" buy V. 'IC"", HOPK1NS·· &. CRISPIN'S, ~c:n~~~:~~"i\Ue' ,,"Qf\ .. " ~;,III;L"'Q"a·lltA).t'p'!:t'


At LOW tl~ (my ,Mun . Dnre Stll tltt

SI'F.CI .ll. NUTIO£: ! -AII pe r~OIl. i ...leL I,

New Drug-Store!

or 11.1. alyl .. lher .... 'e Ihrlle ,;z".; OoM or Ille above oaellliolled 'eln b". h.oI 'uL •



Ihl! t'lItlre ... I.b ll.h",I'''' UII rl'''~,, ''.I1I ~ J . W . IlAINES.


Signal Parlor.

. ,

mftd ~ by MR. DODSON. whll. Il"drr my ellipluy, 'wlt\ .:h I wi ll '

Qut ."d

Sprague,C~liooes Ball'-Oils, llair Restoratives, ,_ l'" to Ihe

ur 1I,1 l'allU lind prill... Iccol" lli, qllAltl y',



.ltd ellsy lerm. .

PEERLESS. P!lr1or Coull. (or wood YOUNG AMERICA. eo.I, fANCY FRANKLIN, COlli. BEACON, PARLOR COOK. wood. dn;gn.



+-~. \ IttP\I ron"'lilly on lta,,11 IIlmall.t ock 01

N . ' O.-A nv Oll e wis l'lIIl! t" Illll bnrk I" Ihl! I U.'IIt' •• ';'111 6,.d 'he pr ~8""1 .tt ex · If) be •• eo(.d Goo". na lny in Ih e m....1 c,II~ lIt ul'l'm'ulllty IU huy. 01 I \\'ill sell -01101 whiuh 1 will .e ll


iu .IIY city, tUWII


'W 'y,,"vjlll', Ohio. ,


. Parlor and Dining-Room,

,.t •• LOW FJGUR~~

' Vhe" m~dll up, i r IhAy du 0 01 luit Ih e U,lulIlor, Itt lire"! ,'I'JI llike thom !

I. W. ""IND,

Sl1eCI!88 if) "II Ihe above ,loYu. Th erfl are three ~ize.- 7. 8•• "d 9-v '"yi lllr ill I'r ' ce~ I,UIO .:.15 ul' t .. 160, L1lrll.Ji alit .11 c"lOpl~te I

1/ new snd bf',"tirul

coosilltine o f Black

Ulin .Slreet, .3 door. bl'j,.w Ihe 8 ,,,;,, •

Pia i n d e 01 c r!



, ' , ' ,a'1d h ..e 1.11~ III nalure, I!I.e U,' a ,ul~l. +"it •• hoeinli'; will r.1)".I"~e ' . ..n. f(J~, tbe . MI~T~N TH~MP80N. , W."I"·.. ,,I •• D ilc.• 4, 1868: . ' .




~ iiS;. CD. '. ~ G), ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


~Iu,' k.

In or4.r to clo.. up Ih. \lull lie••.


ahl\ p.d refit to t"pl~ ~·n'lJIr.1 .1I."e . . WI!' " "ge 'prwf 10 ."oW·ol' our"aucc ..lln 1101, p~rliC\lll il ', ,.' '

coat , A " a , O:T 11 ,ou


£ta.,-•• " eet

wUl l b, p.'''p!r .,lroeln", ,P'Y"ldlld •• dIIl\CIIII, , h ~. nol lI"ne too luu/f,-and iII-

waat.e'b0?t1. , ~nehcoal


h ~\..uhmtct

At the rOllidencQ uf Davi,l OhellC1I'eth. nCAr this pluQ;). Jun. 12, 1 67, NATIIANI &L W AlII>.

I b this lown hlp. the 15th InstAnt, )Irs: to our s upel'ior, extra, d'o uble- A.lfred Olnrk. Ilged I1bo\lt 33 yellrs:



do' He t-~a

Bllli'CLm d by

Cheaper than the Cheapest! , '



VESTIN GS. & C.. FA L l. A N'D WIN 'T E 1\

bOlh rIo In .nd r.ncn wl~lch I .m rr~p.r~d lu Itllve IIIllde lip '11 a .Iyle nu t

he rore Spring, Ih o.e w. nlin. a nylhi nglll .II }·


M 0 N ARC' H


.tA:U l.l.:at,tll,ji)),

, . ,


moon g DIe> S n 6ca of malriJllony .. . CI'ul'lie. old triend I to have been cl'c~tcd expl'cssly mny IL be a prosperous and happy voyage to n ubnt'm to s llcb oconsioDs. you-\\'ith all our IlCllrt:


Direct. from .• ew-Yolkl


' HIP'S &C W




ro{!)[:7l\IT, 'i1~ lBI 1\ !UTl'Til'fH~t' W..(\).

h•• ialt rec.lnd-"

wllere m,,, be f""lId • pmall 'I~t 01 wII'1 aeillcled Goode. con_I.lilll 01



from apptarauccs, sleighing will - - - - - -- -- - - - - be "mOil'" \be tbings that w~rc. At Utica. Licklqg cotlnty. Jon. 3. 1 G7. by 'I' -.. Re\'. J . A.. Crnwforo. ClIAIILU C. Sauk.f.u, . is really ,ggrnvllting to \,1e de- of Xenia. to MAll(l"II~ B.. ~ldc8~ daughtcr of Thl. i. IrU t! III. Mme alld '.me, wher· the pleasure of a gooc1aleigh- J ohn Dunla!'. Esq,. 01 the ~\lrm ~r plnee. , e,er II h .. bee n 1111 ruduc.d. 1 11 ht · th tOne ufter another, tltey drift oft' upou tlte ,


part of L ~, Keya"buiiding.

C 0 lit '2 'f 0 V 11 S


W.,..enllle, 0 ...


Ii," cOlllllr)·.



:'-WN '.OAP, 1-

C~ T. CADW!LLADER, 6~'~~~A~~~:P!~~~~¥~!~f~~ 11\1 t. ".IN' & afAiOl.l.1



\V A V 1'1 F. 8 V I I, I, F..

P a t en---r--'t ~_ _ _


or lbl. &Oilp. J::1\~b b Ir is, "r..»ped iD \1 cI~Ql&r ~­ t.llnlng 1'1111 dir ,~tlol\a lor uto i prillteitln'.Eiig. lI.h jllid GOI'OIIlO. A ,II: yUUI' glOC r fU, "B. T . .B1i~\>IIL · 8 Suup,' ~ III tl\ko III) ott,cf• .'. " D, 1 . BABD ITT, N 0 8. 61. 66, 66, , ~ 68. 69.70, 72 aDd 74 Will ''',11,1011 .~ .• New,'l'ork". Illmduomn ko,\ !!ORp frool (lbe, p!!und


A8,I, or Itui\d,l' S~al' .M .k~t. W.... r.w"l!il ouul,e lite m9"glb oC comm0l' J'!'tlilh,' IJI~ '''perlor to nUT other ~IIPOllliior Or ley )~ '\he mR,·ket. Pllt up In ClInl of 1 peu~d .ojJ'ppund • • ~ Jl911 0d8. 0, P UI,dl lind 12 poun Is, "'ltb (1111 ' dl recUoDI. 'ill I~"g lieb ILnd Germ for Jll&1t- . 1I"rd' lInd 561' SOllp. 0 00 P ,1lD4 wm Iii e tlllOllilOC 80 1\ 80ap'; Nt',tlme I. ..... <l,droU. COlleumor. will dud 1.1114 Vlo cbqllJlt'l!. l'utllllh III the JIt.rk,o~. , . For sI1.\o by ,,11' Druggilla all 1 Orccerlef· 11. :r . B"BBITT. NOl. 64, G5;G6, 67. 68; 89" 70.72 and 74 WUhlngton Bt. , New York. '


W .. • rl' . ,,100. 8",on18 (0' lite )h~ll n &. H. mlln, Ol,anl. Knllb., F. C. L1~h.~. AlID" A, ,,intl ay, Bp.""",)'. O"M"lm.o &. G,~~. EIIIPrMtI, Gu ...."pll .. &. &hmi'" P'lln" •. (1'I'e I..... r orl' fi.1I I"".d and rltup).1.11 • A FULL LIN,g OF READY .KADE WII ... h' lurDi.h .n~ oltllelflln"IrtI"'"'''' " . ' I" ..."r .h." any IIlh"r huu_. In Ih e w ...., I (J:::r W f' "r".ILI ~o , "1/1'111" '"r ~he FI"k'" -:~----- ~ ' . ~ &. L\'''" 8 .... 1"" M.chl" .. .. III1p.qll.lpd... Tili l II a dcol.led Iml'rn.e",en~, ~nd FAJ&flL.Y &.. Cill all" aee il. · ".1,1. ICrt'"lly lu th~ .ppe.~.1I1l41 or bUIld- B. T. BabblU'. beet ".aJoatec! L~b."oll. OCI. /1. ilB Ibgl • • ,,01 aLWI, '111""U from co,nmOII BII.II.' BroJld DIldo with 1W. 1II\1011lt08. contAins. when Imked ,~. i thllll; but common 1131t. watllr and 80ur • Nos.1H to 74 Wl\I!blngtol"~ .• New York. We are e:e~IID' ~a. ·goode for Lie lob... Illoy be 1i01Ight ·Co. llil'W ,rep' tbOon the '\lltl ,or Sidin,. '30 I"EO.CENT $£ "'~O .,. a~••• WSW .t.RRAWGBKllWT . l.r way In OincinDati I B I ~, UabblWa 8ta, y.,,:.t p~ You can get tiltS Sidin~ only at Llgllt'Bil!C\.it. o~ .uy lillld of mat· . . The .tlh.~rlh"' '' hnh'll ~\lpDlied hI ••8Dlado with this YCbet Pow,dor. In,13 mln_ tobli~hml!nt with I l up.. ,iu, .~,", Ic ':' .m"No eborMllug rcquiNd wbao ."001 IIIIIIt II Iprl.I.. '''. III'~ 10 c,, 11 Ib .. , _II ~nl..,n "I use(). · ~l. F ornillr •••Id p.I, ..;. III Ihn (utlhat h. i . Willi·~m No., G4 to 74 Wa8h,IngtQn 8$., Ne" Y~J't. ' pri""red 10 'm.,lut.clu t e 8


60 Per Cent, Saved by Using

1JaI.,- · .


(X)s'rs NO MORE .1,1.

.: '. ,.Wago~ ShOp.


The Lumber-Yard of



Cornflr Oetrult

.~d W.ter BII .•

• "d uti ... , wurlc. III Ihp ·b..... 10•• ud UII Ihllrt nllti~".



~ ,R""i,, i " .. t hf! .1!"le.. ~.,' 1Ifr. EL


can •



K IiIiP. o"d r . IIP"'! '" w .. ,k,ni'" . 11f' IIl •• '.III .. .... l .. tO·nlm"at '~II.",,'If1n, O:r n.IIl'I..... 0 . ",.,. a"d Wftlliln. re paired .lId 1'.lnl~ t1 h. ("'''' ~Iflp. . LII'"



Wi', ,, ••• lIle, ' Jul, 16.' , '

. '.









bD Short Ife,l. I~.



' hl

puttlo, up and 61111


bllildillll", llIeiud llllt

Boots and 'Shoes!' , . >;

""It"hle lor

D8,.I, I ••• AND ,

~L ,IND8, lud

Oha . .



ro. 11 Oll·retentioll


PnlL EGdn a...aT BuadS' D. Dr, Etloa • Vnnav. Jr.


or Inoolltinence

/It/tiO'llgl Jj~Qr,.


,.",IU."", '869

"". vf IlIul,.II .. d lueu.. III 111.


lkine, Irritation. InGlamation ell'. 1>1 t'V<II, fOfm IIf priYale dl.eaolO in. or Ulceration of \he .ladder or C\idrj'l Iii .. ithe, ."11. J"" Kidney., Di.e1loUI of the Pro.· SCi.NC! },'u.~', DI./i,,!! ,rlG'jO". , 1 dd OI1(r Ji.mpll'l" ~ /."./ Fro.d. tate Gland, Stolle In the b . a er, Wo lll:.lllbly ~u,. Sypllil t \., Gille'. palcutu.., OraTe! or BnctlluJt OIl"ur,I:Ul-, IlllpIIl~"C)r, N."~,u"'''1 Ind cliDepq.n and all ailea.1lI of the urll il E"I ,uill" •• G"tII,,181111. pr"lIlIn 10 bladder' ludue'!, and clroPllcA.l fen,nle#, AIIII e>l"Y '1)~111 ur p,iv- Ie dl ~.1lCI


~s o~ sir.glo

dr()p of blilck ink" ill .in::, and pollul 1\ I)!'i-



I" ,,';,!Ot· so 0 :.0 lirtl(1 "~ithl~stlcsj; may IT,n'-

'cl of CfV.,

;,et or

b~~dl'v rurt·oJ, ~lIIt eVl'ry "u<'" 01 ila lerrlble .. 11','01. "'.~,Ica.

'fIi(lllllj,c.d, i·".i1y 11114

HEL:\ 'n(i)l~D'S

confidi ucc. 'fbe W ~yne D :yi",ion ~pol<on of in" Clllf hlst i. ~Uf'" wns not 'he D ' "jsiull eO ltllllatlctrd by til" irn· U'\ llrtlll !\f~d Autony-of who ... e xJ>/OiIS you have beard.- 1>. It, A.

uf who"'v,r IInPle oJr ".Iu,". ' ppru,"'"'' ,I.m" ur S~II b,1 1', Ih.' c\ln ' qf ,"oJe,.,.

i '


d t)la\)ly pnjl!un 1\ wltlllo hlilimo of,lh pm' st fhendship o,lld

let!Ir,ltn II •• 11.)' 1\,111, wltho ul d lelilion


'WEAKNESSEs, Ar1.inu frolll;$. 0" l/ltJ' ~Crtlioll.


!! T

The cronol.lllliu", ante .fferlrtl h1 Or' l!lt nt~ We .•klll'81 refl"iree II " nltl of III d· Icille I" Ilre"l:,hc lI ' olHl it.. IlIurlite Iho "YPIPnl, . '''Io·te f(pllllbl,ld' . EXlrnc t IIl1ch .. inyo ri ., to :)' dup_. Jr 1111 IteO\Ulelll b .uh' mIll ~ il lU, Cllll'Ulllpliul\ IIf inlOullY Inny


""III • II III" R. YII""11 me,'. locur 110 1~ iI. onlnol. th~\ we ~,'Il ill PU .;~~.Ioll 01 I.he gel.rt'I'1 ri'rel,,'d untl "' thvd !If pr.r.tI~. III ~1'h' ('r"'i"I, L"II'II1.,"I, fJ\lIlh1r. ,V-I. penu, ~"I"', ltil"ud attd ul'II" II'P'" IIgh" III "It'dew .n~d ICft l Icl .. llal': rvr I, Iy II til

of Iho vi'''V IIreol"el illlp4rl8ncI!, ."d we wllll id .~k ""V m'IT' 01 IIV rijMtI Ovlllm"II ~P '''C! ""w ~." Ihe 11\1)11"" ,,0) 01,01 nil!' tOlW prCh'I"lp'rA II I Ihe II_V, with Iheir fe~­ bl~ .,111 ItI~ffi.\ J III rcm~cli~I, hllpe Iu COIll' tp.'1 WIIh UI I YOllllr,lf h lnulrll.f>rO IrUllill/l tour htl~lttl 1111 'n ulwV hllll'~'I"'iI~ c lon.IM"I ; •• , at Intil IV 0'1 I 1o f)r~, J"tl~ ~IJ'" H erlll'll &; ell,. who \ ill lit (1Iu:'; lelll'" yUII II kind, die, c"' ~1 "",. ~ll\'li.:h ",,,yer, Llldl\38. wtlle

.hH'. r.

., ~

'IIr IIU' (, I'flll~', Dr . J IIC~~" " '$ F~m.le 'M onlhl, Pill_I II /Ice $1 pr r bu¥; ," XII'U fill!!'! 86; a ~.fe "'"\ .ft·"CIUn' "' In eily rur ull I'''' !lulurt

oh,1 \llJ~"u '1IuII~, in'm I\'h1l,1 " v~r COlIIS6.

'I'hp l\l11l11li~in (11 Vultl or Meilie-' Pro· FLUID' IXTRAC'l' BUCEU ler'IJ' I,ud l\lhtrloo:;(!l GuloJll. III. Expll< lUll)

III _Wl'r,ions p('e.,lin,r 10 f;oonll\(,o, 11 unp, q:t,,'~d by .,If ulh~r p'rr. r*~io.n,~. III rlolol'lI.i. vr .Ipntiull lrrPlulul1ie, . ~ , I'ltinluln"&s or SllpprPB&'"" uf eU-lIlmllry gV"~\I U'''t'rltli,," ur 8~II I""" ... ul .flP UI('r"~, Lfuro,rhCl!", Ind Ill! fl,m · 1111Ii"I 8 1I,,,id,,"ll11 the • .,x, whol her R'iAillj!




Kl"Y II) I,,'vn ,,1,d ' Ul' lI uly.

Cllllln lll ln.1I"

;-100 PUll"" a"d 100 1.1.1.... fJ:!:T'Th" Ie 1'1J6 buuk ~1l11 w ... 1 ~ price 110 cenll; 8 lor III1I! dllllllr. , ' Selld Hir '"'''' IDIllndld el'flller, ""nlaln, i \' III Ir., in ctlf ' lIlit\l .Ild of II'purio' qUill, I:: III Iftlll' vi Ihe A,,-c81Ied I plmplole,.'. lielllrmbp, Ih., we '.'1.1. wrltll!!,1 r'plli H, eVl'ry lelle~. esptchlllr ftll.,,\~d 10 Ih.

I),. "

Irum 0 111l"Ii,II'. III\~,~,~encil!' ;'~;,~,~~:7rtll:·I~:I~~:P~f ~;:;'~~~r:!~Ubn, ur III Ihe dec Ii lie ur change of Llle. IIHr,,',Q'Irlllll f'vpry IIlhl'r. Dr. 1I0d(#~h'. QriF11/al Liraim,.,.,1 RPlll\ ,VIM 1111 ~"ldlli!B. on" dl •• Io,lil, I ,pjnveoi(oa IIrll"ne ,whicb hu. ·'111111



AC I T BUCHU FLIDn EXTRA! ~ . 11 ~ ~

S oJ A It

I: 0. ' S


'rEMAIL DR PAUlS," The 111 ew BeautiJu of the SkJn

LUOJ'C Darnblc. . ftloa'e Elnsltc, ," 1'Io~'e G,ft,.. ....


S E -,*, A 8H ,

Will ,~dlctI'"

@, ..

(,Jr'!'rmln.'. rro.n Ihe




.rn, •.

Dr. 1~ek~oll'~ }I'rench pl\t,er/I ~I\.I" ~re._ ....J 1t l'tOr eril, &0 18 .'l~ . nev ur r.II,'· 11I I:ive 8!'li~f eliuo. h Iii IlI,e ollly •• ir. ,'lOll ~ ,,(e preVi" lin "UDltl~1 ~II! al.ii~ ... .. ve, InY"l)lo". PrI, e e~ pac h. per "hftH ~IIz .. n 4. ~nd p~r oI hlPII 7, ~p nl I,}' mal I. IJnebrrolllll ur llIullrrDlI' drltrkerio wl,o de, . I,e ' llI ,"h"I\l. bUI who hAye I 111111 It dl fivllh 10 "_,, wloullr r,nrlit"'e .11 ,I~" I'" Itl' ~nf kin,1 01 Ij'!"or, loy Heihl! Dr.


'Pili Di.~H ~ rp


" SILVEl' ftIED.1L.

U~ E




Wil m.~e ho ~"Il'''1 of 'hI! iller.."

IIELMOOLIlS FWIn 'EX'rRACT BOCHU i8 ~I/nlp .... e~ OJI n"l)loll. CubP~tI "\1~ Jllllipe r Ber,i"., lelt;"I~'d \ illo itrli"l~ ""il P'f'p~Il'4 i'i:



U, T.

DOLO, " 1:!l!IIl .. "' 'I" 11\1'1/111

t.n,;; .the


or ,.ixlelw

VI nfl'''!



yunr8' txperience' l., I\le "'!y uf. I'hil,dcl , phi .. , a,"h"h iclr i. IIOW pr'8ctlbeol loy the 11\111\ ptililten" ph~~lc l,u" . ~~, hen adrnll· Ipd 10 \I.~ III 'h'l Ulliteil SIOIPI lortn" I" I'in,,; ~phf.t.o.i~h';:bl~.jl h. ,1'0 in very J!Pller~1 n~1! I" 811&181(08pi. ,.Id



p"blle ~

lhruughout lit, ••


CO ••

• CJuoooNon 10 Dr. C. W.lIobAolr,)

SUllt,IJfY, ~ t




I 'P,. ~li'{irlili)",I\.,~ ••



Woe. Ge.lIB! eo" 82 But Tbfrd.8t. OINOINNATI, OHIO.










H ~LMB9..Ll> S ' ~


...Q it

= Q




...... tori)


II!: ;..









'DEPOT 104 Suat" Teatll Street, ,





(04J.~w IC~I!IT"UT),

PD. LAD ~ ~"p '••• A, . '-<I • ·EtJ~tJ1,W,.

.('ala by Drll9gill,








U ,J rl"'r l'~ Alllj , Alrt.holil) CUlliP"U'1d. ftll , "' Iltt Urh,.,), Orgll"• ."I~, !linl! 'f'n cllv rn, Ioqrlnjlt,,"l ce: w,ite ""UI kftp' it, oJIIlf rtillin il.• iug Ir"", h.hlti of ,Ii •• ip.lhm. HI lil\l~" II" r"'llrlll~'jI. l\7I!,itl~11\e Itnll il1111rllC Pluff lietler til"" (my olhn' 'Ski, t, pAO ..... Ihlle 0' lIn ellnng., In dill!. lind II\) ~ef'l plOmro"y 10 RIIJ pnr! or thlt 1;01111 ( "\18U I, '''It H ""nil III tlr .. nl~JlPn .. ry.· PXpIIRure, cl)nopl e l~ly 8u pene"ill:: IhOl1/ 'I'''i~ ""~ nll,1 ,.p"", jlnl alyl,p of S\:i,I Sy~Qtn'''t' Blrl'el, ~~lt ... i"""III, O. P . O. (P"leill~ , Mil,,'" 7.16115.) W-I,I IIw",tlell 1111111 e ' I." III nllil IItI"tlpr"u~ r ~II\plli~, • •lI· "I)Jr, 4116. Sprll lur nlrnllinr. rS9-'" .- " , b I ) loy ,I.ft ~l!eAT A"'KR!CA" r''''T'1rUTE FAIR , I'"i ba ulld ~I H rcllr" inHm.llIl: Ihu ••• un· h~11I ill New Y,·rk. OC'lJb~r, 1865, plen, II\I'If" d.ngl'fOI\1



hI ell



VOL.. lV, No. 4.



ria aailw'ay -, GNaa._5 . . . . D ..... or..e.. _ _ '10




?HI ~ fl\U,W", "" "':":01' FROM

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. . . . . . . . R"................ l'IIu... ""l1Iw.'_ .. ~ ...-Y""", .... IIU_


,""" lIP 'FIII.(M>

Ii \0, 11 .fl.. tbe ahort'lt route h.. juu ,..ceIYll4;

, .All I ~.. ill~ r.·.I'~(,I~ ,"ru.&I>' ~o ~~ .. York


-;Q"400 MIl-tit w;II,oul ' :'''.''11& 61 Co ... ~ .. . • ' .011\ ."'\ ·oilt • Noy. ,1 9, 18 8, I,,,i,,... ,II ,,,... ~ wi fl. ,II' ".


hUh_ .... t . •l'uw4 ;

••,. 'D"~"'.K" t"V"" " I,. ",..ALUlI..Ufci.a._

,III "nl'I"·'\ lIo ..


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j ,. "

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'.a.••• NEW 1(U• • D.a.y •• ~ .:-" .... I.. n.I·~., U .,h' . ." . • it' !)14'i . ..~ •• , . ) .

e.'ent •• ·rIMe·. ',....' ...

".11· ..11. 8,., " ~I.lllk'~hll"'" II... 61.\1 A i\I ",., t:II""" F~LL:. AND WIN "[ ~ "I\~

'."" ,"




v." .'




,~ ' ~ ~ · ~ . ti~ ,



,collllil,hi'.'lIIICk. ,



i..,o '.T'ir·J !···...IDr{l·od.CI,otbs~







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P.LAlN AND ,F AileY· "




NVAllY !r.!. 1661. ·

Nl.w MUlla~'l'hil prollG ') houte ,~r OliYllr Di;~9n • Co., 'i77 ~1l.llli~,gloo Slre" l, hll,li'e ~Ii.h"d lhe roll<1'~ ,illg :

L£urle,1.8 uf,l e" G$lop. by, 6"~1 '/lU8\. conie-SiL r BMH fD.~o~,. ~edil~ l\leti club ,if Bottoo, by 30 cel'te.-Tho It'''' y R i3t1flridge.-Airy, d. by Alrred ..IJ.' I!ony· rAnk Elmore. 40 cla ~ lod__ Kitty" • ..1-

STO 'V ES, 01 .11 kl"de


C 0 (» 1'.' ~! CV 11 •


'T'H ~ CAR piN A L, :~'



with C ••t BI .. , or 11'1""'0, Vf! Ii , C I~"l <lton l\eu,\,olr UII top. 'llin Kileben on blck; .. Ilr,_ wuod-do(l" .nd Fu wlee : 0'\'1"11 dollr.. Ii lIod to relftln 'lIelll. '1t n d Rt'-


mimLI~, 1t!:~fI13~

'WHIPS, ,&0.

."'Ie" I ~ r~lIul." Ih!! Ije'l wlle.11 ,


'I he abov~ S~ '\ 't ' tbt aaie-by

~c(o.e pring, thola \unjinu .n~'hlll ~ In • n ~~i ll~: , ' The most 'complete .. lid l-I'SI-"'''r~in 111; l j.. ", w ill tiu wp ll ~o c~\ 1 ntl ..x_m,ne I tOI>" lin " large frim,If ,Ot fI"tPI', 1101 w- ,lly 8\Obk . 1 I in' lid lellhlg \Vhat J II0vI1 . blVD ~V it el up, . Of lh.,tio , then! Il{8 3 0 / 1 1I110d ,..t , .,riceil '

,".'~, ' ,"d 9. U

Thill I,

E'A.VoRIT E." ,'-' . , t'




8. t-ciI08"






Cbeapf>l' tha}i the C\leafeB~ I In



o~lIor to 01060 bp


" Ih u, bUIIIIl' ••:




'v. "lINa.

d\ll~'1 '''tile 0fel\ hned wlIb . , .• ·~' ·I.... ,..h •• in door 10, rf'~ul~ro I'.e 1~II,pefll ~ Mnin Sltoet, 3"door~ btllulV tho Ihl\1I:~ ' , oven In hullIng. , ' 'V,'YII,,&vllll'l, OhIO. o



ltJ'lPID]t!Efi ~]'m ~, . H ,




1'hi. is ,"ue in namll ."d lamOi

ever It

hU 'be~b Illtroduc ~d.,



N il Bl-'-<Any 01\ ,w lslilng III ell\bar'k ill the 'bll,lne," will find toII8 prnRr,t on 1(.

Cl(!II~lIl l'portltl,lIy Ii" lou,)', ," Irr~ lIt Il enlire IlB'ubihdimNiI. ~ "


rlll~ 1:.11~1

.1, will lell ro '''''I'lbiol . ,J. 'IV llA ~ES,


I'IlCJI.L N,i'rJlll' !-!;.f, II pCrSOl'l6 indebl ' ed' u'; !nll arc 'l'qll~~,wll lt ll i)~11 """~U.llic II,elr, 1I ,1Pll",~ J , W, l'IAlra.l:!. , \oY.,.ynesvllto , Jun,}.' ,l8~?, . ')~

• .,

~n)"ORE'SI 01






nAntiwAR~ &.

~,Q ,ats Rub iytJ~


Our FAll Stock ii'now ., '\'


P 10 rIi (I e- ~ I e r! 111""11

UET Al L D EA t.ll!RS 11'1 ,. . # ,.4

"e 0 M P LET .E !~ New iDr,ul g ;Sto: r e r o!I ,' And' we Ulvlte ~~e, A~teQ.~oJ;l\ , , , 11.

~ I


ALL~~N )& 'RAN,DALL, VIA YlJm:~fl(!tt~II: COt '.

II,e above



Iheta ryI,IJ,t In

a IIlV AJI,'

9-v .

are three "ze'o-7, 8, II/III I'rI,,/!. f'r\'II. 8l1p ul' tq t~O, 'limed out .,11 (.11.""let& I .




t ~,


ltl;t;11W 8TIl~ET." ;• ., • . • j


I, , •

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, ,



f I

t' , ••


t~~ ~~ Dru~s~ I



, .'" .,$,' ~ijsJ Pure,_ .. _,._

'of .our Customers .@C\ ' , Friends to the S~tl~8 'J .and Prioes. ! l ' . ,Ou~

S!ock !>, . -.

.. , •


. " .1(





jll.l\ I",l'~.

Dlreet tom ...·Yorkl ......,ice••

,...orllll .... at









11" "


oeeiliDlll, 1Cf*" ......!ld IllIu. in bl, opinioll. "W' .r.: '!',pfalr epprOllohiug '.!)lh~r rnulu"oD." Mr. Duoliule



It, ••10,;

wllich , ';UI'mah up In. Ilyhl .....ed


.lId iihv~'lher .1I1,bi." wllblft





Nt" cOI"."I, .


on II.n' •• Jllepllhl ...

IUrUllelll 0'

. .'



..C~U ·~ . lW~e· by , H.Pelt~ wlll'lh 1

':,he " . hOW . I~''''.J 10 ."".,;;:,. ...... 01 IIIIOIh,:r p,,1 of ,..~i,f'IIIQlril, ·


pohil t ..~biu,h our

.. b, . dir'IGlied . . . .





W_rran& CO :giv~ eQual *Iisll:\c",~w • ,' ~i~)8 10 m'~8fCu'tbm I


WerJ~ !





()OO~ 8fO'lil. T~E C A 1\ D "N A L:~I

w1tll c••, B_. or ••,.,." Onn. CA. l 1'0" n ....."oi' .._ to,. '" . ICfteht D ~

H l"Iq • I.,. .

· ;


.. d 'I/ned

OYeIl Il00111


SADDLES, <'PUARNESS, ' m!& ~11, ~ lI.l lf 1II11l1S . .:ol."u U. :i», W~IIUl~"" oItQ)


to ,.l&la heal. a. Ile' . 'eler. tq "lU\a'" ,., ,h. h•• , wbu a.11i1ll : , belore Spring. Ihote wlnlin.. any ihln, in TIl• •off e.o.pllle ~ ~.t-wo'kln, ..., lit, • • will do w .. 11 10 11111 and ..':um i" • • IQ-' f" , ..,.. ~... or B,,'el. I~" w. III~ lIaclit ••• 1 In' \'I1I4 .. \lllli \Vii" I hue ... "p. 0(" ..... there . , . . ....ol .~ ,ric.. . 4!' 'fl l ..... ~ '. •

,Ie above




., " 10 o,eltno 01«.0 .. 1111' II,,, bUllnfll. 'fllie .. , tm-e/,..,'ilI'OOIf AlOU • ••IO". ' IIr: e wood.dour. ,,,,. ove", h"ed wllh ' ... .W· .. "aND. ho,l.I'r In door 10 reli'ul,'. t.lPper •• " lail 8t....I, 3 II .... '. bolvw Ihe Oo .. k. lure ur \/,e 0... III b.lun,. 'V.ylle. ~iII .., Ohio.





11.lYDBmil, Oe,

~eaper ~an the , ~hel~es~ !




• wer ~







~VCT10N : ·, ,RqQMS f ,



, ' .

SPI';Q•.IL ,NUTIO" !-NIt per.I OII. iud"lJl.


"t,.,-1, ".



9-. wylnlr

P"C4!-/ rom .., up to ... '.'ned cOqJp/et. !


In wt.lI



~L\ ~ t

. Pure

'arlor ... DiIJiDg·Boom

llEERL~. , Coo.,


BEACON, 'i? UiLOo.

. lie. ••

1.. ., U~Qu_* . ...tu tit ,he • •, ':,ilIOD,ttil &li'iail!



C~I itoy~.

1114 ,be."UCultlul...


Pomades, , BaiT

or Ilf .lle.: .lId ,did Iccordill; til Ibe qUi "' .: .



S SIME< R"E Pdf "11 IUld 1191' We'ar. , A ... ..aEDI1c:llBD RA.....



Hair IllStorativesj




' , 1llI'-UIUJ,

COOK, wood,





AND SROES II tlle <~~ QuaU'J I

Uood P.~r;,.

for wood.



Chemicals,. Oils;


B:rC?-YES~ FOR \fOOl? AN 0

Out Sipek





.b4,we fnvfte' tl\e ,.QtelluOa et our , Customer.: aD4 , FrieDds 'to the Styl.. and,Pricea,'! r '


For Pore Drugs#,



, I " 0111,

' _

Our FALL Stock ia ldW '"


l'C 0 M P LE TEl"


100"110'••, Ihtr.

J UII. ) ,


P I .0 i n d e 01 c r ! ••y.t I

~ ~"

~GD15 anb i~Dtl !


eel I~ me Ife ,eqll~ ' !ll'd 10 ,,_II "",•• ~ lIle . e.\Ouul.,. J ,W . ~ IAIN E S. villll,

.t: 81JCJ0Bt8I



clt-~3ft,'~bbnnrt, ----

~ I., .n of ,th.


" N. O,,,,,,"'oy, 1111 1' ", la l,lIIa 1(1 III the bUllue,- will find , /, t! P'l'.""t ," "11; cell .. nl ClllpOrlUnlt ~ It) , uy . . . r will 10/1 .h. fnllr• • 11" bli.lmu·"1 "" re •• ',u~bl • and e •• , lerm. . J. W. HAINES.

, "1It, hi. '. irue' i" Inu_Ile.1t "'". 'lId I'IImD. .

, 't



u Il1 J'lI'J)l!ll!N ~VIlli•~i

ro,,1a1e bf


In e~dleq Varl~tJl · mat,reduotioa 'ID DI'i'IM..<

Dye, I' '

DRE..~OoJ)& '






J.~ N't"RNS . h

, LAMP.$.





~, n

~ ~+"



GolO lb. New




~HEMICA,t8f 91~.





'DrY'IIld IIJmI '.-' "

--:...,.....~~,.' --r-





I . N8Al,;



.'! n U Gb, MEDf'CINES.


onOIOE lUtAN1>:s. ~·n.E.oU,r, tO~AccdE8. ,&d,. die. LEAD.

lJt'W'e lI,t e't.o. U~ of ' I t " r



.. t

..: FRUlT 'J~nS, O IG4"t~

.&TAli ...~. . . . . .





TO n4LE A~D ,AINT. VARNlbH, ""0 ', )" ,, ';:',"'" . I'. Nj!. Ifi llnl,, ,frr ftI. ;" . A. th. .,o. . . . . . aD •• .dulle.d. Lunnl. Ohlu. 10 I,.., (~". Snv,ER ~-- ta:SI • 11 Oil' -lOck "I. low L, "" thll" Ihitt WARE, IOliel. ,... d "lftIN ~ 8po()", ~"d . . . . ~..... ", If" b ... , .~' Oil h.;'d. W. . . D'oll,.18, b, Ell' tll,II.. II... T.b'e 'aM,1 pudet CUII~r)', W .... u v . . . ' p,• .."en IhQll 1I01Ic•• ' , ...."..... ~mHlc.ll , F,.ud•• lId I , I ' , E.,.II.. W.I c... r 6ne Peo•• nd ,I A ~ R A. 'I,) • It ., l' , 1'. . W.. II.,. II ..:OD i .. oil ~ ~.OI\ljl; 8pt:Jlu,le~: ·f llb" ,,,cII14Ioplo. TRUSSES" ' i ; ... DI 0(, "111011, ,"r"tllia, ill IIIII' "M", ' eOIl.u" 1J110~1 .nd LUlioun suphNnm t .m~ . .s~lcb ar. , 10 p'd,.iI"l!r~ "II.ed. 'leel "V11ILI;!:B8, 1 " , j , rrlno'" til . lIlt flU ogu. 8 " P . , , 1 " 'j , . . . IIne. I IIyle. Dr Je". I,),. UO,U LDBt-B8ACB8 f,




.8 JLLITSj '



')I .. itie lild





.; I

,' . 'JILt"

.'=-1. .

.&'l"Ta..ES. , lllO,t",,,, ot -t/l......tqa.m'. SHOVELS. 'rONG~ S~lJ ·In~~S• . " ': tlRON SPOONS TEA. at; 'l'ABtlt do ,




Dlanll teo


p ' ,.





" ' ,P E R,F U M E R.. -e


Ttt. "..t llook of WALL I.a

. I,

'. .


I.... '\Ulcm... all, ,It. • It.r C.9 a' ID OD " "~ , N... IDd IInll,h'nln, C.rlbo.echool Album., "Iacel. Iln'.II' "ooll.'or p, ......, PItIU,., .fa4I ' -.

a., ....,.,


' atent -edlCiheB a.,., " 1W!1l1'1T1l .9.nI"M, .... ntlj '

n.oll••• ~liool end




.,w'ItO' ". .

GRIDDLE$, ", C 'AST.IRON IU ... " O ,







~ 'I. ,

' . '.

••• '

H,f\IR.-QILe' ,




~~ \~:~tJ':"'iTl'n~e ' for I~. '~"D" '" r~cy 'SOAPS," 'a'I' ni. Knlllie. F. O.' ;LI~lIt. "t· " ~.



lJudl'\lry. 8".,dm'fI \ '" Gr'1' "

O'OeIiIi¥H' r &. Schml~C ,

da. lUlled





' 1 "


. A .. ell-It/lcltII'or I'. JUt






~~q~~~.oR_ ~. i,.

,,00 700

p.,IIM IItI\o!rlnf I.ft n tllf'mlel,,1 01 ,hI! lolfl"'III'UYf!fliellll tn .filtO\_, Rlld IIIperio' ... u.~'m n'~lp .net (arID, wllllhllhll

oOi biopd in 'lie'

I'OR .


:~~N-EsS~ A;ui,.g-~~ B ~_ 'or 1ttJiiberion

Who clues ",ot ,d" OHm ·-,",,- . <Irellm ~

Who would


WIIO 'fOIlI,1 lIol


cl\ioy Ih06[' blcsscll \'i~Q\,I 1·~.t "",co)lt,ivo,,.m t~ . ro..l. tll'll\ "'Il\clftg E:!rP.RlilMl. , 1dre!l!llllWy':I1ayligjtt ? lSigJltlY ~ItNl 1Ii<MO ....110 dJo IUII ,tr ..II1" rte4 b ~ifiO I",. of IlIJ01llJlr. life J&I bIlPP'-"J' t ~n ~1I. i:ellll\ie, YjI , .1l"o. '\.>y



..U'I.on,o clt




~~~~~~~~~~~~~~jf.~~~~~f ·'T ==~~~~1r or rip Ihoul. ' A_

• ~




• II... &I p.rl Wart! , .aia=.:--" Beecheri' .:,....,1 ,b. B"., JI,a,n, rrUD' i or Illipurll, rufted rru. .... Ia~ ch .... _ . . . . . • Broolllyn 10 N~" Yr', 011 tb. ioP,' ao~ bo'l'I!I., ~ I""" 1H' ..-: R~_1I1 ea.- 0(' I . ar""" ...-;_..... .......,

er . . . ~r 110 "I&at ColIN t . . .1 III '01 la~ure 'h d be ....peak!d to, of 01110, Onld At'fIl, Rrl'aIIIte. "..... , Oinm"li ~ N.. ~.-"" • • • • • • •. ' 6 . . . . . . . . h fI t tatllte la" to hi tliIlCol •• bll.lln,he:lOlh o'.lanu I be, tl.~lilbefi. PI let', 'I hlld r,lh .. , A d"nlluOIII<I t"1I:~~'''lIc,. I »ld'M~~wl\lo(\('lIbecu_l by"" •••eto' ... 1 I al ... ,.......,...~~ t. e orce 0 • • II d d I t ' "hid, iL i nl'p') .... It. "'" ' 1iIicI' al In I s or 8 BMJldretb'.'" • "hlelt, whOIl til. OT" l 'I')" y ... r •••• to to. , 0 HI 0 : etalQlII, u lIome of tbe . olaer ary. ah., "bicll WII ".. al'el, " l ' p.. r anOIl.. I Ihe 'N""I alll'tt h;m \If .IIIY r"rthot wi~" 10 "WII - tlltiulll~ Cull ~'I" IlwVlule, lI!a 0 "he blood I it' T~". 'in eua"'c:111III CO. 1_,,",..............-~ua;.~ ha\'e already done. . . Lifo I""" ••• from, all p.. ~ or III, ,tal, --: 'flti. il III •• ,uQce,tor 0 . " ~ ....." 1~"1.!r of uM •• ho." U?"lIoqourul l a. fre~ [."m po\Jlt)UQU IlIlal IIobcaltbYIh~t..r whult'Ai. ,,:1t~ Uttir ~... ,........ Tb IIgitadQns. broils. 81\11 'J):lrtJ ,Mr. Joho W . (Jullell. . . . lb. r!"pr.wlu, ud E""'''tor. or Ut!IIlr.l. H 009411. aL~lDPt 10 • I" lila & • .6"hl •• i'l(.n · aI that oeu ne. ·Mrll babe. III eold•• loti,,· lulrudue. III ..1r direcII~ It [r", t1K hftDi Ouet14. dil('Ord. "'hicb 0 latel "rllllg froUl all. . frolft thia pl"~, N..liO.II. "hiell • lIIergcd IOto " flellll'll- erlllly kn!,twn . M,.. 8 ..!!ch,r. ho. · mlliory 011 u.~ ~nd eVeD ill ebolem. 1111'1. en . al Imp'"I"I' pricp•• !b! I:.. ....... ".17"'&~. ~. U Mion', benrt ita ·hol ()st blood. W. "i". 5011111 uf lhe .011 imporl.nt fullDA\CJI~inll 0 J 4' pilgea, Willi Ihl,reJ v~r. nulolu l)-,olUllolle b,y h!!r hll.b"\lJ, _&0 lIealll! IOODer&lod ·.U r ' . . .", I~,---ru' ::11", __ Ie 11 ' , " " ... -e-. " . 1 filI.looal ",ecll...,. (III huu ry ", .hll pr",vnl Y" ilr. ~e ' reOl""i •. . b QIIUIIC I.Ilcy ..... fl'lllJl L\lc" o.wl ~ .. ,'I. .UII. le. ~~o IjVW 111611 'If. Gn uilt' and tit reu Wiled to engulph fOCCI el' r.lIOr.l~ ~.,,~ , '"' ~." : lib r pro .. r 1I1:l . I' lt fI.,.J III" OU\Dp" ny til Mr. . M.,~,, ~ 1\1Id bowel. tboeuualleJ'S llpull whICh plIl .... , lur ••, klhll'vr QIU.lllie. or~.. ~ Arc .~ I ... tra"ill ag 0, g" l ' t'·c illC!1 or rre n go\,ornment--found. I .e IhO"ln, IbtI ohJ~1I .od dd'il utl 01 ,. ,,"J .. 11 h ... fld.r(lt t!.dlltllllOn. U ."" D"~l,h .11'" ....... II ... r th.. ~"() _ .1 .~b depelld for contlnriaace.. I 'II!!I" ulL olllle ~OUIlt! and IIp,,u. 'I'.-t· Ibrany aeg~"". n _iii our u ,.. [ . I d' . I cb"" 1. I>_n . . , . ',,' croIDl p~ ...... wi I lend I Pill I I"per' . " " . l tuck , .. 1I1'1.!I f 010 1,Ie 40 lI~fI" • t'mplllJ 10 nrou bl iJ1I6. , C"V tlllll , 0 \P~ln I S;lA Sllllt~ , or Sirig , SIn . '111', et Ii r e.. nt .bo,. Ih: r t artlole -1"" " endDn. d on the intellige nce of tbe ma ea, ~b. organil"tion : children. which w~ ~:w wijl til: bave met'thei'r fi.rll't saog'uinar . cbeck 1. Re~oltltJ, .1·1,"l we tnl'~~'~' tl'fJ r~'" bll' will ,.0\j4~e 10 Iud 11)8 I.lcot, lo Dupeilli. ~f lIr. 4!lItcll~!.' churc": Ihtrty ot Bl'IU\dretb' 1'1II~. \lIken accordlt, .. tiUII."Let .ollie enn,.II. \II~ 01 I....... gtt- the pa.(1) And happincss ot 0 t. 1 d f l ' h n - em"'-diment ohuioll ~lIpr,;.~I" of ,lit,'" ulclVlu IIn,h Ihe work wile W. H. Verl.blt! And ullllbl .. Iu l\tSIU"dl! them from tllll "d 10 dtrlll!UOlJ8 c:urGd Mm of .. \'cry tIe\'O.' p"rfon m .ha" IIfl","'rl... " .. .... he • ter at Luc II\n 1\ 0 11 II" " , uv , G R _. Ib ' ! . F l ' " , "' 1&1 ""n'1 • b .. I •. •.....11 call _ e~ .. ~tI'8e .,.. en.l,one years 10 . ' , d . more enrll~st plltpOl... Ihe . A . ."uOpl,., ~ ", olhert will COlill"le 10 h' pa~o.. IrolP I \"eOlllr.·. ' .0 erm!,um . t) IIC Uv . r bronollil\l airection an~f otba, menl" lIU her ."'1 u• IItallft!1 ~11~. .. k Ih." .... venu in the deYe,l opmeot of their of 1m ' h;;cnce. an n rece',l N K'I0o .. 1 Cvon~'oll(J n III Imhtlll ', bnt Ih .. NO' allli Edlle"lor ....... ."nd . allt'W. 111111 Im~~rll"cl hIli 0,,11 Ir fe fUI r"lfeJ, an" ho: withe bb DlImeroIU Crkllllh to I r~r Illy uf tolluII'loae 0lUlt4 ttl~1 mlnds and tOl'mailon of I.heir habita lo\" e or truth aud right But the8e IIpuli.. I IV I EJ ' I ! Ih ... lr _"r!!IY· 1 lie V"8IiIl IlO wlt6 n hM.d kno". tb~ fo,1 , ,,1I .. n " Illub of ltD. lW.alr, or 16 ~b.1 f t tone dllYs • l'rllitJul aoure II of <htl'\¥cr win never 2 &'IIIII~d 'fh~t Ihe ri A. is OQI the prl>mill, I whllt I Ie uCIIIICUI" l one; bUI glltheriul!C up "II Ih"ir I'luck. Brlllldre1J)'~ 1'111 P.r\Jroip"'O/lf"e. Ul'll.n~. :~\ni IlPtI. eell~ to u•• nd WI "'ilt ~~ .e • t\ce 0 "en y. 'ck. be ootir Iy rooted onto till a geoent- "fg~lIil~eI tu 1I~"k~ o"olio"liuII~ lur "Dietl. '1' m... i, lu lie. Wtl du oOIIIt~llla..& I~ •• y th .. I.,litl~ VUlilled in lh~if e.. lIn~, ,,"11 dreth 110I11III. N, Y: Sold llao by ,,1\ Dru,.-· ' th~"~:'~~ ;~c~par:!r:'. plck-..... '~lIeu cf[ec~s. ro~Oll' ca,sea as qUI . ti oll :arises. which. fe'om childhood, lI ... r ilt II lPt!re ~"cr'" llo mll!nIIlion Iu ("r' \h .~ Ihe lllth,roullli~ Iv bti conllc.enll')I1I. \ hR11 gottell !hrve. fourlbs of '''''Y .. C)ro~ gIA...~. 8 e my Dame 011 GOTCfQiMO' fltalnp. t.lI ""el"led ill une rolf. ~nA::rk.t., i, ly all the sprluglOg or the mine fol I t to I . truth snd ~her I••• rubill"" ul vu'IIIIJKI"'lIt~. 1 11 IUpporlf'.~ bOlh IItoCII". 1I~11I6: a "h"l1 thll ICb nellr Ihe Ihorll. lIeg~~ . withoUL wbilill tho pUb nrc ~pII,iOIl~. IdUCt'7IItnt 10 Ihe peUull relll''''''''' lows tbe appllcation of the louotch- IUl\"e bcen tung I O\ C but j'l f,,,p,,»e ill tu Ilromole tit .. c~u .. W I . eOllprln aad bee"IA" i'L ie brl'llk up. 'l'htlIIKnlolt'r oftllt'u PO~I~IO." til -4 lJ. URAND:R&1·H. · ellll). we ",illlclld.n flit,. co:'U"" (Ools aJl4 mud men will aot: Wben re,'ere jnstire. 'Vu have beeD aecus· of aCli ... l0l".liy .nd h) ad \"IInte by .lI t e_ U • I CIIU b.. i'D"g~tle~~ .nd Ihey I~",mc . II ' I r1 J)ao kDll~ on. all \lrd,,, "' hOP~ tl Ii htnin ·s ftasb is seen t9med to look at the pnrty machin· It'g;limlllti .. nd propH iI.till- nc". Ih", \ ,,"o rlh 1 of el. 1'Or!· I)' 10 a"IIFnll,la It. Th~ uC~lemt:"1 (III 'lb-0wD. . ", Bo~. i ward. It II pethapI IIOt _til uU", ., Ie . g~ . g " f he da lit in oper:ltioll and elld,,1 well.rll illIJ iult'r~t1 .. wr lh.. . ~ ~ ~hllrll " ,U rtustd II> lIulhuI( pilch . Ap· Tbo\lSlltldRIIf hO....GB ello yo~rl1 (roDI C,ol . u:hll we c .....11 Tell I .. ' er l '.,'" • d IdlOt.S, wbo drea~ the. Chunder, ery ~ t y. p . ut ~uhliu. 111',,\ in. Ih" U . t;. Army. "lIol. Tit. L.ttlG Qrpo'lcU II ,lie bPll pl~per ptlrenrty MY 1D~1I0" or etiupe at Ie This need not be . Dr. Tllbiu' VCllcliw ... h~tI II I. lo".e o inlv clln,lde,.l""I"Itt tremblc. Jtceauae tunc \RtervClles earned (orworJ., WIth au ulroost II Y tlainlllelH of .11" ... entl. , fyf clllltheo h"l lJome under ollr h.nt! 'I'h.. iell Itll "r.. un" Ih,,(D bl'ga ll llol'8o Linlmeot trill poli~h·.I.,. curl) ever" brsld"' the em!:i,._1 COil 01 itn,., ~ betll"eeo cantle lind effect, in layi~g ter tlisrl'garll or intellect nl ua~\I1- to ~~:" UI 1& ,..... ~nd-· .Vo nuoiae 10.Q iIOrill!. t'lfp"rieno:ll of . 5f 10 er~ck: Ih n Ihe cllk... wlly",d r llar ' cose. If glv~n whrn lIrat t.tIken. The C09t is lite BruINI. 1I~~ulllor! JII~bfr, ~ ur IlU Utl~p luuuu.... r v • . : L_ __';""'Q _ aomet\(!\ s. eveu curr,) 109 or ,.11 p.' lV1ia tiD ...,.",1 idd. u-.a • r~celpl 18 ~Iw"y. 11l'lllId fully. '1'h .. · crow,l shouled IO"'C oftly ono dotlar . • E~ary O"'DC, or 1\ horsc I ::!e ~:~~~ "1:::'6~1'1.II"r. h"t ftcit; happines8 lind "ell. beipg of \he 11u· t.heir pOints by \be rudest sophi8ms, I~oe. ' . by pur 0_" ,"Ufllt".I, 'l'lIh "hvlIl '~ uf Ihenl ; IhOl wu'n ~1l rllll wllJI, r,ern- ulll! should'1\an' It ~tlle ill hill s~.ble. rORd), for P II" .nll Ih. i~ . T' ., I me ""~rllI (Pa ) HerQld I . I curl UIIIIII. COOPI""".... Inlur"ICU ........ he tlmell !I Rno/IJ,d. That to ,"'ute calumnj WI' cu , . , c."tllo .a\Jolher; ~oJ'~ w"" llrll"!1 IIAe . It I. yuronlod 8upl!ril)r to allythltlg &~ .• w.hiuh If~. ban \.I) p..1 1 ~" .r ,'''1 lfinn race-men or princiJllc- men nnd 'I\'ildest clumcrlls . ,,!Iotle Qlinds are not enclosed iu • slIch ' g lloronce, wisl! men bnl'o wlllk· .lIIeI "runoL mi'''''''Hcl'~II.i~o .... he.,,' T •• Lin CO.roR.U, ~I. i/ol1' ~n .. Ih p. m, wl.cll Ihey ~"I"'J, Ie a,uch. KIIIIIWl ebc fo. ti,e cure of ut. :"illdO lllll , Swdt I '"re Ibey ro~ch Ihe 'auOlullln, w~':: l1u~boll of . selfishncss. 1I·m IICt ell at, Ullt we thillk III·iclances Dre 1I0t l ~Y d~cI""1 lh.L w~lIl ~ Iht> (j A. K. hall dollAr a1 nr: 8flmple copw'. ,ho"lng Ihl! tlICII~mt'al rt ."e1II.d lll,,1 II~tlY inga, So.e lllrOt4t. Spraml. BruIns. Old , e~rllllolhl_, W. 1""POI.. II ..,\'~ · t1 Th' I ill i . wllntlng that they willk at tlicm no lnt e~crel CllremOPlt:l and mell n. of ra · Ih. UIOoiL be.\lirlil prellliumi r.. r c :lub •• mill'. pc:nlh. AI It'O~Lh. h.o we"". Soree. &e. Thh Llllimenl Is 110 lIew rcmedY' j \\"lh )tjIvell-."hlhe 01 I~,e •• IIft!ttl'" pI co,p Yo. . elf zea W ncrense, '.. cl'pliun •• uch R' lie \I·i.dy .nd "rop .. r · Add Air ~ L the IIJ" rurc,·d Ihe a"Ilel ou "llIllh Ihey It h~9 been uscll lind approved of for 19 yedtS ,I'lIPC'llliei. .nd It aow , ....i.. with lit Jlecauae lI'it~ t1lem it ill &tiettled ui· longer. Whllt II )ry It Will be tO 'l ly adop'o:t1 by all .imil,u aoc:i .. Li,,_ IU in .~ol for I.n c:nl.. . reu rt . were el"o-tinlt clo~" lip tv .b.. JIlek. by lite ftr~t horsemen-In the collntry. 01\'011 ptoph ",..a, wbeiller 1M, Ihlll .... It om. tbllt ·truW la. deatiae<l to triumph \'jait 0111' legis lative lia118 in tho gen · orll";. IlIl!ir IIHlulnu, .nd t'(licirncy. it ,8II"ell. Pebilliler. Ch lC"go, 1lI. "oJ wilh Ihe lusi.I"nCII or IIKlCle 00 I to all o"cr. drl\'cn hol'8c, It 1t0.-I Ilk IJIngiC'_ I IlIlI~~~ 10" .j)O per pOInd 00 fOIiIt o\'or error.' erntion to tome-to' look upon 141811" 1011~mpl' 110 c:ooc."I01IlIlIl a~ 10 illl eailL '1 T ' II -.-1dJ I .hme, (h. (',uty "ere ."tl\oy I:mdi!ll..- I Ord~tS orc conitollily I"I!ct:'ifed from the ra· ~~v. ~bl~I;'!I~:~:ah:ltlo' °ar~. eaQl. ~IItl. · i' . II. .RltUl 01" &4I.TU an o'~rna L' I' 10 bl! pro,umlld ,hal llttlr dUlre , l'h IIUII . , JboI... EI'cry one n , rr8'f'~ 80inctbing peopled with a whole rllce of intel · LUIIC~" f ml'm bru lip. 811 d IIII' 110 0 \'J~ C" \ . < I ., . _. clug 81ables of ElIglalld .or It. e ellI0 b r,· . " t.,".III. . ..... .. I I · ts to tI ta.k I Id Ib1t il ill 1I0(, 011 ""proper oaoa · or Phy"a..1 C.hllre. Lr ;Jllnlltlry "01 (0 uro.. the ..... L run, after Illub a I lcd HltRIO Woolll'utr; of trolling fame, hn f £DtolaS ,,:fD eMU .. DI It to d(l In tbia m~tter. Om- i~t!lIence ectull gl~" . ~ aee, I:m. b ~ 10 liiun. 10 a ;ow: .ad Ihat .oonlcioue of 1o'~JjIl"ry. are bOlh rich In Ihe 't!ri beal IIIIUio.lo ~I\ted by lhi. lim~. "lied iqor YCfors, Dud '.YHlt Is t... 8uperior 10 I i IIi ')'0. . to .~II IRalo, CID :;'!co: " 1Il~ our efforts- &r~ acl~'nClng. tLe of tbe cVIIs In societ). ne ) onc. Ih~ jlllj\IIU' of our pliociplu. , w~ ~d lJ mllUH -(rom Ibe be.l ' aUlhon. 'fhe ••• Rny othcf he bos tried. HIl killdly peMllita !dal.ed wllh .aie!1 Dlcl!'eft 10 lijh I~'· caUIC Qf edutatlO1l. or ~bey and cost them Ollt of t.he temple ill*ulibe Ihem IIPOO UU bllon!:r, I .. ,r,uo · l ecbolllri arlic'~ in .be JllnUliry _lIber. w_ ,Ioe ",. .er. mo. to rder 10 him. Hluddre. Is ~~ •.' Now Irail ..; 1101 tlO rl'dullllolrClII.!Itt .....j ~ afe "-gglit a the wb4!tlta 'of ita "to· troth. NOM but onLmals will tbeQ I" tl . ,,~ allma, kQOW ~ucl IIl1d .. ut.od d r In.' I . -York Long bl"nd. Recollect. Dr. TObitl8 •.!llIe.1 .ro whole.. le prlcel :. , ... • ~ '1 onlhe,oacre n •• o lie Ou\,.Ko'nel ~ . I' . I PRICE Lla •• ' i l' ~ WQ Jalust ultimately Dttempt to der"Jld their eansc by ·ap· 110m. . , , . '·b ' " Ill'nr)' }Jolle •• he )'OIl"C III~ ' W 10 I Veoetian HOMle Linlmcllt I. put liP In p nt . . • I r8r tbe!.r.eiultl ot ollr courlle. penl to bru~e force. 'I'he bowie.knlfe 4. Rnal~td. Till" IIMr btnC'''ol~ol ob w~rth'm .. re th~1 I~II! pnllle au ICrJlP 10.0 ,ugtm.· d rorly Ih.II",., I.~l ~lImlller. bottln; take no olher. Sold by t\,le· O.. lora (Bluk). '70. 80. vo. 11.10,61 I, ' tI . ,'" , . (bil ~ tl ' d ,, '/ttol '11 1 e ' '\' it t ·tli II \lr .111:: G . A. R. i. to cllre pllflicu · pflU •• to .. y nulling o( fifly oillu ""!~ IhaL hili would at ..lld 00 • 1'08t (or Iwsn· Sialft Ind ClAddlera, I>cpot. 56 Oortlandt 81.. !lOlt '1.96 ptf pound. , " pn~en • . ou~ .reapon~ I , ea are lin WI ).0. cur oa y~ .e for Iotll! inter.... of Ibe widow. cl... Till: F"II'lIl1ry number . cOO(lIine Iy rOllr hOllr ••• nfl .ho •• i ,,,oloud by Ne'll' Yort. . . Sf 'w En~ll.h Br.,kJa.1 UUull), 110.... 'I'" gteDt. :there. Is a' ~aw In Iceland. to mUSOllm-lllbeled A COligresaman,a orllhall. of our I.JIIIII eomr"d ... 10 • • . I f H W Lhl! p(llico! .. flU brio" up .boul It'n beal ".~6 per pOllnd. , · I '1'" • , 0 '" • r . ·. • mo.t 1P" ...lItS arlle e 'Olll . •• ' . . I de"" ••• Trac. Y H (G ) 6 th~c5iot. that whe~ "minor II con · Argllme~\i I~ "",e barbnronll IIgo.A. ill .eouriog tmp lC) 'Q Lhl Ih,· B I II ' II L ' b (i~ hUlIre, IIccumpll.hed Ihl felll I&1t "'In · M .' R h 14 now d oU1I1l ra.lI. 8. J.••• Tict.ea. tf ~pme "Jn~ieial iJlquiry ia D 180()..:60' , lI.roee of Ihe 'war. "nd '0 " "~I!U" "lie Iff o~ .. l' .. w,: onl ,.., ree- ing. for- It ""~'I' 01 00. hUlldre" dol. AlUMS SllIlIOTl)lI, I .a wor nc Jr. 1.11 •• unrlllr 81 50 'tel ".... lII~de ,rbethet ih~ parenti 4a\'e giv. -Fot· 8i'lch·. peioW in tbe worl()'11 by e\'~r1 meRItA in .ill puwrr Ihe in."r".' I.y. lin nuildi~g,'.r~r [~e Poor: ....dl oth " 1m. On 1'Ilur,d"y tI'l!oing. ttb"~I ! ~~O~O'iI~ ~:~r::::~~~~I~tlde~~:::::-~c~ &11·"~i.~~r ;~II~~~c.), '70",0,90,,,, .'~ bI , I.[t e\'e r " of 1I105e, wbo. d\UlDr .h. pAlt .,all~e"L tra on ltu~rlll"r .!'ower, Body aod hllif pall tlteM o·clock • . b. took - , le .. " c >. ' 1m ,,1./ (Sreen). II iii bt en t, ,I( e"r ."oocJJ,~uc.~OQ; alld I • . %ootl men . of ' " (or I~' ~upre.,.oy of tboa O""prnlll.l\l. Br"io Uorue 'l'nnlm~ol DiceallN or .:ill\t1 on lit. pO'1o ill ;Nup'lIlIe H~II. 011 . .. er~ (ODluro of ttle ptll'iOIl )'~u are to mar· J" I~a", ... to g() ~;~,...., it tbey laT, ·ac>', ijle Q~Ud' ls aoquU;· age, ba\'e taught UI to bope. If it is IInileJ in pl.. JXioK tlII,ir li~u &tid lbei, I I .: II t I f J t1. s.,vclllb alr""t•• her. he ~1Il.illo:d un"l .y. and by tbo . Id OraD IlIslrume~LotlDtCII e Gunl'uilidl'r (Gr~.~) ".~' ted •.lIn~ 'tIle raren" punished. ' erer rencbed. it. must be by mellns' mt'lo, ror ill deft-of'. . . . ~ Ie bf"I"le"'1 a.D'I' ad til:.. 0 III !OO un~ol iii hllir p li"h& I"at erl'oing, wIlen , po,,·cr. kllo".n ~. tbe P:YCbOlDdotl~pel'I.'gu~ . "Ir Pllttlllk . • · . , ..1 .... • ,.)< Ii: ~ d " \1, ' ~ • d t I R I rl l ' • ,or 01 Ie. l1li Q~" ye"r-" ltd A .Ii hi .",,1111111 . "1ClIlIees 10 prodllco a per,ec~ aD Ite· a~ piC' . ,l~ ,t e a &:O,..,DlIII 0., or Il thorough IOU~ 'Ylltem 0 eor y 6. e.o tie / ' ba' w. ur·nt'~lt .. . te • )I f, ~ A I P' ( •• ~o .o .. ~. If. . ' . (lire of tbo j'lIlure Of wlfc or Ihe .p. ..: ~ IBP ART_t. and Mall8achu!!e.ttJI .Bay, .if educlllion: : ' ,~ '. .t. J .' qlle.1 our S!-Mlor•• nil nt'pr~.t"lau.e. er~tI :. um r. " arge IClute.o nollced IQ. h.. und~r"IIIOlh"gs ) elter I\cnl&t with dlite of til rrio. ocCu a\ioa ''''-e hR... I I~ ; fl" •• 1lt r and' :'-der " ,.. I ill th .. Ohio Le~ill.tu" IU "l'propoilile • LIIICqlh at Hille, OQ 11.,11. IIJ:d·... u· dol1 QlllrnIO/t. bllt ""III relD(lved by . PI d" '1 f 'b '" ~I ~.' TblP ie 0' ment I~ vur e.t.~II.IHneal, 'III'" 1'1 ~ • o\'e' 1I'ly·'--n .. ~ _. m . \ ( t " · I ·' II' c 1'101)4 of' 1,1 ·.II'Lo l· ..... the ' etA uti tr.., 8 0 C "fAe ert .C. • n . . .,' ~ ; " . . . . . . . Aee"_ 0.0 ,,"ml amdlntt of moo .. )" rOIll ~ •• clle. ~ t e.btei'lb.r. anel '4 I or A rlOpe .. 1/ .. "PP " I .~, .., I .. . . ' "anttot "'om •• I,", elltleulDet It~ y('lIf1 Of .~e, comm,t&ed a certain " _.._. _ . uO"lIp\!ndlld 8oMitra' R+-lid 'F itnd '. . I' for r A CI b r JO d ' j"iIl18. H .. pUI Oil hi~ own bo0101 I", 1' llIIpoSltII!lI' OJ tosUmon!'ll. ,.'Itbout IIUlDber • nw;nlt III 'we Cillo QD T ... · (Ihe I ~p!~l ojJ'OUQO , agaiast hill parenti, ROLAND. WHIT.. Co.,. ILL.• I pllbli.h Ihe R .. eord 01 Ollio :s..I,llere i.. pie ur. . elch O~~ 0 u., ao e\·enillg. will!g'~1 Ibl Ie ....' I rouble •. bat · ~!' n~c~~. By ,"'ling pIIlC.II ~I birth, alit, 1m" prufiL O'n OcUl'e... .blllllil" "IJ ....) he wu aboll' .. tl ,to IIl'rest.scntellce JAn. 27: 1867. f Ih. Lali R l!llelliOlI . nu" b"ing pr.pltr\!i! eto. 1I.1I~.r. ood & Co.. .6 tl~i,ht rnlr hilt! <1'1 "1111,, aLAOlhn" " jill" 0' I d,~podillon, color ol"1'" QQ~l hal •. und encl~. ,U we lion lell Cul'••• fu ~ U Jl:fI,mI: deatll by ~bQwin'" .tbAt hia , .:08. lUulIU G.U&TTIii:- 0., ' the by Ihe Adj.ulltnt · Gt'lIer~1 of Ih .. Sill I. . 'Slteet, Nil ..' ur~ . brog.n·.. Th6 w ..ger •. w" IBlng lit\y clnt!, and a1\m~ c,,~el()po ~ '.' ~hl'Opt'r Illen rel.II.,1 Clhar.:e. ~ C,.. • . . .. , 6 R l d TI I T f I --w ........ d" wilh "m")l Illlmed UrowD. dres!ed to vourao\f, you Wilt reCC1Vol Ihe pl~. reel cqme dlrerl ,,1101 tlte CUlli.1hat o 'hl~ bc~D, pncbri8tiaoly negligent in 25th iust.; a "'lr~ IICriollS accident N : '''1Cl"'~'(lt.I! !IIl ,1 Ie rllieleel" 'kit' Tile BUVTn'lIL PRINCESS 01' DEN. --Pjte~bllrnh CAraT/ide ture b.,. return IDI\II. tot:elber .... i\h dc!il'ed Bod 'lfft ro ..~ lad l~lnd Ih.. . , H"mit. IOU .. '" .. . i a b meo t .. nbo u" t "0 ur m'le -c' at . C",rewilcb Q( RlIa " ' . '. un III I 'or m,Ifl L e•ed lI~ati01\.• , l 'h e ·pun o\!curr.~~~ 1 .»" . nllon d".. "'" lere r I I . I M,l1l1C lind Ih, TO\ln" Imfurm"ullfII ll1Pr Addreu III con Sdeare, p"rt'' pur t" . iii I . thO I I d' C k. Th Imml! "'II' mUllirel or I II! "a~l1on . o IS I !f G R P 0 B . gOd, hi 811 .dVftlltlO of II cenll '" j "yenUeo en ers, I~ D arge msjon . I~ p ac:e. on U IIID nc . ~ Ihe l,!~ &$ provid!d fur b~ JKW. Iud ,i.; Elllint'OI AmeriCAn Di"ioe •• .ial7lo . ----.-------~AlIA:.!!; PlTIWIIIl lanSOTos. . . • . ox , Our ."VJloI.~'"'1,Prlc..:..o.o..""




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ty of caae~~~e e ,tJlctjulltlce done, 11"0uld be inftic~ upon the pnre~t. inltact·.t1be etliM; ' Tbe ~r8t duty or·teaebing or t'r albrn- .bi.ldren na

boile", of . 111-. Willinm H. DonglaslI th", we: ,peolll.lntl itl locatioo ill ' t~e ding Ihe ,&werfnd Docto,. Bluen •• _ _ ~"P~."L NOTICEIII. !l~~~Y. ~ . Y. [84 -P~ Blo,.I6, IO-••II",U portab~e, itell"m sllw·mill .explo(ted. I:Ila .. ot Ohin. . ThoDilon; I;)"bin. NcCIiQI~k. Unrti •. - - - - - - - - ;; Dr.lIob••ok'. l''II1moD''7 87f11 l1. ~~ s:.',Yrtnm,,~ u l lu".40c'" aboot 10 o' elock on tbat day, killing 7•. RClol~ed, 'f1I"1 Ihe Con~,,, .., or Ib« SilD Whed ' A N a& Froe \ Jlyel'3l~. Thl. ,teet ult'dll'ill" cured i)OCIor J. h . • ~ ";.,11"" . " two men hlJltaptly, ~Dd wOlmtling Uniteti 811l1ea Ihouhl ,imlQed'"It'ly r~it . p?' on. m ... .1 II~: A Large 6 pp. Olreul"r, ghlDg i~l(oMlla'ion SCHEI'CIt •• I,e Propli .. I"r. ,.1 P"lu,ulla.r), ~ Si.:. ~ I~D~i;;-:-~ItlOI ' ..1 L .. , . ' . I ' :.c ~lIe . ch,ime. Ib" ...Idi"r. Elholl. IOd' 1)"'(ln; "II!)_ 01)n . , ... oCtile grfLl\!est ,1m.!'!!. . to ~"e, ,o\1.88 of (;,\I~l'tlUQ • .-1Ie1l I h.d "'1111>1,1 IlAc ~~n &iii 'OIld: IGaI ael'O veS,lIpon par...... t1l0 ..,.8 of. w lom ,18 not; , ( : "fI ..rtl. ao.. :K•• ; e..... : h"amcllel llow Ui' 1I0ta raOiI to, .. we...... , 0".. I 1 •• ' I~"'11f - - J u r.. ..,.·.....' .......1 , ah Ali, ~"Iian Cllnnibal; 'Yollr "ecome be.\lUfut. tbo dC5plsc(l reepee ...,,- 'nd Ii..alh ._pp.,rlld (0' be 1111·,11.1.1.. . . ~;.~, B~I!';a~rih"' •• Lllen .... : b &v. Dr. W6~lon; Sell' j ibe forllOkon loved. No young laay 0. sen· \ ~..,.lcl'''1 prO,I"u!'c,. II'" 'r,.,~ IlIfur"~'f. upreu nod collect on aeu.e'J; < " Ieman should, r.n to eend thalr Addrcs8 "nd .I,,·n htl r.... IN ..... nat'ci til t! ul 'h I•• "11' ItT w •• jj.lI'b. hjqlp)' "I . 11 m·... , ' , . , .. Guweralll4!nl; P,l Jpe'l E-.Y _ ~IOD, • c il' . '. .' "Ie bll' p........ h.1 r~m"dY · HI~' hI"111, ~D8 • r"IIIl' OU,· ... re hOliM f,OIU I"'eto .. "'" ".. bc!re. tbc~~ 18,~bIIHJ' to d9&0, .Yllt II young IIllmal'flcd ma~ 1\"bO ,.W88 Cunvl!n"QO )h~! Ih. Oh.o M.luRfY elO .•' ill F.. brull" DIIlIlb.r Phr..nol,ojli,.1 c e dO a (0;; po8~pald. by return ,mll.I,y rUlo.e.tlll. ''''J,!wl' limp., a.iul..ho r. lb'. chr ... h~II•• r Ii•• I.,. or aul. D/otj. ~a. this j', neccssDry In a tile act ot nri'~ up, when tl'lIre,x Jllo· Agency a,~ WII •.hmglon. D. Q., '.hou~ J Po 0 I 20 h " A. dres.e . O. rutrer. 21, Tro). N ' . ' III/II III II •• dlt"'II •• liMe "f'ftn "pp'r llt' Dd~dl 1J'I Y; kSLLEt • CO~ " , . • . I 'I'h I. d f ' t.1 e II~I' be! ,ltFCODlfnut'd •• l I".e~ ~l)tJl Cun ..... '. ' n 1 C"DI" or " ) ear ts4 ·6m lor 111.1", ~Y", "\O'n. quit.lIl, rli'oflpell'"d. • c~J! . lIte !MIr'r wber~ populnl' slOn .c,cuu~,. . c . u~1! , 0 , I greu 'lll1il , b'l!a~!l.iye Il'gj~ll\,ioo hue Addr,'" F:o.d.r aDd Well., 389 13:'wlIl. II.d fllit p'f,elll welilit l i. '!lorll Il&UQ 111'0 U.1~ <&.l, ,.. tio: • gonrnment is dQr1i~M so " to .b \m blew, out, ,telulpg . l ilT!il~d . 110 regul"lt:'o eltlim. • g~al' " N"" Y.llr.ll, . ' J'lU4iNI'l'~L IlXBctJ'l'IOlf Itu~rod 1I~lIljdl. '~G n::;I\Y S'fRf.& !", !\£w·\'OU, fro. 'he people, We need, w hi" 011 to Ilieccs. ' dQwn b lii8 tlllll Ihe loldiar., ~b.lI Dot be . • u"jl' a~ " ~ Is don Ii: tlPO" thousands of grcy head~ , by tla· ~N,r .. hl~ rC~"f!r,. h .. hili dCl'ot",J 101. 81 llill"el';· 'II.I,. clire 01 CLn· , '" " . ., eX.llrIlOIlI. ," d l B&&DI.I·. UUIIJ!I'IIL.1" ' ' Ias 10 dnr"..-etl tbam W IIhmeta i l i c .d yel .11 .. 1111011 PlIc -:-. ' L E ..' .'.. . hal.hlll'll" tieen pro\'ided In a Inrge lo"er Jaw. l'he Ilest! · of tho uoi Ier IU (Ull 0 .nu IlII "0 rei p'" . K.tGU'lf& ror de\l1"or .. ' ..1 "" • ..1\ • II I ' ~ B "'.' ' .~ .' "' , . , flilly urle upon Coo ,.1' III. imml:di th t 8t h d BI. . th lib fro It ' .ump.,bn, ""U .,.41 • ~,,_e w , t I .,. ullu· , • p~~.. n of our .c ountry, National that kllIea him, paslledon otloil€ 00 . ' f ltc . I . " . Feb'y" ·'rhe ·Gl!oie; 1111"ld po. ~ 010 an e . feB m Pall, t'lJlllpIiC» lfd whh It, all/I' Ih. CII'''' " r . ,', t • , . Ate n,ce'~lly 0 '\10 I , le"11 ,,1I0D. . . ' to roo,. I1Ir Avoid 'hesc hOrrid Ir: t d b II dl"" ,L 1J1.. • Seleoll-or tree' achools - with a yaffls; alld In Its 1 course lulled the . '. .. em. ope Ding ,billnlmb., ie a 80lt pro . , 'u"C" Y I ~ III" "Int'. Ine uorn wer, Iv • . , h· ••• ' • 9. Rela/ved, Tbal we urge upon C o n - . ' Dlallrurla. Apau. ullmeru.,..n~ IIU'" , ,olldP.rr.ul. Doc.or Th, Be. leauttler" Itndard IIdl~cleDtJy eJe a,te.t ~· com· bo!,!,o alld 9"1" HIll wtlrQ bitched in gr.e.. L1nl jll'Iic"'1lf!roui~inlr' Ihe ' i . in dllcIJon of 1~ae' poetl1. 'SD"kea' i. a and use onl, the gNllt 'toilet ILllple of Amer· ' flh ....c.. n'IIiN ~'_IOWa'·' .I'ltJ to ~t. '" .~.........:.... " '. . pbs ~b~ ~!gh~~~ degree or scientific 0. te~QI-the horse IIDd ox on tbe otb· Iroduaed by Gllnerlll Schenck lor .tI." suhject Ire~led ,' In 10 IIhly a manner iCtl, rr.l ·ol , Iii. I..r"'f "IH~ 11\"1&1,., _Iofre I~. 'l\iMi_iMir/rclrit Ctlti/w"... ,..: Ilttalnment whleb QUI: youth, ot botb .Ui.e elcRt)ing of GOl/ernment bOunli ... and t!tal .._ or the f~ir reader. '!hiver .:. lC 1 . ... . .... Dr.. !IU a I",. lune,;,,," 0 1 ''''''Int, •. lind '. 11 1'111, .e,r.' 11'( bft...ify/o, .be ... .,. " TI ~ 'r h 1 I Iohi. aOOl1 alioo " , . uld ,eeommond "Iu~b 1I0t, only. IIIBt.tIlIl.ttOooualy prod,,~s all III If,ly ••1\>111,,""1'110"11 'poor roo-ump' r L . . I I'J U .u" 8~ea, afe c;apable or reA~hing Ie DRme u t \! ot ler mlln whO I . ." , II .~ , I Ae Ihtoy II' liI.oa'urlll Ch."'Olt:lfi.liea Ihades of blaclt and bro'll'n bu' 11110 nOllriah. ,1..01 'hal i,ne ·'o h. Ijrlpd 001 pt ' 'it.l, .!l1l .lIuw" on j ~ ~ ... r•. II,... to th i J tit ' Tb 'I ' k'll'd WIUI D . 1 Sb H III.l I'rovilioo. a m"ue ,or t Ie pay· f"" S II ' .... II d I" . ' . . di I w ' " II hf, bCl/I .r.~I, ",~.I' 11.11 II e rms"o.y. ~1I.1C. Ie. aPle, aw . . e mellt 'ofbou'QlY du loldie. w.ho ,bilitl 0 ... r. D. , ,·IO .. e ~ IRIAted m ,I,i. e8.8trengtbana .. udbllllulilluthebClI •. ,!flln. C~lfIftlte.,.n II" Il mo)ll ,•• ~II"~· ! .II .w.t p",p.roiloDII. h 8Cbdo~ ·is. ten4ered unobjectionable waa attending to tho lIaw, wben a I".t their diecharllel. 6kel"h. Ob"pter IX . and X. 'Who IIf,uitu.ed by J. Orit'adoro. 6 Aator nOIlSe,. ~ubullt pr,:;,ooft ...IJ,r.; 1i~~en"l1l )1iIIlI~~u"l'C 1110111 ha,r.II.•nd /"c:laled · '::th .1 ,. an .I . 1e b " f tl Ie b 01'I er came ' 1D ' t8. -'w'le . ....... db y ",rllp • .,I'OWtfot ", . ., 1I,.,r. II, It I ct' "I ." \I htd ·l...... ... 1'e wc~tuy, .. aoceuib yo i 1. t ' ; po~ tvn 0 10 &.alvtd. Thai Ih., interl"'- ul W.. H'" e.' II in thil numbn. ',Autohi Now Y ork . S 0 Idb y Druggoa Pilla Irt! lI P"I'"l\y a~10•••rt>q"iredlll (,'urln" 1I ~I'II'" , ~" .,r VI PI) ' . ' nom TJ;e bt111aina togetber n11 classea tbat direction. striking bim about the Ihe dil"blttd aoldier. or tilt counlry ,,110 o"rapbic No'el' or EJ""r A Pot. Ihe al\ Hairdreslett. 814 COlI8UI~'II .. o. ·FIIII dlrHliu". ae/lUmpIII, . mo~~ ••. "" ', " ••cl~IuNil !u'P'•. ·"h·I~~:..! r ... e • . . . " . • ..'., _ b L. . . . I, •• "na" ree ...... III. IPurp 'Wi .... . ehUdren upou au eduQational bll8is, hea,d and bl'east, and Ii~rlllly mash · IIro.ta ppn.ione". demand tllll~ Ihl! of 11111 bor _IT 'The Ra"en.,· bw 11 ra. Io-ke. ....- ~ YOllllll L\DV returning 10 ber COUll. ,'0 t .. adl 'ny '!:·h·~"'LhI"he IJI.e,1ft "'II! h' e.r bllu. 'w" ... ·· "p.~...... ..d i. '~'''''''I!J ." . . . . Ii e r ' I Id b .. J .. """ ., ollf·••• JII!!" IICIO. at "n .... ;' ut I\' 11'11 I i~ e . " "'" nrn [(~ b i.-neces8ary to the llealthy action Ing all thc I)ones 10 tbat part of Ilia C 0 ,l'en 8"I',n, Igellt . e. I?U DOl I ("" Smllh. II 1Ii, hiiinlltrucli"e. WEI will try home, after a !o~ourn of 0. few monlh~ III (on .. "II'lIt II i~ bpill .hl etl! "irn ' He .. lUI tura~,,'ul 10 '111 •. \>&:1.1111 out I.. ~ d . ". bod T" D OIt!Ie ,ool I,II 10' po lIlIcl"n.; ~ 'At re C· hI' . ,. • "!" I~h by IMIILL Po.. .. . o~ ~~erpetulty or. republlcau govern· y. uoml1!1 ILl·18. tbe mnn thllt qU!!nl el,,,n(p'e. frOID mere p"rti."o pur. concNde oar n~'iee by I.ying 10 Ihole the Ity. was ard 'f .ecogDlse~ by her I~Ylce rrf''' ..bltl fur. thoro,,~~ t'lI~QlItI~' ·1 'h. ,,,.nl a 01 ·,'t'EllwtIl tI~ ,.,11 II1II a JII~IIt. W\lUe a vaat amount of pre· waa wounded the worst, waa stand· JlO~-'. cau~e del .., up"nee lind incoo wllo Ivve 1\ 6ut cl... liler.ry a.Ilgnin,. frionds. III place of 0 coone. rustIC, /luabc.d wi l h~k--pi;b~!'Ie~. I~. (~e I, h 10 ·Ih. pelilk: I."ar. , cOllfide"." jucn.• .agalnst public schools ing IIJongs.lde of Sbo\, ot tbe time '; "~Dil'nee 1o. Ille pe~slOnel, And fur,her, 10 It'Dd at ou.: ror B~.dI8·1. Plrice. t' f,m"c8b·l!b~mboRdo.'llln80~ rUb Y .COrDpt1.~xl°fnrt·1DlOn'It Ihe 1'::$lr.....~~~~:,o'.n t::r4~:~:::.'.:.lo:; :neal !ndonl\ll'''' • •,. lOali..tllitil• d , I . d . 1 I ., . IIr e. • e~. aD lOS ell.. 0 "e 'Y" " 1 dl . . . .. ( been reiaG"ed within tbil lost 't en be . waa strncK aoout the shoulder we r~m I.' .Pt'cu lar.' RpprOplI,,(e 111\. copy. one yur. s. Addre.. , i3udltl threo ahe really Ilppeflrcd IIlIt eigh14en. U"pon when In II .. lilt II a,. of c:oMltmplion·. ,:. .e~ a~Ri I : ';";1" .1., \I • :'T..tfiU . th" b II ' . db t t. k' 1. II d 'helll 1'0~1I10Q' Rholtld be fill!!o t.y .L C W· . . . . . .nd (tlhp, al 11ft 116w I,. in -,reCI ,.,llIlIur. Mtor. 11& " . re f i t . · , ),elll8",. ere III mue litl rem.iRlng, on reos, urca Ing tue CO nr, nn mllimed loldl' r. wi iii I~ t J uo omplD1, liB "ham lilt.. N, Y. IhfIUI.)' ~s to !he c.ule 1l(60 grCt.t4 cJlange. 1111_11" on II u" "Ar •. I ,.:.,' Miullli,rip IIIlttlJ,,1I "re. Bu"";, ' I b . I I W a 10 are co pe <II ao , , I I ' l ' Id t1 h h .r h.... .... .'- r . .I ~ ,.0 ~ nmell 'Imp. , .. ' . " . p '" " , . . Str I Inge ,as Jt may Helll, tbll preJu· ot lor ones III t lat ,. clnlty. m. worlhy. Oity_ S '0 P am., to lem t at. 8 e u~c .. t..o .... r · Gen",. Wluilr •• le ~1I':uni: O;'m.l , Lur.ill~. ""''' ~Ier'', Md ... g~"". I, 4100 ~ollg ·the wealtby ADd genei'. H. Douglass, the other man wounlf. c ..... a.1Ial1D, Rlld ooDl"dered II an mvalu B.rll.. cIr. C .... :'If. Y.;.. ~.~. thnee. Bahi. ; . ~II. ,Em",. ~.II~r~ JoI" .II~ better etlucated ClU8 [a more ed lI'1\8 on the Ol)posite aide of the t:i'" Thf1 'Trib~ne 1ft)'1 tltJl,t it bas go Aldrid~e. Ihe colored .clor, .lIble acqllilitioD to ony J.Bdy's toilet •. By ill more; Julin D. Park. ,Cinc:lllnn·li;· ,,"MI~er ' .~"IO"r' ~CII'''M'. d. , , , 1 • f 11 r . r P ' use anJ L!>dyor GenLlOD"1I enD Improve & T.,lor, eMcIIO; ClIlllnt 1rro•.• ".iot ........u,.ritle.. I•• . . [ .. i w. ea III\) Jr,. · r ~P" Pert~~ tI/· . ~ reru1i1f oTerCcilll,e,. than amOllg the log from Sbaw, ottending to the set· belln pro...,~ ill' Central N,,, Vetl . W,10 II now o~. 0 I • Ion. o. ."a. their ,oNlOn,,1 IppelU1lDCe an hllJlllrtld told. Loille. Od laoorirr, olB.lIH8-: , tillg or the log, and about " 'moment tha" thra, bu.bell of 1.11 per II,cre 1."11 "IA Olle. •, .ntl weolo 10 Ka'g IIInJ It is'limplll in ill combination liS N"lUre hor. _ . ·I . OJ~n, D~b'~~r " 'heh,e, I'tld/r .. .. ""', ItII). ' . . 1 d . 30 s"arl IIgo a. II bod, aerY t .. II '. . I Ie prortlHiuo "I"te I • a 0 , .Wh Y tlil. JDterferell~o '2 Wby b(\fore the explolllou, he· wnll' 8tAnd· eoe 'be rlpeo!lI11 or 1111 wb.aL ·t•• Or Ie. . AI} • Ie ~olf Is s~mpl~. yet .unsurp_eel 10 lis effi,:,cy ~ : "CKLII"" ., C~.'.: 'ulnel' lo Iltelt ' \Olflli,eUI tJMI ' ,......, Ihould the aft"oin.r e'-to interfere lug wit.h 1Ii& right aide townrds .the three "~I!ke. ' . eldn WlIlIack. 1M 11 no~ a C1~e"'h"r, 10 drtlWl1If ImpUrll~l!Il. from, al.50 heil hng, QPproYDI. · . , ' . ill the affairs or .fomny 't My child boiler. but bad tnl'oed around to . • .. . b."1 10nu01erftb~ decorAllons. II c1e,,~.lng Ind Iieastil1lng. tlte skill and com . 0 . . . ! The be."tlful ....clll. \Vult,-II II": , is my oWn' aud no one Du$ ."Ielf pick lip Ii cant.hook when' something ~ A DAo",II.. N. J.. ·I"dy. 11110 rlt~ 10 • •Bwe~l~b Barone.. _Rnd ill llilll' pleuoD. By III dlreol ICI~n on tb~ cuticle It 00 the. poIf~ldaT onc PdrlcollPldln. glnnlt. overl J find th." III"'llliaall' prodi. . 111'111' ' . ' , • " . . ' t d' d f I I h d d If j bl k .' drawi from It all Its Imputltiea. kindly becll· patrou a an lOme lUI . e a~ 0 'l\"lItcb ,or tbe b Ill" 'f -'" ~' d III _.hltt. ",* by tbi right to 1Uatrtlct or. c.,1I4re& strucl him on tho left 81de and al'm, go . 'I'orce rom ler I~' an an I. . 1 . ~ ...... ~ 10 the lame and leavl tIE ,,,rrllce CII:Ii.. 10'11' price of !J'en Dolli\\"Ii! wabout regard 10 r .. ne~ 0 n>U,.'1I J D'Ifll' . h'- '" , mlll"rrc:o aDolhar m.n h •• JIIIl elup~d g , " nlll8., and not to be p-.alc,l ror IInlqs. perrectl, Ihll .reat and p.eull., .d"a,,"" _.J • ..... .,uch are the arguQlents whf~ wounding tholn some, but not Bel'!' . . '. fJ::T: Oyer a ~1ioun"d eili,lenl ~Ir c\ j • •lure iatended It sbould be, clear, 601\. smooth •• 'i»fpctoryl h.rBlI •• II)I""• .1,1 rell 11 ..Jdl 10Ib,..l. have been' used-more commonly by ously. When' It occurred. be did from 111m, rllonlol: .w.y wllb btr ,.6,,, c o b~' ':''' ' :J' ad · ...... · '1 I and beaullfu!. Price '.,.COI by !hll 0. Es· 600 .qlid sotd RllliI!g .waleboa '9l\Oto 71\1 nn• .• lId b+:.'J.I\J ", ..lie .kin.' . tIl th . h "Iband . , . , ·a . . , !"I'. law,.. r ieI' prell on receipi of 8Il..tllde b .W L 600 mllglo ealcd gold wllld,ea !MlO 10 500 TI 'M IIt._ . . ' 1.1 . ;' e"'gabood who ta a CUrae to tbe not kno-w he "as burt, being exciteq, • . ' lDIIkin,'"it'clio'Al o( lieI"... had lhe OLARK & CO Ch i I ~N 'f, 3 W • iOOr.dle.· 'll'a",bel, en8lRlI'd 100 to'/IOO' Ie , "II "M'~\ II". '.. ,l:oQQ\rl at l.rge nud bil family in ulld went to tbo Rst1a'anee of the ~-I k be"S 6 • ' .. ' ., em I 8, \), elL ay· ),1100 G H chronomat .......tcbu 60 to 300' 1 hIY" .... I!) mllih 'rDII!, " . . ~ ~eGioDis. whoe. nomi"alion iR ue., ~um , r. Q, ' 00. III ttle., 1I1l1ntl •• et~e St., Syrleule, N. Y.-Tho only Amen ),000 G H EIlj[II~b"v8r" 200,.1160 /lU• • hlte lOti" ..... cIr.C.; ·.I.le~.' I'" Ii: PUUoul'r-~ho ~uts no higber eaU· otbcra. lie felt It soon aner, how· Miniih;r 1o Siockhulm haa ~!:o n'e!~' but cleelded 10 'ih OilIer Dllmb.... : and coo Asenu C?r Ibe allie oCthe &mille. 3,000 G H dupl.~wlltclie. 150 to IlOO eel pru'....t-II obU,e• •' I........ : m~ llpon hiS child than the nnmber e\'er, !'ond was brol.lght bome in a , d b 'b S · b d '1 d r JE A much larDer bblDber h.ld 5t! 901 e4,11 ~·~o Os HH LAmencCln "atcbl!l 100 ~ flliO coneld.r It w"'fect blner.CIIO~~ of d 11 b k' . I . I H' tB y. II IIDate, a lur · even 6(J to 1()() flrt, IS"OIl wtilth ..... the bone: II~: e c~n . out of b~ s ~ft e IS n~w. able to go nb~~t. rope a "oek beT••• ,t hinking.h. bad &lid. li8,69~, ofll'l' th~ tie. . . & ..OW 'ftlt· _ ....... r ~.g::': ~;!~. ; whll:O ... 1o tbuklll, lad 1"~1t" ..,) I ' musc. ~a . • e Dn8~er f • 8" n \'ery el\\'l~ l pSS on &ur. K Iur. tllia,. Tbe,,'. m.or a Ilip •• tc-, '-7"--'-- . _ \ . 1lO:006 (1.11 Lplilt. j ~. , • • 5I!,1O 7.5 ,all. ~Clluot~ •. ' " '. . • .' ___ ._._~ .. 0:7' B'''II!. ""1118 In dtl.ptrale, """l 'HAIl.... E. 'F. TKoalT"., Ihe .,eat 301000 )(,8Q01'n'H 'S w.tclt.. 60 1II 100 1111 .. IIltehpll "y.! • . ucb argume~t 1a tbt,s ' . these child· DougJllslI. Qnly nbout n week ugo, ren are dnlly gathering fore.. abd be took the ellgine to Evons\'illll. . . Tb H . CO . 2 of eoldien. ~'" r..cJlnd 10 elDancilMI, Ene ll • b A~I~"loll.... CI~I',,"yalll aDd 15.~0 ~ ~ .. alell-at . . i!i~. 60 t h... tried Ih.... ~'." I!flIU,jl\tJo.-~"






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to be' ex~ about 44 miles, to go~ it bored out. bill in.tru:tedo~::. ~;::~~" 10 1 2~,OOO .Iavel.alld. ,flit in " II\liir :~!:~,fi~:~~',c:::':r::I~,b;J~d"W~i~:~~d ~~: ed upon society. TI'I01 cunnot Tbe whole concern lS Il conwletc bie 11011011 Bill with tile r~cOblmen' l bIlJld.. W.r II no' wilholll ill u,u, now IU~'.lftd, her.ell eL Hudluu, N. Y.


··ib. I '


' 'r'. :

e~e~gle8, "'b\ch are' soon p~







o~~:ry ~I;:~::':~ ~~th b~t::te .~~ ~~p~~ ".,:: I ~.::!;~:~ I~;~

!."o~hirr!; oo~~~~.~·lho

la" IDaY 'be lb. 00' plloal,, ". ', J tl l ' l ' I'· "'8 :lou ;IIor bl'.l llie clfl\lllpl. 0' our O"Q Got. !hcl.d.. Thoralto!! pOB"I8~. etleh wond'. Mesara. j. Hickling • bQ,;!. l}'::.~, AID.r.. 'Jnretl'~£Ii,~iI.~ . ";t~~ ~. II' , cJ:elLver tbem " over bitO" the cbinery. "'cre on four whee18· one of 01) I"b I .patl. • I glvel v ' , '" f em~8II' r.ile' '0' impr... Ib . d ,,(ul p~werl of sBound elab' •• ~. to inrpln IcQO Walcb ~o., Ne., York City. wish 10 Im- .deliltla '~~llIlIl.' of .... e~ 'far~1~~ hand. f l ' Ii h' •. " per IBe.I . . , QlID a knowled,. orl11. e relt." IlIIl""'tancft 10 mcillateiv dl~pofte of \l!ttabove mllplftceat 8 I . " 1 ~L' , 0 80C ety. lila "e ave De~ .be hIRd wheela WQS thrown acroas ' or lo,e;ID rulerl . the eio"le or m.rrltd 01 .i'he. "ell' Stoc~. Corlllicate8 ' n In ·~Ill...... 'd n ot. <~ . , -, _:,&,,'.' •• a111~ t"e tb ' .. ; . ~ I ....,.. Ia ' I ~ , l ' ~ I. ~ r i: . 1 1 a.. Icr"alllOQ- .CIiI •• ·)p'r~~~\ -'a. u~ r e po"er nor tbCHlgbttoltbrow the creek, atrlklng a t!'ee high up, " ' HOD ' Q P < I ' ,I • •• • • ,WIllie In • elal. or Irance. ,"e ·dehnn, .. PJd'" "1\ ~et'l ..e ope. Holde ,arl 0811· .. . .lIllltr.~ .".~or :-'1.1I4'11t;~ ... th~m back UfGD you: It t.hey are and tearing off the limbll And bark beea .Ieeled· "":. I ' ror~~, U,a~~d" J' . -'Tbe foUowing ftAlUtd lI:enll,, : ."" .e,y 'd'·b'lIr'bl oll'dho,pe'!INr yllll .r,. to· ~\e! ~~!·i!r~~~to'}I:;::' m.~h~lr~W;~:r ,wl.IiOII\ ..... · "'1.-;i~.lijiiJ,,, un.OOlld d . ' '" "" • or 0 QIIII f " cUIl I I d • fl \) . • , .m.,r,. an , y lea u _n Ililmme.t oj I Ile w, ten' ' !\t7k f 'T: T3 Irl .. . IlD ~oraUy. diseaaed, so 10 a \\'onderruJ manner. , . Stattl. b•• ·.eol in hi' ieal oAtien or m~n, 0 .' I "If .~r~ra'al t!b!' ,0b. · Inlell~" pvwer. ~nowD a.,h. ""eholDo, I~m :,.: ot:~tt~tilb·?t' :!~tl.. ~tl': a ~· ell· i.i.t' lu. Dri~i.,,,• . ~~ch 80 as to en~Dget' the· ' , . E. ·HAlIMELL. ' Ibe ollie. or Go t . : " 1 d" ~'lP.., ':I' N. P. \".IIt.: .llenl~1 W. lrOP~ • • Irllafl!,le~. to produce • ·li!e·lille th"'lii;~cle1 riaille"'Wr_.TpilD 'paYllie>;tl-, ir ml'r•• nlf:t;ai~~ 109 or 8c(;t'ca andlmadred's ' we must ~ ' . "rnor . 0 teD lana , Longfello", S. .jiG. 110"e. &111)1"ul rk:Jllt.• ofth. (Ulur.e bu.bllnd or 'wl'I! 01 ''''pet'ti''l'iot'he-1I'0rtll; and .. · .... . L hat... , _ ~"l IJIiIII' _tiU tbeQi a. tbe'l' a"e ' . A d O:T Tb. Ricumoad Whil: .pllbli.hea Leg.8IaIQre-. , Q lliacl OJi",r W.adelllloirael J R :h. apphc~~I. l'!ae$l!er willi ilAte uf tit.~- ~"I •• tban~1418 .P'IIIe1l-oD·'DJ D.r~r" n4 . iC. W~I . . ' . ~. ' n we II' b' AIC r I - - - - -- . ~ " " . ;. r!elte, po.tlllvll In hr•• I.,dlllf Ir.h• ." 1~.!I\.'0)lcebe"IIIJI.'baUb\a.II · . . 1oUe". /u_ y " ... ~JO!l... J~. "'e to keeV ,t.bem in Ion. lie pera,rap • I ~ro I~•• "m'I, a . , _ ~ () n II~" I Lo•• II, lam•• .£:Fillld •• &J.I" , . P.1 ch.,.tlter, It!'o 'TIM" I, :nc, !,u,DbuK. aa ' hut ... tril~bt: ror;P"'" I~tl:nr" ~~~01l~1 ![!"Ib.' ''' ' I ' ··~... a . ·· rf t gar iIwl.yoa dl~, ~died lul.....",..~ lb, ' . , :--_ . @ Whipple, M.rri :rfim~le, ., .. Jj; tholl~."" . or -te.timoniala" cen lI..,t', :~~~~~\9~t pa~~~~.n . ~\'~n,'b lb. ~:'da~~7Ji~.,.hi::'';'tll' 1l_.~.call1~ot·· 16&b IUt., at&ll. &d,.aeed . ar of l30l (('be GI,., . . . p,te",·dar~ 1ii~liou&";;' Ahbiati " . . . 0 81t••• I.I . nnel .,hlo dellred I el"liled A if"" Certl r.· W1ftIi'~' bj ':'.n ' "~.EQ;r,, 'a••• ~~' ~ Md. " . Sb,e "u. oaI1 OIIM ,. ,rried, D.,.O'. pODrin" ~ltiae. \b, r~i.09 : • ~ .- --...:. ' . atUic8l•• 0·' w!iU." III.ra"I••, tb_1 lb. ~t-rtfi1"~J *elM' of lIS' 08"'; J~;;W '·lIa"..~••,., "f;" ~ ' . .ol;i\dre.... -: She O!d Wblii ;,.' " be! ' .. , II ti.... ~ Ilk. : lM..j~iD' Ir • a.• er Ib.~ . ~I aAr.or~ .•. t,9Ib, ...1, lil~ "JI9Il. lh. "'idiroD pl• • of lm~lr. dlepolrtlon .. d aolft • •1Ui.r :1o·.'ODI h~'Qd II.... , .. .. . . ) ~~ ,. . ; l' 'rb t ' - . .' ,'-. at. Ba.lan"eecl -bCiaite " q, b !l1"..r01!~ nd enelo.lII4 Itt~ en,e.ocl Wa&c.b tid•• 70 li..... "tlIoee . oft " \n •. ' ,,': . ' ' , • • ""I... nr 1 h~ gool tb .k.te . "-rrr-. e,.P' , 1 "Imp~d en.el",.., Iddre..eclo I. "oll~lf ••.,lo:"... nuliIe4I. ~~"'tl.1U. .. Pt:1R6 rJ , ... ~."~\~.~~ too • , Aucu_ "~:. ~ tw.,. Ilo_ Iob.~; ~ Sir ~"'. And,;_,. • .A1__ ex- JOII "lIh•._I'.'lh., nd " "lr"*-'tIr~........... ~CIII'J ... ,';"11 . . '. II'" ~ !M ..... 11. A W _ Df tlOID. . . . .. lite ~ ...~ Me iaW"b'."oll. . ' )-::-p"t" t~ ,.iiR»a........,. .."~poItl~ .... {J)'I~::':.":. eoll~.~IT .. ........ ~ ......... ~. ClIUaIJlO..Go., !.thl. . .,... . . . ~ ~....... • , . . . . . teJ'o 1I.. ..... .A. . . . QIt 11I'~" 11&", .. . 0 ... ~ Ie · U llUa.""'., ttI ·1 ~ l.G .~~If_ O. " unt f. ~r,. ...,. __ Gtlf " "';,;1 : . " ... • , . !~ . . ~' " OItr YIfrk; I . It; '. ~:i\l. ' ( .'

~ your cbildren always - 'you 11'111 wreck. The boiler. engine, nnd


lUll· dali

.'·1..... "....




_"liciatci" ,



tbeIe ·

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~~, ~f.lDlo~ ;

0" II».. '. 10'_ ..'...... . ~"I:e'-~~,.""

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IUr.... nw UD aoo D. CUlCIDlial1 ...7 ••• .,.H .n4 Acoo.... 11 .•7 .. ,., Culu.b., 4ecDa'! 8 •• 7 r • • , piLl.burl EIP~'" 10.06 r. •. YUan W""W".D *"r • .,. "1 ;1 .nd Ao_.. . Hirhl Elpr.... pill.bllr, Exp" .., Clnelnn.tI 1 ru-,

1.56 •. II. '7.05 .a. lIr. 1.116 P. II. 6,110 1'. :..

rr::f AllIn! ....Iop 'it Corwin. • . W ,It ' , e..


... OODW u»t


1. W . floPPY, 8uD't, A. O. C.aDWALL.&U.: Arent. ' r,&D,ULLADU6. MrLL'. EZprtu A,...t••

fI, gn"., ~


Ulliun Ex. A," .


U SlLnds, Wrlgbt & Co.'. bulletin ror tlle "'oak is tbllt tb . n • ~! repT( .eoting to abe pubUc a.8tillJarge!, .tock or .elLsonable goods than e,'er


berore-eaeb'da,r's es:prtles line·bt ln·

• 1. ~ Ili. . . . ".,i. , 11 .... r~.1 JObii en be clo....ore C

th.... ...


' 1 1 '" m".r\·e "ue 0., ricep, ' 8 IllllleClolly,.kC)'!{ a., well, as to t!18 e,ndlt'li' ~rra~ of-ev. " • • "",h f"llJ', th Ir superior , tallte and . display ~qr lIole, . eop oa golDg there" nnd Y9ur (ottu ia mnde. -,; 't


,. ,

·LIOTOREI.-Mr, Obu: M. Sbel'1Dnn NOI.tb Bridge~nter, Mass'., began of lectures on ' Phrenology its relatloli to'practlcallife on k~' ' nlr'RU<'" evenlQg 0 th' , lS we~ In Concert Hall. QlIite a ' large a~di. " greefed tbe gentlemlLn, and D1'Dm!S~~ tbe, pleallure d~rh'ed from lectore by the uodi"ide'd aLton. b b ~,'I til 's t ey estQw,,}, upOIl e p,9nkAt the clOI~ of the lcctli~; Ilr. '''I..~rn:IDll delinellted, in IL bappy




lite ..... pn_. 01 lb. oi&, lb. coonl".".... Ba' w. beIM~' h I", Third St.. ~e.d foreltbu orllle Shoema· ia tl8Deral .11.... til, k. .... IlIId wind up lb. uperillleDl ortry iD3 • ___ "&loa belw,en lh: COIIDI" pr... aDd &0 S9 bosh ....,.••, ,00", bl 0.&& tb. ptop'e i. r,ooa-illd , tba' &be fGrIll' ~1. ..tAt. ~hu 10 is.elJ'. - er, n i. jll.II, eDlht"$1 to Lbe . • bol. C.. I· - loa of tbe commanil,. H la "~I!ted to do •• rut doe •• 10 lot Lbe iDler.. ef lb.' cOmQlUnil, lor wbicb it oenr , .' ,I ~ A 'I:l a ,eeniar, ~ell.fD. tb~t i& i. . . he.e", .,.en u a . CUllome,. III , I U A g £.II~ -...A olai. UpoD .11 , . lruUI4 .. lb., I am .ull 10 tbe '10' h." , ... r I patr()II~,. orlli .. people. It i. thi. .... • 4! Moti ••Dt or tb, mal,!al iOlen.' or tile prl.. andLhe communlty-Lbl pro, per · , \ ily or ODe !'-i",. die "OIpe ril 1 ' ol ille • US. N E 8 8 olber.-willoll h. . . terywht e bee D J eul!ivllled amo,ng flood Gitians and "ala Stree .. '~.J~V,lIe. Ok.,. ",IIICII b •• tnabled Lhe pllf'!" or ~he ' , .... couotrl ~o .ullme tbat pOIlllon or IDpart Iluloctlnd ..1e'rMllle.. which lbe, 000.. , P1· ' where ma, be ("und •• m.llilucle 01 .. ell ~ ~ ~J. L . . Our. lOlt"lIlDeDt of .eather ~"c"it u.6, 1IIIIIIIItI., of ~,~nUSt ~ft9~ ~ .


'f.. ,..

-Cl-H 8 m 0

.' , .llLerclian" - Tailor of L E. Keys' booding










'THE CAR. 0 I N A Lift

an .s the





\ Ille.



Fllfll.~' • OV<rJI duor. Ii~ 10 relaln I,eal. ODd Re. ,"1m 10 re&ullt~



- - We IIrll 'p lraittl ·to iee tba't f6ii't

- .

in.l\lid for

"lIIl •..b',

lilDe, .j. cODulecftnt, be' arouDd,' a ; ' .



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II . R


·~~~II~;~m,ellll, pr iCo!' S· an al PI '. l~""7- ' ,




1 ~PIN :S. ,


ur "iII.,e, I .. d








In endless 'Variet't a1l4 at & great reduCtioll In pli0al:


-':AI. o,. Guod "'..ortmentu(--

LAM PS,. LANTJe~S. " FRUlT·JAlla. CIGARP, ' CI:IOI9E . B,R<\N.J;l8, . FINE-OUT ToaACCOE8. &0., LEAD;


"in';'".•U.... .. I'


1 "


0 '


DnUGb, ,liED Ie IN E e;,


Go 11I1h' Ntw


Dru~J .j!llqre. , N.EAl.

DI'J and






~-' . ' VAlUJISQ~

JIWd'' '

," f. r.r Idunce", Oil. alock fl low; ' but . Lltlnl' Ihl' WP hlYe flol on hea~. we can ullll fn, by Ell ' prel., qD .1I0u Ilolle,. .

A, the .101'8





W" blu al'G on hind. ,ood UO()'I _nl or· ."ao'l ",."thhl, III uur line, .mon... ",liie" .re




'.l Ionp 'Skitts, '

4~ .. ilitl1('BD KAT'"

r.,,~. 'CI'

,at .. LOW fIGUR.ES, fo, CASH, n.


C A 8·SlME. R,

ar.~r -" ~\l~t\'\ ~\t\\l 8. '•

''' ...IV_,.......£, ·

III.n, clly,


\he ,Be~t QuaH~, I ,

For ~en and,Boys' ••~


Bal '


Of· tllil 'I,II! thert! "'e III,... liZ"';


and PriCel !! ,



ne w and beautiful dea',n. c.,.lelo". accordi", til Ih C'

I;Jr,We hr."e ~IOI\ 11M 01

White Goo4&,

M'P L E ~' E !"


ait e~OratlVes,

Warrllnud to gitl. Slltil/acllon.



Frielida to,' the 8t.,lea

Dye-Stuffs• Good Perf\un , ery,


buy C.Ucoel. to




CheJDioals, .Oils, Pure 14qUOrBl


. ;""D''1:1'. "s' ' PU ' R'S I.

Dl)lnesti~ Goods, . ,


, i '.. (or woud ~E~RU:SS, P.rlor Cook.





fALL' 8toc'-.. :lit.. avw IlIA_


And we invite the lttealo1l of 01&1' Customen &4




A Ipltondld I10dE· or

NUTJOf: ! - .'II p. .. OII I Ind ebt-

I .~e' that the Prio~ are o~ A ,. W SnAG"x'. IIf tb., abov,,·olelllioued caD be Ilull lit




~onts an) ik0tS l'

H'ew D~ug.Store ! "e 0

Parlor and DiniDg·RO,om


g , A ,R G"A 'I N S, ! I

fll'~ ioU.

I'd 10 un' are , ..qu"Ofd 10 ao ll lind ","1" Ihp,l,o .... OI1I1I1I. J W. lIAfNES. W.)',,~av i llo, Jln. I, 186'/ .

~.. ... Be t urf. tt1Iell10Q


. , t.

wher- cell t' nl np pOrlllllhv IU \tuy. II f wi ll eell Ih e emire .. ;ilallli"hIll Pnl Oil re "d.,nable illIlI 'l'u. y' term,. J . W. HAINES.

complete I

,, " " "




"t~U:oo••• ~ ~ I 0 ~ll 01 ' Iii" ab~ve .\0.'1", I'here t"or Pore Drugs, are three MiE8.-'7, 8, ·.rid W-... "IIII ill Medfcmes, I'ric'. rrom 1»$ III' 10 .60. lurned out .11

16 Centl 'per' YarA! .



P lOIn doe a I e r 1 • J'I Y L J Gr.


D rty GO,OD S ! Ff'


'0'. ,


I n eu,berilin the I,ultl ne,. will find fho p,e~ .. ut In ~~.

re», •

'IN 1 o:uoaWl117 .lT~" 1IlJ ~ '" IiiIJ , Lll/l~

N. 8 ,;-A ny nn l'! wl.'llnll

~ladt-Q9nh, ~hbnilCt,


. -ur- •

• t'


above- SIdtt ' fbt'sala " •

T A1 LEN & RAN DAT......"

\ Q o'd~rJ '~ \l\ .... u~ ,I> ,b\l.\o\r'~'

.MON ·X IlCI1,



. .



R ., ,"1'



Cheaper ,th~n theCileapest ,

"IIt~'lI\DJillEij' ~iI11ElEN." This i. Irlle Itl Dud It .... brell inlrudocptl.

" ~:l.D.., ~~" ~pl· g·U~, Calicoe~

fri,,~d T. B. McComu. wl~o I,."bua'.~

lbe heal whell







"" " · ''} 8 6 '7.



B.kin" : . before Spring, ,hple luu\inJl 8nythin, in Tloe m Oi l co mplete .nd bu t-work'nr It,' lill"', will do \Y~II 10 co li 8",1 rxo m ilill "' 0• ., 10" ' ,r,e ramily Of n "'I'I, II.8I W. Iny . '"ok. IS I. ln'"ml altlllll& Iyh., 1 hu" bavll """. MI uP,' or ....... Iher. arc & uu hllnd ., pt'Ct!R .1...-7 . ' I, _lid 9.

,, 1


WI "

on blell; a Ilr,. . ·cod.door, Iud

m, 1£1. , A iff. T

" ., , til be a. l:oo.! Oood. Oft any in' r1ie mar'h l Sliliaurr, · CU.,&&. bla .ppoioled -.114 \tbid. ,I will ..,11 ' Jt'11tl ",'rdeal,. a you"g milD w~o aer ' ~ wed in Ibe Unlo":.a;lII.1 dilrl o~ th' .ar. AI LOW II' any JIIIJ1I • Dare S~/l , JIf' Sam, Qua/hI! 'maIDOe!f. tile llbrenp'l,9gicill ellnrilefer - Dup .. l1 S!lerilf. ~ '", .. OUr oci,l..bor AI.(, ft " mlll.lfl"Il' ~t ~SNrs' FUR· Qr ~e88ra" A:bel Satte'rLb..\\:ttjtc, of the LebaooD' Star. . NISHING dO'OD~ !-.'H of ...·hiell , Rogers, l;lud .Q....e;. 8talo 'r. , - - - - - -'; ..:---:-.!:_ IV III -ell II I • re .."ulble prufi', Mr. Sberman t8Ip'e~y en ' ~l'taiDing Q:r ';I'he, Oxford Citiftl. IIIU maWe It- ~ Plf ." '~m'!t CIU berb,. .... " 'I.~t' n ..<••,' ana we be~pealC- ft> hi8 fur- sell liN".· Y88f'. giCt oC. ,b aodlome kl'hi' juur IIIlectl~ I~. I return thonka t9 m, ,.Id eq"omerl efforts among us A cordial en - dnsu of .. w IfP., ' tbert-by, .dding end friend. 1M ",h.t Ih" y h."e do ne h'r rllgement! J. I" Y _ "lucb to til, .ppea~.oce of . tit, paper. me In ,h, PU I. nile! hue" 10 b.. IIbl" IU , . . ••• The CitiuG .i. abl, edited. alld we wi.b cure III tf.;. f lure Ply ld,are of Iheir pet run'lI e , it ab.oda,," good (oriline. ',..J ' ELTON DUDLEV. • ~ft)'neeille, SlIpl. 17.1866:

' , TU;fHI ~IT : ~~ rr1J1~~~ ~~JjI*ti»J lQI.~.uLl*..t'.\SJ7

Tltl. il a 1I :'1-~f."·. lIIIof conk-Itou. ,Ia". ..... 11. .. " .,. . O'PII 11 . .11 wllh oJ. W. lItES. re,!atpr in door to re,ul. 'e lloe telft"'., M.i .. 81rerl, 3 lI"ot. be l.. " th. a l nlt, Itlr. ur Lhe ow.,u In bikini · • W .Yllonlll<r, Olilll.

",tI !",d" by ~"R. DIOjDIS,ONil',wloil" uU'fr r Illy ellJp 01, w I C I W

~~ (),~l~ uei~bboring town Qf Wtiyncs-


. '! F·'!NORITE."

- -'-0 '. "11' Whon msde UP . if Ih~, do nol INri Ih. - . or, exee ent, neig hbors or CUlllunle,,.,h. }le.4 AU' 'ike tJielll ! tbe sp",glltly M~rrow Leader have ~, ou~ tbnuka fo, ~r.IS cOI'dl~ opinion I I ~e~I! :C'tfillanllf. 1lb _ull.o m.II.,c~f(", . .1 "Ye CIlD IIny. with a clear IInu ap· A~' CTIOi..T ·coIl8oier.ce, t here l'i not' a READy.vaDE CLOfIIDIVG I \J n ·. nproving t il '. . tI I ' IU4 I. BU.



8 T' C V Ie,

wilh C •• I BI", ot .Irlnin, O<ren, C nll lroD &'Ilnol, "0 'op, Tfo Khrben

"y ,


wt..bfq to dbpolO of DIy

01 ,ll l Ind.,:

E Coo 1[


30lb .. h .• by".11 iritoler.ble·rr~f&e, whicb CASSIME"}~S. br_o~g"~ . lb, Jbt:flDOllle ..~ dowa to 9 .' . ' VES'!'INGS &C. de£fl!". bdow IPro. Tb, nUl i Dloill. b ' , ' " " • lli p,.,iI Ind f_ney; which I .m pt'p,. ... '1 I·a, ., ,"Dera' 'ba. " a.'....,a'o to o""t"' a • °t .... t""'. r~ ..., ~", h'·, bil.... med. rip' I" a 11,1, "Ill and F", . d •• cwd io • mel'iag ' . .ul;I....iI mood; hillhly '.ntllivi of Ipring ud "W'I'}' T1~ m!tlll1~ mJ'\,'l!t1 , ~'1. lu~ .r IIIlIking. All hili!. J& 9 II LllIi!I Ll 'lfll!1:l» l V Im.'m ,

d:~te~j~~I' r~~r~n ~~~ ::~II~~O'ec~~i h... ·..


e ., :I:' ORIS'PIN,

a.aide,·pUWa!C·If '


~?,~~:t~dltl;:~~:~::~~~~::~ .oun~ h.~1f ~ b1 mUB IO~"

' ..

bI!U ~~ . , •• ...soD;Ullau.\ ", on tbo"'qW~ ...... ~"."" at I.... '" 1_. Mae. :So.. . . 1Ie4. -g • afta.r CfO_


ALl. Til. ,~~~

Potent ·~e.ti~~,.


=Tt-IP~I1I, g~~,

PI" ~ .~­

P E,R F. · U~I\I"E B 1 " , -HAl tt-Ollo.,;(: . t

'11 1

'1/ ~'1

,. 1

" 7GA-LL' AND ,SE~. I

'1 ... 1., "


. HOSIERY .. • i












Phyei~"""~. _ ---:-

'. Carefully and Promptly ~

Th l•. I. I decided .lmptDl'em.ot: ~nd .dd. ,r~IIII, 10 t..e .p;OarDPce !l,f ~ulld. lalli, lind . ,. .


I ...."f, .....

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0 ld


Dr_. - S ';0 r

••, • ..,IIlI', 0.16

.. ~1I~MriY-.

" 4:.




J. W• .,..••,'. C.III'rl.'''llr'·~'''&1



flt" .. r ""h U,ia" w ,",leI 01 f 1I.1. l al; . (I'. DOIIJtLIII IPKI~ot Plut. 8&... '1' J "OU01l, ~T U . .. T "I fiad Aly_I' o.Io""""y nlllrDl.ntf 1 N, ... Ilr. KoGERa VUoft,\U, Jr• Tit. •".. . ,' to th~ POUt\ . ltiola DlJ'I f t . . .k. 1-'1 " RfI/fUJtuf fi&ptfltDrr, ..,.,Uid~ btf 'for; .".. ...... fn""~" "he.. ~r . I .OD.reteDUOIl or ho ••tID'.O. W. .."I~ "Ill 01 ia "ar.' datAl'' ' ' p"p. ' "' Mee' . )' Ji d SKETS ~,3"D CAItIlI.YES. III or u,,,\,,,II.d lacce .. lu ,h• ., lticb _ .". will al"I,. ttri. , II ' 1I ... eJ • C!ftWI I "ltfttlMf' 10 Vriae, lrrlt&UOD. IDI~_aUo. care., e,,,), futm Clf prlVllo dl ...... In. I h .. . P to . bv a I. i.... Thllir b~ Dl r li nd ~r .. nd" ul: }'... I IIf UIIllPd SI.If" tterwlee. A I~o, Ih .. Dtl pl". E llilllil) .khl \\ ill ~a .zpert· . • or Vleer.Ho••f 10M 1I ......~ u ~I•• 10 .ttbe, ~r~. .... of II\Ia bh. heJ g' o" Ilpon 1001 wllh ~ y ery II nur of AI ) Be~olvet8 n ~,· .1 parl ic"IIr'lr in .11 cruwdet\ • •..,.... Bri... 1W olld FOfl' 1Jfe11"f} f'itloriov• • Iic1a.)'., ,beate. of p~ • N Que of Ih., ill uatr liuIIS !locom a~ blil! ~, o"erll, ~lfr i,G~e., r. il c,n. OII,r XrApiricillll uftd F,.,lId. o '~II _ ;.._.1. _,.,10_0&p·'~nYr· l· n.' Ihe rllp 11 of t"."I",rIHi JR " REI' I\A'rl~'O REVO LV EllS, , chm h p@,.... . tII, Chli r• . lor'''lIIn'''' I <l1I tat. Gl.nd, Stone in the bladder. W e Inflllibly ClU,e ' Syphllli., GI.,~, n -• .. I 1,,1 Ilvu.. r. '" ~. Ihe .klrl ~an. I., fuleICalou10" Oraw ol or lI~iokd'" t Gonu" t:CI!I , ,",pot.tlc)', NOCllurn,' Illd dl' will W' ' for. HIe .r ol~l'k ; ,tnd ' 0 he' G " Hrt"lI ~ nl I ~Il udl ..!d" 'D I i • • t to ootUP1 • llJa.1I plec. , Ihl m o ·. . "'. "aal bim fur ~i\'-eo fI01 ctj",in~ itt". of ~".lr "Ulely ~evo VIDg rS, til, Ind eOllnni'Pn tly n I .11_. o.,~ - Depolit, u4 .11 di ...... of the u~".1 ~'" i_lunl . Cllnt"lli"'1 ptf' nll., ID fent_le. , 11111 .we~ (u.1'II nf ~ri •• " _I ..... ao ap .... . ., iO~""'lIIla; Lb~ "nd hArmony of for m. . N o,:,"de dil' Rlfte ', n' ~I"I .un n.rr.. I~ . .."I Gun 1\10- lin dre". Oil inv,' lu. ble CJII~1I11 ~n1 cn~o­ bladdel' klduer', u4 .4rop~.1 01' whl '.,,,., nlm • .;r 111"1'.. Sp!,mllo,," "ilb . .... CIt' ~ '" lot will lum lOlled 0' , rQ\.· q "u . in ., ut " ne. Dev e~ 'ltrl.l. JIlld 7 QQO Or.lere-fl nd E l. 1' Ii .. ", 1101 fo u,.d ill anv elt'lIle _p. mg all :rl . ,1'1ll1 S .. II: Ab .. ~p, Ihet CII" .qf ,wllMl_ ,.,; .111 ••a' blm for IDoilOlonoua, 10"1'1, In col r. d , elIDo, en. rIJ!i' . ' I~d, .... in" ellj"J e~ Ih. " Ie. 'u,,,, lor a w,a""hfI(/, 01 ~" • • Illlr C'urr d1 ~ \)d • phy ; "lillioal _ ,re.,lioos r~ r plu~ric e lf~et. 1 llJ!iy reollll um" mOO n' ,Il I " • he cI,, ~ o( 1I,,,,,eb,.. klnlr comlu", ~nd IIle.1 rOIl_enlence ?' w f'~ r. ,",p" ,u r e uf il . lembl. eW".c I. efl d l~a . I pttf , lot • ...... r of Ihelr Illio eh .tas . h ich t' q lllli. b~1 DO.lle R .. hl"", . ev!'ty J) " ule .• Slure, BI .. II, Inl Ihe Dupl~x Bllilllic .It'el ' Prl ull .k .,1 lIEL. \BOLD'S , ~ d I'll m Ihe ,, ~ lPm, wlth()UI d lenlton altildl :..-.. ,he ____1, rOr.D ollce., . wh ioh l al p' -' ,hem. From III. p~I "1 Oflil1e •• hullid Illve G.e of , I"r • ,i", 11 duy. wi/I npvn I fl erwmrd, frum bu.ln • • , . ' \' Olll1a n" n. bea, ,hi. III -~ ... II I bl d. Il"I1 Ll'PRS wil ll"KI, di."ell. e wilh Ih elr. UII! . For H. \I be 'A' _il~~11 WI Ihere "PPl<M. lo b ~ lhrd ~ La ora Y I' REMINGTON'S l.lIfO III , c h i ldr~ lI . ftti.~el ln..t yuuu, Iidle. Ihey ,re mlnll thaI we ",e ill pUI"ftlotl 01 IIIe \ ' W'aallillD I oilinu: eequlIlRll ncu lincI •• n ' - ," . I f .,, ~~ rio r to oil ollt" " . Ser,~cl rerel .. ft Ind m'l hud or pnetlc:· l . , ~. ' itJbbor'Deiilltijlre .1 • • . '~iead : ~ - ' -_.I P orlHl' dMl, lnfl to. avAil t b"Dll e v p~ u '!'ltev ~' 111 nd be nd or br"ak li ke lite of Cul, e"u ll. La It• .., "ul, 1I , "IPr • .\" .. 1J'o Jl fitillm •• ~iai&O'r: ~be' . rld • • I n oo-TI e Chill"g o 'lr;!Jlme i. 11':l'ply \110 " lale imprGve me"I ' ~I r!.I "I·: II~"'t II~·1 . I" lf le r pri .." ~'ll will. pre.ern Ihei, rer· peeu. Sen., n.irnrd Ind olhtr II rea,1 "11",11 ~ aiD;~pC8; n'1- airl, will . lIllt him " All . illc", ely ,lh jZ uOltd wi th Lho GrlllJd I periQ r wu rkloln, hlp en fo rln , WI '~ '. 1\, " bltd IIfKf III "'~i'4! wheo Ib~., .., In II>odt'.n ",edle,,1, ,c1~ nc:t'. (.. , I \I ClL uf yprv ,relle.1 Impurl.nce, ~"d we IW. "ADd IIlIlIy for I 11I1. bAnil . "flOY I)f lh e &l'lIlIl il· • • nd in ill i. "ill! eombioed In lb. , u' or411t." I.. irl • .,.tli hu. b',IAIr.r ,,..n would .. k IllY 1111" ul ·A.n honell. iodultriolll b?yl' JI&l1 of'he 16:1:, ~i\y a ul th ~ " i • tlltiu" . Ntw' 1,le~~la'l Ileaolv.,. . ..Irto .. u."I.... The Htlo"l IU! eo\'cred eummull "Th", IIr~"nill\l i\ln knvwn IS 1116 / Clreul. r. ClIllt"UIII IZ "ul. I lld 'due,Ip· ",II" dOUble and Iwl.IPd Ihrn d. and Ihe A ri,illg from 8 xUtu' or IJtdif"'tlioIJ~ . en.@how up ,he Iholl.l nd IPd onp .1111· tlliol(* it boyl: .111 IOU I Il ••e, Ihll 10" tlt@Ie"df''n ~ f Ihe with Ihel, lep. d"!-lplioD' Are JOQ' lor'o ,00 "ill be Gr Dd As "o( ,bo l\ pub,n u,' I.~ m. " O .• liun .ut ?'" Irma will"" IUrt'IIMd , UPOII boll om rod. Ire no~ "nIl' double ·I.. illg-. I , v .... IIrt aDd ao '1. , J . , r al I I n bul twice (Of double) rGvered: plrevt"'Iln~ Th, CO .... 'itlitioll. 0"" .fretled b, Or· .Ie anti In.lkl.nt '1IIDedlee, hop. 10 OOID' "IDledt ~ ~IlID.J r. 'OlD . , • haYe oe~n p i r.. rteu rUID I•• Or! ,ID '; d PP ,rll ,n ..; . . . ,&. "8 tliotl N.Y. , •. t .. rrom OII."ill" oul wlleu 1I"lIll iDI " of _.. ~ t"l .IIb I,. I ' b.' till' doe. nOlSll thed".",puoD aad ~ -owe " "lli"cI •• bleb w," Lba' of E . REM'"G. ~ . , • to" "& ""It: W •• knell ·lld. m_ V.llnt( 1'.... iDI10Ul b•• lth , v L. _ ~." v • to dO-II ,lOOP', ... lrA, c. be ~.n y!lll 1l0U~h ' , a~~.!'&'-t .... 0&' I \M:nlcro\e M ao,\ p"Ui~~ic .()fIl"r, I • •~,~'Y"" . The DIlII,lt!' EllipliClIt i 1'''1, fUltrile iei,,,, lu 1I,.".Ib.a and iO'.'" I anlt mUDII, '0 bpI""" chl,l"a"., It lellt P'~-t'"' 1u\1 l.a.,lflO.." 00 mil}' MoreL ~Ii 10,,1 ,'¥ "hIUllon. S~c:,e~ t' .a..rHO.'!" willi an 10"', ,all i. uIII"'''~lI: , recom· " IIf.~, whh.h If.IGlhold'. E.ItICl Buchu "7he 10 Dr.. Jlelato'" HI'IMo" .ar. C~;o be ••II~~.... / I "orabl, ,oci.~~. ori "nllt d jo Meure pllphc 0(' •• : - B. . . .• tntlld. d b, I~F.. hion UOIf•• infl••• the in,.,lob:, d..... 1r 110 tr • • 'ment be .ub- who wlil .t ullce felllr!) ,Oil .. kllld, c\1~ i.preeaiob I ,he-Ire 10" b011l 6ell ",. 1I0ri /r"rylO llall geniO< uC our ltlunufarllATlr' q ; P/lolog'tt1,p/uc JlfJl~ I!Jllhdlrd Silin 01 tbe FOIitlun , ,,,le World. milled 10, eOnIIlGlPII~ u ur Ineanll, sail)' ereet liId upllcll Lodle•• " rll' ~~ ·D·tlll.lrl<l,." ' . iO'li~llIio... '1'"", ,.~11 holJ 10gfLh- , riol., "u enjo, Ihe followi"l 11"'Illm.ble adfo, Clur eirl'ullr. ppl, lor a ;W .ilulton er more tl ..\n two or Ihr"" ),elfe. 1 .. 110 1.0 41.1: ," " D .. nAIl.. unl .... ~~ .. rlnoline, Yi~: .upellor !I"al \- u,"e. D,. Juk.on'l Felllil. Ilonlhl, Pill., _ " ,Oil IU'~ ,b.I,oar frlilldl, ;Iooob . Publio opinion keep'!lP " . eUOl lllnl II· NI aIlOA.WAY. III. , ' . , If'. P"'("CI m .llu (~ " lurp •• t,1I h .,,,1 ,rie@ per boz; Illl,. lAP, t6: i ~~f' HELMHOLD'S lI"d ,Wllelupl rl! l1I1'd, (or.1I 1"861 ul l\"'\P. I .. IDd • ~u tap••• , uo 'O~lIte. Ily uil iOil. a gAinst rllelO. the melDd era geL\ In oddilion' h. oar n..\ II ,h . ..... . O( I'ltO roo Illli. h Il'lCibilily . dur.blllt" . comforl nne! r Ind ob. truclion., from wbltev t' r CIU N • noOll.~ {OIl rC!f ilI_ qaalll ..I' Oh .1 iurel\in AIIIOn\{ Ihflll&~IU I , RIIII O R " PRI C MA·...:IlI" ....'j , ..'. erl H ..",I'I"u · P.·OtlO'IIIV. pnquirciur J, W: B,ltdll~ ¥'. DuTh. llounllin pr LII/ht or M lld1l:.1 Pro· ),011 reel: YOllt cliaraele r ~u~l1 ~ Ihey ~.II : 0 p·i~ce. ,,"dire be litO I . .. (Of Ihe (ollo"i n~ ••I1 : ..... pIn Elliptic. Clr dhouble 8~"111l I~ krt, .ud FLUID bow woca lectOr "lid .,."Ioge Gbld •• Ind on Expll · be' \ bll h d b ariDg \be J • b I \ 1l1e •• '~"'" ~ "'ruo.. ~ . .. bl! .n'" vo" Ilel I e 1Il'~ ulnfl I f e ... 110& log •• a I I • 00 ., N or no morl!. 'flti. wlil • lie c"le or A, . ~ 1'0 ia n Cili • • Itd 1•• ",1. C"'U] I N -To jlunr" 1~ , i'I.1 impo. cit Ke, 1o I.uYII I.\d Delluty. O" nlllnln, ';,onll, "I e~D" ' employ YOQI" qlh· Wilh Ib.. Grill_II ' Arm)' of Ihe R"p"blic - 'Y."·:~I~'" GrDnp •• S" 'I.~r~' . ~Ir. . • lI~ft\ Wi' p.rli~lIl.r I" nolicol llIo,t , ,lti" . In .'teri,n, pecuHII 10 (emal... \I u"e· !t~ pI,ei .nd 100 pl.te~. ():7 Thll I, lac el•• _!I~ IDIIII, lip 10f Ibe lacll of if ill fD lliu plI'pOje uUlIliollU \0 be po' 1!IIe•• _ . VIe_.r ~,w-l ufleretl II ,4 DUPLEX" hive Ihe r"d I ~k 1I11t'd b olh" 'prep.raUon, .. !" T . . ~oo)k you WI .. t - I\rlce 60 Cf.,ll; • 'II.. I ~"tB" , W 'D I o( 'p~' liLio.l. ", ~·ro"' ~~llln• • ,,!ade itt: "' ...~ ,nUt ca"' p'ol.K"~ .'amp, ,Iz: ~ J. W . Uradl ..,·. Dup.IU EI. " " , rIlle. io, on. doll., . ••• tor bllilllid_.llI do h, YOIl IDQlt ' ___ • .,,11 lo!'~i I\J '!I eouJpl . l'IIo!o&raphie Iu ' orl \"Dl iC Sleef Hprlll!!. ; ' "pon Ille v"I~Ib. nd ch")rc~18 0' elrntiun, Irrppll , Send lur our Iplendid clrcul". NIIIII,,· DCl i.du~·.,.. •• "Qrk T ' c LI ' I ~n _ . 'ri",,'· hi.lor, o( Ihe "' ...1.0'.... 1. .__ "':'nune olh .. r. o.P l/@nllille. ·AlllnN uliC'e ... illruIHet OrSUpprPII"iunofcuftumory In, mur. 'i. 'lulntlty Ind of Inperlor 'lUll. , ''I'' ,,,,. ' j , &:SA j-U"AP " ''' ' ,.. " l " \ ' ' ' tit _ .... 1'1...... - 6 - - . . I b' I ' l Y IIf . .IIUla aD~ • , ~' t ,'.' e~ , 1M ' .... I!O ... or II, e tllal rvcfJ H oo\l ,. ,11 .dlllll I ,I'" "mil ' EVICIIIllo"" U leereUOI1 Dr ",It rru •• ute 10 In, 01 the lo· celled • pllnphletl·. '.",&;joa 10 ~ 01 pro&~ _ 'rllet be ~ " n O~II'." lo.!rk' 1f'1I1 JilI~~~.'T""II .: > ;or'l1 . ",, 1 lu p.~led 11".,ujllt ~"I !\tI"lre Ib I ~ r1ed, eolill K of 'lit)! Uleru.., LellcorrhGl., 1..11 III rom· Remember thl' w. l . nd I written repl .. • • • CI 0& "" • t'" - ,( , I) or l ' I I " ~ duo e ·"prftlj. "lie tnlle. ' , , 'or li" 'C~D •• p8\1 h"ller "I tw t:iYe ony tkI. >.0 '0" re.~ , I I ' ","~. II' P "ho \ulr 0 I ' I 'II Ihe •• crel 01 '11"',r plalnll incldenllo tit. leX, whelber .,I.lnl I~ .,P', 1.lIer, e.peellll, !dlpl~ to Ih. " !' .. , ". d .............. AI~..,... I ler, ere n. w lIt I < . ' . ' III i p.. ticullr ,CI..., ullder, 10 ...ldehllQ.n, ,b, · : ~ , ~.\ lind h" lf Cl10ll , egga at leh~" II 0. ' \V 6 ~", " ~I.~ I. "' '''O''' 1".,','holl" n,\· nj"~r fillllibilil, I"d'olreng''' , Itild, cO ~I,blnlt")I\ hum hlbl~' 0 dlllll.'"lloll. Im~r~ ene: el, elu,o ill Ih. IIllUft 0.1 I I ~r .ach, e .. ~ , I 00' Oct~" y ~11" )(aN .- ('0, I 'ooe dull"r 8 l. ~cL 'tour h OUI • • at-oal 'itt,•• ;!.,; lrom 50 c."I. '0160 nol h' hp. found ,in Iny ullter .klr!. or III \11. d.cllne or "hanle 01 Life. dIMl,. f,om ne" olbrr. l. The 110.... ita purMl&.r lor· four II Il1Ir. "lIuncl.ilJ W4!I~ht, (;01'11 eIIch. Our AI. UllM S h~•• 110. ro".'.' I ~" "I 00- Fur etile ht ,II 110'''. where II rs t· Dr. JocAlfln', Oriwfll /JiJlimml ' l.n wlthc~u ~(. "'..Yelll1; lhe it raUhlc1 ofT .L 6'ft, cenll II blllllcl b ~ jor ill durabilIY..a" ~UUI)' 10 H.,)' CID" .lIirllt ,re fOld .h.roUlllOul Ihe U"I· R,mc,'I111 III toldlle.. ,Ind ' .. I.... U.'" ,tM1 'H ELMB,otD'S I'0olld .. Ia)ra, J·iton a lin. of 'fh ee 1'111.. Ire lor ' peui"." In th ... t:~ ~~ n..-.....I......Itt~ led SI.I", .ud pllewllPre. , ,.junn.le. O' wliieh ha.. Ilin dor· .".... ","'re !,~Ilil, ,,,.o~~.. Abealom. oflion ~f 'l\'x'lI 0110 ,4\0.11I1r it!, U ,!itf'~ , ~.. :.a~ rIC.. ~.... ..... . .ilflluillclured b, I~etole ownetl of Ihe IIIlnl lor "'In, Je!lr.. , . I who I. preLL, •• ~ to be 'e.ullhl hylhe e'lale. _ _ , currency i worLh .only Our C,\,,~oi.~ .~~\lr.OUI'. O"r" rd,'fIVE lIil ~- pal .. nl. R ) LEY.' ,. "kY . D,. Iltrk.on·. "'encb I"Ilellt )1,1.. ~f• • • I. ' ' r ' , . ....t. '" I. 1 I I ~ .r ··,,, . ~ II It ,. ORt: D rl,ar.,.,,,I .d .,\1 , "t<' ,I InK re p"',11 WESTS, B A I , .... "'" • -It I_ p.,fHIIS " 'e anet n,yu, flnl ' to ... oro"~ a m:o; !-,t ~. P .,. { t"o third, of I ti ll,,-,r '04 "" 0 0 1. lionl (J( ,h. nl<ltl c. '''r~ I~' ~~r.. I"K" P. I~'f' 97 Chom1ere & 7-' & 111 R~.du ."PIII •• ei, ' "11.fletiuli. It i. Ihe oDly 'Dr. II tla " , d.... M~lIlo , county, III". L r"d. porb r flpidly bring. ,"/;.,51.1 ..., elC. C.I. luK".' le ul 0 10 , oce,I" 80-8m N"w Yu,k . AIID .. ~. pre'~nll¥c I.a lllll ~n,lU'CI ' "' diN." ' .~ellOlt I"... men •..,.... , ~.,. i . If • L Tille 01 -I. ,,, p. . . '," .; , ' , 'r' COl. b f " X OIInLll our IIIV . ec" C ll n e.. I .'hJ> IOjJ;rl1v"e" ~"d nih" ,. ord.rl" lf g nntl' C. ne, In"ented . rri~e.f eath. per hll,1I .• I" ucar, OOIlt$~. ,alia" • ~'Ol. • orl! il In .. "ndRIlL I pply of r()(ld ID thlll O. D.. .. ill pi" . . .. r~rui, ~ . ... ,' c. ,,1 ur' II, ~ ..... IMP R .OV ED do."n .... Iltd· ..I" iI,'SP" '7. '•• nl ~r •• jl. Olt" OG fOil. bll"l1ll~ J~ruey , rei,tioa "'I\rlio III 11 of hOll' and 110m' uu,,1 ",II" lli~,'r orii~ . e lneb,I.II!. or mod.."I. drilllu". wlto de. JliPeiMlo'• ~".I t!laab) . e' ' r ' rr1' Th ~ "ricu .all qU IIII)' of ° , , nt>.fo n n . , ," ' 'b' ,I If lOy. ,. nol (oil In ...1i.C,. n ·11 II,. 10 r.'orm. bill, "Ito hi'. fOlJlld II dif· er, L er .lellO~~ an lUer. IOu, E".t Tt!uI i. unque.lloHllblt one .or ' .. - - - -- . . . . ., lieull 10 ,elr,I". ~~ .. whoJt, e,.tlklle oil , YCW~Ii~ h;;~~~''''~ ~a IhCbel'Lc~n,l fillll l"I" ,,0,.ld10rra .. • OUR. STARCH OlO$S ••re ' EI....w.. d••lr .. lor any lailld 01 liqllor, b, u ti ln~ Dr. bami p'rp!,," _ dl_obitl' II ril , .Dd log pl)rk •.:...,Attallia ·Iiuetligmce;. lillie onl, ,,,Ir. ht uwd b, , ..... Gr. ' WIII,MiCl.I., ealer.iOll' ffolll l~' Herb",,-, Anti·Alcoholic (;ompollhd. ali i !Iud .prj clpl, 1 'ltd ra! ,.(If.. COD I'i_o CI ... ao ..... LalUKld ... aDc! '~ . . . . h .. I Ie... i . - . f II Uri",.,. o,p I • alll.lIIlI. I"r 1;.1.... ,.... ••ce; w,ill l d"Gl 'Of' iiI! rtltbf\ IoiJ. , bit iU' tie III .' 'C"' 10 't. ',. ••• S'IIollllDd. oIl'amUI... ' AM Will A·tljl ,II 8"l1p, ~d ,~.o. II. Inl lro';h';blll of lIiAlplllon, ,I lillie n. lor ,arlicIII_n " Medici". 11..1 itt"rvllott thll .01lIi~lIb', 1.0,, the lilh of Duntrtl L. AlID 'l'Rua,-ID I ' ,Ill' • " -, Pia" btu" Ihan any oilier Skirt. I d lin ", : I' telll plompll, 10 ... " PI,I o( the t O lbe~! ~1H" "'''... , j ollr IIrticle in F,•• ()r~IM.g ••ine ; 'tllil brief It 1'1'''' b.auH1ul·puliah,: "'~.'Inlt pOln. ... littl. or no c tiln" III Ile~, In 11\) Con~u"hllr RuolRl of 'he Dllpe" . l r;, 167 co......lr4igb, ia ,lao beginaing lod bilL beriutlful ano ,~~ p~. oocllr.' : irun,;p'" .m .... lbly ovn Ihe cloth •• avi~llr Thl~ n." and bellu'illli Ie of Skirt pxllDellre, completflJ lupetlechnae I~ S,c,'DlOfe , .be~t, Ci, eit'"lli, Q. .. O. I ~ . Inioal. CMi • KduelLioo Oo.e nn oOIDmenc, wllit nUlCh Ihlle .nd I,IM,,'.· Gond. tiline up .IIh I (P"llInled Mitch '7, 1865) wo, Iw.rded QIt" • .,.\,_.. . . 1I• .,..,uI . . . .~\ ...". \)0%, 8~nd for el~Cllllar. ___ !!:~ \ "d '::Dlt~~ 1 , . tall III Lhe .Ip "iLh "molhe,'s II lIe.p clean Alueh 101l.IF, cODMquillilly b, II~ P £A~.A.E&ICr''' ~t ...~'TIt FolIa, pII~t .,. ~ ,,,r,:o n eurln b~ ian, • ' .. I1f • ; ~ ~" 10''': witb II lither'. Imile or approb" will nol we., oul .0 .oon. b@ldin New York. October, J866 1 pl .... D' Ind danl.ron. dl"," I .. • ,. .' I ,~ ~_So.,iI.. 'e On.DIIUB SoLDIU. lion, Of .,ilCD ohproof. with. 1"lIId it IIlOk" Old Line. toolNN! A 81LVER MED&IL • .... ft ' (te u) E~ le~ fuJl.or8owclflia I green dainty mead· 011 11l:»1Ul ".. PLVB Tbe III II"'"PI,millm nef alven lot I JJ.~ U ELMBQ1.D'S 01 ow: bird· ~ tl". MIDir~~ ~I'" '1101 . . . . __ "" _ _.... , _ Slalrt! I _ 4____ 01. ""'u"nyu._ - - . ~.. lA' .' • '\';,' .. '" . ' . 1·\ I 'b" b·' II I ' !!l' .... .......-.... ., bl • t e. I is ID.U Ie ,In un,~, ,. e II 1 0 I we· Tlte Stfl"l 8"'ln", Ir. .oun,d 'II I ~. followloa 0 lh. "Obllb •• " . . IDOl' IInp.rCl'plt 0 cume.. WI I P ~. 1 . i I I' I I .", • • 'a.·n . '. 110' L " lot ",'11 k' i.D Ihlld.)' IlInl!t, and . wtlh It r. \ .. pilI Pl'. " I Ie II e"" De~, n " fine phllrtl ~ I~I! ~I n plac~ 01 ., collun c.,.· '':''-'' of DO - - .... r ow II d It. dl lIr.tI must c~lIveDle"L fUlm 01 Illy vlT~rcd erlnl!) whid, ... 111 nol WAif 011' lOr b~comp ""' ~l.:tlll&" ~atb., 'we ,p(o .... Ibollgl"1 ~lr~ •. I' . ~~ .w .. t aD III 10 II •• , publtc,' ."i le,I, ~nd Ilte. whole .klrl mo, be WA.K · I C' •• ""' , ' .L ' I .. I w 10 nlllure' 10 c LA o( be· I II.' U ri AUJ ",r •• IIII. " .. efta. i. '." Dara." ginn 10 on,llo' , - " , . ~ ' .. 11 ;, IDllrt'tlllkd ftO' 10 .'reG 1M cwl!,.. Ell WITIIO IlT INJUay , or left uf rU.llnll, rn II ~I i I '" Botor'.':11...... 0 lie Ji" drllwlI ~",olltmc.: to de.a. 0' ,irllle. an1 ,LO Allentl w ~nh'l.I. ,I've ,wbero, to whom end will !J't u ioud ' 8~ aBW. 'her exi.lin In mll~ or '"mAle. fro", we l.fT", ...treo .nn .. illdllcdilea'.. ' , wh.lever CIUII8 nrlai ... IIIII•• lId 110 mille. a plo~art W lboir O*IDP Ind ,1I.,d-, Lh, .ourt:e pf.ell g9od~G()ct bjm'.• f. oa. of .bo~ il qoi.!)' ... Ie 6o~ a ..• • ••. '. Add t..." I II! holY lun••1.nollnR. It II plnlla' I. 'I!!fr !'f,! I~, Jl iD ill"", qlllllliul it. S ' RIII. tng .ugllt II ,e~y p 061oblt! ' N. Y. gr,AR~U. . OL08S ca., !flil. lnv lit - I 'c:omblnll wi ~ he lIrd. I D~I'" d Of"" I.~d lie IQ~IU .el.lon, WIIIIi hi tllil eoudiLioo Ibe I!lIce, of In the Sandwich 1.laod., and in 1864 ~o, 111& FultuI! III., New .York. 'Qlr~ ellllon S I Ibe .d, AI.... of OIIf "lid more MI,elllltht'nillll Ihon .n1 or tbe ' 1~~t''',fR~ '~'~t~ 'rpj1lbill: ne-~I' rel.1t il{ • qt ~a. 71·"m Sind SIIRT : Ihe 1I01l0m hoo'p. "" th. pr"p~,.tiun. of ""II' 9r hun. • ~.. rl .~,lIe", Irf u r...... ' • JI. Gl1alllBlI: .. "~i lime as Ihule need in lite Silver Rk lrl. 'J' ,,,!'IIIIY',r! ~ fN Droklrt-do,!, . ilb p- . .,e I. ~ - ~rle' Od la rei:. '9 1 i ; 'J ' I 5 Ihe cUYf,lnjt of wllich C.Ollol ., fAr ..fI' ' .. ' . . 1 d ...... {. I. I , • --- .-~~ l ' .... PBOTOGB.~PBIC ARTISTS, , wh ile Iha IIPPllr onea Ire eovl!nd wilh DehcalB c:olllllluLlon~. prucurellr reme 1 .11;1. , .. D C~.e,,&., ~/C~Y)-I""Wen, 2 , ' .,_ " 707 ...........r, III. r. collon. No I,d,. hlvine once wo,n one I ~ ll. ' 01 nur ekirl8, wil! be willille- '0 wear .ny ·i· m 1O"',,) o.oer oHbtl dar, .1;.', I. J" iif' lit her. I. the lowl" lloopa 01 ' IU othOr (" IDeV' 100 '~~II~ mi.· ,. II kind. lire loon Injurl'd IIlId aoiled . .&4Ii'44r~.. II 't 1a,',"Ulll ,e' IDy Tlte hltl maleriall Ire DAtdl ~ n I....i' K"D ~1Il{.r, ,'U lIi,f )'~ aeor"'r • ~ tot ~ I~ . . . , • con.truell"n. and, (rom their durall~lhy l'l~ti.. '0. D. (.Dng.,d)~:. ~ J'9,,'~1 -...; " ".... ' ~ '"g '. Iud Ueal/le~.~ ,l~~~ Ir, 4l ..tlned 10 breome 'I: 1Ji1l1l1' Jill,l ,pc I IDa Till'U ~\il : . ~ r ~ I:::l Cl oil ',f t 1:1 W A rayorUe Skirt, 'll • lOner 01. '1IIldi . "ho...: J - -II ' :i\ 0 n ',Jo jIV , . ,. . ' , . . ,. r t:c CI 0 MAnnllclurH 01,1, b,IIie AII"r Skirt ,·..':JJ h:... ' If ..!.' ~ III l'IJ"' :it Q d WI !tI I . C ' 'NAtJ ... ~-,1'J:M ' ' ,A1oalto • ,Saloon" on ! . . fIj . ~ In re IDU lelu,.." om~"n1. , 't'tv .. 1'0.11' 8, tfHt.~III"bu •. ,'i,in,reoDI)f . , "< .. ' ~ I' ' ..,.. . . :. ... . 30 & 3i1 0 ..,,11, SI., New,Yo,lr. . ~ .. ~ T. S. SPERRY Supl. [66. 1, tot ' 1,J-Io ' --!i-ti l!I!d, .P!'l'lIrie"'" pur , I:': CI;1 ~ I .', \V a no ."C,.' 01 :he in,rPdlenll, '.]It pie I". laohiDoDt oil ,h. door ~ It: ~ "-1:1 ~ Grlat lmprofJtrII8nt iN Sncil1g Mochin,.. nELMDOLDB EX;rRA 39 ~ .~ pr~~&ioD ~!~., '!tilare, ro~. ; •.:, ,~, : !III ,. .., ~ ~ clu1 ii ~dlnpoeed of !ftneh~ ,Ouhlfl " 'd Ila. " '"

' 11f







,1" "I'f..J

Pock'" aDd Beb RiJle CaneS,
















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110"." j(,"",




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In"•• .. .•



to'" '"b'·'.....

The Silver 8'kirt'





'PRIN01C. VVA.I..W~ (tro., ' _ _ .. ... 61. W'. • "'~ J IO~












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IN" .... ~.'' ',Io••afltr •.r aU'f:Dp lallo .". 'I' 1 ord. &olIoIi.d all' l'I.If,.bo •



The combmatioD Silver Skirt











"'" ~.,~" bll' DOl .J .

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C:; ~ f~'~;


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h1 . II~ I'

lIN 8alar_. 616 B,-'lDCIg, IF. 1',.. fJflO. WGJltitlgllm St., Bot"'"I.




BOLD. 4,u"l.t .nd , h,aail, .or


'1 r~ e.~r;ij nce I ,"" ~1'Gor Phil..." PIJll"!!.~i". . phil, .lId which II 110. pr..crl~ b, lhe

Mi 4- , ilion, Clllconnlll., Palenled FebruI" J4. 118611. Tltl, M.ahl"e II e9Mt,ucled 'Dn entir..I, new princlpl.1 of IIlechl"llm, pOII ..III", mlny 'are .nd vlllu.hle improvemel"l, ba,I", been \11111'1\11\4111 b, the OIoe'. prolound I!'xpertl , Ibd I'ro~ollliud io b. j

mOl' ,mlaenl plly.rClI.n•• Ia •• been .dmlt· Ir.d 10 ~ i ldte'~.J,hH 8t~I. {I ' ,.llId · I I I I 81 I h i\I • fO n " " ,.ne,a u_e n , . DIp III. Illd public Sinll.r; IlIltllutioDi th II'~ IW '1" ,1. • , f







laC Su." Telt" 51~ " (Bu.o,w ClWlraUT)"

pa ... " 1


hom...-p. ' ,




. f'

HOJl(!O' 110



0 U T :& •

Vor.. IV, No.7.


.- - ... -.. Q.,.. . . . . . 6~....... 'hMIi: ' 'ro

EW~Y9Rk, B08"T6N,


BIIW, U a L ' - 0ft'tBa.


BY ALI~1t I' ~T.

/cometh the AuwlIIA.,lme ~ .' Now wild bltG~gej!lUt, ." __ _ And, dulillg, \bo old ~ 11\'cot ma\luesa Jd back 00 a,. bekrt ; • 'twas W'b.eJl tbe elliDJDior was hlaabiJjg

lJer JOllp to ~ goye, '

.. N __T . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . ~~....W'. . . . . . . ...... _. I t ~.". .~........ ....... • 1,



__ " " "


1lwu, ~"eJl .1OI11ng UId Ii ....Dicilt leU me y 10\". \,;


' 1 " I . Uto llaon..,.rcnaw.




light the \Igb$ ~ ~ billow J uue'. IUI\DY 1\01ll'll,

N...t York Tbou lic8t .11 lIight on m,. p 'ow, C1oache,. M,. f1o"""r of 'Oowore I . wl'l Ile_.,_ Collow" I'm dr....noo III thy -trellt!. of brigbtnesa, ' UI!I,~



baqd. ;

X'lllkitising (bo~o ~e"'e" or J>itene.., ~~~ ' Tfly .tim, 'irttfi; hand,1 ' .t








le.t my RI'1lI¥iVg

~hould <10 Ljlcm ~ ..·.ruug. , And' ie ' should hat", (llee ,..lIlt 1l1\,.;ng , 1.'()o rondly ani) lOllS" il'; f' I ~boJl] 'bcl\~;t)it> I>h.ok'a pu~lIng •• AI'" .ih·ery.ft ~('\' I • ). Flo... gently. find \'n ' milt)' ,d rJill" A little "'hili> ):'e '- " . .' 0


Thy 8!Dilo id more bright i'n it. hCllmillg Of IndO <li!ll iu. 1IIe. · , 'l'''~n ~lOllg~ts of tbelr IIom08 in 4110 drOll fpg Of 'd,,'J. moll 1\1 H~II. • \ L UJ" ..• . .. .

\ heo. my life ' i"n'elr'-

Alii] wilh thoe Ao-.rigbt, I 6 0(\rOO CIIIl believe th ou lin only

A!dreilm of the ';1,;11\ ;(, -, - - * ,-

...~ VIF.~ • ,


... rL-r,-


...-a:.& lUI ~()~~ •\ .. ~WURw.!<' LI~











lea ia








'.~ Co


tll~ \. ~J tJi~ 1 4084 (

t "


"l'he \forld Astonlahed.


"T TIf1I WO.D&ifFVL anlL_n o,..

.ade by the rre,,' •• trolOJh t. _ .....r • • • • • • ••



"1 lIIna \0 ~pote of 1111

! 'N TlRE eT()C K





fe •• ",'1tb




10 be' a. ',ood Gools' as an, in '\~e lIIarht -Iud wbieh I will



.A. LOW aI 'all, Mil'" D(", &II th, "

StmJe Qu.alit · !



,\Ie(', n email

8tq.~lt '!' ~E~rS'

FUR. "r &:r Pa rtic\dar , It'JII be feD Iii qIIr NHmlN G GO(jD~ I.!;"all ,or " '\Iiel.- J , ' will_ell ,ftt • re'lo ri.~ le prall!. , INue, oOhe DlIli!., ia per(orm Mloe


.. ,

Par,I,. li¥jn,1l .-dlltlac e un eonau flhe1lJe dlme ' IJr . Qj~)t wUIiSqul1 aof&11 alid altler.,lIlo" to theml.IV'.1 U W.,n!law i/l"j Oh io, If In ~tlOfl . It full : .. etpliclt ' ch.rt. • . ",rltten ollt, with all lnquirl, 8 n,,,,,,,a red , N. B.-An , one wl81, In ll t fllIlberk ill and Jilionee. 9nclo ed) \lle bUIln.u ' wlll lind " he preeMt .n ex· teMlpt o( price ~bpt,1! aen( '" mall on montloned. The cell~nt ~ppor1un\ly to buy, •• t wiII . eell Ilrlctett .ecresy ml'nhltl Iho en!"1 "l"bllt'l meDI 011. r~ ~8/lnalll. t;.pondf tCe rlturne.1 or ~d. and.n oordestroyed lid, eal)' torml. j. W. HAINE S. arnnee. of the ili aiout order (u~nl.h(>d • •. ~ thUlle oIe. m . Wrile plalnl, tbe SPROlAL NOTtC.\t I-AU pefSOnt i!ldcbt' doy uf ' d.elri"IP\I. IIlUnlb .nd year ill wbleb you ed 10 ml are reqlletoed tl!.~~JI .",1 ~p\lhl were born, lrietol ill; a small \01111 01 h ii lr . I~el' ICdOllnjl





I . W. llAffiE S. W.,n .. vIlJe, Jan. 11 l867. . . the put; " ,01 ilope'to b. Iblll to .e. cure ID ' the future my of Ibelr, pit







- -' :.Ou)o ~lLt Stoft .la'1aeit "C 0 M "P L R'Il 'E !'" " 1



ftI"'~ flTRa;l GT••


' lli'l \ Lable o~ D'r. AUr.a ' JO ..II, ODe , . E~TOP( DUDLEY. Way ... vllle, Sept. 11, 1~66. Digbl lilt week. ·.II~, .aoa.) "e nl~· bl. barne..~ :.W. hope jb. IbieC win be _r--.r" 'lr

11,,0.... H. A, PIII1UQO . . P : O. Drlwer S98'. BlIlfalq, N. Y


,ew Dru'g~Sto're !

I .

IIleota. 'O Jlr. Hlv.d


it.,. ~lJllt$ ,lUtb 'ihOt$ f

IJ::f Pion" "ive me ~ oaW be(or4 Iili to ~e gi,eD aL Temperance Rail o~ th. king you, IflleotiQ,n,a. t~,fiD. anLI , ' le be Pfj e ~&riD" I return thtnk. tb -III;' ' nld eUltom e" , I .. .. t':-r- & and frlendl for i9h.t IIIe1 'he" done yo,urlel ,,8 Cor oil, happy Lime.

Ii:r Bom.IID~

HAR OWA RE,& ,1 .. ;e




I ':""

U f t,;, .. ,

:n-n/Y': ~O{BSS !' l!tp~p.eU~I."'~ ')1.






- (

CliuLa , U. s..a.4111 'Lllcruaaa .lIr. .8berauaD COllr ' "oetlrBl 111& iD 00D~" Ball. oD,PIaNDOI ·


..,.41":W ....w~

, ~


A Ipl,ndld .Iock



bB U',R;S, . Jt:~~ICJNES·1 . ~HE~. ~'AI:. .~t•.



, ,. ...., '

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1\1111 •

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. . . .\l..,n

I,,,, ....... ..,.. "I' ,.,-..r Ie door \0 "",1", die 111II,.r.· ... ,,&J.-.... U-~ . "1I1lM~H ~UIl}'J." •


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0: WEll E DAY, FE~~ ARY -tOr 1867.

,W rroLli: N e.~ .\ ,

h • I.


. . . . . ~.. ~ ....e

On. SIl"'~O, one wee'.

.. - ... ,.. , ,,,0 we t. &h ....weA! ' . .. ',' f It




Oft. "'oftlh\'

~.AlIP ,

tJa~ mouth" ,is. ql ,1 1 ' .

..oa.yaar .





I ' [ 'IDa1l1l11 o.

, L."s:iicE, M. n: OIlee

w.".,..~ ~e, .~. '.

IV A..YI't"ESVlLJ:}£,','- •• . • ••• • 01"0. ():.'7 WIII I, lI i1 nd plhBlPt'j ' (6 all calls ' jn hi. liM, and .. nd~"Dr) to· gi"e' tile be.t •• tld.CIIII~ .T!.,m .. , 84

I.~ IIJ. ~W~y ~


ca i!IIl".. t



22 to ~7 Jli~~. the Iho'rt8 lt rlnite

- DR. T:'C: 'K'ERSEY,0 ......011. " '. . . . IlO.;

Np ...._Y .......

A1"D IV PkO~ \

• , _'


*.VW' ~GLA.Nl) 'Cl~ ,

• ...... I.lOI~ ....T • ..., ..!I:Jnlle. .

a 01..,,,1"



~fIt .. I't""-~~ .eolJl~'


• " . If Col um n :I mo' b,: u ~ U \ e a,on,hl. . " ·· ..,1 ye."r. 0 •• Column 3 a"~nll& , -


THIS RAIL.W Av .':'Cn:ND ' FRO,'1

Q.."'er Colu IIIP S "'''"lb.. , . ., tI , o.t r••• U




• Ga lette cbool8.r ""ereibeeIn ..tb n ,,Irapid atImpl'()\"e" ,Bb. D .D'. I•ami &b tbe lnrge Bebellllll Wri ......, mont has been made. ....---. -;

1w '·UI• d




berea pobli81Md A doeu .... t ,011"0_ & lb. ir" proc." of di.Hllool. c "lltolic biah(I P lIotDlla lile ur y WAY 1 u,horit y quililoll R A IL u IIQ gold Ielelfao' ltb SlhoDU '1 ' !lt • • • A_teo !It the Ib l . 101II1Ch ... In ion ' - ,,populnt ......... , ••••• of c Increa . I II' ·, m. the Tonic .OOD r•• ,ore. lhe Pilil. 1\' gr I IrnglhtT~'~~L" adlol Inl giwillf bClrbe Qllebt-o aDd uf t),oul "tva lId II Slur br a e ohio. cur~ , hi I. irRculuu ' .. iO A r of r , u'o pa'lIoul nnd making lille nllownlI I h' , 0 lit 0 ; '1 TIroub w 1'X . I VI J.-.. . L .II. ____ Id nOI b• '.11.0 d "'" co.. •• be - .,......... .;;::...... .n, ..I ru'l "d III Il N •• y .. , '1 d~l 1/)' Ihe 100m.liI · Flfllch will;' .er. llonJi umell lall, ..r. an blllllliru 11, dI(IIt.d . d. ... go of II wIll It rUf)C uMlng Ie ' lI, ('hoo 10 t 010 l1(:e ~ttcnlltl d . crCII iily .• 'Hh.!IHic I II and l . M"ry. h D r Virui • uh,t. . . ,, ..;.;. 1 '11 pllflr Cle_ I wltll .:1 u AD I, II l U cured gllun It be 0 In t. a l C.Dnllt r 11I1" to umption 100r Conl I • I ... W m it we t .li ll , lb. . .cODd TU&"I i. , rumor I:' of "bia b II certleu by proL "cl.inr, " '" our 1'0 oa ...... til ro nl' ti ll in the to to (lRc/ol/rtA Ooe of 1111 rup hUQII'b '. Pulmonl Io:henckInd • • 11 (: A. .... 0 l'f • .. I ,an d .... llo". mid, LoDr'e of lIur o Sf ',rn-. .tomaeft Pt'lhY'. .... IIn the J el ua lJ[I\' u.';1 tI. 'Or e . ,r"<HAl ,er with .el .word a u " is ut, seeD. 01 lhe mirllole ••,. of chih! 'cu, noL c njoy ing iDrUrilll d d' p/ .. , ...... •.. I bl "lea" corrc"t ng. G _ . (!millw" , Tu. p' r.. p" .... b.I'........ .......,.. •. r P"" , . . .."......" •• 'J " _ . . . . . . oom. A aol'l'0 .. ea hool. e , 10".,,1 red ....... "" If.,eqUl .. pili. .... 1t, ....,...... ...... , E In N." York high life. .r. DOW .nd of eon.llmDllol!. A h.lf doun bolll" . ' . d Qllebec h I " uloi'lp ao .at '.rgirt nt I N o,' e r forty1 Ithia mlDi6ce M tnke I 1:110. "d tbat it. w0l.11d G • 't ,.... ... • •• W.'" von,.... Jut nUOlb er .: ' .. .. I u"er- thl$ beAd I~ . 0 ........,. ,.... • _ ••n'D ...... . DB...... A ..". .. PILLS ."',... . , " to . " Im.'Dg , .. . oro , In Dy ' th .. 1....... d ••r· M•." .hI,b 1... • .: . . . . . . . ., ... • ". .... b , .",. .. .. ,,'" h"., ... ' ...... W A.A........ "InDi.. 'hI.' ",,",," e "'.lOb. omDr, ,_, tip' ... Schenck 11111". p,ol_lo nal,llih " , , ' 01,..1"L"8~ '" q .pbve w, l r.i... .. ...10,' """, ,j~'lne ",. May bemel'" ~ T .. ",n".n•r,,,b. h •. oonluOI b '".. I , •• Y ,,,.... ,10 . . .,\ 'h""" 'od l l" ..... ..... b ·oo b hi. botID.. .. b , ••• Boo'" •• \I • s·~th HII Co N " ..AI ,bI. , " .. , 0 { an • • •, " • • 'h' • I. "Y lD o.dl .. .lle ,. .IIb. b.,.. , ".. ,. ", .• Ban· uffice III Phllidel phl.' nory 'Yaelr.. 811. th. h"t!.. flo" , "w'. "" .Woh (" ,.. Df cDber elie ba,j to 18kl& to , ut are dumero ua alld lIoliv. ill ",,'or;. th,,' ..... 'Slo '_ .. rlt... pAftntn ___ .. 1864. ODS eg . . the or. pam,,\-'. ,1,lta. bit or of pIICf, 1111' day. each lor .. r. 01 tion coolump dally let onpep column , tbird Hllo from Rcllic\'OO the iodep()l1Cieno lir}. d h "or. TIley Irt I10 III tng• I ' 10 drei. heuBIr. '--bar bed. 1\ young QUllker · Tb • "at the I ht iata Wrig ' sI illapPNC Ie MI .. Q Trip all. Wllb. r al)l. fo bo .. k . wor is cr H . . r"-d ,,,. 'tJa- U lli t.cll StatCll. l elr'I'" " n ' I u-"oo llOD ...... . '' Lion. IV r .... 6ft " ... 0"'080 . 0{II' ' tbe IRet ' l 1 d III.mlna ler lin IIf Ings .or n to admillia or beQ '"",,,lime worse, 'lid P". .... 1 C e eymplol .1 II, uni · Ib.e k. 'in Tia" r"ith reI" bor lb. for thel njf, Cooch:. k,Qown purcbn.l w".11 .0J""1I 1 . elS, wben nl! 11116ce,,' " , M o.b.en., eglun " oUO ltic ]011 •.1\ systcml -at ' __' MA"or " c •.. u"iwbt the two h~.peeee~ 01 lh, DOClor, . ? Iburg . , J • '1~ 1 • ""-'''''ts,' Th"... rol' s' - kes . prob .- If d Ian .. undnl loou lo b,l! conlol"UoQtl of r-e1Igioo . At thil I I If t he trustees of II gfl •.ILY. ptlon 01"1115 1:1011.1, "lib. ."'ple li,u" '(0":' more to onfO- mn t bc mR.rle. II police' wheu 41J the hilt Illge of 8,CqnlUln by Ildew.lle q _, upon I Co •• .. llon' "dmg Of' 'Ire . 10 ralliE, J ea.nd . \ l'hl\ . ....oIl... I ' Ih" 'lf ru llll' n d ~'1Ie 01 Ilor I ' II' J\O~ I are on .lIe C811. e ilL. IIny eAcn· \UCI 8upllrior of llle coovenl lul,j her },18yor. 1)41 Ill. al U 10 \U blm WI reported l'Olllpt • P 10 vr q\ko, mlln, ' .' OlIl,lu I ese. addr 80, did Sltt! IllIPPeI!!Il #1l writingv ijlan to any U'Gte, a for pr"y in lyaa ' JlaiJ ' to report tbo Il llme Il)ld oc. fiee. Wh.o GeDer,,1 lumdllQ . GoverlofllOnl 8"!IIp. Sold by All Drug- .0.6 a7111C 111\" "freat · w-"tmi . . j d iIlJ Ui"prin ter. I '£I It ' "'Y. 109 Ii ent') If to lbe immlloulAte a _ ......... . he PaN IICt Ie, to bUll hoVl' pH doubt fl,fh) grelll price 80hool Dealen, f o alld I.II child J .. lin ....... evory ence "eO' the 1>1 leardollar. IIVQr ono Ie .hillltoJ( \all lined , ."I,Ie! 811me)OIL :ANt all tbat has . boon Bultt llpon cllllatio n of III' haU do... n. All lellM" (or Ih efi rm lor .nu • 'fhe B\ip 1\ upon .riLing ,boo llltt I"dy, I tllu lo .• c c ....1' 1\ f Ch.. , . ·f "1' ,,0: 11 I' I I . I f of ednollti on , whllt ought ngc-ool t enrolle d -the• cauees <_ adYlo • • hould b" Idd r... ed to [JOClor 'rhrQ: Ti.okeh ----- ---- - - ,( l ,y " ould wilDels II .cure. Yellr' New 01, LlIl 10 110 ) •• .ele or. .• pllp!!r . o wOl1ld W,e may . be &-old that 1 doni). 1I0t thnt illIcit , II. I< " "Id ,",. , ••,...;,. ' ..n,, · _ of D" 'mb", ....,.. t Rod liS School O. " J »0 o. ij... 01Streel ... bo I B", .. 6th••• heel. ' . • P•• ·. . •\ ...lrd U...... to 'h' ...,tio. .i .' "b• p ,..... . .. tlJl' beror" dlly "II '"log "" "n • '!"" '''.'''' " • • N setlJob, enem-y'l ' A eeeape rOlght \L to ellsure. m reat ,g KNOW "'RY D ""0" n. tlie biil6(ta.' o.r ,1fee tn-nmct tou ttl n\l euc u\ntl\d, i.n ; , b.. b;', on .w " .....: bI ... . • ...', • • . Ib",.. • .,;. •• . • • "'.' ;'; . ,·II. th" .b. ..; " ... •• ....... . E, lit. we , " " " " . ... lb• •1000 .., b., f•• h'. C1 .l rwtlYIIlt' . nd MIIII L ilia fO ntnOr A Andlng .. ...... , d. M. Eugli.h ," jar " " . \Iio ' .'" ns " " lofli \ ·1 ulta. O T good very tu 'e i he opened Ihe 'tl oor' ,1>S.d ..... , W. hAVe "".. •• ' . M .. • ,. .Mll'''' .... " .'" " ..Hudaotl U•. ,"•••u"Ih..r.elt pi, buDd school- bouses serles, ot nrtlcles uncler tb\l' .lW:uJ of lory, 1hl.rJ Ul Blid!ulrw' h )'1ly boo ..' lo._ J · t w.. $IIIr Y II~ It Old World.N"hu 1l1 i ill G;UIr;DUaU _ " g. "". ". ".... &i. • \lOW looaled ILlIlri. llOl\"'! _ the or ..... _ __ 'h" clua88 .. c .n leilHilifi ,. b ' . .. . y to aDO "', ••• " .... dream. w". .hi'.• •• gO. • Ite lleved " eritruck . d ... pajr ........ ....u..,..,_ d nleresle lll di the ,that nn nI)olog y should be made for d llllnC110U Ihr, ou gl,1 t«r bC. tb« e,li(l oh io, oblirmt 'ons. T" .. , ... p........ .,,' .... 3. ·.... ;'>i D ,;q " ", ;Eli .... 00(4A6 Aeftl -j ',.m.bI "U a. to'I1ncAsrI f lecond , i,.ll1, power. 1 .10 E. F. t :ULl. crlll, ff J" .. imporl_D llting OIlmplio y , ofofthe . lle lelliMOn d w.ik, kflo.,..ded • tliIo ,no. .Ie , - " hQ Ihe 0 r pu IQlonArl 10., no d t ,' i8l on rtibricBlo ledg. Boknow to """lump • muved e. rown I h t boen '" : 'I b ' ' ,hf\\'e I b idcns our 11 i bl ' b lhe alngle or mlrrled 01 ,.lIl1er lex. - '1I'1Iioll W hal'c,IIC dII trfiO, SOIDe noble day of J Hnllary she was inijl""I· &fil wilh lhf Linollln Ibe became nAmes "'" . lelr , . W I y Ollnl m I sPCT\( to Q U e 1I\'e . ' . II. gQolJ deal ot it Is 'Put In 9 \ ' . cq' h.. boo. I,. " ... ..,d .... thom. the very fORI urea 01 tl,e 'per.NI you are '0 Um. ' .. ....... ..... ,0, IIi ul . cle regulu Ihe iii oo promoti wbo.b Idl\D, gs W3S PTllclllimed marry, Ind by the pld ol' an h"lrllm who \'omptln Il Dun tho uTIle written In ... not. ,. la " Le I ,' engwee u-'80m e of it W' p."h,m LI th. w'lh d C OOD)lDeD po'"'' arm, " ... I" d t"t II. c, of tbe momen t' If re " 1 H'. 10 m...1 I Jjle"Jike -·rh. e te ' ,,: ...... produce T to BOll1e eel C..,,, gu,,,enl tropp, n. _lImplb con Ihe of cUI'ud I " .oy vlclory, 1& nOl , eSI honomble to hIm (VII.) Ditp"to l ind,,1 'H i in Lh e folio" . ' . . .... . til 11.."'.. ' . " .,' m, ..... b,,", . ..... . .....the wll.,' " shnll (, boo"",, WOI' (,,'" hlS .' r ,'" ' public B:' I........" .,. friflAdtj thUI .ID adl in • r.....,. ".. a prejudi ce " 'a gainst Qf mar· dlte.Ilnil,,' ' 'be I" ' '''" .. ·rh'" 'm"", 'ew .... re"' t, toaethe'r applioan the ,,,.. ;'. bh.r 01 . "hi .., . . .. I In . I\,e. 'jI~dI1l8 posillun "'.n 1II' m 8mlllw" duy" .. rlMr,,···I. . ri l lte, 'I' .bl'" C f d.1 , " It, 'b.bek;gbu' "'ort Id ~ ' . ' • , ' " I" ' . d I. , Thl> m • J E :;," OU I S Incllon. I It 0 D,rUOQ ', " ' lI. n el'f\le ue','e rtbr8. I' d6tal'ued - .J '""me g'o O d .,~ al 0 hu,nbuR, no 111 'rhia . , kC. ' . r, . . charaole .. .cajUIO . or MI,e tiouncla" I ' " lip by (J"l'liliu .... "V. ,I of IHo., II rllpldl, I3 besl pro(l, AI Ilia' ft'11 I. . lL i. rumored thAt J01l11 G. lboo.IOOa of t.nimoa l,l. CID . allltn. h I3r re flnu(IICIU Dl 'he for r 'neftloicnc), .... Gr H. nhn J _till (or . .. ltorlhiDe bit , ami of I certified .• 'S" ci' ' ; wheD .· dellred N MOODT DIIOLllfBI.-B.e". Gran• BU ,in ' She w!11 180d t ( the mllrried be 1110t to e, i. poel. ruarlnte Ihil Inaapac ity a d ,,!llIell 0; W 15 pile. r ' fOI lphla, Ph\l"do! n i , II wido. 10 »ge old his BVD;lillg lin J"urk I I c_-Yc/1oI ,vOIr. lie emiQ,Q """,re hieller use 10 ' Will ter I t" lei iD 1.>' ,eloquten E ,,, . , Moody,f .1. nied'to 8OliOC:l 7'.7 J I. b.. l._ 01 cleal e - °ls 1 • I !' h.m h. b.. bo.D ,. 10.. .., pi ..", G" ...; 'mm.... h.1l '''' ... ""'" .; • Ii, ....... ....... ,q" no m.d" • .10;," .,..... :&1\

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MI~ 'Ii~ IlllURe 01' ''9 "l;t!rIt & ~btlDllO, ilK\t1l~, she plliioly tplll tllom t.hl t she p"ed the Clr· ~ ~~ oaaIfUl c()1I"~ert!d i~ 'o [itVttlll 'Balm, 14

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O'loullu !;. CUllDd ""de ' tI'IIR.D ODSON: \" from. OI@ In .lipld)'. 'wblob r wlil aud COlli kif! , tllo aod beuutll"yl "g , • . d i B QUUclo y t.I\ lreoi //.Cllon 9J ' . ' pl ox ion,

,in .1nl"·[llC linpuritiC8

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.. 'M" ".11 I. ,.",nUN. """" ...1. d~ Ing tIl ~rulle, knelloR" lng the 'Burfnco \I~ Nfl' tu"'lutc lKlcdi~ Rhoulllllo ,clcrlr, S()l\, HmQolh

~. 1111 m::A:

" pcillontr tea by And,.w JOb.IOD out·into theopen llir. ...... p,t.,c~t.~bero ~iY Inlwcuct - - --. by Midi or E. · IT '. PrieD Il, . ' GO Ctl 10 t1le youDg ed n ecicn()e" or iMO a blo", clunge'on if Ih.,y "('fe of II~o Sl'cnloij' iml'utlallhow "\V:1:.. 'I'toe ,IJ"'.. uiM'" 011 receipt or au oQrde~ by proIA! Y roil Je~r~oD homely to 'he ~r, 'DI1M.~ teachcf!. 0 11 fn~~ ' \ gOJtIl~. ' , both rl loft and a t . in 8d choices !!' ! G. IDd .m~obe.... ollugbL LJi., dl9m~nll til, No.3 W IlKt Fa~" ' ns, (%eml •.• 00 " 00D41110 bLARK oerllib QQ , hd, e· ..... oll'erloi ~· a'". u""lll.c(I: ,.lbe '1 h ' hOB"tiful me moet pti!ttireequo locatttl '\l,ed' ~ a ho~pitlll' i, Ihe ' old '·"oo ' Th. DaJlo~.lotinll,i 'or ~ &~ inll lady 'o1'Ciin- t te st ., Syrn.cllso,. N. Y.-Tlle only AmC)~1 ea II on 11 be to Id.DW". bi_.. U Dei T.~n..~. . .iLb forsnkcn l1l\'ed. No young,'~.' ' b'loh ..u~al.d lb. colon I rom. "I.......n ...... te,. ". • , . . , " ,a,.:, • "ohn. / ' bolUe. Lite SoutlM r." Coaf.d .noy. Mr. ~ ilcli "10~ , ' . IChool T.hetb1l ... ,.n ..... ".., ..,........ ~ ..... "".......,,1... u.,;. " ••rob. O. D... K. nil. m.. ~:::...~::;' ",~ md, b.... ", ... ..., ........ T . ....... Oou," , '1' .... _ ....... _ "!D.I , ••' . (j4.Jy "W' :. _:: ..:" a copy poBi-paid,.by returD ml\lI, c:il11 Inil ~b"ro?~i,lIe wbioh are ~o" "Il;'!:i f:r~~e;.~.fttl, and receive Ithis 1~.a ~!poIbe ' e . _lg~a'lIt -Yo , N lb. l, Troy, lll, identl8.J 1 Dl'lwer, O. poehi"! P. 1111'; AddrCII& . ",iO"',1 ~blellt4d" rv,,,f: e edlt~. : , ' ;'i north of Clnaln' D••• e n ml n ' Sol-lim ~"'. . , l' ~, . w ,uout, or Ihi. 1.1'" wb~D _I t "b' s




~-"' h qii'~':' ;~Tl·.1" lOW. , '0 1m. a~ " ed 'th ' -wmw~ ~aln and rurn!Ah lohD,:"n ' G"O "~cI ' w,iUIII. ,,1 - Andln in .. ' ~;lOOTII lliouid,' be t, I. ,or'1 POMlb1e . ,hat · .Iuoh a Illter

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TO ()ON~1JI'ii.raVJ.!S:--

I ' - ,- " naLt..,..ia COiIlrl\cted 10 be done b Dece.b er, 'T" !be 'building !r tt. a lDost plIlorut 'Tho ' t ub criber. "~,, b.~n : ... 101... t n,", roael below DaTIon, 'here il no objlo, ComeL faw ....b. ' bj 0 tery ' iiu'l'l..... IiI. ,.hh he .te"1!l~r ,e ',L no& 081y ti' prevent or IIU. lb,a "Ilh IInywhere. We 'IIDdefllalld from conQ~oled, tI)·. .t'Clt .;.Vft!f·... jr, ..d lor ..... "'1 y ...... Ioh m~, La... bee" ·,,rltten ; 'bul if Generlll dou DOlle, bnt'~ adl1 ~ Ihe Superin lendeot tft.t Fa.bloD. Tla. bOd.lee of l IrO be'AulUul ft .nero lune o.O;"'lilon. end 1110' clr•• d " ....~. P~uer, Col. POll".! bl' iD i~ ' hid .. Ii B"k~r 0 ,to' • fit th one .. bot IboUI lbrell" yea" b~idge h~t"e'll ohildren,otb,r ~, there Will nol be" .iQKW a~ lIi o) ~. to .u~kt • •• "'0, 10 ' a girl of Sill, whioh bad Couftlnlp li lt'll-i. . j e aplKl't" Dec pI ~t,f, . rqo~a ond wbare II it 110" aDd wb old. tbe few A but And iII!, Sbaron, alld D~ykln III pr'~Dt' at .. tellow,lu rer ... Ihe ,,, •• ba o( ~D "";' • IIi. ' xb'bl ndomed lbe hould wlllla1l JI'llrtiee Hy' ne ' llr 11418. in ~he rlv will ~ .. ~ I cur." 'If '. rods or beavy colvert,. There will 'be ~8en pillke,j lip .brollgll "eT .' t W10BIOO Rqug. .11'0 ,\I who UtilI•• il, he ,,~~ ~ mlpll.aU(\ palntln g8j.order1y ~r;. e• I I LIOD '0 lb.', octmllul 11 number of tulerably deep oull on Ihe In a YIl~I, «(ree or ( harrel. !I';lb the nlCi~' oll . j.n:.crip'li tho RDged. ~ lIOb'olat Btli' lho 0108' p"rl it ,,,ill PIlWI and af,er belna ' properly dralsed were .' dY,lng Geog'- . .:Me... Khot I\Qd" Shellah ar. roule, bUI for,MiBmi rapby as th \n and 'Milloreek V.I· lAid oul in IheaiHy or'. Omell. Whe ;1 prosent g.r, tbe majority m.mber t of Ih. Nevr dlfOlll(h a ' e . nl1s, Mall"Qta l.nde~ II~ llllioo Rouge. Q ' COOllDiltee l~yA, lind · for 'a oonsidlrable' diatanoe 'be. bodl~' ."ere carried ' 10 1I111~ bl1llt. ...~e "sho\ll d alwaya ait' with Orleau. Riotb'' iD'W e,Ugallu the ,b. 01 rade g , t.he or ge a~!aQth ~be bA.VB ' . " ' bate all ted it i. upon which llle OIolher o( the' liule boy 1.'''''°1\,'8. ~ ,r facee-te-ille..Notth- to Prev.ent (oomllle When Ullnal. I Ail/1m lU (aols rbll "por'. I e ID ' . tho world hein slll\ w,,~ re.cued ,~Iull- ollli!D"d Lbllt it will btl '· ,110 . Ib~rtest hAd been o'~rri'~ d wheo VI'lII¥ ,; rttd . I~ po~ the brnm re81~d to lb. 'Iol are,. ire b.Hne, " Xbe loene bOAI. blll11ing Ibe rro!» roule b~t"een tbis all'd ,(]jncio nltt T~e gftlbUds eb ild ' " '1he play. Itllollll l, thOle .bieb bue been mllde r.e,1 moth , IbilA~)n .htln "!III~d wlucb ft uted IprolHlc :be , ~\1dDi· Ihe work "III~ .wll,lellrn cllild hi'"" delld' her or ediltb 8ft~. ~eFPle, ~nd nd~rn- pub}io fn;'.ml time I~ )jQle. r Ir l 'lght caugh1'' er gel. fro.t 10,ng III" hne Aa 100D I'", Ib" r . b "J' i 1 ,e.~ee" Fll)wer 8 and progre.. 01 Iltlir inqllf BU•• p13 III dilscr-iplion. '1'ha. III gen I I : grollnd. th. or Olll ; oon. !8, ,' b rl!,I. wvmlng vfqes add to thel\ttr. :wtion' I i " Ux flldy'. ollme io Kimbro J •. ' I' arrIYo II ,hll' " . . \II OR 1\ W 0 I ThUIJo} .inatter Ufd, 'wi ,/ .' ' .. ...... ... ... n" ei,il goyerlimeot of tb what,pl eas. 'l;UII HOIl. JuuaNAL.~~. Geo~ ,, ore'; ",m tb . "1.1 ! --.,-.. . lo~l' to o proteclio 'R! ' eee 8nrrotln~I,nga' of an IlIla afforda'll Iv lind lU t J. Well, IDd .ztenll, ,,ly o,er II'od .&lIlts tbe rabe oi,nl . bill. ,to. bl) Aillrii~ ear", , Mr. : "ILh 1 , e.d t ""lll co~". ,niYlI a ' ~Q the .Ell tern fitllttla, "L.b\l'1ae~ ... ~o cN I 1 MI, I\la?gloull of ~em, .In,Jil gt:cat dogrQe, .lIas c~\Ica-i aod as edilora .!'"d illtor&.r is prevaili ng. . Tb, aDd pet-reh p\ ,11 lJ' or culioll .. praeticB le. Thol .bllve bo,h eJ)joyab made om9 JQUr1IlIl . becn e i t.ign ' 8' 811 Journal Dllylon n £reedme aQ DIOD W lea . Y. beeQ contribulors 10 hi pages ro;·m.n . .uaeful, trauspil s8Ahle d .r . ' " • ,lID endurm g. whtoh r.nder tb. &at. an unsafe Iltl' ' Bo" yeAn :·",Mr. Perry ,u lilllrlify IIna been baa gnce of work II CIlY, Lhl. III ' of us romemb er the old idenee for adbueo le ''O f ths I 81 oause of lbe 101 ". ' ~ with Its Tb'1',o ommen d Iblt Ihi. wI'. • • , • t. • • ' h f d k.tcl , pertOn, ty ".saYI. ',. . poelry, of d lor d I~m~o ,I elD.qf OIArk,.d contri~u &r or benohca erllmllot be relDo ~e ,an . ,p.oVlslonal ",I, _ b ".,[ " th lia in:::: harder ' h 1tpld still '. 81C. rt I,ll e C1lllle (Iut OIl,tb, :id"racte l, Ooollrel by ted .ubehtu or master BC 00 'scbool. marmi' ll~ OQnOllmtl IIQ d,e lU d e IndlQlf. II M If!u~~t. a.~leuce of lbe pIII.tor, IIpad -' Tho ~ought 80nclil prebmlDAry to tb. \l}limll~ r"torali on Re "e. . r ... ~I " I • "P"IIf), of l~ QqD' "iIIsoQ n be. • . . ovrnal B&lMoJ 11 dull tlfro\ h Iii" witb Ihe. mOlt mllgni6c at ' l of LlllIlli.ol\ 10 lb. U . Pod, February 9 0 an 'a or bl'o)WD bonell, rg our ver.1 Wlli!!!, , C. l or sbe IgfOCy of bI gregjll IlIy,,1 a as blauk : QIOQ hI' St.ale of tlpgle at Ollr pre~o Ie on. uestJ.IIY And Tburad" y e. , .repll Icao go, D~tr-D,.~ doro'. LARG& ES'I'~T&s.-T-"CI .ills were la 81 ~it~ngl of tllla week. l:be Ollapelw me and pur"l; veg· wholeto , perlecll a St. at probal4l to ~h:J;tDr:lI~4b~:t ~:t~':c:~;.aox althoug h the DuriQg a re,iul in a ohllrob in ion" Maoula eturtld by .. dady limn., WhlCb !pltfllhe r d'ilpo_ed f)f real etlble preparllL 10 en "eekl for d bappeoe femalee 6 Aslor HotlM. Allegh. oy Oil'1! two J. : Witll 85,000, .4,OOQ.OOO 10 el1111e ' · Ap· ial-liultlll88 ofl'ortll to to .I.t iiltO Ibe iame Pi", 00. of whom W. George have !reeD th"l. Ooe "" • ' ••• " pllcted tb. otller of U! EWlDg. or Fort WaYDe .lnd., lbe te.,. p,led by .wI &I,dre... r.. Nor. of l, William ' l &he hard in g hadprnl oa.t."II C. Oharles 17' eruetro m: memo" ~ cn .... 0<> to ... Coon·" Ihe brutal fatb.r ' who enu e. i Amplon "If.h io lI amuunte d' • OI witb ber b•• baod.- wloL, \QiiqJa lrea' r Coo d Intlne'ne'ei: i: 'WHich of lll Ilt "III qLllin:: .Tbe 425. noarly . murdere d hi'. ROB INSO N" S .. atMmpt a to nc' A ·whilperlQg dilptlt4! ·lOOo broke out io wbo reoenlly cd thllBe. G. EWlng •.a brol~er of 'the fire' Qamell. ~ d in blir pDlliog to thea aod "ord., load I~ to BOC or UB q~8,~"ledge. Let iD prie; IIIP of For' W"ynp, :rile .",ouIIL Ie. AD .djournm~n' to tbe po. lugbter b,.&lrn don. teClieve. be· ~:raf Illliea " l1 our po"er, that n~ tb. ail aod pro~erty di'Jlo.ed or by llji8 will il AIr orangel of her fro.. enll .. pr 00 . iD il 11o",. lice oftlqe follow~d more 11lch Inftuencea are othur d.IQ'iea, and .be 11.. WrilleQ hl'm t ..een l"o "nd tbrt:e nr to b . '. ' ",• b Be O!'I, I 0 'I til!, '1'real\1 KcOull '. . DC, I.. .Iffec'ioullte I\lt!.~r lillo.e ,Ieapiaa " 1\ yery ., __ A I ,S gonernt ion. f J i. .~or tl!i., .xeo~lof Ibe of Th one ~. • " r . maD 0 i.ollema Q)y e:deri~r ~ 10.,.llley, ri'y. Sioo. bi. arrll' e ,"wk,lor uS to do, I.e to ~.rf rOID Atlaatio tb. 00 oar a " .. 'l.~d Crom ··in feet Our ay.tem of .frce . O:7:'Ge org. alair. &; Gr.., WelterQ R,ilwa, near {Jle.,.. baa coPC.,Md 'be wbole n1l thea, if poalblel peace. tllul 'litll iD IL. wir, tiog a ' . . .. AI••II d eo. • 1baD1, o.f hi. '' . , children of emf land under its intlll- lIDd Lh. otber d'l ror perleou iti ... N Y. b 4 flf, Selkl.rk, er 0 f'lI1i1iar r lad, "ith ilDpropll at hand ,ate ence. R; ' rreb.)I!O iD "oover (\If pl!t.DL ollla 1 'd of,' Ige upon tbe condido n of the 'eehool . He wuabol lt fony.S .. Y'II'I . ' jail iD , .. I IIud ll, peLllooa ileY.loe lor keUle.... 1\ i, .' . I ad,ote d himaelf .. 'be '''' •. to ". oouo'rl . " our lie.tQ. but wUl hi ' '-d I b tb,' d IUP""le Ie, , ". I lDeD. J.o one .... ' a Na&loilal • DYeD... ,. 1 • 1"lole I. . ry. bA \ " ..10, • Biak id WiabiQatOD" ------taU 'bi' t,V,61ve ~"I·, I"he le 'llrolr •• led blek·w"UOQ dllriog~b • - . . • .. . . ' 1~ . ' • _~ ..\ • , ~~ O\Gii I ' 0' OD tb. Illalld of A. I\rl . D I'" ' ,, ~ ' UI'_ IIDti w.. acqll\,tetl' b'1 tb. ... r,h..;.. or · . ....."'.... .... , m~ lob"", , .I!mIIlr), p~. ~lo .... lt tubl"', of wwe ~t.. ..... ul~" ber, ba'j." ~ aom· 0.,.... de cn, ..a .. ulr-,I wbloh appolQ' bee. buber, !1 LlDCIOID : it ',",--l'U8U.~'" _~=~ Y.ou. Mawal.) ... l1r •• «(Jar. ,P, \0 , ... I.,....• •,ltlm. 10 , . ' " ' .1- o\.'kahi p I. tlae -adh tI!it' • - . "1lu. III .. · . .,· ,DtI a',ha r ia otrrr... .· 111 W".blD ltaD t



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they do 10\ lllitlllt take tbe. \ i aol DeN he •• Ie 00 Alid . . ,. , 0 <or ""Y" 'DO • .,...... \ I ...... US8 Any d.m.t1y OJ' GOlllloIDll ll onn hnprol'o I keep, conat.,. I" o. ,ba.84 - ,,,{ IU i feltl hlllu,lrcd ll A appellrnnce their J. @ so m n.mIDtlt '1 hor : AS I t Is ,lIinl.plc in it.. 1

DO ' .,,1/, ".., d,,' \lIed 10 1. . .,. ~ .. ,~._F_r.e to Ev.rybO dy..



-I BROAD,. C A &.!S~"'DI."S. .

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Npw ,Or:a.1I11 SIIIl" 11 tt. l! gallon. N .·0. . ..m Co.\ Oilll ,111011. '

lome Ihi• • ind b;w II tirrs· i, .'hi.II rl. in Ihi. O\)nfedufale Dl<Vf by Ihe Iruard . ror



DQrley 1l" .. Corp 11



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of Lhem·. 'oul' \bro'ugh n b, E.very krt'



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.1.., ' lA", M ...... ,. ~,,'" ,~. -~"". ~ , , It ..... " .tba~ .r~!~.. ellI<...,. ......\bat-Dee hM,d 'n~ voic& sb.1l urn. head out m~ l~UL r . nnd) ' LoBll :md .... i Brur, ,0. L, de m<n:c) tuDe dJl,teartb , Jl'e .ty . te. co.opera e.l oe Oommi~t Y lladlol"l Ibe lieu betor. " h '. ._ _ ¥-Oth ..... ' II If fe Very • • pec u ., your., . .' " me!1' IllieahoJJ. /1/1&1; be a"ell every OD b'IlDpelou IDllu' $J a~r8Ctto . Sm,,, C. "'n. S .... hod ,. . . . ._ ...... '1..., ..;,. p ROF. G• W '. , -';It',,'.... I ' . . ~ Oor, ~o" &c. , wbtm Mmllti




lUI '

.l'iguLe. My ~lYlI a,Dd tpolhlC'al ~ullhl)',and01 lullgm~n Appro,re lbe mu •• necled h~l!.rl i~' ....


• '.ft 1 ~ ~eva' E. of PiI!'t III ;::;:,':' ,:~",: :::~;;.;. :::;"o;:."::'~!, ~,~ ,.,~",~ w" ~ ~

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rk_ r " . ) , o,u will r.eolOl" the plclure alld desir-d ·h Y "'-'-'-d ""-r!l "'__ L. I ' f I" ,,> tlot" L ' rouo a .rnl.1I were OIl' nan In.orm'l Ion '"b, return mail. All oommll' ....... ..,. G <KIdl, Olllllllline •01 "I .. I.. ._.1 Addre.. D "aliODa .. ereill, collfidential. f j 60 @ 1I 75 bu,l;el, I ., ill ctlll8dence. l1£D •• 1i E . F 'rnOBITU", ..

l' ••.• ~ B,,' w"." l' b....'. .b; .p.:' m;"; . W."o,.,,' .... V"" l' ••• • •' ,,' .,.,,~t..... .d_ ...... .. :~lIn, 'Itir,~' war. 'l'h., . ~.ppl~'V' I U~, I "I, 'obacoo '8weM It ey. . were


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In ~\I aoh.o,1I1 nO~i~ re or o"t, tp ao'r~ud .~Ii~~



Wh"at Rye f


wlllcb lhe e, to before Fl'lI8~nt, t ror:hlt ber Suffia6i ueaaoo Rpnnlle mo vemeol. In 'thethertlror "Ith yoq SBY, 1 am . . ,.... r .when bb'"n' Ihe t.,~~ ~g~ ~l)le. ?' ~VI ~1Y1~ s 'ela ler\ Ihe e i'n"ftuenc 0 \ r erdtl~,o ooetl, and deo.llve oourte W6 . IIIplL .~ to ,'bat our Slate 10 IIUI of yeople aDd ure LegIslat f o ' lind LIIrd Lbe of s"ord lbe o~ . wbere Jl.,.. I,.. ,b. .. ,.J." ,' ........ .. lb. ".,. f... r,';. "m''' .....bnpb. "' II . ' • ;........ 01'..aud ,jiSii?cLion, 'Bnd put III ~ililcD8 (10110 e. lor ',i M." . A"

Cllr,. r.1I 11V

per uroll ov.,r Ihe 014 r"CIUfY ,. mllny reoolleclions hf Here, in lhe fUl\rtb " .hlch willdow Wllh lilS Irona hll 'was clown

B,.•~ .....,.

1. wh.". ,,'PO'" • .... ,,,,,"_,,.1 '"I,. ." ,I~;... ....1""b .•••. dI.po'h~•• "d ..".


hl". ·1f " "_ i

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.Iob. ". . , .". , '"P''''' .,,"'M "'0'.' "'' ."'h·.m ,,,b'. ~.~.H.IIt.... DO' ~,tob~ltuo ,,''''''y. .

W~bD1Nal'O ~l.hi'4' i.ll~ ~1~,!~i~mLi om~i"l. pol' Du~ upo~ ~aya lllh~ ~_.0 er'CIOSl~ yo~r e ' p~hileg 1I. ~ glqrju, th"T~;b' L l ' _[t" ' o ~l _li'wen nl810t "'" p •• I . .. . , , "'V6~ ..... "'.'."''':~'''' .".....,.... S......' "''''DO. I ,;;..;. 10 '''p', U:. ,••" ....... ~~ W.. avo-'\Y. "6p.a \!i'" -~tI ""~ ,r " . . ...10 ....",I' ~.. b, ....~, h.. _II, '!ll\ ......" ..... .....,,, ......"" ~...., f,I ...~'"H .. !' bob.lI , '?"" ••" , ", ,.... P"'1'" . \ m, . .. ., "'.. ..... I h.. ... '" •• lb j, ~"~ to 'do 11.- f10~' d ImllC!r,led, and \ IIgbiiog r.bell ill Ihe .o~1t here I do IIOt gel lime lit

0 , bo.O ,1,10 Wuao e


c. ,,' 0.,.." , ,,,'

... dId 'lues,tic, " 01 itopArtill1 8uffl'IIge .' • h brin". t'o l te a.,o , " ' I'( . . . . db " \,l ""MoL. rate COQfede " D 0 J . a •• Ilea I Y', ca '. 11 a lal'go .." Ibe i. 'lory, , 14. 67., flU .• • ' , .. of tb. ploNllI , r. ';veUaa ihe Illllp.,,1 lV· IIgo I reCf SJa...,..Some 11100 1n cml nfe, 1Iad musl aull COQ" ed ' C':'lId chlldr" circulpr ' of on: .Ihere letter !f1Ylelf with lhe .w. ren, 1m"" b,,,oo. 010.. '''" Comm '

~ ~u


~tr 10bacoo-d~_,""0I1" purp"'~ ~hloh

~_. '._ Ial."" ; ..... ,.. .. lulo . . . . . _ ......' 'M ' ,bo q..;~"bI,. G t", f"';' o ' ,.. .. ~II Tho I.' .. .U..... !,,"'b'~ ,p'" II. Oblo. ....,. ............,y ho th...";;..n::: 160"al pounds or , . G So" t~ Jeotlmin io 'I ' Ii .. leuer,lo ·tllose palriQ ou Ibe day. A posliion iliJIIIciMl"-' UBac'. ~~ lill ~e6net uenok '" , ' an OIII b i COPHll'b uf'~ Is au ~eot 0f Ia'10b • I.. eeo.o 0




.'1........ ~.. MaUlT. for .1t "

Travelers' Insurance 00.'--OF HARTfORD~




S,B: 's T O:R . .". E'~




, ,.


---; ,.t-.1. ~.'Pll'AL. ~~

t ,u' l • •



fic ·Goods,

, ~bq!~ . ~

.for 8all~. by





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".... ,,. oocfOOl






'1;'ola', Liali\\ilie~.



10.500"00 20.§OO. 09 2.100 00






rhe Ilrenlest IImOtlllt iQlll,fed in Doe ri.k. . 810000 00 !' . i Rmounl of ;l5' c'Apit"I or ell~ning8 depodted in any, Qlli~~ , ,,~ . SLllle, "~5(.1CII,rj ~ y or lo ' &e, Lherein, '. .. , :J> , . (~7,OOO 00. Deposit reqtdretl in Oliio, m/ldu 80n·ually.




uo,IIdja(\t'i!; , , ' , • L\lu e. ill ,'u~peMe , ... ilillg for fur'h ~ r proof. All ()~er 1l\lIims /lgAin'~ LUll CQlIIopIID;r.




~9ftlelllciju'led Add 'nol d1l8.




Total 4."els of Ibe 00~PII·01.





• I

~ ASSETS. ('' ul! of the Oomp",", 00 bnnd, and iu 01, hallCii 6( "nd other person.. 102,'76' M The Boifd'. and ' lOck, owaed ,t), the Oompaof, . I, . 5113. 895, ;! Debts ,Iue I.e 0 ll1panJ'. t4!cured by mprt,4e: '''. i ,1.. ., 1 26~\W ' Debt, 0lh8nll.e secured-Loul 00 peRonal -.e.ou'ity~ ·J .~l.: ~ ~" ~8;SY5 00 A1l9~ ~topef'y .•1 '. . .,: ; ' " I • 1'0.000 00

ALt;E'N'~ &; "RA~l?ALL', 'IfAl'HIIIVl1t~l,


r j~ · Q.Pit.T Stook "I\r,'i\l Dpin Clalb.


P, I ~, ~~.


, •• "tal of .Deaem1ier•. 't866. ~e to Ih.1 ADditor 91 ObiQa pAr..... , 10 die • Si"luld" thaI SIa't..' , ,



~'I'ATB Q"f CO!'lN&C'I'19ur.::·: t .. COUNTY or l-l A!!TIo"O,!l?~ f. 88. . '. • 'I, ,., , " • I. G. BIIUel' ,ofl. Pre8,ll'aDI. aDd Rodney D~QQu. SeorllluTroC'be lJra1\e""o. Ineurl\nou COIll,P"ny, bt: ill{[ 8~yer"lIy Iworn, dopole And thAt tb. (o,.goi~r ia 1\ full, true 81111 (lo rr~ot s lu l~ monL or tbe alf,,;r. of tlfe ~ai!1 1;i11l'ran Dom- ' 'IlIQ) .• AIl<t Ibat IU~y lire lue IIbo\'e dCloribed· OtJIce'ra lherc.).t. l. • " ,. J. G. BA,'[TERSON Preaidepl, ,' 'j.' , "': ," " " , , ROPNEY' D'E~~'Si Silc- ~~i.. Sl1b~~ri_b(\!I 1I1It.! 8"orn lJofo,ro ~e. 'tliI8 ' i12d, dllY· 01 if1\1I11&r'1 ) 186'7 j, --'

c .



m.u..] . , [ l1'I ~II . dElI.r SdlllP J

ORAS, E, WILSON, . . ,"YOUf''Y f,f4lJ1ic.

OnlOIl ON TOt; ~UDJ'I'OR OJ' SU~. UWlUI. . . Jao. SO. 1867. is' hereby cel'li6ed, Ih[\1 tho foregoing iv' " correol OOIlY of Ihe ""Iem'at of • '''' Q9n<\ilion of th., . TrAvelers tbeurance <JplD 1101 of liar\lo,d. Doon. macJi lind fil~d io ,t~i. Office. fur 1119'yelr 1867 ', ".1 . [SKU.] .' Whoe .. 'IIlY Ii. lid aDd leal omol8111' . . • , '. ". J AS, H. GO,Q~l{'1 .,lIllor or Stat••.




., I


, ',' ,

lAS. 'Y.Jh':'UI~" OIJi~f Olerk. .

I':'l •


Ntglll in


• (T"' •• 'plr. on \h~ 31 t' tIlIy of \I ••illry, l~)

We are


For Pule Drugs,

< medicines,



. () E~ ~l 'F lOA T E O·F :n;A U THO .B-1 T Y.



T~pera1tC4' H«J,

. '. - -


---..: ~

"" VI, I


• " ... ' ~' . ~

I.. '

, For Men an~ Bqr~'

'- '",



16 dents per Yard I

L' A QrrnO' o ...


~ ~' She rllve~18 8ellrela no mortlll ewe, I





who. /i'om ",enl', in lov.8 • .Io.. \l(rcluion ... I


~~~It~l ~l.ilee~r~~1\/t~:8t'l.'~:;'~I· .B"af'~ted :.glgellf. t(r~rllt~Upn c"on~elrol erA

be8~ IjUAIi6.d

r.ue , alDd


wbat''Y0u,wdJ b,e.mtMt,





Y·~'''I·II'l'',..~'l1 11'1

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a,""d to 'lilull;

"'U YOIIIIl' &1Il1. 10 old , 10 !l

born.l!ne~II·8Ing"lilemel\ biek' of 1I~lr,

P ';O. .n~~~,~ ~~:J·, ' B,u!,:~!"U~: y, ' , ' ;'.





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,. u IJ


............... ~ . . ,

' 'MAnA.It'11 A', PIIBR/ao.

Wo are 114)111"· bur goods ,for J,ESS MON · '" th.n ·~b81'-OI;!l be boug~t fo II! til cgu.


. "


I i ,'


.... I L

Th mOlt nldlb eand pe,rectl'replrl.

,Do ,Not ' B.~y

IIAO, ror. riving

lICIt ~tlet:ee!

·v'e,' US' .:a Oa11. ,•.


. by

~ cto~1




• ":

~ BtR.GER; " aun,'8' ~i,~,f Cbe' U6 glur 8t•• Trot. N. Y.

see m: Goods, anihea, ~u .P!'Ieo. I ' 1 ' . . '1




IJlr \ TO




yo~ .



"H~I"I. ~ '1t'l'~I".R"'~~~

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Potent .•. .


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~Jlfl ~;t!'mLf..C'fB. .' " , ' .'


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.;n,'!" .

. " '~ ,.a.~ ...,.....,.'H ,J.lAI • ; ....'1


HAl R·O I ~s:

_flIY ' ""'10'&1.90

FAMILY GROOERIES I , ....,.0.I ."B .. ·

... .

". •


' .'

I"CJ ' lie tit, it .e/l'.ulla. pr.p.i,tllla. II ScLA I __ quite harmine. It I. Ihe 'o oly ~bin, 0' • .00....; thB kind u.od by Ihli r,· ' 11Id I. ~on. ;.Jo ( . '. J. . ., '/', :' 1 aillerl'd indillpsnllbli 10 I p'"recL loilil. lIoGUJi'FY1S, ~ , WliiSOli'S ~ ' :Upwards or- ..OO~ .ttl •• Wtlre 'poid du· " ., . I rlol tile pl' , . '~1I1.n& ' ,altiDte. ',. ' ''0. ' "~l 0. t, '01 Ila ellieMc" Price '11) .roent" Soot, \ ' ,\' C \., • 1 pOlt'pald, 6n rflll . lht' or III otblir;' by .



• , .. .. ~~.


.\ ,';) . , Ihe skill a helull- 11 A 11_6i ful pearl· lilie tlnti lb,I' Ilrilt 'foUnd In &'~.~ ". ~rlJ,.,. ,oplh. II '1uickl, ,.mo,•• · Tan. Fr,eck, ,. j 1 J) ! I.... PllnpJeJt. '8Io\c¥•• tJoth:lP,atcb., , '"":'--. I" . 'I' . SllIowqo ... ,Ind an. lmpurlUel of the akIn A well-lelect8d ~~rt~.nt or &be 8 f t -1clildtrD,.ll'r,j !'~jne I •• II , . white Blld cloir '1" Ib•• ter, ~t. C.II

tlon In




R'. .(, P'II'R · ..& 'Z"'


'*'tl.L r .'.

~mk IJQ~'" .......... WDJJ;:r"c UW~,I;; ~or Improving Ind Beaulifylnll libG


, !

waTlo OIOC,illDatll

' .'

tJn.-il .....II! ....t ery

r . .J Tb 1I..~u~l' whith Ollge _ .. II? "0' 9 . . and reApOIl.denee returneil or ile'tT~y.ed., Rer. A FULL L~NE OF· BB~DY.M·ADl!i "" m o. , '.. ernqce. of !lIe hial,el\ ord~r (urlli.hed I, .' . • 'T II fr<e tor fttt, ftn.r .tI",o,. be thb~6 deelr(ilt 'UleM: " Write ' "'n"l~' 1111. 1 ' .. ~ ..' BY 'l"tiE US.: OF 1 iI'yof tlte ri!OI\t~ anil t ...• f• •ble ~ 1 6" "OLOI'n"a'TWI"fto CH'A--8!fEL l:. A R 'S


'/), .


4JaO:.. ,.







t .l~/.:enr.···

/lO~' 111)4 cle~lI.ell" i. hlgl1l;'liod delight. ..1 • - •. "" - - -- - (.III , P.uffuil)l\Yt ~nll i. ih~. m9.8t , co,nipl~te •• 1 eI •. 01 lha ~Ind, ~vrr QfTl'f,~1I 10 the . ....~·r !. ' I '~ " • -. 7. . • Amj!t,ICln p\lbllc, ~ h~ Orle.per Coma Ii'" A'S B ' A 11 D 'lNl r Y , ~11f be ,II(!'1~ , to 1111 .lI d'lr.ell, .oftIQ~ ~nd .' I" \ 4 I" potlpsld, ('1r ,.1 ~~~r"I~1I o~lI~. I tel, 'fRUSSES. . tf. .. .. W, L, etA RKE &,. Cj1 ",c~e S PPOR'I'ER&. ( ~ 0:$ No. a We .. Fayette. st.. yracUMD, N, ", t{' • , f , .'.0 ...1' " , " ~'. i :: I ' "" SHOUL'll]! BRAOES 'M'orli' conl . lh gl..Hidi.~ 01 j oy. I'; all. . ' ,.\' , •


pc;rcet Citro is GuarlUllcedln evcry instlUlcc . \Vr\tl~n Ol1t, ~h)a11\1I Inqulrle8 ann,ere $3. ud. "~e,n\!ll~ ,liDO DIed, ~ellt b" ,!i9I!U 011" , ~~ \bottlc Is 8\1ffiolCDt to eft'ect 0. cure i!' r,C!eipt or." JI~le!Mtb.9'1l ~~T1\ioned. , The ull ordinary cReep. " . \ 8tric!.ell.,8ec1Jl.y. I.... I!.t.ine~( ,and .JI~ ~r.




Prl~O, .L"or'''l><>ttl't8,!O 0fUl ' address,

. j ' .. .


D ' d liJff;' ... ry an"., r r r .r . . 'wprl4 y,ftt , w'IJ, ~~rl .t~.if"1 1I01r, .~J at ,'. ~I • ,\111) Ierne, lime glv.~ Il • , ,00 ')fII lib. ¥ 9IIJ1Y PAIN3]; ·.l1ARNI~H. &0 ': 'p'pe.rcinc~'; ,.r~G Crl"pfr Cotn, ho$t on· }. h curls Iblt ~'Ir, bllt Invil{nr~jeA. bnoull., m11\.;1't::.'1__.81 ,m' lI $ •

,BRO~.N' 4-Nl). .

, .. '


,Iomel CD 'tJ belutif, Ihem,elv~" I I,ou o Aond rola, " ft 'IH 'the 'only .rlltle ~I" \Ii!




,..1 , l At · . ',.'~,1.',


'_rl~,"d IIIm.:\" I n DI'.tru~l ...... ., \ tlp1\'''C' I'V ., " 'E'~, ,::~'~t":~.!~"'~1~ ·'~O~~t ;,: ,,\.tlllll b.t.:J. JUt.r.;WJ,\ ri!l ' g; .For (lUrljDjf tli.. a.u, ot ,.• l,h.r C H E M~IC At81~ ' ~ .. 8ex i.nto Wavy and 01011, . . VEAD" 'j,," IV. j, "'11 " . ' lllngle' •• "or· B-eav)', . .. , A}r.tf1.', I V ~'.r'~ " .. , ,... ~. ' Ifalltve Ollrlil" •. " '" , v ... A .J Dy u.j'l1~ Ihl' 'rlic,,;. lA'df~"arid ~~o i "


Ii',' J'JlA»~ES & GENTS'


",.,, 1

'~" itl~ .~.':"'\":.I~"id r~dl~r.''';.lt. /', Whb_. iihrflhg I, liMII ,,,,tt, oI nl'!ll•• {l;





,. ~ ~ c" . .kY.l.Ao, . '01 ', ' h • '., h i ,,' 1.;1 Id ( i 'l' .' I.


'. D~,l!lS8 '669 DS• I





nrW!l hllvc Illson line of




·'vl. lV., KEYS, Ag,on1l. ,\ nyn ' SYl Le. _ _ ___ _ .'.'J. W · it. (HLLtt~Sf.IE :A;",,,~rnnkliJr" 1 'I h . n: 1 'b1l>rt:'!lj ' ~I'.(' , ..:.J. , 'fI', ' III

la! qII.J'FUftS" '., '\ G.· ". 111, :., ~'.,~ .', ~11 >.: i',': "' ,::'C"B':I"S-Enj,,['I'CO nit' ~" ..

abaehl rrfende Q ov'l!re. re.lord 1l;i8t or ' , ' .tole · "r.opert, : ) telJ., .)'''1 Ih~ \'IlI'ln.e~1 .) ;.4" ou


'J (. ',. "II'





The WOrld Astonished. '

JOI:-i\lLI,"" 81'£0111'0

't' .




Hoi '

WUllR&U. The l."aYelerl "Inlllranoll COlJlI!all,ff' 10CAlecl at Hllrtford, i .. the Itl\le o( Conneo.tIcDI; Ii ... flletl in this ofllcel!i'."orl{.,.ttmen "Of 1 i Oo'Bailioft Ill ' !'qllired by Ihe act "I'D Rrll"lall.\ In~QrMl~e O(lll;Jpanhu 1I0t.inoorporai.d,by the .'Rlo of Ohio.' plmed APril 8, IB5G, lind Imended F'obruRry 9. 1064. and tlie 'aCL' ''1'0 Ritiulato For,c igo fii.ur'locIl COqlp!loiea/ pl",ed A,pril 6. l'IJ(tIJ' l'+ ,. • Ir BI!!D(1C~D. ~:")lf~ = lind, Wbtlr~A'. I"id Oompnuy ,b8l' (urDi~he~ the u~f1~rbig,oid ."il(.o',?Jf ~,~. donee thllt II i8 \l0~Ke8~.,d 'Of 1111 notunl Cllplt,,1 of at tust ,01(& UVlIDUD. ~D Ii'III'TY TIIOUS4'JIII> OOLL,hC!,y' inve8te d as req?ired ,b, hid,' . ~Ol' : • ~pd, ~Jie" e..!. "!ll' 1 , ,': I , l ~ '!lid CompAny bill 6Ied>1.n Ibi, omo~ II 1"'11\61\ lu'\rotnenf, .Il,ilol' .\1;1 ' ~.rWie I' , , sOIiI. aigned by the Preslll.cnl ,,~ .. Seorpll\~l Ihe~e?t. AutJI?,rlll~' 1101, . ,•.nl, or Rgonts of flRid Company 10 . Lilli stille ,~.'i' 8~"no,,:l~dge .r~l.e: 6,f" pi'0Cl..1i · ~.r ," . I. . I\lId i!' beh~1( 'O(' I\lJd CO,!?P"~1 ~~ ding' to tl.e tetm. 'of'lald , ~et of A:f-r!~ , ~ •. 1856, .. . . Now, '1'II'&II&·II'OR'I. in P"" MUI\1I00 of tbe "cll "r~efl"id, I •. ".411118 H. ~~A•• O·G~:r.; Auditor of slMo £01' Obio. do htlrlllJy OIIrt ir, 'till" ,Irl' T~vel . ~~aQoe ~ .. ' > " J~ ,. . Oompany o( an(l),d . Oon""Cj,i!l~~. il all\horIlCQI~ tr8oi"at tile 6U.Hie.. • • ~, 'I.. ,'; " ur"D allro ; '\'fbcn you buy C ..II~oCI. \0 Life anll AccideD~ }nlurl\lIaO in I.lIt, ',t,,\O Ilntil Ibo tnlft1..t\"~ ~f J,anu rtf ~oe th.~t.the. Pl'ipt.llrc (If A. 4t W SI'IIAUIiK'~ in the YOM on e tbou8Ilod fight homlred ~h~ .Iily.:~\s,"t'· . ,.,' \.~. 11 . AT TilE 'WOIfoEILPUL aaVILATio,'" " mUII'lfaotul'u.l . , '. V[SlI.l t ,' rtf I~NI, I \Xudkol'. I hAve herl'lInlO Aub~prjbed my nllml ..rill • ,. • . : I , "'. call'td' tbll 'lelil of , my offipe ~o be, f1ffil'ecl the 11,111 ,aDd 1e 'r,.~bQ " . Itade by . the great Allrohgi.t, ;"1'. wrft'ten.H . • . J AS. ,It 'GOt>:M . N, A:udftor bl ~t•• MADAlIIE D, PERRIGO; ' '"j A Iplendld lIock of . . " ." " 1 'I .: BI JA., W,LLI liS, -Chlel Olerk.

Ohemicals, Oils, Pure Liquors, . LAD I,ES:, DBl!;SS-GQfil)f i, "



. ',"'"

OUIOIIi OF 7J1 • . 11 UDI'I'08 .OF SUTE. iNIURAKO. DI1'4RTMIIn': ' OOLUMoua, 011l0, Jail. 3Q. 1867.


tbe genuino


, . :Qoods Cheap"!


stftl 1(0De,; you slliiuld ,bur of " 'i . . ·


6. '~•• L&n~ .,............... T siLl ofWATOBESI



'THE CA R lU N"A L:' ~it ~ ea,. ai.... ~, w'''lIinll O,ea. t


1 .Op A'-penuir u. ,op. Tin KI ~~~r!. , 0 ti"ck; • larg. wood·dODr, '1Ia' "

'Ur Dlce ; orall door.1Iined' Itb rel,i. nd Re· .,Ial.ra to relul.tll :1111. he.t whea B okin, : : 1~"llIQIt complele .nd besl.workinl \lye for • •ar.. fllllil, or H~tel.lhal vr,. ":uer ~et up , or theaa there .ra 3 7.8. Ilid 9.





." "hl~ I' ll 4"l.cll.. wood "I:e wood ·lIoor. Ilri~ "ve il I,ned. with re,laler III lIoor, 10 '1,IlI_" Ihe lempera· b atO! lite tn. in "Iklnt·


. t' MON ~ ,~<1 ,B. ',.

~bl~£h~®ak~ ~.v.v ~.~~ 1 .... n ...

.,0" ,I

,jP 1ft i n 'd 'ie al e r:


f¥::r Iu .11

01 . tile ;Ibove .lovei. tltere are Ihree .iz~'.,.'7C ",'lI ~ \J ~ " t;ln" 1n up I\) ~ tl,ltllled ~· all prlc .. Irom CII plet ~ . . .1'1. .'" "" ;. f ' i




:..:~arlor. .,~n~R'~Di'" . 'WOOD A'Nl> O(}AL. -fElIftUitESSj 'YOUNG



, ;



PR~(or Ooolr. (or wood.

AVERleA. co'at


aJ;A'N;C' . ; \ ,.. !r:T FR * ll;n( 'n· .: eo~l, ,Uti


~~.Q(),N..J?~LORI OOOl(. wood. ~t..' t "I ,.'. , •

~."' .~n'kb,.t{J.!,(I!~~aIlrn.. . pp'hldV~S

.~'J.~~.llIe(l yo_lI." lIJld P!~"'I,'C.~O!flillf. "' h '. '-

ll" ~,l pl

• tir"t .~1.



til lile



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TEA &. ·l'AB~E do. ..

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..... , •

Le~ln~n., 9 cr. 17: .



uag. .




_.l1:ltaX-RA. T 'fRAPS SAUiAG& .- ... ~"




, LAl\>D ,~~SSES

! ; 's~:&fttG BALANOES. " . _ PAD-LOCKS" , " ,sPOONb. ·T.1.Clm BRlrTA~IA .IWOONS. • "" 'lIN ,AND JItON SPOONS. ,

!e~krftJ\ ( ~I~~~)l

SlralM, Fatlm a,.d Sc/iQOll1ell" Slet!l'. Ilell,. and all cndlc88 tJaritty ()t'



Will be teut to

;w~ ~Ilollt





r,..ll·tfUI~E· .f,~ ];1CO'-'

Silve-"Skirt ,







~'IVE '




'II,. ,' .~.~;:"' .'- '



,e ..~.!lom,ll.d,ir,e(',t " rpm,.lIIl e Cuelom Houee!, .at! we. f P.' ,st. Ind 1 , ,rlndl Ihetn dperreclly k I up III or mO ire pOlin poe a· edflllCII of ~4:tlJlII ' , •• pound, .ft... .;.-<I'W I" . P~lce--Grouod C.,tfl'~~ , ~ellui per pnllnd n eal " .. . UVD, 40 cl.. Besl Ce),-

. In """ilion In our PHOTOGRAPHIC ARi The S rln • are wotlnd' with ' . t::.tabti>.h. 6 Il. P Ini pace 'f 01 , a U ' ... d 18JO " w. ha," for w •r't "III r ,.~ ..... bad .\dvoII Itl\'"' . 111e rl n r to aUI h • I -'-~ " "" o.: lhu .Ilnbli.hllleli l in "bln"\iji~ . 11I"'1{O (roU) erl wblch-W~llliot hf•. of 1.1I1h~ .!='ROMINI.:.NT' CF.LP'jfRI1'I~" .ltd tlla • .!Iole, aklrl ml, or Ih!' '!foI.1 1I Cprd 1."'''rol1O , ":," aN DU .. I,ob. W)~II.!lPT , JIIJO~X Qr 1~1f. or " I"hln g k (,uIOIQl!'"e 01 0\/ ; .and , \.viU !Ie .1 iood a~ lew.' ... '.... y .~e,,"" ' . . ._..a ' I. ' f ., " , • .0Pdp, --aho IlIr" .. Df CO(li•• III W ....... of Alit, alllll .............. "rhi. iDnntlon eom~~. wi h ill'e 01'111f~1 ... It " . Ih e f1irhl Ru. m.hop. Q'lho .: pi"'0Il,1 n_ Drt: ootto" Sk\r'~ " • •dy,all",.a qf OIl' CllIIrrb,llieI,;KtllOhuCI.r.,, 'IIbtl lheC lerg'·;)I s ··, S '. " I\.. I'· 0, D,',,(t. Or lLYER . ItIIlT. I, I Gollom I, oope ! "! the 1DO~07 1 1()tlleir lIA~o. ortler tltu eXI'CIIISC oj' coll ecting hl ull d.n9"lilln li~Di ; . 11 p'l'lIIin~nt nlli e . .. oT lh., """Y IIIfvy,"aild 'h e '~IO <lo llr.d,,1''''. ".' . 1' ft. lh·OBe need 1 n the Sliver Skirt I ~1Ia. But I"'ge ordclP~ "e ..ill II<lnU bf Rcluroaud an.ll uclrel ~;. p~or,!... iollal billiard plRY:' the ooverlol of w/llllft ' oIDnl,, ' wee, uti'. 1IKIl!'41". aDd collcc~ d~lti\~cry .. . , ; rQr~I!I'h eel.brIU.'; J'I"lurel oC ·& .tu.,y while Ihe upper on...· ' are .oo"r.ed with a;:rw. thlll h. happy RiL aU lim .. 10 recei .. ... ftu(l Ie", I..; I . . I,nr O!lllll " ' on~ • COlton,. N0 lei a:1.'' III, ."orn '~.I!aLOU' ".relton", fl'oOl :p.~IOQ"'lilltin&, mole c..t_I~r;n. ~nl "" f'ltel l"b,( S,I mp.. . .. 01 IllIf Ikirtl, Will 'be wjll nf' 10 we. • r Inj iI!·~~h~~~.r d...I..... or uol.. \u pr~,r r..o; .p',e dy. en in.P\Ia,... {rom . h"ll th ' I h ' " . :I t; .. t .. lngu e w II b~ 61~ '.l 11 flO "",I '~11 01 r, Ie e o~el' OO{'I 0 •• 1 other T. T. • 14t1lLf."EY . fie' CO ",.i! I:lRHE:1 lSi!,gle Plclur... ,· 2~ rea" nd. 1000 IJlJu," ~n~ lolled :"': . • .• COl" • or r"~r"·IIIIf. IS ~ 'I'. o~"b! 1Il.lerle's ,rfl u,Hd hi ' La .., K.h )' .& ,tJo,. N . If'!-We 81' ocl",ir" l ... r"" ,.tt.~lian an\} ' lrom iheir ' our.~~1I1l" All /lTREln:. NEWSOR/t, "" •• o,oll\", ,,e h~'. tur "li~o'l"do~. . . Ihe, ' 1a~il ••\Wiea tl)Ji¥i!Oroel " QId D .a: II ~ rr.oty Atnbrol,. ..... lure•••.• 0" . · ' otlte:!.m~. f' II ,., I I , ;,;,t. " , . I, l.. . . ' elllarr;lIl;{ hem II> lIrtt: .ll~, ....,! ft\'i blnr: in Oil, _IIUrl I rell b ly Ii~ 116 . 3J11'~r, S.trl \;\la'.. ~PIJI<Ir •. or IlId". Ink, .. ,Ih th .. 0,,1 of WI,.,: •• nit~tiiri\iIl ·OGIII~n,. -/ TEN TA.. . .NTJCD ARTIirI'I!I. ~ ao'& 8 • •y)8 t.1 IH.t....N·llr1t.1. Parll .. " .l:i'·M ,,,,,,n ';I~lIiII lh rft(ore ror' SURI {flA..U ".1'01111 IJral"",,(;' '. anU1fir • catalogu . ,, ' (1.7 """

{lA 'I ~~.eRY ' V'





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T.he oombination,·Sllver S~


fllt' · . .



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1,,,,..1 d! unl. 10'" {Ja norr opon ' (Or Fr... In.p.C lioll. ond


lrjlllg~r. vi .. ihe Cif>: r ill G"d ou'. Gallo.,. nile 01 Ih ..... Qri .~re' ~ ,~Iac .. In N .... ¥prk ' wbereln In while , ... "~. an ,liodr, '

J . {;URNEY 8< ON , l'h~,nlrl'oph.", • 611.6",) ~01 Brol<l .. AJ. N : V. al lou.,. "wlletller 'p. _.--:-:;-'::-=-::c=-=.!..'-<:::-:::-::---:=:---........, lIt'n • .1I!o,'l'hew. ,!,blh SAL ~ ~ ~ U ~.r. ~ R O. & . O?" "C:K.'~or'm I' alld lit teper-tilly E.f~n'l'" MnQ .. r.~{,,~ alld 11II1'I><I.n oC 11.!l,)otllng 'ouf lhe ' morka J llII.Al!'t.



"'j 0 •• eI : Goloi Plat·.I· ~. r.e ,e ew rJ


tiien,~ 01 .' ~'Email '~e rllr~

mblt . c~l1tidelllly lubmlt 10 'Ith" pl!bllc llie ear· neel t'n.i1llflemellll1 'bl 8uclla Uistinliui.h,d, II




SOl.II> «< ,'N ICK I.:L


elL V E 'R W A ~



B. '~ '

'E1I!}1i,,. · ~ Stili"

c...,," ~t

, • E:.




Rnd eYflr.v ··c.le ~l! riptioll o(

PaucJ Goodl "Y1lnkee BUUUIIII." ~:.p.ci8I1y ndal'leci IUd ti.IIKII.,1 .-.; .. I'm) W eau.·,n rrrade. Ci I ttl la" Itl1d

I ,.rl pl l•• Price Li.11 fell ' fr.... Agenll nel Perry, tivery\Yh~r.. Alldr..., "'ht)le'~!gli .Iondin~ In ' SALtSBU'RY. BRO. &. CO: IIr~''''I.I.f"",•• '''''iI l'he ),.tGmp of ·truth.' ur Dorranc. Sleei, Pr().i~·ell/:e ft, I li~eD' .111) '.nuille 71 ·"t'l ' " . •



"~~I,ern ,l ay' :

'EIMj1' .p~ockJ~e&I , aU II.I of rouge iod lily-white "itll .nd ,soullu ,,,dnnllie of tOlal f h,l,flll'll.ntee. It r.lIlI1\ add. 10 tbe 80ft· Dr pulUaJ fl'OlD n ..1l beauty 01 tltae IkID. ono·hlllf a )lII)lIIr T~e. ~~, i llilicent V8lllnli I.,. : " ' . J!II)lIIf In. lie..elot."III'th. 1.111" IIIir'ered 10 Imllch from Ihe nri. aboT, dl .. "... ~ o'!. while . IOlill~B. &~I'I wliicb my theetri. "III bo erartlUt.04 ell prilleellon obiiiiell me 10 III. Ihlt I or enUrely pre"ented. : .~ ~ '~' '''"._ ' :':. " ._' pNYeoU". aocJ C\lre for ~pnlic\tr It a parreG' benefilltion ti.,d a l'rioell Ceute per Pape1', or a Plpenllr IL prep.. alloo which lvet the aeCfllRllr, l'llD'AmID :n' whlletl..I ' to Ibe ,1&111, lid 'Ie"..' 1\, cqol A... FOUTZ .& BRO•• .nd lmoOtla.. ' .AT '1'IlmJl nOLI.ULB DRI10 ""0 1I1D1an DIPOI. III.. ' .'1 Ib Ihe. 110. U8 ~ ...~ Baltimore, J[4. For ~ I _.8~ IMrtaJl!olLI iii. Ualt.04 I t a . . . . · '. ad fC!'llnd 'th_\ t l' In,lI9\1,





! Sh:"A""~'''' ~o"" vPfr!: •


mOII ·comple,. tbiog io .'Ogi. and


OOIl:'.DII {B1o"k) .. ?O, 80. \}. (). 81 .00.61.10. nlly '1d.I ' ~~. on r.,·'il", of t l"I"\>l . , ' 6S·3mJ ". " ,,616 Brol way, . Y . !leAl ,Ull» per \1I1U dl. ' ~ , ,. P .... ~ ••le AI1ii ......,' , • I" .- . ' I' I • 10, I ' E",Uln: 80,, 9 . el.OO ...... " f•.r lll ":"I t>(. Iitgo l)' any olher 1.._. , ",25 per pbtJ 11'011. . _ ! I hpu •• , 'lOOlv¥' c;. froln 60 I. ,10 t60 110 .I . I U"IU'ICUII YOIIlIg HY~I>II (Grellll} 311, .96 810D f'It ' I '. I'h. Ih,. ALBIJMS hoy o , I;':; r.\iQI'li~" 01 "~' ,. • .... ' '.1,) ' Ir. . , auoefiL'r ne; no'und h "0t( .""eriu,. ill du \'.b·lil)' and 10 In)' lUOr.w oM 'l...... D ... e. I t· r' . • Iolhrr. . Urn ' ~ " Mlx~d(Oree llllidBIK"k) ,70.80 , 90.belt ' C"" P ...,............ nfl~.,...I., ....... :, . . . . ."Elo ........ · 1." , 'I ,OOper 'pbufid. 1 ..............._ , ....... .,u:. .. ,., Imperil I (Grer.n). 8\.30, boel. pound. I io, ·C.laln,;ile ·. n,b .. e•• over (tUN. Bore Gracef.lll..l f &"n ,1.0<1, 'l.lo, ,ue( bl181, p"r 1\, 1?R I.:D d il1"" ,,!,11 l.hjoeJ• • im'!uding reprool,uc -4f1d tiJiIl k,nJ i(. • 'Aap6 4.Ild mann' 0Jr la k ull_po~der (Green), 81,.30, bedl ,1.60 . II""~ of "., 1I,ott Ot~u)Jr"'ft" F.lIg r.. lng., I",llt. . T ,' .' • h . r. ae IOn I pat p,pulld. '";;-0, ~ .. t" .... I.e. C.lalpguul.olIl p n r.colpl £{a,c,. liell,' thqfl .qflY ~h,J' 'If~l"f· -;-h II ~"'IICIUt~..alt '''I'''''~. , 01 el,".lp. , .. --' ! 1II11 •• rletiun. It . OO!'FEB DE~ AllTMENT. I hfl lust"' I''' .'' ~lId ?"";a o~d~"nll' g06d. C. THill n.w .nd baiuli/ I t I. orSk'i t lifo ,' re.-atiy, ~.' ! o. 0 ., •• ,11 I'I.".~ ro,,"' 2, per collll or-II. .. a... . v U• a y r . ':T W ' h . ave latel, .• d~~d Ii O'llree Dl!farli 0,",,1 w,'h 11,.11' '\I'd .r . (~~Ieple~, ~.,oh,,7.~IIl» ..)' ." .111 .w~,I1.~ ner loyenled. "'lInlt ollr elllbhshOlent, Ind allhougll iLl" T~ " priu. ""<1 qonlilr of <l ar f(~od. co n bv Ihe GIIOT A.ERICAII 1••TITIlT&FAI.. alld Jl81r,'I1I'''il: ''~'.wi~~ ":' .. nllot.~ronrie~ Ihe Cl)nalll~ler as iro~t nol (H il I.. ~~Ii.r), . , . ..; , J ~l.p: IItld In New ,y iifk. OClober; ' 1866, '-, ~. III,•. • ~e~all [10 r.~:!" (1\18 mor1!'n ". ",I l1Kl'f W . a., !IO~, ~ . A 81- V_MED~'" . lor prolll on Coffees benn~ very ~ rnllll .... , '" • J ." yeJ W, ,c ln.ull C!Jlfeea f,ul,ly pu ce nl PHOTOGRAPHIO . ARTISTS, The Blah •• , Pfenilul'l' tver IrfVeD 'rot .. .c lle.per llu'~ et.itere' ~hlrae. 'Our CoP 70!' .......... l'f. Y. . ' Roop Skirt! ' '1 . I,W U ·,: _L __ •• C 11



~ thel'\l.el~1I8 .1Ippri~.ariir.l., .h~ome ~umin41

"~IOI'~"t.E ~I\n l\~l·A'L. llR4U.DWA.~, b~." r"lIuwin~.


• ; 08

., - J • ' W-ASH BOWLS. • ~:.,::;........~"'.~"'I.""""""', T~""""O- V'E Thil II a decided impro"emlnl. and IIII-'LW_; ...t .... ~c.1. t lbli .111,,1. ~""'r' -" TTL~. for boiliog Po. ~dda ,reilly to lIie l,pearl.CI of build· 6Gb U. lpe<!llIc.





Patent Moulded


~l¥!e(. emphBtl~·IlX










. .'



com~elletllo,l lbro

CO~, Ip~ .(,D'raete. Feet, .

(Bue>;euor• .to Dr. C;, W. RobaCk.1





b1 proper shoeiitg. pro\'ided Ihe difficul4 .,~.: ~l.nN" BOL~ I'ROPRIJ11'l'OIl8. , h.. nol fe0ne too lOIlIl,-lnd reuloro ill· . ." '1foe.l!ie~.&8,80'''6.:lJ1DutThird8t. !lIt_ ped 'let 10 lheir nalurel Ihape. We il;!! mre"'bt;e llw>. ., . "ave. proof 10 of In tltis , ~ ••'.a1;l".. _.:..,~_ , ";; 1])\:".1, ••• •• .p\rllcnl,Dr. . ,' " {p' Ib~. ..~p...:n,.e~liooed c.o be boa ., E!I~RV1DOD· ~ II you have one or, d lJBe c...., "\):1 " .• , ~ . 011 "" J, Ind have lalth in nBlure. ~I. . UI • .ulil. ,I . I Tlflce Ihoelng will con,ince YOI1. ~: , • .J'. ' SH01JLD O~hTM HALE .... ND MILTON THOMPSON. . ' , . , ,'" • •1 • • WE8T'''' No. r:t!t"Mlllberry Itreef~ W.ynl"iIIe. Dec. 4.1866, W&..8DY.,.L';' . ' Llauo!'. 01,19. , \11. br.,. Jine SILVER .. •, , 'c. .ARE. aolld 11111 p lted . Spoonl Ind .... WW FIGURBt; for' CASH. . '. 1' IiQf"'. T,b', In rocket CUllery. lDalll oltl. t . . . or 'U.... aDtt 'lte 811.,1 Swi ... ,rllllllh Ind , . ' E",lIlh Wa"CI'''; 61'11 ,gold Peoa Inti Penlllll; Speotlclet. wllh IH!rOlOopiq. c:oncnel Clllhy!x ' blfdl\l . ,nd ' Loodon il ilOollt.""8I,ln U""r. pllted. 'teel . ,' Inel COI'fII\lO~ frefl'\e/. ,-ll?, .ult ~U ogu. : Lateil' anll finllt " ;l,let ' 0' Jew.lry, :, AI Ih.lton· ~lii'on ' II tar Idnneed. I'lniet RII1I I ; aheet Millie lod Mu.lell I!f,,"~k I~ ,jo,,' ; bue till"" lbll we I nalrumanlt. J"'.eell~lMo",. Icbooi Illd ' Ii'~ lot_ h.Wt~ ... c. . iibljbaht , Itt. AI""k Boo\. Df all Iti!ld,. BII"k Defld•• ,1'1", on alao't. 'l!1~a " ' iU\lr.lfllge •• \,.V .fran·,., ~"iJiCl.vlts. Repl~"" :.@ I, .. I 'f •. I '"' , I , ·,~t.llcbm.nt" &8,: ~c .. cooltMl(I, 01 ,.. ." I I. , ,I ' , . W. blY" .110 on "aad a i oocl .,,~orlt. hl"d. N"w ,.nd "nlertalnll, ' Galli... tcbool IPent 01 IlmOflI .vertljljojr in our lill~ ,.!Pl!K1!~ic .ro .• • ' C.tds, lohpOl~lllllllerl" Albuml, Mllcel. • I"U~" " l!neo'~1 Dqollil Jor p,r,"IIII. Picture .. Ind . .' rf'l.IUre Prlmea. ' ,.;. I tjiJ ~DI 't\.l' be. I •• ock ALL .-APES GRhll.I.I.. I" I.he COlilltry, . (j~,~L. .We "'r'J allo. Itr'IIte for llae lIn?n &. 'D . H'"m fn. (}r/lllni. Knalle, F, C. Lllfhle, ...uQJLEn~, . ~.Ieillfu" Bradbury. ,0,'dOlall &. Gr.y. ,. .J " rEA~KETT'LES Emerton. Goebh~lIer. &:'&bmidt Pllnol, • ' _ of';llIlIll81 . (The lallllr Ire line lOlled and cheap.)ES ~ WI! " ,III lurnl.h Iny oT theleln.trnMllit\S ' " ' ' J. • . • !~lVer Ihlln .. n,. olher houRe in lhe Weal! • ~ ••10Jfef 1(1)li 01 tlie lilo"t quahty~ \Ve ar., al,o.ll~enl. lor the Finkl" SHOVELS, 'rONG~, 'I" 5i. {;yori Sewing M,.chlD!): uile qualed IRo.~S f,A'Mlf.. Y ".c!illlll. O~II 'aDd'a" It :



~VI f,ck~Il'"

) "


I:'.~~~~r:e~:n ~~~Ii!~~~:~I: \~e w'~lch


And especially Iho.e who hftve Horae. 10 be 8hod :-The, d~y hOi arrived when horae.slloeing hns becOOl8 one 01 Ihe 0I0S1 . . . porliculer porte of ntaCk.-s a ,smilltlng. Now .D·dnye. if a buy work. I few monthl It ehoehli!. he prelendl 10 ,~lIoQW I a II ;n and when he And a grell'" many 'line rs - even oill workmen-go to pUl on 11 Iboe. Ihey be· gin (lullin, on lhe heel. Ind IIOP lilere. We def, 811y mlln to shoe a horee 10 trft. vel righl. in 1hat way of ihoeing. When • hee i~ all cut IW,.Yo' end Ihe horae I, tav~lied !lv .. r Ollr hard roads . hi ~ fee t con· Irllll. and he becomee IftOle. he I. re lurned 10 Ihe bler,k&mi'h, whodr.wa • off Ibt! ahoe. eu ts Ihe heel down luwer . "1' Ihe .I,oe pne.lhird s maller. nail. I" II, In.d dree.e. Ihe root down III Ibe 8110e. But Ihe horae i8 no ,beller yn.TIIII Is the caue. 01 10 molny horsee being lame-bnd shoeing, 1I0t fD8t driving ur ridtng. Our Ihoory ror .hoeing 18 to I,n, the '9 01 hi IIlturnl Ihop' aqd aize. We pro. to " , •

81.,. ~. ' M."r ct O~i.

lUIea, ,~.d ~x.,.r~ Perf'~~ ,ro"~'7'Ooml)l7~ Gc,i:~~j:;~I:i~~:::

per~on ~II



;, __

Ri1le Canes Revolv~

lbo'I ".a

"'iI~ ~.c

'I'~y IL~I


'&'OO~ES,' F~R k~r '~'lf' ~ t.. • .

~no" 1~lub ~o'~lbe( I


Thl' ie Irua In Dame IIlId flme. wbH' ..., It h ila "t"~ ~nltodutell. ' ..' t t r II ,.,1



'Docke+ and Belt Revolvers

lllIY~leol. lr. I 1D""


\"" ' cook-etove,



mllgni6cclI~ ~rticle8, f~ir

~. III'Oll1111~}lIeU~ or~ 1I1t~lc{1



Am~r· ~.

nnvous H!UAeHB ! lIlul\i"' t1u.po~c ~ '-


. 1 .. "



of all khull :

., ...1


~ 1Il~.s'c .,~tl\iitl ~ hoo . .", ~;~ ~ te~=kn_""lcbee I~ '~0 ~



Bhut.tle _biDe I

U,O pOpul.r 0111' t'riet! plan, "h'illlr II"er ...... .. palrClll D lllwdilOhJ ' "'Iii .... lillltl,1 •• tell! for tll" • . . , . . . . . ~. loU" p.! l' I>.Ilhu': wilhnu, ..rd 10 I It, . .,.... r - &.III 1*11, 8UJ BroIl." 1f. F. • lU11I nllt l/). he )laid tor uul_IlIA )H)tli:ctly '\ ......... -.. WIlo1Ain"'!lilt! ",U'wrll ' , ...".-.. 51 .... .,:":I"'~. 500 IIOlid.JOW . _ ••t a60 \.0 160 T. Y . KEL£E '. Imporler> 921 ... "",tAllt ., r l l l _ . 'tAHa (!olil . 10 SOU , of Telll, ill oUlln,clllo" wilh Illeir ("It' ebro WillGit. IiOO Ikdle,,' ..'atchoj8. eMm 'I'd 10010 300 whole •• le h..t I, P.'tll,ed ." I •• 111110. l'1:l (I H hrol\omot~. \\' Icbu ~50 to :100 I lntrodllCI ~~I!ir Tc.1 dir..c'!;, '0 COll i um For lh' Untied St'''1 SIIT'Yice. Aliio. Thll Jhchille Iloon. truo,.d on ellll",l, 00 llH dJl:nf[lh~h la,'Clhnl ~ to ~ ere .t illl'Clrtere' prlotl. IlIull ,,!feollng I new prlnei"I..' or nlech •• iBIIP, ~~Inl • up \11 ... ,,, c I .... 1"ln, &0 Iha con.URI.r of , I 0 to 60 p.. r '" { ". un'. ".mlllel ClAD REPEATING REVOLtERS. ,mOl' =i,OOO G lAdle' .........,. 50 10 250 for In)': k~ or qlllbUeil o11r •••• lo pick- . " d "'~ '"-. L_ r.,oOO' u '15 to 250 Itr et or 0'" pound Ind UJlW!,.... allll Wt III 20.000 0 B 5f\ to 75 will NIH! Ihem 'l .nperlor "tlcl"of Tel, . . , / SiI,lplu:Lt, aid / lli I'll'~ S "..t.ehC8 50 to 100 I~ 6 ptsr .. nl .lio,a Ihe coat of Impon.· \ RIBe ami Shot Oun Barrel., and Gun M~" ·It bli a elfll,M nHdle. parpelldlcu!ar 15.000 H ~ W lcbo8 , 26 to 50. lion. ...~ Bcme enereello lid, or olher J lerial •• old by Gun De~lefiand the Tra~e ulloa make. Ibe Lo~ o,r 8houl 10.000 As t \\l\lebe8. c.lllUllds . ]0 75 eaob n"lehborhlod elll upon \ lIe . . . IIY. . will Ileilher rip nl?' . , E"cry patroll ?btnlns R Wntc.b ~Y thl" ar, her le~ntlncu Illd .. ~., Ibelr order. . In t1le8e d.y .. • or oUI,brelkliut end '''I ke on bulh lidee: .p~rUrm. nnll~n1cnl , OO.tlllS h.ul ~Io. while It mny be for &ny, of ilia folluwlng nlined' Til08, end I R .· bller" e very nfl\ln. tore, naft" •• nd In • .00 .,,,ry d.lcrlpttoll o(m.tlfl.l. worth 57;;0. No ~rUl\hty . 1'0"' " , when I club o'f lell twenl)' . or 1II0re i. Office. ehollhl have one or . Lellher In . lhe 6n8l1 nlook Mu.lin Me"8I's . •1.PI) • • New York & 00.'8it)', Grent . d ,Ielld 1011880. ' d weI ' 11 IBnu., t.he ., , ' ' " •• rom' leun W ,.lch "lall to 1m. b lalue w)rh CllhJii\J, lI"ell..1 or II III. ·th rMu of Lhc "boVI) I .., III up ru lIepau.e I. h,' . . the cOlflleel to Ih. IIDeal nom1ier, ' , ' wrk . ' crlifiel1\(\S lIamin. Ol'9 llhe nlme or ' each !,eraon m rkp.d on It. Parl,es desiring to avail lh t! mlelvel of IlIYI!'!1 nllil helrClm lIor elll and place.lIn elLiot!. ~1I1'eloIJ6 .•, Bre enti _Ii .nclosed in one bOI. A., . furlher. ill' lhe lal. improvemenls 111 PiSlOls, .nd 8U· Ihe lilBS~ .po~.ible '!Ic~ion, it ruill', .. tied 10 ,he' uwcl 8 nllmo 011 ' l!ortift duatnmt to Ille pereoll up het : perior wurlu.nlhip anel CClrlll, will find.1l Imoodl' B'I (;IaII" . and II • cM 'f ' DoUllra, ,,,brlher ' Chtb. we wiil .end In exira cOnll'limenla·,t cOIll\'ioed ill llie I NOISIlL'" 'l'tf" . .,H IN£. " be of.any " Watnb, wortlt *., 50 or Ientltlcs ~M: 1 bo Packaie Ait Qrde(!I 01 130 'Ild up.' • Oper"llog • ofou. ccrllficRIO. ),011 roto-[ ry ward . . h I.on verh ll,p8 not well uuderatood, , Nne Rf,Nllltr'. It req"i_6f1y' per· cenl I... pow.r 10 AI 'he y d", b~ . IUu. ""'If the artl,cle Ulcre(lU , "POll we C811 '1'eu 10 'Very low ' but Circ ular. Cllnlllllltnil CUll and delcrlp· elr,i ve l\ Ihl" III) othor mathi.lle' In.. dla or 0 .peclAl olIIaill !'O, ,til" of ItII worlh , IIud ..6 nO ILrl,ICl!" 1'1.1. when it , Is liken 1010 c"ntlderllioll' 'hat l li on ot oor arm. wilt be lurlliehed up.on & 1\1 y,QUI otue .ale, e"" mtloou. momll""". or the bo"el., ur,llella tl",n $10 )" nllllled on !lily Cllrllticllte. b . .. U Hrnli()1l Wllrk il IInd,ly. wl~hoUI fit a or injury tll.reb, .nmomll lbe ~.... 'A •• • hlUI it will III once be ~ CIl tllill this uo IOll4ty. Ibe olllr .coel t)t Imporl.llon, pp N·O ON &. SONS 'll' NY to health . ' lJu~ 1\ BI'.'gl.t.fur w l\rd, Ic\:itit!'ILI' IrllJlsl\oti uu. I,ll ker, Sre~ul ~Ior.' 'Ji)bbt>r. WI,ole. 'I E, RE~II _ T _ ___ . ' lon, . . I" ~jron"lh and 'wondorful 8impllhlt''' I I I Ii d 01 Ctlnllruot!on render II lI'moBllmpo~~· . wluch m lly pllrliulpntutilO cYell by Deale r a. Ud R elollp. •• have elolt 10 \ PIlOTOGKAPU.V, .. J llt QlOs t r.~lid ou.. . rpap a Drie 1" 0 I an Ih·e liIIlu\perllblc -0>d U R ... Ii silli.flo Ccrl i6cn!e BOllt by mnil, cllrlljle" cooper"fr AB , tn'Uflance@...,oroge., E. 6:; H. T. ' AKTIlONY CO.. blp 10 1/ 0\11 of orlll'r, an ia G A A,,· po. t puW. Upoll al:..) CC Il Il!, Il vn for &r. which Irall have to pftle. throll 7 h be.. ' . r • TEED by tht eompa.,y to ,Iv. entire $1.. 01 . ""'1111 fo~ 2. thlrlY tlil'ce tlnd elega nl P"U'l lut~ they .... ch the .cbr..UlI1e will gead'l ' Manufacture" q; Pliologl'ophlC Mat~ aali.faellon. UIIUUl for 5, ~ud Inure vlIit'tlbIIl IJ'{\' . '" , ' r, r 1 1. We,rully l'IIVI',e all 111-' who mi llD) lo r 10 olle hUlldrel1 unli moBt 8olXl I'b explllin thl.. VVe 10 do awftyl • . .... WlltrhJ:I'or 15. To Age llt! or 1\1060 wi . hing wj th of prufite and may do.ln· 10. eupply wi\b I 1101 N. Y. al'ld tlti. cmrl.oy menl tbia is " rill' ?PIIO.Iunlty , 11 is ll , eXpel,lsel, alld Jl now r emllp. with Ih e Icgltlllliltcly COlHllIClcd \)\' SI1IO;8. tllll )' outhor. I to II, whelhef .Ihey IIh.ll .. ve 60 T. uu,litl QII III ""T",oin ••,.O;o ( PHOTO. UNR}, t1,,'ED lehlne. . Ized by the OO I'urn lllout. [\nil Dpull to lho cellil 1081.00 ppr pound un every pound G RAI' HIG M,\TE)HAI.S . wo .r. tt ..dquu· One li ll lr hour'l III_r uction 11 .• , mo.t cnrcful surulillY. 01 Ten they purchase, or ID. (c,r Ih e vi .: to enable an, per.on \0 ." w6rk till. M.'· A,ldl'osa. J : HIOKI, JNO &. 0o,. tbeir oarninae. IO-n host of ueeleee !!I'"I'11",!"op". . . . 8, _ _ pl" VI.,....., chlnt 10 Ihelr ellll'fl1!.ti.'lcll'on. ' ' • 149 Brol"lw .. )'. go.belweene. 01' Amori " " .,,<1 1'\I.1 ....i ' II nue "lid 1.0",1Religioul Inll Charitable lottl'II' 8:1-3w. City 01 N~ ... 1 ork. P~L41\8 AIID SMALl. Ii>EALEIl. wiah.1 I ,~,p."" Urou~.. ',I1... r'y ... te: Ilonl will be IIb'~llIy dellt wjlh. '. Tel. to sell 811 can be' accommo 1!I,,,...,_coplc 'ICI.!" •• r,h" "'ur, Allenls \Vented lor lil 10WG' ., !JI the 0111 wilh 8mall o8Ck'~gf"1 to ellit Iheir Fro ll! ".;;"'lVe. ",.d. III " "·i.. ,,. ~bll\p'.iI:II Uniled Bllle8 where Agenl. ore not al ' I' b 0\ d . ",1 lortlJ ,'oillpl.le 1', oluiral>lh hlllory reody ~Bt.bli.hetl' to whom a libertll dl , no re dUCl 'on clan t! , 0 e. as hi"o,) tlr th~ ~r al en.'''. t. · . I~b I " ..... bu wliole~llle are prices., ., COlIn wa i f ven .. IlIld ... "."tid, , .. '!... . '1iI1",•.,....,•• I" Vie ..·• • • 01 ...., NoI eot i"Vllen" To All Whflm it ,!I~:J' ' COD cern I I P RIC ELI S T ! fur .iTlier Ih e l\111gic .L.... lU'"IO' Ih" ' . .:iiimlt'" fOIF.WI' NG

" ~lu."











Stoves II

TEA AND COFFEE BOILERS. GLUE '" '~o'rs. OIL CANS. &0 •• &0. I' .

~ . All the ,Cooking lo~ 1! 'I'jillr., ~ c::r Il;IIY be tlolle wilh K' o'lI~e 6i ..¢O


or Gle,. ..

I~ 1....trouble. I"d l~

!C!: I~ lel~ ~XP!lOIll' tban ~ 0. er ue. . " "

bJ ~~1' ,.J+;'r

I ...¢() Each arl' I~le m.l\lIr~etured by thi"",,olo' pany·s. iu,rlintlled plfr,rorm aU 1b'lt II. clalJJ:lBd rot II, ' , ..-Bend lor Clr~ullr.__ to the


1~.I1t ~ctllu1Ifi". !L'~ID'



re.rPl~ La.p

Trade: ~;

Htol". 00..

.~~J ,' • ~96 Pear 8t : N'ew '

_oHoII\J.,o4Ii' " nO).,o!lI, but twiAA l~~ lIotlble) F9~,.r.d th.m 'frOm down ItOO1!I••• tatr"l)' &c. l , Tb. ,Diapllx'lllllllllll/ ,ta'l :. mooded IIf i~e Hi'-ndln18l1 ..,

"~arln'j out.


Mllc~ll! ~11';





.~~~~f~~~?~~~m~~~~= i;:~;~&:; -~

wi,t~ all~"4~~;

Tllli!!~~>;t!lt'fllllhilwllri.:, a.'.Uiialltihi(.Ii;


bl~101D , ~~d Ir..bri~~ t~ i:icij'['( J'D' l·I....,..BiimiiiitniLi,'t:~:,~!::~~!II~;X~~~!j~~ tJ ·..

Email de Pari I' I" uled III a b, ••Cllie, of' Ihe Ikln for,The'lrl, . C::, H ..... T £ 1... L '.... 'II'" III 811000,or BIWRooo~. by Ihl moat.rellned 'lCl Ill. . ' and .erupolous I.dh.. ; prod"eill.I.U 'hi lII1J& It\\. lIlA b..ulily In II eB'ectl 011' rouge .Dd I ily • .,bltl Fol' Remo't',bI.C IiIitft.iolflaou BaIt wllhout 'heir ~" &lar. or IlIjllry to tbl , . ,.1 8 Id b II 6 To the lldiu .,Iptci.lly. u.ia 1_1LiI.dl' l· nl.t'H·c1~··DDrUllltllll. PerrJi' .ble depil.,ory " recommenal h ..l' I I •• .... 11Ir· r.....,.. ' be' I • d' ' , L. I .. b... u, 8ti Broadw-a,,'; Demol log an • In 011 !D ~1~eDIllb,le .•ar\19Ie to pI.ltl4Utlfuiltrh Barile. & 00 .•• nd J\ C. WeI . . . . lemR1e blllll.Y.: nil eaall,. arp\l!ld • . doe. New Yorll; Ind EQlr,ne JOUID.111 80uth ~?'t.bllra or'lolure lht Ikln. ,bat ac~. 1'.nth I,reet•• nd JIDhnlo". Heillowll .. alfe('tly OIl die roola ,. IL i. ,warranted Cowden. Pbil""lil"hli~, ARlDl•• , . to re~o,. iloperl1aoat bair (rom 16w JARED & "RENt: • . Geoe,.1 A ..ntl fore~elld'I'"Or Irom ••Yllrt 01 the 'bOd" I~d ~illpcwl'~' New' York. ;'.', ~~I'I~I. to~ny al,t , r.d,iP.~1 "elUir: ,D•. PARIC, A.tlll for patuig tbe ..q.e. I'le.'iD, ,\l!e' lli. toil. . . , '8.8m9 moolh and Dalural. ",bi. I. th. !!tly D'I:' wJi .' , a1'~icle : ll __d by lbt -Fren'eb. aad:i,- the ~ Cln:~.R . oal1 re_l ~"talll · d!l"'lato.., lri ••it'· !h\a.t ho.. tC' •• ilUN, ·.. .,. ' ptet- tope. Pt... 7~ ...." per p~"~;";:" CI." frol. nU...,- ,.,... lit 10 OIl pO ' , J ? [ ,hili ..."b\orltooai , .~ ;"1"" It til ..I~ bf . .


TDlIllHA!CI "...::;r



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. 'Qlocl~:


...a _

'._. ".....,... ~• • ~ __ . . ! .,' L .1.l.T~

p,ua. -r..ad_




or".,. -., , _ Il 'A'.,C,K:"E B '.,all 1:&' L . , ' , S1llMlS1l.L SHUTTS II 00 B",t~ of aI'RINTg, wI,nllttcl , OIl""", tH • . • 8,,_ llro, ~ '..• . Y . 11•• r. ""'1" e IIJ(IOII~. M. Of II




IV, NO: 9. WaOI.E

11 ,10


1.68 2 ,00


i :O()

8 .00 1.0,00


· ~ , OO


aopr iue1iJl COPI ••••

G ......~Q~ =!' ("~'ft!II* . ._



~. PGLAJn:) Cl'ftU.



fRO&J -.........- .. lfew-T. . . . ."iItltH, " .,...... fte_y~ USllUlH,

Jt,Qlllld' -roTe, m , BVlll'y.,~ere, All ' he aley I .gl'6l1d :wIth clouda, And atlnflirt th e ennlng lUI', ~hho. a~..Ub..)iome lAero 8~ Sba!t& of 811l1J!11in from Ure "081. ]'ninl rl10 d\l ky ....lodoW'll red; Dll,ker ~baau....8: dcollCr r Oi!t, UnderneAth ru.d overh ad.

Deeper. dorkro', ud more wAn~

.A. 11. ., T • 0 ~ E E HI

, J,OHN L. ~TitDRN:E,



-• ••


AI>VI~ .fO


"GaBaN,1 SK •

~all8"-.I11. 0W tbat abci IkhtJDg maniA ba.

, with yiolente, . ~ uebRnge oecaaic)D ·10' prill' I~e ColloWiog

1lll'1.\ii r.~(l'U1;J", 4ii'llrlLi01IiI for Ill!ginne l'~:


try IQ . k" ta in ' tw.o dlrao.l once. Tbi, (~ !I\ lIa. ofton b1)illi ","",""", .. bI be gi~n.r.., but . Iue' N(j v ~ r



~\ alwaYIi

, ~."~~Cl\.

o".r; eo •• iel,

o enjo1

No., 81.



A tocIitig of c '\lltation, In the lrl ,. 111))1)11 nn'r olJ>'t:'l'l s, or in thC' dis· =~~~~=~======!!!!!!!:" r omlHure I 8U t' Demy. i not thRt ...... R. JIIIonau. aile ynra ago a oltuilion of minl\ whicll i>l w rLl\y Freachm .n wh o W " o rlin" bl Ih~ ' til" pf hnllllltl!flS. Deli Jt of is lhe in telllK,p to Of>ru~~ nte 1>"' hi"1 Surral l early 10 Much. Hi, .t y ·or moMh in a mill in, lhe 10."0 of I II t hnppi nc, )) 'Ii Yht i lin c· .cOIUlCi\ are flO lively 'Hli,,~ed in prep.,Fraid .. do el\"" JlliDoi • (till heir ttl which r.nny 1.' .sult rrolll Lll SR· ing bi d · ttll.e. 'lbe, I br~e pflnctipllf ~U ' ~HO.uoo.:~,... lla. dea lb o( a ' n l.· Ulttlng Of th \)11 t' t 11QSsiou or 00: ~ilneaa~. fOr Lhe Goytrn men l, Sl Ma rie, l1atll~8, liS well tIS from t;he tull c..,.. "hI) dilct/vend Urrll l' in Romtl d r e ill 'r.~, oe. M!lOe wbiob li me be r Weich.mall, "h~ leati611d bet re ... en living ern lbe inlereet. of hi' m ODey . l~au iOUcor tile noblest fnculUo!J .. ml'1'Il'f Y 'omIlIlIlJOD, an.d t be We belie .. e a mill refe rrod to" i, no. tbe sOlll. n ,llt hnppill6s . • is reciend Ibe flrt\llrms rrom oWlled by )Ir. 4. 1:1 : LeI? On Ille plc,," lit ,whicb, like tho unfolding l\i the lavern in Msryl~od. /lro (l'r JuL ,. l86S, Lhere ",a. lohl to 'a of hJo yogetJl.ble king('}0!ll ~c1or the . The. priloner i't1on6ooo d uring : ~h~ ' Dlliaed " 1I1i1i' WaDgtli n ,· who' "" 11180 I . I " Il of sunshine nnll Dlghl 11\ . ne :of Ihe thT tI O'ell. ,Op\)DlI~r ' . ., . ' l('ilHlI J 111 UI)Jl . 00 A e<)rridor, about 25 fl!el long, In 1Iorlllog 00 • m lJl ln Pnirte d~, min , makes tho earth the embodIment which. e"riDg R good portilln of 1I~1l o"oed or conducted by A . H. 1,(>8, a, bcalltJr. pe8ce ,lI.nd ~lory. Self· day. htl paollll b"ok nnd 'forlh . 1I1I QlI.'OtlOJ) 16 lcket io Murl.X.. EJJ, & CQ," dO[lial, 01' denyIng scln s ilne Sf i ft emee 10 be in e:teel1enL he" lth . . I~~*-rje., wbjob,. lor th o n id J u liul hnnpil1os. The ingl'ntiinoo pr tncli. "ell Rnd 81111 '.Iellrltly, 'fJIlRk~ but 000.,,'. 1£ or til, grllod capiuI\ prile .·.t 1 _ • b t't con IIlld then· only III reg~rtl lo li l~ perpouI.1





, A R· G 'A: I N


.p ~ I ._ T'S

\ lull a S mn)

I\UIiO liS p lllD, 11 I




11he cluor lit eReh ~nd' 01 {lie




DR~"GOO~ Shawl~, .

GIII'ri-dM il'l>l"nk ed up, con~uquulllly he canuoL Me or h~v e nny ibt~ rootl r .e wi Lh





~30 . 7~."' , , 00 J:louarl 21.1 1167, Ihe not make tl unijappy; fOl',ifwe b:w {lohll n d ill Orolby Opera.. HoOule lo~· b ne(nctol's of oursd\"e;!. we lerl , which dre" I~e O pera HOUle iL••If. wulouod lo belolli to Ibe Mr. A. H. and th t\ugrnwfl\~ w~ct l~ who Iln:& lIil meMioued above and .no·is lbf,! 'h c'r()tl>r,,,n... 'n""" I.d....... • . ' r <• ' • ep. >U It . ~ .b l'fllpn etor or .ald mlll.- St . D em· meall enough totreot eoritcmptuoll I.Y



III U~. ~'rldor there II .. bio'to 1'1)11 priso m!l' denre. moel e mpbaUc· IIBy lhot lie i, SUI'1'I\U, Bnd it ia .now

at tb , .I!J


A Nros LITTt.S ·EsiATS.-Tbe comJla DJ" ~( Unitea 1ti~18I ai d.elll wlio. bate ,IlP,cba.ecl Lo.we'. O!lli(orDia of J IIlt81 •.ara about ~e take PO!9UasiOD oC· 11'l!ir . 1ittle "lr,'C~ or"la" a," ""tlicb



118 ~

.' oKIy' ~bol\i ' rQr~1·li ~ ,lIoll.~aQd



lIul\,4red ". qu are

Plilel. Among Ollileol "ho Ii"", I~rgel, " tt~iI'led ,lhi. muimntb enterprise 'are p,llu ,AUgual BelrnQQ~. ¢al .b·Cu )Ii'og, ". '~~!1:1 ~~" " deptge, Wilkea, Leo".rd J etbme' and Roberl J. 'Walker. The ' ar, ..Ci( ~~8ir .parob •• jU I~ J 8b'out '81 , 18M' .. ·tli. State of ~" 'Y'o'fk,: tnru .. ~ ' llIe td "it~ty~ ii 'to be u:c~dillgb: Ii i~b in J'0l~ p~ Iilfel" .millel. ~

, WI


al ~



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D£!§'J' INJ:.


· ib ,





lite i relll


0$- ~;'~li. h lttltroliillidl . ~1 .. irvu)'Qllt 8ml


Psy . hom" I~ i oi. n;, ,J hn ·Il' h ~ tl) " 18" ~d 1110 s cie ntific classes ' ~f hill Qlb ' .Wor ld: /I~. !low locall"I' iJler.e lt r 81 HuJ!lJon. N. y,


) i··.~~ ~

'Pit., bad a

.-~NOW. ~\IlY

'I L!iA'~.~.E. -F~ .~ •.



. "..~ ,

':'w,l • 'u

M3dnme 'f.ho rnton po••eMW IUO" :wontl. erful pO\VllrS or eecond alth'l,


, In U,'



.!-,ll · vil 'lUi

, ." g il


t I

iii• to

!<'j -



:,~: « ~~qrge W. amalley. th. di~tiD ' gulebe4 ,cqrre.pond~nt wbo ,,~ote the btillilDl aceoant' or Ihe Balllhr An ' t.Da~th. be~i'b'alt\e pleoe ~( Ibe. "-.r·tor. IIJIIN. Y. TritiuDe~ tbe preleDt "mR~Dilog edilor" or paper.Joho·R. YOUDg, wboDl1 be temporarily IUOC' e4." and ,fho il fSa\lrk/lbl, (0 r " , ~"'ing filled at, tbe age Q{ 26. one tbe mOi l reaponeible .diLo~hd pOi in lbll oountry. il 110'" iD Florida ,- iDg to . restore iii. bealth. ,'.' ; ~.n .lerioul1y, Impaired. , I. orad tli.~ he hu, de'fiDUelJ' , j: .



»O'.. r·uho......· .


- A Ul)rllll 6 lpp.1 Oh oi)ulur; g;"io:; " "Mm ' "IUm of,tho gre1iteu' ilJl llOrtll.lco ; l:\l1.b ,~ ' young bo lh 80](08. It te(Whl!8 how ' tbc .. omdy UlUy b come bG~uutul . I,h e de5pl~cd rC8,pectcLl. ~ul.l \.be fo rankeD lovett. Nu young 11~ll y (/to gOI1· tl en! u sljQul (l,f"i l Ul sClld thdii :A.ill,·o ~. nud receI ve 1Io copy pUM · paILl, by re~"111 LOl\i !. . Add,'csa P. O. Dl'il\, 2.,· "' ...~y, N. Y. :'"'

.- '-- - -

h D cerloin cure l llr di6case'll Blad." !titllleg.,; G1'ovel. Wr.;Vme", Ftma~ Complaill,.,,,




· ~~


,Helmbold's Fluid E:x:tract BUCHU



'I n , ~







' G~neral

',l'l 011

1\, .1

we •

I .cl~

.. in


'\li bE an


'" .j



-OF :rH&.:,>

a,pM1 00 lb. RUG .A. Ul~rieDo.d CHEMICALS, com.. I~., L.BAD, , , 01£., VARNISnES , ,!n~ 01 .~0Ib '

'. J8 AU " re dODI ud Dotb· d.a1 g( ~:,1:::~~, 1.05 ••• , crowdA1. packet1. Iip(ld :md IJtllfl'ed. jng of ao Dplea.. nl eharaet.e"OII!oDrred b.ela or."JOCMt ~lwUua ACCOID., e,n p.. rile IaGJpe (coaloU) ·.bone o'er to.anbe"apP1 , ..... of &lie a . old.ob"'1f~ .. OF HAI\YF6"1\ O, Pltt.buf{)!xPNle,. . . ,06 ,: .: ,ftalr women Ilnd bra e men,' Li9nl1 alln "Iu.s"r),. tb. di,iq. alB QAr•••"!'''AU 11,011.», ph$l1t r'II4ed tile boup, We bop. ~enoeforth s~ob Q9cuioill &laa, 'alke of ,l~ , M II.Dd A 16 ktth. . f~I1 ' t. . 00 Ibe Sial ot December, 1866, Dnde to Ille AadilOr of Ohio, PIl\'t1ll.II\ to the I CCOID,. • Ii £. If. e rl e 0 ~ e eur In tncat1dl· iU r rr~u'Dt .. amonl- u.-el· , • I.f y,~ mee~ a t; L IUle of thai Slale. , ~~I'!:,~PE~~;e.,. '7,38..l.)II, en :f..f!e ~tQlI~~, ~ s~tc .. h4a the cClPlell\plllted ~t.ll a. a f<IDIlI~ ~D~ Lbe ot'- 11\ 1.1, an\I ,The'l Dry and Mixed Cillelfln. ' E.~re... ~:!~ ~: by ml\8ie, ,..~,hicl1 waif f. lIo '00 nn ODC! alta. aiD' I- '!J" 10 . ~aal. 'It~,e -V'-I All'.r• I.,a 'lor at' Corwin, ""d"~ ' db..... 8, OI! tbe IClOW "JIb .... llIp allll 'quir" .IN1' VAw,'rn..: .," . ~ , C nb " ,,, ... "tie I'1\.iSre y ...:1'. u. " . !~.l,;)n " 1. A'!itrAL: , W ' -Z-· \"ol...wOODW4~n. Pre.idtDf, " Tile IJPti I r Cgl\ll by 'f'l Ihl'!twoDlan lookls ' ttaia,h\ ah811d 0'1 I"alll I.. timollnl of .ill Oapi~1 all ' iJ liP in C b~ 4' ••A,, ',D.r CA~w~n).'Il: ,fovpn;, S,,-o·,. au a:.\oIttonHa ·'1\' 's'10'" , . ",0 r I • I • .,I '" CI sel ' m ~ l)" lEI 1E . ~. \ Agent. 1'1' - ... .W lU .. n ' 0 C'Il·. VUldIJlrLLJ:,O: FlID,2S 186'7. II 1U 0 toller ",a"I ID y utllla" • , ,\ 11. A ETB. O£DIIr.ALt.4DU &'Alu.r.,. ~J;fH";' AqeUf. &.ion, I\etcr r in g 1.0 tho. c,l~n t,(lr 'f w e ' T' , . d~ \ u a9 .. tlItIlI apd wIfe .of IOIDe ql an' 11 o'f Ihe Company on h,,'od ,' aod in the 'b ode of Aaellt.r U; $CILIIO., li,IercbltlU' Ulllo~ Ex. 'A,'t. tbe illustrious Fathe~ of hl's C untr lIit~;: melar:::&":~l~I~O '~&J':~/ lDeI~- tllog. • rr l,rq 'I 0lldth1ul h!a~. 118 bell i ....I;. ," " -u' ~ IIl1d 6the{ per 001, '101,7151 28 !!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!~'~~!!!!!!!=~~ , . ' r..' " 'h aD, I,nllr \!OlD!! pre II e ... Cluno It,. on 'hll S A B H .A 11 D P U·Try The B 1I1I aow - tooh owrled by 11, ' Camp.qt, 68$,eQ5 75 . • ' 1.0 B, vert, Il.ll,.r C.l~ .. () 1,InllJln r, Prc&ideol Furuas i tbe chair, Tbs rob whil6 ~be borse 8 ille gell'in!!, I D bl chill th e Cbmptlllr. , ,It'curcd by lDor'il"l;u. 2G , O~ Oll . ~'felhng with p!\triotlO Ji ~v.or upon Ql~ ~L tI,e ~teVi!)us ~eeli"t: were' _long l~rL wholly to hia di8C~lioo, 14iSl TRUSSE • J)cbts olherwI~e ti~c\IfEa-Lo~us on Jl r& 11,,1 etourity, 08 ,3.15 00 , ~ tho traits of cbal/actor "'hi It d d d ' inllioatos Ihe 1i ..,L sYIDpt om8 of n .. or, SUPPORTERS All. other prop r Ly, • 10,000 eo ~ f.' ..... m .... G.a_el George" VlI.sWn' tOn so COllS icuo rea ~ n IIpp~ove. • . ,eoing or' lhe' heart. a~d gen eral" 0 , , \ taU g f P Mt. A. DWIDell lhen read 1\ very In-' thl! brain! When YOD meel!\ clashing SHOULD E TolD) Anel. of Ih o C~DlPftIlY. '798', 437 Q~ ' : 0 Iny , per.oD who... ,will. ':Ild or ~ell'esen ~~ 0 . tl'1l0 manhood t8reating alii! lns\;1'ucliVl! eau1 00 ilie 'p'oir, wiLh II leRm ,t hal h on Ibe ALL Tfl2 POPULAR 111. tlABlLITlES, ,bfl.n, u. Two now lubscriber8'lo Ihe fOl nll time. Ih ,late WIU', Dn<.l,its subjeclof Geogrnphy, "hioh wa. die , d/l~h. :'ihbons l~vlli~ d "II I r(lund II~e Loue. ",djulted /lod noll due. '~4,QOO 00 lIi~lIIj G~zclte, .ccomplIJlied b '400 ' de el0pments occupied c-uthed by easra , JncDbs IIIlI1 HoP) , ~rlve, II arm, ~r:iJ a IUtgh1.y I\>n~ whip ll. Lo SCI u,oodJ·usted. • , JO.600 00 , y . , much of tile spcak'r's time thro' nil 10 tb4t look(lt, tl el' m.y be .~t down as 10;500 llll • 4f.h, ,e ,,1IJ presl!nt 1\ copy. of of which the Dud ienco. be ~WQ(l tilc pUre]I, Mr," Ol>"ecli nod ~h., Cu~,?y , a",m ' bod, olss·. bkillg 11\0 air illg \ti1l11WTIi.t 1Q.I .\~~~:~l: ~~i~~":()gZu~~I~l~" r~o ~~~~~~, proor, r2,100 00 " '1'• • aNL... (In._IJIIIIII'' m t fI tt .[ '" " d ' The 8U.bJ~01, of. ~ompo.ll1on Wrlllog Wllh 80mebody . 1'18 a UU \.IAtld. When It't!.UUIl ' 11' , •, I{, ,. ' , • os a (II no e\, once of .... 88 lhen IRken J p alld dilOll86~ d at you lee B bloolili' ~'Q~I\t widow . . all f:lqul8Ite 'Iteel Inll kogruiog W'e have Mr, lome lenglh by Messi'• • ·.Merrl~t, Ki . 8n~ ...tnjr ,up to a b,e ,'Orer~Qa1- IlIre 11;: ~ ~'O,lli\ L\ablilliee, N. ' 'MIS ELLANEO\J~" 'be." o.16b'iated· piolure ' by R~ael, spel\K \1 \10119 . twice, bey 'Rad DwiDell,. !lis"e BUD"\ing ' !lnd ... Ie ~!llelJ ,t~ Il ho~ .'Ick, 1111' me~. , . l'be' grtllltes, .mount' d in one rie", 110',000 00 .. ~.' I'. v d ,I", . ypt on both occasions we ' becn C d 11 C'J 'a' ," ~edcilllg-:-Ir tbf wldo-' f ao bAre Iier " . H A I R -0 I L S, 'Frlt! rtDlOultt or il~ c8pila l or earniolTs depo!ited in .ny olber , , £)tI I ".1 onlll, IIno)', u ... re, -r." eell • A~ nd ,'" " . J . .. , I\'a" lIbou' It " n/,.r. " ... " , , #,\' Icd to,tbink that he co,mbiu\ls) in n O ' , It I ' . d ~, " "\'1' .." 11' 1l! . SLale; 8'11 ~€c nri'y rot loues Lh,ereio. 57,000 00 ; )'if!t~~ ' 'p,are 9Ppo,\~niti· .I)Ie pic" mean degl'ce ma.ny. of th~: eleulIlDts ' ~ mOl: ?:, Il 9 08tllute 8dJolH'De , . '. . , ' • 01 11::)\, Dep05i teqllir d, In Obio, mad .. 1I00llAII1' J lure illelf re~11iI8 for Tw DoHan lod , ' S' . r IIn l~ 1 t f ol,o,ok P. 11(, : \\,0 call apoolnl!llt lIU\"l1l to the cp.n , • . \ '\ ~, , "I '''i~ , ' ' . q, " an o~~" • m~?, op ,pp~m llnltJ ' tlie I U tl 'uCe 'met purs'u ant to tid· dltilm or ·tl! 'f'rdT lers'};nsllrl~lI,cQ OOIllp!Uly . , , . , tSTA'I' 111 ,0 90~tlJ9 lil,!!, , . '" • " , tho.. 1!~.0 .'U"9I\1be will IiJ.u I 'g.L , G Idieu UfJon t9, lI\ourll .tbflt 10SIIu ;OQII;Ot, In an,, ~nooo .euioD. \ ' 'or, ~' ttrord~ TI\I~ ,d~I1"l)' iii t c l~ltouq.f A wIlII·lcloc d ' ••ortment of (he D'Est ' uN~r ,PI' l,~' ,I\Tl'o"D! S;:t , ." , nDNlr taL let, than llie ' IUDal rite. 8f. lIonOE W, GoODE, who 'WD8 a bom 'rl,!" t " ' I ' I 'I l l. III 8, CIlI\l Iil r n,Il,)' ~ ~Q" Iflnll'3 frien.! : . a. G, Baller on., preSident, aOd Rodney Denhl ',' Se ctr~l., ft of &hli T,.-'elerA' T ,U r r. .' , ' , , , "" SQ lJne 0 gOrp0TeR PUIlIS Imeo ! ,! : II ' \ ' ) ~ per IDDum SuIJ.crWl1 . I" omt/)r ' w(l d,onot fecollect 'of' Iitml'in"' · ,...., d 'U , ~, 'l)l";j' I 'Id ~~ c p,11I .,a nUjp Il, .\1,.11 nt'~'l.m\l\1 , .l1 .l ~\ \ " , !n ~r"npo . Corr..p ~i' being .nerallY .worn; dopo.e anil._y ,' tbatl tbe"fdiegoio!l .' ,',' .. 'f>: , ,,' LI. t e~iQ~I~"~(ioJ .or, )1Q'~jve talent WIU:: "11 uPJ aD ~~lJr!,t e'HY " IsolI:::e th~i,' II\'I"illg. Hb\)1f t11~~ , lb Y IJJI\ IIl\.l-o , ( '.!.i a' fllll . tf\leat\d(lorreot.'at.ment~' lbo' n!fait80f Ihedid IDII~tap'oe 0018 : • 'I.' •• • ' I ~' I "j ' 1 ' ,. l.Jy e6ln . 800 bI. IU, IIlDeS, .....,.\1- UIl19Tt,.~ J UST) ,i f , 'I tuil to g ~I'h: \i 00 - ~"O S' pauy, Ind. IbB~ Lb\l.)' .... ·tbe' ab vJI d:.e~oribel\ O~c'era'lll:Itlte"f. • " , I SPRING l~ ' COVf:o,--:-Oub ~y tbis 80 h ~r y. 8pPJ'ou?~,ed <?ui,ldcu~ it Morrill, :Mis8 1iilnltDjf Ilud MI'e, , .For n (uw dollar",.O\Il bOil II B 'O ft 9pp"r, ' . ft ! . • • , 1. <1 B A.l"l'ERSON 'pre'i~ent, .w~", .,.e 1IP0vecl tbe cor4- bilsk pl'Q Wh~'tl~ P'llbl,o I 6pcal~el; ~ SIl6.'~la l,lo Colfe; n. ,," '" ~hlLity to ~eou!'c\ !,hbsoH n oi we . t?J", unis 1U cGUl~fY'$ & \VlLSON'S f.i; . 1" . ,0)- , . , ~QD,N.E'.(. 'DEN:N , ' ~oj.eiarfl tection tl'o't\l, .a Oowcl'·tie(l itt oo\' gar, as we find 111 At).> CnrtWlJlg bt, Yet N ' J C "Rd '" d " d Ihutl1t>Prcs8 l'fIr,. titR~ ,!j!y \\11 rc8~u rru~ ~ Sub8ot'ihM a'ntl8worD beCore 'e~ tb:a 22~ dily 01 Jllouftry ,,1867•. de au ' Als;: , . rI o.s bri l1t a !,tbe 'ex eHance t)f' IIlHf lntt r docs not /lxt, , , < I. ge rlVl ,A v~ry goo IIr l ,cuL uft· tiy ~co1i1 /it,ll tl III or' til nbi lit,r: .' &9., l\O, • • &0. [ IlAL .] , CHAS. E.' Wlt$/}.$. q, • ':r ~'fP, ~~'f', g I II 'b ' : . ,~ " , : ' e."ay oll. lho 8ubJ ~C't or Elor-uUOIl , nrtet IY hUc .l1· I' oll,tto y do 1111 \ f'''l l lloo ne ,:} • .JJJt~ p. T,lUI' ,j . ¥'o/ar!l P1161ic, ;bunoo-of ~rllU~'~ S lUI lye ever 4n.w! ,. e ~'" Jn~ ,h n'f~ at ita' sn: ,,~r=-wl \lch which'be ,Itiflotl'" \l1~'8 fo ,,-..6'0" tillie, oc it )- of .ao~\i'Y. I\)ut,lI'huu au InJtli~' lil' or ' • ':' ; O Jrl'108 01' Tile AUDITOR 01' STATS. Col>U~IDUS, 0., -JAn: SO, 1867, balmy 'J fling . . Th~y b~~ bcen ,IS ~ometlmcs uot ~~It o~ the ol:dlll~ry 'f-be. h,1Iowing . a l -Iliell re8~ 8S the tilke. t1ICll'l ,' THnJ\,II .toc II T ~~~ bllt what ru ' Pbys{~ia.ns' 1l, j ht1l'c by· oerliQed, !Jln.l lb foregoing i. a 00"801 oopy of Ih •• \IIlem.nt of ~lOQD).illg." Uu.qCI· ~~e &UOW, Ibom to'I-:'f\8. ~ h, says ,I. r~ere 1"8 wtth progra mme for Ih9 ):Wlt mtn;lill~ : ' gl'Ct not b~ihg ,II u~d: '., '. ' ' . \ J. , ;. Ooudi lioo of In. 'EtllVtl r. fDluranee Oompany cl HllrLror~, ·Oooil.; made 10 , , blush . un c ,'.. and . but for ' our hun a certam natul'al ease IUfclaelfA M S' f' S hIP II' J : W: Kt!)' I ,,;;,1 '-+ fOt t.' Is r1?CC, ul!..' · and Promntly 'fill ,dc, /Iud[filed ill thie Ollloe. ror tllo }'lI~r 1867 ' • '" ' . • £191011 ,- . C 00 enll Ie., II' t ' " t A Il l', · ,I IJ ~, I: ] W d I III II , C1ltIUlC~ tl'Oi:t.· 11$ or' t~e dry h\1sl<s pos~ession wbep. stonding ..4efore bis Storms _ F. Mullen. S. Metrical WI n tCDu u npp, ~U8 WI I pro mptltcsa : '. 0 1 d '. &1, itne" Illy bllutl "0 'UII oia 1· , ,~lob'hii.d in 'v~~leJl" oliween ~h emalldleu~ ...-ithoutwhichfcwcnnJUrl .l~ p.· .. g~Staf.e. . . I:lY;4s~~VJ~miS.ChiefC) •.• GQ.D1U;N A~dilor or fos·-ring them etfe.cti\lQ. '· Add td this an car est, P M " p 'l' . -ta ' Q:7SRl\da. Wrlg~1 & Co:. Auolio", \VR,J'netville, OJalo. •'.nd wlnter'8 'blil>!b'" ..... "" • • Il.8Sl01l,- .. , a I~OOe--IUI" I '. ~ , into advanc~ · Jtmtion ' _ wcluHl "have persuasive, nl\d Dot unmu$i~ \voicc, S r " ' Tti b'" U " h d f'l' -h- 1\18 tbe pllloerlO whJoh all Ooc~ w tQ rl~· dE n,T I FlO ATE 0 F j A U'I' 11 0 R 1 T y ' , . I " ur /)91',,, e "eo .... e 0 0 l1ae· ',L. ' • .. "wasted ~beir ' sweetness" without ~D~'e i~ np O/lBtllolc to).I~ ri sing, J 'C K' 6' "" bargl\lo.. No olle Iholl~d ()rget ,"';I , I (To ""I,i~~ UII lb. \I~'I 'd~)' DfJ~ nuar1' J 8\I~ ) '/',' " . 109 '" U'eograp ,"IY ·- , , annoy., .. ' ~ . ' 0. .' \ ~ ~ c.b eeriug" &Dy.h~dY by '~heraidiulZ' to. gt'catel' emtnen. c.e, if he cu,'t1tes 1:>' t 'n O " - , lh A d them. but .eep Ii good , 100 ' ollL every . \lI'IOg o:r TUg i UD ITOR ,Ol',,,,UTlii. I".ul\.UlOII Dap£a'JIJUINi, '"f h I 'tn .lWce~ ",Isoovene • . II. e rls lin W d d d S· Q~ ,. COLUMBU'" ODlO, JRO. 'SO, 1867, If • rlng'~ IIPprone lng footsteps, " tB 1:6 ~nts by USJIlS- tlIe e,~uB8f de- Sclenoes-P. Sellerll, 1, Drill in EI. e, ~~! a! Jln JlII~~ , ~., ' • Wll~tlll.e, . '.the Travoleralosun\))co COlll'P!lIlY, 160Jlied lhrltord'. in 'he III the" ~astel:n pine woods the' veloPltpcht, .a t )l!II,cqmm~tolld· I.A lit, OOlltion-A. HODlphtefi; , •...L -k --;.- ' ~C ~ ,," . , 1191101 uf . Co.llll~o \iclI , bJl~ 6Iet/)'~ Ihia 0llic8 Ii s.oro etalement or Ii. 'colldition first hlubillgerof spring in tile Trllil, tic C OBer coll1inement tho" text, On mOtrOD. Ibe In~lilule adjourriec\ n~pluD' .~ . ri);pin Illite fIJI:. \ ~ II. r~qllire tl by tho Bot '1'11 Rr~ lr ljlltl ID9l1rADCe Compnllin not Inoorpora\;d by in~.. Arb!lf l.19t ' n tiny~' aeli,c~te piok lOllS ol.,'tmvn~abce of expression, nnd me";,LiD Springborollgb on the 41h' bC \Je" 1~~lIIgl Ill .. week, ~o E1ncl8ee the s tRllj r,>f Ohio.' pASsod A.p r•t ~, 1856 , Rnd !lmended rl!b,u~ry 9, 1·864, ali:! .b.lo.a~bu~diflJJ',.o.ut fl'om i'ieU ,Dreen . P, ,r ha.plI.1 in ~omo instances IJ. ' • In Match. ' . Ihem , fo," we can' t! rem6tr1(,er ",list di ll ~Ill' "fo 1k".ulate Furo;ig ll rll~url\ll~e QO 'Dlp"!IiulI{, pllued AI! it '5, 1866 ; ., ~ .-. '" I tl fI I" tl ' III)d, Whereas, Ihill CODlPII~~ hr" rurnished t.bll uodoroig!led ¥li.r~OIO'I eft· , "'inea, aU bidden ben6uth thc teaves, (1!!lIrllDlna nguseo angllogo.wou u .S. lI. TILTON, Sed, ley are . ~ra, ,~ nomeroue: donc IhM il illlloe.eui ed of lin lIul.urtl Oap I~I Qr at ' lllisL QlI& U~DUD AND ' 'lUld ~P~~ '~~oeeu~ uttle start·y ~~esadd ~ tho en:~ctiv~ne~s of futu!'e cf· , 'i~" >-" . ..t~'TV irl\OQ,UND '),OLLA!R~! jo~eal as leq,~i,ed !by laid aoli; .~, WherellW( ,glollm.J oul.y ,'pan tbose 'wbo Ill'e pa,. forts,., ' -I.,EBA.NON ,I:ORBB8PO~EN(!E. gllid €ompnny bn' filod In llll ~ Om~8 a "rlll'lJ. In.uumeDI under Ita eorporale .ttil!nt enough to .oek tbelll ' under The Stump Sp~ecb, by}Ir, Joseph ' . , 'igD811, by llio Pr,.id.nt.llnd ' Seore'Rrr theroof, aplborlaloJ ~by sjtent or _ Itbetr V.en,'1 , W, e hIJ.,"e, .",,,th"r,e4 ,.~,I'em, Chandler,. thou,,,.ll old to some, _ Wn.8 ' • L~D"NON, FaD, 25, 1tt&1. \ of uido CIIDiJ1Any In ' liti. slllll! to ' ao no"ledge tetYi~eL of'"rooe .. , for , ....., !II' P ~ DEAR OhmB :-At I le8' we hit e io bt\hllif ur laId Oom)1l1.\ I\ccordin~ to btie lorms of "Iel !lot or Ap":il 8, and inhaled ~heil' do.lightj'ul fr!lgr~nce rendered \U C81)I~nl style. nnd bro\lg~t W8YDea,illi, cor elJfondenl (01" ClDe of I B5G, ". , ." . , '~'" all the Dt0re eut~il(tias~iclI.lly beee.~8e d.qwil. tbe~h~use· fl\clott~l.r'\. , ' III',. !PiP'@' \l\l~.l~ I',I~. '~f<ti "Y t'1I8I1id; . ~~I ,ins.h,OoinuH. 'b..ey wer~ n()t t'h'~ll~d other ,mdre, ,,,1ho ))r.e$.$,~et'or.m .Co~~e~~Olll\VaS ~u ..-of u.!f r h~ 11 lerottil · oiIruf,1lh~' ItI, , T;ncler.. Ilma... nce ....Mft bio ~' . U!l' ~ .' e ijl..... 4 J;Ol!.e,t!tion . frb. ! ~.olle'loll th, . ~,,~T~r Cornp &nr. dt Hllnforcl. Covncctlcut, ;",\I;;Ibofl. It ,Lo,\lrIllIflOI a or , !'!l'f' ''V ..., /i'''' 1 II """1 " _" Lit. lind Aeoltl&nl 11"11,,,,1'106 I'd l\jj " ..Ie ·I lnln \he. lbir" ..."t Ja,'eJiIl,Janan. fl jll 1l .1a~~ 'o Obeil' 0, spe!\k· x lult ?f,~ , " .':;we. .,.n I~ve, ,--Wt ,IIo 'll\e ye~r' lr~1t1 1i'llInd e'1l1I't'I,uqdred an~ ,il'1uIlght, ' " '1 of boplI '.aml dllf~os ...! Borrect:lp., ,~* p'ru~,.))ut w\1el\l w~ [SUI. IN WItHE" WlIBaEo"" i I hRn hertlloto subsetlbell Imy lIame and !' r'lli oare was 'OY , ; 8prin$' sa$, Mi.B.~s~her C~andle: ~as the . • eabseCr tb. leM 01' 1111' to'" 'Jlfllxed the d", ~~d abo" " W,buld nil , rely 4f1r n"tO ~~w tbe. qnly~~~~c o( ~e ~o'n~ e~t~O!1 who "rittoo. . JAS. H. GO 'MAN, Av4tltQ"o{ Stale, .' . elirtb with":u. Mid beo.uty. · ' COl\Jd\ be beard conBpic1l0111\1~, .; In ' . Bt. ,1":1. Wl1.LIAM.~ Iti.,C Olerlc . •' ' tbe· cbAra tei>Of"Mr8. YsnJt-ee.))oo, W. .KEYS. ~go t, "ra~"le.' ~~_'_{_ i_ __ _ __ dJ ,. ~$'. C~la~mer· ~vi,l(lll~ , • ;,., J .. ,G.lL~ ESPIE, ;,Agen&, Frnnklin.



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', GOO6ERIE..!'


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SKI}:>'1' FO' R 1861'1'









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nttOllofvolnmo~ pntJjo9,

&V.E.~NSWAnH;: n:f.J



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"1~ a 8eries, ~('<1 i~e~~\t en.ter'tatn! tty~'rt~le~ ~ I .lW1I~ Ma orO. mentatblswee~beglDnIUg' OnT, hUrl1', WQ, ~bo. P (wmed \lttq>&r' ' cle..t l e ,I• •,' do)' S' tu ' T t ' l" "cIJ Stu



Morrow. '










HONIE IN,.sU .· -:L~ U AN ,. eE'C,O ," MPANY :A


I7\\fI\MlIl'm1l'.nITJ),'l'tf'nRwmllll"'" IIVU' "~ WI ~.I\IO,\lII.DI'\1 111.l1li1'1

0, .(In Ilul a1t~ iJuy Of DCCt!1h/H}l', 1806, 1lIatl"l(j 'A~' {1u4~o", qf (JAw, pur'flQ,., t. . 111~ 0/ thrU "

O'ur FiLr. St'ock- is

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W. 4

G, W. .HARNER, :A~


Dew('pl\per which mukilB ter, ,'She M iemp.lJatiptllly 0. "tar, , ,'"",. ,ltlCT~l t IN ~, ~ p·ear¥ge' I1(1TUi.monthlr-,,'·.with . lissJ'jtn",aF.¥ctriJ>sq,ng 'Thc .-'" I, . • ni! afee,Of gO~8jl) aDd ebRrp hlnts S"yord oNllloker HiJl' most I!xqlli9" DRY .GOODS, ulo .al m_n ilene Jy. The en.. ' ~ly, -' Uer voice hQs a rQ)'O • terD .' BO l;!1,tboptllJer 'add '. 1 r;,' , ,," ' '" " l" !.:' i ~ prlUWd. . 'd t... h ',I " '" 1 ' d' .b . 'IIUI, with an oeCA' 01l&1 fiDe daY' Ibal Wheat · ~ bUlbe\ ..a 60 "" tl 71i' I • ' I " ' .\ \ b eIRg pe """\lite and n '" Wudl 8u Inay" o prou 01, I . ' , 'II Ib hRrd ' • I0 R,e l!' 1"1' '" ' , l, o'-o"" @.o"v ' /lfA ·I,& ' . 11 ' , •• , •. , ~1\~e8 h R ,II er b 'J COIMaa. , . .It{ RD WA qne oopy nay N, rv~ ' fOJ' all-eo we ' In 'IgnorauceOdl)'t'oundGd,' M~: ~lId" Ib I . 1 d 8 fe 10 Collo ' 00t8 40 ' " ' ,r 'urellUVI8 ftllf~~" . at'o eonlltlme<i It R tng~e"andlt' r. Q uJlhlppeor- , I "Ire . e,g oO~k "y su w .»'orl8.1 t9.. .. I 120 (!tJ 000 . . ",.'. . " . ' ' " 0 OSI!. Y 10 ala Wll e. Corn II I .. 41'1 ~ ' t' II ~ ~t' ,, : · be~oro the pe~~ic&lf~A8 oomp eted e<l'"-Mr. Gause 'J e,peoia.lly, Our O()IlIDlllniLY has 8ulfe~ed '" 108s ,l3l1ckwhlle,1 1I bu ,. 75 ~lt~tS ~ti tolll'~tD ~ the QUII readers, t~o ~?~t " pnrt. n.aqul~,tmlt· J,ltm .witbin tbe I&sl few da~ •• in tIle 8uddeo ' ~, I(lur ~ !:June I, 1450 " ~ , h ," , lnth admirable notlchalancc:" d h' r ' r' la Id d ' d FI'I.IoI r 11 cwt, '7 60 " IrUthOmecbande,llerol!two Wllshington:sGriive,snng J}y Miss .e~l . 0 IWJO 0 In 0 da~d re .peol~d , aul!\lr ~ Ib ,, 26 ~ '" , .. I L~,,, ' ~ It> 16 " 1N8~~td ;i'rodl the, center 01 tho' ·AlitcA :Meeks. morlts particular men, CdI IZlens., y ,A1·dlU:B , .t.,DI~T le ,erY,8 u • ~ : '" 16 ..~ , Y .. r a, morn og f - l 1 , ~lu':lll tI Toen, ""W oeil D~~ "'oD\d, ~~t only n~d much to tiOll1 'rUe song nnmed, IlUe! en y un I Id I I , rom ," la • Applo. 1!l 1:!l~hllf. 60 ' , , ' Uv ~ . ' r b .M ~ Oh b . . ' ..I, ' U near al COli cllrn, wn. a d Iseasll )'e~" 11 bUlhel, II 00 e p~ae 9 t e ,..... uro I tblslnst, w~re really Mle ouly oues 'f h h 'i ""h'I ' · POltloee ii, bushot, . 100 Q bqt rSRlIyb ! ate ilil ' ine t r la' b' b b ' 0 L e eRTI; III " I e we were )'IH Dri~d A loa Ib ' ~ ~.I._ '"~ 'f Plrovbe ildDl ' ~ Wb IC wed~em~~ e!{,8S :;~nk~ , coMmeotiil'g db iii. 'lIdden- de. , . ~d o~o · • \,)' =In ~umlnaw"Jl 0 , t. le u ,ug; nove me 10C'r.,., JT 1 II lILec b' b h M J Ro q ,lI e en. \lIen, I f" ~he small lamps ~o,. in nllC aTe not a, yery"~nc vojc~ '~h{c£,ir cultivated Dews was . tkotl g dt I AIL: R. ~.,It:'1 ~ !';Q/fee ' 1}. " <01 , 30 Aninltion 1.._ •• • " •• ", ' . ' ". . ' , SA "sa IIrIO en OWD Ul afj a(!op 110110 New.Odea!''! ~UJ~r 1? W ~41 @ ~o f II OD 1Y 81&1lbby but inefficlent, in gtvmg :wJll yet reacb higher .k S d d d' 'd I N~i9· ~ol..... ,i/,ja;IQu. I 31l 0 .. our, """"mers ' lI bt P .', £' Wink! tbi " d atro eOD alur aY,·n Ie on lit! 8q(lJhum ,,,.. ,," 76 , ' ~ ~S i' e.rb.p' b'ear nlS ." IIl .o , II Ie ~ame aI\!' '. Th'~I" I088 WI'II Co~l ri1'",t ... .. ...1)11 • I 80 ." " ~ tpQ , . t(' e~., .... or n estlvnl .. 411" lor..e'th'ri • .! il" fUl8 Bong'lt'C ' t".. V 1 'tI' , ., 0 , '»'a ,f'alr Jic 1 ld wo~ tcao tin seea.wg meanS,Du,\+, .IW'~. ~ "~ iii, uooa,a "",~ b d 1 rl ' I 'I . I cleil~. ror~ sucb ~ii "objee't, ' :' " n.1to,,~t\ the ... ay;. ",Met bak UOYC;· be....el~p~. \e,~dl~.~Je.,c:OJmduolly "1"lre ~B I • t !L2e.s ;!LL!lLZ21lo ----:-\ - -) r { ~ \. . . . ,, h d ' ,\ f I ' W ..~ ...."1 " 1 8 J {nu" 'au ooeT go. own to tIe , elD~ 810·" t ~. , I ,., I • a AD c~u?~ n '!'.1i IIVl~ 9, I ' d b " I ' I ( ' a· "" '. TO'; , SOD8 of 'Femper~nce')t "Tb80,,~Q~,ctBf '~. ;;soft -,o't light IV,ave !\roden e , Y a t.rge CC'fO eo , '" I"j, _" " , Hat .~IIl)til'g,\wntregale the' public comed.;,"•• ' eav~<l • al\ ~oqllalotao~e8· .0 B~T, To Al,~ ,.W/~om _itJby It




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or ita c~pft'l.took. aUlhorlzed bl clbnrler,



. 'f • IUl liP, 'I /000.000 ..' , H . ~SSET8. ·, ' " of COlllplny 011 n.nd, Ind III 1100 h_nd. of Ageol. lod otll'l'If ., 14a.D~ t.EItDIII II iitllulhboro~, ' 1 "'~OQO BOlldl Jtli.r S'tl't ke own ed by the OompaDY, 811,886 d"o IhA "'u .eourod by III 0 I...e "",no" orllllrw'.~

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',';" "., , .df~ 011 011 lillur~il III ailt'olf.'~1tl'" ~lIl1rn or to be Irilorell (ali, c),IIf ,I#\()ca- ~o"ull. or e.rnlqlll de~o.lIed 10 ,Ol~., ~~I ; _tour!c1 ~.oo, R~qujrell 'cl8"o,n m.d. h' ,0111..,.



AOI\, Il~PIJ()iA I, ,.,lIo.... :"Iho hnv'~ I , bIURltco•. "","ln 'bell I datl, 1I'll)" tq b ll,~ hilt! i"'f-Tb e"""" " .ftJ,flV'fll , wl,·,e n . , l.ho".,,~da~'fdoJI_ft;'" worl" of properly hqr8t\ ~\'o '1,111 h.!I \li1tC!fl", • .pDMI! l~tI IllMt . S1iA~ '1O Coo;,.iliIOVT Cburir o, NIlW' HAVIIl •• ~ . \1. 01< I ' , J (lV ,Ql¥g. 9 g o.n . • J- "Il'~b!y. . ,,' ~e ~ ,~d, , lorey~I"" ~' <led. " ' . , aw.w IlD~jcol.r plUta , of 1 8lkoClIJ' m < ;'Doll!lp'u, .a.1184ft~, Pruldenl, In.! Wrttol'k .. G,~o~' ,~ I!f~'t"!7 of ~l~venlng, ;Adm~ttancef 25 ',C(\Dr...; tl~ ll~ ~ 'to~ .~i~,~ ~ctl,g , t~ ~It ij "s".pt : I~ ~ by .lire. 11 1,11.1 08 at mill,ing. N\I mI. I(~ . I . Hum e Insuranoo CO\ll~'D' 01 Now Hnfth. Con6'. c'il ut, 11810/1 "VllfllI, ,worn, , , ,HoveYllblU'jf .alway8 does '~ell lw~i.t 80 tame and vapill 't,rlat. ~.nor ~r pr,~p~~~y ,~~~Ie l~ be tiu,rbed, I,uy 0 •• I 10,! mOllth"u~ 'Irtll: . , cI ~ p o8e oDd 8ay ~It lh~(or ..oII11f1' G full. true til!\t eornol .Ial••• nl,ol 'Ih. Il'I:lr. it , ullPlQ,I'takOi" 'theretore' wo ' may d-er .th&, Otol'lI IDllde :fuyt8in~ '9ut ORO ea,culat~ hi' o8o,dllltJo ,0.1I1e fu u~e. lIB p\lIilwdf 10 , 'know it.1I t I 1I'lId when III the 8uld lu'ilr6r(t!!I "'10mpan1, aud Ihu tile, ar., lb. ,bo,e ctllcrlbed officer. 8'a1c1 tr~dlct :~hat .'tlit. affllil""W~U IS ' l(.)b 1J"~ ,/~! .~ ,, ';~,l'h , :, :, ' wb~n II ~e';'m i't'ci ; l'po:a~ ,a d'l~1 "8 ~~~~~ ~J.!'::'!tt;'!~Yo:~Il:~~;;- .~~:~ :~~ AT IIEDIJCDD HA TE~, thew1/.' ~ ij~ik~tt." Secretary. ' , ' ~'. ~: ~A:rT¥-LEE;,.".ld."", in every respect IIUCCC88fot "':j ,., Bit ~ .Ib."",,& ,hUaior.ofa. perrorm. to Oll,r.elv'~ ,lIod CIIlDlliet, lei •• c~re gin oul;tln«.<on Ihe heell 11",d. ,.Iup Ihere. . "" ... "... • ' Sul~crlhea and ."orn \loCore me, 114. I til d" 01 Jln .....'. 186.7.' • '. ~ '1111, lof&be' I '" 't ~ I'(l ' ' 6 fr'olD Ibe dread(ahllhge.' offire. hoOl' We del, an>, men 10 .hoe • ' h orlill 0 "I. LAf)fES' ~OODS, f8 F.AL,J. • l ' " I t. JOSEPH BHE(,DON, "'A~' timeB' trl"A.t ,Qhcalimpol1 c e!..e,~ D.'~ ~ t" o, ~.: ~(Vllm . b d' " r ' '" y,ol rlj(~1i In " '_&'I"oy of .hoeillt.. When , ' . ~ , " [Five csft au.,'··I ' . No,_rt. p.u\li~. , ~ .,,, " ,. ~.,.... , : , of "Th ' Alag!o ~Irqle "'U'~IDe4l by and ~~e ~~ '~"'~'"°I,. · Q roa,,! ye.,a I hee 18 oIl cut awa,. tlld Ihl horee II ' "',1 I '" \ , i OrEl08 OJ' TUl ACDI1:d&t. dJ' STATE, lII,uullo! I!Il'UTIU,T,! " ) tance ~ !1 Dqg!~Oted, when but 8~lIn Menn, .A.. B. Merritt: ~:' .R~ ,leCllriIJlf~!, 'lie {\Ilu,e i. reqllited. Imlled ov!'r 0\lr ~lItd '\lId. , his relit j:on , V~ri,t! and at a ,I . ', COLVM8V1!r 01110. J.n. *8)".8111, ' ' • " 4Jjforf. 8 ne e4 ~t them ' 1i8I1,'t, dB II' 'lb M 'Wb'l ... I", ' we oheerfully ~ecomlD.nd abe 'Home' ".e l , l"tI he, Th eil he I. great re ....ctio· p'rices , Con<lILion it la hereby ' 8.l!ttifl'~. that tho (O,rOIlOlnr I. O'o"eet COP', 0' I • •\atl""D't or ., 0 " 'tt .' . . . tl' an II ~, ~ be • Ie " -~" JU.errctt .N ' . ' returned to Ibe' bI.t.""'" h Whbclrlwe, UU of 'tba ~O E tNSURAN CE COMPANY , orN •• III'eo. Conij.! nlad.,. w e a;,ger ~~ ~rs tecetve lmlD~I' ~lId lC,; Jooe.:.~tillelllhe bHP lOllcn.,.0.0 ,.. of e" Ha~eo. wllo•• ad'~f' off. 'tlil alloe, eliu lb .....1 aewn lower " '.,.. - - 10 and fll"d 'in lbt. ~ ce~ /oi lb. 1867, ' Wltn_, ID, hand anel ...l om~i'",.. ,.ts.~tten~o~: ~h~ ho.uille of oue .~,t er~ .ali:CacII08: ·1.,)ir" '~itdr"On. ~i8llme~lapl>ellrl III 'hi' p.per. . llta up tbe: .lioe olle-thlnJ .mall •• , n.lI, [8B.&L," " · . ' , I'&IIES· H QOJ)lrI\N, ' .tudltor aIBtat., ~lli; 'a06 . t tij6 Ill, E. Churoh ~ ha'IO" tbe Dioit I..f ....:...Ii1I1~. : n~:t . be • It.. aapitll1 f't large .nd "ell leaufed. Ithon, .~dl dlrelBhee Ihe," 'OC)tbedo~n· to, llhe "...-:-;- ' . ' .. 111 JolDe'II Wlillaml, Ch'llIf ,CI~r~.lI,I :'~ , , ' . , . ':' , " ,.,,' b ' l'. . f, I t' .. ' '1 I ·... UIU " rr " ' r ;;!" 1 • , " --" . . • all . .. 0 I le o"e. , ...0 II,., 'Ie .Ii! . h."'1lI b.lulrful_IIlI I ~ een a 8a( ·,ann()y~nce. or a •. on~ lme, 01111. Ibe ,kAr: •.by common OOOiltDt. olfen ht>er"~ ~r •• 10 ,tl palroD8. I,Dd Thi. I. '''0 ell, • ., of 10 lII"ny bonlet being \\' 1110 fCW rr • uud .IIt1I. ", Oerhllnte 01 Au~lorle1, ~o Bxpire, GIl tno 81.t ·0 .~d mi~lit. ~e ;t~p'aired. by. eompat:-' humorop. dI!UI;I.atioll'. be ' ctllIlIO' b. io i~ , he"y 1~8 01 Dear 0111 rbl"'d~d lame-bad: ,ho,iul. Dot I r••1 dllttoll or :~~'u:i'~."d' tIt} ~.~rl.~~~~t~'n~n:I~:'I':tJ, 0'1101 07 'tUIl AVlIITO& IIlua;"* D1UllT,lta-:r:; r iiv~ly trrftjqg ~edlon, ' tOIlC:be' d IbOlii "ere . a~d it i. to be ·re · tboa'lInd don",. by':bi Porllalid' lire, rldoln" " • h I f' I I e l.he " . . ..._~... i-i ...... . . 1I0·" _-"kh.,a_ ~ &.4 , '" . :i .' 41 I ftJ;. L ~..... I. .... ! Ur tl lOO~J 101. O. ""rl ~ 0 len" ';Till} ~~~, '-I! I~ &r 1& . 8 .... - '.p : Kindl . ... 11 grelled Ibll ho did , Dol Ippear Hi his It pr~,ed I~' ~ eleney prompt)' 1001 ill lIalllrailb.p. I'~ ~iz', ,We pro· Curling the Half of eltU'l' e, 1·,e ~ ol f "T I" ., ' aU hi Ii,bilill•• "ilbolrt io aD" (enID W '\j ..., r." __yo • • ' ~oWJl .. ~ 'a,rcllill!ct Qf unu.Ual r"O'Rle r to he ri\I\i ,BeT"'. t . .....J " .' ' ".«Jure £••,..... rHit Su into !lV'7 ana .,.,.O"..y ,I l skill' . ~_ , attn We bue ,,It't'.II''I'~ .' pr' ~" e rel,lIarsillti .ay orlppllog Its re't".ro'el. '." " . ., J, ' '. Jlillgletl, 01':--Beav1~ ' r ,.,. and ~"'J bas been e,r. e ," g of Lbi' of ),Ir: 4Ddel'lon'" llid II, W, JUri, Et'l.';: 1,_ Ibe , .g~DIL r~r br p~"ller ,_toell." pro.,tC/ed II,. clJlileu,(, 1I••Ii"e Oo.r1s', 8o~e very bi;'a11»!Ul verandah. ill , IJHC. ~ tlri* nel;hborbood, '.nd "i\" p r 9mp\ly has nul"n' 100 10DI.,- ,nd l~'llore III. Dr u.i~« llil "1Ij1~ Lldl... Ind tie , (J.OfwW, which ~ the dwellibga dOOM be.I ..~e 10 ..~·Y _ollld J , ' , . '.' ,,!!llp.d"! e~, \j) Utel, ....ur.1 ~Ifl ••.' ,I .. roen e.n be,,,tl',, Ihem. In • . • .I •• to whicb' -thev are .\t&ched and 'reo b~JI ~ 'OGII'I~e,e ,polio.... _on app]lqa4lo? or~ir .h." proof .to·,lbow or o.~jNlcee .. hI .arfd folt!, " It i. lbe ollly' .,ti~18 ' in 1~le. • Wrl~tell .. .. ., , , .' w; aN 'a )011 ItO ;lao" "b it ..,loror.alaOO on, !.he, •• bJeal VI .n· pard~ut.,. '. i. world Uallt wlll-eutl Ilrtil,nt barr featctOdiC&bJy upon the tiuilder, -' • , , ' lana" tb&t ..~ be d..iNCi.': '" .• ' rG" 1\ r,on ~.,~ ,." ol:,he 0..... ~",' tjDletlli'. , , .. " ·C.L' frOm ~~a p~oCf~m~e. , , .. '.,11 I \i j .nd 1I.;e , ~ ~ln WI.". al,,, U11.., lrll1, . Til" 1'he )(o~1f liI~ ,lC&~' tb't.~ .. ~~. ~f.II!-' 80,,'" , ,1" . ' 1 • ", , 1. " ' . < ' /" ;r,lc a~~ ,tl ~~~ C:H~ , ~ ReJ!l\l ~ plpe't 18 ~bo.ut t.o "r.lobn 0, Rld~. · , . . ..114 ~~V:MN ., .. all ,. t. l¥tIdion ill. Pm, .~ .,j

- -- - .




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&l&l'o1e,1It. . . . .AIUi . . . . . . .58.

... I Merell no 1I'0rtaI e w ~r " "ft " , re"~ •• • "... -. Sb.' reitor, . to h'pp lne, . Ibo. . : 1IlI, rr~ doleful e, e ut" tll'~\flipb" f tru~ ~. I. love , 10 •• uf relalion . II Irieod8, lu .01 t• •MY,,&/I.., hIVe bellO•• de. pon. lIeut. Shl brlnjlll torelher ,bolO lODe · .. par ted . ,I,ea Info,malion e9 Dc • r"ln, .b an I lrioodl or lonr•• reeto, .. leet lie

I! ~,! ..s-aad ..

die plaD. Iin., "" . pauou .... U. bl••aIdI.tM - - ,...;;~ low !wi or 'J'.. IIol+arel ,.IIM" ..pnl III valu , alld IIOt 10 "" P i1 d IlUI pendT

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, ,,,, I"dl" , _ . "I eno ul'J'd wv • ~< chroulj ~ M"mot 'r ...... tcbe t .1IOO ...... ... ~ H t"~li Ii IUI'llrs <1 1I up x -w.I.c b". A '


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Ca.ilu._, ............ P.••• nted F.bfa~ )~ - Th t- .laclUn. Ie CODIlhrCWd oa ..,Irlll,

.. .L.. new priDclplH of•• , ,...~ .., ... h, rare .nd .. lulIlIl.".III•• I.~ bnllli IN,a ex.mlned tli• •" . ~[oulld ,.per'•• ud prollo ... oed '0 b. .

can IIOW elub '\o, rethe~ REPEATING ,~VOLVKRB. .r Quallli81 of Tou', III p.c.· . l' • S 75 \0 .,Ift 01 0.. poIInli lAd upw.rde, l ind we aftd P ,,-/ldwTI W, k .... IJI..t .If'\. rn 0111 VI !II 60 to 75 will l end UIe • l up or or article II ' T.. . d ooerri!lOlilllioM - .......n". 'e,,: ~ • . ~ 1'V11\ , 11''V11 W lCo. IIiI) A V 11 '" Ii» , 50 at I) er ce.1 .boy' the coat 01 Ifmporta' R iOe Ind Shol G un B .rr• i • •• n G lin M ,. IL!l I" a llrelabl II . .dl, " perpe" dl cu II'f urnll E CAR 0 I N A L:" 15,000 8 l"utchea llS 10 50 tlon. P Let eome epe rll ollc lady or olhe'r lerlal. loil' b,. Guu De.lerl.lldlhe Trade .otlon \Dakea 01' Shullle 1em.le.; .nd' v• .., ' rOl'tt It whit t yo\1 will be ¥llIIIt ' lIoC4!l!.fu,. ~IJ . . 1 0,000 ,A,~'~ wawh 8,.11 k.lnd 10 to 76 perlon 11\ "ell ne igh borh ood clIII upun leMPaIlJ' . .' d whit) wUlllelther rip nor rnel, .nd • 0.1 'II'hlt...-"r '''!II'Of~",' ~ lpe Iy. mlnl'ges atid lelia ,.00 Ih.. very wilh O.. t Ba, e, or w.rUlinl O i en. Oftit E".ry patroJl' Qblftln~ II Wllt\lll II)' this .r· lie' aequaln"lIc" and take Ihel r IIrd . " In theee d.,. of Houaebteak"le In alilre 011 bOlb .Idell ; perform. perlecl .e'll'· th .. 1 Of' Self• clMt - . . It). ),011 ,,111 marry. V th e 111m!', ' Iron R eservoir <lD lop, 'rin Kllchen T.Ogen.Int. ting but t l o. willie it DlAy be ror .ny .or ,he rolluw inp: nam ed Te lB, and R " bber, ... .,ery HOIl. I, Store, Bank.lnd Inlt on enr, de.erlptton or mater!ll. from e ..llf ,lid lpee4lt, f/ OU lI11ene.l.nd Gl\r.cl8 rlstlca of the porio n. on back; • Ilrge .nd .0 when. clll\t of len, l,!,o nt)' , or more I. Ol!ioe. Ihou\d hu. 00' IIf lIIl.tlier to fine.l NanlQok . lIIullln, evor, trice or 'Itt terrible elretit""4 ... chl F uru ace .: oven doors lillell .Ic"n M U" H'l! • •J. HicklinI' Co, . Ureal Amer· Oblft iued to u, ana we will 8elod Ihe RVMING11AN'8 RErOtVIlllRS With hnen, or Ink Lhreld. from Icd ....... ~" "' reads ,cour very t1.oughtl . I".d by ber Watch 00 .. Now York It,... wi.:h to lm' II 1/ ,u Jlj • II e onuon. ·.r.nt to Ibe O\le., \lumber I .rom b' I th. I,ltpm Y ' " wilL,. ",,_I ........ • Imolt II JHI rOllllr.1 powors unva il, the 10 relll" beal , .Dd Rem ',\il/wl y di p(l e ot the above iliA ItlCt!llt Teu put up . 11 8ll parll.e pa ch,g,'" W ! I ' . J co . . ' . I d rom III neMl.· ou~a men, btlt 11lie."" • • ,k .nd hidd en InY8leriee or Ihe glall!n lo,egulate \ Lltek. 'Ccrl iilcILtc9 Mmiu .. Ar ,he O' OIe of ellch IIWIO " o n It. P ar ties de.lrlllil to nllll themaelvel . cl m nor tOl .wllee,.n mind, th6t we are 10 P""hioI , ..<)'ro rlt Ihe lIara w~ see In th e firmam ent th e heu wholl Jllo cud ill senled en~cl()p!. ' ~oldcrs ore cnti• • 11 tn cl osed In one bOL A B._ ! ur jiTat., ill, th e lale i mprovem~n\8 III P illol.! Nlld 8U· Ihe lea_t po •• lble '!Ietlon. It rUII. a. Seerect recelllli and method of 01lit - Ihe *la lelTc 81a re Ihat overcome or pre. • BikinI: : Ill'll 10 til ol'liclcs Mille d 011 thei . t;1I.lili ductmenl 'IQ the pe rso n j!8ltillg up hel pIl.ior wurkmonaillp Ind form, wl.11 find.1I .moolh .. Illoll. end ,. eC)lpbatJeall, a ot CuherweH, LaIJ;!m,tut, Ifa6JtIttirt domioale In tho conf1guration- from th e comple te . nd bl'81.working uJ10 n )",,' 100nl of.' n 1>olhlM!, -:-betber clu b, we will lelld 'an ext r. com plilm enll ' combined In Ihe NOISE[.E$! P"!lU, S er " anil other r. WI ..peete and POli llo n. of the pl mnele or ahl Vfl Illr II I'{I D fo 0' n" le l. t ho t ", .. I" ue " ,Watcb. wurtll Ilr 'I he ro· ry pA okage OIl"U urde rs 01 SSO and up· R i n ., R ellOl." rll. It require. 1I1l, per COllI Ie ... ,ro " to III modern melllo.1 lei nct; ror ixed rtara ill the heovelll at Ihe lime have fV sr ~et up Of the~B IherB are a \ \,urn,ol. lI n, 0 1 our certlflcale.. entities you 10 ward. It I• • erh~pB 'not well Ulld '9I8100d 1. t'w em. 91 () .d d . dri ve it 1hao illy other m.ohil\.e In tbe or Ihe very .reat••, I'QIP~'lanGf lIi'lh , . ha ded uol'l lhe fUlure dt8liny 01 elzed-7 , 8 • and 9. til(' ut,.elo IIft Dl1'II tl.~reon. upoTl'jm y,,!,cnt, ir· wlill we c)lI, ... 11 Teas 8 0 very lolY' but ar;; arms cunlal". eul alurnli a~ hed . elCrlP' k A i 1"1 .,.... .. r u ' po c ll\' 6 of 11>1 ,,,, rlh. ,uld 119 110 IIrLlclDviti. . . . . " f Circ Iulollr willng bo Up OII mm CI. . , l~ )' eara , 01 a t; B , .can would hIlk "In, lIIan,11'f8ra~. •eOll 0 ., ..,. F uit not 10 consllit the greal est Ie tbnn . 10 Is 1l~lUed on an)' C.rtitl.ce to ",hen" It 'Iken mlO cnn.lderallOtn that Ion . . " work it .teadlly, willlollL I, Uguo or I"Jllr}, t enee 0\1/ III Ihe thou. and Ind 0 , ... on earlb. It aosts you bul • ., "'IU -lIit 01100 I 8 .co Ihis ie lottary' betide, tbe·.rleloll COl t of impolrlaliulI , .II PphCI\IIOt ' GTON &. S ONS tlion N ' V to iIeallh. • 10\11 pr,tellCi pt' , cI'T/' llith .trille. ,"d fOU may nevor I gain hIV e ao ' bllt ft ~traigh\. for ... rtl t.,wlhM~ Lt"n~"aLlor\, Ihe Br.Q IJ~. , oulalor, Jobber, Whoi ll. E. REM N . , . • It trenatll .nd wonderful 81mpllclty ble ~Ild In"illeleQt 'tnedie.~ he ~ lit. " •• jIla")e 1111 opporl\lnlty. Oonaulullon wbi~b Ollly be titlrtlulpA~ In .'(~t\ tI)' ~ .. Ie D• ...,. '1111 Retaifl'.f', havo ." ell 10 . PJ(OTOOB.&PJUC, of construotion render II e!tlloal lropolel' wllh fe o, wllllli"ene.. ud ti,\1 dealred informa. Thi, I,,, Orat. claa8 woo" eOfl k-Rtov e. mos~ fAJIl.ltlioulll . • ' 'riap I I.• ~ profilllnd th~ iun.llcaerab le - u- ' &I~ to ~I out of orde. r, and I. GUARAN . \l'1rurt~!, ..\~.,ere t~"hiJo ... \~ II, IiV IDC al D diat.nee c.n Itrlle wood ·/ioo,. I,fle onA I..~.~ wl lh .01. . Iugle 08rllllca~~ ... 111 h"e 8Nl~ by mnll, cartalle., e~er.&ea, lnaurancee,lll llr~kef, E." B. 't. AliTBOBY II: CO.. 'l'.EEQ by lb. compaa)' to ,live fnllre III ney to lleahle•• ·oli.rlilall. 'i~'" OUiI con'l ult tbe Ahd.Ol.e q, mall wltb equ.1 reg iiler ill door 10 re;: ulate Ihe lelliper.· poII l 1· pa!(I, ... ,Pt tl c" nl8, fi ve flit &C., whleh lea. ba"e to pOi. IhrollR1i be. • II ' latl , faclloo w7\1e 10 Ore. liUeOIl, K .....1... 1 It.rt b I ol 'the oyeD In b-"Inu $ 1. cloven ,or ... I roy · Irce lUld e le"Anlpro· I th"; " ":"L tl ~'ill \t '1 Manufacturtr., of . Photbgrnphlc ,IDa.,· We .roepeotfllily ' . " h ",,0 will It .~ r• ' I •• (elf an d •• CI',Dct on to I elllae vel as ... e' miu:m l or 5., SillIY-si% nod mor valli. 10 pre. ure . Ie cunsumer,,.. relul Y I ' Illv!!e III Ihol e '" oneJl !eturn fO.D '-'i•• ':'I' if tn ler.on. A (ul,l .nd explicil J;l\i\lOl fo r 10, one 'hund red Wid IIIOlt 'lUpt'rb expilio rlil.. ·\V. propo.o to dQ aWIY no · 1' 01" dee Ire lu .upp'l, tbem .. lwel wilh • crll'llt oDd e.pIScih .• nl '" written oul, wilh .11 in'lulrlu answered "l1tiI~\CIlUlEN ~nlllH/~ ' Will 'h~ for H.. To Agcnts or tbOl'e wishing with .eveo.1I1ablhl 01 thel. pro'lIll .nd "UOL~BAU: .jIj.q., I~"'".. luperio'irtiale 'q eo"" IJIII ~lI'OIll1e for our C1lrClII,"r•.j ·' ,~iI and IIkene.. !locloled, .ellt by lIIall on elOl)lo)'lllcnt I.hl. Ie a I'tU'C npp<lT\unity . It ie .. exptlnaes. atld it now remains \II11~h ~he 60' BROADWAY. N. y, UNRIVALLED lIIachlne. ' Dr . Jachon'l 1'0_1. ,eceiplof priae abo.e mendoned. The Th 3. ItG In Dime .ttd f.m ' , wll.r- !cgitinmtely oond\Jctetl b\l~IIICSll. duly autllor· peqp~ tn II, wheth.r Ibe, Ihel1 I••.,e 110 In oddiliun I" o'or IIIBin bu .It•••• or PHOTO. Olle h.lf hou;>. hl~tructlon II' prlee t"per bOil llriete.1 .ecre., OIl\int.ined, .nd III cor- ...r'I ~'e. hh r04ucell; It-ell b y Iho Gov~rDment. !\nd opun to the cent. 10 • •00 per pound ~n ev"rl" pound GRA !'HIC MAT fl RIAI.S ....... ar~ Hc.d<l".r. to ,n, pereo" to 'w ork tbl. MI· a"d elfecllI~1 re.\llle.d): for ~ . returae!! 011 deatro.yed Bef· IlltJ. t "... r'lflll IIOrulmy. Tr~t Wli of Te. IblY purGhlllo, or b. compelled to Ie.. fo r tho f?lIowin, . vi. , chine 10 tbef~ enlire ."tlaractlon .nd o~ltruclion., from :";::',~~~'J!I!~ erQR91 • 01 • !.be ..t order rurol,bed Aildr e"" 149 e i': their eunloe. 10 a boat of ulel... Chlrltilb(;' The )(.i»!aI O ofo£i,h", ~ho~~.MIi~ifl'le ~bhlril,'d Writle plahl~lr 3-:lm. Oft)' or Ne~ Y~rk. go· etween.. 1O"I,e.~ Groupo, ~(atu ar.v, etc. tlol)1I ,,111 be ' lIb""", deatt wlt'll. teclor tin . ~I~. GultIt, a" '01 t II ilion' lUI y'" /.0 W Ich 111D PEllU . . . . .11 S.~LL DuLU'.' wllh. I J u - .1e v .....,. ... War. . Agen\l. W.nt.d. (or .11 low,IW ' ill the. cit ~e1 t~ Lon I"d Be~~.

'~O~l'!!~o:.~t~ti.;flled ;~up:~leue

~':= 'g ~,:::an ~.lclIeJ

N. Pocket and 'tBeIt Revv#talve....

... Ia, to




8 MUSKETS .AND CARBINE • L.._ F 0'1' Ih ' UII It eoc. 8t"'t" - nice . A..., , • a. ....


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I",e\our .i ~. 6f (omfod. end nol_h fig: ' D I • d e~ 0. I e cU'S' e ~a.I foulbful. come u~l.JI .nd r"i r , . H .. 8 1 n .,," i'~J ~'I " I I t ' 41. n 1"ar,,01lln unr an .Ir. . BE,,"'B"TOR C.. ... ~L ~ 'SUft'I'I'B.S I VV,Q

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Lallio' "lItOli • 6;000 Et Dupl 0 H . 30,000 oMi \lPn'i! S ".tohee (i 'O()O


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(BIII~k) 70 80 no !Itt 0'0 8t 10 " . " . , , , " , .... , . •




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.l.i5 per pounu. Eoglisli Bre"klililt t·Block), 80, DO, 81.00, be.t'II"1i per pound. Youo .. liyaon• 'Green), 36. 96 , !It, .OO ....:.:. Ira '1.~6, 8up ~ rior Sl.bO. pelr pount!. Mlx'ed (Green end DI81t k), 70,80, '9 0. beat , .1 .00 per ,poll.nd, Imperii I (Grerm). 81\.80, be.I, pe:~ "ound. rapan, 1.0"0, W . '1.25 IIeat, p,er lb. GUllpuwder fGreen,), 81.80, !lOllt 81.60 , 'per "ouri~. .







lI: ....


P RI eEL'S T !

03 w"~" ~... _

r ! I!i g -. = *

FOlore.loriaa hilr lipoll .!uld held_ ( Iro.n ,vllltever calilo 1\ ma,)' have :mlleo otr"ln 1111 of .t he· aboye stovel. t1. ore out)-~ild (orelnll' II growlh of bolt upon are threo 8i:tea~'7, 8: .lId 9-vorylng In the lace, it Ii •• no equ,l\ Jt wilt forGe p~lc.. from b5' ul' to 1 0, Iuroed oul .11 6 tbl beerd-to grow ullon the .moillhelt complet. 1 • ill (rom live to ele weeki, . or hair upon ht ",ald. he~dl'dD friom IwodO diree montll.. ~ jIl rew ,1 '"l1rlnt.. practit\lIoere bne·aAlert. ' I 19 tb., Ibel! if I\o'~illr th.t will forOG ' 'Jr,,,leo.lba ,rowt~,ollbe bair or beard.T~e(r .a ~ler!ion.' .".,.lst',~. tllou8Dnd. 01 8TPVFJ~, F!-?R WQOD ANlICOAL. · . liVIng whne.sea (frofll thelf ow!' txperi.en~e) Il.ln bear Willies!. But in.ny wjl P,r.c.Rl$BS', Pllrlor Cook, (or wood. 'i IY, how .re w~ to dl.t1 nrul1h thelilellu- YO,UNG AWERlOA. opal. ") i~ Irl)m t,*, .purlon.' It eerhlnly 'I "'A ' "'TOY "' ''ANITTIN' I ' hII dllr' , . ..A 1til cu I1,' .1 tlllle.te.nt h8 f .1 .. erent • I.' !~~'.no IL1,j ,COil. • Preparations Idvertised fo. ,lh. and BEACOftl, PARLOR.., COaK, wood, blllrd Ite ,nllrel, worthl...., IDd ' you lDa~. bay. arr ... ~r tbroWD aw.. lar,o • new .nd be,lullful della ll • (loalltoves . I I 111 I h ~ ~ h· f II i d I 11101111' q fl r puro l8e. ' ,.,O,}.lit ~we 0 • ll118l.n pr etl, .ocotdiolr tu Ibe ' would •• ,. try/ th~ JhUIl+Toa \,~PIJ,LI; !lIlIUt,. • \' . > ·It.wlllcoat',q ,lIo\h1ng' UDleae Il come. . · lull, up to our repra;allnt.,loul. . If ,0111' ,' D •DI'e"i,1 'doei fIIqt keep If, ••ltd . . . ',00, oJ; . 8ndwe wd: ro~.rd It. poaipald, 'tocellier' . ~~ . . . . with . ,rl'cell't " bu'ltt' IDODe, " wblcb ' _ . "U.tll"l~ fou OII""p\lo.'lon, ,rovial', I 11 ,.,1e tMI'~ er.:,hree .IU'I any .oll,e 1I11,"ctlon I. no. ,I,en. Add,ey IboJ'o·tuIDl DD.d OIn be blld Ila W . . 1.._ OL~lU' &. CO" !lb •,lI. ' . >. . ' , I .,r,'''''II!, 110 . NS.· C lSPIN'S, N o,. '· W.~I,~ P, .,ette It., ,.. ~r' .N,,~y, . at. .. j;Jl4ll:; .: " I' • . ~1t:f"Ii& , • ",S~~FriE ' WA.'I'NE8VI[.[.E. U • J.\'L '. . , .t,•• .LO' W ' iIt""'URE"', for CASH W1len bY .tlle gi!o ~ J.oa!IYITI".r, .E,!;\. .. - " , . ' .1 I 4rin 101 cit,. lown or ,illaa.e,l.IId' ra, ,OU C&B e cureu .peplltllle)\t v. I\Od Bt j\ ' I 'f ~ b trllllDg cose t . . ro ,



Ii :; p. ~ >. == I!I ........ 0 ...: :;:!;) .. ...... 0

~ Rellgiou~ .nd

~~~J~i~~~:.I:1 .:::~~;::~; ~~~~~~~~ hilluT, ~,~"lo~~~~.~Y:' ~~:~~I~;~ Ih;,,~~;~~r~tp~~tI'li~~~~; conn' ~~~;de~~~J~:h~te:: !8::t~ Il~.:~' iii!. ~ llbl!~ : : : ~~~t' ptl. ,...... ,-:~::"."" tra~e,. bill qo r~duclio~ ean be IIIl de, 01 lb. a~ cOllle,l. will be ,1.,.11. ' lor OM @liar, "·;....h ·J I tbele .r. wholesale prIce. : . "lc~1c "Ie_ ._ 01.... ~o ooo.lanlDentl m.d.. . Addr..., Send (0' our .pl.n4lkl ejrc'Qlu. ~







AdJlI·todror .il~ •• lh. M.., ie La'lt.rn or 'tIi .'Ie""? d".ol,e. o.t C.• ·tl.I~llu·t...ill be .cut \II .myau . .... nn .. 0 p o " '''p o p ...............

Silver Skirt . ,


W nUlnUI:.rlllrc 1II0r" I. ",qly thin any olhfll' Ilo Uie. olhHII 'l00 •••I•.li . fralll LO . onl 10'~O ."h. Our. ';LBUl\IS h... tho .r. pul . lion 01 b '11 11 loporlo. in du rability end buvly t~ aur oeh.... .. ..

Pb._ .........~~~ : :•• ,

v ......

:!.. ,.......


EMPIRE SEWING.MACHINE CO., IlIr more 1.0 qalnti!, '.itHh'ftlit;... 616 Broldw., N. V. iRt, to ,n, of Ib. lIl00c.I,I4I " , ~ ' . ~Q1~OIb.' l/t.t w...~d 1 7~rl" . .....: to 8Yl'ry l,ape.:!_!I, . . partleular clle 'aflder' .. .~. '" • ~Ule ill' the lIatllf' ," '''I11._,.", -1:..... . ' , ,, ' . lip dlfr~r. fro e,erJ.olm, .... _ ... Dar.....e. . .Dr.·J;;:"'1t. " l'JribtI·, "!~' nore EII••I.e,,el i1Ii ~)·i.;fd~~11 , .... Bo... ' t tiiblCb Ii ' ~. ' ''' reJII"f"' .. I . '''e (tilt .. tIIill ill Slrap' and r~ain iu m'J)0~ Jorrlllk~1U: ,~. '"I. : '" p" ~_ ~ . .- .~ m.· r. .,I)!«l,. ~ &;'r~~e'l pat III Malt'llI, ""tt" 'flQfI ailY 00," ~l<lrl. ~I~ I• .pei(.nlt .. ,iIIl n".!·111~ It Tbie naw Ind '.beJiulil·ul It,l, of Sid" KiYlUtllllf.~tlqa.::v :)~ II ihe 00'1 .n .. (PilI en ted ' March '7, 18611.) Will IWllfded .. r. prnC!nh" 'a_lnlt C:OIIIJ'~D' . .verin'ented~ Pril!l tl' ••eli; "taWI by ltle GIlIUoT AMBlne.." J"'TI~OTl Fala, d6aen 1 4 ,a;\11 per ,doM'" I'7l 'fat\rllli1. beld In ,New YOflL. Ootober, 1865, . 11l~b~I"~.I ' Or niodf!,r.te IIrtQktrhflo .. . ..• • SILV.EiI MEDAl., eire 10· J ·lI r" , but "blllta" ljIiltHft, fiCil1t 1'0 rtlfraln, can '.rIdIb~ 11\ The Hla"""Premlum lifer glYen d,ri lrlJ for .n', '.lail' of II.u.";,,, ~ Ili ' .Roop ·Bk,lrt I' " n,rbllrl'" An.ll· JtIIOll,It.. /Co---.;&••" '.,. ..~'" The ate,,' Bpr,l ng' Ire wound wftb II 1I0ie \\ Ip!? re_dy~"I''O',1I!,eMr·~i fine pla ted wire Un place 01 ~ oolton eov- tor partiellla,.. :Medici'll, a,,4·lo.lr_ erlng) which wlH not 'II'1I.r off or become ICiot plo~pt'ly '0 1a", 'PII'itl !if t"' ~'7' .oiled,. "nd Ihe "hole .lrf~r m... be w.u u • ,,·oom . • oOh.e Di,p··-,IC7 J " ~. . . . . -, ED WrTR,01!T lJJ11a,Y or le.r or jUllli ..,_treet •..UI.noIPnllf, QJ P.o. wt\l, ~e .'1I0u!' BII D\lW. '_nil for eirolll~'. ,. . "". --" i, _' : . " " " ~ ' "




00 • • talllg';e el1lbr.~.. over FIVE "U.N· ...... DREO dill'.. nt IUbj . IS, illl/Iuding repl·oduc. ~ tio .... or Ih .1I0t l c.hl, t.l. d .' ugrovl ng· 1 Painl. _ "" _ -.. III ,,~.. t~tu •• , elc, CailllolJ ll el Nut 00 ·j· ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ il'. -; COFF:8J DEP ARTJI(]nr'l', ,,/ 1~1~~':;."~t"vh"rI and otbnl'O o'rd~rlnul'od. Q t- .2 t:;, 10< .!! I I . '(,). 0 .• 10.11 1'lea1e r~l1ti. t 2& per COllI 01 Lh o aw. QI ",it We htl!" ,tely .dded a G,.jfi!a Depart. <lont '.11" th,.. r ord~r. ~ 0... <!l menl to ollr etlabliahmellt, anti •.llbough o:::r Th~ "ric",. .... " lIoli1t "r 1>'" good. c a n .~ ~ t...:I i:t \VO cllludt-fl"i'misl! Ibe conlum .. r '.ate.\ ~~~L, ~ , M·ly lD aaviOIe·. we c_n on Tens, <lhe m. f~ln 6.01l.NBY "8QN, ' .... for profit 011 Coffee s being very amall). . ... " .. , B1C old 1:1 yel we can lell Cull'lIel full, 25 .pl'qent. PRO & 06RA1 A llTlSTS, G ~ !lhe.per. ~I\'. retal mrge.Our Cof· , . , ........:r. N • ..,: . .... ~ees come d'I,erl Iro C IISloml .J. H 09Jl!, In . il.lilio n 10 Ollr l'HO'I'OO~APIlIC ' ... ART ~oil we 'rollt .nd .rl nd Iblu».. perfectly GALLl: RV. j,;\.,,~.1 1840 . w h. \·o for Ihe E~"'V"DODY' putt. PDt up Jar 1 or 'tiiore pound peckll- I. I t'i •• Year. I,od ~d"hll,r;e.iul~r\Ar 10 .ny ; Y .-:.a.... M , eeall' In all,.IIc .. of!l centl "tr pouod . olh .. e.t.bliehlllont in oblo",in/\, "lIinKI from . " .D ~ .A['E .&~D Ou,r U1h I I p' n .. C ft'e ii I•Ih. . of ~i .. Ulbe PROMI EN~ CEI.EnRITl~'S SROI1IiD 00 ·lY · 0,,1 e nce-~rO\I!I" 9'" \: y to Card l" 'lt rait. , .nd are Dow·pub. .... ~ N'",. , ~ ' IOOrr, ,treel -Pure ]lio, .5, SO centa per pound. Bel~ ni a r;llalogvul :OYU , . : l.lBA..o.. .. Ohlo; 'tq ·. , . SILVER Old .Goyer.l\"9tJly.,40titi• . ,~)ItlCey. 1MH8MJ«........~ . . . .~.... WARE. lolld III' Spoonl and loll, 40 C1In.. t..' 81.:_, "orb, till., T •.bl. . .I ' Potket Cud.,y, SIlNIl!;!<O MO". T.-P,,:rties 8cMlniit oroere ' al~o It, ' a oil. h,t tIt Copi ... ~I wa.WUn ver ~ the IInI.t ",,,erio' ~"II•• Frellch .lId for 10811 tban _ for leu or coffees shollld Werlul •• Aft .... ""hli In"."tloll combine. with ; 1111 EORIl•.,.. W.tohll! 1I1 L~e .olCl Penl .ad aeUll .wl\h ... P. 0 .. 'Pnl\ or ~he ,"_"" th, R~D' R~., 8\.ho~ oft~a iolP1'!10...., 8~lr' 1M .na"1.... PeftllU.' 8peet:'"ote l \lilh per08c/lplc monoy. to •• ., e exJ!8118C of ~1I,u'Lillg by C"Tlr~b.lbe Ga/.IIohe Clara1, lind the Cle,." 01 . I rthe bDItO" ~~,. , .. ,/, -I' d L lid • Expre... 'SuO gc oniON! wo will seud by all "",o''1inali9.lIt ; ~11 prominel" olli~ . ... 6J Ibe •• me.. "".1 i,/l tbe ' conll~V,I, ' coave.j I OCl.n 0 , on oxpre~s aod cot&ect on delh·ery. .. , "~I\I~ and OM.I·, "..i1 Ib.'tat. coor.derole Iotal.l ; I. h e coverln,' ,of, ~hlcb ea~nOl Imolle RI ...e •• I" ,old, .lIver, plaled . It"1 ftTWe .ball 1M /uI'PY a l .it Ii';;.. 1:0 r."~I J,;' no,'1!," • ...cJ nel Nl. ~ ;. II~D!~ .. io ..ol biJli··clv lnw1.' . Ind com won fr.mel. , '0 III It . IIU ·, r.." re'r;n col. . . hlle the up"', I co II .1 oaT ....~u.. (rOUl pur .....I. vi'"" lIipg "eft ....... d.1eO•• Il..lml, .. ; pl~lur·. ~ . ~ .,n(.StMtll.r ! . , ' ': r~.. ..coYOt,cI qt;'..a. Lltelt · arut ' /\!Ielt 'I t,IH of tbe Cill', .. ".Ibee d~.I . .. or nOI . COlton. N~ I,D,. ln, oqce ,'10,.0 ringer RID"" Iheet Music and M C.I, lolI'ue. t~ul omruel , t of Slamp. or .ollr aklite, will be willing 10 W ·••r NO .c.ORE .! ~ t "'1 JI I d T. '1". KELLEY & to., . ' i, ~rdcr for on'. doen 'l'iolUtei from 0.' o~het', al til. lower hoo:. · of .11 01 ~"meDl., 1M lee aneoll •••choo In l:a~I\I~~lf~ 'w ill~ . lilled 1\ .1.80•• lid len I .~)' lank BQo~. of 111 Jkind., Blink Dep.d_, Ule Kell", .", Cd., m.. 1 ~ RE E ! SlIIgl. P, CIU,..,.. ?:~ o,eolt e.~h- ""dl are .Qon I"jllrecl,lln lOlled. ,. !lIortltegee, Warrent', Affidavite, Rep!... 66 VESEY STREET. N E: W .YORK. r.op!" of COlfl'1l yin ".. 1~ c.. nll "• • fl!: • The beal materili• • re 'II.d :n in. • , \ulcbm.nle, M· C., c" ~oA.lantl'l oa 81 ' • 1" . O!-W. I\I, odCllr., Iq""lIan.-tjoa tolh. eo.,'tl'DCdon, '. nd,' (ro .. m their · ddr..billt.l' ... ... ~ d II I d ,. Ii.ntl. · • Y."l.~'~ " 0 'Y~ ,or repro . OCib~, or .cOPlin&, 'P d IIl1;1t~e.. , I!e de.lllled tb "'ComB!).1 Tbe aRlonl~b\ng suocoel 'Wbloh WWTauled to !Ii'll' SatiV'actioll. , NelY .n~ entertaining Game•• achool ~ 11 I. B 8 ' ;J 'A. R E II. ' 8 Old D;t~7,:£0IYP"'. ADlbroCyp.I, Clortl J'ic· A F&yotUe 8k1rt. tWs ·lfIN",u' bte :Qleillchl'o flIr . Cardl, .chool Regtalere, Album., Mileel . . .. . 'Dec:"...... IIe...."..•...;.. _ • ...0.: . (. " N OrVGU9 Weil1cncl!ll, ' Gonard laneou. Boo". for ,preleOll Pillt I and --a. 1hnl1r.olu're~" ollly by' SII,er Prol1rlltiOJl, Loas of Muscillar .. • ure enl •• i"l\: then. 10 -ny, .i .... anti ",,;.h,nlt' 1o Oil, ~teDte, or abY of' &l10 Picture Framell. : I The New Beall~ifier of thel Bldn' l \Yule! C" lo •• : or. l .. k, ,.ilh tho IIld af ' .nd Wlr. ManUrlCIOrlll' CompllI,," YoQtbful ludleoretion, A. the a(o" le.loa I. rar Idnnced, The bee I lIoek of WA['L PAPER _. TEN' 'l'ALli:NTI!ID A..BTIwnI. - , ao & 311 Batol.y 8t., N.w York. v. rlluble prepu:ratilill \if k lIb h In lhe c:o"n~t)', " ...------. I Pitrll •• 'Ie.iri nl!"copi~., .b'ou ltl cher fore T. S. SPERRY, Sup,,, [&.1, n will remo"O 'all . 0 I\.toc • OW; Ul t In,8 Iblt 've We I tll, BIIO, a","nll for tbe Muon Tutimanla" from Ccllllrated Lruliu : r"'pond .wit b " , dl ,ool. SeAU In, • . . •, pres.ion. havl not ni: band, W. oan oillaln, by Ex- fh..mUo ,Ol~an •• J(n.~e, 'F, C. Lightt!, Thill eerrel tif blltllttifying Ilu: akin b; . .,. The T ... d. tupp!led "ta I'b"~' , .Late... I'~, ,,,,,,,, . business,Io8tl of )lre~1j on, ort notloe. SlehUJa,.• Bhdbllry, Bonrdm.n & Gray. hill kno\vll only 10 Melin. Jured & Renl', 1O" 0 . lIor, OP''" tot Free !nopeclinn'. Rod I"W. Ir,a dle," (ltlebrate~ pa'eat of lolf.doll~ruotlon . Eme reon. Goebheller &. Schmidt PlonoR, 'hey honorably aldte' 11.01 il diOier.( IrolD 'I""g~r. yill.i,,&, Ih .. Cil] "ill 01\1.1 o"Ii , O~lI ery ,'. will ~CllDrelllll>l\oppo~lte. . We b.,e 11110 on band. good aUort (The lal~er tire fino tone" lind cheop.)- .11 otber preporlllion.. r.t Illve.,' III Ihe on~ 01 Ih. 010' 16/(<0''''\',. plRcol ill New York ~ tMso who bAve dcBtroyc!l ment of _almo't ever~thlD' in our Ilnlf. W I ~ .> T wher.i" In while ""a, 1\0 hovr. , .. am0'.!1t wblch l I , e ' . e will lurnli I .nv 01 Iheall loslrum.e nta· ,"08~ harah· and freckled ~kiu "Iilb the J . GURlII£l( " SON. l'hol'O,rep~.,rs, I (oa;I»o".t.a '1'~1I1OJ. I or ovll prM~icC8. YouDg Men, bo humbugged no more POTS, Ituver ~hftn tiny olher houNe in Ihe West! texture ood colo,r or polished IImr)" roo 69·6.11) . 107''llroudw"y. N. V. ~ _ _. _- ..... . .. . ~ : , ., ' Quack N08lrums' nnd IgourautjlrlloUtiollcr. ()O;' We are, .180. 0llen l • lor tho ' movina al\ dlscplurOliolls, ,vhell her .p. 8 .... ~ bUL 80 nd ..ithout delfty for UI() JUI~lr, ill)\I b~ .SKILLITS. & L.von, Sewing IItbcliine. unequaled 18 a peorlnll BS freckles . ·tall, OIorpl\e'l',(, moth A LIS BUR Y. BRO. & CO .• at onco rc~toredto bealt.h o.ndl . h~ppiuq8l! . .A GRIDDLES FA.~lILY Machine. Call alld see it. or black·worm .pecks. and i8 uper.ielly F.U .... .i... l\lAn~ (.~.ut" .. and It,.,..,rters of Thll ' d f I FI Ibilit • I J,>~rreot Oure ill Gu~dntoOd ill ovory JlultQD~ . OVAL C' Lebmnon,Ocl. 17, 68 8ucceulul In .moothiug ' out th markli G ;. ,,' urel.te h ' . "'on sr u ex • y anu ,(,reD, 'ppi~o, S\ , Or 4 bQLtl~'fI to 0110 ftulirQsa , '3. , AST-IRON . lell by SMALL pox. 8141, .. Plated" cnMfort .nd pleDlllr~ to .ny lady wearing One ~olUe ill eulliticliL w effect A curb in BOILERS. 1'be al/etlll of ..VEmail deP •• ria 0I08t .. the Duplu: .~lIiplio .Urt will be .~peri· .U.Ordiuury mUt •. ' . . . " .... hd t l b ' I SOLID & N (CK~:.L . linced parilcpl.lfly in .\1 ,crowded" . • '.em..4.1410. DII . JOI IlVILL1:'S SI'COIrlC PJLI,s rrEA-KETTLES COli end y su mIt to I H' pub.lle ,ille ear· . S I'.L V E R WAR. E..·.', · ,*Iiroa., d c;ar • . {or t.\te 'lpectlyand porma)lcnt cur. ' of Gon: neat en onemenl. 01 6uch dleti'Dgui.lled . Glout,. Ul'(lth.rrlal DliICbnrgoB, or.1I lize., I,dlee es . Alllerican Englit" J: Swill cbalra, prom'end" S\rlcture, and all atfcolioD8 of tho KJilll\ly ENAME'L, ' KETTLES, ;. • .. Sisr norft Ri.tor1r M'\le Felleh~ 1V'e8t'IIi, ~Aasn ]lY ouau(,vu. tb"' !I~I~' c~nl folt!" , a111l Bladder. Cures etrected In frolU ono to 0' t,he b.,_(.nuallly, . 1\0.. )1a(t'"Ie..ltlilohell, ·Mr •• SClwen, ' d ·' I ' a .ml 'ft~o days. 1' hey I1rqprqP4fCd. fruw TONGS,' Lucille W ••,ero, Mdm'e POliill.i, on U"'1 ue. e. 1'1.011 of lI' I111t \\~~;~~)lit~!,'to~~nj.~:1~'~ Ie extnr.cta t.hliL IIrl) Ifftt'm(~a btl tbe ~ -' --:~ Mr•• J!liillUI 'WIHer, Lu;r., Pane),. 60041 , Yankee BoHon., ~ ' and"cver Ol ll8Cate tbo stomach Or t . This II • decided IlIprofOOlenl. and Ru.hlon. NIBil"" cle ~:.p""i·1I1 8d· i'led . allel i1.Iir;n~,1 for S\>rllherll illhl.l'tlie breath. No uhange I. ddt greatl, to Ib.o Ippear.nCl of bulltl)( I " ( .nd Wnla,o '1'•• .1.. (fil eul .... and f,,\1 De: lary while IIBleg them. nor . .. &rlller UM, M •• .cripllYO Prie" 'Lillo "lit (re.. Agontl ..anted . ht.IWY. IIlIWlI\lf 1~1Ii'ei .*It.h Ina·. In~ ". ..ael ·Perry, ...ry .. • .Addr.... " ' .. ' .uI~ta;\, Prlce, Sl II X" ' do. ~TQ ahnd ml~' oth{f, who •• hiah " IIDbdlnglll S,A,\.\SBUllV, BRO. & CO.• 1. i~er of the Ilbovo meotloned '" ~ . ,1,1. . t e pro.e •.i[on·,llIel the Itamp of truth· 51 Dorradc. SI..I. l'ro.icJente, R. I. I , DO ,~ell' 10 ~ IIIIdrON, (1IIne .. to tbelr Inte11lgebt' .nd aenuine 7l.3.u · ·, ' •. •. an~n~d, by JIlllllor'~1p,el\ll, on tb." ,b. 'oWI.••,le.or Bldln,. appronl. ' 01' ieo. ' Mdre II "II ol'tle~1i to REN'S RNrirl. S erose~e 8to~ IoMIDlrlOr . , ., ERGE.a, 8Hl!TTrS " 00., Obemiala, ;,),UI' y The beautiful Lucillt We.lern 1.,1: u U yea . 1185 Rfver.fill'tOt, Troy, N, Y. AND ,FORKS:, OU can get thIS Siding only at I ODd that tlla 'E",aW 'produllisl all the =----:----;--.:...--.:..:....:.....~. . WASH· BOWLS, brllllanoy of iOu,. .Ild 11J,-wlll,e ,,\ill T,tlA AND C0FFBI!J BOILERS; Gi.UI~ T~r. COIII~lb gl.d Ildi~" "f JOT to .11. . VICTOR KETTLEB, (or boiJiag Po. 'QDl . ~ lb. Itrelt 1114 pecull., .dunt'g,e o'r lotal POTS, QIL CAN·~. &c., 4I.1l •. T~ )2~1t• •ansll~ old. ' ''' ..... IDI.l h la'-AI Ihe ID~.' I I b" • b.rml ....l!n .... .. It re.ll, addl '~.I t.. .. IOlt. ,. f lOflIf. cllt!ll,n,ry 4.!lt!!t!!:~\III.:~,,.y,•.b'''!~lU'J)l''1t A ut 10 ' precio us 'lDd , ... oaDlp. e t IOjl ~,..,.,., ~ , u,.uty ... re, whlcb obc<iJ ''iIr# ' .. . ,', r 18 . 'n'" Ind · ,. or lbe ' dln. ,~ .•• ~ . All lb. Cooklor 'dr' . lf'tWlt "free for "'I, aDt:' illlltua)'lbe reir, OOAL BUOKE . T'S, • Tb. U~rDI I V.ltta" •• ,a .:" . 0:7" may be doni wltb K"rOl8D. oU\ B"l TBJ:: lJ1Sil OF t h , 'd r;:r or G.~ wi\h I~ troub'la, .nd . . , SP.ITTOONS, CorDer D.trolt Ind Water 8tl.. • e.u re .0 much froml Ihe ... ri.· ~ .t ' Ie . ... ' .. t~· b CHASTE L LA R '8 ou. whit. lotll\n., &0., which my theltrl.- ""'" •• e• .,~n.", .u.D , allY (lORN POPPERS, t •.l prull"lo. ollll,et mil 10 1I.,e. tbal I Gtr other ru.l. . .... '


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TRAPS, t omplfxion. ' • ...,. b whlten"e•• kln, lod lea",. 1\ cool cllimed for It. I• LARD .PRESSES, were ),011 c.n ,et .1\ kladl or .0. amoulb. \ , ,....send lor ' Clroul·. ,...... tlio.rJII,II.~.I;.o••• . The moal valuable Ind perlect pr~pan. hQ".IQ uae, for givinlr Ihe akin I belllllBPR1~G BALANOES. .\ MI •• Mlllle ie Kitchell Liberal Dllcoullt ·to ·th. Tracte. Ineltiell ..·I. lu! p,~.arl· like tiDI, &btl,ll onl, 'ound In PAD-LOOKS. IIQ&& I hIVe tried Ilia .IIln blllutl6er 'VEm. Kil'Ollfll Lafllp C()•• '1loutbp' ItlquicklJ remQ'''' 'llin. ·Freck. $POONS, TACKS, .il de Pari ••'. • ud found .tb.• t it I'n.t.nll' 6'7-8. OIJ .. 1108 Pearl 8t.. N•• Yo,k. , ea, Imp el, BloI4l"e., !lJo,h. P.tches, BRITT ANIA SPOONS, suil.blo 'or plIUlng up Ind tlallbin. I t I . TIN AND IRON SPOONS, bulld!ole, Incllldine mp-:O"m'pl::~~~~1 b oem a~d fr..hnm to BXOBLS'IO' .:. I SaUowne ... and .Ulmpuritie8 of Ihe Ikln -kindly he.11nlr the lime le"lul It Sit ". A I I • "~Ite .ud oloar .. ,llhILer: Itl use cab alBU " ..'arm and School Bells, Slei V h ' ·J·.,ed'. Em,1I de Parla' la I~.ed .. - -,' ,I , ....·'•• not be deleCled bf the olo...t e1•." alld an endle8l1 1Iariely of dellelte blllutifter or the'lkin rOIr The ~ H :& 8 TEL L IS ;·..·; · 'II'n an~ beiDIL I . ",elabl. preplratlon, AND LIN 08. 8alooll IIr Bal IIRdo;rn, by the mll~t "" ~"'IVmr.mS wrtr.t\11 a' trliI\\\II) Ihlo,ll. be QUIte h.rml.... It il the obI, 'blne of -..d .cropllloa.1 ,lldille; produahllf all t.1Ie ~.~~lQl. ~~"l ~~A9"'A'V~ o.lIer.a I I tIlIe kind uled by tbe Frentb. lad I. eon. , lli'~tll,lnlllfJ'lOl. or .ou,e IInd' lily.whlte ror Remo\YSD, B\1pe"rtlaoullalr. · ".OIp, ,Is: • lIared IlIdl,pu •• ble perfect loilet ". whuout lhel~ vult;1f II I." or injl~" to lb. ' ' . --- . •. Ifp\ic S'e,el RttI,.ln ... .•• tll!H'n' I'h. ·~'_II~bliab~I't ~pwar\ll of 3.000 ' bonit. were 1014 du: an 0io"hleh we' wil.1 .ell 10" ror Sepl. Ill. WH. 8WENV. Iklo. To the.lldl.. "Ipeolallf, '.'bil -Qone. ot~ 'IJ'~ ••'nuiD •• , IJnl _be _p•• t1ftr, • aUlrante. ok well to your own Interelt .Sold ~'L~~&te.t.CIIiI Drofl,IIII., Perr". able depil~tor,1 reo~mme,da it.. lf al lhllt ner, Koc)l' 01 III ,eIllIl!lClr. Price ' 71~ conti. a_Dt UI ,our cndlvlded ald. Ind we will " . mefl In.. lIIie.' e •• enl au I " d' bl " I tllro b th ·~i.i~~-;:·tJi~.rr.'i~'-;iij;;;1 poa,paid, 'oll rlc:eiPt of .n ordPr b., .....' Cit, Prloeno'llur doora. W- AN ErrEI'fIIVIl SALB AI'fD '. litb". ' 8~1I B d '. . a mOl !O IIpenl" • ~ho e to UI . •• BEB.GER.; SHUTTS & 'CO' N . liP"' DllITllfBlJTIOI'f of Pia.ot; Mil .. Barll ... &. Co.: .-Ina F. rr/ .1:Ioa.. •• . Ob~",\a\l,li6 8t Tro ' N ki B·iTo Bt1Q~Il·lII.a~n •• - W, Ire dean., Gold and Sil •• o i. no", pilll. OD N. . Inri; IDd EUllene or .IIIJure, .• l"jlll, ' l!U' . • ot, ,mn",,,,,,•• . " . " • • m. na ul" P.OI at 01.- prille•• 'of aUh. SaI •• room of Muaaa. Ruoa. 8M•• No . 1114 'tolln.oQ, t~ root... ,1, I. w.ft'~ted j,hf/ S~ (O~ RIpdlic .," ~~ NI!' 18' ~lrc:1 IrOD. 0.11 In tim., Llb.rty 51.• N. Y. Th.N 10lldi aN oold '" . Aleeatl. '.perdUOQI· bal, from:' 10" ~' lIe.Li#le 'COrporal ,ube annulled • a ~I' r e , In ....... : ~wo DOLLARS EACH.' A&aUJ)r.pI or ' . G.e aer.'11 odroaUlll DUb. ~ Jllfl,DU. peper of Ut. 'W••" ..4 l. ' We fHl ,"'" ,1I'Dkfal for 'h lib- ~Ln. Sead T~£~TY.FIVK CUTS ,,~ , a.r~4 1i,.. ...J lil' \be .~orl""'_ o' .Lb.. ., .ar llid Ii ... Oh. n....twl*/ ·NOIIC•• or 'OIIl: ~R lor .pat ' rG"l Ollicla, "-" 'Iii. ~~'" rIIIa"":.T'u ~ , . ''.11• hon0 ... Sll!.. ·. nl.lIIII.... . .~~· ~ ~~~"I~. ~ ~;;~~~~·~~::;.;i ;'J8.8~.~'~·', 1 .~~a...~.'''i." w~th Ih••• mber . ~ .. -, ....11'A1I.... : ,'.....


Roft.." Lumber,




r I R .WABE on short Notiee and. Cheap I



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Kiu IDa...nIy and O!pOu Lo ... Iow•

"l'llICIfI;\.y IllJIl ,pel\k to IZI& low ~ • ,EDvy, \00, b&':h • watchful ~ ; • w.hetir EII"Y 8I1oula ' olllt.n~o to becr f KI!18 mo. d ,,~ I • KIM m' sol\l)' rllId'spu' k tow' •~ow. , lIle 8oftl)' Ill! srealC tb mo low : Trust mo. dorlillg. th time IlIlIollr,

Klas' '" , dOllr I , ,Il\c aot\ly UJld spcfLk to 'no 'U!" , • i

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,1L'S .RICE~M~ i)- , ... f ' !, o'iIe.,' I •• Ile8I.eaee ' I

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-tel &) .1 Ibe eo....'TID" noW Ilr a'eftu.,,, d ,lr'''.1 WAY.K VILLa. 0810: Ihe 40, vuu,reM • • IIC.. lOo •• ne on 'fHI "udealroJ'ed .(... dly .....obl ,..~~~~~ Ihl fIb o", •.,ch; ,tte t&-re. reprele.~. : . ' . . " . . . . . . . . ., ~ .. ..... lin, Ihe nu.lM. "111" Di.lricl. "R" , ",bIOI. oomll'fC 'ft colhllon wllb IL E!!!22 ... ___ _ !Ilwpabl~'"n •• ud ,,1)," Denlocr.lic: o:T A --~-W .. lerl piper ..,_: .. 'V... · _. 1. Bui. Flrg~ ton, R. \ .11 led. It ,hi. <-mce. 110 tditor who un \ " , Tea , 'abo,.,. .... .....ep I ea' 1'. l'~. ,.t . ' Unltyel. R • , .. Peciio all'1 "-I Il'n.L ~ R . plu-. " IN -'10 a rOI.mln "ho ,io,.d in coOltroolio, ,b ~, Ro.b~r' .C• ..., I · · .,er"b~"1 J . "" . 1'1 ' _ . I la Oallfon'" .i"Ia' aboaeanJ I 4, W,!lllom L".fe"ce, R' CID 10 .rrl(l~ tW peper .. '0 A ow ~_............-. .....,..,.. \

b ,,-

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In clred




.. ( of .bolD .N Obi..... .wh wor.. or 'i h 1 doll... per" IIOIIth aDd tioa~d lrt ,.... ...... ... Obi II'" are laid ' ....... _ olU · Ie . . -.ore ItIClabl. 11110 wbit.liborera '" . . . M ' . . .d 6rL1 per cellt .




q.,1e ,a t .,._OCI" , eIl..,.r. 0111 tbolillUld 'wo buodred '}ioreel and 11101.. , aod u milly carll 10,. WIId ••1OCi Ibree hllodred .nd . 6ny '1 ("b t' "d.r cotting lo.r . l log po • e,' 0111 • • d II "Leg' are dail1 COOl limed _ o .... p"f • .' .' f b " .'or lietltll mile!! 11111 IIde 0 t e laID ' \ mil of lb. Si.rral tbe road ba. '0 be · 'ru \I-; eolid "allile: drilliog lOod , LI •• ,:.or IODltlo,I, kepI lip,

(, Wm. lfun ~n'. O. 6. Budar W. Olarka.. R. " . SIIDI'I Sbllll,barier• .R. 8. C, S. H,,1II1Iton. k IIR.R. 9. (hlph P.Bu~ In • 10, I"" .... A.hIIlY. R.. II. J IJI," T. Wiboo • .R. Ii. P. V.ID Trllnlp. j), IS, O. W, MOflc"n, D.. H. l!..r.'io Wt'I~"r, R .

..~rym.n·. "urlitj8meo~ 10 -be

Bei"l1 prOllouneed .utlerior ill QUAIII1T. Po", ..., Ind VAIWf.'rY' '1'0 ••• a.d ill lIumber 01 (,OIllMllartune, 'A. the bell,.ln" 01 Anlerica 'l'e,e lhpr. r.OIIl end III" wbieile,e, ",,"Oil 10 II'I t III eu"· lhe ba .. le .Ililld h.,e no\"I'I1


q_ ...~.tlll"';cn ·A,./.Ju.niDJ, ,(ellllfd by

d Ibe

" well·knllWII mUlleal erlllll,)

T I~y ha te .Ilo tHl!t,n Ihe Brit premium whl'rUflr u;hibj,.d Ihl,IAn.ob . PF.D.'L ORGANS. 1.2, Inll S ~ank. 01 keye-Ih, .1. , - ".Oll , 10 '1.500.Wi/hOld Pu,u" ain!!l .. ani lI"nl.le b,lIk. in '11"",1 yari.'~, ,611 10 1450. The'e

ool ..m D . " , . _ 0:7 Our Young 'F 01 ....' or U... "roI" I III" lIP IllI ....'tVl ~abl" o( OOMtlnh, inoludiog conlribulionl (rum J. T. Trowbrid" . co HArri~1 Bt'ecl.., r SlOW• . Ot'orge S . Burleigh. Loui,. Olund I", ld oult04l, Iud olh.".

KinK~ C~ .• .No...

16 1ubliS A. Plllnll. a. _ _ ~~ P . 6 J h A U' I a 1 0 n . ulng I~m. 'a ~ A eu.on. liehl to lh o '>rIB 17. EphrAim R. Eckley. ' Exl.ibitalion ine1udini! ~Jmi s.i n o n Ill. Rulli' p , .sp!lldiog, R. ' . .. \ 19. J"me. A. (Hr6 .. ld. ll.. II". day of openang. eo. t! 60 fr"~o ... IS .Confe.leab, Ho... Columbu, Delaoo, \ Ilrlt)~I~ personal, lind fl,cr.Ol1lp'~nleJ by . All ,b" lVpuhlicaM or Ihe prelent ,b • .ll.lP-lllrtl or IlhOIO~rtlllhlG rerr\! ' , __ _ ,.. b . . B Molal\OO of \he O'-W"l'''. ~be rooat' LaeN'" \ ree de\e,,~1I0n were re tl~oled except uo . t I bel , '" of "blob "or'" I r h Illt.. O' t . L I 11'11' tI ~I' 0 a refl, e D I 1 0 '8 ,~ , II rIC, W 10 e 11M! • A . . . elai.ill , Ili,b' bo.,., ,h. Dl,thlnd d., lbtough. Hubbell .. (If tll.8 8 ~" , "lao II ,ur"ro ded SlIrrlll'. brolher. 'j,ul (r"... on die unD dllY' o( lb. week. · The by O. S , Hllmilton, I more rndical Re "'" re(uaed llLlmis. illu · I,,· 11111 prison", road be , oompJ.led l'ublicllo. Ind DelRno of Ihe 'l'hirteell'lh.. 1In. A' Wuhing' Ion on Il,e i6"1. for Ihe d 10 Virginill d /I( Ci~" Knada, 00. bll.o red aD ty· Mes fI , F nch and La Blond. D e mOcrl\11 1purpotill of a (.. IIIt-tnli\ inlerview. .is mil .. from Sacrameoto, io tbe I ~t, who no" lepre."nl 1110 61h and I ~Ih \ '_,' pitt 01 136";. 10 AQllh~ three Dialrict, Ir. " uCClee~ed by Mllngen .oli 0:7 O~op. promi.A .w.. 1I in Virg.i"il. ..~ I I d k b f • t •• o'J mil... by tb. fail vall Trump, or Ibe lime polilicahlripe the oq y r"wbMo elog a IClrcll, L O.I'Y, &" b'a. · .. Ihemlllvee. negro laborer. • 011861; 10 · :.. .... __ .I' !.b" ·Ie. a •• " If n._'" . d b U ,-~--~- - - _ _ ." l' " . 1 - ..- ' U"OOII. lUorga!\1I on'e11le ,Illr. , •••\0. ia J,II"",' 11'70; .od \I Dol Oelloo, u be ougbl . 10 be, lb. deleg'" 'b.,... .' by &h. UDion Paoi.c Rail · lIon witr 1'lIId. II h, Ibe nreie.I Con I " road the eo.pU)'·.m kH, on P'"1 ' ire... 17 Republiclnlto t Democralt. f t I I _ ... I...... b7Dr• .7.IL Ionwoar, d'J L. 'ft db, 1( .. ... orr.... rel",,1 . I'III · P Ilee, .,~w,'11 0('''1_.,..cIlymo,tbo ... 1118'••....... ''''''''4l000i .. ........ lIT I., , 11 &_1 _.U 1 " ....PPl til, UDIft II Iii Weelw"d progr.... - Itand 16 RtopubltOIOI to 3 Oemoor"", , ........ 1M 116"" willi lkbtafll't ........ __ , roed ,wllb I" ... al ..... eDt. fir. R.ppbliGlo ItlU of ooe. This. how ,








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dOel 00' llelilale to [kl d -Dte , Ib I it dl • a "oJIJ' y r1 ran 1 a0,POt , Id be .....r..'....:"I ••" or L"e 'rel'lde'ot to 011 _' _u u , .. ire it (lb. Recooltraclioo' bill] bl.l .i,' .. ) ". .l1lll1re. Al all \ol4lnie', ,' ~itb Secre· ". ~ry MoOulioch 'tbie.lD·orping .... "'ked 'be Secre";'J whllthe PresideD' would . CIt> ~I \i. Would b••i'"' i'! 'fho . .. ll that bl' dfd il 'k ". .The Plitlid,o, had nol • • aid :ba,": pllralle."he &foe,,1ollnt rem"".d "db IDueb earn.


~ire ~f ·A. 'r. Slewart, po" the I~"'" ~fli millloOllre mercbaat of NI!. r ork: ~

,tart in


.u,NI~ ,oI1Jldellli~1. Addre" l mlnul.,clu,e. bu IL Qf Ihe bell • IJAOA.& E . F TIl"'E~Nrol'l, !"a~e~I.I~, h'vl,l, .al! lhe .Iale.' mellie"


....on".. IUlpro¥e-



Full Iron ,Fra1llre"ov.llt~Wl" , .. ~

-iiRDOIf 1Ia,AI'ID ·PTlON. UROII aCAIla, • ,. !J'hr.. PI8PO Fortite .ar" nnt Illfpalillfld • ~$j'" ,,_ .. 4i ...... of the f.o : .lr~nlL.lh ~\ld buuI, 01 Flnleb,) Po". _I DIY1f1Iy. b 'II'II,. "1'\1' II,,,P 'lweI, lin d . S In'in' ... "" llII Ii • B~.. J{ Idntg!, ,Gra_..

YOn. ........ , &A40& bla priu.lpaJ Oll\eo tD PlII-.. pIda . _ , _It, 81>0 doll, po""," Of 10th pI........ WoJllllll!lllelou.,..."",pU ... for bll 4,ro lor _ . •.:""' .11•• pn ....... tn.. ib.llhennl....









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aiI'd' ,t whel". ('JI.lln" In.


.a.. (0 ' .., relarn t lUi' iidlll

Ind 1tl. llf W".I'" me In ,th. ,pili, and b.,. to cure", <Oi. fUlure.m; Martol roOI,.. . - \'.'

F:.oiends ,to tha S.t"laDd Pr!oes t t~. .~ J' .. ~ 1 1"...'-'!.....:-..!<..l,;~..:.;:....:.L.~...l!:l~'.'

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Chronic Disease



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hADIBS' · D1tEsS-GOODS,' ' ARNI~ In ~ncHeB8 vcirl~ty, and at ,'m' .W'I-lilt.• ' oi\f"~i:'Slllln ,great re U4}ti~D prIces. ~ W'IIIDOW Vew ""-'Qg


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•. ' •• ".~ A '''oun a ra,':; ,,'llose .' oquRI'nlunce ~ ........ ~·lrb',.°oDlo,,:,be"':.~"lIOlb"·'~Ia·~ pI~blae la rPdpeotfuU, .0h~I,led. ,l,oiMral J ' . j, Yl E lar"'" I J' , , bo&Ilb.~",, 'h. IJ•.1.'"''''''''I''"P. '·' MALE "QR. J'#f~AL, ,lornlo. 'u ' "n..."lerld Tur.lIP" ' . 8eIIId ..,.' " 1" ., t h• .bad. made uid I~ him OD Ihe da,' 1. .14..,. 'oIIDr."""' ..ulll.l." ..... prl" ,UG pjII' ,qlevP.I CllU~" 1 "~jllin.III!!!, . •II:ld meri .. <':1:C""d~"'l ;"ltice LIst, f ,.on),'. ppl,l· , • . '" l' p e .dlo, the OpeOIDg of I i ilo (ll ........'.,.lOtI1eball.d..... AIII r HOW WNG STAN,I ING CUlull. •~ rflu .n . r c , . " I S ro Ie lIb.ald ... todd.-d ",_lir. SQu.;'qJt'. I'rl",,;,.. '! I • . , . . •• . eo'S It.A·[) NAR'V;EstN" I, .. -en :a.U1l" 6 ral olle \.e e~er oponed), "'.ou mUlt 0111.., No, n NurtbW, 81 ..... ', PIll"~.lph, .. Fa. " ,of IAete . 'ra"n& rell"I~e t he 71. 711,.& 76 , l.l 9111J 81 , \ New Yb'rli 'bt,y" "~~ . ' . ~ , ,~- ..•. •\ I t 11 I J ill I Gene ....l Whol_I." .~"I l). woollam....Oo.. lie. H no lre.I'.~lelll Id lub: . .., ~ , , 1 b" - . ~.. Rl 00 Ie lOl'l ling 00 \ 18 mor~o... t NY ' .II 8 JI.a" .. DolIl",.,.. aid .7 b D. Practlce:' ,in . AT RE.DIJCED RATRtI. I HAl"11tiDi ~ .. L . " 6' I ~ l'~k~' \J1~cl~••'I. Ob·I•• 'll'liIk... •.. ~Ift~~ DC"" UllIP r""\1. o~ ,~ rfjl $ lI:V ,\,~y Tbi rleea Y 'r ' ~,' . '" an lll~ c ___ e anu mll..e ,u" r.. plue '8se" or u Flp.h IIII' Bluud' lire BUp' ,.. , " \ ' ·'· ·'r " I will bring- you lue"." 'frae 10 her lJLI CoIllul ll-. 8< theae lInd the , promise, she drove .lIp in 'l her c"rrial{lI 'W AYo I':<G t.loIllr rotorlling III he. conn. • ' R,alth and HappiuuI .• . , P i,\ I NT, V e.rl)· iO. Ihe IDd ' good. t.y bome, afw. /I .ojollrn of fi fe'.. IllOuths iu .. l!l.t of 'U8lerit" depend. I BY L ; P A GIN, M.D., a lI\ 10 lhe Impuol of. nearly Lwo hundred ! Ihu Oity ~ WIlI\ h,\rtlly rccognlsn,\ by lIe. p. ompl uee of a, rellabl. r ... meo),. W ~1J!i]'OO s~, ~ d ' i" . . .. 'b . . I ' I ' . I dolla", pl'iooipall, 9 f lri.b 1116111 . _ 111 of III COll •• e. rU;\lic, .flilfhctl Ihlmbold I Extra.ct Buchu. Al1thor o( a New SY'Iem .... .,to.... I Ilop, a ",I 1,0. ,L. Lo d b I" \' .. fue", sho bl\I],1\ >01\ COlnllloxion tllmoa\ E.IIt.\~h8J upwartla of i8,."., prep.,· 11111 Tre.llllenl 01 Cllroll' IA '11\ e.Be' ,' , \,_-'-_....:...'------.J-------+--i .. i ~1!0DI"...... ..... eII, ,Of t hi m to do~, " ng yeln p.lle • •' I It 11117 . m " ..., e.. I)Illrble .BmoOllllleBS, 1l111.1 . ~ • I , . , o~ lIl~tolld, of 'l ... ont~. e II (bl ... , ' . '. .lId a n~w molle of comb\nloa bl ~"ta Tb r._\o aald be 00\11" 001 11",11 remoted 10 Ii EOfopeao OltJ. Nr. thre(l j\ho .eAAly IlPpO~l'\ll1 bu~ olgl!lIlCD. , 2), ...I.~.OLD, , ~""'jII>It, . '., ,M .. olltlll"e. • .: -' ." \I." , .,P,I~" . _ " 1' f 8 ' b.'" 'b ' ., ' . ' I.g 'ad,," , New ' Yllr" ~lId ' .... 1 • ~II• "h~ '~" . J~t'lid.a". p.,poee , ..,al, ,\e~.. r~ wal I~ I .- 0111 . 00 uamen. iUlJllia;;f.III III Lhe clluse uJ' so .gr. !Jo 6«0 ( th iiib &t481,.. ' I h.1. r A of .,.." DeU1IlU&o~ . I1IJ 'I .. \b'" ' -'be will \all. U•• 10 look .,eeroj! Itie .-omer sbu pl,tWlly IIIld • .' " .• " • p _ ' _._ ' . "., " • .' 11\ t' , , .. betc;r . "w ...,,11 J'''log 'nll 10 re.llloed C. . . . . B:alJD, IIDc\ 1101I4ldcred.t )'AIDvulu , 0 I' E I' Q II E Y 51ICI . - hI' P O ,ltN 'lilY 'E'N T-S , I, . Iillo _be "h!»l~ qu..~~ " ut'~'~~d' "i~o~mltaDo,,' H.r hluba'lld' "AI dead &bl, &Ctjulliti'lD. to ~)' Lad),'. WHew_By 1111 So "" . Lhll I"diet of tbeir III!Iu~," ... ,," ", For ~he '~Ia" ~i,illfICllon ~t my ~~. , ,',. ,,",' .",. ,'On.ral Gra. ~~~_.~~ ,.~Ip?nae: • . .' ' • "!II an,. Lady o\' OentloUllln eRn impnlilae 'be ~r~! ~ .. ow. IheiD Ir'~ir--once j .. 1 Ilanl. Ind/ Jl.I~"d.- wl"o h"~'~iJ~b(,e)r '/)Ii. ,..:-J " ;-o--~ •. ,... -..,...... .IDo yoa ,bloib. I~ Cll!fD~ O,9'.OJioD' b.Ol b~fore lilt dl1l1~l b"ll'qll"ader ..d u.~r JlIlr80n~1 al'JICtu'(l.D()U IU ' hundred fold. 01' gold.n t'lnlllelillrelked ",hb irey. ched Iue 10 ""II tI~8m ' , .'11 , 'I" I "I j" ":'u.., WOIlld., p'nloa 'h,a,. aa" ,hi.,bl IOrt..-,. Pl!Qcarlog, good aplrl' I"lselmple in I"" combinnlilln. llaNaturo bor- But. Dlur Wy Ihere I more Ih."UlIllt, 'mlll"l .. d Olalo.. Dn-~":"" \ ., .,.,,11 o' I 1 , #.. L.... d h "l~h "5 .~ ••• &Jd & ~Jt; . "fo . ~w· , tl' o i ~ili "~.' I .'J to 1Ic!rt. hi. II ~1Il" .... " ,u,e t.m .10 ~ furoi,h.d selfia 8~DI~e. Ylll .u.DBurp_lId"Ia. Its oll,:"cy .• -. F.,I~ ~~"I.'" , i' ,,, " cp,llf at I 1'\" ".a>.U'.l.4;"'~IU~·" r ,." ~,f he'bau'eiaobtil bit deoitlOll IMIt I '''1 'I a l.111. eor..apondlog . 'wltl} ber for ' 10 drlLIVlng impUrl(!e8 from!O b",hng, ~rhob~h 'lite be .i .hlte as '\'iuifi ,~tvell".1 ~'~I 01 ., WWIIVIIf " . ,\ " ""'oh' bOlla Ii. ! .111 1•• , bill" iJrer Theo .cllnlll lip ' "BOO . tbe skin Bod, com n:-.n rptelook. br' wnne' IliIl, •• ·a by } . ' hi. r-. .. • • b '.lit d' 'itH' ~ . b" \ . . oxioJ)'. '1 ,lte (hN!ct oetlon 00 tbe oU'lolo fie ' " meleor PRE~T(j I ill inVe'led 1m 'I ~ fl . ' 1\1..... v¥.I'J i ance, d a_I!£. oF",. IIIrC" ::' " " . It a d, .on " ef aD reDe"lD~ . . .Cll"llln ' . bellI,' ...r - 'II'i(" Ibe 1'1'1081 m'lIgni60eClt " .• ' , pume U... o~ . I . ' . " I'il"'" ~rolD Itil'\1 ibl I vlpultles, ' kbldly a1 qu>moot " I" D.·-I.UlIU~~I'1ItI "'l -11••1", 'qe ..~ Gtf!.lilt'. ~"0IIi 4..~r,. lUIei .'''''' 00 old tim,. . and lug tile 81111le. tmd le"~lng the I llrfilce "'~" or II,.,,, Il{the ligen!'; of .. wv;. ' J. ' aotioa ' lor... ·.riend•• b.,uked> b.r \01· leie a taro intend. ed it .hould be. clem.,.sofl. V .. ' , .. , lor _ _ ,. . I ' Id i hi' d be I1ful Pr' " 1 b K '1 E'"., .ro. ulr ,-ea ' Prtlld,,", and Oonp... . Whelber, he r ~ .. t . 11m aro_ lbe, eh;t ia bit' 'aD • au I" rico .~~:::.enb~ Y. 81 °w~ ~' • 'p~.(l\ctly whol~<om8 and 'urtolJ VAg' • ( , . CIa "bl il tood lfIt tit . d pre"s 00 rooe p.D ali ......."r 1 LI r. .. , P " ,. ' took'ocoail'oe' ld 'iel the l?r~ldfnc 00 . ~r , ' . c ',~ • II ~or.-:- CLA.&K.t CO., ell ~118ItJ,' No. West FiIoY: e"'·~I"hP~.~"ral~on. Ya>1ulacluflll! by lb, IlIbjecl, iuot kao ....- Walk : Cor. After lookmg al lome ODJIlOII 9( . IDler' ott. St .. 'Syrncu,o·, N . Y,-Tho only .Amari ~ , P\!lS:' AJ~Bij,dOb' ~ ASI?, HOII,If' , Ci';. Gaier". ' . . "'. be took 4er ~ Lbe Dew r.. ideoce • .C~iJ Agcntl! for tho .mIn or Ibo 8IUIIIl, ~'~a o~, --r: y I ug~lIlllr A P . ' : :' , . '"yiog: "Thi,. ir it meelf ,our .ppro. .. , .S.I . ly p.le . bY ·ltll HRlrdrlluera. 86 • ',;W'rbe flllOd, L Iii . year ' in "he balion. is your fulure home." He ael· Wonderful bul T.·.. e~ · ·A:LiliOcr."POROIJ8 pumil8.ObiO.ild Wab:~.'ri'~e~ bl" bc/IIO .1. lIed 80,"nDail, upon bert 10d' durinll: M ADAME R~lI'l'Ioro". tho lI'orldl t enowncd ALi;~!lTO"N. P• . , April :4, 1866. J~ 'iHI".r.ller.d. '!'be :p'ar~.,[Of the re.ld~e (If her life lb. Ih'ed no~ on. A~~;01.ogI8t~n? SO"UlIi Ulbulielic Cln irvoynnt, Mz~, RII. T . Al-l-cocK' & 00';: . . ....... 0'1••d ~>::- "~.D &.••It. ....... -.r-d 11 I" aom'orl blll'IO . . ' III IV II e III l\ c ~1"·01 .. nl ~lllte. rldlncnles the D~(lr S irs ;-~r" ' uIIIIl,,!r U" tl~ on~ VAl ~ . · IIM..... • ... r:; ........ .... .. .. " . ., a~parlll.' . !11 11 · yery fenlureR of the per. on you nr 10 mar. J .. S 11M' ..... ' at die (oot of' ",.10..' .ooe. lapp!)r,.• d eoti,..I, by bil bouOly. "1. AIId hy the ald 'O f llO 'ln8IfUblcntof inlcn c h.e a ooming wiLbia. ' of' Waler " "0 , . \ .power. knowl\ AS 11,,\ " P dychoml)lropc. guor i~J.0o weeli. ,Ireet••od _bin I"Q lett of tbe lIeil. O::r A bur-il.' WI. con,lcte~ · io anlces 10 produt'e lll pMfect' find life· lilte pie. I~" truly. \. ' ling?' tbe 6r11 600r room. of libe SlIer. Brooklyo on. Ib~ aircu~stRoti.1 ."i · IU,'O of tt~~ futuro huablUld or wife of Ihe "I'" ~, '''JOHN V. N. BUNT/n."" miD ,HoQ". . Tbe 6 .. , Hoor .of "Ral lIence <sf In inl!lrnal revenllo etlmp.- t~llt,,, III: illl~ °l~ mll.ri~gc~ oCCu,pa~'on, We/~(er 10 Ibe .' .


I '

C1/11te,-al l, 0/ 'I'uue, ' • .~ . • ' \h.... ., auy -.-er ID \bl CoI!lD'ry tb i l i l . l I , " ' - ' o( lhe . Tit,,), Irr war'Dnle4i/or Ih. (allltrDI of .., UllUAav oaG.n a, '7 Y~.r •• . ,T he'ollo~ ~f lb. ttn~.iC!.~ I ',' ..., /.'

,,",,"Is COlRJllai....,






1'ILLII wW......... f - ',...leIIlouI._1a -' ef...,oopopiI&, ~. 1IoD "" mateo __

The following .lorT ia told or Ibe

.... ..,. aut.

buye DETAIL DEAL1ms If

en-l ( .. ,. , ~lI "ijlll~~ PI A ~O • J.~ OR "ES, Our FALL scect ii... :ill~:~rl' I ' !te.1Rl ""/lit 1<1II~I{"'_ .' "e 0 M 'P LET '!.Ill ~ '" kine' 0 ..... Iactloal! • I b

8, Hu;l.oll. N. 'Y.

'ilII ................







AI .Iblc poW

le.lilnoll l.le 1Iin 111,•• "rl' ~ P 1 AN ,0 S! P JAN 0 S nd wilen ol .ire~ • aertili!r d . ' CONRAD DARVlI&DJfL • or wrille .. f{t\"r.nlt\~, Ih.1 Ihe r .~;U'AnTUIIJ;tl or I'IBfT':TS • whar Ie 1""'1""'" 10 bl! . By 1I.. 1t I c:1t 01 h'.I r • birth dl'polllion ... tII\ICO"I latl . life. ellclollng lin,. een Ind 11 . ' 1:a, ....,. . .... . !I'M ..... 1II....x... .,..,. ' ' ellvt'lupe .delrlllted I() ,8;.nel(. 'l'he \,n"er. I,ned illvlte tti. attelliion I ,nde pnen II ,.. •&0 r~cf'ive Ihe p,c,ur .. lind d'' '.lred 0 I ~ bI Pit"10, I,C ~'I d lIe iOIl by mftil. All CIIlIlmll' Illest' ct'l . In,u'lmenla 0\ hllowo '


I•• nr, I~ more lb." mlde u.p by Rlldic,1 .I:::::.~ Ie .;,...5'llrlRlb........ ~ eDIIre'IIDil\Md \0 .'be 8111. line, one gaioa ia 'o,be, Sill", .nd ,I.. 40Lh Qon· IMDIo lrnIPuu~lbo ""PIlCh 004 U... It ..... . 1, '1' • Sap' 8 ,. , . . booIIJuo ... \IIe ....... .-orocl. ...... lb. ,.... .lIad 6 t"lla ml.l.nIDI lauan, ."17_ e f _ ru8 ",U lie more atrongly ~pllbhc.n .... , i' will abottl ".000.000 IblO ibe ~9'l) '. ........... ...., .._ ....... e f . 110\'11'£1\0 ' " . : ~_"". _ _ ef\lle IIANDaAU

else 'bOat" t9,OOO,OOO. aod




=:.::.::':.-:::.."::..= :~~


TlluJlln o .... the ll1'enl

or mUlled ot .1I"er 11'1(. A I.rlle ... MllnPIII cOtlolllnl lyon hlllld a\~I. ullrl\nce.. , lit Ilehne.'eA 01 nur (;~lIer.1 Whul esa le end tUreB o( Ih e perill'lI fOU .re , " W nreruom ~. 841 [l.roatlw ny. Ihe ml~ uI"" 1111 Ir11 10" I\ tIII 0", Lllu Slrnleti C lrruh" nntl Price L IAI. • knuwlI ftO Ihll wille ullr utlY Slvle. lire .. ow ready. tl tlleo 10 prud~e n tH~.II"c ' tul n r l .. "I.r, • . e rUlUr8 hu ~b .. pd or WII .. o.f . PI'!I.oIT8'E"F. PEI.TOJOr .. ClO.," I, l"gelh er \Y'I!" dMI!" 01' llIar. . Ntanul.'nIUfl!l8. N,·. 841 Bruld,.i" t l,' n In life. le8dinu • . 01 88'. . New Vurk' Ohy, au. 'F1,", ~ ...,. hU,'lhull!,.II ••



Beet"., ••


' 11 . iI





venee red IDa/nul' (n.w IQd unique Ilflel). alld end " 'gll lll U~"cood. o( Iplendid lIe,illna


1\01.1)1> IMI>. _, ..lld· \ fMII" .. tfOWIl' \6 " Rnt! OC\DVO porl.ble o( lllC01l1t 1'lIhl .... 10 tll",.rt IIIp-luole"Il, hove I heoiltllUlifu I Tremolanll! ullhe "r~nle'l ImportollcII III whhoul Pili" ..1I'arge.


La.. "0-

I'U,.,; 0 1 el,oru •• 1H1f''!a'*Lttl ped.I., Ind R...era! flrj,!BII .lIlt .. e~.I~,II'" ... ~crior tor Iourllh· .'. H.IJ-.. 'u,forll and School., Tite, ~r • pUI up ill en .... 01 Iolld Walllu~ f.n oy

A_trulogl.l. CI~l rv(lY"I" r tricift!t, \\Ilt lJ hftB 118\uII18I1el II.e lind fl .ll II. Ind 01 Lhe beel worknilll~hlp! Chr.IBeiI 01 lh e Old W I,rld. hos -it bplllg illl .... ol cd 11001 coeh inelruinenl II p- r8eh 1\ ""dAUII. ~1. 11 . 810" II. U muole I of ill clnl. A II in,,'I!

,".,.Ion '..-4.n .....



Organa ... ith Illelr ."u!)lh. pI, qual. ity 01 IUnr. be_ulilul .,,10 Ilrenlllh


'I'll f' DES'I'IN1/'.



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Mr. J



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, •. ~.n.r ~--...,

D....,.t.'. . ,,'~ wa, a moll eoll,.I,.Qoder .aler. ' e o~ prl I,ll , B L L.. cover of I iUl(lPsitiql.l, ~, ~l\Slimoniulil )Vithol\t humber ~ho ":,,(1 ollr Plaslers, 118 10' ~iat',it higb, ,.At tb, foot o~ Broadw.1: 'tb, rinr .1. ml~b bolt OD ~be premise., Ind he had c~ 'l'ser t ,. Dr ~tl1ti ..g JllncQ , of .birth, ~/lC, 8lerlinJr Ohll1'lICll'r. · ' .i&b\D a le,L 01 the ollrl. a~ ball. ill III. pocb& It Ihe lim. or a1'r.,. 11,1.' tliIlPOfit\D.\I,o color of.ex .. ontl hair. nOll ~nclo, I & CO., 4jCf!nc)7. Bren l .ioga io lh", . YI~iDit1' ,t~ thr,•• · f~e\ bo~ itH\f,'atCacbed 10 .hiob we're ' Ibe aingllfty centll, and. 8llm~d t!l\vclopc 1\~; dr.ell! -HOUle,. N'H'_'Yor" '. Sulci by all .eep io waler. Boata !lollAld '\ODg' lorn ~ , g~eol. of a rKelloUe atA~p _ d.MlIQd ~o youl'l!el£: yoo ,.111 roqch' e .\be .nlC" I' , , 8&:4 ~'d L .I ..... I 00 placl &b b .:_ .', Lura by return mMI. IIIgclllllll ,,.it1. delll",d . . .-, '\.4\ ••• I I I 'u' "C~'" a.t~f' W'uuOWI. , m· nl e 00 I • ""II, 'be iofo~malion. '.\~ 'Ad<\~o.. in 1l!l1)IlWlIlCe, ;fa'.eo too :....".11011)'. ...eDIl d.m.,., au:been dooe 10 prop· brokeo edg.. of Ibe ""I11P 611ed u;' MADAME /JUHUIII\ I RlUUS,!!I>ON, P., .o, Box A Large 6 pp. Olrcul .... gil'logiulbrmBtioll ert,.lo ,Ii.low.r p.dolCbe 0111. lJ'bll aa\l1, aad 'on thi. ,JCKI£ tile Briloner ~7, Wes\ Tro,yi ,"'. Y. [84-11 of.lho 8rolliool illJllO!tJ\lIce Lo Iho young' of W.b. ID Illdlaoa. ·~a. bl,b.r thlD goea 10 tbe' peohe~II"1 ror &en yean. .000LDRIllf'8 LrvEa B.4fVJU'PO'ij ~lb 1I4II08. ~t tORcheN hc~ Ihe homely mt\y IV" berore !lDG"D. 8teambol" ar. . , • r . PU'ft CBW1'8rr : ' , ,. . ~?mll bCllUllful. Ibll deSl'18ed re!!pCcled, IUId ,.ported u raoDiDJ 0" &b. pr.irie 00 , . . . A carloll8 .iD8taOoe of ,Ule r.l, Thoo.. n'" of ,,.bildren dlf! llinullI, ' 01 ~0l"'!'''en lOved. No youllg lady or 'gen · . in,;""" at . d 1" 1 ' Croup. Now if ,OU would .pl'nd tle.mao should ft\1I 10 eend tholr AddNl8l. and tlI. ,lUiloillide, \b •.. '.!..c beiog te~ . . ' r~IOO rOng 10 e.~, • ro~nd 60 ClInt_, In~, Rlw.,;' han I bDflle of Dr. re&I"e tI copy poel·pald •. by returnm"lI . • iI.. wide, ..d lb. bo.... - IOIaIl' 111"- .... Orllta ludf(e ~hny MerrIck. Tobin' Ve,ut~lan.I.ln,\.... ~' in ,he hou.., .' ......p~ O. D...:.e : Ill, Troy .. N . Y. IIlb.ergecl, . Boi~D. H.... pt.ymg. "ame of JOII .n lte.r, lI.e~ I~.' lO aln. lI\tle i 1 . .8f!.6m ' . , ob...., tbe b II f ~. d h ' WI.fOlI a\lacked whh Ihl' cu.pla nl. h ' <' . . . A, .'7 Ludlow .tree', NY., bfa ' 0 ~ rI~o,. eo i, 1I0W 19 yenrs Iinee f have Pllt up , my TIi. e ........... . I . tal peril,..... lied bll 1I'1\4.. ao LIniment, 1116 neter heard of • 'l:hil4 dye '-7'Ther.eforr Ih. nerrotll and debilh."d IIr. Jobn W. Firmer ~.o.IlDOea that be 'hat b. oould Dol mo" tbe piectl ' bUI In, 01 Croup wh," ' my I.i III in Itt I ~laa ."""'" i.llledil"l, u.. Hdtabo.~ r, )&t. 'h.. DO" eetablilh_d ~'IOr' of strangen' b. plaJld Lhe ,Ime tbso .... '" d' IIlrd, bul hundred, 04 ' ene. , uf r.itrlll trad BJlfA!'. ' I , , 8~'l ' • Ii.. ' .,' I . ' . -.-- 100 "on h .. e b.en repone.1 '0. me, Iud ...", .t.te r~~~~~~~~~---~ f "eofl, WI'" 11'11 rOld~o~ ,~~ aDd hill II. ·1111 opponenL mo.ln~ Ibe pieeu b, If It "., '1Il! pet bOIlIe. lit..,. woold , nOI ·"7 --;---'"'-r-~-'J.7 -rrr'~ allacbed. wbere- "ladle••od cenllemen bit diree~ioo. be Wllhuul 1\, wh~h. It QIl ., . VIlES " 'BARLY GOOD· 1110 bue a (te. loilel al aU lime-Iollp. '" ,,-,-- •• CClrlain cUlr lu ' ..1'OTA I,' .. " 1 . ' I' A . • 'roolh_ahe, So e ro".~ VR~ y ,.bl.tI'lbe, 10 I;'~ RUfIIM."': IlIr 01, IbAYlng 'PP"ltQl, Ihoe bliOI' ~ c "oman na~ Willi .ttired Soree, Hump•• Colle Dia 1l1li.", . "I VJje't N .• , Y~-\I"" \ ing, br ......; 'tile. Partio taglgad in he ....1f io m.n', applrel all Tllesday in IBry. ~p ••ml. ~II'd '11:1"."10 Ihe' 'liI . . .p'-Pt'r . in 1~.i.8 '1IOOperallye eDle.prl,ee eao bne ute of Ne""tk,'N .J .. lnd .. Jllderlook 10 Ihr181t ' ~ ~~8t" ' No~ cme ~ollc~ Itie_.1t Ylh.' hI , 011

lig ,. I.lIlJs


C IlLrIlclc r, &0.

Tlnd 18 nO






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01." ,,, " ••


b ' ~ . "a'lle '., . • • ~Clr IUC pllrpol" nerl day, al ~rl, "" , ' r, . wheu Mr. Wei .. , hit Bunda, 10"lud~.d. from 7 A. )4. lUI 11 bll8band,"1IM along, aod. 4i,,,overing p, Y, free ofezp6n,.," a mao bu""" a .oman ha&e,fered

tb 'b II"

wlthoul II I ~ t I. w.h.ntpd b'erlml;

'f.~ -Alt,

. . Th tJ ' i '. eli f K ~"h? S.le~,oolO u.r Mr~llI. Hd OAlIUIO.,.,Sol db' be ' . f . e . ~. ~Il Ql, 0 enloc'l "L.Ue,l, SI., N. V. TIl.....,IC'••'i,. told "t e.1 an a"al ?ome nrJ we.ry bfl4 'Ibelr BIllA O.0.e.li60 M Frank. 'rwo J)OI,.LARS .:I\CH. RWARDU" 0' .illa lid~II~..' r.~\ IAI~II~4 1I1Hp.- r~rtOD· ~b. 161b. ,ado llled ' a ,.,"'. '~f \I:.u.ue, Se~tI TWENTY·FlVE C£N S fOf . "- tMJ aw~ .,,_Ib;. -,oro'o&''''r " I~JIOI ':'.;,iutioD" ao!l'ooai. °s~! ".~nU NJ ""~" t'll'l\') DOLI,.,sR (of .... boftiW........' A.e( r on '*"IpoaHI. __ ~..1. ' ' . 1 bad 8fd..,. II. al...., for Go.i~ , "i}ll "ha .......r ';';~ij~~J~:.:~~~~;;~~i~iri ...uIe~.,' 'A , .. . . n ' ~ 1 ...a &"1. B~r for LI••,,~.~...-oo,.l'. iI"j~ ..a'~ r • "

.......... b, .... ~ • • \D ,."


t •. ' '

~_ '\0 ....


for fNa"- air








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""..-r~IWIft\ i(I~~~~;I:1.~:~J~~ ..~,t{..,ItoI••

~~ta "I.h 'r

~ .':.t ~ . " ~""'''''''161:._ «tW Ie w~K:. 's....t W. ;., ~"~ ."'''' ~ aoU",,it••,." L 1 /, •...1 -a ' '~.• P. ~!I+~ o. 80a " ... :.... YIWII. 1'kJ." ~ t '. • . . er'-'JaaM ~ l'1 " "l Mt ~a.", ......,\II~ . . . e",\e"" a"..,••¥w·n,....,. v=.tMrfJoD'A''' W \ aI


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~""III, uplorer.


haa c . hap'~ try b

.tbaD else ( petell


a.nd .J


.&lDcl ..... 1

.'Iu0C4 mi.,

, pen.;li


beL (QUi


',bol1a ' Ib gto ,






'1t",tllnbeil" babe betwee. Ihem oD ' lbe


, ~40G


10 lake inlefl'a,tly. ' ''ul1 dl~l!c'lo", with .~" IItt,$" ~."t ,; .l~u

nery boll It'. ; Hold by the , Dru1Ctritll. ~ ~ilnltrt~h f1oo!ft~(j~e. t.ffe Depot. 66.p",lIalld ~b Nllw' York ; ·, t88. 1111111 ,ro\tucllveJIUll to I '. • t .. ,, ' . , . .' . '. ;\ r . , . ,_. l!ruwn. I OIlP evenbl'lr ,,,,n w l 1 • aod' lue hll wIfe. ' louad WillPllIDg tiF" A ErrR 81\- l'! '''A~t: l i~ P Ih. IIepe,. eoerlf!'. I hltri con olle ,C!~r . . 00 I'" De'rol~ aDd MlI"lukee before be di,conred who IIhe ';'lIa. !~ "1s>rRlatJTI~N' ".' Iji~h"" Mi.lo. Inti ,r.....v'n... &(. t P.rlce 'l,lOO • yea,; .nllr~ad'J ~ week. a mao lind wire h.d . '.-:. ' ".II"o.:Go'" uti S,I.~, WlN . r. n<lw ~lnK'C!n ~'Jlh :ull. dehtile. 1t'1I1 f,ee, alld ' I



'hd . . : : ....... -.

"oIdrll". 1:', B.

i\IINI~a.. Clln.

;,e'OUIIty, Pri w ' Yor,lt ; ,

II the I.... i"Il "tlrll" ,


antlo,he' ; vlalU.·.I.II'... '... ·I

I,III~, ~'t ~

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on iii


iP.'egt ~.

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~.&Il. SOUb.

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1.66- .. , '7.115 ..... ..illaburr lbm.,. J.lib P . •• Clnciail.ti Ib:"...., 6,:lO p. II. fJ:tr nlll " • ., I' eorwln. WOODWUo, P"aideaP. ,J. 'W. nl11'PT. Bop·t. , > A. D. C4i>w ""W.D"~ A,anl. C"'DW'.u.r.~ell '&. IIILU, E1,r:preu A.~ r '11 , K'tlOl. Mtrcbaot,' UUIOD Ex , A,·~. NfChl'Cx~.


- e. w.

in by


It Book -keepers, P~~lfn91l,

T(\nchofS 01' I'tlll mllllsiripo,




In W.ashiJlgWu Towllllbip, on Thul'9d"y., FebruJlry 28. 1867. Mr~ , S ..k0411' JJ! FraET, ngod


,,~ .\'UOCI'll..

tarrett, theapelt. aad ' B.., ,ill A merle •. I. J



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" .. ",C~JS.a:ve!! 26;.'Doliars' ! ,I



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· ·r' ",H ' " nil ' ., ...... , "

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Tbe .clv~nt.'e br. "I II ',colle,,, oyer.all , oll~er,. ,I" t4l1t,1~ I~ !!"D" ,p~,



, i!l

All PIl r'SO". Jlutc:bllioll ,Bcholur.litpi III 1~'i • ..tJo ltlia8 · ;! • "'I'"


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,. 4~ "(Jolle'ges, , !



IDsur~Doe ·.(;l0. Of t1AI\TF.ORD ,. I '



6.30' P...





w.&ranu.r.a (CO.W'I ft"'nol~ CI_I...1i Ihn In. Acco..... r;.,lu"'.1 Aoeo..;


or~Clem 1,




8e. ___GiMl..

ItIl ' ...... k NIl ,. _ .........; Mi... tb. "D, ~ Ie 1101., ,laD. , p' I .... • or ar a. 01' 'pot I 111 ..., •• 114 .011o". did conlrlll, AiM! f _ .ad• • ithout II •



... ......,...

_I1ULIlIlI rlI-

A .....,. .- btcalM.

"preNllce I,wIlW,.w, ; "1. A-' ......... or Adalll lI"a.,.

~ "... "II.


j'o ta111.1r.,·. obe,. N. hi,. I lIeY" ,0 a.'r,y; ~Il" I milea I zou 11 r.. ,~ ~ . . . . 011 , . . .,rlb .".lIr.

0001 S!O'flIlS,

"t H E

lOll" frolll lIIe 11111 ..





:Alit! _ . froiD me I~II ~1I1 a. ..1, .n,I", ....... hell IIr.t ; BII, .,lIho", ,lIlnd •• or (eel. or IIIUI, I u;~~el a .. from pole &0 pole.


A L;"


Iron Rp~er.oi' uo top. 1'10 Ki,chen

'gal){ ; ..

CAR. 0 I N

.,,,h.~ lie.., or """"inr Oflin, C~at

Bol God in me did "1II,llIi. - . fllj ... ,h'irI, .001 in mI'. 'l ion fp,' mOl 11.e Lord did cleilll,

~ ~I~

"And I J

01 .I! alml, :

Tholl .. or ,,",pIe. 10ffftJ .r.'Jo1' • .~ i , DII by . , jI ••lh .,ell Ii,hla bebohl ; , Tel be .."u abowe I CIIII",,1 rD. ~ I/or II! IIW1 g...... 1I0r hell belnw ; , ~ Th. Scriptures ( c_nnot believeII li 'lil or IIrool/. r can'l cODcel,e.

on ~lIfk l


IJI'ollCl·dOl)f. ~nd -

l\ariiar~; oyrn doqr. lioed I,; t~ 'Ihaln beal, lOll Re·

'1I1e ....·lo rral,hlt •



11101 ... __,

B . kin~

: TI.. moet Clompill. alld bMt.workl ng "OVI! IIr 1\ '.rRe ("roil, or Hutel. ,hoi WP hIVe "VAr ft~1 llll f )l 'h~l~ ,tbere J lfe ·3 .iJil_7. • lIiil . ' .


, AS'rROI~OGY\ ~

Th, World· stonished,

T ' JI)i, \I(~.DEllh ; ;,,.r:..~!l1I1r !lade by \he great . M ....D ...M~ If. PERRIGO.

She reveall i crele nil "'''''Ilt ever ' kne,w. 8he reatores 10 , happiuesd lho., who, Irom doleful flycniP. c~lu~trop"e!4~,;ItGBl'S~L~[l. l/\Itle,\11I love; 10;. 0 r lafiun'lo'1tlend~, 1\11. ul mo'l 1,Ji4Iif. bav ~becorn~ dedpolIdent. She brftijtll togelher Ih089 Ion I! aepllrBied give .. information concer.". abse nt friellli. or h'vers, restorel! ioll or "Ioien properlY . 1!1ff you the busine .. 11 ,ou .r" bel: '1unlifi.d · 10 pursue bnd in wbllt YUlI \Viii be mU8t successlul. oauses


d' 'I"~ 1 ..." ,:e,Q ~eJ r ,. )\.8' i\...: •

/'.'11 I


',.,. ,' ,


.. '



tI,;. II, "U' ' 'f!M ...~(~.e"~' (Jnu· ~IJ1t ,' try do)' you will marry, eive. you Ihe lIorne.

8JlW"&'!' '

• 11".1, '.



, .",..

liktne•• and chroelllriillica 01 the perlon, Sial> reuda "nur v'f!! tllfl.llih ta. and by her .Imoat upeJnll"'.1 p,ower• . unvtila Ihe d.rk 8nd hidden myeleri ... or Ihe. rUIDrf· From the 811UI !Ve see ill the firmamellt ~ Ih" U\.,~; "La" tI\IlH'Y"!I9mlllJt: pre~ IIbIDlnale r.4'18 e4nfi!fM.t.......'lhe '~pecl8 Illd P08iliont of th, pl"nel8 IIr fixed <ur. In lbo heDYlloa at the liDle 0




(lu. ..

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s""....,o_oek, •.

h i t-


'"'' week. . - Ih W ".1. .

11 .00. I 60

-!>!OO ,-,iII'

. .' . " 0 •• '-.


mOdl ."


au. lUonl .,

ORe , •• >'. Quo.ler Golu'IIIO a lIIo,"hr.. •• .. ...

•~ "

41110u lh,

~ I1J.hl c ,

'hl( ( OIUIIII\ 3 ",oullt. . . ., _ ." lO'OOtilt. "

.. I yeo.. 0 111' r.uh..uu a.-lUvl1lh

I" . lio





1 )..... J • ~.olal.tfo"' .. 1.0 per. cuI. 0

8 ,Oe)


-- . ., . . . . . .

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,a08 TO N,

·1ItItK _GLA JI') CI'lfDlsf. '.,

'I'IfIS tAl.L\\' ~"-&ND


""lIUIe a, 411:1 __ _

&;06 1 5!OU 20,OU 15.00

D _ _ ..


til! ~~ 17 KU .. th• .• hoitel ,~to

2 ~,011

26 (JIlt 40 1'0 'ft


~ .. ..,.~-.

.......... .. tI....... Ad....... ..


,.....-v..... <1.0 Mile..

A..l\J) I I "RO~



~DA Y) MAR CH 13, 1867.

\ViJOL t:

or Tile rol)o",,:n\l linee ..

I'I! OQm('O d by • FEJllfALD . of No ·1'()rk . .. 1ouog ... h \lie\! of woundg ~t'dt ed 1111 Rt·

eI ~- .......-

Be. .,. 0.....

'JbI' ,1Iia1 or Ja •. K.. Luo.. MIlIB. 11 h". b.,~ft "lDatk" d .. od witllj/!-,. ala.. ,IlLtr ia .bw'iuv WIU • •'1'; "" al tlce. WII . ~Ghll,e. ~bM ,not ooly . I\f;' I."" "".u'.. .., Dcnli"L II lID fhot "'niol! 01 lbOl Ilkb ot Ihr.. mlillary cl\t81taml of I'll" n.II'lo ,.",D,..Wp.r, l8tl3, look JlI.coo la., .,,,,,k. w~u .on 11'0'''11'' dillillotion dUling 01 IIIN 'u4er. will r"w"lIIb .. ~ the III III ~I~ .Ii'll' o( Ohiul blM 1'9. Irolll ,.uOOIiDII p!lbh.he ll "' \ hal "Iclll.i ..... of th ... lbe \IO~~ b"I'OII' Cllf•• ~)nUIIIO. '1'bere ball """. a larK" (rom I"i. M'"l" i~ 1D0r. re!Darh "l. the l)~ _ _Iie 1II.... &io' a' Losb.1I01i 011 Ille 'haD oan be p.odllu d by .. by olber "1lY# rarene• ''-' . . . a.taJa Y.u..a"1 11_ tit"la in Iba Unioll. ':'" » .. \ GraD I, Sherma baa wa. tbe prlullIp.1 ~,,"IO .... 8IItrilla . ... 1ft', turbaoce look plao:. at ll.. rlici,j as lillO Oh io bor.'; andn "cPhen iild DemltCratic p¥--nm P"'"" tb ..JUI" ura"., GI:Cilor,. 8\IIDI"y, Oll, Rot" Ovl, S,..11 I • •1I1l 'I'erl'0'08'Id'· Ibe pliO '" L,, · .au, a~d 1C0r,., or otllt-II o.• Ib" -• ..1... ° f all.d. Eyil£euol !'~. ",Iru O~il', oQ~"r. *ilhl"\' -'* ~ ••. Lhl potpOll 'O( .bllwlIllI L".I Irloll. a.~" ,of oonapio llP" al.lh\ar,. WII. ma.. ch.r.cle ra. To ...... I'" .w.. III tbe

OM of the hllApital In Balilmo.. ,. Md. ft! ~pj It b'1 l hi. "Ifo, .t lt1 ~ l'Ilqu~ t "'" ... hD . a.e 8J MoS 1 of D~rcY • • d_h" tored to biJI IIIfo"L ..·btle life ). (.d. UldIAoIOII1,,,·p,,,, dailt " ",ilS the lloa"L uf Dl&D,.v .. hOOlClliuk "'ral ~~ gtud. L

.,;t_,,, ".


'1\0 •• 111. ....

I am .(yin&~ying. Lulll, DI/ \lOt weep tor me ; JlI Ille gJ'!\\,e 10. Is(ng. LIt.. SuOIl I ~ball be froo .


001110 lllihio DelTer La mo. ll •• k my eh\lrt'uln g brenth, w. . mun 1<100 be pl1rled, L"IIl.


By the band of deatft.

~ 1'i\eoe Illy .....r6. III, LulllIIlliae Ib)o-A)' l~ Ii¥d.-




~~~h::c~~~~~~~::~=r~". 'IIo

No., 89 ..

Sour Grapotl,.

·Ch. Elie'D i.p;;;-· £.llIIil ._ .... 1 wlorlUlltlw ".blii!)e. ~ '. ' , _....1-... . FlflHO yea. ~r" -"iere . .... w........ I~ . BooIle. 1:rftYlIl!r .ffie. IW laU.



g·'"l1d' M!fI.·~"~ ~1I1d:~el1 ~. ""Ilk w. r 01 OIl ,,~


a raU.t'r ono,ceot Ion 0 m.D. 11·......, IIIP\lo,e~ I'b., MOIIH A .b~ aa'1 fiN.... poIAla wlIllb lMtWo ellll.~ &I oIlI4 bo-co UIOdI'f I'~ II W .... cr l~ ~w.padPer m"dll • 110 " . W... _LI .... a,.r r••ID", 8 Ilo u' _ I • . H. lib 111M... , l v;:: aDi:J;i~·~~!· ba ~ .fI, lb' iii 'f ~JI~ , ~_~:~ .....::.... L..: _


:::.0 ."


1 . .i ._. Wlll!MI! \ . . ~l'IIlt'iJl. .... ~ - .u~ ~ . " " I ' "A.. n 1'-_ ..,.._ (;Iu,nl. Ie, Ha".&lu . wlilob , eacllid . • pooJ''': I ,,.. 1D0ro III <>V\IIb .,.,0 ,-; rmlo 1 ..bllll be 114. dII at ' .. lh Ji .. b·., a rOD oollected iD IL" town or DlH!r/i"lu. jo ell. Mi.. i•• if/pl Valley. ~Of'D Ob weep UDt tillU, lilT- ,LIII.,: a 'fb" .1'':'!P I1e • of wllolD ..... 11••,..1. ltl til. w•• t of ',be Mi ..... ippl, agll Sherid. a ". ~OM 1M , Dry tbo.~ lalI~g 1m Ii ",.,. bortowtcl and I.,,,alal l. a W.,..L ... i. . . b Ibe i. Ihe ,all'1 of Ihe ~h,,,. ioeo J eHUiI pasSed doath'8 porlAll, 6do.h, b d .IDA t!1Il"'1", 01 I " '~LaT lroIIL .,. 1..~lP"i"'U,.'" tbe o( G"o. Llaoa,. bit ,on lbtlIM~a· cl\f,,~a or DlUI, lhe ,,"",., '''ope or ~ba ~~I' or Ulo tomb 1 hll~e no fearl . f:r h~l~b Oapl la.1 e · • daDI, aDel Mo... Lilou a cvll.ill, 00 milh"" op.rali(o ns. An~ if 11'<1 1""", , ~v~ ., Ill' . w.~w Ie ~r L '.&lc\i .lUI~I~" • •tepped Lhll ob.r". or di.Lulbing III" puaue. tb. 6tld aDel Wheu I'm gODe my darling, enler .I~a , WI lind I bv" f:r"'~t~a, er !:!~ 1M :-: ClYal.~ IlIld phloed 10 Lhe haod. or (Jou_lsbl., Chlu,e and l:itanlon tn Cabinet • t, ' ane)) thiuk- of lI'Ie,ch,.. of Ih~ II. I'~ \ , '40 000 eft IIi eel Keever, "lio .. lie.! .omlt penon 10 &0 ' ",r... ' Ihptrlm enle (If tl,e Trnlury and' ~n '~UIDV ;r~pt( ·t.lIY huD.ii.Ud·.·.ptk~ ,0 'II' UI- ~ ~. I oodlpao 1 bilD aDd .....·1 io m"kiog tb. the W .. r •• nd recogll iz.. tl "' .h.. Itrollll i W"fc!,es o,'cr thc. ~orl" corp••'. ,~ .o Lh'" e. (or .rrt • 1 IIlIo"ld alSiltance be Il, .. ry. nlen uf lb. civil admini_ Follow Qutwllr<\ diLrlln'g. lralic.ul. ilL. ou,. o~U~II01 I~':: ~o!.. Iwo V · I .I.OOO 11'18 iOLrodllc ed '0 shuI\' Ihll' . NuIV it i. "olie.t.ta · Ih,\I Ohl\> mon I I f ,~\I~r J 11!'\loJ"P~. °d wErlll, E II JIl religo,i wily; T."'b • I .t C · . I d COI\,,,uIlII Y' Inea o~ 100 Ill, Lllca ..~ were 1101 oom:".flu,d in III .. are. 10 01 • Boo~ ••'10 lie uniled' I' • Iia UCII nil' .. n.. • . '1'1 ..,r .. '"r" oow Lao ••plb.rei:l. w. beriol. AbouL dull, OoolLab lu K •• nur. ~Illts thaL I~e c~oll""nl1\lIg Lhe IIMII , \ill", th"bllgh Ih .. y Whorl)! re igb~-<lDd l Ui<dny . .1Ie u•• er required aoooq»p"nied b, IWO or Illte .,bera. ;on of .Lh~ ~~bl~'IJ"s T~~gf~ oll~t· 14) write 110 lHigilialliue. ·l'n. elillor"~ Tull' 0111' 'lilile F reddTe ,I.. rtell fCir Lito ..'. bOllle De~rly a milu II"r ~I.e 10 e e . II' u u- tlUll~' of i II. o~q!l ooo.ilL mllialy io •·.. II""m.1tl Ii c~o,ir, 9f iho ~drld flbo"j)Another company 0' two or ~AIIOll II mach !lrOn~er ,h.n ,h", of olleoing coo rlblltioDi a~c.llivio, ,been Bill him . a't 8eeip,g three periOD. rollowed a ebort di.lllllue anyI otl,,)r ISLa!9Ih l\ tbe Scriplute.: fI,l. O~DgrBo'IIII' IS oUI l'b. W,.v"lle1 '11 tbe ilooept.e11 . bebind. 10 Lbe laUer compaQ)' WII8 Ami left ' Jrl Ood to l09c. I was tIe ... el.... 11 IIC II Il ll, I 0 to· juu;Dal for II\llba .u~I!III( · poe'" oil W nlel.. hln,. r"lthful Lull1,~ 'frump, deella.ed. who cllrriud a 10llded IIlor Sherman, or Oll\v, ~hKI pUlled Ibe ytoinlf .chool lIIi..... ia ~. o.!4OQ,' l'll. N C"Ct mny be strll), gilD. Thero were otber ,un, and pi.· ~nabte'H"l!d IbaBI ,,!Ilt IU ti&I·ly tubG~d lillh, IbQt btl"~ bteD UpeD4e~ .. ill Trom lI,e 'patbe of virtuo, 1n I'd ,e 101. io Ihe tllirly. b.Il' bow many wal a 6 dOD""I' rI"I'I·Oml" Icnc .'".1 ' r· .COIIiIDAI ,,'ould ~Io". matler or dilplue, t"~" ~1111 the hea\'6I\1y w.~. .e ao .' ano. a IIO"n\, . vluulca AII.Dllo. ' Evidonca WII introollced golll, to unit t!l~ bill; Alld IL wa. ~IO . Wad., III tbe era' ., na ....a .. , N \ll\rQr. d",ling, ocnrer, 100" ,ba' dllring tbe aft.~aQOn and ill or 011111, ,,~o, whell ,1111 ~III r,I"rlled _bll,h,d' ,"oiioll' himsclf of"n 1\ nt "8peec ll" t1rot'ca- tba ..eDing 'frump, ,1,0 de, Itu.t my bUild upon ,hy hNlMllt ; .0...... c lued, and to'1h,. Si!n~l.e, u, down til' fO~\ lI:i,o.~ tUliaa .. oo='04lra slonal atyle. l. whieb &oak IlOO ClOp'" ) cunUOl 8(!0 t\le. dllrling. .' oLh.r. of ,be party who went fur Ihe 6nol, ",11081 '~'ing .. comnt II.e'. 0 ie. or lb.. p~pilf oool"'lIio, Ib, .,,10,. IVCI'Y ~ell, v,efY ell,' ¥J.d .:rbis. puipoee o( allilliDg 1n IDllklng J l\IlIlIt.lJe DOB. DIY ro~t. Ih. er. coo.(t1rtl~oa, and" t:!ho\abllrget, of .od ··tbul nlroulat.ed "bi Wawer lal.tie; IJ don't tI"Ce but yoo ~~ ollder· r..eilllfld aled eJtprellion, lillo My breAp! i8 growing rainter. Ibeac : ~11I0, who .t'd°P?,·IlIJ Ilbe Sme~olm stand_th o way. to ge~at ~~er8.: Se tile o.ggo1. from tbe ski-. ·o.!J.'b~, (lU Luoalea) are Inilorl ~~ . pr8911 ~ 10 b'is tl ~oi" eQ; Lclthilll~ '" 1l0derl'ood tbeL all OOD'''' at. blltiour 'would be pllbli.b. a; b, ' toqia 'EX9118 J~lu'8 Cui ~mlld J nm going":" 0 1U ' I Mr. eald .od qpgbt 10 be hDog l " ,"xr we lIet . 0Ul'. 1\. to comp eel la II. Rat.pla n ; '1 &in Ilf'ral(l y ,d6 ~ not them OlU of Lb, bo" lDaUer .ooogb. . . ODt ma, ' .illlilI.ula-::.. i(~, F~Od .t).,.c . . .. Ibey will oever 8.1l1u". a? OhIO Dllm,oo",', made 'III. bid Iql;, all tbi iueipi'l t 8YfOlll iD ... unllerst and tbe style· of th Wester n ,&aDd a tri.I.~' ,"If w. oao't gaC Ihem m~1l i0'b.lbill lpeeOr I~ lb. Ho",. • f.od .00.11 of ,ilbiD, aDd • mel'olumte just no,,; aupp'ol, e you OIlL aoy olber .. ay we Do ~ot weop, de,,, Lul ...will bllrD Ibe I. . - : II 0'-". L. E: L I, ~bool.girl'. 9ba.barma~ ox.cban ge placos with me ~d we re- barn.' Th. Llle~. falDily had.1 S~ilh fLlllen! vole: 0 heard ~--..--IIId III "D"aillU 101ln" penoel peat the rehear:snl.' 'r9 lli~ ,,\dow'd inotj,~r, .. wa. claimod b1 Ihe' dt:feo.e. in .ew · D~'" 'bOllgbL ,b.y b.d a lI&'r''',l Iilillop. ~ . ·C~rtnil;).ly,' aaid Tbi,tle ,ud pick- ~r ..1 diff.reot waye, ~bal Lhay Jill! • 0" rej6il!e. '1 were go · Men IIIRy ue IS Ih.y pl~a~oUb, 1"IIlId Ib, W.""I. y illS' up bla hat, he IJtep~ed . p~"~' Be' 101 to be IMhb"c.I Oil Iha' .. Lw.Ulle,wldL. JIlmea ' le ' ~ne for~"cr:' eolog. II '1 ' of b n iall bll\ it i. liD o..i- Olll b~pe .or ft.arel, beyoecl ,be t~rninlK'. he .fQonc\ lItl \ J¥tIiI!lllD wlt~ AI rifed aL, ~h. bOMI, I.... • From lhre~rthly oyes-1M.... le or· ~i: I:'~~o"e t1~a~ 1\ \~ of Illy ~1fl~CI til f.c,ion or .."iOI t.b,.....l....,lA pri"'~ 11\8 ohlll1 tilted . \>ack; b" cookea yred all Lba pU'1 n.cepl , Dltt he's ,td ~mj'bh 1'lIee. II oFlme '1'1 0 ' ~r I, ~f"o~ DlJ" oner P"Y' ~ O'D~ for ooalrlb· lIercely ovef hla'rl~bt eye .b le heel....ia ou, of li"M while .ha&.0 to reo III 'Ul'ib\;el ' gulee. . wi~ ,I~e r~e~eti. : '••, io Ih~l!&. Vr. , ,." . ! ""00', bll' al!!llya h.. o_,arllu"ln~ClPP1 plllnwd ~ri Tliistl~ 8 polll!k~ deaJr,. (wo ·wo'&l1 malt. ~b •. arre.' I II, ' elid: io ~I~II d~a'b ~ellallJ I. abolllll,'" 'tie boa,., 4Iod"",IIlCt I, ~tt~r, mO\el bo;r;1I1ls!., 1l hgbted , cIgar- ~een hi. so\... "e' ••Id. Wllb In prociuOIlioftte·. numbe 6f llllirde ... la 'Iei, 'oetb. _ary 'l ....m. , Gol., u-p ·to ·,ba door '!i1l.1! ,h.1I l" t.h.~ .1i"'" a ill i>~r . ••. 'l'bl, p.p.r ~ ab ImmlillM elrea\,\",.1111.->\ .blL.ion~ .... "tU\A.Ii.~..",,~_,l)rondelol ...kaLhia _!.'01'~:.....~ . c.\\"4t....",....~ · ,",!,,, ... . "':1' l'~bl1o neoulio nl etplicial\,. r eaoou'I'ag. e..... "'IIJ . b~. "'~'OO? ".. f..r who ,b •.!, and the obJeot orthel~ murde, by f,mill.rl liolr /'Is Mr. Bigher In l' . , vi,il. , .'J'ba ('IDI!y .,,,~ much .. 1,,~eJ brotal mind. with ' ,1""'Ii . ,ulglt lind, tl.~rvlDg JUllru.tlJ' mau pnD!.4tr . Ibo!,I~. 10 ' lti \Do.t .tlOI II now bulI"Ihlt', . · ~_golfill~~' h~el :Ye~: be. I.,' t:ell~nd~a . Ra.tapl .n aDd ,.eelDeduD"Ilhnlf for 1(r, ~ca. w horribl. ' form, and we Iirio" blowing .. cloud ot..pore Con go ou, of Ibe Iloua., bllt 00 bc'~g ~a. eltecIHioot of o'rilDioll/, buo 1111'1 man'y ID Oballe"o~o. Aflul. ~lilnll of.ii-_ b.en mor" '~II~lllre bUIlL 01 ,the UDrlp. lbralD. 01 into Tbiatle 's eyes, 'Who In-'-are .ured f~II' there 11"11 110 IDI~ntlOlI ~o ,."ollin g Iii'" Ihe murders they were Ibillo! 10Il,\h... YOII ?' ,o( ~b••i,,!I,ud . hum 111m, Mr. Lllels cOII .. lint 10 avena" "ailging canoor b. gl~1 wltb ol:idllrate r'b)'ID", ql .trug,J, ..i~li !!U~~ ~nd~r9ddlc ,,'1 .x :errescn t th~ hOll8e or. 'l'hI9tl~, ,willt ,hem. ~hil • .lIear ,b. nl.d 10 go Itllller dbor Trump ~:till~d u n Ih~ ilrgillbenl lIiAI Juall. ),ollnl mi8ltl , whh ,n ' .1118· pe"oU~ From lhe pflthsl1f vico,- . Br08. & 00.,' said tbe llIItoDlshed em· camo round Will, h" gun. .D~ Whe,lI" r.h war betwelln .. ql,,,1 power•• b~r. drelm 0' ·EdgArdo Egiormllot. ,,1.. dlr~­ 11)" ~DY piri~'a :flji~po.riug. , Iloyel', coughing: !lIlt Ilbo~t Ii quart poiuted iL "1 . Lh~ brta~t of OliO .. Loc/I,; ~:" be'no arbh,r bUI (',roe; .nd d:!, .,.d ~.moDiao lonr,. wllo.oa tried oll I will ~im. el,ltice. 1 of 8~oke , rl'om blS throAt. . or' not Willi a polnL wlllc~ .Iha Do ~' our duty, Lula • . ''Ihe blazes 3:~1I do; IIrc yOJl, '1 ne. did no~ IIgree. AccordIng 10 ",lInllueM 8n,,1 IpPI·.11 bel.ean Alliunl' i. 10 .rm •. 11,1" fl6lr .and r"D~ ' . Fel.'lIla ""I-fo il"'" lO!"e of 811t 'io tbe d.Atb peq,,'t, Sooltt1' f. ~e!, wh!~e 4J!"IIYI~ liibl!\lP I:!CIl~ .bim 011 to beaven, of thllt concer n? i. ,w.• atl W!lOO"os lIr. Lllo., Bit! him f!Oqk.thl\ ~a"il>~ ,. 'No sir" I .Am not,' . "rud 1'IIJ8\\e. . "I here i. on& of Lhe d-:-d eschllmeil. eonrroDhld wllb tb. In,Ji,ldual '; 'a " A~ ' lilJUum, . . • •. II I mob DOW," liun IlIke. th. lifll of nno m'fio'Clblil, Ill' Lhc lIleans loc'. gi\' ~)I. 'Well. its d-..--d !Jacky 1'01' .)Iou and Trump arler tlll","n _ () ~rl helplo •• ",an. 1.'0 killlbJI .offender , Ie : ~OI.I1fT .41'·.8 ....0 ... llIiV;. e lbat you are not, for 1'v,e bad Ij) .boo\ bim. Mr. Lllea •• , ,Ihe I" oonfe'.. Ih'" lawl o.anoL r•• tr.ID or ~~I I." week: ,b. boo I e'".. bo Dear th08 " i:IrURlmCr8 to,ope ~onatomor ill .. " 0 . . " sn~ while , ~be IWO were ."uKgli llg real"im : chit Obiillianity i~1f II ' l ,b'. Throllgh t-be pa1b ot'lIro, stQre IO.r the o 1I)0lltb8, and If a' Spr.aiborou~b" 'T' ~"re4 l'he gun , Jam~' LIIOII' up a olden rille for Watchi ng. g1Iiding, guam'"g pd, but ,"at aDd Dlooey to Ihe .mOIl I could get bold·o.f ODe of tbe ·hluted L r '!-Pi .boL Trump IWl&" a tnol¥er , two , f ~ Ihe bad we ma.' ..." .... 10 8l1rblr. 110. The lh.f, w.. dlltof.r ed elt:.: : 1I,·'~reddle. and dear Wire. " Cools tbat .end 'em ..out .bore, at thi.e ball. Intering hie sid,. II. And tbllll-l'l\ wl1lel.dlll heaTen time, I'm dUlned if 1 wouldn 't boot a.a, IIId· died ill about '''0"a. 'Iken i:DI E ....r)' uuullo o lD.kea ,b. d.llb IDOraiDg, aad O .:~~lh:::00 ....d bf hoia ...- ~n~h, 'lIIor, loa'h.~e IIDd h..,.o. ,b. rae,}!a , I e~ Cmlle )·ou ·boili ....y. .~ , ",n'o him olean ollt o.f the town of Sllll!>uL' 1'b. II;IlI1 ~rth. deoe ...d.~ rouDd Iq lb. day 01 iI. aboliliol. ' ."aOIlIDa be· tba wiu .;W' $~IPIr.; , To wlIete in blf.. uDlled, ·T.h ~\·11 do •.that',l do ~r, aa~p- bu. beeD lORded, ,h.eA.p OD lind . . ~ bam· linlge 10 Ihe d,,:k a~.: Ii I, aDII.IIII- O. 0 .• ~ker•. ., I:' W~'ll reigb in endlcee day. Inn,' said Thietlo •. 'I have no doubt mer drawo bao.k. E"dlac t!0D~.tV~ . wa. in , malle, 1011 all.-lbt louloou JAJlI)lI s. FElIlIALD. 01 FraDIU It ~ ~u'li you did ,the be8t )'OlJ coold fllJr th~ If'Odua.d t.o abow Ibe Kaaerall LillY' or Jooci and halDaoit .hrlnk from il, . lhe judpea t en.: aa • ,,'pa ar: Oa My inform.:nt told mo the ..Ife of J. ,ver· intercst of tbe hOlll!e: Ie p ,. . .Ia '~ Trado"l a lit· ~rDJ cherllolar or d .. d.fellda.L and or the eoodemD' il' il i. a blOl Spr,olboTroD,b. ':mid io o'. hle .. ld the .11()\·e Unea' 1I'ero written, !lOOn tie dull.'-R oll". P"P'r, to 'ba li. BDoll-d.t.rmined oll.rll4I· "pOll our ol"lIiuu no, • .,;, after lIe ·enIl8ted. wl'ell be ....!LA f t P p . . r e p t J Y l n l e r to Ollf prell' .,re." d' ~b·.~gl.·a,:: ~b: o f t h " d e o e a s e ' perl8et het.ltb-1 Dd" tbey .Iood looking aD ... aditg r.oe'o our"I i"loII . .hon ••a . ... o.! .. ._ Tb,' d"-bc, lei op .... Ibat or the r I the beauUM re_Ioo. , about La be remond . ...... ..Op- t.JK. ~N l' .... ,.. YINI wbo had I!fl hi. bQ.....&8 p,.... "' o~ Ie b1811t1LiYe etllle=lhe a!lOnlAd . wklolf pia· . . ~ r... I . lb 1,,"1 4 btla_1 e prolec&W D or ,".llItb Proflb, dereDdanl ~!1 ber bnnd 011 tbe IiDe fore~ad ••11d allid . 0" ;'Ad The DBs·ton J014rno~ eay. : • Jdor:;': '-b.· ... ""'ac *, rrom wha~ &h'.IaUer b"liew.d .,-11h e Xenia Torcbll gbt, refer- ~ ._ a •• "'0., of lti...._ 'Who 1{oultl have Ihoughtt be hne. yOIl com · 'We underst and tb~a new route tu.1 and IlDlIIIOI!At dlloier• LP btt 10' ~~.. ..... pullUd ,.-ould 10 ~OOD be reall.ed I" I to 'b " """Itlon . to cS"ung e CUlGIUDa... h a n d ng . .' ..J. • e pro,, __. •• _ , .• ' I' h'!8. ~ec" propp.e d t.Q e Sbol't:L i oe I;)..rhld, ... 4.,&b. otber 1O-.,?~ • w.r· • OI&L,.&Il ~uril .' I ~ , the word 'whlto' from tbe@b loCOn ·Al' D.. '6aldOa • enterpr ise. It La iaic1,tbM amlDg ind pLLill' flMlnd , .... a .ar ,o~ 0 not gu. ty.- tit tlOIl aaya that It. Is strongl y op, OOV~B.O~. ,.....,Tbe · 1\10ullt Vernon dUQemcnt8 hav'e been , offerest. to the Yell,.. 1.. J be &, I 4 IGiIl b' dj. Allel\ and TMmpRon pond 110' s 8~ rl'~m Soutber n.Ohio, Rcpuhh cnntlJ IIt1t~;zed to annou 'tt Short Line Colllpa ny to and adds: .aulb, ~~~Ih'ori:e~' a:o "NI~~1li. ad~pt. t.he led ~be proeecutfoo Illd N~'~II. M:. ·t be proxiM ity of Kentuo ky ~ ~ti. Vic"en dre,, ' a Barlow .Co~o~bU' :~.l-: ~:nd~. 014 Air Line rou~e from Cincinn ati BllrDY aDd 0 N.1l1 Itiiill appel,-ed for , ." lind tbe drawbRck of Olnclun llti to 1114. e ~~e f~rc ~'~UO! . 8 SteCr.. CA.>n . tb rOil 1$11 L.ebanon Ipd. X~Dta by,'''nd ete w.t. ull.if ..; to jl.raad .. ol.-beba I'lOll, Slat' ~ oontend with down this "ay. If, Ih. '~'I~Lla!l' oJ ~)Ie 01100. b, "toke ~s~n 0 t e . !lIon 1\ "-en· Spring8 el_d. Tbe propositio~l.,:,. 0* . - - - - •. . . boo. I1 He '~8 YlOlde'd to-the urge~t Iill~ we 'lln1ter8't8nd therefo re. 11'0 grow ~uite a8 lbroll li lba Gr~"!1 iniiaIIDg ...... to be tbetae, to. . A COOL FUl&lIi a.-Wa hu.. (nst al they dodon't (al·thcr north, onr ,or i, ~aOrfriell(~'bboth an wit; 'rhe lilopl0J!.lqQg thjil P opoaed n~1I u 00 Oap\~ ~i1f V:~k,,,. ... n "od burd of cool proceedings era f,lcntls lip there mU8t hnve . ", b.biiDI :to,n lin cbnrlty . ::: bo,,!.er 'n.", arr.. ~J:· lIoa., to"1111 a8 con- new fO t will tdtCe 'd'ouble th,e a· Ihi•• bilL Ihe conducI or a Vermopl a~' The tiMe Is cowiug when we shall "a.' fOllod on' hi. perlOn, parl ro o II~ ~~ 41J1. nallle. ~~ mouht ot stock Bub8crtbeCl 011 t~e ricu'ltllri.1 w•• ,of wfiiob p"li,j'el y '·ic"d.'1 . He klek Kentuo klan. Oll~ or Southe rn hal .prg)Qlll\ent ,pepets " line to Da.yton i tho Shaker s of Un. bnc be.o ideulflied .. Mr. WriJ!l l·,.••61d a IOlld of h'IIY 10 hi. n~'g'" Ohio and hold Oincinn ati level UJ'IlIIIKI8." l.""'" Oro~iceAc. witli H. had I.i. IfalDioalion befon"J Pq'lre hlS name t1~at'hPo~, ;,on' Vlllnge will give tree rl"ht bor, .. ho, aonlf"r , to hll IIrpeelatlon •• tbe bgo.· k-l101'r1l ' at e BS - 'way tbrough their six (l\ouflAnd a· .rter Lool,,004 an4 i. DOW io jtdl . " " . _"ink il wdlr~d ay"d 10 ..a colf8l~n_t~.' .", bave DOc douJlt I •0 Qf land, takq 840.900 1!:0rtb or b unlo.d~d.. Btl' a , ..(ork(ul. bl. "ial-~Star were R&JOICl~O I. <?TlUI••' IIlIro.f u.... ,. 'We detiro h~, . .. ' , "I • up aOOck, aillt preient 1~I'to the olf when. bOIl~!ling rock ,oiled fr~DI I nIYer ~"~II.~e d .ore mllnlf..t Xu ~...'r DlecO Uuo-" n..-. .l~~onl feel a pany 'When ·tlic roaO '8 compJe t. off lit. lo,d: ,hen ~nolhel'. ~nJ then lad dil"IIIUag Indlcallllll' of ranenroue u. lI;iolll io alllftl4' 1 bu&-0111'''' nd,ur'ltntltftlllal:-tn pc!1)plc .a. 'nnel tile 'owners of tl\e oll~ Air a I',ird came bianll .. tala UpOIl the llbO'. ' . 1D"ligniL! aDd ,a ,horOlli bl, b"d b,"'" la",,, liD' •. of Li~e route, upOlf wllicb consldle rable "What" .tbl. fT. iaqnired 'be bUler In ,biD io peD~le lalklng . 0' Ibe . ...for} naellCf .~ici 10 bl • .aliaDL AD .b~ pu1tri()t8·,•. ~ICL-. I~cl..' ..... work baa beell Ilone, wUl' gi'I. weD, illlo·,b••L~p ~' ,. ~. ~ It-to. .oioe. ,. lao" lOel. UIII •. of. Lbelr c'iab~, &0 b01 .. b 1," 0' .blah .Ia doll ailed ~ dldtn- tlie Sbort Line CompallY. Tllo En· • loud Ira " , \ "UOII aU 'htrd .g ..... , bl. rear, re- pro,ide lual ,IIIIaitoDl a.d .. hlt~~ cI• •ad.tI. ,He ' 0I'1Ii'ed "'" ......,ft tbe el~~o_ glneera arc cngage d In 8UTvey t,lgtbe lilll ~~ del( ma.,. h. clollan. . do Iheir oeighbo ll •• rea' deal;of, '1866. • "A.lli n." ¥id ,he Qliu_.. ,i1Il route and report it much morel pMc, p ",u, ae~ bere I" IWOtiDlII\d Lb.olher. 1 han nfl),,"eelt~.l peopl' .00 •• , ... $aaao, dord ~ Ii" ~ple i' "',M . , lUI lHth eaefer grades tbln' baa pOinting 10 bouldel'~ 1 which Ia! ar· rI,joice at ~~a JII...ID,. of', wh.e., priot." T"rn.....y·h'd~'ve&tlI·AlIlO be beretofo.1'e beeli Ute nndel'8t aDdlng tn . '" "yed in jlidpilAC lb •. IIt'\lon' 'bet~ b...... nIP com, ID • palO(1I1 you I," r' ."ot..lm .d \JI!,~. nllway eireloll . 11110 a18~ fl'Olil ha,.III : "wh.\dO tIllIII"I .mea" :' of dllappollllmalLe ~nrl ,""I.. An , &r,..• a•• -•• fbtD ·....·.ONad d.eae.l • ICln«!linn'1.\1 Spdbgl \eld by 'be Atr "Sbu'l caL Dl,h '? IIIlIIh. ha, ,thl. Ihill rtlDlul'8 &0 Wh.... Ibal '~' real IIId ~ 11.1'1\ &0 10.'" w-W roar m11';' yelr .. I did 1..1," replied lhe de.ler .' raella, of ,h." peopll ia on. ~ part 'rriea~.· ..i4~, 9.!JaPro·J1MII Davton . ' <-~ I. • III Ja"'&.\· I~"" • .ali,olt )', aDd lb.' .. be' LlII' '~JA\oe a' ba,. ·,,,,,·bl' [Or. poUii~ 1 Jla~~, ~. :~~~;':t~=~:~:~p~~I ' Ja,l-.' be b.d 4oi,ab.~ lh4.1 ... .,,,. ia DOl tb. uldma" ,ooct '~a' 1"1" IIId. Hata for ,wbt, 1.1&"";" Qa'dI~ iriCk. "DOO. aow~'lhllodarad a ro"~ID!t ~h~Jlk .iifor'u o.. . ~ r . .,\ . {liilell'l~ft~'·~~e,.llff graoillt •••t6,' a ~ Ifll'eaLAtioD h' lh' im.d la~ &be" .!".1':.!"'rlel" .. ...r. IN. . ·.. .." pa... ,btl ..- .. , f 1 , ' 0 " )(,, c uI ' . II ,b.'.,..!a 8001 !Wltb 'elf ~.,p .or&ia... iolll a.. III~_~~',:,'.:.,' :'" ~D ,.. ...~. f ... ID In. 1 I . . ". ~----,.,:.-- v_ ....... I~ ia9~~ !l ••y .oei,ltbor N.... ""ame d 'he • . I ~' 'WI~ ~'"'' .u1ll~.'QlJ'~~ ,...".. .; 01 JPIIIile.- 't1 ...r . teo1110" . " T . . fol&.o"i,. Ie 'b. ta~ itf ..,1' \0 tial ' , . . " ~ .~, ~ ,l~ ~l 'b,.. ' .,~!" ~oi,,'i., 1,..11 of ~l.. Ma~h .,IID,io.: Tile Gtlardo adv • .aI ....... ."'......,. . . . . ., tq &IIi bro~ boIaId.n aDd ~~e ~!g lump illl ADr\,.I~1 ~'o P,o"k.\; $i . jM.b~. ..,.~;,t of Ilrlb"iLe. . . Pb.OOID II Mallur. TIM "~I~ ... liblleb • 014 to~ kiail'llt ttI~.'fol of Georga ; IaBediliiOD., n.;, ,Yr. :'1 ~"riIH'. 11II" ' b.r.JI~JI1'-lj""'I',I'." I~to ·"b_ H.~,nl"QO derl ..~~ of II"'~I . wllllftitiiie. H..,...J';P.! lCl4Wi luill. Ilpoll .... I.,la. I.. MOII~.'; ' 1otI"'~"" Mota8. 111.,. . . ; be ella...... .....1 ~f,lC!baoco. , and .0..\..,; LaIMwl )11 B,...... ,.~" ~ .... eHi 11. (Ook a ' Oa. J"~I).bt..~IIbota~"" GlI.~ , bl: 0 ,~ , ~ ~., ~11l,

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lSIIv 'a lllla

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Tlae abOve Skirt for sale by



SUOUL~Ee.u~ ~1I1 'h.,U ~





Pot~~t Ilcdi~-' RETAIL DU"SR8 11'(




fiB lU!I4cP.E R'F U l\,f' E·~ ( ~ . ~~ ,~l I H A iR'toiL8 ' I

, GY


Our FALL 8_ is DOW

"COMPLETE!" ADd we blvite the ', ltteDtlon . of oar' Custome~


FrieDQ to the Styles ,and Pri~, ! f "


, the Best Quality I

ani Prompll, . O .l,~ " Dr, ..


H,'0 ,T 1 CI

CAS SI ~i E ,It E, It .''her,e".end., ll! ,\yep to ., 014 nil I •••tlII ,

~~ ,MeD ,~ DOya' Wean AT




•Th, Sliburlb", han.... 1ll.1DI.... Shop r9~rl, oeeppi" b,,,P.I.t tly, in Oorwlo, Le i. p'..p.r-

"b". '

od 10 do' all kiad. bf

BLACK'. '. 'tTH I . CJ

io ·the btlt .aDn'tr ...eI 'a. lh•• 00l ~'•• ' ,

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.bu~ or OD tIIIi be ana 01 re,.,blQgl1l •• lute~ to die lDeetw~.4ip. QuotaUoQa Jrom _ • crcread.~o iugthe eow. er with whi~b the spirit mov ed in tbe minds .or-Frfeuds in former dlr)·s. in:







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J'Ift' t,

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a 11 .recll~1!'lj ....

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Houp" Skirts' &c •

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1Ii_. ,bi. 11.1 dal 'ot laaOrl....,.

1: '

.01£4:8: Jf. ·WILSON•.




WII'IU!'" my h.~D" •.nd 11111 , ollioiallr.


By Ils.

Ollle( qlerk.


as, H.






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as a,~~pte~~tQ eyo~y dpp'rlrt~ent

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mOl( em( neni Pr~fe ..orl ar. IlIIplo,ed 10 the Ylrl~II1 4eplflmen\•.

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®!f .~ :W&'VlIN, , aJ~~".,

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A81)~TIf. ·


• COl1lpln, on L."d, ••





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R.Il, E,111" '\lolocu~b"",

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STAK 0)' COIIUCTlCVWj E101J~ . o, ftl"; R£TI •• II.



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DouaLa.' &. .S"I'rIRLU, (Pr..ld.nt. and WILL". 8. q~~. Ih.HUGle "nIUI'II"C' e",p."7 ol,.NII.. Ru.n, Connllolloll'" WI., ',61tt'til,,1.lhrn • I de,o" .,ut .Ir .h,," lh. lurelJOla, II,' lUll. Iru•• lId corr~l.ta' 01 tb.II',I,. lOCI," In. th.l..llo,chl .. o( th_ United 01 Ih. IIIlIllolur,"c. COIllPI.,." .a"d thlt lbey .". , .... bun d'Krl"" om..,.



BtI'l et Ind Canld. IOd Bclioi .... hlp.



bouahl In lbll oolie,. ...111 b. ,oOllia .Dl or III or lb,m. • ,

Ih ..fOI.

· I,' " , i , '. • W .. 8 GooDAL, SlIcretar,:..

: D., ,.

JIA'I'l'B&1.EE.......111•••• ~ I ' I

.Sublerlbed Inll .wura b.for. m., tliI, 10th dl, of JlnDlfy •.• 86'7..... rUl.u.] . [fin. O£IIT ITA.'. 1 ,



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., O!'" fla" ..... &rA,... lII~ualt.ol UD"'~~Tt ( . ·COLunu., J • .,. i8. iee1. "




'" OHIO. . II I. hereb, eerll/lt'd lb •• the 11I,II,oln, II • !!tIrr. . 00;, ef 'lion 01 Ihe HOUI! INSURANOE COMPANY of New Hu•• C . . .:.... .,

~ .... lDber.lll r "~nr rJlor .CIlIOII,.bllil,. ltn 'H~ftlltd III lbl6 odic •• '01 dI., •., 188'1. WlI'" mj'iIUB ad . .,. L_ ,. [.I"'L. I·... ,. 'Y 'I"" ~" ".11 ., '&MES .H. GpDIIA • .4114'l.r 1IlaM. , . , lo IPP I1 'a' 1' .B1 J Will eLI r ""I.,a.. \ ,, .-' ~.... Iml• • • . .:. ... ' " . ,~d _ ..... ; I ' ~ ..., ' ~ ,'t :. ,

1m.,' .


T?JUCP" N8~BI,I\9N:I .

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, '1. 85 76


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or II.,,1 itock. all,"oriM It,. ...".... ·••.000,0001

STaAftOH 00'&

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(n "'11& 611

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-.»00 00 Deb I olh ~r'¥ll,e ""j1re.Jt. . ... ." . " •.' )e,lMO 00 "'~"'Dt,itr" 0,; ,Ill. ~,q,\I,1!11I c1~.t .•11 U)ltaa cor: , ... IDI_ V,.. Ilid .teall, 'I f ",86.., , ,. "\1 '1. h ,. It I All otiter lecurlLlo, lIll.rell. 11191,•••all l.atl" .ha,."'., . ill, , . ' - . .IIQI ,.'fI" . ,," . ' one 0 , • t. • 1"" " 'r , ,u ! ( , . , I , ' ' I' " v, ''1~ • .,.!f. '. .~ 1 ' .. Tu,d -<_ia 01 tbe ComplG,. •, . . , . .. '1,~.Il' eo •I • I n I . "; " I I. Ill. I LIABILITIZ8. I • .n ..''''''"· . .'.... '&, ~ ".,tlj.. i"Ii.............n.. .. w.ltln, fo, 'artller pfOOl, ~~ ,I' '. , ' , " •., : , :, 'IV. · Mls<:ELLANEOUS. •I Tilit ,r.lte-I .• mount Inl",ad ,.It .n, OD. ,i.II, . _ ' • •000 Oct ." "'hller."t"~ ImoulIl.llo"," rale. &II~. ,...,..:,. aa)' oa. ell,. ft .1II~le 11111 11111 ,re4'''t. 'IIU'II.l IUowed 10 b.lnlur." fa '11, 0.. ..IIlocll-80 t.I•• ( GllEA.'V.CD.IN 0'" 'J"~. "''''0111." i~ "'pi,"1 0, ..,..,.~ dlpHltld I. "Ita. . . ......., IIIr) OI'" 111.,.1•• '69,018.60. ",111," d'PO'~l "'¥~ I,. 0 ,1110. : " ~. ) 1

1!-I.o•• ,~" ... "., ... " " 1 60 I~.,':~~~t~!!..~~~~· II l ;hteli,• • ' ·t":- 1 " 1 , , t5' I 1'. Lard 11 .. ~. ' I~ Eap, " .~\IM g ',: '''' I ' ~,',


Deb,. due Iii", ..cur.d b, mor,••, •• ·

,I ,-". 40 Sorle, ~ 'I' "itO (Jt 000 ' Corn It . . ," '. '... ... 46 Buck wh"." . . . u. ' 76 .•• '.,

c..1t or


... '/./ .,. 'I;





CMiIJ, "."....,

i I,ll I~' ~IDd"or AIeU" i .J.... Oo.d. 01111 S~"c" ow~ It, ._. ,O omp"'"





. All 1 ,.0"" p.reb..lo, Icbul.,.blp' 1'1 Tla. ,moil", Ibll, GoIlI" , I • I plld ur.

EtlCr) Wcd,v,

.M-1<l' i'~5 " ,,-'/ 1 oo.@ 00


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Dar cf ~.' 1866, f1Ulde to Ih. At«lilor " . ." ''10 .,T{.. 8tatvu 01 thai State, I



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I~, fo~~'.nue. -~



LI~l: oC \VilmillB.~~" I i-

6".000 00

0 ...

or. ~Ile United States .nnr! die!,blcd soldiers al'e exempted. 1''''',,"-:-- -"''''''''-"'-'--"'---:-:':-'----,-Tb,il' eum ?f..tW.o. qollal'8 lIiay b'e ;paid any person liable to work IIJId re· v~d. by the trustees ill ,lieu' of' 'the two liays work. The t ustellB powcr .tq ~t;r,1$l any '


yearly jn repoiring

"0,000' 00

(0'1\'1 VaNT ~~ItIIP I ,. ' No4q."Y, ~ I' <;>"-W/Ij OJ' 1;UIIi A\lDI'NR 0.' ~.~ OoLWI 0 .• 10. 8~• . It iI..horeby ollf.litied, tiltH ~he Joreio'lII ••• corrtCl coPy o( lb •• la1emell& of Ouodhioo Q~ tbb~ 'frl\\·,,1 re In.uraltOe Compaoy ,at Hartlold. lIlIId.a .. 11",1' tiled iD llli'll ODioll. (ot lllo YUlr J 867. .. ' . , ,


, c



J..,),t ~'\"O:'bl"iln"~l!Q~ .• ·re!,r,.

I . "








i.e . "~O"I~Dd , our ',...d~fI ' l~ . pllGwbag . Il~' C"PI~' I :"w,hllf I .'!IOI~ ~" ·. -. · · . . . . . .1 I . " , L ,r_",IIft! 10t 'elU)Ja, 'l'iI' on ep.o~l · ..:__ I~ lnaee'il~ aTe ~ enti:: ·";i'ddt'ea.·,I."; - '6J~i1 ", toa ." Id t. .• • deb~ fifl . st'''I::-'; .'.; '~ P8 ' ,r, -1M' , M:l'\tJl~ . ,-,!,. ,Her. ,., :¥.!f •• • dlto D P ewell'. Ohio••o. 11111101 ••· . , d ,, ~ ~, ce~ t ~f r' ..... ~~Jtce• . " . > ~.1. ,~~.. . ~n . ia~t, 'tl!J~ .•',,~.' :'''1 . ' ' ,. I , .,hillh •. • ~9f~jo.l'fer~ ,tM;Idy• • taud. io leading member the Ohio lloule I g -.I.1t1, ~IICI"~ !f~,' it ,atlld of ' .. : Go·idoa. of Repmentattves :V'I" I I ',f" re']JCcd the belt '''''"rance, (Jom'llany • I' 1 ~ l"~ S'1 it .... ,,, t l1)o~e" lome very radical .chan. WUllrn people .i~"re ~in. Urn --'---'" ..... 'Atu~1 ican ''i'tlmpt'r"oc~-'Re(orin goa in our road laws. 'l1he care snd known welllllt. a'nil lJ~im,i integrity 'rrliupe ~nolll.r · plffot...~a. It supor"lsioll"of our 'roads, instead of al it. ~,'J.d, .,ui'iu ~;piJ~1 i,'ample. . ... '" ' R II W d . .1 . I b ~emg'10ngerentrustedtP8DPtli'vip.OJ'8 D SWIf,'TE' " . ~'VUllcprL " .OD. II lIe .... 7 " 0 II L -~e now 'tranaferred to 'ilie town-·. " ~. DfI1n:,,!O ~'wm lut 1IIel:k, , "Lleh , wa,. well ,u.\ln,d.4·- .hap uIl8tces., AU male reeidcllte twe..-tv,one nnd ,fI.f'tv _tI e ,SIII·• .card b( Di.!L. B.i Wtllcih', I deb· · 'Plrte 'lct'1Id (rom . Waher SooH' . ...."t1, o


Bub.eribod tsIlA,J..]


~ ·"'Jp\ho/.tplo) c{f.;; ~~It,a t9,elf.fti":'~








Lar,ul. Jlh,eap,.t., uJl B.. t , ill A.erloa.


Ul.lOO ,OO

- - -






,, 1.0.600 00 10.600 00 1,100 00

,toOl., .

I ~. Batltlr '911 : )r,tllde.DI, .od·'Rodtley Deliah. 9toretary Tn......• loourllJlc CO\Jlpyl)' b~illi .""e,a\1), ."orn, depbM IUld.u),. \baa \be fon~ ~I .' filII trlle a .. d uorr.ul .till ll.matlL of t~.. al'a\ra of lb. ,.Id h ........ po... pilly. !!lId b ..L llillJ' lUI lutl Ilbove delOflUacl o~ lberaof. ,~ .

. , ,

.'1 . !

''',000 00

Tbe gre"'"ll IImollnt llllll"".1 ill a"1oo11 ri.k. The IImounl or il. u.pilal or lI""ujug' depoJilacl ill. UJ o&Ja'Ji Slate, AI '''tlUri'v ror lo .... Lhereio. D~po.i~ reqllirou ill 04io. wlldv annu.lly. t

.: ,



Bl\ofnr . ~~m ., I

8101.76'7 . . 683,896 '76 16.000 00 68.31600' 10.000 au

TOLaI Liabili,i...



for f."ber e\aTml',,,' . ~ \\i. bump.. "

.II\!I.P! ..... ,,.It\1l


BL~X CHED ill)' ,


ill C.,ltal Slo" k al\ pallt-op IU oMb.


• Bi,..~.

, ':' '



AMeLa of Ihe .C.lmplln,. . • 111. LUDlLlTIEfl. r(tlJ.lled .D~ no~ d,,": uDllClji.ltad,

Qr Tck.grapl\ Itepor~rt:,

~AN'JjO .



. .. :':


ll . ASSETS. 'Ca.h of \'1"5 C0l;llpany ~I! bluad-, lod in Ibe hilid. 01 Aillata alld ol\l"r p •• 0IU. Til" Bo nd.I .. 011 ~IOCI. • .0 111 uld 1t1 dll COmpiUr. ' Dtlbta .JII. Ih" Compao)•• UCII.,,'d by m t)rl g'g~. l)"btl olberwlle iecllr~d-L<!lIol 00 ponlooll lectlJill. All olher propuly. .





mA, ". ' ..

'lb. 1IaIO\aA' Q£





:. "


Ion. wl.b !ulr lu btl finl-clue






am oppununi1r up, 11r..N\od til pe'.

, Th.



Dece. . .r. 11168• • ad~ lO Ute "Mllor of ot.Io, ..~t. ..... &'L"" of 'bal &ale. I'


.' .



.s ometiqlu fn. C~. -s inging hYUlns. Pllilbur~ B&p,.n, ~1"e)11l8 other., idellcea ,of deep • Clnoinnlti lapr.... 6,iO P••• Ii velI. feeling. ~ ·Do •• Dot .IOp at Corwin. • . E. W. WOOJlWUo, Preold4'nt. "The practfce 'or early Friend I J. . OIlPR. SttD·t. : occ~ionany !fngilJlt bym!1s in their .. A.;o. CADW4 11 .... Aeenl. !De tIn s . .,or blp\ ft. IIllllrled to 'A: .PI.~I .-.R"" mello! IIpplu Ire . 4.j · , CAfw..tL401lR lJIu.u.~ .. AgeII&I:. III bOve oCtaet: 'Was oomnaent-. @fl~ t ~d ~IU In bODr alia a Lilli. "hill! II , I"O~, Mere'ltea'"' Union Ex ~AIr't. ed U~D by iii F. ' j Dd. w~o ~, II,!d C,.bIJIl,,1I rllqtlir81 ·hll tbl~t it ,,~nQ.' ip , 1:411 01061 beallbrul lIuaeu lhll& 0110 be n", iudividulll act. ... bloh , pl.\\('11 IIpDn a t.bJe ii ''' ' baklld' .pplll, , . " u~9taste~u l to Bom,e b~fitlpdil. led II .. e.a frequen.l, II bt".kC".t. "hll , .~nd8, ·)Vtjght dlfficl,lltl in Oll~ of tlt,e ~tings Co.'llI br.. "d ,,"d bUller'.' .itboWi meal ou'"hei ,S&.Gck' Lbe n~l'tll or.,El,Iglaq~ .. :. ' ., '. ' or 1te~b ot Any lIind.· it 'hb an' adlit\r,,' I ' I . ... T,!.l a. ,If ol\~d pf obj~'lo~ elfe~ OD .lhlt,.ee.n~'~1 ~,liny "0(1110 t ~'ur 8y t All<·. smgmg of bymns in OOIlIl4U'.II r.Oll,'}ip"f'!?'!" OOtrfOUll1 ~i~eqJ• •·l8nd 'if ' ou - nt' ttId ....0in'k lib nlf In bll elJllc ua 'y ll,ID .lh. mUll "I? ba ~ . . state 0 , !rC.4fUW~ f,.;t~e " Li .. ui~l<.a, ... ,u,el ' }~~~: " U,\ ' , .. , • ,I Pto~"' · bq~~effl)4 \~~:v Ilt:. .lhollhe.It. di....'fOll , J , 100(8) W.II ' 118 Offered In 8uch 'the d"I'mch't c'On in , ..~tiacle", :cif I ~ "I1i \ ', I I ' •• I '1'1 " f • , them, o'bEr.'ftI'Oat~~U1ise tl' ;0 . .lIrt' ,eo;'l i' " Inl! flU nll ICS , 88 •• ,,'I ,' oemand tho by ptote ..Iolls which & ..e not ~1tC Iqalliilaitt 'i1!ld" ,"tol\tlllli\ '.hit. ,i\,lei'ition'~ ,.,;& 1'~ trado.i· .:: . ~,',; ~ !d'·cb~~tc~r ~y. ~U ~ac Qf i ~libJr be- Wet of pr~a D'ci\i"" '"bo . . . · .. ., ---l..! .. \'-.,1 .J 1, ," ., .. " wg l~JOtbl!.a .in sweet aounda " r ,'" , • " ~ .• ~'PA~ 1. §.~.£OT 'iO" ',11 ~ ~rilinct, f~t1,,~ftetll. to the 40~.~,BfO ....;lu: )i~ b.. ~ ~'D~Oi, ,.". . • "., . ' ..: . . ae cein t!l'e S~J:)ety . ..., lbe t:10iOD Slate CdQ.,~ti~·h ,!! ''',horli.dio ,"ntib~~e Y~ti E ~rlu~0~8. o!, - e IIll.e·ee 1t1 'illiil~ ' r, . . ~ ".(J'f"':R80N "., cu~ld.t. rOJ the 0(. bo . If'0r,ea~\l/n .,~u as 0 l • _ f I ~DI I...,,~. , 9', ~e Ii, AH_r Itt tbl.'.II.lIlnf .Ieeilon. sec..~ , ql,'$1Yl 114.' woof )bat it . to ibe Ouberol1urt.l 081"'. '01 SPH.N 1}'!:BAa~"'4Ji1' II. cI'n djd." ,needs ,, ~o~e. ~easuru :. by 'Yh~QIi .L~1 ~.ate. \ . _~,\,; • , "J ,I", .....J.C'IOD~ IO . III. "lie.. ' 0' cOII.tibl. grea.te':, ID~J:~8tAnd aaa};()an .be int\l~ ' • ....:.1 ~ ·d I . . . ', ~ , ••• A~"'lIr: . scd l~to the organization, arl(t . _ .. ' , II '''' . ~ I"t lilt ' ~r~'''n,li • ~ 'NAmtl to he'lnnciuoC'~4In thl. p•• k'0nlf(. e~'P.f1~~l1J:, lIlQught fo""al1d IJlutia .JIlIf· ;q"vi~ Iflry pet lor ollie. mlllt lie lecomplaied by '1 pal; tatpa III Ita concerns.' ('qll4~ 10.1111 1 uf liltl ~rea) 1101 of lilli "lCh~6(1 cen'. (ur Ih. lonouncemenl.anll Amollg the DlC1lns suggested (or Uuiled S&l~l. I A'Iuok)" ra~ cII ' .00 c~nl"for til" tlckell-In Iduoe... effecting tbese cnds ... ere the Int.·o- . ' ' I • ' • " d.netio/} of libraries iq connection . -~ .-.""; _.-. .. ' . wiLb Ftienda' meetings. the promo&;I' Tbe .noreue qr elMib" or alae . AauVAL ExTRItDItDUuar.'-Mr, E, S. tion or First-day schools the nboli. Allllit till lind CillcinDliti It. R in the Shll,, ,al",. il " receipt of ' the belL a.· ~ldn. or ~epal'ate /ient.t '(or J the Ihlr'd W~l~ or 1<'"lIru",)' ,bia Yfl~r D'ver IIOrted',lud finest llOck of! gOl/d. io hil In meetmg. Allowing families d,e eOl' W"ek i.1t year "aM line p.rah ••ed "1 bim. The fa ' together. and the es~bIi9hm'e t of II 81 6116 " i ~j1j!in".,. • idldilq,dj~.ilve" ~~ehe., second Firs t-day. ,to be . . . ~ Ruo • .Iohn ' HorrJe.1!1, among 1•.di~II' and"ieo'1enll:~ '. rlllgl, breast- dev0tt;d to Sllitable "eUding Ilnd con. vel'8IItLOn IIpon moral And religious tb'; eew m~'mbeu of Ihel il aD pill' IDd locket •• betvil"pll'ocl..u,er· 8l1bjocts; conducted undcr the core I' f .: . • .. are. IUoh . .,forb. ,"ltlt koiv8I, lIud of ~udl!'Jous Fl'io,ods. but ~lt~ODt ex. 0 IJ~CI'p l~n'~ll ou 1°1 " , . , • Jihl'u h.. ! .... nd llabl......,uoll •• Ind cloolu of 'b~ 9Iu(]!n.g l!-PY. .9f the, !p'em\)ers trom o~ ol>~ecllo~, ml\~11 ,hit ~ "kill,.·' 1Ullnur"CI"e'. .Jh'rblip,. (her' .bel' pas~~patlon.l. _.I. ' . " .• ' " -, . , . ~ f ,J. _~\J ~ I 1 II . e meuur"" were jprQPose.c1 ror ..,IIIU (I 0 ... gw..1 ,., .. , 1'1 are a seell.rlllg a ~"~'ial)~e co~lderal.ion · ~!'f'b~r !~~p;-~bo,r? ! 't~ iof"rior "Iiellp of these hln's by meetings beld ror t,mIOn, lb..:lol: : 114 Illuilli been similar .all ~IJ til oJ.h.Ijf.plnces_ ._Ieo'ed · by lar , 8I..wa4l~ .. "hb "l1e "'" ~r~ILeit' c~l'd~ irO':a' L ~ i /'1 bt ueee TriRl> 'Dl:t,, · .L btll • ". ~ .\I~ ~an~e.r~' ~.,prl~,~l 1I.,n,A,!lW cjli and ~\g~.... a)+s hs'I!J\l>'a'li\ed " ' ,. _ II tI "' . \ aurl become C~r ,11,1,111. " \.I. z~nl " I I . "! ~?11111 11 • ~u I11 e mar· ithe ' 01110 ," LClliAlJ(ta,re !' " . . " ' . ,, 't', tit tlie Jlr~I" [0 ~e Ibe 41Jutl. ... Ie adduUl~ It tbe Jew,.lr1 i.tIc.. aw ~f. ~~e ' §~"" Ilf; 14' Dot tb . 'pu1Ul,lte~ In ' llil t'~pp. -v~.n8U. ' Il\!t, 1ill• • · '"r~' I.~~·t ••I)e\ f'1n ~~t Qf. t~e law At halld,lIQut for . eo. ; M~\'i: . _!l •• le


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I"N~:IV .lId e ntetl.ini na aum .•~.aot I h,.lIlh.olrly Ro.t lo lhe ni I Cdfd. arl 001 R~Il"ltlrd, Album., 1II,.cel. Oil RelTioDS of Penn sylva a '1 1... eO)~d II· o'u lor pre'to llta. Pietoru ."tI

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ane8 lldDlYing RIle" ...






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A D 1 W EIIT'8. Hn. Iii IIIIIMrry 011 .... po~=,=aid URU"I, Oblo. bu, P. "1 wtdIoat 1M' • '''at ' I WjaB, eeI.....d pl.tN Bpoo. . .11 ••Iue ••ad no, 10 be pol" (or a.1e _ 'aPD/ , R A I L W rlll'......... T ........ Puel., c.d'!'r,. ""lIef.Mor1 1 .,.. r . • £1.£1:'" 4' CO, IlDpert.,a ~ .. ~BBl 68. - nl11 ....1 Americlllt. Ekl... I'rl'"r b ..04 500 fOlld pld h_1nJ ...Iobes'" 10 ' 01 T.... ill Du._.kllI .,,11 . , ,.... l!UUETS A" p ~1""'I'1 - "'''I'A••• ''LI.:'. Ea(li.h W.'che.; lI.. e JtOI4 Pen ....d sold -~ 100 Ie .bo.... I.......i......, II. . . . .'.r.I... Iu , Ih' U.IIH 8u'. Alto. - ",/If"..iI(LD, - t:L.'·II ..... i P"n ..1I.; Sp"cI.c:le •• wllb ,.,...copi'" lIOOW"a' . _.. lJIIO 10 : lDtraduc.lltcir T ... .!\rHt" 10 ...... ..r , CIIIIC ! - Cle-Y. - " ... LA ....IU l.... I COIIVl'lI. bi'oc.1 .od L,,"dvn 1.000-G ~ 't.reno.:l'I:llnl !IOO in :15O er •• , ImF'lflen' pnce•• Ibua ,lfeelll" • aD .... , OK. rKu:ll IIlOull jfl~IMe" in 1I01d ••11~er, ,Ialed. ItclIl ~.:: B dll:lIlL .Ilehe, 15(1 to l;aoo ••"In. 10 lb. c:unllllll)e,r ul 61.1 Iq .-0 pef : Il' '" 111ll G ltEVOLVK~ 'Id' ~ ;"ut calOWOO (,ame •. lu l utl .U 11118· , 6'000 0 H J.merian w.tcbe. too to li~ CPIII. ''''11111'' en fluW club IO~'h,r \ REP",.,..~ tel t I ncl ...... ' a"I •• or Jewelry. S(lOO81i It 511t\> I!iO ,.,a","o'lIr"""",\e.ofT"u,l.pj"Ck. uaa .·inlfer Ril1~'. ' heel Mu.le and MUlleal :(I()O (t Lad ~ t.o of olle poo"d .1I1l..,..rd•• "", ''If' ~e 1./'- - ~ , 110111'.~ Inarrumllotl. )11,cl''oua, Ichool and 6.000 H Dllple:&1!¥ ~ t.o .$ will.elld thl'''' ••up rill' arllele ul R'O "~I \ O .... ll.".k, •• d Gun .... - ~t1 P1TrS8IJROn. RI. ,,1t Duok. 01 all kind., BII"k De...J. , 20.000 (; I:l LeplllC!l II 6 pu unl .bo,. the CUi' iiI tnlpur,,· w,t Ie, a" 111 Gull ."d • • ;;r' pnIL~DELPlnA. aJo,tj,!IIII", \V.rra ~lI , Affidovili. R"p·ln· 30.000 1i\l<lCI·a·. .ltUr.... 1If> 1<\ :;., tl"" Leo, .01110 e Ol'rlle llo lad~ or \)111,,1' r " " ~o _ , ,.." ."LTIIIlORE. in •• \It.c/J m"u tf. &.0 •• ,,"c,. CUllllrwll,lin 1:'~: t't'W'::~· • all ki~'1 I:' III j~. ~ .. ,.~" 10 ncll nel,hoo,hood c.• 11 U,Il11 "e,~r~I!~ ...,~ of HOlllfb,..klll« and ~




~'~\:·::c ~{J:ai; I\~ ',!~.i. HId'U~~" ~~

:.~:u~t~~:'~~~;~~n;I!:III~~,:re"u:.d.e.;; R~'I,"r1i .,v;:tr,.':~u::~ \~Iure, 1£.INGT~N'8.

Enr,- p"'1'01l "tooln $1 r:: Balik. ,,,d he B 'o/l Ov.a CuI rwnJ,:ement, ., bU,t r o', bo"'n I wh .. n a club of len twenty . 0' mure I. I'e. • IUU . IVOL l8 ITP , • wi Ti. Rit;hea "Oyl.b lI[;u.' 0; Arn,cr" obt.ined , lelld to u•• nd we ·.vtll lend the • "'"; I I.r,e • • nol rAli "ho "i·b a Quirk .",1Co,u(Drl, P"Ul1tft 'k f WALL ('A .. ED ieull W. tch Co .• N York 'I'll ... pllt ul' in MP pua:l' P I IJ de.\rlll/! tu • • • 11 Arn.ce • oven dooll lIaod bl Trill" II 'l'i"I'I'<!I~I" lhe ~n'''''th ."d p,.,. rhe bpst ItllC 0 ..W<li.!~. cl l<l peowl 01 It. ""fl'" Il!I\ lr" I .... uf puett p~r.()lI IIlar ~ ,n , -I' I ~ nil In PI"ol. IIl1d eu. '. l rlll.i. hee! lid Re· ~ r~·I'r•• k Ih~ Lynno •• no,. c.... , olld Ih' lln 1101.' CI'" lIlr), . . Slue •. -'p"li , .. tI',Ullug ,Hilde• • ,HI) ,II ""CluH. PIt 0,,11 bu. . Ae a forlltt, in· Ilitl ale Improveln. d~ willlhlll.1I a luarl to r; I.te Lo .. "i6~",;' SI"'I'\"II Cu. h '. ' he .~~,. !I""I \V " ur~ , nt.o. ftt!P III Afor tlo o AI.·~n &. jlluoud in «nl. elL~~ol'@. Bold~I'I!,urc Iln'~ ' I Jwc:t_" to the pe'lO n "Pllin" up het perior ""urllmulI.lllp'. orr., I ' Ihe heal !::ea III .. "., •.: w,llI h"'II< II,!, . (<1. Mo.I" 1 ! H.mlin 01 K .. F. C. L.. tlcd lO the nrtk;11ttI D"IIII,olr.. 1111). we -villlcnd an pr; r. e, .. pli.I!IIla· oontblllM I.. Ih. . B,klo, . the Prumpl • ""~ .1Il1 :;O ur. o~lIe~I'o", ~ ISiehl ft ay Ilrl'dtlllry, llu " Jm MII & \.Irn) . \ c ill e • • ".rv: n ~II1Y tot.'T '" ~ u~. 'l'be. re' I r ac;~ •• 01\ ~II urderll ,,' 131> ." up· ;V,;, ReJlfirrgtvtt .....,..... Tbe 100.' CIOmp'-te .~d in!: .Atllllltir (/1/(1 Greerl Wultrn !:laihl1l1!1' \Emereon,' Guehl ... llfr .. &hlllf,lI VI. n}-o•• it I:c !If VII!,,! Out~~I'J:\I~~ .~~itlea )'OJII to ' ~.~+ l~ I. pa,I",pI,ltul wtll uu4.. ,.~ood ' Circ~I~;. CIIIII.lllln( !!lIlt .nd d"II,I,191 , rlmll, 0, Hillel. that WP II • ..., ........... TI _ _ ~1 •• , . ('I'h o lolte, .. e file tUlled and .~"".. , :~... n~laied III reon. upon p"ym81111. If' ' U:~41 we e'Vl ~I'li Tell .y ver1 low. bul ,i I our ar..... ill "e Iural.bed UpUII hawe ever !leI lip. Of Ibeae Ih,,. Ire 31 Iwe "'ill 'urniah '''V 01 Ihu. In !""n elll~ I r~~;~tl.-e or 1"1I!..C11' ,tid . . . arllc!e vtol· i wl um It I. l.k'lI Into. cOI"llIe"llo. Ih.1 • IInll~'lloR. . lia.e-7 8 Iud tt. IThro' Tiote" II,B'I,.g. Oll.clu, lower Ihan .n, othe, h"alll ... 11 lit Ihe 'rllJ,I!i.\' \Ued Ie•• Ih~o n\AId 00 1Ij)~ ef!rt1.tIIlt , be.ltl,.. tlle nrl.ln.1 coal o~ Impl.llon. BEMING'I'OH ... 80N8~ 1110". N.Y. ' , 2J:1 1"0 ' No .. Yot" · No I;' 'tale a::r \Ve .", .. Ioto. "lI • tu, the III P il.\I . \ 0IIC8 be ' & Ihl. I. no hfl9t'.\' , ,Ii", Dr....' lobbfo,. ""Gilt. • _ _- , N~~' ~ .. S~I ' 11'e"t, j)~"tu~; DllpM Ir. Lyo" .wl"l ••chl"•• ullequaled. , . ' hut I ' 'Irar",",~l luglti~ I.e \1'\1..,.ctlOIl, .... De.le~ .. noi Rllt.III", h. . . . .ch tG ~ -!.811_ .. _~. , v e ,tl\'Q1I\.i , Cl... ,,\,,'M. (;G OIArk 'hclli,,". C.Il.Dd lie. II. . 'hieb m"d be pjlrtlcip"ted III lhe \ 'I'.P' la,.e proBI arMi Ih' III.u_""I. "-OTOOJ..IrJuO .11LTIITI, . . treel !llclgb' III Inchmall. Rl No. 80 L«-b. llon OCI. 17. rl8 111 '01' futl 10uI" II era I_".ca., .tora,.~ , .,. . II llrel el_ wood COOk'Blovp, ' W.·" 'Fourlh S,;eci' N. E cor. B c o u ' ' ' · · Y · -- A eillgle Oertlll~te will b4t '.Dt by m~ ! l:1li"....,1:001141'. 'hro II"" ...........,.. .... 11'.

l IR~I:r~e~i~:.wI-::' r~~ ",~od.door


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T~ ~door,·



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"IleR. .y.,. ~ t' 4 . "


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~Ii' for IfI, To Agelllll orthoMl '" 'S lIlIg , upell...·h flOW relll.I'II. with Ihlt cmplllYplent Ihle II • Nr. ?p,,.,,,,;n:I)" I,..". wbtl,. INy II" 60 legitimately u y a: rJJ. ' '0 pt'r pouI"f ..a _ " ,..,ulld I~ed Ihe Go~,rDD1e~l. 'Dd OpeD. ) of ,',. th., ..urehl" IIr be co .. p.lled to mUdt ure(uIICPII,loy, '~'1 UI j rL' I Adelftllll. ' J , BIOKLlNG .. Co.. ,it'D Iherr • .,lIlnp . . . IM.- eI tIM! --... 149 Bro.d"a~-Near P. O. p.belwelill.. She reveol. ,.el/,et. no morlal ."er 83,3m. CilyofNewYork. FIDU .....JI'Slrur. Duual .iaIa· knew . She realore. III hlpp ille.. thon lnl 1·••• to .. II e•• In. C.Q btl .ceOlMllO wbo Irom dolefol IIYIIII •• cal •• ln,,,e,. BXOBLSIOR' I IXCBI.SlOJl I ! i1attd "hl"... 11 0.011.,,,• •" ..,11 their



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I .·ou~t" Sll'()~1 IIl1d OOiccl of




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,,' S W oor )faill . lltl Thi rd .trcet. , "lid 25 \ AIMo I COllucel, ., U ;t!UTII1l1 ' Llig LinCK, ,. At TIIII . Thi, la Irue fa .nd, wher· D, Md.A 11.EN. Gen'l SUI'I. ..4, bt the Aatrd1oct1t. d. • .: r FULLEIt OClI' lTJckd Agel\~. "., II b., beelllnlroduoe ' . , El4>-ly ' III ....AXE '1. PERRIGO.


Oi~:' "'l~h ~~(,~,:t

OV~II,~. w~~I~ rK'~.tUo~~t :;c':~:;!. ¥:n~l:: :"rl ~~ \,~:, :rS~: A8TRO LOG Y. Ili~t~r:!~~ uru;t.r:r,~~~lh~~a::~~~~ep:~..t;; 1~I)~e!~I' ::,';:;':::r, wW::..dllf I. Idh~•.":.bii~t!:&r~~t:!t'i:r~ '1'\"'1New I>RIIlIe"g~r D~I)Otof tbo Oillch... "tl 1 _ mlum lor 8i"'1,"11 aDd mOl nlUMllfe upl.ln Ihl,l. We tr~' \0 do ."., GA\rf;fl bi,,1 1td •• MIa••••• I. r;'" '0 ,., i-lllmlllon Dayton Rnllw.y; III toul~"lllo, Th W ld ."'oms·hed miua! 1<1, Oil' bUlldred a IIIUIIt 1~I~rb I wllh ... , the•• prulill .lId 1,~~,'.:aa':I~·... n'l. oblllliol~ ..ttl... ~

'ar,. l hned ri;i';ter 10 door 10 ,e't .,. t!,J111!8 r, pC owea la b. Inl· I • '"llrTT'lrtOWILFl (1111 ..11:11.u



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cona~ted bIlM,"e.~.





f," uC onlh. P..... ~w.N1' ~ilL!i.BIUTIK!I :f ill. dill: iu (;.rd ' ;,r, ...II••• ,. ... SO" ,.110 1i"""1 0 r;.... I!f". 01 onr . . . . ........ •• rt ..+, ............. ---' ." I .100' . t.".n.1 or Cop~"11 J


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ITb.llo. J.tltolio C.... y.....d a. .11 de.Qlllh ...'io ... IIl1l!ertOllb~


CD'" .... EL L R..L·" tbmlr,wholeeetellrice.: ' .el~~ ~II~_ h·alrel"lle~1.! .....ct...... ot S...."I')_. 81 Wi t Itlher Iho.e lunll rrl. ,urell CI. r_~.,. dent . te" IIDiVeD concern in, lClll1'11!) IW"'lill P C E .L.& T 1 • mal ••• H . .... I.. ., ( 81 ' .epdla II , 1Qli&L!.LQ AIlo, A iQ L!. • •• ' tenl o. r.OI)I t 0 alUp. .bUlIl rrienu or II1,en, r~.tll'" 10.1 or l'o~ R.moYUasSupertluoUi Balr, O"lorl (Bl'elk)" 70 •.80,00, ,1 ,00,81.10. Cilt"Io8 '" oril", ro. une. tlo.. all~lur•• rol"l '" Ilolen properl, . tell. you the bu.lne.. , ............ .. ~e'l '1.~5 pn p,/und. t:. I"lojruo willS. 411«,1 al • •SIJ( e...1 Nil flbY Dr,"adl""" you .rll be.; qunllfled 10 pur.ue .nd ia T the IAdl"',;~spl! oi.l\y. ·tllt. inul\1' EIli'II.11 Bt.ailf... (81.,,'l), 80,90, It..OO. lII.i! ~'R~:~:! Sinl(l<i ... ,QI.,..•••:'hiaD.. aoo :stOI"',' ''' wh.1 you Wilt bll mo.t .ucee8ll ful. oau.8I Dd 'l racOlDmalld. it.. IC a. beat 'lo~fJ , per pound. , c'1~c. o( eY.'''''I~~ !f.:~~t~011~.II"lil~4 tn ih. ea 1 .peedy mlrri"lI aoj. t.lI. 'OU the ,ery .b!\! epl i,or . d' eDIDble-.rliule to Yountr Hy aoll (Green), 36, .s' "': (0. ' .II'''....eillC. Dl' if.) 'OCl..wlJllJla"',IlIVII' 'ow the lI11mp, beang.n. , I ~'I!n tap, 'ed d . fra 181.~!I, .uoerlu, ,I-/)O per poulld. OW J). ~"~Ol)fl.', Alllb.r,uI'''''I!Corti :.ric • tikelle •• aod c1,ucleri. llcl of the P",.oll. 'tm ..le b"llOty.: 1,. 01..1,. ."ph • De 'lIfhtfld (Gr~.n ,"d. Bl.t'II),I7I), 80,90, bUI IU,..;.,,~ .. .,I' , . Sill' re.d, JOllr very ll,oughtl, hpr DoL burn or iOJure tbe .".tll. IIut ",II 81 00 par pllund. . Dece~ ••~ ... . a:rI;t~ olrno.t luper.nltur.1 powera ullntl, Ihe dirt'ctly Oil the rootl . II 18 WRrrll.ol"d Imperi.1 (Grelln). 'I 30, be.t, pnllod •• "Ia rgl,,_ Ih'clu to ooy .i, •• II'! "" •• ~,nJr III a,l, d.rk .nd hidden myslerle. of Ihe fllt_*. 10 remo"e ur.erftuOUI hllw rr~. ro" J.p.n 'J.~ ,1'.10. 'I.UII ,.r lb. W.Iei. Col"'" or 1.,,11. Ink. WIth Ihe ••<1 of , From Ihe alar8 we IPe III Iha lI,mlment forl'hellda, QJ' romny plll'tofthe body. Gunpuw~"r ~Greell), ,1 .S0, beal '1.60 TE!\!' 'l'ALIINTZD ~TIIIf'Ilw., Me. _ the m.lallc fl tau th.1 o'~rcome lOr p',e- 0 letely tOllllly lind radicilily. e'slir' I' r II\ItIlI: . r.rli~••!••lri!lK .. ol'i .... oIIu"li1 Ih.r:!~j 1\fI~ " ' . . . . D.... . domlnetll \n Ihe cOllfi"ur.uon-f,om · tho 0 II!P tb le"ving Lhe .kin 10lt. COPPlIB DBPAi.T.BJJT r.'J'"'''' uti ,IIrrC\ ',I___.. 'Ip,cte lhld po.hlon. or the pln~e\' ~r pllllog e . • I ')'1 " he ~lu , .. t' • I7Tb. ,. ro eoYI'l' II FlO , I. ~""""I bed ' 11,. ID ,Ite hea.It ....' Ihe lime o( Im?OIh and ....'UrII ,; 11.18' • V-J W. line lal.t, lidded. G.. Ire. Depart. I~GIII~'" , ClI II' Io.r, ~,i SMpt lid . birlh •• h. d.dllee. Ihll future 4.. tiny 01 ....iu\e ••ed I)y Ibe J'r~lrth. I~, "' !t\e men' to our "1.bli.hme,~.1, •.od IIIh6Ulh 'I:'~~.:-::::~':.I.I':.~J.. plUM ~n .N... AtMI fltU "' . " , . . .. min. Pail !lot 10 thll 1l,e-l o1ft ooly relll ' de'prlatory In t'lltll· .we cannot "roml •• ibe con.• umer '.lIr",t . : ••, .q " P,l(JU &.II" IAa 8",. ulAn ad, A.trologl"l on earth. II CIIII. JIIU but • BlIce. Price .76 PIICka'(8.- • e.vlllll" .e ,elin tf)D 'N... (,"h. m.rllin ' J UUIt.N.:y .a ... ph.". . , , " : , , trlfte •• nd you mly ne_er all.ln ha\,Il .0 sent pOll pllicl. &0 11111 adilre .., Otl rt lor pro/h IOn c.... ·b.llI" ,YI!I'1 .tn.II), Iilt.!!"t) . 'TOT IlI_I,,"1'. N. t . 'nl. a." ••d ".u,UIlI .1,1e al8'iil\ favorlble." oPflO,!unIIY. Con~lIlt.lio,! ceir t or 1111 order. b, ,et Wlltl.n .. 11 Culite. ftrlt, ." cenl. ,• •~..... Itl. (p.lehled Merch 7. 1~.) ..... . . fee whh lilt.D ... *oa all e.lrH rnform.. BERGER 8.HUT!l'S" 00 ch"'per tlla" ret.ller. ~h.r,e. Cof· _ 1>..-.., Ih. G.ut! A.a..c.. '1",.."rlll, SI. livln: .1 I dr"lnce cen Olt &\ !lIi aiyet S,. !troll 'ill. r... com. 4IreC'tlrn".l'M CUIIOID :I. • B. T. • htld 10 ;yor•• lae6, conlulL the!· Itr 11\.111 wltb equ.1 • ~18. • __ aDd aM IIrtDd Ihem~ ... , . ~_J, ' Mal. .l "ILva. ",ED.L. ' iBB.\()Q • PABLOA. ObOK" woOd. IOd 11,111", ... o.r lhe beel worklll.h.hlpi •• fety and ._'.I.I.lIlIon 10 th,,!,eel,,e. •• purp. PUI up iD 1 or more 1IG"!Iya.r". fIf. u, .". Pr... ... , . " . . for'. H .rB KEltS -ilbelnl,lnllad ... I__ .. cltlnllrulB.nt H ill-\lereoll • . Arulllod· explu:1I C~ ~'I. ft4>Huet.. ..ell.llan·",.o~.qe.t. ,.r,pound. , L-' ~.. , t ,' " "oep81ltt! ' \I' • . I ' , d 'l . 11•• ,I"e ~ .~J or I,. oJ.... . wrltV!n' oi'at, wilh .11 Inquirl~ •• n,.·ered . Our WhoIH"le'Prtce-Qround' 001'_ WIIOL~UI "!C.D ~'Ia.. ~ , . ,.....p4 H'luUIiII ... G', .!.'i.nta, cIO.wo Ie ;," fill!' "OClavp like.... IIncloaed. 'IInl., _iI abe. rorced lD Ira" '-"uriR' o; i6. SO of.qt. pet po9.,J. / AY PI. y. 1tDt\1 .",.p 'N ' ,"'I!I' _"', lutl . • •• b' r." I ,7'eIJl!lJenll reC\elpt or pric.lbo•• IO,ntllln.d. Tli. . Old Gorelll'."'''' h! .. .a liP. 10 ..£till ... .:. .......1. b..l..... o( ""010. 01 .lJ9'!W",I , \ .lop... lthoo\ hl "cb~l¥.e. . .trlcle.I .eer'" .n.lnt IIlPd, .nll.lI eor· . I.~ 40 cenl.. GRAI'IU~ M"T~IA~. H~~ , lICIt ...., 'f"! '. " '11 " 4 1'1", A la!I' ~O"'1'!lit '6oR_Illltl, CJn hind .rel on '1\08 rall\,nlll ,!,,~\ro1ecl Re{. "by " SZlfO)"O Kouy.-P'a\'tlet lend",' I,,. lb. ille (o\lI>"ln,. ~i' ," . ,. .har. 'kl" ," !r It' our. G.b.... ' .bCl a" ail Ih, lIfll"" . oriler ualll, DB. S.'Ifi..•• for Ie. t30 .tor ..... 'or 'c!otreefl ' , I I, . . .. "'l1 t !. ............, BD ••m ... ., ".r U • .Wareroom .. 84, Broaclw.,,., tbllRI ,til . .. Wl'Ue IIlalol, \I\e "!.LAllt, tl!Je ' .,....rRlI 411 I!D'.... leod "Itb orAel' a r. o. or Of Cili" • , .iI~ ~ l ' , . ' '" 11 , 011 Ulul\lD.~ '()lfo Ii.llnd PtI~. LI~I. d., 01 tb'IQODlh. an~l ...r In which ydu modern .clen... 'c llnc "upo" t~e .a•• ri! mone, 10 I£U ~e .,elLPII!OH .of.eollec~y'I,g, ' ~.~I Gro• • Si.slll.". elc. . . ' -::-'. Qr et,""'~llte.te!"".II"I';,~n! ~ltrO&lr, tlllw Ihl~I" bOw. re.4I,.. tfend wue borD, .1\010_1"." aril.Ulflck 01 h." ••atl I~.~ • ¥.'itJneu~ mlb- ~.p~\ ' Bu~ I"rge ome", we :-1'\~riCl ,_ i' ...... .Ie_"~ lC'ombCfta~oh 8~ j. . ~"... ,..cJoAtd Iq.. ',1'-,11\", . . : ! . , Addre•• · ~.~"11 H. A· P... 100. oer. " . ' iI. "",, ..... b' II".. Hte I~f PI, ozpreu.nd collect ~o deU,.,,: • rrolll II"P""~ ......,! t ... ,1"- O:-P,llp, . ~ ~ .. wi,,, thi • cl/l.oA •••• ', . t " 1\ , .. l! . P.O. Drawer 1193, Bull'.lo, N. y. rl. itnd a : . t• ••"': HOPKINS &. ORJSPlN'St 18. . • t r·· Hew York CIt;. ,,,tire i. Iba city. whelh... d'MI •• N , . . . . .ilil . file. ytnp , . . - . -"-'" , SILVER SJUA'J" I'... 'j",a: I.n. '.1" r "'I") J" • t. , ., , 'j • [ . • litre,. Ii I ...." hi , one, T. Y. 'K£LI,.Ei ;. (or.ilhe, Ihe . .....".'n or Ih••• me""'.II"'cr III 1111 8\"' llIf•. ,. n 1 AN 0 S I ' P JAN 0 S I ,IVII n '.... ~ , .!'. b . .' , ,zl'''_'OjHI. O.. r Ca,.IOIIIJe "m be ,bl II) thll c",erIDI 1>1 whl\!h C.DDOI wter '" .r S:< ' . ' • Throw '''' 'l'oo.f;':;-;;ae•• ."ilcb... w,1I 1i.1I' cbeerfu I' Lal", a Co.. .ny "dd,_ I>t . . .. ipl nl' . ,IIlIIIIp.r whll tbe Ilpr onel .re ' eu,p,,6 er hnlllItODOI"O(W'1f .".1:..: \ .• 1 CCIIrBA"IfAllVlBBJl, yoa"",; at uL'OW 'IGUA-Be, ' 'ft1t CABR, II .""t/norUUR 07 "aIT'CU" O... I,ucl;'·o o' r Olllr..,I. "nd not 1110,110 I ftg ;. 'tl,. c.lrcul.,•• nil ' ...lIlIIonllll• • 1II.lled 82 ' >1 11I.1I"1~!,1I" "'"... 1».... tJ t~.• 1i on! nt..... f k' '" will b,., willirl" 'W'"", II, 10 .DI cltl IOWD or ,l'II,.. aad ./ A~ ' 1..1 Come ".Coo. towe r outh("I. "o!,!e a~ly ~,"f rl.,. rree. ,Addr,., 8~aQ'ER, ~HU1"}·S ,&. .110 I ~oO Ynie,le (r.~I~ ~¢.II'j ~p . 50 9 101lr. I) '1 ' . I ' p. ~i Iii Olhft i1 Anll rtJoire in , ou"=:'" lusurlll,,1 hll.. Cht.lJl.t•• No. 1184 BI,er ila'rtel. IT L E. .J A • EO' • ' tnjJ:lld . •\ • , ....... .;• . ;,.: "' .. ~... ..... ' -e" ~ ..... BBP... R ........ B QAIP....... TlO'I " Yo, -101. ,··nte tor the U yr .11 , . , ' I" _"" 'a t~lit titl. SatWqtfio.,., · .,. "'"".-: ..,. 1'- .. • . , . .. ... . " Th.b·." lIIater I , .re ...... , ' . ' ",1 • , l . Tlie lt .. dl"i'ned eli ... U,enllon Forrea'orln, hlir upon b.ld be~d.,.. . " B .k 'A"U T T I· - I 4 V:. • .,. .. !!!'~:S~ ~~ _ir\lcllC/a. u~. , rro,l\I lhll~,;~ •.• bl' d b- - d II (:'QnlwbllI!Vere.uuil IQ8yhavo , a l l , n " Ali G Id ', I ,. 1. I I , ---, . . il1lIJ""elh""."."'atq ll!l"'..-:"'" ; (01) , •• of 10.. PU tp 1!iJ' tr." II,IlIner. Y' . til out'':'''lInd forclnfl • of heir bpon '. • ' . :;,y qrD, 0 ' . The B,.ut1ler"of t)le I I 0." IIIt\1c," Oyer. RUN . .' , u, . • ... , 1 .••• ) I I".e.clliebr... d .. 01 hi. own ·t ll.(.ace, ililli. no ' It willlorce. ,n, 'Iuln• • nil , '" • __ OR..:D <Iilrerenl ... hM'!adll'lr AI' . . . . . . . ' .1' a , A. UtI .tote IMI.IOU il (ar adYlncd, III'Dulleture. buill of the be.l ....oned tbll belrd to IIrol\' upon Ihe 'lIIouthe.t III CURLS! ' Tu'i~"f,_. qUbr4IN lAJiu . tio". of Ihe .,~e,,14>ll""~" E",r8YI~••~~.,~'t. , .~tltl!,eh.."d onl, ti, lite 811,,, 1Ill~ our Mock I. 10.' bUl Ibla,. [b., we riiD'erl.II, hl,lnr ,Ulhll IlIe.t IlOpro,,· . f fi al el"hl wcek. IIr bak upon 81 e. . • 'f b I( I' b kl 'tlr. I.'''..; .te. C.~.lor"..... ,,1 IU'I'I Ind W1r. Kltll&ll.d.",ln, Co.,.." b'£1 b,~· Dt~" r , , I til rOBl v 0 " , ' " pl'OdDeed b, I~' Thle .erret u ... ul y n, I •• n • "I .t~lIIl" t. I ' • y .... ft caD 0 a\ " , '' • , bald h,odl In from 10 ule 0'''' P ror. DB 1Jlltux'lI P'alsra 1.1: , 10J( IlItOW II o"ly. lu M••.,•. Ilred &. Reop, I'JI, ,,,,, ..r,J.rlow ,oad. C. . . . I. Raror., lift. " ...W .,.' MI • I LIron,r.r&1Il ,0T.ntruq B.... A,rew Irllorallt . /I url. nUll:. One .ppllcatlon "'.,rented to torf Iher 11I1II:b,r'i. b, 11•• , II .dllf.r.llol11 O. D.• w,lI .elUlI 2O.per or lb. s. , [86-! , We h',B .110 011 "lid • . pod .._orr "UIiP~ OKANO ;';OTION. ulloa 80ALI:. ed Ihlt Illere I, nthth~ 11,.t. WIII:otc~ or Ihe lno.1 Itr..ij(hl .nd Ilutiborri' b.I, of .11 olher ptep.r',llpn.. .( ~I"" to lite our.;.".}~~ I"ri~':':.:r' q•• 1111 e( o.r roo-I• £an . , . ~ ....... I 'bID 10 Ii ~ Thll.e"PI'n'D Portlll.r. not .urpuI.d huten lha p.rowll 01 t I.' Iluor pa, .- .itJ!er au Into .• '" rinrtetl. or JiI ...." motl ".r b ,lid fr,ckl. d .,lun bolh Ibll 1\01 (Mil to ",liM,. . 61.1, LatAt m.nt or., 1II000t ,e"" !" our ..., . for l'U'Jlr tb ,.nd beaul, 01 "11I1.It, Vllr•• ••.8erlluIl8 are ClI ml •• i", cltrl.. .H•• bll"n ueed by lite luture and colnr or polilhed I,or,. No . " . '_ I B....41.' •• Purl\1. Power; and Sinlilll Quan. ltvlnlE wllneaaea (from tht!If own (uhion.\1leeo' 'arl• • ad LolldoQ, with .n Illull., ,w.hllherl" p· A •• 0 D • • "Ii'1 ' '1' IP'lI. POTS, 1,01 'fone, . ence) con bear tldtlle". m.IIY Will t'he Ql08tl,,.,CfJ;fft( ,ftlui'lo\. Doe. ao.ln. pe"dn, .. lIIurph, • • •olh . . . . . . . . . .. He.. ........ . 'SKlLLlTS , , By tDoee of any Mllrer In t.hCouatry . a" how he w& I~ dil;lnll'r'1I t~ltl'fl'j" ju" \0 the )1.1(. frico ' bJ ' "III, .Nal.d ~r b .ek: .."rtu .pec~" ."dl. tape.,I.II, JII.r ....hli.w, \il" '1lIled e." " (0. DO..........o} GRJDDL'ES' T Ille from t e .ptKtull' t cpr ~ n 'I I a nil fl. J;)eeo,fptltl olrl:ul.,., .tlI!••• ,.1 la 1.1l01Jl1Dl out lb., • .,il 6 " ... " , It. W.I... Oil . . . .£' • '/ley .ra w.rranled .(or the full tfr,!, or dilHctllt," lIine. tenlh. of .1111 dllf'ereDt lied f • d("... BIBIl•• I!IIIIU.'IT. 1.11 I.ALL roll · .~. . . '" ~ 'Wi • OV 'Y,eer.. In.pecllon, ?I ,Ihe Prep.llilioM ....II,tllMld Ilor. ·.he ... 1• • rid :ml... , No •. 1186 Ri,;r 1'b"ilnla 01 • L'l!!rn.n 'e P.rl. lDoet '. • i' ' , 1"" ' '''' Jt&-; publla I. "!ll'e~l(ull, lolla.. e~. Liberal belrd ere 1IIIIIrel, worth • • end you rO! N. Y. lOla' '01. for the 0'. 8. eonllole"tI __ ""''' \to tlte. "Wlc Ih•• ar. .' . ,_ '. BOILEnS, ,.".M! to Dellerl. CI.r't· ma " h." .Iruoly Ihruwn ••• , ler,e T,.. • I n... I'ndulelllD...1e '" luob dlltia, ol~' ~ '.l'Jj:,4..KJj:"'!l ~~ES, Imel!' I Clrc~I" fllee LIII.ant o•• pph •• muunt. inlheir 7'0 luth III. " AbIC;~R ~. \.4 ' lad\.e II . r ~ ILLf : .. '• •of ill .1..... ,,, citflln. :A~J;RA'D NARVESEN would ~""ry lite ~1F'.".r'. \..,11-" ~r.E 1'1 ~. 1511 R'I'orl• •'Iie ... lIclt. "'fI\nll, .... ,t...N .:"'""E'T KE1YJ'1LES .•1 ' ,. It will COil ,ou n')lhlil, u" - , com.. I _ " '-.1. -.,... lIite".1I lin. I ...... ,. ~ 4'.L'.u:..... . .I. • ' 71 • .,~,:or. 75. E!Illd S~., ~t" York Cit,. lull, up lIur reprelenllllolll. If yutlt - 'O! ,w.(,· tMi.ut.(ul ,nd lalp. . ' '~41\le W.ltera. Poalalj , ,. " MIO,led '11ea, 01 Ih. be.t lI ..a",. " Drugglll do.. not keep h. oend _ .1 .1)9. With ;t_'" .,...nd ... ell".' hlllr, . II,. Emllll W.tle~ ..... VELS ' 8irri 'rONGS' i I M a o U .n1wewJl:rorw'rdll po.lpllcl, Irc~el"" ' W~",,"I.IelOdriJ'lGlt •• nl"in.d. I~ v ~' R'M h N ' .. 'r • V. ~ .. ,fort lha "mont)', , I. h ' r.':111 , . .:-h ton. call"e ., . IRQNs" , , wll •, rl'CIIlpl W c w " . - ...... -~ t..... . " b,..•n DIId .Ind. lI.r.uerl". ~u' , • k .. DON SPOO " NS 'T e l i t e ,.ulrriiid 'ou on provldinl , CO.... ., ".( ~ , 0 . . 01lL ~ ,. ~! ~,G.1'Il 'Dllre IItl,I'Ollon I. oot r"·ell. Add'.... I!or Oaru.. lha " I f of eUher n, olher. w~ .. 1;.. •• ' ••4111'1. . "rEA & T I, who ILl".. Ilt" W ·WL. a· oct Glui,' ll.e ,ror...lon ,i... the, ...., 1tI fnllh\> ,,·· .. to b••beid. :.... 8,.ay h. . ."'.... whin D. • V!' !. " ,'" ,'."I}le.. to tbllr la ...1i,.Ql, .1Id, ....Ia. ~ ~ "" . , ' bor..·.".lnl hal become one 01 the mo.t t lft "'de. ' I\"runl. ' ". ~, 011 r~il'I \ J .' , '. b,·,.lc.ul.r p.rt. or BI.CIr·ll C B _I. '''iel;. "'''1'', .1111 ban. 'l'1I. be.u"ful Luril,. W ..t... • ; . . OWLDREN 8 KNIVES '1IIItblll,. NO. ·lod.y.. If • SfI'F FEB NO . JtORE ! f, th&IDHI'" I ·I.hou. I fIl,I 'hll .h. . It! " ,..;, ' , , .AND FORKS. ba" , orb,. blonth. It _ .. nd r.ld. . ilia l;h, ,0",1;- .. tII8, Gf roule • . ' " WASH· BOWLS. Ite 10 kIIow It III. Ina whl!n When b, tbe tlRC of n., JOII."1I.U'. ELlS. world the wiil eurht"l,ltt .nel .t Ihe .rllt .nd C. WNE' "CO. VIOlOS KETTLES' tor bolllDg p/). h. ena. " re.l olne" - llYn olt! Ill . r ou can be c 11" ADeD&llf and .1 I th. . . . . lJtai"~'I' • , bea.titul•. ,Iou, li.rmle..n.... It m~!!1." O. IMa,aao.. &aklel, &h. mOil ~oml'l'&a lbiol Iu .orklll,n-.o 10 pu, on • .bo•• they be. ' trUbrc ,,- t • • .' , IP", Ince.':1<N Oritptf Cd•• MIl 0/1. "".nd bellUt, 01 , " • . [ , .11] ,; , ! , , ' '1 . 8,.,.-&1 1I,...:.a ~ L-a"; ... .. lin caning o. tb" b ..I•• nd .top Iher •. \ ~'Il~ utoqhfng. C~IA 'Which haa.ltellded I, curle tile but InTl,or"... WIUri. Ttte ·1I•• nUI\,,,,,t V••' .. li ...... ': ft, U D ,. ~ . " " Wedel,.o,,,,.nt.oelloeahoneIOl,..Ihls lhvaluablemedlcloeCorPhY8Icalao«l"6 dl...... I•• ' t, l ~ ' d '" ".' ...... ", ' " '~n...,"~ 9 "04L BUOKEa'S; ,el right. ill ,h.t •• , of .hoelor. When NIl'VOUA WuknclI. Gener.1 Dilbilily 8n e.~ ••PDffti 0 ..u d'l .. I,' J n....u~r. 10 DlUC~ r~'11 l~e n,.~ I aI ! " iAllt uHd Ii mp SPlTTOONB. • h.... 1 i. ,UCUI •• ., •••• Ite bu'le I. l'roltralioD. Lou 01' MUllclllar Eberg)" 1m· rul!, I , IIIj ' ~·I_" • rn.,m:" el'e 0"," trfIlle lotlnn •• Ir.c .• .,Moll mr. Ih.,atrl- . ' ,' , 0 lit • .;, J CORN POPPERS lnvaled our our h.rJ ro ••• hi. fHI tall . P!'lenee, . OP !'Iny 0'( ' the i:oD8~uenc"B of "lIe e . 0 , .~ • ~ ..~ver · Co..!re to I .. cal ,..u1e.llon obn," IDe I. ~h,! I ' 1'Int'~~~t,lI!. LaUD~ - " 1 ' ' • luu&lIlv.1 lMilK:retiOll, relO\lol·. II Iho WOlt Amftrlc," _Jc . ha .. ltPer Com. c~l\llder It • psrrecllliell r.clloo to fI .. d. ' , ~.iIIr of rl1mlU~. MUSH·Rl: T TRAPS. Ir~cl •• nd lie , .. 111 be Wol to .n, .d~re ... Milerl 'lId pre .lIliOIt- which ,i,. . . b· ,~ .. O bec~mea I.m.e. Thin he I. valuRble prcptl,atloll c,'cr dlsco.-erell. tbe SAUSAGE 8TUF¥EBB. rr;rurhl.d who dlr_wa. h !Viii rem,O\'<l "II IICrt'OIll affectlonft. de, POltPllfd, '(or I' Add,,, ... n order. 10 'be .ad.lea... .vet It lilltll .. poll.h. mIlU", lh" • H GRI' m ~ ' c t 4! ' I 01. cut. I , e. own ower pr~8Slon. eXCitement, IlIe"Feity lO titudy or W. L.' CL'AttKE &. CO .• oh.rill.l. d 04. . I I ~ . ~'n . . ' III 11. III e ''!-.til ':ri " i!';w,n 'iilt..Iiili,! .•tilit. 1 LARD 'P'R "'<:> 8ta up the .1,\18 one·lhird 1m. lie., 11111. bu.iness, 11>88 ' of tneillory, con(uBlen, tho't8 No II Weel fl,A i' 8",.cuMe' N Y' ." 1m • .. "",n P.I~ t~.o i1PV ' '~ n j , "..;Jr It <ln, .nd dre,..,. the foot d.... tQ Ihe 01' 8elf,deatructlon. fcart'ot'lnsRIIUy, &C. It · , :! ., ~ ~ ~liu)lIlIlJlIlIlIt 1111 ,1: .. .~~ IrlDf' i~d I.~r... t~III.~ ~\\n. liP '!flth SPRIBG U.. ",he hor•• I. no beltef Y.I._ !WiII resIo.e the apptllite , rello" the betllth of Tiere eOlll Ih ,I. d IIdla,.. o' jny 10.11 " I alii i,h'dlllftIr ' . . . Illftp'l!lIlthi m cil ' onlfr. 6O",.. qlleDII1 , PAJ;)-LOQJqJ.. , Thl, I. ,be ClUle of 10 mon, horlea bein, U' OtiC who h~vc dC81TO)'ed il by eelldual O.lCel!ol To y"ung; ... ~ III old. 10 ' !'t.I.nd 1o ,,:,."; '1 d ~'r. nd th I I IJ wlllllot wn~old DO"oOoIi• .: • ~ ""OIy I,. SJ;lOO.N8, TJ.,CKS. I,me-blll .bollinr. aut rOIl d"VIDI IIr or evil prachccs. Tbe b•• uly wtilCb ouc. wa. to prlCII>UI •• d ~I e IIr a... ' ..;~ , ~ It 10• '''1.. II mak" Old Lirftfa ~ lalt. NN) ~ ~ANIA SPOONS1 ,10110,. ,.' , Young )lon. be humbugged no ,!,orc by........ , ., ~por" I 1I'!JIr' •• ' " I~ ... l ' 1 . ) , , "'YV I>"'D IRON 8 OU 0 . . " doei .. I b ' Quack ~l!lIlf11Dl.l· ..nd , porantprlLchtlo.ertl, h ,~ '~\11:""" , '. , i,. ' . ltil complllJ:I.,,,, • .. '. , . " .. ". "DI~." !. ,"'4oL~, Alii ,P O ... 8. Uri eo., or Df to .... " • but Rend "llhout dell, for tho RlllIlr, .Dd be, BV THE US," O~· . 'Jl l'PiI'l Ernlll! d. P.rt" I. '~ •• a Piv'. , I ~ • • ,~." • &1";' 11 rrI& 11M '&11801 Bdl ' SI . A loot hi D.lur.IIII.,. 'Dd II... W. pro- 111 onco rcBt.ooWlo IdItI bappinee. Ii. ' . k T.... ................... a tid f... 1 . . .... . Pcrfeci OUI'() 18 Guarantecllln every ", eM A8jft,.E a.; 18. rilioate ...... 11 Iliolubl. I. b.rd" ••111. . .ott ... ... r.Ut! " •• reet, Price. II . or 4 bottlcs to one AddrolB, fl. -QIftft ad• .pr. ,,!,I I... ''''''''''''1 II \o j I.,. IIII ptlt.p I. ehl .r..,. ...&ri, ~ ' a j 1m "ell "(J':"•." 0 - b, Ipro"e~ r ,,'"lioeln-l. / I p':O,,-,d.d, ', ' " ';' I ODC bottle ls suOicleol LeI efli et II. cu •• 10 ·_111 ~ La .UW AIII~ an .CrtIPUI0U8 10111. pruuuc n«, I . . . . .. "'__ I l . l " • ,, _ •••, Ih. cilmculI, ll .e""Ln OIII!I" ~ ,' .:. """ • . ' ,. b...llt,in"ef'4tCI. 'uf toop IIII~ .1I...QIl _.~ ...&.. or. .., ' _..., , . nOI pone too lon,,-Iod reltore HI- iiAO, ,n.., J 0QI91I.Ls'. 8'.01,.C 1'11'1:.1 b I'~~'I., ID4 B.autlf,I'!,., tbe .ltbout "ul.r al,,. or Injaly 'lo tbe .a 1"1 ~~I " I t . , '1 '.I!:C,~llf1'tlOJ." -'I.~:;:.;.;..~rUtli"II'"~ ..... n'.f·· ~IIIGII . IlIl j II I M- ~I' !11D,.ed fe,ell~ \hle ,0at"",1 .It'pe. ,' We (II'!' IiJo medy and permanent cure of Oon~ omp ~. on. , • .. • . " 01.. ~ >. >I " ' J Ir u -'T.~,., 1 ._~ I.ook ,... ;"u, 1::,..1 or .lIr rp thl. .• ... .. p.,r... A,rin " .' " :'0. Wbora W , •• . i 1911,1 ,P ,oft• .of ... Bladder. " CIll'8ll a"acted idro .. · en. ftll ' .... IInl, U,al II ,u "" 'nIHIl I. <. . ' . ' . II < .' oon. . Ind J!ln - .' :;: ed:l.!'eta I': ;e!'t:m • . 'i,Jt 8,rn,,' &. Co .,,11 F. Q w.l" .:fi.' Co.. 1'f Y. ftA;JaCH: Co.. i. w ••,. 1'wlc,IIII,9/'lo",wlIl 'ou. .' .nd never .allleate lile .LellllACh or "e. Yurt" 8o\llb No. til J'ultalllt •• . '~ < IprL_au ••~ 01. ,IiCN, of the Rftwe&,,' in Prtc.. . , I 0.'" Ihe breal.b. No CbellP of diet la oeooa- , . ~I dl, Itaalt.'. .t._, "III, 'II I "T~nlh '~I•• ,,11 JOADIOII RolI,• .1 • '1&.,• ., e, . a.qll.!CO:II uua • . CIIII. ij..., .' " '" , ; . ..r.}' whilc iijlog Ibem. 1I0r d08JIlbelr anlloll -: a . r •..l. ~ ~ .' III 1'1' , Co_den. PhlliMfoJl!hlri. 'A.f~~" ,• ~ .' N,w Ill t rotll!tl.' . 11.80 llaaD1 Interrere wl\h lJualaeu pur: It. . . It. • 00.,11' .. l\I,.~ ·.~ ;'oH, ,T. ~.OO, 1lui",. PrICII.'l. ~z. , I alll'" .,.INt=4 Iir ..... c,~ ....1..'. f~. I~porter•• N•• Yorll~ ' ,,"co;.q ."....~ OId .II.O...... UrIlD.D!. • '- 80 1Dtb." ot'lUl. abcW• .lratitk.att ... .........1.. " ,........ I. 10IUf I) PAtJt, .. ...., r., 'ct."h • ... '" ~ , YI", ••6 '~All alii'. ~ tit Ia ,_ ~"ul'be ad4_ GloMIJ Malad ""........... 1a III'" ..I, -\,,~, of • \ 'I" _ , . • '. • Ie"!:\..... '-fa-, . , • j .. . . ,!'.!. 1"*"'''.]1.1 "",1lIoide,.to or oa the .., . .1. . . . ........ . 1M Ii..... .. "1'1·I '.; -~ . \o Well..a ...v.. .. ' 'l'RP"'':.'!=..u:. 0 .... ""'... and ""Drioe: · A~..... ' . . .III... .. ' .... q 'U •.:-.' SBllGER. SHUTT8 .. 00 .. rn-Ills. li:i.!1 PUaE VINEOABI -




"GuLD Itt!D"L ' ' •A. the Bee' Cabinet Organl,' : • 1\1 ew Y k 0 '611 ·• . AIO"l,o.n I.aritu',e. " r . ~r cl., • hi", pronouaclld .uperlor In QUALITY. .• l'uWEI, .ndi V.8ULTY TOIII. lad ill " , e · ... sumber of cOlllbln.tlon.. I a;, I 'tu th. b..t hlifrOm'ntl or Americi _I'I!I rlter. cGutendln,. , whlche',er won lila blltll w01I14I h.,e nOllll'lll' lilt 10 cbll' _UVVclil~ quer.'-AmeriCGII Arl Jo",:lI4I; (edited b, • ". • •• II-know.., mll.loal· crlttc .~ · O!r la .119' Ibe •• boYI Ito, ...hlthere 'l·h., hate allo t .... n the lint premi,\_ .......... '"'--7, Ij .M I 60 9-9*r, l In wbereve' u.hl\llted t"i • .IMI"o", • ,rl_ rrom ~ u, '" 8 , tUfD." W& III 'PEDAL OIl~AHS. I,~, .nil 8 blnkl colllltete I key.-aill, .Izja .-,ill!) 10 .1.600.-l .! • 1 , IfiJlloid Pedal,• • itl)zle and aouilia b.nk, ' In ....1 nllel,. 166 to '460. 'flle.e P--'- &ldt.D'..I.... Orllln •• tthlUh,lt •• II.IItIi'. plp.·llke qu.l. , . Itl 0' loae, b•• tltl/uL .glG .top', .Irenrth WOOD' ANt> 01 ... "nd,,,,neral ' .: ,n . ~ " .' , . , ot Cl'lI,lIke eft"lIe\l. Ire ',II!1~rh~r lor phurch. ; 'PJEB~ ~ P"i'lor I9r wooll .... ·H.II., ',rlora .oil S~,liool •., '1 he, are ~<' . ,,~, PU! up In e~ ..a of .oliH ,.,-,11"-4 rlDt.y 0 •• , wdlJjul (ne,w .ilil un lqulI ItYI ••). J4l1QXi F&ANItLUIJ. cOil. ", .tld .el.,.at ROIttIIOOid. 01 , plendld de.le nt

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'WEnNE ~,AY, M, nCH ')0 1

encc LII 'Y littlc to fblDg, Tar DJlfeftiOee . ' .....'(11 ••" U.. I,..., .lIe ...... ___..v " - - - .... .11: I_II. . "..... G • 1111' aOULr I fllco a med A. pun i lIS g ood 1\8 11 rilldf; to A '-,-~_w" TN"k . . . . . 1'. (rom 011 -of R!1 IIt~lpiu as . ' ),~ problem oC a eertRiDior tbe ,x' "Wha!" the met ~ t. d,,~r r:ai& NEW ~YO TON l~rll'tll?u·I r.n l·O, 1I1~'~ 8 COfL' l d IC~P 1\fl'. J .. ·k80n 1\!otl'imony.-lletter IlI.t thnll ney. Act cJ renOe; of Ipngit \Ie bel-« eo Mn.Partlngton. Ita lh Ihr,..,. 'be ..ora , 'I' ll t.~ 0I' U! nllo d. r" l' u, hr C, ; d ies r. 'r l"OOIe e r. . A",er11l" a J l:ngland, "hic11 Ina' long iag p.jier. lb •• he Hlld burn ....di. ' ~ l'fBW ENGLAND elmSWJont l1I' ~t ·ri.i llay r hadlh , 'kt'~p I nl ' I' , t l ' 110 that's Ollt of II)lir~t.~ . a'l d t' gft~ tha IIUOJILiOl 01 Cilloliliq mell do"n' upol\ b.elllow. ""d.etA",ped.D11 . :.....-.... . \ \1 ' I • '1 • I I I Co fl y T,I!IS RAl~ W Y I ;XT";>Jos/ rRO~J lie , \I, <I.r~tl &eic"cc 1113 ) IIl)tlme,'. 1I1:11'1'Y I[]" 011111,' ch~nk wi ~'~ ' i I II jll ~ b e lolyed h)' tl'lI ,office,.. of "~~al ~I\~ea 1011lq .,tl'I~o~llI~ t" t" l1Iun i:lllot ul" ll.}s n ~lIi e r "Ito IIIP UDI.fjd 1\ /I oqalrt Surv"1, IinJer lb.)' re 1I'01?,Loa ~op tl~e Impor~tfo Daak...,. .N..... -'..ool., "80 Mil.... H o\\' .I"CII, Ioe ,,' ~I''''"g , lha ' pallm ~Ioock sitn pl. Il' orllin 1IIi. .1. . . Ne ..... V.l'trl'.~:.JrlI..,.. 'l' hIlL CUrl h·_I:!1 l••,tuO Ollllnl11 h nlu l orll. j ~ikll .oth cfl!, h nn•••teen nprnl''''nrlL : ~t.c'll :l IIltll' h. / 1111' pe r ~o9111 .up~"i ion of Dr, Gould of fir,e 'crackere, reph~cI Ike. Wlt!1 a !!I.I.....c. . . iV"w-v..wk, ....) .'111-. Wilrn ,"Oc k . (" MY " '0 11' I ", ~'~' ~ r rCltk , III III elJ'orts to F.l\t youI' h:lIn nnd fi \·c y Ol\l' Ull o( U.mbridge. '£h 1\-1.1"0110 'fl!le(frllpb floafllll or hia 'etupentiDoa Ii I. •• Al'W I. " 'II1M W J ' Lh I i con • . I'\In~ I1!plqy.ed I~ rUClorJ1u/l LlIe obler •. "~ell, well," .aid Uri: P., ~ 1OOt~. 2~ to' 27 !Iiles the ehorteitroute 'I~ rn'· .. lolll·klUldlho"" .... t h UrJI . mOl') alit Duck IllY ggs, geCM() IlLy lViI. ' vallOI\f. Early III SHplumber In~ 1 Dr. 11)'11' ID her .Loue.~ "(lo~IIIC9. , .[ d()ll , Y>hn loiepuJ(1I1r(! nrT1IIW "\'o lm , ell l'tl l' lt~.n (o" , h. I Goulet nnd. hlllll I t. nl ~ " "lotI, lor V.I. lee IDylblng Lllrwo\l' ou 10 1!lBl.AU Cr.ti ... r". (""tIC,I, Ihrau"h to New V d. \r h ... l'l!ct' 111" Un.llo,-c Ihc~ :":"f\1 ' 1[. Lill t o I ~ ~nl' -?7 4 GO MII.I :S "it l.OUI· ... ' " ' ~C " I • "r';. .. WI I I' I ' · .lI·Y L !lIl e ' s s V",LP'lrntion mn ITllty w1l tcr, wc tl llli>t ' DA .Y, IbJUif\g Mr. D' u in c,bnr -e And y?U ~('ed n lll b. ~o pu;n",c o~ hOI\! AUoI .0,. ' Nbt. 19, 18 :0. ' 1'11 11' .. ,II I •• _ J'n' ~'I'"'UrkJo~")' I·,~"I., "."o, "'1 """''''''1','.I.'I,~:II,~pl'. hC" ~ ' tl.iitl· " to. I to llr ne.i hhol'8' In uri' !\ dU' l nl l~" orl'$ Cl/ nl~ lIl. A oluok ' pi ~ r nntl Ilbou~ It ellher: b~o,tU~c dO~1tl I III r onnflf" pu."'lth ,, " '" r n 11111 ...... _ tolrn w. .. WOII l u c l! whie]I , e owe to ol:rsei"cs ' I l",o jl · b)o\llo, !II,tI J\ rudQ obtiorTl\t.ory lerCeot ,.ou anrh w." PBOM D"NKlll " , '" , K 4: "A L .. :JIANU.\ __ • ,,' h 'll 1<! IllV"ot. 111\" til<' rOre, to henl, 1.1 ttll' l1'ho I'ed Inlnp r tho doctor;" e-h dp ' "ero c realed c) .. Il to , t.e telegrllPh "l.o'd like 10 kn" b!)it tl.t'y·re golllg t$y Nt''"V \ urk IIIlIt l I r III L II I III I JJ" j lll " ~ • .,M A; ft. ~1IhY '£ORK »A..,. n..._ A 1,,,, " 'h ~ I,ulh, ,, 111 1111"1 tI"" ",I\ U , \Vh cn h e mndo is n.. s tgllll I.. I \)uillli ng a~ V .. I n 111\, "pd .. fler lb\! p"" 10 hsp fourth cf J ul),," Cf l wi· trom ~.IHt."" UCM. , 11 111 ( lh,. .. ,,1 b"'UI\.JII .' Ilut RtU III L~, II·UPJ){tr \l OI'hl th .,l rtmt , hUll t f Ol' n. nl~ 't oo.""""ti.,... for t.ilt'lil IIlId n I tnr Ir III , hll 810 _

" O~


".~.. q~Iln!."'.



Erl- e R a 1-I ... a y , Iifi: - .





1." .1 Bo,"oll ••altu ilh, 8 A·~r. {r' .'Y UL,• . I"11,_ ••/"t' . l .' ( 0"


1( t.:,t.; " IIC' I IH. tl 1l) ~1' 1\! l1 {\C , l1l~cu!ll l c lu e . . d' I HU1l18 l nta y tel th e Tim mil\hly )t... t<ld,,,, hilB 8W\'pt hc r,:solvcd, If I". ,. t~O.RO!!'.~:w ' AIlCl 'c 1101, . illllll " ,1,1",,,,,", Ijllulni.,s AlIc ·1t :1 _ I, 'A. .... PKEM iJlAU " h.~ Dua_ \ I ' .IIIfI "in LI • I ~trk. V iii !) / ""'1·... ' 11 !'\UI HI OI \ ") "1 'I ' ~ q , . III "lrv lI,t: unkM '11' l11 ul0(1 to his ,;tep . . , ~c ~lH' 1(' s"II.",.ulle, 9.4U. A ~j ••", 1' , u.. .. '1 .-" , II .• l.'kr r"e,ls -h, "'"1 '101 f , J! IllS wd e; lor, to " •• 100lile "ntl CO.h'"A WJlh . ,.. U u O .\ I, , g 1' 011 11 )1 IOnn wns ~~,~:'V~. ~~~:: ~ri.~' f~\I .lo. "lid h~ '" "" ' 10 , l ·",:I <I . 1.0- <1 11 '11 '" ," I•• 111'·... .~IOh,'~ i)oth , wj~h '" 4,ltJP ••• N,'· OBKNIf.;UTEX,'RIlMlii / ( nll!11 ,1 11'<, 01.111 u(,pII, " II' '1111,, 1<1_ fu,' L IIC.\ · Jle

I to other the ,'o i often n 1',1 Atnr~' to tIT Al ns ' lion fJet'tlJ ~.; /11' ·the chl\l!'IJS g"'e II r 0'1 b I\lh liJd3 or tb6 al\ d lov lv'~ t Ilf. nntlll'O wh e n unll r' ll ll'ci 1) \' '""II', Ardnnllo, Ol'Cllrred at) th.Y '"6111 A,od bnow. dAIr: onl1 ~e9a,.. "V'" O\! L.. 4 tI L Ft'.saendon, d 1 '" h ".,k!> " '''",. t he truth, b~ ,'\= ho woulrl long priLl! boouiy if i-t ,. 'llllI~ I', IIn(1 preci <dly III mid nilth I ley ur~" . '3 OI ly o~n. IU~ ~OQr' iu 10\'0 with wcr' not for lIon p. I(Green wloh IIln~)' thll fiTtl igOllls ~f July. IS gOlDg lo.tol' IbOil: IIllporl"-1 ""',II{- i 1mb prefer II l\ '['ootb nJ'e 8toj)pe \ I Hh gol ll, !I ,,,1 1wor llIahlltlg~d. ~hn l"o 'o bsenera, on 1100... I wllh I Was I metnlier Of"OIlD. '" wifo f ' r tOIl ~UC!l IOny ho so lil'l) wi sc. A tnllll . tbu OP POatl(l .!llea or Ihe olre,,", with g.reu " " ro,1! 1J. "k•••• 111I.1i I, • • , I" <O" "" "J ,_ Oh' CUll III tI",~~ I) nroileri"1!" ,,·Io o~. '1".uk- / <)11 1 tI, itl "" 111<11 e t,y n/ld Ue with", I·j 'b wire is oftC'n Elil ,'n('u(f hy \,lI!! I'ye lit Ihe iMtrulll ent I.nd the Db. "Don'~, le~o,""lIlld. the ?ld I,d,. illSout" l\hin 81 • 0ppolite Allhillel PUllh'" '~t: ' ~'.tnl"'·II, • .f ·5r.. I' MOl,,,,, {'t . 110\, "unlll!c '1olllcl 11 ' 11,,· 1.,1" Ih" 1,)1.1 1('()n l(( not he lll n .... 611'Ilt ho hcr,t4, I'o l\:;ng J~ o r lllOI)(l" il~ "i ~ tooth. I,or?1n1r II"y ..e nnocled ",i~lIlhl! c blo in le..rruptlog., IIlID'. dOD ~ wla~ a~b a , up; urn c;t;'" ~ .:J O.'t M {H14 Il } 8111 ' I . er 1) II I 080,...~I'S· "I h1111 d• u~N1g I. bl I "leked' llun"at' lh , b WAf_XIVILl. •• .n"" III N ew \T.. rk ... It 3.• I' ~ I r U.: " . CI. O f r(, lIIlan' I;rollllllll,l Lltt I' ~hrl1e I WOII cl hll (1 wlllit deaired hn\' J p CUlo.t.c1l lUI Iln. ,H bv t~l ~grllph Ir Ii i rtm mer, lOU. ~:,gwn" •(\t·.IIOOII 1'1'.111\ Ulld S ."",." Iu . '1'1 til '11 I I' I " r" u, clv in 'J\liss tllnll ih Miss' to whothor men I'CCIIIIIO bells~!j Ilft:cll' commlloiclltion to reoord· ibeil' obler. have got Ibe .. yirluelo n'llliiliaID," , J 0 , B LEV A . S " .... " .1 0 11 nnd N... Jo;"il.nd Ch, "", ' ,. 'ro N 0:..1 I ~ 'O~I"", <1,\1k 1111(1 "C CI), ' (' \l'1 :1 A I' . . 1.1 . rimlth " bllt Ipt 1I ~ I'cll uct 11 ~ of' ' 11 ' '"tiIlU8 lit 1\ dislllllce 01 nearlv 2' 000 , Sbe looked up. liS Clbe IIpoke, at 'lie" - A ~ . lI e ll s .1I ' '''"lhere,l ~,, " of li ve j e. .... U\.o ' UP. OPPO!·t lllllty ·r L 'I . , P t r lb " I ' __ i FROM ~l:FFAI.O-:'AY IY.". \ "ork lin." l"' u lu UCali . "hcI" "lIcl" 100 dl • t /sooll..lJl·OSClIlCU ItsoJf t.o de cI40 the t hoy IlHlkc bell st o f th (j m s e h'c~ h(J' lml es. 'PilOSCl Ilxehangea w~nt nn 10C " .10 Ufe e corpora 9 Ih. "blUl}Ql CONVEYANC~R, 'r"", 'I'u l C9rllor b CIIIIII& U .Ud 1\1'0".&".. ,, ~rung 0 C(lI (, !ltW II fore it I oURSltally (or fivo nigh .. , lind tlilfer ... nee Leve~~h" Q~ 1l!4! w'lll ~,II II",h. ,..i'led -A. _ D.... t • ..a:I'.:~'~. rt.'VOIiK . " ... Il:'4:PBE woeI'. :ail ·,III.r l o folt Ifllttcrc!d h,)' the A rO!lu tl'cf....oLT)Je vnccin",tioll law or 101lgiLuile beLweou the two elationl, t!,O ",hILO 1ero~1 100 ber brt:I\~I .. IIlitbe (:Sllll. h'l' ~1C<1'~.tI) 'v,.", II;"" lI.v~ Of rock-. l~n L lung In clCl~c r",brn'·~. nttcnlion of ono whrl bf\de so full' to Mutto {'o,' 1L RllrI'RIlt.·s hllll_' Lel\r~ or, In olher word., belWotn the ex. of Illal ~~"rllln embo~imc!Dt of Nall?Amy W11mJI,~[J'i 861l AM.l Hkfl); ~II~ u'~\'."n _ 2' 10 [' M, J.lku killllr~,1 "111M. hll,1 fi.n,II., l'lullg. lIohlcr\'o distincbiOIl anu Tlls oh'oo to to InbOl' nnd to wnit' Iteme point" o( Ih .. AII~II\jil Cable, y~rIU9; .od gl"~Jf Ike. oew lbne Cleo& 1. " '.TllefYtlle, Ohto. ;il:~~"I~'; ~~~:'y~~:=O;'\\; ~~ )~wt C~II" D' Turn ruul,I.I· (",m tlw,r re"tillg place , 11'111 hilll if Ilol' l)o w'tl rs or fQ.!lcina'fo,n Tho twe g rl!nt VOl's it)' tc!lcbcrs- Irlllll,curbined to be ~ II. " I m:.,66,6J. pleclI tbll~ Ibe mlslook, ro~ a ODe. sb .. .t Groal n and 1.llh"D.t~w"re,. r.:"ck~:~'.:~,~,11I Apn rl lo . c\,er "'iluly Il ullg COli III /10 SO. ' rsity nml AtI . "e l:~it.r. .elspeod mto Ih' II~W lilto l'eDcliD&~ J. ~d ,~·.'I_~rl' ~.l lo o.1I rv" l'lul.tlelplll n, or Ii,,- Iha t~" fl,o \' o.·ccl"s·s " " '1' 0 011 her twcuty. rollrth b il:thlll f1 ht . :l;'rovorh \.)y our lIllLehOI'9-l'01l naIl is laid 11\111 anti of lIlI · ..!...--.u, ' • , • -" I ' I? t L k / Ii ' , k II .1, !wI I • . I' • """~'O~ "lid po",,, 'Oll't., I, OfrlCK- N ortb Sl., neerly oppolite the 8,3. ". M••~II'RD8 1II_lr,/ ' >'llt A:.... ,rhich rul1. LClI culh Ill) '" ..LIe sky. R)O gllvo nn c~tert.l!lnllleltt, wlllch mus :. e ;0 t ~ru With Lh o LllIcl;;. "I~ ~ VI, ~e ' iexplo~lon\ of Lhe powder ~ tl .eem~ th,,\ Pat .onL to' tit. If. E. chu rch, ' ., .",1 lI u, " . "",II., I)~'I) (=> 11 ... ,. " . " ",PI ' " I,,:ir ro, 'N i ll'l ." ,cI'ol lUI U, ~IU rrl\~st> d nnytl IIIg 1lI1U town hnd e\, · ell In,!!lI - , ny wo 111 WIlYs bc I ml ,nea ell a, .n. tl to"n a dillance ho,"e of the prio.t to "Mire.. hit .inll, RE-JnEHoE-Wlth Ch ... Siroud, South ~.?-). ' lArr\'.:~II .N w, I o ~~, . \ r •• ~ A :IJ ,.·ur llo o'\ll Aur"I " '- 0) '1" "" ' " "~ " . I! I' wlln css ll. • Goor"'O .llIcb.soll \VM mo re ren{\j' to Jllluli:!h the fllults of or 30 feet rrolQ the buililibg "nd)ft· ",,01 iOlo ·the .kil41b811 co .. ~ ... . , ~I Tblrd Street o nnr(,11l at rmlllrft .. nh l,,-oltUe' il t'~ 1I1"1'I1 v "' 0 " '" I ~ '? t l . tl .., I' I ' , ""'. <101" , nol,y.>. lo r li," ... hllrKh,I'I",.~",, 'III. , U.I. t 1(' 1'(1, She WtlB I'Ini\l\l1tly IJc3.lItlrul" 0 lOI S. 11111. l o COI'~c c t olbl' l)\Vi . 018, rrl 0 ftieeCB, Ihe Irflgmuntl b~- the boly fllther. btl'1 percillved., thrft •. 7. '~AY~~.L .0.0. • 1'.,,""1" W.,hiIlI';IOII. Iflld 1'"1", , "mllo o r "111,"1" ',f 11~))'\lI'· ,1 T"nr~ , :lI~ll th Y/)lIng 1ll\T~ hnd hl\lf detel'. .R CIIJI'O'lnt..Y --' ) rnl mny Anf\!r.\~ Illiil (terod bV'er Iltll gtO~lId , ThQ thoro "al no oDe )11 Iha FOO .., w,l.ii .... . , !I,lIlJ P.lll. LIGJI'l'NING EXPBE..tI."!I,_ Th , I "' .1"'"1' ('loi.:tNcol , (·11. rc >cnllll II t~ nddn\ s I1er b~rol'e tb c 0'. 1II111~ oLhel'llco p l ' s ,-,lIs inos !!. l ' h'S olhe\' ono ''''I thrch"n' n8llr1y a quarler (ille I nm "al lying on 'tfi'e ' Ilih II' frearl ~~;'~"!·'~I (~~~)~' ~~d ~,J;,~~''''I~i't(::~I~IV'~:'k 1t~:or'l of LiM(' , un'l&i "ed hy tcn.... ~oni.lI g- W:J S 0\"01': ' •• wl~~ ue8111'C ~CI' In'ill ~ ours Il( e rrom lho Ilnilding':' anti "liB rrom llfe markll'.' ' 1>~1 lOlt lid ' tii!feliD P N I'll E E uno P E.t. N P L Ii N. 7,00 A ~I, r:'nll'C'inK aI J""., t:"y -<t i\h ... r \llIlll to cired.m p ll being / 'O'1C, W he ll tho gllcsts ~ w cnt into the ,uny we nevor ItIWO to sh0(1 10he SIl (IlY' lQltllhlled Ihllt ho oouJd nOl lecllrillg Ihe' priae. Hiding iI' ae .ell I ~1t"I'''"J; !·,!tl"e,. TIDin o( Nfl ll' J ' r'~ 1 But.1I i. mIlle-110 OO" II'(' r cn mn. . "J1!WI""oom, Mr.. J lIck sOIl ' found ten1'8 of r O!!'I!et thnt wo C\'CI' (\ 'ni cu , bA reoognizod. 'fhe bUild/n~ ilself liS be bouldllnder bil lo"t ' be pr~'e"', (j It tb .... 1 II II d P nl6. rOllil .0. UOhlUHJre jttnv WnJll1l II" ~. II l , I' P • I' . ppoe e e ," t, a II. .rk, n!,d 01 IXfIV Yo,k " ith MII '"II'I: I:. ~ ,:. .' 'f lie ,·, ...1011. '1uool io ll cr 10 lell I III cl r !JeLI\'"eell two heauw c's, Some OU1 ~~ \ OS nlljt 1tng thnt IVC hkoll. IV&I s~e~t I\II'.I\Y· A OorrC!~p 1I 'lt'nl dod to tile aparlmeol 01 Ibe prl".t. Ho. Nsw YURKo 1 ro,,,, f•• , B '~I O II 111101 N.w l'''l:lnll~ ·I l , Whnl' I,c,c IIIU< lIeclI-:tl l , a ll i. dU/1" 'OIl!! Pl'Op03Cll t h I J,onlth of the foi,l .E tlql1~tte-A ,Yblmg h cl,Y who p er . I Lhe CmcI.nn.lIl1 (hectle SRYS' 'l'he Lit· eold: ' (Cor. }',onkrort 81.) Bp."iolls Re(e;;;;';:-Buh.noo';;,,! ao~ 0.101'••, ". IORK N~Ga'l' F.~PBE I'l'hc~c cale,'II" k.e~p II.oir sec,' t. lIe li. hostess, ond nil bllt tho )TOling HUql 1I11t n I08s, 81101lid Itlllw\le the 'Ul'it. Ille Millm. river mns rMlllr I he 6 c~ne o( "Here. your re"~'"",e I.R tille 1e.r ~A' It.V ' SI,,,. Itl 11Qrodl ' \lII. 10 30 l' 'iminolf lh eh' "\aSSCIi to ·fhe. l'otColll is h C!lblUl~ll. who on mos t OCCII!J IOII'$ lhe "pfOf ion. nnJ rur " ooll ~f dernbl" of bacnn which I stolo IlnJ brou.>ht ,~ B$rber allOp. • IIIlr''''f,CII''~ ""Ih Ihl! 4 15 I' ~I 'rna" We 01111 11110 ... thai .. rnnllen. I.' ro (I e fl I' ( I not f 1·rir \ ,ri,· II' I k i l t \rrom .. . e;~ . S 11 cI "oJ'" J)'lIIk, k ,",eI .,,'v,· II' ~: .. \'0 i. II' ' .,' 1·lnk. '\li8~ CUI'lyle 110· ., C8 IS C IUC . , 18 IIncu tl In "" Isr Will R"el'l tbo . R!I a pr... n\ for yollr ' boliDeM. \Y.ill r:rDo..lIot rva .. b " QI R n... 10 reoelVe porqui. llr. ! 30 P M. AI.~ cO llnecl1 al..I!:III,in: (o~ ~~. ris'~ In 'dim . ,le'l' l ~olnllolll·cigtl·. li eecl t h i ~ . nuu snill' .~ "I'lll I'n S II" . £ cclcain ti cal- Tho Oh~C I'I' Cl'8 "f bod lind pdured in II fl ood lipan Ille you tllko it." b ~ li6ve H.UQlIer or Ua ck nle" wh n l A, I h 1'1 I I I I I I" A ., • I ' I" .~ \IV u . • .. e ..... IUIl! 4a,J) 10'1:' . "." 1"" "'" "011111 ., /III /I' g ,t. olJ II,nt'8 mnmle 1I'0n",,prise: . cxtcrnnl . Ocl'entonlcs tire 11011 enllcll lI~ighboriDg fi'll ItI"S. Ulcul was blown "'Cake i~ , ... IIid tll8 OOOrelllor. ut;y.. 11 ". T ......... E B 1 1l'~~l~P' ;"su~rl{;(J. IN ) I!,A!Jh-EXlPREll.ij... AlloImo' ,"-1I 1",1 010' u? oro o ak I'UI \ uit •. I 'ls''it IlO ssi!Jlc thn.t "OU reruse to ritncnlists, and tllosc who IVlltQb tbeh' from t1'lo winclcnn of tUe lIou80ain Old , no meline, Curf ' h baole' io.ta1ltly .ff' .... • ... .I.. ... " . 01" " ~IPl tll l ~ UIIUII .1 • tI • d'.l. ' 'I I 1' 20 ~ M, ( Ilk), "url1or'. ~12 P M C<Ii,",Y BOil IiI(D HIe C ~l'er08 of thl) 80ul. urlOk my health. 1\iI'. •TaBksorl?· PIOCCC II1gl1 .. ro spY"l'itunh st . 10WII . 1.. 0 ml e8 10UII oC tUe mill,:':' "FRltb an' I jJ,d; 'ir, IIllc.l' I\'e .aid be :)'T ~!'d orm'c III !'I ~ '" Yo, k H\ 3145 I' 1 Whose dA,k reccas~. I) 1\0 m ay 1[" 01"' 'l\Il'doll .l1\e . ho Mitl cailllll." · " ' Oll ::>pol·tin g iutcll igclloe - The mnn 'Che wen~h"r·bolUding WI\I futlou If. would talle It Ii, 110 lDeall. " • u n n "o,"",·\t "I {.r,·nlll,nd ... ,,10 0.1"...." . r " 'I ' . .';y, " '. t I k ' I. . n d r l" 'J rib ~ V . . ' Luck."nn". & W ~".", R.,lro.~ (nr S" r" ,,' w\lo III'~""'nna1 \lh y c1n rklJ 1'0)1 CJlOW ] 1l ~ I' U r drlllk ".no.' "',uo c:l. ~l e . 0 III C leo ~ tn t~e buntIng np!"c rom u~ el 0 uge arn .. err. wel\ ~hen. P&luek, 'Y0lr mly LICE N S ED AU CT ION E En, IOn, Tr~ n\ '" " Ph"" AIIrl tJt N. ... " ~r~ The P" S_iOIlS' l,ill ow.1 cull 1111(\ fio" , 'Bllt tIllS once will not mnke . ntry nel rl (\Idn t po k('t It. '1 he mustc r In'lro th~n liD Ig hl!r of II mile aW"J.- keep Ib, ' 'Il'itlo . ner 'I"N'~ 1I ":"'"1< and t;i\ •• ", .... for r Il,fJ'cI'CII Ce' s hc urged Smllinglv of the hount\s s u/J sc()lIC' nUy .'drcw' For I( mlOuto l\D II a half' lifter 1110' OJ:· "An' ['1\ be .blol,ed · ybur ' royer" 'a,..e.yUlc ., . ", tall n,,, ow £' o'''"lId Col" .. j U' 11'1 <. 1 ' •' b k" I 1 I' I. ' I . , I (' Oull' (),, ~ T ' I a s '" ,,~' co ,c mll ~ , we m t r&1 III I 111', ' J am SO rrl' to l'cfllS" 011 ' Il c' o o;-I<.1 ' all 0. nn ' 11\ Lil n ClJ;;hO l'hOo u. I' 0- 0 11. I, air WII. uomb y coo'a\Med ence'" demand"d P'~c. lVI<Y~ES1'lLLE, . , ..• " . OHio. I ' ,,'::"1' -0' on u" "ny, J... Inf; 11ul O,lr 1'> 0;,,,",,, PW ll ~ Killlln e,l /).",11 ,. , . ,~ r , " '" and lerrible o" "d ,,' "'''1' , .. y 't I " . 'C'l ·,t . .. I ~ • f. 0' •• ft 1C! r m , I\ '~ rdoh,ng N. " t'u,k .1'12. 'buL 1 lIIu ~t ,1050 Irosolvcd live -- -- - I ,," I r"8e ... u ms a IUO ' ell "JOuril Ie WI. Dot U"a t; ../ 30 I'M. Anp \\'h, ? All! Ihw .h~'o· S""~I<l.g dacon \Tn"I'" .. ~• •, .... _ +.I..n " I'.~. "'_!"t. Pnol<l"nl ...11..... c~ lIion of beav. ' Lbunder ol"plI'ilnd ro'ib bllck ." " . ' • ~ \Vill .ttend PWlIlp\, Ito~IlU I. ~:.., II ~II~ tttor n;'ll!.'pn~ " 'a~.rll1ir • . ,,,, .;'·"'~ ,4"I"1J .i~ u.,......_,~~" d.m. -' -c;;'iin gJi'q 1I01'~ . . to.'~'ll p<rht ",n()l InU':'s'L ... . eou\d ~, l~il ... r.J ill .~ ' TV'," eot!Q,II, • .' '''GbOd m'orn\I'I ..... n AII,?\,," .. .1 ',\"'11'" III hla J,j ue •• nd .n"e.. yor~ III . IrI"e. Ille bJ!~' .. hh 1ll,ir. Onllh ,fr: II c Ir.".I...." fr;e 0; rr ro.. J \I J" 'rhc Rl'ponrnn ec fir the I' ro '[1 ~ Ii • -' - .... . ., ~ co ... . j ;0"'''' • .. ll.r.dtlnn) · Term" tr.'ariolioble. i 84 chnq;. l... N.,of "ork ._ • l I t , ' ,. ..A~VI>\'ijnr " (J. v,I/f). fY I'oat hal'm by nccedlllg to your re . Sll - ' t-'-". \r-- ".,j-.~.~""" tJ ....,)~ • __ ~ TIo A;8.1 Ve'II,I- I..1 n.,,1 m~.1 [.II.lIri o" . - - . .. ~ . . ~ IIMlt.' • wlrc at n lute I'cceptl!)n at ~ilo Whitc U" fn th e polrce cpurt DC Clli94g'O, ~ ....' ... ,. --LADIES' AND GE~l'S' SLI::I·: t' , o'1u O~(,1JE o::r in Ih6 .. "rio:!' ; ' 'n ne f.AW,-'.,,"" BEllO ......;: I II n . t ' HOIISC, is thll 8 d cscnllCl1. II ",ir~ lhll& azplamed ' h II ' . " "1 I -.. In snr rOll ('!l no flO WI'OIIO' -J\I,'S To l IIlO d t tl ( "Will you take Ihft life ,or Gena,,," OO"""" .• n\,,_ n'l( " h. n. "0 110 • roll"".. Or, abe "-""'" Dud do" •••.. WjOl....... .. to ell i Ilk oli n gi II ~ • :tnc.! Luat to Illy .' ,II II ~ppc~ re U IC r e· J (I I",r. h Irelllm~nt by hot . Graol,OJ" Admir.1 ~arr""IIl, .chie morn~ n"~'!tc rherk .. lllo r n l1g'ft .lln .1 0 •• 01· heill ~II ' al . . I tl \ cCptloll fOI tho !lI st tllne. J fclt II One d"y "hell ~h3 ""' runlllllg l\or9 58 ,. .... Jlo, Tl Mulbeffy St., '~.)', ~~ I"", •• I" ,IIY u'~~r roo,e, t G ~:Oll(a; J ,1(''''''0)1 WIlS n ,'olln" mnn fUI:c . ' .c tllll< ns 8\\'e~ j n s IJC dcep UlIXiIlL.r to see the WOlDHII who tho roo .. wilh R rork ill fler lultJd, 1,0 ing , .. alkod R Nu" or ork DeWlm.a oil _ L E 8 A NON, . 0 H I 0 • c~'8;',~:~"~~Dltl ·~~,~:,·!~"r¥~:~" 'I' o~~~!: of 1"'0 111 IN C, un d \\'tr;~ so {'l)ns~I (lI'cd 9'lr nl\' 1.11<'\' 1,:ln~ 1tnt 'h!'lrf' th dm ~Hlll ItllllJrlbl~ hcl' '(tll"~lllllndl tft0 rood, .lI;lIl1/JIU!IVUd i." her ""y IlInll .truck hrl eldtlrl, lad, 10 Ia"d IIOpped Lo 'l inlhe W... , all d :SoUIII.WeI, hy nil ill bis noth'e to" n. H c \Ins I I tl . ~ In s i' Ica 1m 1'1', I .,ut 0 ¥ 11l11LIltIOU Wrl81 "g~ln8t Ihe fork wrellobill, it ooko"er Ibe pabJiClitlom 0(,... It,•• •"UIS .IT , ... .- RaURS 1 11 nJODl F WM R I ' ~. 1 C, III ,\'. llli s lI e III 'llIlt LI) Fl llo lI' th"l which Iud to pllll' e tlild pO'''CI·. ,' he from her . II I .' v . · tlio, 'haDk yo," .he r\lplied •. "''''hy • !IlI311 IIl1J1j ., . , lioy'l ~~;"l: ' li~II'1 I~.~ n:i " II a wye !' III IJI'O 0551011, nil( " .lil :!'oulIg IUlly hllll' W O!\tly s ho hnd tbe i'l tooo nCllr tho P"e~ id 'lit to his riuht. rnn I 10 IJgrip ' Y I 1~~lne,,' 'Ybd,cb he .hould I WID' ·to take : bIB life .? ' 11"., I J.non 18 un 1I,,~q" nolhin, asia hi~ I' nrOUTt:llA l!enod in C\'ery _'ylo, ~I.o, ! 7l Ir gl'tluuully hl,ying til ft1l1lll.i.ltioll fo r YOllll" I..... \' l' ill Ih'r POII' CI' Hilt 1'01' I tI· I . I 1 <;' I . \. n 18 IVrJI. '. , I ("'_)1 bNlt>d, ellkc~, crl1clc.crt!, pics .. .cle" for' , • .' !~ !lll'OIII: nllll ll~en,lv pr:lctico. thl I . I II I • I. IHI I'. , Iln .stllmpel: Wit 1 CU I r.' 1111, 81C( . LO IIrlkn hor i but .he Ilo/d ~p I p.o ;' I ., •• Ie At nil till'0';" ~r~~o by th,c call .! li'IU,\ 60 Sav.ed t..,T:WAin g H e hu ,l ODC great dmwiJ:wK to ('on · , " B)(, ~vf: c J:~\'C acc~pt·~ li S, ex · ness, a "Cl'Uu'rmn C.6 ofthollglltfn l M.IIU· or hOI di8b , wll'ler b~lwe ~ll ' ,l/t:,P' !lDt.! I~I\I'OI" No ';'1qu0I"'" .. [~.;1 , 7 " " .. ./ fJ~ ~\-o. tl!lld IIgnin"t, haw'cI'Cl'I', Ire \\'11$ IL uasc: fllJ • •II,C cell (Ott to Ill ge 111m . lI ellY, 1I11 ClxIlf 08SI01l of curi<lsity.- 8pill ii ,,1/ o~"r I,' · llC!a~. 'l'll 0 I,JII .&r.' The 'Loodo lil)J'e-e~ H, lIl" 4t~~ '"--~'&'W'DER:r ''PIIO'IW.lQ. B.T DJ,i;DD(j T'S J "lbof,A'''''"SStJAP. m fl ll of Il sbro ng . [rnJl etllou~ ll atul e, J\lll's 1..:101) r,~ c fI, IRh<,d, nsshe J.oo killg f'll; IIInOmc~tntC'lc.IrJlQ'I·i<1l1 g'lt@ti llllioro ' IIII ~r)' ·ltiL ';I ~ RUQ;djloL "balt'oilll" ·.ClYor" '.ro'lirrira4i;""~o .a.,. . ~~J ' ~hi. SOUIl i. millie f"om olellll and purc mole nn(t htlll illh l'riLCld with it n fOllrin llSS h(,III'~l til l' rOlln}? temp tr'cs!I" ~ pcoch, Illtl od llceri. hcr c.rc would urvp illl ' lind ~tRrluJ to JIIIIlP fl" I,er tTUI Ili_ recently fttiiiRe'd an eX:RmiudOI\ lor .d~ . . ;" . ' rl!,I., c;f\~I~h'8 up .ocll'I.L~~I1L\O\l or a'~8 ·ki"d. II cl I t.a. fi I . " .. I' I 1O . ' t l r ' I ~ .,. i . ~'l ~ "' " wlllnOLIlVU,.c thc m"~t lIclielllc rllu,ic nu,l for clis" ip:ILioll. 111 his YOull gC' r : I 1I1,~' ~."U ~·f.Y Il H!g(\ZC .. IIt.oc ... 1II 0C I,It m cditlltiv e thou g h 1'111 ., h~lIdo" mofl!.l "hu( h c r blind, ,,0' "mra.iollloLh. ooilltl'or:&p'olleoar~,~ ...,t utt-;;oJIlntt,,, 18 cspecinll." IIdnpled fur l\ooll c nR. "hioi, 11111 c\IlVS, nlfl1 u lttil he cortfmell'(."d the ~O ll, 118 IIIlW ltlLtn g' III lIlI II' ,'. lI a!l~ , I1S It h~r mind nllu lI onl't \VCI' (1\, down. 5ho look) olJ /)( I\i• . bur' 11 ,urgell. "llpotflIH!lre'~i"" .. ,,0 "ot ",,,ink ,tf\<!rl)oing wlUohed wllh this IlUllp. )1l'~l( or his profcs io n, he h nd le.l .'Misfi. ar~.1 I • 80hl tho yOllll g mOil. 1I11 ; t1 with UlOlI g hts.llll<l omOtion!! I'lL!' to h~lp him 1I~ 1 1If111 Ihu bni, \VIIS moi" ~p~,optMte tille·. 'Tlld euocal"rui , PIISBait .aiD S~., WI7Jl8lV~l1a, Jf n"'~' be used in 1.111\101' Mort wnto rR. h "'lIl [I wild, I'ccklcss lirc, and bnll be II With o.ntl!.nt IIlbul'rns mant, 'I he"" t111l \l rel.t fl'<1IlI th g ,dd.v thl'OlIg' p :1 8· lenetl by' 'he hot "" ,I eI' AO IhnL it clime lagll of their Ilsami ri~(ldo millti, 'be ---r~lIIo l'(),!!l\itll, gl'(J~8c). Wt.r 1t1l(1 s!.t\ui.. 01 1111 II " I I 411 l k I I 11 rr I d ,'. r' I , • wr mlL'Dal1lS.~ AFJW W.&~JJ!BIlE~ kind •. Onopotind,,"mrrlmthd .. ~ u " ll(t two regn r'lcrtfls nh o~) eT e~s cnse. Ulon.'OllWI l\I)tu r cr c III c inlhi s mA.ttcl·. 1110: »)'. A )ylo ow leI S~)I~U' W e 0 , 'l·htlll e IJtl8" .. il'Wll d 011 U-O 10 Ilye ... e.~tle'O.III; 1 I'<lurnl. or .",liltnl")· 1;.111,11 BO"I' )),rc.!t,ous 1'C'rl'i l'in g his eNtia nt~ , he hilI Slid [IHwe nllldo n R<)ICTl1'11l' J' It-O lu b;on to of her.' 1000ROn wit'l him nlly l\logur, ' aod ',h~ , .. " Rtpalre" In wmkmnllllke 't~ Ill, .t Ihe Heut ,lith C(LCI.. I1 .... ' tor niak,u!; till e, J.:lll1un. d Oli I.)' ns l ou isl, ed hi s fricnd s h.1 ':111 1111 111111. flom 11 ki"r1~ of II "'llOI·S._ - -•• Idl th e lin use . TlIe ' Anretbur, Vill-' ooa·.. , ...... "onp f 0 L I • 'I I '11 T . lowe.t ollsll price. and flller.cllOn \\, AR· handdnlC . ~,.unlp .I. "' lUppcd r '" 01le ",., L '11 I· ('ollslilcr 011" bOllO!' 1111 (. 11' 0"u 1',1 'rl ' 0 II,.ry 0 r J . W IIk el DI)ot Ir, I,,"ell I, .... - . 80,'1) " ", E.lCh in nI"'"" clrelllno' COil flufOp . I S(,OIl t'!nIlClIce 0 1'1' li S tl III l Ifl) J - - - - -- tradiolt • rUdlor ,h.. t W.hittier, tbe"UTED. 3u. \I I!lilling fILII llircolion; lo r 1I0e,IIl""tCld In Ell !! its, all il n Lcudy llpl>lica~ion to bi s- Ihllt I'C Cllvc, IU1l1 1 nm S (II'O ,rOll rrom l,iAholly IIrLer 111_ C.LI'LUfu , is II0W Ml Geo'ge PCl\lJody, intending-loon ,'Ollt. 1.IIb'oat to follow tb••.I_ple 0(il Kh 11M Gnrmnll. ARk 1(1'O""r ror ' ll hn si lICSIJ. would lll)t h!lve' me prul'c f",l so to it.' in P ()~ uRd ion IOf 1111; pro p-or IlIv e~ II 'I4tln ~ to .I~~.c (01' g"glund, .Informs Ihole Sumner and t a wi(II • • tb. I&O r 1 ie ~ROIWE G. S.lRGE.l.NT, '\'·Bnll~~ill~3B1~;, ~ n~::.I,~tt;i.t~rfl'7, 68, Yet nlo. oll e klnew~ 'rlN' ~ t n Btrl1~qlf' : YOll \ViiI notdo so by ohlig~ill'g me COm,"ill~9 . hAvill~ I)rooll "!ludeiJ (lVllr 10 !Jurlon, who hue written'" him •• 1"118' at lelll an impronm"DI "POD tba' J/(//I't Pail/',r, Gltlzier, () oilier, cmd G!}. 70. 7l) and WR81rlngtllfr '!t , N~w Y~rk . it c/), t "1lI to l U so 0 Oil!) k !I e" tIllS <)11 ('1',' »cr !:! f ~ tpd thc beall t\'. ,Jt it bl' IIro IIlIthor l tlll ~. I~'JI 80M'! r"II~ll tl 100n8 or mO:lcy. 811blcriplionl LO chureb · wbiob "... starled on .OD. ooa•• ioll . [j!I~ iElRl.. txJ£i:\~OO9 • tIm Jnc l1tul f\goll}' li e endurc,l ill tl'y IS not fu il' for YOII Ill one, of 'n)) my its.contcnls Wo'o n.1L ~"(j tl on lllal 1,( e~ , pUIJ/IO c ilnutflltl, Ikc .• or R'J I.t~llee "hen 110 "a. , oIlD~IlI.Le for ~ 41,W, Camer MaiD and Iflami Stteeta, "."KE YOI1R O\VN So.t. P. ill g to cHst'1)lf tllC t Cl1lpt'lLioll whi ch g !le8t , to refuse to drink my hcnlth. ~ h09V W thM he "81 1111 ,,!!etl~ "r th IS aoo ' lor lhem R~ lf tB or Ol""rl. that Ilro great IbM he " .. all "nkIDd. hll.bud • • n C! d CO I\s tulltly. h"'"lltecl him, nlltl SO II2'i1L I :IlTI r eull.v o(f()lldpd With \,Oll, I f~c1erate O()'V~rllmell't, a ,"l rec(:lved r!o · number Dr Ihl'8ft oommuoiolltioo, h•• Ire.led bit "ife badl,_ WAYNESVILLE. , erl "ellt. ,~~ve¥ .Using to cnst hilll (ton' n frOID Lhc. \lO'silion don't f! 'C wl~' fO ll RhOlllrl n )rll se to ney rrom it, IIlId Ihllt IlL nno lilllO, al rrlltlend IL impoulbte (or him to iOlld I .,..,..~ TI,e beAt of 8nlisrnctioll guaranteed In. 'till B. T RAORITT'ArenE O~C>:STnlT>:I,I"'T ho.hllil rcn o hed it W!U" "ith him, " ,.ntlry me, (1IJjy for oncc' le'lOt, lhe pIllA 1""8 to killllllp ~fr . IJiIJ ' or answer, or e,on to open IhelD tn fJtr I~ i. reported' th .. lam. . Gor.' ew;"B. or no ehnrll'" .lilli, 01' R~,uly s()"~ ~4k"". \Vi Jr.,uw l II OOlltillll:t1 cffort i for, til I,he sOlli(' 0 'T o bo (':tndicl wiLh yo' 'd M coIn . It is loeliuvt.'11 lo implicate only JlI rlon. '!'h~~u letters, 1I11101lntiog. 10 don neonelt j,a. "-Iun eo .utobio.. £:jf" '1'hllnkful fClr PIlst fIlTO",. I policit n tlollhl~ thc strengtl. 0 C01lJ~'\l1I' ,l'oll,"I~. n lld tl' in "'hiLlII he mo\'cd !lot n cl n,- I k . k I I"' .. 8111. ~. Bfloth IIlId H~rrold in Ihe IIS81\1fi11lUllon, lI eH rly ronr thou' lInd, ""0 been burn· h b · . · · .· I'" , oonlinuftneo of ~btl hbeMlI patronago hCleto· RUPl'nor lu "tov olher "" l'0nlfl ~ ,' 01' I!'I' 11\ th e J , • . li e FO il, spell In g 'A ow y, whIle IllS 'r F' Uw '(rllp ,. " IOu II o.eololrae a lI.torr mil keto I'ui Ull in CIl'1S of 1 po"Il,I. !!·POUIII]_.' pnsscCl ~hut hc dlC\ l1<)t .CXjJl' l·l(·n~c n f;U'c Iltlsh ed I}nillrull 1','1 =-frnid to he onLry rn Ire ~n ndllY, Aprliltlu. cd io bia prl\ltlDce. of tbe Hor~ld .. wlSlI as it. editor aod ' fure Ill:tclldod . • • 1'0,1, 3yo",.,d8, 6, pouud~ Rnd 121'0111,<1• • ":lth filII tt'll1l!tntlOlI to ~bnIlC1()11111 9. rcsolutlOn, ,10 so. YOll kilO" ih~ !ffe 1 }ed n ?nc we"k ,,{tor the m~rdor •. alto w. tll'H ~... . • (ollndor ,; Illat be Inteod, l,o h... tb. ' ~Irccllo~ 11\ Engl Ulh nnd fl."rUllln, lor mak "nc1ll1clnlge 'Just once' III thc (~lm , et. ngo J n f'd -+1 t va " mll8t III,ve .i1eeo "flllllll p~rrect ,....... Tbe ~ -.t ..... y. Tto Weltnro 1>11 work pAb\uhe.l, after ·hi. d ••,h l .oel mg ~rd IIDil 801\ ~ So,,p 0JJc pound will I HI I I f ' d ) LI S ' m a r,II I "II~ c\'en f ' tId 'b ,' . V~ AI" UU ~ w 11 , m,.ko 15 !lallolU! o£ 8(lfl ~np. Nn lime, 'R "e gcrolls P el\8urc. "~n . n CIl." 0110 single dopllrfllre frC1m the path I "$on)' .o mini. ~ e~tfl e.1 ".~ POll ' pen. Wt8lera. PIIJH''' willllonler II I". thaL ill it be "ill reCut.· .. ..D., of --TBE tEAVI~O-' q\'ir~d. Ool\8ume .. 'ftill.iracLtlliH tlla'qlle1J101!l 1V0r~ by 110 mctlllS 80 St.llct III thell' fun'c lllurkQd out for nl,) 8eU' i b~ 11011. WIth a broken \ell III llie .,dll .<If ~or by . Dolicinl: lbe fllo\ tbll' Eddie ide", populllrly enlerlaiDed Q( billll4l1,J • • I Y l'ul4lril\ hI flio mclrlrcC • htl!Jlt.s. 111111 tlley freql\entl 1Il'ged drng me llnoR to 't' •. mg . • "'limp, .. I~II., lin OUIC"".IlO aal..SIO. Beard. "boJ fuur Je~t. of I e 'wand Itll JourDII. F9.r 4t\le by' ~rD~ggl.8'" nnll O!!'1 ccriru>., him to join' them in a fri!!lluly glnl's ; T' i b' II . 1 it weighed dow-\I by hi. guilt, Ilnd f~elinlf .. I;e farn:terly lited ,u 8,.';e~, In- OF ' THE WE8T. n GG 70 7'}" BdA::IW' !!os. 64. 6li'.N , 67y' G • Ii'J, RQd he ~ca,..cely attended nil entol" , 11111 .n.f? ~8_ lellC o.r:t momont, that Gotl _omld ,ertlle rar!(ifeneJ8. 11 dian. !IUd "ho lott hie 1.lher .hill, An I~ rl" "" •• ODA~' II,ed,, ". -f~r • i6 an .. almn~n 8'., ew C)rk. i b t' h t 0 tfere · d 'tfdRI1W by' . IdLa ' "Cty , 0 ( .'u~l\n I • go · Oo.-iD, ' e•• t 00 I .,.in (rom Jndiltllp ' ( n.. OF . . . . . . .O ......... AND . . . . . . . .~ V<...~ ~ tIIllmenti ' t i l e ~ns no I k,..II!18 £lHDe'tllodln!fc f .hfm , ,. . ge tl ler ~/lC'1 d . dI,.-'!edl · . . , wine .. All' these ofro t a were'lllieUy nn IC ~ew 01n tbcl100 of sym· nl III .eldom 6nd. uprelll,on In "ord •. 0111 i. no" in tbe .£xehaag. Hotel Iii fO,!, rO"nlng, I'n ~r ·..,..... ~ll:.lmtil\1,fi ~~ be 'Per Vt;f 'Sand Lv "".tIncr nod courtcQllsl)' refuscd' but 80me· prtthy willch hel: fllee w~I'e, IIbn' 80e . ___ llll ' · If t I ' dv I ' penoe, 'Wha~ ,al rl la ~1}·~l t ..... WqJ"" ........ Me.. ,. I :","1 .•DI: u~ . '0 ' • " hnd heart! the conNer8atlOll ' . • 0111· no e nUD" If give I ' oftn fOr lavlli .J'P.', · 1 '.' ~·, '1 A. K EA ' P:O L 1:C Y ~F· B ~ ~bJtt'l bNt· lIal.r tlhlcs tho r.ouug mn" fOlt tnot tb.o cf·. IWl t I 11' I d T" h . k d I J;' A.Ni'" J'IIU. ~"r". - ,'( lte '01' he Will be '.n~ to the ti)rphllll' Homo i~g a .. con~ l~, h.~: " Y , c Il8 e lCl', .bo~ld rOIL,d 0o" mllntare, and .e,,( 1111 illl brighL lilllldellow.,IIDlJ b~donbL 'Well, faitb\ 1IQC1Igueil it II: ell' &IMIt ~', D. " ......... K.... w~I1 ..,oar... aiU; 'mado from eommbn ..It.'' :UI=ern¥ma(l~ fOl·t \vonlti ISQIIP his h~nrt.8tl'il1g8.- I ,, ~a s Ja , withtbluftleratu8:contaloa,whe.otiAkQd,II!! , He IQau e tbe struggle brlltyol.r, tbo', a ~ lIucon:~ou~f ' 1i • Ir' mold;. I,ul~ •• ncl, if the dompOltI i. hRI bellO 80m. mal her'. "Liule 'E,ea· it i.'Wor~b.' oJ. " I thins but commOn MIl, "ilLer I\ncl8~ ...: . He flrl1ll.y ro,olvell novcr ngnin to 011 m~l . (!~l1( 0 , ~r ) ourse . n lilliu 1\lff. ~Vh\ln Ihe bed i. pruplrod • • ur ....-Oolumbull Journal. et ~O". 6410 74 W~b . !l .•. NtItI 'lork. wste illt.)xlcllting liquors, for ,he sl.w nn8\VCI~d,.qll1etl.Y~ hnt.r would It fthould be "lIttere!i , I/trough n lioll _ , •• . '~Po~J ....~I. , .' , ; 's,ULD\ J. , .. know himself' well otlOllgh to be 08' ~'O bc~orc, 1I01l\U 0 nu<m such n rose . 'flu! ClulIinlf' 8ho~ld., lYe ~"I!O "L" ~e 1" .aid Mra I~ '' s J .' , -,.- ... lUJ PER~T II"TED lilT aDla. !lured thnt- his Ilrat g lllSl:I would only IC80 l ?tlOn. , . • from .',or! jOlll tC tl, ullbl uf)lI1ucJ s hoOl8, "heru [h",e bee IUn: j ' II "ntirel1 rebuilt. aDu, tbe Ylgor . Iod~,. I ~lo(kt. U1titc~e5t,J B. '1",.BIl~btt.t ...... Tea.t ~aer: , Ic'lnll tcl ",nothel', ond tho old thirst for Itl~c~I}~r I ~~M~I1C Cn~r;re'1Iash that (rQm, Ihe o""cer or .'"~" or lhe planl.J- or lIe.tll rf&r Ib;~e ~~t~1 Ie ... arallce or It. peopJ. In ~ toOa . ... tl:o., 4:0:, ' L1611£ B.lJIc\\I~ O! Roy.Jc.lnll or !J~ko ~"y IJ~ II qllur Once Illl'OIl 8C(l, ho cou ld no~ c. te 10 1 IS8 IIr:l 8 ~YOB. Cy' ol~Be undBr • }OIIII, And do 1101 ••• .Flfit 11""' eized "iLlI bloe4111 II" {rom the eff~o' of. ditutrtu made &IllS le~'»o;'der, 'Jl16 mllJllmB. t.cll wlrere it wonld cnd 1'bll8 lD~t· f;he eontrollod heFBelf, however, nod old a\lOOIA olrll,e IeI've •. . JUN.'PI I . ( I (I . I g lire are pr.i~e"ortb1' .j _ .. In St. W ..yne.vllle. No ..borl,,"iog r£q\llr~tl whell BwecL UllIk !" tel'S stood wbC'l't this ~ opcnl!. sai(l, crtrdcssiy ~ the CUlling. 10 the eoil. and prul th. no ~gy ID. I Ie e t lemllp ,41rll • Rep. iring 01 .11 kind. dune promptly lIBell . • IX shill} I1r~ you 110 more Mr . d" IJr"lD, wlllob If'"~ oxoeed~(} by" 11061 ' J((lS. Gollo 74 Wo.lhlngt()D It., Ne" lork. Mr. Jack Oil. fe cllUg' that ho \~a8 J acksou, nnd I nm Horr thllt 01; earlh firml, nroull them, water, p gil of Ih o I.ett ,c!,lilator or lhe he'lr.. .~ The ni me' ot·Bur~.1I i. 0110 of lod in Brlt·cll.1 It}' If. ~-"I!"'" ~ 1 ur I 1\'111 Bond. ,"triple pnc""tolCl'fIon. by on the rolltd to Bllcoe~8, anll tha\ pI 11- I Id I) h f. Y Y • bad 9 frolll lb, lUll, Inti whtu they, be '1'111' gil.. 1IIe nn nn.mlliion of ~he bo o • d . " PERlSOOPIO Sl'.EOT.ACLES! IIInil, on receipt of 16 celll~ ,to pRy 1108U(e. clcncc nm\ clleraa: .wouhl cOI'wtnly 8 IOU, Ie 80 .mue l' U r,al~ to pny me glo 10 gro", pinch off tho lOpl qC tbe rR • • od DOW " 'm lick ' witlr cbloroform Ibe oldol' 10 Marylin. TIU!: ' Sanat&a An ,xcellenl ..rorlme,,' ju.t reeel,.d. bdt'S him that lJ(essing, thollgb t, it ~o S:m:oe n fOl~ I Ihoole t~ eoooarago Iheir m"l\in~ etrong IQO;~'" t TJ.There it no hl... ing lille were fr~ncb Catbolio. In' Lotll Bel ';.' ,ulled lu all .,.... Thf.e , are • the bell TR B Ilboilt timo t!'llt he s bould tako.1L tt C ;~I'da 1>6 th' to: nnot,~cr a~d ~ulhy planll •. Spring il Ino lItlL bealth, osrlicultul, "b.1I .You are lick." more', lima. • . 1w • 'prelbc/", In the markel. C.II In. UN110N wlfo. H~ bol~~d tho.t,bo hall urn por on I room, tnkillg. tuo.t lime for propsglLlDg. I 'n T , . .hy J. J1I66. III i} IjI, "c(lat yenf s of' discretion, (Lnd WAS tho young man, ill order to "'l'oHi of· ~ ___ - --~---rAr. now ullinlr'th"lr "-rae III" Ef«gll1l' CApable of making ~ juclioiolUl 8oleo. felldln~ her, would finally yield.. O:7"Bftcltbiwll' Some Olle 1111 "rfl' ~ Tl'h~re j~ n ,hoem.k,r al LJnD ():7 '1)be ElIloo Realiln -r- ",1 SWI 'or PI411 Engrauing. Co, '1,.61)1I'l'h, DC' I I I " b Ho (lid not d s l e I 'l'b I 1.1' h • "Ilei male .. b, 1,lod regtll,uy one, pair two 'taDdiDr [oreIU,.., I. tb., God'fhelle EII .. ro'I~"•• ttuulcl lion , nnd IC eor CI tue 1 roo , OQ I 800n SBW 11m fen ~ .. e Jlllicr 4' ,ye, , e IIIOrll 0; J • . rOllr " .~. " ... " .1A. bi . leave tI e "01 H w""'t -'til I)" 1 dl ' I oC ·lhoe.ln liD bout, or .illty be 111 l'very rQmily In t~e 1811, TI,e!" solving tQ 8e~...... ' e ~IUl tlOn lIS I u 1110. e vu ",way reo l"e ImporlllllG'e 0 a 100rlng 10 t 10 wi -ir r- I I ty wer, 80M reoeullJ for tb. ' Hauk. 'u-. .. '!I are 14 ill .11. Send rill' • ul.loi~J """ soon 8S bo had an opportllllity. his makiJ1l()llin~ qQl!8tk>it flmIHy set, ,..Ilowing .falu, ""iob I hlV" laid do .. n "eek. He hili, howner, lIon in a hi. priee 8[,8400. ' If ,Oil ,,: 1. 11 to be ~n ~"en" we wi II 8!,.nd Ip, ,tljo town in wbicb be wns),esi<l. tlod. A worna~ who woul~ url;e him, ror ,lOy ae l( io relRlion 10 luch mlltlen: hurry. doubled on thil ral.,· ."d ftn· Y9 Uour terllli. A~enl' c.iI lI1,kI • very Ing .wero two young.·wOtnen, w.ho bad il3 slle hR~ dOIlC, to It "Iolatlon of suclJ I. To IJ e., at .lttLle al p09lible will" ilbed , t~\!. pai, aQ hour., or. ilaoe iD 1I1,,~.eme buel'lIe.. . Addr~., .· long. cllvlded tb(! . admitntion·oC the' It relll1lutj(fu, waif nottlllr'llOTsOD for il 1o Ibe prelutlico or lither.. f. To Srteen rntAutee. 'flley .re laid ~ be SEC, AM. AR'rIBTS' U,NION, ga~lante" I , ' ~1Vire; LUI!)1"'L nne's $fJll'pro'repTycfe" bellefe DOlluog oJ Ibe kilt'l until 1 am "ell m"de aDd dllrable. '78l 'No, ~6 Pln~ 81. New-York. Qne ''Wl\s. bcautlful, l}rilllant orel\i clded hi~ 'doub~ III er, fn,,()c: ond ""'Rlutel1. (I)fped 1.0, S. 1 Nuu .~ ., -"' .. \ ~ ' ~ ,.~. tore, 1tith glRl.'foulJo b1 ck evcs, apd tbie f1ex~ diy'.tWit young lall:)' Irecei'v· ario~ io t e Illirit of one whQ. oiroQ' lloneJ" , tr.c,D w~k for it, 6gb' f.r . umOD' ""• •, rea ~d !'III r tressntJ of the fJlUne ~~. 1She 'fas ed ~ f'prmal o~er o( ble han" and IAte••n in rellor&' •. Al.way'1 to moil· II, beg CM It, .. d DI',",.lI~" CoI'H. ll,e' €~~ pr!tal Rio "" 'many conjrd'ered t~c. belle or tbe h~art, ,,!btcb Dtle promptl.y: &c(:epted. e"\e,,, fa .. a, I oao, 'Da unliinaD~li wbll~, rr~m 'Lbe e • a~~'t. aaCdWee ••• ElrtrJlC\\ .it o"'" lor .... b, town; and, Indeeft, it did seem bud TI\~y "cre m~rded, RIld n~yer· .r· "bieh i,·Upr..Md W".,ct ,otherl, ,,'. Lura .Dd God . hI oar , ' I' •• a. P~'''1f to. W,. ~r'l bQS~lt~ WOfl,l(ln tl.!an ~r".rd clid :Mr. ·1,.abO. bavEI el.uee AI".,I blli," Iba~ if_tIM olber lid. WI. \lie aciJe~D ,bllHt ........... .::...U..,., "'or. Sarllh ClIfiy~; ,. ., . to regret Mias Carilla's conduct to; W.,I bearJl, di¥ueof IIGDOIIDY pr~' I .11•• r he. .. ., IIIlfllkll', »**I II..... " Other., ~~yer, ~e the prefer. 1far~, bim,. for it. pill!" him. .. wifo.. ,ould·'" CiYlD ' O ~1aI::'. ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ , ecr llll);\\tlh

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lbe I bolllei), -1 . . . " ,....,.. ~. • • • • • • • • 6. i, l. elear rrODl lIMO" .,....tlM ..... clea Apl'eied. "" ,". _L~_ - .... C-~'.i"", ___.,- ---. . ~ -----~ -~ eei""d . ·1"1w " .... II to be Ib Kilt. L. 'r ... " '. .... _ _ . . .- - u __ A Y• • S 'f U ,".. 0 H I 0 : 110m or 0 .." .. I". 'r h.. r,,1 L~"i." Dn 111ft '1'.'lt Ih f .......~k n I""",t. Nil yo.nlt flUll' or 8"n I ...-_ ~ • " . II .... III_",ld floUI.-. .......1thlM ,hi""",!. aDd I . 'f h . - "'. ." D 'I' . M~_D - . I ,. I tl\l ~ i~ 10 bo! lyl ~,1 Ibe 1'",II ,un ullt ,II Thi, is . ' . fnr c\.n.ul. ill ~ I ~"'I nuy. .. lt h " I ' nll.... l• • eopr (lOW. b1 relurn "",-It.. 1.....M ......... 0 t . .. _;';;;;''!'!!!'!!!'!~!",!,''~_~.!''1111!1''!!!!~ UJlUIIJ,. : , h.. UI,p. r UIHI e. ,h. ~ II "' w,lrk.lln,l. hk ' III p,~cll co,orR . h.. a procel'.lillL'" ......&....1 P nu"Ien l I n Addr l' 0 D...w~r :11. Tn) I·. ~ . "i . I I i I lIalu a y oao ~a. - --:::..... . ..... eL 0." 'I tbe L "oj' Ihe U U. o f C"'III ' . .. 11 lC . . , . . whllther t'lI . 1" , n ___ 111110. 'f ir ~ p~ ..k" r of Ihe S . O'l le· j. lhe p OWd 10 f~ el""I H LII., r"81!r'r 8 I'" lOTI . ' 1I1~ III II" tll " r') 001 .1" ' ~. $4 !hn . AI.ALB OR FE.uA l.11, l n , I " 'HUIl II (rom opt ni" " h) tlu~ll . jI'u ll Uf l\ lenu , leu. a Dd I', tO llnl , y 1r'O~I.I~ h \ ~_ -,- L- - 1-" ~ 1-::'0: : I from wh .l py~r c~III .. 1trhtin.alntfN· aD:a,'NG~ Ihrbt.: thll 13 ~ ix ye .... rllur m il '0 bJ "1"1 ' ;11 : II by 11r" l, ro \V ll. ""' . ' ., • . in 8 8 li .. h l lINt.:; •• 1I ~ .. r: vIII 1lIt' tilf A ' O\l S U .1I1Y r\' IIrolP({'" I • ~ . r HOW LoNG STA • t ,. d d II f • h.¥~ I'o' .r 10 OreAlI' .ix ,ul ,lilioll ,,1 "nUO n and .hrd mg !nclId .. n l . Ih e Inler' " ,,·m" -"'f " u tt·III ·" I. 0'1' i. nol 'I' ,Irl II [n h.,;II·. ufl cr .. l\4.j 111'11 of ,d'c'" 1II0 1l tl 18 III III-Oilier 0 r tl ..' 8 or.... o. r.nuire ,lie lir)!I' ll!1e n'Itl. !r o.. lho,u lln ., Ar~ U be I! I . I d b ' ... ~ " . ~ ~"n . ' > . . I " .1I_ n u I . .. ~ '. ' 1 It bl ·. .. b b ' ~0"wr3 yon L1~"lII' U lit., " V" M! e.1 nllyu r f!lIgl' . Rn ll Qne e ~gu n . It I." III" 0"1 11 1" of n I. , ,.xall\1 ln to.. nL wh ic h ~b c; UIl.v ..... S 1,. l'IlIy . '."CO l1I~uII. b.' 'c r uee of. "Iurl lic . lr nlllr•• llllen ...."bII.. pri~lItp. III L .. pll ID ..., I I " ' 0. if) Ihe e v ~n~ of " "uu •• iIY. '1'11.. uitHc Il\t 10 lay Ihl\ \' ulume dU" 11 ulIlI l it v wuuld v i" ll..l .. Tho pO~81 blh l, 0 r frlc n,I". Tn pl llCII ofo con ...... rll~trr:. fI II~I' ad I ~ i \led 10. Curlliumption or I"".n,,' •• , ........ !lUIl<!! nf C v llllQUn . is I. ' ClllI 1. of I ti l 0 I '111 rll e~.81I c " lIll n $(I .'". l'I1)~ I ar...... --- [I-Ill. ., ,,"ch plilee i li ni.h uo . The Icog iCl n of im prllch me nl • .\ ,'. r. hR8 lo n 'e l.· ulll" " 1.~ Utn. ulmo.b en ..... . Our FI e. h ' .nu,I 81-·" uuv r . 1 11. IIIIOUD L DO W ollllts ndinll' i. /I l mu m btl r ~-t l!lh I Y 'I"' o f,o ol Of)Lltrl u. I ' I d " t1 ' w'lI I ' I I ne w t! xce lltlll purpu 11111 mllY oon lill l1t' l (J l11(\rll lo ~1I1 "olhll <. • nml ;'Il!lllll" I.f Lwr llLy· I porled from the.e . ourcea, Ind Ihe & A '~1Ire fil I 1111 I.. r .. do 00 It h.. ~h . n. an elCd h ll u g ~ Ihree ~hc 1'Il.,tl )· ,II'P"ur .J huL cl((htc~n . 'U pon Health . and • •P'Pillell i1Uol. Uir". blll\drell IIUtl fO\L~ &hullil' sillly ti"",fl'l>m Qllebec. ni Itllllte a , frQm t Ill " \8 . , . _~ •• Nora Scoll.. and 6f~eeo . frll lD' Ne" book .. Ilh d .. hghl. · . ' r " I r" I' C!' 1 1\ chnnge d ... aIoIla... wb.... WI\alO" I~O .- Brun."icll. Tbe Q ,I .. 1I0'V lw prel ~lIl a exp r~ull8 it," ;y ,,, .. a UV I! 8,ItU " , illilul.y ,I. to th" C·,<II." II ·~o !:r a • • "d th l t C)f pOl lerilf' de plI D' upon II. ptlid 011 walb ,he Cl"•• prMidjaif ov" r lhll ne. K in" d uda. 'fB I 'GOOD RI.POIlT : " Moro inll Ana .. eIUOTO ill ill1 bMrillg. ~hc 1,lo i\ll)' told d ,um Ihllt Mho " ....ll Ih ctr· prolD !!t ueo of I r. li.b e remed, . . kI fit Ii I tlilrteea ,,,,,. . t ' i ,b "LI or a " rn" t a dO E,eni" " L"8. un (or Le nt. Dy Alice - - --o ...tan Balm, II l1d CQIl. hl croll jt an inmltl lle lmbold'. Exuact ."ohu, pHIIlt liD Dif a ' D . . II 0 N . n • I I , 0 Co " RIUlAl""'''!.&' & ".- LOIlGII,· ITi'.- ,, \01 AUII"I. llloll Lo " " Y {",dy's ~oilol .. By I\~ "'.I .t.IIsbed upw.rlll of 18, ..". pr.plr. . For lb. priDcipat aDd interell of thll .ral. ~I lb a .Alli ry ~( 89,OOO': elle" .B. Ihv"D . N~ w Yu rk : O . Appl" . T hut! il .. I prtl ht living ill Ih" (~Dn ily I,"~ n ll l' I... d ~ ur GCIIII IJIIIR C~tI Impro 0 o •• t. 4eb& ,bere is ,olloa\ly let'il'L1 Pro'lDoe .to hllve " L '8ut"n 0 1 G I .~r · LVII & C" .• U 5 11 rc:lAdw"y. i,li 1. 5tJ or H r. Motr e " nck . UuruAn.· ... (., 'If II, .ir ~'-oll" i ",,,"'nr. IICCl .n hurldrod foltl . ed by '1. 'I'. IlEf.lft UOLD, D .... . IAJ.... .,.. oor • • ppololed by Ih .. G.,vuf llur '1' 1Ie ' 0 IIOW . '" U Il oftb ~ vm" tl UfJ ... " IU IIIO".1I 1 1 1· .sirn!,I~ I'· ' " lnll"or'""OOO G 0"0 lug,l~ I\U ~X trIlO t f,OUl LII e lIlill!l "uUlbllllltio\1 .n~ N"tllrl' h~. r I "n I) roe·I,,·. y.N ew York. and , II td , IS aud co.a. • erAI in oou llail ' thll l eM' 0 ,I• • rn · 1 U I I II ·Sioc. 18G9 '!len bioi beeD 00 iu· ru en' 10 b" O t;" " " • • uhj"ct to roy": pr~fRce: oolor" ll ... omlln 108 YU'lrs of Ag... 1 er ..,If i• • I ", pl~. Y"~ uu~ul,,:\..~lI In ha ullIc<tcy 640 SOilih lOth st ree t, Philudolpll • • . , r . ~ S I " '1' t Q bet n.. 1 ''' h ~ "" "'0011 the l il lo ""flO (I f Ihi~ bllok sk ull ('.llli ex~r IW "lit! . I",s b"c(lm ill tl ro,wlng i m pu ril~~' I'I'IJIII. ' ''.1."1) 1'l)lIlh,g' I __._ _ _ _ cre.. Or tbe r ate 0 tU;lItion or .t .a e plerOIt''' IH'. . " roil 0. ,I" , f' lI'ili h" ""cOI«II I%,," I,.,· IU""y ~. " duu r ",,,1 1.1 ,, ' I le~ ed • • u IhJlL 'h" r h~ II,1 "p,,~" nl Lo ul,·""oi u" II IIlI II Iluhlyl ug the . klll ""rl.CO W ~bb Yn~VL1L.!trl. ......... bat 100141 Iax"Lioo (or .Lrlc LII Ifax IIn,1 Frtldll ckwn to by Ihu "mla 0 Illilln, Oil \!. Ihu,,!;I, " u 10llll'" re~pnml etl III 011 b b • f l . 'lh,' ~ieh\O ii I,, · 0 I L I II rt1.~llltl\ p... ....r~• d I 100111 / Leg i . I ~ I_ur .. ~; " rai lro ltl! (rol" v., lh lo y her whu u ll C bn r if. 1'0 IIr()r~ Ibe .~ u." W" "S 0 pu p. ~ ,.. I,"' xiull . Ill' il Jiru,:LIIcll~'~ OD l '.O CU ' e C .~(,. liJOII .pu.rposea IJlU Incr.... near y l .. o t. LAw Funce 10 tIllti(RX I. (0 be corn · buo k will "UDle 11 a wcleo me, 1lI_ " );C from II nl( th .. 1 b ll eU l1li t:o~lpl e.. .. i:l b ' e " r" WS fru", iL nil il" imI'Unllc • . kmdb' Lc~l ' . . RETAIL DEALERS Il'I Iud oDe half min.. menetttl in Ii I months "rlt r the u nion. th~ J"'I'C i& c llrl tuu.l ClHUedL UlII".) lUll.' !to ~ft n hH ll ll Jl41 ta .. woua a p'~Ctl \ )f Rp \l U 'I ~ - int; the :!lIt m~ . II m\ lUAving the llu rft\cl! 1\& Nu. -~ ... - .......---S . . tI b d I J . I' I I \ n"!IISLe",," In lire'" III lire lu st. lJUt now re \ t:lhe a,ill r~ tl\i n. ur nt~ " t ,.t r,lou lll': ' . l\I~e IllI ellll. " It ~huul,1 he. cl,,,,r , ;;01\. ~mooth . O ur ,':Ie gonromeot II 1e c ellp .n co ru p ete "111111 I l r ~o ye"r •• Mil l'ruUllh", r 1,,],ul·.· i'OI'\l I'crmore. • • • Wri\· ~~iDc! .l)e·YI" . b di.linc ln r88 Ih e r t' · "1",1 "n. ut'II·" .. I'ricc $ 1. scnl bl.· M"II OT Ell;· ".& • DRY G90DS, tk a Ii Is conllLrllcled by e x · pfoYi, iun i, mall. for tllQ " Joli. illn . \ . ..... ..uuw.....\ . dllri"l!: .. sp!\Ii<II'lrrollt . • . I .. v. e . ~own, n . . IlIm,,," 8', of !tIl W }~u" ot!I I\d. Pri ned 'I "lul kct" hy ~I er for . vl:lion ~ DI.I Inlprol'u 1 ~':1I1 or lir e caer!can " r m y alLe r til! \>r;:88 Oll l'C'edr'to r lUI onlet I,y W; L . QUEENSWARE •. P411llhDg OIl ..lane. of all I~. S late Edlv" r J 'iI b lAnd . Ru ~rI '. ,(.' 11 " . ti, e I ~w''' ' . ~rt"'~ !"'''' W tllII ~. ,116 b"e l " lid bro." u. J IIH . I,uU 4 h'lll lll ~r LOll ~ l ~ I " .. d. S ill) el.A It K &. CO. , Chr mi . ls, No . 3 Wcol F,, \ .. I '....... from ao......ur do"o. but. N'ort II wel l '1"errtto ry I'"Of1 I' .u I'Ul m o 111 ;, /01,,,01 · , ' I 11< UIJlJ",,· c/u..!I.l. ," I,,,ot. bolun' " "p~'u. J'ovilll " nd .1"'llpy 1'" w ' • • S" r.''''I~U, N . Y ._'I'he UII".· Am~ rr 1110 \fI,I Il S r U/t.I.y to g:h· ~ to the worhl tlJ • work . . . " IlIld 1I~ li l!h . L" "" 0..:" ..,,, ... ba" ju. t opned I MUsie S lore AU}), &. QI.'V7.!i9, .0 amouo& lesl Ih " n I . Iii II II delllll eqilil l llie . I. h It ,1I I"''' I''"'~'' with a ll! n 'e"l "1,;'·iL. . to ~ nlerl"ID hl' r " "Il"rs. WI lli Ir ~r rl! m en U A gell~ Cur tho ~nl e of It." . ame . ~d by aoy S,.. til io tbe Uni.1I unl ~8S -- ---. 11111 il " ill ''',!'' Ie •• ·lroclu. 1 fvr gor.,1 h,' lUi"' eDoe. or the ohl ~ u limeS. ' 84·1)' p . A....c r .........1. .. . ........"...... II,,: 111':111) d, ,I \,lulI""" . ,h" huu" th. L 'V~"der"u' b'U TrMe. i~ be Rhode 1. laod, Oel. " .al'll. or 0111 __ I""C'"'" ,·C Uleti. IIr IoU:I " ! I \IlL c"IJscurulu,1it. wllir AT nne of the c hur ch es lor oollorf'd . . NO. 10 DETROrr STREET, . I .m,,\1 8\1\k8110' equ l l to ODe of our A I t. t11y gc nLlem"n g ive. a~ l~tlCh.J'lIilh.r"I I,,\'l, 11 11" ucel' hlllllllily, .10 lhe l\f ,\I'~ IoI ~ R'." '~ GTO~ . IIle \l'orhl. reullwIIC" wl(er~ Ibe, will ke.p on' bond'. colltpleto .r rUI orr . .,. '1 1 , 00"·'·lee "I lir e ) 1·I"c r. lire no \ulllON \l' llh u.o.' people i~ Me mph i8 . ' IlCd"tly . lhe mill AKII'olo" i~t lIud Sommuullull! lic ' 1"il" 'OYIII~t, An a~colIOI 0 An U Lnor,um"Wry. I nea._ . .. orIOle OI o( large OooOtle.. i_Le r, h .. vill !:, 6nisheJ Ih e eer mon. an · " hlh.\ In., n clllir\' o~" ' U\ Atule. dclinoa.tC8 t hc Obio paid under Ibe larifF orl8GO, of A ~ ul\n g WOID IU\-la Mi n ,~.or •. In Tn t: G AL '\XY' fur M.. rob l b. conlaio! .. II' Id b "'or,' 1~'I't"I"'. of lhc ...,... 0 11 .' ·ou uro 10 mar· Pianos, OrgalU, M~lodMn8, Violinll , . . . .1 II P ~ovlJIlDce ll.hoJIl Idl" n:i- I",lIe 11m· I ' ( W .. V nounou" Ihlll " co Hotlon wou , ~ . " ,'&hirteea uti a Ilurd mllhons of " u I& rs . ' 1 ,. . ~. r lu • t III" pile' n Ilia Ib,rlJ pll rt 0 • IIlIIng for Ih l! er· I·Y. un,l lly lit Ilid or ...r11 i"8lrulIlu utofilltclIlMl Gllilar. , SItH' .M~8Ia, .M'u. ic , , . I !\r 10 maOY· o. , a . UII rf' U Il\ken up fOf 11I juionlUY purpos,os .I B oob, Violin nllli Guitar .ft.l lIodllr 'he IQlIIl'Dai refeDlle law nOI ~- en.1 ,' n de'al· l. M'I" \V. II,,' b"en c11 01. by It. b~ocl\. lIl\r lhog O IlVI I. and . IlOwel', knowlI liS tho _'- 0 lo m~tro l'~. gun. · -~ • _ ft' ' 'rite " 81.,56'" was ac ourll ing ly 8"n l I . I" · . Stri7lgl , 1_ th'll forty million. of dollA" 10 continvd 10 her bud for an e r.,,1 monlh8, Ihe fQll uwill " olh"'. lIrli., lel: A Lilllrl\' ,,"ltJC~ III pruJuc~ n perfllct I\l1d ilu· 10.0 PiC ' ... .rouod. Wh t'n h c"m e 1.1 "0" 10 IllI! lure of IlIl' fnlU I'Cl hu. ""1I111 or "I fe of the ap· lind, III ra"l. Eve rylhing u8uftlly In ,h•• . Uuited lket.. go~ernmonl ~ ao . od lall' not pl\rt .. keo 0 f I Uiii u.m .... oour . ! ry 0;: "1>1" . Z i6 c;Il' ~ D r um, Wo rtb 111111 I ' I I I d , _ • " • 1'1 I I" I "I' if Rh.. h"J pu pll. IlO pre llc ler I1 rOC l:e11l '" I:I>UO. ~lie,, ". wilh ,llIte of UIII l'I' ill g C. OClJupntloll. I Mu~ ill 810rll ; .u "f which we' will •• 11 ... , ..- . ~-''''' .'~Irh_" of D.arl, 6rty.rollr milfiooa. 18 men 0 .e"p lef IVII I llwir U >8a G uo,ge S and Rod bt:r f . t. 1'h" Ii,,·~~" ' be,m in a normal, aunlJjlion . Yet her I . . , .. . tbe am" UOI • .nl\.1 lun a ll" th e mc uo lI .. 1 IOlllliug ...... its of Cb llfO.C\ U•• alC. Id 18 110 A. Low •• aDJ HOU"lll the \Vest. ~--''''1... . fllqlll:lee b'eoolitll 'Irllllg eJ.y II~UI.ct. ' \V QI kll. ~ By. Vi "'Y of IIl slo ry: ~Iok · . el\I".lIoy, Ite tl i60o vl! rull a I ~ n tlloll"r iurp4l. i\ion. M LU811morudia ...·lllroIlI Ol,lmbcT 811• •A'IT. and .he leom. 10 ' be. 6Ddo'lfed wllb a ! Ilo.' ''t' ls. I ht! AlchYIllI ~ t. Rem lOl oencc& Oonf"I!IHIlICI bill. Ih looked· III i,: for CAO a !<.<~rl. lIy stilting pi lice of b1,,·lh . "11'0. ~ Gi rll' c ., D c.ll. and cOllvloce r our' ~. . speniel or .ecllnd IIghl. Wh en lhe '. o f a PlU i ~ i " o .\. llliill r. Poet • • Olllltllio 'dSpO.lllloll , culor of O)' eJ! fuullu.;r. alld enclo· lelve. of lire rlct. 90-lf • • 'b e ,r ' ..11 I of pbYlici.s o. D r. lr. Borrow, 011 I• I00"Her . ; 'fom'" lo'righl '!'I,e B~nk ers or Ihe . oms lime Wilh 'ev illalll di. !!U .. ~ t. auJ ping ftf\y C" IIU, null 8:l mpCu., OU" ol ope • rl Th.r. &I a pr~280t III •_. TT .... lrt "D- JI)II11 H. SlIr""U .iII DoL commence CliO Lell tbe "ulllber of the hnuee, of P 'I D: d \",. t 81 I Ibe" 100" R col lui IllO" "I I, is oungrll ' drC88l!" l\l ,.uursel r. you ,,,,11 To"ch'e tb o pic y...... ,.1:.1. ~ • . week . . .z~ted . .bol , &b.t il .111 . bl. . p.hent . •• liD d d eler Ib II aocuraill' I , Door."N Id I IX. U lin I! '. hull P Ie 'M 1.. 8 . ove{ lie I top 0 r III' ' I 1 II d . d tbi. g rlllOIl ~ ~ p.' ecL ' \lie!!. lure b ,· rclU I'O mAl . to,;"l lUr ". I I CSlre be poelpo~ed 1I~lil lb. JUD. Ie,. o( the olllllpllljDIS. . o~le. IIpO 1100 1 110 t II re.l. r. 'l'hen {,lApping Ihe un~ urron t bill upon info '";" LI\lII. GT A,ldrc~K in ('ollfill encc. Our BIllck '0 1 .. : i . I Co 'I'he clock baYlog beeD SWlnbu rlle, "od Ncblllw . the Bible . willa iodi g n>lDI e mlllr ll" iis he ~I.I.I>A 'O: (h;RTllla.y. n " " 'SG1'Os . P. O. 1I0lt I Diem.,On.. Da IIr&. rromlheobamber.he"". 10 In Iht!lIe:1lDumber wiilbe oommen· 297. W,·oj ITro), .N . Y. . .I_il-I_ l y. XENIA,OHIO BOO~ .~ft '18' 01 ere'a! a. ' d' • I . exclaimed. "!ired., 'n, I IluI I'i'l bill . 1 iJ .Ill~ T he Ci110i D~Ii Co_ m I. e 1 , elllrmin ,al. "0, "nur I III encL lI~e . ced Ihll htl 'lf 810ry by Mr.: K,lwud. . CHIL , DRllN'S LIVES SAVED FOR I Ar • now treplfe t! t.o lurnl e.. \1\1',r ffl.\I~1 .10 . Pro,id.llo. 'b .. m"ID bi. almOia ~wo o( dAy or olghl. and Ihe woultl d ••arlbe . I I S LY ,rifl hl tlMr on du Bible, 11011 lilt de L Jr J lI'TY Cro~... an Ihe Pu.bltc, with. Ih l' ver, , t~" I . • ... . .. . 'b I . d k {I ell ill el • Ie f ilii "wre nce, ellmllll. . d 1• I< u.~ .. ~ ,ear' to. dlu'lra ,e 'be (ligl," " In4 og ' I e co or. IIZIl an mu. 0 I \I . •• ., . .' 'Akll OAI'a of at m'lo . 1'llO u,, "d ~ 0 ; d .lhlren ditl nnnll ft ll, of BEST AND CJUE.lPBST ..UMBER • . 'I • ,bond career of aD a""lia. , He hu &or'. bOlle ; and Lhe hue "n,l tUX lllre 1 hll I·fle .. or rhe O"IA:lY 18 !5-:G. OO. ' ruup. N" w, lDulh~ r'. il yuu ",.m lld 8p~lId ),:t '\' "'3 for 61:1 ' mOot III; 30 01. l .lOg Ie ""- Tile Prill cl! ~~ ul W" I ~. "II~· m " r' fl O renl • . 11 1111 "I WII Vd h ove _ bOil I~ " (D r. 10 be found In till. nl llrk ~dl . Our '"'ft ~k t d"oo•.lhil , the oill., .~.. " • r\. of 0 f 'b •• I"IDIOg~ 0 f III a .cllrrI. Age. . 81, Ie . ye .. r. .. 0j..J ,~ v '"I" II I I b I II .1 I ried Ihe Hhh or ~hrch. 1863 . 81\,1 11'18 [ ' I will conwii l 01 011 of tlie world; put 'I' io eO"llilt WIth t he compo.el " poem W lin l ie CA "u cupy. W.O.' ·ok "'. P. Church , 39 Pluk 'fo niU' V ~ H~li ' H .iIIlICH' 1I1 III I h~ IOUIIII • co .. 0.. ." I If .0 f elloII I R borot! thr~ 1! chit. d,,, n. l'h ~i , b :nllll IlY" yu u nev(' r "I'P u,. I~" r II'" I II I: v, "u, li, lld~ un e ucean ' made parwaer. 'io i~ ,b. beredit · • ' 'rb ~ e ouA "",rp"n •. . 0011 III lJ Y k . " I' . L ' .• ' I . E I' I. I o w. ~. e w or . ..,11' Albtl rl Vicro.r. J ill .. 3. l Ol~ ' . ' I d ",,11 . I 11 '''' '- (lump I11111. . I II aly , Dllmi .. ~, t repu~lieaD rr~.e dom; ID! 10 atID 'Du ,Ie re.t III ~g 18U, ,' ",1'tl lI nll n ~ IP. '1 eotlJl.cte4 il "ith 'Lb • • LrlUl~ old eilies "hlch was proDlluoced by Ihll profe • . , N L th kl G~orKe , JIIIIII 3 , 1805: "nil "" ""Mm · i. lluw l!l y p.~ r" "i n'CB I "Dve pilI up my L U M B E H , l , !.IHilll efl' . ""d "" Vf( henrtl o r ~ child dYorer Oil; border: .t'riveD to ror,e t il io 8ors !lf Brown porll L '"lill. UR.TU E ~N IG lIT~. e new . ..... ct' Y ed pl'ioce.s on It'"b . 14. 186 7- '>n .1'1 .............'.1 AT BEDI1CJED K i\·I' F.!. Ihe rl' o\ of coolineotal capitlli. c"rrit'd IIhhouWh ,. he hAd , oenr bad ~he lelia" m8g ~ zlIlI' . 1$ ! bener wlLh Vll ilmline dr~ppc 'l frOlII \,,' '''''0,'' ti"Y 8 ', inll 01 C r,,,,p \V h ~ n my LhlllllPol w.. . ' •• " " S I ! d" F' HIT III J J II .. IIsed l b,,1 Ilu" ur r.l~ 0\ caB"" o f /lure_ I Siding , 41Kl Baril WtCllllllr.Boarding. DRI's~ Gl\hn \!' • I it p..L tbe Alp • • made ,lte .bllle.' '11'1' - ~ n.. .;rllclioD in tile. IIngulIge.. he. ou 8ucc"e lug "8U8. lIZ , ull 1,......11 0": ' eem" . ~n. 1118. _____ ._ __ , Ir ft ve bp. I' n r.. pn rte'; '0 me.llld mU IIY etale . . " • ~. \}I;I~.., ' wra of ~he eartb red .ith it. !,oDDeeled draWl tioilly "Ilhoul baVlDi t:a ken ' ''' ll'einll lo ·l'.m hi ! h,' IIQd IU.Il oo vtll of A lo'IQod. - -O"iog I" hi gh WinJs l if II W _H 61 0 pe r buule , Ihey "",uld not F~ncmg, PlckC!'ts, Ponncl S luH, ," . . '. the So',eroignly of Ihe OAtholio raiLb .I~~$ODS. ana dOel oLher e. :llr"orelln",y 'I 'N.igltllh,or8' W iVIlI,' bOlb of wh ich in Ih., Adri"lic. V~lIillll . b.,~'n in- be w ~th" ul It. ne~illr" which, il S il inl(les, sawed and slmved, wilh,Lbe mllrder of Ibl P reaic1.n& of Ib !ng. DO~ lu be IICCOIII)leLi for by ROY II ,lnLl"II111 10 Rn ... ttmt whl oh I". n~ VI'If co rt.," nIH" (or C ')l P, Burn • • lI ~ft dft~hp. I 1'. • "1 ' . delllocnlcy. ned from tbil diae9"r.d or L~e . known.. l~wI of t~m.per"lIlllnL. "PPE\II~ ~Hch ""~ • lire Ibelllso rvel worlh been ~q.l"lIull within ,h., "I "'p.r.,y .,1' ·ro"II' ";.he . Soore. T!tr",, ~. SI\' t; IIiIlIl~. Old 0 8• l ee..,' , thrnllgh the .mou."wn .fa.ln_. medl?lne or ,ICI4IOOO . Vi h.ll. A~I~ep. 1 ~lrll pnct! of 1I.le numb er; bUI numt'r · Anv of ,Lhll ioh!lbi\~lI t.. 'L'hl1 P I.' U I of 8 ",e •. )lu nlfl e • C " h r ,. D,or,h w" . D yoPI1. 'lmTfI' ):\Tl1D!IMlttr ~ II ~ p AA 'I . "":t!'I ., ' • ,of brigl\oda, 1I0ifllrlll , eel iQ ,Lhe 01 ber rl"b.~ ~r ... .. conolAnl\y 111 mOUon. )\ ou. ol"er alorlH . poom • • Ike .• "fe given S · M' 1 II I I I . b le ry. tl p"~'"I1. ond p.II'~ In. 111(1 lu~1t .nd VI~ ~41:J Ijj/ IN I)l .m~ '~, 1!i(;IU. 1Irl!i1ll. P.fa·Cllce ~h" .pope, aill lbe on" aDd or.~. thoUKIt It It perCell\ly powerl~ .. Wlt t' ll -IIIIIO"I<IIII:r nl"king Norlhern Lighla' ,," "'t( W ill 8,11 1 Ie II • 1 1..1 I I)~I K .. he... N" ull e Ollce Irlee II who J8 "ver 1 umber Yal'd on Church s tre et , ," . , ~ B ' h ' k A b r I ' e • "IHI gunl "IIlK p~sddd I) Vbr Il. lIn ' L I. wllholl \ iI . It is wArralltfl d .D erl""I, .. fe ' . . '. '. . orllbard. openeu upoo tbe ay of •• 8 a II awe. e. DU/ft IIr II P , IY" . b ' 11" II h f ' . I. I (I .. j LI . ~ • ' . . • ,I ( 'P 'd In f1 IlInty. W I: wort y 0 II. nAwe . ":, uo \I Q I 10 'll" I1 ~ . ~;l l .. ... \'pe ~Ifl' nc.Q to '\ ~ " , I! i.Rtl·,n" II,. Full d i r ~cllt!" ~ , \v ~Ih Norlh . Ide of the oill ...lfillllln' O. .&. " " • pili" Ihooca he m.l\. Lbllofl8le,. 'perL ano, ."van. 0 rOl'l <1\1l0 aro t'ST 01 B ~f a 1' 11111e. I!ve ry b,,'I I.·. l'l"m Dy l li e D. l'lI iW.1 • . -ar.1'.l; lIIlle n'. Por" 'fiuu ••• , " I " crll; : oil.d..1J.fVh __ ....;"..;.....:.... .l,~I, \,;l.. m-"'""! UI .. a,,,,, orMI.~ O D . J'~ .. r. L "" ... ,. ltlPlUu, o~ lon .. Ill~ PAGlN M - " )(\1 l\le "Glaa•• ; £oro il &0 Egypl, WlDeur, and are lloJel\ Vuri llg Lo l olv" U-Rev. J otmCl9 S ll7ith, .Mr. Li ,nCtllll'8 D )lUi. 1i~. l.:o't ~. nd at • Ne~ Yu,k. [88 Xeni., 0 •• Marcb I~ ,. 90 ••,. 8 y ' L. . \ I' " "; 1 "' ililin .illhlof tbe J=»ynmid. : aDd had Lhe. my.ter.'! of h!lr e~e minl! ellp!-lro " I' TU E N . Y. W u u r MAO",ZINE ie pub rorm l! r p" , tor. 'IInw r.:. idin ¥ ill SCUITO CON S I1!A1'T1" £S. @W ~!¥I; , ~. [l ~ ~. , '" • vur.y ·oearl,. ,like . &be purlued . Je'we. ural po.tfl.-Ntio l 'ork E vplling Gu· lishill g II 1I0 Vtli lind higl"~ ill~rr"ling I~od. ~rilo:s • ]eu6r denoun cin g Ih". · ~ Alitl!or of. Nil'" B,att'n 01 itlr dlllillt ,. rOIl~d. oily of n!.1 &1 Lhe Pt~ of t1~It~! ....l----"___ ~"lire of • A I'rip 1" Ihl! Moon.' belillllK A'nn RII II(),.lg ll rnrn'InCIl pl.Ullllll ." .. I~ .1 Th . 11I1" .,\hoT. hll"I,,( Ilu u r';, tOI·..,i 10 the T , • • tmeQt of CII ~nl n\~o~' e . l., lt . 0 LOB" a ll' TO. T UIRTf NINTH COif ' Miss B ' · 'Birlls of Pre . ..... • "lid h)' M r. H~ru.I \lO f ·Lino,.l n! ....I" i¥-rnue Lu lll'- h.".llh i u " It'!.'" "'t. k- . h •u ,. ,er y li llll,l" renle ~ all"u a .'DAW 111'0"'" 0 "eOlli, it),' Ou'·rll&.'• . • . r" ..Hlon·,, ' . ~., M~d"':" '.'n ' ' , lIere i.lbe 'mos. ... tr.Ardl·Dary the-. ' r w . J' r' ~r ~r "":"l!' ."II;·r. ,1 I" r 1" •• r. 1 ,.o. ro wllh . ' " .Dllle. ' • .. .... liuce Ibe day' ...... 0&-. a , 1'1 IP~ III~o oorreepoo · vllrr. ous 0 IIIl! r 8 I Ir"Ollo08. . Airrllrt '" • 01. I)r . I)eJUbbaulIlI , .... ,- . h e uAge ,,9 a fll idth uotlllnd " IIllInl!t'r. • ' OVl,I. lu"g hlr.eliull . • "d IhKI oIr.n(l ,I;.' . . . . A 8tucten~ ... 10r.auA...riellft fOIDallOl


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I 'E" t-nt\t .










The above Skirt .for ,sale by

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MUSI" S.ORE ., o. II I' . D





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~'ODt6 a~b ~ljpt) t Our FALL Stook is now



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'SB'O ' E"S B Q ali . ,' , me est u


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For DIeD aiI.d Boya' Wear.·' . ".. endless variety ani at a. d '1 grea.t fe U9tiQn In pr ces. Thirteen feats iJl

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Ch""'ODlC . -' 'D-lseas8 ,

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C" u"""I"i o"~I,, .IIxi .... 10 ",.ke k iln",,,. to ". 1'" ....~r to ~ .' " • \' ·hi. fc l lu", .•",r. rcro Ihe "' ..... of r uro. :--•A P .., 'J ' B& Ilo ... JI T II I d . ' 1 ' ' 11 I. op. f Th" i. I deoided imnrllveme"I. end . , " . .. '0 ell,. , . .. e .. ' lII! '" C . n. r For the IPeellll' ..&i.flclion or mI" PI' 11 ' "0 , (r f h ) ' 11 th ,ddt ,fllall, to the Ipppar.oCII of build· d I h f r 'r. pr .\'rII" "u' e, ree 0 c "~" .'" I • In,., and 11.01, 1114 rrl~ll • W 10 . • " e 1 0 0 If.1I eo "'o .liro" I,.... o ro r I'rol""i"-,, Ihe . 0 .11 0 , ~ "i~l. I h .., .. clt,cI 111e 10 , ii ll them, .P· wldl lllft." 'IObf "ill li,,\1 • !:i UH.: CUR}: (or Co". uml,lion. . lhruu.1\ IlId",_~ .nrl 01110, nM .11 'f ~'V A Ih", • . HtollchHi-.. Coughl . Cold •• • u~ .11 • ; lIIe 1IBel'.,.. : "'t'c1 i t.iI. ~ .,., 4.. Thro.1 IIml LU"II AW""tionl . The 0111, o~ie<ll II 10 " y call1nc. l the 1~lIo ... lnJr !'Jillff., J of 'h e ",,,",,rli..., ill .u"" i", Ih e I'reoeriplillll" than ,h. old ",Ie or Bldl,!", h.... a.l lltlndl, o r' mlldj"i!)" wil', ."e/. ' , AI a". viliD .cl¥p.rado, wbo Oripr.led freedom rrum tbose indulgences .bioh 101 I... , ... fil 1M_ . m":I. ,,. ond ... , .. "" j"fllrul.ti"A Iraver lIy ,......... c.l) I. ,r1, V?1I,lIlI.U411 lIitil.,,1f In tbe "" echo af b!, p .&01 baTe .ometim",. r~O<lcl8d ,u nf"vorAbly whio- h "e rollr.,·iv~. 1(1 hI! i " .. lu.hlc, ~nll h~ VOU ~(p gel this Siding only "" F~ !, • lo· /ftllke a tableau. ' UpOD Ooogress lQ lle la, t 1l10m~hl s . h U~"&e ... ry •• Iler. r "ill ".y bi. r.u ,od" . ... It Xenl • • TueRd... '"lid ' We d i1e~'cln l" ' I\Ir(1I ~no"dared ~ rid" ,i!} 'he bl~c" Dight, " ~~er. waQ lill~"l-•. very: lillIe dilpo, \I ill 1'0 . 1 ,ho." "ulhi"",. 11 11" 111ft)' Ilf/)"e a bl ...• Lumber~Yard 191h and20;h. " . ' "'g . l'~"",,, .. ilh iilK II ..; 1".S"" lIlio n, ,," r.I': , Sprlnlt Vall",."'"uradl,. .' l\Je,ch ~ I;" .· "1I110ut tbe oblld. I1arold.1o ke.p him ."'ort to prlln Jobs III Ihll haslt! lind er;>m.pllny, 81Itr.&&. 00 the -o!'Qtreryt oonfl1lion of the aloeing leuion. as I"'A loy I'uinr" ,,,.il. ,,,It I'I~" ••• dd,·~·. WA VN E8V I L l.r.. .. . Ihe R~lI'lIln HllllfP. hilt ID tbe &buo •• 01 altan .Dd &!irone••omelimtl8 bl!lIo Ihe ollse . Three or 11>:.-. l-:O W All I) ·d . W II.~ON . "' ,id"v 'l nd ," llIrtll,. )larch !l~J Ik :-maiDI• .haed hi. imOl1liio. ' cntrulliog 10llr 111811l1l1ru~ , in'oIYin" con8ide~ble A WII8hington 1I!IIt'r' IYriler Itl mnrk e: A wiLlol't' Indy. IItIIl1~ by 1\ \\·\ll ia"'.I"... g, Kini\" Cu., N cw \' I>i k. ~: . 8.!l B:v_ ~ It to fol" of .Ial. alo •• - 'li.e4 an money •• nl! person,,1 in tb eir ch"rAoler. ·.There is an unu " nluu,ube r of vi silors chtarrul 6re. in a mi,dilllliv Il Illuo,l. r o. ~" Cornr Detroit and W.ter SIll., .quIll., .la-. re Boo'b' woald b•• e died were def"JHwd' at 'he ver, !... t moment. ftt tl.)C en.pit .. ) this ruorniuO'.' the II' br" ry , hortly aft~r her huabf\nd '. dt'ct! (lSt . - -KNOW - - - - - -'1'.11" ,- - DESTINY. Dg. aid w.. acoursed io the p\'i~. sod the Uoog.r~81 expired .. ith " re · hllVlng 1.1. ,rull K hft~e of IlIriiu wl\lkin g 8ig bel! out; '.· Poor fellol1'! 1-110 .. he W !Iege of raidiDIf bow bill mOlher pet· oord of .0briIlIY, dignity AnJ vig ilnnce a bolli. " "l1njf, relldlng. look ing 1\1 pi c; . did \ike .. gCJod Gre I 1 h,o pe hp lHls M.. OUIE fl. F. TII CR!lTu !l. lilt IIfl"lf ~ labed. IIDd bow meD h.ld bim .nlwer. ADd reSp6ct to lhll pllblio ' inleres ls UII · IUf~8. "nd luuki04 III Ih bmswlve.. By gooe .llere Ib ey keep gllod 6re'. '" E" gli ~h ASI,.,Io"ldl . ' CI~lrJ'0)' 1I111 .nd . where ,oo .c.n all kinds of trae u r.)nlaflert rhe able. for bar .baa.fol death. Ir Bootb'i eqllale~ parh"ps by Any or it9 prede. &h e..r,mlr ~8 1 tubl e. " P-IU ~he ntiW nteo· - _ ._- - .. --- l'eYt:hDonprrici . " , e eciduLific cl ...e.e.t of tire OM Wor ld. bIt. ' en day •.of ~"I"p aDd sbattered leg ce"~fI ror manY1 e ",s." ~.ioo. l ils " d,nk. widdl" ' ''gfrt, ~"d yel , " ere retnblatlOo, w,b ., bal beeo Ihi. . tide·fl\ced wom"n. Sh6 is AI". Soulh . _ _ __ __'1_ "nw lor.alpd he,. ell III Hudl on. N . Y. I ." ~h.llm e 1'hurnttl" pon elRee such wond. e> miD'. IWO J'an of dependelOGe' HIIDr BVTLIIR. - A coraesp<>odent wrile,, : wurth . My hnpres~ io" is tb ll t:th e wom · Dli.. '~J!l,;liCK'.8 tZI erful powere uf "ecolI~ . i_hl. os 10 Impart ""it,ble lor puttl"lI' up and flll.MIi .., ,~r .a~d HaeeieDee laa."d togQtb.· Malle the be. , you oan of ii, it is " "" i8 gre" ter Ihlln her book.. 'fheo' iD kllowl e djle of the are.le.1 I/IIP0rlIlICfI III . bulldinll:~ includhl, ' wllb Jum. NolenD Africa coold .hel · lerriblll face. Ibi, of BUllllr',, ; it look. Iter persoDality Ih~rll i. ,omethiog line I;: tlte ai n!! le or married 01 ellher .etc. ' ~er 111m At 1M'.. He i. agaiD t.o lie in \ike a piralll's-ll ell'ong . unscrupulou, . "n,1 lender IYhich hilS Dever run 0111 ID ThI' (!ftM ID04Idaocand Dr. I . n. 8clJa~ '.II. lilA WI/il e in - 8tftle of ' r .. nce • • hi dehnenlee ' ' '• •, IrO"· a od d ,fro b I f ' " I . k b . ~ttltor, of l"WtltOuaQr CoolQnlptJcm, "heElI It h&cl ,"" r II..ot .. I. mother·.orull "08. ~he ow. "idA bllild the til In • or \lei) Impri ~ ont!d in P"l'8r.- - ...... Ito....... lorolltla1Jl. _ . "d1l'bai .""""y Iho very lelllurs8 o( Ihe pt.-n" yoa ftrl! 10 ' . glue. aDd his .i.'Ler. "flef tbi. cro..,,~ eye., lhe b'"tdl\e~y Romnn ~08e. Shl! i, fo bl! honp red III QDII o( tbe (1: . . .~~ '" lieU-I""' .. I1ltp",~Ia:''', prio mm, •• "d by Ih .. ,hl of.n inauumf'lItOf AN D . .8 LIN int~lui! !,olV pr. kn own •• Ihe P _ychomo, . . . , Iltrag Iaou~ele"ne... whtl. be WaiL. (or thl! thin h .. a•. m.It•• a cOIDI~inlllion pow ... ~m!n ... hll h,,~ "orkCl.I· bl'r· .RY thre' _ .... hit - I.......IIIa. orbea be com " , • •••" &he u•.e rd 10.. • r I .1 i I Y f I .... ... eI II> fa ......... .. . . . ._ rI'IIi "'- ir. RIo .r u an .. p till". II~ wa kllow Ihia 11118 or~u" l1 10 arlune bi 'ha wo.1t or ~..II" _ . - la. 9WF .hort ",.'" ,.... _ I'opt'; gUllr~ntep. to produce • liIe·llke OD No\ic~ plolu,. of lire fulure Iruaband or willi O. . "lB. ~ .. o. I.IU room iQ;.Ilim r~r large magnA' lith IlIlRo, IInl! br"ln, lind rlear~. She nlurn ."1.. ...... hit _ ...........405, ... 011 :he ."rliCl&'!'I. t ugctl.,er wi!h . d~I.!! rof WHo SWENY • F&oII I ",rieLy of ooDOioll'DDt r~port. ol.muIII •• for gtlDtle ch.fIIio., ror good. i I ooe. of lhe Yery r~w "0lIl . 811,' who lite . ,D>1)Iema qaJak\r dItqpave4, ODnlt 1 - ' .. ~ 1\ d d I II III wtlcht 1& m... Urea ''''' ba.d..... ",,,,,til. . rilllr, PO, lllll" in hi • • l udlll~ Ir. 1181 01 ., " ID' "Iud kI tbe opentiol of lbe Racon . "I aD Clln erne... Ooly lhi. is ' 1I0t la ~ ee n. e 10 bring ou, or IiIc:r"tlJre I!l- "I. , ~....... _nled bit ell....l... , ch .. oC:Jer. '..c. 'F,hiot ,I, 110 b "'4\b\Ill, ID"OLD F.:Y F.8 t • A tb., nalore be f,081 Ibe ."orld !litb. He Dol only II remllQnalioo. bUL "forl\lo~ . UOI""~ I,e tbe ..., ' .. Co....".~.......4 :II., IhoU.lude of I",li_Lo.I. 1\" ..... " . \I A1> ~: . N~: w, • rllOItOo cl. w. gatb.r that Mr. lIleet, ~billl with the br.ins of a m • • ter By 1l11l 'll\bor or her pen ' abe hlllllduCR ' 011....... .. hi...... ~ oolo,IIooI •.1"IUl\I,&:lIl She will selltl wh e n dealred • (lerillie ~ . ..j'lh~ ~ & JObnlO1l bu io. eDforce it Ihe will of A lyraDt. ·."d ibe .mbiliu~ led her children. ~od seoured for "er . :::-=."~~!:;.~~. ~::...::: nr mt!ch. cerliflede. ur wrillell gUftrGnle e,' Ih'l Ibll POl t. rah~(ol\y ; lla.. Hr. W'illoa·. bill 'llp' of a apirh wbiob 'e"D brook no I llpuiuf . ... 1£ . tillt lo~ely home whieh 'he Ilqw in , JII!IbI ............~Io"...... ..~lte............ picturll II whot il pnrpllrl. 10 be. B)' enplclDeolar, Lo lb • .let, pro,\'diaDt 'or ·LiLlI.,.c.bildreo. be not de.eei""cl.' A. h"bll l (10 GellrgeLo"o Highe.. Here, ...~................ "._oIp~ eloehl, a llOllIl., ck nl Imlr. allti lI~tllllf .. I' 1 B B d ,. b IIIIrlll. tnrlY ..... 1aIr1rlt Ie ... poor _.!'II ...· plecA of birth, ege. dispolilion ' Ind com. Ibe fllgi. lratioD of "oteh aDd ollier ~ po Itlclao • . "n. uller" o'er·reach · .II,..oon eu y her f"lDily. by Oower•• Utt1 .... ... be lifted .... ollbetl'..... . . .... ID pl .. xlll n, and enclosi ng fif ty cHnll . Ing ••elr·le.. klng •• nd will be conlen' ~lIolu. bel\u~y and friend., Ihe impA ' II ' • ra ..... ....,Il10 Itoa!lv. "'..... _ 0 .. "Imped ~uYl!lope , ddrelilld 10 . 10U''I"I(. III,POrt'IIL lIlaUere.. hu be.n appro",d "itb DO Ie .. Lb.o 1116 hi"bea~ prile . in loned. 8eOdlll'" .nd lu!feriug beau at eCHKNC..'S PULIIO!llIU IYIlUP. lEA I"'Y.lW ,uu will recl'ive tI,e PICIU'I! .od de.ired by, tho J lid i ciarI PQmmiLIee iQ .ach ~be poli ticil areDa. • lUI 110d. res.. TOMIC, OD" I... MDUXto: FILLS ... ~1tft6\" }[ oil c-;.UlDlIoa. J'aII 011 ...... lu!orrnllion by retllrn mftil. All comPlu. Ollie, i. regllrded u imperatively' . . . ' - - _ ...~.lhal &D' ''I'''_ ...... lb.... ITh~ 8ub.crib~t".;" ' BIle" ; nicotiulls 'Ioredly conli,lenl i_I. , AddreM,Y. Bspooill\ly iD Virgioia, and T. H&D. IS ternble lu!ferio, II lod de.Li · ARTS.IIV' WARD-who did ~Ot. prob • . , . - ....... lIr.IklII.."". but ,.be. lilt ..... Imi'b Sbop' formerly O4Icupi .. d. by Pele~ . MAD • • " E . F THOR~TOII, I" co"Odencp, II. betllo .... w... Do liM, _ "'''' bl Will proLably plUl without delay ' tblt tutlOD 10 th.. Soulh,. elpeoi.lly in ... . ,. d III a pour IDAO ....::. directed io jIi. Ilu&for.lIIora..bewu...... "IIIt ........._ Eberly, in Cor"lo •• hllrll , ~e 18 pJ.p.r P . O. Box 2:U, U,lllol01l, N. y , I ' • G . d AI b Will Ihal 1m prnperly after Ihl deatb blar.... 1hntr doU&n. ~--- - --r--~d to do "II kio/ta dr ' . Scnt in . eVEra So"'h~ra State• •re prepariog .0r~la aD ~ am",. the Dumh"r or of hil mo,h r, ~bollitl 'go lowllrd. Ihe .::.- ....... wholi " , -1... lbol Ute I _ A CARYAS8 OF 'nD1 URION' . C!' Il,YtlI Olte, ("I n rft· .f.· coNr;at:~l;A· ; : I X; A b']['8 ll) comply wilb Lhe Act., that GeDerai 'la"log people 10 tbe rormer or those I' f I (. . 0IIlIbe 16t1 111&p , e,~o IOn 0 AO A.Y um or prtnlerl. O(Co.IU~. ODd I.e ....... be DO" lor, Ia prov C!. IIlftl Ih tl Inoal ,ucrellrul condill .. e I. C I~I ,, / 10 .e"la. Addrr .. Or. ~:. B. in th. best· m"oner .,,~ .1 Jbe .,011 re.· INfORMATION ' FOOTJ. Sher!d.~ Ian pO.lpOD.d Ibe muoioipll SI.tee be.iDg ~'LimaLed al 50.000.An~ther rllporl lIlY' he died very ' pCrr..ot b..lll>........ OIl 1M 0..."'.....' ....". lu, ,elleral favor eVp.r belure ' ': , Al1lho r "'o f IODl'bte ' ptieei :- .' '. : . ' . . O\t:CtiOD 10 New OrleaDI, aDd ba. I'D ' Dealb. from. tbll Cl'1l1ll are .aid &0 be poor, In .coneequence or :Iia gllnerolily'• ,..loki '" oil 1",-,"," ODd JJoaI .... PrI"" el.1II The PA""le. f OP. THE MARRlE.()! MucJ ico J C"nllu on !Iotlle. .. ' 1.110 lite IIA1f d...... I_on J'or -... d~.i;eil .elpejlill. "lte"II~1\ 10 .~~ S. n.e 11110 flr o·d· rorlDed lhyor Monroe and olh.r. or rrequlln, occurrence. G"o·. Howard O<!Yloo oboaId ...."'Ilo .. I. Do. i. that !I'ne ... d "'ub,ioul ver~~ble .N . .. Yurk.. tla;"t bll '~"" on b.. Dd'II.• d JI pI pat thlll it will be i"'alid uole.. Ibe . IIllim.t..iJ the Dumber or wbil.s w bo THE New York T,.ibrt1!11 I... eog Aged PflDclpol Om.o. l~ Nonb 11th 1It., l'hllodolpll"o, Po. belUllller, • • • . , to manura luro l De '\1 ' Obarlctl DiClleU8 10 wrile a 1I0vei (or . \Oet,Oro\.Wbol_l. "-la. [l.rn.. llar _IkCo., (lrb'ltdoro'. Hair-Dye, ' groe.I .llre allowed to ,ote: that tbe W] need food berol'e 'he nltllt ero". ila we~klr edition-p",iug for it 826•• ~~·(a!...~';;'~:'~~T~~,.J~:'::: F.r Illd wld~.. tl\rOIlIJ!tOllt Ihe ,e.lor~d reo L Qllltuoa rebols propo.. to impeaob Are made At 62.662, negroes. 24.238 . 000. 1 homu C.. rlyle hili ,,110 beL''' tIL. C41Ucta 81. I_I&, 110. (1101 ..... mo.lrr. p"bl Ic, In deli. nee ol finlry .ntl cUlbpe. G\lr~rD,jr Well.; a04 tb.t lbe Ale:l' The·SeDaLe ba. appropri.led 81.000 •. eDRalC ed 10 coolribule a .ingle IIrlicle ~~~ ~~ . mion. il .appe.l. IIDdrla oleclioo i. lIilI Ibe .obu.ol of 000 for tbe reliar or .\1 cia..... "helh. to cover a p~ge of alre dAily edilioo f ' Ar A.1'f f'.x'l·~".IVE 8.l1.1~ AND '1'0 'l'II1J POLLS I 01 ' .. or ... r I I I . whioh he reOeil'08 Ihe Hum or on or y- DISTRIBUTION or Pla nn,. M~lo. of.1I who dfRire 10 clolbc tIle ,·me· with . ClIU OIlPII~, tbe RepoblioaD CAn. er. ova or .01 lerwlae. aod Ibe 1IQIlIII dred Ind ' !if,, ' I I e un · d eo"., G old anLi Sil ••• W .re , i. no", gui nA' on ~ d."."" for ~"'Jor havia. . .Ierted biB "III probably CODGllr io tbis bllmAne Mill hA. IIltlO b!e~I:::~r' d 0 In 811l~~1 .Hb~ Sal.~rooul or Mualll, RU D& !IIIO .• .1IIo ~~~u~:f,~~Ii::::!~o~~ :;eb;~01;lnJt::'~:~I~ 111M 10 tbe oll1oe by a mAjoriLy of tbe proviliuD. liter for 1867. " AI a CODln . ~'Llb~rtr .51., N. V. '!'hue ,00111 . ,r" l old ~ I &hnur"ctu,rell b, 1 . \jR1STADGRO. 6 GOtltIrlch PO\liioe., Ih. IaMI. 'Iflrifil, lawrlll ro...... d ' ,.a .... Mayor. e Iected r ,W? D9 LLA IlS £"CU. RW"iUDLE8II . 01' & Yor. II B0 Id b, D rtIlf~ Alo.1 prnc1ua'lve [,ltlll &0 : 00' •• td] I 0 0 F 0 VALUE 5 d l'W ...... T V " .V .... Ior H 011111. ,... .. f'W e"ol • l b ' • • . . &LIIBR.LTION.-Frl·I'IA·y G ODEf'IL .\D,·e BOOlt ~or A '1 b . b en... N ....~...,; (; ~:N TS f... r g1IU.. ,A PP IIe d h, I II h a Ir rI r.!lll8r.; L90· I "ruwll. 0111 ' Ii"e nin, 1 lpe'ot . In b, wh 'I". . 'o'~. _ 0 "" ltaMd' to . II"" 1 a.llli re, April 16th, ,be IUIDinraarJ or tb . ' b ' pn .. ;~e nUID . ... OIIC~.;. or .. t:: DOLLAR for , ' • . . lII,""er bla.,plaae. 't.i~.\i~ of Odd: ' e I~' a 0 .,:mtng t~ble or COnloO&, . be~ide, .x . fll .. Dunth •• OD eac h NO!iCo c(trrelpolld~ n a UllanH'. PILI•••..:..The.e Pill.' I ~~~ ~:::~I:~:QI: ~ rr.." . a•• R&rL~OT)OIl' ~ YO\ll!.81f~~ . . .. , ~ i ,. ' Ott.blp 10 ~IIII Ibe cholo~ll .. nKravinii , tbe mo.t r~ '. "~Ib the Dunlber t1n .lOm,!-Mrllcl. ot '~'oi! •. wbleb, .. Ie ' !ld' .ure. ' Tbe, Ire !'pre . red b" e ~ . •• pl••, Wilh full aet,i . 111 ., ....,.'111 II,. Hnwnd A.~,tr~;;. • . • ~ ~\uuaara. P~";'ai 0 r' \1'al.. :ol~~ :,t,~be ~'brate\ ~.~~ Lb~. oily able fubion pi ....... ';D~Ylhiog el.e ;~I~~::;: ~;i~:c:,P( ocI;~ IV: . ~he' '"~~"Y :,!i1 ' 'pro II" whl~oor" a\llhe P"etll qU~II~ ,...t p.ld. Ad"""~. tbrPb,llololrlc.I 'I " or., a_" ....... • 1 n~ " " III • . . ' ,. • ' - ," '. -)lllltliahlid' h' b' . ''a • ": oaul I!i' •••,tll•• rt,ob. tiee of the herba of .filch tht, ere made'. &0", on.Iil. /co.t, New . e .... l".. tle.lI . II, Do n.llC&t or N' r 1IOIl.......\. . . . 1M, ,..." ••~_n of tile Of~. an .~'"letl.lo :"'~8011. to make op an indi.plla.... ~~~DI k" rW I!: N.TY· FH'E DOI.LARS per wl,houl 'a", of \ bllir Ind. 1I...elh ·. P B .-All 'he \... Ora".' VID .... La,. •• tile lrat' 'p. .1•• ' . II , - . . " be pr.len\,- ColJ(~\(, JovrJICIl , .. . ~··"'III(I.I". '3 a 76ar. &: " (0 ' . ~i"'ul.... ItI!:El> & ~aao.. 10.1t ea ..... n. d.. h.,. ID .non.. . ••,1, Oaodtte., au.u.., ..... '1· "11.'1.1I" .a...~ 4I'~ . ~ ~. PWl(4alpbia\ " . P. ~. ,B,?& 6tl8. N.... Tark. , . ,Bee B. 'n"'~ ~,l. wblt.Ie',-" •• ,ell_ of PIIla_, fOr ......, wbol.,..r. A..... !}r. '1. S~ILL'N H • , ' . Ollie., :l-l Libe.I, . \: .. ".1, ~b. OO9lr _ _ t atimp. . 90:.w ._d retall. a' low ,rle... 88' HQW1r4 AISCHliat\Oi, Phjl.d.1 II, p.!

o( >()Ol'lel. " i'o .tbi. romaaDt flight dent'of Ibe Nil..., York rUD e. uy. : of Booth wa. btll a hlgbwlYIllaD'1 ride. "It .boold 'iO iOlo hi. tory Ihll.t Il:e J. all laat p'ri04l. 'hila I-OQD'" Satrl" oODduc'Lof th. a l' 1,I irly.nilllb 0 0Dgr881, • .... beea ,II. • WaDderia, l.w.' A hi iCi .'OIiog boun, . . . . . n bonor lo km,ly. cld".... e,zi.te... ; 'ta...IC.n. i"!Jlr aod' 10 lbe. Ilatioo il rl:pr~8e' . ~'Iijiae~ '01 lit• .• ~D ·' tbrqtegboal i& all. Wltboot 8lteeptlOD, 'he d.ale ..Dor IInl! _ _ 10 1006,. bliD .. lb. mOIL iDlel. beariDi of bOlh W". DeYe, " B h i ' . .• b ./. . I~ I,'8&1" . 'PIrit of Ib• 11111rder., oot OiarAo.orlle.. y more ulgolly or more

~ A pedJler- ill L ob'1Ilnn (Hlillois ) "nclert on k 10 kilf llilluulf UII Lh u Il " tlnilljf G ,' L I • I .. I I Qf t IIe ioU . II,! lIe ehLlre y ortl( lffII 1Il,1l1 ' .1 . N ~w M uHc .-OIt .. rllll M. Tremaine, Ou o( ,wllllo"iog:" rAlIOr. 'I'h~ insL ru mt'ol nuela in hi' ,h,.,al "n,l I he RI. 481 Brolld'lfRY r I...a jill! iu ued the fol · tempI WA. a r"ilorB '; bul he .oc~elldl'd lo"ing pieces of mUHie: WheN line in inDictiog a fe.dlll gAAh. Lbe Bllautifu.1 Gonll ?':"'dueUo-poelry . , . It i. quit. doublful when 0 ,)11. And mu sic by Ihl! popul"r .oog wriler. greo. will "djunro: Tile 8.:n"lle hl\9 Jallle. U. Ollnk. 330: ; and Juvenile .ellk , or wurk b.. rtJ re · it ill consi.l ~rParlY Galop. by 1 . DII Ja"ieo~ lI i. 401'. iag nomiMlioo. , and the gOll ur R,I f"el. S d r I inl.! is thRI I h~ru ahonlJ bl! nu "tljourn. .. n c r Ii t m. 10 Gao . W. Ebril:h.~ & ment un Lillhe Rellooslrllction A'c L 1& i'tt 00 .. Xc oill. O. or to th e publisher. rull And aocce.dul operalion.

ok Co .• 77 B6e"mtlD 8L., N"w York, Ilrll Ihe publidhe.r".

86" ye llr.





Willi . -'am Sw " en ·.y





we e:D.l.a, l'



'10 Il L 1 0 ' I aI '



. =. a


DO••' , U •


and l'1.eap


nq....... .. ......'"

.1- ......


01"'0,,_-.-. ..1...



. ••





,.. t


Dressed anel Rough I1IDlber;




lie r".,

w.,. .



FI ..














Se.1 .

1eI_ill,)", aa .



ullGn tlte bounct ries 1'1 • conducted tbe l'\'iHa at the ith. !lOW- tornl nod Arctic 1I, &. ('hurch on '. ahlJatb evening. I\t"I~'''~''l!'r 1. • ·ot. ('''I:fl'ut wnll in the lIillJ('DCII I)f He,'. S. F. ('Olin'\" .



~.IL D••U •• _IW

,,~Up"lLt.1 (CORWlIIIT£TIt>lj. hl\\,ru~ I'ciglJ('<l "'ith Uti Ti~l'lILl:11 WlII._ ___ _ • TaAII1 ••" .......,,,.... 1111 tll,'1 ug'l lli-s allotted · t'rlll, h'I; ' U" Mrs. l£. W· .. Clem on is eiwCip~i lJlI.11 Rx'r.... 8.47 ... II.· J mu, ~ like the dcspot tbat he is ,\'0 IlIg this towu hip ror thus pepu. ".ill nd A~c!lm.. t 1.47 .. . II. sllow II " t . I I' 1 b k W r.oIum bup Aceom.; 6.30 P. II. . I !I"s.nnu.': t. nllt IOrlty by ar 00, OIDl\n of the \Vur. It is Pill1bllrg &II:PI'fIl.. 06 P. Ill. bam III 0' Pl"lll~ Ollt .01 an· ~ill'~.r ntt- jR ~OO(r .work ~nll well ~·o.rtb 'be' ~~ ,.aAI1'I" 110080. vent. ~nll?h. ~ the d(~utftlctlol\ of or- fI,·tCc nskcd for Jt. ' I . . . .,c»r~~1 2.06 A. N. dllrly mtlllliduu} , wLo al' sllti f1c.d 1.u5 .t. Ill. wiLh 'onou It of a goo~l thiu'" ' e peeD- We 11 very One POOID 011 , . pillibur, iEEIt"re.... II. ia$.y is thll.t thin.,. . the' Mumlll'ot Cinelnllat lIpr.... ..... P. ... II. , ",11 n o' _ h Calve, iu tbi number. . ~ ilt Iff eon8!!ll!!lipt or Iblulhrlkesl .Dor.olllo'aICprwtii. -L - ••• . fl·omtbC'glftcd ,IJOo 'ofDr.Jes-opof .E. W. WooDwAnD. P're'iden<.. MI-. E. . ·!towtllt ·r ,h:!d 1\ Hnl'\·cysU\l'rg. Wo hope to h OOf J. w_ rouPP". SIIp·t. general 1'l1gh to hi e" b:lhli:'lhill ent frolU' IJiIl} often . D. C"DWALLA.Dq. Ats:. last week. when th e 11 W' of hi f .... II I - -,- - __ ... l"'e'::,_A~", arriyul.wlls made pllulio' OIJd III' I Mit. John E_ Taylol' IIns ktkcm up union -UA. I~'g". ... . -s I'" lJ 1 I " . :..--::!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!==!!!!! trade "as, . we lire happy . to !In_r. uS a Ol e , nt t Ie r~og l'Aph Mills, l UCri . . 'rll~: L .\8'r AUCTION. - On hlllHfROtnCl' ~llIm e\' e l', UI1I1 S\l~1 ns , Ilnd sec:lr~tl th e ~e'I' I' IC~:! of ~I-. Jo..... d· to ellcolll'll Jg hrm fn iutl'odnciuO' a i!'cJlh Hlo" 11 for IllS s tOI C In" a.,n e . t.A fi",rnomt au even~ 0 " ., ,·ilIe. fJHESS GOODS, ~ d· ' I llcwnndfl1l1erllllaO< ~(>odi\. We nexf, & Co. would impl'oss IIpon OUI' rt:ullel's the Z41- Hal n & .... est. Lebnnon, Ohio . LADIES &- GENTS' hf'Jd ,heir last auctions, to fACt that bis ether· plated wnJ' is of hnvo seellJ' ~l tho !jon·icos of a til'st out the good8 yet remll.j~l- t~ /JtlIt uiachll·e; and 18 sold bI C10S8 workmun. Cl'U 01' send lind UNDER- WEA.ll. Some 01 the most lum at city retail prfo(!8; tile S4lme have your watch-wol'k done pl'ompt- C.\SSIM ERES. nrticles ore ..till Jeft may be snid of his stock (\( "'ntollc9, 11y nnd I!cien,ti1kally. , . ' • • ' jewelry, !lud clocks-of which In,Uflr'\ ' ~----;--:~~ CA .NETS. Jlo\\', ~nd~d, 18 the tnne ror his sllQ\ves IlI'e full; while hh "8Sort- .A commUnl(,.lltlOn 011 Innde ring, ]Coso bargams 10 be secur- ment ot· s pectnoles is llmple enough Iby J . O. H ., lind tin nml\sing poem CANTON FLANNELS, " VJt no olie fail to Lc in 8t- fol' nll eyes to be aultot\. Shew- I n.IId by 1\1.1 BROWN AND IIltcr will continue to pl'c s!ll1 t _ the~ e ShelIlTl1 Il , .\I'e tlej~rreu ulltll Ilext




I . "gr,- ._____ I






""n~ "Wngh~






conlin- advalll-ll.go.~.

~Il l~I'cnd




. 014,

, VAltNlSHES' t I

D d M:_ed P .. ry an &IlIA am~,






of III k l . :

C ro 0 lK HE

/e'1' 0 V I a.


The &ut opporlUtlil1 ewer .1I'.. rdttllo .0111 "I.bln, to ~e Bnt.tlill .'

R [) 'I NAt: I' "lrmin. O~en, Cut

,with Ca. t n.... or Iron R.OIeryolr un lop, . TIn lCi.tehen 8 A 8 HAll D .p V l' r y on baok; I IIlIO wood-dMr•••~ . ' F l l r n l e e : o,on cloors lined TRUS ES, 10 relaiD heal •• nd ReUPPORTERS, cl.lere to eelfull !e Ibl! hell when SHOULDEt~' B1~ACE ' Blkin, : . The most cOloplele and beal-w\llklnr ALL TilE POl'U,""1I . IUYI) t~r ft '.rgo family or 1i.' It'I, Ih .. W" huvu VV'lr el up. O~ Ilw.e Ihere S . 1:et-1. 8, aod 9_ · . ,

Penmen, Tenders of PenmlUl.'l.biu" Or T elegraph Reporters,


'ltD lIXflACtB,

PER FUM E R Y Thl8 I, a Brsl·el ... wood eo"....toY8. . ,I.r::e wood·dour, lallle uven lined whh I rPlli8t.. , il) alour to rellul.'e




lurcof Ihooven 10 bikInII'.

SO ' PS, &£. 6d!KjTJlJil~H

~~, ___ ~_' ."_ ,~'" ~



1\10 N


I ~l( 1\_~1\ ,[, ~~~


ac ~ wtt " ~.u.ulUtCC,


I.ayr ••t , Cheap"" ud But in Am.rloa.





Hoop IliJk."rts)


" I,!J







I •

Ittlttl ' tbe 'pre;'lent time. IlLmJl&l;l'ltl\o IhstQf Mal'ell is PO\\' IIpon RS' the ctimlnelfcemcnt yet Lbo old 3'01\f dill not ,. tlJ~ tW~llty.1i(th · of ' the nfter the storms nttetl_dh~ o\,Ar and cqulI\O:L W"L" v I \\\\d St. Pl\tl'ick hn~ their say f(·""lntioll of · the weatlter.,,"'ul,tlly cll llc<l 'the old style,'

~el'ctl PI'Ojeo~(;m-whieh woult\ l!eelll ~ 'lhe Cincinnati Hom e ill ilt (Ill lnt~Ullocl to dlscollrnge nn.e~)~I·n'I~C~. respet"is Ihe beNt IlI,urallce OVTllpan!1 foj'

If we were tl\e o,lly ll\l\intlll 111 th.l ~ We.lem people to i,Mure in.

. binI" mattet' We WOII ld , III e l l 0 (. ollr knucklcs, provide a new lI11lChine i but t\tis re80l'~ 1!-?uld, be II 8?lfl~h 11.10lIopoly when 1'10 IIlOIlY 8uilel' III 111.:0 . I l' ' lIIuunel'. Bence we 'memo)' n lZC the wOl·t1~y TI'ustces. - .- -Z-.:jJwiU be seen by IIIl IIlhcr· nduc· to 'by· some persons. . tlJc~o is'rc(\ cOllsillcl'llblc wil.l(lolll in tiscm nt, ollf",wbllorne rellow- cil.izt'll , we seldom bave , , nny real alltllong. tim.o friend, G£OI~O~: W. £ . ·w.,!ftllH, until ,tho olosing DIUOll'r, hna ostnb,lished him self ill the music husiness In 0111' flouri s hing U~l'Cll 01' tho commollccmo nt ·n eig hb6l' city, Xellia. As this line of trade is exnctly.~ con~.oJliur with __........:.., \. 1l11el'soll . h n9 aeen a pc t on- Ge'o rg'c 's ml'1" l'Col pronll·'·I ,, · tl·C a~. ,,·c I ,.,. •.uQP!l -- 11' e WI' 1l'OCCl 1 ' I'C , or other blrllin 1\ stote of PCI'- 'prop leey, nIlClplucking ~t himll~lf COII- tho hugest possiblc success. Our his feathers IJtautling all citl7.ens wut ,consult theil' illtel'est • hI ' 11 "11I, wucncver " III vain is his food ohang· by dealing :Wit , t liS.





l'arth f. ·









and in 'Vain is 1\ saucer of cleon itiways kc'p t ill .h1S cage. The or his wretchedDess baa not . (oullli Bueh <11ou·i . lr tlIQ -o"t)er or 1\ ·fHeu\·:c·a .. -1'11 .. takc down . aod took to the toot'thcreot,

•' 1

in want of sueh Bl'tlC es. --.--'--- ... I.vlIllIlR.-As the.cnson is I\t hllnd when neoplc begin to builtl, nn(l ns

whore mav

-Piqua. ( 0.) J)elllocr(lt.



copies, (I elling "II

len (f'lIla.



ChiCAgo, Illinois. . - -' -- The SI,rill" Mllnlh., Mllroh, April "nd M"". "re., the mOIHhs to pu. rirY ,lhe blood.J HIHI PI'''iIlH" Ih.11 "y@tem 10 V,1I!lI'O agflin8llhe r8Y"g~B of diNeRse. 'I'h~ "oie or IIRtur6 Cillil all lhe 8oien<:e Alld li kill of RI.n 10 ptf'I,,,r!! 1116 I·eme· di"I, And "'to hllV~ Ihem in ltob"ck'8 Blood Pill~. Blood PuriS"r. and Slom · Itch BiUers; .


culation.s, bU8i.n~SlI

Signal .Parlo~. .


CORllnerclD.1, .'.

ot Ihie ")lIA th(lr,fl!llfe- \hrne ~,za';

am' of Ihe~ob u vll · lllelltioned can b8 hnd at -

bolh ,p:ain and fanc),; which I atn prepared 10 have .l1'Ilde up in I .ty/o 'not 8l11p.Neal by In 'fA'(lJI 11;;\' mll!1l1(l)J 'T}.llrtl"tWN itAiNI jl» J( V \1lI iI'II 0



AhoUllh~ •Ihving ell'.ererj 11110 ce:pnl'tn"r.ll lip ~..'.!!.! .,JUiL - fL AltlllS

olub~.) se ll I. for Addreu AI["etl L Se"ell.

p' '1 miums fu.r




New Firm:. E. ))UltI;tC!

con 8" llll~


Wayne8ville. Marclt 5.1867,


pAper. is A Genel'lll Wi LI,in it.elf. It is 1lJ~8' er of Ibe 8ituatiOIJ lind 11118 Ihe I,ey ~o ,,"very uhihJ"~ bearl: The Il'I'ms art: "oly on(\ UUIIIII'" Jellr ft

"ft",." . tnck 01 well


CALL AND SE;~ '!.:

. O::r The Lillie Corporal, Ilto"styled

be rUII,,"

eell/cled Good ••

ever broUiht to till. markl!t •

as lulop,tod,. Li> every departm'CI\L of business, necurnte 1l,ld . tilpid COmm9rcilil cal. .'.

nnd beaUllrul deSig n. 610ves Alld prie,., hccurdilll: III the


loIen 0/

.B ook-KeepiD., ·


lIew lze8 QUEENSW'A]I:). E '.' In part 0f LE, Keys' building, Q"lIr.o,lllly". A iii _.

known 111talth lind {mainu, integrity ore ut il, head., a7/4 its capiidl (' !l711.ple, J. p. S WETE· ill .Agent, to wlwm ~l)ply.


Merchant. Tailor

• . .Ia,SJS

Whon made Ull,lf tlilly do nel suit Ihe . '1111 a u 'GIl I ell_tomo,; he need 1101 Inke thenl ! 1 1~r;.;~ , ~J: . " ~' . _~. wish 10 i~r.mll' lite Public l l e n ' J I B ' cr811y Ihnl thty Ire m.nulac . r keep ('008Iaflll, On hllnal D .m,lI.tock 01 lurin~, olld irHenc.l to, keep fur 'I,.. • . I I - ,,',. 8a e. 0 I'll . I , .. orlme.1t . uf all kinds or T S'ADD'L ES, lIAR1Ii. cut J.' Ir.;SS, LA uuder my b,IIIR. e,i'ploy, ·DODSON. which I will while Ind III .rticle. usuilly kept In such 8MlaLlishmonl.. 'Yil'l ""'- Un· ' ·11 Aprl'l FI·rel. pArson-, ' ,· hl·nll U-J ~ • w.I n,!ylhlng In ullr lhle. 010 , be accummodo. to be as illud Good. a'; an, in Ihe markel led by c:olH,,1!' on t, D . '''OilltLf.,EY -Ilid whIch I will &ell at . nORWIN, all~r wh Ich we' will bo lurm4 al Ihe old a,and t>I I:J. W .. ROllers, A. L .O W'118 any Man J)ltre Sell 4M W.yne8vlllt. Ohio. . Same QualifY! DUDLEY .5{, WOOlI.LEY. AIIIC.' Imalllllock 0' GENTS' FURlhrch 11. !867, NISHING GOODS !_III of \II'hich I will sull "I I rellunlble pro'l!. Plou!' give me 3. call berure mn , • kill!: your ."Ieclion._

law, '...





ot .. I.OW I-'IGUH.E~,. {"r CASH. III Illy oily, town or ,111'11'. Illd .s. end Ibe '.moUI SPENCERIA~ 11.t'lI! of.



WC!/'l'lllitcd (0



Br;Y&llt, Strattoll "

Ihe lempera.

I BLEACHED MU 1-INS, 1'hi. i$ trtl e in IInme IlId , lome. wIll.' " hope bc will mcet 1\ cOI'C/tnl sympa· I A pr-otl:ucted Ill eetin;..: hll beell in NOTIONS. A well·,elecled ".orlmel1t of Ihl' BEST , ever II 1118 b~,," illlro,duce,1. / prog r(' li t the 1\•• E. Chul'ch for n t hy ill his onlc l'l!l"ise. ~-.- - -.-.-- w(luk pnst, lind sc\'eraillew lUemuers HOSIERY. Ii ARC ~ APRI L ELECTION. AnT G .\U£lh·.- 'J[I·. W. A. Cl'nn- havc 1.1('('11 alld (\. uall Iw,; tIl kell thc st:mll t'ul·nlel'l.Y oc- : ,_ , ,_ ~~_~_ II.loriBARN·uo\R'l' clndidnle to Ihe office. is. 01 con.tlb Ie Clliliod U.l' Mr, ~Intel', nnd he invi tes I Rt:J: elII'(I of Mr . •ro hn M. Cnnler. HoGUFFY 'S & WILSON'S SERIES, 0 AII8S!Or. " the public to call1lnrl sec him . He J[~ is n ~ood w~I'krn /ll1, nntl we hope &0_. !Ie "u,hnrizI'tl to annOllnce DANIEL is preparcd to make 311 sty le .. Of ) WIll )"cC('''·C II !them i pntl'ollllge. &0., &0. A FULL LINE OF READY-MADE NDF.RSON .. calld!d~Ce fot lho of- photogrnphs, IlInlJl'otY l!es, &c., nllli H · u'~~ 'C"S""""''-''--~ , 01 A.aell8ur It !ho enslIlnt eleclloll. mukes a speciality of prod ucing life. - o.s . 0 el't •. chenek hilS our "II TON ROGEKS i. a c.ndidate· • . • d ' '1 1 tlllln),s Physicians' PreSCriptions .. • size pOI'oralt )lalllte 1U (II ; n so , fo r 3 copy of the Rel)Ort of COll51ablr a/,ll Aeer810r. 1 I h' I \ I the Now ·York Custom-House. co OI'O( Jl C'.ogr'lp 18, nlll r IO to_ __ __ _,_ __ _ Carefully nnd PromptJy Filledo Nomes to bo anllounr.~d In thie pa- grnphs tnl~c lI lI"on l!a.utlkel·chicff<.n~: Y. l',. . C d" I' office muat be Iccomp.nio.1 by '1 I' ow . ell. .Ormel· y Its SUOOEI5ISI Old ·Drug-Store, ci:"t~ for I". ennouncemonl. and MI', Cl'IlJldull hos bClln cVlIl(ll'lI ,-,d P!lstOI', lll'ellchcd ill' tile M. E . CbuJ'cli ~-Ce' O:::r In IH of e .above Ilove8, Ihere • Ior Ih" ticlieta-in .dvan~e. within A wcek past,to flee from his 0\1 Tuesdll,V evening. v ~ ~ "'RYbee~ lIle, Ohio • Ir\l llar,e Mlzul-:--7. 8. And 9-v.ryini In former home · in ,central Kentucky ~---- - _ _. _ _ _ l'rtc8I (run, ':.16 up lo 860. turn ad ollt.IU nt;~L-·IU'lln~ was. thc 'iiUppo!j(J on nocollnt 01' the free cxp,'c!ision of .;0, tm: Wayncsdlle Encumpmcllt of cOlDl'lllte ! -' ... or Romulu~ w~o dl\'ieled tbe loynl sentiments j anel We hespenk l't lltl G. . A. It.. 1I11'~~dy nl~m~crs ao into months am' cAllc~l the pres- fpr him n hClll'ty l'cccption from onl' members, nllellS till llo lU'lSlilng. ono llllrch. i,n110nOI; Of bi8 pt;lrI h herpb, r iven to myoid CU8l0mers snd Paflor and Dining-Room , __ HOJlkin~ &; Cd pin ha'-e it this 'rit'nde, Ihet I am slill IlIlhe STOVES, FOR WOOD AliD OOAL. was"I the first peop e. _ ---'_•••...Thel6ncaC .Iock of , . -'rile handle 011 the door of thc week sure. Go lind im'cstio"nte mnt. of the ye!lf, bo~' J' snllary an d ~ PEER.Ll~SS. PArlor Coo., fur wood. lui\'ing b.een aclt1ed to the M. }O~. Chorcb is 11 sottl'ce of ru lIeh tel·s. . ' YOUNG AMERICA. cQIII. I by. N~Ullll, about so\'enbul\· IInnoynnco, and mo.ny al'e~hc joint!! Maplc Molasses is beIng sold BU·SINESS FANOY Flt ANKLIN. co,II.' .reol's beCOl'c the Clil'istinn erR. thnt 1I1\\-C , becn disnblel~ in the at- ill this mnrket at 81,25 p el' gU IlOD. BEACON. PARLOR COOK, woad, Illal •• _ _ t he'th,h'll (lnd 1\ so.oll has tempt to open the door WIth tile bllt- j _~ ___ _ 310in S'tllel, Wllync8YUhl,, Ohl~ . to OUI' pllbli., R,i lll we we ok.




Patent ltledicines



CltISPIN, TO'. E S ,


nn mm•

iL1 $











.qiv6 8«iiifclctlUlt.

A-_ tllo "-IOVO IlueDO i. 'ar " ,.'v'lIe. u ed, Ollr "lock I. I, o w j but th'nlr~ ,hu \YO hno not 0" honal. we OIn obliin. by Ex. pre.s,


short '\01101\.


" .'

W 0 Ilave I I~o on \Ian . J. menl.or al!lu;,t

None but Ihe mOll' emID ..n, .,to,...... '.,. 'lIIplored III the h,ll/ul tI~p"tm."t•• ,


d t• I . ,ODIUM

evor,.t~11I1 III c)ur line, amoilll' \(,hlcl•. Ilru P01'S., SKILLIT4i:l._ q , GRIDDLES, OVAL, CAST-(u.ON IN


D" A turriur preYllil8 in L'lnrlon. lhAC 'Sit E. Bul'wer Lytton i. soop to b. there are 80me of. our citizens who mArried Again, ia 'pitl) of hi. aduqel'd will probably do 80mething ill ~his I' BOILERS. . most likely be s09.n a mw me, we re Iier tit em t 0 th e I\(1"ert 18e· '1'EA-KETTLES like rC\d f.USt. Th~t', ~~ l'ust. rQOllt of Me8sr~, McHelll'Y do; 1\lc· ------Jlintti(~~----NOI'ce Is hereby glvell 10 Ihe ql'llIfted I return thank . 10 10, (lId eustometa f II I ~. 1II0re or leas· than ml.·ti· Do~,·ell. 'of Xonm, wh~ keep tit nil _ electore .~( _ Ihe illcorporal"d .V'III.~e or and r,lolld" lor whllt Ihoy hue dOlle '01' ENAMEL IrE'I'~I'I' E-SZ8', 0( 11 t to k r I 1 WNynesvlne. 0 .• ~/Jut an &le~llol1 Will be lI\ e in Ih e pli~t. "lid hope to bp. obi.. to ,p. , .~ .A , ' . or i'lltesbing the bi-rfl., an exee ell s C 0 11m ler. On Iho 2301 of Feb., 1867. by.'E!hlor Sn", . held at tile 810re or Wm. M.nlll l!:IOII. 011 III Iile fUlure my shore of Ihclr pit ...o,ted 1I&e., 01 rh,e qu»Uty. Th.lduntl,,' or Ihl• ..ollep oter I" r II" IlIoh . woter is no rem~d y.' Imd who will attend .to 011 ol;ll cl'S III uel WUYIIC W,lhumluwnsh'I, ... nt · Kond"y,Aprilll.,18' 8 1,rono"..,_. . SHOTr oUt.r. I., tbet " II oat 0' __•, lor , ' .te@iolel",oftbOhH,)u' WlinCli CO IIII!., MR. .. ' ~ y 1'_ I.S. '1'0 N G.1iJ , procuring a liffhtcd' candle and with promptn~ss nllll glve tbe u t most J 'JJlS " 'Ut.COTT, of Mlnml. couoty, to Misd ror t~e purplllt> of eleclln!!, 0"" 1Ih l or• EI~TON DUDLEY, SAD InONS, I eo . .., t' r L' Ih:uEC('A fl. H." "u. 00(' R .. corder. ulle 'l'reuur~l. Ollie IU.~. Wlyne,ville, Sepl. 17. 1866. ' • InON SI)OONS 1 • it uuder o\,el'Y partiole pf sa IS ae lon_ •••• , _ _ _ __ 1111,1 five Tru8lee•• 10 8erve II IIlllm. , , • , , ' " 1 CIIge till all chance or anything 6!iI'" Thc Lebanon Sial' has come '''Ryne!lv.Ue cipul 01 .a,d InCtlrpUJale,d vllIBlre I l AI)LE ,( O. J . len II~YC Is gODe, tho remedy I lor the en~UIDIl year. •, • • "I" out ill bl'ilIiant style in a new drllss Carefullt Correcftil Eve,.) Week. By ur.lel 01 the coullcil. . ,.,' MEAL SiEVES, '20' ' . ;rlte pet , will 800n and in qllOI'to fOI·m-lIl1 ,.of} .•1;, . '''-.' , J_ IMl, or. LII"IN STREET. " GREA'r CHAIN OF up Ilgnin Idler 'bis ·bouse· goes. we nre giod to' 81lY, ' to bU."hel, ' III GO (ill '6 1. 'J>. BWETE. R:ecorder, p_ _ ' }I t . Ib ., W Rye' 100 @ 00 W·Ylle.yillr.lhrob III, 18t17, .i ' . , • I AND ,'ORI{S. thnt our exoc en nClg lor, o. . 0818 f 40 WASH BOWLS. 11 G W b Brown, is 9 the high ron4 to for- ~~rlev lJ" I~O (iii 0 00 "'~···T '·--O-···W ···--·N · · · S-·.-Bl ·· ·-·.·p·;;·· ··-E···;·E --'C·-·T·..l·.· [··O·· :~c····..· VIC'1'OR KETTLES. {or boilin, Po. I'




Can Save 2fj Dob






·~lo4 ·,·-' Whe~1 ~ ~i,ow

,,;'0 ":' ,



ASl'a)(KK, .-

co· tunc

by the Oslmloosa (lowl\)' Oontl t!I J h E lt1.

I~ .

n .'


bas illvellte~ , Od h P d ' t iigOt , i ca h·.d ' gn .e, .liS . encl ' , ;. 'W Ie 18 ascribcd. - . '..' } ' r.


ot thisa )lInce, .



ah~l.;farav~tatlUg, setnI'i-mChc~n . 10 dllte~: . ' I' · t 1 h·'




ap nn , no~,coml' len. e< . The whole lo.toh 'is ort ·tbe post: Sagging gatCi do' not elfcet tile~ ,




No }lro,loet'IOnl!· ·- s·nag.

, I~'


.,.. ·, 1· .

." . allll'"


t!lion, 1'1'· ; ., •






E;~ 11 do:r.~n.








St. EI-

Coil I 011


'*' ".I(on,


711 ' 14 6u 7 60




'" 6,n :. uo

I~ 300


® 14 @ gO . I 76 36 80

~ .~

W · .ll






, .., For Pure Dru0'" VII vOI~r. off.I W.'~le Tow!'. .~Ip are Ioereb, nolrll.d Ih.1 en 11 "9n . -edicl~will I}e field In WaynelVllle on III WVD,



..., 1



til elect Ihr"tj Trusleer, onltT'reaitllrer.

Il'"~ Clork. orie Cunllilibl., 0". Jh~.- lIOr. v

onol one

Supervie~r for ~ieh

or Ihe


B~ order8~~'UEtl;;C~UNE, _letll; •• I

Di.trkt. In the 10wtf.hlp,

Worne",llIt, march J:l,





St..uuS, m GOodtIPerfumery,

nw . Ple-

B""'-Olls, Hair Restoratives, , Pomades, Hair Dyes r

• ..,


Free Turnpike Petition ,' , ;r Notice 18 hueby gll' eD, tllnt a pe~itIO,D will



" ,o.




il~ ,~tion


- - - -. -Mor '" I~] WIL.I NOTON , O. .I. W t IIny 0 , J'll st rc IlalI 0"' . es, "0" KOVS- PAIliTllIG, • •• cei·Yed the largest and gf~lI\tcst " ,, ,rl' i?'l tfi)1fI 4\ A 11~10\,("". i?'l'1 . .I W!Jli'N1'l pleaaure of · me.etlng. cty of ue- Anti, bealltl!1I1 Wall PapOf IUllllitALl~~HllM\III, 1\:l!aab.£:UliMlII,

. be nrt to ' lUI pock .... • ' .0....



t~nt I[ ~ t~.. tf'mes .







I\) Ih.· ... dla'cill •• of Ih' U.IIIIII . 81111. llifl ClDld., IDd 8aholl,.hlp. bOlICh, 10 ·,bl. 0011... will" .. ,oad III 'DI or all of dll...



N . ...

at _


a.lD... ber.lo hyln, 10llr Icbollf.w,..

to 'Ppl1 al lb.


" rBeru"X( , .<l a"WclldIC'A'flciru'I" Of! Cl·DC1·~Dtl· College " Mt oJ

o'kate8, ,rami an",






&0., ali or whi.h we will .. II luw ror .. IIil. II the la,...t l.Dd 111011 CASH. Look .lttell own Inter.., d' 'd you, d Id I III 10 Ut. eOllot,)', -lt u. wt>ur un e I .Inl in brinll Cil; Prlcel 10 ,our door •• W'1t!



~lDpilt. ~

owned by J.rvll Swkes In $' 01/06 llU. FRUIT.J ARS, CIGARS, ""rough Inod~ CHOI OE BRANDS, ' N. B.!.....;To SUG4R.lIfAn••. _ W,I• Ire 'I I 'I'· , 1""lIed L_ I 8 by Ii Jarvis 19 St'Jk~8 d tllro ao\lI h '1'1~1\I18 Ib , ... n ee on ,80 . U .sl FINE.CUT TOBACCOES' &0" , &c, m.klng SUgJlr P'UII' &-1 old prlee •• o. t . • ,. , . ' 1: hiD,da owned by 'J'a.ylo~ V .. "'1'1'1/ .lId 1I01e8 . '. ' be' t No. J8 .Ch.rco,1 Iroll, 0111 In thlll. BI1rlon in Suction 25 to Ibe Da-YlOn IUId Leb· I N D 81 ,'h.t all ma- be read" In ...eon. E'II" • • tbl" Plptr' II I"",ell{. .,~ R IN Q, anull Turnpike R9.d, alld thoro to eDd.-ma- . Go to t 18 .., rUIl' ore. , , . . lo .rlte lor Coli'.... "lip_, .... .8"ii'~\\ P A P'e. king a disl.anco of about '''0 miles. 1. NEAL. ...- .al feil ,ruly t1.anldlll rcir lb. 'lib. 1II.n'. of nt ""." ...... e RI18"iIIe, Marcil 11. .....e 0 ••',..... Ba. I. . .,. Ihe ),.Ir, Illd bo,. drn., . .. .r, ." ; . ,. '1 _ __ -TIIe,e(orp ,11"" II&rYuu. 'erid delillltilitid by Itr.let. 10 bo.ln.... 'b.on- .... '. I • _ , _ eTAp!,I, 10 tba ulfdeui,aed. who will PU' HE CIDER t'1-NEOAU Il"tUld- iri'rni~diltel, u.e fhIIttbtJU" ~_ orlbl. cI.all'lI,., 10 ,mttlt a .• ,m aUend-prompllr- to .11 cIII_, Ind elld.. vo~ . , , • IrGcI BIICIIII. . ' .87.1 \OU.IOIII. Ula~ ••••,' to -'" ,.a' to gIY.l!ltillae\!pn on rel"',\flbl. Iflrml. Tlil. we !tn·ow to b. pure. a. th. pro· , . . ' , j . ; " to oUr .plrll• .• 0il"!.• , tie.l. _ .. C:qI. . . . nred the Cld,!, I,", .N llibl. (Jr,I. \0 0QfII1'.....1l• • MANHOOD II/KD YOUTHFUL thl. neigltborho.;, ... peril! lID Tille lin, 01 all eOl!lh· 8,'11)111. loua.. 10! VJG()R ,O!a , • . •. 11, .,l', PRINT,&, P.II" . , ,' _ Oct. II. 'M.1

~t 9.~I~~am .w:, nnd border e\'er brollght. to J~clJono. n. e~on- ;hlo)Jthcj' are selling,10wfol'.0I181l. AND SI6 N-PAIN'J'IN,G, h~avf'loo~s Coil (u~d ~xnlll'ino before buying cls~,. ·h ,.. ..' .'.

,couute , t,lftne <!II the co.ralaat Fl'lday .The 60 tber.ivers Interrupted, the, regular ·trips, of ' . '.

... "


4S Cullegcs,


Lawea, Iba mo.' oomple,e Ibiog fD

CheJDlCa • IsJ OilsJ


mQ11 avo .L,prl<.

" , ..



TllgcrHS'lLDR"L~N'S~·J\'NlV'H' ~


The qua'ifidd


BRIm STRA'rl'ON i. CO'.


New Dru'g Store'

be prc8eoted to thil UUDuJlllBIOne l'f! 0 Warft il; .a self-rAstenCr. mo, by nllthol' of Beulall; WbltU!lr B .,., -----• ren OhiO, on 6th dll1 or . )faa'i StOCk cnn not open it: I' 1.1 B I 0 EN T 1ST RY I 67,(:OUlllY, praylng.for tbe appoint men t ,of 0001 ItlViIl not get Qut ord~r, oud Snow·noltntl. ~nc1 ' cut ou 10 co.~ I; ~ __ • rols ione ... to I.y out Qnd 4letalJlleh a ' Free -AI,o. a Good Allonlllent ofbCllt latch ,kllo-n·. Great Truths; Runny Bank; Uow1' urllr;ike Roud on ~,"nt i. now culled tbe I'inkney Road. beginning,at I"e CrIl'''' ro"ds r iug by Morning, antl many otbel' . • • " , ill Rnys\·ille .• Wuyue' T!'II',1I8hI P• • \1' o 1Vhich wiU mRke1t a des id1 b II I & W t, , No. H. runnllll; tfJcnce In" Soulh "ollerly n " n,. ...·Itll t'nrmers, n · nd, 'wbat Is new books, for so 0 y. - 0 e ' e8 @[gfi'.il 'TI' 0 'TI' 9 I bid ed b 'a I direct ou ut,,'ecn nn. 0"" )" .. rv a LAMPS LA.NTERNS l"IIel~cdIl8i'rlClitlon, (.ebnnon, O. OfficI! lit hi. residence on JAicust Street. lokc81111d AlherL StIlCY. In &e. 14., thl'Ougb •• , a

'betw~en Cinoi~uatl wore. ' _~.o..-~ - , , OI'~scen~Clty tor a time; tbUB. Oua Boys AND G~LS- . il ~ Tel) e.~. w.~ 'be Captain .. hrlefresj)ite .. meritori01l1 publlcatton for · the o::r ire I1JII Our ~~b Cor DOW'" yonng" publiebed' at 2 a,ycar by INrtj"lQed""·H"~"'. ~'I r"·or.. · . ·, Il.oo. Sbepnr<1, Bosto». 'mcl .D dfj, .



Mllv he 'never stop . till ·be • I . 6ft; "



Ducll wh"MI 'if? bu" rcac~es the hig It••of, hls am l ..1911. Fll/ur .lI bnrrel, FI Jur I' Il\VI , -1 ·u ' ft' ·;t·· ., g . 8 ;lIIer'1I Ib Jo SLATEll lAS . een I. mgnm qn L"" '~ It> us occllsionlllly du, ring tlie last week, and Ottl' office wns· c l ICCI'e I by 1\ ca,II AjlP I~'1r ''10 l uo I'e., " . b' , T d IIc\vill :'JJe Peor. lP "" .. hel. rl'O~ Irll on lies ay. , PUI_lut'. II bushel, with liS lignin ill the FIII'I, if pl'es· Dri.d Apples ellt rotllndlt'- contilftles-thotfg hhe i? doaell, J _ • .• ( ; , Ifee 'II' Jl, informs us be IS afflIcted wltll t~e 'N~w-Orleen8 Supr 11 ~ cOllslIllIption"':"doily. -• 'i: N.·O. ..e, 11 gillun. • .. •• .Sorghum







~ t8J;~11TIOI~ER:

~r~II';o~u.epUon :or p'"


.DfetJlfl.I~f "':11_1. laObo.'. , Pee&Orat, 8,~~ ~, "k~~d ~D~r.a)IJ. u,, ~ 'J. 'Work ' of all IIDdJ ~Inlll.r,. u oaE~·R;";RlNTZ. . 8:. .



P.nmla.hi~,· r ~~~; ~.t

A llrip DC dim vale greeD. 10", tbe . , JIW1!:e of tile ~ f4flI!lQ&, .bt ON ftr.iD&. et&1' til t timid',. Jll'4lpl rrom 1110 r•.lm htl'''


WbO " ~l'ker suit r gro... ~ n , 1-1' HI h ~ ) A.ud :;;Ientl,. 18 shllt III ntj r , r du'


- V4 r.::II

I'HI 1

00, •





1I.1r. I


( .t II



$iJ'L IO" IJ

-. bY'




The World Aston.wlled, Al T1I 8


Made by tho grea.t AIrtTologut ~IADA 'I R "

"" IUlIe.o

She rooenls UI r~I' nil m( rln l ~.~r She roalured 10 Io stll'" H- II ,I e









PR.ICE LIST 0.1 0111 (III/Irk) 70 80 go $ 1 00 ~~o~ OS I :15 pH r • II I Eng l /til nre"k(~ 9 t (BlIck) o !lO 116S1 i I ~V I,or p. 111"\ \'oUl l{ lI v",1 (Greell) 3} 91/ 100' rx I , $ 1 20 >1 QPr(ur $ 1 lt O I r I (' UI J M I( .1 (G rfl ll bll ,l Ill •• k) '70 till 90 beal




II E: e al'..811

Third I!

• 67


Omeo .M'1'()10 I



nllorul ~ lu ,,!'i ve

.. 01

IItl'f BKD •• -li:very mlln who ~IU Il g&1dell\:bdltl ~ eJ'! 80 WIll "dt.1 mfl4erlally to lite 'prod lice by AVAIling 111 .... 8~ lf of Lbe adnnLllges of 8 IlOt bud ... ~ I I In the elll~ eprlllg A "ory III e (I " ' a "'"111.n oe 10 mll l-. ole that III'IIJ ~" 11 do!ib~ lelflee 10 LII~LeolOg 811rly "g et.ibltll aDd plantl, Select Il 11'11rro ex 108ure. protecled (rom norLherly wmdl ~be ~I.urll m~f be piled on 'ha lur. (ace••Grrollnded Wllh plIlD)I aad blink - 1 ""h ear b , or " may be pUI ID II \JU u lome elghleen or ',.,eol,)' lOoh~8 eop Use free II II, bl e in IInure. WI LI I





anodlllfJ[ Luroof'~fI'" Qr

10 11'01 ,


worked our lind paoketl 1"0 or LlirlJo teet deep, wllb a co,erlog of mold ~IJI IDchel 10 deplll

A (tl" d"l.l wllh Ih"

IIlb OD wtll lulloe to prep lire II fo tl e receptloD of lhe leed 'filII grealesl difficulty II .n Lhe .fler ma08gemen~



dd b chsu e8

atId pro,. IDa Some aplll,' coverlog IU e 01 we.tber ror gLhe h I usb". \I n~Ge .. ary 10 prevon11 0 oa8 of beat at ntaht. Sbutters or Blla" A1atl are ienlrall,y IIled Plaots 10 hot bedl a~. deetro) cd by a too great heal, more OIpocllllly O[) a d I • ear, lanny .. y 08re should be In· lien 10 ralle the ••ell, ud 10 lei 10 R& Bloel, frea" alf 'al ' po ..lble. CanltllllO'\; keepIng up a reluI81l41 degroe of bellt for piaul gloWlIlg Somo Will m~ke mlilAkea In the mllnagelDenl of abo bot bed "Ill allow II to gel too boe or tl)O cold Will ".Ier II to milch, or let ~ gel 100 dr, • but praellce ood el08e 4ttrso"altoo will eOl!lt8 IUeCIUI



IBT Omonl-Tbel' Effioncy The COIOO.I repuled 10 be among lhe moa~ hellllhfuJ 0 f, tlte bulhOlle f"{lUI} , bUI, oWlIIg to 1t8 strong nnd pun"enl aroma, " le§M n f",orile In "refined ctrclew" Ihan I odgM 18 bo, 10 ollr chllogeable CIlIOlnle \\bere ~tde Rlld cougbs In tb rule Rod t:x d Iprlllgin autul1Ioar. 11". • empllon rrom ,hern, tbe excepllon, " free UII4I of lhe 00100 would prnenl muoh lulfenog, It. porlloll of • ,." 001011, eateo Jllst before rehrlDg 10 resl, WIll glloerPlty'$,ve rep08e to lueb 8S are lulfennl{ "lib lunga overburdened _llh oppre"l,e IIDd Irr""LlDg mailer - ·e braolh of the onlpD ea'er mllV not "lu "" . i, ibt '!. 1I be quit, 10 rragtabl - (lellra e, ul Ihe Dlghlly repole of such Will bo e lIough I"eel(or to b,lallce the ICOOIIDI

•• weeltly publlcltlon




PIANO - FORTES, A 2'.1 II !l!ld flL, N., ..... "rll.(; .. r

.J 1J L E S

11, 't ...


F ur reslurlojl lli!0no b Itl heu 1.The IIntler~ ll!'" ed invite lIe OU e llll un (ru 11 vh." ~~r I noo Ae It mny I ~Ie IIll ell of Ihe pu ,toe I d Ihe lrode I:ellflully I . 0 001) - 0 1111 f "rllll! I "ro wlh 01 I",,, np 00 II,e o • ~e l brnll rI IU8Lrum e lliA ul I .0\\ 0 I 1 II I Q~ ~ Ihu IP F~ 111,0' IQ equn \ t WI urne , I'll Floxel fth I menula clu re hUI t 0' Ihl! hes l tien. ,ncol Ih e Ilen'~ II) groll UTlII I! Ihe B"rlJoo\ ho' l rlrp S ,lhn CURLS I ma\erlllli, IIQvlflll otJ tile IGledl 'mpruve 111 frlllO Jive Ill, e)1l 1 w!\ulu, Of! h~"'!l'POn , "root'lf rd bl t ~Ir mente, b oIoJ hf nds I~ ['I,m Iwo 10 l l"pe lIIolllh ~ FilII Iron, ovel'.trungBall, A rew Ill n or nill I" IIlIllOn e rs h IV I! • • scrt 11 8~ 01 Prof DE BR~ ux s fnrs[1l Lr, C HE One nppilc utl on "art. llt II to curl ];RII:1o,OU GRAND AO'I'ION unOE SCAllt fl,1 '''ot Ihpre 18 1I1IIhlllt II n\ w,11 fur-co or VF.UX r F d hUle n l4I e j!rolt lh 01 he Io. fr or h('Q 1_ Ihe 1<\081 &lrll"hl and- 8tul born hOI( ul e ll her &elf Into \\ ftvy rlnglel8 or h eny, 'I "", ortv B orf! BUrr'n...... (0·Th~&o Ilr~IIl!lh blld beauly of nflt F,n.1. nllr. 1 h ""H U8sertlOIIB lire Intep u 'h ousand. 01 m8 R IV\, rurla 1108 be. n II sp d bv Ihe hvh It wllne.soe <I" m th~tr own E'xporr bllll, J> lflly Bower, and SII1IUlI: Q.ullll e llce) COli beDr W"IIP~S But mOll Y 11111 fnsillon"ble e of r If S d LOllrlun WIl h tyof 11111' _oy hOll'areWellld slll g",,'r !\lCj!'e Il' Ihe moRl ar.,W\., It r.eull & D oc! 110 In Sylb08e oraa,- Make n lheCouotry Ille Irom Ihe sPurluusl II cl'rtl1nly 'e IIIfV I) ,h e 1081; Pr a" by m"~. ~PO leet Tht!y Rro warranled rpr Iho fllllltirl1l of difficult ns nlnc lenth. of Ihe dlfferelll .lId pO.lpAIII, 81 Dt!,crlpflvo ell enl",1 Address BERGl!R, ISIIUT:J a 7 Yenra The In poctioll of Ihe mueical Prl!plf~lione Id",rlisf'd f(lf 11111 "ftlr end mnited rrell Illle n1l8' 8 No 2811 Rivpr '!'''/!I public II respec\fuU, eo)lolled Liberal beard Are nntlroly ",orIMe.s Dnd yod <'II. C, lerllli \P~ D"'lere. Tl"aohera alld (Ierg) rnn have alreldy Ihrown "lVay Inrg e Trov N Y 8010 ag~ III' fur the liJ S men Ctrculat pJlce LIII selll 0& apph omulIlIll 'ill Ihelr J'urcloR~p ']'0 surh li e ' £:atlun AlldresA lVouloJ"") lry Ihe REP~RATOR CAPilLI • I NARVESEN II \\111 "oat v ,'OU 1I0lh II".. ullleee II conocft 71 '3, & 75 F: Jl2.! SI, New York CIIV lully up 10 ollr rcpreHenlbll01l 6 If Y JUr Pro Ilg isl one. not ke e p II SU II J tM $ 1 00 nd "p \VII hrw.rd II 1'08IP"11I I Jl!e her IV Ih II recelpl fr r 110" mu, ry 1\ 10 c h .v II Le returned YOII on .pphcnllon pro\ Id1llg f (;UISl"ElC (;Olfl~ .. To All Whom It May CODcern I e nl rt "" Ii.r.CI1on I. not a ~elt AoIoIre .e For Cnrlmg the Han of IDlther W L. Cf ARK & CO Chenl1.18 And e8peclally thOle ,,100 have Hor~e~ N Y Sex mto Wavy and Glouy to be ~hod - Thp dpy hu orr ved when No 3 W ppt FUy l lte al S~ r!lCu se, lbnglets, or lJeavy, horse . \ un'l ,,\! ho ft breomc <lno of tho 1I10~1 Maulve Cllrls ..... pOlllcal"r porlo of Blnc.k ~• • mllllln~ Now ft dayl, If. • Dy uS1I1g lhlll IIrtlcle LR.h.. 8 end Gell I ti e me n Inn beoutlry Ihemaelvee II tholl hoy worl". (ew month. ftl 8hooinll 801) d 1.,ld It 18 tire enlv arllels 111 lhe he prl'Ienda 10 ' k'l.oW 110 II " lIud II hen world Ih nt Will curl 8t r~l g "t 81111 nl ho ft !)d a grell mIn, Oll)era - eY1'1I 01 t the s li me lime Clve 1\ a beolllllul, 1l10 ~6 y workmen-go 10 PUI 011 0 sboe, they be nppeor.nce rhe Crlep r r:llma Ilot 0 11 j?1II CUlling on Iho heel end slOp th cre If curls the 4Jul nlvlgorn,e8 heaull Wedel, .uv man to .hoe • h""e 10 Ira tiCI, and cleo,,~e81' 19 highly and delight vel 'Iltltt III II al WRy of ~ho~lnll~ When full, rrume d nnll I. Il\e most emnp·,e le a I eel I~ all cut 8W~y Ind Ihe bone I. 4rllele 01 the kind ever offered 10 Ih o Iraveleol 0\ ~r 0" hurd mads 1118 feAI con Amprocan public 1100 Crisper Co"," Iract, alld Ie becomos lome Then I" IS will be 111'01 10 "ny ~.dclre.. 8eo~ed and re'urnell t<l Ihe blodsml h who drnw. poslpnld, fo t 81 AlldrPBs nil ordE rs 10 eft'thq &hn c 01l\81he heel do wn IUWN W L C~ARI\E & CO cloeml SlS filS up thA ohoe anI' IllIrd 8rna/ler, nft 18 No a W""I Foyeue t, Svrocu,*, N Y It on, onJ dre.eea Iho fuol dOIYIl lu Ihe

" EMAIL DR PARIS." The New :JIcautUler of the Skin

O:T ,

In hil II *dtiefftel




-.- ,-








shoe nut Ihe horo. la no betler vel TIoIsle lhecauaeofaomllnyhorse.1>ellg lame-bad 8holllll" nul fnlt driVing or pldlng OIIl",lleory for ,hoelnll '8 10 le .. e Ihe 1001 il8 lIallln~ Ihape and Itae \Ve 1"'0

TI rr coo , Ib n

iH I I

11:8 0 1 I n.

I.e Ihe onl), Silicic used by Firat ClUII DOlele r..aunarlee Tbouaande of Famillall

I" on





In II IlftP. fur I!'YII II Ih o S kIll n heoull fill pell rl Iok~ I II" lh'l Is } lIly In lDd III y Ilh II qulell, ~ 01 )Vf H 1'. n Fr I k II A ~Imple . 81 l I e"r Moth Plllches, S.II \\ 1I08~ nl d ~Jl l l1l' lIrill e s of Ih e skin -k I dly he 011nil lll (" 80m e Ico . JIg Il while IUld etcnr s I lnbl6t~r II . li se cn n nol be c1elecletl bv 110 0 clo.est ft <lrullny, alld t ehlll ft VOllelft ble pre l'Hlth,, " 16 qlll1e h.rml~89 It \8 II t ollly Ihiroa or On rocelpt Ibe Ilind lAC 1 Gy the French, 81111 10 con II

o::r fl you hive one or Ihete ea~ee Ind have luith in nalure, II lve UB I t-rlel



118ed ea R


parlleu l"


Emllil tle Poria'

dphcnte be lUI IiRr or Ih e 8k,U for Tllenlre S.loon 0' n III K"om l1y IIU! Indel roHnpd 1 olld Clcrupulouw I,!dle,! , protil fl ng 81~ tl)A F ur I1\proVIIIg nlld Dc.nill} i Oil the bpn 1111) tug effect!! o( r oul(p-Ilfld I Iy "hlte C JIIIPI~XIUIi 1\ ilhllut I heir vulJor glare or IOJury 10 Ihe 'Phe m081 ",I nb e ftI d pp.rler.t FIf,,!,.rn 81em

(ure (oatrlele. Feel,


Ilglvoll a beaUllful I'oll.h. m.k1111l' Ihe IrOll 1'.0 am lothly Q'tr Iho cloth pavinl!" much lime "nd lobor Gona. dune up willi'


by proper .hoelll~. prot ided ti,e diflicuilly I I d I., nOl ~one too onll -ftn reAtore HI ah.ped feel to Ihp-If n&luraJ ehepe We hive pronf 10 ehow or ollr laceeal In Ihie

.A. C



luy'bot aud, olllo~r." , tl t "11011 I hnvl' Ir ed Ihp 8111n ltflouf,ti"" 'f.'E"lI)o II " I oA .. I} whl h .. lice .n. 10 I'Cr.IU "" 01 d all de P"". olld lIld Ihot II iu.'afllrV Is rrou :::: III .nd nil "tAy ho fn r, Impftrl8 ~ nOlurel bloom and trealme e to U\ III~ IJSP OF Ihe compl"xliln

leu 1'0



a.'' ,bY




Borse-8hoeiDR', a




IV AYfe'

S oli by .11 lint cines Drrll!gl~18 PerrllmeTS - nd Lnrll1!~' lfnrr Dlu He r. I I Albp" 822 Urondwl' "Demna 8 orn ~R & Cu ~nd P C WI'II. & Cu Nc\\ Y rk "nd EugO t1f J Ollln. 111 8ullih 1 cnlh MrAol. ond J """8nll, ~IolluIYD~ & _.:..:...:..:::....::___:...-_ _ ..:....______ Co tl I Phd Hlplo hlO ~Il .. nl~ Ji\REJ) & R~ NL Gellcral Agenl. nn I TIlI P m er8 N .. v York JOHN D PARle, I\~ent for C irelli

A ne" of lbe hm\:lIue gender II to be uoderlaken In TWJCle ehoell1g Will convince yott. ~e" York Clly, lL "11\ be o"ned and R eductIOn tn Prlce8 IIIlnaged In ever,)' department, mechRr leal a. "ell, by lMi1l1 T"o femll io New N I'll plaID shoes 8hoes Illed all roun~, I pboooR"plllCl reporter. (roQl LondoD Old 'ho08 lIet _II round hue beeD Imported. to do the olty af· ab. Tbe td;llOna\ 'till la to CODI.IL All other work in proportion \unol poatplild .. ot l ef ADn Stt.pben.,lolra 0111\10", 1II1LTON rJ'HOMPSON o~ErGEtddr8t\8 IIIl oroorK10 aller~d llldl_peh.nble to ft perrec~ lOIIp! Xu Oro\" lira 'Partoo. &l1d Nr' 'Ter. W.yne",!!le, F,b ~6, 1867 Upw"'t1a Qf a 000 ollies wcpe 1101,1 du P-HUE \Dne Ki. 0\"-0 Log~D ,nU be dra· )i rlnlf Ihe .,111 ye;rr • 8ufliclellt Ilulranlee \6 .:,'. .. A. D k r V\ 01 110 ellleDey Price '76 , r.en&~ Sent, a", e,_, aa.. Daa \0 111100 or, :n:. , ~, FRtJIT-.lAo118 oll/lre.1 many lIil1de POIIP\\iI, pli rUllpl Of I .. nrd"r II) ,tp"t_. . k "UI be Ko,IlIp· the ILI\\ Of 01 II " " " " \• • qli'JlIIUltI( '1lI' BEWER, SHl}TTB .. QO , " , 1111 cl~ bual\\! .10t I,le by L lL'~ E . .. ~afNTZ CbODliau, '1U R.lnr St., TrOT, N Y





VOL. IV, Np. 13.








~r CII.U1l.

O ............ G . . . . .-...TNcIta-ICI ,

•• 5",1ll~1A . '






» ........... w....... y ......... MHe.,

. . . . . . . . ",e .............. *t'aoe.;

Whil at 1I" Cry pout, bcrl\to(or~. li ns Billig , Ill' j~y . or Gr~cf, Or lovo . Or bcnllty , 0 ' rami o'ur, ] ' 11 ~i"g of' brcad Il ad I ecf !

8a1....aac:a .. IV"w.......... 413 Mile';. I " .A II 18 )'11'11\1 , I

22 \0 9, r)filet the Rort.eJt\1Out • .

I kn"w ~Oll!O exqui; ll 1.i11 6"Y I'm i,f tuc '\ltg-It r,. chief} To (ak., . " ('h IO lv [hCUlt.s fo; my lo y A. IUIIIlJ .UW brc ud nud beef. B\lt I ~ t til o\>ut hll" C hi•• 110........ HIM anU<ltlQg " ill btl briM, l t l' u.hulll'.•iJ tu hllv lho ('h eor

or Holid l,tcnt.l

UJ ld

bee f I

T,h e.rC'd JJ C!l" t~} in til e Wll\'(ng

g'lolliJl ,

The re's l'i uJIf.! ~ in t ho p lU..' ilf, nu t 1I)(l t~ or wCld"l nUlJ ,) uuty ',.; plniJl Whe" . h" wlI ill l>ro,.d nll,l uud.

'Tile C" IIJ~ ou a lhoU6""u Mil ' ,'

tempt IItl(1 utter nbho1're p\!r6on : Wilb LbOte "'n,I'I,.-. to dn 11 deadly iujuy Lo OO Illj,iuo ill brend BlId lJeof. or ' IIDottiet, wilid. u' ·I1~~i1.clb••U,,~y. ,Tho 'stn"I'" hosts thn' O'cr tiS sMno, "'bieh ;, emilY m.kc 0111' Ocr, , ", Oh, no, R shrug"" 1jf Beyond Our giltc 'Would (IIR' II cline, eh"ke. or:' I•• head "'~HI.'~ linu II C 110 brund and h 'cr. ' OIlieRlI't look Ij 'i'lllftltfiiiDl"'GlltlllYtI ed 'ilDpl!tl•• ion~ ap"D ual. 'D~.'lj~IUI" "IOtJ~. Till' tulliJlg ,o ~e~n, vfI&t, 'yb\iI1l'o, ,StmlllCls un ul~f"Y .. rcef, ;, lod "ldoRI h". Thu 601018 oj' gl'llia , in 1I.111C, 'I' he I(ICII'Y of the mountuin rill ,




H. W, ·cburch.

· . ' Iir.BIDKIICE-With OhOi. S\,oud, SOUlh

Thlr~ S'1l!!,; .



. .:..........t,.


.....;yJI . ."





~' lill! fCllidQllcQ 011

LocUst Stroot, WII,)(IXOTOli, O.




I,II)d,tt.~IIP~'I~ 'w.,I!a

a'5"Apbl \J) Iffnltllri~ promptly IU 811 CD .. OliN In. c "

:' I.'

p.'1 , rea~oMjlJe e,me.'


U · ..,....,."I11".

tU)N t; ?rHOltN& li'"' I 60 Per,Cent Saved "bv


w.,......-..e U_I,



Ad.a h baacB Menken,

G!AItkUl'll}) S&rAZrril~,

tu I!ive ,"llelllAtIO/l

tbe illil tQ ojyh1ch ws're hei /I'

ThQ'o i~ 11 'gIl l! . B~u ll I'oico' IhQ.t'~ llonr(1 Hy "II l!1? 8(>Ulld 0., Il en f. , Dut 1\1 1} cQ »Ih(cto r ul the W (nd 1. jJr,,'t'ious !II' nli "'Id 111l,OI. .

@ '~ :ii' a ~'ii' ~




W c"Q tIlund to rellt·f, W (,'\I finll the potent ngenn h'rt> Ib s tJoon ,,'((,,!I ' brend 'nnd bc~f;

Dt. L. :II;W~~O:a:, l\l~rllh 12]

:rb ' WMld I~ Il\IWC , hi ... II\l1~rl to blced, FQr "unl of ljreuJ jl~cf. _~


J ~E-NE~T ,~Y' l


The bn f(l' .cs,Plut 81lil ftc/Ill cihnc to ~liptC 8olllletl~ue " Which fail in breud and beuf.

Ld ,Qli pl' ..~~\I.ropi'J\.8 I~ko b.llW, TbllPf 1\ mau '~ 1\ tl,ie(~ 1

Sf., llearI1~p('0.he lbe

n. ". nA llDITT'S

• SOAP. Lnbor<8iL\'ing

Thl. ~OnJ' is mado from cleltll alld pllro' hI~ \tl. , , rinl8, cfllliuins 110 'adnlwrnlfon of .orl,) .!lv'll, .. . : ••• :;OUIO. \1'111 not IlIj uN the mUK! uolio1\tc "fuilrl c, ,Old jg (!~J!Cc llllly nU'lllwU 'foV Wtl01!eli3., whl(.h will hilt ~In··nk lifter being wlI ~h~ d with thl. SOIiII. It IhUl' bo ul!Cd 11I1I~rd or 8o l~ Wille .... It will I'Ilmuvo 1l1liut, g rOll8C, i .. 1' 'LOd g LlIllIS of u\l

.......... .,...........

011 '" 8"'''' ~ . . .




... Mnof may 'epriDa rnd.. --, . . . . . .era· t.l

._~ -~-~~"- ~-~ • A-U" '"

L.L~ .0.~10~

-...;~w. .....,. .... ......



WAi ae.I ...IIit~



.. CIIUr ...... ......,h IIL.... !l· , IIlB•• York aue~'_ltjjra 1lJ__ • ar.wJ., _me l ... . Tbo HbHoa&loa 01 ab. In& "BlaI'" liad I'oa Aad . blood, • . ·r I • • _ 00, Pltlld~. a.d Tielnor .., . . . ol OoIdltw ~I"""'" W.'IIta t, ....... .... a..L p..-..Iun .n~ ab, F~Dhln lb. i. .ra .n ",d eoa.,ili 110, .... J •• I __ D,bddfi. wme If~1I pohol!lDea for tile aare., of AID.rie. . bOok·...lliD' •• howing. •• it in .Inehd, ... a ••• ber 01 the rlO~I" aDd all. "Iuut. 0' the Tho bin wGaDde com btl 00.1d lD.ller h . . . . ho 11111. whll ,Wo Erie VIIIUII'" oaud., I LF • kb "A -'. I.E ., PIIG\td ialo •• lDell .paoe Ten.y IItlp _ . IO.-DH • .11110 II Y Ie,er. ~DI;la. whelll.r ul.llnr In tim .. l"Id .,...1 .







..,...aIlIIe ,....... C)......



j b ... lIet O,ftled • Muelc 8tore


) Lako ODtario b.. bee. pUM4l bl ~b PQ8... .bioh before &i.,,& ,~IALl: OR Fl!1MA • W" ~ Ie tlllr r.,.ID" upoa All oblltnle h i d a ooC'ClilDn wh~l"w"r c••,..... rhlil'a,lnll . " 1111 n•• th d ·Irom .t-'-III 'h, .. y. now I. lh.llft·r. 01 .nd 14J DET;a OIT ST~';" hale NO. ile CoD~ of iDinledil HOlI.' . I .1 dl Ie,er". • ' " \ lIUIuer uf HOW LONG S·fAND ING. . I,repa 1ItI \.(' j IIl.lU 00118 .... VI • lOgl • InIO !.~d OOIIIpl'1 .. w , ,01."1 II doubt No nt. .. Id re r ,be rha hUlh of Di .....". IIf tll ..o ·or."n. ,,'qutlro pralae i, a mark ot.b.Uo w"elll; ",h.r. III., "lIIlteo ., 011 em till .. ly to . . . ir .. .Ii ioOuI ... W __ "~., Ihl! be r", I~. " le" I~r"e 1. &00 reClly f nt lca I ' ."O""'e I di 1 lMIo_ u~'"lh''' ,okime. will b. .. '" u -. d .1 II I'tlc" lmen tr ••In -erlll OOIDmeAdMlo .....u.&88 on · __~ uret .c. . pt!' nu o. kel, 110d went {urot.h" f'" b.tll. Ile,,, Qllere · ulla . g,..1 ia. "'·1 ate ~OIt, ,o"lmin or n 10. fbi II h 10111 IL._ " J' I~ rdl Nt:1Of/fOl mOl& .... ~ OI'!lII1t~" ' oat Ie Piu1I()/J, ~ -""· , 00. P"'J' DtertO\18 r de· e to I 0 oao rl UDobie .... ha • I (rQm &hoM who are . I.' I __ .i _ ' Uupe~·i",· 8001le, O .. r FI.o" .n.1 fUood lire eup· '.'1/'111, oJ (/tliJnrll. SAt!W J(~I(' Tbe ,oluOM ... aD ilD!Dediaw lIucc:e~, lalor. !wI" .... llboul 9.000 eall" 1C n, )br · porled frum thea.! .QUrCt'_. and Ih~ Miramo teet!.be dron hom the gold. aDd II. dea,,,,ble .Ie~ .(,ro.elD i"n. "lUIi.iI untl" li.t, r"mlly l.rl>ffI. u",l I of ViCJ(i:-' r .. pioa BOOlo:8. Ihe "M lad 111.-.. Je 1D"1 for d baa beea projecte ne.i Happi and Health Uaererore, WOrlO than worthlllAlllj . aad Gold" ~b, ~llIlIh h.. quit Mnt! M..ji". lind 13.000 t.i!,!!,·al S'"I/9', eoadd be or . ..... boDe8\, llinoen! .teem or appro· If il :"ere ~ced I.bere POI,.rll r; dePl'IId.t upon und!!r Edco"'d u. 'rhe b.Ltlo. at ' '1".1 Ind thlt ~~ I~:~r a. u".11 . :J:~:'~I I R~errlbl ponB~~1 ''''t. In n~~~II~ nnd. ~~!~~:: (rom ,teNl. 1!U'r 10 clatiOD, ~mlllg from. true·he arted ao&hl"1 iDew il"bl~" - I prompt u•• of '. roll." • r"m,"". h red oOIl~id .. w • ~coounL whlcft of OOvks of II I I"ricea Ihe d n ~. write. 10 ollhe Wul. tinlh,d Helmb old I 'Extrao t Buo '11,pAr lOuree., is 'like apples or gold lq pic· Ioadio, .~tIa 'he prod"a, blooil.,\ ,ir.ty vil\ .. io.- , E ,c"bud" i. iiJl! iOllreliaillIC HOll' • .lDlhe t If I witb an7 p"et! a. ow I"'pl • b"\'e by whol. sale tile 1'.0. ":8 IhelD pre . , 1 &uro!I of slh'cr,' both b9caufMl of its lind is .~ id \0 IllIYe jUl t l!xCCUldli 100 ~;'ba;II.I,etl, "pw"dll of 18. "rio"." " ~ Give n~ n ell I. and au" I~ '. tb. A&luuo of "Ii w"rOja, .ud OUW fl. T ••• Rr.MDO~,D. ltll\.l rarity when silloeTc, and the infre· vf lak.. 10 nl\rplltro COO.lnc:elobr_ has ntl ... onen ri 01 the (.el. " Fronch ftelv",. d.,.,o IhlS In progress (urI.her for ~eed LU. bet.eoa 149 Bturllll,' ay, ft cw York. and r9o~1 , P quenoy o( Its esprcaa ion wholl really ___ T_ Inte".1 I. . . Qe,~.:compAc\ rl IIll .a c-heapne of "O~ .t . Iria aM Lab ODtario only tbiny·h Till. a.ed hilS been met by the "UIII . Blrorl.r bu lc,Jbltnn hofMe . 16 .10 , oulh 10lh strool, Philadal phla. Pa. , .'" 'all ~ (elt. T Id be Ih I J --~ ~ .pt to SO II Ua . 1'- b' b ~ ' G ~.-.~ .1M .. rue, we are IInunlll in 1I0W book. of " • engt roond" serio:s hor coII'" m....," 10 .0. itT oyer lOme publlo hero. whOle orret I/ir 'l'bo .\l itor of Llle D ..ylon ')U~ , @ ".\ \'Ousn L.lny rcLllrnlo ... to It'i~ I''s. lbe p,opote d .canal. There I. now or pllblioa\.ion b1 T ,I·knor Ind ""jIHII'U or " ruw ntll.)tll ft III al\UI'" clalml to be Uoui&ed esls' (too of· ":ho growor " a 81Iries wh!ob marks .. r!\!lb p"inL ?I 111<1 ."ya RETAI L DEAl.E RSIN ill' h~r ten) bu' In tho newlpa pcra whlch .ooDlloe.ion belWtOD the Lwo lAkes. hOlDlon brlll,.y. fro~. )ourneY \ llt~ Git)' , WM ""nlly rueob lli:!o(~ .... ~ lurnlld ~~IIA In . XE N IA . mtlkillg boo~. ~n flure " deP. Wei· . Lbo c.llt1d •• .1\.1 a 1I,,~tocd CaoaJ'l' rll"~'C, ". ollihe r. cOll bot, r~ of d; oeo I'l skywar I" enly f'·"·.III.. I 8Qsudd and m Ol,uk. BeDdthe M,l\ml. of , (l) portions I 011 ' Ihrollgh G~ld and Blue lb. "bi:lb "el8(l\1 uf '~flell-'" 111 IIlmoriL DRY GOOD S , \aDd 011""\' h tI " . ,,1\ rllu,. Are oO'V I 'repsrod to rural.h I"~~ •.t..• th"l whe\'tl,e r lie ' IlIll1'hl~ i<moolbu pnffo I the momen \ the 'Wb~l lheene aouMle,. 8Iatea 0 1 Iwcuty· 1,,"tlll\ll "" IUlIl ,,~. ,WU ll 'Iellnyeo caD . a"paolty ... 10 . 'oar or I.e b .. tldred all. III. publIc. 11'1\11 lite . 1&. dl .........l .,olome. fh. "DIKmond l ennyson. •.• ....:..... In ... ._..... ¥IV pppos "" h~ t'Xl\IIllOed · \I~. three . he rc:,I1 ~ "PIl<ln r~11 bul i~hluol\. Up"n JND £~E.tPI8T BE8T ill Novemb t:r I••" L", pro· h",l aD 0"po ..&unIl1 lJ , pllblial.t od ARE •• "U •• ~SW 100 II QUE ,,1 .. e . C But chilnb' ~ paN. n'lIt :t • Ickly ourwora hlp.ocoo lDpADl es the he round Ihem sound ID Im]l,i r,r . ' I" Lho IIf ~o . . bill! frlli\ IhM In·'lhl. mnkeL ~. . . . ....... I found .. be i' • 10 • 1D0r ved. Briti.b m thllt . 1," 11...,,1 tl,~ Clr· wa,WIU'd &alldeaCty of rortune 's clr· beeid" ~,jt belu,,1' to lht hMvl.nJ: Ihe propOrlloG or a~ leut ltigllL 0111 or : "II~ 1,llIilll), lul.1 'h ,' will con.III or allltl","!' lIoci . .. pr &. Quid" . ."n\.l ARE, "BIIlI! W reo .uch IIARD .ader '· aad il1\'1\llI _a., 111 1 i~ ca!lsian Balm, ulld ('Q II$lllercrl . ell!' · This goes to lbow the instllbll . GoyerD VI ple..ed 10 __ ~"t wllb a 1liiIe ot nellrly Ili.O~ Cvp'"8 11111. 1"bl, n~'/'IIII"i~ .. " to ""Y',"oly'd toil t. JIy iI~ . l~ ~ 'aO.pJj D EP 16 ~~~ 'U it)' of our regan l-.t he Juusbro ou !!friclion. . . 11M latter il L All 110 I' ,"cc,," h. 1D0nth.. ~ 11.1 10 three 11\ d b' Tb of l " 1!4) 11 11 )' L'I,ly Or C1°I,~lolII " " eli ll 11111';'01' 0 _ . \Yi~e . • CllrloUa • Empren _ 'fhe 11& to U' tll" ~J !ollowed b4r 10 iL~. (\ • prupoee ~ Ip e.D .oa .ur~d, ,hit "1'llClirlIn CO nn 11I1lI1,,·(.1 foua&!.Uoll lIPOU which It 'W• .b,~Ut, pate. .. __ ,, 11 "DI"moUlI MaximiJi.D i.· "nlird, realored 10 11",lr 1'<,,,,,,,,",1 .. ~ ... ," D DIckens 01111 .... "01 woald .nd ulli' qdortal her C III' be. '" , ' "~. 111 I, iii it.o UOllluiJllllill", Il" N"L .r ess.,. .. I ..~ aod the mutabil ity of·pabl ic • haallL. c!'ll1.", 8till, lItere Loni••fellow." lad II~a "DialDond Whil' . : Kulf I. ';iUlI'Il!, yoL 1I11~lIrJli\"'<l1 ill it . emell e), · Tobeeu re.inth esiOr 'wor. 001& .!ar..... tl "r. - IIIe .I~ lie ~ be 109 a'E,0uno~d rOt v " ~i.' WtCJI"'r· Sit!ill!l and IJam i. eo doeb& , .... tlte . ben.&t. aoonaiag 1\lsn )"," lill}:, lllripptng alar 0«,' we a.IlDot QRCl I!r W08HIn lIre badl1 w.nled ID In Ilrnwilll': impuritlu8 (1'0111. ~klu . '" Piekel$,. P.nn":'1 SI 9.It. Fone.IOII .. tlllI btI.ngfe ; "Ito DO~, Pdbhcati ~t.~D oatl'I' ,he j,nlif, cOlli f.lI, lind wOllltl til k ng froll hClllltll)'i 11",1 blcaaed iol:': ou~ n, olcll and , o.n C,YC8 and ears aT yo '0 I UI. Califo~ni.. . . 10"1 "," \I.t, TI~h·en·ti Iho \. . I u · P.I n prt. ' ~ , I Tb. ODable . IS 1aOq_'i I. a-iIIt,· AWa __ ,. It, _., e r"~ '0 IIID~ 0 pc...... .. l, . 0_ .' 1<1 1troot ne llllil 1111 tho rutlcl.e It .....ul..... lIOa,.. n r .v.r· I' CXI"". • o!lih,c ~, Sllwod ' reelllpt. reno.e Inlem,,1 , Ii:r .''''),14) I _ . " " JIOIII· .""pwOl D' d \':illllly 8, D' , - w_ & .. dnll\'~. from Illill its lmJturltic . . . . Ib de ...1. 'd'II-'lL d dt--.-.-6 __ .. J-" L AT B t DK 0 "P.''k'':'' k P Ie "n~, "I ~ tODrMI 18 0 • IDtllial.,. dlY JlOW T" • . leell In I, ..,.., OOD ....18 for ollnelY~ _ illt; Ihu ~1I1111'. I\no IU~\' ing Lh" surfaco,nll Nn · ... . lUI • . V . .... I lies ~ lpera. \CI I .• le , L " . . • l h l Oa' o o LU. to I!m ]kie n, s<. Lu. clt'lIr, fl'CHll he, es t ~lIouhl .... il la ~ftIf .£/Jl' '~it. MMttl'l' ~1l\I'11 l .., . . . .hnye do &It_ UUle jobl ():7 Be.,."r ,. Se".rd h". 'aLely in· tu", illlllt\dcd mCb.oeltng ~WI.; b~a~ . oAW:jJ'G4, II " 1.,a."r1 vrvt.. In d W1It:I Ul'll ~'~"Ihe vr~ ' Ihlr~,. " . aa. • .aadred '''0 II MlliI , . 000 . rio. trlliob '100 · f Ex or li'· · db' bl "'II Il.lICilL "II. . I'rlce . . " IC., ."ntlln!. • br pe,...a l . obler..UOIl' we IDut&a 1 , I1nllho ,or " 1,um b, cr~~nin ·o'n~lurda~ w, ... tIe ...... L • ' h l .' U h I 0.,. II ~ or , __• _...._ , ' " W L It f . I b te .. ' .nd. ollr _ _ _ I liD "'l to, • ID •...- 10 T e"a,fOG. D'lealn.. . . ..... ,Do'o. · larF.o r ·. qatrter 0(" Natary · Jl""~" Ollrct:IJP" IInurlcr y 1itIed1 Clepend upon tho b Ihe Thl forlD will ~ Fri~a.d" 1 •• .. . , f'" " oweftr, clln be o.-reom , DY"OI lfIl"t I. ~". :I, W~~t FII~' the)lO "lar demo!l straUon l;1Dd h~ • . • !wea" lingte Jlyi,.1 vr CL~nK &.00., ChIlDlI~I.I of 'he cit" ~djuinl·rD. ~'?"(th&.Id., YO. . OW" 0 ~\IIII1f1 otber enginee ring IHOIId orlbe "rlu.'aad "ill 1M ...,~dy lbere Dlily ho ' N·Il·;-I . ~~Tcul~lo ' ~:; Ill; UIIlp.II·I .Porll U_Ute, • "~~ , • • , HIl".~~ D w,e;u. o~ ml,1ake1l 1 III our est!, IDea•• of locka or (l OOD,~.tol The., S9DLh. . $111""_ ,0 I pl'Mea~ O. C 811 'he II! or ... duriall ben " lbiD,. Cn" U I 90.11 F J ., M.rch lit 'X.llh, 0" -.I, a-'-Ile """11 our .ppliado li. Th. mOl& i"norl.I 01 I _••_' aDd a-.. D'... lid" 94 11' , .... " ,. -l"wu .oon -. B' Ga..,.1 ohn C. remon t! y Deee ~ ... an '0 IIID~ • . 1110 ' le, en'orpri 'be wiab ' 4oa at ~ce aDd 'ace that 'our Ie OODMCll , • b., /'rota the fa, ahou& 10 open ~ bllakiojf hon!I4J i~ ..W"II pnaled In I • •U Wondc~fnl Itn. Trnc, ,,~ 01 . ' . .... &he wor"lI tbe bitD,.. '"' d till tdl d.lilJllC1 in tb.o c..utia, uf ,be .l'lOl. N.w York. tnilDe Our Sloek 01 ' COlDpe1 "'!low",,, worlll l!' llo P , 10 not E1W'hTI\~ R .~ :,~>: e ~I.\n ~.QDlt. 'w o I ' ;..~. J ,,,,kefll q care 'J' :,. g '-, ... e~.dlp tb. "ad Ih l1po. penoM. , I"Of •• tr llut. aDd ()IAlm>Y ·maoh to bllUllo. Our Intentio n. was. ltll\j II~ net &l':~"! tlX \&11\' ~ A~~r"I.":! I"t 111,11 S.. nmRlllh"I~l<tlc 'he Oy ~ tlary . priDling in 01 ... olea'!' .eou~ d "ponde certainl y the best _ we dougll' we II tb.1 be dOe., th. mone, • ~e exemp ,,·h,le III 1\ cl,llrv"YlIllt SlIlIO, c!ollllellh'ri Ihe C"r .ore !llltily re." lbaD 1DI01,bouk. tn r.ceIP" o~ ,,1/ 10 I ro. l la,,,I •• nl. "~'Y f~lItll1'C9 of tho ~I'lIOII ),ou " ru ta mar· on. lax.t wero .doinJ homage .t the proper iD i& will be .a ISCMlII'D froOl · chOj"p Ihllir Aad mach la'ger lelLer. _____ __ '_ _ . r),. IImllJy tho I1ld of lin instr,ullClit I'illt CIl8C 'D,wI. at· '''NISi un,ler is I 1 • • d th _0 R" lh"_,, De" commen d. tbem 10 ell in ....... _ '...... 11110"'" 8~ the r~y(lh(lmo~I'''I)o. gUIII' · .""wer. the I~o dre elr IjIO, lUI \ e~y. · ,RgurBi lyely, 81Iuing or dll1' of hiab pri... '1'b.· '\II lime. of &on on ti IIII.tare ~t . _ _ CI deelded · Imp'O'li.e.~ This tbings the U\Il8ll11 p\'Ol\u~'C II JlUrfcut UII~ IIf",lIku ('II"." I 'ronl. orlng nto t;D0llth b1 ' po~~er lDili wbiah explodt d uear Xea\" ~JIICQS 10 ll.l. 0 .~iI"lI\r.alIJ 10 tile .pP~"'DCI or.,.\l(.( thu cp· "'Ife or hll~fol,,"J re Th. foUo"ln . IlDport"n' ..lDend ., Diaken"; !" llt",. ,are Issaed fulu lloe of tllrll . ~ that ~c~. Geear'a ,' - Ule meed .' thlllr wl\y 10 on ll1esd., Ings. lind • lDent. hue bUll IDBtl" 10 the re'fenu. mnnlh, WIll floubtle.. 61l~ sllcllnt, wlth:,l"Iu ur "u"'rinztu, IIl'<lulln "un. pl'lliso thBt w. dae .to,him, l~ ioinlil"b the wbere lld. boueebl; m"o'y. lo 110 ard ;8 1'hi8 in,. C ' , r.,.., r. 1 aOD chriril~ ... I bylh. k'"~lng Inills uf 'But there II.m lnatance $ {n the en. . no,eh.L baa blLberto beeu a IIrllllgClr. , ~ ImllO. itlon, II~ te~til)lolli"l~ Il'ltilOllt mllllltcr . ' I rd II l. tor () " 1 cia h nftIt f ' J • • .: ocaman ~T IlED'lJ CED R ..lTES. s",rnp" ', pluce of Ial,.tlo , ,,[,;p. st"tillg By o cgery n.o, ~ I t . e mat urt. · n. un C thon Ihe old .'Y Ie cf Sldln\:. A. A generAl Wile"'. Spriag o:::T . It' 'tl~tlon In •• )· B . ","I\'I.c}t 1C~~IlI nUlllllth', ~b"l )'!!1 c of go~ 'li.I"~iti"", culor peraoll~ iOVOlJtlglitlon c4unc;>t be KNO\V TIIY DESTI N·Y. ~CIIOII 151. pr"elio. In a lD"jority of se"tOu" the over 80 relldUy. and still tho oppor· .t,,~p dull .., an (llllg lil"y COIlt., rtl~" 8'lm~(t .\\11\'1'1011(\ 0.1 Il'rellt t!ltl O". TIIORIIT F. E. MADAMS . eulli, ' 10 ,'()II elln ·get, thts ~idingo\llyal need aot do . Ohi.) of er. .. , f"r .ld • or ." .trilling bl J IUIlIDdec .t. CI~irvcy."t and tll'tll'BCll to yuurself. )'ou will rec(·j,·c tJlll l'io tUDitiea am passed by nnlmpro \'ccl; be A~ItuI021 Engli.h bll8 practice bUllbli •• ~Ii.~ ~prinf{ wale .... l doe'ID.D tog Ib"I' wi th dCilirc,l of . .nd we meet aDd pais our. Ijelghb or ..beclll" lh. word. "legal P.ycll.o,,"Iri\:ian. who bee aslonlshed Ihe turu by rotnl'lI nll,il ,Ad,lrcll~ an at a in rllnfl ,h'II(·C. \ n en nd iOlerlia s iu iiI!. bten !lraqlDlIIII populllr of I"Le year ••l. scientlfiu IlIf.,.,lIl1linll. _ ~ •• h World. Old Ihe . cf ~ ':"'8 dayln·t md !layout , whom wo ~ay .ad.n tbe,.dte r •• pr0611.b II proud .ad th" crop h •• r the ~J1 • • t tail to lh d Hud.oo. N. Y. M .I II.'u, O.. nTll UUK llt:lll ~ IJT(l:<. 1'. 0 . ·1)0" h fAle b Id1n ._.. . . , .1 _.. . - _' 110010 those who hll"r rNi8t'd il. 'l'hr nnw loe.tiMI herselt .t t~· lY . ereo ' . : 0 "wIng. luell wond. 291. Wc~t Troy, X. Y. .K ea ~. 1m ye PORI"IM'" n o Thornto Ah,lame fa· g11 uceedin ben .. h . ,!inl.r paIL d.aiu ,'IUDP. the . "Pf'OfI~d, Th"t Impart let the oPe, .moM Interest ed ~ the IrAia ••nd w"",e eflu} \lowe".o f aecond elllh'.• I I ao anCII " ' DB.. BORBl'I UK'8 ,.. ' to \1D."..d .., tba ",-.1... lOW... [B} .,orablll fo, ' wiale, I.u. .~ lle.o' Ihe createel "nport~ knowled h lmowlo dge -c:rcept,oanolt: kfQ)", ' f .. e. b _ r._ In. .ither 01 • ........ mlnled Cf IIn(le' . cr,orn.~r~.troilUdWlt~r~lI.; the ' , ·w.'" ' ' . ""nler . • " . . 411101111.° ' .. a ,,'Pier. pea. D. PILL W" 0( RE ""~lit DnA . . . . . HAN 11 .. e"t fHlllll. ... i . he 'hM 'nlplre jl.eb .. U"II lI11rdl, 1M .~'l . WI.\lelu~,.o("'Ocll •• b'l\fl'ln ~UI. 8'.r.R£B'I'. (l"{OJ~ld. . . . ..... "'..... ..', to . . . . oD.'hlll 'oaad.I :..A 8l1blft-4t'1lltJ rol'""'-. . ~ .re 'b. ~ iit1fllI eDOup ,U ,tluMI& iQ a 6,,1d ohpnog Ibe 'fer,. 'e~\Ure, of Ihe p.NfOn JOU I~ '0 ... th "1... (or b!t .......... •• ' IUP!W4or b.\ ...... Pln l..l ~ I 1 . rujDrnt0 Itoiati rill I an or aid . . . . . . . . . .. . , . . , t.h. by ~ nd mnry;a 'Act.looa _ I . . 1 Ifd f.i/urea • a, .. m II' 10 o.~d\i ."" por.t . who"t. ]Ju' 01' Ihe Ihw u or .~e. P 1·1I1r lbe poIt... \0 ...... ,h. . . ._ ,o, P.yehp" the .. .~ 0 er flauWII power. f. • Inlenee ( lOfDe Olld. tlaal,.t 8Ia~ ael port. of Brl' h.r.lo'o re expenea ='=';"'",,:,_~.0I'-::.:-. ,:,::.- :; WOIIda. bu'la.f ollo.In ,tlaat.. ,mm, I /ile"lIko ;did 1Iot pllt la ••eb . i~ ..y uop.., guar. .,.e• .to produ~~ or .w ll. 01 ~ ,tdecl". .Awclp,o a: ~011. ..... ""'"" _ WIotr .... -.,..,. 1111 ___ the,. f'orae' rnlu~ ~1I.b.nd It'ltpou ible to e ",heal, t.., ("II. I lind If they piclut' of t~.I. to,ether . Thill '-lIiliii l1- b 1\ 1M • %elDpI ",Ialer ,,'tb· of mar. _.. epplleDI the be mu'!l h ..r. ~'_rda are thlll-" ,'and that- th ", tAii thi. ., orop rallll. •• .,' tttoeo • . ....... ' . . . ClJ ' 01 . IrIIll. ' a-. . INdlRI' . •• lif . 'Prinl wheal, aIid we tJ'i.. ..eb to rlille. po.III". In . of . . . . . ' lUed1cilie~, fnja.'.....p d.ty." ".1 ol\ea be n,~ to~~all~ cher.cte r.... 'rill. I, no hu,,,buJ r.'1 , _~_..,.....,.....,tI.e b I ~ I'" ~ I'a ~or ~h go 'he ,r .ad tho .... lHertiIl .... A1eo, le .. Dd. Df tetnlmoDlal. aali "Irrl ,hnU ... e orop. aedON are nelt' to llil-Ib ng .pr • ollrl_ • IbtI '- "' _~_"!......'...L. ,'" • et!rtllled . ·::!.r.~~""lcb . . ,~ r-" . ~ •• ' repo1'tl of .D ~~ceed:n,,11 fll'or"bl e She wlll eend wbeo 'd"'red guaranlee. Ibat the · IKlREKO&'ll .UDaAJ UI J:1LLB .....;. ..... , ~~Io~'1tha~.IUllf'l, diee, ~ r~""U", to "p.te ear .ritt.n or te. cerllflCll I 1M.' le ulllDtu fI~rtme froID relult "PrOflideJ. 'Doll....... " Jlaa!Ioo:IMt. ...4a11"1Iofdon"'''' ~e an lOme SU"ba~ friend Jaill ... a ~I~ .... ~Iowhl' _oNe: plclure .Ia whet il purporlll !O be •. ~y en~- Dye ·ct·t·~s, . hber ·foe. ,rob.te of lInd the year before, ia Ib'I)O.0 Ile8 of _1"~ "11, " . ".dnl' In,l .,. • h 01 .ek I long elegy UPOD blm, "'''Dg. (orth 'rUt ~mlll a '1;J WU "ad otll.,. .- closing . Hillml, .... a d. . IIIghl.n .. . . Knox. _.. "':::' la 0( • . . 00 to k1h /lIlc" 01 blnll •• ",. c!lepoeltion 'i»nd h., ' ~ and publllh i -~J' or. _. Ver11Dllch of ~he floar ro" in 0.' IlleU_ It ........... e.. ng· .hORL rro. ·"Iexl" ••• Dd .nemln g Hft, c:entllo d epring of "'Ide i. m.,I1.~ or ,t"dor HlDlfti Good\ , P8\"film~ryl on r o . t.,a, willi . . . c ....... _ " _ "' .... ob J. \,r.rlr" 1 woa:id~" ~DaJl""d d~ w .. adDI.tia 10 d add,e'SII entelupe '1IIIIp~d Ihe AlilwlIDlle. lInd Cbio.go IDlUllet:ill ........ ... ~_-...we wbeo .. _ "q.lred be deslr4'U Ih"II IntI bOad p,clure lhe gul1llu rCef'i'e ~~o WIll ~11 ynu by O C . , 'HaIr~OiI~ f " ,) ' d ~ beloved aIld rCip,eCO Th bet ...,.. . . I , .1... · rom · 8n· inlo'lItllion II, retmn m_i1. AU com~u . _Inelt~ knIl " \.:,..;., -'I · ( IOwlOi~ or ~"e I e rOllI effect., • .lI.eI ...... "la~e ........ Ihe ........ Dr weluof . . . . lb. . . 0 'WlI,loh real1s very ftl. Ad~re8" 8114l'Ituo Rest:"rn ~J"'es J hlclI,lon ••aCUltll, ~onlidenti · oc...... UIoI "'" twD n"",_ Of ..... Deo!Or : 8d•. -01,,0 FaNl~r. EFT ,. Ad Uilih· W . J'capllCt(1I1. nndla cherish ed · by .the aad ·po......, doea not eJrOHd ,1000 ' . - ... ""'a... III ......... ........ Iioe_ I. :nO&IITol .' ADt.~ • •. f!ne~ CUll" In . . . • . TI 61' 1IIt.,.p tax tI.... oI'~_t"" Y. N. Hurl"IO, tla. Box I tl \·ca.; butthel ',oaren lnotych nn. P~f.rl"", 'l'ha& DO ..... O. P. l rca Thcnta( Gtllllcn 10 Wmter . ...7 • ' ....hIt., ---'-- ----: --cea out of tho hUDdrod \h ,t.l.J dead.a ..u 1M ..,talrecl apotl any papore DN· oCNew. York WM entirely '\(,istl'oretl ' By ,', 1ioI4bFIIII t/nWIdai _oIcslen. I'fIott IG_ A.• e. LIv.1]8 SAVill ) FOR' IlR'S -L .. '--- ' CBlLDR ,. 'All ' I M ' IIIIa a-t, fl Morth b .lb from n OOIce..No col/ealio Prinelpal the lor ..... to ' . CENTS ~TY qlan ever auw,,,,,,,,.. ~4, J!qrID, om ny mornm g. -AMio. a, Ooud ·" ~.t ~r": Y ro on • 01 I'hUaolelpll .... ,.. 'th hlghl Thou •• n,'.ol nhildren ,ilp. "nn,,"lI , 01 Ufo-Ume . ~ h. lOld " n or tho prol)crt iel of tbe tlJcntre inl:llI' l_At:ett In _ _ .o.:., .b, "01I"""W ol.IIDI l8D' leppn~ ~,erJlIl u\Uo\lI( ~ e,",ifyo y Now.molh eo . ... ·Croup. I t 'A~"" Wh '11 th Ro ... 11_ Yon, L 11.1 ....... 1011_· i ' 'A. ' i n ..... rl.,.lre pre..". olll .. U.i· II '1 en ull earUtly ............. ....... tII., """l.,...... ,,4. ' Johb I) ....... " ' . . e llIognJ (,Cll wnrdrol lC of 60 1..IUlt. , nnd - woy. h,ave. bolll""f Dr. 0IaID; rI eel o( the 8AtlS. &eel SlaLot. for penNoa l back p., (11" "'" " ~IU~'n_1, . 8t~ # ' 1'101,,';' and .,"""" ...r,ol lln the hou.e. wore·.o rever uep" ' • EtlwlII Booth- vnlued at 8100,000- Tublfts' Venell.n Linimen I' t 1 h W.,ko. " T6,.M" t:II 00. '1lIl W.""", Aw_ LA NTERN S ' (aotton of' reeciVl ng anv such I tell' boll .. ty , 'Or lor p roper I1' os n I • •er· worc consum ed. The Inttoril lclml'8 YOII neyPI' n.ed '~n' loolng J"ur Ilttloune MPS LA 'btl' iou .......... n""" . ... ()olll I ilL eb_a, . I. int.}I P oJ .. " ~I,"" olloclled willi Ihls compla , ~ ' ClGAI. · . . .JABS. FRUIT pro,i. . lin. , of _ '" daation r. ~~~b~ The VlDosu., ioe." • . like _!~.nd .. very gence, he ~ccelvC8 his doc, some of 18. now 19 Y.~lIre. 8inco I PUI up my je~('I!I, fnmlly nnll mO!lC,l on S. elrllCll '" BRAND E .h.llt,, CHOIC "oLioa IW. ia I, af'ttl~ h. had markec l.ou' .hls way dlcl of· child tly. ~ ~~~--. ~....-~- -. - •." , _ ..I';~~~AND 'FlN g·ou'r 'l'OBA CC~ES.· &c.. .·c. wblch ~elonged to IllS fnther. lTe LllllmeDl. and ne,er Iiellrd ... t=ir AN t:X'I'El'f Hf VR . H.\I, "'Ie L,nitneM my to U14,l better world withou t. oheer• • ad .Iter U.roh I 1867. . when Cr~p b Inldol Bo· rn Southc Thc was 1I0t •IDlltUe<1. • uee I ut "undredlIs vi cue. Dr IIl1rl'~ "f 1'0",,00, 1\1,,10' N DU'I'IO IUS'I'IU r;;rr - augh"~ b 110.. 0I08C8t Itt n. ing word , • II 00 t6 the 111"" DrulT.Slon!' uuw tcl ndJomi ng WIIS badly dnmn 1 h clOOII., C;"ld .",1 !iil,·. r W.", i. IInw ~fl l,,/: 011 ' ~I=e;~nd m,n~d81",e gce. I:r: w::'~o"a~~e~~I dred T J" NE".L 01 • Mil•• Nn 11 P I> Iba:" •••...,. '~v."u, - A r.mor bAl LO~8 ubout 830000 0 ~h:KSI4'. f .. "",,, .. . S.I ,h. •• 1" ilOUlt ho man ~u~t die before bia "h'· .. '" . ~=~~= be ",Ilhout 'It. n@.lcle~ . , ' e h t 1 ' 1 ' tb., !!~~~ elffllt I 51 N V lb. L'\) to !:"!! 3<& d a 8 ~~=!~ . clrc.lale '. ~~ It: beeD nl ,. Id ... ,c:x. ftre I¥s or 0011. \; . . .. tQld, ' or y ., " good ~eedllma1 be ------ curti for CUI .. Durn" Ht!"dochf' certain --- .-----Q. ..--.-h~" . I -~...". d' 0.' ."~' . RmAIlIII ha. U. 1m ' F:M: IlAMllCl •• _ ns lrolD -I_-u lo Old TWO DOI.LA oyn. That Is III apl.... _a.'or ......O -~ ..... .... 88·SID . . . A aorrelpo Ddent of the Cincin·, 'Sore Thruel. S":ellllll r 1 h CV.NTs lOr It'te wbote .". . bead. th' D;el'n. VALU~. S. "d 'J'W~:J,\TV·Fln: UOLLAK , n, .rellderl ng unto OlBMr notliln D1~t'hlD _. Ooll~. Mumpll. •• Sore f"tlll of" . ' " .ceolinl lin (or Ili,es GueLle n.d ~ . or ON I·: ... ' ' .. .• N 0 1 •. ~~~o nu.'''.r f" o~e " IlItI .... . bull lai the In paill8 ~!!:!!."!!!!!~!!!!!I!!!!~!!! _ lOti •• g, ~~,!,!! _ !,!, _ ,! : It !!!ttpsa,.. a tery. Y ' qll)lllllll~ ' Ihe D 10 "" d' f or injustic e beCauac here'" I~ h wh' N~":e e acoideaL pond. .... ttll <o •• , No'lr.. ." ""eh 0 •• loo " chetlt. No PI'. qDo. I.rlel It who Ie "vllr ~~x . . fh. ,QUlllh.r 00 111",00 " "I , , ."1 ' 10 . Dr occur,. Ie VIlla,. E~ed /,eorp"~ pre.. t~e lb. 111 of or : : ' pbl" Ur. .l lbe 'd perfectl , 'Dle ",'b.lhe nUlub.r "" ... 'III.n .rli •. lu.fI!'OOUI.whida come too lata. ",."antl I. It It. without la• 'IIIb& . of t;.) 1~ ~., ... re Lhe ri~ -eo, dAY· :.!" ~ Cocalre ... TIlt••"t.lDea ', we.,. fe" rd of .11. ~he Rlon ey "it b.Il,n~~~. :;"r~' !f\lW~. U~~II!:, I ~ riI .. Good opinion Uftaft' ted :!Ir~ Full direcllons IYlth '\'111 be •• nl?A rec'''I'' ld ". ; '., II;'··~!~i::;!; to ,.. giYell .aoh n. 1ad, oal"fo.tio JOIIDI /(1'. A. nol du olDi' S"PUI tao, Ihe ia .f oa P ~ 10 IeanI. bae ao"d "'. DIIU'lIl ll1.- be rtf~nd.1I .. IC,;.I . should Deyer be'unewn~-"" l'CWb ell, Kond& 7,. A.,rU .1Jt. 1887, '.' ' lbe pr.e~lce. e.....d a book to.... fllee d' 66 C.ortlaud .tII,.• N,!", h... . (lis A,,,,,,, b,.k .. 'fW ~:~TV ·fl\· Jo: OOl.I.ARii p.r '. . /II. . -ar..--,.... . , b Depot. , hI . <? , "" be ; f : II . ala 1. 1 ' ~ Stabllbe on. &her .. ed electfnlJ of slldlorll 1' . . . purpoef' 11.0 r.,r ft fi!r<·uJ.r. ~J.;~:UM Bno.: fOr S~n" . ~ or reapect I. feli, dODot W't:~:K. ~ • h .• .. VIWr . : COlW8 TO IIII' /'. " . Ttll~urll • • weI 01 ~ ! r Recorde~ o,ne b~ .'~. . Th. w!tUraw aJ of I 1'. O. 8o~ "jI8., • .N'.w ·VCII'~ , rIWE8 , .. !Wi : ~ . ' t _ , . ' ..... • '. I:.IJ oorlet let it ~ In tho teellng. TbeN! .lgbt alor or JaIl.'IrieDCla. I. ber IK'rv. '.Dlng til • .. • 81 •. 101 ~ru.I • .... I III IDd· Will 'hll. 42-1,. ) as Mr, SuIDIlH . froa lbo aula a , 10 .OBice . U Libertv 51. lJ,.,n wlnk a h' ; nltk'rl\)e; be materia l aid I Th.. IS " Ib.m dr.w 10 ! be."". . ' " 10 .1 U 10 . • trlu", :!~~lhPftl0.!l'n'of, e.IJt IDCllrl?'!ra(ed .1"·11. " ~ ".'" .-.., " ~. • ~ry day to the :;; ,:::1 '0 I hnhh hi . Ulir ;,....Ii., by ~ fery Ii""... _.. - - , . " P-e t6 iJV " Yuuu)'. • lierthrew ngynr. .b. een day other Thu liih~r. ·Idbe~. ... _ .. .....;__... _ ~\n.L u •• o. . . . If rdel 01 'I~e co,ncII. it'DlllIl l ~f'JMlO.: ; . "r•..• n",h."C IO/If,re d/or"'.rn l . · OIl,f H ..~ I , • ~t . -I h' " ..___ .m_ ..... A Ln'~o ~ Ill". Oh-cnlnr. ,,11' ftI S IlIfohriWtl0l1- .8, ortbel. ,,pe,,,ef PnotlO er. 'u"r' .I1'~ lion. ""llh~ ~'~,;:7;~:'~ .... .IId 1rl.1I1~~ •• lh OD ~Iy ., ••• .; too Ie $ i· " .moag beea H good.w ui for each • p.rm. oaiaaail l, 0.,101( ll, lion .foun¢ o! ': ; •• & 81011 of, ~ j' ..... 1o mAlle ..' .r;: ' ,O" " ·,T· Jft .he • ' "" wbicb " 'III rrOfa . wo' b'·MeI, ~., om~1 001 6 dbrlodktl· "" , of 011' 10 piODi . . ... , eb :' '..." IIllIIni o( rqN comput e the num. Lbe eorUUt aad bold..b un....' e. "M'I\f., ••' ~j 01 f. , • t. ,. , • h,. ,til 0 ..·... . .... ·,h. d' other. No pen -rc_II<J;' ~ M • c a ... w ours, A . r hecllmo IItmntutll ; ·,i,c 'dc.llll.foti I' _-' I' d ' 11 TJ aU,wb d....... it . h '11 IJf!nl. all rigbll • on i jlift 'I.~tr urn • . (' I , j ¥ ... 14) l 10 . III. •• ,. crtJlJ .'ID, ,aa I WI a • •• ~t, : be SIUC might .. W-l that gen· •• or ,. 1\1\1)' b Rot "exiDg cares yqil,"''; N{l . I~"c~ "· fOI'\lAllen. riod I~c the , wilh d ct..'xe). p. • • \DIM &b • .pre"'riI'I~~ .ted «(r•• of 1~ I i. to' aet ~', LeD : bod It IJ... _ 'W •• '( P 'l'l t Tbt w orela r Arldrcili! lind ' Tlleqolf lIAeU,' • a"a 0 ~ po g .. ""n~ by Jus, B tew words kind. , I . til til . be ~ir.c'ion.f~"''''p''.jnlflhe ",....... which 11,., lIomI\IIAholllc!fllllto PclI,ld'lli q . , 1 61T .;bo _falp Ire I.ere.b, n~t~IJ~: th.t ~-n h~e:~:n retur'; !""U: by' ''i'I' 1 \lO~i copy n reech'o llon, Conaump for ' Iyand tltly "ppkcn , IUldwe 8hould llbenr, Dot oppre ..tCID. CURt: 's\l~-': a III ~~Id ~ "ill ll.1 ~1l~al~o 8olllh.rD " tbe .• of oe te.. ilI. •• l~ ....... W.,. III D.llon.1 ia bel" ,\'. "IILb. 1D.lal~in bia place Adc!I'(I~!, P. O. Drawer, ..!!I.• Tro)',.N. -:' I:S .. i " be 8urprllC'l1 at the glimpac s o( &he I • A.lbu,•• BMltelllllll. CO.'IgI,., Cold •• anu ,.11 .. Ali. ~ a."J ,.' Ii undo a~ N.w· York. 00 Frld.,. Rlilat. Throalan =i ~ , b;" ~f ' afJ'air. Ilatil be 180. lbe (1l11 ri .... IrllIte , ~ . .' ~tr,""I'"n'. Tb ...nly oiljeel ~.... d ·1867. , Aprill " d OItdoy\r lost Pal'll.dlae wblch w Id ' b F b ' to d . • l"~ . , . 111 ou es ofll,.a" •• rlile.inoonding,h el'r•• cripli.,II,. (» . -t afmr.q . . graa . . . NO. ' awe · " •• one .... be.ndoa .. h TrQat .. tn el.c-'. -,hree hCllffor dcd us by thesov ery small of billa borer , lbob rtJ. Rnd ~I'r..d infonllnt\un, IlUIIDRITH'. riLl•• "':""ThHe Pili. · are• onij • ~ 1= I~ , ' ~ Ib, Republio Gran~ and F.rragll t, Ackln of ~ulh 10 ~)en .. fi' Ih.,~!"ir.~ or,o Cu~Iable. one AlIIf'Itor. d· b, are Tile" ~lIIt .mc. and BCr,!! n CII!'~ h. d .. cOllsiuerationa. It would difruae • ~b. work of relner. llag la~bIe, .. 'n be . 10 .. Or ror •• ell of lhe Roa eo~~,w h. ztuperr'l "hleh one •• Oarohn 1I. Nonh besl of 8 , all •• elr.hllm l, (ocur Ctlrohal wbleh .. prtiie reqalre ~ .0 "III ... 11 . • • • ~. , . .... .' bop ••• w.ry .. 1Ie.~r'''' llIlry hi' routelly . d f B Ipiritua l sunsbin e eVAn when eIoud s II •DO' 1" OOlDp.. DI.lrh:t .ln the Town.b lp. m.bop ),( I ' . • rl.. of tha herb. Dr "hlch j'J,p'f 'lfe hl'Y prOf. ~ bl• ... I ~ • Ih •'d . " .!! t;;i " IoIf ' '.lftl •• auclo t _0 "allm will fO'llbe,~ nOllling, a"d . 0 ullcon;ap ordtlr B, .Dlh~p. bon.lI; .lale'ID ~"her . "lee • , b.d might obscure the mBtcria l heavens willlinr 11,. ".roCI·;l'li "n, milE, without any o( their P.raol~' '",. • jwere P!lfIOOS n~ clerk,. pro~lIoe E, olher lI:CUN of ber HUEL adhe·S firm W aDd . .' Iq all c..... rind do harm In Ilone. lind lend a charm to ce the .d,OMOV of tb. ngbl. I 1 ~ " . were "d0l'letl b)' ,.,Iurn RI.\I, w'III'I...., oddr.... ayne!,lIIc. U;rch tit l~tl7. . f NIIOG to the priDciple. of jUlti.. to .., pre.eM. Resolall on. I Boe n. nnndret h Ie In wh.lte leller_ on , WILSON A. ~HD n.lue o( 'Which no eloque £OW Rev. . . Pa.bod, Mr. to e G gratitud of ,e uprelli OO-4w h.rdoar br IIamp, re~ult' llt to "nrumO I.ghim. .... 'lie ,e t .J_ ..n Ilce 0 Wllllalll.burg•. KIn!\,I C... New York speech could portra , F~OM ,1.011 18 •• ,.0 . I d , ~ b' , • , " . 00 .6", y. , . PER, .1)AY. ...I!y ' lhe GIlAPB " ..I . . go ' or 18 prtDCe 1 OIlaLlOn. U'6~ ID", coDLesl r ",b.t",o Ill. notory, i 'th P!!,~ TOIl, li 1088 lUOK . not ~ bu.. Ie people would • ~ wOn. . '8.~ round tr,1t.!fOoT. lllax, In • new III I d Ob I & W&I &&8 tr N" the n III btr lire Y _u CAJl'V 4B8 OF '.rIUl1 mnOR A EVER ".D Ira . llali ~cnorobl mOYelD and , olitiolll "leOlllll Aoun if!!ht; . . . , 'n,..~. •• will ., petilion II ,a ooaa., w. th e1r race aa.muc h 8e they do, be. tl," thl! D10st lucreaatul eandi,llIe ~ ol,oo ISllC\'Oli)' gh·on. that d prnvl" pubJ/ah, In ~ ' e P 1\ .ne'l~"ll 'Ocnd, • •• for ·un nel uf Jall.oe. :~"pbe;~I~~. 6~11~~oon°:;,,!,u~thIU~:1'II W~~• •BL eau.PIITI r 1 before ' CIUl\le tbey hive beCD treated' blldly S..Der 011 tile .tde btu ~i1d eI!...,..I" ru • 10 p~g!e.. " over lhe Soulb for ~r- fcr caDertl' faror ever pl_eed ~re, 1t!1l7.(lNl11ngrorilill appointin1on{ ~f ~;" ~e ~~I::II~nJ• .~~:~~/",t'~J c1eeellll!l1y, w'rongf'uUy there 'W Id ~I. rellOlt Ihaach alllll••boald keep fIIIollaUoa IlDd.r the &laoa.t raclloD . le. n.peop t recel,e. rree eR.,\oIo& ' to ~.~~tt:::, Bt".te .. 10111 .. he CODblm i. OU :'R::,?o Ollt .,hl c8",bll,h 1\ F~(l l\ PilARY. emplo, nodonb tbemor o . I ' ~.p~ a geae,.1 dlepoli· I. thot pQ~ lad .. Iubrloue ,elretabl e' l!:::~nik ere Is to &'II\;rei' and I. Act. ,enl. .. , . ll. nianellt '110 Al'OlIid c~~c! terfl.-C ~ow to t'~t Plnluroy Hand bc~i;:,~: pleuan t 'WoJda' :~: raoea Tho great be."',fle r. \ Le,m., iIs ~p' 10 Lioa .,.:: . 11,.10 .•• • ' o,,'luJ f ' ~ as ~ .. 'We ~U1. • WR;:l8v\UII. 'Wayne " ~,u,b'IIIWefltcrly ·pe,.oo 100 nol,r-D re, .. lb. lboroQjth· F For tUrll··" p.r\hllJl ..... • /Ire ... c.1I oa or. _,. "&be 1011 of """ggl• •iiI Iebe between tb~, '"tored re- 0. . , runolng thCIl1~tI In owned .., 0:7 TIM World ut ,hr0!llho w~ atld ar L bl d b'teI by· JII'\'I" .dd,..... G. 'W. JACKS N ... 00 " 'll Ijloyel 1Alldll • betwcen ' ~lrecWon _ , , COlli,.. ' . . . IDd . . . . , rlnlry o. "lInce n D_ 'f& QU. 1IG. . .d p.blle.l 9t::...: ":." . PlOP .' w I aa 8ou~. nlhlmcr e. ,Ud. Wf __ IiDee W ....lal'OD b • Iokoa anli)Alb bJor~ ~Y' hl ,Se< 14,_Ihrough ~ ~ ... ~iIi1llOOiIt.and . . UtloD. llap".I.= ' B Slol.<O!I h... ~ 110 on aad ~ • p....eDt dlltDiaafR 01• ., -of ~K.reb.y .. own... 80...., ortIa 1 · . ealW Ii. .. l Qtora 'IIDI m LoI""-'la -D •••• _ JaA' _ . nci SlUkl!§ m..W ia J,m'lll h J by o II who mds()wno It . tJll'Oughh ' I ' POLLIi h.. ' -;r~-" "" - _ ID . r. 0 aeoa .cJ..iLted 'to ~ II uaav ' da.I .. th~~gb ,,_, "M .. 19; aDof" . 8cctlcln III ,-.,.." TlbblW! T.homf18 . . . with . . ..... IIbe .....,.. ~UJo'b. • , ~_ ~ pow.r aruir Ih. cil~ of the war.- or en ...0' I _ ' . T ........I 01 all c .... 8'~i __ . . . l.....' b'" or IIrown hae. lhet ~,..._~~ by T~llor V. W.... aa'4 JLolJ. ~~ II 1111 .. LPIlIN TK ." ". . be "-III I' ........ wiU .... aitll " VWJ DaytOn . tile &0 " III , 8eo&IOa br ,. DanaII _ , •. .' ••• .Ioltn . -20 or. tba are ,.-....:.~ • P 11..- .D' Dltur. • "al", • 1mOO :.L:. ~JfA .. -... 0aUl. &0.__ 'WDtd. h_re ~ ~.UI. : oar al T.i.:t! ~n acaoeM m ~.. II. CRIS'rA DOItO' D AND YOf1'I' SI"V£ both M......~by ,...a .... ,till .~t ° It a l'K --. D~." ~~= br 11014 .. le <Vadl. .. Iiltl·tol 1' .. A'tor E-.l !ello. tMVOI IlW1'J\Qbe In~ 01 ~. . ,eI • , hr'" .I,dre. . ., 190. Ra)'llvlUo, Mnrcb It . t861. lTIONJ!I,'. · r:7,~~~~""I. .... A, lid retlll\ ac . . .


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oolt 1.1- ;i ....,'.- II ' .. L_I h ",,'Il-. ... r. A ' " alletl!b ' "Ih,. . iid iD .-.-thih Mer l"~DI millllr' '1b cre,t ~g d ' I I . e . '"" _. Rm~" OCIO.. w'"vII I d " , ' re..elve ..11 lDanlptl I ~008 'tIUI '

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aDd CIa . Sal.rd&y h . . . . .'&&1_ hi. I be ~I r"" weeb il ~~. ~o ~be oal, one doll.., ·a ye.... ' OOP1 1 ~I ..., in ThOl'M'1 Blabt.. &0 prao&.lCft.l of tieroa IUId.'on g ' _bn.lled dlepate. (giyi·1r ~ht Ii. of 11101' I . pr,; clemoa.t,.~oDI ol ... ·.,~ ' . W. ,wiw hn GO lb,: hn. I)f tb. road miom! tnr clube), ~q~r leD oeal8.~ BYIII'i~ioD or alt. .e leadi ng froD! Lhe Leb~D?D and b'l to n Addre .. . Alfred ~. Be••ll. P lllbli. ber. • . .' ........W, . ,. W~e a& llJ. e:ilion I?rnpike lllr?ugb Ra,,,,\lI ,tO W"De,. ,ChieagQ. lIl. .' : d' ' hi ...... eclis.d ~ -·7' . y,lle, are (wllb a tit. t'lIc"ptione) enx . j • " : wert ...·1 ., ..~e elerCI· ioal for' rree pille, ti."iog failed. RoucK' ' B~D PJ!!pPI, &.'·L There •• I, ~ . , • & d It 00 tUtrt Lh d" is no 1I\(!dicine 'nnw i n IIse f wTl'icli i. \10 M r, a.te, b1£111 hi, JfteOll. _ a D ! Y • I Ito O'~ ~oa , ~o III ~,u. ffi '!lllloas ) 'lin. rem.'d! I rOt · LIIe per. .


.. '1'I'......uAfll WJ:STWARD ' U9t7ND~, 1\1.• ' In" ccom., ;U\fi A. 1(. ,1'i lcht E~pre88, • . '7.05 A. III.

P.IU~~.£a",.... ~ ..


B.u .til .... Illbjeca

..;:: .. ao ""per PIIbHlbM

l\lI)'iI. " ' HE 0 AR D rN A

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'. '.t" BROADOJ,n"'HS ' n . " ~'''~ " ' , , ~ ...' 10 hi-~ wll h C .,a.l. &.e, or . "'.'lIIlnl,.o_II .... "'~"'." ,IU, I. • • I " I If l" ) " r Lunu, 3 dllV dllllllld !WIth _. Ier RETURNS ' his 81'nc ~ re th'onka q " q"' , U''.fN.~l"""IJ' A. D. CAD\VALLADl!a Agent ' I . ehg L10 Lime, Itre ouqu ~Iy pppose our I .. "' . .. . mim8 r-oul Idends 1M Ih e I" rl(o n od lron g""orvolr un lOp, · ~ti, J(it4l~ . ., '" ~nr. RVS !';' ' . r.AJlWALL4!>1a & ah~L", ~" A~~. °bo ,ut of ~. ID al!ltle o ver-ao bODliIIl ll ll',u\. 10 'bO Ufti n I~X lor tl18 ~ e~81~v~l" ~a p~~~lUhl .. t"~e on. or Llle unprfle~~.elltet! payona g!! alreldy oxlelld. on blck; a Ilrge. wood.:ctoOl', ,,,. ' ' ,I. " ES'l'il OS, ~'t . 11 K'LBOIf. Herebonta' U,IIlon Ex Ag" ur, I ~e. colt wa.· entire! subdued b 'Idt ·,·, , d • 00 , 8 t \fee I mil'" Ry. , 10 \'k eep cd to 111111 • • nd would rou ('relltllly iJ,lurOl Furnftce .: ,OYPI\ dOQra Illled' ' ' ; both p}ai D end;· "'hl ob> r it", "'.!'"'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!'!~~!'!!!'~"!!!"_ _~.' Aiid lay do l'I.r R ,. ..:. UI mg 0 lhe propo, e rOfld , to the bowels rnoderllely open. tbem tbDt ho i. now in 'l'ceipIOf to ,etlln henr . aad RAl . - '\ ' 1 cd tu 1,lve "m"'e-'Ilp In' . ·s' ...._ _ .t .. ... - - - lIS-I LEI - - .- - - -).0:11,e, ,Bsterltng ' . t Ile' ~reRte r beo· ' U "I'" ..... .. b k"n. w JJde .r, ' IIray IIRt,Ur ' 'W , a1'n llSY, . -'---.....- - -.-.. - - il8ter. to reg ulat • .'", .. \ , 1IU1'j1osscd by , , . 'A P no '.. EOT ION. o~ III act • ~uae I),er It. ,bolly, IIud .fill o( 1\ rOlld 10 Olio. T1U N OlU!lI:llY is ,the tiLle of Il, ex. tho heat wlleu .' , "oulil' oot obJtOt io ."1 '.mlliarity. ' .. ' , II r b b TI. ~ . . " ' . nak'lng : . " j • ." " . JONAS ~.ANNEY I... candldlle for W . P e Llllona and remonstranccs hnve 'f.e enl m Rg "slne .or L e younlg. pll · 18 ,UI/'gesl ancl w!t" tl~cled Stock qf ""0 mOl t eDm plet, IIlItI boet.worklng ilI.\llIII, jI. ' f.'K~ I1£<O,lW&f: 18 'eJeollo. ,{ol.tb,·, o1l1e. or Town.hlp • ca"n~t ~~Yloo m~ch ID t~'Ior of bee n tlltl 'order of Lhe d"y,' nnd mltny h~hed by ~Rnny P . 8~ 'e'1'" Bq.Lon. IItovl! for l\ lor«o f"mll, 0' H"iel Ihat.".. ' . , \ t.' , . Tree.rer. t~e g~nlll'lIIal'l • ~Item ; dilll h III It~n. 'Rnd' biu et. were the aCllil8'uions "gminaL URsa., Rt 8 1,50 pel' 'I nnunl. It is ' "!'VO Rver 'Ot up. 0'( Ihr •• 11I.~e Iro W hen· mild ull," (ll('" do· nol,.lIlt lhe WILLJAM llANINGTON II a Cln· ulDe lIloo Ipp.tent 1& nery reuo\llOg b tb P t' ','" •. I " ,. hllodeoDl ely illu8t.ated and ('''oec'lally .rE8__ 1. 8. and 9. •' " eu. tome r. h.e n~l'tl,d 'lot lalle them! d'd 10 f Ib til r T b 'C' k . " U ftf te.-one PUl} 0 ill mlng (u8t "0. I.J.UI:a I' or • ce 0 , own. Ip .er. IIIlnd to a~lDi~ of doa"~; . apeei"lIy "ben tbe 01111" Was tl I 'I ' ' d IIdliPted to ollildren jus't lfllrning to II 1" WILL1AII T BARNHAl\T I ac • d ' Ii i ... . . I . r s ng aD air UHland. all . . ~ hep' ~on8tan\ly. on'bllll.d U Ilocla.ol d I tli T • • clln· companre.. • vI P'I\CIUCII .pwo . "ice ,.ra. , read thou gh Dot 100 voung Irur older 4f al\ ah.dea a nd "0\0'• • "vn (I\l~I1O" In "4\·\e or ~ 0 ee ot own.blp CIe,k M.r. &"'1 yi.';'i '''e ' laming q(, . If I", " mind. . ' Ih iA pla.,l', whIch he I. "rt'p""'d III ''1'101; i~ " ' nr:,.ci;~1 wood " COlllc ~I'O~~ \'b"'ll'fll~:_'.'"'''''' JORN H. BAitiitffAllT·'I. "...wlll.le hol'lll ~'ueb · in·'\It••~m. Ji bl •• a lin. e .. rtle Qal, •• ' ar. b'~PJ to,reconl . cuI '" the '" 081 irnl'roV"II 81)' 10 ''' ';:8 wootl .tloor, larlO o v~n hue,1 witl: I·..u ....u ,fur ,...,.etlon to Ibe oJicee ·01 aon6l.lile I bl l • b Id b ~ • f • 1'111 tll'\ no ~I"otl h.. bten thed. lind ne Tnv. GAL4XV rOI' A pl'il has the be. 'J! arl i and hovi"l1 ill lr l~ rell 'llter i ll 1100' to'tegll lafo I be> 'I ollipel't\. I." A.-.or. 11& • '1M or ,WOII t a 011 . ' 00. lias bellD hurL' but .o~ry to ny " f 1\1 E.l " emplor 811me 01 Ihe turD of, tll O oven III bakfn ... ' •. n .. tbe .Dlm-I·. lIal. g lnlllll -l! 0 I'll. 'Ilwn\'~ • • !lOw sto· b , • ..... Ir...... .. DA"'IEL .... ~ re an d d'18- 'bat q u'te b, I I ' I ., n , 'WArlatlcl to 1'""" .... " '" • • . ' I anum er oal I Ielr empu. d h' . t f tl 66 ml'f ~ m m .1,\ ,(,.'1' 91'11 1l ANDSUQ.N " " 114-•• fortH of. POIlIIOO, 'lDalllD, doe allo"aooe for 'he and Iouk J tI til 6 I Ii ry, nn n olce ,r:me.y 0 ') Ic r al·· Best Workmen in ~lO Wt'st ! !l!J:n'JJ]JiE~ ' ~:.rrIElEM.n w oAIo ~ ~ ~.II\1 II; , lice of-A.....r.1 tbe elllDlnr eleenlon. dilfllreoce Qf~b.raolc' , iu ditrereDt .ni. ' et I 8 !ey 1(101 ( .1I1t or a tiolcs. 801\ year. 'V. C. & 1", P. . " . ,"(ITON IlOG .,..,'" "'ng I I I b 'OJ b_ ' Ittlrulred dul/ur, .I( lure of YleLor". C"llrch, ,.'c .... "ol'k. 'I'h' . I I d ra\lle, wIrer· to be 118' Gooda' a•• n, In tbe q)"ke't J ... .. • a elndid • t e ilia. n • ort .. r .,...."" I a. r d ~ u ~, IT .. C Ii IS rue n n ~ m e ftll . good ___ nd' wLIDh J will ioll for Con.tlble Inti A•••8eo,. c d ,'1 I • 'f I' I • e U· Sinoe tht' pike'cxcltement hl\l IIb.led. II -, ualumOrll IIr8 ulured thet thpv eo n ho ve oyer It h .. be ' n inl,oducetl. , " • II alDlDg 0 lonee 10 a ~Ience : '" .• . . " 11' . I n orb theirI werk dono ill • Rly Ie UlI.urnbH."d bv ~~~ d' L' ' we arc IIlOII IInXl<lUa to kno" "beo I " " i l l is I or 8 08 cbrat~,d , I ,. Tb LI • d aD DO' 'malDg pen D It d '''Y n t Ie country, Dnd iu " I'P'Y pnnic:u• A OAIUI.~ Ina ng Illy frleu • " . 0 olin a en one- i. going to ~IOp rllining (or ... "ieb to Di ttcirs nrc for sRlc fit the Ne'w ·Drllg. la" .. p~rt for tl~ I..., rOllr for hl~ .!el9l'l~' without being hig"l~ haVtI a I~~go ~rop of CO;b 10 LrallspclI'l ~tol'e. Cnl~ al1<1 get 8·ome. . 4be !Gwn'~ip ''Clerlt~ I ..ould tert.l~d ~~ "tllllIli IIfqulriDg "no,,1 over to CI\(h",lllIdtlr & Mills nut Supe.rior to aDything in thll 'plnoe 1Il0it ,eepectrlllly)!ecli1M!' a N·eleetlon ed,e wlClll~ Illv"UIi~r~,.It" t!oll~"rly 10 oyer tilt; "'l'W pike," Ifhioh ~ill 'e",,~ U ' Hon. Robert (1 Sohenck ' has , , &0 Illid ·oJlloe. S"llu.. lfe~JlIII. ,arDlel" .D,d ~b'O~ . ~"~Dg ~~re o~ .tock. UI rrolD II,e lIt!ee •• hy' ,or huling rOlfr. ,?ur thunks for n~op!-of:tl~Cl lProceed. . I, WIIYDe"me 1(U4ll t.s Ule~ We.-4o not h.lltAte 10 Lt.e 1~1I81 to en· t 'J '0 ., 111"8 ofl tl)e 8ptli Q9i1gfCMl" , , '" , . • I ' een ml 118 10 "ylon. ' " • 401'1C! ~r. Rarey • sy'~aJ, .rid telliry O'h b •t " 1 ' .1 ' " 'I " i " h h - '. ! ,) , -FAY" .., alit". »A" •• aRIltD. t t1I .... '....0 t' III •••' geD IIe"an. ' \Vt: L_II " 1111 gP I e past ,e'l' wet . ft , mllutl 8:.7 1M: Oi1i.c~Ho,: -/i _...... U'....:.•• ill , in (Ill U z '&1'& I Ii G , -)l '. D .~ .. fi I ~.' "I prob'. bl, b~w~ IIl.9re I~._t 00 Ihi~ lub It ,Vl8 t to urtamout, "IIIJ,,)Ii~, lind r~lfpccJ8 title be81 J.,,'s uran," f)OPf.Ip(lfi;!/'.for ' '. . , . "I . .... , I'. I i e\, .• "YlD • ~J.:D, ~r m~ny .~r-II . • • '. t ..l 'J .'. .Poiol Ph' "RlInl, Weu Virginin; At I JreJitern, pcojllc·'lo" 'irM,b.rl! :i'i. of ,U W (\ 'l'l'OUllfteut Mmister In tbe Cancm, I' h ."Il;t)e.. ,.~g, l'ftU~l' Opl!~allO!,1 Gallipolis! h"d the plUI\8Ure mllBting \.{; dt~ .:1' b " I !, ''i''~j - : . \, . I • V " ,II. l' , " ' ._ "J.~r . "lie ..... 10 c.alle pl.oel .' , \ 1W1f14 w eI ~ 111,* lI~ill8." · '~~!P';"Y or/! .,' , " , 1I11't\ '-'OIlICI'tllcen~~t :ono tl~e .. :. ' O"pt. Anderson, formArly of ~ ~lyncB' at- Uk '1L('u(/.:ana it. CclJ4uri '»(ffltnt,. ' J . ' , " I I " -. '. , j~ . ( ' ';i ~ TJ' ;.., Uonoo t\B l)nstor . ~t tllis l'l~oo, .nn~ SPIl)l "" ... ___ '"'-T;T ,,' villel ,He I!tl'Cllll;!~ enjuylng Cllctl llenl D. S WET}i} \8. -lrQelll, If). w/tcir1 UP.tJUI. 'l\fnn\lfnc!ur by l\~El~I!l (\q~hl 0:7' In all 01 lha ,.bon 4tOV"i"tlier" {or some years a citizen 'Of th~8 ,QOIgbl .. ~~.;., • • t . Dods, :noan· heRlth lIoll spirit.-, /lilt! I h"l.ieve is do. ' . .~r ' I , ~ i' , J tp Illy Best ens. LUIn \'Yorli, ,ue Ih,08 _laol""'7, 8. ,,,"d .~ llIr Iii . It '" CIt , 'l ~. ' • "::.£1 ' . - ';':1 _ 1I01l0ooS III thislJIU)cr h B fir'lt o.rl'lval ' -- _ . - (,:;:::z:::e:._~_~=EL nl I d price:. rrum "~6 0(' to 80(1; lu~~ ed •.out all bor1i~ UI.,..., .18 ~I~eaco. , nOfK r. • -. ~ W . ' , . Ing '" .Il11ill! b.USiUllU. ',I.'d8, OHpLRiu is A 'f; ' '. ways on lUll • eompleta I ,11, • 'I" , Wl!ynes"illo, ou Sund",-v 4ftcraoo", or tills aeusol1. ... " bnye. , been pllYas ant and inlelli!l~nt genll~llIl1n and .,rt:" • .• . ---....... ' ' " 2Itk.. tbl'Oligh the sto<:k, aad l.nng unge ' • "'aJarc 1 - , ' • " I . . , . . worlhy of " libe ral patroD:tge At ~h e l'o~JoI!luc,O of Joh n f8h61l1"Rk~r. iii , I ' Mr. Rced Ui,l'l!ld\' t'hlri.ll~wrn'e 11'911 d fllil t.Q e:J:p[e8~ OUI ndnll.ratlOlI Whllo ;ft~' lho 'Point,' I witnessed the ' W/l:Vllw"'ilI~' , Mnrch,2fl, ELrIEAU"1I K UIK , ill . . tor tiro bea(J~ ,. q lIahty l\lItl-\lCI'1l1 ,. • . tbe t!5th "car uf bor Rgll. , ' I)nl'torthe " ' lIIte!', but boo ror II. con,," ' ~ .. ' . . . .,.. trial of <;hnrhu Youngcr. WdJChi d for • .nd palronize Homo Manufacl\lres. s iciemble time boon ...."."rd~ ~8 con esc.,. ~e '"' ttre la1lrl(l8 QUillS II d f ,. '(' j I I t On lho 1I0t'h of lIti of ll~p!Joiil P"OU' ' ~ • ,' .. ..~::C::: shclvcB ami ()()UlRCh . . l.·b,," (lr~ re- H,e ~ur ~r 0 \II WI ~ In u y III , - mOllln, Fuv. l,,, ,.: 1\;'., sou lit' J)BV/ij Rnd JaRC \':1 te!l'eeQ.., , ·8 ilu .• ....., .., .,., ~II... . ' ' , -Y ' '. e \I blIl 5!3 )'''lIre old, Rnd ser ved du o S. l'l\ rnll~, nged II mOlllh s o.~d 2(1 dl\yil. though Iwt ~ttre1y ,l'COO\,ercd ii, Illl,> $u.JIer~, .aull ,_DltRe, POUClSS! ug ring Ihe wllr ill t!tll 9Lh Wo. YII. InfKDI . Nulul'tllly l"'i!;ht, nnd of 0 1Ilcl~snnt tli"JXl011 Sllt.ur~ ""'OIling ~ common 8u.oe~tttbi~ltiee 4Ic> the ry. ,He confcseed his guilt. Iii-Ill .rtur Hitiul'. loe ~ce!JI.cll tl~o center (,tr ILhc li,mil y ltcQ'ltk. _ .. s·te .........· ~""" " r.. •• '''''''''1l 1IoAJ........, ... -..I mftlteuee'lJ( bennttftll tbl{l g~ ~nli r e· '.1 d ., t" I . , d circle, nntlllul'tn.S 1118 ~hul~ Iif< • wlla kliOWII ..'.. ..."u "'WI .....1..... '""'"'I~ 'lUlU , "u .u soeon IIcleu rill., WIl8 ,oun I I . thil llnU80nity b'rl1UiLnt uttrnc-. ." , . ' . .011 Y to he ~'· {\d. . ,!' V. oa S.• • d-.v," before 8t.ntecl., .bMlth· , " ' • • ., 1" guilty o( murder In Lhe first degree, cd biBlast,8\i~U8'f..~d ,bybl8 ,fnml- . Alt. 1)Qd801l a .~oo hll8 800tlr- .od will, no dot,ilt, b" bllnglld. A mer· " ' :,,-nc8vU"! ·M ...."kIlUl. Iy, .an~ a SlII!'lber , ()t . ~yU)pnthizlllg ed>. A~ PlOR~'18 n0CC8l1lu',y<nOW iCRn ltiatOt'S ~cllrcell fllraiahel II more , _ ' " 1-: fricII4 R, ,,'hoo, moura(' tlte k,ss dr ' a ~U\f'l, £orftlcrly, ~ut !~~' . wc thill~, >told '~oOO"d lDurtl.r tllIID Ib,,' commit. Cllre/all" Correcktl E~1. W~k. J'.CIlIO,t18 worker1u tb~ ~hul'Ch cut )fill tqll ~ hav~ ~. 8ba~e 0(, tillS \ed bY' Clt\,uli~ Younll'lr; &I\d y~l.wb'le, Whetlt '4\l bu~he l, tD'6t. @ 2 '75 in 't.hc plime or IIf.):" Xr. R(.'tl(l'a ,~hlW~., .. Lbe «nld"1 ' fo~ tbe pr,oae04lUiOIl ,"~ ., Rye 'l 1 " 1, Il ~ OO '® 00 , \iaeabQut,1)8 Y_~" ' .' , ~." ~"I "'ng or the ello~mit~ ' Lb~ cri~e, ,. ~::i~~~~.. '.J_i~! 04 lib runCMl servicee ~re blltd lSI': ~6 bft.,c ,hftu t~e l)\eIlS\lI~.uf Yoa~r PUI on a ,fie~lIh ,gl1n, dll· Corn 11 .. "., ~"'1":' " 41; tlic AI. E. Qhllroh on Tuesday roro· cXft'91n1n g Born,e SpeCIDlCOS or Mr. g"aLing all ill Lbo Coun ' roolll; bUI ,. nlJ.r,~ wh r.a,t ,;J? bu. ~ · 15' noon (26th) ..-I ""'l' Cralli.laU.' • .p.hotog. ropIJsl\ud Ilmbrq· when tbe' vc'rdi~& ~.8· .. ~no~nc"Jjd ' he FFIU\I~. ! /JAr,el, ". I:UU I • ..' ~ d ' ' ." , " I·mr 'J' ~wt, '7 110 Jttr~ conCO"" !! o f ', f\icu<te. . ~y,~~, 1l~ ".~ Clift 9~~IY ,,~ ·they ,wpled linlBedi"ll ly • .' .. " 1I,.' tI ~r f '!b, . 95 ) ' I . . ,1 • I I WhOll) w'Cre lIIarlY ~Jini9t<:rs IJelong, . ~Wy , 8upcr.tqr" Mttn1, .tlld~Ct'. tx> Aflt',r wl\ding Ihrnuglt botlomlu l Lnrd II It> " • I, 1& '( ,At .lh. Old rIYoflte · 1l0l rn . ' . ()n~ ~"""ll\lIy nt· 0 f 'e 11 " " F::;ga 1l r. , 19 'j t I I i~ to tIre' eul\:fc)rctreQ,~I' "t , ,.,,', 'r" • • 1' - - • ," .. nr · rI I ( "reel8 ~IJ,~ !' ~l!".k,: ?~. t f!.." ' rcturtfe·.I · , i\pplu ~@ ~ udl,,,:, f;() .~ Ne..xt wcck }\'e ,hope to g h 'e'n : l~tJ'1~n 'Joncs,. I. ru. ~, ~.. lI~c. Jlomc:, . r"j"icJIi/li Lh8\ , thft ,mut! ill' 110 I'o"r~ :f ,1",.1.0.1, ::. ~, uo n:tcm1ed :md IJc.comillg obittlar" D~B), Jllld finely (leUn~~ ple~'I~ll ~s. deep .. r 4rh] In:,1 lite ;',O"1I6Ct i. PO ".,od Pot ~~(IAe~ Jl? b~,~~e ), .' loo .. 'w ., ' I, , t' .. . ' DrllOU ' ptt1C9 1l" lb r" i { 12 th ' ceell cd, I'I'el)al:0(1,lIy ~ \ .• S . E., ~\'el' ~nw,." ~ .1'0 hfl~).r; ~ kno:", for a tr~c pika. ,to WRy ne, "me. ." I' h~ ck y'n.. ,1IP dqzefll ; I" I 9 00 . ~NltI\Y.' '.... < • f ;(),anLl~U ~~, ~Il ~l ,~ "'1~~ Of ....." " . ) \ 1 ,,~, • I"r J• •F :ll. . (~'ffi\o' l@ Uh , . I ) .f;, t au , "0.00 hl.proIJ"rAttOJl' ...... re ""m' .. "" tI . ' " .. N e'.l:: ;Orl~lInA-Sul!'n~Jfl i lt. ". 11l@l ,:i .O




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1\\1 ploted, 't\nd we ,t nlst ,bl,s AIICOC89 ml\y , [F1oriho All I.W (J1I1.clt,c. .inc~e~ , l;ie~ ~v~r~~?~mcllt: . . Mit , Ebtt,,~ ;v ~.Vi,J)~ bb(jced .in

1111\'1) hil(\' enCin bi ot.i: .n covcre<l them,8(!lvCl! , , ' R.H,UUAltn IN'B. - lt , is co~cwcd tlurlug the ye~r.~ust closing, and bcYQnll pen llh'entllrC\ !Jy able phyai\lot desire ~' ~_'Itntertd · dtll:lllg eintls~ ti.tnt.'·'tltis "tne i8 nil, exccllcht 1Il1oth~r term "",lt11 tlie ilrdl101l8 nhlel' "ctnl!<ly ill ,"0)\3' complaints, . nurl is \IIIlO!;" lllltiell., They 11t\"~ d()n6 ~1 vnlnohlo nt80 tis R stlmt1lnnt in ClllleS

, "





IN ; ~ <:). ~to11 8 ~k


IWo or th rell 01 'Jp u.r Il)t ~ Is.ue~ 'R •.erw" .1 • I of~ nOL:o,~ t:ui torlll in r~fcrenotl t~ til" 'Knllb Ihn' WII8 Qn oqe pf ll\u e otrRnce 'doors .. r the M. E. Ohllrch. ' but 'no", alRe I is gOlle ·tho I'/I\y of ' all b,oken ' knobs'-Itlld seeibg Ibltt liS yd Iho RU-

.• Sprghu!J"

11'" 'rrftIi bn '"

',' •..." _.-





'1' 35

, '76

. c~.ri'~;9.I: ~:, fi~ !,I?~:" ~ 80 ---- ~ r. , I -"-, '7-,--,

' ,PUO""OGRA1)HS' .c.: ... ' " . .. ",


., II In eohllllllt receipt iir Ihe choicest



,"l:.°o~o:~m~::~ :fe~ttn~ 'tl)'~ur ~~:;;!,: · I Bat POTS, ' , /'


III 111l! v~riouA ~Iy I"p nr Ih~ ~rI, can nnw be h.t! "I. Ih e OLD GALLE:RY. lIear I I ' H J' 'I .. I 1 I 'h T U lt l b I 00 ~hin Strlie'I, . ~tle\'itleQl'( ' n : ' : no~w , tn~ ,\T.' "'lCre\IOyta energes avo b cen iI.'Orllts " .e 111\'0 nu \ In kCtI Yltur the P \l8', ,;1-f.)l!icP,' tT£\'\U"'/\'r'flI(I:IW~ . •1T .11rHP. eucha8 110 \I\I!fcry to In"Ovc '~hcl t 13UOO~8 lit l'educec\. 'r.o th08C. who need slIeh hl?I8 ,and prOVIded Rnoth., - evhRPS ,, u ;N~~ oIIjIlJlllAAIf colultlcttng tlto eorpornUoll affairs) to IlII artlclo, we rtcolnmenl' that'tnnll' tiliolung )'OQ . were lbe ooly pereon ~n I ~m prcpor"tl \0 melle l'lol.uroa rrom Il the eatlllllldio 'Of"tile tla~g 11\11.- u(n(lture<l by ·).tl'. J. T•. nn\'dcl~. ncar aoyed ~lIerllby; .nlillt.t tbel m~Her Wll8 Small Amhrntype to II Lyrtl Siua DRESS GOODS. ~y·b~litclrtbe.Y '"e~ el~t.c(t.- thIs 1,IAC", aa beIng of 8uI>crior quol. of 'e o litlle cOnltltlUllllce thl\l ~I w~ un ' Portrail in Oil' '<1, I ~ LADiES & GENTS' At tbe l>resent· firmog ,wc rIIA\'e nc:> tt,), the gt)ll~hle a~lcl~ , lJItae..~r:)' 1.0, proVI e ~not"er or Yl)ur E~ JlePi~~ IlIe~Jio.rtpaid 10 C~PYING "!cIon who "Ill be .....t.h&" ,I,ncom· _~M(IOlDmOdiluon-1 WIll Ju~t lhllt S~tALL t I~Tvt,tFl5, lind r.lllnll , them UND";R WEAR 10101 dellraolo .IZO. " " . " d T Thole' having pie. III " lng , bOard, ' 'bUt " ~' 'hllye R ~o r rc )?lcn8tilt to see the to- ~ •.ny o&hl't. Rr. Ih.1 bolbere. he tures 01 Loll Frlelld., caD lI.n the m doubt it be oomllOSOO of Ilble \lteunrl "I"go of Mr. Cho.jlDcoy,Whlte writer h.. .seeo lbe IIxlon lind olben copi~a Bnd el.llried,.llId eolo,e~ in 011. O.\SSIMERES, , 1II\d, .cfP,cI\ellt . ,~~~ , r \\'hom In otlr"hlg' open the door ~n Ibe ibnsid. to IId.~iI ~:~~~: Illii :D:k'~::~ :l'AI":!: I orlglnll OASINETS. theroareptvntY~i[thlb: ' ourcorllOrn. ~ccdmpallled 'lIyhl9rri.c~d ~tloa.wlto"ere ~n_ Ie to O~D or Noobjl'cllon,\)olotld,.e.llbe~,.xllt!pt \lon. . ' .. 'tl'!!,b ",rO~ th~,grl\li: 'benlllr~t!II i bill aUlhi. IIf~1I ~o hll9l'1 ror.amlll , eb,iltlrell· CANTON FLANNELS, . _ rN .It _. I ' TI " elCa...d the nol ioe of Ibose 1Il.,.n!!' the I t!nd",or In.11 clSes ,~ pia... 1I\y -As UIO ' I'\ll(ring LOOilooll " 'Ill, q eW alIlp .... re, o~ lurfJ: r .- , " . , 'I' c".tomera ' lid h1v11l!i hed ,ey"fli tD!Ihe be well Sot up ' out of ' _lVci ~o~b;.Jie ~i1l " l'crlrnin matler in ell;)erience'III " the· b'uil~ee!.~l'IIllI~r my· B,ROwN AND 'I; : ' t .,. t' n cXcur UII ' I,' 1 ' '.1 II 1" • ' W,ell, Lhe" play be, lib urlaio lode 8el! th~t I cln ' give 18 1l0oo lllrerk II Id)' BL"AOHED "'uSrlNQ seuury, we 8\1~. wa: La :Ell.""'i,'• I.)' ' ' n. ' I .. ' , :,1 i,. I " f, . • L' ( . ' " Ill 8idrl , ..... , ,........ _ ...... ,f "8.,..IId pf 1ft " .....0 Id" B . ,OOa Ie" I'IIC1I Illlll"ry' ln nit elt,. W. A. CRAN1!)ALL ,' ' . AI...."







u.ana tI()n. to -thelr r-" glcs and aUgbUy rel~1:iune them .til. I. mettle ~Cee tbey' h,-v_ 1lllrediaU ro~..th8. QQ~lIlu,It.J. , .. '"

d8'flAyment nt


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",,'--.,._ ~ ' fI'.,.:.. .•'.'_•. '-,-, Tbil' 1i.1 , "

.'~ lli~1 tide." 'v

••• ' .



v . . . VII

wbich Ilro




.i~o" EN AMEL KETTLES. or.1l

ften~"lllClli~eH, · 01 Ihll




,'14 ,




Physioi~n&'. Presoriptions C .l.1 11 .. ,I n... ' J" "'I·j_.1 Ilr~ 1I yanu rrompt y .-. ( .lUO .,. 0 l,l D .,. "!1 8 l 0:;" c '

b,. L qUIIII"

<.:!HUVEI . S 'l'O!l;,10 ' \l ... • Qt. . , SAD IIfONS,


lll0l'! SP<?~N$~ . ...


"'.l'~~Y llle. 01l1C\.:• .::. I T~A&. IADCU;d9' " ''''W ' ' Fi~'·'· MEA L STEV'ES, . , . , , "" ,: ,,:, _ 8W ~ .~ •.:,: TRAPS




• •



, BOWLS, tl'iD .· .-

VIC 'rOR KETTLES, (or boili!!!r Po. . tlltoe ' ,I~e m .' ~8 1 coalp,fell,.lbiDg :10 U~e.

lJOSl!mY. .

irA '

I : ¥11,D;L...r

OH·lLDRf.ti·~ K~lVE8 1 . A'N D FO~KS, ' . WAS , .'





. ..









. tliia lioD 10 dnoluly to be "ilhed: .' •• r'~.~lDallba'·'. oaf young I' Olb~rwi~ U m"1 be "riUeo.,of it III tl' IDID a trial· it once "III ia a p"rallel out': , \ , .r . , ', ", UT'I'lore' _ ... n IIOIlPO in our' ~ .. n. . •• "" , A meotlng.bouso Ie wa., mo, Where ""o"le mo·.' . I' ~ t o con!'e!. lhelr slnR,


So gOod-bye, Wayne8l.Ulo. 'and '(!Or. poratlon hODOrB. Take ya who wilt "'..



:~::::!rC~, .!~,e ~



oan poue.. i.D' ....oal. .,j. a,w.tile

1.. _ ....111'''-' bo re 'pro ,",, tiD,,,, 1'_':""'; w,h11'e th · c eon· ,'Ivlal Alderman are cqu,ally In need




t. ns

,:?pe~, ~" ro~~~~A!Y'edW'b'" Chl~ come 8O~O1\' .Ali .!JOIlD. if lIS I,

d'-I Phot0j;' POf~ratt . ~I~,!er . ' &"~eb, t. ,'". •• '

flin tHIll'

G'REAJ: I 1D.fSCOY.'ERY l' ,OOAL' BUCKETS, ',' " R.O B I,Ns'9'~ ~iT . BPl'l"l'OONS, ... , ,~:::' :~: ;;::;,,~~;;~ ~:: .~:~~c~~;,p~~ t~t PA1 E,'N'T ~'-eUOTOGIRriBrc AI.;;, . " c~Mst.~~~~ro:APSi . di ~ b ' Id ' SAUBAOS STUFFRns.. ' ~. yp,UDg an ,q III.t.e.• ee, L p. wnll/t;. p e g~. 00• . ~ 'g.j., \J)' W", ~9 ~ GRINDERS. . thlll he·ceDI Jllcce lo"ud. ' . cop.amma· ~ ~ .e . ,~ ' I~ ~ A FULL LINE OF ~AD~; MADE LA1l0, PHE88KS.

mi~t vote ~~8!IWef tluJ ~i~e °hr o~ whlob



'" 11 ad Ii I) hi 011,1" II' we. re Loo tl8 • .'L .y.. mBY ""II jD .!:Io~laer gODe 00. jou"!~y, or. per,d"enlure, e~&1noJ it"'), ·~ • ...'P I .", ""; . . ~-~. . ,.~n 010' BIU, .be .l~ ~~ .1 !pay, ,1\ mUI' be ~:.




As mo,.lIf lJ~i1?t! tbe~ ebollllll1e.

T'lro eAtrlnaesl ln ftortHbeir Wor"j Whore folk. betimlll! 111elr wOllded...... But aiul olle 'lotob .... brokon IIlf, And .rOIlO tbe.a.woTe w mend IL ;-

" " And IOAny \imo. were milch .bnoyed, , _L!'.... L • " " " __ .". To m.... tpe!, ent......... ooere ; ' I , A 8OrloU/l 01illltacllt 'It Will ' , To faith .otI.r.rvent p....,.or.,: ' ~, !io';lo8t m1 rhy~ng _rti prolix, .."I'1l iod It ~ ia,t...-, . Dot _Udeif MM)I\;


. ,


or , .

BE'VOL JlIXG p iO!/'lrBBS,


[n whlcb ... 1 the mft)' b4. IeeU lhl'O' 01" •• , wilhout oponing!.he Albwn. .."... A d 1 .... ;new 1\0 ornllDl,onta I ft~tlclc for tIe CenLro'l'lIulili lID cl~g"nLwHoll~", Birth dltY PrtlIKio&'. E v'orybooy ill :W'II,I t or ono, the·

!lr~rb:!:~ga~i:~I!n JltDcDJtU~SI~ORE, Dee. 18, 1866.-' I


CLOTHING ! nm'tTANI!r~~~gN!.ACt<,a, '" 'I'IN 'AND IKON SPOONS, , Hoop .i3 ~kl"rt""" &c. Skotns, Farm. mul Sc/,,;;;t BdJi , Sltigi, _ _ _....-_ _ _ p II

JJ61l8'X(llUI unwl!lUlltS,'IIl1ru' I!l


77 •


·&~'L.II of which we will "~ll.


NoUe. II lilrell, · «Iyen to II~. q.uIIUled ' . electoN o~' Wa,ne.., Ille ,8~hotll D i l l r l c l , ; . , I ·1· IIe~6ne.t Ilock of that In II ectloJlowlll be h.. ~ I II the Ullion School HOIIII! In·.. ld DI.tnct.

0., 10," '" .I,.rlll. 8" .867, 'N


.r6r. IIII pGrpa.. if on.. Kember oi the BeheolBulnl(. to ~"~br the tetm •

.r lbrH


f. ',1.011 elf, 8;~ ,So HAl II,,;

"h_ term or oIICI "iIIl~'J1 espire.




J!!!L1 c::.I~ .... ~S


,.a4 . _--'-

., '

- ' - 1-



Sabecrl~', h". 1;i.n &\J. \pl.ek.


luw rOf Shop fOllnllrl1 occllpied by Peln OAtlH, Loole wo/llo your IIwn i,,"reet Eberly, In CorWID, b ....., .....,. i III Id d d I 1 . t ",-r -/1 yo ue your un , e .. , en, we wll ed to do .'IllIllIdl 0 .~.




~rinll CI11 Prie ae to ~otlr dOD,.. '~1111. A,O S V.I . T,1•.I "., . •. ~ N . D.-,'t'u ,slloAI.lIlu .I'.iiI. _ Wa 'ra In be.t mlll1ner aDd al ,h. aOIt ..... "'Iklng SUII"r Pnn~ "t old pr108l; of tbo 100libl. 'p;.'tce. " . beR t No. I8 Ch~rc'l"l I~". Call i~ 1i1llD, . ,He d ..l.... • " the


tl tllll I ~ be d I II n J . 'tt. 1. n ..ugn. 0:7 '\Ve rOe'1 ,ruly d'lDkfill'tc}, ern\. p, lrqllallDor the iur,


. Caol thlll he lib. 1.0 ml,uallaoCL.l'IU I

, .!!u1.lar-llI.nUow to \MiIln... • 0,,1a" .... lIne) ter."I\ .~ .• \lUUO"" th.t . . . .,:be 'bl~ to 1l1"."",eDt 10 ollr e"le'prilllli ,,1r11, .lId lie • beD"

1". atiltklilcl ,_inll,. j,. 11"\ I '-U r .1

• •.., . " '• .11. . .1..

. .l

Try them.


'0';1 '




.Jo'J).-Werk of aU 1bad8'-





r BALE.of

,'a" ......

., R.n.E • or.- ........ '1 H. LO 116 • 1M'.,. "t ... , ~D tI,P JIIl"ul r 011" I'n~ 1'1 h 'l1ff \ ..r., 1'1" . '....................... \" t:8T . , ' " - ~ /I'lLrE'; (\IIltOn .11~lId"'Inc lu~1 ""U"bh' w.\eli rOT lb" • ....,... , - T _ ........,. ~II •• 011111. 10 bu, ... _ , I,." rir., or"~1l \)u11A! ' ,,1."n'H r~~.lrd I.. , .................. 1

" ',,,ae,

.uli4 •• d ,I••• d P"IlIIl 11,,1 1 'I'ol "811 , P.,cb\ ull·'~ , - IAII....,.1 A"H iI!8II. I!Iwi... "r .. rdl .nd t' 1,1. . . ." .... GAO.1f;, lllllli." .... • 11111 !f"t.! Pell • • IIt! .,;1.' .ltll ,.roftlloplc. .. Il&L&IIAJft:A, cllnee•• : ClO"Y.lI, lriloul ,.. Uk..... ..ob Irl . . . . 111 JO."I, .1I ...r. p.~ •• 11" . . . ~ ~ ..,. " " "rJ ,, . . ••d ft.t1IH. 'I) .\tl! .., .,a. ~'1 .... " '# ~ U ~ .... , LlIIAt ,l1li IIn," 'Iflee o( J" wlllr 1, ---.. • F, .... r Rin.. , .!teel .,,~ lIIUI·ICDdl - - ..... ,.. In."u_.II, Jllicell.lleou., .ohou •• .""k .oola 01 III "IId., BI ... II Dffld., .ort,.,"., Rep l". B4L1I'J_OBE . . . la •• 411"11..... , fie •• • c" eooll. . II, oa

......;"'. . . . . . .



alld IIQUU 1M' 1,a.IIJ lur ""I

1.I"fh I.m '






r KEnLEY 4' co,

tI" "thll! 'll'til hr. ,!l50 III !T~: I 'I' III !)till nllljClcq,.."II,'UI.J I\hh" ~JiItof>l "1'.1, ..d;ll <'M"I'!',I III

nlFLEI , '


Ii !I :.._ '::1 l '




whh I I MUSKE1'S .AX]) O.JJ.RBl.VE • I tic Al~ .... ';~ , '; reed, lu For Ih. Olliled SIIIII S.r.'ee. • UI I:) ~_w, ~.,.e"i ~.t:; g:~ t~;:~:'j::·~:"t..tICd ~:I~: ' :;II ~;~~lul:'''~:u' prlw. ,ulla edilcl , ~ l 3'OtJO (I Jt dlll,llls eulcht 1~1 ",!IUll •.,In, to Ih' con OUlner of 40 10 60 VKl\S S 5:000 ~'H AlIICriCll'II ~ql""ea 100 1\. 25(\ crill . F.,DII". Cfth " l' UEPEATING RSVQL • _e 0 0 f 5000SlIlJ,,\\'ctl\ 501 1:;0 ~ '11), killtlurqu.hll •• uf r •••• lap"cll. RiflIiB, j .... ~ tel (,;0\)0 0 L~.hQ~' w.."'h~. ~o to ~t.:l .~tI • .o1 1111, pOUlld IIId upw.~d,. IDd .we YiDg \ .... r" Tb, lIeet opportlllll\, • • .......... l 5,OOIl H Du\,I" C~ ,5 It) - _ 11 .ootllhenl a IlIper:ur .rllcl. IIf 1e., I aorl Gun ~ Iii 'Q , ... _ _ At 510.000 G Il Lepillc~ ~ 10 1:~ ~'6 P" •• , .buie th. el)at 01 "nporl.· Rille ,oil Nhol GUIIJ"{f '" d til' T rille ~J) ~i .0111 Wllblll, 10 be 1ft. ill 30,000 1!lliInJl'n't S walcll('JI 2l'>::: 50 :Ion. 1:;lllOlIIe rn.reelic lad, or olher ter'll. luhl b, Gun •• IIflln ,' CD 9 ~ C 1.5.000 ~ ~I .11 kluds 10 to 75 per.oD In ••ell n. llI"borhood cIII ul P~n leIl8r.II, . d or Houeellreaklllil nnd , lit rii :i. fl '" . , • CI'I'Y 11,114 0,000 • U '. h Iii lid take ~h." 1),lIe,. III thea. .,. B k dI ~ ~ ,w.Ill k' on(, . . . . . .- . . . . .. . lOti IIIII.n.lnln, O.I1IH••ehool }:vor• 'I r:: nllued TIIII,.nd Rullb"", eyery 11"".1, lUi. '." 00 -ticer. ' )) ~ •• ~...,......... Q.~ •• eehool R'I"le". AI~)I", IIlIlclIl· r\lllgt'~~II, co~ l\1f ~'311t:iliow" h n • club of len I"."ty. or morel t. Office •• hould ha"e 01t0 0 W 1l ~ , . I. lan'0II1 Boolt.'or prete"ll. Plclllree lod "lbl'r'.J.:';~J Hi~':':~~!, Gu'~ Ort'or ~\tJ).Q"" :bl:illed, ""d 10 u; .nd we wi llaentll,lI\l REMINGTON'S REVOLVER'S, ~ ' ~ ·~t Ptll1mon, lie • • Q.ldoudCo.'lI>t· Piel"" Fr.",... I~.II WAtch Co .• New '\ ork It~. ,.i,w to IIU To •• pUl up 111 8cpurate p.ckftllel. wl~h I b...t 1 I"iI'!! ~1iI IP:'~~6~ _d Tile beel .. oelt .r W ...... PAPER mcdlllicly dj 1"'"" of lhu "bOIlI IIH"ntlftUCIl\ lh e or each ucrdo n mlrk~d on II, Partlel IleelrollS 11111/.11 Ihem.elyl'!8 C/ .,..... ..; r :..,~ T:r.~~~..;-. 0., C......104I the In the eOltBtrr. Slock l~llltlcnl~' 11 ,1""11); ," lieF. • . IIro II I'"olu.ed III on e b".~. Aa I JUT,he, 111· 11,9 llle III1,ruveIll8111t1 IU P"onl~, "nd .". ,. c,s .9 M.,.~I Sleepi .. (,)~eo••bel EocoliCOlt \\'• .,•• 11110. ')l.nta for Ihe M.~on &. ! 1.llICI.tllll " ".'~'ll'lI\cI"J.'" lIuldll"ll lIll' r 111.' l 1111'111 " 10 Ihe pertloll VBttinl! up hel pCrlur wu,kmanahip and ronn, 'will ftnll ell c.;l .1 6. CD' ! Dln."Ir SoUl . .... _pie 1 - I'or ••• I., •• d H.",tin Otl(a" •. Knabe, F. C. L'l!hle' llltu 10 l~c II r~lcll'o! IllI llINt 1111 ,h.,r «'LI,h , I/let: III ~ All I'xtra Mmpilmell lll. " 1 d ' tl/) , ~ lot tI.", eM h ... CO...ectlO•• of Ibe S I BrltdblJr Bondman &. Gray clltr< "l'UII pAymellt (If r .... , Ovllllr<, "hrt It' l' ' C lib. we w .eu 6 d comu "' In I _ 0 r.: ~tId,· Wi-.e.w ~. E:e~::J:Got!bhelre'r &. Schmidt Pianos: t It \'0 '0 Walch lIurtlo ~f,u IIr h· ~ I I h~ fl' ' IY u;ck~gl~ 00 -:' urder:L ~~eIl8~1I1;'rBIl~!~ Ntl/J Rtfllill.rto" RmJ/J"TIf; . . "'~ ' 1:.) --... It)' (Tit 1 I Ii e I ed ftnd cheap)- \ lll fil 01 "") or our ", rtlll~lI t • ell .II < tAl II pe, InpS II I b I C lrc ulau Cnlllllllllllil Cllt ~ "UU .. 81Qrop. \ _ G) ~ ..... - .... -::.-~ - r, W • ·II~ ~T I~\ n y O"llhese IIullrumelll9 Ihe I,,"elu IUHlIll11 thcr~ulJ. " I'U ll 1~')I!IUm, 1. wAil we call .e ll 'l'eu ou ve,y 01'1 i I u.. tour lum. wilt liD IUrIIl.h'll upun tIJ fIl ...... r • W UTlll• • n 0 . , Ie peelll'o 01' It. II!lrth. IUIlI D' nu Dill 'Ie' ~1 I.hen tl 18 taken Inlu cnll~ldcrlllUll li nt IUU u .' ' ~ '1'hr.· tiKlte • - .. Check., lower ttt.n tny olher h"u"e Ihe ;e~\ . 1 11 0.1 thuu lij II 11111,,11111 811) c",I.hulIl ' . II,.,deB lile on ni li ol cual 01 IIl1porllltiOIl" 8PplocB~0INGTON &. BONS; lII~n ' NY. Ni ~ No _ ......" .. • w TOH: i No. 15 S\&l~ ~ W~ aro.el.o, "/Zen l • 11Inha III " I II ",IIIi~ rlllCO bu .~Cn 11," 1 L111' " nf) h'" ~ 1 . 1111 Bruker , SI'~CUI OIlH, J ubbpr, \ VI ule· E. !~ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___'_ _ . . i . at ." " S\rcot IDI I!II ~j tB~. BOr!\on; Do!'Ot &. Lyoo Sewing Mach\n~, untqllaled. as • ~\I"I~ht,. fQI'V;"rd l"gl\\u",\~ 11'''''""H\OI\ :18a~t) 0 uler 311" R~I I ltnr. hnve \lllrh to ... GlJl&NEY &: ,,")IV, , p.. "0\ end V OIl, oc.'f'!I}aai4. j No. ~ CI.,.... FAMILY ,MacMlIe. ~. II and aee It ,\Iud\ nou be 1"'ll~ll ..luollll \lve" u~ lll e reMp u :u r¥o I,rulh ulld Ihe illntlfn prub'e OTOGB:APRIC ARTISTS, 'fh . lllo.' " 'i ~~u,~"~"i <'III; ~l'Jall~, • • iii ' Lellellon, Oel. l'7.' ,,8 11111 be FOllt ".' 01 d l, ""rlal!"' . 611'f.Jge", PH ' IV Y """ !" 'W1Il1 viti . attl 11I,. t "lIO n rued l'l .Ii 25 "" 111 • • fi, (' It.. Ivhl4:11 hllve In pnn be, • " Rt:Hl'()iu:m; . (or or or Lon, ;"·fL.. ~lMt4ln1Jroo\ofVln~ SI.. Io.:J • ii l, e,,,,,,for2.1hlrt) IltrclInlldd'l;IIl1 I IIlU Ivrelhft1renchlhec,,,,. "nle r.wllI, ea dlly fllft ,I' '' "OIl ' OOllr l'tIO'OIlYRATIII';:A,?, Slgh '1'tI,,,·.,,1I .VaOI\ aOIl\Vbo" v.II:-t.<tlll\C;; . j /t a .... ~ 1>.pot oftlHl OiQclz'b ..t, 1'11 \11111 I, I " :'1.J.t) . Ix 11IIU III" ' " ,dllllhi pro "1Irlatll:lI. \Ve pr"I'">o to do "wuy II \1. Lk RV. ~AII\)I\,h9d ' S 10 , \I ~ huyu or ", tu, I•• " 0111 ot~., nll"n ... 01 " .I~n, 0 t"~ln"~ ~ w't: ~ 1 HuUll._ IMyt.ooReilway . bli.ouiIJTUle, 1"\11\1111,,,' 111 .1,111" ul the .. p,ofil 8 Dnd •• Ulbrrlolf( . "".d .:y*;' .... '" " , hr • r,~l:II::h';:rl'g~(\~~ tN"r''5I~t~:Il RITIt;:'' 1\ ... k ~;Y.t"~I~·P~I:~:O~~.~ o. O~~"'?ff&,'r. d S, Vi' _ . • 1iD ella ftff'd 8Weelil •• od ~5 Wl:SU I W",d, lor 15 '1'0 Aj!ulIl.I< IIr Iho: .' Wi' ,lug t'lIp~II~e". allil II nl'lY rc"",ne Wilh, t ill' II • ~ I '., ". I ~ Fourth'" aJIIIet &be Oftloe8 or Conu~ft. wo.DEII'U L IIF.VELATtoN8 II ~'~I'III) I1l~:'t I, h:~ 1:~c~'l':1 '~~I_::~;:'.L::::;~) .\I'~I :': :' I'tnl'le lu ~e~ wh e tho r II~ey . II .. va 60 ,:, ·Ih~ (i'... 11I 'f.,'a rti P"r";,I" ft,,.1 or. IIV" I'nb· '~r:. '~h~\~I:hJl~'''' pr _~III~t .... ,~~ hll~A{I"" " ~ I.!'. , :1 ,.', Ing ld_. D "cLAREN, Gell'l SU'" b h t. Altrologist Ii c"'t"b"l~/ cO~ rDIII"'" nD11 0Jl<D to Lho I ellto to @I IlU pM PQUlld ~o Overy p'~ UIIIJ Io.llIlIg" i..,"lqj; O, ul "v~r , W •• ~I" " Ihe R.llnll ~"cI 0ll" C ~.rr8b " f' ,', Bade 1" e i rea , IIlQ l uI t var\! Y l'u,el."r':'~'" 'I ;\. 11$1 ' 01 T~n- l"ey p~ ,rc"USll. ,Jr Ibv cUII\IIRI I~,'Is.""'" tu .".u, 811"';CC'" A.-ri.,,,,, ..... F;'~"', o,leJ/lpl'o. ~ IOI.\ll' ~ UOI'· o'.Olh'''. TN'" It F PULLJi;B, -Gon'l Ticket Ab'1!nt 1.~~" f ..... .p - ,h~' 0'QpSl'l!Ctil'f lllh. IIIIIo~ 0 1' II I ~"'"1. '''" OI Sli-ly lIIADAlIU II. "I{RUIOO. Addrc~~ . J I:IICKLl~O.~, 0 '1 • I!IVC C,r1l11l1:5 lu U IUlt 0 u~e os u t,~ " IlIr... I", or COI".' 0 1 . ~~:. ~~~ ~:j' ..lod. ; 0111' ..01 i!l"'l " .•1II1lipla~ lor (I' ,' f " :\ , - - - -.......- - - - - - - -- - 1"9 O, o".1~,,\-N,,"r 1 () gv-b",wll ne. "n'o ...... , An..lad En.."'1'o""'" I'.,lial Bllurln~ til,!"III,.o tht\*.ubl,\I., ~. ) • 1'13 '1", 0,1 v 01 ~ U " " or\! F F.l' LA R~ AIID SnIALf. D IiA I..ERlI \VI~h. , \ R 11 100',. o( Iho ~:"lIrol,o l ' 'Th.) r.u tJ. u. : tI by allJ Oil. "illi a oort.,llly . L~;g { et. f 6li.a",.' II PE l'O'U B L'T 0 RG A N ~ Sh. re,ellil locrall II I) morlnl ever kllOw. She rellores III 1l0PPIIIOftii Ih use .. ," J'008 10 sull ~I!"'''' cnn b~ ti~.OllII\lO on, I' ht the R.rh~ I"V . " .. , .,~llh" CI~r'" nl of .iler, • loti 1IIlthuul tlie IIfRJII fur .01 IRJunl '.. " ," ," I, :Tllll, " Cf:' tl ell , ... -• • . . ~ I r I I' t Mro!,"fI XCELSIOR I """OELSIO'D! .. ' t II e lr f'~I}lIrcl \h. "III. U "~' rr ...... , I .. liT I I ~, ,. -Ila.> 6Ilf'" corllijcal •• 0 In a"'el"~ I _~...... _ _ 1D'U 'R" wbo, hOIll "oell "yen., eaa , B ....... ~ tloled WllhsOIolI oRekHgP8 to 8Ul ;;n'I.II~III\UIIIIOII' : II it 11'0"11""" um,."u ll . lo ti. ··):~hl~lt:d '.t)d:;'fOil\~. Cu.... ' lillar. ',,,' " , "1jJ. ~~ ,' r: I,,, UJ~'I.OOII.I' ~w~aD&JI Tim rUl.I' PRIZE, UtI. . . . III lye, 10" u( r~lnlol)e JI; friend., Irudl', b\lt no rct!IIr.l llIlI aall b" ml d t, 118 "~Illy . /,,1' II~". \lod Ih . t.", r.o... fell~ri'l' .,1-llel, rurtil "w.. lion .IIP""'~ ~1'o?rJlI!'1 \0 ' 11 d " " O4ILD .C4L, 1~' 01 mon.,., &f'" ber.ol8e de.ponC II ~ 8 TEL LIe" • Iii thue Are whulo~lIle prI ce. . .' \0,. olld., ".""". 1l~~(.··t"' ·1 b, s~:~o\rr;~·. ~,I:!t.r~, ... ;"::',~."f"r.lO.~ 1n ';lc~1,u •• or (Ii. ~WII' J \ " ~.I I L '.A. t • •"&. O~'SA.' & d,;';'anl, I dent. 811e brl nil' logelher Iho.e lotll! ror 11 Tl \fil tit~]11~16.l1ill / 11 Tri,'( ,r. ta,I,r.\ i,f) It P RIC ELI S T ! .rl; (u""'f:h;lIoa, r 'c ur". U liv .. ill ba .... (uMd . d, iW rile (or '• . aln-Glol"~ . '{ • • .. D •• p.raled. ,IYei informa.loo CQnllerllllll ~lO>.a~ 1 .iQlLtll1u.:.l~ /Ol. LlI\iI£l UlRic alld'l.llIl le , t .... 1 ... 111 ,,l,... .. ~ Allerlo~ 'udt...., H.... Yor•• 00'•• 164 .bIlD' f,lud. or 10",.. realur •• loel or O"lot:1l (Illork). 70. 80. g,O, 1100, ',1.10, C.I~lo!(u., ••". 0 11 r.c,l tor 51."'1' 0; ST~:I'''' E.l'ill 'A CO . Ornlo.I'. at Ru_bBelli'· p-Doun--" .u-rior III ""'u·· · - •••, ' Iea prop.r'" lell. )·ou Ibe bu. """ 1'01' aem6'ftD1 aa)ler.f1aoQ.l Bllir. • d \,1 or"'. fo o' one rtu".... 1''' 1I1t.1 rroul o,~r Ipn', F,p.i1y, ~rlll' SIOf~ No. \~ ",.Ior H.u,. • ~ ' . " I" , . ' I , I I :..v ......... ... ...... 0 !leal 1.l~5 pt, p/)un • t: .. I. I,,\Co. ",II b. ti tleJ, .I, 81.80. ""\1 ... "t ,,) lli o.,h,." Nfl. Yo rk tt' nQA 0/ 8) Po",ll 1JI. ,,v.aarr 'or ,TOJ&. 'Dd I" JUU .r" b •• : qua lifted 10 pur.ue and I" To tbe ladiell "'peeilllly, .bi, illulu. Enll'hlh , ~reakf"l t8In~k), 80. 90, 811 ,00, o,",t F R"; t" 51101\1. I',< lllr •• , 2~ '.,." t. cDch rn-' D,) st.~~.n. «I Co. I,ave 11l~.,.I~ Colle., ~pen ~".I" Dumber of comlllllllion.. , ,ou 1IIU11 .uecellful. e.u ... Ible del,l.-ory re"oorbllleDd, htelr al 11,11 ",96 per pouptl. COL".' o( ""~'I.K' }.\ ,·cu r••• eh h 1'~I . 1I1 e'" L\,OI'JA, ,W- COt/l)I&A "'I,.~ r · . , {!AI \hI btl, I••"u•••,. of A.eriGI .p.edJ mlui'So, aDd tella you the v e r y " \ YouulI n,aull (Green), 36, 96. 'I.O'~, f:Z ~ B ,_ '" u pl ..o 'l .... r p to roll IHtt" llhm VJ t .. r"'NltR ,f (or lhtlt ure tjr Np.AIt .. SrO"'tt.D· 1 I ~ , .ere lhert co....Ddl" ... wbleltHer ' WOD d • ., yo. "lYe. 'OU Ih., being a al to 08' indl8p~n8Rblll article w Ir. '1."6, lupA,illr bO pet pound. • ~.llIttllt". w. h... (lIl rfr'UlIOIII''; o~ COI"I!"!:' N .:ss. "Iolr.h h., ,"0,.<1 THE ,'1 r' b '.. flAil'1 l' Rpp I'Ie, d do IIa 1I11lh'd (Gn.n • .lId DI ~ ... k),70, 80 , 90, bell O:d Aluurulyp' •. (,:,,,,1 'c· Wrlla 1M. rIIeul... 60 11 .11f Ibe blul• •quld III,....BOlhlll, leI I to aD' like",.. ~d-ebr.c:terlillea of 110. PInon. lema l e OAOly: I",..,••D.~uerr.ot.\I'.I, Ik•• O( :.:.:.:..:..::.:.;.::~ .~.:!......" -_ _ _:--_~ 11.·'-'£'-" "'" J.r,"", (etIl'N 111 81" readl ,our wery I"oUllhl •• lad b, hlf no. burn or injute · ,htl 'k!II' but DO" 81 00 per PUIII"). Dec"....... D ci'adn. nn. Fr......... ,r , It ,,"I)'IIIIOW__ IIM..I orillo.) el .. OIl,.1 pow or. unlill. Ihe directly DD Ihe rool8. 1'18 .arrant4'tI ImperIa l (Gre~n), 'I 30, IIe. t, pe o pound . • nl •• wII'1( ",,," '" "fir ...., .1111 Jlu,.III"fC '" Oil, i VJ TIle, dtelfll p".. 1a1D dark and hidden m,llerill' of Ih e (ulur". to remoft luperfillDUt h"iT (rom lo w J.pan '100, tU.IO. 8 1.115 be.t, per lb. W .I.~ Cu tnr' or 111,111' III~, ,viii, 110 0 Rill of . " ,,' _ _ _ . .be,"er •• 111'1114 Ihl.llato.. /. tFrolWlh... lllr. WII ... hi, Ihl firmamenl roreh oad., or (,0111 an1 parI of .b. body. GUllpowder (Green)" 81 90. ba.1 181.60 T~ T~EN·.'ltD A.TII!I'J'@. MOt'e D.rn.le. ' ,I uno """ " PEDAL O~GAN~ •. ~.II, .Dd 3 bln~. -Ih. m.leSe Illr. Ihat overeomll,ur preJ lely lo!.llly, Rud rll.Jjoall, ".rur per pound. rnrll .. el .." 10')( (ut".', .hnlll,J th , ... "lre MI 01 ke,_allE ....~ ••lhJ to ,1,,00.- 1I111nIll.tll III the .eoDfilu'luon-frum Ih" comp u . I Ilvin the IIkin loll COFFEE DEPARTMENT. rO'I'"'''' .,."h "' ,I •.,cl . "" lur • '.\loIlll:" ~ . ' MOle Eln8"c;~ , , , Wit• • PJUr, ,11111. nil dOIl"I. N 'lIk, •• peell and I'0ll,,'onl of the plonrls or PIlling Ibe "lIIe. \I If . L I' I);;r 1 he Trotta up"I1.11 ..t. l, u... "I,11 oouM ,• Mot'., Or.Mfa' I , 1.,1"" "Irie", ..a t6 ,4bo. 'rbMII find ,I.,a III llll helfeJl.l eI lhe time of smoolh lind o.lurlll. '1'I11S i8 tne on J W tl h~Y8 Intely Idoed a G"fflltl Dt!p.rl. ID" Hollo" 0"" " lor r ..... III. pcc ho" •• 1It! i ' Orgl .. 1, wIlli Ihelr'lItOf,Ilb, plpe·llke qUII. bl'lh ••b. d.duCII Ihe f~lu,e d.sllny 01 "",ele usoo by Ibe FreDell, alld 18 Ih" melll lu Ollr estn bhel ..nent. lind .llhough . tr.lll" ... YI."IOI: Ih . I 'I)' wtll r.1I~llIlIr G.lle,~ .And til/II ~.•,p iI, Shap' arlrl r"'"" t. II nf ,... I":"" III I I I I h ' " II I tt t only re·\' e ft'ectuld d e pilatory In e.riel· Iv e cutillO' "rumla e Iho ~Ull9l1mer til grtlat "". o1lh. mn'l lI~r ... uhl. p int· •• III N .... YOI PIau I-'fer " 'llllt ally 011.61" Ski", , ,,D'.' _II u.o 01'0,.. • ,eDI ",I". ·1F .11 not to con.u lie ,rea • "' u "h. ,.,n 'n wh,l Q'I\" !' 100 h,,,.~ .~ II1II. I , • o cboru •• UII''1 u • led ped.I •• BI,Id. ltel,ler.' tnlrolo,l'l on o.rlh. It coats you bul 4 once. Plice 75 CUllt~ per packa!(e,- ft •• VIIII! 88 'wo call UII 1'C08, ( lh" morll'll J I.UIU,/o' V &. _ON I'hn' g,nph .. , ,, -;--r , 'r or~ln·lill.eWeell •• ,..auperlorfo,Church· trltl ...aDd,ou moy Dever ogaln hire eo sent pOSl PR14I, 10 any atltlrb6H. OD reo for profit on COIfQ~8 b~"\,, very 81~lnJl). h!l611' ) lur \;rOIl.II,.,. N, V. Th,. n"w an ll II~nUlllul 8(y19 or SIi"I H.II•• r,lrloreall4 ilchool •• Th., Ire rnorable III oppOrtunllY· Consultotlon COlpt of an order. hy yel we t:~11 sell r;1I1f~lIs fully 25 p~r cent - -- - (P:ll olllt'd M ~rnll '7, 1806,) IY"'8 ' .warded , ' Jlllfup In ~.II' o( ,DUd Wal1ltJt, f.nny (ee ~'II" IIkenoa. anol all desired Inlorml' BEnGER. S IlU l'TS & CO. ch~"per llian 'r etoller. chnrlle 0", Cur l-oOTOOR"'P II."':. bv Ihe Gill:"" A"INR'OIlll IR.7ITUTii F-AlB. ,/ I '1' ~ Y r~es coma dir erl Irol1\ I lie CU8\Om Hl OURf', ANTHONY &; CO held III NP.'Y Y Qrli Q~\J1t\ ' 186;. ,.1 1 tI'l!elreil II/GlII'" (a." .nd unIque .Iyle.), 1I0~ 81. Panles liyong at 8 dillanco c"n ~ d 'eleg'Rl Roatvood, of .p,endid tillelg'" eon~u" Ihe UV A1aJl Wllh equal Ob~m11l8, ill/) IV~_ unv we ruaal eod grond IhelO per lectl} E." H. T. , " VEIC !lIED lL U adnptod: co overy depnrltneol .nd linlt " •• nd of Ib, b•• 1wo,"mlll~hlpl u(et, Ind satislacllon to Ibemaolves DB "l.l: T HISKERS PU'I', pill tip III lor mnre pound plDrka. Manu(uclll reTl of Photngraphic Malt· , ' '" ~,~." T I " . ' I 'o"Jbllsln'''''!!, n.l.cumtd' lInU , Il lIell" i.t.adttllhlt e.cb inllrumenl If In per.oll. A full Ind loX plo cI I C h U I . " ge8/ ot oil ndY.llct: or 11 centa per p,ound · realf, ' , The HIIlI, os t Proml\lm eve glvpn ,. V'>' \l Ililn bi ...eidll of h. el .... Allineitu · written (jJl'. with all inqUiries B'18werotl . ond ~lust.· Our 'Vltolcsale Prlce-Grollnd Culf~I·. -"0"" .:8A I.> AN I) RE'I·A ,'. Itu op"Sklrt . ~ coiniliorcial cnt. m.ntl. dOll. 1o • line ocllVO porI able alld Iiken108S onclosed. sClil by 111811 Oil ched forced to !('()W - Purl' R lu, 2b. 30 ~Cllt8 per ponllel Bl'~l " 50. BIIO.4:DW4", ~. Y. The SIMI Sprh1lf"". wounrl' Wllf, ') ' " " I Melodloll o' h.n Ih. beaulirul TreAlol.nlB rpr.eipl of Prlc, abo.e menllolled. The upon IIII! 811100lhc81 0 1" Go ve rnm elll J nVII, 40 ct~. Best Ceypl~tl'd w,rflWI Rlo.C9 01 II ~\lttu..~ qll\- ., cul~'ions, ' bu~infll:8 1 I ll .. • InlO d, an' I a II r.ur· III '(r··ln Ihree • ,GRAPHIC )110,111111 01110, "'.08 uf \'H.oro ' / . WI Ii In0 I. \\ .A~r tlolf "OE b,,"lne ',." ' 1 ' • I. , • atrlclell sccre.y malnla u lUll, 40 conte. ~IA 'Inlll ~ HI~'RIII ,A,":;'b U' \I ,. un, 1I .~II'l~,~ r or 111/ II I,"·II r con:cs , l,oJ1,d9n~~," op•• W "uDU I II I ra I) h. rlfe · A Ilf/l' ."orll1lllnt cDn.I.Dtl)' on hand respolldenoe relu,ne·1 or deatruyed :Rofto 811: 101 weekp, by • 8~")Is\l )Io'u -PIlI'tiOS Mmh"ll orllco·. Ie.. for the (oll owIIlK .•1t 'b" ~' olld Ihe '!lolo kif ruafi b, y. ' , . . .l our OeIJer.1 Wboleille .lId Relt il eronce, 01 the lHihell1 ottler furnlah~d l1elnl( 011. S£V1GU'S R SS:rAUI\A'r euJI G.\. f\lr ICl<S U 'UJI $30 lUI tu, . 01 C\,ftlJlJ. 8~ou"l .(Cwo........,. ED WI~1I0UT '~JUnv or " Il'.r ill ' 'V-tllIl, , ' WlrerOom•• 141 nro~ ...,. • tho-. d.airi,," Ihem Write ntolol) Ibe DII.1.IIIIIII,lhll mutt Nunderful dl acovelY In @clJu \11th \bolr onl"r 11 P. 0 DI'l,t\ 01 ,h... ,I , _ I ."d Will ~e lIB "uuU lUI ,now. ' I "'murk -till :,G bud ':h' .... olr.l~n I' IC,J> D Our lIIultratell elfClll.r .... Price T.... t. da," of . the . ",on\" IIntl ,1"If 111 r wlllch you a:movern Iclenl1., 'Cling upon the Heart! mOlle l, to dll' U the "~f'Cl\SC 0 1 110 II cct r~~ 1.0 Y Of ... Icnt,. S'.I "C.r) •• I 'It)~ ~ ~In. ,Ia.w, wllb our DI .. AI,I ••~ are 1I0W reed,. Meod born, .ndollng II Bmaliluck 01 h]'ir BPd Hair ' II lin IIlm"lt miracuilluf ma n- Exp, -s 1IulllIl/(c olllel ... II II will Ell tl 1.0) .t.,..,~ VI.. _ or ..... Wal\ ,I lor I AI-ul.-. r / A'dra.. M'U'MIi 11. '. P ~aBIGu . 111011 beell U~·l Ly IlIA eille uf PII CXI)r~g~ lind oullect UII oelivoIY· . I " ,. I . " I' ,~ ~•...-zo~ ....'l'O" 6 (;Od" 0 ~P. O. Drawer A G ncr.ond Luililon I From(ur"~,,g. ~"''' II.e_ ~1i/i' II'I\~~l'l, III10 I},ftj."olul)r"l'hIC ~ '''IU,' fJl'/"\IWllP' 'rllr'e I'n,e'nlll)n' coinbiriea ",rili' , (1'01, "" J ~ , f( " I· •~ .~! :193, alluO'alo, N, Y. rl. with.~u· tho IIIOSI [ouerilla IJ:1' w. ,hall 11. hnl'l') 01 . II 1III'@!IOI" 'n " 8 u"d 1I.\ori .aDul.elUr',., No. 114l 8 roe w." " ' .ucceea Neme8 or all purchD8ertf Will ••• 11 at our wurehou U (I'()rll .. , . . <fil l III., " II\; hlllor,' o( .h, :\ ...... co" t~ ti ., • n'''1" oollnn 8kir~ LU&' l1id.,Il\1 ill' of; dur 118. H,,, York C1I1) be reglotered, .nd II entore eullSfsctloll IS llou ell). whelhu "_"Iors 01 1101 liltcre_o.'" Vi" ..... . , QI..... $ILV&R S It) B"'" Ihe Il.otl'llD I P'lpe 11 I not ,iweu In everl Inel.nce, Ihe money '.I'. Y. KE .. LEY A; CO ., Ad"p lud for e,ther I" . ~Iug 'c LIIII> e," Ih • •dllme ne ,1h ... e, I,,~d In. ,I}I' ~ilver 'l Irl. I I " ~ I ' A, O,S ! P I A"NOS w.1I b. eheerrolll' refunded. Price by ule Kelley .t Co.. "l~""".ClI'.' . O .. r Cat.I~I!II. \11111 b. Hill II, Ihe e"ve,lnll uf wilIer. c nllt'l W'" oil'. '- ,. r C::on&D M •• Irlu •• , four owitch ••. IIInil. sca l.:d Iud pOll plOd, 81. Ducrip. 6lI VESEY NEW.YORK. .,) ,.dtl,.," on •• 01 while the up,al:' ' onee ."Te Dowered ' with anoltbe fll.oUl SP.EI'tCElRIAN ..... 0 • .......... ft . . . . .~ft·'11 bth D"'ru~li,e\ll <,Om(\Irl,.uu Iloleorlh. 6~; liv. Circular• • nd tpsllmoni.l. ml1l1pd 82 P~pa."" OO!IOII; ,No IndY' i. h~ vl'I'~' ~qcP 'l'0m , !1D1 . Iul .vov - • ..,............ ' ,~ ' .. Hf I oJ I u fi • d BER T'· ,V~ manaIA.,llr. 1110 .... I.rgot, Ibon on! .r or our .IIiriL \VIII bV wi IIHI to wear a", CAo.:re':!1;;;~ ~,~~I:,,~OO;U 1u~~~:~nl·t!.r~" II, freL'. Ad rtl. ,GJ<~R, ~HU 1'8 Ql. hou .e, .bou~ 200 v.fI~lle> I,u", 60 C~JlI to t 50 olher tI. II;. l6i~W' h' liP 'I' of 11l" ut"n CO.• Chemitl" NI). :I8~ /ltlvrr .Ireet. '~ 11 L E 8 ~ A • E D \I 8 eo,h Ou r' AI .Il/1Ms h••• Ih. 18pulatl"n 01 IIln••~.,. ••on illjered.lld ,olled . . , "d • • • • ,.9.., ........................,.. ....lUl.AN.ClAPI..LL Troy,N.Y.,1011 Ds.nt. for Ih. U.8. ,', "Plu",uperJorlu , uur.bll",llIdlJeuul,lo.u, ..... b r II d ' n 'm,r I F :. . h I po b Id hetd. oth.,. I '. ' ee III ttr, - I' ~ ,e 1" 8 V:IIIIIi '~ " 4ne.JJ. '" I ~ the .1I,•• laD or ,.1 "r na • r u a I AUT Y ! (fant . P ............. of Ge_nol., ...'COnelrIlClllln. ~nd; (rnlo lleor Qur.ll Itl _ 01 lit ........... lie - .. ,.n'fllI,. 1to (from Wbll'''HlIU'' it m.), h... r.lleo Auburn, Gold. - .. ~"" .,...., etc. , hd Ii. .til~'t"'., 'liTe 4i1lllnell '0 b~UlDe I ~. -.. ou,>-••II (orolo, I ,rowtla or upon • ~ 1'he lie.. BeautIfier of the 81ldD lOur Cal.loguc o",url c., OY er ~ IVE HUN· aLj ' ( tb.... r of bl,o"l! ,h. ' hlt8 DO ~uII. It 'Will force ' .n, I'lu:en. and -----OR~:D dlll'.ro"l 0-""1"1:1' , i", !udlll~ rel..~oIul·A f .. rt. f~ 'I" 0' , .... _ I _tlDlled tb' b ..rd ,•., arow UPOD lb •• mH,he.' raca Silken CURLS! 7'r:Iliflll1lllal.jrom : \lUll' uf Ihe motl cb'l'l.oraturi IIIhnu(.olored 01\1, the SUye, Skirt Notte but Ille "O'fl/'!I\ P,O(t.,O" 'I' . .t. . . . . . ." • •11 tbe I,.." .. I. trOll 6.olo.'lab.l,Hor6balr UpOIl prodllceol \ by lhe This ,erre' uf belluIifyin, th', lkin b•• '"gl . Slalu ... etc. ' ... &t 011 rucelpl Ind \V,re ""'nuloIlIUrin, Compln" I Ulplo,~ 10 tbe .arlous dfptrlhlUl1 "DII. J d" R ul, II.lUp .' , ' -,' t . Q N ... II , 111 6 B • b.ld b,.Il. la from two 10 lhree mOlllh.. UII o~ p'l)r. DE BRj;UX'S Fmscl\ 1.£ GUlt· Ing known on1, 10 M'" p.era are .... en., Phot"fStbl'he" au" oth, .. onlflrlolt l\'''''''' 30 & 311 Rn,cl.y tJt _ ew lor. 11 roa rl.e, OY.~".rllDI a .., A flw I,oorallt practitioner. hare 118erl· nux. One 'ppliellion lNorranled to curl Ihey loollorlbl1 .t.te Il.el It diffor.lrom D.• ",II pl.....h r'lIIi~ i5 ~ r .-"1 0 1 thu a.,- T. S . Sl'ERR.Y, SUpl. , . ~~ IJ i .. ''''OII"oa.IID .. l~ao• • o~.... ed ,Ihlt therl i~ lIo\bin, lila' will force or Ihe 10011 etraight anv s tubborn hnlr of III ulhec prepurolil)n.. II gives Ito lite ou.1 Wllh Ih oll OI'<I"r. t ~_ , " lit . '1'.", Pli.. For'ee ar" nftt .tn III~ III'I,a lb. ,ro"",b or t!le hi I, or Jjea,~.- ellller IU Inlo' \\ '1 yy rlllglels. or heavy, 1II0Gt hDrdh end freckled ,kin bUI h Ihe T~e pr;.cr- oli« quo"ly o( our r;o~.. l~An / Latesl F!\'Ibtoa~ , D~~~4 , ,Jr .Ii ....h a •• bela', of Flnl.h,Pnllt#. TheIr . tierUoli. ' r8 I.t .... I I Ihou8and. ~I maaeiv" curl.. Has be!!n ulled by the ItXIUrll Ind colnr or pollehed 1VOIY, ro~ nol ., 0 sa II J. ; 1. W. lJrad,l,ef,~ Oe, ~ebrated patent 'd, "III" P ..", ••• Blo,.n, lI,mlf witne,sol ~lrom tltelr own expe". r".hlonabll!l of P.rle allo L ondon, with moving oil ,JiacolorBliulI., Whelhl!r I1p. I'tl '" N ' II 0 0 D : 1 I10t To. ., I . :.0,C,8 the Inosl gr.llfyinl( reeulla. Dooa no 10' peariflg cldee, tOil, murphew, 100110 Dow ' ''OSI, Ilo\\' '.r' "II ' S .. tJa~ 011111 IIak In th C 1" " lury 10 the hnlr. .Prlct! by mOil , 8ealed [lr black.wurm epee" •• an"'ls up'enially Ju.1 l,ul>iI.h-tl. III ~ enve lope. J)·Ir.~ ) All petllOn. purch.,lng S,e~olilltllil • .I , er • OWl,.. ... Ine from Ibe 8puriol1l1 It cerlaiuly 18 D I successful In s moolhlllg out Ihe tnn,k. 6 C"lI to A Leclnl.oll Ihe lI11tur •• Irel1tll."I. (OR DOUDLE 11111111..0 Th•• ",••• "llIled (or tb, fullt.rm or .II' !lieult,.a nln~lenll18 01 ,·th. d,tforenl alld POB'PUld, 81. e8cripllvt) circil ors, lell by S"ALL "ox ~ ... 11,1. Cullea' • I '7 Thl 0 r d'bl mLubllCll rrtp.raUon. I1d';.. rI18110 lor Ih; hair 8nd The a;anle L ' Emuil de Pllri,! mosl . , . , J , ~~_,el u T' IOb 'C 1III 'd ,.1, tra 1 beard I\r. enli,ely worthlel8. olld you 'rrov, N. Y ., 8010 B.. CIII. f"r tile U. S oOllhJenllY 'lubmll to Ihe pllbh~ Iho 1'8" EI" .... Oll •• lullfol~nq. Nchliu. I)olioh l\'; ' amj lVay I e _ .... 1o e. ora •• e en IU ' or"· ~ ' I d Ih ~ b llUpedlillcIIIII .. J\I""~6 ~c '~n,Jtl' pU OJ,'!j"P' \ ' I et .. , . .Gil CI I " 1 LI ' lillY lillY' • re.), ruwn org • -'- - - - lIest Plldorsemllllill til euclt lIi.lillgUla cd 11 011 , ~~III"11 v DIlII 1'110, M.,ltnl dll,I ' """ ".1 ' The wonderrlll FII'J(ltilll~' 'ilhd ,reD' ' ~ve IfII J.f CUll' mej ' r : I f I ell .I.ent 011 Ipp t· amounuln Iholr purclilse. ' 0 surh \\ e lou lee QlJ I' , illaa",,«tl. &a. tI, R~hel\J. (Alllllrw~ll. M.D, cnmfCl'I .llId p1ell'lIr ll •to .IIY ~e.Pjng , ;. " , I .. " 1 c.~ III, A rete 1IIould 81Y, Iry Ihtl RSI'£RATon CAl'lLLI i 1. • ::l,gUOri Rillori, hl'lle Felicite Veatvall. qutnor 01 110. 'Ur.. n Book,' li;.c. ~~c. Ihe Duplex Elllp\lc aklrl Will be e~"erl' :, , r ' , I ,) CO!illAlJ NARVESEN, it will coat you DOlhlng unle.. it comea MIBB l\fagjfle Mlleloell, Mrs. Bowers, The "arllll.,,6 ... 11 .. ollm1ro, arlic't lt.tly III r. lI ·d 'dw d'ttd l II a York City, full, up 10 our rer,eaenlati0I18. If yuur 0'" . h. w•• brnuuful ""tI (,\It. Lur-Ille Wes tern, Mdm'e POllllsl, bhe9, popera., ' ClrrI"II", railroad IIIflll !J'1Ia1.d,",••• fu f ' Ih,. I • &. 76, E 1Ilid 81., Dru'lllll dOl. not keep II. SOIiU lid 8 1.00, WII" Ilurrf c\o' IIl11t rllrl .. "t h,," , N". EmlllD. Wnller, (JUry I".) b~ ellectu"JI) I\IIlllb''''' "'~hI)O' ~.dJ "0., jChut.cb PIlWJ.l erm Il~,alr" r01lT P~~menad~ ') ~IOlhllJfril, \~•• I, 11 f,l)~i aDd wll'. (orward It, pOll paid, tog:elher Who.e cur lund, ,I. 'Olt clll""" ,I , Rus hlon, NWlllie de MOti Iv,l holl\ d.Il." IVIl I 01' mtlDn., IIn4110uee DreB,., .)1 the eklrt cJln . I'll " hh," -a wllh a "celpl r.., 'he mOll OY , whIch Will 1.".I,.,nerl ,hr. 'C'l h~.' 1 .ulIl \11 11111 . ' JlhrcueriUes , III ,e8 "ou~,e ••'umtlltl. r1"~ 'or 'vo.t.I!"", 'roHl'. ed "'f,,;.flil \lse 10 oe&'up~ \I ImtilJ 'tlaGl Oil 1,, ·\ \' .. " I I To AU Whom it' ••7 Concern I Le re,uroed ,Otl On application, providing CRI81'ElI COIlIA. AllII !'iI Perry, • 1118 oul. IIlod ,. \Of cG!e 111 v!,~6 cerl,!" ~ lIitrj ellll)' ,and ,coRYealeh\l, at. IIUk or mile. DtiV:&N'I' ~ira 'lml r~ entlr. "It.rectlon II notl1l1'ell . ArlrlrUB For Curling the Half of either "lid "'UIIY olher~, who.o IIIgh @\a\,odllll! In r~~l~'~'·dl:~;~,',:.~~~ cb::rll!~~:;:;' h~e~~~,t:"P~;iJ h,,~r_. an ~nVl11~,'I~\e,.lIy~lltf, 11I . ~rin, 0- "~'ffl." ,":fit ...." , ' 0' Au~ a.peet.11y lh~ who hi.. Hol.... W. L. CL:ARK .. CO, chem'.tR, Sex int.o Wa.vy and 01068Y ti,e prul~niun gives ~he 81ump o! 1rulh. I)· " .. vIII.I) un" r••h, nIl)'. 'TI li S Lt.\. 1;IJ BE, Iiue. no. fou~d n 11II11e. Ij"ln/l elI.rl. 10 b. ~ :-Th. 411, b.. 1"lnll wben No. a Wl'tIl F"yette .1., S)rocu8e, N Y. llm~\etl.' or Beavy. lulnc •• Iii Ihelr IDtalilgelli Dnd lIe/tulne W·[1.L t'HOVf) ~ nOON TO 1'R(J1J81\, ~!JS ' I .If. ladY '1IIIo.~ ImjtJ,~d . Iloe ,f8llo'u rl'. " ltort..ebOilrur hu become OD' oI'Ihe moal aloive Curl. . .""roYaI. AN 0, :J:•.IOUM.NPS . ! . O~UI IIp.tle r ~ I 10 anr .omro'" h r.. l eon,....f8lle. J O~ ",.r· ·1 GREA'" "'HAI~' 09' I l·rtt oC BJlICk-1: By uHlng Ihie"o:licle, Led:", nnd Oft", bali utJ(ul LUCIlle w:eslerfl' Il\rllla '.: ;:, r/., f., . " J IUlla,. H_ ..-4.,1o If. SUFFER NO ,MORE! til men CBO beaullfy .hemlelvea a tJlOu,. I lind IlIlllhil 'Email' producee IIIg 11j¥ Il'lhl"\:f" , .. for I 81"81. .. W"I b.yer anerr "dll' J 1 " \ few ..OIItIIe .... eand (old. >It I. Ihe . I)lIly Icrtiolo In IltD brilliullcy uf ruuge .u,~' lily.wllilel witil Ala : D. 0 ~erWel\·. (M"frl ..~. Od'lf., "rico wllllllil" dl.peale \Wltb .helr · .... 'Por ., If. I I j.~ I 'I • , . . III ~. . to "1ID!'w ,l III ," ••01 wllell vh~n bytU.c \l80:;ro;- JOIN~IU.~'8 Em:. world d,.t will curl atr~llIh~ hair , blld .1 the ~re.I,.od pecuUar advanl.e:e ,,'r lOltil' 2b CGu~~ ),A~'ir~9' I. kl.'ft.. r. iJ. _0. ohlldr.o.lIIl.tteUlut ,OlIn, Iidiet the,~, ' j .. ~4S ~O .'I"tI • •' " ' III• .., 0'6 ... ,...., ",a ,Ill 18, you OOR be (lured porDl.llenll!, and Ilt n the aame lime lIive a ,blt,.,fUI, /1'1088, (t re_lI)' .dd. lu lloe 101\. 12'7 Bow.,). P.O 1.0\;. . . . 1 a",p.rlor ell 1: ", ':'L' 'III ';;1 .. , J ' "' , I of .0111 .... lei pu, 00 a .bOl b. t"'''11 I ' TI ,. • ' d L • l f II ,.. (U 1 ] Tn., will nOI end Dr Drea. • 'l". ' , • , ", II~ ,, ' I ,.' .."lIg COS • apfle.rallce. Ie Lrlaper . oma not on· III'" ~n •• ~u y 0 18 "',n. .!. ) I ' , "I 1 )/' \ 1l i.Ji "Ld.. t"~II("" 'H# h/iitd'r fI ,. ",1 I r I . ' • GUIt 0, OD t'. beel, .ad ,tIOp lhere. The llltonielolllg allccollll'wloich ltnanucudctl Iy curia Ihe bur, but lnvlgor.le •• beaull. The 1Il11:u1liceut Vutvah dl,.a : I IIln"e .pr n ,IIUI W I' ~ Y /I' " '" n ... ,.r'" e der, "1 ' ..0 ~ ehoe a horae 10 Ir.· this invalu .. ble mcdiclne for )'hvsicol alltl fiel. and cleanee. It; I. highly lind deligl,t . • I h~" lulrere .n much Ironl (he" ~lIri. 0 U R 8 TAR C tot GLOa 8 I• • n~l" .....1b1 .~' ht.. Off tOCl4l~ (a lh.lridI....ItI" ciJllII U ' yel l.tlt,l.....t . i , ' of ebo.1D,. Whell Nur,ou8 WORkn08l!. Geneml Dobillty no,} ~ d, h ' , four urdl/l.r)"~'\'J~ w\l ",~,~hl""'ro"'D 11I'Ib1,. I he,I'••1I.eot •••" ,otl Ih' bOrl' I. J'toatraUoli. Less of MlllIOular Eoe,s), 1m fully per ume Ind I. e mual cOlOplete OUI'" lIe lutlon,: &'" ., which my 111o'lIri. ' I. lhe onl, uied b, / 101 • " Ie'a. 'be ' 00 ~'ovel'.a \' 181'I~illlaIO'MdI Selio 1",,114 .... OIlr b.nI roUt, hi. r.., con· pol"1U:6. or .oy of tile cOII8Cq?CIICI!S of .'tlcl~ 01 Ihe. klnil ,~ver 0't:ered lu the e.1 p.rulelllo\l oblltre.a me 10 IIle, Ihll I I'tnt en..a Hotels, Llkundrl-. iuI4 I' be d"tl~e Witt Itt"';'1 ald"tllt ,tti J..!.....:l illi 'ilil. '.,oil.,. will .."' It.CI, lad he IIeeotn .. 1.111.. ThIn b. I, ou\hful IIKUscretloll •. rClldel8 i~ tlte lOost A m"uoBP publ,,:. J he Crllpllr Coml co"alder It • perfecl ben.laCllon 1.10 /lild 1\ Thouaands of FIQJl11101. , b~~toa: rod: ...., 1I011QD~,;,,'.oi;le,.illflIP'1!. u"II'" I, • , ~c,,", ..i "Iurnid to llhe blaek_llb • • bo '"'''' valuable p'rclllrlldotl 0\ or ~I8Co' l!red. WIll be 8.nt 10 III, .ddre. . . .ealed Ind "rep.i.t.on whleh Rlfel Ihe neee •• ." II ~ . I '. '"00111'\\1 ifa, or ,II of lu..... off Ib, .hoe cuI. lb. beel.l-wD 10 It ,!,Ul reDlII)"\! all ,!or"ou~ ..!factions, de postpaid, for 81 Addr .... nil orders 10 whllene8l10 Ibe .kln •• nd lellVOi it cool makln rr Ihe bl~elmljwlfi!<!t010rrJAAor n~llt~~.I"wol oP'I""~I~IIDn. " . ' ,; •• ' " ,,'. ~. f bl d -II wer pro8810ll. esc tomcnt, InoopaClty to 8111lly ur W. L CLARKE &. CO., ehemiall, Ind Imuolh .. II ~ ... , etl • "" D Iff II ft I• II up Ib • "oe 0 ... ' ~ .m. fr. a.U. bU811lus, lo8K of m01110n, cOlllu~lo" tbo't~ N 3 W 1 F t t 8 NY' _ '. " " t It on, end dr_. lhe rOOl do"".o 'be of 8elf dC8~ruclloD. fcnriof ,"snllil). &c 11 ~. ee aye te s.. )fICu~e_,_ ._. MI .. :arn!:l!ie Milchell eaya: I ~. Bu, Ihl har.. Ie DO IIel•• r ,at.- ,,,\I rc. tore theZnJlllctllO. re"ol< Ihe 1II'0ith of Th ... cOIII. lh glud IIdlllgo 01 JO' III . tl. J lofty. Iried Ihe Bkln bllau\iller 'L'Em. . • " 'r.lul l. Ih. c.u .. of au maa, bo,.., ~rinll Ihofie who IIIIV' dcalro)ed It IJl 80"8I1U\ CJt~CS8 'I .. YOUII!; .IId 10 otd. 10 I;""' t ...tI tu ' IIIUtI . "ii' fle Pnrl•• l'nd round Ihat It 1'lIallllllv ,'I'" Ilml-bld IbOl)iq. oot fUL drI'iD, or orycvilprMlllces. I Ih. b•• ut) which ",,"0 w•• • v proclOuo IIl1 d import •• 1I~lDrlll bluom aud Ireehne •• I ~ "'f\,,.s.I I II. ,"_ . " rldln,. oun~ Mon, b~ IlImbullged no more h, ,.r.. 0 Our thea (or aboela I. t I Ib 'Quack NustMlma tUlrJ Igllorllut ~rlictitiollCrij, .. fi e. '"r . 11. Dlld 1I11111"Y UO (.,r. the complllxl"n . , .1 to 'P,P' • I 'oollt, a ? I b 'd i&e' ""e e but sClld wllhout dolo) lor the Elix,r. nnd be BY TH~. tJ!:'t: m' 'Jored's Emlil lie Pari.' le u8lld II 0 0'17 R 11\1 P S a I A L .B L '1711 f t · ura • lpe.O' • ,Wo pro· at ollee reSlO re,1 \(l hCRlth 'In,I happlllclIS A CH AS TEL LA R 'S dellclte beautififlr of the okln ro, 'l'heMlre Perfect Oure 1- Gnllrl\lItocd III e, el)' ;1I~tl"lce. . Saloon or,jom. b Ihe mO~1 refined ".ani ,I'lIel.l , II, or" bollleK to olle ""4Irc.". $3 Id . I I.d. Y d ' II I Oue bottlo ie auJ]iclcut to ulTect II cure III " ltl. III .crupu OUB lee, pro UCUlll a t IP. b, proper Iboelng. pro,lded the dlfficultJ aU ol'llioll CI\808 • boautll, IIlllelJ'ecla or rouge and lIIy- .... hlle b.. nol gone 100 10RII,-.nd realore III. ALSO. B'n JOI~\ IlL~'8 SUOIJl'I O P ILLH, ,Furl InoproVlI1g lind DeaullfYlnc Ihe WlthouL Ihetr vUlgnr al.,o or IClJury to the Ih.",d r•• t 10 their II lIur. I W. forthc Mpocd~ nnll IlllrmllllclIl CUI 01 Gon Comp rXlon. ekln, hawe proot to show or our IlIc~es.ln Ibis O.... trOD, Oloot, Urothr" l Discharges, Orn'cl, TI~. mesl valuable eno perreclp,e llo,~- Suld by III first.clnee D,ul!j,!iv18, Perfil. Plrtlcul.r. Slnqlurc, lind .111 n\fucliohll 01 tbe KI(\IIC) lion In U8e, ror 1t'VllIg the 8kln a beuulI- ' !le ra . IId Ladi •• '',,~aeri Alleni. wanll!li eY.• r,whBr.s, '10 Whom O:::r If JOu hllye one of Ihe.. CIIIIS "wi Diatldc! Cures cJfcctcd in.frow onc to ful pearl like thll. Ihal is unly fOllnd III 1. I.-pellu 8~1l Rrondwa,: Demaa WB (l1I'er extr.ordinary IlIducl!lIlonl" ,r I"d h". fallb In n.lure, !lIn u •• trial: file ?"ye. The) lIru "repal ud from ,ogeln· youlh It quickly retnuvas Till. It'ret.k-, B.r~"tI &. Cu.: .nd 't'. C, Well~ & Co., Addreiie. , ' ' • :Twlco .bo.ln, will convince )'ou. ble cX,lr~rt~ th"t nrc h", Illle •• 0 11 we ~' Sl"m. le8. Pimples, Blolches. &luth POlchee, New Yllrk, A.l)d Eugene louln.111 SOlllh N. Y. 8'1'ARCH QLOSS CO., ( • .."d lie' or IInow.te th" .tuIII:leh ,,. hoprcg Sa !lowneaa and QI\ impI\rlLIB8 of Ihe 8kln T I • dJ I Reduction in Pnce. . IInlr Ihe bro,,11t Nu chnngo of d,ot 18 IlUOOS ' kl dl I • II I , 0111 j alruet, .n v \".01\. Hulloway &. . onr)' while IISlUg Ihem. lIor Ill'loS lI'el r actloll n 1 181 III t Ie .. m~. 81Ylng II ()owdell. Phll~c!.l!lphill, Alfltnlll. Ne. \11.10 .boll III round, t',GO in !lny ,"DOlle. Inlerlcro With bUSIDc •• l,ur while and clear .. "Iab •• ler. [t. ule can, I ARED .... ,1i.ENt:. Gene.. 1 Agl'nta N." QUI. 100d ~.OO . uits, Prlea,.J. boll , nol be delecl.d. by the cloaeal SC'IlIl?r, allillmportll"",,'N,e w York. Ot.l.~. 1e,.1 fOGall. 80 Either of lhe abo,"c IUcutloned articles and belllll I v'lletable preperilion. I. roeN D PARK A,ent l or Cinein. ~ AU,o'''" worll I" "'to"Ion. ",1\1 bo ~8n~to any CIIJdra.s, eto.el) ~cllieli. quill! h.rml.... "It I. Ihe only Illir!.Jr uf 0"1.'" " ' , ~j~.6m9 KILTON THOKPBON. ~rtl ~.~~\~;.:.a~l\o: IIltpre.... ~t\ rccuil,t the ~Ind uled by lhe F(ench •• nd i~ oon· -- - - ________ ......... ~_..L~ , "'a'-""'I\I, FI" 116 1141' l\ZliQ'Slt 81nJ'l1 TSl'dcl"8to --:.ld.r..dlndl'",, tOI perr.cI..wilel . PURE 1f)lD.ER VINEGAII. J Vi • , • • ~ , _:Bh1M S~~'ro~be~lIeJy' upw .... 01 bott'.a were ~l • .du. . ' ~1' I • ". : I, ' , ' ;', ' 'inl Ib'1I ..t )"'r. 1\ sufficIent !lIlU8A\re Thr. we iao,,- 10 be \lure, .1 we pro. " I. , tW' ..... ' ,l.~ '.~Vl"""""'of. __' DI 1\1 effic.II,. Prle. '76 Clenla. Sellt; .laW th, Cider Iro. ~'''OD' 'J: • a a,,4 ill fl!aIDII,*. for .. i",.;tttr. b, ' ... 1M ,.l1lIlnj•• It 1o ' ;. ,'" - .. -r '" •• 'JMlTZ. ' , _ It L H..;;..:,u.-:!. "!'I~H do. ,,,!t CO.. .. tilllpr . . . . . OW" JI!""1Mt.



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dl) alae p"1e1I' bi prioet ..,,. ";r,If•• R Il·SULI>R.friend laRS b.~ltd di...ttantAgeOul, lb". III tb. at Un welt hltwe to ....,. . , I. I".t po" ..... • 6 • •, IIA tile roUol\'inl clreulnr: n!C('IYed or boob. W.1fo "'" refer II) Iltll.. AeeordHtil CO ~ ~~ of 'hDA •• E. P. "BOalTo•• the .,." b"\lh~r. ~ ~~------~ blm rr~1D, 'ntl tbe ro- I " . book m 'lldng lind Plea headech. Irl". elLher from a E"lI li • h A .. ullloll",. CI.lf9"r alll .Itd ("r... ' ......•• H.' .....' .. "ATJlB SVll.L.,OIl I Ot 1.r1'1 d' r'ol wloJ",.eagar uln · • . I I b,lo P.y~,hl;on .. ,,(cllD,"bOh""'''I\I'ltrdllt.. I". • _ _ ~ ............... qu~ t tit/It Wbo pll IS II' rn o~' ( ••• 1 ing. baL io Ihij purcb," coml)llt aTlDpl"'" wiLh &lIe '~IDIIC I alll 6 '.•c;i~1I11l\u .:1 ..... of Ih. Old Wurld, h .. P.r ,"d wlu.lbrou,baul t 18 r..lot r· l .... ,..,.. .~..., . .I~~.& QaD • " ...... 3. fMS, umns. W e comply ell r fll III , :mrl lily ,111l ie in lhia eo.nLrf. 10 lhe I poelio Tilee,.. or from I wnlm,," 0, nOW Ivca lPd h, u elt at Hlld'OIl, N. Y. p"bl le.ln cleft~nce 01 rlnlr1 .nd cumpo-\ ha" j".t o,ened a Millie 8..,. I!!!!!!"II!"II!!!I!J!B~"!!!!!IIi=~!!I!!"!!!~ ho'''' all'MY tl rofi .' ~a.: of tbB 'peopl~. We "re'no~ IIWAre ' exhllultion oCtile po"er 0111111 eDceph,, ' 'rhorn,nn po..._ aue" .. ond· !ttiun, II ap,,,.I. , I.t \/y it:. r1I - •• ~ erlvl p .. or eecond ailb" •• ,01 1"1'.,1 '1'0 'I'IDS POLLS I JlGw J.lqllOra AI. lIad.. Fri nrl$ lind NCJ~hbC?'''9 --I n~lt~ Ihllt !).coli hllve goo "I) in prloo "". ' IQII . Th. one ,,111 be 111\ I! '!I)"}lII - kllowle,Ia." 1M 1M IIf e.leel I '\lpvrl .n o~ II) ur 811 whn d" ..11'fI ,. do'''' 'he Mllte .ilh . NO. 10 D.~TltOl'r ' opcnc I n ~mmo.(.hol! . 1(11' \1 .Q4be anr ., uf .UIIIIIIC.clur .. d C ID ' lAd-i.e all" Lb. ~be' rurlJf)lM Mn.dl//:A. . the ~; ...!Ie or m"rril·i! .1 III'lIP' ~I'I. II,e 1n_l!lIilirpni black ut IIrll"'" blle A thai TnJ;tl' Dr. A . A. HIIJ8, State Assaycr $!lIe. r 'Llqqlcl 1!ll'6, 1 elllllrnce yo ~ ag . I II I . .' In lhe tro"lmlloL WI,il" 1\1 • Ilale or .,_nce, .. b., ,llllIIe"tea "Itn', hea oIen; .. oI. or '. ,. ·oll'n ""a'-.·":; .",here IlW, will keep Oil blOlI, ' )lj.s!lftchusettB, hl81)een heard this 0IlPol·tnnity of informing you, lDodiLi... bllttbl' tbey are IlIgh. II · I A tl"L" oeoetsary , II lhe very le.lur•• vI the you .,e 10 M"nullidureoi b. J. CIU81'ADO O. 1IIO"_n, IQhr,lt\e th:lt 01\ I\tll r~nJ uuxt. 1 !\'hAil CO~· IDflotlbl; lIigb• • fery lDan., excep l~' to ..eato" " h~"hhy acllon to Ie mar". an,l by lh , altl 01 1/1 lu.lrumenl "l A.,ur Rowl', "I'W YurJr-. $0111 bt Dru,- p' fl.... JIi. . B to the Licen8e Oomml~o at os n.- m Oll" the bUijllless of making drunk- Lbo.e in a1Bllent circumsIA nce-. r"l:l • • tom8C~. lL "ould be well 611t ,tAJ in len41! p"w.... . k"ow ,. •• P~y~horno· ,ia'" Applied b, ,II ".Ir.r'-'. lllO. '(f~, ...... ~aS, tlod~., 1"10/" ll\s1.e8I,hIl9DY if reported In the Bos· !\fIls, 1'1\U\ rs, and bog"'Drs, for the k k 1" • . •til Lhe «like ao emell, follow Ibie bl the dllll, 1t0PP , gu~ rollleed Iv produce I hl~. lIktt - . • ,,'lct~., httt X!44ic, Jr."it "', teo ')l!Ipen He explaioed the llliltb· Sobl!l" Inlll1&trioll8 nnd R e8pootnble who loP II o'er" aLoe or .1,. WI , ../ .' . Ind ke.. th... I,iailire IIf Ihe foture hu, band or WI I .. 01 'NJ".a N · ,.:XTEN IVE ,.~ . . . ."0 B oo/c" Ytoll" urtd .-a. 'f .oaI~ln ... Jiqaon III his otn e, ~l)o\'ti;n o( community to s upport: desire or pllrohlsi uIC· 1L IIIku b4l~ " , Ul6 of Rob"ok. BILt e,.. I P Iio :he .Pllli!)."I, lus:el~"r wl ~h d.t~ uf mB" fir 1)ItI'nUDlJTION of ('iIlOOO, 1\1..10 ' r "".~...- s~:~t!' "bat a large ....... por· I shnll d eal iu 'familinr spirit8,' .moll . 011iDle no" 10' cu,' two dolh"l . l,bQ?roh rllIClllar: do nol allow Ijlle':a rit'~' pn~llio" I!.. ~I(·I· ' lelladl~~ Ittbrou~' ~! ,I,n" .old . ",) S~I.;'r W.rt. io nil" soiilt; o. cI. I E ' JIe .....• . ...~ • . ..... I '11 'te en to d eeds of rl · k I l b . CQII ..... 'OtI T;.ke 1m" uose. C IOrauter, - . " .. A II '"" -, .tt b. '::>al ........ of ~h: &U.s. R\>ink BRO.• No .a '~'. V'rrllling II-II, k~ ' . thc ".loe 1011.\ is not mndc Wblt' l WI exCi m · while .tbe besL IVor $ lire _lIer y 011 ICOID ~,... . Ihou •• nde 01 tll.ti mon;all n.n ase~ rl. :I~ I.ib. r'f ·t.• N . Y . '1'h .., ~oo~ •• r ... tv at' MU' clOre;. or which "'.wl ..~ C¥I 0 j' i Tb is more im . ot, robll~I'~' nntl blo'Od ! find by 80 dOt of reRch of Ihe mlljorilY, who "rtl con of Lhe Blootl plna frl'C}'lently . She will dl!lId when delli .....! • certified rWl> ' bOLl.A ns F.ACU. Rio:AM"IlI.'EIoi Ot" A. Low a. &DJ HOUle III the ,,.. I (rom g r . \I ce. ere 111 " (limlllish t he com forts, nugmen d b LI at [cclllSi .-Ct!.liIit:.IB or wrillen j:lI.nntee. Ihal Ihe VAI.UI'). , e".! TW ):NTY •..·WI' CI>N'rS (J:T Gi", a •• c.11 I"d c I pare apiri\tl 101<\ now· than at nul' thQ (lXI !'D!lt:S, Ilud endanger \be weI· tioa llll y p~B'SC , III "r~ ] '. ' U- '1'116 ,Mellrotli.le intend te ?iClUre ia ·..,hnl h. ptll'pl/tIS' II) be. Byen. 0". ".,,,1 ... . 1 l'\o lic•• or Ol'CJ.: DOLLAR (o r •• Iv.. 01 Ihe fact.' on, nee,,,,,. fanner periOd withio bis knowl edge. turo of th o co mD1Dllity. • liel of dilly lire. 'rhey CClt~ eo.oIlUmll.'· bllild II large' Monumenllll olrurch II'L eloding 11 .~I hi!'.. and .IlIlhli :;IX, fh . IIUUlller Oil ••ell l'iul1rC .~r""IHlAdo l 90,\1 11 co la eullj tell ' whetber wine 1 willlllldorl.l\ke, at a short notice, i. boob, bul (JO' 80 ealliy In flllur. WI ' t t $200 000. 11 pl.c~ of birth , li~. ~1Ip09lllon aud COnici whir 110 . IIUru"O' (III "'I\I~ .'Iiele or r;ou,lo.wh l~h 'lUI' 'I!lI - - ~. u , b d . t for n smnll 811 m nud with gr eat e:t· I I ' d ~ N r doos ' I"ure all Illig Ion. , 0 cos '. ulu lun, alld enclo8ln~ lilly cenl, a~ ",ill h. '~ IIt on r.cei l'l til' ••• The ,.a. 01 , .. I had been enforced l>y raD y t: no . to prel;nre victims for the 0 oL 1I1l!; all r.n. (] . r f '. will bl> onll oHhe IlIrg~lt and lDol l IID- ilam pntl enw .. lope ad.l re~ud '0 1 1111 "e,r. he ."(.,,,1 . ,, i( the guo,l, d. IIDI r;hentllratllon. ! _ . _ ' 'lae ·liIlUOlS goner1Uly eold are mRU· poor 1101lsr ASyltllD1l prison8 nnd tho .eem to be ml.\~h pro' pec\ oC r~ 18 ~n DOlinI' cltu"b etl'iticet on Lhe cOllli· you will rec"l ve Iho plclure .~~ dl'slred .\re"(o lu~ke 'r\v .~:N":Y .m' F. D~I:LAR~ p•• JL. -"~1hr~ ntao'!r.ld . • :tbe 1Ie~jnf llqno1'9 ~l'e gnlto,!s, ' '. . " thll. Clilure: jullgi"" . CrllID lhe WIIY •. III t~ent. 'Pew.' .m ,be let npart (or the ~~~~~:~~I~I::c~!d~;LU:,~III'~~~~li.f. ~~;:~~ W,E.:". S.. "d Jnr. Clrl'ul" r., ru:I!:O" IWI" . , III~_ . . ~enerall~ worse ttillJ- thoso wblcil . 1 Will rnmish IlU . ar~ch! 8111U)d ,to wblch tllnO'•• lanlton, a0l1 re~olu"o~. Prel iden. A bl. Q.binet, the Joogea in cOrlOdl'lIcl!. MADUU; E. F '('lIoa nu " , P. O. !loa 6\3S. N ... York. X E N I A I OM 10 i'~ , . bOugllt ot,,",~ in9l'6 r~peetA· t,) IO ttl. te, ",\dch ,.,U mercn e t:l\j~,,~· .alll,,' eOlltrul\ai tbe ~1lrrel)ey Are Gene,als oC our tH IDr ]'. O. Dux 2~a. Huol.on, IC . Y. ~t Ii Ubdty ilt. 41·11 Ar••oorpr,,,.,ed 10 fur .... '......... ' q;. ' . • ' j I ' mOllnt of' fatal 1\Ct!luents, mn tl",lY .db ' ' W I r I TIl •••in 0 our l1li11 Itll i.L-fItetit We,,4ealer.. :fo Jlquo" ol o~,) the num ber of dlst.t'esslrig df8o~e8 VIlle · epo ,.' : " ~ ",If qn, .' . . I,'ntl cahl'l!. diltingniabed p~flOI'".I'ree ... ltYea'ybatlly. a II P.u C•• "'iU-"", 8Vlri~olll kiod, u,e~ .• ~.onoull r~lldcr t uose 1I'!lloh nte bnl'm lcss, hop. r~.I. witb ~hq ~Q<lk: ~,..l.;er' .'h~ ~r Sellt., al. o. will 11. proyid"d lor thA A. l.t1tgc Gpp. 9 lroulGr. ""lug Ivtormatioo . U. tnluenb,e' ~Id. ,frOm tbe ..lcob~llc incIO·u[,le. .. . sel.e •• who IDlilt a!C"I!! brllllJ l~. be IlifTerenL SUites. ao tbllt elnnre rs fr6m BUC HU oflhe grclltu~t Imrorl4nC8 10 the younK or 1'0 lie fOOti.- I. Iltll ....,••L .. . e)emeoL This is the caso with ImI 'shnlt rlcnl \11 c1ru~ wlllch w\ll th'l l frlllLftil inK.nuII, "Dd Inllo1))1111111., . I" f .t oded 'republio h .. «rlah. cure III' ~"eI of ,tt. ~tb leua. U teach" boW 'be homel, mIrY w111 1"•• i.I of 11111' .... · .,..,,' d" f II" many or renson I f l ' every aee 10D 0 our II. f n..-. ""colDe MavUCI11 thedesptaeclzelpected arn1 ~ !"'l l ;m.1lt.UJe will" wbera compoundqd , cplWeSOme? l C, . . : eontetpri", wbioh life 80 0 ~II rl ' ~ • til b I I I! of B/tJdtkr. Kid",y.t, Growl. . ; .' 'h Lo .mo t o( property, [In<\ nil of ,penec , ; bed' tI Ia' t r ,4mllric"o " , . , '0 at t ev .ave" plIO . JV,4Ikneu, F,mal4 Complain.., 0 .... , pl "'6 fu_IIun loved. No fODD(. lad,. 01' gon · , . , ~ with Jmmatll" liquors. 0 Olen or whicb will onuKe the fllth ers to ba "IIIP ID ~ III It o'y 0 wo,.bip ,,"ea ,i ~i'inll the ' me·uopoh.; · De/Jilil!l. tlelDanabould rlln to IIlnd their Acid....., .nd . L U )I 8 I tbat purposo. The- t,tte·of 1\11uor tH· frlillldp, wIves widowB, ehlldrc D or· IDllnUracL\U.f. ___ I'CCAli .. " OOP1 pos&· rotum~l. . 0-.....11 '& '\ IJd--.....ll . . . . , .. d d 0",bt· l.. b ' .nd III dl.n... 01 the . n. T N Y ~... ~ mlni.bel the vital forc. an . and all great s ufferers. For ,be.. , ...oDIl WII olnno& lit re~ Th. remllins o( Arlema~ WAre! DIUlAa" OIIlA •• , AddtelNt P. O. Dr. . or. -. l'Oy. . • '\onds ~. ~~orWJ.[ng or l~rc. I wlh caU80 tbo rlalng generatlon prd .lIell .. publicaLion, tor in_Iinee, h"'6 been lemporarily pla!'ed it!: ,I,e whelh.r ui.llntr in ,*~. Sid;'" ert4 B~ If....."..,..." T40 "I~eu.,'l''' wlsbed to ~tiOW np !~tthgno~lIiocen' lind prQ,'e .. Ib.t ~( ~" DillDond' Plc'~iok." nail at XeniaU 0 ....0 Ce••terr, MALE OR FEMALE, n...... tmI·.I'id.t..-Ti.-' Pilla a,. renei~, ~_ PIUIIMltL. . . i .... -&.....0 to." ann unca "" c na. . . •. I I . Irnm wh.lner CUM urlllln.,;nlf· .:ad n', " S " . ""-I to~1 aD),tblilg w OIl ~n~ ...e 1. w(U caul'C mothcrs to forget ~y Tiekoor I\'i ..ld•• , AI Oonilltl~ tg London. "b.DOII. in lIocordence Irith IDftller vC HOW LONG STANDING . . . Ie and ""te. Pr.JMI"' by • h~ sawed and . . . . m~o&t _"moDy rlVtll for ·the pc. tbelr hel ploss ehMrcn, llricclcs~, vir· 110 era in A m.riollD book-m"kior· Be· Ilil dCtlire, 'hey .iIJ be conyeyecl to Di....e. of th... or._lIa reqllire . ,h. ~'i:'!:t\:;~!::~~r:h~!~ ~:., ~,:I!: L A T B ~ ' D 0 '0 tltto rto whl('h be teplled tbnt tllO its ""lUG. rore i~'· Appea",bce. tI'hofl"er ."nlell to America. Fot oino dlYs before bi~ 11'0' n', I tllurellc·. If nv lreatOlenl I..vb. ~llhoul all~ of their bad. 1'1\0, __'.neSt 1"~1I!f .&III ~ Dr;ICl~fko ~ u:i>laJll~ tb~ '\yholo ,I wl,n 8ndca~·0.r . to corrupt thhC baY that .Landl"d product of Dioll dealh, he 'wd quite insen.ible. By rillued 10. Cu08u ftll'llon Of III .. nlty may I•• It e.... and du hatlD in nOlle. . 'f\f ~IQI. ~.,"" h .~l""" ltD i ... .:..A ti mlolsters of rellglOll. 9bs trllct t c '~'. . j b . 8/1Mue. Our . Fleah .... :Hluotl ar., '''p. Bee 8 Brandreth i, In white lell,,, on Lulnbc.... V--a on Ch -L

AllV&BTISn liT or ..If


















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Belmboldls Fluid Extract ·

e. . . . UI.1 '. PI'NE AN' D poplin ' lEST








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f~t, or is a Bubstitut.o tunl, ' temporlll, And. cte n ll\l del\tll ; after 1111 . ft8, Ibis DiIlIDOD·1 edition] of LfUII, ·to· 'Hor"ee Greeloy,lo be ItplPlied Dnd Ih'I of Pll. lerily. de pPII~' UpOA t~r it. lias n.q .palclon., c\i.) l>.!,. ~qd ' if ,1101 should l)C sQ impu(1~II t. ns inferi~r' workmlloship. lind II .ingle (Of tI,e loun~alioo of lin "sl lu .. (or ~Ked prompt ule 01 , rellaolo rrm .. ,ly. . .la. , It d~ prOYPllt t;hA .cllal!l\og~· ~I ~8~ I tbe "'I~aol~ to I r""r and cumbrous "opy. o.r 000 In ' 'II' • Belmbold'. Bxtraot. Buehu. . , on:o" , .. ~.. oLIAA b ~..• •-...-t 1II no~• a ur .,nil' JIl\sC)rJ up two. ,oldmn, " • aDd dtcayeu .... ... e ,~u~, ~ I1I1C¥ hl1PllY people, botb o(T •Lhe , hUler ,qolLo _ pUIILon. _ . _ _. _ opwards or 18 yea .. , prepor. cohol .,roducea


bealtbr ,1a.ct1~.



l'~o.ld i ~ ;s~tGd ~ ~reat' . ~OIl!1~.

. ~UIe!..Y ~d !3rl~e, It

.alp hQI CO\tl~

1)0. ~isbedJn· aU' ~a ~~i .ave e ·

money. co.lly. Bul, in' tlli. new ediliOu "0 ~Gerri" Sl1IitJt hn~ written II leller e,l by .1. T.',D, antgha. allP lll,ndy 1Il\1, 'book fu ( tl \e .fire · 10 Will . Lloyd Garrilon. advoclliiog 149 Bro.d .... y •.. New Ynrk, IUd . SI\'C It .ide 'or *iDUO... talleIully bound. of Ih .. liberatiOn of Jeff. DAI'II, lInd ho.l. 640 .outh IOlh meel. Pioilude.lphit. PIt.





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t~~~~,~~~~~~~~m~. _E._ .~~w_ No~'h '.1" : : e ~it,. ::~~~ GREA l' DISCOV ERY t ."£., lItlllllu'l Pork ",!",. '. Xenl., 0.., March I!J.




. Ie.\ Paten. ....-11lcl ' ..... "PA TEN T PlIu/roGoAPH . ' ,," , . . ., oIUoU QQ ~ \]I ffi W run ~ , ~~

i!!) 0'~ ~ _ . l!) HOUSE SmT-Q', J.a


if i do j6.5 dUllble :co.luUJp' lI ~eI. typo 'IDII!I, Jin~ 'the Norlil r9spoMiblll wifh II1P m'" A YOll:'" L • .,y rcLurnillJ.( ,,, "ur co!tII. RIt]""OL J' IS(I P IOTUI,lB'S, 1 .:...-:_ ,. not evils IIpoil YOII, 'lO be ·.aro, bu, "1_ .r , ele"r "n,l read· Soulh Ipr. I\I,1I ;oTil11t1 of SI"yery. ,and try hoult , nncr II ' 80jollrll oC" fllw monlhs in lJI ..lIluh ~n the ric:tur. nlllY' btl leell t1lro' \ TI i i., 'I "Ielcleil i........ nt. :ea1,' ~lIf~~' ~h~. examln~~<!1) "':HI somcbody ~18e will. I 8liall honor able. the ~pe" good IIn,t .liMblly 'in· Lhttrofore oi r.. bellioll. He. a.kl why. the Oity, ......8 hiltllly rocog"I'e,l by ber QI~~~. wllhollt "1""lil'«' lne AIl ... m. • Idd. p,.tl, to lblf Ippell-Mtct 01 \,114. oootilllled at G noxt I!6I8lon of ID~' Rrofe8s,on IUd ..L• .1 !I II" t' . ed ' l .• ofo~ ' CD'- . •~ . . . b d .. b' , " fr'emh(. 1u pillel} r :1 C1H,..,.C. rllt!. 11<:, "" .0 1&1 CJr tl ue""lIdo~"Gl Olltlll IItLI~lc fll' lho ,IO"I, and . J . ' , ~ lID .lOot en engu, IOllu - I -" ••• Imprl8 nc . • lII'e r.epre· , t\"lrrll 1'11"'1:. ! . nll "i.,,, ,,.t:6"I."IR~· IU' ~irlh · /Ule committee . 1 ive in' s 'lanel of Iiber ty.of I bnve • U··· , 1 I'" .Ir_ 1.• d H ' ! · , i l'~ 1 • ~I . .. : " I" • fuca: ~110 Md II Aoft.'rul\l' L'O "'I'I~~~lR . " linus' ~ .. h • < • .. . tho right 'to d emdHsh 'the of ollr be.1 Artlltli " Ibe. I\' 10 Il" I'¥I.lI'JJt! .el)t~l~~U 'DI. '"~ ~1IJ\ty, .rc:" f l ),." .h.o,u!~ marble sUlooihllc'I-i. IIIIlI 1"01",,,<1 of to...i;lt)·. wi':'I:1 ~;;~1.'~1~~ ..1r ~;.;~I't'.t Ollll. t 0 lU' -' ,! nhlltii"t.. r. dalllir:o,v' tile health "'khor· lit 81.SQ. or, ",thou, ,,~., iUallrallpn-. nQ~ (,8 ~~l&,tDeiJ "itll , bilD? Hi. "riu, tbree she r""il yl\'fliKl t"etfbul el~htt'en. Urnn ~I d,,, OLD DR r: ·SORE. 1, ,,,. the' live" ~d" rnln the ~ouls of "t 11,'5. AI Any ' Lime 11.1. would mt'nt dOel not loucb th", IlIba.qllel't inQl'i6 ~ tp. lhe; III o't;" ~uti\" ,J","!;e, 1866. 77 . · than·Ihe Id .1,1."0' Bidlli:. "u \\' ho c)106tle. ~.boni>r mo with hne been 'rt'gardlld . "5 • dodid.• d oppoeilion of ·the North. oor definle'l!e she pinillly tohl th., m that ~he lI~d tI,O Ctr Yo~ ~n.~f'f\'h~ Sidiliriru at y custo~. . 11 l I d _ tlohie'~inenl In b.ook·mAkiag. I).t. in dllgrilel of gllllt, nor admit tho .:toD,," 0_1_ ,__III, nnd I'URllidOl'Ollit an inyl\1v Nuiiro is. rlerOO!' gin.... hA~" polltioll will . ,""" l' .. Co me onr, come a . p e ge -y. b Id I I ". . ' f I' '" I . IIht u acquillitiGO to Any il,lIlly"'. ",ilut. Dy itA L_ I h C I I I ~.. ........ "I _ I . . se1f'to' dollll' Iho\"c/Je,;ellnto 'l,rom- ' e~I. I.'~Q. lIe preseot pr.oe •• I. II meuto L" : 4,ort,. ""!,ru'cnt,,, lutti OmDIIItIOIIOI'IO. nllr· ! &Ua,~ j 'I I t i oeM ru more,aerioas ..... _ . ,.... •• •• I usc any Lotl y or G~ntlcnt:ln <!IIII impNlI'o rOil lloltllty. Ohio. on tllO 61h dllY or llav. . .., .P h ilmitlMld r It · ".rhose who' wish any of'tfie e· chrtaiD y '" .u,prtBtllg a'I'18 lIta .o om.. ,. ~~ Ihelr portlOlI;'1 AI'ponrl\tlce an hllndred fuill. 1861, p,aylllg for tbe appullllDlllllt of Cor" , Dew.,o~tl a"~atoa .\'s ,a Vit8 " above ' IineciOed' , brollght on It I', a bold .p ..... 1I1 til th,U portioD of ~ Cle",IIInd. Le"der n ' I I I ' 1>1'-" mlllj\iuiicr.! to 1,\)' out allli Ill!t~bli~h 11 )'reo .eaao _ OUft ry. .........:.::_ 1UJ1I1ll":.lm F ,. d Th~. I I (II 0 o( f ye.· I ,.18 B mp 0 1l.tf4 oom nn &".n,,,~ "IlNrc w r tH efr de 3 rost fr 'ellds . , . b ' ' d te ~ III 188 ~ 18 0 ow 109 : n. () III! Tutllp.kll llulU\ 011 wltn' iii nllw Cl\Ucd t~ ". • ...... . '.. tl ' ill 'aggt'Qated .·.b.J'p~eirpiral' fever; She 1CQJS vea 0 • b " the relldlo~ public who b"ve ee~. e · OIi r~mark .. blo '''ileo. ries of lAdian sulf III tiimflle. ,et 1InsnrpB!!6cd ill ItII .. md..ey Plllknu)' ~JaOl.. ~i",,~ .. t tbe CIf'OM ro,ub " Jau,lu~red frigbtfull, »"tl tol'lIOme n\o tOf:,eU~~ to ~eEt "\ ~l\Tn~;~ bl\rtlDd. rrolD th, '"joYl1leou of DickeD~ ':'..m"io, lh' blUl bEen mtlad~ for many In ~",wlng Inlpurllilli!.. fl'\IIn • •100 1I01lllng, ;n Itny"ville. Way ne TIIII'llohlp, \» . ~Ioll . Corner D.trolt .... W'te' BIlk Mme.m....ed to aleep.aH1itl.a by w lcre...llw b' OT a I'" ~n !!, lfd!! by ' pecuoiary conliderati.n8 for of '.'r. ocollrnd OD 8.'III1I,-y .(ltlrlloo!' cle,,"slng "nd benudrYl'.'G tho 811ln a~ com mo. 14. rUlllllng 1I,1l1lC1l11l. Suuth We.Lerty ,', .J.d of oPIa_1 1~11 cm w tli t e ootta n mellnS u o· • n • T . plcxioQ By Its direct tlCtl.~ on lhe enllcle It direction ootW('(ln 1.. ",1s OWIl8,1 by Jar,'''' }belli et. uPon 41... lng 10. HOlIll'" D.u.~l\. 00. . . . U.. w.a1\by win oealln1le to I~ thi. eh,~ - hll wor"'meo eog";g ed In iI It II J&I I . ri 1 ktndl h I Stokes ",1<1 'Alben Stlley. In 800. 14, through e~ helb eel 't.baD. ~ ......i......roe . , .'. _----"" ,., plI,oh,,"· 'hI! bllfb oolt editioll' : "nIl uoa.llliu; Iqr Ih~ aow bloc~. Ihe . •ro.e m 1\ . ~pu l Ull, 1 Oft · I.. nd o....ned by J . ... r. Sloket In 8ec~n Ill. y . _".--81' , r ' .I' . ' , , • corner of SuperIOr' aod Erie sLreetl. IlIg the 8Il0l0. Ind le • .,lIg t.hc 8Urr"CO.8 Nil' throng" funll's O"lIeU lJ, Btokes and wll.,. .,"u cia ..t all It!,.ol . ,\h. IJloyallaml1~, ad. there ie a pro· . TUB Qmo EL1ICr~O•. -Thc W ,a s,h · it ~bow' t~11 Ihe pllbhe. tlml App",,'ed came IIpon Ihll petritil'd body of " rlill Nrc itrtcn~e.lIL should be, clear, ~. smooth Thomu Tlbbl1!8 III ~tlO," 19, nnd Uu:ough .fowid leellll8,concemlngber..llloes.s . .mgton I corrcspon{lent of the New \I ,ery large. lor oollllng . bu' "m')'~ "rown m"n in" rttllltlrka610 a~lle 01 .lUd he~nttrlll. Prl co II, $Ollt 1;1)' MIIII or Ex· IHandlS OWI"~' ~~ T!) I.. r " . WO"t'l1 .OOdM,OA<Jd :Her father '-'hourly 'OJt:plkrted bero ..'.. ... , lOr Oln v ~e ..o\l "0 to t \0 ,AJIOI\ all ..... b. ! D ' k i t · b rd to YOl'k l'imos, under date of $0 27th, eJtlended .al. wOlild rew"rd .lIcb III preeenaliq.,n. A "trge num.bler or pro.~ on rceolrLIIr Bn Ordet hy W. L. annn 'I'e mp'll a"""r: nOtt thero to OIlCI-JIll" r;:m i ~~~ 'IW ll8 f P lsny snl's: .' . . underll\kiag.-Boston Journal, kni,el, arrow·helld.. lind trinket. or CLARK & CO .. Clmm;"IJ; . No . :I W~.t .FilY· klllg ft IIili~lIIce or ..bou t IW~ 1II110H. • W :y, Il,: ~. n t ato r nee .. . ' uar'loul "I·nd. wore ,,110 fOllnd r ul' cUe St., Syrllcu.o N. Y.-1'''o only Amerl'A I RTITIONER. 11I1t_ble lor puulo, up Ind I\~IU"'':' ~lbe..w . ",lie·PbYfcians tbl It It \;e8t The approaebip~ elootton .In 01110 • .. v • p.o. ng. • . . R·ual·1I10. aLlrcb 1, . Itl61. buildlll,', lo.hldln. ~~ , IJ 'd" ..... , taOtl ' ., )8· 6>1·" . to ' . b ' t .~' te·' d .. • •• beyond" doubt lhlt III were rellOI 01 cuo Aso!l~ fortho SNit of the ~UIllC. • ......." e 'IUte re ellcn 001. ., pro,n lsC8 uO 0 y COO...,8 u, nn b Ab' . . 1 . d TI 8". )y n there.'N sOule 'Ii pe tWit ~., ·Ptlncess s stl'oug delegation o.f' tlio ,UuJon .1 . . Pri'fate advicee rrom Loodon t e ?"I. " per,o. Ie O1alll WII' m~' is now 'here, aunuginfi pro. . . . . . "lK'ut IIX ft.eL IrI~h. and "'" 'UpdOllbl ' AND BLINDS, " .. .. •..1,' rt-':'.· t'h " 'l·t. wbl 1 . tb 0 gramme .,.or th e cnnvl!#Is. . 'A e · nG. lIVe II ••oepsd tntereltlog detlltls '0 reo edty A w",rior of ooe of the Iribe, . , I .. v~r nu~ 0 erse, weI id ' I ' . b b' d ' . ~~ ,flBilIaVtCl.· ro~ preson· l~hllrJUan, tho J)oll\ocr~tie pominee. gArd ~ lbe eaL I lin Ill" 1"lention. oC .. lIC. b , I~ a I ~" ~II\' 'I!OIlOO btlfOlr, . Ihe 08 'tilttop:to Mr, Georg~ r eabody; i8 olso \,reptoscnt¢ nero., 004 !)xtrA' ),fro 01",,1111 F. Browile [Arlemus c,o nqu~n?ll.. , llll~ ~IIn ollme.. The 'been ~r '~ year's o.-<lhlluy . eft'orijlaro being njado to Ward .] We find th,,' he WitS. durln~ vLller .ruiiJe~ ,re IImllllr to tll08e u~u · \V.M. ~WBl'lY. ..,.;:" k ' .... d '· .wA .. F· d at . t t· , " .. , . tilly fOllot! tJD ~he mOllnds c.r buriAl l t 11-.1 tlIIln r VlC enlOn, au se.cure co ..... m e cr apllqm rD. on s Ie.J) I1I1Ys 10 IIIlt!lle or lIointerrllpled de· d f lId' 0 C . . t 'e' weolf .t'bq.i Peon muc)1 ' for tho beneftt of bis rJ'iellii!l (ltId to .. • . . groun 8 0 10 n IRns. ne 0 I he lbelr rOom. on" Bon4,.st.· throw t p e loJluenco of thc Adminis, brlum •• nd thaL he WII' wbolly uncon' IIrOl.·WII. IICcid!!otllJ broken by" blow ~!I~ oJfe'Iii4~ by F.,;A. . tl'atlon thorougply ,.In his bebnlf.~ .cious of tt.. presence 01 friends or lid · (rom "mllltock. buL oLhorw~ Ll.e 1l6e.1I11vlng sittings tberefpr. ~Cll. Schjlnck ba8 decided [no~] to ,lee,.. Duriag hla IRlt hours, Clip I. bod, I. IIelllrly porCect The wl,!)le '. neeb B repr~nted at )~ &lr Ico'g th, accept.. the nominatillll of the Union· Britton and Mr, E. T. Hinglton ""tch. oontente of the gr"",e were relQow~~. to . ' 1d . . . _ _,AII\W• ..-, NBW.Y.... fMnt look, 'In a blti.e'k dre8s. wi~1i kr. Ists, and tileir no/Ct choice wil1ull' d I' II ' bt I I ' d the rotlma ~f th.~ . Librl\ry ASloclBtlon, :;.,tlL ." .... . _ _' _ . , ~ . ., a ..... .... cnp~ . ,I.. '·te(\ .y 1 be th .rT W In. p 11m a na" .d II lernate y, . 80 where they .or" -a,.l be 'etn \.o·d"l No uJlne, lUaPJ: "StOil". surmon t . d Ollu 6 nQn . . e lit·e. ore, a" I .. T • •, ell •• I.o,,". 0 0 re· II ' •• ....... r,. il\,ttl 10 r~ .. " , ! 'ed by a· ~one't. ~: ~t '~ fiattenl<i !' d e. le~, wbolle ' rndical recol'd ami well no, eu~'~ Wa' .pa~1! I~ "I ~ ''''.to hId g~lIAter or 1Po~ll. illle ~e.tiog , p~'iosily A.II ,..0. u •. r.. 8. 1 ~ cildedty, and will tell n'6 tale known abUity a8 'Il J'eoov debllter .lIl1'erlogl al (ar AI pOSllblt. R.s phy · bae been uhlbued ID eur clly for .·l1U'rl:, '" .. thoe of ...JlB ..... ..1 ~JlIO.11D M.lli ",.t Clllmlln M .& U-'tA • 8~d ·t'avagetl."i' . It~\i'~e "n~. car. fender ~I.m ,. preemtnc~~y i. fit oppo . .• ici ·IIIJ, : D~. Cron, ,totea th~1 the tu. IllAlly a _d_ay._.,_ _ _ _ _ __ !I ..... "'0 "",',1· • •Wl118 ' • •OIUJII !'yDlp~ hav.e . , ~" on wba,t:eyer n~Dt ot .I hUl'mBo, w,\lo is olle of thc lieroulaT ditoA .. begRII A long whil. "110 TAR WM1., NcoW Vflrk, ~OU~ bea~y be 'Queen ilIay ablest mell of tJie Democrntic pnrty. . ' . ~flI .. a,t.O.~,)lATIOW or ,1I0BS . ... _-.-M.ct· ' .Wl" e .110'" p. -ira " It ., ... - B tl • "A' d h' AI" In th.. ~eleolerlo gland., AQ,I lbllt .Some ~"Y8 .Ago." "1111 .dreeaell ""Iy. ~. uy r ' on ,~n au. U er s uwn s .nr,ge IS wrums . . I ' . I fI i 'Id . ' . ;ROllI ~rin'8 . FAch. s(de t~e . rOllO, pa~ie\llarlf because 'bq section in ,beDce·" p~eedt!d to tbe IlInl(ll. whl ~1! ".It I A It~ " , 0 II , IIrr~fed It LoUIS' . th,e lUY': &lJa;~'b'e 8~"tproek, .qn~T be· w4iclj., ~~ Jivos, the Ihe de.truet~on or ll,,(10 ;,ot on rap. Wille, Kl". ~Hd Ilopped ~~ oneo 01 th .. nentb tile 'rn8'C~r)\~on ."presonted. by bll,8 never beforo had 'IL enndldate. nUi. · FInall,. ~Jllbol~ 'l D1tom • set in 01 ... ~o~el.. AL l~O dlone~·'able t'be Q~en 'to ~00 'p ' abOd ' T ' .1 '" sb'e .",dOWD by tho IIde of anoilier 'tJiellfelier.cltot(fot ihe Poor ~r · 'i.~o't: . he Tribune. correspondent of 'be Ibe lunl uooay oea.eel, ..~d t.ubeTc~. lrod,.. ,,110 ,eooinized, her aaa peraon or ·don." The ~r$.ralt will 'be 8ent Im- same /tny ssy~ . '. beealDe denlopecl ia lbe braID. HI .. color." Lad, No. t wla highly indigo modla~)y '$lr F. Bruce tOt dellv. 'There l8 II. dclcgatlon of ~llobli. dea.o .ai "1I1.ter.I.....IIIUMel.." ph. DIDI. Rlld N!porled lad, No. I to lh. t(l 'llr. ~~y. ' ' cans here from ,t be ~Vth Ohio DIs· ,hI.ll. Artemlll Wattl'. will WII. pre . p,oprie~r of ll,e holel, ,,1,0 ioCorlDlld . St the ~,re la • hore trlot. Their bulDetiS refen to tbe aDd Ii d LI G4Lh r F b ~h. I~uer IIi.d Ih. lDuII l~ln. 1 L Will TO «;OlfstJ19I.PTIwm. '.: ~til@ II . ' DIp, '" 'be' Gubemstorlnl Domlnl~lon. It III IIr- ~. . IInq 01) 10 . ~ 0 e . In ••111 ,hal .h. oaend Lo p"y her bllli. U . Qaeen 4eflO rmfDed' to ex that this Bfstl'ict bl8 t'llmisbcd h.e d,"oted thal b!1 body ahOllld IIInt! eampl, atriall, whb ,b. rille. 01 Th. Hbocrlbe, .....1.. ""II .-,0..... to el'<:~.her prerogative qJ~lXI~poy candidate for ~overnor in mnnl ~ blllied al Waterford. Me .• bat bi. boa.e : ' h.:'ollid not do 10 ~a,e a he.h~ iu a r~......... by rj let" .;",,,Ie ....... e. ia ru\lire" SJld UllI.t no, C14pltal eIlle\l. ,can, and tbat It Is entltlod to a (rleDd, o( Ih. Bange Club . dtocided Digger I~y bo"rder. And tihe WA. d1, .,\ ~' h""t iliff.... tu. te'ft,.., 1~' .. 1111 lion ,'ball ever ag4~ OCClif in Eng. i>rerere~oe now. Gon . Scbenck bn\'· abal ·hit ·.hould fin' hive funeral hon. lo~atld Now COIDII. III aequel; ·· onere lunl a"~cl;""' ,...,f .b.l ."...,. di_. laDd. , . Ing declined bolng 1\ candidate, thc . k' BOlb ladl811' were known 10 anoLlter Conlum~tion __ • Iudo\lI~ to ...It. llDOW .. 10 .: ' • ••.• nmno or the Hon. WillialD P. Cutler ora lit eD.,,1 Green Cemolny. ,b'l person in Ihe Iiouae who .aid No. 1 hil Mlo ..·rull'e.... the _ ... dr rli,.. " r • ~ JOlI~~Iiau... Is presented lind urged : ~hem,el,e. der'''ying the eXl'e\llot.Lhe balf'liller: 01 No.2. aod T" aU .... ~ de.ire it, ho "ill .end. corr nf 'fllo Cuneral cerelDonie, were IIrrMged thoagl,L MtI.--Goglll Dol 10 bo 10 lha rr•• criplion ....1 (free.r charr;e), whh th e One mornl; ... .'.,I ul. ,. A .......t Klilll Almyomo.I'II·%IIClOIIUI. by Mr. CbArl .. "ilhrard. Mr. Andrew b"rd ,u~n ber ailter. 'rlle 'Iadin aro d'...,cllo". Co* v...."'ri ..if the •• 'n. . . . hlr.h th ... • .,-... mlllrrilld : "ntl boll 'd th I wilt ~Atl a SURf. CURt: lor Cn"... mr'io';. Drll• • oiItI, ·••hil A el"lll Id '.. U"mdllY, Illd Mr. T. W. ttoberlloa.-. . · I conll er emit .e. . .. o. Th. N... York Trl1)uDI " Y ' : " T HOo.t D C t S T 'r I IlIglrll reo. peel"ble .. They we re bnrn A.,hllll, Dl'Ont hiti.. Oo~Kh •• co.... , ·...d ·.n left,lier bo~e ia Wi., )loDr9" Th. pay IDd allowanOi 011110 entle. r. om. ~ ~'. oo.\l' on lhe Aame plRnlallon, hid Ihe Rime TbroOl , ..J l,aAI ""."Iinno. The 1>111,. ubj.':1 l'E d-II C:I,r.~ IIl':;) Sl:RCllc.H. nruIlTICI1S Ol.elo, New York, ~ pic. b . t ' d bl d Ihe ,omedl~o. "ere. • cLlve In Iho~r""l. (ullor, bnt one h"d " .. ltite mOther o ( tho n" •• Pli••• iu " 'n,\illA I'rell3 ril'liOl. II Kl:iII'I'U,UI u, 'rfl R .NisTIII.\. mel ·w 0 "ear • an In • 0111 et'. H' .__ . E 1'1 I ,. h fl ' In ""A.6t '"nallll,·t.rI, an,l 'I"•• ,t inl"I'III"';o. .I . ~ MI.M"II'fr, - ~trm'?' r' Mil 0« rr.~ . She dill not retora, .nd !.hollah dili· ~ . A ' Lance. " el.c'''.... In ngl.od are " \ I e lie mot flr 0 t Ie otl~r Wrtq Dn· I ratT UA I. 8' THIt \I~R (>I'. 'J'IIH ".f.1V . .t,,,pltll ollr rmJ"on IL' poaae foot· M RoL. . Corlunlll I II WI I'll' ",hio:h "' co"".i, •• I.. h. ill .. luahlc. ond be ."T·&It ·r U'I'IlOV!D 1\' OIlT L'Y1t cui.... KeDt leareh w•• 'lIIade b,. her f~r.oll . ~ I fled be r II r. ....rllon "nd to". H tnguon : In . d 8 Y ye ow. lat" e I ere nco "na.e~ evo,y AnJ1.rer "ill I'Y hi. 'O",ed,. u" l.ho,.1 • • , '" "I ...i •••• I'h" !r"'~'. o,,,!,,,,, aad inh'.. . tr f' ..' 'ld 101J tre repo to , aa 0 OWl: M.Ino Horlloo Maxfield .nd LI','I" " 081 IDllke •• flllr 1111. bow one IIlp. will co. I Ibelll n.. 'hin~, u,I"I •• n,-. ·. bl.... ~ .. ,I'"" ,.,1 O'llln" h••·• h,r . hcCr 'I,h' ''''.,0>\ ... lie .. "Orl, II~ . ,ace 0 cou . GeD. Graat. IIllu.i20; Lieal. Qon ' . . ,n n.. · peDe 10 be bnrn. n u, ,. ... u ."d,","n .~."'lyr ",.... r~ be '0011. A r.w cla•• ago. a party Bh 8.' 0 "'14' .... Ge' H II k' sLon O"ln Ro1>10800: ID Ne,, ·York. _ _ _ _~____ ,.. g. l'.rltOn. 'TiII,iul( ti;c pr"""ipli,'n, FR"E, 1. I~il'~IRKIl VI5IU~. J ~ 1f1D1Il. ..... • _IIIJ. D. A ee Cb I D S _ 'rl I h hy retU'D ",. il. ,,,\lI,le. ' •• 'hlr~.. ll. 1'l\l! l q \'t'l~I' . ... ~" Slch'. · •.e •• cf lid., while balUng in the ,icioll,.. '7 71T' Maior Ge U d '7 '117: a, e. ""100 hllule7 Rad R. H. .., II! "rgu' otel in Ihll world RKi. F.DW AlID II . w"~"o~. :~r'~I:'~~~~~:~,,~:".~ ~~:;~"l' t-e. d' nd ... '. ,. J n. ell B. , • BLodd"rd -the Lindell Hotel", 8(. La·uis-wAs 6. ~QIt!n;vt;, • , ..I,IC~.'. . a. "reed. log deD or b.IMk. ""ior Gen. Sb.r·,dln •. • 7.711 " . o " J ' o r ' tOllllly " ellroyall b. Ire on o-llIrdlll~ Willill",ilntrt. ·Kinl:' ;C ... : Nfl.. Vur•. ' 0 \ ' E I I;N £S~ 0 " T"- - "TI..\ 0 " 'Dlk b II .• I III. ~.. JIl . U w ~ ""'.r 80.6n, · ". !., . . '., I • R.,.~. ", ..." ~ ~ • ". ~ .• lUll•• I ·lIu.-a lOr , ••0 IIDI I G.a •.T~0!DIlI~ ,~7..717.• ~r!g. Oelt. Mo . •• . night. 'fbi 1011 " ellimated a' 'I,. '--""'"".~'rr'I·""~"""1'1 - - - -............,.. 7. Orl!TII.I!;'II.\. ,r ·"'t."'''.'~.n , f ,',. ~y•• ".U'p~ ia. ,alDDler wu, bi~~ by 00.·,,&1 • .85.217; Bri,. Cleo. Roeoorlllf, . O:T A ncent wrillllr hAl uitl ~lllIt rio . ~ oo.~~. I .. ' I I • "'.....,.... it... ~ .n:~o;p;;p~1:''''i\. r, Imnre rr I.':~'. ....he.; IIId III ~e eDtraaMIo abo deD • • Ool.._A!' y' DAtion be ~ I . . ,',. . M 1'0110.,. .. ... u· "h a."". d lb'" L I " . ,,5. 4,600: Altenltoo on bllmtlD . . There MAbAlIE RQlI:fQ,,\,O)l, Iho '.orld-rcIiD lbti~:i(';,1,~:I ::~~~~"~ '~r1 \ e .... a ..... et.o 0 r Ih' • "111111, . 5.1\ " . ~lllIteDaDI I . . h B bw. 818 ' .... . . il '. litlle . do"b. ' Ibll' '1'0 'd. " . . ·T.... . ... . nool 1 IJ I . . • Il . Coloti,ll. '3.994: MIIJor.. 13.'185: t an t s Amerlollos. If Ib.. be iii"ny laclllillea In Ihe St"te III.· petI'III A8Lrol0l;lst hM DUlllll"mbuUMllC Ut I !7'1l yril.t-. a!~, 'WI' ' .. ~!I oup "~1 .ether Caplaia••• 3.049: :rir.' "i uloO""II •• ai~. io reg",d 10 Lbe oil, ~Dd grell161 ~adl were' aOfttewhlllt injllred' by' ,be ~hil~ ilia olai""Yjln~. 11.a~: Jeli~o~to, th~ , 8~1.1I\!l~'Ol lur ~IlUi~'Uon.- ".'ri3: alid Sellout! Lie"t.aIIU. tb"1 are used. then .qner.. wa"'.g"al" I...~t cold welll.lter. It I. beli~"ea. h'o '" ycr1,rellt~r~BOfUJ.e .pors~~ ~ou 'Ire to IDAr· , , "'nnrio,6re.bIIllI I.a to ,h. oult, 663 ' ' .' • lDi.LA.... WI" liv.r, U..N"~ are DlM 'nelt' 'Ukilled. ., .. . nd1l, 'be Alt! or"" l.nltr:"D10~toC b.D4rect ~ .ad.. w... · drina ~ ~ . ' .r~ p "a~ .. , '0 , 1,1 i. ' power. known as the PftrC~OIll9.Il'Opo. guar • .'~ ltUW. ii'lil 1\1 eel ,b. irl . . . Cha~'t1 F. Bro"a. mad. Ror. ~oo~. ·Remedl.1 MllllielDaI prep'r.. . , . FrolWiyer}t' qalrter ol'tbe Staw anle~ to prOduce a por,rec,t and life·like ~Il' n "'. 10 I'M ILAd.' ortt~den ~ r~I' 0,.ele7 ibd 1rlll~e 10 Carrf o'u t ~IO II ~ow. oll'~red In ,Lh~ mllrxel_ , Ie oOft" I~ti o.f thi dl~lr.itlihi· ',,·,r. ,'~ro ~h~~ ru~re husband 'o r ~i~u ~ Ule' ar .,. ~ II ¥4 kUla4· · 4,.i u or (ouodi . .. I i.~ \I Pol 000 of Lbo~ eoSored liquid •• 0.1l1 of dWlIlHlI, bOll" .I , Th! popul •• shcllnt••IUi dlLe of , ooou!"'Uo", d' MUed ,.... ~ IIII1l ~~ who.. onll tDenL , oonllil" iD tbeir IIOIl 'o f tb, 8"le mil.' ~ JD.r~"IDg IO~lng " &'nlts of ~cha~lor, ~a. T~ I~ " ... , I , P Q&en. a~r UMi ."'Jlllly, bll4 or iIl'rin'ie "rlli. "I b rapldl,. . ' . . . . I It IID~~OD. "': teetilDOnI'JI wllhou&ppmhel' _ . . . , __ p .. BlW. ,,~ ·it.. blea 1......~ ' . . .• o · II dl ... Wa II • can~B; lla*btg tuc.·. or bI.tfi • .p. •~ . .. . ar., a ......·01 lb. Ic'llp ~ ~ dl- ru... ' _.i . . . .rI " _ P ......., to 'be _..-~ ~ r.. " .JO I1, CQEr. ' ~ C:O. ........1'r'! ,eoloro,ro,.u:oohalr, ..'.'I'0il?lo. A~. ___ wblcill 'MT. MotI.,. bba,Waah'_" 1ft ::,_~~~, 'b.halrl'olt"D_tll"lool~rowbeog,.y. oJ . ,....t...., .i. I' I pI".~l.\~,~~, aDtl &a",\IaI;I . e~,elllpe · .",: "aa ~ \0 ~ . " .alll' .bith 0' Ill. Rep.lle.III,ail, 1 Qi~ aul . . . . ~w hair to' ltow .b.... it ~bli8l1'... d~ k) t o, ...lf.l011 wUl ~".o doe plQ.I CJoelcl ol r , . .. • . ~"''''' .We Sa Hall'l V.t TRI'-UN'i Bll.l~IKG8, -hi Toat.' ," b);. roiam~. 1opiIIa~ ~ . "p'- WI 1am bar41, . . Irn ~tei. allol • "Igoql .." . ., t111Ui ,:.._ aaowJI(:s .~" BUILDUUI, 1",,~pWia.~' ~ Ia $~'~' -. OlllDpltgn. .afrOID aetlUll .... ' . ~ .... a....w.~\IIed 10 eo_ _ .1 0. " ........ _ , . lI.,.II.~~'1 ... · lL~O'l61!. 1'/ Q. Bot " (or l....i 0_",. BT. WOIl'l'roy. It. T , h ..-I,}tbe cue.o'!

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The Bowe lIachilte Co.1


Sewing Machines

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II ber..lIy «iYen tot m, old _'''"" ... fri"I1". Ibll J am a. 11 3a ,,,(clIII'wnuT""Jd). A n ....... aj.r"AIW IJOUaD. Ciocinnlll Ex!!.re... 8." A, ••• . ah il . nd AccClm. , 11.47 A • •• Culu",bu. Accom.. 6 SO r.rar. BU8IN~S8, Pitt.burg Exp.... Iv 06 P. II • . 'l'lIAllfli WESTWARD UOYND . t~ IUHD .~p lite ':"'• •' oll r 'Sprinlt . ' ~:;r A-;fhf';~;~ing lMnllClr · ('}on'. (Ifa:! " nd Ac;:com.. ~,51i A. Ii. I ~J~~o" ,yill lie 4h.. n!;\l<!lu y. ' er~r Knob ' Agt'1It~ ,ttln.l. uw A communi'• of all kJnd.: ' ~art Ni~hl Express. 7, 01) A. . . IlllnCl! ttl re .... r . . • l'iusbur, 'E xllrell1', 1 66" •• • , tW l\1l rea tu~ 10 •.cAlio~ on be' i ""e p~!~ ' t,le .,lajt«l' of ' Glndjj..u.~,;~" &;iO~: dis~g ~Ii &1Iii1b from ordi ar1 aD'U r. f lhe M E . Ch urch d~u~ kllOb, in which Jl~Mr..nffi"i' ~?j{', R!~.' be rnund. ImanIIOck:ot'.well 0:7 ~oe n,Dl .top.... Corwin . of tfnI lod. O.r. ..I" "y ' .,ide·iiwAke 'Alllong 01 4e~ Ih~nr~ I:e i d~m": 1IlII('oMN" 41 T a:.t E . t . . ' el~cl e~ ahuu. r..DlllI.t\n, 01 E. W . WooDWAnD, P residenl. Y -'ly .proehl IItion. pre - ges tll.dies' kia.g loves, "od ofti!l'Il . ,," CAR 0 I N A ..L ( " BROADCLOTHS 1ft' iIIISVi' D J• W c" OU1'I'1'. Sup·t. nnted ,e •• Ie of ' !.he Arde nt,' hence .'1aijlcri be lowards ' Ih e purcli .... " of It R J:TURNS hi. sin_ thu llil to hi. wl lh Call n ..e,' or wartttioir Oun e RIt , ~ , MI8 .&, ,,' 1] ~ 0 ,11 8. D A· . ADWA I.L.lDER. o\,lot. . : 'Ih., re . , hi d k IC . Il ,"U WOUt I,ielld.lor the" 111·j.!e al1d (roil Reservoi r un lOP. Tin K il~b en CASSIMERES, 4;AI)WA L~D£& &. Mll.U.. ~.&.Prt;' A.~~".. _ re no , e! no run mm lY - 1now .one. . lie will.:b. SQ lfo~~ a~ 10 lI11 pr"~l!dell led pn ro...." . Itd d! '~)[lend. on back ; & Itrge wood.doqr. Ind . VESTINGS, &LC., Tbt.~1~"--~ • ." " II KILDOII, Mll rcballts' Umon Ex. Ag·'. ng . roontl lo~ a.tid no a~elu rbBnce8. fu rlllab IUI,JlRma,p, ob"bU' h i' a.-bscrip. lid 10 hhll .· .. nd "'fould r.'peetfully ·\r.lorm F urn ace; oven doore lined bothrl.ln Ifld lallCY; whloh I em prepar'""" _. _-, . :Lt " , I' - at lea lt. nona ) r tj c!llLld pI! roeiY8 lion ~8y be' "Riled 'for : . them Iher 11e is uow ,i . rec.i,t of 10 re lain ell'd Ih' 10 hu. m.ds lip ID a It,ll , 0 B I ' ~ tT A R or • rrrOIlJ ' IIr eeclud t:i' ...... ' . f ob8I1rY"J.v.. . • gla,lber'I'o ,e.lulate .ulpuled by ' AS. IIOILl4 ~.

• W ATtrU\'rrILJt


JIerchailt· Tailor

T Te ' DOD'SON."


of 1 E. Keys"bttilding,.

to VII






'1 .



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RE;·.trhvID R'i:K~ ''r' 'tl , eG'

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t~o.°.1f. I~ c~~;~~-


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. . . . . .

bU L.lll~ Amu......'- 01 , .1~Iionell in~ , RI U QIOU' Nono'• ...,. T holDlUI ~d' T ltll ~r tNt d lie t · d t d fJ't!>cl if lI:lti Cqufi Cijc.,of bes,l p ItIIl · A rne.ll.. propose lind ap poiot 1\ • '9 an /I , a r ed 'at i~\d ' .n ~ W ou~11 kept _I ,M" tb. poll. c .1. mtp llnll (or dIVIne won hlp " ' C" rwil1 {'~II 0 " S bet1 oeth'pne~ ayncs· The T u. . .Wp Tio'j~ " ....·.roU_ . in Ihe Bchool· houle . on nnt F i, CLOTHS .AND CASSUmllD1:IS ,I e, ulO, It bDo . ..... Mlll'ch tL _"" _" ..-A ... • 1...1 ' ,,- . l)' , [aftL 24, ISGT.' . ... . , _ ' - "'~ ...m~ I:'~ uu.~ "'1 • ....,.n( · !he Inll 7l or 41h month . "t h,,\f' pall\ . 3 ' ""r Roed _ ... t.. , f t . II......" t f In the .rternCiOn. , T be citize ns of ahl de. n it CU'Jore • .eYe, _ ... . .. '.. .. • " .... uurD n ...88~oun'':I "" . -r · l.. __ 1 , .I:, lite rllsp,eo\C\llly In' \l llfhlo attend ,hi. ~ I<lP, whleh-. her II p,.;'~KI 10 1 D oocm .,.,.- , 1810, H e .Jonai,J. aoe! (op oppoaitio/l) ty, 0\10, 8 10 , ." , . eM on the m08t 11"""01/0 ...,,,. w~ plou p titn~, ' e fa became . ._ ' . . Ole,", . ' ~1~~..' / 'I;d~ · ~sv h·n,·.I'u' ,ul en; nil" hav lnlr' In, bl, . JO/'SODlllly 'p lous lb .the 1-7th year of Wilham Yllnlng'"n. 105 •. Ii dl ."f . I J!I . g th~ elllploll1Ume 0' Ih. I. . . .Joe..pb' G~Key• •.. , !UO I U\J ngv ll gar y IwowlI Gs " Uroud d


~Ct ,

ahl~~~.,~c:tl a~~:~~!~I:~~ ':::i~~~~':~, have lIV"r ~el up O f ,be .. ' ''e re ...e 8 ,;,_7. 8, and' 9. .

Whon UP. If tb"y do lIot lui' th. ~;aClt'-:::r!..~-=r~,;,~' cui lOIllBr, lie need 1I0t 'ali. thclII t In!lie ..~ ~ . , ....---. .. ' w L!.. - - '" 1- ' ,~ ..... " .,~ e 111 aiIrIII;.-- .,. 1 " .'e_tla.lI, balld a I_lilt., 01 " , ,,' 'n, " • e Th la I • I I~L _ d ,.i D~"''' _ it. _ M e" awa1rft " .. . . . n-c . .. woo coo"",o\'e. I\LAU . ...JIUUI~ " .."rDmv \ V.IlmuAJt1lAa........ ~ _ ..;;.. . 1'llI'e .wC\od·door. I~f.· . ~ye,. ,Ilned wi th cut. ... __ ., MR. D0J)80N Ili.I .1I111ctSGa III all_ wtt.,Ueitlil',,*, IIitlIDrel,atee III door 10 "",,"!e 18Illpera · IIClcler em,'o, wI lob , ' liL· • ~..IlIlClG&'iIIItr1ul~ tureofll,eovell illblk'ne. . •. I 11/ "A..~Lf.

IllS age.

i. -i ·

:tlIorne" t ho l'OIighl y revolu t iou izcd.

I . , .Ao8iellor. I ~ I 'It I'h~ . lohn H . BII,II,hll,r'. Lo\"c'llamc d hUl'ch. about 34 y cal'8. *1. Miltoo ~er.. lie ",as' mnrrlcd ·to IllS nolY SOI'I·ow. N'. S. AU8uD. " F b . . OolialRble 8tr!~. ;.e~n. ~O!ll j>1I'l.19.11. a ruary 28, 18· 10LD 'Ii",BarnhArt.· I 'll ", '.

, '"

J60 rand we uudol'fltulld it will SOO Il pre .


Workmcn in the "WC8l .



Bent fl l'pl'nruncc c rcllitnble a like ' " - , This ie Irue io nBme ftltd rame, wllpr' 6U ' to ]HI' S I t' CusIQ,.mor8 are DWl ured, ~11.t the1~:a n.llne ever II h .. been introduced. ' ," 111\1 il, e ll erp l'I!IC and the II,eir wor k ..J one III ••11..Ie IIPI.urpl, ..ed bv 149 strect o'n 'Irbtell 'i t st:tnds ~ '. any in tllO" "ltllll il yery p. rti uu· S1., !UrRcedwas a r~mnrknlJly klnd .J\ ~il~o,n 'Rugerll. : I~ I I ' . - . ,.' .,.-.,.,": .,: ' '' ,-;-, I.., . . ' , and affeetionate h~~banc1, a $ood 'N.~. AII. ltO. ." M . . rlltl U lve,rsa.le Ml'su' no ror '. " ,.. .. ~l nclg1ib61', 'and - b8fidrn1>' e It>'JftctU' , Trtl8teee. Yo,ling .Ptlople.' is'al (lnec th t! moat elc- 8uperior' t~ &ntth.fn,r~n'-'thlll l>Illce. , I~cll ~'.lw" "tnt"c JO.... M D" u..11jMr• R eod cx- Jnel)t,"n8 ' .., . . . J~'" " tI In · mllny , . . /I ' .I n t R1"bus'lncs9 . 'lila . U~ a,aDII\D I'usl/ecl ' jll" I;eet pD. _ ... ,,,. ' • ',.. , ' . . . . Gllorgfl Sale 187 !- . • .'. .. .. ~ I" ,I( • , J :r . f ' . ' I coiled as 1\ minis ter. lit" aj)pear~ 'Ii I> ..., .L B' . '"odleRI 'of' ita clM6 publi~il 8d. 'fl... ...............0 ----." .. ," . I I ' . .."lnAII A . rrtwn. ''',' ' .. ' " --.. . i A?CC I~I t Ie pl~ Plt_,,!IIS c?m~n nndm g. A .' E~ Merritt, . ,iil; Ill> A''':\'i prl number ,,\Joundll in chuic.e :ar ti , IJ I ...J. _ " " " _'. Ins vOIce clcar and mclodto lls, tlud ,8, WI. Rogen, ', 159 el ep. Rntl beRutiful 'piotufli Whielh:lI~n t)L , i loI "aAa(l, I' , " ,dllo'l,,1 I. . I "",)'i ,.; , "D ~ . F " ..,' ,. II " · 11i8 dcI Ive ry cas y . Hc WIIS extremc· ' ' '. vla '. urn ~~. tOO I fail .lo .• Dellt~JlL tIll. rising g8ll~ r~ Li~..1 ''', ', "" .: ; I".,'" .. .. 0: Ie •• l! \l rtl AdIQul&(lu. 11, ' scrtpturc !Iud [,oetIY" li nd ID enhvcn - 'I 'i'b " ,e " . I I, Broome ettellt. New York. /' , '" ,-, .. . .", d . ,., •• fJ",:.M ' . , A"'OOort88 'ing anct i1ljY!tr~~lg , discOUI'SC8 Il e " ,r t wo. porpor.AI 011 !Ickel.s, "~ ~~'!'~'TTT' .. , , II;< 01.". ". <!: , ., ' , P , ". ... , ,g.-q .' i with intcreMingfdcidJn ts. This com • .one '1~l'Rlled , Tile Co'rp'0rBlion "rickel, ()::7 The Americlln Alrriculluri e' (or i\f n'tlu mCt(lrClr fJy'.~~W f,', ~qii al ' 0. !lti"'ln all 0 1 i!le above 8iolj~••i I i~~11 . 1IRS flltffered .!!..great loss in ela. d' • ~ f • I~' ~.\ .•ShOu II'"It' . • \,pOR I,ll . •, '.0[ 1eV ll ry '0 ·,.v-my· B t1S' 'Cwovm '" ' Of..I...., ·,Ih..... . I 7 8 d J. , .. , IIIUlllty •. : r'!' ' , , ' (A 3 ~, ~ ' A, p.1I uo,. 10 l eS610n , ~ .... e Mzet- , , nn 'If- uryll; In I l~a . OhI~Jn ~ ·Il.yer. ~ ~af(iener alid' f,utlle~ . It 'coiHllini R '.. nhvfivsonlitihd. '":' I "rluo .. 'r~om" ~6 UJ' 10 t60 turned oUt 1111 , - .. .. , ', t J~ Dr,A , S. SIevenl. 76 . . • '. . .,: J . ' I •. :~ ,J I , . f . • , '" • ''I' complel. 1 ""', '" . I' .:'; . . NIL r . RllconIW. · .. " rich fin~ t mrorm 1\ 1,1 n. ~n . ~·full ble 10 ." ,'" , .',/ , .. ---.... ' _ .__ . ••• ·E.R.PriD.. ...(I , .. . . , lli , ner.y, t,iIIeroCLheeoil. 8 1.. 60&),eAr. COllE~·J}Nj 8\, 'l"~-iCou.\y, • "''''' . " Trhllurer, \'or80 ge Ju~d & ,Co.~ New Yo~k. l ' i " I. IPar~or Dining-Roo~ '"; l·E. ~\ •• T '. 86 , - '. . " atid· l'ftITonize 'Hom·e1 Mahllflcl'ureli. STO'V:gS,FO ~ WOODANOCOHj We ArC indebtetlro H))n. R oberl O. .. '" , raSlo~s. ~ 'I'h .. Allllnlio Monlhly for April ...• I .. ,'11' , . --Sclll:Qek for a copJ; of Ih$ Eightil Cen· ·S. HopRl na. 76 hlll ."n unu$uRlIy inviLing IIrrl\Y of oon . : PEERLESS, Cook, ror wood. 1

;. k


M 0 N ARC I .'



j~".loUti~ b~tll ftr:;~'i ~J:ii~~IIIUIl~. i'



whi ll h

"'e compile tbe

1o\lowing ~''' i8ItCl,,01 . Wime~ . Coun\,.: qA or nll,lll~ti 1.> . "' 170 0 ""0 ,." ,, 1 3;,lou.,I" ' I, ' ( .. T- ' , ~~ 'l"". 0 •3V6.760 't'''U Agg ; "1"" • e2!! .340.!l10 Numb.. oC.l!Mt'ilJe~. , , . .il, 111 Yree popl&ltltio~ , 'l6,9U'l NIIDlbe roO{ .,illI'rch'do ilr ob\jrDty. 76, 8~ lul\o ... : / .. ','(.'r. J 3 Christjtln. . . -tCoeS"'RAti~ •




""fl.. 'l. ;,l~ tMdlit. :







~51J 'C 'L 'O ~~ JB~I.I~'llrl:! '






J'" 1a i Ii d'e

b'APt~lIcd 'oorp6r"tion- I ?:.h,~!J~f,





tUS,T ~~RS

Tho liclie L. T CADD ProBu rJ P . ubllc," ':" cilinposed of . t.he l I,e~IIO~ & .l. ! elds" l3oiton. .' I!, ,.. . ' I will eell ..oodft 'or I.&SS .M nN g v thftn old CounCIl, wllh 8Qme e :r c~ pllori 8 , D I A ' Rb , " ... I. f ilII co .. bU)" lhe •• me qua\j~ y rur el, a• d'l I rt',.whe:herifbe J el\l (lr ~ .o o .IIIS: . r. , , osc CITY is unSI· wle • . "1 ' . Il y s lI J;lq nllte n,:liug. t be fi ttwg \I P of G eol l\o ! . •.. IIJ or, . . , ·(jorden J. Wrig ht.. . 98 I tbe AIlC,t.lO ll Roolll$, anti Will sho rtl y o::::r G pnll ~III(,II's Furnl'hrii~ Gootls , , , , , . &eorder. . IOIXltl ont {\ most {\ttr~ctivc stock of ftlw uYB on h.nd -;- ~.1l8,ftll~~.,','N elllilie.. 1. D. Swele. · 63 goods. .., . h·.... .., P Ul,er Cell.,., &;1:., ~ . ; . Trulurel" ~ I . T. l>~D' S ON . Sa,m,Q I ¥c9'l!'e.•.... " ., 81 tlr & ptain W . R Hoel h as ol.J\i· VV'ayne8 vi11~. ,Mutch iO\6 ••.,;·\ ~


.i:·ii:·Ha"i.:,~hf8lee .


.._\ "

·Wm.Jlllle. (on both' Iickots) Joel EYAnS, • .. . . ' -E. A. ~g\lr~. ·, " :~'!ti;ll"I. . )(. Tb~?"p~~11 ( ~o, b?th tick.ets) B. ~ .LIPPIDCOU ,( on both, tlckell) ~ Wlllll~m King .. . ' .. ~. I .. ' ", I .,' ' . ,'. ' '''C ",1': ..,1 Will uO. t Ie IDteDllon v tie

lS5 \




'~c.~~, D.-leans pqpers.

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,0~~~~~11~1~·1 ".:rlll:e~~e au••,

be II


~e=-=:l'l!;~ OOQlIlD~


,.bale'l'el'. .. _. .

liljvloul pro(l6l'U..

t~~riNGmO~~D~ ~~.~IE~?~b~Ri



",m~ '1M Jl~Cr r- ~ ...,. •. ' ',

will lell at a reuolieble proll!. ..PI eaa0 II Ive m. a caII berora 11-./


III" Ie et......e. , u.. •...,' ...... _liM CAe II...., kIne YOllr' I4I\eellons , . ' ~' . lion. ~"lIrBq f[', ,"'D lU:£!Pflf l feturn .ha~KI 10 ' m, "td eu.tomerl IT 15. A SED D H . Olld fr'lelld .. for wh. 1 Ih01 lIowe dODe lor PL It I lIR~DRESSIIIG I iii. thl! ".~I, and hopo to bo "ble to Ie- No )III'IM, old 011 J'OIIftt:'j lJOulit ' noto ~ II. Iq Ihe ful ure "'y sbare of tl I . • II IItr' t1JIIIfIIitIIiItd lJItiJ...a .,IA. ,, "/.RSJ' liEDIe r p•• , leAL AtJtBQRIT f, .. • , . ' .• ro;:e . . . E t..TON .,no.ville, Sept. 1', 1866. Tile ProprieIan ...... u.. 8r-- .>.!. . '-- '8..


MnUy. BP.~~~!t~.';.:o=~ iil~u.u

E.' a'. 'P.B II!Z,


a. .~..uu.'.'eo.;"~

.&TAILD.ALa.1M . .


lD1f_to~e~I ~aa::;::"'iawUl

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.,.... lI.1f

DRU 'G~, ME~~PINE~ , "'IoI4 ~ ,aD~1 \ ,.~ '.' NEW SKIn", FOR '18~7 ' CH.EMICALS: . . .n.L 1J . D. . OIL, Grilli Ju.aIloa ill' ,~ ,~~'



DrY ~d


Mixed Paln~t


10'or $lla!SI ·




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PAINT, VAHNl!:lH, &0

SionaI ParlC)r\ . 0 D" .. ,



'111 (II ~ IU W


tD I'l ~ Ql'o

WI'a.-.-n.W..l'l'· ".88, ' 8 .A ..... uv . ,......... BRA 11 D P'U or or y , ,

or tlil. ~Iy In th <l rB are:\IIrile BIZln ; Jln~' TRUSSE S. or Ih u ub~:v ~,,'!u ul lollell en bo hid 111 8.U[>PORTERS.



., .'

. SHouLDim.BR&OES \


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. . ' ~O ' . . WolYNESVILLE, I H I 2 CUDlhtlrlAn.l Pre8byteriAn. 'AI tI e IJ P ovo.rit,\! . . b' .'~ "IFf.... 'I\,. ;'l"'l~ lWformetl Pret bYleri'ID. ~ 11i,e CillCinnali HorM <is i,!..'!ll _ __ .,' nt as LOW I FIGURES. ror CA SH. 118 8 b. lur p~8 •• 3t1lolila1i CUMII., ,~ .., .. , . . 1 39 respects ("'t' '6I!t~ f1lJltt'itfYw(jomji(!~'!I/U1' . I. I ~ llY aiLy. lO lV n 0' ylllage, .lId ~HIfiI · IX:WI"Cfa. i 'N' nA»~T I Sh.ker. '" 62 WC8tem p.qop/e to i1111 U/'O '76. Jt", of Cil W ~ -. ruii~ 0 " . ~ A V I..., I ·Union. . , ~3 . . " ~ ~ ~, g)' @~ ~ Wt/.rra nlell to !lilla S atiifacl,on. ,L-" U I',. , , ' 4 UnivcrsRh.t. ta knqron 'ID!lalll' and liU8lnCIJ8 ttlwgrdy .are .1' p , .. • 0" 'J " I I . . I ' I J i I >I '. I 'I • I ' WlI,IYifIlNlWVl1.".III ·O ' mre"" : "CCOI1)~O,~ tq . 18,450: ·t ' ' · ·'k " :, ' I at ''! " 'ru , O-Ilf Itscap,lta /.9(/"':J{ c. . J _ . .. ~ i , ~I : i . /1 HAIR-OILa 1117'l"'., "., _~Ir~lIallllt ., 'f :' Yll\ieo ohur'Shptopl. ry." 'e l63 •• !llIncl to put , a .llta8AID.'n tl~ 'D. SWETE l../i 1I~ "t~'-';;I/mn a "1 . • R -'''IL ' ' U· a.JIW,-'-oI,L. • " 3 . . fi~ld. '1I1 Will ""led In"'our Ifliit -188Iie: . 9 , pp y tS,*,~r4E!!~ ': A, \lie Ilove naeon I, far .dvillced., rAll~Y '!'!& ..... "I Nl1mber of "hite 1II"lee in Ohio over but afler ,that lillle; '11 DaJ. ber of friend. . .. X ' ' , ) , •. ,.,1, °nor 'a\ock ie h10wd; ' bill Ihlop ,hil:8 . DR<V .~ ' ,_lill olt lll{. "hQ,ol\ll Q!li'htr~ I'II"tI .or the hlSt yellr'i "ioding ticket i,D~is! . . ~I- '.".; ,:U, l,j' ne nOlon an, we can ubt.ln, by ""x· • ., DO~!'i91~ ,~.2Pl7 , ••• :I!Ef'~lejll•.. ~.o..~io. : ed nnOD ·.iia ~,,;'p" e~fI\uc~ . Anti' "fl~r I. in conllant _Ipt the clltolce.1 .pre •., on .hor~ nollce. , QUE' I.~"'T, S· ~, '.':i.(aI.' ~ i, \ill ored mllle8 who CAn nt:1 her reatl . " ". ' , ';lr. . . " . Oq Wed nesdAY c\'c/li n~, Mnrch 27, at Ibe .. ,'I . , . , ' A "ell·Mlected ...ort"lIl.. t lb. ~ nil , ~ nor .rite. ! ,995; l\!m"llI~ 3 , 191. NII- much relucl"nee ,oonllenl _ .18'; at. IAAt rcsli\cl1ce ali M,'. John S,des , by. 'Jicv.J? F. We have 11.110 on h.. d·, ,opd Il·~ort · livN. 48 .015. No,rJ!ign. · 16.813. To. giveD, wilh bAl .result. our readers COllrc3·. Mr, OWI:II 'J . Bva;<&TT to ~iaa ~Tr: 'ment or ahpopt ever}tbln, 11\ 4jur Jill!!. A, ." .. DKn' NUI'K. mil of Warreu COllu~y_ amDng wllicb are ~...., whi;:" in Ihe SIlIte tlte old lite " -;" ' , , , . ' , POTS. ,! ., I 1 7 . ' ..... Y,n es ll v, ., Ie M. ~lrk,!' ''.'l ' SKfLLIgooQ °l~~1 I~107. yean uId: !0; lemaIl81;-cliqleli.ur .aqolber.le; ....: , ~ObLe'1 ~ • 0, ~ \I\A .. C .r"u' 0. ..1 E mk : , GttIDDLES, MbGUFFY'S & WILBON'S aBRlES, · Bt.l~ C"lrer riOU: yeili ottJ) .pale,. betw eeo lhe olndI4at.• e (t)r Trell.uror .trt./, IJ i1rreeka ve ry ee . ' .deh I. OVAL, CAST.IRON '" , ,. femal .. &. • ,. ' . wU_1!~Ii~~J,"ri8k . ,D4 anlprllted.: Whelll '41 bu.hel. lli 75 (it .~ 80 .. .to. M.latlO DlIII.II. I. te .. al.. 3 . ~nd' "aL Yo; Recorder wit. 'lteJ'p~...lely R,e 11 , " 100@00Db,l?SS riO.O D' Q B O I L E R S , \IT I ll 00 ONl a l' •. 40 ~!~ ' 't ~ 'l'Ii"A-KETTLES Onr ., ~n" • .4h~ ReI N ,i .. r. wR~ed by lhe win~er ~Dd bi, bOllt.1 111\ ,1lArley 1I !i 11I0, CiiI 000 • , ¥ , 0(111 II ~ OMde: l o\ ~lb' e or tift reRI 0.1 whom ,di!lpl'V ed commendable aeal Corn 11 .. 60 -LADIES & ;GENTS' ENAMEL iiE1'TLES, 1t ..late and penoo,,' properly. and 6g. I. '. righteoll" elute-Albeit , ljjtJi~.b!e Dur.k whllat II bu., 76 r !' .unrted mlz8JI. 01 ttJe b".t qUllity. Carefully nod Promptly Filled. ,~~~ ~ItQ~ ~~, t """eo( Lhe. rlc~f8l "b~n "e '~fleoqbA' tbe oppo8ingc;'n . ~:~~~; ~::~I, I~'g~ " ~NDER.WEAU" SHOVELS, 'rONGF, ~' fn·~~ · d!1IIi :.J.iI.~-tlon '~~1 'I' cl'&e, oB'.~eclno "lia'ADCO ' be,ond, we B\lt'~~l' n. SlI SAn IRONS. ,O ld Drug-Store, All wu YlloUWu m_ Ae ILia for lROO. of cou"e eileof 'nlime on the lioket. ' .• ,. i Laul, ~ lb 15 U \ SSlMER~S. IRON ' SI)OONS ,. "",a_me. 0"0. our '. Customers. ran4


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MEAL I:3lRVlES, TRAPB.J ... ;. .~ CHILDREN'S KNIVES E. DI1_'LE1' D. WOOl-LICr, , 'A'ND FORKS. ifn · . J rI I h(; I ,lie WASJlBOWI,S.·ltenlerentoco-prllilra "

'~t;rl'dR K~TtLE~.

EDS. Mmll ' GU&ft'1I : - Pleaee an4\liir. V ;;t"bJe ;'i, "I ' -. r 101110& in your R.per Ula' 1 w.1\l be at el,'.. ol y••el"·I. Tb."Grel~ Eaatem,la ~F.CUT~IX ti0 fICE. ,,·-.i · f ' h~ , ,,! W.rdemllti 'IVlHIdA't. ,"tuBictliY' iiod '1i1iB'~81e'a,"'6a ollOe 'I)" " i'~l"for " J ....,.crt!l~y gio:.~n ~bnt t!... J;.ic ... i!ln~d. hM • ' ., ':', '''.-,i' ,J! .,"'u.' UL.~ , , L , , 'eli ' , a- ,. . ".~. lJ ". r i.,. '>"" '. '" ' heolnll'poouted.,.u. t;: 'qIl Rh Adm,'1l ' AIs)1. ·~iIiitclat.. 1M> ' 81b,1hb and' roctr 111 . 1~;o,~gh'll, <A 1I~L\q I Oa~AO." .. ,e ," tri"on the Estl1tu II ' D " f ", d. d!!'!9t-8cd, . . ,,,," . ~ '~1 ~ , 01 '''i.lDOnl.,..... ~ ·HoIly OD . ., . , ~ ttn ' " " , . ' ' ' ' "f 1810.'1If W"!,rcll1Jou~ly Ohio. . . p;.i " I fl.'... TI u. ' 11 " ' , . 'I n . I Ii 'd " AI"'lI~A n D. . . . , •.." .,.... " . " IlIndey.d1., n,h_ ••d ' ." ·'_J8YI e ~'Vf!e ~~~.iI~',~t· ~} ·'~~~n, ~. ~ -yn c.~llle;...o .•~.APUI ~.>1B67. A ltULL LINE OF RE.\DlY~ "'A.DE 011 FridilY tbe lilh,' Cor the pllrpoH 01 to · tcam that ~u,e " h~u~i!ul . goods lIlCeivinll relurDI 01 iocome, appliOl\· have boell .sliding from ,tb~ , Sb(WVe8 ,. V .prA..l:" :0. ."... .' " Ii, lioa. ror lio&nee; &0. , of Mr. T : T . p ?,dson with !I\I~1t ~I,lu· ::::. .l:.- . Ii > ~ I v~OT,H GEOHGE W. YR , o~·r. r,-pidity, th,at)ie )s rure!idy COJl ~-:. P H OT9 ~ RA P H 8 ,\ ' ,. • . ,.. ' " :i d , I L ~ to Of I(U .h . ' -A, ai8t8nt Alteleor, \ templating anothor trip .to seCUI'tl- ad· ~ I.,e f er _.01l8:.t Y!~ I .,rl,' (l , • ow .~ . , ...""~ . "I • • I " ' Ii" '" " Y t '.1 I~ be ), at w.o D GAt...ERV. ear dlttot~a. ..op,~ ."~ ' .. , 0, we al\v. ," c " 'e bosl.Ollief'. on .l ti i n: Str~p. I • • , .n. . . Mi. AmAndA M. Stokee bas our fcndcrs jl'St ,to,8WP aDd eXllmute :: : . ""'" fill . , , . '" l!IIeolKl llorohildren•• ,No.. O' thepresont s \K>ck,"Wbich,torricbnes8 -:- • "'." ("'..t.l~" . ,'. eft", -";P' ".w,.;t~ , or qUlllty ' 1' on d e l cDao,cQ ' ~ ' i 0 r ' l:I~.~y lie,,', are '·I ,am p'sp.r.l4 10. maks e . I. r ,,,_, Ole -"' - _,: , pictu,es . ' fr~m ::r~ Oburoh• • • • Mill Blokel devoted unsurpused.·' • J :;~ll :Ap m!JrotYJl( e ~to ·'':.:~1ife S,Z . • h .' . ort1'il t 1p ~ De.~ly her wLole lime durlDg t e war ... ~" ". . . ' " ". . titWaiting "'.... t~)llr' !!eI1"and wdun'dild __ We nrc " req~eiJtcd to' state • ~,fleei.r ·Rt1 enllo,. pai ,. C~J1YING ... . Tbe fi~'a.lIl10C"'q(" . e :l.l:" " .J , a1 h ri' ''b ~C!ls $' ROOdc .CIt ,Ian. ! MJ\LL PICTUltES'; 1I~""'. ln ,",om '. ,I 1 BOldte" ia, iOIl' liOlPILaIt. and wa. tliat ~ o .g e r .... ' ,n, '. any de. iflole .tae. TilOW' hllvl g ']l ir. , " " I\' ,I III IlIlel of mlrey ' AIDonl Ihe 101- Dey, ·ard. in receip~ of, ~eir spring ",.,9.01 Loal ,.Vrllnd R. 6au huc th em ,.... ," ~J "'~' ilien God ble .. Ibe woman who took goodlJ, 'yet'tboy solicit the iIidul~eDcc 9i!pted lind elllar'!!iJ,.ntl CIOJcl'l ed I~ ~~" . • • • ' t.,_". , lo. \'i '•. ' , ' '1 t ' ,... . "h" .,, lMm a. plilreel as' l le orlg tla ( , "., . i :' 1 ,. . . I or tb••oldie' boy. I 'She wl\le,- o~ ¥It'i ,PUD q . untl nex -wee ..., w ef' plclurfl ~II ,! or. ~~Itf'\!', I . ~" ,:/. . ' - ':." '~ IiII!lD'W'MI." ") ·'h. ' aOI· th~y hope ~ ~ibU. ~ fin4) ~ ~- Nol,o e~llon·'to~l~ia? "",allllr..~IC. t f ' . • ... :" II.~ ',_. '.' . ., ,j , ,"- "h. -, 0 '" I 1'1 IL.' t . ..._ n. d e&1fbe' Youna: anvwbnre ~ I!'8ft ldttreo l,;o; j f I , 0 ~ ,.. ,. , ~'" o~ ,glj. 'lft1s ~;10 , Dian ,r.y. ' !lOruu~ •••", 1'!! ,.. v: r. >' <.1;, 1 t ' " - i encIe ,or in ~I '( ~p~e~)o ,pl~~ my (". .~ . ~, :...,.:£t6cntOlt f:ol,,~. at th~ ~e" ~tore.~m, fqrme! ly oo-t#lD'!'; ',04 Illl,~in, ~~~".JIr.J y'ltr! ~ New Dr,dg·Btore. , r' ~, ,;. eaperlence In ti,e lIuI1 0e••• • tla ,~r m, ru\.E4U . . _ H ' . 'fob ' H R ' , " :' '" • " .,,', " 11 'hilt I u ',,' itt' e 11,.oocI Wor~ .1 .li;, . I " ' r.. L.,( j U" • . ¥1 ,, ' _ QIl. lobn' 0 erman', on; . . .'. , ' ." I h k' . " , .. ,.. ,,, •.,.~ " ;, 1 n __ . . • . " Dft_1~,, ' • _ 3000 tl.1.e.o · ' ,. ' • ADd "nerf n I I'-e y, . LL.' 11 ''''' , " , " " ' . ' iv _!lie te.t. ~T7~_" ~nQlll S.1l ~~~I!, · n~ .. ;'u.~. ~ W~ ~ l~l\{)A 1'" t" ,l\ ., t - " h:Lve i>1~ed os rind.~r oblJgations r~\ ;pe'.:r.~ .w.~.~~U~b. " rDOt~~,Ii~r abd f,Q~trirl:r~ ~tm ~~1J"ND SE~ ' ,'j fO r [I?'~~IC fa r ors. , '. eaOl; Oblii, ,' ~ , 'March ~ ". ,

O'T'I.\G ' b :.JItnB'O,


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'Phnioians' PresoriptiOD8

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FAMILY GROCERIES t School';'Books',


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riu •CO IW'I POPP"Da ",utI". 1I0SK,. RA '.c 'fRAP8. SAUSAGE STUJ!·FEH.S. GRINDE RS ~AR~ PU&lBES: SPRING BALANOES. PAD- LOOKS. SPOONS. TACKS. BR('rTANIA SPOONS.. '. TIN A.ND IRON SPOONS. S',· I:' nd 8('&001. B-"i ' Sill ' A ",«.tl , Sl Uf7" (I ,_ "f' . -.. 'fI

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SIIOES'r is" ' 01 1111'1 • •IBla BOOTS.AND 11...... Q.... " " , UUS INE~ '" \he ~.~tJ " . .

'~a~pc ~I , I~P Cll,o"~",plelll. ,dllng.ln w!,h to I.nrp'm Ibe Publlcl.n- ~

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kept In lueh el1.}l1M~~.n~., . ~ Ulltll April t'lm, P'rN"l wl ..lq , ':I'kln,l" our llne;.,.a •• aceolD.CNIe.



For .e" tinill Dft""W~~"'. ~~ <¥v.J ~ .,,, . ,~, '

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LADJ'L'g, DBJlIQ",I]£U\ba DC JlII.VU""~ ~t ':~R~i~~nl'~~ ':ht:C:':v~,rt: J . .II ..... Varie' and' a'~ a {Ol,"d ,hi old seand of 8. W. R",erl. 11 8DWRD ,' ,If Wlyi"'lIle. Ohio. great reduction in prioee. .. DUDLEY It. WOOLLEY. ·


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lr.,.11 11. J867.


E.',~ .·. J.H. ,., ~O' \JJ.~I



':~:~':~&e~~o~':~"n:l~h~W~;::t:~:: T'h· Subacriber bal taken the Black- 8c11~1 Hoo.. lo Illdll'lD\lVIbt;. 1I ~""11 ILIII •• •'I III.

Nollee" Itere(" IJIYII to tne qtl&\tllecl ~



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&co,.11 0/ ' whloh w. wll.l .ell 10. ror 'iIIi&b S~oPCofo,..erI1 00,ouPhiecl; by Pel.r Oa Jplftt 8;~1a..t.~ CASH. LoOk weU to fCHI' own IlIt. reat Eberly. ID rwill •• Isre • II p~.p.J'o - , . -(live u." our ondIYlded .• ld,.sl'd we.,,\11 ed CO do AIIIIIDd. of Betw.ell .llle , ~oura or I I~ . ''''ol~ ,..... Illin" CilY Prlc•• to your door... ', B-L ,a' C".X I'" B I." ,10' tb. ,urpOlIl 01 .IeaIID~ .00. ,i..:.. r ~ , ~ • ,. ~j_ " , A ~ V 01 ,h. School BOjIAJ . to ... n d o" ....'. . , N. D.-To SI1Q... Il4P"~ _ W. Ire in the be.t manner aDd a' Ibe .. ott rea· of Ibre~ ye"SL ln plote Of ""S ..HAlIU. ma.'"ng Bu gar pen ...t old pncea. or Ibe IIOIlI\b.le . price.. . \Vh~ ,,;mof 'Office wllh~.I1',,. h i LNo. 18 CIi,reuIII/on. , CalLin tillie, ' He' d ••ir"l .Ipteial ,l lteadoD \0 Ib, B1 ~b. P,!"c\, ,.' .,' :I.e~ ~ 'If .h.' alllD" be r..dy ln ....en . # b b I b d d' 'S. D. 9.WBmh• .~ ~ •. , ; . . ... , '~Cl I A' e fi'''?? aa .n , IIp,r aper' , 'w'YQ."lIte.~. ~~ '_l, )l.861, ~We:(6, ~I,I.III'.l'lnll rUI Jorlbe' e to mlOtiaotlire . , . ' '- - : - - . t" . ' ] , • ' , er.1 patrpn~ie of .tile P" ~. ,~"r, I! ntl hop. . . . . . &Jaw . . . ........ Gr... ~.,.}~~~1i . :,\ ' II, i{_lrib' 1t}'lIntl01\ to! &\1' Cle.. , alld hoo~ ~ ~ !I ....Tbe,..Yotfl1"e,~ill._ .tld aelllc,U" ' O\\ 'o~.ble JO: \D"~~ a' Itill. 1I',"lfr '-' ,~ .' .;"~' - .' Ihoilld imdlecllal.IJ ~.ii eUIIOm", ,bll' \If ~Il'e ~o ai~e nil' iiD~I"" •• wl ' ~CMlW.. ' ~d ..... ~1J: " • --;"-!,,._-; - -..·tot to . , .o.......1'1D5~.~\~ .D~ :IIe , a ....... Plow~U-rof .'119~!,,-WIU II " "r:1! ~ \. . '"I .. -Der.llr .... il ..... L'- .t .:. ....... _.... Lto p~t~....el'" . '" • n'J' -,- . '_ " .,._RIW'!'..o~ ,. . y. 1.1." , wr..:.i,;.·' ...r ... u - ......... 'l .\. JAKB&,-P" .1JaTAN1'. ' $A!J. \~ ·-ot ~ . / .".,..",1'&., IW'" ......" :,, f eet. os.,( . ' . . . by


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.-: IUllvrA CTUU ur .... oW 01":', 10 bU, ble lLVER ofT"" J)..U .... "iljwllL Iu ' ........ ...... , oo lid .na pl.leo'J S pu<)n. . ud "~~Iu~ IUld nol lO 1"1I1.111 •lur utll~ IH!fCOdl" ~ 1 ft ~ e T.ble u d p. 'C ~ PL C ~'''i.r·ctOryl • . r. ~ §1 - tr.. T . Y. _ Y tf ~or~"II' AtIl t ri".n 8w;.a , F rel' ll"~rl" '·~ F'Or ll'r. , ., h .Ild 'D C4RHJ~ Wo solid gold h\lnllll~ "~I ,·h,· ~ IO:~ 0 1 Tr •• haKE:LLE VES. 'fi ;, GII ...eOl ion Wi lh Ihe l~ I.rlle l .VUSJA .ETS 4 ..\ ;,':,. "~ h W. ' chea; • fi lle I/ lll d J' .. " • • ~Id !>OIl . ~"dhJ.tuhl \"" ~';:d~ ~ ~o _ ---! !jl who,u. iu,bll h.l"~. hne dt ll' rmi flOed '01 )'\ i' Ih. United .... • ~ S I ~ with "c rll~CAlp,C _~........ . e-.anr........ {)()II "'dIu,' .u l r co. cnow lite. s .. " let. AI.." ; I' ."d ll ; PJ!CI1 Ci1.. ... 0 j :! •• dlrec lly'o l'u ll. um· ! d L d ' I OOllhU c hNII ml'''·r,\"'OJl !25010:1,'10 illv o<l l Ill· .Ir '[,,, ... Cleaaw...... . ···N" ",,... co np n !', C .1\' ~ 'X . b.loca l en • I . lIer ll,, !! IIil ' " on on 1'000 0 1:1 J:IJ Ilijb I~\\'" t I ~uu l.() ;!r.o llllr"ner . PrlGU ....... ~'I. 'N III.....,. I f' " ~ . ' emok e ~1"6u. ill,uld , ail ' ,,, r, pl.,ed, . tcnl ~'.Q(I\I a 11 du~"" 1\ l .l'J -Q \ . !\O 10 ~~l(J oft . . , i IlIIO Ihe cuo . Umlr u "?ub ulo ~el£er I'D 'IF' and e,J lnu.on (ro ,nc'" 10 l Ull .U IJgel. REPEA'\:H\O RKVOLVEl~, !i 000 0 H A llIc .." n" wbes _. 100 hI ~.:O ctlll. "N,lIle. can noW C g .;.~ . ~ ~, . . ,1;1 I__ Iu I . .. d iI"e~ I JOlyl81 of J".lr, . r,'QOO S 11 . " k. • wve.ra • 50 101 ..0 Ilir I lly kind or qu . hol ol ofT"u. l\l p.c • ~ r.; { F lnller Itlllil' . hee l Mu. ic .nol \ 5 '000 0 Ladloa' w~lches Rifil'S, .... 60 \0 2~ I ~~ ' uf o"e pouud .nd upwartl. , ."~ we .tII ~. ......... I I ".I,"me n" . ·M I, cell~ urou., .chool ~;d 6:000 S H Duplex I ~ I:Iil ~ Tb. b., .o pponul lh'..." ....... . ~~: ~ wi:1 .end ,hem' ' ''porlo r arll c le u f f~., R ' HII ond Shot Qlln Blr,el., .ud t f t l IWMII ,IGII, III. nlt 1Juoh ot all ~i"d~ Blank Dt I. ~ .OOO G H Lopill • • Gun Mt ~I) c)l M 10 1,00 ~ r. per ClI nl . bo,e Ihll COli ul Impo~ a· ~.5"'DU. "bill", , .......tla 100"" I. I lord b, Gun Dulu. pnd lh. 'rn Morll/"g U , W . rr anl ••.<\mdavil l. Re~leY' II 30 '000. M i8ClOI" :~ ".1 W 0 "i 1il1 , C3 25 to ' 00 lio n . Lei IO lf18 ene r,el ie IM~Y 0;1 o";~ te:~:r·lll , .. • "~"I\WOR~. •• In., "tt. chme nl!. ,"-"" &c" ,conlt'n! J on 10:t: "!~I:~MCh~."~lI , ... . ~:: kill,la 101<) 75 perdoll in ekch nelK~lb,,,:::o~h:i~ o~J"rt 11 In II;e; e dlY. o( Houeebr etlll~ :~~ t-a.;- :;~ Book-keepers; And •• Abc • ~,. _ _ . y ..... a \II nl.ooed CHd • • dlooIR~#llIer., un". "li ce ' "'''- 75 ,UI. a..= Novarti lil v 8ho\ylI. Q 1 hen.~obo r len.lweIlY . or ' l.IIen:", Roo':' lor pre~' OIl, P icluru .nd wo::I~ .....oJ . lliokll ll!! « 00,'1 Ore'~t ~~ obulilleol ·-~ t. ~ Mild 10 u•• n~ we wi ll .entJ....\I:~ 14(1 ' 11 ' . i REMIN P iClll l .. .F, U"," . ' GTON' S I' , . • 'wi . n Wlllcb 0<;., N ,,:\'or" Oily, w,. 11 '" 1111 1'eoe pCll .. p ill • CP ~ ~ ~um ___ eepara. e pec k'ge., !~~;,. "~II , ~.~~'!\h~ ~n:~~ ~~d"~';' Tile bf¥ I ¥IOC K of WALL I'APE B I::~.t1Mcl _ ' 1 Ih.mllol vu 01 I-::..i ~ d"!l!"iIe u( ..... !'bovc "~':eflc~ lI: the name o( eac h !Ie r60 nAIll~ .p:S' ''' 11. t. Tno£ tile Duno :'061 a.t't. Iud ,h. In Ih~ c"II n,,}, . rfkPdtl~n i~:: p~rlle~ d e;!:I:!e'. ~i:·~~' P ie lol SLo~k. •• Alld CcrUlical an· ~ . ~deo.. ' _ri", Co.chu I . 1 1':1<.11 •• , PUIUlIjI Arllc" . ~n c luatd in on o x. cd §0I'l ~V~a r p , 1. 0 .~.nlO forlhe Mu on &I. ' placcdin senlcdc llU\'elops 'rQnc;here of s I. ur r Iho al8 mp lioldel , ."r O ~I dua_ t 10 Ihe pebo o· n", H~tW: ", .. ~ t 1rOj rao n Cfl llln, lip hel 'pe roorwork mllna hi"r,n d (onn , will lilld.1I ~ " tI HI mll n I )I un ll~ K llIt~t', t'. C., loiJ hlt. lied , I Ihe a rllel"" nonl"d P ' I ll'hcor I: ~er~11I I lIb W II •,vIII . rll d 0 " ex tr a r.on'pl\m Ih f!!-' ,~ . a •• CIb. Ii ,.. 01 ,i>. \Sl~ i n~.y Rrll,II;ll ry . ofl" ardlnon & ' O"Y· 1catCl. \l~n combine d In the " , ' pU)'IUOII\Of~lC'~ ~,':N, .;\:~ :~~ , ~y' p~~ka~e on " II ord ers 01 8 3() I nde nll _~ Afillfllk (JHflI !Vttlef'n Rei/,CDr !!' 'Eln . .. o,,:G,o.b lo r ." er & Sllhmitlt up· I Vttll Rmti1lg tt .... R e'IIIII)rr . ~ Pi~noil~ 1~::~f~~ ~I~~~o~;:tlo'tl'fi:lll:S ;,titlos lOU 10 1 g l . • _ . . . . _'W'Iiao eMca...... .,. ••, (The 1o"l or .. ,e 11M lOll It i~ pe"' ~p! lI oL ~' ~II '"H"lf~l~ud Ciro: lnr", Olllllailli ed ai/a chea'p.) - I :I . arliel'; lla m~ lhc,cb n, " 1"'1i payment, Ir- w o,d ~ ~ .li ",TtV 8,1l.U ~ell T e .. '0 very 10lv ~ 1UI I' HI II I ou r a rna will\l1! GIIII a!1d • . '. . . . . ~. \Y o "'ill Illrnish OilY of Ihese In Alrllmenl ~ , r~~ CClive or ilS wor,I,. olt 00 be furll,.hed 1'9 • • III "rllel" , ul'< .. h en il l . I. ken lnlll conllJe ::. c:r '" thro.' Ti.t.U Ii rou u'1 I. ' "I I ." 11I)"lion. Chec)u. 10 IVe r ,h . " . ,,,. (llh .. \tbu M" in lI. e W eel. \l"~ lut tb, u IUo,i,. 111.II,lId · ~ n nil' ""rUtlcIII ' , b~a hl6 6 Iltc u rl ~I"ol coal of unpol·1I110n. \ J ." '" ~ ~ . 11..... _ N'. .. '1ork . NlI 15 Sltll<l n::;. Rt:MIN GTON & RON!! . llidll. !II .Y. ,,-. W ~ ~r e\~I~o, 0 ~''1 1, I\lr ~)Uhi'I!lIlI A \ II w,lI "I AAc II Sloll'llI".1s "hla I~ lOUIUl\~ ry : ~~t 1114 36 ~~ Ii,/ir'tttl Dilslt~" llepOt , s,.'l.:i··II " Rewlnll ' M~clHne. ullequa'fe d ,uroker. .. lo" Jobb~r, Whol e. ' ..' lI ,a , bllt a olra\JI,bl· \'o, ,,,u rtl \egilh','ale trftll.n"t'~b~ 81\1. j)~,I., Srecul tor ... Pot ' . ,,01 RenllAr , blve " .eh 10 , - - . ,.. CUfR!III ,.()lev" I\M ; '1(<1'. 6ir Cla,k ' '~ ~l ·h,"" . Ca\~ '~r ~' IY .. (H) • 'n . mu.t way l'l\Yalci. n-o. DI· )lc P'llj\lFIil" I~olJlli oVeJl llJ r.. p Me I'r061 BIllI Ihe h,numpr ab'e \ Slrc, \. ~lun.u. .\ lI o \ \ fA"".o , 0 ... 117. PROTO Gll'APH IO ARtIST S. I • 08 vi " .. . ~"lI ,h • •notl p ",IIW!, I IIIOI! 01 0:" ,,!da ro.\IdI~·~UI(lll .";11 bc 'ell by man. corlalfe~. ~oupBt," e', 1Il.urunCef, .lorog~' ,I. 'o~"'!!i...~ · . It. cor. ilrocad..... . , .. A. Il~ II , e r • h ~ or~5 re lll 'll yC for &c whi ch tor y ..OOllarv, r' CO/lII!'~/ltl 'hI' U'I.' 01 Ib~•. t:O~~t:o~ II'o e blVe to flU. Ihrn" ll h De· ., Lio. .... ,. , . • R.;ST01\f./{S; lor l" . I>yll "' . or .~ u uc nllll p,e \ Illr; lhey Ih e Clln. um er, w alld at Ne';1''' ''''1!Ii!rbO!p(1i of Ihe Ofucinlll,l i , I" ____ . , \ o,lUlll lur 5, 8\XlY ' 811 '''I,d I~~~~ v:1I~l~b~~ l~~b t xplalp 11, 1•. . hWI e mn . . ~~ b..9tAal Ran". , ill LQultJ HIe ~u ~~::e 10prulil. "n~ ?u~,li!:~~Ry ~... 10 ..1 lid' . ....,.. · , ul'" ' :''' 10 ( 0 11$ lliurol"}; , 0 0 . Inlu tJ) tor 10, one 1nUll rQu 1 ": W'. oi.""r. P l with ,even·e rwor d ThlrJ 't..~cta. a,ud ~ ~. " h hl i.hJlII!lftt in (lh t " ln l n~ . l ltl n,r- "'"II' \\'uuk ... )C't i io.plph h.1 1..r~.~ ; "~"ht!>·,Ut'~"~~~ 1 \ll) I \ W Ilteh fo r 15 . ~·o Allelll. Or Ihu~o '1'I~I"ng Jlp en8ee. all,,,,1 ilt I'n"" o r., or .,., ",¥" r l · ' r \If\1.I -'r.-t MIiI II'1!lt OJnc9li of OOlllloCt:l6 \ Tbff , . r"lIloin s w Ith '~Ie rill "~~t':1i Iho PRO\!lJ'\~:.N 1' C .:L.:BR, !l. 'I'I(I ~ S empluv ITn:~ rnell'llllS ill 'ho ~:).1>. I~ a 1I r"r~ 1 ""'.. ro .... ~r ()'tr~" opl'I' r"\IIILy. l~'S " -up~ III .... . " e Injl lhar T Ih Till e y . hllil WOIIDEII IIu ve 'UI. a O REV nf Ih. A dIOv i" C.rd legltimal e'" couducted bus, "es! . d~l y "u ,or· r- I' \ '~ '"'1 ()O ppr ' ."" no .. pub· i'''· l l'h~IOl'hu b ... or IUloldc1r~ . pOUlltl .In every pound ' II I" ,, ~. ' :. I. lulu. P,·rl , ., '., ' t . . D.l!feLAR E N, Oeh'l SlI,pt. \' U ~j 0' " I on I 0\,<0 11.1 Ibe een Made by the great A.tro l W.. kn ee. ,,( Ih~ II."~~:" P'He "Ion b 'j~i), . .., ... ogu , 11011 "y lIe ovrnnl ~!I" 0 e .. of 'I'tIl1tlo", porchosc , or be cO nll' e II eiI 10 I ,~~uo n . S l'.~'" nt nl OO"'1( E. ~. FULLER. Oeo'l Tic)<et AI!i~I~~ Ou Y "'"bjee ... 4_r&e. ,. ... ".ftlp, ~II,Ie.n,.in I" " u \' ,..AD... :QB II. Pllaaw o. F . '. Ol;h'h.hll i~ or In"'l" ... ~on ,b tbe lDUS~~~;~:~~~:crllJ ")ill C Kt ~'\;l AI Co , give Ihelr o.rnlnl' 10 a hOlt ur u. el u8 . ...-Iy _ .I ,u " I. , ,," li, ' o( C0l"" nl , ~:\." ~~"I\) d id•• .V~,~.;. " ~;'''; Jl~·Ill:fi ......~~ 1,19 Oruatl ", ~ , P. O. . gu.belwe .ne. I P.EL ,v .... OlJ DE'l' ,flRG~'N S She rpye_Ls .e",e ll no roDr Ia I ~ .f Art . . . £ ..... ~1JNItI. ;'1 I'" P'., "~I Hhn"n.· • • Sl'bnklng 6 I !~"i\~: ceri.i\; 1 F SII'LI D EA LEll8 WI. l ' \ 83· 3m. -, ;"' l1 u ", elY York . " 1 U < ~~L.6I1~ ... ltD •. I 'I'h.) <Oil L. " •• , ,on, ono •• k i,e", She ru",,~" 10 hlpplneftl Ihuoe ~ . ' . 10 .. ,h. Ri Khl R. o. n"loo,,' 0 I ,h. f·I"t<op. o,.... . "LI .."IPoult "·. 1••• 1 r•• ,· orinJor, .c~ p•• t, JM " . ..,.., ftlELOB EOWf!l 1 III~' 10 .. II .,,"1", C3n be Dc.:omn, o 0". ' who Irum dul" I.. 1 'lyenl, CAlOMr0J'h~ " EXCELSIOR I CI,Q.d , . ,h. t:I,~oli,. C ,.r~ y' . o"d lho Clerg. vI hl lh • • :, ~ . 1110'. ,h." 5tJ.OO .... rL'ft~.I.. EXCELSIOR I ! tlllcd Wllh Imall Dlckog eA 10 Bull Iheir .11 OCll o,,,i,,., io 01 1I1.&.\iiOD.t't nVAIIOEI\ TITI ' r klll T '~RIZ~ cru.~e. ill lov •• . ja 411le,iM· . n, ; .111"0''''''. 11' ollicor, 10 .. uf reID'tion ... friends. ,b. e.ire • • r••• hibll.d .1 nUt ulllrtl· Cllr. f,Y,,.. , !. ' !udt. bUI no .tlducl lo~, can bit, •• •• • .,060 " ",I " · · Y'• • ntl .lh o I~I • •:~~.ri~::~!:; ;1':.;: ' ~.I.'U ill .• •• '1 "A' .. QULl) .ID"r., • ' \111.' 01 money, &,1 .• have becooae ~:"~::. ... I.'"" IP~'~'" II A f!I 'I' E .. L R " • II :,!,~~ Ihelle are wholesal e procea ; A. Ihe1tet t' Call1ne t Organ .' .Ient She brill'" lo,elloer I'. II \01 C :~! ; (,,~~!~r..::i::~:;'~:':"I:i:,'U'" ' 'UI ,SIIIUO'Y'" ~~•• ;\II;·~!'~:n:::d~~i."I~~~~: rCl~·;.1\C~p! '" \1.1& lit'lttmtll~'<1It'''1»'" a tnil'lll\l) O~", n.ulor_ . • , , J P R.I Bepfttnled . glveI' Illrormel ion on~ernllli ~cAl.~ eEL I S"[ 1 ",.1. 01111 r.o,"I.. iliA i1111:&_I1~"'''' ~n Am.rlOt D lIIIIlll'llti. New Yortr, 0411. 1 '66, 1'.b.~·nt Irlend. or l(lver •... , ICr ..... " "01.... . 7 C,Io...... •• reatorU 10~1 or 1 I "r SIn,ril" Ramovt D 8uperflu o1Ul Ball'. '0 .. STt:I' lIt: JI\ S .v I.:O .. .O<oIi ..... ' Ru.h , Otllor .. ~81." .. ), '70. 50, Do. ,' .00, 81.10. BeiDr " ronouDee4 IVperior In filuIltlTr ~t"len proped, t"lI. \~, ·ord. r foon. oI vl' n I.i,·,u, you fll. bll'IIle.. .. (rom oar Ion ', ... ".ilv J)ru~ Sl"'~, },';u. 10 .\.~r H__ , Por ~eat • 1.:15 p.r pound. PO't'u. n" l"A.rnr 'or TO.L ~nd in 'OU If. fbl!.: '1uA"fI~d tb porlne I 01.1"" . .. will . . fin .d ., ,1,\'0, olld ,.,,, hy Il ,00.1 ... y. .lIa 10 T "' L'~ l1l d'le' " .... ei"'l..: .:hia inVIIlu. E... llot1 Br.lkl..1 tBllfk), 80. 90, ork , I . 0 ",\& g~ Id and b l. . ) ,. t.·' Illlm " 01 tom bl nlt'IPn.. 81 .00. \,"U,1 f'RE~: ! !il'l\l. I>,... ~ .., . %~h~·"I. ucb0 . ~ . .w IIJ ,"0"," W'' 11 be Plu.1 .ucce .. fu I• clu,e. bl 0 0.1'..... I' IL,' U•. !lo·J'lh~O"·I'''I' b ,I n~ r pouod :t~· '1llor cop'.' rellomm or .n,,'" III(' 15 r.,," ... , . end. illel( &I '1 IA. \be 1.. "rume1l t. of P.·•• fic. , .p"dy m'ahiog~. and. lell., 0u \h~ ~erj ' ." ~. ,." p e . I\III.n,. ,1 .. ~. .. r l . N U!- y"v• • 1... oI ..i ... (..... 11 "",,""n .., 1Jo .. TEN.:n. (or Ih. ( U,. S Oll",L' epl I Y 'oo • bill .rliele to Youn, ",.UIl (Grell~), 31i, 9/). ,1 .00 . fI~ .dv.,,'. • •rt ,ben eOllwnd lnr. ·whl6h.~" 'wbn I dl) YUll wIll (I f !,,~:~ ~. ~ , ~ " I) . mnrr,. lIVes VOU Il1e n m~, belllg. n • , M,al!. II~~D" " we 1"'.0 f. ,r r.l.rOl I". i o ~ . n ~ IIIf N.: ~, .. I.ich hi, I.rotad t; .eo, .. cua r d d Ira 't.~~. lupetlor _ '1 ~ ~a",e, .Of!ld h,. nOlh,Ih.J 141~ 10 COD' \ lik~"".1 end clorocter bO pel pOUII . 0 111 rlOo,) P", ~IIIb rotYl'ra. l,tiea of Ih. pereon. ftmale beali~y .: \I HlIII r ~rp It. lJ,ea l:Knl I',e· Writ. Ivr . 1110 I, aliII'll (~eeo .lId DI.dl), 711. 80, !~O. beill luro •• &<-•• of ·., ...-·...."~~f'J'!"~I..~!!Ift d 'by 810, n.d. ,o~r ,.,. 'Iough , 1 • ... and .b, h,r not buro or IDJure Ihe 5k.,.!" ' ''14~ lWIS . : ol'!, ' _t&.:flnowD "!ff.e.\ fi' 1'1 ~ '1 .00 per pUll lit!. ' ,u / almol' superrili li . powere tallv"la the ~it~<:tll 00 lhe rool DlICe. .d ."I..fI~"'~ .frle-r- . 5 . ~ 13 •• r" IIoll'lI Imperilll (Gr n), 81 su, bill, ,er p""nd . I'" . " ""I1" '''e~~~" "'.IIf'~ Ii!t'.tn um d~.k i nd bldd'!n Ihy"lerie l' o the r"IIIN!. ; • 111"'g."~ I •• ", 10 onl "'n. 0 , .. 1o"lth' "~ I" ~ "'I t,p ~~tno,e ,uperfiuo II* b,ir" (rolD lu!, J.pln 'LOG, ... . ~ .de~6'.r ezlilbUea Ihl •••on", '1.\0. '1,~6 be.l. pllr 110. W.I.d)"lo .. ~ or Ip,II. Ink , wllh ,h. onl 01 '. From the liar. we 8ee ill Ihe nrmame nl '(ortheltola. or (rom . .nY pI"! of the .body, Gunpow der (Green). ,1 .90. beeR '1.60 A. .'oJ 4\QI " • . ".-. OBOAlt i all'" II .n. -Ihe mAlefi c ,.,tIH_ I Itlt ot.arcom e or p.e com I"Lel T.N. ~.AL.N;a:.D .lRTlI<I ft. . More Oa rl,.... " , 10~""Y.'''ltl utlieRlly ulir. per pound. •• 1~.J~~l .• I.~.-.Ilill.. '.0 1 1.100. +. \ domlnale in H,e . cUllflJlU I'orll-. ~"""I!( co~'." ::::\ ' jI;~,:I~ ':.~':;10~~ ~. ! o~ IV, pllIilfg th! ."me le.U'in!!, tho wkin Aoll. £ ..... .." 'WliMu ~ ' ... I1I.' [ln.., oubt.;;\tlilln " ', III 1)0111 \0 • or "llon-lfr COIFE E DEPAI lTKEtr T. lhe p nele O{ ,e~'~~ ;::;'~rh,~;i;I~:::~~ii..l .1., 1,1" .. 1d,fCI)UA' " Jlllll.1t uri.,,., '86 to -'.00. Tb" ,.·ped \e~~ . I J .....C! (,1r.... .... t e' ''u,~n •• 1 Ihe Iiille or am'1'lI~ 1].11 ~III~,",,\. ..." BUBa l '"ooIj<' " . • d I hIS II ll~. on Y l • ~:1" GK11~r)' We have I_I ely Idded a Glllfee .... hell'_r! )b ,,~VIID 01'0" I,: ... rot" fil,;:; I:::'(~. II:': eh. dofy"ea, 'I)e I¥Ip're"" .8'iny 0 lOr wle u!l,d Alld wOIl kp,p it. Sloop' an'd' f"fl"tl.ire. ill Ih!l Fr? llch. , , pf tI'''~.aDjllllllK>lo .tbp., Jtfeit ~ I I' m"n' FJII no I ccorolt I It Ind 1.IIIOUllI: ' t118 llreul~.t «In), rea'l effllclu,,1 olpptlKlo'ry on ex al· we CIIlllOt io N e W' Yu. r Pia" btller "11111 Ol/V oII't" SkJrt. ' oroml. e ,ho COll8Ulher "' gl'tl~ :'I~. :e, ,, ,vi.. ". ,,,.,, ' "" 10 0 '" II eborul, unequ.le d pedal ••• nd /Lener'll A'Ir~logi "' (On earth. It COttA YOIl but. ~ lellce. Price 75 C~llts Jle, p~c.klllle'T • tiuvilllC ~, I 88 we ,can O? Tea • • (,he m.r~I')1 ~ 'rr~(lt~ke .,f'."t•• tr••I{periorl'o, c!)IIurc~. I I"lIe •• nd yuu "'.r, n~".r Ofla lll hal'e ,~'o J UUKNEV & : 0 ," . I·h"''." . . Tid .. nllw Inol L"'u,'llu l Ilr • or S~irl e41Ilent ·J!o.i pRlol, 0 a n7 atldrtlB, on r, · Inr pruflL 011 Colfeu m Boo k.D ", HI I•• Perlo... nd IiIchool •• They a'll! l.vorobJo 1111 opp orlunlly. ..~ l belllq ¥erY.a " • 696.,, ) 701. IIr, .. lwIIY~_ Consult .,ion ceil'lor an order. by ~~_ ( PIlII.'''Il'd Marolo '!t. 18G~,).. WII li","rJet! , yot we ugn aell C.. ffe~a fully 25 ,~I, I ,allll': lq " ' ' or .oUd Watn.r; r•• ey '" r cqn}. - - - PUOTO GIIAP. . . l. e \l'l fh li~Plica. ond all desi,eJ inloron~J by 'ile GK ~.'T AII ~lll C .. tI hnl-rU'l 'I: F~I.. BEROE ll StlU'f'1 'S de CO '''f_~..atftVl (II'W .od unlqu•• "t.. ). (e chuPf r I~.n ret~ ller. ~".~e. . • 81 ' P~l\in Iiyln'" e& a t1i.lIl1,ce Clln U· _ .n._ • R' ••d .t.g.nt Rllti!ltli.>o!I,: or ,plendid ile.lirn. II:~ R beltl '1' ill New Vor~. y lee~ OCI,ullilr c:om~ . l866, dlrerllro m Ille Ullom OUle, II ;ho flhd'me .... ; mill "'lIn equal ' P.'!~ QlUIi. !WO Iver "1~ '" d d I E. • H. T . A.TUO HY CO ., roy. " and we rOI .. ' .nd grind Ihem perfeclly as a npte 0 -eve deparne. • nd 611illl, .ndy f -,he ~e'l workm.n ship! i ~.(~I;.n Blti r~lion A 10 Ihemoel ve. SILVE R MED.l L. ,,\XT HISKJ<! RS ' pUr/·, .P?t up ill \ or more pl)""d 1J.0k~. Mal1ufa c/urtr' of . -II balnr jnl.oll,. lJi.\ •• ch in. lr •••• ' ii Jnt..,erIOn. ~ 'A' full anil explirit Pfwl<.grop',ir MII/,' Th. HI,heu Premium Po"" lIiven (or, 1:,,",1, ".II~ Mu.ta. of b'usinesll, ' ar,c~l'1).le .hlll b.lI".od el, of' lI.. cl.... All instlu· w~ltlen out. with .11 get!, I\' _n IdvIIIC., of j oellll per PO~" .' illqllirin rialt. nnsw e retl ,. . Hou p Sk ' irt! menll. do"n til • fiQ8 oetno porlobl~ .n~ likene •• enclused " Our W!,oleil l e Prlce-G rliuod Co ra,pid commorcin\ ' '~II nO"I"'. Thp SII' .. I S?rill gl ole wound with a cheo fllrcetllll l(row Melod,OD, b... .. h. b.lutifu l -emol. nl" l r- r,p'l pl o' r pric e abate. lellt b1 oil - Pure RIO, :16 , 30 cent. per POI"1ll<l. lle • 1 • '. .: <~ BROAD W"'l', N. Y. mel1tiofl ed. The <"It" ,,, fin~ upon Ihe smoulh esl'lllV .~ lr~ .. lin < pl,"ce 01 ft ca llnn c •• ~. Old (l overuln e nl Juv". 40 ct. . culaltonst bU81 . .\Op", cs l ey · lloUl tZUI ebl,;e. \ 1.\.I'j C'.lt se ure. y malnlaln ed and.1I Mr' , 0 III .",I" ion h' 0.' "",,,.l>u,, .. If1' t.f I'HOT .. 'L riCO III Iroln Ihroe 'e rilll!) ",Io ir h WI ll nul ",·.. sr flu • '1'1 lun. 40 celli.. A Iii',. a"orlflle "t conilaJIl lJ on hBOil '\ relponJe nce l'elllrne~ or / . or Dl!eOme OIl ,\PNI! ~I ,\ I'EHI,\I.: .. n.ri~QIIOn.lOn"" de;truye d R e fl " to , ijthl" .1 our Geller.1 Wbo .... I• • ~ Relllil ernneet of ~, 8 .'1>1110 ~lo".:r .-P"rti4! 8 len,Uo g ordcn ,." le/, Ih . ioll,\.. ".~. v,, ;. " 6 are 1I •• dquur· Mail e.! .nd Ihe whlt'. skirl IDO) b. WUH. \ ' . ~. '"i""1r ~ -.... Il,e l\leheet order (urn l.h~d ueln\t1) n;' SEviG IU 'S ~ek~ : ED WI'TI10UT I!tJ ~ l\r or te~r . "' ru.\ltlll. R ..T.\ U" ... Tf.UII 0 ... · ror Ie.. thow 130 fllr lens or W.,'r"o ml, 8t. Rr.,.lIi. ,. ~ commercial should \ lhORO Ile elr',,\! Ih c l1\. Wrlle plainly Ih~ 1'1I.LA'R~, Ihe moll 8l.,...,_.... n ... lJlt...... VI"... tI NOll~erlu : II,. t oYf,ry In ~cull, "'lth Ibcir order .. P . 0 coll'cclil 011 JIIII.n. ," Cltcnllu liMl;P;rice LI.t Dr.,~~ or Ihe 01 A,uuri"" , . ,,,1 t'\orci IC" ('"". lI ud Lu",I. 'lid will \Ie 01 \100 mnll,h ftnd yea' In which yoy Ibodt>Yn ,acienr.It, .cllng Ai ~uu U~ o~w. UpOll I\le ueor,d 0nc ). \0 ~vcllh" cJli:0se of C~~~~CllU~ ~y wllh 'oll,.~n.w ."'•• are ,lIo" '"dy. Senll wtle born. elllll05illg lit).! . e...... GII)O,,'. ! '.,u.'y, Wle ~ amalll'lck 01 h.I'r and Hllr !n III Ilmo8\ hllraeulc~ur m",n. e:P:Ce6S:~ IDr. ~I",uf., , · rid ::!I~:~eo ~ d:I?"':'; ." aen A.'dr- ,. y I'lfAnAIII~ " ...... _ H. • .." A. ,. P~aRl ..... er o o . ......... , nero .,.. It hO i been used by I\oA eltle of I a· matiOD: U P I b ~ U . .ntit''';;;~11 -No~8~; Bro~:;' oJt FrOll1 """.'Ive' OIRoi . III the .I< .. lnu. r'''' I'.i;;-n. • h ~ .tI " . "-"' W e .11'1 btl ul'pl at \t II lnD ' P. O. Drlwer 1193. Burr.lo, •• 'fhi. invertlio " comblnu 1\Iilh Ihe (.l,dl· n l t l) re..:e l\' e ' I' riil.nd ~ndu" -wllh ~ I I • most ua.,ennl l " .;i I' 18 h ry l at o.r ... ,.hour. r,oOl I•• no,,, • Ne Y ' vio",,,! . ud I' o rnllnrt.. COOlI' . Ie "o,og r.p 'c I U S\lCCl'!'.. Nomes 01 all pu,ch .. er~ WI il 1 ,10. U,) ,.Ioelh., n.ry SkirL Ihe .~ InlelU of oI •• le.. u. ,1\" • ""Iorr .,i I e g.U I <;0111" " " or)t City. i SILYER ~lIt;SRT; Ih e botlum hpop, are b. I be regial4:! etl • • n~ tlf etllire Uji.ruC liun.. ~ ' T ..,. ~ .' "L"EV 'I . &. "'0. • L . 11 IMII....not a.- on I" ever, "8Unce. •• k: ,·I.,n •• •• ml! U III"." nsed III Ihe !Silyer Skirt. ' , . ' ...... _.... J.~ !" , ~,I.I" .oJ lor . " h• • " ...' \\ 01 11" 1,~~ Jf ~ • ~ . ,,:trhet Will be cheerf"lIy rerumJ,·tI the ononey .... ' .. 111 0 ' 'h. l!tlt cllverln .. at wh'ch ~y 1•• 1. Kolle) ~ l:o., , ~I) ~~, { 5,. reo-co" • • 0,,, Col.I"~ .h 10,11 "u . elll 'u while Ihe lippe' 01l~1 , e annol wear '.'Il', 'r"I'0")~~~'wr:.' • H I"n... yoo , ., mail, I~aled end p~s,paid! . I Price Ire coyeno. w,Lh ~I',er:p~ ~G vt::st::Y STRu: r, NI!:W .\ ·ORK. ony .oJM.';'~::;:;:~.~':;:~ . ...lfurAOT t1ol or " .i T-CLAIII n " 'r.tIc\,,·.eUi. 'OOllrO., .• nd oOI"orl."~ ; oolloll.' No lady. h~'vinll once' worn one I'V8 clrclllu• • " tp. lllhonl •• nlal I' D,~~O 82 ,L C Oli' •• ~~ "flll~ yo~'h ("I, (on•• u~l1. We 1" ... 11 ""' "'' """" 1. ,,,.lv " .. ". nJ olh .. or 0", .k'r .... willlMt Addree~ BERG ER, :SHUTT S & .. i\IIo, fo we.t la, I ' ..,. VL ""d' roJ"ir. ill y.,,,r OW" IUlII" ... 1 .oor.all fUlt. (ree. iIOU'., .hou' ~ oo ,·.,,~lo •• 1'(1 011 ~,. ",.10 .~O ",111". RI 'he ro~ CO .• Chtnail" , No. llS6 Rl\er ~ \teel . e<r hoopi ?I all oth., ' .1. 1 6 11 ... i ~ - .i I . If J " RED L • If • • I' .... .' h. Our 11£.... 8.1:'1'08 CAI'UL L A"Ul i M~ I"'~. ,h. rollu"",,» 01 1'ro,. kind. ar N. •• V ou,\ .. lole 811ellli for Ihe U. S . h'Ju(~~ .'1I1, II,OI,ed. .' ....~a,~ • • .... elY • .... . " b' '''fI: , up • •lo. in Jonl" lt l)' o/l cl l . ,,,,I, 10 all) 18 " "*11. II , tl'enlill,~ For rell nriri~ hair opon bald he~dd"'I ~' bdl mat.erIal:' It. e used !n . Illiteir C7"~~~ AUT Y !_ Ih J . (:.~" .~~.~" Ge .....,... ___ colI.truD ,lon •• nd, ffom theIr .. .u ro;n 11"'111" , . Aubarn. Gold· !19 The lltw "auUA er of tho Skin! Ibee • •,,1 fe( ,~!'tt!~,. , 91 bl, ow (J~~ ;;':e. ,t l .. ~no. f ual. It "III Our HUN . ,,,d I\e.lne' ."tller fo.ce are ' do,lilleti to,b,:abl M en. FllXen. i'nol . , _nard! \! • Will of thll b..1 I ...ontid \'h,. b8l.i t~i' rol" a,.!.lhll . . OREO dilf. r. II' ouh'IO<.". IIlI'lu.ltn,; rellrocl.uc'imeQJh ..1 rae!! ., Silken" CURLS I lavori te Skirt. CDDtet'f.l" '1"01'" ~., I 1..1 'm'rar-. t ~ . ')'. T""tifllO lliaujrom Ce/f./waud Ladle.: ., . "0"" <1f Ih.lUoate. ,It...1 d ~:IIKr. .. nl\',.I"''' I' Ihnll(.C .enl.. · • ";:-1' C • i , . vl t ' ill from live 10 elKht week~, or upon I\,re4 PIOI, hJ Ihe 811,e". II"lrl Roo. ht I. . ._I •• I..... ~· " b I n Il',. Stah.lul. flto. prodoe,d b\' the , C.\ ~log-uc. J~ lIt 011 Thie 't't.~llll lernl d uf ""lr bllauliry · ..... "n .. 'nl,ho H u:.urina ., in e· ot. lamp. Conlpan bald hendl in (rom Iwn. 10 three 1II01lIh • . ule of Prof. DE BREux'a tr .' .... ~I-...II ,,L..... _ .... ..L..... J UIII~~Il ~r ~, o..,rn 4.-..... • a n . . . .. " .. FalSER L'E GNE' inlr known ,qul, 10 ·MHln. ~ ..e~ ~ R.eIlP, ~" " .P-r:-- .. '.........""" .,.", ~ g Baa " " . f!l\'! iiJI~r, ~ I ~J"~lltlone{~ rh nh'If"'llher....If olh',n ord.rllll;.lI'no.u. ( aD Ii. !!a Ihrel., St., ftow "arl!. " " . .., 'UlInlel ll'II.I.O' I'IoY.. lAatia 80.61.11 ell (hi O,ere I. nOllilng tlo8t "~"l\ IIser· VF.Ult. One Ip Iic,lion "'8rrllnlod IjI, c:url Ihey .III'"uub ly .te.'e 11.81 II dlOttr. Iron. 0 D, WIll pl. a.. 25 , ,." co,,1 of .llle .11\' T. S. BPERR Y, ' Sup" \' will (orc~ or ...... 'no' " .lral'J?I' .nd Blubborn \A r ,.ol III other (66·., " , , pr~p.rall ., ono. It <tf- '''Q It 'P~=4~~ 1!I .lvea lu •• Ihe ounl iii wllh not eurpoee d b."~ I'" , .rO"lI\I of IlI H,oll' I II. r'o,• .-1'1')01 ord... h d r kl d L b h eh11"r'ie b [JJ" x inlo The j orier. wnyV Mild ringlet. q~ 1'1) ! or leavy, mQn h.,,, -,~ rec e . II.LII ,~I I C no' r"a '0 ' or our goo,," en ~ ' " 0 8t.1 · II •• ~ "I FI I I n ' ThIll ' ....rubl, ••'ttl 'IIII', .l"lhOua dnd. 01 mOB. lve curl, . H08 •• Ii.(,. ' &1 . \,' Lateat r ...b10D. Dem~ d be!!n used by Ihe t~xlur •• n~ colnr of poh,hed I¥ory, roo tll/ilJ. P.rll,. Power, :;;: Sin ni~ I'O~I:U: I1vlllJ;t jo" ~'80. ,~I,om_ t~l.!l1~ o\V"' .~xperlfuhiono J,'. blea w. of Brad Poria , le1" and London q"lebra •• with mO\l~ng .11 IIf~~oloralluna. whether ~etl paten' 101 To • ' ~ .,. ert) u Ilea" wllllt... ItUi 81'111 w,!' Ibe moal gratif,in " n Aft" 0 0 0 ;/ l' 'Hull,., poe, 110 in· petrillI! as freckles. lall. morphew . molh 8 • ::;:,it_ ~."~~ ;';( , C ' I ..y. 110 .... Ire we 10 dialiniul ah rile genu· Illry 10 Ihe h~lr II • • J!oS" , . I~O~v or.... Pric;l' by' r.~iI 'eeD led (lr bl,ck·wo rm epeck •• and Id eopeci_l y_, ,.., ~~. ~~. ~t',Y Ine Iron, !be. • purlo,,_ I, Ju.1 jlUblllh.,I. I~ .. .,~.le,1 N,,·. lolle. I':i ro ,',. • : (.. DOt\I'IUa .nINd ) · " De~cripll,e ' e'irclilarl, 8ucce .. lul in SlooOlhillg uut the I""rk. Tney.r• • arflnled ror the full Ifrna p' .tifficu", 81 n,"e·len ,hs. J~' ~.,u.i'll!t. l. and pOAlp.ld, .. ~IJ P~I'UIUClb","".,,,,Ip,","~ 6 c."". "1,."U'6 "" 110. "".", '''.''''0'''. , or .Ihe dllferelh .. ...... ir.'t ft,.,.,! "''"'dr'''j 1)1& '!J.'R S"UT1:B left by SMALL P ol l( . r••,ectlon or Ihe muslc,1 Preplret tull', ldverliee d •.fPr, lhe holr Ihl. Colle.. '.~'1 I ond rKcheal co •• of S"'"i"n) w.,,\j,"'" Il{ ' ,,0', EI" ~' . chelJ\l. ;r N~ ~8~ Riv;r WoiI. . ~ Il' publlo I. fI.peolf til, - .0Uch.d . Llb~rr.1 beard bre pnllrely worlhle . . . . ntl Y'gtt! Tr;v.·'N . Y., IIOI~' ."e~I't 'or the .'ro'ol I The agenlo 01 •L .Emall dePari smo..n ••• orrhcrH.i .. dui·. dh) • .Ilr. . ....... I~ .I". to.l , ~ . . . lerm. 10 D .. lere, Tflcher e and Clerg" In.v havo . "• . ~. , U. S "I cOllhdenlly Iubmil 10 Ihp publk.· Lhe P.... 1>11"' "01'1, ""1'0 r .,[, I ' • .tJl , ,./ .• , ,Iread., rhoruwn aWlY lor e 1.",)" N .... : ", O.!illo'f, lo"d I!' . . ' ___ _ , Ile,l aldo,.em enll 01 such dl.lln.."I Abed 1 1"1J·~i",,"" .. ,.~ l .. _ '~ ~ .,. (I Ma"'. ~ u. r.lly; Coq··"'I' · 'r~" ~ wU", ~nt OD .'ppli. Imuunls jn ,heir ~ur~I...e. '1'0 ellrJI we . _. ,,110 0. ~:l'il'·I,,)', .1II1 Fic. :. ' M ' .. ,'~I A"d I'hn' c.' ~Il .~,e PE~· 'Phil .1wonderf n ul I'"".~ cill(rti leJl'.'' 11 I~ a" d I Ir~At ,,,,1 AtIfn!... I .... Ildlu.. ,. . ~ . , w.olild 8t, i ir, he ~UAII.tO.· (,"PILL! ; 11' IIIenl,"eh ,' ~ {) r . ~e By Roh .. 1 J.I rwolI, M.O: cnallu!1f ~nll plu~nre 10 .ny 'I.d, we'ri ~ . . ~.{ , , CO"RA l> N~Jl.VESE.N, ~illllorn Riilflrl. M'1I0 Fellcit. VUlvali , ••• h"r "I Ih. ·Gr•• " Uook .' & e. ,,1'. It \\ III cosl you !lolhlllg unlee. II come. ",'.~, '~" .. . III' DUIlI~x EI"pl ic "lIirl wi,\I ~ eX'Il(I • . II " . ,'( I I • ~ '. , 1~! .•ny,Kt ",6!,E , 6 , d lIl. • ,PIe, YlDrk " fl, • .~Iho' llp IA \"~~ r""",8en .1 Mio. ~hl!2ie Mll ch.lIl. Mrs. nnwe rs, .' n • • Th. IOMld · .. ",,,.,.. ,, .,lahur. ,u II" • • rim ... • " d ' l_'irull.• .l.)~ ,•• "llr _ !: L . . , Obl,ah.e "0. h•• llllrul and ~o... ,J.. r . . I I ' "" II 1{ I"d. (' U L,ulI!II" r l" , ,w .' -.tern. > '" cl IlIdm'e IJ Ol1l8i, . , .. I, bI.. I"flo, • • <1 .. ,1, 1"0 0.'. lro", hi. 0 .. " I(x". "".~O!, . par"cu ill , r'I ...... " 161 1' . , not ... •• ~ f I~I - cr,u , Ifef da~f c~· " , . Ad,.tI .... ii' ,lIil f.'.t I'fI' keep h. ~ een o. 1.00. .ie",,., ,1I.lth. W" "V • .Itof ("I '''" " ~I·· .. q.~ .",1 '''''. nl~I(.nt o( ~!f !,.ir •• bu . •• ' lilt".. opera, co r ·U", 1I1r~, Emma Woller, I,ur), WhOle ctlrt'ftlf umdrlls I I) l • • "l ~ i"~tl. ~a c.,.. b. ,n. '·lo"lIy ""1" "'''' ",tI",u' ~.d'~on •• ~"u·cb Jpe",. Giber. II Ib.t 1111_'" " ,. and we lYi l; ~o!w.r d i.1. pellpal'd• l 1~lIel I,er ' a,", ch.Ir Eo. h ... alii lor e<l 'he ~ .. ofJIetl.. .eo.), " ho,,' 1 oiIlI o,,"cl. . ... l"" • '., Ruuhlon , NCC1h16. ~II , ,I' • wllh II rl'celpl l(ir the mOlley, whlcl, lVill r"" w,Ihou, d",,~. rUII' ''''gle1l1 "". .. , a"' ••511IIdI .. , .. Hou.e Drea~. M tpe .klra o~n,I~l "'0 W"---· M.rllu erollee.1II188 ro!d. , I '" be relurlled 'till on " !'pliClllo n, prolvioling l>ouK'u •• ", Ir",,, e,,II. r,"~ •. " .. "",d!ol•. pl'"ul. ed when "'. ... 'all ~ __ - i t ' • a,.. C'OID (]BI8P 10 ui EH p lu oecu <101'11\ c I . e .m.n r pl'f.e nll'.. II .' A.."nl'l P~rry, I I ft" • ~ 'I't; _ "_ oul • ",on e " f .·u, •• , ync. '.r",n Rl,d ef1 . j T'I;' "" '• -, e\llir~ ulia(ocli on Ie nOI I1 hen • A?i1108' r'f' ".1 loy .. I"rb " .ulT• .,r 1I0 lU.tI. r; hll e," anu eo",eiiI e \'ttl , .. '11 • II" 0 r In UI' DA,aA For \iurlinl t ' the ~a~1' of either Ind many olber~, whale "'ft~ ';ll't·.-, ...~ 8.l.1t. arlllN\U .. AQl ••jleclall, th_ wllo·haY . HDre" high IIOlldlnl{ It, 101. cUII 'd 'I"'" \U"' ... O-j'~ W. L. ct,4.aK & CO 'I ~~eml .ta . ~ h. &VJ.1J. ;';'y n'II' , hi.,,, I £!~.p. ~io .,_. Sex a. j.,/lIu.b le ,q.,Ut, In crl.e.. into Wa.v, and 010e&, Ihe profe ..lon gIves Ihe slamp o( Iru,h. Iy. " ... . ' . 1, lI"lI ... ,I,,·.II, to be .boa :-Th • .tay b • Imud "h~n No. ~ , W,I!" F.,.hle , .. " • . TH'I!'! Ll .Cl; R~: IIl1e, not ~I\d il' ,,,y,t'I1I.J, .. prJnI8l1, lfl. ~'\' t?r~.e. N. ~ . Ringle ts. ql' ·B ea.", 1"lne.. la Inlellige lll .. nd l~enul"" W 11.1. PROVS:: A \lOON t ~ "1 IIO"I••looeln,11I1 becom one 01 th" mOil TO 1'"0" 5<,, o~ ~M 0 A ' I.U, ' h6.1t)1I enjoyea Ihe ' plea.urp ive Cu~lI. "'UA' t 011 . '1.... .,., I' (,1\' . , eppruval . plrlloul " perl. i~of DI~ck'll ~~~~.~:I.~~.u:,:~.I}'~~~~:I7~.~~~:: ~I;~:~~.{ Oollar,"", -.nil ",e~t eollmle llce 01 ., B, uling thi' ."ielft, IAdi,. Slid Gen. The bnutirll1 weill. U ~.lIbl.,. Now·.·d .y., 1'1 A 1'1 OF c I: ' ;e.lern aoya : of ~ .. cnn ..... QUFII ' R 'wo po .. or;e .I~ ... ~" "I 1\10 ,~ur .... \0,,111. ! Ilemell GIll beaulify Ihem.el ve"1 Iholl' Da~IeX, ~llI'lle ",.1 .,ftD, .Jaln boy ,.-orb I few 1Il0111b•• t .hoelu" I 6nd that Ihe 'Emoll produce . III Ihe III'). lh.llub"· h. ... : ' .., , . , ,' SlIId (oJII. II i. Ihe ooly ""cla in Ihe ' lor I .ID~ d.y, will peVf.{ u~fl,r".J!1' . ',I t JI', '. h. ,retud. to "knOJil It all :" and wtieD ;00. f>., Culoer"e ll·. Morr'._ Uul~ •• priee ", iI.Pea. bJ'~tllO U8e or JOlll91 Lu·.,gi ll< · world thol will curlllf"l alol end " I lhe ,rllIl, of rollge .nd lil,.whlt" " with ' "lth tlieor f .~r AI Ii::! ~n aP.I lie Ind. ,rut maoy ..q!ne~. _ even 0'" on,'~ ou tlln be curcd .od p~cull.r e 01 lul.1 25 !:ellla. "~~·~s poI'mllllcn J . C. KU".) It co. oly, It a the .. me time< «ite it. be'tlllful , IfloN, Ioarmle.. ne ... II reall1 Idd. 10 tli.lOlI. nlldrao J _'-'11 c la,'. d ,000nlli dl.. Ihe, ate wOfllla•• -p to put Oft ~ .bee, they be. \rl1liog ~ost 1 "'S' h ~. '" , lll1 Bower,. N ... York. P. O.I>..a '616. .ppe.ran ce. The ,Crl.per Com. not on. n ... Illd be.ul, 01 .ul!"rlq~ &fa. 91."", . , I lIn eUIIID, on lbe beel •• nd .IOp Ihere: ( 'I'he &IIIolli. ltiog 8UC,cC Ihe .kln. , .,~ lCH,J . S' ",\,Ich h~ ••lt,cnded I)' curl. Ihe hi". but invilforl lllt, beauli. will. ~, . , bend gr ~ •• a" Io~~ , \b.e The MarolllC4!"1 V•• "lli " , . : .1 l'-;l1I, pa" til Ih.... ho/'le 10 tr .. 1111. In\'a!ul\hle mcdlFiDc .~or ,l'hYBI?'-J and flee •• nd cle.nee, ," . i. hill~11 .Inl'a ~prli.,.li lli 11' 1 11 preo.tve Iloelr ·~e·f . a lid .,.lighl . . I ~.I h." lit t'lt w., or .IloeiDf. WHen\'ouR. Wcnknco6. Oehcral Dllbih/Y I hne .ullltred , ." l " ., --, ,:; .. : "lid rull, per(ulIled, lDd I. 'h. 111, 011 "omp,lele OUt wl"'~ '-Ion., .u mueh Irom lloe vari. • tNt .Dd .,••• Iul alii.,. when til...., or IOCII8"I',,~ ~~~,!I ....1ral I hee I., II COl •••,. and the boree {s 1 .... ton, 1,0", of f Muec1ll 4I.c ... laich mu th".uI·' ~"" , f'~I'-U"" , 0 7 "'" I.b'r •• .... ' la .rlicle 01 \be IdDd ' enr lour 'lrd~nary u . . "'" .~irl" w!lIb... b~'D Ihr~.. n of'ered to Ihe c.1 prutu.lo n oblll(" me 10 lI.e, Ih.1 , "'lll," 09~' 0r,' h.,•.d., hi. relit co .... .... ~ ....... .. 'Vo~f~"h ~io4l~~8oll' ':..d::r;t"a~O~L A Ih~rloan public. , 'Tho Cri,per ...... ' r.. " .. .. lifea. u.e I ~.'\ 1 T.lte dH, ~ra .~e cotere "lita'I.D d,e,.ld. ,.aoS &o.o~4 ...... Oom. con.lder it • ".rr.OI benel'Cl ion to fi"d • Mct, wad ... ~ C..'I . . lime. Then he • \'nluahlc p' OD c. . " ..,., . . . ,. cl cr dllco'cre d. ~ with doubl••tiil " wl.UI < wi II be e.nt 10 aliY adMe .. , .elled .nd prep".ll on which ,ive. ,tire••• n'd 't be r~urhned lo_ ~b. 1t!a"k.m~~, wh.o drow.. I't will remove all nervous boII,hU. dal' l ~I... ,,1111'" the nBc ....ery ...,. - - lie ~ ~ nft'cctlo'ila , do postpaid , for 81 :;; bottom rod. are 1I0000Dly tIouble .prlns·, Add,,, •• ull order. 10 0" I • •1Ia.. hie ihe hee down lower I'rl.... on. whltone~ . 10 -lilA ••, Ih" .kin •• lId luve. It cool ~ lb... l r. I., £..a exc,lcme nl, menl'llCiiy to sf/Illy or . . . . lie Q W. L CLARK E. &. CO .. cheml., ••• nd IlIIuOlh, ' but lV/ioe (ori ~o'lbl.) CI~e,.d: · ,r~.~inll At. up Ih. Ihoa on •• lh!rd .m.I,I, •• •• b\lllillclIJ. ·\OtI<I «!f memory. ..-~ , 101 ~ iii :: ~ ... confueion -,ho',," Ibem rrom wearlll, OUI\ wb.u ~'¥.llns , No. a We8! F~)'eu, et .• t, N. Y. Mill Ma mie Mitchell 110,. and clr..... Ih. 1P,q\dow n 10 tnc: "t IIjllf·doslr.uqll\>D, foa. I " P I"f wa.ulll)l,.4:C. h • 5 :a dow. iloepf;' Hfafr•• &I.e. . • ,. .hoi: But lb. ,hr.e I. n'o elter ,11._ y" I rOfi\IIN lIIC Ill>petitc. v. , . ..y. ; ~ ! ~~ • "" _ r.onll" Ihe ~ILh of Th ... cOnlelb gl.d \llliul' 'I' jo)' I'; .11 : ~ Tlte DupleJl' £IIlp/oie C. la.rlfel r"orl,. Title I. Ih' cau ... or 10 mlny borsel being tl'l e." 10 1o~" \1 dcslroye~ I hove Itie~ Ihlt .kill bftlUlifier. ·VEm. I ....., ~ A.._I ...... II by,J~"xcQlll! To YOU,,!; alld h i old. 10 troll and 10 . ... all; • • wilb alll.die ••. nd I., unjnJ-~II' recolII' I•• e-hd Ihoelllll DOL lui drl,lol or or cv,l pracllcc. Iii Jl, PMrlo.' .nd "',nod tIRt it In U III Iv ,. , .... ~ ~ 1M : ~ . !,. Tb e beoal, ,,/lieh OUC ......0 precoo U. ond hnpe'r18 me.ded by ,lae rri.)I ·Oll ""lfa~ill"" D, Iha a nolurel bloom .lId Irellllle ll 10 I , ,,, .' • \ c.eI".~"" ~ iii t . · ~".; tbeo.. f< r .b·oel · , t I \ii ' ~ Slondlld Skirl of 'I he ""sltlun .hle World •. Mr ia ,,-,Inte h It l,,"r •• • b. I 1 I Ihe comp:exi.:ln. '3 0 . , ~ • fAye I e "UL ~nd .... Ihollt dclA Y fur the Ehxir. ond he .... M ' BY 'l'u TH.~ enju., Ih! TollllowiO " in".II'!'l hle ·Iet USE OF' • 'Jored'a Em.iI de p.,,,' is ulI'd .. • , : II I Dltur~I' Ip' ,. .I~O. We pro· III onco r~",o r~" 'u heul'h ana boflplne.... A . OH AS TEL Ih !Ii ~~ Ii I Ylnla!!1'1 :11 ~qllo ne , " , a ~ '.pe"/Ir !lu. 'I' l, A 'S , to! t . \ dellcale ~eau'illtlr'of lb •• kin fllr.The. lre. • Pcrrccll: u, c .. Ounrllulccdln e<er~ InAlKn. a. ~;: e ty. prripol monul,,· lur • ",I( !t ~I,.pe~.n" SlIloon' or BIIII,JlOOlll. by Ihe moe' refined ,:, J' 'y ,. .'''' \/, . - , .: , SI. or <1 bO\ll c. 10 ono addrcsa, S3. ~ Do. lilll.h , Oexlhilll y. dtJII~b\lt(, : colnforl lind L A MELI , ond Hempulou. I.dles· producln 2 all Ihll : ,ro,ided Ihe diftieull, Prlcc . . , ' , "I · ' U~ bo tUo Is aufllcleot to cfl'eoL .. CUe in · • , ",,,per .bo8lo" ; ; .~ ~: ~,!!W euoII'"llY allOne ordlll. . cnqll1rc for J~ ,W. Br.dle, '. DU. ~DAfnna lot A&.Il ry cascs b ' I tr ( ' F . < Itt")not trOll. too 10., -.nd I'tIIIlore ill. • • .... ~ I usnUI) nl! ~lleelB 0 rouge and IlIJV'~'hlte ~ plrx Ellipllc. ur double 'fri'" Iklrt; '11~ \Iii ~ Au;o' DII JO;'VLLL E'. ~ <:I l:> ..... <:) Iq I wW· . .h'ped rest to dielr ol'lurel .lIepe. We for Ihe ~Jlj! cd v and' pormllnc SPJ/CIIIlO P" L8 C orl I,:"pro,i ng .nd Be'oul, lna th wilhout Ihelr vul,. . . I.,e or injury 10 Ih. , ~ . . . . j; t::> ~ nl cu re OJ O~n: om .. f ' x l o n . . be ~ ... t yo" I!et (he r ellu nt' Inicll'. h"~flroof to .be" or our .uee....ln thl. crrhe'V (}\eci, Urelhral Di. charges, .kl". ( • -, ' , , . . . !?> ~ ~ Gra"cl. TI~. moat nlu~b.'e and perlect prepI!_ ' Sold by IIIHrat·c lll.. Drullgis l •• Perr". CAU1· ION.-T o lu~rd · ••lnl\ ,""Ieul" . . "' . S lriclUre,l\IId all affectlorts of lite' Kldnev t10n III ue~, (O'. , .• ' . . . . fIE ~ :::: ~ sltlun, be I'_rol".. lnr tn noliee lhlt Irnpo. IlIVIh(j Ihe .kln a h.lult. mera .klrt. Ladi •• ' Hllr. nre~aet. . ~ II 'OU h"e on. Ilf Ihe.. e.ln, ond m~ddc r Cure, jl .... 18011 ~ . . . . . . ~...., ~ cft'octed in from one .iii{ .. uft~Ied 'I' '. DUPLt: :,X" bavl the te' .Ink 1II,IMe ful pe.rl· hke ."nl. Ihn! i l 'unly 1000nd in .'nII ..... f.lth In nature. RI", ... a Irla .. fi ve daYI\. They t~e l.t• •tj ~'!,\, • . . L. l .. beNIt, Ir.l!i Broadw .,; Dem.. .00."" arc \lfcparcd fro~1 vegel,,· YOUIII . 11 qUIckly .. mOY88 T.n. ' Frec "S8 ~ ... .'MIOp, yiz: • S~ W. "'a"II, ', »Ullin JIll. •• Sernee & Co ••• nd F. C. Welle & Co.. '1'.... "'oelo, "III con,lne . ,011 • lA ,l~~ , I bl. e:ltracts Ih.I ore hArmlcss on toe By.lelll, 1111. Plmplu, Blo~chos. ....... ,.... Ilulic SI~,,1 Sprln,., " MOlh IIpoil the Palches. w.I~lliao New ·d York ' .nd Eugelle Jouln III Soulh .• Ii'" .' M,d/eve r UlIu. euIC.l.bc eto~1r .Of '91preg' 811110wnel~.nd ·.11 ItnporiLle ~ t;:i ~ II -none olbullo ' nlt ...... e 'Or In Ih. •• l akin l\l-.. Tenlb Iil!lrz.etj()n ," Pnal ,'. NOIII'fI Ilre~t •• nol Juholaon , 8'lIlIlIw I, &; : oat lh. bren ~h ~ 0 ebunge of dl CLla OCC\!l! · -kIndly healin" 110 ;; ~ u .. . 111&\ ""y , H~ .. ill ' .dlPlr • pin &lelolJ • • • me · les,lng" \1 eden PUI clelph" A t aary Whil e Uftll'lI Ihem, nor dOe! I. tltclr actloo I I .. ~ .. ~I.'D .h_ aU fOuod, d I . ' . P4 I b t • J ~U,6U In lilly manne;.."lnUlrfet ..L p ' ~ o .. ,d·\hr"O w , IIh • " .,.,ith lit. centre, bualnet!a • .., Il~n.. pur. r",,,,lIn w, II "n " c Il.r .1". ' ,' er. N. . eboe. toed. ~" UI .. c,n JARED & REN~. Generll A,eol. , .. "I) SWII. Price.l1 .. box, I..] b ' ..... nol be del.cled liy Ihe olo ...t Bc'utllo" and Imporler . Ihe IWO (tor .0.0" .pr n •• ,. u'"' d ~(0 5... s. N.w York. ', Old·'''''•• I'OIIft~ JOY 1I ·~0 I E itber of Ibe ~bo"e lIlonUoned articles .nd. bei"l1 e E .eI. Co . 1 Iher Iherel •• whii!Ja I. Ihe l.ecrel hI Iller, W 101\ OUII wo, •n ro rt1 JOHN D PARK Asent for Clncln. will be seot 10 ony ~dr081 cloftely ¥8lIIe(l. qulle haf~le.. ; ,t,l. e prep.r.ti on. is ~1':s he~' .a. tt,xibIJl~ , AlIJII.'re, fI,e DIIIII, and! C:ORl~·n'\lol\. 0~\1 thinl .ql natl. , ' 11" .a. • I &nd pol lpald, by ••U or tapr.... rOil receip' Ihe kInd UI4/.&'Ii, Ih. 78.6m9 UAl.&& .. <if' not hi toe fOllnillo In,.olhe r ,alrl. "r~'1cli, !tnd i~ eqli- •. ·~a · KILTON THOMP SON. ~. _ _ . O[l ma. . ua- '''eden to 'rIUBUNF. BUILDINGS; Nr... Yo...',.~ liolerl'd Indl.plh ,•• b, 16 to. pe~ r.el lolle'. I..... ~.: . . • ~'Por •• hi I_ w all ./0':'1 wll ,. F.b . .i6. 186'. j'I . 11t.~Gt&1'.~8llU1"l'8 .. I, BR .... W·N.S IRON BUlL Cb~OIilll . Upw.rd . or 80d...1 bOli'~1 we!e .0l.lIlJ. ' Dl"'G bId I h' - -' ...... Irt. are aQId ,hrCHI,b"UI I'" I • . .\ " ..,6'tattr. , ~Co., U.. T10T N ~ , , ,. ' U .. .' IJ'i Yl t ' -<,. " " . ,r'" • " ~ .'" . l{ ~ 'O~ St:' •• Ind el ..... "ete. U ... J, u, '~'1 f'''~ 10 conmfL ro~ .d •• rll.'_" w , k " [ ,.; _ . f! rln, Ihe jla~1 "~"-i" ~I11E '''~ ,aaTt1;ltee •. • ~ " . Thi. ' t, kn,!W .''I'~A:_'''a., . ,. ' __ il_ of ,.. eIIlaae,. r,t; c• .,g «:el)", ·BeD. cured tit. q1tlilt '0 b'l!ur•• a. lI'a ,pro· fop ' lb. MI.n.' ~I". " . Ma!lllf"tu~~ ~1 tbe",- ~.D'" oC Ihe BIlY ~JI'" ..T ...... 1"IOJI .. pi ..... t~~" ......J.,.l't ••• r..n, a •• la,I.,.. "lIliIJtkIee. ,: ",:~"\D·!\'~C!& ,lro_ N !I.bla ","1001 fo " p.t~lI£ ' iL.\_ ' br' tin or • .,. bi ' , . Ihi. .. aitl,hbOr Ot .. lMltid; .n4 ,.,.1\1.1 1 It ,. rt:r;MA NBOQ P 'AND y'OU:l'IU'U~ M: W ...... HAJlL &Y • OAR~ '. ! Q.. , 1 lura '.·'I-",~." 0"" ~..... rep... ~ ...,;;'0 ,In Ch.'n ...... 6. al~.t.I,..,. ,y, • 1".,•• •. ~•. ~lJl'l'Z. R·I. N_T"rl ll . . 8tnela•• l f, t . Ott.U ,""l



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~' I :lId , hJlrrl <1l y OaloulaUns BddesrooUl ' lIesa on Swine. 8p3Dleh W_a. That ook1' !!:lld 11 I'Iltl'o n, 10 k· -in g liP fl'oll1 hi ",iiung" ....ith tb tlt I've known lome nry mell n men in H ogs gener&lIy Aro qUlldriped . Tile WOIII~n, pelbap •• are Ihe be," ."1' G _ ....... G . . ._.a..lllie -r..ek - . . . . My childhOOd hom-;Ji 10\'0 ,t sUIl m o t ill11Q«Cll e, und t&kll)g It out of my It f". 1' ha re IU8 Deacon O~"r' l Th~ 6l1:l ' Il llltl I~ng lh Ih eir IIntiqui. portion of the nllliun i not high ly flliu. "fie !q•• re7 oDe (I() ~~ . , .. • two ffeek., m. ' huud. '0, yes! he rcuull it oCten. I r e~oh ; 0011' be wal .~ Dleen he elway. ty La... nayer been (ully dilcove red, l cated Ot In(elligenL, for in Ihl8 re,peo& I 60 NEW Though 8tr~ng r forms I IIr ciuo'" fill ... ., lbnewutl, : .00 V.O R K J B 0 S TON J WhUe at Ihl••hrlne ] bum bly bo ... , ' I t i tbe offire copy " . oarrlod a hoo in bll ~Ig w.ben bo Lr1W. , th~~ e:llued II long lime sinaG. . ! ILaey ara yet Yery (ar blllllnd the olb r 0 ... lUOllth. 2 .60 \Vhnt woultl Ell tel'O la1l'Y rs SI\Y, eled, ID plok up tbe Ollil Ilf~ 1I0rlie was' Ibere 1% a grellt Jeal 0., lotornal IEllfnpe .. n nMi \ls, bUI perfecll'l fr~a three Month., .A.JU) JOJW IUfGt.A.ND OI'rUIS. I fcciLhe p:l8~ a. preeeul 11011'. 6.011 " 'vul _, 81,0 I ,,"ondcr, to nn qffirt copy o r Byro'n' s lod 111 tbo manger, and IllY an eMS" fo r l rev.maw In bog. Ibllre "IU'I much more (rom "II Imperlec '00, of Cunk " ... OUe 1,.r THIS nAILWA~n; NO FROM 10.00 Malernal 1.l\e here I d Ilia ,..IIY, po illS" r Is it nly tblt I i<Y.! Lala br08kflll1 in Lhe morning. And WIIILe in Ih e m . t b"n tllare ia io a oy.· IAod agreeable w .\V!Vlll, · aff~c'. q~ .. \~, Golla I I! :.11110., 8,00 D..a.JrIo. •• !'f......y-. ceo MUu, Alld tllughl my Ilepl ng tougue 10 Pl'llY, uOrrlnt of the m an tltcir ways? co t tben Ihe re wae . H Uj(o Hamloelml\n, Ler. Even. LlIslr lails caD be worked l ionate Itiinds. gc rous, o ot, 'we ato .• I' e UIOutb. 15.00 B ....... lIfe .... y • ...., M.I.,., U .. leer . ' Rlo'l le SOil S of Ir.ulSC<)hJunl ,,"orili 'Did Mr Lincoln nt r d o nil un ' j who m¥e hll Wife dig potllluel 10 pay up InlO wbluell.. lorry 10 add. "trulhful, or (1111 of tn20.011 " .. _ - .. 11If'w-Y••", "1.'5 MU_ ".freol"run II monlh l. IS 00 J Ienrllot! froUl ber wbo g,l\e Die blrtb . fuil' thing r I on('c illterl'llptod Hern. for lb. marring" ho~n ol, 1 mll I 1,,11 Hogs "re goorl, quiet bOArden. Ihey \ Lewity," bu t charitable . aod, Co a cer. AI\,. IS F"nM H C lIIonll •• , !S 00 ')' hOlr mng lo (lOwer, In riper) oon!, don to a s k; for I h eard storie in II.Iyou Ih .. L aLory lIf HuIC o , 11 t8 uoL Il b.d I\llwus ea' wb"t la ~.I btlfor~ Ihe m, lain exlenl, IIhumllne. l'beit bea uly .. u 1 )N", 400U 22 to IT Kilo. th!! Ihorte8t route 0 •• Col"n,n S monlll III nllll" I",I'IlCV al'p nr., lin o is that m ll.le mc thin"it'II'1\8 pos. l ooe , lind good 1I0rle. ilke pUI.lOoll, 11011 don 't ask enuy roohsb queilions. nnu grR06 have been verJ mu ah over25.00 do n .Douth oW 1'0 All 1,.in'"V1 <'''00111 Ibra u 'h 10 N.", y o,k !'IlIr " ti l ,t l'cOB III hfe', dodm... Ihlc tlttlt CI'CI\ Ile-llnd not been 1m. aill'~ as plenlY a~ ~hey u8ed to be They Devo r hav e Rny dlsellze bUI raled . 'l'helulm\solUell .,.,0111011 are to liD lJeo.r 70110 ~60 MILE:; Wllbo", 'bo,:i<e.u' Con,h., Dill IJl i~ht" glow wilh nl) . UI\I". mll eu I:ltc -!lom e rum or of I\lI x .G6v I when 1 Wit. a boy. Hugo . 18 8 O6lg h. Ihl) mflRz ales, " ud they never hus that \ be (ouDd (HI tbe Ihor es oC Iho Meditt'r. r.:r SI'''''lal N oU... lU 110. ~OI1 ' over Ibd. --'J:1" } 1"0'" auu .I\"r N o. 19.1 6, lra'l)J ",III... CI II OI' gmlt\l 01' 1l0 11ll01lS fl'nu (l lip . bor IJ f mille. Ihou~h bU,t ,once. once leeml 10 81\tiary Lhem. mncan and in Andalulia ', tbe OaaLiI"lrl In CO IIUl)Cl,t o u WI ,II 4~1 W . l r , t 1111". , ... (uli c)\\: ~ " I . oi l' J 1b ·1 I L ".Olll DI1N.KUIK .. "'. _ • nAl'/('"._ " ur ' r 1IIj; 'cllr. 01.) 1111." " ",, on Lhc 1'(' \ UIII!. whO ~ \l I' \:1LUCI' h o than e , 1101.1 a mllao U\l '~ Ibor h d I , hllrll IZ a grale llleony brllds mooge LIlan wOlmll n lire, geollrally, pi in : Llleir JJ' Local Nul, eu , ~ ron ll ~ lioc. Aw.l Ie " U 11 0 , eI\Ur,c to be jlC~ n IIfItI too • \ V..., II ~ ,.1) Cl_ I .~ Y N.'. V ork I"". I" .... .-..--. U....... U. I' ul."" 0 II{,CI'p' tll ' ~ ""me 00118 oorp<lral\on oompI\l1l0nj' aI, "6 "'!:. II " I I!I!OIl [1'" Hu...ine .. C rtll, nn t " s c.ef'd lhl' five lanel, h e t.!o tl_rt.)' .... III ~t t'''I)f e. .. 00" A: !II. NIIW YORK DAY Esp"" • ., 01 till thlll lllUI UUI \'o\llhlul eves• r C' l\Illut fly he n c tJe>' btl, :tI ;rt,1\lr.'I ".oomo'Y I UW lind rt , ~o whicb, per. froll' "'ol ..... uc., I) .. \ly (. 'C~pl :'u",I.,. , 1hlt ·Ihere'. II " " ,,,..' " III tI,u ; I"u" ' Horn e" .. 11 'f" .. r re meln ,tilUlouk ,llIb. bft\1l. DOLhmg londs 10 much as Ihei r S tup .. ut HOlll ll ll nlll l! 847 A M.("IU t.) I ';l"~. N~w You.lit, F ·u., IBtii H ' '1'1 I~y use d Co IIlive 1\ bre d HI Now I tn . OrulDtlnl . 1' f .~t"nl\ .. ,Ih l b. 63U A 1\1 ~ 1":\1\J ilt '3 t llllCU Ono 100 use 0 powder nu t.! p~iol . ..(mlll Uuhlo. ond .rr!'~' In Ntiw \' v,k •• t 1(' 111111 C.lIll e it OI O fln" !\ bim to ' 9' Ihe prioe Ell/.:I~nd a le~ } ea re a,!{o, wllIoll tl, ey Nuob lIal been 8111ll, nl80, about tbo "'J~~&~.l\I~XPR_l!I.UL, &0. . D..- REMI NISCEN CES OF ABRAHAM li Se hl8 11'~1l 1 1I11111 0ll C In oeltuin l U( J\ Il<'lln se . culled ~lId 4trlp6d hU(1 !Ired , Ihls bred ,i fACO «Ihelt "'1I1~, In Andalu lia one klrk,I). ,I, ("'C"", "ullduy _) !:ilvl'-. I L I NCOLN q1lIl r tc t'. III ICtC' 1,lu oo ll1 aglll ll nlld:\ 'Sllt rl o llllrl,' laid be. " liZ In hlj(h ropulo amotll{ Iho l~ n d · I .~es 1101 80111001 8 grllOelul, easy ORIlliGOIlf. 'VARREN ()O., O. S.lanlonca 9 ..10 A M, 0",1 rOIlI1.r1< at Hor gai n Ilssltl'c,1 111111 h( h (1l1 ItO t101I'e r ' ~Il' d u llar~ I' ... Id Hugo. ' Ihllt's a 101l1S, almost UVIIIY tflV"r11 ke~pcr had t l Wlng peculiar LO warm clitnalf'8; bUI. nEspr ~l\"I...II •• "~ fr. t.:o II' r"",U"IT. ~ \Vllt. 30 A From n r rcc nt fit li"l PI [I le,lt d him I rfllse thl! 85 0 offel' 'li Ih ellliCuI ijl"hL of IDIlII UY I C; uu lJ II 'L 0 n e wi 1111 II I1t1 U8u. I Iew 810" I I e lY t ra V ' .1\1 0 r u Ie , w .. ~ are a frill'd It ' h 118 UI .1" d L~'S:RICE~ M.,I lo. III. Milt! Uarri, •• M ,n ~ o n ~ ntlLl nci ~ 0 O o ul . N",,\' .. ,k~17('OI\M OI IC(llllg, we " x tll\~ t thc/'ullo"III"'. OI'CI an ll o\er 1I,,.,,i n I on t out y OIl~ak., 1 1l8~!' elerd , lInll brRgon Lalm . 1(,tUde'J ,I ~ 1I\'er exisedullo l,liooal CIIlJ P.!II. N. J{ORK NIGHT E:\:I'R EIIoof' I I I . IIl1d IcfL the' m to g"cth e r )\ 8UIJl10Re ·N .,: StllJ he, ·th~ l' s wh fl~ (III'Y COSl S u m 11 1<1 full III Ihe fnee, like II tOWII p9: u h tIIy aDd lhe llIadriJ wom~ u, IrulIIUull klrk , U., I.' I• • ,.". .,.:"" .,•••, , )_ I It\llll ~ ICC t o tIC wllte l U) iU r L11I Linco l n "ot III ml of r o rll in.. ~ 1'01' h ' m il IH I I10 ...,cerellU '" . ill ce t\L •. LJ n II(IIlC. , CI00 k IIll\< ., 801lle lire liZ Iong 1\11d Ie11o11 01 0 10 pl\rllcu IM ly, w81'" abominably _ V Ii 'uulh &1&ln IiII , oppol llO A ~ hlllea Pueb·l. ~I~f;s!:-~IT'~~',:~~·~ :~5l/,~ (~~-I~): ~,~,: IcoIn' s 1t1l\ · IUt·tllc,·. W. 1I lI (H 1I,1 0 n Hnnll r tO~lk the mon ey; bll~ il no\' . • Weli, how muo\l du you IIX for 1\1. II cow cl\whor, With 1\ 6t~1 I plIlled Perl~t\p B tlt.I~. mlly bo ClIIuK~d by the WAYN E 8VIL£Bi, am ... '" New Vur~ at 12.3U l' M. eo '· " ' hCll ll l! lll c1u n wa!! I e l y.) Ollll g. C'r ofl'~1 c, l 1111.1' of it to m and It pub lu illng III c hul·uh. IlJ ~ n? ' noae o n thum . fllsh lott now In vog uo (or woarmg lug l, II!&"W llh .ntr:lool!:l'r.I" •• '~d Slu"mo.,for -ploll1\oly befollll\ll·. Li n '0 111 matle IIIl S Iwticclulo tit nt, wue oeVel ho 'NOlhlllg ,' dl\l d Lbd P~rsoll 'I'hey call 111, 1 r u le well. a h.og t?nl po IDled he~ l s ; plllolld R8 tlllly ere nl. ~io-J.J L -N l nd B ... eol! and N.w Elli • CII,.' Ill S HI'st protr.~t in tlte L egi81r\tlll . o r to o t. m OIlC'), III that wily. 11(' n eYO I' '\V " II: .I1IJ HUI,(II, ' I bl\l'~ ~o chea p kl\?~ ru te we ll h"8 been made lit Villn. OlOSL ID .Ih e renl cente r 01 tlHI booL. the PROIll BUPFALO_B, ~"W lJis Statc in he h/lIt" of li be l· t , ,-LIII ' Sel'nll' " La consi d e r it his own 01' can'r e xuecL LO j,('l 9n)' chanICe bllek . Ihey I1re II aborl h\'ed &n ll~1I1 anti (oo~ .18 IU /I cODtrtlCI!d aDd unnRturol ~I(J::'~~UPIJ L "orllor l!:.cllllug. ~,,~ 1'''<II'gu.. coi n on co snid to him. . r ctlnn ot m III III Llds cnse. be ~I\V the I Llullk 1 II bu pubh shud. H u w loug ge??ra ll y (Ite $1: ~oon AZ thcy g IL fl\lI . position, And IIU , IIISIIOII'y of Ire ad DlUI' -A" 0Il.30 A . III. N. YORK D"'Y EXPREIiI8, ee what makcs yot ll' Co tll' h, lI o n so m OtH') to th e G rm:ms in t~o tOWII. d oss II l"kG l' 1 he bog CIII1 be IIIrIlL" gl'lilU 0100' 1 bo deall oycc(, AI wo belIeve their li®'Ir.A\la~ lliund.)' .. oel,l.d j IV ~'.llh.. ndl,v.ll . dec ill ed ns I cguHls tltc tll tlll£! of Sin· who "tinted to buy them Iv08 n ''l'bl~e ::itlntlLL}'s ' oy cUlln l n ~ 1II I IIg~ . 8U C~1 UB hl~ltlng , be!\uly 811U grace to h ave been VOIY ~r:,~~ ~f:r~~~'~ ~'o~ut>·l\i';S~I.~.l~II~; :: YCI.\' . ' V llllt toll s yo u thc thlllg lIIu s t III C S. A few (jclyS Ilt'tcl'. h sn id t,(\ 'Throu I::l un ill\yll !' 8110YS Hu ~o, ·w oll. Iho front glli e off Ihe IlIlI g08. "I' pm&! mu oh overfilled 80 we belillve th eir rl v._ III N... Vo,k., 10,30 \' M. CO IIII « I, Lc !'ooted Ollt P' me, in th o l'oole t wny. IHamci o n , I Ihlll'~ II ItlUg llWIl too. Hut IIl1 eo o l'e r the 8W III bArrel l, lIud tlncl lllg A morllltty has bee ty muoh u nder al Grti"IUond ",Ih Doll....... L.oka,.. "". ' 1 fc e l It 111 my bml6ll ,' was Hcrn · go \"(: the G Cltllnns 13250 ~r Y'>IIl'ij S1Indays vn ly .mllk e a forLnlllht after h"lu III tb e fe ncc 10 get 10 the corn ral_d. 10 aplLo tlto bad cxamplu \V~'I~~~~~;'~II~·~~'~'~~ .~~'~b l' IJlI.u"'I,IJlu, cion' s emphatlo 1I1l 81\" e r. 'ThlSCOlltl thc othc l' cl ltX ' ' I nm g lud lrou (lid. 11\1. lWo fur Ihe oOI' ors and a ile (or Ii "~d , buL Ch ore 1\ln ' l .. oy IUl,lgth low o f 8 qo~rL wllleLa bp,8. ~arned fO,r il l. lf Or; lck-Nortb St., nearly oppollte tbe 8.3. A.III. IIXPIIIIM M"'''., na A"•• nont IS 1I 0t bl o llLl e nough to on, ltll " :\Ir Lillcoi ll . ' I llIlSWCl'cd. or COll1'8C Ihe 11131dll hk e , IIUU tilX d ol1lLr~ II 'I Lhc lr memory. awful hllrd wor\; for tb om I\n ullh.1\PPl preomlOonco ~mong tb• cb urcb • • ,,0 li oru.l\.v ,II~, lJ.ily t~u .. " '04 "'flP,· tho contest lll!t\\cc n i<'l ceuoDl UlIlI I cou lLl n ot sav 1 WI\S "lad ,110 took great amount Il( 10 0UII ) (ur 1\ pO Of UllIO La hull Ih o ~1l1ll hol u low !:[l l ouL lit. ea \ MUons of b u ropo . 11111 Spnnll b \vo mn niJllcE-With Chll . Scroud, Soulh .tI). Ar ..... i.. N.w York or 7011 A M S la l'e p I' It J Q "I to th ro w IIWflY , poahllly If yu lIru tlnXI UUI Ih~ y shou ld. are. we beh ove, milch lIlilre chulu Iban t:o lJn ~cl . III F:llUlra with .No'lh~r" t.;entlal J . .I .a I II reet, Ru, I" ") for lI ur' !lbuPg h,I' ll'iI,., " .. I. It was nlm os t ill these very WOld s Th o p ~1 tll ol'sh ip whil o it 8IJ uff ho wcnt 8 J u~gl n " tOIVIHd ll oMS Mil v ure kll llltMY, ll11 u 80I uo(l\ IIU Y j;eoorl\ y ge t oudlt (or. and in· WAY~E8\·U.L£ .1U0. "", orc, w •• h'''g"lon. "nIl 1'1),,,,- tiuulh that M I Lin co lu nt'terw:1I tl • ol'''l lel l cd 11\ I [l' llItlOIl .111 in ten ~o ho me, rQ\JIHlg 1\buu~ !hl 111<'"1"5 a now drtve wull Ih o Itlmll ItR)' ,yu are ,,0101\', IIUI\ Oo)l 01 unfalth(uln.e 11111 mRrnud 1,10 !J,;,o P .l'II. I.IG.ITN.~G EXPRIf1!I8,- t hc gr('nt contest bct~ecn D o ug las btaltaol LIII~olll DI U"t slltIlutl1 .h~ .. p, wh,,, "II IAL o nCil " Lhoy dllvtI 1I1\)~ 1 Ih d oll1el' IV 'ly. Llus hal are more rare tllno II .generall, IUp(l> u,, "~ .. ucel!l.d). SlOP' 01 11 . .. ,<118 .. 110 . SC I I' '" , . Llln " c luI' ~l I ' •t ~ b rig III t h o ug IIt cam" Into IIII Iletl. d au ver b te u (II I I b ~ t spoa.. ,. C0 8e I1 b yore f Ig nen, 'I Ito'! are Ollp •• 525 r ~f (Sup,). olld omv •• III N. \V V.. rk utI(1 IHUl " 10111 t.IlS II U I exp 1\1II el. DENTISTRY. S 100" ' •• ""n,u clilh. .1 J" ... \ C, ,). "!II. wl1rd hc submi~ted ull l'uultc q ll cs pin !) ~yc IJ!IS: gS fI"d hltck he WIlDI " 5 f,I ' 1 1181118 l1 0rae volumn8 fOI Ih .. hog ~Jv$h lltllwga. Ie of lhe wftfmotil aud mal t devoe ed Mo " ",,/{ .Jt~ro •• 't raIl' of N• •• J'''<I t iol!" to w!tnt La c call cII 'lll o tc~ t or PCI IIOII s o "S II, <'It:ln • . II II 1I1t/luhwe nl, to Illoit hUl un'ads nnu R.ll ro.~ for 0.III ..or6 lind W ..I""~ IO" , • call I co m ,01 0 11111 h IS COU l llu rry I 01 . - . -- - f I d I. ,. 'Parsu n,' 811111 hI! . 'l'\," change J my (\011 Itil ~1111!l ",,,oro tll s 18 tbe ~~iI. a"dot N..,Vork w,lh MMn' .. ~ F""r.'~ I UIII JJ Clll do ll s bone }J}lIluso!'''!I, nnd kn e w Itow t o shelt~ r h ©~~'iJO~'U' 9 " . 111 (0 ' 1:10810" . "d N.", I "ltl.n.1 ell 'e'. th C! ir IlI g m llc n tl! we re c1 0t;0 nlld 1) 10 tl t i t ' mind. H <l r,,'athll 8U: d""~,,, tll t,.. G IlSI:1l4 L WA q lll~ OTON 'S LAST V o rl: lit II nt eu uU 10 ,111 gClUlolr w c_o~ l c r c mil !) n ~o . IUI:O • tind roum . ' omee al hi, rosldcuco on Locust Street, • •10 P.IlI. N.1l0RK NIGHT EX¥1l1C8I>l ha cted , 13y 'Llld by tllel I' 'U III C 1\ \yl1('I1 . to r )( I'tt~ O 111m . It th " ko ol Lo .n lgh~ \VI LI , my ~Ol1gUIl LuuL -'rho IIILher 01 Itls <.:u unL ry WII8 COli 1aIl 12] W ILII I :<GTO~ , 0 \'. ~I?I" H I Il orn. II,,,II. 10 30 P ( tilll c "lt clliJotll he a nd Ju a.l"c L ug<ll1 r' to I (·111 1·ll ll ll' t· Illp'llc 1 IlI1L1IIOt u ntl o \\ ILh Illy lee lh' 8C ICIILl IJ UII III Ihu tlillchKrgb u r Ill» ovor} •• , , . M . ''''''"8«\1,,& \. ,It. Ih. 4.15 I' M I . . , ,, ... • J .. , \\' I • lJ f '1 " Way 8110U LU " Mu SI'f ¥ An.-W " (...... \)unk"k. "lit! "m ... ,n N.", York .. l l wcro OUlldldutcs fOI' Lhc SI~D1l' 1I111c', I1Y i\IL Lill c:o lll "as no t • hy . \\' I,lL III 11 11101 I~ L "m011l1 ,.lKy ,Iu ly U~ tL Clll7oOIl, lIn LI lJ e v ~ 1 ,1I0 u POR BOUSE PAIKTINO-, 3UPM ,It .nro""""' "1 £11,,1, .. 10' II . .... :lntlit seo l1l " dfitth e pllI"'l e l ~ lIlpbe . U1ukl' I~ ('o nllrl nnt 01 se t mgllf"I1LhI 4 ?' IIl I'o le 'rhuI11<Luc oB. I'\lI o fhlillning can cono~lvu of no reason why b. h.".,.h, Ph.I "."\r, h, .... u S"" lh t\\ (,O ll L\1 (,111 " h ou l<l U. dl ~ n l \C II tillt ill 'hn. l o ti !!. loucly <:1 ' Why.' s~tllllllgo, 'l'vo bee n n CI \ HO WtlS In 1\10 ij Pltllll: o r 1790 , III Lh o , shoul,I, bUL vi leu ru'uone by -b, G!BtA.R~iMG, 11:110 P."'. "1;vcmNATI I::XI'UI!!iI!!I-0 " I • . I' ., . I II .1 .' I I lei n L ' 1•• c>,.I"U,,,I.) . ) ~IOI". 1 'u .'I... . .. """ lu s pl tcoC tb Cll'olosu tll c nu bLa lp. hi :l who l e h C:l r t NUl ie pWllII Ituullumy 1"" u. /lnu IL8Cleil 101l1l0fAII'Xll lltlrlll O ul bu on 11 8 ftwn O. PAPERING, V 20 .. M. ( lIk rt) , r"r" .. ·• I t2 P M (,I .... , UI'. ll lJ l'IHlou co uhln oL ttll llCl oLuud l'O lltE!,I' !" (l'le llil Hot'ud 11 r 1I1eu pub ll. bllll: 1\(101 ,,\I Y.,u Il lh ()I Due .mlle l rul lolYl1l g , '1'110 1. lL io mellU, A mao of higb ."d ..til •• I" !'I'''' \'u,k .1 3 ,~ 5 I' ~I - It." "cn LIII (;o ln OI1C d .II cI.llt"d 111) II "cl "fi llv ". II c " c e ll c llt I~O all. 1\'. IllIL aLo dl t.:Vt:t lll· WIll''' i If [ <': u1111 II"u1u u( F"mfa x COuul"J wu~ mot,,1 l'IoulJ IIlmolt III 100D (.u onf" h ., (,I'{' d l B Cllil w~lh I) eht w ~" e .... ... ... ., , 1 MLIIUciIOL! I \."f L"ckow,,"n. & W' ''crn ROII""" I ror"e,,,,, ' l tb e o fll \JC S LIlt'S, alld s a tLi . liOl llLlulI. 1\ h(l)1J1Y hom e s ht!ltOl Cd 101.>. cIIII"t1 ill c h ul ll h. h " 1 f Lh c l t hen OV OI Lil d II1lu·keL·h ollsO, tlut! im · .lCll a M I ~rlp 118 'Wcllr, OTApnly to Ill" undersl g nerl. who will I h Qv~ hH \l vll; (" I uutillll ~ . I\ull P' meJlIl\c ly f' Ol1ll11 i!! 01111«9 t nv"tn.2 . It to vu lgar. Ahoge~hor ' t OI) I n,' ~' & Ph ilo , 'I.d al N ,: Yur~ \" h01l1d YOll Illw tu b e ml" (1Hlll1!!1 l' nil th~ WOI ' t t U11I1 .Ln tion s promptly to III CllI~, and endolVo~ .. lth .n ...",n. 'f,.ln•• ,,,1 SI•• "lon fur 'D o n ' t I'all ~ IT I,~\. t IU~ , 111 . I ' \)1,' LI ,',• "n ".1"., u. " II"llt, bllood. ar\! oelllC. ,,111.\ Wll 0 ".11 ' lII", I( ' [' 116 "lItmn cO 1\\\0 IL Wild by 11 sh~hL mean fo1 r 1\ dell~ m mJ\ n. ~Ive .. tial.cllon on relloMble lerms. 8 tOIi "I,d Now .~DK"nd (' "., ~. , 1 ]~lllCO U, l: " e 01!lyOn. T"';'II; ..'0. SulI,ta1. 1•• \I,, ~U"f. W[l~ thl; IJOOI l CII I)~\ S s ol e l.ill'l pOn"" SOli. )[1 . Impll c lty m"rr y \j e rlo nlgh~ Bhe IIcgm 10 ("~bL o( CI1I7,Y .'u,,~ Ull Lhe OUl.ilde, ::l L I ~ co warlll Implying , ,fOU1'I M. C:.~RDER, W.,_ ..nlll ... ,",0.1 G 10 I'M . olld r••cbln;: New \ ork 0,12. [ c rll l8tCll t re\Jctltwll 0 1 Lhe qUOS ' l'I ty Invitc d 0011 1\(1 di g lI ur ow n (1) ' U)OrlUW, 1111.1 lhlll Will ,,1\,1 wililu Iht) ol<lc L! UII WAS prog ross· le r.r Cllher of being be'1\8118d ~o P M. tlon cO lllll Lannlly gai ll a hc,u i n ~ ; w crc tho se J ca lOIl~ fo r lilt! II(,ell o": I\lId Jil ol .e v ~ tI Klitl r ill Ih oult\uda of OrsOIlK l1e· 4. A g e nllemRl1, .ro- 8o...~ n end N ... F.lIglol!d 1'...enKer., but nt l ast Mr. Hcrndon stud: ·,.Mr. Gmt aill'~ a !DtU ill tb..) 'rv. .... 8_~ ..a ~ •' ...... to ••"d c. or Y " .you ' k now ' .I IloD ' &.oo.rOUIot;. ri.-W :,. ."lib h.-I. 'Qrk a ~ u i ncoI n, 11 >18 o n ce OJ! aop r:t"(fy ••• Pa,II, ... d 1 I d I 1\1 Ore~chon ~ Th. n ... '· Hn "I.lod .nd ",0_1 Lu." rlo". lUI ulI' e 110 s tilI! lIl g nil' 110 m Oil · \ dl SCI'cLiol;ls gl uwing all "n·..·.I·. ... New Vu RK SL t:t.I'I1\ (: COA C B'ES o::r I" Ihe woehl, ~ ey; but If YOIl nte In ellrnest. tbol'c exclte m cnt. t o ISC[JllIlItC lI'Ir. n coln And b.11I \V,v os. h~e lrcab .pon Gn '. n ..... v . , .CO III I'UI!I a ll.""l.llral •• 0\1 lla,. rollo. .. v, IS n o t illu g 111 this w ol'lLl tbaL wouhl 1'IOILI him aerVllllle, work hk .. KwI.JlIo 81 fil el. 1.11,1 11\/)0 (or 111111 lO pit" tIS he .p. 8PIClolli ktlrcctory, Bach- Room. Ind 110'" n~'l:n:;-. ch~<k'" I~,ol!!;h . n~ oro . 1· mukc tnO I;!O LanIJl>Y. · 'il 'l ' I ' I .• . I tl . Ih ey gel 6IIu cy aud IIlzy IIl ler "wIJ tl e. proll ched th ~ Qoun 8Ip pS . ,A Ic.ey. sloo p. I.",. n.l o·.... Ullf ulh.r rOlll. .I \I 111, cau leal . sail Ie Ill· .1 (J d ' ell,. 4 it? ,hi, rur T .kel. Vlft E ... R " I" ", , ,.lnd. Na.lthlllg 1II0 rll was smd till thc pn OllN!1 who told me tip sWl'y-'hy _ _ .~__ _ ge nLirlnlt1ll ~ho \v". It"nU lo g RL " e1 I '. ;; • to. 'lOt ,,110'" d 10 rf1f' t: tvfI ~1"'rqlll ' l\e.f l 'I' G H ' Ob' N"w YORK _ door, 8"1" elg hL or ( u n good 10uillOg ~. 1118 ~ool1. It." 'J~ID& of docIo, ,"II ...... i.... th.ln.'. ur Itacklll." "' h9IRI rOIl be oblu",ed .. I .11 I'r!\lei",,1 T .. hl Olhe.. \lCl~ WCIO brought to H Cl'Iluon to whllt I ca n lICUI' MI'. Llllcoin "Q8e (en "' Ih. W •• , ~lId S,,"th.W... s ig n . it I 'I' r I' I ' d ,0.1111 ,IIA~O ~I TE~ . ~ lI1 " olm ll\e dl.ltely R l'rlng' forward Itod 01 1_ "lIn~ 0 ¥enaB. "')ie. , ) ... \ full~ t~'Io. ~n • Ij ", ''''' lfStv Ii IIIUDI .I:: "M R 0 ~ RR I I 'd th t th Jeet til 1\ I U , IC) spo.e to 11m, nn The ~' e/IJ Y IJr!.- E ve m il:/ Gazcllu - III H (ullolf Lite Gu nor,,1 up 10 tho "IpS In 7. 11" nb util ve-Co Lite mind tblll • G ·t S '. ' I n \d 'C a ' dcso tIl on were tUl'lIlng s barply' auswel'eu' . t 0 b 0 Older lO uphold llnd .upporL 111m Iloeo ' . ." '1' I AI1CTION&ES: eu up I. £l . II ·ll'a .. Ag'l II' sal t H 'f : 'Gen.· grOAL 0 rlin SIOIl 1I0Le,I IV III CII 18 OOI)OUI"e. t I)0 0111 L ,alia. j 10 lie nerlOQ 7t1( \C1 y IllIcn .. cln on waspOC IC, t l emen , th e lua l,l yoll tall,of ls w orth builcollFiflhflv~nuo opjlo8 it e Lhe e n A d t lie oU Btomdf IItlYhomiti'lIimetJ. ' I I' ~ Ideol Rp ec l1lntlvo H e I cnd C Irly lc '011 11\ IlIlt togetber H e b as gOIll! C I P k d b u'dllry. coor 109 0 I 1 1'1"J P k . R ki ' ' I B ' .1 I . "lIl1ce of enlrl\ 1Ir, "n n 0111 thllt lilD e Ih ll live o r SIX olt nuldlltcl D. I .. YOOODlOU4, .bowing I III 0'1 C t g ICO o l e III er, u ~ 11 , nn ~ m 1II~~ d ::lIlg c r fOI' ID..lI sake ' , which th e public hllR h Cllrri moTU "eru 8 ittl~g 00 1\ bench. wbo IlfIls e 111 hO!lrt (0 bo II !lsst of Vlpere. and every l CEN SBD "I ..AUC1'IONJ~ER , D T BABBITT'S LRlJor.8tl\ing SOAP. e.rsoD, auel he WII~ p~lsistollt.I.) PI1~' [h e l1l el~ t,o wh~m La e spoke went le as froOl lime 10 lime . will be corn a body and bowe d profoundly 00 Lim e he "WOHra, OUIl of tb em slicka Oll~ . ' Wp'~.. UI• .H".', TblBsoop I. made from d ello ond pure l1I~tC t lll g th cse boo.l,s Ulto. LlI1 col~ s ~trulgLat 11:0111 1118. presellce . luto m ODOI!U iu 1I\10Ut s ix w~t!ks, or tiUU lI Ihe enlfllDce 01 W .. 8hloglon. Very lde !tcatl . 9. Il i8 oOllttllll) Uble, (or(eitl n, Ilia Yl\ ESV1LL E, ••••••. OHIO . rlab . contKin8 nil nf\ult.eratlOn nf ooy kind , Imuus, uut Lincoln did lI ot ~Iko HCI'lIlloo' , l~ud it "! u ot Itkc ly tlmt n& (i1 e 5Cll8011 ,,111 admlt. Th e ol rll O r:too(ull relUrlllng Lh ~l r 81\lu \lo n. Ihtl .. Ulnot inJure tbe mOKL dolicale fabrl o. Bnd tLaem. H erndo n . b ll~ nlso t~c .d uCI? the you ll g man lovcd LaIUl auy Ic a tllre IS then loJ Le compiUI(lll ro. dy ror \ . ISle/o! LLa .. polls 8Rid . "We ll, GIIO re spou L of tho WI MII und good '. ' I oec up ,lu c" w'lLh ln th o 8hor tc~ t l)o48i bl o l !,'r.i!.1 110111' .10 you vola ?" (II WAllO. Ii is wl chd i violaliu"' l the tliWill Attend prolP~t 1. tn ell calli id especial" ada pled for ,wlJlluns . .. bieh WIll sad o)es of .the plOldlcer. 8Ulll~ 1Il .l lI s fOI tLaI S o u tb urst. ~hrlllk "ftor bci llll""s)let! \I, th ihis ~oap. uature seu s illvo 1111 pel"ce ()tl\ 0 1I. I ' I I . ~ u . I d II ,. OJ... J l U hnt'. end 'hdenol' \Ol glve lhe bUI not IIm l" IJcusedinhnrdor so l\'IItltel"!! It"ill Tb I' J D Th pt:llUI cu lt tiJ8 lellt Will IIU pI 01'111 llX Lh e n by VIIIII Vf)rO) lle lookod" 010 'lO e nIl. a ll Vrov o 109 t .. e .. l8ptia· .... 'I~el,lnn. ,. T;orme r" ~80n.ble. 84 r" mOl~ PRlot. grehHe . tllr lind Mtllius of nil 1\ W~IlI:t~l. M e.:.~ WI:S lI ot[~lt1 1 )101 • a m as , e(' UlI on vf the wor k, The pl~n. IInJ ma n ilL Lito oan,[ i'IIl\tOI IIU<l rephed: Inrll~ur Hun who will nOI bold. him r -AN D,- GE~'.FS'_- kindd One 1'''"lld " '"rrMteti equa l to 1\10 ceptl\l'~ 1111 ~fl': IIIl~olll I C 'tll e ll" At Sorl' ll ",l,o ro n ' al'l n l1 COtltl [ \' Oil d e lHII. h ~va nil b~ull compl"lu d uy MI l "U.onL ltim811 1 \Ole fu; WO!l8 UrOM, not guiiLlc~R wbo Il\k os llil nAme ia "aID_ D,reot,ons \'C P ' ILt C IJ IOll1 I( U'I OI c n 00 ( " . .. , ', . I I. I .~ • puu",l. of ulylinnr) fnUlil y 8061' J L I. , : t • t t l, c 1' l it 0 1' 1" l'rlllt·)· (11 ..~ (1 tl,'I· '~ I :'I I ' I . Gl 111111 hnln -- . ~ . - - ""nt with cadi blu. for milk ing thre e "nl\ol1. tt1Clll II t u e t .. 01\'11 C. 0111111 e. WI\" lIU , .' b lm ll ll , lh Is urchltccL II t.o ~ . 11 I. 11.d s IOC" "lid tIBO be (01 Ill e n" . I "" lIu.1,ltblypro, I bnlllil!O lIIo ~On 50111' flOm ono POtllltl of th is wlll'ned tJlI hc was cbeatC\1 As thc) I nl,le ,In(\ nol ll,' mall H h J a}' :! We I' e<n II CII1 y " 8 U CrlU " . . I nlJ un ouJ Itl R votu , IU lU 'LuO 111101 lor " ' ILK la:S BODfu's DeARY -Tbo diArY Bo, 71 lIulbeu1 St., !O(lftp Ea ch h!lr 18 wfl\p~d In II c, rculal co n g r ew o l.l e l. Ilc dO ll c n:l c ll nl OIC n l)'(l \ I(' Il !!tIi CIl Cd Ilkr. thoso o j' tI; c pal. l I· ' 1ItISl~"S Will 8(1)0 11 holil tl Im ~e LI~1: or I ~rijco(1I 1 bulV lIod r~tiled, He "II~ ' or DODth. oonoe rning whloh BO muoh tnlnlng full uh e~liOlI" foru 80. prlnled in Eng. u • 'I~ d I k tl ' I' I t I lit" p~rl )1h" u g lVlt 'g t lIU0 C<1110 . 8111l c"1 II I od by Lh o ou~wllrd crowu l l 'd . I I II h ~ I I OUI Y 0 101lr la~ boon 881 u( 18(e. II a SIDII I poukOl LEBANON, OHIO, Ih!h IIn,l Ollrman A.k wur grocer for ' B mOl e o n IllS )11U'tIl OI' 111 s ll c h llIaLtel ~ al C L!! , lin , I ~ ICI I S, u < !I S , I\' ~ I T. OllhblU'ri 811u\I.' IIwl tll k ~ I1U o~hOl II c dill 1l0t IIkc to s tlld y so h . would II ct( III~ hUI!!t 'rh e ~e, 1lllll'ctl . \\1:1\] • Ll1 I tJ fI " 0",01 (' , I IIL' wII !fl r'N momoral1dum book! ; in "biob 'ars SQ' ' 11 ty y)'l lell' on roturulll!: to 1110 cllmag ll. '" 6" (i6 ""' r,0 • , • I II f II 'I I ~, I lh o r.l ll , uto 0 e W or (. . . . B . '). 11 I\1)61 1" • NOd "", -1L1~ ROURS v. . " '. '<', tell II c l n ll o ll bc ro l'eh' llitl what nu · 1\S t 11' ,Lnll' 0 I~ II" 'X CII ll l C. C.I Ill , I L 2 I l 1" 0 f I tl _ _~ Irl o~ conCll rnlO1l ""moIV of lubJecl8 : (l9.70 ,7~ IUlu7.JW "dhlngto ll s~.NcwY o rk . , I I I I II.tnue 0 'v'~ ee t 111 ull gl, . f I .,..·· ",·· · " '·· ·~cr\cd illo\ e f\ 8t do . AAO. th o ri t l(,S !llllllllll strnti o ll hc gitou lll ( oo s t 'lI ll "l·n l . ) ulllIngt o t ,cSll C{ . I I II b .n ILIl10 8 0 'pur~o ll a l eX p ~ Q Be8 , f qlrl 61 o r 1'~8kua-Jm,ckcl'II;";llcA . ctc for ~ wnDt fOI 1118 s pcec h es lind J[ ol"lldutl ('L IIlId lIni n g !Jil t I!li g ht ltnll ptll O COV. llll jl4 ,,10 d t . ~I 0 81! V"d FIII UllH UL'l' IIA OIWY - A corrospon· IOCiAI l'lijltl , 1\1It1llRtemell18 of ,ario u:l g 1I1111111C~ '018turs lJy Ihe c~n I F'lllt ".~KE YOUR 0'"'' SO~P. \\~uIJ do the I caC\itl ,y' up His 11\ '''1 or life \Ill S n oblt.• ' "llllt e Is lo~~e. "I I. o; uw ne w~~ \,1\ l1't(IfMI; r .j Ilullt \I( tlo o luu l.ulapo l1 s J ou rMI ue· DlllllurB, conccrbing hi. Ili"ht afle r ILau 7 amoll No Llquort. [80 lOOPer Cent. Using 'VI I 1 1. 0 'd " nobl y 11\ ell out hi s idea H e I·.UO ·, 1 u r I ell!! " °0 . O fl O 1l0d WII (JI Rill I ! 8Cllbe. Il fti g ltt(ul tr1lged y whlllll be &8.118sinotto n. It conlaio. a descriptio n • Ic n lcgan uusmc!' sal Illr • 1 . . I. I PrlVI\ ' O !1'" 1\Jr_ C 111m )u r- Hln g b \ d l' er u. 10 d I~... II I of 1111 ted Llo Conuillo ., . I. F ' 11 GRORGE G SlRGEANT B T . BAUUITT'S Pen COliOEnllATEP POT' I ' I I hi ' 1J1' ~Hl 111 t Ie ~W Cl1t of lil ~ u l 0 ' 1 ' I OU I BIlVA o c c urr ~ usnr n tuo ' rlday sub· • , Aijll, ur He.dy 801\\1 Milker Warranted T~crl~~on, ~ ~l\ W nat r C118011 ~I' IY [l IS l, o, I l!01l1111atl,ll'tl , (\nd at lho sallH' nnd In SI1"I:"·· b" .. tlHr IJvt r (~I o\lcr f~;' dllY' fi 111r. ~ . A 01 .10 801d bll {lir m sequ ent to ijr. Li uqolo·. d eM h, )leing Puinler1 Glatie1', Grainer (md .Ioubl., Ihe strungth of fommon ro ..... h . • ntl ~ IO U no glllll . a 11I C POI11 on II ti m e !Jullt hi s b ro w tI\I. 1)) the eun l o" ms h ~ Sl ~~ ~ 1I 1 sly U 0 lIS III [ ' f\'1 ::lI 1.I,OuO. "lid w e IlL to Poru 10 d e Lh ~ n WILli hrokeo leg alooo anti au ~~!JDlilR?"~]~9 lIuperiortu llnYlltherBllpo1l1lier "I' Icy in Ihe fal c p len; UlltJ~mcoll1 n CI CI 1I 01l 1ll nillg arc\t itcct lll'c of !Jus y t\tO tl O"ut m ll l1 .~ \Jll1 la.llng Will cl(oH" d IhllL IJ ' P !)8 1~ 111 9 mOll cy 11. did Ilo t r ClIoc La OUICIl9~ In Ihe {'alomao IWll mp' a nti • CoIUU Maln,aDO lCiaml,J!lUeet.a, .na",et. I~' up In cane of 1 pound, 2\,01I1ld •• 11Ilve It-h e put an on d to It !It o n ce to u c th fit p l noc fOI f\ rOY:II B OI~ ~ Lhe nll '. HOle l III P afl >. m ilk in g II hIS uOlitlnMlon Imltl tbp b"ok, were lll1s la fIVldenlly \frllten io a p~rrcct • ~i:~:,~I~;,6IrE::I~.h"~n~~cfo::::~I~: ;O~III1~'::1 I n eve r kIWI~ hUll to d.o :ll1lCli U L111." g That is to S :l V. h e .c lIl t ll·n t cLl hilll s cl r th~ tine! I, ~I rueture. of Ih~ .klnd In Ih o r.los~d. lind 10 ~Io"p" d I\l a hot? ' lIu · a gon y 01 fee hng. '1'he Dli881Dt: pRlle. WAY N ILL E. Ing Hard nnd SoIl Soop 011e 1)0111111 \\ III 01' n lIu ty Lllck DlIl'lu g n il Olll" III · 50 111 1111 11 boll.r. lIc k r pL uoth clCUlI wor ld. l ltu II X~lI rtor of tillo ,hull d lll K' Itl tlt o neXL murninl; He "01.:" III Lho Di llY hllvo beau lorn ou t by n",olh 00 I make 16&;nIl0080f BOn soap No ~Ime la rc t8rcouI'se, we n eve r had II WOIU 11 01 el'cct, III t 1' (' , I lch Wllh rllcn,I~., p '''I''un. , IIIj!h ~OOrll, 111" ht wlLlt A Itrung presllnliruc nL thllL VAriulls Ocofl.lon., or cuI ouilly 101U1I the orb()eL 81"tl f"ctIO~ '!1Iarnntecd In all . d 11\ II d tl' th cl r I RIl' I. 1m pu 80"tll elillng Il ad 8'0"11 wron'! wllh II" aoldier. lllI·o ug h wh Ole bflod e it pll.aed; no of' chrge ," ~~~h in t~~u::;:~. n " 8 c 'loa~8 I 1\ qllUI"rC I W e n evel' k op t allY 1,00 I{S Ills II1tc ll cct, ttl frec a n d w ide 0 etc. WI II b"IIU IY I)01\111111 Thank ful (or P1l1l, ·fiY,Ort. I 80holl a For "ole lJy a\l Druggists 8nl1 Grocorl.. uor sepa l'ate ncconnts ngnlnst each p e lln css qu ic k perception !ltIhLtle s ing. contm.11D1l wondurlully \\ .Lh Ih o (umtly , oud WAI wllh dlf}I~Ulty Jlor · or, "0 M B utler be liovel. romoved by of the-.Ubor~ pawuage hereto B 1'. DAUITT, Nos. 6<1. Ga, 66, 67 , 6t!, GU. otLaer. W c u c lcl euch othlll' II mon cy I1nl\l \,8\8' <: tln tltd r eception ~f WI ong IqUII I'O m M 8C8 o ( m Rrble and .tvn · dUR,l ud co relurn to bed hy IW O or 1m sorn o OUO ID IlI g ll E xeolltivo oi rctea .u,m\lea. 80·1, 7~. 7~ Bud 7. WllIIbiugton Rt., New York coost.nntly, but I , I\t Icast, W;Ul II CI' · was \I"el\'o",h p eu llc"s T hos c III .,: kllo"n lis Ih o A -I!)r I'II1U.e, IUld I~IC tl l'lgiluors whl] occ uplUd the IIlmo room. I II CRD bs pOll ltiul,! 51RIod dlllt neither ~ ~~~ er wlon ged out orn s lIl g le ('ont H c II ' bo 8 whoss fTCnOl"Ol1S Ilmbltion to ~,,:ro po h t~ n and Firth Avenull hote d . I" Ihe oourle o ( a hall en hour .h~ Lho War D~pArlwo nl oar Ih. Jud,gu was the trucs t fncnd I el'CI' h Ull, -fUOI!SolDcthin';:. bel'c' he 8tlln ulateu 1 he plftn of Ih.~ ~I DU90 IS (vr I~e tCO~1D lign in ,,()ke. Rnd pefslaled 10 g01l111 Adl'oolttea DCllRrCwool know aDythmK , next t o my moth I'. Whou be dill la,'c rHo lmbl ~net with no tithe;' odation o{ a I~rge ullmber a IlIJ\I te8 home. UII friend . Aooompllnioti lum. oC the book in any olber Ih an iLl p,re.· ~ 'l'~ ~b~:' be~t. ~c~~1Id 8al.I'- nttach .4\ID.sclf,. h e wa s intensoLy slnch mttl(l sl ll~e they sat Ilt bi,! fcct who wi sh ''to OCdUjl~ ae pll r?te sullies o( 011 rCl\clJlng hi. houle 110 ~ouud Ibe e nt condiLioo. Rod eho 8111118 i. tIL! of :'~rit\C:/~OD'Cu:I. wh6n ~k!d~I~~~ WIBpt 11!')I!! fn cnd. Nothlllg but n Rnd chscollrscd ,rith him of 8(,ioooe, room~, bllt Ihere Will be, l ingle rO~ll" .loors loekc.d lI'nd hea~d a nOlle "Ilum Mr. 8iqgllllm·. kQowl edge or h . t , thing oommon' IIIU water 8nd'90or. domoust.:utlOn of d llllwntf8!!1 would oetl' nll'r'l hi h hil 080 hy ' ror trltnliC D' gUt;lItl. Ei.g h l I paDlo uM Luokilg through" wIOrlOW he bll NOR 64 t9 74. Wub\J;gIoOD at, New Yurk wcan him . ordinfllY vicc woultl oot. P ]j i 'tl 0 bcsr O{ lin A Un Oli' DIOOR4I'BY.-A state. l tUB t he \irc stRi r·ea,oil willlt:lld lo dIO'~r~ut pflrl8 IVlfe Mid hi. rour o hildr8D murdered. Noith ol' diroctly nor indIrectly did h e );~cd t T hi s si 07 n; fl cd order use o ( &h e hOIl SO, and two hft. Will .ro;1 The perpetr"ton of Ihi, bloody deed mcnt lCla Ncw.York puper to the I 30 PEJl-(JENT 8~ VED . , 1I11nll' th e ever ~i l'o 0116 cer. t to lnflucllce heauty purity This s h a ll ntlt die ' from tho grolind fl oo r 10 Ch~ Iitl I werb IlilI In lb. hOU le, rln. "okmg S "T ~bb1U' 8W' Teat Powder: lin electlOlI. I hn\ e hcard him I'e· This ail men r~eo .. nlze(l. This ilcl·. slor~ II 18 eX I'ect. d IhnL the 1I008t101I every oorner )Inri ~ell"plllOle for booLy. fu e l tbnL 'Fa nn'y Fern' won ber lrst Li Blscu1t or OilY kim1 of C.kll mny bo fuse oyer ond ovcr p thel' o l.tLaodoxy 0 nor h cteMd b~y of thl8 ho te l .0 (8\ up tt~"n~:1 1"Il o~{~te 'fhe fftrm~r and hll fr le ndl foro ed an litertll Y S llCCCSti in columu!! o r Illol\g m~e with Ihl. YeRst Po,,'der, In 15 lulu lite. A m I y ot, in Ill'c)l ubli Clln IlInd. fie would evel' thinK of 'IlslInlli ng ....I-l'lei· Ilifli pllrt of 1!le 0 1 y .~ ge. nnd ~bll~: cOlerRllce, Bod al.l"cked the m~rderoul dcrlluot com io pApel' onlled Tit" Car. No Ibortcnlng r04ulroli when BweeL milk Id rose to the lIi ghest ofltce I W' hnt a thcr would wish to Rssllil Ne ith~ r hllUds0Il!B prlYftte rp.1 ~nc' d rrocbooLIlU. (Ollt 10 number,' 01 IIJe~ Plft Bag. hll8 caHcd Corth the follow. W\ed. • 7' W b' ._ t N .... k rebuke to politics 1111<.1 poilti('ia\ls! woald 01'01' think of qucstionl l1~ cllea ' p rID 8(og up on a I I e,:.. of them d elld, "nd se we rel, II"doUD ell NOlI &l10 ·. &1 IOg""n 8 .. ew.or -" l 111' i b o d of tb c r . tl fou rth On being Willie .U)u lug clllLra ot.eris tl q note: 1 11'1\1 sC1l1i " 8~mpl e package tree hy W.n lO lly Ill? 8 e pr II I' that, in th~ l angrtngc 0 a pn l'U c Ie . d' ise. Lhe wOIIDd~d Sir: l""uny Fo~n' , ./irllllrtiom was 1111111 on recclpt ot' . 16 COILU'" 11IIy (IO!lt-ngc, 'honcstest mnn Iii nil the W cst . / nolc flom bls 60 n to tie. 'hI.' st{'IJt \IV W"'TIW '\'~ 111.0 FRUIT 4Mb OR ... ' 8ttlppud of :"8 b INgU Illlr ,biG Ibe wrltton fur n oue horl!o r,e)lgioua , All in Cident which occuned while lu tO b cnvcn '-XOllilt 1'orc/;ligltt. )lEI'ITAL 'rREIU -A n old (8Fm e r in the man prOY~1 f~ "f 00 0 I n1l1g'lzl lI c ill Bostoll cnlled '1'/~~ NotA. T B Ii 1 wae in lIIr. Lincoln' s ofJIco will ' .- •• . ~ , purohaMer 0 l iD Ilrm. I 0. ""'.l:ll ,. . , thlOW a )jt~lc ligltt on Western h nb· Pol.. S~D - W'0 oongrotlllatl! ' our ?ermlinlO lYn 'C~ legtllph uya: 'rbu F ';~'o A:~~ll~~~t~ ~"}~:u~~:la::cle a . ' 'Wayll .....llle. . • dEle all Its nnd Ch:\\"llyt I' I took up C;1re- r enders. the peopl e of tho Stat(l, and p,racllce ,!roq iing lh o b~ rk o{ frui t And How TO FaJl' U&N SALT IS0,d' done promptly furfi, lells ly, ns s lQod' thinking: n the party I1 p.on the poss· 01'l\IImo nl81 &roca witb i .. onl' MIIDY persollll who are ,n Ihe It"c '" t~tyle. , ~ r. 8& Thess Eitgh vlng• • hould some octa\ 0 \ olume on tb o bus l!1 css ogc, 1!1 the Hou lle lust I1Ight, of th e 1I1s1 c .. nn ot be La 19 .. o,ly J~"rllntltod.- fro l he nlRt.: m 6c~"r~ 1 or oLher ~"IL I~. offi ce of tho ed itor to g ti t, bcsldl) OPIOSPEOT~ OLES! bo:rn famil, in the land. '1'here ~o.ble. It op n eu so persi teu Lly aL r csolution to s ubmit to tho votl!r 8 of 'I'he obst ructioD of tile perBplrAtory or. ne ve r drum thllL I~er. II a rlgb~ an bCI1l ~ nut thl'ollgh t his oalecblsm: excellent aecorllileat jult received. are 1. in Ill. Send Cor a catalo,ue, and Olle pluee, as I playcd WIth It, that I tho Stnto t!IC ~UI1tIl~ Ilmendm.~nt ~~ gAnl lind orlfia el , "heLher eft eLed by "rong way to do It. Any Qne ~bo Wid6w e h? ' Sec you have OD ' .re Ihe ben Ir ycn wl.h to bo In Agenl, we wlll.end loo k ed t o co wllnt It wail. nnd found the Con ~Itullon rl~c vote was Ih e tlPphcallon o r whlte"llIh o r allY ha~ loe n Lhll pl'Q(lo" or nnpOrltllOIl bl:lcki ! ClIlldren P ·How many?Call to ~ YOII our te(.... Aa eoll c ~u U1ak. a wery tbnt so m cbody bud thorougbly t bum· to 29. Not a R e pn b lt e flll vot.~~ a.- othflr IId heliTo IDRteriftl, IIlwl\y. aot. . . gcing on al !the IILIL worlll knt~"l •. lb~1 Girls or boys ii, . • , • hahllum". D~lne~e. Add~e(1 bcd the -pagoll of 'DOl} Ju an.' NoW gu iult it. b'our were absent from" fruitful louree o( rdiloue, find ID IlIlt ra lll Lo tbll ba lCom. Jlut .lq" lt II Yoiull respectCuUy:. FA~NI ,Faa•• 1.·~"""'~4W...!..J!!!!..-'-to.:o....:~.---a-'-n-J"'-:" "8l !::l~~~~ N~~~~'rk. confess to tbe cOllviction that the ,be city, mid ono, Mr. DI1\'~~lport, lim. prone (alai .to tire u eee.- in the pan where your mJlokll~el .or . , .. . , , r , world wpuld be no 1Vorae for the en· did not vote, Wb b b k b Olllel rough .r in. "hile lieb lies 101l\ling: ana .. It hoe . ' taill of • riO. t 're )088 of this poem. 1 knew Yr: 'rbe elanee disrranehieiJ1g rllbels, eo I e. ar eo h bould ~ ol.A" "iLh Ibe .klG Ildll dllwa. I~• . Ial~ ..A at 00 tiD rt-erntlon w ns not II. man to dwell on deserters, and men who rlln 11"II.Y to cru.t.4d "It~ ~oSl~ode W •• bID do"n "ill f.ll to Lh' .kiD. /lnd remli.D' \b,re: "at g!lilty 0 10 uohu!il , or rbirh, AlIOCIle!.DI •• DaDjl,lion eo.e, ColI'", ,rlMI,lI It, and ill dnrted through my min\!, escape the draft, w . . adopted a!ld .d by lOr ~ II a 10lUlioo of gOlalb or wb,G ' iCplaped ,,\\1\ belloah 'Ide dO"D . on on'• .,ery eola \ da'j i.nO,.:~--:, Nature" Oofee a&lll Elltrlct of Cotr. . by with a. quick 80,.-88 or pniq. that pe r. ma4e II. part of the res~tlOD .- d1~b~glIIY;:"JI~II'Ofdinl IIDO!t'108l1 &0 the IIIU {1I11, to &b. bo~tom or \be pal). aot1l811y march,cl bi'lIM 10 \Ii I III the III..... Slat III W:. B. bups it had beoll a. favorite with 1,rr. 'rbis. tatee it again ~ ththe IlA!;ei' etLa 1IIIlIlr~~t 'Will1oll\ obittloUDI ,b. and tb. 6.h com.. o~, ~~~.~!~.~ '1 il brink ol,b. \Ianal (aIIld, ~b~.aoClO' , ." . let.., ••,.10,,", Lincoln ( It will at onoe receIVe lalliet, OD.u ..... .b,ould · tnlnded ,helD to \, aID • • re Dr. J. 8~IWN HQUGBTOl'C, ......teretl C.MdIll~a. Reelor-Pial ¥r Lincoln c'VC)r r~l\() lhis or that body.-JourllCll, I e(b1 Iltlmkll'. ~ra~,.. ~: _ . ., AIIl)CIIUoal Pbjlad'lphi'. PI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIBTI8r~G.


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lllfl-I• • •..., .. rpn.. , • '"cit'I). " san tbe 'l'ult'do nhffill, h > "III .If ho" . Luke thrllllll lll 1'1\1 1'''1 l 1Iu I(lIn 11 .. l mlllt hbt!t~1 o lullll) l hI lUI I"nd. 'Iu "'8-IIaI14,1 In "1111 lil l \, edlllp(' IWI·'lo ( .llh ••• t imp.r t THEn WOIlL D-UIO lr. 1L1-~ nlo:~ ~ I\' l "t~,.I-tIIltl "I n) .. hULthl' IlItter JUII I".tn J1arpo~e(,f 1 1\l101~"1I Ihc j! .,ol ' I'h~mlllw"n l"" !. ".1rI,,1 p greotell Imporlft nrfl I ' plt't) gle Ihapurp v. of'l!cumu'Klul"ll lullt.lby l tl,e."lc I~I" ' of I'"'' I"lcan lwowl thl'III ~c IIXIY ~ln'lI 1 1 11110\1' 8EWI 80 .ACIl ltIa BII ,·rt. .. _Ml'. . III!:I! 'j'h" ".".8 . v ~ "p ,"':,,,,, .. d ~ ~--~" lh~ ulil f~1!1 1\0 .. hlcb mllJ 1>11 po.... hl", lind who hR' ... 1.. <Lt'd I Ih" l in !'" \I' o'drtlcd 01 .lth!'r .... 'II :lu<1 II I I! 1110111 " . lHIL II I ." I 5Dlllllllo d "'8), "~V(l t IC mph II IL - , r~ tl trorn !he lop. Kll tl we't! blowo ouL prdlS tongued all'~ ll hun dell !!!!'''!'"''''!''!!!'''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!''''!!'''!!~~'''!''__~-...s umlill ,1111 I.IIICel. "r e l 8t. IllI' Wild .. '" • W pr" Awar,!" tl&1I hll.h'aI !teet iii I 101 tllllSO IIIIlI lll) 1"M Io" ra UpOUl III ~ "I I I I ~ IOj). IWU CIh l! lI1 flllhog IU 11°""'1(1 Iv tb .. mClwbt'r~ Iher~of, ua am They IIre.a1l..rUj.:u I,ll 11, 0 .MY le.,u, ~ ul Iha ~~rd"" you .re 1(, Ih .. \v orl,I'" In LulldoQ ' '1111'111 It I VII Lha . ('Ill) "n il 011" 10J ,nn ,Itoro It flO~htllr lIt .... LJ]ftID II'ROlI l'flJW YO'RlL Iw"y" " hu '" rl'lI-IlI "IIbe '" t n IRPll pie .eoanty . wh ereby Ih t! y may Cll,rry. 1,",1111 llo f' nlll 01 Hlllllllr P " If Y.lket~ ~Qd " 16111 N. till I' , t' I"cul} lull •• _ pNOIlllm • "I ~ · IIIt , ,," lv oyuliomu • i P iLuU ll II.e '" I(rnl \ttl r kill/wet ina pIIW\'t, ~ors I d ill< "'" I Ie 1.1 lur", elr 01 te, Rll'('('i, tI 0 :'1 I\Llcd 10 pUfobll8 for th emscln . Iota . bl I 111-1111• dUOD pt IUId \I I 60, ~ , wNEW l:Ottlr, Al'rtl :) , 1, GI1 i ' • Iul lt .I H'RRe • for tht' u 0 ~8 .-. II Ira p" , J,: '''lfQIIIIlW I 1 rt!ady tu '"L ~ rill ",eIIIpuI I Ic r I "U , hnuses ll" h wt!l d Ihereon 01 . Wile bUIIIJ , . or IId 1II band a e o hu. p ,o fuluro "c " I IRf' 0 ,"'11 ( (f r' I ) Ih" 1,,"1 (1 0 h " ,1 ~le"lrl) ur the Till' Odlle goddt'I!! I, } I' hlon. I.IS tis .1 11l1l1ltllL llm , 11111 ed 101' dol ... ~. ud lot4 "I. u>tdy p ur lll"t ht! It ell~lll[ J In pu 10 IIIU~ applioa nt, t08etll r wl\b ~'Ie IIC ma' Are celebrat Sl' lh \l hl· I' ' lI pll.. Will lo n g LI' I'I O\(\ tt or 1"'1 rur hUll968 .. uf 110 .. tht< u Ulurtl"I" 'rs of Hughes , atr the ure s 6 ,,v ... "1 fe mndl It I appellrf tn (' III a IIC\! lIrt! l.hfY" "oJ r, p.po s ntlfC tl.,n In hfe. IlIadl"l 01 Uhl njf I much 801.lIer ""'1, . . IIII~{ pool a r ... ""J{ oO to SU elll4' O '0 Ille h\;o We fUllnd. oh"lfd. r ~"1I8 l" II l'nLh w t 'InuIOIlIO w I III '!" Ul1 U "!Ilk lu hU ll .. ,u ~ LhlO g o( 1\ bU. IIl Il ~ ""lur,, .. Ihft.d tl'ln any olher IIlllchi Itr III..... IIIHI the fair faces of the lookeu, on \\ III P P I I I b o f murd" r i n lht! li nt dll oh"r~clcr, ..c. ')'1" 1 Iii 110 huttlbw., . Ih e Inl.oduc lio., 01 the 'II lllli~" Iq, ~ u ot ~Ilc Oluvil lhat t h,,'y beh"vII 10 bn gCf>J n"W! which I tw o. gulhy pl~ lhu ~ert uf .. III nen ilaleOl lnl. J \ ~ te~\lCnoD f 11'.\ o s Clr h t g IhOIl.alld el\t r IIIJIIIllI g 't.1 ILItOllt II m'UlIf0811 '~f/ are, now (lU mls11ine , nll~l nnon n mach illery, w. are OOW abla llght 10 be !Pvco tu the p\lliho .. \ ollce. , g ree. on FIIIlA\. HI! o : &OOI"IY loan AUt! IRnti elM'tl6~d tI land reot 1111 dC!!l g n lIl h(' whe ~ "l th()l1 ll .I'III! in Ihe ..!~d·""lfIt cloud 1111.8 noross tbc !JIO\\- h:lll t:r o Illllduy skll t il, :lJIll Il dW hl/RL i lu dl(f.. renoo throu\tho UL th e t ,,~ I, nnd 911e wi " lIl.chln" t 'lIdt1 bee r)' pal6 9f §1 jU •• h 10'10 Oae two of lei. cuu thl' l lOD n "'1'IIe ASSOOlat le ll I:u~rlln~bcc, Ilnl 1I111.) It !,til 80 'I'll I -;' ,IlICI Will Ira,l . he ', c"rl l~cftle, \I' wm yen· fill ns on A pril skr-"s tbi st.\ Ie ' fl18hl {)lInhl - lo n g 10 e. apparall lll L1l1t' Will s"ve hnlf Ihe I ". luOIl ad d Ihe '1....- _ ..1'.., . . . . . . . . . . . plrlllrc Is IVh", " pu ' porl8 . ': penoo wbo " t Ik , h"r". I I alld IlIlIill, I' Will be Ir II. til OOllrSII ok (Jf I d ll noa d " Hut n Il!bml. Il re s IS 110 11 c nt III oneI kllLt, IbOU 'Anti closto I , I Ing II I All.. IInl( ~ )lell e8 or thnt is dis liked !luj( b _. oowmen llt: 8 UII aOW \1110 • Ull -.,.-.-~ I C()clll' 1 to tlimn :Ite t Ie pilL. u Qwn I~ o"me UI" ~ ..m " 1'''1 u WOlst mAn of 1.r.A ~f birt h, a e . dll po.i tl.,n .lId •• -~~ lId ....n t .... (n or to Ihe pour If !he tll.hlor G uutz w \\~ pt1lbllb~' th clondy fnce aV\)l!s n oUllng -the mn th e LllIl1Inillg pllt 011 ceqt ".greRI iii", ~ak"8 nll be If e~lclosl "ad .11.1 , mODlu ~'n,un It .. shOOI dollar. e o uu ~"I';"d IlIdlh ..... like Ihey .r ll) fi 1 llgh )) 11 puopll1 fr~" o. ollflrgl), lh., Ihr",,-n llho I 1V th Purisin n 81.\ I , It 1 )(,1 Rkll t - tIll S IB ,., . L mort! Ihllll ull e shear." Ihell he paJ8 III "ill JII ll 1,,11 the ,,, from Ih l! 81'1del'IlU 1 8~a~p .. ~ cllvl'll)"e ,d.l.e, ed 10 ,oll,oplf HOW., oIr., ~., ........ .. ' ItIu red II "rpen It '"11-115 I IH. " u e b<) bIt IIII C S IlPI'IUIIIU Jorlty Will folo _Ilub ......It) .. pr0l'0rll oll. T h IS m"kes $~ pAid wbere In 1.\'0 Skll R odmo you \\ III recP II'e t he PICIU'\! and de81rrd !!I.....-. . M,,_ _• wbether becomin g or not, ond ~ l~oll be tte I th.ln to b 1ll'L1le A lD.r e ng"ge,l In Ihe m l\ OU fllCIU IU IHI In'!uccd lh ~ m to co,nll\'l Ih mon lll. 1111 of wlllcb 18 10 be commu All uvc<ry 1 10 ". 111 ll) fll n Ill elu l by 101 ll . u u,u,nll ' ~l.lIcLh· III I · n .. Jnmc8 1'11 OUlvu rU lu co IlItl ~r"l\tu II net thnt men Ilnd "omen cnll Th py .re edapl ed 10 III" of r~ 'p"re. r~ c., n ' ly .,n t th o "lilLo r II I'h .. 1111 0 pIlSU t h the ' I' W YOlk 1 0~II"d Oll t. ERUh ahllre 18 e lllIL18 10 ole""ull • •• cr~tllv rlllJr.d~ II I: " I. AII.lre.8 OilS,' become s s o fumlhur thnt mall) ) en ls conllN·t ed "I ,If Bewln~, IUd 10 Ihe II•• 01 ul Iwo culum,," . "lld IdUCO 10 .ltlY lUIl mllo,cIIC CODl . NTull, 8IWU UuII r llon F E A'Moolol e Ih MADAIIE . ce (rum h,lpll cUll " " bUlro\Y -.I, n nd for \11 0 1 thllil Ille ~I\VIII~ 11 1' 111'\ ' 1 IIi. Drees tthkcrA, Till .. ,. II ~ .... SIlY 'how pretty,' uutll some new d e .h.·l'eJllIl!l - Po. !l~a , H Ud iIO n , N • Y• IHII I IhlS SU IU of ';''Z OO 19 0.1I~11 "u 10Iln " \ IDRlte r, kLlInI g "fll,llI I Bllptt.L ' I' 0 . nux P,,~t'" of Lit" Q.7 1'1 '(1 1 1.\ l)\~r LIIC' r$ . lLl of SllIrts, CblllrA, Hklrl. ' c~~ ftct'"" .1I . IQ uti " wuul, no oill VIII 100 e Ib has . " l to \.lI E 01.111110 a" ity C IOll -Ihu ":1m .. " sigu "lUgs 11.8 way across t Ie u nc till ce ) e m )l1~8l h III 1 " "lle~vlll .. . pu IJh.h od, 1\1 c Ill1ea,- C lo!hlng. HI'I' ell . 'I~ Chlll I llm c wI8b hu oh Whl r. TeMp' common " r turm ng to hel ron u 110018, ShOlllO, Hnrnel.' Ie c cll LO I \: Is e HU ll) o f ':;-!i!OO Vo." u IF ~ CUli h I"'I "~. " m ll n f u .rlhy ""w r1y IIlL, Ih" For the Ill8t ~ Cfir, gentLe COllle p urt proplIo tol nOli ~ b.,(pllol!t be wnters wouhl It ' A I Lh e l\J(Joth ly ma tlng IllIS m Oil . e rlell ~ri\lI ~ tI, ~ II ~nj"ur1\ Of' l' r.w niurlths lit GO"~R, tJmbre ll ... P.r~tll'. lmlJl r IIftc . 131111-{1. , ll h"OIo I~' I e}J1I6bra lip R Hlf /Y t m .DIII hl d .. the .a p of Im o C01ll wh y. y) I-tuv~ ronne,l n"llI~d (118 m e n could not n', yu u SO " 9 T ll ell Lh.r .. \lU~ hllfllly 1'I.' ~'Ol!"ll!Co.\ It) lour work e quilly well UPOII .llt' ~tc. "., It 18 UII 01 11 I"\l'e l , I! y 10 o lldr"t1 un lo.u '1'11,16 Ol AV l>u farme r~. O\l j!00l1 lb~ plnLn tbllt tbat. 'poke of a bonnet' ton, 'New York u lg'"n".L lu lI s ""'! ,,,.,' 011 II.. church M II m llll.I UI III Ih ~l\J Itl e,,'" ".~ !;>.;,I u~ tlre Il, burro:" tv ljl llcu ofl\ cnft l'l'c, I~.~tl·,fl II_ I"1I1 e n .lId ~ otl (ln j!oodl 11111" .:Iklon, .. I" IVllllt who t.\UlI"O 11 or Il W nlllUlIl\! olnl h t<~ 1\ fl~r l\s \lCll 9fll\\"vICI 1l~1' l h\l.ore ~""n'" til lln . l , n ~ ,,",I ,. ' ~, WI\8 in the wny evcr coming bet" cen \)lIt WIth 80 l\CCOItlI . '0 il. 1" .. 1 110 M dau I" ~ ., "qUill II "ul\ ruin <1I11l1 II Xilln, .hlll ' t II nl'll llire. ~. 'rhey will \1\,1 1 ~ IlllhKV "Io e. ril I II VOU clllble 6 , ' . frolll n d<N III Ih" pu"h . hcr ·. W'll{ '''Ill'! 11111" In 'II n e,1 • I "li P' IlIrr, he lD, {e ll , onrd. brlldrbt!: "'~ fI. M'II t tc ,t q,, ~. tlU n ,. , "I Llt',. "y I haL ptl80n IN 0 11 8 (or I 1\1 IIlIubl u ""cc'Io llmu••. IIn.1 III8t~nrl ul t\l enL Iitl "~ r lill,t Ille \\ n.d r cullj ... I I and "flM ,11 0 . Hl seclllg wl orth lv, \\ :" lgbt ""\ s I)III " ,, nny ti them a rid on. file 1111,1 rcnl r"h ~' ,, I'IJ ' ~ for m liver, t,pec ,ee 01 'tWI~ ''1\1 l-tle CIUll lOt fnli Iu III klU J II who b,ds th .. 111:,:1",.1 prumlll' u .. 1IIl ,I W.' R h"st! 1m I Iloll I! ~ho ' oll ih 1I1'1,,·nrc.l bUL u, ~I.I "c" Hu t mony milline rs were not much Ittl hcno , the pnpcl oal! "UII' "~1l1 KII Ih ~ 1f " 'IlI Cc~ o f lOt " "I1J '. 1".. 1 IIlh) LI ,~ r WI[ benollrul Qlld pnr'ecI "IItcb ~~1IiIiI1 person N. CO II tlIJ ol I'r r\,n,,#!:" 11011 1\ It lor r~ g \' 0 ' W.l nf s It ,,,pc ,. Will the 10 n" nu.! \ Il u hlld UbI " In. II 11111111 Y flU lU ' tnlT',1! /l"Il".I ,c.! poot.,r 1D fa\or of t.bc smnll bonnet s. they cr a s c III IIIllunec d l " O~ of the .rtlcleR Bo wed.1 eq11lti llvIII~ r"s 1 IIn, s n ~lo " CUllv,, e l " sh h I!"c (or ll 0fl 1 .. un Clr tlll' 1\0110 It-CII O'" c nt CII c l s , amI \.Ilk" lb LlI" p" d lur III . Iou I' lu",ly tokllholJl Lh.1 ~h c leq\llrc d so little mnterIa l , - un III lIlto the mos t illtelltg lirst. h' CB lI 8e Ih ey nrc 10 ,) (loor Ih e 1IIIII e h f"r IIss ls lIn,; ICasSl1Ul BallD. 1\1\11 ~ on~I.1 rlld It nn II" oIu n ut be CII nUl he lIl ay huhl III Iho SuclelY '1'lou ", frc!). Tile B'ltch Iny p nt ~d by III HQ d Ill P" IIIlIJ te ( "prulrK O IIr Ih"y ulIl\'~ bu . "I!COIlJ 1I1111 flmtes lmal wire fromo. f\ pnkh of Its e ll c lIlllt!OIl "til plly. 10 uhl e nC 'I''','lIon lCl ' '''} 1.,"1)'. 1,,,lot Ih ,t~ 8 nd mall e 011 11m Machin- .. , Wr. I(Js t""Ce " Dluoh,IOlC h,u tI"clllt:d "r C _ L _ I _ ••• _ ., 'I,u I_ 1\ 111111 ,d ~o fl dOlOg I In ~' j Il ~ ~ 1I t! L, 10 '"I ~ I.e. , 011 011 bu y lU g '" oen"l0 h"u 8t! "nel 'U' Y LII. I~' ur (l untl umll \l ell" , mpt 0 1l' owe r s, etc, BOllbeu hy county hIlCS, 01 t Ie vel vet, po nt 1leo, LO h" lp Oil Ih o I A S I OOLlllA bTl<It III Uillu nllv. rll ~(?R IU!u popo!n and clunille. Ind.1I S.'I 011 loa. ou me an s 01 I)I'Y,"/-: (or 't- he bU ~llI u'i of thu puhhllhc r nn hlllllhc.l lulci and Ill'O "1'1ll'nrH PHill pI II l~ tl tllet. s Ul Schoul lll ll) llllll S ret!Blun II g p ~ er k~ l togeth wil AI .. whloh nny ono could put Jo'lrcnwll gd nil I'''Y Cu r "II\~ ,,0 chillll8 ere luhJeel 'I t!le hilS. ho"t v~r, live 8 h llr~8 In ,IllS A sso· noble ~ o'k AN N.\ RAHIOI lD ~lId ..llIur- , 11 •• " "'I'l e 111 'l'i comUUIIl III"I. lO R N"I~ro IlO r ed by 111m. fllo who boo good tnstc, mnd e 11 fuslllon th e prop~lIy u( CILlllUfl S. '!II d IWloe " we' k- (l1l LII. ell II) ~ hl~g tc wa luL Rllll ~e huu loll uf PrlCO c -lh omrlle, Clllllon ,Is III 1 _ _ _ I"UIl ••• I"'I,le , ' ut II n. 1Irl'. ..... r )f.·ul/fII!1 Ga:d((' _ .\ able bonnet In lOllny first clllss C8Ill S fiyu s h'lr~ 8 must ' .. ~ e III~tr \lIlIlO' ~!lf ul "~ I I "I1' ' J 1\" III oIm\\ 1Il~ 1l1l1\llllt.Od fl 0 111. Il ls" h lllill~ . " V" . 1 flon' • Y"rk I Tm: New YOll< TUllOS RIl)S l'el la. 81\1' 6 900 o r lII l. UUe.8 1.UOO. 11 6"'1Il Ci )/1 SEND. FOR CIltOULAR h8'll L n ~ 1:" , c & tllb1is llmllllts , bonnets , mnd e to or ii, v •• meulln IS which W 10 CROl v 'y to ull~ ~ I borrow 0 o L 111m I" III en of d ell II . '" •• ",1 1"'fI \lIII 11111( Iho _k,n alld om s d ll ,n ::; 1 I . t \.l "'1 'I b Ii ,.t /III I • -1 IU 10 mp"llIlIc e nl!:KII '% lI ull•• on Ie /JUU 'e L III I~ llol) es mon Ie ctltldo • Iho 0 bn rrguh,r " one etlcolI :lL lI cct lnlls hI/II .Iu 10 U II.:! y I fl lU n II t lUn 1I'II'lIrded yellr 1 "ln , til! .lbY nn u:\', 1 t nre 1llrger th , t I ~ y uoW" 011 • Lll ir d er. .I?J~...:w._ .,J~~ q,~, I' \Vlln t1,1~ S 1 UUO lJ e II eOll- II U) bll ) IU .~1100 Ilu hlu"l \0'"" ~h '\l cltn 18, ",," IL I ~ IIIU .IIlY VII .. 1"01I 11 0 .• rlb .tm,, atllte of b u s l meCIIM . 10 1.III.t "It 'I~ Illllllll lliu< klll.ll~ 1011 ,1 'I' I D" p u efrorts of the mllllDo rs to bung out tbe prese nt un settled f o ,I n -I u,, m ul .rI u, c ~ Y lh u c ngug R hlU l n U t= II rn anll uno HC flY, U li t· H 1"''''U tH to buy lil a prop~ I I I I f II Ir 609 Bruad,va y, Cor Fo"nhllt S I - III"" Iltu 8 "III U, ~II,I I~IIVICI~" lieU ~ur".c",, ~ N" I I11 9,1 8eason will fil ii , n ell81S ntlor(l c d by t he renl estille I\blctl I bl ' tb e lu"/~ b01lnet this r" ~" IeL> II ~ n k11 11 , nll,lc ' I 0 l Iie G ~ " l e l ' I "III) I~ C C I"" - N • ( , !!~ thc SOt.:ICly" morlgR~o fur th ~ ' IIOI!f r , · "I\, 8IC\OOIlh "!Yes cIOll c hc. ho\ ,,"I J .h" 8C9son is ".I~,llt th I" "' es hlro ilul upTllc s /Clld , \' Il mnlk('t "t1 " C ~1 1)1 011 o the U UII be ,b I t,1 . \ iJl lUI the smlllL bonncts 1\ - ~ ~ ~-f'" oe LII t!' " w.,b Y F"Iw, col uII I .) , '{ uh I)' J:~ m o rl I III ~I cll I" '11'1 f ol'lIl o 1 $ c~ re8t I·r. 1It1~ ,lbt! "III\,1 lol'~ .IIU Mmouul e U th I below I ths I' fOlll I tlllee I I I ralJ e n full y lind ... ~ } " llulI"" IWU L pRr W ht! h YOIhng sty le. wlu" b, .. u"lr "nl, 011 ',,0011'1 01 0" g"go he pRy a moulloly With Lile re!! II r I wunh CI( re " III II 1£ - p... . , • tim I lilt I ,,,I U""' 'J UJU ~ d I'ro-." uy 6ge dollar» 00 IllS ti~o I bNreR Now Ihe ~UI8 6 e lI uli ald yellrs & 00 Ch~m"l < ..... 0 3'" I .'IIy ~RK t. t' _. 1 'I1I~ l·l'H1 ::;uu,llI) LO r n Openin g day haR passed, and the nSlU\ Ilverl\f{c 0 recent llll .. thll ,,~k,'" ho tIl lIull 0 /Ilion· '1,000 I~nt 10 biOI" lIenr cAlleu lor HII l.iollte IHO/.:Dos u,"<c . NY :"" Thll 0111) ;\1111"" To All Whom _it _Xa, C!l~1 tlllllll, ':",rn t seem c~I' r8 e April o fCInllle Th the AIUIKlt I' agitated C:AN A ~I KIII questio n t.hat bu!1 prlnL," Ohllllllr) IlClIlC~ th ,. t C" SIS "I Ihl,." 1111 III found been ~II¥ It for Icetl' pi 'ho lill ie of 110 .. SIlrou fur 'funey \<I of "-;;UII "10 tllik ' , l KI mind, wbethe r the cM!lnOJl., 80 umver· ellli e ru8h, [mel t fl ~cl )\ pilL III 1\ pe - lIu.lI h,·r ul LI Ii. v "I,,,"I~ "g rc cuhu IIaWe A nd u p,cl~lIy Ihole whD '11\ the ding soclelles Ibllt Ih" (ul1d ~ lind proD IS le,ul Ir.o IlulI"r~ ulIl ity C e lh both \ 10 IDh ruling Wll 118 fOi hll." .1 ., .. 11 YleldcLI W . he Ch llll· sally ndol)ted , mU8t 10 he .hvd - Till! d.y 10 .. I'n".,... ns oIJohnllllgh'~.uCJII 'I' I!I .. ly ",kd,.c u lI l ,nolilltl) mll8 by I rapidly au 10 llitl II\HI "ccumul n us , l 8welllih s wme ho Hr~lcl~ " ' II Sellms, .. h. tI Ih .. c"lh .. Itlr It r~~I h orsC-KI'o PIIlIf lou oa.oIl1l"~; lIigbcr ownsl1 ndwide Ctlpc8 IS liD s nllulbs ("'ON StJ MPTI VES_ Ihe Inlercst nod compoo ntl IOte rell, tferlxk r wh o (uruIIIl f"" III II 8111 ,II nlltl . A I It' l It' m \Y I~ nuuc ~ , 0 r wlf~ Iu . ' ,n" o &.... parllc ul.r lurls of paId III Irom I)UI hl8 po "' I'r'n~ W II f\ ually p~rpl!t Is "llIch us 1 . e.1 and '.I(J' n fnm, O he . LIll ti n ,,;':::g co r e, ul I "b·rrlh nl . l Til CllIgnon, are BtilL ID fI1VOl, gene n~ Iwore<l b rl ~. ~ mllhlllll. Nnw D il li. 81m pi .. h~ r. \U -U P'llI ~,.a ) " on H ,lIV 10 Imp. IV,' hi ch /<ltSL YOlln III (or IY fd In" Lhl\l IDllnesl lIud ,,'" . . .. dut!ft 11'1'1 ", h h "," (,'" '". k· h} "' ory .1 tl IQug h,to I10Id t b clrswlI) ', the crown n eOIlBeq ueuce, 110 0 Y s u ers exccpL nllUm ,here is A. milch tlue h\lll (rom tlo~ h" w .• pGlroJ 01 III • 10 R, k dllch IHlU .I"d ::;, .. 1' . o n lllnrkut" r). nuU'1! I Io." Y wor\fi Il, (ew mO'~lhuI .h~,c1l1.LiI_1 bl .. rRI y ~ft" Wlllo 1111(\ thl'll' com ml s Yllars ,I" ,,1111 ~,,~et !'U l n l t' Gull \l rll .1.1), nIl, r Io n" •.: >I"lc, ".1 I, • ' 1 . A barr ,", I. e p''' l elll l ~ 10 "knnw n ail" of tho bon no' ia on the top of the the hroker8 , wbo n r WMp.pur " ,tl' ClIIl f" 'Y 01" f""or It. from tl borrowe Ite liS on ." II " •• ,10 8'80cl.lI Anoth li g ht ho ~ tfd n II r e.I mnny olnell"" l1/t iI4 ntllelto 011 PI UI1IOI{ Ih~ GrHp~. I " "v. ," I""tt olt." I' ''" ""I I"nl ,,1~1I',,0 , rtnt! heau The 8trings of the bonnet nrc tHO n l! ex tluortlil lllrily nffi~c. f,'r e~ nomlOlI, II "0 m""o for. pllitl .. I ""IC"~I""I-'. ""~Iu" , 10 Nft\ic> !I,...... " t he snm e SIIU coole'lu enl ly thll houNe 13 wnrklll PII-,o 1(0 pilI ~n I .~oe, •..., ~ nffi Ud 8URI" 1,,".lh t r "Ith Kpt8 1111 "N"ltS for 11'i!l \ 11Cfj mucb narrow er tblln ha\'o been WOIII cr fnet bellllllg upun 1'''~reforc, wh" n might roe " 11 m un !fet III~O .. 1. II ~w full. ,,,.. II.~ ..... " ... r <yr" I~ I .,y~ry uull'H of II IIln OIllWIl! orr ,he heel. nd "ILh mnlly II Lh tl r prll"ucil 0~ f nih: '" />I pUI 'tlll\Jt tI I I,) llor tl " I' , t Lh" Ij{lelK "' ill b he lind f mt:s l: lu t ttl found Ie (O Ol o n 01 IIIU1S I \111, 8h .. r 08 o( the SOCIIHY rue 10) . 1I who. .1.-". ii, he ,,,11 •• ,,,1,, ""P' of We de" Iny mall to I hgtl"III ,. t xI" fI~ "ot' 1i f"r m 0 mil e I ( l ( , IS, fro l !un mlllllCrll com lnc9d Ii 18 all( 8. raw r mmtngs W h un IIW" r bill III. on Ih o b eal pos.lble lon.",.), ,v.11o Ih e .el r il! hl, In that WI, e{ CI g l elltel thnll nt be worth 8200. the borro"e ,Ell' r) I.rwtf ' ''011101 >ul>8cnb e l lh, r ........ " "" u-o I (' r,. lOr r . used In adornin g bonnots , the t;tl'cl c d hOll ses WII8 II C\ 10 111m lind tilt, for 1.I.... po ..llIon , 1¥11I 1 ~Wl\s h h is ch .. r~o 1l1C" rtotl surr\1nrle e ,.llCc" Ihel n heel IK nil Cllt 8W'U , u~ I~e mo., mortl,{ag • • 110 rc"~ · homes f o pr,,, ru, " lnss o L1O r"r. ." tillS 1 111 For 1'"', r" nt I ornamcn~ so mueb 10 voglle furRl el prese IllS Ilck~ t. Rll d volu (h oll1 100" fur LhlH { ~ 1:.I! \lt!1I1 Ill.: III·ul . Ll re Pint ter, e th From ved. l dl""o II llo" " .. tie" Ofpr nllr li..rd'J'III" llIllOn Co"s"lIIn Ae~!lC (or PCI pI el'oll , bllt Jul ," 'j' ullI-r, B ucheslbr . "Ill h,,11 • "'llH I . (UIH I fl ur ) "II r bpcoil!,. 10.., ly, wUl not be used-a t which good cxtl'l\\'n gant I ntc!I BOCII'lies In .he ~II fo Ihe gootl el l Ih e C'Il.18ij IIlld s u ~ N i. lh"," tiro ll.h,I'8 C,,"!!". Cu l,l. ,UI.I nil I rR~I. alld he A· Slmllllr of nc,e .. r .~pc ecs r e tih reslllen 'IN, sc pUle!tn would who ell lpl ~.rlnc (JorrecL of , uea~ •• ) 1, 0 Ihal oni., be ",.,k •• ". I . "ill rejOIce Tllero have been s ons fouad Tic 10 . n bee h". ''''\lrnfll Alr.-I",,,, II ,!: .. L, SIIlI,lo. "ltd g •• IUIII I I hrOM __ . _' _, __ . . Ih ... MI~e , nUl l the IIrel' W be~ ,,\I "hulII It rn~y c once r1l to i u80all) expire In aboal SOCll!lIel Ibcle (f' 1'1i "'" '('If .... l·r ltnllces, 110" Cllcuml ,,",1'''1: .. " other er ,,,hute· IlIIc1 Ihn ht uf g DI~ outri Illu ed. f o II. gl'el1t \'llnety of st,) les exhIbIt fill lip th" . Iooe (\lIe-tlil,d lllb", Ih"l no ~oo,j O" " "II " I", r CIUI I . " . 1'h" color~d cIIIZ.Il" III . .. m.. lr.1 . nd ' I,r n.1 ",f.. n.".lIo .. It .1n, end iI, ..... ". Ihe f.... t IlS tellnllts while sove n ye Rn. '1'hu9 II voor mlln olin reme u l" II OIIe I lrlcl o f l',,1 11m bll' "rll I1I1.klllg Kle Kt lu ), <, . r,. wh .. Ih but spneo 18ljo limited us to fOI'bld plefcl puying plicrs ""8 II L u wltho ~i\do be eno\l~1.i IlIrg!: h. money of .",,1 ' nin es contm u el<. borrow A sum H.. t I he '.onle 18 no bellt! . hue c.-h. b r~II ,)I1 o r .. III, h to. "'ClC~'V.' 10 h, III " II.ohl. , partleul ur descrip tions. A 1I0vcltJ t he IIllcertn mLy of lIot.l~,idIl8try o( Ihnoc e ng .g ell un II, nllli ' prep'''' ''" ''o lor Iho 01 dlllnl''y Ii s k s 01 10 buy or hUlld 111m In~ owo hOlli e . """lye r IhOI'O ' n rt\ · uo .... ",II 'rl I, .. r ",.d,. 11· .1 TillS i. the couse of m~n, lloa "d th lI m" S !Ill of lh IG hu '! "rg~rln y nrl\lIvcl is of 8hirroo green lIilk with 11 CIO\\ II to tllkmg e \ 1m the wllcrp be mlly lt~lId e . Illd he conlin· 118 e~,~ u ses Alocomp o f Ih e ij l~vt: ~ ,,,II .... 1 ,h",,, "ollll"!!' II ,,,llUn) prOT ... Itl. • IO llle- bod 81111810" mill fUI t tI A ... I b ' 11 00 ". tI oD III Il R ~ ros . r~o Ip t" Ihlln "I iury 01 Ihu "m ll ll el ) . 11011 r r and tllo en " .. ,.. 11""1: II.. I... ScroI'IIUII .11>:' , rldlnR· 1e nll(:tlOn uc. n\"kln g III ~ mUllll,ly pnymen ls 10 propc>tll II IInee I ° o 1 I C II) fl 071 "!llI C 1> JC I on II mg es loll "'t; 1'. .. pe n\' SIII"" i " \1m I,, ~ 1~lrlC\ 0 . 111 I 1\1 re n'" And moal 1101 oth e l ' Orl u f bU . IflRl e Rd of Pf\VIDI. • Sucluty e Ib nd sc~o , Our Ihrory for Illnein .. " Lhe nl. ,I. ,.. 11 " 1m,, •• tl d"'.~ tlH~t n ' J.. rulu show h) : RO' "III rt'd c"l\l !OOIOS IL '<'r .1 , nI form of• 110 lnvertct l comb, YO\l \'t!ael II p"p~r, p ' y f'lf ,I II) o u tl n n ~ Illwe bpt n extO.III e. l hOll 0"0 8 118 nllutol .hOJlB Dod hl lor Inol m~ P&) l.ON bl (!) \\ Ih~ro; II. 0 II fOI A ed I)IV ~ oncl R.. IB B 0\ un.m, 1'1\11. custer ot green leA' e8 on the tOll . halld furmt\ll e wh\ch I l UI f"clJ.~le$ (ur gClI lIl M ) 0111 ' UII ' I" \ lU .. lIO~ III AI, x ,,,,,,I " 1\. ",\I ", ...Iu,rl; "," • C, New V." k Ius to • 0 1011 0 ul 5!OO II 1",,.,,led to R uosil 'If o t ty not. q 10 I OI ' " l IlIfCTl I.ub vnstly the is .... .. saLe 6 g flO Ue"a> failin nl ltl .. with wide black Spanish lace Ii ve perl ......· I( 1\11< InCI""dl "~ ,.. I ~ h.III". 01111 N~w Yurko I" he pr · '! t b 'Clar. \ .~plemlllm a 1\ , , r mem that usunlly dtspose d of o.t thIS time J '1II 'ho procual uo fit poseol to ! .P.1!¥ ~jor Ilut bUI dun 1/ " ntl1... i n a deep poInt over t~ hair, W .... d •.lI'A ........ ..".r.. ethe p cent Leu» 1.lJwuo wd , 1m 111 on' tI,,,. c/"v A.», I\~ ulllllr or thQyear. Tbe lllferen co ill t.hnt Cln.I/llI ".niJaR ,the . .t. rroM &I"• • eoo, .. ed "~I"ea In e". h bl III "" Jb~,xn,\,us , t),\\ \\\lIi.1 rCII\l" 111.1 11\' Ihtilr "H1ti,.tI ~I vo hll Ih"t "u. K~I1II1"" I .,,:;;':;' ;:;,," :1 .. "ft'''rI/~~. I~' hlII\.IJ"'tlc Cllurtoln nt , bll\ be p"YI ItlgAI IIllereal on tbe I«I IIII"n IIrp Ih ~ cClI"f,,(j Z 'u~v~s o f Rill A8~rul\lg l$~ Ie n.1 " ," bbil'~'IIO(jal.dD do "bettor by lottlng out __ ., ~.iliiiJf<~"""1it " ''''' te. ,Iullnonlc 8 th. IUr,(\V,,, II n III ie goods wblOh are reR\lcet!l 8200. will 1 .1 n ~ll ' Sul,h~rs - Yt!.te rtlRY 1I_ 011lU CJl.m e- ullo Dllr ll m eA ' tlolore, lint! th e N Killilllll "EHrv pereon on bfoomill g a tnem I'cr"'''1 ~t)tl ute tll ....... ofthu IItnr." I. r, \ ' mlln d cnlttr~ ble in n[lpeillP nce nnd 1)085C98 nnl or . IlI:lotllon 1!A c)J "ncl 8"IIo)r8 of It" entr"oce f~e of tdO whn hlld p1U!811c1 I",ough lin ortielll P"Y ,,11 .h r be 1', Il\sl.l'''lII.u.~ .. t lJ~t• ...., "f ,,~l the ,,,,,111\ . ~ ' I 0n_ "111110 pruc~.81 of In n IIOrt h.lrd 10f \VlIs lllnll'ton WIll J"l made of white crapo over wblte ~t'nl" fu~ el~ch lind ~vllry .llRro Whl~1 II,. elenJ~nt., ,,"d of h8Y1Ige m"II. Hnd cr. k ilt),,,, ullle l'~' Cb<III"'lroIMl, ~",.r ... 1'<I" -flont tbe crown, gipsy & with ailk, Iy erpdlble IU 111I81l'IY of o"OIforl l>nd' hl'c like pi< a.8"CI~LluO . ,., Fs w R HI An Ks ~IIK I'll ""NO Peo_ , llnt cc" to "rullue" C\ retl~ DllI; HVNDlU D AJlD 1'&111 D~,am:H Ie mlly 10 III Ihe It J H"IHld &llIrl bt.l Ir 01 S,, " brim reatin on tho b ad u8 bllsillea9 llIen are CIYlh'"tlOn 1\.lftrc 1",. 1"".1 or wit" tir tlt~1 "JI proRpdro Illu , of If .. lilte en alld is t I "lI'rCII'Y On th.' COAL kllu'" we POR ll e TnT W" Ill-: FIRil I' I rill u ane e k but , g j". PUI III lhll lJ.lIl1 or IUC!J lin IlIaLlln Lioll, FrllllclIo o o~ borllll u\lc "lthUIIl.'h Ihu}' m~y .lIlrll ; Khcllnt. \\ .1I,·,r"I.oJ 0,>1 "'"11 illjte. Oc~lIlk\II, o ~ liT fD"~'1 med with a wreath of white flowers .qult- Ing 8onorll "118 "ltllck~d ~~OO ~::~I;~ mllltHal 1)0180118. an~ Ju.t on lld loe' N ew ~I.;'tl"h CODduCI IS 18 hl~ It 'l' lind &:cr 2d, ch ch.rnel'o Mal of of net trlllt8 29, ""I""g 1 , I,ermell" "lj N."•. ~'f. U"',I, n,o cerlnln II) le ·l~e . and green leaves, nnd a narlOW , fllll I\eted:n section ~ IlIkell lin " llllU u"en-p, hol'i\~ III. ntl •• k,)01V Ap,,~he we INI IV . ollfl lll lIuccaed Will II hll,dlhe ., h@ IJun' " pnncple u . shnll mIx fOl "ble itl8 ':!Il~ D~lrjbor Old IhfH!8 ,ret .11 rnpnd, f b ' A cJQblloIIC IP~, ,, e cpr- 'lJn '" LIII,' ! nil :.1~1II0nl W k ) .. Blw of blonde lace. Tho fancy blalda tn 1867, that no porson e.JIII'lf 11:~ .. Ilwl R IIft~r Willi e now 0 01 er 10'll'D8 III "llIch a. · 8tll( ooly e,c~plllg 0:7' All o'h~r ,yurk In proparl'DI htllllll); "IIICll of hlltl\" IIIl O • I tI mtmg 0118, or Hd 1."oIy 1101 ollly., I nnwl. , Iy to .11019 ou. : (",11 "' "UI't Jly straws will be more worn than plmll s a e nap III nml i1Il1mll bUll beea orglln f.,arful (lb." of 1\ tllly'd tlulIltlon kind 1111' 0 1 cl.. of . '11111 lr, ... 1 OCI.1I00 R " IllrLTO N 'I'IIOIPSOl nlll,! 8ule PVQM for O~, colnr keep 01 tlol" • • 8ell ';'~l~l l.}, our k knowing n,oc b,lI braids, Illld the Bhapa is qUIts n e w 8hnll 00 loot. bejfllll Ilia "",(ul Inllreh 5~lvp8 ItI be Ih" o Irenl"d. ' lIlu Iben. WI the Ff'b t6,11It'I: in ul nille, 8ucces.r W.YDll . \ n.l. proved lld l'O ... lled OIl\ 01 , '''llCd /I\I aDd blood 10 our Pili); IU'tv cOIIl.!!, Bu~ or ofror for snlo slleh mixtlllc th~ e.A11 .. r. who lI eve ' Pilio"I1\/.ro having both crown an(l en 0 tI, euflt',lII g In 1101 droili!ed 10 \01l i'8u1t. vou will recoivo Ihe pic 'fhe pre~I:"1 (Hmmo for 10 Ih. eltMlw"f rp'l,nln. '''I'd sense "t ,Ie c II !I ended he mnd thnn 011 nle VillI" s fOI !lII:r .. r !1 olTe 01' wl~hOU\ sell ll8 ahnLl p ooltl or LlI" 1Il0Ulllal one can mak mRIl. t.\~lbOI· ,,1111 .lcMirOlt . here III o\lr r.ehli .. n was It In' ~I·J p.1 Ihlll we l.u.", hy I'Iltn,.1l e a very nellt m Lilli place \I Iueb Ih.t aome or S.e, IlId,"/!( (rolD th .. IIIclllln8 bouses purA.t,IJ MK ill ctlufi.l.lleo!. tl1lg tl"r llln IlllllnlDu for I~ leum for tro e p .OI1~. "' p fl'om ,"1 at. s noln. IIh silk, II Al oh"ul,1 be (ed ~th straw Intermi xed with Ihere , Milt! II1( RlO prtll!slOcr on to olh e r mon 10 lt! enmpelll M lire ,e~h"1I (IImlll"a Ih.I·lhe tnj10lIl e Wrll t ly n" loss til nt II C1W ~ able ~"I I I ' "'"0 ".on ~ ur 18 I I I -" I II be f o. I I)' AIM>C •• G 2l'TII\fOl UIo:."I<",.OI< J' • 0 BoxFori D ",,~e I I In or Jace Straw ornalne nt8 of Inn pose8, illOomw II I I f It uune I Ie ,.. ,. ruw n IrPrs "'08ft ru,' . CI' Ii 10 test tuan the Qll8lll01l 1r 1 D7 t ,"ugge8tl Hel I 0 " " Illl . lown8, Ii 1 1 ' cJ d ri<4 I) IiUU(]I one , Wedt ·}Ir o . . ' n~ s t range de'lees will be Inu c il lIle o r 011 lII ent . n.l 11,0 Ir'o( I". !\le.", "'" ' . Ihu8 11I --y U lodg~. o( lutflll\ls -- -'------~...:..-...:..loun.. 80metili ng CAODOt be dont! in I lIe II r \Yuelher 111) 1 I !I./l!1 "89 llclt, 118 }o'IIhron e"~t CUB r('es dl'g Uo,nHlg' ten 4P'l'IO palh lind aONS01 benels ' Ih lng. we Iv"rl! provlII W worn , thnt rC80mb hna whent •. , I ,e cr•• lwn IIRlPilII ~BLB BY l'i .. S or .u,lbln,n g hie Dud e h ope It '11'111 recolVe onrlA k e n h Y" tc rllbl" s Lurm . w .. lLo:r. of t t n 11('11 Willi Ihe so dOlO g s ltnll bc h e lll to 114 lue SClIE1i CX'S ~ICINE8. Dn. ' d con be IIsed ID CluBtelS or 8e l'n!ntcL•v pe rson I II 811 e Ih hpDlina " f fonulu,t I day s' cJIIIIIlIOU, bUI. b.. lU!! D' r, nnd 011 t 10 ooasl I!rpUon of m v1lcyed meo. TO a pR>. UOSII UIoII·rIOIi•• TI. e n IYh) 11 .. 1 8('e lt Rurh r~me1iee.. nme F08hlOn hila not gi\ ell u s g lll ty 0 0. nHs ti cmcnllo enou!:h to m~eL a 1YIll::0 n Lrnln WRI .. U.Ai lho nUlI!Ol ,.1Il h.... r._IPII oII , -~~ -k I P""""", ~ f ~~~ 01 nt c m t b I ., .pnr.e a n. I - "11 lllllll I by . thereof ... " ... II.... nd_" .. b'Q""""' ba.leant oel'" 1~ " In., IIlIn " 1 . Lilli WALl IN 1.0 v C.UlI: much change in round hilts but thel'O eonvlc tloll ve DKlI:IV .•• K ll uw~ v., '1Il10: IIV YO uru IU onCtl 1J pr!:8lrY~ 8 ...'I......... ocI (or 0004 .. ""........ - . whlcb, l ' II. n n) CO llltof the LJ • 8101 111 h,,, " prer ". pd (,om I'"r g vrll' tohle Mnb- .,,·PB-' IS .ueusu a Vllrlcty , and som('LhillC1 plesent ment 11\ tel (wu furm e r h SldCIlI~ 0 1 1\1 LNI" ho ""W lio ll I,,"rllli . b, '" ' madl.I .... will 1:0 dl~"".d p_ll'.... <1 In r.-A8 ,,"nnent P' "~t 10llvI' nOI :;T ",II n'HI . CI" II Ftc. I Stn :lId n, tecl m "z~ (I '" . ood ~u of 900 Ulules .In d hor~e. to lenso ,. up lila "","I"" bloom n _ Ibu., tl.ndl.,. IIro Rllhn c"'. a S II\Vll1 g compet e nt JIIII S Lill8 OilY !lllve hon ll Tllb le 1611&IIOU . JU'Y l, eh ,".1 110,,111 S ncle 01 f UU~ pn;t.l • C eryono , SO senSibl e nnd P _ ••• ,..... 8U I1~NCs:'!I....XI\N\)Jt. 6 j P I I P II w of Lh. fllC LS Will DOL hu th e olilt 1I\ 0r" ,II VII ' If UI II I!~ ~"Ig' 0 II .. r d " I (' Cl\ij\!, Ihl. S e IIl1 1\ ....... Ity d -.Ito .. hc s 0:. ' pmll hUl be "o'oJl nll h s .huOInm" etlOn IOOIL"" lil . UUI "fl er • M, 11 I ' ".. P 1'0' and comeul ent a style of hnt • oud r n... I t I Inho ....."d.b, . , Ing lb. 803 \7a04 Toola ID_ n Hult.. llld . IIlId wom ~n I\ Rl on'" th e ,1"1 ",'rll n lo _ 11'"ill!,'''S j 8 11,1 t' on h'll! leh Bill e . . led tlOIl:tI S, Ulliulul eliling. o cos mg 80 mele.a tu1\c, Will not 0 DO CS8 t Ifill onc hund o f 8 Un ~ IIO" w ll ~ r of tl Iii '1' r"".ury. "PPl''' I! A L I119\, ufl~r II ,nlun", Oumplro ",,'o""" o~)..II"'Io I D"'lon"h C o· - ,. I 1 II nOI' mOle tllnll fiv C) hun ihc llllolloi s , AI Lh~ proeuou tor of Hu) ck An.1 S rnt! tI I SCHKN(K B PUI,ltQ" IUBynUp lo .. ulrietoua b e en8l'1 y turown aBide. ~"'tii ... 'II . e lll.lIlol ll"fllr £ I lI ~ mlOnl e"CI" " L ' .. .....II .. modld ... l .."~ . b) .....luSlholh .... _ ' 'II I J it! E If I ~ CIII '" ,IitJ lIDof forntC on 10 lOll" "lid e. Impllso llment mil :tlOU ! ( o JOUll18Y or COUU6t III! 18 Impur"l .. .,. .<"",Ied I...,,,, 1100 lJ.... ... lII1a .11 q, Tbereh o8noth in"Jlew inth eBt ' l C ulldby . "em lin. h ' nd tI a I 1.ln t 1:1/1( ) ° fu oL He Lu lJ 1118 L.. lu f' 1~1\ ~I~ mont 8 nor more Iho (Joverllm enl. ="':";'I'=::~~:!'~~_"'.:!.:! Free to Everyb ody ~ l\ellrmg tbe hair. 8S yettllll1 sl'lr no CBS of t,ulhfol W,l lIn e l. Rntl l'i\Y~ no do ubt nLI IItRleme Ibe from oppeatll II I ••• 10 d..",,&I..... Coueu,nplJoca >WI' .... Il~ 18 )enrs "'" thtee lon thnn ."furmat "'~ \ h'l prescnt 111. 1 Lhe 011 11 0 when Jill h ,rg' doubt, T. no A n l, but, TaU abe llClcII"""'lIr IOlbclr"'loa. ~ who arlO m <n 01 Illi .Iory hI PI'llcctl y re' ''Khlu - f{"ItWO a, boluiOClqO pl\fuc g vvpo.m be I It I t I Au fll Cnf:'DIT D AN 3 A~II!\UC ." ,' .... 4 .... C I Bt) Ics of bOJ;lne1.8 urc ndopted , there .. nd IlIgh .I"ndlll " In com CIl!! JU1~t'l/Itlll" g ,en C' 1lI1",·I "" cl' III Ihu )O"U~ of pUio r,.,.I_IIr,l ooJ..,".-"IboI... wealth '0 " nrf.:8 I IS mlll~" ", . !lOAD 011»11' " "poll!" a W omce years e ' tha~8om " " .... mumly. rnn' be n sllgl t I 1Jo1oret. one or t';,": lty ::WI·· [\uthOl the =::/~: on , e nlwny s \LlInOllfl cC(l I e Innge iJulh I'Il x, ,, It I~ uol,c. h.", III hOlll Clv nllly J J - - - - . -"89 10)'1II6ti, In wlllcb DUllltl Dre w '11'118 Eng of DOC:'" ro }lank tbo 1oalA'\.Ya of nnd omeers ~'lOctCII, tho , f ,I <llIoI. as, clo , tim uulul cxtlemM ".!U line some who go to ,zdlo 8") 8 Ih"t Io . CI\Itl, ~ The LUIlIl ",,"III"'S' &114 ... "Prollio ~C~Io.Dow tho 1'!110 denllllg s With th e Lhe big bsll . fOI the purpose of open, No \""""; III,h IIr gun When hoops were Jalgo, the clro um laud tbl1t.1O nil its were IIrr as l"d In Ihlll Ihe IU'~III' Ill' lovc.1 ........ ~11 lMr~ burg lhn. cllllm IS It lUI aad. , lock. S Era!! III ling dlol",''1 fo,,1 tl! "'1.,,1 tlocor A,"' ...... . ,nil mOIl . ,.uP .... I.u,,··~~ I I Llem''' k or I. tl 8hotl!f t:otes LhCl S by (I I::O A Uillte' s dllY few bc'ond pl"ce" almost I r were 80me w Il fel4nco of uperauCl tile etl lrod r eve n ""'k"!'lu II\( !;:o:,"l~ ullll Ie ~:~~n..,; ;:~:;~"~~ J " m Iol~ eve "p"n rr"lio " " COl" I"'"ll'n,1 11\ , ctu", 101111 ':~:: ~ IU allhllrl lime, ~re': ~:~,:~6, ;: tilt! cou'''y. IIIhv h"8 h"J "':1iI lb~t The 'I_I"'_ l\n' £Xnfcj" 0014, Ammic nil Y by N . ' ro dOllur '1 a I t !J los lH. rn lI hoops 0 l' •• small " A,I," Tho GlIZell, Ilc~s~;:mo CDtt, nntd now, . To olUr, 00 II"tlr oporllllol; Ih ~ m for so me IIDl6 ""'.II, Clb... . ood - '' ' ' ' - ' 84 Gm ........... .. willch ,/11'10011 lnn'"n g 8~' l e, he saint! Il1dl(,s IIp largest note e\'Cr dl~eoun tod by this tiOO,OOo g ' says 'h~y IIrO Il plltL ur A ""R'HY -- 11 f"l uU N d I' .. tl HIl'ck b I t!n~. .. rob8nl~ · ",~o~ ' ,,! k u 5" ,. ; "at ., I otfo .".1 Itl ' r J n'~ Poll!. £ljOO for ~; papel' p cn r In t.bc IIrnallel it 1>088"'1 lu e 8 ze, uall wo.a a 'piece of g IlltoU /l: h OhiO lind IIIlAn uH.ET fj· $ PILIS . " • Nauon,,1 H""k of W".luD gtun, utica t'~ een "~6~atl~ prepnred b, . ,~ 1 ' o.e 'I'II.y allout 34 000 000 In goltl 611re 4nd Role &oULh. I\lIti WIllt 4H Ult ao Without reglU'd to their own heigbth ~O the mODIlY oC the goyera .'Dl fraudol. D II\IIA, AN ~'E'NS~yja ___ tir _'..___ . ' quoitbedl Ihe nil tecurc. which tho .. with p,oce So . eng"ged 0 1 blclldth ' , Melo tame '<I tbl .1'b~hY werbeb·u.pecrtlOd of b~ftll( .,... DllilTlU DUTIOJ lfo l lie. or Ihe herbs of winch Ih ii, made, . , . '1' B Pelerson & Brol., Pbll. eotly, aDd loat tb8 In Froneo the hair is WOlD abo . , t11l1 .bout '300 000 10 II ro ~ry II l e¥cr..l .Ior". anti wllhom all\' (If Ihelr b.d. 1 1hll1 "'neBt cI.OUI, Gold Iud 5,10 ... Ware" It 'l.""'IAIr 0 .. of Ibe gtlverum eot Ihe Ie 01 \e pnrL n('(k b n~ or bank., &0, 10 Lbe norlll arc geLl.lIJg up anolher "Ih LUl wuek, one , lin .... .Uhe Sal."oo," o~ M""...l hUD" 0110. No du I.n.m In none. • Ilt hero mnllY wcnr t.he c\lIg and Siale. Muoh of Iho pluntler slolen IQ 011 COl"', ""d Dr~w or anelt Ibe ,ood•• re told .t cauled Huyck, ':r~1 ~l~~e ,d ~hl~:~." !O \\i hlto leller' on a~ Llllerly St ,N Y • Th ••• III Amirlc,, i~ tirllih .. 18 Br, B wlncb See bcod, the 0010· of a top Wllh the lhe,r on non ' 1tm•• UI .... o. seYeral olher leAding wIn 'Lreet bro Irom Ihe atores, toga f.II\;CH, S MUlunl DQJ,.LAR Our • rw.o ag contlllDl 90·4w "olume, bo 810111P nt c not Illlli l, Guvernm Ille au) tl.\lng but gracefll lo bad ,n Iumlof pl4ile oul-SI o( burgillr . Inn ll, skele FneDd,' With ( o IIlu8lratl o08. kor9, who were held TI fr COUIlIl'" to some heads Ihe cb.rgee ----~ oUl, al bound. 18 ~ IX rh o "u.ulle" o.i .Dele N olie. co~pond. hu ltl°"om thullm c as UC H U burglllrl l ... rt! all Ill. WII,II .rre~t c')NrlorNTI~I. :~A.J reen ::reB:~: ck HU ... . .nd gpod Stewart ,. orllcleur I.. II~ 1.25 10 ""::' Ih. "umb~r oll .Olll ft Is s cerl_1Il I'uro lur tlI 6flllOI or the but" hy caJl't wom e n be illllellcn d !.roc!o ~Olb~":;L'hor hea"I, armed. bilL they ,.ers til keD so eo, ~0gerom Ibe ul l I cO.pllllO .. , on nodt>ey OKMATI ON ~ck. INf Tbe and t2. of o~~~ 1'1 ,olu!e ~;'I~:c.' the r.~:,;;:'~ forml ~~ Dropy, Gmve/, Kit/1ft!!" cot llJl<iar rangetb eir hnlr III the st) Ie 'l'ltls diRt 'he irun. Bladckr, Cllls, .nd commllt ed lO Jnll In dllfaul~ complel6 1y by IlIrpriau ttl: ::d~~P , Mt\fo.R llO' nlckons THl f'lR Oharl09 ",Ik. of AK'''nl. work. f('nGI1IIer'al of ",u. cast most becomi ng to tbclr to foro tlley had op IVr4kneu, Femnk Cllr/lfl(a al 8200 000 each. It tl 10 bti prIVIlege of Ie W ~ ~ K. S."d (0 • • C,reular Rf!ain 4 B per tbo For lIlle. .bo,e of Dehllllll, decree8 tho or ess regardl ture8, nil . be foond aD, P 0 8016198 N... York • Ibe pubhcall Oa of Our irliuual ope tblll· . . . ltb Will oot and ell dlaeues 01 the' FU8hio n? -------• !It' l .crellD for thOle who .111 ~ .uffiolon Ollice, eoaely O.NI, on ai.ultao , RUIARV untry Il co tllli ID •. In dres8 materia l tb U- Tbe Tvledo Comme rcial ItlII9 .2-1y gUllly In 11111 malter. A Cew esere unvo neve! wllb tile Illue In England . M elin rllllily of punllbm enl lofllcted 011 meo of ••"rewa! robbt:ry oomlnllt ed 10 Ihllt whother e.tllttnfl In been le'ti r .1 tnnOR 'J.'ID] or IImpllll A.88 6 $ of C4,1!fV. 111m ... s .Dormu tE, Ibe MALE OR FEJ1fA P • ~ ",eslg" '. 01 a nehe r 011 Peterson pllid boy f'nlered I\llor~ ' III high place., wbea Kuil~y of .wia. pillce 1118& "eek A ti'8t tIll" moat ut c.ndida te peo to mllke rrom whaleve r couse Orll{,"al l"jf .• :td no provlII II oC lise sortmon \. Plgqred Silks l1.Ie to be 000 In gold I the for ket! .. aod lbe Lo geoll' advanll be would f.,p .... ver pl.cell bl(ore tlhng, gener.1 lor ING. STAND , LONG HOW or mailer \'entllg 1I1llc h worn lor dlllDer and c lIom.m emor.nd um. 10 • book, \lDd 01l8 Jour1Ull ' i.-ColuIl1 the COllntf.) require aay. orgftnl Ipecilll Ihese TillES' of l YORK Dla.ue N,w _ TUE I .Ioou btialde the tlIlI" t.o lDake tbem .1ICS8CS lind tbe white '1'11. PIIOP1., l i •• ub. or !\\'entlc r tliA& in a correlpo adeoce beLweoo Genl. , fA. 1U1I0 Ol\llIe In ilDllIedi .lely .rlor to u"e 01. diuretic . If no treltmen .~d .. Iubriou. It .llId latter lbe Grant, and 10, Consum ption or 1IIIIIII ty mly ~el'I~I~~.~,ure milled l's merohan l.'l!e good. ~rollilds l\lth purple. greell or gILt Shendan lome look'" ~nDI.trtot DlIht• . l.'be Dayloa JOllra.l lllml up : Tbe Dre sup. Blood .n,1 Flesh Ollr ensue for" nAlr- bte "1'10 wl'b doro'" .. Ollel s , or sheafs of wheat, are (laz II aot behu96d that tbe occupied «JrIAc "Igbt aLleOIlOO Will or Rhode 1. laatl gllnetl porled from tbC!le sources, IIId \be • u ' k ton meo aad I ' den btl' Ib ., • ~ -e' d throllllh out, light In r .. oomm.n F ar." d Iwi" 'Ollf Repree. otlllives , a, t SonilLon 'd e z llngly beautifu l ' by gn~ 101\ .0 power , find e oOllld I mao J 1 Ihe bUL e . _ Health and Happ'n 8 &ate e Ieollon 'rbey el.ol- ewlb ml,DLltel r' il' r~,. · ••orll d 'IJ' i tl h .. be . IOlItI. 'h 001 II caD I Ibe." ~bAt e, remoYa . color eh .nd ' reo.eot rl I a • boy oliVA, Ihe t.he , ,I\nd J eW.all! '1)\,"U stLka, Inl and 0 no 'f ..r1w.Jry ~ III b e, B " hI upon ' dab depend! Ih, t br POllllrll " oagre •• or b, trial ul\.der _ ' hYllhbo I' or the II"re .bou·'0 tile ona Uti.on, it "ppe.l. ~ 'eryfal lblonab le'nd IDak ooe memo man pllllletl prOlnpt A 1 • re !I i b! e rflm ~n1' W Q e ' tale Itcltet.. Imo , out ohhe law. Gen. Sb er- •ber of 000· e ij e eglUlt t e 61 aeoilOO ""~v 0 ... r8l.( Yr. Yeackll. , wl'hou' went 10 crGhao' ID 'J.lhe 1 . b aa:oe • • ek IIl4h" I (lr C88e8 The 'Di"ma. 18.. e will 8OmlOeoC8 tbe w.0d5-<*- .oppoM t-ioa;'.l Helmb old'. Extrac t Buchu, of of ~r'T~r. ,DIZon, bl. dealt aDd fouad mlllllDg a ,roll . a'me majonly A by rebe •• Il0011 prepar, of upwards of lS-,Jur. The bOJ bAd ,coIQr, and worn ill ovory ahtW,e, f1:om III .lOou. bill. ooatalDi ng of lb. law and 'lllra of 'be Iide' IIQplM darkellt the to by i4nt ed bis .. 4ellcate the rtUlbed Rbodel l.keo Ii,m aDd Ibeman 110 doub&wcb... •• T. U ••,1II80•• D, ~ Iflua\ to Lbl \uk iDlp<Med ~.Ialld WhlD 'be U:~!'PlOP' weD' &0 .cGompl loe Tit" mlrohIU l' , tlien ~Ulll. ia tho changeable gray: \he poliaOD WetlJle-.a ,149 Broad ... y, New Ytirk. an. bllt tb, ,bleyelm atle Ihclir , ....,. ~10 aooth 10th .tree l, ,Phlladet phle, ' Pa, ........


o~,~ n~'


F.r F...






.. ..-....---.t ..... e .....,.w....






'it! ",...

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bt._ . . . ",


mell l

N" II" --









hll~\e~:: ye:~aele~a~l~






pllulI,!I, I"~



b ,.




~f bll~1


~:; ~:~u~UJ.:!~tol:~::"Il·~st~~;6&~;~e\'f~I~: Belmbold's Flll1d'Extract ~':: ~~'''II;·I:~'':'c· '~r~~~~"t)~L?~



(d ·1J'~I~ l(l

:" DAl"~·f.~;;~t~~~;~ti~



I • t


0 .k'd "i lh !"linllUIII

WAy.aVILLa (coawi. 1T4Tlua).

".AI. &U.,"AI&D BOU_D. Clncinnall G.p...... 8.47 A. II. ,lall lnet Acwm., 1 1.-11 A. II. Cuiumbul Acco.... 6.30 ~ II Pitmur, Ex,,.... . 1006 r: ..:


·l1.Oft A. III.


~Ittl~urg Buren,








aud beguil o lhem or Iholir 10018





J. w. A. D. CADWALLADEa: Age nt.


Corn r Detroit and \\'oIO r SIB. ,


~""" _ ~

,'ntronu"'~ alr~.d



.u<1I·!i Nlt



H'j,·t ,VP/,'ftf'/

~",l -'""!!'"!!!!~_ _!'_!!!!!~£I!L !! __;;'_~~":';';;;;'~.

EIortlcultu~Bl SOCiety oxqui'il~I1~" cuno" qu ence . lh~)' I"no .11 ll,~ ot)'I ... of clrds-good . lhAt



Itnl R8 "




pUIli "2

AN 0



i"c1u~i,,' g DII'i '"' , ' II . "'r



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I he heol wil e n

n . ki ll~



1\ ,\7TI n;;l:( II -U-:I

\ •r t.I.1.;

tI ~eU



HAIR R-ENEWER . · "'t"-




. t1llU1f\~I'Cllrl\&"lClen\i/ladl_nl'1,COIIIbitlfn8

ouit 'he J

uke '"~IU ! +~1i:::::-(h

·\ ~~~i,:.;~n;o::R~:.t~IIW""mtoratln ""'~ Wo h"vo IIdc!\conl'l,Iet.ftO hi Ita merit. IUld are I k,'c p ron s '"" t ly un h"no 4 s m. II etock 01 \~ IUrO '!I'UI 40 all .... ollWD,tot I~ that.6 <lifer °1000 R ...,. ~ .101101


r:;I:l:;'~11 'd~~;'\l' :~~~.I~',vOc"I"~·~:~I;,,~!,. IlIr.l-ci·


\V hc n '" D,lo lit'. ir Ihe l' CU"IOUIU', he 'IOt

l!' A.V0 RrrE."


~p,' "et\


a nd

~.Il;(\" " 'lIll

l>r" .wnrl<i lJ~ ~l~ thc~e

.i1;0_-7, 8.

. C.. ' Tho olJ,thoyoq, t.bI JnI4I1kapd 1III1W 10 ..... I"~p.r. HAL L' 8

L.... I .... hOlll p! uln and fancy ; whlel. 1m cJ lu Ioovo In de "I' in a 81y le uot dllli' ..IUd by

: ' """1 o lU ple le nlld ShlIII or H ul"1 Iho I \YO3 I hove I r • -0I.rge ' li p fhtTI orllythrse ure

I . hu. e. nlld C lor •• ve, ill "".ell'pi "." wb;"h hA is ","oorc' d I . 'yle 0 "lor!; anti h ll " i"l! " hi.

() •

1'l'8"""" D



.nJ F urn ori' ,; von door IInad to r('lB1I1 honl, nnJ R,·. gl~le,. lu rogull\t e

fi"i.hi"jl of!"

\ 'f ' 11

be r" ulld a mi ll 81nck of well I I·cl~c:J~.1 Go cl_, eO,Di 'illll!: ut may

l:" BROADCLOTH veo, 1\ CA ~Sl~lEnE '" ' , K ilrh e n



mosL11 lIuliflll 81 ck uf 61101n"II' good_ I . SOlin'll.,.. AIIIUYI:.6 I' ''. . une would W. 1l 1a 10 SIlU. Mr . All e n II •. V. 8u". ltle lor J. A. IRVIN. I' . M. er tx"rciseil better IAile in Ii ; 8ul.," livn. iI uuild jll g',


0 I NA



.w \


B~eo.or wannin2 I"r~e hh lw'lhCh~t I roll n. ervoir un 101', 'I'ill un b ck ; ~ lerge Wu()d-IIIl,.1r


viII', ~)\.. o .

tr.'c l, \\'81'11

IInI~r~part of 1. t, Keys' bUl'ldino~, I





)' UU

W~'@:"~:l.~I~~~!~(lMAIt .. 1 A. M.~'III!I~.Y

JL~~~U' 'if&'''1.@.i.~I'

BUS IN E S S I 311lhl

al! . klll'l '.

.1"\ 11\ ',1'\1 'T7 .I \j IV V .c:..


RNS h1s8.neere lhnn!:s \0 I]U lUerou. Iriend. lor th t.' 801t nnprpcIO<Jcllled , lII .. n.l. \ d to 111m. an.1 would ro! .. pc 1III IIy ihiurm Ilhem Iho l he 15 now In receipt of

~ ~ ............. ~ • _ .- - - - I n OO- M e~~rs. AlIt.n .\; n.. nJlIl1. lIur-in~ w I"r~ can . el nil k ind. of , fl' tb e 10181 wc~k ' III\Y~ be'''11 rt·Ct"v .•.n g t I IDressed and Rough Lurnber I, l

Il... . .-I"... MlinE... . 11 11 :J7' :15 . " >I. :: T"""1 W •• l, 520 " , III , II .'"YU!hIUROH .,10_ - ttl"u., LaP p. M. 4,50J\J .."ntl.y.



WIllIam Sweny' I)ET · ::\J


WaneD C;ouat7

ril \




S T 0 V EI


I. h,' e l PR to m u J enllOlller 'lid. .rlud... U.a' I 'III lull 10 \li. .

Merchant - Tailor

-"IIALn, 111-

The Lumber-Yard of

&. MILL". E.llpre!U A.- nu. lung lit to CRII II l1elllion to thi .. lin" U Mere bant,' Ullion Ex. v· aU.soa, Ag'l . .., OC It , 10 WO WI' 11 SLOP, " II Lu LI,e 'lI uggus. II I'OST-(, ~: 1'\0'1'1 .~; ! tion IhM L you 1.11It! b~ tter go tLurts '"Dd J I 111 T -u e mn IRprY.


R I S I) I I.

~idi llg onl

~ I

~ .....


mats, "re brill ianl-l oo ,mu ch 0 to de . •• lor.l bo. 1' ' '00 use 10 uti mpt liny l b

E. \V:'WOODWARn, Pretildent. fluppy, BUD't.




W'I:.'~t WOIb ~ ~pe8\r.r, B,u~I4jla

A. II. II.

'.66 P.p...

ClaClnllll1 LprelfJ 6,20 fJ7 . 0 _ 'DOt 1I0p al Corwin.


1o ".

ohMKe. 'Such i~ lift:' ! bilL IQd~"d.lhe exqulllte dre .. · pa :ern~ and olher I.· b dy'l good, ror whinh we know no name I I" Ihe uld 81yle or idlnl\" I b III Abrle ou .cun.ider irreaisu · cn.n gPt thl e. "en t e.m'.gnllill~DI cmrpel., IIn1 anJ 'rll.rke l tU ' Ilnd

TlU.ln .1It1'''AaD .OUNO.

"In Ind AIl_.

allin Itid

dorollieQI. BUL ~Ot e .)I.... nl _ilh in" lueh " It .mllom ll buu • ';11<. . r n · - - :_ _ _ llt'm~n hue ,,,cllrl'd from lh Ew. , TI ,i, i I dt'cif\ed ioul'ru"e ..enl. and I IIIIK' I II ItOck ·o( l>1luU" to ("!lCillllle lbe ~dJ .. ~ r.,.tl)' 10 lbe Ippe".nCl. ur bUild·


NI,bt Ellprel..


I. It· Itt.



wooo ro nk·' I OH, I

RJ:'.... a"'U Y-MAD1: CLOTHING I maoo mt



O~ .


e .,.""a~~ W"R~IdII"'eat-




Irt,th.SII;'Ll... lIAIRR....

At luljo"r"cil held llt L Iluno" were Lo lie ThOBe I Cllt d by d DOD. whilo : I1IOd IICQON' on SalUrday, Aprilil. 1867. for 11m IIU"poilU ."me vi the u. "r my a 'I""y, ",\.\ c!1I \ \1\ ) Ql II. &pcClllliLy of this lillu vI' "oods • . I < lure u.( I.I e ovr " In bilk",!:. ' H ' ." 01 org~nl.lng 1\ Oouuly Hortienltoral oele .. ' I I,y. Dr. J. Scott "cl4><l I1S '1.0"; "0111",1111,1 Guu, Rnd we Clltl t' UI' Indy rrillod& l Sepl. \2. W SWEN V. 'Vo l'/"Il C'll in the " llt 'J }'j J"cgetable Sloilla,. HtUr BettmtlC7' W, Frost ecret.'1.ry . Ltllll bere DlAy btl ro unJ ample VAridy , ! . bMJ.::'vod IlIelrtobe lhe lDOlLperraoLprepualloQ The CODlmittee I\Pl'olnluu nt 1\'0 pr ,'10118 Lo luit LI.lllir most fllilidi oU8 I".te l Go T hi , i. Iru u In IInOl O "lid II"UC , II'hN' Iv be "ood O lln,l .. 38 GilI': In th e lIl ark e l (or Iflllr DVer oltered to tile publlo. meeting reported II OOMlilullon nnd soon !Lntl u;ltIJlli ue Ille COlllcn ta o'f thi s , . . , IhAI Ihey CRn hav e eVllr iI DCtl ll i"lruduc""I. · -.ueI II IlII' h I will sell .t.4d no which lII'el'll ...dopted. Ther<lI",,11 Ihc 'oclCly 1. .1 he " . work Junn ,n A .lyl,c lI u u'p ".ec.d bv 1 10 IV II Is not • Dye,U 'l trlkea aL IheRoolltand flUs -111- d by til I t' I I' ll . 0 u/ IInu w"'l kllown l,ous6, PHOTO G RA PHS ·"7 In th o counl ry , til purt i"u. IU "tty Duro Sell tlu w •.,_.0 . 1\ e cc 1011 0 f t.c U 011" IlIr i f. S,,,,.« ()/tulily' "'D' - . .0 lug 011100111 til 6C,.,0 ulltil Ihe I S" III/'dny of "' i r C 'I' 0 llulYtI ., II d dc r, IV IlO'IS nev " bI n I he ""urioue . ly Ie. uf I hI! hrl . ,'.nll "nw 1 • , (II., • n ROIII I'I ., ~ . <, I G I', FU R. \ ",:CD); j JU:B'I'OBB GRAY TO a • •• ~ ' • January ond, \'iz: Dr. JIIIIl O. Scott I" 'ciil. . • . e "ud ul Ihe OLD GALLERV. n < l o r · . . N IHIII U GOOI);'! !-.II uf "h ie h I l'J'B OBS01N"u, CO.JlOB. WIlUnm Rit.cboy ht 'lice rr •• idc nL, cr. al we IHlve before louOlole.d, II, u PosI· Olfie,', 011 31nill l3IrCPI , Supenor, to anythmg 111 thl li plnce I "il l •• ,!In lII profi! . . se.nn "-P CA.BcU,.I'..... ... ,. J B. (lr4hum 2,\ V ice leut , e hn "I e" I Age. but AIII:lul.18 cltuklllg l.8J l, P leus·· en II tie furo tri O Ii el"" .... , ... B••I,., GIld MaJln tAe JIG'" A SmIth TreAsurer, Oeurg" W Frost Sccre hili ,tore· room wllh all til .. mos, en. --0 -k.lI\: YUlir \ 801 .,r ; AlfD 8Jr-nJf I om pr e" .r.Hlto make pi c'ures (rum n _ I , II k II tftry. Sl,!mllel I OttlB. Goor'!!) Loug. l reth, lieu. cbllnting a",1 seo60nuLl0 g oods 10 be JWI""'AII""'IIII. . d re. urn . III n • ' " my '" r"s lomcn IT IS A SPLt.NDID HA lR-I\IiI'SSl1IG I jumill D,,'I\'ijOn. MOllCK Hllri lltl. J ulin l' Mllr. ' . .. ' ::imcrll AtI,brolype to n L ife Si:::cd .uP II .. f n ulI"'. lor ",Itlll IhOlY !:/lye U\l lIO lor "' . ..."'.. ... .• D J CI ' . found ID Ih e wmMeL, He I. [,urly JU ' Po,.t"(I/', /'.t l 0,'1.' v-oUAa. 1111' HI 110 0 1>0.L, ,""p c lu be IIltl .. to Ie· No penon old or "Oll~ .I.ouk!< f.n 'ln UAe it w8 Illlu AnleS ark. Dlrucl.O l'jI ' 1\11 ul biliot . ' . I f I I . Jt ' " .. . , . , ' / ' b -, 6'PJJt BT ... " E.D-' •• he QUlfhl tD be bei ng mind curts III I III "ure III. b lare of th uar pal II /In. III V""


j~ .





' B!)f:'t


'PHOTOGRAPHS' ~·u~I"mcr. nr~ .~.ured I -I IIn~




on Shor tN' otlce and Cheap

bch ~ nd


WV.&.Yl~ ~Wlll1lLlID.


'.l\ !l'l 1\( I\-\!lt1i\' {.'!\ I


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C L 0 T 'II I N " G,



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,pl~el. ,o'nR.

· 1 I a 1 n ( c n. c !




l" ~


i1Ibobeldlltthel\l"ch""ie~ln8titnlc ~lllunl"y

I ll\r~8 ?'





PI ~ ,(,UI.tBH,




it will btl well f01' evel')' faUl . iJy to keep their .por!;"'l\Jl e property unller IOllk and key. One ni g ht or IlLBt weok, the chicken roost of n .l· .11\ l 11 • I I nmes was eXIl Ol're , M r. J.\I e I n nDd in tho,moming some of Lhe ttI 13 It t 'I t 'IS lOWI 8 were no n lome. surmised thnt the predatory v ill InItl:I 15uffored n SU<l(}OIl I\I1l1 PlJ rhaps un. liS, 111111


; px~erie'Ir.llln


~ood nnll~r


t I"t



his own



ulhll r crew,


_~. __ _


1t'TcHENRY .Loa.








'm C Ll t I) 5 •

~tls8· ~[cyel·9.



'Ill 'IT Rye on. O ll l~ II Bnrley 1\1 Cur n W


era-Hon. K D. l\bllsfield. 1\




And _.

to ·

" iP


1ft. h




cr OUS omers .

'If' ...

~COmmOn(ln I

0 I S r e6 nft nl!o r




~ gallon. S, a1e 0 f


devloos.!lq,\, lilLa , f!,~ .th~tr, ado.r oment, ,. ..t, 'Il'-~ ' hnaed . nCJ) seq. ... ey WIUlO.puro O , j Ide " . P', . . .

0 I'1

TO "I< "" OM



~ ~,



Lan. d

ll~ Public S ..lo, on ti,e pro·

prcmi"c8. to lmuwa Dcgin "I 1 o'clock , whon Ilos.,.\., ' m"clc




Jt ,






Ilea ore" ensumg




allO t\ .





LlIlCd. n. MeLA RE.·. OCII'~ S upl. E . F. FUI. L!':". Go,,' 1 'l'icket Ag III. 86-1)'

lerlll~ W,




2t1~ I rbr~ctlt. 'tf~"rtl .IDec~or


-Tber~rore Ifi. n~rvoll" l~.F.·!'1'rlO~~. lahouhluilloedla-tely , ( 0





n•• "'te~ Rize8, 01 Ihe b•• t quulity, CUl'clully

S·'I-IOV·,'I.Io!. rl'ONG~, A:J ~AD1:. IHONS.

0 ld .

CO. RN PO'poEM, Alao.

. . .. '~c' q~' P L E, 1:', ~!" ,~

~'I,11~ ••r~Ii'JlMI,IYII FillucJo ..... .:t M

,., '"oT'JutJ ''Ci' ' "' ',,1'1 J11.~ r e,

. ., And we invite the ,Attention




CLOTHIl'l'G- !

J ;, ,8~"'les ' ""',A,T,~ o<!. ~~ ::'! ,.,. - 'I f . "1'1' mera .an

&,,'l:II.0.I ,


OdFBt\M~10 ",.~,."f

.Illlan· " ."il b1 Iidill. '1 11 I:I I::.\0 .10ld,1: · ,.C!:.o I -· "· ~ 1.1 - t .U:-l,'I' S'l.?: ·,

HIVill" enlercd into co· pAl'tnl!r.hil' In the to



·'lJlDL II.. ' ' , uU1l~f ., U'" wish 10 Inrorm 11;0 P"bllc J!en·' erllll t',.1 they ore m.nufae· •

lur IIItc,

rlJtrt'llfl'j~ h" 'il_~ , .1iEI 1~\'11~II 4lY¥ lIlIJI . "q."",IhJri'li"n.4Wwtffl ..J1 0 ." 1ffi~ IMIf",1'l ,~ . II.J ! tJ) '(1II

II.....1/ IIlen d to keep



IIle,. r"llll.orlmou. ur '.11 kinde or .

.. GRINDEliS, lJARD PRESSES . • SPRING BALANCES. VASPOO"'S D-LOCKS. ~, " TACKS .1 .. " DRJl"CANI,A SPOONS. i' 'I'IN A"'D IRON, "POONS, ' VI '" S.k(tI~6, Ji"'((TIll (InJ ~f/l, cr; (j(),'l B e,~.IP·e'fI" ~Z '" ~ . , _llarch I, 186_ 7. ._____ _'rw '..,l1r.~'.rl ~~ _ _ I__

V"'l'U1~!I ,,:f'l I U~I~ WAR'" , ' A


,. ,

uf .

Ult C,Il ,d, (en

!P U .& ''''' .. ~e•• all of whic h we

6ne'L' ll~k of

" aDd

' eYer brDnibllo \hll



m~rket •.,

Ci\LL ANt> S:EEe


The Stlb.cribtJr 111'8 tall en

wI11 :' 8t'1i


.f~~ , B!l\i~h JSI!~p fPri.lI1



oll~, upil:d

' SUG"B.)~.E1l8. - We .re makin g ~lIe·r Panl· at ole! priM)., of the

In tb" boslmanner and nt th e sODRbio price.

.J 1'1 .

Pnc 2.

to 1

dODfI .




•~ .

B LAO X 8111 IT K I Ii G

,I '.


,c,l1!.irll., ~.peoi"l I\\ten~iqn



er~I~~~!~~I:f\l~U1.;;t~~~t:~~oh~:l e~ ~O. ::I!fa~\.ur~ ' by /11 hon. . 1 c:»~s merlL' . "till realer .. ,

:UIIO~' •


' k , , -, ." ,

0" '1I.T ~~ ~J"n t. 0 iI~.. SI ~

Vi '.1'"

' 1'CI"


', ;.)

.~Ie "I~e'

be Iq vent or All kinde-Single and Doublo, 1' 1" d< b· ' 1 PI \. II' 1:'1 "' .r h I.' "l to out enterprlelng Ip r t, In ue I ODe. BhOY_ · ow~. VI' '!'-InO • De 6110 our.elves an.tI mloklDI! I:c nerall),.. guaranlOI! to giv e Ihe bas t 81\IiarA\\lioll. ,, ' .J AMES DRY A , Karab , ;'\' ,t' J IQuotC





r~~~'r~; ...·S::::


, i • ~1 er'}t~II~III'o ... "lIb"~a

110' ••• Jlntl

.. Joll·Wo.rk of 'a~ Kinds

lh bl'fl-al~Iri..f"'X'~flr

'~'N:-,r:: 1"'5~~t "~.'t"4Itl .t'.. .. . ~.-, ,,,JJ:t,,llr'? "·I~ir.~.:\. ., " . I ~ ,,!~ &e ,: "l' ) ~.lB '(li 1::~~im,ate~~ 1'Q , ,p;~h'fr"g:j ic~'!I'i ~~ ' . . , a ~j .. f "'1 'l"" •


be,1 NOr: /8 Cliercoall.ron. 0111 io lillie, , He .10 Ihat .U,., be, read, In .. ..1011 . . rlollha l he haa 0.11 band· .... '8 . ' I . , '.' ", [', /. ', " ; r, ' ... s lricl .tlCOUOII W rlbl d .lin to ib,t ml,


,V ." ,,A.'i.u

Eberly, 111 t;fO 1flP.1. ,~ero ed to do' ILII kIDde oC

brlnll C'ly


r ".

C~~ ,... Look .wel.1 Jour own I lltcre~t .~. 'ou~ undIvided 0llr aid, Inc! we Will



HdmboltJ ·, E%-



"!3I...l- ~tI:I ~ ..e,le!. , ~

Ind deblhll\ted .

' lI d


.., .0






.. 'mAPS, MUSK-R.\'I'




t! )

Our} FALL Stock lift now




< •

InTo~As&P<?l?ANB~t .~, do, ~

. ,'.








l.tI,,~CCtllo,tI G111M:wlthou~


J.OW NGURES. (or CAS II , IQIVII or villnge, Alld

o( 811 HizC8.



C~OB8 ~ollds


Co l"'"

SllOULl)EP.·BltA,\:ms • "



~~~e: of abollti;"." milc~.

Mr, Haines receiv.ed 92 votes, Mr. kil.g <I A AChillea puah2 yotes. Raysv ille, l1M~4 11 . i ii

~ 'ir TTY,





.II Ing




~1~!~O~n~~i~c:r~ J~::~~, i~'''S~! I~: lh~~~~' CIl~ ~~:~; tn:~07o~~~~~~I~~~~:rnrlt~




the old Conncll a .ooln'Phment J?inkucy t:W ad , \lcgiimll\g Iho fn which nil the m.y accn Ihro' votes. May hiS' never 1u 'I owu8l1l p• i ollCniJlg Il,e Alll Uln . • '1 No. I", runDmg ICllee In ~ Sout." C8 ur 'Y ' • . Brow .h?rtel', majority e88 . . '"_ v_ ' ., 'T lae election ·llI.lld o""lIcd. by J ..."ls Stoke8 In Sc!CtlOIl dll? body one, ..,....••QT10... through 11In.d4 owned Jani. Stukes anu I price "'" g WI' 'C l'el\(1 l 0 .. . 'tor School Director, on Monday, reo ThoUlllll1' lhbals' ln Section 19. u"d Ih!'!'uglt \ "811 .. OLD D . R tI · BORE 77 .' , ' . . S lanc.le OW lied by Tarlol' V. 'Will'll and _OS. suited 10 the re.eleotion or H on. . Htlrl i &clion lUi to Iho Dll\'tOn !tll<l Leb- _ _ ' - I S Hal ;I' lI th ; . ' S tl f ll" tI .'k ROAd and thore t.O eoo-m ' Tile oror, .t Mao •••


Ihl.Ag. ill






Turnpike Road 011 whllt. i8 now culled the


IILl!cfllion qf


In our report .of tile election ~ RO BIN $ 0 N '$ la8t :w~lt. the ~ame..of Olll' excellent Free Turnpike Petition. PAT E NT Pl:lOTOGRAPHIC triend Dr. I. ,A. ROSI'lBJ:IUll' should N otiC\) j . hCTOlly gil'e}l, tl nt a pelil ion \I'iII ' . ' havo apve in thc list of clectCIl be p,'c cnt d to jt'll Comlllil!8ioncrs 'uf ~ Ii:jI 'i:!:) W ~ (3i) b tn' d I'en COUIII)', Obio, 0 11 tll(J 11th IIny 01 M"y. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' , . ared he ,baVlng een rc me 1 67 pra)ing for tho uf COin· 1 . Al dermen. . the handsome among majority from millllionol'S tv layout nud catauBAh R Y...,e 0' ,

'TAl Of'",t


I-lI" II E,

As d,n Alovo Bonson is hr ndvancool, our . ock 18 lo w; bnt tloill1;8 ll/ot we h llve lI ~l " " I"IO.!, WO CUll ulJlnjn, by Ex· pro88,.on ti lourt nutl oe.





J\Il" lU,1l[O



W. RonElIB, Allc. , Commillco. W nync.;"i\1e, 4th 100, 9tll, I 67 . __


~ N"'W " FOR 1867 ~ ' ' SKIRT I J>ruaI*. '

in ally ll.ilJl.

H OOp ~ k'. .IS? • , lrt~ : · ~C ~t~~F.~li~\~.~~D. GREA1' DISCOVEi'I:>Y I , ~ :. ' . ..


Wha.:ounht to be done 81lch " !>

N,....,N. /1.

. . . Sold by 111


MEA r.. SIEVES, 'rnApS, BROWN AND CHI LDREN'S KNIVES (·r" '(rark,I" " ""UriouIOu y ellr" o"'l l h e ' A N D }<' ORK,', MII;;uific""1 SllI'l,illl( CO ll c he- •• 10. (,;1,·<11,'111 BLEACH ED M WASH l{OWLS, HIIII •. •".10 o'"f,le Ii .. ," (0 " M,,,,,", • ,"l I ,h. IIru ... pt Ti," e nnd Sur. C:olllleNiolil 01 lhe NO'I'JONS, VlCTOlt KETTLES, for boilin.g Po. . -,' an« Orea · tWit I e8 ~rtl R'1 III tOil!!, I tIlLOUI, 1IIII mue~ comp I.010 '"Dg IU .......... 1 -.... TI.." ... q.klo._ '-;J - , ule. "'er "lI1e. HOSIERY. COAL .... "uc1<'F?r~. Thro' Ticket. \I; Baggage Checks, Sf>{'r'fOONS





l'ASS,;l'\IH:n s wh o wi . h n Q,.id " lid Cc, ,,,fo. ,. 3"u ob lu . 'fri l.' .. ill 'PEruci. ,. tI,. Sn h AIIlI 1" ""

II allud~ ' ,¥tt .Gab. w. F~t, ~oclelY{ aI\'V'L~ale~ ":tl()II~!nl:~ ~. OU8",,_0~'1'laQI '~ .r ~'I'

lteverltv "

nt III

luch as

Oil Regions of Pennsylvania! '



....... ,.rr:. rh ' appea,~

, •••

DRY C,O'ODS I PO~h31aICh ~re

No. 2:13 New York; No. 15 ,'tule FBOII'f ~..... prvfMR , lon.l belgbbor hIIIea, on '(~-: .. '67 'Street Aud 36 Sellool S~ccl , Uo. t.ou; n'I"·I Io8tQnishe<l ,' .: U;ie~i',dflY with tho in· 7th dar, tbe 13th of mO' 1 • i amI Uuion ~nlce., Clcr~lu~ld : ~o. G6 ,C llltk , Th . ito tl1e follo';IDg .de'cribcd Ro'" t.o. wil: Ohlf!8g0 ; In. at No , f: O, ormation . that I erewasqu a All tilnlLotof Lund ,oonluininl: ullolll three \'ieat F oortb 13ll'oet',N,.. ¥.. eor. B-l'on,\I\ u) i A levere frOa~t&~' :mornlng.' . " I . to tho.. Ortl 0 I<lx l<'l'ia '\lI~' ftl,,1 Fr()ln Slrcc ls ; 11 •• ' ,uc trect ; nt D . B, .• '. l\ot'e8, e ong!og . : e a ll RdllJol Muil Litle Slo.I\JCrtl L ottdlng fuot of " ine St .• lI He , 1\':"),111'" .l1d Ilt New D elMltof lhe (Ji" ci""H ti the 'I-"-m-' 'Devenue- AsseslOT, who /trOIlD"". 0 ' ItI or Ib r I' Ii:l milton 01: n a)·ton ""ill""y; In Louisl·ill o. &pW ... a 10 ' U'(1 I" .' .s"I\' C C • 1\1 S. W . oor. Mn jn and Tui rtl Atrcct.l. "1II1:!5 ,,': m'd " ns lure , '1'11"1"1), UI' DUlI..!l:J<; An I - I I" O"t:" f t ' h"l,8 u Bunl excell enL ,.0117iIIlll also" " I"'illl;, ,, "e on the SIrolll aul! ..t I 10 UII ceo 0 lJullucct ' l Wllllle offered


Tbi.i. I"" only. Rout.tolh.

I S;'i


ill ill ".[;I; m.mI llll ,~" 8 ASH







a co. FI'Opn4llO.",


BOS'I'ON, l'I·I".'!-'BURCi11', '" .. I.IIII D .'L'rIMOIlI::.nnd W UIUNG'I'ON CI'I'Y.

14 @ 20·


rCII.der~mto Call in llDd see,tlle ele!Il\n t .~





W ~ h.vo nlRo Oil IHIPO II good n ~"ort · ' m ~ nl o( nhno."t Ilvorythlng In uur lin e,

GRI~A'r \\,E~'l'E~lN

I·N E W Y 0 R


~,.t1I. UIlII lu Marly aU CUM ... b.~ It b.. rallen

ott wilt rolloro It unl'" tho peI'I4ln II TtIiy .....

ia ill conatanl rQecipl or' thc lchoiecat

.r (:"HI11,' , ... 1!l.\' ''' I''''NC.''~, 1

II 00 100

N.·V. Mol f. K" lUll,

' t'on to Ol1r



Pen'lI 11 huohel. Pot.toee 11 bUShel. v


2 85


The Pro~rletors olT... the SIOILUJI 1lAm Itlto "~""ntol .publlo.entlrelycona"etlhatlt."m br OS baQ'\ Ule balrtoltl ot'If:lral eolor, promato lie

d Pamts, . )Af .'\.l... rr .,' 'V ' 11.\ 'l~'l ~C ~"' l'--':;> l' I , "'-



,,, .l.YNES"ILLE,


- VIAor U IiBANA, or GA.,ION, or MAN8 ... ..: . . .., or () •• J(~· I!I ,,~NU,

7 "0

Dry a.n d



lhi. o'yl" I.h 'ro orc' thr~() BIZ~S' un\' T n lJS RS, or or the "boVQ ·(Uotlllullcti call bo bod ~L . .... U l'lJOR1""""',

().lU : II'II'IAT ••

I OO @ OO 50 20 <1b 000 bO 711 14 flO


ncqUl\intnncc~itll the business,!~P~ld!e~ her wcll.k·nown ability to rcnder ".,ffi,c ~ ...

t.he "'f't80t Ifawt o.n 0 jU'C su c ten t



c o,.1

S·Igna1 P arlor


AElfplJpal:~ :0\:"'.u:I'181, ".

Iltockofgoods1and,thercisllodoubt that it is tully equal 111 sbtylC , ole· 6&& 1 _I't to L t r iUI, .....te lUll quwl y n 0 nny ltock In tbe couotry. Mrs. Siseo's


Jlll lrlu~ I~ .

Duck wh"at bu . . ~'I'lur" bnrrel, FI r ~I elVl 'IT . Ih • 1I ..'JU ll e r'\jl

S. FJ. Sisco has

I!.rcn.t' llnrt ·of her

htl. hal, "



C" I'e!ullq Corroc lt:d Every W eek.

Coursc of Ueading for T ench ·


A'l'Ul\1'IC &;

1\[\, .

Mouger. i. Essfly-G ~Og,\'l\phy - Mr. A. Humphreys.


l HG7 . nOl\I' Wa)' lIcs·

'" 111Uealvillu

I ., Lecture on Elocutioll -

Bu.",n GUAGE

,·ill e, Holt.\ o ..! ~" CO I NI.""\· t ngcd 2tl ycnl's.

P . ~I.



0 .. F .. hl" . .. April

2. Composition.writing-L, John . S. Tilles-Mr. \V. P. 1-111 I'fo 1'11.

Xc uio, 0., March Il!.


n. "COOK, ,. l'A l~LOR

Jj\!:A CO1 N.1


& 1-;. JI1il'rn'. Purk Huuae. 90 · ly

~- -

Imaginury Tl'inls-

Essay -



DO'--,-~~~_~~f--'I~"" Ul ,~ ' 0., .~ ~ '~ ~



I~A 10" I,'RANL' LI "

Iynenllle, Mlfllh !l6. ,

comfortable tumble. 118, in 8telditl g the echoolhouse nnd to repleni s h the - - -in through tile roof. SundllY Schoollibrnry. Admiss ion, L U hi B E R • portion of it gave wny. preeiJlitnting i!l) couts. Dressed " U•• dressed Flooring; .,. 'them unlLnnolllleod into t.he drenll\ · , •• . AI the OI'J FaYurile le88 slUluoore of the uns\llIpeeting itT Our est eemed fl'i c lI ll, Anlln Sitt;!l!} olld Bflr1t WClltJwr. R oUl·J' ,lg, cltickelUJ. Ollr only regret is that Unymoml. l1iscolII'seth vury I'l on8 ' ! FOllcing, ~ic"C'ts, Panllel S tuff, 1 • we donot hear or allY broken bOILes. nntly to our Indy rell.<lcrs 011 tlte new 1\ :s .in~l e8, stLwed llnu shaved, I _ _-"0 ............_ _ fashion8, ill this IlIlIUUC1· . I.. A T H ,_ ill: - y l'he next meeting or theWnl" •• . Jell .Couuty Teaohel"s .Institute will ~PRrticulllr Attrnllo b is dl'~iretl to 'W"llNlDmw.r &~.&.~lE.I7 &'1J, ~'D. \Jo belu at Alon'ow 011 tllo third Su.t· Ibe' RdverliAemrnl, or Ibe puLlic 6111" of LUlllbl:r- Y~l'd 011 Church strce.t. urdnyof ApI'jl: ... land, on SlIturdllY nrxt. Nonh .ide o( the cilv. ulij .. i"ing n. I'ROGnA~DIH •


YO UNG Ahll£H.WA, coa\.




E '~'i

PEI~[ L~~SS,

z'7r TLo young peoplo of TlIcko· ·Are no'y [lrepure,1 to furn l. h Ihrir Irlenna Genli le ! rv\'iIlo will " ivo I\U Exhibitio n ill olld lhe public. wilh lhu very ""'-G I F h' G ·' . ,"" , . BEST 111IND CU'"... "'PIIS'I' I• UMDER II'-J . Pllt emeh'. urnl. 0008 'Vlllto Hull sc hoolhou se, 011 .. wIlly I lU I nlwnYH Otl hOlld - SuepAndera. e~klia8, evening, April I'Qf .tho P"l'pO>lC to be ruunoJ in Ihi. mnr ke t. Our @lock Pupcr Cell.rB, &.c., . of rni sin (Y funds to \1I'oeure tl h ell. for will conol.t of "II kind. or W I. T. I)ODSON. e



X E N I A, 0 HI 0 ,.


Parlor and Dl'ul'ntr-Room

.... Aek. for HAU,'. V~onA_ HAIR R... ln' .... t.4d take DO oth.,. J(,',dL A


·~UI1. () GU G:, ~J ED I CI N E

L will sell good. 'or I.E SS l\IONEV Ihon - new ntld boo,itirul <I eel!!lI. Cv. I . lov eR )'ou cun buy Ihe @arne qunlilJ for cildC' 'If .1l.i1.l.'d ","1 pn e'''i buoordiug Lu lli ~ where, wh e:her it be J e" or 'Iuahly .



~eir w~y





i~,bOU' SI"i~ o~ ll;~ .Grcl\~ l!::;~telll? M~~~:o:;.op,,"r or ~c "ro I L U1\n' B ----rtm an illdependcnL lick .t , Rnd ""'_.A.__ E B. . \ T0 CASH CUS~O'Nn:'.RS heoee. whcn be leuu, be , hl\lI 'p"lIdle I ,uu;

resumell opcration s muong . 19 grouRI







R . '\ 1'


by . l\J.~''~'c· .I'f"



"'!IOtTI compo.e tire COllllel1 (ur the ma"age u · i:1 I n I .' I L f b E'l'eeiol nUl'lIliOIl pold to COPYING 1- r onnl:0 ' · of tho alTai .... of Soclet)'. lue I II C u 0 tHIU ' ISMALL onol rai.illl! Ihll ll. ' . DUpLEY,. Committee on_Llbrnry and Room were II' tlful IllIng_, "nd If lila IIIB uilutll gtnu. 110 OilY dO. lr a"le· .'ze. 'l'h080 h"Yilli I'll" \Vlyn eevlllc, S e pl. 17, 1866. pointed to report nt tI,e IIrst reg'l.I". mOllting, o.ity, he mlllln. tb",m nil ( (o J' tho dtsllr LOBI FrienJ8, r.on /love the m whlch ... k IIIIll ' Icop,cuullu el.lorl\ed.huol (loll ,re,1 in Oil , J\faI1111','lCfuI'ed en11 ', I! . \ pu bl'10. 'CI lere rore. la" he I milking lhem n. pe,fecI .. Ih" ur i., ;, 81 _ I n "II 01 lh e ouove e loyO", \ hor" ,' . H.II m LebAnon on the IsL of ]du" ' . " • 11 C W or"'I1 t t3 • I k . . meana, deBr .. nod mllke youl·' I I'"""r... All wurk WAn:lAIITEn ! to my cst 1,lsLtlm nrc Ii:rc" S, 9- v . ryl li g i ll • ., \lex ,1\ oeoc P . x. I I I fl ' I I Nu tol cloudy \\Oltill er fxcepl llJ 1 d I'r'ce8 l r"m UI'I O Suu. turn ed uul oil O"lllrcd tlml the Sccr.c\tlry rCfl"llSt ae ves tl6 IIlPI'Y P0880&O. f8 u It O u"" Y for ti m.11 children. ' ways OIl Hill • complole ! publicatlu" of th",c III ench .of dry goodF. I "udeuvu r in all cltsel 10 "lplBo my IlB.HEn H' tho county l'open! : - --- - . - . - - - ('ou"totTI ers i and .h."in!! lind Y""" I;! Thereuplln tho ItIcctbll; I\,ijUIll'UOU, U'Our 'ri" nd Grilli lh II inch IIll\n Ihe UU8I Ul'B,j ., my · I .' JAMF' St;OT'I' J'res'I' I I I' ." " II . I · Be lf Ihn! I rnn give 88 worl; 1& UlIll ::> , .. . ' : ' . .. ' . 111ft ( I:lU lI1" u .0 I\C. ,n .ts 0 Ittnllery ill lito city. I'ulr o ui:.:o H UllIe Moou fuctu :ea. STOVES. FOR WOOD AND COAL. C H CA L S: (1).0''','' W. FnosT . Sl'Crctlll~, C~PtAiIl to Ihe S" IL Riv er EXPdlllun l W , A. C RAN!MLL, LEAL> , 1'1II11\'ElI AnouND.-These individ . La nlld I'orlrull Puilllr;;i P"rl 'l r Cuu k, ror wDolI. . .



r~~~u" .lj\e



~o '11 .J~ri!u~p~~~ =~.:'.~, C(I~laInt Ithe81Iludl'Wllhllo1furollOlloolor"-"III'''~

1"" ,. ~'I."I·~ ~'N1'~'


_ _ ~rC»R .;.







"&1 A Jl :!l A.

·,(JlEl@:N. ;?

ha~ 1\,'10 N ARC II





Ia' ,



.la.rll J"~ r ~!fi' UI\III ~ur. I. . I .Iffl :.1'- _II

I .J.

ID tiel,


• W,••'t. ,\I.. ...

~ .Give n,ll' iit,

iiejf.. ll "e' let,





.n. r.· ...

OIIIU 1J1I1IUI... a """ ,",llCID twNl_ aiId tr.bll· &~ ~"I WOJDU'VL ' ''''''''TIO Oil I"l<r .. f T II 11.. 11 thul"l_ • . \ lu~. lId 001 '" I", I' "11,,r un" ut ~ ...4. 1»1 "h. g r e.t AI\rolor , .a,i.".I""· ".0 I ·511 II •• ERIII ..O. I :.11(1 .. ,,1;'11101 ,1 h,"ltmg· '1'''° .;:.~ ';;111 lII A11&n£ • "M' til ~ (1jI .... 1 ,,,1,1 "tI'l ~,I.' •• "KI 'I ~ '1'1 IIMIII '1(111 She rl'v .. ol. ecre .. n .. n'" r l:l l ilV N ;~~i,lt1:f"I""" ,'::;;\·:·~:'~Id~.. ~i,l) lA, :11111 ; knew. l:jhe rUlor I,. h pp\flrtll II .. ••• ::1I~~) \;I~::~h I""'r~ ".~IIIJ ;!iIO ' )I' hu \r om dolel,,1 "V~III •. eM' I r0I'II~~, 'i\1U{II ' ll ,IIII,lv ", ... he' 1,1111, MHI ' cruI;et lu lov e. I" .. ul n·I_lIIm •• 'rI'''I ~' . tHI() U \ 111.," "I~hc 11)(1111 2:'11 11u.. .. , m u ne1.&.··~h. ' eb\·lu"'~tI.I''' .. · 3.1"!\I ";U L," '" r.11 1:~~~: den I She brlllll " toa-elh" r Ih uoe lu nll 511110 I; L",h. '· II Itch·s · ~ til 250 leperlled . l l,el Inrorn,.l"'" Cll naeflll "I! 5.1,1111\ S II il UI,I. ,. ~ ~~ is .. b. IM frleodl or 1<>,,,., re. t"re , . lol\ or ;'1(),IIIIO o•. a l -:' I!h'.w Ites SO III 100 .Iolen vro pert,. . lei, 'you Ibe bUllne •• :lO,UOO ~ec"l ll w.le t'll 'Ml 10U 1fP. bel; qu" li fi~d 10 pur. ue 8011 In ~~.:~ A~'L ~·..~I~"" nil kl"d 10 10 wbll you W i ll bD mll.1 IUC C!.'. lui. c'lI.n ' b n W leh hy Ih l~ ar I poedy marrllilel and tell il l nu Ih e ,ery E¥I."~· JI'ILfOniO I"b'~~ $10 while ,I 100y loll _mt' • ""'!(I·mem. cos lUll . I lil e lve l III you ' h -50 d. ,. you w m.rrY,lI '0 ptlrtilllll.l' "dhuwn IIke ne .. Ind ehraclerlftlc.?1 thl pe n on. J . Hlckllng.t Co ' 8 'rC"~ ,,' mer Shr readl ) Ollr ve ry lhollghl., and by h e r I le"n Wa.ct. OJ) , ~ e w ' IIrk tt). lIlAh ttl 1111 1110011 .upe r"alurll l powers unv.l la Ihe m~'\I "'lcly dIspose of Iho "hol'e m"g"llncen~ d4rk and I"dde n my 8\er l 10' Ih e IU lu ro!. ,'Iud, C~rdlic..tCd n ' Il"n~ IIJ'lIel·s. l1~e From the " ~n we see III Ihe fi r m. me lH I pl .. re,11lI .calml rn . cI OI'" old),' \ ~ro Cll~




.,.... , -

......... , . ...


................ 1 '1' 1'. KELl.R )· If' C O I I mp"r lf r. . , 01 'I·.. n In e" "ne rl1 " n \\'" h lln,l , I.'lfe 1ll!:;J(ET ~ A .Y.D C.l1RBJ.U S. , I I d J I ,~ hUI~Aloltl bu.I ,,,,., I "I~rnwIP III d 8t I • ti~r lep A I.o '"lr"U ll c,' ' 1"'lr 'l'.·u Ihrtcl ly ' v ~I"'""'I.· I Ih O' U ,lllt' • " I • r~ I'l t 1IIII'''r l'''.· 1,r\I'~~, 110 ... ~tf~, lin!! t 0 ~u ln~ I.. , ho I UI UUII. crlll .1() I.· 011 pH \'E n" CO'li I .·.mllt s r n ,'U W ci li b " ~elhrr I R E l' 1!.A ·l l ~~J 1l1::\' OL I"". 1 _. lur ell)' klll~u 'q\lultl1c.ul ·I'''n" Illp. k' l • D !tlS I ..... lilli' ul ""II ~o u .. d I lid 1111\ . " i., I I.d we CanrSI Vlng .no t' , ~ wil l ernll Ih pUl • • " perl"r .rdc la "I '1' ". 0 U el . In.1 Gun ~h . ..~ It 6 pcr UUI Ibove Ihe co ot of Imp ort.· I R ifle Ind Shnl un ~tld the Tralle • ~ lJun L et 80m e e ne ,~elic ludy or ollt r IllrI nls a"ld bJ G UII De l or r~ per,on in uch nelgh burhood ' co li n p UJl Il e ne r.II Y • or H O" l ebruklnlr nnd 1&0:: h e r acqllaIlHlnc". 8 11t1 loko Ih" lr Ord efl In Ihese IIly a ~ e Ullnk Ind (o r Inv uf Ih e (ollowln g na med 'feld. o, nd 1 R ,·bbtl.,. n cr y 11 ')\188 . r r , • ... ' iii I nul " Illve ORe ' o , . wh en. dub IIf len, twe "Iy, or more II Ice • • Iv U ,.., I Buok.keepon, o btni ned • .e nd to u. and "'" 'Ji tl len~ Iho l ~ 'I'e"., put up i n le par l1te po ckollee. wllh I} • !'-:::.... th o lI.m~ ur elc h lIenon m.rk~d on It, P . rtl ee d e~~ il1 l1 l'o DVall Ul f\ maelve' of ~ ADdre'" 10bD'OD bu mad. U'~ o ft ' nme n, a ll e ncl use" in o ne box /". f urther I II' l lh ~ lele hnpro\'e tn 111 6 In 1'111111 • • ""d BU· dUCI!f1Iell1 10 Ihe per 8a'" l'otllulr up he l erio' ,.urkmolls lHp Ind form. ",III find ull l ~ 'h. ,elo po",er ",iLlIOI" paralleU in Ihe h,,&or:r of tb, R,~Ii~, either in esten t Teachers of P e nmanship, - Ihe m.I~6c s illn I~OI ov ercomr II' p:t~ I ~~'Id . 1~1!K\I~~r~~~~:~~1 oT1'~~ g~'I1~.~~.r "1:~I\~or\ cl ub. we ,v iII senti all ex tra CI.mpIIlU;U'" ~omlli ned in 'he \ ... or (ulility. Mr. Uadllon Ye toed , .du dolDinole III Ihe .c.o n jlUtill on- rom I II b",, ;' W atch " urlh 75v lI. les. 'I be ro I ry plck. ge 011 a ll unlers 01 30 a n lip' V Remin tOTI R , lHllvt Tl. • • pee .. elld pOllllonl or Ihe plonel l or lurn of I\ U \ 01 nur crrllUenld cut lllCB I'OU 10 \ wlrJ II I. po,h .ps IIot well uUIl lJ r~IOu d 1 ,J, t w •9 CI II Ind duc.lp. .... ,ia, hi. 111'0 terml of omc., '1% billa. Or Telegraph Itcportert:' l fixed lars inlhe ns.t Ih e "!n e or ' l he urtlel 'lIam d Ih r rcOll . UIIUD PUVOICllt. it whv I\' cn n "e ll T en ij" ve ry Inw; bllt l Clrc ular~ Cllnllll\ltg bel rurall i lled VPlIu l fIl O"Deral IleboD, dnriDIf his eigbt rei,. t... lh, l hededu cea th e IUlure oI u llny OI ' ,cBpeclll eofll. worlh olU1118 noartiti v I whe nllis iak en Inlll cnn. I<ler$II OIi lhot , IlOn ul ourarmlW I ~ V1"' ~ 01 IIorm1 admiDi,u-aUOD. relOr&ed . lo men . Falinot 10 con.ullihe I!rcul~11 II r" l u"' lhan $ t ol~III1 U1 u,l oIl RII Y«(lI\lfict1I C, be. ld pa lhe ori" "I. 1 CUl l o 'lInpo'lllIoll, opp llo nllon . NS III NY,.,. t:i~ &hil eauaoniiDIT1 execull,e po",er 011111 Aotrol ol,llMI on tolflh It CORtS ), OU bUI 4 II ",111 " , OUe\l h. -ce ll Il",t Ihl8 'd lIo l uu"n ' I he IIrok... r, Sr~eU'"IOr, J o bbe r, Whol e. E. REMINGTON~~.? on. ~ . . .. limet. Kr. Tyler" IIllIrrel ",itb Ihe 1 I lriOe onol you may never " !la lll ho\ e sn hilI II 81rfllght for".nll c~lllm te I rnnS~clIO~'. 1 Ho le Deo le r IiIiLl Rel.llfl r hive e ech 10 - - - -- .jH~£Y .. 80N Wblgt rHulled ID leveo . .toe.. Mr. \ IlVo;lblc III opp orlunlly C onl ilitolion " hl('h mSl bll,I" "IIClpal~'" III ~ \ un ) t U reup Ii !urge pr ofit 11:0 IlIlIUl1Ipre b l e ... G , '1' ''.1110' ' .n.iI.on! l'h,~lcl.n •• 0,' " II 10bDlOll . . . already, duri., a term of teo, \Vllh "kane.' 1 anti .11 dU ll ed l ulor",,' , mul' ~~.~!;~ ":;o:rllflcnle WIll btl '.lIt b, 1111111 • Clirlll~O • • coo pe r" lIpa. III I U'bIl CP". 6 h<roge8, PHOTOGRAPHIO AltTlSTB, ;~~-::ir;:·!c~~~Il.'~·,~dlllr'~I:~I~rl ""~ ./ ~ abour 111'0 yeara. "Ioed leD mea,urel. lIrJall.t. Stratton & De Han'l u on, 8'. reflle. II~III ~ II a dl. 'Dli ce c~~ ,,,.1 "lid U '" "<U'1l1 111.15 , CII I'. Ii,,· lU I &"', IV hl eh IPbS h ~ve to p ll'S tltruug h be· '07 B ...........'. N. Y. R~;8 l'ORE rtS , (Clr P"",byol,I •• q~ : .~OR~tI 01 ,.bich \he foUowiDg ia a comp\ele \ cOlls"lt Ih e &hd l mr ov 1II0ti equ ~ I uk',u II for ;) Ihirh tltnu "",I elul(""11"0 I hIre Ih ey re . c h Ih e eurl l il lne r. \VIti readI ly I t Il lou, I'HO 10GRAI'III ART S.ghletl".". or eY~ry ".r'OIl who ,..lII'i.o.i .. Ie ly u... 1 l o".'ac llo" 10 Ih .. ... . e lve. 18 u,,~'" lUI :; .• ,xly . 'X II",IIlIOIC I nl llllLlu Ill" I fl>. l' lu lil :h l . \V a pru p".o 10 d,) oway U,\'; r~~ R V " ~ .~.ut1 h.d 18 10, ", ,, h. , . for Ih. lodel f. um uld • '01 nllllil II 01 y.~ ~\, II In perl on . A rull a nd expll c'l "h orl. mluOt JOI 0) O"C humlr"" .lIId Ulust .u~erb Wllh ~ ll- uIg hlhs ul th esa pHlllts nlld I ~ Y~'" 1,.11 .<lvunll,:""ul "" '" II' 0 ") Illurrl"~. O. , wotka" . '''' A.lh,1iOtI lit 1. Th. /irat Fr.,d.eo', BureAU bIll, •• • w,ilt en Ollt, whh oil Inquorl a ftn e \\' ered I W .. . ol. tb. 16 '1'0 Ag. illS or Ih080 \\ Itl lIlIl; P 0 1111 I \I rll mnlnA with Ihe ' ';i~, '~·I .. hl1.h"'MI III .. hl. .. III'1( .. " loot, frn"' I " .. uk L) • 'I l p'l'h ll r., or Wi lt? tlll'\: lb, Beo," f.U.d &0"... Ihe I . .. d hk e neB. tn clll"ell. ae lll by mft ll nn cltlplOlmCIII II1I8 IS II r,.. " o""u l ln' " L~ II ," " eJ< ';;' ~ H' b , 'he lh er lit y s h. 1I # QV e 5 UI r' l" nf "lIl h. I' KOM I ' ~_ ~. C1:: C.r,:II RtTI Eb <; In Ih p: ,.bi I~ A"'.U":, ' .... rObrClhIL:f\; r e~e ,pt o f pf1 ce a " tl\1.1 m p. ll tl o n ~tL T he lC'gll lnl Ul\'" COlhJu ted U U_IUC~.a duly uUlhO , ptop I' ~ ~ u~ d I n ev ry I)Oolld or Ih ~ ,lit , ill . rtl P ·rtrtlllll. R,ul . r now Il U • \~!l , It O lOp ~!·tha 'Ro~, nl~! ont. of :1.1: I p a r PO I,I Il ~ In. t lll l'u t; otulog uoofo ve r m.II .... 0 u lDlln_r l)tl~ .N tntll. " I 11 (" o r- tlet.! b\ lllfJ UU\lI11IlH: nt. nlltl OpH 10 t U'!, j a.ell ll L v ~ i. Th. Ci,il Rights hili, wbicb be: I Btri CIU I secr eoy mllillt . I 'If • • n, a . 'Iul CWIIliV ' I'n " ,I " r '1\'0 t h~y pllrcl ' llJI~ . or Iw cutn l'Illied IU • ~ 1,,1"'~ I IIII. or ~.~ h .or lUo'\nk . I1~,.. ~~ cam•• Ia"" 'Qot",ithltaudiu, tho obJ"o rp pond e nce rel um e·1 ur dC~lro ) ed R e I· mo~\d:t';"e6S J 11 1 'KL I ~O & Cr. ..Ive IhO' r Clr lllll¥d III II ll u~ 1 III use leds ::.)01) S ubJ""", A ....' rl" _ ..... ar• ...,.... , 1\'. f.Yb• •. Ophlh~ I"" •• Of tl:UtOriilooJlo, tion, or lbe PrelldeDt.' err "ce~ of Ihe Ilil/h",' u"ler furn le hr d \ • 14!J Uro u,III" -N " II P O : : ' b~III'~~ II ~ nl.o" IA. ,,, h. , or CO l''"' "I 1.1 · 1""tln~\· ) Udhd. , CS~I.'l\CI , H__ • T!ll \ k ~u, . -" ~ ........ 1'.,1 . 1 til nell ; ...kll'!o Ih'\I.s~I'-: r 3. 'L'bl "coud Fro.dmoD'. Bllrellu Ih oMo deS If .' ''g IlI em W rtl e pI0111 h Ih e 33m CII) 01 l\ell u. F.DLAII~ AY D S iIIA 1. I. D E... LE Il IVls h· ,,'orlu •• Art 11.·n .) r nll L. U d b) Bn) 0 b ' e bIll, wbich requi.iLe two·lblrd. ,ole in doy ul Ihe monlh "lid III wh lc b yn \1 --- - - -" '" T eas t o se ll n ~ bl ll C~II h,' neeO llllJl <'> " , h~' I". n lH hl R., BI hoI" uf lb. ~\lCD ... 1 01 . ucr ... , anrl wllhoutlh. 1; ..r.r!.~':r~I\' \\' e'e born, em IOilln/.( n s mn ll lo.c k 01 h ~l r . • EXCELSIOR EXCELSIOliL ! I d.~ell Wllh Slll ul l o. c k:l g~. l u BUlt th eir CI~ .. rth lit" I·",h"h. ' . , ~'. ""t1 lh. lorf Iu Ihe Mor. 1100" 5OOO ' C" I'Ic~ botb H91"'" aDd it Llilla elaw. Larged, Cheapest, and Belt Addre. . MADAMR n A p RII II IOn . J b d b nod e 018 nil ," "0101". " 011' . " II pro........ , oHlee" ° I • cll r , or. ' Shlhllcd 01 our oilier c,.,. 4. 'rbo ¥onlaDa MiniD, and MAn· }' 0 Draw er 293 ll ulT. lo N Y , • . L L I' A'S ir A' ". lit n o re ucl lo n ell " \l I , h' ''' ""d ",,,, \.,,~ 110 IRI. "on(.~fr. l. I~ I '. 1"" •• <1 "' ever, c... wh •• '1'I'ntd ..CI\~ in Amerioa • • faolllring bill, pOlleiMd of DO polili. • . ' _ '_ _ , C II A S I J:: II'Cdt! ure wh ole-nle ~rtC"S : '" . ,," ,1111 1.1lie".'. 1,", I'".,\O ". t bll1! Ard pl ay- Ih . <li ""c llO'" ",clou d in ""nh bo. ,.~ tb.~ cal irapoflaoc., and whioh III friends ror il\ll : ~ n;t ,;r/111~"f) ~'j ' ll~!( A\ ?,111(11\ID P RIC ELI II:> T .r • rUI ,~b ' , ldorm6' , \1,0I u ' "" ol ::;Ialu~r) - ey w,lI be r. (ullu. d. Write for • Ci n.~ Ii I ~ !o'\ ~ LCI ~ 3. ~.m. MA a\l ~ j V!nl 0 \,Iltl " IWJ l oin I Ut u ut k , 1\ U-. Add . II 1 1Inor • ." ." c.U up ariD for con· Fot Removing Buperiluoua Hair O"lur Q ( Blu(k), 70. 80 . !W. $1 00,81 10. ·AI .. I•• ~u. eM I on rfe<-i I of Sllimp nn ~T.:IPHD.; N S.& CO OCl,lid•.',. R .ideratlon. \ oril r ror 0". d"'_1\ 1''' lutel (rom our Ion • • 01111 Y lU ll' 10"". No 10 Allo. U.... Throw R W ~ V 10 Ll 1 f" l.c I ntLtt\ ,u u r I\Y ll c h t·. 6. 'Tbe bill providing for lbe admie· ~Ud t '6 1 flu p~r 1''''''''I. l. , \vlll hr fo ll .d " I Sl.~O . ",,,I un l by Broadbw.yl. New York \r O. \lo~ tl6~ ..... ) our "'J( '1'0 Ih e I.dle~ pspeclS\II)" lhli IIlvltlu. Ellgfh h B,en kla ll (111<11 k). 80. 90. $ 1.00 . "",I I.' IU:t: ' :5lngl. l'lclu r•• • lib ceu" ","ch 10" '. t>lop ho,," &. 0 hue IU't"lt(d 101 lion or Colorad. AS 1\ SlIte, "hioh WII I n I lru r l he 01 ro", rn ri 'lnd nO\ worlh" Le.1 1 , 2~ pc r pUIIII.1 <0 ". ' u( ,II """.~. U Cb ''' ' ." h' I'MO"I",I u MYOPIA or ' COR £A ' 111 Cu.". o,!le,l ..... ".e yuu,h (u l., on.e ,,~ Iy .,,' ("". able de pllA~ory reoomm e nd. iI"e lf 1\9 " killed hJ lbe 'pocket veto' at &he clo.e ~ U'_ .:\\'• • b od ... ", 10 r,,11 ~H."tIOll IoU," n.~ "R. rorlhe c ura of N I>AIl. IGI1TfJ~ And '~Jo .ce ' " ) ~ ur 0 ... .. IU1Unft ,,1 ""If btlng an III , 0. 1 intl lS p ~ n ' RtJle IIrucl e ttl Youn!! liy su ll ( O reen ), 3 ~, 91>. 5 1 0(1 f'X • Qf tb, firl~ eeaaion of Ibo Tbirty , ulnth Irb 81 :Hi, ""o e rlo , j I 110 pe r pOlln,1 l Oth "'''''I';'' " 0 10 .. . for ""I'ro'l ll r.ln". ~,!' cup)!I,g F. . , b~. I'ro.. ~ a '!!UI,'~Cth B£ ....BAT8I1 V .... lem~ltj bllaUI y : IS M i lly Rpplled. does l1J,x oll «lr e en ulltllllulk),70. 80 . 90. bes l 010 D.~ " rlrroo l)I''' ' Alll br I),"to . Ca rd (lon,,,.., c· Wrole fo.& o" oul.. 111 1, For realo.ln([ hair upon beld he.d d- no~ burn or mjure Ibe silin. bUL ACIS 6. Tbo Di.tric~ of Columbia Fran· 81 UO pet pOllntl "" .' 'u&r • 01 tin Indyr. . . . . II .. "......, ( Irolll whatever CAUl e II may hote 1.llen l dlrtO:II, un lh e 'OOIS It IS ""rran l.. d claiu bill, empowering the lIoiro 10 Imperlld (Grel'II ), i I (\U, bel t , JlA- pOttllnd ' l oI~rl':I ~:~~' 10 :11)' "'0 and " .. "hilI)! III 0,1, g • oUI)-.nd IlIrelDi\' I gr.uwth 01 heir upon 10 remo ve lup e ri1n(lu, (rom lo w Jup.n 8100, $ \,10. Ei l2 6 beel. per . ~otI, wbich Cougt'" promptl, pII.tjd,e, 1;.. or t, ..It. Ink, ""II.lh • • ,,1 of Ihe lace. it Ion. flO ~qu"1 It Will rorce forl:he~da. or from any pnrt of ~he bolly. GUllp uwd~ r (Green ) . 'onr 'be hlo. 11 I 30. he.t $1 60 'I'E~ " '''LENTED " ....·.8'1'8. • gorct Damille. Ihe beo.d II' gro* UPUII Ihe aliloolh~1I facl' complelely. tOLslly IlUd rad,oRlly e XlJr 7. The bill for tho admi •• ion of Ne· per pound r url' •• tle.or", ~ ' 0,"0', .h .. uttl 110. r~r".~ ro . · I'lore Ela.lle III from five. lo el~hl week •• or hOlrSupoli pSlillg Ibe Illme leRving ~he Ikin lolt, COFFEE DEPARTMENT. '."p,,,.'1 ,, 1110 " . ,h r.el ."tI III r • <ul.dogu. . • 'ruka '" a 'SClw, IDd ,.tabli.biiig a bald head" In from Iwo 10 thrt'e mOlllhs. d' I '}'I" h I w ~ 'I h ~ r I ." I~ ."wh.rI I I . hbrrlll d,,~o u"l " Dlore Grtetrltl "condilioD procedenl,' wbich "'II hlle· A few Ignllrant praclitloners have ISlert. " moolh 110 nlllUrA. liS II t II on y 'Ve hove IlIle y added I Gllff~1l Dpporl. ~ G. II r " ".u '10. f·r•• . ",,,I f d 11 k '/ S~ rl 6' ~i.. mad. ala", bl Con8,..aiooal.c ed th .. Ihere Is nOlhllllllh.t wJiI rorce or Arllelll used by Ihe F.:rench, lind 1,1 the mellt lU• .';lUr e.. ln lth vhlllelll, Mill I llhuugh 'I!~':'~ ' ~' Y~.;.l"~ lloe .1) ,,, II {""lo ur (;l<lI ory , J 71 till BMBRACRS lep" lape all rltalA til 11011. h.elen the Ilrowth 01 the or brs.d.- only relll efi'"ctuIII t1e pll,,:ory In t<Xlal· lVe con"ot .,roml se Iht· rUII 811:IIc r as g/e .1 " u.ol Ih • •"".1 . " ...ubl. )I I.... '" N. ", York PlaclI beller thun 11111 odrr Ski,l • Their le6crllulil are Illsp,,, thoU83l1d. 01 enee Price 75 cenl. T,e r plickRI~e.­ d .u.vln~ al we en" un Ten l , (I he mllri!1Il whe r e,,' I n ,dill .. 11\ "11\ ItIl IlOllr . 8. The lellolld Colorado ada;ti'lion hvtnjt \\'lInellel (Irnm thtl .. own !.'xperl. senl pOal paid, to ony "dJI"II, Dill re o I", profit 00 Co,re .. bC11I1l Hry emil II) . 1i9G~. , t.U R"~:Y .Ii S0707 ~!~~,7~:~~hNr.\, 'rhi" new alld beaUlllul Ilyl.'OrSUrl tiilt, tb, "to of 11' b icb tbe SeuaLe I"l yelwe CBIl se ll Cuff1lel rully 1I5 pl'r ce lli. __ ~-_ __ _.~ (P",ented March 7.186:1,) " I ....~~ ence) can bear Wilnl'l8. B~t fIIln)' Will i celpt of lin orJ",r. by ","Il IllIlainld. uy. holY are we 10 dlellngull h Ihe genu· DERGER. SHUTTS & CO , ch~aper Ikon retolle rl clt·'II D Our C ui 1'.aOTOGRAPU.C, bv Ihe GllUT AIIf£IIIC.u b.TItVnPltJ., 9. 8b, .liIillry ReoonllruolioD bill, 0 held \0 New Yurk, October. lSe6 , lIIe Irom Ihe IpurlU1l8' II cert.inly I. ChemiSls. illS Riwer St. Troy. N. Y. lecs come dlrerl IrulII Ih e Cuslom H " u. e, whioh 11'11 all ried over the yelo on Sl\l· dlftleuh. III nln e.leiliha ,,1 Ihe IIlfferent ulld \\0 ro • • 1 ond grind Iht'm I,erlellily E. &, H. T. ANTHONY & CO ., A 8WLVER MED.d~ arda, 1111. WI adapted to every department Prep.nllonl adverll. ed lor Ihl! h ... and HISKERS pure put up ,II 1 or Ul(l re puu ,ld parka· I • p' !. ~. JI, . 10. Th, Tenure of Ci~iJ Office bill, and .Mu8l.' ge l . '01 nn n,l. n n cu I1r !l c p .. IS pe r pllHn~ . l11arlllf(Jrl/lr~fI QJ w logrop 110 (ftf IThe HI~be.1 PremIum "~r ' 8Iytll l li. I beard a,e enllrely worlhle ... Ind you of business, accurate alld .bioh wu .1.0 mada. law OD Lbo I.IL , Our Whol .... o!t· I'rtce-Gruullti G utr~... TII1[,. "oyp Skit" I' ma' have .I.eody Ihrown away Ilrge day of ,be lut ....ion. cbed forcetllo ~ro\V _ Purt' R I" , :l b. 3t! • Pill a Ilor pl'"ud. H861 "If I.EIIAI ~ AM I \1>:'1 All. ,The Sl eAl ~i'rl\lS~ .re .I!\l~d \1 t • amllnnls III Ilt e lr pUrl 1'8 0e. To surh WI! rapid commercial ea)· upon Ihe aln oolhest Old G ll ve .nmelll J ut ". 10 cV. Il eal Cey. 301 BRO~W.t..\·. N. Y. l fille pl.led wlfo Uo plnee 01. eO\toll ci" . ID addilioD to tbe abo", lbe bill \\'ould SRY, Iry the R E PA~ATon CAPILLI; culatlons, business (*ce III frum three lun, 40 re nl R. In .,la, llon ,.ur ",. 1" bu .n ••• Q( 1'1 IO'rO e rltlg) ",hw lr will nll t WAnr oft' /}f bttb... II "iii C08\ y ou nOlhillg Uilleu It co meR pi o',iili.J UlIin,..1 Slrtrrage for lbe lully up to ullr rep.!.'ftenlbIIOIiS I r yunr to IllUhl IHek , by S HNnIX o Mo,, ~\ .-Parlie3 seod lng or{\crll UH /\I' HI G t-1 ,\1I.HI AI.S. ," 8 .. r~ 1I."d'IU ar' \ I Otled, _nd the wl~ulll.klri Dllf, b•• lb. Territon... aDd the bill repeahng lhe correspondenco, .ED WITHOUT IIIJURY or lear 01 t~lllf. D'"/I'gl81 uoe. 1101 keep II. B"nd Ud 81.00. u. ln!!, Dn. SSVJ(1NE'S R~S1'A tJ JlAr E UU CA fOI 1 88 thl\n 10 lor I C"~ 0 ' coflccs sbould Ie," (u , Ih~ foll o,,'n ~, " . AmDe.I1 Law beolmo la". Wilboul alld Will lle .. guilt! Q~ oe w. .• commerCial "lid .. e wll forw.rd II. po. lp .. ~. Inl!elher I'II.LAIR B. tb. mutt .I'(J ndcrru i di s cove ry 10 8un,1 I\lth 11 ••• r order II P 0 Droit 'or Ihe 8'''... ....,...... auld " •.,......roph: Ibe lilln.lur. of the Pruidenl, tb al of _ .' . I WIth II f(>ce'pt r", Ihe muney. wh !~h will mod er n aciem'!!, OIlIng UPO! I~ the Jil eftrd IOO IICY. 10 aw e Ihe expense 01 o" llec tln~ b~ 0 1 A ... . " •• u un!1 ~uf.' F" . h~ . "d l.ou,l. icer ha,ift, failed 100ab any IOlioD law, I ape • • t'NU" •• S 'olu nr)' . olG be returned you 011 ftppltc.,loll, prOViding anol Ha ir In In nlmuet DlirnculuU! lOau· Ex vrllSO ' l ~u~ l n ' ge'o rde,. " 0 'Ill sund bJ wil~ ",ard 10 tbem wilbiD tbe lime , 8'1'...,_••1.. vl..........r I.e 'W..., enllre enller_ctlon I. not 11'\'en . Ad,\te88 nero it hnl been 1I8~ oIlty lit" eille ,)\ l'a. c preas ..nd collecl on aol"c rv apeoi8t41>, Ibe DOII'Ii~lllioll.- Toledo W. 1.. CLARK &. CO. ehelJllAII. Ti, and ulDdon wilh Ihe m08t f1l1llJ!rlna IIJ" W" . hall b. hl l' I'Y .. . UI<"," 1o r•• lVe ~'ro", " .~" h'"' .... ~u " I I ~ v~ .. IIU' e""I" """"' II nil pi U UI WllfC l lUIU o. {'OUI 1' ~ ' J'''' n . v t HinK IIUtl l o r l1l 1uJ: tI (O l1lIll. itJ IJ II "t o~ ,.. ph j C' h,,'u r y JJl"~ , No. :4 WPtt 'oyellc aI, S},nOlise. N . : : f1uccr.ea. Nl m~8Id or nil purcha ilc r " w,1I lh eA'ilY wh a tftu rd ualollorn, h" , ()",,) o(lh,~ ~t't'Jr, t ( t'lI h· ·t ~I be regillored , Oil If en t ire c t Ion 18 8lr ...... eopie , . ... _ •• GI ..... nail•• GII18I1. Ibe fol not Ul> lj l1 1O e very In elnnCf, Ih e money T. Y. 14ElLLEV AI CO • A,lnl'l.~ I", "IIII .r u,~ ~I "~.c I. ,...,.". or II." lowilll illl,rllting Caotl iD regard to Will ' be chl'erfully refunded. P rlee by L.,. y 6< <':0 . • I. ,.,,", " I'.' O .. r ' a\l.I .. ~u • •• ,11 .ijut 10 • ;9Ii ... . ub.rlb,re, )b., Poll1 D,,· mOIl. seal~d und postp,ud, 'I Du crlp. "" )' aJd •• , 0,,_. r "'I'Ul!..'!.-I HI!p .__ llem t'VII circol.,a end lp8Illnoni nl. mnllpI\ 82 ~o Vl':. 1 \. S r H ~ t:1 . iIo 1 : \\ VORK ......... ""Ip ..... ,401"...... , .idton; "Sbe it Lba molber of Iii anhM fa . . . BPE"C~tllA" '7 W. ",onu l". lure ,n,,'u 1,,,&,rI1 IhHn "h ) alb« When by Ihe 118C 01 DII JOflivILLll'8 ELlZ free. Addreae BFl~GER. ~HU1;"FS & _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ TlfOn \ ~lPl.~, 105 Bralld ohil"r~D. ef IR, fOU CAn be cured pormuoeLltly. fWd- a~ Il CO., Ch"mi.I., No. ,86 Ilreet. hou, ... . hnUI 00 . ... ,."" . ('0'" &0 co"lo I•• 60 lit.., cblldrf"D\ 'alld ,.. P~t. .lVLE8.1AICEOt>S trlllmg con i Troy, N. V .. lole 'lIenll for Ihe U S. . , h Our A I"viJ "'I S II.'. t h e . . .. UlO""" 0 I 't'p,d abil~.r'o. To''tl..Jln1Dl,r The nstolll. hlPg surcc •• "hich lo n- "Itr ntlcd ~~'; ~f... ~V Vtir ' O ' HI d UI " b llll)' 'UH) lJ ea uly to an y Ibis lD"lllnable mcdlclO o 10' l'hvSlClI1 ~nd ot elbl ~ ~'tl I._Tb"rl,. 1ter. in be E AUT Y !Y c ..... P . .,........" o. Ge...,_I., 8 ••,.,.. N crvOU8 WcAknc 88, Oe ner,,1 Deblhtv and ~rm1" ODe 1011. 'WO .0DI·in·II",. fir! en • Auburn. Guld· t The New BeautUlh 'or the Skin ' l iii".. " ............. e •• " ..... fro_tn,t1o .. , Los8 01 Mu. culo.r Ene r"y. 1m ,,,ad "1,:1I0416D4jp..l jkrand eo, Fllxen. Inri ______ O .. r Cnl"ltlKUU. ",1\,".,. u. .. r "VI'; BUN· potence, 0 ' lIlly of tho com cf)u eoc c8 01 URlo.O ,1.lTt t tl II , . ul1l uct , IIIIlucill1g I l·" r fHluc Th,re are onl1. '''~ ~""RP"JJ'~I /!I Youthful IndlScrctlOn, re ndel s It Ihe moe t '&bnnlnclured only "y Ihe Slifer 5thl Silken CU RLS • -" Te.~llmo7lInLr ( r()m Ce"-brafed La,/,U . II III "r II,. lUU" ". ,hrbl.U ~:II II~iI,IIIg;. Pnl"l · lbe ramily. kii.b ill.'alIa~. N~De bullbe _OIL emlDOnl Prorellora are ,' uluflbl0 prOpn.rnLlOu C\ e r dU~C(I V('re rl ' pro~uced b\' the ThiS ser/et ul bpAulI(Y'"lllh e e kllJ be. 1\'1(' S.ow • •• ~Ic. ' ulalulfuCI •• ,,1 "" I. 0'1'1 alltl W Ire &boolll~lurlnll C;;1l,"p,n" 1 It will rOIliOlO "It nervous ntl'eetlOne. de iii.., lire in thi. coanly. oaf) iD Mid 'lIlploled n tbe .. rlIIU. deplftment •• known only IU MP88r8 Jured & Rel/p, 0 1 ' 10"'1' SO &: 3:l no'cloy 81 ,N~'1 Y~I pre8sion excllcm enl. "'onl~\ C 'tl to "Iud y or URe or Prof Ds DaBux's FR!5IiR LB UUI>' Inrr ,. I'h Oll'lI'ril ph ero And oil,· ... o,d • • 11I1!; 1\'00110 C 1'. ilOD ~~f1Jt...iAi1: ,9Qo ... J6'_~1I110m " ) S. ::;PlmRY. SUpl.' 16~1' bU8Il1e.8. 101\3 of mcmory, cu nflll lnn, tho'I8 VF.UX One IppltcIIIOIi \\,ur.nled 10 curl 'hey lu'norubly.tule II. hl it d , lTe r~ Irom 0 U \ w .1I 1'1 ... " .. ,.. II :!5 r' "nl 01 Ih o nlll· cOllnly, tlli. Slate. Sb. i. lIilI Iiy IIIJ I~ l!,ve 8 tll Ihe 0.. 111 .... 11, Ih ... orll, r of eelf desLructlon , fc~ r8 0 1 m',lIul ) . &c H Ihe tROlt alrftlghl Ind stllhburn holr 01 . 11 olher prep.rnllona 0 . ~it~ih"'~~Jdi II"" D"idaoD ~ ~I Will rcetore 'he IIppellte. renc .. Iho beolth of "Ilher . ex anlo wlvy riniliel •• or l'lelvy. 10081 hauh nlld freckled .k,n bOlh Ihe u::r I he "riC ". lind '1u ulol) of our 11 0<1 0 ,.10 • Latetlt;, FAltblQDa DallllJlt\ '-lIl6m &item, ".ild ootli are ,e' enjoy· Ibose wbo have d cs tro~ cd I~ b) seu8",,1 "XCe88 ml6i1ivll cur", Un been uspd b, Ihe I~Xlure Ilid color of polilhed ivory, re· 1101 1· '11(1,.1, 1\ . bt ~ I W B dl ' C 1 b t d or eVil prRcl,ces iag '0odJl.\lalth."-IQUla Pap". I r••ttlllniblee 0' rim and London, Wllh muvlnll' nil dis colurallolll. Whelher Oil' J. . ra el I , e e rD e pi e 1 d } Youll g Men . bo bumbugged no more b) MAN II 0 0 D : •Quack N nst, ums' "1If1lgno,"nLp,.ct,I","e ... , Ihe most lint"yinll r... ulI& Doel tlO In. j peOrlll1! .a rr pcll les , I.", morphew, mOl is IUrv the Prrco! by moll. lIul!.'d or bllck·worm ~lll'Ck d . GIlIIi ' .. pe r-iolly .Iow LO!>l. IIO~ .......0 .. C'4I. ~ , All ,.,cbuins Schoraralllpiin bu t 8end wllhout delay for the EliXIr 1111" he p06lpUIII, Descr'pllve circulars, Bucc.,ulul III 8moolhlnll oUI Ihe Ulurks Ju.1 l'u loh . h..l. on n •• ~I,," ~"yolol.a 1'·lc. (OR DOUDLIIi 6PRI~ O ) " I at once rel torcd to henlth and hllppillc,s A A._ lftBLOBEO." ' Ibi. Coilele Ad.lrees Il EIIGF.It. SIIOTTR leh by .MALL POX R , ""I. "'" rluro on 'he "Hlurr, 1... I",. nl, . . ~ Perfect Oure IS OURMnlccd In C' cry I"slnnee mnllpd fre.. & Cu" che milll, No. 285 Rller "Ireol. The 8"e nl. 01 . [.'Elnlll de Purie mosl nOli rn,I" . 1 rnro ,,( :,." ... ,,"1 W •• k..... Dr ' VOl ' ~ ..,.. ~ • }'rll e , SI, or ·l bolll"" to ulle ,,,I.lre.. !.l '.AlI ..oUltr .......nIDxD THe FUl.T PRim, & I'IIRlOlrtucu IIIdul ed b) 8 ..1(.MlJust' . In Yulull' n rl ... One boule 18 sufficient to cft ec l II cu,o II< Trov, N . Y •• lolc ol:cllte fur Ihe U . S . A gOLD .UolL, conhJenlly subm" l u Ih" pllbll~ Ihe eRr a,: .. " • •11.", l"'I'O lr " r \. N ~I ' "" ' Do",IIII, ."d ______ all ordlDnr) case. ---- -- - - - - nel l endurscmenl8 01 suuh dl HllllgUl8hed Imp d"" ""10 M ... I." n . . ... r.. l1 y . CD.. u"'l'· 'l'ho wond e ,rul FlexibllllY and 1"' 1 Au"" DIl JOINVIL L ~ . Snc lFle 1'111 d. 1••llee liS It"" . Fl'il'I'" ... 11 ~ II· M . .. I" I . ",1 rh»' ~RI cnmfnrt .nd plen'llre 10 Iny lad, ","rlt, for the speody Rlid " ermlillclil CUI C 0 1 (: 0 11 Amtriclp In.litute. New yo,k, Oct •• '6 '~ J~. ~llInorn RI. torl. 31'110 Fellci'" V a8 Iv.lI. 1.. <u .... ,I • • kr. Ur H,." • • IJ (ul '.rw.JI,M q), h D I Ell ~i 11 lit Uper" o r r hea. Dischurgcs, HtD\ f!1 uuth or u l lli u '(Jl t't u Buok" ~c ~. ' e up ex 'puu •• rl \VI t Gleat . Ulcthrnl ·&Iri'iPrOlo~nq.~iUp.lbr fn l\lli!H i'rlull l!l e M\lch~II, l'r1r ~ Bower.. '1 h .. \l urlo ,.""w,,," H.lL!>or, \II Ihll .d",,,•• Illlc"d partlnulnly in .11 crowd,eI\ j-'" Strlcture,ond ull unoctlOns of the K,II"uI 01.' . he "ftl h t! ftultlLiI 1111 t! 'Rl lr • 1»bwilr. Illid V.lnmY"'-or TOItIi•• nd In 0, Ipplrln~ berore July 1. 1867 Loclil e We. lllrll, ~ldm ' .. POlliOi l bib Lt, I"",., le" r" 1"''' '., f,om hll OWII np. bllel operi., cQrrlaa e ., r.I'rOl~ '"' Aod m"tldor Cures ~ lfocLed In rrom 0110 10 ""ltl l l urr! U'( II nllel rlH I \IW l I"tl r, . "l1mber of cO,mblnatlon,. I Tile Idveoll,e IIr Ihl. coliel/" o,er all Iii 31r" J~n'l1Itl Willie,. Lu, y • leUCti 11 ...1 Ih •• ,;{ul Cf'"'' q" cI<I •• o r .~!r·"~ ..e ch\lf~h pewi. arm chalrl. ro, prtlllleaiMII I> dllY . They IIro prCI'~rc " from Yelleln \Vh Olil 'UI I II ~ I I IHI , !!. M it I II I WlIll"ci , ~ .. .;t~.:'~ ~, i~lt,alllenl) 6f ;.lilietlcl ' odleu i•• that It II onll 0' RII ~hIUII. Ncellll O lie "'., h •• 1I" lu,II , ........ ml w,ll",ul M."lt c..... d II D li'lklrle'I)"'''''' 1 li t t" Ullti d Ihtl \1 1 ) h t\i ll \ "lid uUlld hlo c xtrll cls IhaL a re harmlres 0 11 !l,e "' . Ie", Mttrguerht ea, l\fI8~ IUHT IYllh u u t ,1.''' ' '' 101111 1111 1;"'111 b P fl.t'lllI U 1!l1 ·1\ OUI8 ree,.••• I \ ~.. r-t' Ipert ~qDtonding. ~blcheyer won !lud nevt: r nause a Lc the I!!tumac h 01 IUIPl'Cg CHISP"ll COI1l". bo,,~ ... .. ,." .. .... ~,. """'" '" '·o~ul.J"" pO IIII •• lid wilen In UI8 to occupy a arne • dIe vlUle would IM,e noihlfllJ le.t to don 1I11\(' tbo brelllh Nu eh t" llo or <! (L I. II('CC' h" A Il II ~8 P erry. '"~ uu l .. ", o.1•••, rOf '. III 011 . .. . .,In l·" .. ",I of· easily and cOllwellle,,,ly e8' o sIlk ii,,· sary "h 1\l IlBIIIS,1h-:ln l nor .Ioc. Ih,·" .,ctlun For CurlIng t e Half til ' elther 811d !' " .II·y oth er., w h'.-e 1"1;h wln ll d' "g in (, C lU • .!. hy •• Imh .. ti ,) . uIT.r •• tin drel;! In In vtll\alilile 1fU~"I ,'.1 \/IjIIo· qDv:·-AIIIIriGra" .tr"f.uu':J¥l!' (edued 01 ' '''ell-ln01\l0 mu.rc.l cflllc.) I An.l., .I. DA 0'8 111 1111) m l\l.1" c r IUlCi f Uf e \, Il h iJU !S IIl CS8 pu r Sex mto Wavy and Glossy Ihe profe.slon give. lhe 8tllillP 01 lrulh· ',i."cu ndIlIOU "'"l h. "' UY cur. hU""!I ..!,•• ", lIuo ' 1I0t' found in fan, " IOfle ~ptl.Hi~rt SUI L, Price , $1 II box The, ban Ilia .laUD lhe fint premium '''In,,letl. or ~+eftvy. 1IIIIIe· . to II. e lr II telll"OI I "n~1 "e lUI e ll. prlvalel, "Ol d , Hfi,r"1I • THIS l. ~.C I URt, I I f¥111 E,lhc, of tho obol c mcntl oned nrlldcs .1\ t> n .. • I . . . I • U .. I II W II I. PHOV' : 1\ 1100 , TO TIIOUSA NO ' A• IlId, hnlnll , elIJ', ' ,C~ ' lIe. p.~.. ' ",berner exhibited lhll se.. on. ''i ill tJC ~C llt to lillY nlhlreh, c lo8el \! t'(! d eu , 1IIJ1l881ve Curh. .ppruval. AND rllOU SA ' DS ! ti ,,1 ulld r uallo III) comfort. and !r,eat co~,en bn~e 0; r· PEDAL ORGAN~ J. 2. In0l3 banks nlld po. 'lllLid. by Ul"n 01 ~tpr •• s . " " ' cco'pt GREA.'r CHAIN OF ny using Ih,. 'rlicl~. Lnlltp. ond G~n. ' fhe b ur,,1 Lucille "'Vcs tfrn s oye: .dd r •••. '''" plll l". ar" l.tI • •" . I" pe . on , .r..'pl IlIg the Duplex HIIII'lIo' l"el'p,lor Nllt III .ke,_ailt .lle l ..:.illlll 10 11,&00of IlI'lcl> Aud,,, •• 1\)1 ord er. 10 ~ I finll th.1 th .. 'Em"11' Ilrudu.,," All Ihe uf '" , e,,1 ~ r I,, " I'o.'n!,;c I. ,,, ~ •. b) .dd .... for a linllie d-J\ ~~ j p,,~er IIIW.... tie men COil beoullry Ih plII .el vee 0 1I, 0 h. W~M' f"~ 'iM!e .and deuille b.nk llKllGEll. •• I1UT" ~ &. Uu • Ch C ",1 8 t~. "'g th e puhh.h. I. ' I' l' " b heir UIQ. For a8n d I0 III I I I A t IIe on Iv "'Ie Ie ,n Iho brillIancy "r ruuee ond hly·wlllte. WIth 1\ "0 , Dr. Ouh', 1'10. 1\'. I\lortloge price ~Yi hng, d!.pe.l~ • t l :/:Ju h Vt ii~r"l&l,.I'UfJ, ~..JQ ~~ :; q'he.~ 285 RII 01 S llcut, '1'1 01, N Y worlJ th.1 WIll curl .I"'~hl IlIlIr. li nd al Iho greol aod p~.u\lor oolvuntP/,(e or lolal 2~ c."I. Ad,I ... , children. mla81? Ind rO\lDllaU!t:.t Orga~ •• wJdI,,,.lr.~lJI, pIp.·llke quol. the IUOle Inlle Itlve II I beoniliul. I\! Ios8y itermle'Mlle". . It reully udd. Iu the loll. CHA'S J . C. KlllI. Ji: &: (:0. ' ,op8rio~ to' aU 'othefl •.j( , "J' lie 1 II, or loill'.'~Ulfful'W,lcY8tbp., .Irenrth .PI,c.r.llce The Crisp er (;0010 I'~t on 11 . . 8 MIt! be""l y ,,' Ihe . kln. 127 Bow~rJ New Yurko 1'. O. lou," U~ Tney l\;~be.4 or bre.~k,J'~I .lbt of cborue. ulI'jualed IItd.I., alld !l",ner.1 IIOllLD Go TO HALE AND I) curlslhe hilt, lIul jnvIgorolee. beou tl. The 1llngnlti~ellt Ve81~!\ I ;' o.y. : ['~ 1,) V ' liialKlq 'prill&:'1 vt wi\lpJe. "T'I{~f: faJn·lIp~I. ... r'-....Ip.t.1or or Chinch· , ., L'''''1''8 N I l' M l b ' ....... ei",Jlia(Jj,2U1oruDal,,1\ob1 ....N, Ire ' . fle., alld cl .. n~e.lI: Is highly and de light . I hAve slilfa red 80 much rrotn Ille ,nrl. ~ fe'ct ira..... uI 11"1P't! .wl/ft '. ~"" , II. " U er'y •• treel lUll.y p""ume", • ., Itn d 18 tl Ie 0108 t lour o-·"'-"' ~III hMe b·enlbN~.~ PDI up In C'1ft of ,olid lYaln~ ra"cy loc.ted In Ihe I.. dlol cltl •• of lb. U ,"led LED4lfOll, Ohio,' to bu, ]in, SILVER comp ele OU8 whileI 10lmno. &'0. " I"ch lilYP Ihellrl. f'VI J "'........ • reo WARE. eolid Bnd plaled Spoona Illd arllcle 01 Ih" kand, ~ver offered to Ihe 01 I pruleealt'o Il billl'u!\ me 10 "oe. Ihill CONRAD RABVIiSSJif. 1 . fl 1,,1C!9 ~e ",,~I'A1 H!II!I!~'d'" ~e lb• • : .. '!ft.rl~ ~ $!\~ aud ¥p1'l\,1lylel). St"" Ind C.nad ••• Dd tkhollnhlpe u .. e",,(J'toietoooo. a Ipaeniltd anilln. b h' - b' II III b Ii·ork •• fino T.ble end Pocke~ Cull9ry. A mprlCln public . J he Crasper Cllma C1l1l81d~r Il I "arfect Lene(n c llon 10 IIr.d ~ MAlfU'",CTUJl••l o. 'jll.;t~~LA" \ , wb i~~ d~~~.~e,,!.r f!II,tl!~~ t~~utljl't..:~", and)t!!II~, I~d. of, \hJ be~, wotkmlO.l\lp! ouI/ t In I II eo 109. w • Ihe.finell Amerloan, SWles, Frl!l!~h and Will be apnl 10 "ny .d.lre88 •• ealed end prepalHuon whi ch j:llvea Ihe ueeesn r h ottom 'uul Ire no 'VII', d, a tp . , ......JtiMfllf"iDtended that.... cb IDelrUmenl !loed In IDy or all of lbem. Enllllih Walchel; ~lIe 11 0101 Penl Inti pOllp.ld, for 81 Addr"88 all ord e r" 10 whlteneeft to Iho akin •• nd lellve. It cott - ' .r' 1;\ ~ bOl lwice (OP;dciU'ble) aoter~: ~b~1\ ~~ a ~II!D~.I, or IIBI.... . 4111nstru & SCO .• c~e mlele. 0."," em/'oth. .. e~'PI~" 'W rll'l'l' P en'l Ie ; S pectic Iel, Wit h pero8coplc, N W.W L. CLAtlKE F , ", '4. • a,.. .... N.w~"'()IIJ'.' Ihem from " " ''' ( 11 0," • I~I., i1o"'• ~ IiU ~c ,VO Pllrllblll cUlicave, convex. blloell Ind Lonolun 0.3 eel ·Y"'" Bl.. yrncu.e. N. Y. 111168 J\bll'trle !Jllcb~11 lIyl: down ,toop'.' }Ire, 't • Itt 1ft16deon.· Ii", h. be.U-ufu I 'Fremollnt. Imoke gl.uel. in ,old. Illver, pilled. aleel The under. lIned in,lle the attenllon The Duple. 'tlipA. I' Ii R~~t yor .Iqp.. wllhoul.exlrL cbarlt" Ind comwon rrlmel. 10 lull -Of ago.. Trh er. 'OIllOlhl glodldtldl,ogl 01 Jo)} " .11 I I hnvl' lrled the altlll bfloullfler, ·VErn· 01 Ih. pubhc Ittld Ih. trl~e renerall" &0 with .lIladl..,~ ._1e> nI'''''.1I ~~.' uu....., 0 yOllllg' aU l to 0 • 0 ",Clll anu to -ilia I, Id Pd' d L fib d I Mil' '" - ) ~ ~1flg~or1iae.t Eob.taDil, on band Late.t Ind finelt ely Ie. of Jewelry, 1110 b•• Uly winch onc_ ... . .u I,rec", II' .OId 01 e afl.,' In .olln Inut II anltlnlly ~ .eae ee e '.Il' nltrum,,,I. of hll Oly.n mended tlte "'.. lIlp~ III....~II W' I~ R,member, ID bUYlnll 10nr ,eIIollrIMpl • L Q.UI GiDer.1 Wbole.. le .Dd RIIIlI • 'W Finger KIDIlI. Iheet MUlie Ind l'rluilcil ra,e. imparls a nalur.1 bloum .nd Ire.hne .. to menuhclure. bUill or Ihe belt 11.luned Sllndilrd Skirt lWtbli J',.~liu'Dn\ e ~r:14: to • ppl, at lhl " .1'etD.... 841 Broaa'Niy. . In.trumentl. !tIllcelilneoul. echool Ind I. f,e. I~. all, Inti an moy b. (.If. Ihe complllxiJn. mQte'lul~. hlvln, lllille 1.letit Improve. '1'" enjDY Ihe followll'Il I."eal l" I' .Our UID.ulted Circular and Prici Li.t. SI.nk Booka or III kind" Blank Del!da. BY THE u se o. 'Jorlld'8 EIIIIII de Pari.' il ueed .. ft menla. vlnt8g,' i. ~tluoli,e, bI~ 'JI,arJQI'l)llftd llLour DlW 1&, I... are IIOW rea4l,.~ lSend Oorllllgel. Warrsnu, AffidlVlta. Replev. C HAS T E L A R 'Sf delicate beoutlflM or tho ~kln rur '(·heolre. Full Iron Frame, OTeratrung Ball. Iy, perrect lII"I'IUr'~~1I a'jrlfll~h '!;~:a4 I1/1"" elrealar. Ine. t\lllcbmenll. &c .• &c,. eonetllntly 011 a_Ilion or n.tI·Room, by Ihe mo~t It! Hned FRIt:o;OU oltoll1D AOTIOR. lAllOK 60AL~. finleh, fteltlbm',. 'du I" COd Ie,. o~ D'~~ _ ......u ....., ••~" • _ .. I .bl J ,"-B. hand. , Ind ecrupuioul ladieB; p,oduclnlr a j I II". econollly.I'hl]lIlro dr • • •. r Li ..4 lItIDIlCaCUlleI •• No. 8'1 Broldw.y Nelv end enlertelninl Gimes. Bchool d belUIII) Ing tjffecta of rouge llnd IlIy .... lllle 'rhue Forlel arll IInl 8urpnaetd plea ,Elliptic. orJ do.uJ I~ .pra", I. rl. 18. York City. • Catd •• lehool Regillera. Album., MiBcel. Co~u:lf'~~~:.oving.n Deliltifyinil the wulwut Iheir VUI;tI' ur IIIJury tlllhe (or 8lrenglh and ~Iuly 01 Flnleh. Dura. btl 'lI,e you ',tJ:~~~lle .r!~e. la"eoul Book. for pres'nll, Piclurea .Ild 1 bl ~ .Ic~. blltl,. PUllly, Power, Ind Sln,lnll Q,u.lI· cAu,.rON......'t'lido.UIii'd:ll I ._~P!: 'hll most valu. e In" perleci pr'!pftrlIy f 'r . It'.. i ' ~ ,1I.t ..11 M ' . , OR .8 10 11111 II tbe ler,eat .nd mOlt OCImplele Picture Fromea. .. I . I k old by all "rat·clu. Dm·""I.'8, Perru. 0 onf'. Illion, be partiellllr,,() aOl ...l '10lIon In use. or /lIYlng lIe s In a ho.ulI. .... S th ." • I \ • r,", ·a ~ DAY. mid, "lilly Ih' in Ibe country. The besl alock of W A.LL P~PER rul pearl i1ke Un l , Itlll 18 IInly lound In men and Lldles' f!;11r·DreNera. . Y Q!JfJ 01 any Maker ~ tbeCO\Ultry "f1ered !" ~ DUPJ.t:::.'t':J ~~'I • tl. Yllr, rolau WlrBottT In a new bUI. In 11,8 conntry. YOllth. It qu/ckl, r~mO\ll!8 Tin . FreckL. h.benu. 8!1!1 Dro.dwRY; Oem.. 'l'h~y Irp ",.rtlnlrd ror lhe ullll!rm of ellmp. viz .. J. W. p,rI 41IY ' '~l~~oi 'I I~ Iighl, pl .... Dl. and,boDqrllale nD We Ire, 11.0. '/lents for the Mllon & 1111. Plmplel, Blulches. 1I10th Palchea. Darnell & Co •• Ind F. C. Wells & Co., 7 YOllr., 'rh" In.~ecllon or the mn.inl lilltlc 81eet Sprin._ • u'pon lbe w • .y _~ -mITlo.. Good ener,etlc aaen,. !is .mlID O'iline. Knabe. F. C. Liahte, 8allownoll. lind 1111 IInpUfilleil of th,~ ekln New Ynrk; Ind Eugen e JOUHI, III outh ~I\lbllc II ,"epeclr"lI, .olieiled. Llbll,,1 ..... nllDe.Olher••r. ~.Dllhle, ·" AII • III 'tI' ~_Iet ,lUi .re l .lnled to lean .. lY. Drodbury, Bb"rdm.n &. Grey. -klndl, henlin, the 8IIme leavi ng It Tenlh .treet, Bnd Johnson. Holluw.y & lerma to De_Ie,.. 1'p,"he,. Itld r,leri)" Ihat n,r, troop ",ill adlDlt pln,p ~i'" ,eprlllll' UI \. eYer, Oft, an4 Counly.ElDenon, Goebheller &. &h~lldl PllnoB. whne lind clenr 88 "Iaboater: II. u'le can Cowde n. Phlilldcllll,,_, AI!'O'nla. mlln . Circular 'PriCtl Lilt lenl un 'ippli- pIII •• d 'lti-lIuail the qeilt'rI, l~fa J:l~~r.- " !fn!:~:tJOI, to f!!onn •• nd p.r. 'J:r F:ger, reader of thil piper i. IlInlod (Th, lalter are IIna tOiled and cheap)- not be delecled bv Ihe cloleal ecrutlny JARED &. REN\!:. General A,enl. cullin. Arldre.lI " I the ~WII (ur dolible '..,rl",'111''' \IIlir ' "1~llt, II .oa:er.a 10 eury 10 "rite lor Collele Piper and SpeclCO:slt~ IJ NARVESEN lli:e~ '''.reill. wJ,lcb f \tf._.n~{ [11011 ~n ~UIIII' a fe", hOllrl 41U, to Ipare. mini of Penmanlhlp-senl Free. A~ We will lurnllh Iny or Ibeaelnalrumentl Ind belna • ve,elable pre oration I~ and Imponere. New York . 10lnr Ih.n ."1 olher houRe In Ihe Weal! qUlle hermle... (I Ie Ihe onr, Ihin~ of JOHN D. PARK, AlienI ro' ClhClo. 71, 78. &. 71S , ~ lIlld SI •• New .York ,Clt,. flexlbilll, and al(fUlb, .lId!! colli 0 \If If p~tlle\lllr" "1 ...... 11 On or & 0:7' 'Ve ore. oleo •• lIenll IlIr the Flllkl" Ihe kind ule.~ by Ihe F rench ...~d I~ con- nal.. 78·61119 not I e CounCiln Inl olber eklrl: , _I I • rail, G. ~ . J ACK80N 'et 11 drea., hi , ~.lIr!t."ahhllo", lid . lll:'i .. F Se,\lna Mtochine. unequ81~d •• a .I~e,ed til' : P~rre'l l lIel. -. - - ........ - -. - • -- .----- - - - .- - . J' ' For' ••' 1",111a" ltOret( wht~e U~i: A 1 Y Machine. 0.11 ,"diee it. Upwlfdlof 3,000 bOllles ' were ~lld du •• INEGAlt ,.,a, ,~ . '6... cl••a ~klii.lre .lold IbroDgbllUt: , I Lebanon.OCI. 1'. 68 ring Ihe ,,111 year." 8ufficiellt lIuIlInlee 1lliif-we know to be pu,e~ 'e we pro. U S ~~qUDJ led 8tj;e~ IP.~ el,,~IUI{e. :\ I ,- I ~JLbe \;·... 1 BB.YANT, BTRATTON &. IIAM. Fa 01 It'd~flip'II', p,rlce 75 c:enl~. Sen't, cured the Cider fro" rellabll ,eflona in T.IBU~E BUILD!NGS N t '\' Vo~ I raolured Ii1lbeaoJ.o \Q!~J.-~,t!t ~D4l, of a -warranted d I flT-;fA~8 of I areat mlny kind. poatplld. on rftcelpt or an ord.,. by Ihll neIghborhood. Ind permhted it 10 BROW,N'S lIl0N JiUIUlJ·NG. Ph.l ldell'''lrcl PI'\¥~8T8~i B : ,;~~i ",I CABf, .".--~ L k.. "IRTZ. April., '1M.) an a " . . quanUll... for a.le bfi • ~ERC;;ER. SHUTTB &. CO., lur. I, ,Ineaer on our owa pre",lu.. • . . . ulborihd to coalracl (or .d'efl~.IU.nt. 97 CIaIID~.ra II B,~d, _ ...... E. R. PR N rz. Chemlatl,ll6 Rivor 81 •• Trol. N. Y. E ••• palNTZ. lor ,be NI.... I G...1I.. 10." • " .. ylfl.



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F - T 1'U. Ihl' ~ ..'n' • -• II ,1I ..line.dl~,\l> Illotrlel,Il'N \ _ lIA1IA." E. - 'MUll!,' I Gasette~ lI. cr~~~Hd':u~y~"tcUlJ""'; durlne ,..iulerlerDl 'file foreire jollra"l~ COIIt.ia rllll Engllah A~I~UIOII.~~ 1~!"!:~~~I~lj~I"I~::~ ~, • ~------- \).e... ~h 1)l!>o: : !)l AUell,l1\ne~!III pArliaul",. 0 tbe terrible I'IIrlhfq"M~" p~ye~'iln:"~:8::';' II,/Old W ur ld. II •• - ;;;., ____ . . . . . . . . . wa_ lij~~'CI . O· Il' (5 no b\l,l ' wbichOCl-currediDlhe. hi "oIl 0 It · eal II' ult',s hl'u .. 11 .. I Hud.un, N. Y. ._ ~~- ... ~--:- ~- " 3 HI A(l""~!"lIU' :: ,Iene in Ihe firaL wet'k o~ M.. rclt.-:~'~~I~~~e' Thorntoll posa.u I'a . uch.'yu nd. T hi. i. ~ ~d ilnl"'l,e,,"~t ~Wd w A T ~): S 'TJ L L E, 01110. " . ~ I~~ .. \7 'l'lIi, isl ... nd i. in Ih. o'recl~n A ~c\lI' erlul powor8 o[ fecond . ''lhl.''' h' IInp.rl "dtlK l!" '.lly to tho appesrln« ul 11111 • _~~---,, :.4 e l~ o. Dellr lhe . c08L of A.", M I~or. kllowle~lle 01 \he grealo. 1 Illtp~rllnCII III iol,:", M"" WIl.:orDD.... " ...... RIL u. '~.,. 8!it.":l~ ~"d ~I\II • population of nbout IHly \ th e .i n\Jlo Ilr ",~rrlcd 01 Il,thfl r selt. n :\3 l.1 tl I 10IJIa Wldl" in I iI~lo 01 ".nCIl. ~he ",hni/a IM ill" Q • ~;.;;-';~r~ ~i: '~t "~ I '~~r':~\igbt ilund r'cll to one thlou~. Ih"lII >elv~Sl O efllr~ ~~il'i';lIcYa;:p,,~~:~~ lllo I'ury ~~n~~r~l~ o~\::'~I":'~;;:~I)~~~t:~~ :,~ 'din ~c'vlng R :':u for WII,.ue TO\\' .. lhlp. IJ:ll ~ Rnd lives RrB 811.ppOS d L OII,',:.~\:lr '~i:~ ll~!!f:I'c!t:.. ae ~t.i~: "L~CuIl\8 . llu\~ ~htl :~:~;~~·~","'w.;r. knllWII u 'h~ P.yl:hl~".I <I' llulII II,e old ~1,.le 0 S, \:' tI99 .. aO.A..DWAV,lQ!w.". . . . _ - '.!.i' l 10, 1 \) y Ihe Ihlll~ler. I . 1\ .p~clI,1 f" Y,>r' \ • 'll" nn\(l~. III !,rutln n 111 1' like , " 'd' Iy Ol --I cllllc!l.Yoring to Illl' b('fore you / Ii!l S ' I.. ' hOUIlls 01 Ihe islllDd hll~e beeD I\!Y~~Il' !'U.It~8 r~gRr'd r'h~~ lI:pe riur Flui bili lL1' ~i~~:I; ~If tho [ul\lrll hll. b~1II1 nr wi iiI 01 You cnn get t US:Sf I[Jg Oil For '.mtlles In• • 1 II •• • :1 Is for tbe DA \' I .F~mO{,\s, IIli 110 the JlroUOlI. Al6 In the ~ V~ Il'I)g 1\<1, to Vh,W 0 · 1 I" 8 . C b' netl ",.' ,Ucant logether wl~I, dille of m.'· ~~. the ('ouo ltion or OUI Bt 100 'sel f A Iril 15. J 67 . of Mftrch 0 II . hock Will , u.ldell ly M': Li!;.h lnt~s IID,I O.. rlllll"!f u~l:u c. n. \ ~;'"8 :~Ipo~il;:n In lile. lentlint! mile II I UlD ~ I'''st. year, Isball not confine m). I . . _ .. . ~. .. ilillinil e i ollie n 10 1",' lI l y ."ou nd , . Ih wlr M"nuf.clul e . J hey I I 'AIIII ch~raelp r ,,0. Thi- I~ nil IIII.nbu l! . all • PAl't,cularly to the nwrit or demc rlt Bow to Reiurn Your 1uc0ll1e. foll owed :1 0'10 t dir~cjlv ~y anoth~~, .irler UII:m 14 f"r lno!i:' li!~unom I lhOUQDnd; 01 te8Ii,"0Ili~11 a~~~~~ t' lllr Bcboole but t.() s'Onl!' -\ Ilonger li nd more vi ol ~"l. The se". IL Comforll\ble H p t:; Irl IlKn ~ I As . SI' I! will se ll,] whe ll ~f.'d"e,] - er UIl; \ row c,r pnr ICII .k lJelleYillg as I tlo. Returnl or income ror Il,e year 1666. is sAid . hellvlld an,1 b.,ilud Into IIntl or alln be made f? r ,,11 °d ~'lJ ,~ II .\!rlllic.I ~. nr w~itlell g\l~un~ll' I ~~' I'~ Curner J) e truil .nll Wa"" SI'h "ollersl remlil G I boul ' I I t.a. IIJ in Ihe little 10WD ... mblies for ,II I'romell e or o · picItlre i_ whnl \I puqJUtle III e. y I'll I . THESE WORLD REIIO" ~hllt })Ilrti 'u\arizing each m ight hft,\:c "re expecled &y the IJVerDm~n" b O~I ~;e I~~r01' A~liJ .'one buildillgll . Drell. · IIllbr wl:arinl; U II" clolillg II .111011 1 ck lIf h".ir, alld dilltlll" , . . . , . ~ SBWING :III unjustly iujurious eO'ect, ~speelnl. Ihese dll~I, and liS III ~ 118 ~:~ I\ ~~~I~~ I\I~~ MI Lo~ell,,~r. like h" U' M ,. ol , he e Simi, Will ~il\'\!r ".llllrw",n l. pl.cll ul bi',lh ,8,ge. o~:~t,oa~::;t ~;'II I ::'~d l ~e~ ~ of c"~'la The casLie. the cIIII,edr ,d . Iv-Illin~ly diKp ... se wl~h '''''llr u. e. ( !lIp-xlll"'1 8 ,d I' IIcl ad lr~.~.J II) yn\lr~el'. \V"er~ yuu cu n Itet ull kinds uf \" Clrp aWllr,led lhe I"ah ell prellillllil . II some who hllye been engnged ohllDged ID le,,"r,,1 parllcull\u. a I1II IV 0 ..... , I d' I I 8 of Ihe pre.· . . I . ~I c r ' • il lila oll\ntl "clure 0 .""'P'" (' nv ~ "I" I . 1 d ., F ' . L d . tiers in our townsl!il), ~~ o, ruenl oflhe "" ang ell ur e lill! Ol)vernor' s IUOlik, t Ie prl~on. I ' u,II p "xl'e monu , I )fl ' .111 rtll"lv" ,he p'ClI,rll ""II ,Il'ri rr Ih~ W or lu·. air an 011 OD,lndel, BtlI (IS clLl c; t think it pl'oper tb"tyoll enl ngulAlioDa ~i\l be acc~ptl\blll 10 ' m08(lu~l. lind Ibe C""S U~ IH rcsitl~ ~c~ • • \ LI, I.JP SkirLI.. 1t."I' pr~v8n I~ \;8 ~~~ I~IIl' j~;:};:II.'ian hy relurn 111 1101 • All .omlllll· 0 0 1 prt! llliul/la I' ,he N. Y. St.te F,ir 01 Ie Illat 0 no . . f b . I ,. II [0110198 ' ,,\I more or lell Ib"red In Lt. .. t ll lll .- OllJrI or III" I ' tl lIlI l)n• .i la l ' lf nicaliolls'8ftcrpdlv ClJllfi,lell" " !. A'I 'lrp~9 1 . 66 d . r sbollltl know tllc condition 0 eec many, wille I woo t;lfe 8 • WheD our correspon ll,,"t r"e"nlly dll' \~prill'8 Will ,,1 ya ,~ll\tn thf\l ~'L! I' in IlIl"ti,le nco MAD AM!; E. F TII Ulllt'l'u lt. 1""iln "IC lor plltlillg lip .nd filll.hlll~ I)If ,,,n 6\lbOOl undcl' your core; but 1 hnv e RZTIlRNft. .tribed 1110 urthlluake in Al~\'rill. hCl uu~ itl IJil'l' ..nd' b~nglinl:f .I ylo ,,"0 I P. U. Box ll~:l. Hlld don. N . Y . buihll lll!", illclu,sillil Are cell'b'Qletl lor doiualhe bell wOll: , ed a\. t.he ~ouc\usioll! at' wl\t1t. \ . From \ba pTo61.8 of. ~ny ,lud\:. dil cu" ,.l lhe local Iheor7 Ih,,1 Lhe \i lll" hu e¥er Ilhllf1lot\!m~11 Ih ~D\. "~~Ir..ts '\ - I IA~tiK:;;VO llU ';"- i;I.~'l'lKftlt. If!II U I :0 116illll' ' much 100"'I,r ne.dle lor IL',,~ arnv r 1 examination bUliDe.. or Yooalion hom w,lIcb IOcoml! tru ction of 'he F r.-uoll CloloniaL. · IU" Doublu 51! nit 11"u\I or the "1' .. 11 A. __ Os, '1 ' " Ihr .. ad 1I,In .ny olher machine, tad., I think a pretty care 11 ia ftaluKlly tleriYetJ, or Any inlero.1 Ihere ~on s .II"d mariO! II." di:tR,IClr 10 .e· l'.:lhp"C, will b fouull Free IrolD I n. <~" 11 . ,\ (11,,1 Guu n. Nllv. II. 189.&. AND B II NOS t Ihe illlfoduciltnt ot thl 1110111 .pp~ uf the subj cct, tbat circumstAnces so in wherl!"ur aarri .. tI 0 1 1 . . ;:~:u Iu Meleti. Oil Lhe Olher. hRnd , \l)bjl:Clionl' Nqt"illulKnJ,ng ~ h~ 1\,1111 " Mfl".'·.' TU "d: AU.COC K & (;,u. -PI~l8e I I 1II10hlner" WI are '!nw .ble 10 .. "IJI.\, dilf'er ent and influences so nd,'er8o t. From paymeul of debts In " f?r · the dwellingl are IlIr!::"ly buill oll A'l;{e ity u[ 'he manul.etufl~ra. bJ. ...s rs \\ "6 ' .S, "ell,I, with ,,,,,,,,I r.II, Iwelvo ,]"ZAn All. ~I!r,. buvn.ahlnea 10 Ihe wurld. ought to bellr on the diO'erent mer Jellr con~idere" IOlt, aDd whtoh ICllnic naile lilllen frbtn anciulIl t!:I. BIIIlIIIlY 1111,1 ~rf, 10 tllrn ove r 81X ~ork·. 1''''01''. P III , IN'. O ur clndy ex· Sl'pl. Ill , Will. SWENY. Th _ _ e l t " '"" " e .. br !lro d ' d i u. incowe tall Vf) . \ . • I f tl ir l " l' g~ ' Ii " ver \' .lIp~d .. r "X · " - ... t.eaebera, ~bllt In attempting to ju ge lIavtl 1I0t P't! a prflv 0 . ilicl!s: yel Ihey all Cdl I.t>gu lllt'r ; lUI) . I\.OU""nt.! S~Ir'~J)~ r , !IV •ru~1 , ~ , f ,. l l l'rr.'~II~:e COl li, "'::1" IIIlIlIIelll' ul ,,,,ilill!;. nil b the Bomc stantll\rd or perree· ~. Frolll re~~~in 0 erRliolls-A . Ihe elli:cL nl Ihe overlhr,ow WR. 11'.r MII~ufKClllrl'" Itl Nu" ~ ll~~i\lIl~~:~'r'l :r ~~,::~':'~'lie~ (ur IHIP. ", h... loy elll ft lllrlo· a I:,",",..::.e~ 0(",






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Till LAYaR I .n"'lRlioQ aael .aCH" . ' vi IhOl Celttbr!l.d Duple: t~lh~;C ,Ioubl~ ) 8 p fiDK Il~PN .Ir York I , 0 J. W. Ilr&d"y II If 'b.'re I~tli~. lhruu"hulI' Lh" d~o;lI~di~ the j.(IVe? up lit. Id.e... If .kin. o~ "II. ballloD IIC wearl0.l~ WClI' ",.cdul mlll\ ' COU~I uf l~,e pecllh"r "nd g,,,. a dllpl " "r ID willch ~UII Oupld tn



EVERYBODY' ... ......,.....w......., ..........","-'~~~r~ ~i:"I~~'~ ~~:k'~',~:1 ~~h':~IIC!';~:;;:.i/~~tj,~r~t I S'~:~'i~..~:,. ~~~ J~~!f~,:'t!~ ::~::'n:':-It:::.--....a ..,..;..~"': lh~) otl ~\alld fine SILVER ,

~:~;.Lt!r 1~~la~~hl~~I:t C:~':~r e~;I:~ I~~I,: '. I ~I~)~'~~~ ~'~;~II\:6~lt~\i:t~ki'

tiOll,Ywoultl bo unjust. To efllt anillunl III to, tl> I. In my judgmcnt, .among all t IIIIW0ltural prOOIJc" ,ale of dred to one Lhoulllnd peopl,: h"y o per \ thdr urt.! ulO It!." dAYS b.. lore woe lur nearly. YPllr ollll r" ly he lp· I LEAA/..... Ohiu. 10 buy scbools under ollr ~are, I found no b. FrOID pr06" re.h~d bb' b ishe(1 in the a"pillli of the ,.I""d. lin" ""Iltl'd. Ir pllf'~lble. al IhtlY In, m I~.. Tlli s ",811 1""110 r"lI el vl' ry eoun WAHE ~()I id "III) 1"11,1",1 Spoo"s Iud They ... Idlpled 10 III k,ndlol i'l" eb that did not appear to be in· real eallle purcba, ed lIoce t!cem I:r Lhal as mllll! more have butn mAin",,1 COll61tlUdy U~ ~'Olti SII U'" lll\] ~ IIhe"d . \)y ;he "l' pli r. KIi.m \,1'" fllnoler 101lld .,' rk. ~iill ll 'I'nll'e 1111,1 I'lIck nt CUller,., ily SoWillll', .nd to Ihe ,,"01 1Ie,...Uttlo tea ~r \ t.' i to perrorm bi8 ~l, 1I1~3. • b d Amonl{ Ihe inland villllgtli ;.he r~ hKP \ M".lfd. A 11111 & R~,"I .. 11 1111\ e ,,\I 1@l'lIIe. " 0 w •• 8>1U Il r. llllbletl 'j} w"~~. II:~ 1i,;e~1 J\UlP,i cnll, S.vl~~. f'relleb aDd e. , Dr.tt1I9 ~.kera. Teil nrt,III1ftQIUIUtlit dustnouS Y s flV ng 0 From IDterel t on IIny on s or I b eli 1018 uf m,,' Rntl . f I S.<: I ""~ now he 1.1111," •• I\' e ll "" PY.... I' En ,Ii _II W.ld,os' fill e /0101.1 Pens IDd 01 t:lht,I •• Culll",l'Ikltle, ClOlb, I ... or ber duts; and In general, th e Olh~r ""id(!DOI:!I 01 indl:Lledneu of 8n)' 1\ ~o I <lc n mu I il is r~pu rtt! li \· 'l ri" ,i~. uf II ., Sklrls or 8" t!. • . ,,"ollitl r.hOi!rtully p" ~~ IlIr ft 8i n lr iA P .~"ill ' tll'l!clu~led wilh pero ~copic, tilln, Clolhlnl, Hlle, C.p.! C'IIIll sohools 1\'ero In fair condition. rllilroad. 08n.l. lurupike. elllllli tJ".vi~a· ow ,oL Itt lru:in~rth:Oc~r'" re~lIy ItpOIl I "Jve l'lis~ml'n on rourlh p"ge, . I l'I ....,r II' 'hey loulo n.ul b~ h.d ul ~;I .. \\. C~ lIr.¥" : COIIV"X. biloenl 0".1 Londull f10018, Sltoe~, Harnesa. a.ddl.. , !JIll b tter \latitled ror lion, or .llIakwlller CODlpany, or II\ler · ~hlltll\ ono hol ll bro",1 -- - -. er ,ol ll, I nm a ",!HI@rd Illn' .," _P') II ~ P II,"k l' g11l8~elil , inlioltl, l lIver , pl.led .• lcnl Goods, Umbrella •• P.r ..ol.~ elG , 'J\I, That some are e • q . t d iv idend. on atook, cRpitHI or dlliloa · lld lind ,wII,lu"ed up. Il w •" 0 ' The lrecenl city ,,1 ~c\i lJll III dll nol mak e u~(· o[ Ih l!' p I">r tllr ll ied 1·IBo, ! nll,1 I:II IIIUlOli IrAllled . III Hllit all agu, work equ.lI, well IIPO? 1111,,. lI ..n,_to!. t.e8oblog than others, lS unquestlOn. ~', b II u I com lin .Rving~ btl lL or 11"'1l1l1ll{;1 clo.p l.Iy lill! 8t' . \ Chr ,. . U Ii Il t~r III Ihe exl!IIISill 'I( 1111 ull ... ,., nd Ih el r I I",' ''~' 1111,1 Hno Ol1 . Iylel U( Jewelry. e.1I and collon ll oolh wllh Silk, cono,. able ' but It 11011 were as nearly alike !' I,! .~y .an i~81:,:nce. r~ilr!~d, canlll', edg~. 11 i• . lIleo , .. hl.let! ",,,1. "I 1111. L uis ville ..o.u\ ed. 1\1 R. glonoue ,,' u 1I •.xih ility lind odhr.. iVClle<t .re Ilrtl.~11 Pingpr Rinlt8. ahpel MII~lc and MUllleal linen lhread , 'rhey 1I'1I! IR,", qalh,!'te d' osition and quo1ifi- 10.ltt~kIOD. I fI • t'u or 81ankwa p.ruoull\r POlllt Ihere " Il ti Ub.I·I(t n~1l 0 1 VI(:\ory, Ihe m orlly bt!1II1{ over . ,uOO , '" ..Inne!! nf ell \I Ihl'r " ~"' ltH' wllh 11I~ .."m" "' &. Mlrepllell oon8. school o"d Illtr. hem. fell . cord, brlld. blnd,lnd per. m c arac r" ISP Id lurnpl 0, Olin" .YlglIl n, Ihe ground. IhRt h,,~ 1.. 1 Ih" ee a ~'gh~ I. I of let Ihlln 10,""0. Th .. re , whi ch I aln .ccl'l.illle<l ; wh,le Ihe "er- 11I1I"k lIooks 01 "" kin"~, Bialik Dl'fld l , [orlll ~vl\r, 'pedes 01 IPwlng~ lIIuloel cationa as mIght be, s\ill thero wou ler Clompany. • in wllny f.lhoml d a ~p over wl",~ In a vo e . ("ru,;o"n peruhor III Ihe", r"llIt ar IhrIO (,)'ll rl l1""e8 \V ~ rrnll' ~ AfthJavite. Rep'e,,· boallllful all. p&rfec, .lIIah ••liko OD bod be a gtClltdift'erence in our scbool s . 7 , From dividends of any IDcorpo· lo~ml!rlv a buay and p;o~purot) s I\"" r illl,ope i',)r K t! urky . _ l!,pull)'<or 1:' nll _olhers lur urd in.r:.- i':8. '\1l:tel:IIl""t ~, &'c:, &c., coullUlly on ahlo.ol Ihe .rLlcl811 lewrd, ' ' lIot 01".Y8 thllt a teacher who rl\l\:d compa~y olber ,blln Ihose above ttr oC li", liLLie lO"D. Shock's moru or . . eurj!icolus.s. Klluw'"11 tI,e plllh", er III h"",I. It IS • . meDliol\lil. . re were left Oil Ihe 7\11 IIDtI be eu 118elul.1 hue 110 ticrUlt"'A t At "'Y N" wand flnlerl.lni") GRm•••• 01,001 The S'itch innnted by ~). HOWE, bna taught 'a number of scbools 10 Il Froll1 gains or profile of .ny 11\' loas I",e L a t of Ihe LenDI eenlimenl. ah",,"1 bo ,,""WIl. Cdfd~ "'1.. 1111 R UII"lcrs, Albllm., !fIReel. And on lhi. M.chine, II Ibe 1,,1 one district succeeds 'Well in another, corpllrll\ed company Dol "ivitl.d. DI~ ~vt!r" gr~a h p n ~ J . W. JOHN~UN. ~\P' k lonpo;,. Ihuk d lor pre"enls, I'lelurn IDd popul.r IlDd dur.!)Il' . Intl.1I 8e'''I~r •••




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Fro~r:~~::lft ~~ n~:i;udbO~~:t:.~ S~,y~:~':t:~l1e~i:, A,..f.:~ill.i:

:~:,::'~rn~'~o: ~"~~'~I~~lIil,;

~'~17t"~;! a~I·'~;'~~~i~;~u~~ ~I:~v UI~~e.i I I)i~;;:~E' ~~::":,:~it -U.Im-b- ldE'--:--ct I

ul \V A LL PAPER chine. are eubjeet 10 Ihe prillclpleimlt. IIt'1Ily reco gnlse.t lily \IN' S\lle~ arod CH"oll". ill Ihe !lo'm""'. ell IIy him. I friclld~. III pia of a con!'>;c, rt.. lic, lIu811ml d Wo IIr" hislI. el1""tll (or Ihe Jluon & SEND FOR CmOULAR. I - Fl~ II1 or iag • or d b Icne .ulTered Ihe mosl cruelly: ... lIti t'.Iec, •. hc I",d It " 1\ rnh.v co mplexion, II1",o~' 0 S Ul x~ra I .L",.ml,'" Il' U"IISI . Kn..ile, F. C. Li!!htp, Ib oee "num",. l e a o,·e. I I I . 1 bi1,""Y U C u U 1\ I & G ay 11 F any ."I .. ry oLher lhaftR9 Sfll!rtle cR1!\l lrOple lie III'" m"r"I C~ lIIoothl\ .. 1 allli illgtell,1 of Iwellly· B n , ~'~iI",ay,lIrlll""ry, II.Hllnnn r . 94-...1/Z._ -&.;t.;..-<l'....c.-, m rom I I'U or Ihe United ,III fled from llaeir r~~ idenol!", 111\\1 thre e .he '.•nll~' " penrc,lltlll "1~htoclI . UI"'" I ~ a cfrlnin ,'urd Illr ,] i.ell,ell ,I, e l!:rnI'UI'"' UII"hl, .. ller & ,~dllllidl Plftn)o~. --,--, lin 0 eu or emp 0, were ohli"ecllo live in tho open "ir. or 1 ' 1 G I D t) $ (The lu' lpr or" nil" '\I,,~I And chnp 699 BroodlV'" Cor. FoorthSI,. Sialel. , in lenla "glrick.n 1I0\\'n by surrow lu,,1 iml"il' ~' liMtil 'h Cnll~l' of so grel.1 II c IItngc , BllIIfdet, J(~( li t!!'. , r~t'e. · r P' g. 'Ve .\ ill Inmigh ."v II I Ihese In"l ~nll1l'III" 9!1 Ne" YOIl, I~ From RDYliliary or pay IS an 'II g 0 III (,Rme to M,ld III ~he I'llIillly 1111.1 l elll Ih. t . he II~I·,1 the elr · "V~"k lleu, f lfnl/J~ Com,liuI/w. G'.n~,.,,1 I"""'r I" n" "ny ollwr hOl" oe III Ihe \Vesl ! officer or oDlployee of llil: Uuiled Stalel ler~or., un. er e I ',. I "d butn casslau Ballll, lid ''OII. i,lorell il. lIlI im "l u Debllit!I. 1 ~ Wp .rt;', nidI'. nlll'lI'. lurll,e Finklp 0 U Jj.L T 0 AN!) o. Ihelt ml~t.ry , : Ie ~K nll1: ) d I , ,\blc nC' IIIIKlt ioll ~"r l.'II.~ '. w il e\. II, ilg alltl .11 dideOJ!e. of Ihe & L"nll 8"w\l111 M.chiIlP ,' ""eqllaled .. e NCW BOOKS. 10 '\VC"plO~ I.IR: rlr"' y AI~, III till URQ ,\n\, Ladf ° . fl onl lc"HlIl CUll i"'I'I'O I'r VII/It,IRV OR G .1I1M, I FIlMl LY lIInchillf'. G.II aud see it. . "'1'10 l1IEL~DEON8, Lhfl Deco9sarloe 0 ~ ... LI .~,e nc: gUll thoir p.,rl!ollni n ~II"'"CC lin IlIIlId lr~u lul<l. whether px;alinl!' in L~ b . "on, OCI. 17. 08 VIAltNIlU.LY ",WARDEll !III " ..t nil!, d 1 , TilE POBTD UKOUS PAP&aIOFTltIPrCK' boalRn IInAu.lrlOD O)ul seamet . .. ' . . N ' I ,' JIllLE OR FClIA1E ~GuLDN f.PAL, bv oW"'ftrs I1J1d patronsI-n -' .. d lornA b', "Ou'I I' nnd s tore, RIllOII'" It i~ IIlInl'lo III 'Il C:.llmlolll"tlUII ' I" .H ' t"IUnlr '( '. j ' . • '~ -H ' a negleo"ftd ...., J "" . • WICK ('Lua. By Cbarlel Dicken • . ~ u . .. 1° b I I ~ Irl. sl ol\lle I'C "''''lrl"''e' "' , .. c lC.l e l from whnle,·pr C'IIIS" ur;ll'""III'll, ft~,d II" 01"SeD' 'A. the Beat Cabin.' Orgill,' thqdiroetor8 eapecial1y Inot'hllvmg W,tblllultra,iollI by Sol. Eytinr: e , Ihedl'Spllnngpeop ~: ullle " II'~1I 0 . " ." . I' I I . )' ; tnullnof HOW LONrJ STANDING, __ _ Americ.nln.litute.NewYuilt.lXt.'!£ ., ""' '1 dcncourage ' th nOIIOn'. T 'lcknor & Field.. Price Lhe mi,tortune i. luch, thaL ollly th~ '" dr!l~'llIg 'mp l~~8. mill, II .60 \O.IIIIl-, . tl Wh lItl aJ Coneern ! R::fr prollounce" . np.rior in time to Vl8 t an e ., I • r de '''' ~III'' UIII) b"....hlyIllK Ihe .klll 1I11c1 CI'''' D,.ea ~~R uf Ih oee orl:,n. r6qlll ro ,0 To All om ·i\ . 1 I is mnue ., 81 r l \ PI'n ed,'I'lon 'I Q5 1I100t elleruellC aclloD Oil lIe par, 0 ' " . -~, . I . I 't I J'I re i'I' II' nn •••• " .. ,"" ,. ~ ub· d -u T ' teacher ,' and lf comp a nt ,uv. • 1\1 • . " . . . rD lind CPnotant.i.. , yol""\11". llyI' ,totII col nello .lI. .011 tl.CJ.cpul l" u ' n"B Cl ~ " • - - ".-ItO have H oreel Po "" • A&I.IiTT L ".... . d \ I,e 'r u ..... I.. .,my !trlt,,,. Kl\Iolll .. "u,u · mlUed 10. Qu ... "mptillll or In~III1I : V ""'Y Ant! (,ppC'cinlly 11,ooe b" tI.. I b·D"'loA...r 011,'. t'cm by Bome on" -bo perhans We bave tn flreVIOUa!l8lU!l lInnOUn~e ,I"~ c"n llloQ Lbl\\ IUOI l\Ou ~elc .. , d m"" n ... n • a ,~ m.p , . ( . N en""e. O'lr FI-. I, . ",1 ' . 1111111" nre d ']'1 I I Ii len 111111\ er 0 ('nul I ... . to t I" " I< ''Ie 1 IId ' e •• ra. TICknor <Ill .!.. .Ie II' r-'U d I ,sU P' 111I ho ph" :- H' I ny , fte ."Iye WI u . II,. ":.1 Itl"111111'Onll ", . A..... ....-InSIQ" 'n'"" ..... hoolroom veDlo •• Irom .'-r"utl·oll, ill" lh~v KIIoII' •• A" """'"g} "' SlIr "I'C " " , n porte d from lle~tI I "" Ihere- COllten .inl. ' wbIItM,.r- II l I _ u-u vwy" . .~..,.. " . " .. " 'n n ., Bource8, ell'1 I I,e hllrile -~ I' U" IIIIf I181 becolllo 011 1': 0I Ih e mos I were that his ·IIUle bo v or girl, 'wbo was DiamoDd EtlilioD of 'be work. of lhi8 ••- --iU"' .i.nlclllle,1 it eh~III'1 be , cloar, .ol'~' 8U'O~tI' Health and Happiness ~p"r.tlr.."lftr [lIIr\8 or Dla.ok-g tile baIlie w".llld nothi'lOPlel'lo • Tb I !Inti UNIUUI\.t. PflCO $ 1, sunt I,.. ~J.1I1 or Ex , I N d I .. , .; d alwav8 good' bad been 'Wblppetl or celllbrRle .uthor. a '0 ulDes ,ue SHAIlP PIUCTJC£ DY A Jo' AITIIL&:RI . r I I' nr Toad Iltel "I l'II"IPri' y. de!>putl s npon . UII\III1J!. ow · ft· ~ys. , • llue,.'-American Art JUllrNlll, (edile4~ ' J ' , . • • I A d r ' Ii P"O"S o n re ceipt 0 lUI Ol,,{ or J)' n . ~. f I' I I \h k ( \ t " t t clnj! I jI" . ) dreadfully millused, they proceed, eleg.olly bOIJDd 10 green cloth, "IL I W IY&,- oe~ Ian 81rl"OIl~ oatsll u '"I' c r \nI~ ,. co 0110'1,',. 1< Nn. 3 W C"t Fit" prompl use 0 • 'e In b e r!lUW' Y' 01 \\'01 • ft I!W mu" I • I ' 0 . a woll·kno"'n muslc i em,c. · I pUll VO". IRI JIIS come 0 •. • "" ., , . H 1 b ltl' E t t B Ilhu hI' pr"II',"le 10 • ku!)\V il .. II :" olld when 'rh~ v ',oye .IM laken Ihe irfl-1IIIa dI.e II"Y I · tlIOUt lD ' vest'lgat'lon, *dc"ounce gilL letlering. and lba print. Lhoug' .0 0':..1 . ']'1 'Ia of a etl .." 51 ,',Ie".', -"' . Y .-'1'1'" 01111' Amori. e m 0 a x rae 11 , I· WI W' .. t " lIeTt"O 'e WI v "".. he ","I. l!rpbt III . IIY Illller, - f'''tn 0 .. w\'PrPJer flxhit.lted this .e •• un. ,... the tcachor lUI doing no good not ftt Bmllll,i. perfeollydillincl aDd beaulifully . Ig I] I In I' d <ON ' 'i ,. m r ·1 lint c:. lll .\ gOlll: fur III. Millo "f thc 8 11 J1 1t'. E e d· 'bat.". hed upword~ 1.1 18 yl?1lr~. prel' r· 'I w."r~mpl.'-I!" III 111ft un Ii shoe. Ih"y be. I'ED ... L ORG A NS, I.~. Ind 3 bub . , . ,. we. I Iy re Ire ew ",.. e" , t'4 Iv Y t.() tellch Bchool. 'Wc'll only kcop cle., ; willie Lbo IIIuIlrllltOD8 are fil .. idl hi. COIIS~Dt, aLotrl .. d fur N"w Or . .1. T. 1I1!1.:111101.D, Untobt. j!'" Ill/tllll'!! on II Itt I 'U,I ~n II at0" th ere. 01 key.-.ix 8iae.-~6tl 10 'I~,. fl' I I I b ~ I I I' \Vollder ..... blU TI·IIU. 140 8m,"I".y, Nuw Yurko ""d WI' ~r l ' ~n~ "'I" 10 shll" • h.orl. '0 tra· Wilhollt Pedal" slnl/la ond dou~l. him this term,' &c.; nnd perhaps. reprelODlall()DIO I Ie qaam C larlC ers leans "inter e ore "8t, 1111' 1181 win 640 101llh IOlh atre •• t l'hil"dulphh, PII. , \'1'1 r\~ht, III Ihat wny nf . hol!lDg. Whell in !,Ilnl vllrlet" eM to '460, too, in presence of the Bcholars.- Iblll porLrIlY. The oLject of Ihe pub- ler. 10 p"as Ihe cllid 01$1\"011 Lh",e. wilh M .I"I)'~ It £M INOTIIS . the \\orld "cllo \\'lI'd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •_ _ __ _ _ _ _ \ II 1,,11' ) i. ,II Cllt nw'lV, "lid Ih~ horae I. O'ga" •• wllh Ihelrs.oolll" l pe.~,....~ W'th h tb te h . Iilher. il 10 preseDI hele workl in II her pareuti. anJ relurn 10 N~" YOlk '" A"t,olllgi~t nnd ~oDIO,'mbulil\tic OI,';r...,Yil nl. Free to Everybotly. Irllvelell UYN Ollr horel ru."8.11I~ lep.1 co~ il)' 01 ton". be.ulillll.olo 810~" tlrt.~ 1 SUO a eourse, e ac 01' 18 " . bl Ihe I::lpring. LI\~I Sl'rilt~ she retllrned "hilo in a ol"ir\''IY~''t stlltQ, dulin.' II tuif I"~ A Lnrj(o G PI'. C;' clIlal'. h-i"inll' illf!,r"",li.", 'rllc'. and he bl'fOll'"~ IAn., :. 1 hen h. I. 01 choP\lll, unpqllaled redal~. 1"'lfIIlftl almosl slife to faU, Wh~t el8c could lorm and a.t a price which will. ena e ftccor<liQIC 10 the pruriolls III'r ,ng l! lllellt ; "cry fC:ltllrus ori),e \lI!l'fIon you uro I,) mil' ol'lile gr""lc<t im IN)rl,",cc 10 the Wllng O\' I rl""rn ed 10 thtl blll"k~m' h. who drlws. orllan.Hke ell'ecl~.are l"I't"OflorC~IIQ. be expccted? But I do not wish to all 10 ob'lllD them; and eerlalDly a. bUL 11111 F~bruary Lhe Ilu.b,,"d wenl un ,·~. ,,,,d by tho aid .. r ,,,, in~trumc IILIBfi nte"i''' bnth Pm( .. A. It tCI,ch," h.. w the hou',\!ly tnlly " If th l! ,hop. tull the hppi tlo~n 10wI~' e •• H.lle,Porl"r. a.d 8c110~ JIlt,." ~nsoro the dlrectora and pntron8 f.r a. their eWon i. oODeerned, tbl!Y t!~pcc.l~dly lo NtIV Orlelln8. lI~d foulld power. known II~ &)le l)~~chomotl'Oli}C. ~'lIlr. bC'C"lIIe ho,nlliful , th~ ,1\l.'I,i~cd re"peeted , nml l ~II Ihd :~':! ~I'~i,I~'i~:~:":t:'::"I:~II: pUl up ' ~II~: alone. I believc the Boartlof Edu· buo IIJooueded adlDirably. I\I~ Wife bAd not bA~1I Ihltro, euher Ihlll aut""," to prOflu".,n lle rl'eet Iln~ lil,,· lik. Ilic . Ihe fUr8l1k en 10. ell. No ~Ollll;': \1I(1y or gel) ' ~t~~I: a~\lt tile IlUr>ie 18 no beller ,.1 ._ veldleerle, WIlt ~lN' , ne~rl" :~ d.pUI:~~i';ir" . . • "",Ier or tho prevIOus one. flu IIlso turo 01' tbe I'u'u,e usbaut! or .. Ife OIf tbo "I" I I I II' '1 I h' • Id d h ,,_. .n 41 e,.n .. 01II1'II0 , cation baa been rem18B m Its duty. 'scel',al' ncd Ilia' slle I'R(I p"s~ell 'lIe pre. t (Jmlln " \1111 I ~I ttl "QII' I c,. n' .c~ ! , 1\\1 Thill! 'he caule UC. _O mAn, ors.n ""tn, Ind ft,lll", I"d of ,he be.l welllln,kil! OOR MUTUAL FRI.BU, bv Obllrlel D :ok· ~ " n' SIiCIIOt, with'dato of OIarriage. olx; npnLion. receh'u" c(,n.,· l,o.I,pnill, b .l· rotn ... ,":lil. I b d .boeln" not fut air."I., ur ' ' b I d d'" .\-'/_1 Thc law says 'Tho Board Shllll pre· 'v oEy· l J e wioler wiLh a lover in St. Louis. Icadillg lr..il8 of cbarllei<lr, &0. 'I'llia ls 110 .melf. ..... a .. , , "'"I II eing IIIr1n (' INal eac. - ;~'l eDI. With mUI&rRlion. by iSol Adll.o•• ,.I'. O. Dnn, cr, 2I,1''r,,),. X. Y. rldln . ." .. 11 be" modol of ;11 il.... An,... ... ticl'ibo rulcs and regulntionB for thc tiD~e. BOlton: Tioknor & Field. "nd Ihi, one "ilh him ill OI,ieago. He illll'o~i'i"n, lUI te~ljmoDlll19 .... itbollt numlOr 84 (jill Ollr \l1I!or, rur Ihoelnll' I~ ta Ipne tht mclt", lio'Y" 10 • II~.. 0,1"0 port"l. goycrnment 'of all the common Price 81,50. Plain edition,81.25. "onl 10 Ihe I~ler "rler IIf,r; bUI con ".tilll'l. By sta.tint:j place of hit-Lh, "1;(', E - -. -. , 1001 itl naturlll 'hope end .IP. We pr\,o lIJeloittt'on Itn~ tlte ' .. aull'el aehools witbin their jurisdlction.'Tbi. il No.2 of Lile Oiall1ood Dick ehe hellrel of il. lind eluded hil puuuil. <liHJlO~liion, calor of eyc8 anti hulr, lind enclll' len 10 .toptl, wllilOIl( 'utre l charp. ' • • • . lI .. r Ilrlltegv WU 10 8~nd Ie lieu to New pillS fifty cents, nnd enmpeti ell ....liopo lid Care f ••traeW Intge <l810"'n l'lIl eorist"'lly tI1.~~1 Not only rulea touchIng order, but eDI, wbloh hu. at 00041. ~pruag IDI.O Orlean8, "here they were pOII.m3rk~d .1 our Glloe",1 Whl)lell\e .• l1li ...,11 th di to b d ·" I I I L II 100 I.te In Rnd forward ed 10 him, He 8enl hHr to yourself, yon "ill roceh'e Iho pic lilT &. b .. pfllper .hOl'in". ' provided ,I,e .lilllcul\J n e proper stu CII e pursue, U:C. generll !,opu anLy. LITre II,. n'turll 011111. IUl(ellwr .. itth desire.1 .AlAC 44~ C I J I d III W.rerol)ms, 8~1 ruadw.,o LIt Has tho board done this? Are we ,be dl1 Lo praise Dickenl' inimilable lIJoney. upon which Ihe lIud h!!r lo,er informati oll . nr Ad,l rc"8 In cOIIIl,lcnee, ~I~,:,,~~I f~:~~llt~l~eirunallo·;;,:i' Bh:;~re W ; Ollr Illultrtled Cire.l., and Price ~ not aware thllt there was quite a dif. works; .uffioe to Illy Iha,", in 1111 Ibl' Iivel\. Failing 10 fiDd his !>rring epouee, ~1.1 "AM P. O.:IIT1lt:"" H£MISGTOS, P . O. Uox X E N I A, 0 H 10 ; h.v e pronf to show or our lueoe•• In lhla ~fo·i,lh. o~lrr_II!I'.~,.• I'I"., are uo" r"••r(tl,'tIc~ Ihe bUlbllnd returned 10 New York Are now p,epClrpd 10 furni.1t Ih "ir friollds ~ .u fieulty, and a good delll of hard feel· got. 10 make lip aUraeli .. boob whioh .-:- 2~7, Wc.t Troy , N. Y [tl4. 1,. ulI,1 Ihe public. with II", very pnrtlculnr. "E.lPV.ET~ PEr:.'GR . • • • .. The womnn and her pllrllmour are sull o::r I I YOII hne one or . Ihl!*o el!, Ibnu(lcu.irerl, 'No. 841 B"'~·'I' lng, monlfcsted Itself in one of OUI' ar~ uDeJ:cep."onnble I•• 11 relpe.eta. lbe in ChiCAgo. ']'ho hu . bRItt.! ill aboul 'I'U C::ONStJIUI·'I'IV IES. BEST AND (;IIE1PRS'I' 1,I1~JBER ftnd hllve fnilh In na'"r",. rln UI. tril'l. 88, New Yerk~ schools, from the (nct that the Board DIIlDond DIOkel18 recommend, It.elf.- fifty yellra of .go ; Ihll wife, tWl'llty' The ,uhJCrih.r, IIII'ing ueen r,•• tored I .. 10 be found In IIIi8 1Il6rkpl. Our Block Twice 8hoeinq will coltvlnce ),ou. BKOAD OIUAOt: ttlltIP_,,1i fnlled to doline its position in regllrd Ge' Iho eerie., by all meaal. Iwo. h."lIb ill. (..... "'Tk •• hy • ~Cry ",""Ia ,. ",. . will conelsl 01 oil kinds of Red'llc!i!)"1t 111 Prictll .to ccrlBln practices? dy. a(,., h.vlI~ ~.lrur.d lor .e,er.1 Y"·" .. ith New "Iein eh('Ps III roulld. '1,60 "TLANT•., .t. GREAT I I BACBBON.. PhoLoglipbed frOID lhe !JARNUN. though d c fe"t~d for Con· • Ic,.r. Idlll{ "tl',,·llO n. "lid ,,,. , tI,·tad d.... .... New shill'S lued. 100 ' t s high time tbe Boord would 8ca~el. By Edward H. Dillon. M. "rll, hili nol lost bi. ileRrl. Hi, hlleRL COII,.. ",n''',"-1I an1iou. 10 ",.ko k""wlI 10 L U lit BElt. 'so on . t t l ~-, d' " , . sel .\1 roun". ~ ~ U Ins rue 0..... lrcetors that it is D. e" York: R. ),{, De Wilt, Pub· exploil in the IIt'n~ation line i. putling h'. Idiow·,utrcrrro Ihe nl.on. 01 r,U'.. Dreaed &\ UIIdrfSSecl FIoorIng; Old shl)ee D A I L WAY I tIlcir duty to luataiu t.he teacher in lilb.r. To .U whu clu"o it, he .. illac"ea 8 c0l',,,f All olbl'r wurk In proportion. "' 'ct hmel Gordon Blnnelt, of Lba Benld, MILTON THOMPSON _ \,1'all reasonable requisitionB, and let. Dr. Dhton il won known a. . . racy .. • .. • Ih .. 1"· ' C" P';OIl "'ed (fre. of char~'·). "ilh lh. SUli11!/ and Bam Jlcfll/.u .Boardin[I, ' • . . among \b. 1Il0Bl moneter. , mllr "Irorolloll' fur I""P""'I( the '."" ... llIeh I h,,) W G,nelYilIe, Feb. !l6, 1807. t1INC.NlII ....n, _l1 . . ." ...... d _ ftAJI. . . . . . . . . . .,,~ the Board make such rulcs as mny an "goroul "flier on lDedloal luI) d b I . I I' b' '11 I' ·, ~ UI"" C"I'I" C Fencing, Pick('ts. Pnnncl SIUtf., -- - - - " - - - ~ - - - - -

Tho chief of in I bchevc to be In plfcums u· ces Observation 'Would justify tbc • lusion thnt, whero wc find a cono tea h olslng' ordinary qualifi· c er PO~B III d d' cations, With a WI to 0, an rccclV· ing the cordialliupport and attention • d' to d at on8 thcre I of heir !fee . r8 an p r , we hll a good school. On tbc con· trllry the teacher moy be we1l quol. I Oed 'in' all re.epoots but is entircly


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• ' 1 It on noles. bondl GKllipoli "nd Oon",nllDopl" 118tlf h~Y C rom el en e::curiLiel o.her lila~ beeD 1I10re or lell sh"ken. BUI M'ly














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be generally understood. Let It .be Joe", ~Dd wo bave ID IhlS laleal .0lulDe fairly understood by nil that the from hi. . pen, • number 0' pllperl de· teacher must rulo in the schoolroom nouoclng lome of tb. common erron of . . It ~. d I' d It The subject of stUdies in our L e pro 111100, ea I olilia a goo U· Bchools shou1d receive more att4lll· mClred 'bouah earn"a' lI1anoer, whicb . tiOD. Why has the study of Nntural oon'lac.. tho reader of tbe a,uthor'1 Phil h b b d d? I h .ioc.rlly or purpole. 'i'he "ork i. Dot osop y ~en 11 I1J1 one ave .. • . not found a amgle school in which onl, medlcIII j It aboundl In chOice this (we used to think) important plgea 01 description and relieclion, lind brunch was being taught. Students employ tbeir time in tbe detailed stu· dy of geography, term after term . . I I A questIOn m\g It propcr y bo asked, wbethcr a gcnerlll knowledge of ge. ogrnpby, tnken 'from outline maps, to b 'h k I get er Wit a no'W edge of Natu. aJ. Ph'l h • ht t b ~cnefl~i~;~P y, mig no e more


'U'" Fir" el, e c., '0 He h •• ordered a leriee





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OIU ltllnu1101l,

A.lhllla. Urnll,:hitl" Cuughs, Cold., .11111 . 11 lS"ingles, sllWtld nnd Shllvcd, Th,olll AlTo-linn.. Th. \J llly ohj"c l L A' H, D 0 0 f II .rlII" I..UIlr. l' . '" 101 I l' . 0 , . n vo, ',er '" ,pn 11 t ,e r..c"pl",. '" hi beu.fill" • • 11111,',", l.tI ·1 ....·,1 infuru""i .. n WillNW~W'l I§lA~·8.[ &I) &(0 whid, h. con••i ..... 10 be in'bldaMe. Anti h. " , . • • ho" .. e•• ry lull.r., ",illlr,. III. rellled), ••• ,I l.umt,er· Yllrd on {;hurch street, "11 I I w, co,tl lell' n?lI~ "K•• lId "'.,. !,,~,·e. III.... North .idt> fir the cit,. adjollllnil D. "";. renon~ ",,,Iular Ihe rr~8C rtl)llton. )·tI~f:, & E. IUillen·. Purk HOUle. . . . We are diltre..ed .1 hearing bl relurD n,.,I ... ,11.111••••••hlr.... Xeni •• O .•\Mllrah I~. 90·11 lhal Rev. Frederick SI.rr, of SI. Louis. Rl:v. EDW,\\lO It. W I I.SON. I I W,llIalll.buow. Kingo C .... N,.w Yor., 1118 wrilten II pllper to pro"l! Ihllt 11 I so 0 lhe wood 011 this OODlilll!nL will be de . . "-' --=--::-:-:::-:-~-----R.OBINSON'S .lroyed wilhin a cent~rl IIDd " hlllf.DR. 8CHElItOX'S We auppoee Ihe nilCS will go up at ... TII .. rrooI .....II..lbe,.,....O'.J.a.ion.Mo ... l. . oDce al lonlL • dollllr 00 a cord. ProprIetor••I~ c-mpLl.....wb•• II 11M _ ___ ....... _ • . _ _04I....... _ _ -"O ... -.b .. ba \IIe'IIIalI1.. nlo pILjo _ _ 00- Thirly eigbL yea" IIgo lin In _ _ blo _ _ I_oed or . ' . 1M - 01 _ _...f ...., .-.rtld "'..... DC. REVOLVING PICTURES, dIan "om aD roda 00 borteback Iroll1 t.aIt ... _ .. a ~ ...n III.... _ . . , -- A 10 • In "hic1tftll the Pieluro~ mn~ be Kco n thro' UUII. nf~ • to ~nta Berbll~I'1 UIIOO, "=I'~.':'=-':': Ginn, .... ilbout openl'lg the A.lhum. • ple~e 0 gflpe ~lDe." a .wlle I. n -'dol" ....... _ \We b a _ ...... '.' IF A new and arnulllentRI "rtiule fl)r the Ccntro 1'1IlY!e I lUI clegnll~ Hulidll)' ur Bit1h· TOIcbmg ~u~~ ... -.... ~ . b' ber delllDaLton •.1,41 atuok her ..!:::'!.~ ..., _ - dny Presont. E"orybody will wllnt one, ibe IWlle IDto lbe ground. It look root. ~ ..Melt aN _tta117 ..tnpU_.IfItIlII, ..... price being wilhin the reAch of tall. For !lAIc lit tho OLD DR ' U :SORE. ud 11%11 barrel. 01 "ine "ere made ::.::."::'"~IIII..=!:'~ Y.Jo:J~~GG. 77 I.IL lellBOn rrom ila frllit. ......~t1oIlI _orUl....... _

Mu.eum. 01 . "WIIX fi ggen... t 0 b e m. de,'11 ullrllllng .... , 10ll1e nolorlOOI mOldeDl1 In BeDDelt. rsther checkued clreer wbiol! \Vill DO' 1 ' 1 I -"f h' N Y ' It l 111 0 eul y I. 8W 01 CUB omera. • "'

in all Lbo book Ihere i8 nuer. dill chapler or an objeoUe.. one. Back bODe11 a felicit.oul 'illo. lor the~ok baa II d' b' I I' be alreDg 1.0 VIm, w IC I oug .. 10 "idely iofueed into lite puplio mind. --DaKOR.eT'1 ),{OIlTULT for Ma., I. al b d Ii It f b t'f I • b' - I I an ,u 0 e.u I II . Ia. lon-p a ell, engrningl. lalel, poelry, recipea, and .n endiesl .eriety of u.erul mlLter. e3 'I'he above are but a few or the a ,ur. W •• J D emorel.t New Y or. k Bubjects that ought to claim the at· Will tho publisher plclUJc Bcnd us tbo April \cntlon of the board. Finally, are number It fniled III re nch us. we, DB guardian cduClltors of tbe rio . . sing goneration on whose shoulders Mr. Seward \I ardeolly prosslog tbe ere long our ~ountry's weal mllst RlIlBiaD·AmerieaD aDnexalioo ,oheme, ~ Aa up-river bo"t on tbe },fil' ... . .. .. O· h k Geo. ...ip rest, doing our duty? we not .nd General .H alleo. and 11811ppl, arrlYIDg It alfO, al rctporLforoed to admit that tIlo times cleo COIl1IDOOo1l Rogere ha.. pronounceel e~ Ibe town De 8ot,o. opposite mand a higber lltandard of montJ tbe IquiliLion 10 estremely ,aluable Vlak.burlr, eDtlrely de'lro,ed b, the IUld intdlectual atta\nment? Let I\S aDd"ble oal. IL i. no" uDder· breaking.of lbe I..... oellrly 100 perBce to it that 'We are not lackblG in lolood IhaL Lhe 'reaty it required. by il. 10DS beiog drowD.d 011\ of. POPUI"lioD duty. " IIlP"" te.rlll...-to be I!'riGld "it' o"-'OO.- ),{oat of tbelD were nel:rot" Tbe following la a Btatement of ninio', dllJ~~ obutlOt.erillio lleriod ' . . the numbtt or h 1 1 M with lb. &w ..4,-&IId l\ aa, there. ~ A.n ucb.nge thlak • . that Ben· our I h \ Ie 0 ~n bc on&.ng to (oro be &Gted npDn baCora lb. Senale ator SalDner, io ofFefiog a relcilIJlion 10 Whol C oo .a., adjounal. 1" tata i.4ollbifll\' . IIlP" lb. Baillabu, o' Dela".i. Wb')I: ~~~~~=l!.e4. 698 • - -. - -----.:... frolll \he Blt\a'e, ia lltaBU, .t\rorciag Sltowillg thaUhere ~:, ~~n~t:o No hlllll h •• ,et b.....,e4 (CIT "be ...\o ~bieh .• u\..t.. dll". bOlD lu $tballl Q.urilll Ut4! Y"'.. 'be lna' or Barra", 'be Cap'tol bllllc1i1li.


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Free Turnpike

.......,. ... bo 1Ifto4 ... 0(1IIoIr _ _ ...... .. .. ...~ monl'" beoIIIIJo. ...- _ - Do.. IICB!IlllOIt'S PULItIOItlO BYaup, IISAW£W


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Notice i~ hereby gi"on, IhnllL pelillon will b l! presented to tho OommI 8~lonc.~ of \Vi" . ren Count ).'. Ohlc" on the 61h till y of M'" v; 1867, praying for the QJlIlOintment of C".;, mlll8lonc.s to IllY ouL and eetllbll~h " ]o·rol!. 1'urnl,lku Rnl\lt 011 what ill \lOW anll~d tb~ pinkney Rond , beginning at the ero"" roOdd in R"l.~vllle. W"yoo Tawnlhlp. in Soulton No. 1 , runni"s tbence in 1\ South Weaterty iOIl between Innlls \I\\nl\(1 loy Jllr.·i. StaltcRlin!! Albe'L 51C\!))' . ill Sec, 14, tlirulll(h I,m" Clw'led by JArvIa 810kQ. in Roc~i n 2(1. througll IIInd, owned \ly J ':rvia S .... kc. Alld 'I'hoOliLl! 'l'lh6nb III .SccLlon 19, IIJId IIltou!!h l.ndJi owned by 't:!>.1lu, V < Wllrcl ImI Mo", aarlall In Seotlon )10 to the n"ytoll an4 Leb· al1011 Tumpllke 'Ro1l4 ...04 thel'6 to etld-ul.. lelns .. dilianee .0£ ..\>1)11' ·~,..n mll., ~. ' •


RU1,rilO t ,lbr..,b II. IS!?



... CO_Y, _ ~LAJI.II''''.&' I


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I" Ihe uriou .. lyl ... or ih~ art, C!~n anw B08TOlt, be hftd .t tbe OLD GALLERY, Den PITT8BI1ROU, Ihe Poel.Officl'. on 1l1.ln Street, PIIILAD",PHU,


. I .m tnalle pICl'ur. from I Small .AmbrotrJPII to II Life Sized Portrait in Oil!



Tlli. i. tl,e only Ro.~w\hl

on Regions of



.. /0.1'

PASS.:NO.:RS "ho "llh. Q.i!:,~.!::"'" "til. T,\!' "iII.ppl'Ml.~elh_ S c" _..r 1111 feet 'be LIlXllrlOU. 0'1 • ' Ellt"'" M_lI niSe",,' Sletpin« C.,.e~'" "~~'I~,.cl \)lulll( HaU •. "alh.lm"Ja ..,me .0 . ...1\if the prompt Ti",,, alld Sure CO""~'&JtId1 .Alltmtic IUld' 6rtdl We,UI'1I ,;, ..- . .. - - . ................ ., ~ ..... • •• Th 'To 11: t I, to III e l k rio 15 awe No,lI33 Droadway"N'ew Yor s; tO~6k DaP,I' S~rceL 8l\d 3Ii School S'rce t • (I" . C~ .nd Union OIllOll8. OleteliUld; NIIi }fo. ft Streel Ohieogo' In Oinelnn.~I, at roedflJ WC8t 'Fourth S~et; N. E. co~~ I U.S. IInti Frou. Strwte; 115 Vine ~l t\1,1C S~, Mull Llno 81el\ll\crs :tlllldln~ t~<lJ!(JlDdII'11i lind at New PatlII8Dger Dllpo 0 10 LotIJl'~' Humllton . Dayton-Bail ••,.; ".,.d ~ TilE PtJZ~IoE OF THE .l.OE I III S. W. cor. Mllin arid ~ The .... rpelt oh..r.ere alte It DP_ fourtl! S&roe$ and al die People who .re p,o.~'blll (or crille- InIloLh.IlL , D ' aLARE;N . Oeo'" Sup'.1 perceptloll', .,e utlerl, ',1 f.ull. E. F. FULLER, Gen'l NO LIVING EYE can dotecl be'", •• n th. rlchlat bllck. Illd Tb~ 01.'" .~ browne tbe' N"ure II .. b•• towed ur.tin -Ther.ror.. th. n'lrOllI lhe hoir. Rnd Ihe .nperb ',IIOcial Inti shenld Immedl.t.I, Ule . cOllferre.l upon IIrey, red or .. nd, hllr, b, ~act Buc/au. , ..--,_ ' f.'1 i Ihe IncofD,arolile Ne11tl'III18 .,eatl -AN.llOOD AND YOVTII ~~ . CR,181'AJ)ORO'S HAlll DYE. '" HelftMIi' po Wit" 'he o.,l"r la-Imp.rt. IUltra, and clool V OIl are l'e,.l11ed b, • not dlmlnl.h the flUiibllilJ of Ihe fibre •• trdct /ltlclll,l: ' ~~ MltlufaclllrH by J. CRI8TADORO, k PR1J.T..... B.ol.~.'ml., A•.~I" HOlUle. !few ~ork. 'Appll ... b, _II 'and ID lu,e qu•• lltl". for .lle "~1Z. 1tllrclr,~.n. . Ot 5w . . fl. R. PRI

Eepepiftlaltentlon paid 10 COPYING SMALL PICTURES. lind ral.lnll ,hem 'I' TO. I' I to .n)' .I e. I ra'] e Mixe. "Ole IlVln, p etllrea 01 Loat Friend., aln &••e them copied and el.1used, enrl colored ID 011. milking lhem'll perfect the orl,llI.1 picturt. All wor!l WAJlUn!» I No nbjpolion til oloudy \\el\lber, eJl~pt (or amoll children. . leudea,or in ,II 011111 10 pln.e 01, alll\omer. · Ind hnln~ had ."Vllral , .. Ira , I b I0. l!X:>erienrt In l,e u.lne •• , . ftUer my· lelf Ih.l I can giye •• Rood work •• '0, aallery ill Ibe cit,. W. A. CRANPALL, Pholollrapl",r and Porlralt PIIDle,. March liT. III


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a AY8V I5L ,~-----."",,~


~L 14,, 1867.



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..a' of lira.

& aM ..&ablbb. . E. BiND, m y b.

. ltos. GUIlTl'K :-It wae my illten. foattd all Ib~ D. tr. LaLyl.. jD bonoew I bon to hlwS' givcn YOU.D brier notice ~nil b.l l • .wltb. 11111 mOIL approved n · , of the grand d ramatic I?nwrt:llmnent I'clel o(,lFIIDmIDV. sucln " dower •• rib , I • • WAYIfDTIt.LB ( COIlw.!tt rUTlol). b I r h TaAJ ••. • &.T• .A kb BOOJil). givCtl OD the e \'en ings of the Sd abd .ODS, Ae~ , l ea l l! r., And all other beMll. , Ju U CjDclDnal i Ellprea. · s.n A,II.. 4th, by t he Centrc" iIle Did ion ufDlAada.'ltlllenl'. Mr •• Sieco '1/" lin ' •~ \lJ~1I Inct "'eellm.. 1 1.4'7 .c... tbe Sons of T empcrance, in time ' ~Ieianl e&oc • • IIn~ lIer well kno"o III Ie ' '# , Cululllbul "(com., 6 .30,. _; 'yonr Iu.s t w~ek· 8 1.> 'ue ' but I foiled In LheI IU.o! ~.kln~ ~p. Ilud ~ht! uoi. - DUlotlla 111BUS IN E S S I Pittsburg ElIpr.,a. i O,06 1'. • • to do 80, OW'tllg lo' Inck of " 'me nnd r"na "I "'-'~U\)O .ue It". IIIwa1Mgiv en . . TlU rVI ~ OJ ., W. .., IURD BOUND, opportunity. to her cual:otMr. . will iodu e eve ry ~ , ' .:uui u Stl·~ t, "'''file-. ~ille., 01110, Min an,cI Aceolll., t .M A • • '. The. dram n of ' Ten N i It " one lO ,g ire her arr CJ\II . " . ' o[ ell killdl . l "I,cr" moy ue rnuntl a om.1I s lll ck "I wrll Nic: hl-ElIpr.u-. 7 .05 A. II. • g I !! III n • ~ . . eel•• ' ell G vu<l ~. COlldl81i nil ul ~itl.burg EIlPrell', I.IS/) Barroom wa cnncted 'by membcrs '" . , In 11'11 tr\1 llY ~ m I~ . _ I.,;lhclnnl li t xprfIP, 6.20 P. .... or the Division b t1 ' . . -Messrs, DLlul ey .if Wooll~y having IV ~ V Ie. ~ ~, l1;,li ~ BROADCI 01'HS """'" . Doe. n I C '. e. ore a crOll Jed reliltell lhe u s nu (orllIerly oooup'l- d b c~J(?? .. 9 1)--1 0 alop I I onvin. hO\1 coN ell<:h e" cl1Ingj und tho' eMI-l "d I .• ~ Y THE CAR 0 I N A L.U C ASS I M~ RF. S I'l'II ;monO'!' IS . E. W. W OODW ARD, President. 'I I . I :. . I. a u ~o , IAYe opeouu OUL a fi nu • VE' J . W O UPPI'. 8;0,,'1. . '. ~ 10 IU ~ capnb e ?f Judging, SIlY It Slack of Itldtlle H. IIIHoes·s. eke.; wll ile II I ET URNS h~. "nce~e Il.. n,ke Ie hi. "ilh Call B••e,. or wa"n in!! Oven. CnAt • !STINGS, & C" MIR.&. (l17LOlJ8~ A. D.OADWAl.LADER.... g!'nt. wns pel fo r m ell In a mlln ll er thnt 'In t' f I .. , .. D ,. I :\. DumerQII8 Irle,u!e for \b e I. r!!" Dnd IrOIl Ruervolr un lop ' Tin Kit~h n ..t L r..., -.;preM LL Doe .por , On ,bae k ·, a IIrge woot/.t/oor, • (',ADWALt.4D&a _. " .... ~ olh p!ui n end f-ncy ; wh'ir;; I "'U prl' p", Tho'Old, the Toung, the middl.~ III\It.t Io pnIH A.qent.••• wou)C\ h:w c I'cfl ected credit on mOl'e ' 10 11 0 . ~ ' " a18.N • IIIr . U u ' IInprr.CI: d en t ed PMru IIl\.gff ...L ~ody eXlend. l ~lId l'J tu ha ve mR.le lip i n • alyl" n,,1 KILBOIl, I\lercb .I}~I' Unll/n Ex. Ag". . . d ' " Iy t:lIh,U U8 a gooLi R~ ol'lnen' or r~ Ad )'- I ~ o to 101 m. BII,I wI," td re3pecllIIU', iht\Jl'm 1< ur nft ce : or,' n duo r. lined 81111'8 18~ d b y j'o 'T. Of'f'l Ct: NOT • • , cx perJettce pel formol s. msul) c1uLhing Ullt! good. lube m~ub U II I 'I' ~1II Il,ul he is "loW in rec~I ,,1 ,or 10 rCloin heal, an,1 R e. l C ~.. E very dJn1'llotcr wus admit'nblJ' I ., "I I l Ilere. III00IIertI to regulale VEGETABLE SICILIAN .• • . 0 uru6r. \.I" i\1 ,,11 I r .. l" Eo I, - 11 ,-17 A.:.t. pu rsolln.tetl. I ndeod thore scemcd ________ . _ _ 18 l e~ 1 when .. "Iu'" 11,U ., ' T/' L til I " d n . km ll' . .. Ttril n W. ' I, Jj 20 P. ~I. 1I0·1'oom (or imp rovement, At t imc . ~ T h" des.ervedly PQ Pul ~ r ",' yer· I H! "'!JC~ W it ~$1- 3(' ~c~c Stock lif T\le most co mplele " ;,1 beSl-workill .. •.~I u....; 1 181 ng 1 10'" ( G l' I' II t. ' I I ' \OVh ';1l ,"od" 11 ir Ihpv du nol oull tl,e 4 :50" the lJ ursts of ol'l>lnuse WCI'C Illmost M~e 0 II\) . . "OW l' I\; .1. , . ~ I) V" lor n lorj!o f 0 81i 1 y or Hul,,1 tl,o l \Yg " ,HtB¥tiYSlllltrtllf I\IAII .• t 30 r. lIl, Moodey. fvt Dl" rlyof i s O"" "ress 8 , l3uSl uil I ' .,ver oel up . Of Ih"He I he~8 arc 3 CU. lu'"0r • ho n ~ c J 'I'>, InkO lh em ! Il la anllltiretT new tlClentifl od~, _blnIDg "~"~':~'~~~1'~~d~fAII" , A. M T u•. deu reuing. The m usic 011 tbe oceu· hilS r~ mo ,·t'd 10 40 "P ~ I'k It::w. N ~ I~ 'CLOTHS AND CABS!D!lERES aiZOI- 7 , $ , an~ 9. ~. . '\ :::·8r.~.'It~~IbT.":1~~-,:~u1au<1 reatol'llliyo . ,.nll T~~r"'.v .u~ ,""U1rddt. AIIIIIV~ ; 6 I' >t . eioll was furnished by m e mbe rs II lso, Yurk. 'l'h" I.. r;rp incn:... e o( Ih ~irI ' H ,., 1 keol' conlll nil y on Io a" d a em,lI elock 0 1 Wo b.."o auch (oll1l4enoe In Ita merltl!, and are J . /I. , IIt VIN . I' . !\t. IUlII WAS t4e tlll!lSt t hat w e 1.1 :\\' 0 henl'd bn ailles8. IIn Li Iho brlter ["eil ilies .. rr"r. \ . ~' ,&0 &\""1 It ,.U\ do au~. C\~ f« u., \bal ". c6r • .- . l2! for mnny B day-'-showing very clcar. q~ d rur i L. Irnusl10 liu" ill N"" Yurk of ,,11._1.. .1 0 0 on,1 ealor •. e r ,~ p e n et1 io • READY-MADE CLOTHING' ,.1,000 Re:vvard . '- New nooks ' 'j e-elr" ~ ~ d m,"l e lhe Oh MO"" de. irAb . I" . Woo 10 1' 01', 110,. "lor.·, \V lrlcb I.' i . prep""~01 to 'T I" tI I I I I ..... . ~ ' " . ~ j ..... ly that the musicians were 'VeIl vcrs· tllie . C. P·IIIII "o"u"I 'I. llme n ~t l\l.ugn.'"n"t ! CIII 'f"ntll, .e 1ll0 S'I " II.;)rOIllOI".tY' D I , 118 Ie I ral·e n ~8 woud COI)/;.S10V ~ " til ~ I" mAl p Io.v Mit. nOD",vN . whl lt If Ibo SIOILlA" liAlII Ra lla".n does tlot ,h,. " ,. Plated Wa re, at Illiteck W cst's, Leb· e d'In t II Ilell.\'Cnl " art. -' U U LJ . . ~.e 1V1J01I ·J!oor, '.r.:" oven huerl W ' I II, " Older '"y U I" pl \.y , wloicl, I IVI ' II l 'ar. Cllon in ..11 CAlIII "'ben UIlcl lD......., ---'. " r .I "M d laYlIl, I I' ~ our IDalm otlan. . "'IV - " b' J PIOMIW rII V " h" 11 8 r"",oler , n roor 10 rPl:u lo' o Ihe lelOl pCII" . O ,allO/l , 10. Centl'cvillb Di vision is nli vc ill t bc . • " 01111' oy ~(p me u ;t e lu ro of Il,e OVCII In !l ukln::. 'SlV HALL'S . 0 ••• • , cnuse and is Ilccomplishin fT II. 1V0rk o:::r We I'IKe p lllA81ll e III Ktl dlng ollr • A A l~ ~ T U"' Our Jocose fn lind NllpolcOh ' . 0 olV n 10 Ih .. ~ .. nero\ lle.tiDlolly li S '0 Ih e I Be;;;t " tll'km oll III the W est! U IKJT ..rl]PI:I I''I' l1!\ · rr l tt' l1II l'''.?] I G ' eoetab16 SleWan H a 'r ~ "ou. parte Anthony wl'll soon beg·ln among t he fllllen and m tempemtc relialJ,il il)' 01 li lt! lIo1 ve n isin ,r A<ltJ lloy or <.IIIJL ~ 1l>l..u..,u:J ,'3 u 0 D8 goo~ 0 0(>.18 "8 anv III 1" 0 mar. !!I ' hu proyed Itaelftobe lbe moetper1'ecit _._,,~ v .... ""; ' · f - and wb lch I will .ell rortbo Ulllrevoroll'tred to lbOptlblic. p ...... _D ItO eMCt n lJabitniion on Fifth Ave· that will tell ill eterni ty. Among M"8srS . p,,~ lue lit; O~. , N;· .. rurk.- Custo I! " II I I Th i. 18 true in nome nll,1 lume. wi,,,,· . .IL I. II vogetnlJlo compound. and CODtaIoa no II' I t " . d I1el' me mlJcrs nt'e (ound the best Ulen We h:H e hllLl con , "l cl'olbl~ Ll I' l\li,,,,~ ' I . III r. ore n •• ur(' 11 01 lie!, con "o ve ever It hDR beell illlruduce,l. rh LOW <l~ fill y ill'm D"r/l Stll tht I ''Ilurlou. properties whntol'Or. . 21Ue. 18 Ion IS n goo onc. I . tl t . I W 'ilh Ih em. lind hllve .. I Wil y" ro u ~d " lelf. woor k J une Inu ft .I Y ~ ' 11"' ''1','' ••0'' by cl//"IIO Qualj', y' II \a llot a Dro, II .trlk •• I ' tbe'RooII __ A . .. . _ _. OC6 nll{ WOID C ,II an 10. CODlnt l1lll t.y, W 10 I . ...· In lh s "ounl r and II 6V I' U ... th .... , ...... ..... _ _ ~~ ~ thom prompl , j.{e.n:1,:ol'lnl y, 1\11 11 " rl ~ 1I I~: " I ~ erl' pDr II\U· 1\ 1. ( •• 8mnll "Ior.k of G~: NT8' F UR· I 1. ... aD... wl llowUfe audlIOlorlll, lDlUeI'. U'"litgives li S plell8ure' to state arc ready to make .;ucrlUces :fo r ·t.he "heaLi uf lilll t! [ ill . teRri o( u~ h ill .J J in ' ' , ' , N.I. ·UIN G GUODS !-ft ll o[ which i I r lrn L ~STOJU' o ", J.r- n.UlI 2'0 t hnt t ho KDob so milch talked about purposc of doing good to others. lheir 10IIy m ~ nI 8. Our opin 0 11 i.. LII I\ I S . . " ~lI ~ \\' 111~e ll III • rl' IO SO ll llhlp prlJ fi~ . XTS Ol UOlz,·. a C OI.OR . "Ins a:t ~R9t been })I'oc Dl'ed for the 1\1. Our esti moble tH enu, J. n. COL' Lhe enti ..., P r.eS8 . m"y 811 (ely Iru st I upenor to any t hlng 1n thIS plage ~ ~tr' ~("\lllCr o::r I'le.8~· lIlve UI~:a un ll be foro m. Xt ... m ~H.'P tI,o naIr (I"OM r,,/I,". 0 .., . '. Ih em Lo an un llUlIled 6Z I" II I., l I ' l, .U.U, , king yu ur sRleo.llon". E. (fbul'ch d OOI·. HUl'I'uh! U;TT , of Cill cinn nti , is honori ng o u'r -0 I r~lnro thonk. tn 0 1, "Id tll"omerl ~";;:·;:;;:J";'~':i8t1~';'!;~"; 0 A I 'J f I -0",1 'rlcllds lor 10 1"' 1 11o ,'y hll VI' 11""0 lor • , housohold fit present by his presence. U- A!:liifles Pugh 'VIlS th e pm·ch . On last Hening he (a\,ol'ctl us with J , P ~E~ilchri:l: 'i: IL:~Re,:~,~ °on ::,: "~:;; 111 0 il~ 11, 1' pftR l, 0 1,,1 lo ul'" 10 UP R bl~ 10 Ie. IT IS A SPLENDID HAIR-DRESSING I his comptln" to DiI'isioll, whcre he iDst,. Mr •. u _,.y ( 'llcllrl·.'L. fl lra" 90 Bea.dy-Made ' !I r:llrd III 11,0 r"llIre Illy . huro of Ih eir pat No pe~n olJ or YOllng .hould r.lf"'\o " .. It tlScr of the J.llnd sold on Sntu rdllY b.}· J run , • " vU rOll n!:". II ;' ... COI/UtI'<IOd" l anii _ il' by 110. 'FIRST ;IIEDtl1 e Orthodox F riends' SOCiety , t\-Jr wnl'ln ed up the t empcrnnce commu· yeRrI. C £lII E I:rOl'i nUDLEY. I CA L AUTJI OIWl'J'. . . nity with II. wcll ·timcd and eloq llcl1t Mr.s, GiJchl'ist wns hO,rn in 1777. RIIII 1l~ I . \V ft Y II~tiv ill ~ , Sopt. 17. 186U. __ Alk tor HALL', \'EOn'AIlLa Slcn".. I I I 1.. BAIIl n.aIlEWltR.· , nd ..... •• 1. 8 ~ 15. There Ilrc b etween t,vtJ and spee<:h, 'i'hi s mornin O' hc add resscd IlitdId , Iv.e till W 1011 pel'loil t)( hor co u~ · 0 uo olb .... . " try , 1118 lory. Her hU l bRo,l. CMpl,,,n SUOOECJSI The ProFriotors oll'er th. SICILIA. IIAm U.. 11lree aeres o( the Inud. - - --•• .0111' Sabbntb·school , and to·mol'l'ow Robert Gilcb rist, " 1\1 R cltpll\in in Ihe ~r r. I '" 1\" If' I ' "awllft lotbojlDbllo. entirelycCIIltldlDttltllltwlll RIOLHHOUS Harte ll. ~Rc\·. B. F. cvchlng he ",III deli vcr a lecture on WKr o( I a12. She moved 10 LebRnon it n nUl ilclllr ( . ~y IT yse ., equa ():::T In , II o( lhe above . loveR th erp • If R ' , ~~t~~:'~Jbl~,~:t::;"~f~a~b~~lr~:~.: t he s'll)j er~ of T cmllcrnnce nt Cen. in I a17. lind has Ih'ell here eincc, She ' to my Bl'At CI,I SlfU,n " 70rl<, 8re Ihree ~iZ08~7. 8, Pll d 9- v.ry'illg iII off Vi lli I'OIloro II uolllll the I~ II "'''1 ac". boro. .III III I.~ eCl lln · on 11"1 d Jlrlees [rolll! $:15 up 10 "~' (iO, lurn ed out lill Rlll' ~IL Entoll, .U ni vCI'snlist )fillistcr, 0 r trcdlle, wh cre, no doubt, his t ulont.'i movedI rom S.prlng •'ll,\ <I\"S ~ ~ 1 • complele DKA Llm 111 ,11. P. Il.A.LL a; CO. Proprieto..... l)ayton, will prench in Concort Hall , 'I ' Iy. She w". R wurthy mClnh" r of I) R IT .. N ...... N 11. Wayuc,'lViIle. ou S aturday c \'cnin g , us a ect.urcr Will drnwout a large. Ihe P r~shyt"I'i'1n Chure h. lint! r1j" J ill COME ON, GENTLElNlEN' I G~ I M l~ E S ... Sold by all DrDar.ta. • • :the 20th iu st .• at· i o'clock, nnd on crowd. full hope o( Ih ~t bleB"ed iDlDlOI' I" lil V P 1 O IlDl(a., Jli;l;e , l·II.OOD..Jlt. 2 o'clock. Ray8 yille bas been vcry dull for (or wh ich 6"" hlld 1l'llitl'U ill long .....:.. ar or and Dining·Room C HEM I C ,A L S: . J _~ , ... _ sonte time,' until to. dllY at Church, Volunteor. Ollt! pBlr(lnlze I-lome lrfaouro e:turcs. STOVES. F OR WOOD AN D COAL. LEA l). , OIL. G. A. R-Officcl's o f'Vaynes"iIle wh on we,1I0ti0cd qu ite II. num ber of WHO WOV LV !'lOT BC nEAV1·,fV r. 1-AIi TIle GrftJl Int'.ntioll qf the .A!l' ill PEERL E~S, Pl\rlor CliO". for wood. VAnNI 'li ES. I~n.cllJnJlm ent:- P . C., Geol'ge G . d sitors. am ong wbom wcre DI·s. may poe.c~8 a r,lpar, IInblellli. loeo skill , YO UNG AMERlCA, coal. StC I'CII S anu 'Yay or r Ol1l' "illnt>'e lof al. un ;; IPr w lo l t ~lI es ., loy Ih n I' sa 01 Dry Paints, Sargeant ; S . V. C. , William Mnn· . . " ' I ~HA9T F.LL~: n'8 ' ''' IIITE LIQU ID ENHIF.I.. F HA N'KL1N. COll I. TO CASH CUSTOM1~RS FANCY . toll ~ ":I , Ve IlIg . " E~. D . I'.\ 0 llert9 ; - eooh o f .~vhom adu. I'essed, the Saubath It i. Ih.A","., pp(f".ct. • rli elo III "."e , (or l3I~ ACON. P ARLOR COOI( . wood. llAIN'1', VARNI~H, ~C Seltoollll B hon dsom e lIttlc SI)eech, Irem."vl lIg 00 11 im purllleB. of lh e S~I/l, lind 11 ., J . J . n. 1'0'\\' 1\ ; Q . .." [ . " T0 I111 \ U A l~ '. . unlik e 011 o lh ~ r 'oamell • I 11 no enj oyed by nIl. W c trllst they·will ,'llg 11" t , ' 11 '1 ~ thea, 0.0 '.' nllll ~ b . I· I wi l! Mell goo d ~ 'or I.ES& 1I10NEY Ihl n a lIew .nd beaullful design. 1:0 ~1 ~ t o vo a Collettj p.. S ., .C ha rl es F. Garretson; . " \V oJuro e ClI liC 0 ; elllg I I II [ :8mltt~lBIlEm. C! 0 l> n visit us tlgain soon. J . 1", R. ve{:e loble, II 1&pl'rfrclly hllrml ~".. Il'ur \ you en " '")' I 10 oa m;. JlIIII . ty ' or elsl!· of all .,zea alld prir..'s occordiu!! lu Ih e 1'. C, ' J Oltll II . ~o ll.tbe l'1l ; . ., . I \V R wherl' whe' her I[' be Jew or quolllY, ., u e, h" lesole nlld f lnll. by IJ F. IW&R. • G' II ; " }' . J .QIlCB; O. -G.., Ja!JOD Pllillip8. Tux H O:\lR J01:RNA L com es to us SUU1'T5.& e() . Chemisl8. Troy. N . Y . enl e ; . - - -- ••• - , •. . . SOli Ii ..,,, M II, e rli~e lll ~ n16 III nn ,lI hr r cui· ~ O. l\llelllel,·" E 11\111 nIl G oo,\ .. ~A8B ABD PtJ'fTY, "'ttb cxtended propol'tlon s and tn n umo in (his pnper. ftlw.y s 0 1\ bond - SII, pP-lider• • Ne.:k!ies. N);w l\[US I C. - Johu C llUrch, jr., TRUSSES. ncw d l'esB, looking htl1ldso/ll e and in· Pop er Cellars, &c.• &e. ill\! weU:known m usie publis her, 6G . . ' ·1 If I' Id S FF. Til l: AOVERT:SEMElfT 01' IIlnd.'m e 1'. 1'. DOn SON. Of Ihl e a' yl" thr rAnro:,I, rAO SIZU' i nil " S UPPORTrm S. t itS 0 E . F . '}' H"RlfToN . II Ie r r~ ul A-Iro I W'nynes of Ihe nbLlvO"""llllolle" West l'hi l'tl St. , CincillDriti, Jaas is- ntmg. as. It 011 Y cI l\n. ol:'iet, __ . _ vilr,·, . _. Murch 96.' u uC' . n bn .. 110" u "I • ravontc IS ns mu c~ .'l weckl y ncees· Clairvuynnt SHO U L.UI~r,· BR A OES atlll Paychometriciu n. -. 611Cd .t he following Dew llieecs : Let sity to cverybody else as it is to ns , HOPKINS &, CRISPIN'S, IILl. Til E POPULA II 1I1e Spank ]·lim fo r hi.s 1\lot her, soog, thcre al'C but few who do not hnil its \\' aYlle!lville 111 .... 1u.,1II . • ily X . Y . Z. 2!) eeRts. Alpine Ro· yi VIlCiolls visits with joy . 83 II. yenr. ' ' ' .• V~ E S1' I .LLI;. 1tledicinc~ ses, a Swiss Molllltni a SOllg, by Care!"U" Corrected Every. lV(e·,. AI the Old FlI"Yorile Yllorris Phillips &: Co., New·York .. "'------+-Corrclly. Sf> ccnts_ S ent h i "" J.O W FJG U RI~~. (or CA S U n" [PTIClFlll IIX~lFJ.A[)'f~t fOr'sale by 0.. When t ~ bu <hel. . 1!l1' PO@> 9 00 ill ony cily , lo wII or villllgc, .II~' post (laid 011 r.eceillt of uy'thc Rye 'f " 1 00 @ 00 puul1sher. , TJU;-We ca\l elpeoial .ttention (0 O"' R 1P 60 & _ _ --'-0 • • • • lhe .dverliaemt!nt of 'f. Y. Kelly &: Co.. Bn rll'V 111 " ,J 20 @> r 110 AnH>llg the improv~ment8 at 30. Vel_e., S, l.• New York. We hne I Corn II r .. 60 HAl R-OI LS, -= d I r -' 'I I nll\,kwh nl 1f/ bu .. . 75 '}lresent going 011 in towll, we notice ~~ Ilelr e~ . .... can .1I11l y ~ay tllil Fluur 'f boorrel. 14 Cj o nETAIL ' riEAL ~n8 IN 118 oll e of the most proruin~nt tltOSC It IS (llf .upenor t~ any we bue l:urcJ.. FIOJur 11 CIV' , 8 00 As the slove l el80n is rar rl , .lur "'ock I. low; but tI,ing8 Lhat we in operntioll on the Academ,Y builtl· llae~ for yell,.. '1 he very low pflee~ al f~:~ew.~b lb ~~ DRY GOODS, hn vc nol (Ill Iiont/. ,\Ie can oUlal" . by .E x . ,. ing hy its present O\\'ner, Mr.. Fet- wlllcb th~YI~II. ndded to the quah,y. EI/:gs 1f! d~1.~n, !2 pres", UII _hurl notice. A well·.eleoled a8l0rlmellt of Ihe lIE8T i. in eonalsnt receipl or Ihe I:hoice.t !.ers. 'rills gentlcman hal! entirely are .uffiClela Ibllucem.enL to purch."fte.rl. Appl e~ 1jl luahel. 1 80 QUEENS WARE, We hav e 01 00 on hsnd D good . , . or l changed the ol'pearnnccot the build· Dealerl aocl o~her8 Will 'Iudy .thelr tn· ~:;::o:: ~·~:~ilel. ~ , I GHOCEIUE~ menl o ( A lm o~ 1 e ve r~lhlnll' 11/ our lille. llAllDWARE, & iug, ~n<l by neat fencing, ornnm ent· leresL by mllktng a nole of Lb,l. ,Drlell Applos 'il? 1b l~ I G80]~S emong whi ch are . 81 trces, &c. , will in tilDe have onc ~~ ~~:r:ee~ ~ d01.en, , B ~~ . II .' P01'S, of tbe nicest residences 011 thc stl'Cot. " ' A. Will Been by e:llrlll cireul,,· New.()rlennRSUllnr iP tb 14 @ 20 8KILI..ITS, ~rc G UFF'f 'S & WILSON'S SERIES, _ _ •• led in ollr 11\81 edition. Messra. J . S . N .·U, 1\101,18808 l? g~llon, I 35 GRIDDLES, &0., &c., t\t; c. . Roleberry '" Co,.' of 86 M"in SI. DII)! ' Sorghum 76 euch I. KIo:ys.-K\'erybody will be so good d Cool Oil 1!l ~. lI o n. 80 OVAL, CAST-1UON iii! to reod the advertisement of the lon, are oft'llring uL~lIordioRry in uce· ...____ _ _ . . BOILEUS, ,.m.delra\i~ble 1. ~. Keys, Dnd rortl1- menl. cuttomera In Lb. · WII! of sum· ~ ~ ~ ~ DRESS GOODS 'l'J<;A-KET'l'I.. ,ES Physicians' Prescriptions Our- FALL Stock is DOW . mer and .slapls dry.goode. 1 he~e gen· with Ilroceod \() examine his cstab· of .11 Rizel. tlemon hare ell"bliehed a rllputaLion for LADIES & GENTS' ENAMEL KETTLES. lillhmcilt. We were astoni8hed, thc Carefully and l)rolllplly Filledo I .. mnjl; the gooll. a' Ihe leRst POI' uo"rl.ed eiZlla, C)f Ihe bOdl qll nli Ly , -AIIDoth er day, to see t h e b Ilge pyram Ids . . '11 VNDER .. WEAR. 1,t D I' ft g • S , II r r , " 't .ible price., and all who try -them. WI 8HOV~~L8. 'l'ONG~, nn d boxe8 0 f ' b oats, 8Iioos,. gill crs, • I bId d SAD IRONS . WRynenllie. Ohio. .te., of e\'ery size, 8tyle and ,'ariety cntlllll), e amp y rew.r e . C \ SS IM E.RES, Customers and IUON SPOONS -nnd of good qUlllity, too. :Mr. 0:7 In the annOuncement o( Ihe pro CA SINE TS. 'TEA & TAB~g do. ~ey.s hos been unuauoll! llbcral in r.mme ror Ihe Te.cher.' InlLilul~ I !!' CANTON fLANNELS. ME AL SIEVES, hiS IIlVe8t~oots thllt spnng, and he ~eeling.t Morrow. on SaturdRY nut. 'fRAPS. K. DIJDU~f aDd V. D WOOLLier, bas, tberefore, th~ largest stock he Lb. ell.Y on 'Imllginlry Trial.' sbouM Our Block 01 BROWN AND CHILDREN'S KNIVES lining IIlIlorcd Into co.p.rlnflr~ hIJlln I'", evu hlld. Donot tall, ~Ddar penalt! bav. r~.d 'by}f'1I O.rrie Myer.. io. .AND Ir' ORI{S. or losing ~boice bargatns, to "islt .tflad of Mi.. Meyer.. The mielalte , lVi ~h to inform myoId Frlenrll. o"t/ IBLtAOHED ll USX.iNS W.ABU ·BOWLS. SBO~~ is 01 l'.tronll ,thllt f am IliII all "nnd, with 1\ • him speccllly, Dnd tbin out his stock. oeeurred in the reporl we receiYed.VlCTOR K ETTLES. for boilin~ Po· ful! lille of . NOTIONS, wi.hlo I"form lhe Public geo. 8Iitl3 Jr taLO!!I, Ihe m08L comple lo lhl ng in Be is a generous man, aDd willing to Remember tb. me.tlDg. cully Ihllt Ihey .re m.llllf.o. ~ ul e. dispense these nice things among his IlIrlnll, 1110 IlIlond 10 keep for HOSIERY. legiOD. o( rriend~, m~rcly for a trio ~B. FaulT.- W. ar. bappy to learn OOAL BUCKETS. 88l e. a fuli BI.orlmenl of 811 kinde or ...: . SPITTOONS. lUng Consideration in the way of tll- lhal the prospect for a crop of (ruit il SADDLES, HARNESS, CORN POPPERS. .Boys' AIKQ. thy IU51re (so ~lled). good, IIlthough Ibere will not be a full For Spril1ll W"." both of MY 0 W N MUSK·RA'!' TRAPS. end III .rllelel ulually k,epl In Rueh 01· ---,-. __ crop of peaebell. yet It will pNbably ao" BE~T BRANDS 01 l a ~1i 8 hm 8 nll. SAUSAGE STUFFEKS, AT REDlICED ~ATE8. ~ Until A,rll Flret, perlon. wlal,inl[ II GRINDERS, RONA"vu.-Last Tbul'sdlly fore · be ClOn~ider.ble : whh. Ippl.e•• pell'.S. uADE A FULL "LINE OF READY . . .. anylhing in our line, CDn be Iccommoda. LARD PRESSES, II WIIt!a~ ID CITY MANUFACTURE. noon, 0. horse belonging to l'ilr. Job' eberriea &c., i~dic.le 1f1,. , ted lo y ~ nllinll on C. D. '''OOI.LEII', SPRING BALANOES, Rogers, whleb was hitehed to a bug· Ibi. aeelion il )~ltlng weJl, Ind ~lng II nORWIN. aller which we will be PAD-LOCKS. ADd especlll:rr I full line of found .. the old llaod ot iii. W. ROlerl. gy, and tied in front of the Rogers now eaf. from the .nerily of wlnler. SPOONS. TACKS, Housc, took fr ight at the (all o( the should no olber oblt.~le interYene, we BRITTANIA SPOONS, WaYDIItIYlllou°J'LEr & ,WOOLLEY. in P,ti~ 1'lN AND IRON SPOo.NS. Hareh ll. 186'7, _ _ .___ ' 1&l1tern, broke tho hitching· strap, may hope (or a bounLlful bar"II, ~~ . Skate" Farm aM Se" ool Bell~, SI~iD'1 a~d dll.8he<\ down , Mnin Street . Bt a 10 JJellll, alul a", end,ltllll flariet!I of' SPRING &. SUDER WEAR furlous rate. His IIl)eed wn. check. . . Mr. Joel Enn. request. UI cd near Allen & Randall's, and tat· ••It tbe person whl) borrowt-d Ilil The Sublcrib" 1111. taken the· tug 11 turn to the. left, be rusbed ~n Hedg~ She~rs lind r?rg~t to. reluI'C U. An eXllllinnlion 01 whl"h clonot fill . •. II f II I III II I r smith Shop formerly occupied by Peler' b . t d -I ' the pavement in front of G. Leak's, to obhge blm by brInglo!: It bllck at to Ih'" mOl t (ulldlou •• bOlb io qual· ",,0..' 0 WI C I W8 tV I e . uw ,Dr Eberly. in Corwlo, " be i. prep.r. aff! JUI op. ne 1 ... 118 e ~- .. . b I' I ortuo!ty il., Ind PRICE! CAtlH. Look well '.0 ,oar OW" Inlereel when ~he buggy, coming in contact t e ear lea opp • -gin Uft ,OUT undIvIded lid. nlll we will ed to do 1111 kincl. o( ,i Tbe 811.llIlock or ~ith a tree, upset; mutilating It ~or. 0:7 W. ban • new O.rrier thll I. E. KEY 8. briDlE Cit., Price. to Jour door.. B LAC X 8 • IT H I B O NO. 10 DETROIT , STREET, .. ~ . W in tit. be.1 mlnner and .1 'he 111011 rea· rlblYi And the. horse being ex tl'lca· week: if aDl (.iI to recei,. their p'per., Oppellte the Ro,erl HOII.e. e are "bere Ibe, will keer on b~od • e .......'''. N. D.- T0 Suol .....AI;" " mlk'''1 BUilu It old prlc ee. of the .onabll price.. '" , ........ ,?d ,rrom the ·v ehicle, sped on to the tbey will pIe... call a' tbo omc, and Warnenllle, ,~pril16. 186'7 : b•• l No. J8 Chlrcoallron. C. III,, ·lIrne, He de, irea "plcisl attelltloD to the '''D~Im'''t .,.of h"~ry .iable. One or ~ls feut was be ••pplied. ' EXF. -CUTRlX' NOTIOE. Ibie·.IIIl1I, be readJ In . 8110n. (Rcl Ibat lIe ba.·ou halld anlb pr.p.r. P·ia1lOR, Prg.on., XtlDfkoM, ~'IU, lenously wounded, . whloh has for . ' . . , 0:7 w. r.ellr~I' .b.nkrul for Ihe lib· ed to manll( · · GuiJa1'll, Slltcf.A(Mic, ;. J/,.it; .,.We are Luid Lhat Is berebiy .rd"e~ tbat tb .!':,'!cArm:I.t: lOme"day. caused cOnsiderable anx· er.l pllrona,. of lbe p.I' ,.ar. ano bop. . B ooks, Y'lOli,l (mel Gtcilor ' " tbe. orchard . - or, be4ln -pro n.... ....... qn..r1fte.,.. i ety for hla life. We are glad to Mellr•. H.mmill .....cob. proml ..' • tris on the Estaw of Du~ Reed, ~eceued , b, .Iriel IU.ntll,ln 10 bo.ln. ... aad hon. S . " Strri'ff!l" .' .;: ~.. ~ orable dulin,. to ...rlt I It III,r · an k' d S"le d D bl d ' d In Il ei !l".Ulbin ,"\IIUI\~I, · .."" i' ' lcam, however, thAt he is now im·, good crop ofpe.ebn the com·· ~ of ,!,arrcn CoUDt )'. O!"UAJO;AII' n,n D, eOI,olll. tha~ ... e mo.)' be .abl. to.'gi"L~ent °S'ho 1,nplIO ll a~ b·l~b. bee. a~111 :nMlllic !:Jlbre ; .I(' of . ~lcti W• •llhfl~.' proving, ' with some bope C1f .reco,', illl ~"OD. W..ynenilie, 0 .• April 2, 1867 . . ll to eor enterprlllo"lplrh. Ind b. I ""D'' .,. OWI-& O~. III W . ' . ..... _, . 61 to oureeI,,, aD. IIIIo"1I4,e""ln,. paran'.. &0 Ii." lb. be.t ....tI.r.elioa. A. Low a. an, HO.~~ia ... W•••• Ilry. ¥,r. Roger. bid Bold biB horse ' ... • • ... . . lAMES P. BRYANT. . o:T 01" at .I' ~\h ..., ..........,.,• (or ,400 to. gentleman In Clncin· . . The ' '''d Watcb·WorkmlUl l~ YJ'1lP, ~ ~ I ~~c1t l8~~: 6s·~r .~~IY~I o.! .' h!. r~~\! .,.... \ ~" • hU, ~ whom ho was 'to ha•• be!!~ the C~UDtry . ls . at Hale & We~"'s, ' Tbll bell~ol all :!Pkl'~tz~f' OAL~ AND Sl~~ . . ~Ilvercd On tbe day ot tho accident. LelJlUlon , Oliio· ' o




C R I S PIN S T·O V 'E" S'

T T DOD S () N

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I,neo", ...

:a :n







'\1'("" _


C· L 0 ' I' H 'I



Xt I


I a i n (1 "" Ie. ,


E R 'OftI!!! DIe I N




and Mixed


Signal Parlor.



Tlle--a6ove Skirt



FAli'CY SOAl"B, &C.


ID"Y R -.







."C 0 M P LET E !"


I5iI I-1 c::. e s 1'1 I

New Firm.

And we'invite the Attention: of our Friends to the Styles

anel Prices

. . IJIJDL!s!t:sll:IIIIIS. BOOTS AND ' the Beat Quali


Choioe Goods

For lien and


UBIII' III ' . 11111'

Hoop Skirts,. &c.


Jackaon's Pector



rl.R W·' R B

ILlll l . 1



. 1C)b--w.C)rk of




LADlES' DRESS-GOODS, In endless Variety, and at a. great reduction

MUSIC srou. II .

• I I f••, • . -'A_ 1N XENIA

A I' , ,a RIILI' h I.lti'_11I • work •• IId" EIt,liah "toUIc:IUN. re. \ ~1I11y pulln.,," 'II Loodoo. ,b. t.M~w Inl JIIt'C!f "en.


roial and Netra


<1 <>1'.1 •• 11011 IInOWtlt . hat I ponen ntne hall in the elty of Londoll. a .. dllh.1 I 11.1 e rra.o"y boujlht .n e In 110" 1 r unly ul Eun l' le.e,." h 1III1Ifo I prr.)' bH, Ihe t\\ \I cuulUle' <I( l\lld~I ~,e~ I


7' -}' 1\£I,J.1:1



Imp orler~

tnd F"",,,,x 'rom firce .n,' C',rtll(l""k •• .nll, .. J h~\ e an h} Po.I jeollrd ~.I ,Ie III Jl rc, luok .1 •• in cO"'I~' 8 l<l~ un 1111, l\nlV, nI 10 \lIe o ' h~r pOrll un- "I Ihi' (.,0 Irv, ~o IS 'l' hou \\ III Lord, cun . olld le tI," R oy.1 Jh nk thl\1 it may lion t Icl Itl nntee l oCt all Illy debtor be tlr II ro me IIIl .. fl t alen GlvOl.. prot! cr· "II.-and apel'dy "OI Mlte II' lht 'hOP The be t opportnfl1lV pvpr tu pcr ma lll, for t he Inl" .ore l II h,ch I nm r eon. Illbh ll1ll hi ~~ nr. 1 cln.n apone,b lu. P relorrv me ~ ,) III rv I" flU alia hrl)l~'l cJ8 Ih. eU . I'D) eerva nte lail'hfu{ Gild dC~O ~f'~ Ih al lill' Y Illay walo h OYer my '1I1~re.".nJ r~lu llul tliVlr UI/. Book-l.ccpl I S, 1~lInce by dlly or by n igh t



III 1'~Il~, In Clltlll l\ell Willi Ih elr larll 111111 1\ III \1\1'"1' . . huyu .\dllrlllilled IU 1Io,,,,,I\lcc Iho> lr 1"81 Il\rcclly Iu ClHI8um


jo'"t Ihe Ullllad

IIle~ ::;~rvIC:\) AI¥o,

Pocket 1U1d Belt Revolversl











POll 111£'11,

Ntw 1t:1II" GIll f1 U"D!R -The New Jcreey ,80101J11:II report !holV~ thot Ihe At/allllro O cell\ I~ ateadl'y Ilrul "thcnol' Idly tl llCIOIllllIlIg upon the la"u, on II. co. l.ol ~ew J .. rley. At Cope hl. n" II,· tiurl hu eaten IOII/Drda lu ll. Rill e III .iI~ Inal runely vea rs . Aiong Ih e b.V 6 1, 0 1e of ClpB Mo). Ih e manit W~urtj U\~ ,y al I~I" nte II! .. rod in~" 0 \ Ute ne 01 lh' beftGl..\~ U~ tile ~1l." 1 \& IIlltlOlI tl a. hn/lIg muvciJlIlword moru 1100" VIIO hundred •• de In the Ialt IUlr\jl l!:'lI r~ II I~ " fto 11,0 011"11011 of tro e oldo' l ub.dn e'a th.1 lhe Iide qs.,! QloI,er up 001 1118 .'osler " 01 Jer~e)' II ptund. I hnll (urmer



Brylln t, StraHan & De HIlD S

otinc iunnti QtoUcgc !


BE T lor-Every bo,Jv detea l" 1,,1 rna II. Ille ho usehold , Ull t 810 ) en h nCS8 In Ihe out poor Dlnollg~meut of tlou fIll m III ~qlJo.\\ly, dIsgustIng to 11111 love r 01 T'n nOlltntas I\flll Jooll o~~~ r In. lite ~ prtng I fl iltl ' su[Qult' r. IIl1turll Will. h. DI) rll~d b enu tles u f ~ro\\ th !lod color ~eclU' to Largest, Cheapest. \lond Beat al rul!ll:le to ooncellilbe sh ort com ings of " I>ll",,~hJlI I~!1 f.flDer, Lnt 1he Iro-IS of in Amenaa. nUlaMO t evt'lIllhe m ID nil II efr Illl ~ i g hl III"~", }' II.lda s Dlo lhured \Y ll h Ia n i-"ul\Ar. weed8' aow ln g tholr qlllhll1l8 of ~~~tI, for fu . ure crape, faocee 10 a tum ble bown condlllOn , yud, torn up b} , 1II'IIIe ~ ,"lIlb to hou se anjl OU th O Il ~~B COIlt!KC Op"" Du)' "lid EvenlllG" lIn ee-deep "llh mnd, corn wa 6{J tl~ III field i ,rllD alr oks thq IIlJ:til Jlqtl pl"J,' ho~~e~ bf hog., Yaltl~i;le m 1l1J 11I1I ry bleacll1Dg, '''tllltng, rotllng III ih e "eather, rooft".8 eloedi', are lomt! of t lo t! I!gDIO( lila 0,Ut dopr I lovc.n, Re• .d~r, II vI! yo~ " '!y or Ille8e signe UlSl tog Irquod you.'~l?r~lI1"~e FaT-nrtJr.~

-T 11 E

D ....


lJIole F.Jl"IM

------+,~.~.~.~>- ~



\l'he N. Y. IIKvRoH correspond e nt '"},S, pnuc ngtlrB froDI HI~yll r eport" reyolutlon 1)'l.! re 'I he} ,C'\ o that Gelfrflrd II overthrown nn ,1 that there bill be~ D a iood de RI or bloody fiihpng 'L'!ie 1'"liuno', cor respond ence howe ve r of tLe BIIllOe dRllt IIRyS thl Gefi"rnrd bna triumph ed oVt't tho \0 5 Ut g~O t8 BoLh oonespolld clI lP ng loa ID nporliDg lent6c 6gbhng, nlld b loody . work. It IS 181d LIo", II .. ls of Pon ao Prloce were stlllw ed wllh dead bodlu, ~ ".-'..!-."""-


.'110' OhlC \fl'IU(

& H T ANTH ON Y II: CO • '!I 1" , t''!I"lld,lC Mole

, .uis




,. of I.




'-Jollo C Oalhoun, In 1Il19, al I dlOner ilvell 10 Jnhn Qulncey Adam p In W181l1ngloo. propoled tllla een II ment 'Uulvef8A1 Suffrage nd UDlyer EduoaLlon, ' lraa bl)eD ~b'lV .. rt:d A 11 P"POIIS purcb • • lng Scholursllpa In 10 n W8Y wJllch OalhOIlO DeYe~ e:rpec~ ed, and whlcb Ilia (ollowers mfght huv/' Ihla Cu ll oge preve nted,


- -- ~



~;:.0:r8Ba nULL VUIEJ.-Oapl Jolon Powell, of Brooklyn, IS bUllJrng Il V08 801 23 leel long, to be prop' e lled by four uII~, IIrraoged like tbe 18111 of" wlIld uilil 10 which he IDteod& Lo crots ILti AL' lllillte.

'~ A. ;;;-~::;(or cl~1I

lion altd brlbrng mngnallllJlolul y hne A cRnd l b eo n patented 10 Oah(or0l8 d llte (or Counly Treaeuter pledgcsilim. spi l, In CAse 01 elecllOo, 10 pay .$ J 000 Il COl O for t be .ellon) ,[0 nd

Can Save 25 Dollars I " Pili) Inll bofore July I f867 rhe bt/lonU go uf till S collegu over ulh ers la, Lhat II IS one of

1100 ""lult ..h Il g s,u rp Sij II llldllms nueru] .. 1 II I" lin "h'll t 10 " ,"dlClnC I I I'h ) "," .1 nlill Nerlo ll. W ""k l\ c,~ (lC 'II" lJ cIJIIII) IIIllI J'I\>slrn(lOn LO!lll of Nuseul", EIllJ,\'~y. J", IKl tcIICIl, or 0 11) of Lhe CIIIISC 1\l "\I(!C~ fir Youl h!,,1 JIllll8c rctlOII I clilel. It the most ,ol llnbi prcparlrtll!1I ol er .1,seo , c rCfI It ,,,lIl emo' o IIlI nervo us II ncrt' Dns de ,-,I cstl ioll elcltCl1Ie n t



CH I t~ ll\

10 ~tlliv or

b"' lIIe •• , loss ot n,emqr) ~()Jl tll ~ IU", tl\o l~ of .ell destrUC\Ion (ellIS 01 "'oulI,I, .I:ll H w,n reslore thl! 'Pl'ctlto r~ " e \l Ihe he ,ltll "r 1I,"se \lho hlll Odcslr Ofcdltb , scn "ull l c~clJ8s or c\"

Latest !'aebioDs Delll1ll4

J . W Bra.dley·tI' Celebratctlplltlt

)H nc tl cc~

"\ 11111'; 1\1ell

bo h llmbllP;gcil no 0101I' II) 1\lId '!1PVro\flt ~' 'C~IIWII<l" 111 1 >l nd l\llh olll'lelal lor 1,1,C }, hxl' IIllt I," ot "lice 108tOIC.1 to )'cnllb IIlId b llrfl ll l~'" A Pc Ibet CUl e I. (,u II untoed III ell ' \ 11101 "'10 1'rl< c $1 0 1 >I llotUl(" tl> 0 110 "d 10 c. " $) 0uo bvllI .. i ~ I IIIclC.llt to enecl (l CIII " III 1111 o"lon ' f\ C I~C. Q II H k lSO. I1 1I1lI8


J 0 1" II

II "

f'illll H C


111 \ ,

4S Colleges,

I'll I "



IOCAled II~ the leo&!IQIJ CIti es or the U /llIed SIRleR Ori&! Canaua, ond Scholarships boughL 10 tllli collt'ge Will be I!ood III ony or all or them


RARVlJSflN, OF FfR i T r LA S.





( ,


- - - -- -uy. 1 he, . cOnl olh g llli "d,n ~. 01J Q\ 10 _II I I I d tJ k b 1 0 ,oung and Jo old". to gru t .nd to '1U1l1I , 'DV~ fl e Ie II 'II cU I, liner 'I, Em· Id lu neae i. &L .. delld lea IhR.L Ih e JI .. u'1 "llIeh Od~1I ••• to ,,".'OU' nn.1 ali ue PII" _,' .nd fOlilld Ihot It '''818"lIy l"aU ows all vlrtuee, lind Ibe lelC mr.tle Remember, rn bUYln, your Ichollrship., Ml r~ IIIIpnrls. lIuturlll bloom uod Ir"ahllu8 to to Ipply at Iha .epU lclore or a hvtng mAn 'rho Idle Is free lo r 011 and.1I n,ny b. r.or, the complexionmilO IB SMan: s utclJln, wh08C! hv ery l W .• , CONFIDENTIAL . o\' 1 ~n U I OF 'JDreo II Email de()Drl •• 1I1I8.d ft8 ft rBgs , lind whOle dlel I nd wag el lire C HAS I; l; R fl S dcllCRle !lanulilier of the &11111 (ur 1 he~tre INfORMATION , fl\mID~ II dllelle, Saluoo or Bull Room, by the mo~t r~lllied FOR 'TilE tHRRIEO \ ilnd s crupuluu9 l/ldl es, producln/! all Ih" t::lr Some Limo ago tb ey elarted II Fur ImprOVing and Buut") III,! the bonut lf y",!! "treets of rouge IIlId Ioly ~ IIlt~ aa·3m (emili o semillary 10 Salt L~l!o cny. 11 Comolexlo ll \\ IIhoUI Ihelf vulllnr glure or IIIJ I, ry to Ihe tloufl6h ed well, bill III Lhe IlIgbl of H~ The most valualile Ol1 d perlect nrepnro. s ilin I hi h d FIIOM . ., on 18 to 830 tlon III lise for !lIving th e Skill 0 " heootl. S u It! bY· II Ii rAt c Inn 0 rUllll'1 81S, P errll' pl Oepcllly Ihe Mor mon pTlnclpal el"ped 01 t s 18 I II argaat I 8n mOlt complele .. WILl. Dod "mamed" Lb" "hol~ school 1 III tIe coulltry, ~ PER 1M Y, made Milly the (ul peorl like 1101 , Ih a t 18 " Illy IO l1nd In mera nlld Lach es' H If·Ore _SU fI' yea· round WtTlIOUT IUSK, In a new bus YOULh Jt qlllckly removes l'sn Frec k. L' hftbf aUI :fI29 Orand" 8y, D omas InAl8, Ilghl, plea .. nl, Dlld honorn,bl e, AND I.,., PImple., Blotches, 1\1 0lh P'lleheB ".rn es &. Cu,. apt! F C, Wel\~ & Co, JllPITER and Venul were In conJullC' 1'0 CO'NI'ETITIO" Good energetic allent" BDllownesM ~Ild aUlinpufiLlell or the New Y~rk, and Euge nCl J OUIn, III SUlIlh hOIl aL fOllr 0'0100" Monday mortling tLnd ie a nnd Gentlemellj lire wllnled to -klndl, "eft lrn/r Ihe nm~. )elvlllg It T enth 8lfoe l. "n nd Johil lo n, H oli owdY & '] 0 lhe observer. 'tiey appel\red II foot Ever, reader oJ thi. paper 18 IIIvltoll represent U8 .n every qil' lind County - while olld cluar qa III.b.81er 1t8 use ean Cowtl /l ll, Ph ilo oJC) phl~, 4Jl<'lls I\part, but the.r real diStaoce waa ",ill ,. to wrlle lor Collelle P.per .nd B I A RAnr. ""AliCE to, malie mOn eY, nnd "er· not be delected bv the cl oaeal Elcruliny JAlREO &J RENI!: , Ag'lI\a 000,000 of anlel. In ' pea· \ manellt e,mploYlJlent.l. offered to every and bellill 8 ve tl!.... ble pre OrlillOn I~ anti mpurte,.. NI'''I' York 1f-~MtJ'V'-V\r.--a1loo;rl-,,,,e:illl~ of !anmalllbIP-"n~, Frea. ' Ad. pereoo havlI)j(' few Ioour. dilly to 'pare qUlle harm lUI It 18 the Ollry thln lt 0 1 " JOHN D_ 'PARK, A&ent for Clneln I. ,For (urlhar pa~~iGull~ pleaBc coli on, or Ibe klod u8e«\ by I ~a Ji'r~och, aoell ij cltn. nntl ' - 78.61119 - ;t:r GB JAp BON 4' Cp, 11 a\dered 'ndl.pen•• ble (0 a p~rrect toilel P-UR " E' -C In-E-"--- ..:l- ~"-'-lit It, a\lmore,Md 9.1·1111 Upwardaof BODO bode. wc.e l olil duo &.1\ R VINEGA,U. &. »~ RAN. ~II" ' ' flng the pall year, ft .uftleletlt IIlleranlee Tllla we know to b~ ~u.e ,,: wa pro 111. ~ 01 lla\ emCI\~J ' 1l,lca ~6 ~e'lh, Sent, 4;llI'ed ,he elder relh~~I~ .aod to , llr tb. k\ll or ~lInil. 0\ ~ -'.':'ft\ecl POlIp~dE.:,::.,ealpe of "'a n ordpr. ~)' Oil. nell(hborhood, and p.'m~.'d It to April ,. '6"'] ClllCliOOld, O. blltUt,. for Ii, z. ... Pil1ln'Z CbUtll.;"!l.~ ..~~U'!1'1 Iif~ ~r ON 'y turn to wlnu,ar 01) 0111' own p.eR,I_ I • , . II f t ... n .. ,ATV,. • • E. R. RRINTZ.










_ _ _~



Ellh el of lh ~ alo ' e III cntloliell nill cic. lie ~C ll t to UII' ",hir e.' c1osci \ .. ,Ierl II lid 1I0gt!''' hi IJv Il'ftll 01 • 'pre.' O il I ""Ulpl 01 price A d!lrc~s nil ordCI " to BE1Wh']t ' SHUTTS ,. Co Cho llllsis .'lS , R""r S lleet, lj IU). N Y'




Iv,ond erTJJ I r lrx lb lhl1. " ~ 1~lt cnmfnrt 'l'nd Il1eo~lire to ~ 1I'y Ind, ,1/1111( Ihe Duplex t}lhnllc eklrt ,,1111 ,~ 'lttcud pll~l ~ull[ly in .lI crulYd" . blr e operal, cOrrlsp,e." ,.lIro.~ c~ chLlr~h pewe, .fm chllirs (ur prbmen" and \l ou.e Ore8~ 18 Ihe skirt Un b&roit e d wi, e .. III uae to uccullY a 8,")111 plate" eAsoiy !lnLl convonl e illl,Y a }'llk hn drella .n tnv~lu nti le qu~hl/in CI 11118, not 10uRd In OIlV II II Il I.. sprla'lk~ A lally hav ill'" cIIJ" ye~ Ihe plelllltl. I .. r.ell comrorl, a nd ~rea l c:onvCllIeneo 0 lit lug Ule O tiplex -illhl'tfe IIleelqrIDI,t. for a ..inal~ d'1. will net., ith III ~II ~ ~ wlllingl.Yi d lsp, e llse c lll 14r c(I n le~cs end yo'on~ la,a:. 1 i" 1 6U~erlOr ( all olherll • L. \ U I" , 'fnllY ",II) ~ I bpIJ 4 IIr b(t~.. • ~ll'gll' IIp~ln" bilL 11I 1 p'ru~r'f th:~ r~ :e ct hn it' gr, M lul "ape wi en I ,. four ClrtJlnil ry .k lft. will hue Wen t~l'I; '8ldo as uselelll ( ·'',11 6 J-I'JOr, 'dr'IC+~tlbt With double and Iwlatt'd Ihr... an bottom fodll are n il linly doubl. Iptltl., but twIce (or db~lIl.) 4;6vered. pr"'~ ill them from wedrl": out \~JI~ rau down IInop', eUlr., &0 1 fOIiIt The 'Duplex Elliptlo I. I ir~.1 I COlI" wllh .11 1_\Ile•• ~nd .. ulltv.,.~lIr ~, ,.. mp Qded br LI,e F.~el]lon M." ~ipe.;; 14 SIft antI! Skltl of \I/e Faaliron. tI . b~~~ 't'" eillo, Iht 1rollowll1, ' hielllllil' II~ v~"taget It "f. f-nq lt no., ViZ; l lUpe". Iy llerfe~1 mOI,ufDlollure. I ty ll h' I ~I tli4 tlnfsh, fth lbllllr'. dunbllll, BcOd~~ J)tt el:6nolO" enqlliA! fur J. \'V II I ,pol pin Elhp,lc, ur double "Pl lnll i~ r'l btl 11"f) YOUI!IlI the II t "ulne .r:\r~ II.PO< CAUTrbN ~ To Illo8J d n tilll aillon, be pltrtl"ul" t l) n oLloe Ihhil .....~ oltered aa -" DU~LEX" hn} I e r'!"'E~ I lalllp, VIZ '. ) VI Bradley" DIIP~~.d~ lilltlc Stul Aprlngll:" Upon tli9,lv flJ(odtt ,-nune o.her! ,. re I(lInuloe, ,,~ Sel/lf that tvory Hoo, ,dIllA' II, piG 8.IiOl paRsed \ h-uu jlh the een,r~, ~~ I!hd;; i9r' li,o two (or uouble) IIpr nil' bll III dI, t the, I"e~eln. (Y hleh la Ih • • ecret brillli'" tj oxlbll~ty aud alreogth, and a tom not 11) be tound Ii. any ot he r sklrl, A!fI O::r "or .ale in a \I .tortl w her. Val clo •• ~klf\1I .re Bold ,hroua houl tile t~' tetBtll" lind elvewlip.fe lIIan"ractured by the '0/0 olllln.r. 0 p.t"nt. " \':


th.\ f\ '\\ hUe \lPomg lh C-Hl HOt' d( os thu lr IlctlO U HI HI \! III lIIa r tl\tt:l l c t c \ \lth l.)\1 H ltlCI:H~ pm BUlt" I'rI Ul~ $ 1 n ho,

Cincinnati Oollege

L~UU'LI' FI'RI~r) ~ ]1:1. E'1;t.






fO I II . ~ 11Il 1 .1) nltd pe' IQ "" nt • lire lit (ro~ 1 o ld .. n (lIcel l, ct hr.1 Dischn r,!cs ( llll c1 ::;'11011110 ,\lid "II " nacUmlS (lr t he Kldr or I ""I IIIIItder llll c~ df~lk, 1 "h om 0 1' to til c cI ",( ril e , lu e I J ~PUTt Y I ~t'lIli 'Cr- l t l Lie ex tl lei. til.t ,HO Ioll rml .. 0 11 the 0) ste m tu tti 1\1 ' 9t lJflU8e \tc tin st0 l11I1C11 Or lin 1'1 CJ' IIlIt. the hi co \11 No <I'" II/;U Qf d,et I ' ne~e'


"hen I" the II"C " f D" JO I" I LE" F. \ u" e "I he CUI ell pe rm lIlenl"

tllfllllg COijt '



M.lRl LlI;R~:~;;;;I~n' CID CIDOAII, brou/::ht lUll IU thti Sup. rIO, (Jou rt IIgalost !lftlcs Forbee for . Ioneler In repor"o!: thaI abe wa. nn unc Ln. la , " OI'Dap, liod oblalDcd a V\! rtllcl of 2 000 dalDagel '

~ It WAI lIonollDced III the New York hIelh"JuL C onfere nce by II. prom. Irlen L G1e moor ~bflt lbe Drew Theolog. Icallo stllu le at Carmel. New J en ey, would bere after be oplln 10 color~d persons III well as to 19 hna.



JZlJli.J.l ;WoU 'lffill ~~7 .




II sed In tl1l8 Sillte wlilob wtll Jltu k 81Xly ur• • minuee, dOlcg Lhe work o f ten rueo It I IlIke. off Use outer Itoek. II, then the Inoer Ind (..;er portIon-lay 109 oacb by ItAelr-and Lh n atrlp. Ihe Silk perfeclly oleaD, IIDd depOlil, the Nune but Ihe most eminent Profeasnrs ore lillployed In 'th. varlllU8 d'('partmenls tllr In Itl plac~ , , r T

" f


Oen. n"lIe11 wllo utllc"led Oommo d ore FOrler', gUD boall an'" trA b port~ (rom tbelt perl/OU' 8Hultlon 00 Red TI v Ilr durtng G~ n nllnks' expedlllolJ, Will murdered an(f robbe d of sbout 8 1 OliO. 10 Yeroon counly, M.IIIOllrl, t\ few llnYII AgO, by t\Vo m OD nllmell L~" IB anil Per ry A reW ind of . 3 000 has b een of fered for 1110 apprt!heD slon o( the rour (J ererl: Gen, Blliley wnt Sheriff of Ver soo the famous DOD coun ly. ..,

a::r A. Pot( nl corn l,u51cer IS

Thl ~ IIPIV ",,,1 lo,' nUIIIIII B'l 'e 01 Slut ( p "lcnl oti Murch 7,1 8(;5) illS IWlld,d lJy II,O ( }ILEAT A !lfIIUIlA ~ III TITV.fS FAIl 1r ~ ld In Newl Yurk , Octub"1 I 6~, ~ IIJI LV L'U MI::DAo", 1 I , The II I. h(;.1 l'rrm illm n., ~\ve u fqr f H ou p l;I~ rrl ' l'he' Slp,,1 S,1rl 1l [8 ' hrc wolfntl' "lth I fin ' pl at .."" W' fe lill place III D cuU(lf~rr erM. ) \\ ,,,,10 wil l 'U, I wl!or ur b,,,,, solle.I, IIlId Iho IIIho io ski" rnnl b.flJl EO \11'r HoIlT INJURV or lear ur 1ft1. Hnt! WI I ~O eo! goo d Q~ CI)W


" \, ,

lfo r

"., '1'3,


'1''0'1, R !I'JIoI ;. ,/ ~.,.,.; TieHlCllty,

l "ijhe IInuer. ' i lrrn.•ed Inv Ie :he attention 0 He "11" 0 nil .. lhe , tr~de l:ellerallx. ~o

II, est.' ccle "ral('~ InslIlII"ell16 of hla own lII,fllu(oclure ' llull[ 0/ li e bn t uUllned mQtefl81~l all lhe Illu t Ilnpr ovo , lII e ll'-', Full IrOD, overitrung BaSil, J.'R&.NOIl ORAND .tOl'l{l li. LAROl'; 80l.l.lll ':liheee Pllno FQ(t rl •• r~ 1101 8urpolled fo' st rrn!!lh a,.d beauty o t FInis h. Oll,e. bll1ty Purity. Pow fl r, BDII SIII~I "IJ QuollIY 01 'I'olle , By tholle of any Maker In th. Coulltry Tiley Ilfll wlrra nted rei· t he' (ull tfrm of ? Years, The In.pectlo .. or the mlllllCal ,pubhc I, re~pMtfully l oJjo,I,,1I ,Llbe'lI) le rms to Deole ... TfGchers lid e~ lergy. C irc ular Pllee Llal eent oli apph. cat lun Addr" t. , (;:GNRA UI'NAR;V;1!lSENl. 7L, 73, & ,75, E ~~d Be, Yurk C lly ' , n" ,



J 0'" 00 E &. Cb • bli ' , ' '





BUILDINC.S, REI\' YORI[ B,'OW:N S mq.N BUlLDIN J . Ph t~~eil'l\la . " .u~holl1ed '0 OQhl •• ,,1 for ad ' r '~ I.".IU. UI ~ ,or the Mlawl Uozell"











Jl7 Cloam)Crl & '7 :J & til Rnade .tr~ , 80 8m

New Yilt' , ,.... ~

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"'I 'flt lot

4,. \\1 p ~ (]



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011 •• hHuth.


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On~ \t' t:c.k .


r,!:e .R ail W' a Y!.I .'1'BlB BOON, E

:--;r-t-ttj. -

EONESDAY, APlllL 24" 1 67 ..




a n,a F OR

OS I Tum I' ~ l'A~..,n.

G"" ........... c · · • ....."..:!'..."I~'J"'r'acll R.u''" Tlli. h""'II, IIU! . T imo! 1\1",' all dll' ,'mo ·r... I I ' NEW YO R K B 0 S TON r '8 lie I' , A$ IllIl'" n. snowflakcs etc 'Illey t,)II,,1I Ihe A.KD hW' !llfGLAND 0J'l'Il'I&. I'Arll, ;. 'l::III S -Or IlS Ihe IiIv '.lJo!!0111 ere tli~ I)ce D--..,.. ':~~:~~:r~~;:::1~~I,,~!OM Uti. kit .i uwuy its wUI·lh. - . . , . .. Ie N....._" ...... .alia Min.... SOl lit", . wilen lorn und lonel)' 1 . 10. 11 ' re .. ' ,.. .. . ....... Ie N~w.Y .... 11111_ l'pou d,e o.b.,! of detlllt(" •.f TeRrA • ""



W IJOr.E No." 95.


A ....... _

. DT .JoaN QUU.L. I d -


&101" «.,..... .


In a leee nt leolure ltgusrr: remark· I

He is Abov.· .. melD thin... .r~ C'An.... 1 9

I nOI sLoop to A me .. n Crllud . . l1e


in",de~ '

~ U CIH ..pu'ence i~ Iho 1 !I~ve .P?lnled Ollt over A hundred no ~eOfe&' in' Iht keeping"of l\lIoL&!r.-,. hu I1C~ 0 1 1l"00lt' Dg. I have delermlOed ' l 'I eCllio d lllerll nOtlK bel we" n II"! bolt"I ' lie bO l rav~ no aeorel Wl,fidod to his

a 'it: IIV lns:


1& .

erew ll h 10 I"y do" n 60me do611itoo ""n.l nervol.. 8, ltoe ltl. of Ihe ,vfi'\le rl'l'An owu k eerill~. H e De""r elra'lI in bor. 11I1". lor Ihe g uidance of m! yo ung '\I~II neg ro. 1l1de"d Lh<!ir I'rllmes lire rowed plllm~ge. HI! nuer IAltel At'l. fri tll dR. Yo u 8t:e. lia Rd II good ml\ny ,,1 11i.: III uo p"lli~ull\r. 'l'htre i~ nOI " !is b advflo!lIgs m Otlr mi.t"kl)ll. H e 16 00 un l uooell ful cO~'le before 1 me L my b }~It! in tbe nearo' " body which i, 1'e. 1Q1I8' no i(ln\lMe welllJOn io coolroversy. .~ 1 r e ... · 1 !W,OIl J1 ol e("(,Iuntll !i III Oil l h .. ' ~' "tl-Ihe fl! hl ll iu w hom ! IIlII " dy Lite slime "hape. Aille, arl icul 'I" HI! u ~ver 8 111b>! ill tbo dnrk. He i. 1>00 " .. (lltlt) lId , ~: A" " 15 "" 0 >1 W. . • loved "IU'lIIg g one emphR liolllly back l ion or che.i8"~Y of the S"IU eom~o·I' .'bllmorl of inilUendoul. He i. ~Ol 2.i 00 I yt')fr _ 'i'~ th e I h orte.t ro t ,110 '!!O r row'~ cro,,'n of 80rr..,,.,' 011 Un' lo-uII 00 ID O BUI bles. yo u. d'Id ' ll . IIII t m 61110 . . n, n ~ II ' I 22 to -~ o .on /lit IBL f a Ihe whl'le mlln. '1'11" ooe t ling 10 II mnn's face 1111«1- lmother 8tH' t \. l u~,.",:t IIU1I1(h' ~li .OO . -. - -' u e . A lld e~·e' ()'ercblU'gcd,.·ith tcIlr8 . · me? No II dido 1. 1 ilia. bellllti;l"d ! n~lo!ro's !>onQ, CIIIl\lti o 1\ f~r I;rclller : bt;hln ri hi. b'lok, r.r by Aenill l!n~ he n\l G Iliunt b 40 .11(1 II l1clr All ' r. ,n. ru , ,·ir.tll,. Ih ro u · h 10 N .... , York " h . Ihere~y. lind " be" 1 met my p res~ n l IJIl,po nln..'e of c"leftreoull "li he thllll oo"'e_, iu p06 es.!Iioo of III', ~61' ")Ibo-' 70 OIl ~ IIL~:S" wi 'hOUl '· h . ,:K.~j Cuach ~ •. en, c"on ~~eD. • remembering ballP'" I I k h ..", ~.... ".. '9 rr- SJl~ ci1l 1 X.uUcel 10 I",r <enl o n . Ih.... ~'HO . hoUl allt~ an.'. No• . ).9,' S ·G, ,,.i,," .,\1 thl1Igt' , 0.11. " " W.t e rope • • aoil Kalhe,ing IlI o.e of Lhe while- taMIo, E..en tb., ' 09911181I, lie Plnle. on tlW~ II Il Ilct o( rai l " . In rO......~lIuu .. I'''"-I! w~.'.rn Ill". • "\'lfollo... : I .till ClID _eL thllar bruflv in thel. courIle affllcuona. _ de 0116 fell I WOO p nt!grtJ'~ blood is c humicIIlIy a very llif· \in8tlll'l \ Oblivion. He beaTS': .eAlea ... . .l'I.l1~KIi.K. .. 8lUlItAN(JA_ WIthout the bitlernell "-at e':er b.alt. Mid lhere.. r ("r.: ot ft ui'l rlum Ih ll t whluh coor (\8 in packagel without tll mperin~ 'with ,be· . : \" I .... Ir\,.11 tl lIl '1'. 11 . th,,~. \11. "\1", ~.." . 'J: he "'''. , P "per no\ . - . fOIl b il iliiil"jiiiii~!!~~~'~·1~·';:--=~ ".""1'1 Sunda, . ). · • wh or,,' p1lYlh,"1 Oi'~lii fir or I' gl'O "'\l~"'. \b"r &.tlle,..1 h\~"~._.".!IIi ., "'""""II..iII.. 8 ,., .. . . (IIIUt}i" .",_ Tllii boOIl. 011 L TI..,..·r l'r othen tboll den~' . upon Ib elM .Ii/f" ra <j lIit. 118 mlIeh from Ihlll of Ihll i l ie open bef()ro him io ung llllrdid u:. 'he 6 SII . A 1\1 0 ", Esprco. 1'b..t spring froin tender or from lod d~ ' Diy o"n hfo . . . jClti lllp .. lll1ee-l luu i_, in hiH bone8 . . POIW'tl. ·Br.. aMr~ 1l 10 ilill). He i no"d ......... in N ow \'utk 0' IIghtB; . hI. N e ver KO courllng lhe Kltl'~, ~'Vf8. lIu d !i.bfu, Iho chin ... I 'Ades no prirflCy 0( oloora bOll'IIVllr ,.... ,A..l'Ii. ,B1"'1!lI8111.tu., a.._ .... 1eIl9e-1'" 0,," "IOJjI~lItlt.i~ .. \a lt.. sky, UWlkes,~~q Ulsitc hn:mo!IY, aJil d Thc · pareole. You'd bdltl r ,!dge u~ 10 11o~ l"Ul lI<!" hl\8 nOI much fU Hher to ptog· Ihe I8n~y sluI'JI! . I30hn ~nd bars, lurk. U.11y (...... I" ~U"').T.J. SIO,,' M' To "Ilt!cr It~ cumi .. " lIiu lo~.. ado rc Ill to n a nd IllS Wife lire olle o f ohllrmer I. e~.e lf ilL olloe, for '1111 O'RII ' I ', reA8 to bllcomtl II n ~"ro !Jill 10 become loc ke 00\1 k J y~ . hedges 110 ,1 piokeLI . 8.1 " "'" V'0. " (I.t • • "d r.o o"eel•• 1 lIor. 0 c thcse, marr, IIe r , Ir you I ry,.o IU!8" IIe W'IlI !. ... while IlI IIn, 'l'h l. fll e~ ~II~OOO iUIIIl' bo nd l and 8ecu r ilie!. " Ilolloe 10 tre. o,_" nI~.lilo 1".1(;0.11111;( wilh I.... ".30 A 1\1 • t.lp," " 1\1. ,1 I"" ", B.. trulo.• od . rth'•• '0 Theil . Iok~" Pharos on ~OIJl. daJlgcroll. roasl, - Alltl Katp F1c hl. l lis I8 Kllte you. And you ."y tJ.: IIble 10 e ven i l urllbl y dll moll strll4c,. ptl'llIIePII." are n~ e{ ,1..1lI for bim. N .... VOl'. 0' 7.ltO A M. To "LurUI lO. t Illorin ~r ut pe til '. door, F i\l ld , the la d y (' ri t ic, whose pUller Ihe old folh a re hllrd on Y' It, He may be I rus I ~ d himself ou t or OftlCle aDd lles.tleDCle, .ol~.rum P. IIa.~. Tt'ORK NIGHT EX.RE88 l lt~ Iil:b ~ "bllll guiol" _ I n ,ad it moot, on Ri sto r! appears in th e At- . This is Ihe polio! pur. u~ tl by my se lf Climllto Ilflt no more 10 do "iLII lhe si" hl-noRI' Ihe I hi~IlIl' 1 p"r1hiontJun • •rk, Ua.. ,,· (~ l. tu ~ l !Orro'lIId ... , .. ) -J I t rI t o , ~lol" 01 801011.1111". 11 5S I' M. \l'Iu" 7 AI"lIg the wl'cck-nh'cW II sl,oro. :,,,,j,e,.W& ~ kgitilun te subject of pu b . In my A. lucce.. II IHlempl; l t1 i lfu ru llc ~ bel""eo lhll wh ite m~n IInti IIn y ",lI" ro. He bu ys no u~' e : ho :)ou lio ~hin SI ]. 01'I'u8ile At.I)lIIe!t Pug b'a, I ~ (SUfI' ; Turll ' " !I :56 A M IHIo ) BIt,1 h<: Cll n()~lt.l' . w hic h may be g ratifi ed 2d. By all meR08 g6L Lh l! gi'~'d IJtf\ utig ro Ih lltl it hilS with thlll be lW ~lltl Lhe n ile nonl'., he intri guel\ for none. Ho. WA YRE· S V ILL . _ am . .. ill \' It~. ". 12 .3' 11' 1. r.o,;, .•Wl. ' FI""tllUl'e I' 010 , loollrL! th y gl'ier. 6IlUultl lea rn t hnt s he is n o t ot all 0 1lP l he as mu~h do". n <on yo,. us 1uII ClIlI. 1I ', lI e"ro II lIll olti lltpa lll1l6. or t hall il l\l\ot, would rllther filii o f . rilth l8 th llll wi n iul(' WI"" .ffer&W't o n 1 ralll~ Mud S (PH lllfJU fo r mu kc- tltee. " IJite. I Id I d I " " J -0 ' i~ '~ivA-N -S--"''''' a u,lolI aud N ew ~~ "IJI . ..d e,h.. . bille-slod.ill l-: an d Rpins ' eTY o l'ue l', I.ltl 0 a. y 18 A W"Y8 ~ plOl1 iol:IIgKill l t IbcLwet' n ~1106 hurge ..i..J "se. ur , lo u 1lheln 'broug h di sh nor. He wil l eRt -. Ant! kuop theu .tuullc811 till all 80rrOll"B bnt .u 'hl'kih g' .ro lll.~g l :ltlyo fdc('.ided yo u, Lhe hlll e,dellr begil." 10 I"k~ l'ollr CAgle " or! Ihe owl. .E I,cb ie.a lI istinol h.oo. CII bru."Il . Ho l.rAQIIl.leij all n.o SUII, ,. PROM "',UJlF.t ...O_B,. N",.. ~o~k II.... cellI!(> ; J,\' I lye 1y ami sty h s h ('hnl·oct~!lut i c", . pM I . on d C~1l I II~ I Jl IU\'1111{ you. I11 11.1 '''p''fIIle C~ Al'OIl . '111tl De';'D , ' \fIve hn g, Hu I ll S IIII ~ no m~- n . ~ruh' V.pUI c'm'.r E.~ Io.tll;.II I1,f ~ ll cl "lSu" " ll'tiel., .. 1'iJI nil th e Jnrk ll~ d langc. into 1i:;1t!, ' he h ll~ n 1i~ III'C o f medium fleigh t, J did. Ihll WI\)' . lind my preS\l UL\ ,, 0 , 1 Ih" whiLe man lir e croBled 1\8 epe· · If h. IIIIV O reli uk o fill' onoLlt er. 'ho is - A " D",'" M. ·N. YORK D.t,.· EX.'Re8IiI. And tron lJlo c iJII~ace . in ell ui ng l u t l,(' pl u mp·I'e/itc. A 1'1'0- mo tll er· ID ·I/lw u 6~ d II) thro w broo mll :o\Ji oll lly .lificre ll l n. Ih o ow l all ,1 Ihll Btrllig h t ·for wR r,l. opelt, mRllly. He l~.n~ Am Y ".," lh» r.'''~~I''t1 ). '!Opt"' l ~1 "r" . I1 .vl li . -I1U'II,· .1UlIrlla!. fu s ion 0 1' h l'iIli nn t dar k.brOl''•' ll Jl u¥ n~J' "lid "' "ti ll. bo",d. Rl me I\nd Iltl\G:. liou ' ~ " .,I. l c . 'flauy wutu tl o8i",, ll e.ll o lill dlf Oll nnllL tl ekcend 108c urrility I II ahor.I, 8c· .:'0 .. AI ( Ukf' )1 SUl'q uel","n. % 111 I' 1\1 In'n-); T~ rll ."sS .U 51' 0\1 (S ul'l: ·. IId a,': HI rl ( do u't L't'i~ i c i :;e Ih c <'llithet - n.fJuther tlOg 10 flll e me ill Ih e IrO Wli e l'~ ns l ' fe r~n ' pl~e~ s rIO Ih tl Ryste m IIf n ~IUte. whlliuvel' he judgce hOlO orRb\o . ho r,yo'" ' " N .. w Y"~k . 11 0,:m I' 1\1. CU II" O" I' alo cal Sketch. I'xI' l'('s;; io ll tl escl'ibcs th o s\lll\.l'Idin g ellm bed nvt r Il, e fe noe . ITloe n ~H r o i. no more II u llgm by II U· prn()licee tow nrd e vory mRil. 81 r." 1 11.111<1 w,,10 O.. lo"'o r. I .,·kH", ... 1 -I ' L ) I N D 81 ' . I' .I . f I I . • "d IV •• n., I' oo<l (, r " I '~ ' I d I , !" The Ke w 0 l B ' 1.J • r g () 1\ III roel'tl' tlse!! Inngs O','CI' h ~r . . III 5 gO I over -It now, IIU I "1 ent or n\l~ ortull tl I ,"u Ih A ow 18 ' -- - "" ,.. hit,!' ,,,,, _lid poi"" . 0:'IIt . ,. "1' ''8.!. ~ r cu ns ccgl" cs n \'Ie l ~ h O Il I 'h' I'R' WOI'II ill thc fl'i 7.lICU nnll Ii v 8 ilL my house wilh out pR y ing I',., ki nd uft.i" llo c ,. by "cIJ itie nt or :.& i't1 .....I"r, .....-.L Of I'I Cl!-Norlh SI., nea,ly Oppol ile Ibe 81:...... ;,t. EX"REIIfiI. l'IAII •• ttl. A .... I' his t o ry o f t he GO \'I}l'um c n t IIl1 c tllu - fl o will <7 Mlrl c 1I 0 W so 1lO lltl l tl l' wi t h bOlli'll. If re morse felleta in he r No q l I , ,,i.furl lln ~. T ht! neg ru is lIoJ m or~ ---,. M. ~;. .,," J Ivrll., I. " ,u. ". ,1] ( ~ I .' t' . J:M eXICO. ' 1\ cI car I Y SoI lOW r : 'l 'yo '' '' ' ·' . I! mnn' s brolhll r Ihll n Ihe o '~ 1 'fl 10 D II I)uq uo L( . e.,). A ~m.l" ill N., Vork' ,:I,";:OO' ~'~1"'.2: IOn s III :mClfu llng hulles. H er !I ho llld. .IU con ,e qucnc,6 0 f . ller .conullcl. b " W ' II ~ I I ~ WIII.' < 'ernI"u reI Iltes '1\ •81D' R"',uuCf.-\Vith C I.... Stroud. South CO~Il.el. III t,itltiro ..Jlh Nuott.'r'l <;. "1',,,1 bow li t tl e i ts p eopl e arc C:lPILlJlc or ~ I'S nrc 1'!I t hcl' flC[ II Il I'C, 1\l\e ll-l a niet evt:f, 1 l IKvell I nOl loud II }' ~ t. I~ Ih t; SISle r uf ·lhe I' ur th o It.1 19 g lll llr lIU'lIlr.' Ilrignd iur CltlIlOr~I ' tIlW' 'I'lurtl IS I,eel. £.- . . . .0 , _ ~. II W·f~~r ~.rr .. bur,h, l' hll bdell'hiK, IJvl. s elf goverllm ent n 09 ln Cr 's, a nd t he l'c is s imilll l' (I!lei3 d. lf you eee I\ny oLh"r fullo w. II~ ),,,)oIh.r o f Llle horslI . 11u" et~· is. of l o w~. fell 1\\ Oh"'llInoo«a. An(1 11 111. ; :; ', ;'~~:;:~;~d I,oi ",. ~') ulh. , -. '" ~ i o ll :lII d 1$11110 fr oiJ" d isl'erJIa,ul e iu prolyl ing Aruund, Iliw ilya ell uh,e the on pc nd ~ lla lind }' uL 110\~ &i mpl\l is Lb, hi. Io n. Mlljor L lVi~, AIWrWA r(ls (S uml.)" •• cr.r trd ). S ':'I.'!,~~.~~'II 1 hc year. 1836 (It S A.\ S) fOI\~l d III l)oth l'ltiic>l. Mi ~" Fi ('ld is a g ood If y ~u CliO. If yo u sue ooe 9 £ Ihll Ol tl oc lrlll t! th llllh c Alm lgill y Milker of r")lOrleti ~ijlltl. 'l 'lt e Mlljol"s IIn ul.. re·D-ENtlsT. RY . ~ Ii :U I' l\J (I:'up). ~lId Krrj••• ' n Nilw Y~.k S~ntQ. .~lIna 10 powe r: an d 81i:" hlln Iill gu ist, luI\' in IIi studied both Illlcieu t bllYlIIg IIckelS (or the oper", go I ig hl Llotl univ ~ r8e hne c rQI\l ud iO!l erenl cl'i voll II certiucnte frll m \.Wn . FLll1eo~ ~oo ~ 111, "!l nll'·ch"F,. ~ J .... , C h)' Wilh J>l c p:lt.lngt() <1cclt\ ~c h~lJlsc lr di cta t o r. !llI d m o ll e l'll 1~ ligllages' is a Jlil e op IIIHl mllke 110 e ngllgllmenl wilb lio ll . p ~c i ", 01 IDcn , j l181 8e ha hR a dHl'urel'1 ,l lItin g IhAt ho wal Amoog the limed ."""11' •. xpr.,. r r. ,o o( .Nil" J. r •• \, H e e nJoJ e J .llls c11 <r lll t ' · but!l s ho l·t . ' I d . ,. I ' mllana t be .. .! 9111ge l', antI fo n ll o f \Jons till O' a1ld o f IIlr liD ((0 1 your lIeulll "rterwartlR.- I Il~C IO!. of tbe lo we r II lIIma . . to !i' 1I II I F I'Ud erI0 k8 b u rg. B y t l118 R. i1r •• d for Bohi",or" ond WII.hi"l(IOn . T~;"' (oN" .. Yorl .. ilh 1\1.' ~,,;,.~ Po'I,re.; tim e, wlt ':!l!. he wa ~ d e fcat ed fllld ca p . ha\'ill g hc l' o l\'n wily. ] f the! t ruth Anti w. h "l1 Ih. y visit 1111l hou'e III w lip tJilJere nt rJII\O"H nnd omoll e in lhll g rood un ole W!lS dvo lnred Il)e 80le hllir 01' hi. [1; 1: 3.~ 'U' n~ 'IT' ~ " ," and N~w 1·.lIjrl."tI •. "e' . tured at San JaClllto. HlI st.')ment~ mu st be to ld ~h c y ou ng c ri t ic 'L d BCI BI If you " pre al home lind Ih ll)' slll'ne ry of nil lu re. broll,,: ,,'1 p rop.r ty. Ue imDlediBtllly nmce at hie roaldeILcll On • Lo CUML SLreet. ~. . . . NHIGRT ~IPRJaIe sSucceed ed a8 P!'es ident. but ill 1 839, journllli s t is 's omew hat ' fos t' ill 'I~r were ollly vil ilon. anu ne ver leBYIt dispoeed of iLfo~ $ 150.000. li nd with )f.rch 12J Wl L>I'''OTOIl , O. "~~,~~,'.'. . l\ . '''1"':'_1 or". lI n llie If:3(J P "nta Anna beIng rele a sed he a " Rin 1 fir.1 -••• ~ Ih u mone v 8tlll·tetl ror D roope .... h·e rl. bI. i " l~ raeclllI~ wtlh Ih" 4 15 P M 1'0111 k I . .'" sty c, ns 11 g l'cat many Ildmirell wa m . . PDlltal R.,ulaUoDs . " ",u ." " g f•.•no P""klr·k• • ",1 om ••• ill' N~w Yor' 0112.- too t Ie office, DlIfmg thIS y ear Hm· e li nre who n c vc r tou ch lUI a tl thol"s 1 ..I.",y. did thief And IIBve fre' l . ' no" fQli del. AftAr 101. flll" 'Q ff(> 01 ~1I1' M . AI·o 01 .:lllIi.... (or Ihrr io- \'0 WII8 Pl'c8idc'IIt for one week . a fte r quill .. . , qU~"II, .al "nlil d""break while th e N I . I pri lon. Mllj,or .vwia .fi rlll 11eAr.d : ~:raltZXl11G, "... r!):lt, Ph "~••I. ,,,t'IK "1\,1 ~ou.'h . , , I whi c h th ~ rc CAm e a pe riod of confll. . , I ' II " If ' 6~lpl\per • ."~I ma~"1 .... nol ' pn - Iha tlel\Lh of hi , 'f,\lhor ' ~nd!{.Q01\i6 r. ,!WO P. ft.-fllN(j ~N ~l''' I!~.R__ d . .. - - _. alf 01111 .. nore awarl· 00 lie eo Il.- pRill ilL th e mlulltlg OIBOd oannOL be de· , l P A 'P'E R " (~s rpl' s"";'''''') · liIjN.1 ·~u "I', . h."". 810.. " dUI'ding 'whiCSh . tllc IIIWIl we re A ...........Ie " ......... You ua', bluO' me. No. Sir. Ua I hll I' livered unLil lite P(llLllgO 'h08 been pR id and on wtiling to' h", fillfn ds . le Artllld 7 :2() A ~ , (I!tc,rll : 1'. .... . .. 1 :12 to M' ~lIl l1e) 8l1Spe ll e • Rnd anta Annn a nn -1 gue . . .0&, 1 "ould han been LI,ere . ' . • Ih ll t hi a llnole had . old ,,0 hill : f ,aI}ler:1 A few weeks I\g o a newly married .( I 'II 1 d d tl n e· :tu~rtu r III Rdvonco. or tU Irl\n,81elll properly a nd. 10" Ihe counlry. Le WI' a"d .rmeo III N.II York 01 :I.4~ P 1\1.- C(mllizO'toOk tll",,, nt (Iictnto r sll f:~'k:~Il: &GW:~~r~I~.~~~d Ito~'S:::: one ovcrtunling tbe oth e r bv rC"~I~ couple nrrh'ed ill ODe or the J<:Reterq ye~~h.t leltlh~" o~ ~~~e h:a. worllll mll.ttll r t~o ec nle e lleh. Ihe ~t'''J\I"rd MloII g Lh louod hi Auncle ,~ "rllod OT-Allol, 10 th ~ ulldereli 'o8l1;'lIIhowlll lo.... 1·...lIt ••• &. PI,,!_,. uri Ilf N ... York and l·e,·oll,tloDe. This sce.saw gDm e cit\~s , and took 1\ room at A h.[)t eL It " e "lIh •• [I.e ...."e rllel; Wl'IghL b~ll\g fOllr OUDcel . and h.o ('enLI lIyle al l'lIr Pt.. 'Ehe wh ole " lI'llir WIIIJ '''''!lid promp'IY ' I'/' .11 CIIl ••• AlI e n'dBBve~ l 'lh t{ft.~t\!tnn T , .lOs . • nd ' I... ",••• ror we ut on until the " eRr 1844 ' 1 le i wile quitc c "iclc llt tha t the pln'tv were b " • d b l._ ' IE . (Of " aah Addlllol\~1 four OUDClt~. R ,,16f IIII' d before r"- ofr-IDI·Ie. and 101111 or to j!ive ea thll ftc !ioil pn r6a ai. n .ble le rma. 11'".10 .\ MntJ;.N . .. l,'hK I. nd Cil j". J ' "I I . . J 1M: I, an A aD..,r"'lI aftn Iov6 "' " I I b'b bl tl _ U1I n ~.,~ ill. CtR.E~ ,iI, Iln. Tral0 itl... 011 S"",IOI I ~ •• I-;' '' &.. r foun <\ ,Sz.-nta AIlI1I\ in po we r-Rnd uufurnl.lar wlloh, ,!,et.rol)O\i tan "Ig bta . • •"" ·ho.... , .. ~ tlgud~r IU 8 ~1l era. lk;ya ~ 'lUll 611f bi. u~91.·41Pl(qP't" .~~.~ 'I. ~& , ~~"J' y (. In . , e 10 'P..'M': Arid .....r.hill!! N .,';' \ 'ofol, ~2: Cllneo Presiden'; but in tbc lIam e T he r ooms. ()Or."tlOI·~. m aTb,k,· 6vvro, ma.. If yuu are i. 'be pa r · 1:1 ~ ~ee J ~pe~.. '7 beotl"'a fteet..l ary \0 procure Ill]' 30 I' M. yelir li e wns depos cd lind bllnlll he.1. BII.I g orgcoll s d rnwllI g -l'Oom, (ire w lor. you mlly dome'ime. &ry whe th.-r oen ~ . l em ' ''~e ;{,'. eb oe nlt . .1'1 ' wee • dil;u,oallellitilony froal 10WII, on ~1 (or FRENCH~S O N TilE tJU nOl'EAN PLAN. ,IIJ" 1J9~1"" I II,I .. Ne", F.1I1!:,."rI P....,.,.. ,.. CanllillO " '1'9 mad e Preside nt, but in fJ'om th <'~ the ,m os t iIIgellll() Us .rc· your Arme fil ' well on her "AiSl. IY "l~fteen ce nla; 1111,. thl"?lire ~'II'I. Ihi. pur;Ju88 JOUtrg L e"i. fe ll PII'", 1~ ' l'rI'NR.~.,(t!. a. 1.... · .ee of Deccmber he was sent aftllr his ll rc- mnrks 01 S lll'prJ~C. In the e\'e nmg 11 ' d Ih ' d II d ~ 1 III, 'lite on I~uer. I. uIII(orlll lind hll" ly IIr ri' ed. in foable be.. hh, .t Oppo"te Ih l!! Cltr 11ft'" 'r"rt, C RfJe n - ork I U . 't I tI tI t .., .Ie 18 once An "a. orll It )Ih roug hout Ih" Umaed Sllltba Ihree ~. "",I V~'il i l.ieJ Ami nt~' 1 ·r .... uri oll ' !Ieces sor; '~ th II mob lit hi R hec ' s . ley VISI Ct. IC I~n re. a~ ~ wc re piercing .cream. which iotluctl tl her C~ lItl eRch, and Ihree cenll ror ~ I\ch nd. 'l'roy. Nllw York. (C", . ~'r o llkftJ rL sl.) . N£'~ YURK. S I..~. I·, lr NG ro."IJ UE~ C;T i".'hMw".hl • ..l;O 1 fhcn cllrno Il el'ara. ,,.ho WlIS depo~e(t ~nch. nstoDls he<i at 11.& m agDlficence. h""'1 ("ah"r And ' ..0 b,others 10 ollliok 1" I I If f ' b - -. ---hy t hc r c \' o lution of HH;'. IIllll \I'ns rci otlllll g' mo re .~ n ~ t ho llg ht o f th e me down Ihe {ronLlleps. So Ix. I ILIOn .. Ill . oun ce or .acllon- IO e A Cmc~(IQ cJf~plllch' Lo Ih e' -UI"Q i ,~Spftc; otl e k~rt'Clo ry,-Both· Ro~t'rl. ' Illd oCeo!"!,R"\, . 1I ~~IR ht Iraoo.ou tho. r. II .... ,·. D:T flHgpl("" ch• .hd Ihr~Ul;'h . Alld . ,~ . 1· s llcccetl ecl by Gell cl'ul l ' lI l'(lIles un - I' c l',hlll t tOllpl e, tlJl IIIJOUt o ll e o'cloc k ful , prt'JI"ld per ort,.fl"lf ounce. i 'I'·.. . · ' . It.rber ~ h (l p . . '.'." ". I.. ·w ,. toy Rn,· ollte. roul e. . . . ' . tI . . t I' h ' h . A ll 100 .. 1 or elrop lette rs "re c hllTge. nR~ I...ea g iveR Ibo ollo"ing; 'J.'be \ I~II'" I HJ I Mll ow'·l! ·to recei \!o 1"!~(J ui 8~te,!lt ,\. ~ f" ... -r c~el' .in ~'ric R.. It ,",. 1" 1 lie r whose a d llllllls tl' Rt'O Il th e ,,,ar III 'f' m Oll1ln g, n \I' II C ~~c t c Olh. '\'1t 2n you inquire ir sil o 'v ill , Il lJl~ wilh t lfO ~ eII la I ,b city i. IIgRiD Ii lied Wlitb .. horror .. ~ 'hit l~tI," U I1!l .,r. ur J.1 ad"uc} '.~w l ' ¥ } ,'MII II. uh lll; u,.11.1 ~II I>rill::i..,,1 TIt~k;,i O';I:;~<; " 'iLh th c u uitcu S tlltes hogan . Thi s }oot-l iTiic k o hllol'l'c" t il e BOll clli ct I..IYo you t!'j(\'1 filII 00 your ko ce.-i L·. I i I b t . 111»8 Age, AJO t lJ pre · t!i~oo\'la'y of IL 6Htemalized l oh" ma of ._ -••_r.,lill! · ...._ _ 43.1 ' ___ l~ III.. w. I . ltd So'''III-W•• 1. (, lIrlC(\ ill l R4R S a nta Alin a wn s II. sent ell ill t h o hnll II Cl\l' t h e door of ridi c ulou~ besidn be ing rOIlNh on I '#1 .1 IYb' II mp .1n " , fl'dl~"I~' ..~o ,ee re o body .till 'IleUin .. Wllicll I, "s beon ..o·l ng I RI PD I !, ' . ' t· H . ' qUlr.. , y CU ' rl ers lOr ~ Ivery . A lJ (J T • 0 r,J , 6 ..: 8 , I , ~ .C·oh'l ; ~·I·t. \I ~~ u~ · I'~.~.I~. " gll lll 1'1·esioent. b u t h(' Wllll d op,?",cd 11 8 I'~Ou\ . • e n~ ~tl'c1 t ho 1>01l.s h(,l· o f Irow se rd. Jll KL lake h ~ 1' hlln Ilnt! H.ugi ~lorel l lellora Ar.) ch'lr"IIA ble "Jeh on lor YCtlIr8 . '1'he, g rnvo l of 1~1I deRu ~ , .1 71 1r K Lo mnkc I'oom fOI' GClIe rnl Al'lS\ilI, 1\1IdOl~tnntllnp:s II hc could I!ee t hc spoll k Ollt like 0 1lI8n f.' f t ~ I ...... ,_ . 1.0 f 6 1111\' 0 btllln t ll thlopiJl, o.... oOd anit Iheir I' . '1 '1 J I' I' . . . . '. ~~ 0 . ·. ~ II Y ""n"'l III leu 0 vo . ' y • who WII!! !llso c omt)clled to r e~ l g n (. (' I <. 11 a ew m o me n ta t Hil t lo(h 1 behllved fn mrl ~ tly to Ihis to c nl ' f I OCClIplllll1l g ive .. ovex 10 dl8 -kllita of •. I " 18' 3 "idl I w s t 1" 11 d I' tcl H 0 ·81 urllla r y. I ' ~I , " u~' n r e \'o .nt lo n III ( I , nnd by a 1II \' n li S 1.1 1 C, IIU po I Y fomRle. and soid : 'Will YO\l be mlPlO l' Uiroul l1r8 IIIIU trllnsient n cw~ p n'p lI l'e 110 I'nlll\l lll!at. ftp g rll ves " . rlt ~ao re~ , LI C~ ~ S Ej) A .UC; 'O ·O' NE E R, (lccI·ee. ~n n t" Anno. W:I " lign in as k c.l w hn.t " tilt Ilcotl ecl. She r~,,\i.d rAth er Abtuplly. " NoI ' hn ,'!! 10 tJu rel' tLid 'wi,h 8111m ~ two nod Ille lug h !tnd th e lIamMtt I n e lII" 11.1,,1. T!.: ;:·u~~n':i(~~';:jilL:I~~~·~~~n/u·~~I~: reca~l e!l anI) (o r th e fifth tim e made 'Cou.ItII~ '~,YO~ make m ~ G b ed In much, I won·~.' · It ill lik ely .'be w"u ld ce nl e OSII:i.i> "1'h" 118 circlII R'rs P,:III. in been 1I.ll ke torn from Ihe ir' .collia •. U'.t y ,YES l'l LL~ .•. • ••. OHIO. ri.I •. co,!I1\iIl8l)O I\(h\llerl\ti~n of nlJl kind. Presld c nt. . H e tb'Cll end cu\'o r ' rl to ~h e'p~IIOI ? c ri ed the · dls oons olatc hllve beeo. II h ~lle, bul I dld,I ' 1 cllre ' 1m ulI~ea l~d c: ovelope 10 OIi U "dd t'elll Ln MllIlg hL Ih e clime,. '~AS tlIIOOY llrllt.l, ():7 W illillend rrompt!f til .11 call' "·1III1ot.u1l11 ~ Iht) noOHt dehcotlll fllbrlc. nnll make his ~nl c pe rpet\lal- m eriit ntill g llI ~hvllJ.ntl l. , . aboul purl uing the . ubje cI furlh e r. I ;)II SO III Ihe n'ne nt~, Iwo ne nl. : si; AI b, IIccld~ D~ II q\l aJl~ , q{ n eg.~ 11\ his linr . alld .. ndenur· til give Ibe "..,.t iK Ilspilclnlly ndllJllc.1 for " ·Olltl c lI • • wbit h ",III n conp d e tat--b ut he fo r e he co uld In. t h.e pnt'l? r ? cl'lcd thc c le l'k, 'I 7Lh. WllOo YOll A,'e enl:"ged , dOIl'1 o irc lll~rl for four oenl e.&o. !:icedl , ., n. WCI'II lIee ~ tlfl\' mg Jllop~ ~\I" I t ~o,L 10 IIII.foClln n. Term. rp.1l80neble. " 84 i~,~s~;!~: ;~:{i::J:~~l;~!:~ :~:~~~lj:~Ri s trlkc 1\ blo w for mo nnrc h.y. Ah·ar c?, am Rll'lud not. . ' g o 00' like lin old jllckll' • • ami h(' Sill !(rA' i pg~ "nd other milat:ll11neou~ mAt. Ihe out8k lrl~ of lawn, wifb ah _u prosl A~'l ) G' l~'~" "S' rcmo'fe'f!ll'na·; ·gremlle .. .. r and st. Ins' of . n ' The Pontbcr of the Pt)ci t\ e,' th en ' WillI. I ~'olllcl Itli e to IUl1I'e one boying leaspoonl. and "al II boi ltlfM. le r c llllrg t' Abltl III the rllte n( 1"0 cents WR~OIl. lind lI.ppllrBDlly 'Ii!e'mlng to r.•.\'O-IE"'," - .:> ..'Ii .£:0.' L klnol s. 011 0 pOllnd • • m nled equal to two Go,'ernor o( G uerre ro. ml ~c d an in- s prend down Bome ,,' hc l'c8. ' IIII'd ""Ddilla. It i M ua"iae and unites fo r 'e8ch lour olillCes or fr llotionl of it aVOid ot.gU'·VHIIOII "y kl'''IIlD& ill tht; pmUldI Of,.....-dill.. r,. f".!IIiI\' -... - DI.ectio"~ surrectio n nt A c npuh·o. nlHI ill l ~M • 'Wlty t!OIl' t y oil g o to your room ?'. commenl. l unt 10 one Rt!dru s. '!Jooln lire ehllrged . batlow.o( lr~n whicb Iinu.d the road • Why. I recollect, I "'" .0 glAd Ihlll (our C! (or uach four OUtlCSS i n S uepeClJng Lilli' th ey werll oBrryiog • enn.lth oacib tMr. for hialr"'g three 1I..lIono Santa AnDR, th e ,,'onld .be king, ns ket! the c !e rk. ::;'1.8oE~;~~"if :::;'~ir: r.:::~I:: !'~~ sought tlaf'e ty in t1ight. with the )lan · '1. don" like to,' said tue . b nahf'ul ~ well' righL oB'lInd .purchllRed II t.Kb v ' " e il ht. prul'lIid "iLb ItampI, " " tty IItololl pro~erty. they "~'ll- pur. No. '11 Kulberry st., : L E BAN 0 N, 0 H I 0 • lainiog full direQti,<m1 for UH, prinled in Ji:ng . ~hcr close IIl>on 111m: Th cn CQm c f! W,lttn . . • JU~pef Rnd " gUq1 ring: It "Il~ 1\ long t ued by the po Ice, Blld ovemA~lecl.<lI~h "ntl /1crDl"" . . A~k ,.our glQcer rD. '8. Cnrera, who 1':18 P rcs llte nt for lIe,' CII Why. what s the matte r l' ,contlll' while er4' IboA8 thing. were neenlK r),. • ••• • UpOIl" tll:llfl!h of lbe ""gOD. ' 1& W88 " '.rnhbllL'~ ~n§:tiand take no other. and twe nty days, whe ll h c. too. wall lie d tbe cl<'rk. 'HaB .ro~l.r wil~e 1.lIrn- ADd Ihe bAby jllmper "lid Ibruog I I) Du,.I·y Llu Wroow&RlI. -ID '1odtllv· fOU~ltll,() coutll!n fiv o .'Ick •• iD eAch of 69, 70~'~~B'~I! w~~~ios.!·~~,;:;..6~,0~: forced to lIee h.\' n r evolt, Co mmon - ed you, Ollt.odfhtbe room ? b Ih,., when "1'1 pu, Lhe 6rll' o( Ihe Iilth: orinl.C to IlIko II.e ceDI II. for Ibe gov · (willo h, upnnibe lll~ openeTd.wRlI II corp.le. . ' • ..!<l. . - . fort slIeeeeded him in 1856, and lit ' 8al e •..dmwling , ·. ,11& YOII Quilll into iL, it alldd .. nly jllrketl up, .rowen'. Ihtl mArablll . oooleioo.lI,. rOij lI frum I 10 grll\,e. hey "or. II I. once took mensnres to make. B He 1 Imve never been marrl,ed be· Ind frighlfally near blltlering meeL WiLh fIIoh tJiffioulLiel a. '0 wall AJlportlnlly. 01 Lbe ~tler elliu. IntJ onli ;l'I.a.... r h?OlJK . O"N . ~.AP. atrollg gov ernmcnt. He WftS Acth'c ~ore, an~ 80 l,~n't much Jlko to '10 Ihe deyoled child'. brBln. Ollt .gllihllL ni~h dl!priwe ~hem ohheir nn lel , 'I'he olthom I\ ',roung hnde."lIh the o~aD~e 8av~ against tbeelergy. and lJegBlI con68- 10, partIcularly. In a ,.trange place. abe ceilillg. wllilo 'he gum ring. hn · follll" in", colloquy il .lIid 10 ha" lakoll w~CII\h l Mill! In I:~r hlur. !lod clol~ed m T . ],J....ln·s Pun COII'OnUATr.DPOT- eating tbeir property, holding that '0, go ,rlgh.t Ill!' Bald tho c1 'er~ j - IIIII' been itep\ iD a bos wilh coc:krollch pillce l omu",h" ro beLwe.u a marsball bndlll veltal •• , ,1 bree were males. Bod or Rc..s~ 8CH&p 1oI.1te~, W.rl'll\1(ed the Churc h had no rig ht to own 'sh e " ' 011 t thmk Jt .& nil w!"pug. poilon. ,lire" 'he baby inlo till, IIt1d "od An lriAh "oOllln: 1111'0 fomlllll l, I he n'!rr~. were 1\1'1 01do.ubl~ tllO 8trengt~ ·of oommoo Potash. and lands. ' This led to another "n'oll in -Hc re the door of the room ope n · he ball Ip".m. in lI.e crib for lour 'Ho" IDllny 111,,1, ..embers bav, you tod •. aDd oonfell6d lo b,vuU( '~.ken . 'h8 IUperior 10 an,. ~lher ....pooi6er or 11I11u $he 1857 which wall SUPI}fC88ed after ed about an Incb, amI thr Qu l b the dRya. It w.. frighlful. in 'be fAmil, ,. bodl~' r~am III l\.amnn 01\\ b ollc. tCblD J'ut up 11\ can. 1 poun,l !l pounds ' t " N" II UUII.. LeT,! • lor. R u• 1I . '0 0 \I'c .. ""~ . • 'flJ 6 is ;and of 12 p,Ouud. : . lth much dilllculty ; but ill the followin g ~I'er IIrc ClIme 11 VOI CC coaxlllg' y sny· 8\... I fa' girl yaa d on', ' gift 'lV"r e 6"polUul, fdli~(~~i9.ii'! Ewc\lsb ,;nII a.fIllaO, for DInk · year it broke out a g ain. and Com · l U g : . . il up. but try iL AglIllI. BCCI\U IIl 1"0 'WheD "ore you IDlluied I' I(re,n exl"llI m e ~1 m Iho clly ... .. otl W ill TIlt hc~l ~i IMl~ f~tilio.~ fSI;~r'n ~teetl in all !!fOn Soap. One pound 11'111 monf'ori was tRrce u to I·esig n. Gen . ' Do ('ome m, Jobp, 1 :won t burt Ilegaliul make lin IIl1irmllLiYII in /:l'Am· '1'he dlly l'''L I)"yl, left TiJlperary "ho Mil alford II. are preparJI!1 k? It II v .. " ""'. or 0 1> .-Jlllr~. l ""1308 'If, "01\ ~ar· ' No ti tn~ I. re o 01'111 Zltlog ll wn!Nb e n mad e Pl'esitien t YOII! 1" 'e hlowell out the gllB. and mer. ho"enr. d01l'1 conlilln your. for Aw"nky. Alt ••8111 miotJ i'.- I~e Ilravfll ~fllJti lr frleoda g uarded ~~W ~1 .'~ I ··~II~~n. r"" jlt. J Anllclt II 0 tis murt! wUlllnd Ihls tbe chellJlCst b tb . " • At t1. it's all rlnrk IHlI'e' Ie\( Aceepted "h.n 8 girl ,' iltl y VII ,wi ll" A eUlI s loiniof dAy oe V'er gilded Ille aky III ~he r~ II'I"'na .llyll be u. o lell8 (or dla· OOIl4inllf\nCr m Ih libcrllhpit'rol.!8 herl!to in tbo market. y. e consel \'a.lve pnr •.)'I' 1111., f ,: cl I . . ( Id I I d ' soeling purpOllet ., ( , , t', BIt~~ ' Olle by nru8!\i"1.8 Rnd Groceries. time lle nito Jlla.-e? \fas C llie f JU llt· 1 he odor 0 tue ro?m ~88u:e til! . 1 ask,," Olle (I!maltr (or,y · u~fI 110168; " o w ,.11 a n . • roro el lellt!ed. - - -_. - .. . , • .B T \ ilI-IIIIT;" ~0tl. 164. 6$, 66 ..IIi, 68, 69, teo: He \H'OIDPUy bcgan " I'evolt. cle rk t hat 8 1~ o h ru:l ll~dcctl . blown and Al 1• • &.he 10 esp~ L \I wh ~ n · ·WI, .. I w~. th e contlition o ( Y6ur _ .... . ...- - - , j 70 , 'ill Rtld ~4 '\'V l18blngton At., ~ew y o. k. .maintaining tbal. th e l'ellj~lIn'tioll of ou t th c s a!;. s o plJRlulIg th '~ . Iloo r nO' r 1 \:8011'. And . ulll oLimll. wUllld luu hRnd berure 1lI"" IIIIIe l ' I:3r A o.Ule·delllar up a l" 1'ulftdo. , •• 't ,"'J • ~~. Commouf(>rtlon. him PI'csiuellt. H i open, he Bt'OPJ)ctl th e tlol\', r.Rl sctl .a holl o" out, " No I" {rom Ihe 'lOP ollhe ·Di va l .. m"n morlt miser ..ble. lIt 11U\ "eek, , old" be~f l o a bUlc.b8r.;~ll t, .l.TU1ij .LE~DJ)l tml ~,ed. c lnim wna s npp o rted by th c Lihcr:tls wl,· ~dow. aud l',ct~Il'II CtI to t\1o ·.ha\l to . la ir. bel,~r~ 1. had gol f,irly ill Ih" dRill I( 1 dldu ', gi. o lJilD A promi lo rolling Ibe gree obao)l' iOlo " Iql,AII alon e I\ml he \J ccom c t he leud e r o r PCl SIII\UC t he , c l d llnt hus band t o roo hOUlo. 11111 18 IIDu. " 14I. It~ me hort: witliin t wu w!l~ k •• hn'd blow his braID8 bunah, pUI them illio bia tob~cc bot . B .• T. ~ab,·a l?,at M·~~tO~lt~~ BI_alerl - that p'!ll'ty whi c h has s in ce m 'ulc s o tire with his wife . All arglllUlC n t!' rll mark. OUI wllh A crow bAr.' S hortly "fle r bo llX trlloled. al he - W ES T O F, T H E ' ~ !laue .roltl ·"ooi me. n sa. . II.." ( lOA' () , . ' r. , 9 LII. K I' I~ II II II" I I'11I I".CIII'1.1 ' B • \V'lId IJ e "t Ille II' me or your m·r IllolIg ll t a porI ion of 11111 toboooo'I bu' . . , a~'afI,1 wIth thIs 811'erlltns. cbntllm ~ , 1I'hen hhlcd, no many s tru ggles to g et lllto r,OWCI·.wc r e f rur' tl 0 6 8, II,?WC' .er, an d. DC \I.a" "rcn 11\ ~ ' . ~C::KUO."E'I'III A~ I DI..JC(.'TCUIA Ibing bll\ccilri~t(::i~' , I1(Jttlr' ~ 1I0tlr; Juarc? rniscll a ll BrlllY which wns d e. c ?n:'pe ll cd to assig n the 8(ml~l c 1Il - bou lo. e Yen II Ill ey 8ru dIrty. And d o rillge" widow er nr bllOh" lor r ' " i,b all hi. IUUlioAtioo coultl e,'(~rllOa \%,tXI@l!,~~~[\'p. ~(g~ N",,: 13 ~ ,74. W~IJlbrt.otllt" ~ ~W ~ ork. feated by Znloaga. wh c n t hc fot'm m' Ii! "IlI~lal n s cpamte I'~om fro.rp thnt Am.e ar mol ll8~e . c"ndy thruugh )' ~ur • A whu:h 7 A wido"er did you ' ''y ~ oone of Ihe SAYO ry IIi eel. and /lol lry A,"" We.ldI, ......_ Me.. .-J....A~~ rc tircd to V e rn Ontz. and Cllt:l.blis h ed hI S wlfc WI\8 Ill. t hat m g bt. half. LeI Iho ooy. play horsu "' JIb Ah. noll'. go RW~y wilh YOllr nOl18en811 . took lIi s quid oul o· hil mou th to lrbok T A K E A POL ICY 0 F ~o __ ER-CE~T 11-'."lED: by ......Ir /1i108elf ,08 l'resldtmtof the Libe rals, ••• 1ro~. and make a 1001 (' ~ you ge nerlllly . Ie il l hu lill ... mo IhaL would lak e up ,,' it. when he fouod he bAd h.IID . ..' II. '1'. Babbltt. Star "'I'e.,\ P~iJ4!r: as tbo latter tlid of 'he 0 0n s61'\':1' A GOOD OJl"IlACTJ:R.-A 00111 el1"r ... bid 111""1'. wo.rk.. II I .. Irump card, "ilh A ~eco ntl-bllnd hU l band ~ Do I ing hi' roll of g ee ob. eks. U. leood ~ D. tJWET£, A ...... WIlJlle.. me, ....• LI BI.CIIIL, or noy killd of Cu ke mny be tives Zuloag fl WIUI followed by G en. aCLer il 10 Ih. young men 11' tirm Ie IOU pl.y Il rlgbl, look li ke the wife 0(. widower ! A 8,h.'L for a 1D0meol... od Ih'Il ba,p' nuide wi~h this YORSt P01l'dl' r, iD 15 mhlutos. eral Robles who mnde 8. fll t lle e ffort foandalioo i. to 'he ardl' wlJo. ~MJIOle. 10th. And fioall" )f Ibere nre 'wo poor di,j) A\I lell' And cotlftllmplioll. oul: 'Oil" 'be Illok-a wltOlt .I,e,. til ~~~i:'.~~~!:: O~~~". !I~l? ~8:;~orteniilg'reqllircd when .weet ~Ik. II to unite thc't,,:o part.ies, "nd f'a{!ln g . 10 .','reo,. • b.i.ldi41g 00 it ; h' OfI,II well ,ialerl. IIDd tbe .old one i. je."lolll. geL like a .iek turkey I A "ido"", , a.h y OIU! chew!' ••• , .~'o~" (J oW ."t! ~ilvtr W.... it no" goi"lf on N 0 8. 64 to 74 W IIsblJlgtoll II., New York. WIUI 8ucceeded by )lIramon . Ii rom ~ull~ wa,h larel~, and ~II . "Ito .~bold 100;" of 'O&U .( neud. to choke her otr. 1 "., bl...." il I'd noL rather II ve 80 0;:7. Mr. B. M. Brown. Ih. 111114' ' " It. S.lurooll. i,( ~h:S'"R. n .. w &: URO .• Jlio nr J .1lI sond a ilamplo pack",e Cree by him the CQp'servative support ric I. "til h •• e conti~.n.e III II oohd.Ly__ whll. ,Yo. ,0 I. lor lhe 10uolJ6r, owltl mllitl, and bring up a rllmlly 00 ,,\io il Illl ninf{ 10 deAlh 'I'n l~ IJ~.'·IT SI.. N. Y. 'Cbr .. ,ood •• re .old .t 0lA1l. 00 reoelpL of 15 oenlAl t.O' par pol lage. 8cended to ' QeDe~1Ll OriegJt, whil e a h.Jpinl !"/1d wllIlI"e! b, " 'anled; .1 did Ib" once. an~ u ~d 10 gel my bUlll'rmilk And pratie.: reached llis 36 1h .dAy ' of . b.tineDcII TW o DOI. l.A R!j Ji:A C H. OF • J uarea aiill olaim,. to be Pft!IIident of bu~ lei a "/1,1. parL ofL/1.11 ~""'lreetiYe. rr"D~ 10 au lb. I.DIO' girl 0111 flvery ;,.. (rom fooll on .Ihv 5d. illi,; I1l'b• .loUrALl"~ Selld TW1; NTV-FI VE CE.N l'S fo. T R • ib.i'Ubeh1s:' ~Ild ,ou ~o 011 . ,b ..ard. a,pid~& .doll~I' U'DIDg, b., .be ~oqn~ m.' Qat and . ~ AOOlhrr big pil. ~f moo., iD nal.aYI be ,lll no"tJ'l),riq,. . P,J• •.",U.... numb. recl Notice. ONt> DOLLAR (or ~ IfIg alld·dIlJrll.' . . .eL lita 10 .0" j& .111 Uled.IO .rr.oge 'Ial' PIO'. In Ihe 10fa Aid .. C>~1d h"puqg), ill tpil .r, and i • fa LI ~. ~t4 ~ d' • SIX.. Tbe ftuno" er on eocb Nolle. corre,!'?;'dl .tUi Lb 'r " ~"jl. ~lIe WOlD •• '. Biebll 000'1'" do.!' .. , I~" ..d II ••• bIOD. before lb. W.Da oUI. 10 thaI' couPlry i. Ibe "eliDing. eal,te ill ~"g It don n~'f~ ~II~,"O 0 in~n lifo ..ilb 00. hU\IIber ~n .o~, • •,'Ilde ~f ~!>""';,"hieh ~jp-:~I)!~i:fh~~ Moe wu in "llioD .1 Alb..y a hor./ e ,baa ,~"t1' de It to r.i., .. ~'I&ltOIl~ "u ,a!rem~ll anoomforlable , land. A goo" DlII!l1 ~r Lh. . . . . . . 10 ..... leoglll ~me r6 I . .., it If '1!lil '<III b. ,enl on , et.• lpf 'T h • . ",OD~ wil, (on; f'oi" 15. !lnlrninll .houl4 . , ?lU erowded. , ,,..,. .,tend a a ~ c"',uter. po.Mi! II ,. e~,.. • . ~b,u, I~ wll b. H.. Ibal • • ".heo be lyiDj( lqqe •• n Ihi' &'1•. - bol(l oul. · 1 1 Appear. lb., h'e'~~,1ia Itt tefunded i( Ihel"/lodt duot 11,,.. ,,.f... "OD. bi 1 "' e"r,"f~",IIy' In tbe . Iantl. Tllere ....r. ~ldDg (emal., AD old ro l wnll 1\, ~rMll lID .• ,11.. H·I"P"'~ COIUIJDg I. all.ded lo. I am nlt h' Tbtl Daytou J o urnal .a,.: ~. I.~na 10 be directed 10 bia' cou,,, b11~..,tillD " ",,'It ",.k. ·rWIo;PiTY.t·l\' £ POI.J.4R8 p•• a .. \~ [~..!',I ... 8eDd ror • eat. lope, .nd rcIII8 lo II" "'r • "aa. "Be one 08.~ eall' "bero .S. . . . . . . . Lh,re. aDd If aa, fur'ber IDror"Alll)~ II lhal E . TllompRu n. Elq., of lllll Olty , aplriL" IIDd ""Ileves il <DO"ri~II'" by \n.:It. 8.~d (~r. ~i"'I"." BI!:t:06o 8110.• It. rpo ,~Ia1I ,&" .... al\ A,...,. "e wm ~Dd ohhcioe woeeariChten h. aeied .- net. All t...... ~'1~' III ,.. blOpe of W.Dlld, ... d m. • leu.r ~nlllo'lOg re prCleoli a numbu 01 heirs or Ibil lbem in IOUIII 'IIUpel'tliLlIral ' aa(l J ith r . P, O.Mo. 6138. ~e", Vo.k; , 42.1•• , . . , At'I\" .an \IIa. . . . ." " I,. ...... "plied &he aDei.\!&. .. y.,. louilt • •11 IbM Iia oaI. aDd"'III.iII a' . . p ,1ft, M.~) •••el 1 "· eslate,.and intend. "ilillog Europ. the r••1 maDDer. • ' f'. , .•..• I 1 ~l1ic., 34't' SI. , . .,I MM. .Add~.. , beli.........' .1ao.kl 1a.,,~ "I. lh' lbe ~bor. Iftne. of .Ullb,« ~, ,r."I, ......a H atOO. (or tb. porpot e or look " _' ... ~ . j ~) , t,},· I,.t All. ~IlTIST8 UNION, rI,h'li or • •a. d.,011 r' be iatlalred . ,b. . .I. oI"an, _Ian. ID ••• fna .lIer th. mll,ter. Thi • •slate III '-:Tb. fAlbor Ill.Itt". D P RA,,~ . ,~. n~ l ' ,.--1 178] ·No. lib PI,"" SI•• N.w.York. ',y.. l cfo: " .~ Lbee.phllie IUII·w er. aDd ie deri1'l~ ~rqpa. t;b"hoter, . The Mob:W Trlballe reea rcJ , H,,!", reporteli ' , 0000,UIII. III Thl ·N.w 'he ~\r"', w.. · ~l" : bodjli '~~&ei oi ..11 1\

~OO ·

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'l'Oli-.ii4fus·B PAIWTIJJO.· ,




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.10HN L. THORNE, '

5:0 .Peri Cant' saved



by Using




'K': 5& rer wnt,

bY U$iDg









60. Per"Oent, S,

by Using











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~lr~~~~'::'~oa:You,.~ II~•• - U"~O,,· Colle Pea :~eEph~~io~!~~:1 ~:!~AA~:~t!rDf:' Da,",:'.·Co"~. ll'~ C. . . SntoUl

~<l..a l~duc.cI


la, .l,ao,.,,0'1 ~ ,lhlare'a

1.,,,•. 111 Ihe thl I./le· o( ",.a.

BeDl If! tel led letter ,,!Welope', fre.o.f r.hug" =""d,"~ Dr. ,BI(I1.ttN HOOO.,.08,


'C '" erd AIS9~".~0I,I.1 lItaRlldilphla, ~. (




Cotree '.... £alt.., of _1 '





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,ood Tb'~':i bJqal:,liUI " .111' fill'. • ad ~J~lri:' ;~~ ~I~~~m:~h:'::;~::; \~ork T,ibanp. eoalieta of fifte •• 1II.i1- OODoii'lle~lo aDd ,·~.,ir~ .... lbe ~ ~o IDOIl. ~ ••S.... . :. of • ro&..... ..... ,W, t ....1 Horall" will. ton&r.~~:' ~'~~;:::"~n~o f:r~b: CoD" rer~IOII~' -D.!~F'\)' •

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,"lIIe ler ,.~ '" .

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tI.... lifo

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.,-1& it ~,~~~I' lb'a' t ero, • Will ~ t . "roWl oa d.w D&&DeM.

"b.. ..



():7: Accord"!fc to

an'.... 8(t.ti.&~; 1,. "1,..

,'..rsea. h. e;-Ing \lml~"c!: e:!:~d~er~ ':!: ~.~~!:: ~, eYer li .l' · . . pa"

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II!irt of L~' J ••DlQl"lll AIII.noa. ll·, .. ,Ilia "pcafe~. hi,9rwE lua loar ill ,ULIIII laUI lor , ,, deOillaall'.Or \be \lDC).. of lh, lelta· .I"," year. w(lI'kocl ~p DtQ~" ul l~900,,' lJ.r••l" in CaijlQlail, ~. Lor. , . ' " . ~ III of "ool? . ..:. ' . . .


i .








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... r _" ,1 I he.II .... ' , r.n ""W Ii.' ell Ie. :,1. h •• , II: AI Ibe R\', ""w l"e"Il'd h.. ,.ell ., NY. ll". 1" 'bl.Uftil:f'. 011 ahln SUet' I, I\h•• IMn p 'I'horll,oll POA I" 1'8 _"0h WOII,I. \ ' . , ~t'I',r", IT , .. J b I ifill IIb,,'e'8 III ,eclllld ,iahl. At II> ltJ\P~rl ~V AYl'i/'}l~ 1)/ 6iwU.4J ~. iii L ,I" y. Apral 18tb. orSAtIlled y "PPOIIl br.l"tI D n. "1l~~I~, "IIIch Iht'y b , " Iwowlp,11!8 or Ihl! !treGle" i.llpllrlan,·" to til mlh I"c,u,e. (rom I ~ ting Dr. Wm. 'rre\ill. of 'uhll1lbus, I 'A lltOr" Ameri CA n Kdlli on ' ']'1 •., the . ,AIlII u, "'.rtle,1 01 _hhe. 1 .... \ 1 I '" p,(jpm 0 L' d Co.I oClJ_,rmllll aDd J . L UrlAnlU'AD, 01 11"1 u .. h u cd IIIo nlhly. fire ,Vl olI!! ill ol.,e 01 IrMlte:... phu /lelille"le" fill/mil/fill' t(,) I B . YI f t 1 f m . tl ' ,' u Umtl, I"C lliu, .y , ."'tes ul Ihe p" '8"n you .re lu l'IJrlll'" 1/1 I no c!\lillnn tlmt SlIIl'Ott \\tl~ qllorUII HI II~boro. cft'ln r}' ("" le ,1 OD I r.t~ cl"lIr Iypc. filJO ",h lle nI" frY 1111,1 hy ,l,P n,,1 III ftn 11I~""mt'nt'" '.' CO PYING I J e • L ' ", f L' L ~ "I ,,:1"'1111')" tl) 'rlll! N i!\\ .Jcr!1cy Lt'gl• lature r!' [111 tho COIlsparocy to II" ,\ •In,:ll I Afll!r a free .IlIl uolhlni o II f np fnl nl ,p..-.... )~ wr." "nd 'lIu~lr"Ictl b J olon M~ n, IlI t('not! "" W"' . kllU WII .," Ih~ r.y' '''U.' '',, ~ ~~£.I~'~L' PI(;TURE!~. a,l.1 r.I~III!l Ih~m . . B.O...DW... , ·, Nt: ....\ t 8ubmit the qU(latlo~ equnl Pre htcnt I.ln In, Lhollgh n I'.ll I) to "n,1 ,,ioo u£ YUfIDU. m~Il,!r . ... 1, I I l ' 1111 Ible LU ~p "" III 00 tr nl"" nl"l'~ '0 I' ruJ ,'clJ " "r~ I I; 1\ ' I. Y d.... " ...I.... I:r.e 'l'l'uoo hntlllf plr. ~ __ • lIeli t i l tl t I Ilolllrts l t " tloe er .. tewily. II W.. II r~ K II . I III PO! D k I" C I"'~ II I Iho f"'UN l'II , lmlld r "'lin II hi." Lo F J ndp C.II hIVe Ihpm I ••"'..... SU/fIRg to tho poople. 'hc 11 ot to a 1 II C 11m I olved Ihllt "8 btU 1\ comp rILllvt!\ high en"" n(\MI n o£ C I,o ll u8 It · ;he nPI.hQJlIII . "I;l~l h e . WI'h dille IIr m.'· III"'~ ~I I 61 l"l~p~rr. .~.I ~ul"rt'\ III 011. ~"'tr:.' sn""'r l'C"ions in A '\\O)I\S nnm ell FU\Il, w ho "flS l sm.III 'lIuroher of Pu hlt·h~I" \V ~r" on ~n.·lloo~' th'lf I'I In Ih ul ile rnlUrU1rlnl!r, pU ' l'un In 10 1(' I nJ I',I!! Ib,",I. III , CIPk\~' " :'1' ., ;': 1111 ~, ••·rec, .. lhlt 0'"11 1"81 T lUi n'''he' ·v .. e -: t"t . ' Ii ( • luI Cl e r kt'" T'I.. " It. n o l U40 U)!. "8 tUla 111 !l , , I i "na hove been ru iuoo for tin fnr ad"Inced III plcgnan '} , WllS go· "tlllncl nneo. It '1\'11 Int' XPC' "nt 10 rUl IIf Ihe WI:r1d " lile.! Anll un( IKp Ulil fl'll'O I' , e I' mo" ,nI8 ~ nll 0 8t" I pl'."'.... All w fl rk \\'AIl 'ltA l'IT r.1I 81 b th cent nood to d enth uy a m;,d \\ . :\t Hi g h . Dill 01 Price! o r ["k '''1) I 'Anel Ih .... pubhlli r n ,ltH' '''!! ('led II ft>r I w .. ell A ••,1 Nu ""J"ell"" I" 'lOUd) \4 e.,be r. ,xc:ppl "~"'''''''., .... "",,,.,,,,~, ;."-,,,,.,,:,,:1 C:.., ., CII on Y • c rS b 1 C IIlIIa Fall, nelll W e t Point r\ Y I"cllon on dill aubJ "ct IItdo ru LIII on \ btin,t\n" Ua Ie Blllnllo".! Rnd IllIhnl ll wrillell gll',rollle • ,10.1 Ih f' fu,, ":''':,'' II cu". 10 plpue my Tbe County c 00 () I torn ,eDllon. .. .. IcIII .1' I. whnl II 1" .. po.l, 10 b e "y ('11,1I"eu y"r '" • I fler. I'll h 8 been finally defcated in til lust week H e r l~trOl s wele 11 A mOlion preVRllotI, :htit ",hen the COllly worllf wll lo lII renc h of tilt! m"s~· I ~IIJ.'ng 0 ft",.111 ck IIf Rilil 81"I ' "j;l .""III m!! •• • and h \,lIl~,h:;1 "t~~;:f':'m)'TRESE WOllLD-llIIOlll 'l. 1I . 1 tu • o ut, antl n male clllltl 1\ fill I cl all!', CI.IIIIIWllon II WOll!" h IQI el . III al IL Io811d , mil Bod c bel&p pl.1l1I 01 lIorlh. "g'" ,II1P081110'I nnd ell'" x ,,·., enrp III I IIU:.' l' uUd wl. r\r .. I.,y SEWl5 G .ACBUI!&!D 01110 LegiS a ro from lte lIntural fll~t<'UlIIgs 1L I Imeltt nl{n ln II~ Cululllbn • . nll '1 IoIl'R Ill Y. I f ' \ nlpx lu ll. 110,1 Pllclud ' "\C 611y e{,hll nuu .~ II Ih.! I t.n g ve I!. A I\'l.'llnJ:R or mad dogs lu\Yc been I tin nlhe tlnd gll'os CI'('I'Y sy illpto m 2U\Io , th e d"y n£ler II c UIII"n ' . d ' Ion In ul rer cn, .. lul>6 ""'r .... ed III unlle.y III I Ie r A. C: RANflAI.L, : 'VI"" ftwo,ded lhe Io 'II 1o I'ttl PllmID kllleu around Germantown, Mont- Is r .' I 11 I t::illl , . I hu I h a e r I q ) Y"" ",II ,,·ct·IVI) lloe I Ph " I"g. ft 111111 Purt'.'l I' nl nll:r . I l lll' \-.; f'.,r III LflI\don, coun!.v 0 gro(\'lIl g I I 'l'he S t; rel Ar y \TD ' IIl S lrll ~I(, 1 tn I ' A rl'~t'" .. 1I~r (rom Mr. Dlc ,. nl 10 1,,·or"'·'l on by '~lurll';'~' I I A .llrp~. \ 1"" rti l!l7 III premiuml al tloe N. Y SIll' .'. II Jromery •• , 'f t d I" -r 'f'H, \IK Is n goo d (l enl of C~(lIto· 1. 1I 1l n eOlIl 10 Ihr N, w.p '1"" 1'111010, 1" I, I K uubh$h hllU0to '" BI)FlO n, KUl>lloI~ I 1111 '"'''''fi''l" .oc.c~IJry f" 11 'L,p- np:" ;1'1I0R~TIll'I 1 _ __ 66 tI'HI "0111, "'D tier's bCt\Utl u nu g I"" I I I t I I I L \L r f I "drul '" C"" " p II C" "A nAIIIt r. , . £!I • \ I "",n " . m e u t In IlIlllOI g 0\ or t 10 CI " I I IIr or II e ISIC . t o 1)\1 ~l .. I .10, ",.1C ' '' ,'' tI,1 ""~ I r~Cl lp 0 1110 lUI,. ' p O. Dos 2~a, H"d , ,,,,, N. ¥. lind ollly child, M,ss Blanche Butler, 11 . P 10 'CI'S gencI.l ll y me " ' 11\ " " ld vince. to e .. Ii .,ler II,e I ""\,,,n~ 1'1')l 111\ s. l'pl to C II " UIIIOIIIIIIl:d rellJ· _ - " ]f. 0 ' ~ Are cekb'"ct& lor oIulllll'.1118 bUI , I expected to b (l t.bc belle of Wasb· :\1l ·lI1 P ) I tl ,t' n III tlln e sui J~CI~ , IIntl IIny .nll~rs Iha l nlHY , 10 c~ I'" thll!' Oh"rI~. ~lck~1I1II hatl \ ..... I.cot·K~ PO~ !!I PL_TJ(JIII!. " -h ~____" OoDct"ll ".1/1,., mucll, em.ller nfe~le 101l1ot: mg to UCCC1)t 1. Ie I It: 10 ' r senlcll' IIna ~"II nell t,WUII t' ,~r>l lie"'f (Uf" ,"O.IV, d all)' e tl mpt!\Isa , N I I 1894 To, U.... OUl ,- .." -~ I lh,ud 11•• n ~., Other '"th'ne '" angton next seMOn. f I. \ \I b COl r es')ooclill'" Ie 11 C " I: , t! 1 ' • I 'iIlb U .,t,,,,,I, 1 . (1"11, "v . ., , he nCr 8ucllOII 01 the;.~' D Inn· ' t.uCIC II 11\ (ll\ 1 011 149 m ay be d~"m" d ~p~ ~ nl: , Ilqu Ir , 1~11j AII""I!!"n 1011:' U • l\''' I1~.~ ru" •• AI.LCOCK &. ell -1'1".18 , AIIII ••• eloll IhOIe who h.. , Honu I .ell·lft" we 1ft DGW b-' Tho 01 dll c tlon of wnges A PIOl'081LIOll 'file be!L In (Ir "1)1,, nm:.:' " Il\ve lied 10 .... lJ lk. . I h" HU, w llh d,.,lnl nt... ",y elvc .Joze" 10 \Ve ,hO: day h .. when telr:"ach nee 11'1 m ont of Agriculture SISS thero lire tillS cffect 11118 liecil ",o lle by 1'1 0111 0 of ducll on of Ihe prlc t!S o£ Prlll l !lIg I" pi IIII' el~t " ,Ih t: )H) r,, '~rs.~. 0, 1C'" k·. I"",,,,,. 1'1" "0" Oil. flUlly PlI · "tlrAP•• I,.,.11I1! hu become ull' olth. mosl l' , Id \nv.orable indications C1f a good "hcat the luilrondd to tb oll cmpl() \ cs ! p~ r I ' hl~ I r"l Ih l1 ,,:I vall ne s lo\·.I. u f '.\ lK!o' V' rl,, ", , """fl,,,,< lIof" \ cn 8"Il P flur ex ~ f'~."r.\I1 t Jl.rl~ .,t . BI~Clk ~ .'l ..._ ...cttl __ ..... -we Of . . . . . The re prlll o( tnx on Prlll iln g P"per , ,,f C,,,~", 11 MI'l l & ~ I "tl .. 1" t . 1to'I'''' A. ""~ "' ''1'' .. 111 ,.r "rlIIIIIl n ,~ .""II"~lll' Nqw lI.tln, .. If • ."~"""""".I.JI""'-'I\ r rQP • 'To ti S' exclmms the rti hmond AtivlOce P~ymtll:' uf ::;LI\"~ III" i ,II' ' til" " UI"O; Oll r 1//l '/H III",r/){J /l/uld (1/ !/IJ/d IJlnll "Or',e- I", " ""', "h .. h I' entAnI!IP. Ii, lf "u.ko ft rpw In Nntho.t ~hl\"lnl" • ...,r , ....................... 1(",:;: Tile llllymcnt or commutntlOll of '" '(IOOS not bclon"Uhc l'r('lht o l rh,ill of Ih .. l' t,,,s "r . i,ch C')''' ' III L" IIl!"11 II,," \l u r k , UII UI, . h .. " 1""'" 1 1111111" ", ' t IIr 1... 10 'know iL ull;" Iond .. III .... , I M I. ' A bro' 1\ I' • I~ ~"". _r ve,,'I, " .... -,M,",~e. .. .. ......1., . _ 01 .... Intlonst.o toldiel's '\\ h 0 ",ero P rison IImes , . ~ r n "bill" the ElIli ly 10 lh.° hnilltllll:: (,I 1100 CO Ulln .. 1~1 (\", " 1 II u<l r qlloll < II~ ' ~SIir S i l .11 \ l "-:' ' f.1 "'JlIrI'~ h II> I ~ ~II,I n 11'1'01 many 0 I II e• a - •• en Old \ .......... • h \ Price or Ad,,;r\) " II " .I"d .1 ••11 \\Tl"k 1" 1\".\ · tl' lH ~,.I!J,h~tI IVllh 11111''')1' 1''10 ""d ,"liP fM IIpn. ) n , r or rll " , v l , w...rtMrll-!r0 I.. ,.~ 60 • •1'0_. th", be• " l is now in pro· tiC exporlmen 0 " , . , ersdllrlDgt e Wllr IUP whltc ' To v.hich Lit o D utl CJlt "" 0101 11 ),,, 10 . '/n ll" 'S " L n C(i"L (' two Ip8. TII1 ' '',"II'",,,,,l '''Ii t' 11 I:olu:: l!1""uItIIlI!Oll.hc! h'tl, A"d srop f grcss in Wasbington. 1 b' \TtihUne rCJoins: •Vcry hkel y , but Ii ' he I M' Ad vertliolng Ag"II C) '" N"" 'j"d !f.,I1I11 " , 1\ Ii .,. 110,. '''1 \·,,1 I".d "' 11)' , ,',1;" 10_1,'",,:' w,,:k W,e dl rl"t IIIIYIIIIt.,"\ I) SeD Wlllf• akned 10 'rlloeilule 1 1 r d men of C.o um III S I I" f' tl ' , I U~ " " I'ulo fI h~, 1 . , 11,,1 IY l I) I" J II VI', • I! ' ,III .. " •• n. re.. M• ra. • "/1 .Inu' ,C\'erll 00 0 e , to ,}Oll (10e8 Lt'-long t Ie erN I. 0 • I York city , , , IIII'P". ""11 II (1'Y hI' t"hll'. II. "c ll '.< 10""1,,, u I CIII ."'1y, .1101 Ihe bone II 'of ~11lf18, Coller•• Kkl.u.· Clo.\': Ui1lll S C, ha\C purchased the Sout.h Car- \ expel iment of mnking the El1tl op I 'I'he ll.lInks of Ihe Con,o"01 ,n \\ .e If, " .Id Wl l h tI,e CUld. I(J I 13 Pu' II lIul,1 r".. ", full) I"'Y 'ilia h" . Bill!!.' I,uv r le,L .., pr UII' b-'" I,I, feltt I:On· Cluthlne, Hal l. C.p. C olin ian newspaper. and propose con· . 11 . IU Oll tl~cl.l \h:tL CX {Jcli- unAllllllou sly It'Il''~r~'' 10 H un \\111 I~r.wn & Urollo e,. . \\ lo u IIIPI ~") "' t"U 1'1 ...... If Ih f>Y .IIOl 'O lI11l be. 1,",1 III • lu\\ - Ifll", .n,ll.e bpcome. 10!llP. Theil ~ 18 )lootl. 81ooeo, Hnrn~l8. tIoddi.. " n conser,ntn'e llegl'O Pc ow, III ) , , 1 1 ' mllh. &Jr.r!! llI ry IIf S nil'. fur Ih u l sup pDsed II) 1,.1\0 r~ c~ lv~t.! I\~ ~q " '~ nt p I n"' .!'lf l''''~'' 11011 1 .~r~polI · ' t"'"rn Ih l' blsdw)llI, whQ"'''W~' 000,18. U.trell'!!.L..&ruClI~ •• te' rlut:llUg It as mellL on lI. ' CIY CXiCIl81\U se.ll e. usc of 1111 "Dli llho t o W. \II ) nL lO" copyrrllhl In 11115 IlIKOner "" nol onolle._.) Ihe,p Ill'iIjI· Il q fllte II,e 101'1'1 dllwn towpr work f'quall, well .p0II-.llk hili "'" orgnn. ____ -._ Benuh of '1'111' S llll tl J ourn 01. fur C(l U' ~~~, II' 1111 of D" kellS' "ert' l,n"d Knro uly I I" Ih p ex. 10,.,11 .. I 'lil ollo ... ,~. " . Ih ll;r til. liP Ihe 1'"P.lhud A... lle~. 1I,,1i1 lIn .nd f'OIlolt ~ootll Wliit &ilk .:;~"~ The Urbana Citlzcn says: All our TI t . • tl c New teslU ~x ,e nded ~1I 1" fur by '.F B l'd.:r~on &: 'r3r<.)\ h n r~ . 1 Ih·xIIII 101y "lid udl~e" v"", P"' , ore e'f'SI II un. IIIId d.e~seB Ihe 10llt ,h, .. ,. to the 10 nell .lo.eed 'ri,ey wlltu.~ q~ih"~ tl tltry I'0\lre la 6urpn~lng pnper. I Wid 'L'IlEI" TT Ch,,'» ' I II "ntl Ihu " "rptlr~ of N .... III ".Iv,,"r!' "I ,,' n 11,' r J1 ""le', ""l _hue 11011 Ih ... hn .. " is no beller ,el.- I"e,. he •• r.. c.. rd. b.old . bllld Ind' Information from Ie cool k' _ York E,eo'"e 88ye : . Somt! J L DOAnDMAN. Se c') ' lIutlo u, '" Ill llllo( WlllC'1 I "on nrlJl""III PU \ willi., ThIS I. 110 .. 01 KO IIInny 1I0.lIe, lorlll en,y "verIeR 01 fl\'wlng, "ents tho wheat crop liS 00 Ing I e few dll) I "go a grand weddlllg look _ ___ I ur'l I tI, IInl H II un; Ih BS. t:1l1t'f f.. rRtlu,," 0' rill "' II'PIlt I d I II '; I~nle-bl\d »hoPIll.... not IOel drivlo, or beautiful Illd pllr'ec t ~IlIc", Bilk! OQ~II\ k hI well Our farmers are now I . I I I suny I IO"~II '" , \v "r.",\y (I' I" ,. til l e r~ ur '0" rtdlnl! !IIleA 01 Ihe lutlolllR 8e.\c,1 lllllr & y. .. CIO)S plncp 11\ IIIIS oilY !'t" n.ptuL C lurc I. 'UlPOI1"~" ........ pll.WI{ "nd gUIIC.UlIH pubiosherA. ";II'I!,.'"I us... mu II", 1' 1'81 .. r III .hco,y fur ~llo'nlilf II 1o If-nvo II,e . bnsy puttmg In theu sprmg 1 \ Ihe Eplseopal servloe buill" relld by Ihl' L' I '01 I d 1 flU IluL ,",ore lhot Mr. 1>11 k",u ever be au u.,,'ul. , ""ve 110 seru\llild Iltnl r"y Inol ,,8 lIalllral lhftpe .ud Alze. We pro. j ,)'I,e S'itch IIlvrlll",1 by )lIt \lOW" • . d e The "CIA sLure 0 110 18S PUB\! I ' I r II , I 'II k Mrs Ha~det Beecher Stowe 18 e omciK'ina cler~o DIIIn. Tbo brlJe 'l\'Ole n I'" ,,"Ich lI,kef "'frcl frllm lhe ] . 1. Acknowh" gel I II! ;~Ct ;PI ~ J Illse Be lll mell14 ~ ~'" ~v I~ ~()N J\l D. , l@iB III t and noade Oil lhl. 11Icl,llIe, It liol mOil 81 li.,.lated with,tile climate of Flondn, [I a POIllt lice Yell coa\lIIg two II,onlllnd :r July neXl "hleh m',k~s Il lit " tluly I I~I r!:~ lUIUS lIu pro 'h } uO 1~:""~9~~n A I!""e" Il,;nu.e' h It"" .c N.:w r"tk I ee , I l,opullr nnd th"I'lle, 8aolill Bering lit .. bas purchnsed 1\ I'1aco on St , dollnra in gold IIntI IIIDOnll Iter wed of Prob.Ie Judgee • " II , ~T<'\ Itltd 110o ,hlliclIll., ' and 10 kl!ep R r"CIII d 0 f I ,,,11 r~III111"ul:t's b I I itS If IUlneAS lind 1111 Am~fIS •• I.I loy nil \) r llgg ':l18 III IbEl U II Ill'u., bY ,""jlG r SIIor'It, I l II CIIIl1e. Ilro 6U~"j eet t IIe onnelpl. llllni ' • . d d b I I \J01l8 ~ "eeD IIA .. a d el I••• 11111 /lillie IUQ lulll:.-.m f.1!9 oro , I .Tohn's Rh er, "hol'e shc II1tcnds to ding presents were L",o inhd gold meat Lho blflhe lin I!IlL • "" lin llelr CHn pubh.h~.a, hnJ u f nu pub lic COli ~~~. __ ~,~~ . _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ • 811 'II~d 101 .. 1 III II ..... Ilolu ...1 eh_"e, W ~,ttl by IIIln. reside. So says The Sa'·lI.nnnh Ncv. d ' Uel Of whAI ule tllli cosllv girt several countlel. cern 1. Lhi~ VlelY of th e mllil er II Flfi~d E~~ract h.vp 11Tt",r III show ur OUrRLlOCes, In lIlia , SEN 1>' ~ OR ClIlCUUlt.. · . ' •. b .. . • lmoo lIP JUOl-TRY '1'0 BE KEI'T ' wo ul" b: ,,!! ~('n JU5llli~d. hnd he !lnl • par' "mlllr SlIvol\ In pa~1,Ilg quanthlcs. n8 CIO lie PII"es our underllllnding . W,· '1'Ioe Imlhs alull lie lIumb.,,,.\, rte' l " 1\ le' I,or IIbove ref, rred 10 ~1I'. B UCH U flo ..... 'I \"" 11"\'e n"E' 6f IhpNe ca •• ~, ~., .,,r/ .~/,,/ II . ilesaa r e nmmtled .In Ih .. conth'clIlln LIIII L Id I IIII b"lion II y 1111Jexc,J, 111 1I!reoslllg \I'fI ' ~~11 hl'l Ie ,8U'P"." .~. I n ..,TJ"" " '~L.. bcon dlsco\' ere<I Ilb ou t. Iipur m 011 urd~( "" "P n~ rcc_lwl"lt lWO 1. 0 entnll' ~u.e lu. "',>I'IIi'''' 0 f 11& • "'Idu-Iho yp 11111" III 118111r,,/ Illv" U9 0 , Ul~ I. I ~""l". ~..-"' r~J Uoye Smithland, Ky A gentlcmnn Iho ceCA"''" of lloe rerent marrt~ ge or Ihll order in wbich Ihey lilt! .t'c"lve,l. hund, e,1 vounds r,om Lh e Unll~(r ,'. ~It:. Rlalltler, K dn~y" fl1'atlel, Dmp~y, TWIt" .hul""!! ,,,,II Cllllllllloe )UU : GfJ9 Uluatlw oy Cur FUlITlhSl from Muisville is working the mine, the dnu " Iolcr or a well·known publosher and Ihe r ..cord .h~lrl 81"\11,, : 1"1 ~~pK)r"'le lie r O~llrved ~IlC lh"tI'lInd pUlIlltl~ lur M,aI,lIf••8, Ft!nltlie Ctmll'l,m lu. Gmt! "/ ' ., RttlHf,tWl. j)j l 'Prlrrv ' I ... t , I . V:! • Nell' l o:t l . t· I ° column!. tI.1I (Ill" 0 mil 'hg I '" rcn' rc , 1 ,.. Doh I , • 81 60 nnd considers, himselC 11 nullonn Ie of thl! clly. Ihe bride hlld nol mtl~ly Ille d~16 Rod plolCu 01 birth. Ihe un mI>. 'O"r lIIulu" II~II tl •.• III)" I(III' I nlo t IlV. N"" p Inon.1\t'r~ uII rUil" U, n'oo PE-II. 0 U I~ '.' '1' OJlI;'<A . S ' . I " 1 b' LI I f I I II ,I I llolOk II uccl·llIa.y to Wille" pu ) IC .. I SlIu.1I dlse. ees of llo ll ' N.. ,! ,,10 .. , , ,;('0} , •• I. .J ~ lUn. T ho Eriil Dispatch says a 'mind. II pOIDL· aC8 'iel. u. a pOlO lice UK aoti co or 0 I Ie c ",, Mnu I It! I , rei In" rlllltude Aod ~urr'I'I~ r. URl :tkR'\' OR/lIN~ . 01<1 ,lone8 ow' .11 ""und. 80 '"!'tD' --,~D ....... '" • dd' 1 I b'L If did ' f lite pArente I/r. I'.:ll' • K r , ..,,~ 1 your.own.buslnoss.soclcty' was to 180unce 10 1\ IIIOD W IIC 'C08~ ! I Ie oa~l'I'1 ~n ~. eMe 0 t d • A. a malLN of JUt QO 10 Ihe COUIIII y In wlolllher I'X.III"I! III ~ All 011, r IIr,Ii J~1 ptOPOT.1) '" • , "~ 'liIIOU. Y 'Y ~IIIIEn TUE IR" T 11111, have been formcd in that city, but lD(lrl' th"n five tiaoulaad dull.n. RtI .0 ya: l'be' n8~m~k IH~ erepof I~ gcoerall\l"L~ti\lll. Petltl'()• •1ilJ IIRr • i lI1ALE OR ,FE ;UALEi • it I ,L1 O~ HOMPSO OtJl.D .[bU., .he nro,leet foll througll beCllllS(} no .. , Trelcleurl,II~lIdllRI"~IIAnd.,:~tI.e:J 1';I~m re:~rti ' perl III 11ArlicuI,IIT , M, D.,.~"'en81 8~oLlIJ I'om wlonleyp. e.uPIt IIfIUI"O,,,,!!, "'Id III W.ynenllle. l".b 1I6. 1867 ~ • Il • ~.l'lDt~,oq ,f '" I' ~ . ' • ., I \ write ... Slmee 0 Iellt'r. Ar",nolV l'lIgln'7 uI~tler of flOW 1.(I!'iU;t, S,TANDINij I -~ - -~ - _ . __ L -, 1, I . • N \ k O. 'II onc Could be fOllnd wbo was chglblc TIIB OonRIIOK -In cooBeq"ellce or IhelGof shM'1I81"t~. IIllep"rAI" cu ur\lns. II I ' ~ f~ II e Am ..~ r" D,sens ... or Ihrll~ ' or"n"~ 'I.~n \ltr8 Ihe I •~ "1:11 ' ml!r n.lltule" ~\\ ~r ! , '" . . d I II • ,0 mODey' rer l'1\ ".. ,·r I " , . .... .. , , ri • d to IC \! F"r~lIur Till ~UI"')TI' for membership the numproul good lind InrhlTerenL AO I.. 118 Lht! IAmll tl rrporle • I Ie <l"I" ' Icab reprmt of IItS worlll IIntl Ih~"kln" u~e "I a dlUrpllr. If njJ 1~f'A\mjl lll Id ~I'b. I &: ~ ..:;; pDfl lltll p,qll0tllIlV , b I I IIlId rll\ce or delllh nam 6 Ifnd "url'l'lrne I .. on(lle,II~. CU"'"mpt"''' 1,1 ' InuI\1 v mny I : . :-.. ... Q\\ EII. ~II AIII ~T\ f)~ OKE. ,.~ The rain ero) l;ti B 1:.. nUlllber o( roml/J"o ll I'~ ' . l in tho SbenJUlIloala nAmes mentioned ror the Gu e,nntor R ur Ihe decellsed l 'oolldillun " { .helhe, Ilh' Jl\lbh~III!" nul only . o~ llfll l' 'mlm ell""fO 0 ... Fle. 1I &11,1 HI"" ~ Rre , " p ' " "r' 11 i id > '[11" Ilt.rrr'er' this \ ellair. Ille Dayton JoufD,,1 ."ys a Ihong S ill .I e morried ur \, '.lfI.. \'lood. deheaoy .nd hQnor, but porletl (rom d, '"tce., ",,\1 Ihe bt.: _!; -.... i the be.t l .. . lrnmrnls ",I AIrlI • n: e1, " t 116 , 'WI I" t> " \ G I j(. I 0 .10"" ~"II~'P"".A 0,,<1 .... , .. 'n IB. Ulng I.. " >It $.j t... ~ ;; ~ were ,lIere COI\I,,"dl,,~, wlole "111,, HenSOn than ovcr before W~cilt. effort ill oilIng III 11411 10 I,,!luoe cntrll VIBe" of blr&b, eoeup«l\un. I~" AS P' "owrl~ in A .11 Ie Bupt' rlOr 10 thnl III HtllI.lth QDd Hapl'lDcn .. ..... 0 - . . . . the ~'Itlf' wnn\\J lin 6 nOl",,,: 1'11 1' .... ~-

-: :--:--:;:~ ........ ' gi\'\'.

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JUttiClary III.m . __----~ - ~,- ~ - - tee or tho Uon e of lWprcllentatll ~ ~ w" y. s s V I I. L 1\, (I B I 0: relllih e to thn art t. or .Tohn IT , - - - - ~ ~~~ . I I \ -~- a .. 114. 18411' SlIrr.tlt, "ho (\ llln ('xp<'ct , ..." . . . . • t:1Il,;e Vl:lc." n{'xl JUllO It " 011\, 1 11\1 ' fl om Lh ""lone !Tn'('11 11 • Il ,


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a 'i txt.


buckwheat and Jookpd bet· G?Z,IO reloal; "hlch Lhey .uu glVl n til Engh Ih mdr : (ed'IH \cr, and nn immense o.mount of land 0111 116 n m go .. d \ of IlIl"I", colori' lInd lall plllcf' or le~I ' cr.. . _ ....,..,.,.. ' B:elrllbol 's E~~r,,; t, 1Jueh\l~ I I :- ~ ~ ~ Q • TlI'r hove ~j"U ",lien llot lint ,rl... y is to be planted in corn. Conventioo for r~oolDlllat\on. "0 • lienee' of ."ch det·e".... d /I",.on. Rnt! faB D"~I~'CR"TIC OLD tist\' AND JT~ E.I~LII.heJ upwa.da ot 18 ~~" •• prep,r. =." <n ttJ ~ , ~ . . . . ~ whfrf'Yef pxlllblled 110,8 sruoll ~oil)g lo Eurt!rl', lii8 hell'l\) not beang Ihl'! d~fe of mllllln l,: rI curd aNI! CRIUKKH ..... The ClllOklllT II Oun ed I ~ .. \ .., ~:. ~_ . . . . :t ... J'EDAL ORGANS. I ••• 10,: 311~1 • Threo men 1I0.'I'c .lloen nrreBted at good, It Aeam. Lo Le well undt:nlood ntlTIES OF \dIDI\ II' gq, cLlm ne"'lcuL. Ant.! ",IVer w.u a chlllkcn eo nil. T. U';''IlllI.I. • j! ..., ... fI!! ..... 'U of ke,e- .;ll 61&e1-8250d 10 New York on sll8[licion of haYing '1 well'·lnforlDed polllicII) cuclea. lhRI 149 .".d,,~v , ow 'f(, ."u 1Iii,.. ~!.1II In ~... Irl/holl' PcJab, Blnele." d~.a~, .... "000 f tl n okl~'1J n . OUUl\ AND BEXTON3. c~ckeled OTU I. efor" Tho hI''' Will, fl4U aOlllh IUlh slrel' I. t'hIlIlJcllllol., POI ::t:"-" ~"" In K,ul verlel', 866 0 ~.jj.e. 1l1o 1 stolen' 7." rom Ie ro J Gov. OO.:l will yield to Ihe Importunl It ! IoRlIll" the dUly or ai,e ph)"IUI tollly on~ ohlektn IS .. IWAY" lhp. n 018 le H, '1'0 CO~S' I :UI"I'n'E8. ~ - 0;;; ~ 1:1 • ~ Orglna. with Ihelr 11lI"011l. r ipe ~kI ..' NIn' y·Ynrd a year or two ngo They Lie. 01 mllDy influtntilll men \0 differ "ns Rnd pro£esslon,,\ IllldwiYC8 10 kct p bl" "ny OIlier oltl h en 18 " mer!' 10l UO :: ~ ~:: II!! . . . ~.... II, of tllnf', beA .. lllul 1010 MUP', IIflJl'l llll\e been dOing busincss as brokcrs enl quarterl of Ille Stille to slRnd 110 Il reglBlr, of lho 6~I'trRI !>Irlh~ an willch ":all'r by comp~ra80n Wllh Ihe D~lIlo 1 lop >.h o, .. I" r 1'.""1( hr'" rr.l~ ro,1 I" _ 0 ~ ~ -ow ~ 01 ch.,rue. ull eqllaletl pedftl •• IlidCHI~1 • Wall t t d r assumed nllmell • ' d i u ) h"vo An"te!!, l,rofuPlOnII lIy • "hl~h or"llo h~n w'lleh 10'18 r1l1ge,1 II tim fCJ I" .. hl, '" .. tn, " •• ~_. loy • " " I .hu"l. h ,,,,,. ~ _ :; II! II!'I!:. "gan.lllte pffrrl~. "r~ 'IInr"nrl~'1 ~It . 1U S ree un e . other oanVA~. There appl!ars 10 Ill! 1\ 8hnll CUO'Rm '19 nu", liS ll,u till roe , con I"fernal over Ihe ConneCIICUL chlck"n "l . "'" ,"""" ,ull."" lo, on. " ,,,1 'u", wl ,h c· :;:::: &.!I e" Ihl\.r. r.~rlurBilIIJ"SclII)I.I. Tiolf" ~ Tbo Madiso county ,Union Sl\~ s: gre"t dlffill ully in conceotrallng upon Le IIIC" L,un.,I. 110& limo or such Q!!th. She hA. run lip "'It! do",n rrom MKIO~ .. 'ell rn I" ".: nll'l I, u" "n,1 Ibhl drtod U, ...... p . ,0 ' !~. ., ~ pill lip III r~.l"M ~I .(:J"J IlI'u/U/, r~J '4 ' _1'1II1 (new Inu IInlquulfl!l.. On ~londl1Y 'IMt. Mr. Ho.rtf'ord T o · an,. of 11,0 numeroull names 1Ililt IIlive Sflt anrl color of lhll olilid. Ihe 'Illnln 10 Georg'" rwer 6111Ce tho e II'CIIIIII, 1;,,"...."1'" ,,"-•• • ,,", ~ . hl ",ok" ku ....... '0 .. ~.... ~ Yelletred a"d elpS~llr R&ttcoori, of Ar'en/llltll, laud of this l)lace, disposed or his beeD loerelo,rol'e luggeeted ror lhe enn' lind rCRldt:i'lce of ~I", pArenll. IIntl ~hy' c~ck\ing. lote"IDIDg. f1~PIIIDg hur wmg' h \1 f.llow ruR e.a .. Il,e " .... ". vI ,ur~ ;.:j. 0 ~ "I' .nd Ii.nah. and or Ibe bo.I wo,LI I..lIp' lut yoar'lI clip of wool, of ovcr 5.· didlcy. ,iciRnl who liaVl' R\lend(·,1 dl!cell,ed .nd ch.cklog onr Ihi8 one poor \i'll t l'u .11 "1,,, 01. or • •l. he ".11 .... 1 ft Chl'! fOf Pi-:! IJ.." - h beIng "'''!lid • .! l'ach lDIIIU\l1II C 1 b ft t &2"- c ~~~~ persoDI III II,e'f lasl IlIneAl. clergYIDPn wenzenpd ohlcken, unLII Ihe Pllbho 8U. Ih .. rrc..: ropl.o" ule,1 (r,.~ of ch.rgt ), ... Ih Ih . • ~ .hall be a IUlldel or II. elll' A IlIIIII~ OOOlbs I to n 0 tim us rm 11 '1 Tlao Chiclqo RepubliclIll .. ya . ,,100 have OffiCI,'lo II I\L II~B IUII"r"I, lea.t:d by Ihe cIRmo.. lunga (or lr,e Ill.~r. 1 0". rVI 1"'11 ""'I( Ihu • "'''. --h ..... tlor) •I .-. ml'lIl., down to • fiDe ot-I.n !O",\:t Per lb., without (lcduction, cxcepLon Th' ,. (I. tI' d lind sexlons whll hAye bUrler! ,Ier.en,ed pOlllllf'e of .llfnOJ, nil'! llttl 'P llbho "1\1 lI"d • !il}U I: t;~II,t: for e''''~''JnI'IIO''. - ;a '~---)felodeo... blllYe IhejltlUI,f.,I 'I'n"IIIII' a. por.lon 0 lue propol9 aRlen II I h C; II I II T:'I' 1 I twonty fiVe! buek fleeces I 0" C · I I pHilon~. shllll ke~p Ii fI'gIOlP' or n"'W-', be»rl1. ,filled II'lIh so.row becRu e thp A.,I""., , o\,e '"". " "I~ s. 0 ' I, "'" U '" • .toP~. wit loul plura ~ •• rile• to II \I, ulO i d '1'1, ••,.01,, oh,,<1 ' .• a lo,,~. a'lnrlm,.nl COfIallnll, '" \,,1 • . lDent tI d ,0llSlItullon. k dd \VIII II~ I "K~ 80 d rUSI d, ellee 0 f BUC I d ecealCd Demoer,.he roo,ter IR' ~ge n ... r"le d fJ, :oal .011 I """" AlT.'" '" J R ".. II I lIIrs. Elizllbeth B. Piatt, relict of l iMrlllll' e8erlers. 6 t! Rei'll, per.ona III Ihe hlll~ o( Ih elr d~f1I)1a.- Inlo All oltl h~ " ",110 one l~elJlll .cIOlck. of II •• II,h "'I". r " ... ml"'J( Ihe I' r : fr'I'I!". I' .... UII' G llfOnl 'Vhulra.)' I~d n tJ' 1 to Benjamlll M IJi'a tt (liell pt etc,. Will, If adopled. II" no 0101 e than it ~IIIIII Le qle ,1111'1 , of ph) 8ICIROI nntl I'n _ CIJ(um/J((/J J IJu rtwl. I.. r,1III' .m" "u. nu \I;.,.r: ",I "'(IIr" l"" u" W •• e",o m •• 841 n,,,.dIl'AY u Ie 11 I R delltl leller. PeonsylvanlA hll8 Q I l l w " "10 .. ,, h. cnll c .,~ •• 10 ,,~ III." lu.I,I" .IId I.. N ' 0 10 Ollr mUllin,." Cll1Clllar 11141 I"t! lI. the rcsldence of her son, Col Donn dlslrRnchlMlIlg de.l!rl('r~, lind a telL olue p'O(C ~8101IRI "lId IV" c· IU "'port (lIlly _ _ _ _ _ 110 1" ' ''''1 IIlle, •• , III It) i". rP ".J;.' n II , X E' H ; \\ 1~~lr n~'" a\V1 ., .re MOl' ,tld, 1)1111 · . Lo ty tl Stll d I I" th~ Lillha [I' qIrlS"l trtJ bJ ~,hcUI . ,. I f ll ~ I , . 'I." Ih&\; 1,1 I'"'to ill fOr .~ I ) IJlatt, In gan coun ,00 I(} "AI lrae aODlelllng I.e II ) enr RgO J 118f re b 10 ~ I ",11 <ollllo.II, no,IoI"g, I'rn' .. . , •• , . A,e no'\' ,,','u~ 0 ' U<,~" r ',CII nr. ~.,. instant, in the 87tb year of her nge. to determine "I,othllr Elecllon )Il'peel' qu ~r~d bJ Jill" RQI" , ~o.lIle JUI ge Q I e lilt:' P. , "It "l'Iltl"l:' II,~ I'" 8r.,l,.IIon. U 1:, ' I G"tI the 1"!,,,l f . WIPI, tile ver, : ;, ~~,-:ruf;r:. lIro,d~IJ, She wnR one of tho carliest pioneels ore hne 1100 po"er 10 ,refllu, the 'vole probale c(,nrl or t/lf4 ,cou II l)l ,e I ury Ihrtle 10,' retur" ,".11, +1. 11 I.I .. 'R ....1".. BEST .AND CjREIPR~T · I.tJMBER 88. New York Ci~_ orsucl,a pereon. Amlin "ho WAS monlbS.'llI: onor, lIl!forb II,e poco,lId ~ AYobmL"I\I"llImongto"c rro"n ' II'" ' II KY t.IH\· i\'l I) A \\'UiON. 'b £' nil ' Ili IIl~r~~,t" Our "'~lr '--UP of the W ost. "ell.known 10 hllfe de.erted from " Ihe MonJRy. ,or Lite l11 onll'8 of J 'I!\URI)., ttf ~dlnc, ..lWr" POJOllrlI IOf" t." I1IqnLh. III l:o!e ~v Iii,. ".p.r!:. ~"'?~.c~ ,l'\ew \ ~rk. I,?!_ o~iirc:II' ~lii ah1iTII I of ~" 8110", Cil~ 4GE ~1l91&T y Sccretllry Sewnr<1 hnving cnrried army, all~mpled 10 ,ole. ,,1\8 nru80d Apn\. "':Il . /Iod Oql~u~~ o£ Il'"'' }'1~lIlf' lhe ICit) ! ~'" ,,"r<lh rccognosC!\ III Ile~ fr' ~1'i4 ~"' ~tJ tf'l!lI""'=;~ e oint in pllrehllSlng Russtnn A. the pn"I·r And Ihereby broul:hl lin 11/ case' I tin), " 110 " 1¥.lcl~n 01 mIl WI e fIl CII'\9 ]II 101M (' 01 ~ conr"e. rn'llc, llo . 1.e,1 WORdrlf... In... '1:1' "'" '{ J: i tr, ~ ~'I' P' .,. , • "~ A • Ii l IS \l d h aCIlOD ag.lDst the Inspeelo.8 The (Ie In Iiltcndrnt;.II,. lIt 11 ' 8 ~H'h. lhen Ih~ t"ee, £111' llftd t\ .u rl rllh~ COnl!,I.~lrtn. nlmnol MAII AOII< R £>I"u'J'o~. tim worM' reno",,", ''n E ' , '.... ..... ..~. mericn., it 18 now rnmoro t ot c CillO" of Ihe Supreme Uourl w"" 10 Ihe pun' ilIa 8 lHIl bt' f~nll·Sl"d 10 "'por( 10 m.ll'l ,lc ~lIIbJI""c.. Rnil m~te~<l of hl'c"l I· :A:stllllol(,.I '"Ii,1 S ...nn.lnlh"hRLIQ Olnll YII' nlll, ' 1/.." '? • Ie _'* 1 , ~ U' will buy Sonorallnusome ot\aerMox e6'ectthllt Lhe deqerler 1101 hll'flOg beon lhe prllll\lt~ Judge Will"" OllP IIl I'lll!'. Ih lco' ~11 illl l, nl'pc~ rc d 1I1Il ci:;litcc ll Upon wh,lu on It cl""\u,·. ,,t ~tntc • .Johncll" ~ d,u nr~~ GI< ,IJ~~~~ n~gj R A • L WAY I ~CIU'I &tat.ea. It is fc\rfully ol\sy to tried lad eoo"ictetl of deterlion. wn~ lind phy8ICII\II~. ul~rg)'mcll ,,1,,1 tiexloI'! (II'" 110 \J 'n~'d Iht! c.,,\ of ~o J;~c',t n ,hnll!; , ' 0"' fClllllrcs III tho P0rtlOil ItllI " C W m.'r- s.d,.!! (ilia BIl",. , WeaIMr.lJoa.rv/..'tt!I , - VI 1_ ~ lIper.d mOl\Cly-especinl\y other peo· DO' a d",erl~r berore lloe la". ,,\though 810 ~I\ l,keWise rt'~rl rulll the d~L~I" sill.' pll\iil1) folol Ihelll tll At Rhc' IMed Ill< C!r 1' .111 111 III lit ....ud or "" ""I4'II"'l'lIt til intlln.c " . p ' 'i ' p I I uff. ' (1I1'f(l~~A.,.,.:"',I/ ••"~A,"fl!:' .. , he mlgbt be IUllh I" lae'. Inllemuch re~18Ier"<\ by Lhem .a8 requlI ell 10) ca8sllm Balm Aod cfl n. "lrrNl It nn .n< nl" I,owcr. l<DoIHl 1131110 I'" ohuoulh I'I~. enelng, lCI~C'ts, nnne.:!lf , . . . .AN. . .r ....... « I llie a mouc~. u nOL one deBerl" in n thoUIRnd WII. ~hl' ~Cl l:,e Jflt!ge 01 Ihe prl~~"lc nl.le IOell."., 11 II 10 ""1 L "" s tOllel JII 'l~ ·~. to p.od,,"!! n porloct nn,llifflflilcu rric 8 IO'.II"~ ~,yotl and sh1ivod ar (lva.Y, ... "" • .uu"c'J, Attorney GenQrnlStll.nbcrryissnld enr convioted or 1,18 offeuse. the cour 0 lb'\ ' C~Unl) If!~ery r~e ll Bentl Y t.ud nr ' (J,ntlcnlln c~n ," I"'U\{' tu.ool tbctutoloo11uslllllldoo williof'~bo lip ~r " ' Wi, " " • lruon~t\u~ tl \0 rccently remllrkeu to tile lhre"lened d ..frftnclaiscmeol Will not moo II. as a ove ellgna c • l\'c,r\lCroonu' nl renr ,IICO nn IlIlIIIIrcU f..hl shc:\nt, \'1110 ,I"t\) of Illltro HIl'C oobllpntion . L A: H ." D 0 0 ni~!.riet Attorney of Virginin, thnt .ff~ct a grul DlftllY pllriOnl. ,fIlN.lL'I'Y It IS "hnj~io III 'L< co ml 'lIInl(611 . los Natlll . her lo".lIng traIts uf eh.r"tl lI r • c 'flol. Is 111\ WlIl~lO)D~l ~~Am1iIp 1).....'08TO- -_ •• _ _ E,ery patlon wllo sl",11 nl'glect or Mel f I~ aim}>I •• , et ",•• urr'I"'OIIIiI .ts !!mcnc~ Imlio.,t,on. li S t"~hmollll,l .... IU,Ullt number ''', ,'_06' Davis mllst be dispos!'d o.r llt~. rt'fuse to comply "ilh or ,io lMe 11,(, III dtl\\\IIIg illlJlUrollc' IrOIll , 111.0 Il e.,l11ll1, Clllj M"erl B) Mlu ling IIIIItl' "f lIirlh, u". l.1!lIIbar- Ym-d on Ch~~h ~trect. P~.l1.flD, ,. flOg the coming term or the Clrcml ct:r Three N~tionAI AI) luma. for plov,. ,onl or II,,~ AOl. 810"'1 furf~lt lint! cleltlUlng lind po IlItlfl 109 tho ~I"" "lid C'''II JI.I'(I~ltln". color of Ole! ""d halt. "nd u clo Nurth aId!' of lhe CII" adJoinlo, D. l'POf1:&DELPlnl . Court of thc United Statc.>lI, which DIIAbled Solthere ""~ to be l'el"bh8hed PII, ror eaoh offtnce ti,e .urn or Len vlexlop ~ D\ It, ,Iii eel nelloll 011 II", cutIcle II f'''' g rort) co nt" IInli .nmP<l,I NI' ul"l>fJ nd & E' MUllIn', Pork t u,Y.e. " LTIMOUE, ••• I meets at Richmond on tbe first MOil -1"0 belide lhe Cenlral Aaylum Rl dollan. 10 be lued ror Anti rpcoverpd In Ilrnw~ fa m It nil II.!! illll'lIrlllc., 1,,,,,11) 1,011 1 dreg.ct! to IUIITI!clf. ~o" .. III .ecch c ,10o pic XPllim.O ,Marcl, ' I!l . . ' 90.11 W"81I1NOTOl'l c.'Iff, I' . 1\[1\. \ Daylon or Wblle Sulphur Sprlng~. 0 thl! nRme or lhe 81~le of 01110. and tI.'e IIIg tloo same. Go,1 Ie " "'It the sudilec ns N,, · Illro 11\ r~l"rl\ mnll 101101111" "lilt ,Ie_Ire" ~• \ '" V' -'--.,110,. " th_ 0 11 1) nu,. I."" ( I) III Y 0 r II . b I l d M I penally ,,\oen recoHred, sllllll bl! pRill ,oto",lo,111 . houhllor cle"r, soft. 1Il")tm Illnll Ad,tN' •• on L'Onfiden,'" The lInrioll (Gront county. IntI , ) De 0 lele" to e. OCR tl) at lover. o"e·hKI( Illl'ruo ! 10 the @chool ,,,,ll I, ,,,"tlflll I'rove ill, ~".I III ?llnll Or E. ~A" "It (J~nTI" "y, 1lv.~IW'TlJII, l' (J nox~ , J ' t :roU1I101 Rl\ystberc is no trutb antlac WAukee. An ASsoclRled Ire .. diS' fund. lind one·hllif 10 the p!lrty ID" pre •• ""FCcCll'lofnllOnlcr b\ 2l17 , WestTrfll N , ["4 II' R.OBINSON $ 1)"';:S"N(.I.RIS\Yho"l.h. Q."~"t 'to ' r thc ml1rlter of n flll'1Der's patoh .. y. or lhe recenL mcelll1g 01 klllg COIIII'I"lOt IheffOr C (,A1tKk. CO, ChCtll,<I', ~o 3 WcSI £0'" , - - -- -~- 8101: Trl!) wlllnpJ>ftlCIII" Ihi, Sln .-1 _Ii I') 0 I D d f 'U • I' DB. ~CHENCK.'~ , fe~1 Tr~r •• Ih .. l"jll".I~u, -I "" IJroIk" f«mil • near I'erll. for the purpose of LItt oar 0 .lUanRgera In "In ling OBJECT c ll r. t Sy rllC""c, N Y - rh c 01111 Amell 'tlK ~' ~~ . I' ~"'I!~,bcrnl S!e'rllll( C , o.clo~:. f~' ~I •• I' Old Y I h d I t I Loo The probille ~ud!:" eh~11 trt\n~m l nn Ctl II A!!8I1t~ for Ihe Hill e or tho, ij""", .u&ANDRAKE PILLS. .., ., ~, 1JI"'''g !filII. ",110 .m~l. (.n 11••, ,1 II" robbery, by the man W 10 n De J E I C nUl\lIy lin _bHracl of lhe.e reporls to ' • P,I h A Sllb'~itllte f~" C"fotJtf!', ' .uor i'.mupl I"lIIe Alld :Sura Conn.. R ~~J 11llrchnsedthefnMn,11Ilrelatcd by n h D 'fx~~u~o I omml~leodlo tllke Ihe SIIIle Commluinner of SIRli~IICIl' " ., 1 , .L-__ The,;.,l' .............' ....,.... _ I..".I... ' 011 All<l1,II(' and Great rVe81rrn n.,.., corrcsllondcnt of tbe Ind. JOUl'lIol c ~.geoo r l,ef ~y lum lIn lfld ~lOlslLll!r who allRIl u-e Ihe IRmo In 1118 linn URI '1'IIE P1JZZLE OF TIII~ AG£! Il1o "'..... &0 " . . ,,,. _1001 III. IIT1"'. REVOL f'LYG l'IOTURJjJS, " ~ ......... Olio do r e Ie, "'II ,.ppoln e b I .~mpUT .nd otTOC:_J&llT II ~"'" plU .. mlll'n'y, .....r . . - . • • Cl k ' I f G B II ,or 0 Ie reporh. '1'1II:. reeortI In LI10 P ro b Ate 'r""ne '1'" II, ~I!'~t 0 servers gIve t up.- ...' ....,lhout prod ••ln,Oot .! lb_ GltOaroeilll... 111"1,,,10 IlIlhe P"lurc~ mil, I.~ .cen thto' e Cllee. l• The barn or lIIr LeVI nl, ncnr ~ear, c~nl~: In~ 0 kiD' U ~ , er. Mov office 8hllll be rec.ived in ,,\I courts liS Peopll! "'ho ti,e pr"" fer t~(l'lr c,ltlc. bib eIl'oq roltGw!hl _ .flbe (H'l d , IVIIIIIIIII lIP<lnhlg 1110 ... Ihllm ' ThJo' flckCftt & B."a, . I' Germnntown, sOllthwest of Dayton, LYdDlPllI, 'I,rl · une el anh ·• air prim ... racil'! eVldenoe of Ihe f"Cll Ihere- 01 'pllreepl'on~1 ftre \tllorly "II(allll bill'" hi ' .IoL bo " ' I" 19" A nrlf 'Inll nrMmo"Inl nrlitl" for tho ~o 2."13 'Bron,h,", N'.1t' Yorku' ~I:D • .....0 liVING E·... aoll lI .... oIIoordc .. lbpoyt:llll may ,1!104" ... 0 ,'n t re 't' n. II e I "n e I"K"'" "U., 1m , ttI' St.e~t ~ h hl!;t, "08• dcstroyel\ by fire on SundllY of ' \0 se. be £ Ied report bl d II doW' .I~h J lIe III stl\lod In d II.h,,1I be open to Ihe' an· ' , . ' 1'1. I", ' • _ftoln ...10. OI;'/IMo'.u..barP ot 'f'Illa!a4 I , .... , RI' nil'"" 35 • (''' . I ti ..o/10 66 OUIIl r 0 16R e 1101 ler~ IRVing I f til b' II d I ' ,tv~~.t h I 'I I k , ~ "' ... _~ ! =-~ IIIe ,In... J1n'~I'''' E'l!rvl.lll,Iv WIll wn". Olll!. th.; Unitlll Olllec!. (1 0\0 lin' I l lut week, with t.hrce Sl)leudid cllttle. oeitber Dloney. hOlDel nor (rleode JI ~pec Ion 0 e pll 'IIC ' 1\t, a t ' .oper {,Dn l!ttb \~N.';; I Ie fleb,e~ll I "~ 1:11" ood bill..,. 4".::.: ....blch on t¥1;;:: erjll: p.iell I"''''t; wltln" lile relict, III nil , .s~roo{.. ' OhIU,." III ell" ~ontl' a 1111 rc!lop'fte~b :~ti;r.~11 ~I~oll~ _100.10 pnel'\l. •• _ (, ""lJ' IIJ'lul1~ <i.~ , l.q DJ I/'"O • '17 .w~~! i?AOrth s·t·eey;t is tuc s~~rl a luge quantity of COrD, bay, wheat, muoh IlIr"er lbaa WI" luppoeed: bUL oun. ~~ : '" I " ~:w,;~: ~b Do d d le I d I •. (II d ' ~=C"'II 1lA.IIDItAQ Pll.oU ~ llok Il ~. jl ', II.. .' l1IlIt trI\8.. . , f farm\ngutcnsils,tbrelblngmachlne, I ar e rlDnl omRae a aa C.lIUSBILLt-Weh". . been reel- eo"rerr_uponUr"1,' rl'lllor ......lr6elr,by 1J · ~and_w"'LI"'.lbt_br -l 1>tc ..~..u:.~ -i~' p~I.M" - Jlnd KllnL:neS~.u11!1'II 1,,10";";01° two wagon8 and n buggy The 10s8 .mple prol'lIioa for all. A fnDd ea· in .. badly or late bl!caule we ' cli:!o'L thlt ~tleoIllP.r.ble" ••«tnt. 'I .t~ ..1..,.. ... v""""t",!u., " l\'nlll\t New P" sscngcr n.;r~lt II 110 . • , " • II ' CRI8TADORO·S Hi\IR DY£" ,~~, ., ~D~ 01 ~ aI\!\. p~ , l'i.ul\al '" bON!>, ~~t;I\. ~llDt .. pe+I~~Ill' H"mlltoll" Thirtull RIlI.~ • • lllllaled II~ 8 6 ,000,000 w .. plaoed by .. is nearl) 84.000-no lD8nrahce. OongreulIllhelr hand. Cor Ibi" pur . .Ji110" that Rlull~ol AlIlerlca wllI / n the .... 1111'lIi1 ,', I ~ ( . ...... I" loboWlDi .h... lllell.... iii ~ or o~ O'Ollted 10 dill IOlll}l'1II'H\I'l1.'~ ar a' 8 ·W. oor. W81n "~"~~fIIeeo r bl . ' . no ' e c... o, I ',mp r ... u~'re, lin. oel' ...0.,1100 " r .lI " ',tI. • 'hb11' (I ' III 1!1t~ " l l' )0'0111'''. 'SiNO' and.t ...o " , d '11 MTS 'M \"OlUll F widow of pose, lin "I eoa e Ihem to do Lbll lIlarket, before ~L wu 81l,00p41d up '0 lIet cbmln'. h IflfJ fteRlbllt.\· . nr, I he Hbrel. In pw..".".. "',r1111 .._ t~'thlit~!:~~~r(&':'l"~ ri:P~ Iolt ~~! (1;~' lllg LUll¥,_ , '.,,' _. ),'1 Sp~ the lilt.<: Col. JOON W. LoWK who work fully and "ell. lurreptttlollll, by · .Mrl 8e"lud, We M_nUra~tjl'fld br I. CR.IBTADORO. I) ~ Oll l_ ."baa, ~J mfH~,"V'I1\'o&l" ' \iiMiioIlPr.;!to Ill, . 6I1l' n\l AI tlliWllll'ft' ~reo ' J1 ,M'cL~¥E:i ~~elll fell ca.rly ill t.hc war at the h~d of .... "01114 bA~~ ..VieD I'""'t 1II1'";'ns Cor 'it .\.,Ior lIou'I:,' New , \:orlJ. Afp IlIlfl ,b"aU , !:.:~r:o:;,'le.loiacok'-l"'4.:.u '1'lIlI,- v T\lmillkelltb,tlf 11111 ,., ,,\ 18 Nfl ~.Il"" the t;, F FULl.};K.'d~n'l I~ e .. "'.. \ ' " .. a.l.d.!! I' ( • I ll" f\w 100140_ "'"" "'"' "-....... Plllknu! 1t~1l "eglllnIJl~ nUho . IIrf).,. •..,.II~ t.l1el2thO. Reglme1\t, bu uccn np· CJ!rThe 1I1 .. ,,\lon of re.aIf!re I~ -in a minute. We r6tenn to prOllecule - ...... IbOO_~.........,~ .. ill ItH.vtn : Vu ,~llch\u.Il\tl. I"'t 8l!ctl()", uUtd Minted by the PrCl8ident and 0011 r 10 the A.JVl'flloeme nlc In ftnolhe. lbe RUlliAU i o,,;r;lII,nl far noL advpt" l'i'ee Ito Dveryboll; I. otNe ~rCoDlllD1pboD;~a'Ihli:,~::-",,"-= Nb 104. tllD"\pg U.. nt .Ii! ",,,[I11th W"'I\eTlv ':":!I'~,"' ..,.,... Pl'a, ,~ " " collimn nf lle .... D£RQ'•• ~lIuTra & " ' '~lar :' • _ " ~ I .',. L' .hreeliOIl hCl"lion I,u O~",,.a I,) .l ...n fs HeJ- IidJ • tlrmoo uJ me ~on.te. Post )listress Co., Cheml.I~"J;roy. N Y. UflOC ror-bitk-lor ..ill-Weeft--op,.,lo 1\ ," " . " • ~ _4,..1.... rr•• ~ 8~mAItIi ,\,If. . ' J:!!:pc,'(, l\tI \!, H. ;flintll!!I, UII 8~ I at Xc"i. ~ppolntmcllt Willi m.llIllutu,'" Ill, enol 'Ir:~"" for, ~om. of 1o 111e ..Ie. 81111h eonttuct "AI 'Uneb grCl\Ic~L mrori nbllce , In l.iI~ 1 }.~"11,g . ",.110-.. ~_',,"I om.,.. !Co,» ~ ~/,,,,,,, l~r\II ~1\"'''''.Io I,\ alkllli • ~ 8tldclllll ~1I1, • 'J! . _ \1 11\;\)() to·t. h th \I ~". ~'l "oilloblll ,... rlet P"P'''''911. III• r \ hotl, .. XCi!. It Ic"c\,o~ 0\\ the hOIHC'1 m~ \' , :rbll. <Iolplo'o,·h. ' -. tJ,rr.lll,:lc(.l'\lull o'ft"cll' loy Jllr." I"""" ' ~II" , ~ l. - ';.,." A!'f" mug • • ...roug 0 app ellBJ their mJ .""....... cuiu. • ltuti"oAl alld ul1ra" to priv'tll:'ii p~'l!u ,"~nmQ iJeauli(, I, \~; d,e~pisf-d r~~L.lo.I, ,,,ltl , u"I"IJlII WbolMoleAt!et>101 no-......,~ :f)'hUD1",'TlblJtil ~ ~~'er I" "'11,1-- thl'ollllll " :liit "TA'K '10~ 4' " ..... "..,,~'H Un of .. l\UmbeT of prominent. Union .mllol" liln. lit • 10 ••"", "n4 Itlll"""., lator.. If a"ytlll.tJ of a ~Im'illlf / c'fJ,,'r'f dJII fuf,,~n lIHC!l )'O\UI" Indtflf «01\. n 1'"" ~ !t... ~~.:: ~ '~~lIIli IJ{ '1 10r Vt IIlhl ~Io"tJ. .~. ~~In' y l men of "Xeu\a. baekct1 by the on· ~Trlowlh °r h·rlr ....Pdoe" 'lOh·.M .a Of (f.~ - . .1M, '.1IIle1, to ,at&. pla08, lIer,after, tlell,ao .,,"I~ Mlto 8Cod ~I; "J\,dd'I\U. RII(l ::'-or;~" ~~.:. ~. ~ ~, ~:.~~~II'!..J'~10~'."'t, t~~lc~ll,ll'-"lllb ~,~It •• ~ ...... .-...._ _ _~ .':, I d orsemen t 0.·... S IUT.L"nAllGa1\, lhin, IlIle 0 ou r ,.. - 01 or ali,. . \ ' ...... T.".. ui' Mil ..... _ 'Inrl~"' ''''''' ' ''''''''- III' _ . . . . I. Slr,.1 II' .. _f of the kind. would do w,1I to stYe DOtice lba' •• ,,\.'" \0 be ..."0 ... llaol'J POIl<p6!4. by ,e",'rII ~aI~ _ Oh....... 111., Coli.. -'-"" ..._ _ _ !!lng .. u ....n,OIl (II 0l101l l"'~,!illlr~.. ' ... ~l1.~:a_" r"~ b . Qud "hO requut of General GaUlT. fOlllzD theQl. COUD\cl! il1.-,s'n rul'dleld Rr,n11~t,c i\d.l .... V O. Drllw •• , ::II. T.0Y'. ~ '\ . .' ""........ VI •• IIIo..... '-ie.II... I' ll "- 1.,TJtjn~l , 1I IndIO I.r", ctllabtill.']i,.'IJR l'IUNI1.

II", PUY.rClAN~.


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W Y 0 J I,

GRl?A I DISCO ERY'. , 0f "'j~nnIlVllfallJll Oil Regl.OD8




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~] Hh\b 11 • • "'h7





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r B.

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t"C1)uL~IC Inspection


(COBWIII I T.moll'. 'l'RA'" &4""A"0 so NO.



CinciunRli EXJN'Il", 8.·n A. M~il end Accum ., 11.4'7 4 . II . Culumhul A~~om . , G 30 • P. ftl· III, lJittebllr: Erpreu. lu .06 r. ~aJ.rNl- waSTWARD BOUND. "h:l Ind ACCODl.. !l.flll.A. u. Ni,hl Eapresi. R.!lll .t. II. 1 1'luiburjExpn..,1 1I6 'p II Clllcln"lti Exprelll', b:~O

co- " Doel np l MOp, at Corwin.

p: .:

It"'TAIL n'''L ''' ll

lot of Inm p:;, lo il et orticles, nml




~\:: ~


-~ ---

h~r I Il?ply of rilMilionllL :e Cue t ummtsr · ~ I\IOIl. COUSII'

received goo 8 \l~

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II I kl'PprOnsull llyonl.,andUmelllltockol CL.nTBS AND CASSIMEIlv ,U nx. 8


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t '''''" V''I! ,c lind bC81. \\Inrk'nll"' __ , lorl(. r. 'II ,I'y 'I HUlt'l •• ,.1 ,y _ ltl.anentir.lyn.",ocIuUOcdiJmv.ry,ClGlltIli.log r d 'Rve o,"'r <,, ' lip 01 Ih."e t her" . , .,. 3l rc IOl'lltin "geu .. .izR. -7. 8,011,1 9. " 1110

manTOrlh.'I\,,!\~, I,ojwerfulaud l" \\t~eeh!'vo ~tg""."'Iii.!J<~".' . . uch<oIlIklBMeln ltomnlbl, aDd

14 h1V 'l iolr n

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T he

SI(J(;k .../



WJ.A u !ti 1l)) 9II THE C ~ R 0 I N A L; lI'il" r.'.1 n••e',or lVarlllil1!? O" PII, C"'.I I








rl' 0 V E' •.

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0-!,""""II (n,T:!'

_ .. . 'I . t ()we~t.;,"AS8 IIrREAD'p MAD1!I, "., 'Y&.I.U lu·oftTBlrNG • of " II " hod es and 11'0/'01'., ever



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r;'..' -'>.. - --o r" ,;'jtJ """ u v r.;.I.~._

ir \h"y do not ':lIil tloe : Th e L";"($( t)t(( r,.'st lake 140m!





IlIlIpr"cedl!nl~'" 1 ~,lto

"Vh n lIl ,dn

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, " 1 RETUIUf Il i".mcrm 10 hi. bClIh P:"'II ' . nllll, ero t... trfclld. Ihe I.N' il n't\l! , . and rane ,. willolt . 1 am prppftr. Iv l'UI'1l 'II P in, 'Iy le nul plllronog" alrpod), I SUI 'IU IC'd by him. an,l wO llld re"prcll"lIy iI,hmll ' I lhem Ih al \oe ill' now In o{

oug t at t e Prices .

lini of el "l:"nL silKS, Ilowen, ribbnnA.


I Uf( Xl lI'1BI1§ 'MWN..

G' O '



~ .1.' 1 .






\t11 ~ ~ ' ~ttn-~t! c-fl~U\~.tI . "

~Q' ~~ lttlft Inu




F,RST CLUS MLLLINERY .-Mi ·8 S. J. Tll rry , oppo'si le Ihe Gflzefl1! office. h as


" IUD Strel'!., e. ' 10. J \\,here mnv b {nun d. @mal/ II1Ir~: " 'eli A spleol.!!d Good., OOllalllinl/. 11

HAllDW AHE, &.


.... "'''fll '''''.


" OSl'-OrFleEl'\o·i' I CE~----- ' :::.,hO"""'iII"Ok,,,t '""''''"W,

I, A' "N ,_ 1,2U r. M , .. Tmi . "'''''I. .. t l...e. . 4:.. .. 1I.,I\Vl:nuUII(;1I M,, ,,,. 1:;0 r . ... 1\1 olMl fty , W.,llIft"'.)· . "n .' ri.t.r. ' o::r WlI.>I,N01·ON , A. ... Til ""I• •'. T I,ur"'.,· .uu S. ... MAn ..ARIU":. 6 I' AI. J. A. ,IRVIN. I'. 1\1.

or '


~ n'

MI[.r.~. ~Iercbanu'

~1::iI ,~~~~ .:.




C\' (ll'yU{in g ni cc. Thc Dodol' bn 0 pencl1 ltn <I e l'"IU\'omb l e llllsplCes, nneI . O. CADWA LI•.&DEIl. Ageat . 11r0 IUH''C 110 d ouut his eheerful · look· CAOW.tLL401t1l & E :t:prer., Aqent,. I. .. , II K,LBO_. Uniun Kx. ',fg". ' lIl g sto r e 11'111 1I111ucc n llll'ge tl'll.J e.




1 W E. W. WOODW,U,o, Presidenl. · .•• . II!,' t. • . ,. urn·, B




I docen nilywhcrc j Rlld in nlhlition tb Dodo I nit I f r ill S n 0 111 e e SIIPP Y O. ) palen t mClT"' WI110 ( thc bes t • (lnd olh . el' nl·ticlc 11 )(lnging to th etrnll e._ Beside tbesc. too,.tie hns a e)toicp sel ection of book, &e., &0., 0 fine ' 0 r \l'n II papOI', nil d' n SJ1 ICll se Icellon


BUG 'ETOED." Cheap for Cash! .! I

"'~..ra ....... ....-"11. .' ~ hererbr'IYPJ)"di...vetnllltolllll.,..olldll'.'1I rlf I"d 1867 .,~~~ " I . SPItING 1861. ~ ALLEN & RANJ)AI.L, Merchant _ Ta:ilot .i J! 'fQ~vrr1LI~ 1.00, BU , SIN E SS, --

nD Mtlrtl, fir.r

/S uperior stock or drugs, "'hich ngea ngahr h be !Jest pro-


liable' j ,

Iandch~1I lIe"


. I'ppnNt ;n



A., 0 l~lrI'E."

\10 lure I~ wlll..d.o alt.",. R cl&lm ~ .It.lhat .... olT... .bt1 000 d






llii~COllin 1,I.rr, whIch '.,e pr.. p.r~d 't; tlr. l-cl •• s wltt,d ro '. t ....'o,.p. S,Clr.u" IlfIR n.""I~~ ,toes n~tgi.e '01. Ih e rno~1 ')"lIro,vcd i"y/~,. I'.'''P' .,luur. II VP II hlle ,l \\Ili l. f.r.Q uO"Ch .. o.... ~h.n useJ ~lIltrl(l ~oor<!. ', f erl ' et hn"ill" in hi\! ~ I ~rIVllorl ~' llr '" I ,,'!!'. " ' uO ,lie , /Ie,,,p,""" .ulloM IIlour lntl,.,..llOn •. ,. '.~ Plllpluy ~~noo of Ihe u! lI,e OVell ill ~II k'''II. l'IALrf" S r ,e" I .I '1"" (Tn, , Teoettrb16 Slclllm~ HoV' IlelltWe,' ",. " , ... . ' . "'; •• RI,,~d ;",..,d ",. . hi, U".. " " ''" ••• , fl,,, W .. ,.1 0 .. i" 'he IV"" ' ~ "~~ ~'" .. ~~,' I~ 1"''''' I... ", ,_ ",.~ .... " " " ' ' '. ' ;.:o~<ls cye.l· 1J1'O~ght to tLl s market, lale modes. our Illdy relld llr, m11 l e ly o~:·:,·::,:·,,,~:~~;.~C~:I~"::~~Et'l. " , ...-,.. lId '"winch." "" I will 8ell I. I 1'Io bis 1m,. ior " ',n)(} n",1 ro mp, \\ '''' r. rU;11 'I: ~al~~:~:~I~er:.:~~,~':J:"~~·e~DI4IU' n.. whlOh."o '~ ",,11.." "'Iow lb. no"" 'po, ",,;,;, . ., I","",d. II" " •• " I" L.d",·, U,,',,·, 1",1 e,,;Id"" '. W... . .J. LOW".• '''' Mo" lJ,,, S.II Ii" C"".,.... '" ..., ..""" ,,,., ~ I.. ,. " " " .... b"." ,," ,,,,1,,,,,1. f",,"'" P.f.""...~..'''. I"'''' on II"....·n. II, ".. ,,,,,,.,. ",I" ,.d fh. ,,,' m... f.",,;,.. ; •• , d.. HE8'1" QU AUTY I Sa".. Q""/i., I I "";'. w" . . . "". ;" • '" I, "". " .,"...... . . "'!'J:':':' :,,~{~~',~,"::: ::,:;::~~;:' 'ili :tnu choico stoook of dl·ess·goods, nnd - -----------. --- - 1\ , ~( • ~nollil "Io~k ,01 GENT8' FUR. l ftllj> In th e cUlInlry, roye., parll rn· 1\10 N A R ~ II I


. ""t•.


l( -



aod ..D· end Ie .. IIrray of beautiful . 1cut bllJ ",.J" to,)' nnt. DODSON , wl,lIr Or.D .rtl·u\es tor ,"10 'As "'Iu-' Turry " . . " . " fl d" r my whic h 1IVIIi I n AJ GO WI! InVIlO tloe BllellllOn of our (rlelld •• nll ' I' I " . ' 01 Ihod tKtesl f,u. 1lr· I I is fu ll in 011 ilscuelolO crs .nle. ~lId u/f.rrd !ifV .tU. II u.J, fro ~ m .ell. '" li\'I'1:n I ' C ,r ---;Cndwnlladel' Wi. s hes ue to. i. ,d".,. in. >., rtceiat 'V ... 1 tfp nO rllll~ JI '" a tl t · . .I e l iODS rom ... 1 .,r.... 110 ler g O u 8 " • tl e bost s toc k of UI P ri.(!CS lllal b dG I I I "


l' 1111 ,'OIUT .."


]9000 People Wanted



Tid. i.• •

n mng nificellt line of Wnll Puper,


nttcntion Is d c. il'- T.

U· cd to t,he

WindolV· Shudes, Ready-made rloth· tl(hel'tiscUl cnt or lIhlll,S I'S. iug', nrndley's Dupl ox Elliptic Skirts Tompkin s &; H url'is, of L eIJul1on . .clircc t from N e w ¥ol'k , by' t elegroph, " . . luese hav e0"n nollo"o I.. tho m..' I"'· . . .nd oho;" .to,k 01 goo<"

e~ltcrprl~lIIg gentlc~1~n



, 'oltnninous lIIul oxtl'nol'dillal'Y lot Ilnl"' )('!

or O'''·yth'''g •

s lll' tnble to e\'or"


TO)J K I N~ ,

, 1",1'


II ,

101.I,,,,,,.. .111',D'I,U: 0_



m, ;"rrielld~ ,h. " ",

Ilerso n' ll C -I b SI t ., U d I cur e i'l llo r. r" lure ,ome r 11 UI erry ree unu "'II WII)·. ronuge

g ood tnste CRn IlIocllrc, mn) be found sell as low snti s faet o l'1ly ns uny i nil of , Of WILT< -:housc ill the ('OUlltl'$'. GiI'o them n No" go In. cnll, by all mCD.UII .

~nys w,n ~


mo'«, ,,,d w.. ,."" lb. '<II. .",'

whicb oycr u lill\)l'red tTllion Ill'ison. c lli es('nped. •CID . , . ' -........ 1\1--r. 1.-E"'<' ,. eJ s' las no Im l IC· .. 1:1\' otIJct::liol1 to the fllct being mad e Jlllhlic. thllt his emJ.lo~·iIlUl during the ' 't O(1 n \'ery 11111. · )rns t wee k- htIS pT<l8en tl I t' f mnted IIC OIIO-. Ie [JOI~" n IOn, 0 'n-n"ne 'fownsillp IUn'lUg Ilocked .1 thither !IS one mall (anti womnn),nll . . ~ , , . licck",'" lifte r more complete IIII(, el · hlalldill g!;. · Jus t h,t 'c m koep Oil .

"J ll e!vi ll E' .






' /'



I "i.I, 10 illrurm of "",Ii ' ,m

line. r I 0 <0 lull I'", "',

:a.a:n..c:»S '

, II ;, ,.• """' •• , "',,,/"";, II...fb!l rho J"IWH' .l/EDl eAL :AU1'/l0Jl17T .

I "I l r A&k r~r






~I ____ E.... . .R PllRTZ

8TOI"E$. VOl! WOOD ANO COAL. PEI!:RLIlJ:;:;S. J>lIrlor Oolok. ror wuo d.

myoId ' Friend.s


,,;I, •• '''",d, .. ,," •

\' O Ul\O AMERI C A, COllI. l'A' t.' llA N I'\ II" • .' IC'\' , JI .• " , COI\ I.


~ W e t"nder ollr ~inl'l'rc

If.. , .D li'~; JJHJ, M{IIE" I - -- - _ _ _ I __ SPRING ,J\. SU'MMER !ITEAH '

Il wnks I"

A Pt:lIi.lo SWINDLSR -The re~ll e rR Ih e I'ubl.ic for ,Ih~ir ")f,!,Pf r.U1r~!!r. nntl _. - - - - .- -

or .gricut'iurall'"pus m"y hllve notic. hup p. Willi sl.rlr.t OUl' nIIO~1 10 hU 5 11 :1'8P, lu btl yollie 10 give 10 01/ who ut. w. ed durillg the laaL (ew mOlllhw •. liD lid , m. p"ron ize iI!,8810eincllull now allY here,,'ter. .erlinmpn\ rurpor&ing to oome from Our p.rlic~l.r 1!lenlion will be l:ivl!n An f'JP'.ninnlinn or whir-h cann,ut toil Augu8t Schmidt. of London, Mlldiaon 10 the Repairing !I' '0 pit',." II ... i"o'lt lu. tidiou,;, bOlh It~ qual. COQoty,~ 0., in the nur.err Rnd O,age Watche, ~nd Clocks, allo Ene-ra. hy "lid I'RI CE ! ' Ill\U come Away un8ulted. ortniB , ,eed> line of businebl. Thi~ ving . •.• All Work Warrantelll ~( .... Sl.'hmidti.,,'toolo(ooeA.Bolrnemllnn, I 'I E KEY$ , l' d I ~ 1 t' wdl known 10 the preIS ". II in~.k IIrt 0:7 Alwft!'e 1'1 11 It n'n t!. ft Il'I)0d "I,ock 0' '. ' ", • • ~ • tie ne "er ,IS( , ' . . , Sech mgr.ham & CO. II, nnd Opp till ite Ihe Rpl!'eu _ lIl ent of the Cincinnati Home Ins \II'- ~erlJler, wbo belhg 100 "~,I "Down to Clllberl Clock~. A Iso, H. 8 . Ll'wi.'. lIer I" I" • • • •• C ... I lIJ1p()le IIpon them under hra o"n nllmll, ,petual Cllendar Clocks. 01S " \VlIl'nenllle"April 16,1867, "nee Compnny. IbIS .Ins pUl (orth of hi. brother in Inw, "ho , . " , ClStnlllished an ell\'ialllc J'eplltntlOn leeQ1s tolr""e been more orll foOltban a ~ c 11.\' 1' .~ pron1l>t adJllstment of loss.C8, knue. .BornemJln·n ' rl'cei,ed ,,' hell or' , . . 'I : '\ . . • :' . ". ' . '. • ' "" aml "" its ,.,enerul stnbility j nnd lrelllg letters wiLh money .,nelosed .a t 111e L fl l • . " . ___ ' ~iu . ' '" LEAlIlN.O,- , __ ,.


IH!CIlIiIl11y a wes tem institution, it . . . Rhould reCel\'e 1\ o?rdlal and eonscl· ('ntiOIlS 8npport fro,m western pcoplo,

AC(''IIH~r;:-Noah1 Stubbs, II

...I'll' .':Y~I ,t;; · ·N·N' &'T:":I:'H''Om.E....... ,; ~Ji.lU;

B.. WI III IGRf ~.. CO,,.~ J -


l,nl' l! Jllsl ol' (o nro ] 1'\r





.pout.-O!UQ Farmt'f .

\IV. I)








the injured -mnn is doing well,

.ey, 'Iry them and be con,inced.'


. I h' i. 'tb black bair and no 1II0les IS I, WI heard . ... SE\\,UiO Mary A. 'Voolard . :. . i f IS III'ellal'cd to do all deSCTlI>t ons 0 . b tb b ' band and moohhie, S SC\vlDg, 0 in ns good style nn<1 at 8S . intown Gi\'eher "nces nny mllhncry shop . of M rs. n cull a8 at the

-~-.. -~liss



' .

S. C. rudge, 1\Ia'" .....,.... WI: RI'C gin . d to hear of thc eon\'n· le8cen~ from an llttnck or fe\'el', of .,.. I1nr csteemedfTiend, Thomas Al'IJett, g hia lo11 tbcn1edt .}I·....... still fnrlJior prolonged, t 10 10 mny IlI'omulgnto the (loctrines of Cbristi ·

Ma~' all'~dy


!it ~to°~· ~ea ",'8~


I h



Reasonable Rates.





















T~T()SI<, HOJl~

LA""rw~. (J~o W'Xgll.t:L~~:lIf









r Care· ,."" 'Cor,:;;;j Eve...• IVeek.



(JU~lltity '



P""~' btHh!,~

Illl\'('ht1s~<l .v T~i~d .:.Dc.rI'!'lecdk>e~~PI'eldU ~-A·l " """tly 0""'''4 I,,. )1,.·N. >Mdl.· ,-


":·'0" ,..00 .P"." ..... m.... 'J , 'r.101! he'l ':1





\~: ~~,,~~,~):~'. Irt'. nla {or' ihe 1I0C

(, ""




pm. ~, ............. '


9~:JUI() ·

Dry and Itiix~d Paints,



~I 00~~_

.. .."... ~~










p~rmlnenlly '










mr IE m;.




WHlMl I1Z:fl$.LCU,




,J!"AUl, m"l!Y SOAPS, &C. ,

A well-seltICl ed IlIorlmerrt

or Ih i ' !IUD

'Ji'AIvlIi Y GhbCERIES ~ " School-H.....o~o.1tks~;- - MoOUl"}j' Y IS & WILSON'S SEHlES,




AN~ 'I<:Olll~S,

l l .Ol ~~e'.


", II F(1rm ' I and Sc~o.ollJ~liJU ~'. ' 'Sf'lllit f t. 'S~ &C. Sk(/lel. ,

.»t 8, am , all enaK'II va,.


'!I /)

"iiJI!III'"1 ass ....





f)Mo ",.ne~, III_~~ F". _ ' _. .......___

New ~




IJ!m _ .


DI1DL'" and_ , C.



Hiving, tinier."~

~ lVOOLLa,

"~ IIDDL • lU... ' tJUSI.NE~S" ..1.10 10 infllrm llle PUblll,ell-_ eIUr.rrlnl~III"n~i I~~:er~o ' :'DUraC .., ..I., ~. ,.ull ...on""nlkIlf P.11 liedl or Inlo co-p.t . tnA-hip'",. ... ,La





1 '~

fA Ind III .rliclo. uluslly kept in iilcli I'a,

I Jl 186'7


a 01



' ,

. I, _

WjIII IL' , " ' 1 ) 1 . 1' .:" I,r- - _ . . ~ !" DI ' •. The Subl,;rlb~r ha. lflle, .. p ...&c". I


IU W ' A D'E , ,'.\ .1\

• • •iI; ..II I•• r" CASH. Look w... 11 '0 you, own intereat' -Illve u, ulldivided alII, Inll we will brinjl Oily !'tlc,. 10 your d o m . , N. B.-'ro SUGAR.JlfuEas. _ .W. Irlt making SUlior Pane I' old prlc:... or the heat No. 18 CI,.teoal Iron. Clllln litu, Ihal ,lJ m., be ,lid, in 1"1011,


Tbe 611&It I,oek of


,l. /. , ~1.~jil~JIlenli. ..t , D~ Dj.!: Y .&. .1' OqLL~Y.

& '" &w.,.iI" _1,1"

, '/1

P'r1l.!!-SIIJ .rc., ~





o::r We feelttuly cll.nUui.tor Ihellb.

.r.1 palron'lre o{ Ihe PII\ ,ed,and 'h'o pe bv Ilrict IUenUolI 10 bll.ln_. lied hon. 'orable dealing, 10 merit, "till IIre.t,r

,m;'-8'''' '''... 'I, .....


M • " ••: : Sbedy, wbere 1!e " tflUP eel '0' db ,all klDdl or .'. : , ' B LA C K 8 111 1:]1,1 G,1 io ,b. ml'D04lr aD .. at .t e.ot price.. , . . He deaire. especi_' the tbat be: h,., 0". bud aDIl i, •. ¥




~,' ~ " ., • -:e.~par

manuf.o'~~e '.

ed to


',) .

.' . E, , ~ f or' Q, ' UEENSWAR' ' . , n, L._ d" b, .. ,a. Palll'r". . • .."'m..........; ...b~'" .......,. .;o!!o,...."JjI. U<\~ '~iI ~. Union ColI'.ee, Pe'a. 81111. I .. ,.10 our enlerp~I.lnll'Jllril, .nd be l ,bcDe, Sho"l Plowtr-all , ~f , " 0'l\"6r i . "Ml, "'I•.m"~". " •• ,.,", "/ .... ",' ....."11,. $'I..........JAMES 1.. ••• ..... ... ;;~... Dantlelloll Cofl'ee, Rys CoIN. prlm'e, Rio l . , . , P,' BRYA JI1

":"4lP. . . . . . ..


W (lea He ma, be lil)lnd I\)Caleti InS and 1': ltlul't or •CoI' vlI.r.E".,. •• og· I Colfee .. •. l\..., lOr .. Ie er$', corn er lIuildill~, on ;UIII!! .,\rc~~: .. ___ _ _ . .


:B .la 'J1 $


CLO.-rr , rwPG ' , '. -i&.~,I:a."",,,

"_0.... ,~

"'rob";.,,, '''''' Ib, .........,' ...




EXF.CU'TDIX' ~ NO,roJCJ~ ;.,

Uuo . & I 1I0 (ill (' ..H'ml;,. 00 .. F e L I"'. ' " .R:.a 0 ...... !Coo,"" , • 76 Steintlay Br,dlillry, Bondmeo &. Leen fillpoinlcd Aod quaURI)(! ,iii Adinillifttra · 14 60 & Schmldl Pienol, lri 7- 0 11 tL e Estate of J)1I)' jd 800 (The J.lter Ire fin" lOlled .nd cheap.)- Ide (If WUrI'C D Oounty, Ol,io. , , 30 'Ve will , or • 0 .•" . ... n. R.n. 1.6 , lower ihan'u,oieh .II,.'Oan. lh.,' h"u~e IDIn-,Irnmenl. Ihe Well! , Wil)'ucavUlc. .A.pril2 tBeT. !I IIre,.II", 'relll , Iur Ihe • 180 & Lvc!II Sewinll IInequlled... I b"_"'ral . /ltAftllLY )(achlne. C, It. ,. ,I 11110> ., -banon, Oct. 17. ' . 68 ' · Tbl. be.1 of .U Cou., h ·S,ruJ,l•• .al.

Cujfee 111 S 11'0 'It @ 20 ' · " '75 s;s nntl ' Ne,Y·Or)ea,ns N.·O, Mol ..." nil"ga IQn" }~e"·, 0 Sorghum . 0 Gu.illl Oil '~ ~IIIO'h


, ARNlStlES,



Np. w lind enl~rt.!"'ng Game.l . I~'1IOU'I ""'Ju!led Dlod I' JlOlf'I'Tn' fa o.Ucqui \I . liaLly h8/1~. . , ~ ~'lUil1eR ill ! u~d 111111'AIlII~' ' «~r~. ,.r.flool RIi"""~~.' Albu~a" MI8~el. On E . 0 L IC ' 0 F Ift,Peolie Booh lor pre.el!l~, J~IC:!l,Iru IIId T A.n.· A P ' .

l,....·li.c.. .




l'cllreOD.a.nd. ~;o



IRON SPOONS , ' Physicians' Pr~cri~tioDIJ 'r~A & TABLE do. Cnrolully nnd Promptly Jo'iIIcd~


MF'TI,ornpso", of'rl,omJJ~on"lfOOdricll"co I r ~Iltl ~ . , n ~ r . • D . I. H . 'IIUAII EI< ,of H Scllr,uJer." CiJo N~'Benry Spo""Walton, V.Ii",aged 0";,,about '" 90 year. J". ."kB~"\V B,rrantA.",d', ""'.~t.t)p0:<-' ',,,u;'" ''' ~i_,. sLllnl. . .. aJorl,.gu, Affidevll\l. ev- ./,~" L.HII,"cp. of 1 ''"~ I ll,uool'nd 00",· I ~-... l ~=~=~=========~ - .\n8. I\lluclrRleut~, &,<:., &c" cDullantly on D M BCJJI1 ,..of_b 11 )jo'lIne~'f~lI 'Co oesv

t I,


Patent, .ltledicines .

GRJDDLES. OVAL, VAST-WON HOJ LEnS, II "I of I .1.ea, 'J'EA.KET1'LES _ • KE1'1'LES, I'~NAMEI, DtA(lrIPd I.S. "Ius. 'l'ONG~, 01 Ihl! b•• 1 quality. Io.'!IIOVI"~



ED1Cl.N'V. b


U u 41


A8 tl,~ , IIIY C eO'''U Il Ia {Ir ntlvmnced. our .'ock' i ~ h"N' ; ' hilt ' IMugs Ilut Wt hnv e 11111 on I'. nll. we eln rolrUlh, by Ex . pre8R, \III aloorl Il olloe.



a " TAIL i>'"Lltft IN

W,tl'ruulCll t u (lioe SlIli,"./ilrIIOIJ ,


lI uch

OFFICERS: , ():7 G ivp. U' n call. and cuuvillcP \'UI"CHAS. C. REAKIRT. reaid"nt. f RelYea 01 the {nct. tlD'lf C. M. RAN SOI\I Becrs lir,. .

'~I/ no~rts'

, .,


U:A D.

tow "' Jri URES, for CASH, ns III olly.clly . luovn ur rillago. a,IId

W e I,'ve nli" on. hond I gu,,~ . ~"orl menl ur .I""'~l ,evcrrt~llIi' In uur lill~, lI.nnlll? whi ch nra •


AILowasany HouaelDtheW. oet ,





Ire an anne sot eI I ERES Better Class taken at I C :\ SS M •

1I~1I" lIy

fit • •

~ ~ _.

-'-O- tJ -)81-'- -t- t- II '1 DnOWN A N D -JI n Ie I I matan ,1\ IC rC811 cnr~ 0 • . Mr. Jacob T"ylor. tlenr by Hc\'. COL. II, II . HAnLEY . pe.nerll DLEACflEDMUSl-INS, WASIIlIOWLS, J. MAple. Mr. JRcob Slo.uftcr, of I -. , VICtOR KE'l'TLES. for Ioollinll ro. nill,to )h8fl SlIean DOl1lmger, olltl\)',!nllc. . ' flllt ecT o .RIJ: , NOTIONS I I hI". Thanks for IIlc cake! SIIOUI,-D GO "'0 •• ALE. 0"A8 C R':.\I""'T . of J P ,'Ra"/"ILJ • t Ie lUu.1 comp ole I log IQ 0 tJ 18th ' t t ttl .'d of '''£8;1'!8. N... 1 Iii •• trerl, K,,,y,;:v , of GloI)1l !tOlltog-'fjJl y ,n9 ·Rn , n 011 D 8' 'V " ••' f DD " c HOSIERY J 1 a XI10 R d' 0 bIe re Re .••. cnec ,A D 1.£0411011', 10, 10 uy ITId SILl'E}'' co. II r ........,.., 110", U COAl, nUCI\E1'S. !f0 In lAg· 0 of WARE: .olld and "I. ,pO Spoon s' Iud 1. C HOI'K' N", of L C CO BPI'l"I'OONS. " w"yo. Ilrl' . H' IU 1'- no.. ' To. r'·. Table nn" Pockpl Cllliory, F H of P H I.AIVeoll> ,Co oyn081' O. e eJ) \,1 e, . , I'U M" , and . W W H AN .. \. 0 f W W Hli nIl ' .&0",_ VOH N POPPERS, fines l American Swiss ,"" I Also, , 00 TuC8dkY evening: tho, 16111 ftt E\O ,. I W ,d,cs ' • fine !!(; Id Pen . nnd D (I D W""'U • .tJpaon 6; ' MUSK.H.Il'£ 'CRArS. tl'o of tile Imde'a flllll.r, III Oak ,,· Jng '.d ,I ""1 ' JULIX D 11 II< IJII , ... 1, 11111r1c k I S A U " AGE S 'l'UFI<' EI'S looan, 'K1I118111', by JI",. J W Robe."", 1[r S P e n""s ; Spechclc<": . wit I r. E WAT8j},V. of ,WillMon nnil po ,I '" OElI N0 gUS, ' I' Stunley to Miss I'ltcbe B Fajrllolm, COflCllve, C"lIvrll, DlloCIII.11 0 " 1111 Ow W lfA¥ILTOS, of If81lliltoll 0)0,. .I; Co I A FULL LINE OF READY . lJAD Ij: A glassea, in gold, .jlv .. r. pl.letl . J:M Of.J M Scchrl.ra nd C(JI . / . LAHD 1'IIESSKS. - - - -- - - " an,e r,rnnuwn {rnme". 8uit aU' ((gu. 0 M ORA\' . formerly_or t:)PHINO BALANCES, ft d: and fiAel! elylu of Jewp.I,y , PAD- LOCKS, W " . ;oJ • J'iri'lYer Ringe.i'11.celluneous l heet ·II'ueic •• lind IJu 81ca i .JHt;o 8:"",-'1 00 SI'OO,NS, TACKS, I umenls chool " llO'HRIHC H , ofpfnII" ntl C and enJlck

WI" •• 11 b,..I"I. Ryp 11" o.t. f B I t l "" " " " " · .- - '" b Corn V' b I:iAlnTARL-\Ve nre ouUlo1'izOu ' Y Bllok",h".t 1P Mayor Flour \berJeI, tllat, I Wright to Inform onr eif.izens 'n a "'c ·w' (lIlYI!, t'le COlllleil ",ill FJllur I' f Butler ow, Ib , Ila\'e a large of J .. imc for "'rd, II) .' <listriliot'lbll nt wholesale pri(les. , Eeg'lI 'dQl14!n, , Lo.he" . Applea - -- -- --·- C-'- tso b'nB Po",. -; ""'!ok e ll"l" crL F.. .". n . . 11 bub.l. dlc I?rop on st., -' tl\ ;"'" .. . N w. lIook , ' Je1\"eh'y, 'PlAted W IIr tit Hul\! ,,(: \V'cst'~ ' . , . :lltOIl, Dhl':>,


is in conllGllt re eelpl 'uf Ihe c1lOlc88t

" .' .. I ... . , 000 1 0300

d lYI -,-R' k ' f'

eond. at'l.ic in hrl:: :Store; Everylhing .11 of whi ch we will k",'1' Bll ii" j


'l: 17'r.1

f a I •.Sl,()(;k.,


,.II" " " ". "U



•. ~ «_",;-.,·""'''"f'.:~:\ I~'' 'U'~'" 1IDRESS OOODS, A':~'\·r_:,~.,1 ';-;:~; ':.Ia":';' ~

1\:17:,'." '0','

C,op 1111' Ie ' III d 1"/(JlW.,. 0 1'!J(1118, ,"1" '> J"II) { /lUi. (}(lpital PaidJ up in Cuslt, ,R , ' C ,aper om". .. e vuro/t,t. 'Ci,cualan D"lm.' Thue . lln~ouloledlv Utiitm'H, Shert Mil,.,,'. jlf(l~ic ere the mOdI perfecl and pfljr.lciolll ar]]ool.·s Vio//II lind (/ui(d,' IS ticleaPuhtic. qr Ihe tind olTerl'!! Iho ' S t l'i l1[J8, icell To ner unbeliever., we AmI'" wouM

- - W m. W rigbt I . d' g -.... s tore of or In> I U Fl'llnklin was robbcd of about t1200 . .. d .A n nnmcd lI'lthm a few nYB. ma is suspccted of the roll· IChns. Huber 00 ' 111 d ~ h'SOIIPJCI'Y, IUId 83 IS, or' Ithree rehcllsion. He ?IS fivo teet



m _ .


'\' hilc coupling cars, I.' ulS I11I1l(1 ' h b . 1 d W:lS cnught, - nml mllc I'UlSe( nn lacerated. .. theof skmful trent· JIlcnt of Dr. Unde Ste\'cns this plaec,


eft E M I CAL S,

()ld · Jo'~.uriro

~ ~ ~ ,

!I}I U ' II DMl'j F " rHL- ' ..J .. 0, t:. ,W 1:."' . • loooT ~'roc'Knllr'.1h'~J).it~l!VTOn~ ,

,l- ' .' , NO... 10 DETHOIT S'1'R I':'ET, 1\1E8'S~S . Cllfk & Co -, Cheml.llI. S,ru . where tll"y will kel'-I' on hnnil I CUllOp e Iri'nkemun on the L. ~[. ~., )\'ns se· . \'erolY injured oil lJonday II.t Free· ftdvertiaements in another culumn.10head, d 8BAortment of • CIINI. N. Y .• wOllld call attention t\ol'ir


At Ihe



lion l()$1 of!iceA, ,'l "nd lo(t Ihl"t hPIRC(l 1\ mon.llIgo. pers()nswlO nello mone\" lochia Augu.L Sohmidt, mAy R8 WE'll conlcude tlll\l it has gone up Ihe

BE"O N. I' AItLOR COOK, 'w"d,

C l' CADWALLAD11'1> '







Sold by


Signal Parlor

j~~l'IL\Nt:£.- ~ca

~olor, l,earlr..lte_"hlrelth~raIl6n 117-" -~,N.lJ..



nnd palronize H omc


Par1or' and D'In ng-.Room





." /tGIITAnU


I will eell goodd ror LESS l\I()NI~ Y 1111111 a " ew "lid Lcn"'iful,jesiJ,! n, {urlli. hed at rhe Vf'ry lowest pr ice •. I • L ] , B k I' 'I yuu CUI, bill' tl,e •• me qunlily fur elor- "f II II Blzeo blld pr lr..'. bcc ordiulr lv Ihe ~ O( ey Ij 1\( Y s 00 - 101' Jl ay 'IJlllllly, wherl', wlle'. her It Le J e w ur fnll s not " e!rind allY former numb e r o'W'er , OC 5 G enllle ! . II II tl IC l'eqlllBI . 'tCS f n 11 r a t .c I US6 ' Iurni dll cd uull put up on . lihorlut t:oli cc. III (J::;r OPlIl\emoll', 1?\ltnI8hinlt G n.l'\~ I .1" '''3 L A F or Srrinu W;' ~ r. bOlh til M Y () \V N ftlwav e 011 hond _ SUAp~ lIdor•• N Il .~kliee, I nul CS Illng-azlnc, .,. n YCI\l·. .. OliO UE::rl' BRANDl:! of IJuper Coli or •• &c., &c. • C' 1 1'1 ' 1 }Ipuons wi. loin g ~nylllinl!' in our line. I 'I'. '1'. ]JOHSON. IO( t'Y", It. • . should UUI 'ail 10 coIl and "x"tnine ou r ",: \V I I "J I 26 O f I"i s Nlyln llo ~ r p. "'C IhrMsizd'; nn!' Hlock loe 'Me pmcll "6i ng elaewhNe. 10 I TY MAN U .. ACTU RE. ft)' ne ev I", .. lire, . " r til e ub .. vp. """ "it," ed ca n bA ',od .1 e MR. T OMK rJ' 8 h8vllll!' lilirt)' -five ' • , . " r nrc Inciel,tod to JIo n s, I '·c in lhi. hud b,,"Ir.eFs. b0110 •• . n \0, IJOPK[NS ''I'll); Ol_n R.: r.lAuu:.'-Messrs. AJ · . ' ... ' Anll ~~ f'eciu:ly a full liue or B Clljllmin F. Untie!' nnd J.. IJ. Coul· ill EUROPE end AMJ.:RI C ... . ' ec\s colI . URlSl)IN'S, I<'n &, Rllllllllll hll\' e thcil' n e w udYe\'· tel' for fll'·Or.S: !iJelll 01 l,:ivinll tntire & liJif!

"'2- C'


RUl!iTiin, and ,iako 110 otber, The Pro!ll'lalol'l olTer 110. SIClLUIl nAla na. IIxwan 1\1 tloe JlubUo,enU,.lyconfidont Ihat It will


1Io,'~., $;I~

lI ai ,"

.>1Lh..t; _V

N" renon, nlJ or \'Olllllt . hOlllJ r.,11 I" " •• iI.


P I a i n (I e u Ie. ,


dl) rR


.<:c,.'p, nl/,r

LI1Sl 'JIO rrs,





. ' ~ . . 1~'d,om'ly "";g".d m"",h, "'.hICh, WIll be a IO RtlUg c\'lue nce of , Ill l! Skl~~~ good tnste. ....._- I ll' l'.

J ....." "HI'

L () 'I' lL1 1 N ( :.!,

co ' .'e s. '! COfliflE . ON

S pee t a c 1 e s,

ltE"rOnn :JC..4.(II' TO: OIUOIX.U G.R"-}' . ( 'OL01: ••

• brine back the balr to Itl orl,lnal promoliit. 1\ 'l at hy11 ' l\J}'solf. <,qllal 'In, o:::r I..,;z.) o il •of 0 above ft tllH', Ilo erA 10 ltl l'lf' tI'l"nd 1'31::;1 (' 1II III ,\" or!" .....:7,1108. "lid 9v ''1' ing in l growll,.nnd of!' will ro.loIn .. It un en th. )1II1'IOIl II very qed. I 1 .1 p riCO Ir(IIIl up 10 86u, lurnqd a. P. BALL.t 00. ... Proprietors, .... _ It \\ Ilys 011 IlIl1u. CIIIIIPtdo ! " .


1.51 b "·








C,flPt'G.!JCil1g.oneOftO\\'I~smnll:1l1dfl'icndMr. A. E.l\rer_ I GUITA,I~9. VIOLI.NS. FL.UT~S. . t , I Ins b III'It "[j I ]'~llgI n ACCORDEOJSS, VIOLINS, It to <;' n N ~ I I' 101'

., 4 ...&


, ::::,I


Ol1l'1 AMENT. -Our



17, 1866.



'ft,,, bo h.ld h' ",I.1'1,,,. MOltl,


of Ih eir put



~}l\l (I'l _"1\' 11' ~ ~" 'l'l'C It ' ' rn~.'orfir1tmrrom. ~\, W ( l, c9.u.u,. l, 'I,,, ..... ,"~ tJ'''~,~. ,Ite sO~'r, ".vJ, ' IT IS ASPLENDID HAIR-DRESSING I,



(,f thc luu'I'ow-contracted ditch thro'

Ill • • hure


Captain nCl' . F . ·Eatoll, U ni I'e rsal WAi'CIIES, CLoe KS. . Tin: Dnytoll ,JQI11'llll II Oallnghcl', of Fl'flnkllll, ill thnt J'E WELHY . <:it,· Snturda.,". C 't I WtlS TV' OOl'lg h ' . is t of Dnytoll, pl'euch ell in J Coucel'l Hull on S a turday eycnin g illat('(l the tnetnol'tlhle plnn for bill" nnd Sundny afternoon, lust. 'Ve rowin g out of LibllY I>l'isoll. Rich - len.rn thnt monthly s cn' iccs will heroG ULlI, S ' LI' F. R AND STEEL




,1\'\ '[J ',tlllll '[W. ' )



' . . . . ELTON rluoru. 0 II 10, \, SCI)\. _ _. Alwaye kel' p 01.1 hllntl I:uoll -~ .___ 'SIC/rimollt ~ ~ ~ ~

J '

11{" ~ I:C f I'O~, th' IS' t'Im e , ~ ""IIII'll wtfllJt .,oIrJtlwljI. - - --

I I. r, .

!li e 3 coil beforo m. Superi or to anything in thu pln.ce kin " ) II ... - - . J rPlurll 11"," k, Iu Illy 1,ld rllS,Iomors u"o/ Iur \\'IoU v!! "d"'llI fllr !, --0 -",d I .. " ..,I,u, .. ,,, ".

"10' "'orp",, .n.d """; "dtl"y or, «.",.. ;,,,1 toi ' nnd L E BAN 0 N, .

l'l"1J1",G''"!.\ It




'UUltl ·. will NISlliNO I-all 1.1111 10GOODti re"o llohle profi o',r wlli ch

IJIDOil~ . ......,




1 '8

' P!!II


nil" ",


THE NEW FIRM , a;;r.~lIrJllpu8~'~ IcCII~ ~i~~


Jf II,.


II ..


,ft b

lisomcnt this wcek: It is hOl'dly nc· ccsflary fol' U8 to Bny in nd~ition, rtliitr<the Old Reliable' stolid Is, ns \lsunl, lip to'tbe utm9stroquiremcnts of the times, an(l no one, of whate,·: t'I' taste need eXlimine their stock


nftLe '&'U

Dat"G TOIl .-Dr. L A. au thoroaply refitted 1, .;&: ~...; 'ii'f" -r ''::'. Ilnd ftrrlutged 'be orIginal ew Drug. !'"======~~!!'!!==!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!I!~ LITTLE lJJ iu R.A1LROAD' -1 't ore IIU"' Id'!ng. ~d opencd."ut fOI


" . ' , ..

' ' D ~EJt OALL, AN "~! __ _ _ , _


Job·~_O _ _, t_k,

of ClU





lu~b ti, 1067. _

J '





!PTIc )

I (OIl DIlVII... Qat ni ..ptiL •••, r.rmer i OJ' ••1.... : il Dlay a.IeI, be •• id IL 00 " I Tb, wool lb.1 IS Illllually • b..rtJa ..... tb. body of 8Yery ,lIe P I T \" KEl.LEl4-CO, IlIIp llrJer. r.eM, fo r III lIeeplng. 10 tbl!i I ·I't''' •• III ('u1l1l8Cllllll wllh their Ilrie 'MUSEBTS A.YJJ CAR/JI.'fB • The W~'lId .. rh,1 1'1 ~Iblhl' ~'lII l1IA.DA.:ftE II. PE.HIt~'" "I,olrnlo lIu.llle.~ h.~ dfl,'rlnlllPd 10 dill r"rI ."rlillea.llre 1o aliV I;;~y g"'1 t 11 •• to IL eolLa Ie.. to keep ehtep tlllloO I&ltr dIHO .h"l r t'~ ••hrectlJ 10 rllll 11111 l'<lr Ih~ U"iI~11 810tee 'l'r \lCC AIBu, II", O"I,I~x J';lIlUllc "klfl '\III L "~t;n·r al lb. Norlh, on aetlllln' e( tho .hurL nl ltllrhrl r~ ' p."~ tI , ,III.· • nl'll fllg u d p~rll~loI"rlv In ell ruwdp,j, 11"11 Del nI ollr Win tilts. Tbeo tbere " die .111" 10 Ih CcrlYsUIII~ r of 40 1,1 Il~ p'r h i 1'"1 lIu"r n ~. tnnln~e, rallruD~ ....• II)Crease-11l lte .. of -great 1m por!_n o~ rf'1I1" FlIlIIlliell "II ,, \1\'1 r Ill " I ,,):Il'lhN I H\}PIloA Lj~G l C;VOI""EI~. ~ Ch ll'c'h rl!"~' IIrl\' chftlr!< I~I r, alu~:or, I'he lnCrellRe la so a!lIcb u]ear profitlu r all) klml r QIIIIIIIIV .. I nd III pock ""~ Jl ou~!" O rp,,~, n ~ I'le ti~lrt til" lie ~'4. hOIll 11115 'lIcre... Ihe fAnner Oli n ~6t .~"8 0' 11111' r c ulld Ullot IIIIIVllfll~ ,",,1 \\ f'B l e ll \I hIm '." liSP lu uc~upy l .",.II.pI'~'" ,,11 111 Olea' for a 18"", If he hb. 0 r lIepn nlled . gives COflt:trmllj! Will 81' IIIIII,l'lIl II 8I1(1('r r lor III Ie ul ""'" , puslly nnu COIIVCll iPIIII~ 011 a .. I~ II he wily IiaYe tbe and tllb .ome .b ""l fne nll. or I"vera. rp "I "rc~ 1" .. 1 or " I Ii p t r Cl'1I 1 nbov~ Ihe coOl .1 "ltpurla ll.11),> lind I:'h\ll Glln B.rrrl~, 111\11 Gu.n, 81.· lin dr" .. nn IlIv/'lu_lll. JI'l\t.lf III r •• of tile older 'heep In lb." plMe. ., d 11" 11 l.ct "0010 'l.!euc 1"11, ,,1' Olh e r Iprl.lft 8 11(.1 by Gun nl!lI\e,.,,"d lhe lr ade I tl/l(>,JIOt 1I)\lIld -IO ~IIV .1 1\aIQ'Plln,~go. ... lied (or T he be8l opporlunllY I.'I'0r ./f,lrut' to per. "tolen properly le l ls )011 t ho IJUSlll h.6 TI Ie pe I' 0 C Ibe,11 eep. 1{ .. 1 I yotl If" Ilea . qllfthli,d 10 l"In" , "ud t n por#on 11\ I'uel. lI eighbor huull en ll IIV u O I(ellcrelly U A, Ind y h.v lll~ OIlJ' ))1'lf. III, vi ~I IIIIl IIo n. SIlYed IIntl Slljll , 18 \Vo l lh I 80ns IVl0hltlg to be firSl'c D'ft ",hoI y ou ,,111 be lI" a l 8Ucll •• f"l. calloee her ac U",lIllltlC~II .ud I.k~ Ihelr Ilftk" I II the \- day ' o( nU~I.f'llr!'lIklll!l 1111 r o mfo rt , .1111 ' " ~~ I conven lallote Qt~!lr!. spoedy m.m0l{ea Illd tl'll. rnu II", v ry be (IJr O IlY~ ul Ih o fo llu\\ 1I1j! IlIlnll d I'C08. alld \ R, hbery "very II 1118" , lure. ll nllk. nnu , 1111( Ihe OUJlI OX ~Ihpll'e' 8It!el ~prla¥ til " uriy al much .. lhe 8Qeep would 5.11 1011 will lAnny, lI'yea you Ih e lI.nlP, will'" • cluh o( .ell. SWe ll l). or m ore 18 m e ehuullI hftv ()lIe 01 (or n WIIl!!1 d"y, Will neve, lit t" r it Ib al,o LlIM m oet 00llf8Dlelit meal l hkelle•• anti c h,aclertsllce "I Ihe prul' n i' nl~r "blnll>fM. Ic ,"1 III '" and "'It '~III eend !III! II"lINGTON 1~1I11r\J!ly Ihepenfc with tl' elr u rtt 10 flaye on hand In Lhe fery WBrmul BoOl,-I~()c ptlrs, Shl' read. yo II' very II,oullhll 811d b, her "' ... Co . .. .. h 10 Int T eus PU I ult III 8t1pnm.t' po c kogee, wllh 1tt.1I c hildre n "'t8~~6 all" young l.dINI~ 1\1. weather B rArIller CR n t Rke care o f one alm~.l ,upernDlural powers UllvtnlM Ihe tr,edllllfh ~" of !he A\)()U IIlMl{lIlticc llt the 1I01lle uf I!uch uc r.on 1I1I1f1l' tI on II I' Irll,.,. d !tIn"j! 10 49~ ;t (h,,", s olyeR 0' i"uperlor til oil blh er1l 1\18 ~h~ ep afwf, being lulled. wltbout lelllng dork Dl\d tlldden mY .lerl o8 101 th e lu,uh' ISto~k (icrUIlCftw8 lIumln~ Mrtlc'"" . ":' .11 entllu6ed '" OliO bOll A s. furt/It' I. hA "lIle Improyeme ll ls 1\1 1'18w l• • "lid SIl' I 'rll e y wl l. n u t berwJ nr ~ed I~, 1\ spnli. Wi,h beef tilla 'I ~ 80nsy From Ihe Ilara we SfC III the flrnt Bmen l IlI.celi 111suied e n,eiup" oltljrtl"f( ":18 dur.-. 10 11M person rnlllllil lip hel I r \\urkmnllslllp AIIlI fu rlll, Will hlld hl1 SII'l!lc ' prlll!; hut \1111 p,e scrveH'tj lie One hllnd eRU ~all lind dre .. a . h eep p hI - Ihe m.lefic s tlre Ihll oVl'rcome 1Ir prl' li ed to tb"u'"el us IInmCll oll IIClr ocr I I I 11 tl IrR C 1I11)1111nl'Ilti pe rlll '~cl ufld fl'"" util i ~hftPO "hen II 'Ito 'reneIaol'S 0 nman dO"'Inole In Ihe confi"lIfallon-'rum Ih e ,,,I,,•• upon pa)1I1 ntul_ I .1I Dullllrs ' n"I"" IIw:r C lib, Wko WI leIIII on, .PX I ~30 nlld lip Ull<n llllle~ In the fLur ortl l llAry 1i1l 1'1 ~ Wil l h. , e be I~b or fI1 au bour. lL ta~8I but lillie t lIlle or .. .1 ~. Wateh worlh ,:00 or 1~1IlI lI' re ry nnc Ol!e ulI· uru{r. U '" , R t I Nnll,foertt I H elll .". paID' to kill a .beep· not ntlRr.1 much I"'peel. and po,".one of lite plnne le or IlI rll.1ran afour ~ rL11I atoB ,,,L.tlos \IlO tu WAr.! It " pe, IlI ,t w.U undp rsl on ,1 ' • • ~;U rJS.IIII!J 01 • r ".1t10"" UMp "S" he 'Iopa "erOI" "' lo k ill lind dre .. I bog or bee C 01) Or Tolollraph H.eportcr:;, filled IDra III thf"hellv~nl nl Ih ~ 11010 or the "rtlcl~ named lborooll III'" n l'",mCIII, \r .I.u wo c ..... ,.11 Teft~ 8 U very I,IIY, bUI Clreu ln r" r., IIlI Olllllljz CiliA 8'lll t~eac II' with ~Il llul e "lid Iw lM"d lhr~lIII, lid .. ~ I l.ltth . ohe deducea .he Inlure dtl8 1111 Y 01 r~'I\(lcllvc uf" WI>TIII ~I~ u8 00 1In.1t'1" .nl wh~n" Ig tIIkell Inlo Cnl. l lll erslI"" Ih.l lIun 01 our orms will bo lurll l .. he' UpUII h"l\I' m roJ. nr" nOI ullly double 1~t1t .coount of convenlellCe .nd economy. man. Fall no\ to cunllilt Ihe I{rc.t t~1 li ed leN! III D 10 I~ 1I1l1ll0<l 0" lin) rlllJc..t e bua ldll8 Ihe 01'11 111111 <1"1 01 IWI")' , nllt"" uI'PllcllllfJ II NY bu l IWl ce (o r douule) rovored plet! we m lly keep Iheep and IIvo upon I»lIt A.1f610g1Rt on e., l . it t.u.l yo" bUl • ,~wllI at one8 b.! ICU II Ih .. I IhlK18 11(1 1" lIerv \ "l e Uruke r . Speeu l nlur. Jubhrr, WI ul e E Rg MI NGTON &1 SO~ ~ I~. _ _ Ih em fro m wt'arlnl1 OU I IVheu drtH.: IIlU 'rlne olltl YOII mny nevu _j!ftlll Io D~ e IU but 1\ 8~rall!~ tur\\ftnllcg lt'UlI1\e lro"·t UIJu::,, sa le t)ua l" r r. 1lt1 R~ I 'llp , h nve .. oeh III - - -- - - - .; '" ~ON I lIllIYn 8100p~, ete lr,. & c ' " We hav e 'lIld tlo\bin\l: .. 'bout it' b eing (svO:oble . .. opporrunrry Co n8111tntlon ...11 " h 00 j)l\rUc'p:1tcd I," Q.O$ "" \ reAp a "u rgl' VfOfil filill 11:e IlIlIullI Puble ~ G(; nN E , The 1)uplel( ElliptiC! tl • Itr II ~ Lhe healthiest roQ<i Thll.' admltled , f,eo. "llb hkone . . . nd~II"e .. re" I,,(orn,, ' '"~\\~~I:Nul'C:lrlllknh' Will he ..wt L' mll il IlIrlUlle'. cuu pe rIlI.!P 8,l lItiUrllll cM. ,, 1"rlgeP. PHOTOGRAPllIC wllh alllo~le! . ',nel 18 unlv , 'II, It nude no nrgu m enL or fllCl1 to prove Ifll' fnr &'c, Which 1,.11. II,vI! l" "on Ihrolll\h be· '01 BrolUh.... ,., N \'. i nHl nd e d b, lhe FnalllYII lII'j! otm lllOt Bryant, Stratton 41; De Han'l lio n. $ 1 P~rlle8 hVlol: Ilf n ,1I.IM,ce r..n 1""' 1 lull" upotl , crell'l 0125 tt 1& IS true tllac pork /s tbe tdue( COll 8111t Ihe Madsm" Iov 11\1\,1 I.' I h I'fl un I $1 et C," 1I lur 2 thlrl, tllI « ,,1111 el, ~.k llt) Ie I lu , o II,py ro ,eh I he clJno" III Cr \I Ii I read Ily I..' (11 O( Il '1111 Ie An r ~lI, "J .rll Skirt 01 I b Fa ~111 \III' Lle World meRL oC .ae fRrmers. It I' troe tbe Ull I"ofe ly ond uII. facli o n 10 Ih p m .~ lve. u8 1lI1l11ll tOI 5 "!XII .I~ IIlIlllllor, mlllill :"1". I l'-"IIII II tllI ~ We pru p'"'' '10 tI" 8\\Uy ( ..~'i t~· I,~I~ "\ ~';n~~.~h~'I I NI O ,~ .',\. <I ""r II,, ' ','u enJov-t~H) fol lowlnlf IUPlllm.blt\4. healtbles l 0 1 ~1I. wbethfr freeb o r 'ilL I lf In pe rSI\ II A full nnd ,xpilci l chA ri 11I1I11Il1"r 10 Olle 1' "l1Il nll"II') mosl IIp,r t: Wllhd~\ e n .ei j!hlhs 01 Ih e.e I'rul1l 8 01111 I".tllll \ .. II .h.I"lvlul. ' r .... I ~ "~ '"' """ vntl\Oll ~' IltrlllOhl1 ,VIZ ,upeliOruII vrated WILLI 81111 to p resllrve II Boulld wnU .. n outl\V\I~l 0 1l111t']"'rI' 8 Il l1 s\\ ercu \\ at<,:.h hit l :> 1 0 A~cn'" ur lhor/o "'1t"h'~I,.. (~X.p~l\Sf 0.1111 It uow remnlll 1'\ With l l lf~ , 111I11'h h IIlIIlU t t ln "'11 11 1ll: frl)III I IV,pe rl t'ctnllulUh"ll1te,"tY "II'h.~.~ nnd Ilk e neati I'nclo~ t·u . 61' 111 loy mnd 0 11 '111 \ 1,I \llIel1l Ib o. I~ 1\ r"" "1'1',,111111111 II, I I 1t"Ple I I K"I ",h,lhor Ihoy s hlll i "" ve 50 III' , of . 11110. I'I~Cf,\ II N I N I . 1i:1. 1 IIR I r II~" hil i h , f1el<lhl.Jlr . ~lurnh l1llr r~m/ n LeL every fllrmer !leop sheep Tbey \ 1 , e( rlpl of price ab"v p fllPII\l"n~,1 'flte II ),:1111111 .1 , 6111111/ 1, 1III> !I ""' ~' 1.11 "nLh'~~ I ~r ll " 1'0 ..- 1 Ou ppr II0uI\,I . 0 " pv, ry p,.u l\d ,r Ih, .1 I " r .. " , I' rt· ,I. 11,,"1 «rtl II lOl' I' UII 'l oco nolllv. onqulre Illr J \V Urtdl. O~IDnd lire th e DlOst prolHabl() a lo ck on 1\ farm. ' l\"'~I'~ 1 .~c .e.y mnlnl"III~I'•• ,,,1 "II I''''' ".,1 lJ\ 11 "oI Oulc l lllllc"II "11"""1, VI" II lu 1 0 '1 ~n lhey p"rr h llse or b. clJml"u l1 ~lllu ... 1"""" I , 1. lug '" 61 0",,1 1'11'1' F;ll1pllo or t10 ubl e 8pl\lo It'I'1 .~ The hog 's back p e lu s only hmllel art' 1H II( l utlln tv,.. . '" ~ ."td ]lora!"" • I~ • 1,1'. d R e ( mus t t\.\lI 1of r~~ I'Olld~nc~ 'RI lIrn c I or IIe.lruye rc,. .1 1II Ukl.l"( •• l" g lVt' Ih e r IIfII llIlld II) " I\U&t 01 Ud Cle .. .. ~Od ....... ut "f~ ." , be 811re \011 j!CI 11I 0 1i'0~11 I~~"I't\t wlllie t h e sbee p'a dowoy \Vool All ef(' nce' (.f the hl~he.1 urd~r furlll"h"J 1 U IlIOIlUII II-Ii, 01 I' 0 gu Le i IHI'II S "I ,I"." . \0.( III ( " I"'" 01 , ltU1' IOff -To gll"rd Ii' Inti 1" T'I ~ \ha tl s reu hogs II gone. unle .. YOIl ktll II ho.o de Slr'I'1! Ih em Wnl e pln llll > Ih e l ~ 1 3111 (;111111 ~lI\' \ v,k 1 f£l) LA ll " "'~D SMArr PI AIE1U IVlll h \1' ..",.... . 1 All ,,",I I l ui4,uVIUIl'" efllllll, bo p.rtlMlo!' 10 nOlleo Ihtl .1. wbll~ tbe shee p WI" '}l ay (or 110 JII~ .. I II,e IfIOlllh fllld \ par 10 II lll"h y nll - - - - -~ - - - -l in" r~'M lu .~ II QI!' 1111 C. " I" !let OIlI1II" oll llrlld 08 ' DUPl,~ , • hn,o I\le~: keepmg Wllh Ita fleece yeRr{y 'l'lIO hog 'Hr" born. e ll c lu ~ II'1! n Fmllil I ~ k 1) 1 h m EXCELSIO'R I EXCELS10IR f ! 1 ~I\IClI \I Ilh 001 11 11 o llc k'"IY" S III 81<11 Ihelr OIUIIlP, VIZ • J ~V UraJleY'8 DUp'jpl~ 18 a tillll y . vorilClOU8 BOlIllBI - th e La.wgeat, Cheapest. and Beat A ddr e.. MAOA~IK II A PfR RWI) I ___ I tr ,, ~I, hut no r~d lltl l lln~CIIII OU 0100<. " . \rollo Sll'el Spri ng !! ," "pon 11l01V"I\oni .bellp. gellile all II dove. sod nliM 8nd P 0 Dr aw er 293, nuff,I". N Y (' II A !it .(. ELL" " • I§ I h e.~' IIru "l lU l e~lIle Imce. L- nune others a'll Ilenu me, AI", lialilt 1n Amenea. • Ieall fy -[Genossee Farmer. 1-- -- I l\1 :~ ~;I r:rXf 4\ r,ll,I\.1l\) Ihu t /'Very H bo" ....UI admit I pin bIll I , l&!rr~l IIl:~rcilU!l:.t\l.~.l:l!~ ~'L\ ~i11l. P RIC EllS T ! 1""~sedlh 'lJ:tj{h the oe lllre, Ih llS rt'9n~ ClirIlun o &. lIol curON ~c " YO IJc . h.\e ~ I For:RemovingSuped1uou6 Bair OJlorg ( Bl ork). 70 8 0 !.TO $ 100 $1 Ill, C. I. I".!'u .... nl on IH " 1 015111 111" Ih " two (or double) RprlO1l8br.lded lott" I treAd, . n ~clll"v~n 11 Leltc,.. 'rtln ~ l n I "row R" " V lo ur tlt.h.c IrJ UCI. fo ur , u' l' c hea 1 ~e 8l i l t5 pf" f fl ou no . \11 0 ,,1, r I .. fUn! tl ~,J II pH 1!lItii (rolll o nl ther lhersln. \Vhall II the Kee rel of 1hflt led by Lady W ~ l lnec, 1\ III form 111111 Mozarl's ..,ur WIlt To Ih o I,,(he~ l'speclally. llllo \D\Alu . Ellj!: ll . h nr~lIkl ,u t tllltll ~), 80, no. $I I 00 1 "1,, 1. f! '" w,lI h' flll,,~1 "I 1 to "00.1 , .111 hI I tlexl~"lly elld8lrenglh. alld a etlmbln.d l.oCl~f'8 ; • lie" cdlllllll of 10tl'01d 8 COII~le I I). ,d rll' lit c o f r OllifOl l qmJ n n ! \\0 1 til _ Ii,.. Ir 1 b ~ r.. I 1111111 ~ Itt ~ t S"'l;l e I I{' lllrl. , .!a ~e ll\t tmr. it -'-'I "8t to he foun d. In ony othu Bklfl Oft LectureR IUII. trllled by Ohnrlca Kecllc - von....e Open Do, lI .. tl Eveull.g 0'''' .go I IIH\le you,hl,' rOn' lI~ ly ""J lu" I .blc Il e plIRLo ry r ucommelldo ,, 8P 88 ea t '1:I 1,:!u ~e r P UlIlI' , 'I''" or ." _".. illl:' '1 '.111 , •• 11 1 _ F I I ai l A11,1 '''J0II e 1\1 ) ~II' UIV II l u~ u ... " h.,r bein g An d , o s l 1I1Ih sp" nsR bl e Ilrl, e le 1.0 VOUI1!! I II .11 " (G rPR " ). 35. 95 $ 1 \)P p ~ N I) , _ ,,' . , 1-.. rl.'''~ I" 11.11 " ",,"I"on In 1111 f;t'.I or 81 e n Slo re. wh~ ~"I Moore 8 1.llll l1h Rookh . IlIlIstrlltcd b) J oh" KEP .. RATOI& (JA..'.LLf. l l~mtlll: bellul ~ \8 flR"III 81'plle,l. (.\De s Iro ~ I 26, su pl'rlOr $ 1 bO I'~ r l'ulI lI,l "I. H"'''I(' , .. . h",. ( ,r ",>rO,I II I I II ~ 01 , ' 11) \I'~ I cl068 ~ klr le Dro 8u ld IhroulIlloul Ihe VII 1'clltuel . Pa lgr'" 0'" EaaayA On Art """ • b I II Hklll bUlt Acl A M'x"11 (Gree ll ftllll Bl ul k ), 70 80,90. besl 0'.1 1) ")( " . '10 0" I" '. A ......' I)I'.a Clonl 1'1 l e il Stnles olld pho\\ hpre 011111011. . In tlStmted , or Bo~a AlldCl'8cn's Ie. $ 1 OU per puulI,1 'I"r • ", of I Mau lJ fnc lured by Ib eEOlcownirsollhe F or reelorlRll h81r tlpon bald he. dtt- no. IIrn 0 Injure ' .... Iea, ltob"'Aon Or1l80e. nnl! the Adventllre s of II U lil e Frencb' Boy. oml Chro81mllA in ('rom whatever ce Ll le II Oluy h ov e 'olle n I dlr~(t ly on the rool s It 18 "RtrAnlPd 1 11II~llfl.1 (Green), $1 ~, but, I"". JW'1I11t1 D. " .. ,....d 8.1..11 ..... mId I;rI ....,I.. pat"nf. EngWul, pnpera from WABhlnglon Irlmg ' oul) - ftnd rorc lIla n j!rllWlh nr h ~,.. IIpon to r e mo ve auperfliltlu, h",r fr011ll low J "P"" . ' 00 $1 to ,1110 hes l per It. . " I" If" ~ Ih'"\1 ""! ., •• RIIIIII" .. hllllf lft WEST::;. Bll ..\ J ILEV &. CAII.Y II llCrall~ l~Il\~ lrjltod. nna It Inrge number 0 1 Ih e lacp . II h .. no a quftl It will (urce ro rellMd8, or (rom sny p".1 o( thl' botly GUI,pllwd~r "(Gre e ll), $1 ao, b~"t $ 1 60 IV.I, r ( I ,r' n, " .. l1Ok. wlllt Iii. ""I of 9'7 Cham'lere & '7-') & tH- Reld I' handsome \l[clori,,) gl n books alb pt:ed to th e he .·,1 10 grol\ UPOII Ihe s mooth 081' oOfllplelely. totallv IIod rfldlcfllh, .,X\Ir per poulld T.·N •...... JtNTF.D ,ut'lIIiiTlil. 94 am ~ulIfJ people h08e publilberi. ,,!tll ,llnll,o vv n: Ii i lk I J Ptl; rl lt!~ tit .. Jl tlJ; I °1 1 ~P' .. h 'httl Ih r l,~ ror 11000 tastc \Vjlh con.lderllble enterprl8e, hOI C III fro m ve 10 e g It wee • • Il r 1"lr UpClI1 p!'llng lll" a"me. i eaYlng Lht! &Inn ~o ll, COFF EE DEP ARTMENT. ' .'1'0 11 ,1 \VII" u, " '" cI s, " I I"... " '.I"/VIl " . bAld heods In from IW'I 10lhrpe mnlllhs I d I III. 'I hil 18 tlile olllv • o::r 111.1 " " I, .u , I'h~ J"1 • 1.1.,,,1 d",. II ,I 8 ";0 1118ued a r~lIUIrka blo contributIon to hi h d ll' We hue l.t ~ ly n ~ld e d ~ G tT,·~ D ('~nrl r I I I A few 1""or.II' Pfl cllliofler~ h.v e eeoert am?<,11 I\D tlR ur e rar, history and crlUClam. entitled Cite '.A II "Ihere I' nothili/! 1110' Will furce or IIrltele . sed by the Frene , RII I rs Ie 117 I •• 1\ . .. "r"" , r ,r.e "flee 10" .,,' tbor.hip of Shakcspeare.· by N.thanoel EMBRACES ed Illat lr I d I l menl tlJ tUJr e~t,.b"8hlllen' . nllli !I thUII!!1I tllll l); " " 'I I IIIK Ih e <.;. l , \,ill hu I uur c... " llt:q Hiilmes or JJt L\lqIB. In whlcb • • ,th great hul e n Ihe Ilrowlh 0' 'h e 1!OII or hp.,d .- onl) r6ll1 ell~ctufl e pl a ory In ellil we cnllllU\ "ro m .. 1' Ihtr .. ""'Slt'n<"r .8gr~ul " .. vi lit. ,,,,' 1 , ~" , ,,h l"I'I' " "' Ne\V ' u ric .blhtl', Ii follo!{ed tiP, Ihe Ide .. started hv Their BlII!,llona are lalep, 18 Ih (lllennd. 01 ence Price 7ft Ct'llts por p"dIAlCe. - • HUInji( . . we enn 011 Teft R, (I he m ~ rl! "1 ",,,. " '" In "h I. , " .. "" Io n" , Poor Delta Dllcon. tllllt tho Plays .. nd PoemA ,n,., Wllnt'll8e& (fr~m rl,,'" own p""perl- ue~L """I p""I. '0 ,,~] Bdd.eelt.,on re r I pro,,1 " on (.0 m J \ (l tl K~ V ,I/. --07117 iii IIrol l' h O ..lnl..~ ",ph ." Y ~eep1D· IJ!' ... r -o CPs btll llar V.. ,y Amn II) 9 6", '1 N I llv of Wilham Sbllko8penre \\ore wrltlCII b, -~ D' cllee) cnll b~.r wJlllt~R Bul mally Will ClliplOr lin oror~r hy yel we IJ AII "I' ll Golf'ees fully !1~ pt r ce nl Francia Bacon, BarC/1l Y«"Inm and V' RCOll llt I"oy. holY ore we 10 dl"lIl1glll.h 'h e (lenll llEI1GEH. S HUTfS & CO. chpRpt'r 111011 ret.. lerl chnrge Our Cu i " II 0'1 ('4.J It ".·UIl • 81 Albano. once Lord Ohllnccllor or Eng l in e Ir olll the s purlUlI s I 11 certftlilly 18 Ch ll lllltlS. 2115 RIV e r SL. Troy. N. Y Ieee come ~ hr er l Iro m Ihe C U810 m 1i ,'lIsr 041, bu ~ dllllfll"!'ed, WIlli dlsgrRce. 011 hlK0" II public confest!lob of Lite gl'Os&eet corru(lLllllI "Illicull . .. nllle. llltihe '" 'he dWfeYe llt lind \\e rUlAt fttlll grlllU Il lem pe rl e. 01) E . 6'1; H T. ANTHONY & CO , anll malfcas&IIce III DllIce as adll.pled I.() every department \' Prep.raIlO". odverllRed f<lr Ihl! hn;, a.... "or p, pul up rill lv, Ml,re porr;lIi patkn. iI1(otufarturelil of JH " II J' I " r Hotngr(1[! Ie JUcr'~ Macauley's HI8tory p~ Engla@ edlter! by I ate and heA ro! nre I'nl re ly wurth!'• •",_ Rllu YOll ges , .1 '''1 .dvRllcc or 2' cenl 8 ,.r poon o rl·ul•• Lady T revvli!ln, h . onlv slIIter ,.11'1 II blog o f nIstness, nccur ( "'ft' hare alreally tllrnWII n" BV IMj!c Ou, 'Vh ul,••• jp I' nce-Gr .. ull'l1 com". r"poy h y D~o ll Mllm" lI . hilS been reP'!bllt!harl r\lpld commorcIaI cal' omo""I & III Ih e lf purll,n . p Tu ~lIrh " e \ ch es lurceu 10 gruw _ Purt' ft IU~!!O . 30 \c III S Jl er p"II IIJ. II tol 1"" ,1 .~AI. lin \11. b)' this bouso T IllS 18 Il SII J1C"h edltl oll II Ilh "ulll,1 .o y, Iry th o R EI'AnATol\ C,\PU LI, IIpun Ih e8 mool heHI 0 d ,. 'V" rllIllelll l ovI1,",O c t~ ne~l Col ) ' 3 01 nllUA.D \\A :':. N. Y. now jlOrtrull Qf Mac. ul er - L1'lul l'r()s~ culattons, Lmsmci:ls II II 1\l l)ost you 1\0111Iu ~ ull leM. It cumeR foro III rrum thr ro 1.. 11 .40 reol. I .. ,I,,, ,, ,, I, "" ,,,,,1,, hi'." u f 1'110 I 0 COrrCR ponuencc \1011) IIp to Ullr rCpre"~ l1thlIO I1S If y ,ur ~o £!I::ill IVp ek • • by ~, ","" :Mo'~ y -~ \I-tl"" '.IIUII"!; &111m ~ (.It AI'U \I 1\ I I III AI" " " "", H ."d'lunr c.7 A new oounlerrel~ bill III report t Ornl( ~IAI nnl!e nol ken!, 11. 8"",1 \I • • ~ I 00, usln~ Dn S&VIGM,t s !t1S'IAURACI un CA I". l(J!\s lhllll 8 II I"r I, .. rll cn" c. ~ hOl1lol I... ("r Ihe I~,II(\, I\~ . VI< ed-a five d()lIar b\l\ on tile P e opl e ' s , COflllnCrC 0.\ Mid WI! wll forward 111'0"1,,010. IIII! e lilPr PIILA IIl~ . th e m O'I.y\lIl~ crru l d .. covpf ) III ', lid ,,"h Lh '~ 1 n ltl~1 I I' IJ \) , ,f) ~"Ih, "' ''''GOI1'OI'~_ n,.t <1U.""plc: , r~ Nt'L\on,l.Bauk 01 3"Rok80n. MlIllllgRn with n r rce lpt Ifl r tlt e mOll ey, wh'ch wll1 mOfle rn 8C l enC 0 , actin!! IIpOfl th'~ Ut'n rd OJ(W C \ t to rtn'. thu ' Xl" llfire uf ('o ll. , ti nJ,: " I), IIItH ' ''' II I I If !- , I t 1t[ 1I ( It " !tuai L l' 1I i 'l'be tlellgo ' S' correot, bu ~ the eng-ra· la", be re lurned you on Rflpllc.ntlul1 t prll\1I1 111!! 1' nod IIUlf 'n on almost 1I1Irn CIIJ'JU'-' rn n," . 1..A.xl ll ee~ Bllt l'lrr-\) utllc tol we Wl N 1'011(1 L, '( Iil' .t (,I )U IH~ ""nl" l r1 e l c e llill e pollsf.clionl" lI ollI"' "' Addr@8S n er I t hn s been us ed I,y Ihfloil le u( I,,· ""rc•• lIlIIl t"IlCtLVUe!dlltll "', .. no.eDI,h \ i .. ,y" "flbe Wo ... ~lng II cOBrS.,. On tbe blck the "OI't1e W 1. CLARI{ &. cn , chen"'I . rl S nr.d LOlld , II II uri Ih e m(lOI !lIIl Onll !! Ill" II e ,11 ,,11 I" 11" 11" • I , II \I'"'' 10 r~c ... ' "tb .. Dote." &0 .• touch the OrDftnH nIsi No s'V~eLFDyelte8t.SJlftCU ge.N y "" Nll mo s .. foil p' lrlh • • erswdl ", ,,11,,1" "11 11 ".hu , < fl ('u I'r>v"' " "" ' ~ borar ; In lbe gellume Ib&y do n Ol \ be r@gI8tere,l, .nd If e nllre 8 .II ~ fll cl"l n ls II . ' ") ,,10 . 11 . , II, ,I. " "" • ,t oUllh It. Many other things Ilre de· RI' t 11 01 !!I~en III eve ry IO S I"" C~. Ih~ m u n ~ v 'C. 1' .....; LL I~l' 4; CO , fecIlY8. buL LIlt> praLe may f» ImproYed _, .. Ie C \V III be tlh~~ rl lllly rel lllld llu Prll"e by 10 R' lo make n IItllt more dange roul. Innll, aeft li,h nd poslpald. iiI I .. 8C ll p L.le 1'011" & (1\


The World Astonished,



1!!iI"IE. I.







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Pocl{et and Belt Re' olversa, 1""."' 'fi




Rifle Cant"s, Revolvmg Rl





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'Ne: y.:~II,






T e1egt'spb lng,

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IIvq Circulars .lIdERIGP~E~IRmoI\lH.IU" Trnrnsl' t~~ 82 SO Y"~ l \ S I I ~ I I ~ I II 'OnK "hell 1\\ Ibe lI e e of Dtt TOl'v lI f PO'S ElIx (ree. Adt!rpo. B , H "" IR ,(1I1 ua n hQ eUl ct! p e rmOIi ClIU). nnd IIi It Chpmlsl'l " No . 2811 Rhe •• Iree t .. U L E S .r A R GO ' 8 trltllllg cost 1 Tr ny , N V 80le "1:01118 (or Ih e U S. .. Th o nAlo\ lI.hmll:succ()e~ \\llI chh •• "ttenli l\ I, J Ihls 1II\1I111lblc lued. el• ., for £'h) "Icn l nnrl, EA: U Ne ll"u. Weakness (lcllenll Deblh!1 lI od • Allb.ltn l Gllld· l l'rn8t"lllIlI. Loss of JI(II"c\lln~ EllorS I 1m en, Flaxen. 011,1 ~ The 1l.ew Beautifier of the n -----I'Otl'II00. or ftll, of the COb le(IU e ne~. 01 \' OIItllfll) JmlillCnoetroro rerocrert1' it the most SlllIen CURLS I Tesllmo711als from Celrbra(ed bul,U ullll\l. ... pre""rllLltlOl fIJ~ er dlSCOI orecJ "ro' rlllc-d b,· tile ~ r" < ThiS Me rret btlaUltrY'IIIl tho ~ kln be· It ..11 reMOV& an ller.ODe nfteclloA8. de Ule or Prof 08 DR EUX 's FRI!lFII Lt: CHE' 'IIIl known ollly 10 Mu! 1'8 J ure,1 &. R e li t, l 1~':I~';;: fu:leofc:~n:~~~~L~f.t,ri.,:lU~ nt/x On_ppllcalloll qoarranleld to turl Ihl')' hnlloubl)' "ate It d illur. I;UIII' of "clfdeo~rucllon. fen P1l '" _a\litv. &0 Ie rhlt MOM .trftrghl end elubburll, heir of nil other prep"'OItOn8 It (llvee to Ihe HOLl: IN T~I DAf, tbe '.moul In· .111 re.tore the Appeti..... ttIe'W tlie bealth of ellhe, .... Inlo " .. ., ringle II. IIr he.vy. malt ".rsh and Irl'ckled ,kill bolh 'be iliaD chief" iii, Jalt relatDed 10 hlB Ib080 wbo ha\ede8!J'O) cd II b1 "tl8_'~ maHIYe ~..,j.- H.~ bel'n 11ftI'd by Ih(! \ lltlllme.~ coin, of Jll)lIlhed I,ory. roo 1I0me 10 MlDneaoLIl. from W•• hlngtoD. ... eVil proctic<ll ( •• hlonebll" of rartl nnll Lo""'Dn, WII" mo.illfl all dl.colurnlll"l ~ whether ap. He brlOis wdb hupa white wlCe. "hom Youn~l\lell' b~ humbu gged 110 more loy Ihe moet a,.li(Ylhjl rtlul16. Doee no In· pe.rlnjt 08 Irecklp8. lUll, lI:orl'h ~w. moll . he mamed from Ibe ...lIdr,elWIUard. (~I1"d, u.trufllll and IgnorftntprllCliLloners. lur, II) Ihe hair. PrIce by mOlll, Belle,1 (Or blnck.worm .pecka I1I1J 18 Ea pe r. llily All per,onl d t Id'l • De ICflr I lye ('1 rCII Iars. auccc8slul til 810 lotlllll" .' Hotel. in Washington, where be latel, "-,e pureh .. lng"llp. til but l scnd without to I' ~dollll "--- Illfor the d IEliXir Illld he A In pOI PP, ouL lhe lIlurks II ollce ' ~6 r.I tv MEl, I IIU mpplllc,s mQ\letllrell. Addres8 DEItGF. 1t S.v:Jn b .. llOpped. Hole·ln-Lbe dRy i, abol1l ., tbll Coi ... hrfcuL Gure 1M 9 .uorantced In ovo "' m KI I I . e t " r , • N ' lelt Y '1U1.!. fuX numerllualy marrilld •• Brlghlm POICO. SJ . Or 4 uottle8 to 0110 "ddrq.'. OS' & (,0. cbeml"a. o. ll86 RI\'er 1"f!UI. The Dge ", It '" • L EmulI de 1'11111 mosl Ooe uoltle IS ""O""e nt \0 effccl " cure In Tro\,. N. Y., .010 .~nttr fur Ihe U S tOllfldollt Iy s ubmit In Ihp publl~ Ihe ear YOUD'. ~ ~ aJ.l &rth anr~ CtlSM - -- neat endOrdCU}Cllht vi •• 5;h d1 8 u"g",u~ hed ();:']'" A celebraled French preacher In , A IIl(l, IIR JOIN\I\.LI!·' Sr. rPlc PI"" l.dle8 D8 • lermon upon lhe dUly of winl, ..rd: ,I rUI thc 8tec(IV fllld IlOrmllllC nt curo or Ulln 11'1. • 81!!nOr R RISlo fl, 1\1'110 F~""I II V e8: y uh, .ee In Iliia conl,!rrgallon a wom.1I wbo f)."hell , lIuct, Urclhrnl DlsqhRrgcs. (lr" el. MISS l\I~"~ I" Mh e h.-U. n.. wcrs lStl ltturp , ollt! "II nflucloons nf t ho K,dlloy Oh' .1Ie woo o•• ullr" lo",1 '''If , I. II" W MJ • P , boa bee n guilty o( Ihe lin of dllobedlenca Ov "ppl) Inil' before J"Iy I. 18671 \\ Ilh ,l.. ry " I " ""d ,",hH"I I.,... . T llel e ~Rlcrn m tl ulllet, 10 lief hu s band, Dnd In oreler to pOInl her Tire of tl\Ie conege oYer 1\ 1'lIld 1lI11uuor Cures cffcctcil \II fl om 0110 10 It 1I .. ,s 'rhey lire proplUtd fro m H J(etll Wh ooe curllog le".I"I. 10 11 I 1I1, .. ".J, Mr~ Emma \V hUpr, I.UI y OUI, I Will fhng my brovllry at h!!, head' otber. fe, that It la one blt\ C:t trIH.1\i tfnl.t. or e- ftat01I Cd& (I ll th e "' Kt.. IU; 1 lie hailed lh" very h e.uL nud .Ul ud RUHhtOll, NCI!'I1l1fl t:1e He 11(led 1111 book, lind every lemnle heatl I\ "lle! m'Cll1 nu<cll lc 10" 8100lllCh 1)1 1I11,1I Cg (;RISI'EI\ CODIA, lIIurlillerlltr.. l\ll '~ lllat.lllly ducked 1I11t' lh, L'e .lh No ChOIl " of,l 1(l" II CCO S For Curlin""' the Half of e1ther A~II~5 P" rrv ~~ .......... "1\1\ "h,le " 8"'l! UI~1If IIQ' tloe. thell Icl ll. I I " ond m~lIy Ollie,., wllu_e hl llh ' In'ldlnlX '" 0:7 A ,"o\\'er,II)lng 10 get her IItlle ~ "' 101" IlI I1 I1UC I IIIt erf"r o willi bU8U1e.. 1'111 Selt into Wavy and 0 110881 Ih e pro ll~8. lun g ive" 11.0 . Iullin 0' 1t"lh. IIlughler 01 Ihre . yeore old \0 eleep, Dne ~ lIIl . rllee, $ 1 1\ ho ~ l\. " f, ILhcl ul the "bo\ e mOIlLlOII CII n.IoelCh mg let I, or H eavy. lulne81 10 tJ.e.r ,ll4oteLill(c UI Uti. ~enLJtllc night, &lId 10 ber I\l ltho "O llt to I\n. ",hh ess c\oHe il F ~ Il etl l!Ialnve Carls np Ifoyol. 'Anca, why dOn'I)OIJ Iry to&,o to eleep l' -------------------------------G-REAT CHAIN u lI~II","lpU l d, I>r WlII1 or CXl'ro.. ( II. ICle,l'( By uatng thla erllclr~. Ladlp@ RIIII G e n The beOll\lful Lu ci l le W cs tN tr s. ys '1 am try lfIi.· ah 0 repired. 'But you bayen't ahul yuur eyol ' , 01 )Jl lCe Ad,h oHS llllllrders to Ilemen GIn bea\llify Ih erneelvt'!I • Ih l)"' \ I finlllh nlihe 'Em"II·l'rodur.r.e .lIlhe 'Welf, con't help II; 'um'. come unbul JilER(,E1f,s SHUTTS & Co Oheml",:. sond (old It I" Ihe ollly nrllej e III the \ I",III I UCY o f ruuge ond IIly.wlllll' . Wllh 'II I ___ ' f loned.' ~ 5 1(1\ or S treet, '1 roy, N 1: worldlh.t Will curl 8lr'ljghl hnlY, t\lld '" Ihe greal on<1 pecull nr • •lvllntaQ o or loln l I1IO Al lhe .. me lime ~I ve It a bealllllili . /(108"y hormle .. no ... It rrhlly odds fo the 8011 , f "~~"Ie. !~ I .' nppeMrallr-e The Crl.per Guma 1I0t Oil· ne88 Illd be""ly o( Ihe s kin , Morc IjloSUC. ~ \ ( 0:7 We luna 1, aay to an aged lady ,) "DOD" bur I~ llurI'I~, hllr. but IlIylj!ornlc a; beoulI· The Magnlficellt Yealvnll •• ya· I . . . . .e G,~tI, .t!ilf r , " fiea •• nd cII!JlII.ealt. 1IIIIghly 1~ld delight A 'll' k . Sh anI r ." ry, ml\dlm: we've all iO& to be 010 fully pr.rrymed, ftndle th e mos l eomplp.te I hne Buffered eY) lIlu e h . Irom tllc vorl · I I Jmc WI oop 11. apc , Ski'~ SPlCUCLlS . el)metlllle. I( we hye." Tbat Dlln located to tile loadl", clliee of tho U nil cd arllcle 01 .... kind ever offered 10 Ihe nilS wh:le lottone. &c , "IIIch mv lh ea lrt , Place bttler tlto. any olMr , " Stlleo and Canatll, and Bchol.rohlpa I alual have h.d a gralldmolber whoIll A mp'lcan publlo '1'ho Crlaper C Oltlft cal pru eaSI()1I ubllges me 10 li Me . that I CONRA;D NARVIlSilK'. ( ak\rl la,loYed. buught III thll collfge Will bft' ~ will be wit to enr _d.lre.8. lOll ed find co rl. ,dolr It a ftp,(eelll e ne lo nloHnd 1\ PII\I.AAItUNfA.O€)T~ ,....:n_ O~i' 'OP1I1t 'l' 1l1;I.AS 'fhlll new Ind beaulilul 111'1. 0 ~ 6tt pOltpftld. for II Addr..... 11 order~ 10 pre l'",lttoort which ~eo Ih e ne('el~ery 1 (P~lcnte d March '7, 18611,) " .. Rottl in In1 or all nf Lhem • . . Silver plate, valued It 8350, ,CUM" itT AND W L. CLAR.KE & CO, clle mISI". whlleneRI 10 Ih" Ikln, ond leovee It cool bv Ihe Gaul' A.mlcAS [lIITI'I:O: , Cuu. Ftlf\ I ... ,. No a Well F.yette at N Y andlmooth. "00, and 850, 18 to be ilyeO by tbe ,.1,1':1, '" t3. It ~Ud fIII,-. Ne .. ~.rIl ('I.,.. beld Ib NelY Yorll, October, 18.66 RUPTUII Hn - S, nl I,.ol1gwortb Wrat Houle, CIOC1IlDaLl. . - ', ' 1\11 •• MalJa le l\11Ir.hpli ny, The IInrle ;~I~ etl 1n~ lt ;-'h ~ otteallon A SILVE", 1JIEJ).Uo. po.t paid (or ,., - --..:.....- - ' -- - nexl FIll, hi. FQr tilt belt .. iDe grape, I ~ h 01 III !>I II It 11'1 rr ..., fl ' , , Iven (01 I «ent. Allcl ru. Th.r~,lh glad IIdlngo o( JO) 10 .11 £0 ynanr .nd 10 old. to gr.u o"d tu " "n il, hnv. trte. I e 8ltln bllsullfitr. 'L'Em· e pv, ~ • a g enpra ,. to The Hillhell eremlum rver I Dr. F~ B fO(J1!:. 2d. For lhe ,ar1811 (If WIDe'; 3d. preCIUUI ... d Iii de Pnr18,' IItd (o""ld tll1It It "tatell,l, IhflRe ee leh raltil InBLrllmenla 01 Ilia own "Q'o~ 'Sklrt! l1S& jJ .y ... N V Th. he.uly wllich once • •• Remember, ID bUYing ,our Ichollrebiptl. \ iOl Lhe btl' libl. grIpe. ",... ., Imparle. nalural bloo", ., .. Lo mnnlll~elure. billa 0' the hl'st 8e88onl1d Th S I g.; • te wound wllh I \0 IP,1ty at the Ihe compl" ...,n. mot e ns !_, h~YIn' 011 the latest Improve. Ii e IdOl! I~.. r'"gttl" e 01 I cotton COf Sent on ... Ied It fre. lor ..... ..t.1l no.), b. (.,r, lnte w ra tll1'- p IC DY THE US.' OF monl p me p "'VIlli t:? A fear Cltl, 11.1 ocollr fm '~ lope on re . , CONflD(NTIAl (Jured'a Emeil de Paris' 10 uMe d u ~' _ erh1ll) whlr-h, Will nol ",,,ar, 00' or:~jl~ , . Ipl ~r 10 cenl. red 10 VirglDIII. Thi~ly wb,le aDd CH {Itt. S TEL L A Rl '8 delicetl! beaul lfier of Ike ~llIn (o •• Thealre Full Frame, over,8lJun&, Bass. sO llcJ, "ntt lho w,hole sklrl m~Y~ lulllll' INfORMATION "ddr... I), f. R ~OC'r •• "'"hnr of thirty lillie colored IIIlDere were killed Saloo,. 01' BaIi. Room , by Ihe moet fI·fined F RENOI! clnuo ACTION. tARdE 80A: LBl. 'Ell WIT"" UT IlU t1l1.T or felf " rOil HH MARRIE.D! Med".1 C.lnl n" 4", Itnd .CTt1pulou. ladie.; producln/lI\\I Ibll Thele RlanQ Forte. 'fA nl)t .Utpn8~pd alld WIll be 8e good .~ DOW. by In elplOlioll in lhe Clovar Blnco,l. Son •• • \l ~O !1m'" For IIII .... ovlng.1I4 8ellltlll.,'01l the b88l1tHylnll effeCI. nf rOllge Ind IIly ...·lllt9 f I db F' ~ BS-3m W8J , Nt!w York ~ I ... without II elr 9 I Ir I r In ury I"' th n' 81renfll I an tauly of Inh.h Ollro. pltl, Cbeat.rleld toWDt>" 00 W edlel. Gnmp Pltlon. I u" & ere Il J r' " e blliol,. p. Ollt" Power, ••• Sln,lUi EluDIi. aq,o,nl., ".'¥, I • .JI. d,y, 3d illit. n dlle Ie tIM lM-lI"t Illd rIOll complete Th. mOIl . . Iu.ble and perle'~t preplrl- .klll •• I, I" bl wllh orv in ,lie ecntry. FROM I., OK 18 to',IICIt tlon In u .. fot' ,1.,1...g llae aklrt a beaut'. Sold b, allfirBt·ehMl Drulll!"'• • Pe,(tl0 ~ollf. 'rbl8 IDYenlion com n.. Of'" hm.. Elliott. who I! . . Iohed to fitht PER DAY, mlde 1IIIIIy Ihe ful pearl.lIk. lillI, Ih.t I. onl'l loun .. In mera and I.ldlel ' "alr·Dre~.erl. Sy thollo of any Milker In tJU, Country nory cnllon Sltlrt tbe ad.,.\\II\I*I rI de Ch .. Gall, " her.of Cleyeland Obro on year r~und WITHOUT IlItIK, In I new bua. youth. It qllickl, rtmovel Tilll. Freck. L. la.b •• u, 8llll Broldwa,; Dem.. ·I'h .. y .... warranttt\' (lor tht 11I11 1,rm o( RILY ll k S KmT, Ih e bot(om ~oIP:"f1i1rl. tho 91h of July, IlIr IJ\OO a . ide: r8ce~tly Inea" .Ight, pleu.Dt. Ind bonw ab1e , no Ill •• Plmplel, Blotche8, &Ioth Patchel, Blrnea & Cu ,Ind 1'. C 'Yelle & Co, ? Yenr". 1 he In8pecllnll o( I 0 mllllloni 4n me n9 Ih,ls e !lIe d In the I ',,'II rI. cloled an 'ireemellllo fillhl Oa"l, of Ca I. , 110 OOMrliTlTlOK Geod energetic ollenla S.lIowne~ aJld a\l ImpulI~lea of the .kln New York;. end ':lJgene JOUIII. 111 Sollllir Jll)bllC 18 ~p'p!'~tfllll' eollelted. LiberAl Ih e cuverlng o f w III ell c8nllO~ nt~ ,Ilh ilornll. 10' 81.000 1.14.,0D the Illlb of \ LLsdlel and GenlleDlen) are wanled 10 -klndl, tiea)inr Ihe eame. lelYlllg Il Tenth .treel.and Julllleon . Hollows, & t e rmslU Oeoler. Tplcliere . nd (::.terg)' whlle-Ihe "PpOf , one8 Ire (lO'\:orn oDI IIhy, In Canida Flnrv rendpr or tMIl piper \I IlIvlled represent UI In nery ~tI' .nd COllnl) _ white and elear "I .l,blaler ila uee can Cowden. Ph IIndnlphlft, .... /l<' nle men (; Ir culor Pil eI! Lilt lent on appll. e'ltt ~II. No latly. hnl!,~ ?flel "ear .0' - -- - - - to write lur College P.per and Specl I A RAll" OhnCE to make monev, and per· not be d",cted by Ih. '\oteBt 8crllllllY, !ARED & REN I1. Genenl Agenl. callun. A,ldrc &A n of ou r e k lrle, wIn lie wllllll~ ~O ,Ihl! A. 114. In CIDClDlla~., OD 'flletl' a, 01\ menlof P I } , rnnnenl ~m l"0ymenl, 10 offe,ed 10 every and b81ng • • ve .. elable prcrlfltlon la .nrl Importera. Nelv York' 't;O~RAU NARVESE/f, olllor,08 the lowe r hooP'" ecI au'plclon of bydrophobia. abot a I~r&e (lrell enllltlns "p-8e~t ree, Ad· ~"er'nn """nl "'1fll'\> hDurs t1ally 10 epart!' qUlle harmlue "It I, the 01\1 y Ihlll~ 01 IOHN D. PARK, A ':ent ror Cjh/!llI- '71.73 . &. 75, E 21ld 51, New York CII, kirldl.tate ,loo:n uIJur.rI and Icll d • n ~e"loulldl~~t\ o~, for 1UlllGlta-.'II4I-41<ee1i+ • For lurlh e r parllcular_, plll .. e coli on. or the ~ll,Id \l!!e" b, the Frel)f:lI IIl1d i~ con. nnll 7 8-0m9 . - -- Tho besl matertala are IIle lr dG IbUllt blron. - . ptWl Ilxt, dollarl. odd,e .. , G W J ACI(SON <to CO, 11 .1"er~d 1".1 pennule to. p~r(ect toilet ;,-.-::; - _, - 1', _ ~"" " -:..CO l'etruet Hln. 1nnd \ (r()m \lIe d ~~otIi' O t Sou~1\ It • B~l\lmC!r.., iUd. 9.1.1111 UPWI,da of ~,OOP bott1'ea W(lI'e eo'" dll' Qnd n~att\C08, Ih py Ire deatlO 10 ~ 1;bQ ~., Wntcb..Workmlln III &. DE HAN. llllg the p~{",hr, n "officlent lI uaranlee TIll. \V~ ~now 10 be ,\Ire. a. we pro. \ • • • t favorite' ~,kirt,; S\1I1 ~he t:.Ount,fy r ~ ..t. Hille & West' s 01 \ta ••CIC1· Pdce '16 cent.. Bont. lurcd ,ha C ldeJ IrOIl' roll,ble pel'1lon' III '" l'RIBUN£ IIIJILDIN f;;;S. Nil)' VOII'K. rJ.nulncl url'd only by \lIa S llfo, Lu}JlnQII,OlliQ ' I, 'By I\'e \1\ "', 'polipald; OIl rlle.l,1t lIf I" 01011"', bs' \hl. nllllfhborlloocl. pc, milled It 10 \,)fIC't " N' IRON ,DUII.O t N,<'· Phll.rI'I'I,I" 111 01 Wire Mnlllllaelurlnil (l;oiflp,Ii,. ~ Al'rll 4. '67 J • CUlcln...ll, O. "1I111t~ ,lor .~,,:: b.r~· ~(piit;~::l\I!. , a':'UilR, I!J,llU'l"r8 00., lInn -. . Ute"., un our C)wn pre lntlll'l. , a ... '"11.,,"...1;\ to COlllr~cl for ., ' ~11I '1111. ,". 1 30 & 8j BUllla, S~ , Kef, YO'I .. z. C1wd"t'aaflalye,St.. Tro"N.:Y. 0 I. a l'R'N'l'~ IUl lh '111""1 l.tlll""l 1'.::1. ~Pli:lt~y. Supl .(: l(~ r.

and Iho f.._ Sl'EblCERIAN Hyatem SnOCKIIIG.-A man dIed flo (ew weeki el 1II\0e In .:rtrl'm. al[oDy. Some .bOrf time l\flerward, IIi8 .ffllCted wife ,illted a mtdlurA (or the purpo,e of Asc~r' a7J' H.ft£) oJ. ° ' Fr~t/t"'l'1tr;. ,aming ' wba' bad 10. liiet.e ..ed her ~u.J.t'1'le.J6 ~ ~t\ !id 'liauif ' in brl rll\ edOmtOta, the labl. was pat 10 reqalillion, anti the • , IItollilhed ,me loon Ie"... t Iu,' "e I'one IIut Ihe m08' eminent Proretlo,. er~ bad re(ti'ed to take RonCII 's Sorolu;cn employed In Lhe 11.,111_ .. ,.rtln••t. ~In,as, Bod 'Iiled tD pRy the prtDter.

----B---.- ----A til



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Can Save 25 Dollars!



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The Silver Skirt !

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fr_ :'.~_"I OI!II'i.tT,A-'.,X ( SUhiJay.) SiO"'1~ J>j ,.1 ,ri!l. Ill~O'''': -,. iii tb. ' ,,,, M rhIJ ( .... n' "l"lUo,.1UI ...." ... In lII ... YV#k., 10~ to IW _ Ifd-per.. lnllatl, l~ate4 .10 W." u-. ." •• ~.ft. IlXP ......... -a.. __ V I~Le. He>tn.y be '0110. 11 8, W. 11.0,k'rk, V.II, (e1U"I'~ Sunda, . ). SLOP' al era' corDer Balldln" o~ Stre.t,""II.I" 8\40 .A"M,.lId . aDDul. at Hor· . u. II .. Ule .",1 Gur"i"!: with lb e 8,3/1 A fl' .:'pr".. M.,I r'oril BuW.,lo, alld .rri ve.1O




~DA ,M Y I~ 1 1.

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JPws'JDntW, If we knew. '!I'heb ~ friencl8 .round a. Closely pre ud ~ a y '00011.11,11", WI I I h Albong ,".. Ii lIps lhut IIlss e ,

Fi .... '.1lI0nglbc ,j)owel'l;.ouldlie '

Wbil ,like , ..In, upo lb-ei.. £acca F.r ' . lour \,liter, L' ",~i"g Tender wonU 'of love .DIU W , ....'\Iuld '!I·hi.p"t" in th,l, 11..,


'-'PI, .

If we koe;. wli.t form'll were fer! I...... -.,. Po. lbe .,",de which _ "uld ding-If we klMW wlN\ I!JIII ~,*l'cWng ror llIe ".ter "e ihould bring; We l!IIo.rd &ull! willi' ,e.... r footIl,""-'-....- . . . . We wou'4 wor" with retld bu.ndlBuri ng cUJIII nl otOOll-a .ter-VIIUI,",g ron of abading P , * . '. . ..


tr we IInc_,,,heu


i t . ..' .......



We "Q~d

I'll m n f


f!nt' r Joolclng ' .hnd Waete1'n wCl I

the bal C'o ni mcn-a' fnet 'w hi ch f attribute to : It Is s weepiu g through t.he coulltr\, 'Yea !: tIJ eir f req ll cn tj 01l"1I0Y ,lD li 011 IJU i nllss I alld Carl"ymg ' L' , I!>.ay ,~>\, "'( IIJO r "JAlo\I88,l(UlS ."'. . loa. Iu ..e fl'OIlI c llm l'te to clitnRte. MorlQove1", lind crime ~hc y'0upg men who ' 1!Ie ei lllllll"o.s uotabu.../ t3N;'7~~~.~!:,:.:"O~B:c, tnkc a thous~nd WIl8t.ero cll'llclreu woul4 .bo (lilian In the church 1\11(1 '1 pr...... 1Iic,I Ov. ,rou, JJullkirk, JJall, (u"P' Sanda,.) _ , lmp re.loIl8 of 'theodore ~toa. glltU,e red iuto a ~ulld.y echool nncli · the state, an<1ls gnining power duil.\' . 'uum. 'If we C II .".e lapotl L4'rlll'.' ' Slo[, ..1 S.I.Ulonoo US P 1\1 . t11"'1 7 3; , , , , 01100,( Mn ex peri ment, wbl·h ,I hu \"e In ~ 8~all room In a dal'k teliemeDt ' Du r io ~ wh ..t hOllr. · eotalJ 1 play" • •b t GOIV. WABBEIV (lO .. O. PM (SUP' ; Tu... r·. 9 :511 " II ( UkFl ) , . "d Domestlc-hfe lU ,~he W'lst IS more bulla do~en "pportllU\tles to wltneR', ' bu~ldlng III a lolV part of the ci ty the a6\;'''.\ M r, F.DI. _ I .' • . • . • I ~ N. .. York'I'ralno .. 12.30 M.••oo"".cl· s etl'lc6ntered tlilllLI III the ElIs t ,' that Ilnd n. cnreful ob!le~ver nllti~ tl8 thei r Ij writer WIUj, cl\lIed recently to rCl\d "riley "&"olly ' 'play',~u •• ,'.. 'U Da,' I WUO.AIJOW8 b·I.D ..... . , .. I,rr'··· "I ,," ltillafter"oon "!.IfIl' 1I1 ",. n (or U U~ - r. eel 1 D&,,,._ W.. "Are v ., . , •• R. llouud No,," .Y.1' Cllic.. is. that a home in the West must , ch eeks wcnl' le8s 0 bJodm than the , Hol,Y S" l'ipture lind pmy ol'er t.l.l.e num, 'rrOIllIWo to Ihree in We aller' .alll .. ~ .eveo'DII .'YI .D .... "BO!II. IrA necessity, find its 80UrC8I! of enjoy. chee ks of chilllrdn Oil the sellbOllrd . d llnd body of a 'yolln~ mlll~ piou s'!)' 110011, "D4 m &0 e~hl.lll 'lie !I'tU'~'" C II~I'," al !I""r 'VI lh ... ColloWjDf • tor, • O ee B"ldeJIe~, 'r~U! O~I eo~'.~~,:,!-::rc~;:': ment more within Itself; and less in I do not Illenu thnt ~este rn cblll ,;Uen tl'ained, classically educllted and eu · 'WIl", i. tho plae. wortb',· ~id told ~r. per.toll In tll~latta'ion O('l~. ' Soullr !hln It,. oppo.11e Anhlllu Pllrb... Stre.lft: lta surrouodlngs, than Q bome in tlJ e nrc less healthy than Eastern: pcr· dowell, who a fow years ago oornman· Mr Fant. ' -peell .1'r 10.110 of •• ·Op~ooent. fie ' oo:so~;""·ll. N. YOaK.DAY BIP~ East. TbeWest furnishes fen'er od· they nre more bealthy; butcer C 1\ bis CIUCOI' with the brig bestproK ' 'Fin ilollare " week ,. Ifr 'i.~ati!r, ..Id a r.., ,.af; ilgo ' hll .".... , (~kj{)t.ti~tl'C\~~~~~~ AH,'{~IIVI~. \'l1btAges of well settled communi. Illy thero I no such poaitive ro y I)Oots. His fortun o squQlldel'(lll. his B,"noID. Inquirinl(ly, : I".g 10 Mt.lOuiJi a,U hr• .rualgbbot , w ~ Y Jl ): • V I ,L L ): • J 0 .E LEV A, :N S , <pin.); T"r.,., ,~ 8 :05 I'M (S up); and ar: ties, of old neighborhoods, and of color as in n Yankeo complexion.- brillillUt \.lllellts bellottcu by lutelil ' ·VtJr.1, "ell,' aait! lIr, Fanl, 'ffi,b ~.d ° Cli FO IIIlJ1~d Ephe. "'bo,,· ..... , "IYo·' '" INIJcw VI o~kh'[J1 '°1 ,30 f ML· Connoc,' long es\abUBhed friendships, A Still, I flna tllilt he 6, tiS olse,.~bere, l)ertlDee, he died. gr~al etI(,jaf"OLion. lie h." DoL UlrpllC' regllllir a' obur~ b ~iI Wa A ~CER a.ud .,..,. Oil( WH • aware leb", •••• 0." ,_ f arm b ouse genera.II y IilLS olle•B own 0 lild · " ro 8elf· regorded A h '0 ' tl ler onoo equa II y .A) prou. 0 hi' "Ible I. .rolnl.. • . If .<; R. tho.d /J , lll~ , I W... orn ror 'PLiladelllhl. "eB""rn I fen .. ... en Itt! more Ibao Ihree or rour. ~e ' )fa. _~ " I>W••hin~ lo n .nd poi hi •• outh . ' DO neighbor nenre r t.han 11 borseback the hundsome8llu. ttic world, and promising, Plet mo at t,ile L1 011!' 'Yuu clln begio 10.dIlY, i( you like: _wlOg wood Doe dll) ' .hlle iii. H®!AmV nltlI11I(D 8.3. A. lit. ur........., ti.I A..._ ride. Accordingly, the fal'lDer nnd I oa llllot sce wily !!9usebold lmllsic of the uarrow room, with 1I111s ieri 'lIit!. AIr'. ' Bllrlll&m' · 'Iho paYlll8111tare '.OO~ . lad of .botllt 1~:'1.. tt',\'w..,1 . . , :~~. Hx~~r~:'il,:eN.~al~~riS:;'~'J~' ~'~f~ his family Il.pend their eveningB lit need be 80 lJearce Id"""well·to·do fum · Itnnd lind fc\'el"ed eye, nlld lUutterorl wc."kly.' " 1~1r OD. aDd ,n.o. .nd" ,beD . _iDJf i .W.. Cu,,"~el. al ~I,"ira whh North~rn C."i,al homll, A visit requi~el:! tbo ,labor of i1iell of the West. In the blll~dred welcome, stl\ggering IllJftiusttbe cof. 'VOl', Willi,' .aid Mr, i'au', ~UY~\,h'D'. l ' k·W~uo.b 01, ~. ,ApofUee., ~H...y\~r H .o"lIburllh, PI;1!IMd. ll'lri., nal· a journey, ~oc1al lifo-that is, life fllmilies \fhicb 1 have mentioued, I tlu ' 1111 tbe sen'ice proceeded, '. :A In Mocord.nall wl~b thi~ allreePl!lD~, .,"ft 1,0,11,I.. \ e b eL l' Epb9. ~· J'W.u, , I S ,moro, •• ""J' n" , ."a po!!!l. oUlh. . hb' b ' bl l 'd 11 ood' F b d'd d k .:~ UuD oet &L' ,. IIdl. P.IIt. Lloilll'NDla Bxio.BIIIMI_ among nCl8 Of11- ~oom~~ POSIII ~ i.1 not lice ve g p,anos or. bear third ' broth er-th C YOllnges t -WI'tl'l I "r. ..nt lrom Due I , ul1 fill ~ "ee Iilr.. fj ' ~drawled . . aaI ,.- 'q,';-. R. Y. DENTI i!ju"'I.~, . eaceplcd). SLOp'.' /lo r".IIa.:"_ only In vtllages, toWIIS, CIties, But goC!d players. .But, a8 musllo has downo~8t ey,a . aud bur8Ling Il eal't, for HamuUl, .od .ar), hard; 100. did 10 11& 'lII.dli • d Bpl1.; lb••..,&e . I"t'a' 36 I' M«8up). • nd .rri ... in N... York wltel'OVer ~ociallifo ' exists Ilt, 011 in been the tal'dlest of Ilrts to mDlke its wept over the dcsol(ltion 'HoUght by Mr. F 'R\'K bid" IIWI\V Oil hUI "0.11011_: ~ II, ,olli••lId plied uP ' dee ~II I • •• V~, XI~~.i"M, F.,,:~~:,;~nfr::11 J~;:'~N;';"Jf7:!~ theW est, it is ',eartlly and enthuili· wily through tbe great 1t'o'rld, 110 It Is tlrink. He may be s(wod, A-Il" tllis At the IIQd of ,be ,.eell b• .oallud on t)~ • :'~: • 'Wby, ,.ipb." "pllelJ ,,-, @) ~ ~ 'ii' O@li' , R.llroa~ for B.hilll~re end \:y ..hln·,lon. asticnUy enjoyed. I suppose thllt peculiarly the tardiest of art!! to is one or the .many euses thl\t I\j'C Mr, Ihrolllll fur bit we" '••"I"'J ' y" ~~I,\Y.O w~'Qd LUD. PllbejI4~· omce at hit rcaldcnco 00 LoCUIt Street, aTnd .81 ,Ne" York Wllh, M~~l1""'~." witbln space west of the Aile· mllke itA! way into a new.couutry,- cODstnntJy bceurriog. '1 "iii m,,"11 ou~. if " Il lik.' J ,P ,8 pyl , .~"n hll . . ., .~oa I ",n ,0' 8oeIon and N~...,IIKI • .,rl nIle. M ' d h I' 1 od' l • b d i M " te O~a I f 'It I 'd" B , .. ' "T' 10 ., . • 011 e'u •• 10. 7 011" " " " " mOIll ' . 12) WILlI1lCO'l'OIl, O. ..10 It,•• If • • • • NIGHT Elt• •" ghauy ounta.llls an north of t e Itt c go 81"111111 18 ear II , '~IS rs. _c leril, Ii- ere, 1Il0ltl. till wr. aruu!D. lUillldieia' ., l.I " 11 "Ii' , . e~ , .ltl DAILY! • SI"p, el Hurnell.. ilio 10 :30 I' Ohio there are lit lea8t two bundred churches. 1 cull no-sillging ers, /lIster!!. caU, upon tbe young m llll .1( ' you ple'lI!.' .aid Mr. lI'"ot lit f" Ii I e ••klol 1&1.' Ill,! ll I'o:a BOV8B PAIlilTllIIG, 1If, l llt~....,elinll .. i~h I~d 4,15 !' M lui" towus and eitios .bleb have n~ lea8t ill churc hes good ~)rieb is not (lone to tou ch not, ttls te not, bRndl o 1I0t, Arter" II~II" tiarninlt oyer of 1.'\'.1 ,":~p. I 'Look .be,,:! (ltrtuu,; . ~l&, ..l ," *,,"""t . "IT . .IZIfNn(, (r~m Dunkirk, .nd·....." •• In N~w \ ork . 1 H,· five hundred people and upward.- bv the congl'egation, 'The .Metho· the,acoursed bowl. God 8a\'0 our lIod 1l0lllJ7llflttg ,o r . boob Mr. Oar.tam "''' QI'O .1Il 'ou ~, , r.,ln/. u.m,jOl,llll111l'l1llr \II:lajOl, illl'llil 30 PM. AI.a eoun.ell", EllIllra tor n ..... • . . d': . • . . ' Ih. bOI 'Well 1'.. ~ '1' bur,;h, Philadelpbla and SOUlh. In all these plaCe8-1j'lUI Il few liD· 1St cburcbes eleel all others U) tine yOllng mea" haodtld 111111 lh. bill, . Jie rll"d II over I bL ~ 'k ...... PAP E R.I NQ I . . riM P.!II. flINClDlNATI."_ ...... bappy exception', tiJat at'a o"'e~·glv· respect, as in m~at o.tbor Nspec:l8,;n • - ---.. , ' 1 oo~.l~~c., lbree ti!ltl" 01 ~t ,1&'t he da/ It lo~g 11 0,,; II? , 'rj~~'- .u.,f leor.ep.Suad'ji;0')' S'OP··I ~"''\\f~ ~a!,,,. en~money·gett.lllg-therc Isa de· theWestj fqrl haveseonab\ll~dant A w... .AlIIOllOf., -Tb. B.loo ..,d: , ' . t , .I; , !~2f .~r~~f:! ~8~UV"::~' li¥htM social life. ' pal'ticulul'ly In evidence thDt the 'lfethodlet daDoml · Boug, (La.] Advocate 01 the 81" in· Mr: DarnllUi. yo. • lilt" Dli. , ') ~ UI Y ." 6 O~Ap!,ly to tk ..llud .... lln.d. ",ho will .Co" •• nll .1 G.... I B. no with' Oolo •• wm·ter. III many of ,t helle tO~\l8 nnt ion Is the chief dominant and .Ieo' Itl.., • •'n aneOllOle or General 'take ber. : I tie lien. , "', " iu,kC!b, t :lp.. ~,=~ b ~PIIT,.-.T~.> promptly 10 ' .11 c.II•• Ind endeavQ~ IACk • ..·"na It..Wpel.ern Railroad (or Sc!,," every wcll · ,1Jlluted tumily conquertng church of tbe We.t.; ~d )Breckinrid~e. WbQO Breakeoridge 'b:h'~ .aid Mr. BarDuIII; 'ant lhal 'at. IIIllolt 'wd' ilbot.!'6~ .j~ 1'L'ot~"'~tt~ 1 T ...,,&on.. h,'a. end., N.w .. o.k lerm.. too, .1 I' I. I If t h e mls~hlle '\.,' f Whi0 h .1t d ee. b y walllllUO bIDSOD ,Batoo Douulllel .. I IIII on, [ filii awa,.. U.. "I, .. TW WI. t I.11. .,II' • Cli0 00 n .... , "".ble . with .(lO."oon T",i"~ and 51•• '1'." ror kQows every other; an ... t 118 lur· ,a ' ••,rac. on •, ... w," or l)...C\, 8'1 P~«itl . . .. , . ft• .,. . . . . . ..,......... 11". 1011 and .Ne:- j,;ullond Cill ••, niilhes a gre~t opportunity. , engine of, ~cc\ellla8tloi~~ It \>nr . •d~y . "f1a1.f.~o~,~ b7 ,ali.1 0(, I,i l, , .i~~, '~~M,' ... ~. FaD\ ••mi\ioi· 1~1t O",Uleboro. '1.,Il1011& ~Q Only I,I"~ "fr '1R E••I On !:londey" lenlna- n~r, over, tbere )0 no nrlstool'aoy, nWRy \jy the f~l'vpr of 11.5 bearty rode .uP to -.lOl.klr>: ,I,\e, wood. VI· \loul"o'\ help .l1l1lflli to. ~lil¥ bow Mr, b '.«KII~·.!up: ' ~' _ • t:0pa~~lO I ~I" ••d rcaohlnllNew York a' U · .this is ~ Sa:-.t.e.t of.. sooial,. bleis , The 'Jet 04.... C lA~~: i. dIlU.!w. '\ i!d(}tlll. ' eoa. \0 (!olD ,810, a"r""m wo"I" ,\aQill '''~D i~ l~.rnlta .. ave # 'l'~ - f l 'I ' :~J:', ,PO or P .. fA. If,.. u:r 80.... ·~nd N ... Eng land ) ....eoreN • -lugS, 'rbe rich Ilnd tbe , poor mee~ ItOD8, btrd or. ttie Wut, · Ta.III ••r~ad:~ 1M- let \he eti'lluel. , .b"~ tb.1i11\~,liIL• • I, " ,an" .l 11'0\ " tb 'a'dd .'.'~~~ Ii ;, polin lIu! OOH II ••4 P.r. · wilh .h. ir a.~aiC", • 0 Ir.n.f.rred fr •• o( on cqual terms, for the good velUjou all the Sunday Scbooll, of ev,e ry of ar., M,. 1 hlj G.Dllr.1 h"L1 001, til. '.IL a r.lh., a luony lDIetalut. • ,,1."0" & .cltolteJft,;f.~ i~'t'h ~,i~"" '~d ! ii a' t F:' )'. 1\1 Y I • eh.rge in Ne. ark that the ricb were lately poor, nud Ilame, nrc rapipJy toaclllllg all or p.e8wor~ •• nd tIl" videlle I",t.! noa~,..o lee lIo .. " o l&j,·oalll~ IqIl~ttk. " ", ~b,. 'lffe'ti."• • l' l~l_~ , ran orl II. ' i aw CJ ~ "L~.pT,hN~ G~"'clnVenl i l.'.d ond n'~'1 :f,~.uriou . the P /ilOl' moy bo ebortix ri ch. ' A theil' children to sing. "'bero w~J1 I,,"e or lim in lbl" respeoL, .. bill read8~ , , j' 'a I.i ,&aLa _. pr..... y~.:.... • I'''''' --~ ~I.!.. ~t\(;HES Lt7"HI the'" ~orlc.l .co . . I '. ' ~ ' .,.-t d '" h th e A .U11". " " •'1 1!",' '/ I to• pJ• .. , , 1111'd. III II"10 ~n 'I \ . . iI' " ·1 ' '~. l'" I'I t H. ~b ' ,,.., ~ \M . ~I """"'. ",,,,..a., Splelou. kefIllClOrl'. Bath·RoolDl 1801) . CCOll/ p.ny el~ ghltr.i •• on tbiA .allw.,: 8cCl~1 cyemllg. s pent IU a 1Y eS,tem come. 11 lIy W en qrloan pM· 1'" .~!> pr!~te8~ 0 P .Y, Oil ft , '0., ofte tom,e" plr~ ~; l, cl~bJI'Il 4flIr "ber shop, • " o::r Baqa~. choeke<\ Ihrod~h and ate .1, mun s bOl1se 18 801 wllrm·henl'tccl 1\ pie w\ll be more musIc&! tho,1) the ,Well. do d 1tdarn yoa, PUI bll . ' who In I"a IDO'CUM or me wlJtkil eodilll' exroaed 10 ltie air "'The l ,k''be} , • 7'>,. ""nl.o ~ol .1I0wed 10 roceive I"'r~ui , "e. ! ...y ... 10 ..... hy ."Y olher ,o"i., Benson ,I1S one cnn desire, There, is G ol'mans:, Ilun tile credit of tbe cllre. a ou.~; 1 aiD', aLoppio' , III il Af~y 16, j 8~3, ,g.' , .. '. - .. , " 10 \I .petil"1 t 'e~ ;.a,UidJ~' ftOl boIlie.. R...... or " who '.1 10" A.k (!'r Tieketl yi.":r!u R~i! ..." .. hh:h \'f!fy httle of tbat cold formahty change lflll belong to tho Sun,doy ro~'I. lire 1 ~ . , ,. . WII'!.', . 11111 ,Mr. Barnnlll. '.1 Ilelino lin.\, Lba' Ibllbi .. d lmt OO~lh'l'II 'ull! 43.1y ca" b. ublnlned.I ..1I Pn~elpol r,chl Offir.~ wbjch lIometimee(tbougb I know not Scbool Sylltem, 1 solemnlf- !;lllireve You dOlll.kDO" .110 I 1m, lAId the I' ".~ IiV' 1'~IJar•• waa ~,j\? rill' b~ . d'..a TN. E • 1 II! II,. W•• , Soulh.W.. .. why) pasllee for politencs~ the thnt, at this Yery dilY , tbe SundBY General ,'" ami!ln,,: . ' . ','1 o.~••' ~I\i~ r. , 1lII1J iI"(J> ex~ orlHlJ &11 81""10: ~ ~llIg.~ •• , IT (} I 0 H. ~~~IS~~'t. W~~n~ 1'~~~~i'L. farmer's daughter's 0811 sing, they ~ehooI8 of th.~ ~pubfic are of more 'No. I don l-lhlL II • pooll bor.e ~ehtlv" ~L w.~ " JJII~ r dl 0;' look'., ·. IL ~~D ~pCi!r~' . A~~ tf .: !lillg without making mawkish ell· Impoltnnce' t;O 'its , welfare tban 'are yo•• re on. ,0Jhow. 10 lh"l h,llt, . YOda iknll. , -' " '!tJ!~1Mi ~' • . , :•. ;::, cu!Jes. If tlley eRn enoct charade8, all its Churchea.' J' And a lU&le ohlld '1 am ', Gllntfl't B.reo~en~l,d"e, lb. :In what,. ,,,,In·did you looll.t 1&" the panll.r 0( ~ IC ENS E D A U"C ~ 1 b NEE R. ..t they pl~nge Into tbe sport without 8~IuJl I~ad thc~.' . " '. omo"r~ ~on"nuud II~e IIlId, Mr .. B~rll~_ i · , I • "I,', ,'bo!,,_ Ib"., Ib_, lihIl "IiI~l?' av~, y ~~ ullilecessaryobjections. Frosty mlln · The Weu}1I ~ JIlajestlc reglolll i lts ffeoeral. maoh amaled.t tl"t! plokel8 'W.h,y. Wid ¥r. 1'1,111•• tall , pw~e '''~ ~M " .. i'bl. 1' ....d ~111Iltd t I " AYNESI',lLLE• .•••••• OHIO B.!!l'. BABBlrT'~ Labo,.·enYiI!g SOAp. nerll ~re a gl'ievnoce to genuine p eople belong ,t o tb«! nobility of MM· IIlea or tile tJlI'l required or him. p.,r~loX8d,. 'I 't.ou~hnou p.14 ,1118 hu LbNl, O~l lII~r~ ~,9lu , Tb" ........._ · , ----: ~hlaeO&p i8 mlUloJrom ae\'ft and pareplR&" sowe: , ' kind. h8 pr-ospectlve growtli is be- " You ar, •• r you 'I , .... ell. ]'m Bob dollara. Jnot 70u, I ,. , 01 RDe ,1I111i.1e 'l.jibiD~ w ~~ . • "eild' proM,.\ " ,,, ." ' Cilia rli\a, ~ adit~ta':tloD nu~ It'ndd 1 had Dot expeoted. to see eottnge yond :calcul.tion, ', Ita" olllie ot~ fir~. Olligg~rt, an .1'111 glad 10 ~e 10U. :lJld '0110 I 00,' laid Mr, n,.rlilltl. ''J!l,., al tll~" lI"'II"l'd' "' . 0 ..... 'ii';uiUi'i: l'lIft•• iir (0 ,I:i the beet ;1~l\ll;'!t.e:e Dt%~ 1f~ii::/~hl:b !~u arcbl~ure ,\luet.,.ted by so many Its ombitlon is to rple the land . Ita feller i b~, .I'lYOII,'· " epl~q~ ~be .flIck , i. lho a""to 01 Ibll 'c•• e: 'fhere .,e" "CMlb~ HoI'.r,n••••• " I ' wWli • .~~iiiii~~~ij,.~~·~a~·i·is.~'~ pot8b'~nk." III(!' w'ubed with t~I"'-Ii. speolmenll or beauty ' as .1 have 'en~ Car in tile C~lt"rc, ~t/ ea~~ojp" I , ~a~~ a., lar'~i ~, ~, frY', qllite ~ nUlllbe, of, pe'ROII',ln IlhI. ohy eDlated, _ ,bud.U...... 1'IiUoaI r... ~ It Ilia,. be u.e.cJ tD ard 41' sol\ w~tc .... r, will countered in the.e remote region. it cornell, will be IIIIl pall, wbo wl,h Iv p,aoLIH ~eb w,IIlfllpI!" .... 8oJW'" lalltr).o RulIlII~ f I' u ...S·~&T~""A remo... ~Dt, ~, tal' ud Il&lna oJ. all The Ideal .NIlW Eo land roof all yo~ Is'to tie &be DUl' Th. ' h.ndi alld ,." ~ul911PII01 d9 h at bOlD, oQIIIOeOllu\ of , • ,I ' ." 1. If ' I indl. vue pound warranted equal tO ~ two . g I d ._ Id ,.1 I r ' bl I J' 'hi!'- ' i '1" " t ~ !I\" \"" ,,- e . dB ':t l~ ,. t , pouMa of urdiDet')' flI"mIJY_. Dlre~lon. kno'w baa no projective eave-no rich tator of tbe , o~. on .. ...... o eo~. e.Gg.y u' II L,\I r o~ t Ie ,DIg , ""ra, ao ~ ', • Iiio.r t .. ) 1L.g .. ' IA '.0, '11 .ul1~'~ INIntjdb each bAr, ror rJlaklni thl'ff gallCJlllt shadow II to bedeck the WellJ.b· ,, ! •• p . '1u~r,~ eI ~~,eut ~~.I~~ DC IIr•• Brec~· ua"~iDi'.Up pll~' '&6 bliIOoti, I .lId ,ror ',.010 r..q,,:rJ!~mt rN , NON ' () M I 0 handlo~c; 801\ from ollc pound 0 this er boards ; but in most of the Rk:VOhv1;lo.~aT &toa1', _. ~n lorld~fI an~ 1111! r~mI11.:" '/ ,' lJ'enLle. . . who ~.ei i,,,,e brle,. rock' w•• ~ 'taDllli.ho·bi' 11'i \h\~!'*d LE 8 ~ .L., ' , " , :r:Jb".~~"bcJ:,!::~~~IMI~ P~I~~J~~r~~n: new cottages ot any preteneions Wserve~ in.\be ~cvol!,lti(ll!,lIry ... , wba' Ib.lrullleQl pr.p,,".. p".tM.l. (:.l l.dI whO' w.!"Orelftf' d' ALL Bt1118, Iiol, 'eM German, Alit )'Our grocer foo .~, In the West; [ notice a hapl>y touch '''aI', and had been In the bllqit of SUI'1'O"f Yotl~ Uo. . P~I'&. -l'he -:hal,u,l... ,,~o~ &0; WILAOII,~ '3WI¥-i oland .b. he" fa- rool& , ol'1nltll" 1lt '. 8oalj:~.ncl &like 110 other. _'1\ __ . ,•• • ~v;~jneye;,. 1"le. ..\110, T. of the pleturesque, , Port'icolal'ly repeating hl8 long and ·tough , 'arns Clevc:la II Herald very' j~,tlv a~y., It b JI8 ,:"Dl~d1, :tS'bl,l, I.~ ~Dl, ,~ ,,1, · '1 wu ,~:t ilo";~'1 !.'.J(.., q. ......1: I bread, cake., cracker'll, pico, eta,. for B 0 ' BAB~1 W' ~OI!.otot-i, fI.{..Iltl J have I been stl'uck WIth the nrChl · 80 often that at.ldt he belUlved Ithem a:autlrt nOL ho" man, hei.. pllper. 'ri ellre "Dllhlol' a /00': ~ " aaa/ I!f. Oll'llibe.,ip . ~ . :lA I aUlilllCS, Oytltcre by the call Frult~. 7 ,72 a~ ." 1l8blOb n at., cwr ork . tcclural prettiness or many, or the himself. Heu wo,II~(hglve Q pomonal lIIilD Ille •• hii' lill ie inooM'pllll. ,)IIltl!' 1'1'~ oll~. ~~r 1()lpeiiedcl..,. ~ttbe,;~: roek:llie ~rAdr•• r'D' l " "tidy ~ HcaIOU, NoUqoori. <\I ... , 81allon houses nlong the 1Illlroads' all endote of, every ~au.le ' , I10m. · paper, ... '" v.... r1 CIIIID 'I" bone Oll\(ro , T.O , ~'t4Id .~,"I, III .1 . 111 (j - .• ...:. . ·n of tbe wal', 6 OIl.• ;Ilie h 'l went M Ba - owe ded lQ ....... '..... • .& KE YOI1R OWN 80.& r. sbowlng ~any ingenious n~I1Pta~loIIS in wh.lch be blmBe r, 0~.c~u\'8e. g. who "i.h,. well for hi, lotII1iL , ••h9'l1d., " til r. fOl· ~~ i ,...~ , I, ;. j '_ ' \ - I' :" JJ fI - '1"~lNT ' G. 8.11.111 " 0eDt. by of the 8wIss roof by maklllg II to ured ns the hero, ~CllIg Oisked Sive. 11II18r'lIi' luppor' 10 /1 \. bQ.,. oIlL, I"~ b'!: D~~ I~e . pll'P'1 o~lr!l. 1('112 MO..!" I .. b D .1hIU..L.A PtUltlIr: •(Jl4llUr, aM B T "D ' 'P C P project over the pletform for the If be wallin tbli baUleJof l\[onmoutb, p.par .' tf thal p~.,..r il not"julL .uch ~eD~'. , .. r ...,;eDL t " al~~e. ,,~.U, ~ , hi-A ... Il...., """~IDO. •..d '. , . . ... A. BITT 8 na. Olfo.STaAUD OT' b It f :l98engers from Bun and he replied ,. ' Id ' #:j'- b 'il"" 'I I ,btl .rolllu DtJ. , ~ • ~.-&. [j!lBill!>rn:!fJ-:'~cr:? AlII, or Rel\dy SORP M"ko,. WRrmnted 8 (! or 0 P 'I '-I I h d ' " b', lie bo "ou ,,,lib. I, • OU u ' fee lilt .L. -"'- ~.......--... 'I, 1 i, 4\1111 cd .\lt ~ DQili" 01 ~ i, , 9 duublo tho stnmgtb. of 06mmo1t 'Po'tull, alic\ IIbow cr . Some of Ibo.s~ m~llest guess WIUI. a my . rIg !' himlelf ' llId 'netghbore ate telVOhllbl.. , . , • " " lutlll ~ oot~" 'h ' " . , C'oiIIet''''o iD411li1ml8tr..w, 8UperillrtO any otber aa'P,Oulfior od." In' the buildings are of exquulIte propor· band pocket fllll.of ,powd.Qr, ~ I~tt ill II.m.... ,...,lor it., .hor~ I co,.lblf.""; ~ rhll l.rg.,Il'!iOl ~"Idrora 0,.,.. e01,~l" ~ 1 ,J:, ,, ! ,!'f , iI a WAY N ES YILL E. , mll,kot. Pllt U)) in ca... ~fl po~, ll P'!uml. , tiOllS 'nnd here and there I bund pock~t fQl1 of pUn!;ts, a d 1 Gile" p ..... ~ a IIl1e~.hnf1P91'l fI:II a. or pop.ul , It!a~.n. ID 'llLaeo"l""l'b~ i 'f. Pi, . 1\, 1 . ey, ~ 4, ! besl of eQlllfui:~iOn guaranteed In on ':1=1~t6&tBniKI".hn~06!ld:',::: f~~DI~~~ seel~ .~Jte BO' abs?lutely. perfect, tbat had .my rll~lH:4r:s ~ouOle.batr~lle~i· liy'e ~ympalby. " nt! ,il J';i1~ io.:.nll; f : , ~~:~:d ~~.~r~f.~:"A'9r,~. I~ " P~1e ;"~H~"r~· F : OIl.,:: no charge:' .~ iIIg 'Hlll'Cland 80~ Soap. Oue ' ~Ild Will I b!l've been patIent WIth tile belated ducklng.gull, Bilr~nl fl.'oO\ roo:, I _puOlI 10 .uch m.OI(e,,,,uoDI, JA,\.n "" , ~r B '1 II< ,lfereH ~nt " ,. '1 bM.. b.",,~ &D.-fI I kuHul fo, put rll.yore, I lII1lko l~ ~q"!lf ~fL,IIOIIp, ~41 ~IDI! ill \'II ' tram solely Ollt or relpect t,o the 8C,vea foot long , Vn' n a all~ CJ editor ""411 ,hat hi. '1f()"1 .pprtlci. Dalur. If 0~7 r',,1 '" . r·~. dot J" : Mr. ; . ' . " fQDlill.ll.nccI,of thellbel't.) ptllrooage q1\trcd, dOoimn\rfra w1J1llnd chi. n,e clt'e~pf'l lleauty of tho pll8songf.lI' l Itl1tlon .- ot powder aDd a b ~lDdf\l.1 pC b.ubetlt,. _led aDd btl il lhe 1110'" n'ponlln der the "a'ple•• or lb. A~ rb '- 11"7\ " • " • fin tf . Powh ladlo marbS. ., . d I il d l' . r I l e ' ber olf I knocl'. " I'j ' . , lhe Aduncelll.n ·of~&...oe. e .... J" " ~ ' , , , , For sale \/1 all ijl"U!Bta aDd Gr~t1rics. Tbese mo e s, .. one call eaB y see, un e ~,Iy I~e \. ; ~e,~ q~ ea r ~ !\ ; . ~,. paPIl~ ~,! n". p ~Ir,~ ,/.,.,ijllai.Dd.d it • illid paid lo ,bhat. The Herald'lI "" 8s1ltngtbn I r , • .MI..., '~D . B. T, 1I...81U, Noe, IU. 65, 66, 6]J 68,69, h".. bad mncb In1luenee on the tasle cd down the Br tllm, . sir, fif!!I, at GI o~ Itl!Jt.ell. 110 I.' •• Irn-'I/". 10 pral" G II ad It .. JI.!. fill eM ~PNJl ' sl\)llj' J,~ . pwU1>able til, vial $ . n.rr.nlliJTJoR or Piu~.J ~.Io· 10, i'.pel'~ \luhlu~u~';' Ne" llor"l for cottage. building In the thrl bfM I Gencral Washlngtdn r~de' u~ or' o~li.tireJ •• '. aOliolJ ' f. (Iier', . .', II tt ' Del (IIr \lte' co"r~ Drill' r~~t will Dot QO~Q o~ fL ~~ i, DO~ Itoi~, o~ ~~ western towns. ' , to me, and said, 'B,n, do 11op , J~our IS No\hibg'o.l1lnpP'I' lhe-;apl.oe·or lh~ ,:.I"e . l~Uro II.. ' tilll " be f~'e.'jj II' pressMi ' prevliil!l among the ~ 0" ',,:uii~, ~'? ~L~~ n .. I.... B~t I cannot hol.d my peace co~· doing 'tim too bad /' i I ~u~~:n'hha~ bo .. e ~Jllr. , I,:iil thltJDi,ror io ,:,hich t~ge~Ji:'reotU:e~fb"t '.to!e.y jil l a"". rents of tho Adminletration thac It 51. lood•• ,. ,0Id.1 , •. . , ~tri ,DtL:".:!Q u, . " .&J41P6 eernmg western brICk. The color IS to tlJ~ General, aOl s~, e.f~' • en . Ih, lo"n aad n~lilbbQ.J'QOclll1!"a jJl r,.· 01 01'1 hoar 'lid fo,' lIIioutel ', III ~q.b~ 'l!Jle.1~PIII\~ofJ ""~'or ," J~",u,...i Clt' 8. 11'. ~~~,.I~,e.t.II.c~t•• Baler- ugfy .nd abominable. 1 ·do , , eral, If .yOIl say so" 1 ll.ceue ",n'IDg ""l'le~ i iq Lh~ fClcial. P.oIiLiC4l leq~ ,e~, ~::•• I~I Lba, be.. {... iy.. ~I, wltloh ilio .,-. ex;;tl~t~, ~ SIa Ii.-d . .~'IY" C&NYs, Cor at... 'made ~meo'mmon .alt. Bnlatl Mllde mean tho Milwaukee tinge. 1rbieh 1.8 but I . thlOk 1 ougb~ to kilt ~ i"!lW "lore rlgiou. r.ircle wHere prinled. h 6111 a PI ~:1 . 'PIlLe h" trio) ~r' ~b !low. Jo'Q)'a ontv'm "~tie Noliu or .ONk: DO~AR for 1J#~ \b1.e.I,,,., COIIla)ill", ,,~~~ bIl ked, DO· pleasant, aud to • stranger noyel ; of the scoundrels, Wltb tltat. the pilloe wbiob no olber ,,,ipb OlD, 'Wheo' h,r..,. 'PllluI" or ~ II 1, " filo'H iiolo tip' .Jarm &. f 11" 1(:) I III ,, . tli'.!!g but bommon - t .......ter elN lI ou,. d 1 t"! I P from his 'anel L. h 'JIOIie ' . : ' ,I , ""I fll.·lIu,.b",o....cll Jlltlj.e c~ud. ~oe.,i4lo 14 lY~blJl8toD t., N;...,!'I York. but 'l mean &be Jereey ·mu , comp ex· yene~a s rung , " ( , .. lleed for econoMY ' !lompel•. ' • ·e~,.. . ' j n I .' oJ. • ..........I' I",. ...,• '. . .1 I .., lb. "Dwber'" IODl...nleI. ~(looclai.IiI~I' . , T,' ioo' of tbe orilinary red brick o( tbe th~wing ,hll arm8. ~round .~e? e~~ &aili8eoL or oar D••• plper hll, Imlle , Scowolncfl11 !TOOIB' DbWU(J;-'Yoa, ' ~ILtaoy.,slDGill'n.. aaid.l~'" itt OD 'CMleipt o.f. ... ' :r""8ID~.' ~.I I . PEaleBltT .AVa I." a ... West. Hou~ In,m o! lIuch cl.,med, JJen'r,4~~' ella mI ....'ra, oJ....,r1, olllff,OII, ~lor.. yOll ., ..,,, Ifl pllli o .. t!ll.... .IIt1r.. 1.IIIppj)llf r' !hlqllil! j co~9P .l~t. . , "Ii'''' J-m.Q. IfibeJOi'c!,dollO'alnl.lI.racl.O." ..• StU ~ .at PcoW&iW: oughl to be 'ebher .p.lOted in\O call - Georg' -...:..~e publi.h'f of 111 111, lao••. JourDll, ,4 a .i~le I\l(!ki~ ~A't~0!P,'~, ,w.b o, b9~~ lA,' 91 "0ot!P"' , 'rW~lNTY.FI\'£DO,.t~IUI)M' B.'I'.lkbll'Wa e ohril!llian .ppcnRnce or el.e bIdden , : :~ _ ," . "~PID1pep,e,,' . dro edlolO. eI,Dlat oql9i (or Q(iJr · tUlidll " " Ifr;,'• •j'lllle~.lae 20' , send lou Cin!ir~.h·' It~ED A Bao., LIgIJ,,BIIIGlIn,,e IU\Ji killd of ..... ~y'Qa by groW~llg v,i~ea. yen r~. 1 beJi41ve .«TWe hke r~,~ people4qoa. Jol. , " : ._ ~__ . m~~ob • ' " ' I " , " ,,: ' • ,/ I, .' oC/Uod iiNbi .radi j!~ 71'" r , .' " m8~e wllh ~l. You,' Pdo~c:r, io 15,mu"!uILtc~~ 'h"y' tend .~corr.;nftbe: p"1!lIC, mor· lv, laugbinll.' vis&ged,' (a~ peo· FDA ' I ' ''d • 1'~1 . ..... ,alt t.k·e ·:jj ibllr' , replied tbe ,1 '! . ' , .. r,.· ..,.J.,.' , .11' I'. ' 6188, 1'1"... Y~". ' . Nd.~liioRreqare . .... en .1I"eo ,,,.10'" "'" " r • 11:" WI"" ' ' fi ' t In tit " bl J .., .... II~~••. new an ,a. 'A ,"'. '. ' It L,berl, uaed. " 'I .'., , al•. ,An ,u~ly boutMI. belp8 to '. e pIe. e ov~ a .. r''ibt • dl.nN, 'terdl.tt_lIll1gili.:' whrah 'I •• pr.oprietor, 'OD ·, ~~r... 'I~ 00," , tU'1 '67 Pride, poVer\1, J a~ pIl!IIe ~0 ... 6( to 74 WlliIblnglon .t.• l\Cew ,r~~'k, a relY."ee m.u , ', fat pUl'IJell! a at lit 0 .~U~.C.!,. Fr~ n~.iled lor .oa;. lillN\ p'i~ Mid ..,. eta"".ad 1 ,l!lU\l det ~&.fP.t'II'ly~ , aro Lh~ tJlre.. ,primo • • ve . UP" I ..iII.end a N.Dlple packap free by 1 marvef lb., ,W elltero ·women do fat ad.el"tlser.,.fat eTery ..., u , • ~ cl II "'04 Po & Jeff., 'Well J ,un.I'U "Iii 1I0tii t fe' t II ~ iuwter 4i~MlTm ,' " I. . . , ' ~ , • . mail, on reocipt of, frQOUU &0, . ., , pollwge. 'not cdltivate: more ,' bouile 'pl. .t.,~ ne88 i. • bilf .Ign dr bl\ h , ~" ~a' "~~~ ::'e~,C::~"r"liee ' I!mii~: 11ci'~e, c.n.fLP~I ' ~bal prl~~ ' ~· ~::6, ~%Ir ~,,~~ter,a,~wt < ~~lQJJ ~ ~. • • i I , .. ' ' . " W Bj!terD dweUlDJa I lM!teJ' han 10 .re seldom 'reae erOUl, ., ao~ t. t .... rar 4.. lhi rl. 08. O.UN oar d~r i:harpu1tilr li "a., glirs riJ \'er ~O*-rt41 from I In ,lti ., ~, TurnplKe rqaro- ' potll.n the. wiDder'S" womeD .re dot "'arp.~e\t~ (~o.:; I,~ '~hllhl '1I1, " p.~t ~.eek. ler: alld It tak". hi.uoholll, be.ida. ,, ~ "I /I" ,'. ., ~ ~ 1 'J h." ••11810 Notlce hereby given, th./t a .a mao If l Atl'''' ,."'DI' In berilCh tiJ be !:eu all:O::d,'! ' : 1 I,U DIn l!ClfI b,f prelM!nted to the Commll!8ionen 0 ar bOUMIlQ q geramu 'rill"" IDd t' and til......... aIM ....,a~' prot. II'''' la ,48 lalllUL JO. I I who ICIInClB 1by yo~1tf.~., . . . . ~'" ", :" ~llOUD\~~o~\b~ ~I;pot.~m~!t ~~ '~i: PI ..~f~~W:lIt.e~1l h:-ie:e bo~n~ tb~I.I'~Jbmmnen4 .. tol» ~ ,'r~e .• e.~IOJ\b. liD ."WP,iD" i~ ~I.' ",'; n I ": .~\ ,"'" ; ~,,~. . .o( l~>"Jll*'tJl'GIUlII"'" _NO, 10 DSTROl'r . S':fBE'iI ' f Dljllil'~ to,I.y IIU' . • nd e.t~b1i8b IllledF,rehe ~hia,~~. , And !;"Pb" eounnoo , . ' '. ,. e~rd ~ I ",~, ,a~'!~~A~J:~tb~~tlll,,~. ' , . . DOD" I. . . . &he " irll. IID."T LA ft·~Jl·~~e, .' {1 ' f /' ", T '\I Rq&d on wbat 11 now ca e '..... ""'r---' "IE - ••• ( Clllllr Iy.te. tl .UUr,,"'1I 0 • rv"Il, b II ' II. ' l ' 1a •• , 'ber wl\l ....'" O ......4 .• '0caIP1eW PI~k:~Y °Road, begianlugrllHho Cfl) ~ oneent, h b08 'a lee .~mp e. a . . ", •• 1(...1- the (emil. ~!II1';r, eOnt,.e\i'.n .' ltawl~ g ", 'lte' bolIy lilt" Cea .yo~ _ ·t 11 . . . t.. . . . " \,1.'_ maf 4n~ot for .,~ ...or'lII~n' ~f , In R" ....tU.1 .WaY!le T~"n.hip, 10W8etJb~01l title, aD undisputed ngtlt, to tive ' lD .,. tp , GUlaDaui ,.inftil aM uPI«htly auit,dol; , .... ~a"l. ~OIll'entlu,..U 1, 1I\> .'!-lIh"e1~ b~" tlie rid,u, o\'er ' I '~ Y,'ol' No 14 mlloiog tbence w a Soulh till. ~d ""lDao·. b~ In all the Is a IUCceBe a ani. , .. . . ..... . ,..,110 I I.' b 1.b IDIW'*I" »&1l1li ...... ,~..." , . . , .": J _ " .... IS.. ~ OrgG~., .. J(fl~'~"', ,. ~ . ~M. dir~ \l~D bet• .e~ rana. otmod by every g T ib ralriea are Marcb 16, sayll '0.08 oj bel'man pop. Ii,,! _, -pelf . '" 110 ••,111 II 0"1f~, .,........ ~.\8rt.u..\ ~". Hlf ~I ifot ... YfW~ • Guitar., SliMt N~'1e, ,¥,"UIIC I ' SW:e1I.11id Al~ ~ac1; In Sec. I., throop land, or coune • P ; b t mol'Ml"" il aD , ¥DI1"~ ,0Dg. P.,tIueOl .. ~1J.It1 a"d ,111 ../ . I~ ~"". bone _ - ' --p1~ to look l.! \Q. be r,rwtv.. " • Book, Vlola. aid Oll'~ land u'tvned b,.Ilm I 8wl"o• . ln s&ction~.: or 40weraiutheAuu;tmeT, :.. Q 'n AL.A,,;.... ~' ~,:;. "ord. b~Ilr, .0 r.r .. bllard, escep' olle-' ~__ b"-I·"1·. '-'-11 a__t.... .. • .,J. ..-';'.,."..,..,~~~'!'1'l~~! h '. ' , b I ndI • I b,. J.MViIa W.... ' auu aU th 0 0 reudD • y tue e UOI...,.. ...... ., . h I lUI to '" ' n ' ' .i' P.... ... -.,s. - ~ ·I .·~ :.t • , f-tr,'NI." ; •.ribb;~sr'I~ ~'ni~~~ugla ' 8 ~b~uld ,be rull ~" Bor'i\0b t :~lt!l~f.j(; '~:I:~ iO~::Qtll:.r:':"'r'e.. o,~' i ' act p&t~ 1 Th.,,,,,~,_ _ J ~ .~ ...r.~ ...Pd~P,)!'1t 4!"\I&,_'oliiiI...oII. .. tifi. Z••",hIDtD""rry .~rt n Illode owned' hI TIlY Clr . " a {;t: I, sball ' ~d ~m'1f&~e o~ 011 . tid ~.hid 1""' •• .~J" ~,. ~l..ftI!la1"elI,,". ~'- , 'IIU ,of, w\llcb , - ,f , ,,11l.-1NI1I Rarl~n in ~::':o~ to ~elb~:l= ~""g~ ,..on ' tJae ia " !~ladelpb1aJ,. ~~ , t~. :...O~ ~~.;~. m~ PtoLl1 b1..,... if , . M4 ., ...... e ~""""III bu ,pon TIli'D,.. • a \ . . IJIllu in "hieh. dod Pane for mllJlY ~I tr!I 1 - '. P.... • ~ ....." ' " "11.: ~ " -I M w.I ' I /I., to rte • ~ ~~ w~e tbe,j ,aro ~'"' Ol.ea•• can.... "COIl.iiI~'ollr. kbll;t,~ or abou~ l'ETI~l'O~ER, tbrou4h~h: lI)OW, thc..ut.bor of mucla ' '" ... ~ ,lf l ' ., 01 \be r.~\. ' . " ) l 'to·~ nal.'·'~le~ Ka~~1 II 1887.; I~ -l ij·l.:\"i~Q~~1£Il:!ll,5:

,..DR'. T, C, KERSE . Y, .•. .'1111 ' . y. I 18


wbel:!) 1r.0:80W " - . ADd would ol"l<luoTlook arouud , Lett our carcle1iil teet .ho~t1 In'lnplo ' Some I'artr j ewcl 011 the grounJ. ""UiII:>






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THEBE WOllI.D·llll~O"1iD ", 8EWING • .AC1U'~'

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" W40r,., lwwr,Ied Ihe II p~ Ih.. W)lfhl' • •'.ir hI LlllidOll ' .lIItttl~ pr.unluml al the N. Y. Btll. QI'~

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, The Sl"~h iO"'l\,t~d by 11011, noll'l!. In'd mede on lhl' j'hcloillf, • hi "" popular aild' "rabl. : ..,,1

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chi "e. ere .uhject .., tht· "inclp~u,; .... • C , Tn -..• ., by him, ' • , ... I .;1 •

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that tt.,y JDteDCl 10 oDe _::t.~ WA~ .u'rIU)r IIorie& aad othonriae 'ftIIl!rn'IlLo YUIJII UftW&q .tllID. ho ....(.'. prt'plll'lltory" open lug a grain CiaclllJUlll t:.'r.... 8.("/ Ai ••• nntl3gnoulturnl wnrehous('. W~ .r. ,1141 A.eo... 10.• 3 A . It, , pfeil d to .r cord tb~ new i~ ~. ce Colu.... u. Ac&:Oll!., 6.J7 p. If, f h '7 PiulblJfIE.pr_, lid I r... . 0 t e SI,irit ADd piuck of b 'Q of our

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When m"do Ul! ' I( Ill .. , do' n'ol '!loll Ihe DRESS ,GOODS, eU"IOlller. lie need li D' Itlke thenl I



bOlh ,,:,in and rftn e,; ,,,hleh I. am P~P"­ ell III heve mltle lip '" I. . Iylll nul


al! kInde :

II in conll l'tIeeipt of lhe ~hl)lc8lt

OAS~HMERES, ~' , - . VES'fINGS, &C,~

""'i'u,ed b,






where ma, be f(lund 1 _~, , , _, 01 •• 11 I ... aelllcled Good., _.,.lin, ." ,

·UAll.DWj\RE, &.

th' 11 I 1 I e .!o .o~, ng ~~o lit 011 WIIS nnnul· m0l1111y u<toptc!1 by tho teachers: LL..t.Jl&a &: KILIoII, £.tpre'" Agenu. 'Ite o!"etJ bJ' t4c tCR hlifS of Witr. Jell.au_, If,etobaall" U ".'"0 Ea.. A,'I ' p'en COII/'t.t: ~i\. A~sociotlon IBI!eD1~ l ~Q "r·oFFlCI:: NOTICt) ! blell. tbat \ho recent deei 8io~ of .J IIdge W Ul'flCn dec1IlI'{ng whil)lli~ in W jl, >I . Itl ,"'1 1J!" S .I 100 1 I'il eg RI Is opposed to tlte ~ :Ift I'. M, wholc course or jlldlcilll rle<rlsions :.l :u~~,· " 4 bereto(ore, coutrnrJ" to comtpll11 8en e . .. , 00 ." "Del 'CllIClllnted to de.t l·oy the em 'it,D, u~I · Of 8chool ~n"ornmelIHo the j!rcnt rletrime nt uf our common schools.'

""" ItISpr

• •ta


B .At the lqt.c llleq 'ng or the Wurrcn ('.mnty T eAchor8 11\~tltl,ltc




moat .thorough·go ing btl, aud JIOIIO all th ey n .£lire to mn! be rea:llzed.

...........Tw"au 80111'11', Nltr ht Ellp"""., • .09 A • • , Columllul Aecorn" 8:00 .. ,.. Cluchln8d eapr,. "f\ 2,36 •• II. Pjttlbtlrt Exprllft, &581', •• not I~.t C orwin. " .• I1l:,W., WODD\vARD,' Pr.lldeDI. ], W.. r.\Ir~'T "s..p·t. , _~ j . D. CAPWALUDU. Agenl.

DALL, .erohant. 'IfA'fDSvKLLlil, Go,

I ktep



~onllatllly on I;.illl ~ 1~lIlto~i, OI






0: .

Bought at. the Lowest OASH .READY-MADE CI.OnING, Prices, cut b,"1 m~ll .. by ~Ilt .. ()~D80N~ ~~,\le ""<I@r,nyel\lpluY,. 'I'I"oh '1 t~l\' .•

CASSIMERES, There are more UnI)[QvemeJlte go: \I , - \ 'CA:BINET8, 'ng tor"~rd in · W'~y,l.l~,'j\\e Ihis WI! in.l fe tl,e 811elllloll 01 our (deft!!•• nd • " ... ~ . . c .. I)o mcrl . ' .t m .;,.. ,1:\ ' lit IIpring thnp eVIl[ · no\icll41Lefore. It ·' . fuJl h\.. 11 i •• tI~pftr"I,p"I. ; ftntl oll'.Ir... .' W A ~ .w. A ' .,; r!l';' i ~ .' .~ OANTON FLAN;NE LS, 'SlItnJijllv, Mar New bOll8ee; new r~c~, ,",4 . 1t gen~ at Priceft Ih''' 1 10 be ••. goCld Goo,l. oR· w""in ,'hl~ m.r .... , . I rollpwi~ ' 1N111 eral , rlgglng~\Ip of hit~erto aill1Jllrlu 0""'01 be Objt!cll,umble! -.lId .... lol oh' ! .:WIl!' .ell . , Jj.ROWN AND Cor ted cqnceJ;ns" -Beem to be the order; Our . lork " f DOO'rS AND SHOP-S, . " . ' I • ,. I " " . l)c,tl~ Te , en' I .1' , ~ro$,~BIll . oml os· B rllSlIlt, 'activity Ilnd life arc for L"d, f'S', Gn,lri', "lid OJ,lIdrell'd W eft r. A. LOW" .' nny ' M(frl . D"re,' ,sell BLEACH.ED 1.lU:)I.1 NS, t the ~~I~II,)~ Y . ~. 'i.l. S.!;81ON. . c\·e,. r,Y,w hcl'c percept.ible. MI1Y this i, of II,E' D,.~s'r QUA l.fTY ! .' ~afllt" (Juuilly b '! :. ,, N ., ,










' THE'NEW FIR1III" I producing .III. ~ .~

AI., ," Rm.1I . '" .. Il "f th: N:r t;' putt. 0 nO N , NISHING GOon"" !;-. I .01 J ''' ~~h , I ... 1 , . " , , . " - -- 1\',11 .el\ III • reo8oll.hJ~ l'r(1ij· . .i no IERY. ~ , Bi!I!poD8e+D , F"rnlA. Mr. A. C~lllldlln' is I'l e88p. give one ':s CIII bel'ore. m. 8,{·StOl'IIDs...:...:.\l11IS Mullen. I 1.lng yuur 1p.lo!eliotlR, " '., • 4 ' .:e8n)'~AIi8s E. Bllntlllg. . some Jllotogr1lphe which nr~ h~ht . - Of'I re'urn Ih;',,~. '0 my "Id f",slomers , AI.ct, , '. I'; M'~·I!III!!il"~. , to be Mcellcd auy whet'c, fot' lrfe· ltke o"d .fri elld. lur whul th~y !'ov dOlle 101' l :·r~ctical ' Hirit';:""E.,E, White, CXRctue88 and fine finilfb. Now is . ~ , me 11111' e 1'.. 1, ."d hope '0 be .,o II" 10 Ir·' b ~r&. tl IC t'Imc ",or It II \VIS ., h'IIlg goo rl I 'Ik e · "':orIID, " - B-r()ft.Iwny, ruoalle. . lTe 111 II'A fUlure pDt A FULL' LiNE: OF READY·MADE \' , , n"'fulberr;;1 SI ree t-snu , . 'mv. . Nh.reo"."el. .,~ 2.. ,;-.IJ"Otl.t~<llfJir "l'e6 el'lI}g #':.o ~ t el1C -119,"' 11".10, ![P~f\e.hl ,. nceses to impro\'c the presentoppor. ' ELTON DUOLEY • .3. .A!1!1I·cs.8-=.J, ~lll\qQek.: tUllity. MI'. CI'8ndall is crowded "'ftyne~villf'. ·&I - y · l. 1867. ,.j. " ,·,IOYli:JllJOiG. .. ",' 'th· . 1 d'" t bl' I' Alwa y" kef'I' hon,l a /rood J<.Jlltert.inme~lh'ot Kid!\. I WI " ore 111'8 , an 18.'1\8 csts 18 lIog ussarllllcllt u f . IIATU*DAY~ A. 11. 'S lBSlOtrl an enviublc rel)ntntlon here. "

~ijrCBS .pl' )" I1, ;ril· state


ot tllings cl)ntllltle Ilnlinlitedly:




u. TO~IK1X il.





lUi It HI:BRl

L E BAN 0 N ,r 0 H I 0, I".

t . Ellf;I1Y--W. McClintock, -- - . - " WATCHES !l. A:ddres8--lIo. : J~lln A. ' Not· S. S. Co"n:NTloN.-Thc Wnrren ' CLOf ItS . . ,.1. , ;~I 't'I E County SlIl1dl1y,Sellool SOCiety will JE\YELRY, S... r~~J111: l':lJn.uI11 ~l~r !IS--; . on. , " hold their l:e~lIlnr meeting in ' thc 'SILVER A. PLATED WARE


".'f. lLe •.."."" r. ~f. . -1IJ;!lSION. -

ISJh 'c»e'~s'" ,

;'1 .• '1' ,I I w. v Illre I"tTY I, .. "YOCSVI Ie, vn t Ie I 1. (',orpor"l L>unishment- J. IInn 'I 13<l \\7'('dnsdny of tbis 'mol1th. ,Tbe - qOLD, SILVER ANI> STF.f.L (lO{'k. . , meeting w.ill lAst ·two doy , 011 ' tI :e . .. Inst of' which the Orthodox Frientl ~' 2. :'.\tlres,-~. H . .Vcn'ablc. 3.. fhe usuol good time gch'eroll, . . CI I '11 b rl . D. F lill.1US , Prl!~t: IlIrc I 11'1 • e IIl1e • GUtTA RS. VIOLINS, FLUTES. .A. D'''I~i;LL · Soo'y. , '. . A't) CORDEO~S, VIOLINS • . _ ,I ' . . . . - , . ' .... J.1:ir F nlllcce Gngc ~ec,turell LIl AND GUITA-U <;TRING~. I ",i.h In illfurm n y Patron. 'hat 1 0111 dHIJ S ' N,;w .DR110.S~R ,::"-rhis1}eat Illqllll ~cccntl~· ,to an altdlence of fun IiIl8; O( .. . attrn.cth'e stand bu ' 1>c'en .elqee twelve persons. A dog show' was its'tRt pelling, sniling 011 tti~ ll~. ,,·itncsscd.. t)le: o\'(m,ihg f91~Q..wini hy tid~ 'o( su«CS& ~ aud t.~l 1& 110t to tie I1U eutilll811lstic crowd willoh pAcked rUl'"ifh~d at Ihe very. lowe~l price I. mltr-veloo,·,.t rihjln we ClqnlJider the the ~1l11. ____ OlOCkS _ M ~ .



S pee t a c 1 e s ,





Ind a IIew ftlld

.horl ... t nlilicr. Fur aprinl! W .. ~r, ,~th of


PEEl'tLE::l::l. !'1Ir1or Cook. for YOUNG AMb:lU.OA,· co.. 1. FA NCY J<' RA N RUN. COlt\. UIi:AOON, PARLOR COOK. \Vof'l d,

Frlc!lid. ' ""d h,~ ~, w~tb

Ohoice 'Gomls



The linen Siock "I



G. 'A. R-All memhel'8 of Wny. ncsyille Encampment G. .A. R., tire

Parlor and Dining-)\oom




'\n~ stifck. de",a~d fI,li.reri~r drugs


· - A·IID-




",1 ;





'.i·" ..... :. .. "1867 ' SPI IN·G 'D1 .\11,11-111 (II 1111' . " . ' :\.' "






' -1





J'~ISIt ,ba8 61)t 'the Pl'9prietors bllSY,





n.i~ht , _.gel' da1,;.:·,~~~!,d 1,lg ,~.


ie I d CI k 'r L I. ' SOft t f 'potlla I' ell or Ill! I. flK cuanon, ... r says n pnr:y 0 .'



~' se" ~",I 'citi~en811,tend


len\',i ng thltt neighborhood for, . tbe Pari!l, Expos\ . • lie sup-pHc(l· ../-tthOUgh '\ tiO rl nh911t tbe first of 1\(ny. ; PH 0 T 0 Q'R A PHS I. meuse 'stock kll looo·' mo. r n y " 1 ~. .. t ' '. minielted 1)~ tbe' frcq:,~ht pllrebnees , . ~ J ... Ad I ·K~ . Jh, -t k In Ihe vorio'l'. " YIl!s of 11""ftr'~ rRn nnw J " . _. If;,-U MI ~ B ,.~ , }. ,'h " e~rf!o, . ~s. n en be h.d It Ibe QLD ' 9ALLE~Y, lie.. t

~lInts ~~ t.!~Of~· 'II h.Oreome ,to. lJ~e an


~I ~l;l , I:,~

)'ettbey 8~p .. bav~ Il'~ ~b.~nd:ncc !J' \Charge or tl,te t~e c\loicc.s t g~8, in ey()ry d~pnrt District. , I Rlent: l()f . the . trnde, and "b08e who (,' f '

~Cl!po! i.~ tbe Red, Oak




• 11~,t.Q ~~):.CU1, ~g~alJI~," laJf-holl)' M.R. .~ev~·Hol1aud Ilml wire ,ieft ',' . tip'to . ~ ~lJ."il1BI I,erc yesterday. for a· through

:and' "~~e4~w I!om-e of tihe ''''estern States. is In ,bls glory, " ~ ~:" I ,,' , b" ,., .. " 10" h'

'-t"Im.~:t~":.'''!'~''ft\.lr"e"I ;.~ '. ~J~••:





'liP'.' ,.t .




W .,







·h.l~ el~c~;'e Ih~nk8.

1~1l he



IIlJl ('0'''1088 ~ Pate il t '1tI'ediCIQei , 1.1.1.



. ti ' l11'bl .U '" .ii.;J!!.;.. " • Mr• . \V. Manlngtqll. , me'lA e, '



. .".'

ID,ono 4,.periulent, ,4nd l t. e JP en ; l


",.,aeevllle ' M~~k4l1.;

nd l

; LaIcal




'lllIea: Ilyle. of Je~el',, ·






tJi~r" "1ret.'l,IY·., .. ,', ' " "'~

: •.~. , . ' ,',_"

. .,..

, .


.. ' leOr1l " ..,

Bor.kwh fl .t.l1 bu: ,






,bli!lbi~a• it




.. men o( ,:)Ionow.,

m rOb ht'

a !,~ ,~~. ,




"',1 ' '. ...-

1\~vill~l.. ~b().~me y~,"~=::~:~


barrel. Flu"r" ew',

. , TJl~. ShR leama that ·~~~k ,Fal~.

eluld.' '~r~~a'i ye,a.t. flgq ~De .9f




Ie "" Ii bel'

~pp ~"'b <

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l .:osee ." b.1 '

~:: ~~rd ••"!10oll\etllller., Albuml,. ·1I.I ~cel. lOUt) ' l~·"eo~I.-Bookltorpr'e..hl', Piclure. . nd Plctu,e'P .. mea. ao

19 l' •

p:~!:flee ;I bu.b-I" t' ..




80 ,t uo l 00






y , . '

luo,led eizol, o. tho b•• t '1 Ullil

SHVYIf,I,.S .l'QN.Q~ ,


Bu.rdh·~ &.PI ~y"

r';i~}:~I~?~~JJ.!.~ a~d.' ~b'e';1~·


bell of '.IT COIl~'i.itril~' lor 'sal.


-;- .'



' ' '.' ... , 'atHTZ!


TIII.·'O I.",," . . ..... ..........


~JlVlT"'A'" ~f~"'







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~rJ~ 1i~~.mJJ ,'JIj~ J ,,! .... :"

.' • I , \ '. ,: .j, Pbwicia""'· .... , Pr...C...,.HO.... J

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~\lr~~~lIi nJl~ f~9r!1P:il{ rjl~.


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. W.T . .... n\" .. Oltlo. ,,' ..:........~ , , ., ,. - e d P . 'l:':rm l . ·l ·~ , '" i, iI....' " ,I W '.· 1~' .1 .. ~." :,' ' " 111 DU ' D.·: '·...... " . ·n . W :~ _'L :!.'.:!tI, I\I.~" . . "...




H.. lnK Bliterc"' f!Il"clo;jilt i!l~'~~i,






LI . ' "I lllllltit IlUli l NE !il "

10 Info"l Ib& l'ubll., .gen. orilly Ih"Uhey .re. ~mtiuul.e.'




IUf~J!~ ;~III~::(~!:' :; .lIlkinde .til,'.;

" .-. il 'S'A p,.D,LE,. S:'~l~R~E~~,' I



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t'? ~b:,~,~~it \n~.;' 6r

'. (0': /'" Oea"_ell'. .:, ~ :; (ient'I,.Furnl!!hinjl' i" f,'


• ,

f~ 1.J ... ...... b . :nIIl i~h SbllP urro" r J ocellp",,! - J. ·.t.:~I ••

'fL., .

in Corwtq Wbii .. 'h. i all kind.o' · , , > ~, ! II"" we Will • 'B+ in Ib" be.~ tql'Dller.,,, at &)l.o ........ N, D.-ToSuoAa·ILu:su.-We are bl ' "! • ~.... me king SUII"r Panl a' old prIce., or the 100" ,. ~rJCO.. . , 1/1 '1. .,). ~ l bee' No. 18 Charco.1 Iron. CIIl in time, U" .dellfel l,atM. , fllte~~~:to./i',. Ihlt all mly be ,..d,ln ..UO~ . • .,bal h' ~ .9D ,h¥!1 ~ L. ~

'b,r~;e~~/p~ic:~:J:~:~r ~~~~I~d



t , ". '. . .. The S\JI).erib~r bal~alu;n til. ~k


&'1.'•• III of wltlch we will nil low fo~ CA""'. ..J,.oo~ 1I\" "'1I1,our .ow" jnler, ,'

. ., -.,.----.


' mIDJ Iii", ' .• ~·o~ 9;b'

i~ ' •.rr. !lUllj ""'" '" ....~% . 1··1L ," ~a .TZ.

.. -

co· ~ · ON GENTLEMEN I" .. , . _lid patronlo Hoine' )f.~uflClu,el.


I R 'Wl- R'" .A


ItI"h~ 'eOitnl.,.'" 1 , , ' - Ii ~ ..:c.1'h~ro,p the ner10U!,: 1l1;li ""~I.I.tecl I . '. A' . :W'! ar~.I.o~ ~'M".lvor ~~ O)laL~~ I~ ,.h~~~:"!~dlli~'~ . u~ ~~:7:f"" I.Ul'ltll lOP4hr f01 ltEB!i MON~¥ ""rnlin ,,,,In., 0, e, ., • 0' 'tm a; , I" ;r" '"'-"- . . . I. {b h · ualilY for "In 81;'lnlll, ; Br.aJlbO~'




1:"'. .1'"

' ,'

IrljCllev*u.IIJ.,k.e p' .hi '.. .. ... BRJ'f~ANIA SPOONS. 1."II •.hmellll, . . , . , v'., '1""., 1 , N U 00 l\innufacturcd by 1\Iyself, equal ', T N AN )RO~ SPOO· S.· '" ' .])UPJ..EY. &r WQ<>;,L~' 1 . <to my 'Uest CU8t(lm \-Vorl" ... . .", ' ol Of" Uar~1J 11, 1~1!71 4/ ,.U ll; il'l" SkI/lu, rarm and ~cho t . " , ., tv/" ....,...-.;.: . . ' J , f.liJl.'" I l'oJlcJu;illAuoll oad !-a tlqnlbbl, always '011 Itund. B eils, ami 1.,/ t!mll1!88 I tU TteNJ of .. ,

,,.a"ei$t,ready~~~e ' c'othl~g . • r ·'Wm. FillgerRinll~; ·l\Iel!t ,¥II.le ind ~oil'dll aOjU.ledfU"'NI~~"~J'.u .. ,.n ' ,oo\'II: .,. ·tns·blob,,'tiIe ~rlcst4"" lgf\~il(.ct,~re . ,Cart/1AllfJ C.or~4 1M ., In.trumr.OIl. , Jltace.lllneonil, echoo! '.nd T A K E a IP' ~Ij {("~It, 0 F ' . '" )'~"" . " f ' ., . " ',aoo "" a' 10 81.,,11 Buoh 01 .1I ' kirul~. Dink Det.t!I, . " \ '. . ;< \<'1 preeented }ta ,tho ..other portion r0 .W"""· ~ . ltulbel. ' ".... ·••'o rl·... "'. Wln'lIItl, '. t.llldlvlll, Re·t: 'e ..... D,.W .....,.,.... . -:.~........ ~''''atJ ',)J ' 'II .... h • .1 ' . a;. , ' "'. , . J 00.00' f' ... '1· .1 d" 'to ,II 053Il10 "... ... _r gotHlQ/,;..AU ,,~ ~: ~e"'!'.n":,, . U I'; )1" .' .. . l. .: ISQ roJ, 'It.ebUl.,.at., ~., &~" 'coo . ta ot on ~ ' . ' , ,." , ." ., ' ... ' t iJl" J?C;c~i~li'; ~,~j~\oII~,:~.~o~~~ \,om~,t '. 1t~rle;,l' ~ , .• ', J ~O (itI b~. I~I~~W I"di ~~. erltlnlll~ Garnel.: .c~ool Jackson , pectoral;<, "FlIP, golflS


6V'AL, " ~AST-IU:ON F.A~1I1 GRo(jEAI'~ I: BOILEHS, . SO " ,,}j • 'rEA KET'rLES hftOlJ r ]j'h'~II ~:.I"vl ...... ,'ttlt '; • .,~, of ~IJ r lil~'" " ro. ..:. -;r ,~". f~:~~~t· ' EN AMEL KE1'~rLE~. MoGUFIf.y Sv&' W.1t$Q~"s.,eEJu.



+4~~"':t"" ~



and etigtW. ... .Dd' to.P N.~..: St:-e~:, .', ;: , ''':: 1'- ... ",,!' I, and aq' ,. I 1 . ~ 1f·(W.-' ' S~ nl Ze Dt;;-;; Dgli' ~ j '8t ~. , i ~ne lt~ . ell~ ~ J H ~RU'C., 6 u!,~ ,~c. ~ ' 0111' . .deN , aan,COnBU1UJ1"I: ., rl ~prl 1 ,I",,!,,',. I..~' Emil}" 1 ' PeMIII apfel_tlu',' .Ilh I'erolleoplc, H S'/lJ'II AOJta\ of Jl8chiiuler . d .,,0 , t.erest .by ~u.m'nlftg tlie !lOpe o~ , !le· :Iii'. D...lel~ 1M, 1~. Fruee,.1 of conclivc " Co.jVt'X;" blfbce' anil London FRF.O Ec,fl rDiil. Lnttl Sulrc ~!!~\iI te10 ~ ipWIID'eatt~;ORt'dlea ~iil .rU~.I: ' ~"c, j,War rep,C<lu lI &1,. . I ." \ 1I1Iolre il.lee.,m ,aid; ill~;,r, pillea, ete~I ,r,L /;iBa'·l;ln. 'of ,oJ) LD~\B ' CD ~~~-1 0 .' ·n,,~ , ,. T, f h • I ' d' d Ind IlOlflwun fro me. '0 lult /tU asu. . D)I cnnetl . of ... crull! .. tI_ " .

~ . . "!C'

P 'E Ii.\ fT.' V', M'E' n ,~ ....

... .' ' ,' .:,;1. n , I ' . , . . A wel'.eelot\ed, ••,.• o~mei\~ (o.,f , 'h. e' Bin , .•


,tI IElt~' lIi\~'~~'l:,~n, .8wI"',lrpl!r.I~ a~ HI!O'beTK ......l·1rJ;;8~"bt'~r



1mM.,., ""X/1 AnllD , ''' '~ .' ·!I'.;,",

, "'.




,It M.A I. a.·O. 'II...,,.... k't.· ''ex': , • , .' Ml1y : ·S ·' 0" ,'r.' :'&< W ~


"af' G ;''8'


Ii: aIDH.'I

Better Clasa.takell at Reasonable RatE;s.








" , ' ,.,


'I "





' ,

15. now III receipt 01

.~ ... ~ ,,1.1,, ' I. ' \ ,... Fire aftd ltIa...t"'~ '0:..110'1 (jf the .

We hlvII .110 on lmul. /food ..,or I . . ' melilof .11II1I_t ever~lblull In our lIuo. · ' 10 hI. '1110"11' which are 1:1 "' .

TI,e Lur,rJt st and lJes(,.N,/t'(!161l Sloe!' '.


LOW l"lGURES. fOf CASH, III alll elly, lown ur vlllnl:e, elld


,d to. him; and would r8~peetlull~ ihlurm Ihem

; .'

, / h the Blove lelaun I. r... d~lnoe'I, our .'uck I. low I but IhingN IllIt WA hovo not nn hend, we CAn 0111_111, by 1'.:/1 . pre.',oll Ihort IIDlloe,

ullpr~~~dl:;'~:: 1;~~~~;'~:'.~~:'d~:u~,,~I'\I~

I!ITO·('KHOI.D"~!!IAfou D'.I~~'

. "'" \',·~7J~@1.I~~tl\fb~ · ~lfiJ,OO@IX~ lam pre\lm.iKho ltIake I'lc'~~e. f~OIJl • A_ .pA....h' ......" .. .'Jt:l.... e SIzed, ,small AfII'mJlYl!D .tu a C"pitnl Stoek, - ~ 8300,1)00 Purl.,.all In Od. C"ei(ul Pat;t 'Up in (Jain: • ~oo,ooo

E~pet'lftl~tio.n pBit!



SMALL PIC'UJRES, ",HI ruiKillll Ihem o( al~ 1.1\~(le,8 ti~~' f.i). I,!r~" ever "P,P~~ II) " :.IUONS : . ' ~I , 10 Oil)' ~e~irl;'le .ize. Tlw.e hnlnlr pi<'. .... . ,~. ~ Ihls pl,ct', w~lch he II prep~rell u , , 11\ . ' ...,. we, 01 LOll Fri"nds, c!,u hove Ihpm cut," the moat impr"Yt1d ".1)' 11 'IRON 0It~ AJUMI·!f7r.- • " ' , copied and e •• lilllled, .,," 'r.ulure" in 001 . ' I d I I . II rl'L'A & '1'AS"'" ) lSSIle... 'hl~:lii~tl?n(~n, ,this p~l>e,.. ) '~ ~~ r~roilio~08IC~1 Jour.n ~1 ,for, ~ay milking them a. lIer feet .. th" "rlgillal Ii ' ::':~I:;' eo:; ~r ~~e 1 I • . ..... .. . '" . .... c. <.0. and lli8 "'l~ 01~. rriend8 will know coht~II1$ 1t 'ij u.ll tiorili j Of (lxliC\lcnt'm"U(). plcI1Ir!'. All wON WARURTEII! • ~ . thnt~luij.cj'~t)',,1.18 aJ1'8~;' ~'.'Ve haTe profuse'; IIIv~tratea : /ffo one CAn .ead tbis Nu olljecII.olI 10 dnudy "".lIlllr, t'xcppt 0 I' Fie E a,: ,., I. . I u r . I If'IM'lR~l)S~ , J . ' • " ,'''' I ' f ' I .' ble very jlerl.;J'...ah·itll Ulbeot!lil, ~. YCRf. s.n. foremoll cllllt!ren. !':HAS. C . REAKIRT. iPtresitiellt, Bost WOfl\men 10 t 10 ncst . OHILDREN'S KNIVES 'll.. tile I>. e~\!!,e 0 llee Dr We1ja. 389 Broild~~j ; New yo.k. 1 ""deuyor In III caBU 'u plp.Be my M RANSOM S .t ~ . '. , I A''''D, F,QuuB" -rge..stoc ' Ind C n ~rcly Blly to euetomu. I .nd hiving hod tlPVA,.1 yR"~ C. . ee' • yl , , ~,~, ...... • I ' Ii ." ~(l f U,li6e ~ '0 ., \Iv "ci . ,. i 'II <T lI ' t experionce I" Iho bUllne.. , I 0.111'. my- COL. H. II. HA ntEV. Gene",1 A,ent. CUlto",,,,. are I ..ur~d Illat·tbey call hIVe WASH BOWLS. r.tye,. e I III . , T~E , 'IIA OIIInf · .n '.' II leU Ihl' I "an /J ivo II!lood wIJrk Ie In, -' Ihelr worll done In" .Iyle unlurJlneeed bv VICTOR ~KEl'TLES, (or bolli0Fo Po. ': f~I;li'l~e, It. is ·e(}ual to any.,. Ad· Art'o'•••'ew ecI",rtl.ed, bllt few prove, lo II ' I h '1 . • 1l1 'n II CT' oi!1! '~ ?" ",,' e01, ln the COUllt" lOll ill r.,e.ry P.lrti<;u, ...deCl to "'Ie, Mr. .Marilll~~'1Jinpp " ' t Ae. be'wh., ltie,!.,. N,reeentid. )[eur. lIa er, Q,,\ e ,CI y. , '" . . .' l ' ) • ~"totl • • 11t~ mon oo~plel. Ib og in ; Sblnll' 1. (r IVlrem!jt@,of TI'o" " ., W. A. CRANDALL, el\AS C,RILAK'I<T., .,.f ,I ' ~ O ' ft,~MdRT If" I', , . ' u'o • . , < i · ." ~ ' ~_ .. ,~.t .....' be.\'y Ind ~N f:~,. .,.,.7"I ... ';ex,enWinly In"r.1 ,.pllo\O.'.ph ... Ind Purtrall P.II\.e,r •. , J oIIy',i KI ~.E\', 01 GJob" lln,.ll,.", ~IJ . . . - ' ~' •. ~ ·o~ _ 8 lUlU,)' , • ••. " L.'" .. . . .... I, 21 -. til j." DS WIII:TS1'O\U!;'Or F]) wui!liItohe" 00 8 p' • to '.'O.,6ha'um in thu plae, COAL BUCKETS, , I t l, " Il ) )aneb b,e la 11.1- .nt~I" thlt .. ., ...tOfla lhemeel.ea"Jufl .... re... . , ., , ," L 0 80tl•• "'8. of L (j·Hopklut ,, ', C<I ' n arlor , , ,'" .. <H'l'1'l'OONS, , ~Il • ~~pe!.IO.~ :w~~ " ." , I. repre.ent~ (or whlclli the, 'lire 101ill, I ." I F If LA Wi!O", 0'1 F 'B L,,'treoa &; 1(;;0 '. • " j. "'. , ~~y:tO · please the peo\,le. I ••'nll, W..,i_U; yePt111m' lo be perw w HA~UI ol· W,W"Hanl; "f~t::O:I.· . - 0' .' , ,CORN POP.PERS: 't" lrilJuIm'edla.... ly. '. rrttly b'l~..,.irthy.t IItI;:'hl "',"'.<:6'IUII . Q..,o D WH<C'U' LL, or.o n Wblqj!~llJ, UplOII k ", asUSK·RA'r '!'RI\B8, o an see I , their P',p~.r"llon' .I~ II ... IhFIJI fully lip SllOlJLD 00 TO 114LE "'NO ,lOllS D HI"" Il. of Hlndo .li. Pu»or SA USAGE S'l'lJFlIEKS, I , .:. . "" ... ,; 1 tIJlherecoahnead.f\,.O\, Be.lhelr.d'''E!lIT'8,N(I,JI611l1lIberr,:ltreel,LEWATsoN.ofLW.u.onanlJiClo • II G[.tlNDE~" ) Masini. 1)~ley ~. :'Y'oollcY,' • .t~ vef\Ihrili"~n tbt":p.por; · I ,' . (jl~io, 10 bu, Jin,e SlL VER ~')'i :,,~,~~::.T~r' t~,rs:~:~;t~III:~·~O& Co , '"f ~ LARD PIlESSES, , '.. '. " l ~I 't" " I . ' th"lt"~e- I ' .' " _ . WARE, . lolld .. pl•• ed , SP!",III I"d 0 M ORAY, I\,rmcrlv of Pc~roi\.. atid Co . . SPRING BALANOES, Mir folr 11 .ff :Q9l!l.lP8 , lY. , ~ .I, ~: " ' al~'m " ".ilX"Tr . F'orkl; .. II"e ~'Ul!e and Pocilet, 9UI1 !rJ' M J<' TholllJl'lon. or 1'htlmp.."i'(;.~odrlcl, a co ' . '. ,.'

:";l~~" t,I'II. , ~ o,~~~ ~\I" t «i .rq~,\'qo


ftI~\1I .8Irep.,; ' i'9'!/AYklJE§·W'1I:1:11E.

Ihe P081.0tlld', ,u'II




rVcrrJ'atiled 10 ,,,itiU ,sativae/lOll.

(j'5.l]!ff:i©~~'ii' rtI'~'\Il'b(QiC;?y

CINCINNAn D"tillEj ':'




'J.! •

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lAS'H.I,OIl"'5. I

Wnrnenille,A'prIl16, 18~. .


bccurlllull tu, l W : .

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67 .



II •• ~


OH,EMIOALS', .' .... LEAD,



·be.\utirully api>or~\: :i.m~}'oY'~ . f° l'~ets;l\lso)thel<'I'eU~,h Watchea andClockl, ahoEngra- ilya""PftIC~ !1" . i., Il[JCllde~ 4: Jannc.y has Con-ete j ' ~, grqa.t ~,rfety of sl!k anti 'fj~g. _.- AI,I Work Warranted I boo Ie ....neral ,J'endC!ll: e()tto~ 1'41'11.50111, Hed·Spreads, &e., o::r Ahyft~·~ 011 ,hlno! •• j!ood ..lark 1)1 I. E, ~ Et Y ~. om. . . ,7 :X _ ' ll ' t H . L J' B~lb Thu,.,." 1"IIf1hAm &. foo,'e, ""d OPJI"eile Ihe RUller! ijo~~, ((Ir t1~ 1)IJ"', Ie-, .1ld ~~ COllettillt a . A·~DKN... ,A.NNET S . Culberl Clock-, Aleo, II. n. ~wll'a J1~r. " storC;;AII)



Of Ihl a . Iyl\! til 'fI. I~e lhrf'6 s.zn; 1L"~' of Iho .buY\) ,"tllllioIl Od c... be 1",11 ut

ViEf(YEn;1 HOPI{ [NS

}f: -SJ 'l'

I ~

Signal 'Parlor ~ . ,

it Y

0 \V N 't oilet 1\1'. and BEST 8RAND~. ol .. I, . th hfmtF l'cqllel,ltc<t to 'nllllemble ', at their r.g ll. Per~on~ wi , hin,,' onylhing In our line, " , ~ ,,, . ,CALli Ii- NIl SEE. . of wtill. Inr 'Wi\_nn of m' ~tl'-ng, on S·-~urdn~.. shouhJ lIul /1,\.1 lu c~It • .and ~",.. ", l,e our .... . E" . ~ dcllo?llli'teli~,·e...'1;,anI!t.Y· I' ~ ~~ ..., .1_1< 1I."i... p\l(.,l ... \nll . i ••wh.. . v 1 :1:-y,\M ,~,~,~~;A.9.!J!i'~"'~ ~ " '1i~MBtfGS things-, c\'ening, .MIlY .4. - ' r .• , bIR . 1'OlfKJR8 l,ftY rn~ hllll' Ihirt)··Avf' , \,{, } I, ,.;', ~ to . Vl!",~. ,I1X· " _ ti ~ ,,,,~ i" ' llti. h1l8ia:~. 11 Lu,h A'n4 r'/PflcIH~'T'.· ru1l1l1l4, or .' " I" 'I' iIlEUROPE.ndAM~RIC .... ,feelecu" .;r\ " . ~. " " , I" Il d('Ol, IS8, . . err)' 8 mi hner), st\Jfe· lid",nl 01 I!i,in~ en/ire &ti.'.!adlf!1" ,,;.~ ~ ~ 18' J '0 Ililtisr&ct on, RUd present&r~' tllsty and attl1&cti"e 6»· (b- We IAn tier our .inc:~ re ihanilS' hI u~b"nitv mntln~r Rnything, pC!\TRnCe, we.ll 8to. c~'1d·. ~s ' it ill 1I'HIt Ihe public;' rur their lorDie r p"hdrnl'KP, and . ~' , , . " ... '. ( . , T' ~z,1 tl f 1 bl a l l 'lOP", wllh _Iricf ·~(t~nllon ,,, lIu8h,eH' , 'n 'MTt'YJ: . tl,ie IIr. cer~olDly' . hn\'e A 10 m~s 11 ~l'!Olla e •. nn . o\te .y h .IIle 10 giV8 1SlLlelocl ion 10 ,... 1, wbu ~UM1U.~ , . o~ 't~e, i.rie; '~e -.J.~ . goode n ~ mill'ket. · " III "V I... ron ize no, nu'V anel hereoll!!r . " . I Our p~rl'l:ul"r I'!lenliuII will b8-glvl'n - -- ' - - ' I- ~ . ~~.,...... _..._ft . .'. ~ ';'';' ' 'I'I'' ~ L .1" ' I'. . 1I1 ' d n I An ,."· ... i"D·i QI1 of "'hidl, cllnnot . f.I.1 ••• , ,~" -Ie OulC8 ,8\'0I'lte- n • fo the L~~r·ir n.g of 10 ple8~f' II'A 1110.' .fu8Iidluul, b6ltb··ill qua.l.. "

PU,1 tip

be~ut\[ul dt'lllIn. Cuat elon.

"f .11 ~'1.r. • . • IId pUll...

~ c l:il{it*' I'I!~' .;~

,~ We fe,,1 'lfol,. d,.nkful (01\ 'hi lib.

mlJlJl' otll'a , A,

JI,al ",\ronale qf tbe ~ .. \ ,ur, apll ·bope 'Irlet '.II!'ntlorl to liuailleel, ·IInd . hon-



or.~!~tI~~II~:~e 1~1~~~ta:lee:~H


,ed·to S~. ,rn1}'i!I aoott to , . ". ! Drl.d·App' " . " ~ 12 We wllf ftl'rtil~h 'ln bf III"e 1".lfllnle.nt. l' JGjl04~ ~:Iollr ;uterprillnl .pirll, .Dd be ·a b()lI~:U:il~Q't'\"! lforrow. :~~t; F"lfel~ tl'i~..,nllmberl~ " ~C:~Ii:~e.:.;,t. d~ '" ,~ .Io'!'" ,6,,~ .~1" Pf"'i, bo~.d fll, t li , i ir 'l ~ nLll .. ' ( . .1~i;;(dj'It"tIII ""'§,!IlpIlDdet:l, Ne~ktie .. ilt.fO ollriel." " Dd J.~I'!.~·ae'it8r.II,~·. · 1.ltu"l.a('e,(t,(l'jllit~'!~~~~==Ia~ li Pi OQ ' lib"., 8.... ml!.tfl\n~ at.ifo~t e,"c.e • · u~:o "'1P....." ·So ' . 'H ~ 20 ' fI::r' .We 1I~... IO,!ti.n"hur;· .·~I_ .. n /' I in 'ft . <. 'D" '~ f:" ., ,P.", Cell •• ","0•• &e.. D80" "; -;~ . . II 01 .. I..... 'jo.' " " I J~ 'a'ii t, »1 N.".· r,..·DI ,!!" , 1P . !. J!f& &.~,on Sewin, JlliChJrle; .011""1 ea.~~ ~ . I : ' ';"" ' •• II- ,"' ,' r, T! '1'. PO . ... . A' ltf I lell 9J~~ •. !lt8 ~ )I'.~~f\ ::'!'~ 'VO.Mot~~ · ~ 'I(.ltoJl, . ()O , l~A{/"'V . Il,,~lae. C;.I!atljI.ce . U,; rIIiiiit4.:~~.:',·;1'z" ~ W'7 nee,IlI" U.,,,hi6·;, ' I"" , , .,, ~ . \ . ' ,. " . ~ 81':t!...13".:1l•...,d ~ ( hea .'~r: hllln.• ~ ~rllh. >: . ' ~., '-( Leliaho.;""Sl' 1'7,' . .. '., 118 ~~.IIIJlI~ ' ..1e ~. 'J ~~.. . .• ' . ' ' COII101l i ("nUU, , '1.0 • leJidid• re.(Urn to• '''''rr('ll.counl.l • t:

to '.





V'.,. .. """ , . '.





ia to ... &It...


ua.:ur.e, UI·K.'~I'"'

'J 'Ja.-Ina' .AlU'olo,.."

A-r 'IRK wo.DP,UL . . &UTI.

• .ab.






y: KELLEY", CO., IlDpot,.ra

. • ...... . . . . . . . . . . euperior !."Y~ 01 Te...·ln ....o.c.lo" wllb I"P \ JlysIiq8 A.VD CAllBlNBB. lII'~rl ~~:~~~:!u!,:!I:!II,ll ~~ ~ or wllo ..... I. Ituah,OI'., hn. drtetlllinfd 10 _.I 8 I S,nIOl. A lao, b D I III II LI She reweall Heroll no ",ort.' .wer nlilDber 01 . i Irl)dllce Iheir Te.. dlr.ell, 10 COli um. 1'0r Ihe 11nll... te.. I a lip ell p. 0 I. rl 111"!¥ ~ Wa),Dennle 11M h.DdlOlD,,' lo"D In know. 8h. rUlor.1 10 hlPP,nen Ihola 'AI UII ...., I~ .. ",mln" . rtf merle. O~I Il imp"rlerl' pric~ • • Ihu. elf,clln~ a ",ced p.r.leul.,l, In .Il ,,~. . 'hll &atl, NaJan b•••CIIl. all lb. lin who. frOID dole/ul "yellt'. caluLro,.n... w.r. Ihere eGOlendlng. wlllc:hev~r won i. to 1110 CUlldome r of 40 I 60 pllr bllea. o~ru, clrrl·lIe.. ~ for al 1n til. Iota.dallon of tbe ,round cru.... in 10"•• lu. ofr"llllono .. Irielld.~ lhe baUIe .OI~W h.,. " " lhl"lf 1"li .t o un· ::;,:.' r.Illi1I~' j)ftn now Club I./I.:elhpr BEPEATING REVOLVERS. church pew., 11111 for ~ aod Ihe lOiJ Ih'I'8OD. il GOW remainl (or lou ul mOlley. ~'" hIVe bet:o",iI lIeopun 1quer.'-A_rull Ar' JIJ,,~'wl, (t"~lled [or In killd or q\luhtiu vf 'r end . "11"ck. . 1 Ind Ilou.. Dr...... tl,. Iltlr..~U.t..u UI to do ollr Ihare in Ibe w'1 of lIP ' del¥ . She brtn!!, tu,elher Iho.e Ibnl! ,well-knuwn IOd~leel cnt":.) • el';; one pollnd .nd upw.,d., .lId 'ye ad when In 011 to occupJ - .IU",proving aod ornamentio. eeparllted. give. Informall!)n concern I "Il T hn hu •• Iill tlkoii the llre~ 1il: ' 1 eend 11lt'1II • 811 erlor arlit:le 01 'rei. I G n M e .. ily In4 Clonvenientl, 1'1 .llk II We 1"1 .pio pD' btld. "e:l= .bsen\ 0' II.'ye,. , !eSlllres IO~1 or wh~rever ubiblied Ihi, .el Oil · _,. :I"f> I f celli abo,: the e06t 01 IlIIportl- Ri8e lAtA .811C1\ Gun ""Irell • '::"he\l 11'1 dr. . . aa:jllVilulble qli'lltJ PED ... L ORGANS. I. ,. InJ 3 ba,... a t' P Let lome energelic I.d" or Olher lerlaj. lold I\y GUlf VII erl ,n I , \.ille. 1I0t loualilri In" linJle 'pr'. DO" II Lhe lieae .~d 11,,1 Ihe .pla e . The beet opporlu'III, enr Itrurdpd lo per- Rtoien prvperty lell. you t ile blllOnetll Tbil monlh gOlle .ad 'he year I. lolt to b ti I you ar .. be.: qUNhfted 10 pur.ue Ind In , 01 k"I-I'. Ilse.-,jI()1! to ,'.!i00 ."10. '1 I liborhuoll call upon p"e ..lI,. '. II A ladl III'II~ 81lj'I,14 lite '~ .onl wi.hlng tQ e . ,.l·e us UI forner, 10 fer .. tho 'l'OWlh of treee WhlL you will be ml,lal.ucct'l8rlll, clulu i Wi/Ito", PNitU lIin~le o1\d doulile blllk, per~oll III "lIO I lie lid IIIl heir ord"r 10 Ibeae day. , of Hou."br •• kl", 1\1 comrclri, .ndlr~elt COIlYelllt\t4:t 0/ epoedy OIa"lo,el lod lell'1 ou t,!le ""Y In jlre.t Y"I,I; 1i6 I() 14M\ TbtJde htlr ae'lll·fh~hl f,":1 1111 "n"'~ tld rr,1o and Rub""ry. !Ivery H"u.~"., Slpre,. . B.:lk. ,alld 1o, the ,Duplell »1II,llq' 11..1.,,1 .."':, it. ooncern.tS. Let lOUIe oae n t Ih. tift)' you will marry.lfive8 you Ihe lI_mt', O'gan' with II:elr eI1lUlIlIl. pipe·Jlk@ fu~ any 0 1 b e r ~ 11'11' 1~lIltror lnor~ i.. QIJIee •• hould have 0118 of · rur • ",!-{(I. d~y! will DIIYtr IOJ..1tl!I ':IIIPple, olben.• follow. SalPe C 'ikene •• alld chriclerl6tioM 01 Ihll penon· , lIy nf I~nf. be"utilulw blll el?I", , ~\renl!llr ' wb ij~" d 0 D~ I e~~ a lld 'we· .villsend Ih e WI!ll~Il~., dlt~rDle , "It~ 1\liIt.,..... ~" V m.D .11 ...reb of]O" co.1ei make 1\ Book-keeper Sit .. reeds YOllr ,'e ry tilollghl8, IIl1d by her l ol choru. unequaled pedm1s. IIlId Ilenoral 0 IOlDe •• e . II t eka .ea wilh 1:1 oll'ld e • nil ~ ilnilyoUDiltdlie1kt, " 'p"CIII.tioe tallin, coolrlCl. of p.~. a'moll SlIpernolUral I\Q.wer. UIIUit. Ihe ' I)rgan.'ik~ .lI'ec~•• orq dll~etior l(j~ : hur ch . Teud pul u~ 1~~c~ep:!~a:1I P~lDrk~" 'un it, part.n dt!1llrlnll to avail tlll'lmielvee of ,uperior to ,), 9Ih'..... , tiel "bo h.n 110 li ....- IO 'anend 10 II. iJ A~ 1 fllrl~' I". I j -; rovemeUl8 In Pilvll•• Rnd IUTney wll1 nQI bend or bre'./4e d .. rk ami hidden mY 8terl d ur the rUlUre. ! I t H.1I1 P"lore and S~hool.. riley nre Ihe lI~me " PUllmen, goior 'lo &he "oodl ~ !Jelub,. dlfer' From lhe 8111rs we see ill Ihe firlOlO1l1nt ,"PU'I up c•••• o( ,oi/(/ Wal'l~11, rancy ftll encl".ed IlIh~"e er':!" '8I1ill" up het thn ~1~~~~mBnlhip Ind rOTlll, will finll.1I lIillllle Iprin,. bUl will pre""I ~ lie nt ",tielie. of wild ~r.. ' for &11 0 • Ihe malelic Slere that ov~rcollle or prr,.'l veneered....z..,u1 (new Il)d un lqulI ",y! ..). duumen' 10 I P ex r~ COlli H\Ilelll~ par l lect and ~r.ruful 'hape whell. ~ elreete. Wbo" ill lake Ibe job ".Dd Teachers of Penman hip, ominnle ill Ihe cu"figurallo n- Irom Ihe .nd e leu. nt ROItlDOOd, 01 ep'lllltlld delll.11I ch.II, ~e .... ~", '~II'ld u::ieril 101 .aoP IIld lip. combi ned In Ihe. \ •.~ loor ordinary .klrl_ 1'(\tL ha•• ilten~. .tart ,be ball ill mol ion w hioh eb.III,011 .. pects and POlilio". of l • pl ..~eI8 or !lnd Ii.liell. end of lhe Dtl8 1 "'\lfkl1l"n~l\lp! ry pac lt1[e 1 ,n 8 nol well Ulllltlf"toud .Vt1O RbnCtlf!toYi uld. '.1 uaele... '('be R~PI'" ' fixed lorl III lilo 'Ienena at Ihe IInte or beinr Inl"nd~d 'hal ench hll.uutIlC,, 1 lYor.l It IS pc ,~I' ye low' bUI Circular. clllltallllng eo. . . nd ~eecrlp. with alld twllte.! th,. .... oar 51rull "ilb beautiful and ,igoroul Orl'elegnlph R eporters, llirlh ehe ~eJuc, •• he lulure dUliny 01 e"nll 'be '. mOdel 01' I.. elnee. All \lI~lfu ' /DIll/ w~ 1!~1I8~11 1,88 ' III I. ~ereli lI'dlot tioll ot our arm. will .11. (urol,bed up... .rll'notolll,. ""',.", ...... treel, Aid remember, "a tiling ~I ' It II "reale8t I C lie Ivhen It II 18.en nt 0 cllna u U •• . ' •• - ' man . FilII not to e01l'1I 18.. mellt •• dow" .lo . . . nil oe llVo POrlO' . h ·.. · I eDit ot IdlpOrte liun , applloatlon. ' " ' ' . y co.or... : beaoly is • Jo~ forn.,.· .~d w~.t II earth. It co,ta YOII but " Meloil.orl,tti.,. the beaullful Tremol_ple bhellllBils kt e 0srl.tna, • J bller Who') E REMINGTOl'f,sr. ~O.NS, (hon. N. . OUI AalrologiR\ on more b. . .hlltl 00 • 'hot .1I_mer I day .1 . . . in lilwe 80 ' I I It ru er. "ecu alor. u " .III~'~ __ ~""""._ • I Iri6e. anu you may never a.. i ltOpR. WII loul ~J:lfl t> l.r,e. D ler R.elltll~t hne "Deh lu . ~. QW1~i • "N, Ihall • nM!e U4.'I "ilb foli.,~ , ravouble all opp&rlunil,. Con~ullatloll A large '''ortfneOl cona anll, on hon.d 81 le ~m e \lrotil nll~ II;e itIlI'lPl e r.lI!e t.t·lhere 110& be a Il«eL iD Lt.. Ylilige lee with lilcene .. and all deel,eeI Inlorrna- .t our Oeberal Wholeule IOId ROla11 re!/lp a urg nee, luralle. PBOTOGlLAPllIO A.TISTS, ",it.boln ,II, dOllbl. row Of ","I w~t)IIe tiu~ . P'rliee livlnl: al • dl.tanc. can Wareruom •• 1t,,1 8,,,.11,,, 'J. . c. rluIleo.. couper"~Pv·' pll.. r. Ih'ruu h he: ,..,. ...........1, N. '11', llr)ant. Stratton I: D. Ban'. • the .. 10, mall whh equal Ollr IIIIJIlrlled Circular lind F'rice Lisl. &c .. ,wl"cl\ It'u. ha e to pan '11 ~e8dil ' RT ",,,iDI \r..."__ .... y.n.\ fohago •• Iet, ·.nd ''If.I,,,lfon 10 Ihemaelvel 01 with ollr new alyles. are 1I0W reo,dy. ::!en~ luro Ihey rCftch Ihe CI)IlIUmer. WI I r Y tn arlrlilion to our ' PUOTOGR"f1HI~. " 'h 1IIa» ·iM14 &9 tIIa "U'IO~~ ,of .MIe I i rlon A ful\ lind explltit Ch'''' \ f '" circular eJq.luln :111.. We flrop" sll 10 '" awlty a \LI ,~:RV. I::,,,,bli.~e~ Itljlq. we h fl:~' , a~ .. n ~ I .n pe t 'wilh .11 in uiriee .n ...·ered 0 .In.o.iBBT•• EL'rON '10 «:0.. wilh .eYell-el,lIlh. 01 the.e proftl •• nd I. I Five Y•.,r. h.c' ~d "'H./(.I~"r8r;;'t 10 (roJI wr~tll~~e:~~8 uclo.ed. !lIt by on Me nul.wore ra, N... 84 1 Ilro.~w.y. exp8~88•• a .. " it DOW r.,nl_Ill d wllh ,\If. ~1~.I'Ie'I.bhllt~R'g~fINt,&·T"~~;L~:ll~TII::S BI1&l111 Aun,-A. trilDd gi'lll UI ::"eipl ur price .bn,e mentioned. "The I 88. , New yu,k Clly. people hi war wh et her s h.\I ~lVe 6~ :,'rib~( J'~~.II:, Canl P.. rl .... iU. o'" d .rll OOW flub. eu,onl)'n',. the iceODD' of a mOlt terribl. .... of tbe bllrial eli •• of a baad. ., young .lricleet .eere.y maifllein"d. 111.1 al\ cor- EYCELBIOll I EXCELSlOR I ee ll ll 10) lU.tW 1/011" ~" eve!:.1' r,Uj'~ li.b '''ff. r,M""0I:UU ol .oypr . re'polldence relurn e·1 or dea\royed ;Rer.0. u! Tow ey p\l~Cl '111.1}. :r 11 :9~o~~peU .~ lel~ ' ~:500 8~"Jec"" ......~ ..... ".NIp, J aolllOQyille. liliDOil. Some eM nee, o( Ihe higheel \Order furn ift hrd ' I t I ... 8 T - E L L .. "& ' 'Ii <1( IV" their o"lI~nlr' I) ub: • I .r~" 1\" o( c"pl"" 01 &ime I......mer a 1UODI{ lady '''CD' THE · h W ' I 1Iin\" lhe ,,~ ra Ie ffu · ht: , we ~ lIS. _.. • tho"e d 81 i rlna t em . rI e " .' • . . .. f SIlIALI DE"'Ll'n wish. "'ork. 01 Art ...1 Bqrar .... • lteD ylln of ase. lalretlog whb r l tootbloba, ".nt &0 bed wi,,, " IlPal day ulbthe monllh And yco \nl I :~I':~\I~~: III~ ~r~::I/.:f, "1!i.1",' C~" I,.. "IMolllmll . ,.. h. Ih'e 1'!i~101 n.~.: I'II,hop" Ol lh,," ~P!'iICO\>'1 wtre orn. elln uOln[l' .. sma II • I , II -i r (" ~ ' h II l 'u,'",1 Ci 1'&1 MMlI e" <lr,· 'II pbialof oblororor,m, for 'be purp08e. of Addre.. MADAM I' H . h . P'-:JtRIGO . ! For Removins S uperfluousl Hair. I ll4 1v d W l l~' ~trlld t u 4I Ck ug ,' Q 1~ tl H11t.l I t! nH ':r;y,; uJ i,~ tiQPt, "II J,r()u,i;u~l1t CJ!'lc~r 0 ih • Large.t, Cheape.t. ana Beet qui"iol her teeth. In ,be , morntng P. O. Drawer 293 , lIull'. lu. N . Y. Ir ;; ,!,·, bllt .. u r' ·d.... , I ~ ~1 C~'~ ~ 1110 ~, II. """Y .ud .."01.,, ..~d \/,. 1.1 ."o"i(~d· ~l' Ilul,,'.. in Amllrica. • ~. " . . r.,1l0~ iD .pp~aranC:~8. d"ad •. To the I."iell tl8p~cil.lly . tltl ' inrAltI. II,ed9 Itr .. .. hole8ft ~ prlCl'a • " c , ... 111'0 .elr~' '; I'rof~"lol'" ~llh.rd (llny . . • bic'b w .. coolrmed b1 the oplo.on. or ~LI~ tl euil~lOry r~l·o lTlmelld. ;1, .e lf ,,~ P R. eEL I ~ T "•." [orl·III " co·,. lmll .. ; ,nch,..1111 of St.l ... rj-. .v r Ct UlI\~ ill,,! ,."plc. , .. 18.,ral pby.iei •• , "ho " ' " cilled in..r-t<tt-fl.~ltll"J>ell~"t}leI' d1'l.101Ifl L.. O" lor n ( III U' I' , 7U . 80 . !JO'. '""'I 00 • II!' Il101 10 ' ..'~. o......... l .of. SI''''P' 'f'uroW ... ,.y your f"I.0 Ir ,nel ' .vour , .. . . l~ml,le ""1"lo' ~ 1-1,1 v - , '1 , aod ' u"lPl .. d ber She " " bO~llly : il ~flBrlr Arl' II! . (Dea " I \u o,.! ., (0 ) 0"0 doto.. \l,olureo ,ro", ou 'ben buried. ~ (e" clayl .ioci . ber n'"lr,j:~~,re :'{:;o,,, [o,1. olld nnlwnrth. fi l:; • not burn or injure the, LuI IIula E""\~:I~t Be~ . ~ (.~~~ I~;:::'~\: !!1O , g'O, 81 .00'. 'ollllnK"o ~IU...~. ~1t'1~ II , '1.13~ ":~:I~Y relltiYII wera aboUI to remon (rolP. eol\lb ",,"Ihful , rl'm,. "gly. "d· (.", dl·r."lly OD 'lIe r nOIS . II 18 trRrrR"I~,1 ,. ~ R~:l" . IU~. 11' 111"'" C",.,•• ~~I. v 1.2fi I" 'r fNU·I'1. ' , e I I I , ,, ' " be.18 o0l'le. 01 e.'!t:"""'j(' 1~ cenl ·".eh . • • ,I , J.c~~oDville. havioi loealed iD .bolber Colleilc O)te •• Dar aael Eveu",&,. A,," "jolc.-in YOllr ow. Illur .nl '.Ir. 10 remov~ IlIpHflnou. h .. ir ifrom Io,) w YOUII\( I.h .... 1 (<;ire",,). 31\, !lb . $1 .0(1 . I'll N . Il!- "¥. »1'0. 1." .... '0 1'1.11 ~"enlion 10 .I,h. Slate. ; . . d b.d Ibe retuainl or Lite B£PAaATeB CAPILLI. I flJl'~ h ij~I I ~ . or rrom allY pRrl of tla" body. If .. $\'llii, ij ,,~Pr"" $ 1 bO Iwr 1'''1111''. ,,,I .... "I"~" W~ h.. ," ril l' r"l)ro,luc",~:o r CIIP;'I!'I[ lQDng I.dy nhulDld. (0, ,be purpo.e . · Mix",1 (On' ell lind Illu"k), 70,80, 00 , b O ld D."""rrool"" F"r r8slorioIJ hair upon b8 Id Ilea d8 - aomplcle!,. t Lilli)' .nli !II LIic: .. II \. 4! J:I'r ~dl , •• , A",brllIYI"'8. Cunl P,C. lurtla. "r., of of tajLini ,b•• k» 'hllir Da" bODle . H (:r ulII \Vhalev ~ ~ C1~ U8i111 lII'y \olive !o llen pilling Ihl! ,"me. ltillv in!( tl'lI sk in '0 11, SI 00 per p "OIl~. Dec,,;'" ..e ..................... .J OIRi~it' . I'~OlDp"d U!. ol1e.oiog o~ Ibe oUI)-and rorclnR • ,rowtb 01 h,ir upon amnOlh Rod naiurA! . . '1 his ;11 lh~ ollly Iflil/eri. 1 (Green), 8 1 SO, be.l. ~ r n,, "d . .... I." glt,a Ih.", 10 ~ny .Iio. and li.i.lullp: i.. Oil. coilfo, w\ieD Ibey we .. borror ItrlCkeo lhe IDee. It hll no f quml. It will (urce I' arlicie u!l!d by Ih e French. B,nd WI lh~ 00, al.lU, *1.:.10 best. per It.. W .. l~r ';~I.r. or ~o.li8 I,,~. wilh Ih e .. ~ or, . Ihe beard lo grolV UPo" .he smoolhest r~ce I d 'l . . G""pu'yd"r (t,;rCl!u), 8"30, lIeil fl.?" TEN ...iI.8l'1'*'£D • •~ 00 liDding Ibe corpse luroed over. b~Lb III Irom five to eil/h. \Veeka, or hair . upon only rea l ?ff~otufl epl8:ory HI t'l[l~I~ per I"'UII". ""tlie'II",irillK .01'1... . ~().r" tM""(O,<I (! . . b.Dde (ul\ or bair. a.d ber clothlug. bold henda in (rom twn 10 three III lI lIIhs. ence. ,75 ollnts per p"ckRl:"e,OOFvEE DEP ARtME,N T. 1'tI'llU.,1 wil,h o. '1. ,Soud &oro to ehredl, r"l'ealiDg lb, borribre , A (ow ignorlnt prH Dtiliuner8 hnve userl' senL poel pllld. to An; alldre~I!. 00 reo "I . .... . p Tbe 'Trude IU ~l'fi,,~ ft l 0 I.Ioilral.di.lCo,,"t huth &hl& ,be lady had beea bUrI"d ad Ih.1 Ihere ie nOlhing thu will (orce or coipt of An order. by We haire IBlely liMed • GIIII'.,,, u ppm rt- Itr G. Il r)' 0\'." Illr' .'''8 BMBRACES tba ehloroforaa bid 'pl.cIILl 'ber hlllen the IIroWlh ot the hl ir or b!'a,d.BERGER. SHUTTS &; CO. menll .. 0 ... 8'lr... &fillhm8.1ll, "lid itlhtll\J" .lnlO'I:...... i "i ~g Iho C,lY .WIIi 10 • dellp tr.ooe. the awakeDing (rom Thoir 88.prlionl are leis"... Ihousnnd. 01 Chemists. 2115 River Stl, 'I'my, N. Y. wo C8nllot oronrise Ihl' l'o,"5umer al. gr ..... " " 01 ,I.e ", " ,I "1(,'oe81>/. I'tl\~e. a .Havina uM T't RS, m. • rL!in wtu:rJei In whtl .. IH"t\ .. ,. ., ' which wu ia bcr colJio and grIYe.liv'na wltneose_ ( from lh ll ir own t'xper I.. 88 \Ye.~"'lu ... . nGURl'iEV '" "\ 0,,'n, ho . I'holng.aphert. Tb. lad, w." el1l.,e~ 10 be marri,d. at ..,. • ence) can bell wilnl!ll. Bult mlPY will WHlSKERd • fu r prulll on Cull'(""a I'1l1illl{ vt" y IlIIull). 1i9.a... ) 701 ttro.,lway. fi. Y. Book-~eep1Dg, y. IloW ' " we 10 dialin,gull " th';ll1l1u. and l\lU811' yOI lY e \lon se ll CJ' ff(tt', fully !!~ ppr oeOl . 'be time or ber alappoeed deatb. A ille IrGm Ihe 'puriollsl 11 certaInly Is ' ehed furced 10l(ruw . cht',per tl.. ~, ret.i1e {8 I)hnr~e. , Our CuI , , .... BOTOG~P... tl. more baart lioileniDjJ caee we never re· h ee nine-'8rtlhs o( Ihe Ililferenl ... I • 'Ieee cllme dlre~t trom Inll CU810m H"uee. -0,- . mllDbar' &0 ;ita" ,read or beard 01.Prep.,:tionl.dverlil8d (or Ih" hair and ,upon,he Rmoot le81 an\l we ruaol .~tl ,rilll! 1I1~. perlec,~ . , . B. T. ,A.JfBOl'll' aC(Jr.. 1t

. . . .aU .,.... , . . "& ebede if 10. with Ie ...

ao' "iii' ""'

Pocket and Belt Bevolvel'l,

0.' .•



Rifle Cant's, Revo ving

'b. NID'.-



lWl f'a,




!, BE'.].OLV8RS.







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O1indnnnti O1DlItgt!






l&!ITI IXTlE:mlYmN.A'l lQ1lRt ,


I "'HI IPII.LI.. .






."010.. I

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IndioMpolil Jfturnai, .April I).

us adnpted,~ to

• t

~ The WI~bioglon correlpondenl

o( ,b. Ne" Qrl'lnl Republicln, Ille De" Radloal:daii,. wria•• : ~

every department beard Bre rnllrely worlhle... lind you ~~e:i~h/~:k!~tr~; ~ I'u{i ' put up 1\1 1'1 ","r.e ' Pllttild IJlltka· JlCllaufddur,,, of P!loJ)f/'HiFhiJc .Mot.. busl'ness, accurate aud "'!I V hlY! Ilre,ad, Ihr,own ,!iwa , l,llrge nain(l Da; BaVIG.B'. R£&T ... uaA.TEl1R 0". geA,.t III odvance or II ce nls per l' ul/"."d . , . rio(,. ,' . v amuuntl In Ib~1r Pllrtl'.. ,e • . \ll~ 'lUrh we . lh I ode I I di 0 ery In Our Wholenle Price-Gr.Ullltd 1/Ju e~a 0 woulrl 8fty try Ihe Ru.uiAToK (b,PIL'!J1.'1 PILLI,UJlII, . 'IIlOI "11 r u tShCe B d -Purp Rio, 20, 30 ~P IIIB per round.. • ""0",:",,0: ANI) !I.E"''''!'' r apid commercial cal' comes mOld ern ao e.r Old G oyernmelh.. '- "/aV". 40 ... " t.'· l)e., Cey - . . ..... It \\'ill cost, you nOlhlllg tin Ien It H IsCl8nr.e. I I "Ilt opun I 'I . BROADWAY " N. W lull up to uor repreae9tatiqu,. H YUllr ap" a r .n, In ft mo,' m racu ~ur ~~n .. lun,40 ..neJl,lI. " . In ntl~ ,'lo" II)' old. u.. ill lo~.. " .... or .. 110'(0 . , ~ulation., b~8ille!!8 .;, . • Y lSI . II ' " d '.00 !ler.' 1t Ilia lieeA e,lIl8 u 111- 1O' " 'e .1i.1 IJ . h"I'I'" ~'-ull i,i,."IO ,·e,·~i." GHr\PfHCY Mii\Ttr:\l'A-,t;.~. we ~..e _""''''I" .r. corre8pondcnce~ Dr.jllla rl?~8 not d- ~ep II. ee~d u~ ;1 e; ,ie and Lundon with ' the mUlt Oullerlnlf • ,·,,11 81 our w.r.h" .. ,,; ('0"' v,r"",.. virllUlg wra 1\... Ihe foll""inJ(. I' 011 we w '. o~w~r t.~O"PIl, II ~e I. U IUI)O!!". N.me8 uf .11 P\lrChBsero wtll lit. chy.whelho.d.alers or .. o~ ! • 1 . . . . . . . . . e••..atMClN ..... .ac V... . . commerc;,a) wllh 8 ",celllt r(\r l\le monllY. w '. C I WI b . I "d .'I~ 1' 1 "I~i,e .liAf"clllln'l . " ...,.:; ' A ' I L' • I 'all j b" relu,rned JOU on .p"\iolllon, DrovidlnK 8!e". er," ,. _I' . , ~w . T. y. I"ELL~. _ CO.. 01 '"o,r}s...' •• ' ., pr'~ ' 1 "'''I" -'I j ... ' .' law, .'< I" I 'f I I r ' . en 1". A"",rlll not .lten 1\ yfl f nil "ee. \ ..e ·mGne, '.'1'0'. Grill,,,., _'.1 ~r!l. ole. . Ill! r, !I"le IC~ on. I not II'~ . . " WIll ' be eheerfully refundpd . Price by Lotla Kell.y. CO", ! .... _ l e' orJe_K"w' WIiJ', ' W. L CLARK & cn. ~~::I~'.y mail eell~d In.~ ,0.t".Id; De,erl". 30 VESEY STRE.;~. NP.W.YORK. Fro". ".I\~"v•• ", •.I e III I" •• ",inu. ~."'p'.ilC" No. 'Velt Fayette It .• 8YII , . ....: liv~' circularl and tp~timuni",l" m811ed 82 . .. "d forming. cO'''i'I'''' P"91~!;r~I'I"e h\Jlllrl ftI.; free. Addrel. BERGER, SHI U'rTS & ~ IT L " E 8'" iI E I ) ; 8 hi ~lo'r)' of Ihe greu rll''' .... ' . . ,~qte CO.• Chem.II.\ N'o. ~85 Rlurr slreet. . • ,. .. l1li........... 'y,r-a' _Ur...\ ' .' l' roy. N. Y .• 10, e ""ent8 ~or II Ie U D~:-PAR. IS. foroeill Ibe M"Iie L.Ulorll Or Ab~ SUFFER NO It".fORE I • . "S " rA !:I'.Allapled r"o.cope. ' O,,'reC.itil"Kn" i.m be laul' to


_Ib, \t,,,

'lir, Kor~.eeJ'1 predileotlonl ire, eoidedly IJelPocratio: buC b. Lal ahre"dnell! en'>Illh to ... 'hat .hbougb p.mocr&Lle principl.. ma), "iD in hi' ~.lri.~# tb17 ..,. ,~ak, i", ·a ",'iooal p9fDI 'Of .j '" ancl hi, . i. iDolined to 'ooppu' tb.m in CODgren. He hu aOIlO\lno,d " bat don" cate.1l'bioh par'l ,,1.1 p«,'ided abe tbiol comel 0111 all ri,b" By placiolJ himl8lf 00 , till. ,atb~r i~dilferen' "Iatrorm. be. b". '.nd lbe ramoul SPENCERTAN ay.lem OpeDed bIt OoDlr...loDa' career In, a of auiqae "'IIDIII'; alld baa tbrown a cloud of do!&lM a'" bil (\I'are. 1, il kno"D OM(\i L. 'li.. 80 I far 011' bimeel' fOOl, ~. H.10 . , " . ,bl ad,iae of FernliDdo Wood. , )ama, BMI and otb.r Democralio"•• " '10 ' oOllnll1 wilb 001. 'Jobn W t Jon'l,o( tb. Obroniole. and he i. n~rlld' 10 han I"ld Ib.t 11. wOllld None but the moe, eminent Profel8ore ere .mployed ill tho varldus de>p.rtmelll •. hate ,ol.d. !o~ I~e Re,il",.tion Bill · al it p .... d tb. Hou.. , i it bid been neo· ~.r, 10 "ollr. ill rUgga: AI it &a,-,O_led ,-,.in,t il. '



amoaemeD& ror

oh.'ldreD Aftd . - - 'or old... ·p.rl.... n.

u • i' ,q Itk· ).~n 'uo' .qllare of IQft. pU .., p.per, doabl. It io!o a tTla!!lle. -

...... '

,b.o double it .,.io ~"o or tbree. timel, au<t~~a,Dl . ·p o.lIt£i,ee'lil'lIc~ Ibllpes d ldi reclioDl .. l . IDCy m.ay lug·





' II




C.IIlClnna •. t-I C011ege AMERICAN ARTISTS'

ro:;'.Enrr~:!~·~~1 r.~i50 "I~'. i~






'~en c::~~;:.1m~~!OD '!:~~:e~~.~ ~F.,~ry





\:h ..

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P , , '. ~ . " , O";U IIr f" ; ·r~t"wl, l. t ~9'~ ri, q-r f,!~~~~~!~~\~~ut~'!'~;~f:i~:I~;~~',~{1:#~ TII.,,,I.....' P~IIIIDm "~.,, ...: ' UTDTTE LIAinn EN a·lVJEL ' b " e~'l)'p'" Ollif • a . I)h pro nit., " III, ,'_11 'l'/\ 1111: lil!PV ,"~Ir . J.'_~cP~~'. ww ¥" . "u~ . ,~~ . , ~~!I I.' IY II'¥ eft'ec • 0,1 r~~!lJl llIll! rilll-.\\·hlt,& Th "l:tJ II r. WqpOll ",", For Improwrhg Ind Beaulllfyina tile 'fill ho\lt ,1.llrl.t V\lII:ar lafl'm .flr InjurY.. lo I~e ~~~~·~:~1:~r~'h~~.~l~~:~~:~~~!e!~I~~!:!!. fI~'e plate~(Wfr!t~\i~l~l; of ~ ~I~ Comolblon. ' .11. , ,. akin. ,. I :' . ;tltlr)'wllle~ lw'll'"otJ. '''It'r.iIftlOf'~ Th, melt 911110bleana porf8,cl prepara. BQI~I hy ell .fir~l.el'.'", 1?r\,""t1, ~e,fll' l19i1ed~: ' .Il..nlill 'Y1I.P1"..kirt !}II" )t-''''; \I()


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lion 10 ule. 10r,lving the aklnl • h8luII,nd t ,ftlhe8 ! " -r; I ,r ,.. rul pearl ·like tl!\,. Iba, l I. unl" IIIU d In L l~obp.~ 8~~. B~oadwIY: D(l'n~1 ""~.l,«, ;ffll p"l,r)lt{W1Y• ~J:.8\~ ,,! I!'I' . youth . II qu(olly removes Tan . Fre"k. ~.rnt~ & Co . • and Well. , ~ ~~" alfu w ,,~Ii goou ,,'0' . ~1' i'll I~:' Pimples 'lilillohe.. MOlh, p ..tjlhee New.~ ork; .nd ElI,ene u'tIll • .1I,l Soulh • II It 1 II i'Jlt ~ , ' -, SllIowne ... .lIltnpurilie8 or a'i:ee l; •• 1.-, -klnil't hellllp, the lIlme. le.,11I1I' It Cowden. Aallnle. ilflbl.;htvW',lolllllomb1 •• Wllh'I""Ot ... ~I,'~:I\M elo",· '~ ~I'~QBler. h~ 'uee Can JARED~. REN.E, G~n~!I,t uery Colton Skirt tJ!" I~~','1Dh~-rh~i\t nol b~ del,el", by Ih • .clo.nt .ecrullny. Ind Importerl, ~e~York. ! ' . SILVER SJClill'; llifiloilom I' s~rt, UN l'ld . I • I\repllratl.un. ia D. P.A:Ra:. In. .•• me 18 tllUlnm!d' tao lh., .... '4" quite berml.... 1111 the 001, thin, o( nat . of cen ••.• r Iwo " 'M IIIJl4 1I.e4 '" Ibe FreDch, .nd • ,can. "iur ·_.... _, ·_.... ill$. Ih'e puhlo.h.... wblll ,h. upper on... . re .c~r.'"" .. . ..... rt9d Indl'Il8Dpbla to 0 per'feel I~ilel 0 Warty 0 .1j.o, '~rty, ":10. Or. Cul'."""·1 Marrli!l' allde.· 1:6\'011'. "Nd l.iIy, ifN'llIl'oii,,"." rill lI,oqQ ball'" 'old du: , .\\:H1t; N,OT.7 ' . , ' J C willi'" wlilflD" ltO rin, Ihe PIli y r." lumcle~1 1I~.• ralltlle . SIi.tOUB ~EF"'''CT'O,IIS. rOll. Yl'~"o .Ju. U7 Bow".,'. N." YDrt, P O. o.]:'~~ ~~~)R'f.( , "o~~ (,YI~~~j 01 It. efIIollClY· <. Price 76 r.e II h. Sent. 1., E~81i'd I/1" lh8 "uw'lrd A.~, e"llo~. u.n • [~.l,.] ." .. ' . • IIlncl. ar••oon InJu,iict"lna ilf 'r '~ ' ",I'pald, pn ,,,,,,,,lor In Ilrd,·r. b)' .• he Pby.lulpelcnl Etlor•• Abu.e •• nd Oi • . ....:;.(...~----~~L....:~...l..--'""-_-. " T~.1 "..f' rilllitllr1.1.'"'II," L~. .d~...r.~ililt BEllO., SHUTT-S 6~ CO., . • ••!!! indu.qed ~, 1,"o,r.nclI O( ,N.LUte~. ooa.tru~'o •• 11_,' (.roaP , OW" ,..,~ Ghemi.I •• _~lll,er 81 .. 'T"~,. N. y. Law.,. ln th, fi,.I ·',,1\ III DIIII. Seql' In ~1Ic1! ",)!trt!'.~~k~I,.(.Je1~~!'~.t9 ,:'l'r- <. . . - -- ,_. rr,"! or _"!JUliA..... .. , I' .. i(l J 1.dc!re.. Dr. , iN. " 14 , ... . C\ltNa: 'ppme Howlret Phllll'!,.t\pl,: a, , II.· BROW lind Wif. r. • j 4lr (Joffe .... 10, •• Ie by. ......lte ..... __........, . BlIIlOt. an 8Dlborbed .0 co..,.. llir aat,'er:tJillDlftl,al l I f; ao.a: at BlroJajlltt, II." , _ . • a; 1\. a·IUNTZ, lei b, Hdrn6ot~. E~fI\Le'I1'. . . . . . for \he Po.II'III\ Qlouttl.· T, a~ 'PIl~1\ y., INp'. (!~' I ;'. t....JI

Jo1.,p. i Ili'lIk'~ Te!,l~ ~nir ,J~I~;','_lIn" t!!oll<i J ·~ Phll"dolplll~.



N.':~6 Pi~~'.::.Ne..w.y~~ ~ll1"'rda·of

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100 u'''o. "beD 'he l .. t report w.. lIDI4e, ITpili~remark"bl •• Ourc'lDe· lAIrv II I'·e bllryi", gro"bd no" only '1 u u ,. 0 • 'he olt,., bUI oC a arge alDouul of coun · Cctllrc Ttlblc I elegant Holldav Or Birlh · arouod III. COferiDg a populalion of RemembAr, iD buyln" your Icbol1l8hips dl\' Prc~c[jt .. El'eryboliy will Wllrit one, tlto b bl . b I 1 co • pn~o bemg wltbin Ihorcn~h , \lf; nl\: 'I. pro • 1 eeven or elt & t IOU"OcJ·to apply al Ihe For 8,"0 01 the OLD DRUa:STORE. haTe no death. (or onr 10fly d.ys L>ee. 18, 1866. • 77 lucb n population i. a very hcalthv • IIgo. T R B A 10 lJNIO~1 JIC~ PioU8&.-A IIory is told of Are ' . • .. .aeoldier, who. abOUlooe lIuDdted and &tel pliO" leillng .thpir lerge and ElegQrtl firty yeara IgO, " .. frolen in fonr elprellioo be Dlade WII, "'1& II thil ilthe larreal mDll complele be in ever fami l In Ih II "ou 11 'E-,' He tbeD frole al .lifT al ' . In the eounlry. . Ire 14 in :11. S:nd ror: D~:' There IIlltble. Irull'...IIlIJIDier of 1860 lome if yon wllh to be.n A en~ w:~i~i I:~~ p.hysioiani fouod him, afler JOU our terD1l. c.:. mlk, • very LUlng Ilid Iroae.n ror oDe bundred Ind hilld,"m. b I Add Ii!'y )'ean. l·b • ., gradUllly Ihlwed ~EC AU' ~.RTIBrJ!~eW.IO·v illlD • d 78] •. • n, ed, .. reader or tht, piper i, " .. Itod .- _ ·ctecllniI1 110Id.·. • 10 wnle I"r College P.pllr Ind Speol'l PUUE CIDER V INEGAD .. , men a of Penmaneblp-eent Free. AdTI ' k I .. . . d'.ell 118. we . now be pur•••• w. pro. It i. ralaled or \wo old 8eolAlb , ' . . cured l~e C,der IrOIll reliable in IDInll,etl Lb., Iba 011. . .k.d lb. IItber 'hll lIelllhborhood •• nd permitted It LO i( la• • DoL IOrely tempt.d III tlm.. BB.1tANT ' • .'lnT' " lin, premia..: artemoOll• .• 8TB.ATTON.,: &. DrII. , _ _ _ _ .!.RI!''IlZ. . "Plied bil IIllow lebo...r; ,:, / ; .,r,. ' fJ!rM.ANHQOD AND YOUTHFUL • or .....p\4d llDl, 110t pnl' April •• "7.) Qb\allllati' 0 re4aioa4 b, ,Elf·









"'''Y .).;.


The }ft. VerDOD Republican 18,11: lilt. Vernon i. the mOIL healthy to"n localed In lhllleedioll cllie. of Ihe U niled in .O bio. 'l'be repor' of abe' "'-J.IOD of Slo,.e .1111 C,nada, and ScholnrahiDI t ~ r the CelDotery .ho.a DO buriale from bought io Ihis uolJege will be '. be 111.1 of February 10 'ba 8~" of Apri I &lood ill Iny or all of them.



460;) Co·Jleges..


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s.,. ft'






. "

oItaa of . .." intricalt patterD, and al Jloa Ii .. t. b 'b 0, Ippl,.ln(lllerot. Jill, I, 1867 ". P f •••, I '1& 1- e oec· Tbe ecJvantaa. of Ihll eoU.p orer all ......". 'lmm~&rJ 01 lor., . Tbe iD' etth,,, M,lh.t it II one of 'fellte),t. of p,UerJiI lor our carpet. linn I, and teElile flbric,. of .'.ry de. • I' I h h bl f lorl[ 10D, a!,A n t . a. '.0 reaor\lol lO'e ~ a' b I f b 8 .or !'tw~1 oo~. IDa 10D 0 I I P I ' audeolorlDlhell..leldolOope fot:, t\leir ide.., Th..., paper hlPofe Ibe, aam. noomm.nd.lioD ",bicb mak.I. lhe GREA'r CHAIN OF I.orm.ol III" Lal,ld'oeco"e 1·0 'Iluable " .. • r. tocl ..i.,Jara, : ilfllhs',);,,;; .,. per. ,. ..~ leotl1 .ymmelriCAI. By _,h. aid of· Ill.' ,i!Dple doriclI.e".., 11d,.m.y , be· ~ ~ if , come hu O"D delliner.




~~U D~ ;. ..~y G ~ Id-

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Ill" 00 u~141Di ahe, paper . tb.r~ will appear • littl. p'p,r mat of p.per.


Muscul~r .



, I Can SaveI 26 D011' ars



rfltt;h't~f'! 0(. "amp-. Wh~n by Ibe 'IISe of Da-:JOn..vlci;'",' s·EI.lx . - • The New Beau~iael"of l \.he IJtlD , IIIl)' add"enP on~ ......... AI , ,,!, la. you eM bo CUl'Cd p)!l'mollun(Iy,. 'Uld ~I Il • " .1 n. 0 ~ " _______ . We 1lI."ul""'"r. ... or. j.tpi1 ,I. .... .,. oNa~ .. en, _Flu el1, anil _ Tulimonlat. l'rem. Celr.brohld bulie.:' hou ... , .lloul:/;\)O vuri .. lie.. r..... 1 Weenilio 1 60 Irifting coer" Th~ 11810nishing 8U~C~RS which h fl(l~llcOlled Si'lIu",' CURLS! . . , , . ~. oj .,.tb. · Our , ALBUMS IIO,b ,di. repalallon;'ol tillS 1I\1' ~lu(\blo melilellle for PhYPlcal lIud ;' , Tlila .8<,r re.t uf bp8 11l1 rp~1l' 11 11 It... n uf!- h"'''~ l up.rior ill durabilily "lid 1>••"11 If _g' Neryou s We")<ne8S, Qeuetlll Debilily aliI! ,",odoced. bf Ihe inl( knuwn ollly III.Mrie,., Jftred&.ReA "Ih·er.. . ' . " " " " r, Pro.lrl\tion. L088 Of Energy, 1m· use of Prof. DE BREUX's "FlllSE'11 I.E o Mil> 'h.,. 'h,,"or.bly t!'al'il diller.. (roil' _ _ .... ,.. .."N1I, ,I \!'!!'" I consequence • .g f VEUX;.·.0 ne app Ii"l\~n warrnnted 10 curl 011 'l tl,er pre~"rllllon.. . Jl II' vee III 1Ihi'.... :Ae..w... .:.-... eec; ~te ce, or Any of 110 OUI>C~I.rO'''(''''&''~ ...... .,)V~ HUN ·uuthl'.. 1 IlldI8""~tioD, I'tJII~el's It tllo mOl t Ihe' fnou sf,r_lgh ~"d slubborn uf mo sr hardl) tlnd freckled '''~II bOlh ED dilf. ,.,.1 lubje<;1t Ideluc!inr r,p.qdll _ prcpa~atlon e' cr. dlsco~~r~ . eilber 'UlnlO ·""uV ringll!l8. or helvy, t 'xt)II" .n~ coillr ; of \lOII.~ed .lvoty. liu". or Ihe mo.1 ,:"t~hr.'n,d'f:6~'l n"'"l Pliko • It ~ III 1'001.01 e "II ,.'crvous...ReclIons, de- mml8ivrcur\l, . tiel .bet'" used bV the movilllJ al\ J'ollll, w~e/h\'r " l( • SIOIU .. , ale. CII.logu....a"t 011 rtic.'I'1 bl ' f ... ·1 .• L d I" . ( k l '. 1111 ' • I . . pr0881OI1, eSCll~m()III, mcnpl\olly to study or f h' busincss,loes of lDemory, cOllfusioll, tbo'ts ~,'ona eB o. !·.r 8 Ollu Oil on, w.' peott'n!: es ree ea. I.... murf ew. 0, • .~p " • I I..... ,'(' I . I of self·destruction , leal'S of iU8allily. &c. It the 1Il0.!'L.(r,ti.fYIIlIl ~e.uI16. Hoel In- or bl~t:k.wurm speJlk •• aDd i. Phl)logtilphcrl ...1 :11i.· ... oroerl'~1l' ~ • C. will restore Ule up~titc. reDe,. 1I,~ heiL\lh W juf, II! the ,bllr. r Pm" by 1111111. leo led Itlee~.llul · In othl.lI out the ~~,~ .:.~~llr~:':.ct:~N ~ ~er. cent~ ~ In•• IImse who have d estroye~tby BonAunl es6e1s I lid postpard, fl. DeacriplIvo circula,., lell bf'sJlAI.L puX , . ... , 0- Th prldilit.hd ' q •• nly' or.out 11'1)011"11.'; or evil practlcc8. ", mailed fre.,. Adilre•• BEIIGE". SHUTTS The ageill. 01 ~b'~rnni: da Paris mOAI nol f.. ;llo •• tilrl > > ,r _I I It.,. {t. l!' I YOlIDg Mell bo bumb\lgged 110 '!'OtO by Ill. Co., cbemiBIt', No. 28f> Ri 'ver "reel, COli lid tly 'lI'Uj'"'~t l~' llIP publl 111" ~Ar 'Qullck NO.8trume' Ilndlllp'ortln\p~~c1'lloncr8, Trhv, N. 'Y ••01 • • gonte for Ihe U. S . > "".~ !!r,dor841IlIl'I,lIlI , I/I , tiuch ctl.~i"glli. but Hend Wllbou\ dolClY tor.\.he Elialr. ilud b o · , 'a,ll lit once restored to hcalth aDd Iml'llill"". A CO-l}J -~'-- ~il!lI.orft ~8 ,R • ,'I. .~,(~Ie oAf! 'tf, ·I'i.e'I!I\'&"".y ,. Perfect Cur" it! GurllDLeoo In every inJtunce. ' 1.I~rI.••' •,?j'ricc. II. ur 4 botde8 ~o one utldres8, $3. ' f __ " . , " 'U ••• lI,1wlll!le IJIH~h~~! l'i~"'1 FlI.\~~r8 , One bollie 18 , uiloieat io ' lllfed a l.'I.IfO in Ohl , he " •• beaul.lul .lId lo"r. Locille W~8ler\li Mdl!) II Po.llIlIl, IU ord iullry CIlBeR. wllb ",,,I rn,~,t hll'~ . 'j'. ,Mr~ .. I);!ll'Il'! .•W~I'~.rt L.,.ry Au(), DI1. Wllb . 'rorl ..\/! , ,"rl,\l, 1 0"11 ' ~'II." , •• d, - Bu. lll'u", "N aII"'" de I h ., JOI NV ltLE'8 SJ'£ClrtC' fPII.ts, 0 or \ c 8~e .. y .~li permnllcut CUre U[j ' £I."·".\,,.d 'h" ""1 h,·."'1 ""U "","I. .( J\,"re:\lItTI~ '"a\ Mitis ' ort~e~.O\ee\. Urelhral Di.~argc8, ,O~"'v~l! ' . ()B'S~El' CODAL. A!l no~ Pe rrY'i ' Strloture, auli a1\ afl'cc~fon. ?f ti,e K,dney c.. . . ~" Dlld m~\1Y ~Ih e" \\,hU_d lofMh sl~lIdi"l( ill aDd :Bladder. Cures eRected lIa FroID one to For CulliDI the K&a of eltlier ' tI,,~ Ili"tc ~H", " ' ;'VI'S ,1111 ~,"i5\: ' 1..( 1m hft"e \fa.yl. They are prepl\"'~ (ro1D· ve8eta · illt.O Wav" aDd Ulan" . 10 , . i' • p.. . ble ~lItracta 'tllat are hafmleBe on the system. ,. , ,., ...'"'T B t~ln e;~ . Illerr .If1lerJlgel:~l ~'hu ~O Il~IC:~ i alld nevor u~usente the' etOmaeh or hnprcg· . ...." eu. or e~VY· .r O,PlII·uhl. J- . .. nal<> lbe.breath. No c110ngc.ofd'et.le 110'7"' ' . " auivi 1'h~ u.,q "utirul LllcJlle. W", tern.. 8uy.• : , IIIry whIle using litem , nor duos tbelr nctlon Ry II.i ug lhi" hr l iQI L~ d i~l' and G,,"1 fi I h ', Ih .. 'E ' f' I '" 1\ tl In I\lIy mnnner Interfere "ith bu~ i llc., pur· .. r l' I In' I n m", prln III e a Ie J> I $1 ,,_ • I It",," II " '" "ell !JlI \ I ~~ II'"'' , ...... "'UIIh .. I1I 'H, r. vof r'Jolle ",.e£. Il v. I. ile ' lVit'11 8Ul H . rec, o."'V:I.. " ] 1 tI 1'1 rl ~ t ly' 1.\' t l ' . ' Eitber of the ~bovc mentioned articles bah'. . ;. ' I l l lO r " . I II 1/ ' Ihe (!r". , lint! p'·r..uliur .. d" IItDI(O Of .II:Hol wlllbaaenHo any nddre8l/ttlo~cry ,ollle.l, " " ,I e :I' '' lw''I,·ti ,I::r ... ~!" " ~or ,",,! III illor," lc.'''e f.•. 1 1 1 ~" llyadu'u. , I}~I,e 80 1t. nnd postpaid, by muil or expre.s . 0" receipt Ij". " Il\~ 1I00e II H • "",!t il .l l, I(l u", y '10'6& .nt! ~ r."" 'Y ul th~ ~hiil. of price. Address all orders to ·I .., e. 'I he Cf.,~ p" r I,O"'tl IIIJ t " " . The ."I1"i: ultil:ell t 'Ii H(vuH ' ."ye: , ", BERGER. SHUT~ & ·00 Ohemlst. ' I~ cllrl. ,h~ I, ~" . bIlIIlIV 'MO fl"!' •• b (1 1111(I' ... ' ... d' ' . ... I" 'I ' • ~6 Rh'or troo&.Tro.Y.N. .. IiIl~ •• nd o.e" I . I I uI ' ,bv" a"n Ore "0 II .. r,II ,11m . Ic ·var,. V., " .... \I; I. III: Ily 0" fllli!!ial OU8 "r\ Ie" IIII III \ &;, ' wl le hnl II .. I -:---c--------~lully pprrullle~. "lid I Ihr m... t en",plp.l~ II t, C , I V I~"r .Mlltle 01 d,e , kind I', Ih e ,,101<, It'ltl , -It AIIIPric," .l!ullhc , The Crilll'er CUO"" con . ,dar.' .u" to RO BIN SON'S will be IIP'1I1 10 .lny .ddr.... 1'~led _tiel 1.,ep.I"~1 II • pOllpnid ' for II. A,fdr"lft a\l ordllr. to i wi flcllm 10 Ih" Ilk" •• nud "~':' 'i' f . ; , W. Cl.ARJ(E &. 00., oheml Ali. all~ "'.!!!!'th. '''''' ",.. .. ~~,..~ill ~ ~ W ·~ ~ No.3 Weer F.yelle el .• Svra,c u.t' N. y 1l1l'1 M" II , il.OhPll ~lIy8: . ' Plae, .PJ{S'~H~l!d~~.~~f'il'; ~'~I ,- ~ - ..::-. - -. ~. _.- ' --- - '. { hllv IrlC Ilia ' ~III L~u uli~e'" ,rEm· 7'~ i.~"~.3~,~;.~:~:~::;:~~~ I .~ It oC 8 I" 1 ill rt: "UIlI i th glllcJ. tltllllg ul l"Y t~J 111 . , ~ , .t '\ t tl , <t, ~ . :: I I L ." . ,or . . ' Tv YUU "A a,,'1 if.; "III. l" .~ ••• i ""d I" ";011 , nil de p lu }lill"I,,1 ~J, t .f/Ulf""Y Tblll Dew .lId bftlItfta " " ' ..... REVO r. "'I-NO IhICTU.:n ES• 'fh.,~ •• UI)i "" I<1h ''',,!O 1.'· ' . •Il 1"' . 010 . 1 IIn.1 III\P "(18' 0 {'."w uI 'bloom 0 n~I 're.Jln~ .. t~ (f"~lenled l .~o~. ". ~f\6IL)( ~"lf~'!~l'" LJ , ' . r .n "'.. , . .' Ih e eo nlp:p,jtIJ I1." " I ." b- \h. GIff:T AJI&a,o.iil~,r!ttp " In ".hieh all the Piclures be 8e011 Ihro' Ie 'Dr oil. Ind ,Il"••y be (b " , • 'J I, 1;0 "\ :W " I 'p' . II lL-:'-I" 'I .:.! ·- W Yor",' (')'dob'el'. 1:,"'1. . , 011188, wi&botit oponhlg 'tbe' Alinim. • ' ., . . S. ort'u e 1':"10., ul' ,I""t. · Ie U'~'f. " ' , 8 nw u u ft, ., " . Il~ TIAJ:: U , ~. OF de licile be"udlior o h lll! B~\l1 lo~ Th~.ire ' '!. '·I ~A. • ~\'iSIij '" ILl' " A new'nlld or1lam~tl\r articlo for tlle 0 H'A 8"'~ L L A f~ 'S ... ·1 '· ... I D I.J. I ' •. Ii...l -. .. ........,.

, "'1I ·~ereon. purllhllll111 Scl~ol.nblp. in

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~. ..... "....,. .. ... ,to . . . . .~ l~,," . _ .... Ia .. ·,..,...w WMi- . ,...,. r...,w..... - lnat .h. 110.... ., .biola ,he I.".r , "0111" .hi ..... ." ~IU . , ... II!.I. WAy ••• TtI.". , D.6dif!'. • llb.r pot...iOD. 08 ,he CA L. pe"dh,lt nati.CH lT. _ _---."..,---~-SO.I,I 100 01 II.i...... olth. 0bo . Th h littl. kno.I. Oeaer.1 CHE Oo MI ... rllme"'. lb.' 1 I • a ...-w a_..W'.IIAY " P " Ia ,lit of II a" Norlh.raclllia '~1I led \0 Ar no l· II ... beell aboli.bed. he lIe.ler- . .• VIIIUII, . OIUla. 1,&,A D• rtpr •• .... 01 whe,".r • d,e Ihe pllblie hu •. o IL .. .. i.l inw In A..I r. . d .0alAl ""Pf'ell ally .1,,1. Ihe law .p"cl.'O .... , OIL• Ou .&ccpdIIlUoDa, b I yod elln.i ,l~r."I. ,II.ou.,ioa 01 ,be Ci.,,"OD. ~~!~I' p....... MA LE OR FE." '" b, Ihe tigi 1.~a~l!. Lh. preIM: . ~ a.J 0 leu. r~. wll.I ..... c."," n.lain':," ,,\/', '!'Id ~. .rt . h". " ... D cheated in tb ••bolitbr ' Lbe 81111e A.ncM •• Pf',m,lI .itltpro prlel' I". tonn.r dl!ll'~'lnl • mallrr or HOW LONG STAN are 101D101I, Wlh,Oh ~ ) b .. ' Wh.le, ," 1I,bl cl.i •• I~·.,.,.cei.,Pd ap 10 .IUN.... n..r and Mixed P&.intl, l J.ane l le . brief .... ".1&,id, .... C, ... CI·n _.... A ....... of .peec:b, 'thM \he .bo e ' ,.. ao o'lhue urI"'· JIlin: It h' AI~~ bj' b, lbal ~ --'hi .. id A.~.DC)' ilto . . ' will ca. be Iltro.a e"n~lIut' 1 ._.. on I • " Ini'Y. ~ or • dl"relic. JI IIUtr •• lm • 1I1 • • 'u . PAl".'T, VA ro.. . 0 ", - In al". JIIC.... hi lr I,b ' I'uohln ~ ........ .. RNlb H. .& C, ' . oan. IOber Pr.-•• •d o,ber ••• ill IIU mill ed 10. Coo.urnptlon 0' r".anl., ...., da.blle•• the'.' 1111 'h~ Ilrel o~ ..o~~~:~iit~ · ""4. L. dancilljC mil i. _in cuDllaa ' n ...,.! .; .. ~ • . laapl • a"d "ylng 10 IOOD IJe wonIs of plal'll eo~ue. Our Flel" .nd: 8100d .r•• np · . , .11 fOf't . be leceind by IIl1ll01l. iDquireri. mr=~::: ·I:e ," ' ... ...... ... .' , : ,lIcee.. f.1 le'lIIiuaiion Sberiff jGII be D ,be rope ... .d· porled (rom th... " ,ureu. and 'h' ,... 8lH1 ' the :B !It . :f9110wiDI Tb: follo.i ., i.... ill 10 be 'b. ~.tibIBl 11 ~n ,Iaim. Ihll' I,ne baeD. or mil' b.r.· jUlted: . ·Uar'; p: I wanL I IDII~e .~ .. uor:ye ~to':... d ,Heal,t hp ~e~iI~I~!:~::: UPOII WDlDO~ 4~A "uee (If Informa,ion ' dr,rl,ed from Iller be ellll'l&tltd 10 C WHMO e8, .. ,h. 2 o'oIocl l" I' The belld' dl'~1 ~ Ie ;~om~:I~.~·or I; rf'lDed'J. ---''"'& lone \e~. I r • Looi,'11 .,. ...... J 1 h S.i\blOD ....- . iall ' A" I& aDd Profe ..or B.IJlu. ~· · . l 6 d ,e III .. ere '011. uf ·8 Ohio a."I. Mml.', A,.. t. obu clL, r.. ~p 8 • 1.uT,be, pal rchue, D P 1J TTY • V.tI~~i1l1808. from I..Lilul •• W•• hiDlloG ••poe ,b••ub· Helmb old·. E ~trao t B u . . ... , I' \be _". III PP 'I 'he ueca.~loa. • E.I.loII_ h.d upw.r'" or 18 ,rep.r. TRUSS " 'trace . tor 116,000. . • . ES, .. . 4 . · ~I j.ot: . ?r-. ...... ....~......,.. ,. TERS ~ Prof. ,ft" Hoh..... ril ••• ·Cb~... ed ~, ••To . . . . . . . . :.•. ~ Tb. purehal e or Florida, D - " -, M....... i.,.,...l oa.-Tt a. Prof.. SUP POR , ., ... , ....... ..;...... " ....... ....ab· 1411 Rruad...,. Ne.. Yor". Illd , IslS ·from Spain, tor ta,oooT,000. • p10ren ia ,b., 1.leI 8HOUL DKF... Bl\~CD DUECID GO~~~ :" .... , ... W~'III""'~; Apr! U~~ . :~'D' to .. :.. ' Th Dent.iOD or .u, ID 10 r bad 'lilM'_ .taleb tit... I. 040 IUlh .u•• t. Phn."I,~. To H .... ow uaauU 1). , D • III ' L . - 1,,1e h.. MI.ace .OM . '.H. 0. . .ad '.0 , ..n ••119 ...... .~ ! ~'P "'" -Th. ALL '1.1 I'Uruu ~ , , " I _ ,.rllOll8l 1~. The purah • ae of Callron rl.. ~4 I.. t Allln.D , bril.iDI a . .tal s••d .oald ",,"ltw ll, - .... A YOlln LADI ntero"" &0 b.rGOon· ••• pD' ..tola'iota of Cc.a ....... LADIE S adiES'r8' I b." Ne~ Mexleo Ind utah, f'rom Mesico · oollrolioa of .peoim••11 01 D.'....I bie· ,., ho~. after I aqjou.. ofa (e. ~oU.._lo ICiO "pnt La raJj08l , of .Uaioe &ldlein ....tlfIc. ' ea . . . ".:: :~. , . .... \b. OIt1. w.. hardl1 ~~IMMI ~ her . . (or 116,000,000. in ~~~rlzo~1 rrom Lar; from ,b•• alir. n,ioa, tliladia c b'lt. ' . . -' .. _.. .lJ~~E' R:,'~ ~~:;: :~~ w:..r. o!!~o~ :i::a c-:r~~~i'.' MeD ~~.!~e .:.s:.:ft°C~~.:.;"'~.~= . ., o. :rhe pu~~~ 000 'n 1&>4.- from ,h. nrhi,b pOII...iOll Lo lb••bor.. ~~ ""I.a .' of .b. O A8$1U" ElW~' , . .; , '. ~ aceo.aL l of all SliI; . tJt~.".~", 1} r.~.~ '. : .~si~b!O;:rob~e 'of ihe immenlle 0' ,be Pol.r B... • . •1II00\b _.- aIId,'Ioo"Mi 'or lwe!'t:r. . , .: y . : .. , ,.,Ulled .' , ,:. mea of " Ih, _ army. ~~" IDd uu' oLtht' ~( t.~,r.t.:lI. ~!~ :a ~8i.n 1!8e1l8ion&, runninK do.n The Olim.le Ind Ttmper al.r.. rully appeared bul ~I~bteeil'. ~POD : ,eorpt' .ho;' died. W'b\\i ."',ld •• h••, a~ltfff ,. ":\ b ,';; ".Ir III ~ ,?~J(N~T~;~----:-:-:: .'!-L;;. tbe. P~l\C cOu\ from the North lb. Ooa.' from Prine. of W.I.,· oor. loqul to \be c.'*! oC., I':II",l a c~'1 l_l.nd prleoner I •. of ~ar ia Ihe . nb.1 S~"f ' • ~r .~'~ ,i~'~~ ~~u I:d~ e tOtif\1- fourfor ty north \.\\\nde , I,. '.t.m~4:.' &al.~ ~ID. ~~ ~:Ulled tbe ~. h "· Slr.l",- ","0: L.ymlll bee. eo b.ld •• rr ~ H A I R. -0 I,L 8, .ItL .. It ct. .-,ba.IM1r '0 Ir"w wh.r. CA~lJ' . . " "W~)bus it .tliket -ttt. '~rltllb to. L • ~D ".;,~e ' .or -BII\.i~ ON ·l'GAN.~ and oo~do,~ It ao IQY& u IIi. II abo.. , ,w,.r. hln died pr 1D"1,- die ·.u " . i' h.. 'j~lIen . , .~ re."',. .....", a.Jl ' Ioaa. " " _.. ,:.: ., . . ' , 10 h. ' .. bl. acquili\ion to lUIy Lad,'. toil.I, By ill I darfnr t . lalU .moll • qllln' Lo rel, •• e·; .&~ be I""d. ho••.,:'!Il' -nllur.\: COlo . · 1IlI.~~ .. 11''''_ Tti• . old-'In I UM aOT Lad, or Gentlellla GAia \I.: :~e estell.i ve Bights o( tbe A· Ib. ~a~~ ...Lolh. ,CI', of ;-"'Ii a'bio~p~. outy 10 l~I'- widow , of " BRO~JI ~ :" n Cln l..poo"e .aeb a..e....~ 'lIp.. ' .• ;!Dad. ,oun, ·"I,ID. ~ . .riCaD eagle. trom .tne frigid ~orth Ther. Ii hul8 .now .nd mucb their p!!NOoaI . ppe .... ne. .0 buodred rold, I r'18.- per,on_. IC .uth .Ido'" rrm.ID un BLEAO HED MUBIoOfS. .- 'J• • . .~ clown a1mo.t t~ the equator , In the Dllrinl lbe Bumm.r monlh. It 1 .limple 10 lit OOlDblaa tion. .. bar A ""ell... t.ete ... orlmtnt of tb. un be",. rOl' .rried : or. la c... Ih,,!e . be : no . • lIch 00- ATTII! ·'JII i. called 10 'he Id.,e,. . lelf I. almple, yet un ••rpweduID Nalu ~. .'6ctutti. 61'41 or a dl'aract er to con 'T Ie. elllcao7 .icio". Iben to ~be .ur~lYIng chIldren IlnlDenl I~ ~.:: NOTlO KS. .1001 tbe lVorld th.t Dothlng ebort ~f prn,al . ~hlr, column. " or iIIadame . in d ... wlng Impuritie s from ... 1 10 buling. of thtl deceue d: or. If Ih~re be no H. A P£II.II ~or N. til • •bole We.tem ConUneDt "1\1 Y,. Ihe l cieao.iDg and beauliCyl Tlmb.r ,-The whole coualr, • .ell .uch wido .. or ohildren. Iben Ihe p,,,. ,rnl A"ru , 10' .nd G Ilirvoy... nl.- , I sion B, ilt direcl og Ibe .kln aDd com HOSliltl.' , . oontiDt 'Ule unlven al Yaukee NI· up 10 Ibe norlhuD COlllt i. .ction on the cUliclel' heuily tim· eD' or p~renL. ~"a 01 . the d~cel!.le d : 0'. . if &ladUIl" P. c. be con.ulIe d by leuedr. ~n I ~ e WI t.ion.' . C b btored- cbidJy bud pia. 'ore.I. - 1he there be no .uoh WI'dow. I ' ld 0 pllr .11 .""' ... 01 • pUI. prelflnt. IIU 11. \ ra ftOD' i, all' il8 impuritlua. Idndly bed . ...., C II ' ' ' . ' IUr.· '" 1'be Dew reglOD j\llt acqUire d y .m"n,r Ire.. ulendin Ing lbea.toe. ~nd 10.91., Lhe 'IIrf"a...... ~ down to 'he en.. or par.DU. Ibea 10 tbo brolbers ' McOU FFY'S . WILSO N'S SBRIES , '. ' ... . .. ""llum an t.reaty es\enda ourwe. \· .hore.. Some with ploe fore," lure IQtended it aboald be. clear. IOn.lDlooLh .nd .lId of lbe dec4I.II.d . , . RUII \ 'us ADI'r.~TIS~."T ~' , aDd beauLiful. Price fl, leol b1 Mall or Ea· 60.. .0.. Ito. d.n.e Olhu. of •• u. unaer the outcn' .r. d.. II!UI. or umber. bill coten "1 'ppl,ia 3 w.. e A FULL LINE l &0 • , I I mo.e. . . b I U · OOlit or V.neou ,.er. I In d • In len · .iib gr_ 0 , J .. Y -Tb C W I.AIII.rI. u.url.D l rrowt . - - e'" 8&,. SYNCNIMI. ••. . J "ME' e on J' I KTMOR.. de 1241 degreel west, to ~98 JIN Th. '011,-0 0 .b. Weel co., lb. \ A .. ~ Ib • I, or \b••a_. Ohio Slalll Militlr, AgeD I. KNOW TIIY , reea .elt (or ra\her to 167 ,.eDESTI NY. ~wisv wr CaD ' " ,cn or e a ' 84 ·1, Ca, hilly and Promptly Filled. d I It d Tbi. esten· 1Oi! produc .. Clpt IIenl b'. . •.a.~,;.l.J -.r",. .0 • MADA.I rnt E. Ireta,._. . .t)ai~:~i~e t~m FI.t· 1001 ••• ueb . THOUT O'. till' e . . . .er ...' II•• Tnif'"> •• Ialli.b .. eo~ turoip.. 0 , tI D r II 11_ S, tJ r e , JQJwe l7JDIIIo. Enell... Ailr: 0.1101. CI.lrY0'JaD' .nd lIIAD••& R&lllICGTOlf. 'he world •\ery 011 .. . tb ree ••d 1I.lIlea to equ four hourI and thtrty· ·reao.oed L.L. ,••• uo b II 1"UUCl.O'uu·se . P lye horn.,.le . . i '. wllo ha .x •• • "unl.,ltl ~ . d I Ih. .1\o I •or hll Old Wo,ld. h.. Ai'rololliet aad Somnsmbollllt\o C1.. ". "01 .. 11 • 'DUte8 i eo tb.t t.he full ~euure of. clio. · '. . • . .,.... , It • A. T S, ••• rL I..... . ..l ::.o:.:c .,~ tMll., HudlOa. time from U,e New Brun~wlck to ~II. N. Y. "bll. 10 a olalrn'J~' .tale. d.Uoeae.. &b. Anlmal ••-rarree l .Dimll•••uoh •• ,1,178. 68. Mad . .e TIIor '011 poet...... uch wond. ' .erT (..""nlorl he perIOD ,Ota 'f.:~~ IatlaDUo UDe or oar terrItor y .UI.,. •• oUfr .i,.. ou.r .. .n to ....·1 bl. larr.d . W b •• , i. b • . , l.r,ll,. i.porl. _ mer Iig~ AftIr, CJ"" a half. or one • d 10 trflll pow". 01 olld .1.",. I' '0 I .. r)'. aod . • b, &be illd or AD lna&nllll.o\ or IoCe_ • • Li I . '. "Glldre d anhi~ty degreee of lOlls'· ...1. 11111111. blee~, .\ly.r• kIIowl ••,. of Ir,,"'1 I_por'. 'c. to . power. kDOWD .. &be l'I,dlolllOtropi. aad red ,QU ' ,bl' ooall'r, fraa wer," • the .ia"l. or 'ranled 01 .ith.r "~' I U"" to produce . ud IIC.·I~ .... .1 . . .tport. it will DO' be qui\e 8:80 in 011 lb. lO.. lb. NIl r.i.d,.r oa &h. reclloll ed" 'iOO,OOO. i. ,h. ricbM' 1111 ••" I~~ .L.. oingat Altonl lland· or, b e· o'l~hot·"";'~I~ rJ\:"' w1tb date 'o r .anl.lIp . o_paUo .. ..... mol' b ·d 1 land it.ill be 1l0rtb. ••", ••11 0 .., . , • • a ... II ::':~~ ~~ ~ IIlIC&Jlt. n • _.II ral of oar •• "IDI es·Pr•• ideat.. r cb ' Ie k noon at t e .al • • Tblawa o '"' .... T~." A ,ow.(. . now. H ii · ,h. P,ycho" 1 ,o. i ..... h I·b e. '"~. '. _Fllb.- .rtln" •• "OD. • III. lik. IlIIpoti,loo' .. 0teatllDoD .." ...' •... , •• - 'e more thin . 8:8IJ in 'tbe eve· i.J8 wl\boaL DUmber L-.a·. a.w .onl i. Dearl, ItO,-. lua,.a, _• 10 h'rod . I • I at. ,Oliw. . . ... . ~eel· -. .IIU11 at ~.lrlalDe bouud.ar7. By . •• "Ic,,,r. pl I!_v or '_ of birth ." , . . - - - ~ ~ ~ ... lb. Iw. U'~D .nd oodS.h .~.I!,~~ 10 uh.u.1 ea. aum- oompllllll. bUl .. JI" aobod, or.1 e 0 CIlIl Uleh. _.... • • ~ ~ ........ ~ Icoow. It~ Ih•• ppllo.n,, , h.r wl~h dalto uf. m••- di8poliLioo. color ,o ri,lIi,an d bair. l!lld '1Ic10• bare. In Behnag • SLr.iI. alld 'be ,ill.. . . , pCNillo~- ft _ Ii f• • le.din, 'fill. 0' pin, aft,. ceoe.. ...s ...pIli ,A I.U.r from Coillmba•• :!. 0 .• II,.,: oorlh.a rd ,re.' .h.l..... "1'1Lo IIU· \ G •• lope .d· A. . ~ I th b ad of eherlell r. _c. Thl. I'. ItO ~lIl11b\ll:. " ' drePed to ,.oll_lf. 1 liT .L.ning :roo will r_h·. tb. plo· new nllm •• pp.a" I . . ~ ,holleandi ..,.. ,;llmonr al. c.n ....rl.\ tu b ..',arD l1l&I1 &o,.&ber ...-. ~:..' : : :l;';..:&.:.1••re 110 ~vi. m~~::;.I • .__ Su,(aee'1J1 gold tbe N.Y. Herlld -,hll of • • 1Ji\b deeire4 '!Im .. Oor8b~I;~~~ eU!tt" , , , - - ··1 .~l:: ~~i::!te ~ ~~:~I~ . "IDOl oltb• •In~ ,b., .ai.L. iD lbe hue br.o di.covered in &be 10::rl.t1oa. ·Addre.. in co~1481101. I wl.l. 10 1"'_ -r OD.tO ." -ami the bead ••• dOD Bennell. Jr,. mllDller: . :~clrur. I. 'wl\~' . purpo.lI '0 be: B, were en. MADA onc • .. I • QptaUD e.l· ~ R"'IJla~ODr P. O. BaJ: pub I,i! a-n.,.I1'J. ,h.1l h... ,be larl"" r t III I ·d r Ih Ollorllo Willi_ Cur Ii. 1I not edItor oloeinr I .ma' _ck 0' h.I" .nd paalry. . Tb Ole. bo lera re.m. OD e .a. . . e 0 lIalln, W.., ;t'roy. N. Y. e [84·1, and b~aI · ._I.cltd alork of b I ' bl Ih • dlapoa\tloll and corn- 29'7, "' 'fiJar.' o.d., ,b.DlI'1I1 lor • . bll.bel QO••' raD,. or .. oual.ia -- ---•. Th. geo of, Harper'IWct'klY-AI~ho~gb e,con- ~I::~o:: :nd' ~'oal\l, ' lil~ _~enl . .nd • " or' COrti. F.Lb.n bear lillie OD.' cry gr.pbica l dnelopm ent. are 'TO:(;OltS1J1tI1'T~"'''' lb•••.,. trlbut.. tom. o( Ih. edllon.1 .r.lclu, il.mp8d. ennlu addr...ed 10 "ou..,ll, Th ••1Ib.mb.r . h.. i", MU ""of.d 10 nroW'n 1 N' for br.' d,IDd moIb ar. b.,. . . . '" b H ,on lb. we.l.rn lOP": allVII ooppe~ . lL ". III)' ,a' will recri .. ,he plc,ur. · .ad d..l,ed h':"II'h ,- ~ 0 f ... " ••kl. loy • ' " or.o. Gret10' an d 'Iou ' .illlnl• ..-. m.. In'.orm.l lon Lw ~'lUfl""".i\, .AI1 '''mrnu. •• h I .... 'D Sl,iul Lbe I.. , .orlll1 Lo lb•.Ir h•• be•• 4•• 0..rell in ,,,rioU. , .... for Sl'rlnl W flr.,. "•., ..... t ".r h.d, .11'&II ., 01. n b ~, ... I.ulfcr.d 101 .... ral , ,..... " .. ,'lICel AIJguet". Sebell h ... agreed \0 beoom. nlc.'lun . ncr" It . -C"I!~dtlltil'. A,'dre.....,&alw, b.bel. Pride bld."bo G..nd.of ,b..e OD lb. eo.,t .ad in II.e "Ie in itT of •• 1""1 o"'lion, •• eI ,bll dr ••d dloajo-. p • '.ur.'ie . . for Jeff. D.,i •• ill • bond of In:eon&dence, ¥Ao•• E .. P THI[J&aT ·htre Copp.r RI",r. ..... 'ICIm , II • pau")1".ye. .... · U •• C"noun,plion-u .",io" 10 ho• • ""'. I~ Iron or. °r .Ioe1'P: O. BOJ: SU, Hu,"on. N. Y. HlDL Iroo.OOO. 10 prooure b I. re' lell.. . " f , . .... bil ·reJlo"·i.u.' o,, ,h. ", .. n. 0 rurL ,. ' ''iII of Ibou.. nd •. who are maklD, 'la.hl,. [aDd bali".d to .ailL i. 'llTb~ r.daolioD of lb. oaliolla1 dob, &LIAlOC lIl. . .G_..,. .LA8T d h & r I .... Tu .\1 who ~ ..... i r; II· " iU... p<!. cOJl~ nf .ppUl. .oul .ur ••• r 0 • on ... h.a.&le.. qa'lltili ee] I'D'" being --con.I'!\~I· Or-- . Ihl ",..,rip'inn "•• 1 «(flO of cb~'Itl, .. i,b Ih. for Lhe mODlh of April .iII "eouol 10 lbrllorol. ,:""n • No." 11, 189'. .',D .hll. WritiD, ell.eClion. for I;rop"iooc I'll ..."'•• wbich I.u., a ,e~· .melt.d aad worked by RII'I\.D arli.· bel w('on Iif•• ,h,y . , • ad .is lDiIlion. 01 doll.". M... rl. THu•• Al.J.COCIt &. Co_-1'I."e ,,1\1 • ...... bll ealIecl I" .,. find a SUR E CURE ror Co,.. umplio •. Ladies', BoJ8' I liliasas' a' a.,. ID ,. .hl.. .hip. &0 Coal i. and . ... • L .__ of &1M al-", ' aacl bere I. ct, .jlh dl.p.IOfr , Iwelre dos. e D All. • Atlh", ·l •• Bro".hlli . . , •. CO';lh.. C.. lelo; .nrl .11 -. ·ll. ' , . . Th. N.w York Trlblln •••y. Children's • la*I - I . cock'. Por~u. PIi.t'n. Our d'lity flI- Throll .." Lunl AIf.'li,'no .... • ia larl' qlllJl llI ... II alld A·. Dao. WII. 'he •• Ihor of Lite Charhl , Tho nnll obj. .. r"mou. perlenee .confirmo.thelr yer:t IUpl\rior e.of lila .'or,. A w'fe -Jd b,. &h. B...i.a. tor ....1.'lId of ,h. I.IY •• li .... in •• ftdinlt tho P.....iplino.. parpo....- 'On '0 ""cb~od' artiul .. ,p llbli.btd in e.llttDce. A' Ih. .... _ - .~'l _Lon.. . bread liDo. I. .UII 41. momen' of w,lcln, • 10 b..,6, 'ne oJIIir.I.r1, ond .~,.o~ ilnfonn°elliuhn an 01 _ . _ ...nD ~ • BI - . . Ihe L-t... 8l,I•• : .Jld 1 ~.. II"· quli', hill .1... Uar Lo N.w Brup.· II.,. r. , who b'J .'~'''I',II .. bi cb , .," . ,' :' h. r.onc.iy~. I"'; .. " - ' for . . . .orrow 1o b. in m.n .. I~."". .pp . , • en pared • • ro ", ... _.. _ .. 1 . ; ."I.elut. • , loortl.r hop ... ''''r . oa .oll.r., • .Ilort 0 b .. ill If, hi, r.",.a..... ,I ,h.I paper. .' " aoo . • Bh ' In Ih •• hlil Dr lOachine'1. hod bOlh w,ll co., 'hem "olhln ... anel m., , ;;l~~b' G111J11 0.... ~Dd. : ; pro .. 0 "..... liullce••".IhI·r I. ,h. ~::., ':~::riu amba·;; Tbe Ru~il~ Empno r. it i. inlimaled. ",nt , ... oe rI'I ,,~. ~~d I: .... %~~::rli !·;~.~ev :~:~!.I;nj:::~~: i.":;"I~;~~:::~I~~~it~I.~: :;,;::.::",io•• ·rau. Lin.. Pl.... call.nd .... AU work £. ,•• UjIi,_.., .. lbeLele i.&okl; ••eI bMa . .deof.b ittlabt li."ilto '" • wmacc,p II 'U DVI" "~If?"cllldlle.' I....actof I•••. T"'I!!!I.nlouod ,,,Ii.f "." .oo~ ...... ".1IIM b iD., on ,... .. I ....... _ Rill'.•:OWARO A, W'L!!ON. U 01 ___ I h bib WA dl~ pld wblch It w•• "reed '0 11', b, Ihe appH~,IiDDOr. BBa N-r iiD pl .. ,,' r 10 "I. _ Willi r qu .... bar'. II "iOKI Cu,. . ' N.", 0tI1 York. , .. • .... 08& aM ,." ~. . 01 lite 10 DOl ,., ,,"D ..."d, . b .plft'. H. ·wri' ,onn 'D.~I" tiD .ork. 97·e. . t -, .-, :: , hllllior our hClllt ArctiC pare 1M. W a.d 110. h. I'..ri .....11 •••""• . H, • NIN01'ON ' ''''''''''I:'C'' .'? 0 " • .... wbo btl, • ,.. -.--•• w. ' A The l.bablll • D' •• -Tb. ~~~ pop.lld 11 _ u ~"' D.... i& I. Moo.i. . . .iel... ,. w,." c."",, ~~y pa, .~ L'~!.· " Df . . '_Lt. ,11_ We b riLy '" . ,~ \0 ....... wT.w,oa,eI.o:I"'lr !l~'pl:il' I-:-I':: r." 80...,' owa . 0 • . ,..lOr I...,,.. .. . . - -- III. I- Ie eoa.laLa -0( II,••r .iz ,bOIl . Bu· wm DM. be tried. Hi. nla... . , ' . , '" M" • II' r.... I ~ .hrJlfiM4 ,h.1 ..u4nd1 . '!'be Go,.uo r .ta... l.... -'Ill' aDd lift, or .llll, , t !Ddl. . it DDder .... icler.tioII....d i' ie Mid lio aol . . . . . . ~ , ..... ",'orat. d*' BTUaNIJ hi....em ....." b d ,1... ...·foarlh 01 ,be U_ II... 11M 1D••Dd Beqai .lu. Th. Eeq.I •••s ,b" &. 1IcDO WELL , AmeIU lDlD' Jo•• fr ••",t-Ior he .... "la8l4. 1l ••r of paro'e' tlf \II ,lie • .,.....;eI.1I oth.,.. II. ·...led . , for &hin,. dilL B.ld_ n · X E N I A OH 10 ' . ' .m . ' a.slblll' 1·114-" ,,'''''. '' .n ". at11 .ud·JlI'I b loh.blt 'b. eMlt.DD Ih. Nort"'rD .... eI••m'DdIal bl• fr • ed081. . b Ur~ , I to ~I':.:~ :~i Wit 08' "'1· ID adft"' _\4Ili-~ ~Ii'. ,I.. .",• ...-Ith Are ·... ,re,.red II Ie.dIDI a. I las• ..,. la • • .ad are lael •• Ir'ou,~ ,.eoe.b l. .Dd ~- II fa,,,'.h 'rl."d. . &loaL 8T ATE OF OBIo, . f tb •• tlMt .hloll M Ie . aow ' .....,.~,I!I whIle ·'III• . .,a,: .,.. . lil14l the- ,."1 Ie _lIh .... ".", . i. ItlllP', J of lort, ,boa.u d poIlDd. o( t...bable . Tbe,li " '" itiaalia, : 0,.'0& 0" n i l S - _.. o. ~"t8.S _ aadl II d P ,: ... . . 'ICIOD ,Bon I • eI I · '_lion ~" ,-lo th~1O nal1.r Ihftll I l.. .' -'. , IND tJBI.tP . I8T .... ·-LlJD ."',. ER t. • wuu.m 0 a.Dry ....u..·-8tcr elary • • ... . :. -' ',IiIDI ·J.b. IDdllal- lab.bll Lb. ID' 'he clfoir or ~. (horl'· ' ChlliebDI a rn.II, ",;.rtbf '0.11 oth.,. lor ord"'rr . ..." _ . . . • of State·oC !be 8&lte of'billo, (Dr doliareb ••ur,It:11 _~( 'lCaowlnw· Ihe pl. 'J e;er .Tl, 1Argil t _ At.t.lfltdtl ... 'fb. Dlylo. louraal repor" lb. terlor. Tb.y. ,. pun.b l••• eI U.. . b. foun'Hti ih'. Iri;r.~t. Oilr .tDCIt dry \b.u~ rotlo"t.,. " a· h;WT,nl·,) •• I ••a1.ryof three ,hOU.IIDd b••ou.. ful.lhn .no.cru pl ..... a"~r : 10 cepy of a ! ' . .' l' , -: 'h.' my .,. ' C" . ~iII .eon.,II~ . ' •• II h' /lklnd. o(·· d· jolDlritO ... ~iD,' old rll&lem .a ,of lbat pl~ce.• 'b, bGDllal, lllUoa ......ab'J abe . A.· • Ing.a "'pplog . hould be known. _ .' .,e.r: l~" .omeab.ln, \0. be abl •. \0 unllme) .I•• "lObI, of !be 8ta .. 01 Ohio, 00 u.. I\b dIY '. ," t,w, IOH·N8 0N. 11. D. ,.. DI,",s .. '.raed 10 .artbl, .ppel.ile. .. _ -' . ' ._ tMl'dI . or April. •• , A Dim. taba rrolll worebll! \be orlclaaJ .lIb fire' cl ... ,,"I". i.a·, I" CLOTHS AND CASSJaWII!', 8'~!ldr_!h H _•.N.., · York ' --ia •• Co)fO•• : I, i. J'UI' 'wo mODtbe ' L U M BElt . LlIlLrl l-Tb. DI,ton .furDa1 lin. Tb. Oharcb only ".nl. 'Edwla roll. on II. In \bill oIIlce. . ' ~-: ' . Bootb S<lld·b,· .l, ., ~r.,11t I II· I .a til. United . I D f b . • ... & , 11l14li olcl Mr. Brow .. ,b., ,..&',10 ~or" . I'!I. I~ ~wlns p.rlloll ~r. . I • , . SUIH ."d Cwda. . ",tllllon , whereof'. I ha". & ~ ou.o 10 read tbe .Itrfloe. rUlICW " _JTlJM :U ,....01\ \0 ba,e Drll," M' Dg, llrellDto "_rlbe d ID'J . . . . or.1I .heSe•• Dd colora. " .. !"'!'"" . 'II . . .alDer. wtelllo od. We b... lbll Oa COD fiction for murder 10 ,b.L olt,: .a1xed tb. Oreat Seiol 01 th. io oompl.te. ,, .hlch -h. i. OONBLJl ~II lP'fl0~ CUllA BU B1r Siding and B.MI W,atMr.Boortiing. : ~.lOta.D .ord or lii.lllif ~ad flmilt. JOIIl;'b Lulie. a,oDDg mla of Rood J 8te" or ObIO;," COllllllblll. \be .cul la tho "OIIt ilD~ro,":'- ' b H k fV I tlr DR. 6OJtBN or8 IIDQ)I Cura. &hie ti•• b.......1. · ,b.t be ., • • ho b"d beeG A r.itbrul Fencin g, Pickt'ts, Panlle l SlUff, 6tb .., o"tl~'AtDH~RY SMITH Dario" . 0 II .n •• 0 . acoa.oo aa y. In· -. TO cllas ul .rl; .nd b.. Of ::. . ccsil&uil . PTlo~. . ~.·nM·I."" .' eoldier .lond Mary Miuod . C.,Ior•• 011. wbo W,I Mr. Llnoola ' S.;.inu ltl8, sawed and shaved, ._ .. b &h wU1 II b, p.rlner In ... 8ecretar, or 8te't.. ..plo, • • T. ~Io" , Q " .1. - - , • . p m . . ,b~ I r food ,OUDR .om.o in hi. owo bumble .. 1"""1101 1_. • ...... --... . w.I" 'he rail-opli uing bu.iobl ilong ago••nd aa_lte& , ;.11 . . ,ab.rea ida.. ha. np\4IJ fe\l o. lil•• Sbe rejecL.d ...... ,,"Ide, L A T H, D 0 0 R S • ."...., \ ..... h.lped bai\d 'be eabiniD .hicb 'hey b ' ' ' -\ll .& IUI8OLU'l'lOK Beat Workmen in che 'If. •••,. Crom • roblllt OO1ldlllOa \0 .1.01' .nd pr.rerr. d lbo.e orhi.a ,1adt'" _.....l11 .. .,.......... . ..1. In· ,. d ouaame odmntor tlteCOII ..u... .. b P . E .:=U~ ....vr.!:~ ~D....n~! ••JL~ . WIINllDDW Si A~rm, <k'D. ._ • db· I :.' .! : . .111111&00. Y"I.rd .!mom iar. bow· 'plr. d I·" , propn... '1.IL L. .,.. M. pro.,ldlD, for dI. esteu.lon of &b•iIU zpo· , Je. OUt,. ao d d rlno 1MlJ1ov-... - - - .•l.ctln &0 . k· . b b· . .'L h I _ · .... __ .... b b. _~"" . freachi.. . ",... peratioa . b, dl •• ppolol.d all"eolion .nd IItlon. t. lOr "It 1m I • or IIlnal ., . . .. ..... , .... III Lumb er-Yar d on Churc h street. "Reiol;ed 13 \b. Ge..,.1 AnelD.b11 01 Cu.IO •••{"• tIt -" '111'1 ""-....... . "'.. T_" ' . . ••pinta d_ ..", ar. ",lIr_ M IB .Ir ."111 bel II lb. . ' , 01 hi. _I ... ooapaol S ... oll f ·Obi'... •• h.-Aa· 11\ In .... ... 01 bleb ' .i. b •• bee proftll llMn.. . u~ IC:'~'" r. ro.ll. ~JO nao... ·......... 11"0 O.... ree· a; coreiia, 'olhe Ylrdi" ., I jur, or hi. pbi ••ine. 1866. •• Iored 10 l· ... North .... _m· , ..orlllio .ola' .'~ .. 0' the cltf •• djolnlnl D. bClreeleo ted to each BOIIII .,rul. LMn&o, •• , la ,,,. cOGall, ••D 10""'''' ''__ .Ii '.......~ 01 fr. . .ble ·U....aly lDaD· "".ra-• •aLoal, mllrden _ .... IItt ...... ~ . . E. )1ill.n'. Pur" H"u... d Mi .. O.,lor dial It be aDd I. hereby propoeed &0 lQ .1..- 11ft all ~ . . _ _ '1'- .. __ _ -, ": ' X'III •• O.• lIarch 11. . .' NCIOnn . ble apPJtit ••, U ap· r I' b , Ali &ore or \bIa 8Ia".to "oCe.t Ute .ut aIIIIUal d Pb he C . ..... . . . - ........ ~,.boouo,h.r.bll. ••b....t ... . ' ...- WW ..... II .tl." Id I, -. •. " .,'J(1oI. c!.~o , ~ • . ' ~ Oasober • .M.m*~ .Ieala. "-.... apon ...... cbe .ppronl or"'.e . nr1111 1J , .. Cerd., .ora· ID Lb. doo,r of her lIto,her boue. I 1.1.. 11 ~,~: tIonol! berollo ;lq_llC I_ah•• n~- luper lottou ny .r. on • ~fII' to Wblttle r•• t Am•• • ::'-"~ - - :.~"J,aw, . .,~ ill b J I~ • era,ial ror IllDoDade H. . . . . .".IIILd tb • •~~. d., ...,-,. ... l~ \a~ .... ea~ 1m bur,. MOtion Mr. or Gr.eley ,be ,. • • IlNl U1ScIt 01 , .iIl ..I.. lhem II it ed to lb. coaat, Jill to 1 . 1 1 ' · :: !1 ..d hi. wife prooan d a Ie.oa ud• -co.mnt tIM OoaMlht loD or IbJ. s..te. La·wi' : .]b. ,...... ...... bl ,ri I ..... • ......, t .I ' rd ' WII II 'nonl. b.blt 0' ble lo '1111 oyer II_ _ S rr 'r}' mal. eNua, . , !be UDiLed "'" StaCea . . 01 . &be 1M • I IIpoa ........ .a lor _G ".a - - ... • e oraDS .AIldm ad.bim lnr,.,i_ bn. ,h. •• of ~.m,,·oll8~. 1Iho tball ba.. bea 8 ad n. .. , ..:~. Ir., ".,.... H• • MI ~ - - - - .. . . . . 'bo .•ltl•• ~ to . Br."'?III,. of I . .\ II.: • ..... ' , . I mClOll. ~~. a reaiII ••, or \he &&at. 011' ,ear IMII' prece4 .... 10 driak. H. qu ••• d it .iLb c~ulI..I.' ib. D.yLoD b.r 10 ~ ~.. .. .. 1a,\heeleetloa.UIIlol&beIlOllDty.lOWDlhlp b.. ~ ••a~ ""I Lb. '.0 I.dl••• ~llo ar. ~.. - . , . . . .. . aeadr~ ~ _ .... r,li.b .iad d.Q)ared il 10 1M 'he ...\lnc•••nd arter .IeYe• . d.y. ~ I' or wart me.hIcll ba realdee .uch U.... D1111 IrI.l. eenb.d ..., •• 101 &he COl...' old ••W. _ilia, ---- - fttoa .-. .. a ...... Ih. iDdiol.. ..... I1 ..' . . . . . ." It. bee, tallloaid. b • •flr draDIt. Haw- h.r .Ib. . ooa,i.a II .... , WI ';::: "0 ~ ., ...-." b, la~ HOI ........ . G d w r-- d _ Ito . II' ~ob ,,=111 . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . &h ... nr -. ,_. ~ • roe ...... . UIIIII .... ~ •• ppon AD1 an"eO . .. _ . _ .,...... . . ra. "ar, aD ".L' f ~ 0: • . . . . .t. CI 1100 or rebellion apllll\ \be 0 OoY.rDlI ID' ,hU'I&' ID L..t.d earLbl, ....te· o _.... ItD' of lbe ..a&'.,_ of d..lh 1-•DIlW ' ~.... _«;111 •01108 lor ,,' " ~:1 ! • U.e United State:. ..,.......... ........ , ..~ or ba.,. llIIl.-fro_ \beIr a.DII. bit raturaiDI .ppetite IOr...d aow tri.l. bo.... r. I. ,..dial .. : lID CQ lit . :: pl_ or reeld._ La ....olel bela~ la. for... DUJD eo....ra.LO. b1 Ob..... .......... .-, . ' __" 1Jat ....._ hI'. eo•• llI,inll fur,ber •• nd ••lIad. or ~ 'la ~ !i. w &0 \b.lllilll lr, or ..... al ..nlce 0' aakl OoT- ManafactuN lIl ,bit .omin l: DieknlL Thl. Ie ,he IHOIId yol. . . d by M~,,_T aor••lIbat.oli.l ••od be lte .i~b "i, J Tkb. Dabapp'b .GO~YlOII. I. II o. • ." :::~;' ~.~~~rab~;· ~~::.r:.o:,,:; &0 my Beal CUlOm ~ 11.\1" ~l' ,b. Author '. Amlrie "edilio . ol Di.k· ' . . ' w.~ ~ d 01' " ~I Ie .oa Ip 10 til' e o n o " . . . :...... .. ..... : ~ ~. ! ..... dllllllll d.clloD IOmelo ul.1O draok i. ased .~u' Ihirl, ...ia , •• thall ha.,. tbe qullleeUo~ of u .. -.'" v PPo rc:u_ • .,w n' ....uMlllo.... . . always on hand •.. ' r.. Hi••D• •0''''.ING ed b, lb••• I.rprill• o, o(\b. It • _.. "t'V .Iector. aod be ea,llIad to "0" .t all tlec· , ..."., . ~r~c, . &0 lb. 101l0lor ~!I" Cloffe.. ),"Lard a,. Mr. Bro.D. pareDI. hwtd upou • !' ~ .\: -.. .. . ~ ' ... 'Iona.' '' . I.rm, where bOUlI of T , B. p.teJlOG 1\ Bro• .• 306 ~\b Mxe, . . It ED. A, PARRO TT. . _ _ _ . . .~ teachel!tow \be bom,I, IDe, •• Ielm. alre.d, feel. iawi,orlLad hy "olepb w.~ raI~ed •.• nd . . . ...., i SptUer 01 lila HOIlM of R·8rellJllaUTII. boy lid Cb••llat SI .• Phil adelphi .. II i. bald· becolll. be.utlM. tba tHIft·,·~· deeploed nepectad.1JI4 iii. relurll 10 hUIDID di.,. llay hi. m.n b•••• ,quleL la dtportm .al. e 1':1 O! ANDR~~':iD~:~ ~S!!... .~d illua'r'l od .ith .alr.,i ar of \be (orNken 10"". .No ,.o~·. lad, or p... . "'I..ol ! ~ , •.• ill peace.b l, dllpo.ed . 'holl£b d.llrmll l· IOmely e. =.~ ~. b . . I a.!I P-.d April I. 1867.. IleIDlD .bould ran Co Ilead lbalr Addr_. IIId _,1 ,-, ed wbea .rolllld . Afler hi. r.lurn L • pn.e,pa • 'II ~ . tI . ch.ra.l en .Dd · .01.... reoelY,. cop1 \JoM;pa!,d ,.tron_ , b,. r;\uni 111,11. ' lIP 1':1 .. • from Lba .rmy. be ••• engaged •• .b.r~ by 'be bt.1 "~Ii.". lind i.ID THE PI1SZ LB OF ..... e 'A GE l III nlptOll I.ddre.. P. o. Dra~. ta. Troy.~ . T ;' 0::>- Then I. pu_ I~ Karope .- ke.per ., Hil.ry Horning '. t",.rn ~ ~... Th •• h"II'-I' obur,, ;. Ii'. It ap.III .uilable lor lb.•• libr.'1'. or ..el1 __ . ~ '' 1;4·111D ... ..... ViOLori. b.. iaterced .d be- Nhe. Leba ooa-lrom .biob Peopl. who .re ,.overblal for , critic• Ih. C.lIl re.diag ••• well II beia" a model ....... ....' d ,wtIIIl t'pol_ Inel Oillllarek••ad Lb. • oL Wit 6 ra. til';;',;: ~ ~ ~ .1 P"ClPtl~ri ';,~;;~~r EII~~,ul'. of cheap......Dd .1'g.DCe. No. i. &h. Looel TO' lUCID wIt_llI.r 0' lb••to... c b ' .Lu.e..bul " •••LiDa i. to be letLl.d by 'III d it .. ,'. "" , M.lcau u&, Aou. Co 0 ~ "VII • tim. lo ..- f'h G "Cllrt tbell .t ... d"d p' aOYeI •• I" , alld bo",.I .. "I 'aL I . . . . . ~' el .,.. th .. jOllnll. I . M ... _ ~...-t rIII~ ow.n n r~, e P' D.. CII. . . .OU. erupl on.. ? ::W:!'t ~1L ·N:~:~. '~~:Icbh JIIlIIroh 11. 1867. ::.~~:ci "~::: 1Ma&& . ~ r •• Pet.rao A1'rtr n b ..... p.ld ".n eI,.pep"o cOlJlplala'•• boll., .. ' wh.l. Lotado.. ~.. lb, 15th of ...,. N.po" WHY NOT1 Beeeiu d of OiDciao"i Home In.ur. i ....II .. 8um. of IDODe, 'nr Ih. hal., and Ih•• lJp.rb .ni6tl.1 r Lh. ad. eyer rO'lJl .1I0b lOr.1 di..... .pa'. on. are 8ft .. "m,Ur d.r..te!! ... Lb.. DlIOb, . . . Compttl 8UIOU. R-.Lr.CTIO... Foa YOU" Mill. conI,,, " uponll "'. ,e.• or .. n.d, l,. 110.80 (1111. \0 •• l~ nllOe ' prooftb e.,. of bickeu ' .orb b'J 10 tD.nd~· or. • _i.llOnlered .11'e III E....1e....oLth.e How.rd .. LaMtIlb.r• •bIR h. Wncl \0 .fT \oM b, buI1li_. , 0' III, Woolen Altocla,19nOV1l lb. Incomparabl• .,., ••,.ot, . b Id be _ _ \0 I • 0 \Iii ii~.II' bow,l., which • II &0 be- "48 ....lnl 11m, eonr" b, PoUe, lio. '73'6. Tb.·~ d-Ib II' l Ibe Ph,.lolo llc.1 Error_.A bu.e•• ad 01.. e eD erpn... ou CRrSTA DORO'S HAIB. DYE. "Pllpre. - '~ RETH'S PILLS .. ...e. induoed b, I,norall e' 01 N.lur.·. With 'he culor 6.n _n.a ,~ 188' : \be '1I1ed a.d ampl, r•••rd.d by ,b. correcl BRAND II 1m, art. I••tr•• Ind . .nd ~ c.,. •. ' aua.IIIJ rcI ItDd 40,Law., I the IIr ..... ;aw - " •• '11'7 .' of ID.II. Ben' III 110' dlminl.h Ih. a•• lbn II,. 01 lhe IIbr_ V-ble. Priea. ".16, .a' poe' paili 000 cartiDo .tea., ,bllla.o . ••. All. , ... Itd; ea••lo.,... 11 ...... .... or ..".r••.- IlaeufU !.':. "y J. ,CB.l8TAD()B.O. Ii ftteo elt'.r -. -. ".aAI IDa,f tiI. A..... Dr• .J.UIW NHOU GBTO W. A.I .. Hoeae. N ... 'Yor" , A"I\ri~~.lJ .~ ".r4...;





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S,I6 p • •• PlU.b." 8.:.18 • • ·~oe~ ~Q1 itoI' It .Corw'n.

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. 'i .,' :: .'& W., . Pr."lde.I. I. W. Oork, 8ua'l. ' .. ,

'The Old B.e1iable' . .a::D...... r. ber~!d':::b!~ i!':~~'I~~~=ra ~.d ~~~~a~ f) er or o.een, oeeo,...·or ,beo-: ' ALLEN & RANDALL''''e 'h t Tail . ..~ i uJlbeeded, and .our ~'rb!>ol J.tbrllry. The Ohurch an, 101 or 101 ••Ihlac.d _ithia Ihe iD' . .UL rc q,n -. or Q R I S' P ~l , . ~, doties-too ot\en pusbed weU filled with Ipect.ators, aDd the corpor.ll. lilllila of ~. lIid yiUIge of W.ltnamy 0 . . : ~~.,

Ilu &. 1887. Oa 1'IIoreday e.lIIliag. 'Y I, II h.. '"- le"-alne8 l"'~ Wrole .ehman or the' "O-.Dt Rolly you. A.~ the daa, and bu.t1e .ebool pre an exltibf'In, eve.rydayahUte, weeks aud montha ptJrp6lJe ot replnhbiDg 'be. pan bl



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larger a.Owns-IhOie centres ' . ' which hoeloeN . 'Dd ·gravltat.e. 'tbe pen of a reaWl'lwr' m.1 atwa,' IIn4:: . • b "0 ... pre;'s' b.Jt: ·in paragrap 8 .. r .....e .... ':' u .

'.' '' ' ' ' ., . ~hnaJ·r" ,.DRI:I~! ~, . -...... l:lrmll't~IMI •.~~ 1':EnJ - t'" lit A . nna b . i t '~A • ..., ~I at;JltoI!II rll4l '1.cH"" ••, ';'. . ' .. .' \. GOOl' N' M .. - .. :.: , .. ",2. Little Tb'i ng:7nd Ull lle" '-,t ell. thrn " --i.i_ ""J.llf\'IIt"dr.l1ine, .: .. . .. __n. _ ... ....... ili,n lie' aad ,

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O.l't • __' 8~~" . .0'~ ' ''If~'''' .L\*. . .C... p!.1nhave ud ~de:', hllcy' which I'roo R',er,oir' Tia. Kh,tM. \bOlh«Iv I , •I ..'''' 'le pr~,if.1; .lor.n e_top. "b~daor •. • " P Y Putuete . oYen door. 11«11( . by · . 10 reilin hear, ".Il


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"':"~e, li<m.O~ r.yif;t",.,t.,b,.·~b.O.·~iq,.· . .~" , W,,"an made UII. it they do nol .ult 11,0 . The mO.I COlDplele .nd bUl. .. ~Uit, :: l:. W.,,:::. .',!,' " ma~iia1 or:-wi<!r~""1r~ eU_IOlller, h. n~~~ Ih o,u I :~o:: !::r"~~r~;. rl~~'I~:.~Il::~:':~.; HAanniloMil M&II., 1M . . .. lloedIi,. ·T · ...;~ · -.r~ .in.-7, 8. nd 9 • ............y ..... "rid". ' ......·~no..... ... . u." d.;-.;"llt1"J~!\ ~~~ ~r;; '..: S . v~.K, . I lIeep fon ... nlly on bInd •• ma~I.loek or . 1Ia...... ••E!,;! Nt," IIo1ipL at J\UllY4ADE CLOTIIlNG I " FAVORITE," , !!!!!!!!!l!!II!!!!!!!!I!!Ia!!!!!!!!!!~;==~!!!!!!!!!!~:lor ~e Breat. ru.hl. CUfI"8lJt. of ~ 10.. fDla.."..........nt. . GO~~. ... .~ . • ~T~I ~JOr: . . Priess, .' euL and __ by liB.. DQDBOK wlolllt TlIIe'I••• "1.......... ,... . • A world:-O~llrrencell are rare, whlo", .ll. ~ltut_·for HiDe \~. "'~J. I._I ~~.," ~,.. ,. ..e 'lI.if. ,the " ••n,lo" 01 our frl."d. Illd u"~r' 1111 emplo~, wbleh J wlil I.'jle wood.door. '''611 _ _ "MeI ... ,., ~ptJllic bu preceded ue In expreal- wlUaout the aid of a ~h'ld Imag\oa'lIatellaD: . ' . " . ~ Lrn or tiT.~". r.m,i llln I" ilie . ' ca.lome,.. . r.e,llter In door 10 re,alile t" I.",." . .. rl......

10.1I~· I··'·.'. . .

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b SgDtoS ftw ·

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A. D. C"DW 41.UDla: Ap"I. " C"o.Uu.a II. Mn.La, ~. A~". to wn te you. I e atb r . 'I haTe . .. . 6, Education, Maggie Lj mo. •. l b ..!. ol!'ereuo.D ot " Ien.loa. lIercbbte' Ullliun Ell:. A, " . lng to aay that will i.Qtereet. eIther Leinllr (dec.) ' . . l,r,e -!,,'.>' . ' or your readere.: ;il1 cities 'and "'.'1: LeAmin~ to Read~~ litUe :g'irl . A.IJY'II~l~~ ~"~' ~.l~"o~'P:'nce, I'Ost-O""'CJ.: nOTICE! M.iI Trala Let •."....-


aaide by the clamorous cares wblcb receJpl.a footed up . W.y.euille. 10 .ny deco_poe-. . t 't Are d.ny taxing brain and rn PRooa.uiMs. ' ed Of de_polinll' .. i_II 0.' yeget.ble . ftBTA1L DlC.U.1C1UJ 1_ are aooaleft. far;D 'be r~lIr. T~ul , 1. Jntrodqctory, /ellnie Lemar. maLl.. r, th.n.,.y --.-'lii:eullllli.'led or : ,.; L'.. 1 .. tbey se"e as mile·posts 'a long .2., '~~s's 'af 911.m all boYII anet girl.' m.y here.fJll r _ _ lillie 00 IDullOl-or D~~ "GOODS, . the (Dc~lImation). 1018 : .110 • .10•• lbur~lJ. cJuor.ct ~be . path,. ot 'log' 8. (Diatoane) . Hominl'tt'c Geogrr- cell.n. dnuo III' ,ol/l.r QUE'L'NSWA R L' tOllles upon the wave. In pky. " D, soarce or 6.lIh or mlly . wake,· they Indicate die i'elocity wi1JJ 4. The Family that didn' t take tbe nn .ald ....11.1'.t ARD\VAilE, & ware hurr,ving forw.~d. :Newspaper. , . .0 tie III,: dU ly o£ lei: p8r8'O~ or p e r . , th t 5. (Dee.) Claes of 12 small child· eo~ dl.l(lbul."', In IIpprouf· ~ . I· • . . , ¥ prlllill10JJI~l!u. from .J'~b .,t~." a "~ b ave t ak en up my pen ran.



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tlon 12. ReMon Why. Rachel PualO1l\c 'III ' , f , r' ' will .• ". :.', ,, ' . . ... . ,. Archer. " . ~e:,_ .fI, 0 1"',.,~ •.• IidOni II. tale. Such a quiet 13 Tb F b' bl . D_'lI I hb 1887. -Ahfeh, 11 "'0' Illlen OUI w,'hln one ' . -. e ·. ae . JOna . e uv.. e, C? . ny mnnlh. wil/. be lehl '1. 'lie D•• d Leller Iioure. NestI ed down lD an COmell.. , Olllce: " " : II'O:oook, away from ·tbe. din Ind dust '. 14. :.Bacltelofll' Union League, :& - Alllin.on E 'G Mr' Thom.s cities .way from railroad8 aDd tele· . Archer. . . AUllin Mr Johll '"'tfdlrJohn . , dep~n d'109 on ·th e d'l G.illl. 1 M 'o"i" A al y or .l , Declamations. I ' III I 't C Tbe' 1 P 'Two Br,ulI B,,!IillreHerr r Re"'i "e " bfrnlnt "",-.on IIIlr1'eler ' 1.". \ . vi . . f liB, 8IC ,.1uar 110. am. eace, '" .....T. . lilt of the printer or Ollt . ' "Clara Craft. Wdmtin's Mr Millon" 1.bolter MrG .. . 1\hematbe ··tihom.· Ever Iince lome . 0\'er of mankiod beltowed upon his kIIo1rledge of passing . ety · Rve. There are no EEllhC AbrcGm .. MIJal',f'lelue. • '~y MI,. Mr S.llie eo ' L . .~".de. Iluprn j\dr~ I) 'n race th' bOOD "o! loose clothing, w~ ing:in. con~tact with tile great WOr:L ..d D,.e.Rd~, Mary. ·C raft. A Lftst" Lonk, Foid A ' uve .Worn allanol-nce to that. grand nd Q8 only to a limited extent- 'l'ad~l~ Huffman. The Femlile Heart, H.;leIll8 E . J\yhin'lolI S.m'l R. G '"6t d I" ' I k ,- . th t Cassie Moss. : . HOIIAkrr )Ir Prank ' ·fhomp.oll Ali ce .,idea.. . beallt!" we lve on, on y nowlng a we 16 . .Dla., on.d Skeptic. Helle r IIJr W •• "lUll or M". E F bUlty and economy are loherent In. are part parcel of tbat . 17 . . Dec., Life, Eddle ·.Lemar.· #oWftrd'Mr ' fTlml . W'rllCOIt l'ohn EtC! tpaoloul slee"ca and amplecontioua. great world, without 'being jostled t'a.:·.Dia.; Takwg the}?I\ IJ8FS, ' H.illell :n,.Amna . . ·Wil.on MrTum 'Ion,. Let fuhlon dictate 18 it maYi by it at every corner. ·~ere · r;ne· ·.·.19. Dec., Tile Grave, Jennie L~. John80n 1I11.dl.E;m'I~" . . . . - .. .. . . " . I ' d .. . ' ():7' ppr.~ne e,I It". _(.or en, or Ihele 110 loag aa money 'Can brlbeor threats chan\c&-men tor whom the a mon Tablesu,. of .J?,e.tleoce,: letter.' , !! t" .. .. lre .d"enl,itltimldate a m.ker of human babiU· tree 18 already beginning to Dec., True BdaoaJ.l~ • .lillellh Irdo' · '. . ' • . J. ·1\O.'. 1"Jt Vll1l, P. ah, ments to bend to ~ur adamantine re' -whO.follow 'h!l;Qme calling and Evane. .... . c .,', ,,,..~ . • 'Dr' gil & ..I.,e, Ionl .hall our · panta be occupy the samuhope in wbich their .' "22. yankeeillm:· 'n' L e' .. om" ' .-. wbUe fathere lived ud labored ' before '2,8.. Pia.,:, c!lpol .ill.twn. ' . . arrl···. ' Itolf'''li .. . .. '24 to fi It· E J G dfrey ' ' 0.: ....0 • • 18 ue.~ In .eba.tthe.plrltotamao. them. Herei. the piOneer settl"r, "5<' "' p..,roa n 3'1;1" l' t'OS I'" "" :' me.. t " ' hT 'lI",,"< P " '! '" , c ol " .• d " . W h0 I'IV ed i n th e d aye 0'( ... .lo ,.~o•• ao .t..• .. .aro . . dyon . . am . e 8 . 0 NOqlY, . .,o,,~,. \.Ir . . go.,1Ij.,-. -n= , . ' 'o26. llepb~· VIII)~~ : ,; .. . .~. ,.~"OuenceofWo. .' , - "dlt.irpr"",." I\Y at.p~· : TaW)tzPOI.TIOlf.-Among tbote: er and fat. bacon,who law the . -. I" ) .,,, "'"oreciboea who wil~. bave a vle~ ot the forlJ8t-~~~es .Itill ltandiDg : i~ ~:an, ·NII)i'~ie 'l.'¥rt!Q """ . ; . , ~ ot tile "0""81" ·of tha Great PartS our streets wbo has seen a new g~,,~ Tb.~.laat ~I}ree were.~earl, .. alto,.: . . .. ,. I .. , .p"ition, Waynell\ille will have eration of grow up around him, '1 t f' . bitt oo' lhe !Mfa. . . ' ' . ". . ", . .l.a" enu, a T~I: e y . 0 ,",nell. lilt.• of 'lplJold fu.'i;~ .WllIilam Dub, .. ontatlve _In th.e pereoD of wbo ha. eeen graveyards laId out . .. "eel :4,81" .. . C·IJt&1o W. R. HoaL, who. we learn, snd peopled, and broad corn. . ot-:a ,.wlfe. , ' . ; . '" Will make one ~r the el:cufSioo party tlke the plaoe of the primeval'(->rest. ,29.' \Valed.l~~ty ~ ."ggle Lema!'; " • • ,.~,~.~ ~rll!e... wbloh ouobel's'Gen. Shermu, Benry Though thus secluded, we ar~ ~ . TJ)e exercllel were intereper&,ed, CGr4faiUv Crw1fIQ(,( ~..,) W.. WJI'Cl Beecher ~d otherl. Tbe neat readiar, ·t niriklng,· alid .claim to he :,vooat .aIld lnltnJmentai lIIuslc ~ . nl . ,hi. eeotlment: Woe betide the tenor that ever flUlhion. for o. a pair of p"nta the 'tyl!lnowutant among th'e tolro"ere or the ·'mode.' The tlgbt pants we will not have.d We ut.terl), abJ.ure, deoounce an ana·.


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·;8p"lndl.;~h;nu· ' ~ever, --_a .


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~outh. t~r, ~ b~,.h.l, . ~'

of 'bree thouund dollare an inteliigent, ·p.eople. ' Daily and frOlti Mrs. McComlis and J. '&lIlt. tab. to make Lhe roond trip, weekly newspaper8, relisiou!l, WD very IncbJAln.i. 'iu!

EQ~pea.D ,KlngdoDls, ical~ and .eieotitic joui~"ll aro·

po~ii: e·rD!~f· :Way'~~yi\le,.,!bich

~~ce.ptable Jo,.-U:

-to' . ·utr.a..cted ~,'pI_IIIt.~"'jbJ,lI' ~ b•trip. ·.m~ecent JUid a a-


.. '"


'-"fO to 'the gem of the oceln.' ...... - - -........- .' . "Bon .. Coulter; 'o ar able &ier gentlemanly Representatlve In I I t. i the Legie .ature, ow ng 0 press ng d"""'df~otbe~~h~ract~r, declines a ,.· .. tot \bat.omce. !b. Coul"r. ' cuu ...e an dcon duc t have bttll.u~h .. to m~rlt the re.pect of

J: ~.


............... ODd ......'"




their Country, they are 'brbugbt in cootact wUb, f,wer.of the element. or' ei,vU IU1d· iocial · cor.~uptlo~ .. . The peaaant,' wholle infant 'ear wa. 'fomil · . lar with the mUlic·of birdl, and ·the BOund of borne ou the



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Parlor a.nd Dining~Rooa




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YOUNG AMRRlOA. co.l. J wl,h 10 Inform myoid F,lend •• nll FANOY FRANKLIN. coli. rl~D' '~.I I 'ID "ill oa hind, wIlh • BEAOON, P ARLOa COOK. wllo4. U ne 0

l.a:D.0& n:

furni.hed .t Ih. v.ry lo",eat Vflorl.

Tower Olocks

Choi'ce Goods

• lIew .nd beautiful dull.' Coal ...... or _II .llt!tI end pliClt•••ccor.iJlf lu llie qumlllY·

funl.hed .od pUI up 011 .ho,...t 1I0Ile• . Fl'r 8prlnrr WI";. belh 01. ' M YOW N and BEST DR.ANDti 01 Perlon. wi.hin" onylhilllil In our .lIne. or il ' I I h ' .hould "01' r.1l .0I coil' and .... mItUI" aur CITY; MANUFACTURE. o(lhe.bove'OIellliooedOlob.hed~c I III Ily • I'll'" ore I rite ..... ;.• n! kb I .'oe olore plltl: ,".Inll el acw II:re. IIIB. To.xl... .. •• iIlK ' h.d Ihl'ly- lIve ,elrR' uperltncr in Ihi. bu.lnell, blllh HOPKINS &, CRISPIN,'S. And ".J>ecle!lf' ruti Jille 'O( In EUROPE ,"dmlire AMBItICA Ifel. con , lidenl of .. ,.llIll &1i6"ac)lIm! . , ~ : ... : .;' • 'J' .6:7 We tMeler our Ih.nk. to> Ihe public rur their ,,,'mer palron"ll". tnd •• LOW ror .. hope. "'flh alrlel Iu. buei llo ••• I" srntwWft'1J I ' I _.. . be ablo '0 rive aol lllael'uII '0 .11 who & "I.UMUaA 'I! .11.' c Iy •.11I!"0 or. !" 1;_ . m., p.lron ize 110. now _lid here. ller . .,. Our plrl ieuler .Uenlivl1 will be liven An of Clnnor f.1f to lhe Rep.iring or ..epltlCE till 1 1'Illidioua. bOlh iu qu. l; • Watch •• and Clock" al'lo ''Engra- 10 ity plci .lId J • --.....l : . ' .. rtf 1110 1 YiD, .• ~.Al1 Wotk W.rranted I ;' l ' ' • . " ,\

Signal Parlo.r.~·




Stack' .obee. n"ik~.e, ::nl

rere~~n~ 1Ia~ :~~;~;~'''~:PI#!:J::::: o~:'I~~!n"; ~a.lne~. b,.~ .~:n~. ~~P~J b~.~. ~' :RUb~!ti,· r'o~ ~r~"~."",,,ja~y;f_'01'&1 thaD,OO~Jlor

,ureot Ibeo,enin blkllll. ,

10 be II ,ood Go>od. n Iny In Ih. ma,hl "llt:;UIBIIIFJ ""OIlB.." · 'Ollr a.uork ..."•or..,BOOTS O~U.nltb"l - ..d wblch I will eell ,. AND T I . lor L-d,PS', G.n,." ....1 We.,. A. LOWell anI M'l" Drrrf Sell ev8rh:: i. or Ihe BEST QUAI.IT\' I Same Qualliyf , . AI IC •• 1m. II alook 01 GEN1'S' Fun .... : '. J T. B. TOMltINS, . II. n . DARRI8. NISHING GUOD~ I-all or "hleb J ", ill .ellola re .. onoble prufi!. ; .f . ' o:::r Pie ... "ive ma S CIII bel or. mll!\l .. \t , lu .. 8' yuu r .ftlecllonA. "\t _ n., , "~~ , - U I 'I relurn 'hlnk. 10 my (Old r"ltomir. nd frl elld, lor whol IhHYt!hu. done Inr .' " In e in 'he PIBI•• "d hqpe 10 'be "b[II 10 'P_ Cornrr Dud BroAdl")'. cure In Ihe fUlure my "blre of Ih el r pat ulllllo. ELTON DUDLEY. WaynelVille, &t.y I '. 1867. ' i, ,_ C 'B AlwlYI kCfp 1111 hln.! • Mood " ;'. , . f.; ; :'lIlWrlllll;h1 ur ~ ~ ~ ~ .' ~ ~ I, WATOHES =-' ~ ~ .~ ~ 6:7 J II r h b 11 r ,', .' . CLO( KS. ere Ihree .: . . ... '" JEW ELRY; - .""D: price. rram up .to tfJO, 1I&rOl. . 11 I I I . .. .. ump.. 'r

No~ice here~ .gl",84~",,·

r"",~r ~nT ,hllv'ng"'~e'or

'fho'm~l, Inera~,,",.










UIIII'.;&ID 1111"" ~t .Fio·tiREs, ~~,,;.;~ S·PRING WEAR .,~ .lr.~",I"'liOJn' '~hldj " ~~~~~ ~~. ~ :,~~::. I. E. . I( EY8. :,: ,,~:,:::,~:"~::':::"




pr.~, on

u ,' _ _ _-:. n _~" •...--"""

"'" Al'I BO"'lI,

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au;. . ivu -Til" LIU.DINO-

~J:;. e;:~

h.n nllt.on hhd.,w....,... oln.inj b, 'I I•• .hort hOUoe. . "

Qpl'u.ite Ihe Ro,or. W ........ III., April 16, I"S·..


We h., ••110 on b.fId 41 ,00II NIOft. ofwhich ahnOllar..ver,lhin, ia our ' 11M. •t . menl • mo'!l







Leba~~~, a~d ~t_ t~e



~e. ~spond ne~ce ~~, ~·after~. ~l.d ~~:ntH;::;?~b;:!'18:-~:V~~;~ a~meroDa .Area~og· epi8t1ea. , n~


ba.~ tb~e

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Dett""r Class taken at Reasona.ble Rates.

. ,.i""¥.&:ne~lblp ,,~_ 9~,"~" '"

mltr~er o~


.A'f"~ ro/l'Siud -~t,.4it "I. (J,C,aQ~~aJal ,~~~"g~ .I~". Fire and Marine Risks of the

N' ew. ..a,)f,.Dl.




.Ir.~~~e~·~:rcb';J:::~ j~~~DK~;:,tl~: 'NltW~e~ ~'OClltiOD. ,~""ro~'the Boa~. ~~IN:GJON.



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V A. m m I:.. FJ 'l1'

It I. full IneU 1t• .t.p.,lmflll'.,a"dolr.,ed

a!T . ,•••• '" b.. " -r"d ' .wk ., 'ery (,u_y "lIh Ibelr .pflng crop •• a . is ODI. Dnd .fter Selll & (;0.'•• And I"rge .bare o( w-hieb Ie flAIl: . I pre.umt t,be .Hith duy 01 _y. ··to. rei ' Cullnlrl CloCk •. Alao, B. Jl : Lewl,', p.r · l ' II . m~re "lJe~ .o.l' d' I " nPlg .!'I .. .Lr&1n rOIl.\llngAA,,/'\rn ~r",'IJI~il/liD' !\II"", Clocl'a .. ......:.06 t~cre. . In tIll thl!re' n.ioed·.: ·tO;'~-· \l'~ ~~cii'j'.d lb~A pelull (;i"t',IIder .• . . .: borhood tl118 'pllng I"'n has beeD .ow: !"nlta of· !.'O&'T'ot~&··~~·d 1~1! ~~e8, . ' .. • . ' . . Iihi!... . d ,rr& f'' «ILbounlowner. ...fu, lOt "",,!!ODS.honos. u!llDg . . ed .ID 'lb, 1..1 hll year. colli ' Or ·"'" ;L . . • " que.lioDin 10 tb. ,: '.: " ' _,__ '.

beiD~, trir~


" - .

th8Lowe'~, CASR

blouom-ladeD breeae, wbo has held WI,Il p 0 TOG RAP H S SKILLITS, e ~Ial CI', .. .& .d.1 prle,. 'Iel, or ~~n ./I,?l' u~clo",.~ ID .thll."~~f ~ t/le "arlo l/UIylea o( Ih .. "rl, ... n nil,. • 0 '.. hi I~" th b ka and ebp,.lh 0 F T H " E W 'ES T. . GRIDDLES, . " .'. ' A ' 1- ooJJl~n. p w.... e ~? ' . . Ohlo~ QI. (Jer a: pe.a'1\1~r K~ty .• ,olatloll. of lie ' Ilid .1 Illtl OLD {] 1\ LLER \" neu ..-'the NatioDal Medical .eoc. tNe8·aroand blm 'uutil t.hey bave oJI'.re ,or .... lb• •arll.. pric•••••. • be · hot te.. more t.bea Ibe POll-Ollie•• on thin Sire.. " __ OVAL, CAST-IRON atlOD hold their convutloD in Cln· ~ 'iliar .. .... - ... -~ . d ,b,1I4I8cI il ..Id, for marb' , '6,00. J. lull Oll ROtrJERS. IITG()KROLDET8.lND DIBECI·O ... , BOILERS. come latD - " - arODn , ..' . ._.l. X,, 6; '.: 001ll$able. W1 A. YFJlI~Vnla!I.a1l ci.nnati ~!- week, beginniDg yelter , father'. flrealde, ·In wholJemiod the K.Dl rarmerl erl IOm•• h,. bel.. _ . 0 W!XJ@l1,~~rg; ~liOO<C~ 'J'EA.KETTLEs dly. Dr. Alfred JOllel ud Dr. F. flelda and hill. ao<:t'roeka wbich .til. hud iD lI'ICi" 'heir ecro plaoled, bat oe~et.4~. I .m propmd 10 make plclure. rrom • .... W......y, . . . . . . . . . . ~II .1... ' WllllamlOD atknd from thle place. boybood'e feet 'have .,reueel hal- pethp. Lbe _D .Igb' .. w.lI be OUI Brrtnll .to ENAMEL KE1vrLES. an ad· lo-eel by a thoueandaaeociations and of lb. groaod whil. Il eoolinv.DlIO eet MODd". JUDe 3, 1861. .he bOil .. of pSr:;' TT'P in Ca.A, eorled ".", 01 tbe w.I ....,. dDr. WUlfcdon-baa hi b h n . 1,1 II aod. o'clock P. M.• 15'1' Oie purlJOllc of E.peel.1 luenllon p.ld 10 COPYING r" UJ SHOVELS. 'rONG@, . . . electing re.. w e e -'II WI probably dellver... . tender memories, certainly Imbibes· d eo.... fjYII Trueteea; 1'iiUur., end CierI< SMALL PICTURES. und rol8inll IlIe", __ on the Iubject a deeper, holier love of home and · , ODr wheal, I hehe'D,loob wplf. and foraald 10 .ny dellnole TI'o'e "nill" pic. SAD. IRONS, or 'The Bral0 Phy.iologically and · h h h' h Ie alon,lhe road fo D·Yloo are maDI 01 Ka,., .67. W. 0\ II. t"re.o' Loll Friend., c.n hove Ihem d....u.. . • .- . ~ country, t an e wOlle 11' O l e . - ' :_ ~. , copird alld el.lara ed . inri colured In Oil. IJ g a:. U ( . U L I ,ConsIdered-Its re.-, haa been paased amId the shit\ing fiDe &eldl of what I • . lelO 1D1 maklnllhem e. per feet .. II", I urill ill.1 lIel: actIon upon' the Vital Organe, !lcenes of the bUllY mart, surrounded wbere: ' . '. ,. ... """ piC:'ure . . Ail work WARsunD . __ MEAL SIEVES, Ibowlng ita Intervention to be essen- b ltit·udell whom he neit.her knew While In Daylon on Frld.y, I .tIlP· III D'UBLE! ',a • f.lI11d. * ,'lAI' _ 'No .obl~ellon hi cloudy .. aalber, excepl 0 F 1 I C r. R • : 'fRAPS. , . f h l . '. I . • h ColtrL 'LIOUI., W bere . • III. . . . . . . .,< V - W.• ",1411111) clllldrC!n. . CHILDREN'S KNIV.... . in ali 0 t e .n · Yrmu cared for pad lato _ . h ra,I .mal end •• vor In all ca.n 10 pl .... "'1 CHAS. C. REAKJRT. Pr... idlnl. . . bY'. b 0 r ....... • _.,.Ie wa. Hniol eoterld lOla." ... In Ie e.u.lomerl i and havill, . hid .ev".. 1, ... r. C. M. RAN so IIr Becr.I ••y, ANDWASH FORKS, . mal. economy. We have no d oub t I' . 00Thue early. inftuencee grow deep. BOWLS; ou0 w,UI,be ]Jell worth Ulhling to. er al wead'v ance In ye.,.. The shad· ,for Ibe ay 8 ::; CIIL. H. H. HA OLEY. Gener.1 Acenl. VI mOB 'KETTLES. (0" Po. '.. N' " . -II ' .", .. • h Leb.non. ' :' I to. I~,o'm r t. , . 'D' ., .,; . a' D. /l.II'flla cll,. , . n I " E CT 0 'lion. lb. mo.t compl.e. tblll,. ja Ohu b Jr OWl whlcb eur childhood knew are I.dy IIl.New d " u . l I.e. I It.. .Id DO «I .' WII' I'\'.~\J . ~ leV' '.. • . W. A. CRANDALL, I'tr . ".'0.-,,0 D rc" dlaper-ed and we look back only uft. denl.D • WI. a ".eJec ...... o•• e eu\l1111AI th.,.re '. L dP I P ' ·CBA.cnln, ••. ' orJItCR •.uuu D.e. .,:\. 1\1.. . tl .a.. u. thIa week 'Je· on the"IlUnn.J , r ; ." ___ ..- WOII Id Dol m'rry h'1m 4II. d -I,,,II!,:..,, ....,·•...... , L'I.II(· r _ Pholorr.p"" .D ortr.1 Dlnlfr. "III "lUciona ,aen ... .aide ot the p·ieiure..... .... rch III JOI&, KInKY. of 01 obe R0III ng.., COAL BPCKETS. eel Ii ' d . J: ,.1 •••. fuII 'II9r.. FOB WnJ:1'l'I'oHII. P D Wb8YIOo8 • . or AI we .drift onward, ever DeYer .boJJl .. e i ot.lrr.:.D - - ........ , , .. L C BOrK ..'!, of L or C HopkllU Co .. 00 SPITTOONS. .. pilDo and cabinet organ, by Brad· over the turbulent lea of thougb JIOII'I.YI.proof II Ihere , SADDLES. buy Turuer, price 80 cents: and the quiet barbor iD which our cradle i. very .Irong C:ltcu.m.&anlllli IIYldeocl' .nd.1I .. C.. I .. 'S HOtILD GO TO n.tLE AND 0&0 D WI.ORUL ,ofO DWlnellell. upeooa SAUSAGE I; til. '0-' Pol'--' arranged tor the -'-_.1 th . avel ..t, abo"iog bi.. '0 bay. ble .. Lb. marlier· 1.lrll.hmen..... w, .. " .,••_ .. ,... , _ E>!JT'I, Nt>. 1.16 Mulberr_, ·.lI re. , JOII" D of BInde AI .. GRINDEDQ U"" . ., rol.:JUN npon e morning w v ' ..1. .• . ' " "IIn\I ' ..... .. . ' LEW loTIO". of L W_ilion and Co "_ lUitar., by . ... 8hattloger, . 80 oents: lieala eunshine in tberar-olJ',dreamy ., of when I 1.(Ii )farel; 0.0 W B.lIcmolt. or Hamilton. CI'b .. CO LARD PHESSES• . . 8.od to tb'e 'pUbliehera, or Geo. W. I d or ' echo ' lb. "rdlc' of. lbe JurJ h.d heeD . . ,. ,. , rk. flpe Ind Pocket .. 00 lb.riaJa'. Co., an I • d rl a d tear that siYeD, wllh .b". I cOllYen · Amerle.n. Swl •• , Frel1r.h .nd )( F Thompsqn. ot Thompson. Ooodrlch a co SPOONS. TA01P1I ' BDt am wan e Dg, n . ed oa Llle.ubjeot, lbolllbfbe woald be .. . , .. ....:... . . . EIII".h W.lche. I line ,old Pen. Ind BuoB SnwuT. 0' H S"'.... rl ' nd 00 AUt "'I'federict Dougl ..., the eel· I have already the . p'a • d . I FR. ' Ti,. SII(;aCrtber b.. I."e'a ,b.· .willi perO.CIIpIC. J H OU&DIC':, ot Hand C O'.Nie k BRfTTTINANAIAN DSPJ °ROONNSS' .. ~-.. 01 I-~ "euce both of "'ourself' and , y.our COD"lcte. . _. . 'lDi~b Shop for ... lfl • .w."ii~liId bJ Pele, concan. conttlr, b,foc.1 IIId London H 8oRlAon. of H Schrader .ntf 00 "'.... 'urawu colorQd orator. w "",,,ure 01 J. . . . II . • .L_ I Co' ' . . .. • _oke ,I ......,t. ,.,'d •• UYer, ,I.,ed . • teftl Fun Ec.ern,,,. La'" Suire. Kchsltln@Oo fotlo.'·e .. ~ ,~m " e In Warren ' Colintv, readerl j 80 wltho~~ lur· . . . YeM~I', we w~re aboYli b, ..... Eberly." !wl~, • .~~r.~. 4 :I ,."r'par- 'and eomUion tr• to aull fill 09u. . J L Ba~en. of J L H.ven aDd 00 Slat", Fllf"'Itl and !!eMol Bllu. Bl.ifI\ .' . . , "ther I close. . C. ' )(eas... It LIP)lIncoU. or"e ea· ed lo do all IIIDda or .. . LaI"I .eel IIne.1 .t,l" or Irwelry 014 BenDell, ot D 14 BenllolL aDd 00 and ait ira W ..blngtoD··. Rall, 'Lebanon, 00 ' '. ... , :. "'rpr\IlDs "UpperO.rrilpShop." ''''mem· FlnllerRlnl••• heet and MII.lui ",PoliclulNoed ,,00 101llle8 .qulllbly·evenIDg, May 9tb. Doubt· U"Dr. I. A. Boeeberry, a" the ber 1$) • .ery ba.peclmeo of iJi •.b..tJID'Da.,.. 111'" .011 re.- 'n.lrumeal., JlI.cell.neoul, Dehool .nd ,dJusled end r.oICPTU r"ID iD 0..... I.... there wlll be &.Jarge attend.nce. pdpulal' New ha." (arge .111• of anl8tIo .pabl\.lnc. Of their retallv. IoDabl. price.. . ' .... . '.. BookW'r .11 TAK A POL ICY 0 F ,,' , Ticketa 60 08&1tt, ,for s.le by Bale &- supply·or. tbOlle valuable medicine., ability ... He..d ..hir... Ibe ••-::.... '00 6. D•• Wna, ...........-.... ..... &.e.,.11 of .. hiGh we will ..II luw __ .W . • d Lbe ...p e ...........,.. ....u ... ... . _ . f.., I...' e .. oa _ _ .. prep r. • 95.3mo CASH. Look .. ell '0 ., our 0•• I• ...,., est, door. Robb· • . Hippodrome an proof. The PoIIDCI-oolorllll. of • lItb'; td 10 •• o.faol,r. " :. h.;t;" 'III' G,,,, ••••"hoo/ -1I' u. ,our undl.lded .Id. ud Ye ..: . : . '. "II" . . Herb Blttere, beeldea an aky ·blae-th..triplog, of b...tIfui red-aJMl ,. C.rd., .!!bOol Rell,.,er., Album., &tiB eel. bTln" Cily Prien to Jour cIoor.. 'J' • . . . Some of our lportlng charac- Inde: 0' :blble ueortment of other de- the .igDttte., of din,.. colon, beaotlroJly ""'" larreau. Boob lor ';... 01 •• PlclllrOllDd Thl. bOIl 01 .11 Cou.h S,rups. lor file N. B.-To BVGu.M.uue. _ W . . . tar. capftmed dve young fOl:es in the lIirable things -parlor lampI, for in· blended, are co!Dparetlt'eiy rauilleaa. Alto· f' II L' d SiD I. . .d .9011'1. led Pictul. , W· • LL P4P£8 . ., E. R. PRINTZ. makln" 8ullar Pan. It' old prlo.. , el iI.• • 1 i it f L I Cook' 0 day of . ' ge'ber of the kiDd. il b lbe be•• hate 0 . aln I - , I • . I The Mal lIoc. 0 .. bell No. 18 Charco.llroo. C.II fa c0 f 0 ev I, 0 e etance,-whICh , 0 done iD W.YDuyiUe ShoY.1 PIIi ••-all fit. eMob, b. .,1 I. Ihe DOllnlry. Thf! O.erf Man I. Slra! IllIt.lI rna, be re.d, in .ellOn •. . ' , I tbia week. . They are quite active lit0 e,.r ..a - -- - - .gu ....DI" to _ire lbe ....t .."i.rlcuiOll, We .,e •• 1.0 •• (or Ihe M..on • _ The-refor .. Ihe ner.tlu. end debllhUled ...... We feellfll 1 11,lnkful 11," tI. iutaDL Reynard., and wUl make . or. en . " ' Mr. C. T. Cadwallader aDd . l 'A lla P. BlUr ANT. H.mlln Olr.n., KDAbe, F, C. LIllh": .hould Im medlatel, u.e Helmbold', E;r u-.I ,d h 1 whUe. : '! W:.. are ents his gentlemanly clerk are kept con; 6. 1887. '''let 8'.1 "-,,,. . . are quite in thle aDd k i't b I llay ltautly busy ' at the 'Old Fayorlte, JOY CO E ... C '0 4 (Tile IIU.r .,e fine lOlled. lod chtlp )-. FRtI1T-' • 88 or •• rell m.a, klD41 tlulio,.. 10 ..." .. . IkllI, . " " . ...... .' . wee w . . I ' ... d d" th Ir ex ' . WI .iIIlural.b lay or theM In.lrumeAI ,. I b •• .......on. -- • . they:continuc t.o-do 80 the time. •app yIDg ....e emlD lor e . : 10 ••' thill,l'lOy oth.r hou".ID Ihe .. I lod la lar,. 'lu.olitl .... 'r!lr l i e , 10 Oil' fnte,prl.ln"pilll, . ''Ii . hone . : traordlnary varlet, of every thIng T ' aun JluiLDi,cs. Rsw ~ro.., . ~ We Ire •• I'I/, *r.nlll I~r Ihe FI.n.lllf! Eo R .. ~RI~TZ. III 10 OllrlllYlI .otl ....kIDcl " ..... ~ .• . ..Job . De, ' ' '.The .ne heart can dealre. Do not dela]' St?; BR!:,";8' .ltOti· BUILDING Pllilld.lplll •• "'-J.OII s..III,lhcblo., Qa:au.114 II I ......e .... c. •• , ........ .....,. W..1.. 1W-.1. "" , ..'.. ' .....k .¥!IIt.... away·. ·.. ..k onwo .. wu oen'om_by I' . to 00...... lor . - - . . .•• rUULY ... CeU. ...It. .. II, ".....,. .... . . . . . . .w-wwa VA . . _ _ " ... tr.i:D ~tariit·recei.edl"'II"&II BUf Dg. . •. " .0 , . . 1t.t ....... ChIeMa . La\.... Oo\. 1'. • .r.: ..:" : .......... WltIIOO. ,lnt·~Ie.Lote ,......,




:;6~ ~~


.. .


p~ .be("coD'\'8otlon PathQlo~lcally



:o~r go,'erlim.~nt.,s.nd· -i~·stitutloP8?~ !~ 'W~d~_ ~e ""'C?Dtb~"d.lo ~D tb. • love or,II"!ty. , ~d• • "otlon to '~'I", "".mo·",· " 0 .. ,'"",''' ' ,' '.

future may have In atore for him, OUf baat .nah.. at&eDd him tor prollper· ity foIlCUJappiOw. ; 1ft: €oulter haa -De to AltoD, Illlnol., where he it become of .the Board 0 t the Cumberland Prea-

1l1.i:!loD. ~of by~ Cb~rcb. .


0_..... · ·..


. . . : . ' .Berle'>JD' ". '. ; J .' - " . J .. GQDJ'B.• I'. ~::~ :"~'I ; IiQ~:;, .• -.'. DA. .....~ •• ..:.•.. ..••• ..' , ' Flollrl bOtr,1: _' . ' D D o;r"UO&oI:I • . .. " ·teach .... -yOnD~I· ... eahowto . . luur aWl . .. :; . :, WHO D" • • B." ,e'1I II> _. _ ._. _ " anli 1h'e cUurcbee :where the br«lad . .' MAT 6. Ira7. - .' Lard 1!1 JL :, .... ::! " o£ !il • . life is broken to satisfy tbe spiritusl EOITOM G.un... : - 00 We. doud,,! '. 'I!;Jig'i "donn. A pp Iee .0 I I wantlot the ."'eople. And i8 it . enning of 1...1 ~eek, Mr. Beden 9"ird. 11' l U1te, l' P~.r'll bu.llel,. ' . rather to the amaller inland towns in toe lipptt:, Qf lo"n, wa> P01l'uea 11 and rural diatricte, that we are to thro"n flom hi, hOrle tve.l 'O( lown . Dried .... ""Iro. , •• -1 d I b I. ' fl ' I V .hickell. 111 · ' d I look for that .oci·s l 'and politica pu· .0 .u•• ,.me . I'e rea\,'DIr 0 "I Colfee Ii. "uart;_'. rity which ehall give perma~cncy' to bJ Ibe fAll. A cII,rillge. " .• • . p.Tocur"d , New.OrlA,n. SllJl.~ 1f/" I.,. homf'. N.·U. M,,1411es 1!llall()n. . h ao 1i '1 ".er',l\n I d". do'''' g, ' .well ' With. heartJ pef\'aded, cqua11y W'it Co.IOII 'f ',,' . tileir brethren ill the busiercity,with '.' ll~lII'JfC !D"'~I~ .re '~~hn .ClrCP. _ _ _ _ _ . . • •

Pal..Ulle, tile Holy Land, Ike., &c: and read extenlively by our cit! W• ..t....:..i..". ..... .. ...."tal Captain all th.• We bave -ood ' ''chools ' I'n '.


g.~_ u~


U"'. ~~m. -

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L::;QtO~ ~b

iD 'b...... ':. . th~ o~g~l~l: . . ~, re.ld.D~ ·~~lIio"n. ~8.; ·~a~9gu~; ~~ipA~~.aiJ ~lim tI~ IJId :O.~ 'd&t:' ·



;".111 1_ .••••••



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86·~f ~~~~:!,' :~:~~:rle'r tl~~~dt &.P~~-:'. .abUshel'lf .At;ents, ~ ~ ~hv r),ou-iRU:. 'n.. ... ~II~ ~III'. 'Mareb

c~m~s:.~~~~ra~...,.: S'rUF~EBS.


P"n~ill; ~P~~!'c/"!

.L·AOE.'.lT;.t~.CJ . 'belr.~perlor ~b ~

toldO:,,~~_~' ~~thilrd ~10,~.'b(w~~~


/I' :

~~~.~SS, EVERYBODY!. ~llwLH~~~'. ~~ tv\LH:~I~: g~ Irliel'.~)4.!,.lIi~_I,a, HI""~. tl~~~.!:~"'''~r~)L.LE.Y. ~~-E.' ~~II:~a,.!~ :~e1~p~:,,~":"~ r;";-';;;.·I '" Cull~ry tr~ So~:s(~,:e~ll~r~:::::~~d I'A·.I "I~",", ...... 1·1.' Ih~ fi~e'l ''1~"




lackson's Pectoral Syrup.



mdJ.,. ~",

r I R "I a I B,a"



rot ... ,~

~;~I~~~~oa~~:;l~"t~: ::t.=:'::•.~';

cUlI~ th'l .~' m~'~~.~' I\~ -il+i~ .


roIf.will, _lulu and ,.-II




The World Astonished,

rela&ed to da.

b ya gl'nl Il! man AT Til e WOll ll ERFl ' "ho cillillll to kno" J \lal l ' I. Irll(, \ Made by the !J reat

Nt. AlblDJ utl,lI r

IH I I \.A T ilI H

AatTologht. A yO llng lilli, \1 YIO I \ 0 CoryJ on. ""UJu n, ••• 1' 1 UIlU.O .. bo hid, bI a li fe of ti l " p'lll on n nd , \ or j:JI \~ ...!n L U, ., r ,' I." n • , protll Illlll0, Illit Ibe re peOI I he dl!" Sh rt" l'l ls ! r'~IS 1111 .... or' ,I rr ur (;OUUI, 1>11: 1'\ J . \ ,tl U ( .s ce nl oortlorr or Ib al COUllDll nlty , IlnJ hn e" h, r.,~\or'. Iv h . ~" IU '" II""': , T" II I ll' \I I rl~ wa. Jlleo belh:v.d, h ,Ii g' r" n wh ll III .. n dllle " ,1 h , o ll". C""'~lr0 1' 1 I • w l~ i nC" fO cl"ld "rl~r Oll dlllg cr\J'~I/. III luv,' . I"a. " I ft I~II\JII _ 10 ',' tl lIl"" b Irl 0 l' n 'be.: 1 d 1 I U I ;' fl H.l Y • h , ye tu', It '»1"' ""':, 11 ,1 11 hcJ1l I If An out08 I ami a III Dill' "h:~1l J'~ rt" X III' l: rl lI l! ~ l" c. , I.. r '''",C1(J ll u BO ~'1' O~. milD . re DIved to le6Y~'ilho plluO 1110 t'<: pu',lI<d , !!IV" ~ IlI loJ .. " " ~1tI " t,I\I ~ r!""l! 1 1-. 'I"I'S O li nGU, d ohe w". shunned anll deIJlI", I " b ~ 11I 1 In r ," I, ur InVfrs. , r i,\r ~~ 1.. " 1 or 1'1111 "U ";J l' UI4 luad In lbtl (ulure Il life o( r all l\l! 1l 1 ~ lo l ~ rt '" p~rl ' tolls ) 1'" II,,, ~ " .I\" "" '" " d.ull ,ir.Llle, Site r~moull 10 Ohio y.. 11 ,,~ hu q ll" lilll(1 10 r"r lI oJ hll d '" U \ I .'!TUOI U : !tll" • }'o r II long lime nOlhm/l "" I hORIII , II I, ,, ' ,11 11111 IIC fII "~ ' " " It " f,, l. , u ,, ~e . 1 " \ JI. ,, (. I 4. ~ ( 1 5 ~, (rum h f Bu~. fiollll y, 1111 OhiO I'op" r 81" ".Iy II,,""" J ' A " ,"1 to II. I "n 110 1' VI ' Y 1 .1. , II." u. \\ It. II I. I." ". w,tS r cclved ID Coryoun. Bllno ulI . 1I1 " ,I II Y.... " III " " lr n \ J \I • \ .. " II li p "" I~ ;" 011 Re jons of sylvania ! l hll mnru age or tltl. yo ung lady hJ lht> . Iok~ II'· ''6 'IIILI I h , ,, u r nr ''' ' ,I I I P/~ ' 8, I v








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lD en led ~hc ha ppy b lld eg roo m up OO lid . 0 rk GIIJ IlId,le ll lII y " ~n ~. u' I h ~ r" lure 10 seellml:: Ruch lin IlC ! F" I I 8 ' C .e~ " I the firm8m e n l M. no ll , " I ~ I 'I ,, ~ t;v r h . , ,t. g ood forlulte .• ,I b d r U1lll , e 8 tar \ I h lllli l l ll lr4 \\ Ill! . .. , h.: 1 \1,1 <1 It ld C!oDJphebeu "O r an Borne wt 6" -lho O\ lI lefic ~ l n r ' l h h l \'\ f.l rUUlHel.l rllfl""" l b 1 ~/ lll l w't",," rt "' " " ( IQ " ' ''H I III I t tt . \ Mlli - . }I' or a 'IIbila tI\l 8 n1ftr(l~ ge l uum," " le IU Ihe cullfill Uflu o lI - l rv lII lu ' , " , ",III the 8ubject of mllcb ~OI$IP In l·hr · I '~?" CIS . ,Id I'"-,,, un. th o pllll" l" '" A t/,mtl e Itnd Grent I r f Hl r rn R</,!,r,ny I rlloo eouoly In a tol \V monllls. b o w , fi ~cJ I nl . ,n Lha "~.vtlls . 1 Ihe II nlO uf lJ! ur .. II. . . . .w .."d '''hl''' ''. _I.kl..... It , u .. , e,er \L c~.8 e d 10 eXCll e any Inle ree ! tolrt",@ hr " euuuU .ho 11I11I.e dn lluy 01 o.l" r II .. " " aDd '"ollld have bl\t\,\,wrgoLlcDeOllrely. nlo " F "I n"l III C/J n . " ll Ih e I! rC I1 I ~~ 1 hro' Tlckets \\ Ba~~ 1Lgf! C~ Cl C , 1,.J Il 1101 bi\l Q for I ~ "II - 0' llo ~ hl r A,~lroIOJ!la\ Ilh c . rU, It ~\O~~ y~1\ bIll .. N (I 2!1:) n, ,,"~,,," ~ , ~ PI, '~Ii 0 I'\. I ,t. lind Mrll _ _ \0 Ooryd oD \iuIiI:Jl\nu " n lle, . II~ ! IlU mnx lIet' r t\tt~! n~ ~ ~ ef1 Mil . \:lIn " '" 111 ~:-;,,,~ I \ ' Cf t . 11 ' ''!II 110"" N.o' ,_. " f · ' C d n III e . ,1 Ol'l'urlutl I \' 0 li n on " Ul l I ,,,,,,, 111' « 8 (,I .. clm." ~ " ,j,1i LI Ir k I I.dl .~. 10C .. d'e stAge r ory o . " I"" \I " I, J, J' M"~. " ,,~ . II "~. ,, .1 ~tle,'t In ~'t) III Cltn,' 6 ~lj nl ,,~

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I ""'S 0 1 lil e 0\' '1' 1flg 1'IlpI1 ltOI)orlL: ~ , ~p66r""' , JlIU , J

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Bryan t , StrJ\ tt ' ~ &, De Han B Ne~ Atb.. hl •• od~ .~e~etl to eUJol I t h} ' ;, $ 1 P rt rlll e ltV I II!! n l n ,l ldt ll ll ce r III \\ t ,L l uU l t h ~U l\(l" . N ~ r H1. 1 I" t V ,hemae'v9I ve ry muob In ,0ll.~h other QOII ." lll hc ~1aJ ~ t1)r ~ y m ll ,t II Itb t ~\l n I ,"0.1 ~ IIl l1t ::)lr CO" J I.. tn, ~tr( f , ,I U ~ 10ClOty diJnog 1\.e ride. AI Corydon so fe l y 1111,] •• II ~ ' .. t" Oll lu I hr "' ''' /I ( . OR ~ II I r 1111 " ' , "n. r~ 1.'''10.1 '''1/ 1..,, 1 " I \ 1\11 S Lbo 8!age . lopped at (be bOlel,lInd llley If In p. r' l3 l1 A lu ll oml 1':,,111<1, c lo u l I ~"" ,11 :\, ,, , ')"- II r U..f),\,",\:,1 II .. !."1' llOl~ iL' \ ' reJ 11 ,I II hO B 3; J ", t(\ U "-,,rtf ~ ny m u, mIJiirY11 u gOI out; the hue b Rn d I'eqaosttng 1\ II Ie" I ' H, II, II uut, WII II 0 II 1I' '1 111r1 ' 8 ~II ", " 11 ~ \\ ..Ill M"", \1 111 T h' ,J _ "U~. 1111 l -¥, 100m. 'fbI! Jaolor4. w~q ,~()ogD1Zo,d In , UII" Io k e np • • r ll cl •• , ,I, 8~ lIt bv Ill/II'').'Oil I "" , tll ~t 'P ct 11",1 'IL rl c I "" , . o f C"" " ", l Ibe Wife tbe abaDdoned WOlDan o( Co- I"r.o,PI u f prat e ob"v o men llllll CU I h~ 111 M) ,till " II n 10 olber da I relllsi d to glle 8"1! ,.,,1 secrr.y mOlill oll,~J. 011,1 0\ OM J) 'It 1, '" R F. ~ O. n'l RU I'I rY 0 H Y d demand"d fl O r(" p o ll ~ r nt\l\ relurll e I:ur Ile, l ruy eo Ror J: I' t L I LLH UCII' 11 " k d ' 0 <11 1 I 1 t. Ilem R r~olD liS all o r~ II ~e , of Iho h' l.: heol .. , tl~r (urll ,.hed t 131.--11 eJ:plaoalloD IIDd the blunt old IlIn lllllrd ~h "e ti P. " nlll hc lIl W rl le 1\10111 10 Ihe 1 - - -- -- -- - - - - ~ gRye It to 111m by rGI.-.11I\1; a hl<llory (,Ir dD~ 01 t),e IlI Olllh II ll1l ) ~ UI III will "" you l~ E 1. 0 U h J~ 'J' G A.,N S \til "'ICe'. Olf~tr In COjJdOU. Aller " ere born. e ," IIl .lIl g" ""1',111, (\1 " I hn" I "' EI,O Of:tl ~ !'i , Lalgest, Chea pes t aDd Be et 'lIJ1lb~ lI~Jlband "al DOl 0llXIOU8 (or a ' Auu rc ea I\1A "A~1K II A \' 1 RRI'" , 1- 'I P 0 n ., .... II rr 10 N " U ~ A " I ~I ' ~ S l l'. "WMl ll rn 111 1 fllt- r I' HIZ~ , In a ntellOa, room,. but lao.. ,10 Dex~ oonvey " oco I ,,,ruw cr N " ~ U II, 1 I J[ GOL[J M ~ r' A I" 0111 or Corydon, leawlDg IbliL ~IJluga - --- - - -and 1.118 ..tCe bebind. 'S roce th.D he , As tlH~ Best Ca.b10 et O r glm ~ . "1\8 DoL lieeD bellrd rrom III Cory Jon A lII e rI "0 " r ll . lit lll~ :-l' ~ I' Yulk (I , I 'h ~ T,be Wife tipdlog hentllf abRnd one d by 1101 0'" nlV'.! 100' fil l C III" " , J"'" ""11 ' ,· Be''' !! lI'O'III II" ce .1 511 pr "'" "' t~ 1I A~1 r v her IIlbBDd ' B"IIQ ~By to lhe " IIr '''~ P" " 'll ll, ",d V AIW T\ !IF 'I'uNIi olld , II 'I) \ t. n n l r u l It\ Is o f I OIl1" .r l 11 10 h H ~. Ir ,h fi~ 1, lllllh , " 01 « o lHu il lUll Ufl ri \ • ~mpter. and IS 0 0 " a learl br o. en, 1":0111 • • gnu e"''' y,,," "1 I . ........ .,J v ""J III', \ ! " College 00.01." 0 V:.), :lInl E\ en n~ fg Ided ".omaD, l'ha~ laodlord sholi id And rIJ"" e '" ) '" '' U\lII I" . "" . .. , 10.11 A. , he ' Pdl "' ~ " U I/I O II " , 1', ml fI ' , : 1 ~~ I r (l dl ~ r o I U ll1 Pfl(.h flrr \\ " e 1(1 \ l r w o n e b~eD drumm.d OU!I1( tVlfD. n ItpMl"·!', . (: ,~'r(..... II ,e hUI , Ie w." do h", "ilo l hl" :! 1" 11 (U 110 1' II,:; For restorlllU JIBtr Up u ll " ulo I e hdd- '1"I' r - A III. H ea'/ A rt JII~l l1"/ , (c dh~ ,1 bv ']' lJ. W."'~ KN Hop QULTURB,-H. H. ('r um whnl eve r ( nUne " m'ly hllve 'oll e ll a we ll Iln u\\ II IIlu~l en l ~r I lc ) Stark., IIlw"" 'QUDU' . 101'll, "rlltiS J oUI)-nn ,1 fllrctlll! a "Ju WI!. 0 1 hlli r UP" " T III' Y lilli e .'60 Inkl' lI Ih e h rEt pre ll. ,u n, eo BgtlU . iD Ih e Iuce. It ho s 110 O(llIul It IV, II ( .. rcc Wl, e r r vcr ' <': I " 'JiI ~ O I '" ~ 1!J'nsQII , K eYDber ' W"00081D • -18m .1. g 1 \he hell"ll o gro\\ UPUII Ih6 ~ moo Lh e8 1 fn ee 1!F.1);\ )J ORGA N$.. 1,' 2, 11 1111 ;l. b ll\l~ 8 u ' he op g ro"l1Ig ~vUSlneft8 Rm I k h i.'oll , \11 rom five 10 el¥ I,we. R, or .~nlr IJr. 0 ' '{~Y ' --. " .. zcs- $ 25t.l Iu >:il l , 00d d \ fAiling Ikem 011 po aa fill oLrlD~'. all bold hefta. In f' tl m t.v to thr .. e montfl ft Ill/ hQI t e erlnl. Ilnulli UII~ ,1 " "ll le h,,,011 T like II 4\r.t rille. J had (Ollf l "cr~1 l\ fe lV l/l nornnl PrllI lI llI, ne rR hnve ~ ijs e r1 In I!, ellt Yn r,e l~. 666 ~lo '1 -1 ,, 0 1 h ea~ 1IIIIy.~r, (aDd hRd from 1 them IbOUl l ed 111111 Ihcre 18 nOlhlll/! tl ,O I w"l (,".0 nr O ' g " II ~ , WI' h I he ir amoolll , I" P~ hkp ~IIII ,, Ihroe loli8,' Abd sold llieoi lor 51}o pe r h 06 1e n tho Jlrowlh of tt)e h" lr Lt r "~ olll - lIV o( lllO ". henllt,' I sa' o lup", R f<! ll!!fh pouod A m"lulig l owe 830UO. r Bm ThAlr ASKe rt, u ll 8 ar81 ~18i' • • • Ih " U8nnd . ul 0' clIIJf 4 " . ullfquole o l!edu l. , I\l\u l! ~ Il ~,"1 60D B ~oGtl wQy. OUI\ !j'<lltrih S f. lelllng oOltl' lor $20 p~r ,ere. aoll IIvlOl! \\IlI" • • S" . ( Irom th ~ 'r own "~pcn· e , !!,," 10k., ffr~CI ., or c SIII' crlO r ,ur I: hdrrh VC) , ~. ~w York. 11. '0' e C;r'llll.fl"" 1 hive conlrllctpd 135 IIcr.I' ' , ellce) con b""r IYIIII ( · S Dul \I1l1ny w ,, 1 e' 11011. , Porl ors vnil S chOll ls, Tit ..., nrc ,- - - • - -- -, ~ rU ;-~- • ~ .. ' ~ B F. N.,.man. cOUDly . W18' n),. how are we 10 U,&ItI\/Witll d ,o I!ell~ pll~ up III q •• u or snlid W"I~1Ct, fnll cy J ,11 ••~ l~ ~ .I .\ I • ' . /1(1 ~111' A,<'rp f /; 1 " I..e IrII Cl ' rt lo", It, I flO b ... fiYe ""rei Q( I(op' wVloh 1110 fruill Ibe s purlv'" '' ., 11 1 \:~rt."nly 1M VCll e r rc ,1 tlmlllll i (n e lY III1 U IJr' '' I'' ~ ' Iy lcv. " E~ ·rA IT L-' '\ ,1) " 1'1Il"~ llt ll er Ilrrrn on!! oI11t f Bltll , r ~ C't 11 ,11 0., '114 ) ~ • ') Iitflicuh. n9 nlll e·l e lllhs or Ihe dillerell' h' 'l 1 I !I "IIII!/J~eloood . ,uJ ~1"llitU' it 11.! \ , , I ~ lU, 'i b ' f'J ~ ,\Ii - , J _ __ j _ t produoed the ypar he .et lh:: (161);" I' re l,.rall oll 8 adVprll"Co fur Ih", hw 01101 8 "ISh,ohJ16f \L" ItUt vurkm nll.J as ada 'ct (0 cy. rj' d op(\l'tn~cn l Tlfe New 13C"'D.U i lficr of t he Skm I T illS II f lV IIIIJ b\ llIill ll\ l d l) Ie {If Sklrl j 83Q01 aDd In 1866 tbe pr UOII, III beard ore c llllrol"Y \\urlh le .. and YOII -'I Ioe lil" ""~IIOptll" u l ~"I h ," . Irum enl I Ii' t d ' I ( PI '~ lIt r" <I\T" " I, 'T ~ 8 r.5. ) " AS .wnflleo l cltldiDg bopl IDd eet.. rxoeeded IH. ntft ' have alreudy tllrown Away I.rgl· , ', " 11 ba I~ JOod81 01 " 9 01 06 < All "' BIr" OJ~ )l\:,;IIHlS~, nC(' lIraIO Hli , - - - - -hv 1101' G Il R I r " ' I ~IIIU \N L1 ~ 1IT U "~ FAi n. 000, am ollilt. In theil' por c hl~e 'l'u sllch we n"~ III " OUW Il 10 " fill o \I ' 10 1' 0 porl,, ~ le " "Up"( 1'0111 I1"' I't.: 1.1 1 CIlI1I ~ ld II I N~w Yu,k ~ h!' ulJ< r. Hl liq, Cbarlu S, AndrIJs, Bouk county. wouirl Rfty,lry tho REIAII.ITo n C ArIL~I , M ~ ' ud ~ lI" I h, vlI lhl! lh RUlIlt1'1!l're mol un, c WISOOII.,!D, .ay' bia two A~re. or ,IIbing l it Will C09\ ~ " \I nOllllng l"! Ic08 11 CUOl e~ SIUPF, \Vlq,OU\ exna cl!l,u ge clllntiOIl", 1.H1Sll1C"S • A SI L VA:}.' ~~ E lM I. ..:. 4.ed IIlki .. produeod more lbll, . ' 200 Iru1l1 ~ p 10 uur repreftenl,rltl Ons tf Yuill 1\ I. rgo . "so rtm ell l <;,," "tl1olly nn hnnd COl I i' fi l'rmdcll e ' Phe H ' I! 'll il l YJrp mlllm p",' ~ gl'{e n for I ! ' j ~ ouod. of rlooy Lops, lold lit p"llkmg lDrllgglSl 6ne" nut koplin, s~ h,1 U ~ 8 1 00. ftl ollr l.I",Cl II I \V III,II,""'B BIIII lll>~ull , ) P H "I'lIl:lkorl : .... "" l"O C ,lid we wl\ (IIrw unlll "oOl pll HI. IIIuC lh e r \·" v e t "o m ~ 84 1 Brull J vny COltllll P r t.: ul (or i "..o,.r pOlin d ,... u Der a re • I I 1\" " ' B J/J 0 (II' , IV llh \I rl'l: II'~ fN lite ,,' ut' oy. W lie I WI LII" flludlrllicu Cln ul ~ r u"d l'rl() ~ \ Ll s l . I T il e ~ U' . I ?r "14" " ' Il l\ ,\UIlII 110I1t n I ~I} , kllSid r "Hi 0 I e II;~~ ~:~Jo ~e rel,lrnptll 011 'ott nppll n,lI lo lI : pr ' vllilng \I ,UI U lj~ nqw slyles , ure 110\\1 re ody :::;OIH' all, tl U p/ t .1 \\ ; " li n pluc'\ of n (·j ~ l 1U n c , v.~ pIC e rom e z aares In , : ... . , Ollilre . IIlt s l 'CI'OIl ,. 1I 0 t fI " c n I\tl," e"s (9' lI , f' ~ uhlr c rrl\l!) \\ IIIrt, , 1'1 " .,1 , .' Ir'I.1I /o F I\t'CO I II~ ' \ .)O .!) "'.~tb o"~OI!', .aqd Arler JlICkJDg, W L. . CLARK &. {, l)1 ch e m," I' , '1-f.l OlJ'Bl~T. I'm T O N- ." 4 0, (i tl~I ', " ",11100 \\I I ' ,, ' ~ . In n '\lH)i bo', w .! Su· 1 ted billard(or five yeara (or 85.000 No 3 W N L Ji'UY CllO 51, S )raClI' U, N Y Ma, ulD CI\lrcto, N,' 84 1 IJr'Jh dwIlJ.

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88 N ew Y urk Cit) 'l'cl cglaapl1 i ng~, - EXCELSIOii-l- lIxci i.Sl-Oiit !

I,OW IIltllrelelulli of lhe Atl"~\lo,()Q' SUF[i'E,R NO MORE " C II A S '(' E.L .L AU' III ble. aN• ..,- York, pAper 8"Y' when 8 >.. ~~_ mild th e rUllluu • •S PEN C ERf\N vi Wall .treel brokar begine bll da)'8 op When hv Ih e lise of DIL J o,,' /1 I £ 8 p." x I8L~RlE. ~I~m en~iR~lQ 9'~el~ ID ' til glO[IIJl'g. ,a. you CUll 1.00 cllreu I'CtLIHWC',I\ly . IWU 1I~ 1\ he bal before him by 1be AtlaDtlo On trIO illS dos! I For Removing Superfluous Hall' hIe Ihe opeDIDg qJlo1ar..ioDI 01 'he .ame The 1\8tOIlI~hl\l g SII CCCSS wllle\1hns alLende,' --' /~ '''~ d .1 led lalfaD bour Ifl' thiS mllll lllllJl o 1I1e1" 'IIC lor )'hv8,e ll II lId '1'0 d,e 14\lic8I's ptClil ll)' I_th l> Illvnlll V '1"-I,' , .• ,:,.,:c,< I d.y IP ~D 00, ul I, t( e r\ulIs W OI,hll' " •• O"\l CI II n, ," hl , nll,1 bl': ·' I J If ...;;::;J.~. ,," ' " <IVte'''MA-tlhV a~e In.. ,4.,. lIanda : .DeI l'r08\ ,,11i111 r:UlIs of Jlh\f!ClIllLr lIlCI,(\, 1111 1& ,e UCPllltolY r eCO IllIll CII' 11 ." II . "'"II, io,,"" 3lo'oloc~ jlt tbe "Cle~nooD. potenoe . 0 1 1I 1l) I) ho <Ollil ' I"( 11 <' R 0 1 beIn g Rn "I I ONI iOlh9 p~nsllblb nrl\cl" tl' he.Jj ~aklDg' hiliut movemfat8 for 'hI. Youthful Ihlltfl\; rc t,ol, ' r urlll l!> It Ihe 1lI0~t '''~Mle bhRUI Y ,i~ p.a"'YnrplieJ , IIOIlSI d." be III eDabled 10' do 10 Wllb ttl. ,,'ull~l o PI O PIL1'''~U Ll U\ ar ,h.w' ~ tc<.l 'f not ~ til 01 IlllIAr 1I'Il .51do., IJu \ oul Nun c bnl Ihe mollt em ,ne nt "ro/P B8ofS nr e J' It Will rcmll, c nil II crH' Il " II nccll o" . ,Ie plI~lllV'on ~l le IQO lS II I ~ "nrralll,,1 \I I I ., c:lollog lJuot.IIOp' ID LondoD belore pre•• lOn , cXCl lement "I< "P'" 11\ t .. """'Yor J f1 I r I '"'' ) 0) et 11I , lle varlUUS &I, porl ",elll~ blm:" 80 flfJ .1 ttJe f' bdainul ilf l'J\tl I LII. ,"C;;•• }O,lll! t Ol' "~UI'lrV ' eoll fn~'QII. d,u l' to rCDIOl1l ~ up.tlr I~U~ IIl1r 10111 (I ll ce&iltrj is Idependeot Di0'? 00 ~el"l. of ecll dosirllcikhl • • ut8 ()~ 111IIIt.uih', &AI .1 1 (OJ cllc .d ,or /'tOn anl fill! or the bod,..., comm.relll.nd pohtillal movem DiS 10 '1 11 111 re. tore th e "PJlCI,l c. ' C'"" Ih e hcnlth 0 1 COll'pl e le lv. totall}; lin ri ldl clI lIl ~ xltr .J ,I ' 11",.o \\hoh rl\edu.Lro)'col bb v"clI>II ,l cl( < " pillin g the snme. 19nvll)1: th o skill RUlt, E drope-all d It I ue p ~ D'I'eoce UpOD Or IJ\ II l'ruc\1~. g , I JI \ I tbelle 18 very prorouDd-t.l1e 0Il~ '1.f flow I YOlln~l¥c'n. be humboj!ged 00 tnoro Il ,.. 8rnoolh IIn( nJ\lurllt ~ 1 li S 18 I Ie on ~ reglll"ted by the ~~. f ~;{I, ! l\tJ\ slm· " Qll ack N ll,~t~u'I\S' '\n~ 1W'''''''II~ ~r;o.c1U1ullc I - /lrhcle used tlY Ih ll Frcn«:.h. RIH11 9 1111' , VI~II' ~Rpecu1alort aDdtu8lDl!8! , I>uL .UI"~ wllhollt ,hll" fo t 1100 hlt tltl>lt n.1 he only relll ~ff.;.ctll'll d~plltlt~ry}n exlH AIl N"O~S ur h U 11I Schohr.11 I I I 1\ tI.S ( 1 k' 1 d ' tb ,Ill once re. lu l c,llo heRlt h III "~ hIl I'P" 'e>s A ellco PI1CC 70 Cdlt~ !, or pHckRg O I C PIl P ~ g II I. pOle a e mIl IDg m r8 II 0 e CB Il'urfcct Cure 18 OuArft"t.c~,I,n C' r\ l"Al"n~o d ' j' • t lid U• ege, , 1 ' ble .1 lbtl IIlDe &baD" "~r - befole "Dce I"'cu. $ 1 UI -I IJult~\!l! Iv one ,"Jur~i>!. $1 sent p ooL pl\l. , La tiny /lddrCU'!.Jgn ro II , . lr th.e -' Comp"ny would Ono bottle IU llffio!CIlL lo effect K CIII u 111 \ ce ll" of 1111 Qrd.H. hv ,,, ' , . l' • •"j .~ I. 0 ' redllc, ,114I pUCillO a decent hgure It nil orll,,'f\i;.l; c, CJI. .. H' " • llEltGE R ~T1U1 I S l~ CQ. . IJ ~ ..II 'tl b 1'1 • LI A"" , nl! (Il " ILL}; S 8, .. II Y' G ' III ' Chemists, !iH5 f{1v\:r St, 'rrny .+llf 'Y I an' 0 arSl, WOII ,~ 1,'0 ,::,/ , I~ U Jiles . jfo q hu "IICQU I \l lld 1'0'"" "< "( ~ u rc () t Uull -- ~r _ ~ ___ __ ~ c:oqld do. ow 11 tioe no' ooo·elghib as (mhcn OI e~ 1 lI ' l.\t)" ,I l) .. cha l·S:~ (; , U'" AUT '/.muc'b" \.... 18lrlOtllrn. '"ILI nil n l1cct''''n~ of 'l~ l\"llIrl \ullurn Golt!. ~ (\lIti Bl ttddc t Utlrc-- r ll ('( tcc.l m f l OOl Oll c t v . ' ~ Bv nppl)lnjr befQre Jl\ly 1. 1867 'I'he nUvD""ge of Ih ls ~nllpg!l ove r III I MB. SEWAtID'i"Puaou8E.:":'The Uhi' l fllU <\o,y.., 1 buy ..t e IIJ:upnrcd~ f':" Ul ~ 1I1.0t" en, Fluxen. 011'\ b' O CXIt'Rc l~ thnt nru l\nmlll ' o ll,hc~ , <tl m Silken CURLS' ol\lcrd 16, th ol 11 18 un e ul eRgo !4M ilVce SODle Alllusoment JlII,I nu or lI.u.c nt~ lite Klom Irh or 1011'" ' lIoIIQ8I Irom tbe (prolpectlve) Sllkll 1111\1 Ihll l)1ollth 1'0 ollulIl;" " I ,lo cI Ul IIC" ~ • prodllced b\' Ihe Datly' j{[uskrat, 01 wblch the (ollowlng . ,"\ \\Iulo u W lg tl.o, tn, nor 90~s thOif lI e l ", ,, 119U Ilf P rof D E nR E IJ ~ 'S F'tlls fn Lil OH1':' II a 'peclllloD • "fhe HanlDJI Brolherll HI ""Y U:'"l11CI IIII~r(,m' ""th '-'\lSlIIess 1"" \ VI Ux One .pp"e~\totl ".r'ftllled It, curl d b I ' U\l~ \11 < 0 $1 Il ",,~ Iho 1(l 08 t olr"I"IoI ftHd ' 81uhborll - hJllr 01 opene l Oil UDtqIJO eDterl8lDment II SI / l.ltha ul Ih e n" ()l o nl olllinll , ,1 0 111.1, . Bllher "~" InlO ~\\nvy "ng'. 1N or henvy. eveDllIg to aD a"dlence oomposed 01 WIll be Bent to nil. 'lw,h c.H dto. ol y 8enl, ,1 mA a. lvt! rurlg Hns be~tI Il~ell hy Il,u the elue or our populluon 'ruelr per- lUlU postpa,d II) ffilliJ OJ expr< &<, IJII rIlUC' I't / r"8hlon lfblee 01 l'otl8 n)lcI L OlllJ on ,,"h GREA'i' ellA ' fo r II a Daos 0 II lb e A I ICIC CIro IIl, an d ba' I i ut pr" o EA,ldrc. , 1111 (l lIler> to . . Ihe moe lgrollfylng res uh~ D oe ~ 110 I" anclog OD tbe ulrell1llr of the Nor\lt BElt G ~, ~ ~U'11~ & o~. h'~l l' ~< lurv I,) lite hllir J'rlt~ by Inn II, ~" n lt d Pole "ete 'Jery grl\ce(u 1I0d beaullful n el Ic c t, II" • ""0 PU<tPUIJ, $ 1 D oscrl pl,ve r.lrdlillr o Sbo.~ re lallow cRlldle. were throwu \ ,p.U~~~;A.-"HJ ~ ,llllll lutJ' lrel> ' '"tidre8. 1l! !IGE R, SI IU l ra upon Ihe Itage "od Ihe dartng alh ~ ,,__ ,'Ir. Ott, cl\ ~ II\IOI8, No, 28~ H,v~r _tr ro l I lelea rthrcd Im:d lbllDdors of Rpplauee I E. &: H t. ANTHONY & CO : Tro .. , NY , 80la n~f lll8 for Ihe U S \




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We ore requelwd to RDnollDce tlllli .Munu(aclure" 0/ Plwtogrnpltic jllillc tb utr ~geDt La8 made arrADgement. to Tiu/a. '\ dlllblioate lhe Ice Pal.oe "ILh the Au· ror.13orcllhs to m?I'row e,eDIDg.'




'.,.4S . Cf)ncgc~~, ,I . I on lh e l RIlJllIF C'\les ll,e U IIl1 e u

-C --R-l-S'IF! '·~~1R · OO· ~ '[ - 1' ,

WIIOLH AI. ANn lI.mAIL, !JOI DnOADWA.ll, N. r, ]11 nllchllon lu n ur Ih OI' Ut U IIH.:",S o r PI-IOTO 1"" 11 \('HIC '1'111' " ., ' 1.\1 •!; we 'li e II . 8r1'lu ur

8are 26 D 11

, loI'nl ell

'~~" ~G,tlll '" Antl " n, ; . ~. ""10 OI or rl "~ , nd ern clio",1 h I t


gtol ~a nl.d C llnRdl, e nll Scltollll&Iol pa bOIl~ht I{I 11; 1 lI~ge ~III '' '0

' Oil' stlO

~ hOll(s o ur Iltg-t\! ud nti IfO rt /. lit" , ' ''II,




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l::o, h. ,n" llh. v .. .. be'l\~ ond IIHud ... ' Il 11\ Ullt or Q " le~. I n '. "aloe. reoeDtI y, a b a b y ",a8 car ried off on" train RDd Ibe motber acci. ,,,. rut Ihe foll ow,ng v.. '" cnIS.,EI' COM ,t, ~ dentally le'L beblnd. The mother ",,1 1\ I!Ite...,,,,,,,ope. Illtd "te....o.c0l'le ne,.., For Curllng the Hau of. either ~ , or Al1l e rl C'ftu ftlH.l .. Uft'IA" " t Ul tl l MilO. Loud.. S t 1 PUI OD boi\rd R Rpare engIne w blch 0 It""" ,GrOlll'" !iluluu " , elc ex lq 0 avy and G ouy y~rlo\lk } hll l1'lD/{ Iral,D, shackled on 10 II!It.....,_pk \I" .... of ,"e "'''''' Rlll,glets, or Heavy. 11' 1(1 Remember. '" bllylng yOtl'1' Icljol(, ,,lllps: the relf, aDd Ibe womllu plilled over hom n .~atlve. ,u~J~ III 'h e ,,,"nu. 'alllt'. '1::'" MaA81Ve Cllrla. '1;. ' .1'tt e for all, alit.! nil "'0" I.. f, " I , , , to ippli at the ' ' Ib~ Iellder to \he elu "iLbou, 'he tralD I""d fo," III!; " cou'I'I. 'e 1',,0100 "'1'1,," hlll u, ) Uy uSing lblA arllclfl,I L8dlp@ ftnd Gen. I SV 1HI' U I' 'Ol' ~ .' " L , d,aDd {OIlD db er baby a 11 \ ", . I Ot y8t"",00"".lc o( Il. u J;ttnl co ultl' \ I ueLUS ,,0PP'l 'I.".. on GIn I emen OUI\ beauII(, tl'llmlJelv l1I! II' 1M,,· . , ~:r. . II CH·A~1?ELt.:AR. 'S r~ht, P-' AII.t,led tor .,'lIe' III . Mng'e In, 1<":: or II,. sand Ibid J f i. tHo onlv &I\lcle on Iho .... . , "'; ~1 . reO""()~ ~ 0",. C,,1. loll"" " ",II bo ,e,,1 10 world !h~I Will curl 81r.II/II1 IllIlr, untl 01 , . , . The ~.t i(OIiderrIJ oho'in I n n) ,dllr ... 0" rec ell" of'1' " "' p. , lhe 88mB IIII1C Ipve It n b 9Alliltul, I!IIlu y "'orld" a~ Ail~lD. Nevad. 'rhe gllna l l'l.oto.rnrhlc A.lbu..... npPCMince The emller COOlt.' flOC UII, , , ,' COtn\lle7)(IOII f. '" r" • whIch "'erl fired Ibere on the morning I ~w. I\\.~ Ir.. ,,,~ murH8'1\'_lv ,h." on, 0(11 . It cUrl8 the ho,r. but nlvlporRIIl"1 henuI IThe m081 l/C~lu.b.l8 10d pllrfecl flrepnr.· Of WAII\\lngIOD'1 birlbd"v llid not cease ,,"" e " "Ollt 200 lIorI."•• (ro'" ~ o n.",. 10 fic s. ano cleUlI he8lt, IS Ilighly an<.l oeh~1 Il.)-.Derb :L • 'I ,10 Ou r ALBUMS b.\e th e r.pUlMllOn "I fllliy ftA rCumed, .p.' I ",e m0 8t IIIImp Ie lion 1\1 IIlIe, (01 IIJv\n ~ lhe el"" aha .. " 1· .....' Ol'llie tIl' I el~lll 0 0 OC k'ID lbe •• b o",(; I UpO" O' III II.rab,lIly .lId ~."UI)' 10 ""1 .',. " u ... "":">'~I'¥r'I'A11 pearl Iikll 1111'. Ih~' \9 \lilly IUIlIlO III "eDlhg. olbor. .rt,cle 01 Ihe klod ever ' ffered 10 tllli youlh It qUlc~ly r@n\ll~ " 8 TUII F recll. ",It.~ 1.,~-- ~~~~~ ()1iN Pbo ......""h8 01 f ih ,"lo, 81Dk ... Aml'rloan pulJlic, 'J'I'o 6r4.per €ome le B, IPlmp ea, ~I b l r.hc a , 1\1uth P il i ch o~ . as lher" is a WomaD rel~ding in "~ •• ""t..... 81e, "'e, Will be S~I\! 10 any ad,lro ••• l ea led Rnd g ,lllo(vl' e •• \111~ nil ~l npurtLle8 of Ihe ~ ldll Wliidlor, Broome COUDly New York O". C.I"' o~u . """'rn cI ' ""r .IVI HUN POBlpOid. for"', 'A,I~r~ •• all orden to 11 -kindly henltrll( th o SA llie. I ~ uv l n t: ' 11 1Iho it the ~plber of teD'palrlO f,WID' . ' l DIU U o,lI. r. ", • I- "" l"d", S' '"111 °""& "Y L CLARKE & CO , ()hcmI8l~ \ lIun'IJf II. llI all Co .b",I~U I ng r •• ",p ~ .. nl F' au d o~. ad d, mlll.lDg 'weD~J OD80hlld. Ing" Slatu"" elc Cnllllo!;u •• a. nl 011 ', 0<0'1" No 3 West nYPHo fit" Syracus.., N, Y ftll IU all. 01 "."'1' -' . I • , , ~ I Phot0l;'.""'" nud OLlo n" ,,.d. rlng good, C PURE CIDER V INEGAlt ~~ JeDhte June (lIr8 ero1y) \a~ou.? ;.~\:\I:~~:':r;':~'" 25 cout ollb . 8",· 'PIIiB we Ilno\1/ to be pute l . . we pre, to glrtr tl.~~t onc hundred and ,, 11? r.h'll!"~~a u" ~ua,"Y of oor goodl ",an cured lhe Older IrOQl reliable peraona 10 doll. a .. 'WeeK fOT her twenty not rOil to "lItll . 61 1J tills n~l~bborhood, en~ permlned it to • :!' lR.Fer itcfe I rr:. ... uro le v \n~r on OIU OWIl premiil'fl" ' t d I __ I - , , uUlOn "ouee 'Pea. Coifee ' E. '1. fPR.tN1'~ ; ~. I ,'/ "f~ Iit~l~~&r}Pi ..t.I\~ largel' DIMlel\oA CII".. eli~ 'tltkllto - ~.M~ I .. ' . ~ .2. ~~llANl'. ~T~"()~~. tu!'l tJAN l I ~ L: , ..d the .''Il'''t. (Jrl Cutr~e 10 .f.\'dr A"i; I1Dt\. ~ V OR 'fU)OD -AND T-.oWWllfl'ra. . , ,"",OD, • E. R. l'RIN'l'Z, rel&lue.r.b, · ~.E.1:' I



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C. ftf- RANSOM S .. cr~l .. r~.

COL. H. H . HAOI.EV. (; e ll .. gAIlI





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ft ;;hno r' lPerl'tI 1l11~ lor " ..ILl Wl\lk tllc . Irooto 01l1ri1;111 fur her; I'd plc6d fur berl·t! LI .... d '''r I,orU ,~ Iv , I d 1;0 "II Iloul 1111 I.,,'!i fur her1'/1

l 'd ghootlorh,,/,-

. I'HLH,·80N,ofFHLawi\On&('o "1111 W W Hu Ly • of W 'Or Han Ir k 0 u .....paTl'. II .........., . . . . . . . . . Ile. . ., IY:,~,DD~;',.C::,"~f ~I~~ :ro~~I:. t:pttlll> &: '--- - -.-.. - '- M D 'I I. E WAT-II.of L W..teonllnd "() ~, . .Vla.!; Co GEoWHA.IL1'Olf.ofBHlY!ilt<nt L S RICE " JMS>:OH.lirr,of JM ~e""lMnlldbo o


l'dboutforhcl -

FJ)W". llItUM.tCu I .·DSWHITaTO:u.ol L I,) Hup&I:<It. of 1. C Hopluul k ~u

r 'tI r.'nl ,,1;0',1 como to 'too t' fe r her

),l kll~~ltor l'~r-


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~ J'd . tenl (1r l1e.Ibe 10' 0 I'" t'eel for her . 1'l'd8hdefurhcr-01 nde for her-


, OkOlIAT.fol'lller!y.0fPellrBol1and Co

I ·t! ! Wlm 'gain., Wind atwl Ude ftJrber .

J'dl r,tor herld crlforh er-



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"'''''''''A·''Y .. lIlm'ftllLR'" .I\IIllirl&·... \II iII1 \II

IHScBuIlEa.ofB ,schrl\der uIIIICu BullulrlgflliiJddir / c,, ',er F..t: .. EaIlSTDllt.L.. L~S'lIre.Eeh.I"1I1@ Co N B-OrOn)OlherwolUu" . ,' JULMauv~lI. of J Ljfavell .ud Co _ _ __ Bennett, of D 'I BcnD .. ·t and Co [L' I" G <ur I ,e ",Ionll 31.Clfc • I W PoliCIes iS8ued Ind 10MOS e'lull<ibl~ Aanle Lee'!! RHt , adl\letcd alld PIIOIllPTLY 1/1 <'AIIU


W ...1(I'f. . . .~ . . . ., _____ _

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'I' ,·'KE A ~hLIC" 0'" .~ . V I. ~

~ S n BY IHAR\' FRANd; C A It

I . D. " ...JKTE,.ar-. ....r-.OIe,O.....





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A n o ld !?l'lltlelll!ln farmel' "ho II\" ~1 1~unll R\lIU, r .r."Wll l~n Th e Me_d ... ,I1<1 ,J", ,,,..1 (lu bfl .h', LI." h o w h'l ,) I" 0 01 ti ll 'I' \'C' rv pi t'tt) crt rl sr I" I ' ' -1- I ., T follu l\' i0{l' . ke tc.h " f J hllu) ,:.1<1 ...1 • ' , ... , . ... ,""Un I "'0' " 1.,(" ,n, 'eArl anu I { ... d be l:; " " " :1 0 \'elT cnr luI ot hi cb nl \:\e I w ~ sit bes ide I" .. h•• " 10110 \yo un , <II Ptl OCP r, ,,,nlln!;,' c Ollnls .' Ilh nt he wOll ld noL jlt l'nllt theml tl ' A II"IV I.hlllltll"M W crp r 'rv~tI fo, " •. l~h'I~J('\I m [thuS" ..l.. {arno} on Oil OR I' nnw Ic~f' Cit (1111\1,111.1' o f YOIll,.,. m e lt _ l' IoOJ IIW88 rcprlJlt. IIlllre It ndcrl v r" It fY l\S rt:C lil ly sold (or Inx due I b tl u u \\ ,'\ e r '.1Ie~ II! I ( 1'1.01 I t IIe f 0 IIo lri ng , '1' h ~ h Uti·1 I,POS !)( II .. 10."""',, knl r~, G Il VH ftIJlP l l: to .. 111' 1 ., .. ,.,. ... ' I' PlI'l")l IIll l'l1 t t o ('1))<' 1' th » e!)mnR Il\' o f Ih heuge n'ti S.,{'PI h'~ "'npw ....rl n I 'L" .I. far m. m(l rc f!'1'1J8· ~lty IL"'I ... ., • I V • ,. Ild " I'tllll t heH 10 'l'l s . 'il lL ht7l1t the IIn Ll "I Clt,zt. \ lilt wll1cbwe're Ilf . oI.m) ha>o rl Qu d [ , ' on lhl crce:: /!WI In .. \ IJO" ~ ,C" - I k t I I I 0' 0 1 t IIrll tll Lh I y ', I I I dJ , 'oc . r·n . I' Hil mi I~'''! "PI"'" ~ t , At'l.c l I he o lrllll ft ll hn'l 1('\ /1'(,' \ to ' " " ' ~P Vf're1 "', my 100r· nn . 110UII .1 \I'1:: !till. ,,"f 1: ,,, ,,, , Ie, I s l , t Iit' g .il I, \\ 011 I tI hn n'Y a Rhcl't \VIt dea lt with b rtj\~Jt ""d 'ru ~ 'f'J m·" .... ,"~ " I ', " ' . ,,~", .• ', II, ..- IJ' rsl or 1'1 -" ..-I r t r I .... I 1 '" A lid III ol1r 0", n tol"",j .IT,' lI e ), ..·1 Ihe PC Il . prool u l III " I Ar "; ~ " I '" \I. "" ~ 01 v !>11 . 0 t 1" wln .. a \\!. W 11(' I "11/\ fJ.uh c A. Ir oll c h cnto,. \V"" ld II'" I\ ~ . 110111 .1 l it lnn( e II \)11\ th e g l lln n,l nil ,I t ill' \V .. l>ftlk~d 100 . " n ~ h l fnr f ll" , n .,'. ~ nd . 111 1 863 ,,~ ~ I\, hit., " ,·1 • ., 11.: $ It h :111 "" !lll lol fI,' I;(1) Iwlll (,I t br s h.,!'t w ~ I"ved too lru ~ In kppp • 1""IId • \ I.r n' . 1~ lIs .if l1 .(. " \ \ \' "H ·I f ,: &')n' " () l ! ... • I . I II 1,1 r: \ 'otl I .. ' I(l l ' 1111" IH I ~ltll' 11 8~rst.n IlC 0 1 III It\d \ ,t ' ~ I w~' r e 1l ,~J . my h ullt l 011111 11)1 " n ,I ' 10, I' " . " • • ,. " " dll , on d l uv.r ol w~,., , 1_. ll . · ' I ~' II1 , tllv:lt Uw !lI,,·et I . II , • I tl f I I tl t ' ''UI,) I.) eu '. I t1111 1, I ' "-Ir " e ' » \ e lll.rllllllC \ W' " ,~ we eo> InY ,~ o rl ~n. ~. \ _ e lIe("'-Yl u{ no ' Ui e 11\ htt " ~ ~rld ; u h"' t '~ f n ~ l tifl ~\llf .e~.n \' ~ II. , .u. ' (lU" I"n I . hene l" :r ""\ lin .t.ot ~ll ' "~'f ,,' .y ,, ",,' I t l' . " . \

S h e Toofr .. u 1\e\lfcvill g that en e q lltlltobl'l' BlIt it. wn nn\tl of hund !! t.o do nil I d" I' III s bllild v II 01 1. '\\ n II I t'g ul n l' II lie felt like 1\ \bl1!bllnrl. thlllk 0 tbll t ill n e, er dOli nt'ilin g \len(Ts lind It 1U 0 rc l'I LIfui l{ 'ell IT.' 0 111 I.. .:.. and L.b e r .1'0 11 1' I QI<:e Wil (' !) YOII

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I vft"'~J lhltz \J imln t rntll!)/' , '''.... , ''' till'S e ~8 ""Jllr" r~ I Y ' , \ d Innce' Tov Illt e 1" 111 11 g'('n tlelll nl1 by OU r •• >1 001 willoh "",/1"11 ,,," 'lt~1 \V i " r' lll 'a'T1t ory. IQI I{ I " , ' ( • till S lessoll 'c l ' SOI11 , III Ill llel \VII hl n wlI rom1l \ t hl' V,II' . f~rp, ou, 1 ~lIr. " roo .", Iy wet ~!.:e t! . 1M ~n ll rr a: rJ"d no d ,u !J.P" I ' !tllll nUll onl.\· t he tO I Il CI. II n<l 8 1" In ... th ", Rhl'et. (',, "ltl \\'h II ,I I) IYO hea - III )' I,,' Ifl ll llJ I I ~ ,,~ oil rc Ion. I II I B:H, I IJ, W _. 1 CI ' { 'I I k ' I { ' ,' r l 'oll lLl lem Ol e Lb e IUls t n llt C(] llj l'dU I 1 Il th l' ml'llIl1l1 '" v I' It t1(" 1 ... ' II lie I ''' ~I ' "'''1 " ~ S I I ' .' I dI ' , I,, ~, .. . r.L'I ." ( Bllttllctllne C:flmerar to le.lrIl IIlg Lb" l l' 1 e t oni. hold III lt I en I" Ir OI • • ollrllu . mv " orl ' ll . 1", , 1\(', ,,"II,,' ,"'" ,_ 1\ ~, IL.llll(l ultte l''' tlsth e He I ,,~tl t1 Cl1I 01 ~d luPlll1ltdolV lI T h ~ gill ~ "\y II ' "" 11~1U81/l l h.I'J I.IIl IO(1 • 1" Udll llll AL I .. t l" ~ II •• , q." . . , llo t tllk Clll t I'n'o 1118 I' I ISUIJpOSlll tT ltlO l,e on co l t l I \Vh~III\. l pI181I\lI""1l' " "" lhlh(' I ""~ ' l""l l ID Ctll'10 frO'n'" ("~ I j., !~J\ iI ·_tl . • iri ng lIs ll" l L • "'\ Irlr 11'11 11)(. '1'" ,,"' d l Ih,' lun se l I" .. " I" • • kv I f I / ll1l1111. n OI'\es ond fi lS Ics " (>fl hl lo l'~ mt" 'OI st, 'IIHltl u l lI oL nl ('( " I' I ' Dt! II ,love 'OU.rolook. n.nrl'u . i,e ....,,1 .. l It: I\lIn " .1 "" .UJ(1., 1111 ) . " • hlln . " "u k my ~. . • II I the Inl p' fll • \<, I) .1 .1 !Jr- I'''· ' II car Ol1t when kept II crlll t a llL til ' \( 111 18 t .1I\ ~· 1111 \ 1I t lIC Ile lllI II I t III I " "I I!l11{ M ""110' sllau' \" I!t it wus nil 101 crt ILu 111111 old 111111 II II ~ I ~I el III Lit tlt t! \I Il1 d OI\ •i·l. lI u lV we',e I'I'CII III) lt e ll rt .ltd I. I" un III m lle \ . 1r . \ ' I . ,\ rit e 0 1 1', tll)(eil sy t ('1 .... tI\ O Oflt- \Ih t n , ) /1 (' ",' LI,r 'll rX t'! ,lIl11 l'll I 1 ~,'\ 1l1l 0 Il , ' 10 III r W! \ pl l I ~'n J I " " • • Urll Ti" Olkwns to 01 I I, 1) 1, I'. ILs d ~I (, t" an d I tltltl /! '.".' II' • ••I • 0 I I ro d .mv I" nr I nlll II' th e hltl c wqlllnlls I!II I I !'i"l" ' ,I II'nfl ''''If\ . t n . """ fA ,T • tlcd nndgl.HilY8hllll\~downtol"e g o t hr' lI h" ld . SI)f\~C C' 11lI t1t r o l (I.'.It " "~ItIl,," " no\Vl"ke . II1' 'J II 1111\ al ll 'l ln ~hu If I . ,.'. 1 I~ ""IO ""-,,,' 1 ,. , ' 1,'1 1 c d ' :I b ., / 1.lll n Il Olltlll.ltll,dsloI1 Q Ilild ' 1'\V,'I , I,',I"IJII, e el".e llndkl •• ,"o ll n r m 1'" 1'1 "~ l n1l' O)' 1\ '''' ' ' \ 1'' .., ';,,, J . i';\CIH 110 l ea~ t ~ ,~ln \ C, 01 til h (J) \\ I I I II 11 , 1 ' I I " ''' I''lul r k~rolllh o llll. , '' " . ... 1\ 1" •• ll'1" l ~ of II ~ II"" ' 1 1.1 'If' Ih\shlilcOlllewbel!Secquld s 11 I t' I " II" ~~O ~ ' l lI g ~:I C() II (I :; JO II( o r "ftl'l'yla l'/: uo, NIIII •• I,, " £, . I b '>e l" nd 1"/ I ""C, I" 1, ., l d ' I ' . Im l " 110 plell!ll1rC III tbem KIIJd S Ili c h (OIIl, III Ctl fl hlln tlln t . h i~ W, I" ." " 1' 011 111I'a' OV"' ''rlI HIOli r l ~l"L:I I D'llr k fl ' 11 '1" " ,,~I,I in le .r IIil:Il l 15 gntit e l eliaroll tob E'' ''t~ to mile" lold 11111alS o i l" , Uu(I ,cc h'J uuk lisedmvl".n nllll l iii bC ' leOlllf"l t -hl!rulhl!,last' onls l'\W IO dillilhte l \\ "~ l\otl n,"LtcrS OC\ S ih . , v II l ivre ) O l1 n t t'il~" " . H'I !· ' " I I I cI hI II 'r' I I I I IJ , 'P h r~ III . VII 1".J I' "II II ,! " " Iur" 'f " ns nu lIni n no bnr Ing tEn c lIo Uuturnp IS le l. flll IV L I 1'lllIn l! tl Irea ('11 \\ 0 ~'r, my ,CA, "". 1 . , " I III ,.. I I ,,.,,.... \ 101') ' " HI lit tUI" th ose hOUlff She wuo l ed 0 PJlo~ ltl\)n to LI lell k l!C' jllllfl CO III P'IU\ , "''' /' 1' '<II I , ~IO ur u.,lu g " '" " ." r I j ) I CU PrILI ~ I , .... 1\, \ 'flo\:1 E.'\{" 1 no t hing but I Mt, ~cl;lInl . I'~s t _ II 'IS suo n u 1.l tlll·1 III IIIII . -T I/e R ub!{ '1'" 1<"'pi "0. , rll. l~d IVllh Iw'.r 1'''.... cl,II',I,',',I', (,'(, l' lr nn. '. 01" ,° •\ 1 ,\ ~I I" ,J,. Jr" .,,' ' '1 ,"" ,1 1


-'IiI. II lIIee, IMFThompton.of'l'hompson . Goodrlchaco ' • .' " • ' l:itOIlSuwA .... orHSlew.. rtandCo eoulhahln8t.oppII.lleA~bille.Pt1ehB. J HOv£\IJ)U!I[.ofJl . lMI C:O ' erd,ck

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J he~rd "mllo~ t~uck cho p tim olher Aud then in silent II!a\ curtaIn Dilrbv O"ylCI rf mork tbot he loveal nml 'Ollng I.dv ,..,,11 u~ft die for th Ine lie don • 0








Penl (·rll ih Bhep~sscd WU~ , !\ o'qni C! L , 1 '1 t k new 11'1011 1 th e I:IS t " . lfl lI one Ihfl!llthC"ome ·1'.hey r9 bed hel' shu ' 1 PI l !In.I I'Jatn I Y I 01' her to fl \11 -10 II (

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lo, l I nlllln lll.!. 'JI~H _1.lU 'l( n" IIII' II' "nll' A hlJo,' \1 -.. 8 r l lllr lHI) II, lo\.d 1" 1 uno f.'runt· .,uh tlBbee!\ I "'ltofm~nv b 1111 (.IJ" r rn "1I W IH) mnL e hf~ ' e 'l{\ 11-;' nn ll h., I I\S (J f ~1r" Im"ro'~'IOIi L h~~ n~ ~ rll "I II.u I I'dl ., mo • v ., '1 u\l! 41rCUnl

d ear. d eal.' I 'TOnl1CI .1 WeI 11\1 10 " lI ln g III my Ir I l _ ...... Amendment to 't he shnlt eyer reet?' eo thc little hnnds o· or till! qUite II(? unI' H"t"' \~ If' ''l I" UI Ctllh l u g In II IC, Ve' "lIn tllmpl nlnK' Jlty h ~ n rl ellll ! \ DENTI8TR.Y. I'm u~ , A n dtl Ie I'ttl .• '-,.Iens t -pI d 1\ CIQ~S ' I Inll"." bulIll.lltrnrlhnud "I I·" • • 1 e womall 11'1 a" ler h en" lice Il I' fll11e WIII' t (J ''' '''Og n11 11 ·" Pll' lClI lI \ I -l'fonM·tntiOn.·1 th t bl ,. I h i l t I ... I I 1 I I A )ou !: 111 " 1\ J"<l CII ",men r.II g )f l . ' r. lil li , n'\'111 lor II&lnl!" Wllr ll " . " , • I ~ D.... wearlyupon er, ,,01\ 101 , cc~anl tl c n 00,1'.< 1 id t I DI•• I. III II' VII,. I,rA,lltll'"ln.ll,t l>\I',h' "1 1IV· II nl ' " 11 119 n ~I \J "l y " lI" vn ~ \I"\?' .!! 1 I ' e a f e I uCOle \ I e 18n I It ' I I 1I t.' !t l'. Ull I WI ", l \J U II q" VIJ' I ~ e, t4U tall' l t ... • • . . . , ~... ir:: ~ hell' ln ~ ong, nee!? 8 ¥ s • step t t le ll !lIS t on t Ul t e (,ct, l Hl!fiCO U I I f'" l 1 ~''''',ll f he fur ... tlt e tJ UVd arC" r tt\l \Ch nnt! t' l rtW.' It 1\ \\l I\ y htt (h l\ ~I!\"'y t lP)'J' L-ii '(j'n~'U' D ..... B1'A1~; OPOHlO. : I wlIlI' 1learil . '!,n,d presenlly h hanel f9ce " l 'It'~~1l1llge 'I' "ff U' lrC \ II)\UI01 ')I"III ' 10 \\' u ,II ,qO \\tlrO lll vPoI \lao d \\ . 1 , 1\111(1" lh o 'm l~ ~ c onr ern il l" h \~ ~I'rlio'r fl ~ . rt C" OP TV t: SEO.ETAIlY or S T\ T ~ . , h h I .1 ' I '1'1 I I I k I I l lite u \, tI ' Inl H ~ \, Pl uth: , Ult \'t 11 11 l I ~ , • (;) om~ at his rc~ldClicc on Locu-t Slrect .~Iii!. ' I restC( IIpon er l'J\( . PJh~ U I Il~CC 10 Itl e onos 00 Ol an ( \1 on f \1 I 1. I I" "", IY U'V II (IIre,l, Ill)' h e urt Il ll oi I NelV I uri: ~nrl PI ' II ~~ tl p\tl " t l\ v March 12J WI\"'I~:TO' O' flS't ~lItua'bIllSBtcetrryfOhE!mtdthl' S~fr<' Lllr' full of tend(\I'ness slu d, ' (Iercd IVh" "mUH\ 111 /\ lOt 'I'(lk(l lll', 0 \,:"lI1g ;~'In '. r~:\V,ul" ~n"Il ' I L [I _ •• -. 8tl " l1 rdy of /i C. t lill! ~ ~ ,I I~,.I\' I " b tl ., 0 Ih~' () C to. 0 10, 0 I crQ. j\ C~ r 'I'h . I tlI(lre Ii01 C, :l ' I) ut snt(] 'Sh c i s t il C ,Illl d () [) ,I I ~ I O \ln ~ l' " 11 ICU I II "It! U l'~ 'I C1CJ ,It>Ct.i . \ ~ I e II,")• OCt I " Wc,II .1 "I' ' -- -- --- - - - - - -- --- . - - - tlfl Ih It .ho follow III" " Il true cop, " I a • .. CI e I OlOnlUc t I, L I ./ , R•. v MR ~T O KER -'I, ho R r v "I u .FOR H01JSE PAINTING, I IUIIiI " - Olu IJO Il r '.... ~"rl h , the GCll e r,,1 \ , Icst 1'01 the peoule ot Gor! .. , ' lettil1 g her s leep' • 'I \fml~. t) Idl ' \~ ll1sle " '\VI,en I Slol. er WII" " 011/\ Iff eOJollol' " I I. i1crttcd \\·\lI~ . wlloli n', I'\l ue . rlHr. I . h S f 0\ I 6I I ..II Ire """re IAn, • 0 yflll I ;mr.I1W1\lIll.'lif" f"1&J1!J '.11l1.·(,7Q or- RI Il,ut t e l"~l' lIo.outle l l l"' AnnteJ.cedldtlotlfilsehel hend' l Ah! hO\1 thosewordsslJ1otellpnn ,. l uv' I I I(I(~ e l hl . "t" rl helll.I ,,' l 'l l d II ntl r;r l1 or n'II,. h . " r tl" rv ")011 r\aco " ' .m.~Ll.amLl9~, I\ll ~~llliM~9 l ufuAIlrllfti ~r'~·k en IroD! tho orlgms l slie kn ew I·ul\ " e ll thut tlie good olll th e fll tller' s cll!' Ritt 1' , hitte r tell I S pll~ )~7Ilr ~ ~,I; 111'1 I . t ~ 1 .. 11 I li t. rcorm" or /l Ull IIlcI,hohc L! 'I' " I ," IVrc l,k nf I \t AI rl OI , Iv forti ~IO . 1<1l1\ in PAPERING, t , e o.!' by '~l'ce 1 f II R ecto r stood bcside it CI , nnd qHlet did hes hcII IIpon that cl'll'; 1'011111 - 1;II'y ''''it 11'1\ """1'11' 11' "h lcharQ '" ~ IlIlI c h b~ Il /l 1I " I" 'l l w onl y OlonLid J ollllI' y 1.~10 8q U!ln · e n • ,~o~~~::;e':n'v n "n~e Iy she Itstenetl to tbc gentl e \\ O"ds l nil 100 Illtc Tbe v.o l d" :dus t to It;; '~;" ,r'l :",.. I I I ( I d ,u Iln ull. b, e ll II ~ I )" i (!lo t !I ,. 1\ IIHel1 t 10 nll\ll" n~ or u"l hu~ . II"" ~he OreatScll1 o'f th~ of comfolt as thl'Y cnm(' flom Id s , t.I l1st, \I tShc!l to nshell,' 1\11(1 the IlItLI().! I I I'" I ' J'" "J'I\ ) /1111 1'"1" I.. II~~ s(, \; uCIII \ Ill, 1 ~ 1I 8 tI ,,· Oi l,. MOrlle. uy, r..h mb~r o( Q(I\lgre,~ . ... I 1 A II I III *, 01 th e 1'0 11 t ,l l ( I III 'I! \ t' l \I .. , II \! IJ so 1\ l II I • I O!rApDlv 10 th. ulItle"lgne~. who "III 01 0 1110 1\1 Cululllbu~. the It)ls H e hnrl I'Oo\\n fllll! l" e( ( enl t h "\iUIl th e !:"fIIn , l il , ( ,. cellrdlli g 10 Ihe dUll l' mlnl 0 1 ~Xl'.r l e 11 6M Ih rll IgII " 'm 1'\ tn 0 10 l ' \' all•• dprompll,tolllc.llf,_ndenduvo· 6Ibdu~!>fAJlr II.A01 ~NIl7· .... S rH tIIefro rll hc r bah\hood ]L "as It e li d . 011 SOUtlllctl III li i s l,!:ll'!! as 1\ Ie " u, , :- - u~vlr •• 'p. II '" ) I) U~IIl S U N 1' I wh flllroh"It" l l\ r lTll lll1 ~ CI&rIOIU piau II1l 0u nL I) { ~ I ' I(lIl " U i n 1 ~ ,, ' ''It. u : h ~ I~ all. • Ilallon • on r""."nft bl e t ermllo WIM.IUI HE. R.. Ml'. - ('Ih en l lil t IL f e ll I1 ) 1~~t· I, :IS " .CII ns n Ifn eII ' , '0 ....... Secrctnr, 0 1 I'It~le. IV I10 h n d ,tnk.e ll 1IIlI : w InY M _ , n~ L "h /\I\vellfee t! UII II \ 111111\" "1\) hM" C, I \ ~ II\ 1101 <\ Bo I II \ . Ifl h ,u:,; h.L III " I I''' '~' I tu rn WI G. II U' I • f . 1 ......... .,....»11: •• w.a,--..,,'" weeks old>' ln hlf'! arms line! j.lollre,1 \ 1 he II I n l e t loscd 'cr till' w ea l v ' .1 1\ ,. Y ~ ' no c ll II Willa n li e 11 "'I !{h l~ t1 1I\ Ih e ' " \ I tlr d ftVIIIl' IIr"" ',,1 lin It nur I r l ~ ,) . -""~REN"'CHTS ~ A REsOlot'7TIOtt • IIpon bel' brow the. \J e ll' 7IIfll te l'S pI .H ,l 'Il fL\l' "b -i1Ltl fl1lCI,\P'·. \ ~!: lt \Jill :. ]', 1I1WA l1TIn' - • J lrn ""h e l ll . • a(llIlu lll ' l,f th~ " lO\ l e lll cnt 1\. [II I \ g- 'Iv e tlll ~ ' n \l<'~Y . t!qUl i1l'eti ' 1\ I~I ge 1 • I·R~laU • ••6 an Qmendrncn~or tbe tJon.litution Utlptlsm, and hnd elg n el) h CI wllh hut 9. be ttel mnll. He hili l erl selh sh "m t' to "tlItHJ ,. lI e w eu ... I"mtt''' . ... n III I ."Ct' lIn ,'"" un ollae l ~ b work II' OIr"JlI1 f Iu l l\ &tl~l 'Ir!)" !,,,, ,,,, Jlt ll11< It)}'\ ~"I>h • I i . . ":t _ ~N I'll B EI1.0 P E ... " • L 1\ N. pru,"lIng for Ihe elttcllolon of Ihe c e ct '0 the sign or the CrO!!8, 111 t o kc n thllt n uslt 1\ hell It e btllled 111 8 ", fc -ILn' \ I k I I I. ~I III l; " A IJ () IV ~ ' (" I prt:<l cla cr Is 111,1 n rn cmhe,.. ,,", ' h " " 'I,mond P II '11Jd rTIlI! . I fr&ncl,I"" he renfter she sbould not be as ham ed thelll" c il oni v rOI' othe ls U IS mo~ ) (III VIII' I "1' 111~11 ' >" e , I II~ H IIl or " 1111\1 " " I li t) 8" 01 0 ~"n 'tJ o( • rn cnl - -"" t .,"1 IJep t 1\ H'" ~ !,lIn bO ~ 1Ij~ 111 U v Ihr ' o .....tedae City Ua"a•• Parle, "ROlIoh.,I. Ry Ihe Gene",,1 , A!IlIombl:- o f , I .. "'1\\ nIl ' "I nlllh" II" 1 ~lI ll 111111 I d L 'I finh t I to confess the faith of (1"l ot CI I1 C' 1 LOu \ ern/ l el wall 'Bem ' \1l olnc rill II J '" LI., m e !! II ,\ I"" I I 'l w r,,1 tr.l lI ~I I) II " "III)S, t ~ h 10,1 I.' 011 11 who \V . , e IIJhullI g' NEW YOIIl>. Ihe SIMte of 0 1"tI •or~e 8 0 I.e mem In )U ' ) ' 1l1 ~ , ' to I I It)'I Ay hiq . ('lur. Frankfort It.) ,... _ ' ~r.elocted toench l:IouM &sree1hg there\.o. t\t'd It wns he who hnd g lll rl ·d h CI OLhe l' lI hllld l'I1 S, ~ IHI s u fu lfill the . I I '1" il I II .,,,1, bll~ MI I I'!IIJllyl1l~I\I-I I\IIL II Ii " ' " t! .V lIo I" uw!; ,l lng I ' (J ,n'I"rn .. Bp.cillll. k"f"ctury Bath.Room• • nd \thnt It "" .,," I. hereby propoll4ld to tho olec into thllt vllth "hl eh W:lS to open to law vI CII II L' '")1 ml~ I: n·.L ~'I" ·t lem ,II hi' IIr I t to'll; cla"n fpo l. when ho c urd'~9 11,(' n"KII IlJI1 01 d 'ot keepe r ~ I Ski f d: , tot'!! 01' 'lug StBte, to vole Itt the next ..nnu~1 fin It g l"«/ • '''/J1 Il fllLSslI'g P. II Il CI' I II . I .,. ' I I I Y h.. llarherlho)\, .Octo"erci ectlo""punlbeapprol'l\lotl~Jeu herth egnteo e\elllsting II! I "to"" e j co I S, ,\.111) I0 L ee I,no~ b c en .,1InCJ III0 I1 mos. 9{. ~t\ ' "C~ UrU" IIIl: III1 ' Y Ih cu"III"."II, f "'''IH ~ I\C O. 1 ~ " ' ) '/l UJ " ""~rI\ '. l Ie com,'''" I'rs .... n .. "ol.UoweJtorecel .. jI.fq"'.lIe. l ll01J 0ItI1l,toll""lIIgnmendment lll!a &ub~li WIlS be who plll~ ed so ea lll estl., . l est ilfg llll iio l therl lll scs III '1 <l ' " d ."1..... I I Al l .:swl,t! 1 IV"o n n l" t!(.. rlh .. '''I ') 1" 'f:'"IZ (1.111\ 1 18. I(\ USlln\,Clv e tp{f'6 Do ....1 .... 10... R."uro ," ".~k '~n .. h...... \ lut O lur the fi f~t ecctlon,of tbe fltll1 nT'tldc of wh en, in th e Aposto\te rite o f 0011 ('o untl, (' hili dl\ nr tl , und no w ()l t~ 1I Y M.- U • f\ ,.. I If'~ D) 'JOII'Y .,( 1I 1.~ "I ,.,. 11('~C llllllona 0 1 tllu IIIIIH' " t hUL no' ~ n r 'l y In a c" I r " , . .... 1."· , 4:1>1 Ihe Collslltutiono"hlsState .to \\lt 'Ev firm!ltion, tbehllltds of the Bishop utni ,7 htt •• ll m:tJ be s~en I" VIlall In I ' uJ I 1'lI l;;lv rIll . ' IIII II" I "II,chw''' ln ~ I " , {. f'', th o g relli hulil l ~rr.. I C I' IY · 1 " 1 flul .' L --.--- -----~ - err.;r m~,e ~. • It the llluldl 1'1 O IIro. WIth t illee IILtl" . I II U 0 I \d by II I "'~" 1In . . ., (! T • 0 " E E . I utuzeo 0 t·WlO UnI, e""S··t - e. 0 fth e were laid III)on Iocr hend "It on~. , .II I 'IIII\'·'S tn t ll ' " " " 1"1 h .. fl' II "IV IIlu\\)" ""' li n nil ' / "' II (1\'1 /10 \V e il t il li b "I ne - " .ge ot twenty olle .enrl!, ,,110 .1.nll h. , e been ( U ' ~ II""" .• I k d I (\ St I " r~Mldollt 01 the St-nte ooe ) OKr lI"xt pro _1!<l pI nyer-'Defend, 0 1_0 1il' th IS thy stnnlhll g by 1\ g l .1\ 0 mall,cII hr rt It M _ TI,,,,.. ,, ' I Ihe rell 0 11 why I \\ (I I Itls me" "'/fu I " 'IlO ~ rrmo nA lin \y 0 1 t tl 8 0 ' " ,, 1I01i8 ,! to u ,,~o, o ~ 41 • 111'1 the election. nnd of tbe collnly town~hlp clllld, WIth thy henvenl.r gl'ooe; thnt C rORl! of purc wltltO III1U b lOl, !belli In g I "<.Iv" oll '" II III tll ch "' 11 601l~ \' .. u 11.1 < R I1I1J~CI. kn""n III "II 11 '1l coullllr y " "n . S H O lutlo . permaDenl b(' OR fh I , or w"rd III which he resides such time lUI m n' slle mlly continue thine \'01 .. ' e l. nnd the in SC I ilJti{) n ' I (I I I l ' tlllIlIII '" 110 0 awoatlll[J 11NmOIl. t 1\' liS r' ~ ' '' ' ", ora pen!';! Dill' I h " A ··L·.~"'F.~D AUC'flO~l~ER. be p.,,,lded b~ I ' ' t hetrumell Ll "'" ., "" .... esc.p ••lIe h pertlon•• s dally increllsc ill Holy SPlllt Al'ilfrZ t.l.J1 I' ''''~I I' III'11I H" PIIII,I ,· ntI l' O'ij 0 ""fI I ' fI" I jawlr119 d tr n \oll, " nu I h ~ COIiIlII ' ~ IO)I J't , I ~~ fI " " I 0I \It. aJ' "" t" I 10 '.u rr' n~ ' • • a~.uu~.. \ hlu e horne.j.m~insuWOftof.n''''ll1rrec rnol'ellndmore lIntil s heeomelln to Aaccl t" ellt\ f'I\' "II, ro ll , Hlly )" fl<V""' 11 ", ",c IKU rll\O,;.II OlDlh" VM 'OUH .n eCls Hlll d 1'1,: Rb~u ltl16 p re.o nt oon 1'11)1\ of ,{(, OHIO tlonor rebellion agalDs' lhe ao..eroment 0 1 ' , .. J e rn lll ~ IIe\\ CII . lllmc l" rurn IV. gnl (II I J I. I I I ""1 8 1 H"""-ES1'ILL'" •• " "'. , •• , . . . 'the UnltedStlltes. or h.ve1l'id from Lhelr tlJinee\'erlastillgkmgtlom' !twas l:[ d ' . I I I l 'ohll\1I h,clI flr o.ncl' uS II m 1V1 !.!l1 la' r" VI"" 110 1l 11 1,IfI 0US d ' , l I ' place. 01 reAl/lence 10 nVOld beIng drafted In he too that hnd uUlted he r III hoi \ n e pcrlect tbl ongh snfi'c'rtng 11)) IInl . , 1',"ll' IIIC II Il 1l8 II'" VI rl" ' ~mlbr~ ~ ,10 Ilv ~ lt.u bt [.,r IlIrgo nU lli ol C!! 8. 1 \ " I" 11111'': IIrnU Il,1 t ho r i)' .~ " ,, 1 ..-. Wtll attend p~oiRp\, 10 all eal1. ,. Ii I f 1&1d GI, . wedlock • ' . ,IU rln' v lJ ", """I " , IeI III .! I'~I IJlI I I" 11I ,!;ltl he 811I'PO'O' ! I h I III ~ t tflll I 1\ I Ion IH uII I.II. ~ 8 um m ~ r , H (l W " "' 0 \' l · ,. '1-1 • \.0 tu 1lI' tary or nAU ser\1ce to tho man or h e l' cilolce ~ ----~l ill"" 110", ••d "ntlc-ayor let ,lye the h,..t ernnlcnt in time of WAr. Ind had lIot Auble "I"' l w,,~ I:ClI lI g '" II,y t! w" II llU I II I I ( ,,, 100 000 wh eil lid 110 I ..".r.Ctlnn_ Terml 8.& quontlv bee n honorRbl, dlAchQrged from the and for seven YCRrs of he l' mn! Ilerl I'I1!DZ8T [nANI S ~1 - Thc . \ hcl .l eo n h'l<y S~II\iI) 1\ C" "IIIIII II U"11 1111111 (\, nn) 118 " lenllll ' \ 'T(lU ' I ~v o (HI 11 \ IHIU IIIU " I~I \, CI .' S I ' I • • I I '" ' " n K81ne. 8 h~11 have 'he qualillclltlaD~ of an life ban wntch~i With S'ltldened feel Helold "n~ s of Cnpl tl lll Bill 1'1111' he I' , ,,101, I,u n!l umpl' III IOYrIlll A IIm >t' IIJ1 'urf U ' ro Ol IJ ~ U. II II ~II .' LADIES' A1\i> PE~TS' ele~ .... r RllrJ be e ntitled '0 \'ole al nil elcc inn'S tbe cbllnge, both mentnl nllli cclc blnte(\ pecks tl i ,n 'A t tho - ~ Il h I I ~ r l llU I'... _ __ _ _ _ 1,,"1, III' I (. II I1M (HV,,"I.. \J UI Ih ~ lfl' f~ f\lIl iny (\oay . hlt t ~" en t l.Q I \\I ~~ " Llon-·.. EO. A PARR 0 1 '1' . l) h~·J s( cul. 80 II JlPf\1 ent to nil nge of lI't teell we IIllrl Ill/II Z.lI l1 lll " 11 ~ 'II." L'" .I,I I. "ll rn" " 1 ~ c"l l l- ~c.1 1 ' II \Via" ,. learll,,1 " 8 R lull l1 "ll f\I liSI ml'f ,n ' Y v,ll1l sl'rPII thle n "I '~h" I I , ,, >II lr S I>e Ikor of the Hou~e of Rel'ruentlll1\ c. A nd 110- he HtoO..l b es ld c h C I' o f t I ~ I] d ;' "I jO.,., " J' ~ . III '''' tillols II 'A I 11 0 lin' 1rtlllce 10 " " FUC' "" I It ~' " ll "C l ITlI1gB, ~ n ' ~ I· • ( _ •• '11 )lulb"'J ANDJU:W 0 M,BUHNEY. ..,' ' m n ('I ,01 a IUnco e glllu cn ~. 0 1 YIIIIHI ","1 p''I,,"nt tIlU U ~ Ia I" 1I 11 ..,e l ,." 1 I d I k r 11 " .. ,, " "'. I'reslduiJt otlhoSel1\tr rClI\lg~\OI'd60t l:O llSoluII Q nthtlt", Ptl· 1V'llkin g s ixmil cs \lltliln 011 0 II !>11 I 1",, 1(111, \\11" (1a'lIldl " "k~oI."". IlIld~ 1·,· .~ tr1 t ht· !,K lt of l(:~16 "i ." tf: ' I P~I' r lll .~O IT~~ ~" ~~g ~':II ::I c" '1" LEJI~NO"", OHIO. rK850 1IAprlI6.1067 u,"1 sog l ntc lul to thcwe:ll., olle Ill' ' Illil to ilnd hc('I' HI S !,I C"C'CCS ~II IP (,t/ir ')"'(lln,. , g ' '1/) ro/"'~ Ilf 1,. 1. l ' IY Oln p nr.",'IIII' Lh II IU IUI't· ;, I COJl '~n ' ~i"" I II ell ~ ~ T8tr d l l l Ii i "II .' III'I.] "1' ~'-: II.S 'TI•. I. HOURS! C it d b U tol(1 lI el of thnt hom e wh e re IIOI' IOW hndulllJeell glrccl \11 t h g l onL mll Stfl Ih""" HII kll ' col " le of d, u J OIlIll lllo" I'''Z''I - II ~ II L r~. (lc ul'nl ~ "8 IOc~ rc()UDt). ' (0 \ H r"" . ME.:I, " l l , . ent i)ave y SIDg and tOi l nre not kno"ll; of tllegolll lar FlL l eng th. o nd Ill~ l utll el. who l"n.1 ROII J/' 1" _., 11<1. Ihll~ ! hlll.o 10'1 ; ~lJ t 1 ~"l\l l " "il ;flU " 11 ' II~':I'" (;~r;1 ~:II:r ~ ~;I ~~U p~noe " r tl W'~ tt ~'lhll) nr(')tt<Ttll_~cr\'1l11Inc'crv!!hlc :\1140. B T B AR BITT'SLmbor llBH ng SOAP e n streets, th ec rl 8tnl stl'("! flIn8. n nrl ,v llikenhomU lv tll London In t r ll I)I~ MI' Hroll"" I' ",," .. f l"~ '1UI I It,," . g' " ' I ~) ",v"I "1 ~ ' C"I I " I I I til l' ":1 b II lba'~ :J~ nf '''5f1 0 rre. hhNacl.CII".·. dllcltcr~. ' l'Ieft etc. for Tll1*"OQprl. made fmmclenn nnc) pure IIlltC tl le t f eternnl lit e li e tol'l hCI I • l1 t I I I t1 t " 11", SIX } ('"I Y" ~ ln \1 M 111111 urn II- 0 Ou " 'I II I n p ( "cc om ,s" e tlme~.-O~stcr~b) l\jec, " ' FruIt rl.I •• eollt"lD~1I0 Qdu\terRtlOh of on) kmd. t lereto F th . tlnt"itt,t h UI)O~ l ayI S' nd s e \ cn., I"IP. I pcopl t Ihllleflr d~" IL In m ll ilO ' LlI1CI 10· M""I., ,"U I lIOn bll Cm l' ltOCl\llO r stbe8B fI ( 'h" ohj ~ I ' ~ ' h l =-',""U"',',-'S"'lI(l-",,""I!O'n NoL((lll01'i1 (80 1 wlllnotlqjuret\,em08tdehc!\l.e f(\brac. Rnd oO',~ e n el I e , IIII f1Sa a\ ortltec (n,s ~l1llnll1 ~ 'ill,,1iI ... Rtl I IlI II' .lf. II" . lHIII" " I~ lOr -JJolnrcN (/1(II /.l'llll rl ll!}tl • •r; II ' Y r " m o .~Rly g o; or II"'l Oll " . - - Is espeolalty adapted for woollens. whlcb ",11 the 1 ~t1 o ue,. a~c1 ~\ cr IIst(>n ~ to the took 88 III~ ?1'c1I1H\l Y pnee ,BI'{ m,lIes 11111 • XIK OIlC" " f !o"I,." 0",1 nne would I F Oll ia BlI t! (hell mOD e! f a ' l{,ll i' I te I '-JCORGI Q. SlR'EINT. notsl1rtnk.nor belng'll'lIIlhed "" plendmgsollllsSoll. '\\hollllssmd, lin It 0 111 (n)Jt!1 mn ~ l clflJ s nl ell o:! I J"~flrlln.I ' Cn Q IIII wllh II "' c nlll"r~od. -- ' • • _ , \ _ nu . . "may be W!ed in b.. rd or 800. w.tcMl. It w.1I 'cOIllC un to m. e oil ye thllt lobol' nnd Ik tl I I I I Nnlur" lu IItI"lII I' . '"" . ..-. " D01itl Painter, G/cuLtr, Gralmr U7Id \ l'()mo,e p"Iot. grense. tllr Anil 011108 or ~II IVa s . o n rna e ll! 0 Justn ess. 01 o r !'y wny of ,ltVUalUlI. 10 hiS 8 upr~Ole y Il . • , """"''''''''' k,nd. ' O~~UDd " ...ranted equ.1 to two are heavy IlltlOll , Ilud 1 \\ III gi \ e you rcerelltion 0 1' I'll II , we re equ mll v 1;111' I ,' vllpn ~nCll" y li e plllt! 'I ... Ie In<l 'I B t ,l l' \ lor's 0l,lnlon on tit 8 1 /!:2r ,) \'7 m I!lOY 11I1C l 0; C '",' , fl, ~ I l y Mt:\r.l'!'C't1;lI\Jl"' oo""I,!;!K, ·t' . II I I I' f l'" "I ~ J' "1 1") 1'1" ' ] el\tl 'I' V /'I'l O,' v ,' '',' r In.!.JIr"~l.~' ''lnl'''· '" ~ JIOundsofu ina,,!,fftmlly soa p. Direction. res , pI181~g' C l,IOl1 g lt . "otlll1~ ° I Rcn .(o nln~Nlwp " llh o U 8 U"h I U M"~ ' s uhJ e(; ll.thu s ~lll"p.i"e t11n 11 0 lllllc i I I \~ c r~ " e~h"Y ' t" ... •• W, Comer .alD a84 Miami 8t....t .. 8cnt with cAch bnr. for matmg three tr,,\lons A feehng or peace bad com e t il walkll1 g tram U I ,) to Bllon --UHrl I' Flel,l "'s .Lo r"\11~ An J w". III 10 1 d t " wn WI ' I I Illy I I e n" WAY N ES V ILL E. :::toE:~~as:'i! :::~~: rJ~~I:: e":~' ber heart, and 0 bftlo of g lolY !teem two mll cs-to bl cllkiast, UD ll h u rnt! It1I1C~t! 10 hft ·l'h., ;1. III t!~y Ih", mk l,; \Pt~'te; lll ¥ filmhlllg 01 roc.lq~ (h~l e 18 \ y u~ly o~es r'~neI ~ 1~~8\~\VI~~;)( w, ;~ llilning full dl~~tl0118 for bse. pnnted In Enfi cd to encircle her 1\8 8he looketl l1p ngmn wltltm tlV ell'e ho Ul 1.. m Ol c I ndlC ) o un ~ con",1~ 1\lJ!Jn ll l Hn"o ll necl l. II' n I I (0 Iht) \lII IIVe Wl)oll Rini I I ,,, OJ II) 8 Upi b , I rt" r' I'V _·lIe· t or .. tl"t",.ooll ..... 1'1 teed Iii ,,\I r enid , I' I til t '1 t \ 'I" I 110I ,In!; • I" 1\1\ 11\. mllu\, IB,I ~,.. " .. Iillh lind (}ermlln Atle your grocer .or · wllrd a .l.d n t l ll n once 10 "en e g I Y I~II (' ~ 0 WI' Ia " ,It .. h I IJ U' I nllu 8(J 11I" pm I II IJ' ,,\II I, rl Y~I"I ' th" lJ'lIuly of th o 1 '1 1\ I' I I '~..y B" "' ,' ih, h ."ttl 0l'DOcha1"ge B • S • -.I k h 'At I tl b 11 he liO'ht' f D Ii t I ll " 'I 11 II) 0 ~ l U J h e r e: ffi l0 11UC , l OW ' t , r-tbanktlllf,;rputfnOr8.lsollcitI T n\JblUI o.Jtauut& ~ noot cr evenng lere S lI , '. '" Lhc top o. 011,1111 ICIIII" '1 \\11 fI ,"I <lIeIll' II Se ngRgetl (Ornw.-r ","se ' gn"n H.v~ UI" u u"m fll o nc. t pln cA· '\ . .. I, , ' ••y l,nJ tnrrledl .()" I~ ' . r.l !'l eotItlnua_ of the U~rIll patroolse herelAl· 69B70T7!r!!~~ J~~~~to~'9~'::;"~0:' ,And thcu ~be old, g llll -boIlCr! PrlS Ollt s leepmg . III all ttlcle(llbly 8 11O~ L "" Ih e bll] . hll. "'g WAlked ,n to hIS I t~d In ,hI 8 ",." • ),11 " " w .. rOl lh "lid IU ri u hit ' full of t rou'l' r--d " ~ 8 flll ol tore nlel1ded. eo Jy _~~,_~ tol' bowed hIe head IIntl PI II,) .ctl os. pel Ina:!. nntl when hc hnrl II. dny FI HC1,,,,lntHnce , Wtl" 111 8 '"t"'t <I',nnd I,y I ~ r bllSIII , WIIl UII ,ven Ih .. d l onry wl,lIe "1Il bl l.. plvlIs u rc', A blob ,' A, M"KE rOlf. OWN IIOA.. man seldom praJII Th e lli ces ln g 01 hllll Ltllg lierole blm, Ilt fl 01 Itllll OP of . ,I/UII flU lf"u (am lom e dIp omllrY ' l pn l" ~' 10 COUlh1 () II III 11,t! besL u( llOu sc . · 1 ' • , ___ _ -- - __ . ...u" ,

• 0 "u,














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60 Ce to S ve'" "'., DSlD' KUSl.a .S.Oft . A B• car a ~... ~

pellce Ileemed reatin~ \here. BUl'. he th hty nlll\!s .01 f OI ty mlfell, It .ItI S, "'"lie 1\ P'OP' r 110.1 s il o , llII ulo1 IIIk. lO\J k. dull 1I1lt! ,Je l\d ,,'t.IIII( g I ves n e:e- £odorh ()u~n c r la a Jil C went to b", borne w1tb bhe feeJ.rog quite 11/1UI11 "It II him to Will k Lo til e h Im D ilL In hN b"~I. wlllch . 1, 1l mnnn, hll11 8e BIl Ch II NI, ) 1I0Com f" 'l"hl c 1I\r ~ ~ IT \1 f i Wi ll ~ • 1 •B.l' BU.'TT" P~ ... COl'lC""TutJ:D l'OT ' that bit lal:lor blUl not he-E'n in :"Bin )JIRC'1l 0 1 m eetlllg in the mOl n m g , 1111\1 1/o(~. !rlie nn 1\' ppL ' 000,1 B r llcll)u s hIl O p HUlI IIn ,1 Jl!'Ulf't T he CJlo r I- I ~u 1'1"". G :~V~en S:II I~ ', : 1\1 n;~ ~~; " 0" A.lI . or Re.dy Soap Kuker War~anle~ Tht\little woman rose I,Ip WIth 0 wall, hom e lig nin III tho e \ ClllOg - GoL ~IUI' Haulu II, 111111 111 III r. "ot! gil IIn l lit rOI Iho It 'P' • !' iJu ~, "n I I 9 wish mv 1i~c" WR~ • .. , Ulic 8tore ~.rb~~:: '!,r:O::e~~~~:~ !o::; i~ ·t1~e bl ighter (Ilce and 1\ lease.r woig l.t Uut his glfi nd leat 1V1lf! hHI c(' leb l nll',I ' lo lOW I' "liS d ,e e JdBml\tl~~ 01 oll e Jur c, 'mm OIl w()"d~pln('. "III. cho! t ;~::~ ".O I:;O ., n :'~~, w(luld I IHO p li nd h ... ju.t op• .," a II m!':ket Put up in c.ns of 1 pound.:l \tOund •• about her h elll t. b llt s he couirl !l.ot I' 01 k of a th~usalltl mile~ lit u thOlI;~ h.. kn. w IhplT\ bUlh '1 h~1 11 111 1nul. rn Qpl1! lin t! bu' L'JI nul- ofT", S /I val l I III 10 . ft Ii at Crom II II ~ntl hke he'll . 3 JIOunda. 6 pollrtde aDd lil pounda, WI'"m~u~1 help eomparlng the present wltll L.le lind co nsecu tIv e hou~ 8 Ill(> rn ptuln , c,. nI J til Ik~ 1\ \II hlp IIJ lIabuu !JilL of Ice u;y of ~lI 'IU I&I(u 111111 01 ~bI O u ~ ,,"!te lll s. 1n~J ",,:;, aheP kISses T owl er's nOle. 0 dlreot.tonl,l!J ~!IIIbhand Gertnlln, f~d will .PtlS~ . c:o nla! IIrt hlllf II tOil 11 0m tho grollnd, . ,,"IH [. willela. 1I1I1"t~ly. !ol\ l e b' ~ ll llillrg llld ~ d I . 1 " I~ h Ibnl I " ere Iho~~.' ~O. 10 DETROIT STREET, Ing H,,'r<j "ad' I' &;"f So!P Qn 8NollM'llmo i. re Hl!r old homc ro~e "l> before h CI. nn ll (>t 011 e lg htee u slolle OHlII on Lil li - - -- . III blllll"'1 !:'fCll in furn lfurtl W(l .Ire I , , D1.lreJoj!1\ on80 so.. soap • • II k l 0 • I I ·' I L lion • " - -.-' • •.-~- whIM &be, wl\l ..... 01 .... 4 •' Ulfed. ConeOJDen wl1l8Dd tbil tbe cbeapest and I~ 8eeme< loa groen spo lit table" It I OIl C Ullly. ~.iJ J cc rt nlll ROC.II s en ~ h1 , dun b, 0! 11I11I1l (!' 10 dl 'CO I cr l,olV mll ciJ 0 , 11 I II~ or ~owh 111 she JD.rket desert. Tha' home herl been to hel _ _ ___ _ _ . 'I 'Q tly vlrtfll) IS nnll tllo, oug lol y i/ IIlU'. moru clon' ,e .. nd c lc ' RilL nl U ou k lind Gf JI nr(lco re .... A} ~ .. III .A ForIl&1 .. byQnDt\Jggl!I~8ndOl'<lcc ra~. nnEllcn It was 1I0t II wcnlth or ' bllltr>no bsll lllll(:~l g Olu hl' "V ~ IIIfll !l 1 1 t I " ~l 1 , 1 " 1,, ' I J'lyrn"n1 'l l~ lI ~ll ••I, cae,,' Pao.o" Or!}«",. JltlO4ItOfU. Vwlim, B T llAIIBITT. Noo M. U. 66. 67. fiR . 6~ mon ey that mad e It 80. hilt a. ""cnl~h ZT Mr~. Stowe h'lA l)('com '6 1\ mem 10 go ,,(Ih all 111 ' 11 umelliol llcoum "\I;U ~ I. an mil /"g r'm 11 II ~ ,t CJ1~1J ' ,~ l •. 1l 1 whe rem he fnn cJ t l hlll Ih"r .. 1<1 t1ItftIIP'I, BAtlt' Mfllft. Mliue 70.7'Jnntlj.jWlU!hlngtollst , New'lork 0(10\' 0 11)\1il)tTh c:lTts' anil willll1g bc , ollh ~EIJ,"cll ))AIChur,eh. '1'1111 I,lSI 1'"01011 ,11 '" r~pull~tl lO lI~v" 11I,JIj( I , IC uRu,Iyo ". roo o f · t. e" IOr!!I ' ' 1.01" a iel w.y f ~lIl n l\Jo Ii "'tlollllr nd rJtilNi_ r --,... ; - ... "':";_ ~_-V -.J-' ... ... . .. o · J I ~" .1 b ' I ('11 upon l I I! l1III10 0 ny j -. vi ... 1 ) • , I •• BooE., l"loli!! 0 En hauda wele' thew to lIgbten t ho d(lIly yellra or I r h(.. hnt! n mal c,. y , IIHo,l) >houll!erl'tI hUll oelf all ti I rAmp I ~, Ih~ t or II 11I ' lure :10,"" o r Ihe u!of 1" ~11 by s qua re y eara 109 1~ , , StrITl.'IIf, uv q I toil A h' It WtlS II huppv bome. fUI ."r\ 110\1 d, ep ~ sp~m ne.. or (c~!"Ii' to La &11) I' II AmJl~c1 OUI of olle of our chure h~s ! " ~81 And nll)' 1 d i.og r" ~ K1J11I nr~ rtm~n tll .. - - Int! In tl .. 1 E"errlliln,III011IlIlY ","p' In B. "r. Babbt~. best Med~~ ~Iller lo\'e rciorm', 1 king t)\'c r 1111 th nt dwclt lhl~ l:r,,~l\y ,,1{It'd "91DKIh I he P~ 11"1 RIIIl'/R} nlOrnln!! bcu uu .e nn Inn" 1 haye ncr ""e n IVHe ) " Sl Ih v.e wilic h c:tr A dlStlngUlsheti php loi'll U" • It'uBlc l3~rf! •• 1 of whIch "e will .ell l at'r·1 rn ..df r t nl ?o:~~~,~.A~ ~'~I\ ;'1kr,; ~~" thero h " col dlmt 80lllH1 lJ u.ti e l' Iho~ ti or hur plll'W' II al ll ~ere, 11 ,.,y ., e 'I CIII III1IIl clI l"n .. 1 orglln meek Iy PUI I ~O" ' "I II P , I I lou mOSI • ~ IJ ~ I,.,.U (UI ml llrc "OI\1I11 .. l1d. tho II r pli.enllvr\ of 4ihpel'n' 1J: UIt ,I' fr o "I " 'If' ilo pIping Yulel! '''DUOg Lho "IlI gl"~ .nol d ~ellrl1l1"n ! . M) Olj/trhn : " 5 hllv ~ elm 10 lha bit') of 1\ mad dQg. A.Lb. ";'~1 Ou'leiDtjleWelt :~,tJ;ll~~~L8~'.,~,~:~~~':''t '\I,t.·. "lfl.!}""I · CI heen h l.!:I ld there ~Rlem mI ght Ihe , co8 l1y b '1!,,,m• ~' h " , Nu~ 64 w14 W,wllllglon at Ne" \ (Irk \V cll ilnl'c hoel1 in sc libed UI'OlltlU Itll cl~ft heKr l. 1 hI! l 0119 ,,~r <,on-. '1 '" ". ' 1>1 In IIIU 8 IC~ 1 prlu>c o( H,e L nn ! II to ro m lin l$ he ll Wllh t h" bt!Jl s en l\(l lllJ Iuppo.e, s nJH Goblill , th ft ~ \ L. o-:r GI\n U' n c.lI. Ind convlnef' ;~~Ir_ . _ __,~~"'-" - , - ~ V91tllls But Lhc fllthel nnd motbcl p~",fol AlllllrH!!'" deIL lh •• hll!1 ur" k,~" 1'hl o "'"' 11I 1 ~IILl "tI MI II fllir IVllrlllrll:ll o ( .~::ud o,,~ o r WIl 'IIU t. l'WOl f IIGtulllly l ~~ bru k would cure Ih e 1)11'$ : • , ~.!.!~ el Ih. _It ,B.C~~T.'" V~D "1 who htld " hal eel thRt home wer e now hu he~llh th~ s t'IIl11 on 114,r f~dlno' ! Ih', " "!:Iu 110 11 IfI IE: lh!(o 11 I conr,:rrg ," lon 1,han nno lilll.b l" WI '. Ilu,' RlHll;fll ln _ __ a , I ~ '1". lJabbttl'a BtaT Yeut Powder alccplng jloncel lllly ill t.he Chill ell I \I "" mueh Lilt, col,1 C'I 1~I . m 111Ill on~ , d lRI ~hcS mu. t now mak e 1111 11 oh ClIce et! III Imllnll u'l or l;"'e w uo , l ~ '1'''0 1:7 Why are .heep Iho m~ l G" 1her , LiJ;hI Dloeu,L. or R lI~ kllId of CII"~ nUll ~I· I 'It' d , !lnll Annie orten wondel'e,l II p .{t O!!IOUS F} O>1"I\lII. Inl{ 1I11111O" V ll tl we (' n IlIl1l .. )( IIIIlI lillIe nr g"o - .wII unlntl. hs " I ) ~ l lu w 1'''''' ITt A I~lI 10 \" 0 u til li and unforluq"lIl oC "Dlmllb ?RQ BIN 80 N '8 .nUlde WIth. th'3 Yeo" p" .. d~r IU I;, In ui~~· ~ht'Y weICl unmI ndfu l o t th e d n r:', II,,, ~ ,urrou\( \t,t! lIer m ll,e 01 I"u In nn ll rur~Hr I . I'lil OUl I h" u rr( ol1 IIr Ic".IO of borl .. 1 001 hllY U rtOhlle~o IIn,1 1J e r fllltle they gambol III Ibt' ir youth. 1 ((; I:'io .ho rleulllg rC(lul red "'h~o "weet nu 18 eluurlJ Itfe shc" (\Sloatllllg In <i:1I k llae "I~ol, gloftl cllel" io "llIel, h( r I IJ.e mil I' The orll'lll 10111 ' ~mlllll ] I\uty un" clI l" 'hl', lIlI cl II e re Ich o r rr' queD~ Ibe t~ r (. aD~ a{~ . alway. r , . 1llK';09 M So 74 WA5hiugton" • New York bOlil S she had often felt liD ullseen home hILI ,,~ .. ,.. 1 c" n~1 un~'IIRIo:r,:~ 1,, " ,1. bun::: KJ I IOnoe.1l1 IfIlle urtr 'In. p~gm., n l. ' ,1011 ml o n I) rl'~r" L CIHlnl'C- tlt <ot'd. ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 will sond " ..mple pootalle freo b. )rescnce-n something t!tn' hnoy 'ct »11), bilL aloe DIU I hhyt ,~ n Will il,,1 be 1'"1 ou t 01 dl . con e" rle,1 I~d whh lh u \t OI\S1l to. I h"1 I Will pe r U }.lllny II glr~ Il,h\l do. ~ ~. ~ .~ ~ ~ man 00 receijllof 1$ oenlS to P"~ Jlll"Bge I od co m'ol te(T lind she Itoe". ItcullIC \\,ullnlle.t If s he hCR,,1 ~he CDII' "t3 .n""r· \"111 .uoh Pl ll llKl'2),lhl l wna o r bllt! mAn u~d~lI by , th ti \I'P( u e l1ll1ltonS or me nullIIng "iLlIOu~ " \11\~blln , nn d w11.U or / , ' . --.:- :;---~. - - . - - . ~rom the SI)i;'i~ IIlQd j ond ill irl!r III Ihe 'hOIl, e keepl.ltllll'nd fll"",ly ""Y n~,..-XdJua ToreM/plil c)tn n IC&lu U.D nnv 111\10\ I\~ all. _hilleL. OIIe fitlds ~t\1, can do IlO\biOi R,-VOLVIY(} PICrUllS8; 1heart sho heltevcd it Willi the8phi~ erll mellt o f a Wrlb:~r:r:IDB:;t ,,~~. \ - -- . . _ _ .... .-" "ilb him. '. ~... L • _ !.~, Ie . ' " '. . . . 1'11&8... -11 bit . . . \Mo' By Ihe kill or pound. 01 I '''fnnlt'd or her IQ,ve<i ooeB sho Stlt WQwb "rc riC. m :1 irorld" ben ll Tlte' BtoloMPOTl (IoltA) 6 1"nlll Bay. \ . 07 One of Jo. b I3I111ng« mUlml 00 Whit '%",.lIle be;• 0IMt.~.. opeDlq the AlltIIa. .. ' bn*hIF, lor ••111 b, E._~. PRI NT7-, mg the &tara 'bat n1g~t, 8b~~o~~r. ~~e bl:"ill". And nery I\ir W~ Ihllt Ibe ,fnrgllJllt In Lhllt vllI"lte ha t Rill! ",11. w?r" hllird. lind !.:~e~g-=WII IW=:"t P,r ' 1l1L 1\", ' \I'eoti\U ,i..... -.\ aM ~nt&l article ror tile \ . . . . - - ed and aeke!l why _h~llg5 In"', ueen I'" • r I otd ower lllrtle buadrtd glll\on. of wha~ yoo c lln \." • I!IV~ n". I ; ' , " lQ. C . T;:I~ ,.leFu,t lIolIdA, o. Birth 'l'be 010" •• M." ....I""_&h thus with ber, but the IlDSwel' came ,o~e t~rtut.~ ' rl~ :,~ ~bltl&, ill 'wo mOQlh,. Whll~ 1\ I;c:\11 "n" Ir ) It doo'~ die filCh. aDd ,o.t().~h.~' Th. "fm mu "~~I' lJ"" ed dl,. PteIiMl EY • ..,.bcidy will""" - , \he _Thf'rtror. the lIer,uu•• ft4I deblhlBk b k ' thou knowellt not len"blh~t". t l . n. /~ " I l 4,vII 7" IDftl"1t \IDa rQJ ~!I.'ifl' \ ~~ ~ , ,, , ~ ~.~i·8'L.!·::UqJ ~~ORl'J. 1.1".nld hllm"I.~tlly uae - lIelmWd':, I!OZ- II~~' bllt. Lho\\ eh,dt \tIlO" herl'aflcI' p~"ce, . \q,,~ 01" . . . .t t e v i7 V/lct B I/IJIt.u.. ' Dee. 18.l~ , .,." ()






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er au • I pDpu 'a r .. od .. Ir,ant ma./tllllOe I 1"1 hDld .. u Df Ibe '-~III1'} ~1I111" I II R-II INO BY& \ i ")'1 Will ' C w.. b,,'d III IIIII.d"lphlll 4,n 1 II!I) ID .,... o\d t \ 8 • NEW-YO R.K ,..,.."..~ A beaaulul all•., I Ilnr ra v ng. II I I I"/I;~":' II I " ~ 1\'6 II C (I'pon of" ean Qlll l helllll .11" Iha\ for , can J"'~rl 1"'11"1,,,0 Ih .. r lchr ..' ",lal", ... ,1 • aTON "4TIl5I1VILLE, DlllO Flv."r' In 1"0 \\0041,' II ~pl"od .. cI ~I':ClllJ c:m~il~ .. e"~" (J,II;".I b) MI\\ "T C ll""lIIt,.r~(/N4(IJI)lruri II \I n I I' b' U\\U'41IO l Na'IIrl! hOll -b~~III .. 11 ~ - - - . . . . . AND RaW IlNGLAlfDrn...... I ~ -------~~ - - mllDlm tl lh c"l()r~d (Roillon plhll', "llh .tMI~llaAI clllurm!: aL I',e 1,,1 lIn pM,.ml by HOJ r\l"d III Ihe C\llllll.y·- Ihe 111.1, 11111 th" .ulle~u O[Llu.<I'111 tll~lv· ~ .&:lL ~ , THI~ II II I' I" -_aOfq ,,-• • ""D.a~,MAV U, .861'. " I r ,"" ~ ~ .. 1 h I I tlllddy pllPII c' ''I'errell UpUl1 ~r~y, tI'u nu, 1I1f, u. ~ .n " ••~I '\1\ t" I'!!'''''!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''"'~!!!!'".!''"':-:--:::-_''' Ih I: 1j~"'~8 : " cuI >rI1t jl81 1Hn or " nUIiI llIoe\log (01 Ih" purpn<e 01 Illve~ 1 1 I Irltverse. I .. TIC 1 r,IH I I t.l e vr '~I .ble .«eMI I •• 1\1., _ .... ___ r.Oll l E"M . BIt.lIoDr', RaT URIC -Mr, O"orlle Ill blicco pou c h, mId IIlJnuL fifl} . ,,041 ","ling Ihe' PIIIDIlIl_lIIen • (;uII,htlun ' I I"I " J 01 81"(1", Ie IJA' It 1':. ..-aI. . . "I ,. Ih ' fl" II li 'lI\lIce~ pohc\ elC III 11' <1 CI'flllOIR l' ry 1111111 10 Ih .. rOD c I 0 r .. r~ U ) i ' .1 ..l ..... a_.... ~. lO·t.. • Fubody "lied f r L I\ I'rp(lol. In e .. n!;llInng~ v ,rce~p •• u/)not' I ~, co 'u \ 'r: . . b I I (I I ," WIlli II~ 111r ri cL connt IluUS I \V lilt Illp c"l"r .. Imp~rl. III I''', ",''' 01.... •"""" 11 • .;..,,, ~.II , f I. b h' 11" 0 be rut', III'" \' 111 t CI \ I 16 II f in 1'1 .. ' • , I 11 • • .m~r S,,'lIIA. on \\'edo SlI~y, ILe 10, "nlf ~ulTs, oh lldrfn ali ... ,otl~ . A) ~ 1 " I I I k ur III ~ Iii, 1111 W\'~I.«II tlnd 1!:"""' ln LIII~8 1\ ,,'I .I1[1II1'klo II'" tI",'\,lt ll l' \ n' ')'" \ IWO • 2:( tb 97' 11110_ t u • [ ho lr,..t o.; " LIA I e I r"rr"~l'n l "11111 u 116' ur ~, I II I cl II I (HI 1'1\ lOttO u Intt h \In " compleled , ml slon of 6111'~ l.ijll PllllltI ~ tnl.roll! n ~DI 'nhg · lo .. d "ver CUIIVIII .. J 'I'h< "n lllll"" 1",1 111_ b) rllr lit .. III U t"" fII U r . IJlIl ~I," nrp N ~ \ I. .pplirll bl'~' 1 I Iii"" 1ll,lIf',rlll IIIV 0111 t'rlell.l~ ."d , All __ , -I ,.1r!lte: , " I '} ' I [ II"H I\(ootn,U " ... ,r ",I I!, r" U'K, n ' , I d I Ir... on .-.. I •• Noe, lIlculle 10 bit nalh'e Ii~oll willc I cnp, ,~ u . , '0 hll IIl .. rary conI pi e OIlL: llll1l ed Ill " .plllt of hV.lllt l) Iv Ihl I"r "\'\ ,,.~ . I i P""S!: .. I rt! I H 1"lrf •• N. tI~:'w ",1 /' 1ft I" .. 1 .,11 "I I II loll, ¥I' ll I a - rr~lllI "'".~t' 11. Jl"",, ' \ I r p KrKK 1J1t'''ln . I r ,.)1 / I chu8 ""' It. Uull" 0 • ,,~~ 01(:..... 1 h~. fel\' pllrAlI~le iD tbe "Islorr o( OUr \ UlOlIU laln Iha IJIt;h chMrllcte r Q L QHIII~ g. m"ld " IIIH1I1S " " II' "I ' K, I 1-- • .I. , PI"Vi:!ii - - - .' ',!I Ille v I ' • , tr u/, 11\1 ~1 1 .r AI",I ~ ~ I 7,' \"1 'r. f "n r It ''1'1 L '1'he r"I'OfL " hlc h ""SmMJ ... 1I(1~(l\ \ l:r."' ~ VC[~ Cluurlr oU', ,I I! '111)( 'IU (;Ol\SlJi'1 ',I T ~) In ~ ".'".. 1..111 ". "'!~II' I C~ 11 IS.O rare Ii> 8~e II nlHO 0 \ 8\1" I M~llo w~r II ' "l}, III 00 nlfl ¥llhOIO Il 'h /CU.lslI'U 11I1I!l1n \ It~tl!t,. , l1 uu .. ng th" J.ll le fir" ,I HI II\ Il.II) · I IJ r~ r I ;;:~" I .n" 1\.1 ... , 1" 1 ' 1r1W." Dl NIURK ": ~'u\,';;~ "I". wealcb dlSlrlbutlDg hiS mO lll'Y wlll la J ,,,rrn py ,' 18 filii h~,1 Mn, Ann II n 01 f!lUf :'I!C~8' dllrnill'" "r 6dllcell ' &up'lb Und", II ble lilltl.ffiQIIIII 1111,11 I 1 '~I '" < I •.' I ~ i l l" n~Ot·06 8 '~.1"117 .:'°.&.. It. :\ . ... \ O,jIIlIIl~I IJlI'UIIiUllh.~,C'A ... I 'J d . I l Jth e l 't ,. I\h IIMt,,, "''''''0 ,)" \ tI\ ~U V" U1Iv :11."£:'1.". iJ'~" f"It f !ivlUjf,lhaLllUoh princely g ill, so )11 l ::'l"l'h.115· fll_CIUIIIIOIlII O\e I ut, ' .. Arrlf I'rllf<>unlf ~" " aLII'1I II • .xll! bll ~ Hll 11Ig'IIHIII 1,, \I ' e ,~ . lie \I ~ 1'4 " " .lIlf itll. I\!( .u{f" ... U Ilr, ••• " YIII".~"h ~". ,J"I) .. ' .... I :'1l".,~",) 6oooa ..... 11i UIOIOUlly mnd e though primarily for Il) M,.IHl.e ' I'; co n llllll t'd A CllP IIIII , fu lly Ih .. \l1I~lr. "I <1111 cntnl'" II I "lid IIHIIIII I .t lbllUclilln-- ,hi' _1\,.(0 IIf It .<1- • .., I I , II .. " ,n 0",1 Ih.t il , •• ,1 ,1".11"' " II,n Itl0 'OO 1\ III, ,," I'U;'" ,~'''''' ' I I J I r I. ( "'1 I 10· l III lht cOUll I) " . , ,~ ., \v· ' b' I .1 I hl' \. It \V\ N I I "-I118111, · " I .. HII I urlll,' • • 'Ib" '1 11", II t p ral good of Ilia fellow m en Arll"'~ un '1'\10 L.. Wi of Croqlllll,' I- "hI!" S II III IU ' lin . AO I pi N·p. r" " I . U' I U~ · n~ v I 1t " N I t "'''' ' 1'" ,, "-11 ~II'"'''' 10 "".k" ~'IO \t" 10 ~"r t-lprlJllI "" . 01 I n \ .' Jr . . . MRII (rool Bu tY I ,," 'Ii ~ I HI em 0 d' d t d I I I f I h r \ 11. }'"'11I1I4I1 tI XII"ltlIW II ' '' l lhts''"181 I "\rll I , 1l '" I1/( t el N,IV YOlk or 1 ~ h .. ,.l 1 ... ull"'''''''''''. '' '''"'r ur. ' "lid K&::." l' URANU::; u l N"",Yo,kaI 7tIOAM U ""d~,,, ... d ewer'fe lhlll Dllrallon an gr(lil u ~ o ,nolH' lOollllll' IJn,~ l UI lIum • •" "I:I UIIII' .h'lr"huld'l' Th ", eIlUlIllI , EIIgllO"J wlllcOI) AuIILh."clIllIr,"l"O 1.. . 11" " . •1. .... '1 ".,,,11 •• ,,1""1 ""( : I. 1... :lII.,III. I..... UTNINQ IlU "vcry pllllBlllhroplo beart. Mr Ptll ' '1'111. '" ft !loud IIID' 'I! suh~crlbe , f,u H I~e "0111 ...11 y HOU r,, \1) rnJ ur'" I h~ I' 01 II llu" . 1. by IKIII"" 11,,1 r .. u l", ~1I11 li ll v- llor ,,, rel' ''I'I,,,, "'0.1 (f ••• ,,( eh_'Ktl wilh I"" AUF A CUR E 8'''11' ".'~ .... ,11 ~l I SU'"I. . . .1I~::abody 'l donaLlona to YUI ,' US dur I llc W b"giDS 1\ lilt J ul y, Ih o ug h \t cy (If IIII' .. n I IlIclud In" III te .. I.1f 0' c l Il, W11I1l'do .. lll!t ' " r, I 10'" r " I ' .p. "IIi{ .,llIoh I II •• I C T I Y 1; 1 ,.. r. < :r:'17 ;SII' M, I I 1 r rII. t' '~"'( III III Ii C lIV vLI ' • ii' , d N \ ' ... 1...., n~ u~ S bll 10JOUro IU tb l. couDlry I IImvunt bR ck numbt:n (rum J III\Ul\t Y Ul~) 1\ ~o 1"'!: lis elWt 1~1H OJ Sl, Ill' IH , __ _ _ ,,,II 111111 II "U III.' ( UIt I:: 101 ' I >,,·.. ml" IU011 " . .., lr I lIb " I ,,,, '''"' C. I" . ... "'~"I 7 00 0\11 \ I 11 f d II bId f b iJ I • C4 11I1t& w.lIeh 1110 ,r ~lIh.r Lo tI,,· I'~ nll --'~,-.:."" ~., I" I\I\ 1I < I.. ch,lo, C""II"o, (,,1.1.,1111 1 ' Alld i'\le~Q ( ~" , II13.·,M.N.VORK NIOIITI£X" ' ollj;,era ml lOD aO 0 ars 8 In I IU be n ,,8\\ 'sIUlCIJInIl1 II ,)I~ II ll1rUHd fVlllt l"OIl I\llll uJ'pel: :DWh',1 L allY wo u ld "e nr (.. I-e I h"'. I .",' lu ,,~ A n, 1111' flo. """ 0"1" 1 <;"1 l ~ I ![U"llJUI'S'kllrk.I"'''lr(l''''I.'",<.~L~1lIIt PhTl: R u~·. \ " , I I t II tl of I ,, 1" 1' " • a"'.lI ell I'M 0,:"1"·"1 l111\ II lirsl ul II e 'elll '" I , I 1I Irllnl oilOillOIl "r Lilr ull IO h Iru ighl 1, .. lr "'CIII ", " If ll, l\ It! 011 A) , 1,1.. ""1 " ,",.\,,,1" '/1 1 ,, 1·... 1111'''1011'' I'~ l"ul' lu rll n9 ~Q "'i~ '!'U& edItor oftbe Hlgblllllil Ncw'lolhec: h tnptllOfa ll llle nl oll lhb t S ) I ,I II I II " I UII~D.\II"r bll,," 11 ";"c llr" "'I IIllIcl e I I "1~.,,,' . II1I1",I I,,,,I.l' ,.", r,, •• •,,'" • ... , lll ~.wYI •• k.1 12f., ~pl!JoII)."; WII Hl Ul ur~. 11I e: }1I 1 \ ' r I ill f\e l' ••d d.~ thul makes Il nule ur Fretl Doug'l\sa Tv 'Ingl~ suhacrlbere II II but l'.: 'l,OO 1\ \ l'h~ curnIDII'ilc o\I ' llIg fll ily '~II>lit(\ I\\'~t ~\\ 0 h~ hll'~ lOCUli III ,,""IVY .. 1", 10 I.. " , ... ' I•• ' ", I" i" •• lu ,.III, ",,01 h. r;~.~u~, ft~'d ~":;' •• uri:~:, "eDl Sit.","", Hellafine. lDte\hgent. \CO\UDi .&th \ ... tU }t\a '8006,ot;O It:s.rt 6t' Dl_) h l lltt ,uo., p'"'''''''' ' " t'u,-:''' ''' 1' 0 I', t.t \t"'ullr ,. r"ll1\n I,!lirt .Hlh ,, · .1 a" DII aboul DO ea,. of 8 B, well J ' , I' ' I. tI~ Ir elti, It'ney fur S<1l 1l1l1l1; ,0mp~1I1IV' I J I 1o, ~ nl,l IIIJ"I~ Ih e "11<. hili I'n ,.. II , i " Ih r "" ,, 1I1"~, 111111 1113\ I r, It" ',I.,. I'~O . ~f. , Y Y bg 1"' "" ftft ...KIn copy 10 diu loel so n gil IA II Ir ~RI,,\! I,. II., 0111111110101 "1 111' ,, NIHI"" \ "IIII.r8 II "10". ~I" .. \ I or<OII· " , hll):" Ih. I""" I ' " n )II E~, ,! • • \ . ~ ~ U.l'0~ , drel ied,o ndgeDtle manlYIQ II m 80' I II IIIlU } lhbClub Add,!!". U J , l'ule r IrIl I , Ie , PI I III i Ii ' ,," lh ~ . llh(ul I I I .qIlHII\ Im Olle l." ,. h:!r'"'' ",I ",111,1",0.,1.1,0." I An PlIo",III".i,,,, 01 "lIlrh ne nnol hi dr •• I ' ners , 1111 color II mulBtlo, but IU 5 sun 3" 3 C lwAi nUl I Ph IIAtI " II ,IIIIl 1111<I UI~ U Ii II ~, e ' 11 I " 'I I 1"1 ., ' ''' i ll' eu I In J! "It' h 'lII (II II ,,' 11 111J.hlll " ' J( 1 U.. t U~\ A 110 ,\ \I H,~O.", • ' " ~I.. ".r I It .. "'O~ ' " dlldIUU~, bOlh In qual· f eatures rOie roble tboBe o( Ih e IDdlRn l ' ' - • .. Ill) till' pro I II) I I. • \I\lI~ " ' ~r< 1" ~h ~ . 1 1 11 11~.1l !'i1l~T1' & t'o CI II' 1Il \~ , '1, • • .,u.;: I\III~ ' C'" .'. \ utk tI ' )' Jllltl PRi CE' I ~ Ihl> QUDl VJl ny n. CHillI'''''' WII I I I . , ' I \1' I I m ore thao Ibe n6l(ro. He h nl a firm. ~ 1 ho HCthl 'Rtll"l'l »ke In ?vi.. ", ro 1f"ln~ ' p l m hll \\ " II rnIlIW~III1)! lilO, 0 1 I, ,). N 1, III ~g' nl~ 1M \ t I I. E. KEY S. well cu t moulb, ralber thin IIpl, .uun IUI 8 llIor. 6~Vere IH Ora" on H uh , 811""18 III , ,, recoll1n'tll. I, d "" I!1CI~ "" I \ ~ . ,, 11) , I In 0 S Ut H • ." r I j I k ·1 ~. e III." ('""I III 110,111" r e' l IImll UCHU 01' 1'"811\' Ih e ~oj!erf, OU.". IIIll1n Dose aDd blg b cheek bonu . The o unly IllIm al IIII) olher Vlacl! _ , lI ClIpllll '" t xl"I" l" WII ' II l1u u.~ B , (1JIn ~u uf Ih e CO llJp"nv - - --1 I d f I he W"' ,,~,vl lI", April 16 18G7. , oDly de(aded AfnclD eattlre \I 1118 :;.HfI.1 clllmnr}B loppl. d o~.r. guoda '}'I I x 10,'1 1 "ra ll llll" 'I hr. " "f our IrH cl e r < "",, 111',,11 • a I f. t- .. I ' lI'e lur '" II<C- " • • 11 I" "pn, I S e eel" I K .. " I( \ HI /I K J (' ,,1 [J,(lP'V ~ I Ilalr , wluohlscoRrse,flllll),BDdltrell f"l1 (rolD shdv I' nil' plll' l. nn g ",'IB l4'lh ~ 81(,ck h uld o r8, RII, I " w" , nd"r" . t1 RII}lhlnlollll II., ""y of (; • • II1."~f\ or ""t( "',,' , ,1 1, 1, ' r ' I "g -d -ILb grny lIe lotormed U8 lba l J I ["I~- "Irelill " OUt ' W,,8 I I UII. I A"Ir.I.R WO III II <I" .... \1.0 Jlkl,nn' n ,al,lItu. fWI/lle C()/fI/,llIorlt.. ( .. /1101 - ,.. "'0 ... ~" . j1 rr" • 01'111. v"' . \I II I 4: nllrll III1 Kr llnll y '~ " \ [J I II r\' he "ou\d \ri BIl OhiO ngalll. to attsnd 10 ~tUIUO III Ihe II m r. lJUt wllllrSsc8, H,e'oI UlI nIl8 "tHfi V"., .. d C(lmllllnll'lI I ~C Ih~ ~ I n~ u~, B1<11 UJ.:R • lI uns & i) . • t II I 1/ D.-'~ ~ the CDlored Alen'" CODvenllon al Co l. 1 I d .~ d b lID!! lil t vm~or. rur tll~lf IIbll ll)' 1111<1 1 11 0 \ N 1 III~) Ilr~ Ihl' 0,, 11 Ag " l1 tR n lld .11 dlfte1~p, II Ili p ~~ tt: .... :;.... L~ 1/ JurJm ~ n. tlW,)trA lin e \tr)uo y ., d I III An"'le~ rOI .OM III ,.f Ih. m,,·t ,~I I VIlINA IIY OI\O " K~, t:r ....... u mbuloD the IOlh of Juoe. Ihe dAY /c Hme dtmof AllZed, Il l,d B tiulOlpt du w"s Ii ___ _ . _- - - - Fr t"r. " Mnd Ii: ,yll&h '1' .. 111'1 Artl I wlll'lher.lI ." "!! III l!!?";l t-t beforeth., U ni on Shlle Connohon. alld the c:onseqll.m'll S 'lmlO d own l ch·. li nd I', rp " ffttlli ll. 'h al Ale .. d , llAL£ on fEIJ.<tLE, • • ;::;' . di U C n I I 011 \ \ I t I I frulIl wltntpwi r ~ qll4 + tI'J~II ..t l 11 '" rt ld n ', I -< c;:: 0 ... I" " ~ thallr i nnt. by lIe nron 81111e om 5t"l r., while 011" ' r8 " o r., III/Able 10 gtl l tlllllnnd ff\ \ olllc pCIIOt"~'lJ CO III CS to h) Iht ,111111"." I ~ • "l " I) IIInllo' u l HOW LONn l>l1'A~nING c~~ .. 'lee be would prohably I pMsk II ' l o r " hrloll\lf) an d rn " k ~ "IUIlC IH Ih ~ 1f p. r 1 mi. , I down ilL III. Ill' m ll n J umped OUI 0 li S "Ith 11 11 t h e fl cs lllle s::I nll (1 rl:\ \) .f' ".~ r Ih rs" r~'l" "" t"e 0 -!': 1 1 LllIIStetedllrlllilhecomlngcanvaea \ l\lecoo.l,slorywlllduw. bUL IlI lIIe g l nn ce of theJ"ne l oses It I J" t ·· II , 1I11<'lr""I"1I'1I 1 I " ,.tl i 1\ VcllllitOien III anll ler nllll r, llu, O(llI.UIII "IIII n IIr III hili V 1Il1l} ~ " 11 Tal L e bRDoD Stllr aaf': C~Pt~ 11I 1 uDburl (lioles \"llt C \(~ I\ l!l!HH' Ulld \l C III C ~\l1 1l1t1l1 ' ell<u~ Our I I•• " 0 1101 111.",,1 nru .lIp ~. C td • George PalitTlOn , o f tlul vlclnlly, IS Iflr S llir Ihll \ nnt 8111 thot fJlld It th e \ H" MI _')' 111 . 811d porl ed rr'l lIl lh " I\'l lh.. :!.. :- ,::t!!, Ir: Itlll .utr.. llng from Ihe effect of fiye • I; b 1\11 11 pCII s,liJl o COIllP:1l11ull of th e ll UUlII K",!! M I\ ~\lzlI" I. n "ftlrllllll' CIII"p" nHealth and Happtneu 1 "5C -"!~' .- , tI.... I ;,. '" ndlreCljlVcdlD battle d rin' lhe fulI uwlng , F.ZIII C udwIIIIIlJI' 1 IIlId.A I WOl klllr, n \\ ell .IS thr ll l e l" " , e lu uI IIHu,y ti,,~,~~ The (Jld 811111 Ihp l lllld III U III I'q. le nIV" ", 'I'~"". Up"" Q ~ ~ ~ . . . ~ .... ,..OU II g ner C"dwaIlIlJ.r b ro lh.ra hVII\g n"" 1 e ' \ " Ull r, Iht: 1O"II,rulll"" Ihe fe.I,II .. , "II Joe prurnpl ,,~e 01 • ' ('iI" b) r'IIl "" I ~. ~W DC. ebllrge UpUD Fon Wagner. July 18lh, ' I h011l S rt~ \ Il ll Ctl contenls () lIlltIIl C(l I blld IIIIIl lPr I"r ,,1<'"" 111 . "IlII~l'fllllll l ll\.e HeIm b o Id ' E"'e" t' B Ich n r "" ..e ~_. · ~o '~",.. _' Bln or.\le<tl'r 01,11, wprtl butn II .. srHOI ' · . .. I .. ~ "r ~ 1363. HIl wal wouniled by II plt'C~ 01 . , nlm ost C\ CII tOPI O of IlIh' I!'s t III th e 'llflll-nh,.)8 lome tllllll! I" .hrp, I h~ I E ~I I J d I I ii prt!, r 1.1 ;;~ ' ~/ z tbolliDthert 17btle, ID Ibe le fl Rrlll l dIlJ.blllhmu.ln",IIOIO tI'll c omp" ") p"dUI.kltchen,tuHl nllI R!' I.I , whtl l! ll "n~,jrll.,.llwnrl,rthl'.tt Ih ll wpnrlpJ '" III.! e';I: 1",10 U tlw.,~ " yen r-, ft , ;: ~-'1 . . . . . . ... K· -00 E 17.h 0 V I-lhe lam" t l R Y . n lld IlIfIIl.h ple .. 11I 1 .n.1 lIIal'UeIlV ! I~I' 'J. T . . . . . . . . . . -.-w. ~ -, lI,a 1II1Di. ball. ID the left b,p b, a I b b ' • ~. d I b L I CI' k Its se n Sible tone lIud the 1I11101lllt of l " '118 10. Il, e '.0111, fi'P8ll1e E~'nr ".llIl1y \'9 R, ,·•• I: .y New Y",k' ;;~-;,~-~ - " I;. - 118 ..... • 1 01 ""OUDu,, al I I . all,., 0 IIC I I ' ," ' "". , .:::!l' f.>.o ""'IIIJ pie.. 01 Ihell. ID tbe head bl I callit \ nlllnbl e IOfol' mlltton rllllll~ 1(,' • not l , hou l., IIIk" I. Spl(,lIdld p"ze. ft.018PIII 1io10 • fII lh 101 h . tre .. I, PI"l .. delplllo, I'd ~ Ie, sbo' IlIyrng Op~D lue ICII\p, and "Dl"u~a, Ihe ume dllY. bUlh lIIu ' t ll re'll to s penk o f th e monO \.llI e o f Its 110 AI/tlnlll r~ '*!"I~ 0' III b8 FIIlJlldhA~tll l "l .. m AI.I.l:O(.,,,,.ipo.lot·,, PI,M"TI!I"f~ I ~ ~~.. ..... " .. oul of lite s,,'Vlce Ih., 8ftm e d BY , b ul' I ' mlll,l , v 81 ... I !'tlr ""D1I1" ,. 'f".' , _, ~ ~ . .. \lIlly b,lue butt or a muske l upo n d I ( I exce ll ent plltll'III~, H'ndOI It n c~rl tll l l "u",e Amu 8P BlclI l. 78 N ••• llu ::;1 ,N '\ II " I' N \ t 189-1 S -.. , mN 0 "PI' leM IIUII or pep.1008 I Ie lI"m e " I I li T """ " "II, \IV • tbe leel Iide or the ueAd, tbe blo w be d" I d I 111\ cstmcnt of 8 .. , Wit 10llt t Ie pi e m M r.."r~ 'I'll'" ALLGOI K &. Col -PI~ .. p ---- . -- , • .... J ~ IT D8110 IIn , b ern I t! \ CA8,ed Oil I ~~I"I Wllh 111 .1,1\' ,111 . 1" ~ lv" Il"l':~ n All Ing received wlllie mounting thl' brell&" '1Ja\ an uu l I r~C t lVt l ,t! Illme aOlouol lUll) \~hll h 18 se llt 11)1 e \ CI) y..:ncl.I Io.~ worb. He , clrrled from Ihe 1i~11I 1 of pt"~lun I h ., SR m. day. s lILse tiptlO1I b III. IJvrllce (" el'lt'y Roll Aug UslO ' Click's P"r .u: 1'1•• IPr. 0", d4dy ~x· ~ I - - - - - .~ _ I II 1 \ I,prlPncl' cUlltino. Ih rlr "'/1 ' ''11' " '" rll by btl gnlllM comrndes of Ihe 46lh I I 'rhe MUUlmlD' up orel.ho M~ xI Iv,t lt.l &. HOIflTlttun cncoll ll1<rcrl h\ , 8c I~ '1r" liS "lr~lItl!. I Cp!lP " Ct' AI ,II " 1I,'"I\~"1 III "rlllll!! n I to} , , ' Ne" York, IDd wae compelled to lI)e l !; n • I 'd I - --111"" "np'le~ (ur 11"" . . . I"" h" elllll " u iP- II , VIII r il lI'er~ d Inl , u~ ppr"'1p: ii ellr h h . II 1 leaD tlllU!lllUU If, lhal M Rxlffillrftn IIlId th ' SlIecCS" 0 1 tlll' lI Il uIIse IIlIl h I rr::rItlA "HOOD AND l'Ol' I'Uf'l'f., 1OIe llllll III - .hl1' t .. r rnncillll P' ) ' ",,1 hUlh I ' g 't: Pit, IDle olplta Of mllny mont 1.. \ Ihe E mpue lire U\lt rly '1'1 1I~ed,' Ih ,,, tlO ll , nn(l hy tbe t!1f"lt'p I OdIl CC4~ h\ l' lCOR n~e Ie allied by He/milo'd', £,1; ' h .. lo g. " r.. k I', """." HVe" y IlIlU,,,1 ~ th!! a nlln,o llll comcnt 01 tlll'lI RII (!I \ t t B h J'f. .lId IV"" (u, n".,ly " VIlM' ~ " cf... I, hel o· 1 111 ' '''1' q, ... ~ -dv·lce. . , lI,\\ c <l c t c rnlll\cll tl) ",e v-J SaiL Lake q . 10 tb e fln L\I \ O Ilf gll" a m He II J Vl'l1 tuler • ao d SIde E, tlttlOIl _ __UC _U _ __ _ _ _ _ I ~II' Til l" IIIMII ft)lI l1t.i ,,, 11 .. 1 VP',' 10"" lu Illr. r n ~hD )" hl" rUf 1,_ .alt. tbe parLlcQlan of a Ihockln g IlhllL wheo JUllr •• OIlCIIPI~S Ih e Cu y 01 \)\l h I15I1, 1I11l1ultl\l\l'O llilh, ~e" ~."'.ry"."!P' .he np"W''' oI,," "I" pl" oler 10 hI· e ra lly Ih . 1 IlifO ,8tl! urtlii'uI'11 D)AI_.aor. ne8 r GI .. a"<lolI, In z:5",ero l MU.hU, Idln Ule r tillmp0l!1I Will Willi " l tci. tlll o th e r n ew cl1l1 cun 0 1 the A L~.ge6pp Olrcular, gl mlg IIlforulalioll Bpllle ITo w . . .OU I, rMbl.J to IlI ri :l.' ,uld lutend ' II k..rp Valle, A maD and hi. 111'0 dllUghlCfI upon Ilim \Vllh hi. oredtntl!,I ~. lind WOI ks 01 C h u rl. ,!! Dlt\{c n s, whi c h , ol lhe gren,c-t 1I11l'orlnu~e to Iho lilUliK ol l "nol ,'OIY I". '1111'," ' " ft~ we1~ ~~, PVI't, ,(' ~1I1~ ' ,: ("II ~~~"rllllr'11 1 r 11-11 KIlIlh ' or ' •• I' \\ IHl c extern a l" It s h l1 l1 h e II 0 1th \ bOlh 'C IC ' It IClIchc. ho\\ \.h. hUlllc'" lUI" I II oulJ c l,e.'r U ) fl")" , 'fI"! .. r It 81 111:'" u , aKGd 'lipecltvelv 15 and 16 yurs thu. reeognlzP Ihe MHlcnn R~pub I, f tl ., 's t l I II t 1'1 •• I~r" Ih ~y 1111 11'0 lIul btl h .. 1 01" In\\· 1 ~S db ' - _ _ • 0 len 01 1{1\l U II IU n, S I'1 n l be co mcbel llllf\lltll tdo,pl s edr.8~tl,d,And l rr"te I.Ul 611fllrISl' d 11",1 8"'!:Pll n, , I , ~" ,~..,~ . were a&pture y a party 01 Iod".o., .h.lts~y .JUI!TICIO - The O1lm Von tho snm e tllDO he \\ Ith lll thl! I eac h 0 11 U, e f<) ...~k( 1I IOfl'd ;S o Inung I " h or gM d .. ,,'01 ," ok" II .e ...r Ih .. p lIerior, led "I.~ 8n" .. I ~ "'lIcl•• u~u dlJ kept III luch •• Jed by Blaok Hawk. A. blood'llmtity nil cla sses 'Vl t ll thi s II C\\ Lhel' l' OUUlll oll\, ul.1 {"llO 8und Ihelr ~ddrc •• auJ 1 1~' .l1l Ihe rxr11J!t1l1 .. r 1\l l-ol~ .. h e l' ' h" I \~hl\l"nt,. I filnd , Tbe old mlln's brAin. "ele derbl\t, wh,ol With hIS wife, was III ",III puhh ~ h IlItm edll:te h : t he ?lOh~ l ec~ "o 1\ Oil' po~t plllf, b..-relurll nlllli I t1 ex,bllllY ,,"d olJh eil l\ lIll"U ore jl,p-ally " ' nUDLE\, & ''V001.L~Y . · beatea out with clube, bUl tbe fale dloted III New J erse) , some tUIIC a go, !'"htIOIl o f ll H.: I,C!IS;; " OIIeS, 111 13 1 :Addlc". I' 0 Dra"~r, 21 Tro ), I<l Y 1111 .,lvonr,p III .11" I hAr plo~l\!t' \\llll :L1o,~h 11, 1867 I II rOt chlbollclIl inhuman cl'lIclty to n 10IUIOC~. pII('c $ I ,.)Oi IH h lite , o i l ~416D1 I wille'. I Pili or'l" oi lll l'll. wl"l" Ih o I",r· ~-- -" G II E.' 'l' r h' d • 11 aug lte,. Will ell woree.- , 1I1111!S "Ill bc IGllIo III S l ~(, find p"nl I - - - - - - - - - - - - rU'ftIlUIIO ""lIh~r III Ih~1lI fl·lId ... i h " l11 , Atter .iolatiD( tlieir perlons, the lrl httl e g irl tho,} hnd taken flom fI p ub I'd on Iinc \JOI)C I , III irlll!l!, ~I cfll t,·,,1' BrRlldl·cth·s Pili" -Ollr Ill eorv Io!re8l1) .,,,,pr'or I" 1. 11 vl h~," lur urllln r~ . . . J f Lfttltl tJ llleu86, IAhplher 01 tlH~ f l l t ! u l 1 1 0 h " " ., 4ian, "r ut tbem 10 de.tll wuh eXlrema~ I 10 IllstltutlOn to lI\1se. p I elll1cd g UI I They Will \l lso bc ndoill c ri , v lth 1111 nlld h"w el_, tlll'fI!llment 01 lhp. 1,,11I1s ,u'lIh nl ,,~~". b I 1 I uu",III!! II I\'I pll\~I I ~, / . 1.. .... torture by IlIruI'in'" rough.k 011 d ty latel y , and w ere fin ed Hevelli yjit'f t h o lin e ell SI" Il S hy Unlit'\' I1 nd G il rheumollc p.,O.,,") p rll l~l\n '.. !! .,I UoIe lu. I ~ ve .. " Hcrll ll~" 1111 Illy :1000 \'\AT,CJ-jrjd"P~tellt LIJ~ur Mvve. , .. n e .. 661111111CIIII .h,," t,l III' kll"IVII • I II C l r II JlIDI'lliob Into Ibelr bowels, cllu l iDg a ,(ol/(lr$ I A mOl e ml se l flLle moc k e r) h c , t, \\ IlI l1h ,W(, I C \Jnbll~hctl III tlw "Vl' n dy. pp phl' c"m l, III I III ~, bl'II~, IIr whOl· J W Inll N8()~ III n !Ur ll ' , \I J"\,v,,IIIII , uIIIIII" pI', I ler· . I r' t'" t :I lJulI selw lJ J~tl l tlo n pver II/ri n >"ch loral dlden.a pilI. on, /Ire A R II I H N' 'c' \I IIII I! SIIVI'T Ut-nl,I I,,,IIy. ,\nd In mOl' bornhlCl dealh, 'fLelr bodies 0 JU s ICC Itt 110 on rccoll '0 men y 'PnOOFS' 0/ u ,h.",<lNe.! B'nle !!I' ''''~, '.jl 'e' I U" OI'l . e w or ... vl' r), r~"p"rt h'.I.el. ~B "·I IIIe r., To b l' "11" lOOD afterward fouod. U' Idlewild, lli d retlde nce of I he IIr \he bl,,,,,1 nnd hnwIll s , willeh QI~le'I" ~~I 'I d",I/l1: III• In 1111l Uuit!',1 • .,Id 11\ ~'IIIr\ r8 ell~h, ' bt'i"1f lell Ih.o U- Mr Anion P :Millel hns rc IlRANDRF.'ru·s PILI.S y 8 lft I. , I~.e" lu""r,', II~" Oo.l ur UI.OlI' ••Dlll rJ .i I o-:rTb I d d t tb t :\ f tl t t l t I f tl IlIle N P WI ' II~, IS olTerod lor IiIltl Jy COl "p.rl.,1I1 l ure I~XPE~IF.N()" nllli 40, KNOW Till' DElf'l'IIIIY. 1""eAe "ftlt h ~~ IIrl! ''''llIlIell by J.,ve l II n epeD en aDDounoOl 111 1 IrCl rom IC e( I O rin IlpOl 0 IC I.,u" 000 ctrllli cfttee UY 1111" I' FII ___ u t' frll in ')0 1\' 8 18, It.t' .1'lunl ~ t ,& iL "Ill Dot hereafler Le iD aoy 18Dae or IColumhu s MOllllng JOllruol, hl\\ lU g 8 BRANDRF.TH, 1I1ADAlu E. }O' 'l'UORIITOII, Ihe · 2rn' InBllulnClurrr bllllill t9 each. 1'hl , I ~r k degrel an Drglln of the Congregatioo solo bis illte l cst in the P [IPCI to (tJ- Th o o'lOlcrll 18 CR rf) Illg off m~n) , r 91r. 4w ElI!l llf h A\lJ rologi. I._ GI.lnuv.I" 11111 1"I w.. lf' hea Willi I'ur.: ....ecl at Il nal\kr upi alllll, bUl I weekly rehgioul jourolll, Mess r s Comly & Sm ilh The J OUI r""I'I" '" 'he I'" II C1)111 1 CIlI<o u l ~ ICllta - - - - 11' 0 1 cho'n~'r,,·I .11 wh I hll ~ "",II IIIOhelllh" l < ., I III I. ' lldull "li d nre IWtV ofter,,'!' al gUll III L eo ll nile hlllldl c d d ~ Rlh. oe ERRORS OF YOUTH \ ~CI~lIl1f1 u ('1"'''0< U( lh~ () Id \V", IJ. h •• ·1" h I'~'r .. m.. 'y lulY flll'JrI.'~. I hal bll abaDdolllbg Ibe dlscu!slon of doclrlDS nllll t! 1\ In e IInl\ 10}1I1 pOW'I , illld IS \ A ~ellilemllll willi ."ff~r ~ d 10' y"ore n'''Y lucu loll I,," ~"' '' HI 1\",1.,,", N Y. I'.... f·~. u eurtr~11'hntl kePI'" at. aDd creeds. 'fhe edllor lays: doing brave duty at the I';t.ltO (;:1 1" cu,ttd III vn. dll), r""" NI"V""J~ [)~b llll), P rt'IIl " ' II'P [)"'IIY MOIIJ1l11e 'I'h m ll tllll 1108,r •• ' . aue h IVI'I"I I "I/nlln ol _11m • E,,' ~Y wall'll IV~rnl1 'So mlDy men poalesa wone creed! Itol 1\lu) Its s u ccess La llllhllll t c,1 Z4T 'l'h~ QUe"n o f SpAin 1111. so ld , '11111 .lllhe .. ffO! r l8 ,,' yllll i II III I IIl1 h .. reo e.rul puw"'rll ~ec,, " .1 .'~ h', nl to 111111"" ru, ~ Ie rl. I'brlh>~,rllIl! lh em lellt and ,eI beLler cllaraole,. tbaD ourt lyes l _ _ __ •• _ _ _ nhllost 1111 h t'l JHHl~ 10 Lnnu un A llulI, Will, fllr Ih e of Allff. rllIR' hll kllowlerll!e u( I" .. gr" .1 1'11 ""porl.noll IV[ ") IIIl1d, 111\1 _ 1 en"I" ... 36 c .. plI t'x:ra to IMn l'y, ~1'1I.1 f. ee IQ 11/1 \\111> IlIeJ II, .he th o 51n!IIJ or 1114"11 d 01 I>1 ,hpr '/' l I llre l\tly p"~I'It(P.. -lI" n~Yt' ~II ~!'!l'rd II' a 'bal w. totally deep81l of forellng the Secft'tRry Sewafd fin,1s hllD.tll '1 !l i: I ~ JlIlUlonu Wlllch chulD blUII.;I'1 r~r. IJl e '"111 d' fI"' II ""S 10' milk"," Ihe .11" Wldl e III .01011, o( "nIlC", ~ ho rI"" Qu l e. II el l ~ol\ ll'~ lerler lltY be e Il" DIy rhll. ·1 ltd' I A u Ilurn p roper ly III R N"2>& 000 ,' pin ' 1" IIP.tly hy ~ hi." he w .. ,,;;e.t. S"I· Iho ~ery ' eO lll r(08 III Ih e p"'."u I IIU ore II. AdJrel¥ nil .",1",. III , , ,.. h 0 Ia wor1u IDto mora g oodneea I ax" .or II~ I. rlter." '8hlnll lu pruti: by Ihe ","..,110. mllr,y, IIIld 11\ I"" 0111 01 an lllll f llt .,1 MARTIN (;;ONNOR, , .. rougb the nRrrow method of ooe : V~IU""011 or fifty IhOU <R lld tlollllr~ -fa TIle .Am ' rlC IIO MtllltclIl Al s" .. r ... xperlell~p ~Oll do r(J by uddr e8~ lfl g , 1111""1" flII .. e r. \;IIIlW II". the P ' y chulflu 98 'I y AI.BAKY, N. ,Y, preSCribed helief Wh e n h e pu ro h"eed It he plUJ live hun· CIRIIOU close lf Il ~ s".~lo n I" CIIIClnnllll If' r e rieci cn"R,I," ", I, " p", l{ u.r"nlP(·' 10 prnduCt! ft hfp I lk~ n ~,- "' ... ."..~....-,,TllelecolumDl, therefore, are conn. tired d o llllrM. Imtll hAft .mllt! b~e n al· onFuJI1 1 b I JOHN OGOJ'N,4JCe,lo r M , N Y I' lc!Ur e"' ~"ll [Ul ur C I'Il. I)I 'HI or \\1 [..' 01 uNE, D.Ot.LARA:~CE. · I r )'. UlII.XI rn .. tllllg IS ID <: 9'1 Iv ;11. "PI'IIIII'" 1012,'1 1.." "I'" ,j"lw IIfm I ' craled .to Ood anu man., to rchglon m~8 t .urrouoded lJy the lown Ho I> hCl~1 III W"8hlP~IOn OilY ---- - - - _ _ _ _ _ ______ rill!!" . il,,,, ,l, II III '~II ,I IIIJ! I rli l18 hi A , a ood .(lold Pen (T?la ' l!.'ffon/l Holden aDd ClYlhzahon, hberty, Justice aod on,lIrlllog 1111 hUII~1I Ihere, TnE ladlu of Clu\rltBlolI nh!fll'"Ii \\' O'IIc1crf.t1 hu' '1'1 III'. ct.l\,nCIH, Itr '\'111. 1& lit! hll,nbu!! ft . equalily totbefllmllyaDdthe Iweet \ - - - - - - - - -- - MII'HIF.Jln", uTo , Ihe " "t!drcno"ncd Iho\ln"nd . . . r 1' , IIIII Il " ". I. 'UII ~'~I'rl • ~rldoy la.t, by VI SIlIn ~ Ih e CClIlt!le rl es A'I "'lo~"Lnllll ~on'II 'Olbult.IIC CIoIr- O)'"nt , ~lle will 8ellli when Jo~l r~" ft ctl, lIheLi l\Jlllllllc1ctllr by ollV.ell ,: I'h \V D I C humau chantieS ; to hterature, art "DIl l It lOnAl)K, of pRl t OI mNh ID IlUge numb"u IInti u.c ura lllll( Il le IIl nle III I cl. ,novalll stile d"I"'Mtc~ th o C~'lltic.. le, o r "rlliell Cl'lIIp llto'I', II .. t IIII' .1 • J .. lndullry ; in a woru, to bumao pro clOe oolollely. d lell . udill: nly M hl ~ plchlr" I. wllAIII ,,"'pu'18 111 bo 8y I'll. III!! 1I0\,,, (';tI"II"'V~ 'IllIr""I"'(>II1 I"eld~n~ e , at Avondllle, 00 "'llur.i1ny g rllves of COIIC"dcmllJ eollllcf8. ' cr> fcntllrc~ ,. "I hll" Jtlld e l~lIna ",n tsillea. III cI are wll"allled III' ,each ' • "U L ILl of th" I f pe r!\on vo n RIC to mil clo .. ng" 0111011 I ck g,... I . . . ,111 ~." Ty .... f!. P ~; lI e. pnrchn.I." '''tIO " ,RII' uV t '0 "' 0 nn ,notrumCni of mlclI"c I IT 10 5tllle d IIIll I If Ill e Alllel ~9 nn ol P IiCft v' blllt. •• :t e , ",epntl"""1 ~lId CU'II J • .. I I f II I mOrTling, 0 congo S Ion 0 'Il nn ~M " PU" (I' kno"" as fh e Pnrhillnotrol'" IIIJ, t .pllflf)"d,1e ll" ' '' Iu.rn ' lhP ~ ' ~", d ' re,. ~ II I t C · I D Ie ,.Ilene cIf B WH 5 hie k b:.1111& I tW mlnutoH -lIl1v plllee. lP(e s l~d wtlh b 10 d h Ug 8 . r" Innlec. 10 ,11 0 1111(0" ill'lfeet nnel life Ioke !"C 8Inlllp"II OIl'XIUII, 8,d f Il CIO II I!Il!' fill) cell. aod J I. ,. I Vo.I seems llR uRr ea c I[vl'lup" ,,"" e.~ .. d III f.,,".el'. CI'IV" \"1'1 nloney baeJ! A lor r. lmull ' i. no' coming to Ibl6 counlry after a\l ' Ing b ee n ID 1118 elnre on WeJnlllll/lV "B~hed wtlh tall Wol e r, An.1 oIltt orev·l~u,c of the rn l'1Ire 1111. Lnnd or w,fe of Ibe np yllll" III 'PC~IV(, Ihe plclll r~ nl)11 dl'.i'I'.1 he ocr.: ,mp. M,"d wIth (h~ cDlh, I I we lend BoatOD TranSCript 'ft}1 'Mr I BlIcndlD~ to 1,18 bUSIIH' IS 1I1 111 11K!. • Ic. 8 10 "llIch Ihe 'ft-Imln hlll o 1I.!Jl! fill e d .hcnnt. "llh dnle 01 mnrri "g~, OCo"pAI IOIl In' or1ll81100 b)' , .. llIrllllloli All cnl1lltill II!~~:;;;::.~ "r,,~~i," ~'l ..\1 J"" • Dicken. hili Ileadly declinetl Lhe nu ____ • , Wllh Il, Ihey wlil glVIl no mort. Iioulil; IUII(ling trn lls 'of d in rncle r, li e Tl~l. Is 11 0 "lull .. ". """'"illr e"M\,lftnflftl Addre_. ,'" [I ~I. ",\. ~l IlI1po1lt,on,. nI! teStlmOlllnlR wllhout number In c""II<1r.ltcn, MAn4NII E I' TIIOKlITUK . A 1. A .-, , "f • merou. invilationl 1001 Imn from Am~r. .tirS~Y.rfllllew t'xprus cum pRill" 'fUll M"lnpill ' POl l o( 'I O ~~Ufty, Mny clln no•• rt Ily . l'tl"g ph~e of lllrlh, age, P Bux ~:I,a, Hlld ..,n, 'N., Y .,. 1l"1Il me.rlC·1I 1,' Oul~ Pl'~ COIIlP,an,. uu • N ,Yo lei during tbe put tl:D yellfl, 1118 to Aro Iv be or"aDllcd \)11 Ihe pi .. " of tlt e 7, U}B 81111WbUflC8 Rn ll cu c llrnll, r. ,h'ro"lIon color of eyes nlld ha.. IIII.j cnel o (;dnliU ..... ollfl ReB or. 98 Iv .,,1 118ge mentB 10 Europe conlpelltoll 111m 10 Me l chllll18' Ullion-nne 10 run Ihl Oll g h 1IIIId m llri e IIppoArAllce III Ih"L Pili;; fill, cents, And ., mpml envelope ad e.1 by Ilt'mbo 'd. 'E.rlmcl BucA., reCuse.1I offers {rom Ill,. oouolry. T o \ Lh e Suuth 0110 III N~ w Engl~n41, Whlcl, mlllkeL. The rOIlD er IHe oul,' ilL Ollt' dre'R~d 10 ,ourself, )011 Will teeCI\C Iho pIC - - -DlL. 8O~NC~'8 ---7" lil®J)J7J'AlIN"'Pl~ . our certalD knowled ge , Ihe mull hb erRl 1,,,II ooonecl \llIh lh" U nIon In ~." .t u lillf pe r nUllrt t ll re b , rNUNI m<\,I , tngcrhur wllh de~lrcd <II ~ , ~. \ ., IO l'orllllt,oll tT Add'c9!1 In conlidclleG OHflures hue, \\ Hbln three months , \ YOT k ,aDu one ID Cl\nAd~ 'J HE reb e I plrale AI • b'UlIL I It'" \V Ileft' M.n,vr. GEn TIII DI! R.MINnTon, POBox . . . · . . . . 1 Th'''''''''lUtId l''"Oon,edrlr I R 1I, ,,.!th..,lb. I a Ife II}' r /0 befOD made 10 tbe ureRt noyelcsi All ._. - - - 11" w. o s unk by II K fif 29; " •• 11 Q N Y [~c·.'l J I'rorrl••r,.Ii'tWlOn""" e . :lownpllo.... b•• IIba4 b","nIl. I- I rem(l of t. cure oJ ~~'·1I""'-'i·...)\_.... .. A I " v Ie ~'I1'", "e , In I} • " • •111 II IA- b b no Ill/ilte, rton\ wl'al I"aree of lIe b I. b bl " d I I n WU10-, ,!moes Orl1lur C'a.t~"hdw ~B '~ I Ie e ule eeo 0 Igeu to ec IDll e" no" , IIy AI IC., C nly HI AO f" thom ol or Wil l If CI b" J - - - - - -- --"Ih op_rcolto 00 In.vll.b ••·ln. pb,...cl4D. p..... rll.\! ..e InH): 8r180. Wbs' ,ourta I.dw nr er,o le r OUlg.UII ~FA Y ousoL.nTrc lllrllln "to l ,,' rcoun ' I • 3 nouoc~ iI b y 0 IIr IIon & eo. Its U lIe I' I FIG • " .."""oN ,,1..... In ,..10.0 lie commeneed IIcn l WI , ",,1 mike 1111 t' /f,,- t 10 remt)ve go Tbe Millerite. of MeDlpbll pre. "n B I • So' d \ I Ie r"oc I " ,ernmtnL h .. refu ~~ ,1 Iry borne , after R SQJOU1'll or Il few mron th slo u.. - oIlbl• •ple ........rftaI~, Dlt Ih .. dlulI'r" ... lth. .. v,1 ,,"ell It ~. n be done le IS lOp I n, III tIe le"ne 11 1111 I I the CII,. W08 hUl'llIy rrcogn",ed by her _ b .... _ _ la a -r a.t 11-. ... ONE DOLL R J dieted Ibat Taeaday of thil wel!k would laid In Ne" Ee"l"od. 'II" Car 11111 app IC"11001 10 rRlle ler. . .......... Ihe .c- '- ......... &II IIIr A ,lent 10 ),our ad b II. I I d f h Id .. j) Y Ex PRESlUENT PIJlRCIt I ,friends h, "I,CB of" COlI'lla rUOIIC, Hushed 111""""'00II. q.1ett1T '..."..rM, ...4blo . _ PU"Plld, \ly 1111111 Ind ••pHd, ""'lifIlIar e ue ai, ay ... , e wor I eJ:I.tence, ao mllny admir ers Iblll II romftOCII from () " pllll II ".11.0 fnce she hnd , so ft rub. complellOlI, "I most w.I,,,, 10 "'.... I.... , .... hu~dro4 _0"ftlllCed,IIr money , .. 'lIndp'd ' ~It Wdfrl aDd a telegram IIiDouneed Ibal many I I er p 11 fi d IIVI8 RI Ollren M Ollroe on ·l'hur~d ..}. lt1~rblc . mnolhnuf!.S ami 1II"lend ()f twenlv Blnto ~I. -"'r, b. ' -":" Ol..t boo mil., btl.ddre"led 10 \I tf.!0R R ~ blin'f, I eD IVI n mlloy IItlracllve r ead· Hit vim 18 re' d I I h excllUl••ly I. II>e ...,.. .1 C •••• \llPl1oa .... ,1M N Y I '" , U I .1" ~ I::Rr III 110 IIIVInJ{ 80me I ree ijhe r~ ,lI y npl'eare,1 hn t cll(hlccn Upon 41_ .. h'ch .,.. _ally co , I' ,coICJ.l .."bit, ...' ' 00 e "gellt lor Ie 1\ lI! u ",1_1t'1 b Ul men.meD bad Ie !lIed up tbeir bUll' era. lIell 10 IDhclpatioD or the eveDt As ~ ~~ ~- ~ - ~~~ Imporlllnl coontctlon wllb the Irlal 01 InqUirv n8 1<> lhe cnll~e "r eo great 1\ CllRugC. .... ell..... tIIIode4 by bIo ",""".1..", b... 1>00. _or, T HuclllIMP It d I I lht: .he plnlnl. lold tliem Ihllt . he IIRcd Ihe Oir .....,....\11 ..., Intly ..."dor al. D,. 800"" c& .. • I " UlUa, en ,a a C IlIrl· " ,n.k .. pro'_lo.a),to"" Io",••ral.' Ih.I"",., clU .. I h owner, lbe peJ(ormaoce C811 ed 4111D IIy IIe Id In CmCIDOIlIl, oasllan Balm nlld cOM ld ercd It ""II In' ""1" be • '0 come to Ilme-a~ lealt in tblll pllrl I labl e {aIr r,,~en ....Itl'~ f, .. b... ' - or.,........ rpollnl.. l d M U~ IC-.Joltn C hurch, Jr. IllJlu&C4 1l1" lloo l()nl1vL,dystoilcl By Its ... 411101 ....IY ...'''"''I''... _ _ _....,_ or Ihl Footatool -BDd Ille latler day reCl e R ne w poem written expreslly C ln \'lllllltl, sC ll cls lIS tillS ... I. "" un.4 ..... ., 1·.,rear'I·· ... "". la b ' • for the oce io 1'1 week '0 " '0 IlIlY L R'I \ Dr (I cnlI c lll~n c&n Impro' II a\llUh 10.. monl'" ,,-,I\"T• .:_ po;;:'... D•• A BEAUTI UL PAIR OF FAI,ISE prDp III WIll b&Yo to go tQ w.ork lIi Bln as n. Ie mRnUBCrlpt WIIM I NC'llIe Deor; a Ho ng , ond 'The Way tbelr personal "l"~nrllllce Al1 hUII,I 'cd fold leRF-Ken l'ULMO~IO SYRUP, IlRAI'o'E£P Ilflerward pilI Up al allClJoD, IIntl soM 1>1 l ' pW11I d,' n SIlCI Cl l Bong, both v e ry It 18 ~Imple 11\ it. <omlllllutioll D8 Nillturo her TONIC,"4 IUJilODA1Ul PILLS am .......Ity ~ MOU~'I'ACHEt:J A N D \VHI~Kf~RS ,u l Fr~nch IIlonll'" Clurt'. 0 0 perrecl Ih .. y eRn" Au AmericaD gentlemao oow in Oer. lor i 60. ~ .go041, 30 ee ntR eoc h Sent I)ost self 18 aIDlI,lc. HIt un8urp.,.oed In Ittl elBellc) IlII fOIlolntol las ....-t • • Oolllanlpll••• I'.u dl.....,. l t r i d I I tloa. ecoompaay tee\. .. ibM any 040 eaG tak. them IIl1t he d"'fCI .d fr " ffi the /(enll l wIll be In.anl' Wille, : 'Aot! Ibll bflolll me to pU ll on rceclp 0 prIce n raw nil IDlpur h es from, tll so Ilcalllll;, ,,11- _la, Dr. ""UNO,," bid ...... \I; to ..... .rot 1'01'. paid by 111011 I .. ai" Ipeak of Ibe raterenee io Whlc1l LID TI~e oolored men of Ohio will H dearullng and betlutlfylng the ski n Imd com IltobatlAl_~IID. B. "'- ..t...... rre-. Gfe," all"Ullon "'Paid In Ibe mann eolll il held. 1 I I' 1 hold a 81ale CoovOInu(lo ID Columbue OIdE ANtlSEII KIfT alwa,. at b.nd, p.v· plolUoo By It;! dkect fICtion 00 Ihe eutlclo II buU. . . UI..........- - . .. l&lI .... a..rute of Ih ..... IIrllel .. by one 01 Ihe b~11 . II rate log, am Crltn 0 'b .. .. (I I ..,ry dey III Ihe year, tor onl)' 81.60. Th" d f It 11 1-' 1 ritl Itl I I b'.ree .. lh.... aouu.. a,lIl,a In p" rl., )I{ L "'VVCRI. wllo I. qUII'loo,4 abeuL our coDdltion, and e ~ .. <> u y, to coosull A. tn 1. lh e choapul aod beal kind ul amUSI!. rom a .. mpu ae. nd y leal 1!1_ - . . ........ I.... 'IW \lie IhE' lie I I m~nur. IIlrer 10' Europe. 'lou. ran\, cion thaeODteraalJOD clOI8 witb- Ibell 10\et~1t III tb. peodll\!J euflrllQ:e lIlell l the parcnt e Dn IIlve Iu Ihe you n". 109 lho lIro~o, aod 1'"VIJlg tbl! slIrfaco as Nn :=IIl~ ~~:::. ':.. ta chea, '1.00, Side Whi.II"r, l ' ••00,011\ ' endm'lI~ 14 Ihe Con.tlll..'O n".t .nd In l lfuellve MOIl.zlne " I Fuh. tu re mUm ed it sbollld bo, clear, eoA, 8IUooth ,.,.. _ _1\1\..... OIl \lie 0"",",,_, • •,, Full DeNrd • • 00. Add",.. ' H. HOllR a\. OIl the greatoell of .he n. Ion. cholc. L,ler.:u,e , Poel,y. \VII 81111 and heautlful. Pr!ce'l, sent hy MIIII Ilr Elf 1104 by .u Dnllll... _ DtIl'_ 'I'ALlIAIIT, Y lule .:ellt lu, Ihe Unl: .ao. 1 b ..., IQ po,pa\ar leeunea, \00;" _ _ 'l'be Satu,dllY 1!:wenlOg OaMI HUDIor. Youog I.IIlol. IInll YUUh\: apml" press 011 receipt of 11-0 order 1i1 'W L ::r-~~~ ~~'Dr~': I lell 1;",.1 •• , I . T , .....;98·ly I .n Hei4,\IMrC, aplet:l4U4 \rib.lel paid bll ehaDged edltore \\&am s.. 11 Ii4 ::~' .uSre", I~\~ UMfui 1l0mp,nI0" a\ or,ARt{ <II 00 , Cheml,t., No. ;t Weat FIIY PrIDe'..-! O!llae.II Nanh 1IL\a ... Pb_~ f'L , • ' ~ , _ -+0-.-to Illil iDe.Off • , " eo." II II D )l1,g. are "If"r.d IO\ "~le g,. BYMleUe, W Y -Tha on'y Amell ......... W_ _ A _ . fM, ... PKlJIT..... K8 oj 'IIr~. , Ill. ")' k11l4l. • r1 N. i:ludcon II Lhe ntw edltDr. I\~U'S~~i:TCIUII. Addr_ HOWE caD AC"" '" [or !.he ...1, or lb. i"tII lL Too 8. a. 110_ - _ 144, J-tall 1), and In larl. '1ulntlll.l. for .. I. hy , 'f8 N ....\1 ~l • N V. ... &l 1,. I.'VIl, ' )I... I~~.', 01..0 W.IIl~ • .,.oyIer ~

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-- IttUi:aG. t.4roa.,.O\·'\L.w ek. th wo alluded to tbe Mia mi GllzeLte'-QfUce 11'111 h,' fOllnd In

tim~ ago,

:70 fG~t that franey ' burg Wlli r~gnlo.1 "Mr. J. ' ..\!-\I>II· n \T and l.'OIDUlO. Ii O\ : - - -- 1icml.occasiollall.\· by the npIJcarnllC' huilLli n~ 011 the· West ide of Mnin MIAMI If.\ lLn OAD. uf n llIann Cript I nper rl.'joit·illg ill .'t,·O(.t. ntl.loillin O' C()UC~I'1 HIIII. \\'1o~r


til e nome or Til t 1'/,llIila(IJt', IJu bli bed 11' 0 slO:1 1l U .1;II II P.\' to I' ccil' e 0 111' 611&. TOS!l, nnll elltcrtnillin~ tbc cilize n". fd l' n!l li nd th uil' slIl lscriptiulI • j O~1 o f th3t \. I')' illlcllig~ n ' plnec Willi w()I'k tl llf'l !1 .h ' \· l'ti.' ill U': :\IHI wh en \," c : go ilJ lind peltnillin" to t1oe i" l Ii-g Il lS , ·th IU to t.hc l

"''\I''R£svn.LII ( 0"\1\\'111 "TATIO:t ) , i'IUlft_ &AIITlf AIIII IJ OVNU , .41 A.

1; 1"l'illlloli F:xprf l.,






h"~; :::: 1))111. 4 09 '~I ", ...*:

l'iu,llUrg Ellpr"8..

W F.~<rI~.t.RD



VI.! fL']J1~1lllLLI,


W e ha\'o recently ! hallu ()Jn c f T'rin t ing lllL·\.' W ayn c . ra \' o l'e d W . it.h lh e 11 rllsa l of ~ nllm ' l'i1 10 h as e \' Cl' PO"SI'II Cd. . DRY GOOD', ber uf th c alo re /l it!, wlri c h "':l S ce l'· .-.... ~ -. p,o· P AM 0....:-" '. Ib,,,.II. ,m" I QUE1fflSW AilE.








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A,,_.. Ioo'''',r Hi,'"'''''' ,,,,I ,,,,",,,,., k.. Ci llcin n ali EXllr~ollr ~,a6 P. II. IllIe tion, :llld doe credit to itS.cdito r., 111' ex t t'llo rdll HII'Y gou;l J IHIg(·m ent III , "'iI'.~I'rg ~:xprcK" 8.2'8 ill WIIO-rIl(l\'(!I' he Inny bc. \ V e cxtrllct a I1'(,~;lI'd to !:lean.Hrlll t~lIllgS. lIa s \lb · r::r ·D... e~ 11 ,,1 .Sh l p nl ('orw in . . II 1 to II I I ee ll tI ' II' asso t l , . "mh"

Ahead ,•

& RANDIA LL, Always


jlltro~ uc(l




Niulo l E"l'reu,

ED 1 C ' ( N I~ S




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of the l'ickll'lt'idul1 Jlntu g rn p h " ,1111 C\ Ol I Ie . r ' IJ , J' J\J R"'1'URNS I' h ,. t II w it h C ael or 'Narmill, 0"., . . In nt of na.rasol . tlnd · ·e bai'e DO & III .Ine,rt l on,;. 0 " 1 I R ' 1" Kit h'" WII C I \\'1 's cl'\'e O SuOW I · c h . . , . " . I CHEMICALS 011 bac k; a I. IlU rao l Op, \\' ood-door,al), d,,0 I I II t " tI nj ' • . " 1 IIUlll erOUI I.iellli. IlIr II ... lor"" a " d rOI\ In , . O. A,e".. , of th , ,hoot. '"", tI,." h eo" "'. """" " " " " " t "' ''go , ',.". ,. .• p, ""e, , ,,," I ·HM ALI.41) ER & E.rprt 1..' A.Q",t... f" d tl I'll I t IIOlll l t' ln l,!: 110 1'111 ttl e most fli IU h im. 1",1 w ould r"p "ol ltill y illlurlll iI) r 'I II i n hU I, .lId II. - -1(11. 8"3 l'Ien a c ross Ht\' Y- I LEAD, lll a l he Is 1I0W i ll rt:ce\plol --, .nll' - f-i'1111l1 --- l d' Un .. -i.. " - -I\g" ' - -. ollr '1 } I I···· 0111 s0110' them I eth IIe)' IIarc no t no h,' an r1 r"~l' .lIltl t 'lU g we C'\'er "fI \1" III W a' OIL .... ISl e .. 10 re'", ul mt e 1·"' ·1'· O ! l'In: .\OTl C :: ! ., eo ' .' ll('s \' i l l c;8 n~IIl'ycl'mJl8rlllg them WI Lb l ' VAR~.l':lI}t~, Ihl' IoP8t\\' h~1I !Ill,\' men ns to be 8t1pl'TCUed 0 1' hl\\' \! D l'lil o l'est's l ut 's. 1'0 OU I "" La .J 1 I _ I " ) .1 T n okiug :d ' b k' 1:• •1. ... M . Ithetr li g ht; hilld on unll er n hu s hel."lit rgC$( an.. be mo st an eal_wor .. T . .. " I\' " I. 2 I' 'I. the " "l1til :llOI' co utin nc in i ts \1" nllt! thc i I' eX llet cO ll nt c rport s . Paints l CIIW r K k;W '1::I\, l'! r pcc i!' ed a il P AIN1', V I CLOTHS AND CASS , , iZCI - 7 , 8. olld 9. , "" 'It,,!") .",1 hid. . . .. 1 30. ' . " . C:lreer, l)J'i se. anti n~ l'eprol'eu I\I'C th o itc ms: STOCK, \ 1 ' '''' 'I'ir,Tf.1'i 1 A. M. 1 " • •"0) . • cor'.\' 01' Tir o M ll lllgOl lI CI'Y CO llllt .\' \ . c 11'A.'t J ". J' ,,~,...d., .,," ~.lur,I ..·. .... """·1·, I; I' ." . \ " ' S . C' 1'0 . BouC'ht at the Low- ~Ac:tB m m If't '~ -mT \0:\ .1 ~ " T .\ . ; , . . J_ ,\. 111\' 11'1 . 1'. M. ". O LF'!:Ii III'..a> S LOTl lloi . - Chl'o llid e, II I1'W 1I' t:!;:,Id y j\llilt tOl'tc~J b , _11" J.J .iLl ~ IU QI ~ ~ QI ~ ,,(.11 "h.lte~ .. nd ~~lM •. "8' "ppnM In ' . l.t dil' unn Prices, Ihf. wlllilll '''II Is Iii " fhilt walid eOO'.flO " " tl eccssary to s ny to 0111' ill D>I.I'lo n , t·y MeRei'll. ';'(ll'din cr &. \ From Fon Allo :eJlt. rcn crs la~ ,I a ffilsel'llu e ..,1\ C - ' <:,\' 1111 I s. IS l\ 11(' 8 p!l pcl', ~·c I _ '. , II . ' I ,, Ior!!e ~ wood-door. 11I1t" ' 'I t ' "I \. Id I' IJ lIlt' t h ' hi! \\, p inl' i l e !I, e IIl1rll'i"" 1l1 o ur fl i clI~. n"o In I h&! lI,uSI 81flll lined i"ltllo dash, nppeared n fewlemout tlnys Agt('O fill"d \"ith fT ill !l l. :11111 111 II t · I: .• II/ I I ill Gil I" C"'!'·.lI""I" llllll· .. llll'; loy III Ibe tu re of II,e ove" 10In relCa~,.. beklllll' · tb. 111111"" '" II: forl "",I" me IIIYIIII/ III II' rellial" IA~oor F'IJIT Al'l:I.:~n, 0 " ~lnj' 11. ISGi . under whic tho h tiUe or 'su"!l t II o ri '" I scl.,(:tl:d f" , • • ,,,J otlc reo [" (' 1'. " II( ill S oll r l\'1 ~ I CS 0 1' 1\ j.' n ) ' II1 g' ul I' rire . l lo a t . '. r MIAWl G.\ zli'rn::-Th o pre · the Vl(llltilntvl" \\,,15 uo utl'lIil' of O il I'S . :18 II j' <'!\I' . 8 ASH A Ii D PUT T Y , Be..., t \Vorkm (lll ill Iho \V l'SI! U lIS: • roll . S. C I1!lr:lCwr ". 0 r ',liS 1 ' nc:g . IIbOI' ('un .... l be ObJet:llo .. "lIle ! "UiitllA' . . l lts vulgar sty lc li nt.! 10 1\' S lllll g , will THUS ' ES. I"~ '.. Io u,)u is indns tl'.I·. A ll the li nd 11 0 fnyo l' with thu l'l!lIder!) of • "'-=- MI'. I. II. H arri s . Who, i n thl" (lll . PIMk nl HOUT S ANI) . i 1'hi • •is ,Irue in anJ ,,'.'Il. l;;::;,\, n "II ' Q .'.1 .. ,,1I. ITY ! \V" /I , SUPPORT I;:n S . . , . C".lnmers nrp n""'rtl Ih ulu".urpUI th ey ca"bn" nl'e \,el" vm;,)' pll1l1Ling corn , while th e Vonti/utOI·. It is c \' i,le nlthc firs t mid st o r \' ;ol c lil at ing 1,1' 1' l:I' IlL a nd 10,1.,,,1 j:< "I l lop I JA . ' 'I,. ir It ",k d,lOo ill • li bv ' erer II lo u beell. inlr utlllc e,1 : ,(' " .. 11 sec.lll. .to hc ill good s pirits effort or the j ew· nosed, COlllltill g g l'cP ll u nx. s l il l dol'!:! nllt -.-- - SIlOULDEL· BIt.... (.1::S, : ""Y i n 110 " ill pblli"u, '\ 10 . 11. 11 AItIII S. . t tiling IS 11: n jl l'OspcrOlls COil(I I t IOI~' -;- I snou who wrote it., :ulIl for th e good ~ uPI'l'cSS hi s fillc fl" tlo otie tll ste in T . D . l' O.lIl;t ~ ' . ALL 1'11 11 J'''I'U l.AIt I I. r •

p "',iuenl. .'

\V " J \ '" I'. . ' . h ()OIlW Ann, . " (.,u r l'v . .,II\11. ", .

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Dry and Mixed

ARNi~H, ,,~C :















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proE; pecl lnds f,m :for a good CI'O P of sOI\ <Yh t uy 1111 eU'ort of imitll t iOIl to n -.MI'. Joseph G. ha s crcct· p e ltl'S , (:herdc1:l, and n morlcr- (i ra :' a Hhul'o of the laurel·wrcat h to c,1 0 new ond tlls ty bll il din g' lIt ti l e l!.rop of p cnch ('s . · J . L. II. Ill s o wn brow, IJ\· 'sten lill ",1T t hc Ii\' cr,\' foo t of' Iri s lot o n NU l'th s ll'l·('l. ~ -. - .- •• - ,of hen \'c n to 81.' I'.I' which will , \\' 0 ure told, Ul! Cll·t· III ' i ~ d I, J C the d edi in.'






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_~_v_, ""~.-~:- . ~Slal~

·ill bl!;nge nerl\l :tlteotlancoot (HI1' I . , . . . . 'd I' tl ling and 80urlll11l11secbooi. . both from the v ki uit\· omi l lcec l\cd Ill s lewal. - t i C ann lemn . .. ' Iof till outrngcu ul1(lmsulted populace ' i The V ll ion (;')I1""nllo n Wi ll be II parts or l hc . --held ill COI UlUhu5 On \\ l.'<l uesd,,,·, JUliO 19,h. T lle oi'dc l' of cxc rl'i ses so .fat· ns it l SU I;J. M ADE IT,\I'I'1'.. . (lctcl'lllilll'd 1,.)' Lh c L nws and pro- Geo l'ge \,r. :SC I'Oggy, of th e finll of Tli Ml'KRA NCN L llcTuR E -On MondllY d f 'I f ' . 'I . r B" I . . . OO""E t" T.,."" • S·oO'Ogg)'. I ' " woo , "'" .. ,"'...... " """.' ill b" bloomi". b"'d , . H , 1,,01 ",i. t· T"m,,,",,, '1. C . II ':(,II t1 II cnlld lo ord e r 111 \ et.! t he tcmpting shllll es of hymclli RI Hall. Wft S K: li s·


Wllll lEXJf:tt!ID~IIt,

rt' m OJ.



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P.ar1or an d Di' 'b_ mng.nuqm ".!







!,' STOV ES, AND\"W CO...., . FOR WOOD ,






I L'A""t'{J\J' Fl'ANKT,lN. ' cd"I:"1 ",. ,. "

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:re»• .


~i.,\'s"if. c;cllIa l ,

and pitrollilc II ollie W' lI u:lcluoe..










Tltelaraecn a" d b"'ll . 'uck or



t'II.~LtlIll \'VOl' ~ ,

Iv Ul y BI'st

Culls .. spe ciu l " !l ellli,,,, 10 II", in nl Ih nl I118 ' lI e w nlue k 0 : 11 • •s ""'''1' It'(e 0011d nd ill .. in p.rllcul.r, ,




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. .... rtill u n i t/o d A 11(' '')," " kp,p 0 11t. llt hond f


. I " u rc-n propcnslty ·0 In 'Cl'lll eu C e,nl,Hd:o,cs for Reprcsclltll l"·e. J Ie C'm ICs! wdl u e h e ld III tillS plncc t Il S , with lI ull hluu the 1) l'il'nto nffairs will <Iouul les. be closc /IIld cxc; rillg'. iJ<>g illlliu<l'tolV UI1V in the M. E. ' . I I II , o r row III . tlC 1 .young ladles, ' frOIll W. 10 111 l C COli , ollcl ' '''II'Jw tom t"=" ;\1' ' M . C- oJ - II ' J ' . L' • 0 • . nC I'c r win 1\11 nppro\'inO"smile 1101' . l lt· :B' . :1 Ifa <4' Qr M lo:.e Ill!! , IIod0X Clni'tch . " C trust t•hl'J'·ct . . lllll 11 P"SI't'Ion 0 f 'III t'" Imucy. II c Iln.. S' 1ill the FluLfod, . .Di.trlci. nutI hilS nil iutercst· .


LEn A NON l 0 II I 0

But loi s first atlol't was l!y Dr. WilY· . ., ' _ . . . .... . -.-.. I WA I CII E!). I • . , i. t ic of thc man: H o co uld 1I 0t I'Ise • . CI O( I"S Lhe:annll:ll ",<>t\\'cntion of t.h e l" .• .... 1 ' -· o:J" Mr. Se th " . nroll'lI . etIilor of Ih e I • \., '- b ntII· Sr. n !l · I L ebulI(m S tar, IIlId Bun, . Juml!8. .)SCUl l. nrr , Hcn.ColI" Y , nl! el)oo I L II . .Ibo t , u the g I O' \·clrug . bc t nt. o t f "",'dl S .IBB·ATIl'

'11 ho I'em emhel'ccrby o Ill' rcndc l's






I.~" Ifte~

~nYthlng,ill. 'hlI-Pl6j}~ 1IV I", . . ~'lf1 Glc ~ ~b~ ~, 3Un~ ~'" 1 ....."\.u ""U.., ' I '.

I Superior to

P E l.{F U1\ [E ItY

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~oulllry, .II~ ~yerr

patent Jt11:'~icittc~,


l~\D:EJlEm <m.'\O'lElEffJ.~




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!\nlll l'o is -on b or UCIIUtlflll lof socicty and common dc ceuc,)' it literntlll',,, flrt fl ll (1 II l'cir itect llrc. ' is gl'o?l'll mnnt1e, wlulo the oJ'chnr<1s II r o : to ue hoped it will be tho Inst. [II · "bout 10 nd d n finl' uny window to , in fu ll ul oom-and s.ny, t .... nTl nro und i !lllted with elll'y at the proud e mi · his 1'8,l l lIl', nll d otilenvi ' f! I W\ll\tiJ',r nrld , Le. o( .good chee r, fol' thefltil , ncll ce attai n cd by the Yelltihtor. ' I'cnO\'llte th e Bunk COI'I1 CI'. In wlllch n o ml1ll s1lnll want. Tile , n urr ambitiolls l,c)·ont.! his nh il it)· he - - - - -. - - "

' ~,I,~:: ~~~rn.~~r~~ r"'~)';\'II~;.~Uttl~~~:~:~~i


QtQ h"Jlt·llhnlu ~IJ15S


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6fACON , l'A.ULOn.







I.M,GUF", ' . S& WILSON " ' " , I f""'" will APIII!"lI,l. MONEY Ihan ,',10 a /lew",,,""llr"llIetilq~, C~'I~t,,,! '.u1'.. ·,mw. ,,, "" ",' ,,' a~c::aS 8, SE.,,,,, b", Oh,'0'..I.I!lNS ,,' .,,,11,, ,.",,,. ,,, ~I~ • . ,~ ,dI,\ ',Cn",,,, ,'" ... ,. In.,,", ,"'00'. _10 ..... ' "''''' i, b, J o. " ,,,.h,y. . • Ili~ Addr" ~8 It-lIliv~ly I To'Wer Qlock:s &0., &0" &0. Gentile! . '1 ". '.' " . ,",001, A. M.• ,,' 0,,,,,01 by"" 100 "'n" ",til h. b,d .·.n,,'"h,"",·.d ",,,' 00 hy , ~.,....b" "ndi"". • ""I . , ~ti', ...... """ G"" ,,,"''' :. F,,,,','\,, .~ ", . Si cr:n 81 , oi;.~, lionAI c s., thc s ll'b j cot, 'Th e l 'f l Ie. , "e - l.: ailei · . lenf.:~ · "M.I1)· .' thc w~r6 "cli e nl erl"illcbu. 'Mr. . Slevens i~ ' lltr"i.III· olullol .,.. ,t~ up un. , '_. ~<!.'lfe~. lI olier. ,.,,",,__~"""".'a1"I ..,u.... . .I".y.,," h"IIO &i.e. -Su~p~\I~"r~"N ~k\le'l 1:»'_ '"' . ;I t'.11 :.l. '. A$ldexerci S5 sOll ye II o.w . ., Pancr C"lIars &e . I, t alion o f th B .:sabboth School to the frag l'nnt nOlley · d c ws of the e \'enlll g yeun g mnll. nnd UI TPre nlly e nlneu I" · •• on~ w! ; lo ill jf nliy lilillll' ill <I)~r line. I\f"'Y 14] E. It. I'RIN·rZ. 'r. DonSON. or Ihie .'y'" ther'll are tllr () lid,; ~

'"'" """",0 ."



I,·" ",,' .,



io n: tty th6 1'1'('s idcllt.. JmlO'o \\'. ' hOIIl'S o f lifc gnther gell lI)1 o n hi" in Ihe

Brothcr AI fl'cd Edwnrds has tnken I\ is h him ~ucre"s.



t(, ' c:1C't'tcct nrc n Vi ee his CRl'd to BIII'IiUgtOIl , where be \Vas ( I(lt:llt, b S ecl'r:tul'Y. [l'cl\f; lII'c r, ami , ' I 'tl I I CI' i l'Cecl\'cl WI I ollen arm s.:IIlt W I ,.· . t l F' . t ·· I ' IIlcrn ors 1\ . . " . . 0 . II! . .xe'eu . . C om . )


tll'~'I:1'y 11ft at 2}. th \' I'e lrill Ite 0 mnss mcctin·r of 1'110011



. D ('1"'1 - togl'nphs, wlrich C I S OF' AN ~t:DI'O:~ I OED • OS , t l',)I" , ·0 1' sOID e YOUI'S on cOJllmission. .-






itibCU of Ul i



Ax:>'" G IT II .:<S.

of W")'lIc. ,·i1I,, . __ . . . . _ ._

enljJ'~ &ti.'.!.f/d",, !


0" lh,· 41h illShllll. of con$um ntio , 1\1



J __







, ,I.

tn"~UII'".Iro" ,t.e ", , ""I\' ." Iul he re.ll er ., £.rI '~'~ lnr ullellllUlI " ,III be IIlven

".m:::... c:» e

Watches and Clock., aleo Engra. ving .•.• All Work Warranted I

faJ tI.l

epn orlllg uf






nrc sons if we hllve plnced him ill

WI ,p",



~II,he l,



I .W (fa roo

~~ ,

1P1t tv

~li @ ~~ 87 0 b 17 \lU

1\1 cwl, ·n., 1\1 Ih ~Il n,dU7.~n , L',ru Egi:!M 'J~1


F l,wr

-'-I "I"v GooDs.-EIi7.!\ Jane .lOS JUs • t recel\'etl!\ larg e Btoek of dry goods, which sbc tokes gl'eat pleasurc in showing, .as well OR scllillg. Owillg



to the scnl'eityof trustwortlJyolerks, will have dircet s llpel'\'i sion ovcr

C hitk e " l1

STORE.- T. W. IInyn es

has jllst I'ced "cd n lurge stock p f d l ',V' g oods at th e brick 'cornm., which he 0 'l'UlIl'E.\CDERS·• I:!CSTITUTB .-\Vhnt is selling lower than nnyother house t

an d artiRt ,

1 80 II 00 ) 00 12

'nl duze'"

S 00

Culf~e "@ II,


New .Orloo n, SII".r ~'l n, N.. U. Moi.s8cd 1lI .. gullon, V

t eyel',}' transac 'Ion WI'U1 CtlS t ome 1'5. Cnll At temnernnee hall building. ., ,.

11 !2

L" ' li e:.

P ... r. V "". he l, Pull/we. 1\1e.bu-Ill sloeIbl. Dricol Appl

S ho



PH 0 TOG RAP HI S Ih e VilriOll8 .I~ I,." 'of lh~ "rl . "nn


)' , d "I Ih e -OL I)

be 11o t)



, .•



!.I 0



rlr:lUll1~i'l. "" ,! ," i~i!l!: Ih e m por d 1o IIInl' uln "I''''' , 1'/1 'it"" t<~ ~I"r ol,'" irll:,I~ . i1. " 1'11000 Io" \l ing pi," IL'O'I :li:.~ . ~'I~I~~!";nii~II:,I;:ee."o~l~nwork luo I


F",' ''''~,

n lo"llein IhpIII "o p". ,!.. 1""dL"" .... 1... ~ e,l •• ",t en ~ "I",c,j Oil.


li re I




(l ••


., • • •

SU(iif.achO", ," '

', ' . :



I ,



As Ihe ,tove aeuon i. r., Id"bcld. Ollr _lock il low; but ,hlog' till' •. IIAVe not 0 11 houd, we clln obt.ln, . It Ilort 1I0t Ico ,

t~,ln\ conl lanl rrtelpt 'or the cho Icut

pre . ... ° I

.. .

'''c II"V

~ b1(,~I\.


.lrllo~taru~\'cr)thln, ~, noonTlfs~,hiCh lj

a'0I":, I~, ~ 1:' ;;



10 ,": oW' (




, .. , Dl lO on hAnd a "0C/"r ' III

me nl of



I ""


DOILEUS, . .I :~ 'l'EA-KE..TT ~ L'




LADlE:) Ik






of .• 11

.l&eI,l' "


ENAMEL ,KE'l".1'LES, .., ..:! ,


C'SINL:'I'''', " .,~ .,



ft~A'''lpd .iMB,

HOV' 'l'I"lI~GS . ' , Q DI:.. L'L8, IRQNIo.l 't'A ' p. r. ...., . IRON SllQONo,. "I " n'EA & 'l'ABLa do. I. ulltI.

DI the,""" V


,Wl\f ' . l\IANI:-JGTO~.1'nAPS. . !'.I,. ",:"" T wo door8.E<t.I 0/ Ihe Iloa". H ll u.a . ' BROWN . , I ND FORKS A ND OHlLDREN!B KNIY' ..

r" pmllil cI ,iI,lre " .


If''a rranteti to 9



", "kl ll l! Ih ,·," 11 8 Ile, (p, ct Ilt p. m igi ll ftl p ir.' ''' p~ A ll wur k u'An il\n~D I. . ' ,


ch.reill b. hip enlol·.· .. ,1 law w,U"n I.he limi ts ofII nmed,' Wo r ne ",Tillo"·ns . S.dd In " kcs


,,,II , 111



!:nIALI. 10 " ")'

• .

.... ,J.>:: __






. lI ,1

' ' • ,.1U,O' _,

D'fty I R ... ""'ODS au~.

0 (- -


llie abovo rrie lil lblled 'I: all

_ ~'I URE .... f CASfl •• at .. I.O\V F G <', or. ii' IIIJ cll,y, tuWIt "r, ,1\1.".


Lowel- P rices!

y/! .fa. <¥11;£;£"lTlt11:j~.



\" 4"\"II.~E, "

it1 w~ ~ ' .


BOOTS & SIIOES ~ ~ ~ '1 Iur Spring W f ar, Ih~: I ev~r hud. OIlU nl \ --conaI8I1n g





B0 fS' I Ml'SSe'".. . 10 milk .. " ic'cr c,. (nun" L d' I Small Ambro(!lpe to a L:(r Sized Childrenls PQrl/'an ill Oil.' -I' . I . 'J CO PY I"G oil o( thn LUleel Styl .... 'a"d f nm r' p , ·,:'IrU' f.'IQ nU f ' tl 1j"" rill tn ~ ,'I, I I I I

~ ~..-/'J




~ W ~ • ,

• .


~, ()OPJ{[~ '& CP{~~f6"~~ (""'1

I uf

)lo.lJ.· , ,,ii)e q.' ", ;.

IAl l/l

S ..,.i: .


/)11 !lIIIin tltre'I,

WAYII.evlll ..



M~rch 26.

UI t..


~ ALL ~ --I\ER --- 1 C .rr C'\1'\\



IIIlW lI e8 r


t\ !IV' i


I ,, "d ouvur I" .11 c,,"~. 10 plpnoe my I YRD,. 70 r'"I,""".; .lt u., II ov'-I!l1! I\0 d --- - _.- px~e, ie"rp III lit O ItU . IIIP • • , I, '''te r "' y, Ihn\iu IIh" rnndly l,\'iI,tl OH L:IJ'Hi .1" w,."k .'•• any I!lIl1ery Noli ce is hereby glTen. Ihut all ,ond .nct W, A. C R"f1Q~LI.. dlc l SI" do."runnin of M go'nt ft. ncxt. I"". 'to rO!l. " 1111t! P ur:ruil P "" l1ler R URln froOl lor/{cIho cc r lni n nl.,hno MPIIlJII "21 • 01. Sor""tlOi C""..IOil II j!'olloll.




H @ .:.!ON u II"j e", i"" lv l'i\l u"y ·\\ ,·n lh e'i·.fIlCCPI -J :1.1


- '\11111 - -



- -- - - - -

~3 2.~


Curn Ilu <,k w " b"rlcl. "I v .uU . ., Flu ur





~;.~" llifl

fulse positioll.




.. - - -' PHOTOGRAPJ ----,- D'S " "uyues"IUe 1111l1·1"'IOI. n! C'om{111I11 COl'rc"'l;J1 Lvr,'!! W ed,. --

011 S:lbunth nfLCI'1I001l Ilis fun e l'lIl Lioll' of rluing him nn in,lt1l'y, nllu we

large numb c r fl'iell<i8 and citizons at thc Ortho· Church wh ere Mle solemn IJnrilll wns hehl ; and 011 which OC , Amnndn S nowtlen , of Oak· Clin ton COl1nty, delivcl'ed n :tll'ccting nlld cloquent !I(ldl'css, lI~ng hel' nl1lliellCO in umli\'i · atte ntion. ' The deccased wns about 74 years ng(', and it is snid had not known I ing his Ion]; l.ire , 'whnt i~..Whs"tO b e

MI ·



II. \'C~y


.1 ,

". -----,.,..! ' . ' ,, ~l~



• '

I,pcl, con


II,,·.\I~lI liun.

10 tlo..

chae l JlOlI'kCI', in hi.• 23"u )·a lll·.



hlIIJ ir: P'fs, IlO lh

BOD "'T:

A I'\"" 'e 01, 11'.11'·'. 1\ ;od . Iork 01 ( v-.J . U I wiat, 10 III orlll my ell.IOIllPr. S" 11t 1'1",,,,." ., nll bl lC nAnera\ly. thol I "I VO ril e L\.(J .'I'•• ,. no demnnd for thcm, we ndviso him (,,,Iben CI".·k•. AI . " , D. D,· ew a. per · Dnd IlUck 01 promi . 0" th c 21st 1111 ., nt.,MOllnl H ollr . wifc of P. lu " I Clu,.k.. 96 to snit thorn dowl1 While [(·cah. ,Joh" HU "hll >, /II. "" nd"Ullt l'U r



tioJe"'ol l\.ivi"l1

~1a A ~ "ErI ~(i~ . .

A s tbcre bns bec n I'08iti(' II"C ot hi s fu,hel· . in

this life 0 11 ConR£cTlos. - \Ve stnt<)u ill 0111 I U, o f b ClI l·t d iSCMC' - \ last iss lIc thut \\r m. \Vard Wli S 0 was i ll lls unl hcnltlt the ' <ln y prp- , IJrol11 j!t IIIlU pUllctual IIlllll, wb ich Ir e nIH], tqll killg ns Wll !!l lli s dcnies, nllll snys it ill fnl so, !Inc! Wi s l.lcS . 111 n il probn,lllit ty had n o li S to 1I\1l1(c th :s correction. Will dl ght of th c npprollch of' wo ch ee rfully tlo. " 'e han no intt' o of Fricnd9,

rxp,. r! " lI ce in

- - . -- - -

he wis hcs liS to se ll

i)luce, nnd • mem b er 01' thc OLhorrlox Soci·

1.1:1},. ·M Il j'

i t<


Hal l -.-- m t I , t Ll } G• notoriety, inc losing I doz. of his pho - ~-~.-. ~ ~ ~,-, /~'~'--' .'~-

0' ·

.. \

Ilt i ~ CA EUROPE "lid A Mt-:R.I

VP I""

CJ:::r We It' I"J"r o lir .iucpre 11110llk. · .. .1 rl lP pu bl ic (u r or I" .. ne r pili ""u I he,lUIS lII. i l·oduccd IllS p ntc nt 111111111 · ,\1, IIIf' re, i,j" nr c of A . 'I' 1.",·" c, Wurn l)H- 1' ''JI--;·, ·illl . l.r it: 1 1.0 butl ill e•• , III ll e . Son r moming' nntlng 011, wndo from mu tton t il II o w, dHe\', . F.' 1II1rta (' ollrel'. D ." -I", I. U .... J!? '0:>' lJ. to,· hp .hle 10 !l Ive •• II .lac l IO n 1· lo II II W h 0

'\'c h:t\'e r eceil'cd a l ettc l' ( hil lh cl1 lllld fl'i cn\ls of Snubntlr DI·. E. F. Dnkin , of Nc \\' Ping




( . oIJlIII ILtecs.

~h·I1" Inlm enLol


I'~ '1'''~l/iI~'

fi e I.! ; but ho give • • 1"", 1.1 11 0 1 (lid I v cnll n ud o\lr ., \'I'e . ' u,·I, elnll "Juwhne. IIl1u !\JR.b.. ,.. pordl,Io"villl! II lid Ihirty- liv e.

f ulure eXe(' II

. prODllse 0f

• trnnqntl IJrow..

0 : \\-.!I /;'On . ' II. hnl'O lIlll cnt of deJr.glltt'lI. 4. JI.leclio ll o f Ofllccr

- ...








~ '...

mcHENRY i... McDO X E N I A,

--_ . - - _ __ _ : _


' " ",...


. : . ,

B ·E 'R



WELL} lqS~t"I'"

a HI 0








.. \" ,.



• ., ..,. I W • "H ~BOUl'T.J:l, , IV..VICTOR KETTLES. for boiIiDf':I'" I'1 taloe., oOIDJlI~'" L'btd~'<fa lISe. the mo.~ ' l o .n

" ·s

867 Wa., oe,,,ilhlj April ·1I0. I ,




COAL BISCKRTS:1. IT~OOtJ;:! SI'Cv r\ N 'I-OPPK f:" as' .

'~I .. .,

,. ,.

' ;'.I

the Sunday· School Convention. ill town . repor er I svl '1\ Rundall, mny bc found at ~s eOI'- it IIlIllIWf\l1 601' II I1 V por.oll or p(·I·Mn. , boing Me nOI\l prll pn,prl I n I"r."i.1t Illp ir ,,10' d. 1 AI \O. I MUSK.RAT 'tJlAPfI, . el's' Institute,I &c. , Wnync: c C C L I tllc ownrr. 01' hadllg cllnl'gc of nny horaes. . ,.I. • a"d Ihe p"b lic. I\'ill, Ihe very I 'SAO" STUFFERS _ · Iy tb'IS wee k ; of 11e l·. Al so the office of . . 11 cc ns, Inllle' , clI lIl e . . OT.J (.D G·O TO I." " ! D : ' SA U ... bc llllllflually lve gOlll! . s Inn. Or .gceMc . "'a. • 11 1.. .. D EST N I''UElPJ'S'I' I UM8 'll I l'INDL'RS tbe L ·Westerll Scnl e Compnll.'" This 10 ~"ffc r the . " lII e to run nt I nrge, III f';!tj""S, No. 11 5 lIInlberrlr · ot'I'PI. ,8 " , I • • A D¥ .. AD'" I .. 0...., we trust thc elements mny be " clion. r.ublicrO:lIl orhigltwn~· ,o rin n~y 1IlIIC OI' 6 r . LEnA~II", Ohio. Iu buy fin. ,S,ILVER I,obe foun.J in II.i.OIMrkpl. 0 c, I lae k i FULL LlbiE OF REA . ... ':' ,1 LARD PREQS . tb tb t of nttl'o ~ E!fA" NOES', ", Bnd fav i)l' I1S witb n l'espectnble honse IS e e cen re . ., or "roil unclo. ell tll nd III .Ihe IVA/U:, oo liol pl.I!',1 Spunn. Ind l will co".i.i 01 III, k ind. o( I SPRING HAL r tl tl ttheocc , 0 1, ,' 0 . 11,·.U('r 1\ IWUlllt.\, for cy <'r.\· " IOI;111\.In . of f ti 'r I J P ,. t Ie II "A 0 L~CKS .• ftSlons "" " .b e .," . "CoR IIl " r _ , , . .. . owen l er, la . .. We are info r med th11t J. n. ZclI ' Ill li ne of 1I0t Ie" I" '" $ 1..011 • M' m,o.e Ullin r ... S TAC1l'g I I • "500 J , lIJLTON R001,R8. ,!." fin ea l I\mpIIOO", ' S ""88. F rfll~~ I allu . , ~""" .rJJ pa.. oft with wh." moo,""'''' ,,,d I.",t,,, go · •. G. Oou,," .. E,,"'" W."boo; ft,. ,," P, .. ,,' L 0 M B E R . ORITTANIA SPOONS... .. ,. , i " given the programme for the nius a·l·c not surpassed in onr city, ' . P"""ils; Spectacleo, wilh pe! ,"ltcopio, • .\ Ii 4 1. • rlo.rlog; , , 1'lN .AND IRON t session ' of the Tench ers' d' Miami cunCllVI'. CWIIY'., biloed I !lA' LO'lId<lh Drf8llt . • rfSle ~ • d hns . . moke pllle!d.• te.!! Siding and B am Wi ILTIer· B oar(/'tn[;, Skutfl, Fa,.,/1d and Scllool tc', and we J mercly remm . sec\ll'cd l\ pntent on n tn ow cnce ' Notice Ie herehy It,,'en, that all e action I ,Iulelf' In..,old _ 1I11"U Q I .II " .Btll#; .. I 'SIt ..... ,

EVERYBOD'17' , S •• ·I~ lil Y '"


~J .

"'.t. 'v"..." •.






C01' t,h e m.


W Ith.

Pror..l\.ld~, "m,·

t~ .lIr~r, II~'U Mnndn ",ill be ·held .. I,,"u At :1, tile Je'b"I, oflleebeltl'oell of J. W , lhe . Keys, hOllr. on of , nlllI. alClUIIUJon p" .n~ r.fln e. e..I ' ~ryt~e 8 or "", J ewel.). ',

2 and ~ fi.v o'c1e 0('Trll k 'rIcc8. . )1 .. for tile "urpose of III,Irumel FinJler RnI,,\I ••.• heet l'I" oio ID~ Mllll c. 1 " ery uSl1ful and popular, Anci clucting (,rill Olc l,k .. , )'I,r.p. II,n&ou., eehC"l l .nd will und oubtedly !1'nke him for . nid A.'''cinlion. Dr orde r of Ihr Board. m.nk n uoh 01 nil kind , : Blink

~uc II brilliant ~. ' to be

Trc~ti llr~r

nf~rtul1o. ..

E . D. Mnll Hefti, II. V, ..b l• • "d olb." 1.0 ,II M., •.." . w. ..... " OTO •• 01 " . tbe meetings, those who nre S6 Oh.A, "'ho"c form nnd ... hol(\ 80111 . • - S f -RA Y 'ru Ihu . ;",11 Rod the Ii of each pn lh wc na io nttond Cllnnot hclp y . '" Onc grey Ho,ne, mnrlwd U. one lJ1'ey ' fi I out Whntllorr.~I~I~:d: ft~ the tropics o~ chilled nt Morc, 8trin" . hull ed, All/I .. IUOlr O~ he~ lett Am ply repllid or COlD ng . ' , " Btrllyed frolll .. wlli g,,·e. II • .. "" •• will ·"'g1••t 10 0' · ."ld 00 ,ho" '00. "";., R. ., .. r" "1 ,.r",.•." ,?". . onFl·illIlY· ' MorIa.


".~~.':'::; "'.~."

E·O-.- --


- - --:--- -.-


U- Mossrs. Collett .t t Crane


' JOY COE &, Co

nrc .. nctlvely 'pushin, tbe work on t.hl!.old

IW' ·





Publishers' Agents,


""00'..... IV"" "'. A.'",......,...

illnn9,'"tl\.1t8 VhllhlnI P, &c .• Ike" conaUllllly UII


N., wand e lll ertn inin!! Gornt' •. 11:10001 Cdfdl, ochou l R"il18le.l, A Ml acel. Inll eO" 8 Boo ks II/r prlll enlB, Plc:lurea and





F (!I1cmg, . , PICket s. Pannal :-i/ufi,. 8 "dmg, Ics sawed nnd shaved , L A l' H D 0 0 S•


I he, 1I."on ·& HUIlin Oli an •• Knabe, F. C • . LI,Ihlf,

S,rQq!J~~ I . Sk.lrt dec ~, . "/rB. a~wt"~.e,~,'A '_ ~!~~.u., ~ r':< r

,. , ,

t 1l8' !,Jn.


"'h 'Ii

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" ~. "M.Jclll~ 10',,', p"" ""'r . 9 . Jy

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:'Ar.~~'u. ~~, ~ :';Ji~td.'j~~,o~WII~ • , \1 . • "" d ' .,

t.i';k ot

bl nll' Clly' Ptlcu to )'o.,r <Kt', \ "Ilog Ii. u. W,. N. B.-To SV OAIl ' JI",ItU • • _ , • •


. . .I.a.SS ' •• kl., s",.. p", ~l '1< ~P,J,i.G"i .. ~.' be~tNo. ;JI\Ch'rcqa ,ro~ _


To Ma1"l'V or NQ~ to MIJ.~? ··1 , VNOT '


I 1I.hl,b ., ,ill " Ii'.,,' .~ ;"" ,II"


Norlh lid!' o( Iho e il, •• "ioillll) g

1'hebeelllocKOfWALLP..lLPER X."i.,O .• •. , inlhecollntry. " ; . .

W. ire.. alao. _,,,nt. (or

IH Or.ap

W1lIHlID:I;)WY ·~·AC~;,liI, .&, 00 ~D. Y I • f Lumber- art Oil lure 1 S.I·CO ,

P'"." F"....






I".tf1:7allw..' .Rllybl!re.d11~ 0.' feel uql, i".ft~r,ul,~"'" eral ,.Ironar of


. the

'h4i, pa~t )'~r.


.' l"tiDope '

e lIUI·LDI""G~. ~& Phol~d.l"l" ~~~~~o':" B~:~::~,le'r ~·';~I:'~rilt&)~,~i.: HI. SEu:o •• ~, ~'~:'~~~II,~:o:.!~f.~~O~EoN~ n n'D'I:''''T'S~A'D E'! 2.:~~T~~!llil:;,tl:~ t::';~. .• 811,., E ab I D'I• . ~.U iI:I'.Et.L'1I' ,:f t .. :+" .,. __"'., tl,al ................. Ihe Pb,.luloalh l flor., n 1I1e._"· ....... "~.titlr~~, . rft..:' ~., 1I~'nrmell' ..... l i 'a ._ 10 our ellierpr. ", Indu~.d, b" .' .lgncrrene_ 01 , l 'IllIro. ........ ~ All ,~ . "" n . lal o~tw~ I80'.ll.lIt~ !'in~lfI Law_, ill-tlie.trr~I~~e ulrrmo':r r.,,~~Q!.~ ." ;r~t ln~ihlJ~",,'"V'" . r .6' I~ f·ur~.ln. ~~ -til ~ri n " Pectoral Syrup ... M.thill~. I.' II:d~~.~i!,'~l~~ 81C,li.1R" " OUOH·~O", l' 1 ' A LL A ~E~ r-" lo1).Wo~ Of' I ., P I' , ~: .n I:. ~o"'.rd A.:ci.tiOil Phll 8delrlti'I'Pn, , .~ .~ ,:"., . _ . . •

Pork House, whieh will soon be trans- 'fRIBUNE.. YORIo . and,' Sun . fi d" to a , ' el'Y different. · stract· BROW N'S IRON BV!LPING, •. (The I.ller .re fin e lOlled and ·e" .. p)orlne 10 author'l l-d 10 co"C"'!!1 (or ,d .. r,," .... n.. • f' h · I I " ' ,. ,. anv 0hou ·t .. eMitllh. We.t: ure than 1I'1I_ro be, ore. fnr lhe Mia",i P.. .. tI., . JW e .. IHh I"rniah Iny other . . '. . ' 're•• tor Iller . . 'u' Ad- go ROea Bonhellf, t.he oelebrated Jacksonls Lyon Be_in, ullequaled - : Read .~E. R. PrlD . If a.t Frencb. painter" is soi<' to be . hope· Tilia beilIIj 01 CouCh. Syrup', tor', I'1 FAMILY C.Il ..... • "n.lI)eHlen" l1la P!~trt y~ul'8e ~. R. rRtNT7;. Lcb'"OIl,HO.Chln,.' cl. 1 : . I•• ~ 1rittiotit .d~l tI.~· , : l ell~ly l.nSIlIlC . ,



~r.y. PINE A.ND POPL It ' CLOTH. & ." r, . TG I I . .SPoo ..


rendel'8 of the. . chOICe . treat In . I'for t fl'om ti g htening the wheels, tirc withou which isremo\'lng d esti.llcd






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= .A.w."'Il Ioa:~::::::{k!I~ rdin ••be __ '~p' a lloa . I

.." .....

BcaII... 1JI ber prioclple" . "

!TLI 'TIt & GIEAT ,,"a T I •



tbI World Astonished,

l _ A" T!flt \V "DBRFUL. 'd ' •• by the cr ••'



tell. lIooa. 10 boercl,.. bo d i.! aul Lold 10 lbe .ler.a' poai I1 mtllL or a larie' .

.atrolor ilt .! 1


~C"IIl" ~ nl pl;,



l CI~(JfNl'l AT"_ t! • •"N ".orG""IO~1

!ILI.It. . . . . P £ . . .oe.

She , e"e al, .eur!!.t, nil ",c>tl . ... " r ,&jOO Ibe rac.. Bill p.ople .. prr li n. ... S he re&l(Jrel 10 happ, lIe'" Iho.e la&ea' 011 c.I'tIll1 com Cor I 1.11 11 0 1w hll. lrom doleful .,e nl" t alUlropht:, 'ritlt,1 llilh . 0 Ihll l in lim e btr ho u.t: crou" III .. , •• 10" uf n'la. lun • ., ~Jlen d •


R. A I L WAY - IA-


or •• "" IU!'IIU.U, _ flLE l ·E ....\ ND. ow (l0• •". o r ."LA.I1I .... NtJ.&.

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nl unlt-u to t.e r ar i"C ~ I.... III m.Hle" ha"e blln ": :·r:~ . bl If I I ell c"ptRIO de llt • h. brl n!!. 10Kether I 0 BOSTON'. "ftar ,I'mo \tOle a \I 0 I a 1: d ' et ,,'Hied. /ll yn In(orm.IIO I, ,:ullcer ll l"lf PITTSB lJ IlGII, kllOOk"d al 'be cloor, alld lbe uld a iJ· l ~b~cnll 'i"lIll. or Iflve r •• resluru 10 I or P.... L.DELP. . . . . prim ., a pu ritan, " n . .. tbe Oil 1. , Mtl Ifn prnp~ rly loll. ),ou Ihe buslll8i8 , ' Ser,an'f ma· lII. C~O YOII /:Iylt lIIe , y,iu atl bt\~ ' qll"hti~d to purlu e bnd ID "'L'I' . 1tI 0RE. lllld boarU (or nro o r Ihred d~yb? Oil DIY ' whll' yUII ",ill btl m,.81 tlicnelBful. call lee '" " S ."~ G'I'O N CITV.





n ip beret aDd . laall be

otT .. ' ''11 11 A' 1 'p.. r<ly • Ih""IIf" And lelia 11111 Il,e ve ry Jllad .' II > yun ,~lI l IIl li rry. I1.Ive8 VUU lhe "'IDf', ' \v.,.1 I don ' t k no w ,' Ihe ulll IIkPnr~8 ~lId <lllr.cum.llcl?1 Ih. "erlon.


hu tlali n





•Y ~r II I ?' 11 m"" <upf'r na lurnl pow e re UI1,,"11 Ihe \ T,... w,lI _"". n.« 111b S"' ,:~ lh Hh .f r .. , ' .... d hidde n mY.' I'f IPd 01 Ihe fu llaro!. 1" 1 'I rock, Ih~ 1.1I'" '' '~''' I~. , Cu •• . ~ , "' Ih. Oh, hOllse u ,e I : 11,.r 'No. butIr 1he Klo re we Sf''' HI I he fir mnme n" M.jtulfi· ... ", S'r"l'ill~ f O M 1.. .. \ th,. ~); I ' lit'''! DOl ll"t m a' m r Ill" I r pr v I 'HlI,n( " hHe \\l lh MU )lle I ' Hl tt ft)r :\110,," Bor , w . • I I - till) UI_ I ~ tie . U fI I II I uver,:ullle U I - th. I' ro ll' pt Til". ,·"d "'vr" C4""uCIIo nl ~l ' 11" 1 '1 dOQ'~ IIIke IIny oDe ...." or eMil" ,In",innle In Ihe enllfif,tun llo n - Irom t Ie I ' .. ' P"I'M inlo my b Ulil e. Wha~ du )' uu I Up~c18 ."d p ORh lons of Ihe pIU I~P' 1 0' At/atlt lf and Great lf edl8r1l Railway \ .,.Iu.. . ! \ fb: ed t .re i " t he hfIlVf' n , 01 th e I, me Of \ I''''''' .. Lo..; . . . Tlllle . . q ul"k - .., . ., I -About .. h.I!' tii,llI , . \'p Iledu.:e~ t~e' I\IIul8 d,hl1 \ny 0\ .....r ..... e'. , 'WII,. do you b"line \hal ' ''Y bll,l y ' ", nn. Fil II nol 10 con l <lll Ibe Ilreat0!8t lThro' Ticketl &: Bag{ Cheek, , ) .ill M d" Ulot ... 1 A."o'oll\~1 on "arlh. It coltl yo" ~ut • I No 293 B rCNIdwAY. No.1\' YOfk.; ,No, 16 SLate '0" 'bllllder y e~' 1.,11\ •• a".) rO¥ me, huer al~11f h~t\ ~'oI~ I S'''''OI and !II) Sclloo l Screet, 80s10n . Depn .n " · ·d . I 4 W ..111 1fovor, III. a .. o,PO'I4J ull , . I I ftlld Union Ofll~OIl! . Cle"cland; Nil. 66 Oink I .~o J:0u; ,a, .' UI goo ° ,'ee, " I,ll lik en,,' I nd , II clulr ~dun~"iull)rma' Sire .t. Obicogo; III Clncmonli, nt No 80 brit.letIlDi .~. ~e Jl. bow ""D, \ Uhll, P,,,le. II\lin: " • dl l tall ce enn • Wesl Fourth St reet; N. E. 'or Brolld .. . v ! totIlI d. ,Oil tblDIl w,1I be i. IIro '11 eon,ulttl,e .ted. ",e Ii, lIIail WIt It equa l ! and Front Streets. 1\ 5 Ville Slrcel 01 U S




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=========.= , "

L.rge.t, Cheap es t. nnd B'eat

.,i"II. .

in Ame rio a..

aaDDOI.j"O'O aLber"i .. ,ball. bla, p . O. D,ewer i93 . 8ul1'. lo, N • A GuLD III EDA L , 10 couotry; for who I.ban dtmy , - - - • A. the Belt Cabinet, · l"a\ ,hi. &euial nOfl!lilL i. oot • . wh ere ~ Ii A I N Y k 0 I '65 "Ir lie m"y go. a Wlillonat)' of good ~, ~ ~ merlcftn n. lllul u. ew vr , e . • AI w.ll ,.o( d.II"III : mllkiog Dle n lind n"OW • • • , r ODr M.e Ir,,,... Jo a . . .. Heh... Delli" pronQunced , ,,plmo • .'n Q,UAL ITY , -" b bO I b "b yo.ur ..1,;; • P OWEll , ,lIld VARI ET Y .. ,. r ONS. UIIlI '" wotli!t. elter." ,., e ..a ",11 L em IlI.Iru, ,,, .,01 ' 0",'"'' ond w lworlh·. fi~; . , I 01 r 11 11" " . 11 H' ••'Ti, ,ofleo ill" and 'eolll,,,ioi Ih~ ( '''ql '' ~~"' . cow e , " " I1a,.• h ~. II'. ,,~ I y lid I. ,t • .\ " ":~ le rl b ' I . ", ( A 6 C othl;';1J'''



C ~ ' ;;'JOIU ill Y" IO I (O" n 1.. 1 " ".001 '6 t - 1 II ~O 0 III b eRrl. ow.n a. 1Ie Ira .. e. .... "


! ,'ll o~ t \I· . trunt ~n 8 n me fl r. 1 were Ihe re oon le nd .. ", wh' ch~ v e r won hlllllor.' (iIe k ll.ibllh,te , lIllI& '}'IIl P" ' R IKPA.I&.t.TOn CAPJI, I, I . , lh e b nll ie wn"M h", e ~'''I I' '''I1 I~1I 10 cu h · ,bile with Ih. pll lh clic:. all d ' he n n i., 10 Fur re810rlns fl oir UpOIl ba ld held. - I qUl!r.'-A merica71 Art J"u , nol, (fdiltll by , ",.Ie dl"t ' t&liab". p iclur(!s oC 1IOIOIIIy (! ro,n' "II."ver ceo.. it n~al " nvc !n lle n a wel '- k llo\\n lllullle,,1 n ·" e.) , . Id ' intensel, J lumllo IIC~. Ihe oUI)- and ror~hlll a growth M h ~ lr "PU" T It"y h D\ e . Iso In k .. ,) d w fi rst pre mlunl l' ''biaimood' h"i thui ina~urRI~d an the la c... II 101. 110 ~~u Q I . It WIll fo rce whMne r ~ xl"hl' ed ~rQ.on olblPr coaqul'ring ol\mplli~o ror th ~ de. Ihe be" ,,1 te.> gro\\ u po n Ihe I mo'llho. t fuc. PEDAL ORGANS. 1.2. 'n" 3 b.II ~' , dl l t d I I h' '~"m live 10 e ll,! l,t wee ll. , or hAIr upon 01 k ~Y .- . 'lI . izp. - 82 611 ' 0 ~ I .& OO. Ifr" y . ~vel an popu 'Ir gpnl ~m" n I b" ld hp"d. an r'lIIn Iwn lO thrPB mll nl"a. Ifllhou' I'edell,. Iljl f!l ~ und d ,. u~ le !Ja nk, I , of qld. I"I,! ~ L dt~e'n. ~o be pmu r ll l A (e w Il!norenL prrlllil, onP, ' 8 h ',ve u"e rt · In ll 'l'ol varle" , 866 10 ~4"O '1 ht' de ror wbr.tI'it, lI. III "etl ~' ,rOT wl f'(~ b,IlH ell 'b~1 lhe,e I. IIUlhml( thl' l ,w It (oreD or O'g ftlla, wllh Ihe" RIROI)!". p l p ~." k'l qu .. l. ~.~ ','POr lis ' CODnDI.ebt l rorm, II I h u le n Iheo .. rowlh 01 the 1t,lr or 'tt pa , d.- it, lIr lunl', be nllllllll "01 0 dlvpp, , Ir.n l!l lI dllllllellhough ae~ .. artly emllll tyP!. 'I'h ft lr ..... rl lull • • re lolaI', as Ih ouland . 01 UI ehur"e Ul1fqunl (!11 pellnl ~ . 111111 !!,nern IIiid original il'ullr"lioa. ' by IlVlnll wlllle"'OM ("lIm lhelr ow n txpen. c.rlt' I'I.llk~ I>l1'tCI~. ore . 1lr ertur ,0' C h"."h· B,II.St. It DIU,,, cODlDlendllion. IIId Pll ce) can lI" or wltn c~I .. DUI many w,lI Ct: Hall •. P.r1 urs nnd S . honIR. TII(, Y IIrl' . . .Ia. PoP III", 'fOry lIlode r !IOW f ' 10 d' . I\I,1 "ul ••h ~lhe, l!enu , PilI Uil III r. . , PA II( .(IIII{ lVllln ul, f. lI ,y .11 prictt. It i. IPDlel)lIng uRoC,,1 /lku. lIIe Iro~ lb"'II\U\OI\, 1 It ~er~~1 IS ve llc eretl tDI/lrml (ne w ~nd un lqll e ftl y lee ) wi .. i.. lbe 0" bOl)k milking ' ilDd 'hfti~uh, nllle-l e ~lhl nl Ihe I l"ent anll elpg"nl RO~eJr~ocl. II I ap,e ll d ,~ l.I ~S ' l! n .. ' b Prr p-r'ttolll,durueed lor Ihe Ind aii'd 1I.lldli nlld o( til e bel l lVurkm . n. hlp' f ~I~ .~rJ pt:cJlI"flueall qUlle ,un',Io C heard I .r. ' f'nll,~f, wurlhle.a. lilt! ,Oil _II ~ e ln,j iohmdf'd Ibal eftch in8tr ume nl ~',~rltI.. .1I0 ~OW m~IIJ ~I~rac Inl " have .Ifead, Ihrown ,~"'ft' large eh" " be A mod~ 1 of III dillS A ll 1118" " te ....I. (lDler .&I1t lui. WILh II and .molllll. I. l!teir purd,aRe. 1 0 ~urlt w ~ m",,18. duwn 10 0 fin e QClno l'".lu ble • 1. ctulomefl. Wllu"1 uy. try Ibo Ri U,..Ton !? APILLI, M.!o~eo u h~vl! Ihe b"auliruIT,pmollnl. ·O.,ill Goppet6" II1H a Lhe llailll vol i~ .. \11 COlt you notbing UP len II com'~ atop!'; . lt llu\I, ' "". ehn'l!e, ~II. D~I'-\U Djc.ta. , ajW il Iully up 10 uur repruen'ltlo"l . If , otlr A I.. rge U WorllllPllt non~tln\I1 '"\ h . nd ....11 io Ih •••DlI oompacl. conYllnienl. Drll,,,III dO.. not keep II. "~d u. ,1.00! Il our Gl'lIer.1 Whul e ule ond RelD il ... -lee"a' Ill" u ,'t/l. Pickwiek MllIl, " 11 \Vii: forward It. pOllpud. lal{elh~' W.,ern"m~,1 841 Rrundwny . P ........" d 'O.r Afn;qa( lc',ie~d.'- .v1lh I tipcel;" rf'l~ tile m,Hley, wh'ch will Oil' IIIUl rrBl ed em' ular IIntl Pri ce LI~I. 1":- f "'" f D' k .... h II be be rel 9,ned ,ou Oil Ipp fleallon, pr..,ldlng' ~'Ith olIi'new ltv I••• are 1I0w' re ody ~enc! r1 o'~r 0 .10 ell',~ ou ~ lure enliro nlilC.ction I, no\ 1I 1~ .", Ad,he.. (u, a ~lrcllillr. l'. ' ' I! &b.. ,edluoD. • .. be IIlIa.trale.1 W. L CLARK. &. c:beR\\I II. PII:UtVBET. PIrL'1'ON • flO .. 9GIia• .-ar. unl)' 8'.60 IDcb. aod \bll No. a W.,\ rayette at ., SJ,acule • N. Y. Munlil,cl\lrera~ N". 841 Dr" ' ltw .y, plaia '''2fo, ,-Rocb'''let Demoora~. 118. New York City.



'}' 11 ITO:Q£









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ar' a'

as adnpted to every dt;'p.u ll m of

.... cif





I~ t

accurate ClI nd rapi~ commC'r ci.II cal .. culntlonl', bus inr . s

,The New Be&lltdler of the Sk Ill ' \

bu s ill t1SS ,

CllIrrlls pondtl))Cl'l conll)'H:I'C




• •ohloe Builla.. -




*t Mr of ".\11, I»lIollilie. in r Ibl! U.,I.d·Slalol up &0 the 0101. or tlle

0.11l11. .a 'ae·q uaint.d wilh ,lie . . .11.... compale tI,.t lll' "holo uum



C II " 8 TEL L " K • ,.

SUFFER NO MORE! W bcn .bl !,fteue orD.i. JoJ1(n~'li1t·lIit;1X 1l1t'~OU eii be cured pe l'»lllllcntly . alld ..~ II tr,fllng cost I


IVi1;{Jiim~lrrl!f\Ql1 ~ ~ • . For llemoYlDS IiUperfluoWl Balr.

~ The a@tonish lng sll~rc8\! whICh " nsattend ed

"" ,

III .. lt e I P'~ l n,"m pVllr give n fo r ' R •

IIt.. X ltl f ...

" u. ,p

'c. .

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uull cutur' u l W·!,,,t,,!d h,,;q' , n '" 'I' In' • I ~' " ~ Jnl l 1!M utp " \l II II \\,' 1 " -" I IOItY Ilia fill til "" u h, (J(I IO P " , \\ h .. , I, ,' r JI fl- h li P ,; .t t.t! \\n r:, \ iii I h· co h' n ('U I to n e~I" pu u' "ll! ,,' Ir. , 11 .. .. 1.111. ,jluri'II"" . • I "I II nut I \\r tt r Un ao " b ...' CO OI e I cnl\lI!I) \\ I 1111' l, r b hu"' k · w l. r' l, ~ ' ,!,,· k .. , 11 1111,114 · "'11Pllu ll) .. Ollt.I,' Ilnd 111(' \\ h_ ' ~ 1~ l d m tl\: l W'ASH ' \ ~ " CC'UI Il I I II -11\ " .thillt.[ ,.101 t he lII urk 5 ED W,:"110UT II< JU I\\I \It \I'M' il'~ .. tll1 l1 . lell by SM , , L puX ., d II ' d '!'lI ft II ' P 1!1j( uf ', . I!! ,oll i : tl ~ P .l rtrt UtO:-1 h it \\1 Jtl u 8 MI)( 11'I 11lW .


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7'~.w muTl '(li ,.I ' u l/l Cdr/II nl' '/ /.((II ,Po! • *1' h i6 ~ef rt' l I I I ~f't rt H ( I I ) ! H~ I II ~ r h U I 1. Intl kn owu ottly t., l\J t'W':'~ J ff j-ld \.'(: ll" lI lip} III" lor.,II ly .!"' ~ , 1.01 I, "tl r. ' rIJII' 1111 .. th~r p"' phrll " ,,'" It e " '" I II ,I ... Th e "' ''Il l III." h p " t) I,,·, kkll qkll' b", h Ihl' f



CU llh.I I' '' ~I\ 0.. 11""1 lI e,1

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1'1 ."'" ll, ,' ~.r Th b' -I--S'} 'CIk' dl . ' Il'llI"~I"·11 e com lD atlOD 1 Vel'!oJ l r t.

lu II..• 1 'u l bvuh

and Ih. lamou, SPENG J::IUA N 6y ~ l e lO I. dl es . s

·r h i~ U1\' ;; IIIIUI} COWh I Hf'lt wilh tlw Lr cll· Sl l!nor li a 'K IMi, !\l' lh, 10'.. 1"" 0 V~~;Y ll h , 1' "'1 CI"t\fln ~)d r t Ihe "'lv~",ugr8 fll' on' .M '~I M .!!II '~ i\I 'lI'h~II .l\l r ... r. , .WI"~ ' ~ II.VI I SKIK f • II... \) "IIulIl 11,,011" hr<' Illp L u"lIu W ".~\!"'. 1\1,110" " 1" "".', .u lll e 08 I I , v~(' lIsl·d ii' I h,. S,I up, ~ltl , t . ~ . '~'0 In " 1·;"" n8 W .II,lr, !. .. ' Y 11111 eIl V" rln!! 0 1 "\) 'I'h M I11I " 1 WI' IIr ,lft" ~tuJ.'/~eJ.d- /'/r -'U1~'1,,? ' a ",hl'" ., NWII" 01 tl " 'h ll e 111(' " PP' r i)tlC:~ _ hIe w ith . ,. • I , j\I.'II! .. ~ri"~., ~11 •• I ul lon, Nil hilly . h~I" " l! (J ll ee ,.orh 1111,. M 11 .-' P.ltlr , ~, II ill hI' \\ 1111" " ,I> .,,("If ""Ii A~ 114 ~ P ,·rrv . " 8"d m ~ lI y "'h" r~, \ \III ..• h 'U h . llIlIdl l1 l! ill " lllr', nI II. e ItI\V~ r h"" \"I , 01 aU IIlher N lln e but Ihe mo s t (' m lne nl P rofrllso rs nre ' hll prn ll' •• I,," I! 'v ~~ BlIoI1lI' " I ' ru l h. kl n ' l~ nrp ~o l'n InJ"'PII . , '" e UI "'.). T he b r~ 1 1II1l1 "i' 1 1I1 ~ ' hr.. ,1 ' II Ih l'lr .l1lp lll.y ellllllhe VUrlUUS drparlllle nio. ,,, ln eSA 'u th ~ " 11,1 .. 1" 1(" ,,1 lI ud U"lInllll I CO II S I ~II r.lill ll •• 1[1)1" Ill clr durabil it y l' poruv ft • qnd Il t!. lll eu . I h~V u(' 'I ~~tln e d to MCD ill" Th e bu ntl lu l Luc ,lle \V cal ~fI' .ft l' ~ .


. .

T it Wle lallie~ f'~pe t;JAl\y, till. lR'l\l~, 71., 1888. " .. abou' - 769.000. Dur thl. hl\ ohillbic med,olne lor I'h~Klcn\ nud li nd i.~ lb. Ciu"rler endiog OO!oember 10, Non 'ouB WClIkll ~ . ~ eS8. r UGe n or~ I 1 PEo blh ~V•. I Kbl e d e pl'1 At 0 1'1 re"om mend~ I' 1Be If n• )' ro.trut Ion,w<JH' 0 • ~.. UII()' l.!llt nergy, III b 1 ). bl ' I ...e; lbe ' n~mber oC m.ohllle. m~J II pol onoo. or ""Y or th e cODsequ ences of t lO ~ an R 1 001 101 1 8 p'~nsa e 8,110 e to " . Ii..I". II corop"niel. ... reporled by Youtllfu\ I ndiscretion. f't) l1 dCl'S It the most ft mld e bORllly: IS r.1\61lr t1r pliee!. d o.ea n o~ burn or inj ure Ibe , 11m. but acll d..... ' 10 Eli.. Howe. "~I 6'!.!lD I ,.l\llIable preparation e " cr di8oo. ered& "ft· Tbl. Ie ,boy,; Ihe ra te of 200,000 ptr h will rcmo)'o .11 ner vout atl'ccti ns. de· dlft'Nl y on tile rnols It iR ""rrAn l ~1I eltoltemenl . Incapacity to Itudy or ,, , 1 .' a..aam. Mr. lIo". ia oC ,be oplplun I'r0581011. bu. mess, lollS o f memor)'. conf\IBlon. Ibo'ta 10 remove ,uperHuou, hllir from I"w 'II~ abo., balf aa Dlany more lire pro· of Belf' destruction, fUr! of Insani ty. &c. 1\ forehelldl ; or (tom any pRrt or the bolly, A Fav onte !Skirt I tl ll.lllt I l l " ~ ·E ·" ,·1\' 11""1,, •• ~ . 11 , I..• d.OId L, unlioen ..d m"kl"; illcludln g will reslOre "'~ RpPe"Le , rOIl CW the health of complelely, totRlly lind rntlicI\lly "zlir· h.II11I1II1 Y,! nH 'lle 11",1 lil y·" I",,·. wi ll, Mh ll ll 'n '·'",,,d 11 1. \\' hy Ihl! R,ll'er Ski .. &he Yanke.. who, dtiven Crom ;ho thoM wlio,bave dl(.tro1udl'b'y8e118u..l eJ.~~1Ii! plllillg Ul'e '''me. lellYing UI O all in ~oft, e,.II'f'l'IIetletl8. " • ~ mo"lh 1I1Ie! nMural. 'lhis il the only . 1 \ ' I IP f.! , e,1I 0 '" I 1'""" I '101 ,,' I V'" I '''I!'' 01 ( ' h l b I IIlI d \ Vlrl1 i\JIIII \, l a ~' \lril 'l! CllllljllIl1\'. I UDited 8'al.. by tb. oombinll'ion , 61' Young Men, be humbu ggcd no mOle b ) 1I r~" IIy '1110 Id III : I. e 8u1l l.. ar",l p'" OI e(.. 3(1 &. 32 n "rr.ln) S t. , New \,.' rlr. .... lei up lbeir factorie. on tile othll r QU8ck Nostrums' and 'gnoront IH·.clltlOnen. IIrlicl. u.eJl' by Ihl! Freoch. and i. lli e tr tId I' . . I "P"~ M Blld b.'" ,,· V ,,' II,,' , 111 11 , T. S. HI' l!:R It r, 10:,,1" ' " :../a_ [651, .Id. of ,b. liae. U 1M. con · but dc"d wllhout c\el.v" for Lh~ Elhi r •• nd be 00 Iy Ilia I ~lIec u.. epl n:ory In eX's All p'r~0"8 purCbUIII!! 8cllol8 rs HI'8 ,n " "" 11j, "" l V"6,VIIII dUJ S • __ _t'J _ _ _i - - - . . . ,_ _ _ .... _ '" t once reRl.ored to h ealth 8nd happmcs8 A enee. Price 75 cenle per pach~e ,- II ' ell e " , .orrell', "0 Ire all" p,oduo • ..P~ rfect Curels Gu.l'anleediD e v8ry l lllltHnce. '1 -.Jd II I U 'i I h _ \ 8 F ll fT"rcl l ". , IlIlI d l ' r"01 ,I.e V" fIoJ. Gll B :Vl n a: ,.O~. la,llIe a.loulldiog and Rlmo'l Incre lli, r Iee. , or ..• b011 I88 10 Olle Ildd reol. 13 se nL po" pll" • to IIny '"' rela, on reo "Uf! w illi e 1"",,,,0. & •.• "I II.:h 'IIV ,lo "" H, I' II PHOTOOJlAPRIC AR TiSTS, ~Ie ••• be,. of .. ooq·... io, machIne. Ono bottle Is sulllc,ent t.p olfflOI I- oure In ceipt of lin nrd .. r. h, ,I Crt I prlJ l(~88\('I 1I uIlil l! P S 1U 0 til " ",. I IHi t I DEROER SUUTTS & CO worlUng ·d a)'. at aD average CO_I all ominal{ CI\8CA 707 B",""wny, N , ~ . . " . C8.llSave n511011aJrs I. l r.lI n 8 111 ~ r It . prr' ~d loe .. " fu Cli ull I II Ii "d " ~ to ,be FDreb... , or leo eaob.-[JI\me~ ALSO , • • JOIllHLL"", SnC lrlO PIL LS. Cb I'mllll, ...0llr:." R'Ifer S t.. T rn)" ..L'T Y I n , e p. I.II" n wh k ll U' V". In l' h Pc:ps •• r )· In tn our I'HOrOG RAI' I-lIG An'l rOI the speedy and permallent CUI'O 0 r G ,on· ,. Pu•• i. A.Uaolic I(oo\hl" .,' , orrhea, Gleat.Urethral Discha . ges. Orllvcl. II U l' Y !jlv h,t t' np-d '" II.., ~klh, " nd leov e~ It coo l GA L l.~_ R Y • •:".~ I. ~'''i.t IS.~O. '" Ia"VU ,... h, t f"1\ t! ' eu"!' h ltl l Itrh R l1 l1 ~e" · 'l ~d" r 't:' Oil) &r flo, Jlpaoe.. Commi••ioner. StrlClu re,Ind .11 all'eolions of Ihe Kldlle~ A b rn G Id \ • 1'Mis8 lIId 8111'/IIl h. u tll ~r • • t ubl llh 'I)Cllt 111 u h t lti U tl J.!' -lItlli!!_ (,' "U ,. nnd Bladdcr. Oures etfected In from one to • II .1 I o · ~ Bv appl)ln" before July I. 1867 1\I 11l!~le 1\1'I lthr il ft U\. II lfl 1'( "lIlhe I'I\O~ II i\'I.N I' OF.t.I :Il RI TI ~:~ . " . neei ..d a\ lb. Slate Departll\enl Jiv e days. They arc prepllred from ' ~geta · e n. Flinn. a 1111 Th e ftdV8nlft ll~ II f Ih ,s cnll ~ g~ " ver nIl . of' th e tilt\' in l\ttl P rCrlllt • Ut lU Arc n uw pub · OIl Wedlllll.lay. aod tzpre .. td the belt ble c~trt.e\8 Ibllt 0.1'11 bnrmlll" on the avetem. I i I I "nv~ Ir:r d Ihl' . k"l h p" ",,/i rr. · VE", · h.~JnK' It ; ;U.11l Io,,"uu of over " .,. h .' S,lhn CURLS ! ut Ie" s. llol II il olle " I uII de IJ,.r,. ,' on,l 1,.•,1111 11"., ,I ,1, "1"1,11,' wilb.. of ,''" T)'ooOn for lb. bealtb of ond nllver n~U8eat.e ~bo etomnc or ,mpreg " .. ,he ~\d'Gl alld &cret.ary or SII\le 0" \" the breath No clllUlge of diet is DQC~8 prollurpd bv Ihe l ,mpnrl " • IIl1 l nrll.l bloum Blllli rnshn,'u tu ~.sOO ....) ....... ,'QlClrl. ~. ..",I lI'o~"", , ' ... ry .. hlle uolng them. nor dOIl~ tholl ""t,on u ee 'of P#of, DE BR£UlC'S Falsr-It Lit (JRR' " lte CUItlP;"", JtI. • 11 l \t r !u 1i . . 1 qf "pi,,, f'tI uti w.U." 01 ~b. Amerlol\n n~tlon in Ally mlUUler Interfere .. hb bu.lnes8 pur· vl!.llx. One application w.rnnled to cnrl 8r. 'J 1I'f' II·. Em AIl \le 1' . ri,' I. nAP l1 u n WopJuo Art _ad 'E ........Jnll". Hi. ifaj.. 11 furtber d•• ir.. Ihlll the l ul ts. Price , fl" boi. ' I~e 'QOII atrftljlltl and , Iullborn b l l. of I I d ."lc nle be Aullfj ,. r o( Ih e . Id ll (ur T hp~\ r e. .". h . 1 Ih. fI.~ ", R'o. " "hnl" of Iho pA I


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relatloo. ollrieod.laip alrelld, ui6lml( E,ther of tho above mcnlloned artIcles bet.eta two ' collofriee Illall in ..III be " lit to ~, 1144",.,. close l, . ealed . • . and pII,lpald. by mail or upre.. , on reoeipt ON ..I 10 cordiality. lIr. Se"ard re of prIce. Addreu all ordeN to pl..ct,lb.lit had alwa,. been our eo lIERGER. SHUTTS & 00. Obeml! bI. dtlfttlo.ake Lb. relalione bel"eeb !ltI6 R ,ver Street. T roy. N Y. 1M IOGotli" mUlually beneficial ....... prelilltl tbe h'lp. that o"r Min PHOTOtil. . . . " ' , iller &0 JapaD I. apf,ecialld I\A liVing E . & B. T. l:iir - U-ONY I: CO..




,ood ioterp"ter 0



e,'be , se.' '"II.? WIIU'Y r~gltlw. 0,' bbeav y, l l ....... 'ur P., " ' "'!lm " l eu V lll! f".hionlbf Hlo' Pari. lid Lo.. d Ih Ih' 1'( I ~I D on,

• ~~"frt:,Y n~ ~e.u ~81 IIIf,,,_ . u,. rlelJo . 1."1ri .nd poetpold; 81. I!'Iet'fpl1ft


timelll. of tb. two nation.. I WRe Manufadw.r,r. of Photographic Male· tIIen arranged .lhe.t the Commi8l10nen . rial" be pfe~ented lo Ihe P rea,d.,nt on FI i "",H,E' ALb A' D I. ," All,. da)'. '1 heIr Qr ~ Il (;GII "b were reftd. Ao,l .sOl BaoA.D"·AY , N. , ' . .rllr eOIlEiderRblt pleClIlllDt Clon,er", 11\ .dd,l\on t" oar ",.,n bu. "' ... . r 1'1101'0 f &II ' . d d G RAPHIC MA rf: r.IAL~ ... e ore H •• dqll"r. 100. e 10Ierv,e ~ ell e . len (0 . Ih. (oll oW .II);. VIZ

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i J :: t~-~ I~ up . ,~ 'h".... cor~ ~ l t. 1 I , '''1011. 5.,,11 I"'~'" I o:r Tno n"",u\lpl,~,1 hh~r.1 n f... ..,. . drIHIJ.;tr~ ,,~ , . \,,1 ~I. l lIg 1\··11 GMlI y

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' "~ t II,h bh, C; " "I\) .1I 1.,I ,htl CI"rg' ul hll citm tHll l lln' ''H'II., ,," I'~h ' "' tli lli r ulli c t!r" u l th. " lill y IIlIcl III~ " ', un I (he I h l lC I t,t ld,·dvrlt t t: fIot n lt· .. tU"lu"'~ nlld .. " I U" f':oI, p ..nfc I 1111 1 Lu )lillrd 1)ln~'

IlI ..., " . H OIIt" IV bY &. 0:" D"It'/,,'.ol) P~' . " lIIblO l} p••• C Kfll Pic· C O" dr. n. Pit Ii nd.. I,,''' •• A 1!~ lIl s. ' , .. , JARE D &. RENIol . G ell eral Aga hl! tu retl . &.<-. , uf D .. "e~ Rela'i .... n¥ II'rit'nd., 11111 IIIII,ur, prs •.N e w Y lJr h. JOHN D. PARK, h ue ll t (0' CI;,oln- (nlarg lllJr;' thflll1 In ""~' .. he, ~ n«;l ,1111Ihh\g In 0 .1,


N&~ 1:; ";,---8 -; -"-~-.cell-t-1.; - ~lIuod o~~:.=:-:n:-;'Q~:';:~7,~:" '!~"~'I. For Curling' th. Hat'., Of ' either b, Ibt·' Lrgillalure, 00 and "CLe r ICII"II,GruUp.\SllItu ry e'tc'" Selt ll;ltq W~"i and Olo.ay Jill.! I~, lI4Ial, all birlhs, aoA death. 8~_.k I ' · Ie .... -.fdle IhDjletl1 or freav'll' , I':. , ' ~ t....I J ' I .. ~ J.)..


hp"lll ll~ "' !! ~tf"CI" "r ro"!!,, '" 111 IIl v. " 1111 .. \ "llhIJUI Ilieir vu l;: •., gn,re ur '"JI'" In the t t',, : ' rl '~~II;,1 II rl l , ,,~ , PIClOfC:JI. v i !;~tI. ' U .'I .) •• _k in . ~r t • .)" .. , ~ " '"' " uti r'1t'" ,,,1 S ,Id hy ,oi l li .. l·e 88" n ru~!I ' ~' ." }'..,r (tl' Cll ' d l o~ II t" ""lit on r"r,ei t lor ~'nmp. • ~nN~ ,,,,,I L "·hv. \f( ...Ir , 1), ... . .. , , • • \11 o n :.rt fr, .. !lilA tI." , fl pl~ !U1 ti A (10 m o nr t.;" ",l n~ n . ,vi II b. fill ,," "I 811.<0 "nJ ',.n! b\'

S ta lu and Cnnada Bnll SC\I(1l arih ,P9 • t ' ' \ boughll'! 1111. col lf'~" Wil l be "o nd In en, or allnf ti lll m.

Old . he w.. b~.Uh(ut ~nlll.l r . \\ IIh I,or' f .". "nd ,b l 'I~ "IIIIII '. Who •• cur 1I1 ~ lo"dn l. '0 11 • • "I w,,,e" , £". h.", .ol lh~ ... h. .. t . nd ,," .. d


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TEN T.&LENT It D ,&11'1'I8T8;' Po rll', des.. i" i!; I , h,'v ld (ore rc'"o " d ,, "h " ',"roc l tllr 0 cR' nl n'-uo.

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l\.emcmb,r. IIIi bUYlRi yuur l ellol.rehlps , raTl'.' ", ... ~ . ... G, II • • , It" . 1, .,. t"'IItl\)11 n IInll rt .. alt reailtered " 'lIh lite t"ruhllte and ,rumtOfUlI"" ,, ",O Il.tI. N O' e '" I '. varlo", o. 8 nt l'"'J"" a •• V.. " rle : ., . • .. f r<1 'o rI ,' II , ft n l l nil III 0 .\ I. a C'onlpl tl& Pnoloi raplllc h ll l!)r, .... • to 'lpply At the ,HI } " t h e Ci ty lil \d ou r .. « " By ullftg \1111 attic"' , Lodlft ftnd Gen, " I 'n ~ lil t; lisk O ~' ,,,no1)1' 11, " '\I~'t ~K~ •• hllj 1'1oil:" ' 1II N"", \ ' " ,L I ad.. of 'he OOUOLy . whh Ibt St Z lIod '"." "'" o ( 11,. ,~1 . lI" ldt, ..... A 'ailure \0 oompl}' with thiS • ....~...... ' 'I'~ ...... '"""_ .... , lIomen can henuIICy Ih erpee lvpR e IllOuC HAS TEL L A R 'S "I,ue ... In " h,l . ..... , nnlh,,,,, . , ' ~--. I Itl J I .. J <;OU Hl" ~: v &. 0 , \Ihu lnl;". pli~;'< ! • ror 1.. llpled forellh er th.l\hglc l.alllo,n or th . .. lid u . I . the only article In Ih. &9" , - "7 ' I I N " I• w .abi,cla a peoaity DC _h c&lIce. SI,,,,,oKope. Ollr Cotalogue WIll b. t.ol to world tJI.l Will CII,111f41I1hll.. ". al", II -~~ H -~ l vS;'E r ' ' : R ~ 'S~'. '" •. 'a, ; . lon y addretl on rec.,pt 0( • • tA"'p. · th. ume lime Rive it R beanl,lul: alnu y \I ~ Il . . , two wOllng ladi.. boldiog eon . • ........... k .&1.._ app •• ranee. Th\ Crl. per Cllml not on. F u, ] mpro,lng and I , W . m,nal'Clllre 1110,. la'goly Ih . """f oln .. ~ curle Ihe UI inviIlO,.,eS. beoltlia.. mpl e x,on . Dlld r.fU 5I G· • "" .. ow.r tbl 'utuel of • new dre ... \ hOUM. ,"o~II!OO .. ,.e" .' Iro ll. ~o cellI . 1o ,bO d I \ • Th e mo" t- v- Iu loble ann'- pp,le" t "r en-r". e)', o. for ce:l lcf"ro",' • & .. ..I, '6 II" k d e., an c '11l6elll : I~ hlt:h Y aod deligbt I · • " ., I ' " U .. ...a .....011 Il ' . e . . . oae,- .,' h, Our ALBUMS h,n " Ih. ropul,th' n 01 fully lIt'rfullled, lind" tbe molt complele .. Ibl .. I, the III,!r eot ftntl mo~1 comp ele \ l, on 'II 118C, lor a1Y11l \t I he Skill II b• • lltitlllun th e s mu", ht.\, : ; I Y : I~ if I'd bela ••lIed ~~I::~.~aperlor ,a c!pN.blht, Ind beaul1 10 aR1 article 01 the kind ever att'ered 10' Ih \ In Lhe r.ollnl~y. ful pearl lik e Iii, •• Ih~1 I, IJ llly fOlllld ill (.roe in (ro m I h ree po.,e l 0 c .....1Ieiopa. . . . .1 G ..." .... I. . . . .1_ Am"rican public 'I'bo Cd'pqr Com. ... youtb'I qulckl, r. move. T e n Frfr.k Iq r ' lIh ~ "pa'k., by - .. A" ...... " ....... Ie. will be unl 10 ao, ~dtl,e,. . . .aled and I ~". P,mplell. Hlo l ph e~. l\1 " Ih P . l che" II S tY IO!'&'S R lwtA . ...W~ I. a toldl" aella, ill GOlD' o~, C.t.I.... ~tilb",.e. 0 . ... FIV!!: HUN· poetwld, ror .1. Ad~r~... al! ordell to S.II_lIhl. lllld nil itnullflLle8 of Ihe s ki n PU.LAn R, the m ool und er ful d l~c.overv In . " ' i ~Q ot~, .. al~ DRto:D cllfI'oftiIt ..blaeb. I.dud,n, ""p.odlloI " I • • L. CLARK CO .• chemlel" - k'1,1,dl " IIe" II nil · t.e sam e , I M VHIII It mDd., r~ . cle n" e. II c tlnsr I1po" , Ihe Beard ftll lilllll. like hono or IhelllOll cI'ebrated ~~nlr.. lnl'l Paint. . . . .11'\ fOflDlaavt_ ........111 · 1 s.- In,l. SI.t.... etc. Catol"", .. aant on u ••lp' No. a W .. I FI,,,ne_,t •• ~yr.,cUMe. N. Y. ,_.. ..... .J, f Ll " , I d while I"d cillar "' "l . bu Le' h' lise lift ... nd Hair In on .."n oU mi r~c\ulcllle ' ~M ~;..') , 01 ItO"I!. r , . Jo-I .....r' til' pape'r il IIIV In nol be detecled b,,~ Ihe elblj!'~ ,c'olltln;, ' he",; ' lit h al W*T, ueed"bj Ih,,'em. if' eR" .... , . \l)1i,. p\o.ra on ol ~" orderl nuoodt C. PURE CIDER VlNEGAB. 10 w!i,le lur c~n,~ Pape, .nd 8pe lUo-J....+rI- beilla a v, .:euble "rcl.e f.ti oll, II rl"and London wilh tho mo.~ I lllterln!! L IU tb ._ •• L' 0 , Q ,WIll "I •• .., •• ",1, 26 pet CADI oflbe In,· r p ' h ' .t..O..• .oll.... r. _ 'I" O~.l ••'" u... t .w.w_, ~,... , Th" .11IIIOW '0 Ifl pure. a'.1 'pro. DI'''~ 0 Inman. Ip-'~U"t F ree. Ad. qUill! b ~rm I... , .I~ i. the only . lb~ nlZ of . uccP.... N l m , ' (If .11 p~rllh.~r. WIll . . . W. , ., ~ _ _ _ 'fOI'ed tbao tb. _ble .. 'it~=M4 .U~ or .., .......' ca" cUnd the CItlei' 1'0. rell,bl. 11_' 'a tlte kind u ~ed \iy the French. and "" Clon. b. ,egil "rell. and If 8ati re h tI Wfll:t1011 I. ~" ...... dMJ ROH ,be .... 0 0 , Y t\.f , ,hi. aellhborliooo. and "'mln.d It '0 elderpd I l' lIle to a perrect loil e'. not give n \,til every Inlt I"'. ' the' 'lIlo'ne, • j :~ . . . . . ~.... ' U"',,' n ......_ tlll.",,\ne.,roll OGro•• ".ml.... · J ' . ' Up",.,~aor bottles wer. 1101,1 duo WIll be clit erf\\lIy ro ru iltlltd " Price . by ~." 1, Ita.. 'ike • f t ..~.~~"" .. I ~ B. ~"PRINTZ. BlLY:~'NT. ' 8TRATTQN &. DE HAN, rlo~ 11111 " ..t If .ulliclelll lIuaranl~. mall••e.lad and pO~'l~ald. ,,~, ,I:.rl c,I,I,




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~".. 'II _~ ~_.... ecr-)W~OOJ) "lfD Y"JJ2'BE'UL ' . , "lI"~. "..DIP ColI'ee." EattiGl of .C06', tor all~ by VIGOa'tI , ...lIlM It. J~ "'L.

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fillet BI&dnt








.. ret, and .. tlal.cll on 10 Ih~ rn8e l vel .. ' Mo , l Lm Stcll m er!! Lu ndlllg 11101 of V,ne SI . 'OOG', knb", lDa' Ol, really DeTer CII· If In p~ r A full ~ I,d up h C'1 ehul' i and al N'cw Pnneng~r 1)epol of t~e OIll~ln!'~h \ tlllaled Iba' • I... rill f' n uuI with .\1 il1qllirl u I"' . ... ered \ H"m,l ton (.; D"ytoo n IIlw a) . '" LoUls'~I~:i . I ' I d t by ma,1 on Ilt S. W oor. Ma lO "nd Tim.! ~I runt~. an -Call" )'0" IUU 5~" 011<1 II kene.. e nc on • Ie" d Th I Fourth StreM and Ilt ti,e Offi,·v. of Connoct I ,'o.a', .ay perhllp. 1i(1), ,houund ' \ r~I', ipt ul p,lce .bll'e mentlone • 0 '\ llIg Lines. . I -Wall-lle'lIIl' lIIul ed Iho good wo' I ttrl~ I'" etere" m nllll al llr d, allli nil co rD Mc LARF.~. Oen'l SU\I' ' ...0 '1 "ue18 I'll lI,iI .. " ou : Ji.lillJ th oll r~.pol\dllnCe , elurne·1 u, de.\[oy ~d Re l~ E . F FU LLE R. Gen'l Ticket Agllnt I '. .. .J '. arrncl'O I>f tb. 111,hel t o'fder furnllh~.. 86-1,. \ .aM ,., lHtu r tlla1l 1IQth l7Jg _ Ih uMe delir''' l lhem . W rl le p' . "II~ Ih . ~ , ' • day 01 'lte munlh nlld yl!Sf In wlllrh you PEl. 0 U tJ E TOn G AN S DU:lllulI-A rl!p... e.! ctrClIlal\ol' ..,tre'" boql. ell(\illl i,\!p; •• mQIII .. cll 01 hair. .I'D l1IELODEONS. \ alii! it lIiij wider r ••dillll o( Pickeo, Addr!''' MADAJlK H . A P f;JRIUIt .y UIU1I1MOU.LV AWAn n~n TH •. flR 8T PRI ZE, .lenal,y"


Iiltl 01111 Ro ut.w Ih

0'1 'A f PenDS'yll..' I B k kc . 1 Regluns 0 v anl~ . no - . perl",

\S'll' rolOII8 yOllr ~e,y II'UI'llhIO• 811d by her l ."1 l'A ~ I ;jl/G~. H;; " Ito •• •-n. QII" k i.. .


M I R Jl...C 1J LOll S. The old, the young. tbo ml d:. tft lItl..

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. Cln~tlnllatl , O.

,II'.P''r '76

0' ~" ilfica'lly. pOlt,.llI. on r"c.\Pt,


,Sin I, tl.,,' elr'cul., .. 811d .

Ie. '" orcler, ~j' !SHUTTS .. CO. .

lIBROn. C\llml.l.,1811Itl",r 8 • • T r o3' . N. Y.

r,~. l

Ip~lImonrltta "'1I110d

Add tel"oBKRGER, HHUTTS .. C (~ . , Cneml sl., No. 28' Rive, Itroot Troy. N. Y.;.tJI, nll~ n l . 'for Ihe U. S. .





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I'm Dearer lOY home l ~n" 111ub 1 II ~rc c,' t l> CII bcfo'e I




One (If Ollr e;ot b ~c " rt'~ 1 J\" ,TIl It.o~e whq Ilre JUt res'.. in lllele 'Fhe OIOCJlIlla ti Gaal\l'-. h.. lb. {GI. , Lie I"r till' ~ III1Will ~ toq l eli\~~" ( ilIitIC[' we 1'111\) .tale tl,Rt 1110 .~u Jl. nl loltlng At dtoner: ~I!IlI~~ . tbe dll. to thl l'oplI l<\r I1Il POIUI 1011 \I e IU nU;o~lllllf I IlIlr I~u"eu 111\0 a I,'ng IIl1gU I h e~ arrt\(1I19 , In the I lupe otl • 1:\ t lIlUU\, Illu lllg:ilslIl ce It l~ ~C' C\lnJ( IUllI, w ~ 1l venl,la lel) 1II1d , J .pJl Ue fie , " ere Ih e c au se orno It 0. cortied tb (t :t Slllll r who h,l ~ (\ qpt;!d I!!lillliu fro m tIle ru"f .Ao " rrA1 of1 loll tu l (0 II{ r~liu IIr bon der. 'wlIO hnn ' lng 10 1,10 I t \lrse 1111111\' YQI\PI, ; t.l.Jll's, ~ IlOlbp.fIP O' ~rh~p. lifO d ;'tlp, wlllcfi.d 1hl!m '-Ilry l'" rl ieular lY'A' l h.y 1\ l ~ 111 ('Oll1l'n ll~ II ~Ll1 se\ CI_IL ludll\!f ~lr~I"I . tI .. roUII~ IUIt 11~Il , ¥~11 It, ltt "1jJ rl lluk or l ito 1d ~lldlH au" Ct!lIl\let:tol (~Itllne t('lI\IJ~IInS"'l1 l ''''IlI\Jlg IlIrfllCIl ll,t,Y"r~ d Wllh II! O " j "'lIclilld,III/lUl v,.t ,lJ\l lI.rIl8!lldly '" LI,~!. hrod ue cu o\'c l ul , pC • Lh :1111!rpl.. '~ &/I~I)~qIS "r" pro) 1I!t1l It}' pllrlf.s r~~ < IIl,I\d\l ute of l; VO lunk,s ifl 11,11 plllCB o( IIle,tllcrl )l'lIdtv lo l 4 S()rt. IInpUl\ It ul/lIIV ~ Q1 plo}~J (or 1 \lIlIIU I I)Il.~ . jill, I (Ulk. 10 CAlf}' to lllt:ir mou ths tflll 1i81\ 1I1 0ll t of IIn \ lIl" WIlIt.lon tQ .»mI1l1l1\l IIUII\II1.. 1811." ,n ll Iho slIr.. \.Y ~:' il fine, willch I. Ihe lr peculuu lood. 1'I11 ~ fiod l\1 I(liuno 'fhnt to fill \lI .. h llllll ~ " .. 11 Jl rd" r 10 millie II lit\! illOkll' IhllY hsndled. dl'l JElrOllllr lwill IUlI \ 0 I\l,.tl!ell ~~t\lll' \).lij Loq 1111'. or . he III!:hL T h~lj8 s I)" 1D plnoe of (Qrli.'8 ns ls lI Ccs we l~ m ~ n tl o ll ('d , of . brvu~ hl 'th o ,01_ 11\1 "U~Ol LO " IV lohe Lhelf

Om (!M L() toe o "L:r Rud u ' cr 1

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Ch l lllnll " lie H c,tlcllwt:h ~ --- r: the 1I0mlllls UII t ho 1'1 1111 ,lI'OIl C()IItI'I II Ctl ,] 1, 110 11 JDOJ O ahout lil Y .. t'OIl "ud 1 '\Il.; lh~ r qllite " "Milly 4u. , If ", Co' H II nll,l ~I\) II', I, On 0'11' ~ .. Ic pl1r~(' 8,11 1It 'lI 1 J Wis il to 1 d o n ~ l.hl~l> InJuclall \\11 " 1111 l,"lJ'~pIlO, con lu lO ing ri ng Ih u '~ hH!I\l - h ~lpl"O' , .tbe msche. ~ ~ lI a.. H A nl E Y, Ga ll et nl Age ,,1 ~t, _ _ _ 111,1 I I ~"" 0 11 tl l(' (ILhe l II" 0 nm ~o o d I OIllOii 01 ~ho,,) t 11I1IA"S 1 ~ I "C " " reul y, or UnfnlC , milled IVI ~h "I lhou t RIlIlt 10 thei r prc u Hlr dishes _ fl u. J1M '" n"~tllly "r.nt ed III \ V.H NF.8 '. nliililcToRS I 1\1 11 !-~ It('r> ldll1 " II) till" ,JI lI'il lind R tll r llll " h dIC SS, u hWI clr 111 1pili.!., of I 'HllI,lInu l ho .. hlile 11IIX Ollo ur lIto ooly usod "lll Ordll\ IIry ~ 1 ~Lt H f lit.. lie l oulIU PI S \ V a ugI' ' 1 ', " II! t"~ dll ill e ll :l1:-\IOlll te u IIClLtl I>" h ' K I lull,(,S ,w li c., I1(' '' "POll 1\ ~c l lurn elllo(. d . to II L1 1l~ of re d. 'I' ha I kll l' 08 " lid forks They.lI e oM wed CU" "lf lJ ~ lhJ!lIg, 0 11 lJ lIll,I Sl,ee l .I~I OAKIJtT 1'\ p' " u~"." 1 Fllh~r !'err, till} I rlls t, ! .1 1 I 6 ''t I .1.. IJ"< >l1 'IS " " " ' 1(I[)(l ll vlI lI' ' 1111 101 11 ~qll.d h IIll"'dlll~I I Ce elll,! 11 1(1)1 1\('(\ proph r tl'J 8. Utl ,11..1 I1l)l.I)C- ""I U I. 01'''UVU Ulil l ie IIr! H/c8 ', . ' U&'e1 N. uUI Il r. nk ,qll \1e l.' b.arLIX vQf "r 'r1:;,. . ~', HI 1''''' .<:". Iff ~'l1' " h.,.. ,-tf m e & Cu ,.L .."'tlt nC'llihOtJ the mlr; ht o f nn f.uIII I I II I I II 'f I I 1 . , P I "'~ Icc l ll' I II UU III II I" 1/ I sl,II I.! bc lUll lIo,l , I, IIt' IC Il ll' 11 ,,11"', If I I' ~ It II 011 L I 00 \ (' I' tbc d uo til 1\ ' IWIII\f IDllu u. r y 111 . "08 Uj 1\ If IIl L WO I?l(lBil nll; 1'-' l Ull "I 1 • I • 1 '. ,\'I~ & , 1' ,0 ' f<1I' RIS' . Of J. 0 HVllklll. ,'I. " 0 " " 8 II< Il t l C Ilil ICI' niH g un;!' hilt t,,· he lIl~ II llt t 11I1\(LI\ 111 111 IMrll~' "IIU p ..lI\~rf" 1 "'" Ut!0 A t~tt l 1118 De J Ul cnl l1i J ~p m u~g' ,Ibem " (E .j. Jj ~ ~v ~:~7~' ~~ ~,11\ L;l~;II" ~ ~ v 0 11 I ko I (10k vt tlH' ~h\l",* ot U 1,111, I", ~ I IIj It nl llil ' ~", .I I 0' 1' In c)t(l l'llt11 \!' I , IlIlIHlP I' '' , H Olo LIlI' (.I 1l1 Ihl . pl.plll,ulllU thu budy IV lII ("UU I \1u 1111" II\UI ~ l'um my- noL a,\ III ~ 6t,k~ng ... j " O. u U ~VI "''lI!''LL' 01 U D \\ ~ I II t; &: Feul us 1 \\ Oulll hit,,, Ill) C ~t I'd I('ll to II I' 111'\ (1 dH'Rt flll\1 I ('P I oh.1 to tl'flsOri A IIlJ" muc h IU C"I~p\j"\ "'\I (I \,1 m I IV O 10 SIX w,* ks - I) oULI! hy' nny mcn n9, IInll ~a rl l\ lIy • em GQ :'Ii , '!A,~U~~~ 't''!; ! _I _'_ I ,"~~ ~ Jr" "1 ,A H,nd u Ij~,:',,' (ldO It Ate .lipplllg Oil d, o I" IIIk All ", p,ot 1\ ali by 11111 " \l I ,",~ , hl! te l ('Qlu/ l " ,, 1,1'.1 , ,\V llIlt III I s he t"U A•• "1I 1t " " I li u 011 tllO I"blu /I d lU8, uf tI.tiued l in ordlflll,.,. g ll t m Qll tl, Wit j\,r r~E \\ M~ ofJ)Wlllennlloil (I l" ()r lltnlv~c J I""en l ~lhom~, IH,dlll1l lg,ht 8 nf\j'0Ill~ I'l\:l 1 to hil11 ~ ' 'S llcL"ld iJl lllh c \l ~ s tQ Ul U I I II\ ~~ IIl" III I- lIu uek 1111' 'lI l1J" UI ,,utl u l w.r~ bo~ f~I or""lyl .. pr~.wu4lYl \ll j J ' , :1\: I"' , J"U. ~ ~~ ~ HUIILT(lN oflHm,ll,ulI, I", , Co ' l\'curcr Mw lh.Ul lllunk I 1 ' ~"'I'lct. " 0 Ir Il ,luOIILI Il" tu I I'V SIIO II IIlId Lec:ollle thc •.I101lterQ{( Tt l . U"JIlIg the l"Hlt!, /11111 el\Qh Il £ Jlh guo\l II)~ks~{ Ih 11111111" ~ M9 "'" - d 1d ' O M G~cII Rl~,r , ot.JI ·M ~hIl8~aQdl"'" -- - . lI o l itlJl " tl> "~ III lic n cQO clt/ill,en' ' '1 q' ~ I _ w 'J1\; lIllt\'llt o lle of 1\111 ll ll'~ ' - h~vl! .~en mora r9P!\hlve 'r~ l l~re~ vee'• IID es enee.» 1 I 111nm IUI\ SOh, up.nUl' y ul "~If' ''UGoadrlch II 1l\\1 \:'... U <0 Woma ......,. oo d Suf£rllgo 1 n;: I I 1Ie CIYI'11" !" ~) " r ~ 01 1'hOOl1'"1\11 cllIth~s.. \I 01 ..11101 e t o linll thllu - - ~ .~ , I I II 4 ' J q l0 lUi 1:\l III 1I10 Irl.cltl!: u r f' r ' :1:\1v ;c , u ~o ~ 0 II rd. "~h l o SI ,O RPI)8JJe l\lllIl/ee Pugh'& H I01'!~ .. n'An~ oI H S lc"~II.nd t'o lill ie Btltlll ~ t~hlllll l !S b l o l ~ 1 ~:frA\ ' JI 11 1111 c " ali t!\.I ~AI<th r \ I~ I I~' I\' '' J lI lI Or lll u,ul1l ~ IIUl V8If1J''t;l(t! I IHur' rfc!li llrej 0. 011, ' lioHl'\tfUle 'IV II' I If II: II V r L I, Jol , ' I J~l:I ?Vl<lII\ICK of H :,,"1 ' 0, I !/(k A l th e NuttOlI~ 1 " ' 0 111 :1 11' 5 nL61tt.~ I fj 'c,i!, hol rls till' lrtlll o h Il\ c ' P" I I ~ 1:::.:1111',"11\11 " r l t<lI~h ]Ji l.lkpp~k "I\ h mellt d WU: .,llUI~d !'illh J ill' I' 11L l''' III ~ b~ , "'g h clltit! k UO\l o.~<I :n)l r"lIng - - - - _ _ ~ 1 Sll ,na'":U,ofL H Stc~rl"lerE,,"ul u , l'0 Ill eo tlO nll el t.l l l1~ ewYo lkl elC1JIi I ') ( lI l1llI Il I10~ " 'ILh l et attr l n"~'IJ \l I I\.I~ IV Ie,; 1\ItS n «Ulll l' l hu .bJl og liI lC 0ti l Ipl;(lr C~\lI.II ' (,Ir",heuus " "" . Llt"I~ e'y~s. "llIle lho n }'.. l 'v \ ,. ,. '" "" , 1111, UldT l)lY, I Co'lIlu ~ I"lcl ll @ Co ' 11, . 1111 E li zabeth ealh Sl. III \I Jv I~ l) lO e~ h on~ t'~ l\ I,OUOI , ~!I~m t ', 111 1I SOU l VlI () I ,,(II11~ I\)O l l ll l') ' Ht t n LI10SU d 111 1111 I10'" 11)11" W" uru IIw,!ra I 'IIL I11111" . I,"Ved f rOln 118 I CI!OI!l'r or tljel r u : IU .. " J LUll ' "'' 01 J L 1:1 'ell nllli ell D ~i lJu lIlle U, of J) ~1 UC IIII CIL /l lId Co 111\ 01 d t h ~ 11 II I l'r \ Id ' 1.0 llu} GO\ Oi l r(,flS0 1l 6 WILh UI 3 ~ II ho Willi ,~~ J I~ Oil th e t o p 01 /I ~I mu ,u~y eOlll llJH IIII~" r"p lIi. I" em , heilll il bac k 10 the 01 01' 11. 'fhOllf" robu , , 1U' I m- uhCJ",. ,; . uod nlld 10.,., (tlllUI.1,!. e e 0, Il ~ I o Ic le',9 a IIl1ln IIl1rl g il t S Inm lil SSl'l l tll nn (OllillCI th Ie S CI! III til hc lJ llIgCJ lI C 1'1") 111 ' "1 II l1d " Lllll ir i. 1;l 1 ~\I ~ III ". 'I'~ b at l \er~ d aoo ul Lh 4sl~ 1<l1\19 1{, and -~ II - , ,,,lJuotcu '\I'.(] lOO. lI tLl P AID III C, II 111 COllSI\lc ll lI", tu c Q.1I StlO I1 01 (I ll tl, poll c l' of Inll dcllli l!! 'Itll l l "" Iv "lIc ll n IlIJOli t ,~ llJ,u l I l! ' ) >Ul t,: III l1 UI .lll llg n ll ~ lv 111101\1 III" "' I~II ' f,o m 1\ cl\su,,1 ots.e r Ancll one " oulil J l~J\cm A1JHi" iF Ul!I,:rn '1' k K E A POL l O Y 0 F S!Iti'1,lge l th e l e II I e tIl n st'li {IIiF "llI lu 111 fI 13 l1 t I' ,\ I' 61f1'Hl CO l 0 1 I plll~ 10,I S tll IInp ll t!" 1(1)11 ut ll ol stoll IS ( 1011 ... "".1 11 11 ."nsil Il{ lIit! " ",rllb I ~ I. Jlld ,~th ol r UII .liI\, £!'trln entl " o re no' • P , p~ l1I te oll e"tho t t hiS ll~ l,t 13 a g if t h I l'll s h,l ud In IlIiI d oh: ll'o S li S I ' hc , roll\ nuh QI to ~I II IIUdCI SU I IlIol lll I h ~ vlll uu Ilnt! llI"p"rl I\IlC~ u(, lll ~ very .. lr l., usl , e T il II pe dlll el~'rem' W"lI N~ \.~ I : E , .UJO. S.~, !'I " E~~, 'llol~"" "",,,.,.,UI,, Ob,O, 0 so l<:!ty, I)' ,,1)lcli e: ~ LWI llI t"l 111 /11 tll 'l t h CI IJ!ll n 01 Ildltll1 In all ' In c nf tli(, ;A 1!1 $$ , I Tl) \ Il l e~9 Ji ll II iI.'1 l d~ IlIlUI\. 111'11 Hlth.l URl y .UPRIi~J. /lQrn. ~ 311lo , ___ lI:J\\Ilg lDh e Li ted t UIs p l l\ degc tlO/I , tillcclioll ~~ IJcLLCr llUl !.Il S, II (! Ie' ·u t-t.h.ll.t "l III l EI pr<;Il\!.l! 11l ~II 'III I \\. lh I C~P\C I 10 lhe npl'cn rnnl e tlf \l e arlll' ijh ppe r" olh c ra ~p il~'lly ra.I\Proposed 800le obs tlu ct hC'uy OUl I IIl,stl"l l t lIl Lu 11 pns~ l ()n . ;lcclll l? 'thClc !)O O:l:dll,!('rl hom til e Sll l llI Nl 01 til(' t h~ "uhIICL ~, 11 tnllY ~u I' l clI.t~~ ,1 Ih l\~ l llJ n ~d , lilies ~I lh double h ~cl8, o lle of ., e IPIIl CC, iJttVe UOII!1.he ll ghttoseCU I(! ' L l eflSO IlIItn: lI j1hII 1I 0 lD a n , 'lII od 'Olll stn l\eB ltl(,()lItn t!t wltIILM g'1 >lIl, nll l1 " [,) ~I \l n ,,~ ~ l fllollg IlI u8111lIn·' .u p' f , tll. mluxU IUItCl IU' n pnlr of Iibo1s, <1f " , eo~stltutlon" tOI' thcnlsc h 'cs :Ind th eLi pllIll ~gt d s luol 11111 th~ Bits tL' e en d 5h lle 111 III \\ 'l' hey m.\I ,olO U II~ ~h l! \ hllll"llI b,lI uLy all lUll ol he' Il ~ ull. l 'wllloh lie ~1l"111S 10 "u prOQd~. 1I0J OIY' Ol der t o t he e ud of tlllle I lml ul l " S '1'11US si lt 8"G Il1 to iJc 1'I1l L>" Otlt~ l tlC A \[1\ lie } A'" g ~ lI e n, lIy d", ",IUJL, !() w!:tl l ,hze tl }OhUI Woo ever ea", 'Ih. 1f 11"0' '" - , • I I 10 IS • In'ell 0 u n ." ~ • ' I I " .. S I '~'Il" OF OJl1{l, ! Il;lll uclj l, e catls , loglC' ulh to gO \t" 11 t1 l1l1Tllnd m nn 'l'rtl11lcot to O'(!I W t ie g-'II I) dH ~'~ ' 1 ' If," ph 1\('1\11 11 , BI'u ng 11111 . UI U8 ~ ~!~ lI y urIlL" fl'tlC /u1 ,,", of IHI: \IIn ~ tI. from Li,a YO'lng J ag ,,' OYnr> n. T II H S Itl!TAII~ o. S~Af~, 5 Il1g II1,CeS, einRses, flln llll l"', .111 11 111 1d , lI~t" !IS ht'\ ~ !!'''t Sh l~t II) to n I Lh,,'t II nl"l~h' ,I S " lldll l\~ ~!t l l1l , dl t I ,eu 1I;t) Aru Ih u \l C llUI~ 01 , ~I."rtt en to Ihl,cull g ro" 11 mil " (~N T,l, William Henry S mi th S< rCllor v j Jll cct antagon is m loo u lllle l ol c li I I 0 1 I 11 1 I I Jl \ OH' l l'tilh clIl wi HO I bn ll l lll{'ll hl ~ 1 hlllllile , II ul \lI: II \IU ~ ll ll~ tl '.ij~s' -v r IIru Ih ey look IlIH'n 4l v4! r)l hl n ~ ' Rronnti n t :-.;t.r co f th"~tJ\lco I OblO do hc,plil' , cr I L I I l l) ), t1~ lI o n, niH )el 'I I 1 I I 1 -' fl r, Ihllt~he fulIOII'IIl,t 15 B lrue cor' 0 / II g(H 6 1 IIment, tn«s llS u3t ;: 1 0 mon 11,1\ ( ,\ IIlt h lill 11I ( 1I1l'l or he- I n I lo 1111 ,1 IItL(1 ll1l'tlld to S" OCl' tll{'1II nvdv I 'V"~ IV IU (J' " U IIWIIY III ~"" Y 6. 1II IL) tlOID Will, IIlp lrao t y ...... deh wol\· )0111 ru.ol.ullvn p U" !!l.'l1 hy Ih o Genet,,1 As I I\I C lll esaD clde"I'()LISllls, tO,\\Jl·~t)(!1 1';:- Ill r, h ~ l tl ' t C OI \-lIl lt ,she !lILI \\llI l'lIttilo IIl1 l e\llOIll~Il~lIhlilliIlN I UCCII " VII" I) 00' " 0 ruilu . 1 IIlfUl 11I1I deru8 wel uo k u ;lftn Ib ~ Ol 1\1111 IhUIr ~ombh 01 Ilw SI,,;? 0 1 0 1110 Oil Ih e 6lh lIav IllI tl Ut t lwt LlIlS been t ll l1l l ()' ti l 1\\111\, II(' fl 1\ 11 11 "t'hoffl l llOt I P:l tl\~ e,l hOI 1 11 (11 " ICJlI to 1I 11 0tl.(UI jllll l Ol l\lc L. llr . ~ " IJ, "c~ {I f II hfu or ~lllOe, RI,tl 111owul o."uneu. Nllmbeu VI.lII.u. th e II f A~ci1 , A j) I!l6" ~a l,cll I~c)m Ilhe oPSIJI",110 \ el OglHll 6,000 \ 0:\18, nnct 1111 110 I In • 'I 0" I I II ' s~" 11\1 II I" Ie SU I1I C of } I, lInII cud, ~ I ho lUll w I of IIhJec t d'l)pn I Y Vllll'\l H . ~Oh flOp !loll, e ye"t=r ,1~y to II I\ Z, u l\op I \\ I ~ 0 111 • 111\ IIl g no: Op l1l1 0 n WI I I L d f' , IIII I L"QI 1 8Irnn I .. . 10tlS 011 /lIe III LIIIS olhee j illl le.1 T o d1 c uss tilt ' rlll l'~ I l<J I) 01 \\I " b <lInn cd ,to ll WJI Ih& w o s t ll ll llllilt 1' 10 1lid lOllS :II \) ( h ~ uprll' l i t , e II Ku 0011III .. U)\ II (.)". l,;crs, III 10 uld 1!P. t .U~ rt;lIO~ 10 III le.tllnonv "" h er~of, I 1,lIve !l lIlfl ngo fO I \~0 1l10 n II I1JI U~ I UO~ ~u 1 I 1m 0, I pluyc (\ tt,v. c , (, O\\ 6Vcr. III C 80 nlu luuca vn IUlIsl tlul urbod nllho eVlaeol lItlllhll()1l • I.eI I hO"ICII,IU'\O dS'~~\I( !7\><)"t Sm"' c. us II Oll1 e n Ilu d li t " I oe8, :J II(I no~;,\ : Il! 1" " ~ el ' I I~I illSI ' III I'lI l ',C' II unl /(1 ) \j UlIl{ 111111 Ild lCIIlO 61 , a~ a ~n d Je ll~IJtI<>n' tlip y "'eta on(ufiu1.. ~ all Ii Ant ·u x c 1;110 \Tl~f\ 00 l OJ t le 0 1, \ 0 , ~I) ~ Ie tnn \. C~ 1 S 1\ t t II 0 (I I. I I r d Ih ·11 11 ' I> Swtc 0 1 O l \l~ ",• Ool " ,~.. bu'", tllC l lt lze ll S 0 1 'I l Cl' ll Uh c, 1 1lt 1 , 1 1l'~ t il ,t Il CI t ll 10 i l II:!S;;W .l :crsI tl Ie ['}" I~COh:ISTllT b I I'E - 1 h" rtpv 7. . \, " llIc " .\I gge~ l . LIII r 11. IUIY I> e1ul) pru IIIl g "UIl 08~, Gaul_, leo,61b du y tl f April, A D 1 b7 the re fl l O Rome I easoll s f I den t'l nti t ' ~ r t I ('" I \ all r\ll ~hel II ~' I he rho I 1I 0 t ~ d ~f ~ I b O UI ~ 1 1I1)II IIIe IllId 1\ 1\ 1I: ~ r \I IUI S" I Y 6'u!ld II tllI&vor. lo ' \lll\ler Lb' .... coal'fort_bl. \\ ILt) AM H E~ RY 8~1T I Fr II I , tillS 1 w ht' 10 1 t hasc tL ~ flSI'~ t SO Il' t ) C:s ill \I ,m fI, I' II~ I ~ \ lJlIIIC III r 111 V" IIJJ UIlI, fUI lillle wll ftlld " UIII\n~lIIg t, UIll lllll !;nu<ly 8~loOIl' tIf ~~ pO"lble I\.n,l ha, lahl in a IUfer•• Stl,cr.. Wt '" L CI I rillyI - , I II S l ,~\ 1'81I, 0 lei I I~ v ~1IIIu" ~I 'I I I 'I I I 1 I1 r Ii r 6 1u. aUII.1 lIc ~ 1 IlOlr I . IIlnu" ~ , ~ __ of Sl.Uto N, ,10 o • •,pply 1lo ' \\ hlte 11\ ti es J lit! ('\11111.\ I ~ I\ ) lO gs ' It I 10 I'll I' ll I", I' ~ 1I1 I YIC... 10 l 1l8 ~ Iltrn c lou se 0 \'f lln.ll nceiO 0 • I A: RBSOLV'l'laa ulJ l''' ' ~C: "' Lb \\h IOh ful ClI llI" I~ , UII ~ u ~ 1' 111'1 " 0 , "I \11, • • 6 ....... ,1 ..... 1, , ..... . ea""'on ll~ \ vhll ~!Uu Dce 0 1 ll~e lo oo l\.,I" : lIf tl" .. 'it'I'11 ~j, 1 ,, ~h· .. ' .I\,,1 __~ ';, I ". • II IIl01ol\e alld ll1.lgtl t U obJeclloo s fll (, lb'" t, \! ~;vlll i i)l o ruont COin I , t ho " 1'1 11111 If l' m rge \lcy. \ 11 D'\'(\u'l(hrl' , 111 6 .lUI\t)I)L~ W~ ~61 Ice o 0 C ~~lcr "III - -" • It I) \ ollVC tll on Ilme n d m ont' () f t h " "",nsttl.U on I It 'I 31 e ,, ~ m, to [Il', 'it IrI ~ qti~ t ' ill 1\ IlIfll>O\l 100 I ~ 0 ( I ('e ., p ~ 0 1ll1:'1t ' l) ~ a~ o lll\r.,\ !,Ine t!le l OT.lcueloll o{ Ihc electlle ()rottered ngnlus t l t he u c n l l :l tl l!h lsC I n 1I'tn) ( IT{ ., 1J.. lul roll 'utc .omltlr _---. 1.."1 10 ....~,' o r"l1 lit I'....- fteotoII)',"h" ., ... Pff" IIh ll--lbr~ e; l•• " "Ilug. 11 0'1: IfII ,o ... L l'I'nu't lllroc ~ , lI1ent !IS if th c,) 'lVClcnoorn dU ll S ' Itl I II , I'S Il L (, 1II 1jC ~ t lL 10 lll CI I e lJSOS ,tn ~IM, III U 00 I. 0 0 f I\I Ou. ng II Ie "" a 'I; Ing If IIO!1l II'r ~ J"S I ell t ennj:t l on "'u \ _." ~ II it pe.... O.t hi' , well • , IWslIh ed , l3.l' the Oetjerol AR'.l1nbl~ of I IJ'~S ~Ilts ltle nil hlll11 Un 11\1 ~ nn ,j ~o /' I), I S I; t'(l , 1 :1\lf h ~ t1 tlt 1111 lCOUlt 118 / "I" I.ti on (I I lit, h~lIrer. S t <lfll1 lhlll if()WII UhooJ . l\lul b~t ll ' torai lnlltlil/, ~y Ilhrullgh ClevelAo<.l to 'b&1 place' the S t1l \e 01 0 1110 , IllIoo OllhA III the Dlu Ol 1 '" ' t I. I I SOIliC In I 11'10115 ~w , CI S Ol~ J~ ' co,ls II ,. IlUlh~IICO "!I S uellill t? . IH p' ho s " dd l n de ili /.! Hl;! r (cO l and IIl\uds "",m,,1 IS .nld 10 Ja vIl beeo captured 1m hcrsoluclellto o(\chll OU80,)t'1 ell'" tll« c J,o C(J.8>! ltICS, ore mos uUIII I I.ltlllg nil ! 10 ' ' I th lltloh ls or Ill S wl lu' s ",n Il! .. ,,/, II i L l I r II I ~ I · d: 1 A" Q., I " " I ' IOGIII'lll "" to e \ c ry llllle " 111(ltl 1111L I J1~ II Hcd In III . dI l~c"' ul s e IHl d tl ldC U S5 ~U wereI . flI ~ \1 11\ VI IIl u, ler Inlr It, III AlI Slrll III ' 8 OlellQllfps J ~,gt I, clIII I I t .... ,..,. HI " ICT,·... y p ' QpndOu 0 de, "" ., . . . . . I uta' IUld 11.~llY 111 1111 llin " . sho ut.. lJ I 1, ·1 1 I I It I iJ I I I \(11 8 1)flblwStil' C i(\ \V ~c n t lh c 1l"l'tltnllu",1 W0l11111l ~ ll o h as one pUI Llelc ul ' . . . . ("11(/",,.' UlII O', OUI lu rLl ccl"! ~n .. 1\1 ~" 8 tl ~ 1l ue eJgl IllGIOS, jlll IYOIP ' ,Oclullur cl0IJ.\'UII "PU ll tll~ "1'1"01 Il vll "JCU I eul t " hl" h t~ lIed E> II It S e~t- 1/ I' ll! WI' " .\ :;.LI.!I:: I IU OIiC week 'B re lhren l l) lI h,rn ,,', n lly illen of IUl e' tL"ro l1n gtl tl~ q lc Ir"~ft ur (<l Illi- 4 12 pOlln&ls, Nil 0110 .IMuM /fAu to Ie. 1I0 11 01 thc ful l""llIg oml! nll lDcnt. as .l ~u1 .. 1i TI I, Y, ., I I I> - 1,11 1 I) II lil t; I 13 PIIlrLI h ·r\ lo th' lho 9'Uf101lIh' : I tllif m ' "(",,,rlo Mill (h" ~ r lI tu tJ ~ \\/ 11111 \\ uS \JU r tlt ti lOI) 1Ihl. Iruly g reat e Urlo. ll]' I(rl1l'laere i. " .or , t Io II ol lh Ilftl I 0 r ' '0"' I' lf \lCl 611 l e noslleolll enUlmsLo pl O I II Ill J t'..·~, ,II' Xt rl l) II"" I LI II ~ '" (,- lI loUl~ cnl. till ncc<l nh t or Ih, l\1~ ,or tl 'e' lI.. I ~"C UII Ii (' I' SIC IJ"L a I vl,uw.ll oould IIIIVO bu uI Wli t 'Iolillng o f Ihe mon H tfo'I ~Y l abou' l iJ. - - - - --_.... 'hOO()06tl~Utll~ u of~lll. n t<).~OWll, f v t>O!!C I OI~0\l1 C n n IH11l ooI0C8raW-IW.\I lll ' lIll1 o(lI 1l1 cs ho ll tlrl" om lh bngc • r (I ~ .. I I ) ' I" ~'ddl I) I .. II err lII ulo eltlzull vr It", tJ nllc.l Slnl"s fl f t h~ .11 !l'tHIl t> lI ts to m a l, \! III tht:1l iJe hfl ll _ I , :, , mll' q ullul ~ 11,,' m o,q u tl(l ,,~ In ~O l\l ~ I' ll l) I I: ~ ""II U~, lump I+tl j!')/j ,l ,,'1t ull' .lwi"Y a s~ ell t y All I lib .. we AIJC'I'IONEEUI l ll I CI CI,) dlt} i ll! 011 pll m lj rl , , - o f lhl""e " ' IOD3 /l h •• n(Jlln(1I1 9 ugcof t\\ cllt) 0 11 0)0818 , "h0 8h .11 ""0 1(011 'r {' I 1 I nde to cxt>nd A 1l1l "" rll A If Ih' ~e lips euuld lI IH'e lold proporlloncJ spec lmeo of Ih .. mRm2---....: 1 0 1\ rcalClcut 01 the Stllte one )~Ir "es l prl ,~ tl • Ole sume lllLl eatl. y 1 " tl Fli is o Lo h C1 ~('lf 1101\ can Ail e Ii tllH' " ren l mll n,Y. ~I I Ih l m W il l"" W. ,lT h h tlte lr 81( 1). • mOI:1 sp ' 80lL'8 ut the 8wint', We cou". I SIl lIllrC tu II. .. e W lite mc n III li N t 00 t lICI '?" I I p. t I't "pll lln d Anti II! . ) \\111 /:' t on 1t,,,"::. IIntl TnOij~E, ' I,,g II Ie c Ico II ou nnd br 'I , Ie C' lL 1111 I Ivwn_ lIp 0 00 I II'; IlS SIC l ile Illsscc ltng room r an n rle rflOOD IM tl llv II ppro,,, lI to Ihu l pt Ion or wilr il lll "hlch ~le rcsIlles Buch tllne Be mil, COllll t l} - the sn m e J oh n B ll'rltt I!:IC I iln tl l('1 I II( I I ' ' ,, ' l> , ' • I .1 I I I '1 I lei II I C E ~ S ED A e TIO N EER, or be prl)\Idc,1 bl lu\\ , oxro pt ~uoh p~ I'fjOIl~ 05 m ll kc!I for lue I~oil{ 11I g me n 0 1 n';;.., I' I" I ' J ' 1\1 C, U I I fi ll~:l J ~ h~ lk w ill II l ilto 1II 1 ~~lOn k ll ' . I\I U !;' "crll, '1 1111 ID ler e, tllll( ti Ctr/llJ. ~1. IUllurH Ilill I ll ng u IIlIr, Waf .1'" "8 '''1 .oar \' " j\r •• llIe n.lel, d t "1 t;l 1II "",, " III1 I11I)U;I, Illri/lo, II ILI .i 1l L? In 1,,""1" , I " ' '' 1111 '' m~ lI, m ' y " II .tutl, mU8Lly cll\lJ .,! lll~ lu rtJell ••nld lq ." Vlg.II,.,a.' hrlve \Jonl ll llrIllSlll !nppo rt of ,U1 " 1O l\I ~ec I I tl IInc 10 sam e ma c Ot .10 ' 1\ t LI I I E " 1 r ,... I I f I • 01110 lIouor ",elioIlIOR.agIl1ll8t II.... ~1'I ' 'l\ J lID~ II~ of f I I f Q) 0000001111 !illil I IJUI ~C I~ _ Ie n lltlll!lS U m rll.' I II II III ll' lo Ilml III, lirA II I" ? l'lo~ W H ~ III rlj lJlcp CUlt 0 11 ~" \\..\I H , Ill ll ng 00 1I,I) ; h "I 0 her ~ulld r upa ( .,,, Ilr '11 \1 oJ IW. A Y.'E.!ll'.l LLE, Lho \lr hI e ~o4 ~P ID\ thtlll 111l; C lI SemC!l t o b~ 1 J ~ I IL' II" -U l !l l;.'\ ( II ('1"ss bl \l 11\ '1\ s o l "I" " 1I 11 t! li ~ I'rtJcu~ tl l! u lO hlll. h hi ' ti lll\ll~ kr ,/und lh ~ *lu np lIg lI&lilo ~ IIP./ " " " e IUll m'II--1 1I rllCl,llUgel Ih~1\ Iha ':' \Ahd,~"~ ,:ft- .u ~ cg~t1 ~,cli Sl- !U'B t1 \~de a\ o 0 1111\.., >0 tlCII , d ~J I " Ll ,d I'lJltt\,"II), n li e t11c w p "",lIa,,\) " " II I! fl){c' (l KIIII~ "clIlll~1 "' t'Q9cU!iJn cbjll~O~ Hl:/r&~ or oX'of 1I,il "n1rv' In \.im c () f'~~~ r u:,d hud n~~' gU b'~ u .1C ;; m en) a11l hwoIOlen 8 Ie I Ole n 0 1 1hI ~Ol L\l c n S totes J II th e I'h e ,It IICI tllI .V ona of 1,10 IIPKte rlj. 1II 1l} r~ I) I"' ", Ill ylU lt lilll O tlto Qluacl .. .1 It 14 SlUt! he Will ' 'navel' dliflflt tll. 'I ~ g l cllt e~r IUC u ( CS t L e OriS, nil IlI '"'>'U () III ~v( I I I ' t"UO!!O l e I IIIl1QI1." I ~ c"II~, I I" U11(). II C(lO U\ll rUl l~ llIlI ~ h "' III I I K' llI g "I I, " e8u llllv 'f I llO\'O 1....1J dIS~ I"\r t:"• rrO ",tl beUIlIO t1 "I I I,WtC ~" lll" lI n g DcH e . "umm e r. I 1 rl "I tnc shUI bAv e tho qU ILlillcl(lIona of on IIlco t 01 lJull e l s a sq ' 'IIg c eO \ CI~ tLJcll l l"lO N,I~ l l lIh(' l e lll h(OIlSllh~ 1 II ullt • Afuwm u. rch.. uulJ rtil e vu Ihl! lI e"vy - - - -- - • o1eolor.. and be ellli~teLl to vuto nt "\1 clec t he II' b o Le q ues h o ll-thG Ilg llt 0 1 :111 I cd n Tnlll It of ll olJlh'L y 10 1:;11[\1 c I t~ 1111 "III; I' I' 1 I I "t1I'J> ph crl' by Ili a lillY. t 0 1 toli"CCll, Q&:fsnAi. G II4 ~ T 1!:.G'!l1l:ll91~ ~P.oLtT" !dons ED .A. PAlt.RO'l T c ltlze n s In t hus l illo) III" Lu e lou n I ,v. ' 1 I' fI . ~~~ 111' \ I r IV 19 8 1II "' 'lUIlO I I" CAl OI' I~ I 'HI- ALM ~8T I - I be D ~. Speake rottlieHo u8co i Rcprll~elll~ I" cs I ' r t .. Ltl 11 1°lJ,l'CS lIIll ).l q I F l ~, tI IClCI',(ImC~I ' o wt! lg he6 II b')\llld' h"s,,"1 ~ k ll tl II vl'y hulD till s Lb o l'IIII,ooell'oloo· III ( l ) R 18 I I II A l'i D.RE I'. G !lk BCR!'<EY, t ItlOri S 0 gO I Cllll11 Cn, OIl! sa ,e .' , r .ln), 1U\' ec~ I L:.II ,1 h orecllt,lI Y I iglt ta , 'HUI r lll lln'l ~ !\y o ne ur tll(1 11i wOlJld li lly Im " llIlI ~ IIUIIDIO a ill ujCllwr In 'l, m.e O ~II 01: er Onlflll pre 1 P~3~ldellt 0 1 Ihe S<!n~ le th el:le Side Iss ues ol II; ce, C010 1, f 1.\I~t\ I " ,IIICLI I li se t h c lU Ilbo, c II JIl:IJO II ~y 01 "'b lg h 1\ IIt""11) I "lila 'I l! ' ~Hl !Dun) 81-1111 1' J" lI.IJ ,, "I1VIl()~t1.Lhe qUi ll ! pUr;\ .. l ~ " 1Ir IknO"lo tf ~r ';; ti ll'&rell' ON ~'I po " P4S~CI.I \ p.t n 6 ,10 r bill) I SO X TIIIS,IS t he p a~!o l1o () tl O t hc 11l11l~ee l tll llJ lIo no r!! ,lIIl1 !.In \! )lIl U I II, I)J k II 1:ll ll1o" ",r Ill t lll lIIuuld" oC 'CI ~ nco , U)I~ mlly btl wLulllJng In ' IlCIl 0PIIl IO II :r on raot. 0 oo/r ~=--;--::---------;---,- A m erICan E (llt ul Ri g hts A (!!\l)t lntlo n lego' lI ot gpn u Lcr\ to sC lfs 0 1 l' , 'flU l UU >II IIl ~ lllll kcd III Ih . Ii IvW 11,>\ , IlIJ ulher hUOlmlng " 111t'loh OIUOII, It a IlIfor,m anl W"II,hI)(lOqUPIUlLof Saved 'Vc nre th o mll~Sel S th e &'J t1H1t 101l Iii Eugllllli WO lll1O m n} hc ltuc ' " nll '"Joll lt~I C8 ' Y y of fIlOlIII;.r ' Ilng, Tho op(,a WRy LII " e~/Il '" a rill/way Cllr, dl~ot~y Jt~~~Dd ". ,mr.,,,,.',,,,, SOA~ II ele bllll'k m c n Ultd WOlll on 11 e II o ld OIlIC!', I o tc 0 11 som e (llIcsl lOlHl 'N u no brl/lher 1 anld Lllt.'y woult! c rIlICI8~" UYllr " deoompo.ell a~m, (:ulI urnls Orllu l ~t~ ~~~~~i,jD'lh: IDle IIIl Nl'liiu tc ISl1l1etl 111 the C1tiictt A !\ \IItIl6"' 1~ I , 10 the 80 uth c lu .S tllLcs OIe RI t il e \\ 0 g9Lon'log ~ aud wllllu Ihe \UPIO ~ Ih (11)01)'1>' Will bn /1 8 J,)urne y. An II IVI a l) I I08 1· ",",m·· " ,· ftn y ·kind frc ellOin"WM tho k ey n ote of VH!to l.l m e n II e l o !l ot 'd egl ll<1oll bl 10 \\ lhetl lJle pnrly ~ t I'llt ntl tl d la.~1 ""lIh\ Rod gol iollln n l}" olllllled OD the .~}.. 0 J fl1ht'ic l nlll1 80 n o '1'8 uhlve l snl Sl l l l~ur:te t l\(' \\ OIt..IIl"pop ul\blVlI TI IC,\ \\ U1C llOl - -- ._ .,.Iwbo IIl ~a, IIO.V\Dlll>e l '@ • pvll'I C I,RlIdlo.huUDglI(' Dea~it • , "hlohm III lI ote- Of rc(:ollstl'll( t lOlI t:~d nll,1illlll llll tlted III SC<)lllg t hcll 1'011 11 rlH' II DI.\TI\ ON Qlto .ua. - • he O.dortJ< l,l\nd 111~t 110 P 1~e '~J!I y oli 1' f\~&coHc ra was CtlllIn~ ~p AD ;:~ !tIlS Icg lsl &tLOl'I , tln d' t 11:I0 \'e lorove l j :t1l. 1I1 ClI t:' 1 S lIud wn\to l s' go to tIm flo il s CIIIII.IO . 'IY ' , • ," mOH~lllY ," " ~rt ry lillie w,1l.\J,,1hl" h~~ Jv hlllKlll ad lie d... U!.d. I (lem D t he fnlltflll cali se of sill t11 o".l<folb1IS !to Ie ' Is h te fOil 1hlllr IllI lnrc La fire C"' I~!(e Corner r"lk. on"', 811111<1 01&1 luclurJ .11. 11 5 arll hl\Jrd and tUfre lI ¥tll e~ ~wll l\rp.~ allel\\IO~n ftt ~ d • ''!Y,''~r.ftl!~e<! ''I~:·rllj~~~1i;'~; ,l 'cs. ttlsgen&ions, Rn a. 're, o lll t lo ll K or ll (l IlU~ t bC1C II' 18 tl pll~l11 :11111 rilgllrl ) or~ltll m W< lc III II I. .. church W j,r lle v I. A rUII!I!" " ,,} flll~ qu~ 111 ~b eV.l'lIc, III ~"lllfll .. tor1~ 1J ,!l:~trll0(t1t I,~,t\, 1tl~l1. 1: t ile p os t ' N eg ro ' 'S ui fi llge mRy II11 S !,llIjthc:p \Jell li llg' llu L Jo,llnJl III It [,C \I 0 ~ r, Ih elf tI, lh e Qill At!~ru ' <I 8l1rrc(1 ~h", Imp'r''II oi r ,~U~WPIl~ . X,el~ lhl' hp~~~ :16~~1 ~trfw1rn~ sfaneinll{ .laba~ wer c ry tor an e tretc p ohtl'cn! , m en of t h e. 01til un d n ~I u(; k \I I up Ifl II ,dr h e llrl s nn ll tllllY (,ceoIDe 8I\ 1II11 8l1ul AI a J/ller hOllr, "~4Il\ dllrl_ 1..,, / / Y c ' II ",. II ' 01 I 0 tlle i' )~ 1,,5 ,.. 1 \ t hc Ch ll'l 11 Y be lolc " "h lCli or ~lJlJludll ', r III I " , ,I I oI'lth Cl II pre pnrud rur ' trellH lI lI, 8 1IflL"~~1lI 1\0". t neptl, Alld IlIy e. ~ Il WI\b thtlr 'Ulh"",,,, r. I ·.ulong cnmpmgn , uut t~o p eo ple of Dotl g'llrndslp ' uM e ' C't CO 1'\' I cd - 'fJ,jll ~ ' Our rel\~ll n Will eeb n~cl lhlll 8oL~ mo ~ \, ~I~ . All II 11\1\ \,' 'l'~ler/i 18 &T AO'ti 1ntbmll" eI\~~ ,8 iJf\ ~11 n· t Ill!! country I\ n, e ,, ' bronder 'Wo rk QU Uut, hefC, II' hl'fc 1the 1'111 ln g c1~98, tho II LtU I e' g" It-t il ~mdnrill' I\ga , " fll~t1vlIl nu ohl> Ih ~ u) ." u~,y o u1Pe1( 1\01\ the d\l"d Irv, Rnd loon arler bla Auinl llIretl oul to d oy tIlfm to snve Ll1e lteplih I\l f~t;Ocl'h l' v U, ' "mo l el~ 'no mAtte I W "M ",,:4 IIl IlJI It 'HdI O t" ~' Uh uroh, il L ~ dllD gil ' Jlurn~r II,rp wa . ray ulll"'" :t6!III <fllfmfr In W,al n o'lVclliIIfdb ' 'J h !telln Jil1ft~r, or with A l.Joh tl?~lst to whetlie r ,;dfl!tM o r 1l 11\~l\f:!hcd, le ttol Ihlll ,,) .c'" /1IJ1ll!11! 1/ ~IC~l)f.\;I dl!fp tc tl 10 " F'" 1'1/ "0 \1' I"~ '"I'I!I,~ 1104 'lI~rOuJ)d· (' rtllllr JI~e<.l l li6ar1llJqiBIlIh: 'a6'''1 settle the rig ht!! of l acos! Ih e bat eJ <)1 IIn l"t\#t(lI,\, pch I PI)o l "rul ncI> lir e pure hlls" o r 1111 orl:fl\ll fill tI, O ti. Ii , I jl8 0 1'1 Il\ tiI' ,~<'<t " ..1l 11 . F9 lle i ..llr, p.,I/,~p. utll .. " ,,11'1', "1! !\, ~~ 11 I e".... , Me of th e uges bn"'e< bcell fou gLlt fOL 0 1 ll .LlItll-iu! IC, III " ~1 1l8 1 .. bo!tS~('!l Iwl lt Scl",ol C(J II ' I 'I ~ I " t!'o Oppq" IUOII ~opn ahllJll,I g , IhrQllah Ihe bN}RJ ~II) i1 ~ lr Il OllUif ,,~I ?~M \l~l\ r cRr, IIA'1 cl nsses, l'nl'tll~s\ 6 vel nBd m CI 110 1~lJ e ni cJVIIi " LIOII,I\Jldul ti le) s had .., ~8 lIli«dll by '.omll tit 1119 ltJ~mh·Ws 1,9 4",y.,t I ~ hlS. ull ~hll Khllllly fae,. 'hil I II r , Vi \Ie II ,,/ Ia'go 1:.c ~·tll~ll"l llamrO' IQ and fOl ce nh'vnys carrIed th e ow of .a UJl~OJ .l:h'L ul) c1 ~'u~l (Joll p ll il jjuoll ,u"e (If, IlttltnoneY/ llo,11 tiIJIlII'1ItIH Ybl fll \lIlU qllm flJ\IIH,,1 CIIVQIIf)!f' IIIIV I "~ III, look 'O nll 0 tfte gbJl 'i an,l wIH , untIl we settle th o \\ Jl,lch ~~J 1'11, 111/$ p I O p OSE!lI.~ ~IUI.l) 1JI1\Il\lf "t" I,elLl t ~ tO!l ll t .. ,,, flt rhy A.., 111 I, III /( R al l n ~or.c r~"rrlll '"peot 10 the . ..allo",d lI",uhW' ~la~l.aJ~ 4\1ih •• tl , th o holl er qu estion ot lud l <J\> \\}I ~II~I Lbro,\t o f NOl til o lltlll ,,' p~ '~ ,,,8 It ~~II~¥ Ikf< ~~~II~I I IIU~ uf III ~ I fi ll ~,lJnu 4ed, ~k lJJl. 'I,al , Ite ar,olrlu', I , " l':tHH P.II~ aI, ~Il~, I,./~I\. fCl"".atl Tlg bts • Thill IS our A.m ol telln ~C I e \10 II; of WcH lt li o n ~ !)(l uca l IOIl I ch ul ch lind carr} \II , 1\ \1) Ihe wood . "nil I'IrtrU I" Il' eo III Ihl 9 III ~'I\OJII g t~e " uU e.lllt1g Ihll, "eot 10 l!I,'}:LuI lIS pnd Ul.O)I/ and on IV 1V18 C . t!(!tticJ)lc nt of}\ ho 'IJ:lY t [tlCcSl, dl C [tm( oubfe 't o 'In'll, ~ ~ ll rill og il 'No 'iJllub\ /1111 ~!,JI I I Y pal ~r, OIuch Ib~ I¥ , ~~, .(~lIrJul, and re r.. porle<lllft rollo".: '0, ... trel . I Ihe till 9..!!es tioll r e8t~ tue 1l loIJ IllID who mll:t l.Je bung c1""ell tb01lg h 11I O't 1'l t~ " r.-h r" trtV t:l~ "flti" llrey hll/! mlll) e vul \lng b~11l ,1.0 h~811 linge ol til ".miD waepl"lhg bYlbe . .tber. wben wh etli Ojii"'oa.\JQ)l itulll J[\o-or P CI - 1,c IID IJi'Le(1 ID I ctt O'0 8G ti l(j,j l ldgo, tho Ih. " ,llIl t n4 nfi"ft rllUr I (~h. MgAIl par'l IVlllall l/C , pt" I""pl ILIUII!:hl bo ~"lIetl ~ i fl/l',pl"ck ~H Jl,~a." PMfpak: O th(! ell.j.~I\~ cb·1 ml!lf~ , ol w o J9 1\11'; 01 t llc t>l}erl;ff Whp o l)l\ ,ty'l ~l ls '"'' nOllO' Oil PIn ~q wl) it.d" " W ~¥ 8l' I' pO~~1C In vuch '" pl uol! .EJlJa'14 , 'IIUII liP ~Oll. ftf ~ "J:\ ~ Jff W hl Llhl; llel' llp1n t~r:H e'fl1onl't IJIlIl d ceu 1 us k .) 01\, 111 0 11 of. t he: ," [JOe ) \VI' 1~I~ttl I,) purCh il U An (llh tl( l'ou IIII~'" ''' V.II IC'~lII1JII 1\ frelh ,nlpl' 011 or \}Ie, lll)- gan.e ',PI ", 11 W:~I~"e~ cl'c, WI! aee rOI lIiJ r tI w h o no r Em II e ~ \ hcre on t hci ta8tftLoQI Llru _l'llw Oil II \<.1 -#1 1'1 R , lll1r "{,, ,'If II , rllll" n, lind U" wLI,ortle (olllld a lit: 1I,IheW he l WRlIow I. ne., n q.nd ~ i l7mty,' ~ore · li be l ai, C~I)1ted. do \ 0 0 find stlo h n <,I ns ~r 1 ~lttZC1l5 sruno Ollt well' 1/1 10 ~hfl l I l tlr~ h II "" hI WOI k ul' III 1118 welrll 1I0d wl'lll.1I ov f f '"10 lite ",,,ltie'fid"..dtooll. aod ~uUglltCllC d \II OlV8 of llr~ Its 0 • .pql i~l c~ ly .. 1IP ld egrad ed? No w " c n l ~ h'. ,,', er" ~ pr J/ r. 'p' . " · me~ ling wu r Iwln g 1"lu _ ..V. I Y. Tttncil. ' .d ulweelf, lae dill I' , , ~/J II I ends nnd 'UIIlIS, nud r!'l~11 e n ns lt NOP )0 ,r.h~ cPlu lOg (;Q~1 8tl hl~1 01i \',,11l . ~",I ~ tllIlI'r,,1! uJ! ~g4 ri'N t1I'2 , "" li b .-. - .-.- .~ olui.ion In th e"oew \l''QJ'~ d Q, ~Ll COIj, :muPP. ,t o so nl1l~ I ,th ~ so/! II ,,!~ CII or rMlroatlt' lroll ) '1'1,,0 W i t 1 lilT The 101.1 bo(l' urop of lb. WllaL f R! "fI .; !11intc:re!l.t Rlld notio n, wh e l e aile IS s oq ll, olltl lU ~I Ct u,f PU l ,SLale (.,;941 ~IHl tl o o d l.courflglll.IC If) II • t[.~,.,J!8H, r IlItrlOOITY, rbl'i Ih e whllt'r. of 11186 It .tal. d ' _1. 1,(>llrt :Wotlld Y~~ ' fully ns t o '\lJ)e , 0 t, ~\lr9 I e~OI;4.1 f R( OUI bu !JIIII' Y tl el rl)1l1l11 tl 19.MIY" IL 11.001).",( 4UO 239, lUI CflDlp.1I ed t iflth J 3 9 1 51 B "'nenj' uI\KU(l,no Ll,Els tl~n:~I~!! t4tl t l oslJonl;lbill1,.y , p r, t&q ll uog 4SlQC. 1'13\lt ,' BU..)' .),o~ " ,fWO Ul CU I rl~ I, I A tl ' lr ~ ur/{nn w ,.. p~rc haa6 " tblOk of It as th e ,gl eot I C'g.jl· th()"lsch'qs~o QW; {jlW ,thOI.d~l1Iull il "nil fbt .llnl Jl R , .,,. 1111 h"U bu n qUII.1 or 1\ cOll tin en t. of nIt AM !-' IL\lIipIf SitIU on till" pl Q,t({OllJl, 1\ 011 the S I1U6 litl"_ 'f he org a n P'HIY hnd ta. pollt lcnl, COlO~PI c t \, Y CII I f1go, t iJ:lt til e 1)epuh " I ~y of co wo 10 Ih. c'lDcl tl '100 th.1t (Ot fu"~' ••••.r.""I'i<r,lnll s:""efll)(iM IOlla l " Ilooud,. m il h ~' ~m. lat-i4. lIad....1.o luru Ibe "ARII II II t1\l , or , orgllo muSIc )~d ucllte g l HI for 1\1) tIle RW,hlf( tJ l'il ' bV ItS would rem8IU qUI .. l, Hlld th"l no more .of ,life. T.e nerl t.1iCID ¥1et.l!lIs, diRI 11 0 e jlioed \!y ~ c/,J, \ d \38'8CF (~h,p ~r 'il\1I ,,~~lt.I be VD~f. O'()v' doe& to lt ~e oll tbo: e 'Y 'nmn wbo- b !! epohiEI !jn " th,!!1 V1 rp eirA l /l iJt ~he.y ,ere IIlloL,.j(~'1 Vir'tue aMI In 1)1 t fOlm 'truli nb' th t!j ) c~r Sopposo lAt~ t W8dD c!ld~/ ~1I~bl'; y ltr pr«y . r l·" . ,..,. .....,,,>'·, JI:Q " jlJJwd ib:lod If tbea,8lie~ t WD ~s .It 1\ RQC~n U rl tl;' meellng, R thlrlt rlml wal Olilde oOlhe ~'::ri=~~~~~ t ile totnre c m e li of or thlll J'cf01m PI ' " ' ( ' . i ~IIO'ch, and Ihi. ri_ ' llie 1I100'eOSl\'o dolustl ce and w,l\Jk up ... • • ----l. nr 0 "a. . l"ughlered WILli, ~D ,u "., ••',,_"_ LO "':"'::;"'~~-;",,"-<+'--"::"""'~""2''''!n'-rFrr-: ~mOY6.ever.Y barri~ .. in t4IC ~JI'" c. . .I\lP.glrl:d:lbrja4.: ,.d Rt 11 ,. a ijllie 'ltROgll Ih., tho threo ot thtl' s hf'. "bOO, lh•• beenJQ'ItI'''_;IIlll\''~Jhreh ".n. "A r. l doll&roJJld.rOa UM • .Q(o n.· on h or from lb. De" "111111 Dllar ll'CI"g.lllu~l\. plll"~1 L~ft ,leICoI 31~1" " .~8fl·lrll'l nbo ve N' G: ,', , 'I tt 'v " J,', I Ibe cl, uro I !/to , l.,er ,'I, IllY ~ ....'"·'I".. • ..... Nev&'r( .I "' ~ ' 0, t ' . . I ) , , * II" " to Iia recon.trueted. ,lIud a rtlll", .yH~~ B~11fl ' ij:ld~Ptn.4:tUl"; self . . . '.reru_b~ i, ,.Lb. l~& (01' ~I reUi'Oft ill toIfoetd 1Uh'h~tibdr alia • s.:w.rd nu reU...: II' ": . ' ; bood ''''. IJ1 rll ,." .1fl "! I• , .. l .t1. •r -' '

Y!1i .



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11ll! cllllsn,ClI II 'ijl lolt",ht elu or cl" 'r "" " t~l'. Com" 110 lllo d/l.flt " l)'8m CI,). I de ll lh to un \rl''' r'lto,c, tLenll !ul d ," 1]1














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ieh " .. Ie .....d ID ollr hnl.b ... .. I". Ie IIlmf ,IV•• &0 'oW ___ . ..... ....., _ . • 1011 01 daDD..... clolllI", tlla, 00 ' ,I" haw • ~rl &Ii....... Irwll .... 'II., I a••"" Ii~'" 1 AlDu. In b,r ';t .. · 010 an parta of ,'" ll leu!red J.naar'k '0 ....k. k,"""1 .... ________- ~ ~ . Do 8_W, leller t., Ib- l,.d,~n ell • . leI or y ......ehuaelt. : . '. Ihl! noloriolll Be~ ~. p."~d u.' til' 8':el'l prompt Ictioll .,_nnnL hi. r. llo"· " .... r.r. II.'• •".ou. Dr ,"ro. . f ~ ~. ~_~ _ ~:; _. :.. •• ..,... ~........,....,. rb of Ih- flm"'le lobll}'i.~ .nd Ibelr Ir 'Doa,. ir : _III ..ellRuwledilnll llit' I b ,I"e Wood tlo trille, Willi /It/gull o.,.. " d nllla •• 011 Ihow T" ,II wbo Jul,. ,I. b. ",1II.clld. ~'" n ~- - 10 e . b 'II' I' I ou werl! \ ere, 0 .. . 1111 10 prelene "I goo . , I tr e 01 ch.r,o) Wllh Ih. 1TNIUVILL);, Olll~: r ThefollowiaK.kl!wb II I r1 ' rect!iplof II". Itlo'llk W\11l 1 J ' el C'6 1 Itial,igor. hi.allnoll Mldtn Ih"OuIDpnY'•• bililylopA1I1nyhe~b'lY 1111'~I"I·:r,'~"I',ol",u.eP · o't., ..:elhe .. (Dt. ,,;,lehl ll.) aU8INISI. ~v • ~"....,.~~- WIS'. '. .0 kind III to ItlMYe III nly tell ell · . UD 01 I Diek- \ d d I I the ,"'pon .. e ..... c ,.,11 .' ~ • ~"'A~' JIIAY fl,1Nf· . iDgly IQlcorellllng.. d ell,,'Ir no one \1",.10 I.Y Iholl, 'Iowaver mllcb lm"! ",erk', allDlbcr Ihet ,IU e. .. 101 ~" lin . 0 101l0r 0 Ihu Do~rd .. IJI li"J a SUIIR <.: ' ru; ror ~(""OU\I'I IO'" •• la "",a.· Wa, •••,!)... 111 111 ',," ::.:;;.~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~!!!J . b IL lD I ' .eepwomall.• Wbo," re rei "Ihe fael. iL i. ne.-er L\I ~lot. ~rue . .• 10 contribete lin 1"11: . bU ~ln 8d' mt<1I wltu compose A II u Uru"ch.l ls, Co u,,"., 01.1., 01,,1 .11 , 0,,P!!b _ .. I.e.OIDI "C 'I I' " .. ng!lge u Re ( \ly ." , ' I <lb' , ...I\1baDge. bling III ,JIll aad ID\eW,{JJIJ- '\l\v_lI.e r. ,ou H'!... fllr • _I .,.riute Ih~L mY 6B1'MI"1 .... Ild·\ n~ I "'oel 11,10. . Iy for Iltll :OInt,. Iof Di,tjOIOfi. a~o 'cl II • "" C Til ".1.",1 LU I'R Aif. "Iiunt. The DU 1 • ,oN whtrl "'''Y b, round I NIIIII "lItk 100 or choln. _ r with 'he mriny Irl\w!;\! ~ . w' . uu I",m Inappearllnoll wll no~." OW wml"O t~pr .. s. V' Hu 0 RUNOLDS, !'hoIW' O. u( .11 . o,I,. rlj •• , \ .... "diug J're,~ri""t\~ It telfe'ed Goodl. c:oQlltllq ut Inolberfelrlul... '. ~ "nd tbe rew cnllne women .round bet. me 10 Iuillt iD lubriceling th" ",he,," H .nDounce ,1111 M. lalor g Oltvelllnd. 0., JilU. 11l. 1867 . I.. h~ ... 61 "' . 111 .. 1 .... 011,1'1,,·•• ,1 il\~rnl""UII lui 1'1 bal "I ready made h •• ppaarOlo cl II' 'fbll ••Imnees of ..allred po.ilion. tbe o( tbe gO'8rom .. "I, 1 o""nol rdrllin. ruruillh 11ft origi nlll . Iory In " lew " d . b m;;-.rment fur I ",h eb' he CO\l.~i ... '10 Il. i" .. I... I,I'lo oltd he ;onOADCLOTHS, the ea.leru cILi••• aod ill 80m. placet I,rene ~li.fetIiQn of eon~cioliD be, .ut)', howne" rrom 6i1ing lb. blo'ok a. r,,· I Add rt18 B,njMmin W OIIU, 19 'fn.K1l1it III \0 II II of Btili.h \ but" ve r, 'ijll~r.r .. ill "Y bit r ... dr · •• II \ CASSIMKR~a be I I II II . .. 'l'erma indep.. ndence. UI 'llal parL u iver "'II I "o, t thelll lIolloin,;. on,11I18)' P' 0· • • lIl... • r~ aloDg tile Mi ..illippi. It i. to tn'elope her IIlld ·Oo&t frolll' Irr I 0 110 quelled. Ihll E!qIl8 Ie. New Yor... . • A meric" kno'lfn AS Ihe R .. d n d r r on. '~ilhillr ihe I'r> Cril'lion. ,.1Ul1). . VESTINGS, lC hoped itl pro"tel. mly be '.rrel~ed b.· Ilmosph,re : \'1'e (eel h n ell h'lre'-1 '1 bne .o~e litlle pr~portIY" d Countr)'. lying norlh of 0,,1,,11"1"', 11 0\ 'tll"g·ro,.;"' ,, ••\! ... 111,1. " •• • d,II·~" \ . , , P III I.umn droop Rbor~ her ove V Ihcut'lI oot 'euumeraled III tie prtnlt' I nlfO 0 I II' • ' 11 ON 'd I fure it reaebee to Illoh ao .llIrauag ex· f ' b PA ' 'I' ~he~ duperies 1,,11 aboul .heflt. will "au IIII0w ole. il for oillhioll aubjtlct ., prellelll 10 III eo Rt>v. ~:O \\' 110 A. W, , both p •• ln.n .nc, ; ...·hielt I . d'd' . •• or Eu· ore ,~u. I' J · I 'l'JU.CJ.I!R S· A1I800ATION.·- Th" Hud~uo BIIY l"ur who.el~" f Willl"III.llUr~, " iu~. C~ .• N~'" York. ed tv hue ",ell• .lIp la. 'II~~ Ii · ItUL al It . 1 In 'l'NIOU.' per.. IlfHc~ful ("rIO. W. ealcb "g .Imp'lI .. . ...1';- ly illll!res\ io il ounau.mpa.DY: .UIUr .. ltd", , .... ~ I "Iae IhAn my own g.rall calion. 10 p .c" III M oollllJ for Nlly .. t.. 11\ 'I 11 'IlPP \ 0. 117 \" . u rope I..t yellr ;·bll' .1111. we . f~. of .lIurinlllae~l. Ihe gleam 01 Jewe I ~hem In ~ny '''II1a. • __ • nexlllnllll,,1 moeling of 11111 b~dy fllr. , One of lhll 10~1I1 paper • . dncri ' - :....... ...:::-/.4-J\:.../~I-:O-U:-::D~/-;:'-;.'::·D~Y;;;O~U;;;;·I;;·,:;If··UI. "e CAIlO." tllll obNne"lnylodlcalioll. IIlilteling 00 dImpled. uflg10Yed hand.. -One Il\lle lilly • I bll held iu ;:)l'rtng6.. ld. eOmUllene.lIlg bu Ibe moyem~ M as 01111 o~ Impor l ' l'f'(fOR "rll r""oilled by lIe/mbo/u" £Jtr ' - id IpreatJ "nd (lI&rful dnaata- Look 10"1( in\o 1111•. face ; i!1 ~plt'ndor [_ound ,011. kind ill 1\11 h.roen. aUlndj w Monlll\)' ~.enln)l( . J'ul), I. Vll.unor HI1 CP , l\I,d likdy loll,,,d lO In'e",~tlflg lou'" Buclou. b re DO or linL IIhd IltrfeellDn of oulh "e. c.n wllbouL I) ,nl! •• nd ell" Rny Ullntf· I ~ IL. r.p . . 1.. -- 1" I,ll' r.o"lt1nl~d 10 ddiv6r .Ib" An rnulU. -~----.- - -- - IIOD. tlpeciMlly 10 ..... 111.. 'D e. ben Ihe elo.~11 acruliuy. Look long. And of ~Ul Iiliitl "Mlue. . I I II 1.1 l rofo.i.iolll are t~ prneDl It.- .n'! L'"a ... y if " .oul, ,,,illlly AS w,,11 'lL bue" ' . nol y~1 I'",d (or • . I"ou~h . Addr..... An IIIldr~&~ WI II &T A (lo ld RIIHP hll8 "ill~d oft· 1111 Helm 0 S Ul , .' u .. ( l i l y Prof. J lIllle E MurJlo~I . II "rllA1ltollpera Ih'" II'fejl,\~""d IU BUCHU 1....\ year it .."med eoo6Ded '0 Lbt •• lereoe. 100'" oUI from ~nd .• r !".o.e 1t00~ !ur Me,er.1 yea". L III . bI I ,18 ,,( 'f"OIe .1Il1! ,.. .. I I rite oiticl allD04iL enlitely. but prob· penciled hes , Ihrough dllllllng Irllea repalrlog) h,clur" 1111 MilO M HOw,, \ onrrulI 'l',,~~8 . 1-. cerloi" Oliro lor ,lieeBBe. uf t ,e • . r'L I ' i tlO111 heS(uilina ev", Look; and '1 bu .. ~~o . .. h.... · lll;JI':~?~, _~~~'. N~'w Y.~:'. Tim" _ __ -.;.- - -.- E;'..i'ybody l /flurldtr, K an,y' . Grallel, uD""'J~'Y;1 " ~AI be~all" 0 I. 81. lolro' ~h. ~n"t1\ed II," " ",hiob . meetl YOllr •• two pi!!l •• nll ,be ' JIll. ' ' ' . . I •••• ~O ' ,.' ifl C",rlOllai"" _nero duenoll 11110 Ib" c.oantr), •. a.nd Ibe f." .1'11 1.11 you ••• plllinly li S A /lnze ca. n life ~nuul\J rtpr"",n'tjd. I b. >t'L "I"or' ~\Ir ,II ~ dl ..... . . ,UIlII' A LIlr c 6 Pl" Ch..,ul"r, giv>u\; iuCormnlin u . W,<lk lle.., ema -' . ' ' ~ .. 1 Intl",rl""l 1" " "S'''"1111 " ·PIC>. "'ntl I.. II . II YOUII" 01'1 Debt/Ii.v. repar.'ioo. made I" UI' elll~' to lIulr d 111\1 Ih.l.d\llation i. the Itli of ~IW 'Jud gilllr lrom Ihe !>R" . . am I I I .. ,I I oflhc grciltedt IIupor llluou to Ie. '" • . P . both .C1". .... in.t it· in tt/na, QUtllU of Ihil 'l'le", \ife • and ~e d nClioll (I,,, UC,.I 0 ( ,II• • RV, Ih ..1 ,f 1 """p llou pl ~S Ihrnu ~" I::'~· " I ".141'. II ••W. ,,: I IIIH' , '" 1''' ''1' ~ . . .. 11 1"~ .l C'·u CO. ho". the homely mOlY ', ."d .11 di.~a'l!I o( 'he I aT 011 \I~• .. • TI ' b Id nt/ I blKnc, ~ uufm .. r. I . ,,"1 1 b., ol "i.:~" Iu cH11 UV" " , e ll. o\' . , ... ,'U"'" "f" 1\111 . o. "'(IUle bORUlif,,1 the "CSp\i~<.I res!Jectcd. "lid .. I ' Ull itA • il beb'oo'l'e~ Ib, counlry 10 be OD the .pel!. III ellul~ "u~ . . I . , . ~ I ,h. ~ uC~' \ IIIhnlher eX i61lnlf II • r ' b ~ 'L h"l beforll thl pror.. nlll IIghl: II II I Ie ' h ~ UI\I II'II ::i1,,1K. I., ""~I. \. III ·,lll.1 . JI " ,.. IH I ~d ,,,,,I wlopn Elnm ... Ibe fordnkcIl luwd. No you~g IIl,ly or gen· ' JlJALE OR l'E:lIAI.E • • I.. r~ .011 pr r ,.,r I' ., ore I btlIlUI, of one who IUnt8 ht" lungue lu n,,1 know· 1, \O w III Ih~ " ,II I I I I.( U . I I d . tl lIomllll aho"I'" r.iI to oe lld Ihelr ....ddrcS8. null, m "' h.I,Y~r C.Il.~ " rilli".""II', .:10 nf) 10 b••• lI ood Good ••• In, in 111, .. ~ -.",1 w lIiett I _m,,1! ' ftcured IL. ,aDIII.a e "rouad. Le' Ihe boa.y.d .c~.nU. and lillA up he. "VI! ai li ng. "n'\ " on hAI ' I" " " iI " h" 11 k " ~~ I Q~ .~ I' "I .t it' ~ ..." I."lciI • 110 II, VI. Il .' recel\'c 1\ cory 1'0.1 . p-~id. b)' raluru IMII. I;I:IIPr uf' HOW LONG STANDING . JIIOple ~oC ' W.,II,nille look aroulI~. H,I. \0 le.~ men "1f.Y. ~he com .. 1I11~. IIrb Inln e'lIno' .. " Il·r II", IHIolill Cud~, "" f11I i: I"'r r~~, 10llr Addrcil P. O. Drn... er • 21. 'fruy ·~: 6!; D,'I·" .... ~ 01 Ih ...e orllona re'llli~e Ih • • a" apeed i~. l\od ..e if "I~ ..nI · and Koe. III" .how"y C.rrJII!re' She <.I'll" uf He,, " '" . I \ '" Ur~~1 Brllilin. ,I", Ltol cI LI .\\l lrn,"II u~e "r 0 lIi",elin ; If nu Irenlmenl I. Mub· A. L 0 IV ell lin, flfuN 1)111, &II", Ddition of tb. ,ill... I. iD a per · ,\ide. 'hrough 'he corridof•• blt\llltt 'Y .. c\c.lbea III'\! nil leo "' • 'MI~ ,; u~.r~d ""~ I~IIc1 ~ r 01 Ihe '('gim""I,,1 n"~,u',,c'b'" Ptals .-Our Ihpnry : milled 10 . C.,,,.,,,npllon or luunI:v mM" . Sam, , QuQ!~y( Uf1 co b '(1'" d Ihe g"lIp-riea li nd Ihe .nte·fo·.m- of Ihl' alld "'y bOlll. 'lft 1\\),"11 !l ull!!. \ .. I ' L ft I I' ~ M8e ",h .. ,her a' Ihe aIOl", ud, ell ~ u" Our FI~~h Illd. RluuJ .r•• up· AI~t, ~ email. o.,k,,1 GEli'rt,· Wi; f't'CI~ ,laLe of ellcwlio ... aod l ,I I. III 0 ilol":"e.ery where eOI.1 iCllo" in IIIII" r h'" mH'!. OI~ II 'Uil tur ye~r •• \' Mlld 10 pillY Ihe HIIWIIIIMII ""U OIHI '"" . l :~:I' (j·nlurl.! t'menl Ihl' jllilll •. ported fr'JIn thul! MI'urc.. 811d Ibe N ISHING OOOUI:I !-l\\ ~t J/~ j( i' il Dot. let II,,,. d .. ise tOme plao I :~;telUIY. ' "lid linu Ih e pullli ~ illn~ hI Itl cOIl\~ \ ,,1" ' 11 11ft III IlIlCtl . Iruck I'P With Ihe ;;I'eu'::~tic:·p"ifl. ' ellluooeous rruplitl" ' . \ Health anlt Happine.. wlll.llIlI.t • r'~6'. ' I b, wbich Ibal eDd' mly bl a"aioed.- I Ji,1\ .btl beQo~J her iuquir~. 'Who il Rclurn~ WIIS cllmm(lllcft il • my c'l!lltl \ .oul .• ti rrio.: Slrhill" \I( • Huk.·)" p"ke:r. even d~ .prlll": c,, ",, l•• builp, lOr Wh ol . : and Ib.. 01 l'u~'~HIY . depellde upon kl~!~:ft.~e~~;:~~~ I ClII, btr", If L \ aach ra.i1y 11M ,II preclution •• in Lha[ beall iful womln l' Nubu.I, .eem. b"en Blldly ehllken. B"I, brlllg ,,\lo'd W", k) \\ ~ II!l Ku,!: 01 Ihr C'lIllli h,,1 ever loron .u n" 1.... 1 Ihor"MII pul O n • n,e prompt uae of I relt .blll r .. mPlly. , . . . 0: r • • i aoce lIile lure, Doub~ lind .n~·. Ir.r,. en · 1 y91 bOJle 8nd alaift, "ntl " I' rk , I'" ' . ' .11 ","I,y '1'IIouf5' 0' ~ ,1t,,,.,,le,e 81nle Helmbold'l Extract Buohu, I rel~If" .I,,,,,I,, to 111, "11 nIIt \ co.phance Wlllt \be ydl"ge otd II q I h I' " I U·' '811' i," . I 1 .1 I. . tl~r thlln 1111 I .. m I"' III'\"' I lah'lIIls. of Ih" hl,",,1 nll~ hnw .. .. . IVIa ,,;h S end rrlendl Ill r wh. ( Ihoy bud o" \ b 911 OpB fr I e It. eo tI. Wlnl, ou, u_ , . RETI 'S PILLS E ILl' It·d upwardd of 1 yean. prrpllrI ' tl t dI be " 10 lba,' ••ret. aDd '"~ mal ea.-pe , , ricb aud be~ ulifal widow:' ' She i. un · Find Ihe m~n whn pAYS h l ~ LI"'I~' Y \ A FoRl U ME AWAITINO A:( IOw:'ln.URI" Nr~ "I"}P£' IE""I:: onll 40 _ e~ ~I.. ,. c ,ne n Ie pu 1 I" lOpe 10 . Ib, .... ••• arta • I lCIoDrge. ' .. , LI '1 w'I,b I d' I owo ~ud Y' ~\I cll rrrr' nil ' ,' II , ,~ " , .\ ' ,-nOID D---'-I, .:urtl IQ tloe f"lure lOy .It"etflillirw m.lried:· '~hll .. "ISlung I~ el y Ilousan IIIcome. I ,eTt C 'I'ir t I:)culli.h Ameri . "" J u",n,,1 a " v~ : 'Ii I v Ih iM i ~ ~" n. T. DE . .... "~ronn!:e. ... -----:--,her bu.b.nd.· E,er, Siller ba. a dif DIe. and 'judICe youreelf ,,( ·Iif.. ,m ong lIum.. lime "gu, ill vur So: ,)\I,i .~' IIP "'S, 000 c.'rl, c.· p. "". U. llRt\ND.RF.TH. 140 Hr" .t1""y. N"w V "rI~, "'~I hie Pa El.TON nUDLI:r . lolil. Ma..g.retta Fox, one of tbe ,(urentIi06 er. Iba lowly.' Rnd which il Ihtl hl\pplor. I "'e ' '' \lvlI l,,~~ d 110" de.lI1 uf ~'r . Ht!w 97.-&w 5.10 dOllll.I 10 1~¥':~~1. P ~'~ la~:.p__ ~_. Waynelville . &"y 1.1867. . orl"loal 'Yox' girls' of ' Rochester There ~r\l. t~'If .Jrr~ in Ihe ,e~rell or 'Wbl!o m1 b.o r gro~. up. 1 bope Crawlur'" "ullock. onoJ 8'n l e~ l."dllo~ . SUII, - - - - - ALLCOCH.'''' 1'0110118 .......8TlfBII. .~ ., • , to ' t· (1 more receut- dipl.mac,.. 01 l~gl~la"96 nnlllJl1. o( be mlly ellc~1 bl8 falher In 61l"ncI~1 abll l llle "~Ir, lutl Mune IIWllY ul hi" '''' n .e · ERRORS OF YO UTH. i:i) . CU~ , ~nockm~ no , nil II aD .' o,erRmt'ot.1 prollilluion . who clln t~\I or wloicb no one wbo ""u\YB me \ cvrd ~ .nd Cr),".1 Ih'l I,e ""ur'" Ir~m by 10,. A ll ... nl lpm.1I who lI.iT"r .. " 'ur yeftrt H. rlfortl '~ IIII I1. Nllv. II , 1894. ~ ~ ~ ly notorloUS III connection 'l\1.t~ the ~ ou IblAl all" is ont or the mnlt flublll\! doubts. aod th,,' you, Mr -may r"I.llve8. IIh. Cr.wlur~ (nvw .!!jar HIl~h) from N~rvlI". Dcbilil),. Prpmolll r~ D~coy M~8"r •. 'I·. ue: ALLClJcIC &. CtJ.-Plen~p !Demory or Dr. Kane, tbe ArctiC ex· !nJ mo.tdllngeroua o( lobli}i!h- She live Ion" enougb 10 yiSIl him for many '~llfd Ir~ m Lov.rpulJllo !'I elll YI,rl"l \)'1' 'lls,e 1",1.1I the "ff~r. '. ul ylllllhflli 1~, d I8"re. SPOIl. wilh di ~ Pfl I CII, 1"'~lv lI oI o~",n All . I • h I b f( I to I h' " llllUdn hlle 01 . 'e.m~r' III Ii III I. C ' . ' 11 f Ihe nilA nf 8u/fe'lII,i{ hll' cuck 's l'III'l'lI'" PI". I~rs. Our d.lly ,~. J.rlorer(to whem Ilbe c IIImll to ~"c is bUI olle o( a d ••11 II W"ys eau I u YOII" to co lec\ ' .. IOcome ftll . 66 ."d it i. IlIp pu.ed Ib"1 he i. now Cr.· tHm,.w, , Illr II I I it 'he vftr'I P IIC~ eIJ "firm. Iheir .pr~ "OflPr.lur ell lrre 10 0 w,n net'l . f I BI e ph'''1 for Y I &0 " S mon"}, .enl • ' been Dla.,rimonially engage d) , h 118 all d • Iw.y •• ucces ~ II , I ': our. . vCliOll illcogrrilo in Ihe Unhedl 1.le •. . ~II I Ilirp~ti o"5 1m mokl,," Ihe .1111- c .,t: ~ ,, ~c. A' Ihi . "",me,,1 01 wflling • d • I t k a' but IIbll Ihu"8 WIDI . \V ' I I "·s kepi r('r.'pe I · S h 11 en'II""I,, I i:ltcly retllrned t() .Roc4estcr, Bn In' IIrg' I II ~ • : , ' AR I '.'IIAT ~UIT' UI.--Lst no tn · IlllIul .IIY nppar." "1 r e~Bo ", " ~ ~ ph' ,emp,dy by ·.vhir.h he l\'Ad rurs". u,· IIIftn app'l e ~ ( or oue, tV ,~ . " . ~ .. . . d . ' to l ' h. m ~'n wlto uy. lo ber. ti~<1ure .my , . . ' hi' "",e~eolluUII a,lellt Irolll 1111 1,,",lly Ifreu wi.hinlt' III r"fi, by Il,f' all'·crli,· menl io II .., .h,'t of ",.~hlnl!r)' . h~d bOIl, tends to /ltfo~d those who esuo .ppnilllDltnl mailll lure my prumollon , elllIIOU. longue "t<r ."IIID , ,!vile ua .lId ,'riends ; ."d " Ihi. parallraph .huuld . P:"IC'I\I'P ,.• ~ du fO b- addreuing, hi. It.". brok .. n, 'pi"e If'vcr~l, injurpd - b '"lid. l cwill hp"y ' '''u to mllny thou!IIn ds. • 10 rilB ellrly. 0 ur prllcltce ' IIOU Iollg III~ . '' hi. err, .,I IS , 10 b d. II~2 1 'W '1 1' 11 rr I'll ~. , e . I I Ip hear .... ",.e remar k 0 lIoun dI " r i ,up" ill ~" er'ecl c(}lIfi,I"lIr.p. .lId LVIII lot nearlv • y e~ r enllre Y , I! formerly created II l)rorollnd excite· \I~ually geto hill IIflPoinlment. And .he beeD oppoaed to IbM pefnieiou ~ ,,9 ./l uh ~ l\ IlIna 10 louk oollpr III. tnl:.'I'II •. JOliN B. OG·O EN. 4!l Getl3r ~I.. N. Y. leu. 1',,'e mlm r~u, ..J f very .oon · I I d D oe •• he WAit Iikl! " ( HII. helf Iu p"lIock Cutle and .... 1>,OULl 98 · I v b)' Ihe oop"IIO:lIio ll of e "IUler 10, h ll\ .m~nt tbro?gbo\lt the c.o untry, Iln 01)' lei II~ou ~f" t t \I Sf sill like 00 n.'ure.apd our 11\1:01, .hllil here" ltor • I ~ar. .. lie \\'01 fOOIl p,,", lrled 10 w"rk • .portuniW of doing so. IUPP Il\al .:>1 ~ I· . 'I'e ',,"u lil'nce _ .bly 8upporL ollr prActioe Li.leD tu '1.'1111 ."IJZZLI:: tI.' '1'''£ .AGE: dud nllLY ho "~well ft 6 eYP'. HI' I . v At J 0I In 01 , urcb • J'r "'8 b ' . II ~() f 8i111!1~ , an empres' ,. .. n8 0 III . • .. - 'V'U I - i' I r 8Ultj~1 in prom ,hi, )'11 imllrllclicRbl" innovalors upon ..,K W 1)810. TI'I! el,.rrr.1 0 . erv .... I!\\'e It " ".- wOIlIJ Chedll' Y P'Y ur II . J wl.h 10 +1,rurm m)' '014 "~ '" to . . I b fore coming to I ' Ie rec" ~ Obi'" , , . j 11 II' d tI f l ' mu; icMI iuu ... for Ihe wellk lire-II 8~ ' People wil" or~ nrllvl'rb,,,1 r,)r I hplf crlllC\ Pln ~ 'r' r If "'P V ""11 0 nol he hnd ~I a 10"- ~.I rOfla 110.1 J .m .Iill uu hll~ .h~, I R S n WBa ric 1 0 i~euolls AUt'm KlI" .,,0,. JO Lbe eeLRbiidle or 07 a t I" unlVl!r~e : . . ,I percepllon- are "lIpdy A' rn ull. er rdle. I R'" 6U"l,risE'd 11,01 8I1'lf('UII~ lull lioe ur tbll country. Shc owns No. 48 w~i,t . Ibn I{ f'nOulI" : YOll WIll IPe. It!!r An Ilmillfnl DI~die,,1 IIUlh.niIY. in I~ction (rom Silvery ScounJ •• IInlilleJ NO L1V ING EY E tlu nol m.k e URe 1)( 111"", per'oroled I'loI~. , leal~I"l~d lIuore.fib.. but spe Rkin., tiKY.: 'One Orlloge Bloslom W"III. "tung"d by ' I " ~' ll , lnrk g••" "d !I"r In Iho' f'XI'hl!\" "r "" olhera,·., ,hel. Boulevard MlIlesbetbes, B splenllid . ghdll Iove, Ihtse L' ( I " 01 !!'Hly ri. it",. " . . ean del.el' 11l"WI'en I IIP rte' , • II alaM, whi('h was completed before no' II o~e . . . ,.r rom tIe ellrs a • o( 1"0 Y~ry WOUI ecollolllieft of '1\II1t I~ A. h.tling~r. "nd COIlA,ge HOlli e brow,," Ihot Nolurtl liftS beAlOwI,d IIP"" I ~ ~ lIlbilily IIlId .dh ~'I~en~ .. lire Iff('~ ~ eI ......... G~



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co8t:~:~:il I~0:~17:e S;:~:.i~~:,mlh~~m!~~~~. ~~.II~; w~~~\~t:Hlelrb: b~~(~d'::~m:~~,!:i:;;;

Choice Gpods .

:~~'~~:~d :II!"I~~ '.":~~;~r :~Ii,~;it:.loi~:n~; ~'h~~;-t"~::' :frq~,~lh~t :~~r wfl\~l~~~ ~~l:.

ot 11 WiltZ. Arranged for pi alia .. by G. Held. .. Nlj®O,OOll 'fraDC!I. 1 She owns 1'11;0; '" b~lIl1liflll,,- IIMture Rnd IHI ORII m""e or IIrly li8illg ia ai ~li~chitY(Ill8 ill . culIlJlu.ed for Ihe t1\1lfol by H. Munk .- II e incomp~r"~le v~gtl8bl e "lien!" (urollOUd ""HIIII" III .Il \em rC'nde 'uthpm ril t'SA.inir W ..... Iioth ot .• splendid ' pi1laii " in Florence no~" her'. will !luzle the ~igl,1 of a IUIU·do. prM~liell.1 il i_ IIrfllll1 foil .. in Iheary. 35 !,,,nll each. Addrll8' Joho Church. I CRI STA DORO'S HA IR DYE llrP'8~1~' .uII",r!orK\I' 0Il .o'"prI8 ,urlorl IDa:: ' _..I "'~"T ""'Ri'''ow. ...\ . . d d I \I b 'hl .. rl mal( ' . '. . ' .k . {' -" ""I!,ea' u.... . \lOWIOIII' II" P "" t'r ..... .... ... .. .or::un~\~~dbli~inoEmb~rra~~:r . . w:.~~e.u ..I~"Cf~~~?4"," ":.I; .. ,o.:..... ~ _____ ~"rl, is" cllimlJ.."¥-,,III6.L lUI! jr.; .~iucil\nali. Wilh Ihe lIolor illm,l'sr\8 IU 8I r." ""\,""o~8 be.II u"e",".' LJJIJ.Ile lJo'er;ruplt!. 111ft' my ,' I ., I coa "rllnCS. 18 W'b \I i . db T yoiae Ol""I·",·,ur .. urp,yelCII\nnIUrello,,1I , , ..... uIIITlnl.llfllI'nPXlbll,I\· u' , ll,te" fihree. YIlt\.menll .. ll\IlIlIlhq l<Ilo wn F' ACl property ~ae earned by her: · Sbe ~II ubr ~g I!YI!I~ an '11HI!I UI"Jlg l tl" i~ i, pr oed.,,1 by 'm ellrly .e liri"~. . , .ren, U . . la. il is now .definilely !ty J . CRIS:I· ... DORO. H . , J JOHNSO.·N M, I T Y MANU . .' • 'I! WI e.ll!ge III WI I tro ..!!' ,e W ti plU lit' p~rliolJhtrl" nOI 10 ' b A II N " k A I' I h 611 . , .. , N' ' " k ' 0,,0., 'alliO, severnl splendid mon· outwork of hi, .enlee lind 10 eharm • cau ~n , t' '. , ,,~certained, will be brought be (ore I e o~or OU OI', ~II" or. pp IP' AUPIIC", A'.ntire'h .liuuee,. • PIM ' • ~r ., i ",_t!.. , • , .. . d I I' 11 ' .lIow the If chlldreD 10 be w"k"d up In C t I R' I d ~ I ' I and i, is Halrdr.,!e"r.. !l4 !iw B"I,I by 811 Drug'g,al. In lire UIlIIl'd ~~n. n nvIl!~' ,. ' .. 1m on t,~ 0 ler p u.ure. ~ prom · tho mornin~: lei nAlure wnke I"rm our II W ImOD or tll&. ShIell Il,;d ' . . 'Ie-:ieee btr hi • .in6111'IIco., h ll roml6ee her up-abe will nOI do it JlreDl~llIr.. ly: I'robHble Ibl\l Chier JU!lice ChR8t: wtll Woudel'fal bul Trae. _ _-:-_-,.._ _ _ . , . Tb. Dllytoll JOllrnal remllrk6 bi, power .: ber ravorlle , mil h~ye the bUI have" Ih"l they go (0 bud 11 11 pre_ide Oil Ihe . oeoll.ion. Dnil will MADAM E R E1I.SOTOS. 11m world·rcnown ru 1t"~c Glu .. y.r rill'" •• S ..·........ I. • li'll I' t f d bOlln lte d.. mllnda I I L' b I .J ,' ~ lrol ogi 'l ""'\ SlImn:,mhuIlHtic CI"irNYHnl . -1'hl.'refure I liB ne,YuurS lind ul'\/il\'KtP,1 -aD eI neD l b \I • e lIn 0 a 10 9 , ' ;' ,. 1 • ,aD liar, lOur. lit \I II eIIr ler 8nu a"ife in Richmond on ISunday cr II \ d' I H / '- r=u, E " . • b b' If, Thu8 Inme 0 . Ille "g Iell pflzee III J" '1" f d II I I " wb ile in n clnirl'oynrll 8t"lc, d e lin e RI.e~ tllC . hu" , mme IMle l' use . e nooo;a , Z hIDe commg aa a .loo' log co ec\ upon tbe OonrnmenL .re won U llscrupu . ,,"r fer UD" II IS oun I~ I ley IVII e Monday. and will occup1 (llJRrlul in vor .• fOlllllrc< of Ihe ':Ior.on .\'ou nro to J!I\i r. tm el Buehl/. . ,$7.' . • tTl "I' . ' up of lhem.elvu m rul' t'me to dr~8& . ,., \ I " IIca.g o pll' lou8 men plly "Ily women 10 InlJcb tbe f b kr u . k d I Llbb.- Pmon. ry, onu by (h e Did ol 110 illd rumcn' of inle" 'e - --KNOW Til DESTINY. - Gur IDllllr m.n-, 'k I rtf I I" . f' n or ren "". lJelDgwlI .. up ~R'y. .J pert ma e ment 00 0 a 0'"011' ee· Inbl eet Ii~u aurelt 'pring' 0 III uence, "nd "\lo,,ed 10 tngago in diOieu" Olr - - - - - - - -- (lO wey. IUfo",n nalhe p~~' ch<)ItIOlropo, Il'lOr An t'lr",lIi'n ltion 01 'Ibirh m lll ill inK iD ',I,e wbeat IIIlrlle'.' and a dis- lind dIU, opfn • !I~re, WRy It, tll.elr Rny lIudil!l late Illld jUIL befure relir Odda and End.. IInlces 10 prodll~o 1\ pM'foct l.nd life·llk\) pie · &1AJlAME E. F. 'I'HO"~Tf)". IfIe Il,en l 10 pl... p Ihe !lI0" 1.lli4igu.,b~~ iI ~ po.ilinn on tbe pllrt of Ihe holderl to pub~;e i~coe... No I.o~g e r I~te qll~'!loa ing. has aivt'n mAny It beauliful Mild lure or the future hush~nd or "ife of the np· Engli"h A.lrolog iol • CI. I,vllyanl .I\~ II, and PRICE I . r •• lia~. whh ~ de'olioe of foor oenl8 " ,~. 1l1~1 wo~en parllclpt'~. III p~ IIICI ~ promising child brain feYer, or d .. l~rm · Ih:"I~~ln 1::~n"I~:~~~~c1or"~~: e~e! ~~~::~ ~1io,mt. with dnlo ormmlngo. Occupfltion. ~;;~~;~I';;::II~:;:: ' ~;I:~e";~r~~:ld~d ~~: eD lng I. E. KEYS. e t:i: : balhel There II •• for 80mo Lim" been ~ la I I"J 1'010 a c~" I'B int!d ordinAry ailmenl, 10 Ihe prllduc· Ihey reaoh Ihe be-bot. Ic:otdiuJ; Irldls of chnrncter, &c. This i8 no now 100ale,1 heue" al ""dian, N. Y. •• . 10 I II oVl'rnme~1 . Ul. lIa e~.. lion or WRler 011 Ihe brl\in.' imposlllQn, .. te8tlmonlAl" ...lthout number M~tl.m~ Thoflll'lD pu...n .. ... lIoch wund. Oppo.ltl the Ro,trlll_ ~ a decidedly ·aer.,ooa reeling' among lIre wom~1I "ho Will .nd do I!Stlrt till' AI. cuneert rl'c.nllv ginn. II lhe c:~n uIJcrl. By 811\tlng pillCl! or birth . " 1;0 • • rlul powe, • .ur • .,Iel/nd slab! . AI to hnperl WI,n.nille. April 16, 18&1• • COD·.llmtra all tbci eouDlfY •• lId· il p.o wer. ShAll. i.1 remllin courl. rq.u i'o · r....- Tile G' UlllllY for June .0nt.l·n. conclu.ion o( • ' IIn l-'Thelre·. • ll"ud 11i8nn~itlon. color of eyes find hair, and onen. k I I I I "' . / hllpo lanett 10 , . del dtmor"hllo<J blll8' or ahRlI" bl' IJo.J ~ lillie coming. boy a.' a former 1/01 lip oml '''' now ellle a I I~ "rllllea r , 8 "a.a. plea,or610 110'1 ' Ibe' eli.order b ' . d .. , d I II • Ihree full ~g~ iUulr"Iions anri Ibe (01. eJlcI. imed. ·~II .• \'ollldll'l fill the dntlf, ping fifty ccnt~, "nd snmrcol eU"olope .,1 Ihe 'In~ le II' mdfri.·d ot ' "ilh~r ', .... ' L I ,. ' b ' r.,e. pUle. In _op~p 0 Ie lun • drcs~ ed to v.ounclf, ." 011 \'rill reccil'C Ihc' pic \VI,ile in _ IIla le 'Of lIanCI!. Ahe IlohllenleA " '.. .C lapgeu Il. a.e. . I . ... . I '1'1 G C I' ll could yuu t .' . oWing .. rile ee : Ie erman ,. , lure hy returo ronil. lovel11er "ilh deelrcd Ihll very ' eftlllrea 01 the p"rafl" YOII .re I () ~ r~-:;-""I~ ~ f b lei" TnI' Alb.ny [N. Y.] JournAl be ioo. by Georllll D. Budd; Bi sml\rck The Lorain Counly (Oh io) News' 8D)1 iuCormtllion . ___ t\ddrc.~ fn con6dcnoo, mllrry •• lId by \h~ aid 01 .. " illattnm,.1 UI ue uell, o ' t e o uorae. 'Ihe youna ludics .. ' lloid plll'08 walk 0 " " " ' " iolt'nle fl ow .'r• knuwn liS Ihe p.ychomo Hellr, Olay. "bo ill bi. lime h .. been Ii"" tbere il ,old iD our ntw pur (wilh porlnil) by CI'HtI ... W . Elliott; lheir IIp-,uei. IIlti un't hplp h. u Ihp IIfADA .. .. GEnTRUD1:,oTon. P. O. Box "up". gU8r.. "f.e~ (0 ptoduee • lil~ . lik" ClD. of lh. ,reat c~lIbriliel, aDd 1'110 ell.,.,. It I"y': tiolirud" IIntl D,' moerRoy. by Eugene weIP, f. 1l10'· Ihe lOp 01 Ihel .. heeda dr_w 297 . West Troy. N. y, (P4 · 1, I,iclllre ur Ihe futbre hll ~ b~nd or WI'" 01 "'1' d 1l is " ",tl:·e8Iabli.l,ed rACt Ihllt. B~0 6011; 8 akelch of D(>J'I\I~I, tile up Ihe'r b. ck 8U lil!hll~, Ihnl Ihpy '-11. YOUl<O LADT returning to her,"""." :he apl'lil'ool. Iilgelhl1 r wl.!h dnle w.. "" 'lin to be \he oldes, li,ina . . tI' I • u I' I .,i n I' di I I , ' d . Be (rom the ' I!stteme put o( P"I~gO"I". Frenoh Sou6rellc ,: A Nurse Love Slo- cu" I pilI ,eu ,ee .• UWII "qUAre Y ..,11,· try home. IIfl er. sojourn o.rl\ , fcw l,!,\lnlb~ in ri"U p • posi t;.>n Ii I e. ell t\~ rAt. II al.II 100., ~Curt.. III Deo. COUDly. "II along Ihe P.ci6e co".t rllnge o( 11,1' (lUI Ilrhl Ihe Oity. "AS bnrdly rjlcogniscd b,. her Cll"r~Clp.r. 10'. Th ts iri .no llihl).~UI!. eo Nt, " . YOlk, Aplll tid. Tbe of An " •• , t· h~Ilft .. tbrou,,11 aJ - lIl·CU. ellll·' ry. by Ricllllril Gn"'~ Wlli le; Tio . :... . n • 'd f I I ., I ,. I!tOll.onde of' lelllllno"ioll r. •• .._I"rl, .. v u,~ < w .. " • ( W L • ~n. .'" • 01 ,pr I I" 0' .... ' .. "y.' m fri ands. 111 plr>el! of II coone, ruslio. ftl\~hed "'I III .• I d ' ·, • t' H-d · ·.. i d r ' d OJ" I I II I<i~nol u AIlI S" IiCIUM, br . . AIJ." ; h,,_,.· ''''w. Ill" II. ... ,," liP I 1',,1 'il"" I fll~. aloe IlIui 11 801\ roby complexion. alr,nost ..r.erlili-8", "e w .,,,,, I~ lell e81f(lu a e~r I , .t b.. Dor.. • .nnounee .t 43 ye.ra Ofnlll.n uflll. I (Jo lImbill \() u eh "', .,rit..'e" ' auorfintee, Ihll Iht' u -b' . I . . . 81'1 ·1 10" gr""'tll ' '!'"rI UII'IIg ' WUI '" "I'" " alld .'7 moot .-oertalp y a IlIrl'riliD" rlllg. r"l. I. go I·'~ a b.0U."tI' O" J G,' u . W"k"I'I"rl ~ •' uWln 10 Ir. lve '!'m ft flfl&lUln P .' • DUI" mnrble amoothnel!8. Dod iDSlead qf twenLy, " "I e'"r, I. wh!!1 iJ Pllrporl. ,10 lie. ByenD I d d .;, I II A . IJ ' IJ I ' . l.uffA ,.uuruel' ,' , .p lied Ben j ' I con won . ~~ ... for a hor.. &0 atl.iD. or t:~~ t'grel: all \I Iw· ftn.DI ,n Wt' ntellcnn '''nL~ r'. I,y "" .'. I ::ilul'!'I. . Ihree she really .• ppenred but cigbteen. Upon eluain« a "n.1I I ek .. , "nir. llUl 'I"Iillg U" A eolor..d .elgeRnl h •• 'Pllrllil' Inqulry.a to 'be ClaUS\) of ~o grool. chf\ngn. pl"e", 01 birth, ft~. dillpo,i1ion anll eom· eet.Uhebl'd reet . • mong milieu. IIt.I Jr.; NebullB. b), Ille E,lilur, aDd -=:J- Tbl H•• illo. Tllel'lIph ~a1. Ihe (a,,!ler Dorlb we go. jUal in 111.1 ""iel!!l; buid ~~ fr •• h in'lKlml'lIl" 01 .. d Ib,rty ruur Africao. (or Ib" r"Iull\r ahe pl6inly told them Ibat 8110 ufted Ihe CI7. ol".I"n, ...d tncl0l1n!r 'fly ' cenl. and proportioll Ihe ludea apprOllch Ilw 0 . . .\1\11 BIIlm. ond colJllitlcred II an ioulu . illmp"d e"'tlup' Iddre_d 10 , ,bat'o"ini &0 the bigb prici of corD co.. t. ·and Ihl'r"rore Ihe more eAlil,. Walling ror Ihe V .. ,,{iet nllil Sleven IIrmy. in R,chmond. Ind. b l · .f to L .. • \ ' 11 t B 11$ yuu will rtcl'ive 1100 plclure ... tI 'ld"tirrd _ . II . , t . 1'11' • h d' 'I L Y 83 IIDy II ~ ..., a 0 0 .I 1 , In·'.l\r,"l.l·IO" IIw" .e·I/.rll m' 01'.r n"II ~~ommll -...-, " or ill: "II I enea ID I a' II· CRn. oing be cOlldUCI~d. E ol pel','ence,1 "wrtnoe. ~om~n . .bU 1\ year.A mill'Ion "oll"r& 1'8 &nnll"ll" mil"" Il e "CqlllSI L d.,on . G • .. J U usollny II yor on elD:ln eM mpro" nic.llunl. ncr,oIly COli !iolen.\i ,I • . Atldre"" tri.~ bn. IUlpelldell ·operalioD •• od California mioe,.~ wbo hlYe explo.ed W. C, &; F. P. Church. N~w York. by tbe .. Ie of Florida ced,lIr' "ood ' rOf t1)elr perloDtU IlppellraDce on hundred fold . in ellnlldenee. lIl.&1I1.£ E. F Tlloanolf. "iii ".ais idll Ilolil auillain. or IlDlil tbe r.oi6c line or tbe RUllilin Pos,es, ItrRd · p~ncil.. It il simple ill iui combinlllioD••a NIl\uro hOf. p, O. BOll lrJa. Hutl.on. N, Y.. lb. pftM of corn ia reduced. aioD', .pelk In tile mo~' .anglline lerm. TEtiTU THOUSAND 01' NaD N &VUIS .The Ohio SLRII! AgricI~lturAI F~ir 8clf is almp!e, yot uD8urpalllled in ita omclley .' .' ' Tht' will bl! h.,Jd AI O&,IOn in l:l.. ,IIt'mbe,.- in dl'!\wing impuri~ies f'tOio "'110 healing I!n....... ~d C, •• I~'."O •• Roe.lor. of ttle nnllu'! ilion.bla mine,,,1 pfoduc· C1IQnct for Di.{Ibled Sold",.8. A.· &ole~III m .. .' rom B.rI'10 .ODOUOO.. "Iioo 'ions of tha' reigoo: aDd in conYer· All ' c1ell~illg anti bellutlfyl'Dg Ib~ skill au-I. com' ed b, HdmlJo!tI·, '& 'rlf!l' Blle1tu•. . " . .a /e. d.y. lIiaee with A practi. !.enth tboueand of Yr. MurgllO's \'ook, "nlranc! Ieee IIro ablil!i.bed. and " , I" • tbt d..&h 01 (fur. W,iIlM, OD GIl miner 01 aold .nd .1 f Id 'Ned Nevial. tbe New.boy ; ~r. Slrt:t:1 compelilion i. "pen 10 allihe "orld. pluion. By it.! dirc:cLc\ltion·O\l \he .culic1t~ it -r- ., , ~ " D I yet rom e· draws. rrom iL aU ile Impurities. kindly henl. 1 Ub, drop", H. rallied a .hort ho, aDd wbo "ad (oupd .1.0 IpecimePI Life in DOllon.' i8 already issued. alld Myri~d. of 'qllir\'fllll lire o'etfun' iog tbe same, alld Jeoyjng Ihe aurface 1.18 No. r' .~ : . ,l' . .'~' . lime prnioDI to hill dea,b. and it wa. fdb Ru~.~nl Am4!lioa. wo are inlorm- or ere hn, been given (or 'h~ afleel\lh ning 80010 p.rla uf hdilln~•• "ntl in eey ture iDlondcd iL ehould boo clo"r,·lIol\. amootb tholl,hi be wOllld reeonr, but com· e , a', JII g ng (rom hi. own penoD.1 tboullod. Aaenla lire., reapiDg" blr . er,,1 "ounlie. in IO~II pidtroon. lire de· and ·boautlflll. price Ill. sent by AlIIll or Ex·' 8 n l.-"n'.b!.r Iial '" . tt. ' .. • oluervalloD of Ibe polDf caan'rr. b e " Ihoyin, the newly · Iowa "beftl. . WId f II h h bl I u. ..-,. .l.A IDIDOI d &0 IllIk r.~dI1 00 lb. D~8b' of bact no dDubt Ih.t. whhiD onl year. Yea' bJ it, reRllaiog 100 per Clt'II' ptC.olh. pres! on receipt oC an order b,. W. L. en f' • or IV, e I e ~ lC~t ... :or III Sbop rohnert, ollOar.-iI 'hi 10tb, alld IZplled DU'mOrlllng a' miaing wOlald b. iD .ucce .. ful coune Oillbled and oUlen, 6nil il Lhe i:, CLI ASR,Ks· CO .• CI!mly".' 3 WI .Prlee w.11I 'A. io .b.rt h 8 o'clock. .. '. of operall·on. • e' e .. yncuso, .. , .- uS OD! _ e . . . . "'r eel '0 do..,1 kiDde of 6 btlL book pobliehed for c&Dvauiog.- Rnd inlerla. 'he Ii,t bet"e'~n tbe mar· A'-' I C.... lU.y 20. 111 1. .. ' .' ·.0110 Very.uellor tbemineflll wealtbof can geD_.or ........ 'o BL:&OES.It;. AN." Yoax corrOlpoDdeDt 'IY' ; Ru ••ia I. to be roulld in ab'o ul the same A,epta "i,bing to ••cllte good tflrrito' rilliel .nd dellth., .. • .e. .11 S T RA YEO t in tb'e: be,l iiiiDllet a.d' a' LIlt 'TbOl, N .. l, .ho lI 'bOIl! re ..arke. !.'i~ude •• nd there certainly are mllny f1, .ho.ld Apply alonel 10 Rn. Haory O::T Tbll Sou of Temp~aranee, witl,. DB.180Jl.l£:t..UK:'8 - . grey Hortln, marked U. 8., 'one grey bl • ble alleaoric.1 and iIludrat;", dOlignl ladlSplltablE' r".,.on. wl'1 Ihe cb"iD Morgan. 9 Groton altelll. BOllon. M.... · , .h h ' d' W ..,.. A Ihre. nring.ballcd. and a lumf on. he, left loaUS I Pirl",~al ' • 1 atl.f1l titi b Id be d 10 " ,tW mont I. "Ye IDCflB(J8e In I!IL .BL4. aide.'llyed from Deerfteld. ' ;wm give a ' e dea ~II' e'peel'" d II "blioh ap~ear ill Harpe,'.. Weeki" il SI:~I" eODliDue aner crolliog tile Ti!nnel.~e (rom a few huoldud. to over ~ 8ub.eleuu for Cal.omel. IIb;.",,1 Re,wllrd for aDYII~~Worrdat!on, fllo' IhII' be. 11,,'00 baad la . 16 "1 t".nIY"''''D J.a" or aie. H. . ():7 The Ohio FAfmer of 11\11 wet'k Sre lboullod. onIN ~or ........ ~ IN SNOOKS. ed &0 maouf.oture . A 'f 'I ..y.: 'Wo' t...el Ili.1 the d'e "d poinl or Ib8 po"., Ie _Iolia ...... ~. ' , • ~II!. "a Dali", or Ba,uia. bUl to tbis AU: ow ' wo CITlh, By ChArlel . Tm: Ot" ahime nr belh. In America ","IiII" .....1IIIcl<.salll'. Ioh.. pll\ ~ami eOllDh1 "beD b. w...ilt lear.of aae.' J?iekeoe. Wi.l~ Sillly.four lllullfa· d9ng\lr il ,plliled io regArd 10 our \rell I d' CI 't 01 h B I ..d 11111>.... ,....s.........." ... , - ......loIcoot ,. 1S0'lce I~ hereby' .; ·Iven, tha' an er.;clloD " • 11001, frOID ofllfl ll • 1 de.ignl I..M John fruil Blld "e mil" r d tl \.l W'" pre~en e 0 I'll ,ure, " em ~. wludt a""" ".!lo" 'l'- _ ... 1IIe . M' La 01 .." • J ecor II' \I CfOP _treeL. BORloa. one hllDdn,d .ntl IwenlY. _ 1'•II .1 be bC.ld at- tl!c 0 ~e IIf J . W, ~~yil, on or ,,11 killd.-8iDgle aD d . T . . BpriDglield Republio aaye lbe C DAn. olh. gilt bllck. '1.20 , i'IAfe. Clleni.... bo" • i feAt profu. three y_.,. ' IIgo. Th" L_,II. eli.& in a 1...IIoU_ ............... Piuoo_bo_w... ....ondA'l, June 3,1867, between the hours Sb l' 'til ,II 1 . h" I ' , Alllhor'l Americlln Edition. Phila"' r bl ' • UI ____. . . . IIIIF....-tlte~ (I( 'r1IIIMIII ·lhnd d!elbek P. X .• for the I!.urpo!e . 0.. 0 . -;ru ~ nobw 10' .~ p.llee II to .1t'ep "JIb delphil: T. B. Peler.oD '" BrOil, .Ion 0 . ~~; .ppill' Ire 0r~ni\li Y41ry 11'0011 alII" of preeerution, rhe in· 1II1.....d I'IIIIOY' Uta. .-....akI.. _ ... ·u... electing fivo Tt'n~leel. Treoau ... ; ~nd gU.raDt.1 &q ~!'I'. Ibo P 11 ..1:. oot"" "1~bIO reacb. Tbe Re· Thil volum, I' fib Ilrong 10 lb .. re"ion. considtlring "e .eriplion.8"on Ihe llli," !tnor reed.: ...a loIlluy . . . . "ltIolio - 1M ctlidua. for said A~8ocla'lon . . By orde, oflhe BOnrd. " . " JAIfJj;S • b r h b . ' con lin, ooe 0 1\8 eal I d If ' 'We ~re Ihe'fir.' ring I) t liMn. e"~1 for ....- I e _ I . . MR.y 4. '67. W. lU.NlNGTON, ·CI'k. lIarda &'"1881. lip I~ . a. eard of bll~ ,on~ or Iwo "rillen .Iori .. of Ihe dillinglliah!d It. .ue. It ull arop 11111 J"ar. pucloe. Iht< Briti~h pmpire ill NOflh .America. IIOBSKcra IlAlfDaua PILL...... III.. -..::\:::..:::.:::....:::.,.::..:...~---.-tm~.raola. aUempl. ""Iun tbree 1l0'l'~I·I.' eo,ld be c1I!1ired. And \he A 0 "'_."ld.~of_I"'I~__ · ·~~~ ' . 'h' • " I, ~ .. v.,. 'T\.uO pu bl It' Ilef. ftppenrlo ara III thaI · ·· 1 7 . 4 t - . - - - w _ ~I" , I l a~)I-,.,e)' ",.re yro,lllplif m.' UD' b... enlerllilled Ihat im . . ••• e m.y ~ said 01.1! ollr'lreo fruit • .' ~~~=!i~~~~~~!~!:!!!!!:!!!!:!!!!!~ ................... 111 - - a•• - ....... Glr 'Da abo" ru Ie. . . pre'''I~n. "~ce . ......... lhII \lao 11_ • Ie • \4Jrp" ar . - Ibe Dumber of I\lultrALIon. wllleb eplce . . Our YOUDg ' F Ih. (or Jllne. Save~1 by ~ • ~ Th. amOllnt of DO" in it I. qlJile lug.e.· and lbe' geDerr.1 ap . cOlltain. p"per' b, Mra; Slo.e . 'Vieus .B. '1'. BabbiU'1I be,t.II,clllollte4 Saler· ... I. . . ,,_ .. _ _•• ar aIIoHIln Cbl·· ..o a t '·· b ' pearance or 'Ie b k " b . .. .,, ' .' a"WI. ·madefromcommon811It.' B~dUlnde ~, ""'.u.a. - ... • "por eu . , ,afIOu, wire· .1 00 .up."or to 0\ IIr MOUII.c;he. .Iaae O. AUllio, Meri.n 1"lIh 11118 8allll1\lus. oont..ln8, wben b.ked. no~ oiok for uDr,IIoIoeooeI<" hoall. to I~a Bo.rd of Trade ie It. ,..u... · .A.l1librari. . .bollld baVe il, Dou"I •• Willi ..... Wirt Sj·'L a • aad olb. ']ling but Colllmbn Inlt.....Ie!. abd flollr . ... _~=U>U:::"':';"':::~~'~~'== 0Il8000b be ,. . , e' II!~. No".64LO'''Wa~hlng!l)nil' .• Ne"York. _ .. l1li0...-, ~ ~,"MIOOO':J:;~":2 t~.dr::!e~:~f . Ga,iipoli. ·J.oam~i I.; I !: Tb.o r poplllllr writera for tbe youlli· . ...----~ :..." . ~~, t. , .r " .......--.., .....e 'b e, . , If ' , PElli.:C1ENT ......V I'D b, ••1.. \loW .." all o..r.w. ............-r pijiit ·-1"',' , . I : ' a ,erop II 00 .I.g ' tie't~r ' \b.n 'lfa NI ••na&: 'wb·a ter• • re retJorled a~., B. '1'. Be_t.t.. Bt.u t. u~ ... Il ...... · ~ Ar.i loal.... nolau" '.,a ,\ .,: r .k~~"!l" .\ 'bll~ a.eaaon of Houo'lIla, 8i1w,,1I1I1I laltlodl, witb .,'er LI~h\ BIt!c:..I" o\- ••y·kIDd I~r Oaka may be . ~!=~~1111 DaMo ....... tetottaa ,ha\;.. \ha\ d.-ta "'0.' ,...... .l,ear- .1t . l• . a\re~1 ~JlI!I. big'I,' fo",r 'b~!la"Qd barrlll, o( oil. S'p erm Dlade with thts Yeut Po...d~.r. In )Co·mIDut.e. . ........... ,.. ·Y_I·......... I11_ .,_II. .w liD.. tome aIkl, \ooll .. &It b h ' No I!borteolng f'e<lolred wmlD aweet milk Ia -If.. _~:, "4 I ,,_ D........ .. tiaIM cl:-'l • •pplea ' 118 , .... 10'" h.a4iDI pnJOe ,.to . ~I " '''}I,~lelj'''''..~. ,,\Peen,d Deu 'be hlaD4" ~ I tl' .... of ....... . . . 'IN........ oiM.-. Olde. \.114, bYI 'bee. \\1led by' rron, faw d..... • • ., .. ~ 14Ma1M~" ID .. LIte, ' ' ' '. iD ."DJ' JBar... Tbre., "ere . :No•. && to.1(:1v..blngton: It.• Ne"Yotk'. I' " .... II ~, Ui tW1W W..... .,.~ J' lalle.. . l'oriU lind" ..mple. pac~ trea 117 ~ 111.1 ~ ....... ~ -












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Sun.!Ioy.Scbool Union c:ame oft' a~ public that on aDd al'ter nest. ab. , _-"-=-"'''~L''~I!LI. Wa.vnenUle, on Wednesday and b~b the .meellnB lIouie at Union .10> Thur clay of laat week. ,",Il1age wll1- be (,Pell for the admi8' . 'l'UI" IUTW IMD BOI!J(D. • CIDelnh.U Ea".... 8.0&1 I. ••• Therewns 0 very respootnule delco Inon of inquirers or 8peeta~0r&, 'IV Mail .no! Aeeolll.. )0.43 A. •• gation from abroad . Among the cler. "'ben6\'~r the "reather will permlt.- i ~ l1.~iSm~lt. 0, (;uhll..... Aeeo.... 6.n r. lI, gym CD , we I!olicl)!i D. Jud on Stnrr, They mll be plensed to haye a full · RETAIL DEAt.ERS I\f" 1\1.11 •.•• Cbaplnin tUlwe1l, late or the n'te nd a n ce 0 f ~r d er.1y poop Ie. • Ezpre... ~. "IU~.I 0 . V . l .• now agent or thc DRY GOODS , , W.STWABD 800.". . • ' III ,!l lltlda: . ~~~~:D~:r~~~om.. . ~.:~.:: men's Com.ruission. J. R. Jenkins I Z7,~r'IFrallk F 9 1rc11l1d, form(!T' 1 nUEL'NSWAR'E "1 • \I .......I -bnnoll R B n " 11 f H Y 0 r tuls p ace,Sill1 1Ilte a rl' idellt 0 r ~ D nClfln. ,",-e.. p. •• -~ , v. . neue 0 nn'eys. S P 1 "t· ' a'illlbur, Expre..o, 8.28 P. • r R . W B ...... 1 rF . t. au ••, mne ot:l, hn returned to g, C\. • . "Uo er 0 mnkltn 1\1 • ,' . (r:7 "Doe. not .IOp at .Co,win. . 'A . M. Griffith of . ~rr~w and 'engag d I~ bll luess.1t,T HE C A fl 0 ~ N A L ," r) t &. W. WOODW ARD, A t" . d I HIS 8011. Lewis, \I'll!' In town lnst ETUR.NS lo il .lln 4',6 Ibinlll to hiw witJ,. ell.1 'B18~. or W'flllini O.~n. C... , J . \V . • (lI1PPV S ' mong QC promment e eante!! we ,u~ I. . ', week, aucl.roports the whiter. of niue nUm rou. l}.je ,,~. I"r Ille la,.:. and .J'OIl U"l4!rvoir "n lOp. Tin JC Irho. Ii . O. CADWALLADEa. Agrnt. noticed tbat Iloble and venerable . . . CHEMICALS: IIllpr" (~d enled palrtlU.'gA .Ir".~.v ~~Iond. on j • lira' woool·ijonr, .~ .. C.lO\ULL_OU '" ~tll.I .•,tU AgtAU. mon A H D J •• E H J montus duratIon, to be lcghtly reo .d 10 h'tIl, .nd would r.'p.elh,n,. IhlurlA Fllm.c.: 0 ••0 dDOrt lill" II ICILBOII . . .·t ' ... UnillnEx . ·t.g·" I t~ Il~e,~ ,il', ou . . pulsive to tropicul l1aturos. 'We LEAD. Ihem llill 11'~' now in rtctl,IIIJ . 10 rel.l" h.. I., .ad It.. S l'OST.on' ICI.: NOTlC,: ! S co il' l~[ge D 'P B' .. on , !\fr. should feelliimilarly. . ,11!en 10 r'IIII.,e OIL. Ily urn, r. . . enuett. and in __ - - Ihll hnl wh •• V ARNISllES. To OUI M:.;,I ~:::~ f: ,I. , j~:1t ~. fact. a fine delegation, hl ~ll1ding mll· TUANKs.-We ure indebted to our Tit, Largut anti Of t I cUti SJock ,~ BIllia, : . • , II t OJ Til. mo.l COlllpl.le .nd t-e.I,,rCM'.I . . •• 'or ... ,n W"I, 2 S8 p.~ . ny intere ting radies, which 'l\'e bave mU!lcl1lar fl'il'nds, Elwoocl Meeks •• Dry and Maed Paints, folr • Ilrlle family 0, Hlltel. Ih.1 ,w. " rlu".,. 2 ,O~ not s llace t ~ cnumera t e: -. .' h,n e ov ~r ~el up. or Ibr.e thtr. . . . . 1I.',,"UI .. VROII MAlI .. 130 " III.• tot_dl,.; ' ami. ~an . R . Andel' on, autl se\'cral i AND CASSIDRES 1,&e.-7. 8 •• lId 9. • ","., ,,...10.1' o"d t'ri,lo.. . AC. hillcS Pogli, nnd the Misses others for \'alllaule a islt\nce iu l STOCK PAINT VARNlbH &C . t:)- W".MI~flTn!t I\>AII .. 7 A. ill. T • .,dal .. Kat I I' . II . ' . , ~ , . T •••'I<Io, alld !;oLW r.JpJ. AURIYr,6 I'M. ' e a\lc ... IZZU! opklllS representl'd tl"lInfifelTing ol1r pres from Lhe si llc. U .1. A. IItVIN. P. 1\1 . the Ortbod(}x Frienels, ,and RH . S. walk to its nE''IV location. \BOUght at the :B tl1 ~ 1EllE ~ , of III .1'IIde~ I"d (101M' ....r e>ppnlNl · in 'l'!E""!'! ...O!! _... ._ !"sS'''!.!!''".'' . _""'!"!~!!!!!'!''!!!!!!!!'''"!!'!!!''!==='!!!!!__ 1". Conrey, Dr. L . S . Rice , ami Mili8 . . ___ _ _ Prices, , lhl.l' l .~~. \Vhlch lIe I, prep",.d to Thl, I. I "NI. il... ,.o~tI eoo'''o.. e\lll~loI'.I\I!i"l i ... fI~()V"" .•• ,\.!I • ,1ltlt-" 'WuuG -01'"\1'. \ ..--,p. , .:;.;... u ......... _, .. &! '[ Ii.ACII':"~· ISST1'l' n ' .-Agreeable 'Mal'Y Filllc\1 Lhe M : E Church. • 0 r y a.C. T . C ADWALLADF.R rCeCl\ .. C d "'~ iuvite Ihe 11I'N\llon 01 Ul\r fri" II';!. on~ ~Q"t· ~' 1 "' .' • ", , . IJ' In; anti II ... r"ll III bl. telli.l .. r fn doOt' 10 ""lIlaw lb. lemp.r. I ~\ ,,,o llou,!~e,ment. :the W~l ren.poun . 'Vllync6\'1\l~. In addluon , all n.ct~\' e yestel'day Il llew IIm\ lnrge supply I '·U"OU'NA. , , emplllY IOlnO vI Ih. ". . turf 'Of ' Ihe oven ip balllPC, ty r~'lIche:'!6 ~u t~LI11,e ].I.elll Il two Sunday .School wOl'kersl)l'esent were rendy . mnde elollii ng !Iud g la ss I! I. '" t1 I" all II. ,!e,V'''I'''"'''"' .n,d off~rrd o"yA MC!,SlIm u lltbe M. \::1 Ohm'cll of eOllFlil1e r cd delegntes. lind fJuecn""'orl' . All IIrc of tI,e lJest nl Pme. In>! SA S H A N 'D 1'11 TTY, Uest in the W('st ! . t\1111 'PIAl'S on Friday lind Sato\'(1uy of lrnpl'csllive d~votlonnl e~erc· i s(',. 1 and most de 'ir:'LI, lc slyle . nnd \\'ill Cannel' be ObJ«>eUollnblc I , , .. la.~t. ..... eek . . wing to tile I'cmonil or 1oponerl tbe meeting. lind tb o ret i rill,!!' be ' d' t • t' O"r , ' M k ,01 BOOTS AND S IlOF.~ fRUS E • CU810m~., a,. 1 •• II,rd Ih.l thn can hAY". aT IInme In C I'X ' "\1I11 :l 1011. . (' " ,.. .. Oil " C;loi l ,J!~ II'"'. \V ... r. U['PORTERS ; ollr establi shm ent'ine!torably de . President . ' Juc1 g e'V I' 1son. rI(' ].,,'l'rN I", 1."",,....... I • ' • •• n heautlflll address. His subject WII8 . -.. • i." II,,' II~:ST QUAl.ITY ! SllOULDEr BR CES I hrir wII,1I June ill a ••yIe UII.u~p,,"e d' by muulllllg our persoflal.sllpcn·lslOn. 'The Relation of the Sabbath School U'"M!'. WlIl'i'{'n 1\[(. lilltoc·l.. !Ol" --_._,. A , uny in Ihe COUUltf, end Iu flyery p.rt\l!\I' lor, lI'e ,.,or,e.preven~ed tI"Q~,. ,attcDdl.· ng, to the Nation.' '1'be subicot ,.)a\'e mcrlyPri1lcipui oron!' p"l rli c !lc hooI R . , -: U Tom.INS, 5 . II R.\ItRIS . " t; ALL TilE l" ' rUL.a al 1Iad lleen our intention, and bence scopo to the Judge's fine analyticnl latlend (!t! the T~[t (' hC'r ~' 1 lI ~ titlitC here Superior t.O anything 111. tllu we do not doubt, wc . were I\ebarred powers, and was grandly developed. , last wCl'k. Mr . McCllll toek at pres. ' .LII. .tl1c~ \he privilegc of BUllring Inlln.11nUBu, We b r1cgrtltbtcd tto sed~ 80 mnny empty ellt resides ill eO\' in gton, Ky. -OJ'--6....-' , . . enc les, n t lIe Isconrs6 was too . III 'reost ~f rens-on hc.; wlucb was good for any but an intellectual and - - .- --_.- ~ then nnd tllcre spread be(OI'c t~e. liS· tliBcriminating audience. U- Yr. Jolin Ihwke s hon se, 011 -0( ~ ~ ..L:ll. ~ lembled eongl't'gatiou. The Rev. D. J . St~1"I". wbo is a : tbe corner ..,1 Fourth nnd Mil) C::~" ".r Mu,b prry 8lr;,pt In~ B."ndwn)'. Thc Gorctle, n. IUIIC/" ia dCllie!l the gl'aceful and accom"llsbed strcets, has been roofell Bnd inclosed. commoll courtesy of a synopsis of ~lId rle~lt1emR.n, was elect~ddPre!lldde n. t Mr. ~\\"ery Auams is }Jlli.ntln g tile I J • 1 " . .. HAIR.-OILS, ill • d I t· or Ie ensUIng year, an mn c a t ·d Alwl y' kepp on h"n,1 I !root! the .profN! n~, nn 11' 1St men ·Ion short, happy address on takill~ the ou 81 e. _. nQSvrllllCIII of ! , ~talluft1cll1rcd b)' 1\Iysolf. equal we may' moke or the event will ,be Cbair. :We al'e .compelled to g~"e Il ~ Dr. A. Sidncy Stc\'ells '1\'1\8 • (l::7 '1~ ell 0' Ihe above .10 .... 1!.11r. bll8Cd on ehnnee bearinga and ",limp. '"cry bl'lef outline of tbe bUSiness 'I I d k' 1 I t W A reHES, 1.0 my nest ",l't(lm \Vork, ,. re three "lae.-'7, l\ 'and O-f,;,lnl' i" c;>.. tran n ted '1'b . te • gent em an y an ' 11ll enoug I 0 oet CLO( KS CaliA perroi"1 ollPn!i"n 10 Ihe racl Ihat lies- whicb "in dcfnult of Q.fficial inIQI" s..,c. ere were In restmg . ,. rrhllll rro\n ....5 lip to IOD. tU~Ped ',lit .11 alwnys Oll hllnd. . ' ._ . repOl-ts of the vBrioll!! Suuday ..la8 Reporter for the Gazette at the JEWELRY, hi. new " 'D Ok or goo.i. 1M oomplele compl.I' I In nrry plrli clTlHr •• IId in ~"er, lII~ttOn, ,!",ero ~I.!d \I ' ,/It ,rand?.&'. Schools. We were thrill ed at the Sunday-Scbool Convention last week, ro~r~Cl ",orilly Ihe . MlenthOil,ldefntlgablePrcs.ldent, Dn\'ls rep~rt of the County Infirmary for which we arc de\'ollLly tllankflli. & 'llVARE. COME lion 01 ' Ihe Public. Furnns, we know occupied the Ch"i.a:. School. Few of tbe inmates con -.---____ _._ Parlor ,and DiDiDg-Room Gor.l!. SIL\'1l1l AIID ST&I!L Hon . E . E. White, Hon. John lind presided O\'l'f the affl\irs of the r~a~, but all ages s~em to delight in Ind pllronlal Home VaouIIClUre.: Til. '''aeal I"d be.t Ilock of STOVES. FOn. WOOD AND OOAL. , meetings \\'Itb I>ceomin ". .. .clicrnity and tbelr Sabbatb l:e ' ~lDlon. , .~ . .. A com. conslstlDll of A .Pugh, Col. A. liorris, Mr. John Hnucoclt, Mr. ~'" PE~L'ESS: I'Arlor Cqok. t06 Jllllgcntcnt . Ford, Mess rs: Suydam SundCI'!and John C. Riu ge, nnd other cducation· We are tol cl the . pl'inciplc feature and Dr. S. J. Way, w'as appointed 01 gentlemen were pre~ent ot tbe GUITAn~, VIOLINS. ,FLUTEa, ,. YOUNG· AMERICA.. Cloal : . of Friday',. meeting was an eRsay on t? memorialize the County Commis· T b " I'" I k I A{)UOIU)ll:O~8. VIOLINS. TO CASH .CUSTOMERS · FANCY FRANKLIN. coal. Woman'sSpher~, by 1\Iill8 Eliza nun · 810ners on the Bubje~t oforpbal~ nsy· eac ers~wee . AND GUITAR C;TRiNGS. BEACON, PARLOn COOK, woo4. , ting of this' 1)lacc. As }fiss ' Bun . lums. We trust thmr etro!-ts WIll be z;lr The Phrenolon'i '1l'1 Journll l _ & L ....GE LOT OIl.$CIIOOL-DOOIU, . .' . . successflli. lInny or thc IDtnatcs of <:>. • . . ~ . . . . . . .~S I • "lew and b,.u~lrul deel,n: qCII.I.lo." tID:; ill'S hitherto· 'ron the b~ghest the iufirmar"J al'e. vcr." d cprlwen, Rnd ' for June has n most elltlClng "nl'iel)" ... c:::;,., ....... ~..... McGUFFY'S & WILSON 'S SERIES, will .~I\ good. 'or I.ESB ~'ONEV Ihln ' l' I )·ou Cln buy Ihe .. m.. qualllY for.I". I)f an .llel Illd pric!!. Iccor!1io, \u tit_ 1I0nol'!l In the In stitute liS nn essayist. it is ll. dis(I'rnce to \Val-ren COlinL~' of sterling reading . mntter, W lie I rurni£hed nl Ihe very lowesl l,riceK. Wiler., whc~he, II bo Je" or qualIty. . we feel n,o doullt liS to.tllCjustness or nud buma~ity, tbat t ender childre'n I (t ught to be obundnntly renl\. 820 &0.. &c,. &0. Genille! the get'etlllly.dpreSIl!!d' O})i llio'" thnt 80 expos.ed to \bei.I' eor' \ycar. S. R. Wells, New York. OlOCltS .lIl°lel.n". Pre"" .."'.... c ........n' ( ! (hnllem",,·. Furnl.hinll GOOOII ~o'rt ' w ' as ;'m'ii1entl'· erodltn ruptmg m1Juence. ' IlIrni.h cd aut! plll up on ~ .1tOrl~1I1 "olice. _ .......".1111._ 01W8V •• ton lund - 8uAnnndere. N.o~klle,. 0 t In h er tI eu' . ." . .' . . Sevel'al E Fls nys hnn been nppoint.: . - -.. ... ,. \ to I or . t:llents,~ culturc, and hl,>eral oel, button!\' Rev. J. R. J enkins wo s n A'd panoln!no. of Lhe mUld el P .. r.ons wi_hin:: ""ylhln" in ol\r line M.y 14) E. R. PRINTZ. P.per Cellin. &c,. &c. nODCIC U , r1 ,..,. , f P t L' I l·,,·t d · . T. T. ..0..". " or Ihll "yl1t. tllll'" 'I'e \\"•• • .". "Iews of Ule' sciel1(,c 0 i"ing. . ,. e {)I'csent to fulfill the appointm cnt.- Io . reSl cn lDCO n WM ex II vl C . I,oul<l "ul (o,il lu 0"11 Jllld , "K"'lIIine IIl1r 'V ill M I 1I6 b • • llOpe tbe lady.'s ~ssny will be pub· ~e ba~l not the pleas~l:e, of heRI'ing in COlleert Hall on Weduesday 'lI,j"k behu'e pl"I'lHslnll el"llwh .. ro. ")'ne.v ". nrc I • of Ibe .. ovo·aleullolled Ilan b. b.d .,

LITTLE XU t . .lwc.....r.1.1


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Always. Ahead ! !


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81- gnal Parlor

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It, but It " 'a8 mnob ~nJoJed Iw t~lose ni~bt of lust u'cek. yp~~:; p!~,~~.'~~rd A"tL'R"'~:"~inl;~;~\~,:~ 11,0 . PKIN. &. CRiSPIN'S. prcsent, 1l11(1 gave n se to nil nnuna· _ ___. EUROp·' t~t.l discl1ssion. His slIbJ' ect was the ,to !. .. on "IJ el\, Ipel. con U' We lcsrp thnt the Morrow lillt"" of l!i.illj! entire &J1i'jacl.,cn' W4"~ES Proper Character of Sabba,Lh Scbool We lARder oi,r ~incpre 11',ank- I.) .. . VIL,L E. 1Icar I' 1'0 f . 1"1'" loc1.\. I tt' Leadcl' i8 again to be resulTcctcd- thev . J ' Allhe .Oltl 'Vn'eorll' crowt ICt1 ,IAJ \.t( use Il S I'ue lOll. public rortheir former pnlrClnngt'. ond tionll"Y' entertninmcnt. This '\VIlS Rev. W. B. lUoler and 'the fl gbt. lIuder different auspices than hereto · hnpp, lid .." "ri"l uIIPnlion 10 bU81I1e~., 10 --A"D-It .. LOW FIGURES. fd~ASii .. n .. rrang~ "cry generously by the As. In~ preacher,' Stillwell, Dddree.setl fOI'e. I:e /lule 10 givtJ •• 'i.'n"lion 10 .11 who . 111 I l clly. town IIr Villai" DOd . . , the child'r en's meeting most accept. mnv J'otton ize m. n(Ow olld her(·nllt'r . ~ - - - ...... ~ ~ - ~ ~ 0 Ul} ~ \.i) --loeiation, ,nnd ,'Ye' beli~Yo tJ!e gener. ubly. and the occasion was enlh'eued &;rThe Rogel's Hou so hilS been 0". ".,lielll"r .!Ielllion will be gi.~n . . . ..11[=-., ~ ~.::. • ~ ~ ~ MJ 8 ~ W'41'",.;"'11 to ,gif"; Sl).ti./lktj()". ality 'of ~be a\ldiellce present t\llly by finQ music. Our nntive talent newly ro.:llted by Gco. G. Sargent &; 10 'lip Repairing or Bl)p,reeiated. tll'e munificence which was aided by l\fessrs. Hothnway Rnd Co.: aud IJrcBents a -cheerful and Wa~ehe. and Clocks, als() 'Engra. ~ IlIggutccl ,t~e bouquet t~us prepared IOlrns, and ~b(rs. IGeh~rgli~nna D.\'obe, beuming fllcc' to Lhe public. ving .•.• All Work Wananted I . ~~ . , A. til' .'o,e .,•• 011 •• .d.."e.... fortbelr Prof. Kidd's sc1ec. w. lose soper SI1( 19' I Y cllitivated Alwoy! nn h(lnd, ft goodl _tork 01 • wl.l, 10 Inform m, c:ullome'h .nd Ih_ ... our .,or.k I. 10"'; bill Ihln,. thll "II ,·.olco is well known, and many oth · SNh Thomu. Inl!ruh~m & CD.'e. And pu/lhr. lIenerelly. thai I hUll Ihe l.rll.III I h d &I tions ('oDsisted "lirtly Qr Maro .!,\,n. ers. Dn, ROSEDERRY'S Drug·Store is (,,,Ihrrl Gloc k., Also, H. 0, LI~wi.'e ~or. lAnd b~'I .• elecled 1\llck o. . ~:::"":~ ~~or:nn~t~~.(ll" obl.ln. b, • thony',s adl1ress on the (len~b or CIl!' The next annuol meeting ",ill be nt the pl!1ce for lIew drng!!, choice toil - petuol C.le dor Clock,. 96 1,~ln conlt,nuee.ipt of Ihl! cholce.1 )' liar, the 'P arting of Marmion ~nd Lebanon. _ __ et articles, lamp!', anLl a ~liousand - --We .1'0 on \lInd. ~tI ...ort· Douglas, 1'ho Sllperftuo\ls Mnb, '1'he. O UR NEW POS1TlON.-'I:be' Miami other things. Go there freqncntly . PHOTOGRAI~HS! I , • flOO~D ~!:~fw~::h'!,: r)"l!llnl . ~ u... Be1l9 of Shandon, bu.rlesque ser· Gnzettc is nOIlf fairly installed in its - - -__ ror 'Sprlnl: W"Ir, Ihot I ne' hod. IUd al II POTS, . . mon's" Scott nnd the v,etern~, nnd ncw office, adjoining Concert Hall, I:T Quite a numbel'?f eapdidl\tes PH 0 T 0 Q R.A PHS . I-ces' SKJ~LITS. ,' 9tlli\r~"'hich '\I"C do not at present which brings us in closer contact fl'om Let.'n.Mn were I.n to.wn last III th .. vnrillll"I~I';. or Ih~ 0" " rOil now OlVer r, ' , R1UbDL'·E.& . '1 l' .. II 0 II dOli" I'S kIf" 1,(, hoo d "t .he 'OLD GALLERY, IIear h Y ! . reca, : s ..y a, \~d·er . we t " "' ith the principle busincf!!I pnrt of wee , wUltmg upon t lell' nellllS. II .., PUdl.OftiCI', ,on ~hir1 SIre"". .lIe I I ., • .;, Q'VAL; .. 'C.&ST~tIlOM l no re· town. Tne gellcl'llI verdict of our but ,f eeble praise. all. we {O ~,- , ,~,"~-~ 'WY' A 1l1li:E £WlIlt:r~lE. -con.i.,lng or-BOILEH~" ,\. gn~d it as e\' idellCe of y~rdnnt en· friends ia tbat we now ho\"e the ft. - - A fr~II" Fupply of II,oFt' uni\'u L • B 'M' , d DB '' II~~ "'.g~,h m .· .. ~LES '-'t' f hi I . M I F c I 8U1 prep.rdd 10 m.k. 'I"C'"""" (rum. adies, oys I ISseR an ESS GOODS. .,. .11 ~+ t IIlia i Mm t 0 !lny t In> III !lome 0 II nest rooms ever occupied by n Print. ~ .. r~vorrl~~. "( lime ,,~. ,~ A 't~eU ; , ".' of III .1.... ~enditlon:s tbc'rrofc~sor teest!\blisb · fug Offic.e in Wllyocs\'il\e •.and a locn. RIFt>, 'i'"teoeh COfOldS Inc! L~.lit8' Fllrm~ Small Ar;,~~~:.,:!:/ i~ Oil~ffe Sized Childr·en~~ LA DIES di GENTS' EN Al\'1EL KET'rLE~. · l\'iW.~utation!lll a'fll'stdnss elocu· Hon w.ortlly or n permanent 'a nd '" HlHld~n & Jllnn~y'~. . oa ",trll 51~c •• fil tile b-.~ qu.Il\J. t.ionist. .In ~laro Antfiony ' ~nd Mal" E~",p"i " l """II'i"" II"iJ In COPYING ~11 lite Lnt.., Sly1 .... I .n~ I 11m pre· UNDER·WEAK, SHOVELS, '1'0N'O~' _, putllic Institution 8uch as the Milllni S~IALIl 1'1("1 URES , "'111 r"l . i"ll 11'~flI poreJ 10 III~,-ul.olllrt'. to order, ott .hurt • mion,' be ,was ... IYr.and·, 'I\nd we a. ccept G nzettc i~. W e " 'c rlly ' think we <1e. • ..'2..' " L"ll ies, rom pmLer 11I,,!p "ie'll\'o (" "")' ,I,'. . . I,. . 'Ize TI ,poe I"UVII'I! ' I"'" . ""'If~SAD IRANS .. ''',,) ,,~ •• n·'II" • '",,• i" 11,-~ BOllt Blld ,Shlle C.-\SS r~ERES. v. ' I lIome, if not all, of his pnBB!lgea in {il lin " Gaiters nnJ Bnlmot' II I•. wnrrlllll· I"rc. "I L,,"l FrICIIIJ~, rnn 1,I""p II,"", lI11e. PleU8 (l1)1 nlld .ee. All "'lIrk , . ' ~• I'R'tj\N aDn~ -, servc a l)llft': but modest" forhirls ," .., . ""C'V .( thesc 08 being as ncar perfection D8 J cJ 10 6t-ch~n\J Il\ II 'HIe!.,n & J ,.,III"Y'S. "" fl i ~t! IIl1d P!.1·qt ed .• ,111 rui<'r'ed ill 0,1. CASINETS. '.. T'" ~11' do. thingsarftwoot toal1.p'roac. h,. in 'tbis We sball cut m,odesty's acquaint. 0Il ,, 1;1"!!11t!'1II'" pe, r.-ct ..1 lilA nrlgill.1 ~ :I'l fI. , '"1(_. _ .. anec '·'l.ry 8oon, If she con't be a lit. l,ilIl HrP. All \Yurk WAalUTED! M~Ar; SlEiM, ' ,,' ... . . ~. . ' lQIperrectglooo-pe r bap." nay, prob· tIe lea8. ·ooDveDtionaI. ()::J" Parll6,ols in YI'eaL vnllo'ty. SI,,·I\ . Nil ohj,-cllon 10 clouoy .. eallillr, rxcept WH. ItAfiINGTON. CANTON FLANNELS, ' to' .t.l''a., . '"" . ably; rar nearer perfection t.b an ~h(> _ _ ._ __ "nd Wool Shll" Ip. Al po. J ouvin'. Kill for 001.11 cloilllreu. Two "o(!r~ E .. l o. Ih. ROllrr. Hou... BnOWN AND ' '''''''~nltl>R.Et:J~fiNiVKS d .t bat at I h ougb Gloycs-beller thin AklfloJrc'E-&c t'"~~rK; 1 ,,"dellvor.lId III hoil casps plpue my W .,nl'•• 11 Ie. Apr II29, 186'7. . AND "ORKS. b · #' originnl performers t h eUise1ves ren· I3r W e are Inlorme • • illL: h~~ 10.p ...... 1 y"ftr~ ftQ,re1:l.tliem. ~ Tb~ .i,' ~h~h.ero our aged fellow citizen Charles &0 .• all 'a l HaddeD & Jonney'.. PX;lf'rl.,,,rp In Ihe husllle". l ,n.Tltr my· BLEAOJIED .lIVSl-INS, ' WA8H·BOWLS. ic, .~d-. tbe Ipontuneo!1J~ )burst" of Stroud (of whose death there was Il ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!...!!'!~~~ .ell th.t • "'''1 give .'/lood,'IlIQr" .. In, " VICTOR Ktl.'TTLES, forl.boi'ln! Potbe comic, whicbgreeted notice in tbe Gazette of tbe, 15th JIlattiCll. ".lIery ill Ihe A. CRANDALL. NOTIONS, ,alMI, -Ib8 "0" comp.',&. i. , ' 1t . t· i) dd I 11 d ~. Phot~~rAplI.. r .nd Porlra" Pailller. &. uso. ',: 'I, j t1aegen~eman. wereampe teSlmo· nst. waasu enyea , e omtlme MarehU . UI HOSIE~Y. COAL .BUCKET,s. ·!. ," =.' nJ or .lits I.lxcellcncc. I ~ to eternity. hi8 tamily and trieilds At tbe residence or tho btldels flnrcnl~, 10 .. _-- ---- -' X E''N I A I 0 HI 0 ; , SPIT'fOONS. • .ed b .. W"yoesvllle. on Wednead"J" M..y IS. 11:'67, ,I O()J\N P,OPPEM: Saturday·morning was occt1p.\' Y b.l·e the consolmg eVidence tlfat It by fte •. ,8~F. Conroy, Ur . .JosnllA BUNUART • Art nolV p,eplrrd 10 'urnleh 1/i,lr frlond. 1110, ." MtJSK.R!'l' TK4PS. addresses from Hun. E. E . .White was tlot unexpected to bim; b,e bllV, to Mill It UOI: 1l.£1t&8. . ,nd tlte l't1blic. wIth Ihs ur,. .w'. H. Venft~le', and the after. ing e:J:pres8ed' biB belief repeatedly W,e returo our ,thanks for the c~kc •• nd S.I01JL., GO TO lIilLE "ND BE'Sr AND 610£'PI18'" II1MBER SAYSAOB S'rUfFElJS, ," ~ ..u . , . b ld willi the bappy pair a long IIfe'full orjoy. '" U!l·...8. N... Jl6 Mlllber r \' 8l' ee l,.... ,,~ 0 '-A , .. GRI~DEB& •• and n noon by Hon. John A. Norris and of la~,. tbat bls stay on eart 91011 ' LrnAIC"., OI,lu. 10 buy fine SIT. YEll 10 be rouo,1 In Ihl, m.rkeL Our .Iock A FULL LINE 0' RJi:ADY·IiADE LARfi PRESSES. , r l John Iiancock, ·all ,of which were be ahort,; and an lDcreNIing engaged· ~ t If • nr ARE. 8nlid .,.d pl.t4ld E'po"ns .IId will con.I.1 .11 kinde or SPRING' B4 LANb£S.; .. U : o J "'<lrk,. /lne .IId Puck,el Cull~ry, PAD~LOCK8. ." JUerilori~lIs, and ",:ottby o(rn.~ber. neS8 of 8OuI .wa8 \inanlfeated ,by him ,Il'e IiroeRI Am4'rlcan. Bwla., IrrPI'r,h .nd ' . , SPOO~$; TACltS. .. cotnmen't. · We m~Jinged to be pres. to 'set'''ill.,. bO)J8o in order,' and. be ' Nellr SprlngV.U.y, on the 16&b instant. EngU.h thes: finewith ~olt! fleroRcopic, . (Icn. nod t U Y, B E R • n " tl • ,'. P"n'lj'e;Wal 8PtCI.r.le~, BRITTANI~j ' SPOON". - ent a little w11lle at tho afternoon prepared for tbe solemn cbange. Miss Ruth Alleu. connne. e""vpx. biloc.1 and London Drell" . ' U•• rmed FloorlagJ . :I'iN AND ~RO~ · SP.uOli':" ,.• icssion on Saturday, 4nd were grati. ... emoke glue"•. in j1old, 11I" .. r,' "IMet!. ~tcnl 'It jj" 4~ fled to wituess t.he i~ter~jI~ ,lnllnifes. T. T. DODSO. received yesterdny Wa,nesville Jlurll.e.a. .nd C:IJUlUIOn fri"II,', 10 ,ull aU ogu. Sidlt'!l dndJJam Weutlter· JJoarclitl!l, S~alt" Fa~ .and .Be DOl 1H.'"JllWA .. te.a chers and citizeo's ill the a most elegant new lot or goods ror . lAip.I lint! 01 Jew,.I,)' , Pickl"tN. SlUff. >' ., ' Bd18, a,' tfi,., ted b J b II t bi harpe u Car,t'rldllJ' Ctlf7'fJClltl '; Ever!) Wuk . Fillj!pr Rilllt~ •• h(,pl ..~I\I.ic . ,od Mu.l r.1 Id cauBe " ar . education: Tbe JCj1lll'cb t e Bummer,. 0 w e e (l ' :J' II_'~I'lIm~'\',•• MI'f.rll"" ..~It'" ,.chool, 'o"d ~ inl! l !"S.IIIIWI'lf nn ~hIlVOtl, , •• ' . " .. ' . 11 fill \ 1 d ~bhei'8" rlom all lIarly remiukable for beauty of style Wheat 11 buthel. . , gO 1\III.nll Buo !' 01 .11 .h!"~. ' IJ111·1I1l· De.d,. L A H, D A 0 R S • .., . <., wa!!we e< , a~ . , ' , d sf, 11 lit Th i no ) 26 @ 00 MortllogPI. \'V"rronti, A/II;r."HI, Rf'p·u. v " ' •• j ' 'parts county aud otber l,()Un· a~ ,"j) ra ne gu~ y.. ere .' . ' .R ,e l' :'. ins. \ulchmenl., &0., &'0.. c ...'1 ll y on tmrlI 'M~IIVI'\'M1P I!. ~mr A..~ Lift &r.•• l1 of ' which w. , • .1 I: •• 1 lOw"'" ti . id e that the great mlstake ,about thiS, and we adVise Olla f . . ) to (jIj r ~g h.,,,I. ' " 'I~ l>l0ll/1II/ '1'3 b').nI.~ 'Eli, '!5~. ClIP'"". ,CASH. Loolt ·JdlHI.Ud~~" , es, gave e;r enc n. fi d a OIs·ble to BiHe,1f 80 Nfl'" ."d ""t .. rloinln, , Gu~f"' .•clll;ol l..umber-Yard 00 Church street. Tb.llnll&.·.,ocltof -Iliv. u. tour 011' iY • >WIll work is g.a itting a stronger foundn· ,10, ',111 a8 ew wor., B p 1 • CorblJ ' I t 71i Cord••• rllo(ll R.e/l"Ier,a. Albu,",_. l\liAcel• brliJll'C\~j I>rl.c" to ,oy.r.'~~ ~ A 't.OIl in th"'"" hea"' ...... r .,th'e peopte.- "181t him at on.c,o., and,, clothe, tbem Bu"k wll ...1 ~ .. .D' " aunl.·~ I''''. ,u v- bu., ,'7.u\ 10 .. *0"1 n(' ....L 11 lor prennl.. P'ielUrl!l In d Norlh old ,. or "Ih-~ cll'.' ..dJninln . • -. ,D._T,..' . ..Ii, - . . . ., • . 1 I tblA latest anA best ar Fluor \borr . el. uv P' i P & 1':. Millet;l" Pot·1t ,Huue, . -~ w ~~ .... Ka... it continlle w iprea.d .and lpros·, se V,e8 I~om r l' , , • Flnllr ewl. 8 flO lelll I> rnmtl . ._ ' " .; ~ lII.kl.!', 8t1i1~' ran. ~. ~! of lb. J d tte'u, bj.\nign lullucnce rival. We can usura you the goods Bulle, 1b 8(.' The besl sluck of WALL. P.olPER •• 9·. M,!ch 12. ·90 .)y .-.... ~ l1' be.~ No! l~'C"'!C9'II~ •. ,.c.n 1M. per.n -lea :~ 1.. , ., ' _ , bll Ing , . Lord'm .. . -11 In w'ltf' eOllnl,Y. u L ' . J • • • ., Ih.t all , ,,I' b., r.a., \n. ~. bl ev.v· miDd, I~ 'belpi~g · oIf tbal, J\r~ .~ ~ " . . ..., a.e ~ d-~".. • · S " .,.. a180. I,"nll fOf Ihll ..... on ..,. ~. " . ,I \ • d ·b' . .... ". 11' VA . J • • n mlln' d, ~,"e. Xli. lie. Pi C. Liothle. 0 If " " 0:=1:,,\\'0 'r "l"oa,. ' ;11-••"',. •• 11',hDr,y ~lme "'~lc~ prophe$8: . a~ IQ;7Tbe Stock Law, probl Ibng. AjI,lew_1Hu,h... " I ~ .= ' 8'''in ... ,.'Br~'lIIry. 8nl,dm ..~ & . miY. ." WHY NOT? " . . j ' ., enl ·ot lbe , ...",..,.......,. ' ~))~9 ,pZ;y·~'for ·' ~d... lhall the (i'9.~~J!,g ~t la:rge o~ ,c.t~!e .p6ga, bUf"", , J 00 . E.m ... '~I"'"G.ueb",.lIer Bc:~"'"II ~ , f'onoa. 81111011. R.tFLItCTIO . . rol YO~"G .I~!I' A. 'D V ~ "Irl~' .i... uoa. Ul . ., . . " . . . M ... 'Ib. ,•. w",,'." po" ..tbe J411d, ··· I", ' • . e.." :wh , l,oh III ·at pre.~nt ~~g !In. f~r· ~ 'PDotrl~dtoA ..!.!.~u:''J: ' !l (The I.tler a,e' n'le Ilillelf .nd el,up).!. III Iht Hu ..... r4 A"Il~I~llol1. on : · U.~ A:D~ 'orliltle d•• llitf. to ~11 ilUi ,., · .... ... ld tI ~ fr, 11" '. J W. _111 turnl.h In. 01 Ih_ Iln~tril",~'nt~ I Errot~. Abu... Ind Di.. , , . \_1- lb., ••.- y) .......~. . . .. . . " .' , A~oPl~; 1pO~n, 1f\Il.·bfi~~e . next, ~',J,. the causO of mucb ' disea I. .chle~elill iI~lI. . a'oo · low'. r Ihlln .", glborbllUH In, Ihe Wee' ! b, I,no!"nep of N.turol·. "'-. ~., ,0·' .lIr';J1C"prlll-';'~ ' ,.... ., ...., 1iH)1~tb.'':,': . : I ., ..~._". ' ~.:. .r&qUOIl aud ~ , m,plain~ .mo~g some .. ~~.O~"'" :....:..., '"" IHa,: . o;:;r; W'e u,•• 110. '~II"IO,.the rh,lll,. ~~" •• In \lie fir.t .~. of m... Stnt III . ner 11 OUI'" to \bt. marlllt. 6\ 10 OUNtI'" llIIt . . . . . . ....,...,• . h" _.A .....- . ,,"Ii. ......,. 'II.. • "" ""It .. ; . --/uril.Gu.·.l"d" I. .e.1ed letler "n,elnot~, {r•• of .,llora",- . , . . , -Clp'.~Iil' 1L H~J '~ C!ODtln~ .of ,ou~ citlzenl W 0 aeep ~W. aIN '·N.• ~, .!»I~ lJ' ,11I0Il : 1 tit FAMILY ...eMn •. c-;" .Ilid ,"1,. Addre.. Dr. J. SKmLIN 110UGH.1·ON. OAW,'T" , .. 'tU) .· SD~"" , .~ . w ..... -l. 0 ,. "ft g_. '-I able four iloUata .. Borah ..", ' ( , 60' . "_ RA........ A-I,UOll p ..;I...... .~u A ~ • Ir. . . tD'ft.,ar. 11'-- '~.~ .Iat~ 5~"" . f , ~~;- ~ r - ' ! i , ' , ' . . .' Coill()jl '10 .... b•.~OIl, Oe~. ~!:., ".' .~ .~,""!';~"'.. '''' 1\i .~ '. : , . , .- ~..,.. . 1 , • ' . ", t • " . ~e.n. ~..,... " . .. QI~!lt , ~ pal : . ' . . " .

lil:lued thus gh'ing it a t1,ltnce of \ I . . more.gcn~rn 1l1.lp.reclUtlOn . '. F I I 1 rldny c\·elllng t. Ie c Hire I WIIS






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, , Address'.U ordrr.


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f~e Whisker ' ~"D





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1$, Il ul 'lid Oil " uf

lItOUS'rACHES AND, WHISKERS, ul l're llch manufacture, tlO perrect \ltt'!y can. 110t ..I14,, ~ottCled frl)~ Ihe genollle. Will be He t post palA b, mill , llitany addr ess-

Lreat Ittenllon IB PltI'd In the monnfBcl Uf e aT lbeae .rtlole8 by one 01 th o bll. t arlult 1o PI~I., II L~JI'ollOHB. wllO ' fs t"\le beal ", an Urn r.IUrer In ffurbpe l\I!)ua .. t~cbpl. S I 00 . Bide \'Vh leln,'ra 5 300 , -


Full Bea rd , 8f1 00 Addr ess H DOR.R, AJ.lIAII Y, N Y,c.ule AgeDt fot. lhe Un,· trd StoIC! ,~ 98 ly






Ma nuf.acture" ,oJ: PlwtOflrapJllc Mot e; " rial,.

ONE DOLt4R A·PIECE-, .& Good Gol.i l P

.. UOTOI. 8 .... PIUt;.

alid EM"y Holder,


lo( otPllln· tlfe 1 ~. d l nll Clll ea

w1l0 t VIA ...: ANU IlI 7tA II,

One ~o.lIar.

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,- 81111118 n,ld (j'"I" ~ ' ,"rl' ~nrect

by, t It lA. nellcon G old 'J'h esp. pen, are now bp. "I! Cf.11J11I 9,~ l' Y II!rolighoUI Ih o l e rll Srri'lPl: ft. ~ o re " I\rranlell I n each " end ~. r1. Clle F.rlld parch qsln!! who .re not .ni t"fictl. C811 rei urn Ihe.i. "lid ,e I!IIC'rcolH!uplc 'Ic" •• r Ihe 'VIII', 1 R eme mber, III bUy ln!! your echolar shlps, Ctt.". tbcJ r monei hack AJ, orders anU l 1 r i O 11 ""t.; lt ll\ ~ II I' It! III li e \ II I \ 11 . f t.I II' I!{ 1'" be'~ccllmdanl .. d K. ,th Iho clI,h, as we 8entk ,,"llO rll""{, ' ""'1!"6 J' IIOIOp",,,III C .... Iorr to apply It the uSlIl g 11118 "' " cle, L nd( PB nnd GI'Il no abode GOD • b,oIo" of ~9'l. '" efl . t., I ' f. ' • '" l lie m Oil COil he IIlIlfy Ihl n;_e es n Iltou. , A ell II ~y to flIl .".,e~"I, le Vie '''. - GIn ••, . III ~OONN O tij! Ad a" I." Cor . " her , h. ~ I" g ' " I [II" C ' " 0 ' 11 r • • nd [uld I J I "nic e vuly urt [t! fc III lit e Aleut merl II GoJd jipn COI.".. n-, ~ I Q 'eo .. ope 0" I ,I, I, K" ' "oil VII .u" t 10 wo rl d ,t hnl 1\ ,II c url "tr '"llhl hnl r, "lid at

C omp ony. r, en "Bod




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DRE.a. ."T[H "'0 ALL-! ha\\ll"c mftho1ll20 a llu htr lJlrt!I Irgl h . hu ll an, o l h il" r R Il, .. tI.I, e. froll' .0 , .,,10' 5 ~ O IU CJ rt

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, b ~~1 'l l luf. l! J o.~y

rh ll Crt HPN Com" not on

IJ curia Ih .. I'ftlr, bUI IIIYI \!Or nl eS , heouti.

fics aud ~ I C .ll bA811 ""'l:: hly and tJeftjl hl ( uHy l'N(um etl li nd 18 Ih e ,"us\ complil le al 1111. II tha I&rjreat-ftnd moat complete ~m. lNm'J\lAl!~lB1t~ I, I n~ III tbe coun lry. ~ r Icla III Ih u 1,llId e ve r o ll c r ed 10 Ih e o tlw r! " I .~ , t;u .... PholOllrnphN ~~ Go.Ioehll., S wlc .. 'l' llll CriN ne r Com. { 1 -r '" . ~~~ . " ..e :Ac!....... e~~ ele• .li I I au~e rvole.!, for \"e cure of b.d biI~c",. tlgutt ... I....ree. t'. . iJ. IVf,: HUN br lIb, no !J\oll~r from WllG . uuree lhe ORI lJ dIll"" "I lutl'nt! "pro,luc. dll may a'lslt . 'Vbat (young lady or lI on~ o f 111t: "IOAl ct: f'IHn tNI I II!;I H'iu~~, p ., mt jplll will Ql)t make an eft'o'l lto ,emllve Ing. Slklu •• , ule I <l.I. lo.;ue ••• ,,1 Uti rueu,p' lhl' dll.~,eeblll ewll "'IKIIl II 0... lie d " I . ' ump 'of ONE OObLA8; .. , cId olle I'holo~,.phert 8" d nth ... order",!;, good C ~ II l1> your.. ' P. 0 I), " Ill 1'1 ~u ....nul fl6"P!lr < n! oF U. 11111 1It\


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OUl Al..U UrtlS hlt v9- Jlu "~ pUI I t u pe n o r III dur:lbHlly h lld be:u u t)

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lIOaJpllu ~'1 IlIIU, and 1 .peelly el1rll[Ua .1I~..s, ot

_MY is'1I''uDded

An '_d ...

t<!un\ Wllh Ulcl ' artler

· ·U.IIt~II ••ihlr""loH -DORR,Albany,

". Y: , '8011


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• '~f'rd ' ... p. ol~b ,'Ull., 10' III.

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-THE l<l'lolDlliG-

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Fro", tho) 1t. Y: T ll!nlllt, B&JU!tQ 011... ..a1UlO1II~_

No amouDt of personal d efnmn-

1!IT000'&IIe"'' 'EI&I!l AND "rRE()TOB!J.



~ (ill@1 ~:bfi (j'jJ~u~








of the

"Better Class taken at

Reasonable, Rates




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A P&l1lltn 011 tN1I

don cauld itidn«l"t! ma to offer nny de (eUSl! of my agency io proc~ripg tile



, ••1DIIY "It lll, .,,0.

S WUXT8TONIt, of }<' D Whal"une 6.: L 0 HUJ'Iw',. of L C Hopltil18 I./, Co

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the east, C ds in followiug inc~id\~i'lt, t\ few dll 1!1 Ilce fit lioldicl' to whom

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eu, shortl,V oftel' Sh 'd"" Icn. Crt lI.u 6 oue of thollC tll!'y bRa drlvon hnd been. i~ the.


,,'nIt t il s ,.-hen nn J I










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Lho .iml _

£nin II

D~ ell . , _ or!,I)~t'8" , t¥ile ,'prJ, lIapy·"hl ,'os, 1100 -V"''''' " lur& Y 10" I\le.; and lhen h. ,enl ~w.y I'll IIfl, ho", i~ htl ll) lft:l lIrIok ? tenrliH:'the ~~~ '.i. ' . \ ' ~ i I'-P .. "' "onll b(,lme lime. ftlud I "1ft Illloou.ragud /1 l.t:t no lit W. na)c , lller~(ore .. ~ ~ ~..... I:J ~t .... , t L I ' I. d . . ~ ..- , ., . ' ,."... I orill' lleve ~, nt. it, thou II 'Ve 0 Op!! I ., Ir~~D "II rUD OYl'r Jl lm , ) G~U~II (,II ol!PQsi lun, J()pP Q~ililil i~ bntOd ttl kill.' Ollr ()iJ~tfy,g'owCfl Will ~o~ ,1M, C!'R_ . , He. ,IH' 01/ 1)' wll\4t1Il' "lIlIl. e.n mttSl ha ve io be good 1 hel' t1'oub\es 10 him' n d God Ilia ~o,'\ 41il1'lIC1"n. olllrllllil ~1I 1 fur " yfMItk. UlIll•• hlP l iii I II! nafi .. tOpl)' n-ttlde \tie the ius'tr:I~I\tJt" lilt: "" ".\Ii0le IIi. Ii:H~lLlI~' ~oil 01 ftI~ lIOoil "lid ark derer te. m hi s pU ll ishment, . Tile eounLI'Y i not rO~1Iy, , .' ' . ll~1l ~. Qu ' l!i~ '~e lor wi~hpu~ O\p'r il, '18"65,) whitt it "':19, 'til is A nJ rrom Ihft~ llln e (!lllVl\tli . LIt;11 . tlllloll1n g 'l r ~" ai ' {'i;1 I I ip. himself ill torced uni oo is nut wbot I have lov- d"grllJlld ) "~lh A'~ lIoLllililt bilL nUll 01. Ilhe ' , ulI'~ i"J. ~n(1 li~s ..tow n uy thit , I cu re not whtlt bccomes Af 1'UA fruw uno WI' 10 tnotlllll, "1,1 fltll'/tl lilt "1I)"ailte Ib b@0 ~ rfoOieu lid Torl/ottQ'n ,. ", ,.. ' , I I ' f ' I' I 11 II who lJu\ br ~(n him 1M "up I • h:H'c no (Ies lrc to,o\tll h"c my COIlO . Pllln~,ngc., I 1',n ~prCIll\~D Cpr\l~~ , II I I try, Th is night, udo~e the doed. 1 1 ·11~_t. bJl)o~ &!ttl thuoJ" r .rplu:,Q'lO., on l Ilt!, , S r.ulllil~ , h_C! , l~ l!l\d blu .... wrote " 'Io ng sl'liete tlO;\ I ft it fOI, l~ "rth. , '~loDel Warbllrto;n, oql,l' \'''f '1 1l,yea IIp, Whell the7 "10 don , 'ltld Clill. oll e of the ed itor/! , ot tt N t' p I JUI'OI r' . Doom .. ~ ud(rel d I Lltngl)', 01' 1,,,1 ~p' ill Ibe &l iII11 881 .thlll fllllufI'H, • Inte lli<? t' nnCI' ill ,ull""II 'lIe f Iltl, I. Os~t I Lbll Despo fado" ll.ev ell"IJ·-II'\I~u .w,·rr · Uicl you eYcr" aoyboJy 10 Itlek " ,. " I Y • I I' 'I·" I, I I. ' d ... ' , fOl'tu 0" 111' l'OMOll ll fOl' onr prococclin<? qOO~tI u, II. ml ue," IVU'. . . all < , \)1/ l " allY ~I~ of .vllblU~.'1 no tna tler how F .' 1 21 " 0 IlhNr Lack . "ere p'CIUre" o( e l"b vln j{ I u, l" o IlIUlng. lun y,e,ars " lOIl' \, "Lq n ,' ii ;IY ,~Aft\l l .Ulllllg Lt."tntc<1 l uITrnya !ln~ dllOI" and II' r~lclt"d "'UIlI\ (lid uu ll.,u.;I'~r , Nu n'l\I:tl r )Iqw ' '',,11 I (clln ltW~. t~.l °It.l~h s o amps, " oods, J C Ull o f "om~n bri ng ""oc lle,1 (fllOl I H ' il mig ht b e IIl lho begi'nll hg it'he , tllck '\11 a 1Il0'ut uC lll er ehnsed by gUIl- ·r. f II 'bl k' ·' .1 ,. , \ ( I J • boots till ~,': i ' . I rltlC perl' ISOl PUSSI Il ' InU 1-Rllu ~o II· IKIII 1111 an .. ..:rneet ly. 'IIntl DOlh. II 1'1 J1S, ql COl, to J etnrn '" c,t, , till')' were "1\",),, " umell who w(> ro ~ lug Illill. nQ mlllll'r bolY blltd. be loe, .co I~d ~"a' et.-~I"' lIlgi Wllh ~I'cry ~ln~ s l eriminnlly Ilnmr ly II'AI 1111)' li~111 ",illt! hn vu IIIIIII J iL a06lfl ilfles 10 hue ,k eJ'~ n., g ,d'S me, ?m l~re III (o.\etl Dlftln woul~ leke " p ,lei.1 s.. li,rtlc· hid h.·tld above ""Ier, IliII, if Ite. porso' hy ?, 1, 01' ,do\llg wbat lion io I!lein,,, LlI~m 8u(T.,r " IlI lh! .. 1I Kntf "t' red, ".P c~ml! out fi!iI.L ill Ihtl l~ll~ ti~ul~~sa~ T lIa her 1I0~I~d fo'~ whnt,~ide "iolelll de,lh • . B.llt, 1.It ,,1 p~~~I~r b01 run-dldll" I", ' .. " • I. d, If , 0, 0 Jet t ' or s~llk ng , peddltjd tililse IItroCII)II~ IJl)ok. tl;:lll ,.' Ie o wn a gl'~atr tyrall than thoy CVI)I' I iong r..r houri togelh ur, ."Il I gllYe lip .' II O "'l ' am · o~rOd u p~n ns a common my poem IL lalh "cd Ildyoled 1111 0.)' cu t t lI'on t v ochon was I'u rel' ' . ' e. lo uml"jt .\ " IIIat ' , th 'U ' "'f"I' 0 ' ,. !!n"'!ll II'" "l'. fI I III b' an el tle r~o tllt:lr~: 1 ne hope d t:o 'fling 10 aa, Ihin,:'lhHt woulll 011\11.· 0 g l'('I1 • t e Qt ICI' ... 111 Dot Ollly Ilia him unhllppy eouutl',· 's ut h ' . , t ' vcu e J . 'i ll o ')e~ O~\ll WIOIIgS, 0 11 · kne; ~I O '"dato W?Or'll~o ga t\l: ~ t':.or my CO)lIII'~"" n " 't.lg't lll:stl uok 1\ I ... " ,.,Ul\ II,l a o l~e n C tint!" ~h t ,./ ~ ~ l . I, 'IJ' t~I'!l ttll~' \' n'l'J-I) ~:,~lln '~lIQ.t)CnL~ ~ I~ yct uQ~~' bc" oldl~ ~rlJ l ~ eUt t~1l ,

_~'lcket!J' jolfi- t\tltt M" bt ",i tb ille 'bon


F' H L""'80S, or F B L"w~on· .It ~o (JOY · s ll ··the snd If w.,f~~;'fL~' .lIf)VfWGfuDW"I! &; ~Io er11l0~llt to a elefeot. Oil allc h nn isllllC"! mo n'let stretch h pon tthe tut'r, (;lEO .. " I '~IlJ:Llv U Upsoq ~ WI 10.t goo de ll~ · 1 'vou.. I \ I!"" \' 0 b een SlIuI, hi'. _I19's", .. .." ,m"nn .. ":'~" II. e,' ,.,1'<!W8 I, ' , OnEGOIli. 'v Aua.", (;0 .. o . ,10m, D BI'!\Jll<, of Hi"",,';&:, mvlto' "ort~r" . I1lg 111 1 L E WATSOll, or J; Wl\~ nll~ Co eet'\ ~)' s u ch I/- I'csll lt? R c:mcmbcl' tho immcdlate , VI In~r' . ITc had --j~ ,S-:-lU,CE~ b~ (J~o W HUIILTOl<, 'of Hftmllt~h, Oloy &: Co ,~Ilat Cblcf Justica ~1nrsLtall sct~l ed s lept for 80 me h tU t 'Pc, \\"hen b e -- ~ , J AI SltCIIIU e,., of J 111 ~cchriBI nnd UO, the law (in Am-ou ,Burr's CIlSO ~ that wa:s RutldclIl J Dwaken' d by tllc fran . Ollee Da. ResldeDee, ?[.. MF 1~hnO"'Y' forU\cfrI1~lol )'ellrBoGn ~~dl'~o tlle nccllsed ell~ only be ,t.ried \l) the tie ptl'Wiug ot: Ilis lmrsil 'nt hiS: side,InIl\lOIl,O lompson. o.... r ~,' a co " '. 1 h'tS 0 fl'o llse L'"' nt Ig ue{1 Ily II '<I h- lei II lid S""WAk'l', or U S\lll'<~rl Alld 00 IJmllC1IlI dlstnet 11' lore I S ODe ! r e, )e. { 8uutr: !hrn s~, "~~lJiite Ar.I!lIIe'~ Pu,b:~, DICK, of II anll C: Ovcrdic\c WIIS comm itted, , not IIl'onse nt once, but lilY pnrttnlly W I\. T " 1 • .\' 1. L L • " , t:j(;I~C " 'I'£'R. Qr H Scl~~is.dcf Q~'~ C~ Some j ournals ho"e ossorted th(lt 1 ill conscio,u9 stat !!lWiaieh so f. e 118T Dl N, !-l"'IH" S uire, Ed'cch.lelll @Q.u ,V'(!ntto Ric hmotldto lnbor " ith u attelHlll greot ~Il ysiel~t pros JOE~ tl V ANS, JhL~IH'EIl,'en, f J 0 • G\'on nil 0 . 11 . , . S " D M Bonnett, ' oC D)1 Belillott MId Co Judge nderwood III the premIses! tl'~tion . ,don, howe\, 1', tire f:lhhfn l t"'", SURVEYOR, CONVEYANCER, p r 1 I ad I '\ bl Thnt nprigbt jurist needa no uefcnse nmmal pereeivell, tbat its effort8 \'UIU I I. lLdm::d ~il:: ~14:=~T"l' a~~ID Qi:':C~A:I~UI:t Y trom such nn implicAtion ; but J mny failed to nueompl.isb thei.' oll.lect, -A • -, " 8~y that I nel'er 'yet spoke to n-jud"'o liel,ed ~iB rllCe, lUI l>laoil~ its ' :H.o~~~y .J!l'IrJLlt,. 'f .A Kg A PO L ,I C Y . 0 F ",itb reference t(\ 1\ cnlle on whlcb he mouth close ~,o bis aI', 'li tter~d' 11 'irA ",l~.,n~~ ..~. ·.UI.O. .... .p. f'~:.lB.~",.,.,... We,O"a.. WtlS io act ; tlDd I 'surely s hould not lond snort, Nowtllo ug llly' awoke, llli·:lmo, . ." \*cnture on 8ueb nn impropriety with he spl'8ng u 11, nnd, 88 e hOl'i8C turn .,.. d A_ ..1_-..: h- Judge Uoderwood' en for uim to mouut he 8&'" for tLe _ DEN]2~TRV. r; (0 t It is not true illonn-h frequentlt' fil'''t time that I' \s eo~rades hlld all 1 ons~tutlOn. f tlsserted, that the Chi ef Justice hM lli$:tppe(lred, Ilild!I' tuat the euemy wei'!! I! hrunk fa'om tl'dna llcrsQI1>! chargod eOllli ne;dowu hpon blui lit full gill . , ., c:;o I " , . , Iii) E:t'S'ii'O@~1' 9 STATE O F OHIO, with tl'OI1Ao.n, 't' herc Wtf'l'e Bevornl 01', n e mounte()j the ftt.lthl'lll . Ollie. al bla rovhlclIllC! on Locusl SL~eot, O FFlCIl OF TIJY. S~CR>:T,\I'V ()r STATE treftson onscs on the colender wben beallt liol'o him with t ile speed ot'tbc Mlrch 12J \V,L)JI~OTOli, 0, I, WillIam Honry Smlt)1, Sccret8r~' be b eld circuit in Baltimore Illst yenl'; wi ilL! sll fol,Y froll) the-. danger,. lind of St~te of II,c SI"le of Ohio, do bereby ellr he ."as read " to b'y them, but tbe so.on lJh,ccn ltim among ltis , (:omp:in· tify tb~t tbe flllto,d og i8 m true COPy or'1 I " < d" )'01. ROUSB PAIlllTtNG. joint rea llitlOn ''p~ed , try .the ·(!fener;'1 As Government was not j nnd t h ey wel'e ion s. ' Thu ll,' he nude with, elm o,llon, 'mbly f tlle Slnll! of 'Ohio, 011 the 6tll 'dll Y put ovei' by tLe Distriot, AUCI'lJ ey ,Ithe noLle Bt\\'et\ me f,'o rtf cntpti\-ity, QiAllml'~, ~r!~!Znjf~, s~!u!~~lill~ I~ ~~e~n from the urigiulll I do not kuow why tillS wn.s j 1 dlJ uud pc!'IHlpl! fror,n denth.' , PAPERIN 'G, ' , I, ""Oh ••h,,~I, 1 b.. .now tM 1M' , Co" .,~ b" foOD' on """,,., ;x"Oi! tl';d '~b; , 80\'el':l1 R epllLlican journals hn.'\'e mpre IJcaut.ifulexllIDlllc of-nlll'ectAou· - ;'-'r t I "1 " ' - l 'l~ lltlf'pn lureunio .ub.~~ibcd mv nllmp, I h If " t t.b f d 1 mo I \n\"O I olle wrong' 1 . lind tlfflxed the GreM Sc',,1 of the ossertcd tilat 't rust myse tnOO .1l e . <?l' e Q I"" Um ) t I , . 07Apoty lo lit .. un ~ efB1griea. who "ill Stote of Ohio, Ilt Culum bos, tbe tuis tna ttcl'-that 1 sought t he' dis· brute to ? Un· ' II proOlp lly 11.1 d l ,,"III',. ""II endl!lVll~ (lIp d,uy of l\pri\"A Q 1 ~j)7. .: ' tinctiort, tkc, Nothil1 g like this i.s IddiJbt oTr nve ' '11/ V" ,.Ii"f"c,j .. " nn rPD""n"ble t l\tm~. :, WILLIAM llIDIJlr: SM ITIT, true. I ",ent to U,icillnon 1 and s ig n- cilft'cd which ""Ol'~ M. (lARDEH. 'Va,..-"U .. ~ca:c ry ~r .8I11to.. cd' tUe bond, simply ullenuso th ll will

. BOlla,•• TIJ Pil',I~ I I


1l'llu nl}


fnet" can tIle elJlef oO,tJsel;uOI\" 1l dn~ Itlee or. 'he CirCUIt J lId~Je be "Ilioly thl9 tl'Ooper 1\\ fil led bl;tmed for not elliposmg the t c tupbtd y hult, to

00 !s.ueh lJe tho.


" \IIIU ..01'1....

All I 'l' be venerRbl. ~};." "I ~Y' : I lIfly R"'U.1I0Ao.-'Aad ll'''1I1 ti, er" wert 'J.'h~rll "f,~ peopl~ "bo, h.i"lt b LI]t! peddlen. 1 ,bought .OUI Lloe PUP-t llr" by aelling Ih'IIr boal \lg.i"4~ "111(* C~IO bo~ to gfl fll,! of hlln, b~cllu elRod liJe, "Ie al"A}'/! complti!lin •• or "II lfjl"g,~u cumpo e ,JlO..:1II .r'l ' a l tllcit bad luc k, lind .hv~,.. j\l I , .... .,/ YOll1lg I.'idy • IIlbum and t\hl lIot ...."I ·10 give up. bnd r()r Ihllt ~ t-r y r~ ,polI ·al. II) L~ tl.lI!urbed . DUI he C~U1 e 'i \llll ! WIIYI 111:1 Plel>l lind gooJ· l r . ot/liolf, )el. l;Iack ,,,th & 8~k u.r pe"null. 1 look if Ihty "uulJ pcfaiVl:re. h \lrJ IU illlJa, ~ C"''' lInd ~\u rra~d h!w 11\\'1\)'. "nd II~ : 1/e lo work up' lllll H,um' all lifll long. relurned Willa .Olll'! lo~ , cr""m 0111111)" I thfl l' \VoulJ h~ \' e tlle!r rt\fara aL 'IUI don'L lill. ice · cr~.Q) OllllJy anJ I'~,,"ul Guo<1 vQ1a~8 ....0 ul"d bolh w y~, • LU~!llh~r. bUI IIDVG'I"d III uue .. ".CIlU I I A Ct:rlilill H[III'U, I of oppusition i, • al,l In~plrea .rhymo hllJ , b~en burn ~t"M ht·lp 10 .0 rut'", \{Ut4 ric ..


·l'ele.'1se or Jetl'er OJ) DlI.tis from. nn imprisonme nt ~ueoretically lawleB8 r,,,.. ~ emr. 1000 an~l I If 'ttu:llly lflitlcltovious, Nino, \.4 1tJ' rt f'r ' OIU!"I" :1 tjJQ' ,11'1. .00 AN \1'.-IIIl'1o.y U".. Me .... tORt,he or those now loudest i n con · n U'\.I', lh". ]!) 01) :' ., 1 ) u"r, sm.o-. C"pitlll SpJck 8300000 demning that release aro heartily II .. " ('ul 'HU II :t mUII,h_, );5 OIl U(tpitul Puii Up in Cush ')00'000 I g lad or it, nod only affect · the COIlG !illji.,tn, !!5 au __ ' - , Itenl7 bIl"C'Ilt1s1! tLtey therehy 8~ntif'y, n I ,r-.r 4U .ol", 0 ,. r."t uilifl 3 u,o ~ll t 2,\ ", aDd· 'Di",ks spite, 01' ilOIlO to o.lh'''llce their Owll •10 & .,,1')11 tb 4u , ~o ,~ fo rtunes at the explmee ot' SOIllC O~II <1" I " U I' 70 ou else, If tlleJ~ cOllI I! h:\\'6 Davi bock it~· · pf(!i • • Nol lCf..I 10 pt'r reu l o\"er thtte "'I.... " in FOI;tf'~ ~ onr~ this hOlp'by ai m• lJ~' Wtilhl&g It, tIJE.')' "'oilld not, ll' 1.." ", 1 NOlk, t. 12 r.nt. " lin. _0 r' ~.: ·T ll oae' ,,1I0 Ii~snil C~ief' Jus~io·1) ~ , 11",\.1.. C"",I- o 1111' ~ .. ,I\~" ,~. lin". t"r ,lttl1,. .., . > '""r. Itt ",I ...... n' " ~. 1 _- ... _ j eHAS c 'UlA*lIlT P n '\1 t Chase for n ttrYUlg Da.vls ougbt to l C 11 RAN80M 8 1" ' f en" ~e 0"' 1101'& of Judge nderwoQd 8 s ' , , ..:~Cr8Iar'l' tlUlOny bef<trs Ie BecoDstructluu COL lL 1:1 HAOLvV (Jeneral Aion' 1'1_ f I , 1 t (I '1 t . • _ _' , ~m,m "I. . w ee 9 ~ue as ... ong~es8,. In II". pr,rn-n,."tll' I"CftIPd in W AYIIlI/I, . 1>. 1 .a.E C T 0 1\ I : " DIIVJS -&aukl not .oe. CO~ v,lcted fl l. Lf_ H I' m", he I(\ulld _,I s, W, Ru,- , . . t reason /lny where III llrgllltll uul e8s .... ,·u."rr "nih/lng, o n lIuhl StrePl. ~~~,,~ ~~~e:,,~:h:.: O~!b~ ~O~Ii~/::~t by pl\ekiD; 6jur~' fOl' tho pl1 rpo~e, If '~1I ~e Iliun l tu,

Ila Ih u nl "

WEJnIt£ DAY . M~ Y 29" I 67,







Dr. L. B.WELC!!,

iOpbSe ' c-auienllllWnl' ' , '






.'I"' !"

to ,..



.. 'O\!Uti tb~ . i)\' '~~~J.jI:.."i.~~l'Itri , . 1. fo.~' ~ ct -lU I,V_ ~ Wbuld htlve answere(l "lItp c,'..neMec: · l'they wot'lld not hnve' ptotlered mine ; . .. Resolved , ,1l,v th e Oelln,,1 AJ;!S<'robly of f ' f' t.1 "U ' In eDsll" ·"ivc.n Tell jeotcd llSfl't:hlll}' In ' . , 81j1l" the Slate of Oh,o, Ih N;c fifllts, of the mrlU - 0 1",.1 COli " .' • , ' ',. . '. m e, l"I'll IS$}, t~ f I lIu I, hct~ clee~dJto eadi HI/lise ilg{e~hl ~ ~Irll~eto, Milli/>D8 of Do\lnl's, nil of It by UlCII ",hllle mnuy of the <lllvcl'S . mo~le I bll fr ,'j , Licon Oil 0, . ' " Ib.l it be "lid is hereby p,lop<ifted1to "e ele!!- ",hi> were lVorth tl oublc the tlmount brutAl t han the thcy /Illye III (lone eXile lt wI t I did ~ !~Ir. 'd I Are flbout"1 til'g yoUr tor!! of Ihis 9~nto. to vole III tlte nO:<1 "",!'I:,I for which t1icy' uocame l'OSPOIIsible, charge. " t fill' in ~rttl .I If':~6' d d~et ,! . nll d .pllr~~n.' l\f~. P:'Olh. ~rl .. Itoul ~t.Q.I1e r 110\10')" u~n tIle nPI1r6y,,1 r!'J C . ench ' of ,,,hom woilld h ~ve es. . ..... • I, .8 , e IV .or f.- , 0 . .' Iy nn lodlV'~ul\f reong"lIc.d t llau VUllle o~, Il le tlou-ot th fe1l0"lrfg:"mentfment tit 1\ !ili,tt. ," t" b d " ,' 1 iT - 'J1I1K ;'I1l1tPtlKft,-'friOilig ia ' ranked torgt~ Inl" n?d 11e99, Ill.}' mother groill ttagedi"'r1. and (/;'6 /lnury gI KI'~ -----:..<j...._....,.....:.!........-~--.l-tule for tho flrsl8eetlono(th o fifth RrLlClao f s lgnlll g ue 011 UI> ,1\1 0... I ' 11 I ., . . 'r d·tll!'htl " ' III ouoe mbro Iry tbe f" ~ , ' d. ' rF' .I ' J)"" 11'0 .BOllm " , rr<.J,UllkItJ'''T' ' the COlllltiluliop of this State , 10 "'it: ' ICv cOIIIll;ol be lievod it em in ent - aDlIJI}){ t Ito Vt:IIIA tI~ I., Ulll: 1{ , \IQIt' 'H' . 0" I I I " ,r 1 0 III .~~ C I"ng~. (} ,Il ' f onu gnu G.t "p . ery mole eitir.en b tbo Unlled Stli s ()f the thnt they s ho uld presc nt b~ o'/I! greK~! tflhmt g!ve~ p i , I~q Or~f.,r I ~ er~ "It I ,t Je }f~~eu tl ~o CIOdss.' (Ioug h 'W Ity" IL 'I Doollitl 811.11 lie" " l-l... ~~ L!,~ o''ifo()~ ~' M 'nr~'.l~"d~,;k)lb ,~ ' . nge or twent)·· o ne years, who 8hl111 h.,·c been " • mell wh u 10 IHI, ,sfcu n ng elerQJl I 1,lfe: iii we Irt 11l\ ? a gl Olltc ~cs Ie U? , !I,I D1Qat II - T - , Mr, J)l)oJIJ, J O~ cae Ilan~ ,on 'WlY trie bel fir., "'C irub oyer, .lour ei _ a reeidenl9.1' thJl el~tc ~nc yew 1!~1t prcoe~ som,e NO I thel n ,lIlllUes,. ot ' til lle IIway t'bAL lillle ." 0 ~1 " lb Iiole' lliat rqilld to l'etlll'O ~O Wl\$hlDgoon, IIr d (001 IIUI'le ""Y out, It YOll lik~ I' A~l ,' bo 'I (encti: ailiu mJHII 'ftrl' n I ~ . 0 8 ing illo eJemw!" Iliad of,tlte COUflll.~;, ~"n!llIp h(ld bcen ,~~pSl>teuol 4 Orb)pOIIC'!.. 1 el';rnMI ·lifll ·· on "llieh by trfilfing " II ill ·n. me/lS UI'e clear my nall)c, ,yhicb 'BoOlh hili l'lld maltv mUI't! e'"Ii,ol'ial~ ",.Oll -eall ' YblJ '!fad 'berRl ne or "nruln ~h lOh ho resilles . uo I tlDlC 118 mllY Rebelhon j pOl' ltlpS o~l1 se tIe . '. , , I t' cl I nt d Id lint' , i t tl, , .li W . ' " ! " ' " • bo I'rt)\'idod b.f. I"", sUcll l\,erflOIlS IIfj r , i:ou to Ildillit to 1.1'111 would tlllgl" hat\' ., I ~ id "old. th .. o "III " . n ' C f. 1 0,. 0 " I I1P~h ,'I e oowpllm"nll IJllltJ to lill ~en,,,tl.:· bill !WO nr Ih.r'le.1 YQ" llIte • ,111',,1 , h\L ', \'Orne arD\~ 1~,euppOn QI',.\ny ill... . ree ~rlfa:':i~e be stl'enllolls\y u ;'li,LI!Il, 41nll, o( . in" 4 life d'evoJe.t 'lo 1)lolV I fl truck. I ~IIY b~fore !Jl,y mort 'dr-DIU or mote bo"ei~. ",t .QV~8 troublu, Yo~ '!.ill liljtl . ~hi.. ~.. ll1P 0611 or rabt'll1 mlllll!"l\ln@t the Go,'\; ,nmcbt of r Lt . 1 q il\ 8 DOL ollly lAtha II' ~y Ih " iu.c:lil1H ' God, but not to IOnn. Itlllll,k.ll\tI, e , • 1 _ I ,'c ry ueollom!clll . Iha IJ ~: II~~;~ b~~" ~'~':fl~\~~r oIo·klyIlOk\.Vn'~wothtllllil1~ t~Cyt '~~~II~e~~~nl~~\_e lion , but 1/111 .C~I)'.ciIY (or ' hiullter pur. U.? tnhc wtlell, thout~ld' If ,nCill ,n&iIlc1Qn~ri' l U- ,tl' he U.lbIlClA Uuion .... . thn (oj , u ... • ( . """ ,' • h ill. l1" , ,.-- n v , " , "1'1 I' II r CI ' ·'f l , · I " III 10 curse ., " I\~I' '1't~1 ,.,I , Sl u' tlrin~ , ''- U\ tj sen'tcc of 8cdd 00'" required me to fl\ce this ' .or' ~ UIlS , It' I'UI 10 Irl. IIA h ll.Y Ilhe \ l I If t.1i td k 0 111 uponl me ' Iowmll I.n re~.1 d to, IIIII , III~~, Birl r / "110 'ttll o/leli nll: Rnd land uot 80hac d if tliev had not bel1e,'c(l It IIC. ~lIa rolll y mlll,\, 'JnOIlCnCe '0 a fnvol !Ju . ,V I Jet I, ... b"~~W?l' Id IhlCIV lI)y , Ienrt, on the Bt!II~roolalrie Il.. ilrolld: "llto Iii. Ihill~1 oblenihg IUt t/lii bil ' "rei'd\',ehnr{l;<;d froln 'th~ mn J II) Kn ·tltan 0 11 R vrul!igated clIArI OLllr ,- " Itl . o,~e :-, 'V ~O ll n"e ~njl(l e m e IIcoid!:", was·cauled II" an nrror or ' III, I I ,I l' .... t ....· qURliftCiltlOD! Of 011 COilStUY, . d b gl'ent thon gh l dld 'pot dmnre a r eat. ' . J' . 0 lin Will t: let log . C... O"" ' ID 10111. 10 vole nt nl1 olee , If thcl'e ue ony wllo serious ly H lile DlID bl!'o ab.or cd, nl~1 merely 'T "Ii h I " ! I trlun·dl~p'Hcher. ",Ito ' has l'el'l! IIlrllH 011 o~ lI~d oul LQ llim I ·Ji. . I 0110 lell . A_ P.ARItQTT , Ie the profJ'c!r Of hnH by R ep nbli- wilh whAL i •• iGloo., bu~ wbllL. u*~luI , ~~88at' o-~ g t t ry~~e~~! tlcae led . lind .. in, '''0 undul lond , "I \O~ how 1.1 • ~"lI'Jj I' -r:i ~ ' II. ot IIili of 1tl!ptel!Cot,MiI'cs. l em " e or om ,10\15 1 nsk them R' Lq bl di,illclined 10 Lhe aOlnl/ilits 0 .00 _ ~O'UII !:I onc~ m ?te, , B~.Il~lollt.;n'. "fhe Ilrror "", di, oQY olue" 1i.0il'·Ae ):011 1 0 "'ow. \Vt:l1 .AN DR~~;~~I~~n~!~!;'ie, ~~I:e;;;~eti the rJ llo,,: i'ng bxt~ cta: a,Jife .o( pjely, !I~ mat(t',r~ , Ii." le ~h"l ~b~ir'\]~ ,,~~o .~~e ~ r~l~~ ~ creel IifLc,en ",inut, . b~ror~ I~e I\~j)id 01 grbnood Ife , . , 1t'lii'lI YOllr lIIel\: r" cd. 4\ ,II ~ .867. d u'''' l " '. • . I fho ,;,u~" la ~hlch 'OJ (h~ IUCIa IGU Itlro- ,- " , I , g, - '" occ:~rrt:d, .~d ...0 t~e "JI,erlllnn 111~1I , I, .. ,10 • '< ~ . ! , ~ P l ' !. ' Th~ RIchmond WIHg 8n~ ' " H lheae habltl! Olilltlot ,be . tlc(~"."d of Ilte ,ltkc d ~. I '!'1,I ,',:,lI , (i) h (~I)ou~ It n ircllie\ ) lolthl:lr officel wFre ---:~. ;--'-I_ " '/ . 11'1~~. gbt\~\'Otl8 ,Cq:n ~~,q'''ilh\' Ile(l to- Il,,,al Olluel ... ~il , ,el iL>.a rgue., • ,alow Ire svnteLFs IIrprl.od lol, but lh ,e- ' wll,' way II t'IS ,mA~ ' ~pplic t~'l!.' , U"r, Davis .xest,~ l'aj1Y ""Ill', OI)C .'ltlll ,'If lta. ud ,l llll,l a .belQg, wIIIIOII', ,.ill , 1I \ t II »nd.e'J ~1Ie htl~en' to nett Ibil.l Al"I,ulI' 1\ II lilllJliti ~ t\tii most ef[odi "e I'~COJlStl:tlC Iqtl· ,,~r-ll~t, lit, " .. ~. I , •• , "blUldon. II•• ' f atU( $;~~e lll!l.hng, J 0[-. LI1C" ,rlllt n IH~ lhere " .. 88 Iii·' iItaken JP . W88 hl!ie~ I n: ~o,!lri v l" p~rllUi'. ~ J f., ,IJ\t ' l•.'magioll!l ~ot !Jot 4,. ,"r'btf~'tl(\t\ I " ..,..ted: WAI." hi .,t tb1lt di;ection, ' JJu\"",,,lo· ,el:rt, .o4 Ii " e/tllAA.!In Dlber Ihell '~llti.*:fleinJ;.a;l1)rn in YOllr .,~II~.tII JIl,,~~1Iie • action tllken 1I'38 'fIOt 011 · that we ,h,,-bi.C.~I1'''I,chf,,'"e..,.lI(fW .u '.o. wlteM-tb'lly 'halt ~llIthll ti W. ~ itll firo Y' 'Welf, I'; r .. ' _~~•• ' ''INdljrr~J~~'~'ii;l;d,.~il~ !a-;., nl!~1:1\1~~~:J\I~'lfllij'lr~~~ elllle<l t'O'lIotioo: ,'TllRt a-c· !lIicll1,d I ~Y .'~brl!i,.. a" CArele.~... , ,1 1 -Iheir friuda and , follow ' w ~rke'l-t • U itH'~tf *R\.O Iftii)tlioi. ;U lit • nnd mllelliah , .willlllf!Jrd ,11Il11I .~"f9t., ,«1. d••.lriOer, were to 1M lalloclted .nto Oc.rnfl "ilh + II' 1 " 1 i If' I '1IhD . CJr·~mf1l.BWI!!-,C"" lIt ' c8ul'tcey 1i11d w,hen ¥ I\,t' KI. il'tc~ltllil\l tl" " ivl!l PI' a 'ODl~~,I" !I nj g,1 I 'Il Af. 1w..!~qHl!lll ..'n~'n"" r';qof ..,~(l!"tl ! II Ol\.lI!Q,II"j 4bl~ wi , 'lte Sidney. , peralor "" k1~. • g~nt\cD\ell {j(. ci I! . r, ~" ""Qr.. , loOt and .r\allt ott hli nJi \ dl~~ ft lt. 1 :a'~~~f1jr!~t: P~~(:;~::~~~ Dth1~ti~e, ,,,htcit '«,lit go I~JJl~r "III DR,~ ' be. tlle'filli oufae .. , I' =-..0.. ..... - _ - 'l~ ,~t. ' ;~;~~~~;~~iJ!~; c,om,mE~DU them .to. tbo g,,~tcful wllb the ,proftlglle. ,iIT_II Ii i' 6l>l , Q'fllCJlll..I ' ba'. .. b.~11 ),oung " lInil It: CU"~''"'I~'''U'' . or th,c Sout.hl I, 'llhcy IF"', \'\JIIC'JI""'Y , 't,,,,, ~"H' I , no" '~ I"" ~IJI. and " •• ,1 Iland , M!(ote ¥itgiuians. il1' both ~:.. O~' ' I I I ~ " l Ie a+ f: IN I ·I.oI't 'f''izlity- be 10 nii~l. ~ ~,,,Iatl! 1/IA~ { no"linB , I .'blm(lil1an'il. 'congratulations: In 0 LA .. ~ , OT ';J, T ~ I' fill enl: g,ven \D oillu It)' I. re~ rrt'''p_ Ipetrnted theit' mAg.' ' :A Rn'tEvllb' H I7f UIlb',-- \l' e' ~ltI()l , ,our co~d~t!~'n l .' t,!.', L, i!o",R ,lIlnt I a , bo I {til • tlll1 (ribllu ,,"~ep . thl' on'dmoPlent'.~v'eled ~h. tfolw"ing J iu ...... eteb '.rftll~ ' Ollrry (ri ID r~ll~ \'Pt!f\_Y~~'brfb'1b6 ~~r'. Lu~ pttrlah • 'thai "hich' is ' gi,en a"ay A wig'ht Otlll!f Vise' ha")-e new .bopk, ·~,a4'mc)Pl.1 In· fll a wo~ld " • I'I~ee. t. IlhOD~ bide I "hla aa rorner.i\1impr"le. il.e , lI'h~ • .Illf~ct , I ' ' bafll. lOlled b~rofe f Oil" ho ~re no~ - on OIU cLarlcl.l!r,ftlod"1I 011 our fl •• 01\1 .....'n '''k... ·'~··n ~ fel t gone to Iber moth · rest 10 Iha k'Ggdom abo,e, .Are YOll d"'ilYJ fyr lb. hab(1 or cba~il1 (ut V"lrtalrdB,V' II , WOl" ;;~ SOI~h~r we II! bo Iq "till' tlial a,b4iMd'l.1 So h"lt. m.~1 ~rr-rl~ m!~ ~bie lI(e "iii li:cOrDJI"nJul 1\1 I 10 n~"1 ... ............ ... ._ ';.-" ,j x.j 1':~'~;~lI:iii~:jf~~: ISout.hern charaotl!r,lier . • Pl!~eo. ~ If' yor." 'V", lal". " >'A.,u~., l' Let;"" Ib.lI, ao.... ·'and on .very Ge'CII' ,I -.· ..,liD,~ I'tn~. :bJ1:D.l,r81,tJ'fjl·h"o8" t1aat Nort.bel-ll lind' 111'e1,~ill' tn1 d"el · !nlllr;t! , .•• t,er.~ng , tC,ha"G'~';:. D lion kllrea(te;, praullce lba~ IItkr.lily 'Do YOll Ie. th.' fello. 1011",_ • j _a a_.1 _ . d. 1 "orul reaollDd to I. 'pe,.er I 0" '-I b i .. h b II ., d doi~ll .no'~ip, 11 ..,.,. Q.~... eo ,~IJ.lli'PQ.~III, Oltty i8 the trne o,Yentte tc'1 .cG~0 .A~ilQU •. AhI' OU ch,"I1!d' 1& «."1 " .. CI D uelt •• .e. a Ippro,~' ID 1'l8, IUO.", dOdI b. II " i b,: , ~. triend8blp. )'~ W;~ 'lre~t, . 1\ gr~t liar cu, I,at~.~~")2~b~ .'1~!' rear o( .aD'~ lr ~)'o. Gomplaltt W,e"" "br~I' th. )I",IIIDOD1 wl/l~ .: Jfe . "'Oh, IrO J."nib,l,o .~,It~ye-*,~, )P IDC! re~~~., flle or D10'DI~n~., Ind lLo81erlllaDd.r Ii " ' " dog l,ba.ll ,coodeIllD, , . ' 'A, .I]olbal I' " 'Ye •• i 4laiiDIIIJl.:..b". 0 l eft ., n8\ru~' :" . " I , ~o 0,11 1n".11 011 ml , sellh , lip· My h J 'II" ft, of _ .....r Lb.r peopl•• ! '!\ ' ,i,'J."'; l ,'" ~ \ '.\ : \ . rfiend. p'M.I lb. e,en III, "I~b III.. ADd lit. yqllr ee., Y,01l WI p....,a ! 8i r 0,,1 or Ibe 'I!".el o( QrtteeiJ. made 1"1 011 0 , ,. T~ <MY~g. "ilJlI -n, ,&At, glv, the,. Will b. 09ne to Iell ,• • lb. Dell b~'ll~'~$_CO'Hd:: (il i. ,aid) tho following rep~ 1(\ then ~c~a"1a ll.lg'.t,..h~ ~ :tllo <~?~er~ ' Re~'lbn- a~y l1ia~ tb~, ~iDd.o.... .C~~JA;D~ ,.re ' 1,' ,OIl r dlltl~.a,~:~~n; II Itl (Iii I fear qlleldolll prcipolludac! lo hi,!, J I . • and, ""'D b. rot bo!l'." ' Jfl J)OadeiDeo, . .,8: " ," ~ "..~ "tI~ ..p~ke•. 1'4 , tb_ ..Pr~r1~~1 h.. Ihe ~: . WI ltD ..... 110 bu. ,111..,1 ' be"llIuH . fhe nnl.erae ; .fl)r . "Iuid' blm "bl' Iii '.' d rr~g"ClGe. of a I).r·room. ilr two or b' ... h' r ' wor" GLaDd, W~&l 111-9lllm. ..i4, ', '00011"'110" ;' ' 'H dfd'. , ~, s· .. lOb' ' -:'II"b 'I 'The out WI . rea. III all throe Ir.iilidl COm.,I. hl o,iD., It"' 'd,ill.' "ith rq1fr1t .. Ip. fl_ftlC. ,,' . .,., ...... 'J 1 brought mOIl~I,,"" ft~.)lItI ,Plle~"!!lllI,l ~. ..... \Vbt ,. . 10 DIe.' ao I\D • • • IP~ , 0 me. tbe cook aeter ~I'" r:--r, or eomplaiDa 01. wI."be.'1 i •• ~ Ml j ""~ 00 'fo gl'. lulae, I' w~k , . . ...lte 1.1irr~pl~O.llCltllbl. ! JClld






Iccti"c ~nma



l:eSlsted'- 1









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~~~~~'~frit:~.~:;;JC 1\".e '4at~4~~:~~i!~ rlBl tc)'i'UIll"': .









' nd

'I~!!~~;e'O~!':~~iJw~:!;~~:~~~~~~:;~~~ i;~~~;:;;

Do f1!ltbl " Olbe rl. i",,;;-"''''"!!.!·'· ' wb ,;.,

'/r. IIMtd uody, an Po:rll~DOUllU~I:fill_" ill_II;!" .Diitbt'''ld .BeI: ,

., ...

"aiI.1Ioa of ~' -tala'

-,...1_ .. be ,....... eftII lbe ..............' fr9II • _ .......... IDcUned to _Ube •, ... , ....... . .ra....' hlgbeat prloe Qpcm bl. wrldap. 11. -' ._~ D-"-- G hi re- I.e. IDlraole of cheapnees.od aeat·. L1· --- - , ~.• 10'

_-."..,..._~ le. give tbe real re&aOn. tor the . . .,..................". lleof J..,f' DAVI.. Tbe lIubstance nc... " ... , . ••





_'l'I)(Ilrta '

OBI 0 :

't.~., .ero~. COIlIl~ry,


.,rtIf. or 111._, ....", ~ lJrot-I,' W,...... ,..... "_..J':"",

, ...",ful ladller.· 1I,...k• •11• .,"11'1' bitfree 10 .11 II lb.

h •



BUCHU eure





II' . rtel,. :.eI cll".. lon. lor . .III•• Ih" . h l l . . . . . . . , . . . . We a.mloe it c1osel>:. aud der dale 01 lb.IOlh I"",,"L " "Ill ,.med, II, '.'Ihle" he w •• eur.d. 8ulDtbllil,lI. , . wlt!labundaot .aU.rl&Ctiod, ...we I rode lb. 'erer. wlahlnc p'lIlh II, th. ,elunla. u ••11 dl ....e. of Ih. 0'." 1& .... 1... had'. hi. ",II,." '0. We 100> •••he .", ••" ...Ioly. , _ .......... D.II.., ... , ...1" 'I••", ... , ... bi ."....1•• , ........ ...... , tam/letters trom President 309)110lf, tinted paper. the bellutltully clear .. d ,b.,. I wiloeeeed • •Ighl Lb.I. III ,erllOl oOllflelllt\ef', whelher u :.I'nw In to





.',.... -, ... ..., I ••• lIU lao aL


.archant •·





.. 'r ' an


I~m .h.....~'~~~ ,~:.,::f..~~:J"'m ......_, W••_,&,,_ .p\fl~d Ullta o( ID!. lCIII1. .~o"•• ~.~ ....110' 98.1,. m.lIer of HOW LONG STANDING. .... ..... , • • ",...inh "''''''tion. and .,~,,'I' .., ........·reg"I" f.'d"'g, ",,' I ,h. a.......I• d ."b "/. I~' THE P~_LE 0" THE .GE' 01.._ ,,' ,ho; . · "!t." .... I.. ,'" ...... " be I........,,".~ otkOltl_tII. J ' it ' 11 ~... the pretty grecn· lJinlling, CIlIl" . Near!} 6.1 bUDdred r.m .,blnc The .1"'Pf'l1 ollcerntl l ive It up - UM o( a dillrell". If nil 'r.. I•• ub, HI.el,eI GOode, . h . A w•• a."r aclin al ~ ego:u, and tbe soli\l-f~eHng book which womell. old .ad. youna· mlloy Wi~lfrom be· .re lO~C~It_Umptioll Ih.o tended 00 bang Jur, "as menllced all these DccellSDTY eoncomltllnts go bie~."~heir ~rel.I" hlld . • 1 p.rceplllultt, "e'ullerly . t f.vlt. en_ue. Oil' Fleah and Blooel Ir' _\ip. BROADCLOTHS T.. '01>1 ... Ih.. r.. ~.I..d roo wid, ... PoOOuotlono' ..... I,tto", to ma', np-•• d w. " y ••,In, • •. 'b"............o.",,"••!•• h..... Np LiVING EYE p.o.'" INm ",," •..,U' , .., ,h. . CASSIM ' .m., ..._oo, N•• Y.,k, . . . . .,•• hl,b .,.. 1, 'b. ",",pl'g" • "'on. h¥",,,1,', ,~h " ...m.~h" !~. "d .I"b.... >Iou,.r 'I". I... I"" ",h ... " .....,' D ••tth .U D."I.... . 'VES'I~l'RNFG:S\S l 000. ., D"". T" "''''' ••den. .bon ",,~, th.. 1 h. n " mond D,ok... " • .tk.d ,"ON h.. " .. ,~ m,"' •• ". b'....... , •• ',.. ,," ...",... -,., oat ",,' .' I'~' ,'" . , ••,," 'PO' . p . , .., ...d e or . h..pno e. . '''~., .. ' ... I., Ih. l,ul. '0'" "'Y Ih, h.I" oat ,I" ~...'b ..".".1 "." ,N"" , .. .1 • "".bI. ,...",. . , . , C,. ,b. .d.~ . • If the ,ompl. .. wo, ko o.... g ....1 h~"d I"~ ..... ~" ,h,m . . 010, .y '" ~.. ,,' '." .,0" ,,' , ' ....d. H.I,. b.ld· • . Ext,... B...., · 'olio pl." e.' ,..,,' -".,I. '11",• •" ....m .b.tI g. t .. b,eo. ..,.10,. "''' h. p,ml,," In .1 ...", G.d! ,r .." ",,,. ""blo.. ,,,hi ,'" ",""p.m bt . . .. ... bI. .,.,,', .dI. hu. '""~., ...d.... >,I....~~~... T •• di,orcee Conneeliclil ". ..y. No.; '" ,"olb" m'''''-' th. ,·olum.. or "'" 0' mu" 1'"0"', ,0 b. " .... I ,.b".d I" ,10... " , " .. C... O·rAPO.O·O HA'a DYE. :'d':;"' h,d u........, 18 "~... ~..." put year Dumber Obe (or nery fact ,of 'II'.bibh I enn testifl' to, . fin e pap~r, wit h spil'iLCd illllstrutioos , pIe, "hit pl. Ihem ~g"in in pro'pe~i Wllh.lhr c" lor Imp~rl. lui lre •• .Iue. n. T. IIlff.:".oOa.o, ......,... '" tNiy llW ' lb7 , aaarrilgee. 'VlIcn It Wl\8 fOllnd tbllt nnns Wl\9 well pnntcd IIml well LOllnd, Dlll. 11 III'p(i1,*". "Ilh .ome hOlptl In nnl I'''' Ihe 149 Il, ••• ,r", .y, Ntlw Vnrk, ~~ l~ 'lI'L!1l1S ... ~l\h, .. go> on boll , a m,''''' w~'oh <VOIY kI'g ... . nf boOko tha.... ,,"1 0.... 'I,' . r.. ..", 10. ."...1.11, .0.1d , "",'" " .., ., , . CRISTA ,pRO. , ... ""h ,,,. '10''', ·PI,II.d."". ,p,. • V"• I........ " .b... ""I". I. N••• ,'1"". to Mm In 186', e;."!"ln• •

'till To. Cb .... Pool .., ••,,' b..i. h, IIi"





B U 81 N E88,

.y ••, ••h•••11." ....... ,b. ",.,,"' .•,.,. JOH. B. OGDEN," Col.. " .. N. y.

frOID Liuipool. JarF to carry Tennessee Into tbe reo clean brigllt lmprCUIO" ,' Ulo






NllY ' OUlC80N,

1a a



tn -

pr lyerb i.1 rllr Ihf'il'Cri;itl. m illljli

People who



IIr InIlOl:Y no l Y





U . . . . . d . ., ••••

h • •,. "



nd flbrt'8.



HZLKM r.oey, Si.ter 01 'C hlrily •• nd 0110 hcre looks upon as .. virtllBl dil . moot any lib rllr)' . nLthe price or one • 10 tbe lilt. :J ud I' ·l'ner. died ,h..... tho ...1..",.. amo. g tb. d.I ...... a.'a1r , wlum., wothink rao.olly aL Troy. ...... b... .......d ... .1.. • ...... ooldlOl, no 'tli."y th. "'1'1• • '11 U" Ih. 1.......... .. ... Tb. , ...It ....... ",bll.h.. day••,ylng ...." ... m..h _ .."". . .,HoI ,r ..."",. tho be"'" ond ....r, 0 wo,thl ... boo.. "1....bOy ,_ '.... . • lug ..a. Dot" ,bouDd at all. . .•.1& ,.. . pmately called ' at which and T . . . . lOme Ils&y dl.cb.r.rec! aoldlere were 'be Pickwick P.pers: -Our .) lu , BOWl. Bootb II. . . .nlDclalol OIl preteat, who bouna a• . tu.l triend.' 'David Copperleld,'





I!CIW'\I H. ,

I.". '"

~ C..""/.... , it 1 h.ll lived 1 ~'I. nr 1."•.u 'b.... lr ...d"...... 100


New Yurko

1I00l1 P ,



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:--K~OW-Tiiy DEsTlriy-.- '· ~hen made IIp. ir IhflV do . .' . . ~ .. .• .• . ...,.... .', "" .... I '" ......::, ', • " .." ••• E, F ......, ;.,.., ,I" r." · ~. ,E'oiI"'" ... ,",.,1.. , C~I".,." .,,' I ...p """"', .. bood ..'; II



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"."",1,1" " •• ". b...... ",."., ,h. , Ywe' I·clelltiflc oJ r ld.N It SA 'd" bneates I IclllO.ed d I ofI Ih e ()Id II W I 1011 v • . I now oJco p. 1• .rl". 1 It. "'1 , ' . J ,

le n ~\I"l. Farmera'" Chab . , . . .. .l. : \'~r-, "1I\urea. o~\h&.

I • Am""o.......

ha.. ....0... "-, ~ •. .I••.•,•. ~ .. 0'" ...... ~ ...._...',....... ,,...... ~" .h~. p.~r. ~\S.or.' , tu~ .! N_ Vor1&!




Brotherboo~ ~


"U" .....


of lb. IOIIlb. III order 10 ,1' • 1 to ' b.Ddl. The IUu.trated EIIlU()n " in green ... ia _vi., Iheir "ope. hi,. Tble no mlln WI. !D0roceo clo\h, with a gold medllll. ODt aid Ie. pel' ClDI pt ,b . p . quaWled ellter but who bad 8uIT, lion portNlitoC ' tho .uthor c08t.I1.60 • '.011 • ered, eitbllr from or impri.- per "olume. precill4!ly h Caaada tben an ....aly.tbr.. onment In the Rebel pell8 dining the IIln,Uar ill respcct to printing and lollllllintl, I!lDpJoylo, '108 miaer. _ wllr. It now extellll. to New York, I paper, but .without t.h" " t atl'lI and . Id • PI'I d I b' dB Will I I , .1' I • .1w o( ,old (or " b. I... UJ,e. II C P II. lin 08OOn. l e t IC uOUII .. 11\ cr maon Rlorocco l'lol.h, ill




_th." "'....

~. bu,1 w..

"01'111 .'


O~" lhi.

coun8cl', Charles O'Connor,




.~" .0 .... ,It.~"


T~IIf" g~.' I~Alr ,,~,...... ~.I~II .u " ....... '"'j\<' .iII" ,,~. ~

111.1.• PO." <n d D. n ~ia' __ T.~, ~'W YOlk, ••,,",. ' him or... I D",.->I •.• ~._ ••• ,. ,h••Id .......

preled of h19iog been conoec'ed wilb 00 'ho ............. p,., b.. I." .. o.


j'~mp t,


~. I~'".-."~.Io ,"I.m~ 1'''.'0'

h.... "lOng.. with Ih. oold .t ... . eou" "R.,h...n. 0' the ••y ... & ,'""" Bo,.. ........., • ......" •." •••• ro"he h•••• 'n "". 1 "80 ... ,.

Tb G

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"""ffl' .,

:!I~ ~pplh:,lInl.

wl~la d."~


W A ], Ii



": ~tu) ~.rn,

1II~.likl' A• .L'O W a,/Ittwt.; If;'Y.' AI~. no.', Q.alil·i' _1111 .






nt~..r ,"''' WI&;tI. It onabla PIOA! ~ I Pie." I ' ~ . a me caU 6t!. ,b. ",. ,oo, •• I~"... I,.,. I ~"•• Ibu" /, 0; . " '01 •


"..,,:,,' .,1..... ..,..".. ~,.".ro ~.",,,ft. .." .I"u~ .m.1I1 .1

.~ ~1I1\


hi' ( '~ h




Allr, •• mlll "ocle 01 N.I BHING OOODtt I-In

.t. ".



....I••!' ,~.h... ,,", bow .... :Pi"L-T,. . . ~ R.,..,u".," .., b•• •. • n" • ~1,.m.I, I.n,"'." coun'l agf'. II! '''''''' ......1..,., ,ro, .. ,," ,,' ;:::,::."". ', ~' ... m, ..... "",,:

A. I' ... d,·, ,I .. '" I•• r • I", Inok,,,.in ..,I" of IJoe lIum pRper 1.1"ly II 'I••••rl1,h. f '



_. -.od \'IllIIill l trW"D)1,'" lI&rtM



IDe In lite put, .IId bope to bi "ltu

B. " •• o. '''?'' • I"."" ,,,d "a wi.. bu ..d CO". ) Ih.f,d'.' _ g I , J. ,,,' "'''-:' " .. I.... .dd"".'" ur tnlllg..two men III tbo OOIll"t room lIa !",. In our commUnll! b.. eMu,e II ),011 1'0111 fCCI'Ive lite plclure and dUlr.d members. 1bn or t!I!Y' he Ih'I!11 without . "rl.kin' ' . , , If 'CI J 0 I r,~n e. II I' " CO 0. Q con .... c . rug~ c . Hushed I in!urm'Iioll by rdnrn moil. All comUlu Jr i • .laid - II I b Co • TheBe men ' ,'." 1 of r('oJ t!h:t.I ye,nenl.y I! Cillumbu •• In Ihe of 'rhe, Or.nd f,IOO. she h ,,,I,, rulty (!OUlIJ\01IOn. nhnoMt nlc"lluns hcr"III,v CIlI fi.lenlllll. A,llIr." \• . , . lI/lre ..loD.1 1I I werc ~el7. l Ils 800n fl. , '1 . . I ne.., a . A TI fI n.- bl' 'II lM lII1\rblc ftulootbues8 . !UM) IlIsteRd of ~"ont,'· 1 in conlldrucn. ~lADUIr. E F 'I'II0JlllT II parl1' of "bleb HOD. B. F, Wad. i. a t J'tnekl't the r?olD' a mock charge" f lh,. 0flt! w". S.' 0 C I PilI) IdC, O' .y threo. r bui d s htHn , p, O. Bult N. Y. I member will leav. CI ., I d . . ~n en to jnq, and were not rdeas- ",'1: It,. . our r ellra ,0 .• lIge, ""11 1!1!Jldg 11011100'. 1'1"/ e an nm!!. II I' In'lulr~'"s to th~ c 'usc or so t ,I· W " "r .• I • • on 10 "., ......1, • w,ok art... " .... w", ... " .....,b" 01 II.... ••• " '110 .h,..".. i. "<p';;" . ' ". ' " ..: ; ' ...............,,,......

I.. .W"bln•......

A; • .' ,ou .., ,. " b.·.. ~.'d G,."... ' " I.~ ••. ..

Dum~ I



8 01 1''' Wlllld.

pow., w.. by Uu, 10" of Iii. •.ng .'nUlI of cbunc\er, Tbl. it Do i inlel"!! p"wer, kno wlI .. Ihe P , ycholllo, Th••lIi ..... ' .,11 au, .Ile.p' 10 • \ mposltloD . . . te. Umonlll. W111l01l' IIFI'P'" Il""nanler. 10 produce • UDul l!I.,,bea .re g'owo can uan', Dy 1I&11ng or birch. age. plcl\lre of th" rUlure hU4band or WII .. ot Olll agaia. w.e · iDlform.tI dl",:"ltlon, color of eye. lind h"I,. "00 enclo· IUI'plher or ria., · b, &m"el ,Ih. breeder 1p'n., 6ny cent!! . nnd e" mpcd .d 1 po,ll!an InrlllHr,. I.·dlllir tr.h. 01 Clf Duch ••• eaunly. "hu ... und II. drclled 10 yourself, you will rt'ceh·e the ptc ' t'llhnnCledr. IIC,' I' ,- I• . nlll Ilu,obur; •• I b' d d' • f lure b,' return JIII\I1 togeth ill d • d ,oU.8O. u mon, •• GIn . . .trl, 1111 e III ,It upun • Q I · ' . .cr. .. I C8Ire. ! She ""III ,elld when d.8irl!lI I .• cerlitll'd b""h, o•• A. i' I· .... Add,u. " IhOl Ad ,.",. .. .. I,i.. b. h by ."':' 0".." , • • P. O. no. , I•• b.. 1\ "'PO'" ,. b.: "b.n. -91 . . .., TN,. N. , . {P< ." I "", "I' ok h.I" ... " ..I., ElY' A YO[SG L.oor returning toJ".. p!dce 01 birlh, dilpoal!lon .nd co,!''

A~ cditio~

' ...

READY-JII,A 1111' &DE C _ . 'I

. . . . .or .... ........ .... _ . .....hor ..."... ..... Or ••d 'Nlobol.. to....I."" .1. T. ....... ...... ..... . .• "..' d bled I • 'DI • ~ Ji ori I. 1 h gllar tmpOrlllnCfI I, .......... to _ ...., ... _ ! eon ... • n u. . ..",••, m,,,I,d ., .hh.. . n. ..... h lit. '...., ia .... _ul. membflr lublcrlblDgto .. eolemo oatb editIon. They Will be followed by a uader w.'Ii .• or .••d oftbe lUlure bub.DI;! 01' wife of Ibe a WI.ile in • .Iale uf .,IInee, .'Ie dellneal es I .; GO......... y rolu.... m.n" until tho I. lb••bolu, 0.' 4..p.."'•• "j.IDR " ." . . , ,.. d.. t ,I . ' 'h. "" 'I........ , 'I . _,.. .t pl.....n .. .,.. pUtt they would ",ke jUltice into their complete, ' ,,1I'.olu.II, dIItru] lid a. 8.mplOo', ,w • 0 age. beCUP41110D. m.rry •• lId by Ihe aid 01 ." luaUumpUl 01

..._ •I.......

~ , person you tore ~t\ r' l M", 1 hOrlilo n J'o••e.n. culaad-Alu" b,. lia. DODioN, j_."f I....... b, ,....... ,., ',,"m..'.f ...... . '''u' po.'" .r.....d ."b', . . .. 1m,." '. 1""'" ••,1." .~. h"~ lpower. known •• £be P.~cbomotrope. Ikilowl e tlile of thr ,rnle.1 tu .,' I g II CIIIl' rYO VlUlt





ftlld · .

.,,~" ',"n" I w •••• 'r..... ' 0 ' T, P...... Con", "0 0 ....... ... '.• ' ' 'tpoI F."..w...... _T10. ,U ••l'l .",.1". ".... ....... ,. ........ ,:,~",.:'" co; ::'':: I P~, ,. ~ . m~lIng "r .lllt~



ftuibill,v o f

llinljn io lt



"1.... ~PI " I b~ ~ co~ne~ ~

hu, I,

~lte '~\lYOPPCI\J"d

al~yLT1,OI!..7D.UDLEY' rnOTOGR.... " .~. -..! B1

"' , • .\..n.'.. vlil" .


\J~II I -'. - ~~a. UU.J"~II"------;---~, III Ii: T. 4 1IOIY"Ct. '~'. a",,,· M.""'ad"". ·'Ii p,-...

~ ' I ~ ~u I~';' I ~ 1 I l ~. r;o"~l\lq~d I~ '1l1l11v"l~



or .bout ,I" in New York. It,,.iIlbCI'fllll cmber.l wilhoutertlin!f. M"ylhi. ("elllut r' I' U ': ' ' ·d " I" " 1 ". 8 10 I!. r· cd by lle!",bo·J ·II &tracIBlAc/u,.' A ,. • • rllll•• . i c(l tllnt Davis arri \'ct\ ill CW York , let down .11 • coineit!eoce wUrih the o . 0'1,.;, 0 tit'. 010n. ·110 .1 Ie otas . m. nn I :s:::::y;;:- " -______ ::w::::41'0 1I11'!", ' T ,. during the oight. thllt 110 ko t BO ,R\tenlion of lloole who illc'ine 10 be Oonallluuoo, ·.od bo.Llle h) Ihol'e- : .110 ollle :1 ct,"· rt'on to 611)' Ludy ! wllet. l)y IIg .* ,. , " l'I. I , . . . . . 0, .U k..d, ., Ii ,I.d.d " ",,,,I, .:. po , lbl •• I::' . . Ii" 10 •• 1,,,..1 m ..lI.. ,,', ..d " , "". .o.,h, "d,,"., ,h,m, .. d ,. '" .'" "-"" """" ,m,,, ". 1m"." , . LU .' @ ./" 0.' . 0;0 - ; , .. 10 be problbl.ed I.. BOlloD 00 Ih. eom. tbe New York HoLeI DO ono bclng Ihe IIIt.'il that fjiirile hllY!! a cUlllrullin!: ' "II Rpologi.t. or Irllilo!, h "ill be I 'Q on hu"lireol fold . I\IAT!m , I.:. Wt "", , •• , .."b .r J.I,. Th.' .1" boo. .dm It.... bot ..,0" ; ho". I. .......... ,... ..I,,,,,.. ..,I .... ,h. ..;.d .• I h "" m ," .. ,', '.' • "'re hoo ,... ,"" •• ,.,. ,., d,. "Iy 0"0" to ,omo 0" or .." '"''' ' ' I,DO .1· \"••",d' A""" 1....11,1. . . , "I." i' r ' I .. k'.... .... . , ,, :' .' ''"",,", '" ,,, -"'' .fur IIre.orb. that he "'118 8uddenly removcd. one IlulI!,e tZISIe .. e. wi,hoall'.lotl.od ,,0 u, 0 : e t I." mono In (I"OIIl . . . bOahllf! ' 1 ' . •• • I'" A. It ' b night, trom tbe liotel to Brooklyn or bi. bod,. by out ," rl1 co i.. f .he "Ill be publi.liet! 01101 bCl\ULltyua g .'he . \t,ll conI " " ..,.. .... ..., .... • 1 •. omn.. ..10' ...... 10 ..... h............. til hi••••",: OD• • •dI,,1 .... , ,I" ..,. • ...., " '3,00 ... "", I, .d'..... Dr '" "'''?' . ' ." ...... " '11-. "","." '. ;" ... ....... * .', eirnla&ed b1 8otallt ...... ill ure; tb.\ he leCt Ne" York.lone .nd po .. or ." irle,uling ... lion, It · r'OUIlt 11\1 lis nn . kllldly hCAI j' . ..a:JI. " " " .:;::;;;: • " !'I.I I"' ''' !ltg" ./lu'pl. t. 1'11, ' 1 /,:'I __.. 1 dl d I · 10" t h 81U1l d I I • N hl' ,IOr)' 01 (h .. "rcal. r"" r. t. 9'. .. rn ._ rrruorel 19th ill".,


..~." 'u .....", ..... UIII~' "I.. "*~":"_





" fa IUd 'bill lite

'pl.e tor Montreal, his (I.rty

th~l. !IO~OI~'I.Mpr"""r"\I

~.""'"''' "mp'~' dtl'~lI g III\IHmll~lI.


J';i.,. • '" ..

IU .~ Rtpu6l~c

m., m"

tamily follow Ill, only wben be bu,&o~o,. _,~-:. 10 . . . . . ., .rae aad bad tele;.phed them ot bl .....e .r.

" ,_ , ........ .... . , ttl _.




clclI ~~lUg .,,,~,,,\ 9 , . ~r"\

~.omp .le.

loYe opmPIi' 101Ii. ire.1 fa" . Guny'i LAby·. BOOlI.-Thtt:J 8Dkaowao( &0 0., lCIiealilio 'be • I I un. ollm f Ood, •.~ B I II L 7.,h d ,rolume, ". ' , .' rival. hen it 1. undenl.Ood tbat Mr. BrowlI h.. bortll • 111011 8' . bl. 0 "l' '. -Tfl' 110_.110 ,btl Lhirty.ffi - . . ... .......... th. w.......... , ...................1..._ ..... N . . .,h J ... ·.r •• 0"...1.. , .... GHerti ot It' lb•• I.a. ea..rae,.r lor ..... IIl1d hoa .•11 or 'bal lille uaaer thi "-IID""e t..:. 'AOIIM \0 . . . . 10 W aDd th.t. he ..w.. coa.oloua ' I f ' . ara'br.I d • • . . _ .... a . . r ....." COlhollet I. euUy _ y. p•• •• , W4'.' ,berefore ••re meD' Or .&I. 'tl t",. . ,Y,. GotlC.l bim " wlala t . . -Ibl . 1 tor. to \he tb...or. IlIeh"ed '0 b.lihl lIi. " l"lr ,r ' \.' r• nao.. or Lraa.. " 'h ' )I ,. I' 1I1111l." • ' . . ," ., HI ' '''' wId, ... 1.1a _ ..... Ih. ..... oil" ... • ....... tho .. ,b1 .1 J.I, ....., , • •0.1d · .. I..... II ' n .•h. U ,b.l, ............ ' h' D po • all .rr. H.ute Railroad .011 _ tU h' .. 1 . , t t.. h"nd. LbnDllh' Ib, m d. (L a I •• .ny 10 '" .enbr 10 'h. liadl.... nnli ull, • O.D__ _u, an.D... ' b . ., ' t IUBI 0 I II at I (or Ibe r ,-: ••lId Ci" ... , preBell... DlO.p ere. I 'Book. p.' Prioe .,. . ' Addr"l L . ,'aiDe • P.aD.,lnala Celltr.laad Bell.roa. ' •• e'. , ' ' Air. Brown .t.ted , Ib"t Ih " '1 A. Gild.,. Inll'lIt11pblll• R il CIIUI Ia L_ _ WI" . ' I. . ' . , e apl! t • _ b "r • 1I,.ao ell.cted. _ e pr, nt to.uay the DIary of IgBYe 1101 ".rolni In lilDb 10 all ' . " •• " l od . .To' 110. _lo,•• loal tb. JUDi.fa Joho Wilkcs Booth, ",rltten ri8 he Ibl. worlt! IhaL , .. , TUK IQuee.Jof Boi I for I I . I • • d b". iuued UOiOD P.Da t IIe, not so milch from the offioer8 of d '. ul 01 ur. p IY"O. a toy. proe A• • hoD, eelarilDIr tde d _A.


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<' U CUVIIi I Ie s Ur .. ct 1\6 l "· 1 ture, iulcorlcd II should I"" cleM. <!On, ! mOOlh and betluUful. Prioc 11 .• nnt by :.1 '1 11 or J-:.

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To .n ,,·110 lIe. iro itt.. willa. d · ( lb~ oec~,,,uy pr~p..r."ioo, 1D,,~e I~.,in" Ibe p'roo ' ....i" Iio" U'e I (;reo of chI:'. ... )'• ~~rt;.'. I CIT Y MAN U FAC T U RE' • 1'". .~",,,_~"Kollol V'.p,,·i"lI: the '~II\'. ;"h~oh I ..", ...""I!ti" .... JOM :.d .il.;":': ... 1.. .~ fr.m tho I:.n...n.. o. • .:~~.~;-;~~,~::,~::: 17:: :~i,~·~~.'! ~'I •• " rI,: .....,.... .r uPO" .,,1 :!!:. !:' ;ffl~~:\~' C~"~:h:" cc;;••m.:;.~; . A,~ .....1..., • 'ull II.. of. . F.'a.lse ~i, ,AD ....., pro". Ib, on &0 lGaWo nDtion. Tbe test.lmony whit'h·,accum. "1I!"in in iii, llody bul IIriclly uodrr owe~ •.C~D'~', No", Scoli" I!lld N.. w A·rro .. Th: o~;/:~i'·c, ,.,; UD '1,8001 .... and eo ..... ".11......1...It ...t1. . . . . ." .....n o. I" ''''0 ,~••I. From Oh. "~nO, ... i.... U~~.w .." ...., ~~.......m. . . . . . , ,h. ,,',,",.,.'. ~"'" ob. I'...",,'h .• ,. LtDIIS' DB ., 1111: 1o,r0Mr' S~"'A(JllE II 'to .... tea of b••: ".UW,o. b, ofB,,,••• ob. 00"" " ...." .. ,r I"••h,,, ..1 d." I,. , .., ....llod Ih. p.m'''M .r C......- .. '" ., .. '" '"."" '"' .,,,,,,, ,........ . . . i11 • m • w r., "".,b"••" ••• ,b. ,i". ,h. Ap."d•• I.. ri, ,.. , . .h"",,,,••""'" 'd•••',,", ..". .. A bEA, , {,.Ij .U~ PAIR 0"" I Tn 'R",' lIis, Olympia Brown I. e,n. e .8?e no reo son for But· _pirit,' b!,d control of him. be .1I~ltt:ll I II b b ' I. 0 OIl Orl,IIPPOIO' h.D"" ". or,. ,ull.,., "'HI'-r hi' .e\\I~dT· •• SPRING'" SnMMl'R WEAD MOl,Ts·rACHBS · AN'Q·W.HISK£i'~ bit (cllow·outre.


,li •• CI.O '" fur

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to ......... AI_I" A....b 001. 1,,, ia CODDIclion with ' ... eom. . n.. au ••Deeme"" ea.reiaee of tb. Coll,ge ,b. I..i week 10 JUDe She Ir.du •• of Ih., iOllilulioo. i Il 1860 •

on, 1"1'0,,"" ,'" Rnd h. r" ..o .,1,-1...·.. d"l" ,. pHsllges wore 9upprc9sel1. It tlll'owa ".id 1I0~ or rood

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' f.1I eo ' Ihlll I,owe .... r •• ceor "ace WII t 1.8 proYisionl" of '. 1be . . " fie 88t tl Ihey 10 wllhdrllw Ih .. bill 01 CODredot.llon receDlly 'Plluet! ,. 10 CA. WIL. ON. II, 1I1111.rll1CE I ' 001 I ley "er .. furuid io" I h b ' P I'c· ·' t . ' "'IIO u!!'". "";;' N.". Yurk ' . l de aixt"1 Ih r ' . ... Rnl , on '. Y' ar 1 ... el1 i . . , . . . V7 1), .' . , . .• ' . , ' . y •. ".'lIr. • ",III • It • _. t '. I. E. KEYS." ..........., ...... .. ID_ 'W' • h .. .",Iokon hy man.- """.• h,",,,, ',oa • D. J ....Ii•• ,h""Nd".d • ................ 0"",,,, "" H . ............ Ih.............. ," a .. h..n !.no, h'.•"", flll. '''l"ubd... '," .. in ... I".....". K.II., ...h,... .. N,w. H, W• .h · . " ..... .",....." . . . ,.. ... 10 wltb hOI..,. Th. '''d ud d.. _ ...........!'".....h h. . ,...Id UN. . . .. b, , .. .mI . • Au.""', &C • . -PIi... I ...!It.,A,,,1 !G, "67. ;...tecl, 'M ••• r t. 800 • . de· .palring recordll In &hl. brief rl!Cord 10 IIIduc. blla 10'" IIDtI produee .Mililary ion .enll: wilh eli.pntt". Iwelvol dOZIlIl , '.\11. .. " . _ , ... I...... ••Id ...hI. "".. ,. 11.... .1.i1 w ...... • ''''"' 9'" ,. "I . ... .. .. ......... tho _ _ , d. . ", ........"'"...,."! ... , ... pb,.. · ,.... m .........,..& .1" • c.... .........".,•• 'I.... · ..1 ."1i'" '" 13.600: MIl , Poe,....., 0 ....1 . ot liR tlie. ,..11 the .Imor. U. of ••.,'. 1011"" oftr &b ••lain. "a "pHllue.. AI . lhl. !LOmelll ' of .. rhin/l n Th t! Slibacrill\!d llla ·tRk. I ,BII k· _ , ............ . , I.., ... hldl ••, ri. II'................. ,,"......... II..., of . " ....... ' ..10 .. m•._ ....'1 .. ,.. "0, "."",,, .•,!"lth '''''''', h,


II lit no g upon tbo con!lpirnry, but it reveal a mllel, or the assossin, ne. mor8e c.ughtup witb Booth long be. tore he 1I' '

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mailIhe\(j IU , 14• ,1Ie'1\lion I•. pild .fIt ib. !'II•• Ib'u"e Dhicl l'a :I/y :lIi"of"IIt )ll

~.,L. ruI(4.~ ,ho101:, m.nuffteturrrln·E~Itf, ...h., •• "0' 8,do,. \y~ ... oji~ 1!JIl' .


, III Pdrlil, L"r beAI

~I. il>r'·;-::t. 'I··'~l\.ftII\ !"'" ~~d'OV'l!! n- 0 ' ~_J -~!~ .

F." ... A"",". A,un. N: Y., l.le" •. -: --..!. -'


ftIfIt' LLAII 4- ' 6'oOd (Jvrd Pen and j,'~'1/rJlg. "!.'~'. "'~t ' ""'"" , 0 .... _.. L.

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"'~." S~"" a.... _"_ .... , ...... "., .. hIeb ........, ... !o*' ""'..... .' .1....... "I I., ....... I........... .L. ,~. :::.~". ~h' ,h.1t ",I, E':--'I\i .,. "",.1., '''!''":!' .".". .II'Or ne .- " .• ...;.. ".rr-.... _k ............1loa. • . • ..............., ,. ,ho u.. .rblo m"..... '" '... ,...,,'/ ........ ~ •••~ ... ", ,.,'00 ...."I' I".... • " . ~ '" k,..,.. of . """,,,,,,,.d· b, d • . A....• .. • .. _ .. lbe ...... Ia w.... .... .... .....,,.......,. roo ,k. I., I.... 'b......... 1/" . r. ...... ... ..,;, ...~';',~: !::'I:':.:'::,,::'''::''.h.l.. I' £ ,""111 .1 <;111. II P.. "1.' ~ '~'h,. PlI\i r,r..': T..

~r~. . . wa.e• .., ...

G."UI"~ ~I ~=I1!:',iao~ t~~ltIIO~ d,. '0. I ~ J........ ,~,



lIuclald a' Of Mr. to h :ia .... .... loti... . . . W..' m d " . of.. h' • .... ....... .... don ......... ...... ..... . •• to .......... o. h.U .J! .... ... .. • ....._ I - .... D..... • .,......,.1 .'•• 'h..........Ia. '''''"4. D A H ........ HoO .... ,", "yo, .... " It th..... '1 It .. . .r .. ' .. roO ...... . • Da,iI. he haa aid to l . ollr•• , .... w. are .piriluall1 ,.keplieal. Burua. ia a o.ttl. n"..18 bi, 'P .(ra .bPq in 'D b' . r,roug ,,· -,. ro••, . . .' ...d In • I .. • d.",,,, th. •• '" .ay to "", . . . . . . .,•• ' ........, 1" .. I. Ca,oIl.. .., ••• ..""'. ; r.d, ... Ih.....\. 01 ," I,.."I•• . \".,I.. ,.. llroold•• , ... 1"" ;' to ....... '-P.yl". J "boolml...... born I, .h • " . ,. , &lIe phr... 'bollled op,' wa. fir,' ueed but then englged I te II e North, Til. Hu.u.D o. H''''Tn,-Th. P" ., him. • . " .I .. • .. In .but PO" ,r Uoo " 'f 10 01"". Ho ... mao.... b. R' h . , . "'. .• " ......i..... I,,, .......... ,11 ....10• • 'l'iIa D.,toD j(lllraa\ aIIaotiDH' tli, lAlIt, Mr. GaUl,.; hu!d ID a IDO •• lIuBlorop', l\aaL "ill .el,h dea'" of Mr, BrowlI, Ih. mall ID Lb., m.n in Ricbmo d' c .• town to , lDau,lIrflle 'aod phce wbo 10 be wilbou' rood ed .n acquoiotao ,::.: nnd reDIl"" malllWla, • • 'gimoMiuDa' for for more Ib if d co "",&un 10 lllany bolb Tb . '''''go. • • ....,.1.' ••11 ....... mtllced ratlog .gRio. Th. Jourolll _ _ • ... ' .d IDd Ibe chartel"ra dr.wo to Jife. •• y.; Food "'med 10 dilOrd" IIi. Tilli NVRlIIRT ed't d d Nobody e,o r ...d it mirtb .Dd .,.t.m .Ctlr to loog a fa' d b ed by F st c an publish- iD.truolifo . DOD" rail I 'btai b'

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pl. Dumber.

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W_..., 1-.

_ ..............

T& Aoomaln'.--oa ,.......,....v......,__........____~~__ U .~e B.mID-Y ri • . , . WliiIQ" ·~~. on t~e log ear at .ripf. ea.w mtM NL EDmJ. Dr.... = I.thol ~L-ITT~LE-•• -U)l-=t-=BA.==lLR==·O';:AD==:!I!1hi. pant.aJoon. e-aaRbt fa tile' wbeel' I .ad gift 10' aJj,.... icMa ia Lbe 1.,.0 and If ae car btl aot been ebeeRd alalion ... Sbauu cllickea :

T."" ...

WA ...avn....

ftAIIII -...nW41U1



CincinnMi Eapr_.

8.47 .l• •• "

..-II .1141 AcOll.... ( ;uluUlbu. Aceom..

J 0.43 A. • • 6 .t7 1'• •,

Exrrp•• ,

hI II .....

P ltl.burg

the moment ~11111 er~d out, liia foot oC a p.r. of .Idek... a Cow-! w:O'UlcJ bue been efltfrer,. 8e"ed from a!ld. hea, f~r doll.r. 'Iob. 1',00.lhe}eg. A8 it ,.aa( COI·tUDllMy, Ms Bol. Ing· .10 clog ll,o bide, to

(eoa... "4no.,.,


. r."lumIJUI Accom..


8,09 • . /II.

Cinclnl1 ati &lIJ1reOl', PlllI~IIr, E;(prell(l,

i,36 p. M. 8.28 I'. 1 011 nOl .IOp Ilt Corwin .

.. D C 'DW LL D A ... . • A It • 1:11; rnt. (aOW.U.IoAOr.. III _ .n.L'. ~'" A./ltftll. tI KIl••ua, H"rcbaoll' Unilln Ex•. ",". POS1'.On' ICt-: NOTIGIH••

" .. rl", .. , t 05 u , IUaY"YlbCRGH MAIl., \ 30 t . M·. MODd.,. 'ft·.,fn...I.) • ...J F,id.y . . ~ \ ... " .... "~TOl'l !I1 .ue.. , A. /II . T.",dal. ... .ltd s.,.. N101. AlIllII' " 41 I' .. • J. A. IK\;iN I' . A1.

T~ <I",


t»o8tabockillg llnd 11:;inlullleaUI oe.

To tb. Cl il. eal of Wa w atl.vi11e. I







III~m. th.,~,



~\OIlS reltlU~'~~'1i"i!-i>tOI rl.cty

of hi . 1IIItI wI! are 10 "01 ; I ,II'" "il)i~i . doune.h;PP t. tro(.ucillg the !Iert'lce of tlle J-:1,i8<:o, 111'11 R "-llye cllrrt" 011' luRI prillci I pili Church. in ,tbi8 Jllllc~. A'ftcr COil . plfo. lind IlwlI}'" t-zpeci 10. , lIultillg "'ith : ' few frl' utll'mrn who There Brrml 10 be: IIII%idy . ' witbaome 10 IIII\'e Ilppo_ilioQ in IIIC' lilld Lcen .instruDlentlll ill Lringing blilchering Lu.ille .. in thi. plltcl': whe. tile ml'ltc r LeCuI'e the . .•l\h. lher il is un BeoCJunl of the ., p,ict' \Iecidcd to g.i \' e IlII i nil'o(l ucto. uf mear. or it 1.11 beclu_e lll' y C1Innot gl:L b,,(Of ""to It,ey wOlild lik~ !y 8(·I'\'ll.'c. os 8ooll' ",8 l,rol:' icnLlc- to ba"r it. wo cannol lell; btll \VO will aI .Ifcw '· wel.ks ; aftcr . h d L s .. y· Illi., lbolL QU mnn clln. I' Ihe ,po rei I' . Wb Ie more el'll Cl , mCIIs urC8 call (' enL price of ., "ood bl'",f r"llle.· .011 wu' lnken. l.'~o. 'r-"Q8~ClS ' of llle M. E. "' lin, 1,,11, 6kllru ·d'Hh ,ve are ."IIiI"~ (jllu1'uh bl\\' "ilI'Y ' gt'" l'OIINly eon . • t: aod we h.Ye eODl. to Ihe CIIOC u wd to tl ·'·r tI i ('I h Ii .iOD liDee. tllat we CliO not pll!lIe~ heO Ie ~e,o,. Ie r IIIrt' or "rrw:bnd'J' I.tlbOll,h "e hlye tri.d bard the opening oc:caaloQ. In the. mtlAIl 10 . .. ., . ' while, it 18 earnestly dC81rl.'d tbllt all •' QA.RNIIAR.T tAt THORN. wlJo (eel ' hltefesttod In thl. ni atte I' P.. S.-W. would JUlI I"'J. · ...0. 10 '11 k th I' k ' A Iho•• wbo b.,. 'C-"'IIDII I,"odin .. 011 11'1 ma e emae ~es D01\n to . . II }:. Merritt, Esq. Further partic~. our Book. ,h.' "ould IIkll Vtry . ' . '. mach 10 bafe Ihelll IIttl.d . . . . . .rl' Inrs will lie sh'~n III duc time. ntfldiag lb. 1ia0lM1 badl,. LeI Ibi.,",





l,robIlLI~' \\:iiIlJI~



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w their lot!

Ibe parties Rlwllya Call


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"'a)'uesvlll~ Murk.e ...


~ ~~

WI,eRI m bUl h e l . " Rye 11 1I' ., JlO


0 . 111 11' Bllrlt'y




Duck WhRlt



bu . .


Ihr~~ ~: :~:~~f::i 'II~




btI.hel. bOAh .. I, 'Dried "I • L Appleed 'f !It "C IICaena . UMII, If< • f. Nile 0 .


N~.U. M~I:::,~ufl~at:.

14 @


Surg"lIm Cu.1 on 1I,allon,

~~ ' ~~




whlch .·be





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of Wlyne TO"'Dlbip. Silid I.... make. 011' alu<, I, . llIw; bllh .. 'hll It unla",fullor tiny pentOn or peno.... being h;:a nul ulI ,haod. we UbIMIIB. by ll:x· the .owoer, or bavlng cbarse of an,. bO .... A. p ... on Ihort notice. . mules, cattle, ehup, goate .",Ine or 1j1!C!81l





AD~ p.i••



on ".n;LI

io rur: at large, ID ony . W. h.,. III.a ,MtI uaorl publIC I'OI!d Of bISh",." or ID aD11alle or al menl u( .lmOl'I ey.r)tlWi;. . ,. let. or .poD 'a n, ..nefoeed l.nd ID lhe .. fate ftnllllljr whi~b ar. . • 10 uur III., 10, onder a. ~nah,. 'or ever,. "Iolatlon, P01'S.


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~unll.u\ r.celpt or

Ibl cbolc.. 1




11t~ ~~"1'irtt- .'

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£IAlo.E . I-LES

DllE,SS -anODS;:

EN AM . EL KE·?; lt:rrL·1~;'SI~e. Ii. . .



. tJNDEn.\nA-R.

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t lS,

LEBANON, OHIO,,. oad Alway.lcepp 011 h~nd i i 1.1 I ~ t ( , (lr m n 0

WA'l~OUES. .






')E~EI:RT:.. S" 1FE'R ~ PLllrnED ' W· a.13~ u..¥




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S .p e c ·t a C'l e 8 " :... . ;.'li~n, 'QP, l'l.'.u\ ~ 8$\l~fG , f~ •. " ~ h~


~ ' " ••• ' : ; "".GE r..O'l; O_.,IHJROOI..iieOJU; F.·....1:.··S &. ,ViLS " Q".i. t.:~.'S"R'·l' :lS',1 '( 1 L'I".IIt IS •




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I " '. 1

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_ ." "mon. ' i.rlttlg'ii."libt; iJ ~~ y .. . . . .


I ii.e

e/lould 1101 (.U ••o ca." aDd .... mID. .. pU; atocka before ptlrc:buln, 01Ie"lIir8. j l'f ,' TOMIUII,_ havlllil had . thl,rtJ.II~. yeare expl!,lenc. In thi. bu,ine.. bol;/J ill lid EUROPE Ii ff II Inll !AanlRICA 1 ,j.~·. 1.Hi.o"D' v e I U V n, .n"re ' ~nd.o! oUr_ illlfceet I"'nk' I 'I~. public fu, tl'81r 10rDier p':Uo,a,«' hop.blB •• wllh .Irlet Bul.',ction aiten'lIoo' 10 ': all .b·""' Iu be 10iliro palronllre II', no,v and ber"'.ler, vOur partlcuiar alt'nUolI '",III to Ihe R&plirllj, o( '. "'. '." W,ateh •• · Mld Clook •• . &110 lhr-ra-









&11 W


. . V II" ••• '" ' 'o rk' Wal'..... tei '• ~ AI I> b" " . 00 ,L 111'1.11 lolnrorm oua'om"r.· .lId Ih • . 1)0<# ' . wly' n .nu, a 1I d' .tock pulihc IBn.rolly .. l".tl have Ihe larl/llll CO" •• ( nnd lind b·.iUectelialock'ol . u Dr (, loc:kI. Ar. o, B, B. Lewl"B (IeI'. . pOlul1 c,Ie'lidar crock.. .. ·.r, I" • 1111



~5\~ th~U1~.,..InlrD~,.m ,.~


rClr 8prlnar W ..r. , Ih.t I ewer bid, Ind .1I


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Ladles'l, "BoY"FMisses': and . . Childr.enJs Wearl . .. • : ...1\



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all o( til' L8t"t~,,.I'II/. :. "Id I .m pr~ . plred 10 ~."Ur8C'-IIr'':. 10 order. 011, Ihorl

hDtlG~, ill~.'lrIn. In -~h' ·'''ob' : ti'''d 'Shoe

W ··4 B • .~ I' I .' . '• • '"


Hurta'l,",'. \'r •••••·ft ••: 1\111(['''11:'.




' Nltw· ina


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W.H. ·.. ANIHQTOIV. .. C.rd., .ellool·aollll.'., A·IHdi'a;·'JlJafif.


~RO~l'N. AND.• '

.AND : RKS. ; '''.' . .' ASSH B10WLS,




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W:II illvillJ '1i11lt.lI'eA'tlln.\ o./ :"'tfr f'i.nd. . v_ I ( •• If I "• 'l .• u: .il

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ME EO • ~:a~Ip~ES.



Corn~r Mu lberry Straet ID" ,1k0.cI·~'Ji



SHOV"'l.S.' 1:" ~ · .,


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ll.l. '

, •........cOn.i.lin' 0(.".... :

. LADl'ES ck .GENTS·

. " I~iot d-d 'il~a.~.I;~ ...... qui lily.,


Lower Prices. ,!..... .'

. : . ...... :!

t. ,

OM 'loa1/ of 'BO!j'i'S"'AN'D ~riofiH ,«HDU ·:."J: Cllllilr.o'. WA"' " I. uf ,I,e :QU.... LITY: I ) , .: ; , '

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BOIl.,-fjh '. ,


StlOOLDEi.;8~A¢ES, BES'~ ' , • 't:--:n:--:"':-o:-~-':";"'::""':""":"""":"~~":"::"i....:...!.::. ALL THlt l'Ol'U~,,& . ' " ' :" lIIKIN~, · . . JI.. u. BAlUtiS. TH. E · NEW' FIR.... · t~dttl\l .Jllt~icint9. tIlL. OF1, PE'RFUl\tf.ERY !




I EI h ' .............. . . , III., ~~~


Notice ie hertlb.y gh'en , lb.t on find Rner

15lh day of !'lay nest, ~bc la. '10 .e · t"tlie .ht~l\l~ from ,u~l1l1lgl at. largo ctl'."'m . ft~hn"ls erelo Darned, '1'1 I be enfor~ed 'I'I,llIn the



ClrrallUci Iv !}it'B


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• .,

~Of L,dlll!'"


TO: .O S8 COST.OltiERS ,' l



FAmilT G.O



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WK!m IX'iPI!'"""~ 'V. Ll till,


~;;...;;.~ for JOu b1 Ire . ODet'.~,oI~ia~'J.~~.;~N;o.:1,~~~I~~~~;r~:;~! .... _ Ji,: ,JQb; ~.~ . ~ti~'l'i.r ill.,.oli ...... .:. . .; ~ brio!:'::id .:: . ..."" iiIIl.....'! ...... IIO 0Il~ '!Dtllrp!:lli1lc.ptr,It.. and be. ~ali'

' • •


Jh.o, tl; "'l~ ~:_1 . ~lt,. ;; .•Betel . . ~,'l~• •h .. ai . ~ili"o,tl . ':J I9." " .~j," ••/ . t.l1I~ ~"'J! .'ih, h.jadr~d. ..


Superior to BIlJtbingln 'hu place

~ rrGURF.fl,~ r~f ' C

8to!ck ....otl.Oe·.


' , .. STOCK '. .. .~I rlSi)~~t lt. the.' ·towest il acnr :

~ ' ~.,,:. m.' ~:;". . m' ~"lIr


8' A 8


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S6. 8d!ooI8tNet.~;

• ~IJ ~ We II'*li ~'I qollllUOtla .~. -. . , 1 . ,_. 'l.;~ i·• .~ti, ·i)t~~rtij;.all :- W!.'D~•• .K~l"~'.

i. ..., ' 1J.1A.wI.:~ ~



I .. . C T·CAD,ITALL An'Ell,

:~:': ;eD"1S~7~'~~~~cU~~~II;~I:!,O~:.cI,'Y

. .' '. .~.~ '.. . • ,. . ,..rroDi", l .r.aier "b.w 101 '~..~eri~ to "'nI ,~er'd~, . b.,. PUtle~ ...d :aI.,~ ~.. _ •.~iLL, \qv.!l~..d~. , .."..

i'~ ' th~ W~. S'



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~nats. an):·£hlJts 1 pm

' .~. ···". ~.t~'F.''h~'l'f' '-:_ "- :l~I'.a· S:·'it. \ ,1' •..:

S·19na .'Or"I"'1'I!ar.'1or. ' . \.'."'",.... ..,, "", ". ':: .... - +'.I. ,

~u~~,a.hun ~v

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ICh·~lolne,. I'•• ·mrrd Ihll Ihev can h... t elr wo •• .lillie III ~ .ly Ie !,".II~pI .. ed by in lhe nlUUlr.y. and ill partll\\I-

t. ,

PEERLESS, PArlor ~Ir; I'or' "oot! YOUNO AMERICA, 'COllI. !<'ANCY l"ltAN KLIN, co "I O~ACOtf, l'A~LOR\ t:OOH'~ . ~ond


ltrorthua,lhaa'ri'bg'. . .. ~wet:e; · "'Ua "11 D. bl · . r ' "' te'db .b...·.OYill•• JW_d.IIIlI. 80J. 118"lIIf. ·. . L. D. ' . e ~Q jC&ll ~preeen Y eelttar i gJ' tu; IlllI 'llbrk I.". r.Om' 4111 W. B: SB4TTQOK. . Dr. a~birt'1..> ~o iaclil'ect,bene8ta, 'to' beet-he' ~: .' . ,'\"'" "' " ..I J:J,,;;"

,~ H'


.,... I'penecl"ID



alld Mixe.d Pam .' tal

. . _. 011 ....lUrtb .S'rr"~, WaYI1C8villc. "bout Ihe ~ ItPW lirld I wlll'folllf"ooa 'or UlSS MONEV it"", 23d In"~a"l, a Watch, ~·ith Ellg""h guld CU,'' . 'II .11 0111.'." "ou con' btl)" Hi;' IInle quality ror II~t. with lI~ht gola ~t,,1 linck rim , ~(). :l2 ; quollly . . 'II' Ir~rt . wh'e~tle'r' ILUIi Ie_ cl'r ' , .. ' "" , . . , ' .• ' "', wi.ds III lhe f1lca. A liltcralt\lw ard will Lc . I "J:), .t . '" ',. . ·O.btlll·! . .' .; . " : &0 .• "·&c.. · '··&It. 1- I," glTotl to. My fle r.'1II ror illfurmdioll Ih.l " 'i11 G pn.II PIne .. •• F~~" ,. . G .... , ".....-..- ...... ,;;-;. ...,-Cl--...· S.~CIl~C I , ~e!,~ to ...E ..S.. _BI,!C'I'1I II.CI·, W11~· n..' t ...,l,linll.l." ....,~ ..... ~... · IIcK"llie.. Qhl"~ '- , . ' • .I."IIY· Oil h.ntl- Stjlp"nqofl " .....--r' , "<'- Mny 27. 1.i:~'7. . .. " " ' "''''''' ' •• - .-- ~ . • .. ' ".pe~ ·t:uil~~~:"'o,"&II: , " '" • \ I.... . • A h or IIIi5 WI .f l .. tltnrll' rrJ«'rh,pi! 11M; Inl. 1 . T. ·r. nOQSoN. "'lilt;· ,.' '. . 'ii.' ~tac ~ent. uf lite ubuyu IlIellli .. ll cd. F.... un lind., . ~ W.rne"m"l ~hrch !l6. , . . , .. ' . M. ll.lIolhng8'1·01·lit Be.roll'e J W . \'5 J Pnrw.,,,,~'I'p 110PIF{'TS l' . r<o ' \ Jnln08 H illbKrd . '\; SOli . W.rrrll (hi., 0.111';; • lo. ,;..~ ..... , :~~~S~IN S, •• 'f . ' , 0" lhr 21 stdny of Mil. \" A J) ' If'1l7 a.i d \\' to' ~ .... • J II.LiccJssyed an ordel' o f RllRchm cnt in Ihe • • E"1"LLE,, I' . " " 0' '. IIclion lor the S~IID 'of 3:204.60. " 'I,id, At the Old FUY(lrit. of Ju : , at It. LOW A<SI1, ... --4I1D.W 101 )1 HOLLiN GswORTU. '" OIlY clly , tUWII. UP, villa"", allal • , . " JI ' . _., ~ CI""os"Hle, 0: MRV .~7,1~1i; ; · .. ~ ~~ . '.'. ~ ~



" e QlO~"t ~ fa . tbe ' office .f ormerl . , Y. baa, ... UDder, , ..t.he 'all; wblle IIr. ,Ir\.~t'l~d~"- c~·

.,. _

of.a~18h~~~ •• nd.m,lotII,

I:t·:, ~: t. ~ , . .; . ' . beautirul Mifrn. · ·r.: llft l .IO'~. 11,,11 PrJ!:,.. : JlCeOrdilll, ,,'" Ibe


.,~ lf~eD

~Ult.1lQ•• eeu", Uld1aleotbe Dublie • • ' _ t::.

on t.h

. '.'

1 ar or and DilJb.ig.Jt(Jom



,,- I



"'I" . l y'" If. nnllal II f b . . r l' unUluctur"d by l\' A. pUl, Ii_ri, bO . v-J n I 0 .t e Ibl'.ve alo'. u, Ihe't! " ". ""'1 '1li~ jl)'& IlJ c:'4\J Ill' Ire Nize.-1, e, IlIiI I" to my U('Sl Custoui \Vork, . , u, 'v IlIrO'ed Otlt .11 ul\\ays on hllnd Coli. elpeclml Ittenllon to Ihe rocl th'l J 80 • hi. new .ftlock ?r i, compl llLe ~ 00 • COliin" 0 In ev e ry parilCII ar, Dnd In everl lOOp 111~ re' I't' Ul worlh,. Ihe alten· .2 . T dun o( Illo Public. d . •• 300 S OVE8. FOR woon A".T [) COAL. In pllronl •• nllml IIIIDlIrlbtllrel. T ¥ '" Ii, I.r&ell .lId be.t Itock or 811 ,

1700 8

Ear';'.'" dollen. A?plu 11 lUlhel. Pear.


1\t.w .,. ~



Flour; barrel, FI t "lIr lter

eH ·EM teALS:

~O ~ (' M00 P I 0' n. d e.. all e ·r ·! C L' 0 T H' I N .G 711


~~~:r:~:.~!:ltr Ilr~~tl!, !J!If~lIiItI ,

,....0 1Ioof. ,8 .... ( lite It,rm 'Uilii••. Wa,nt"ll!e. April i9, 1867~ .. ·'·".II.,leIOck of ",..'£ Ii· P ....I • • I I · DLEA~.HED 1111..s"lNS. + P , w n 'Ie COlllllr)·. '.t··.·~ , ., ' VIC'rOR "'1VI''f'1 '1;'<I' :' 1 ..··1 ·1·' W,j .a~e •.II~o, . ~"MD~lO! ' 8, ~.,o"':' r ' ntfJ" "~""",,t.,"r ",) tng Po· . , ;.g ~ ~ . HI~lIn 0i,a.D• •• ,!Ca,~e4 . u.JI!~. t.t:::., \!14! ~l>5J_fPlDplullt thinK iD NOTIONS. ' - -.-' . , Sle", •• " Bndl1ury. 8oIfJ*'l .... ... al.. CO'""L D' , IIOSIERY. & Emmon. Goebboll., ~ . . . :.. . , (The I,tlor Ife fine lOlled aull eb.'~:)i:. X EN I A, 0 H 10 . Wo will lurol.1I lOr of • '. • • I . lower Ihln anI olher bOll'"' In Ihe We.. t C~!'UN Il',!PPltft.9. .\ AI" ar•. no'" preparedblJc to .(u~nl." ,he-Ir 'rlend. We ere•• lsll, ·...eDI. tur Ilie'Flnkle • , III SK:..I.''''T :<JtRAPS ~o. ... Ind Ih. P'I Seovill.1I U"cbtae;. ~",ittM4 it • , "\' I.Lh the nry 8AUSAGB STUF~t.S. . • " , .' BESl AID (:IIIAPE~r tt1M8ER y a"c~ine; . c.naf\d .....It·ll! Q.' A FULL LiNE.. OF READY.MADE to bo f,!IIod I,. IIltr)lei. ' Co Our Ilock Oct. !'1T I. I ' , . • SPRING B Y 11 eO:·NI.tnOf>lllp.r.Ona'poLr I. •• , lba . . t p. UI Ihr.. dol· 'rllro' Tieutl Ie ...., ... C"Okl, P A D-LOtJ(t OKS. iII!l .Ii VU"'aArU lar... WI" for p.... riD. or It I ,.Ibar. Na. ~ Broadwa,., New Tori< ; Na. 16 81&1, SPOQNS; TACIta. I ' ",' ('> . .0'" for laaf' p"N; aad ..... StreetallCl Depnl BllJTTANF,&,' 8pn. nv8. .. .• -;.,.-.l:la,I,A.... ' ... r' "U 11 B E. R ·. bah for .i1k••••i~1 ._1 i' ancl UoIolI 0 ...., Cle-eJaad, 1'0.66 Oink VW' •~ .'; . Dr." ' A e• .,I..r.lg. pr'10 oeDI. a TIN AND SPOONS, . ','H .• • " Bam .Jihn. whlOhJ:",tbl••• 1e ,.rry 10. . ~"~Ij~;y:tl.181~Vj'I'.U,8. SlttJu" .FaNllarul8cAoollHll,. SI,ig" I~ d....... tii r ...--~.r: OD Ileh 'hi.C tb,' · • • ""c . :c. ··" - rt Dr ....... I.L., .., De .... , B-". 01 ' ~"" .• • ... OOp. , '... Q . Ca F . p". ICllets, . r. I S11'"".~ nil ' ~ '" .... . ...... ... ,~: r# ~ ' ..,." . enCtnlJ', . 'P anqe:if '"' ,b.,.,e'lIIen' !D~Ii'''.~·· pa. ~ lob il tlD\l~'~~.,f.~g.rDePo'!,!,he9~~'t.I ',u. ~. ".' . :,I.,. ~ ".J, ': >of"! . ,.. ,S'll·n' :·tM.I. .. W ·' !... ~ ',an'dS' I• ..,;,v.' ." ,., ,: ••. &.-1100111.11 A: 'DIl""n a.1l1t1". ; (0 J;od~IYUle. f'.....,.... ~ II,A . .' . " aDa agin 'IIltl ...... ",' lla . ' 0' . 'fhmt1«m· lIt·s. W. 110'. Main IJIIl 'rhlnlllMle~ ' IlIcHiS .., Lb., .PitltoDihall;.' IheN lalled ''''Ita Poai'tb' SInef'elllhUbe' 0 . . . attt;()ollliee~ t, 'J;' ,, ~ •.., L A ·T ·1l' ?o;. (no.~ 1l 11!4 ',,,a~ift&"enky.... d. lb.d·~,~~le.ta Inr LlaeI, r~ ni 't b ,\ .' llJ··I~I'I · -,. :.r;r;,)1 \ 1 I. " ,


~Ulllarger.I'IlD or CQlStom

I d

--0-1 I~:.. - CB. . d. ..... .· ' ea. r.&Y6ad 0


0 ••.;


CLOTH.S,~'4! awn C·'SSIYnRES AI NT, 'VA ' RNl~H. &.C A -&lUi' .



New DrugiStDre or Dr. Roseberry, the ...I...l.l . sid f th ; t t. on :~I'rv:"~ . II 0 e a rec: "i.e ~~tnl.te the. Dr. upon the





Cart/ullv Oorredecl Eve r!J n't(k',




.' ~:au'YIUl1L1,

ED I CIN E S . l1l

D'R 11 GIS.•

Tli, ],argu l and befl·,ri,cUd StOCk

M 0 N AD C .R , .


."AlL,DltAlto. Q

lerOlla " HI • for the large ond U~PI'"C~.Je " I~.d p Iro nag" II,ud)l ll lr ie lltl, fo 10 hltll. and wnuld . e. pecllully i"lurm lite.. Iblu he il uow In rec:elpt or .


Always Ahead ! ! ALW &~ RANDALL..




\(li-dt-wnlt.,~ .. b!mlttt,



. ..1.


1 ··..~a,:D.


' . R nITRNS h ll I ineere Ihanh 10 hi.

!1tl~ .o1UlILN 1'~I'lrn:tCl'f.I I ' ' llcSi' Thh Ie Irue in nftme lUll f.[ne .her~


lullieieDt ..... 111••0ju.' "b,t "f' '1,. T,n; N~,,·.Jnsn 1l4G.lZlu.May 28. '67. ' B • • T. lej~IK'il+'~-i R~GERs,t"nn ' Tb~llg~ th~ courtc8Y of Mr. F. \V. .... M.y 6. Conatable. (Advertilcmcnt. J I'otter. of tbe Newark Courier. \"1.' ,K IIWMnoXI041fIUI M..l 27. ."OAD Glla.OIl ,.lIeaT LINE ·h.ave bad the plellsure o( peru8ing M'FTt:1l EVITC_ : ,.AJ I hflve neur ATL·~'f." & Gn~"T " '££T£o" n~ 11 mognzlnc with tbe a. hIId Ibe pla.ur. 0 ,9 vtiOlilatill mi lell III II. ' Iltll . '1 C! i~.l . bo\'o title. The 1I0\'olty of a strict· Lbra ),our yaliblo Doo-pllper. i.lIn hll' 'DKOAD GUAGIJ . 1)' lItenary cnterprise cmanating frolU to Ihe konldllllllDb 2 u~re.a mi \'Q ' P RAI I N,'cw oJ erscJ,. Is no t Icss an agreeD " hi oDtO .lh'lelh,bulalet! .tUll! la". tlla l -VIIte baa biii Igit.lin oy . tlti~ ..I!(!bslltion"1 than the elgnal ahUit,· ' 09 .0 mile h d'mk'l . Clll")llf""TI,_l1a."~" •• .... l'fU J and • I I tee IDtO ew MA"".I!LD _ ClLB'·B .wbich Is m~lllrested in tho mRgMille l Ih. ~"lIreb .n.t! I:l.wh~r~··o,· lail. "hioh ' . (;088'-. !. ......."41'11:4,' I\od the e"ldencc& 01 determination 1 tlllO" •• 1 '-lin,. fur JIll kCD.lao.huQ · TO oir. WHOM em the IllIrt of the editonl to rank al. a~d .houd be r~.peektid. You 'u 'WI" "1:1 '17' . 1me 10 ,.r"vor 0' ih...tork la.. Y". .&.~.. .... ..&;\, . .Do , tbeir work witli the firllt 1n tbe CQun· .irt"; ,Iartfr".l be t it al• he BOSTON.' try. Amo~g the contributors are flllmer~ Iho lIIernop~rlv ~'palltl'in 11.1 r.TT8BI1ROn ' tbe raey 'and brilliant Jame&< PartoD, •• tlle 0.' Ihe nin.. P ...... .. ,l, . Iho git\e(l .nnd eleinlntJame. W. Wille, a' Ibtl blea, .pme.,. and ct." P . no . " ...... -OR.. . .. . .._ . , r"neu. . .". D, All.. W.U, AI4.lImdllo)l. Dougll.,.authorof co dl . '1' ' 1 .. ' . ' I II IlL . W..lSI.. NOTON CiTy.... n l' .," r ' • ,,0 , •• I 10 .omp. I II 10 ... In •• .-... . -,~ , ""~t,, \V.rt §ik~, f ..W . to"D to 'bi tbllr. blltt.,r 0, 0.' .Dd .• Thl. ,.If,eo.,I,- Ro"lft IOlh. ; ' ' Pottcr, othcrs. ravorahly known. eana priee. fo! II. ~.t~ ...nd f1-1. . Oil RegioDS PeDl:sylvanial 1I(j'..... riOr publication; aii'd Will 3dI,••a11.. faJ1Dera .batl tbe i •.h • Qftiek •• c1 enn,rn , l. , It:" L.... .• " vr'Jlhl ' . . PASSF.JliGERS bl T ' 'If . ... 8 " . t:lkc 'high ·..ank If its prosent promise Ulta~•. e~ .. t . " ng . ollr o"e :" a'r "1>11" epf-II~ .10... InltOl"'.ntl .. er· . ", ' 1" . ...i'_ fur .L I~ JUl.' 111\ peltiT tole me .tod.)· (tIC', 11'1 OIlQ"n•• DtoIs ~.,.. uti.. ,h. i, lolftlle'il. \ 83 a year, N. "J: ....g. ("otl 1"'.",IIctN ~h,fi.,"e •• i~). I~il ~1~~X~.cH~~.~ ~/:~'fn$~i:'~:::'~' r~ra.!:i~~U:~'~ 'zial!, Ncwa.k, N. J. . abe. 'i .n.,a .11111.11 "Ilorkla". b.u.. Ihe frulllpi Tilh" a"d Su .. Conpeclioo. of Ih. . ,_ _ , ... _ ...... . Ibr'JlOC! 1~lh)~ Io.~O 11.•I"'I~lot, 110 rile tJdaNic ,.nd (]~ Wt,ImI RtDlffJGY . &iF r.~.e ro;St..Ollloo h.. ~Ii I~ oeba~' to •••ad. _b.b"'.I.lurli/.~'D .,.. _ ............. _ ...... _..,.., 1I'Io\'ed b,1 Hr. John A.·Uda, tile lIot ao "., DOW .• _ . _ _. 0 0 - -

. .'





tIUl.n~~ RN) ne for II bofllltf(ul 8UPP~Y ner h i, .. belli, IIII iudu'Se<I. Cllke· .. hlC~ 8cc~mp.nled Ibe IIho" a notlCE', .

~Idt our he~rtlet Wi. bue folio,,' I~ more JOY IIRO aorro" muy


RUlGrot:R.-l"OI' the infol'lJiDtion cattle a. LbHtI Ara: i'n II,,, cOIID/rr. (or ·6 or ee\'('rRI inquirel's. " ' Co take Vlellll ' ceDIs IIf,t poun.d sroB8. We are .ort) ure in stilting thnt the Rev. S. W . tn ,ay Ihll we ..... " II1\d the p'easure of . riding" lIumbtr or milllJ in lite palt l~oyre; Rector .of the Episcopnl f~w "eek, Lo et'e cattle II"" lome fatm. c.:hurcb . in Xenia. : visited Wllynes. en lIod aorne Lutchera call sui Rbi. (or . k t b d' t • d . "i II e 011 W~..-day IlIlt. " IIY tliree. rnllr '" , III IICCOI Inil' 0 Ollr JU gment tion of. Bisbop Ye!Jf"olllc. for . til e ,,~did nol cOD_ider them lit 'for our lrlldr. al we do noL illiebd ilL nil', time .v~};po8e of ~{lking some .hu·csUgn. 10 ·lrnpobe IIn)'1 IIlIlg ' upun I III: cilillln"


,, .


a~)' r~.







't ".

a t .O V 1S



~'Av" ey m'·." O£'~I~ h n.. D1o~har,




'FA,V.O R t tE.n.

re,ddence of th o IIride '. in U<lIIipe:llft, Ohio, Rev . L. Mr. J . Hboude.>l, of WII~' lle8y"le , to 11illa Knt.() Sis·

'_, ' o"l"u wlleo Ife ' no'" "'ure Ib .. n 10 T1~, au d, a t. :luOll t noon. th c pOOl' " '0' dl,- or IWO w..J bold. CUII'.'qlltDlly, mao. espired. , She wns conscious lip it i. .181011 impollible 10;. to the time of death. nnd expreu. 1II0ne'J,'. di"rootia" up illibe la.t eel conccrn for her Mr. 1II?"ll! ••.illlIl,ow. Irll"iIIilli • h rd . . to kef'p th. Ira4f' gOlul( If •• cCI.ld gel 'u B urk e IS a a . . "·Ol'klllg. rcap!-'Cta· lloek. \lolil lbe Ie. .oa COGICC lor ble citizen. and 'fe tender . hilD our IIIlk. . I 10m. moor'J. 1 bal been laid by ~0CDe .llolot.Dd • i neere ll'·ml.atll'· oJ oJ in llis 8:ld bereavc. lo c.rry on 'he I""ill"" in Lhb pllM:t' _ •••• -'- 100ri, ,hal dle'J bll,. • 1 flood ~('I t.




III • . a .. ... 1l!OOd. ..,'lf.P" "'.hld, ije I, :0 I"'II,!' WllOi! ·!{'.cr.. ··!:a... ov.en Irllecl. iW llll , , .e.ulI(1 1)e ' nui lfuljlrut"d i lyfe " . re~18tO!r1n .dolll' 10 .. ~I'le ,hel Ir UlDeia . .. . .- ut nl; ·.~·II~·huill ¥ hI hii ture uf lit e ll ill b.)! I."" . . . . . . . ·em. plo.· alline. ul I'h, " ';' UTe· ..... "' !MM, nt t e ,.J


~rl'OO• ill• Ulill l)I;lce 011 Sutlinlo"lo8t, been cODlhlrr"ble said oJ boAI tllPre I b hilS t . b ' . . the l'artu:u!ttl'\l of wLlcb are sub.. lit t.,e u cl,trto" URI.II~U '? tim IIwntilllly us : 1:1180e, tD t4!glltd to 1110 IlIglI of . ' • Irl'sh meal alld tIle irr('gulll/ityoJ , About 8 0 oloc:k Sul.urdRY 1D0rlllng. " 'e Icel il our dilly to IIIAk ~rs: ~u~k~. "'ife of Thomns IJurke. ~'IODl~ e;,IIIIII.:iull. oooeitoing it. ~I~ .\Vho ",.CS Ilcal' \Y r' glll's mill, 1\'Cllt Ibe 6nl plhrll, ther" aro • Iflut many into tlle {lCu whcre their lind cnlf penon. who do oot koo" lhat Cattle of . fi ' 1 '" I , . all gr.dca .re "lrCII. and more ea..... lT~r~ eOIl nCt., .or .t.IC. purpose of eilily Ibe kjlld Lhllt .Ie Illibble 'i~r dn\'llJg out BODIe (:lllckcus. Sbe .hl!lllhterinj(; "chller are th.,y 1""'11 "liS followed iuto enclosure loy ·a, ,bllt they ...e "orihJrom 6 to Cl'Il18 uug, whi(;h th.o cow ntull.'kccl. lIud ,'per Ih gro I wfiglJl. which it elju~1 to 12 .1 I" d II.. I. II d III "'hielt made it" escnpe, \'\'lien the oow ' .10 .. U .O lAra per uun n ,; Q~t . .. J\f n k . ,welgilt. tllrnc,~ IIpon . ..1'5. 1I1"C. gOI'I~lg u,?d w~ lire fnqllt.n!!)" lI>ked "II, "41 do stnmplllg het III the most rl'lgbtrlllliot lull more c"IH' and Ihel'p. W.. II, alld mllllncr. A ssilstnucc lhe rl.'llIltln iA. Ihe fum en ' object io adl "IIIUC too liite to prcvent the luturla. ing lheir .ht'~p Dntil tlley gflt lhe wuul (ed. hl:B8t hom illOil:lillg fntal inJu. ulf Ind ,!e re(lI.e 10 buy '

T 0 V E ~~


"'~!!!!!'"__ .. __ _!!!!!''!'"!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!'!!~!!!'~!!'!!!!!!t , _ . ______ ==-=s GOIIJ.:D TO D.:A 'rJI BY A Cow.-A



.10:4& e. . . 141 I t . . J sa r. /II.

a.-. 'froiD Wtlt,


I~ 1867. · ~RING CRISPI:N,



. o::r" Oue. E. W. WOODWARD, Prtticleot. JOlUI D UII ... D, G~n'l SlIlt.t,

JIt,U Troia t.ot.


f.Oot 'ftu Dot . e rionll}.r damaged, al : • tf'P Iltor ~rom 8'Jlng o'~r fne.: &o fight. -J'lUU~ , . though be 1'I'1I110, 1fith a ~r.uteb. lli8 86.<'0 8 bll. corn @ 86 ·~f'DI., .6.80. , _.-! shoe 1\'118 ballly maBglcd:, the bClll of Ind 'lflt, 80,00. Tfltal. 816,0.0. .which saved hlB foot. : ' hcrcafter eD"I . .. I "ere rotlOD, 80,.00: . 2 load. or mla ""Ue" salf· o.g eaCit. - - ... UFe, @ 7k.. 1 •• 00. 'j' raded LIlt. Dbiek· (» t Thc following opening parllgrllplJ en olr for aD old 10" lbal n"Yer bad '.IT HE J' of a ClIarle.toli )~\er. under dAte pig. lod nner "ould hue. a •• lold CAR. DIN A l I" MIlY 9t.b, reltods pleasantly In eon· lite. 8':!,60. BIlI.DC. dllfl. ·JIOQ. w'ilh Cut Bue, or wa"ninar o.,en Call tra8t -I' th our • J . • 1380 Iroll Rp,Rrvolr un lon, Tlo 1'1!~IIe;' " c.. per eae. eV1l1l III . . .. . ~ ( •• ored latitude ~ 0 11 back; a I. rile wood.doM·, ' "" I F'lIrnace : OYf"l"dooro tinted , til t.he balmicst of (!IIrf! 8ummer 16.80 10 r~\liD he.I •. end Roe.. .eather here. thougb ~it.l:&enll S8Y tbe. Tbia " ... doiDg bllll'J I .",Ie .. 10 reattlele lleason ill bac:kward. We b.\·e VieD·· . · !:iJlloIf HaDo... LhIBI~~~",t.• ~ ... ·t...rcen y of peblackbflrrietl . ...tra"bcrriell "a, ... ,lil., 1867. ' .. and new potatoes, Dod tile' The m ....1 eam,plete a.,.. l-etl4·.wnrkinar e d d. - - - -........ - - - "uwe t~r a ,.rae f••U~ ~ Hut.'l. th.t w_ gllr en. ~n magnOlia trees are full 0::7' Plruola iD gre.t •• rleIY. Shel' have .v .. , ... ( up.' 0( liI':A lll're.,. a of fragl'llnee 8nd blollllOm. ,.-hUe la. I 01Iea-7, 8. all4 9. -dies are wearing their muslin dresscs al\d Woul .Shl.I,. AI.o.lolI,jo'e Kid , r ,. .. 1 Glo· "-,t lh AI d' L 111)" gent emen Rrray th('mselve. in .ea-"" .. r ,n · ezeD r'I-..c. .' )inen conta; and pantaloons.' ekc .• :111 ,I 'lhdd"o 0\; ..,....-..__ 'J'I' i ' II ' ' .

WaST!",aD ,!oellD. Ni:'" ETpYeo. . \09 TIUINIl

Cheap '

·Sld~"''n. 'a!.~







R PHoml\n-D 'i..


f . t



W,h;;:II".B~,', :" '\""



&1'~dbl'\ldt< ~II"".



IETle 1Iail,..a7'

-:~:rbr:.::d~~C!~Co=~: Iii .' .!"Ie~ a Bb. doa', "1.Dd goiDa Lbroulb &b. c;;_ ......... -.c--ro






'Ji Dear HUIB"iD :-A.. II I' DOW .ia.. you lef'l for OalirorDil, llllplloee you would be glad to hur how we lue gelling Iloog io YOllr ab "Doe. 1 am hap py 10 •• y "e are e ll joyiog n r1 good IHtlhh 00 Ihll "ho le. .,.. ~ilD'



1'"11 wOaDIUIEUL JlIVSt.ATI~'"

a II

by the great Aluologil t. NEW-YORK BOSTON, .ad. RA_,UU! II • •• • • •00.




She r ~ veall lecre l. ItO ftl orl lli .~e r kll ., w . till. t e lloree h , pphl8n Iholc D_lilrlllo I\'" .... \"........ 80)111 .... ,. ho Irom d ll ic rul e y tll ', t QIU lr QPIIP', .lllA.. l. 10 !\ " ....' -.rk, -I:.t.' lUI"., crus;u in IIl,e, 101. Il f Tl' I. tlu'l. k rr ie dol , !I............" . . . N....• ........ ·U.J ,Uile .. ul '" n e v, &.I\~ h "'C bl'co nl e .Je;.PO tl . ' J"I' Illhll pre.tDI IWO of tile boya Al'Ill IS .~'O~I de nl Si te - bri nl(a tOrre~her tI!O~" IVIIII ltan g OI Lhe .mall-pox: AuuoJ" J alle 22 to 2"'1 Miles the ahortest routo , se paro led. g i. e8 In fo rm ati u n co uc e rl" ulf \ "U go~d - "" ' " k ob enl rrlenlla U' II,vnra. re, wru Lo t or • g ol Iu. 'ypbu. C.ver: Samu.l d All .,,,,in. Til' " irf' f'lt, t ln·o u r: ll l(J I , e-W r Or hook ed by I cQ'" Ibe olhe!, flY. ao -1Q" 46U .\ 1ILl,: . ",11,011 1 ,I"'"~. 01 C""b " . sLolen prop @rt, . lei la )'vl/ Ihe b Uili IiC~ 8 ; The beet opp rlun ity eve r I trortltd 10 per l onl wi.h ·", lu be /i,"-cl u e liule P l!lof bal JU SL chopped olf \~lree f ro i1l . "d . n. r AI rll 29. 18,7.1,."" w,III •• ve you arp. bes : qufth fi ed to pur e ue _nJIi III I of bit 6ngera "lib, balehel. h II I " ' CO"" ,'liu " ... liI.1I .... I ' " Ioll r-."' foll owo: ",hi t y ou will be m ualllucc~S8(u l, CO .," \ s poedy Ilurr in:,le" and l e l l~ ), 011 tI, e very rutrO" he didn'l ohop them all olf.8AL,,",UNClA.J • H} ,.. .. IoY \ ,u k fr oul Iliull lJe p u t . dG j' yllll will murry , Il :~\! ~ VO ll the It . m p. Wilh th ole Lri Rinlt tXOopl10Rl, ,.,0 are 71:'0 A. na. E XPIlE$8 ~J A U:., ..... D .... lik e ned .lId GloroCl eritl ics 9f Ihe p"h"". IB ook-keepers, all well aod getti ng a lon g utcely,. ~ tr k . II ... L) ' "'""li t ;';"" . .. ) !OIOI" ul S h r reall. ) v llr ,'e ry 1I,0tl gl1 l " . a ud ,try I,p, 'You ol'edo't blS aL all "nXQU8 about Sa l. II'. lIcu 10 00 A M,."d co " ".r ll at lio r· nl moll ,,,, p"rn a lurul po wer" U II . . IIo, t ht< " tlh ",' lt· ""J c..;u r l\l Uit ,ot t"! l h H U DO , A M I P enmon, 1 alIl1051 ro rgo l 10 s"y IhllL SAni I . : " " " " MOIl f, .. " , 1I1111. lu ."ll .'"fe' to lI ..,k . ,,11 hid ll e n my al erl/1ft 01 1I',e rll l ur"" 1 ("rom th e a l llrs we s.e ill lh e It,m om e nl M.lilda eloped lasL week witb a I!" N. .. V' , k . 1 7 10 ,\ ~I Teachers of Ponm:mshil, 1l8dlu. Poor !lirll Sh o', boeo "aIL- ,),33 P . ~ I. '.'(,IUT:\,'Nt~ EXPBI!88- - th e malefi c @Ia tl I ho t o~ r r Cf) lIl e u r I' r r . ill.' for II chalice, a nd l'm gl~d enough 1,.. 111 . 1"","" '. , I ~" ",I h . ' H e 1'.10"] .- domlOale in Ih9 CO Il Ii ~ u rft l i O Il-lro lll Ih .. o SlOp" ul lI unh II, \I, P ,. !J ~,zr• ., l\I , (SUv) 10" ,..; :t Lo have hH go. be wa. a grl'al ~I\I ' 1."H""14' ,, "il lh. 2 20 ".iII Ir" ,," 8ullulu. a 8pl'et' .'Id pOl lii o ll ll of Ihe p lnn e le or fix ell Ian In lha lt envc "I.1 th e 11~l e ur Or ~ el egr'lph [,eportcr~j er, aod l6ud bMlted beaol don'l go oil ."J.." ,,, • '" N w \ ' .. t ~ . 1 100 A :'>1 . lIear 10 fut IU Lhey did . Tbe way lb tl .1,15 P . ;11 0 x . ~'ORK NIO IIT '! XPR2JiI~ t- lr1h, ahe ,Ied ucel th o lu ' u re uU llny "I .. k db \ IrUll1 lJ ul l"- l rk l lnl h ' ( , ).\ \i l" uday ~)- mall . Jl'allnot to COII I 'IIt Ih l%'I'''I P ~ 1 girl couhl dIp loto p .. r 1\0 e~o. Wil8 '0 •al :-.1" :,. 11"" G5S I' i\1. "'nOl<a" 7 83 A Slrol o!,!I,,1 nn nrlh . It cu . ts pill bill .\ ,...u-• Il&ulion 10 lho n al of the fn mlly. 'fhe I' ~ r ("" I' , Tuh " r !l :,6 , ' I Il~fl ) , llnd 111110, and yo u ttl oy " ev" r ugn lu ho\ e all o o w 100" ilm Ler heMl to roo IWRY , ~rr" " ''' ·W Y"r~ ~lll S 'I' , t <U il" .~ I' ra llorHble (I ii opportun it y . COl)8uU nltUii . I HI ~ \\ uh h f l cr ll llOIl • r ftU I4 "~fl i ' . Jt Ul fl n ur "blc" WIIIYllry (ortunale, am .urll , L1 uo l" " ... ,1 r;. w ~:"/(I. lI d C,II, •. I.. e, w it ll h ~~ " e8" and "II deal ,ed infur'" . · I • for the baro cRug hl liro 1881 Dlghl alld - -- , • k Wn ti on, t. Purtl e. It vill!! 0' a d1 8tnn ce I' Mil I Brya.nt, Stratto~ 6: De Ha.l!l·' I I I Ihe I ' BOM B .. I' .. AI.O-O,. Ne'" t:.r .. Con. "ltlloe j)hlhme Io¥ mUll w it h .. qu nl l ",al conlume d. I Inl I~, l o~e Iro... iJ I I'O' c~ rll r t:"ch."r;u •• ~ M,d .. ,u" .afe lY lI ud la u dl aclio n l u llll·nl _e lv,·. ho'u le ,",ould go, too, for H, locon,e · ~ Ir• • "· nieol: bUI lhe wind "at Ibe ",ronll . ,",oJ A. JI•• N. YOIlK DA , . E XPBE!J8, if In "er.,,". /I. (u ll " nd ~ xrltrt t c lo n' l. e~~c It did "0& receive mucb inJ·ury . ( "'Ul,U''' ' . ,,·. Ul eel ) "''''1'' II I !lu rn _U',v,l l" "' tlil e n out , \\'il h .11 11I1J .mh H . ,, " \\·e, c ,t \ ", '1 , ,.. • . U QJ •• M ( lI k h ) ; :O "l!Gu. I, . " n ' 2 17 I - ;)1. HIIII liken 88 el, cloer d , 1I~,\l ~y m ~ iI n" • Some bOl'l broke Illll) lhe orcllard Ihe ( 11 m") ; I "",r,'o , ·55 I' ~I I ~" ,l . MilO 0" r er.Plp t or pr ice DIIIJ_e ", e n · j" n p,l . 1'h p (tllier d"y finIS elripp~ d al\ lbe frull tl r ," III ;>;. .. Y".k .' 10 ~o I' M. COII " • • I, e tnclCd l aec rcey rnniu ta h ll"ll, Ril lt All ,'tl rf ' f It ft l r; ..·.1 1i. ,,,1 w" h Ild. w" " , Lnok" w. " •• Irtn. I 11m Yf)'Y g I81I 0 I. 01 1 le y . "d w , . 1 roo R. th ol.ll , . ",1 a ' J . ... e> CIl) rO>8p<lIlden cr. rel ll , ,, p,1 or Il e. lruy e d R efhadn'l. 1 pre.ume ~he children would " I<II ~ l hl ll 'l' hl ~' " " " I,r N o.. J . r. p.rn llc O! o f Ihe II il(h('ol ""I. r fllrll ieh r<1 TfiL bue 1Il.1l1! lbtmstlve. lie"" ••) Jl :,\l o,. d ro, L'hl lodollph,. , 11. 1,,".0' • • thu~ e lIesi" ,,!! Ih e m . \VrtUI pin", l. lh e om' \\ tJ,. hll, ~ h' " IIny 01 tl.e munlh ."d y.n r ,n "h,,· /o VI?" IIIIM &. n. ItX I'RE~ rtl &II" dB ...on HORSES' F U T.-Mllny of Ibe d iseR8 .tlLI 11 .,.. ,. 11. \111 ". I 11.'> ( ~" h"' " d"~ I' w trC borll , e" d,.~ 11l 1! " "10 111 1 l" I' k u lltn\(. Largert, Oheapest, and Best Addre l M M A I1AI\t ~ II 1\ · I' F. RRIIHI . l' ineidenl 10 houel CtcH nre elule d by ",1) '\, e. III N. " ' nr~ '" 7 00 A M . " • .1 ~ dO 1 tJ Cn ll l l l" ~ I I '!: llIlI rf4 ", \l h N·" th" t ll '. ,Itt ,,' ill A. marica, P . O D,awer 293, o, N. V. t InJm'Y r1lC61Yl'u In allln. Illg on a l- r f{,,,h,.v lor II "", bu,!;," 1'/,*11 II,hI A,8 . 1. -nll!' RA I LW A-Y;:Xn'





arao.lI 0,,11'1""'''''' til".


.r at1)II ' llCl' n ttnt 011

·" 1


r '\


" " e" .1 p~rllc"I"I, In all erowdell • letllbl ielo (,OMU e.rfl.!:e" raUru-d C I " A IDCS jChl'f l: 11 I'~ W ' , '. rm ch al ' lI , rOf rroll)pn.d I nd " " tlij (\ O res . . . Ihe Iki rl eall I,e rold-

. . . BROAD""."; N1I!W."OBK. -


tor Families aud Jlanuradurerlt _

~",,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,"'<o."''''' '' t

I"" ....... ----~....... · ,

~---.........- .................. ~ :-...................

E HOWE LOC.K ST IT CH "',""" "~'''_ ."..1" ..., ..." , .-;.'" ';" ,-/~ 'A;"" I'\ o:.,...,,,J,


pd ",he" In \l se L~ o all upJ. 1 .m.~11 pl a ce •• I l'a811y I\lld (o ",,, 'II(,IlII), ae a . ll k o r "',,. ' lin ur~ u. on In u illuble '111. 1i 11 ill erlno· I li e n llt 10u," 1 in allV ,i il~ le eprhlg s kI,. ·


L L ' "8

"' I,'I'tle~ ~riur ,IIIIII,)"II I1 "~'8 . \,t'l lld



p,,!,!!r L~e followlOi preacrip'Iion Cor hydrophobill' which OflOOO' d~ ' b"rm ; KaL Lite greeD Ibo011 of I.PU8glM raw; IIlJ. .Ieep aod pre.piration will be iuduc:ed, a::r or aDd Lbe dl! paso clln Ibul e C1PtCed in aD:J<!II" of ,c11\ille mBdoeai.· ' 'A 11)10 W"To plc"l "ro tr .. .1 . .. 110. ',n e of lh. plft up in CUt'8 of Imld lV"i7ll.d , ' (OII"Y in A1 lteD •• GreGoe, Will curcil ~y tbis F:noIJUil"IIY Jl'~ . ,111 '''' II) obj el l' o( Inl~ r•• ', velleered lIlal'IId (new .nd unique AI}' le8 ~ , Il" ••i n~ Ihrf1 I1 J: " 'I1tl Ue,,"lI(ul \ fl U ~ \ " o f the


remedJ ICIU

the paroxyami had


mencecl. ~ --------

lIT. Mr. Lym'lh n. Sandford "rilet


New York FlUmen' Club that ,

C': helUune', SU il qnehnfln,. D, htWltfO. Mild RAmapo Hiv tl r, lin ~\ ~ 1· r. h lt nJ: 1I1 e: Jl"" O nllTl" of u.~ ture', b'"\ytlt . " hu;lI C ll ~III1 I'm d. UU('" 1\1IOo. , D::T Th. b. II V'JII i\" ' ~tI . ",1 III n 'l I.uxuriou. SLI!:~:PlI"o. C9Ac.;H'E:S 0:7 1" Ihe w nrlJ,.J;;G " pawy "II ulg "t Irnln' UII \III !II r8\h~nY O:T B.K~'~O cher ked th,oug h ,,,,d Fare .1. "'Y' e. I" .... hy 0", olh. r roule. ([J"oA . k (or T Ic ket • • 1_ .F.r'I> R~"w'Y ' ;;WHieh I

while io Callad" lalel" lie plid 10 Englilh '"rlDer I.. n dollar. Cor" tecre! remelly rOl' lbe diseall in eowl or 11Sortion, whibb wa •• impl, to feed vbl3i". d ".1 _II Prillril,. ll',ekel Odic •• with lall for eAch one aboUI 1\ ttl", II' L\a.. w •• t ano Sou'h-W e .. • I 0 r b000, pOliO d'eII or ogrOllo.o II' H_ RlDD\'~~ . \\':\t. R, n ~RR, .poon.u (j 1\'1 5 01.'1. U ~ 'i ' l P. ... A,'I. d1\ll. A. I relilh. io a diary of 33 71 'f chwi , be hid lOl' Dooe. whil. llil - -- - -~.igbbor'.Il\)ck were •• badly IfIUcted Amictedl



SU.E·~En ,NO




~ The Greene County Agrlealtor· ,,1 Sociel, Idnrtisol A 1I0rae June 'Vllcn b'\' t" ~ ,,~o of v/<. J 0 1" "II. LE 'S ELI X , you Mi, bu c ured f,e l mn" clttl), and at a 6LI, ADd 611t; &0 whieb ~he "c.trld ill io· tn trlijlns COSI ! • , .. hed. Entr~lIlce ree 10 per . eeDI; of 'l'he n ~ to tli8hin g HlI~ce88 " hlch hn~ nt tendl!d 'he premilllll compo ted Cor. T~le ore· Ihis Inv"luohi e medicine for Ph) eic.1 'lid mium. raog' from 810 to '100, . tbe Ne rvou. Wcnkness, HCltera' Delt,lily aut.l

Our IIIU8lrni e d Vltclliar nnd Pri ce LI SI,

"lIh our (or


stv Ivo, n,e IIOW . ell dy .

~~ n G

.1' · ~

EAR! IIDXTiillJJRi1 ~'Qll

bll ~iIl CS~,

Paddy. "here'. tbe gue YOIl 10 q,II'RD tbe WiDdo,ra .wilh 'Ocb. masl"r, 1 J'uIL drinK it,' And lboaghl I breAlbed 00 Ibe ' gl..1 woulll be III Ibe IIme. '






A aentiml'ntal "oulIg mao thul feel.

hi e oXLrnctl! tlmL IIrc " " ,mI08s 00 the ' ~ 8te Dl , P nnrl nC}"cr h'[uscllLC! tIto at.Oni4:cb or' UApreg . onl. 1100 brentll 11; 0 cbAnge or aiel .8 necce· 0,.., Bfebe/or Sneer WQuid like fo Bury "llIle u~lIIg 11,",", 1I0r doco Iheir nctlon lao.,.hal kind 01 I bronm Ibe young on Rny mOlllle r lnle tfc J'e "'ilh business pur·

A •

E A U 1'V !.1 , (lold· Auburn en, Floxen. anI!

tho fjl moue SPENCERIAN sy.telJl ur

~uJ,(.~c.J~ Nune bUI Ihe most eminent Prorelil!ofll .ttljilo~ed in Ihe varluul dl'p.nlllll!nl"

.1. ,. ,





.Q '" BRYANT, ,STRATTON & Co's "



b. ".'





A ITCH SALE. W .f1. WATCHES, LeYer in rrom five '0

P.lelll Mo.eei,ht week., or blir upon IDllntl, full Jewelled, Uonllni C.te, Iter' bald hend. in from L\Vo 10 Ihree monlhl. hOI Silver,Bllautifully Engra,ed Dnd in II. few iinora~~ pr,cli~lof)erft bllve . . .rl • ... r, respecl 6rat·clua Ttmere. To be ad tllll there II nOlhlnl( Ihat will force or 10!4al lilt dolilr. eacb, beillil Ie .. Ihan haaten the IIrowlh 01 Ihl ha ir or bel,d.lbnll .(ounh,the coat' o( mauu(lctu.lnl!'. ~'~~ir Iliertio08,lIre lalat , lI,lhouamnd. of Thate ".Icbal Ire .elliled by Jewellers liVing whne'lee (from their owll PlIperl. It lUi to 818, tit!! actuII e011 to lhe ence) can bea, w!tOl'AI. Bul ma"y Will IQDllllcLurer bel 011 89 each • . Thililock uy, bow are we to"dilllnl1 uleh lhe genu. , of wlleliel " .. 1Iurch ..ed at. Bullrupt Ine rrom lheJ Ipurwn8 I It _cert.lnly ie elle 1ft lAndon, and Ire now olTered at lIitlieuh , al nlne.le,nlh. of 'the dllferehl ,aflch exlremel, low naurea, tit" ell ma, Preplratiora ad.e~tiled fO(lhe haIr lind ~"IClOrred Tfc;ne.keeper llta mere I, lieard It. p.nllrely worth Ie... Ind you 2000

Oh : .he wa. beaulirul I.d loi< \\' Ith Itarrv e., e. blld radi a nt , ')'holHl ",n1tnllendr,1t lOll, enlwI:,.d. • £iiI balud lh • • • tf be." .n! ."od.



t::BISP.EB COMA, For Curling the Halr of either ~t:Jt int~ W"''l1, !Ild 010." t ' '. Ringr~ti: Of B' ·~ J!allive Ollrla. By uling Ihis Irllel!!. Ladl ... Ind Gen.


\ I,


Remenlbar. in buy"" }'bl1r' Icb!ol..lblp" . to Ipply at lh.1 i "





I. /

I :

Cinciiuiati Coilege ., ~ ,


4f: '

tlamen can beaullf, themlelvel a Iho,,- .'".'·


nnd fold, II ii llie Oo ly arllele in Ihe .. Ibil i. tbe larllell .nd mo.t cemplete

wo.ld Ih"lwill curl .tr"lgbl hair, Ind at •• r. ,tlie Ciounlr}'. I' Ihe lime lime eive II a beaulilul, glo.. , (' . i.. , I .ppe~rDne~. T,~e ,Cr.i'per f;oma 1I0t on· I" If curle Ihe hlfr, bUI tnvlllo~ltes, . be~nlllIee. end clean,e.h: I. hIghly end delight , nOD1IDI' 'UDl. J!Vllry "Ildl warranled mn ban .Iread, Ihrown ' IIW., IiIr e (ul!! tr",,.,d. "II i,m. mOl' Cjj)mplele I fot 2 'ltarl, P"l\~. orclerina them .. nL amounl. In their-\lurch ..e. 'fo lIurh !e arlte . of lhe kInd, ~yer oll'eretl· lo 11111 '1 ~ EYlIr, ~J l!IeU, !au.t 11101011 86 cerita elll,. to would ny. lr)' tlie , CAPt t.I: Am~)lean public. 1 ho C'rlsper Cum • ,",aaa. Mone, eDololed' In I It ' III co., 'au nOlhlot un Iii. I, Jmes will be lint to IIDf .d,lre ••• leI led anel l mene or.,~m~R.liliIillP.~~fllt; - .ell-l8Ilecl .! e\ler mlJ, b. IInL It Diy rllk. fll\\, III' to ollr repr_nt.t1RO. H Jliur poal"tCtd, ror II, Add.r"l all artier. to \ 'dre. " r:~~I.!)-;J,ar:I~.tlI.\~i!J:!~·II!,~'ti AIWrna all 0,.... to . II?"I DO\. Ie. lend u. ~l.OO' . w. L. CLAR.K ~ & co .. c,hemts,.. . '. 91 , IIAR.TIN CONN()R. an4 ~ • .W\\o fO",I'" It, ",,'1,1111, to elher N~ II W". ~afe\" 1';. y. I , • " .. ,t'Y~' •••~'U"" .r.,.' ~ ·'r A"UBJ'~ N, Y. wltti. "'tel", r... tt.. laoMJ, "'lI.l~l)· .\Il . . ~ ,





.D~:;"a~~~a"'I'.'DrItIR4' ~~t~:II=l~:L'O~tll:~~!~~::)"r:,I:~ ,;a~~llcC:1'~e, ~~: Coff'ee, llaY~NT, . '.\ k.fOtJ~i{,,'l'~. '~o,!·~.~~.~:f. &.t fi.~~·" 'y Col'.:.:.\ &a.\r:~\!f (jot;~,,~!I:'~IIR~; \ .~ .', ~ -1-'1"'...... . • , , ' F.t. ~ r .. ~T't. . ....fril 0




f .


I ••

I'lo ..e ~1~"Ue.

H i ~h el!l' P,h,) hl tl; ,,\l1i gl~OI


GREAT CHAIN. Q};' woman in Ibe 1""1 novel ulell 'wheD sllill . Price, II a bo x. "1 u'e o( P ~qf. PE R I}£ !1~ 's JFRIs rn LE G HE' 1. • Eltb er o f tho obolo me nti oncd IIrtlclol • b• Iwept b IC .. lbe rRven ringleta Crom "ill be sent 10 noy ,,~llre8. , <;108el1 BClllcd . "tUl(. One IpphcIITon warrollll'd to curl ~er clluio bro". nud ~~tpaiil , by moil or exprcB.B,. pn reccipL thll rnoll IltI"l>Illt 8tld I'lqlJllorn pf el lher eex into waY, ringlets'. ' or hea,'Y, of price. Addl'csa all order to Tn owner o( • "oolen mill in Aus· DERGER, 811UT'I'F.! to: Co ., Chem!.t• • mu. ive curl.. HOI belln IIsell by I he fultlonoblta of Pori. and LOlidon, wllh tria receolly committed luicide. be 2 (, Ri ~c r St,eet, '1' ,oy. N Y. Ihe mOlllllrllllyi"1t rroult6. Doel no in . elll~e, It the recent marritlge or bil , '. ( lury 10 Ihe I,ftlr. Priee by mail. IIpal",d " I "au,liter, her nil wat Iccldcolly torn and p08tpaid, tl. DOBcrtrllve circulars, locftted in Ihe le.dial( citiea or Ihe United in ''''0. mailed (reA. AdO'PI. BERGER, SHUTTS. Stile. ~nd Cp ~~da, .ltd S~llOlarthip. Throw a •• v rou' r.ho Irlue•• your ... ilebee. - -- -- - - --- -- <'I/. Co., cheml"I!. No. !186 R,ver Ilrtol, yuur wt K ~ bOl!,ht In II!,! ,!=olltge willi be . . . Lucy Stooo il slumping Klloa"l Daatructn e 0 ' fom(ort.AntJ notwnr,h.6'1; Troy. N. Y., aolo "!:fntl ror lile U. S. io Ibe intnul or the Femlli. SufFrage Co,ne . gad. <nm.. vouthful. <om. ugly.n fai, &tood I~,\ny ' or al hof therD " I ' IDO'fl'ment. Site Ip ~ ke in LravenworLb And rrJolf e III,) ollr OWI1 lu~ullnllt hair. .-• •I',UU.TOB CArI£LI. , i ~I u. Jo • largo audleDoe OD Ihe 7th iD'L. For rellorior hair IIpOO bald het,.!e(from whalever caua. II mlly hlYe . fllliln OUI)- ftnd rorcing a growth or hair upon Ihe face, It has no ~'1ual. .JL .will (oroe lhe blll.d 10 gro\\' Utiolllha .lnooltt8l~ (ace

illoa;e. DU';11 P1._e




'Dha combination Silver Skirt.

Silken CUflLS!


\ S.Jd.·.I.....,~ .'.


"". ~f~cl ~~l~ .._~.r · J.'~ . frt ~'

fitt p' pl l'lpt.! \y l,,, lilt ' pln ee u11 " eollon c,,'e rilll!) \\ 1,\ , It ".III flul Wpttr (,fI' o r "feom!! ~ v il plt, Allt/-tt!'e wh"'e d ir' m ll, .-be w tl) WI t HOUT IIflU B' Ilr , Ir or rll-Unle end ~ ,II II b ~ lIoud a" 0",",.




'eM',", -'I.'







n~arI1·'1UC,\*,'1\11r.~ ba6,*,

DiI wID reator. It wll ... the ...lI0II1. = ....

071I>h . lf\ '1l'I'j &. "71 & 8t ' ~"ftllt. , ~Uf'I'U , ' f/<t13m " "', New Y..,rk. _

. Il ll"p Skirt' :

tlirl'l!tI, oil tbl! roo 8. II it wRrfa lp~ ," lo remOTe .up~ rht'll"l hllir (rom low ,,! . ~ rorehellda, or from IInys"rt of the body, ,i' A II "proon, purchlllllg S·f) . Ip.ln complelely, totlllly lin rlllJicRlIy ntlr YOllltl( Me n, b e Ilnmbn gged 110 more by Ihl" College I.l 'QuAck N 0 ~trllm 8 ' nlld ig noliUlI prllctitioner• • pAling Ibe 8Am ~ , letlwing lhe tikin soh, I · "" ~ 'J his is the only but Bond without doll\l' for Ihe Elix ir, ...nd bu Imoolh Ind Mtuml. .1 once re stored to hc;,lth nnd h"ppinees. A RrLiele used by tlto French. nlld i. I III~ l'c rfL'Ct Cure 18 Uun raotccdin o ,'e lY In8181)$0 . only renl eiftctll ,,1 depila:ory . in ni.t· r rloo, $1, or' bottl ~. 10 on e ",Idr08s, III Ono bOlllo is atifticicDI to IlffijCI a cure in ence. Price 75 cents per pitoklllte,~ sent post pllid. to any Idd ~~.a'f on·,e· All ordiunry CAac•. ~, ,',tt:,r ALSO, HII . J OIN VILl.t: '8 S"ecrrlc P'L).8, ceipt of lin onler, bV , Ov "JlPTyhu! ',~rore J"ly t. 1/867 for tho Bp'C.I· and perml\lIon~ cure of GOIInE.RGE~~ etHUT'f.,s & CO. The Illyuotaee or thul colipg" over all O" rhon, U1 ce~ , U lc,ihral Dlncha rIl2s., Gravel. ollle/. ' I., that it il onp 01 .'.... Slricture. 0.1\1\ 1111 ulf" clil'uS of Iho Kidnc¥ Chemi.l., ill5 RI,er St.. 'l'rny. ~. Y. f ..

iu • .'


brlhlti.eit!lhoh&lrtOI!. oril:l~l tOIor.""'1Il


Th e SIPpi SiJ tlll,~ " "re wOllltd \v:th a

loos of Ijlc mon . confu8ion, tbo 'la

, iD~11 up...." himself: •Ev~o A. na· tore beoefoleotly illRrda the rOle "hb nml Bladder. C'lIre~ e ffectedln fl'om oQe III tborna, aD doe ••be enilow women wiLh fh'e dn~ .. The y (Iro r repnr ed from "~getn·


A S.L"· £U " .. iEO .......

millioDI in of self, dcfttructlon ; fcnr~ of InYouity, &e 11 iI. prelenl will r estore the nppelil c . rcne w t1w health of ""e of deerelae "ill be enlirel, dllan. tllol o who hll''ll d Cltl"O vc~ It b y se nsual ~ce8!! lui. of nadre lrilbmen in 1809. 01' C' II ptActlCC!!. • - ' • ~

WESTt'!. nItA HllEV



. I!IIIDi.lJed 'wo Ind • hal( 'he IUL teo yellr., liD" I'

p"" ." •

!l~ ,.,e n,·...•••:;,.1 wilt !·~!P ill, 1J'I,ol't -(Jnd rl'tlii,, :it. Plurt (,e/l t ' I/w " "fty IAhtr S ki,t: -


lCAL AUrIJOJII T Y. ~ AlIk (or BAl.;,'. " £Ql:r4l~ &caw. JUii& '1I...w", and take no Oilier• The I',. oIflll' . lho S!CI~..·w·La" "aw~~U!el'u,bU'loolltlrel,.coa8~6!t ,,* h'



Foc Jltmovins SupedlUoUII , , BIlt.

;EWlrgy, tm T~ Ihe lAtlies .. pp~ciRl1y.-thI8 invRlu· laLter being Q/rered for •tb. bellt Irol· potellce , 0, nlly of lite cOlleequeJlcea of linr time under Ihree minutea, .ou ror Youlhful l"dlscrelton, l'omle re It 'he most "hIe depill.lory recommend, ilOelr 88 b~ing an RI, 051 intli'pensR!>le article ttl 'hll but ruoning limo . "alllablo pfe pnrallon c or dl ~co"cr~. It rcmO" e nil ~ ,., 0118 ' n fl~OliO'., d ~ 'emilie bCRuty: is I!RPilr nrpltctl, dt)ea 11: ' population or Ireland hili di. prd olon, hcitc mcnt ,' incnpncily to Or no~ burn or injure Ibe 8~lIn, ltut act. Pro8t~l\tiu n , Uls8 of MU8cuiar

Ilt r r Illf'rp.ltl. \\'h ll'll ,. Ihe ,p rr ~1 0' Ibelf i Hexlb, lt tv . lId . I, eltg' lh, nnd n D" !tlbinoUon !lll l iiI il" 11II,"d In Ally \Ilhpr aklrl. ,. ' a:7' For ~ . I o In al\ 1I0'(,~ 'Y11f~re Rt~ t, c l • ••• k i'l" i\r 418 ulJ Ihrllullltlllll Ih~ 1],n {' le.1 R tbl " "nd rl. t')' hp.! e I ' MOIlLJ I8t: lur e d by l ~e"~\lhIO\\ letl r Ihe ~ . ,- t , ' , I ,. "C \

--"--"" 'rl " n~1V anrl b t>" 'II,iaul , 111,le 'O f, lii.1 ( Plll e nll'll , M lltl h ? L18611,) \Y ~ II ~"'''''td~d bv II,!! GR j;".T AN.&I\IO" ~ rl lI"TrT \lTE.f.~ I!lt h e ld, ill N ~ Y ' , U ·'ult.:" J8601


C II A. 8 TEL"L °,t.



.'I{LTON "" (:0., ManuIQI'IUr~'~1 Nil. 8<1\ U",utlwny, Ind AS. New \'ork City. \


~prhlllM b,olde d log~. ' 11:: .!:C:::n:dttl:J ~~~ 6~ II(~ FJJlSIH,~


II ~Irrnlur P~LOIlBJtT,


IIII' I",., ( "r dlllthlp)

... '

,Book-Keepin~g, ,I,

A lorlte 1\I10rl~'n~nt cUII 81mntif on hono at our Ol'lIe .. 1 Whol c .~le ond R eluil

Warernomp, 841 nrM lhuny.



lind elpgenl 1i08~Cf>vd. or ar le n,lid J~ . i!!,,· IIlId 1i,118h, Dnd nl \lIe be wt w o,km . n.h'l'! -It being in \~lId~d Ih n' enel1 ill " trum t lll . ,,"" be 0 model'o II . el •• D. A II IlIal<u lIIenl8, 'down 10 • Iln(l. rOfltlble Me/olleol/, llove tlte beaulirul 'J'retltOl3nlC IIOP' , Ivi lhoUI n:trft t:hnrlle.


ft .



ft' ..,


(I; :


P hllocld l'llI • • 0 11,1 ~ Yor k .. tlh a ll. r· 01 kt!J.- ~ lx Slzes- 826u III I!Ic I ..~OO n oo n T nl' M " flft S l eulllurt fo r HUl ton and Wi/holl"'eda/!, sln ule RII.! d""t.l e Nc \y ..Eu{(',wu (' U I t!1l. , in glellt Vort e lV, $66 10 8.jilO. Th e.~ On I) O ;. "" ·",,i n ~u ot 0" S" n,l oy . ," vlnll' p"f. (nlo AI {\ 10 P M , HOII nit' 11I1Ii; 1\ " tV Yutk ut 12· Q.gllO ' . Wllh Ih e lr 81A00 th, r lpe. ltk" qn ul. Ily o f tonp, br Rult /lI) ovlo 8 tnr~, ft tr~n ~ th 3u p ~ 1. lrei1t ,n I n Oft" I' an,l 1\, .w F;u,.rIMnd r n... e n g~r1 , 01 ch 'l~u., uiipdli n le,l l;ed~' with th eir B I·U tt n:~, ure trlll' l lt: rrf d (ree orl.l n,,-lik tl etr. cl ~ , u,e . ,,!,e,ior lor I ; hll, ch · ch.,."., '~ N ON \'<lr~ If' ed. HIli •• Parlurs and Rchuo l •. Tiley nre





fli A R' R ' EN'

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br~a l\ lie' tile [' ~lJER~; , ' , bl \ wll) p,eAt\.fVe Ih l'i, pertl Ii 't r fire ewar ,. I the hillhel', pr e mlum ~I ~:::ft ~,,~.f ~~~ :'''1 :11 eh I'e when Ihre'e Ill' • ' ,. ~ , fi Ih l! 'Vorlll·. Flir In {,(lIlIlo,,, I\ltol_l" , e t d' " allfrt" will lone b,p,i lhr' · ... 11 '&llun,"'t""I1; lIe" IQlentlncm.~ ......... : lo llr Ilr If'· J d DlIUI",.,of ~"1~q;.'!I6.t powerful &lltl l'OI ., !..~ prolm'URI I nt Lhe N. ~ SUIIl F ... lr 01 I S" 1' 8;1l0 uK,,1 ps .~ Tile Houpl , oqve-ro ' Ill the ~.g~ J:iniJdon'. _.. , ,,. 6 6 n nd , ,:,,!' . wllh Ilu ulole . IId IWI.I, d U''''''lh ~ottd . lhe1 WAI b.IiiI" I~h onflden"q Ip ItllIIMI I I IllItl lll". t "dft ,\r "0' qlllY I ~hle . 1'rlt~g P,~ 10 l ure II will do ilIl w' cli\1jD fo~ tt ' tIti\' Ill!/! Are c pl.- e l' lor IIu illl\' [hI! · lteft l work. "lit t \Vlce (o.'loll~I.) "~Yllred ; . I' [~ v~"t ~ 1I1l 61' 000 H. I • •J! , u . lnll ft nlllch .. mnll r u edl. lo~ Ihe ' Ame 'l h ~ flI . frolf! wpuinjJ OU\ wbllu dru~lItnlr , ~, ewal"cll Ihr.' s ll . II,An t ny I,IHlIlr mn chine, ftl1d hv Id '" II .'U IIP", 8l Hi,d &: . . Ir tlte 81 H.ull Rall"uft doanot ' . Ihu illl ,o du CI Oil 01 . ~.1t 9 tJllI" ' nppr o,." ,1 IIvI.I PX ElIlpIICl l • • a te nt f" "orlte IofllcUoo& ID aU t1;beJt 1IIt~ tqoClllIi. mac hillNY, "' " lire nnW ~hl e I., 01lPI"1 Yill with "II I.d lt s, ' "11 • 01\1\'..,~.!1)' rl'com· aDC. wlib ow.; bawo ollt. \ vt' ry b e s t IIInchlueB III tl' 6 WUrll1. ",e l"I .. ,1 II\' Ih e F.8hlon l\hl!. zllI,(\s UI!, lhe. \. HALL"S 'f • 'I t) ' "I,ilnrd 'klf t II I Ihe Fdd hiulI.bltl Worhl. T tabf SiCIlIa 'I 'lt.,." ..... ""t...,........ mad" al ..... n"'~ I To " "J II,. Ih e 10110, lilt. hl f. tim\lbl e e~- I e(J~ ,,6 n 411' 1l~ nnehp"c lO ... (1a~I')' .' Hrl ••"ll/On. I, v " nh " ~' I" "',II u lin e , vi,,: ' "p" .l v r quail. hftl provtKlltaelftobe 1110 IIIlIItt \>etteet ~~ uudc r ahe i . . ' ....... l........ nb".u 0 II I ~' I i"tlut~ 81)' li h sll.p e . I,,1 • fortheliatreveroJrer4ldtO\he pubJlc. .., () ...." .. ,. I ' LIA.S IV. 1)0" Pr. 1ll " " U , ] I t bl 1'_Id.. ,U • r 1 • , f all ' I' I I 11 ,, ~,t. IIlIl' I lll~ "b ll ity rUlllfort Rntl I , t . 1\ n ile II G C.Oln~Dd, ·IIG~ COIIIaW I.C,,,·It, .I ..., Ute ••lalIDI\I lu • ."uor. ~ 8', I f J \V ' 0 . d i D . IlIJurioul p,opo,tloa 'lI'hllici, .t, II C4 "",wina .llad,inu. . f ' "'HI ,II\. ""IJ,"'f1 or . r. ~ 0 i It \I not 1\1]»'''; Itlstrlkesat 1ll.1I~ "'" • , , ,,I ..~ lWi plic. , jr~\l ubl lH' ptll 'l! Kk trt, Ind tlto,laulW"ilhllowllf'o ndco\Glla..··"' ''''~ . Thry hf (l RII"I'II'lI to ~II ~lnll3 o( FII"'-,btl PII' ''' YI' '' 1! ~ 1~,e ge ,, " lne clflio\l". I t .. i ,~ lIy Sew il~, "Iill 101 Ilt p " 0 0 / S " " "'. I'ICS".:\ r. Au·h N.-To Illlft rd ugll int ilnPD- j zr \ IF.! :L.f. -11ESTO~~ OJbtr ~ }. r ft , nr~~8 M uk "'" ' 'I' . il .. .- , ~ll l'\I ItIClllr"'$ a ill on, be p.,rtklllllr 11) noliCtl \l~"1 l\~itLa , '". !T~I<~lUd~N'n COIiOit '<0; " of Sh ! n ~. ',,1In, s. Hk l rl a, <.Io llk s , ;\hll- ull e. e d 0 & ,. DU P1. E~ " J.nve l h ~ re ~ Ink. . ~, 1:" 1' II•• 71111,1 /I'o-}"lIIttliiol. 111111 8, CI,,,h,,, !! . 11,,1 8, (' ~ p~, t\.. ~e l ~. i @ I~'np, viz ! ' J. 'v'!I . ,Dr, dlt'f'!\ ')up (, x Jj:J- 'Z, Gr_;";~ i~ ~.(Jf~,' ;'ttcl '~Il;' 0. lI uO ld, Sho ~, Han.en , S uddl r8 , ~l,nelt rll PIi C Sl re l ~prtll ll· ' .' np p ll I ~ w,I~~ bl.~d l • BQEr, BUSrJ10V IJ, ~N.D I.UIQ Guo"'" Uill b re ll v~~ Pu n"I,I . , e.' c. lilt y -nllne ulh p ,~ fI' I!l'nUlnc. j ,'\:Sh ..l'l ' ,Ire, r \ r. \\ Olk l' Il ,". lly we li np"tt sil k, t"IPI' , wuul- 111111 p\'~ 'Y lI 11o l' i. lt l· tidlnl, , pIli b~tn ll lr [S A SPL:EftDJD HAII\-OIl~1 pn .IId ' 01' ,, " 1I00~~ wllh 6111e. ",,\lu n or l pllddo>d tlt r,lll f! I! ' lhe etlllr", Ih.1 rtva.lll1 g It ' ,,, JOI ~Il <> 0 ho Id fttIl 'I


U"- A "riLer tendl 10


• In" Lhe 'l)upl ~ X b!lIl plll} eteel a~ rl n" J kir~ \ n.ol..... YOUfltbeml4dl.'C'411111t41011lltt ror R i ttilifl dll Y, w il l neve r nllf'rlVnrCld . . )( Wll lln!! ly il l. pe " i e with' IlItir. n, e. For . ' • t, ,:11 11111'1' /1. IIIIM~" C .nt.! young Illheil Ih 'i Ple ], VEGBT A.BLE ! 810ltr ~ ,"

----floor. AD oarth t1<'or I' Ihe beat {or n IU11'tF,' ; \\' " _' IHt t( t IHl "nllli pnill l " SfUlt". A~ 'lable, bUl it ,houlJ have good druin· , ", ~ o P . ;n. 1•• oarT~'l\'G E XPBBM,- l>EI.OU BJ.:"T 10 pre. t mud \Vhen horst's (:O I".IIIop . " " 1,lo d ). 5'01'" ,, ' 11,.r" .... I•• "I.. ~ III IP" Ihrr ,,,1 Th e v w il l Ft' IIIII , qu il l I I!nA ND I'll t:LODEOXS . age eo , 1" 2 ~ I' i\I ( ""II )' . I,d .,"v'" I" No\" Yo,t tI ,pr 1,,· tIl , 1,011, .", ,1, bhlll, . tld per1111'0 been dr"co Ihroug h muddy roads, 700 , " , r " nIHc ,".t( . 1 J .... , Ci, y w il li IJIUIIIM IlUILX .AW .UII>&Il 1t1l 1i PIR5T PRIZ E, IJ ouLO M ED~r" fo rti: py pry 8t' PCl e5 v i .""' ''' g: "",kit' lf n liley .hould 1101 be 11110 wed La Blllnd .. \I ~ I , ' ~" "~ r Xlorr ~ TrRln "r N~ I' . J" ' I . b II I I I' f 1l",I .. ' ull for n . lllinore .nll W •• hln V; lnn. 'Aa the B&l8t Ca.binat Orr ana ,' CotlclfOOP' " 0:" ..d Event .. " beaut iful ulld 1"'r (~ " 1 ' l ilCh, ultllll 08 bu-alt Illg t w Lloul a 110roDg' ". ~ ling a b 'l(( " I N, w V ... k .. ,Ib M" rllll'g .:~IJrr .. . si,lef' v f .th u "' ~I" I~ ~ ~th\ p,I, '~e feet and f~ tlock., and rubbIng dr, I rnin fn' C. ' pl,,,, ""d ~'IV 1.:,, ~ lftllci 'l liet. Amerlc," Ins tituto. New Y urk, O c l•• ' 6 Ci , 0.10 p.n. '!'t. ,,'on I' ~f(al'l' l~xpnEl!l~ Being protloun~ed s up or lor Ifl QUALITY The S ' ile1t i"vp nl ~11 hr MR. IJOWfl, U ,\ 11. Y ! ~ 1 "' " " tit P u lllll.:' ~ u) l' M~ (~ up ) . . A Ourre'pondeDlof Ibo COUD' T E onll Oil th l~ nlH c llllle , I~ 110 0 m Ull! ,,,te: r,. (" lnK' alIlHr n r p . \IU " wltb l~ . " 15 PUW ER, Illd VAnlETY OF TOil E. and ill I 'I J) t.l 'J' r."n (rell\1 llunJc irk, Bod .. . nil ea in lIum bIlr 0 f fom b·IUa II uns . Iry Geotlemllo recommenJ. boring 8Q popu l Br olld .lun,IlI,·. II"d .11 8 ew III( "a , N,'''' ," <lr k . 1 1 2 ~ " P M iocb or hilif incb hole, Illy lix incbes •• ,~ 'As the beot i".I , ume nlll 401 , ~mtric" cldn • • e,e 8uhJ'o!C I tu d". n. rinclple hlv e,,1 p.m. (;'~~' N NA 'rl EXPBEI!If!o......n"..Tft'.'r .l = deepl io lite end~ oC palta 10 be eel ill c. 'l (~p l. ::t 1l1\" H) It.) • lU,,, It l ~n .ll" c t l .II IUl werc the.e "ollle"ding. witicl,pvc r \\'on 7 22 A M. l ll k l!); Turn ,', I 10 P M (di no) Ihe buttle w('ltld hnve nutl,i'll! Ipli t il Mil bY' htln. . dl9 i-round IIDd fiil h wiLh erude pelroSuo nTrI\' tJ' in NlW \ "ork li t :3,25 1' 1\1.qller.'-Amtricatt Art J,mrnnl , (e llli ed by leum, and wlten lite wood bae ablorb COIliIt. h M ' FIIIIIIA \\: ith N." d , .. rn C~ HlrA I a we ll·known m"~'o.1 cr:l i".) "SEND FOR CIlWUL f\R. .,J ooe 61hll/l'. 10 till agaiu and plu, it HUlh" ny (or fhrt l . bur ~ , 1'11I1"tl Iptlilt, n lt l· The, have .180 tllhn the lire t preRlion~ . lnm r. \\' '''Ih lllg lf\ n, tt nd pfllIHt S Olllh , At up. "hen Ibu POSL ml\y be ael in Ib u Er.JBJlAC~ . I'''' $ ,(. :.:J/Z,:". """,.('40.(,':" ~'!")n'l (;r"H' u. lU I w i th J) e lnWR rr , I. ' W&cI\\\I 8 11O:I & wh e rever uhibil .. !! Ihi 8 Reo . on ,round. \\ r , l r u tl .u lru. tI to r $ , r RIII OI1, Tr .. nt.o n at PF.D.~L ORGA~8. 1,2 , IIn ,1 3 b~n\: 8



ITa :m:rn0'l' II • • B A. c) 11 L Q 118

;." 10,1' hA"It'1l ellj,/ ye d Iii.. II leUl/t p, • com (ntl . ,ld I!, e.t C O II Vl! l1l ~ I)C'l ' 01 Wt> Dr.

THESE WORLD-RENOWNED ·CRlA11i'8 . SEWIN Ii ...... ~ p +'





' . -. h· l.l BC S eWing



.." hi

T he Bowe mac ne 0,

Thl! wonder,,,1 Flel!ibllil, arlll Ir~9' Cll tIl fllr l . nd I'I~ n~ nr~ 10 .IIY I ~dy WIl.,III!' 'hp n"plt'x EtIlnli n klrt will b f;l ('xpera·





1"'1 .....

~ D.lLL &, rC~: lft.l.:~ • ',"" ; , ' ;~: It II" iW '*u I I .~. I II .ta..~ "

~o., 101.




OF THE W£ST.· """".ft.B8s ~ttJ) "~B.CTOa..,



Pqpitqj StOfk. ,






..... "'. . . ., ......... Be..

8S00.0OO • 00,000

--,--_ . .

VOl'ilal Paid Up in- Oak

(au~d the "orlll with IIl1tlinclliQjf indiU'. 1 •r I\"ve n t Jonl! (or Ibe OIau... dl .11 pnid irre u nrl ' d tl~ . ett;Qce ; (or eennt! 1 &nl .Le hlld tbll t 1 iJUllln ~o hu e dODO ' I\Jld nuw ~ d Y nn 8 ny-In the Pirformer'e bail_, attraQts th I ~rn~" he ~n in:fi'imt t~at 1,8 .',enrd : ~ha'lmy hl,l IIOIH ia como, i hnY~ no:I, · t~ t~:~:u' e,n~:NL~t ' ~~ib "~~o ~rr~ ~;~~: ,)~J~~:tYII~t~::W~~~~I~~ 8*eet. thou hut trod on ~ h4aJ't ; Inl J . /lIU Dlur liTO II ber lV"ho!,1 Ing ell n CIIII 1111 own 10 o(ftlr as /I C • "'h o either pincd Im'e thl\o the b ut ill. nose Tbl art P"n 1 'llert's A ... orld f"l1· of men; chanlJ lIl" " mUlol1I' of ber bllTd COun' m"",, 0 ' DIy contriti n lind humilil'.' oU,cr for a SOli or was more de\'out but "cr e~~ti(ul s ia aim , And ~ome n ... fair ... Ibou ~rt lep.ncll' f 'or ~V~lIt1 Yellrll III,e hAel , . ' 'fruly,' thought tbe old mAn, · lilero fi nd believ d uie old story. rcst r P ;I'IVO wo~n then a' ear' 000 ' Must do l uch'tbings DOW and lhen. . :o~d Ihere .Ib."n~ IQIf. f!o m DOlblQg re· 1 III .fIe.~iI of, proof ~re I b elieve in your til ItlUds il\" Ilono fide ~tl'bJ to the' lis .1\ juggler,' tbe otb~r .. :t!!iCian ~: In§!' no t 1IJ~~(g, "~,. rl'pelh ",. no humility : but aloud be on ly said, hUl'cll. ShQ W:\ blessed ."itLl mil.. 'Vhe latter sfated ber elf Oft'tlle'JJoor' ~A9l! , n\)1 , toP!*l _ r e , Malice not 01) Clllllmpu!.e; .h:"~~uldRrI:IIIII:: ',. I COI: .. ,Y., ~or 'Whlll is your "ish '. I, "ill ~rlt\lt Ill: ~ lIon,lInd ov I'SIUClO, in 8pit of' \1ith .!1 JnpanC8!l g\li~",__ q!l' in: q . , ro.k., Wh o , you wh " tever you (iellre. 11lIstOi'tUne nnd tra\nge f1d ,'entu re II)' strumcnt cOInpooo\ll' of the lind Alld ,.)I y .boald a beart hue beell tllere "~II~d ~t;k ~o Qn~ ~IDl,V" r~ k co .ee ·1 only IIsk Ibis.' Iha lftic1. 'only tloie. ,):llIllllnd scn, un hOir.mllle bll8 Iiel' I' LI bllnjo-nnd in compnny witu .. b the "8, of II fair "ODlIII'. fOOl , er:;h ~I~;~ tir.t 1 0;~'1 nOl II,I~ I ~~ . ee bo". "eak / ."m . My oiou i' l U!'CII 111 king ~ tbe lIroud old Ilou!! drctlltful d-r\llnm'er, wbo beat;" wood . It .... not. Itope ibM could trip, yeOlu'e uell I , ' Ti.k , An I i~J " o.u .• 1v·~urnlg· mtY 8 rell~1 I II ~,one, , proy of Wycbcoll)bp, ,en beclJe and .atruo~ ,somo cilnabiog Nor .. kI II " thorn Ihnt eou\d ropd ; \, teu . I. ~ 0 lI! mil rue, all" pr(JuJl ~ e m t • brlls, nnd 41 Ot4e 'tf.J:" + Ll . Pnt up thy proud under lip ; WK8 11'~ bo""II!"tnt!lt t ~ edmille inlo f"ilhfully thaI so muoh of lall d III r AlW E'·IU~ t.~IIil . waTIl .l \'er' 'Iolef I ~tg\l1 lS.',. o:W~ the p,ullle I\ffK" ~ of Ibat prnud rR .. ily. eao wRlk Over llIay be jiivto (rom l I It '. 11. ll.jP I!" rll1u"HP~ l ac 'Twus merely the haArl ~ r a friend. Ex IUl h ad Id " I ·r I d r 'l' . , ompnll moo. 0 tllC ugg e gOlu'4T 01l u 0 II c~, eO.IDOII ' CI1l'I my Hlrlol"drt I lin ,or e l'61 10 th tl Chu \1 . ... he Jt\pan<: 9j ug<>lar 'I'll. 1I"opd!lr. fit the nel .,.1 ho ·ng tub1\!; 'I'h 1Arid YO', pernd,·enture. one dil.v. .hl Rllk how Ih r OMI] I . 'I i '~ 'ou to. t " rp,t ...... . ". " In. 11 - '. . • ~ Il , tI I ua , 1I0u ... u~ wm ~l\se 'lU'!!JlC wbluU C:l~a.l1'e!l)l 9.h pr~\:.\lo om" ThOukJ' .iLI:~~ ~llolie at the gl "'I, A ~(J,~ II w,, "d'. o.\'crOOwC!d e\t I'Y como l' of't he A I1t\ . j\lp~nuctl ox'u or Ii l' nemu ns .... u oom &on~ .... nl Y".h IIOU tep III Where tbe emil o in il8 dimplemcnt"". ... .....uot rril • hIlV ri , . if!!. W f intense illtel·OSt..fOIl tw\> l,ollrS bttllted,' exploded 1 ko p e And .• ce~lng around tll ce ill "ain ' I~\lhl Il rll Y I· ~'e. lusl ~~. Cllug-l" tlH: ~ rut!o. her nod 1\ h"lf. n ueccs iQu of (lQroblltlCl works nnd chllng'e inw A 111l Frolll hUlId .. cilll "'ho n~\tCrcd before , ~ I\~I . ~1;~dthlD ;llIffk l~lI"w Blln ! ~PII'II l ove ~l l\lIn Iw~;. (or, with th e, 110 I ~yn.llInst!c f~lrt " 'Ilclf , \·p,c,<l.tho pnnc80 umbrelln, gorg Ol"~ teredo Such a word.~ '011 nOI in II . mni.. wrlt'd ~ . ~" A r 11,,,1 R/{I! I f u li ll /{ p"8~1U1l Ilro"l; In ' dl'lIlb,' Ih e Imv5' of gra ltll ttO \ nn . ,P.l·~.tle c Cry Litter Ip t~o CY('nitl~Cl\me tree ot Do 1 b'old Ib c~ Ie..' PI' c'o ' l; I' WlIs Oln!: ".1 qu ell \Yurk. d"airl. 01 ,l hAppoi nll ne Iler. lInlbAnd' sp ('tiltoi·tlltch his I In:' ~ I ' to mOllt SII'rp l{lent$ of tlio pro. C I U" utanoru AII118~l itJ"' I .)iIOO"S !! f" ".Y g~ "ulo er~H n IlIore" ro" I\' 1I tlll~1l Ih e At~lel'i eofthccI\ tI · lJJewlol S'r. millo-fil'l ev Itltlor\soo' all IJp ' Thou'lt 118h... tr~·li k c. on th), pnrt. u" uur Ihft , . Ig hl of ,~ n" 1116n' lt"lIr 01 Ina tl.m e. of l'"rll~Io r}'. compnny WCI'e 'jn'CS~I\ .. ' A B(,OI:> J' lgb~ l.uunboQ Ie by 1 Right.· 'Of all I h""e know" or can .. no.... 1 :1t1~~ J. 'hto 'lIJ~ ,q(. h fll OI'''W,' 81,8 rose. ~urpQrl" d by th" priest, Of ll1(,O. '\Vom!.'n flUII 01111\11'011. su r secou Iy, p 1'1' f !l-gCC! t-' .. ~ _ I wish I hnd ollly Ib nl haUl jUed III ~O Itll"uy 00. . lIo ul. I,nuum l· . Aud 81~ I-'!(cru d .'u Ih e duur. Th oUllh l'?nrulcd 'by cll rion!! ) Clrpnlia, I)cnded bl\m by ' 1110. lin 1'0; I Irod upon IlH c8 ngo r lable 5 Ih." hid el pr bell, Ih., r .. Wll5 6clHc~ly tm' lltl" n" , yel, II! th .. duor 8Irnllll:1l\COII~ly kno~l; "I th iI' r(lro· thIrdly, the ·.Eneh Ii d DadlIe1/Ju t! "b ~ 111 :'H 81rollj,(esl d il l'S h"d "III u"~II~d. llal' Ir~<l1 Ai r o( tho ....611 · head lI g<oin t tho floor of. tIle sttlgo, lI Tho bnrobQ pol o. POD hieb tho ·l'nE'OI.D n.0f./8 EO F W .....CUVO;TUJE. lome 1.Il~htJ ' lIItluell~jj oyer- ~ i\' r: 9nd ! lu g bl ~ w duw" "1'0" I:a nnd reviv o.1 hy wny of t:XI)H~SS\\l g t11 i.1' l\l)l\80 .Iitt;l.e Jnp dl~plllY s' l!is;.Jl I wae nq"' 11, .<; 1Il1l1l. Ill!! VIII e prlell, "'''S h ~ r wun,ltlilull .V. \\ I1II Ull t'Xl'tlOIe mClIt 1, fUI'.Il 'lh thl'o'n<r \I \' AUle l'il'n l\ ttl' nty · rour feet IOIl~~P<l IN Olle of our loulhern En "i sh : h~ ~.~ Iy ql).!3 wh ,,, ~. py.. puw r III "lI l tlltr!::)' Hilt! erln,llId a fc."' ynclw,' Ih en . S~y " ~ig ll ~. 'rh 11 efll~c n hQ :t 01'1\· only 1;\y tl,c s ho llJ'ttcl'o f his rl\, lome"her", blll"o:c n Ih d.ys til e r I,e r 81111 (I~~ P\H J P otI'tl l, ~ho de · 10 Il wgroIYlog " Iijr lll ot her h\l, bKUd . I \{J I~ . III ~(It I\nu flowhlg In) llI lw se, Tho buy cllllllLcro<i to tho top of the of Robin H ooJ and Dick 'f urpln. Whell cl,m·d s he wuu l.1 see non",. ,!u qUi' ahe ,"1 . c,1 be.s~lf up rig ht. lind ob·.o· cl ~ll "<'rrd \.1.1' I b nl"nC~t DIll t C'.J' of ro lb"scflwd biau solr OIl" a .pace DC n~orrs had e"RBcd 10 be tI", ntlLi vn.,1 c.lly ""It'r~d 'he rool ~ . h ~ , bIt.! 101m IUloly wIl I"<ld : b_u ~ ""IIt',-d su f,,, nil II Cl!~'~ llI () nlcs- no d OIlUt 11 :ISOO I·I.V llVo . i~Qcs.l!W,I\)1g off by 0 tpot. dl gh. And Ihe Norm~ns h"d 1t,1I.,lu ct- d b~lcly b. ~~QII. H. e ""J '"A t dqwn SU .'cuddy Ih al he. old AntliMnlO. eOlllu' etlol·t. l'llt nOL gC'ncl'l1l1 · .uurl I'stood. tlq ng ..8Y n hf\nd li!"o4. 11 W'!!C~r lOLl) beet nnd mutlon. anrl hRd ,:;j,:"11 Ih~i, by Ill' " L"." W ' .'1Cj. II' bed b.llr wi.,". ~o ..c~ly ket! p. up " .ilh hsr, nnd ellug. l l t WflS illt!'n!INl to illll' tllle ' ~llcpo l" 1;1l6tS'nl\d '''cnmll \lnlY < l," {p i{a tty. nllell " n III SAX'JO ' nlt-~OIll. wl ' l' r" i.. " n, '1" ' "~ln lJ ... 1"1,, , 1& fl'~C;d lit 111m. I glutl b~hihd, II1vukang 1\ th l'u s"n,1 cllr 1'fo l'mllnCI!S or two 'l'l'odliJiC.' ('h ea., I ri !1~ lfi5 Will'· \1' ~c!I tllen Rl'ie'd it II~ov. limee Ih~re Jl\·".d ill pump R. IlI Bill he r I' u":~ r WHI ~li jn,¥ pUI ,or I , ~r .~8 on l'OIr hl!:ld. ai, ~ I ~ P b}' 'I ~ ", h e li Lbl pCI'~?n 8. e!HI?wcd wl y) tlt~·· I"bib t\ hit ol} s\.{\rlg-Pi ked up ID-<Jo.I . d'lInh, Ihe proud rllallly o( th .. W yc h IIH ndK: hi . W'b ' trong . • eVilI', rur' I' .,," II ,. bUll p lHt u( hi. prul)tll'IY pu · n nmos r 1 hOJoklclll :.lUd Thon\nt~ 1I i(0I'Ujo.-tl,il\.8 ~ '.),11 1·i.Bht. yo~ ' '" ~! ' cOlllbea in Ibe 'bellulHul manor · hou .e 01 I"y ill!.i, eytl~1 "ilh ... 11 ,h Ioe .el' OII!(1 to 5 in~ "WltY ill Lo .. hu h n<ls of (he woro \I V 0 mUI'a cxtl'nol'elln nr~' U'lin -\,: il~~~f\t nl\ tjJc Jnps e lew 'Otc !· WyollClornbe ~'II. II wu in Ih e d l'Y ~ m'laUi rlltl, I\nd,co It. her? inl" Il~'· C llu rch . Oll ,. he 'YOn l . nnd InOIOlhll1l tho ":'C~l'1~cnt Mr. \ ~1l0l 1 1~8'!I I I}!''' UL '\9 th ey i;1hl ' n ~ iiit t'v t ~ throu O'h 'tho when tl.e. plle'Lhood helt! .WIIY, anel 1f11· " P t·~ • .•4.f)lre I,IC e l'~ ,In . 11.0 qUI ~ ~ au" 8 .. 1~ w ... e opll nud ' by Ihe 1" ' !!llr l'hem~mouon . Their postu In g llllcl eveni ng nt c lti~\ momebh in tllo ,.I"l'n th@lr word "BIlK" . bUI 6 .. m tUIlC h,,\Ii \uu, 0 h,rtl. . prle "4 11,,1.1 1 01 01'" Il,nn OliO obslude g l'oll )? m prov d IlII'c t'li1n" (~o hohl ' pl ~)\ ~ I .' ~ Tile fHmily oonai,led 01 Dnm ~ ')" .'0 IUt! Ilylll",' !l1I "id. : you ha,1 clll8r.cI Oul of hut pluh, utll aho gave s il' 'ly- tlHlt thcy 1\nrl n' t tt1>OIlO in TheI J\1sp~ndeu' n'm~oo ent WI\9 n Wyulleombe. "a 'he w". s ry ll!d. R Iltll. D"td ! IO·mll klf'CIn~. mJr conre18ion t!r6 up th " II\CCllVitb dUllltl. And .1111" HI th.eir bodics ; nt IcnRt. no hono thnt, !lltltzllmgot'lo I I''\' rlllt\o'ce\vhIQtI Willi ~RUnt old Illdy o( pAlt .tvrnly; her ). ,~I.I di., or Ihr bill,,' of 1Il)~olution lAst on Ihe bare ?" rlh. l1~ r husL " nil WtlS in eO n~'C1\l c nt to thC!11. Ttw)' ('," cell d ' only liy Ufu tl<Ttl\jr'trl . l hu.bRnd, A "eKk olel m~n. ,..ho h.d ~III nOI be YjJ ul'~ !' CKnle up l"" III ll1no to hCIlr h<11' lAs t plno.:ed t h 'It fcet 011 thC'ir II cl(8 Olltl' '.I'his WU!lJcL01lr deflnnco of ~n Dabur. ui.lunlly bOt-Q rnlc;J ~I,r"u"h li(., b.· • 1 hllv., con r'fl8&od w ord s-h' Ile ar I, el' cnlling dl'"n He,, ' Wllllu'( 1 nbout tll c flttto"'O 011 th t'ir '1 1 , jn"s, .(\nd it '118 'l>ntel'''.'! .with " J • d , I r ,htr ~~r.on~r "ill, ~nd Iilde c.p" · .h .. CI~" ,·"nd IIlVO ve n's bi ~I "'t'&1 judgmenl 011 OilY ID em · IWII JIi ; lhl'Y hent ' 'Oy er hnclmttro!; br C1tth\ os~ illtcre ~ t. Thc cl!iet ~y,iug bl", i( iudeed he had (I". ired iI, or nis· Ihnn Ir I hA ll Oevlil' b"r of 11\ .. ("'nll y. b uwev. r elislllflt . nnd t rolt.c(/ Mound with tbcit . llCllds II po n' h is lInCk. Slippol'te(l WitTl h is iog a alandftrd o( dom est ic r.b"lIion CUllrt..8I1U mure.' who . huu"! a l i"rH~ I .U 1I I"~1l lallJ., whi ch Ii tW C(' 1I l he il' tinkles: tn<,y . ticll ' root I),tlge laddel', to' which Ii 'a mllll . UtiW . iu his 6.vcutY ' Bix . h y 'l.t ll r . 1'". ' Ollce nl " '~,' he in I H " r; n ~ ~ nl' l vjc' .hllil 1I'l1ndd. rrom lh l' nl sr h 'c:s logl-thcr in thc lII os t III 01' Indder 1V1l$llttnchcd lit 1\ ri1l"bt>nn · tll~ dnmo Will Ihe el r ~'HI or Iocr huuse '1\1I1~ \ol)e, ' l'" h QI~r Hcll"lI rc t II,. Illc Uhurch-Lu hClir Il er ill vukiug n C 1111'I'el& ''' . 11 1111 wn\', nntl ' I'( 11 c1 iii;,' ~ I c. t> thcse luddcl'S scrnmbled tbe h,ld, ,,-, '."""" "" ..,'"., • ,>I ""'''\ P"'" " ii" , All, ,,,' ·.oJ" . h.' ".wh'~' ~" I y,)O 1ty~ 1",1' II~"'" II m ."" ,'"",;". ,= ,iiou m"ids (lr at le', sl lir,y yellr8. cow erH] /lthl'r !l 1II~ 1 kll u", 1111 mny Ih~ UIJI)' IRlI cm PI 10 forgotltls prUIIHSt' -Knd :0 diU WIth tho brlll ~l s \l11h th e 'f o ·t 1I11S to uller IllS crS or scream 'Ow.' l 'b e lole her, and obeyed Iter ""8 C.hll Vi .. gln (orll.i'·t- yn <l',' HH'Y are mH '.I ~· .' IH"" htl ino l ", onh 01 "II. All li" b ~n s ho uld 110, Al1li witl\ ~he fc et hilt Oetting t the t~p Iho steod erect A STIIP.

Fire and Marine lUSts of the

Better Class taken at J\easonable Rates..








.,.ma,iTl' ·. -, ,. .. '



J qstn RIo' uf Globe Roiling Mill F 0 S \Vnh'TSTo"E. of }' D WL cl",on~ &; 00 I. C.Hor""_~8. uf L 0 Boplelnf'&: CO

1I.,a. LAwlloll.ufFHL.w80n& Co W W lJ~!<L\· . of W W Hllnly .\: Co


Geu DWl lICf' O DW rncbell , Upson& H _.IJ~IIf, "'.A._UN CO: ' . . JOI.." IJ HIND e. of 'Uhulc &: »ortcr ' r - - L E WATSON: or L WHtSOI\ and 00 • C! G-s:o ~V HA)/IL.TO!l, of B~wil\On, O' dY &: 00 l-J.~ ,1.7- 1.' V ,: .' . J .M S Eonal8T of J M S~chriljL IlI1d.,. 00 0 fit OllAl" ; Ibr~1 rly ot l'cnraon and .Oo . M P 1' holllp\ICn, !lr TOOm\l.80II, Goodricb a co · 't!Jtl llill ' llhln Si oppv.r,o Ar.hillu Pu,.h'. HUGn Sn;w411~ of Ii EhflWIl", &011. 00 , •. ' J H Ov D.p1,1t . or Hand c: Ovcrdlck . , " . l "f .4 " . . . I V 1 L ~ & • H S; IIA J;!I... oCll SJ)hndet.... lIIl.Co Co .- J 0 'E' ~ E . ' " 'PS'v 'FIlIID CUi1'DIS . L.IW Suira. Ecbstoin@ V A!". J L Ha~ell. of J L ven .niI Ou

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CnA8·Q"RcAIUlIT. of J &: 0 R AIt.ft!'


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-,--D Rlf1E .M - Olee ali. 'itiiieaee,·'.. r

Su I~y~. ~, Il. ~• ·.to "EYANCEn·, •.


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1'1I0llPTLY PA.D


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8'.:-....4. C

Q M Bo\Diatl, of ,»'11 Beol1!l,,' .nd Go Dr Policies issued "lid 10_3 equitabt,

adju!lcd ...tI

_A II D -

....» '1'f~'!1'AW"

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6. D. 8WlBT~, 5·3!11!t "

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'., . . O·EN7·~STR. Y.

.,eat, "'a,o••.

Proposed Amendment to the


COllsUtntion. .

Dr. L. B .WELCl!, @)~~'jj'9~1i', flllG...'lbll ;r..idcl ..~o 011 Low8' Street.





S Ith S Mareb Ill: WILJII:<otO:<, O. of gllltli 01' iiii;" S~,,~eu~rOhi:' do bcr:~~e~:; ............--. _~~--1.-- ._ .... --- ti~"lhlltlthe fo ll o" in/! i ... true c opy cif It , .) OO' SE P AmTI G, ioin l rcsolution possed b . . Ihe G~ncrlll A. .~",~I~·. ~f thD St6~ of OhIO. on ~e Gl!t ~a)'

Gl':.tilTIin~G, "'~'tiZlft\j~~ PAPER I NG I





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hereunto 8ub •• rlhcd m'y nll~:~ . lId ulli xcd the \3rcnt So"'l oCilla clren. lud.ed ehe IlIld nev" r CC/lS~ tI 10 , ·Awolullun. ftHh~ s he nri NI 1m . ti,e e lJ ..... l4d t\\ I1JI .~'\ve p"s"',1 AWllY th o bllllli s w I'C mar! 101'. 1,11 altl)l't. And st\icl , Ci)w I' M,(\ nn ~th~ iJnps 'boo • (I:rAp olv 10 III P ulldereillned, who .. il ~ . S~tc <.if Ohto. 'It OiJlumD uI. tho c'on1iJcr them. fl8 Fuch. eo much .IIu. plo ' in~ ly ; .yo"-pro d roe tIIb. ohillun In ... Ih,· Chu"clt mlly L1 ,~ f'.. naiy h /lVII the e ,liltlc Jill'S "'OI'e Lh ' funni est low st\ id ··.owl" . OontiDgr down, tbe "II ~ I .. I p.' lJ mullr 10.11 c. II_. and endeavo~ 6Lh d.y O{VAl"II. AD 1"67. LhBI Ihey l!-. c m~dYce 1l,1(.I ilO will 01 "«' r 11",,1 LUIJ . yu " o"llc III)i r \I . v~ .. m u l'~ I' A n.1 00 ~ h o li ttlo ohllps-w\bh tllQ CIICt>ptiOIl 01 Iit~\e ~lto:w laiLl liltn oJ( out on tbQ lu all.ln~tI"n o,n !e._'.n,~b.le ; '~ 'm a. I LIAM H:~N:!~r~~l~~'~c Ih t! ir own lIod I" e rc neellstolu CU 10 u,~ ' ·1\II. " I, e lulu en: t iii .J, UUI 'n Ilw lai d"llIir. wllh n cur.c OIlC. s till srnn ll or, wb come 10 lP.t~I· . c r09!l-lnd er n lHI ' st\ld 'Ow'!'-tllon , .I0UN "'. ".t.nDJrR. 'V_rae-,.lDe. r • _. __ " .Il. rul",1 "lid guid~ d by her in Ihe 111 0" ' onel yo" hov u r\(II ~u un lips. N c xL came n scrl cs or' g 'nm(\flt\c h. tL'a,'cled . (\lI.aliollsly ,t o thl! tip, A RESOLUTION nlnal u w.1I ea tlle ltIo. L iml'0rt_ n l • Aud .. 11 YO" Mhal\ r 'k,,'nfio,' 0100 'l'ho co nfl.. sor 5100<1 by her . iJ e tTi , o\'ul ulio n8 I.y ttl' chlof of 'ihe' .c 'm .. 1m!!!!: out b~ ono foot. tlinDC!d , himltol".Ii~·. w 4 0 lIm.odmen~ of the C»II~tilutiou (hingl . And. 81MI (or them I bill ono 8111<1 , pM. i",,"I~ly : 'rof ",ill diu wilh· UQlllhll llt: It e r h" dbftlld ratgilljt, 8W,, "'·· pi\lly-M I'. Hl\mlliknl'i ~ Sadhkiclai- !lcl r. nd exc lnlmcd 'All Rlgb~ I' • f;:~·~~:~rror. tho extenSIOtl of Lho elective ! mpor~8n.L thing hnd hap pe ned 10 lh ~ n l l:\l 1 L~ II I. n". :~ou; nn" hll iJll1ve will iU I!' "nu .lllDll' ill.':l "' on ly " J~o~ i~'cel ntHl ~is 8011 . 8 queer !ittl.e I!ltd of !.'igh~ :l'his sormOll. to be lin h1\p'¥'sILle . 0p""~IIf\ Uae «;~t~ Hull ••,01 P .. rk, "nc.o1vc~. By tho Geno ...t As"cmbl,. of lD Ill clr II\'e8, And th"t JlRS wh e n Ihe I. e,, !' .m) ICCI ~ t . ~ lU ll n CIIII. or IIl110 YOllI'S, kl, owrI nil Hntbhll'l!,1 ri.qki I,Iut i ~ Wll8 PQrfOJwed. ,1·It.ho t (O<>r: Fr ... liiurt-" .) . N"w YORI.. the S~~ gf OhiO, three fitlha 01' Ibe mUIII' yo"ngest nnd l~ir~'1 hnd~l Ihu "ge 01 ·1)I U,. th e n.' lao. Rnid : 'tlie _'",il " " Ill Still I,'f mn,Ie (l vcr 1 ile brn~J 1,lnd. ~~ iki8bl. otherw ise •All rig-M.l 1}1n C' '" U IIl~ 4cr. At tho e~, 0[, the lll<l<I~r--ber8 elected to Melt Houso "greclng thereto, IWlln,y f.llen ID luv e w,th a r Oll o" •.l,"ulu,wu. nlld \l'llh 1111 your tiln, 011 10 the Chu .o h. lie was lou much IIwed IllcklllHne 18 bC8towed ' bccnil e tlti uli u~bll}g I\.ud P 08 \Uflilg . tuo Ilg11 0 •• 8ploiu". ke ihHVIY . BOlh· Room, .nd .tht i, he .and is hereh." pro(,,:sed 10 Ihe elec t .quir~ ~f 10 .. J~gree . h~d Jared to It.'" yUill' own hen ll, and tile v~nge (\lIcc uj tv oh~nt III.m ... mueh 1\8 1\ ~qullre s prightly little rentllre hll r\ 11111111 t~ liP ~ g I'n . ~ caul to the roor 8'et.~r .hllp. . . . , ~ctder'~I~~!::\~<1 ~o~: Bth:;'~:I:r.!r"~:~~1 le n 10 hi • • hi.p~rt'J wonl. of loY" dn· 1I ·:tI· ~ n--' '. illch o f it . Ant.! wh ell /a.. 11 .. 1.1 d "II Y· or in g Ollt ill hiE! ' 81a ·m t "cb le !If i).cI'l4I!mY,,)lu.,A j pulley ,\/I>on 1'71'",,·.nl< ~'Ol allow",' to ",r~ . . . "O''1'''tn.,. \ion of the follo"in:'nDlend~~nt ... a 8uJsti. der Ibe KIa~aI" III tl." ki 'c ht'II ' glUd HII 'Stop I Hf' P I Rn ,l 1 will I ~ II you - " r .. J OVl'r th o p"rehlllclit deed. <Iuly ·.\U RIg ht,' wbcncver he \tA[l\10nS to tic.Mg)!\ ropc \\'111011 p'~nQ ll .tbo bu ~Ld ­ [10, oI0( Ib~he •• ROil!,." or ! Iqt ~.".,. ~~ ' °1 LU\e f9~ tho Stet lIIletioo'of Ihe IIl\h ar!.icle of wall, .rid .. hen 18Xpd witla I." .. ing .tny li " rO! , list"n; hulJ y uur heRd du,,"- ,SIg ned IIOJ Atll/Cl ed . ti'l! plicst po ur~d gt~ t illto ~, pt·elllia"'.y poril oll s posi t ing. nnd rnn flow n t o tncA1'&t owor IU , , • tbe CO'l!~~ution of &hlll St:,ta, to · ... iL : ·Ev . t!d OUI b3YODd Ihe hour lind lur h~1 lu wo' r, 1\I"'~r. Ih .. 1 IIone I.II'Y IJI., .... - j ililo hi s "810Ili , hed citrs L!au IIrlon 11,M. tiou-nu(l hc got in lo about tw ' nl,)' bo::ccs witb ill\mCIlSO ,'clQ<liLy. , HII '"If C T 0 ~ i: E B I e r , mOfA!c clt!sen of the Ullhitej\18~llthel erb'he return "".1 ("lira 00 her ~nr c. olld till I .JUI1. "". Ilaa L? 1 he~rd " 6cro~U1 I Ihou/.:h hi s en n "'·118 r1 CBJ . 'ii ! gUild-on such \llnc('s \)Qlol'o the C'veri ing onded: wqe clL u,.,.ht by 'lowo men, upon tho I.. • nge ."en.y· one," 0 8t.. ",ve cen ' U II ' . I 0 I 11 . I d I ' I I . '1'1 I' I '1 I I. J ( I Id " f c hi h " !' rc.idl!¥t or Ibe Stnte one YCllr next preced implored IIH molh"r. I lIo'ugh Bcarc.I)· " . Ie 1<I.cuwlI' g , It ~ eRven h~" e sUI VI~'" • HII ." au'f 10 : It! p Iloe, .Im · JO ut ICI'! .V ng ou II- CU8 lIon e< n · 8 IOU qr Q 01l1l01 IV 9,;" Ie per,o 0'4' •• .' 1I 1/1 Ii~ ~\eptlo.n. and of.tlte counlJ:. township "ble ·to Ipe.1r for fri"ht, Lo unclion n'lIr ex .?u my buul I ",rltd Ihtl rill IIlg i?ovt l'l,h,·d ~e It wal by thlf Ia.rgll pI ece bl o, with. hl ~ hend to t~e . lludlc~co, 01 · lIJld 'J~Ill}t O\l~ .of. sli/J;. I~ a. nzjl LICENSED AUCTIONEER, orwamlO.blcllhef'!"!doa. Auchtamell.may 1heruuiun"iLblheman to "horn 6h~ womAn. l"kL·t\(rnmlt. e\'liledhl ll fcetantl hllS' lIon Imultfl, glory. ··.J).lIRlgJ,\~q.1V,.1 ,N _._.~.o.! a_I, hbe probYldcd bylawi , elcept.I'!,ch peirson. !liven 'I!!r hurl Bul .ile 1I;, yer 'Yuu hne bllllitt~e lime nn 'cnr \h'And wla el'c is b e? lI SIl eO tll C wid - !Jcoll sly, nllll IlftCI' to8s ill)! th a little ,Tbc pcl"fcetg rl\cco( tltose)lortorm • . .. 1 - ....... li~~oor ~bnocl~~"gn.r:.~poJ;~oG::!rn:~~~e~f yelllured II) nllme lii~ Dlroe ",,"itll- butliltl". lim.~ lor r.~penlo,,(·e,' ,"id .th e ow cr, "'.ho '.\'/1 8 lJel!_'llln in.g . to linll Mlo .. nl>oll.t ill tit" most l'Coldel'ls e.l's is not~,v(l{ .. ~ \l \le.yll~~ \st() WAYlfESl'II.LE, ... : . ; .. 01110. .~ . .. 1 .' I I II b I l ~ LI t" 1 1 . • tho United SIIlICS, O! hB.'·e fled from lbeir 'l'ut! rl:" wonh Ihe Ilern par.:nL rc1.urn prlO. I, 10 hit colt! .lDea.uledi "OIC", con Ro ll\IIOO lot' the 108s 01 IllS I lids l1) un., ol', I'l'oocc.ue( to e o,'nte I hi ." l cs roy our ., t I ,m "e aWl! 0 na· D!er Will .tlltlld prompl:v In all emil .. plAcel of ~ence to .vo~d beingdr"l\od in· .,1.1 in aOI"8r ern. bed hu hopea And ~huici"J: atlbl! sun, which was ,i"t. , in th o fac t that he hlld 10 1. bi~ wil'~j Blolv (lr g recs I,y t ir e Pl'OCC88 of put ture tI!O cal pe,l'rO~I)l\lneB or 'n 10,. linr, .r,d rndu¥or III giv" the hUI r.o the ~llhtAt~,'or nit nat lIe. rvdieh~~r .~Id Gbov. ber 'bearl (or If\oer. Sbe Il:fl h\:r pr~8 lUg lu w in Ihe climson ti ky. nncl to wh () 1lI this possesslol\ or 1\ Ling Olle 8mull tllh (\ ano.thcl· un· . rents nppnrcntly im p088lblq. , The T ~r~~~_ in • iii 84 qnedtl), orotP,en. DIme 0 "'ar, n '"' nO. III seO· .,. . I I . si . . f ' " I Ijill f' tb cso t u b 8 p~r ~or~n cr WI10 ngllgo8 ~h 1., I.e.elillll. _ e.. Woo honorably dischnrged tram the eDoe, reeliog aile DlUII h"wo dOli" n .• ,,:e Ole lIme -011 y gl ~ e me 1\ ~ l'nn ~l on op e.ned n l'I $ll\ 0 com,OI'L (C I" I III. un L tlVO ve 0 . C,1Io t t ~n t:I~n - -I;ADIES' AND GENTS' laDle, 'h~l tbe qu.lifioatioDl ot aa d"adly 'wrong 10 eno thinking lhat Illtle tIm.: WileD tbe lUll IlOilO 1. ",III lor hl R declinIng yCIlI·~ . hnd IoCC' II plIllll up, wl Llr the uoy ot the ~pcclntol's, at t~9 mo~ent, 1!J c.lce~r:, and bo eatitlod '0 " Ille AI ,,\I alec· .ucb a OIarrill!:1I ooul" be pc.seible fo .. lell yuu.' • 'Not for ott'.' said tllll J1rle. t .- porclll;II/ilil' n monkey npon the ·up . lIhray!! !;ro..~C' , ~~cept tl~~ 11'I'Ilpre~81LIO k r '1 A·t. p;RnoTT .~ ber. 'J'I,ey bOlh "I\l~lted it-tile prie_t Th~t youtlt who works in tbo lIlUlI ' permo, t . Th en lito I,yrnrnld began liI e you,n g gentleman .b.e f~re note,d. Itl 0, '11 lIulberr" St., POA er :N~imwll~.O Motftr~~~~~ '1'01. She Defer laW lIle squire or 10" elL! with e~ger . imJlllli~ nce, Ihe dyiPIr 11'1)' 11 tel'Y gllrdeo is ~'o lu: "~r1Ind on.' . to l'cvolvo and tlt c .lI oy Ld.out .cnpors. who cn m~ot ~oJj> ~bp\\'!ng t hllt be la " I'relideot of tho SeDllte. greo "gllin : lind d"rk ,ulpicion8 "er" mun gruell(lng evuy leeond Ihllt fl~ tl 'Hut my SO il (h~d cluldles8, lIo.JL It \\, (UI UJI cxlrnol'(hnn l',)'I fellt 01 bnl , Jolly. T he l emrl~n.u~I " Rr tlte ,c om· ator{ L E BAN 0 N, 0 H I 0 . Pae~ed prU6.1 8b'7. mn)'l 811uM "' 10 tho C"UIU of hl A entire "lid h~ o( hl'r ~ ~It dl\y on eMnh, an(l it. "". ennno~ be,' ~onlinu cn t\a'c\ I))d m~n. I\!l cin ~. 'fho boy. slioutc(l.. 'A~I pnn~ , fiod l'cll of 1I~ ,tb9. oj Al1~lLt Budden disllppeRIRnce from hia n'\liv~ wlLh lin ellorl, al Ihe lut rK; ""ol shed retllrl1lng to de~ poodc ncy. Hc cltod TI ght, n~d grll1~c d wl~h ~c ll~h t"nLhI8 Ow. - a 1Il0nosynl\b~or.e.rrtl~ t" l*a placo. 'fhl. event broke OM li_ters bHD~I"\J th,, ;d .. r~ pu.rpl~ horizon.. th"1 lib I'olld , just afLer his 11I0 ~h c r l'ofn- SIl OCIl1l8 In l(ccp lII g'. 11I8100.tlll.g o~ 1\ ~CijOlllldctl th,rongh~he s t"e~ 8 ,nro.\l~. ,D. '1'. DA'BBlTT 'S L~bor'lIlyia SoAP. htArl, and "' .. fiuch II ItBson 10 ~he .ho IUrnti~ to Ihe prl, " I<od. I0Il11.1 • • 1 Bcli to cOI1I1~.:uL ~o Li s mnrrlllgo. . precario us foun .IGLlon •. ,Altel aITlnlo tile Acn~orp~ l~stnl gh~ 118 ~I)e 11I\1~f.' T~is soap i8 mlLde f"om clean aDd p~re mBte- otbers thal they hnrelfy el"red 10 utter m... t !!"'P'"Il'lIe WlU InRrrll:<i Rlru" t!~. , I\n~ hi. tuo tulia I~ OI'C 1\1 'ked hy.Lha cl· ~og lIudl clloe dispersed. rOPF.I'{~"~ ,t; rinls.eontnins no edulterad?n of ILny kind. ft 'Word or mo~e I Bnger wiLhout ' tirsl ·Nu .. . f"Ihh. t "ill 1. 11 YOIl .. 11.- ch il d "'n l b orn wh .. n tlll'lr 11\8t Ilite r' ~cr Hn!lllukMi, and·the 11l.lIlng bo!, I~ ~JOI'ue, Tho. Jf1pn~(,89, ..~n;l.Y "w.lI.ot.JQJl'rc ~be moet dehcl\\e fabric. a~d onJellvnring 10 rCRd 00 Ih~ir m Olh e r's Slnor' elOW-1t Rlld hell'r an u.' view touk plAce : SKid the priest, ()IIU· w tU! d Itly pau lIh~ UpOIi lito 1,,~l1cr 8 gi ve ~9 I"...n~l! IIenSDLlOU. -":Y . i. cSJ!.Oc(~lly oI<1it p~ ror woolle08 whlcb .. IU .. H r J u I' I 1 '1 ' I '.L rn 'd filet rOlF .. n ilirinlt .. ncr l;eil1g wlUlhcd with SO'P" f/lcc whether Liley hlld ber perml3sIun t>I.W,.1I 118 Hee grow" '.1 r 1I 0 U.)' " . . u". ~ c .. . ' . • . b' . I .. . , J , " , It_.y be u.ed In ~ r.oftwatere. 1t",U ',0 do po. n8,ho 11 " r hl/I\ . ~pIICe8"OIJ 'lIu I,e nollllrne(I, Wllh Birr · lO(l·sptnlllng "1I1l tb./J nex t L illS '1'1 01 \1' I remove paint, grGallC . \at .ftnd.&Iainl ' of all Tiley bltd a brothrr. tlilt It..1'1 . ll sd in lu his r'~-I.. lli :e "" lla~\ 01 l lor p,i .c. ·Uu~ .penk oul. lIao, 'polik o ul. iu o rd e r. En!ry A,nol'wn,I ).lo.y wl~o ~'I'Q C!mln~ ~ ' ~~lfr.rfo~n~ kiW;' Oqe po~nd warr_nled equ:L~ to two kDown lillie of bim. IIllJ now knew nOl l wretchetl wcimftn "ho hn" bllrl u. J I,.., Yuu kn o" m u re tlllln 1 du, :WhJ' S,I\W tile u~I\L!o \Jorfor.lJItlllcCIi U1 tbl9 In l' ads, D:. Sllnms 1d ' ~h rtfe'po.tna~ of 1'\lI'Ii..ry~f.DUly I?"P· D,rectiona I •. I. d d vtry loul ror pr r,'e ! Wllllt sllu 10111 . h o ulJ Doll luu" Illi T There II nu !tn c bU910Q!1I Will, p OlltOI' t ho son ••rClln~ll por~ormeo, . P sept.. tlth OIeh bal"/ for m ..lung three galtons \If IPluer ue were n "e or ea. 10 lil t'll b tion o'r n tlJUlOI' n the o"nnc:.s T be hondliome iOn lOap f~ one pound of this 8.I~b lister., bnd a cleAr. recolleelioll him .I\a .. ono, fur "01'.0 , thBn whlll ODe 10 preveOI ".'8 now.' An" be ·laullh · hOll HC ....O I 0 gots nn, l\8 So l'~l)leot tl t W . hi ' ''Bb'tll or .Ma8sa. MO.p. Each bar Is .. rapped io \l cirelll.r con, of wftliiog lip one night in a lon~ ,br La" hn ..1 thollg h t. "tl w ilia ~omt! b,lt e rll tl8 . of t or,s 110el goes thl'(lll gb . 1\.8~~IC. o f pll e n l'-",n. 1 d ' Slid ~inint full dltectiool fOr rf-." printed ill E~Jt. gone ,,-inler and hell/ing .. orde o( ti crc" • WomRn I' lao cri.~tJ , all O\IID CC81 ~tI 'W ianl I know,' l"i.1 tho p~leot, 'I .xr~l"imclIt.s, for t.lle :POSS lblltLI CS' pf ClI~it ett~: t J "'rl\tI:n,~lilt~. Y, one It.hD"obdb~~rmSan. ,Aakd. yo::r gro~r for B. 81tere8tioo io Yoicel th •. knt!\V one AOlI lank bnek on h.r pillow . ' yuu IHO lenr ll t un,l t r the lent of cOllfbSllon, ~nd tltu 1I1't of tOP '" ,IIIll)lng wcre noycr In h, o tOl2,b ~~ I e~ . ndc. ' TI~' tn ' . a Itt I onp,,," taae no I • • I I b d I . 11 b I ' 0 I' • ·cu.I'''1 to th n 1111"'0 pf III' u~ ton · Co tIe <lOv ca . cr"o".,~. B. T . BABBITT. No•. 4!f,G5,6G 67.GB, their motl) er·~,I"eollierlh f lrbrolhn · •. m.l- ~81 " yon rc(pmptlU n.. s ~ nlllv. nutttl l. . 8 0\ ~, "v",:-' . r11 rwol Ired orf! ponndil ~ rt bad 69,70".7lf aad 74 W•• hingtoa "."Nt.. York. ftorl now lind Ihen anolher whIch Ih r. l' lutloo I. not (o r Bueh u yo u. 'I I,ere I~ '\: ou mud prou to mil, th~l my at h I~h~d public. 0 II I)UJ .tops l~ otdi I Us bb~ nil the !trehg~1'i ot th'e l>B~ diJ nOl IIoow,-a gt~le v~ice plcRding . no limd lor pen~lIalf-no time fur lor, "ns mftui"d, . Ihli ~ 1 m"y laolieu IU!l-1 n un l,Y Itn umU~O I/l '0.1' olul~r~~; ~lim~r RO defprming her thnt-lidl' rtl),5 !'IA"~ ,-OtiB OWN lOAF. .1 il eeellltd. ilh both. lind Ilndir,!: giVt'tl658 (or b~ch blllc~.eleed. 8. YOUU. th,,1 Iud is Ill)' !! r:an(hu n" .. _ /.J ut ~/r. .:MnL7.II1 KI~06Itru n \ .. IIS wo"c'lli~tent1ed to Ii mobstlQult. '8tz~ bJ'~Sing with a wild Ihrielr. Then a door bftng You Ilro 1051 I • . ~. ' 'Does nnt hi. Irk~oCd8 prove II! 1l9k · ~UllIIl · ffltl'tl (lfl.n gl!to l , y'~m()c, ~l.l1g S he \VIlS told thnt she ·lIii bt tJfte a ed loudly Ind III "AI .. ill. The eldesl 'Lo.~ I' .he crit-d in rran llc dospR.r: ed Ihe I>ri~& t. I IL Ill' t u tho ~ltg lIlLy o~ blft" llll..- r r'LrY if. s be .deolined flte otieta. A.~:!~ BRe-:z'·s:.~aJal~i~~~~~~~.!~ci .i.ler .to~d allivcring and trembling 'Iost I nHer I SUI'ely 11,0 tire Ihnl 'lL OI"Y, il mRY,' l!ae old m~~. '1'01 ~ thrown IUto lho Ill~' \V th n j ~r k tf~!;llt thnt if site IIcce ted It sbe .Ioubl.~ IlNllstl\ of oo~. .Pdt4fh. Ind her lJed .,olJm , door for an hon or hAJ bw-nt in my h~ lm lill i~ ., lilt teAftl1 mluinl! Iy. 'B tH,' he IIdele4, Wit" hi. co rn e ~o\V n upon Lh e pomt of IL I 01 ' b 1 r )oBs ible 8hO~' of sunl..l ~uperi()r to I1ny olher "poD/ller or Ill,. ia \he lIIore liII Ibe hellrd her mother com. in agony mu~ t coun~ (u~ f9.ID,ulhing? volcu luwer t .1 10/1 hiuju\( "hi'per, 'rny /llId Bpan nWlly; tops trul'\:l nil 111- l~r 1\ ~~~ ~nl, said ehe it be QIIlrIlCl&' Put up in ~ or l' Jilllfln4,~und" uJ"~in Wilb allow alld lien,. "ud. Fnille.r. l e t ine "hRI pen"nce you will, 80n. "hill of him T' c lill cll planc, into :~ In.cq uorc pogo, :lIDS'. . W'hO~ tllo nve'be r .cbl~ l1 o :j poundl, 6poundl ud 12~UDdal. th full OIuue't!lIg to '1 ernlt;- Rod ' Ihe on ly 1 hfiye I/(e in me lo' ilo It 'y h't Bpt- nll. 'Your ~on mllrd~ rcd: anid LI.e dn, Sp ill lll·ound. IIIslde, c~mu ~ut r: " 1 r laet rem~r~wa8 (seelng<aD ·· .O~ .1 •\ D¢t~~t.T . ~l'~i, .~Vli::i.~~~~ t,~ie~~t ~r:a~!r:.~~ti wordl Ihal cOII)d be'dialingu}lbed "ele, tond quiolrl, : what morG'8ID I ' do?- p,iCl I. boldly. 'nnd tl." II~ud. of l~rough nn oprosl~ 11 00 ", still 0;n':~i:u9 n cwllpaper nmong 'tbe It ..., wlmk ..p eft h~iI. a-eo"'pt.t. nI,,;!Ie' 16 ~tlodltor ~n soap. NO ,ffmc 18 ~e · 'A iirl lilia Ibllt my daughle,.jo . j"w I wb~t alOfe 0111) I .ulJu I' hi. motllH: IIn(J yo~ .,1\ pn'.1 b,. Looel mng, Illld rtl\l (1011 III tI~ot IC~ nc ~C, 8Ul'g~on.' s, tools):" owftbere l..that w .re fuj' " '1 ulred . Coneu'!len 'nil IIl:Id 001 thllclulapeal Never. Now- No ooe hunl--QOl '.('I\I! Wi~s' h ~'I.ued ~() .peak.. in the drep ", .. II beblOd the 6r. wood;- splonlng n\vRS. nn e . cc.p on Spill .. Ito'rrlble rebel neq-5popG',: Orrl~'li;; • • < ". a..ort enl 0 .. ;,j'" Poteah in the IIl&fllet. .nD lhe Iphph..-thou,h he tried• lAods 10 Ibe Church,' b. UII!.- If you find them you ",II believe lI'Ie. IIlngi _tOPII pu t on n IOnn ri f:I!IOUldol ' 0 s hllll not ro*o use of IL' HoI' Pi4tWO" . ·Org;'~. Jlt.lodto,...~,J. V''''~I If I A.~ii11~~&5~". 67~:'·69. bul I alii alroolf &oo-Ita I bal~ Shalt. ·An ... rilple girl diig\It jlu. blulle prny~ra lind mRy belie.o me, too, when I eay spin nh?~t . ~ls baok, Ilr~ulld I!I EI n"ok, l bdomcn JVns loid open with ,knife . G!Ailqr, ,l$4«f. .Ji"'tI(. l ~"'IC • 1, 72 ~.7" ft'~Wgton , ••. , No" Y~r~, io,. wilb lerror 1I0d (riglalallrd t",dulh. · Ihll 'Would relu", • IOU I e~ell Il;'ch •as 'hnl Ih~ ~Y jl Jour ir.nd.on, Aod do~n bl !! ~~m" 11114 Btl\, &~If ;oP~ ~nd th91l,§W<lls 'tn~C'" out, . Tlien';' Boqlr" . YiolillOrwi (ll(UtV ., ~~ 1.," lisleDing girl rctlrel\l.. d · iOlo fa , Y.Ollti (rom pUlgatory . "nd .aRYI! -ItritOIll 1 cll"n give you wlitten proof., buillea., thrown aploll liS lip ItJC I I g I I prdbo'~,,"ltl1 'l\ tat din '{f",is ' 1eb6JI~; &"iJlJl~' ... .", ~,. CarlLbed-room', lhti darkne'8 cooee~ling ·. lhe IILtr~,.! !lel!IUelion. 00,& . wh"t rich... 'fbe 0'" man'l el were g!,zed. IIDd ttr~~~y fcet nlll II \lo O Ie .8 '~';t It ,f(~ lip the tumor, r ab(f t.hrough :t.bjl Lho B. ;, ... Sal,r01 ber T.Iat'1 t"o be· I. •• only IIlo11ow a Pl. C .lorll,' r~ \V I ( .' .; at~ ' made (rom eommoil8"lt.' 'Bre~dliML de a!~len pever .re 9. "I j ' ap uP. nll~ '0' 1 r 1. I ' l l . ds IIs ' little d angor oC flllllnw or . stj>p- I to ma e lo ~8~ , , , " "£.:. ~C '. 4& Lo,w 11.5 1111 uonle 1.U th~ 'eat. wllh tltl. ealermtu8. contllin •. ".hen b. kcd'.1ltr," l,IOQ o( ""lI'f ).tll~ p:l~~t lh~~ 1I.11l1,!1·; '.1 '~, e md IOpO, Al' l , ~r, b I ht ~ cJ tltO bonea _ ping ns tho l\lobnlDmcJan 8 nirlt~nas. to be d. ccl/ulllr tum -wim .~~~ , . _. III ~hing btlt Cl~m~Jen1t, ~alF arid 80ul'. but they pner' la1' Ibelr blot her /Dore I Vlue L " lllean" 1 u. an -tv le re .e1 .ollg "./ ~UD '1 . I {' at In It t 1'O()t odd ' eUs ' In' It ' nn:<t-C!~ cell I·U_ _ (J:7 GI,v" U' I. end c ,n DC;J~r No .64 b) '1.4'JV!lu<hjngton IIt. ,t New York. . N¥iLllei D!I/De .wyclJco/Dbe iD i. he' IInu I"loh ", f!9ta"' i .~J" J.~L ' Tho b01 . ".'as iodeed .Dd in trulh t I~ ,,~g .u~ nrB so.?VC 8 t t n'falled be opened . . Whe'O- rtheopct&'I<*~ ' .ell,el or .. ' -.1, _-q . . ~~ DOl! re ule Imon".~ her lI ei llhbore, If. be Y!lu~.f'lC A.WI41\',,/ gr~odson. nla. gent.le Ibough Ibw·bom 1Ofty. nee or Ice e 0(> t done 'and tile abdoDleiu~~ ~ ~ U I? 'f!rui~O V 'P Ea-CENT SA vCD .,. ...... for tber!,were Ii.,k aloritll o( ber tIIr· ,It Iball be dODO,' . ".n.were .... lb. mol her w'"' 'or th .. tiral .lIme 1Ic!~Do",I: to ,Db y tbo IH~ ~t 11~~~ ;:::ll:ff 8ubjeClt !ltd dklined ,-0. weig\t IffoIa. . 't d B, T. Babbitt·. Sta,r Yeallt Pow4.r: Iy life ; "ad ber '1raDn), 10 her pri ..t, AI be rOle 10 retch lh. Qld lIIar' Ihe rrot;l1 );\11 180 to' go pounl' . •} SbeUlUvlai't-; I... " ;"" I Lilih .. Blscuit 'or ID\, !lind of Ollke ma,)lo b 'hhDd dlillghter. ftmarkllbl. neD "bo awed Ii, Lbe D41arne •• of, de"1 I, bOLll e, lin .. ~or la "e come 1 ~ de ' d 't I Dod in gooct.pttitl.~J .• ttl t 1a ~ ' . "It» ~;APfJ'l roade ~th thla ~cu~ J'0Jfdar, 10 15 DlI~ute~. iDa IliOI8 alern dll~." wi . "ell ko"" a ' !!nlerllld 'be roo~ .lth a foo~ o( 501· g.rey.haired but .~iII",arm.heerte~ o!d kn os ~ 0, .s t I. ~Ote on. ,er u .:Jj 9' " ' • , ' . I '1/ 1 '1 J •. I ' No·ClborteDlog required when ~.~L mtlk II b ()id 'B"lilolle dared rem,oD.trale emnil, . wblob ~he' lIIere 'pro'p,eat f)f 'Iaten, ' 1 ,.' '. things , II ' I c I '6::)' ~ ·lacJ.r.'_teredJ ."" J






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"JOIIN L. 'l'UOD,NE, ' .






RES TAU It ANT · S•· nouns I




60 Per.: Cent Saved by Using




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GI~11;::::~.2ri:4' "bl"he..,,~j ~ts, :!~~;.:: ~!~.":~~~~':~' .::~ . ~; ,o~~~:~~a!4!lib~h~;r~t:~.~:~ ::z»~:.~~~!~r~e~~~~~:~~d t';e~ r~:'::!~~:I\~ ~a~~:r aat~rft~'h' ' Ci:r¥~. ~!ftt!i . . l lil ' or .. ~ or !' /fIlIUn BU1!-D"''''' If" ,:.~ . ali...... ucecl, ~.d ".. if u" .tl 'l } , 1 1 ' b' or h r .e ea III ted into -be&ll .if the bm,le cl'hlltid by 'a r.n.. ,.;•• l'io'lilhkl1b, \If! . .~ ~'1,.,At' 'OW!';~=JJ~~':'~~~I:=~ "•• bow elMp.., &JaM ·1Ia&ncS ·be; b.·~ ••;4 haT. beell' _Of , om. . . . . :::'v \.:I ,.~~:' ~rald~l)l\t A bO\l'luet ot QOWOrtl, bcld' ln que of de rirot ~IJI,'th. ase ,.tIIoi ..... 'o(-bN'"o 8mB. I·" co. . . lund. For "n1l17 -1"" •• a", ' ' . ~ r . . ~-• W1



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l'~' ~1a. ~"III\ QU"~..:

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1DOIUI. ft. m .. b &0 ' . lIke the . Be ., . ,be &be . . . . . Iand. bd1 ,.n- ..... ~. aty bearlaJr dI. - escunloalata.. m e,. trom Beia Olit ","g4 thc.~ heW iD &Ie. . . . . . . fall ..... &ball' Add...... &DIS I I»RII!I. ._~e OD &IIe@tbla.L,and w.rou nt.ry pueil1,g tbro~gb ~alDa",ull, IBpi.. b 'OLb. --1.-. a copY (101&' '''''' by r· IUI1I mNan. I ncl all dl...... of aJ u .a l' ·I d II t ,,- Galilee, Capernaum, S1amarla, and by IleDd. ., aD I d AlkUe. P. O. DI'II.,r . ~1, T roy. ... .y. 'I . I' I B U IN aJ tbelD • I n our ga au \AlP' tbe Ri ve r J onllln _8lld c;\ "r Tiberi. on r Iollr 1I.D41red el,IeSal.e. III eD ' e.. 6u1 W lilt Ifr t'II ;. 'PIl " ee:::s I II b j t MA I.£ OR 'FEM ALR. ' \.lin partl ul.r j. • t een oymcn UII. Clln reJoin t he att-aml'r. . UCII Ihirty , Colir oC .bolll were ERRORS 01' YOUTH , Ir nnl ",llaln", Coli." ",ill l".1injF . • :.d "" ~ • •I.It~... " ...... .,_~ BolI\lJ\1.. ,b. JIIIi Dtr. ... eI.DI.. pos.ible to be extracted from sltcb a . Leaving J o.I'PII. t he next point .ofl ,h. e inoiaDiti ConrereDc,. A r o,,, lelll.n who ~tll'''rr.l lor yp" r. w"mr. or HOW LONG STAN DING. JWI1 trip. ' .nterc t to v i It will be, A le a ndrla . T ' oa ••• prt'l.clled frtl m NenouA Dt blllIY. P rall"" " o I?l'r.y ; Dlltao.,.. uf IIoeec ortr"'" r' lI" ire Ih' wh. ,. 1111, b. r·tllnd a 1111'11 tl ! 11Ia,.be i. l ...... Sha II hoalel kD<J.· For t he 'benefi t or many inq'ulre rs , wbie b will b. r eached 111 2~ hOllrll. II, op',l1m, • rID f S JI , " II IId all Ih• .,lfrc la 01 ,11 "l lI flil "!.III""" - II MII nl • dhlrellr. It'li u a\mell' I~ I U • --~, , eOIl~llt~. ' I "'- 1I.,h.netS&aC. SIIDcJI1·School I ' ~ ' b I . , and & ta.v malle h re of fO llr o r 1\\'0 by R.y. W . D. c.;vti man 0 " II" Y \\II n. will . fo, nk, " or .ull'el1l!"II' hu· mllhlll tv . eun "JQ,do~ 'ou nt:, 6"1 . a .,.' MOl. .... .. weI as lo r t e generA 1II1.0 rma· (lIlYII. The r.lli . II of Caesa r'. Pli laCle, Oill. ma illr,.. eNId fr!le 1t' .11 who n"ell Il, IIle ,.II_h", OM Plh'l Ind 8 1,,011 are . up. 1 DCI~OT C<JD",.IiOllI•• \II . tion it impar" , we extract ~rolD tbe Pompey'lI P ill llr. c!l copotrll.'s Nil 'Ii ll', 'XIoe Domloalioi COOllDillet rfE"orl ed r,clp' al1d di rfelilJ"~ "0' Rl ftk inll ,he purl ru (n', ,!! t hul! .o"ree .., 101lIh.. · I • ~ .. , 'C £\ ~~n lull . prog ramme k in d ly fu r ois hed liS by t ile Ctttl\~omb .' ond ru in8 o f IIRCiCIIt. tb, II luaH u.£ WIIIi. m P! " ill ltll •. E.q .. f~~t>~:':"I~rd~~ '~l ipC~I,,~~ ~:·,I~ ·e.~jmll:~: l Health a.d . H&J.pi"~" ""n'; SlnlAroa iib A rarty 01 Capta in H ocl, tbe description of the A.le.x:\ od, 1'111, Will tle. foll,n d w~rlll ".he ' .' . , ' .1 .• 0 . T"' I li d III J>U.le, " v oep .llu. I",on , ..u~~ .' 0 ~ fl J to C I 130 ur CmclPpali. fo, Pr sh,.enL, - all.. . t: u. er a t 'lperil'lIfl!. ~n ll du fq by addr".. II1,,- · ' I It • '1lL'~ , ' ." \ CIMI.,.lIloD,1 fr il!wl .. i, aboll' to r oute PI'Oposcd to be taken. It is \· I~I. le ourn~J !I,ro, . f • Dll r'"'lIll o( ' ''- u lllDd (or Seer" 'a ' 'In IIllrfpc l co.. Ii.I.. n ~"'; , : pr pmpl 0 D re IIQ e r I Y• h : bolh r :';in an4 r. ntll 1·'Ilid l I r , UO\UIIOII. • otlr Ihe JlMitio Rail· one whiob an,).a ile mlglit . ,. mIles by "III!, can oe mnde IU IL • C'\V . .. .. • . BOGDE N " C d H e 1'" b () Id' I Extr,.o~ 110" ' 11 t u II Q~' m. ' ae Itp'1 In .,,. ..I P~. o&lM envl • bouts, nnd frOID \\'hiuh CIlIl bo n It.. b . ",,,, b t "',il Src JOHN ' . ,.:1 A! ~ r MI..' N. \. ' M ." ' . ., r y, .,,1 , reli 01 t r. o~ . ," . , 98 1y. t<\, 1I.Io"J II pw~ roJoi uf 18 H' ''' .pr~(lt\r. .01 li, " "" - . A midd le I nd pleuant rOllta ~' ilI eulae ite or a noie nt Mem phllli J o· re[ ade';. _ .. d 6ye ollll,r •• rrom d ~m: re Dt " " led b y " - • _ ]f.... 0'• •." lh, mOlller of ~bt lad be taken ac roSII th~ A tl Rlltic, tlnJ I ilell~'s Grll unries . A~c1 ~e. Pyr~mlds . .• f III ·S (or V ie" P reaid'lIt · . • "' ....ct,.~1 ~... T ....t!. . • I.. T. II-m"""I'o, ........,., J.\ lr\T f{ 'rP'w. ;',1'~"'1ru' II h'fl, o 110m ,tl' j'a ' CllletllDa&i • few passing t llrollgll tha grou p of A'l.o , 1'rom A leXl\ud ,·lA. tile _~ut,,~ill _bo parta 0 , • la t_. . , .I MM,A)l 1I UWII IS01'OS,' lh wtl rlrl l·cno,..uell 1-19 8 r""d".,, Nuw V ur~ . " "LI ( ~lI~ ~a!l !Q\.l=» 1'''''71) • bo .~ f g d d' d OD F~id" res, St. }Jicha el1\'il\ bc reAcbed in a· w k an ho melVllrd, caUlljg :~~ ; ~1 1\1 4l, lth 11('1. DC 'h a l ialeru 1 conaealll.! 11' 11 I AUI'O I0I,'ist 1I1l<l Bo IIIIIMllb~ll.tlc Ololr,·oy"ul. , :\,10 • •lIlth 10 111 6Irll" l, Phi I~ddp"'a \ I'•. . " I ","keago or mlu e~. Ie bout ten d ays. A d ay o r two ~iIl be VlIgli ari <I n Sl\rdinia). a nd PAlma th. wttIr.r. ·~r, the 'Ohu,oli IIod Su:nd ,,}o ",'bile In.a cl.l,.o~'"nt st.1Ie. d IIno" te~ Ihe l ~~lt'8 8BAWx!lD ~·6inC.· ' C~~~I~:r.~I~"~P~~· I~~'lti.., dU .~1I4 II" ~,of w'lDe aRd' I"let.. spent here, .enjoy ing t~e fr Ui t ond ( in Mllj.orco ). ol~ lD~ninc~nt bar· School were iJed lIy Ihe ~" o(e r ' l ,'er~' fe~lurU8 of Ibe per.@on ),Oll nre t.o no" . · TIl .. ""'''''''', ''' ''D''' br Ilf. J.~. !Iol.."~.. I ~_ ~, . ~~I~II/ ! T~. E llA'ra .Advert..,,· ..,t tb. wild Bccnery o~ these Islnn ~s, a nd ba rs, ~Itb .chan~ lIlg IIcen~r:) , a nd o· I! IIC~ . ' aa h q ueslion. a.: Siholi itl ry, &lId by tbe al,l of 1111 10.~rUlJ1f\ll· uf III' Cl~e~'\i)iadt p~. .. ~..... a_...lIe - • • • I 'lIe e rOIl . I 8 11;-~ . • cbild or a DO'ed COllrt... o of tb.t oit, tbe "oya~e conti nned, and Gl br. lte r bound lDg I!, f rU Its. lloere b; . i irJ , ,,Ii ioa ••• "icle' for power . k n~w n AS the P~ycll?mu~rope, gll:!r f 'Q'~,~~t:,;;~~"'r=:'~~.:'4r!~ . p Y "I I D"J • •. .1M I(\ il . ' I ae of 000 reached lD t hree or to ur dny . A day wtll be spe llt o.t each pl ~ce, _" " Pt\CI . II r' aDteu to pl'odu« a perfect II lId IIrc- lik~ "Iu· ~... , ... '1'.... fOlIa ~".r<'" . "a g II~ JaUeb 1~lr LO a, fo, '! " A day will Le IJpent here in look , lind lellving Paho a io t he e\,ellln . \ cb,ld reD-Tta.. ""JIlOL lind mPlhot! . (' . ture onbt' future Iluabanll CIt wit... of the lip ..... ...4 . ...........""",Oft ...1,,;11 .. 111"" - 1t1 -w 111 lb. aDd l'I·peDt.ance of lb. r.- ing over th e wonderful 8ubterrAl.e· Valencia iu Spain will be reacbe~ t he IlriMDt .cl . .. 8 I1n,"y School '1', 11310lng slicAnt, whb d. te of mnni'i j.(c . o..'tupu lloll, 41..-01. elll and m. \! .. by MR IlOD"lf,Iltij I _.J f t . tf i ' . I t " 't •. . A dllt. Qr two \"111 be H ow CR. ".. r" t.1O ' our 0 Id .:r ,)0 <, I I I 000''''' 1'1""...."r.~ bo ...,..'1 -- ! :b.r',. .. ..... . _. • • ON'.M'., ., ...... allier . OU8 fort. cations, perml"S f)D 0' lSI nex. lJlornlng . J. • 10 - . IM1IIuI; ,r",its of cliarllct r. i;c . 1 'III. I' 11<1 , ....... 1. 81''1r~, 1_ 1b. "'"...b • • 4 IIHf ......... . ""u ~r IlIy' eUll'lo)" W~lIc h I '. alf S !IIQ.1 Hel'tTrftlIt.,D. ," old••t tbese galleries b eing r ead ily obtaill epcllt In t hle. t he flll e!!t cIty of SplI lIl. ere in 0'1' 8"nd. , Schools. 1l0JI .Ido "11m1JO ilion. aA lcollmonial.. wi tllihlt .lumber I bMll hr ..... 4'\M .fIIOI" . .....Of\14, _ ... 1M ·to.1e '. • . ." , \' " " • ..1 ed F rom V "tenein, the bomewa rd f: . b" 11 CiA _ r t Dyolt'llilllf l)ltleo ofbiriho){1' ·... dl'lIl11_ ... lu.... 41••-UO· ..." i' .... oI ....• ~7A!&!E! 1\ " '..... iDil t!lr of . L"e (,I, ra.. &ror...... ~ 0 '''' 1t r' nnt 'g ilIon'" the COllrsc' will be c on t inn ed .klrtlng o. MOlar." . . ttllcfnnce 01 lb. 0 II I ren . \I- • • • . ' I " • .1 . I ..... " Io\> . .l "'U,oIoia~" will.. oC lb. I. ,\ WI !:O • • ~.J, . ~' If . . . .'t. . ~ ~ . : , , d' d t '" rom ~ urll. or l n • n .. , . '. r I 0UI I . -'l'b ,h.\'O""IIOIi. color of "Y'!8 t\ntl llt\ r . n llu ,," e TI\~IC .3d ''' .... . r Rour loo~.. . rttl. lf ANIlUAlti ' " . , -' ., Ch.Tel. 01 lII' U o,lid S'al", .. • consts of SpA in aJld ]\rnl1ec, .M llr· long t be COl\st ot SRl\ lIl, A IClll~ t, An. 1 I of our 1'0Dgtfg"\lOn' [1i n" fl fry cont. nn.1 ij"ml'od enru lu[1c n<l P UJ.8 ... m. u..... ..-oril". ry ca... of 4~._.1.. .u fie •• i",,1l G uo.!_ .~ In., I~ "' lJr. SuuU o« -':01 .... r_ ;ouol . ..' .. I" N. " .- . .. .! wl,i"l l I "iii ~ltll"I'1 i>t.II&4e IRhia oa WcdqU d" I"~, •••cl , eeilles ,.-Ul \Ie renQhed in tlu:co {l IlJS, CarUI lIgentl, p !.l os. nud AlRIllg A, 1V 11I . 1.~~~ me ll.l'od or ..turlni cOOl,pt kn l \ .J.'rC'" 8M I~ v";I~ilClf rou will 1'\:col\'O IIU! pic . Lt ~wo di tltlllil. \ • • •Vork. 'Q~.' ........Ia<lp.ol on... la l"blleoWo . , Sf ,'Ifl. lIere tta. atea mer ..1\' III TelD. , n elg u ' be paaee d ' b u.' a I,I,' 10 "f v -rllllchl!f'-::-,Uow un ~e mlerul I IIe IIIIrod Ity rclurll lII',iI, logelher. ,.. ilh dcsircll ' pili ....Ilwlon. cr" .. ",,~. J!<... da.I,· vo ......... _ b , :... . . ,. . . I • T .. flo.y 8, g\vlng ample time not ollly to ond Gibralta_r rellcllt!d lu about 2 'nli~1l ia.llibu. hip of olar chu lrell ill inforll1:,IItI;I. . t?!]J- A.ldrc. K in CU "r. tll·IICc . .. .. P.III~·., o..."..... mp I....., b .. .a.v.lOr ..,",tao • L Q W,II ()ny MUll bit" ~ lit Ttl. gr""loppel'l Ill. !IX • look over the city, whleh was fo nnd· bonr8. ' . ' . MAIlAIII< G' IIT '''-1I8 HUIIS(lTOn P. O. HOle II.h. ' . . "~."" QII1i1 yl ' whiob .4t macla npao&ed ed '600 years before the C4rist.aill e ro, A stay o f on e d:lY will I~a mn<1e ,_1he: SIlDd., School. .0 ,~ 10 1I~llre ! :297 . W c~, ~rol" N . L ' . • [H 1r u,:,~ ~~:!:":,~,:I::~~~ ::~':!': A I ~t. • .mall ~ 0 'k 011 fU ott ft ••;-Ita lillee ••"" all dHU'01,d and Ita artille al pOI·t, t be fin est of .tlle bere, and the ,'oy ll ge COlltll1lH\~\ to t""" burly llooperal'io'n. I_ _' . , Con•• ,,,p:lo... ."d Illeoob.r .. " ....0 . . . . . 1....... N ISHING O UOOH !~I\' 'or \I • .. ;.. til... old th f Marcb kind In tbe 'Mediterraneon' bllt to Maderi:1 wblc h will be reaCHed III n, On moat 01 I~II .bo,·e tC?pic. "lobor· , d"' A ' !n' l'" I,.' ~\' n·tu,"1111( 10 Il~r ce,ulI , 1 'e.lIl~ .....;I\I... ~.~J'.o"'... I.,~"'''' " "III .,,11 .t • r"' . n" ablt ~".r.'. l.. . I v1 0 . . . er o . . ' ,'Isit P.ri. durin g the g rea t E xhl bi . LOllt th,~e' dllYII Id E 8 y' • lief ' "hicb ' ~ ro,ok I .. y h Ollie , nfle r 0 ~".i""rll or II I'" " 1l1""lh~ ill ~·.14 b'::';'IIru '1" . .,,4 j)o.... ~.... ptl.. . t.OO.. ki:rr,w~J:·.':lo!~~:~~" s hll. ~... '" ,T . . ,rial of .Iobll H. B.rraU hi. tion' and the b eilutiful city of L yA ca ll' lViII 'be' mSlle nt Del'm nJ t\, " II • R e ol C • r ' ,\ 111" Cil )'. "-'\8' hnroll! rcc" glli~cd h)' I." r : ::~~~~ 0t, 7~f.l~:~· .:.~:n.~:.~~~ ~~,,:!~: ~ , ,.. Ii . ~ tieea p!llpGD.d . on lIloUoa of lilt 00, · OilS 'lying Intermediate (1'0111 tile whlch li es -d irectl y in thi ro ute cd eloquen, : An ... rll"At I IICUII"lon.- friend.. t .. pl:tc e of II C<l~I.,.e . !'1I. lie. III1~ hl" l : - I) .no.. s... "*n~ ,~u .i. r':'L. I"l."~. pi.... fa. ,I relurn Ih. II, 10 my 'l'ld til/~ ,Dn'~d 1· lnril·lnl~~4p.IO.t'. ~'"llldutIJln'lpr! 10~~1~;1t ft" -. '0 ,h. lOtb of Jlllli.· to .pro· he lg'Ms of whloh, on 0.' cl enr day, homeward, nnd \\" iIl be I'en~ h c{\ iI. n· All & 'R1(09 Ib" ,BllIt'" ilelhod or ,., . \ I'" ..'\) , Ahe h,,11 1\ sofl, ruh~' el1'\II'II'xion .. "ln,ost ' lIu",:"'I \"~.I'1":O A. . .... ; I)• •Q. . lI"r••• C.... ..til,." ,.a• iii. ... .'kalioll . of importaat _ . .. iI· l\l ont Blanc and the Alps can be dill, bout ten dsys frOID M a' d e l'ltl ' ct (\ ' Int' "r I I bl I I ' I J r " '1'" \ :c. v.. to. 8. ..,000 U. lll1no .... Wd ., .J1Ib. I). ~ n c """ . li n. It • cotlna eo petenl flIe lera, ""11 .e LI : mAt e . muol IO el" . 11111 'W ":~ ~. , \\., ". ' . 1'_0. 1J1... lbn"~ O~I • • W.' ~r .t '&";'1.,. 1,;.... ~ ur" ill 11", '1l1UllI mv. ...'w ~ }' , . tinctly acen. . . e r SllClluing a dny witll o ur frie nds by ~r. E. 11. Niller or Aekroll. O ,"io 1th ree . he .""lIy 'rpcn rc<\h llt }"I?'llAfen. 1:' POll , ~ lJ~ ; . \Jo"Ir" U..-. 81 t.o..... III.. ' . fORni'e, . . , I ttt ~t ' II. . . ., . .'rOIll M.Arseilles to Genoa is a 'ruo t he llern,nd lallll, the II Il I1 I depll rltll'e A A Iii " . lodllel ion . it ... une illiluil·y.· 10 the C"U ~I' uf ~o SI clI1 ,\ c\l;l.II(;e. i , fl . 7" ~~ .,.. , " EtTON 't1JD I.£Y 1)1' ••' .-' .ork in nottoD H~lI .OD or one Dlght• . T ell dill'S ~' ilI te "'ill bl> matla !'ur bome. whioh will be I Ff P '. " . BI"" I'I.. illl ~· t"hlillelll .th" ' . '" e UKU~ Ihu Cir - - - - . -'--,- "" - _. . . - .p- -.-~. Z. . W,.ru _v iii... Ui;y l,tlM , . KIIDcS a1 10 se' ,b•• aakea fIGht WAY' g h'en bere in which t he excursion ranched in " bout three d BYS. qlltlled by •• y 11"'.I! ".n 11u~ ClIn- aalllliau Balm. """..1 cOlu.iolurctl il un i\l\',,11I ~ .Li); ti). " ~ ' ~ ----'- ...iOTO ft' ''''. '.-" ' _ .tit O"~DDal. foaoel of tbl lats wil~ , . oppor~unity t~ look l.t ,,'ill be scen I.y t hc fQI'egoin g, i.n It,r.,DC8. Br a ~1I~."~'~lIU •., Yllte. ~\ w... "lJle ~c1)ul"ht.tII to '~")' L"dy 'i Loil ul. 11.,' it~ f' ~ . ~ ~. - ~: ' t ' ;.l.. ~,,~~q. :. 1 . laO d d ,.lieD .b. ove r thl8, the 'mag lllli<:ent Ctty of WblOb 11 11 reast/na bla II\lO"tl(l ce I. rellUtllrd ror pllbl ·cISuon. "ad w,lI ap \I. e . ny I;·.dy or G~l\llql\l\lI) ,CIIiI IIJIIII'O\'C , t ." . • E. & B. T. A ca ~.~ ~c. .e.r•. rO"De b . lll . IJAlllcei,' "isit, tbe birthplnce of Co; mnlle, t hat the excllr8iolli!!t~ will be pu r io Ihe poblil lted ..jnll ~t'8. lIu"u'(II"tlr~'" . '~i.".", " 1 lhalr persollll i "Pl'l!nrnn.e QII hunJ red (01,1. w•• t elo ••• ehnKIDg to . t • flii ,. lumbuB, twele miles oft'. O\'el' abe"u , ill Marseilles a bplIt the ~Otb orJllne; So .r ' I L 'I 'I ' . • ":' • .1 h is ~'impl ~ ill il~ "olOblnall(m. N .~h:lrll hl.r - .A X . '. . 'do . I ~p·l' .k.tlto . ' /)Il ' 1- a _a,. .L ob · i rIp. H.d t l'fil db ,!I.' l t b1. N i l . . F rom ~AP I es, lot Ot b J II ly; e onsLlln t'1II0VI ej . meltDpotlln v'nUIl • ' . rm ~ Mldlal II roa apo e~>ll . . clIlnle.wllr , . dcli' i• .ti hnpltl, yel tl n. llrp. ...'<l;Cd ia "t" clllc:,e)' " • . .... ' ' .' '. II<)fuA'Li! :ill th.,I,I,O Iber .011111 ba" come to this point excnrsloos moy be ~8(le uth August ; Subn8to~I, ~Oth ; Jop· ID 11111 OO, .IIIUIIOO, ~I,e. fir.l. WHII,.,O III dr.!wlng impurllius .fr\l m, 1I1~0 heRllng. ~ '11. _ 0'501 IU10.LD\I' u : ~ ' . _'~ 1_ f'-#~ IDd 'mi"bt 116'" be.a .."d. to Mllao, Lakell Como amI MaggIore, p" 20th ; Alexauql'lli. S eptol'J\licr the DIlmllo' Ihe orlr"ftll ' ''00. Ilt. WI clc.l\lIillg "1It1I,,, .. u~lfyh)g tIl o ilki" lind l'lIm 1IiiiiiIi:J"'-::" 'u"'". ........ ',. V eron.. . Ii".molls .01'. " . Its . \> LII ; G I' b ra Ito r, ..n"OJ tlI. Il,n.d ... , .... .:d '1. •h" 0 ' ~ '? .; . . ' . . I ' ff' I" .d o " I\~1{ " ,M "'.'11 I... ,r·Wof tl· (),J· , . . '. • : or to 4¥ new • 01·k . hekafter be ClAII, 01,,_1" i \lIe,." "" By .t ~ dlrlll,l. ,leUI'n tll\ llul ~utl" 0 It , . , :s~ ,n' "1 rr. I\'J 1'1-:1 l ALli, ,,'; ~I . , ~ J .lFr, W.. ue""d io ~o~tr,. e xtraQrdl~.ry fortlficnt ,olls. PattulI, nbo ut Octo~r :!Oth to 20t h. after UII Sund.y Sebool Confo:~"nce, I.all t N "r dru ..·s ffll lU \t ~Il it¥ impuritios, kindly 'hMI ' ''' ~ .. ror tI •• (yl ' .",\.11;1' , .. . . 11 • .,y""ldl, 'lId proloalld IlIdlfClr· and Ventce; Or if \.lassengtlr8 d e- ab8elle~ of IllJOllt fOll t and 11 bllifto '11 . I ' 11' LI~' l i ng the .,uHe . 3\11i louin!! lhe surface ,t» N., ,, ~fI! i1 .' fit('re-.,.,. ~ M...... ~ """ ," ' '";7' • I to I it p , , C tl II r;; tna nalllll II. 111.11 I 'try '0 Ie ., gll( "Y . -)( K,..._r ..:,. " _ Ill F'o r.T' ~\1' ", ..' •... t.... . • '. lO lIi_ pr...DcI ID tb. cil, WI. 8 re vs arlJ}A, .•a rnoll .... . o r or · \' 0 mont 8. '. . . ~ . IU rc Inymdcd I ~ KhQulti Ill). olcur. soft. sm\lU1I1 If II . . ' " eI b regglo'a (rescces. IUId Bolog lllI tlt.e l' 'llhe price of pASSAge i8 fi xed nt Sehol,1 .t;JfIO~~C lhl! UeLho.!,,' I!.PISC, ' ",ul bC.Ulliflil r rleo$ 1 ~.. n' b,· lohit ur 1>:1 . r lOpr·. C " " "~'" )< '."" " ,.Ir. e•• raU, -, m.DICtated. lL 11 a.. 'A' 1t,......... . • I,:au by ral' l go on to FIore llce,' nncI '81250 onrrenc\' fo r each odult pits· plI I. Ch'"uro h. . pro.~ oll l'(lcClipl Of lO U \>tdt' r b W. I.. ' -' . r ••' cI 'I"",• .&o.."-I . • 11. 'tl l'lli....,. lolim.ted to III. r"1l0m AI' tbe 's teamer a t Ai<:g T - b I, II se lwe r. ' and fi ve. •dollars pe r etll.V, III , '4< • . ' ;l r ,·i.h 1(. i l1 f, ' rr,; "'"I ,:1.. r .rieu .. i..i Ill.. " .rO .1I no j\"' 1I1 •• """ ' '" II" . .. ... to "" ."",... • Orll, .tou. Tbe ntxt cblmIJc tlI'IL W" II mll,lu Wll 8 , OLA,RK .. CO .. .O lle lDi~J.,!. No. :I "'cd F a y ' ' " h,rll"."I'; '. · r O•. 'II,I, ,. 1·"vh.".... ;I'" , .1.• . , '.... I!a 10,' II It di bo h k d .. D '" 1',,1, ,, II' IIIf,1 I alII .lI ill "II ha .. d w ilh , ,I -. .. .hadi.g,rebt II \ II a' no.pll bl Ie demo ' . " SpCII. ng a ut t ree wee IS am! golt·I. it is b eHe\·et1. will lJe n ~ni r in ~hll ralio o( r" p'''.lInllllitlft . l:Ilm!lo' I .~te s~" SYnlc u;!e~ ~. L-Thu Duly AlDeri lu ll Ii"" ul _ . II. h", ," 1 1~. l\ rf"l .~,,~", ," . • iUD in bo.or of Datil .ollld b. per· the ettles most fnmou8 for A l't III olll c ul\ltio ll to mnke fOI' all t rn\'elin g f • C • d r UII II A"on14 fo r Iho .,,10 of Iho '''l1If . 1!!'0"~1c ' l-......... tl .... I'. a1y . - , on s hore lind nt the van. • rll tile lin' I. ene. Wll' co mp~l.e 0 "c''1 I ~ • I f ·t. II.,- _ . ex pellses ", nl·,,,d fir .. 'h~r lb. MII~ '" I.•• I"";"'~ . ml ,8 • . I'rom GeoOA tho run •to L eg horn ous points ",I., . Cl·c ' -pnssenf!er s mAV all traveling minii/ ln. · or III" II E CO 1..... · . ·. ...· I r'....liul ·····I .. r ~AI.I·'4·'~ "'lW Iio " ' "" • eel t • '~ ' . • • • \ 'U' .. ·., I/_ 10" ....... -. wa.:.;::,I'" . ""-· nnt>'tort't,. ~ , r '" . hhllr. "'0 - . . . G ..... will be mad~ aloog the coast III OIlC wis h to leavc tho stcllmer 101' lilly 8 lit Church 10 Lllo, Bill", all SupulDlllndco • . -. II . ' . , ..........u. .tl~ .... • .. lIig ht, and IlX da". 811propriotNt to •'1 t'lm' c • r SUnUM) ., • ao <>_ 1~oo Is. one Ii ... I@IR IIe f rOD' Th ... \\. __ , ~" fI, ...·t n ...~ mht1!. I " ~''(t. u, .i ,.",i to\ b' ._ _ , 'J ... . " h ' o:r, ber . I" 1\ , ne; !Jr . .. rr. .... r~ I I II r ' • .' • I W I Ii .. e r tbis point in-.bich to vi sit Flo l'once ; •••' - _. I I 'd ' ho. \I h 111 • r. .. wt. k •. II )· " le r. '''''11• ,.",e' IOU' " • • I/"n, , 00 \,.. ri~" •• 'r...... ~ ~ ,·,",, 1. \11 'An addrell-to." I. '00 toW ra 0 its palRees and galle "jcs ' l'is :1 It,. (,li n I .choo .~" ' ' '·0 from . fro 01 eyery ,I,., . 1'I . r III"' ..... ... 11; .....1 'or .. ...... Il'u.... itl~ I'~ ; r ~ I)i h,!! ..'r~ .r. Ilfll'h "I ~I V · {} \V 1\ " I·h·. 0,, ' ,\1 HI ' \ IS I.··•• ,"_ ",,0,.,1., J Ohio, eifa..d .b, . lhe· EXloQlive CIiID Cr&tbeLlI'al an" 'Leaning ' 'fo~er ' LINCOLN. ILLINOIS. S\lnd.y Illh,oul lIumberin g oYer Lwv ) " "" •• t o I",,; " ~~'·Ii', n .• ",1, 11... 1 d <8 I ,Ii , . . ... .,nJ DE S T UltA,N lJ~ " I ... "io: .. , ~" I',· "I ,1. .. bU"1 ""I 1...Il! ,>10., • millte 0 ·Lb, Wool Bayerl"1011 De.1 . ... , c' '. I' k k . Ib~"'" I l\hl' 29. l . li1. hllndrrd pt:rioDi. If.,11 had been in ." " ~ U "'I'[ "' ''7" 0'" ,, ". I!. 111 11 . "'.11''' tv . :...........~.....1 e~._"" II ..... er.' Auoei.tiol,J. h •• be.a . illued. ill Lueca and itll baths and Ro mon Am · . . f h phitboatre' F lorence the m08t ro _ .. ' · Allul1d.DC. ,,1'0' "r. e allll~d I L 1... ~,II.,,.. ' u /l.r~ .. lh . ,,'e. " ~." ('cu r~. CITY MAN ' UFACTURE ' itW.. ·4c...... IC....... ' . ~.,..••clioD .ltb tlie minDlea 0 I . te b i " dl ta t' b '1 h t ED~ , 1\( 1,\.\11 "ZlOTflj;.- LIIIC,) 11 I . ' e , 0 oe' I ' 1 o· .II"·hD ,I . .. r~ 'I, II.· ,,,,11 .''' '1" r ~i'r ~( . • Ou,P. t.. It·. u. ,"II,t.,<.. f1 Vt:· m .i· . ~ ----I ., mo e ...... s n y rUI 1\,,011 llbenutiflll cit' · of over fO\lrth u tt s"I~11 11& . 1h0""11,, . .• p.•uoo, 11'0'1'1.. .' uavl' 1_ " j I"'e COa,.'nlioD DC t b.............. 011. III ixt .' II ~ " \ Ih. t'~_r1 I,"hn u, e I (r re~ "f . hor,,_I. ,ri , h• 1\.. ilH,Or" ,rr.,·ur l . n.. ,.' H II 01 I " d·... qMoiI m ell. It \. ' ( . I . h Ad fil ii'; u II, . lIIu lll .,...rr.t. .... FY _ b om ,to N op I es 'h ".' t IIA t e(loti • ,""".I!o". o""Ul'n'I" . n " ,(pee ," II r 1I .1t lie ,, ~ . SIRI"" . I f "" n <Ol/4 ' • U 'I •" . ''''IID. n rom Y ...,g • e d"18· .III 110 ~-... 1'ta n t S, III n Ie C III'''II'''O .. 0 ' Il,.,ea pl't'lent. - . '1 " d " I' ''''Ir Cl'R' '.',. """"'.(' "" " 0 Ih. f' • .. •• u .u ow. • 'u b d'. '. ' . ' . ., 'll"rt'alkr Lh e Coofl' rPIICe .lIdl Inlli- , "'11 "" •. ,, '. • r:. 'or ·"" 8"1Il.""'" • ~1 .U1I" , , , , _ .. ....... . '. r do •• tanee WI e m~ e 11\ abollt ,~1j It o l1rs, Alto n & S t . L Ollis R. n.. OtiC hIm · h lh",~ U r,".~O'i l;. Col". '" ('ultl ... ,,'. 1 , ' f'ho l " rn)Jhrr' . "~ ol~ " '" I.rd'tln· ".II\f..I. ·".uou.... Ar.g ..m••• t no,., ' ID '0 tb C, TOll te_w IIIJI . d o f ' J!.III L" II'Y u" -II Thrnn! ' . 1.,11 _ Atr"" . .. ~n•. . '1'.,« - o"ly . obj '" L I.D 1.~ ':" ~ '· a .B D 1.~ 11!" ' e ~I ontg"ue COil S t 0 f ured anll Ilft '· .six mil c!! s O ll ~h . w ~tl t o r lUI" WI'11be COR·llo.e n.,,1 . ' . . ' w · . ~ I, " • \~' II )JI..,•• ,·.mll "~! ' I)"r c'·1,r •--, .... I'1 Dune I, .. In An AD II!H!" . Italy. elOAe 'by Ca"re l'lI J.'1I11 d J I P .. KIt!. . . . ...... w"h ,I.. " u"..... Ibi wool ' ltoWeJl !)f Ibe 8La.. : but. ' I" r ' . • ~ , a ll Cbiengo.tllltl l.lV6uty -eig ht mil us no rth I el{,u e. IroOl tall-It rtlflulIIg er . of II, ,, M,h' nh~ r "' •• ""fI'l( .h. I·t ... ~ril'" i" "' , l 'f17-!fb ... rl,·", •• d q". li l~ br ou,« "'(' ''1 OD ·lh. cODtrar, 1iar .im ...d 'p.;~ .• ', O~~ica . . '!!ments hll~ e b een r IS . ",(1 Itl ~ ' t. I " ' 1 i Di. lricl ill Ib~ StaLe. whi uh h.s lin or- 10 ... ".li l III •• m... hJ • • " " ~I"· •• d I"(,, r, .. ' II· .. · RI~ . & SOM ._· Ml' _D '.II." ,lIn' ;. '01 ' K, I I" ."I,ot' . Il·f, . ., ' eI ..... lDade~ take on bonrd , at L cghorn n 0 __ [H ID ", e . . ItUtl « 8 ~ ,t 1::1 II , ' . . . . ' wl" d. he e,,"c,''' ''''' 10 b. ",,·. Iuohlo-, 11,,<1 I.. ...~~ ' --;;;.- - - - --.-,- --..., ' I~ wo~k ID bArtDO~JI •• ;0.:1"':' pUett for Oaplera. and. if prn clil~nhl('. tile miullt of n ri ch Ilntl flll'li\ c COlIll - , ~ 1I11 !Ullon' alullh"ry 10 1\11l IlIlItl! ute.' h.. ~ .. <'r ' y .un... , 1\ i" 'r,- J.i. ,. "" dr : ~j- ,. ' '. "~I G - E '" '1' • "Ith, !II • . 'D."~pr1·ln,, aq " 4 ' o~~rd"'1 1 a call will be madc there to "is it t he tiT on the LCIIIIliruI ra lli'n '" 1);':1 iriu \ The anooupe.OIenl of Ihis chllngll w, lI . o, 1,h.... nnlhio~. outl ""Y I)"' ~;~ 1,1... An .·x . ..·,in·nli., .. Ii ' \\ hi,.,11 Ii~n n\lt h i '~\l"-CIJ " S~ ~'JJJI~,j "00 -,re,lerl'ID,a.. I .." IIi h om.e 0 fG ar ibaldi . ois it is d C!;blin cd• ' 0 lIu,1 ' .,lIh ,lIalv",.,,1 : '. " 1" I IA IA II I ',n \ u· li· lII que ' I ' · 'l . • _ of.,Ccntrol Illin appr<l ul. 1' 111m,11 "'g . • r. o.. ~ ' ~' '''''' IC I, e " r ~ " · "I ," ,u n. 1'11 0:;>: .. "~ " R" "" ,,,,,,I U llulul ~ ,uul r .Oh"--d I\>_ .00. .• • • ElgbtdnyawllI bespen t inNllplas, ' . .. ~ I P .t!. El' 'D' . . b) rt lurn",. ,I., .... II·I.·"'e" ,"tl .·~,.. i.y nn;1I 'PRI CE! . 2000' W A' I' ;111:8. P ~ t'''nl ... v~ »ur~ ·,No 011. wJlIIU.mpl ~o lQ.tfi(1' ~r ~~ In which R~IDe, rby !'nil] H e re lilllD ~ - become one of the IUlpo l'lnut c llles lore orly ,r ~s l Ing u d rl IIt.rlch III Rl:v . •:nw ",u n A. W ! I.~O ,~ . . ' • ,ne lll .\ full j. w" ll'tI. Hullflna 0 . .., 11ft . Il~e i)I.lIb~11. degr.. palltal.e 1 .•0. gro•• tim Pompeii , Vesuvius Vi r 17 il' s of' tire great p rail'lc fStu t C. 1116 SlaLei and whea fully r .. pr~' .eI11"t.I. \\' ill iu:".J>ur, ; Klnn C~. N• ., :V"I·I.., I. E. I<'E inlr S,I,..r. 8 ""lllilull Ellrrl 'l'1I u di. · "tr~.~ .1!lo~dlr·b,efllrIY eOOl mdlltcled I ~nd To~b, and Po'e.lbly the r~in 8 Or"'PA, The fll'st buil<lill"s we re erected willlIltlli_ A eooferelic. of tllre" hllo' 97 11· • . .. , .,r 0 I i 'It n" II ovi r, r, ., p"f.l ftrit"c l.~. TII.e,..~ '_1. ,ID, lip IDII • " e.c, . I011' ao t II I lted II h 0 ,I t! d '" ...CC:O(JIIl • •OHOVfI .... . 48TH.... . It', I Ie "11" '" 0\1.... ·.old at .hl 11011. ,. C'"ch( b,i~1! I... ,h.. u "a.h.d 100111 aDd o'~.r es u,m. con e T • , a8 we a8 t e horo abollt tn's h 'e years I1gll ' soon IurI! an l"eDly putlon.. .1V""ltr.""I,IIf1, "n, illll . 186' .· tlli'. Iii.. ' e~ 1>( 11I'1I~·ftI"', n " .. .' . d I h beolltlflll lIurroundings of NRpl oll . ' , B 'b d' . I. . f' ..:......---.--_.-4.. l; , _ _ lil. b It: 'II~ .clrWI,... Sllb.tllnce •••a t 101. W 0 and ItIl ha l b . I\ftCl'wllrd8 It becnm e U, e ~oulllv !lent Y '" 1001D'. \lna ratiO 0 repre · 1IA,!!ur.l. l~uP" .• NIIY. 18D" , ' ." w.. ch• • · "r~'rl". , ..I ~ ~r~ iai,lly, or .... Ob df1crptin aDd crilll' Thc :ex:mpo~:t otf in terest \Vill bc of Logan , Count~·. It took it; name . "nL"liolt I_be eon(rrflnce "ill b. Ie .. .. MR"~lC. 'l'Hti·~ . AI. IlCOCIC &. C u. -' (' liloi.• ,I (rV!n ' 15 f\1 , ·Plt-•. II,!.' .,·II/.If"" '\IIIIt"'] practlc••• IhOllid It. bDDted ap .ad p r . th t b .~ I I r' lb " I d 'd Ab ulI.i .. ld,. '::"'lDorll ea'ily eott\rlllilBtlJ " I Mn.l. ~ltI' di"p'Q 'rh, Iweln dOl.,," .~ I l . . ~ , ..~ ,::. ,, ""ul"" 'urp, brill¥ &!' ell~li. ,~hi~i1I(I .i.iteel .• lib tbe eztrtme peDalLi•• or a .ermo, e m?s eantl u (l t,Y or 10m tie c ell S Ie pr~81 ent, rIl ' . • • . • c""k· .. P"r".u~ Plulr,. . O"r dltily Pl[ . ~ ,r waldie,. .... "..,e~ . ..." I I . ' R.~'" ,h. Sicily. whlcb will be r eao\Jed 1,1 one bam Llocoln, "' h080 memor.l"is eYery, II. Rnoul places oC moellnl-Iu lI] CORl ' peril!nce C01l6rm. foe 'y l uprri"r no it _ ~ . J!I ,.... ,Al e ill I".."hill. anot " fI' nl'" ol'rrtJ.I\ 'B.t tbir, II "nolher el' " of ,ro.· nlgbt from N.pleB. . A day will be where rc\'ered. posed of _alnore active lind zu ioll:l work · C.. IlIlIICII. Al Ihi. IJHJntell l ,of "", rhitl,," a if. ~ ~ ~ I" 'h "Xi, ~ ~:., ~,~ fi'ilUI'!!I. l]hl , II' III' . lOon ' .pp' ie~ (or 1111' . I\'h.~. bl' f!'ll" "11 :'" '! ~ ~ ~ _ t......Cft. • curroltl 1'imtl· klleplll' ~\ ~!"'i~' en (,thOle .Ilo "ad b'I••, and baIt· speot liere, .nd lca~'lllg In the e\'e, - 'rills 1>la;'e I'll the seRt of an c¥'.' ere in Ibe ·Sundlly.Scbool cau... , 'd ..... ) h ' ere ,c, , • . rei nlng. the eouraEl will be takeo to, :. .• . ' . " I~lllit "I Iht' . hAlt or. m""hllll'rr, I, ~d . bul" _ >. ~ Q or _ lumiDIIJ .\1111 · ' Enry 'walrh wIPl lirJ !, __ ~e wL~I •• Olll.~ 0 ao '.,. I wards Athens. cellent UllI ve rs,ty . under tbe control The eODference tlpprop"led OIM MIA' I.. a I",. bruk~n •• pllle •••• .,,,·1, III)url'<I ~ Co. 'w: ~ ~ .~ . - . ~... 'ur lJ '6~r.. Y.~ti ... qrd ..,Infi Ih'1\I1if! hl 1D ,.e> uDIII,orllbl. • ha i aDu. a · Sk' I I ' . . d L . I P d r 1 I I" I I ii' l ~ C ft ~ ~ .. " ' " If IP"n', mIl. ' r nclo .... SII o:-nll ' 1111 11 tholl h· w.' ' .1 terl, diuppro.a of Irt ng a ong the north COllllt of or t be Cumberla nd ' Pres Ly te{iolls, IlIt~r an on. aym an IA elle 1 fual on W.I ur nu r y I yemr ,8 I " ~e ~ 1 p , I 0.. . . . . . - .~ • prf!l. . ... ·:RI'lit ... P. • .... n")' ,,"elu.,dlln_, .g " , Sicily "l1lIs'ng til h th f . . .. d' E ld" 0 . , I I". , . Til le lII"n rOllnd , .. 110'1 Y"rr 1'0.... . , .. !'I "" .... P I I' " it' I b~ '.e' ~I ,~I IIt! n4.; ill whiob thlir .001 il pnp"red .IE 11 ' &'1 II . roug . e ,group o. Il'lld known a a Lmcoln U n, vers lty. II1K er • 161nct lor lIe pur·po.e or b,. ,he "!,plinn,io" .t,f. plo~,e, ' 0 l,i~ ;:I 17) ~ ; . i! ..... ~ "'e I-.., alt''' J lIer rot'm.r~'I. aDd bAVI rHol"d to dO Vanl s ~" Ibn tShlghttiOf Stlromboh Lincoln is on the c ro8s ing of tile eAlli.nJ ~ IIlf~ti ,IC' withill lltr~tI 'lDonlh~ . ~plne. Hc w... ,oun , n',bled ' 0 " .. r~ . :::I ~ ! ~ ~ (Ij AoJoI,e" aU"....__ ra It! ;, . I h t .. ' to d an ·U oanlA. 0 IIC \'e "0 canoes . - '. . " d I I II II or MAetTIl"i r.o.. NOR' b II';' ... 1111 .alllt, '" 1 011 III ,,".a r1 e' tI I til Bt ' ta f M ' . I pl'oposed Raill'oacl. called the Del:a . 10 pt' rCI'Qt • dlll'lc~ org.nlutloo IIccord· on now.c nbtlr. as we ". f'Vpr. , :, '.;.. <::l : 9. Iy'" ~ . .N.·f._ dll~'~lJI bold .. eqa.U1 alii, nong I e ral 0 eS8mn, \vlt l i b . I .. ' . . would ct.e,'f 'ully po, lur. 81111%\.· _ ~ ~ 0 !IC W ,. Uft~ pebte tb~" 100.1 buy~r. iD 'be Sla.. '~eylla· on the one band and 'Cbayb, till', L incoln &: Pekin R. R., towBrd ng (0 I e ,e,,"" eon.l,tuIIO:l. It Will l'I •• , .. r Ir IIII~Y 80uld nul bl' h.d nl.II!" :- It: "' g i'V wllo ,ba" be.n 10 tb. habit 01 recei,: {elolsa'sOt °of tsl~lee'IIOythaenrd' 'noloinght t"f~1 eostt which it has gi ven tbe 8um 01' th1'ee L. l1ec~ •• ,~, to -~o l,hi. in ord"r to '1- ed ' 'Dle. .I Bin 11I,'PII,il t'd. 1.","1 MIt/: "I'"'' I' ?,' ~ ~ ~ A' "' _. .1 ',.." d P d ;~~." Will inr IIIl1b .001 .ILbOllt ml.ial .. prop· • I 8 g o " 01111 hnndl'ed thousand doHlln: cure reprnofl ttttQ" III \1,. ne&' oOllfll" II 110' m" kt' IJ ~II 0 . Ifle p per or.lru I' 'I" ~ ~ .., _ .., ~ .row uuua U'w en IIR : ':.ItV"!. ·f'" • cr dlNGa"l tberelly tDlOu,.,rtn" · &lit Etna, alollg tbe Bouth eOllst of Itnly, J. WrSL L-" II • .'S. If I(IT h' .llle 'lI" IIIII" .. t lS I! o,he, ... It" II,a lr I:> • .(5 . . . . iI ~I'or ' .. ' .' bait. " ' b . the west and lonth COllst or Greece .. ~ . ft .' eDe_• -. IfPlribllily IIlId adhe.1HIII!•• Ire ,reo 'I)' ~..... ... ~ oil "rePlaraltQllLh o. bd.'~~' ,a r,wel·l in light of anclent 'Crete up Athcn~ ••• &:y. D.ladaon , S'urr, 01 Lebnnon. in .dnn,cl! "r all 0 ,I"., pl.olere ""'" • =!,.. M""l1f.,cln~ed by Lh Ailleriup G d ",,00. Co 'ere.' .lrJmea• • a . I.' G If. d I b P' ' . ,,_...1""a.a.•• a. ....'._1.·..... .... _. d "'I C 11 . E .' 'C' S I whic!! 1 I'" At'lueinled : ",hile Lh e "e" :: .:~. a..!I Pell C""P!I"'" Th • ." pen. are_DO~1t COIlII,tlDeD' of Ibo. . . bo pilL 'heir .u, an nto t e 1rrons. Athen s ..,.. " • lin Ie. , OIlI~Ob. .. 1'1. ~ OIiL I (urDliOlhl peculiar to them rPlider- Ion' ~ r:::II ' "11'11.('11 "xl. ".i"l, Ibrulljfhnbl " ....Ii \' OOIID ,oed conditioa. WIU be reached In t~o ond Il half or TI A Ie' 'r 'I 01 ' .CI.arle,loDi: .er. con. '"uICld th. Above urelll)' "U j,er!or 10 all otlte,. lut "r,l in'F\ ~ ~. ... ~ ....... . ...... ' rn Stalel l . , .........rr.nIl1d ,_ ft ll '(Jllt ',AlIClCillion h.. rllOI"d to three doys. neIDo~nmg herc one dny, . Ie nl1ua onYfnllvn .o . Ie. 110 cOlDmillee ftr ab41 L oil Di.trid Cill' aurl!l.:ollI~t'fI. , Knowin. Ihe plll~l e~ , .. , • O .l _ _ .. ..~ <lid n er, r i .t'. P.rli/ll .. urch•• !.r ~(' wjlhbold pltroDIJ$ from all.Geh b1l1' BAY of Sal.mlll will ·.be .crossed, g " te Sftbbath Srhool Ulllnn 11111 bl' . . C r. be 10 " 811Iu1. 1 ha,.. ,uu uuple. [b - I ..... y ~ . ~:1 ' or .. not . ... d, can "~lIrn ' lh"" " I~ e nce b!!llI al Xt-nill. 011;0. in 'foinily )J~'lh' cl~ToI·tl ~oln.ebrellele'l d I d ld '''" kn';\VII. en, .acl .i11 acl'l8I o,b". lO do tbl athnd Il dny glv.elu bto Cor~ntb, w"C d ~l'lIti",ell" " ""'W . ,S ~ 'I ~ 1". 'h~it 1D0ne, b,clr; Aillonllttw', :: .• eme; lDei ••• re Dried to aDd .al· c voyagc WI l ~ contlnllad to 011 · ollill Epi, copal Church, Wedn.,day III f~ II~ At , 1'0 a:r.. An J, ., JOHNtlON, 1\1. }). • ~ ... . ' he .ccum.,.hl"d with Ihe eell,.~ .. ' d J 12 I & 13 I 7 wultarmo.n!oa.lbrollgh(lliL. 8'lIell ... ~ Aj!l'nel', D•• nolre h ."u,u~, N ,~y " ,! rk ' .. no rooda O. O. D. ,.iDed 'D ,hi. po./tiolr b,man1 ollba stnotillople, p088lDg on. til e woy II II TI _!)It lutern m.Dul.eturer;. through Ule Grecian Arc'u)JeJAgc, the AD . Ilitl ~y. un. II . ' I. 186 •• lle nrowd or pereoD' lin A'I~'ndal1ce, 8olol by . I~ Dpl'III1,1I 1ft ",I! UIIIU'" . • Aadre. a .11 ordl'ri' lo "OR. - II ' • - 'I bl b 'b Dnrdanelles the Sen ot Marmora a ",wre."l1g prollrammr .. rl'coQl' . .' . Sla". ,,,II Uon.u n, '. R. U. c,O~" ':l 10 d I ha • lI"qll... OIlA 1. 1ft • d tl 'th' I G ' d d b ,_. E · . IhAI It wn lIGand neell.llry to IldJllurn Th .. L u--;:-:- , - J • ' . ..."n' &m"rlt •• G"ld .... . ~.I!!~ ' IIDuiaOli' Ippro".1 ..4 iDdor.....llt an Ie ~Oll o. tIe I?lden Horn. IIll!n e y lue x"cutl"e Commlupe. _. " . . Tbe Jillorl of MIl" I. S"'em811.: • ~ ",u"~e, o~ r IlIul" t" .".n the" ~f. ~. n ., • 4 '! ,. f "lr. ~ 01 .U mlDat..,t""r. aDd elealer. in the \!lnd arrlnng in about 48 hours from Tbey arc en![lIgtll ill corre~p"odrn"f1 frem St C1;tft: If. E. ~hurch (0' BrOln -1'hl'refur" Ihe IIHVuU. and d.,bilhnl ed ',"ll~1 ~I~p; 'iYt!!'tJrly tie UjlI"U ., , :Pe tt _ 1., . ~ IW -' -'- ' " Atbcns. wilh lb. nllii Uo.d of Ihe Bla'l.'. And erd. IArg. ADd comodioul Hall CIO Sup'" @lu,"I,1 hn ... edlal.ely u~e HtwJJOld ·. Ez, Ebt:rly/ ,iI Curwln. ",be.. be i. 1 traited Slate.. 'W. woult! arg. lPOll gro.en thll ODe dAY will be devoted to Con· h I ' riof Bllret. trllcl Bwcltu. 87·1 ed to tJv IItr~in:l. o'r · · , I r. o. 1'11!1!1'. ......". of payiD, p."iolllar Atl.en. 8ta~t1n~~I~ ~hi~~ can ~e tlextend~d c:~elll~d::~:~e, III 11111111 1I ..I(.(are _AC ' Enr)' Z8Mlou. worker in Ih . , ~u" o( -KNOW TIlIt'. DBSTtN l\'~ " · .B J,i ·A C ·;1·8'. I T'R 0 \. ~I' .~ "o we"~ '~,1! lion . to raI.iag lonll·,t.apl.d. eomhil1g to wo eSlra e, an lence t I e ' 8 bb h 0 . ' I I r I ,.....--", . iq ,Ih. t ff~il"n~ ... .aod .~ the aOlhe.. 1~ .001. thll cOIlelllllplion or .biob i. way token out throllgh the be~utlflil Counl111bd TowlI.hip AS~oC~AlinQl. II .t I:JC<!O I e ' t IIIL .....ion. "illl 'bDA.£ E. F. 'l·UO.IITOII; . Ih~ · ,1".1 IIIIMbl. rri;"~ . · F~& r.piclly inefrasing iD thi. cOllah1. and Bosphorus, ncro,. the Black Sea to .nd Blloda, School~•• re. IIlvlted 10 lbe prorollDde.t religloul cOllviction. EUIfIi. h A_truiolli.l. G I~ir'''If''!"1 a".1 . He dull'• • "p"III"I .Hf1nll"n · I~, l~. 4. BEAU'rr ~~L IA~?I'!l".lIf iL d....m. time .ould .eI,i •• th.1II Sebaetopol and Balak~II\:~, a run of ~lId d"leJ(Ale'.'Dd It urp.,uclIl"rly de· Ib.l it dUly 10 labor .more P.~r.hoioellri,ci.n.• WII~", h,.... 1I_It' n,.hll.! Ihr tn, ~' tli, , t \1"_ I\I'~ .iO b ••d a ..4 t· ~ Jlr·' ·p . ... ~OUtJbTA tHE • A D ...".';" 1I0t to D'rleoL th. impro".meDC of 'bei' o.bout 24 1I0url. IIcre It Ispropoaed II red ,bal Lli. lIulDbe and aalllee or rllilhflllly. work Dlor. · .ealou.~ly. ' ADd ~1~:t\L!~=;~r~~:r.~~,'h:,f J:~lJ~~:.lclN;hy: toJI ~()..,Wl "n,llr"yl",,. · , , • . . • ~;~t~ ol:~:~!d~~':'-,i:.~:!nulil" "III" b, .001 Rocke u .xlreme fiDa IIlo,b· to remain two days, visiting the hor- delegllee b. Ha' iOlIDedialely 10 WM . t. I Md Th t . . d ,(. leni pq.t. by 11), 11 t." ."y . • 014?~_ iog .001 "illl~ be IIreall, demilldcd.' bora, fOl·t~(1cation8, and bRUle·fields Al~180N. E· q,. XeDi", Gr~o!~. OUllltLy. pr"J more IIJr Ihi e!II~~e Ijoll e'~1118;:w ... ~~n':~~!:~i~';;:':"I~" i::~'; 'QJ~_"~ Or..' it'1\1/.".lo·ri I. paid I. lbe ...~ "'" of the Crlmen; thence back througb ~b,o •. Oell'll"Il' 011 A"'VI~I A' Xe, oC the childrra'D YOlllh of lb e llilld. kno.led(le or Ibe '.redoll iOiPorllnCll llu' . " ", -. , ~~ ure of',I\.~ • •rUd ..eli, on. al t~ h 'j ... 'be Boaphoru8, touching Bt Constan· Ola, WIll "po;,., lb. Tliitily- Metllo The oul'.t:I.iOD of thi. COlnrcrt?Dce the .Inllill or mlrril'd 01 ehlt.r" WII. or AJJ; 'kl~'da-8ingle " ac) ·1>h\lb1.: and arll ... 'n · paH.,,, .., 1.- ru~"' ·· o::r Som. b... rulllan b •• iD"ot.d a tloople to take in an.Y who mny have di., Epi.aopil Chllreb. whrre • 10111 - aDd IDltilal'. 'a. iL ,. now called, will Wl,illl in I 1I.le of ".nell. "I .. d,h nuici Sho.vol l'I0I',-a" .,(I( whiohh .. -,,1\1 !II. bell minut.,I,,! eP h. Eu,upe·.iOOi.:i paregraph Iboll' HaDdan (P. M. G.) preterred to remaIn there; down ahle, "ill b, ill .ailing Lo reoeive b. held in C_ola'mbul. Ohio. ~:omlDeQ . t~., ,ory le~tu'8 a or the ptr.ll!l l\ ou, a~. Itl' gU ..aO IIlIt. tit 'l vi~ ill' bi. b uliafl.lltiOll: tlaJie" 'I,oQl l lld • . \Vhl.It~,.. 1I'na..: ,.,iglliDg. Thi •• t.lemeD' '1 prompt- through the sea of Mnmora and Dar· ,helll. . '. . . lII un., • • nd by lhe atd 111" 1\ hllUllmrnt 01 J ,\MEa P . BIltY A'NT ' FUll B~.r,j~ ~.jlp. "~ddre'~ H. . ")Jiit I, d.eied b, ao .uioua Clorrc.poad· danelle., along the conlts of ancient ki.,upeeled Lllatlbi. Annulll Meet- clng OD Ib, l..~ W.delday iill 1h,. intrn.e power. known urhe P .!nhlimo. UI'rcb ~. 1867; . '' A.LUil"'.~, )':1' .ule A;.III 10.r ~ti-l' eat. W.. are · ...lIred 'hit tbe Ilory Troy, Lydia in Asia, to Smyrlla, in, 01 'Ibe StAle CunnDlion "ill !Ie of 1868, A. M. OII:rJ'lrH. trop~', luaral1lef!' to produclI .. (lie· Ilki' ted 8t_I... - --



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·r~:~:~ep~~~~~. !~:;:t~l~ill':!'I~hddD~~ ~i~o~! . 10,000! .lO,oOO ;.!'

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'b'- 0 liD D h Astnyoft d Ulb d h . . I ..... lI.a.-Our Iheory: "'R', po. lt!"" In I\r,. ,Ieadiil, " rall' 01 ID, polll .. II .~ lie 0'1 e • wo ayew e ere. ~r,aDla.tioo 0 lIurl,.1I Ihe COllotl.. Local. di ... ", "'''''tber of ' th •• tomllch chlrlllier. :.. c. 'rh~1I I, no ilu.nbul{. " ,'. n , , ~ollld, r ..I"D. I. Cal... 'l'o;, "!lIr'lI~e to gIve Q~port~nlty or vill1~illg Epbe. In lb. Stat •• and •• A COD.tqllence. the .nd b_ele; elllar..ment of 'hI! join\ •• Ihou" ... da or tlllllllonl.l. c.rr ~ . ' I. Dl1D.IIII:I: II ICI~y D.oell"l. W. b.oJI'" JD sua, 60 miles dlltabt by rlul. dCl"loplDelllof a waflll .atbll.i..·1D iD 'lIeu.alle . p.ln.,. 'culaneoue .'JJpllol1'. Slie will .end when -de.ired, a ,c#rtIJleoiJ .W.n.~a. for ~hle". •he III",h~.. ~.rre\. H . Had.aU. 1Ie. .. bold lei an olll(jf" From Smyrnll towarda , the Holy thellreaL work. . . . lI,en d,lpePtle'COalrlllnl., Iwi1~; ar whit- eerlif\cIS.le, or wrltlen ,uaranlee. tlill I~e ~rjCl "'III be pli14, hI . ., _. ,~ 0, lon, a. a.., ..,abel vi ,h• .Johbl~n Land the course will lie through tbc .. 0 I . . '''florlD ncb lor. ili.... 11 polll ODI arf! plclur. i~ , wIIDtll pu,,~o';la to_be; By en.. . ALLEN ... R ~ ;NDA~L. flU', •• bl~h Ie ...,iqS"Il~'" ....1.- Grecian Archipelago. ' close by the . 110 m.ny 'PRoo,,',· 01 • dl,order,.d alate clo.lng a 11II,1I1 ,~k ol . ~,. lr. ~llil 1I,!lit.I ' . ~WbOJ.; L'EN GOODi ur tb. ._• •I" ·"~!'.}II!'i-;ft~ \Ie me7 d..-.hich He~"" bb4d- ble pC Patmos, along the COlL8t of Ma. Ou., th. m.1t 1JhO ID,.n~A of lb. bhlll4 ami ~ow.l., which . pl.clI of b'r~b •• ~!~p~.illi)n ,"d eO ~Il. m,nuf,cIIl,r, .o"'."d .ilt:e~ch.i\r(l: ·' .. b, ~7 be ,bOllD. to. a big"" pi""•• A,la, .~cient Plmpbylla, and the ,b. 'Retafa nau.· thf! ehll,elrIlQ·. popa> Ba:~l1iDaE'J'H'8 PJLUiJ ' !)Iellon t 104 .nolo.ln, 611J c:enl~ ~ lId , U., '0. 186'7. ' .. . ",bICb Lb, peGpl. rotbl.---;-ti... b. ,.ill 1110 or CYlI:-lIS, Beiront wlll ·be l'elLCh . lar p'~,tltilll lUI ~. and mad. a corr.et_~"'~ ,Cllre. ~II\IUCI l"cI .e,- .1 a IIJ jJl!lI. ...,elup' .d~r~... d 10 , lilifeelr.'~. ~ . 1I1~~ !'"il'" ~ _, ollr aaa\oJla. ed. 1J;l three days. At Befrout t.iID!! lara. fOJ\aa. oul of It wu Iilcl' witb llQO c'nlli~I~.a ." thi. i. III. 'OU will repel,,-'hl! "lIio'u r• IP4 -"'AIr'" p-l1U1.... bopf ,to:.", 111~ Bu~. ",m be frl"c:Q.!Q..Ds\t Damuooa ' aCt. . .' " . ' . I , l"\~!'i1).JIL1!lTH... informalln,! bJ"t~\I m.lI. cO"''''R' ,r , .b~. Ie, \Ile.. 1M ' ;\leo" IDIi ..ali: 'ir' ~h\cfi. l.1uI.teaaa...· wlll p......e~d to aD 'ai"IQD in Brookl,D 1.1' "eek. la,1 a7-~ l'ip'donu!ill"a l, cnn6ol.n.'.\, ~~a..... Wu~ QII 1la d 11 it II J ...... IJ 'I cJi el Th . . . . ~ ';l . 'f' '" lIO'I~"Il?!! M4~'-"" t. F . TaQ. ltol, 1 . 010 , •• . • ~. . '• oppa~ nil rlJDaln . Ulere . ten . or" Det ' . ~:"'''ID l''''r ",.... !W.£N.'1I'OO·D £N'.ft YOll'....HFn F O. '0. Ult , H~~p> N. Y, · . . Fn-i a---" _ ....:..•.•• :"'~oI,*-"a, ."~IIlI"~_ twe1n- d.y'''''_ ,. . " ' ....".,b.LLb.mot)'. ~(~• . dec4 . '. u-.I.. .. U '..J --., .,."---", '~''1011 91 "",,-~. Yo Trihl/lf. 'rom JOP\1a.. lcllllal~, "he _her ....... ol...'v .pp••,"t. . . . , VIQ()R ·a'.·f~'l"" HffmIJrol4'. &. q~.d"'Io Rtelor•. !lnil .in lerreqo'lltit"_. for , -'~ , - .. , {,CJ~ B!I~ . '- ' . " '. ' "" . . f4 ~.1 ' "~ftl501d!,. ~.l;ifl'd ••rh. ." I . . .. , ' 1'.' R,

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.r- a .... .1....... No• •, a 01 'I .• IrQ. l, :I. EiIu. nad a ........01 ,.....te of ~ I.- trill take.,adaeIH"iojoll\ . . iola lbe .e.~ u . :'1II~~~~d at to ~~;~. 0• • tbe



• . de.i ... 10 hate pabll.b.d .You "I~I Ih ~relo,. t!oofer. (ayor by COIDIlIj'IDg .'th Ibeir requl!Il. •

:• . ' ..inaTILt& {coaWl. ITAIJ'IO"',

ftAt •• _Alft'il."D .Ot!.D~ (,'i.elon.ti' F.llpr.... 10'.11.... ilaael Aceo .... .. .... lU.48'·" . .. 4~ ..III .. bu. Auo.... 6 . ~7 r. • . "i,,,bll,. .,..... . loa 1 -1'. II: .....Ulld ."'TW•• It'.;,Ift'lIP.


WllfUll Dt'rialbDl

BR TUEIU Ali D SI' UR :-Hfl.. iog reo ceDtl)" lor ftI)' ow.) grl'ifillllliioo mad., NilCht Ellpteu( I. · " •. 09 ,, ~ •. eo.e in;elii~ation iD ;.,""00 .... 10 di e e"lulUbu';AccOal:. · . 8:00 jl\ • • ."'li~lic. of Ihi. DiYiaio~ 1M" Ihoa"lil Cillcin,n•." l .l I!,r,.,., . 1.16 r. If. d Its b '" .. Piu.b "'f.,i:x I!!e.... . . 8.!lS P. .. oc?urre 10 me I I a rle' ,""emenl of iJ::r .D"\I1!~ nal 'lOp 81 Corwin. tlt,.n". . . ~ ftl1J11!1' (bem ari,1\4 DOl Ii.. aOloler"stlnf Iocr you; L hue l~efor 8' E. W. WnoD\unn, Prealdenl. pr.p~r~ d· llle ~o' I\)' :' . 1011" Dua.uD.. Uea" Su!,.I. . \ Wllncut g01D1f heir. i'rl4u tM ,i.e ~ . D. C"DW 4L~~.,!!,B. A'~I~. progreM IIml .uopell'rioll oflhe OI'illioa'l , ADWUI.A Df.1I - "!I ....... """prtu A.~II. Di.i. ion. I "ill "L ollere tnl1 that 0 I II "nlolt. lIt!rcbanl'" Ulllu~ Ex. AI'" I 13J ' ot ' Dccfmb.r, )ab8-n~~'11°~; ~T-OH· I C ~: l'i()"I'\C.:~ y .... r. IIgO-i<igbL or Ibo t.ied IIInd hIM ~ alandll,d .bea,n. , con.i.tin" of A E' " . 11 1'.... 1" t:.,l , 10 :4:1' •. N . M 'ti J W K J . .. rI".e. 10 10" IIlrl. · "~.'.' R ~nclall. Jnb '. 1".11. We.t, % ~6 r. aI . Urad.louk, B. E. LIPIIIIICUll. J.W ...... n. . " "I....... '---roo "~ ley. 'l'ho•• Smilh. alld S . ScOlt caU,,\! \\'~I,~.~::;!;U~,:il~r~::'~~·· 1 30 p. N . ~I o.d~,. • • IJleelinJr at Ihll .M E. C4l1rch: tor the 1:7' WII .)I'NIITON I\h.,.•. ' , .+.11'. ;r......,.. p~rpo'l: : of t~ .. r~lulili"g I,b.o: ljoltJe or· , ."d S.,urd_y . Au .. ,I'I:. 6 .. iIJ, d e,. "llIc h meeLiog WIUI pre.idt'd o.lIr __,!,!!,!,_ _ _.,..._J !!!!.!!!!"'!!!!,!\"f..."_ ' \~ ' I~ N ~,,!!! , !!!! . ! ! I ! ! ' f ~ I7y A. E . Mt>rriH, wbo w." Ibere ellSci . • . __ _===::s pel W. P. of Ihe J"tw ·D.i d.i<lD . . __ ~ OD .that enDing. live new lII.ftlbera t:.. ~, G,ilnll:- Arrang.mpnh are .Ilre .;~niale6~ wl.ID~, . ·L\I tbe , .. . ' ucepl.lon ~fnll,e. Incl~lhn!!, Ihe oliginal m ..IIII 10 clllpbnue the" coaling 4111 ".~d of el"hl , are allll alan'liing "ilh .,r July III L .. b,lDt,n . wilh approp'riale "Ielr aho.ld~n to the .wlle"I, and "ho'll cart-mollin. We . are. npOClling .. dla. ·'ramp.". glv~ ~~ ance"aio .ouod.' . Hu" ILe .oIYIlIOII ba" p,olp .. r"d and tir ... ui ~ lle .I ft DP1lkc r orr the orcRsioD. and L.a\)'" . ' I . . .. . ~ " . I -~ ",e•• lIuce IIBn III a m'Ule, u( I,, · . .by ?f'X1 .w~ell II' Ill! a.hle j~ lin· ca! hislo " . . Olle of Ih ~ vel erllU ml1m , noune.,. hilt lIanUI lI.nd . publi-h a pru· bere. B,t)~ber Jub B,Ildduck. h •• gona tI",mGl" fnr. tl.e dAY, \ 'III"''' will b., II k> lII"et II!" '1:"'Ar~ .. bore. Dllring thr

By order

o~tile \:"..

Wa)'nenille.~·u!~}aJ~OK' '" ANT-, ao,",..






Clerk. • a ....... O


"~r 1'11'• • .., THE Y EAI' RQu.n. <1,900 P£~ Cnr PaOFIT U CO •• I 81" .. We fIlUIrell'J the .• bo~., .01." 0' ""'om to aca l",. ,ndu.lrlo", •• , Ihei, uwn home., '." "'Irutluce ao ... Iele cr 1~"I.peo. 01 al! kind. ; ,.. ble IIulh, in nery Ito_Ito'" .FoP l p.rt cui.,•• cal ~ ott· Of' addr... l1r t!3 NIl 1ft 1117 lIJ ~ G . W. J,\ £ K'S~~ "-1f-~~....:!I!' .".,1 G j ; [ V Jt ~ u 80ulh St .• l<ahlllhlre, Md. ff.T H E C A a ' DIN



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Always Ahead ! ,• ALLEN It RANDALL.. u

T. ,·T. DODSON, ,,<


willr ClI"1 B, • • or· w"~lIinll ,O~.n, Cu.. R nUDWS ' WII a . unoi r .. " to,. Till «ilrl..eR ~~. :. , III cere I",nks to hI. On bo ck ; a luge ",o'ocI.40n.. , lIul , nU(1Iero". ,Irl e nd~ fo{ Ihe 1.'lle end M. 1l, lIollinr;8 worlb } Before J W .!"'1~ Yu "18«'<' ; o .. ell dOor, lime d" ~ '1TII!"" e~deoJed ~'lron.&," .Iread, 6lIlend" , '1 · .J J> of Wn ne'" • 10 rel~ io ) ,eal.ll n1l Ite.tld to 111m, Inol wpllid r." pecllult, i,,/,urm JR_~ 1I1bbArd I: Son, WKr eo. ".!.. Ohl:;' " .. er. ia re.n l.\, Ihem 11~;t Ite I. no,,!:ln ,ec.ipt ·e' On th~ 21s1 day of May . A O' I 1». 1\11 " hea t w,hen (" " -, . :0-- -: , r ", . Ju"lc.1: 1.~Ut!d tI.I> Orde. of- at\olOcllm 'ob In . O. lIing . .wl'e act.on for Ihe 8U01 of '!!O4 00 .... hich h.. ~ been oootiuued untillhe lOt.h day' of Ju. T he mn.\ l.lo .nph! le ~nd ~t- .. "'kinl' fit Largt8t and ~.t" tucStd 'Stjck of Iy. It. 1) rem. at one o'clock PM . a'o.'! 10.1, a I·'r~ t.mU, or H!!l.,I, Ih .. w~ . . M. M. 1:I0LI, INGS W'01lTH. "vp, r "I!' OJ> or tbp.. ' Ihere .,e a, WaYlle~\'IlI e . 0 : Mo y 27. 1067: .iztl.- 7. 8 .... d ~. ,'1 BllOAtDCfI9AGE It •• ORT LINE'

'1.' , "'.

~~pt'lI.d; .

of .11 .hride. and eolare •• ,er "PeRM i • " • . ., I . ' 1111., which he I. prep.rt~ to ~I'" \ ~ ;. tlr.. _e .... ~ ~~ Wlnk .1I0.II. CUI 10 th" muol im~rp,ved '1, le 1"1:" wuoa ·d,.o, . I.ratl ,,".n Il lne~ whir ur ,.,1; a nLl hlfiut! ira hi. relll.\e. in dOli. 10 rellul .. " .~, 'tempe;I ' employ .OIM ut 'M lure or tlte IIvell ill baklnlr.


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D1'•1~T and llixed Pam'ts'J

To ou,

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C. 1',' CAD\lT. ALLA.DER,



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I r ?tJ .... ]f,,'t:tin BCst h_a bought I II<) tl I'c a~d lot form orly owncd bj'

M H'II·'·e~·8lJUrg. June I, 1{lU1. ot DroJ1l!" Geo rge Dorer, on Third Street. of the CI,cot. BelUilmiu F. Hft\'oo• • aged 4ll ~' and9mobllu. , . 1\11.100 0 new 'roof nnd other 1m· . I.' rice 8450:

..wa,lie.!lIIe ltIarke'..

I.r T.he esqui.s ite s erenade witb Il ieh 1I'C wore fl1yoI:¢d last F1'id&J elljlig ,merits our !lincol'~ thanks. bOI IC! th.o ·.mus ician8 will come a :

... CatlioJlc

Roman Bcr\'!ce WIIS' in Concert H~1l on Thureday. in'g IliSt'; ~O':ldtlCtcc1 by :. the fl'om X~I\~ " . ;


WI.'II i/·b.... hel. R,e 11" 0."" .. .B.r\py 11" Co,n ~ .." . Buckwhot.' f ba. . Flour ~"rrel. .

~ 16 @ ~ ~6 1 10(100 tiS 120 @ r 00 '10


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eDL price of good bref Ullle ••ell mul SPl1'l'00NS. lIt an., lell IIgluea thllU .,e "telling CORN J>OPPE~~lI. I I ·MUSK· llAT :l'llAl'S. .t: aDd "e hlYe come 10 t ie c U· SAUSAGE STUtlFEKS. ~: .ioo. Ion" ·.inel'. thllt we cllonoL JlI"".~ Gttl N DERS. Py"ryllo,dy. altbough we bave Iried hlru LARD "J(~ES • . 10 do 10. BARNHART ok THORN. Sl'lUN~G , BALANCES. p). D-LPCK&, . P.S.-We "ould jll.t .a,. • 1'0. 10 I. - SPOONS; rACKS! ,.. IhoBe "ho ba .. ICcuunt. etnnding' on BRITTANIA SPOONS. 1. oor Book. 'hal " • • ould lik., y"'y . TIN ~D JRQN SPOONS much to hue Ihem IIIIltle:d. Il• •,- , .,e ' . ntetliog th .. mOD"y badly . Let 1111. b..... Skaul. Firm tilld 'School Bdt." SI~;'U" • .,mcieDt. a ••• meaD JUII .... 1 , .1' ..., . Dell,. /l1Id ' iJfI flariJij of ' M"8 '67 B ... '" •

:1 "'MB !'lllilllm '" " I!. Tr'l\1',i.,~ 1.80 oI&II~ • .ar lIV.~ ~ ~.r.\HIII QI ~ 00 .~hl O,,"op .. .)Vonled And Silk' Em • JOG.... ~- . ry I!rldd,. , Z~bJr.-Fall'. Belt J.t II a .u,e ,emed, for Ihe enre 01 bad 100 b,ellh;, no III"Uer from wh.t ..,lIree lh~ aod ... full Notioo. ifll: IU di.eale miT a,lee, Wb.t Joun, 1• .1, aI, H .tfde~: '.~'l"nlle1'" . 14 @I SO ·, '!Dn. 11I QQt . • n ,tr"r( to remoYe J SIS ,hi. dl.,,,,,nble .1111 whell it '.111" done bOfur ONE DOLLAR, ~enl 10 /,~' add·,... '10 ~ potItp.ld. b1 mo'll. 'II~' .pet ,. ear. fro.r· . . I anteecl. or ' .011., ~.ODded. All order. TTRE "ID'PR "VINEG ' AD IIIU.I b. .d •.~la H. D.ORR. AIII.II' ~ P \J . . , IV .p~ " . • N. Y., .01. Ap.l for '~~Ii1ltd Thl' '" bo,. to b. ,",re, ,I' ~' , pro.'. . . ... . i I • . : eurehhe el~ Iro• ,...... I. ~ra~ Ihtl "lPtaor,,~ ...... .....IU... it to _ . , ~~Wn.& . I tatD &0 .itll'l( IN.! " ' e •• Tllil NIt 01 1.11 I,~,"

--......... - -

Esp ., dO~eD, AiIPI. 11 h.hel. P.or. 11 bu.h.l. POl. toea 11 lIu.hel, Drl.d Appl.. 11 ., . Chleken. 1l dOI8C1. ..Cotr.e 11 • . , New.O" ..... SII,tr 11. N •• O: 1101_. , ,alioD, 80r,hll. . Co,,1 OIl .lI ·,.lIoD.


riAylhi •• lI.a' no

JacboD'I ' .......- , .


cout, ' : ~~l~-r~~

Aleo ,

A FULL LINE OF READY · MADE . .. . .. . .,. '.



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H OOp· ~ ~kl'rtQl, ..ayc~ ~ r::1

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~t. •• all of wbleh we will .ell 10. ror CASH. Look well to YOIl' ownillterrol -lliv. u. )our ondlYld.d .Id, and· •• will IIrlo" Cit,. Prle•• to JOUI doo,.. . ' . N . .D.-To St1GAIl· M.\~I". -: W... or. maklnc Sug., P"n. at old prlclI" pI the ....t No. 18 Ch.,coII ~,o.. Call 1a.llm., !hlt all .. a, be r.II4I'I ......11. . ',' , 0:7 We retl trul, tl•• nkful rcir.'he' lill. eral p!ltrolla,e or the 1'..1 ,e.r, ell''hop. II, IIrlct .lIenlloll to ba.l 11111. ho,! __ oro"l1 H.II., 10 merit a .tlll . llr•• tt; ell.tolD, '''a' 1111, be ~1I1. to ~\1'8 MG' 10 ou, eDl.rp,tI.III, .pirit~ .n~ .Ite'. kll.· 11\ I. ClIIfIII",' a•••••kl" ....."II'~.. 1 .

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LEBA NON Alway. ke ep






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on'httnd , 'o~~ c· ·

. . . i'ilmlucnl ' uf

FAlvey 80 PS, &C. WAicHIilS, Co\l. e. pe cl~1 .Iienlian .to the f~~1 Ih i t biB' lie" "look or gooo. , •. cu,,,,"let" III ..er1 po,ti pll l." I nd In eyer, rtl ~ p ec i ,.orl"1 Ihe ol,.. n, IIUII 01 Ihe l'ubll6'. .

T~e I"iell .lId but atock uf




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ST1UNG~ •.

... LARGE r.OT OF0II<I800 ....BOO_,




furn h hetl Itlhe \''' 'Y lowe.\ prie...


....'.Iel.__..............'._ .,._11, c!._ 1111 h .....

Tower Olocks

furni . h e~' ond

p~t up


.burl·e ll, DllliQ,e.

'loy 14 J E . ·R. PRi NTZ. ~ I'e"onl wl ~hhlil ' onylltlna III our Iril.. _ _ __ __ _ _ _ ___ __ . . hould lIot fail 10 call and ~umlDIi our .tOt:k belore pureh .. III, ellewb"•• llIa. To.Ie/If. '1&Vlnr /tad thIrty-II" erpe,lence In I'd. bll,lne•• , 'lrol" ill EUROPE Ind AllU:RI CA. leel, eoa. fldent I:iwlnjl' enJire' &1i.!ladI01l/· o::r We IIInder ollr _IlIcere Iba.q/ta I.lite public ro. tbei, lo.m., palI"8AI,1' ... hope, whh .tne' IIltllllion to bualne:.. I.. be able 10 ,IYO 1I11.'al:tloll 10 aU wit. ~ '11.-. ~ ~ ~ • 101, patronille UI. no" .ad ber.a"e,. • . . . ~ ........... ~ . .. Our "."lclIl" .UtDliliD · will \I ,II,., 10 R'p,lrlna 0' ,





., . .





~ Wa~tfb ... a,ad OJo~'" abo lhl&'ri-


TID, .•••

AU Wort ".'r•• Ctd,1

o::rAlwn. onlllnd•• ~ ..Ioek .at I wl./r to Inrorm my cU8Iome'~ .• lId the lJeth Thum.~, Int:raham & CO.', ~lr pubhq lIenerolly.thll J h." the r,rfl~'1 t:lil~ert tlookl. AI.o, B. B. Le"I"~~' Ind bH.. · .. lce:I.d .Iuck of peta.1 C.lend., Cloc.. ... . 14 •



.for Sprl:!!: 'Vnr. that 1 ne, h.d •• nll al SIl~l1~D ~O TO DALE .tIt.., ' " 1::81''8. No. II~ IIIlIlb"r'J: •• tr.,i I.EBAilolI. Ohlo, ' to bu,. fin, Sl,LVEJI WARE• • olld .nd pl.led ' Bp·oon • .• .,--. f ·urk •• fI .. 1, .nd Pocht CtlU"y. the fine.1 American. S .. I... Frellllh ...Il --con, llIiDS of-Ens II . .. Walchl.; line 'lIolli Peo. a.4 Pennll. ; Spect.cle., "lIh periMlcople. cooene. convex. bifocal and- Lou6o" Ladl~s'. smoke Ill ...e•• ln SIlI~ •.• tI"r, pl. led ••,.., .od nqmwonJUlne •• 1O lui' eIllI!JfI. L.le'll' ad HIIII' "tl..~ of J.".I,,· "II 01 Ihe Lote.1 Sly I.. ; and I ·.m JIlt· FI ,IKer. Rilljt ••• heel and Muile.i p .. ed 10 monur.clu,e. 10 nNer'. on 'oat,umeol., MI.ceUaneDu •••chool ' 1I0lice •• nylhlllr Ih Ihe BOOl anil Shoe Rlo'!" k Buo'" or .11 ' ~hld •• BIalik DtlII~. Line. Plelle Cl.'!. alld .ea. All w.. rk · Morljrlilu. Warranta. AIBdnlt., R.p:,, ' in • . '\I\oebmentfl. &0 .• &0., eoo.lantl, O.

Lower Pr.·ces!

Boys'l lYIiJses' and Children's Wear!




h~N~;w .nd


nnle'I.loinl OI!1l'" C.rd ••• chool Reelalerl. AIbtfl1la. ltIllG.l~ W!l. lilA I. GTON, I~neou. Dou'" 1o, proullt' Pittur •• ·•• ., . Two doors EUI or Ihe Ror .. , 1I0ule. Piclule F,o"!". • \ W'10e ..llle, Ap,iI ~9, 11167. The . e81*locll 01 W.t"LL ' E In 1'1.- coun try, .. 1'" W" .....· .~.Oj OIl'C'nt. (o;'lne lIIatoa' ... If. mlln O'fI'anl, . Knabe. ·F. C. Lirh" . 8Ieln'jllY, B,i dhary ; Doerdman ~ .G," " Elller.on. Goebheller &. 80llmldl PI.IIOI, &. ('I'he 1.11" If II lOllttl and Ollllp,)'Ve wllNu,nlah .n, ol ·lh,.. lo ..... ""ill.l XENIA, OHIO; lowo~ Ih.n .• ny olher Iluule In the t' Ar,, ' no'" p,epared 10 rurnl.h th.l, 1,lond. ~ We. • re. 11'0. 'frenl"u~lh. )1'1" ....' .. end Ihe public. wllh Ibe II.', & Lyo.o 8.IIIln, Mochlne. ullequ.,.d • • L Y IIllChjn~e. c,ll aDd ... It • BEST UB tUE.tPE8T LUMBER ,.·A"U Lebanon,Ocl. 17. lit 10 bll found In 11,1. m"keL Our 110011








Drtne. A V.'rtssed Floorllg; .. - J. B rJ' Siding and B am "taller· oar "'fl, Fencing, Pieke&s. Pannel StuR; SI.imclesl silwed and shaved, LA T H, DO 0 ~ S , wnlliw®w stllmTE 1;«). 4r;(D. . Cl ' h Lumber· ¥I,lrd on Ilure street.


PHOTOG RAPH-8· , ... ' III the vo,lou. II, lei or I h' .rt, ; 1\1 . . . . . . be Illd • .1 Ihe OLD G~LLEay, , lire Poat.. Ollle., 011 Ibl. 8"•• t.

w'A.YnlZ~Vmr,tr.II. '.

I .m prepariM\ '0 mali. ', lclurN

(r;': ...:

Small 4m~otyj,. 'to ~. Lif~· 8iMK Porb-aU i. OW I


• Q," ;

Eapeel.1 e\lenllon p.ld to f"!oPYJf('d SHALL I?IC?TUREH. and "~I", Iii. ; North .Id. ot the city, .dJolnlnr D. 1010, dcljll.&ola .1,... Tl!oae· hatrl.'\ ;'~ &. E. I\IIII" n'. Pork ""UM. \life. 01 ', Mil lie" ' .. O' .. It)iI 90.1, copied .ndl ~j.I~fae••• ed colo~ ' 1"', l X101'. • .....are • m.klnl the .. I. pe~ r.~l . . . . . . , ~ U M.. "plelu"i All "ork t i_ 1~.... ;




fI.&RIOV' 1brueTlo", roa Yov,,'! M.!p. lien~for r..'~·,i ~ " ' /11"..' . In E I'.,., 01 Ihe How.rd A••uel.lion, oil .ClI et.o:.iI.,..: iod b.t' ' ~...,..,,....., the Phy.r'l lol!ic.1 ~rro"',"b. D!," and 01 •• . o;,~pe\o(eQceln- (b. ~~~ ...... ea.e.lnduced II, Is~otl.ea of. ".tllf'9."I •• 1I thll ') C • •~ w.i~", l h. tim -II- o~ III.D; .ee.~. iQ _Jill. II·~' It '1ve . • .e_Ied letter eO"~l"'\ r... ,,· .' ' ...•r)' lu, I ~J: A. CIlANDALL. Addr. . D,. t •• , C\'I" ••• - \ dP . t. . . . . . . '. N hOUOIJ1'ON. Pholo'''l'h''~ ID om ... r .....' . _. ~ •• ILo ...I . . r .Ircb t7. " HQlI'ud A"II~iatl\lu , Fhl13dcl~1r1l 1 .! . .

QUEE ' 'U8WA'DE '. '" A I " .. . 1..,,1; hi I


To Marry:~y~~~O ~~,,: ro,~':a:~Ir:~W." I?'~.:.o~! ....lli~'••~ . '.

~ ' ••., 1tr.0pl " lhle . .


C.l1.I'LL Al" .. VD SF-I'" . , . -




- cr -

. · 011 ! tJur lle,r'.lf'l Mu l~r" Sireet .... B'oadw.,~



Parlor. .

X-EW-. 'P IBIt





lilton,' ""'.


we Illrlrl! Ibe .tllIlUlon 01 our Irleo" nil •




Bought. at the toweli oAlm .. . .Prices•... ".


II, '






cu. 'omera. ~I • It I. rllll iu ,II iI. deparlment •• Bnt! 111'...... 8 A 8 BAli D P V T l 'Y , ." P,ice. Ihll Bes t Workm e il "in 'he West ! Cannot.. _ObjecU....... e ,l TRUSSES. Thi~ la Irue in nome u,d, "h~, . OIl".lb~k Dr BOOTS AND SHOgS •• Cuilo.mOfi Ira a',urrd Ih.t Ihe}' cln·ltu. '1:7" ever il h.e be" l1 i"lru~ce" • . . SUPPORTERS. lor L.dl •• •• Gtnl A', 011,1 CI.ild,tn·.. Wtia,~ Ihelr !yUl k duoe in • .aty I. un. u'I'.Ne4'b y ~ . . :.. SHOULDEr•. BRA CES, I. or tI.1I M ST Q1rALlTY l Oil, In Ihe counl,y, .nd ili llre., ,,u. " . ~ lar• .. '" ( .. ' . , Ii. .B .. 114JUl~a •. •\1.1. In ,rorcLAI\ ,'l't' h' . Superior to anything in thll place


__ _ 4


~ ants Rub ~~otJ

CI!'fCI!'fl'l'.t.TI, ... ~."'!'f"'r.r GALJ'O!ll'• - MA.N8FIIU.D••• CLE'·JU..Al'I», COBRV. . . . 8 ............. Nc:· ... ,





"if! VORll'E."

"TU1\TU) 4·GREIT \vE~TE~~



eKE M leA L S ~


iI egions of PenJ:sylvania! PAS~~~l'iGf:R" ~i,h. Q".i.·~













J)illn.r al Ih. Fair Ground. P.JIL.lDELPHIA , . . • .bera Illne bet'll 1D11I"I.,d. 811. 1 330 vi. h . B &L-.-Ot .tlto: meeting WIU be he-ld. , rhe . or. SiJ:lp. n 'f II . 'fb I . . . . . . I,.,. lin" , . ' , . .to o . . 101e ml.'m .torl lal'e \V"S.II"'G'I"ON (:&'.'Y. tillS. ~II s. of the c,oun'y are -,rn.p~ell.ully IIie4. 68 li"we I.... ~n c-rda. and gooe .~ . } . " ' Th) • .ia tI ..~ qu i" ROUlte t o lhe utld Co' bll J\hi~t'''III. 0111 .. ' fit-Ide ,ol Iltbor ; 'i! hne rnign ed 0' R 1 G..,MO. W FRI)". lireir .m"lIIbt'l.hip ; 16 lin., been eOM SeC. ul Cum. or "' .. ltll ••• Ilt8 '!ld hut' .. ho 1",1 Co'" [Q '·I. , .. ~hed In Ih .. a" nICII of Iluilr counl ry . • lIl. I "!' .. ,II apt""",,n the S, .. ." ." . " d I',·r. h , . . -~ '-.• ~'. I - -" ,. , and 'It.e 0o". we 'fOlI U " I, trn~ " -""rl' o"0 ""\'I~I..t ~T'; " 'k, Ih•. ~'x,u'inu. ' lay C••r ... . .. ,1 th. ' 0 . . III ~ 1· • '1~ S " It WI " .,.... nllw .. ut S II:'!.JIJII ~ t'o"r h .. , . t.h .. .... ~j· II ,. nl ' • ZT , ri.rp~~I: ,, ' tall '. -. .. I~dow Ille "ctor~' Cr(l"n and Ille stail.I"d8 1J 1I1I"1l' Ih l~A . .. " .. ... , ~ I . I;,,, . ro.· ~I .,.I" ., .. 11 .. . , . t'8 IUld F Ililun'B, a' ll .. dde~ aDd rob". or ·Lo~.,. PlIrily and "ld"'IIY ' ,b..:P.'UI:'PI· rI ...... "d >Sur. C~.. " . r"{, .. ' ~ I 'Ii" I k"''''r'd: . " l arOUIIJ .dlC MH8Ier'd 'J'.I:runll. 23 h8V~ A,tlanttc and 'Oreat Westt rll .RuiJ~C(1.11 ! .., .ManufilClnred h ,. l\I '1if1'~f. e unl :.::.; ~ . been r~I!I~I"IPlI for Ihe lir_l limt'. 6 Ihp FaM ...........dTJo.CI . . QIII~" _ by 01', ~ I" ~ 1I 01 'he .bave ~1\i"e., Ihe,e B C' ) \V .'11 ~ f'-Th e '1\:nlch .:t·(t;· c·l'.t.i ~~ (\ (n onr ' •• cond lime • .:l the thirtl lime. Rod I . '!'"'''. Retow. I "'e Ih rp~ '''ze~ -J, II, .l!1.p 11-.40 . t ...iilg ill to , m y est ~ ' tllm or" i ~s;l c nil 'hin' ill!! uC!'ll lost w~s Ilhe .. h ~im~: . W" I;""o, e lect~d S4 W. Thro' Ticket. It Baggage Checks I I'~'~"· 1' \,.Ill.$)I,s up '0 100., lur~ed-II:!IL.II al-nays oll .hand. . -. '. P •• , one o( ""llom-our tlel' oled brolh . No. 2:J3 Bro«dwny, New York ; Np., 1 5. S I "~ : cUlllplCUI I . ai . 11'11 .1 to UIC ()~· ItC I· ,. Mr. "E. BtI !l.\' Juhn W . Colltltth"tI the I.o" or Siree} and '35 School Street. Doslon; Ocr' il.l --........ llT 1\.1\. r I·nth · r 1'('c,lIlizlr ci rc um ~tlln ces ' l oi being cl.oa~n ro',,; timl's- .. n unmi. IUld UlliQb Offices. Olevelnnd ; No, 66 ' Clllril , .•. SlrQCI. ChieDj,l'O; In Oincinnati. at No 80 ' 1'\ , . ,Ill . . .,' I'thOll' rh ill nil prnbllililil\' Hc rr one t8\iRhl" "ckno wit1d~Dl e nt or hi . Z<RI W~5t FO!l\'Ib Street ; ~. E . co r. Bro.ri\\,;Y and polronize Home hill;'actlli'~. I "WI~ I; no\\' (.r tire IQ88 ·l.Ic r.lI'~ th e ! "lid fidelll)'. TIor~e of our P . \Y. P • . :Uld. F,,?"t ~trceL'; 116 Yiue Street ; at U. S. STOV ES FOR WOOD ANti COAL . . . . . . ' . '.' . I hllve ... ken c.I\rd. or .. i,htll· ~" .. 1 t.... Ma,l Lme Sle amcrs LII I,dlng fOO l of Viu~ ,·prtlllcm.cllt;. .nl'penre d , til' !lU C ier , """" bt'e n ellp II tI '. . I '. ' I fl ud ~trlew P"8sellserDepot or~I,cC incilln :ItJ ~ .. ' " •. " : ' . . .. " • 0I1t' illS ,eolgn." El,,",,ltou & D.•yto n R"llw~y: In .Louisvilie • rEF-RLE S. 1-lI rlor Co)ok. f~ wood g ilt proper \.Q re tllltl'the wfite h , hi' m~blber.r,j,J. and fOllr line ·d ..,II, .t e. W. cOr, M.i n lInd Thi rd ~treet~. 111111 it5 ' YOUNG AMERICA ooAI . ' nlil IIllc l' /I l'c ,,"lIt'd ,..ns publicly off· IIlId ,one 10 t. et'iYe "'''ir. ru"ard fur Fourth SLI·tet. and 8t ll're Ollie.! of Obnncct. ' . ,. ",hc'll. ins tolld ' of cren then pre . III~ lIl1oill": '1'1'1: ~~lOle Dumber 01801 . illil I.ibe.. ~' A~CY FRANKLIN, «!oltl; .. b IT I.;IIH Y',wlth ·~h. 0 mi ssillg Mti . ' dl"~' Ito.lII II .e DIYISIO? ,WII. 66 . W . D' sHl-h!ijc~~~~:.r'T~~~l S~~~nt. DEACON. r ARLOR COOK.. ",oud. . .:>. . l'orly . lour of our " _lIor. h"ve lakeD 8tl- 1 .'. hl·llll' IJtltl-hc(\· ..t to !\Ir. She wltltc l· . cllrde, 'fuu, It"v" dkd. Itnd eillll\ hay". • y • n~w .1111 .... ntirel dcaipn. r,,,,, ... , I will ~olt !fl>Od. ' 0' t.ESS MONEY Ihen you COli bll)' th e •• me quo lily for .llt. . :ln9thcr' pllrLy. whow:lS to ex~ct : uOlI~r .. pro,l. iun (I~ III'en To the CitJlfDl of Waynelville. 'J( . 11,zea Olld p'H\~e ' ''C~Ofdll'fI' tv lb. wile ... wile:"., It ~e J ew 1\ I·on-llfti . 11K n-.!~Il liS S'ecrcsy as to ".Imll ~"d IOto 'uJl . ml'rub" r. llip _ thu~ -' : 'I1.. llty. Gentile ! 100 \\':1 0. thc lilld('r. 'V e lIo,'c lIf1t ; reduclnf! our Dumb.", o( IIi.j,u~o to i74 A . Iltrre hRB bet-D cOlllidu"hle ."i,11 "j ' ,,1 t , t" 1 . t ' :1 l' , 1111..1 IIJdlllg tiomellllD~ to our IIIl or lull .. bout thO! buleh!:rill" bUMio~lIa in Ih i. Sl··gn~ ~ G-Illieme.,'. Furnlahint! Goods . ,,181l0!. in r.g .. rol lO Ihe high priee of .lw.~· 8 Itll h_lId - SURpRllder •• Ne <!klle •• e S 11", 1 8 , I.' Cn;\S 0 1\ W t liS Jlor· m .. mhu~. m i". -:\11\1 sO' fur ' tiS \\'1' kllOW, Mr. In conllf'etion "ilb 'Ih"'e brier r .. hCl _". m"~ 1 autl Ihe irr'gul.rli), uf Iloe . .... . 1 P'per Cell.". &.c •• &.e. . ll1i <!l ~'iQ~Cl':; U::t \·c (;ntertMn 1\ mlllk •• I C81,'IIOt I".bellr IillIJre" InK my mlt.Ii.·ts. \\e 1.1f,1 il 011' du~y I,:, milke or th l. "yip th(l'A ~re thrpellli~', ; an!' "" . '1'. nODSON. -d~c-itfocl tmlr\'('si<ioll o( "'1I.lIt tbc .ltlmil'lIlio. n rl" Ille UnWRvt'ring tI"Y("i,, " . OQ '~ tXI'I"na:ltin~ cllott-,nlllg Il. 1n l or Ille .boyo llIelll,olled can be hud "I \V.yneawlilp. ahreh 26. ' . which h", ~1I'1";',,.d 'Old WN ' ne lJ i"i lhr lir.. J1111~e. IhHt! fI'e M!flc .. L m ,n)' . - -- -- - - - -- - 1011 s holll,l' 1\:\1'0 . • IIlIu-H . I,· nttllJ I'1 11"11 y~IIr')In.~ptl" . "ffO(,nS who do not know Ih .. L CIIIII·u v r 1~'1'OPKINS ~ &! . CRISPIN'S f l1reol1 'termon I ' • 810n (l' It I' h n, I f 0 1111, l n ('I l o w-cit zen i'· f "II ~n"l,," an; .c~r£", and m ort' . • . . 8 or all 0rpo.illon. Ir"l m t 16 enfomlt" 0 . . • Ie'p,,· 1 JI~I:ty lIIHl rc t:llll cll It IIU llll I' stml · our cllu~e. an.l Ilie iepull!o!' oJ' Iho... clIllly lite kl~"1 .' h '" RIU " HIMb,e fv.r] \v .1'~ESVI~L£' CII'cUll1st,unccs. who rt'fufe 10 come aOlOng II'. Sur.. ly. _1"lIl1 ht "lIlI" • nl:l,hrr M e tl ... ) aWK'" AI lite Old F"~,,'h. Ihe ~ayinl,C 10 of.ton quoled ~)' .nm .. 01 ' h."t Ih .. y lite "orlll IrOID Ii III C~III •• t .. LOW I'rGUREfI, ro, c j~ s l'. AI G,ncl,tie' by tile ,,01.11 or I.':ge tbe unbt'I"'I·IP(. Ihal '~ulhlPg caD lit, f'~r Ib gro • 'lft'lghl, "llIeh 18 .. q" ~ 1 III III any city. lown or yillnfl'e. Ind . "ullailled ill WaYllenlll.,' i•• in 1I11~ I~ . "nd 15 dvillul pe r lIulldr"d lb . nt" , .• , 1111 ."h,,"p •• Ih" chea""II, for " I hL . . ca.~ III I....t\ .".lly A\ faull. I ... y. t g • WarrQllud to g ive Satilf/ ildwn . . • 1 1II1d~,," '" JKlln .. y.·~. "mlll.1I Ihe c hanges and mutalion. of W~ Mre tU'l)lI pnlly A.hd "h, do ~ __ lim". our Di~islon i. now in a mo,e 00' kill DJU~t! e.. I.... Ilnd .h ~~ p. W~II, . Dllily Ill'rl\'ols of till ·kind. of ftollrl.hini cOlldhion 'han n .. r b,torr ~h e r""~tllI I~. Ihe f~rmera UbJ8Ct Iu 8 .. 11 gOO<l~., • grocerics; and qlle~us. in iLl hlator,- : and th" .teuc:h old .hip. m~ Ihe" alle~p unlll lhey JlIlI II,,, .. "','1 A. Ih~ Iloq, lea.611 i. fa r" IId~.nctd, "~""""e .,.......... !II . ,liII In wonhy. promi.e. 10 ride .,,(.. Iv oU th"lD. IIn,J "II rdu ~e \0 Luy Ihrlr '011' .'"rk It low; but 11.lnl'" 11101 •• lire ~. common thing at Mr. C. o'er mAny. !lIIIu" in the future. MoO} c .. lyu whell Lht<)' III.tI nut ~lI1re t11~11 1.U hne I'O~ oli h80d, we can olliain. by Ex . ~ .. nllntlcr·8 8tore. Tho con · <lod .peed htr on her btntflcebl 'yo,. . ~ar or L"O ~ I:t ks v.ld . Con .~ qllt· DII). pres .. on Ihort nolieI.'. • I. In eon.tanl recelp' of the cholcell de.wIUICa'OC. hl8 bosta of CIUllo· 81(", unlil .he ul'imalely "IOd. eIIch II II .lelOtl Impo~ .. ble ~o m"",, lin, q mak.esll continnol supply·noccs . membtlr ir,IO lite hallen of .leraal re monty. '".Ihe foollDg up In Ibe IR •.t ~t'w W e 1I', e ftlRO 9n hend I Ilo.lllll u.orl . pole 1II0ilthi "III ~ho". Bllt we Ir" wllllo!: menlOr .1"'''01 ner,.ihln, In ..... u' lille, A,ud it is 110 mcrc vu;rcry to - ' _ _ -:.. •• _ to kel'p the Ullde goiiig ir we could "mu ng which a" ., • J;llat IllS stock iii renlly cxco\lent 1•.,1 uP LETTUI re ln~ill'ln~ In II,,, PnH 8\onll. unlil Ille .eaeoo cOlRn for u. h i PU'fS, . all respect.&. (ro~ whicb all tastes O~ee.1 Wayueavill... 0 .• M.y 31 IlJri1. milk ••ome /Ilon~,. SKILLITS. .~ lie J!uUslietL 1f.'lIll lIot to he ",!"ch.1r nol I.ken .. ut witllill " month. It haa been Bald by Rome ",110 Iblend GRIDDLES. ", .ueh fn'qt~utl.,..• l\utl huvc tl n' t 'wlllbe leo I to. I.\Io beod wile, Office. • to carry 00 the bu. ineu in I.his pillcr 0 VA L, CAS'T-IRON · Ie ra '. .\ I, A. P. ~ . . aoon, th.I Ibey can buy 1111 gout! bet'r . , BI' "dy UfO"Br• . H . & F . ; Cnalley 10hll caUle III tbere aro in th .. coantry. for 6 BOILEI.S; ~.'1'; g~ltel~ . ltIr;. William: F.\rlr. &. Co. Cleols prr pound. groill. Weare. lorry ·· 'l·EA'.K.E~TLES DR: ESS 0000.8. QUfleDB' r"uYer Mrp.l,yd'l; J .. nopi II,. Dnld: In Bay tb., we hllvelaad Ih., p'ea8urtlof , 1.,hll.on Sulpll'" Juills M A 8 u e' "' d'109" Dum ber 0 1 m'1Ie_ In ' . , of _11 ·II:r:e •• LADiES'" Gli:NTS' alill Croektryware Al H.ddell Uenil!l E•• ,.: I '31' r. I";; · the pal~ ENAME·L KE'l~i'LE'8' .' I 'I. 811ey IU Sa.l ..'. IIlor· (1:" wee'" catllt! llllluome fll,m' d ' b t h II " hi f ' ••• "n eil ~ ilt' •• 01 Ihe b0111 qu.lity. - B.all &lar-e.,tr; Smith &ft. John 1:1.' Sw.n UNDER· WEAR. • . ... . ftlr. Charlu W , : 'Sletlhi, A. h~' .B'- era an .ome 0 c . en 1:11 &~III e or SHOVELS ,~r(:)NG~ ~ " ' c nrc 10 ' hopcs t~lIt some· Th.orr.tlln EfR,n C.l WII.on ·M, • . Rnrl:t'I; m.uket. bllt lIec~fdlOJt 10 our Jutlgmenl ... A R', ' c.\eaHftREs, lIg'willllo ~l(1n~ hel'o Oil the ·com . Wilimnn 1'. E•.: Wel.h Mi,. H.nnll\'- .. e dlJ not CloD"tler .t1le~ 61 fur ~UI S D ] ONS. _ . Williem. afro Wood Wm • Irllde.!II we do noL Inlend at III)' lime IRON SPOONS If F Ollrth of Jul y; for, ~lthollgh _ . . 10 ilDpole anythiog upoo Ihe eililcnl , .T~A &, TABLE d CASINEl'S. hn,'C nut yet hcard tbe fUlOtcet II · Ihat we ate no' wilJiniJ our.elte. to cal; O. or Ilny Iluch thing. it lit to bc ~ ,U "e h .. ,e al"",.. CArried OUt Ibal pril,ci - MEAL SIEVES. CA,NTON JlLANNELS. omcd thut thl) iin(lo rtnnt motte!" ~~~~- pIe. aud .I""y' «'lIpec' ~o. • 'fRAPS. t b tl '. Mo,. 29. at the rosideoce ofitr. Quid Eel- 'l'here ~em. 10 be conllclera1,le aoxl,l)' CHILDREN'S KNIVES " DROWN AND ( 11 Sell.88 c U III carneR y. Ie 11'''1'11 •• nPo.r Hancyoburgh, by Re v. S. F. "ith 10IDe 10 ba,e Clppo&illoo ill Ihe AND F' ORKS, OonnlY. )fro Milton.J . M.rll. of Hartll,lIIe . • e B",tholome ... COUllt)', luLlillotl, to Miss Edith butcllering bUline .. in lhift pillce: "he · WASH BQWLS. BLEACHED M USJ, INS,' mO\'crS1n slIe h rnatte re. there ·1I·111 be 'o g"ond, oltl-fllsb · A. Ed.,'lls. lher it ia on accouol o.f II,e Ligh 'PI ice VlCl'OR KETTLES. for ~Ung 1'0~Ql·lON8. celelmttion. ___ _ of meal. or wbether i& ... bee.ulII! Iht:y LaLoe., Ihe moll compiel.-thing iD '1) caDoot get beef WlltD Ibey "ould lik., ·u ee. ,»' ••• • 9• lo bue it. we cannot tell; but we ,..ill HOSIERY.


~.Z, .HAtL Dv,l.lta






A L ~ '.


VI 'fmII'fllLYt\ 0



• tt......1f"

.-..c....-..............-- It"

lhe OM. (Judi,. Ie • RotDt ...... li"l lb. 101l0.iD, _ u n' of

c of



WO.. DEltllil. 1l"'Uo.\l'h' •

by 'he rrea' AIUOIOgilt, / aM,-...t II.aIw or t1l'0 DOaM South· NEW-YORK, BOSTON, ftAD.U1E II. PJl RD.J(.O • .Am) NEW ENGLAND CIrtJlS

.,11 ImIDn, Wh.n ,"0. go to the Gunt! Hotel,

THI n l\lLWA \ E..~Tt.:NDS mOll D.aklrk .. ~ ...... ~ ..." .... n ......ll .... :\'." ... ' ·orl4 11I3 11ru"... rrow sy lind 8aJamlUlca 1.1'f...... V.I'...... 3 .U I ~r...

,I.. !!r.n de.t plllc" for I"mpo.ary bOI· 1"1• 111), or oun or .ny counlry . you

'Wlf! lee a' Ille ~afll II f~t,

•"I,.r perron io Ih read"

J,,, ..


re g orrutntl. A'I) ,. ,-1t0" hllir il grAJ Ish spnlly, full f .. ":Jg· 1 22 to 2'7 ]IIiles the IIh orteltroute I &I 10J it buuo pllrttld ao muob gre~&.( Aliltoint ro, C!l r~eIIJ th l'Ourfh I. Ne" YOrk lO hi. eORL COlllf lhll you " ould u h e -«:r480 ~II'L£S .... bou • • h."1: 01 Coache HI I

be rublted Iglliol~ by " (lI"dle mllker'l T:-'lte 11U' a whllriab, blollled race, Pi 11 ~ I.d grill eyea 80 110 be.r;!, A I.t o~e Ie 1 bOll I

rrolll Md


.n •• A pr, l 2 t R,7, In.l"" ,, ,II teav

""'n w!lh .1I ••,,'

I In I"'.· •• ro ll a... FRO"I DIHIISlaK k ULAIUA.lliCA.11) oW \' ". II. ... ". ' ''"11 U lI, oli lJ<po,.· ~ 10 looklOg Inlo lID o ml 0 "iSO ~.M . .BXPIU!M l'IIA.1L, . . . . . . . . . Jim Illmt.I~FI Ib,,1 lhey nre or • dellcl ~trk. nllly te.r.c l" ::;ulI~" I .)· 1(,1".' . lalt IIntt he "ll . .. ~rII bettar :;",,,,. " CII to 00 A M•• IO.I eO.lII« h . 1 I-I or· 'fltreou' It"" e, f ...!joYliI. ~IOti V'mllltlil "lib \h. U 00 A 1\1 ybody 1 elln Instllnce to yol.l or l' .prc I """t fl'tm' Hult.lo. anu orllr., In In



10 elderl,. D,,"d Ut'at When he wnll.. , N... Y," k 7 0" IIJ. • Ilia fI"l inelegAnt, Ilalr mRlhe d rtel !I,3:5 P. ,' tJ, I.IODT NING EXPREM, b ( d only l rum ::m I.. nU\IH.: .. , \ u mlaVIt t'~ ~cll l tl" !Ifem to be I 0" 0 ,D:nn USt SIOPI , I lI u,,,, II.. , I. ';,26 PM. (lIIul' ) II. to de.cnbtng b .. 1f circll'S aboul a bar. 1o,. ~ lI nK .. "h 110. \1 20 lraln fruoo, 11 ,,11.10 .And tbll i. G~or!le SAnd e r. , an~ .1 ", eo I II N w \ ork . , T 00 ~ " ' 110m. b I C I" "ho e on .,13 P.M. N. YOBK. NIGDT .SPU1ftil8

lbe re



IIgent. 10.



Ipirfod 1<1 burn, p01l\On an~ ".fI M) qUI .~ f \II' in Ib!! NOllh, lie IIru bd o , I 8UlllilY a nd

Sio. r v•• 1a ."o:rele "" morl,,1 ev", kne w, She , .. I rta to hnppiller .. II\I,§('

",ho, from dolef,, 1 .. 'tlll-. ('a l~~lrorl) " erunea III I"ve . 10.. 0 1 , 101I,)n ... (m,nd .\ lou ,,/ money. &'r. , ho ve b N'o"l~ oIe"p lu, • dent. ~he "rin•• I":c II. r " ' 09 0 I(\n~ upllfutecl , Kivu ifirOrcnettoll concerlll"l,1 .bse nt or l o v ~ r .. , rCOlolf U los t or SIO len properly t elld ) Oil Ilu blla ,nu The I. ee~ ()p r ~r lullltJ evo r ftll'o rdl·d 10 per. f OU orll bes' qUlllljJ ~ oI (0 p(lfsue "nol in '01,,, II llh ' lIg lu be fir. l.c}a " whnt you will be O1"at ! uc ~p.~ful, ca ll .n 8pacely IllftrtlDI!CS and I ~I'. ) 1'11 lite ve ry tin, yuu wall m.rr),. 1!'~e8 VOII Iho "am r, ltkene08 ,.lId ll"rGcHm~llc, 91 Ih e pru nn. Bool•• keoptlrs, Sh~ reods Jour , ery LI.oughta. tllld .~r he r olnton .u p ~r C\alu rti I ro, cr" Ullva ll. Ihe ( and hiddeu my sten ,·. or Ihe rlliura. From Ihe 8111rs we Sf., III the nrm me ltl -Ihe m.l l' li e stars Ih ot overcome or pre


Ih ~ pO~lIl c n . 01 Ih o fll lllle la or Axe d , ura III tho he .. vt'ns at ilt .. li me 01

dommnle upeclS

• ,J n. s...

»a,.. of

!I1!10 P.!II; LIOIITIUI'fG EXPR.I!8tII.(~lI l1 c l.'. to ll t: 1'\ ttJ) ~:hol'. 'u lI u l nelli\ I lit:

to 26 1'1\1 (l:' U(I ) • • nll .um o. '" N~ .. Yo, ~ 1 00 " M. coqll. c" ,,1:' 01 J."e, CII> """ l\I oflli"Ir J XI' ~" frolll of N . .. J rr" I

RhiJl oau (ur (J a hru lote n utl \ V'l alll u"c, lo n N "' York .,1111 MMn/> If £ ' I r....

."u 0'

TrAin (01 UOttton Ind Nf'lw 1:lll: lllIti '!lletA.

0 •• 0 P,M. N. "l:ODK IIiIGIIT E~.J>n~ t Pcmpaaour. O"IL V! :;"1' •• ( J'''rI.,,' B b6 1' 111 ( :-Oll/'} Inl er.ectlng Hot"fell ,vdle "'llh It'e " .< re-ebll hhl1! her .i.8ge ""I paid P III '1' .. " . fr~ '" flulOktrk •• lId alrl'" I" . ' . f N, .. V 'l.~ 1111130 t'M . aod tbln. end Ihe hlld ezpllclOrallOI1 0 I.If.JO'P.M. (JI1'fClaJlfNATl Expa___ blood in l.It·r yoUth-lbe d,ann_or pur . e•• •·.pl StJlitl.yi ) ' SlOp' "' ~ u· "I"elo.'"' . 6r.t Ihe KIng , 1 22 " M. ( lIkrll . 'I'lirtt r'~ 1 10 f' M (,1,,/" ) ' .11 lid Ion wIIll: I a"d . rrl.., I" No .. fork 81 3.26 I' M _



IDililed ,in the COUtlO of Ihree or rour e. " Ind Ihe speeelily "eellme A mis· ,. ~ , ..... ' d "A ru_ ~I' md".lurm 1111 ,,~l'rt:1II0nY, • ltafculion or lome young!!r bfAutiel rra"!ie4 ,lte p .... ioll. of Ihe munllrch,


.. d d P ompltu.• o ur IIn tI 10 IUR ~me tl rei r01! Il\~ IJll\inlella!l.C!8 o( ber ,.oend· Ilnev on l1.e power of IIRbil, \\ Ilich "1\8 111.eniro.. ing o v' r I" r.~ble II \' ftWrt', Iud", lilt! i " .xh.u~libID clevicea wlllcb 10lligue .otl,lter II 'eolllrhshmc:nts In Ihe 'It I\I Ie

IIrllof pll!It! uu lind aDlusemenl RQ'ord .d ht" To.l,ultBin I,tlrself 011 Ille ~Ip. d I )11 I .'.1. d f d II

pe'" .tamm 1, 8

II 111:' lIe~

b ( url, flnxitly And care,


A)' 1\0

'fbe l eerel

pang. Ind IrMa of luoh a Iile were 10 Gftloullb)ot, l S ; "~8 Qbhged Lo be e\' er "' , 011 Il,e wa leu for evc.ry cbange In the King'l humor. 10 keep COD818Dt walch


Ilis 8<111001. 10 cJlVIDO ..11 1111 "1'\leB, and IO lbe 8.,er (\n ber gUI"! a""iD'~ boLh mille .nd reluille


lboogtlt. and ..


oonapiralor. lind ,hetr j ealoul eonlriv. • d b II I' 1 " ' • neel. E nfle )' a tbe It.: h wolnfn of the courl, de~p,sQ d Imd lel al n~u¥bl b,11l1 minlllere in 1119 eRrly part of lIe,,:rt!l,n, hllted b,. tile wholD nation, IDd tl1li6ed dllJ by dl\1 10 · eoulllle~.

Ihe cUlitill'lI.rnli ol1 -lroln


,ween the eltreOlf: 1 0 len r h l UI; Wl l h ,,(le r u Ou n rr .. HI" 8tHi S ' ~\l U"H' fur here. 8n ey e loro 10 ' r ~ nc n .."o ...... d Jli ew '""aloud CII'" .D~ Ame,iul1 l • reduced 10 1h' loW el l 1'1I0!!1 Dl1PP,\l,O=D, New ' · 0"1 !lUll' eou rees to tk.a '.C uL , ulJ ti i ~l euce, nud IrOll' U. pDI Cu' ~" t:: h.","" u(1 I.I.lI"o"" ,robabl), tlle p08le.or of Dill y Ih o &rol\ . ~ ('". .. • 11' oUII be Wt.,.. N .. ~ IU SRude rl l ....O A, M.1If. r o s s DAr EXPRE , re Dti Yrr (SUUUK ) ' .),., t:1J1 .1 ) ~h~\'. h t tl ur n tl ll,. \ III " n ClOIllp'"nr ever, for t be me "e 'OJ A" ( IJllfo) . SU.~ U" W""' 2 II I' M • • qlll l, but io lreaBon, r 611 ,ell some· lD,n«). 'J ur"., I 7,' Q P M (S"p) '"",1 0' lImel , alll1l8 cheap b6lol, In Ihe rea, .'v.'." ti e", YOlk .r'u30 t' l\1 CUIIII,CI. ~r d I J I C I t Ort!R t Me nd \Vllh U t!hn vtlrt! , LDC ~ nW" IUIIi ur , ,h. Ohurcb 1... 11 c to., bi ll "od \\' ." .. " 1\ " 110",1 • • url 01 J cr\e1 1"'1 .. Br.ckiqridge, gro"o gtllY, a Inlle hng ""h M,dn'gl" Lx~r •• " J .. ,,' 01 N " J • • ard, Ibo"iog In 1.11 uniform and well I e) R""IIo .~ ror I bllud.l pl"., a . III """'. r eXI te, ItloeA.IJI. alll l \\' U:!lJ1l1gl U Il woro wllrdrcbo th .. penur v 0 EX"OIl88 MAli., ,,10 A"o .. ' ___ nd while he hili 8ccqullnla Dcee of b,,01 11 I1r n~tI ., ,II. 1',,"I J I ~I" "',." .x" '" ......Ilion \Ile lr klDdnesa do but chafe III. ed) Art".' III Ne .. yo,k. , i 00 A ~ I r .... 1 Cunll ec l ~ H ' P.lullr ,,,llh NUl l l.. rl l C~IIIIHI .. road Ke,,~ucky .pmL ~hal • W8!. ra n•• lwlI.l lor " ur,..burg h , I'h ,'oU. II''' "o. lI ol. e~ .,e Ith br, ond ill -ll-loreuiQn • .He 1IIII 0 ro , W. 1""Kl on B"d po, ,,,, S'lI! '"

_ _ . . ._ _



birth, Ihll d"du Cf8 :he ""ure tl ndllY 01 Ir ,I UI Uuuklrk" (*=JU cp ' "".tt,d .. , .. , mon F oil n ol to conl"ll UI .. gre.lt81 SIO\" oll;.t.", ."c. B.S P!II 01'011 73. It cc)6l. Jl tf\l 1>1H ~ P \ ,Sup ' , Turntr. \I ~o " "\lI~ft ), a,II' A . trololl'~l 011 eorth ."' •• 111 ~ ... Y.. rk , 1 1230 i' , I 0.011 " '.1· "Ile, .nd you moy n~vl't 8*Aln 1. 0, e 8u

) ndlg~nee

Wrtl.. a lillIe, reaus len, aDu "hen be 'I I 'pelk. you elo .,,' l'll • lere It no I~ltd 10 It.rf! 10 be dlled f,Olll .. our land, II,nl th ll mIll! woult! Ja. ,e crack· .11 . . .i1b an e.rlhquake.


fuvorol.tle Oil 0PPQrlu,"I V. Cu.n! I1 IIAIIOII lec , ","h h ~p n en ~nd nil de~lI~tl 11I/"n .. O \ lion, lEI I. P "rlir l III .1 e dl sla ll ce C'"I cO lIsIIIL Ille MatlDme Lv 1,, "1' WIll, ~'I" I ti o(e lX Gild 88~i.r.~ lI ol1 '" l"lJn, ~~l ve. o. If 11\ per8U II. A rull . \111 explt. ,I eh"r l


w rU1f'O uu t ,

\\lIn hl1

IIIqU lr l l8

IIII !§\\ (, fCII

II lId hkc"~ 8d pncl o8NI • • CH I uy moll 0 " rerljllpl ul price BllbVI' m e "l lj,n~ t1. Th r Md < ' ~8 t ser res), mllU l l nlllP fl, 81 H I "'1 (,lIfr e, p l' l\d ~\lcc " " lilli e l or de.\n'yc d R .f·

e r nIlC~' of 'he III\!ht-e ' " rd" r 'urt,,~h r , 1


IhuAO (l es,r ' I' !! Ih e m " 'rile r l n"II . I llp tl lY o f 110011101\ 11, n.\lI )'(·o , In ,,10 1, h y,'" \\: ~rc born, eU (, l lh:i IlI U n 'HlII,U It" k ul h"IT


Adel ra.. M4 0A IIl R II A P ~ RIII O" I' O. Dr uwer 293 . llulflllu , N Y

------ --- _.

---~ -

Cheapest, andl :pest in AmeriCa.




AW .AnOK!1 ril E FlR·T PRIZ E. (luI< D III ED.u••

'AI the Beat CabInet Organs,' 'n s 'ilul~. New Y~r k, O CI • '65 Oe ill" prollounC\9d s uper,or I II QUALITY

,A merloan

"lid VARI ETY ' ,F Tu~u ... 01 III II numbcr 01 romblnUllurl8. 'As (ho b U L "'8irllmfnl' of, AIm OrtCb werll Illete cOlilen't!\IIg, ,,,,,hielle.v rl IVon the 1i.lIle w()ultl hlly e lIotl""lIlell 10 con CDIIII~r.1J 01.; 111,,'0 ",ilh Norlll.r" (;ell lr. 1 'Iuc,.'-Amer;c;all !Art ;/,Jllr1lal, (eoJlleol by n. ,I".y f~r H "r1\l ~.' ". )'1"1.11. 1,.1,, • • 13. 1 ~ well-known music ill cnllc.) Tlo~y have 1180 \ .~I!IIll/e lirst' I" III"ore. \\ •• [ltA&IO.. on(1 p'oo nl. Su',lh •• , Grell! n. ,,01 ",Ih flel .... re l..'C ~II .. nlln. wb e rryer elll.,bhetl ' hI 'lIft! on • • E~B.R,ACES WHle11l n .. irold for Serln'eon Tro"I.", & PI!~D!.L ORGANS, 1,2, null S hallk s Ph llol!_I"I"., .net .1 .N~ .. York ,, "h .flilt 0 keys-lill ~ Iae -il~ 6" Iu 8 1,.',00 ' IIQnlt fll'''" al,,1 lSe oo "lort f~r \l".loli .ud W,/ho.d I>edlil., I l o~l e Ulitl doul.le bHllk, N . .. l n~ I II ."I ·C:ilt • • Th ese OnlJ Ona T, nlll f.,1 011 Sun d.y I~.vlnt: hu f. 11\ IIluI VArleIY, $ 65 10 lS450. f. lo ~ I 6]0 P I\t ,"nil reachll'Q Ne ,+ York 0 112· O'gIlI18. wilh Ihe lr ~ Il,u o lh, r'pe -blip qllol Ity ut luur, lm nnt,'ul IlI lo ft luJll! , 8 1rpu u tll 36 PM. 10" BOll on .nol N... F.II ~ ,"lIrI 1'."."1; .... 0' ChfJr\Ji, u" "''I" nl('11 [led",,,,, n1lt1 r. IIPrill with Itltd f U"2 !l, . .. Ale l rP lI"errt;d h "e 01 Co r !1(·lIke I' IT~ e'L" ure ~ u"t"or lo r . lurc h liS ada pled every deplilrtmonl Ch RI'!l:O "' N e w York eo ; ".II •. Purlurs 0.111 $clooolR '1'II ~ Y lire r;tr' '1'0 I" .n.~ ro Irpvr lo.. Ih . lone of Ih e 1"11 up III ~I\ . "H or ,nild IVII/lSUI, fl'l\ ~ y of hus l\les~ , accurato aud t:"" Rollw uv ptliit,·"" ",.ny ohiO' C. nf 1111. " ' 1. 1"."'10:;- th rougn .tlll lJ~n tltl (ul ,,111.-). or th f' velleered Ilta/nllt (n ew and oll'qU I> "I) If'") rapid commercial cuIChe",ung', S''''1"ehllnn •• Ot l. .. " r • • 0",1 nO\llo. anti e l ~ l.:"Ul Jl o.~tl/)(l od . of gr'eltrl,tI d""j!.t> VO /l,v." nil ••• r r h 8 1 ~ '" " P<'"II roo .. 01 110. nnJ fi " . h, 0001 "I the beat wurkm oll. lup' cufatlon..;, llUs inc s lure', be • • IIl . " '''cit co""".,,d . n\l''''' " n - I t LU."ln l ' luh'lIt.i c d ihol l-lH h 1n ~ IrUIlIf'1I1 con 'sjJondonc('1I o:T rh e Or .. V.II III.led Ano! IIIQ, I I "'uro o" . . hn li be I~ moud l (If 11 8 ti udS. AII'II ""u SLI':t:PING COAC:UE9 ~'" Ih e w,"hl, J;O me lli 8. dowli 10 ~ finl' DCItIlO r"rtA"I~ .cco"' pon) a ll'"gh llruID' 01111111 rulllV" • • cummerc ill ' /.. g::r l3uggng. choo k. d Ih. nu!;', lind FU l e a l. lIJelodoDIi. h"v~ Ih e brautlfull'rell,ullll\l ~ @lOp., IV""out pxtra c h" I!Il'. '''Y' •• 10" •• III .nr Ollt H rou,. , A I"rlle. .. eor l'n.o\ cu n" lonlly on h on.1 ItJ" ",k for 'f,c~c lo "" Ero e R., h.ny "hl c h Al our Grller.1 \Vh ,,11'8" le ena R e lull ,o n~. (\~ lo.n .II 10 1 . U 1' 01 11, 11'" 1 'l och! O tlk •• \Varcroum . , 84 1 Or.Joel" ny. ,/\ lb. W ~'I ftll tl Soo lll.~\ ." , . Our IIlu ~ tr"l e d C lrculGr "lid Pllce Lls l , H, 1IIODr.£. WM. R B \RR. Gco I S" .. ·I Gen'l P"... 1.,'1 l\ ilil our nt.'w slyles, a.e '''OIY reoUy. ::; ~n ~ 71 If (ur u e ire "lor


Puw En ,


Boqk-lteepilng, to

'l"elcgrapb i n g,

1'l'lLOUDET, P£I. T ON 4:-



699 Brll Gdl\ n). Cur P 1IIr' It ~! •



.I U L E S


r u.k.

' It_ole El a!lIlC).

.J,,\ li""ifI'.)'; 8~'

" EMAIL 'DIi: P AItIS, " /

• hId

WI ll

} <l l1C.

~ eep

• •.

!'f1.Ule GrlA e~u~ ! ,.11 Sltopt um/.lf'tta l • •b


httler lltan (IllY oillit' Ski, t ...

nRW ant! ~ul aryl or S~ III . -----( PilI ell "',l Mu ~ .. h'. Itlll~() W~8 o", ..r,l"d T lSSt,mOTl luls frvm Cr/rbrnletl Ladies • hv 'd l e aRE \I AMI' UFAN I If T,T U:J'P. Jo'Aln 1'h ls tJ~ rret uf bp" ul i l, Itl !! Ih ~ , ltllI b ~ . he ld ill New Yurk, OClu~ e r 18G5 , ' ' '' 2 knllwII ollly I.. ;U~e r8 ~ " ' ~ I' ~ fl.. liP. . • ' h ~y htlll or~blf a'"te I.ot 11 d,ll trri Irullt p-o D nil oll. er prpp " r.'litl ll t It I!'V ~9 tu Ihe The IHehel' Prt!~i om rVM given (or 0 ......,. , lII ost hor dll "ud frrchlt'd bk lll both th e H "I' I' ~ ~"l' II I.XlUrH ond colllr uf pu llsh ed IV llry, r ' Tit" SIf'A I S;""'I!" ' ",,1 WtlUfltl W:tll a s.,,,,, m ov~ng 1IJ1 qI SCOIUU llulI? \Vh,'lh~r .op , n il!' p i t pt! wlrf' l' n p liJee ' lll n du''', .",1.1" .:::' pe'flllll os f, cklr. , I. ~, IIw rph.w , mO lh l' urlt lll ) \\In.h w i ll not Wlln' IIff' fi r bPc(lIII<' I' "II or sprtks , IIllIJ I~ "p~ ,' .I' 14'~ ,I ."tlll'l "h,,'p s klrl "I lty be W 8" I ~ s ure • • s lul III 8m' 0 111111 ,.: o~ t I]' Q UltlrJ• • ~I/' I:;JI(it; T IN/I) K\· 'H Ic.r uf rI.I. ~hl" ... ",, " 0 w. lell ,by SnI Al.!. I'"X , ' 1 ~ 1l~ 1, 111 .. ~ 'uu· 1 ' 1 he DU""I" 01 '1. P,'nnll d.. P urtS m osl " " " , I: I'" ~ ~ , --I OOllh~,,,IJv ~!Jb'J11l 10 I 'IP Pt\""~ lit o H r ti" I Q


New Beautitler of Ithe Skin ", ir .i~

'S.W" !>l" rUE' A....


I ..=


U. '-:1 ' Th", b' Sil ' Sk' <t eOm. Iua on ver itt, \ ~

l " eKI ~ndur .e l1lelll ll 01 6\1011 tll~ (m gu il! h ed lI1aI, uta r.lur~l ~, Nil. B4 1 n",.,fwo " olld Ihe fomou. SPENCERIA (~ syatem I"di es us I " Th ie It'TIH," Ofi "tlllllblnps Wil t) IlIn"c,l' / 88 N :.IV Yurk__C'.![._ of I :'l'u no rn RISlorl, 111'1 10 F~IIc1ln Vp" lvnh. 1\ r~' ca ll., ,, Skin Ih~ "dva M.~'8 ' ilf o llr , ramp'ob,,' ftbd paRqlliolldes, whIch i J.\ • EXCELSIOR I EXOELSlOR! 1I1 1o'~ MOI!JI.g II .AI r . n lrero , ' :iI""-," SKIR T . Ihe uo ttom hoo!,! '~i!' th/l lid Irop, Dlou~l~ to mouth, Iter hf. was Lu cl Jlu W e~l" rn, ]}1<! III '1! ['''I lisi. '&'I\\1 !n ~ I\,vse uBed lIt , 111 11 tlth .. r , f;klrt When by Ihe \l8C of D,a.. J01"vILU" ELI:!! tZtiii\.l,'t~d ill a i cODLinuII .uuggle to la. }OU ol\n b(l ourcll perOlmneotly, Bnd" o.t B 41 (sr ~"1I1\1I WallQr, ,J, uey ' Ih~ cu~e rlnJt 0/ "Il ieh co nnol we.~ (If!' ' (: R • 8 TEL L A I" '.. ~ ioltolilo lih posilion. And &lilt 'Dulin" ttlfhug cost r , ffIlS IIlUII, Nall~I'O Ihl whllo tile npp ~r p nplj oro , r.llve,c\ld "ltJI eUJtne.J6 The I\8ton!slllug success " hid, has ntf,endcd SUI&IIDI, tbe ml,tre.. of a dOleD qli4 ,M nrllllcrlllet, MISS f'nllllll. Nil in/ly. r,'Vllig qncc wurn que , Fa," RemoviDg SUPllrflUOWl Hair Ag ncs }"Ieny "f nut 8Iii~' ... \Vi1 I ' he '\y III I~il \6 \Yo~r Inr ,u4~"" 'II ~ ~;.nhtilbI8 ,ch.lllle~ t)f lhe Ih" '1nyalunblo mlHIlelne for Ph.l slcal Iud Nervous WellknesB, Gcneral D~b.h t.y alld And m~ny ol" er~. wh os e IlIgll I<t nnt.lull!!· jn ,, I' i'8 ' lJw~ , 1'\(\Ufl'! 0 / QII' 0 \Ier Xhi/l·. pro(JlgRlily, "ol.lld retire rlom Proslratlon, LollS of Muscular Energy, 1m ". '])0 t1ie IlufifS .,specinlly, t1lil invnlu- None but Ihe most emiaentPro re.sora are Ihe ~ro)l eI81"n ~lVea lite lIuml) ill lruth. kllllfe lire 4I01'n I n)1lrl't.I '''lIli , bill!; .JIllbho' tit " ululUlted wilh 'be etrorl' pOlullce . Or I\/ly of the consequences of elllplo}ed in the V4rtuus drperlmeAI •• lulnu. 10 Ih e ir IIIlclligellt nnt! ge nul1l ~ 'l·I.e be,' nlltlPrln lM' nre 'II Qed I fhe ir -''''liicb' he Ili.trionio poaitlon U!'ll.lirl!d, Youtbful Iudlacrollon, renders It the most "ble deplllltory r eeo mmend~ II_elf liS . ppruvaJ· ~OU8Irycll\Jn, "lid, Ir"m tllefr " dllr~blt ity being lin ai , Osl indl s fl ~ n s Rble IIrllcle to tli fl. prinGy of ber IIpRrl~en'. ~Iuo" valunble prc p"rnllon e' cr dllcovcrcl! It wlil remove All ncM'OUS ntTellUons, de felDlloJe buuty: is eMil. arplaed, does 'l'he bCbUlirul Luc. lle Whtern enya : olld nelt \)1'. :l"lJ.e~ ,!lte dl'~tlltfltl ttl bccum t Ia.nelf do"n oli htr Ie" berore her prClflloo, ellcitement, IIIcBpocity; to eLudy or I fino! Ih ~ t tb e 'E m'lt ll' o 8 ell thr 'ill A taT~rit8 'SkIrt: •. W~IUIIl; maid, aDd Ie, looae '" lorr.ot or bulliocsa, IOS8 of mempry. coo(u8101l, ~ho'ls not bl.lro or III;ure Ihe skIn, but acla bnllllnc,Y of ruu!!e Hlld lily·.~ I.he, wit h l\l nnll rftC lnr ed 1l,. lv by Ih e Sc\ver Skirt eOlllpt,,'nt on· th. l)itleIDe" of lin lIe. of self dcstrucL!on , feors of iosl1l1(ty, &0 II dllc:dly on lh~ rl)019 It IS "arrlln'~d Ihe grlt-' nlld ppr. u1lnr nolvnnltlge of t Olnl And Wire ~ln"" rOl:lu rinl!' C"'nll.ny, liny 'Ui=r Ilrellllh railed ber undu .. ill rc store Ihe appellte. I ene,.. the henlth of 10 remo,e .uperlhlou, hAir rrom low Ihosc ",\to hove dcstrolcd It by seusual exccss ror~hel\d., or from any p"rl of the botl¥, h~ rl\lle"'.e... It rellily s~d" 10 the soil· S(Nll. 3'.1 R n~cl ny St., New Vork: 'tbe of 1111: dllily ordeal w hioll or cvll prAcL,ceR. All p"roo~s"urehlling Scholou/;lp.11I " e • • "ntl beAlily III Ihe Hkql. T. S. SPERRY, SUpl . ,p [611-1y ;WI. Ihe nccellity ror htlr po.t\ton: lind Young Men, be humbu ggcll DO more bv complelely, lotally ttnd radlCHII\ ~zl'r 1111' Culleee Tho M"gnllkelll VQ8tva\1 d~y. : " _ _ ___ wIlen. her hfE' IJatl thua end.d, she WI\8 'Quaok Nosh'llmB' nnd 'l/oornut ~r" c tlt,on ers, pAlIug lhe Slime, leuing lhe . hin oolt, I hnve .uff~, e~ 80 much "(lm Iho vllri. . ... GVRl'fE"W -, . 8lt:V, bUI se nd \vllho\lt delny lor the Ehxl\, nnel be smOOlh line! uillurni. , 'J his IS Lho only •• " alA,e of ro).1 CAprtOtl, and forgol. ooce restored 10 hel\llh and bapplness A .. llIelo uSNI by til e Fre nch. And Ie L"~ \)118 while IUllI\n ~ . ,&r.., .. IIIcia mv Ih"o",. PHOTOGRAPHio.& ..... t8 TII ft ten by V""/'111I!I, a few day •• feer ber Itt enl ~ro'ea81t'1l obl1gfl8 me 10 I)~II. t" pt I ' . . p. .... ~ ,.,l1l Perlecl CUTe Is Guoraotee d In e ' er) ' lIs tnnce (1 nl)' renl f ffe( III ,,1 tl e ptl a .ol} III • x'd dealb, •• Ihough Ihe bid Devor )i,ed P ri ce , $ 1, o r 4 hotLle" to OliO nod re,• • $3 CO l . lIln it. ~ " r f~C I !'''"flr" 'Iu n 10 fl "d " "cp' UN""'_';, N. Y . " olla~rs ence PI Ice 75 c~nL8 rer pnckllt(o,One bo ~\lo 18 sufficleot to olleet a cure In l,rep Mlft'llOn which /I,vea Ih e lIecee. nr) I" .~rI'ItQ.! 10 Oll r 1l 10TOti .IAI'HI C An,all ordl1lllry cnses s enl poel pltHI, to Any AddresJ, on re. ~ hitene.a 10 I h,,'sklll , 'i nd leGvija Il cool OAL!.!'RY. 1.· I"ult.he,'18I Q~ ,.ft " ftV O. /o •• h, GOO1> DUDS 114 \'J: NO S4IlB.UIl.-Tbe ALSO, DIt. J OIl'V[L L~ 'S 81'£01'10 I'll LS , celpt of lin Olt.lU. hYI * und 8m'Jotb. I 1 I t ~' I V~ " ftr!f hull hcl"r nl.,~e."l! u l C{ l n r IO p'all} , followtng atlmirable Ineedole i. {rom Cor the epec(ly \lno permnnell t etll e of Gon Oy I"plyln!! Ilefort J .. ly I .' 1867 "I I\J ) I ,I h~ ... "hi .h"'.,,1 ljl op)l i,,,,,l,,lt "jtlllll:' Ir"' BERGER, SHutTS & CO, ~re.lal.l, .Dd i.!Of reeellC dlle:- Nol orrhon, Oleel, Urcthrnl Dlsclu\rgcs, Or""el, "IU ollilie l\II.r.I'l'l1 .In: 1t1 . , ,,I',,II.,... Plt(hil 1NI'N1' c'i~ I. " i 'tl ~ J,; 'fbe 811vantl!!8 uf Ihll CI.npgl, over 011 IIVnvE' tr ie d Ih l' . klll b e. lIlI ~fr 'L'Em'. Qf II, e u.~"" u",~ I', r<r,A.. , oll'd .d~l llo" Ilo\J . . long lIuee, DO eldnly m.o witb bare Slficture. and nil OO'ootloDe of tbe JGdncl ChemISts, 21J5 RIV er SL, TillY, N. Y. o,~erd II. tlI81 It Ilona 01 ' BllWelor. Curc8 ellacled 111 froll! une to nil de Purl. ,. nllt! r(lIIlId III ,t II ;1I 8tOlllh ".1""11" "ir·~ln lp~l'u QI c)\:~" ", held llood In an eallng' hol.lle. surroun. finod rc days They orc prop~rcel from \·cg C!I\. Imp arts n M l ural bloom nlltll r~8h lle ss t u ~~O~ ,~~<iC!t.., ''''IIl~ri''' a ....; .;..... ~ ded ' by A crowd of people. 'l'he land. ble cxtrncls Ihal tiro h'lfUJless 00 Ihe system, E A U T Y ! . t • Aulta.o, Gold· Ihe cOIl1P:'-'XI .J II. . nl 0 h ht"l! ,1 h: h( i~X\lIt1'" 0' I lord bald Iho milo'. haL and eRne in bit and ncvcr III\\lSeale Ihe sto mac h Or 'mp reg p n, Proxp n. Glllt ~ Elllnil de P.r'" ie usp.! OA " W_.... of Arrwnll Ji: ............. blDde, and In Impudent ".,ler lIood n al~ Ibc bron tb No c;hongo of dle lls neces wblle using t)lcm. nor dOIlll U!QJr nctlOn Stlkrn CU RLS' .. de li CA te be"u tl h~ . uf the 6kln for 'l'h eli lr e. · ". h II. I"e B.~ Io' A.dv O'"hO~1 (Ih e "1'",copA I between the guell and tbe door. 1'he 8n,y in ""y manlier .ntertere "I\b buslDess pur Buluon or·R"om, by Ihe most r(' fllled C hurfh I I , ~ CII.Ionli /, C'.'i) . '''''' 11,. CIII ' S' 01 produce.1 b\' Ihe toolll.ion of Lbe old min "al mdeleri. suits l'ftCCl. $ 1 1\ bOlO. Blid scrupul ous huhe. , prottunin R' atl lhf' kll dtl'lfJl III IIK ll o u. ~ ull IlroIUil l @U( h lt,ce r ". 01 £h ~ • Ible. He seemed ror llle first lime ill E'lher of tho above menltoneol tlrllcles UBe of Prof De llR &ux 's FlIlsrn LE Vil E• GREAT CIIL\IN OF bOe tllll) 1"11 tlllecla uf rouge IIlIel Illu.~1 1t1 Ie '-'(\' elKI \'~·l. nUI'IIo. ' Alb (Dillin ' ••" " . IAl eo. Lil life to be io sueb B lorape - said w.1I be senl to any addres" clooe ly aenled. VF.U X. On e opl'l'cKlion .. urrnnt cd to cur' , "r. I/lrtJ".r ~q lr eo. prof.... 'o".1 b"Ii.,d 111." Ihe .nosl 8lrtll~ltt .ud BltJuburn r of IVithoullhelr vU 'gQ ~ Ill ~re or -\I1Jury lu lhe furelgb' .:. ld orlll .J , l'ictul ~' of IS lalu ar.lI ud postpaltl, by m&lJ or e xp ro88, on receipt ••Ihlng, -Iookfd dllwo on tho grollnd. of prlco. 4 ddrON. IIU .erde", &0 .kin. III. te 0",1 (09,,1. 811',er Bex Inlo "nvy rlng le ls. or IleavYr lod with dlffienhy reltrJlinetl hIe leare. maUI.1t rurl. be\! 1\ ose d by Ihe S olil by al\ first clDss Dru eg lel s, P(jrfu. C~lnl "Ir"". ' elll '''' rOM ' I of S ' .mp SHUTTS &I Co . Ohemlste, .11i1• •n Iround mocked aod jeered BERGER, mpr... uti Lau tpftt H utf Drof:ftor8. • \11 O f (l .. r In .. (\t\t rloa. tI f> 1 r:1 "~t:.' (rOot o .. r _ 28S1tlver Stroel, 'rroy, N Y f~ ~ I"onable 8 o f PUrt8 ond L'"IIl olI, Wllh .i~. Ju,' thell A poorly dreucd Jew, L . Ianbeou. 82:1 8tontl,v"y; D a mnA L ..... I"It.. . trlt.I. 11. "nd .en l hy the most ",raII/YIOI! ,epuhh . D oe. no In. B.rnrs & Cu , .nll F. C Wells &. CO', 1II1i11 ~ IH:~.' ~ ' ''5I e Voc lur .:. i~Y r OlIo .u"h wltb .. long while bOllrd, eo tend, IIDd lury 10 the h~tr. Proc" by mDII., t OjlIC' of " " ~rl" I n x" t. CtHU ~"l i\! illquired whal It all meanl, aud wILb an sud P08tPOlcJ, 81. Deseft l1"VC circiliun New Y (.rk; and Euge ne Ji>tlln, III SUIII" N U'_ ,\, " I." . I. >lre 10' "II Olle ',llun 10 Ih. h.vPo (,r "prool ", ",/< . ,II ""p' ilO)! Addreea S t RGE a, SlftlTT ~ loenled In lite loadinll'citie8 of the U niled T enth elrflel, nnoJ J uiu •• on, Bulluwuy & o.!, AllIMIC •• ezpre ..ioD of almoSllemlnloe Cluriollll Throw.". , your /aI •• IrlUo•• ,our ""ech u, mQ.led fre p Stetes I •• d Canida, ,nel Schol.r6h Ip' COI\ de n, PI\lI"tl ~ lphl., Alle rtls. 0.<1 U 'l" "rr.u t~ 1'''' , AIl,t""IJ)." s. Carll 'PIC lit Co.• chemill'. No. 285 R,ver . 'rllot U. wal lold Ihat. the m"lt bid ellen you, w';;"' .. d .. d I h Dutructn e of (onl(or'. 'Inti n ot"orlh .. 6 boughl In 'hil college W il li bo JARED &, RgNt:. G ellorol Agenl. ,ur•• , ". ,,( , Trov, NY., Bole ng~ nl. Cur Ihe U S ' ~.. ran., In D0" tIlL • mUlt PR1' Co ... aged. come ,0ulbf.. l. COUle u~ly 11I1f... al1c1lmporler~. Nnw Yorh. nec" ...ed n.,IRIJ .... RIId FI'lI"'''''' 0ad 10 h. "Irched hill pocket I in .,iD for DlO · AII~ reJolc, '" y,,"r 0"0 Iuauf,.nl ' If in 7 or III or thclln, JOHN D. PARK, At: en \ ror Cillelli. ,,"I~~!l!UbeUt lu •••.l' ... ,.'" M/td'n",.tr"rlC lh Oil, Dey, 'Well,' eaclaimtd lhe Jew. 'I le6 IIEPA.ATOIl e.I.PILLI, nnll. 78.6m9 W••• r Culo .. ",. I !. I . I'l~" II' I \~ , h ~ ti d f - _ ••. " . "_ _. _ ... __ TE~ TA:Li, 'Tlhs ,UIT19'1'8, «be old mill for lh. 6r., timo, but I'll For rellorang hair upon b.ld held.Oh' lb ..... beaut'fut .nd r.or be bound he did not eomo hell 10 cheAl. (IrolO whalner cluse it may have 101leo PMrll t!l rI ~'rl W: f OPI~;: ")Ul uld cht rero", m r. "'Ilh uarrl e\ el Ind ru(lumt .:lIIlr le",HHHi w,r'ti u il ol r,.rl 5,,"J lor It t"lItKl ll g Ub A-nd.llnellortl, IOppelt lie b.d 00 mo· oUI)-nnd rorclnll a growth 01 haIr upon \Vholc c ur IfI" teml,.l" lIo h. efltwllle'd, g::r '1 he .," "J~ oUI ~"e" iiI • l,b, •• 1 ,1/>11\> .1111. Enrbj\lnrd th e , ery h utut and "und. 01)" couldD't ,.ou for once give a poor Ihe IICO, Il hoe ~o equal. It Will roree Remember, In bu)'ing your Icholarehlp • • 0-, G.,II"", OJ)t n j' I r ft'~~ lf1 pt C li o !! f\11~ man 10m"Lhing 10 eat, ror Gutl'l IIlke ! Ihe beard teo grow u oon the .moothell face CRISPER OOMA; to apply at Iho - tn.IIQflr , VIII' I llg "he C lly w,11 fintl " Ilr G"ll e r) HOA muth dol!. 'hll owe, Anyho ... !'_ III Iro .. five to e'lI hl weeki, or hair upon For Curling the Hair of either unn u' th e I U!'lOi l " K I. tlHI) l e plactis III £\u.\f YUlk wll e- telll In " hlJc "Wn, nn hQllr. Tall debt "' ... "Iglat ellver groschen, and bold hends tn Crorn two to three momha. Bell into Wa.vy and O1ollY J GURl'>E\f "" l;O N I'ho"' .... l'h ~ .. 'he l.,w, p~,ing lhlll, look the poor old A few ~enorant pr.clilionefl h~ve uscrt. Ringlets, or Heavy, 69 6nt) 707 ~r""U::'N' J'! ~Y. II IIIln by the baod lind led him 10 tlte ed Ibel lhere Is nOlhln1[ thaI will Corce or 1'4 auive Cllrla. '" f heeteD the Ilrowth 01 Ihe or belld._ door, T h011 preaent did II'" .e!lm to 1'helr l . .ertl008"e fallP, al Iholl.. nd_ of By uaing Ih,s orllcl!!. LndlU and Gen. X7 H enjl)' lhe reproof whIch Iheir brulllhly Ilvlnlt witneasea ([rllm their own fllIpe,l. tlemon can beoulH, them.elves • Ihou. "nd b"d reCl!iv .. d, Rlld one inlolellt fello" enee) Clan be., wltnetill. BUl mllll, will lend fold. II la lhe only .rucle In tho De lIIll II the lar,ellt .nd mo.' eomplele lilted out: 'Hey! Jew, what hAVe you .. y. how Ire we lu d,s.ingUlth Ihe genu. world th.I \VIII hOlr, and at In Ihe country. ' dooB T 'J'hia II the Sabblllb, Rod you I~e Irom Ihe .puno"ll It certainly i. lhe lime time ewe 11 • beolltl1ul, a loll , hIVe &oQohed mooey' n'hil i. forbid. rtiftiCUlr, nl nlne·lenlha of Ihl dlfferenl appeonnce. ThD Cn.per Com. nol on. den to the !lraellte •. ] ''You Ire right,' PreplrilllOnB a~"trllsed for Ihe 110lr en~ J) curle Ihe h'Ir, but Invlgpr~te., hen"t :. ID'"ared Lh .. Jew. 'JUlt DO" I forgot belrd ore p.nlJrely wOr/hle ••• ond yon fiee, Ind clelll,ea 11; I. high Ii and dehuht 'bil.l Wu a Jew 'UII.. 0 ~ may hav8 alreld, thrown ftWIY large fu lIy perfumed, nnd IS the mOlt "i.~ JOIl we,. J. Y ~ orgOl amoulp' III their purchase. '1'0 . urh we .rllcle 01 the . klQ~ , over. mt;eretl to Iho ;:r Eyery ruder or Ihl, p.per is illylle,) " .t m.llaol. llt you wDult1 111, try Iho REPAIUTOR CAPILLI ' AmPllclO publiC. rho eJlapo. Comn to Write lur .... blle p d lI;a ea., 00 my a~eouot; I uoder· il Will coal you nothing o,IIe81 II eome~ will be e,nl to ony oilolrel •• selled and I 1"' ,a Iper en Spl!"c l· men. of PenmlDlblp-lent I~ree. Ad. ~. ID my CIOIDmaudlDeo& wbi.,b "YI, fully up to our ;t'epreaent_tionll. Ir youT postpnid, for 81. Atld,"se 011 orders 10 H~ lbe Sabbalb.da,. aod keep il Dr'unlll tloea nol keep it,und us 81 00 W. L. CLARKE &. CO., chemi'I', dteal, b01,.... ltl.,I'~ 101111 .cboolmal&er \0 and "". wit: forwlrd It, POltPlld, ' 101l81he: No.3 Weel F.yette at., Syracuije, N. Y . ~p'" it. &0 Jau. aDd Wb. il "rtuOII- willi a '~eetpl f,,! t~e I\U>ney, ~hlch will aIale .an, b. whh me. Good be returned you on appllcatloo, providIng tleMa han io abba(b \' With lutl,. .It~flctlo!, J.a l\ot .,lvtD. Add" .. Daodelloo Coffee, Rre ColFoe. prime Rio ~ .01'41 \lie .111 IB~ 1'0 ~~~B.~ &. CO., tbllml'~, ColFee Ind Eztr.~1 or ColFee, tor IlIle by , • U ~ _a"tl. a ,at .• 8Jt ..C.Uf" .~. Y. ., I , ,'" , . fl. R.. P"-INTZ



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CluCINN n ATI HOME, - TlI l! 1,£Al)l~G_ J~ JI U ,II D

G A Z E T 'f E




j 4ttl!IEld " hiell goak, fum li lin l:u f, uDd Uti "!t'~ ~ · "",p""", _ ""~. y t" o r \ r n, The !tillor, of tiome of th. i41 urll ~l ' g •• Sq".t. , o"e ,•• rk $ 1 0< , rUII ~llIoolh U,e t"nl;ICI.~ from mv h"i r '~ro kin i is Tllt:re i&more 1~\1 lb Ihh po'l!t 1 I.. lila litre IS 1I 0tl c~ble I;; ,.~ Ioy,...~; 0 F THE WE ST. \ I' itlo lic said I WLUI tl Y Ib* ( wbl." "e cop1 from III Cf.ret'",rflL.. ~1,11 uu d &fmlle tOtl~h n nd t 'ull re>\t \'nrll , n il • • ,, ' 11110 t'~1 All count tho ) "r~!ou iIllalllllark e j to eli limi ionllrl W 0 I)OIll.t llt!' if Ih,.. "'0,,1" • • tJ\1 NrOC'''IIOLDElIIf AND Drn F.C... ·C'_, lIr.!;h. ail" l' . 1Ircn"d nUlong tll~ d"rkern S l.I,lC;t III AmC'1 , II. "",,11 " ~ III ' :¥.@J, ~ '" ~ E l"jJ€:r<~;t.,;::"~~ =JI Smiling tho while to !tnor u\~ !.y, th e \ :1st nll mbQr of tt e, o l,lsen :Ilion an(l s pcnollce have lere. wh o aDOn .IJld ou l II} 'he Ihlfd tI :,r •• : I :::: ,,," ...1" '"",,lily ..... , ' 1 uu " II1Iuk uf 11,,8 IIglUIi d,,, '} ft' • t hel e, t me thllt it WIll CUI e p Ison of I' Ibe 6r , Starbuck WAS a .. & II n"II", I J Ou orne d'll'" ! were lIilho uu llo<>"o nn y li \llet, both on m Oll llll n hen t. T h rd .. orllln)l', IIllreI1 1111ber • • el( T. ' 11 . . ~OI · ou ,I I "CJ.tpd,,z S800 ' (Ion , I l · II'l tUO llt tl lOts prIOUt" aod for il,, 11..Co l " nil!.. 3 ..1 110I ). 11+ .. ,' f I SJI)c!.:, j ' 14 l I f bt hintJ\( 116f fftr llllr"hOllld bj\ wit hollt I~ f h ..n l' I.New Eillilnntl a. • ~ "',11, 11 .. , (Ill <-OJ'' II 4 , jJ III C((I11t, !.!OO,O\)O , {O no. ,""orn lie I)(}w-pr 0 IIll,e, , till >:! i;t U S I I Ula t tel', ~ I e ~ Oil ot e o It III 119 ",Oll 0 1 he P'I\I 'lit I~ Y .. rll } <lan .,.e lat.!qrell Rboll\ "1 1J:teen ' , I "". 40 011 .- - I Nor e01l1l1 0 " \C~ .... IIf I.ddu~ I,rune • 101 tl} itlg to hel p Ule Q8 , " li lcli UlII ~ tu ku ~ 8J oonrul ul Ill ulClItall I . houtl out of !he twenty f" ur. II it II, Ing 0 •• d(~ululIlIl ~ :::~:::I: ~" 1111 HUI II!! 11 111 ..- gtc'tnH l,II," cr . 101110 oll I, 'IOII ~, 1I11d I nt b It 1rl!Olll me 1;0 lind hall e th, WQ ~d [or. n Cill O '1'., hlw u!l r ever, I:Owr.)rl 8nJ uorn tlou ,I. I J cur ~:: :,~ ClasB-t""- at A IUOlIg thopc bl!lll \ locks IIf IIl1l1e • a v 1111,\ tbing IIgi~ ,cl\f i~, be "'tis. e lite 1\ hor e It I'e ulrcs eIg ht t lhlC II ull tll It o b~d "I,"MI 11~1I illS pl\per t'r ~Jl' ti l " o\tc." 10 p r ce nl 0 tor U,u. i:i.Ii. Ay IlIlIKh a~ /'(all , OB \0" mil). : pi a mollg tIle b111 k , u~ th 'mu ch 115 it do~!! lo rn m :\\1 Hel e let n e I.~o. worll~ fully lUlU III nil!' Yuu'li thlllk ., t tl"8 ug lin gome IIn " I Let th e g osp!'1 g o t ull me lill y of OUO.Ot' th c \lIO , "-XtrOlllO hon. lI lI d Irae made Jutllololla IJIyell' I . • IT' LorAIN """. 11rtlll' . I".. SOUIC do)! IlII enu s But I It I\I?Jle~ \100 . cases (\[ s nake bI tes lu, till'; m;lgb. 141 1111"1." nul "blale lba\ I W II~ ill ~re 'l:hlly credt C7' \III'''' .... ( . , .1 , II I , A' ...JII'I; fi le I", .. 0 F FI e E RS ull y kn ow that t bc re lXll'nooQ EIQ\'eu yeill s ago this 81110 blln wlce 1118 . 11111 ID 18.\1 ytlan. ofleller ohAAd, ~uffiiY • •• J"II ... " ) 'o r. ,., " ,t. " III., I CH n• .S (' RL'r:.,AI, (R7' l' reeuJe t SO llie 11t,V' Iuntso ', f 1'1IU;U R t Cd .u"I fU' . mor t wlJ e l e th o OUllC ha d heon t ldl :- It ' ji; cl , . IlO~~ r in hu IDl!i~" I) I lon, , .... "" IT . 11,,11 nil' (eel, n, 110 " , I an4, 6 "ll!'ll)","'J:WjIfltt-!!II ~ v~ v e,' ttl. itA N::IOlti S~~r.I D~Y' II , ' OUt @O nIAlld. mo,o allollt m.brow l"ltO al'ost nrvlII I ·~r 0 II n\ . ty d!l,1> st!l n(ltng, lint! Lhe pa tl on t ~llrl>lIl"l)' chl /lla Ie itl II nry quiul P .. c~d conlidence Ih.", ' .-U- otber \I. V jllIO 1 If J I!hlll\ \lut lnght ,.ollr light I!(llJlln.ntl~, 1) dy fu'!" t h l .. , b;IL1 I'y SIU! blld b II g i,' ' II " 1l lty his p hy'j icillll~ , "uy , lind (0' Ih.. pnsj y ear hila dODe \Dg ID !,he ,oo~wu~ily, Peo~le >P~1 a.. ;; i H. H, Gener.I Agenl , "'nd tl r. " l our trc •••• l1Iy "on,lo. fn 't Someu rc l Pnlly I 01111 to 11011<, I hClll'c\ o f I t , enl'IIed 'the 011 Rll,l nOLhlnll II'"k alter til" IDIH I I. 'of pnllter. I blll. MII lIDora rehitlll1lce (fl.o Ih. pp rrn nllPli ll l I"ou led Itf \.y """&8 I 1> I R Ii I . b'lli be tlllllll .llitl ob~,!sulllrc clI n' t gC't 11 011, to'do , li nd oth ~nvo 111m onll s poont"I , wIll h etfoct litH pour, ,' " aQl' olher. 11 ti0. 1 h",der wlih Oi~m ~ "L ~ II ~ n, ny ,,~ loJlIlI,l a l t:-I \V 0 TOR II: Au" )O U-' Oll \l III IIIIL l,lUgh Ihnt dn.- I(If III e too IO(l\ts lt to S 'ill \, lI e('(' 9 IlU tl C l\ r~, Is 1111 IIntldote for III li e >Y88 very p~trtOIIC, 10 0. during 10 eltpllnd Il dol/Ilr 1\ 1\ valllabJe Dew •• .. ,.-' ' '''''~r C Il~AR IIIT ::lOlli' ,In, I Ill'" fo r '1 011,111 1 II'"u dO"'II tll~l no" 1! Ihe wMr, Oft.rllI .. lI $ 511 we~k 10 !lyon,J' p"pu th.nb teo 011 1,l et,,d l~.1 ll' - -\1 11 ' '''' " 11• un :\1.,11 - SnaP' - - JOUM. ","" ("I\,H"AK ~ I , lIl,. III flof I" I",,I kRolIl,,;,( Mill ~ e 8(11110 Ulld "tl'J clllll\1C, It \l'LlI ",. ,\,, ~" w;:'• 'a ". r ~r , I" n S W ,IIITIITO.'. IIf ~ D II !1"1"lul,e ,"" l'o I k nnll 11ft " 1'III:: J n llr 1o, ",.. hnOlls Ilust wintcI , lind I ObSCT II thut t hl ..u lilf olltf III I cnltl 8 "ho wuuhJ ellt~r yeL e.ver) blm oelf or ue ' J ~ I Ity eatlll l:" 1.00 f'l'e~ lr onl! I of 11\8 elllploy ,I I ., • d AYlllls I • , • ~ " t' IJO I'K I"', 01 L C H')pkl"8 & Uu "I:IS IIIul1 11 ' lib'., ("If 11rrt,, ' \\t il I'~O l tltl'lr 0 , Ie f1 hCO l Ct • It 1\ III \II th e \ H ) IIrmy. 11111 IIUW to A ~u "or Ink, I , l! I I ~ II I \\ III It,,!,:" r I\lLh Ihe." ,,1,),. ,0 hltllds v I, f anI.. 1'lIpng I H a pon Bn (I II! rIJ rtnler'8 I I \\ \\ ,AUJ.~ II - 'I' Y ', U !lOllis , lint sk lll"co lill y v ttl"' Ill l' t lll' ll s tlll !\,s 0 rf\~ Splrl OI'S . o r ot her ill DUlIluer 0 IC II~W IIlr se vera ) Ilr' .,uW,m 01 pro ~ uf t\ IV"1.. W"OI ll 01: l(0 "hun \/H I shu ll "c ,\ (' 111\ I nl ~Rl t' rO \\II II I I" I I I '~4I'lona and polnlonl Il " , ) " " t nmmllx No w, it' it 111'ClII(\ eel 1.0 ,," 'ot , lllld WIll olli e persons wlt o e 1I00se 'l~rVCI ""I .. ldllIlOIl(," 10 rtpu 8 Ions Ani :,or\unel . 1ta:~6 I OUF.C I '!:V. (JO" 0, Up;tOII,1: Of lI'ell l>llwt- Ill .... " . 111 " 1-; lind 111 11 11 11 sClld 110 111' 3nd lincon '" IIh t ho IIlII e bee n Lv a I W I 1111 III IIg the wl,cn the e lly made IIl1d ,'1I8tlllned liy ilie I. E " ITri"', ul L ", "I.-! IIII ""oj Co lJlIl lUll \\1i1 8e~ 110 luud , II I !>rAY 'Tos pel , tlt l! Iden is I call! ii exc,'II ~lIt \"I Ill', S IO\\ lug III Lue ulcu\lo\\ ~, (;llli ell~d by Ihe rtlb ltl&I? 1862 , and "fIUf. thoul!!h unrequlled pen of Iba:.edltbt ! <~ I u W fr. lIIL ru~, 01 1J Il IlIlI h>t, (;1,\\ &. Cu AllvlU Ihelr "111111"1; 1"lIglil tI,"1 d d,l 7,IH' 1I 01) tlt e t oth el buml It I e" l\)' \\lIru JOlllllIg tho nl\)Il'>, duy meu-borlt Uow nlllny embryo 10"111 and oilie.. ::lU Ule I to se nd prcaC)lin ji ll bll ltk.e a Ultel8U bl\V n llrIJughUQI9 oOL\ceand pllif. oruce and itesldenee, M F 'II ' Alld "h,l" 1"11' 1"" ," ur r .II" ,. I, t I I (',III Sill i th llt It'~ n IItll l'l lise lUI CII N ."U llI'TLON OF P os'un t: MurtH ll"I~'eall. "IIIICII'"1 proprIO ' eLilut/) prospcrtll by Iho, pr!,111 ,Ho" .lUlll P<IlIl, 0 1 I hll IIIIC1'''''" Ov, It 1</1 ncO U IWHlLI" I 'I IIi'i"llcl' I ~ •IlIl!\\9 C"'"UIII 1> II' YOll" mq1ec't a eo Io ul · 8II r A.lLl'>; t Oil IIlIdi ednor of ' Iho" CuwmerC:I,.I. Ill.. er Illany 1!1I11I h M:lln~l.ol'pn81IaAn"i1I()IPOl:h'" HUIISH\lAU1',ufH \\ I\I ~, OlllldCo u1lc lIl"g nl I - 1" Ullt" J f S 01', tlyI s UPaI i ' tor t. t d I rlltlroHd., I" l bOW I 10 lucee d dsa'lIt I' (lI p _ J H OVf I\DI CK. <or It lint! C Ovel'll ll!k I ' u " t J I tot\ In III e.) III \li CHt, orty l'lg ILIlIH l\ ''0' IInl trlllSL rail lIu a nC W9J1'I\I~1 B 100. "all" Itt"" I<.IIID ere bal rot" W80I II' A r l' E B \ - I ~ t Ili , 1:1 Scun 101" 01 H '",II ,tier ,,"I Co 'Iou 11 takc (rUin III~H' Ol. u IrcIl""red tress C r : to f C (~ep y Inltol'O~ III hllll' squnrtl mdes of po\ tllgc stuUlj18 (ulllatde or New 1'01 k. ~ ... ry trul lito 'I t Hlf IballQovel Ib6 world f' III -~ -J -0 L - \'-A~~S-'-,- - jo'JI~1I I:. II~TIII S L 'll :';ul ro i-:"hStclll @cu I An,lleu , ,, thero-LIu . ,I""II1"."_ :lItlactl\l e ll li S S Ilrul~OC' IS emp~r, hal e be!'11 1I8ed dill in g t hr ) Ollr , c. UO~hIlDlIl' IIIl1lt add of COUUtt) III Ill) ,horl. what .uraooh 'of m4u,t r! and eo. I co llR1 Cu II H'II \< mlJ<)r .. IIIlt J 11.,,1 to "" ' t (IIllff goo.l\le\, ,llIIIO I to 1'001' II !nrl!C with IU lbll cqunLr,. Be OlllllC Ital 'nol lil'en promoled. . limul.1 AJ I J "\.. H 'J < , ' ....,..·1' 1 I I ' uu·lllIlIlIkulllols u/;III1I •• lIl1e<l,,_ I'·-k I I tOOL" I cU I d .l 'I ,111Its itolllles,clJllrcll('s,hnIIlB, g UI' her4l.IIJ:leenor .ev~uleetl , .. 1",1 " Ilo• .&~ullnJldj!f.ridedbllbepre.. ' Somo dll) " It ,IJCI ' III( I IC .II CI uu pit 1\,1. IC ,I " ... I /: f I" d d cJ A u.1 wlro baa I d " b , ~ " " Il '. ' uC' IIloJ (,...·c· C'l,,'t Iblt -.a " 11Udl'I'llII II IIJ J' 0""1\ l'AlO III ~ '''II ,!iLl ' FUI CI II 111 colo lll \l Oll S, (l l es"". UII I 1I1f1t 'l, 01', I y ou a I!r~'1 , a W IY8r • quo n/llure COUll . ' ~ l! jl' " tin ereu ,II ~Or4t ,t an Tl.I',T .NlII ' ~11"I''I.'l'" TI'~ , •• - . - - I Ii 1I , , s VC . Y (' hoose to II1 nkc II 11lthull ('" them, c Iry buy, bllli~Yl\Ig In hil de. hoy n. ~ II wilitrable, f'1~llL u pe or I'• • erv \oel t .&HJI4Al\Y 011; <Y4II..4IIl.I.lU, 1 .A h I: A 1:' 0 1. [(; y 0 IF 1111(\\' LlbTJ!RU'fr n 111'1811) ou well, 1I 0\",h to l each )l Ctll)) tl Oll1 til C l'qUI\.. and ,lr.lrIllIIILlIIIT" fow The bRiRnra' of fashion IInrl tile Itllllnlol -l P ' I OD lu~ I. " rU ' I ,I , ~., "A"JII'l!~ \lL',E• • 1110. 06, e, 8WWIJ!,411'I'na, "'DrncuUlc,Obl., I ll'S '-(,I , I) Iu u nl II e 1101\ IIroc Il!\ the ~ltl t (lfl.j"'le't HI! t tOI btil eit he r pole. or t\ll, CO \ Lhe IclI gth mOUII. CIt-.)' p"pn,' IHI lII(>n~ Ill , u Ullllp" 10D ~D" appel te are Wrong. U5 2ntO II I~) a' ~ gc I II) npCI'A lSgll I I ( 0 I nI 1\\1 !:IOl\.r, , ( Oil 11 of' tilt! ~II S8is9ip(11 Hh ('I', SO t hfl t II lo the CODllUercllll, 1\11418 now 01111 o( lid WHit lin e./J 8~ crowd. ""'arillg gold I •• , (,I~ th e 10l ,o wII1 g cit e I , lo) AI tClIIllS , te mpt ~o eo nvcl't I\. JD~1I0iJClln POI I'el' bOlly 1\ o ulll be olillg'lIIg cnollg\1 Ihe Ilble,~ lind mo.t 1Illlllel1lu.1 news In theIr I Pllhn~. anll COqtl)lMldl~n 0 E N TIS T .R Y , 1' \ nld , \I U uc llm'e nOI e l I Kiln willi e Ill S stummll ' I( CIlI'IIS fo IISO th 'l GOI e lllm eut lit.amp ,on the pAper mUll III lit" \Vuat, HH 13 1'0810. th t l'\: Vendllclllr8 aoldl"l eD,ormollt profIltecn p i luted III ,Aluel'lo,1 It IS II 0 1tit j \ ILlles, Anl1,) oh, l~a lCel-I hopc envelope Itself, tb o HI Ie 01111S81011 of s_tI 0/ Ibe lI~mon (I( work. IIud aftf r \I'. 1I11111g h luLtlII8Iollny wi)tl~lIlU, lind pt\nttn l!,', on tillS a ccouut, 1o!lt It ) ure 1 e.1ll) tq help ' Ioe \loar 1I1111 tlt l!SC ltltle exl.lIl IJltij or p'IJlI'I 1IlllllU IIIrLl\D\( "dltlllli,l, IMll Ucllog uyor pllld (or Wllh ICIIlPlilo,,1 plinOLlikiit). fu ~ ,";( J ~11'7 8 1 \1' Jl: 01' 011 10 I CVl4t ClltI,Y wl~ttell fll\, the 'So ll t bcllI 1I\1(Ol t\lI\ute ilL home a ) 0 111 sce lll tu It g htl' n tlt e m llli hll C:s b)' mOl e th tl l1 louklnjl corre~polld~ncc, I\nd mllD~g w,hllo \hll counllog r ~rm Qf tat' D~W" orn r~ It 1, .~ rHltl~nec "" Lnc u"1 81root Orl' r'I'~ iI" rjn; 1,'RnA "\ 0. l>TAT> S Mill kl' t. II~ r. lI g l!lIId ) \(' s n,} s ' Ilt eli> ~he I~oor Ilud ~ltOI tlnntc 1\ lUI lJ t ho\l s l\lIIl pOIl11\ls. llmi s llve 111 In!!, Itl . P'IPU IlI1 lilly 111\(\ ulilil Wid pllper 18 II,e IIOtit Ilt ~e "llng, qlLl!~plng, WIl'''' ',TO' 0 I WillIam Henry I!!Imlth, S."~tll ) 1 '~':lS sl.ttln g III th e. bill , qllletil I I"oad \\ !IUII, .they ,~md A'0U IJ tit\) p:'pel . 11ft nell 01 twcll ty thOIlSlllltl nill hl. IlIl "Lt!l o(h tu LIIU rrol!ip' 01 lid trnde brderl An pellUle~, 1L i, mad" 'ller(:' J2 . _!.._ .. I I ,,,, 01 111' :>lnlO of it"" do 1'(11 ' hi eel s moldll n flll g nl 1'1(1(1, " II-e n til u Inltl . ) IlInlllol,d SIl,ld, ( OIDO 01;0 thp. gill tl ollfu s 'lite l'osllll (lflt r l' G en 1111 (WO 01' tllt CI) \lvur' fUI' tu ' ",POIOI b€ hODor 10 IIqul(la e a gro" J OR ROUSE PAINTTNO, II I. Ill\t Ill" foll o"'I1l; I. a true cur" of " dI e llged :IlId ~ll! ln lo?klll ~ fcmnlr'lj lie n, \\ IIl d An~ we wen lt nu tl c lIlI doc8 lint IIII l'lIl't t his InI OIUln t.IOIl III orClIlIOII 1 bill. bill nOI 01 dlShclllur to ~l rep-hdllll" 11 ,""t r"·,,luhrln 1>"" ,,<1 Io v Ih .. (l"",m , I A . fll,d ayolIllg alld [11 el.t\, IClUule SIiUllclI ell SOll11' l ,lI lOts lor dl(l~or ~o III III" I' 0 I "\ It . \ ( \ ' ft" ' l ll~ Uummerol'lll I. one or III. mnll IJ prtnl~ r', bIll " , 1'I'f)!I '1W 'n~~ "11ft..771';;W~ ', ", "IIt ": I II~ ' I' I~of)h IOl)n\ n\'IlII""" ' . , ,I I ~ : ,I , ' H i;! , II Ie IA8 11 ~~ li S V " \":'l.&Ja~ ..I g"\\!1, b: :tSi.rLJ ttUl1~ /If \ pnl , A D It- U7, Lo k,," hU llllhc 011,,"'11.\1 Iy entc l cti tile l'QUln r l{'Y \I (l IC fl c.thlll. IWllIlv 8[)() lIlilliOIlR 01 RtlLlIlll pIO IiIIl~I" p4lpun , 'I 1110 cuuolry [I _ __•••_ _ ___ P A P E R. \ N G r"lI. on /llll III 111,8 nffl l'l) COTllpllllled ll\ t\\ 0 IImbl ell e l /I nlld II 1311,\ U II 01 rll 10: FIIESOII E Ill' In ~ ~- I ,, ' I 'I I ' I I I; doubt Ir Mn ,. N~w YOI k. dill I}' mK"~' :U ,rh~u . 'OI,LI-.' f ! I 01 • E• (. ~ v ., IN . JIll e ucell so l int IC 1"181 10 ,J I 'D " I, , J II te.tIDIO), 1' "hpi ~Or ! It II , C \I eg l u ge nt cm:\\1 ' v) QU ~l I ,I> ~'llt' lt T'"11l1'11 , ~,' - A 10 1 sld cII Ilcndy 101 ty milliOIl!! 01 stl\lT\p D1ullh yt:"r IIIt" r ) ur]. IIl1d H .. lblCIlII \0 . ' • I ---. he\'\ unt'l mv lI"mO, th c c\ OIlO tlodu en ')' s ,L1,l one o ( th\! 1lI t; 1 !' mUII HSullol to ed cnvr lopes , Ililt1ll simtlle efl lculll III. POilliOIi 1,111 the Ill' &1l1l1k that lOore • '[11\0 0Il11 I ",IIc1I1f!lX~d the Ol'tnt ~clill or 11'1\1 femnl l!s, 0. thlll fm:ed nllLl s iwi (l ' 010· 1the CO lli t (! f 81',1111 thll BlJcuks 01 tIH~, , ward of l "~I~oCIl Ul'Yereucl! ,,"dlll Ih~ (IItiij~ ~nd 'Lrangllr 'll o wll, beoomti . !)~ '\ "ll i. I" till' 1I1 "I" r- Ij!IIP,1 "ho ,.111 ' lil ,Ie ,01 OhiO lit CUlUIlI~\1", the ed PClt;OIl III g lcl) n spect{ldcs, 'Do rEIU!)I'CIIS BugclI\o wJlIlc he Wit S Oll fi tlOIl r e dll c~ t he StIJl) . to th ll ~\O,e I II. I'"; r l b'lI • 110 btll ,evo \liAt Ill" more' 1I0ul . 01111• • 'h' flri ,,(II mp,I)' I.. . ,! ~.I\< , UII I pnclc ov,,· ell.. ,\ IJ (If April, A Il 1 9(~7 • 1 fcel for It '" nllsel'd the lUll 101'11 \1\ visit to Mildliu In 18()S: She IS benll ~l1glbl, fill III wo )!lwe g l \ (!II II, - celSIVIl Wut , \Ii IIq I, I IIU ~" e\~ , " dtt. I lid! at .ohool. fbI! (Iuter ' tb e , .. ~'V~ .~".r" C I I" " "" r. 0" "1 . I,~ Irr", 1<. WLh!,Ir\],I H r-~ R1 S)Ul H <'1, 1 ' - ' J) 1 (', I f' , ' , tll't I anu mOle th nn tbi8 "ol'd C IU\ ,scuJ//f ijia AIII~l'lC4", leo IHnel In...~are 11& "~I\\d"', JO ' ". d, )~Ilrn, 1 Jlon~ :'i ClAnn P; K ".".~" ..U1., Suelel lli ,,1 Sllle a Pllz.,; (:{ \ Oler, 0 ce UI It I, • work, Ihe .-1I\lllt l\I\d rU1l1I or It, II ]lon " , " ., _. - ~' .----,- , ' -'Y~'s fOI tlt e Of'llll'csscrl , til e belllted?' expl'ess And in the vOlllng nt til e •• 4Irlllly mIH.Ii'!n for KeDIIl. il btb~ftd 10 lml\~IDII tlll\~ IIY~,)' JIOW ta¥tll ~'l{l<:NC H'~ A RESOLUTION, ,'IIIIl~mlloh 11,5 to wlti('h~ snid lbe lan'- gnln dlllller, ho W bo 811rllll~1I CII ~\ AT, -1.'hc, n ock Illi gltt \.>e \ort \.0 be 1111\ 1l1l1&86, " '~?~'a"!~p I.. hOI\~ ~lIlo~ , , ~)'" "I'IiE 1'lllU'·l!:AN ('"LAN 1l~1~11""' ltI,'n"mcn<lmentot\l'l'l Ou'''IIIII''n IOld ' YousM thIS ntlln? sU\1! the euebn,ll'e,cl,!b " ot>\ .,~ entl r IY/ nllco~el'e '1'9,llIthQ pOUlld .lI 4Il 0 ""!tp,.••turo.,.. til lC>lIc tbnth b ple'lllllpuon tltat tile ' , ' . i I~.~ .;;:;::,for Ihe (,XI<:A~"'n of tbc cl"~ll\ e I fCntOII , plntlll,!!' I1mbl' 11 01 lit th e ne- Jl\st opposite hCI', 1'0.1:' tillite Slit tho o~ Lil tit ,,'ithOllt illj l)l Y, pr~IJ"!Jh' stelUJ, who 'Is MI1)1 very Y"llng, I~~k' ~It' ' .llIell 'ropID in Ihe 110111. l"lar&e •• OI'2'''.'~''' I!I P ( ," II"" lind J>nrl<, I "n\. "lI",l jl,. 11..1 O( n r ,l ~ ''''''f\hh of g lo gc ntl eman t ' IY \lS, murm, [ SItO (-!decll J) f SpllJII, StUl l , eol\)(1 olt , w~tb III) IIU\'lmkgetoJllllt~' ~lIt t;O hie fteehne .. lind ruddtnell urillo", noa,!" \\1 IIIIIP 10 " ( l ,ur .'r " I\ful l ' ) N EW YuHK II" Li fe nl nil:" 11t"·t fl!lll~ of 1l,,' In~ nl ' 111m IYea!' Sllld tlte f\!OlnJc / ::18111 flelVIl hCI , c ry " ell , !lfy ncighhol'. long as" tho impOl'iOlls luws (lus Jlhd b,ohll and cOh'Jfottllblol altoul/14; tI '1'0 Irgue will"u'~r r"l!\~dl OIlU S.. lo CI< cl~cteJ til ~"eh \l Oll'" n"rcejn~ Ih'\lil'lll' j bCI' \ oloe to 1\ exccechll Ing le \llteh the bldy of 1\.11 em bussndor, ~h e motb · !.om (Il1d f'u shivl1 r cqllire the lise of 11111£' he ml~h' hlYtI 1.. (, Ihtl rar_1 oite to r.,e/lllIml!'/'I\I~I, baiter hi 'gooll ~rn( !"It. ltukc ...r) , Balli Roonl, In .1 111, It 'II- 0II1 h,th ..n n~1SlIltc .. hercb,\ IltollOeed 10 Lhe cleo 'YOII see hIm an clltc's ~ 0 111 ulOth !'I" ('I' of /(1 011'\1 l·hlllIICJI. I\. Ilntll e oi 1\ COVCI rn g tv tlt18 )ltllt of the lioll\ I II d Ii Id f C I, fOf' Ib(ll IYltem. wl\Lolil re;rlrd 10 ma r" fI , rlr" r . " Io p In , ot · at thn IUllt ,1111"", 1 • , 11.' I I I I' t I I I ' I t I se 100 IOU~8 lin eorn 0 I 0 " ul'~r _'" ' II I I • ()"I" "~ r l'iCctiOIl ''' I)On the nl' pro"ll () I rCI"" iii 0, 1 ' 10 dl1.rlle tl If he IS " 5111,1 tl)C j",n g .\U (, alll 0 pUl e, B eln IIIUI II"1 III I, Ie U11l 0 ",ex:. It IS II)poltall t lilt I."" Util only y6ll~rdny 10 lalle 8 lltep .., lor _~Oll. • ... ~'" ."" , .. " , n , " I. "1'1 ' ""' r'''l''I''I~' IU'''I of Lhe f<,no'"l1g umclI,I"I( li t ' U! II ~\lh"11 lan 'lol d hnstih' l e tl cutlll tn Lti~ UI'(I'it 1\ 110 bli Ll o lt clI ~CCII tll o Empl e~s 11\ c o[ whu I' it i~ co mposc,j It UC IIL~II(IIIon. !U lu .. II r '1'0 comlllli 11I1 Alit whieb II I~f' in 1\v' lilt ' hl"h,. rt; HU'l J\ t'lI$ U l I I kh lel\ " In Ilt \ I 'I ~ I f I ~ 'h I ' J " I I '81 I' I 1 I I' I ' l elf 10 b ' d II I " . ILl ' lilli' 4' . ~, I IIII<! , .. r . ,. "ral 'Mt on I') I 1c ,d. II rllcle ,.( ensl(!'! •A lid yont'sl ' s ho ntoll tll4l ex I 01 ~I X ' CO l s lIgo , I cnln l , 1'( IC I S ' I' I} Ig UII l OO~ll Y npp ICf Rlc11Rr11 Smuh o( tllo Guelle i, lin. G pr"Ju lOin, Wp\Dg I l ~t 8 JIIO. lite UOII"'U~«,LlOl1 ur Lhh .. pI'< JIll' _" ":J.~ ' ' X; , cited fem"I!. Rddl'cssin me 'Ho II; III 11 0 11' IJIIl1Ilsomcl t holl s he c v l' WIIS' Wh cn th e 1\ ck IS kcpt loo ""ll11l y ollter Ip~olm .. n of ,,11111 ',,"rd wor~ '911/ ltow or olher II clln bo dOlle iD your ..a. U t T l 0"~. E -----~E 1\ ! 01,\ tn , U Cll" "" 01 I P 111 11'01 St:ltcs of Ihe ' I L'I t t' ' - 1 .• d I 1 I· I 1 ul OH.!> "'ILl It" "I)c of t("11I1I , 0111) 1 ~lIr. n h I) /lh,1I1 bil l" h"" 11 SO ) Otll III oth e r' 'No, I t hillk 1I 0t, Ie was q 111 Il C,ll' 11'11...,1 , IIlIu tl ill , co , III 01 It )CI'OIll(~!I " CC II ItH Y 11\ II p~rfllrm, WIIItOIlI Rny ol/glnal inch , I mplllll y, n ro' ."I"1I1 of U... Slll le onp )cllr lI ex l prerpo! mllrm .' I plC'Mllntl,l' Ic plt eel. ' Th e II ILII SIlICCIO olltml'tttion ·'11)011 t .alte 1,0 the ImrI C1ls lo11 0.' II s ltght d ogH'e IIlliun or nalnr .. 1 1lj!luudll Lo J0l4rnll1 ali.,1Ie 4./!,0Lber to ",lie. remelly .H lllN 'f1J()HN~, IIIg tho o lcc~lOn. Ilnrl q f ~he COII II ~'.. tow"-I,,p lI eAI I!~l \, l' com o to th l\ t co lol' In Otll I rl c~ 'I \ '0 n tIll 011 fOI II ?\' UCIIIII\ ~ ul to l.I , tho till 0\1 III g off of the CI Il l~m~1I muchllnt, I b~he"e, WII!tOUl IYhlo I you harp nut U!ed. or 1rnholl' L J C F. ~ ED At ' ( T I 0 :'\ £ E H, Obi 1V" '~llludwIIIIOII be re. ,des . UI hi LIllie " .'I III" , fllm ' lj 11'.18 in the cuse of Ill' hi o tlu' I' I LlI geOlc Ulll t.·S the IlIOSt 1I101111. 01O C \ lit lUI n. few mom onts, or CXC IHlllg r6"ltI'.r atluo,\lioll or Itllllllll'" ho PI) 011 dl\ll( I r eclllr IIIqu/rl~1 "belLer 1111 c rrl>1borlle II II lJ 'Ill fI<u~rt ~lIt I p()I'''''n~ II. r .1 J t InJ:{ 'It I'\Jl OlHl 0 I I'Ig It " IIIAny y~lIrl IIgo 11I1 , D· " ..r ....nl1l. . .'ord, h'I'e "rIM In support of "11 ) InallTrc" .r ohll . II I! hnd the IRllllrl's •fOI' S CI ' . IO lltul es 0 f tl Ie G el mRn nn"'l , 1\ In I or ~nll t 01111,Is, CAllIe lIltllcbee 0 ( I Ie" OoodlilOlia IIre' alike • n' A}'.'·ESJ1L~E", ,,01110 1I01l 01' fchQlhonR!>"tn"L ~hu' Ool · rnlll.n! oj 1111 ~cnl " bllttl\l!yfilltlll) le ltlllm - l IIl1 g bte v en 8 /1 J ' of tll c AI'nUIIlII - 1\111 ulten g ll'll li seton vlol ellt III , tha Clllllub r or (Jllmnloto&. all(I.~ TooalWllhOu&ullppeIUe, or coo . thc Umtoo Sr...tcs, or ""' C ft ',1 trnlll their lain It.ll''l)) to stale lilolt. at till' pi ('8 I aces Th o fo rt' h!'nu IlIg h ~lttl II c'e , fi nmllllltloll uf Lhe thront. Wb cll tllc I.... l Jlllbl) l h8r or 1>u o!, Uurrtnt. 'lllf rif IIIIU, I ~ eali llftll)' II bile betO SIII.. lre J, rt=r \\' 111 'III'"rI 1" "1tlp l v I,. III cIII! 1IIIII I 8011l'e1·""lcnr.c lolll,Old b!!tIIgf'lrlllll ijallll1 en t tllllC, he hnsn'tnl!oltt.11' J1I 11I101'.' the e) os spi c lllltqly Lllle, I)ut 1I0t ol l"~L "lrl.s 1.00 tlg htl,) t.h e \leol' l it l!, shrewd lIod eooDolIlIOlIl, h" IIIlId. Dle1~ely .lu, g,r iJyl lbe 1~"e'l'j' ,j ,t.! III I". 11l1 ~. ,,",1 jI"oJ~80 " f III Il lv.. lhe bf~1 til llC IC Inl ,lin . Crllce Il Sil" '" J 1ul ge, t h iIIlIi ' 0 j £1 )'Ig IIt I y. PI I)I' Cll ttl" the tree I ctUru o['I 0 e8l11 fUrLv a~p~e '~118fIl C I\llIl, : l'erlill rhneollbble, 64 erllUlelll1ll tim"Orlll\lll 01 wRr nllllilltl 1I 0 t RIIIJ·c 'J.JOok ti t. Lhi~ mOil!' sllIonmed th e Ie VCII' I) tlC 1u'100\1,1 o" nlldclI\ble IIIOn e} , g~1I1 d lhll (ayor J II /llll ill !>r d18 I!"...A'. --' ~-~ - -I I1 U \ lItl., b 'cn hClllolllhh dl~~hl\rf!c'l fr m UI mal o 11001< lit him lIe II fi ll, 'I II Ili e cllllleened hll e , tho fOI m of he l fllce "(111\ t lie hoad. c!l.ulling II CQ lIl:ltUll t of the mllrcitllnh. And 16011 lIu rchllled ure eIl'erte o~ e dUtl I e brief lime LA nu:s' ;\:\n ClEXTS' """"', 8hllll hh l~' Ille '1IIIhlicI\LI(l 1l or 1\11 bodi~<l "ell dl e!is\'d. 'cflInfo l'tnhl c smull. oval. the I\O~C tllI O, li n lie/lllLl · PUIII nnd 8CI:lIC of 01 CJ · jUIlIl CIlIl ap Intoros~ III Iho Ollzette. of .hl~h Ilc II \I pMII8WdoWII thlllhroAt. at dIe cx. a~:~~~r.., nod IJ~ lHll~I_lr;t ~ 'r'\Hl~o~I!~ clee looldn g negro He luo" (l1\ ns th o ng-II 1'111 ~y\llUlOt, y,lI0t Lo high, 1,11 0 mOllth , ._ _ It,.. JOII~ be~1J tlltl commt'lclAI tltlllor ~I:~~e ~f~~ I':hao~el ~f~: ,ot dl.turll~t1 Sl'cl\kel ( I f Ihr H,.II,.n l UUI>It" ,"I I1 I1\ VM he mi g ht !t CII\C thl cC 01 rOIll g uud 1\ It tLle UlttOt) lal<tc, Bnd (lS I"',,,udl) "~ Jbtlncln, 'Illd 1I0W 1t.1 lin IlloolJle.1llnde rllbnd, p,, ~jI l' ~ ' " gllllllelUorn. N~, i1 Malbcrl'Y S~" AN nIH;W n ~I IJ U[ ; HN I:: Y, menl s n OilY Into Itfm lIithollt I\. mill l\ li on s il o !lllIIlcs, n. littl e ,ICII'ISh,of ~3J.OOO II ,) e"r, Ill", ~ _ __ LEBANON, OHIO, ' P, c."lem of Ihe ::IUIl'IIc mor 'Luok nt thot dUll \I tlotl<l cn ' IIOI ~oml'lcx)oll is O(llIIlInlile~t"llt One o( Ibe m08~ relOllrkAble ;aee, )1 0 I~ oue o( l/tole 10ll'le ineompre RI)O N ~ I l· ... AI'1I1 6. 1 67 lilli' I mon" 'Who trud on 111m!' I I) cd menlls ndn.l Il':llJI! paln wd --1'0 1 \1(1 Ib81 e\ or 1II1lnlliltd tho earlh. Ie now hen8lble men' wllo rur ti,l) 10VII or ftSEU~' U' 'MJ DOUaS! 'Villin s! des pots!' IWIlII,' S ~I" tlt e body of ti le hrt st(lcrll t'y 11111 hc ~c , , wolk And who would bo UUhAPPY "ILh OOIL; IL 4l1l1lDOL lle dOIIO, 'I'Lt.oll1 Id . t i1-0r-n n. ~H,..,I III < \ 01' ~ t) Ie AI"I by lundlo,,1 '" hi· .lon't ,011 go to thc Is how Iter nlltuul.l compl c:dC)Q , be It rJl llIICt. They wore knol\'o "I tho lito w"tI'lh of Plalll! . If I'ley oould 1101 ' V i 'to. r ,[ It J fr~ ll llb l{Hd l: '~ i'-!" cr Ukt'f..t \", .. , . ,t(' h)f fl T DADUI1 T S L ,tonr ·. "n& SOAP, WIllms 'li'Oll t If till j Olt COOl CIC\ e l' RO IIn o, Hut Ilrt.el' the ntlllt ' Ooullchu. !lnd were Ihe abortglllea 01 spent! !llluall lell or Iwelve Iloura Oul ~I"olbn ,erlmoolJ., IIgge t~O ' role al I, II I Il. · n ..te •• to) tic ~fi ll' Frilll ' bI 118 .. I Ibao, n~, sbould meant run eyer),whh ,"ng,III Th, ,, . Ollp IS IJhIIlc 110m d r llll 1111" pure m 118 hel'c tellillg ti S nll?'gm'B IS 0111' hroth J OUIl(IS, ~mI a fte· , I e IIe h0( I '~k to« c , n som c Ibl) CHn8ry hlllnd. , In tha ti l l Icenth ul n~rl , I ~enl y !on~ I~ diJ,wnrl!t l( Ollr e colt, I~ ,."' ' - - " ,, I:;m." I ~ [ II 1 r"d· ,CIIIltIlItl. II" l<l nl t"" LIIIII 01 1111\ kllld, CIS, nnrlulllndl s lllll ,,0111' II!nltl!'lIC1 s IIl1tCI ,ubh OOI(loall)( , her c lheekR he· celliury pealtlenae. ,lllvery. and Ihe drllo~ery ,-(,,,, . \ J .E ne. (jaz , dAIII UDtl II h ... "oaobed tl,o O()Adl.;'~rl ,,,II nnt IIIlul e Ihe Il\O'~ ,It'It ClltI) f. brlC, nll,l Iclllk ' n lot of 11111\ lI ORi' YOII' IC g nu to Icllll clI and hlg hl('n hl' l b'll\I _ _ _ _ ... _ , • , " ~.~ --'C~-!(ORGE 8.lRGEt\~T, I lh c SpCllt I n'llpel t ' 'Hn I e t y 1'111 S of cxceedill/!Iy benutllu! cruelly of the SpAI1I"rda Iucclleded In Til!> BURIAL PLA OK 0" -Uol. ,Ihr. d tlllJlll. It I,u 1Iv,," Fa lllta, Glutlt'r, G/alller and It mil , bo u'c,1 III h ,"101 SII /! 1I1I1~rx IL II III '01~1' s dll miLl.lle 8fTC:tI Icm~le No ~ f()I'm-find tlwlI he r II hoi e II~I\I e I 10lldly extermillaliog them, 'l'he1 are Bilker', hooll. JUst pllbllt hocJ. lets al Igdo'l 10 I, uo b ~ dlebn ~fefY0J.ur O?I . ~ 1I I.,a . ' ~' ' .1\1 rllll II18 d"pale d qu""I II 11\1 ,ev. O()i'ltl \& ".. - c;I: - .... or ~ . "",,-71 rClllO'• e p,tln t. !!re lSI' Il1 r ftllli .I,\ln~ 0/ 1\\1 J1\ Ito,wtle n qUletc l'", sort of PCI son, She IS uf nH?dlum s I 7.e. ~ot so nI g e ottlcrtb"d "I hnl"g "IfD glgllnllo on f0 ) I 141 d'II- ..~Ilir '001bct"IO .. itlt, and• oe in \(IIddillOO I;'! . .... ~ ' h, " .j '-,:J t!.'."~Q kind,. Ouo 1,,,nlld " lrJrUlI ·d cq uJ.\ 1 1.0 t\\" t t l 0 \.)1 uotud of Lhe , em"IOI 01 'Villi.,. llloo111 Corn or Mamaud Miami StrelJts. flO" n" " o f ordlllOr) fi,nll" '011 1' Dll cctlOlI H 'hl\\'c you 110 s cutlmellt--no poct! \ 11\ IlS P C \Ires s nggt"s I S lin , eX I C, ItlUlire. bUI of a IInglllarly mild aod /.. \' IbaL a,old Lhe fe.dlng of IIf8111 until \C ·en~wllh encli bllr lUI mnkmg th ree gnllon! 'Ollr ~o lll -no 10 l e lUI th e lil"ltllll'lll f , nnd s Lill filII H el llJlllolllIIll CC Is genlle D"lare, '1'llIlIr rood conlilled l'~le lIuahMlII'1 boJy, afler 1\ Illoroug I II Ll:r.s y..rl gld al yoq ~ould nOli! ESV I LLE WAY N • h 1I"I'Ollle SOli I' Irom OM poll 11,1 of tlus DO!lt IICI CI go 1111;0 th e g l cell Ii tj( ls still th nt 01, n \ lI'g lll , the m()st 81'I cII , I JentlfiOllllon. "1\5 Inl8 rred one of (eedtn b."od \uler to our obd. -I' II ' ''''1', 1£ Ich bnl IS Ul\l'pCtllll , elrtlllllli <0 11 to CIIII t he bet\lItl t ul /1011 Ell s?' •J 1101, Idid mou('1 lor n Hebe-brel~st, IIcck, of buley. "beal anti g08' I mIlk, alld lite ground cella of Ihe 01.1 1 enl~nllB " reo :ben Ib! 8rt! hille.' ~l II II.' nice ftO/I' ar'. rll. Th< hr . ! M .. ,,·t 11'110 11 gllurllntecl 'U II t llllllllg full dll'C'_IIOllo 0111,J ne\ er Ilos '• ,' Slliel thc Illlldlord ' 18hOIl/del 8 , nllns . and uhm Ct all, hel IIgricultare .... of lite ruden ry. IldJOlDllIg Ihe 'Ool"lln' l7 '10" Y " 'ro , or 110 rh," II" h"b IIlIfl O~TIt"ln A~k Yl>ur grl)ce r forE ll!! 'B I I I d al I W,ulilng d ~'" mllny UIBv of IIJQ\ula. ~ "fit II 11 kt III Ii" P ,.1 f"' M S, I sohell II T II l1 hb,Il'6 Sour. ' 1111<1 IlIkP no olh~ r. ill nil nn Il'r)' 10lCC 1\'lIt I 11 uct j Oil hUllds, bell utI I ully s lJndell, l.o llll'lneu kInd, '1'h .. y Itad no religIon willch luo-a 'pOI " lie I 18 " oeD UI I! or )noot l.Iy Ih. exoGlllfe eoDtllt"nllte III t.hc IdJel II \' lirolllgc herelu lJ l' UA UBI 11. No. 6-l , 65 , 66 67, G8. fl ve pOlll~d' 'OU ClI'II' L III trig I\. mUll ns With Lhe gl.lCC 01 an Anualu s\llll dun lRUl/ht lhem 01 a future .181e o( ;e. Ihe ,torlog of ammUOJlIOD, ,ung grBIn (ood In Ihelr 10rROOY 10 to ("r~ " '''Ide.! 80 I} I~I, 70, ';2 ,lAd 74 Wu.lllo~/on s t, Nell \ 011£ d J'I ' '1'1 I I b I ' SCI ee ~ AI ILo p.rlUd o( Lhe 1188"'llallon k 1_ I 'I I - - ' -- -~- ~- " -~,~~ IL(C~ slLy ~ 1II11t, IC III C il lS, I, Wllrdlllcd pllnllhmebl Rrler death. 1I0d Ih o 8601111100111 H en. both dllil aDd apu, .uul YOllr co & lIIa,Lllre I~OWJ' lUJlKE YOUR OWN 80JlP, contlUlIed the remnl e, 'dotlt not IOle And then tile toIlette WlIut U I ood and nIl Ipirit" They reo weekly eluted ~I! mOil ellr,,:a"an\ 118 bonellrro" properly, II. ,dlaeell,Yo to gazc onto them?' 'I wO\lld J \\ CIC for u mall to dellclIllc Sue 0 g , " .. (unclions be properly org"DlIsed. II. t • by 0. bird, thut 1 mlglJt ,Ily 1;0 thou?' J II ore a "Ide dre88 with "llIte nnd ganlod l\tll 01 f6nerrft'e 18 a III rel'lIoo 10 Lhe l lIe.1J 10 Lb<l proper ·eoDdl/ion-lIner D T DAUDITT'S PI. P. COS CF.~T"T"n POT humorously slIn'" casting 1\ s weet dnt'k lilue strlpOS The IIIUCI seem pur.IIUml'nl (or the bllt!, The bodlel 8L10111,. eorp.~, fome decl·t etl LIII I ("I hone rat II dIll pOQre.~ (IU .. II\ t,bo "H. or UClldy So,.p Maker Wnrronled glanco at the pretty young WOllllln cd bo of vehet. the whi,te one 01 or Ihelr dead "ere oarefull- embalmen lIe it upon \he belL ,h,,; lID I bl tI , gth of com mo A lnr..,c alJ(f'l I Iro,.n harp JII. I opened R Music Slora '011 e Ie 8 ron h Ii II POLI" 311I' Dnl d 'Don t you 100 k I n t h' at "oy ot my SI Ik I II terwo, l' U 1\ Ith aihel' C dd led In c:allloomb.J whIch 11111 \llO ti I III P'~II was qlJllut're d I WlDler. Rnll.1 goo d I"eet pBSIllra In I I. '"l'trt(lfh) lIl~ot er "apom eror e) ntle dllw\,eI"snidfemnlcNo] In 1\ V 10· 8Cllllopccl tllmming of blnck lI11d an "POll • " 1Dl01le DwmRo, ao ona 0 ,Ie I Itlmme~lllndlouwiIlDlalctllbetw",po8' lent ,'oice YOU' I e old enollgh to he white Illullioll of Ince 'l'1 .... IiIIsqllc conlinue to be .n 0"J6CI o( COrlOllty to "ulrltLed p.pen wenl,lo far III 10 IS· Ilbl .. hlltel! or tb.1 colt,-Dr, LvI"JllI '1 n ...·0 1U DE'fI'OIT STREET, dheuw" . III Engit.h 'Ind German, for milk her futher; IT" as IIU IIInoccut look, stllPOtJ III thc 8t1mc WhY wnela 1101t of Iho.e who yi.,l Lire islaod. 'l'h~lr .Utl a dlt1ll81 1IIIIIIrlllion o( the deed. MIJ.II9uf1t11~etlN i !9rLC u!tlJrll J,~ 1111{ Ha.1(1 pml Soft S"np Olle pollnd .. 111 dear madnm ,' I Boftly Hnld .}: 011 Am:lzoll ~lIckct.--)DlgO bal! 1ll<~C\ ca marriAge titea .ere yery solemn, and 118 plcl,ure reprnelnllblDg Ihree ..meQ Olll ~ .. h II L i d a comple'e m Ike '3 l!Il\OIlMot sort ROAP No lime 18 rc b h ld ' I bl f Arollnd t Ie neck" narro- Illue "c l h b 'd RL 11111 1110 8 sma u.. ~ In I (I rlYer, 'r 13 flO ' I, ,, . were tIl')' \' I ...el'p 00 un , (JulI't:d' Con8I1m~l " ",III Bnd tWa Ibe che"pc.t C c 10 llIe lln cm em 0 Innocence 1 .. d " • before engBgelng ID titem I u '1 e. 01ll11l~1: orerlloar.l11 Illcl! contRlDlng Ihe 1I 1: ollon ... ran,crlpL mD.U' ...... • IBOrimelil of }'ot••h 10 the "'I\rkct nnd plIrity, In I stalt COl Illibfll, were faLlened on IlIllk. Al Ihe preteDI aUI8I1D'. romBin., or couru. RII o( rcillu"tnll p,trllblo: " Plallo~, OI9(/"~' AMnd~OIl8, V/ulll1 3, ~oTl\llheA~~,~~1 nN~:tr~t,,6:'i':d6~f?;cef~e~69, ~()mo by tl~elll:t ;,I'aln t;>,:'O:;;I, cb~~~~~; th~e m~stel::!b~ ~ m:~~ day Ihcso llran"e poor lo .re 10lally CJ' l/tela , lorl e8 "ere Ihe more figmenl. o( J salt '~I m~ bellrt":atl~ In n~w, II1ltl Olilinn, Sheri MU81C, .JJfU RIC ;0.72 Klld i4 WII8hlJlgton 8t, New Yov\( ever A. httle ellver wrwtb or uool Lbb'llmllil.lllliolllO III Ihe 'It,e,r. ..... , JJooJ." J:iultn cud (]l1/tar ~~----.~ -~~~~."..,.".".......,~ , I fl fill ' .' I t dd I ' rr e excitement 0 LIe lOur, Ie a , ••_ __ Serlll,nS, be called !Sweet Innoccnce Do you (laVe8, OB Igrcc, ell,lre y S II Il( - - - - . -bl II b II r b d III me (or [ "'B' poor .ud dul IIP~ daa. if by 8'pose a sculper would "end for me lilt/! dtamonds, sat somc,lIl.tat co· 'AND you bllvo bebn maUled, Pat. pu ID WI ( linea Oil YI ,111M ( NI)ltbu lovod 1 'kis Qor Ind. In farl, Everylhing lI~u·lly ilcpl 11\ B T. Babbitt', be.t Meelle.taa e.Jer- for tbat purposo onlees he know',. I quettis hly upon Jlcr brow and 00 rlok, tbree tlmee " pIC IOU. 0 lIed 'Kr~p ~CCOIID dS d I) crum'" , I., • which 8811 atus. 'mAde rrom comrnoll slllL' Bread ml\.de WIl8 overf!owlIIg witb innocellC'J?- cia:clo(l hcr orchead, From tbislit 'Yu Indatle ,ir' 'I?Uf ~orre'Pfol! e/U.. all IL a YII.'tl , ~,1 , lh6 ,P"eaeber" had II!D ODCtill&' •A MUlie theWill W elt In III. L :)Iore ; .11Jlof ule ' , ... hen hliIted . no· Don't make un error about mil' '·It t l e wroa.'b h ung be re and'b ' wife . IDtR1100' , l&a)' IIQloJ'~Ilil'tQunl ",liP" e ow &.1 any 0 ' ~llb thi~ IIltlcratu", Ct1l1tRID! • jere II.'tic 'Whlcb dId 'yOJl hie. bell l' y. E '7If10 Go.ourIt, epeClI1 al I ,-.J, ' &IIt1l appe (0'" G,V" uJ n cell, and oonylriee rour· th~~bts ~;4,,-~,~!":t..~D~:~"York IS my opjnyn,' said tbe leadmg (e ~IiRmond pendllDtIi, 8et Ii~! dlope, 'Wel/, peck 0·B,18U. I~,.L 1 mamed , V~TJ/ re ~. ~II~ I\Jf'l.II-W ,II~ / r?1lI Wi~~plll _., , 9 •• Ive.o/ lit, reel, " L ~ ~~~ male, 'tbalt you're a aeotl'er and n and fell ul?On her cbarmlng neck - Ibe Ont lime. wa. 8 good ,womlln-too 'FATIIER, Patts is in Frllnce, ,e tillilJ.. ~/ !l1II~ng Ih.- ,Wom1i~. V' I, "PER..(lB"T SA VED .,. wretch! Your mind 18 in a WUS8el be· Oval' t~e d.-adem she woro a I!tt~c or good for me-Io .he gol I~clr aDd died, ~'rl\lI co IS 1/1 rE 4r,oJlflt Europe III, )U Bat t U! led 'ie lte wbo bath .ad.1':J!; olouded staLe tban tbo poor negl'Oils nlunont of b'll e velvet, to wbleh U .ad lile Lord' look hu, ) rben 1 gol tbe ctlllt~ rft hcn'li 1'1,010, thg CI\8t illabdltilr1tl • da1 "bell\: IOo"J n~ t &h. RO BIN 80 N', s, ~,Babbl"" Bw Te. . Ji>ow4er' we are seeldhg to aid, You are a coati! blue feather 'r Be attac:hcd, 80 married to Blidg.~' 1t'laDD.gan. Slle holnispl.icro is 'lll tlto cartli- lI'ill\t's a.rlli, •• , ,; ;1.', ~ '" ~" groper In the dark ceUar of ain, 0 the diadem, with tile .a. a bad .om.. , ..od aOl alck and the earth In? \Jil l spnce my dar • ,f,lltP.fd ,",11 No slrortelling required wbeo 81i'oet mIlk III aillCul man! t'ol'UlOO Ii m08t ~harmlng &eoLch bon dIed (()O, and Iha deVil too~ her. TireD, I!ng_~ 'And whatle apbco in, t3tMt?' f~'!.IIJ a ,woh ~lIeQ li',~ ,&11\1 , _" ,.lib uMIt Tbore Ie a sparkUng fo.nt. oct; Ute more 10, 118 ou tho tight (oo/ tbat 1 "", I "ot mamld 10 . lfa, <No~bio denl' , And what ,i8 Jloth IOogUII bette~ ,~~d WIIlGI" Iiicl' Ia.oll • No" s. t.Q 7. W..lhlat!ton 8t • New York , ' Come. O'come, aDd drink, .Ide·a bloe and whiLe f"hE'r we,re garel Hiaerty, • She ... wor.e'...;:.b.d. ID In' g, D~uBtip.n gO~'t ,.tI1/JI9)' I~arnlitg!" I ".!of f1 ,.e Ii " I ~ . -g- I WillsOnd a !\atDple package {ree by No.; you will not com~ aDd dl;inlt.'- standing erect Behind thto ' balr, '(tlrl {)Ad-Io bad that nei&ber ~he Lord "'itJ':~ Pl~IlV qucetioPI1! .\l(()OI1i.\1;O mel; Iqtt III ~. P' mot!. 00 roceiJl& of 16 ~~ta to , . , pol"'S· 'Yea he WIU,' aaid the 11l1)dlo1'9" 'IC two ",bite 'Vetll" h ,omamilnte were 11M tb. deyilwoald IllYe h.rj 101 han ~ , " .';;.. .....:....l:.- J." Itb ("or a~OINJ ct..../'~9IM BE VP.L LY . G PIO'l'lJRS$, " you'll Jest try' him,' '.A, for pinned wgetller. 10 ke.p ber ml"".' T1r......aor of ,\V".biD.cloD "'OWll- But .oe .. ' " mfD, T.n , hIOb, all the rlot~ m~:r. be tbro' ~ 0 y. CO.. • YOD,' laid the ear:aged f./pafe to ' tile oto .~be lqw. ne~k ~t Uie d~~8J't :-'It~., " ,. ' " ... _ _ Ibip, WaU'ID,oP ulll1, reporl' ,be n\ • ..,..Iit ado. ~ the ...... ; &beJ , ... A ...... you are - degraded,ilein, too QUt. however, 'lL'be thball dosa /aL a .t! u').1 It tbe 'drfl";'DCG btl"lto &n ue o. ~ ~ noi( UId ol'll""",ental Il"",e lOt' ...e lit·.. ~G. ..,-a.... u.p 1 &lid lVulpr to talk io' 'This is bUDL:0wn ba ....e nec. , was en n , I 8237 d'I poria ~nat ' 10 to!'. ~~!t~ ~ 1'9. ~dllret~~l":.&~." . d

T~a:tJ» 0 ... "' D,"I!"T'$,I'~G,

- ----..,""I::"~' ',i;"~;'II'I...




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Fire and Marine Risks of the Better en Reasoilable Rates,



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\\,AJIIU~N L. S. RICE, M, D.





Dlt 'J ' V ] EJ{S E IIttmeO:PATlflOPIfB 1I 14H

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I~1~::lcOX~JsCCn~ I~O(,° nl~I'Ilecbo

An'.'I!!!L'!!I"'Ulb 'I I'~1

~ Proposed Amendment to the Constitution, Dr.. L, B.WELCH,

~I' I.IIl:1t




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~~ ~l) SIGN-l>.\lN lING,




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.004 " ... ,Ll" h' ..,d '" 1<11 'hOI Ihll-K II, u..'",". 81:111::-1 '1.' \)WnAKK PI",1.8

., lJeau~Lful


oom.b~r'l· 1U1~oOri8,

Mercha~t -.Tailor

'"ith a Large Il~d tomple.te



rrlelill., thllt I 1m "ill i. I:" ...

N ow in Full IUtl I1lcceuflll Ope · fl\tion.


II n ch, Ccrtll ' prllJrH'. nlld i Ilute it c1lplll;!", . 1<.. 11"".1' .OIll"""OI II 10,11... w .. " II> .......;" •• I' '1 I' I .. I 1 .• I CI 1a> ..... I.nd,i>fuil ..J'~'8·.W .... J 'J:....:o," ...• polure .o I III rto.lIgttlM In "!>rl IIlrn t: I :111.10 t:\lIppm r p u' nrgc:\ · ~J. I.",illly l(Jld III '" IlIlIt PIe \I~C" t ~" r · \ n oel Ion. I.,...' .. I...... ,,". • o ...lan B~, AJIII lllv<hl"rl!,llt nil 11"" IJ.I 11" • ·ur.N "'ill' UlONI\) S"IlU!' II ........m, leI whlrn IIIt:1 "'~re dri\'~n bU I (rom mOllnt of orll Imll ·nLd... LAS' week 696 new emigrao'. Ie" bum . III duriog Ibe rebelJjoo, aDd It hill! tho elcl.lrity or being ncnr "hi oll .. nI...lclaaal,owI,by ,.","'IIIl ... . . u . 1I1'11"IKition I v l ."LI~ or GOIlt!IAd1'd 101. II lollel cn ll ..IIIl'Jlroi.,t0s ..... all In.p~rIUoo "'" _UecI...I""JII.lI ..... u••...01"",,,11, .... ir.1 '.r~r80n1l1 -til I'IIlICC nn hUIJI!tQ' 11 l(l . 1",- . tI p.Illoul. • DI.~I.I.~ U,cI io Ohio. "Ilier OIlU.... hu. op,raled to- produce tho !)lOst gJ'Ov 10 C . . ld. po4. ....... ,... - ".Ull6to ......s..iliawblab .w .... rd. 011 !!!!!!'''"''!e"-''''!!!....-

".s::a:- - -

II (I Y.O to III, old e""o



.,,111 Street, W.;oeuUle, o.'e.

St.ock of Goods,


ntr~l ,I. ~'. ' ""* °TIlI a hl l~111 ~"O }~r It i~ ~il~lrl ill il,<conibinolhlll. "~ ~'Ilu, r lin. I ~~l'~:~~~ ::':~:·~'I~:I;::I~:.q01·:~~~: 10 ~u I ' ." "Inll IIlmrl ,.e till urllll~ Its officll" Y "111.1 ... 1.... tl~ lI r.liol

1I' hleh will be I'clt! to Hxchlr~e whh Cual"mera f\lr ,'uh: ",a hed. l"llj~ep- washed Gnd ·U.Hy .. hed

TLlllil WOobntlerklUI diminulion. 0(, Wbtol I,' I nROADCl~OTHS, 11 -.111 ero ees now o"n III .elt limp e m Ie rom "". 11 1$ ",jill 1.'" . :......... ... oto, u..,lI. " CAlSSIM1~RES about 4,000,000 .cru .r lall~, aDd hundred feet hi g h, ue thOllSllUtl n· iu d ....... in!l imp~rtii~ rrom. t w- h'l)Uli" , ..HoI1o..."~- .... b II' d lIve ,b. y ... nil req"\Uf94, lOr ••UHJl" .... I;' dU.." V ES'l'INGS, &'C Ibe nited S late. GO"Clrnme.n' 1101111 cr~ of which is covored with lurge \l1~alll!lllg \1Id. b\lI\ulifytng I c ,II nil' com. b... '~-Y""" _'l'. TJ>"'01,.cdlIl1"' l>o~'JII in "uU (o~ tbem ' 81.000,000. The sligar trees. From tho bill we Ciln pI xlou. :tl! It! Jire<:~ 1I~lion on Ih • c""icl it b lIhr••,,4.,. "ppc<lto .... led to allo'" 1110 1'111· ' (Inn.. frOm It .111 it impurities. kIUlII)' h ·AI · mOlllo S) .up \0 "'00 ' h ....."' orvsno pl'CpoI-l, both!lain and .(anay; which f Irn re Oberokeel are tbe mOlt enlighlened gnze across' th YDst xpllnse of ro!l. tllg th .$lIIIII, IUlIlI . ,i,,' 1111) slIrl'l.eo liS N,,· 1 . .. ~"" ..... "\yI".II.,,.•. TI ....U.b .... ""lul..... l. , t; lu have Illadc flp III • 11f l/ P'l< Till ' ae" Greek ·MiDi.ln .ullla.aed by Qui uibe of Indian, in lbe Wes'. 'l' h.y iug ['roil'i flud view th e numerOtis lu re Intended h Ibnul" . 00. ~I nr. 80n. " l!nlnOI I ' \ IM>' .... , ••• "",-h•• . ' ""Id.0"" • "","",.\lOU'lb.0)1"" ""'on......\0,noh "!*IILI .. ri,ed: Paugb.bie by DBme. Raleigb, bllYe. commerdllbl. prog- docks nDll h'cl'll s; t.h~ cosy , wbitc Ilnd bUIl"Ut'ul. 'l'rl cl' I: nell'" (00<1-c.ra\f~ ." "''''''. ,.mo.•1101, In ..... d b rd ~nlt by MIIII or \\r l'!l T' .~,.u )'1hiu,be K !.he al',..wL.t t bui bo pan leul,ar aoeS . . mOI\ . CUID' JIl.tice Cha .. ia ., r.1I In Clyihlallon. ~fADY of tht:1II ara fllrm.hollses soattcre bere ,aO\\ t \Ire. pre on recQI~or lUI u or 'Y . " ...............u. Uud .... ...·n'.. I to bald Colln. 'lB. aMiD.ali Guell. olll tiDel! edUOlllod, BOil art! men or cII\lure the slow mo\' iu g waggou, lind CLARK. me 00 .• :I West > Whcn mn do if Ih~y do nOI G IH 10 0 d . CLi\l SL" 8, U!c N . ~ .-'1 he olily Amon oUdtornur. he need nbl thulD Illait lhe alltra a,lI r owernor. lin rl'liDemeDl_ Before the wllr they tho tloet Iron hor.t s1l' ecplng II ross cun ror slIlc of Lhc M llmc. GOO D lJ 0 0 K S .JEfI ~ 0 ... Shenau ,OI!l to Om ..... to had 8 number or ,ood Ichool. and ae· from town to . town, loo king like 1\ . \ Ii I keep con'tully on lI.uu. IrnlUltOc!tol take oare of Lbe IndiAn •• ' aDd tbe c;\ildren or lhe Dlore mere speck ill tho di tancc: !3ucll is .... bul .True. Th!! followlII\t work. are Fre.h Olltl F.AIiC& hal Jlurcllued our mOllilor. and weallby were edllCl4Led prala'ie life J. HA.\S'. tho "..0 .. \ 11I.\ruciivll. Just whot evny one ". b (0 81000000 In Ealluo collf.gee 'l'hey bue a leg. Junc 6 1 67 ami CIUII·,'''l'lIlIt, wllnls will luve ul Ihe re. . . Iaotonoma . • r , . . \it" ~J or J price • ... ,Alle llll --AIID-,.' illatin rorm of .owernmpnt. with • wl"to" tho cut 'n~ ma~e by !IR. DODSON whll lb ll'tI& F ••1ab P,,..ltlell\ Roberll g W nond A1' TRlI: .. cry f"llturos til€> !"lrooll ),OU lire tu nlllr., ulled "II Sal" ry. . _u uder m1 employ, whlcb I IVlil , COlle 10 Eurnpe. I Senatll al\.d HOUII! of a gOY' rY.I,n,1 by Ihollid or lin HO"',TO l\IIoKE Jo BAO GO OD, . . ernor, aod a bud oblef, elecl.d by -Among Dlany bedlltiful ".Ichu al (lOwer,· k. q ...."- • ~ l'~ychomntrol"l!7 guur · Ianti a Guuu unB !1elllir. \\ III e llallle Any Tu colored nralor. John M,.. Llllt lh. people. eourll and julicn omoen. Lhe Pari a ia on" . wbieh ex nult!C1! to produo' n perfocl IIlId m,,··li"" I'i c· ODe to D WUllutlrlul dellrce 01 Soli(lll~d. wllh ft5~urn li ce uC I'nrlv "lien· to b~ II 0 d G i l ' . .too. bu gone Soutb to ,make epeeehee. Tbeir counlry i. divided Inlo ditfereol Ilibi&rr" dial wbich Ihow. Ihe time at lure of futa,rll "usbnlli.l 01' wife Lhll !'I" \ momory. 2:> cenll. . li,,". 01111 1) 11 TorUla f5lu~lidhed Ihroullh' l 0 ., o~"·I·III·nv In Ihe multI AJI uDluccop.fdl .Ilempt b .. been .' 'fl b It! l b ' Psril, Mlllico. Ne" Ynrk, St. Willi dlltu of Oc,"uJ,ntlllll UA8DIIUO), uF VE"TRILOQUIUI-SU .Im· 0111 Ihl! t::llule. --allu \Yult: I wlll.ell . COUD.ltll. 18'1 0 I.,ee, . ut ID our . Ic,"lin' Ll'ILils of chllrnctcr &~ This is I~ pld, cleor a nti ex"l i"'l Ihnl OilY Oll~ elln GEO. BA RRE·I'1'. . . mlde to dellroyille WaSbln&lon pull. Weetern pro,inei"li'DI. ,bilL ill 'played IInll Oonllanlinople, lind Ibe t l' . I ' . I , IOcqll lre Ih e ",1. " I.", how lu mnk e III Il boob. • 'rl . , I mOlu chronogrllph or liDleke~~r for IlI1PO~ 11011. lUI U' 10l0l1l U a WIL10liI IlIliuliar I\In~ill 'Yh iatl e Cur jmll~lIol1 o( lIidd, 1111· SoriIlIlVnller.O .. June.18ti7. lOll I A, LOWa8 finy Jl1an J)/fJ'I &lItiw Sallie QllllliI~1 oul. lear .ormer • avea are now CIIII II8SCI·l. By slntin!; )111.<0 or !til'th II"'" 111 I &. 25 'l'n& UDion .men of New Jeney • .iD Irellted wilb co.n'idl!rllion' and res;"ol. &e., wbicll,I by meRolor a com· oolor o.f e\"(!1! I\nd hili ... nnJ : c. :•,NIM ceille. \ I II ~ ,.. r"col. r td d f nnT ut' RAI"I~a .lt.S. - II ON ~ ~ ~ ~ A laC', II "mAil ,,' ock III GEliTS' Fttll g) NIBHING GuOD~ !-tll 01 ~~i • &ale Ool'''OIlOa, decl ..r. for iDlplrtil1 and, "iIIIOOD become Ih" principal mlln p ICR e lOa ong 10 e - ring tlfLy CIlUts, nllll tltlP'\l(lfl cln-clope 11,1 breok, lim e lell,c h 1111 kind s 01 wilu ~ . I\' ill Ii ell 01 n reuetinable profi!. til 1 of thl! Iribe, at Lbey lire jndullriou! ao l1e. p Illh 10 Ihe teath of n seeooll on urC8lle,J lo·youraelf. ),011 will (cCllh·t) the pic l und dunll' sl iC! 1111,1 h ·W \0 ~ Pleu give \lie S oall bel ...., '{ S. h' b b b anllaeem '0 b e t &I ' I ill Ibe time at "hieb greal evtnle tllrtl \?r .. iI . togeLher with desirUlJ ', ull k:.llos uf 'j'ri l'k ur 11I·rlurrnin;.! -ANDk\Jlg yuur IAleclion~. 01 o~l \I a ouL pure lI.e a om' a, 8 grell ~r ellre . 0 li re be UII 1\1(1 ilL wb' h II d A inrorlllnliQII. ~~ Ad,jress IiI clllllhlcncc, from HIlnA In fIe"s, I.. r l,riVHIl· .lIlua~"'~1I1 1 return IhOlik. 10 my pM eUllom\tt Jeff. Dlvia. Let il be tbal 'Iong IIccumulate properly Iblln Ihe nnllve g . . .'0 lOY en ' . MADA",F. .k:RTI\UP£ I'. O. 110" or !"Ihlie ex lll"il iUIl . :!flc. , Dnd frlenda IDr WhuL Ih uy hue "done III bome'"eread about, Indian •. Inproportiontolheir \111m [1 .11 \ ~ ___ ,. . . . . ~ ~ i lae I~ Ihe pnt. al,d hope to be ftbl~ 10 II. .. f V' '. ' iI' beret tbe CllBrokeea prewioulS to Ille 109' or II dog eha_ing '''Willi. The dog ",...;.;;:" ";ll-O-O -D -YOU' T - -;c. -A work .huw illg "I' oil Ihe IIlId 81 ve.llor 0 Irglol" areet. . ., I L . II • I I Q.J " , . . n, If,. U J Irap ij uf I,lreat cille. lullv r Xp Cl81 1l1! Ihf _ _ _ ~ ,,,,,, ~ ri:2I# .. cure IQ lite rulure my of Iholr 'II , ronlll!0, Go 'I' tbltlbe frelldmell.ha'1I be ior6rmed 01 Wilt, were 'he woallbie.' pe9P\\I .00 15."n y rRIDt! "lIIma, nn, "IOOR aro regained by fJelmbold', EJ:' opernliou. 01 slonrp e',s- bli'U rUBc.l. of .. v· ELTON DU nLEY tbeir prt"ile u u to ',olia Ihe fll08 or ah. globe . 'l'lit\, ow oed II," panlon. nre ,perreell, unller co[J ' ',ad DucJ.u1 err kind; .1.0 nil Ihe s>\linul08 \\'~y~eevil le. 1I1ny 1' ,1861. . ' . , g . g. , immllo.e bllrll.or olnl,,' horael IInll trol. (or be rUlfliins bis Inger until be KNOW Till' DE!;'1·I ·NY II.e lronil. u o liE" '1' AAlU). Jonel aDd lIike McCool. ar, b ' La ' I " 'r I . feel. a aligbt prellure on III . spring of . ' ',r lly 1111.1 Iravlll illl! ul·t-r • to 6gba, Delr CinciDnati. AaglllllSlIt: 0,., rlte.lllpDlenlS 0 08\1 a "ere . \l E. F. 'fHORNTOlf lite reol , lor •. Tllid I" .100 OIl)Y work uf lloe killu ' I (;00 011 lid . I ' d . anDuaUy maila by tbem 10 Ne" Orleana Lhe rl'putor, then h, .barb 'he houre Enllllah. AAtrDlogisl I! a"d I iUK,' .I. All, he d",)gc. ure expllseu, utrn J wi.h 10 Infurm my 0101 ,.i ends and. •. • ," e It aDile " ' .nd otbu mlrkel.. On. owned lit th ll .l1ring 'WilD. .A "Rtch (or the .,.ynhoonelrlelun. uhllllilhed th' 1II1 !ed, 2a conll!. 1I000 W fa. TCHES I'atr o n~ \ILIII 1 un .lill 011 h.lIl1. willi. . ' Putelll Levur • M'11'1· will pr.I?bably be lin 20,000 .bend o( cattle, IlDolber hilS ?n Ihe ouhiae or Ihe - fllCII .a Icielltillu clallea of Ihe Old W,!)r ld . hn! 'I'II E' NII:;nT lSI DE Ot·. N I:W y "u.-·I'llia mento. rull jewelled, \lunlln" COl' 1111. mer ....108 or Conl"• .-oalequeDt. 'fb '. alonlile rlOi or mellli "hich on be · now localed he ..e" It Hudson, N. Y. bUllk UP Ihe AllIl pc, lull Iille of ling Silver, Il,eft lllilully Ellg~ave~ ~n~ in lim. b t _ ere are mRny thlt ow.ned 10.000.3.· . • _ ' • ~1a~alJle 'l.'hOtllLOn pOSBe.les AUiCh wOII,I· culharllips of Lhe Greo\ J\1olropulis al every reapHt 6r.'~1. e8 ·I'hntft. To be '1 D,O P 10 at preeent. _ 000. 2.000. 1.000. aod 600 heRd o( log IUlDe .. , .tops In iueh . " mlnDer erlul p\lwers IIf Billhl. as to imp.rI lIil!hl. It is Ihe wurk of ft nllmher 01 euld nl s\x dn \l~'11 eneh, bei"'g I,u Ih lo , SI'&.I'T D.wly mlrried couploa oallie eIIch. Htl W8' eODliclerad lOur Ihal Ibe bour ml'l lie known by counl· 0.' Ihe impClflOI)Cn 10 wrilera whusi> i" Ib.'oe,(oIlTlhs ihe ~u·et uf mUllo·,clul ln~. 1l1I at LbelnterDltiODal H I d ' were . I • P i n " certJtio lilll .. IInob. Il.a& pro i'lol the IInglo pr mdrrlcd 01 sllher .ex. NOOll e mllll tllilid wrtte ulI' h Dl,uok These IV.lchu nrc r illft il~~ by J. .. ellfr. . . .. o. n lin-I a .ae' yery nellr relaln'e or 0 .. . • Willie III I etale 01 Irllnco. she j,l ehneales uuJ Ihu pre.""1 wrhf'd lIy c"n.hillin~ al rrom SIb l(l 818. \h~ "ctual r.usllu Iho leI, Nt.,a,. Fal1l.,oDe dey r.e'lItlf. 'Lo t' the poor Indiea wbo did aot 0\\ n from the .. de of Ihe walch. Ihe very lellures of the :roli are 10 Ihpir kfluwledL!c ftlld Illililiee, huv e pr'ld u· r eo r Sr,ing W·".r. 11011; ul IU VOW N \DIIIIUCncturer hlllllll SO 'r,li,."d A 'boj iiI . MOlltre'" put ,,,0 6re. throe hllDdred bead cr alocll. A II lip' - -- Dnd 111 Ihe aid 01 un IlcJ vlvlil, nnd inlNfdliJlI! p.icluros ul NI'\v ulIJ lIEST BRANb::l uf of wfttch!). \lOB. pur~ha8C~ ot ~ \lalikrupi k' . Lo b ' .. iI d & db ' . Omo STATli FAIR. - 'fhe · Dllylon IOten'8 power. known 18 Ihe F'~ychomo· Yllrk. p J::very .Il~ntl rlt'ecnb~t1. IIl1d fV .. ry aa Ie ill Lo u~lIn, IlJIII IHO nn" or~rrd II erac erl tD ." no r I.D re' em P'l and more conlrntcd p,eople WUI! J ournlll 8ay. the f.J:eculivl! 1f.0p", guarallloel to II IIle·tikl' dlDU'lIl nl lIIaole in 11,0 work i. &Iriclll{ 81"'h ex\r\lI1lQ!y low Ii~ureft. 111.1011 mIY to eee the ell'eQI. He 001' koow. abll nowhere to btl fourid Ibln the Chero of th" Ohio Sinle BOllrd 0(. Agricul . picl/ire o( Ih,o fuluru hu .. b.nU flr wilA 01 Ir1llllllil iu nrry poriirul"r. anu "" be· CITY MANUFACTUR.E. pO&8ew.a II corred 1'il1lc· \;eel'.r AI Amerei, he bal DODO.. keel when Ibe demoo t a . . ture lIf:lt.I 8 mea ling in Ih,"cily, \10 Ih o. :he wl\h or ma" lie,,, 1111 wu,k (. 1 lied, . II i. Intlro oap:)" nomlnll 1!}1n. Eve~y wulch WI"Uite6 _. .' , • _ ,. o • . eel's on I ri·,lte, po.illun in life .. le8diu~: t,.ils HI 111111 Ihril li ll{jly iUlere~lillg , Jllu blrated, fur ~ veAra. ParlIPa.'lrd ~ rilill Ihem uot Alld c.peciu~ly I ful.1 line of 'l'1IJI Re(JCMIIOfl '., tbere II to b. a entered Lhen mllt.t, Ind; wllb aerpon· 21. upon matiPrB apperll\ining 10 Ihe char.lller. 1:0. 'fhls 16 no hlhnbua. ftK Prire 2:>e. ' . by muil, mual elll:lnAI' as c.all Pllr. tl> S\Rte l~"ir. 'rlle !JOBfll bllve ml\lle I .' I ., 1 grand tournam.nt al Canton tbe Fourlh lioa tODgue and poisoooul lip. urged I lou.onus elln SECJtI::T8 WIIll T II NG.-A r.oll r c· prep"y pouage. · IU'lDey elltlolrd ill • tJ I K' I ta-" I" b' D • 80me cbaogc, ill the mode IIr rnanRging She wi\l ' leiul when deeiretl II ccrtifi~ tI li.}11 lIf nilluble It ·t:lrw s ,.n vari"" •• uu · well·ee.ledlcllor mllY be aellllllllY til\;, 80 I ~ to" ) ~et • . verT Ipw nf wll,e I are fU UO hll l\ o ra'g ll •• , ",lea uirel '10m to JOIR L elr . ' . rOlbt'r. of ,h. Ih' Fllir, whioh we thiuk will meel pub (, ' wrillell "u· nrnnt·c·', Illat tIl' e ' " . I Adllreas all nr.lrr~ Iq lire to be, pre.fot. anel a brillian\ die. oil.' 'l'hey h,ad alwl'I' been 10JII lie IIpprovMI. Among Lhe chaD ge, we picture I. whlll il purporls 10 ble. Jlyen· rldPwhrtr. R- cc'!11S 1<.1 , ull kinde 01 pOI. MA1~'l'JN CONNOR. ' plll'lol Knigb& Errantr1 il elpeot.d. nd fllilbrQllO Ihelr truly 8lipiJlatioOl note Ihll division (of Pow4lr HIIII .\IId its closing a.mall Lck oC Olltl ""I iug tnt metliclllu. ·perfumrry, l!liI,'ll dflicl,s . 98 ly "' ~IlAI\'T, Y. & T' . "nd loved Ih 0 " F t\' W b' conntloliollS iOlo t"o d"p"rtllll!lIls, viz: place ul bir'lh. ·age. dlspolltlon ' 811d 00111- 'OOpe.,WiIlC~. cord,,':s d"l ic ;UII! bev('ruli(", a. ,execuLlon of Gotllieb William., . I .e rea . .. a ler a' The Dt!p"rlmelll or l>lRchinery. En . plexlon, ...'11 enclosiJlg ' lIllY canl" 811d Mfulic8 of oil kinJ., nll~ illllllln cru ul ll ur· r An' rX""lillnli,," (II w,hi r.h ,:0110,'1 fail it (;o(ld (Jo(l~ PC./~ (jlld Ehony 110M" for tbe )In. ·Ml\Ierj io . Sop' Ington. Qullo .an nl\ hour the, liel' &0 ••, and Ihe 01 1I;1b .. lllmJM:d envelope to • 1Ir.11.. in ull iverdo l tJl! l"" nd. It ' Oll tember lut. look pl • .lie iD )l01 . ened to Albert Pike .alld .olber a".nill chanio. ' '&\111 M"nufAolurera' PtbJuo\s, you Will recti.. Ihe plelure end desirel\ cftllelll rur Btoreke"pers. \0 flh'!~rHl "If' 111flat "adtiJiuud, uo\'h ill qUMl• . . • j . f ,b Q_ 00 I d d cJ · '1'1 I I rr I FI D In!o'III'1,\on"'l!" ·'ell.... ",,,iI. }lll eoonmu · olldlomi!ips who ,Ie.lro 10 mnnllr"C""1' Ity lUI.! PRICE! amen r. IlYe t , a" Ii(l. cut I b Ou .11(1 d, uml o · .. IIial·iu08 .. oredly conll,Ienlilll.. ., • iog pfI.OD. Pllilldelpbi~. '00:£uetcla1' 0..I .• .• "",\Id uurD 0 e era.c !, 110 e.· · ~ev A,II·'reB "'· I)Ul1 ulo ' •.Il J IlIlouble' .rlicl~s w\Ii..!, t!i'~ Mti nllflclllred by 1I e A merietlll G" WimaDl' mlde 1I000Ilfe..loD. 0 Ilron 'Iln tuin (ollo"eil. ,No portion p"rlmen. w· \lc I /l8 prove II cosdy in C)olll\d~~co, MAnu,s E . F '1'tloIiIlTOIf, • n extremely !illern I prufh . J!:Vl'ty OI1~ Pell Cumpouy. '1'h1'80: PI'''I ere 1I0W~' . Tu. I1igbllDd la7' Lhe hal Buffored' 10 .mue" III P-HO. . will rind It usef ul for re'ert'ncl'. 2lit. I. E. KEY S. Inlf IIBr~ l' Xle nlivply Ihruu ghoul I~e 1:111· eru Siule., alld liN wlI'r.II!~-,1 III ml tbe r,portl rrom Lb. wbea' crop 10 a\l lbe C1Ierokeee. O\uelaa .. wI. lIIonl8, Olh!!f i . m.proYem . elliS .Rre enn . e The foll ow ill!! nr e 26 rrnl! rl'c1,: 1'111' Ol'(lulitr Iho R"l! crt 1I0use. Cre k d Sa I 1 'f I d d BU I\r.l. ur COllvpr~lIllulI; ·,'h d LIII1Y'M Glliu" .. .IIU every oll8e. purlies purcllftBlar.~ plfll of tbat covoly conLiD'" r.. orable. .e I an mlno el_ IInoeen. . 0 lemp 'lle ' . AD It IS behcvQd ,he FKir C H·U II. B"n'lI)"; \rIlW 'U · Gtil onll Co nlr i"" W ft\" 11 OIV il\c , April 16. 18G7. .re not nli.flod, call ICl urn 'them tad r.. 'fbe yield pllr i.ere will be above 'be aDY crimo. 'anll dealroul or remalDlIIg of ,I BG7 bc beLLtr arranged tlitln Is a cure lur of Iho Childr"n'" ll.nrey·" New .- - -- -- - - -- -- c"ive tlleir mOlley back. All ordelllllJll be ICculllpIIII .. d with the·cuh, U WI tul bll" .1. at I ' ,·h 'b loyal to Lho Government an,1 l.iLhful AnJ prevloull yu.r. Bladder. Kid",-!!" Grave.- Dro/'·'.II, af-t+u1'1't"'\',.illlulH Huw III /11'1 R ich. ...... .. , , were W ell all. e b' . I ' ----'-.-. - j }' Ie C .lId Ihy 10 HUliosl Wunllh, a ,,"urN " jj!I!I DO !toodl O . O. D. usull breadLb •.. to . tbeedlr Ired8dl11IJPU allon •• lhey were SUlK llERI.-The no . raille", (; r.lleral illg rlOr idly; Ghl(;er ::)lIops-l"ulI lor All; -=-ll ::3 gr . . . . A~dre61 allllrdprfl 10 m.. A reb an eepuil.. d by botb pRftiel I 11.11, The MOISI Lau\:habl o 'flling (HI F.lIllh. :. . R. IIf. CONNOn, " ....11 Commencement EIer. Tbe BuperlOLeDdent of SoUlbrr,, ' Indi. nouncn ill platform snd mnkes lbe 1111· lind all dise,see of the ,-<:.. 1== Agl'ltl AmerirBIl Guld Prn· CowP1!1. 1 QI.. I a' • nlJocb Oolle ..e. Yellow • 10wiDg' rair proposition: IIlllllARY OltGAII8,!n Golden Pens. somelhing tlCW 9a-h' . ' ('auy, N. y, .... .. ID. Selll e.tlmltes tl ' Lhree 'h . -pri ce 25 r.cnl8 uer !a . , -Q .lil M '. la. p. LEMJC TO D ON'T, - An necRsioDRI W let er cxiall"tr , . .to .' rl'D ga, 01.' 1110. WI'II '-k _ e p I.oe 00 W •d• b ;d ...db ' 11 In· The "hove seni.·lree by on rec:eiJl: ., .... Sp neacllY. JIlDe ,. 06Ib. .... 'O.I.,-rll 'O.,' ere" "ere editorial notice of the of lin from wholever tALE orlgin.ll FB! UAT.E, S· "'l q<::I Q po t:1 ... " .. tunI re t ou.&nd b I db.ead or r caute b lIl! . n.) ul urlllP. "·,Mrr.q ;II . ;U AND U .... ofBoatoa.will dllliYer ,b. leo· e Dd"DIO t mlltreror HOW' LONG STANDING . . . N. V. PunLlSII1:-lG GO .. . CD ; : g •. \are befon 'be Lil, 1 SooIetiel OD IJrblll g 'b e 'Nu •. I f the. COOOi'lIlIce. dt';'o lIodd,re we arlt Dleelee. 01 Ihese . (!fltona Irequiro Ihe 145 N UdSOU •. N. Y. T.....j .... ..... rar 10 . . . . of II" f.d. "PM' 0 Of.. " " •• ," . . . .to "M to •• b. A,••,. • C1 . . . !" .... A BE:\U'rl t-'UL PAIR or rAUl . eral unirorm be h"ld, 01 UnioD om. delicately Ind e?nfideollJllly to IlIllt In Illilled to. ConftumpLlon or Ino611111:, may >- . " MOUSTACHES AND \VII/SKERS,of A DI'P"TCB from Parll . .,I illat 00 cera 'l'b t' fi I d d thOle who aeod In " doll.r all,ertile enRue. Our Flelh and 810(ld ore IUp ' .- -... I:" 8 ; hi 1', monulnc1l1re, 10 perfee' Ih., , ... . Tburedl,. wbile the Emperor Napoleon • e. ''1" 10 De y a apte ment laid 'Ubt UI to 'notioll' il gT'lllil porledfrom tbelunureea, .nd·Ibe • GREAT rt :. ... , 0 ;t+tI Itillench hI! .lell'ct .. d Irum lb. lIena ..... wlilla -Rder or· R ' 'd' to .tock ·rlliang, LI1I1L tIll only hlbor It- 10 Ihlt amount or two or Ibree d'IIIIIU Health ' an1 Happin.l. iN pbill. poitl by mail to 1111 Idtlr",..v 01: t::1 .IIDd AI.I..... II IIII.a. were fl IDg 'Icb e d t 0 tb e b" IIlmell II to g"t b er ,bem more. I b at t Ilat . 18n.I 'JUSI the lhin.,. _ thai of l)u9lerily, depends upon .... II!! P!i .- .V. . , r.- I .pnl Gre,,1 I"enlion II paid In Ihe mlnnhrto 10 a oarnage. a • 0.' wu Sud •• up. up iD tbe .priog aDtl brand them. Tbe W,,'II do 'i l JUIL IS 80un al prompt use of a reliBble R. A I L WAY I 0 ;0 ure ot Ihe.e auiclu b" olle 01 lha 1111 ."i·. le In brill, 111 . L' FoucnF., who ~ poeed hue beeD limed a' Napoleoil. 'brand'i. die proor of oWDereb'p and adopl tho praotico of lbrowing in Ihe Helmbold ·' . Extraot lBnchu, - VI,\g ..... ,. bUI which failed 10 do anI injary.- clealb il lb I r' .) I , ' . dress ' peltero wben tbe OUllomur pRy' ESlat.lidhetl upward. or 18 YCIUS, prepnr.... •• ION, !!It p::. thl' :bejll m"nu"illllurer ill Europe. 1110'" t"che~. 81.00; SIde WI'i.II .... ,3,00;Tb. oecorrence 'prodtaced a i deal e pena Iy 0 ttl ,.10 IUOD. Ihe lrimmings, or lir"ry keepurs by or .1'UNI!IPIIU.J., Full Bear,I, t'O.1l0. Addresl H . }.lORI, of excitement ' .od CODfu.iou. ood hue give Ihe use of Illam when the patron OU. T. IIBI.I9lBOLD, I)......... or COUll", or \!I.U •.UU.Nt:.... f.> . .. . . . ..-,. . b d' pay. for bllrned8mg; 149 ru.d ..... y. Nllllli York . and TO''''.·UU.'' ~r.udY. N. Y., lulll A:enllot Ihe (ful· lell 8LIle.. 98· I, To qUf8tioD of chaDgiDg Lbe peDIII . eeD Dli e "ILb lbe BdLi.b lo,ernmeot 540 loutb lULl! elreel. II'. PII . P.- ::.

_ ___-T..:."..:..:.".O o.. rnment recine. 81.000•. 000 a ela,. !n tOU. . Taus il a gold min' ia HUDUlti' dOli County, lad. ba. ar.

c»c»:i..!1 Wool

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I~. "r~lCril)lio"lloed

~ T~ =








N: - ONE DOLLAR i~-preC'£.

~Iree ''''_ iii::' =

~IIOM;-.iINE \\,E~TE~t~




WhiSker -




~~ en ~ = - ' ~ ~.... ~~ ~~ ~~ = ~; ~~ ~ !21 < ~ I-i e:~ ~ ~:;os~~o· ~~ l1li .....

~~ ~.~ ~ ~I

Si .

IV E W Y 0 B. It ,

Tlli. i. the onl,· nOlllo lo Iho

~ ~



{JJN~WCNl'".~T.,erlJRBAN "1\«!r.E'·orG~ Jol~.A.ND, nOS'.·ON. PI'I"l'SlnJRO II, 1'111 LA DELPIII .... , n,t,WI.TI IUOIIE. Inul ·8111"01'0'" "'IT'"

=~ trJ

:.'. ~ ~ ~ n~ ~!:tJ ~. ~ ~ ... ~:. ~-

= ;:~=



~. . . ~

~~ ~.. ~.!if :e ' ~.:4 ~ ~



All eDorlDOlI1 gua. ror Lbe Cbilillo TO (:ONS1JMP'I·I ·V ES-. - G,overDmeDL, baa been ClIsI at tb.• Jlorl The .ab.cribe,l'. h•• ing been r.,lo' e<l 10 Pitt Phllborgh . It weight huhh iu "f... "e. k•• 4y • "ery .illlpl. reUle. 116,000 puunds or Srly.lhree tuns. ia dy •• fl.r baynlf .ulf.".11 Ipr •• ve,·al yen•• wilh ree' ,ix iocbes 10Dg. Ihe reel • lung .1I.<;lion, and Ib.l ·dread diot ... , Coolun'p',io n-II an.'oul to IOD,ke I · UO,"" 10 four incbe • .in diRmeter of breeoh. lin"u hi. f.lIow"ulT... rt Ille "' •• ". of " ure.• • haa a 1I0te I)f 'w6:nty inchs .. · One To .11 who de.iro i I. h. will 9,elld • copv nf hundred projectileo, ' weighing 1,000 (fre;, of chargol, will; II •• p,ou.nd.• eacb, IICcomplnied tile ".'un.- will find •to.SURE prop"rilll; CURl' the 'or lI"ne.'C "hieh I .lI"y Bnd .11 of tbe Firlt Nat'lonal Blink at Wa.II' Tie O.flR, an I.C .re.1 a wII.1 hold Ihe 1 h .. \I Ibe second gun o( till', 11'le, and .... llImB. Dronchil,ie. CO.""he. .• ' Goldo. Ollsumpl,on. Dg lib Coalul 10 praso U l J b .b b 8 eo . 10gton. bl. boilt a cbllrch edifice al E DI I .. n "I • e COD· Wit t e .ame de8&inlllion. which bn·s Th,oal. d Lung AtrMllOn.. The only Georgetowo. It an eapeoce or $120,. Ie ,10 gIVe ber haod.. been . made ,bere. , Four lifteco.iocb of Ill .. ,,"· in ...din, Ihe IPr"";plio n"

.yor ,lolAling Ibe liqllor law tu im . to eacblloge 30,00.0 or tbe arllli now in prisoDment in ' enry CIIe. w.. ,oled O.nada Bllyder·EJlfield breecb I (or d' 30.00.0. '11 '1'1 I UPOD b'l tbe people of )(ainll. yeller. ' .oa log rI e.. Ie .ormer "ill day. aDd decideel in (avor o( thtl ameod. be callt:d io aod Ibe breech eer· m'DL. Tile wo" did DOt exceed 2li, ' fed ou& to ,"olunLes,. tilrougbout 'be ' b B Prov'lnce a. . bl f . I I8000 Eas IpraC\loa d In t e late. but Ibe mIJ-oril'l "'1 tb . e a ler 000 at ealL two to one. ear IIrrl\'l rODl ng lin , I HUIII D. COOD. lormerly the Kio" of. Ab'l,sioia remaios hue Sandu,.y Regilt!!r. and no" Pre.r'deD'••10. ~ bll I . deelaratloo d d I 01 love h .Ior QueeD


. Por One Dollar.






em~·tmpluilllll '




DIE ' " un

old s _FIUld_E,xtract



m..,. '".,u.



~lm~-b~J:!!1 Hudilon;~{.





Obe~lin N~w.

~O~II r~ml

~ te~llInOniftl8




Choice Goods



u, ~

v."""~ 8re\l~~

l'ro~uce opplicQn/t, .tol!ethe~ tllll~




IIbilil~, III1!IU~.sliollP.d.­ ~I()no;






I .; ! q






perlllllbul"lill~ II~W


15.000. IIlill~


iu~trUcl onillllll~.

n.'It:l Ut:S AIIDR'·(;IJ~'IIIE~lIfNEwYunl\. Irick~






Oll~ nllilllol~.



Nlanufactnring 1!

i . .






~epellterellllbllSODIIIIIIC9anMgrRv . 297, Wc~'Troy,N. Y. -A~ND







N ~w,



ra. .~.




AUi lUi 1flBI1~ IlfoW • "II.


I'or Everybody.

.' .~.oYll.'lt ~I IIICI 'U\l""l!alc~ o~ in~tl'umu"lofinLclI'u







~rrtll MADA~I! nz.JlIl(OTO~. 1~1 ~cnO"'"I" 1 A~trOlo"18t Sonllllllnhll\l~II\l




A~1ts Ih~



III . :..

J.:..liI1 h\ "":11~ 't 'J!-ft- - -

Sull~crib~r Eb~rly ~

(IJ: '


New Firm.





a~ D "OOLUl,

The bRa liken· BIII(!\' )layilf:r en .. red Into t:D-p ...1I1crsbiPlo,lk smith Shop'(otm"I'ly OCCllpl'C·d b i' 'er


Oil Regions of Pennsylvania!


•. in Corwin. «here Le is y prlpar· .. c •. ed 10 do fI\I kinels ... r

;:JDL!~~Es~,llllll. IIJ1

B LAC K S lit I T;H 1.0 wi, II tQ inform the p,,::Hc il en • .1.1" PASSTrI!, F:I'i(iw,lI F:R!:iAI'J'reci". who "i,h I" Ih. • Quick SlUn"th •• 111 "(:1 ..1II·fo"l· d Pur. III . the ho~t OIl1nner And at Lbe 1II0it rea· cully till' they ire mIJlu;~I\' ~ turin:, Inti Intend to keep fo," i\1 r.o. T\r....·k. SI Luxu "" .. , OilY Coo ... 0",1 Ihe 800,.hle pl·icIl8. l ,K:'; " Iln' lIl ' f'~J,iH}( Cntu' ht·~ , th e ~;~ r. lI e nl Il d ' . 1111', D rull allortmenl 01 all kind_of 1 DlIlIlIg I·Io,lIe. \V,lh ""'1. .. Ii .. ", flO, M...... ... ,1 e I!Npecj,,1 afleolion to tbe Ih. I"D'nl'l TIIIIC Sur. ConneClio ... 01 Ih., rac' Ihlll he hfllf on hand lind ia prepor. and ~11 articl •• IIlalllyllepl 10 •.- ". 000, and preaented it to Graoe parl'.b tb. By 10 'IHe "d inyolijialo.lo. infurm lJ·'e$ier", Ruilway . .,d to lIIanuf"ulure. , bI.teE adwlcea from M .Me.x.lco •. we .fiod "unl, and others of 1.,6. caliber, from which he COIICtIYe. 10••b. Illd•• i"he• .Allunlie . and . Groat . . . latlUeh\JIel\tl. . ' .. . . " old" (Epiloapal) or tbat city. Hi. a (ree . I e &llmllaRn II .tlll a Ibil rouodry. bare alreldy bern .bip. .. nery '. DO. or "'ill 1;1 hi. ren.edy . . . .1 F ....., _I", ....It4T'_ ... «ttWlla ...., lUI) I • DUDLEY, .. "00 ....111 • o cbllrcb. Ind "at conlecrated a' Ellter pn.oner, 1111 tapton ba'irag In p.d ror Ohlli. .,. If}" CQlt "nd tuay pro,', ft bl..... • .....Cl. • • !I 1Iorelll1,.11167. .--:--A .VatIR • 1 d' ••• UpOD tbeir bandl. 'l'he'l bave ,bOl - -_ _ - -\IIg. PeriOn. "ilhi"" the I'r.scriplion. m':E. Ticket. Ohe.cka, or III kllld -Sinj{le and Dnuble, .nll nu. la n Iina. w .. LlDg Mend b b' b1 relurn'm"il, '''''1. 1•••• Moldr.... ~t". 2::1 B,r~;5I1tSwnly· N,~v 1orll:l\ i Nil. 16 S!lIto Shovel Plows-all or wllioh be wUI lVe 10 the Ohio }'Rrmer. II I: 'fbe froll . U, 0 II (a" bruely.U- A mlln In Smyrm. Del.. ' baa H ' EDW AI , . nllu . C .110 .. trcot. 0 81011; nUllO' .. lb ' . 'be Btb f U b d' MlrlDlon la lylOg wounded ,old a Ilrawberry erop. four acrea. ror .. EV. ft. 111oILSON. and Uninll Ole voland : No , 66 Clllrk gUllrIlulell 10 II I Ie . eat 8I1tl'(1I1)1I0I), M.. M. Holllngswodh ~ Barbre J W .' V l , 0 _IY II ODe QI much .. d . .... N"wY\lrk. SLrcct. Oh\oll"o; in Crncinllntl, at Nu."O JAMES 1'. BRYANT. . " ,.s J l' of ,.yu hi~: Jumcs Hibbl\rd & Sun. WurrcII Co., 0 ~ ofamllge. . ..n a prlloner. Lopell. wllo betrayed '4000 lb e pu.c b aler to do pick. l. WC"t F "i:! N: " l.f ra"", ba" luffered moat tb 1 i-I " • ". E. c01". Brontlwn,' Rrob S. I B67. Bli-tf r, a mper .. part'l bal . d h Sb It _.. ami· Front t;lrllcts ; 11 r. 'V 'iIU Streot ; "L U.:l". 011 the 21 t'l1e, of Mny, A D 1867'''be ' dbllt tbe pe.cuel G lod oberrie. are balf ,hOUIIDd r' Idreoelve tree log. 0 er.,.. (:on ....n ..41)... Redlor. Mllil LilIIt Steamers Lonullll; foot of Vill(, St.. Justice i8sued 811 oruer of Il~t"cllrn':nl 10 ~ . k'U d So • • I ouaces 0 go • aDd ao im. --.---ed -'" Htfmboltl·. ~'f'ac' Buchu. alld "tNew l'M~ClIgC,. D"l'ot(lr ~hu CillCinliati ' Rbo~b nction for the 811R1 of $204.60, I" . I. e. me \'anllLlel of app e . ar" mortalilY or iofam • fJ:r A Yl11111ble eopper mine conlain. to lJverybody_ Hamilton I\: D 'l):tll ll Rnilwny; III l.uui. v\llu. IlllS beoll contillucd until Iho lOw dl1 /) tDJllreel and An e'p • bY " . / 6 pp. Clrcul"r. !:lVInglllforml\tloll .. . III S. W . oo r. ](11111 !lI1I] Tlli,,1 strcllts. nnd 2:) 8~ 011 0 o'clock Ii ~O"TIl b d muchI more ,liaR otberl, . £ e d'ilion a. all'1 e d 'trom E ng. t aloang mnety per cen'. of pllre metlli. A Large Fou,·tll Streot all,l at the OUlccB of CUllnllctW ont~d. for whlcb tbe IIi!!helt· ·: \llIfhl I,. A 1> lBb'1,M. !If HOLLiNGS.,., " ' . PfiClI Will be "Rid. hy ore I f Ion ow ,rollael. Will ha.. blu land (or Arrioa i b r D L' bll8 reeenily been. rOllnll in Culpepper oftbe grdlltest imrortanco to tho young of· .Ins Lines. --':=CSViUC. 0; r,loy 27. 18ti7: li"l.. perreet rrllit. ioglLone. • a .earc 0 r. IV' counly. VirgiDia. bo,h IIeXOlI. It tooelieR how the homel, runy . L. RUCKE,"', !1cn" S upt. ALLEN RANDALL '{lUll New York Her.ld IllY' tbe FeD" _.__ ____ become beautIful, UJe despised tCspected, nn,J W. B . SHAT'I uOIe t fJ:rWOOLLEN GOODS of Ibe belt manuraclure oll'ered In eJt~hftn"e. . . W~"DMvl'le ~DraeU. iaal .re a,aio actinly at work in Lbal TR. M'rion (Ohio) Indepeodenl the fOrt\llkcn loved.' No young: Indy or gen ' y Moy 20. 1867, I ' city pteplribg Immunition. Tbey are "'II ,hat thirteeD bam'D .keletona. 01 1111 I year Thenmouotl 8cbool to fund81.330.000. or Indilna tiem . . an should filii to 8etld'eheir 011<1 .·Carefullv cor;;;d EII!ry _ receive 1\ copy pollt )lIlld b t COl .• • .._ £ Addressl>. O. Drawer. IU, N . Y. • IliItnI'l\T,"" U.nI. JL\JW Q) _ . _ _ •• - - -- - - . - - - - . _ . mlhufaol\Jrin" larIIbot a'nd .bel 10 e. lttin. ot ra08. were fOllnd in an ewca' L alt yeadt Will Ie .. lhio a .millioo. .. . " y r".,Troy; 'urn mill. II 16@1,15 l at lbe r.te of tOO I day: Tbree or tahon for a cellar in th.& pllce Illtely. ' . . I SHm HEND E W Y 0 R K Il~.'~ foar too. of grape IDel o.oi'''r b." al. aod expre.... tbe opioioll Lhat tbe bill _ Tb P 'd . I' . EP0B,B QP . YO UiH. Is I aure remady' (or , Ihe . Cllre . of bad " Whea.t 'it lIulbll. , l"\T 10 be ad . u b' I I . . . -e rill ent II , ·Ing . III "itb A II j,J b lWU'.£i 11 ' If ' UO@C oO It il "id 'bey II . pon I til excavatloD "al mlde. diseale of lhe kid'oeYI. A l lWilitors ' . Ife!, email WI.. P'reI1ll8Iur.1De'cIY .. ... young lady ..or blh eo I. 111. e dilly. . , full w f IC .... • from Netvou. Deblllly, ' dllease.mlY Drl.:e. , What U, .S:&:J. :. all ..:1I' : ,. ~





~.ne61 .~lir.tNl bo~


(~em ~olhing.

~ ~e~ dangerou~I'I



Thr~ r~(\

.. ~D 971~llh.m.llurg.Klu:;.O



. SAI)Dn~S. lI.~RNESS,~


~ Ba~8'age

, Atta.Qhment. ' .

Olllco~, .1I1I~~.h trtl~t:



10,000 '. . 10.000

r· .ocn llcke~~lcllt.


q"~I'''' ~r ,..,A ...~'i.' ~~tl'l.tored

. 8111'1110 'blDi about


mOl.. A.,••••" ". "d.... ·..... hi. ,,,...... .lIel.'on. roond wa. · . ,


Pounds of WOOL


~1ITEET BREATH FOR ALL! ~ mIn ~ \llI.IL~ I:\rr~V1F9~ Balm Of Myrrhl

~iu el.~dIOryellfl~e.\h.nomlltterfrom

",It"., '''''',.,





LIFE INSU CG'.·.CO,uD "~. 1V ~J. ~J;'-l hal&Outce~he.· )~U'''II'bed 'r

11,", ."'," '~''', ••." ..... " Llli. dis"ltreooble e,,1 when It oln be dllno

.O..... . 1t

~ . B.""ill'II"' !A'SSETS OVE'll '87000000' MaIn.'. ~~t!kwHR.t ~ ~,. , ou~ .a...... . ,~, c"'~ f 11I~t.y " l'I~1 G~_D;.I!I~"E, ~.-cet... •. ~le, L,rd~'"

, bu l~ 110 10 \ue clly. abo tion •. will.' for tht Ilk", or' llItrerln/l' liu· , Corn II • ·t OO dllpa&cb allo make. limila, .LllaDleo" Lba\ ' lb. a,ma b.d all been ' beU- With III ' l"d . U' lend {ree td·.II.,.,Iul iL. " hc for lenL 10 YOllf ndd-BIIS 81riclb DI.....'.;. . . • I " . " I •• 1, ia WlU t.lo. ·'ween lbe elb 'd Iii l i d' e moa 'l .reeipe, tor.mftkiflf .Ihe lim. poalpllld, by mlil l and a 'Ileedy, cure guar,, . lie .red . \barr, , II prepara DI arll •. ow an B ! 1011 IIr. and Mr. GeC?rge Pe.abody: t!'leive' 'pll! .remedyl by ':YMch "e w,i (\lIr,.... . SuI. or money refunded. A \I ol'IIerl ' .... Flour • . . lII,klog to Caeld.. Iba Ihlgh booee bad allO beeD broken,. jonl to .. , .C.refl w,i.hina .t" ,",0&1 b, tbll advArlil' LO H : DORtt: A I W .. . B'ltler ,iii _.. lb klto . . .• -y,e"r. ·, er·.e I" d " .. •r,, · . til Y a,. . . • ". ' B·'BL ... ·· '80 . . . Th, Sao d A: d'Lo .1 ' e " e e nl "ere 'of .femalel " . , • / . ••• n , lP by .u,drt;,," n ir. : ; fllr Ihe United Stelel" ." DErOI!l.·ORY. d . . " iii T . R . . . . ., _ of •• ",,' t • W. · ". ' . ' ,....r..' ........ ' . " ,. • '1'1 .. '0.11,; 81bl S ' I · ...., ...'" ~ lt\O , r...." \\iolui i' will lak. 'eii"'eea liwio,' m ..... h. '! b' e I ., Be. • .0". ab •. J I, 67. . JpUN D. OGDEN'. 42 I II ir R DC pIa. , , ." II 1II0rathl t.'ie"1e \h 'W r Iod. , • • ' . .. UD ,tMl,r 'baa 'be . celte t.,be OluliiaDati Home 10' i i , " . .; , . , I IlSo'1 Tbl ' & UI • ee 1I · ·r .Jllbl:' J:onUlm ia eh·'ae of their, rear. , bUlhe\ .. h bo . Y • II II mi or awera", of of Ih.e .pr."a\ . d _ <JO!llf'b,. fifte.ft ,huodr.11 q I. '. '. . .y. . a. belt _01 ,all Oonrr Syruptl. ror'sat• • •• :.a to til. po.. of Plltllile. !lulhel. - UtDhl.l"C "1 TWri,. "The 10.1.. mu' .. 'Ia .... i,. C(aIl' .Q aU conred Or ' I,. \!ilr. . .'b . E. R,. PRIN'PZ. .re ....:e t'eoll .JJriea Apilel , It 10 oopaa. . . . h"- b' b ' or P.oUII!J No 9 ' 'J!6 ' . . " .. . ere ore llal 1\,"'0\11 IIlId \I'oiiililatled "FIIl1Jl--"; alls '; -T an -' " • u r II., Cin now procure Ctlfckene1il dOH" IIB.llle' Ig" .. . , . . .. " .hould IlII Ei . ..-........ . of. !lI ., ktod,\lnY\hlnri from • IU·tWll. Tratnment In ·1 j,' & &Ou, ..... '1:, . an ID lar" 'l"IUlhlel. for b)' . '!,'gl FMmily nlble . . ...-0 be (oulld at I"e ... r Ii. '14 ~: a . . B. R. p~nlrt'Z, .L\llo·'ol 1:1. \V. ILllgera. 102 "M_ .. II' 1011, N.·O. Hola~ael ~ 'I'

though~ ~e la~ade M' '.' ~riM4


..••" .......,,, '"

goo, ••

m~olly,Ind'dir\loU~"1 ne~ O~E I?OL~AR, . r J~~ e~on. o ml, eo.~ ~iU. anlc~. e'a'l-iH\~i~"""""'-mqAI'bea~dte88ed ''l'wo~f ~ . '.l!pef,e!I(\~ ° p.~ ,~I~enl' ~. ~. Ce~'r tlt. /~C· Y. iTackson's Pectoral ,.~a.~ ,w~en ~R~dllsDvao 0t I~'fl' ~eD ' allr.~noe ~ hAT~ b~.ri ~,:!. ,. dom~lIdl bl ~Tbbe 'o,,,ot ..~ -Ii, 0

" . .,

, ..


hllllle4ill~l, B~

l~'81.' . II"'~


::~I!., ~ale

·S·, ~'.p'

~""'I..;'~ PtY~I,~ve ~,eol plr~c:'~:d tho~:~ ~1~ld ~~ld hi.'

I~~ ~ . ~e




_~pp'je'lI', t:u.h.IJj , ~





I Z__TTE.! propbet i. TUE ~~~

. ~-:-O~, L""J r=e•

u:' 'j;'~. ,

Ll'l"rLE MI. )U RklLROAD. ,...unSVILT.B

(coawlif "'AYlollj. .

Tn..lIl. J:".T,,.aD BOO.D,

Cincinn'Ii Expren, "Inand Accom ., Columbn. Accom., Pitl.bur~ Elfpre.. ,

8.41 .&.• • ,10.43 A... 6 .117 P. -,








'Th'e Old ....


uld to be aot wlabout Co., 277 WtlIIhiug1.on 'L.]J tou luwe honor, lave llJIloug bis ~WD peoplt\, i is ucd the following: 'U8aIl 8 Story, so nlso Some uejgllborhootls nrc nllt a balln'l, by C!-arib I, 30,'-ComC', to eun!lllpr cial.Ull by mnDy ofthdl' Dtlrlin,cr, come to t be llh'! .Lu.ud,



V'..... 'Mljllol......


HUMBUGS E~OED." Cheap for Cash! ! .


1867. SPRlNG 1867, ~~~~a~~~

ALLEN & RAN D LL, Always Ahead , ,


inhauitants, either hom j 8oo ..... ~nllll ellOI'u poetry'nnd 1011 it' want of tnstc, or from 11 habit " 'hialt by J obn 1'. ruwnr 31. r>.,80c-Oll'l p~plc are tnclioed to fall into, ~fl 1\'11(1.1. ' hnll 1 Do, 0.:'1' ? soug f(Jr II I f~cll ng indiffercnt to even gOOc;l ! IlI C~O prono lOU \(l hy t. Berres· thin g when they aro InYishly bo· hotJ, 35c~M.r liollle Ity tlw d I

'VIJ. !(:NIm-IVRl~!m~ ItET~lL






"J:STI' .lRD




~.oo ~'.::




r i I 1 ~:z:"


DnU G": ,


tS nnU

Bought at the Lowest OASH Prices,


earnest tbe I'c!gn of \Jeullty; nnd th ~u J . 1l~. IJlI(hlen, ,J . SH I1 (1s, Corclon the dull cst eye and most sor~ld I J · 'Yn gbt, \ Ym. J OIlCS, Jo el .E\' UUS heart arc won OI'Cl' to un CS-pl'OSSlOn and E. Dudl(,),. of homngo to its influcnce. . '""': "-~~ ~'-~' I I. -tlt ·o 'nl cst SOI),l 1, Ot:l'iTA IN .-Dr. Ru~ebelTY, Juno s u crc now ,) tl.nt' .In :-IC11 " lI to }li.S a t Il e I' llumel'OI1 S ' " I J0ullI oa ( ,tlO most clle IIllUtlDg (' f .u u . . . . , C\'cr hud bi l'tl1,' It seoms t 0 Us . 1'0 1' utt l'IlClI Oll S, Will hlll'e .III" opel'atlO , n In . d d ' t t 081 h ere n d ny 01' two, n s up orlor SoJa 1: 01111 ' feet skIes, nn 1n 1',0. lUll. b UImd ) I .' , tu, in , ',vh e ll nil cnll II\'a il themselves arching 01'01' S ogll1g 1n t!t au 1 c ,, · of tllis lh,ii!:iuu s :U1d rel' b ' io'" I :;> beye\'. born flow e rs, g vc one a momen ~ry nO'o, ut Lilo comely N,e w Dn .... Sto l'e. fir s , both old rmd )'Ol n g , can· dclus ioll thnt it is nil a mis take n· B~al' this ill mlml, !lllll ta ke ~IC solla fall Qf aceomplillliing much gooll. u \. h ' b u lost und bout s; al·ne.lse. n, "lOg oe ,.'. ,talc r d ni lj' -it will kU('l' tile s" stCIJI I ,exorC1ses in a thnt J . Tie nrc Cv"'Ic]uctod . Ellen IS I'l gh~ h e l'C, on a. \lSIt . . purc. ""0 had tho g l·lltilicJ\· of be ing present nt the Hicks· Friends' FU·st. Dny School, which ueld til tbeil' m oe ting Irouse every , beginnfllg about 9 o'clock. I' S Furuns. an i\l(l e fati.~ablc work· eo I'll tile cnusc of mornl and iutel · " nl cultu\,o, is the SU)Jerinten . . and his cfforts, unitod wit h O f a ,lIlmbc I' of toocilel's and

i~ full

01 aH kinde;




~ ~ ~ KS 'if ~ V Ii ,' ~ 9 41THE CARDINAL:' " F.TURNS hia 81 ncrre Ihank. his wilh CaR l Base, or wlrmilla Oven, Cut, R (tie-lid. lhe lot"e an~ lrol) R eHurvlli r un top. T in Kilchen ullpter.r,}(,ntetl pAlrulugA to

\ , IIUm orau


8lte~dy e~xtend.

II 10 h i lll, ,",1 11'011 I.! ru peClf .. lly ilolurm Ihew Ihul hI) is now iu receiplof

PlltCllt .nlc~idnc"

iTOMKJR Cor ner MUl berry Strtet an


nron dwny .

tJf .11 elude. anll co lor• • ever np ened in lh l. pl. a... whloh ho is pre porod 10




musl i"'provcd


0' arl; lind htlvlllg ill bit




'this is a Ilrst·cl08s wood eook..aIO.,e, wood·d oor, In,,:9 OVOII hned witl. repisler In door 10 rOj!ulato tbe lempera' lure of Il,e OVOII in baklll~.


, Superior to anything in thIS place


Ready-Mad 0

'LOTIIING, Pluindealcr!








Ii'A11lLY GRf)CEllIES'



ToW'er Olock.s


00"' In nil of Ihe Ibove Itove., Iher. aro Ihree "i~os-7, 8, nnd 9-v orylnjl III prices from $:.I/) UJlIO 860, lurned Ollt .11 Ilomplelo !

Parlor and Dining-Room STOVES, !i'OR. WOOD AND COAL, PEERLESS, Pllrlor Cook. Cor wood. YOUNG ·AMERICA, ooal. FANCY FRANKLIN, 00111. BEACON, PARLOR COOK, wood, • nrw and bea,II,lflil design. , Coal .to.... "f 11.11 . iZCB tin.! pri"uo, oCllordluc til til"


Signal Parlor.

' 0 T-~S C~~:"~;;;~~LADEll, ;:~~;:;~~":":;;;;~',S, B

o::r !' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


- --E-RYBOD'Y ,. BOOTS & EV S"OU T~ I.IE "~D W elf, l::s'I'O'I~I' ~lfiulbe r:·rII.lvreE~RI,

n- l'lIrti~IlII\I'



PlC'lSl c .-The vot:trie~ of TCI'ps i. ~ ~ "1. ,'IUlll 1.0'" 01' j'4C:1l00L-UtlOU,P4, oli:cd ~out the (.,!lowing brief mon o oppos ite, side, dil'orsiO cc\ with grOI'e s 1nst l:n1l)er. . t a 1{es -chore will hold:~ g'l'Hnl1 sochll Ilit: . cAiiia all1c»~ ..."cUU l"""~ .." '" & \"JLSON'S SEltl ES, I will ee ll gooll s 'or I.ESS MONEY Ihall ,. l\'I't tton fo r OI11' , . Snt. and plnntotiolls, whi I e t IIe \'lye.r you cu n !JIlY the 88me qua Illy lor olseI'lt-Il!\' Jast llCin g the first 'Of ..June, its tortuous course throu g h lhe b eau· nie Ilt th o f:tl' ol'itc Col d Spl'illg' furn it hed ut Ille very luwe.t Ilricc i. whcrt, whe: her il btl Jew or &e., &0, &0" dnly cc1ctll"lltot~ hy n )Inrty fl'Om tiflll "nllcy. South of tile village, Grove, 011 Salu l'llay next. Good Gontlle! nyncs\'i!1e, who e njoyed the lllxu · ncnt' thut Hnc of thc 'corporntion, li es ' l'b,'"leill"'" I'r<' c rll"i;'n . C'nrc' h.IIT C'om. ~ Gpn'I~",ell'e FurnlBhlnj! Good y . llIu Ric nntl t elllt ,ti ll g- r ofl'es llfl1ents I r"rlll ~ h c d B lJ ~ PUIIlI' on Ibort fSt. n o l ic~. I",,,.ad.,,, ..t o ll b"u nt. 01'1'1. p,enicnt F()I't A.uClcut,-one Thc Glcn, tlll'O' which Ilrc llUIllCt'UlIS w\l1 bc ill !\uulldlU1('e; t ho dan cin g nlwovo " II h. lld - SlIspnndora, No , klioB, ral'Ur Oeliare, &c" &c, t'll e lanc1mlll'ks of!\ \ly ·goue and lllillilltlU'C cn-500d eB, formed hy 6 will uc".in ~t 1 o'clock uUll n ge ll er. P " r 60l1. wi. hill::: ' "ylllin R ill OIl," line. Mny 14 .) 'I'. T. DODSON. E. R. I'RfNTZ. r ...oUcn mee, n.nd 'Ono of the willi · stl'cnm of er\'stnl water; wllUe o n " , sllO" "J nul (,,11 to ca ll ' olld "Xll nIlU O uu r ., I J III jubilullt time is dctcl'lnitl 'd on . Slu<' 1e L~ lo,.e P , urch. ai'ng elsolYhere . • null most ro mantic spots in t 1e c itilcr a ide d s\) stee p hills Cove rcd __ . _ ' _...............'~ . Mit, 'r,,/IIKflf. f,ovi,,/!' li Nd ""rlj'.rlv" It W:t.1I the first opportllni. with nnccstl'lll treos un dOL' wh ose lim· Tn . . O. f .' 1 J (' YI'U I'" pX I",ri en<' e In li d. h".ino!'y, L",I, a1 1 ofcxl)loring these t ' I. ' \ "t nud 0 UJI. I'I.ns.- III IIc n( . . ' ill I,U RUl'l~ allo AMERICA".'o l. COli nu OTl ef ns . t.h c brngeo ll s sheltcr t 10. ull'l S in" 0, Hovliin s, wbo,e ndd ec nla y b e re' I'idc nt or ~i vi,,)! entire &tis/actlOn I till'ti ficnti ons, ollee m ako melody. In plcturcs qu e uu~u . lied upo n , says that U till roof, ]lnin . \ W e I" "dr r ollr ~l llccrc th ollk. t" hllhe Old F.,orllo lc1 of a warlikc people, . w e latiolls nnd grl1ceful cu\,yes, ''1 ho t cd on ce iu (h e yelll'S, will Clldul'o a Ih c 1,"bHt' rur .fhel r 'Of~.r plllrol~~g~, .lId (11·S .... II·I '·C tIle gl'ut ifi cnlioll we . 1 ,. . 1 . . Ilulle 'n Ih ril rt el ~ tlf!lInllll 1\1 bll.,llJ e.~, lu - - AIID - ,.. ., . Clcn' IS hal'( to uO s t1l ,pn.sscl.Iife· t im e. " 0 hfl\'C 11 0 (l o llht o f .11.; I t:" .. ~Ic 10 give fi uLi, '" t li"n lu ' nil whu cn~d tit bcholding the vnriety !lathel' lJey ond thc NOIlhcII\ bOllu· nnd we kno\V that lI olllm1s & ('1'1 ~. "'''v 1" ,lrOlliZe II., lI uW 01,,1 horeRff~r . grandeur of the secntll'Y .thcl·e so dnry, and extending East find 'Vost pin cnh !J llt 0 11 tin 1'00/':; in Ill1tn uC l' , Our 1'''"~lIl lor O!ICllliull will be gil'~11 I'Sllly s t"I'cad OI'Olllld, Iltgh un· ' t 0 tlIe Bellbl'ool'!)I'!'e I. m, l lO Ih e' .Itcilulrt lig uf from the X ~ en In " , ono s tyle. '1' ry ~ul' ' " , . IT hill s, crowned with freshly . . nothor l'o,l'iuc of similar chl1ruc· Wa~che8 alld Clocks, (lIeo Rngrda<:> fOl'C'sts,-llc<'ll nnd mtnen , • te IS ..if" nIl g I0 'I'"Ilmllllllg, . TJ!I(Il~!<, l''11 t • VIlla I ter11 and which, though wildel' nil d Il> ..' _ .. All Work Warrante Q e - chnl'lUin'" l'istl1s nnd groce · ,.; t'. " ft sl'slel' yet is II. ebarm· tous, B e lt Rihl. OIl9 , 13 ·It BIIl'ldes , o::r Alwoys <111 hOllol, • ~:lOdc ":ock 0dl I wiel, 10 Inform my Cllliomor~ Bnd ilH" - , t:> IIluer unn I " " , . ' 1 1 Srlh "'hOIlIO" IIl~roh8111 '''' 'c.. 8, nn ClI\'Vl'S, 011 in tho I;:uyety of cnl'ly iDg r e trent fOl' the lover of nntul'c. LIllOII aull Papol' Collars, fit ~l\d l ell t~ulb~ rt Clu<:k'8. Alko, n, n. Lell/ie'. per. pub I", !!Pller ully, lhol I hove Ihe I.rl/col mmol"s (,o1iaJo, hnlll 0111' descrip · yet those are by no means all ,- & Jllnn ey' r , ___ _ • __ peluul Calelldor CIM~_._91i_ Gnd u~ d l' 8e l cc l ed slUck of i, III conlUnt receipl oC llio choicest nnel wc cnn ollly go nnel About 'a, mUo ,Bouth from the ,'illage nttelltion is dcs ircd fOl' yoursolvos: all ,who ha\'c is tlt'e well· known Cold Spring, cold to tho sill'pLcln cnt Dnll (It\l' ertlsclllcut


!Undt-®nh, ~bbnncr,.



LEn A N 0 , N, 0 H I 0 ,

S pee t a c 1






back; a lorge ",ood.donr,

.Fu rooce ; oven doors tiDe.!


(priet, unoetcntatiolls lC(lnncr,ill There is 110 POUlt on t he LIttle MI· = = = ======= , an scem to take ti. liY cly int,eJ" allli fl uil road , betweon Columbus IIntl . & 1". ~Iorc of thuse ni ce Sltclhnd . HAIR-OILS, aud wo have sci dam 'passed n C 'nc'ltln llti so rich ill naturnl aUrue· 'Voul Shawls, ll :lj o llv' s l~itl g IO\' es , Ahvo )'ft kpr p 0 11 hontl 0 o:o ,~d I "W:tj'll lls rilic. ' l'IC5 ' I U8gurimenl uf For th e bell · :\lId II. Illrgo a sso rtment 0 f L ;1( 1'(' o"'reea1:rHl :hollr than Oil the oc - tiOIlS!lS l' fanufitc lllre d by My 'oJ'r, ('ql1al 0 11 to. Our b est wishes cfit of strangers who' moy be in Bas k et s , at & Jallucy"s. yr ATCllES. • c1 the scha dl for its unlimited . ' I ' ' 15 the s lImm c r .- - CLO( hS, .. • to my Best Custom \Vorl<, sen l c h of Il. p nee to pn" . . . nt-:I>'U£lS'S 1'1 'xrc.-'1'he 0 1' l cr o f J E \\- ELH.l, Gil lis ('s peein l &tlenlioll to Ihe fftct that . nl \Va)'8 on lIuncl. hi" 1I 0 W "luc k of I:uo,i." I ~ comp,l~le rlty'tlnd bell'Hicont inlluenco. we will givc 0. brief d oserl ptlOlI: Sll· R ed Mell nt i\lOllllt Holly will hul(1 n in..cvc ry purli clllur, Blld in ever, have bcf..,~ nUudoeti ,t o tho 01" 'V b k f the & "" uu. :> W , rugl'cc i worlhYlhe nllCIISchool , which we til'eplcnsed \lated 011 the t h est.eru II IJ a,. t on g rund lJi cnie nt lU. B\'OIIS' ~urorc ' lion 01 Ihe Public, Little Miam , t e \'1 ugc IS ~I\ I ne:\\' that Illtlce, o n Satul'<1a,r , Jllli e GOLU SILVER 101m STEEl, uote is sliU pUl'suing tlro .e nm ten · I t I' I hntllatef' , .. , . n gent e aseen, II' H C I CII <)9, The proccss io n \\'ill form nt the 011.1 pn~rolllze 1I0mo Moou/alltureB, Tllo 1''Ii r.S I nll~ b081 Btock of or its course, exerting alIIlPl~ 'lII' lIpon n ' bc:tlltinll 10l'el tl'act nllel, l ~-' l~ CllUroh at 10 o'c loc k, (;oou E. S tlllcllec til ~~diug tho YOlll\g lU,f)() I' 1:"ft1 troot From the . . I , , ' rene lIug I I S ~ " .• slleakcl's u!){l music will bc there, L' t 1\ ~ ~, stl'ngh't aud I1m't·ow ~.Ysummits of 4th nUll oth at stile \'\5tOll d 'I c1 • . .', 1 GU iTA }{,S. V t OL I NS. F LUTJ.1o • I ' • 1111 CI·cr.)' 10 :{ I S Ill \l vCl to come A CCORIJI<:O~S, VIOLI NS, ~ . , hns n. ran g() of IDtllly mllcs up nnll with their)Ju k clS A);D GU l'l'AIt 5'l'Jlt INOS . ~T A I) ross of eommllllleatlOns dG"'u the l'ivor,\'erdul'ous hills 011 the '" _



relolll !>eO I , and Re. a lsfere to re:"II'. Ihe heal whou Blk iolr : T,z T Ie .lJU1'gesl and bD81' 8elecled Stock (If TIt& mOlt complelo and best.wo,""ng K" l Vit hir n lorge fomily or HUlel,lhnl It .. hllvc IlvCr .01 up. Of Inele Ihero arll 3'i~eil-7 , 8, alld 9.

Qilitinh111v - ~lass~

- n ..-




empluy dU 1Il1) uf lite in ali its ufpar llll f' nll, ~\ld o(fure.1 III Priceti 11101 SASH AND PUTTY. CUIIIHU be ObJ4!clionllllJle ! lJest \Vol'km 11 in the ,,ycst ! Ollr .fork "r nOOTS AND 8 11 0gB, TRUSSES. Thl. 1&true io nome and fllne. wher. for Loules' , ( ; " lI t. ', ."d Chi ldre n's Weo" SUPP ORT Elt u810mere nre •• suted Ih,t th ey can hIVe over II hOi beeo ililruducod, II'" "I' QUAliTY' ;9 of tI,., ,'.::; , . SHOULJ)EF •. DRA CES, th eir work ~OIlO ill 8 ~ tylu ull . lI rpa •• c.!!Jv _ ___ I llY in th o cuulllry, Ilid ill live ry pUrl ieu. '1' . Il.T(Dlt:IN$ Ji. II. HAltHIS. ., , lor, ALL Till!: P01'ULA It I!




and Mixed Paints

Ii '


ED [. ,I NE S


P ,JM ' A 11


- DEA L£1!S 111-


lowed upou them. Hence wo fre· SOli' .nn c I.o.,rn , t,y Fn.1nk V . Ad · DRY GOODS."' ".THE ORIGINA:LI1 quelltly th LII". omc of liS dOllot value nms, atlc-' I lctl.a Gu llo!>, byJ. N' . nt their flul w(? rlh, th o superior :11] .1 [ctenlf, ' Dea.u QUi ,l-l-Q UEBNSWARE, , Cincinnati Exprea9. - ~,36 1'. 1(, vtl,otagcs which Nlitnro ,has fnvorcd stcp, u.Y O. Fllrringt'r, SOc. Sl'nt RnA'lL DKAL1i:R IN P imburg Expra., 8:28 P. II W~I.ruefldlle with' nud becauso we po t (llIit.l on l'oecipt or price by lho llAUn ARE~, & ():7 "DEoe'Wno\l,~IOp at Corwpln' ld t have boeo~lo so fU~li1inr with "it nil, ' publu her, ' I.J ~f ~ , . • 00Dw"nD, re& en. . nJ ~ .- ~ ~n ~ ~I JOII" DURAI'D, Gen 'l SU~,t. we do not pnuse to ~thntrc, null !J r &ir Gentlem en rOllr nttcution ~.o.o ~1l ,OtS CHEMICALS: D. CADWAL LADER. Age.llt; . the timc forget, un l11 somo tl'a~lg l' ealku Os])cciail ' t o that stock of (1 y IULL4D£r. &. MI LLS, IE .cprtM A.Qen/s. comes nlollg llud wilh un enthusIasm I . , . LEAD. IL8UI'I MerchanlH' UlliU11 Fox. Ag·l. ' I f ' , lI nts JUst reccivcd" nll(l of tho latest I PO~'f-Of."'IC~: . wor thy of tbe !luIIJect, goes a III stYles n nd for sa le at llll(\lle 11 & OlL, rnpturea OVC1' tlto bountifttl wculLI! 01'1J~nU{';" . ' VARNI lIES, 'ro OUI 10 ,-13 & • •• scen ery ol'orywhol'e uppnrent. _ . _ ___ ~ 10.10 .. .. Train Weal, 236 1'. M. ' At nlly senson , good ta ~ enn Os ·t:tn; J ulIv-.'l'ho fo n ow[og Dry I ~ d cuel. i ;US IIARVUIIlUIIOIf III"".• 1.30 r. M . Monda, . pOI'ceiye nil tbis-even wbeu t~o.biJ\s n :IIDell ge llLl e me ll from this \11:\00 t~e . f'flnead"l .ud Frhl"y _ I)AI~T, VAR~[bH. &C STOCK, WU.MIIfOT"N ~I A.II .. , A. M. Tu~ .tl.,.; nrc rol)b c(l of their vernal \'cstu rea, 1cepleu ial\'i~utioIlB to spcn d somc rod a, aad Salurd'r. AllRIVi>, Ii P. III, nn<1stllntl sllow· enpped Ilnd sombre, : tillle all the Grand Jllry lit L e Lnllull, J. A. Ir.VIN, P. M. mm'rrSlmtlE~1l waitin g io gri m s ilcnco for Il ncw , 011 tue LitLl eton tria l for murder.resurrection; hut when ro sy, Jun. c I Montiny mOl'llin g thcy maUe th cil' w ... invite the Ollont\on o' ,olll tri lDltd. _nil l-'11I~M1I8, F mST· D Joy SCnLI OOL. -On dnwlls 01' 0 1' tho lund, then begl1ls 111 ' eKOII US. ; CUSlomers TA,\f!(lI






Ihl, SiNlo lhorq Ille Ibr!\uizn; anr


at .. LOW FIGURES, for CASn, lu any clly, lown or ylllao:e, aull


Wurranted to fJ iue Satilljacllo1l.

AI lhe s tove 10laon i. fer' 6dnnuil" our alock il low; but lhl nga Ihu we h~ve DOl 0 .. l,Iund, W8 cun oblaill, by Ex'. prose, 011 ahott no\loo. We hlVo al lo on hind. ,ood a~~ort­ menlof almoh .evor)'lhln" ill our line; nmnnll which BrB

thcl·c-r.spoel:~lIy If YOll cnn 1\8 icc in the most fel'\,id heat of July, of the Spring Valley W ool ell Pacta. .1 ,"_ 00 •• " for Sprl.,,, thot I ever hud. and al POTs, eougel:ial a 'e oml)any as we and ' 01wn\1s ovorflowing with the r u Mr Barrett whoso long cOII ' i ,\' N... I bla SI~[LLITS, • J . J. . . 1 [,EnAliqlf, 10 , to uy lne . .) In. . . _ __ most lifo·ghing \Vnl~r. Pussmg neetiou with this bus illess pJtlees him I WAllE, Bu litl nnd ploted Sp(]ln~I' and • GIUDDLES, , Th '11 north again (l'OID this, 18 J\ range of In the fi'ont l'ulll, of mnnnf:t('tnrcrs f'urkp, .ill e To~le nIH! ~lIck el (;ull~ ry , . Buch I I SOI.Dums RIo:·UNION.- ere WI , . t E s , uire Jo.. , . Il,e fine . 1 "merleltn. ~wlas , Frolldl ontl OV AL. CAST-IRON -oonelRlinlt of-a rc· union or tho sttf\·il'iug. 801 · lofty llllls belongmg 0 ,q . iu rcgard to qualIty, offers I':1re Ill · I gnl!li eh WlllcIo es; fill e It0 ld P e ns olld DOlLEnS. f I -nth 0 V . I. at Fort cobs' farm , from the sum nut of which ducom e uts to tl':1Jert! Dud cuslomors. ,l'ulI "i lo j lSpeclocled! wllh rc' ro~coplc, Dlmss GOODS, 'rEA-KETTLES rs 0 tIe 4 • 0 ' S t m'J\)' be discorned the \' lIIngc uf Mt. Giyc him n call. COllcnVl', CUllvex, bllocul .allo I;o"UOI of .11 SI:.l8I, '"l'''",,,.. Wnl'l'en ~o., ., on It 111'· , ., nt Corwin o . ~~~ em"lle Itloe8el, III gold, .lIver, plolen. slelll LADIE8 '" GENTS' . Jrrty _OUt,.-l-8G7. --3,'bat boing Holly, f1:e mllcs dlSt a , . ' r STATE eNION Cosn:"TION.-At Olltl Cl,llUw on (ro.IlIe s, III SlIil all "ye-.. , ENAMEL KE1"J'LES • ' . b tl f I'er the nver, J\1J(1 a 10llg s\\cep 0 .. I 1"leol li nd /lIIe81 . Iyle. of Jew olry. , ,,~o' lC ~ BlX6I, the b~.1 qua lit,. hnllll' er:o;ury of the nt c 0 nllformio a scenc wllieh thc lllectmg III L ebtlllon, 011 Sntl1r · Finger Rill g~, Sh Cll 1 IItu.ic lind Muslcnl .11 of the Lal eet Sly11/8. Ind I am pte. UNDER·WEAI't, SIJOV~LS, 'rONGS, tree CI'eek nenr Atlantn, let tile stream" g. f t day las t lIon , S. S. Haines n\ld '1" 11n. trumtl nl@,MI.ceilnneolJ.".choolandl, . roo 10 m."llfoclUr~, 10 n"rder, o~ ~hrl , . t t" t . "ble nn nrtlst mIght en"y tq tlan ! er 0 , . IIlo"k BookA all ~lnd., Blonl< D~rd . , 1I01loe, nnVlldng In . the uol In uo CASSIMERES, SAD IHONS, tile 8 m'I'l\' or!! of tIn el P of ell.JlYus. , A shol.t ride to the Nel'th. L . Allen, E sq. , of WaJ ues l' llIe, t ... ge. , \V Arro"t . , A ffid nit. , Rep'ev. Llnl! . Pleusc coli "lid Keo. All work F'ortresB . werc I .or.. I IRON SI)OONS i b · , t"'S meet w t III ul b ' t tI c Sulphur Spring nppointcd c1el egntes from tillS town. \ illS '\.IlUCI"n ~ nlt, &c., &'c., constanl y on CASINE'l'S. 'rEA &. TAJlI~E 110. uitr (well nnmcd Fort Ancient) East k~lOg.S ~St 0 l~ness of tho cbnr: ship to attond th e eO\l\'en tioll ot Co· hOI:O. , .. G ' " I' I . 1 . Ne w lind Ilnlertaln,ng amr'l , .ac 100 ' I ,' os of tlle pnrtu 109 to 1 s co M I~ Al. S lEVES. CANTONFLA N N ltLB. rofl'es I our memoll neter of ~old Sp~ing. though of me· lumbtts on tllc 9th tns wnt. Card., Ichoul Roglslcrs, A Ibutn Rl, Mi.cel. 'Will. MI\NINGTON, 'i'RAPS. by 11 rehl!nrsnl of the deeds o f . I ro crUea But the llumber. -~~~~ loneolls Iloo ko lor presenls; I'lctureiond many of OUI' fnllcn comrades. CvlUe dlcma p p . ~ The Slimmer "oentlon of tho Pir.IUlc Frumee" ' lJllltDREN'S KNIVES BROWN A N D Two doors E.81 Iho ROIlPu House, AND FORKS, S Ii by CnlJt les8 quiot nooks nnd pleasant gl'oves, Union Schools ~CgDlt with t his wce k , 'rhe be Sf elock of lV A. LL II" A.I"Eft ~o¥"e8ville, Aprilll9, 1867. ' It ODe, c.'Ome fl . . pcce e8 . h' I aro surrounded, we , . • 1 I' In fhe cOllnlry, , \V.ASH.IlOWLS, BLEACHED MU St-INS, STlI.I.WY.I.L nnd others. Also, mu- by w IC I we . uffice reachers !\ud 8cholDrs WII I(ne n We ore. nho, 8J,'pnfe (or Iho 'Mo~on & VICTOR lCE'1'TLES, {or boiling Po. sic 5S of 011 from the fh,ld bund of hnyc not space to onumeratc, ~ chance to rccnpernte thcir encrg ies Hnmlill 0 111 1101 , l'nnl>!!', F, C. Liulm , NOTIO NS. tatocs. llio most COlDpIOI. Lilia. iu C . -tt- All nrc invited to to say nrc nbundant; tbhl during the slll1?mcr solstlce-fortll .: u, e • ...... al view from any n, 01 a e .. I I ... merlon, 00 6 , 1l0SlERY, & COAL BUOKE'rS, putlciputc in the exercisC8 of tho geuor . ' ill t nnte morro s (The .lDlter ore line tOiled Rn~ ,c heap)point nffords an expaose STI cen We will furni sh Iny o( thesc tn '~lrnmen" SPI'I"I'OONS, XENIA, OHIO; (Iny. , most cnthusiastic gazer, at the Z41" Mes8\'s. AllcD & Rllllllall havc lowor lhon 1I1Il' olher in fllte "'Y.eel ! CORN POPPERS, AI~ o. lly oruel' of ,the Committee. t' t1 singular divers ity and II. ~perior "arie ty of g lass anti o:::r W e ore ,also, a~enl.lur Ihe l'lIIk l" Are' np'"trllilnrp,d 10 furnl.h fbl'ir friend. MUSl\.· HA'f 'J.'HAPIi. ,.. Ihe public, wilh Ibe very A IT D ChiliI' snme Imc Ie , '. 6 & Lyon S ewlllg a.hclUlle, ul1eql~al.d. os a SAUS AGE B'l'UFFEltB, . •• OA~, • I'ersll.tilityof tho country gne the queells· ware, which is wOl't~y nttcn· Jo'AJIfILY IIlnchj"e. <;:Ullilid ne It. BEST !ND ()UE.tPEST I.UMBER II GRINDERS, _ __ , __ e . • ,I I a 8en80 of rest as woll as tion. Thereforo atte lld to It. Lebonon, Oct . 17. • ~8 LARD l'J{ESSES. Our neigh \ son f ' ~_ 10 be found In . thil market. Our alock A }I- ULL LlNE OF READY·MADE FJ...'\ ~: S·t luwmmllu:s.. unlike tho monotonv 0 J\ 1 . I -will conaisl or all kinde of SPRING BALANCES. k b bt us last scope, . . ' ~Ml·. C. T . CUlllVn lau1 e r IllS a lP H O T O G R I PAD-LOOKS. hor, Yr. G. L:a., stmwber. boundlcss Prnilrie. h large lot of cIloieo summor clothing, • SPOONS, 'l'.ACKS, lI'eek tlu'w AI;1lCU olass of peop cwo nr ,d fit , lid vear in tho uest __ LUMBEH., BRITTAN!A SPOONS, rics, IOOOStlling rcspcctively, Bt, 3! nonc in general intelligence nnd so· wa.rrente to a , PH 0 TOG R.A P '... 8 I 'I'lN ANfo··..lRON SPOONS, and 3t indICA rouod. They were of • bil'ty (albeit not too fl'ec to push Bt) lc. ~~~~ ~~~ III the variOll1 IIylel o( Ih t! . ,1, ran MW Dressed" Undressed Flooring; .w I, at the 011 OLD GALLElilY. near Si.Ji:I1U a'id B arn Weath er· B O(If(Ji,/lg, SkCllclI, Farm School .B,UII, SltJig,. fine' Ot\\'or, aud raINed by ..... r. L eak , CUI. th'Cil' acqllaiutance .on. new comer 9) ZT'VI) aro uutl er obli gati on s to , bII~c h.d Post.Ollice, lI'oin Streef. I~ d I JJcIl8, and lin II'ndL'81 "rilly·of ~nll '.11'0 wc hilt echo tho oplD10n of compo. Mrs. John A . 1rnn . ,or ,. n m o stcl I..nrm. . Dencin.!!, Pickets, I~annc ,;;:I lul, In his gl\1' en. It our own pa...., ~ "'~'JlE~'WIIIt.rr,lI J.' v dId 11II.\·c found sincc, berries of the Wli· te t jlldlYes whcn wo, l)ronollncc lug boquei from hel' benutiflll gar· w~ on\; 1I All '_ _ . ,. . ~ Sloinj.(les, sawod an slave , ., 1 am' prep orad 10 make plc,urn froQl • D 0 0 !' 8 .so·n's Albany "nrlety, each measu· Wn ynesvillc '\Vitll its surrouu d'lUgS, den, .. • • 1': • d ,11 , .' 9 enD . 1 1\1 ' SlUIll .Ambrotypc to a Lifc~ S ued rIng at inchos in CIrcum erenco, an as atitnlpt\ve a placc of Its SIZO n ep- qUDrte rl y m eeLlIlg nt t 10 . , i'or/tuU in Oil" " WVIINlID:ID~1 mAmlllIp (MD. <&11. &0. , oil of whict. we will aell Ib,.. 10r CASH, Lool! well to YOII' .tVn 'thcse Itn\'e gl'own without avon ordl· be found in 11 ride of five hundred E. Church will begin on Satul'llay . ' Id . CIO'PYING LUlnbcr-YaJ"J on CJlurch streot, -j(ivo \II your undivided al'd, tad ~. will , .' Whoe"er Ear eel,1 alienI Ion pa '0 , . u 1'be fine.t _tock or nary attention. mUes in any dtreetlOn. noxt. SMALL PI CTU REH, Blld fll alna- Ihem . brinll City ,PriOla' lo your- 1I000r.. . I - differi, let him bring bis plnee along ___ The trial of John H. Burrall 10 OilY des iraol o "i.IOC· TiloRO 'h">v in't,peir.m ·N(lf\h&.IT~'~ ~:i1~~~'8c~~;k ~~~~~I:t: D. N, B.-To EJuG.&& · M.a~u. ~ W, .,. S E CONVIINTION - n ' Ref ee& from ..,. t, C8 of Losl F rt e ll dI, can live I ,. making Suger Pani at old pricee, '9' 'tlae TM'E ~1'18COPAL . tho anlleo.mpRTC~bot"~. ug . begtDon Monda,. " ,~ried unllel.l.rged, .Il'l colored in Oi'. X.u jD.O.,1'l1arcbI2. the Conventioll, nt Olc\'elnnd, • 't hcs-eltering conflnesa! the city, -~ l" II~d to tllo Pkl' n" them fie por,feet •• th~' Ofit:illa ' , ' , belt No. J8'Charl!oallron • .0,111 .. '"a•• .. 1 toor " til """- Specl1l atlenuon Ii ell • • I, ' I " ' Ibat all IDI; be re.·t lt in HUt*.· \ clae! re~ture of mtercst WII,!! ne come and get Heo.ven·s freo vcn \ 0.. do-J. ~ or tbe New Yerll Pub· mfl.. pielure. An worK i~4!l'1A.P:D' . I Marry f ,an4 o::r We feel trul" ll"Dkt~i be libe Bedoll. tJ.ud will Ub Nman atreet.1 'No excep WilY NO'P . ' , . e'r ll palronu,e' Qf tlta'II'" Je.r~ Whop., of Diocose, now In' ROme, tIl'ung Dovor regret it. N, wbo. publilh' & ,.ariely of "orl. In all elM. 1o my S!lRldu8 bv Blrld allentloll to bUllne••• .a!!lf 1IOalo!!, church charn-c- .•.:.... . , . r' . :, . ' tha' ".o.f 'II.otlce, llOllomen j •• nd having hld .• nlml Abb.e. 'and '" . I orab II!' d.a 11"" 10 ~"It a .relter eu,wlD, tbat we IDI, b. Ml6.-to Ii•• ,-., teriziDg ritualis m' eO,n trary to tbe A" n -E8pecial bML- fall 11I1~rac~loD, IhIid ~r~:~ .uc.~o:f ex;terlellc~l> III II~ull,'les~I:~~~e:. ~:, en,ee. lnduced ,by' igflOflllC" o( 'N ~lurc.'. ... . , b k o.nd urging a. " ..". &B ' 'I prie.... lo plaee .t em "11 tn ra : aell thl~ "In I1I'Je .. &0 . . . Law. 10 the 6rat IJre of man, III 16 o~, a'llterPtIIIDI 'plrl".;.!lucl spIrIto! .thc prayer 00 , ,. '., f nf,)SS will bc the meet· U• T\leir , 'Califoni. Golden ... ' liall_rY Iu ItH!' elly, " CRA'NDALL telled ,,,lIor enve'opea, (r1l8 o( ewer lil to ourael'85 .DtI 1D1lI1I1DIt'~ . , .broul!it to tltl. ",ark!t., .n IItrict ndhcrel)ue to, the f9~ms P r .: ' GAR I1t .1th\8.' V0.s.t ~ lIia rapidly-It ~r grOiI. by IUIII,I. . . w, A. ; . I . ' ~ddle ... Dro1. SKILLIN ,HOUGU'I'OI'C, ,J • • .., t '\Vorehin tl/er-cin. The letter ' WIlS 0. ing the ' , ' , ' . , A full ' at.' Ia.. ple aud llie i1ha",raled Phololl'fA pb r abd 1,0rtlll' Do;urd AI: .cill,ii ou, I'bjll4illll'lli\a! •• ' '' , ., . . d Saturday evening neJ:~. ' •., ,' ' KIIOb i1. __ _.,_.__ ,.~ . _ ., . _. I qWftful ~'no, l\nd W,,~ wel! recc~ve '. . . " . tea, '~f1rl~,e ~'"O' _ , , :', " ..."",,: . . . ," hytbQ ¢~nvCDtiQ~, " . ~~~~~n!1CClS leq.uC8...: •.:: ; ,, . • 3S

Lowel- P.'.·ces ,



Ladies', Boys', Misses' and Children's Wear!




I ~'




L U 1\1 B E R ,

t~c Rccr;m~nl.



~lcinl\aY'Gnr.:~urfe'r ~o~~;::~f,lh &pf:~:~:







IlIh~b~~~~llt;' t~


r. Iloop Skirts, &c.


L AT R ,



f~om ' Rev.

A~8istl1nt Bls~oP tJ()~ i~ . Wo.yn~s;'i\le,


gr0l!D,ds~ as



M mG

tTan~actcd ~nt



y.!aFt!~brth~ ot

tAd ~Qr


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objeeIW;r!~.e ~ud1 " ~ath,er,




l\'UEENClWARE Di~. '~


~uml~i .



yna~~ 1 :;~;~~fo~Ot:i~=1 Error~,




or Not to M arry"





, .e. ,




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',,:II-wotk Of ,~' ~ .

TIl." lI"uri.bed for mAD! rell". III , i1I1I,' io ' hI' guml St",le T..,...... In eecenlric £Cllow w b ora· joiced In Ib e Damel 01 Pe ter laard For t!l.'r 'lio

The World Astonished,

OftaI ...... O...-~


maoy rea rl be filled Ih e Impo rl lln i o f liee know n In urlol" PMI! f Ihe U o 100 mllg l. trate. 1I11lPrm Rn . Of JUS tIC' o f ptllloe . TIIIl tollowina,t is 1\ lalll' p ili uf t il. 6qulfe'!l m ode o f p r oc~ ~d 1Dg. ' ' A genllem lln by th e ORme of Mc Mu r r u .. al r iul u, ~lI l ou g h 0 - . "lIf n b lo horee loel a .hOD. F o r re o



W YO R K B 0 S TON , Kade by \ he great Aatrol ogut, ; , nA.JtA:tI E M. P 8 R II I O O.




"'Iic... I. :r

..._ / - - -

T he ,," no.dlll Plr~ibllll " .nJ Il ren1 IlI lt fll@ nM nr~ hi 011, la d)' 'fill RAILWAY-;- n ~ IJ<; ....~bM She f(lve llis .\,crt'la nu Il)(,flnl e ~er 1110 !)u ~I" ~ Wliul l , k irl IV ill \,Ie x llc ti » ......... .. N".... "I•....., ...0 M U.... k lle w She re s to , es to hft ll pllIl'ell' Ih\loe ' II .'J purd, II I.r1 v \II bll ~I uWlk d h. I1 n ,· B"Kalo lo :Ii .. '''.l,'. ..... .a .aa iH.U,... w ho , Iro rn do lernl " Vl'nl ', c.II~lr"p"~", ~I blits on~rQO, Ilft rr llll! p ·. ralltu"d car. 1f..1....... .... 1.1'1 ..... \: ......... IG Uti" . cruseO. i ll lo vo .I'IHd u l rt 1.,lun 8 .. rfl e Ill., 1.' e hll"'h r eWA , II ri\l c hal rR fur "rum \) A" O IS rno" 081 01 m o ney , '~'" h '0 hI' IIl~ t1eo rlll , ~ , '1,1 II " ... /! \)rl'a", n. Jl lIl IIkifl ~ bn I,p rllld· 22 to 27 I llea the shortest r ou te de nt She br lll U· Ilige illtl r ll \O~e on j.! ODIt BOO:& Il\\ A ' . N ~ \V· ' 011 1( . r.1 \'I It II n ,,~~ hi ,101 llp y ~ 811\~ lI lllure ~ 8 ae pUrBletl, g ive, I n ror lJutlOII COfl ce rn lJlg I': t ' ~.g ", lI !ltI c II " Ye ll lt l,t ly "" II Qr IOU . I Al l fr,un l ru 1 t11lt,f tlJ Ihro tJ ~h tu l ew Y do . b pu t rrten ll d o r IC l\: fI!t • ' ~~'"ree 1(1 t r 81l urer~ h ll " II II IV lu ,b le Ilw~l l l i In Crill • plaolng 1&. the "Ia cklmitll. IV 108e nRD}e -a::r~GO ~ II LI .5 "IIhou' , ~.,,)<,e 01 u.cVeo "Io le n prope rlv l ell ,; ~ ou 1"6 bu III e08 The besl Opp~ fI Jl .. it y ev e r .fTurded tn pe r· 11 le - -1111 8, lI u l IOUlltll 1l JlII~ t;1 W. ~ p r ilig k'r l l'1'8 Illl'~ waa Bilbo. chltrlled Ihe cool ~ u m o f ten fro", noll,. n r 11rI 129 IS 7,'n'"11 \1111 I.... y ou 8r l1 beA qun hfi\'tl 10 pur~ u u nd III 8 U/)8 wldh ' llg IU be 1I1'i11·cluD A I'ltly h " Ill/: CII) 1\ ed lit e ple., ·JI." 1ft: I R A ... Ia d ullnrt. Natu ra lly Ind' l:nRn L. o u r Ira \ - III ,nil"",'" 1\ .. "".11 ".·'., n III,",.' (ull ol< I h" 1 you Will be m". llIlICCI'"•• rul, c l u6ea , om ("r •• I ll d " , .' ' Cil IIYfl lli e llce ot II . f, ,,11 LO Us ele r re fused 10 p ~y au nh lin e x o r blll\n t .. UOll D,r ~ JU B lt .. 8ALA!tIAI'fCAtly lIl e rn Djte& u"d I ~II, )' IlII lhe very 11p I II ~ Lb" 1)u ll l;', ~~l l l p I IC flte c l il llr in g . k lf l Tb6 01d,lhe,,0Iln£.lhollltlldl~ ,g.I • d e m and. and "'A 8 a r rt'sied II I Ihe .Ult 11I.w \ v, u'"6 Iro" , ,,'Uri 0 1'" " tl al YOII wtll m urr y , !.l IVe vo u Ih e II Mtn O, Ili r II " " '.!lIlt d.y, \\' 111 n eyp r .ft e nl ll rrl. ~ilelo Hf II,. aon of \ ' ul can ',:10 .... ifl , I!XP KE lU~"" 0.... Du. . Illle n ~.8 Ind c hrocl on.l lc. !II II,,· P ra.'n Boo),.kocpcr; , v k"., UH,l y le ''''111 ~.u ,l .f·) ~lUl" I b I 1\ lili ll gly ,' IF PC I<~ II IIh 11i ~" uap F li r 'rhoro b e ml: no o l h e r r esource . lIr . <;.1, " .. ,I< .. 10 00 ~I .,,11 rO o".r ""1 lIur I Sh l' reD J a J o ur l e rv tl ,oltg h l Oil' TH ESE WOR;L D.RENOWN ED I llIhll pli " " •• ", nll,l \ OUIJ !,I luJ lt6 Ih e)' /jl I VEGETABLE M,}Mul r~ n ,, &$ UQortt U to tile mag l8" .11",11 •• nll ""'''~ \l 1.h , n. D 00 A ~I .hn ol l Sli PN ll lI l tlrt. 1 pOll er. Ullv e ,ld the P onm II , - ~ N G TIl AOIHIN E S hll Penv r 1" . 11 "illt!l ~. f ' I' r~ .. 1\11111 (r " " 11 ,, 11. 10 . nd .. " , . III .I.rk und h ltlde ll m Y. II'II.'. 1)1 th e fu tul!' tre lo ' , ffi~ebRckofl 1l e b ft r 1\.• ,v \ " ka I 7 I ijA\1 I II, Il r m "" m e l", / , r ile. " i ll II I he ,"1 II r b ,ellk " k p th. 411 rL' rom 1I1C fi lms ' e Sl' t''' After b e lO g In lr od u c.d In lO Ih e moat ~,:l3 P . ~I I,JGIIT:'j . ~G EXPKI' ",. _. - Ihe m~l e fi e bllllO Ihu l uHr ," li e u r I'" 'renchCl s of ' nll l ,l.n s lll p \ '1' N P. D\\ lI ril pt\ Ihe III I! hto sl p,e mli lln nl l "l lI ", le @pr ll' i: . b u t II I I prr .e . " Ih el , l'l' r J aug u.' presence of lbe tl qUlre , and the l 'rv u\ ~tilltlluui t.I "'u 1 41~ \ " ;\ t.plt' ..1 .101'1 111 " \ 0 In Ih e GUll h .! ur 01l Hl-i r o m 1110 1 th \ V orl "'ij F' UIr III L Oll du ll . " ,,,1 . I~ li f5t , PI I 111111 \I n, ~1\l1 . h lll' wl, !! 1I 11"" 0 " r 11 11, ,. f II d I S lOP' " I 11 0""11,, , II, ', 2 b 1'111 (' up) '" '' ~ e l 4 r " rOI/lIlI Y .kl r l" w,l l h " Y6 U e lll h r 11\1 11 II nn entlrcl),ne" ,dollllOCdl ebarge BIlled , tIJe U oWIng 18 Ol li e ,< 11111;' w"h ,I,. ~ lO trll'" Ir "" lIu ll.l . o . pec l~ o .. d PUSIIIUII' u l Ihll p lun e l a 0' , I I I' pr.Jnll llm s nt Ihe N Y SllIte Fu" o i 18,"" 1 1 li S II '" Ie... T he 1 1' 1 1'1 '. "ro ro , e rN, mnn)' of tho P"w~'luI4llll~' 'l' ocou rre d: .nd ,,,,1\ '" , " \ " ,k , 1 71'0 A" fix ed <l u a III th o h e llv ~ 1I 8 nl th p. I,m e 01 • I ·' I itl Ibe ~'!Jd"bl. l"!/,Iom '''''''-I,. O I' e ('on'rap I ~ Or On O) "'I 6 6, n lld w llh do uh lt< nlill I WI It" I.,h r ~ IK lI , t IP m I h 'We ll, li r. whal', your n a me 9' " ,.., P. n. N. "lO Rn Nl c:;: u 'r J!XI. K£!0!8 , lo lf l h , s he tleJ uc,· •• he 1II IIIr e OC"" ny ul n O ",vo I tl C eollflden I" b ll tl () 111 r" J . II r~ Jl llt UII I Y u tl U t ~ ~ I' tll'!,(", 10 ourQ I~ 'VIII do ~U w ce • It. ~ 'J ohn Mc MlIrrnn,' IruUl OUllk lrk. "" ,1) (!,", cP ' ~u'"I'l "l:- mDIl FHIIIIlIL 10 C Oli "0 11 I h~ I!re ut ~. 1 Ar ll r r ll' b'ul c, l lor .1 " , II!! Ih ~ be. t I.o rk bul llV lllC (u r ,I II .11lr) rIlI Or p,] ""ve lllll !! ed.'ID ~r ll,1 ~~ 'II ~ IO \) . t, ( ~" l n tl ln IH' " O!l ) P l\ 1 0 1, 011 7 :., I I b ' H u mph Mr. McMu r r a D. N0 o l lle r I' ~ (~\l P. I U"" " ~ oR , ,, ( II t.r' ), ",,,, A .Jro lflg lAl on eo r t I I c Oot S } 0 11 UI d ,-A:r_ :ne~" '10 1J1 11. IIIU ch . I\\IIlI .... Il, •• lI clllr · hP 9. 1II 1' 11,, "1 fr o lll .1{lIrlllll ,"III,hclI dCl l!gll r l n ll lll i) .u t ' i' r n"" ' " I i\: \V\ lr ka l 1..!:iUl' ~1 t"o l ll!l: l , l nl1 d. ll nu yu u IIlfty ne\ er "go", hn'f e 80 , 11" . 0" 11, 011 a ll Y " Ihe r mu c h l l\ " . "n,1 by I 'hl\' n 0 ' 1' "" 81... ~ &.<. 6~ coune I hR l e nol , 61f, I have n o '"1\ Wll h nl ... " oo ll I .. " .. M"d S I... " .... 10' I (. vor llule nil 0PI'OrlU I\IIY ' un "" lllll lU n I t he III " U""otlull 01 1110 " "" I IIPIIrIlVp ,l , '11, 0 DU ll e llip l l I • gr Dt f. , onl e ~!fl~~~o~~~:~ ulf ~:~~I~::WK" tlnoJlI'II , Uut" )!! tto nd N~ w L uah.ud C,ht:' t lee, ,, 1111 II ke n ctltt lI llI} a B ,\pt;U 4l,1 I1du.r l llll 1 Uc hi ne ry, IV'" re II li lY 01.1 " III 011 1' ply II", , 1\ lilt II II l" d ' l's, ,," l I. ,\ ,, 11 , rd" lI y " cII Ill . aIIe6 WIth our luSUUctioil. l\j oef!\;~! tln~ I M e v' F ROl l U&;FFI.I N ..... ' or k dIU,' lion, S I p. rtl es hV lII l: . , 8 dl~l.nce r ll ll B r yant, ,,s t ra tton De 'Ban 8 \ IlIv ~ry bes t II lllc hlil eg III Ihe w" r ltl III' IlI le,l II) Ihl) F ,, ~ h\ll n M "I! '7.11"'." Iht' I'I • ue re 0 y o u I:tl . r. lKr"lodn I rolll l),pu' :"";. ;;;'Ch',"~.""'J II, l"b" " l cons lIlt tl le Mod .. ue I,y 111 ,, 11 w ld, Pqllnl l :Slft ll,l a rtll:!lklrt ul l t. Io' IIHl ll ll u nLlr W orlll A LL. 'S ' Y y ""me RlO ' 1 V'll rloD; 10 y ou b, ,,.,, n (~ ly Ull d sa l lslu <tl u ll IU Ihy n\8e il c8 ft8 'I b ....... 1U ' U II • " r ;t nl''' "Ille Iu n t a ur ne \1 Y #ftckrb'" Sl / ' ~ I U I· ' f 0" " I 1' .. 1"') 'I Ihfl r" IIt, w lI'l! ill".pmulJl!' od-" .'" c .lu.~ JI.llil" II " A8 McM urran' ol, IS A. M N lOUK. D A ' EXI' REM, l d III per." " A r,, 11 II lIiI rXI'I,,, 1 c h"rI. RDtI r uJ(f" 'l0-1 .. • • I I oa • ., n c t.... , •• n II nth r , he' h nn.. dutu ..... . ,.' M'l ".on uI "au \ It III lilt I !It .. r rl ill I I II ~ \ I l s UI'f' rl u r qllu , has proyo.U itl,lr'OolH\ t1u~ mn..t '\'Yel l Mr M e ri on. dId '!'o u m llk e (' ","·I'· .. ·, ' r<I ) ~1 \l 1' u.,I ,,,,,11 vilio l .. tI' " ul wilh 11 11 " " IU""" "" 8 \\ ~r ctl , 'I 9' U OJ A M ( Hkl.) , ,,,qUhh li n" 2 17 I' ~I I rI u, 1\ '- nlli."111 o~ th o • " u 'v"") , 1i\ 0 1"',.. I " P r ". . t tIll IIl UIlll tllr C' "1l' h fI S h ttJ) ~flll(l (o rtllo ll,urovt3r o(f~rt!.' tu tb6 """· ''''''_ an y b nrg atO ror sh oe in g YOll r 10rsO ( Illn-) I ur " .. r 5 7 5~ I ~ I 1;"1 1 II"d U ' ontl I1 k elll'Os , nelo.e,1 00 111 hy 11 11' • "\II " " ' VI; .lr lit .. '''lJI h .. ,1 I .. " ulor o( ill<' flil ish n... " 111 II II , nu r .. bllll V .0onl.. '1 IIlId It b n vogotnble eO"'(>OIUKI i1iJ -No, Si r ' fI\t! - III ~ t W \ 'Irk f\1 11130 M Ctillflt'Ch rt ce lpl 01 p r Ice nb .va l'u e u tlu ne ,l 1 h £* i'C .. "lBlI ':Hl\viJlII. . '"V II OIIIl , ~ li ll IIrt fv r J \ V IIr IlJ h' Y '~ Du· U\lllrioUJI proputltOA 11""1011'" jQDIIIrI ' T h en Mr D llrton. you acl od, Str01 C rc~ , lI eu.1 Wllh lJ.h" ,.r. L'r ~"wII;II'" SlnCI •• t secr dy IOIIllIlult \p ,I, u\I.I . 1I r ll rI p l. x F il ip" '" " " ub le ~ P lll l! _k lrt , 0 11 0 hI! \s ,:\,1"1 p) oo/t IIrITtt' M Ih. noot lid fl ' . "d \\ .... , il lI" dlll",1 n",1 "' J " 'I ( ill r f~ p u IHI ~ l\ c~ r~ lur,, ' I or deol"'> ~ .I R ef Ik T h"1 oro •• I"rI P.! 10 111 1 k ll l ,l ~ o r r "", II<' "" " I ,II ' !!" illI' g 'N U'" P Krill I,' t ogllll S W llIlOIYllrollldeuJotJuif ma:! 'f eXCllle me - I e " u O . \\ " h l\h 'h,, ~h . b,,, ••• 1,,, ", o( N •• r J rr r I I It ~t d r IUrI" oho,1 '1 d on ' t com e he r e to b e llI . u lted . 80Y R. ,h o.w (ur l' I" I. d.l .. hl. , B"II,,"ure e rCll ce1 '\ , t 10 I ' Ig e W'" e I I I ily S e wl ll !.', . ,111 1" I" ~ '10" II I ~ " II I11 . tr l· "- : (A 1' 1' 1U - 'I'u II l1 or,l ""pO. :IX TrIr-L n t::STOnt 011 ' IlD d [1 0 ID An s h a ll t alk to m e 1i0' Crie d nlld \I lI.t\l ll ~ I II ' Ihu.. e ..I e. r III! , if ill ril e 11 111 11 ~ l iP p~, Mll k ,, ~ , 1'" u r" Mll lill "! I III IIJrS .111, ." I.. I' 11 1,,, I" ",.\11,'" Ih ul . k lf l ~ 1 U'S OJlIQl N IL c~t fiJI.: " • ~, OO A " . F X PR IK8.... 1U " . . , ,.111 ,\.'011 tilly "l ll e 1II01lih ,,,,tI}~. ' III ""tt h ' i/ ll ,, ( Shirl d, 1.(,lIlI r., S k i"" t 10,,, 1.. . ~1"1i- ./ t) I ,I " ' ' D (l P I I'X ' hllv~ Ih e r " llII k -' p poor ~l cMu r rn n. Mnt1 li ufll dh\ l lI . llIUI, ( . . 1) 1 1" .. talC!I" \\e r c bo rn , e ll ll n!i infT" Amn ll l lr k u l hlli r (. II ( • • • ..wel ,0 "1"-..". I... IIulJo.r_LU "' .. t l II IJ tO l IlJI 111 II :! III " , , liP ", , ..., h. !ro l llili P "i'. • J \ V Urthtl "l':4 1)lI p1ex EII ~" D "" Largest, Cheapelt, and Beat '1 Inlo w y nu d Id n't, Mr F ullo o >tI ) Armoe' III Ne•• York.1 7 ()o l A M A tl drc.. M AIlA~lf H A I' " RR". " \ I1 l1o l •• R tll""' , II "" ~ '. ' lI u,lI ts , ' ""' 11 III'II C ~ I ~.I ~1" "lll ij . I "l'UII I " ~ ,," >,b a ll d :e. or. ...I.~. ''' 0544111', ...11 '.0""1./0 • K f:e p' " le n t or I'll tille lOu . Y o u a llt CO llneel< 81 ~ I "ur" ,," h N O'l h. Ii 1). 0 D rnw er 2lJ 3 . Du lT. lu, N \ ln Amen c a . • d I t. RKl hva , lOr Hlt rr lllhllrg-h Pll1l hlh 11,1, "\ , U,d G ".u(I• • U m br~I I "8 I' H"." I",IIC J It r') , - II l1 l1 C .. !I.. rr ", .. !l ~ lIII1 11I', A 8 " u' lrO I; OE:I'/ LUSlll() U8, ,i X lJ ~tltl:fI! tid t lr-d on l cont r a 101 me - I "e a IlIlI uro " • • 111111:11111 "lid P"'" '' " ,, ' h -- -lIur k e'l " nll y 1V~1. 111" "1 . lIk h " PII , I\ uu l IllII t oV " ry 1100 1' 11 11 11,111 It n 1 ,111 II ., ,, ~ , IT IS A SPLENDID HAlJ\'~ i p e lfij c&fool, Al1dl e l t lll " be a warn " \loP.n l'IG "'1:.!I Nl. I! \: " K I~,.-l) E l.O UB J~ T OH GA N ~




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1 For r amlles



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ll[ r-gc 1• Qt.u"

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ing. 81 r. n o ve r to lr ll l &luch a man 1\9 ml t l) (urth r tl E nOI B ilb 0 (th e I I ~ la o YOII CA n ~) l ll g Il bu II b y Ibo t l\ t! . , '1'0 IIIIl p ltllntllT


II 11


I m ean )OU, ) OU p oor 8 u , you ale al e Hry cenl off y o ur m ot be r 's e J e s , you p oo r no 8l.>ul edll og. The s e n t e n ce of thll court 18. lh a l y o u , Eoo . B ilbo,



• tI .. II hllV8 liro d,mes (or ,our wo r k b ill' Ih •d t '" ,0 I 18 a Jl 8 wor - an I ~ ou lBy

lIoo (be r wortl I II k n ock you uown ('lplir Ih e cOll r l.' F UIIY Sllll S501I "" ,II1 l 1Ie "er d Icl, lin d I\lgbly Imlllt d WIth his l,h e n Lure. ~ en'


b tl


way _ ••

l ro w TO TEL L A GOOD 'l'l: 4 CII E K - A jJe nlle Olan rrom S wa mpvllle "a. Ie 11· Ing llo w lDany dlUe r e nl ()CClIpllllo nl he had attempted Am olli otblj n he lind trlt ll school 1e Rc hing 'How 10n17 did Y" U teacb ?' a sked a •

by stAnder. -Will, I dIdn't tOQoh 1011g; Iha1 II, I \ Itt b t on y 'DC» 0 oae 'Dld you 1111 0 o ut ,. 'WBI. I dldn ' l hilt out. I only lCe»t 1o Illre out.' 'Wby dill you give up?'

" I I

• ,.Ii , {(IV 11 up for lome reason or lIutber. You lo e 1 t r a'fele d i u to a dee ' lind end loqulre d for tl\ e bUltee. _

Samt-body .Bld Mr. l:3Dlckles WRS lite • I Sa I IIOU II d Mr. man I wan Ieu 0 Ie., S Dicklee-onmed my obJ e ot, JDtrodue Ing mYI.elf--and aektd blm "bal he tbought about le HID me Iry my IlIck

with the big

' he


boy. and




• Did you g o bAck ,. ·Wal. no-l dldD'l go bllck • 'DId you apply (or another I c bool " 'Wal, 00-1 dutn't "pply for Bnolber l aho ol,' s Bld tho gentl e man from SwnmpYllle. 'I rRther Jud ged my IIp pearanoe was agIO ma.'-.Y. Y. 'lcc/c/t. u




I' ll

.ud I u tl c II

~7,~ ~

J U L E ~

When I" Iho noeo l 1111 11lI ,, " rr.. F.llx Ulld nL II The IIStOlthlhlllg succcss ,,1111 Ii h,ll! Iltl C1lt1e,1 11,,_ Im nlll nhio lne,llcillc fOr l'hl 'lcnl nlld NCrlO UK " ' c" klll '. 01 nMnl n. lll htl IIlId Prostmtloll, L" •• 01 MII8cul " r. :EIII flO, Jill tcllcb, UI nil) o f Ih e CIlIJSCII " ClIt llS ot all III f UI rII(II Hc rr UOn t('Il'Ic, A It t IlO ..J. lIIost valunlrlo P' Cp , "'tlun c " r d "col r~rl It ~11I te ll "I\C .11 II CtIU '" nl1 « tlOns ,Ie rellS,pu. IlJlCllc m lit, i" . "p"city 10 study or 'fusllllels8d' ~0i18 ,of m~JOol\ 'l , " "f"' lon. Ihu' '" o 80 eotruc Ion I Cll l ti . I1 llH11ll L} t: I t ",II, csiOJ U II" IIP P{ Litc rCHCIl Il,e Iicll hh 1.1 1 ., b II "'80 1110 I I" I C' ICSWIl Oult V"~ II. ull l "x cc ss or cv ll " rllC I' e. ) oll ll!( Mln, bn ll \lm"u l!g~oI M mOl e I, ' (luBc k ~ o"t l Unt"' I""I'glior ,nl pr " 1IIIUII er;, \) lI t sellli ~ i1I ,u ll l dc lill III, the n, xlI II I IlI he II I uuce rel!lol Pd w hc .. ltlt 111111 h" PPIIl"&! A Perfecti CI, Ul111f 4If' Im O Ullfllntcc d III 0 '(" 1 \ in:::tn nce 1'1I.t! lt l, " III ulle "d" , cs~ $:1

:~'II;'~; ~~~tliC CUI Ct! l'~rmUlle/ll lt ,



O llC IH,ItlC I8sulliCIUIlt lucifCiit II <UI Q III 11 11 o" IIunl \ (".(!~ ALSO. Ii" J IJ IX YIII " " Sr Erlv lc P ili . fur t ho spr od) 'ntl pelmllllll i f ll ' e 01 (1 1111 orrli eB Glect UrClh, " 1 DI6chll r;;c. (.rIlH I StrlC lu ' 1re,lI lI" lilt 11I1 CCII UIIS 01 thu Hldl" I 11 1111 1,"!\J er Cure" " n" f IC,1 In r"'111 o lle III 111 0 ri ll I 8 l htl\ lil t " "'IJilred from >ege l ' hi e e xt lncl. t h" t Bit 111"11111.'"" on Ihe ."ICIlI,

n~ 1 IHtut\Of\ l C the I;t O Il1 It II {f l lInp rt,; the\ 01" onth ~u c1,o llgc of ,h el l. ncco~

((" Duf" '.Y '

[.' II ,., h ~ e \\ Vv:k



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S lIUl'fS & CO. Ch e mlstK. 2U5 R iv e r S L, Ti ny. N. Y - - --a R E A UTY '• ,\uburn , <Told.

Th e

J lu, c "oI, er

"'~ t) Jt. GrII ' .. f1l 1 ' "',/flr "n tll ~lfllIIll' l

II",,, tiny ill/ttY" h , t

1 ·lItt 1\ . \V fi 'lIl h f1 I1 11 11 1ul 8' yl(1 or S"i rt ( P " . Itt("',: ~J ll r t 1, 7 I tJ~,) w"ft " " .rde d




cO l l h J P flllv RutJlIln 10 I h p

putJ ht,;

I ll p

fll r



Can Save 25 !

e llce Pllc e 7 5 c " lIt8 p e rpllc k a l{O' - 1 selll p OS I pAId, t o I\ n 7 nddres8, on r e CClpl of 1111 OilI e r. bv

JII .' 11'1 /1 " NjJ 1('

T r<ll rtlo/. iIlLf ', ,,m c , l. u", lrd. ,-"d ,e, 11\ II ~ <, 1<1" A'I I' IrlN I N Tl TI Tfi F ,III1, 1 ·(', Il ti AE- I re t u l btl,. 11 1 1 \ II I,! I It ... klll I" III 1,1 III N. I Y rk U ~ ", I' "' l:Hi.> Ill!! k now n olllv III l\1 " ~~' ri J ' r ~ ,1 &. Il , II ~, I hl'Y 1\IIIl orubly . '.11t II II' II tlIJ ~ I ~ I"" " III ulh er prf p ,r "lillli. Il I! I V~. I" ''' ~ I 1'h e II I ~h l' SI 1' " n""1Il V4 r , 1I'e n rOr • I ,,"'8t \lur- h Irn ~ I tI hk , " h,, ' h Il ,e I H , I' :-. I.l rt ' I~XI U r'f" no tl ('oluI" 0 1 po lia lt e .1 IV et r " rt: I 1 li p . 'I{" ... I ~ ,Ht fl l.! l'i n.rc \\ tlt U ltl w, lh It \II U V'" g ull Ih ~ . olllrl\ l l \l I/ " , \\ h ~ lh ' r rl l,· l hl/ "I' I ,trll"", t il l p luoc 01 II l:l, tI II 1' 1. po nr llljt n lC (reckll'"!\ , ,,, ,, u l ll q , lI (' w 111fllt r rilI V) " 11 11 II \\ HI n ••1 \\ roll , I ff n r hpJ'" ....' t' r b l ~ c k w". rm tl J.ltt;l" tf , (1111 1 It. Ft" JUl- ,tl l h !'ittd .... ', nJ , lit' "flu ' t ~lr lr t H I' I\ lHl \\ It. II P F lI CC 8Sltl i III Alii UIIII II)! OUI Ifi ll II III,I; ' \ "ll llrlll ' fT I N '111 ~ f f r I~II by SM ~ L L P\I ;'C ~:' , • i' or u r U<.I IIII. ' 1'1 Ie BuP ut" tit I , j"L'JIIl U I ,' fIP I' Ilr l '" m o~ 1 li ud 1\1 11 ~~ II. !l.4 u t! ,," e lV__ _ _'_



rt Vt!(t, 11 ng

1' . t" C tllUf1blc. iU " I C r.:; ln" ltr.

• ,\ It E D' S

The Ne\v Beantliic r

<,r :l-tlluY' Il


the t. P lltr p , llll l-


Ihe (amoul SPE NCE RIA N 01


'IQ: en, F I.xen. 811<1 I'laIl... ofl, It.,. "nr) .. hllc usll,g t!t, m ,wr .lo, . , hCl r "cL,o n Silk e n CURLS ' K III !lllV milliner ,ulu le,o \l llh bIlSIIlC•• 1'" 1 p,orlu cct! : bl' Ihe ' " eep good company or none. ' 1lI 1i! Price S l a liox use or Pro l IJE UUHX s FillS/II L E Vil E. Neyer be IdJe Ellhur "I lho nhot c lllclIlI Qllod ntllc1e. H yout blmd s cannot be uRefully om. will UO Sellt t o lUI) mldrcS8 clos,, " sClll etl , YEU )[ On e 'pph CMltOIl ~ u f r'lll ~ d 10 curl II " d " Mlr llill 11\ mli ll (It ,' xl'ro"" 0 11 Icec 'l'l Ih fl Inos l IImlg lll 811d 81 ubburn ho" 01 1 p Ioye d • allend to Ihe culti vallOl1 o f oj " Ill c Add IC8" " II ulli e rs lu e tl h e r l e x 11110 II nvy rlJll( Ie IH. 0' hog vy, lbe mind DEnGElt S IIl· l·I S .~ Co C b~III"t. , m IlB. IV" lurl e B •• lJe~ n II se d by Ih e ~Ive u p tn J our ('ngAgemenl.. 2t'5Ull cr S ll cel . 1 11/ , 1\ Y rf1SIIlClII Oblea o ( Pails 811t1 L ondon. ", lth h .ctlp l Cl UrOWnleOre'I,I( "ou hnve _ __ __ _ Iho mosl"ral'(' lh l! re"ult~ D oel 11 0 In·


1111 «

( , t

I " OS I 11.. l ur.elllclI l~ III IJoh d l' IIll,;," ollI tI sy s le m ' "" li es ad tll !! 1I0r" R '8,n", M'lIfl Fell"" . V - Alllhn , EXCELSIOR I EXCELSIOR I ! l\ 11 ~s MO:,(l! lr Mll c lli II, Ill .. 1\" \\'1'1 . . 111. ,li e \V n II.'r Jl , I\I , III" ~ I',,, " ~ I, () II " S'1' E L "-" U • ~ CAb ' .'/'i0 • • Mro g,,"o a \o" "lh r, 1, II ' y 1m Irt Uti\) mt W~p;mi!\) ~~1[ili l \'( ,i'. ~Jl.rtl'f> ..;;;:J;)IIJt'l,eJ~ nll" li l ulI, "'1' ti ll ~.;o;./.l;(,l. LIlIA.! W/ J'.l.lf'u lI-II .Clt !l. .Bi ll rI!UI.'fI II>! . , M ild FOJ" Removing SuPOrflUOU6 Hair I All"e s rerr ~. , ulid nlJ llY olll ~ r~. II ItO . e I,,:!" 1'1. " .1, 11[1 111 T o t h e IArhell p~ Jle CI"lly, lltl~ m .. nlu None but Ibe mOl t eminent Professo rs ~rl' ~ h i! I'flJl c.~I "1 ':' Vt!8 II,e 81ulli !' o f I t tll"· 1.1 I I d If AS IlIIplo.e d In the ,"rluus dn par'. m"III ' ' (ul o r s s to Ill e lf IlIl c lh ..... cnl 11 1111 """lIllI e Plu Ij t O'JI ALor y r e lJo mm c n . li s t J ~ ~ < .. ' .poro" .I. bttng Rn 051 IIHj' 3 p ~ ns ~bl e nrlt c1e t il (" mRl e btlllUl y' IS ellls ll! Al'phc(I, d ues 'l' I, e UOlI ll \l (ul LUCille \V a . te rn Rnys' no t burn o r IIIJllre Ihe s k 1n , bul RCI' I .. ? 1 fi l),1 II.. L III" l£m nll' p rmlllrp.s . 11 Ih i' dlrc tlly on the rll o(s 11 is wllrrfin 'r ll ;.; , ~ l illd h un cy Ilr "'U::~ ,- u,\ hi, :, hlt p. . w iL h I '" ~ Ih a /lfCIIt nn fl p ~ cu 1JAr "ftY"11 II ' ~' f t n l u l to re mo~e 8upe rfill o ll' h ll lr fr om lu" II I It Ily I I II! 0\1 rid IDrlll anne. . rt' " '" • 8 U Ie s ,,1I· ,or u lell ',orfromRnYP'Htofthebo ll, .' b ' f I I I I , }J • lIe dd anu e nllyoll e , " O, CO IJ1p eley , lo tRlJ y Rndlll(hc " ll~ e xtlr AI~pl'rpo ~ s purChQ61IlgSchola rt J I PI I 0 1 1'h e M" II'\lIi Ce ll tVe~ I V " iJ. ~ )' a pilling the s lim e . JeRvln g th e s k in 80 ft till, Cul1el/6 I h ov e . "fI'I're tl n \II'" h lro m II,e I II r ,s moolh Rll rl nRlurll1 'J II1 ~ 18 Ih a only ,"~ wh it e 10 11111.. & .1101 . el l mv II, r lll1" ' 'HllcJ e 1I 8~d by Ih e F re nch nnd IS th " I ' c ui prUl p8SIl'II Vbllll06 Ill S I" II." Ih II I I ~ ' 1I " " I, r 1\ 8 pp r rec i Ile lJ p.r'\CI. u n III h ,.,1 , on 1y rca 1 t; fti~chl ,, 1 d e pllli:ory In eziu

1\l nll uI8~IU.t'r8, N" 8 4 1 IIrll '~'I .. ov, ulltl N e w Y u, k 'J ill. I

lli r ll u !,! h

fTheSilVr Skirt ! I I --I

P I' I 01 II J!!T , .-F.. '1 0"'" "'\ : (0 "



u r I rHI~8f d

" EMAIL D I~ P.-\ HIS, "



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f)!J!J D'U Ot! \I Ol ,



cl , llo ll

SEN D FO n Clll CUT : .U1


AtBl'OJed ! II

Kil le .




!,! (lt l(jJ; W i th

II Il l' " II ,r .o T hey wil l R~ f"" , 'J II II I I'll l ' hl" \\11 (li r dllll b lr ) F I~""I!' " " "dud 1" !l,. 1 No person , 01.1 or' ij""~ ~bnalJf;jI " I lf lI ICAI" II '''''''"11' I , I r r, IH, ilt It II j ll r 'I, IIf il IIl b I ll l I, " lit! P, r- II W l l h er(\ I II ,\" ' H h' ~ \lh j'\l"iP c rt' 1 U I 11I' AI"" l 'lI",/,,1,,0 ()JtJ 'J' Il ,mJ I"J tl. r"In'" .." Il' rfll t \ f'r v fl PP CIP5 41 1 '11' \\ 11I l! . 10 11 ~ 1t1~ fl fl, x l lJ, h h 11 11.1 .. rrrnJ! 11I 0 1, 41 II i. fl Ulbli l lti u u b " n ll li l " I'"I1I III', (e~l _'It ~ h "1lIle 011 bu lt. 1111 1 I, hr 11Il1I.] III ,," v " h ~ r . klfl I I W-, A!k for II AI I' ' tOl' , I t I'~ Ilr I I t ICi ' " t.! t\t; 1I .;11It~ u Q:J- l '"r ... Id e I II ul l !:I'~I) ,. \ \ 111 r~ hr .. t • !,\lU Rt::SEWf:U ), und hlku I U (.It It , I,,"" . I, 'r l. ,"~ "" Iii 1\",," 'h vlll Ih u UII I I Th o I'roprletn,... olTor II,. fO' rt llWl1 It t o tho l lulillc, Th e S itc h IIIV I II /tid by l'lI H Jl O \\ J.: t o" X" " r. "'111, _Pl\ I" rI' IIrlng Luck llio h ur Iu I I '" I1I I11 ,HJ e UII ! IIIM MIICh p ' I' , I ~ tlnl "" 'f l ~ III II II I U Il IUrtti by Ih r ".10 0 11 neri o f lite growth . fitlll lll l,oarl) "II , ",." pup " IIIr o ll .I ,II,- " lt l. Ifll tl .1I S ~ \\ II 'g ~ I ,' p" II'"1 !lIT "UI rOttoro It uul . .. thlt(lCl1OlIl>I"l c h ili es IIr~ .u hJ~ t Iillhl UIIII C'Ille IlIVeli l- 1 \\ I ~ , 1'1::1 nR ~ P LI:V &. <' Alt V, I I \)7 ('I" III ' .' rd &. 7 ) &. II I Lt" II I" I< lr pr l • • t' tI bY lilli, l)4 3 ,11 N, IV \' .. rk


unru'r gal, 10 He wanled to kno" ir 1

rRIIly con Sidered m} Be \( ollpable : and told hIm 1 "ouldn', mlnll 1118 ReklDg me a rew que. lIon. 10 'rllbmetlc and JograpllY, or aho_JOg my hand w rIIln g He 88ld no, ne,er mlDd, he oould &e ll • Illod teacher by bit !Jalc,' 'Let me lee you "lIlk off a Ilul e way , ,' aay. he. ' and I un te ll JIB' S well'B I'd beard you txamioeJ.' IBy 8 lie 'He Rot in tlle door IS bc spoke, 1I0d 1 th ou!J',t lie looked II lillie .klltis b. bUI J Wl19 consld'r.ule fru straJed, an' ,lIdn't odnd Clue" : 101 l\lfoed aboul IIDd wBlked on 118 IlDllrl R8 I kDow'd bow. lIe ItIld he'd lell me wben to ItOp. 10 I ktp' on tIll I tbought I'd g o ne fllr enou g b-then 'Ipeol e d I'thm ~ was to pay Rl1d looke d rOllnd Wal, tlte do()r ,cas IIIItt Wid S",dd ea 1O!r ~





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~ ~" " " . " "" 1',••1) :;"'1"" Ii ,,,. 11.,1\ 1"\ " !'li D lUF. LOnr· ON S " 2 ~ I" i\I (!ollll) ,, "tI Brr,'" III N ' I\ \ , k " I • 7 011 AM r " nll Ulilin .l J ...o, \.:1\) ,,"h UNAll lllU US I \ AW AI< IlI n 1 11 £ t1R H PIIZ ['. MOIIII II !;" f x,,, f '"111 u( N .., J/ r.. I A GU L D 1I ~ DA I n "l lro.d fu ' IJ II I,"" O' O .IIJ W ,II ' ''R ' '" ' a "" II I ~IVYo ,k I" lh MI r" ,,~ bl r . 'As the Bes t CablDet Org a.ns ,' Collc~e O.tC Il Dn)' Ulil. E"! lIllI g 1 " lin (u , Ilo,.1" " "nd !';ew I, 1011,1 , , II C' IN\, k , • -I .. 6 10 1'.111. N. "'Il~I{ N IC~ 11'1 x I' n 1(111'" A ",., rl cO II 1I. llt ulu , BI" ur ( e l OJ , DAII \' ::'1' 1" III I u" nu , 8 ., I ,\I ('''pH !le ll l!! pro ll ll,, " .. cd ""I'Ar lur III q, UA LITV l ~ to ll.~" " 1; 81 11"",. 11 " ,11 . ,, "h II . ~ In ('niH Il , li nd VAllifTl- 0 1 T UNI! 01111 ,II J 1\1 1 ril i n f r u l u I JII II '", k . Itll el IIrrl\ c:f I II lI um bei o t (' o.nb l nu t UH... N. w York II I ~ 2 ~O I'M , Il ,ao P l'J VI Ne'INNA 'I'1 E X"'R~ A s t he bes t Ili SlrU Illt' n ls u f A m, " cn (, ... ;,~ ~.' ''d'') ' ) '(II" hI ~U" I,,, 7, We rtl I h~re cO llr e ndl ng , \\ Ill ch en r II o n 7 22 A 'I , ( Hkfl ) I ur" ,. I III I' ~ I ( 01 11,, ) ti le bu ll le w ro liltl h,, \ A lIuthl 'll! Iplt Iu CO li hlld " 'rll " i , N_IV \',,,k . 1 1,2.> I' \1 .- Ilu cr '- A mellcu'l A ,I J uu,nal (lll l1 e d by Cem,, " I .tI 1 thh\'" 'l "h " , . I " h e . " ,,"1 ' Hallw. y (or 1I11r1I .b" ,~ I'III ls ,I. I ,I" " flu l ft wp l l kll ow n lIIlI . le nl cr Il r) III" o ro \I'". II/II~ I '" . :.. 1 1" """ ~""'h III 'J' hp v h ov e ,1 -,1 Ink l' " Ih e fi rs t prO llll Ulli EMDRA CES (t' I'"t Bi lid Wit h H e II1 WArf! . ' HI k rH\h Un l t\' Wl lPrpYP f e ~ l lIh 1f pd l hlR ~(n "' o n ~ AA I (l rll [{MlI r0 8 tJ for S Clllll l o n J r t'll l ll l1 &. J ' ~. D:\L O RG A NS J,J , l nfl 3 h Hn J-d lll u 1n fl1"o lnulll N, .. \ urk w,, 1i " II" O( I' CY&_ . 1x S IZ • r; - "':J'" l u ur "' I ~ u oJ rRr llI :t ,a ll.",1 d S ICO Il IC I ' UI UU l Ull hu d ':J ,I V N ow ~ l'I' I. "d (lI ,e. /l l/hollll'edlll" , " ' u l• ullll d"tl i/ le bOIlII, 0 ,, 1) 0". I rll,n ~ 11'10" SUfI,I" ) Ie,, ' h" Bur I III Illt' al V. rlO h . S iJ 10 &410 11"' de (. 10 nl G]O 1' 1\ 1. nnd ..., hll'!; l\ ... \ " '~ ~' I IZ 0.g 811 8 Wll h Iii . " ~lfIUf) III , r' p~ I,k o qll ul 30 1' 1\1 0 1 IOIl P, be llllll lill 1101.. s tu P" , "re ll lf lh 1l0. loo nn. I I\' r lV 1' ''l!:III ",I I'" ••• ,, ~ ..- ," t ill/ru - IIl1 eq uil luti pcd. I• • <I ud :z e " e r,, 1 \\uh t he, r U tiCy'I\{P, lu e t nw Ic r l ed ' rt: c o f G r ~p&II . ll k ~ p ,rl'C l jl: n re ", .. n (l rl o r lur (A lI1rc b • •1S [Id a pl e d 10 CVCl Y depn I'lrtl o l) I rliargo In N." \' ork e_ Hull . , po rto r. Ull tl S choo lo '1'II ~ y "re of 1m lIl CSQ, accurato and G'r T u 1'1. 0. " 0 Ir8\01. " Ih . "fI ' O( the pil l liD III c • • ~" u( snlld 1-l tlln ut (o ll oy I~rlf! R Mlh" lI \ p rft • • nl! rtHW) o l i l er t . n f IlIt e l4J t I , "" , 'ng Ih, Qult" Ihe h•• u\l (ol ' nil ... o f I" . I e lleere~ tOlilnul ( ne w Blld Ulll qll A " t} Ie . ) rapuJ cOlllm Ol·c c al<.: hclII,,"!\". S,u qll ehQlln. O. I. .." r. , • ," """y" Olltl o lc;;'1111 lIo.tIDnod, o f ap, el ,"'" d e .'!! I1 ~ culaLlOn .. , bUSInC S po H, . ... Oil • • • r r hn ll ~ II"C 11111'0""'" of 118· nnd Ii li S/I , Olltl 01 t he bed l \Y ,'rkn ,. " . llIp ' lure ', henDliI l whIch <OIlIl" O"<I •• II . ,,IIuo -II be rn g 1"1 ~ l\tl t d Ihnl e Ac h '" " rUI\I ~ 1I1 correspondenco" 07 T h. 0•• 1 V. ul ,l. lOO . ",1 mo ot I " XUrt O Il O . hnll be " IO n.I,, 1 nr 11 8 cl uss A II III SI 'II SL f I' I'I NG lO '\c·I1 F.;<: OcT III th e " orld. ~ me ll IS, tl OW II t o 0 fin " " r lllyn r ur " , ,,I ,, c onunm-c,al nccolllv." y· 1I " , ~ hll rOIll ' Q II II" . r . II "'H' . Mi d I ! \. I 1'1' I n .gg ' I!;C r. h ekeel ,hrough. o"tI I are nl. C (0 e on, love I Ie uP IIUlI U re m u 11 11 10 law, IOn ) , at luw . 1 Il) ."1 olher r oul. &t np. , wllhout ~ xtra t h o' !!" A J",.«o ... . Q,."" p nt o on.t.u'ly h"nt' fD" A. k (or r icke l, VI8 Fo r .. flH ,lt•• ) wh ,ch 01 our O e lie r. 1 ''''hvl en le I lld R,,'u\l C8 11 b. (lb l~ II,. tl HI 1111 [',, ".1 1 •• 1 l'''k''' Oil" . . W III Ihe w •• t . ,," Soulh '" cot .rc rooms, 84 t DruoJw ny. H. RlDO l ~ w ~t R II \R R Oll r IlIu 811.1etl C lfclil nr . /itl P fI ' !! L,. " COli I s "1' I (; . " 11'.. ,. A ~ I \\ Ilh Ollr II (1 W s lvlee , ore 1I 0W ready ::lcnt! 71 Ir fu r" r irr ulllr •










m' i


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ne como natIon 1.). vcr SkIrt, \

r' h l~ tl lI'P hlli/ " r" mll llir s 11 111 1 Ihl' !J rd, 0 11 \1'"1 HltlrI Iii III1 Yll nl " J;t8 01 Oll r ~ 1I ~f. 1 :S" 'RJ' . Il' e blll l1IJtI h ll"II~ orA di P " '" .. 'I~ Ih ilol' " 'I'd II ' I" " :; d,,', A ~ , r l , I,. ' '' v' n il!! of lI lt In C" " ,,,, I "'flll r IIR wi ll i!> IIpft\t1' olle" ort! I .. b,l l" ". N " IIlJ \. 111 ~ i1'[1 UIICU I"u m uO Il .. r II lI r okl,, ') ", Ill lIe \\ 1 I ill,! III wrnr 011) " II pr, " 8 I hl! 11,1\ rr h" " I' ri II I n il u l he r 1II II,I s IIrp "011 11 II I)" " d nulL HU I I~ll T I.e h~8 1 IIllIlrrl,, /. IIf'1l, lI ~,1 ' II I~ P " rll ll ~ trIl C \l"1I ''' ill , Ir"l11 I h ~ 1< t.ltll ut. il lh tl

II l1 n



I'cr~d '~I LII

~ u n ll81l1eR~ I hr~ ~fl' lII'Sll ll e'll o !te~UIIII' A

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1I10n " '",,IHrrlt II I


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Skirt I


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Hll ve r S k lrl

"" .• '" 1'1'lIe lll ' "'!! t 'IIIr",' V, "'1 ' " II v .. ,,. " "1 'If' I"l'".. I , N VI'"[ f,5 t ura , 7' ~S i'l r.R ,~,SIlI' I. - ly ---.lI. GIt Jll': K \ : At I!I~H".




'01 IJJron,l .. n, . N. I.e . 1 rre l'_ ' w h ich 'h e lIeHa",,>1 l' II01 0il\ ,\ l/ tll t: AJl J I wllll l' n e~8 .u t:\Il' ~I'" Qutll eDve a It coo l ( , \1 1 1 1.1 1'1,, 111.11 .,1 1 10 .. . ~. ~ . (or ,I" I I ""d . 1II" ", h II , . ~ II"~ ' '~ 'h " I ".h"" II !(,u. "'.. . r"'. ' u 0111 ' nprl ) ln!! br fu rr July 1. 18U7 I "l., ,, ' ,I . "'" '" " I'I ~"" "~ , ' IIII' A' r. ,UII 1II 1f udl' ntllul! e u( tl1l8 cull e"'" uve r 1 " ~1 " ~ I.l,e ilI,,, he ll , . ~ ' I I f,' '" ,fll '" 1'1\ (1 "\ (1 \'~ ' I' I I I I: Ulttl' II ' oilier. lB. Ill ...At II I"u oll e" 01 011 I I"" ~ Ir le ll II.., . 111 11 h r Oll ll1 , '- • I ' 1. roll" ul ,iI, •• n 10). l " I .... 1 1'. flII II ,". "," 1 1118 \l O W 1',, 1; 1& lli l Il lI " u c OI ~ \ " 1.. 11 tl P P ll r" ,' nlld (u IIII .1 Ih ll l II IlI al no, l, I " ~ IIJlIIM IM 8 11 .1ur~ lultJulU Du d (reiih o PilIL tUI ·10~ " " lIl · el " /l. II.cri"., ,. n n<1 FON1lg" , I ' h e eOUip l. ~I 11\ pi u Ih' , 1,, < .. C'~I' I " " I

~ tI


11I ."ItI "''' " I ''"~'





'J ll r~t1 g };lII nil ti c r , r1s ' IS 11 • • ,1 n ~ n " .... 1..• •n r ~- , ... d 'F.I IJr""''''''''', d~ ltc' l e l,p "t1llh nr o flh o Kklll fu r. I'h p " Ir!! 1.:,.1. no II,. rrl, hl R<>" mfh~ • • of it. ~III co!>ul S" II/o ll ur U" I: R'lo lO . hy IIt(! m OHt r" h lled \.:\, lI rch I' , (.; .I"ul" C'<I!>~ . n n~ 1\" CI" f 01

Ulltl 8C '"pul ll ll R lutl iep . rrOIIIJ CIP !)' . 1I III P ,, 11 ,1, '~II' , I" " • • "I I ,.- "" " 0'" ,·mn... ., 111~1 b~olllll~III I!t! lfpc t8 11 rr""""lllltl l ll. I I """I " " tI ,,,, vl . uuil lllt l.lo .. y,,(.,I«ute , lol. ' ~ \ " " .. "' h r. o"J '" lit •. , . l·f" ... 01 1" lhll rrl I'I,y wIIlt l,ut Ilte lr vlI l,:.r \l lil re UI I',J " 'I 10 tlt t' ... rH " l! h . "h lu ctl.", l" cI","" ,,( Ot. lu nry. k III " ,Ie "," 1 I. '" .1. 4~ ColleJ g~~s, S u I.! by .1I firs t ChlRO Ortll! l!'d' S, P e r fuI("' . I " ~" "" ""I 0" '".,... t o( 51. ",1' <3 ' I..J m ere .ntl L ,"h e d' H"If \)rp.>6c I8 II ON or hf- " "~ .111' , ,, I' " ' I" . ' rroUl Ollr L I .nb~ ,,' u , 82 2 Orn lldlll\ y O " mo s l"lt'I"~"·I ~' "~"· h ll~ l n l ;.) I ,~U ,,,IlI .ell t"J 01 " , Ihr nr. A &. C I P r: n, . 11 & (' '''''' I ,,, ~ I . I" III ' U', ~ I ' f "t:< each- ' IP111 1111)1 lury I" th e hnlr P" c,' by lIIull. " '.Ied / , Oil' , n C ' " '''' III .. 1' .... ,11 . ~•• hl . 'Iy. W h en you 8p r ak to I penon look U lt lioli and 1'0. tPllld, S I n ese""", e .. " r ll i. '" J N p lV V ",k, Itotl EII~e ll e J I I t SOIlII , 1 1\ 1\ '- " " "I 0 ,1, " .. ' u " II 11110 ,I' ' " 10 ' hi A fnC Il II f I mUl le,1 Ire" Add rceo lI Enh rn , SII " TT.' locnte III Ih El le.d lng clues of Ihe U nnetl I'r e llih s trllo '. 0 n ,l J " bn _o o, Hu l low lI), &. .,It .n •• "' .... ~ Ii It V. ~ t t . p... ,II. II' ,:' '" ' ''1" 1110' lhem I r o w ) nw ...~ v S tal e • • I, d eJ a na d a,and Sch..,l ars hlp" O OWl le ll, 1'1 II I " II"lnll I _. A!!" lIll1 0 ' I JJ '1! " " n .~ I)I" ' 1 ,'II ,lm l>I"., (.;'r" l,c,.. '" Ind lilI u n b , ur V..)O ,," IH U t t) II IU.U , ) O UI aWl l t l l "" &. Co , Che ml ! 18, Nil. 285 lI,vP, " """1 uou C IIlfaclor Ie f. OVO 1111 tlllnge ~ l' roy. N Y, aolcD l!~nu fOflh e US• • , J AR E !) ~. R"' N I,' n " I'U , l" ."I. on(o, t . ,"I ,,, l wo, ,h .r.g bUlIg htl1l IIIIS collegll will be "" ,~ ... Gell or.1 A g~II/ ~ lu r. - D&, ,I _..... e lae. C O II Il) Mj;e<.l , (. ClU W yo ul h f d I U II II lI f.; l), tU Itt' h". Dnd Impurt prrt N ow York ff'Of)RH '"1I111 •• "J ..... 11'~" "ltd I!r lf'il"'" Your ellli racte r cannol be el8enltally Alld r~ol<' "' l Oll r Own IOXU II .nl ft. ", ',. /(ond in any or Q II U( lh f! 1O J 0 1-1 N D A ItK, A gO lll for Cllj.'n nnl" I!IIl!t ,Ii"," ~II "'I~ "1 • • u I I"" .. I,,,,!, "' 0 ,1. IIIJlIred bUI by your o"n aCllons KEP"UATOIl ()A.'ILLI. \..J ~ IInti 78 0 9 ~' H," ( 01,ro 0' 1,, 0111, I" k 1<,Ih ,h.. . ,, 1 of (] REA'r


'RISPE R C()l\/f -A-.




For real otlo" .. 1"" "pOIi b. ld heAII • •- _ ( Irom whnlev e r caul e 1\ nlay hoy c .' allell oUI)_ntl (urclnll • growth of Itnlr upon lhe loce , Il h08 no oqool It Will (orc e R eme mber. ~n btlying your Iclilolnr Hlllp s. Ih e Ileard It' /( row UDOII Ih e sm oolhCSl roce to o pply at the 11\ from liv e \0 e ight wee ks , or hOlr upon r ·' b Id b Wben you ID rOID two 10 thre e monlh _I. .. r e tire b tod be d tbiok o.• e r A.a fe lY enu I"nBorant procll110n~r8 hove ' 8"crls nIJ al yllD " a vo elln OIDg dUflDC7 tb ~ • • diY, • • e Bh d Ihat IIhero la IIlolhln~ Ihnl WIll (orce or II o8le n 11 9 !!rowll of Ihe half or b O ~ld _ eke 00 balte to b. rIch if you would Their U 8ertloA8 &rel_li l', .. Ih oU8Qnd 8 01 prosper. hYiog wlln e"sea ((rom th t ll own expe". Small Bnd sleady gaioB give comp•• ence) con bear wllneB8 BUI many WIll II Ihla II t he l&rll8st .nd moa, complele IUe, anu tranqulllly of mind. "y, holY are we 10 tll8llllg llls h 'he genII' IQ the counlry. Neyer play Iny game of ohance. lne (rOID Ihe epurious' It c erulnly 18 AVOId tempLallon tbroua b fear you dlfticuh, sa n lne-Ientha o( :Ihe dIfferent may not witbltend It. Prep.,llions Bdverllaed for Ihlj hair ond Earn mODey before you .pend il. bosrd Ilrll w orlhlel• • and you Nner rDD In deb~ unle .. YOIl o.n mlv have alread)' Ibruwn IlYey l"rge • amounta In Ih olr pur r- hue To 8lJrh we ~ EVfln reader or Ihl l p'pelr \I luvilOd e.'N" a "a1 bto gel OUl would ny, try the REP'RATon CAPILLI t i te l Of C0 II ege P 'Pllr lind Sp llcl. ., 8galD. 0 wr • ~f orrow 1 J'ou oan po..ibly It will COli you nOllling ulilell It come~ .'Old It. -.c. . ;..-. fully up lo our reprelenlationl. Ir .., l,ur mllll. of Penmaoaillp-.ent Free. Ad· NeY." apeak of 10), on.. DNllla' 1I0ei not keep h •• end ua 00 CO' I chemll18, dre .. , Be lu\Wore ,OU are KeDerou,. and .. t wl\' rorward it. pO.lpald: tOllel'he: No.3 W til I'.)'eue It, SyracuJle, N. Y. . " ~' lOUhllllDDoaelll If ),011 would wllh ._ re celpl r<>r tbe money . which will 1ft ' ' - ~. be r'l~rll.d JOII Oil "pllcallon. provldln, BRYA~Tj STRATTON ,,::"• • . . ,Oil are lotaDS lo .ped tn"; c!;;.en Add". Dandelion ColI'e•• Rye ColI'ee. prime • ,~ . . 014. c No. 3 W~ P'.e\".t:;' 8"a~~\:!''v C~II'•• and txtrac\ IIr ColI"'l III' •• It br. • ~ • I ! n . ...., ., I\. PRINTZ;




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union Coft'ee, Pe_ CoWee


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I "ll&

a ke 01 II ofIIYOIl. ),Cu ono be s pe 'h' •. I let T o ur 11I1Y Jh 10. B. none WI ut leVIl 1m. Drink IrO IDtoxlcatiug liquors. Ever hve (mISfortunes excepted) wl&hln your meome.



'I'EN TA I .'1' N'I'.)D AlRT I 8 ·1'@.


""-"'''I! .

I \' . , e • u" .. lh /, "" I 1" 1" ,,., "I I .. . , " II Purl", \) 1" "". , ltnlllt! Ihe I 0 (0 ' .. oorf o ytJU n; tluc-llo " olrl . t u n ,, 'f ll l , Iwtt In ~ 11I 1\1I , ~ ' JI Unl I \\11 II U., I Il "'~ ' ~ tIlH"' jo r n fll fAlu« uts ) h. Ionu oly .. I"cli u,, "" w," IU P'COIUu. IImJ 1 ho J rIlIl " "'~ 1'",,.1 II I • li bl fl,l oI"CO '"1I 1111 " B7 C II . .. 01" " Inr I 'rr~ f "' p, cli o" .ntl Is (. ee lu, ,, 11, "lid .1111'0) btl (''' ', jll"CIIIW " V , _, .I11~ . ho (,;!I) Wi ll '11,,1 nll r t , . II" ,!, tn 111 1 USb o ~ " ". ,\1 ,I .. '" ,01 Ul; ' . 1110 1, 1,1", ,. '" ,,,. ,, 1 o, ~ \yhc\feili 11'"1 whllfl " W tH nn t nil " J (A UJ\ " I. Y & :.0 N IIh oto,( ,n[,hr ro I>!) Gill ) Tor Urootlw,,· N v




BO I IlI1 ' Ylntr the


V HI SI'~lu8lo EItS


Ullt! Ch Cd forced to grow IIp on th e s m ool he&t I fo nt) III (rom Ihre. 10 el, I,t w,ek.., b), J uft ing ~£Ylp !lE'S ih8TAUf\ AT PII.LAIRR , lhe m oit NOlld erful d


C,oN-llAD N 1.r.V"";tf., "'C/..lSI

1II /o ll UfACT Ufi EIL ~ F fiR:,

p .} ANO - FORT ~P t I , 'fa, ... ';I, .r,: ~ ~.I ~I , "'" '('ho IIl1derKI"n .. d IIIVlle :h'


ur .en'

01 lhll' pubh u ~ Il d I he tr' • I Ih ea e c~ l e bf"l l'tI ( lI . tr uOle lll.. r I e hr" OIl1lluf,Clure . bUl,l 0 " I m a l e " " I! , h '~IIIM u ilille Itlt$ mc n' 8.

Full I.ron Frame, oyer ft ru~g I RlIl\.otl UR AND ACTION . tA ROI

l'he6e Pla no F " rI US Drn. ~~~"I Qlrl!n g th nlld b,'nul\' fll' lill il' , Pu, lty. P tl l\'er , Hod I~~ ' ty 0 f 'j/on e , I l3y t.I1os li of any Ma)ter 1n Th~)jltlrll Wtlrf Dnlf (or Iitth! 'i YODrs. Tho' III S Jle~l lo ll 0 ed p\Jbll c ' lg Je;p p tfiJll v , onoll d lor m .. 10 De ille rs ·J'«:~ r.hera .~ 'm e ll . C ircII18r 1'11[11 1..1,~ \ ~pnt nalioll • • ~dd re." ~. C O n.A 1) I' (j)f

"'71. '73. &\76,tl<; '92d SI ,



IV, No.




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TER~. . . . AD1' E B T18ING ,




th re... " r ic. month




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requI sItIon 10 COn81rllcl "lOg-d" lne aD

There ~ 1\ b .. ~ntlfl1l roll£: 011111 ~htmtJrulls "or I lint dr/ OS 01r011 h the \ " I~y or dee IlUI ]1 ome~ frolJl IL clIme "bere Ih ro "ere, 8TO('K nol,DE n;:;-0 DIU E('TOIL ", \ .d (\ luncrulll uri und a bnl':hl Iorolfn hair 0&,1' c:~1 ';: [i'§.]::::< . -::-;:,:;, 'U'~ T4ut Wn' cll in Ihc U1urnll'll lrm"u Au,l " c ""hr .u .. :lhn ~o ft ('vc:§ or u:urc :llllll 'l!" or hra " It Capll(ll Sfod,. A nJ S II O\\ \, IlIle htH1U!:f, nro lil",rc. ' fl 300,OO!) CUPltal P urd OJ) 11/ (J,,~ftf 20 ,UOU \ Q11I1l111l! I IUS cross Bl a t n ghth rillS f.:ro" n

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O FFICER !! C RE'\KIR T, Pre.,lden l &1 RANSO M Secrolar y COL H U HAnLE V, General Agenl

IIt ll h'TN 1J l 01 t.\,"'i U ~" " 1 of 101111. ulld clu.;; t~ rlll~ \ moa '

C, ltl UOIU

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\ I "ulrle ul tJrookt"l" Uird A

war ul~s

dUtln~ 500 n n~rgellcally "I " ork Thelaof J~mDllD g l he \I 1I1er@ wer e bU Ilt by c onMruclmg rough b"nr In orde r III ~.ltrlo.le 011' cbes, exl~\I(l l ng dmgon lIy from eaoh l1u,l fro lll Iho nnpl en anI PO'''"'" 10 SIde , 60ma d ls lane.. Illlo Ihu riv er O. .. IIICU Ille (.. 11 111 ' of Illll r/\ r 1 ~l t 1\ _ tI ,e8C IHre pl. ced plllnks, one end tell· J Ie I> rtJI ct (lllg~ nllled with L" U~ ( 01 Illig ou lhe beo o he~ nnd tue oliler ond Jj Y or W 18CO"'1Il lhell hit ( r II r~"IIl~ Oil l he b ll t. ')1t1 of t he 'l r~n/l), )( In." nil O" n FrAnkhn '. l~n bUI I ;u~ I O;mlll g 1\ SO rt o( 1\ fu nllel by II I" by II1IS f.1I1 \fon II ud rr<le lvlld "lie I I 16 "bl ~ r '" ,. (oreed to Ihe ceu Ih ~ 'S I'H8 o ( a BIl.,:A(lier G I\ pral,- ' ~;r B uprs wcre lllkon lI.holO frQ(Q Dcl Hll, \V~ro m nd ~ fl om tho \ ~rI" US I hOIlLs, an ti every ClIiledleoL willch " !;""Cnld 10 I' r pur tlnd blllll! 1(1 I h~ : Ie uru ln of ", RO ctu ld JCH,e , or our I'. llk .. t l\i u II\U Ille mllk" .. 1 ,~I" (I IOUleti me llns I x"cul e, "B8 U$"t! to ft· Ihe enll re pl nncl' r forell f lhe n.n) g III Ccllho honts InIO blotlOIl '1'u do· I" '.. '~l 10 " urk UPOll lhe d llU I"l p' r dO l ;be lhe menns u,.d , tho lucile ..e'; I W hul ~ treel \I r" tirH Lhro,.,,, lulo II." "01 reveuol mt! WlI and "llDoU nWH and &tolles pllet! thutr llo 8 loub lind KIlSllOu l"t""".




e ll A


" .. cia sldu uf the rner. lhue IhrowlP I ~ll the woter InlO Iho maID .hllnn 1_ They r~s pond ed "IIh nl en!y and werD

.In" Fire and Ma.rine Risks of the I Lu_l 1t1l1'~ ' ,,"J Ie 1ft to ulo f I'rll'; Better Class taken at ! \ br, "Ih 01 "Ilrlll!:" the hrccll 'lfl(lIl_ Reasonable Rates, ~\\ rt t " ulh l rom tI" IU \C'"I !!; 1"11 . . -

P lue. , lu lt t

I::)-' BII!Hnen earth lint, 1("\1 "dll g fi.e hue. .9. do llan 8 ),ear III " , hiallr e

' VUOIE No., 103.



0". qu.,.......-on we k,



--- -


ro", \I, oath nnd 1}''''p'' ,1 1111/1<1 A rlllg and " sll~11I d ' u,, -

1 1IIcol o Il 1<11111 11 /'11111 10 11 , I" , 111

I t~l~ bt 111 th e COlll\t l~ lull th n,hlln l ln~c" IIliOllit [ 10, till \\ Il In/l ~ toll \ /lllll I ct, w ok h lln 111 01 U f l O(I " lll til l o


t he (1I 1'11 1l 1 of III~ ullh etcll Olllllr\ it 1>1 (\ Ihat U Il O II \ III th o good



OOU III ts p e ll\hng

.. :S OILh (Ju l o llIJ.L nnd Ic lc 'lrcd Ihu rllt' r blluk& 0 \lid , en J' pC' Lho 111 1It 9, Rnd tho troop8 w" ro III II I) os IU nlll \11 IU ld All to IIIIll ' he 1)( upl e IIlI fI /I er lJallk mOlemc nl- l o i'; t ltl ~ I LIII ol n 11 e ru( J. 0 1 Lh' \ II \ Ii ICrlb O 1\ t re !J llIlt nn u filled \\ Ilh Mlunl\ - Tlte R q u6ltc _ _ Oal'(~ O N, WAUR E ~ (0., 0, 11 (" U lUplln l MOll e) OII H'11 t h"le lIe-L lJI1Ll~l~ j h 1II1( ~ 1!;III1I - Lllfl l1l, s bl ICk, I hllrun Ull llwh"Lc \u U1I1101l1/\ IL 1I/IIlUI/S l Ites 1 h \ l'J' t II not UI1 I lIum t h o \\ hlto ,11 0 11 , 0 1 ll i ll hcllll"l l hie eubstn no6e ciluid be olJlIIJnctl 13.. h t ho lo, le llll ,;:' ('1\10 of - •• ) til e "t' :1 , 11" QUUI \ t \l O". tb e.a IIlld tho m~ln dum Wtr " \ 1c l. {/\(,I II tht 0lt1 nl/lll A (ollll,ltu cc ~1""ODhla T~Il~"t.. " ll l I. l 'I I " 111 • , ul/ • I C Inll",11 r II ClI ClI1 ul , 1II 01 1~ PlIlIll'k lll ", d<l1 ,III1I9 1IIl l0II S Ihreo 111 ' '' 0 h ,,"eo , till d \1111. I h~ .lIme omee and Itcsfdeuee, th I I t i .. t I ~1 11l1 ,,~ ul '1/11(1 11 " A f ., ~I I 'I' l(tt l1 (' ' rnnl el l,, 1" Hlld . unk l'icllrly l"ul wot k. uW uftj8 '\I.ce a amoo h 10llg u e,I tl1~I C~ :~!: Ie. 17 ,/ Ic\ e Itil ";I ~lol plllll1P IlIbhllj.!l~ lull ZSulllll M.1Il 8 1 , OI'P08J10 A, hlilee Pugh'a, o ll ill lI u t 1111111' " Il lt! 6penllll lJ,,, eon slruc llOIl g of IhlK w .. 11 U'e""u • 1 c ; I ~" (I ;" R' 1ft l1l\ . o 1111 H~ II st('IIlII 111'1 mnn, VI'II~tllt1l8Cl ly, and 111 11 1: \ 1101 II I III ~I (1'"11\ d .ml lhe 8" I,hers of lO ll worldllll 111 WII I 11 ~t!J d WAT~IlBVtLLE l~III t..U I(ld the curth o( AI h.,I. cl ' lI 11°1"11 lilt lill 11.:Ildll lII st ' t ll 111I1 ~ tlll',.:-IIL 0 1 bIle to th e h l ~I I Iellolh," neck, lj) l1~ 111111 It !-if! P ~O I) C 111{' S lll llf( 1 n Retl nv or '~IU I ,"I" lit 0, I I ( Rucce s80ra to Jame. J 0 r~ L I ( I I III I 0 1 Ih e HPI)!I"11l t: r" '.I ) \J "I I ., 01 !! II Il "t l ll'lI ~O;Ill~I), "Id ng-II lhl ,,\I II lIu 110, gruel rooC1\JI FI Llll colH 0 110 <1 n\ 13 \111 to A (um111« 11/ IJI(;16 Ihan 01Ii . ~ us" of 111 0 .re cae nlll.g IlIm!tH at lbe 8110111 "~1II , II' S 1I0tlJl l'OPI C IU't('f4ll1llcd ll"l II 111 IlIIllll ,'" 1/\ "/111 L l i l [ 1 0 1 tl u 1\1 11111 ( 1\1. 1' 1 le 110' 0 llll ltluAIII,l lIle ti ll) rpbd, pl. nlcu .:~,' ArId IIllle lO b l he ~~Il\or mcmbc rof Lbo O\ l"lLl " II II TOllell N O 'l--. I'A.I>ITa,: ~OT, l CI ta lll I "IHII I tIllLItII I I\UII t bl " -A " 0 \l UIII I () ' \ 1111 c III hll' n flll Ie " Oil I I10 flv r r nlJ " l/l 30 m"'8 h, lillY I hllllll til l t l l l l l · 1 I L ' ~lIl~e H" CIlI t; p lllll :l e .. • oth ec ~l1l d II \{ I'" III ilL .u uU IRd come I II m ll l, 1 AI~ xllnd ~ r, II l1 d tioon hlld cUll1 plulo CIIn ,Iv wn hOlo tu o bll)llI some DlAOhlDl:IY n 1 ~u'" fR \S I J.:S CAUlI I 11'1'1 ~ T .\ K I: A POL 1 C Y 0 F 1 I 1\1 I f P hllll II 11/ 1..( IIh c l • Lrol of Il, CUlling ,,11 ou r IUpp llCO Ihu s 101 \\.&, NE." II J.E, el... o. el ck, 11110 SOOIl lll'lIl"gell to ga lll iP .. D "'''' .'1E, A"" ..., \\llynr ...III", Ohl. I ~ t 011 11 Is, II Cllt,," ho,o 1\11 ol hOplllg 10 comrul ua 10 CV"CtllllO 'All x (0 11" t IlIJl lt ~S I!!O to 1/1(' I I I l lY , 'R IIIl1. llllll I' 01 VG l lll o II IIl cU llfJd~noo u( pAI'~r dealers bore • l IoItn I'10, lIlI I Ie III 'lIlll'lI t 11 It II 18 :I feol ril l .J Itlll ' 1 os, TIl \ ot k I 1111 g nl I n t i I t.! tI t b I Il l!' ,. " 1\111" sou nu thU ' Olco thlltnU ulle, IILllus I I i ll , /O~O~II l (' 11 I nil .. e ord ou r wor .. IYRI com I'Iol.d I wh, n h~ pilloedtd lO III k I Ie III - \1 0 11 to t il e "Ililo II O\l IiC 1/ tl su ole ICII' , ~ DE-N' TIS-T RY. [h tlLs n oL 1IIII Illehc A800llr l1el'tllo u iu 1,/l 10 ,0 1 °r< I~ 1e I1" fi e l ce IInu dcmoll likc , \ c L IL II I~ , CI II C ect~ I I"gthllroofio !t pRpc r dlr~u , I e l1ud II Ill! t \ IIC I ( I III olli co l ~ ti 011 II' It pin c 1 111 1111 1uo ti ll " ItO) ~d the Ume\Ol CO thut l otllsag o hI d ;'1 1 I !<0 IS IlC111 Ih o J h! Y CliP' uII11 l lVO uf led 10 Ibe IIthirO I1l1med lirm so tllll' H10 1 III I ~ O~I U l hcc Uiol \ "u~u c \llI) o urw oOdp UI{Ullh uI8 11."I.olhe~l t'n ni s l1ul Mot hel , motllel 1 111 IS S " I L II 'l ho cnlll " fl),olir lnhado n .ls bullk'e Pt °l' (! IlR 11011 'I li e bqll ih III I') pc I ' Ill III" d Ollll c li \I I~ :lth III g l\l;", ~rs e lll D.II~, Emili" IIIH! J ollll W ,t 11\ lOll': he l of \Ul eo n anI{ If! e \(' r li s ten ct.! t-o PtO I'I' \ ; ec ll ~tolll 'dl to 1'l)\l CI,III Cl\ tH bllCl\1\ utli c~ /llId Ih rd" r.uucs, nDu telegrap h. [' ~: UQ~i 9 o :41 \ I b or Olfln l"II'P) thulI o l:t , fl or" n bOAII! Ih .. I"lla of wlllGh "1\8 lV . ru 8C IIl Lo Ui ul I llookco l lllll s hucill (' I ('<i rOI I Ie 111 5 'II BI J l! to lI s IIIIII CII ulflilti Rnd reph OI re cs Bllt tI" orne" .t In! rc"" lulIC<! Ull L(l C II~ I,;t/ col IItlllc/( hl/n o{ III 11,,,,,, T O;~;I;:~"~:H 'I T ~t\ ~ ~Al'I \ ( O Il1I1~I M 11i~ 56 1h 0 ! on Ihe W II) 10 1\ ~w oelv cd lhA L 1I1i WIIS IlgM, so 11\1' I . rem c mh c l c<ililnt m rlllllh c lI; UO \ (,I\ flfn clll ~e lll c ll tot theil('cc llu('n h nl! SlOn OI 01 Ag ll IIILI~ohI/IIh!lllc &hrch 12' l W/J !oIINGTO' 0 01 Sl"t~ 01 tI H, II,n,~r O1I1:\' III~~; '.~~~r: h let s h lll crl t he!'; Im IIIlS 0"C"" 1 10 rOC IOl tl II Vulllall fu,,11 II l.\ h l .pOIl 81 l>III1Y '1~8' CO llcoln ou, 1IU1.1, ul c 1,1,),. nllll s al I{~U( II ('~ (II li' (, 1;10 t ~ol\(h 111111 CSII It.s ,IIIllIhrO IlIlLI (\I buL hnpll\, und ~()ll ! he rp/:lmo nt 8uococ ll ed 11\ III) thultba 1011 ,, "",:;: ,. n trllll CUI" ,,1 "1111 lhe 6 1111 0 lln ss . ' acitlllg i Ou UftiO til e r~ fer"ps ~upp08~ d IlI"t thl! III LIIU I/ll nf,(c I Ie I e I ~l' CI", 10plllg to lonllo l tll lll FOR HOUSE PAINT ING, jllll't fllPoll1l1on I u.'cri h' lite ('ell""tI A . schuul N I III that s ll\ ~lIlur CO IHIII IO Il th~ 8hAI0 oppo.lle I I (II1U //lu c nu \I I'll III t Ie \ ~ll8 II I th c II ('l'd lllCll , 111\\ ( bel l "b~1 bQll~IY ! I nrlJ UCI~ milk Ing p ur chll .cs Will r~111 n 110m tll c (I nl 01 III ~ IJlP lli //tlll ClIt 11 11 IInll "//Hl e fl . 1' .clll'e, IJ.e Gl1ArrlMR ~G, lG~!ZK:illG, s~mlollo lllt'Stl".!OI Ohi" ollihe Glh ,l " ehil (h ~hb el1utl- llI~ brl ' I<t IUtol1 ce I/l ootllll ilII1I'I I u nllIDlI lla o gllUII L' Iy whllt ho "pre , ulltet! IJlm elf, ono of O I ~S 10llsof 1111'1111 LIIII U I\IS llI th ll'!lSI) Icc qJltflLcl1 0 11 lui nrll fill/I ~~II'~~'I: I/iI~ ,~:JI~~'UI\~I~~CI1ItO flllhO Orll>l/ld l fIlCe' LhC lllOlltl 1l01I e IJ~0\: -blJght ,,; ou .hollr~l\gu 111001 Ih e !irm ul '''llIg~ l\l lIlp to till II"~I O PAPE R.ING , As thltll o l'c hc rll c~dl' I lilt. l llUse \\ho \' UI IIlIllU \ keIY ~lId IIrllllt:ry , I\/Iel It llVlllJo; \ 1I.Jjrsl)Juleul. ~~<l(,OIU .! 11l ~ to g'1(f\\ 111m-lU i It I ~ C I ~I \ Lhe 1/11. , ot hA III " 11IIII IU III " olll III te<t1/1I01l1 "he,eof J 1111' 0 b l u e ell' nll{1 so f t, \111\) ( III I8 ChIlIS.l d&; "(' the ir IlIled lind "Olllid "ll10 Ll,o 1IIIIlae Vuodv 11 111 11, \\U 1 I I tl I l'" th lJ lI llt~~ know u, I uf llovo, IImouDt\01I I t> l I I) I ' COIllIlI"l Il11t lll cs tLII" J t llOug It , Itclt un lo "uh~r ' Ilou,1 111' III1UIO ., ILIII,, ~ '1 of Ih AIl\ll1l' t hILh u ,. 'ItI ~Il\ll I, 00, 0 ' s t~l lJd ' ' Ie dnll 'I 0 \ III ,! 1"0 I til! I 1 A ('" Dl un " tllell\ll II ~ r wlle l '" .. ~ ,011106111110 Ill1lO plelell llll"" I rhxr<l lhc (I htSedo l lh' l Ilear t t lHI t \I ~S I " I " llIC" \\1 "lIlI ' 0 t 0 tl IC J>, cp" I1 11 "01 O:rApol v 10 Ihnullol erslgII Pol,w holVII I l h o <rlll cl ou sn"tlu Illll tll U•II CIII WIU. IJJ "c,)mman dlllg nl~ I" OfllptlllL! I lilt I t l1l({loIO II" "t O u db nn'nor, CIllulII!. '. Ow hl mto l,lIl fl I(tl o nll I" Ill e dl "ft for S I "uO ll ~ .., ~ Il c h ll l},1'1I I\Il 0 IBIII ~~ ., II.g " Il """,,'II',,m~llyluulle"I-,.ndellde.vo- Gthd,,,"f A"pIII 66u IC, C Illl SUp pOI'"tlIC \,ol III J t:y p l opcl I ltutls ,. 1'1 'lh AD I 07 n O l\ u r ~ \\(I U !ll rcg lfllcllt II I I !'llo l ~ b~1I811I1k tho bu~11 ellll'"I' I II { l (II e'lL/IIlI \ u lll g ht~-tJl c, c Ro ut h I III JCI 101>"pe rwJlllnt onr.o 8111 P'0 I 'V" "Allsf.Cl lo" on r r8~I!"" lJle Itllms I1I1Lll c lll g ll cs tsLl lc Of!llt _ lIl fllt! ort oblocklldu lhu rive "J LLJ \111 III r; 11 \ ['n tlill \1~IITlll~ f~llllll~" r ~11:fOJ pet! li nd wl l,lV fl llree ume, llllVG tO bu ~ ~ ~ ~~1111111: II CII ') III I ~ Ill ol S 'IIC I Cg' lllll llig t o tnlk II No COI IIILIY seed IitOIO .. on:ol In. "AnDlnl,~'_n_ yo_,,_._"I_I_"_ \, I ~ I \cr 1I1 0111 ::5e(I<I", "I St ltc The "I~ t " " "1 8 o( our dny nt Alrx r turn~ll, 1>8 MC .&18 lu 10 Ik Cll ll POI1 hl" 1 110W \lit.! s lllllld ( r ..,(1 1 0ll l 1 11 111 o f I 1( Irn III d: Co. 8 . nllll tnl ll ll LLil It 111 \I LIU ''''O I Intcl e tlll lr L!lUI \\ Isl'\ e l\ anull" W" t O tt plulu ",,,II maoy Hllrrlll ~ wll a 01 lin neeJ of l!Je A RIlSOL UTICN - I II Olll iel cd 1\ h It h ~d Ill lil le /I f! tI l Lht 1'1 tit ItH ' n II g l IIr 1~III ' J Uj i IH ON T II)~ I lln 0 "I ,,~ PI." N, Rul,~,~c til to 1I I11 CI,1111 Ul; II III II ' III n t O ll S tl~I'IU tw c nt {i. e m ushll fllcult lncl(luntA Ever) tiling Ina III relld l lhlll 01lto l 1111 0,," '01,,11 011 Iii' I li e that hilt! b CII I\O l/ o l,l e III llDle ~rlll Illto \ utlll g IS the ir I;lI1tJ lo) CI R dlltlc 01 UIS om cn wC l cll pro ,,,l\ll~ ror the <Xlu" " "" " t,hu ,I ," lov" IIII!$ /(/lI\btlr ll 1 o l v ed lip Ileas lu IO . IICUl. te Lh a plllel! 11 8 800n III tho 8 1 ~1l n,&1 :,ellCLllO ftQ 6 ,rh,r"l IWj!;'C'> ",1 n 'rl ) l llC~L np ,,,,.lt ~ III1'( ,ylll\lInl1 .11·~I', I luo pnper hou l O o r r"u'!li:~,~" I H II CI nll,\\\cl lnI'PU\ ll!,cuou rl c" l'ellm,( '"I.tOn ehuIKr llv"tnll I \ II ! 1l0W orilL I NI Idll~l<1 1ll1' t"1" I I 1' ''''I" Il\ ''II\''' l p n IP t~(\\ m~{ e selol umber) wllr9"" (" I~ 'Ir .... e oi l, on W(\III U& .lrori, (Our t'ruukfurt ~ II) SIl110 NEW YuRK the S~le ~t 01,,:, :1° eC;:~llo" "I ~;:" '''~ 11: 1• 11 111illU LCS l SII'I( SU}I(111l lyoI,rl h e f"lIs X l 'ho me n wuro III 'III I ,e~e tou 11 0 11 I h~ SI~ III hll l il \I I (I I li n " ' Ulllllullp urclttl8e ltOloun. 11/11"1 "II lil li ' II1' 'I I IISI " .,111 ~' L' '1"1 II t end e d:lll III ij 111 ~e nc l 111 lilu s llol\ OI l 1101 k 0 11 Iht! UII 111 , SlOPPing , tI" ' . CIoctetI 10 ,,11 HI", < 1""" 1111 " to I S 11\ 1111 ~, IIIl C cv pry crtlv- I IIII""no'Ou:6 I .1, W , pr~80 11l11lg a tlrllft fur II Ith cl OMl1 t \ (" I ~ I\ ! I ,~ , I L III I II~ III :'\ " 1/ I ' lo AI,.dllll e 1\ " r) n . 'hR olll, 811 .1 "1\lI t II leo II,r·' 11 I I L hlllllll '" "e"II\I'''l'~'" I I~l lo tit< I1(' 1('11 I I I f I\ p.1 \ ::to lSI ~ Ol!! nil .. C ree.lvlu 1\ Ifi A ,,"60 '1I spec 111 i [1 till In ,. " ,1.1 t il! fe ll lll l l ll 1 v !! I IV IIC I a PIOI 0 Walet \ ( ' I JhrtJt'rKltup "''' 1 01 1111 11 1 IlIxt tW I C fltbOl/lO onem) 1111_01 till ~lllC 1/1 11111 1111, ""I ,,,,,,111 I ... '" oua ng o, H H' l'h oyi llu lllimost oom Ill.r II lie Ii Iho oOlltiden I ur~r"."" I 1\ ,. ,1 ' 0 " "0 1""1 ,II tl 111111 I I II IU IP III III LIII (" 'lIl~l.It c l ll of I!lud e ll RnHs ' v SLlllllhc r l lOS lll1d coulu c8cI\pe clI O1An luC, /)cllll Ol cie,tiu" "I'Olth. 1>11 01 I " CI,e e'l 'JI< o 1, " uII!C'll ge I plut"dlh~lrl I\6k ,"IlJlh ~ye()ulduo nl) 11 1/111 111 ngnlll l"ltolll t u l"IIO\\11I ''nc''101l' " 11.'"''I.t' l "dll' j.!'l 1u11 llnllll~ II I 1 1111111,1 lOI\D, 1 1 bUlbdu 1 111 ~I rOlhojl r l ,ol/ Aperw" WI thout l , llIpI S((lhl IIJ I(1lI l! I ,.. IU " I I.... 'II ,"tc f",tl,oh , . I .oc'"nn I ISPllSlI tO l/BltO IS lIl sc l,,',,1' us rllDlwlIl l lh II"hlllie t t CI lt,,1 ID OIO AI, IU Cl I:" d ll clepL d(J~e til 111 1 I I' L\ l ~ II n I ..: I III I l ll ~ 0 I III I 19 It 1 .1 IO llnl UIW OUralUllll;rn JII lI'11'0!lulel o" I (' 11 I ' t ~ , 01)'1 I " ' s~n II " '" 0 • 0geAllu lite COlllllllnt lon 01 IIllri !:it 1< til II I ,/I .fa :)~ , I 1U 1 /l}CIl I , /l sllnlllll \\ 0 Iv I' e80 ure lIponfI'Otll 0 ASCO rlaln If \1. 0 lo(hvi-' I , ISill ,Ii I rllte ll cl It til Ll II I')IC " I ' 1/C I '" III 1/' I :" I' I WII, was moru l l I 1 1 , t 11,11 uU .. '1' ION E E R ' j II he e"Uluj" I",,,, ullltetl '"IIHI, t." ,I lite / l (\1C d Oll 111 1" ~ 0 110 II .J 01111 C I\ o llil e dy, cnlRrlly beeolllln! re~ I I 0 I I I I I !, lIl uru tlirc(\lu '"Ill( Y Il lu wan he rCfJ185c lltud IlImse J( I.> I I 'Pll~'I " o II c l l (II help , lil t.! th o Ill sstllccesO I ~Cl)ltl\"""OnU ' ''I'' lIilU l! h dl lo "cbcun III I IS It I P" I Cll lltllltlt C lllII: O IInJ""J/ CC ( IH ILlt' 111 11 1 11 1 111 111 1'01 1:'11/.1 1I ~ l l ts Ofulll1l l g"l"'R~ Rllx lu u ~ ly '1(I/I uo1 tor lJo- lI"lt ll, ~II.I{ llral n _Rnd an 1111 tl'U " lu",ll cIltuILlI SI . W"" , ", nuH I"CCl I 1I1111l' All, __ ' _._. 10d cI& rnllllew helhc rtll eproJoc lw , I 'wcr "tlsr~tu "IIII Il t: l1s( lIr Il1l11 IlId ll l:Il II HI UII ~lt llllid ') I\ C 11\1 to rn ~ll tL llth ~wIISIlUl bu' "', . ! ; tI,o elccl,on on,l of Ih" ""1111 , 1"," •• 111 1' 1 \ 11 1 LIHlII ' ht\\11\ AOEAU T Ill'UL I KCIUIlN T-¥uele r th'lt rd"y IS t bCfI'rR h o qIlI RIItIII. nd( I ! tl , d 1'1 " OWIIIIIISWlOdllll I'" LIe E ~ S I· D A L C' T r 0 1\ B E Il, ," " ."lm \\IIlChhcrc." le".IIul, 11l1I IRIII" _ 1111\ II Iii me ;1 t'li IllIn? "ii I I, 11 111 I • !l .11 ure 1(') o r II lie grllll IIlng'l' 611000'S llIl g Illll morn ",);, t!UFlOgscIVICIl ilL tbe ll,~t A liltle br foro tl he I'I'Il l lllm) lryl,~ ""CII 81111t I'c,.'"," ll ri t " 11 I \\ n1" .....Il1" It.ttll 'IJ I.g tl httwuo t r tl 11", bllr f 1u(ur11111 tllll I ol lIl I 11011 g' fIJI "'R.a£o 4J1( lloolodg Ii,CI S Ilml I oJWllb , , 01110 I11'C 'Orlle 1\111 .. ,11 Sill p, rl II 1111 ' '''""11 1' II r If OIl C I...UIII U'l',," CUllrch, al1d Ju sl aller th l! lTea com/lo"' ''g II'I ,n Oli In It IS Ie ( III "!',, I 0 po , llun of tho dum lll e puli oe, bUI Iho Lud ' I 'VA}' 1\-E S 1JLLE, 11 11 1 I 11'1 I a I II, Ir~ t SpCII IWIS III~t h\lUn pr"YIOU8 to Ih o BOlm on hlld "HOR U""III' ebclllollll):II II1"\ Ihl tid IIII/-( 1111 II III li S Ihc} l(lloW thntlLI ~ 1111 1111,,111 ,Yo IIInIJII It l ",~c led oul, llulWIIII.tllllollllg lhe 1m whllllUr ,!lo Ollb ku c w SaoII' tl"-n tlo, U,"tILl:-l lIILes ... 1''' 0 li e "C"""" I I .. "" tI"le"I " Stl t.cS o llr thl ' b 1'11 ~O ll S lilt! 0111 ( 'II ' l' (I v .. -d d I ", ' ():::1"\Vrllnl' e nd IH ,n' ptv In nil ca li F II Ie08 01 rC"'ICllc" to'l\O C .J d e~ nllllnou I nc" I OIf ~" V "tlo l l)lrd 'dl.tll1g1 /I ~ .. mRI h llt' mOIlC a "r lVflr, I III (l I 'l"ftnllt III<l ~ _~1I 1 1 0 1 00(\ tilC' l'Il(lI\ln o II uldd 111,,1 Ib \l ll ll g I: IOI\(1o; fOI yo 5lll l10 lln Iron WI~1 ( ~ r, I IlIhl. llllf',nurl " nole8Y Url" (pve lh~h p 'l tllLhc IlIlllltr" UlltI.t WIIS ft900 1tllllJ~el ,bill th" 1\\lIIIIJ"W,RIHlpCIC!Juo1AbovOlho \lui WIIlChll lll) hlldb ,,~ u{"lcd . "I" C' " 1 .11 111(1,, f 1 ' 1 ' I ( '1 ) '1110 \VII IIbovo ",,,rollo l tlle ollly film. Vl cll m· eoll~facl"'" Terms rlcsou.b l n, w C II, ~ lll COIllO 1101 'tlIIIOllt ,"I'IlIQOI \\11 1 ,,,"I I, "I "" 1 , ,,1 ," 0 til pit 'lhl l elldmg olthuhy mn {i11l. !J te r tllI . h ~d ond (0 II III ~I\Il I FI 0 \\1 ' O \\ ~ IfIlLl (JI uti Ihrough Ih " Ized -'l"cIIIII I,m , ","0,"1011 d,,, h,, , I II '" tl!, ph III tIOI/ Jhe8ruu - •• - udrcl iialbec olUDay .. J, II lId mtel lll rr nnlloul1 ccd , Ih It IS m.l lllll" t! Ii tlle Rpe rllliu l hu. Ortill otl 11111 mllOlier lIH11 1011,1/111 hnd " 'I ,e, " I! til I lI' u Llle 'I" tI'h ~Iln ll ' " I III 1 11 0' 1"10\\ t o o, o f tll (l ~I nl \ II ' Ih er" IlIlI Uhlt8C U I I ; LADIL S' A;-';O Gl:NTS D N \J"OI. I!O:li ' NO J If. l ' :11I1. I I. ele ctllr UII.tIJculIlllle" 1(1 '"11 il L 1\ ol,c .(l/I!islcr t Ii Idled lh e church wlL h 1118 RO O ""8 trll y ' U ult lll~, I I II tl t I I ( \ 11\"'" . .. eelnole 8,,,"du lIldue ' lrv (Hce ra I\lH odcm'l lId ~ll Lhe IIlI d wllwh would • OC Oil IIceu,lInl o( II houlu In Duff.lo ~D \ 1 \jH (J I I ""ICSIIII" CIIII C II ~ II llt!rnll,lI " e I II ol1 \ of '1\,"l all for c I,.:-h, Ale H wrs oflill lucllllr H{J~ l Sto o SII>akcr I\J vvnso () l1lllnl , dlunlb) 1~l s chtlrmlllg 1 1Ie l~<l o 10 thu hadIV O n &'l'uek · of II '~"U H " '''' I It I I.... I """ \II e ll ll lhn(Jwl lllll,t e vclY drOll ot ur , glllllgl houaull lchtok Ilnu I ( II 111 of Lill lOlllllll' ,.., 01 111 /.(ll tl III No, 71 Mulber ry St., ruclllvA!'iDltJ \\ C, NI Il I H!'i l \ 'lha IIr81 ~t I1l17.11 I\as bOIll" .. nlu l Ioo l I ,,"~ , lieU IIII'~ mu Ill l H~ IlI ('tol'lll"'tllllll'I/I - '111 II I lllS tl Ol11 1'11 1> 111 ,h 'P "II SC 01 h)rnn II I'" _. I ~1It 01 ll!e ::5u ,oI, ch ou. III g II bOIl' 8UIIIID au c.lui on 10 lho paI III 0,,111 b loo"'" thl C 11l ( 1\ \\ 111 1, I II J lh"l~ LI Ollt til .. LEB ANO N) OHIO . " I I "POSltIO I'IIs•• ,1 April G It'U7 ll, CX 8un ' g , mcnnw I lll io he ., fl e w "bO ) II IlI lh u C Innce 10 I I ou r g dl llllt fl Ol I I I I L 1,1 I IlJu per pU le I/lotu 1\", 8111 L""l g ~llIpptlJ H chut(;h, nn Li f ulld /I perch on lho 1111 " Rc cll lelll cr.nyo , RC IlIlll IIIIl L 1(;\1 II II (' I II lI l l 1I11 ~ II l ,c l' t: lllt1d Ij.IIIU li n IleIlVIlY In 0 [\ II clllln i buat, IVlll ch,1r "'0 0 . ~ .mp CII.m ~ s ') ~ ME,\ I.~l .( 11.11 nOURS 1 ch"ll dcller wll ero ho )Joillel) h. 1 netl IS Ihe nU O l, lI11d pruticllII) l"" CII""cul llu 011 (\ WIld gOObO CIIl180 10 a8 U ppO~O 1' 18 111 0\Olllp o lltC ' 1t'1I 11(0I kOIU l1 I Il loHc "hn Ixp cct1ohl l,1 Illth, unllith c lulc rvulb.lw oc r.Q nh~"1 ~-Or" T.n. PH' " I "I cl vq "1\10 n ll, o "rsllln<l Plftctl ucll \Jy II LUg , mlluo Illl r up lll:'" dlrO' l\ c1lcsscd III t il e c(J ~ l1i( s ll>1 I .. II ~ tilt 11 1"1'( 10 1 /I fcd,f( \1 <0 ull nnd "/111 111).( 111 :111 .~COIlt! S lun~8 wh e n hu li B 1111 looL Lhe uooc r l l-lh Itll llt l t ItH : rrH I c r~ pH ri ct fnr 11 I HAHII 11 T 1. lh"r "o""!l 80AP Ilro unll l,c !Jelld of 11. 0 rlvcr /I . plI Cle o l III11 Ch\lUS Pli llfUlllI llltlll l " l ll bC dl,q."" . Ll ll 110 II Px l ~ lI lle<l MIddle to wn, a nd ."Ie nt nil lllll"; (h"lct; hI tile c~n I 1"""1 11 " ." 'P"Ill I I1 ('H('c lIl s toil u orgnn luom u"cuf 1118 b O\\lIclI/ 1l1{ 8U bovo I~fl "llIllell1 l1I1IIHItI IllIIt Ihud"ll , Illl VllIg passcl l l ho up mnt.!OUllurchll lfloftw o CAr oJ mll,deb ) se lllll " II/Ill III It' 'cAW"" ~ II l i'J1'c," (, odll/LI IIllh ! 11I1I1'eo l 1III'nnd tl! filiI \I go 1""1 0 'Ihru [ Btl I lu.tI. of II d ~ c. II\t Hll oi II ll ,hd1ll It 011 ot 1\ 11\ kllnl u"II out 11 ,u d( l!,or' (,f rer (u1i8 In 8"foly I,VOll 11I \II tI le I tI 1 ".II'"'llI luI C Ihc '"o-l <l e i" lie fllim c 11" ,1 tl I('m J rle C h""COlh ll I'ftf"lrfrl llll \Ir 011~.h\,whIQhhesent J I ~ IillS IIf'lI l () f I i Je IC ( 11111,I 0 1 0 f I I.~ n I III .. J ti lt l l,c se rmon, I" ('pc<ltIlh lh e r" - d ess wad.ll el, lin lin l oulldetl 10811.1 ClIst IIIWh vl bUI lId Ipll ,I lu. "",,]lc,,< "llIch '\III IlIll s "lie or c llIhl tholl ~.l\onGE G, S!RGEI~T, to uc ll oLhl'd s ll'''1 \ rli O ,, ~) look l ep " He lll cd III """ling II " IU LI liA (lly , but I I~ hrlO 10 whom It lIurlll,)r, ohll potl shorL HIAlch o8 lug Ilapl U/tl oily 01\ II. CIIUt Iloull Prill/fer, Girmer, Gramer lIIld lUll ~hr/lll< "ne, 1'111" ,,,..he I '\lLh lIl'- "" 'I' hy SI/ch III gO LLen gt1 l1l~ "" IIl lh "lIS tllr oct, u eoult! 11 01 bo fOllnd I bil l (' }I1(11i1 CS ill S C) C III lJuL At hI "Y 1I1l(1 01 1\18 IIl IU II'Il CMul ~lId (I!'qllonl ly l e r~ t ho .. Hlant Iutl "tlUII IL m' ~ lre u"etl III It 11 d 01 'oIL \I ,Ie' s It \1,11 see n mell, Chili c h mCIll 01 I UIIO Ill: lhrough 111111 J11"O ll, tou, 110 ohl/lln od "lIllIe ad· \1(' IS ) cs, amI KLo ilti ) lis f ICC IR j ull of thollgh t LI S r~81IO'; place 011 Lbo c lulIltiohu (r' ~~:;:OO ~fWlA ~r~ ~ in, ~I;:::i~' c 8~::·'t1U~"':lt~, "t' ::I1~~:'ll c~III': ~'\; I,,:I~ m\lll ~ tCls too, "bo 1I 0 1d r and lhe pnu n/lId,· by lho ll ulIllIIg ou l u f VIIIICQ (I f monoY- 'Jusl C\ 11 0 hOllll gC Lo lake llim to In s I')C, 111 " ," h c choose ~ to III L win ge d Ih ~ CII Cll lt of Ih 8 W Corner Main lind Miami Streets, I'ollllliso f Utdl /111' 1111111\ "0 " (1 ~ lIudJl""U m d.t10(UI"slIltl horgcs it II 1\ tlnug.r LOUI8Ull u ,' ll' l(ct/ons to thc ~c p c opl o nlHI"I/ )? ll ccnu s c Ill S hl'lIlI, b uIl L .. nOI probable Illtll IS qll ite ulilitllll t )( 0 'Icis Ihlli he mlghlll 'e"t y aw \llIh ay elle 10 h lo," 0011'0 I ... ",uk fif st ,",: ou lhr", e UIl,ferl ~, lInll' OI(/lIl{ th o) \I e Il cli y~1 slle coml9 lI oltlly 110 uno rl ulIchl',1 thot city WAY NES VILL E. Sh IIn o, hllll1 ~ ' ilk I' I DlIMUIlLIII o pe '1 he ex pi CIl8 1UII t(; m p le ~ ' M I GOlWllY bllt! 16Hc ll etl a on, unLi h""U 'O I!I,C "IOn SII"11 h lllll Ulte (lll mllt III llll" ur II Cul l heli ll u f BIOlliO L ot mllllstc rs and c hurch " "'l1lb( I S nil IllS flce IS Ih lL of 1 111 On lho whulo~ th 080 81VlUd /ri "are n rl1 mun The bc. ~ or , ,,11, 1IctlUn gllnru nloetl lII ull ~llnp c J!Jnr1 Jnu M cd '\n'PI1~ pmorRll '111l ILClrttll\ lln of r(on 1/18 vloqu.nL "c t t ll C p .,n ltof c l st n scrmo n, anti IlJoU Sl\nus of speclulo r who Ilnc lll" cArrIeU tllll"'g fl1 l1 <ill cellOlI" lor " "C I'rllll d," 1 It,! .. I.C "I ( ( I 011 t, WI t l II d BIlOll II - OII ( III .. IS un wl lh 1\ boIJn~ •• "e 11""0 •• C II ' •• !Ill" fir no l it I I J!I .11 I , fa lin II n. 8tlcllkln g 01 Ih" .tllfu lind envy shore on eil lwi Bide IIlmu>! 1I"1t 11\11 ("rllllln A. k ' '' li t glOlel lor IJ SCO lll \\1t\,ltln oss, ~ Th ll nklut 1111 1,,,, 1 (,\(lr8 T ~n llc , t n • even proelCH 11 It bo 111 111 10 d Oli t clu e to COliC nl Ill S dl ~ Ind I,uld l ll ' " KelJonl 81 en equalled 110 (lI .senH 1 O"uhllt IU Il/IJ ,; SO lh ll 'I' el li lurch, n I L II I. e lind "I! IIll'cr Lho blc"Lh "" tll .. y "I1X11I1I8 1y wllioh lh, I'0KetilO Air MeCll ilto ... lIl1nnanCI of the l,berull'"lrollBgc I,cleto l1l g h pln.ccs L et th em . s( t t h l II J ll s t J f e ~ Its b rl c l< 111 IllS CIU n 'gl', IlIndmn ce of Iheoo ule lllcIlt3 lo go "lIh 1110110 B T flAUHl1 1 (ur. ulclluc<l No. GI , r.:; flit G7 (iQ fl ces lik on tllnt nglll llsttIJe ncc1II 8ld 01 '1Ih Il,e ou l Iflovulllonls of lho VijlllU a_UIU tl lilli e a IIrm III ro ,,1 SU I) 1~ro b~ "118 gO UlD&, a /0' c I clollcla ctlupio onccor n l l pourlng nf Iho 1I 0ly I:-l"IIlt, 69 70 7211111) 71 W"Slllll~ tO" "L No" \ "Ik Ia\\ t lIII t u II 0\\ S 1L ~ \\1II e ~ 11 I, n craCL (urll) hH pll .... '" 18 IlIvo!t IlIUll t 0 s c 11 Lo III~ l II ( In pd of mac/llll~r! WHile 1\1 lie I'II'-d I c l ont, to fl 11 t h I c p n.lldlta o f ttu bcnullfu lly ' IJ p,Slad bJ Ihe rc" JU"U.E YOU., O"' N SO"P lle' ~lIne nol o nl} her Otl II tiUfOI)," LUi th ul u( en lho ug nC lghb or thnt. t,hnt \1111 1,111 II()lh l (!lIt CIO\\ I, n oL , ITA! " IichoD .... , h lh e wholo si ory ven dolgllll1 ~ W o( 1111, bright hi l iu 8ool;sl ~ r, "ho lIuI lire /I.e t N .. w she," ca ugh l lJy l he BuL hlJlllllry WI\8 80 8t rlligh 90111 ullll bOd) Ihcfl, flll llnoL IIflul looit on tile lssnmhl ed 1I\1I1utll(.I c l, and 1115 ler"d alld I .,)\ e r~t! OYe r ll,e CO Il" 16"1I currclll cau . tI by 11,0 lu ,h lll" 01 tlw Dl"nn~r I 1 tlcn, \Il II tus te lll I)I c scourge IJt \\111 1I 111l;I I 01 tw s\) (rllnk , lI>n l La tll --rmed I IInpPllu l Rm li " ' but would 1101 de .. lid Al lilge LlCln, " lh!!r .. wtllllr 111I (lu g h Il lc nIHtllW I, II'.IIud B T B IU UITT" P In CU' CENTIIATY.D POT Ilftcd froID 0\ c r O lll h efili s ~ h(r ~ ll ip iol on, v Ue t. ~ n weDt ' ;-';ot .;0 thl' bmp\( H 10 Mr She IS he It "81 a mull b~II ltll(ul lIlCld enel find doellJ . ," 01 Re ,d) S 'llr 101 ,ker I" thul OCCt l"rllle ll 116 If 10 hur CIOllg II Ihe r ll ilrund nc:en t lind Willi " let! ,,' h!lt IS to bccorne o f liS 8; n nn III~l1 l\nt Ifl l l' ll cctll tI a.ked lind b lI1<1"OIl1~ Will be plt,,~aUll, r~\l"lembered Ilouhle tJl C tl h ~tll 01 CO III 1IIOfI P ~ C ,ji lt Itnd !Jue l".1 ope ned. Muolc Siore nil ry her Oil 10 hH d C8 i1l1l1 l1 tJ lI . Silo IS tll r 1\ p~.s OVer tl .e ro.d tioD If tho t ili o be 1l0t tll lll Orl Lool. S h e 1>1 tll c Idol of 1', nncc "'"f)CrIOr to nn\' ulh~r Hapmll h c l ur I. 'i I/) th e I~ ('lovc!Clnd, :;111~ II (J I f1 16&Clll -J)" ylun J OUTllltf almosl Ihl uul; h I\IHI IIlr cndy ~hu . hUUI" 1III ortl l r Ihol he mllthL nuu I(ct Put \II' In t;nnl5 of 1 P<HlI d ~ I" 1j lltl~ fit 0111 L eg lsl ItlVU HillIs, 0111 Sell It up p eal s IJIlt th peo pl e gOlntu cc til lhele Lo ru ____ - _ .. u llon Iho II,, " of lh~ epcellllorH, WII, " / CUIVII lie p"p" o l"cr~ I pounds, 6 1""1 111 _ III I 1 2JI()UIlt!~ "lilt full C h(\Jl) bCl and e \ cn OUI I'reRldc nllll1 CIUS U 8 110 Bits IIplI/<ht in h CI /1111 '1 11& SECII&T I u Ollced,'l UII c( tlOIl:! DltI In £oruol! F JI ~ h "h she (\ nd . llIl .s huti'''J 011 ll ,o lJ ull ll l1l lin d erm \Il lu r milk eh t1l1 , h OIl NO 10 DETR OIT STR EET, 11 c th e) Itll eu? " cll ng!"!, bOil 8 to th o II g-ht nnel lelt , 11 "III be wdl fur Iho pu 1/10 and Ibll not lin, II mec hllnlc am ong a number (;( Cllre~1/e 10 ono /hI: 1IIrtl '\I '~ :Shit SII 'I' Onr pOlllld \llll 81.10 Ihruwl ng IIC r Jllhcll til dlllennt ptl llll R lu 'be on 1110 wher. th cy WIlt kee p 011 band. complete m lk~ lS ltll lJous of i1o tt,m"p NohnH 1~lt Illig ht l ell IDon be IIIIUI'Il III Icttc l s 1\ILh tho .11101 ImLlono ge. hilI \11 t h olben, III work on (\ IlUulc 11 lillie way g uarde \I , arl) ulIJ or wale r nnd for n i loolwut f"r '1IIlrC'lI CUIl""UII,.,.".1l Ihul this lhe chc ll"'ot of tilc nllu InHtg hi g h III these pl aces gC'I1 I\l\l C g oodncs s and d elt g ht, II lt h f, om my OnlCe, wLo li ll. scuundre l -em Trmt8 anortme nt of IIlwlIJ'e IIJlpMret! mom e n~ nllllll'p OS bor 1011 !J ullee I Th c tHn c h !ls nmnc fo r nU' II, 11'0 I 811111c thllt IS >to pccu )'ulllll h 111 tlte nUl l kU l • l h\l to h cr 10 be Ill" l',a))o ~ Or!1a.1u. MrI,.dtOll$, T'",[IIIS, millry hUlll or, wl,o llsd a ehe For MI t) I" .11 DlIlA"I::I<LR "1111 Oro, I rioo lIght s, nlld III IIgG ln 011 ber " <l ngH men lind C"C1;I. cblldre n to he np and ~f nJ 08 ty },Ike AI,lgal! of oltl bil C kllld IV ord all" chee rful SIOIIo for B r B \1I1I1 TT 1\0; 61 Gii, (iG G7 tit< 6~, GUlt" r~ , Sh eet .AJUilIC. Mil81e eve r) OUI way A few fl ~ l morl, afld fibe dOing T)m o for m e n to make la\l f\ sco rn s to Ittcmp t Uj h cr OWll Jt:c- hl r UnmcltoD, cuillcr of the .0 72 nud 7 I " ,lsllI/1I>IOII 6l , N cIV \ v, k c~lIrlc one 110 me l Lollhe dny be evor 60 II elllo Boo!. 8, VlOlm olld GUItar ho ba,l oS I hor rut!11CI- bor l rro l .Nllllooal flaok of WII. luDgIOD t hnt "JlI 8f11 e 11 8 from b"ooml ng a 8j to make up lor . the churllsl iu('Rfi collI, g ll>O /[\Y or 601110", II "Appy Imd" 1110110"1 Strmgs, Are l ory Irregul ar- bil l 81" 1 IIl CCIIII£ on "ltI rriCllI1 o( Nr LlUcoln llutlon of drullk nllh Tim e for wo of her blHlhan d She 1s SPIIUl h, uaDced IIlie a lunbaam on 1111 cbeer(ul .h ll Itrugglc '. s <>u Noll' . l,lank God, UIIC mll r nlng r.mnrke ,I, 'Thllt PrellmOD to cltscmd AI\ m en who Will 8cll lint! hcr st) Ie of lrcuutr Ind, In hrl, Everylh lng \l~u.lty kppl III SO unlikc counlODIIDoe Meetll1g blm OD8 morn Iho 11I"'c r, An ti 81 .he /l oIIIS oUl ID • Muelc t:ltore . all 01 which we Will 8ell B '1' Babbltt 'll beat Medioa tod Saler- o~dTlnl, t hntsoul d bns ln gnnd s01l 1 Lhnt 0 1 the Fre nch, thD~ lo ci elli of I our~ IS Ibe " IIJ e~ 1 m~n ahvl!. It IS mU lk ng 1 as ked him 10 teU mo Ihe lecrel lho c8 1m " ~ Ilf. belo w. /I ILoU5111J111,nts atUB from CI!.mlllln"nit Jlrc III III IIje destl 0) lll g rllnugh t lime for cbl l cd \\ hy, I,a IUJOISC8 Dolts (or D1ggers ,'-As Low IU auy Roule lD the Welt. ",th dl/sIIlIlde 'rile [ 'I en e h Ind ies 01 enol of Ill. (OnstIlD' happy flo'W o( ep lllU 8ulcrutu. c""I "lns who" I",ku,l, III) drell to s Ig n n pled ge '0\\ flr" swung /0 aIr, Rnd a Ill ou nn d vOice. It eeana Ihal .nmo limo 1I1g t il It benub r" I, tIl ed by :1I1Y stnlldlU d boferu a 001 'No secre l, Doclor, ' he repli ed fJ::r GIVA lit 0 call, Ind convInce ,"our tll1N~KI)1Gllcl~"714'WI~"J~,111' ~~lt,e:tnl1~2,~", orl. ben ceforth '1 JOll1 10 olle lon/:: , loud .hout, "Ialuh orlld m'lI fint!mg !J/mscl( 'Illd fOlelel they n Cltb or ollh cl Lng ll s h or Amc fl co n In dll ogrr of 1,1ge'lIf Ill e fael. 'J [WI have gOI 90 If .. \\ III tonch 0 1 tast c tuut" Ill cu makes nrc shol t, dark and fat Th olr (Ii eas w I.~o ono of Ihe !>cIL of 'Wlvel, lind roll. "ud re verh IlIlu Crnm .II ore fo 10HIns "I~ houso tor Ihe Wllolot 6150, I go 10 "ark ahc al"aye I,IIS a , liore, up llnd 110\\ 11 Illu va lley bl.'3Sts of IOCU o f Hou wunl lo Mr LlIlcoln lind lolu hIS Ilory_ IS not h CCOll llJl g It 18 n althc l t naL) kind word of eoeourll/ 30 PER-C ENT S,\ V ED br 'Islnlr :emen& lor me, liver 10 a IUllll nCI ,,1,1011 tnU~t h8v~ III 11.o rel llil W88 lIba~ tho man made L ct mlllls tcra pl eneh tempcr an ce 1101 c lrg.tnt. Tho n a, oble l adlcs ns and wil en I go humu Ibc m ee ll au: lOIIlB B T Babbitt 'a Star Yeast Powder from thc pulpit Let h~d 11> 0 nll llv es ' teachcrs ]Jrcll c iI thc~ Iltl C III t bclt cOllcnes nrc ROB INSO N'S 111 0 mou lus note, nnd Mr Llltcolll 111no With 1\ , wllo aod II kl.. , and Ib en lea Lll;\hL BI"!lII1L or nn, kU1I1 of Cuke 11111) be It fr o m thClr de k 10 tl>u monn lltno tile Carond olo t hat! I,a t ,h,rsell ph ' SCI'\II S IU llilllf! uttlllc til C It, 'l'h 1\0lu wa. dl5Douoted "'Rllo ".ti, thIS ' r e J't J'owd II l ure lO be r eady,Rnd .be bas tl oDo eo IILlemf)l.11 th e pll5UgO cr 8\1eOL III 15 ",,,,,,te. No 8~ortell1l1 S" rCIIUIr"tI "ben Illlik Id preach it to thc lr pattents " h' e l Y o( Ih e uppvr bv some onc, sqtl (ouod 118 wily 1010 _ ___ mlll1y hule uscd things tbrougb I the H d ,,¥ to f"II., and \VIIS 110\\ h",t1 agroU IlU R where, a ll ovor tillS o f ours, Ict uDlmglO1l ' d baD k ~or 1101\eclloo. Upzr;r Sa I the PllIladel hla Let! plenlc mu, thM I cBOllot, lind I' 10 m} No~ G4 to i I W". h/J.glon 81 . Nelli York cvelY lDhnlllt ant cry lund ~08t d\TecLly acroll Ih u ohllno ol 1'he on III O1lllurlly Ih, colored nloud I! pnrc '1 mall faded p g hellrt Lo .pellk 110 unk lou woru to any- 1 JtLiburg h filcered d"' I w,lI "oml 11 "" 1111110 rnclmgc freo by Dot lU l e ference to t.lns acc[Iud up I\/Id eudeayo red 10 rospond. IOII,.ad of lenlog the ursed foe er , The comlog "beal crop Will b od y ' OF nlJUt 011 rooulpto r 16 ceniS 10 pay poetasu 10 helo ilcrQelgh H \Jor ow OUI mnny of her unpleas custow ory no tloe oPblllhe IDdOri llf, ~li8 bomes to dllY might be probably be IImoog Ibe \largnt ever RE ~~OL VIXG P IeTUR ES, What mfiuencII, tbe n, baa womao .-nt .lIuallon , Lu& IIllleed Edens If it " ore not for strong d fllll( ? harveale d 10 Ihelll parts of ruendwj t OHlh(ct tuok 1119 nQle 10 ~IIO~ to Mr. Ja "hl~.b n1l1hc 1'ICtllros nl/\)' be 8eon lhro' IL II LIII' a over lI,. hea rl o( m"n, 10 loften II and mllUUI I~O them much ~orse, as .h~ ~ol JOY J CO E &. Co ; How mnny WIV(l8 Gild clllidre n might pIllion of e.xper,en ceu ll, who III 009 0 offer ~to pa~ Slue, WIthout o(lCnwg the Allium farmer. of neigb . lIlaklt tL lhe (oUI)tlKli on or cheorful aoel ooly l uocceded IU grlliog herse lf a Mr HUIlIlD{(IOO .ald. 'Mr. be 119 happy 111:1 004 dcslgne d them (!I tr /Ii. new /lnd ornamentftl "rllCle for the iii' ~rltlld'Il'. II h pure .motloo , I S pell k " onlly, ,hen , "rouoll alongsld o lbtl I, be If fathol! Ilnd hu b9nd~ borIng counliel t aloe., weal, Cllrondo let, lllus yo" !,alve tFlld to help" .,110 . . . .r.1 i~~IP~.?:n~10IE:::.;~~·;tj~I~~t~~~>r~:e TIUBUNE IJUILDI)'; G ,NE" \'~IIK. If 'he greenog , afler &h" '011. oC Ibe da, are eff~eluIIIJ bioelituir Ihe llllrrow challnlli. .Iong. 1. am !loa lulliu, "aM , •• ~ould' abstam from Wlnc tbat IS n crop. pro" '0 be a. good at 18 DO" oYer, COite JIl'I~ tJcllIg )llIblD lhe ~o~<:h of.lI BROWN 5 IRON B ILDINg, I'hll.delpl\lA. 'moc~er?: oOll\lllg , "Dd ioea (at to . \ 'f hel)IOll ell •• (I he w an "bo hlld work Iboult1l11trer llill 10lirl 10l,l~ ., wUl p.o.nMc I, "oq*,l.. ~ tI1e qtD DRUG STORE "iIl,be .oId .. Jow al ODe ward. IIIlIklDI LOIIII blppy alld (>,ICI' ed 10 waltr lo lhelr lIecks co .r. 1l\lbom.d 10 conlNlcl for wlole II I)oe l B, Ieee } o6truollu \, ' 11 g Ihvide 11 bel"I'1l "A iT d 11 A "alf fo r the l\1UlIIll Uatellc lh b "1 I 1 II just so ODS ns tUIl! CC ,,' IL ... r a ar ID\4I.. ~h. lIIalO dam' werc a,rliiu clIJ\od IDto 11'1$ Lhlll IOlU d, ",,' Au. Ult a&'alI • '!' ".: .2,'



1. S. RICE~ !VI. D,-




Dr, L, B.W ELC H,



--- -------;

Proposed Amendment to the Constitution,




II' ItEN CI-I'S II () I'E L.





50P C t S db U' er en ave \ smg


\ MUSIC STOBI• 50 pe er ent.s d by U' smg




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50 Per Cent, Saved by Using







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............ Dr. I. R.II



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IIU ttl. ."

For Everybody.

Merchant. Tano~



of Goo(ls, ...hlch ,dll be I'(l id In Exrhn,e Cu I •• mera (,Ir Tub·wfts hed, Fler"" IV" \led Ind Un" u hed

whert may bll found I Imlll aloek gh'lll .eleoled Good ~. C!lllilltllnl 01




VESTINGS &tc., 1

bolb p:ain and fallOf; whloh 11m ,rep.,. ed tu have modo li p In I .Iyle .... 11lII'Q ued by




Irl.nd-. Ihl' I am "ill III I'"

I 1,1 I II l ' h l' l I , ,0 \~I p etti r I f l l ' " n't l,&,rIIIO' III '\ ,c .. ~ tA:e" I.r"reblluteJ MN aU E 10 • __ 0' I lllHI I ' \II J· l1 ~llhiu" i ll.! ho" 1,1 I" 1\1 r4' tn• \1"1• It l l l \ • •I I', . , I' ull II •• •\ . ,\: n \\' tb . ) I, t' tJ l1~ \lU r kly dt&fl p .t. AU" hl. . . . .0' _~~~EtIJ)~_t..~.· ,.;J..I.·N _ _ _' _ _••Lh 1111 ·Io,·lwC ' lI llilW I\ull " hell 1\l·'I/II III • • 1I IUIlI. I" r ( '111(111,1.\1. Iv ,,' ,I II w.l.ltl< I' ","fv ~ lwe b\audrC.a ,,")utub. Sue "l:' rQ»"~ , bo btu de\'old b~ attenllon • lJ('''~1 11")IUI! 'I~n 11l 1"I'Ct!t!."., " ...1 .'CII .. oI ll"I"I·'''' .. ,,'1 EWS 11"BMS. .,. ex~I\I'lI TOll tu lhe n~ oS Cooltum p"OD Aud u.. ,[(,/, 11-11 0" t P(,lI l1lhc tlm '?- l,uIII ~ . \\ \, ,, ,1. A. I!.~ ' 1 ~1I1 1",I ~.1 lltlt" ,.. tl ch ate u.::.ually CO l1l,,' :C!' f.J 1JI 11, ' :'IIt nll eu. I' Iu Ctl lIll' CI " "\, h~ f.. 11 II''''!I l"tllI llil . Ilus c:uraJ. r~ t:J bt bk ule4J~u. s ba'\'. ~u' 1 Th e lfot lin Coullty ll-rAld I Ry a a \\111. ' 1101')\1' • • ~I II 6; II It ., III ll., 101,,,1 , " . " J Iy .. ltlo"II·" " h ' P' " 1 111 who CIIIII DUllle! UI " ~HI trulr ondor uJ. nr Sull,Uh & ,au vr~ .,..tgnal y\al le to ...... ~, of tl e '*fJ! r cltll"l ok . of w~l· hiD g 3. (; ptlund. L rll'l4-D tel l YI'lll' p l lll1" ; for J u ;'t 'Ii~U ~O 1,. \ ullr hilI! Ivl Ih~ r l 1111' 1II11~ l lt. ~ ~1 "1t' ,I !.1I •• w 11", 1 tl ... " tlt k.1.·, 'hr ha h • col)cou.r of r\!~nl ... • lI,w (II I 111' 11',10, I " i\\l'I~ UT · I O (u l .uw ~(lld In ll .. t COUDly • fe" day. II~O fur W8 JIl tthil1kln~ llholltlh(' :11l1C 1\1< \roll" I ud .t tJ IT.11y ~ou r h lup to fft J)"Mtr con UI \t.t" e:1 J!{.tl fI' sn ld jll t uo w !",,,« 'A lt d" II,,· ,,"" I (ItlIrl y ro III J\l n l1 ul " hil l " ,,"hl II ' ~ ' 0" ~ 'I U~II l!' 11 H~ h..U /Cl IO bo 11 out ot t.ho;.r un &..J'" an d t o 62Bl bt bo\ ,hr. roln:l& porMnL J)L I ~11l til III t (11 :ll· ... I hnve ,,01 un Ii.,' 1.1 .. \1, .. '11 . unlll ~'n ll' lIlIt"n lull r rl n~ I "'vl' v .. ~,v .... I r~ J ,I,.. l "BC' HIllI'"~ lUOlJl (.'3 PC"I.1OI0NIO 8\' n ' 1'. 8£A ....· ),;I; O 11 is ~I INJl h:l t Illp L oynl L~ R ue (I I I... J 111.11' "" /1".1,,011"" , ... 1111. HII II 'Ullr I. r coulol b. 1)'''"1 11, 10111 Wl illIllll 10'10. .,d M .. NOR.UO: PILLS r.... ","""""T ~ " York m IliI nnuth r nltemv, 1".1 b ec n looking' up nil I II ultl (·ofl·ce · (i. " ... .," '1'11, 1'''1.1. .." ,·01 10 . ' 1",," .. r",,"bl"l III tIll. mur.I!!",,! aU ~",\llr It, ("-"Inl .QIUlfOPl lou. Vull dlree" cck to e.tpellioraclI Greeley . \iUI WRa pOlS. tIll plln ', lind <:;\11 :1 , aU ll 1'111(, .h" ll k· f,.1I1I u/o,. ,, ~I1"" II lid .. .. , . 1 'r' on. (1 1." ,. 1, 11 I th .i t. 1I II,,, IILIIIl I tJou lL"Cl\UI P"II ~~ 1. 80 ' bl\l t.IU" une ~n t • them ""el"1I Or S,,'\UC ... llu.' wbO(l n b coothor th111 " he ili(,q, to ti c to ~It· " " '111 ,I I.. ~ \, h .. r In Ull t c·,,,,,, 01 II \' ",,,1 II._rll ll .l \ wll! , h "\' brr n 'Xfl~ II ' T '.~h,boul th. 1 It I. bUt t) te~ h i m. fl ••t.~ .cl"loo lroe, U II ueeeu r~ I r the dog , ' hIll s" nll lit LOWII , (lnut'ollldnl .., '1)'" '1'lw "" ""''' " .1' III"dlll~ .. n III - .1,·1 III ", . "'rt~ I" .ltlll'· ~ \Vr l~I"J1l" 1 , t 10f • th orau:b XIllUluallUD wUl! W. aOJPtNm~&.et 1 J " H~n',. Uundy, olmer Y ,ceperTo b l' I('e It H Ire3 d o h ..... he lp Inug l'llI!! wh e n 1 th oll~h t "hilt 1.. ,, 1 III 10 r .. ,1\1<. ""01 II 1.. ,1 ) \\ I u lIllI' 1", " • •• 1 .11 1"" • I " ',,11.01 llJ ,11· • • v p ~., ol~fT" wht'n 'PunbMln" lhu. tho '''''' l~UI 8 · "O jr :"'I l 1g prJQon ft,l(flllpleu.o n I trl t \I I'J ~ clu ...c lu lit . ullt " , .1 1111, 1 lr:t ~\It" 1II IUIIlI \.If 1l1urdt: r \V c t\ lU. o Ii .leI 0 1 Ihe Uacl ot..-#DO , vhuu in 'ha lA'" I%a l ' \ .. • • filII \\ o'd h.1\ o: fIr hI) \ '>1 . 1 \ ' g' I I ' I ol l·o .... tl UIpl.l4)n. L,d tho O' ber t.'I ho uow ~ la dny oig II. lo kdl bll Wife , and Ib en If' II II I t r i ' l In.l k,d hl.I' " •• 11 I"e . ,lIl I I , . . . , ~ I' I f ' I. H" · h " " 11 , oI \' w, ch "PI'I u•• · I r IT 'Cl hl.ft, lh-AIII o)u lho UO \'"1!rU nwDl." unp. killod 11I nl S~I {. uch n. ot 0 I' m , 10.)11 h 1)1 cn ul ll ' I" , ~ Ih,' Li - , CIl III 1"11-1" '1': 1' . , I.. II'" •. IoJ " . I.U\ n~ Io h' , b. I'll . na b . I lh' aU Dr"~8bt ...rul [)eaten. l")rlca i!U 50 0 1110 t l1l1(' Th on Lit l' I I ~ I) III1IC I lI,ke.1 l b. \\ " mll ll ,,10 •• " 'IS 110, ",. '" r C ,,~Iul. 1 Itu ,II I ll lull).\ . " 1I "I'l ch JIobr I vl:lo or $ ; eo Iho half dot. oll. ~Hcn 10,r I n.lruc!.i"II. h. ,·e becnf,lr wllrdcJ 10 frtl1t_\\ O l1t\\' o hnl' o ll1l1 ,~{o ll ll1g'ill ' ",th 'II, cllII.11 AIll". 'I"' -' h,,, ' h\' " "' u \ ell l "IJ" , ", . s . .. r x. " "IH lv loth leu , ho'\',\ .. l ull) ' bt" I1l rl C."'-' to Or Sclumek. I 111( 1,." flee. U Nurtb Il:.h Sf. rb,ll\h, r h .. 1... . MlIl i.lH C mp uulJ to proceod nt (lo ce to peo pl l!'s g ard en :Inri IHI'h nlll" . If p•."r 1\\ , ,,,,,, 011' >' III'" Mil II .. •• 1I .1i1 . [III '11",,1.""1< iJ" u,~, III E UI ••p•• 11 11 .1 1"1'--Ul'o:oa.t \.110 \i."la 0111' lithO. " l}& ruOt &:. Co., til l\!ux'C(I nut! lllko up hi! resideoce , . l ' ~ 'f l t il lJI" l "IU.II I'~ I I U '1. ,I~cl." III,! lI.II' I" r , I,lId 10 ~" Il1.' 'x ' . II I ID Ih ,' c .,111 r\ . IS II rl Y. b : i. tlt&u~. U J I UluQ;"O ltd. \ J ohn 1>. I J' G l it s on ly t o \l ftg ne em 1,1 .. II- de,.t! I "1' ,,11 A hl" \\1 lip r M k. 1..:111< .U '-d.ll, O h .o \Vt\ ItWr £ 1 III lor. Ob."-3:~ Jlt8r I IC unrH ul eru men . SPOIt, 1 t ell J Ou I d o n't c.lI e Ir A •• ,,0 11 ". Ihe W"'( ~I . cl" ' 11 1l""Ir. r " , 1II ~ lrll m .II L 1" 0 I \ 11 • ~1Ih" ttro.:... St. Lout' MOo ( w. n.. ItlO. l .) r, 0 8 mlll' OIl ono hU[ld reJ And se,en " lhe l e is 110 school for 11 ) CI I' - \\O cuU IJ p"" "II" 0,111 ",Ii hv, ,,1 1 .lre '" II " o) ~III.Il " oI ~I II I. you'l ~ I lurm . ,l lhel .. cl y 1I1f1ltllly " ". ' ~ I\ ~lt l .ro l\l lll llk 1 "I ~ a 0 OD :B 0 0 ](S..n 1 lJrllry.-O , Jacky , rm l eal SOri ,. f'"''' 1 , tI "'1 Ihey ~1I .. 1 JU >III I<lI n• ••n.... .;h Th o "Ir !lUll 01 I I" tV!; 1 l I U ...\l U \ \ '\ til k. II I.d 1' 11 11 11I \ .. t II thou 'II 11\11 lor fv r tht!." "'t." uf 'hL' 1 w}.T










R~~ PdlIBm~ t1I~WI. made up. Ir II I/ly ,1" not lui, tk

\Vh e n cu. lume r • he need f10t tuke l,bem I ~~,

I keep ronslantly OlllllUlll u mllllloekOl

CUSTOM SPINNING --"1.0-~laDufarturing ! !

READY·MADE CLOTHING I oul ,nd made by MR. OODSON. whllt undl'r my omp\l6'y. "llIch I will

with IIn o, . .. " .. "r ""Iy Itttn- to lH> ~ ••_ Gootl. ~ In, In ."" " n,1 Oil T8"u, t>llnbhdllcd Ihmug h· - a ll.! which I will lell Ollt 110" SI,,,e nwny'll'lth tl'llngs ti ed to t hcm t o lJ' '' fI ~ ) I.. jJnrrl"" t· 1.,,,01. IIl1d '" I~ II GEO n nnETT. . k L I I d I ' I t.) J r .llI e t'11 pru f'~ A ~ 6 l1l d A. LOW cl' any Man Dflrt Stn ta. fll g htcn t tl In to lI ct\Lhnn \ lnot e. nn el it ,d .1 ru n" U \ U~ II o r ~(l uh l - 1 1.! 11'\' 80 ' 1' 111 \\ ,\RbnJ u !.! ht ltl I"" rCU u U, lin • \\u" IP,1 u ll S al try ~~rlllll"nl1(') . O •. J" IIP . I Sfl7 . 102 Same Qual&I !!! uu t. " "ll Ih .. ~ Ihey .ull~I'" III -I IU 10 \i1,cl,," .' 1 II 11I,1I e1 WI, hUlll ""I' 'I G I , ns I b CSIIC othmdogssot oni1l'm I I I ( I f, . ., . u I II \l'T o~I A~ r. A !l AD u NM" RY' nnr'. AlBC'. ft email slo<k til Gt:NTS' FUk • \CIU,:t: , \\ n H.\\l L f\ m O I ,cl U I IUI I I r "pOrl tilt' 1'. 11 . ... ' q , .II Ct.' wu nld )~ It • I bl NISHING GOOf):; !-a ll or "hlch Ion. th t'y go- it' s t.oo cl'ucl. If th r S '\10 Lh~ ru ~" I , ,,. \1 1 "lr lid"·II. " ,'m th, 1110' "~ "'III ~ 1'''"klll ,,,. I}' 01 1< tl ." pu ll.c l II lid " G u"c1 0111' 1I,-lIe ' .•" ,' \ ";~:'r;e"'~ "III 60 11 nl ft reD .onB ble prall '. ";he C'1 CHmn . .I Ga'~ l 10 a.. ya Lh 1\ L 011) I \Io g . - h ,I P1)1\ ' e, nt p ll llllH I \ I " ,.' I •,,,.'IlI '" MY I, • • '~" ,e [\ W Ullu f II , ... , h ,) Iell .~ e " 1 " I k 11 1111I IIII') I. ", II. t! A I' I,vut: :.1 .1 1 ~1I 1 ~ f!7 Plrn86 g Ive IRO ~ colI berOlt .. l ome " r Ihe IM ,·"r bUlinen rooms . in LeWIS - I tUlIlk It s I I\~II I hald on ll .. , C,t l I ." ul,,1 "I Wnlltl tl l! 111 ' , h "I ~ "1. 1111.1 lit II V TR ll oQ" r ~ M -SO .i mklllg your InleetlollR. '" A' I , I I)I( Il' Ii, ) " .. rl! ANIl Su "" u F EN ' -A!( Dc l udIIlJ t. ~!e <D . nt . o rPl lt e ·ij ae wO pern tb om, butl t do~s ti ckl e mc to se e l u(, 'lI l , I~' In l" e '" 1 1e l "ll lh cI Clll"gll u l d,,):u1l1~ t Il' . X II. ,1, ,,, .. ,.. I" x:,I,,,I II... t "" y enl' ,,,n I relurn Ihanks 10 my oid CUtlOllllfl how the' rnn tll1 otl"h l o wn 111111 d I ~ rc 11I. lf b"be- ,' child .. I, ." l "I. Il - , V 11 '. 11 ,,"11,,' •.13 01 Cllnl ll ",n ' ~•• ~ .. ,, {' /I. P II rI AI , ,,, h'''' " , ",li ke lire anti (" e nd~ lor \\' nllt Ih" y have dont ,. lI uuse, h S I' e \ioe n 11>\ lor e l O.OOO 1\ ) ' }eUr olt! -d l~d I, ,,,,, . IRrV II·I" n ! .\ ,tI ,'e5 1".\ O" ~ I m .. d •• r'lI l h~ I'ul pu.e " I M 'V" \\ 1... l lp (•. r III II bl "'" u( IlIdd. " ". me m th e pu t. Blld "ope 10 be oble I ••• yf Rr cnch. thcn )OU Im ow glO\\ 11 tip m en 100 1, dl~ L 110111 1. SI/l I\'HI " Ill olll" CII I'II' " II.r " . k ' lll! \I I. II rd b.m",!! del'CIIl>" . 1, " ,1 l,u d •. ,.'bC" ., " ". 111'1 C"" 8 curu Iu Ihe fuluf e my shore or lheir ronnge. 'j' h" l'lill ur of ,lie AlbeQ8 Mea,enger on, !lull cI~p th il' b "nd nu,1 Inll!! h de,,01 d"I .1 IlpOIl IICI bo. ull, III' I" " >! ,n l" lI ll .01) dl ,rl ~ III h,'1 U U IH8 HIli A liT u F Th.11 NINO .\NI M.Il S - li n\\' III ELTON DUDLEY. luu loce n . 11O\\,n Ii strawbe rry. knowll nA too ,--d o , 0 11 th llll( th ey II lio so 11' 1' Cheh tI, II I,,, ,,,I. 111 Clllr lllllll il b.· lur .. III "Ill' I I, . I•• ' . 1111' .,,,1 11'", 11 11 11 kll"] ' 01 \I 11.1 \\' ol·neR \l lle. \It.y 1. 1367 liJ el o wn s' Dlly glcnt hnl m 11) It, H (' n Ihe l I,"u ld " I lie .1 ,,"'1,,1 " " " ,I .1,.n,;">'T", :" ~"II"I . " "" II" " III ",.!r\l. I . Ihe Agrr cuit ur u l I·Url Cly . willch mCRS' 'lI,u c,·",I, II·' II Ct:8 ,,( tl .o nll n Hnd ~ IrXIC ., A'FAIl on AS (' III I1A -lh. 1111 k ", , ~ ul I ".k '" 1' ,, 1,.ro ,, ' II;! ," " ... ,, 1•. P .. OTOGRAI'DU1. . . . \\ I f~ bOil' 1' 11 1111111 ~'1<1c Il l!' 01 Ih ,' pilI N." Y.. , k l 11l1c •• e"ll" ,,11 (' l1lI UII 141 1111' I""" 1,"11" ,.. fl.'''.' r" r 1' '' ;'18 .. III U, ."'~" 1 u retlll ve alld a hulf inches \[\ circu m· lY? Crreu 'e Ifl n l'?} ~~.ry f.ll1tOI· SQ.\ s h o IS 0 11 Y " I .... of .' ~ I I n Ion ,,,,,I III elr II II C III , •• r ,,"h ',r • xl, ,' 01 ' 11 111 :l~< E. & T. ANTHONY, CO. \ R.,(; v,s AI 1J fl Gt f. I1 IE!I " I N,w Y"R~ - P' J wI . h 10' IIr.. rcn Illy old Fri end s Ilnd I h thnt g 'OWII · Up mc n do n ot set 11 8 '''101 .111111<' cllll d' . 11 IlI( •.bl tI Iil L,. .I. ,I el ' full o \\ ln,," ". "'IIo,r fllc I l(I ~ tl'9 r(1plllt Mol,. Th" ¥ ttlgs C<Junly Pl'o59~ .nls l oru b tt \ th 'I ' do 1' Ihfln III~ CO' I"" of Ihe IUti d >.. 0. , el '1'110 OJ Ul1 ll )' \\1" h IS RDl nll!! Ih e - /\ " ",II ", ....v" ':': .,\. oil lit e 1r1 . 1<8 "",I 1'."DltA lir . 1 I 11111 dUI! ull h.IIIII, wllh " Manufucturer3 qJ. rto a, IJOj S C er exnmll es 011 . IO j ( f " I II ' II .tll p . I " . lu ll hlle 01 18 an 0 Id I1\ dY 1IVI Ug In 1101 VICIUhY I'II" ! h.t! JlISI I" , ~ t! tI "o ll 'oI , Ihe g .. l ~ III rll l' 81 • "" \ ' V'" 11 ' 11 n il) cu un rJ Irlll'" " I ~r<' " 1 CII'''. III I 'XI' ''• .: ",nulJ.:J Al£ ANn n l:7.\ lI , wbo hilt one hu ndruu alld SCI' e ll groa l som etllll cS 01 J alh '0 II, . IIIIIJ uf I'l e ~11 I '1 111 11o ~ ,,,,del I' IhRI I\ h· •• e 1(!rll ,,,ry opc rul, o,, - ul 8t. llr ll·'rs ,,11 ,1 rl'8 c .. I.,,( r l ' 301 BROADWAY, N. l'. "rnr.uc" lldrtlO ,lwOOrwbo;n l,ftv eoll1l J u},n-llutlldog llHs110 SOI1 I, IJ n 'l~u rno lll 'lIllh"IC lll ll lec'''"III I IIII OIIo . S lIlllll.!III \.I)I '~J 'C' lIt III ollr ,,\ttl prl ~, ,,,,, II I,n pXI'''SIIl ~II'" Ilona sl"melle b ,. 'I " t t 11r, net' I un j ll\).nlHl'~ cu rrl ell ti n t ," 011\1 I Ie 11\111 l8 1 0 "tI.''' '')!l h.t o u r 1"" 111 t'U,JIIIH*'" 01 1)11010. (:II ApHlr; ,\I ~ ,(,b IO'\I.H . " •• ,_ 1I•• dq .... el rOD. Sho bll8 Su; y.fivo g rtl ndcllliu. ry; fi ud If It I clll od to tl C:lt lt , t lt nt l llllP P"v, I" II "I} IV •• 1111111" hll lJ WII Ih. I ~ I II ~ 'S U. H" .. n ~ 1(1 ge MI ~ ~ g: !l l' erUI;,l,ull.I III!! 0,"1 "I\';' II.!! o J•• r·, I lr. fOi ,l ,t! fllll o "IU ~ •• ~t • Will Lo th e nd of tho matte l'. fuulld (lIel,,1 III fl Ver) 11,.011' .. .. u,,<1· w ",II- III'CU""' g III . , II I' •I '1',,. I_ Ii ' ll 11,,11' .. urk ur II,,' k",,1 8 1.. ..., ..."0.. ., ... nd H't!r_e0l'l. ' ·1..... reI.. Henn -H('m cmb ol'. J!lck . (' \Clj' lI .. ru '1'1,,' 1I1 01 1l " r " "" 111-1""'" re I 'k l< I" .. lilli' Ilrg. ne, " ~ "I' '' I'' ~ ':~ ~:~, •.•1. A:I Ihl' " f lO d.. ,II! C' .,e ,·xl'u.ed . M\ OWN 01 A "": I I ! h ll tw d ~ li rt Iltl l ( I Ut! t Ml , d UI'" }-'I'f S p tlll{! " '1''''. tWI" f>f A P3 r1j'ortwl'ntyoIJolllzene . Bome Y. hc , •. JIII io< rtl e,, 01 tH hl. 11 1111 \1 1, 01,·" ClIl""!! "I 11 •• n" ' 'I~ '' s We /.! I 100 II "" .. ',••I.l'r ." . :! ; ....... . '\IlIU\" , er.m l',\ ~Ift 'u " ry c,l r " n" Bl':::ll' URANU::; ul 01 nLum hl'ed ID Ih e vloinity lietween d og )011 t ie t1ll pnns t o bclnll g t o nltS'1 "W' \I ." oI l' l,nli' I,," f", " II un "~ " h Irun ,.I I (> ., ,1. "EI, I~II" 'IP~I 11,1\ fe lV '1'11 1 NII .1I1 ~ ' !l> UT NE\I Y.• IIK - '1'111, 81 .. ...,.....,0..1" ' ·1" .... . f .be '''''' Ao me )JCl son , (ll1 d )O U It!l l e no tl. , llI b. l. Ih" ' 1"\lV II " lII e",II I' '/ 1 Ihe hO IlI • . II ' II" JIII I"" . •' 1 '" 11 ~ In II I.,.,k " , ,,.I ~ t l" h ~ ,,,,, .,,, ,,.'I., .. s,, ,, 11 pa· Fro lll 1l' ... Jl lI~ h " li mo" I" t he \ IHIIl UA r.tu p"le?1 alX I,J all J seyen ly J'ears. m~L nellf 1111 IIg htlo I11Jl1ICOtil c l'poop l('SPIOP I,'' In,II' lng I.. n.dy I'I ~"". "Ik" " lu 11' '' 1 W d ,IIS I IlIq " jI .S I11"• ,,I 11 11 , I.. I S , .. tr.,,',, :! . . 1 11 ..' G,,'"' ll ' ''''I'" I,••t1 ,wit l(J flUlli g a t () l1Ipl d C Puo tog f'1tphlC b"l.Oty CITY MANUFACTURE. hUtl u n III ihr ~ r , fi t t Y I t t .. t l iellllll t~ w dll)'s RgO . 1'h l' lr UllIted Ci ty JIIs tthi llk 1I 0 nl ll )01l Id(c \Oll l ! W" 'llIlg' " ,ull. III d .e \) pOL "".1 g ll\l 1 r.. r us 10 g. 1 li e ' '" f, .. 1II Y"k ,d llll ll " ,"!!I.. II ,. II ,,' ,, ",k ,.( " '".... bl·' 01 IlII1,reo.cople Vic". e .. Vi .... IIg08 am ounl ed 10 fuurtee n liundl cd nod ' . . ') " ,I 11 ," 1 111< ' ~,," 101 I'll' . 1.1. 11I ." I.' r .Cl I '\I Ii ~r 1'"1. lIf J " I"III . ",,01 IL r l' ",I ,. ,. "I" .•.' .. 1,, 111 1' ,. ''' I~ '' _1"",",1 t tll rl Y S~\oln ) CR I ~. Bl'uno sell ed III th at \\ ny. I kn Oll .,,11 U9 Ihn! lite - C" lIe 111 Iii, .I , 1',,1 "t.1'1I "1" " 1" hil i II I, WI" " •. 10 ~ tl II. WS I"' 01 0"" 111 "" r ••,, '.1 " "". -\11 I, II h .. .. k " I.. ,, " ; A 11:-. p h (I I JI .. ,t ltt r \ hlM h~l tJ: ' hil l t rn 0' t\ , • C ~ rf " I'c. Our Cflt nl "'KUt' " Il b4! Ilot \II you " ro uldn' t. lil t t-UU,' IIIH I 1I11u h ,', U 'I \ l" V III t u 11t. , \ IIllIl! K" n, /l ilt uiL. I ,.1111 1 "4 or Clti lin h lill t hl' I'r p,c \A 111 \\r ll .' r'" hv f lll llh I U I ":': a n) adJ a • o n rt.('tl l p t of n Ah Ul!J:'. Tue llerBlc.I·d Now Orleans' telegrn m 1 " " ' .· I I I t k I k I' I ·~ "lid u\>,II"t'. h··\I· I" ,,·I,,IlI r." I ' ~ IIL "I' " " \,1 . III " " " ~ ti l 110 I "" .. S " ~ 'I' I ." .lIq ~ 1111 1' . • •,. I ... ,r " .. " lie "N J o/w-Th Oj ' (l bettcl' n ot l lY I t, ............ pble ,\'b.", .. l · ftS II I t' f r fro n) Qu e el ro publl- I'c ·1 <' ~ I I I I I ..... It p ,1 \,f IYIII 11I1t1 I tllt'rt' r- U II(T ph t ur l d ul i 1 \\ lJ e. I 1\, o .·U tell YOIl. 11 1\1' 1 "lIr' I1 t1~ " I II II "III " "'I1 ~ I ...~ . ~ ' I n,"" I'. ,, \tr lVl· .· kR- IIr U s Iu g. 11 \, . Y.. ric I~vc " "' ~ "e d. ;« l b.,rI . .. ,111 .. .. " \\' ~ h. \ tllr ~ IIIU I 1&lIW " 11.;ttllln1l1tit n lit'III"!! _ My nllnt Chnrloltt' sn , . ",1111~" t! d 1'.,,, ) liO- WIt. II lr~C lct! (u [ 1011 111 1"11 11 LIII' P " IO-I. 'I 11l~" ( Iq 0'\1 ~. ,,,,, ••;,, 0"1 mll' lo. '" 11. 11 " "rlt 18 51r l rl/II in MlllRmollu tho 2ci IfU t . lOhich ~nJ s: hv .. ·,. lit> ,1\' ~ o~ ,"roe(' " r, "" ~O' "It 10 t 60 '~llli .. It· h Our ;\ l lH L\1 tun .. Ihl!' rqHU l l l ;'jn i)( 'l ha gO"v rnmcllt wi ll b~lll . b , Mnll lDllli ItllI S ~ 'n1l' Illn.) I" " I.!" ,I ",rI.· s rolll I I I II, f I " !, ,, ,,,rlllllr nllli ,,~ I,. · It '"e- ~ u H~ tl Or 111 tlilrubdlty Ind l • • Ul1 to Ill' !!ho 100cw thl ee Ir l Uo boys II hOliC '1 n I d I nn 1 r.,rnlnrl D,r~ ' I R,u 0 " '1101. F.', 'I .'re.ltl I v.-1I 10. _ II ' h , I' C/ !J II ' " ' ', ~ , I • ",,,,p "~ P II" , 0 1 h t" t. au nnJ Ihe pllllcl pnl c1I1Cfp, leStl I IlI g "I ,e Ilt l " . . '''' . I ' ~ I" I . " .. , . .. ,. " . ' ' I.. " ,. motho r \V ' \ S n wiclo" . on' u rt -,n oon ' UI , Hw k ,, !t.,, !!t-" IJI Ih u 11I 1t- 11ll"IlL of l\lt' I. ~ tI •• rlt lt.· I, r AI\ E rn " ' , " r 'I"d 1 1 1 ~ I', 11I 1II I Iflrd ll fl:,!l)' IlItt?' I ttlllg I l lu .. 1r uh:d, AI' PX :" .lI n 111f III of " I, ir h ,' u nl Hll hd t:nrd I'ltotoWr" ph. o. Oeat.·PAI.., 8 ...... mea, A CIOI'II. eIC., ~ ,c. the mfl ,c lh," of e xll erne pen81l1es on 1\ larg e boy plO l s und cd iI " l to 11'I1 ~~ " ,, 01 1 . "lid Mr . ' " ,,1., l it" c I"". , p'''' "11' " " II .. k 'I" ,VII I" " , "I.,'~ "I "- P ro . p 2 ~ ~ I I ' ~11 ' 1Il'if') I h,' """i' I tJ l:'I ~ HJ h,uttl uo,h III qU l1l ~ Ouf'r.t"lo ~ " ""I""lIbr.'f'«'\II 0\" "" ~ \V"~ n UN \h (l90 onl? wbose crimea J emnnd tlll' m th cm to his Cat , lind ho wOlll tllll k c l:l"!l\l"gl' M"." elJlI~r.I'" " "11 ~ "il'l 1·. .. ,ld I", " ~ k · "~ .. , -•• ,.1 II,.· .. 0 · I l' 1c r I T~ 'V.. I1T'1 !\l\'nl\lNG - A rll lirc /If uu .! PRI C E' OIH 0 (i ,/f.,· II I ' . '1 1.' h. 1I •• III d , .~ r 'rr.~". , ,~n •., u f 11,. 1\10 1" , CI h rll , .. rt I n ~ r !l \: 1I~.t 1'-/",,. I l u l t l ln ti hilld ... r jlf; , HII I I llh :,,' ,, ', 1 I ' hl foI 1Ilcl " p l ' I ~ \,\ '1 \ "(. ' l l1Il1IlI" 't l ' tltl ~ l tlo ' li vt \ " t " hhl~ U",' q,"tl H n \ 1I 1l! t ll... "" h 1.·h6 South Americl\n corresponJI'nt IU S:" IOIIIt!. , ",LC 4.,;"' I£IV5U,,' ' c II I 0\' R':C" ~ thotn 10 nthC!:l \l en r lJyto bnt.h c - 11. ... , 1111 1111\ ' \", W flU \v " .. Htl .. ,I Y' Hi ". ' .\I'!"'ll" h loo .., ......... - . I, dl"''''U Cr \\1 111' l , ' J ' \I "" , 'r-y 1,,\ h I wl • • , ..h Uff' Itt tJ '''h'I (I I. E. KEYS. of 11•• No" YOlk Flt' tald .,.,.. ll,·t In Arlc l'\h e.y hn(\ I,oen III th c " IILC I' n " lI ti meLi wllh Ih t, flnl " \; , dl.' 1 ~' 1l1l wll ulol h,· , W"I" bJ III " l ud r .."n C, II S 111 1. 1• •. \\ 111 .( . Itd" ol - ". r ullle •• t!.".' I':' IIJ I I" I ntU P h .L ' ~ Iltph .. r. "tlJ Olh. " nr .lrfl nc ,nne!. r OI' I"JSII I' II . It · !!rr~ ll ... tl 6e. BlIcn08 Ayret \ l\ e s lH'elB wero fil led whll o,h o lJocnmeso e ng nged 1.1 tenc h· .. [IVIIII"" ,'11111.- 1.. ",,·. I" r " "w r v 1... 1, 1 I r ,d .~ o 11 111 pit o.-A r p nll L 2';' l' l' r C.. II ' of th.lIn U ." I ) . t f __ • f',O "II CO'\\I I, ... p,l l r lll u!tt .I ... ln l lH l l! t U ·' · ("LI'· ... , t .1/1 I .-t "h t lt t'I ' u",II " \ V1C P .u II\ II". " 1 ,,11 IG. Isrn wilh cuollrals . and Iho people dyin g on \11g tb e lol'ges t 110)8 t o s,,\m, th nt T il chit.I ..... lou ... ,1 ~ .. ' lvl1 I}" I "'-;Y' I I I f J I II S BII I • • " 1,,.,,1 hit k""I. ... "III .... "n. rhl.le .. r. If r I' h. 1,,'1 '"'' nud q UltI JI l \ or our br rn'. lhe piers, Ilb oul tho dOOn l ()r~ ,- nn,1 hofol'gotth e s mnlloston c,\\h oplt\y. ", "",,,'. 1",,1 Lh 1,, 11/1, . 01 III lIlI ly ... Il·' _ n" r II . I . .. , 1, . 1\ 51 h ""V ,•. 1" •• (I 'JI II urr ' 1 1 "1~' ''IIII II II ''" '''r l\l ll ''c1 I". ' " rx • 1 b \ w It{ fIlll ti'1 " ~C"J1I I H I I~ I)/ 1 I II .. . . ' t./, (till) U I Hl t l "" " " . "'HI tlw \\ 1l (1 t' ''~ .. " r , ' lt ul \\ 11Ik 10 1 d I H"':1!, ... t rl , ... lt u' .k ,, "\wr ~ every wh ere . Uro wds were fIlall1n~ Itcd 11.bout 111 th e "'llle r n onr l, cm n I", r. ", 1 tI/I I•• II". " . UIII1! 1t ' " 11 '0 I .. " t· I I) 'U ti l I U ll , ( ' tI rc d O n be lui f 0 r t,I e p, O,,"' '11111 1 lU I IIra,. W II" ,~ WRy. a nd n el y li llie h am l e ~ III Iho 111 Willl c, "hOl c It wns s h·lll o". bllt gol ,I" Ir 1""IIe1, ,,, JC ' II "III11 ,I( ..A W.. ,.! •• h,, \ .. Ic "lIl! 'J' I f I II I 1'''1," 1,,, hfl ,l . "lp.lole " rl, cl,·s ,,1. 11 t. ~,,~ tpri or IV"I Slid Wllh relugeos . '1'111: cl OC})e l und d eeper, and \\ 0111 1 E OOI1 hi Ill. lI ' t. lf '"' I Ul'tlluil a t 11 1\\ ~II ) II I 01/ Ih ,~ c utllJIi HI" m n. l U lfn H ' I II n g " ln~ I "I! "'X H' " p:, 1, \Q'r !11 prpfj l Evp r \ UII~ \ ,.... cholern WU Rho rRglDg in lho Brazlhan havo hee ll t1 ,o wn en, hnrl th ('y no t r•.lli e \\(lul.1 II "" ij'Cll f. ,1 11,,0,' ~lIlhl tl,e /I (,,·, 01 H lion. nf J II"p h I ) ~)p . , ",, 11 li .,,1 II ,,-I! III 'M ,,· ',·p ~.'J r E DUnLEY aDd...C D W'OLLEr, bl'oug ht Tryon, th(' ir g lC llt Nelf ,~. g p. I"" 11 11 110.· ,.. ,,,1 Ih". lh ," d . I' R,·I .!. III ' 11\ ,I" "11l1 ) • •vh.. ' \I .. r. P'~ I '1'1 ... [" d,." ", !! ,.,e.!5 rPII I· e",t. : T he .coJ:~ C!lmp. U . vlnl: enlered Inlo Co_p". lnplohlp IDILI h~ l lll l' l \\ en II cl u "lh iI (J tI · tli ll l i l l l \ t.. l} 1 1 1Itl f (> " 'H¥ l h~ PII Ii1,Ullt fIl10 0 m l " l l n l t· Oll " , r ~ .lfHrll , 'r il a L 'I4')' /,,> C;UHJ p q~ < c=) ~h4 'l'h e Leblloon SllIr uys Ihat 0 mnn fOllnc1lnuc\ do g. "Ilh th orn, Illl\\ It td 1\11':'11 ' Hrll ll"". II III lV uuloi 111 1 lillY' , .. \3, ''''' I II .. " I.. C" l un,l l ·· ,III r1.'· C~~~ e; i'" · gs ' l.. " .d ' lI t1 t"co ' hl "I ,' . ~ ll,,)w . ,vl ll ... ,, pi ny \\1 111 B , ·' h Ufl ll RUllth "" r p ,ut\ , I .: " , · .I'." "~o l .~ I" l h fl" . R n r fl) '" Nc\\ :\l l tlthlt !lalUed 0 08 1 II lllOrl time AgO allem pled sceme d tiS If IIe h ncI \ )CCllllnC UUSII\ E ~;, . t Il1n ~~ _~ f~~ ' to .wlodle Ii ci llzeo or Lebanon 0111 or tile c hild . fo !' when tue othor ho.} s cu .. d~ I'" Ir ." u Ill un kllll\l 1\. ul ", 1••-01 III 111111 ~ 1<1 """ : 01 t I. ' >(' T r.. " " " )! . 1I 0 w til 1:'" kR ' cI; • '" ~ III wl. 1t 10 mfurm Ihl' PUblllll!en-. • cl .1k " I "II d. 1' n' ~ "1 fi r I h ~ n'."" IfI. ,.. ,,,1 1<. Y ' " 11 '''' (''1 \v.·"I · " n 'HJr 'f l..... 0-] tJ:j 0> : " (IoO"'i!4 ~ -> -I . . .." crnlly 111.1 Ihty nre mAnul,"' , a IMgo Block o ( livery horse. Rnd CIH n oticed Ill S (lnn acI·. Tn'on lI'ns IIIHl cl' lur Iu"d 1 1I , 1t fill' III~ {,j l ll)! "r~ ' u ~I ~- lr l,n I lir A ll. /PI IUrI .'1f•• lld 1lI1 8nd lu keep lor "'U nll , II lltl l it I t f: uh .. , 'tu en ' h l lit! Ihl~ t' I " I.e , I ' ld t i.IIU ~IHILle 'rhll .g u n E Illh T18ges, by hav ing hi. ohllrnctcr cnd ol9- him , l,cnl in g h is hc ud IIho l e tho" n· ~ g ~ (Jl ~!:d 8all', U ru ll ~~,ortmc llt of ,II klnh of L ITI>UAUl.' ~OT.V E!!I. 111 1111.:!\ (u llt J unl t h l I.,)ur t o Bu." h, 1 )1i~ \ C,dl',J' lli l, (i lllc )(ltl p ... n i O .. u nw'llll1~ 11. \\ Ed by Rev. Mr. Kcndlick Dr Xenia, nn d t OI', and with Illl hi s s lrongth 1, 1I8h. ;'t e'" SADDLES, lJAHNESS. Ih b t L l l lI ": It 'f) 1J1111l1 C e~ p" .. l I t' n Pn· " ra to :! r,. I " ,li d II { r II Il Z P"Jl. giviDg noles with b"IIU9I1eollIlIY. lind ing tOWn! ds t he pill oc ' v ilel e Ill S h i 0 GREA T EXPECTAT I OS S By h~lI cs b~~h:4~ r-I h ' 11,11' I,. II, ~ OO lll/lI t· II ce ,,, . ,,1 of Ih ~ III I T iop .IJU v,· • • ' ,.1 Iree U) nlld\ U ll re c;' II" ..... go ~ ~ 'W '" to; on~ dl Mr ll c!U ut U111y kel!l III Ilk rlthea IIt le mpllog III seil lbo .Iock 10 on thors \V cl a. Now, d id ho not U \ C DIt l(l'II' 1-' ll1ll1 01,·lpl, lll· T l'. l'p , • I b I r. 1.. , IHIC.·. A,I,h ... e ~ ~ ~ Il uuh. lllue nl s te l on & Bl o 1-',I <:l' !3 1.:lll o Ilier pRrl) . (J ost i. under orrul. bUL ·,1 urr AII' C" UIl t· ' U 1111'1 11 nil Rhl N Y 1't! [l l.lSHI~G CO. ~ :; II! r - ; OUDLEY &. WOOLLEY. l be boy's Ii fc ? I ~ :.J 1'\ .".BU . Irrel N Y Tlw IS the fOli l th 'olulIl c nf tile tI" l li III m l "~ plI' on[·r. "II . gll'g " c o n s l d~ r 8bl~ "o rllon or lua BLock I' .t:t:i ~ e ~ lhrct, II. 1(167 J oll1l - I don't t1lluk I II III hOLhc !' 11,2 3 ' e III 18tl U" ' Auth o l s Amcilcu ll Edill o n , 101 h,s 1111 1111, 'Hr.' ,· x h" lI -'~ d . RII I I IrHJ''' ~ A ~" "l b\V ftll"'tl .. ' about tuc coffec pots lind till paD s . - - -- - -Smokin:; onr& h ve been puL on Ih e hut the re is n good lot of th e m th erc I\ll1 ch the ~Ic s"l s Pete l :lO Il h !1I e lor "" [., dtr II) COI'.pt I lh a 'llI t: llci ~I" C BIlt),\ U GU "G E ~IIOn'I' 1.11\ I; .lr ee trallroll th in N~ \YYork. 'fhe) L t tris-Lcttbem s tllythCl e. T RO)' I' ni<lI (lI ges lID1 s toth e ,h st111 g ll l it cd .. f \ll llleS'C ' IIl lh c.. s L l.f ~llH 'lIm " l oi . l.TI/l~lIC & GIlt:;A'f \\ L8n:~t ~, II rc to be fun elueUy at n1ght, Bod afler Ift'luy -An (l. lIO.'*S, ] nnl Stil e " c ,ltl thOt III nl rlllY l C"s pcets , \'0 1(\---- - I " II IC y flre I0 btI consluere ' I, cnnfindcnong h t,) .,<l O \\i t itOlltl.llln t.- lg nlll ur> rea t I'~X I)('(;nt t l oIl S (13 "'1 I AN i\Nl1Q U lr ~ - Wh il e J1I,wIrog In I ..I> O• CtlC': ---- - - - -- 118 B sure re medy rur tlo~ cure of bll lilcoplng CRrs. ia wll1 uu tho pnsse nge r t 'I I I nil I DIlI, ell s' i.est 11 0 11. The l"!Ulllll"lc 1\ 111 1.1 Ill"' " .. I I I' I~ Cll) Ii ... (J 1l,", tllll RAILWAYl ~K Ib, oUlil. DO maHe r frum what II1g 111 0 O. ICI' pcop C ~ g nr c ens I W Ii (.' .. I.It, . tll1'''1 110\·0\ " hllg l; l " ,,,I dl ~ eu.o may nr lse. Wlu' youn&; lft'dl - "\ru M). If bo clioG8e •• pay for Ill. lodging "1 Ir l \ I'CO l l il ,1/)')1 I I,' I) worn •... P'"II' II l\1IJ1r II r. 01(' IJnf(I !I '101 f I U1 t , elL 1 . tl 1I1111 es 01 J oo GAl gC I y , • ?l11's Vdl "I! "n l wIll n,,1 mnke nn eO'o't 10 rro10Y' (:""'«:I~~ ., or I1RU;\1\''',ol' G ,\ ••• o ~, .• . ~llreen bl e eVI I IV II Dilit un be don• Th e Suh. cr1b ~ r I"IS IlIh n .1the ,IlI III ' ul II~J aluu b~ck And forlh nil n l~hl. en · would foe\ TC'll m en no doi ug th nt I I II.l\I 'Ih:111l . th c Co n\l d . lJql. F. ~tt' ll .1 " •• 1" '0; II ,e 111110 uf 1i2 1 T he colli. .... :tIA~ !( "·. I': I.D, .... t;LI!:' "' •• ,\ND, b Blnck· n s mllh Shop fnl merly OCCUpll' U. y 1 Ol ter fu r ONE DOLLAR, lent '0 yUUf odd'ffI I o tll el " ni l! s o t lllC to IlfC' ll,·,t III . lt l ll l ~ II '~ ' rn ",' vrI 2 71 ' '''' ' " . 1", " joJ lnll Ih~ pCl fec t Vl'olJ\alioo lIuLi 0001 D~ t:tHCiC' , ol'!!IA L ,t.J I .t.Nt; ,t.. b hl\v o llecn th lUklll '" 0 1 (") 111 '" IIlto t he un t . , . Eb" Jl y. In C ,rw Ill. "herd he II pr!par· p081peid bv mad and Dspeedy CUle ~ntr· t f P '" '" I 1\[ II th C' , Ul'CO 'lIe ' f"llll il llu 111 0111' Ilotl ths lhe dI Sl,II HII' of AIII ~ llcn 11\ 11i~ ~p,,~ . cu rren t 01 1\11 wh ich Ibe mot ion of Ihe co nn 1). 1 m) IIpnu11 1 a ma" l I J " .trlJ .J\ n,lu uol6 , .nrsultl Ilh ll8t " cd 10 UO All klll ,ls of In Ice d. ~r 'mollty rOfun drd All ord". ORr pro d UCGS. /I II volu 3ul08 b 11lg. 01 lot mc, tll1 S Slimm er, nn,l h ' Ip so m c I ns IlOtlS\) IIoi ll W(JI u' ~ ' Ili e , u .ltlm c I d ~ lIll } bt" l1 III f ll c ul .lEU n not moro , n LAC K S 14 I T'H I N G mues be adclre.sod to H. DORR·dASlb'IG ~(I\lJ8e. at lht' ri. k 01 th e o\\ner. t t i l l n Il 11I1IS ~ • < N Y Bole Age nt ror the Ulille II I . of lhe fUl'nlcl S to ",o llt I would con t n 11l s II c n)' I C B)J e. , l\ II ... n I II 0 ur Ibn e y I:lI r•• Ilt log "8 /:"011 n OS'I'o N. In lho beM nl~nllcr nnd III Ibe lIIost rto. .• T he :Nu w/l1k TrUll AmclIcoo slalu like to ICl1.IlI to Illo ng h. nnd lJ 11Id l tl ~llflttS,lI ntl \\ 0 Br1v1 c nll 10 l el"o f HN n,w . .111 ,1 OW_l hJ" C 11111111 suspend. l'I."I'SnURGII, 80n ~hlc I'II CO· . tll a ~ a sitoe meroheaL o r tbrlL pluce, 8 g lnill , nnd help 10 IO.lIllh c ,,~ "on ~ I lh c 1I11 ~l('r l1 o \'dl~t 0 1 Ih e n;.;c to cd speCI e fur mur" Ihllll h_\I '" d U Z~ l1 I.IIII,"DI>I.P.II"'. He d .. lr ~s e. prc i.II IIltt·ntiofl 10 the M M Hollin worlh ~ Dc for~ J W Keyt' fJl c~ Ihlll htl h,," 011 blind lIod 18 prepor. \ 8 gs .1 IJ Ilf WAyne Tf: fe." d. :l}'s IIgO. , t1,sc.lvered a pair. of Tll o} IInl c pl entj' o f fl'nit i ~ IhCj PIO Ctll C liti S l'hn rulIlIg book S( llt C~ ' o\ \l'I .'. 'J B\I:I·UIO"E . an.1 ... W1. <) b •• illl llglllnl illll 10 g II C"S 11 a~ I'd to mAnufa oturo James Hlbbtlrd & Son WarreD 00. O~ I ml6l1og 81JlVcts IIl1nc...,d 10 Lho CriDO' CO tl 11 t 1'\' , lind milk. nnd b nltc r h o I'rco of poslng-e Oil 18celpi , of [Jl'itlJ I.,.lell)? A t:lp~lII . h cu ln lI UW !271 \V AS II I NG'I'O;o(l (;1'1'11'. ~'7'" ~ On the lUst day of May. K D tSGt. lite line or II well dresse d Isdy wbo had Rill cs . It" ill b c a I (l1l1 ebal1gc. ) Oil \ - -- .- .. - - -ye '" . C, ~lumbu8 ,ni "' il lor A IIIH' '1 111 " Ih..... 11 Bo .... ' 0 ' he Juslice Isslled nn order of attndlln~I I!ii$ b c tO Ir) log on' Ih e lut. How Ihe d. a \, no l' G oo n 's LA.DY s n OOle fOI J Illy is ICII . ~ n ,1 mlll.,lIy II. III' nUW. R(,,·r " IlIbO\ e !lCLIOn lor the SUDl of ,204, • (I~ nf nil klnd.-Sin )!le Rlld Dnuble. lind i hns lJCCII cIlntllltled IlllllililOJtlth d11 0 cove ry was made. or how lile mcrchnDI r' 0 1 II as I{nl\.· f'l II Oltn 1" 10 1· l0 l C t:l 91111C IIOI 1111U1loel , nn{1 st(lI cLl ,11th 1"1' ,. ul >IX 1\,"1" 1,,,11 cel.tU II .'. pl " w 1),\10.: ':: 1 l" " " I ~~ ,,,h o \\1 h It Q II"" '\1,,1 C,II Hh''' ' ::)ho,,:1 Plo\\ ~ -all uf wh"" he Will Iy, A 1> 18b7. BI olle o'clork r ~"OtlTIl .• u \ cd up III tlur I,. IJ - ! I, ,, L 1'1I . IU"" brb d lIor d oa't n'c gh 'l-Il- l ll ,C eO ll1ltll' t .Joo . rcr. ovore ,II 11$ properly lee lI se ful Iltlll,' lIle ll.lluin g I a l\I1 \~ mat 0" .1.1. 1', .. .. 011 H"/". ,.,. II. " 5" .nlh . ... II'.r. • 101 M HO LLI XOS " " • " ur? " Cllta ']'orc 'l LIg"1 ' •• , 'I ,., k ,I,r .,· •••"' U.. n~ 1 r ldll. !llld Ih.. g Ull raalet! to tz lV P II18 IIURI .R Ilsf"Cllon. W a) nesvitle. 0 M .~) 27 t 67 ro fe ~. 10 know. Lu L lite sboes cosl th~ L A \ '11 [ ' t 11 t nl '11"\ tll'o leo 1IIIISLI·.I·I OIIS III Its ~ . .A " f. .' .Jl _ , • t?tol.'l f \l "0 ,,: \ t 1 "' 0\\ (. ~. " :\ 1,,..011,, ," 1 !SI I~PII'" C\llrIH~ , "1(\ I ~ r fll t' '' 1 JAMES P . llRYAN -f. ~. l l!" lI ,lI, ladtJ '' ~ I O 1 1, ~ rrn chan tlurornlcu th e bc so 111(: 0 to I IIl c th o h o rse s to W:I 3 -11 AM d r IIIe N • 110I ' l..l'"I',o "lIh '''u rd ~ " Ule fe'll 1'J. ,I- ""rI MRrch 5 IB67. 85·Lf WANTED. AGENT".AT8 ~ . I 1 ~ C'lI1, G O. I (' y I10ll i S 11 0 !> Ig lh 0 I I <X le ," oor res pon , nt 0 mpl rll ... . IId ""'0 Con,, ","? .. ' 01 1/,.. Pet· Itl ... , ... Tile YEAII Ro u,D. 01 WI "duor Iii I such OCCUIICDCC8 were not tCI' I II go nnu sec I':'lm lit oneo ngc bllt II COl1 s L.l11t \l1I Pl0 1 cll enl nUll Y. ll " r"ltl .lIl" MIl.tlnllh ll n no,1 III - 411 Iltlantic and a,eot IT''es[crn Rut/cwy PI;:K CE NT PR(JfIT 011 C OIl/M IIiIO· · ,IIIOB ) CI) uocoruU. vll . Gumll1l g ht \ I11 CIC!lSl! u l t.: hull UpUII (lu l,h e alf.: c 6C~1 8 were b'lnlt Inetl t..y" Cvurt 1I1or , , gU(llalll!1lhe .bovt! snlDry or CO~~r 0. ' " F .......M 1.0 ... Dud TI",., ... qlliek ... b y "0, tu DCIIVt'. wtiuAlnoll8 nll PIIII.t l ed e.. A dl 'pM Ch flum \Vyand ot, K a nsos. J uhn - Good 1' ye. I ml1 st go too ll OIl 3$ l\ y l':l.r. L A G oll e) , tllll. I\nd It "A Ii \ (,lIp p~l e lllhnl th e S" 1l· Routc: homc~ , I.. Inlr ..duce nn Brllcle t:1 l"y"Pr II I n] 9 Lha l liS SCl.mlor W nde pnall!!1 tillo' lIellry (nlollc) - T know It IS I i ~ht \ 1'11111(\ "1[11111\ II lic e "uu lJ Ito delll\ ,. M 'ltlmlll on. II Thro' Tickets & Ba~!fa.~e Checks. h Id 01 gM Wonl pd. 10f wldrh Ihe IIIj:h~sl Mllrkel Mule "ttlllY 111 e Vf'ry hOtlAe u • lh ~\. plnee 1\ Croll U surround eJ lh o ho· fOI me to ~l'J t o Ih, o w "hu t Ill flu . \ IS ""Id <l.nll II Ihe jU r18111clI on nf Ii,,, 1:0<0 233 Dlo,~d'''' l' . li c \t YUlk • ~o I:, StOle nre ' SUc.' t ""a n Sellool Sheel , II"S(>l ll Dcpt, t Pr,ee 1\ 111 be p n '~ to v parllcul , ~sll on o•• dJrf" CO \tl nnd called, UPOD him for II Ipaoch. cncc 1 m n) hf" c" Ilh othcl boy s Into Till. YII UT Il' ~ Ee l \;CT IC. i9 th e IIl\m e Co urt. li nd clllllu"J Ihl1l lit! .. RA 'Il Gu.· I\WLmOn om ~e •. Clc ' cl" .. d • ~ o. 66 CI ,.k .Ur:EN ct RANDALL G. W Jr\CKSQN 1& ure ():7'WOOLLEN (jOOOS o[ the beft 11 South St •• Dmll III • "llIch he Icfu ' oJ to mllko. lie srut! be I t he l'lg ht scnle, as Fllthc r s nys . IIncl ~o r II " " W Jllv t rll iu mUlllhl y. I'u uil - h utl elnm e nt. recug ullierl by t I"ry power III ~~~~~t F;~';~,': I'SI 'c~~. CN'C)l:"~~~ n~r:"~I " ~~ 101 4w woult! noL Ipeok In a CIlY where Lynoh I "Is h nll \, ho Ih' c III o llr town RI U"llevl\le. Illln ol@. h,. G F Kim th" world (xce(lt t he U II l1t' ll SI"lcR. "001 nntl F' Olll Olrceu • t Hi V'"e St, Bat . III U B mnllll foC(ure oft"rllt! III "xchllo".e. - Sub.erlbe lor 1t._·Tal AREN" Law rel ..l/ ued an d men were bUlchered \YOll lcl tl y to U" 0 eo t uo, t OI' F"ltllo r l b"il. 1\1 7 5 C" III. " yen ,. wit h r~llllc cnll id onl}' he Llil!u b Jv 11 COIlg- reu "r 011,1 )llli Lone ~ul",c,g L II"l lIIg IIlu l OfY,,,c t. ~hv 20 186'7 tt. 1\1 N C" 1'....C"j::CI Depot of th a CII1CIIIll1lU 'I' HEN E W Y 0 R K COIIIUIR 8 40 I)olumnll o( eplcy rel~dln~urt' " ILhouL Irlll!. He IIl1ud ell to the oase Iwows "h ut IS I wht __ l111leod he 11011 . 10 c1 11". 'l lop ~. el p cllc cll nl l\ lII " 1N.. 11 0 11 8.' '1'111 •. if COli ~O lly rt' porl"d. H ," milu ll &. n ,I\IOIi n.Il""" . \II LOlll, ,,lIa. cr)' "l'pk. LllverR of 'chol<e ler;OC\I. { IWO co1orcd b ' e ' I 1 r I I I I I III S \V.. cO r M lUI Hnd Tlu rd o.: t rect:t, Illlri 25 (J m ~ n '" 0 were I\nesle, kn ows 1I good d enl , 111\' F ntll c i d lles · llg II JI'l g' ~ u 8, . .. 1. . nn, Ollg lllll .. tI( ('O U1 S~ bUy lJlh tll ik lout Ih l! ht)' ~ Fllllrll, Stree t li nd III the OI1,e•• of Connect. I.hould rea,I,1. Sp.n~ a m.. othl~ory. lue nig ht t..t folre , chargoe\ wllh murd.,r · so , Rn f\ I l1Ilel1lt to 110 as he u oe , if l lllllllc r. II ml 18 BUU! lr"lIly .. ,IHpl~ ,1 t o 01 Ihe IOller render- 118 gtllumeulls , Ing LlDe~ , I Addresl 'The Arene: Alblfl'~ illg a. IMmer M med McMAlIn 0 fe w I can . yl).tlng r~8 d _en _. open to duubl. t L DRUCKER. Gen' l Supt bll,bcd 18~:5. 1 _ w n SHA.TTUCK, Gen'l Tl c k ~t Ar.:en t PURE CIDER VINEGAR daS 8 Igo. aDd lodged in jllll, but la:'cn Tu£ CUll DREN' S FlUENT>. - . -.-- -- ~-8G-ly TillS we know 10 be pure. aa'lll'or: .ASSETS OVER 87,000,000 I e u\ by 1\ Ia.rgo mob In Lho mornlDg and TU &fllt i. " h.t of InmllllCf! connelllPc\ n-The trilll 01' J oh n II SlIrratt --~========= cured lhe C,der Irom reilible .perldP It It llUall up 'i'he ropo breakin g. they rs:rIl is stlllt!U In p"r18 I" "t JUII'PI \\; ,11 Ihe'Il"' nl D . rb,' rMCP on Engl"nd· lt o l oO lO pbdt) inth c mll1c\ e rof PI CSU AUT ION! .&de.I, 111 ....1. DI......,... " read,. II,ill neirrhborhooO, and permltt~ __ ;I. D.I!IWJ.tTII, A...... .. P"''''''''''' were Ibot 10 pieces in the court. bouse hu d e mpn .l ~ d IWo lind II hR1f mllll on ~ 1'1.11 h I"ok I'I" c~ " r'''''''III,1 II go A \ ill ou t Lill col n he~l1 l1 in 'Vn s hin gto n I h.. ,ph, "",,llon all per. ooM nl!nln~t MI.mIG. _ _ OIlle.-, ,,'.,..,....... lurn to vlneilr un our OW~ PRINT' ),"I1<1 1! huh """ ~n g'I g-'·, 1 (0) h" m't rriAU 011 ~101I1i.I" . Bis brothl'l', l ;;oRo Sill'. hA,h or lll\! "r Ir" , "n~ my d""l/hl e, . MARY d I ,ar ," InQ Ihelr boLiles lay neild, !I\I of Iiollrlra ror Ihe r ansom of M811mll· 1(I!lIr Ch1lplIn. hUI Iw .. nLv r"llr h,lu,. . J ." • \Vn.LIA"'Otl. U II Illy nCCOUI,I. II I WIn bp BIBLE DEPOSITORY . 1 E . 1\0. d AY, The CoroDer', llu)' refu~ed 10 1110. beflltt' '11t" pt"po"ell wp,\t. e l.'p~, 1 I rntt. IS '\ lth htln,_ 110 ('~ l1sc l fOI r... ll u.. ~ II.11' '0' no dC! tll~ ul he r c."lIrftl)l. The AlIlerlcnn mnl~ Sooltty h... pIli. t .. ... ' ako any to'Limon,.. b~ t"ei mp\y g'"e " . .. - e. _ .. !t h Ihp M"' q 'IIB 0' H " ~ I1CI 'R.. t Ih .. ' the gO\'c1'I1 mcnt UI\\ !! ohJl!cted to tile ill ". ell .. " "vlIIlllt' rt hontll tn vlol.llun eed l\Jr. R. n. EN9 LE In ehlrp, of Lheir d f a wI,t.~1 " b 'I C I' " II .. I d ' o,--""",eTmri nfdprl uo"k of 11 1111". ,. Allen\ III dlepoae or the kill or poun , 0 PRINTZ• .. erdic~ \ha' \hey were hung by a mob. tiT' A young l~ dy of Montgom, v er )' ... r., h~II til • .".r81l " '111 . .. f11 \ mtlull ci' \0 wilh'u t Ie jill'S WAS ra"', ,.... CORNEl-IUS WILLTAMSON. Ihe,lme. Ttlelll 8lbl"a ar. IOId lit coat ~u.lity.lor •• 111 bJ Eo H.. :;....--.-. 'rbe e'fidasil' ,Iae. cleve\o".d 010",1", ory. who 1Vns reccntly CRught Bmo· Iht M ~tqul~ of 1-IM lUI!:!" tn otlnse· nll(l delll!lnd 1\ ne w ponel Tile ques· Rn,,",IIIl'. 0 ,ll!.lIe n, 1867 -It .. 1 quenee 10_1 ,£iiO.OOO-ne .. ,ly three 1 • price. ftod Ihoae dpflflftll. Un now procprll lnd\ca~e, ,ha' lb. mell were innounL. kin g n ci.!§ar. guve it lUI he r reason i qu Rrlt'ra of a n;ul l\on d 'Illarll currency . IUon:-a \)11 rely legol one-Is now un ~D Fll1Jl!l'4"H8 olallr". 1 mony klud. ani Lblni . (rom a .O-cen, TUlllmeot to a and \oa' lIIurdetera ",re \be tor the act, ·that ~t made it smell a8\'1'hll Mllrquili 18 now 'hRrd up,' ' and dor considora'liion,lllld will somewhat aod In 1"1" qUUlIILI,I. tor III. by Ilree FaatitJ:BI'I,. To b. (0",,11 at th' Tbl, beet 01 Cooc h 8Jr\Jpl~~~ . ttore 4)1 S: ·W. R ",stl. ,011 \, , : I. aJ l . E. R.. PR.INTZ. riol \"d.r. (j('\\e mob. tbough there wa~ a man aTOund: _ , Mr. Cbap&iD ha. had bit reVllllre. retard the trial. ' ..

to II


tU lOll



talk in that " ny

l 0

~t Ol.Cld cln~" lIC ~l l to

rut dO!;" "0;11"'11'" inS 1I,t'>

L:III Cl ll lIl\l J, ,\

I\I '~ 1 " "~h'hIU.

h ~11 frs .oop ; Ihllt I h~} I h il i 11 11 Ihl


if''flln . "' ... ·1"" ..


f.,,,uw ,"C

'W orac~ • ...e

N e w, F ro_' •• 1,,1 Sollclt ~d.

1,, ' 1"'<' II' " JI ~ I whot c Y~ry one WII,II . ",,,I WIll hnv,", II I \1, .. re-

leCo! I)\ 1I1",le r in Bruoklln . h I . lJch IlU' nr < ,It.n rlv plIlH< 11 1111< 1

11 0 11 .












Choice Goods






11 01. ,

t'.lfYl"ER WEAR

a ''''



' I ,",

New Firm. ..

~! ~=




• H· RBI"








~; ~ ~




;I ...



~ -SW - EE-T- B-RE - ll - TH-r O -R-m !


\ rB~~g~!:;:;~J


80me e I::






Oil Rc; ions of Pen-sylvania!

c:» .,., ,;:::.,


10 000 ! ] 0 000

Pounds of WOOL





l -- !




,b. '''\


Pectoral 8J. lei;'"




u t.u.y relllruhl. t '., r roa" ~joum or I f~ ... UK'III1. h, o local nl' 8. Ih.e l·I~· .... , .... rdly """.j!tIi..'tI )". I r pn.(lcr. : c.,,,",,,. 1"1'1« c of tv 7M'. l'OUH,'. ,", " ... 'It milt( t r If. ,-he h~,1 U ·ot\ ruL" ·oUlI'I.....;',.,. "lm".t l'r a cr t ~I) 10,! m,:tJ1)- new«Pll' l m rhl~ mooU.n. • An-i lrulll!lol uf II>' lit" W£hIUILLI (OO'&U'III 0'1'£'1'10.). "",L1IPPPCJrcd ri;:hle'IL Ta"., K.lnW-£KD BOO NO. wbo wiebe weIll Ifor'lJi~ I' .llnlllOlr)'. a~ w the Imu.(, of gr "1" d,nl1L!r. CIIJ~i nn Ah F.xpru., .4' £. II ... · cnJ',t r s ·· o ld '. 0 1.1", pln'Dly lolol them lloul ~ he ,,)<,'\1 Ih~ Clr. If.11 and ACt/lfll ., ]0.43 A . 1If. .' , u II gn e. n g nerou up· 0 hill Bal I " J . . f POlt to his hom el . If a. m. AnI COD'" l'reUl\ lUI m,·.lu .• ulurnbua .\ecom., 6 .~' 1'. II, })or i not ',l1st !l1l~ 1r;~rs II. _ ) lIn . yln. tlblc 1\ qul.i lion to "n)' 1.ld)"s loil~l. Dy it. P ll.burl: Express, I in I P. 1If. • . I .. 011 f ,\ 1>< •. Uo\e ~lIy T I I • . nr.TA1L DI~ A .. t! 'iN bc houhl feel tbllthirn~clfmlll n i.... h . .' .,u ." or . COlI Cn~'"1 "'In lI:1p. "t' TR£IN~ WESTWARD DOUND. . 110 l.ol·s "I'C l'n~ I'O III'11'lIlnm eo. 1 · 'Ir·persont" ful.! , DRY GOODS, n igl'l F."p re~ • 4.09 A. lIf. .. ~.,. '. eIlIlICr I · · upp~nr'u'r(\ .,. . an huodrccl '" ~or I' ts •10 j • c·I" C nl10 llc r' I 's.,mp (~uI Ll mb u. Accum.. 8.00.A.1If. " I r~comll' (' . . . In n·CIl"'ulll~lIon. ft•. )l lllur h~ ,' . I IIpport, " . e. r 111 111l· ~tllf '8 'wple, Cinclnnali EXJlr~d., lI,3 • P. ftl. • ' yet . un . III'J1 s.<cd In ItS III N• ' I 11 I ·,. luP-1f1 un 'nchr tL I,~ nlll1 It '\1"1 1 111 QUEEN WARE, ' $ t,(1l1't IY re 1)01l . d to 'UI Ilraq'. I,,): d" Ill1puru '1" lO~ f''Om, nl'(1 Ileal injr. I P itlalwrg EXP~B R, 8.28 P. III' . .~ s '~h ' .~ t 1" , t C.II\$IUg 1111 ue ,'UI' ylng lite S!.'II nOld com I (r:7 ·Doeo nOI alop at Corwin. U· moUl I" 1I Ions . "Icrion. By it.; direct aclioll (In Ih cutl Ie It HAHDW,\RE E, W. 1V 00DwAnD. PreaiJellt. BA SX ~:T l\b: F::TUW-The Un iversnl . d r" ,.~ from il ull it!! Imp" ..iti '. kindly 1",,1. JOIl" Do nA~D. GeU'1 SuRt t. /I . D. CADIVALLADER. Age'lI!. i ts of this ICo. lI'iil ho ld Il Ba13 k ,t inf!' the $1lm ~, ,,-nJ l e ~\\·in~ Lr,,, :mrf, c~ tL5 Na lure inlellded il should uo. dC1<. 'ol't. smo"Lh CADwALLADER &. MILLS. E.rpmu A.l{mti. Meting in the IIgnr Groye of ~h. IIl1d ue,ol iful. Pricc $1, Sen t by M.dl (lr Ex H JCILBOl'l. ~l"r e h o ntd' Ull io n Ex. Ag" , William Gmhnm,' auotlt two miles I'r~,. nil ra::p.ipt of ill. O"t.' r hy ~ "' . L. I'OST-OFnC t; NOTICE! f"om thc Freeport D E' potl 011 f)111111n,r. CLARK /;. CO ., (h .. oni",. NQ. 3 W" 't JUlie 2S .. cI. 'there will be prene hin g' ~ lI " >: t .. S~·r"cu.c. N . y -'tho o."~' An,c,:; )hll Troin f:... I. lO ' ~ 3 A. X . T o OUI l'or 11,0 ",Ie of th e M m e. .. d " ... 10 10 .. at l Ot A. ~I . , nn ll 2 o'clock. P . )1. _ CJII A2CIIIi! .. 'rrhlll ,v u t, 2 !{6 1'. M. ~ .II ~ I' r lu.ft., 2 06 It R evs. H . F. Mill e r, W . S. D·s cou.' B . " ' .... d ..·.·,... 1 b ... ··I·.· ..... ItAltn:rsu t 'ROI1 MAli •• 1 .30 p. M. ~I"nd.y. :I I!B " . f' d null", ,, Ilid l''' ridlilY . F . Eutoll. lint! p "ot'nlol,v others wil l R ~." 'GTO'. I ho wol'lJ rOllo" n,,1" S TOe K , Il::T WIl~M." " MAli .. 7 .A . 1\1 . Tue..l ny . be present. All ul'e il1l'itcll. t\..1'i~l'o l.ugist ttll~ i) lDtllmb uHs l ic C llli r",,~ .llll . .. Th.rod., oud SalU,dQ,.. AI .... Yv.. 6 p nt.

til ... following


tr. bum.... aft r


~Iete Wi~~;~:I~ ~I'ie ~O~tl I)~ tjr i}~.~~~: ~br"e ~b~



rl"~n !LLE


'l'ESTON. -Tbe· attclIdllnee Il pon t lt e

" "I"~"':'Jt'''h'd



n~ '

Dry and MIXed Pamts,

1'l4t L ugut and



01 .1\ kit.eI.,:

m'ill ij VIm S ,

C~.I n.,e, or IUron i"!! O.~n, {;~IL.

,"THE CARDINAL .'" .I,,"ks


hil i wit"

l roll R~ ~"r\loir u n l Op, Tin Kj'd..~o Oil ''',ck; a lorge OI"l

""d I

e Xl~nd' l

.11 'u I'hn. 011,1 ," ""Id '~ ' P" C II,, !Iy IloIorm I I.{'OI LhDI hd Is UCtw in r.. ceil't of


hi ••


s"p IN",

I CC 0 K.

IIUIt,."uu ... 1r1f.tlll'l 10f Ihe Il,r!!,. I' ",' n'il" .1"•• ,1.

C HEM Ie A .L S:




FlIfI.ll rl" .: OVPn dnarH IlIled

rPIII." he I, ftnJ Re. (1 1.1... 1<0 rr(tu lOla Ihe I, •• t when n "klng : SNd.· of l T he mOfl ..olllp lelc ,,1111 be.'.... orklnr 18t""11 ,," n I. rg l, m, ly or U"tl"l .II' OI \WIh"vt). Vypr ... 1 lip Of IbuG thore... a: 10

. ],(., ».,.. I' AI:-IT. VAR:-Il"H. &C, CLOTliS AND CASSiBU:.qES I·".·-" -. ~d D. ,vh,l e '" II SIll"' . d~lill." IC;; Ihe Be ht at the Lowest. CASH !'l!ry fe l'tlJrOS oi' lhc pcr,;W Il. you uri.! Iv "IJr. I ug . P :n In iT IIlI 1E » Iuf all .hodel ft fld . u lorft• (tp.n...1 in lrA YOllITE." ..)" II l1d by Ihe ui J or lin ill'lr ntllelit of iul n<c r lCeS


rill""O ),II I1!

"sun(lny 8t.:11001 COll yention nt X e nia on Tim id~y': I 8aid " to have been

W:JP ~XJ...t:,i' ? 7a":;,,,,:Q.




Tu lo1 STAT); SAB BATH S C H OOl. CON. rctllrned





r i C It I





SPUING 1867, ~~~~~iM

r.:n. ~~,


Z3r MI'. R e " C ITo ll nnd lind wi fl'



I tL, Always Ahead!


J . A . IHVIJ\'. P . !II.

ETOED." Cheap

'Ycdllcsclny Illst fro m pownr, HDOl'm us ttoc I'S\' c lro>m 'ilrupt "11 or . . I . I • r • • ,. . ~ "fluli of n th eil' Jo u rn('j' t h l'ol1g h tlJe ' Veslern ""tC~S 10 pro(\uec" p" ...."CI "u" lifc ·iik c "i,' , \ \ (l 111\ 11ft I It' 1J1I ",,"n"'Ng. StAtes, h n" in g enjoyed s ix wel' k a ' l turc of lh. fUlul'o !lIIsullnd or "'i fc nl't l1,' " I' !. t. 11111 i" n il fl. '1 ,.11.. ...... " mon g th eil' man y frl Clldli ill LheWcst.. liellnl . with dnte of IIlllrria!;e, orl'" '' 11,,", ... "I Pri" p., . 1 Cl'll cOllntl'), In • n• vcry I.unpp" m!lIlIIl!I'. j .iMUi ll;; . . trails of d'J" '. .,elcr, &~. ,(" ,. ,n ('st""" 1 III' Uhj"C llol'I' I"'I~ .. , Oil



lId. 1,l or_. whi" h h~


i. IIn'porpd lu rut 'In lhe " 10tH lm ;Ir{)V('U F; tyl" vI 8rt : illltJ I, o \' iu~ III hid

Q:l!tinb'otu - ~lass, .




·l'hi. i~ .. flr.t·cIIl A' ,,00t! Mok.tlo\O!!,. I.rlle wooJ ·duor. I.rllll ""'" lined whh re, I.I01 r In dour tu r6I/u l ~ ' C Illf ItlDpCla. lure uf Ihe O\' on In blikll1g .


SASH AND PtTTTY, .' Yery Inrge. Thc old oflluers 1VQre Desl 'Vorkmen in t!IO ,,,. esC ! • . • . •• • " Impo:; Hlon , as tc ~tlll.1 0lllll l s w . tll. (\~:: Ii l!~ TnUS reelt'ctetl . A reso lut.ion Nexttlllle 1Il. , Holland \1111 ' nl) ~ll e c.lnn.serl. 1I.v st,IIII'!: ph el' It; Io i:o l.." ( j • • " " k .. ' IH)( )TH .... J) .II ES . " t hanks to tbe otllcers wns unnuilllo us . programme. Rnd m uke IIIJ oth6r tOllr uisposilion, color of c~· • • "uu Il.,ir, l\' It ! " II ,. . I . ' .I, .I', ;:IlI~sT ' , (i .· '1· QLi .. •. " 111 lld!rt;l l .'t'! \ Vt' hr, 0\ 1l.1I "I l Y This i. ' rue In name alld r.OUt. / UPPOnT ERS . Cuslome,. "D I •• u'td 11•• llh ey con ".v ol ner II b.~ b:c n Inlruduced. ly ndo pted . in t he Eust!!rn and Nc w. EllglulH1 , pill" /ii'ly coots. It"'] SII IIl!lCI CII , ,,I ,, ,,, , 1 , ' .. :"'! Iil pir wurlc t11'llf~ in n ",ylo un ltUrpntlllP c! b\, dre,scd to ~·o u .. cl f. ),ou wi Ol rC ('c;"e 'h" ! i,' I T II T" .'ll(lX 3 . Ii . H !' .I11nIS. A. au('scripLio ll ' of ai. ollt 81,100 States. S HO ULDEF•. nRACES. ;'~~~ I II IlIa ·cou nt ry . Iud I II I'rc ry I'."IUU. / t suLilcl'i ucd fol' the sn~l port •• -lure by "elur" m'oil. tOg'Nl'er wi lh II," ' " I A LL TilE POI'ULA It Jt;ir The Teachers' In stit ute at illfO"","lioll . ~ 1\,ltl l'cos in "'". "1,·,,c,' , • ..lV.L T rn\'eli llg Secreta rJ', whicb Lebanon on Satnrd ay tho uoh n ot ;\fADAllE G.nTn~D~ nUII WTO" , P. O. BO" j Superior to anything in tbu p la ce ~.bbancr,. nu nggl-cgale of nbo ut 63,.500 " Y. . [:-~ Iv. _ " ,. _ nlc~icillCSt I'cry l argely attended. ,on /lCCO.11TI t or 297, _ ~ W es t Troy, N.. ea for that I'lI rpose. the rain was neve rtbeless 1\ \' er" fer ,' 1 ANHOOlJ D Y()l"~'I," 'I! ~ Q 0R e I'. Jnlllcs Trim ble delivcred an • • Y 1 GO il nrc rCIJ"IIIe.1 Ii)' IIdmllO.d ~ I~.r. p!easnnt ocells io ll . The ch ic f fe ll . 17",,1 Hue/lit . e;"ro lf'r IIlu lb ... ry Slrt'et IIn,1 Dr, ... IWOI' . o n Snut!ny School Li tera- tUI'Io'9 of a t t raction were t he cssny Tr, fi nd th o s ubj llc.: t WIlS 1\lrther U. NO W 'I' II\" D E~·.· ' '''V . on 'S t o rm s,' br Mi ss Mullen, and tin J i~c.:usSQJ. by Mr. Dmidso n snd MI'. I\f!tlres!>' by S . \Y. Drown, boLiI of M ADAME E . F . 'l'II UIl'NT'.N. Ihe !!' PIII Alw" y. KPp r .. n ,"" n,1 n gC'JU d~o n . Mr. D ovillsc n t hollght much which WI.' he ul' big-I JI.\' spoltC II of. En ~ li ~ h A .t lr ului!:i.II, C luir v. , ~· ttl , t lIud HAIR-OILS, 118 " " " , Urlt ur P8yr.h o IH P Iricill ll . w tlU h /lf' u S" o n iBhrd 11 11' this Jitc r nttll'e was of t oo light II SU'OOEt:;S! llt ific CIO .~C8 01 110. /)Id \V"r lti. I"" WAT CI I ES. ('tel', !lnd It e IIr;TCU more su L· I:7ir ~Ic!!!iJ·s. B adllen & J!llln e,r scie Ma nufil 'I\lreu hy 1\JysCJIf. equal IO .)\V loc otlld· I,","e ll "I !tn.tou lI, N : Y, CLO( Kg. ();3- In DII ot Ihe ab"ve a l <i ve~. Ilot'reti nl books for 'S lIn day Sch('~1 Ji . nre (.'{)nstun t ly adding to th ei l' stoc k, 1.\lullnlnf.' ·rl lU rn tfl ll jl OS8f!1HW8 S Ii Ch wO rl !l. to my B e'S I "U:;to lll \,y urI , ftre .Ioree HI:lCl_', II•• no! 9-V1 ry lntr i n J E 'o' ELRf. C"II. P~IWl'ill l o\l ~nli'HI 10 Ih e fOOl th ol rica. Dr. N chio n tl e r~ ucl cd tli e nlld no onc s boliid think o f f:tllill g errul powe r s nr flP.C.tH1 U tti(!hl. rlS tu i rn pnrl Ilh\' ilJS 0 11 halld. llift It ,· w 'llu el. or IrnoJ~ . " CP lllp lo l e . l"ico8 Irom :.15 up 10,-00. IUrol f d Wl .U kn owl e,l!!e of llo e IIr e. teli ill"",r lllllr.' I,) n.rnutel' of this litcr:ltul'f'. H e clir\ to l:nll o nce or tw icc Il week. Thc Lhe lii n ~ l e or rnllrrll'd 0 ' Qillif' r H'I(. In I'Vf' rv voni cOI I"r .• ,,,1 ill ever, co. ple le ! & r Ufi lw e[ Ulorrhy th e IIll co lIbeliel'\l that 1111" of the books rnflill sRles the" ho,'c been 1Il 11 lti II,,"', \'V ltile in " stol e uf !rll ncp . " 10 o ,1_ll lI e.",., liull 01 1100 Public . J .) t h e very l en lures fit til e pE'rtao ll )' 0 0 n r p ' n G" tu, SILVER A~ I) ST Ei:L C I'll lIy Pl'OCI!/,(:c! fa I' Suuday the lI ntural 1'0 li lt of !tn e ll'g:lIIt , 11(1' mtlr ry , ",," uy the 71'" u J "" iO. ""1I1 011 '/I





TH'E NEW Fl'R-n/r

:! Undt-®nh,










C L 0 '1'111 N G, P 10 i n de a Ie r!



S pee t a c 1

i n le ll .~ p.,wPr. kll oW II flO llo e P ;Y" h",,, ,, • E' S, Tile l. r1;P81 Blld .10 .. 81 sluck of Ilropp. g " " r" "'p ~. 10 1'",,1 U ':£' " lii p·li/,(, ~icl ure of Ih e fulur e hu .ba" ,1 ftr \V ilp. II I :i, c nP rl iclln l. 1<'!!~ lhN \\' i~I, ,1 "10 Hf onll" Gu/ TAR~ . V lOLT N~. FLUTES. ri "I!~, 1" I.ill"l1 in life . lendill!! 1."iI8 " I • A CCOR () EO~S . VIOLI!~ t3. c hUrO t~l(' rt k.c . 'Phi ", I,; 11 0 hl hO iJ U!! . n~ AXD Gli l.TAR .,T l lI NGS . 110 0110",,<1. of Ie.limonin ls "ti ll . . . orl. l ""Ell! o pened ot COI'Wlll , whi c h is he ld ill She will HO .III "'h en <l e8I r~11 0 "Pr lif'i ",lllIIIIo1 the School hol1se in the n fterno oo ns. cCrlilic" le, or wrifl OIl Cll nn.n lP". 11"'1 II ,, ' A e Ill' ll cs P ug II 'IS SUpCI. uictu ro is wh n'I i'I 11I"p"rl8 intclI , (\ c>nl ' I k I ''lI b.,. I By ell· . rurlli elo cd ul 'he vpry I" wesl price! . r. o.i /lg" ""''' I c .. I '"". ""' " , .. illig lind 1\ Yc ry }il'ely ill te rest is · " Ioe" 01 bir' h. "1:". dis"'''8i liO) II """ " .. II •. & e.• <\reo rc!;ted il) the work by onr fri ends o · u:,'xiu". B,.II!! fi llY CP II" IIlI ti .. ...,.crlpll.lI. • ...,...11, Co .... vcr t hc rh ·e l·. lY e \\'1 511 Lit e Cl1l1H C It - sl!lInp.d cnvplope 1I11:,p." .d ." y,,"r.,,:'. lurn i"hc d OIiU rut li p 11 11 Bh orll' Sl nolie,...'poU.HI~.Cl1 "n bu1:.......

,·hool IilJrad l'8 \I'ere un s uitnble fo r ' plJ of gootls nuu polite gc ntl e men !·I·.a t"I·11 "11I tlll·e. t o II 'I k tl ' t f' ' " ~ se .Ietn, ma -e '011' 8 o re [\ u · .A oI llressl's w~rc 1n:'(\C h)' BCYc l'ul voritc place of J'cso rt fol' buyel's. ons. Til l:' ('0 101'011 c h il,lrclI were ~~.~~ ,Irl'ssecl I'. }' L:I,I"r IJul' n ~ t nn,' B . tJo.J- A S" " I)I) ntI . I SC11001 hilS t)ec n 11-0" -






Fl'nllldin, of C'incinnnti. Th c il<1ren uf tile S!lub!llh Sc hools ·,t l·pIl ed '1 11 pl·o,·nSS I·011 tl lrol 'g l.1 'he



reels. ·[IiMP.


.is sH id to hll"c bC'cn g reat

l hlls.lasm in U:c Lu n'·entiO Il.

Th e mnIdll ~ of tllrl1 (1 ik l.'~ . !,!lJ t he ,11IInbll;o J""Ul'lIl1.I, se,'lIIs \0 hc t·" · l\g II lh c.r illl c l' l'~ L in mallY of cOl1nti r s o f tl oi a Sl:l tc. 'I'IJi s i ~ clleouragill.G ~ j;;n of prog rC'ss.()OlllnlOn RI'C ess(> llt i:tI (0 {'oIHcni C'll ()c and comfOl't o f tin: nl1,l <"'tn t.o (h r ill lind pros · l}: /lilli, they cnl! o n ly bc lInd loy of t II l'nlA lie!!. 'Di I't 1'Dllll ~. II 110111., nnd t hc 't,,·o dora wo l'!;s' re, " ' iLII nothi ng b ut th ese, thl' bo rb ood trnvd ill s omc pnrls of Sintc. fOl' se l'c l'n l lIlonths or t1. e

ll UIi will r pcl:"ive tlte

bun claut prosperity.


m"CDSllred 4.1

' 'Vr>akllea.r ,

~ Thel'c is

J''emu J" Com"dDlnu,

to he It ge ncr:l l Telll D f:/Jllil.ll, pern nce F'cstl nll Ilt Spring Yullcy o n Hlld Hli i1i des!cs fI r rh a

(h'n f!ral '" j.' /11,1 1-' I.) ~i\'fI fila ll s' n 'r ili ll I n u lJ w h u !fI'l" r" ll r,, 1) IZ!;! 1, IO f 1I11\\, 1111.1 h Or CI"H." ' . n llr 1, . " ,{',lI lI r 11' 1 ~ II ! i " " wllIlJ ,~ gi\'f? n

I" I It I' Jt ~ I' ''i ri lll! uf U RI NAR Y On G.l NfI, \Vednesd ny (n ext. to which nil Sill'. who , hf"r P X :~ I i " !! ill Watc he s and Clo ck e. aho l~ ngra. rou nd ing Dil'! $ioll'l arc illl'i lNI Jl/,t LE Oil PE .lI fll.l':. vin g, •.• Ail W ork Wl1rr sL nted I Wnyu e Did iOIl "'ill be 0 11 hand II no1 I rorn \\'''rt''~lr'f'r " '111.1 " fWll!lIl'. " " ~ ' ":141 flO! O:.::r- AI\vfI~' jI I IHI " " hI1. "t!"otl ""'H' k 01 n good time Is expecled . III '"" 'r (II I' O \V LONG S·I·A NJ)I NC; . R",h '/'''''''''' ' . III !!r" """, &. (; ". '_. "lid


J>"" ~ri'v. d~lw ,,,I.

place At the Col<.l Spring G ro,'C, W n!" Health and Ha ppi ne ss deferred un t iI 8 :ltuI'd :l}' of thi s wcc k UII ,I ,I, ·"u .e"I0 1" r"Ii .. ole rr m'·"r . tlp oJ " Helmb old's Extract B IIChu , a:::rMI'. n. E. Lippincott, one d o.,' E"Q~li.h dd upwards (If 18 ,H.r~. ptP I,nr. o f Inst week, cau g ht u Chnnnel Cut· ... Fish w eio"iolll!! 611'JO und s , ill the !'nOI! Uu uy u. T. 11£1,'1001.0. Dr...;I• •.,


O;T'l'here will he a hea,'Y



C()NSVnl··I II " I~ ' .

r~IIII'''! '

~"' If'i

you en " bll)' Ihe •• l\I e qllKli.y fur el". • nelY Blld beeltLirul df Blgn. ConI ~t ' ~Il of ull . lzc8 eud prlr.,·, Bccordlul: t ... Iblt wher ~ . \Vh c: I, ~r II Utl Jew or (Iuuloly. OOl1l1 le ~

o:::r 0'11'1 1'111 0"'.

..1,,·D)' .


Fur" lalo ln/l' G0l1 118 h.lld - ~U8p" .. oJur•. No~ k llu~,


to clllti vl1te s tl'uw berl'1es. . U-Tl! e re is something ofn stng . Mn.yor 'Y rigbLh ns p rodu ced a bcr- natic>n in tbe corn tl'atlc bere .Bllyers of the Jll cllnda tribe. meas tlrin g otTer beet 65 cents, and holders are waiting for t.he price to take a rise . r and a hall in c hes - th e trn" ·"'p,·,··,, we 11:t " e seen this year. . EIl1}') son Rogers has given us 'VARRIU'SBURO. J " n. 12. '67. M".mnloth RI.l llbarb, the stalk Rtce'ived (rom tbe Cineinn"'i Home -~ Inlllrllllce COlDhRny. 6"'e lhou8Rnd dol -bl'ch nl "~aSlI1'ed 19 l'uch es , n n d " . r II. . . r i b 6 lou, In ill proportlon. It is of .. bU . .10 oall8 yi ' d C y reo c()vereu f tOs unnce 0881 ompany . flavo r. and excels allY thin g of 00 Policy N(). :) 13Z. k· W I l l J LA"PI.1EI'IER md ,\·c eve r sa w ill . Il.ynes,· C. . W"".



- T"e ncu


.'Va --->.!-l'~bouSCOlld ~onrsc &

Insure in the Cincino~li Home. Odd · D. Slrete. Age nt. WIl}·nanille.


s' rsHall , iu Mess . Collet Crllneofiserection rllpidly roaching completion, lind begins make a d ecided SIIOW whe rc betl . k f 'V WIlS no illi g to epea · O . e hereafter to give some d ctail s illg t.his n ew bllilding. "'ith sl on s, &0. If the proj ected ic Hall could only be made a We might be satisfied with the 'o f thing.s.

RE. V~IOlf.-AI·rattgemente are for n good time on the of the Reunion of 79th on' the 20th of July. Let 'be 'boys' be prepared 1.0 be prl!s-



~ ~ -~ May 29. nt Lhe residence of the h"kle's fn· Iher, ·WKr .. n co"nl),. 0 .• by tba Hc\,. J-:. S. Wea,·er. Mr. RObert Farti. aud M IB~ Lenn Dender.



. ' bA, beea GauHd by iadGlg.a.e . :N.• O. 1101.... 1t ,••ilQJI" . Ie !leu ~II" lolir beer, .. , Sor,bUIII.

111 1 .

.liwl.oJ •• ,,·. i l. It . " ,II •• n,'" n,;" ," ,hol",·' rr iI'IiO'.' u'e·1( f •.•• of ''' ' '' ,I" <li '·OCIIO',. I,or pr. pori ng ,"< '."", O\' I" d . , I" , "'ill lin" 0 ~U 'H: CUR t·: I". (' ''''.''rn ''';" " A. lhlll •. 8to'lI'hil ;" (",,101 •• "',,' "II Th.nn l Bnd Lung Afr. - ,i"" •. Tit ,. (,nl) .. hj." of 11\0 .,I,,·.li,. r i.. . o.. oiltR ,Io n I',·.,rr /" i.... I· t o " en fi t ", •• m,ot..l. o ... J '."" " I .'" f" r .. ,.. t'"" . .. hich h. conc.iv•• 10 b. in",I •• "k. '"''I t... '11 h' d nn "•• e •• r)· . ufl. r. r \v. .,.y "'tl'" y. ... ,' willr co>! , 10 0111 "IJ'''iug•• nd lI,n), "ro. e. ,." ." . "'g. Pe,.,o", wilhi ..1l' lh. pl'es""l'liun, 1·1lf.~. by relu rnllt8il, ,II W plclIA !:D ... dd'·... 1'.£.. ..ED A. WI LSOi\' , Tu

r.i"lt· ~,,1.

'" ~ 'l'.NES1'ILLE.

Fuv ~rlle


\V~a r.

II In cunUoll t rrcei pt or ll,c cl.o iceal

& SIIOES, thnt

r eHr had. ond


c""l\' It~.


I"" ,... ,," n.. ,,~ . lor pre" ' " ,"

PICIUI'~' nll ,l Pi,·.". " I-'",,,, rR TI. p ItpS I 8 ' .. ci, of '" "I.L PA,PEll in Ihp C" IIII " ". \V p a,p. olou. D!!p n'l lor ' I.e lIt~'·un &. ,x, 0'1'-JLi'!flr p,

W e hn ve nl,o

011 h~ n d

a !loud luort.

on~h l of . Imu~l ever)ll, illlr ht' our Hne, "''''' ''IT wil ie h . ro



Buch .. g or--

Ladies', Boys', Misses l and Children's Wear I


of ~" .i181,

ENAMEL KErr'fLES. ft""ltrleo! . ize.,

WM.lltANINGTON. Two d01>rft E." uf Ih e ' Rou pra HOtlI8. Wuyn@ullle, /lpril 29.186'.

MB E R .

0' the b.o' qUI Illy ,





JJ urI'cmlcd to give Sat;,!aatlon.


Lo\ver Prices!


It I.OW FIGURES. for CASH, .. I" .IIY city. tilwn ur vlll nj1e•• 0<1

A. t"~ "fl)ve seileo n f, r.r .dnncf>,' .. It ur 0'0' k II low; but Ih l ll 11001 \VII hove ' 1<'1. I'" hUIl,I. we (l1 0 u:J1 Ml u, by E " . pr e~., on ahon 1I 0tlCO.


1\111 ,1,

. .. w ""ol ""' pr'o i"in!! Onm... . . d'oul C ,,, ':, , ",1,.. ,, 1 R "l!w,>r". M''''pl.

lhr~c ~zd'; on;


MEAl. SIEVES, THA I'S. OJJJLDREN'S KNH'XS .A..ND F0BKB, _ WASH· BOWLS, VICTOB KE'l'1·LES. ror boiling p~ lilloOH, Ihe moel compf.t. Ibloi i. u.e. COAL BUCKETS.


~I('ill\' IIV. Orlldl,uq' , RUll r,lm ll n i4t , 0 '1"11)' . NOTIONS. E"",.",, ". G,w lol, rller &. .sch"dd' · 1?I"nIJ8. . (TI,e loll~r IIrC tllle tUlled brld c/t" ft p)& HO SIERY. 'V e "' ill Iutni. h nllY .. I tlo.Me iQ Alr l~ lI' ~ "I. IOlv()r . 10 8n Blly nlher I."u. c ill Il'lI W"SI ! SP11''1'001': 8, XENIA, OHIO; f\-Aooo. \V ~ lir e, 111.0. n5!rll'. Iur Ihe F i"klp IJ.J CORN POPPI<;RS. Are noov prep.rpt! 10 lurn l. h thrir frlend l Al10, MUSK -R,U' TRAPS. • ud 11,1' publ ic. w ith llt ~ vory I. I'0n SI'WMillll M'.c . ""Pqnal.ed Willi. ·IIIUurg. Kin;r. C" .. N• •• yo .·k. &. FAJIIILY .. chill o. hine Coli Iud lie,! il.,,~ " I SA USAGE STUFJi'~~H.S • 97 I)'. L b O I 17 '18 BEST AND f:11E:lPEST I,U8.SER .. ORINDE\{S. e ""0". c. __._ _ _ _ _ _ !._ 10 be 10u.,.1 In 1111 _ n.. tk et. Our alocl! LA R[) PHESSES. A FULL LISE OF READY·MAD E .....Buc. ·1101111 Res tor. will eu by lIt!.mbold·.(;0"" J::;rlrocl h_u_.___ .,IJ , CAO""N"'Dnt 'lIpkiO"U"IJOLf I:lPItl NO BALAN CE!:!. Fe~B;;ryb~dy . PAD- LOCKS . A Lnrge 6 pr. CirculnPI glYi ng Information SPOONS. TACKS, b f LUMBEH, BRI TT ANIA. SPOONS. of the grealest imporlance to 1 C young 0 PHOTOGRAPHE~ b';lh sexe., It wacbe! how the homely msy In til e v'Hi ous " t~ IfiM fir Ill .. II rr. r..n now Dressed " UadrfS!!cd Floorillg; Tl1'r AND IRON SPOO NS. ueconoc bCllutiful. thc despiscd ,c,peeted, nm! he Io ll d ,Ht .Ihe '() LD GALLERY" lI eo r Sidin!J. and lJarn .lJoardill(J, Skattl. F arm and Scl,ool B eltl . Sleig' Ibe fo rsaken loyed. No yOllng Inay or gen. th e- PIJsl-Ofti cp. 0 11 &luin S.rep,; Btll,. lIr1d an Imdteu !lurid!l of ' t1 emnn should fnil to send lheir Add rCAS. ,,,,d . F ellcing, Pic/<cts, Pllnnol Stuff, 'I rccci"e a copy post pa''d, b )' rcI urn .mu•. S , in~/ cs, sawed and shaved, I ••n prep . rad 10 ma~e I,ic'ure, flwllI S Addres~. N!.6711 Y. ... O. Drawer. 21.. Troy, 84 Sm.all Ambrotypo to a Si:ud L A '~ H, D 0 0 R S ~ ForlraiL in Oil. &e.. I II of which we, ..;111 tell lu.. ror CAI::lH. Looll wull.o YOllr own 10tere.1 l ERRORS OF YOUTH. E~pee iftl .tten. i.. " poi d to CO Pli'1NO WY1UIlI!)$WY' b'U~m IiI, &1), ~(!J. A lIentlemlll Who ,~.1f'8red 'or yeo .. SMALL rI Cl'URg~, 01111 p.'~I"a II.em Lurnuc:r- Yard on Church s treet, -Iliv. U5 .\our undivided lid, Il1d we Will from N e ryou ~ Debilit}', Premalure Decay . Tbe Bnllt olock of bti ll, Chy Pr!cta to YQur doo,.. . ., and III lhe effe cil 01 YO'I\II'(ul indisllre. 10 "uy d e~ira~ 1 8 .ize. ThOle I,nfl-lil! pk. NOTlh _101(0 of the cll,. adj oi ning D. lion,'\vill, for Ihe ukn or 8ufi'erinl( h.". I"rce 01 Lou Friend" 1'. " lo ne ' !l.em N. O.-TO ·SOGAft · M.uEas.- W, " ft! & F:. I\lill""',, Pork Hou8e. und eL lulled, .,1<1 r."lttrt!~ tn Oil. no"klng SUIl"r P ~ n . al old pdell., of th • 90.11 m~I1 i1" ,~nd 'ree 10 -II W I10 Iltt d It" Ile coJ>ied " .. king IlIp",.e perfllcl ., 'II .. nr igi".1 • Xeni., 0 . , &Ioo rch I ~, h~. l No. 18 ChOCc:olllroll. C.III .. tloae, reci pe "l.d dlrecliollA lor mllK ill!! Ihe in, · ~ ic'"rp. AI' work IVAR1A "T£ pl T M N t t 'IW . Ih~l all ml, be. reedy ill ....ou, I.~ pl. r@rnedy by ·.vldeh he W'~"lIre<l. S~ I ' N·o . nhj~cliun I" (' Iou~}' >le.lbl'f,uc.e pl 0 0 0 and f~rcr8 wiahlna ,,, prilft ' by .Ioll od .·.... 1I8. lor em_II cio ildre'D . WHY J\OT1 . 00- We reel truly ilolll,fl\l for lilt'! IU,. ' eral pOlrUllu,. or Ihe ,elf, lind' hlip• . en I'llperl·~ ilt~. can do (0 by addre.oing. I ~II~eay,l1. r i~ •• 11 IlUP8 In . ,, " "e my . R,.",,,uI R r.pu.C1'Iorts till you«~ M£I'I p If\' 81del "lte n'lIol1 IU I)ulill_. lion. I" pe;IeCl cOIl6., nr.t!. 'J~lun.e,.; I ud Ilnvl"IC h~d ~~v.".1 YA.'A I" E.... I·~ ul '.hl' Huw,!!d Allnei. floro. fi n . t or.llle d,.linl • .10 ·lIIe.rit a i'HI .lI r..t....,· JOHN B·. OGDEN, 4~. Cedar .i. • .N. Y. : ",e,.iellt'p hi llie IIilllne_!!.' ¥ el' tn t "Ihe 1'1o]8'olu '.n '" Er.tor~.Abul'" .nll Of~ • . , --1i8'ly. eelt 11001 l-ran , give .. Roud wulk: .. I",PII.U 1!,"uCPd by Illfl,.,-a IlCII of N. lur(. , '. . . " clRlnm. th.1 '!'e 1111, lie .ttle .19 .• I""Ill \ '" ou, .·eul" prl.lq oplrll, ill ~e, 'Tbe OloFJ.e. "'~"I.· '1~"f!'I.'h "1i8.r., lU lhe CII"" .. . . . !",I,e 6rol aae or tnl". S~ nt III ever broU/lht to tlll,mullel, , ~~'< Io ·nllr'flv.u 1II0D~I.d:~"".I',•. -Thllrerort' I."" nervous ."d ,Ii ·bilil.lilf>d · . W·. A, CRAN~4Ll,, ' , . • e. led Ie II Ilr. envelo~I!_,. (re~ of nlt .. ~ (!._ , • ,IJOuld, 11M 1Idm4i4·, ~&.1 ·.;· Phlllo,rarht:r lad Portnlt Addre.tDr. J. SKILLIN HOUGH ION, AND 'SI<'''' INd IJrdll., · _ ' !:lUtrch 81., • . : . : ~l Ho.vmd AlHClltlODI· PhJI.~.tP~I" PI. . . '-' ~


H 'III1Ii:l Of!!f"I !!, Kn fl.t.p,









Hoop Skirts, &c. I

'''", .. e8vllle lUlu'kea.. -Careful.l.Jj Corrected __ EVt,.y W eek. Wheal 1l bushel. !J 21i @ ::I a"" Rye 11" I JO @6O~ Oal8 11 .. , Darley 1l" I 20 (ill (' 00 Corn ~ .. 60'S Buckwh ".t 1J? btl., 75

. ~:~:; ~:::::I. Bliller 11 II Lard 11 It. 1. Erl18 1P do~ ' n , A full announcem en t will ue Apples 'lll lli hel, in due th;ne. Speechea b? Pem i? blMh.l, by Col. A. W. Doo aDd othPol.loeo 1t bu.hel, Dried Appteo f Ito . " J. R. ~nL~~nIJ, _ SO·Y. Cill c:ke". 19 dosen, '. .' . . " Cofl'ee 11 .~ Ii,... i ••er• ·· 'of cbolera; ia New~Or,leenl 811,., 'II ·1tt



h ill rdl o \v · :!IU,r~ I"" '· ' 111 f!. IIle~II" /,f

Signal Parlor., Of 1101 , Ilyle lhoro nre



" IIH tJ I . D ... 0 '1'0 .. '1.1;. "ND Iv r Sioring . , \\' s ·I·'s. N ... J 15 M" lb"rr\' . 1",.", I.n l ,I N N, 0 1';0. ' u !t UY fint SJ' LVEli

14n Br.lI,cJ n' IIY, New V,,,lc, II tI C) P "II' 111"1; Hp j"' I'JrI,'"" Wi ll r'E.' r ufll C4If'ic', 5 .10 . ,,,"h IU lh si ree l. P"il" d.,l phi n. 1'" . """" " " " , ,." " I' ''}(, hi'''I'n l IL," ,duo - - --1 - - - . .. .. u, .. k" t.: :II", ... f~ r> ill J!o' ,1. .. 11\, .. r . " I/tled, .. t er.1 or '1 0 ., ,, .1 ,· .. "to""" In,,,, ,, • . t,, . "il all ag'!.,.


al)o,l~ 'or L ESS ~IO NEY 110011 ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


li' A IU":. ""li.1 " .IIJ rl .;,.;1 SP""'" ""11 I·'".k _, Ii ...· 'I'"" •••",,1 P""''''I C IIII~ry. .:,,' tj "P., Am"rl" n". 13.o i,. , F,."dl 8",1 , 1': "~ " '10 \\'"•',1,,._ : (j ,," 11,,101 1' 1.' 11 0 811,1

r \V;1I8~11

At Ihe Old



0 ,,,' PI-"I,. "",I RI"",I nre " liP '

' r" I" tI,,'"~ . ".or Ct' •• •""I,hr

YOUNG AM EIUOA, cool • F'Al'\CY FHl\N({LI N. cOItI. llEACON, l'AHLOR. 0001\.


C~~: . ~~·;~~:~iLADElr., :;~~:.;~~'. :. 'd~·~~;I;.S. · 0 0 ' T S B

I wi . l. I " I" rorm mv c'n'omfl'~ nln] rflq1drt". d iU / ("ulb ..- ,. ( : II 'C :kt' , A I~"t U. ll. L r wi f"14 oe r . IIIIb l", ~f·'wr" "y. l i'.,· , "ny e Ihe larlf.:.1 -~.....-. .,...- ........; ' . - 11:"4' nf " tHu rp ,l,' , If nil Ir e llll1U' ll1 i:s,c ub. pf-' l ulIl C"I~ IIU ( I( CI""kd. 05 IIl1d b'·sl·ee!ccl"d . I o~ k 01 POSTPONE~IEST. -Owing to the 1111· '" ifl ~d "' . (:"" i lllllll' i,, " '" 111"1":\' "' .. ,' .


PEERLESS. Pnrlor OOQk, rur "00\1 ..

Pop er <':~ II .r 8 , &.c .• &.c. 1'. '\' , nOD SON,


D ldeU j4"!4 III t h ... sq f"'l! ' lf hi



LADIE5 & OE:-orS' n ' lI l f ir , poi , of J ,.. \\, plrr , peaches ill this neig hborhood , If 11 0 Th e . .. h-,· ... " e r . It... i"". 10 .. " ". ,,,," I " F", ..., R ". ~ •. O" t •• , M" . i" .1,,1 ~ 11I .iI" " ufo rcscen dls:ls terocc urs Lo clC StI'OY , he flhh in " 'fl. "" W"I'~ ". ' 1)1 It ,o,· ~, I" ,t! 1,1, It·tlq II , ' ~dl l' II I .. . \J I""p: III" 'I OII ~ . "(~'III,' 1 fl llIl "I I of t h~ L"' flOI Styleft • Ind I Am pre. UNDER· WEAR. u nde rstan d MI'. Kindle'a beds u . . dJ' , "'Io·r hH I·" •• ,,11',,'1001 I"r . t '·I· '·,.! ., •.,,, . '., I" It I! I II •.. 1 0 k J) I pllff·d 10 UlftnU rIl C'Urp, 10 urtfrr, on ,!tort 1 ~ I,un.k"" ' hfo l J 'e,,, I,:,.,,, ... 1:" ~'l " t lJ. yery llro li 11 c, one planthll"illg tlcm. T recs III rj3 d area y b en d IIlg •••• "rel u";r"n-.C ' 11. '~ '.'. (oI1\f \V "rr",, :tOP •. 1t<Ol AlI1 d ,yi' fill .. Il . ,IP n". ""'ite, '~Vl lo i .. g ill Ihe Bool nlld Shue C,\SSIMERES. a hun d red b errics IIpon It. It beneatl! th eir wcig ht of fruit . 1:'.". '. 0.1"''''' -'' B".i·,,,. I" ,,,nh, ."""" " '", . '\11 .. """".,,0.. &c.• &Or., Ctl lIlIlu ."l y "" t. lle. [' Ic.oe call Dud eeo. All work '" es rOllllcl, lin,,1:1: d m nny 4 iuch es .-


Il,lrltO IlI) wi -.l lt il1!! " :,yll.illU' ill ol ,r liop J\ .!,lr4";';:- ~ il onll l 11 ,.1 rlti l ,,, c:d' 'I nd , IXlll hl iliO uur

" " "IIIIU



':'- I"'b~


tir ~r l· . S . of thc Union rl " , I''': ' " xl, 'ori ' 1I('p iu I Li t' t"' ~II:f' IO;II, buth lns t e" cn in g' for n ple!ls lIl'e trip E :\IS L Helmbold's Fluid Extrlct '" I~U lllll'l ': .. ,,,' i\~H:H. II : .". CO " fi tl"' fI' lIt t.: 1\' III:! t! nlll'e .,\,,fI ,'iftI I:I I ,,n.' ',He " pro(1oses to 'd o' rioiI :1 (\ I· I I"da. BUCHU O~T \V,· 11111\1 .. , nllr .. il'l·, ' rr '1I IIfl l, ... t ., n ew Yo rk. Bos ton, d:{' .• nnu r \'lll l'll ' I" n Cf' rt lti " {"He tu r U' 1r!tl'!.I!iO('S or f ll" Ih ~' I'lI"d ;c. l UI 1111"Ir ' " rll ' '''1" 1",' rIf IUI !!", 'l ilt! ing, t ukc !l eUI'\'ey of 1\ illgnrtl Full s . n lrrdc/if'1, J( .,fI1I'.IJ ' . ( :r/JrJel, n rflr·(.",l lI tt f ' .... I'\ilh :oolrll " " fll ' II II H" 10 h ,,,,d l ll'''''':, I "

to 1\1r. Stney P . K indle for n lot, n littlc s outl! of Wri g ht's !\lilL n

/lutl t1 '~sirt' J

ni~lItiol):4 :1Illcr;",lIv elt llfi ,lell l iu!. H. Til ton . Pr\ ;) c!pol i ll r.olt llt1 .. Il e.(t. l\1 AD.\tUP. E. F T ltun~T "", "' Iu e~ b,,'1" "e Jm l"l·.h "el nu .. 1.A ~ Ja ~p . lUn, TCl ftI Kr N~ ' UI1,1 !tl!! ' " 141 1III i rl~-fi\l "-' Sch ool . !t'ft "{'I'C 011 f~ . O. n".x 2~a. Hlld .,,", N. Y.

~llol'ce strnn·b" l·r!·cQ.( ' 'l.T I·l son· s ;\1 · '

pH't llrt'

i" !"""fl lio ll Ity r.. (" r" n, .. il.

Parlor and Dining·Room


Gild palrunlze lI ome Manu lnctureft.


Tower (Hocks

ra t lenst. cn n Oll!y hI! dOlle hy or froga. TbC'J fi ll liS illl · ftll'Ol'lluhl well thel' on Sntlll'd l1 Y I tlst. nt a p lnce nil I'allronds. l Ve the P icnic whi ch W3S to h tll'e tni;: pn .. lad t~ sec Lh'lt some of on r ~tatc .. "' are . i.l boring' zc nl o ll s ly to II. puhlic sl'ntiment ill ~heiJ' I'll· ------ - - - - - -OR .. FIN.: FRUn.-W e ol'e Illneut·





:: ~~

to 12



180 II 00 J 00 III a 00 Ii)



'fll WARE



i. (120

. 'J~ .




.....,ALL· .





.. - . ,. -






The World Astonished,



( "K lluUIlLlS



AT TH& 0 PL n r t; \ B EU' AT I" Floar b.. dreJlned in California. It II DOW wortb from 6.60 10 17. WheaL NEW.YOR.K, BOSTON, by \b e g re\lt Aatrol O!;l&t. \ T he 1V0 nol rhl l F lexlhllol, alu} II reDt '1 ,76. AND BnW ENOLAND CITIES !U~Dnll n. " " RHltlf •• om r,'rt DUti I1 I t'n~lIre '0 a ll )' lady wCJlrl ng The King or Pru fl. lind the Czar Ihe Ou pl.x l',;llIo l lc sll lrt "Ill bo e.xJl~ rl Til l RAI L\\ '"Yi"nN() I'IlO!ll S he r~yenl4 8111"' 18 I' U "' ''rl ll i e, el l of RII'~I. are gOIDg to Para. tbls II&m"ncl\II pa rt l ' tllur lv I II all cl owJ etl ~ .8e noDII.kirlc ,.lII .....-, . "... 400 n u.... knew I:3h r~ SI O H'8 lu Io npp ll' f. 1i IhORil l Iller 10 COmpID! B.,......... ~., ..._, ....... I;' ~n ", \\ ho . jrom doleftll y~ nl'. CDla ' lr" pl ' ~" - w DC bhe~ . <'PIlrft8, c.r r l~ue., rail tIIU II Dra l 'he EIICht Hour Bill hIlS been parl""" ...." • .,.. .. 1\ .....- 1'"0 .11 , U.s n n .... crllssea III lov~ IIl~ t nl RII QIlS. k tfie lld·· 1 CWI ~ II lchtlr ch pe w II rlll Illlli llb fo r pr ome nadn ,d by Ibe L('glslAture 01 Oonnectlout "'"~o I . "1l~1 tu • tir mOil y" ", !\IIV O bCl u .n" de"I't"1fJ'JIIIJJlO~" " • •; "_'OJlK. nlld 1\ iu. Dres"..... 8 Ihe 8k tr l CO li he fold· Il I. DOW III operauon, I ___ ed \~ " II III use to O~tll py a 8U1I1I1 Ii1uno II ~ 22 to 21 Hilee t he aho rtclt rou te \' rlen t Sior bf lit. IIIt:<! tl r 110 0 c IUIIL: ~ se pu rll tcil , g iv es I II urlll.tlu" II 11CPr ll ll ' g A ill d til. I', to (>0 \ '/ nnu e C Il Vll 1I 11'11 IIy 09 n s ilk or mlls, lIr Godfrey of MIJ(ord, N. y , hilS For F.. m es nil, ",.aDulat rer~ lo ll 11ft' ~ "" 1I'IV~"1 ,,1l 10 fJ htt 1n Crl II OAll ' rdln. rll " " It Ii, Ibrouoh I" ••y VM " j ~b$ en~ friell d \Jr Ill Y r. rt' ~ l lIre~ 1\1 I or lohl IllS (amoul Italhon, George hl -{l:)'tDU M I L~ ''' lllOlI l l\lII11A I 0.,1" @tole n prop rll' l el l ) 0 11 t h IIn SIllI) ' 8 Tho be. l op rl lllll t1 cv r r alfllrurd t ~ per I III~. nlll (oli lld III 1111 \ IIIII,! e S pfl ll:!, s k irt. 1'1'8 BlI'l'EOT 18 Patoben, ror 17.000 600S Wlol\J ' "g tu lie fi rat cl msn ~'Olll nlllt .rlor ~Hrl l _ 1 67 Inull wl tll •••• you or" bes 1\ II II 10 to. II I" pur 11 8 IInJ I II A I~dy hDvln g IlIlJllJ od Ihe pleM l<urr, M I R A. V A mlln named Macr, In fI eury Co • •n lon n e~IJO'1 .. l Ib ~H " . I . n 1111 • • nA r"I1"". wh ll t ) 01l1Y II be In ue l 8I1er. p~sflll COllses oomfl) tI , .. III g, o. t CO ll vellleoce of \\ e ll r11 LOtlS J ANC:'''- ~pc e dy mnrrl oged . nd tr ll d J III\ l h l! , pry In d iAnA, 18 digg Ing /o!n ld 81 the ve. ty ... nOIl ] D 'CN1UIIU II< Ilig th o- Duptex };iI 'plie stee l . pr lll il t lmt Tlioold,Uteyo\Ulg, lhomllldlea ed • "> ,k III". ,rl>lI' "1~'I I I' I"j( [II arry a I V~ S \' Oll Ih e IIl1m r moderale fR lu of S2 50 per day. (" r 0 tilll~18 dny . Wil l nevcr flJI~r\\ erd. L : 8I111l1elo~ ' 1:10" :,.. It: " ~'Il Eloli< lIlAIi .... m I JUlI' ,.} ) 00 II III . I ' 1100\••1.0 pcrs, kll k v . tI) I • dp l ~ "n d.\ ") II)II! .. I Ilkcn e. e olld !tr oc l lI~ tl C~ ul 11 0 pNtiU Ii \I Iil lfl gl y UI@ pc ".e \V lC h Ih el r II e I'ur A lair 'fallllca. r FldUlg on 1118 farm .... I ..... ue. 1000 r\ ~l ,."d COII .. OI I. I" lI . r I ~hl' renu s you r I c ry 11,0\11;10 18, a nd b} he r I hdtlre n 11I 16""' ftlld voun g lodlC'b Ih p y lire VEGETABLE In WllsL SHlr m, Al,moD County. J ill THESE WORLDREN OWNED n, 1I.1I1Ie .utI (]\IrUII, .. w,lh lb. r 110 A ~I alm od 8Upl r nolUrul po" era \llI yoole 110o _'\I 11~ nor til nll nlhlHB SlOItI It P nm D, n Ol8, hllll sold 1111 OI ItP oC 5 tr ~w be rn ~e SEWING MAC IUR E S ":. prc. M II . I (,,'" lIu". I" .lI d ." II ei III ddtk a ll d t\lllu,,,, m ) ,!lerors <II 11' 0 flllll r" '1 ll ey wllln ' l ~ li d or hr~u k I,ko Ihe 4l of fo rly Rcree o( land for $50,000 1'1 . ... VO l k nt 71 tI \ I 11rum t he . 1I1r" I\ e sec III th firlll ll Ul eli t 8 1I1 g (;' ~prt"I:, uut 1, 111 pre erve Il, e lr pe r[ >J 31l I'. ~f. J . IG II C:oI 1 G EXl"IC. ,_ _ _ h I fi tars l ho l OVI'rCOIIIC ur (I tt' 'reachers of P onmn.n ;\u)l W e re nIV urdr,1 th e h l ull~S L pre millm nt eet I\n ~ ur'" dil l . h opo wlt e ll tlor oo II r 'n e re ' ~ Webster on a bri dge,' IBi d - - , I r OIll \I"HII \11 ("'11 l ~u tldllV ~ ' \. . 1.1 t l It j _ t e m o 0 (t s ' \ th o \>V" rld 'd I' ul r I II L o '"]" II , D II ~ 81N firs t (our orll, nnry h" t~ Will hll ve be c n lilr" " ,, It ls on ollllrelynew l alontlOc dl.eo 8 101" ,\I 1/ "" .. b 2 5 I ~ r ("u p ) III IJo lnlnnlC III the cOllfi I!II r. ' h lll - lru lll 110 1' M r Plirllogton, B9 she hMn ded Ike a \t:r!'( 1t{ \\ "h t h 22H h U11I Ir II Hull .. lu n f' pe t'lS a nti p 081\ HJ H tI uf tho p I h l1C t S o r A li S IIRP le.8 T \l e " ') " ['8 nre I u\ CI cd m~n) of 110 0 mo~t powerfUl null r~~1rc dlotlOnllrY, 'Sl ud y It cOll tt nIlI CI) . nnd 'I ('t 1 I It pOll ' r>: pre mlullI l lIl Ih e N Y ::l tute }o~ .l r 0 1 IS, >aId 1\ HI" j'lt,"" \ ork "1 7 ~U ,\ ' 1 flx{t J t on III th e h eltv~ n 8 o t th e li m O o f \\ Ith U(," ul Olltl IlVl stlti l hre o,l. II"J 110° 1"',IVhO~I ·!JtI"6/0 kl "'gdo", "-"'~ 'PIS O r O O~I< P I - ' 66 ,nnu you wil l gaUl a gr ~ ul deal of IDOalu ., I \l " " 0 ello I cOllf\dOl\co I I 1.1.1 p n. h ~ORK lII ICH l 1" r Xl' l tll l'lri h Bhp deJ ll r.PB ,10 0 IllIur e de.II I1 Y 01 b" LI" 1Il nlli . li re " n l 0111 ) uouh tl dl' rllI gs, 10 .uro It w ill do 81 111 0 olnl n .. ~1IIt lion' Ir rJlII Utl i k irk , Ilud) ( ... ~ \:l'\ ... I II 1\6 ~ I '1..' I I t t o CO Il II It t t lH-J "n Ulds t • 111 for It thal ', ~ Al c r.e leb r Ulrd lo r ,I""'l! Iho br at \Yo rk bll t 1\1 ICC (Il r IIOll b l p) r ovl'red pre ve n till ': ~lnfr ft' t'tt l nUl nIU' h "65 I 1\1 01 UII 7 15 m u n J- n 1 l U .... lJurll1g the fi re ! (ollr months of IIIIS l'M (:;up" '1 urll_r ' 9 50 .. 1Il ( Bkfl). UII<I A.lrologlK o n e.rl h It us 13 y Q II bu t " I 1I01ll ff U 11111.11 t! 1I\ II II. I n l'~ u ltl lur t he "'lIn ~ l ite m from W,"rilll! lI ul \I hell Url'l!g lllll l $1~OOO Rewa ...1 ,-AT_ ) ea r th e reel Ipt8 o( Dnrnuw' 8 Muse u m a rr lv, 8 w l\ e w \ t rka t 12 3U I":\1 Cr.)!)! U t If lll a. 8nd}ou m ny nc\( r u ,!PllI _ ho \ t 80 1 I h r ~;d Il ,nll n ll y ulher III U ~ hl r\ e , RIl II hv II \I n 8 100r" • • 1111-. &c I If 1\00 S ICILIAN BAm Ro: ." 1 1l ~ \Vllh hrttcr ll OO Il 1 1111H unci ' ( '-'IHU U' , tur I f nvo (ll L lc nil 0PJl iJr tu nl1 Y r o ns ldl llliu ll l " ere $ 78 3,, 8 5 1. 0 / the DrondwllY TIt~ Oll p' I'X E lhp ll l I- A I! rrn t luvo rl te I, fnotloll I" nil MilOS whena:~~ d\leilllt", .. II ,c III"UII II CIIO Il 0 1 110 0 1II"~ 1 " 1' l' r lll cd " ""S h U! anu Nf \Y J 1I"lnnd C l l,,;. \ I l'~ ,," 11 I1krnes 8 HUt! " Il Jt t;lr{' d II d u rnHI 'I'hen tre $7U , BH, IIIIU of Ibe Bo\\ ery l!t 11Iitt~ m n c h lll~ r y. wo IIr o now u ~ l e 10 s lIpp ly LIlli \Vll h Iti l I.u .. 9, Iml ld OJ "'" rShlly rec om . n ~o wl Ut our IIlSlfliCtiOIlS • ' 1l0:1'1 Il lJ IiIiAI ..U-Jly NC Uf ' CUt" Ihun lhl ~ , 8 1 p Hrll {,A hVln a 01 B lhti luU CC (1\1\ Bryant, tratton & De HI~U'8 very be8t lIIA c hl OI' 8 III tllU \\ urld $35,21l 5 16 III e ou uli b} Itl e r lls hl ll il MoglIZIIl llft li b th e • HALL Iru lII U<l'ul a ,rlld I 1t lm ug UII'1 ~ llelll;; .' clI lisu lL th e ~hd l,m a lo y mOil \V lth P'l "u I ~ 1 ", ,,l n rd S kir t 01 t he 1'". 111 ' 111 Il:. le \ Vorl!! 'S Mr T err I' . ltV In ~ Mll r Par", Ke n Ii"•• • " ISHfe lY ond SOll a foc ll o n lu th pm ~ l vt'8 8S 'I h fJ"~ 1Unehhu~ . n.rn ulllde nl onr nt'\" 'I'" C"J"V Ihe rOIlUW II l1! h w. llmuhle ad- Yegetable Sicilian HQlr \ ond .. ptttlin u ,. f u t'! IOry tU 111'1d,;c v ort, • onll • tucky, OWD8 IU' tlCO< UlriO female dog . i'll.all A. IU N. 'ORK D A ~ I' X .'JU1lil1~ . I r 10 p r. ulI -' /\ ru ll nnd r:ocpllell ell Rt I VOllt nj!f'& " " "lulitle .vl'" l up e" urquulo- h al p~v"d lta.lf ~be lb~ m~I \ItItW Ul fhl)!j ' K "I ' tI ) ' to\HA t II r ll tl H ' dl~ \ \ \luller .11" lUll." ,1I .. tc, ........., 1"1011 nC the WIIlCII hilS re plldl Rt~ d ber own olTeprlllJ \I( "'\OJ A M ( !l U I) u.qu, 1' 111 , 2 17 \' M Wfill en out, \I I I 0 II III qU If\ •• II Il S \l e r ad I V )l e r lr c t 1Il 1l 1l01nr lltr? . ' f lo " ~ hllpe nnd l l'Dl' thOlIllli overollbret\ tb th~publJc. • , ..... . .. It'UI of 11,,, l o uI,JnU r t I I,; I-,IJ\IIC atl~ auop ted a Imer of ) oun" coon 8 (010-), ,uro,,, ~ 7 .h6 .. 1 ~U ~) ftlld nr ond Ilkeneft. enuln.ed. se llt by mft ll 011 hlli s h fl r ~ l hli l ty "u rn!; oI IiV cOlnru rl nnd It Is 1\ vogolnble com pound III~ 1110\\' 1<, oJ r , lhl' orlghlld Im e nlu. of II", ro ve. III No... Y O I~ 811 11 30 ' 1\1 ( .. III «I re llcl pt of prlc e obove ln e "II " " PII T h, GIWI coOn dog. .. o n o m v c Ilq " "" lur J \ V Urll dl lll" B Du- I"J"roOIiS propertlcs Wlllllcl cr' COiIfIIIls f!ll wl .. " !U u t:lnu(. .. t 0 ca t ll UJl(j \V ll h n t: IUWH rf" I " krH,"UlIllll s l r NeB t sec re"y ro lli n t DI nf' d n rlll nil cor pl e x E III llllC ur d uub lo 9[1" " 1! s kirt, olld It I. not R DY'Io,lt ~I" tbe n•., <'''lily Gens Dutll' r and Schenck, o r 1 11 111 W •• h ll ' n., Io Ollll, " , , I J " ' ) (I I, C pundence rel llrn e,1 or Je:lr llyctl ltl· r'1 I oJ I ,. I (F I tbo gllUlcls with uew hr. IIJId colIlrm:..... lIl<\!Ii ') Ir } or i> nl" [lI P to RI . IIlI 80 11m b~ Rll r (, Y,"II! Pt 111 0 ,/C I'I llll lll Mi le " l1lll!tr the . peclAI commillee OR Ordnllooe fire "I\h i\1 ui mgh l I X" r' !'i8 , 111 1 . vi j\ t' W J f" 1 r 8 T HE e 8 ) HRIt.'Ond for l)hllt, tl. ll' llIn. 1l.llllllor. e rn ll ce~ t f Ihc hll,!hut urd er fUtIIl. Io r d Ily ~ e \vl lI l!' • • "tl llI Ihe " "e (I I ' e n l ll . tl c ~B GAU 1'1( ) 'I .. !!lI lI rd nglll 1l 8t Impo .I'l lV.lI. T. H ESTORB OJIH' J at Waslllngton, Rnu IL 18 1I0t probablll nn.1 \ .,10 1I~"' n Ih o~n do s lr II ': them \V rol e p ll. lI o\. li e ,. Dr~"s !ll , k r r . I " II"" , M nllll lnclill N . Rill" ", lir 1' '' 11/ Il lnr I I nu l" " lIout s kirts ,I .I TS ().nIQ.L~.JL (]OL01~ ID tbAl a qu orum of the commlUee CII U b_ "100 '" ~I. I1X PHIL"'''' ill "Ir., .. In " ..OU doy o f t l e 1II') lI t lo "li t! } I nr In \1 1" 1 h VOIl or IlIrl S, IIlIn r. , HI,or t. , I I IJ 'oI\~ • ;,\1011 I u ll ~ r ed o ~ , Tl ll !'11 :\. h il l e t h o red Ink 7/ Ill'''''''J' 11.0 II I ~.o ~ II auembltlCl (or Iwo or threo woekl UIHI Ht rUlll1 \ li lt I lu lT. ( :'\1 11" f:\ l l ' \V t rc bur l! ell (" IU F.. lng" tl H1ul1 1 t k ~" h I l r 11 1109 . ' 1! I h lll ~ l i UI . , CliP", C ur ~C I " s l dlnp , VI Z 'J \ V Br udl,') s D uple x EI U ('IJ ", Largest, Cheapest, and llest .. t) Ar""'1 1I ( w ' ork"1701I A ~ I Audr os" I\J AU A~I ~ H A I' ~ R IIII" An eAgle waa cau g ht In 1\ lup nl 11 0 0t", Rh o e", 11 0 ro ' r"~ S ud Ilifij , I Ill c II I II lit Ie S I • I Hpr ll l1l8 111''' " II, II ul R t lou nd II " '0 " · "'1), ""1\ "'ak .. Ij, II", ( Ollll t ('.l" " I 1 IUllf" \111 h ~~ l l t I N I ( t' ll u id POD ""3 II (I I N \ ' In Amenca. Som e ne~ Niagara Cll uoly, N, Y•• 00 Rllllwl'y lor H.rml," rgl' I'h".II.II,I"" 1301 ruw er ~ ~ U . 0, G ouri _. U lll br. llns P .. rIl AI" -, ,' Ie T hr v -1I (l Il A III her" urp !!~ " tllI'e Als n Nuille SOF T, L USTIlO TlS, """ D Bltrls , l l1Io r l' " "~11I 'g-t UtI fUHJ I fl lIIl .. Sf'llth - - - --1be 24. h ulllmo HOI mel\sured leyen \l or k eqllll l l) \\ 0 1, IIp UIi ~ "k , 1 1 1I~ n , \1 0 01 Ih nt H ~ r y \1 "0 1) \. 01 1 t1 Ulflit " pili b~llI g IT IS A SPLENDID HAiR-nu,,, ....m .. NING Il X I'IU !olf'I -- P EI.O U B ET 0 HG AN S (' II Mild co tl " 11 j!ouds w it h s oil" r. u I o n or p,, ~"eu IIo r" uu lo t he Ct' nlro, llolI~ re ve-11l1O' 1 '''Nltt{ feel from Up 10 lip 01 tbe Win gs , lind ~uo( S P.;'I un du \ I ti l cpl.tSd ) !SLO )l 1t u l II n d llJY II! ,. IIII~ II tilre llJ I' Ioo Iy \V III ~e"nl qu ol l vn- , 10 ... tl' O (u r dll ubl!') . Pro ll ll" brDI J cd IlJga': l No [lo""on oM or ....oung .hnllid M U~'I. bAd eaten seveo l~mb8 (rom the flock 5 26 1 M ("U \I) Illld "rnVIlI I II N." \ .. ~ AI\I) IUELOOEO Nl!i , bub I ., 14 " ... co"u",,,,),,l ","l Vlfd by 'h, FiR" " Il til " " . Oll u per lil et lh e rel ll II loll II I I h e "pcrt' l 01 Ih(m leAL ~t U1I101l J7 r " 4!1), I e r I11' 01 I. I I cor" of ono Iflrm.r 700 A l'1 l fl ll llt'{;l1l1l;' rl \ J fl rlt~ \ ( n) ,,\1 U NANIMO USLY AWAR UE ll T il l: F J R S'l ln rZ£1 1\1 0 fl1l1l, , .t ~rt:18 rlQ iu Q( Nt" " J'r '1 rorlll p\ pr y RIl PfI PS U ( "" \l ug III lI lti I! • l\ ~ xlb" ' l y nllti . lrcn g d l 11 111111 cll mlllnQtlOn ! Ak s The prtce .. ked by Mr P T BAr R fHlrosd fOI B » h1l1l 010 Hnc! "V lt.ltl n ~t l ll A GuL O I\I EDAL, benll ll rul 011 .1 III,, ' lli t _ll to h . Illi ke a ll bu tlt 11 01 Iu iJe /IUl nt! 11\ li ll y uth l'r 611"t n ..W": ll ""\twx U'd" tLk • for !It n. nil i C\"nm!'l'A'~ no Otl,. Slrtuu COllcl:c Ope .. DlaY lind E, ~'uill r; D",I.I N, w Vo r~ " lilt lIl , rllll" f XI r' .. •As the Bes~ Ca binet Organs, ' nurn ror 1118 reBltlellOIl at /t' .lIrfield (Lin til l IUR 0 t 11 I 0 nr lll IOri SCIVe lI OQ::...Eo, r . "Ie III 11 11 til lH 'ri \\ I.. rQ 1i ,, 1 I ru.m fO I Busto ll lU lU ~ f\ \V I IIl: hl Ud rlti ok dtJlcrofl), COnntCltcU!, IS 880,UOO lie 0.10f I'.M. c l" ... . klr t" II r' ou lll Ih " " I. , h uU I lh o V,II Tho I'roprloto"" ol1'o r Iho SICILL" RADl b N :l'OHU Nr~II" I\XI' Ol, i'C8 Alli en cun 111 6111tl to New Yurk 0 01 (HI J(K\1III<lI 10 tbo (lubllc, olltorely cO llfid."llhu uwil proposel to move r erwlincnLly to N ew Th e S'll ch lI\V unt ed by lIIR 1I0W F' IC II H t ll l c ~ UlitI p l. p \\ I" ro VAILV' ~ ' u ". 11 1 1" '1 _• • 856 I' ~ I ( ~II I') fi e "g pr0l1 0ll ll l Pd 811pc fl or I II Q (l ALIIV ' brhlg llac k t ho h lli rl o it . orl gllllll ~olol ro I Inl e r !IJ6ft lfl g' " ' IJI ;r lllll!l vd lu Wilt t l e , 1'1 1- 0 \\ En, nnd V A RI ETY Of 'rONE oud ,II York, wllh bls film II) , "'hen Ihe 8111e 18 Mo lI ulllclureJ hy I II C w lo 0\\ lI ord of th e (;TOwliI, lind III Jl onrly "II c", •• "h'""llt~ UII" lII ode 011 tl1l 8 l\h ch lllC'. I ~ II,e m nI H E P M ' "l ftU It (r o m IJu tl klik ""0 til l \ ti8 l n oj}" nlll rcstore It uol.,. tbo ponon Ol'trl 'pl .lIecled, New ' nrk _I 12 30 ~ M lIumbe r 01 r o rnblllllll o n R pop ul nr and JU rll!;h' ond ni l S,' " III J Mu put" 111 'A l'ST::-1 nn \ 1 11 BY &. C AItY, 'All t he bea t "'alrtlments (,r Am . rlc n PresldeOl Johnson. 10 1118 ~pe~ ch lit ItI~O P. M. CINeliYNA TI E XPRES.' I-I hln e< ure s u hJ e ~ t to th ll Ofi ll Clp lo Iliv e nt 9i r, hij llI le rd &. 7 I & I'!J IV .. Ie . Ir~ ~ t s , B, P. HA.LL IX CO,l'roprietOll, (6 1l 1C pl ~ u fl d H ) ) ~tO JlP, .. 1 "'1 \"~I , u t lt l ll lt wer e: lh e re Co t l l e nt.llll lJ \\ )-\l olw vcr \\ 0 1\ R alt!lgb, I,"d 'L~ t us, my (mnd s, 722 . ~ I ( fl k(1) 111. ," .. , 1 101' ~ I ( h .... ) til e u'llIl e 1V "lI ld h. ve 11 011",,, Ipit t O~''' 1 eJ by him . ~ .. 3 ", N ll w Y" rk NIIIiII4N lL replllr Ihe br4lllcliel mndo b! the IVai, nnd 'ltr' . ... ill N ftw ' o,k " I ~ 25 I ~I ~ Sold by all DrugglJII C:: Ollll ftC IJ III E \t ll or. ," IIh Irlhor I (, . , ,, 1 qu er '-ATIII!1 ICa n A rt J OU I /lal, (~,lll " !;y and reltore the Unloo.' Johnson prob· SEND FOn. Cm CULAR It.,h • • y fnl !l 1l •• " bu ,,K l'I ,l n«, I,, 11I1I 13,, 1 u well kll OIl n ",,, Blcnl cr li e ) ably kn\l1U AI muob about repAiring PJA NOSi IllIIor6. W. "hlnll lull , .. d pb. lII . SV ,,11 . 1 'fhey huv e nleU tilk ollihe li rsl preOlilim EMBRACES brceclltl as any oth~r mao Gren. D ~lJd wah D ell wur 6, LR! k HWIIIHlU & w h " r c v ~ r (lx h lhu etl thi n 8r n sn n CONRAD N AnVB6&I1 W r . l. r Il Rnoi ro.d rOI ~"" " I O " r .. " I .n & PED A L ORG ANS 1.2 nnJ 3 honks A IOClllty " opera ling In OluclIgo by iU OI c n 'lInblc. IIIA NUEJ I CTUllfl1 Of IIUltCl.!.I1 P h ll uclt' l plll o , Alld at N "w YOl k \\l t la n lt t.: r 60!) l1, un d l\ 3y, Cu r F ll ll rih S r , noo n T '.II'. all" ~ 1.ulII.ra (o r ll".tull " lid 01 keys-A lx . ,ze. - $25tl 10 !j; I bOO WhlC11 people dC.p081t much 8ume lit 11101 c £111 "' ''' \l ~ ]'I: ew Y o r~ N e •• ~ II~ I. II<I (.lI e. II'llIIout Pedlll ., Bln!!lc and dl.utile bu,,", ,hey CAD 'pare dOling .ummer "'JIb the FORT~ Itl olc (il rnf','nll On o Trlllll I "" 011 S UII " O) r.n , llIJ:r !l .. r III gle ut Vnro ely. $ 65 to $ 4() O I h e~e coroer grocer or drugf'lsl, 00 oredlL, ID (. 10111) "Ail E D'S 11," J, '" 1 ." IJ: 'Jilll MI . Nf l1 1 . kl'lJr 0 111 0 10 I' lIl . allrl r. '1 hlllg N . .. \ 0' k ill 12 Org OIl S, wllh Ih elr 81)1UUlh, pipe lik e !fil II I Awl ru ll "u p 1(1 SIH1pu (JllIl I t l O1l1 'l~ pau booh, aDd ID winter draw a pro- 30 I' M lIy Ilr loor, bonUI"ui 801 0 s tops, 81re ll l( t h Th e IllIo e r_lglIl d I n VIlP .he all,ru l Place belle, 111111. a llY "Iher S ICl r(. portioned amouot III COSl prloee II::r Boolon Dnd N. w 10:111;'1811<1 PII ,e"1\" " , 01 ch oru s. un equ aled pcd. le UII O a e ne ru l 01 11, 0 lJu!o hu . IId Iho Irade t~III1"lr, lt Jobn Antrim. of thv 6rm of AnLrlm '"Ib Ih . lr lllll(l(n,co are I rana l. rred fr • • of or"n" li ke pllecl-. ure ~ lI n ~ rl o r lor r; hllrr.h ,lS adnptcd 10 every dopnrlm cnl The New BeautIfier of the Skin lI ,c s l.' t' le brlll NI 11l ~ 1 ""I.a l\lI ~: b'Q" Till" II P\\ nil" b,· ou.1 11I 1 . Iy le o r S~ltt ch.rge '" N 6 1\ Y ork " nlflllll /q, lu ro. buil L 0 ' Ihe bUI "'llJt~ & Sweet, merchooLa In St. LOUII. has ld!I'" ro pleo"u r. " A., I.," Ih. " n" of I h e ee, 11.11 • • Porlurs .nd Sc hoo l. Tn ey nrc of lmsrncss, ncculUlo and ( l'.lI e ntrd Mll rr " 7 , IBG ) lI!1 S .wnrded n l\lI e rtft l ~ , hnvlll:f 011 the InlcHt IoDII II fallen heu to a IRrge esta te In Irclllnd, , ro e R.. " ... y 1" . ' 011 1. 1118" ) ObJ8 0 11 M Inle' e t put UJl III r,n SP R of 6nl1l1 tV,, /mll, rOll cy T ••I .moJllo[s (10711 ( ebbmlell Lnlll e. hI the G R ~ AT A IfR. CAit I ~ " T I T U TE FAlll , rapid commcrcwl calm n1 8, 'he property of the Illte Ellrl of AntrIm 1"IU IOg thr" u ~ 1I IIIe he"tlU ful 'n llt I ' r llo e velleered .oa/nu/ (li ew ontl ulllqllP RI 1e8) 1 hl 8 8e rrPI ul hf"n lltl 'llll!! th ,' .. It' ll b ~- , cit! I II N ' \\ \ Ik Oc' ,It I r t SG5, ... 11"/!" So' ,,1I 8ho"0 0 O. I. wR.. "' d lI al li M. 8nd eI H!l'"nL RO,8W(lod, 01 ti P' dUU IU d ~" ' I( II' '£be whole estate I. vllluad lit $ 7,000 _ Cpoh.R,." F ull Ir cn Fram e, ~ v e Tlt ung !u\ In! hll ol\" o il ly 1<1 ilJ. •• rs J ure I &. I{ C' I" ', (U\,HIOII ~, bUSiness u . n ev . ... c h . n ~ llI ~ P' ''O Mil II 0 of lin lind ti 11. 11. olld 01 th e bell I~ u t k ",M 1".llIp I ,\ s aL VE n ill a:: DAL. 000, of "bteb Mr, Antrim iele about ture I heautl. 8 wh.ctl co mllloJul,. IHlllullo n h ~ y Ioo,, "r 1111) "' nl e 11 11 1 It d II. I. Iru", -II bein g IlIld llded Ihlll eReh In S IrIlIll ~ 1I1 COfl'lJRpondence, ~Jl ulh or prcp. rtl Il UIIIl ;! ll lS II) II .. rh e if J'OV"I I' rr llli 01 (I . N g " r ll for. oot! blllf. o:T Th . 1,.. 1 YOIII". ,. " • "I,"o, t L" l u r 0 11 . 81,01\ be a modlll or 11 8 c lass .A Ii IIISl nl LbEl'lN G COr\VH E DO" 'II II.. wnrltl,.J;:(J II " ~ ~ I, rl ' 1II08t hu rdh II I1 U Ir Pl l,1 ,I blUl, h" ,11 I I, ~ com merclal EdWIn Booth bpgnn a four weeke en SnccO lll pnn y 811 lI,shl I r.lI.. 0 11 11. .. rllilwRV. 1110 111 8 down to a fillO OClo v n porlublll " XIII" OIlU co l" l uf Il0lo . h eu IV, ' tI re T'h o S \ (,I.. I S;UJtI :' "", , rn \~ ()lInd " ll lL. n "agomen' at McVicker's thealor ClII- ~B aggngtic hec k«t Ih lo ug ll nllu I ll r o al. lIJ elou eoll , l.. vu th e ~ l null rul '1'relllul ulI l, 1lI'lv lIII? ull OI " , 0 1I r llll u Il 9, \\ I" ' , lll r " I' fi n " P 1 ( . cJ \\ 'r t' l . 1l P' I( ti t II \ u (l li ll c, ' 810 p . , w,tl,oul ~ Xtr8 chnrge eago, Tuesday. evenlDlt of Il\st' week '''I V' a.low .. hy ROY oth er roule IW nrtlt l! lUi fr(' ckh 'U ll tN l f ull \\ 1n o 'h ('rl U U) \\ hh ' \\ , I , U " I \ \ t ' tr t R I ! I m f'o Inrgo ns BOr\IO' II I CUli ot Rolly I) n h. ll d Ho 18" 82.000 a " oak. and an extra rt:::r AI \( for Tl ck ~ t' \lU\ Eri C n ft i\\Vn~ "hlc b RI ,..our o r' I lI c k w orlll I'lIH ( I ~ uu cl I ;<J I ~ I' I /1\ .. I" II' '' 111 \" , If riJ, r1 1fI '" htl \\ A H Gelleral \Vhol esn le 0011 Ituloll lum on certam 1l01i1lngeocICls 'fWD 'Mil be ub lRll1 eu HL 1111 Ill1I clplil Ih k,( 01111.. 08 WllreroompJ 841 RrontllVoy ~ lI rr. ~ " .. 11I1 In ~ 11l u LI 111 1' «. u t 111 HI 1\ .. ~1J \t'IT H H , l :\ J t: KV r I tolH vi ru" li lt· r "' Ih. We.1 and So ullo W.ol 1 ~ 1f by snl ALl I x ~ huodred exira Iellts hAve boen prOVided ,!ILl will 1.)(, lift. ~ I .1 H4 tH'\\ Our Illusttoled Circular not! Pti CC L IS I, '~M R ll\UR I he. I\ I! e ll l ol or I 1''' 1011 ti P P UI"" 11112"t Booth ba! been oO'ored 810,000 (or two H.HIDDIE, G8111 Sup I UOII I I ... A/,('I II It It our new slyles, ore I\ OW reod) ~ O ll ~

n -Incll.-


J".'" ,.










\ 1








The Silver Skirt ,















71 tf

Trtbune I8Y. that IU one llOur he count ed on oDe drl , ~nndr rtdge, t'<l n hundred thoulaod millton gns8hoppers, lIud left 80me Dnrounlcd. '1'111& edllor mu t l llllVIl wonderful couotlllg abllttl68, for II take8 ordloary morlal, neady a mOMb to count I slogle million. Ma880dJUsBilS prolectl the boob 10 ber publio librA rill' as J ealoualJ as 6he uoea lite persolllli rlghte of her CltlZenft, A recent acl of li~r LeglBlalure pi 0 lldes thllt Rny olle who mllLtlBle8 or de fRces A book laken (rom 1I0y pubho itbrary to the @llIte, .hall be hable to a tine of from five 10 oDe tbouland dol lars At Sprlng6eld, Mass, on the 31s1 uh., MISS EhzlI 'hylor Bnd Mise IJII Thompijon bQd rtillred to tl,ulr roow (or tbe IlIght, Rnd }tIld 1I0arly fiolsh ed diS robing, whcn n kerosene Inmp on 1\ IR ble Ilellr Ibem ezploded with a loud re,

c"" I1 J. 111 11 • b'"1 Iu " ' ~ llU bll

(Of 0 rorcllior

I'I' I OIiOI T, l'lll T O :V '" f 0 ,

'J: be editor of the Lawrence, Klln BB.,


_ ~8

SUFFER NO 1\1 ORE When hy tho IIAC of 0 11 J O. NI III Yo R E IIN IR ~O ll CIIII hI) e ll red pOllllall cll tl) , RJIlI It n Lil li lit;:: cost I 'I he 1181.o1llsillng 811ccess \\ 10" I I h I" Itll e lllicII thlH nil "I",, \lle m OI"", IIo tUI 1 ,,,, " "~ tI 111 1<1 Nur vO ll8 II' uu knoss. flcner,, 1 De bllo tJ 11 ",1 l' rll, tr l\llOn, L 088 of JlJ useu!:.r_1 norfC I, 1m

IUollutnclllter. , N

8 11 "" ,"d wu}, 'lOd the rll rnuu ! SPENCERIA"N _ _____ _ N. IV Y UI" I'll } 01



" E'''if fllu.lur t" t.) 6 y d l ell\ 1 1 1I1l~ a 0 8

~ I ~ " I/ rh

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n RH" I, ~I , ~ u "

The ca::-iLm. tlun S:) Vt,;f Ekirt.

M IIr 1', h CII I V ~ ~ I oi , M it 10 ,, 1' ~ I r" It II I I" .

Lil t. jll u \ V t!t; It:ru ~ I 1m u P !l l d l, ~I . /. ' "111 \ V" llt r J, II Y J{. II .d IIU Jl I

111 For Removing

II "· ,,

uH u ld 0 1 hu o h t.1 t~d Il 1 11 1 1!' IH .j

Sut>erfluous Hair

N' tn

11 11

t.1 u

bl ~ e xll <cI8 Ihll l.lte hlllllll c •• n il

IIntl Ihe IIroll llt


B) . lt lll

th o l'itunt uh o r Jl npr q!

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8 l\lt ~

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lUll cllI l!~ Ill . 11 il ~ I II ) 1I III t c l l ctc \\JLh 1.)U.s J1 U. ~3 IHl r

Pi k e $ 1 II ll nx J Ill ,o r 01 the u\)o. u "' ~ I1 II" " C<l nrlt cl l " .. ill he "C llt to .",v (\lldrcsp clo ~ cI \ ~ ,d l u Ol1d pn~ trllHI , OJ mud 01 X fi t Col ~, un I Cl:Ulpt 01 VI ICO Address nil OltlO I " Lo n r h GElt SHU1 1 S, CII Cll e nll SI. 285 RII eo l> tl cct, II O} , N Y '

B, Golden, Flaxen, nlld Silken CURLS'




pro,llIced III Ih e Pror DE IlREUX 8 l'Jt!sr R LI (J m H UX One Opplle.llon wurrnlltcd 10 <uri Ihe 1II0et etrollghl and s lubborn hUlr 01 enher oex Into wavy rlllgiets. or heuvy, mOR. lve !'Uris 1-1 .. bell" UW(1/J by Ibe



Ihe CUI"r' ~ ~I ;) 1I

II Il I h lll"l\ 1I:oo: ..

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Vf' ril l g-

" IlI ltt t ilt"



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(I. C 111 1



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o n t., r\ r-c t"lI \ I rt d \\ Il h , llIdy" I YII1 1,C IJ(lC., \\ ur n on e


to . S IrIl ~ II (1 n 111 ,,1 I tl 111 I III Ir dllt o boi lly ~ 1Ii1 lI o ollle ~ s " It' l III e til ~I II I < III\I bacornl

A F l} von te "!til t 1I1u1lllfni IlI rr,f II I II 11\ Il ,p Rolvo r Skirt . utl 'V l r ~ ~I lil li ' I c lUn n!! 1111 I'U IIY, 30 & lJ 11 ,,, In} ~I ,N " IV Yurk I' S ~PERlt \ , :S"I)I [Go - Iy .I en U :'O , PIIOrOG R llP H IC ARTISTS.

18 Il o r ll ns n d o h c nt e uenll ll liu orlh e skill I"r Tlo rn lr e

Saloon or B"I I R,mm, by Ih e Il> O~ t rt Hll eu Dlld s c rn p ul o u ~ Indies , prollUclnj! a ll tlop benllllly,,'I.! ~tI.'ct8 of rOll g" lind IIIy-,' IlIl e \Vllhullt Ihelr vUIJur (llura or IIIJury to th e

s kill

4Si College:s,


Union Coft'ee Pea Coffee,




tUIIU W J\ Til E ;;, plll r ni L Uv<I"'" m e II ," , rull J' \Ve li e", 1l11l1 Inu COl' p~ IIII I! S III . r Ue llill ol lllly 1; lIgro\ r j "JIi ev ery r " 8 11 ~ ct lI, st cl . ~s I'" ner! " ,11f tit 81~ du l\ nrs eac h, !;clo g IIU IUI Ih re ., IUlIrlh s thll COil lit IO""II ICIIIII/ Th o 8e "nl oh08 lire rcull ed by J,.II: 01 rrom $ 16 III $ 18, Ilip 80tual ' 011" I 1II0 llu(II c t"rer be lli!.: SO eDch TIoII ~ or ",nt c h es IOns pli tt Iln fi~ ,1 ot ft n.uI•.,. sale III L 'lllti un nllrl nro nlllV u(!'mHI 81" 'I C\lre me'y low figorcs, Ibll.11~ r uS~ ou II correct Tiln e I, ea per '1I lD!'~1 nIJ1l1l n~1 ellm E vc ry \Volell 11'11"' ror 2 yORra. Pa rll~S ordcrillg them R:I by IIIUII, must Illlcloeo 36 ceul. /~":n : ptcp ny postuge M"nry ell dol! IIiL well seDled leI tor may be IClltftllllY Address nil or<l ~r 8 to pi 98 Iy

MAln'lN CpNNN Y A ~ll~ t;


.A Good Gold P m and B~~Y

For One Dollar,

I\lt.nllf8Clllred Ly tt-e AIPertc. n Pell C"mpnIlY. ·!'Ilesp. pcn. are log 118 d eXlell81vely lbrOIl~hoUlt~e ern Stule s, 811d orO \\ orroil led IU D lid every oaae. P nrtlcS purc hftllD~ Iro not sou. lled, call ICturn thej~ .~ ctl lvo their money uock 4" or . 1_ be accumpant e d IVlth Iho cello, DI no aoods G 0 ()



G Ie .E ,l 'r



Cincinnati College WHITE


H~ lrt

\\I r ll r

';Jnl ~ d s }:m nll de'

Suld by nil first c ln8 8 Drll""18 15 1 P err" Rlld Luci, e.' fhlt - Dre ... ; ,,, L Idllb~lIlI , 8 22 Brondw"y, D omns B.rIlas & Cu ,nod r G W e lls & C I) N~w Ynll., and Euge lle J II III" III SOlllll 10cQted In t~e leadlug Cilles of thll Uoltod Telilio Ure al, lI nd J nllnsoll, H ulloWII} & mnl~€ d Irc~ AddreeR n ~ III F.R, SIIVTT8 Thro lV .'" y yo ur I.. !s. hlnc •• j our 81\ II ch•• SIDle8 .nd Canada, anti Scholarships CO" ~IHI 1'11I""I~I"llift. A!l' lIl s & en I cheml 818, No 285 R,\ er ~ Ir e ul, ) o ur Wi g , JAR E D & TU~N~:. Ge llerul Agelli . bou ght In thiS college w III be Trov , N Y, 80le egl'ntB ror the V S 1).,lrUCI" " 01 r Olllfo rl n" Ii no l " orllt ~ fi w onullll)l ort ers Now Yurk I(ood In any or 011 o( them CO il'" uged tO il e y" u tl 1.. 1 ( 0 11' • ~ Iy fill .F luor JOliN D PARK, Allent AIH1 r l'J O I( O Itl ) tl u r O\\n lU X U1I A I l 111111 ' nnll nelgbbors IhllL h~d b~eodeadloryears ItEI>AHAIORl:AI'ILI.I. The IOI p.1venlllg space Willi a perlea' II • I ( CtHII C (h /( 1 .If tul Ig lil 0 1 J U) ItI I II Oh I sho ~ n . hcnu u ful nlld fc&1r blKuk In bl8 memury. For restotlng hOlr upon bo1tl hcn~ sr o y t) lln ~ nn I tu o le! t o tr l t II I !l Hd I I '"'- moll " t h .Hartl t l t , !Illi ru. OUUl\. It lllr (trolll whal ever ~"'I . e 1\ may hove 'ollen I h e h UlUt) "Iltch 0 1 ce \\1 " I v I' Ctl lJ lI:f nu o ' V I o l! cur Ilg ' (, lI el rl! ' t oft \! ' I \ !l f d 'I be meotal condItion of the Arch oUL)-nnd rorclng n g rowth 01 holr UPO' I l'Bits } Il( h ,1nf! d lil t! \ o ry h Ourl Hn d 1111 11(1 1 Remember,lII bUYing YO'lr Icholarslllp8, duchel8 Cballotte, o( MexiCO. shows no tho lacD, It has no ~quol II Will rorce l!i fre e 101 n il, IHld 011 mlly lJ o {llir to apply at the fRISPER CO".A. Ilgns of Implovemenl. Under tbe tbo beard to gro\\ uPolllh6 smoothoet roco flV 'IIII usr 01' IItresl or the pecultarly dlltrCl~lng III from liye 10 cl.:hL week •• or hUlr UpOIl For Cuthng the Half of eIther CHASTELLAR IS Sex mto Wavy and Gl088y eymptoma wllh which mcnlallilten8tlOn bald hendl ID from two to thrp o months Rmglet8, or Heavy, ift accompRDlet\ ID her Cl\se, Ibe com- A rew Ignorant prO'ltti o ner8 Io"ve 086ertMasSlve Curls. DIILleo who 1,8VO been chnrged by tbe ed that there 18 1I0lhlllg thai \\ III (orce or rowt h 01 the h81t or bl'DrdFor ImprOVing ond Beo1l1l1Y1D1r the Emperor of AU8trla wltll 'be admlnl8 hoaten the Il • Their as8ertlOn8 aro (ols p, os Ih oll snnd. 01 By uSing thl8 OillCl o, Lndl(,8 and Gen CompleXIOn. tmtlon of her affairs aDd ber penoolll liVing wllntl'8CB «(rom their own experl- tie mOil can beoullry Ihemsolvea a IhouThe most va luable Ana perlect prellar.cbar&8 bBve propo.ed to have Ii consul- ence) can lI e or witness Dut 1IIOilY wlii s and lold 1118 the only oruelo In Ihe as Ihls IS Ib~ largest and mOllt complete lion III lIije, for !!lVlIlg Ihe skill a beolllltalloo of enuucnt Europcao aheulSts. say, holY ere we 10 Ihsllngul Ph '100 genII 1Y0rid thot \VIII curl atnlgilt hOlr, alld ot In tho counlry ful peorl like tlnl, th al II ollly fOllnd III 'fbe N. Y 'flmu' epeclal oC \lilt inc fr om tho 8~unoll s t It c e rtAllily 18 the Bome lime alve Il 0 beolllolul, gl08sy youlh It qUickly remove8 Ton, Fre ckweek lay" On Silturday Joet the U- .I"ft'iCUlt, 08 ",110 tonlhs of :tloo dillerent nppearnnce Tho Cn8per Coma 1I0t on lea, Pimples Blulche., Moth PUlcheR, be·ullI rellQratlon8 0'I ver IIBCu.1 f or I IIII I10IT 01111 Iy curls Ihe hair, bUI ,"VlnOrDlCs, SollolVneu nnd o\lunpufiLlea of the s kill Inte d Slate8 'frealury beld the Jarael' .. .. • beard are entirely til e d Iics, nntl clean&es II Isllighly alld" delight -)(Indly honhna the samo, Icavlllg it amount of tmoney over held at anyone mov have alread,. 1'''ulVn IVor I 88. on Iurge y ou ru 11 y per rum e ... .1 tim Away lind 18 the most complete l. white alld cion. ns rtlobasl or III use ~nll e IIDce uO orllalliutton of tbe Gov- Imount. in their pur~llo8e 'ro surh we srtl clo 01 the klntl ever offered 10 tha ~ F: ery "ader or tbis piper us IIlVltCtl not b&-deleeled by the closesl BerUlln), eromeo~, to Wit, one hundred lind would eay. try tho REP4RATOR CAPrLLr American public Tho Cri s pe r Come to write College Paper and Spe cl- lind being 0 vCli:etoble I'rep.ratloll, 18 elibty milltonl, of wblch one bundred It Will cosl you notlowg unlesB It come~ will be RPnt to any address 8enl ed nn~ mene of I!enman8hlp-8ent Free • .Ad- qUIte harmless It 18 Ihe only thllla o( and ,,!O mtllion. were 10 gold, and aev- fully up to our repreAentBtloll. Ir your postpaId, ror $1 A,lolf~8e 1111 orders to the IUlld usod by the French. aDd I~ eondrell, entY'elght mllhoD8 In currencT" Thll Drogglll aoe. lIot keep It. Bend us 81,00, W LOLA RIiE &. CO , chemllts, .,deted Indl,ponsuble to a perfect tOllel. amOlluL was reduced to teo mtlhQn8 00 and we WII (orward It, postpaid, togelher No a Weel FayettB at , Svracu~e, N Y Upwerd. of 31000 boUlu wo·e aold dulioodlY by the mlturiog of the June with a 'llcelpt r"r the mOlloy. which WJIl BRYANT, ' STR,A..TTON &. DE HAN, flOg the llQIIL yellr, It IIUffiClellt guaranl ee compollnil InlefelL. aDd on the 12th 10& returned" you on 'ppUCI1101l, provldlnr: l 01 Itil efficacy. Price 76 IlCIIU Sont, w"'alluoed to DiDe DII1UQliS bv Lbe 0- entire .. tlar.elion I. not !lIven Adtl,eu llllnlle\lon Coffee, Rye Colfee. prime Rio po.tp8ld. Oil receiPt of III order. by \uea' 011 the J\ln, !7.30·, ~ •~ ~ ·WL. f~ARK &. CO~ cheml.t •• Oorreo alld E~lr.elllr Co8"eo l lor 1J~lo by BERGER, SHUT'J,'S &. CO , I , ,,0. .. ea. ,,'yelle It, SJr,cu" , N. Y. E. R. PRINTZ, Clneinnatl,O, Cbemllll, lSO RIver 131., Troy, N. Y.

rnahl ollu!;iea o( Porta and Lon lloll, IVllh the m 08 t I!rDli rYlnl! re""II. D ,ce no In. Jury to Ihe hnlr Prl C ~ by mall, 910 led Blld pO. lpUld, $1 D e.croptlve clr culon,

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o ( uur p l'l rl rt, \\1 11 1"., " I!l 1I 11! to \\ P ur nny ,til e r 0 8 t lt e I .. ", r h.. , ps <) . 1111 other I\l n rl ~ urtJ SO U l! i . J11f 1 If ttllll t" 111 1 t1 'rhe befi t Ul u lt r )l d ~ tr , 11 "1 tJ zn 1h t lr


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'rly ot hr rol, \\ h n:H h',.{h ", t n !l rl l ll ! II II .. pr ,I C r'", I U l l g 1V«.8 the 5' IIII J' II I 1111 111 'fo thel lHlles lI~peclIlll). tl,, " 1I11 J1 lu None loul Ihe mOSl eminent P rOlp. @Hnrs .r ~ l ~ l C IJ CC f or nlly of ti ll: « (JII " C(l lh IItlJ8 o f t ll l ll ! ~' Iv th ~ lr III te I hl-t<l ll I IIl1d :: ~ II II I II ' empluyed III lhe vurouus tl l'par.mclIl! ) "uLhful Tllth. cl ctlon r e ll,1 ' " II Ih e IIIOSI ~ble depilRtory rel omm ellda "sFI( R8 1111 " " vol. being 111\ III r osltocilspensRhl o 1I1 110le til I a lliab le pi CP" lltoo ll '" " , tll "CO' or II I he br lllll l(,,1 I.II CltlC \V ~ 8I rr " 6111 8 It \\ IU 1011101 0 .. II " 1\ 11 ft nOoclll) lIB 110 lemKle benuly U p.llsllr nrplo ed dul's P1 C8tUO n CJC CItC ll1 lit , ll1 e/l f ll 11. \ l u Nttuh o r I nll ,1 Ihlll 110 · 1: 1\1" 11' " '" l u" . ftll 110 not buro or Injure Ihe Skill, bul Re t e i.Ju sincHR, l u~1't 0 1 IH urn ul" f ullf u!'\1U11 thu t ~ I h r ll h l1 l1C'y f f r uu!.. , li t IJ Il l y \\ hlt (' \\ l i lt dlrettly on Lhe rools I l lS wllrlnntfd oj Rclf duHLrllcllllll, lc lI " o l " "" 1111\ ,\ c h lhP ~ f e ut "IlfJ PPLU" Ir ud\' .nl lt 1!(' ., I" n l 11111 I CRloro the l'Ill'!lIli r rr lI e \\ ti ll' h"lI lth .. , to remOH 8upernllo u, 11 ,m flom low h. ,," le's He , . I I r ~ lI lI v ",hi. l u I.e Hu ll 110080 11110 hn, lldIJ811 0) "tlll h> 8e ll. u,,1 " 0<8S fOI~h e Rd R , 01 (rom on) pnrt of t he bo,ly. I " e~~ " " d be, u'y of Ih .. g l, II 01 C' II [I"INiCe s complelely, totAlly lind rlldlc,llI y I XIII All pp ,"on. purChD SIOg Scholol sllp e In I he M 'g ll lh .e llt V ~d IV"" . II)S "\ 0 ""1; MI" 110 hmnlJII)rged 110 mn, c I,) (Atl nd\. N u Hh u IU ~ n lld I n llt) 1 nllt IUIU Ll l l( II CI :i paung the 8Rme. leaVing lh e silin so(1 thi S College 1 I" v a ""frered 8 0 11111 , ,, Inllil ti, e Vll r , '1101 5 15 tl ... on Iv 1,IIt OP llr\ II IlhllUl 'Iulll v 101 the LI " r 11 1,,1 I" s inno th RncJ nlllurill IJl I!1 ,~ IHle I"'!lllltl ..~t , \ \,), e ll OIV t l .. 111 ' nt o u c o l ('s tUII!) to ) 1(\ d lll lilid )"'J'llJll"~ A BrllC le used by Ih e Fl e nch, and 18 Lhe ClIll' r ,l e .8IC' " oblll!' S I n ~ I n " " 111111 I PCI t eet. e m u I S O Ufli tIIt e ! lltl U' (I' I n ll t tl ll C~ ClJ lI :o ult r It 0 p" r lccL (.HII ,r,ll Il un t u fj " tJ t only leAl etl'OjcluRI t!pplln ory 11\ eXist rrlco $ 1 1)1 4 Ionule. to (l 1!U fI .h ll C," $3 pr P V II I t lu n \\ In c h glv e<i Ihl"" Itt' (l8 ~ lI r ) PII CC 75 cenlij !,er pRcka~ o ,­ 0110 bottlo IS IIlh c\ Cllt to cOccL 1\ CII I C 111 ence II IlIlrll e . ~ 10 LIII: skill, uotl l e uvo~ It cuol J port. scattertug Ihe burolllJ: 011 over nil o rd ruu l v Ca f\cR scnt p os t pRld, to any addres8, 011 ra tlllti S lUlJulh Al SO , Dil J Ol li vrrLI " S J r.CI'I C Pili . oel pt of nn order. bv :M'~I '1'lIylor Hud burDing hlfr 10 thAI By nrplyln)! berore July I. 1867 tho apcccly oml PC 1 11l111 ~ l1 t CUI C or ( ti ll ~l .. s MIII!Il'e Mlllh r ll uy s Ibe died tbe nezt morhlng. The oLher I"f orrhe IlEHGER SHUTTS & CO, . , Gluot 1:1 cthl al O,. clIIII ,!,," (10 1\ ' I Y The U(l\olltSj!O uf thiS clllle g t! ov er ali I h llv P Ir ed Ihp skill ~p!lUllh p r 'V!!:,"lady escaped Willi soyere but O(J~ dllo S trlclul e IIlId 1111 .0e"I(ms 01 Iho I",lllc, Chemists. 2U5 Hlver L, '1'roy, N others 18, that It 18 one 01 oil dc P"rI _; 1\1111 r" ,,"d Ihat II III SIIIIIIII gtlOUB wuundft 1I11t! Hlldllc r Oll re. " lie , Ie I on t', C II) EAVTY'Imp or ts n notllrnl I..loorn ano Iroshlleijs 10 Ill e dl\ s Tiool IIro P' CPII ' ''.! h UIil \ ' !lelll

'1 he renowned troUml horse. 'Gen Eutl el' Bnd 'GtO M Patchen, Jr.' 11111..1 a mAlch. mile heatl, besl three 111 fi ye, at PoughkeepSie, on the 41 h. lI1!1t , whlell was won by 'Dutler' 'fhe race ~I\I DOt IBtlaCaclory, tba horael breRk Ing bRdl,. lind mll~lDg poor tIme. BUI )e~ ¥on the lIecond. t/urd lind fifth lieRtlJ. Tlme-:2 37 , 2:33,235 i Z 39, Ro'Jert Ouanon died 10 SpTlngfield, POl , III~t 118I'k. He bad been lDaano for Ilmt} yeltrs. bUI recoverell h .. Reneel on 1111 delll hbed, '!lod cooversed 1Iltelhj;enlly o( OCCllrt cncea Ihat transplreu the dny end \trek preVIOU8 to 1118 10snOlLy, mniling IDqUlllOI about lua ozeo. the work 0 11 the fArm, and old

11 1\"

A g l r s l',rtV Dur1 m

Can Sav(25 Dollars 1

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nn rv O rJ l lII I S lur l I ii , .. IV Jl l\ l u g r s ="'1 t. \ E n t--; .... I Hr , ,li t' lh tll I 11 1 II . ' l~\~


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HI s rmRS o lid lIlu . tft chell rorced 10 urolY 11)11>11 the

smoo lh est

(uco III frum three to clahl w('ek. , by UBI II!! On 81 VI Cl NE S R F.~T40nAT EUR GA' rrr LAlRE, th e mon Nond ~ rllli discovery tn modern 8Clen. e, 8r.t11l~ UI'OIl the Beard 8nd HOlr n un ulm08t mirllculoue manner It hn s beell used by IhA ehle or PaflS ond Lund on wllh the mU!!t !lotterin/l 8utOIl8, _ Nomo s of 011 purchnaere Will be regi stered, alld If enllre I!8tl sfuction 18

not glvelrln every Instan cr II,e money wtll bl) ctlcerfnlly refund,.ci, Price by moil, 8elll ~ d alld postpaid, 81. Deaerip Live clrculare end tr~llmollinlR lIIfllled free. Ad,lre8" l1ERGER, SHUT'DS &i CO., Chl'lmlet" NCI 286 River "reet Troy, N Y.llole Dilen•• (ur tbe U. S. '

Adore8s all or tiers LO ONNOn R M C ~, \, Agent Amcrirnll Gold )'I'n CN 9~IV


IV, No .. 26.







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'>1' Ar out life'. i.tdom writtl'll pftgc. A nil du~b illl trovhi". do ,m !

8 300. 100

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Ono moment let my life· blood sl r~ am From boyhood'~ fOlln, of ! Oil e mo one Il'ddy, rcrlil'g dreGm Of life nud I,H'o lind fUDIu I

Fire and M~rille Risks of the Better Class taken at Reasonable Rates,

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C HAS . C. REAK!RT, Presi dent. C. liT. RAN ' OM. S 91'rOI nry. C()L, H. H , HAOLEY, GeM rol Agn nr.

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IOroe cqtl ilLrv 89 an o r ( lu't.u~y 'W 11 , he-hc-' l btosti iaw nl luM thick 'olumpltiof 411ll,dy f. 0 B ot'KISS, of I. 0 HOI,kill. &. Co ',\T_ e _I.1. hoo('. 0 it! do YO II , thl:Y tit' Ire to "'pl'lIt! '" pi li S, qlli c1 '1'hl' r. hRrncl ri s l ic~ or prir l ers IIr~ , 'tep~ . Men or action or uo'in .. e ,"I , F II ).AWSO~ , or I" II L II\I son I< Co 1 lI"!lnt in C 8Ila l(' h , ~tlbhuth, fll ll of" IJtCl\SII II iltl llgin . no t 80 IR"Mabie to pl!r80 DIIl tlll lfl lit I It" the (.\r41llm ill Ibelr U(~time , b1 lite ,,- W tlA SJ ', o f \,' II' HI""r II. 0 tb l'ln pet fl"i ng('s or llll (,(S nnd peaceful reilct't ioll fl ; Illit tbou! ur a ll'er 'P r Orl'~ Ions. T he y PRr' l purcllase or erUclh)D of 1\ Jljodel' ot1'1I tuke-my I,," CClOli. II if" I G.Et> D WI ~ony' , . I.. nf G D WI "c110 Il, Up.wn .'< Ir0 1i1 1, ('aJ 's 118 bnld l op of it!' ,,:hen tile dllY i s gone nil is Inill n tAke of lhe mi,ure o r n~!i. 1 8 in o me tRge . , _" _ _ Jnll!i f) HI:\IH:' , o f Jl il1r1~ .. jl4.. 1Itrr ./ ' The nngol Look n ~ "prh l r~ pe n, ' W ell. h('-pool' !-·he sllid I":tde. Th ey "~i11 Litke by tho tln'onl o ~gr ee. 1111<1 IIr~ ge ll ernlly Iib6rnl tll" h is in the ' tn,iTolls or I:.ood on, ' II · 'f L ~ 'V ATf'OS, of L \\' ut1ivn [l ild Uo ' J.~. : \l ~J ' • Ql. 0 Wll AllII,TOS, or R llmlllo ll, Clny &: Co And " rutc ill r ai n bo w de w ; he dote,l on hi s oth I'-- -rnit'-I th ' fir t debtor wh om t ley meet nun r~lItt , Illoug htleil;r of Ille [ulure. lind bnv" 1111. IIIIH we lind the ... ehe min r J M 8>'('II "'6T, "f ,J M S '':\"i \ IIl1d Cn ' T he DlIIIl wo uf,1 lie 11 UO ) .snin . I)" d otl'd on Iter blltI nurs ed x~l nim: 'l'l!y me what thou OW(l t rrp ft\l~ntly ilnpro,yidenl I r tha prt!6f nl I hll u, qql1qt{y , eo"t~ . apork\ing 8100D g s t o M Gtt.n' , 1(" 11101II o j 1'0,11'5011 IUII I L;u otncc "'find Resilience, A nd be 11 hushnnd lOa? IhiJu , J Ou 1(1)011', I lf,,~n.I"A his moLlI c t ~t IS Momby, A!l<l wh )l t llC6 ,lIlin . - /l ush wbell .!n, gootl ';:URtiOO, nn d l tl)C gT~c D f~ a { ~ R~~,1~~~(!n Itoe~, , ud ],1 ~" i ' IHIIIlI} fin , of 'j hompsoll. Gootll'l~h " l'(1 , WIlS fl l wn.\ S ~ eulo, so .. - ' Ye ll. : rsh' r vcnl1ll (' 8 to Itlllt to !,IteLn some· (101111 brok o nn 1\ trAmp . 'I h~ I' mny be \ whl\t ~I n till more natur.fl Tt I. pI al' - Suulh "1ulll St ,oIlP".lte A r,h Hles Pugh'a, H"oll ST1""' AUT of H SICWII "I "lid Co ' Ii' Ille rc nnol lier ~'e l 1I1lRllio.l .1 Ii o " YIIr" CK, ,.1 II lind r. Ol'crdlck lie CHili to thi ll coun flneQI1 years 11hing n\.lOllt tlll'ir tin t)' Lo 1;hdl' fel· &RII.I CO b th o! ,0r\l\\lg nl)h~ml os of ' tllll illlt ed 10 eec"pd fl' r m lIre Illng '" A Y' ~ It ' e v I r. Lit, i1 Sr ll !'AOJ.Il , 01 fJ Sclu'.ulcr ""U 00 Jlc fvrc the ci,allSc 'tPflOr,, " ~ ' ugn, a lit! lil's t lie sc t in tb r. "'~~c 'l low m c, n. Lhey SllY , 'Oh, 011 ~ Ii ck to Lhe \V(lrld of p'r tiv h .\ 1 8 I' ~ nm ~ 'IlLOnOe " ' , bU8Y ft9 A hive anu ',I' J '0 E J F. V AN' F,"m EClIIlT tHN , 1."" 1 SUi re. Eellst cln (,i Coo ll('nH'IllU ',', nil their gi ll s It o\(" Ilc.! tul le II De amI got I)l l~fet~I' wi'l l. yom IWC(\chin g. Yon 110 11 0 t know 10 ollr tltitll • .rl"om ' I; il cl, fri en,JIt'!8 /1I1 ~ile nl ll8 ILo lflmb, l\'!Jere, llt Q eAge r ~ J ~ 1: I , .1 1.IL'''' 1l . or J L ~l\ C Il uml CO Wilh Iho"o dlFs oh ' in[! y(mrs? ' :11111 W II S nhOllL to to g ;lg l:tnd how to coli c ,t 'OU1" OWll d ' It s I\n(1 boy s in 11.1' "Ire~ . , fire mnde 11'/)"1 'HO nnd indifTJrlloL crolVd. h'tlrry nlopg U M ~Ctln~tl.' 0.1 D AI Be nne tt ""0 C" fOI tile o ld la,Jv, lml'l tinH'll j 1l 11:lOt .tell wh at n. m ,1I n)'~y II :1\' to L'RII~d 'J,' ('i lilert' lJ ~ l·J1 8 ·. n~ t: ( I hey be. fthlbll SU' ,\ 0 rewl ~r trloomy .' d~ rk , I rr J>u l,c,~~ B.U Ct! .,111 IOPf;<)' C'l'IIII, bll "~ h y ~rs, T would n il e r" L\~ O I" nwrl' , - ,A N naJju e\ l ud (\ lHi I' lto!.u"tr." J~ ,\ln ill t:r\S II . . cu m find he g~lt He wenL (I" III h I" lilt reo ur c \\ Itu tlJo " 01 ILl.' como pllll 'rr~ , ftod ~Le r Lhnt SIltTwdmu8 1II usee tI ••I, Uye'" "lIb a deeper b ~ck '1 y fond. I'nl<!rllnl I" )'~, I inl o i"rllit th eil, oud thl'lt into 1r: od' s Inw i s lI 0t !111 0'Yt'li to go ill to edllor_ , in I"hloh tl!Pllchy llt!!l' not lin - I by Iho dlllly IIPtioo or~ I ~ r,~oI\4o~ - n:DT'&'!.ll lfU];t:L0 1 I T A K E A r 0 L 1 'Y 0 F I eQu id Ill)!. bear 10 l UlL' 0 tIl e m alli milk.. -into nil orts lI ga YOII 1~ll ' I\" 'ek. ll' tho IllI'I ch.IO'· "ins it (r~ql\ entlr 0'''1 0 tI, ~i r mnrk in Ihe !IA ': smoko ; lind 10 ropo&o !in ~j1~1 lui,"ro WAVNEI!I\· II,LI ., 8 .. 10. 1"11 tllk ' Illy girl. nnd 1>11) • • .J. D. !Iit&".~1..'F., -";1"111, " ·nruc.: .... ill.·, Ohio. till] e\'"(lf'Y III t1 J(! s tu 1"1', ho t il l'o w!; I t; OI'C I' the lion nnd III Ih worm . Dr, FI"Olltllll l hours un der II. roof Ih e mornlll); 6url cs o ', ltn OW; but ile go t d (,7. fir. :.h no t e!!:~ futch . IlO lIII Ler·. If the cl e!'k eo ,1 it ill the Wil l 1\ moH eminpn! itm nD cP in Ihe Pllr. ~; 10 106)( I\~ daybrellk AI the ',,«rd· tim!! till t his p!'csent '1' li smillll l; ""!,ol d roPfI'd hi " I'CIlcd him out ot b at, und ue hoo !; , he ~icl;s it olttat Lhe uQor. J ly dllY8 of ollr counlry , lind 'l'hllrloll' l lIl1t lawn rll ulld lbe hun e, IInp bre",he ' Wh)' , lIii \I' ill n ~ " er do , ~ DEl'ITIST'RY. sent right o Il" fo r . it is found ill Lh e st! e t, ' the nJ ulli . WPM', B orne Grp" l, y, I'mo n Ortm r' l ~he Iweet II rr~mo of.<ho 1I01" lT-~ep~. T h o mnn would Le II ho y lignin, I Sbo ItUldcrl h e re fo 1I I' Ludr1 purs ue it, pclt in rr it with s ton's, on, Vie" J> re~ldl'nl Hll mlin. N P' WII · Evory city m~ r\lha ll t has hi.·~~'tt.go. AuJ La 1\ filiher, (nu I' Id,e,l the " l y !l1I.1l1e (\8 if it wcro 1\ woH Qso:l.p~ d from n 1i8, C>tlll. Dill. peAkt: r Colfnx , GI ~ eon ~ 9 evor Bngli8h' PG~r hi. cRstle; 'anlfu, 8 TA1 1l! OF onrn , f~, fi!] 'if 0 ~ 'jj' 9 Aliol so I In'' g'11'J-m'' l n n.c:.1tI ~r !\'~ J,~ 1IIIII'd, v ery IU\J"d , nftc tnel1f1gcrie, nu d houting, ']jac k with Wull @. Hohett'B onnrr, Prihco Nnl'o ~'rllllcis Wq "ery llo;Dtedly 8iye:,'enn OFl 1("1 Ill' 1H I! SI£I' RIT .\ll \ UP t; L\ T} OOlcc ~t his rc "dellce on I.oclist Strccl , The household " illl i l~ " .. i..,. l ing- ont! toiling for 0 11. y 11 htwc goL Oll t of Sundny .' leon, I'cl tol,; um V. NII6by, noll Arto' l i~ ~ ~or I pOInt uf ~i p l1" tile EDglieh I. WUlIam Henry Smith, S~~I""" "', Mlirch ,!!; W l UIl XC,T OS, I) J "' rlltc m yd ' c ~Dl "ll cn l]l orllll)l= I, rake got her oYer It I'C Therc is no reli g ion ill all !.ltifl . It us WAro ,lIro Rl rikills tll"Hmpl's ill the d ,vlUo London linb two diltrict9 -lh<t " I' SI"te or 'h R,"," o f Ohio, ,I" II'" "" " c" 'T o pleM<) lit e b'l'n ~ ItQI ' cllllv ) ~ hClrdi,~ on hi s Imn ds.· is IllI'I'C fH'101illl ' nLnli sllI R cli"I Ol1 proeell ltl'm e. . We ~I' End IIl1d' h cily, , , ' Ifv thut Ih e fl. llull inl! I" II Il'u ~ or,p" or" 'r'UE NEW YORK ______ . ' _ __ .__ _ hc ,,'n ,lis (Tlist I. bolongf:l to e \' ery clay to Lha l~IlCC lI ow [OIV rO'lll ' r8 w:,o hun le.lI ' Roah ', (110 )yOI I End D1~f\lc a"lhedell.enlly jOlilt resolution p1\8 .,.11 hy the Ocn cl,d At." sClJlbly of 1110• • t, CI " ur Ol,io, 0" th .. lil!1 dll)' of' busincss Ill! IDIlOIl tiS 'to '11 tho c lJnt~ "l8 or II nl""~p"'peri lillY " ~nvT I'~I ill1ble- Cj II,U\C}I·8, •_.,;y. olusiveh·( ,0, 0"11 , P!" Hl I l'U l o t '" , I • 0 11l r~cll, , I' ~ (T,. ~ J;u?j~ of April , A D J 67 , tnk " " from the 01'1 ,;111111 AI CI.' ItTA ' X .LE()·rvr.:t CO:'lC~nNI;\/0 l ll, I IeI' ll, l, nel lC 8UAT.NG, snt lip wi th 4el', rU1 Hig h ill nil flll ol ell~ ' l Je.1fI·Y th oro 'IS n prop"t hltlfl'o! th e oo~ t" IIlIi abo r : !lIlt! lJYll ~,9 nrhtI?Pt:c.xa' tli e ~o re~t\I()~~l( , II (l rolls nn til ll 10 chiR olhee ___ rlll:'U1U 1T of h er clock nnd OIlOC a. ca k the old Aex. tbe l~ l() nL wldeh hne b tI requ ll'oll ' nnd ~~I I.l' ~ chlss\I"', fill I 10 D;lngll~le8 0 10 I I) tcsLilllo ny ,l"1lc rrn c. 1 11 ,1\ t' lOll! go to s lccp, YOIl old ~ ol !' biLtAI'UCK" niH'1 to)l willd!! it uP' lillt it h:1.11 DciLlle r emplol!'tl to present I n \h m t he I." ily I lionll cl~1 world: Eyory Olltl wb? 'lt e~ Itf~ r litHO s uhf;C riur:tl "1)" nl1l1'\"' , ..-1 SSB'IS 0 FER $ 7,000,000 ! '1\[1'. Twuin , I :1m Ii Ul'pri sed IUld g l'ic'J"-fl settlcd lllnl ll.:ttc n o! bun Ll s'. 'rh e pond u· IlIxury fl. IY u ll n ~ lI eclehl lY - uf HI 11po ~ \1. OWlI;t10~ fI,: or .p~"C~I\lrll " " nfl oUIlwu th ~ 0 rra~ SOlll I' I he ' I hun g tLbo nt his sp,! 111m s"' ln g~ nlla Lh ere It goos ti k- newspaper. " hliof,,1 professIO n, , Ildea 10 the Wen StUI' 01 Ohl~ : At ' o lombu ~ , Ih,' g ri c \'ed to-' f!l lri.. lIy IIlmual. Dh,L1"n,1 d .... lnr"d rrllrl,. Glit d ll Y of A 1' .. 1, A D I " 1i7. 'Don't lIl tcrI'upL 111(', 1\'0qlllll ! T te ll m UD.)' f1 Rr~. HOlV eve in g , tic ki ng' tllly in 1111Y ollt<um:o t.i ad W~ r\l tll~ rAin~, Itllc ri li CPR nnd' 'ex lI;'nd,. iHl~~ 'p~lh of 1I(~p'eQie. o~ m'o "I :I. D. JIiI"~'1'1i', AII.... I. . W IL L1AM Jl E~n Y . ioIJ 1' ll . • n ll,n,i CPl".,"" 0 4l1c;O', \1· UTJ",. . III", ," 011 i t's 11bs lIl'd- JOIl Jea rn to shattc ! jl stl'idn g to keep snd nl1\ llI se loss Wh ntthe o ld cloclt is pcndltllr ' . 0 cdlll)Te '11Ild lI ~l i s h( ' rR 10rlOlture-no 'oue WOllrd ij ~re tbteouS"c r e f tlf~' 01' title You ' ll be wuntin g to pl:ty railY in hi - mind, he was fi in i~!j tlMk c4:Ir~u r, ,~c 'p)u g t im ' proporly "p r reQi~ t,ed, 'Ihrr ' ~Illtl bU l f~e' l ll/lt lie l\vedl elft~"'here."'n d ~1IC\ve .. , .... ]70R ..HOUSE PAINTING, A RESOLUTION tb c 'B ln ek Crooli' next. 1 tel l YOII l'I:~:.\il l BOUIe li ttlc but tlc"e r s howmg It, thnt is t hc ~lJ .Il 1088 ,It POSl IIOIl 10 lou1:l1 si n fillllt l ~II" ~o ~n ~! 4,\1.\11 IU~O~U~ , rll! ) 6~ I \o.a a Re i ".1 iI 0 10, ullllmendmell~nr d in CIJ II ,lillIl:/." .,kllti II g i s !I n accompl is h mC llt ~ ld c h~I!' i"lIlufss, ivlreo merc SC Il tmen lnli ty (If I'e lig iotl , It hTldlng Jj MU811 IIItl ' ~Il I? U8e etLU1.,lpt,\ ela ,, ~ere, . 'fi ll, R'I yol8 Gff3.A1Im{1M~l1 lrJl:JAZ~i~~ F!rovld!ng (or the elttcllinon 01 lh.. "lC\'III,., l onl y 1.0 I'outll a lld gm<lC olld llw li . llIind ed l utU !~bo\'e lif!!, rxn cti }'l ri g ht, 0 I\ving ' jho '8I fllhte~r reD 1()'1I8(0\ DCPAPER.ING, Ii,~~]~~~goel ~'ell Bv tho G~hr" nl A~oNnht,' . ) Il CSd of 'fctec I' lld ~ym ll1 etl'y of Ii?"- I sniu lIl'fllI. P.. Jfl l il to Llle, "J,I(I'~ i)11I,1I!l1. I ' th " StnU).-of OliJo, u,~ II! ' ~f I1U tv;,,'l... ., NtHJJ.j bg~ i lfo.cwu'IJ· g II to! I J7 hers ele 'lcd to onol! Tlll" ~c Ilg"e(' II\/t ' h,'"" o, 8 'tl a b Clllltiful gi l"! fiu the C() (1IUtLi" " i duro to l'O lll e nc,k OTArolv 10 Ih" ' HI".' roil!lI ed. who will lhal It ho Ullo.l,. hCl Oll., 1\I'opo"",1 to Ihe 01",' cos tlllll t' o f t he rink s, hClIlIli llg \, il hOlt ttg-al ll ~ rO ll d e{!i'n'rl{lrl old rllffl . pllel lil prol!'I.IIV I'J IIl1lln ll .. , nlld end~avo~ lors of 11,,8 Stille, to ",,10, Itt ' ho II 'H UJll '"'' " 'k . 'I . I I Ill " ' U 'I ' chirt? An K WA I N , if tb ~y , imCo U ive tln.I' ~(nC",in n 011 r4"lI snnnble trr wjol. Oclo her lectio n , urQn thp II Vl'r, " " I ' II' rej uc ()~C I .cmC l h, S ' I m r ~lU g" .1 ' It' C I (C " , I tio n of the follow ing I\ n HHuhu 111 I ~ lL Qub!\ti- urrd-!lnd s wooplng down up9 1l n t - ~.- - - ....- - ..... - - -"" cot) 8uch "~hln ~ ne now.naper. nu\ .. OliN ill. CAKDJO:t1, ..n ..... "nm ... Lu te for I L~c Iii t 80.0' ''''' S .. r tl:u li rlh IlIlk';'I~' ~ f gron p 0.1' gentl cmc n. all ,1 prell' ll ,l ~ II ~ I .. O.'... T ... ~.~ , "C,,·:\·o ."U)!~!II. GI"'''I ,J01 '0• lIblld, b(liDrr pultlJ ,h~d , It renltu 'tiL ,n.11. . lL ", IIQd Iql. ll*)p l~Ar" l,u. I'And Caato .a. -t J C ,., I 0 l'l E E R th e 0' t'~lltlO n 01 tl,," _111.1 " II' ' i i i . '\ ' she call t f.;t n p hergelr, Ilnc1 1:11\,1 111 " • .. ~ s J ~ J-, .. r.,- ' ----- ~ 0"" mil le o, tl"'11 of til" UllIt",I , L., leR "I the . I f I ,.. / - 1 leRsc,1 lJe tb o III1IId 1hnt p r'cpllrc8 on!y nllelh tlto laUor 411PPOftlllbn 10 nll ~ prAng i ~ 10 flui l ~ },li$_ G., rbuc "ge of LlVCllt) OtiC YCll,". wllo ~h lll1 hll' c !JCeI' 1Il t 10 lll'Tn~ 0 t Ie " e r," ."Olln g' Ill:, II "1 :1 r!'crnt 801'1-1 1,Ie gllth,e ring n a pl ca s llrc fo r II child , fo r thf rc is POIlI.1 out Iho oOIl~~q lIonCll 8 Iii" woulll Iha 'yolln'g- Indy ill her (r ~llt grn~ppd :1 J~, 'J 11 r e",de ,,; o l.lhe 'bi le .o"e 'cllr nv,t rre~N,I ' fn th ~ r don tallow .hcr to k,~ o '':-:\Il ' l youllg Illdy iufol'l n('d m Iha t ahe 110 ~ n'yin g when nnd ",hcro it mn y ID(l VII8bly (allow. IU ever! brtlneh ~f "nd ~old' him 'ln lig1ltly, ' 1rI. bfl:or'I8" to , I C E ~ S ,;: DJ A "C C 'n 0 NEE It, illg Lhe c:cuLion , 1Llld .o l .Iho ~o)ulnl.l? ' 1~ "'" ah ' l' dnrtlll g aW tI.y a g mu , nml Ill lIlllg 0 11 I"'" CI' ~c w ('(l! II li nt do YOII ISllPpOSe I"'.'U III bloom fo rth . Dons not IIlmost LrBdo, mallurA.C(n rOI, lind. creneml bUBI- It"1m IVA re r"ntlered un AvRI' I'ln j ,' "11(1 0" wM'd.,n ",llIeh he res" lca slIe, time as m,,)' hcr hcml, tint! ex posiu ". ucrst:'II'-ex ' 1 . f ' ,) ' " ~ '" ~ . es 'fo,t ~ " rn y ...." l' iU .. trolC'l, Lc IJI'o\'ldcd by 1,,1', "",eel't _ueh perM " " AR . T I " If . ":1' I I . \V ,IR t II 11Atlll r 0 n~,' 1 d (lc tlOn 011 \' l"Vbody rcmem ber "orn e kind· 1) (1$&1 IIntl "lrwh wo u ld IUdllOd pM8Iy!\) bn tli . ullk 1I 1l,I ""re drowned " '1' he V.U'lrESI lLLE, . , . , •.. OlllO. 1t(l" C bome III m 8 111 Rl1fll'OIt"r 1I1I~' in ' Hr' (' , )1 0 IlIg 1C' l ee to Icmal •. fl .ou t le i h('u l"ln g t hc ()(>cI ~ t'ulwn? I Roill to hCIlI'leil rnnll who all wed him Ill,iuel- tLo wllolu i n lc"\)~ L. of th., whole COUII9 r oun .!\' r'la,lv 'WAft ~oAII, _o. lion 0.. rcbellion 'tg~lII·t Lh e (lO " " ln Ill CIlt .. f' cGl'elpssn css , l\Indnm-b old .I'~llr myse lf, cil,he r t hnl g il'l Rpcnks j"alse· ness in th o llul cc L rl nyfl of hi.s ohilll- ~ry And clog Ihe wbeel~ 01 g()v~rll mllnt 1/'11' oinNr. i . could flol ' be ,~_ 0::7 'ViII n\l end 1!1 0R'P' y tn ' nll c,o l1 ~ the Uni S.t11 tcs, (II' h n ~ r n ~·d fl1' "~ I It; ir l tOIl O"l1 c-nnd :till ar s Ink i Ilg C:II C to I I \" , 0 1" Rhe is r eI'\" 1I\Z ,' Non)r sell"s? h, od 'f Th e Wl'i' RI' of tltl s r ecoll (,(,t" Hiel ( I (OUlld " A 'po".on ,.(rQ."n" . u ....e.ted tl J ' ,.r I I ' . "~ " _,_ _ _ __ • ' l" ~ • a II .. ill his Jifl f, ,," \1 rn,l covur Ii' give the IirRI plncc. o t, r esldellce t.o "'o,d h~lII g.dl' ,~II~, I III · fall \I'h ~ 1l thnt you ng m ll n 1>1 close \V, h l l hc Il1IItI Hly or",",II .e n ll·(, ol ~l\HI 00' I' I . I",·· - II 10 ICIl , 4IHlI ~( , m, lI '"c yOUl him self :l.tthls lDolnentnsllbnrcfo o t . J . Ih'U (' (nno o ( h i" ~ shi,l. 'no, ",b/lO"1l ~. ~tI,(,.cti"n. ,T erme r.ns on"blt. S4 C'"lllOnt In tim or wor .• nd hlHI 11(1/ ""hoc '.1' to PlC \ lor up. t Ill Cu:tlllll il g . dlesses n od clonks, " ou r sl{p·ts auel . . A -~'",,,,u (:udcr Ibl' Sao,,;. ,-" , .... I I ' I ' I '1'1 I I tt d' t t' J < Inel. standin g I\t tho '1\ ood en fonco of inlo. 1.11. Ilre(lm, it woplp gp to ~ h~r '--LA D1iS~ A~n GENTS' qllently boe" h unQr nh y l.11se IIIrgc, 11 0111 " e ley 00 ( pre y nn In cr os ,lIl g, bows? )\' 110 t'l!llII i\'S tho Ir ips in a )Jool'llttl e g urd ou i n IiiBJJlltll'e vii A Calir,} rnil1 p" llO r nl "I'R ~ r"tll er Ae an'" 1/0riol0l1'I, ~hill \\,11' Irrel-l. · bpe ~1t':C~~r,~~;~~ ~~"~~li :~~1 '~~'~1~11 ~"~112n:n (' ~1~~n tor. w~;;-r t'~' ll l1S \ I C;~I·t n ~-:- : ~. lit' pl'etty gfl iL t' hooi..<l, III)d drll'n s Inge , whil e with I.on g in g c.\"ps he g n Ir nrd lo-brlil' \ e ~ ' I1 ' y 0; ill ' \.1I0W 1111 'of"hl, '. llirtw wA, 'ihro"n iil'lo ltlli w's l er tlon' . 1m. A 1''\ lHWT'I\ \V I CIl leJ s ~H IS I n .Oll ,... IIn( In Ithc l1ol ef! in) 0 111' stoci illgs 1 l iS it zed Oil the nowers whl cli ,"" re hloom· Ihe ' IOWI NHRdll M o ull lll jll8, ill , F~b lind "lIlcUo d 'filh nludh ' c~tla'll:; IIpt! I No, 71 Mulbcrry St., ,'pcahr of thr n ~lliC of'~."'II" ' iI' . one P, ace, nn t IC~ stlUt on e fo ot l .\" "'. ng ed mothc r o r .rOUl' TOo re in- iug t.h ol'C qnietly ill tllo IJt'ig hLn 6S 1\1 I I I I illtBo.iLy" by , "II on 'hill baakel of A)," un F;W ~l MI I! lllti" I': r . (~ 'lt glll gcl'1.r, ?nd It mal'es n iJren k 1\ dll ~ LI"IOU8 sl st I"? 01 01) YO Il Ilir'e 011 of l~ Sunday IlIUi"II i ng , Thc 1I 0 !\SC!l8- ~~R!yn~nr~hur;lt~I ':~n:~I l~~~I,~~I:'~':mv~~I; dver, .1Ild ORrefully roll«;l"l'~~' Y .b-EBANON, OHIO. P A ' I G J SG7ldo n~ 01 thu Bennie. f o r t hc ot her sl(le of I.hc ponti 11 11 11 ro ur ~C'l illg (Ionc ? Sbo uld thislnst fir cnmc forLh from his li Lli e ("ollu ge; valley [0 Ihe mIR ing 101.n of MeA do" young SWllrl?el, in a erolll! bOlli, wIlen , J\IEAI$ U - &1.1, nOURS 1 a "0,1 prl , I . mll"_~ I ~al' es t.h e ~a l !l~ ce of thc gi'll tP I" ~ w " SIl11J!ositio" \)e t hc cnRC , may YO ll lI e wil e n l1'Olld , CllttCI" hy trnrl t', /lnt! LAk el fl D tl1 6 I()p, of dlo moulitRin •• lI u "rler tloBli Dg Bom8,.i:r OJ' eight 'rolle, j, hug' o n t ins SIde. But 'y()~1 I OU , IWH' I' run!"ry. unll the chan ces !U'C Hpant t hl' '1\ hole 'Icl'k at WO llt ill t h IJI'(ICll r ud II ~ 1\1l' 0 1 RUUW . ho~., , lid 8udd cply dl'l\ppeared eDlirely I o~t or ~O,"rrll n "r r"cd in ~ " c ry . t)·lo " I ~o , ~ IlooJc I flitt and ilwJrllal'l1 Hudtdl l' \.\'Oll ll eI' Cr wil l. Noton c .\'ollln'f roall \\ 00\.18. _, JI e IJ:l(1 C()1Il 0 l lito tJO I unr'- LOok tit ll I,n(' ' S III Rom e wIlli hndr g')O O 61g • I I' I100 ' ~~ ~t !fI' r rcRh bl'cnlJ, cn l«~~ . CI'ar'kors, piC!.fl ~ t(' ", tu,' t b l sllwl Oll Il. '1'11" grnP"plIll:' ~l\l c fit ft ll tim ~" Oyfttors fly th e c:lJl ' """11 B l' J3AIlBI'l'T 'S Ln bor "'win/t SOAP. no ug I n any Ime: II W I()n 'y In a bundred co n atfor'u to many II tl c n to ga th cr 1I0\\c r s lo sLlc Jc Into h il! I Af med ia tely Ult'll .' "ntl iLe l)ocly drewn ill il s 6CII80n :;1) L iquo rs. I 0-1 ':hll. SOil P i~ IHllde fll'Om de,, " Hn". 11\11"(: " "" t.., !~re on sk~t.cs you wad(~ l c 011 us stll tTl' wo maTl w lw haiJilually negl ~'ct8 ll c r coat when h o WCllt to (,llur e li H e ovot I 10 cl uy b" f(lI fl . l ' r sOllie l,ollr6 lip prfcl.~Iy 'lit Ibe nlace wllete tbe hirl 'Hi", contam. nO A' "llerill"''' ot 1111\' k Ind, nllll stopld :uld un O'lItI1ly I1R n hlt 7. -1 hC)lIsehold du t ies YOUII mnn if I 1 I' ',.,. I of hnrd Irn ,'~ I, h,· Rrri n'ti .. hore 1ho ', I 'I ~--- - ~ wjll not in\uro the m 09t deU c"le fllbrie, I\nd znrd thnt's lI ad hlllf~ hOl'sc fOl' din . . . Pc ' SilW the 1,(1\' , Ulli \\. n Ill' g' 0 11 ,t Ie to"n 8holiid bo, bill nut II huU80 WBI di'HJlpenrot.l. " _ m:ORGE G. 81R"E /\~T. i" '~ I)eCIH ll l IldllplcrJ 1'0, \l ooll e,,". \\hi.;h wilt . • I ' " It s ho llid e yel' be Jour ortull c tO l mo t bCflll t ifl\1 or hi R e rlrnnti clIlA-o-i!. visi b le . Wh ll" bo,w\Io' JO(Jwinj( Rround . , _ -' -.,... _ _ _ " '. ,t;; ,flolt1e Painter, Glazier, Graille~ and not . lni"I, IIfler bei ng "',,,,heLl \I I ~h tillS SO Ap ~er. 1 won t 111. \' 0 I~ Mllc, n~. ~ nd h!!lI.r 11 WOllJall dec huc Llint s ir e ney ol' Iwas f.ltrcni cd with rod !lllIl \I'll ilo- hc Dlun "1IIItlel")' IJn m e OUI of Ibo ~ no", 1III11<Y be UgC~ III IiMd or so fl wilters It 'fill) 011 get und c r n little pI e~nl lOll S se ws , IJe wnre! Shu n her I\B you nyc it LO lJim. Nu lthe l" tlr" " iller' 01' like II mCII,,"i cl o ut of 11 /11 flC II, AdAmi HINT8 TO FAm'.Re, - The Ttt nton 1P&'1Pil!~1I 'lXl~oo§}]'lm~ remo 'e I'.<inl, /tre."', tnr " Oil st~ l n. of all hcadwny nllc1 then put yonl" Icet to- would the ehill~ nnel fe ver Dc 1 ' d "'I ' I I (N . J .) Sentinel, hR\llng been rehueilled One pounrl "arr llnteo equal 10 t,,'o t I l l ,'ft I t ' I (,CC Il C'l APO (0 n \\ 0 1 , UIH ,\ t I uked him if he coul tl t,'l1 him where 'i S, W, CorDer-Mam and MiaDlI Stroets, klilds. poun(\'~ of QI'dirlllty tl, mil v e?~fl Directio ns go all C ( t I n on~, S ooplllg su ne en.('ug h to mn~ () s tich I\- on e hOlllld ill g s teps the bov J'l( 1) horn e -- Meadow L"~I! \VII'~ nol knowin!: R8 y~~ by 10Dle ~urlll , 8ublcrlbe,. tD add an j .o'lli "Ith cnch bar, ~fl\r JOillon/; 11,,"'\' gnllo1161,YOUl heaa and SltlOII.lkldcl s nnd hOtlrl - ),I)U I" Wife, and, Ilelore the honc'y - I Andfilo\y he re nt II ,'nRt dl Rtnll C!' fr OIT! ".heLher Ih e o l.>;oot be['Jro hiD" "at a 'Agri culluflll DeplOlnll!nl' to ' iul 'cbl. WAYNESVILLE. hnndsom"e 80rt !\O~p ro m o ~ e pn!lO.t or t his m g: yom' arms ou. I e .rOU e,' I)ec e d moon is o\"el". thc horrors or butLoll ' ' tbnt dJO rtlc, oftcr 80 mOll Y eve nts o f mon or ,D ' '',·rl·L, " \VII}' ,' B"I'd llie ful_ . T ko 'best or,.'; ti"~ , gutlrantccd in 1\1\ !lOllI!' Elich ~tlr'~ Wl'1lppolllll a .CJrcu~nr coll- !\ church was gO ing to filII on YOII, leas s hirts nnd hoso filii o f hol cs will . tl r Ii r t' " 0" • um08, f~1I8 ill "'ith · ,ba idea,. 11\,4' ae " tnlmng full d,re~tlon9 forll 'l> I"rlOtetim En/( ' t ' ., t tb I'~ t f , • • RO ll)ltny jC llrs, 1e cc llg 0 g ' lI I· low, 'YOII nro 'i ~h l on Ib 8J'I"~ I1.' Ad com'nfl, n~e m ll, ~t, Jurni.bel " ll ~ follo.ill" CftP~S, or no cll~rge. ' . . !ish Ilnd Gcrmnll A. k )'Olll"' grocer for 'B I ngg ln\l\ cs C I C , 01. 0 me , ~e up?n YOII; yom' f:l.Jr Jud y ~ Bew· tude whi ch a gitated th e lilPrlsto( tltllt ama 69kt! tI him Ir Ire coul M ho" h im ~ 1" - , • rr , to l'ir. Thnnkflll f/lr pll$t f" " l)rs, 1 &oliclt n .:olltJlluBnce of t ho 1ib ~tnl plJ.tmnnge he reto , T, BllIJbiu's SOll fl,! ond tok~ no ~thcr, Anad Tuesday, whcn 1 "as ass en,o.'~~lrl IIl g wII! b~ donc by ot~ler!!~ whtl'e she LJO,v-l::rprellses itself on papol', Thc ,,"ere tho "tore of A,lllm l '" J oho 80n '~d'IGe to farQl~~I; I I," , . hI ,\cU t;! 'e' exlendod. , 80. j Y B, T BABJlI'l'T , ~08 . 6-1 , 6.1, 66, 67... II • to ",ct. on sk.atcs myself, and kjl ~e I mop cs III Idl encss or rI ots 111 fas hIon · calontioD ua8 lon g sin 0 withercll '01 . I 'I', A ( 1. 10 brAakiDi.~ ~II IIro'm~' ~~e 69 , 70,72 ltnd 7·' Whshlllgtou ~L. , N,Cw York thc Insh Giani's eyc out thc Grst II r . t' TI' r , II. " WII. I, },ea, Ilomu" ona 0" , . " '.1\: ,' ~~~~~,-~~~~~~~ d b d J't h d d k!l. ) 0 (tsSlpn 10 11 len j Oll 1;)11\.) " 0 \Jut HOlY It bloom s Ilfresh.-J, Ot;OLA IiI .hol·o. liD 11 pllir of ~1I0~ .ho~8 'QOU 'PYlng, 111"111.' 11'11 a p ,9", n- ~1I11l~er I1I,lKE YOU" O\\'N SOAP. as, a~ I on OIl; en I\n .erac hid fnrewell to 011 YOIII dr cOIDs of .JEJWOJ,o. brou hI I"ern 10 a round Iiolu in lho "ill rio' Ari's"'~r: ' Beo' b"i oa '1Io~"~ " tb e lce so that It l ooked like thc domcstl c feli c it" " th " would fflci e l - - - -- - - - g ,I A.I 'd II 'll I IlrL 11 1' 1"''''n u ,,', "Ie i.Ji., Ie d" o'f ' ,'ho • 50 P' nt. S d by 1 cel 11' . I 1 d I ' J , J .now, anu uam s WII8 10. HI. 1ft "vo~a 'P.:' 0 "I( sun WIth nIts rllJs In( rOJl ]1C'l as su mm cr 1:I0wc!'s ,nt ~he t.ouch of Annol TO A Bmo!:.-D emllnd of "n. lh e !t olo wllich lutl lo' lh e I oto.- plow, lor"it will'~~bllCli' on _-"-_ _ _ _ _






~. J)

Wliet"lOlIe ,t Cu


A}" Irllrst Boul of Iromnn IOlld I Wll hout Ibet' ,,"at wern \t fe ' 00(' bliss ) cnnnol leB\' ~ behind-



S 1)IC'" M D








Proposed Amendment to the Constitution,















II' .



60 Per Cent Save d b · U' smg

ill .lg,'_.


STOBI .USle , ' , er 'Ceave 1'''''-- , . ,


• ('I"'~ ". .




' .

• •




B T. l!AnDITT '~ r~RE COS Cn'TnAUll POT- 1 struok, and they .fi,~od mc flOst, 1 have hom'd lnwes, clducatcd y o ur britleg rnonl, fl. tioon ae lho mRr· ••• I, IoBH , or ' R(\lld~ 80np Milker Wllrrnn ted IIInety two dollars ro~ t il III I II I] the tint! intelligl!l1t Indies. dechlro witb riaio ceremony il over, IIlld promise .... . JlI", ""bu't ope~"d al'f~8ic Stor'! doubl~ tbe s treng tb of eom!"oll P()wb, nlld man' s pond, I Wfill tcnlfiell Wlt ll thc actllnl prilie their ignol'all~'a of th o younol( nev e r eve n in jewI, to clil .. , ~ ,". , superIOr 10 aIlS othr.l' ~/lporulicr or I·y111 tho , viet· ' I)' ~ .. t ;1' had gonc through f kin " /" Id "d t'" t . ' I, lJAt ". iV,'E'!~IA, m Btk t ~t.up ill ll40a of tl'olllld 2 P'1\'1Dd~ con }O .. arL 0 coo g . ... ..ey ' 'COIU not l pUle or UprC86 80y I ~A,recmc n , \. h, , l~: \4~' 3 p.ounj8~ 6 pOlln"e JlDd 12 pounrle: With fuJi ~ tlle mside of t he ",·erl.d, ,peCJ1~se flJllke a cup of cQtfi e to Illlve tb ei!' begiDa ill mere, may n nlld Germ"" , !0'il~Il!\' I sa~, tllo parallcljl ~f Jatltude ghm - IIl'cs';' n nd,:l8 to their mnkiJ~g aloof .. nd in 80rioll' earnBI&' Av olIl e.xpr!!l. , ~ NO~ 1011 DETROlrJ,1 S]'REE:r', tllrectioll!l, in ~ '1")':1 .:l1 '1'1 ' t. . I, Ing Hard-ruu! 80 . I!oap. OliN PO,OIl . Will mel'lUg- nll around m e; I1nd whnt of prE)ild, . or cook,ing (" 6ilIll~le di n · eiDg irrila\lon IIot ODe anolher', worO •.

'fhero wure 'Iairs mado in the 'sDolf i. 111 8~w,jng oa&!, ~be I oar~(ul lbJal ilee A I irlll Ila;r"IIY rllf ivtin' '",er~ your boys do 1l0L II., 'he ' ,wjld:, v,r~.. ' P d II I I' . :' ~I Iy. 'rhe wild wi!! 'come Jo" Illll,1 • Ime~ alOlln Ie 1,0 e In , m il log Ie b ! • Ii £1'1 \V do_cent, f inAlly ho Il~rl v l\d 141 th" bQL. laoorloel, ' ul ,. t II Dot pro 1- It. • lQOl ADd ' '1\8 '1 810ni"bed 10 lind ilil nover , kpe~. a crop'.of L~i" kiqd oW P!" fri o~d. hn ppy' lind gay,. I1nll "rha<fy 'to ,e~pqnlu" , " I' . l " flo, "oucl! (or lhe counLry beiliglOne of "Ibe 3. Flat lallCl wil[ never ann," tor ncr, thl\t ~va8 C;l1It 0( ' thcir- powe,r,- Mutual (orb88rR~ae i. t~e olle grent riaho.L (oN8r discoyored, Ftorn~ Ilro li~o. I ,JhflMI\J'al.#aYI ..'L~ D Poor, IUls,crahle \1,D.f,qJ'tullutes !- .ecre' o( dome.1l0 l!sJlPln eee. If yo~ ,tore I~ Irll. ~1 d ,Oil Ii t~~n l lhrQPR\l1h~iI.:, l'~\I 'If".r' whO .ellM! ', I,. lJoulJUeM inot]:Jers nt4 mach to have erred, COllreSI 11 fre".ly, even If tUDnlll. ~ ;J£verj Q'W .ee m~ p be f, 0ll" " ." 10' ~IU,pa,.~ btrd~" ll" ,"qJll'-' blame for thus naglcet~ng tine cduen- ,ho conreuion coata YOI1 ~ome tenra.:- 'lent "I~u iii" IOl 'l'lJe crt\:¥ DI " Il W Fo~~ Rnis l , (",ol~dlWCli. lilY .}..; tioll ,ot' tbeil' da?gbter~; but s urely Further. promi.e railhrully and .0Ic~D. go tbe l[1p or' tll 8h o'", excep rwllen ~I~e; liilr i, Itbe r~Ql 't tn·plantt ,. 0 m there is no scns lble gh·J W11 0 conid , ly, Daver, upon any prelllxl or o_xcule, tliore i. 8 aoolf'siloe 'Ice, ilL .lllcb ID (b I I\an c A ~ , • , nol:, l>y the exercise 01' nJittl a ener- I!o have Bny lecre' or concilaJm~ot fro lJl, lime ,Ihe wholf (o"n lurna out , !, ,J toe. ' IWcl £bitfe"nIU'lIotlr ~,', '>iT r gy'. perfect horself in tbis most ' u sc- each olllor but '0 keep yo~r prIva te ~I· _ __ ~. , " ~" P.(aDt lio~~t~ .~ ~ e . , (ul branoh of'domestlo Irn()'I"ledge. (alrllrom rjlthllr, mOlh e r, ~£otho:, 81'" ' ~A Ii ,,_ k' inc tJ ioue do"ow!~. : '1h.,.4!'.a!!"o."~~'i , False prIde, in (l\,er'y 'cIlSc, ill tlrc on. ' ler, and tbe world, ~(!flie~ber Iha' v-.I" IIr., ~or, '~Ir, BPI, 11..1 P . II neee laIC". w~eA · ' I,fDalll '!ii.l\~~,~ , i Iy barrier in tha W4Y: It is 1l0t con- an11bird penon admlued loLO your :~"m&1l onloe ,'8'~ 'I dI , do~ t .!a-l4llt~ o,g,o employed hoe (he)81rth: 0iilf~.r \lillD~ " 's,d~'e . d 'gentec I' - h ow , I do n b ' 1 ·oouuucoc:. ",' beeomea ~ ,part,: , t i d 1I" n fI:' .oon liS la. DU. rat IIr 0 "6 T ~venWI 'it'.lliaii'ro ' om1. 0 I R.n lee.. \,o In tJ~ ' rR~e'a lh ;'uHa~ d, ,.elfi or " , 0 I' .1 tlll" " 0',






"h~I' ,lt~ I'(IlL ~~C l'; Ollr ,\lnd" l lcomp etc :~~:d15Jo;!!~:::'~ ~{t 6~:'tihis tl,~~~{8~~t wII8 .i.t b,ut y.ou, 'ill' your awkwardness " • '",80r.lI\l\n, tOr . " oti\sh ill thQ ~n",'ket. , " ; fetcltlllg, up. ove~ me with y~~r con ~~~~~, Orgdm!; fJlllodc? :,s , :r~olins, ~ For 8J1.le by 011 D",!ggl8tS Oll<l (, roeotle~, fonnded ' 't,1ters on? You t c got



B. T. BAaBl'TT., ~os. 64, 65, ~6. 671 6~, 69. to discard thoso tlIings. 1 cnn ' t stand iO 12 /llld :'fVFiUlh,~~~_~":,.1~ the pew·ren.t; Bnd.l .won 1.' , '~'lt:", ", ;$lringl" I J -~S d b U' '~[r. Twalu, I m:tI SUI'P"" lit ,.j r{;I, !Il l!nt"', E~err blng,d!)lrilly kc'h, in Pe~ "C'J:lt, Slng 'Hold yom:, clatter I - I toll yO ll ~",;..;: Stpre; . ,1 ,~ 'whicll ..e ,will lell S.<T, 'Dabblttr. beat Medicatod Saler- ~'ou ~haolt 'brlUlf odium upon th e lowW ,t1Sll, -'mftd efrllmCOJJlmonult.' Bread mnlle family by jour d1 8.1~'racc rill attempts 'a ... f.I)~ ·Lo~ ,.i''.AJ 'A6~te~~ the ~It. with this fto lol'ntWl, ['ijJ'taln~, when hlL!<cd, no· to sk(Lte; sprjLwl 11),8' " Bro,~nc1 wl~h " . , ~ stV!; UI .. e.ll. and e,onvlnce your- &blilg 1)1~tlco!,Ilmoll lIK\.t , ",,,Ier naNd BO)lyr k your bi'" fect like II C()w plo~vlnt; ber '1 ' I ' ., r I , ""jo' 90,\f NOR ~ w,oj :Wtlllhlllgton .t, ew or . d 0 1'11'In e rIpppry" we ntbe r . ~ , .• v.e~, 'I! \ ft ~ ' ;.. .,' , ... 11" .. , ~ ' . . _ ~ wny own II H" ':',(.'' . nI'd'ii'it .I':otr " ~.,' ~ I May bc YOI,l. would~'t I>.e so handy Date tbllot ;w:ordl--toOU46yLlIing llSC, be~"een you, aod Will nBlur~Jly ."Ie e P \I g It" ,. I. III tlM;,laDtAld OOrtl rt g &~elt; "\1: n"1. lJ~' :'I' 38 PE!I~NT 8~ VED , 'us n~ nbout displaying those fect 0(1 YOllrs fill, and a fashioDable lIDiS'i. ' VOll'O "uh'lilO Qne or?o~her. },romi lc 10 II : 10 10 gel ,eere I ' • , '. , pref8~~ u...,~iI. ~"'M"H'~ '" -.. ' • ;:... B:' N -AO N'S ,D. T ....bb1~a !3t~r Yoa9t .~owder. if yoq kl)oll' wbat occurred w~en ~ oonsider herself dl8~racO<l should 'void thi l" lInd 'en~w the \l0" on e"cry " , . ~.., . , 'P~~~'''.rJ ni'~~ I~ I!!!O~'I ~ I • • _pi1_ '','~I.... ;, ·. ~E ' ~if ,'I,i r~~"'rQ_,~"n" Lig,ht D,lcart, or 'UIl"_kUlO oC ~nL:o ~ny hc toolt ~Ollr IhoCII do.m to get m DJ" sbo bc SeeD witb fJl~r bands in t he' lemp,"tion. II .tll pr8lene !!rAl per· Iar A conV ict In " MIC~lgAO prllRIl, - a. 1> or.$o ~"f~!,~\;rpjie t. '1;' , 1\ ~eh Wi::D~~~ !ij:~1~~0:~:~; ~~!:~m~~lkte~ ~ed.' . ' dough, oJ' Cltught iii the oli rn,-ecp·, .feeL ~oDlldeDce, Iii It union. \wJ,iob ... ill w~p ~l,Il l lI ~l\ir'lt b,!8 ,k ~t e. m~9~1 lt ilbund . ';: ~r Jrfili·l'1m~l~l~ a . Ible /.1 ~ ~ s~J. or I , . ~ , 'W-bllt was it? Tell me ,.bld it' Ing' a rooO'\l :1 It I\'yo ' qg ladIY of. ;j~be 1~11i,).J~u i~dfe'4;21l~, ' , YI , _ ,awa, r?m hIt ~~ , , ~en ~ ~rx ~ ~~ ' , j,;/.!" ., ~08. 6f to 74 WI\sJ.!lngtoD 8t., Nc.w lork· ! ,.,as ; tell me what it W88 this -mIn· pt os nt if Y ,jll1n t~llIm~ t).llll pillPO, , fl\h TI ~"tflo~1 e,I,IIII{, , I,nd 11,1111.1 li~~ ,. p 7. ~ye ~ ~ia;:~ 1 ., ' " . (;1' ur I wili fenel d-1in mplo packnge freli by ute! I liSt ' know "it'l!l llbwe· 'M your m9.~i:;,,·tt¥ o:f a fe:")i'T~CQ., PWUIlCS, . SA'If'f&"M." O"l!fllaaD~ d ,el JI~' ••oked1bu of 1l1"rl.'OlD. tlt I the th'.oll,..g81Llna..... u p ... ~., 1 ( or' ; ( . ' ' mail, 00 ~e~p' o! l§ cent. to J!ll1 po!tnge. i iea !,' " ... , ' d~c~,.ili ~ A~d> do, l1olilliDg,~!},eJ:aJt' , ,!f'" :". n-, repor~ ,. ...f. l~\ Ii lat' , ••. ~ II, I, ~rR'~j' ~'. fi\~ ,rl ~ -.. 1a:Y.QLVL.Yr1. 'I!/dTUBES, \ \ ". ,,' t ~ '.. '0,4' ~oP..'t , mtn~; it niD'~ of any ber' Ijdllcl\tion is aoo6mplletiied_s'he a\lo. ~".t II. the ,~ear:i~ ..;g. ·'Cr:~ . . Dri! h8tIJ OQ1fg'took on If 111'0 (r~lIo .. ! ~.rl~, ·· " ,, I~~I{ til WMt~en lbW, , t'J ~O, ~, ~ ~ ~~,; .'i con's Auel\OOj g~ W 8l~e~1 , '. • ill ton'lliddl'ed 'Jlniahed ; iJ-J[cnrieJ/lNr'~ ~~~:b~II:!b Ati~:":::~~o':Jlel1.d~ to '~D,of'bt;, '. rth rf11111 re· .,\.;1' ...:JJ..:z!:." , ~ !) '. ~ cd iiflartl~1el ft,; ,tlJ. '· 'B"t :Hie!O(~8equoljce l. lOUaV~ 1141, " ~_ ,.ubi,lrt ,U.'.(beli'weriUo81 ... I,w-Il't:e n~lea"". lrrplj)uili"",l l _ ~ ~,'I'hl ,1\ltlbm6diJ ~1De ~~~l!rti cleJrit' 'llolJalli,- o;·Blrth· ,iaiSoHE SU LD1J'lGS't:'F"Y/jIlX:;'" got to; tell me : r,0u ~hl\n1:,g~~v!;i ~ tdllyemelll is oft foot i1a VIiCkitW~r tibe~~Je.. eall'Q~.a rhi/ll. 1:hI waf " I IX ~.\ or ...etie'll& I (\ 'illlii=~: w=~:,~~~ ;;;re8~~' Et"cr ~rJ,ul;,,!t one. Ute, 'SilO • N'~', utoN' nUltp l'~Ci, Pt\iI.d~J!'t'i': -ute ,this ~ i~ ""o-!" tg~ S\e4lp tl )(i.... ~ ~olid & ~ofor'd iD ' It POD~ ,••bje~taa to a.. lftili~~1. ,~i~I, . "II~ I1\n· W~~t ~(UI~ be:!l~ IJ 10.&1:_ '111 boM~ prqnJ \~ i. O " e! m".~ q;( q ~~O:'a~l!n~ Q~~8;11~U1 ~iQ}l;E. , .'~ a!lthori,~ 19 C:O~lr~ct' (or ~d.~j)j~f\~"l1 !. ~O~~ ~ sn,i:ything: J dre .. , ., , • ~ence~ ' lo be' hubg ~n "L. 8~~1: ~ ~ ra. ~ ~~~ • •


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I "\vlIy (r u lrI h,. t, II, \\ I'lit "l)[t~ Cll dll) S '; lIlJ k. ' - - ' . '- , . II Il bont Pilling', IIrltl tltll.! l}' hAU to bo 7. H}'a .hould be put to oarlY-l ay ~ A~T ' AN NA UArnlllW (' he J,rn Q ! I. j t f I ' II , sm()uec 011 II~ H'om. I (I,r ill ~ t t hing on !l<l lltll~ lip ID lhe

I " ' ' (' lit d, l \ C,I/l t llll ",!. ~j " I <I .lIl" tll :ti, e n ~(I uf !I f ew 1'l1"'11l'1i 1' )11 'h'" . II I Dnya. A It"po rL \V1\ 8 r (tcQ t\ro d ttl f\V,I.HI~P .ll l1t:lIl' ld ')/lOU ll nl!1!l ll l l /l I', II t J' Ie I"fl II I! J" , l n8 ,e' en nu' l .ng " , ill!" <l1I('nt l "" 1. 1( fl('('rn~J> I ISI 1('( I - - " I Ie JIll t l '"I "'. ,.n ' l\ A nna Inllll " d fit Y un Crul 1_ ('(,U IUPJ'(,rI ' 11I1I~hed _ .. /I, li lt ./() U. I 1° A) b I 11-(1 to I I f! ', 1 1 . U W" 9 ('o mr" " r oo "til. ! 011 crnhKlk , He t hf ll 'Hnl l o, 16RIII, ,, here

A m Ovem(! nti ~o nfntJ L i nncii6!J llrg , lu e L i he rals ' " pl '!IWd 111m 'L' I I d e 5 b CIP d t~ a rn tl lt H I' Irl ltl () 1S8" t o s~n, a co ore s r es@.

ronn t o



U JC 1 ' lllCC(!I /)

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I li e WII H

nll\l 8t' li '

tl [l ll fJ\l I" &Onle ,



I I C~ 1l1 I' ~lts ur ~ llip soul I

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~:r Tile n 'c hl11 on d F.:urnioer of " t I 1 .1 I I' eeen r llt!! 1nallno"bo rllle editorial \Y hill ,,'l ll( hi h~ II k.·ly I (l l\l yc lite lies l , III )lru, 0 Iltal B ootll, 11.1,0 nsus In, "Ill .... 1\ Iii ' 'J A I'o~ If p r m rh! '\ tl nC b". ,~ . , .. • ' .. !." ·

• . •• - -


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• __ ._ • ..- I/II,rnll l g ut '-W IIrrlleurcqulrl\lIl\. I k ) t h 1 r' UIIg on Oil y \\' 0 Sl/ lICIIII !l t tU IU, . WI:II lilln 0 11 h ili I U, _ ......- - -

Jt.:n- I I r.,: I11m dll ~ tll of 111-; " I V


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.....- _ _ _ _ ilia _ .,.ilia ,tI ""'" ..... .....-. •

pat-ta-lJa)·••nel ~e el' •••• .....,r I I 1a Dd,• The rare lIbe "'IIDI, 00• . . , . I loh. W for round trip 11'111 be ... A epc· caalaa ..... J.... ("-ao_ !-atioa) . Jat. H. clal car ..ill lie I r \'Ide<! for the bOI- ..hto

-:r~bII_"""""IM1trm.aiar..... "It.


1>oD.~o_ .. the .......... .,·1IIWd bll..... 4 ..... on 111_ _ to"" IN .. II.- U.... ..... bUl• ..,. dl_ .bIob an IIoe _ .,. bIllMU


0" '11[ h ere

o. III I'ull • .a I .. cell.h l .ratioa ,


ant .


B U81 N E88'~

\fltb a Lall' a • t ••,lete

of Goo ds,

I S t.o c k l. .I.llree t, Wa,...yult, . ~:;~"~~·;!:NDlU..IU: PILLB ..... elelt ood. . . . ADdilo r; Sid_.JI.8.WI,rD~' kcta of r fr bWl'nts . Til ,,110 where ml)' be (guad ••11\.11 ..... ,,' hlclt "... 11 be I. eld 10 Ellch.,.. re wilb nn hUlldtC!~l r"I.t. n_....,.lId.II~ltotd..... . Itt;~a.I...... I.4"""'b y ,... 1 •• R ' .8 '100.000'. Trel,ar er: C0..... e1,. COIilP do tot take r freshme nts Yo'ith t 1Icm lel.cled Good,. Co.,IItJ ....tllltll Ult.l1nl"rA \ & 10,," . k:n," loa,,,e. 00Il1 ... ~ 4ftunlnDM . for Tllb. wash .d, A NoIllliru II ~ r ."d. o It. ~ fcoll UI vi wMf\u • oud I....nud... &0 IDvi . Iroller or Trellar " I. FI~p"" ", .. hp.! and t. W~I.t. caD ue snppli \,d uil the bo" t . .A Ae1f is impl ill Us " muncy . h"w "__ ,_ 1I'.-n.. P""01 lbot '4' u. .... II 1& alOll'!d or . tI_u,\,cta<I Allor 'I oeoer.1 ; Pbl~.p U.rIIDg . Iplen3h l baud of nlil Uuwuh ed DnOADCI~OTHS, ..._ . . ...... ic hll8 been. en · II. drll IlIg "I 11 !lll!'.. ..~:":::!... Ib_ Pl\~ mil)' l>o tUOtI wltl\ .d.... u !Mt t B d f P bl \Vorka '1'1 .em to _. 1"" loiaD lIor~i.. waa 'he parcb& l., . UASS IMERF.s oar 0 u 10 lhc . klll Blld 0111 . gag d fo r til e OCCllsion . • In .n ...._ ,.1,,,,, • p ....p1I•• ttr ol""oUr_ IC exc ur · c:1eil_ Ilclioll 0 11 lhe cU1icle il I: ",odld .o I r.lul",:!, Tb. roIlowio , w ••• dopted a~ Ibe Jana.' e bome. 'UDIl'D oroIV I n Ullin wUl l ell Ye. the - uion De· pi xlon. B: V ~S'rlN &.c . 'Ii '. kindly bel\l I 1'.esJ4 u k 10' "0.. Behoua'. IlUnd..'. 1'11'" 8 o. . . dr."1 from It w'pu\,\ runol ... . . ' and 01.«" _ 1401 14...... l l k _ 0, til. I¥or \ ' I)ot nt 5 o' cllJWt 011 the mot'lllu Ooqre& lIor,,;'' '" i. ",po~ted 1') . g bl' . U' b t fOb' ill.' lhe ~tlrr"cc ~. 1<.. both end r. ney: .,.bien t I __. on Ihe" •••run'ODI"'tu~o. .. h •• I.I1\eI'" T he ..... p~ IC~D nlOn par 0 10 .. t 0 m. " 10. the 4tH _ Ilntl al'l'h' e At •r ' 11'(\'0 at 11" _ v ~ to ha., wPta . '40.000 00 tbe lall fI,b io Coo,enu d d i~ lie, cloo r, BO O . ~1 11"olh , etl tu h. ve In'Btle np III • It;r. '~. 01 CO"'ulllp~ loD, and lIIo otbel'lu Iu. ....-..' on a .. cmbled, declare, , l'h rt. .' .' ",.i11 ttlre lulen C $1, '~lIt by M"jI ur Ex .I"l,ane d by "'IWetD A.roll and Collser. b~~'~ 111\ 0011 Drur,aw. and deal.... I'r1ce '" ...... hi. Thai one of Ihe greM le ••oo. of o'dook . e po y. Oil IIr; I' Ing. I ~ud bll1lullIul. •.. rocr by W . 1,.. por boo. Pri. '1l"1 om... lIo. I~ NGtt D II1II ~l, Tber• •,. DOW Reea Repabli can 'be Wllr i' -tluLI Lbe' AlDeric "n pe!lple are iw medlate ly get on 0 11 0 of t I No . 3 W cot }'o y 'J'!R{R~ UfL~. l'IlUaJ.;ph l J'L ana&ioD Ilod not. m erel l' a .confedll raoy elegant steame rs o . ftll e , Nol" Y o , 110 V IIpc"e" ',arelin gin i Sollih • •Ol. • . · I ' \'IUO"; d L 51 I '1."u"'~ Whol,"'·. A~""I.,Do II m .. n... c. ~ of .o,i,rei go... Ind~peo ton" '~8 •• ' Ccntral Rail road linc. . N. \ .- 1 h~ 011 ~ . • W Jl l·.rk It ,w . ~ ow 'lvrlt: t\. 6.1:1"" .... llil lloJII· d If . , and lla. balf -of whom ar. ooloNd men. rrh' o at SIl o ur d. Tbll~ our t'~I &~en~1I al e n Rl len Id th '1 lo.nd lit 2 o'clock tile . ,IIIl C. , han m a 0 liP . Ih.y Jo . ot 1 ""'''' 61.. 1"';110"0«'. N t!. , Jolla U. 1'..1<, N. II. . R eturnin g, _ . leu ' tolller, he Il:;~~~. them 111\1 lit ba.e' on Ibe area" prlDoI,,1 I ann ll unClld l ow .... l'"urtb tiu d \VoIn.I 8 ,,, Ol nelnQ.I~ Oblo, e • 1I."reo. IlInbarl,' IT. S. Oolllul. at io th. Decl ~r"tio_ o u(' Inde peud. •, I W.'ker ~ T ·\Or. 134 .n~ 1M w.t.uh Annuo. coce. will lea\'e I. i01' r. o l edo nt 6, and a J -. bill II·IIe. I 01,,, . . ... III. ,", Urnt h.... lOulb...., eoro" JltalCO Oity. h.1 bteo .ppoi nle d ... AlIII· and ,iadie.l ed by Ihe uroc I.mallon o. 1 9 I. k d t , 1 kee p co nstall tly 011 hind A' IlIIU l\oQoI 'h 'e thel'e at () u"ou, U S I t rOt llt ~ wo r1d f tW O",,' Ul' J 01 8~u ~ . ud V Lue BU., til. lmlla. M.o. ill. Ueaioo, vici Odipbll Urell,a • ' emnnClipatioD. the el)llIlltllL CUS'I '01\lf I r lOna . I III1lC~.· d Dayton at 9t o 'clo 9k• arr I\' i 14<h .....h ...... m •• l,., 111 Ile re buHsl ic l nil'\' 4J YluH . ~ ng t _ .. _. . ' .. .eI. . m eDt aboll,bi ng .1"'Qry. and tb.e "P,Ult lit 4 nc..-t mornl· ng. ,,·( .. ··ct s m~y b e 4111l1G n1 ~1&1l·, .tetluc.ll:H Ihe " ... I,;A d .. dofrt'P • • n ,'ou nrc tu mar · I llbli~lIn --A~U-d emene y jln Jlullce, .I tI b .IR DO ' ~ ·s t 0.",_10 Jail bired lb. Tham~ liD wblob lIuderlie l .lhe roooDat pcr: o cut . a ' ll l ofi"IC mft I! II.o J oh ,,~I..\ rclH'ol B .rore .J.W . !\ O)·. , J . r . 1 Y • ructillD pol · hlld of Rev. . co DSON. tli' th. N 1&1 lor a Wei"" , tOllr. He I. icy or ~h 39Lb and ·"OLb Coni _ nn In" rumen undt'rOl yelUpl uy. whMll wlH. . ,.. \ ,d' W," '1I0 ') IlW.. ' " re ..e •• , 0' • _ \ &. P •. ' CI\O>n.I~ tbe I..,. pe : j(u. ~ I 'IO.C>OO 0 ",,,,, )l iIl8. ""'I..... WIII'ren' CO U"I~· . Olmo:. L' U......b., luvu roo alla' O~ -os . 8. ~V ., .,. anrllUe·hl< e pic.! 0 11 Ihe ~I h d.~· of JUlie. !\. 0 I 67 .. •ol~1 wLicb e deman d thlll1 be ene ried inlo FI'iCfld s ' Assocla tton tor th e r elt len .en ice. or wife of lhe IW' .~ ,I61ice id. ",,,11111 011,, 011111 01\1111 .'ho 1I1JO\ e a c' S comple te by en,ry n eedl ul RoL of he Free dmen has oli Clled . W ' lh "~e\lrft l'C" "f PftTl v II lit ho nl &:""d Good" .1 ,<111 - slicant. ",rtll naroey ~ltrotl'. who foaght 811m Col· addillon allegillR lioo. of "'··";'..".c . I Ih " ...... ...1...... .1'. . .... co •• ll llolll,\I Ih,O"l!b . \ . . ' , . . $ ' 07 '/59 3 le"diug l ro<i~ 01 ehllrnclc r, &0. IIII B Id 110 Iyer AI Aqui~ Cree k. on tbo 131b, .nd -a lltl I ~ o 0 . ' I 'k I' 'I 3d . TlJllt while we w i~ 1 al\Yayl cher · ring the 1 /lst ~our) !~I ' . 0\11 1I,p' StulC . . • . • . I R ETT '~' . . impo.ilioll , ". ~tQllhno lllu l. wilhout IlI1 OIbL' I' ,'It 11 0 , C ue .inee died, ie a "radll~le oC the OlJio i! h Bnd d urund Ihe Amotlc" . ·.IOIIM M . A ltL' Il F n . ' D syslem or Laij t year theu' contl'lu lll1011 5 I lllLch ed I enll as-;C . , . GI·.O . "AIl(~7 io~ A. L 0 IV <18 (lny lIltill Dall S I' I. l~y, ok, ling pl'lc~ of birLh . "fI", I I)", ,I Ihi•., !!4. I ~ Ii~ _ _ _ )H.I:I _.~ In~ \ ~ I~.) • 0 .. J 1I11~ . 1 . 10c,,1 lind mun icip,,1 lelf go~tirnme nl. 835,48, 5 '. .\ Same QUQII~! til ~ . . PUDileo tilry. ' 1dis\l'l"il ioll. 'olor 01' )'c~ " "d hllir, lIllU elldo for local purpoat~ and 1\ nllllon~1 go vt. Tb e Philnll elphin ASSOl' IOlI OIl lltS· ping fift y ce ll ill. alld &l ml",J A hie, M rs. AbrKhem Lincoln b.. gh'en Ilrnm enL Cor nB l{onr.1 n ~m~ 11 t"oo k "I GENTs'ruR_ "11" IlIpc ",I m~n . Ilurp()st ~. and '\' t d 1 " ' r 3\)" pil iI' or 101:\II k '\ drcssed 10 "oursolt', ,·ou wilt n " 'c ;" o lhe i N I IiING GoOD: ! !-I" of I bId. I . pk ~I . ~I . Ul1 m":<"I\'.lr lh ~ J"'·I'.(lI·Qr',J" W 1','I·.yo · 8600 to 'he Allooll\lion for lhe Rts hef c II S·YCh •D , whitll we are un alter.nb lr op pose d lo ' tnuu " . ", ilI.~lI ti l II re"'.lIIoLle ~IO&·. • I .t "'01. \j ,'; nrm ent s, 11,n:11 1'I11'11s ture b)' rc\urlllll< 1 u ,, 'IIC 1'" .A. lil . \Ol!'~II, el' S . ,"Ih ~t~:""'~ J ,,,,"" li il, t;" I, 1 I< R 'II. WII I'rOlI L'ti. 0 111" : oC Colorrd W umen. · Sbe hal remon d ~11 ~Llerr.pls at ce ntrllh:t~I 00" Ple08P give lII e . til \ \o1l or co~501~ C f ' .\ t'l I a 71 king ~ollr er. l ec l io n~. p"il'S f s h llt'~: !lull ~ , 101, II \ int'o rmn lioll . ,~ . " 'Idrc.'~ III I;IJ II~' c ~el . I (III Ih.. :1 1. 1 .I"y 0 1' Ma )· . . \" . . ,dation o( power Any~ ler" . WI! 10. 0 A 0 l" l;i: •. dt! , 0 I" . • 10 Rlclne. 'f Ilconiln . • ' I r~luru th anke 10 m, MAUH. E G£nnUDIt n"",,,,.TOII. . thut liberty lint! hum~11 righl s consL!· 43 puil's of st o dt l . " X I <1' " " ' \1 11 1111 " ",I"r II I' "IHldlllll'1I1 111 1110 , • II !;>! , L 's lde" 1111'gc l~AN . 2"1 . W"sl Tro-, N. Y. DA 'LL tI f I d I .. ( ·1 t )' 1 ·,,~.· ,,~:.CII::l iulI r"r Ihe . 1I11l nf . :JIM .tiI1 . "hicll , ,I ElIAI P olk. col\!red. for IDAn, ) el,. ' I 1. b I fUll. ", our gre&,t oatlonnl ," boon. W I110' ,:\0 0 quantit ies of se e(l s , wh .l('\1 WN. e g '" .- \ -", a II l' e " 8 or" '." 'd"tl l ey I I-b,e ,,-, frr ' . . 1 1 d. -I "'ITO OD " A I\'D YOU'l'l IFUL ' I . l .. ,. lions b 'e ll "ulIlllI lI CU ulll.11 Ilw III, " ~ "I. J 1\ \ tbl! body lenlnl or P rell'il ent P 0 111. • II UlU sl nol t l me be II I ,e pus. II lOp. ' 0 ell' CB or I lllte orgamu (hT " A" k \ ur o ill Ille flllllr e my Ibare or Ih~,tt.l e ll awn)' 01' s ol (\ nl cO ' l p n. c('s. • I)' I n l ~ tJ1 111 011 () doc !. I' M. V l(; OIl nre re,ullleu J by JJe/lfIbvlu • polleo er .1 coosl'rvaLive caodida te fer .Ilowud 'r\obabr.ldgbo °dr ', Ex· '1"r ~ tT . ~ I"" ,. )1 ~I H O LLI~ lI::! "V O IlTll . I C "'"," l\~ 1(:M!ID ~;I\Yp'it ~\V!.l:U i l o .u!!l'A~ f Bcsill ~Oj cs this , r they . ha\' e p"l't il . , n . l: ll t.nd Buchu. r 'f 4 Lh. at.IDl ue WI W"~ lw .dll o , 0 : ~I.I~· 21', t iji : e ,lie L~gl~I"llIrQ 0 ' ~ooe . . I \- lrUIl Demoor aoy, and believin g athat Ihe ln llLl for sehu ol· h ou. I \' - - - ' ---. I 1I1ELTON DUDLEY• . - --- es Il enr ):'Jl' t · ItKl'.U l, DI!:.\l.E ltS LN KNO\V 'I'll , - DES·... NV. 'I'he P~re ire . I Freoch yellel, recent· p01l'erl oeoessa ry ror , ayn c8V1 1 e . uy 1,1867. : Ihe purpo~~ or , t o wn, Y II. , PIll\ ill oth c l' PIiOTO GL\PH ae. o llthe l'll -.-.II I ' . . g til • ly the plls,"ge CrolD Breit ~e N , I DRY enl GOODS IIlllltnlD e en d 8. ofI ""oVurnm .lg IIt ('CU I 'MAnAftH' E F. J HORnOlt. Ie (11(' n " 1 . d" , U_ t(ltc~ . null tll . C'), hll\' e c I I F. Ii , h A.I ;"lo"i.. not 10 be re atrlclel 10 a prln ege (;I.i IV UV""t ."J YorkiD nlDeda ,-aaadl wo loure. I I oa"bl E & H T ANTHO" ... . f I .I\ ~ . . I all. " b ul I l d b B' • . I ~ II Id ' 1 •. e_ Iole SCIJOOI , S O frrI' . CO .• C LllU e enl \l S ll l (, IOU CC~~ 1I e 0P vel -I " "I , . I' 88S l\-Vor o11 181e it eaid c.o hne beea tbe qUickes t pllIB' people ~ithoUl unJ'lI t t eor tnodio . I }> .Y Clto' ", . lrle," . I . n ,whohu I I C)ld <r" el ! {"''(. UE·E NS"A ld h"U!. \ V nntf·' I. Ior IV 1'1' r 1I I \Ie 1'Ilr 1, ~8 l'r H u8 dis· c r nliull . All honor to tho l'n :. .Jfollu(C .' . ~ /(/u rm fJj . P II" (' ! fT'IlJ/,jeJ/. c\Il s. B Cle llll'lic e IB· !lesr.oellll , nel II IIJSO I' y Pr ic ~ " ti l ue I'''',!. ~ v I are oa reeord . -r ..'" linclh>n• 8. or qunlific. Lion8 nOI ~':l u~ IIy (l UW I ucatl " 14\ -. ,'W t. • _ •• • - . MUl lnme L E Tho,"lo N , .It RANn n p08SfaaC d \LL " Such.wo C b b nd· 1 IIA'> .LtainBb le bv ,II; Rnd (urlh., behaVing .... L ' 'to • I ! . ' '' tl Ll I .r 1. 1. ..., A,'1 l HI:T"II., TII \l, G ,IL .IX\' fo r July l!t 0 11 1I1'1I 91l · 1edu l puwprs or 8ecollus 1.1 l)u. n I'\ 1'J \~' , &. h IA rfrorle CroDi. u a I at .ro!, IhRI Lbrae ieotilllc ots are in Ilri iuhl, U8 to Illl!lU rt O;:r W OO l.LE. GOOD~ 01 the bcll .·t BC ' nIl UI'· 1 11·1. " rlt nll'tllbcl ', c Ollud d I I ll d ill j! ~O. u.1' . 1 kno\;'le.l B.I&O D"'A.\,.I'I.~. ee tlf th e gr e."lea l im p~ rtnll c" 10 I 10 1I 1'u luCl llrc o\fe ' cu ill exchnIlC ~r om SplllD • cordanc a .cree wa, f('celve !'· ., " Morrall Oix e wilh Ihe spiriL Rnd ten d Il ncr . Y ~ ~J ' I IJ R t i l" ",1," 1'" 11 1. / (Ou,· "lil li' I," In... 01PHOiOr llul'llce IIle £ i n ~ le or ma, n,' d 0 f e\llI Pr ~fK ' 1 M 'Y 20 , l il67. (reeing 1111 colored children . born o( or modern civ ilization '. ~ ~ . wo plAne nu l' - tiC e8 y e l. I ~ ~ or .'J, '" I L; RAP~'I MATI·: nJ.\I.S; g li ''[' T I While ill. atole of Irllnce. ~ he tl a hneftlCS I ,q" . fert~e' fell""i,, I nIl in 'Ibe I , laad o~ aod afl' 8el,ee 00 llle .i mple Bnd bro Rd !!'.\'''. , '" . OIl II~"I' 'J-~ -J- 0 N- j' pl"lform Greeley , F . B. l'Ol'kins . . I 1!!.C'r" II C " __ I • .re pan , , ho .II'~. ve,y nQjl IIIc(""0Il< Of\t,Ic... le.lures ol.lh e p~r •.'1 1I you are '0 , of im IrliRI manhoo d l ufl'l'Ilg e . a8 em ' crman Hi ('b(l rd Grunt U ~\ l. ' j . . \ \ Vhit e. T . \\r. m. ,ry. aod by Ih e ftId <J 11111 IIIOlrllme nl III Of A,,," .. ico,, .",1 f ur. ,." 1"\1" ••d u.. ~rtbe6rtlorJulynezL. 1 lt erPQY rn lli io ll all pe .. ell~ n!!'. ll101 b die~in Ibeprop oled amen:lm ellL to p'. ' MI's Ed w nrcl ll Mrll . l):tl'i<l, \ inlell oel.uwer , kllow llnllh~ P.YI~:IO ,rl' l' IUIH. :;, ,'I "' ~' . 'I' . ~ . d 1 0 ~n~': h. c ,b(\riu\ · !"r"u> · l i l\,!, myd ,,"gl'lOr . ~I ARY r, d nl,SOI1 S, ~. The Prelldeo t bAt "Iue • p roll.· the Sl~te . 0U'llIut~on. . f ' tr o p r , gUl\rI U\pe8 to prudu ce II 8'''"'_1 ,1. ' ·" ·" •• ( Ib. " .., I ~' I ~ '''ILL'Arw)oCO ~ t UII m y nccollnt, rhl I Will b ~ nppe. Ing. LO ?n anll olhe r e x cellellt wntC' rs. I l'i clu ,e oflhe rUlure 1" .. b." J or WI IA 0 1 re< I' 0Il . iblp lor no mltion IInnounc illg the rati6cIIl i o n or con6dlD g . I~, lhe Inte From " ... ~a llY8» lu"LI,~ I I I t il t! \' ft ri l'll . tt.nJpai,nt .I ebi. of 111'1' ell lll,n !'llh geDfe. JUOI~~e. Th e \1r i<:c o f Tn" Gil LAX\, i~ $3. · ~ : hc Il Pllli r~lIl . Io~\!ell!er T" UIII "ud I nr"".I1~ ft eQ Ulpl". 1'"" I.; nphit i.~" b R illn Ameri lin &reat wi!h .d . l~ (,f. 11,,1" illll • • he h"VI"!I l"l t her i10nle ill vio lall o n Ibe final Ind paLrloll ~ m of th e peo p e 01 10, 1_ • • 30' si t e un lw le h,. ri "gp, poolt!OI\ In li re. l e lury 01 I ' ~ rc.' " )"".. 1. • c. . 1.. g t," \l8 ul 01 pure "lol .. rtler~ 10 "rprove it at ~he bllllol lIox. ;')0 a year; two COpteS " . ~. I cha r.~lfr. lor. T loid I. nill\"'llI, m exol.llng e of fl1I6oau on, b"ln~ tRllen 1 IiU.,r.· ... c••• le "1." .. _ G.... .N , 6Lb. 'fhe Amerioa n peo ple 0,, 0 II ('op i cs no ccn ts. Ou tor. ' CORN ELIUS W I LLI {\ .\lS ON. " r ece Ipt o t ,,.4 Ih ollaond. A''''1,lod (or ei lh ~r Ihe ~I"M '. 1.0"",....., pl.oe between Seeretr .J Sewllrd /lod debL of IlIe~iDg g rstiLude of tCRl imOll i" ls en n n,~ pr\. . R' yovi llp, 0., JUli O 17. 18(j7 . -:.I lO lhe brllve '1' II If. GA LAXY will be sen t for o lle She will S T 0 C K I ~ \t" "''''''''I'''' O.. r (:" I "I.:~" ... Ill be " it t, send whe n d e~i rp d n ce 'tlfi,· .I I_ B.roll S tOfe kl e, __ _ _ Id' . d ilore who in lho IRl e . " ',"Ii mre lfl l " I ••" '''1:· .0 Itrls II~ 1M e or wril lell gll.r.nlte ... Ih. t the I . I . I so yeill', logct h er WI Lh II copy ea<: II 0 f cerlltic.l ft It' pielure il 'whnl il r"rp<irl 8 10 be. By e n- I e lor our nallonfl ellI S ellcc. , , 'a n. I ""'''lIPft"ltlr .• IIt_ ' ~ ' L ' II' I . :u I'a Ed WRl'd s ' I . The price of wool aeem. to v"ry a ,lrugg. 'D , \\' nobly rougl.L for o ur lillerliee . Rn~ . for ' 'j-\ 1'011 ~~ II , 1".""1111'' 1 k I 1 Ir nnd II Itl ti II /: ' ',,. "",,·c 1. '1;"\)' ' ha"o.,."''' --0 \ e , .' IY ", \ . ' C oSlng a ."IlI" , ood 0 ~. deal ~:ilio) io tbe n ' IUtl ho differen '",·. "hnul t countiea '. uu " •.,_h •• I,. ,,, ~a r ...1 I. '" ,'h .. S uh 6c rib~ r hll8 lAkpn Ilw IlI Ack . 35 Ihe priulion l. euiJerin ll'. anti IRcrlfiee8 and '1 he ChlY l l Cllll gS . by "d A nlhony •. Ou r AI p!D .Ul C~ l,\!. ~. ... Ior '. "lml'Li"'~ ul bl<lld ' al!ec'l o~ l n~ . fillY cenl " BJillsm il" S hop rUl' merly n ccllpi~" hv 1',' Ier WA . th ey ell d ure d ')1'1 I I leDt. i. ~b.lowe.t, An9 60 ceotl Ihe wlllcb . J,' 8 1'11 USl'III t> I ill"lil ! the 81\ ~" d,," "I Ollr rri rntl. " II<I h .•"'" UI.. d Ol' '" .lu n.blnI1 . I e U)R !Den 'froll opc" b 0 \ b tuOO u,eXlUn, 10 8 11 ~ \ .ud , . .. II~ ...., e( . .C inolnppu e I nVehll,e 1 " .tlll'''.Be r d 10 YO II ... : . · Eherly. r In .. rwlll.... I~re Ie IS pl' "pltr ' d I t II. 0 couree. or Ohi~ ber~by pledlt e lo lh em lin" t o " I~ I:1I'C 8 'Y' . C. & F . P . l'hmch , ~o .011 blgbe't price olfere. Ctl . ' OUt C' .. t: 1'~.tOlP'ft.'" ., f7euna r-tl . . . b ", il l recpi ve the pl clure "ntl d".irl·llI od to 110 RII khHI 80 r (I h'" , It lbe id widow8 full ill 0\1110 .I•..p ,, ""' ~ n' . , .",.1 (j1f~rcJ lind orp an.8 . 0 \ loee " 0 30 l'1U'k Row , New .1' o d. . .tee. .... elc.:, "C:" too .arly Ifter .bearing for Ibe mnrket fell in de(~nte " ill io rollRl io n by r~IUrn mn il. . ~" com ", u· \I I t O r. I I of tllo nalloo. our 11 10 " \ . "... n 'H H U~, B LAC. K S M I r ;H I N G . ot .. rtre~ I 10 ni CRliolls Ift credl.v conlide nt,n .. 1't ,lo lrp.". '0 be fairlr C!pelled Ind prien aeul .. d. palhin and lIubBlanlial • I.J/t~~~) ;i.;*I?~.~· :';;\!r.;<~ . i"du,li,,~ ,;p"': b d I tl al ell lupport . ('nnn." be o t'JI·."to lllll.le . i lio". ol Iho "'''~t ....llf ll ..I •• f .:,,~,."I"~'. NtI: in CUII6dell';(l. 1\hDAtIIE E. F TIIO \l~T" ", L~II' d (l'I.m"n d rae n~r!ln b 'l'b aL we ~pprove. A Ohe8ter a le .,o Valley r ' ( Pa. \ Columb... () ) pAper lork !8 .. 6l. ya f . UOOT P 0 ~ AN\) SH IH:i:I. 'M~'_ ,,\li lt••• , , "" . '"""1"1:"",,. ,,1 ~~ Bo. lI!llo. Hud ~on N. Y. an en o. 80n" I ~ "I'IQUO. . . • , : - _____ .._ - • ~ . , . • J1 ft .... .. ~i teR tlff ppoinl " ' tt"n1j lJ n'0 ,Iu" tu r LII"rIlt,.,. \be ... ",,, . IDla.l llrllhon oC ollr dll" 'h~~ I~ l .w~ek, al . " J~1"~1t J u" . .. c" ,,,t ,,, . :",1 ( , 1: , 1.1 ..., .. II VII tJA f, I uf l'h.,l., ",,", e "r»plH' ''' nllt\ .."h ,. 1" t" ,I.. rinr~ " \ bald 8 to I fllc l I hil I hll hll~ ' 1Il hlllld RhU I~ P"'p" \,. iM 01 II.p Il I<;ST (,tl) /\ oellit J)o",nan gte\Vn W"' cl! "glDg on Ihe \ 1.1 I \'! _ _ _ ._ o . 0 .. '~I'I 1'1",,,.,, , ..... ~;. ~" I' C""~OI I~. U C H U I ~ ~nd . ... ... . t. B "11,,1 ,, ' 1/1 Ih.,r unl... '1' e( 10 mllnu ulI)1u\'~ IIde of lbt! r0811 ror. LI1~ purpose or ti~ , T e~ ••• ao . d pIedge ID lID d Ih e millftry ~i .. I I R n eer I1111\ . I e. ' Curo IU r d'Ia'C"88S l..i~ 'of lI,e ( ~ .r. 'L'b ,..i'· ... 11".1 .,"otil) o( r. ... ~"..i... . : .. . . . . . . . . . . u eommlo aer. ia tbe lever,,1 mililRrr di~ · ~I~g. gnte.pos t. lit . :' 1 . '7".-::-.!. ' rl"II' nul (" il 10 ok ~I 1 l" I,. . . ? ~p:HI'" ~llu ck on 1\1 Bladtl~r . SI·b , ~ ) : _ __.,_____ _ _ K,dn f!j' . U rQJJ-l. D,·op., 'I. ....-r ....,..., tricl' of 11.le Soulh, Llle\l lu~porl pleoe oC w~od. whi ,=' I ch lIad l iou opppa r ' Il'fah lJ/;$$ , Jo'em,,/e Comp/ai nl&. Ci" lt1'a/ ' •. "f 1\11 "illd~. Si l\l{le of 'be Union men of OhiO 10 tht!lr. ef· Allee of being Il box. a 1111 Ouu bltl . 111111 : nnJ whl uh cHluetl l, Dtbilill/, . prerereDGe (I'r Pre.ldeo llal caodld.a llll. rortl to proteot Lhe 18 ho \,.d Plu\\,!O-all of \"Vhioh lit:: will 10YRI peoplo of lhe bim to lhink oC burieli Ir~ lls u rt:; 60 he \ - At\UI Inti ft \I tli8e,sel of th o' Ifbe people win not be prepl!re d Cor late rebel Ilalel. and I S U!l rfl ll le \! lO Qivp I he heFI •• 1 i, flt c l iUII . . E. DtiDLEf ond C. D WC~LUl, Ibet qaution oatil arter lhe Ootober glninli on of loyal 10 sec nre. lb~ or ' pereeve rcd in hi l dig gin g un IiI he \l fld U111~AR \' ORC.\ N". JAM ES 1'. 13 RY A NT. aDd cOlllllllulIODRI ~ ___ I" . I I ~ £:!. . I h whether l'X;"; ~f! ju Fl. " in" enle r(!d ~llto:c o.P ft " lfl~r.ll1 ~lllll . , geveram t>nl, in nit.! .talea. I M Ili ch 5. I BG7. gOl I Ie uelt enllr~ y c ""r. \t len e . 1l5.Lf ~..JI:IL ~ ~ -. J11I\ I.E on }-ElIlA L E , 1_" .. eleellon . . ..- 7Lb. Tbl\t we Cully indorla lind Rp ' rlliled it to Ibe 6urface . ~ nnd opened il. from whnll'Ve r J) ., .. 'l'be N . Y. Tribune ' • .,pecial lay •. : prote of Ibe adminie lrRlien of our pr .. · , ,,bich " "~ foulld 10 cUDlain somc !W IDotl e r or U HOW LONG S I AN .I lI Tbere i, offioiala ulhorhy (or Ibe atllle · ,.nl Gonroo r. J . D . COlt. and tltl~Dd golll coins. I\II 0ui tbd size of lL.e ' ER ' wi sh 10 i ..furm t .... P\lulI " ~ell". D ieease." \If 1)l eso ergo " " reqflll", Ih o I • b ' to him our be.rty thllllke for lbe flll~h-. ___ ~ . . IIIlollha~ M,. Sew.rd inclose d 10 u.e o r 0 ulure llc. If n u Ir on lmenl Id .ub· IN .tly tl, ot IhPY "'" 11100111, .· I. ful.nd able IDlinnel' in whicb he has gle. I number . PH 0 TOG R ' A PHS or all vcr COIIJ~. Rnd mill ed Ie . Cu nollmpl1011 0' IIIBanl:Y nl"Y litter to J~re'; c.opil!l of d •• patcbee dilcbllrlYed hi. offici. . lu ri .,;!, II lid illie lltl 10 kpop 'for I duti~d and 8UI' 80me articles nr j e"e lr~. f I II ~ I ' Th e coins enAll e. Our FI~"h und Blull d 8r,s tillp ' In 111 0 v_n ..l ui", I f.n .R.orlm ~1I 1 fir nil kiwllo' . Ind N .poeon I fromQo een . " hecredu uus .t~' IPT~ t) ~ "J' 'Lr~'Rry"1l " n,. . nnd bouoro Ictarla ' Courno · srollllo verIOO to tAinedL J wi slr '10 inf",,,. my n I r r ellu. "n u . 0 I ., ,'ruin the • ' e•·011rce8' and yearBo ld.llndl hc!ew· tlu' be preu " . d nl Ihe 0.0 GA . • '. . ' ,lIell r I' nrond II p g.. omc~ 011 Mul ni::l lrcP' I II II, tI \lua l I1 11 " "IIIIUd, IV 'Itil 0 'be Preaideo L, ..lIing tbe Ualt.ed BtllJ.u hie Stale. 61ry was o( .the moat 8nl iq ue p Rllern. , llAllN h ~'SS IJ • • , • I IHealth • , (l~ and '1HapplD ' uI! Iiue ttl I . esa .. . - - ti d Upl'll Il Itl " ~ft7' . 110 ~ "'T 'T. ' l'I'1'l "n~T'1 II 'ftl -c:l 1\ k 0111 . t .. t 0 I o«b ,. (ton'lIm en' 10 a.e ltllnftDe ocoMwl lb usle n y. • e p n and . sri ' .GSN.RAL RUTHEU 'O IlO B. H.HlIS. lhe ~& ':t!l 119U8 ~ ' ~ 'J J ~ cpt ,.c, :i) 0 'JI . '. ~ ,1:1. CHOPS IN ILLI~::;:':T'h;Ch icngo Ro- prom pt lise of 0 leli .ble rplnt·.ly. I hlllli dhme ni. Jur .. to preaorve Ibe litll of 10m prepD rdJ lO mak e pictu re. ·Iro.n n ui · Unioa candidll ie for Goveroo r, is noW 'J' ' I .1 . n UD'LEY LI' L & .. WOOLI;E Helmb Y. old's Extrac t PUhltCRO .Buchu , . of reo~nt uRte. pu \6 6S se vDilian. • member of Congre u from Ohio. H e er,,1 columns oC 1~ Sm(lll Ambrot!lPo to (f L :,i· Sizrd I. _.U_orell 1 ~. "1!6.7. _ _ _ .-., _ • lIe1'8 from vnli ou8 EsIIl.lI8h e ~ upwards _ or 18 yean, prepar. A ura: nu u-L·r of the N·w York .. , l'QI'(l'uit in Oi(! . D I ' 0' • .,., be r u waa b oro In S()J/tcl!.i"[l .\'("10. lhcful (LIlli SIIIIIIUl . e I\Wllrt'. 01 llO. cu by 0.0 p~rll of IIlioois. giving j informat ion u. T. 1II( I,~lnOI.D. DruaQlLi1. Tribune II aIel Iba& -n euction firm 01 " J822, /lnd before , . E .~p.~ inl "'I enli')n 1'0111 tn CO PYI NG Fur lhe wl\r. wasil L Spring '.... r, b"lh nf 1\1 YOW N. I A n& \\'-X lI lII1ST"8 Y. New Y"rh, "lid . eUI I Ie cropa. 'f l Ie reports lire UIII. ' Ii149 R,u.u"·8 lbat cily are t.O olrer (or .ale a" \ S .' I ~ L'L PI:... ·rUltI~S, n'lfl .. i"i .. ~ th ~1lI Alld BEST UR ... ND::; col- prominf at melDher of the bar, bAviol{ II(ormly I 1 I PI I I I I u Pa .. t un " rllvorMble. I Spring wh eRt is _~O~I ~I... u~~ lr ee_ ~ ~ t,__I_1 Ut O P_I_I _,__. In lilly Il e_i'o;'le .izo. 'n'ose hl\l' lllg pit-. . . lle been Cily Sol " leClioa of relic. pf M.ria A atolne I OU 0 10110r 0 r C"lDOlllnRh. (I'Om leoidng well nery"h Me . All lhe '1'3 CONSU MP1'IV ES. 11'ln's rruiL Frip _ hllveill thOil. e m CITY MAN UFAC TUR .E and LOllil XVI. ioclud :ng riob Benet 186010 1861. H e Icopi"'!oluutlL ou C I.l .rg e~nd8, , 811f\ rol' Ctllhretl POWD ER . ent~re.1 the ,olun' crop'!H e promi,in g,fxcep lthllt of ch or. _' T h•• "IHc ribe r, I,... n!: n,rl\ ... Iored Ie "",killg lhem 8. perfpc ,aul. a t8a 18& or 17 pit'olll. iolllid leer eer,ice soon after t ns Ih o .. rigl \l81 the breAkin g ouL ries. l ' he corn .crop ... lthou·g h Il\t f' , i8 heDh I. rable ~Ianlln,' tiJr tilluily IWi h ilIa rft'" ", •• k" t,y. lO"V 0; "'1'1" re",e· Ij Piclur r. All work WARiAN . . h d TEh! willa jCII'~It. a jewel olbinet inlaid "Ith And eft Pllci.,, ~ I)· 8 full rme-o( dJ. 811er he. I\1I' .uft'cr. d for •• v.r I y •••• .. lin of tbe R~bollion a. a cartain In 'NaLio llal \\'asbing Flu:dl' t e23 comillg on 6nely. Tbe polnto crop is R.evere No "hj,' elio ll hI cloutly \\ eath~ r. exce lll I""g nneelien .• nd Ih81 dr•• ,1 db'. '" \ fOr 8m"I I' cli ll dre n. pailldng . deacripl ive of the 1.illoric Ohio. And lose by I . .ucccs~ ive promo· lhreRte ned by Ihe new polalo Ilu\r. T ht! Con, u"' l'li.,,,~tarch POliS] , 'Rglll . 1I anxious 10 ntnkl' known tu penoaa nllmed above, and oLber srti· lion. 10 lbe rank bf I '~lIde uvor ill all .co se a 1.0 pl~~~o my Briglldior · O~nural. prospecl s o( Ihe wiDler "hellt orop lire h,. Idluw·. 'Sol< .lciin g Fluid, IIlIJilUJ ~.. f Ihe I 111 •• 1" u( cur e. I fU' lo~er~ ; anti hnvln:r h ' Irad 8Pvf!r. 1 YP." ~R c .. 0 g.ea& f . U8. . AuniiJilator, Good SaAl1ll'IlO whiol! e lUI Appomte d'\0 1864. 1'u . It ",1,0 d... ir. i I. h. ll Bend • t:orr ,,( P1Cjle roe\lr.p III Ih ~ uII sllle gene rlllly good. •• • 'fl oIter m). Ih8 prel< riplien ufDd ((reo efwicharge). ",ilh Ih. 8ell Ih8! 1 CRn Il"e as good A diepaloh to tbe Tribune I.YI Lhlt 10 lbe •• me yeRr he w,,' wurk PI allY elected to au;. Pb tan's I.iniment, 81 Iver -I . I J I f directie n. for prop.rin/( Ihe '" "... ","ieh I hey "uJ!ury ill Ihe cily. tile U. 8. Conlul .nd tbe OOlDlDander Oeng~" .... od be Will again returned in t:Jr Tha reno eg lca lI urOl\ or .. ill find n s un F. CUR E fo r C' HI."rnplio l'&lIIIL Y . .QIITII FOR ....1,1. ll. W . A. C RAN9A LL.. · 1860. uel1. lIayea hili 1\ .,,,111101 rec· J u Iy glvel ·· ao d L'lOgrnp I' I I at tb e pori 0 1 Ve An (,lI~rn i ll uli'llI of \\'Itlrh c annol fin. 1000 AGE NTS or ooe 0 r oar por l ral.1 d nII ' " 1I0S 0 f A' lhma. !3rouchili•. . Cnugh.. ed Pholol! rnphllr Dud Port rail Puinte r . ul ·. , all Morell . " 7. ord. IDd his nominat ion i. creditab le 8~lmon p , ChRee, Matlnm Le Vert. H, ThrODI8n 1/1 10 ~leup Ihe mOl t luti!li uU8, bolh In qUDI· ... d Lu"g AfT" li" ", . Th. onIy OU)<c. fa Crill prevenle d Saatl Anna from PRICE MALE ,\IID ¥EIdALI. ity Dntl B. Sto"e lind otbert. includin g eminenl of Ihe .,I .. . rli .. r in .o nding ' I a.adiDi in lfezico. He aaoouDc ed with bolb 10 him.elr and _ th . Pro.,c,ipl irH.' to 10 tbe party. ~ d' . b'd 1 A f 'goud 10 bo nefit Ihe .morlro , .nd ' I'r r nd 111(01'1".110" rellaflre qlli" allouri. h lhaL he bad Irrired by ~iont il ~ lID~ ftIl - - -- . - -..- - . "'m~n 1\ ~r \,,'I"I1\1n' ,,' Ines, eel os an unUlUM ArnOUDIO .. bich h. cone.ivn, 10 b. I . E. KEY S. 10100 to t.k. Ihe entire "'llIt,4 C08I1e',""--, · ill v. luable. and I, t ..J)}. I3r u: "'-'''IJ Tbe .U mi~ 4'lI.oIUIJ fortuneB u:J Q) of the Houell othe r emaller . 83!1ye ar.S.ho pe.evc lbe reqae.t of both Juar.. Ind Maxi · Opposite the R Oller, HOUle. u . i,~borbood. of Bueral nllh~,'; ry."n ••erWil ltrYhi.r em.dy ••• I I B a l m O f ....y of Hlp.bur l{ h"ve indc ••d oot come R. W~ 1I8. ~ ow York. r r h l I R l e a b l•• ndProfil b . d bl milian. IIlId becked by the lupporl oU'.a. lblt.erllc les. ..~_ ,.ilt ce.t I em n ? 'b.," W.,·nea vllle. Ap,lI 16, 186'7. . ~•• " m. y ~re<6' •••. .. . d J I. ahe Uniled St.tu. Ing. I'en on. w,lh.nrr Ih. 1".8croph e". FReE. h a . 811re dd)' li'te etar preeente d t 0 I.ei':.1.;..J ~ singly. 'fo lhe bUIDlhall0111 of tbe remedy for lito cure Clf bAd . . The Gafelte 110 ournal uOlh ODe bl roturn ",.11. " ~II,,I ••••• ddl·... Proflllltrge-'D1I'I.~tlon" ~~,I-..:: . . . bfeo\h, no matler from ",h.1 Inurce Ih. ElDpire .re added the most. dielre .. ing~eII' (or '34. 1'lIe rillh& miD ur welD.n uD .... ~ ' RIIT.' JI1bWARD A. WILSON. The ClnclDllRll GAulle tell_ Lbe fol · Imiction e of Ihe lovereig dieeaee mey erlae. What )'OU01i' Indy or . n. MlIXimi R l. "tl .. . -- - . 810 to fjo I wull e .. II),. I:II!I A IlL Wllllall" ""',. Kings C~ .• He .. '\(ol·k. IIpnl will n.,1 make an effort ' . 10 'flog: I' . .... Nt;,V MUSIO .-John ClllIrch . Jr., lo remove . . we -anown olillen 1,lng ian, if no' ueeuted . ataod. io loritioa l 97 1y , ' lor flll\ de.crlpl loa IDd ill\ll~I~~ thl. die8ltre p. Able evil when it can be uOlle ~. _ . . ..... . !!! ~ LO" iD 'he labur!)! of UalDillo a, a da1 or pOlitioa . hi' "ire i, for lo<>ue. ONE sends Simple DOLLA us . tile . R . • .cOl nl followi Iree. 10 your n g' v Dud.Poe. - ~ I. conligne d to a \iv· ''''' 1M' Tl • 'd h Add,.. S ..attered Conll'U utloRIl ROSlor- poltpaio , by mlil. and .... • ..., mllce·•. "'" .bo.II' '0 I'art to 19wn lag ~omb, and now Ibe '.. eontrol of terrilor), ("·en. . NO Co, a speedy cltre I!UIf'•''-= Ce.tiviti e. of tbe Ilnd cl:~~lIs, 1::18ieCI1~y ~~\:~\~oSr~~~, ed "'l t:~. ytJ . . . N. Y. MANUF AOTUR be I by lltlmbo/d'. Ezlrllcl Buchu. iri. H d b b Inleed. or money refund ed. All orden .. :;jI. tID .~ man II .pr eaer rODg l Hungar i.n coronali on lire clouded by 104-1y) FeetoJ lveryb ody . il7 Perk Row. N'~ , IIIU8tboa ddrelse dlo H. Dt)R~.A'bRny. =;;30c. -Youn g Life , song, mllsic by -< q 0 ; : A LargcG pp. tI Circular, wr ing iufor mlliion N. Y.. 8010 Agent for Ihe Ollt lbe hone aattl., ,;',e. and grell\11 Ibe lerrible fate of IDI U'''l eo Stole,. Ibe JOlin Arcb· 1\0£1'8. Nellie Graham , SOc-El llliccie of :.>! 0:; ~ MAR R I 'A G E G U the grenteR' Inlportance to the yo un g of 'AI> .a,tad .iLll the prOlpl11 or bating a dacbell Mlltildll who bu been burned WANT ED. AGEN TS. AT 8!1~O r>l ~~. :iiI .... Wo.Ise, g• for the Piano, by A . K. Hall, both sexes. It ICllcl!es how the 11:1' YOUNG'S GREAT P"VSIOI~.1.. ., -IIIIe." .1 be hllackcl tbe reinl to d h' h 'I ' bomel)' mny Per oJ V ' 1'10 ..... TI. . To'! _.. ... soc. YEAa S ROUI/D. end v'. to ur the 900 publish er, or G. "'CI... . tfl ..... to eat In I . ._ .; .... Ice WURK. o( Ev.r'y one bI OW '! ~Dp~rJOII! lenna. ue W ' Ebrigh t & Co . Xcnitl cp O. ,be lenllem~o, II" pul1ed out Iplltol to uoUmel y end eorplllbi. become beauliful. the despiseJ re.peelod. nnd p .!t <.~ En ElfT ItOPIT all c 01111111181011. W • Prlnl8 In.truclo r (or .m~ d f~II prince ... io wbolD e _ _ _____'_ ___ '_ _ t!I ... C til ~ lbo Ibo.e forsake allo~llo 1\10r.y, ~otb M. i.~ n lo"ed. No yO tlng )" tly or gcn. guaranty lhe ~bo~ .. ulary 01 COIII,,!ls810n I" ...Iale, .r 'Ioocllu ok to 10U .: bUL it i. . .id. ",ere joined rAre gift. of ... t'" ~! ~... in enr,(hlf t, ~oncernln\ \h. P .. per. KUIIXU l-lNVA LUADL& D1500VJt:RIJt:s:- 1l 8bould !.'!: to send ,beir Atldrc~8. Rnd ~l:~~~,V~~ li~~::J~~08u::~~::~i8·!r'II:,eJt.;~Yn~ ufGrtln lately he touched tb, ir'gCI" Ion. miod, and bearL. t'" ~;: ='~. tI jtIY i. oo~ eoly a Newly Invente d Table )4aool\ - 'fh" receIve :i~~::~;·o ~(l'~~~.~, ~~e~:I"t'cj :r.~~i~t. i~1 a COP)' poal·pnld. b y rct~rn ml\11. , too Ii' d tb I eI f .1111111 .bOl aable IIlility in every householtl. F"r full ~ ~ ~ 100 I aD e 01 .0 '~~~ t~::'i'h t~~':;a~!~b;W~ . ;OUNO,~ . t per.onlla fBioLio n. hut R polilioal c.lllD· newly in eoted Irtio'e now bei Address 1 . O. Drawer. 21 , 1 roy. N. ~ . parlicula r•• call on 0' nddrUA . • ng In rQ.· ,truck tJte fue of tbe bml*a,o om, pep' ity. 10 ber Ihe (orlunes ~ ...~ ~!2I ~I·bm Tbl. i. really. "hloule Ind hl. r• •II• I...... . G . \". JACKS 0N &. CO . . or Ibe bouu. d·uoed 0 _... II'" ,.keo tbe .. prelDluw It I. "rille .. in Ill,in I.n,uogll ("r \b at the . . ' ap adl ERRO"'S 0'" YOUTH . V b'In, d.uo ted 11 Soutb St. , Bmllimore, Md. perIDll I . J. ",0' t F' e d • of HApabll rK .od #Juoy were to htwe SIRe ' " iii read ••. Ind · i. illu.t... led _lIh uP":,rttd "'" , ... who~ . aarl an • III .Dpener 0 Beel • A Ilentlem ln luffere~ laow.,.r , he bMaeDed 'or ... y('are ~.. IOI ..... ·4w Lbe hoa.. a...!!I buud .... d engr.. lhg•. A!I,o""" III ~ udW' " _, _ ___._ been "nit~d, for iL i. uoderlto od Ihll a Honey. or anythlo g 0 .;"l ~:; r'iiI pl •. or Iho •• c onl.",p'l lldr 1U.'"i!iII~"" yet offered 10 the (rom Nervou. Debillty .. ailll ",l\ianol! hal , Premalu re Decay PURE Jaia ,bride. c.Ued in a .orgeon·, bad lbe asatrilDo V INEG Al... ;p beea arrllo·g ed public al a .u bItilUle . Being mucb I n ~ ~ d . II tb • .e iii t f ),OU t nf U ~ IIIg Ih.. I."IIO) 10 nl." Iplfl'!'!' I inl'j'l 0• .L . . _.t .. ' ec. b 0 b ' b l . I cr .1:::;1 _._ It reud IIb it Idboo.. oue - eXlraoLeu, .ea" roag wIL between her Ind PriaGe It .... It di~lo d f f.> \ISo •all . I .. I . lioo, willi for 'he Ilk" of .uffering bll' b . t d •••• HUlDbe r' of c ta.per_ more eaI' . llbecuIS·IJII i''*,,* This we know to be pure •. DS we pro. tf'Y, an ree .rolD m~nhJ. lend free io .11 who ... lllrelllon y, all~ .tarted Ibe lUDe 1laly, 'be eldel' .OD oC Vietor ... need it, \he cured the Cid., 'rolll ~""; I • ~'i.l"rlnk :d up ~nd "01 iie .relieble persona in fI'!Il, Emmln . ~nwholelolDe ~rug~. i~ i. rouad to be recipe and ... : : - . . . . . . . tb: h~a: •• mi: "ill b~ . enl I~ .n1 direclio n. lor mllkinll lhe elm- th i. ne iJrhbo;hooci •• nd permille ..~IIiDI OD a wecWm ; toar. d it to .411 Th. defealo f Lhe plln il a lIIi •• JUI' tbe tbe ,bla, ~ ~:!'. receipt n( Fin, Cenll. · Addr"'SI~t. ·~ for tabla use. Tbe Pfle remeld'h. by :vhlc~ 'IIIe wb IS cb"red · B~I• turn to vineilJr on our own p ... mi~p~. d ' erer. w I IDC 10 pro •, I ~'~::t~,~~~.~.I ;I~bi~.4IG Spracc e. d "erlle,,;;.-:-1 .106-11 . E . R. PRINT Z. "ppura nce.u taaLo II ne.rly lbe lime er" experien ce. CID dot D.DL~ DEPO SITOR Y. CloIln.DlD't~.y (') ...-Tbe Comme r· forluDe to bOLh Slate.. ,• addre".i ng. . &I Cl.rified Honey•• nd coetillb oulniae in perfect cOlt6dence, 10 The. ,A .... . e.ic:an Ilible Sooiety ha-e pl.. FR1JI' I'rJ AHS of a gre'at m,n1 J ct&\ proaollDce. ,h. Xenia Torobl lpl kind. al" Tn A'fLUTI C ),{OlI'1UU'. for u Iy, .I. eenll per pound. Age~'al • EN .u C d t. N Y end in lure qu.ntitll ll. lor IIle by el1 F.lDily JOHN BOGD • ced Mr. . R . ENGLE in ohar~e 01 ,heir • :',~ ~pef. WbOM .eal il iG asCI" or Ita ricb al!d rull. witb I reput •. e Ir. J'y . E . R. PRINT Z. d 01 a war"· ,tock of Blblea of liter." Bight. to ..-ra.,la re ADd ate itCor . . . A,e'nt .lO I'poll or b BIY thef.okl 1I.~rbpouE: leo. PRl,NTI:l.~'i.dle,.. aad e.p,.... .I tIo~ of "i.nda "hich o;>wgM '0 utidy the mOlt Qampll11 the .llDe. The.. Dible. are IOld It. co.,' u. II)" r .... , fr.. ror ~jj Addre. . __ Tille ~lor1. 1 • • • • • 8t ... ~.... O::r The"a f' Hone wUl take price. ,"d Iho.e duirlnR . ra" now procure iM ..... ~\ Tberefo re lb. neUOU8 and debilitat ed .pioDna D \&lle. It-a '1 ear • TickDo,r New York M.llur~clllriDg _I.... ' . ' "I' . Co., . ' o n,·thillg, 37 Park from 1\ lu·ct>lIt TretDm .h~uld immediately ' Ule Hdrnbold',. £,r" place oil 'fh\u, da1 and ,. rlda.}' o f . 'WU& . .at be' lhe T .... r...liOIl' I to. , • field,', Boe\oli. It 11111 I.rile ('-Itillity ,Jl thle. 'I~II bl) founaeni Ro", New York. et Ih. i Th l. btlt 01 .11 001,11 . tinct BUG~et. 11'7·1 w.. li, al 'ile flli r. Sro Und , . I 'lor~ ol .S . " I ~ "llcr4 , . 102 'IIr _ E. R .

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ID1OllTtb, IMl. .., to oar D1IIIlVOa8 I"Hdere eall a D. " aad cho.i .. EDt. aAJCa'I"B:-Ia loar . ilaoe ot their aWentlOD &0 th. great .ledu~ a la'll_ .IId Dovel .- . " . I, LI,{ 12th hlet:, 101;1 &Dtlclpated me, by· tiOD ill Pric~sat Cadwallader'1 tore; II,,. Ind \;UI', w}irob



claimlog for Wayuesvllle, tha\ which tbe stoek IS well Usorted, good trade al price. Ie.. ,baa I had purposed awarding to the vii: styles ,and splendid patterns in drea boughl for ell.where. Call lage and atlJae.ent country, the g ooU9 ; n ew and beautiful attraction s I-alely: M Iile Cruil seal(jiJ ad .. IDCt. Ibe

".I'IID!fLU (CII.WI. ft'A1'ro.). or.....



~'~i!~~L CIUfpI

Always Ahead. !.

CiDclan,,1I EJrpr... ' 8,. 47 A••• .nd Ace<r.... 10.4$ A • •• of whioh grares ,the .beading of tbis in' summor ware; a new and prica uf jua and ala. wilt ad1r.nce: Coha.bu. "ccom,~ 6,2'7 p, _, eplstle-tbat 0{ beiog the spot or the c bolce s election of lani es ' and miss. =::;::===:;:::= Plu.bur, &tprPH, lu.ll P. •, • rest itution of 'Paradis e Lo s t,' and es' s hoes, bools, 'u~d gaitel's, at g reat. ~ Dr. Roseberry: at the New TaArlN ... BOUlID, .. THE ORIGINAL." that we "CI'e e ve n DOW enjoy ing th e Iy r ed uQed prioe~. In truth, th ey D fl tg ' tore, hll8 rece ,ed his Nighl· ElIpre_, 4.09 A..... Elysl:ln tkrldsot tbegarde nof E den , have t he large!1~ and best a sortm nt Foun tain, and is Dc) pr par Ll ' to Ctllumbu. Accom" 8,00 A ••• , Cincinnati Expr ..."p, 2,36 P. •. fres~ from tlJ.c hnnds of th e b end. of boots and shoes in town, Mr, Cad. d iffuse flny q uantity odla Wl\ter ' of lit ~acI. : Pill.bur, ElIpru~. 8.28 P. N cent CreutQr. Bu't w e re I able to walind el' Leing a gontl e mun o f " c ry am o ng th e citizen. i . In. COUlIlll1 receipt or the choicell UTAlI. DIIA~Ba 111 00- ·Doe. "01 atop' at Corwin', wield 's. g rap hi c pen, I should n ot ~ .n e tll5t~ , is Sure to tlrk e th e lead in be l·efr eshed . . E. W . WOODWARD, Preeid·e nl, y et d cs pa ir of convincing an impar. rn troducm g n ow and b ea utiful gbods - - - - . '., II T .H E C A f\ Ii) l N L :.''' • 10llN Dun,UD, Gen'l SU!!,t, eial judge , th th t.o this scctio n belongs t;o his nume t'ous p atrons. He is, nn ll S O DA:~~. R . PI'ln~ n ll~v Sod a A. D. CAOWA't.L.lPBB. A,ent, with Call Bu., or wa"ni", o."n, n.L C&Dw4r.I.APER &. Mrr.,,", Ezprtu Agent. , the ho'nOI' YO II Mo l'ibo to youra. .Ad- h as been fo r seve ral wceks, r ecci\" F,ol~nt~ tn dls pcnsos tbat eoo,ll1lg nl~d Iron. R uervoir "n lOP, Tin Kilch'II> C'HEMICALS: ' Ii KILB~JI, Merchanl.' Un ion Ex. Ag", mitting all t ha t y ou have claim ed for iog g oods alm ost e l' e ry d ay, whi 'h "H'lfYlII g S odn.w ate r, III on bac k ; ~ I.rge WOOd-<iOOf, ano1 f'um ar, ; o •• n doors tioed. vVaynesville, fo r I would not d etraot is s ig ni ficn nt, thn t ha rl es, with hi s ~he mos t s nlub l'l olls mann ler. T ry LEAD, YOST· m'fICI:: NOT fCE.! . 10 retain bea', .ntl Re~ .uch I I OIL, th e r efrom th e ti t lle of a hair of tbnt polite cle rk. lire selli ng t he b ul k of It. _ ,tel" .. 10 rellutilte . ... tl1'lnrl~ E...t,-10 :43 A • .II. VAIl-NI lIES, • the heo t when ,. (' ".... 10 :10' .. whic h is d a imed fOI' h cr. yet w e tho goods disposc I o f in th is mllr· f:J::r Bluck il k, for Cire ullars and l, Tn ld 'V e.t, 2' 30 P. M. n . king : Dn E S GOODS. mns t say , in nil candor, Wtl hon estly k et o Notwithstundin g times ore \l uJ[ Sucqu S; I\. largo s upply of T r im " c:hUM. 2 :05 u T ile mOl t compJelo . and be'l-worllnco HAaVUsUlJ llCTI MArr., 1 :30 p . M. /\londlY, bolieve tbat, had O.UI' Ilrs tpuront Ad. he fo Vows th e d ecli ll C in pri ces, by m iu gs, co nSistin g in parl of B ugl es. BllIV!! I,)r n Itrg8 f. mll y or Hlltel,1h.t.w" Wtu!tao,d u \, IIIl1d Frida y. LADlE::; & GE NTS' hove tvor ~ t up . · Of Ibl' " tbne at. o::r WIi-at.NG'toil I\lAlI" 7 A. M. T" .. d" , am bee n vlaced . iu !lour Ed c n, h e j udi cious s el eotion s, stri ct a t tcn t io n Gi mps, Laces, B ultons. & I~. , all a t PAINT. · VAHNI~H. &C Ilzel- 7. 8, all41 9. Thud'r .. d S.rurd.,.. An i.,,,!:, 6 P &1. would , af't.e r bis expuls ion, if be t o th e wa nts of tl.J c p eopl e, nuc\ anit.. Hadd e n & J unn e.r's. UN DER·WEAIl. J. A. IIlYtN, P. M . welld en his way westward a few I ul c cl erics, Cullwa ll;\dc r i;! s ur e to Jf::iT' T hc Volun t eer lB m 1l1Sl IEl lE$ ~ e.\ S IM ERES , miles , oOll s idc red his cun6 th e g r eat. k eep i he IClld. . a.·UDioD of tho 79th. d illed l\forro1V , h a"m~r Thi. I • IIr.t·clo .. wood! cool<: tnlP\, t8t p olisible bI688ing . Ins t eud of climb · D o n't fa il to ca ll ill e l' cry dny; t hRt p lace us b eing a ' AB1N ET targe "' o>od·door, lor"" UVIlft hned wit h, Tt,. Sol~le" of tbe DId 791b (n(llnt· Jng tbose rog gen s Leeps , and ' quur· 'you are sure to sec. sO lll e thin g n ew, point th a n. L eban o n. rpj! 18ler in door 10 r~l! u l a 'e die tempo r.." ry. Ohio Volua·leere. lind Lheir frit,Dd •• I'ying lim estone be fore he coul d olant ond th ey conside r it 110 trouule t o ~ _ __1__ CA~TON FL..\.'i ~ E LS, , lure uf Il,e oven In beklnl1 ' iny\te.1 10 Il ~u·unil)n u( the OOUl hia truck putch, h e w(l uld bave found show YOll tb eir stock, e \' ('n sLoul d I R IO I.tGIODS. - Rolll ll n dath o i ii' s er. SASH AND PUTTY, D1l 0 \\'~ Al'ID U' . 'lei. on Ihe 20tb of July. I!.L ForL thf\t ho could trav el he re with mu ch i Y O I~ n o ~ '~' lIl1 t to bt~y , C harl es's mot· \'i cc .will bo 1, ('11l in th c Co n.·. 1'1 fh ll TRC'SSES, I " iln~ ImUliN ~rUlElE ~ •" Anoieol, Ihe ol.ijeot of which will be to mor6 ense, causin g Ic s pres piratio n, i to IS, if you u o n t s b()w y o u Cllll' t o n S llIidHY next, beginn ing' nt 10 0 ' . • UPPORT EltS , HLEA CIl ED M ~ LI~ S, 1'hi, i~ true in nemo Olld falne, wh@r,., commew9rate tIle bnlll~ of P oach Tree to rni se, aiHl cat hi s LI'elld, thlln' in sell. G o a u d sec Lim , .. doc le. ev er il h o. beon. intruduce~, Crnk, GIt., auu. oth~I' eng4gement. of SllOULDEP.. DltACES ' j NOTlO N::;, his original abode. -ZJj' C hnpl ui; J -:It , ti llw ell will , tbe Regiment. The mUling 'Yill be But I must hasten to gi ve a faint FIRIi:.- Las t Th ursday fo renoOIl 11 AL L THE pup1.!LA n , I1o ::;a :rtY , ' out b ctwcen t IIe coi I ing nnd p rCllc h in tho 1\[. E, C hurch o n S "II ' addree8tJtI by Britr.·Gen. A .. W. Doon description of our villuge . Its site , tiIrc b I'OL{e the roof of th I . , I day e ve nin g n ext. anet others, MUdic by Ihe MarLialllDJ l.Ieautiful for situation. thc joy of the 0 101186 o cclipleCi ,,)' ~==~~=~=,,==~_~~._~~ .~ ._ nlc~irinc!j, Dra.. BlllltlS of Ihe RAigilll6Dt. Gilhert inhabitants thereof, is Sprin g boro j Mrs . C ook, on Fourtb Strcot, nn ll 1 Alea , It' t Vao Z 10L, till! little drummer. boy, wtll t ho '1lIlI'dy 80U S of toil, glory in h er d llmnged the property t o th e a mou nt All are rettull8tl:d 10 bring surroundin g s; we \' cnturetile !lssel'- of' pOl'haps fifty d o llan~ . lI nd it not U/1 Th ursfll\!', .Tuno 20, Ilt 'Fll ir \' i cw ,' lit e A "ULL LI"E 0" nEAllYMAD. ' refre6hment~, rop~1I for lion, thllt with no mOl'e 10llg iJlg d e. been fo r the prom pt und eue r gctil' I'C:li ~ ~ll ce o r p .K~:H~l(\Y ' .. E sq .~ lJy 1.!I U He \, . Ornnyille Mc0on. sire, 01' Hnxiou s solicitude . d id the a ction of th e citi zen s, \\'ho with 11 . H . Bo yer , of XOII"' , l o1.". P . t_O AS . {I f nge, l~ ': " .&:~, 0 of Co, • A. ..' who lost an arm ~t cupti ve J cws , weeping by th e watcrs readin ess ''''hi c h chul'nct e ri;; cs O il! L c w i ~ b ll l·.'!, Arl<u nsn , to Mis!-O K"t,i:. . \"o ung est ~lI u l{hter of P. Ken r ll J . No e:nrj •. .. uti UlJW A citizen of Fori An · I)f Babj' lon with th eir llUil tl'Un O' peopl o 011 suc h occasions, ha stencd I u r c lurnlll g Lh .. ll ka fo r Ihe cake which lie , " , It~. volun te ul'.1 to have Ihe !.tnl'ps han g ing up o n th e willow s , ' t~ th o .8co~e of dc stl' u c t\O I~ , the eu . co mpllnl d tho nbol'e .nnc>uDccmcnl. we olfel' Aii~Y d prupfo,ly (Irl' pllred for Ihe , reo think upon Jerus alcm , t hnn does th o tire bllllJ ' lIlg would ce rt:l lllly hn,· Ou r best wishc" for the l!.fe. long hllpplness ef ~ In .11 01 Ihe above alovee. tl.e~lt. liOG of 1111 \Vilo mRy como, RnJ will westC;l l'l1 ·bound enligl':m t , who has fall e n n. p rcy to the U(; YOllriug d o. the li e wi.\' wedded pair. Colla e.8pocitil attenti on to the frlct that I ftrc throe Hizoe-7, S, Inll 9- u rying ill hi e III>W Mock of gootia i. complete • l'rluOl frum 8:t:i up 10860, turned out .1 f I lemnnlule. iC41 orellm, cakes and res iden within her bo rd e rs, th ink mc nt. Tile house WIIS in s ut·cd . in every portlelll "r, and in ever, cll mplelO! ' C"Ill ~ II. ,", com£.' btl, lind Id us upon Springboro. Aho at f Oil l' nnd ,- ..~--t II t rC5 ppct wor lhy Ihe nllt'n. . CA un OF Tell\ NIiS.] li e l'ellj' tell . ~ve II goot.! ,;;"s. tlon o( the Public. , 1I.· !.tnlf miles cns t rrl);n til e Big " ii. J. R. S"ILLtI'};!.L, At H '"'\' ey " b ur~ • .1II li e 2~ , I 67 , of CO n ami, an (1 sevcll It III a · h alr mil es d CI' my s in cer e tl l!lnks t o tlt e c iti7.cnE' 'l'~e lorr;esl Dlld be81 8tocll of wes t frolll the Uttl e i\Ii nllli. 1;0rr1\,," of Waytl cs I·ill c. who s o gc n cron s l,r .;j ~t1l1 fll io l1 l M U 8 e~ Hudso." . in the 57 rth ) en r of Lnte ChllplHin79Lh O. V 1. III . " ~c ·-a ll old Ulld ~6 t' U\n ltl o cl tiz(lR. T he fi neel l to c k o( I STOVES. . FORWOOD AND COAL • iug on tuo pikc ICl1(\ing {'r uin Fl'tlllk. nnd pro mptly tl sscm blCl1 t.o Bulldu! JU lie ~O . "lilto rositl once of .ros" ph Chen. th e fir c whi c h threatcn er! to d cs tl'o) o w(!lh , i ll ''''' YIlC T owmdli r , Ril oy 'D u n h'Htlt, PEEn.U:SS. Pnrlor Cook •. for "eoJ~ lin to Waynesvill c, s tunds the to wn, "s ed 1:>:.1 ,re'"·3. I YOUNG AMERIOA. coal. &houl i!:lIAminer of 'warren co .. npon a geutly risin g nscont to th e .my ... prop t'. ~ rty. 011I ThuI'sduy k "1 Ins t.. • JUli O 21. ill Mnssin :ro"' nship, o,f l,rpltoitl , . . . m.ny . uey I~ ANOY FHANKLlN, COllI. ~ropo .• e~ to hol ll a foor· "e~k" Inslitule nOl·th; beautiful III Its own qlll ett' never f aed SimI !II' nss ls t l 'l H l' , .J uhn . son of Wilham V" oswoll, Riled ., , an co 10 Imc 0 nce . <!:l ), e llI'8. • DEAOON, PARLOR OOOK, wooll. WIlYlltlB\'iltl!, (ur Ihu beoefit of tl!Rch· IIOSS, famous for thc prlt n olls m ot G II " _ ==~_~_~._=~~====_ ........ nGl£ I.OT OF..H() JlOO"'BOO.(~. nnd . I' 1 . I~ C1 DJAN. r. de8irCIIlo o( prpp ',ring (or Ihll wMk Itl! in lulllLants ; nt ll wor t hy 01' no tc J ' I - 1 " r, W Altn J,: N·S DU.RO. JaD, Il~, '67. MoGUFFY'S & WILSON'S SERIES, a n~\Y .nd ~eQut i rul dr,illn.. Coat 5toY r a uno _ , ... ' i. teachillg, IU",I fur others wuo mK)' liS ucin ~ the only tOll'n withiu o ur I _ _ • _. _ _ It"c~ ive(1 fr (lm the Cineinnll:i Home , or 6 II .izea Inel prieus . • ccord:Dl til I b~ &c., &0. &0" !quullly, i.h to n,,'ilOw Ihe comwan brllllch .." Imowlellgo, where th o al'~m · s111)p i~ BOLD J{OI\IIERV .-Tucsday uig ht fn9 U,.~nce Com,,~ny, 6ve thou!lAnd dol . " P ........ crt'.llvn.hOI CJnrc.ull, (;Oln. I'rnr....... HIIDcock hAl beeo t.ngngetl unknown, E'or the t e mpe ranc e, so· of lns t 'II' oak, tile house 01' Mr. A . J, Inrs, .In f II II 10 ~nliS(y IOBAes by 6re, Ph,lItlclo ••ponad"eln"dl .... 1 'I'I .• P ' t)ri cty, nll ll oho-te monLi s of it' In. ' C I) v~red by inslIr"nce ill enid Company, cvt'r brou""t to thl. morll e!. eClllre on Ifory 1I0u rFic ICQ.0 ~ Antrllm, of Harveysbu"g , WIIS cntc r· un Pulicy No. 9 t3'i! . l\lny 141 O rOl _by. 8 " pdrillltn.IIlllt 0' lLauitliu ts, i.t is truly wO l' thy t il e ill1 ' cd, lind Ii. g old wntch, 'S55 ill mon ey . J . LAhIPlJErMER,. E. R. PRINTZ. CALL ANp SE~~. ·Of thi. lit III Ih~"1 lire thr"" .i"~.; ali!, ;X .. niFl I' llblic ~chuuls, has kindl) itlltion of' aU , but cnu b e ex ccll ed lIy lInd the k ey s of tho sufe belong inl; ' In-lire in tloo p incino&4l lInm,', J . of tllo above·mentlolll" CIO be b.d at.. . t.e!! 10 giv " in~lI·uclioll. (ur l\ f~ ,,' 1I01lG. About olle· foifl'l l! of a ' Illil e to tho ~ tol'e \) f A. L . Antl'am & Son, D. ~"'~Ie, A!: ellt . Warneaviilo . . or thE! ~"",io,,. Hon. Juhn A . south frolll tOl'l'n, i s n s tl'cnm c[llh~d , werc tak c n fro m a s tnlld Les ide MI' HOPKINS &, ClllSPIN'S. SI"le 8<·h"ol COCDm'i ssioner,lIntl CluurCl'eck, which . -winll s its. tO l' ttl .! Antrnm' s burl . A libel'll! roword i> W . 11. V~IlHble, of Cin d n ous cotl.r~e throu~h :t tl':lct 01 ('oIlU ' I0tl'cl'ed fu r the r etUl'1l of tlt n k l'.r ~ , Of W4YNE!!lVILI.. E, ~ " efR alJ Co rreck tl E ve ry Week • ." ill deliver IIJdresael durin!! Ilt~ try win c h for I'Ic IJncss of s oli, II· th ey arc 0[' no usc to Hny Lut tht --AlID-ftt It LOW FJGURE~, for CASU , I I No p"i1l! ",ill be Apnr.,d 10 c1aptcdness to fot'min g 01' pastllrng e, oIVners . Elf o Its aro b eing mU ll e t (, Wltpnt 1il hll , hel, 2 ~!i @ 2 6(' ill Illly city, lawn or ,ill0l(e. Ind Rve I JI)@OO e aHI ~ioll of pr<cticlll henb6t ~o from its gently rolling, unG\! Inting disCOYCI' thc p e rp etrAtors of this d a r V II. 11>" 1P 65 "ho may Iltll'nd, GooJ boar.Jine: position, for milcs' on e ither side 0 'illg l1eo(l, aud we trnst tllo I'Og UC8 llorlpy ~" J 20 G~ (' 00 . Wllrralllt(/ 10 giue Sali8facllo1l. be pr(' onl'ed tither ~i thll hotelll 01' the strenm, nnd along its cOllrse , is, mLly ue truck ed to their lJidin!! plnce Corn 1]1 Iifj " ~. Ou"k \vhpRI f uu . , pri ... !e f8~iliI'9 . The term ' will be· we think, unSllITA\Ssec1 ill t his 01' nlly Flour fl borrel, 16 715 00 . Joly 15, 161\7 Tuilioo ~Ier 8ess· othor stnLe of the nion. Th e R ed · Men·s Picnic at MOl1llt Fl'JUr ~ CIVI, 760 Aa Iho etovII leu!>n ,I. (ar .dvlnced, , 'wl.1e 10 inlorm my CIIRlomcr. Ind Ihe . weeks-So If the stl'ango \' is itnut I'o\'es to H olly, .on S a tul'dny las t, went otf', 1I"II"r ~ Ib 10 our _lOr.k I, low; but thlnp thll publiC j!enorally, O,ot I have lhe 10rll .... 1 from Mr, Ridge'e luccen I"lt slim look upon the be:mtiflll in nnture, lVC arc inform e d. in a hnllPY mOlln e r ~~~e ~ ~boy.rn, ~: and bH8t'dolected Ilock 01 hnvo llOt un hund, we cln obtain, h1 EI( . ill cuntlueLiug 'a Ichool similar to let him trnycl southwal'd a bout n. .Qui e t a largo Dumbet· of Pet'SOIl!:' prea.. on ahor·t IIOllco. A~pl e9 1P h oltel, 180 IIbove, ill thi. plaee, '"Id (rom our mile, tl) hLilds oWlled II\' Monic· were 111 n ell t ance, an l1' ~, . tt] d n b all t on(' Pel.ra :I() t,u ' llel " 00 We .11. 011 hmnol I "'ood a._t _ kaowt~dgll of ltim, we hIlV\' J iet Put.IOCS'lO bUllh. I, 1 00 mont of Ilmo~1oreevor~lIlillr .ill o\&r tiae. cai 'i-aylol', or to Jos cph Miller's hundl'cd Red lIe n mureh cd ill r . Dri ed App-V;ca ::.~.tb I~ . ' URN :,; his 8lQc~re thulk. to "1& atnDllfwbiCh .erUple8 in recommending Lhll prO: ' . t lIe a b o · .\T for Spring \V",r, thaI I ever hid, eDd .t IIllprenumerull . fur alr~ody 11'1 0 lorl/o Rnd PO S, farm, and 'hout fu ce' lo tho Rnst. lII'c sque pI'OCes'>lOll, c I ud III Chiclefns 11 duze'l, 300 CtdelllPdo 'riolld p~lronug~ 9l1lj1n~. . In. ti ' llte 10 All who mill' widb 10 and North N. E., and there will b e l'i g uul lIuitorm. Good mll ~ ic, nil a · c;"n"e 1)1 tb 3\l OlliVer CeS! ,d lu I,illl, olHI wOllld ro opectlnlly 1I.lurm SI{[LLI'I'S, N ~..\VV.· Orle.rIR Wtb 14 @J 20 ~ them thot he 18 IIOW In recoipt of GRIDDLES presonted to hi s Cllrupturlltl gaze 1.1 u (l s pell. IeCt·, anI I a b c:ncIan ce f d'In.. N Mo>lusesSn/iH ~ g"l/~n. 215 • • such Il. sceno of Ittncl scnpe grnndeur, nel', 'nssistcd in making thc occasi o n :::!orghum 60 OV AL, CAS1'•.IRON - - - ........--~-1'he Fourth of July wiil posi thnt if he not nn Athei s t, will call t1.llh msant l'cm eml)t'llllco. --consislina of-1'llo Lar!/OHt allJ bcsi'3clocled Stork of BOILEUS., 'ltke pll.ct! in WlIyoeeville some forth involuntarily eXI)l'essioll of the T. n. TOMKINd, Ii. n . HAnni S. L d' , B 'l'EA-K.ETTLL'S •.ut!t"~~n o~xt Wef'il, , win ... a l e S , OY8 , .. lind well' psalmist, 'Great art Thou 0 Gol1, n"'The Uniyersalis t Bas ket Meet· 0.( I'll eiae., u pumilling. The .grnlldllsl IIDJ and that Thy wondrous worles de· ing in Graham's woods, near Oregon, Wear AMEL KEl'.T LES. V.QI pqpllraliollH 1I11l1 bavot bee II clare,' ob Sunday last, was wcll attondcd, - O Fen ortud sizel, nt Ihe ·b•• t qUllitl'. I d b -II 01 10 themOI1UrOClurr. Lnt. e ~1 Sty los10; end I onftm t hort pre. of ell elude8 and colnra. ewer "pene,1 In t.:! HOVE Lt.:!. "t'ONG."', ",iII,·wilboUl'he eaat ou t, I'll ' Having drank In tho sweets of the and preparation for dinn e r marle by pored 0;;1 0::1 in an altoundiog triumpb 01 wl:l Bcenery baCoi'" him, and shouh1 he the neighbors, was abundant for all, m iii ' , ,. , notice, enythillg In Ihe Bool end Shoe Ihl. plAce, which lie Is to SAD IRONS. 10 Lbe dilliDguishl!d vi.itor. Tit" yet thirst for more, let bim retrace 'with a large surplos.' Thcre was Corner IIlu/berry Slrt:et and Dwadwo)" Line. Pleose coli lind SCI', All work cui .n the mOil h"jlrovod .Iyle IRON BPOONS 'Dd Aldermoo, Lh, lecre' 8001- his steps, and travel Eastward about proao Iling III \0 ,orcnoon uy le emplOYlllme ul the u . & 'J'ABL'F.. do. · . tl" " tl OJI art; nnd havilll( I" hi' TI"A Ihe 6rl: cOJJlpahi .. , the public lind one ane} one quarter miles to the fllrm Rev. Mr. Miller and in tpcllfternoon 1IV . . ,1,.. MEA L SIEVES,







mt ' c , .• 2'.•'

i tO 0 lK.

0 RUG:::, ,




Dry and Mixed Paints,

,mlubtl\U -~htSS,






M 0 N ARC II ,.




,!Uach-@nh ~bbmlCt




. P I i n (I c a I crt







I) s .


SI{il-tS &C I


Parlor and Dining-Room


"'1a s s



Signal Parlor.




151:11 c» e.s !'












L E BAN 0 N ,



re.por' .. IY bJ lo .. k,d (or, don" know yet. b lt F remep!ber lb ollrt.


may. be .een,


, ••• •

Nottc..:"The patronl oC my clus peDmans1!ip, 411d All others inter-




n tbe art, are respec.,u y reto aUend t!le closing exer· at Union School Qll . , Juno .28t.b, at 8 P. M. ;.' Mal, S, S. FOBN.t.a, June .. ' ' , -Sometbiqg. new, and use· in 'be glus. ware Une, aleo a Cull





~. nq~el,

even an athoist to doubt the validi · ty of hi8 creed; that aU this is. the work of 'chance.' We think as he beheld tbe wondrous. scenery Lefore . 'h ere, away d bim, that somew o"n 'IU . the reoesl of bis heart, if 'not too muob conformed to tlJe uature of the beasts which perish, there would be a sti1lsmall voice struggling to COil· tell through hll lips, and by his tongue, in t 'le language of the poct,


Laoica and gentlcm qll in necd of ~ somc noat and light covel'iug for the Ceet Cor the 'heated term,' should romem ber that :aIr. I. E, Keys is al · ways ready, wiLh the best of eyor':, "





..... aBBA......TED I

WAf. 111 AN INOTON, Two doors Eo.t 01 the !toatr, HOUle, Waynesville, April 119. 1867.

L t1

Best 'Vol'lunclI


lhe W cst!




nr • .,allred Iholuu.urp,,"ed Ihey can "ave' tllslr work dono 1/1 • "lyle by lEW'ELny, eny In Ihe counlry. and III overy porlicil. Y lCl'On 1{E'1'TLE8, for bOilill, Po. . lar, '&loet, 1). JL ule . Ibe moa' t .omplol. Iblol ia. . uc. 'f t , ur. C VI', , h I CO AL BUOKW fa Superior to "Oft fng in pace GOLD, SIL\'I11 £JIP 81'1%1; X E.N I A I 0 H 10 ; .. JONS, OO""N "OP ' l.-.m;no;, n'b"""" Are now prepuod to rurnl.h thrif (rlond. --0 __ , " f' E·" S d bl' I MUSK 1>AT TBJ.,n an Ihe pu IC, will Ibe very SAUSAGB '&l>B .ft........ R GUIT AR.q, VIOLINS, FLUTns, BEST AND tBEAPEST LVMBER G~gi:=" ACCORDEONS. VIOLiNS, 10 be found' In tJ,11 markel. Our .Iock I . L4'rlD PRFJ:;sES AND GUITAR STJUNOS. will con.I.1 of all kind, of SP:l~L~tiiNOEa ," 'POONS, TACII''''. .......... n.g ~..... • L U At BElt. BF.i.lT'rA . 1UIA .SPOONS, ' .





m' DOtn'ELL


S pee t a c 1




thing in that line, wbieh be takell pleasure in distributing amollg ilis many friends. Go to him. T" i d (i t' O::r ue .Brct 0 so I!. OU11 aID E. R . Printz, which dispenses such M ~ db M If. I .... that · 'TLere is a God-all naturc d Ii htf 1 t d b (urnlrhed at Ihe .,..r1 10 .... ell'U.loei. Dressed" (Jadrtssed I'loorlng; anUluclure y yan . • equil I ' TIN AND .IRON SPOONS, speaks.' We shall not attempt to ....; g,u u. neCc ar·dwllas nbrrangt~ t Yf .. D TrT. It 11 d' to my Dest Custom Work, h· I d . IIlr. "...... ran a , tear IS , 0 Sid&ll!l and am "flat er· oar tllf" I h d 'kalla. Fa7'IR and Sdwol B,II" SI~ig" t IS an s0f,apo \"Iehw upon this place, who adds other aecom Fenc,'ng, PI'ck"'ft, Pannel SlUff, n ways on an • BellI , and an ",dl,u fJf ' , t "JIS Sheet 0 f paper , nr ave not l' furnllhed aDd put up on .herte.t Dotice. ...'"d ..~' .,. -e " ts t h' k'U' . t' I d d room, if we ' possessed tho ability, p 0 I: 10 prlO IIIg Perlone wi.hlnl onylhinr In our line, es, sllwe an shave I but ahalllea\'e 'i t for abler ' pens to an paID mg por ral , ahould 1I0t fail to Cllt. Ind exomlln. our LA T H,D 0 0 S • '. • i tlO rtl til ~~ alock berore purdueln, el •• whlrll. . . &.c II I I ' h describe, .And more se en c a s The picnic on Saturda"nt tho MI. TOIII('.' harln w hid thl'rty-Rwe mlTlIMlI!)IIII'Imr 16;(0 and p.,ronille Homo U'Dafletu,e.. , .,' 0 w lie we will I,ll low -J IN ''>II \Ij/ Vf~ ~ ~ • ~ CASH.u. took wet I to you, to paint, Cold Spring passed off agreeahly to ,em' nperlellce In thi_ bu_illtlll, both Lumber-Yard on Church .-lIlve you, ulldlvided _\d,own .lnd lat..... .11,\ . by saying. that we de· those ' who' participated in the dance, filndeEnlJ1 COD' PrIll" to ,our •. , ". b . I • ..n 'v ._" ..... v .. I North .Ideo of lhe cit" edjolnln,' D, e invitation t.o r1.Jlg our p ace in spite of the tropical . state of the 0:7 w. tlluder ollr .Inure Ihtaok. h' &. E. HiUon'. Pork Huu.e. N. B,-'l'b ." over to compare with Wayne.ville; weather, th. publle ror their former palronll" ., and X.nil, 0., !"rch 12. 90.1, 1I':. lIln l Sai-r Pia. al O'lci prlcel, of '. ,_ : ;' for oltra is large an.d n9t easily, con· hope, with Itrici Ittentlon 10 bu., ID.... 10 .,•• No. 18 Qha'lOallrop. C.lllatlcllt ve'yed, But -e cordia.lly invlte YOIl ~ . Si1k Oil Olotb, Linen Table be able 10 et" •• II.Iaclion 10 .U· who Marry ~. . th,tall r"., II. rtld, In .. B d H dk hi II mS"patronl"e UI now aDd bereallter. '. u. • .r ' (will 'all good. for I,tas .. tl,.n . . " Yr. Editor, over to be aD' eyewitnesl Cloths, an anola ac . erc e. '. Ou, p.rllcul.r 'alllatlon ","III bil kin" WHY ROT? fOU CI n bu, the ..'moqUllity We r.el ,lrul,l.h nlrrul fDf Ih • . t 'oC t"'e liacts ' beireln ' ·state.·d, and .we India Book-MuIUn. . Book .Y.QsI~n to the Rep.'rlna or . 81111011. RI~MTID'" poa You.o YEll, ",hetP, "b~:l\er it bll.J' Of ~~.~ patroo.,e o.r lb. Pv\" •• r, alld liD,. lIw ' lJ . k W Ii H dd & Jan . ' I n Ea •• ,. pf Ihelloward' AlioellUolI, on GenUII .,l1lrlcl.l.ttloU,lIb 10 ••••. . Ii...... I 'up the wreath Hand ere e 8, at a en - W'atoli. . . .4 (100)u, al.o llDlra- 1he Err",.; ,Abu....nd ni.. · " ' . ,. . ' .. to of bonor wbich Waynelville wears, noy's. ~ .rlll· ••• &q Wort Wa,.r l,llte4 J ea." .'~cluc,cI b, ',nounce Df Nllar,:_ ~. G~~lIe~ol.l" 1'uillll"in« Qood. c.d.IO"" .thu ~ .~I.:.w ~"""' . ' 'rJ7 Atw.ya on h'lId, • ,ood ~tDCIr 0.( Law., tn ch. IIrlt 0..' maD. ,Stal :,\1 j.lw.y• Oil o~n ....... SUlIp"nder.; Neekti~ 10. 0 . . . . . . ."'1.10' ''"'tt~ ..1I!l4 . . . ~ More aDoD. , . H, Q" Barley hirtrvest 'h as begun 10 Selh loarab• m &t (Jo.'., ud en,olope., (':;0 ot nlll", •.ColllTl, &'c" &e. ' " 61. to DIIIIIJ", I,d ...... (<D . . . t:l"rral\:. '~ial i. Ilill 10 prog' this section ; and ill .some pnrts' of W ulbm Clock~, AI~, B. D. Lewl.'. IItr· <\ddrul R~, : . SKIL.LIN HOUGlf'rOM, 'r. '\ nODBON, .I ...IL.W;"" ~ '" n ...he. eount~' Is :weU t\n~or wlf ; f8\~~! C~!t~~er .C!~~~.. . ~~ , ~~~~~ -' .~!~ !~~?"1 ~l jiad elrhl.a , PI" W.yneIVIII., M~fch ~G, . , ~w:; ~ 0 ..........






C L 0 1.' II lNG,




~.&. ~1EI


Ro,O!lvE'n~n~/~,.~~&'~~5~:t~a. ~.





or' .u&~ - ..·m?




r II







Tower Olockll

Q~~e~I"are, ·at · Iiad~OD. ~hinlr tbat'y~u ~i11 glv~

,.ft,.....·. , · ,



O'H·. I 0


will' be 80 ftb,orbing an occ.lioD, we ' . no 0111 trill rail to be aJ hO'lM, in .tb.I DO part oC t'" gloriou. da" ' Of" eicllpi tbelr DOLiee. Our .peoitll 4tb ·oC-July repoiler,iIl IIbigll.l r... u.• ly 9 n Ib, ground ' nery oC the bleated day. the will dia.iae iteelC promilcuoll.' · Uarou,b tbe b'D~era aD.d mu~io aDd ~ltCr.clh,r. aod aad provi.;. and a .ucoin' liod grllpbio (aod



ulen, iDllila lion., .il the botels and residence of Eli Somers, and uy the . Rev. Mr. Emmet, of Dayton . Always keep 011 hond 0 olu·b., ,aDd everything, we are a. look to the south and wcst; and such .8180,30 was raised towards a fl1nd 1810rlmcnl of magnilleent scene'll'ould meet his for erecting Il. Unircrsnlis t Church, WATCIJES, ' will occupy their proper pOli , CLOCKS, In Ihe ntrnordioarr prooellioD," astonished gaze, that would cause in Dayton.



HE NEW FI'RM '1'0-" . ' .





1867. SPHING 1867,

I~rlfl. Cil~ ~



W., nft,. p• ' for ' I , doo,~


8I1Q4~.Ii411_":' W,~... 'l~'

""'Ii,. .

1II0['lE~ ~orel.e- . ~~

Dr~ble. ~.allnr



~IMIID_ ~epj't. ' I~li

w, "'1'



r ..


,n_ nn,.


Ctll" l"!r"t. rol'"",

"~II ..

Irllm ,I Icfnl

The Howe Machine Co,'s

c:ru8~e8I1' lu\~ '"Ps"fn l.tlIlII Ok U!ifl!

The "ond~·rlll I'l elCl~ IJlI~ ~l1d irt" cnlllf" rt nnd I'll'n"tLrt~IO 311 Intly WI!.rI the DupltJr F.llrolll· Iklrl wil l be


~ho rp vulw fl'l reI. nIl n'" IMI f' Or kll o w he r e ~l ()t(' I t, I, l'plI.e'. II", ~

uf IO O Il ~ \ &..n ., ho\ ruN o ,t"" rl(! Jl II .U I .' Ih l'r Ilu'.~ Inn!."

pnrtt "tol~ rl ... lit oll-C)t uwded ....em· "porn, I ~ Nnlle, r,,~l r oct ll r.o,..

'c.lving It Rehin '8


urnh pews, Mill Chllir {or prornt'IIUUI! ami 1I 0 u oe j)re8~, liS Ihe tiklrt CliO he fold· ed "It ' n 10 use t" occupy a smnll plate III ~n"" y an d o ,I\ 011 1ent ly ns. all k or mil. Fil~ilies and F ('vcr 1I/t",ll'd to rer lin III!M 1111 tnv~hl n ble 'lU,!tty tn orll1O' hll ,nOt (oUlld In IIIlI slI,gle spr'ng s k' rl I'1'8 lilF~ IS '~ lolllng Itl hI!- hral ciUlla A Inti) h nvlna cl\J~yed Ihe 1"eM ~ure, ltI! R AT (l tT L 0 .. comlo n andll"'.' cnlllC lIl'I' lICC I' wPor· ~ 8. IIII! Ih, 'UulJlex I:l lll pllC 81('(11 ~prlnlr f Ki't l Theold,theyouDg,tbemlddleasedulllteto (I,r n ~11l(!le II II} \\ II, DCV!?r afterwords ~ 1I1 1I1 1I~ly U I~IIC II6e 11 11 1. Ih elr u. For THESE WORLD.RENOWNED ~ h du rell m i" .. r & end Yli llng I. dire Ihe} IIro V;EGET ABLE SIOI'''r SEWINO ¥AClIHIES lIpl'flor tl> 611 Ilt'"He • ~,4. Tit Y \\111 n '1l,cnd (l r hrtnk I,ke tll C 'J'en I"r" u l i'llllIllH Ils lt Ill, \V",o ~" .rdeu ll e "'Ul, esl prem\llfll nl l ~'" I;rl e ' Pfllll: IJUt III pru.e n o tho" pcr I: "~'I , '" 'et t ".HI urn .. 1,, 1 Rh n l' ~ "I. II thro or Ihe '" uri,1 d F u" III L')l1UOn nn.1 s, x iirS I (Ollt ord nnry . king w,1I h , ~, ,)/ fin Il,rown It Is nn en l!~y ne.,. Bolent,ne dl!~~ U li S. legs I'he Ii"nl'~ nrc I' overeu manv of l ha 1I108t powerful unu reltoltlllCGalbllllna O r '1'.. I"gI l l' II [l' OI)IH 10 1" pr e m iu ms nl th e N Y Sta to 1 IHr 0 , IS, \ '.'00 • III lite ","<lab!. J..'''9d<m. ' ''DII ~ - , {jlj nll J \v , lh d(lll~lo Gild IIV st~tl t hre nd , Dlld Ih lJ , I •• \ 0 lmvo ~1Ir.h confidence 10114 _ •• L hOll nm rod. nr~ unt onh d'l\I hle 81 lfin g p , 108urol\."'l1uonll" oclnlJnforl~U,I\bd." Arc c"lcb'n l ~d lor dUIII£' the bca t \Vori, I hllt IWlce (0' cl uul Ie) • 0'" rl,l I.,('venltng "t ofr- \ T U'"'~ 0 IIIl1 e h ' "I1, II~ r IIc edlu Il)r 'I, e . 111111'1 110< 111 Irorn \\ ~"rJ l1 .! C1UI "1.011 urvjlg lni $1,000 n~:wa;~ l 1f1f ~II,j II ~ n Afl Y Ulli N m"c h lllP Allri b) fUll" n SlO Op., ~ I/I "d, &, <II J 1 S IT I th r ,ulro 1111 ItO Il ,,( Ih e ,"nol ,I 'I he I htplr x Elll pilr. 10 Il'ront (nvorl le ~f:~~onl~:~~r !~~II= d:~II ..... In ,tlll ,"'r) , \\p nro n "w llblcW . " PPIYlh PI Wlth nll l.d IBs, .. nd I. lI'm Msolly recom· anuo",thourlvJlrUplloll. _ \lry ue. llll nch lllCK III Ihe w urld ,"cll .J ~ /1 II} . he r ". llInil ill /'ll"z lnrs n8 th e HALL'S ' I S ln lld .,,1 ~ Iort o( Iho F " . "lolI,hl u \'V orlcl I 11a ...... mocl ..llu nre Iw"l .. n l 0 .... II 'J u ('''J oy IhA folio" Ing 11I0811 11"" od. Teueta1Jle Slellian HR',. ~ nn.1 ... ,noou,. FnC1°rt II I n""'a' 1·01 t, C oun , I I I l ' l t- If t I . • II un,1t r Ihe hu ..... II'"" ." .. or ..i~IUo of Ib .. vn nl.;:f" II rr 1)(' Ino VI Z IIt' pell or qu o I 'M r,roYo(, ~e 0"" '(\mO&tJ)arf"'~~ Pn:..." III of II", ( .. m ...... ), • ',5 A~ I h pc rfPC I "' 11111 lor lur~ ~ t) h IJ 8h n JI B .nll fur I '0 Ihur ove, ofrercd 10 tho pubhc II1H11\ JI , , ..' ora iuul ""' '' III"r uf finis h fi t " I" ity , IllIrll bll ,l v rllfllrOrl nllli l Jt ' s 1\ , ellot"lIl. cO",ponnd, ftod conta\oj .."'...~ !11.,rbhu evonn1l1V, Pl ul" I,,' for J "" Itr.,I 'P V's Du iI1.llltl0U~ I'ropcrt1.e. wbhtt'/'.l!r I pit" J. lll llil C IIr dutliJ le bllrlll,! M~'rt, and I tll!t i!nd~\nit~~~'I~t,rf~~S :! Ihe ~OQtJftnd GIlt I 1'h, \ "rC' n 11I1'1~.1 to K,n I. or F .llt1 I llU .",~ ,. \I I!~ I til " 1;1 .UI Il A nnlel" I IJ lorlngmillter ' T I~ I lly H, "I II,! IIl1d In Ihe u'~ " , H ~" I" . lrc .. rAU II()N - 1'0 !! 'I"rJ l "l!t1 l11 s t Imp o IT WILL BE'iTORl; (}114Y rrdIl1 j '" Ilr e.s M " , .. I .. If. n ll1 ""I"ctur ~r . "' 11 111 he J1 '" " In r III noll C" Ihot skl rl s j :lTB OR.lGJ.\AL COLQll • ,I) • r :S1"'1 8 I , II itS, !-:~ .. t", (I II, " • •' 1'" 1 u 01)rpu "" • DUI'LI X IIUVlllh" red Ihk It 1,,1Il '_*"'1' f~ R .. I_ (rot. Largest, Cheape st nnd Best I lIlI n., ( I , ll, , :.! 11 ,, ", ( liP" ( ". t • • ' "111p viz ' I \V li rll,II I )'. D ll p l!'1( EI. filllllli)o"lj 111 Am e nc~ 1 1I 1(1 1~, S I "e" lI urllP F. S , l.rlp" , I lIlell I'nlll 1i ,rp l ~P'" /1. '" "o n Illo lVuIO,b nnd :I, crft.... ~ •• tI,. Sca lp, '",d "llIkit Q... li.i,. I(" ,,·h Uno " rc ll,. I'lI r1l 601 " ,' Ie l'I"Y - I \ I l IlC O'hN. "tl' nC nn lll" A, s n NOll r o l 80ET, LUSJ:IlOUS, .d..tVJ) SLr.~. y" ol "1'011 . ,II( il lI P II " UlI l / lh UI n e ry 11 1101' , ,,11 "li lll il (I pin b~ ,"g IT IS A SPLENDID HAIR"DRl"~r.1I j ~" IIurtanele(jll.dl '011,," !!/""I" WI'I! ., 11 ' I t ' ll or f' ''~.e,llh '''Il!! I, Ih ~ CPII" II II " f ev en ill1g ~,,' " nP lll ll rC I1" ' l lcy "d l.rlllll ~II'" I1n I ' II~ l" o( 'r dou hl~).p(lll H brllilled t,,!!P j N0l'0","on,nhlorvoung .1,ouldr'"I4~ \. J b tlH' I ~ 1I1l,'IIl I I , ar ,IIe r I'" rell ' "llIeil '" ,"e~.o ~ lr ~ 1 or II' Cit 11 " , ,.,'/11111W'" I "ntl ) 'hM, I Pili Ie II enr, I CAL ~ IJ TnORt 1) ",ed bV the FIRSt ME 1,, ", I ry ti p "c l r~ of ~p" II it III d I J 1 n, x h ili) • lit! . ' r 11", 10 Ollt! n, 11 blllOlt OIl C'oll("~(' OIU'II U ,. , tud Ev(~ul ll g l h. " '1I 1f1l1 1111 t! n~ ' C( I .'I teh 11111,0 Oil lJ, II 11 0 ' III I e III ,ullll ,~, \ .. hpr . ~ l rI I uW-r. A. k fur RALT'! YEGIlTAIII.1! SJIllLIQ Al II I<NE WIII! t nlld I lka nQ olhor l'-I IOR 0 ( I t 10 Hrll e I ~R sewcl I ():::)- F'or so le In ull Uri tt \ II ro firs t I .. till" klr l- "re su ld 11,,"u ", uul Ih e V III fho rropTl.tor. olTor Ihe S,C1LUlf ~" 1he S ' lIch lltl ,,, . d L)!lIR HO\\E 1" 8 · I I I Na"nl!to lllol'nbh",ontfr~l .,eollfi.le"ttH'I"wB1 II E II' , \I le< "'If • -rl\ ,,, I IIrlllg I 8ck Iho hntr 101t. orlg hlnl color, prrtmGtolU nnJ mnd e on Ih,. nl ., I.,"e I" Ih e 01" ' 1 1 Mil 1iolUc ltlled ~y 11 11 ." Ie 0\\ ne rs o f th e ~rolVth,llnel III lICorly 1111 <11M_ "ber.i~hA$ r.llln populnr nlld .1" "lIle ftl1<1 011 S P\l '"~ ~I" p"t,' nl I oj) ,,111 rcstore It unl ... Ibe p<!nouJanry~ I hllle~ ore 8u"Jec t 10 Ih e O' llI Clplo II IV ~II ' W [,::;1~, fm ' J 11 E\ &. ('A l' Y, R. P. lULL c& CO. PloPrtelO1I, ·'b I I 1, 97r.I,u m ,~ <s&"l' & 8 1 It . 'I ~ " rp o ls, <143m No" Y, rk NOJll~a,N l/, eu y 1m g - Sold by aU Dwggllta SE~D ClHCULAH










's s u ppos!'.!

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For Everybody. 'fhd (0110\1\ In!! \Vo rk. ore N~w Fr ~" h II lId [ n'lrU C I 'V~ J , I" hO l ~very o ll e wonts nn ,l '\111 h~\ e nt th \! re uucerl pric es A esllla \\ Blll CU u n Silbry f




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The Silver Skirt!


Book-Keeping, 1111"1 10 . " , J apld

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I n,.1 I lI uvraO lll e,,'. ul 61lch u,"ll ll gu 'a!.,,1 SYiltem "Ule. n8 J h,ft 'nver, .. lit ~\lOIIJII' ~d 1\ II h till' S'~l1nrn Il .. "" , M'l la J'tI'tlln Yr. , n" li n" . ILIl II f'k'rI I h~ III\nn l 'g~ ' QI Ollr I Jll!_s nlll!!I!I1' M 111,,11 1\1" B'IV,r. , SilVER SI"Rr II.P UOII "", hlop •• r. th_ I 1 tl r ille \t\' ch t fl rfl, M ,III I ~ P t.l: ll bl , :i Ulne." s Ih u Re 11~t" cJ II ' "t! Slh e r Sk irt



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1"0 Ill p "P I" 'r '''IP" "'e ' olPrf'd Wil l. (/ r II til II No lu,lv I." n!! on c" , or n on e For Removmg Superfluous Hair I A l! II N ' P e r r y or flur ~ k"r«, \'tlll be \\ dr, ll!! I( \\(-'or an) lind m~ ny Qlh~r~, 1\ hOll e hI !!" "In,,,III'!! I" , 'I,er, n" ' he 10llt r I" p. u' ull other '10 th e ladle" .. opecl 'llly, tlllR Inl till NO li e uutlh o moor emlllell t Prnfc6'!Or a br(' Il le I'"I " •• lon I: 'V" II,,, ". "'I' (II I tl11h 111 11,1. "rI BOIHl inlllr e/l ll ' (I . ,I ,I nble cl e ~ilill ot y r eoo mmend. 11 "0J( os emploveu 111 'h e VUrJ \l US drps rtlllellle I III In, 8. Ito Ilte lf lnl clhgClI 1 IIl1d ::ru u'"1 '1 he b.. ~ , IIlnlpril1 l. lI,e ""rd n Ih ~ 1r " pprll vo l I rnn.lrllcI' 0n, ulld, !r1lm , ,"' .. dnrahllHy 1 he uou u t Iful l,uCllltl \V cst ro An I B "lid neUlllPR8 , hpy II re tJ . ~ lilt d 10 become "u~ n.lo I Ji llrl tl11t .h e E rn III prod" r , • • 11 ti l< A Fav o[)~e Ski r t I, u",,· . lu"" 111 111 1111 11 • 1l1 , "n tI" ulIHtly III- ,.nrrAn'~d hn lll , ,"'},,' rl1 l1 ).:p lint! I"YIII ' tr w"iI lIl n'llIrU cl ll rcdOII) h) II, p Sd , e r Skirt 0 1 Bell UC HI Il'CI'OIl 1,, " ",,1 II~Ulllt\ ,~c 1' 1 I' I I 1 f l " \VI ... I C 11l n IIIcnprC\(\ \\ 1II I C!olil I • I I' I(r~l1t nne prJll' If,r ''', ,, nl n(!e'' l Ui' IIl1u ra ;u nnll !(ltln,,/! J""'P" ltV, 'I JCIH'm l IH"I ItOu It I1 0 r I to Ilnt(J I C WjIC l lll'I)U~ h nlr rl oln '1'\'" 'hO~C WhObaI C d"8'rr'l"d lll' ~(1 '- II' I CXCo_s l fO l e h O nrl S 0 1 romnnyplllloftl, ~blllh h.rl11 o. en,, ·, Ir ""yuudH Iu he slI ll 30&31l n ll rcl" ) SI ,N e ov Y"rk I CC. J J Ollrt h"o nI ' he .11 T S S[)1.''" Rl'Y [65 I Y o r)(11 I prnrl c On'rl lll ' \ IOtAIIY"l\r1tl1 1"cII1l~ IXl1r AIl I'".nnSl'urtll"QJ ngSclt olur!lllpsl n IIfIP"8 1II Ii tllY IV I 111 \. , <.' ,'" ~I 1111 n lIe III ,rnhllA',,"d ItO 1I1 0r~ 1\ In lilt L1l u 8nOl~ lonl'll!' tho skill 6,, 11 tillS \juli e !! I Ie "gil l e ll ,dlvo 1""). Q1tn ck N .\~tf1""M 11 1111 1':11011111 pr.I III ICl II C1" I g, I I I I I g I I h. \ ~ 811tr.' red.o mll eh rrolf! II c v,,, .. OVR"'I ' '" .m:.., 1,1 .rud II ,tllIlI 1 II I " I , 'Il 11, :<.1, 11 ,1 I l i smnO I t Itnl nnlunl , "8 IS I )e on I I , \I ~ willi e lol llln ' &r. \\ It o h my Ihp uII ' ,tonec " " Olltllo h. dtll "I '''11'"" '' II nr tl cle l1 ~ .d by Ih e F re nc h, n nill 3 lilt (11 1 pr"I, .~ll II O~IIItUS ili A I n " ... Ih nl I PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS, }ctf.c( lll,",. 1 1111"'lIUel ",, ", "'.(IIIl, e 001) I Pt! lIrrerl " ,, 1 depl ln OIY 10 ~ XIS ( S _~ ve I, I , r I r 11 l I I PrI(t' $ 1 iI41 o trl (\u t )0l1r f i r ~ Q f.;;3 1 . ..,~ C'on,.;l( r l n ppr(,Cl ) (" u e Jtl ln n to ' "


RII'lIt" Nrollll1' ott JlI "l!I1Cfll ' t' :! 1I1 IriS






25 Dollars


OI1OI ,"I , ,""" I1'o" ' l o , Oo r l , <, " ill 11 11 O,dllllll 1""1" A l ~O, JJHI J OI N\ ll l bl'l S,lli I HV PJTJ !4 I II I or ' C "f:CCI \ ",Ul "t'm"I1MI 11110 II (, rJII OIdlill In l l cl lll ni J)"II" , - I " , I fU I ( I II nn l l I, \ 11 -1 I l it' 1\1 t If \ BIlO,u, t alJU il l' - ~IIOlirIJINE :iltlc I JJI d I 1I1t1 lUrtil fll n n t(!1 ttl cctc,lll frlll n fJllf' to



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or JJI"~ "'I1 J' I ,D "r ( I f ""T' I "''' D , .. r (;Ollln, or l!I"r~l.j"AN(JA,



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NEWYORX BOSTON. "lnl.ADELI'nr ... , B .lL'I'117101CE , und


n "l, " " ' . 01 fOll f ,1.01 ' 01" >rl h, fi ~ COli '" nf(1ld COlli" F 11 hf I '0 ' , " ~ I) '" II (n ,

'V ,lS111 NG'I'ON C''I'Y,


1 , ,, • til. 0 ,I , Ro ule lo lhe!l



' I'n"'II'f'QB '''l<,

1"1'1 'I'SDURG1J,

' 01'1 ReglOna of Pennsylvania!

f (J lJ (er n)

"h r o w

1I :"l c 1 \ , t lill

RIIPA.R4TOR ()A~""",

F Of re sl oflng IInIr u po n I' nld heods( 'rom whale\!!r ceuse It 'n.y hnve lollcn oUL)-nnd (orcllllt' n gro" th of hair llpon 1 t •I 1 110 OCO, I, ' os 110 ~ '1u" It IVIII forcc tho lJe o,,1 to Itro\\ Ulllln Ihe S010Ql hCB t roce 1II fr om five to Clahl \Vcc kf' , ur bOJr upon 41lanflC /lnd Great Western R w lwm/ bald hend ft tn (rom til Q to tll, po IlIolllh . ' >are o ........ IIn,l '1 I ... " o. Quld.... b, n., A few Ignornnt prBClllloncrs h ove Gese rt. Olio".. n.llle, cd IhAt there 18 nOllllng Ihol WIll (o ree or Thro ' Tickets & Baggage Checks h0 8ten the j!' ro\\ Ih 01 tlte hn lf or b~old1\0 2~3 D,o"lwn, Nc \\ j ' ork .No 1'> S(nl~ 1'hetr osserllUlI S nr c Inl. " , "S Ih ouauuu. 01 Strei t aDd I', hoolSllett DORton Dopot IIvlOA' wllfle~8cs (from their 0\\ 11 expotl a!lll Union omce~ Olcl cllIIlIl Nu.Jlll Clnl k e nco) CDn benr W"ness DUI mOlty wlil Stree t, Cll1cnl>o " ' OIl1(IIHI ,1I !If. No fJO soy, how are \\e 10 dl stln gu's h Ihe genu We8t Foorth Slreut 11: L eor Hrond \\ l1\ Ine from the SpurIOUS t It certn lnly 19 j\/ld Front SlrccLH II, \ IIIe S treel Rt U Illmeul!, ns n ill e te 'H hs ,,( Ihe ul tr~rc lIl Mail Lh~c SlHlrlers Lnndlllg foo\"f ' me St P,cJlornUoU9 nuverllsctl for Iht hnlr ond I and nt N c\\ l' Il!~ IIger Dcpt)! 01 Lhe O,nclDDOt\ b d llannhon k D.ttoll Rn1l1l1\1 III I ou" \1110 ear n,e enllre y worthle8 9, ond } au may have olready fl"oWIl olVoy large at S W co r MIIII ' alld T hlld streets fulll l~ourlh Street and at Ibo Offices of Co.ncc t amounts III their purehnse To - urlt \\ e log Linea lVould "y, try the R EPA nATon CArlt.11 L D RUOKER, OeD I Sll~L il will coal you nOlhlng unlc80 Il co m'e~ W B SR~TTUOK, Onlll r 4ckct Agellt (ully up to our rcpro8 e nlullons If yuur .=...._ 8&-:l y Drug!!leJ doee not kc ep It, se nd ue ell,OO, "Mellil_ tor't'::'T~ENa ond we w.1I (orward II, p081pald, tQgolhe, eonhln. 4.0 eolum. or. 1 d "" with 1\ '(1oolpt fN lhe money, whIch 1\1111 t!YJ weell p Lo"'I('6( 1 ~ cy rea Inr 0\ 110 returned you on oppllC811on, Pfovldln -\jould t ead It, SlInt 8 :~~h' :~:r_tllre enllre lot'8foCIiOll 18 nol Il,ven, Addre! .tltlr... '"rhe Alene' Alb,... N y50ot" 1N w,~ C!,:A R K & CO, cbomllte, , "I,' _ 1 0 3 ell royclte II, Siracuse, N. y~

rA 5 r.N l,~.n S II ho 1V,. h . 0011 k nnd C. ",(o ( "bl" r rlll ,"11 ul'prec l. ' . I'le Smooth ,,,,<I I . r. r. . h t l"i ( k l h e LlIXU rlOUJ 1)111 Curs " nd lh e) M llt;n ,fi ell l !:'I"~' " g C Ollcl, .. th . £.,011" I 1>1111111( H. It" ," ,h . m~le I'"e ro r Mon l. nnd tb e J', OUlpt J I I 0 nod Sore: Conn~cllon. 0; Ihd




707 Oron."o",. :Ii "




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Full 'Iron Frame, oventrung B1U8.

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